^^'^; r'-*-*^ (ll08ej institute Liliratp PURCHASED FROM THE THOMAS COLE BEQUEST ^ (^ uV OA--BJL V'ii^ rr^SprM^ ■\^^''.^' Nrk% 2. i— ■'-' '"l^.^i^h^mf, ^4<^^r!M' 0 N SfsjQ'Cti^ii: "nrv Medicine Cumrr; dicineat K:. I o - '. a; c/) jr Q ■_ < - CHESTER'S COMPLETE frottsing and Pacing [{ecoi'd CONTAININa SUMMARIES OF ALL RACES TROTTED OR PACED IN THE United States or Canada, FROM Tf^jE EARLIEST DATES TO Tp CLOSE OF 1883. ^ COMPILED BY WALTER T. CHESTER. Published by the Compiler. NEW YOMJ:, 1884. L.n Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1S84, BY WALTER T. CHESTER, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. c ' To MY Unknown Helper, Without Whose Untiring AND Self-Sacrificing Assistance this Labor of Years Might never have been Published, this Volume is most Affectionately Dedicated. Preface. -:o: 'E1\Y few words are needed in introducing this work to the public, as the title page and the contents fully indicate its character. It is the result of a faith- ful anil laborious eftbrt to supply a long-existing want, by presenting in one volume, but in a satisfactory and intelligible manner, summaries of all races trotted or piiced in the United States or Canada from the earliest dates imtil the close of 1883. The difference in the form of printmg the summaries from the old tabular methods is apparent rather than actual The paragraph style was adopted of neces- sity, to l)ring the work within reasonable bt)uads, and the innovation is certain to be approved by students of such matters when they become accustomed to it. The recital goes on naturally dovra. the pages ; the victories of each horse, arranged alphar beticaUy and indexing themselves, are gi'ouped in chronological order; and the system of the Index of Beaten Horses wdth relation to the Winners is such that there can be no confusion of identity. All who have the book are admonished to lead the explanations carefully, and they will soon find no difficulty in using it to full ad- vantage. The compiler wishes it to be fully understood that, while pedigrees of performers are given where known, and are correct to the best of his knowledge and belief, this volmue is not to be considered as a stud-book, in any true sense of the term. It is, as it pm'ports to be, simply a record of performances, as comprehensive and as accui'ate as can be made before being submitted to the crucial test of inilividual inspection. Absolute con'ectness is impossible in a work of this magnitude, in which the data are so confused, deficient, and frequently imi'eliable. There ai'e errors and omissions, doubtless, but they ai*e such as have escaped the utmost vigilance and cai-e, supporteci by unusual advantages for the preparation of such a work. Indi- vidual knowledge of horses will bring such faults to light, and information of their existence will be thankfully received by the compiler. Critics are advised, however, that the records in this work have been compared, whenever possible, with official or original reports, and have been pruned of the errors which spring from transmission into newspapers or occur from other causes. In the 2:30 list, for instance, many ai'e taken from it that were previously supposed to belong there, and a number of new ones are added; besides which long unchallenged fast recoi-ds are altered by the scores ; but in every one of these cases this work gives the exact facts. Annual books, recording the perfonnances of each j'ear, wiU follcnv this volume, and these will be compiled in such a thorough manner as to be worthy of the vast interest of which they will be the index. This volume is placed before the pxiblic, Avith due modesty, as the best that can be done for the history of the past ; in the future, with facts fresh and accessible, nothing will be left to be desii-ed in this specialty of statistical work. WALTER T. CHESTER. New York, May, 1884. CliBster's CoiDplele TrottiiiE anil Paclag Becoril. EXPLANATION. The names of the horses in black type, arranged in alphabetical order, are those ot the wimiers of the races, and under each horse's name the races won by him appear in chronological order. All races are trot- ting, mile heats, best three in five, in harness, unless the contrary is shown by the time, stated at the conclu- sion of the summary, or a different way of going indicated by proper signs. After tue name of the winner appears his description, as " b s " for bay stallion, " br g " for brown gelding, " gr m " for gray mare, etc. The fol- lowing figures, in hea\-y type and in parenthesis, show the best record of the horse to the close of the year 1883. Then follow the pedigree of the winner, when Icnown; the name of nominator, place and date of race, amount of money trotted for, and the names of the horses beaten, in the order of their standing at the close of the race, and last comes the time of the heats. The ordinary signs are used to denote the incidents and casualties of the ^race. Thus, the character " 0 " in connection with a number in a bracket indicates that the horse whose name that sign follows made a dead heat in accordance with the number, viz., (3 0) signifies third heat dead. The abbreviation "dr" signifies drawn; "dis," distanced; "ro," ruled out; "wo," walk over, etc. Figures following the name of a beaten horse show that he won the heat or heats corresponding with the nimiber. When the letter " w " follows the name of a horse, it signifies that he went to wagon, and the letter " s " that he went to saddle. In cases where a horse has a record to harness or wagon, and a faster one to saddle, both are given. When an asterisk (*) is attached to the figures usually denoting arecord, it sig- nifies that the time, being over a short track, is a bar and not a record. The summaries preceded by dashes ( ) are subsequent victories of the horse whose description and record have been given, and in these, if the name of nominator or of place of trotting, or of both of these, are not given, it signifies that they are identical with those of the race immediately preceding. It sometimes happen s that a horse winning as a stallion wins later as a gelding, in which cases the castration is shown by the change in the description, but there being no renewal of the name, it will be understood that it is the same horse under changed conditions. In order to keep them of record, losing performances against time are given under the name of the losing horse, as a part of his history, and the fact that he lost is mentioned in the summary. See inde.\ of beaten horses for further explanation, o Aaron, ch g (3:37V2), James Murphy, Baltimore, Md.. Oct. 5, 1871, $700. Flash 3, Warsaw (4 dr), 2:42, 2:371/2,2:37,2:45. Aaron Burr (s) b g (3 :38i4). S. Cooper, Centreville, L. I., May 30, 1838. $100. Medora (s), 5 ;59. Two miles. June 1, 1838, $200. Greenwich Maid l, Apollo, Unexpected, 5:36, 5:30, 5:24. Two miles. (w) July 2, 1839, $200. Columbus (w) 2 :44'/2, 2 :45. ' (w) July 9. 1839, $200. CoUunbus (w) l, 5 :34, 5 -.X, 5:38. Two miles. Hiram Woodruff, Beacon Course, JN. J., June 15, 1841, $250. Lady Suffolk 1 (20), Awful (4 dr), smK, 8:03, 8:08,8:16. Three miles. A. B, Barrett, ch g (3: 34), A. Gulp, Fairfield, 111., Sept. 23, 1875, $70. Zella K., Bird, Tom Gardner, Knobby. 2:46,2:47,2:40. Flora 111., Sept. 28, 1875, $120. Tom Gardner 1, Zella K., Bird, Lady Jane, 2:34, 2:34, 2:36'/i, 2:35. F. Redfield, Chicago, 111., June 30, 1876, $300. Countess, Kansas Girl, Thornton, 2:38>4, 2:42J4, 2:41i4. Abbottsford, b s (3 :19'/^), by Woodford Mambrino. dam Columbia by Young Columbus, J. W. Knox, Sacra- mento, Cal., Aug. 14, 1878, $1,000. Harry 1, Lady Emmett, Corisande, Gibraltar, Tamarack, Granger (l dis). 2:29>4. 2:27, 2:29, 2:2914 & v /, San Francisco, Cal., Sept. 10, 1878, $1,000. Corisande 3, Harry, Lady Emmett, Proctor, Goldfinder (2 dis) 2:31?4, 2:29'4, 2:27% 2:27. Santa Clara, Cal.', Sept. .30, 1878, $300. Zero, 2:.34, 2:36, 2:33M. Oct. 2, 1878, $800. Gibraltar 3, Monarch (2 dis), 2:2514, 2:211/2, 2:2714, 2:241/2. San Francisco, Cal., Oct. 26, 1878, $2,000. Corisande 1, 2 :26, 2 :30, 2 :26i4, 2 :28. Sacramento, Cal., Sept. 20, 1881, $1,200. Brigadier, 1, 2, Ashley, Bateman, 2:25, 2:25, 2:25^, 2:28, 2:26%. To?*^" Francisco, Cal., Aug. 24, 1883, $1,000. Nelly E. 2, 3, (1 0), Vanderlynn, Albert W. (1 dis). 2:19U, 2:24, 2:21, 2:2214, 2 :26'4 2:2714. ■*^'*!^?';i.^'! 'm^^t^^^' '';.'^i^"}P' Woodbury, Conn., Sept. 24, 1870, $ . Dick Parsons 1. 2 (3 dis), Fanny Allen (•5 dis). No Name, (1 dis). 3:09, 3:0114, 2 :.52 . / . Abhv' I, m ''r2'.^fi'^^)Sv -^V^ Park,Boston, May 24. 1875, $1,50. Doctor (1 dis). 3 :00. Ky, 3-04 2 56^'-56 2"57°2' ^'''^''^^^'^"' Mich.. July 4, 1866, $75. Kemble Jackson 1, 2. Howell Mare. Bay '*^'* tim*^ 2*40' ^^*'' ^•^"^*^'' Hamburgh. N. Y.. Sept. 7, 1883, $100. Nelly B., .Joe Davies, Capt. Thad. Best '^''''rifcngfrson '"-47 ''t% ^4^1/'^ Abdall.ah. Mr. Harpel, Painesville, O., Aug. 18, 1883, $ . Harry Clay ^^*^L^('-?I<.i^^V^tuh P t^i^'^i^'^ Morrili: A. .Johnson, Bridgwater, Mass., Sept. 21, 1877, $140. Mountain- r Vrff'T^',"*^'®' ^*^"y I-'Ogan- Fearless, 2:40, 2:40, 2:41. lilb^ Woo.ic' i7.''l\ ?o •o^^.-A'^V^y ii^?'^\^W- Goodenough, Hard Times, Old Brooms, 2:39, 2:401/., 2:39. 'K^i.^irfeteD"/dis)^:36S ?-37ii ^"^371?" ■ W'"" ^oods, Louisville, Ky., June 18, 1860. $250. Dick Abd^llab^l?*hl' S'43''l""i^^'' Oy ^ePt. 19"i860.'$150. Lady Gay, 1, Malbrook 2:401/,, 2:40, 2:43. 5?27* 5!28 Two mile^"^" Centreville, L. I., May 31, 1860, $ . Biurlington 2 (3 0), 5:30i/2, 5:44i/2, ^^ ifv^OPf^'n ^^sV^^l'.'lL^^'* u^^^*"")?^'- •'x^™ ^^*y Darling by Bay Boman (?). James Monroe, Lexington, ivy, Oct. 11, I860, $1,000. Albrino(2dis), 2:46, 2:42. ° •> •> v/ .si e CHKSTEUS COMIM.ETE TliOTTING AND rA(IN(J KECOKD. Abdallah. b s (2:36). l(y Farmer's ni'iuity. flam by Abdallali. P. M. Jeffard, Foxoroft. Mc, June 13, I8T0. $05. Lady Palmer, 2, ( 1 0), Green Mountain Boy. Hlack Diamond (.3 dr), 2:53, 2:45, 2:43J4, 2:45, 2:47, S. B. Hill. St. John, N. B.. Sept. 11, 1872, $150. Gen. Williams, 2:54, 2:51, 2:505ii. Abdallah, b s (2:30), l)v Volunteer, dam Martlia, bv Abdallali. A. Goldsniitb, Fleetwood Park N Y Mav 21, 1872, S()00. Edwin" Hootli, (;corKe, Spartan. L:ulv Kowe, (1 dis), 2:36'4, 2:37, 2:384, , . ., j May 2.5, 1872. §(i(Hi. Susie ( lav, l.ailv Kowe, Comee, 2:35, 2:38, 2:43 U. Abdallah, eb s (3:0^), (Jeorp' \V. cliadwiek, Grand Itapids, Midi., Oet, 1, 1875, |ilOO, Bay Prince 4 Bob Hunter 3, Fanny (5 dr), 3:(X!, 3:(>4, 3:()4, 3:()t), 3:02. Abdallah, b « (3 :47), ii. H. (iardner, Heaeon I'ark, Boston, June 8, 1876, .^.TOO. Palace KinK 1, 2-49 2-48 2-47 2:48. Abdallah (3:43), J. Smith, Kacine, Wis., May 11, 1878, S . Billy Wasson, .John B. Taylor, Maid of Kacine 1, (3 dr), 2:4:i, 2:43, 2:4(i. Canton, O., Oct. 1!», 1870, Sim Kitty A. 3, Lad.v M., Wild Tom. 2:46, 2:47, 2:46, 2:46. Massillon, O., .Fnne 12, 1878, .■?200. i^unslinie. City Girl, Davy C., Nelly, Beautiful (Jeor^e, 2:41. 2:42. 2:41. Akron, O., June 20, 1878, $200. Sunshine. Beautiful George, Kobert Hazjird, 2:41'.,. 2:3!t, 2:40. Warren, O., June 28, 1878, .§250. Patchen 3, Dan Donaldson, Jay Bird (2 dr), 2:.i">. 2:.«i, 2:37, 2:38. Youngstown, O., July 3, 1878, $350, Patclien 1, 2, Dan Donaldson, Tom Medlev, 2:32, 2:.32, 2:i4, 2:J6'/4 2:34. July 5. 1878, $400. Tom Medley, Capt. Selleck, Patchen, 2:31 ?4, 2:33'/2, 2:33'/2. (J. VV. Barnes, Toledo, O., June 24, 1880, $800, Palma, Gray Cloud, Indicator, Don Quixote, (leorge, 2:25, 2:27y,,2:26'i. D. R. Hosmer, Chagrin Falls, O., Aug. 27, 1880, $150. Mistletoe 3, Jim Schriber, Willy Golddust, Arthur, 2:36, 2::«>, 2:.%3.i, 2:.«)>4. G. W. Barnes. Fort Wayne, Ind., Sept. 9, 1880, $600. Lothair, Cincinnati Boy, 2:30, 2:31, 2:31Vi. J, Smith. Waukegan, 111., Oct. 1, 1880. VA\en Anderson 3, Abdallah Maid, 2:43, 2:4214, 2:41, 2:43. Jerseyvllle, 111., Oct. 15, 1880, $500. Big Soap, Ella Earle, 2:37, 2:38, 2:31. D. K, Hosmer, Toledo, ()., June 21, 1881, $600. Tom Keeler 1, Rienzi (1 dis), 2:32?4, 2:30?i, 2:31 »4, 2:34'^. Columbus, O., June 28, 1881, $600. John S. Clark 3, 4, Tom Keeler, Dream, 2:27J4, 2:241a, 2:2tiU, 2:28Vi. 2:27'/2. Abdallah Champion, b s (2:50), by Abdallah Chief, dam by Champion, J. K. Allen, Somerville, N. J., Oct. 1, 1874, $30. Young Nelson (2, 0), 2:5H',i, 2:54, 2:52i4, 2:525i. Oct. 2, 1874, $.30. Buffalo Dick, Young Nelson, 2:5414,, 2:55, 2:50. Abdallah Chief, b s (2 :4«), D. Tallman, Hartford, Conn., Oct. 30. 1861, $100. Zoijave 1, Trotting Childers, 2 (3 r. o.), 5 :32, 5 ::}0'i, 5 :33!4, 5 :.'J2. Two miles. W. 8. McLaughlin, Detroit, Mich., May 16, 1864, $100. Gentle Jenny, 3:10, 2:57. Abdallah I>uroc, b s (2 :46), P. Voorhees, Trenton, N, J,, Sep. 25,1868,$ . Princess, Manee's bs 14:10. Five miles. Abdallah Duroc, b s (2:50), by Messenger Duroc, dam Lavinia, by Truesdell's Hambletonian, A. Sherwood, Wilkesbarre, Pa., Oct, 15, 1879, $100. Fairlleld. 2, 3, Jack 2:52, 2:50. 2:51, 2:52, 2:50. Abdallah Forre.««t, b g (2 :43?i), by Pacing Abdallah, d:ini by Berkley's Ned torrest- T. .1. Sydner, Sharps- l)urg, Ky., Aug. 3, 1880, $ . Dreamwood, (1 dis) 3:12. Two-year-olds. August 3. ISHI, Mary 1, 3:01 2:.56'4 2:,'>t'/2. Three-year-olds. Abdallah Joe, 1) g i2 :34), S. Bryant, Sau Francisco, Cal., Nov. 4, 1875, $500. Gus, 2:35'/2, 2:37;4, 2:34. Abdallah IVIaid, (2 :50), Dr. Jenkins, Amherst, N. S,, July 11, 1876, $ . Nickawaugh Chief, Mic Mac, 2:50^ 2:,")8, 2:,51. Abdallah Messenger, b s (3:13), by Alexander's Abdallah, K. E. Coleman, Harrodsburg, Ky., July 22, 1871^ $ . Willy Golddust, 2, 3:14, 3:i3, 3:13, 3:13. Abdallah Fat4;hen, b s (2 :45), .lohii Norton, Freehold, N. J., Sept. 14, 1875, $75. George,3:159i,3:15J4,3:16>/4. Sept. 1.3, 1877, $100. George 1, Flora Temple 2, Red Bird, Grace, Sandy Hamilton, Hose Bay, James C (2 drt, 2:.5.3, 2:m'/2, 2:4.5, 2:4."), 2:4!». Abdallah yiieen, b m (2:40), by Erie Alidallah (?) J. H. Jenkins, Moncton, N. B., Sept. 23. 1882. Honest Tom .{, Annie Ethel, Kitty Clyde. 2:42'i, 2:4I-^.i, 2:42, 2:40. Abdallah .Star, b s (3 :04),' A. T. Browning, Kingston, R, I,, Sept. 20, 1882, $55. Charley Allen 1, Westerly, Thonnus llyland (2 dr), 3:li;'.i, 3:04, 3:04. Abdel Ka4, 2 :59. Abe, (2:39), Mr. Kane, San Francisco, Cal., Jan. 7, 1871, Lady Patchen 1, Belmont Maid (4 dis), 2:.54>/,. 2:53, 2:55 "5. Mr. Gale, Dec. 7, 1874. Frit/,, 2:44, 2:403^. Dec. 7, 1874, $2.')0. N:ipa Queen, 2:48, 2:44. (w), George Emory, Dec. 17, 1874, .«.->00. Fritz l, 2:40i;4, 2:39'i. 2:39, 2:42'4. Abe Uownine, b s (2 :20?i), by Joe Downing, dam by Harrison, Bowman Bros., Hampton, Iowa, June 10, 1881, .$200. (Uara Cleveland, Dr. Fred, Maggie Mitchell. 2:.36i.i, 2::{4'2. 2:3(!'4. 2:35. P. V. .lohnston. Cedar Falls, Iowa, .July 5, 1882, .$400. Brown Dick 1, Don Quixote, Owen Farley, Clara ('leveland. 2:2i)"2, 2:31'.i, 2:30, 2:31. Abe Kd^iiiton, gr g |2 ■.'^•^%), by Stockbridge Chief. Jr., dam the Morris Dooley mare, L. Stanford, S;in Fran- cisco, ('ill., Mav 11, 187.'i, !a!20,0(10. Defiance 1. ,3, 2:24V4, 2:26%, 2:29, 2:26, 2:26. Suffolk Park, Phil., June 29, 1877, $1,000. Prince 3, Twilight, Gen. Howard, George A. Ayer. Hannah D. 2:28, 2:27, 2:28'4. 2:28. All)any, New York, Sept, 15, 1876, .$600. Belle Brasfleld 1, Martha Washington, Ben Smith, 2:.'«)i2, 2:32. 2:31,2::«). Santa Clara, (^al., Oct. 1, 1878, .$800. Doty. Coquette, Frank Ferguson d dis), 2:24, 2:23»4'. 2:24%. Abelard, (w) gr g (2 :43), George Spicer, Beacon Course, N. J., Sept. 19, 1842, $150. Ariel (w) 1, Tormentor. 2 :,51 . 2 '47^ 2 , 2 :.*>1 ' 2 2 :49. Sept. 21,1842, .si.W. Tormentor s, 2:.54'.;, 2:46>i. 2:45'4. Abe Lincoln, bg (2:54), .Mr. Whitford. Indhinapolls. Ind., June 1.3, 1800, $7.5. Bill (1 dis), Hoosier (1 dis). Lady Fletcher (1 dis). 2:.'i4. Abe TJncoln, bg (2:44). 1). Tiillman. Chicago, III., Nov. 6, 18(>;i. Black Diamond ,3, 4, 2:48, 2 :48, 240, 2 :.50' 2 , 2:44. Abe Lincoln, 1) s (2 :47i. by Strader's C. M. Clay Jr.. dam by Berthune, Jacob Addis, Belvedere, New Jer- sey, Oct. 9, 1S68. .$20. Awful 1, Young Bashaw'd dis), Bashaw Chief, (1 dis), 3:04, 2:59. 3:00, 3:02, stallions. W. M. Terry, Middletown, New York, .Iiine 23, 1869, .$75. Louisa Hoyt, 2:55, 2:49, 2:51. J. W. Hoyt, Newburg, N. Y., .Sept. 4. 1869, .ii!7n. Henrv Cl;iv. Smith's b s, 2:48, 2:47. Abe Lincoln, (2 :52i'2), Henry llvar. Chico, Cal.. Sept 24, 187.3, .'i*200. Ophir Flora, (1 dis), 2:.52'4. 2:.54H, 2:.53'/4. Aberdeen, b s (2:40), bv H:imbletoni;in. dam Widow Machree, by Americiin Star, Isaiah Rynders, Prospect Piirk, L. I., Oct. 12. IHtJii, •<-2:>.'yO. Dexter Bradford (1 dis), Ida Schepper (Idis), 2:46. Three-^ear-olds. Abner Fenn, b g by Little Arthur (2:31»4), G. W. Fenn, St, Joseph, Mo., Sept. 5, 1882, $300. Sir Gibbie 1. Nonesuch, Westmont, Belle of Coldwater (2 dis), Mack (1 dis), 2:.32%. 2:39%, 2:34%, 2:.J5%. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 7 Sept. t<, s40(). Mountain Girl 2, 5, Dutch Girl 3, 7, Golden Girl (1 0,) Lady Low (3 dis), Tramp (2 dis), 2:31>4, 2:.30i.;, 2:31i4. •-';32i'4. 2:3314, 2:.34k, 2:33, 2:32V2. Topeka, Kan., Sept. 12, 1882, #400. Coriander, Billy Douglas, Nonesuch, Mack, Dalton (1 dis), 2-M%, 2'31''t '' ■3")^4 Abner Jordan,' blk g (3 :50) J. H. Hollinshead, Topeiia, Kan. Sept. 18, 1872, .f 175. J. M. Clay, Wild Air Jr., Fritz. J:."!!'. i;:.">0, 2:59. Kansas City. Mo., Sept. 25. 1872. S.S50. Rutland Girl (1 dis), Dexter (1 dis), Dick (1 dis), Nanette (1 dis), Lady Liuhtfout (1 dis). Mav Flower d dis), 2:rAU- Four-year-olds. Accident, b j; ( '3 :45' , ), R. H.' Woodfin, Xashville, Tenn., Sept. 26, 1873, $100. Blanche 2, Nashville Belle, City Blacksmith 1, (2 dis), 2:50, 2:57. 2:5(1, 2:54'i, 2:57. Oft. 9. 1873, .S75 Nashville Belle, Hattie Brown, 2 :45'/2, 2 :50, 2 :51. Accident, gr s (3 :53'/2), Mr. Mitchell, Oakland, Cal.,Aug. 22, 1874, iflOO. Lady Alice 1, George Palmer, Molly a dis». 3:01'i.2:52'2,3:01, 2:5Gi4. , , , Ace of Diamonds, b g (3:43), J. H. Phillips, Watertown, N. Y. June 8, 1867, $150 Tommy Bates, (w) Cattish Maid. 2:,58i4, 3:02, 3:04 Adams, X. Y. Sept. 18, 1867, ii?25. Jerry Peck, 2 :44, 2 :43. Achilles, 1) s (3 :35io), by Carenaught, dam by C. M. Clay, E. L. Norcross, Bath, Me., June 22. 1881, $100. Noble, Lotta, (ieneral Grant, 1, (4 dis), 2:38%, 2:35'/2, 2:37i4, 2:41. Lewiston, Me., June 29, 1881, .$100. Noble, 2 :39, 2 :40, 2 :4iy2. Achsa, gr f (3 :47), by Pilot Mambrino, H. W. Beacon, Gouverneur, N. Y., June 5, 1878, $100. Lady Charmer, Billy (irav, (2 dis), 2:50, 2:47, 2:48, Fom--vear-olds. Achsah, b ni (3 :01), by Matt Duff, R. Armstrong, Corsicana, Tex., April 25, 1882, $100. Minnie M., Fannie Sloan, 1, (2 dis), 3:01. 3:01, 3:07. Acme, ch in (3 :48i4), J. C. Foster, Norwich, Conn., Sept. 20, 1882, .$50. Charles L., Edward H., 2:48'^, 2:.54, 2:,54'2. Acorn, b s (3 :33), by Romeo, M. L. Patrick, Albany, N. Y.. July 19, 1845, $100. Empire 2:32, 2:35. Acorn, b m (3:5 71.1), bv Robert Bonner, dam Bessie, by Ethan Allen, S. W. Tillotson, Lee, Mass., July 4, 1877, $.50. Daisy Uuke, Thomas Jefferson, Harry Granger, 2 :59i4, 2 :57i4„ 2 :58. Acushnet Boy, bg (3:4314), H. W. Kenyon, Myricks, Mass., Sept. 22, 1871, .$65. Bay Billy, 2, (6,0), Jack, 4, Cooel's b C 1, (7 dr). Cook's gr C, (3 dn, 2:46, 2:45, 2:45, 2:48, 2:45, 2:45 2:46ii. Ada, ch m (3:4314), E. Williams, Cortlandt, N. Y., June 12, 1878, $150. Jim Briggs, 1, 2, Rosamond, Fennimore, J. B. Sprague, Andy Johnson, Percy Smith, (3ro), Emily L., (4 ais), Kate Hays, (l dis), 2:45, 2:421 '2, 2:45, 2:46. Ada D., b m (3 :39';2). by Parrish's Hambletonian, dam by Lapidus, T. Vandekar, Waterford, N. Y., June 10, 1877, $125. Kitty, Jessie, 2:44, 2:43, 2:41ii. Albany N. Y., Mav 2, 1878, $100. Roscoe, Ladv Blackington, Erie Boy, 2:42, 2:42i/2, 2:41 F. .h Childs, Sept.' 12, 1879, .$200. Bonner 1, 2, 2:4014, 2:40, 2:.39i/2, 2:45%, 2:42. Troy, N. Y., Jul.y 30, 1880, $150. Drab 4, 5, Billy 3, Prince Grattan (5 dr), 2 :41, 2 :40, 2 :41, 2 :39, 2 :39i2, 2 :42. Ada F., ch m (3:36), R.Armstrong, Ann Arbor.'Mich., June 4, 1873, .$2.50. Belle, Onward, Cordeha (3 dis), 2:41K,, 2:43%, 2:42. Junt' 5, 1873, .$300. Belle, Pilot, Cordelia, Surprise (.2 dis). No time. Grand Rapids, Mich., June 11, 1873, $1,500. Barnev l , Albert 2, 2 :.38%, 2 :44, 2 :37i/2, 2 :,36i/2, 2 :40%. Lapeer, Mich., July 8, 1873, $100. Tommy, Paddy Carey (3 dis), Sam Houston (2 dis), Onward (2 dis), 2 :44?4 2 :46i4 2 :47. '- E. Armstrong,' Lapeer, Mich., July 10, 1873, $4.50. Capt. Jack, Viola, Orient (3 dis), 2:36)4, 2:38i/2, 2:3914; 2 :38"2, 2:3914. July 11, 1873, $350. Cant. Jack 1, Little Jimmy, Tommy, Viola (2 dis), Josie (l dis), 2:35, 2:37, 2:36, 2:39i/i. Ada Gray, br m (3 :33), W. Van Valkenburgh, Fleetwood f'ark, N. Y., Nov. 2, 1878, $100. Minnie H 1, 2, Joe (5 dr), Bess (4 dr), 2:51. 2:48, 2:43, 2:46, 2:42i/2. C. A. Williams. Moriisaiiia, N. Y., May 9, 1879, $100. Addie E. C, Blackwood Queen, Warsaw, Emma K, 2 (3 dr.. Gauntlet d dis), 2:34, 2:33, 2:33, 2:36i/2. Ada, H, b m (344), l)v Ashland Chief, dam Old Lady. T. J. McKinney, Hamilton, O, Oct. 4, 1882, $150. Lit- tle Gus 1, Wild BoV, Lady Garnett, (1 dis), 2:.50i4, 2:44, 2:47, 2:46. Adair, b s (3.30), bv Electioneer, dam Addie Lee bv Culver's Black Hawk. E. H. Miller, Jr., San Francisco; Cal., Oct. 21, 1882, .$3,600. Clay l, Anteo 2:3414, 2:36i/^, 2:40, 2:.38. Three-year-olds. Chico, Cal.. Aug. 31, 1883, .$300. Hazel Kirke. Telegraph. Fred Arnold, 2 :32%, 2 :35, 2 :30. Four-year-olds. W. F. Smith, Marysville, Cal., Sept. 5, 1883, .$300. Telegra])h. Hazel Kirke, Fred Arnold, 2:39, 2:32%, 2:34. Adair's bay gelding, (3:35), Mr. Adair, Lexington, Ky., Oct. 16, 1880, .$400. Swartz's b g 2, 4,3:37%, 3:36, 3:35, 3:39,3:3814. Adam, (,w) ch g (3 :45%), W. Peabody, Union Course, L. I., June 14, 1856, $400. Limber Jim, (w), 1, 4, 2:50, 2 :.50i4. 2 :45%, 2 :4ei4, 2 :49, 2 :53i/2. Adam's Boy, ch g (3 :45), Smith Brothers, Lee, Mass, Oct. 2, 1873, $300. Kitty Burns, 3, 5, (6.0), Calais Maid 4, (6 o). Belle of Berkshire 2, Major Warfield (4 dr), 2:48, 2:48, 24814. 2:45, 2.471/2, , 2:451/2. 2:45. Ada Pawl, ch m (3:36), by Red Buck, dam Miss Brewer by Eureka, J. Drew, Earlville, 111.. Aug. 19, 1879, .$500. Ensign 1, Big Foot, Rescue, Don Quixote, (4 dr), Carrie Cozzens, (3 dr), Malvina, (3 dis), Laura- M., (2 dis). Western Belle (2 dis), 2:35, 2:3314, 2:27, 2:.3.3i4. Macomb, 111., August 26, 1879, $400. John R., Big Foot, Mamie Lee, Carrie Cozzens, (3 dis). Rescue (2 drs), 2:3414, 2:29, 2:32%. Galesburgh, Ind., Sept. 3, 1879, $500. Big Foot, Don Quixote, Mamie Lee, Rescue, (2 dis), Monmouth- Bashaw, (1 dis), 2:28%, 2:31, 2:26. Manhattan. Kansas, Oct. 9, 1879, .$250. lona, T. F. Oaks, J. N. Steck, 2.32, 2:36, 2:27. Wichita, Kan.. .M:iy 1. 1880, $1000. Wichita Charley, 2:.35, 2:34, 2:36. A. A. Moore, .Manliattan, Kan., Oct. 1, 1880, $4.50. Kentucky Girl 1, McLeod, Jennie (4 dr),Moaroe (2 dr), 2 :33, 2 :33i4, 2 :32i; , 2.29. Pueblo, Col., May 4, 1883, $500. Col. Dawes l, G. T. Pilot. Sir Gibbie, 2:34, 2:35, 2:3i]4, 3::i5i4. Ada V, ch m (3:50%). J. W. Weston, La Crosse. Wis., Oct. 21, 1874, $150. Jim Raven 1, Countess, Black Bess, 3:0.3, 2:.50%,2:.53i4, 2,5114. „ ^ AdaV., brm (3:43i4), by Gage's Logan, dam by Daniel Lambert. H. Donnelly, Winnipeg, Man., Sept. 11, 1883, $.300. Orient, Angelo Boy, Lady Winlield (3 dr), John, Windsor (1 dis), 2:45, 2:42i4, 2:.32i/2. Ada Withers, br m. by Administrator, dam Allie Gano by Almont. W. I. Hayes, Clinton, la., Oct. 2, 1879. $.50. Lucy L, 2. No time. Tliree-year-olds Ad Carpenter, br g (3:44), C. Anderson, Narragansett Park, R. I., May 11, 1875, $190. Wolf Hunter 1, 5, Belle of Hudson 4, Harry Whitford, Brown George, 2:4.5. 2:44i4, 2:44, 2:44i,4, 2:4.3i/4, 2:45. Addie, blk m (3:43'4), by Abdallah Cliief, E. Dunliam, Newark, N. J., June 23, 1871, $ . Dolly, \oung Allen 1, (4 dis), Gray Eagle (3 dr). 2:.57, 2:.50i4, 2:5314, 2:52. J. H. Bertholf, N'ewark. N. J., Sept. 21, 1871, $1.50. Gray Eddie, Brown Rover and seven others, 2 :42i4, 2:451/2.2:43. Addie b m (3 :39), bv Hambletonian Chief, George Bell, Goshen, N. Y., Sept. 19, 1872, $200. Lady Whitman 1, Black Dick, Ladv Sutton (1 dis), 2:43, 2:i2V2, 2:44. J. J. McNally." Middletown, N. Y., Sept. 13. 1872, .$ . Nibbs, 2 :43%, 2 :47, 2 :48. Addie, gr in (3 :.5'o), W. Roberts, Doylestown, Pa., Oct. 5, 1876, $150. Wild Rover 1, Mike, Jail Bird, Harry, Dunlap, Frank Dudley, Patty, Prince Charles, 2 :.53, 2:50, 2:53, 2:,54. G. Scattergood, Union Park, Pa., Oct. 17, 1876, $100. Jersey Boy (w), 2 :57i4. (( CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORI>. Addie, cli in. N. M. Abbott. Webb's Mills, N. Y.. June 19, 1«78, S/iO. Lizzie Clapp, Liulv Bates, Jenny. No time. AUUie, b ni (2 :39>4), W. ILuuia, rn)Sj)eit Park, L. I., Sept. 9, l»*t2. S . Nellie, 1, 2:41, 2:39^4, 2:41 V4, 2:47. Addie B., b ni 1,2 :43), J. Flsk, Washington, Kan., Sept. 13, 18«a. ^loo. Linwood, Little Dan, Jessie C, 2:4:5, 2:47, 2:49. Addie Uaiik, blk ni (3 :06), l)v Iron Duke, (lam Stella Bank, N. G. Eilelblute, Brookville, Pa., Oct. 8, 1879, $26. Kitty, Kipton, Sandy Bank, 2:;2,"). Uijiton, 1:47, 1 :;J7, 1 :;i2, half mile heats. — Brookville. Pa., Sept. 23. ISSI, .•§75. Flora L., Annie Kline. 3:35?i. 3:4.">'4. 3:;J7'2 — Punxsulawney, Pa., Se|)t. :«), iHsi, $i40. Flora L., Union Girl, Annie Kline, 3:23, 3:20. Four-year-olds. Phillil)sbiirg, Pa.. Oct. 19, 1S><1. .?2(X). Tellezelle 1. Talbot (2 dr), 3:.37!/i, 3:00, 3:l.')i/i. Three-year-olds. Four-year-olds. Addie, K. €., b nK2:30), bv Buruher. dam Fearless, by son of Haiiibletcmian (?) P. Manee, West Chester, Pa., Sept. 21, 1877, S300. Allen Golddust 1, Robin Hood, (iiiidr d disi. 2:12. 2:41, 2:40, 2:45. Sept. 22, 1877, S200. Billy MegoniKal 2, 3, Drift 1, 2 :12' i, 2 :41 ^.r 2 A'-i^i,, 2 :41i4, 2 :43. 2 :49' i. Middletown Del., Oct. 3, 1877. SLOO. Live Oak 3, Pawlet, Lady May (4 dis). Belle Wildalr (4 dr). Volun- teer Prince (4 dr), Jersey Patcheii (3 dr). Potato Bug (3 dr), Mack (2 (lis), Kate Waldron (2 dis). Lexington (2dr), 2:47, 2:48, 2:43, 2:4.5. Oct. (!, 1877, $\t<(). Allen (iolddust 1, May, Lady May, Mountain Maid, Pawlet 2, (4 dis). Jersey Patcheii (4 dis). Archer (3 dr). Delaware (2 dr), 2:40, 2:48Ji, 2:47>,j. 2:42, 2:4.';. Jersey City, N. J., July 4, 1878, .SJOO. Rice Graves, 2, 2:49, 2:4o, 2:47, 2:42. July il, 1878, .^l.-W. Aleck. .St. George. rb;irlie, pacer, 2:46, 2:42, 2:41. July 24. 1878, $200. CaiTJe White. Blaiuli:inl c: ilr), 2:45%, 2:42, 2:43. Norwalk, Conn., Sei)t. 1.!. 1x78. S'jr,. Marv I). Warsaw, 2:46, 2:45, 2:42V4 Jim Murray, Sept. 14, 1878, $200. Rosalind, Butcher Boy, May, 2:41, 2:43, 2:40>4. AVashington Hollow, N. Y., Sept. 19, 1878, $150. Defendum. Lester, Emma K., Quartette. Jim, 2:43, 2:41'i, 2:41. Peekskill, N. Y., Aug. 15, 1879, $50. Norah M., Wise Mare, Flora, Lottie Carpenter, Bell, 2:4054, 2:42, 2:44'i. J. B. Burlcw, Wayerly, N. J., Sept. 21, 1883, $250. Alice Blackwood 1, 4, Josie D., Cub. Etta A. (4 dr), Easter Medium (3 dr). 2:.{2'/2. 2:30, 2:32, 2:32k. 2:35. Sept. 11. 1885, Point Breeze Park, $250. Oweena, Alice Addison, Maud X., Charley Smith (3 dis), Kate Medium (2 dr), 2 :35i4, 2 :36i.i. 232'2. ■ Goshen, N. Y., Oct. 11, 1883. $2(K). Snip. Cub. Sinugeler's Daughter. Ben Franklin, 2 :;?2,2:32, 2:31',;. Addie G., b ni (2 :4094).by Yoimg Volunteer, dam bv Trafiilgar, Elkton, Md., Oct. 5, 1882. $150. Nancy Hall 1, 2. Kate Medium, May S., 2:46'4. 2:4:!'.,, 2:43'.i. 2:4'o?4. 2:4-"'2. Addie Jelterson, blk m (3:41), bv Thomas Jeffer.son, D. F. Cogshall, Hartford, Conn., Oct. 10. 1872. ijsiso. Lizzie Jeflferson, 2:59, 2:54V2, 2:51 '4. .Springfield, Mass., June 25. 1873, $1,000. Volunteer Queen l, 2, 2:40, 2:43'2. 2:44, 2:43'/2. 2:40. G. P. Carpenter, Hartford, Conn., June 30, 1874, .$.300. Lady Blackhawk, Boz Leg, Jim Ayerill. Little Komii, 2 :45' 2, 2 :42i4. 2 :45M- Addie v., ch m (2:45), J. H. Bacon, Burlington, 111., Sept. 25, 1877, $375. Elder Pogue. Corisande, Lady B., PriniH!. Best time, 2:4,5. Addie Webb, b m {^ -AZYj), W. H. Jarvis, Prospect Park, L. I., June 24, 1870, $100. Mystery, 2:44 Ji, 2 :42M, 2:46>4. Union Course, L. L, July 27, 1870, $250. Mystery 3, Harry 2:47, 2:45?4', 2:48V2, 2:44. Addison IJoy, bg (2:42), K. Wright, St. Albans, \t., Sept. 12, 1878, $95. Bellevue Boy, Belle, Volunteer Girl. 2:42. 2:42, 2:43. Addison Lambert, b s (2 :27). by Daniel Lambert, dam Black Kate by Addison. J Utton, Lyndon, Vt., July 4. 1879, .«il.50. Lady Mack, Red Cloud, Trump, 2:45, •J-AO'-z. 2:45. Montpelier, Vt.', Sept. 9, 1879, $175. Auctioneer, Ocean Chief, Dagger, Daniel Lambert, Jr. (3 dis), 2:36, 2 :42. 2 :;J8. Montreal, P. Q., Oct. 6, 1879, $1.50. Valley Chief, Little Harry, Alice, Pelhani, 2:30'/4, 2:28^. 2:27. Lamoille Co., Vt., Oct. 16, 1879, $ . Frank H. 1, 2, Little Dick, Kitty (3 dr), 2:35, 2:35'/i, 2:35, 2:a54, 2 :xi. Adelaide, b in (2:.'>2). J. Brown, Waverly, N. J., July 4. 1870, $150. Lady Post, 1, 3:01, 2:52. 2:55, 3:03. Adelaide (Kitty Watson), b m 2:iy^4, by Phil. Sheridan, dam by Sam Houston. M. H. Whipple. Goshen, N. v., Sei)t. 3, 1874, $800. T. J. Stevens 1, 4, Hickory 5, Lady Sill, Gray Dan, Chester, Fanny W. Ander.s(m, (leiitle Annie (5 dr), Andrew (4 dr), Emily (1 dis), Nelly Rutherford (l dis), 2 :.39^4. 2::J7'/2, 2 ::J8, 2:40, 2:40, .1. H. Piiillij)s, Suffolk Park. Phila., Oct. 0. 1874, .$.500. Lena Case, EHle Dean. Hampton, Falmouth Boy, Compeer, T. . J. Stevens, New Dorp (1 dis). 2:3li2 2:32'2, 2:35. (Joshen, N. Y., May 27. 1875, .Sl.OOO. George II. Mitchell 1. 4, Coroner K. 2. >elly NNalton, Lottie 1 rum- bull, 2:32%, 2:34'/2, 2:C<0, 2::i3'2. 2::«i'4, 2:,38, 2::{9. , ... , ,.. . , ..., „ , Utica, N. Y.. Aug. 19, 187.5, $:i,(K)0. Annie Collins 2, Shanty, Bonner, Ben Smith. Sam \N est. Little I' red, Fnink Munson, Eva, Scotts" Chief, Dinah. 2 :22> 2, 2:27. 2:27, 2:26' i. Spriugfleld, Mass.. Aug. 25, 187,5, .$.{,000. Bonner 4, Annie Collins. .Jean Ingelow, Little I'red 1 (5 dis), Ben Smith (5 dr), Emie Dean (5 dr), 2:24, 2:23i4, 2:22'2, 2:23. 2:2;i'2. , _ „ , ,.....,„ ^,, D. De Noyelles. Belmont Park, Phila., June 0. 1876, $3,000. John H. 2,;}. Huntress 1, 2:20-'4. 2:22>4, 2'22''2 2'''"' 2*22 2 "2;!% ^Toi'id Hnu-zi^'Piirk, Phila., June 14, 1870, $1,000. .John H 2. Annie Collins 2:26'j, 2:2.5%, 2:28. 2:2«i. Fleetwood Park, N. Y., June 27. 1870. $1..500. John H. 2. 3 (4 o) (5 dis). 2:25'4, 2:28, 2:20'2, 2:30 — — . Suffolk Park, Phila., July .3, 1870. $1.000. Slow Go 1. .John H.. 2 (4 dis) 2:25;i. 2:2.5, 2:25, 2:25, 2:24 • ■ Utica, N. Y., Aug. 10, 1870. .$3,000. Idol 3. .Joe Brown. Sam Purdy. Lady Turpin, Slow Go, (o/ette, Bon- Syracuse, N. Y.,"Sept'l''>iiii. "^70, Sl,.500. Mazo-Manie 4, Joe Bro\vn, 1, Idol,2:29'i.2::t2,2:29?i, 2:31'/,, ^'siiffolk Park, Phila., May 17 and 18, 1877, $700. Hannah D l, 4. Lady Maud 2. Nettie 3 (O dr). 2:23>i, 2:234, 2:25'i, 2:2:t, 2:21'/4, 2:.'56''2, 2:29'4. Point Breeze Park, Phila., May 25, 1877, $1,250. Nettie 1. 4. Lady Maud 2. Irene (l dis). 2:22, 2:22, 2:24, 2:201^,2:2.5, 2:27. .,.,,-> .-., — Cincinnati, O., Oct. 20, 1877, $1,200. Clifton Boy 2. Silversides. Cozetle. 2:41''2, '-'.:-t!''2. -'■*'' ,f ■•■*' i — Miidisoii, fiid., Nov. 3, 1877, $400. Silversides (2 o), H;ulger Girl. Deception (1 dis) 2:28, 2:.!0, 2:29'2 2:30, — Cleveland, ()., July 27, 1878, .$2,(KK). Midnight 2. 3. Prospero 1, May (^iieeii. .lohn H.. King I hilij), Rich- ard, Kiinsas(Miief(4(lr), Albemarle (1 dis) 2:22, 2:22, 2:2314. 2:23"2, 2:24, 2:31. .. ,. x „ oe « now — Kiuis:isCity, Mo., Sei)t. 21, 1878, $1,000. Little Fred 3, (2 o), Lucille 4, Albemarle 1 (4 dis), 2:25, 2:23V4, —St'. Louis', Mo!, S(Tpt'.'24, i878^'$l,000. Little Fred 1. 2, Lucille 3, 2:23, 2:25, 2:22'4. 2:24>4. 2:27, 2:29. Sept. :50, 1878, $l„500. Lucille 1, Little Fred, 2:23'i. 2:22"3. 2:2.5, 2:24%. lohii Splan, Colorado Springs, (^ol., M:iy 15. 1879. $.500. SWeetser. pacer, 2:28»i, 2:31. Adelaide ell III (2:58^). AV. (Jregg, Oxford,' Me., Sept. 30, 1880. .$23. Ned B., Julia 2:58^, 3:00'/,. tour-year- Adelaide. b m (2:26'/,), by Milwaukee, dam Minnie, by Bay Mambrino. V. L. Schuler, Chicago, 111., Sept. 12. 18S1, $ — . True Blue. Phantom, 3:09, 2:.55, 2:.59. "three-year-olds. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 9 Q X_ Bradley, Janesville, Wis., June 6, 1883, $300. First Call, Wiiliam Kimball, Fanny H., 2M\,2-M, 2*39 : June 8. 1883, $300. BluePilot, Reel, Brown George, 2:30, 2:31,2:34. „ , ,. . , June 14, 1883, !S!3(W. Billy R-, Keel, iilue Bull Pilot, Lady Star (1 dis;. Brown George (1 dis), 2:27J4, 2:30, __lloiiicago. 111., Sept. 25, 1883, $550. Waiting, Baby Mine, Ottawa Cliief 1 (3 dis). Isaac (l dis), 2:28, 2:26'/*. 2 ■'>G'i '■' '''9 Adeie Clarke, b m (2 :35i4), by Ledger, dam by Stephen A. Douglass. D. A. Clark, Muskegon, Mich., June 5 1877 $40o' Capt. Seliick, Morosa. Cora (3 dis), 2 :39, 2 :38, 2 :3«. I.June 7, 1877, $400. Capt. Seliick 1, Fleet, Prairie Boy, Morosa, Roanoke. Capt. Bunnell (2 dis), 2:38i4, 1 Kaiiuiiazoo, Mich., June 13, 1877, $600. Prosper (.3 dis), Lillie (.2 dis), Eleanora U disi, Frank d dis), Ed- win Forrest (1 dis). 2:26'i, 2:31'i, 2:25ki. June 15, !»*"'■ *«00. Setter l, Ida. Capt. Seliick, Fleet, Deck Wright, Billy Osborn (3dr), Little Wonder (.3dr), 2:31 '3, 2:3114, ——2:33^ —(ii'an'd Rapids, Mich., June 19, 1877, $800. Mollie, Highland Marry, Lillie, Deck Wright, George, Prosner Ladv Hoatr (1 dis). Edwin Forest (1 dis), 2:32%, 2:29^, 2:32Si. — — Jacks'oi^ MiclC June 27, 1877, $1000. Lillie 1, Mollie, Highland Mary, William D. (.} dis). Deck Wright (•^ dis) Edwin Forest (2 dis), 2:31, 2:34, 2:3GM, 2:37. ll June 28, 1877. $1000. Capt. Seliick, Lady M., William D., Mollie, Capt. Bunnell. Judge Pollard (,1 dis), 'l)et^-'oit,"Mich., July 3,' 1877', $700?' Mollfe, William D., George, Lillie, Deck Wrigiit. Belle H., Highland, "july" 5,1877"^ "$700." Lady M. 1, 3, Capt. Seliick, George, Capt. Bunnell. William D. (.5 dr), Lillie (1 dis), 2:3(^. 2:30, 2:32, 2:31 '4, 2:301.4. — Frcdonia N. Y„ Sept. 1, 1877, $500. Yersadles Girl 1. Silver Cloud 2, no time. — Sinclairville N. Y., Sept. 14, 1877, $200. Versailles Girl l, 3, 2:49, 2 :28> 2, 2:33^4, 2:321/2, 2: — Fredonia N. Y., Aug. 30, 1878, $200. Silver Cloud, Versailles Girl, 2:32-U, 2:33i;4, 2:30. — Warsaw, N. Y., Sept. 26. 1878, .$200. Jessie, Fannie D. No time. — W Harrington & Co., Yorkshire Centre, N. Y., July 5, 1879, $ . Lillie Pearce, No time. P. Anderson, Buffalo, N. Y., June 2.5, 1880, .$20. Billy Dow 2, 2 :45, 2 : i-S, 2 :48. Adele (Gould,' ch'm (3 :19), by iay Gould, uain Emeline, by Henry B. ihitchen, C. H. Wheeler, Waverly, J., Sept. 23, 1880, $150. Night, Breeze M., Augustus Iv Four-year-olds. ^ -,,,-,,„ 1,. 1., - c. ^ t- tt E. 'W. Conover, Middletown DeL. Sept. 2.3,1881, $225. Idlewild 3, 5, Myrtle 1, Socrates, Jim Harp, N. J., SL-i)t.'23, 1880, $150. 'Night, Breeze M., Augustus Knox, Ingoniar, Freehold (1 dis), 2:42' j, 2:43, 2:41 'A, Metz, Elvvood R.. Keystone Maid (3 dr), 2:3514, 2:37?i, 2:37, 2:36'^, 2:38, 2:37' — Dover Del., Sept. 28, 1881, $200. Elwood R., King Wilkes, Idlewild, Metz, 2:35?£, 2:36i/i, 2:4i;2. — Elkton, Md., Oct. 4, 1881, $200. King Wilkes, Elwood R., Louis E., Lydia K., Metz, 2:35'/2, 2:39'o, 2:34i/2. Mt Holly, N. J., Oct. 13, 1881, $250. Brown Billv, Lady Independence. Raptiu-e (3 dr), Star (3 dr). Brown Dick(3dr), 2:39, 2:.39, 2:35. ^ ^ ,^. , ^,. ^, „... „, . — H. G. Conover, Olean, N. Y., June 20. 1882, $500. Ingomar, Queen of Diamonds, Big Ike, Kitty Wood, 2:333i, 2:33'2,2:33i4. . ^, „ .. ,, ■„ t , * t rj, „ — Pittsburgh, Pa., JiUy 27, 1882, $1500. Neta Medium 1. 2. Big Ike, Barrett, Reveille, Lookout. Jr., Tom B., 2 :2.'>i t, 2 :23i4, 2 :21, 2 :23)i, 2 :24, — Cleveland, O., July 27, 1882, $1500. Hardwood, Waverly, Neta Medium. Tom B., 2 :23, 2 :21i-4, 2 :26. Buffalo N Y Aug. 4, 1882, $2000. Fanny Witherspoon 2, 3, Annie W. 1, Early Rose, Driver, I red Douglas, J. P. Morris, Humboldt, 2:20, 2:19^, 2:19, 2:19, 2:20^2, 2 :23?4 Beave'r, Pa!' dcCi, f881,"$l75.""sree7)y'Dmi,"^'Beaver Coiinty Frank,' TopsyC, Sam Woods, Neddy McDoii- aid 2 ;33i4. 2 :39/4 2 :42. 6ct. 5, 1881, $175.' Brownwood, Sleepv Dan, Starlight, 2:4054, 2:43i4, 2:45. Pittsburgh, Pa., Oct. 13, 1881, $400. Gazetteer, Blue Jeans, 2 :40. 2 :42, 2 :39 Wheeling, W. Va., Oct. 13, 1881, $300. Ida H., Brownwood, White Cloud,Wammau (2 dis), 2:3(54, 2:40i4, Adeline R., blk m (3 :37). A. A. Allen, Jersey City, N. J., June 18, 1874, $300. Midget, Surprise, Melissa, ColumbiaBoy(ldis), 2:45, 2:43'4,2:43'4. ^, , ,. ^, , ,. „ o ■• ^ o .r=i- o «» P. S. Ross, June 19, 1874, $300. Little Nell (3 dis), Lady Eleanor (3 dis), Columbia Boy (S dis), 2:4514, 2:50, 2 '44 ' E. B. Gaddis, Waverly, N. J., June 24, 1874, .$200. Columbia Boy, (1, o), Anna E., Major, Shoestrings, Witch, Red Bird (2 dis), 2:45, 2:45, 2:42, 2:43i/2. June 25, 1874, $150. Moonlisht, Shoestrings, Anna E. 2 :40, 2 :42?4, 2 :42i/2, 2. 42i/4. Adelle, blk m (3 :50), W. G. Morrill, Exeter, Me., Sept. 30, I88O, Baby Mine 1, Fanny, 3 :03, 2 :52'/2, 2 :50, 2:53. Ad. Hereth, brg(3:45%), Ed. Richardson, Indianapolis, Ind., May 17, 1873, $100. Metairie Maid, Brown- ^Lluitfenhorn', Indianapolis". Ind., May 20, 1874, for silver prize. Rosa Nell 2, 3, Billy Phelps (1 dis), 2:50, Adirondack, (3 is'o),' C. H. Ballard, Saratoga Spa, N. Y., Sept. 5, 1873, $25. Nelly 1, 4, Black Crook (3 dis), 2:58, 2:5554, 2 :r)5, 2:55, 2:50. „,..,. , „„ Adjala Prince, ch s (3:47), M. Langlev, Barrie, Out., March — , 1874, $50. Sweet William 2, (3 o). Yellow Jack (1 dis). Young St. Lawrence (1 dis), 2 :.50?4, 2:54. 2:47, 2:53. 2:55. , , ^^ „ ^„ Adjuster, b s (3:00), bv Administrator, dam by Kentucky Chief, A. B. Grove, Newark, O., Oct. 6, 1881, .$70. Pennvpack, Eagle, Woodstock. Best time 3 :0b. .„ . ,, ,,„, . Adjutant, b s (3 :45i4, Richard & Shores, Monmouth, 111., Sept. 8, 1882, $80. Lady Miller, 2:46, 2:459i, 24514. Four-vear-olds. , • . ,- Administrator, br s (3 :39i4), bv Hambletonian, dam bv Mambrino Chief, G. F. Stevens, Lexington. Ky., Oct. 13, 1877, $ . 2:33. To beat 2:.3.5. Oct. 18, 1878, cup. 2:291/4, 2:.32To2:3.3'4. . . ,, , , Administrator, bg (3:45), Mr. Henschel. Baltimore, Md., Aug. 15, 1882 $1(X). Lady Morrow 1, Brambles, b m2:47. 2:49, 2:48, 2:4,5. , , Admiral Farragut, m s (3 :43i/2), Dr. Gale, Gouverneur, N. Y., Sept. 15, '865, $20. Jesse Benton l, (.3 dr), 2:58,2:4314. Four-year-olds. ,. • Canton, N. Y., Sept. 20. 1865, $40. Roval George, Honest Dutclmian, 3:09 3:09. Four-year-olds. Adonis, blk g (3 :37)E. B. Henderson. Brobkville, Pa., Sept. 18. 1875, .$ . Maggie Miller, 2:4854, 2:49, -—. St. Petersburg. Pa., June 28 and 29, 1877, $300. Little Phil 4, Lady Mack 1. Emperor Eclipse (l dis), 2:40, 2 :42, 2 :43, 2 :40, 2 :.S7. ^ , xt Adrian, b s (3 :33;/,), by Reliance, dam Adriana bv Kentnckv Hunter, J. M. Learned. Oakland. Cal., Nov. l, 1881, .$ . Sterling, Dandy, Nellie W., 2 :51, 2 :56. Two- Year-olds. Sept. 6' 1882, $600. Bonnie Wood, Olivette (1 dis), 2 :4l'/2, 2:37%, 2 ;3.3' 2. Three-vear-olds. A. D. Temple, gr g (3 :63), Christie & Brown, Creston, la., Sept. 26, 1877, $200. Jennie Moore, Nellie, 3:09, 3:0054, 2:561/2. 10 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TKOTriNC AND PACING RECORD. M. Jolmsou. Ciri'cnliL'ia, la., Sept. 5, 1878, $ . Telephone 1. (.'> 0), Fariin.'r lioy i, Tom Douglass, 2:59, ■i :52, 2 :.%, .i Mi , 3 :(NI, ;t :00. Advam-e, blk g ciiTi), O. G. Madison, Masillon, O., Oct., 7, 1873, $200. George Reed, Ida,Topsv,3:00, 2:58H, Oct. 10, 187;t. $l.-.0. Ida 1. George Reed, Tom (2 dis), 2:52%, 2:5114. 2:56'/,, 2:68. Youngstown, O., Sept. 2(5, 1877, JiJ . Kate 4, 6, Vindicator 3, Billy W (4 ro). 2 :55, 2 :58'/i , 2 :55, 2 :52, 2 :58, — Sept. 2H, 1877, $ . Kate, Martha Hilton, Dewdrop, Billy \V (l dis), 2:48, ^-MU, 2:48'/2. Advance, eh g (.« :403a), J. Hiivs, South Bend, Ind., Sept. 16, 1875, $100. Frank, George, Chaiineey R, 2:64V4 2:56. 2:51 '.I. Niles, Mich., Sept. 30, 1875, S . Captain, Neome, Fannie Dodge. Best time 2:.'>4. Five-year-olds. Oct. 1, 1875, $ . Flora G.. Peaeh Blossom, Maggie (I dis), 3:lll2, 3:U8, 3:01. I'eni, Ind., June 15 and Hi, 187G, :#7(X). G. J. Fuller 2, George Ma.wvell, John R., Captain Scllick, Black- wood, George \V. Braxton, Teeumseh, 2:40Ji. 2:39, 2:41, 2:46. .KuiuluM, br s {^•i:'ir>),hy Mand)rino Pilot, dam Black Bess by Shoreham Black Hawk. .1. H. Macy, White I'lains N. Y., Sept. 19, 1872, ••#100. Virginia (2 dis). Harry (1 dis), 3:28?i, 3:10. Three-year-olds. (2 dis), Turk C2 dis), 2:42. 2:35^4, 2:4.J, 2:43. E. HullxTt. Hudson, N. Y., Aug. 7, 1877, .'5'300. Susie l,Camon, Ladv Emma, Moscow, Major S. (3 dr), Joe Pettit 12 »ln, •-':31. 2:48. 2:47, 2:45. CJreat Barrington, Mass., Oct. 3. 1877, $200. Major Lord 1. Silas Rich, 2 :41',2, 2:39^, 2:37, 2::iS}i,. Plainville, Conn., July 17, 1878, $400. Dio, Dauntless, Oscar, Fitzgerald, Cora F., Modoc (3 dr), 2:33, 2:31, 2:33. Prospect Park, L. I., Sept. 18, 19, 1878, $500. Annie G. 4, 8, Phil Dougherty 3, 5, Grace, 1, 6, Even John. Clifton Bov, 2:28, 2:31, 2:28;2, 2:28, 2:28, 2:28, 2:28. 2:29, 2:29. Fleetwood Park. N. Y., Oct. 31 and Nov. 1, 1878, $300. Rose Medium 4, Lillie 1, Royal George, Grace, Volunteer Maid. Nellie Rose, 2:29, 2:29'i, 2:30, 2:29V2, 2:29. Dan Mace, Buffalo, N. Y., Aug. 6, 1879, $3,000. Envoy, Mollie (5 dis), Charles Hinson 3, 4, (5 dr), 2 :27, 2 :27' 2. 2 :25, 2 :25, 2 :28' 2. P. Durvea, Dover. N. H.. Sept. 19, 1879, $100. Thos L. Young 2, 2:30, 2:28'/2, 2:30. 2:31'/2. A. J. F'eek, Rochester, N. Y., June 2, 1880, $400. Mars, Dora. Tom Keeler, 2:25V4, 2:26'4, 2:28. ^neid, b m (2:35>i), by Belmont, dam Susette by Pilot. Jr., Macy Bros., Sharpsburg, Ky.. Aug. 3, 1880, $200. Boneset, Lady Rothschild, Lady de Jarnette, Stranger, Sister Annie, Kingston. 2:45, 2:42. Aug. 6, 1880, $150. Keno, Lady Rothschild, 2:35'2, 2:37?^, 2:38. vi!:tna, 1) g (3 :55), P. A. Frazer, Taunton, Mass., Sept. 24, 1872, $25. Acushnet Girl, Lady Smith, Quaker Boy, 2:58!4, 2:.58, 2:.56>/2. Africa, blk g (3 :44' i, A. G. Lilly, Worcester, Mass., Aug. 10, 1872, $ . Belle, 3 :0l , 2 :.50. 2 .-53. Sept. 20, 1872, SH.-K). Fanny, Kate Hawes, Pet (3 dr), 2 :49, 2 :44"2, 2 :52. Aggie, cli m (Z -.ryl), H. D. Bartlett, Monterey, Cal., Oct. 5. 1879, $100. George, Flora L. (2 dis), 3:00i'2, 3:00M, 2 :51. Aggie May, ch m (2 iSOVi), B. G. Goold. Ailsa Craig, Ont., Sep. 4, 1883, $125. Royal George 1, Capt, Webb, Greenwood, 2:.319i.2:30'4,2:;W, 2:43. , ., AgiUis.'ch g (3 :45}, J. J. Hornbeck, Newburg, N. Y., Sept. 4, 1869, $150. Edsall's b g 2, GeoKge Smith, 5:30, 5:27l2, 5:.32'/2. Two miles. „ „, , , ,, ^ ..., Agnes, ell m (3 :44i4), C. N. Perry, N. Attleboro, Mass., June 29, 1880, $150. Charles Sumner, 2:44>2, 2:44'/i, 2:44'4. Agues, b m (2 :36' «), by Aberdeen, dam Ladv Vandeveer, L. E. Dunham. Jersey City, N. J., July 27,1882, $125. Joh.i S. 1, Gaudier, Lady Harmon, Nancy Hall. Lizzie B. (2 dis>. Fountain GirUl dis), 2:41. 2 :3J). 2 :37!4, 2:37'/2. Aiken's chestnut horse, ch s (3 :47), Mr. Aiken, Jackson, Miss.. Dec. 6, 1871, $75. McMahon's rn g, Payne s br m, 2:49, 2:47. Ailfen'K gray mare gr m (2 :51), Mr. Aiken, Troy, N. Y., July 19, 1864, $300. Nelly Browning. 2 SA, 2:52, 2 :65. Aikman's entry (3:33), Mr. Aikman, Fort Scott, Kan., Oct. 5, 1882. $ . Jones' entry, Pulton's entry, Van Fossen's entry, Mosher's entry, Robertson's entry. Huntington's entry, 3:33. . Aileen, ch m (3 :40). I)v son of Ethan Allen. B. A. Dennis, Norwich. Conn., July 21, 1880 $200. Hersey 2 3, Baby Girl, 1, Bonnie f)oon, John King, Charles Sumner, Dick (5 dr), Why Not (4 dr), Dixie (2 dis), 2:41, A ir"(lVer) jf^( 3 :3lt'by^^ M. Lark, Boston, Mass., May 17, 1872, $1,000. Wagram l,2:4;iJi, 2 ■4''?i ■' "46 247?i Airlike. "bs (k :37'h. bv .TndL'c Trumbull. S. W. Handy. Milford, Conn., Sept. 7, 1881,$150. Nancy Johnson 4, '», ax hound, s, JJiiy DickcJ dis). 5:32. 5:31. Two miles. like, b s (3 :37'i), bv Judge Tnimbidl, S. W. Handy, Milford, Conn., Sept. 7, 188l,$150. Nancy 6, Dandy l, 2, Joe McCool 5 (7 dis), Dan, Syracuse, 2:40, 2:39, 2:38, 2:42, 3:15, 2:38, ^ :3< ^4 . -^ :44 k • AJax, (s)bfkg (3:40-',), (2::ff s), by Abdallah,Wm. Whelan, Cambridge, Mass., Nov. 10, 1842, $100. Grey- Hiraiii WoodrulT, Beacon Course,' N. J., May'.-JO, 1844, $2,000. Rattler, (1 dis). 8:02. Three miles. Boston. Mass.. .M;iy .'1 , 1h.".0, $ . Daniel Webster (s), 5 :19"2, 5 :243i. 1 wo nnles. (s), T. Mead, BosKiii. Mass., Nov. 8, 1850. $— . Trojan (s) 1 (3 dr), 2:41, 2:3*. 2:42. AJax, gr s (3 :36), by Slocum Horse. H. H. Smith. Dover, N. H.. Oct. 8, 1868, $100. Dnu'O 2:44, 2:44. Oct. 8 innx, .$ . Niipoh'on .Morgan, 2:.'>6. Mancliester, N. H., Sept. 111, 1h.^.9, $75. Arctic Maid. Lady Florence, 2:41, 2:44. Boston. Mass.. Oct. 24. 1861, .•5;7.\ Rocky Mountain 1, 2, 2:44. 2:42'/2, 2:39, 2:40. 2:40. Dover, N. H., Sept. 27. WA. $ . Henry Columbus 1, 2 (6 dis), 2:43, 2:41, 2:39, 2:38. S;ico, .Mc, Oct. 19, 1864. .SUM). Ladv Brooks, 2:49. 2:4.5, 2:45. . Dan .M;ice. Hiirtford. Conn., Scpt.l3, 1865. .$225. Young Eclipse, 5:54"j, 5:5«! I wo ii'iies. „.^^^^„„.^ AJax, br s (3:3»). by Whipple's Hamblctonian. dam Ashciit. liy Hambletonian, (.eo. M. tvans, sacramenio, Ciil., Sept. 25. 18(W, $1.50. Wcstlleld (1 dis>. 2:m. Threc-ve;ir-olds. .1. L. Eoff, Sept. 6, 1869, $;i00. Westfleld. Breeze. 2:.50.2:4t;»4, 2:46. Four-year-olds. S. B. Wliipple. Nov. 3 and 4, 1870. .$400. Marysville Queen 3, 6, Billy Russell. 1, 5, 2:39'/j, 2.41 /j, -5.4^/s, — SanFriVncico. Cal!, April 21, 1871, $ . Baltimore Belle 2, 3, Columbia, Peanuts. (3 r o), 2:44'/2, 2:41^' 2 :40 2 '.40% , 2 :49. '■ Sanjdse, Cal'., Sept. 2, 1871, .$.500. Frank Rhoads. Copperhead, Mary Davis, 2:38>/2, 2:34'/2, 2:3514. Oakland, Cal., June 22. 1872, .$20,000. Alexander 2 :.t0, 2:29. 2 :.'M'4. i»r,.,„i,.„ff <•> .^iR^ San Francisco, (^il.. Aug. 2(i. 1872, .$600. Piiddy Masee. Horace Greeley (2 disi. Hiram Woooi un (J ois), ^' Aug! 28," 1872!'$ 1,000. Blm-k Swan I.California Dexter. George Treat. Paddy Magee, Regulator (3 dis), 2 '.34' 2 2 '.TO' 2 2'3t?i 2 •.'?(> '- SiicVa'mento.'Cal.'. Sept. 19. 1872. $7.50. (Jen. Reno. 2:40'.,. 2:.34'4. 2:35. J. Crook, San Francisco. Cal.. Oct. 24. 1876. .*600. Dirigo. Nancy 2:.33 2:.'«)J( 2:34yj. AJax, blk g (3:03), by Miimlirlno Morrill. W. B. Andrews, Woodstown. N. J.. Sept. 6. 1876, Clioptank cii'ci, Dora, Lady Skipper (3 dr ), Longfellow (2 dr). Nelly (2 dr), 1 .42, l :40. 1 :42- Half mile heats. Three-year-oms. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 11 Mount Holly, N. J., Oct. 3," 1876, $38. Lizzie Patchen, Lady Burns, 1:44, 1:41, half mile heats. Three- Aiax^l3"34>'j ) O Partridge Canton, N. Y., Sept. 15. 1882, $ . Minnie H. 2. No lime. Four-year-olds. Awfar chtt2-33)^ bvson of Black Flyinii t'loud, E. A. feentley, Milwaukee, Wis., Sept. 23, 1B79, $400. Capt. S, tVtsco Maiil ildy Gr^^^^^^ Bill McLaughlin, Mile, Transetta, Mowbray Maid, 2:33, 2:34, ■Sept. 26, 1879. Si400. Bill McLaughlin, Mowbray Maid, Mark Twain, Humboldt, Cresco Maid, 2:33, 2:36i4, .■iker-sPet, br m (3 :43), by Etlian Allen. Akers & Duncan, Lawrence, Kan., Sept. 14, 1870, $100. Mansfield 2, \l/claV"jr ''b^\V•33)?i!^Ki<•1'la^ Wis., Sept. 27, 1882. $ . Black Bashaw. Best time 3:32. Aladdin' b gVstOSU). by Alniont. dam Madam C'ogar, by Mambrino Chief , R. Barden, St. Paul, Minn., Julys, l«7<) s— ^ Tramp Dexter, Jr., Nettie B, 3:12?i, 3:061/2 3:03^. Three-year-olds. Minneapolis, Minn., July 10, 1879, $200. Tramp Dexter, Jr., 3:03M, 3;03i^4. Three-year-olds. Alameda Maid, eh m (2:2T-A), by AVhipple's Hambletonian, dam Mary Taylor, by Biggart's Rattler, J. Ses- sions. San Francisco. Cal., Oct. 1, 1870, .$2,000. Cassius M, 2 -MVi . 2 -.51, 2 :55. J L Eoff, April 1,1871, $100. Fannie. Romeo, (2 dis), 5:40'4, 5:4l?i. Two miles. ,. „ ,^,. T. McClellan, July 11, 1874, $.500. George 2, 4, Napa Queen, Goldfinder, Rosa, 2:48i4, 2:ii^i, 2:45, 2:45%, A?A. Lauderbeck, Jan. 15, 1876, $1,000. Harry 1, 4 Lady Thorn (4 dis), 2:40 2:41, 2 :40, 2 :37, 2 :40. Feb 5 and 7, 1870, $350. Dan 1, 2, kaid of the Plains 3, Harry 4, Mack, Yellow Jacket, Roan Charlay, Ed. McCook, 2:40Vi, 2:30, 2:38i4, 2:40, 2:40i4, 2:4354, 2:45. ■ Feb. 20, 1876, $350. Maid of the Plains, Black Dan (1 dis), 2:33M, 2:37, 2:35'/2. April 29,1876, $5,000. Topsv. 2 :34, 2 :37, 2 -.SSU- Sept. 6, 1876, $500. American Maid 2, 2:38?i,2:38y2, 2:41, 2:38V4.,,.„ ^ ^^ ^ t , -d- t^T/. ^^v Sacramento. Cal., April 16, 1877, $500. St. Helena, 3 (20), E. H. Miller, Parrott, Long John, Prophet(4 dr)' -Tp^rl/S^7,'?7M^'^Gov^ftai^^^^^^^ Edginton, 1, 2, (6 dis). Sweet Briar (4 dis), Brushy , John (3 April 20, 1877, $750. Alamo, cifs t2':3ri),^fe^Aimontt cfain Princess Ann?by Alexander's Abdallah, C. B Jones Des Moines, la . July, 24, 1877, ^m. Sultan, Dan Allen, Gen. Allen 1, (2 dis), Walter G., (2 dis). Clay (2 dis), 2:50, 2:42, 2:47, 2-47 '- Keokuk, la., Aug. 3, 1877, $250. London Bell, Henry Todd, 2;45i4,. 2:42, - — . ,. ^ t. , -c- Geneseo, 111.. Aug. 17, 1877, $100. Fannie Baxter, Lady Kay, Ella Earl, King Philip l, (2 dis), Rock River (2 dis), Bid Gage (2 dis), 2:45. 2:45, 2:42, 2:45. " ■ -r,, .. 1 „ .,„__ /^_,^« T_,1-. -^T„^ T laUK -Dl <-> W U , i ill , ^ .1^7i , ^ -li ^.i ■ Jidy 3, 1878, $400. \-la-Mo^e,' br m (174114)7 J^'^A^lexanderrCoVumbiisi 'o.rJune 18, 1870, $ . Lady Bell l. Velocipede 2, (3 dis), Charley (2 dis), Dutch Baby (1 dis), 2 :40y„ 2 :39;4, 2 :39M, 2 :41^4 2 :40. Alarm, (O'Blennis, b g 3 :30), by Abdallah, P. Marten, New Orleans, La.. Feb. 9, 1858, $ . Texas Comet '- W. D." Nuniialee,''Mobiie,' Aia., March 10, 1858, $100. Tom Hyer (1 dis), 5 :34. Two miles. March 11. 1858, $100. Grace Walton 2, 3, 2:4214, 2:40^ 2-.4pU.2;A3^<2,2-M\i. G. Abrams. St. Louis, Mo., May 28, 1858, $300. J. M. White, Pile Driver (3dr), 2:38, 2:3.. 2:36. Chicago, 111., July 7, 1858, $200. Lady Kate, 5:29, 5:21. Two miles. ,. ^ „. ,. , ^.,, ^^„ Alarm, b s (3 :40); bv Walkill Chief, dam by Sherman Black Hawk, Jr., J. F. Kinney, Lincoln. Neb., May 21, 1880, $100. Omaha Dick, Orange Co., 2:41, 24114. Shenandoah, la.. Sept. 13. 1882. $ . Rattler, McMahon, 2:45, 2:48%, 2:50. Albany Bov, ch g (3 :53), M. Carrof. Boston. >Iass., April 26, 1866, $40O. Lady Flaguer, 3:10. 2:o2: 2:53i2. Albany Girt, b in (3 :399i, s), Dan Mace, Providence, R. I., Nov. 25, 1857, $100. Lady Sherman. 2:42, 2 :43i/2. Albatross, (Columbia), b m (3 :33M), by Simpson's Blackbird, dam by Kentucky Eclipse, J- £■ Sjn^PSon* Chicago, 111., July 18. 1869. $225. Molly Brooks 1, 3, (2 o, Buckeye Bill, Chicago Belle (4dr), Honest Charley (3 dr) 2 :43'i. 2 :39i4, 2 :38, 2 :a5, 2 :36i4, 2 :38. ^ , ^ . -„ , , • o ,.„ ., jo o ±.yi w, Dubuque, la., Oct. 14, 1869, .$250. Boone, w, Ed. Price w Buckskin w, 2:421;, 2:42, 2.:^^2. J. Boyle, Buffalo, N. Y.^ Aug. 3, 1871, $100. Ohio Boy 2, 3, Logan 1, Greenwich Maul, Kane Boy, Kim- AlbemWrle. grf (3':'m by Tom Hui^er" dam bf Wadsworth's Blucher, Higgins & Van Ness Detroit, Mich., July 5, 1876. $800. Miraculous. Janesville. Smoke, Gilt Edge, Capt, Selhck^ 2:40, 2:o9J2, ^\^Ji^- ^_„„ July 7, 1876, $900. Gilt Edge 1, Robert McGregor, Jesse GLindell, Betsy Baker, Gray Billy, George -Cleveland,' d," July '27, 1876, $2000. John B., Hattie R., Proctor, Frank, Allen, Enfield, Jerry Postal, ^Rlbinson^& KernerT^^pringfleld, Mass., July 11, 1877, $3000. Great Eastern, Martha Washington, 2:23, 2 "251 2 ''■''3 '- ciiarles Robinson, Leesburg, W. Va., Oct. 18, 1877, $200. Ned Buckley (2 o), Jersey Boy (2 o), 2 :44M, 2 :36, 2*45 2 '44 '- Hartford, Conn., Aug. 23, 1878, $2000. John H., (1 o), Adelaide, Lew Scott, Banquo, Powers, Trampoline, KingPhilip,Richard(3dr). 2:20, 2:20. 2:19, 2:21^4. ^ t. ^ t -n oo^i- o oa o oa Milwaukee. Wis.. Aug. 30, 1878. $l,0O0. Adelaide, Little Fred, Great Eastern Lucille 2:24i 2, 2:20, 2 .24 Minneapolis, Minn., Sept. 7, 1878, $1,000. Darby 3, 4, Adelaide l. Little Fred, Lucille (1 dis), 2:20^4, 2.2514, O •O'Xl/ 9 -O'i *> '9^1 '' 9 •94.3^ Albert, b'lkg (3:34%),'f. F. Wanamaker, E. Saginaw, Mich.. June 25, 1873, $2,000. Barney 2. Little Longfel- low, Bertie, Belle. Billy Laml)ertson, James H. (4 dis), 2:.33?4, 2:34ii, 2:3514, 2:37^4. o ^r o in Chicago, 111., J^iUy i, 1873, .$2,000. Clementine, Cheston, Hattie, Fawcett, Gentleman Joe, 2:.3o, 2.40, 2:411/2. July 4, 1873. .$200. Nellv, Quicksilver. Cheston, Fox (2 dis). 2:36i/4, 2:34i/2, 2:33%. T. C. Collins, July 1, 1874. $2..500. Hattie. Roofer. 2:.30. 2:31%. 2:32%. • r^.^^:,, July 23, 1874, $1,250. Bay Henry 4. Frank J. l. Mattie Lyle. Ben Smith, Young. Wilke^s, Amy B,Catskill, Moss Rose, Fancher (2 dis). Wolfbrd Z. (2 dis). Roofer (2 dis). Lady Morrison (l dis), 2:29k, 2:3l,2.30/2,-i.JO, ^A.*F. Fawcett. Washington. D. C, May 12. 1875, $7.50. Frank J. l, Annie Collins (2 0), Gray Chief (4 dis), 2:39, 2:.3.5, 2:,3.3i4, 2:33%, 2::34'4. , „ „, „ o,r ■ May 14, 187.5. $7.50. AnnieConins2. Barney Kelly. John H.. 2 :a3>4, 2:32% 2:34 2:35. r^^^rru\>^{ ■ Baltimore. Md., :Mav 18, 1875, $1,000. Annie Collins, Jac-k Draper, Snowball, Wlute Cloud, uray c niei, Albert"ijr g (3^48X'j.H.' Allen', La Crosse, Wis., Oct. 21, 1874, $150. Don 4, Weasel 1, Countess (4 dr), 2:.50%, Alberta,' blk 'm (3':4.5i4), D. Warner, N. Amherst. O.. Aug. 26. 1876, $150. Tom Owen 2, Dan Bassett. Dick Harvey, George, Boxer (4 dis), Tegardine's entry (4 dr), 2;45i4, 2:45yj, 2:45i4, 2;47i4. 1-' CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. Alberta, b in (2:33' 2), Geo. A. BakiT, Duliii(|ue. la.. Juue 7, 1877, $500. Shepherd Boy, Little Rube Wind- sor, Logan B., 2:4.', •>Al, 2:40. Albert Krauce, I) l' ('Z :34i.i). \\. 1{. MiTiillclil, Elkton, Md., Oet. 3, 188.3, Si250. Mamie Kiernan 1, 2 Maud Aliee Addison, Frolie (I dis), 2:.V4;.i, 2:.t4'i, 2;:W'.i. 2:.34'i, 2:;M>.i. Albert Kimball.
  • 4 '>-4i 2:tl'2,2:4.^)'j, 2:44, 2:45'.,. -. . • . S. Arthur, Oet. 5, lK"j!i. .•*100. Geo. Magee (I dis), 2:;m. (W) J. E. Turner, May lo, \m\. Sl.OOO. Whislvey l\v), (I, 0), 2:.39, 2:38!4, 2:43?4, 2:44'i. Albert W., b s (2 :22), by Klectionier, dam by John Nelson, A. Waldstein, Oakland, Cal., Sent. 14, 1881. $400 Flight, 2:4.i, 2:49. 3:2.x Three-vear-olds. Sacniniiiitd. Cal., Sept. 20, ixxi, $275. ^w o) , 2:.'>4. Three-year-olds. Sept. 2.1, is>^i, .f!40(i. Flight 1, Kowdy Boy, 2:42%, 2:38'i, 2:36i4, 2:39. Three-year-olds. Stoekton, Cal., Sept. 29, l.sxi, $300. Flight 2, 2:37, 2::«, 2:.'», 2:32>^. Three-year-olds. Santa Rosa, Cal., Aug. 2«, 1882, $r.00. Inca 1,3, Poseora, Hayward (4 0),Blackmore, 2:27, 2:27, 2:27Ji. 2:29'..i, 2:32. Petaluma, Cal., Sept. 2, 1882, $500. Poseora, Hayward, Inca, Blackmore, 2:27, 2:2«'/i, 2:24?4. Oakland. Cal., Sept. 5, 1882, .«;800. Nelly R. 3, ."i. Sweetness 1 , 2 (5 dis), Poseora Hayward, 2:22, 2 :24V4. 2:23'.., 2:2Si.i,2:26'i, 2:25, 2:2C'i. Stockton, Cal., Sept. 23, 1882, $1,200. Nellv R. 1, 2, Sweetness, 2:22>.i, 2:20, 2:22, 2 :22'i, 2:24. San Jose, Cal., Sept. 30, 1882, $500. Vandcrlynn, 5:06?i, 4:51. Two miles. Albert AVatson.bg (2 :42»4), Belmont Park, Plula., May 4, 1878,$ . Sam, Nero, Rattling Jack, Bertie. nattic(2dr), 2:47'j,2:42;.i. Albi(>ii iJoy (hdwin F.), b g (2 :38»4), by Toronto Chief, E. Foster JVIedina, N. Y., June 9. 1875, $400. Silver, Bay Jimmy. Clifton Boy, A. S. McAllister, Sorrel Tom, Patrick Henry (3 dis), 2 :42' ., 2 :41 , 2 :43. J.ockport. N. Y.. .June 11. 1875, $400. Fanny O. 3 (1 0>. (5 0\ Merry Lass (1 0\ \oung Wilkes, Careless Cirl (5(Ir), 2:40, 2:39, 2::i8, 2:41'^, . 2:.!9'.i. ■ June 12, lsTr>, S^m. Silver 1, .3, Careless (!irl, Clifton Boy, 2:4494, 2:40>i, 2:45, 2:42>4, 2:41'i. Albion Boy, bs (2:33), L. H. Thompson, Mendota, 111., Aug. 16, 1878. $400. Fred Douglas, Gray Eagle, Silver Heels, .fim Lane. Alanu). Kitty I'ease, John J. Cook, Prince, 2:36, 2:35, 2:.35. At. llorak, b s (3 :.52' j), liy Mohanuned, C. H. Funis, Denver, Col., Oct. 2, 1877, $50. Wild Bill, Gypsey Maid, 4:00, 3:52. Three-year-olds. Albrino, b s (3:0G), by Almont, G. W. Nichols, Lexington, Ky., Oct. 24, 1873, .$ . .L W. Combs, 3:06. 3:151.1, 3:12. Three-year-olds. Alcaiitai-a, b s (2:23), bv Geo. Wilkes, dam Alma Mater, by Mambrino Patchen, R. S. Strader, Cjiithiana, Kv., Auii- 28, ]sso. ^rAm. Hiunbrino P.cllc 2, Clcmmic (!. (2 dr), Bristol Girl (1 dis), 2:30a£, 2:2.5' j, 2:25»4,2:24. Lexington, l\v.. Sept. 3, Isso. $250. Cliarlic West, ]\Ivstcrv. 2:.30, 2:32>i, 2:31'/.. Sept. 4, Isso, .s;i.-,0. Kulcnmi. Monitor, Bristol Girl, Broctoli (1 dis), 2:31'/;, 2:32^4, 2:29?4. Eniinenci', Ky., Scj)!. 18, 1880, $150. lUanclie Ainory, Bristol Girl. Red Chief, 2:36'/". 2:31, 2:34. Lexington, Ky.. Sept. .f, 1881, $.500. liachel B. 1, London, Mystery. Monitor2 (5 dis), Russie Hill (5 dis), 2:40'.i.2;L"j'.i,2:27'.i, 2:28',., 2:271.1. Five-year-olds. Alcides, b g (2 :30 '., ). iiy Middletown, I). H. Irwin, Warwick, N. Y., Aug. 17, 1877, $250. George Brooks (1 0\ I'.lacksmitli Boy 1 1 Oi, Itosiuc, Little Hor.se, 2:43, 2:42, 2:46, 2:42. Suffolk Park. Pliihi., May 17, 1878. $2,50. .James R. 1. Chance, Mamie, Bob Scott, Chief, IMncess Medium, Wild Fire, A. L. llelmbold, Emmett, 2;36, 2:36, 2:37, 2:38' 4. Belmont Park, Phila., May 25. 1878. $2,50. Odd Fellow 2, 5, Clara Morris 1, 3, James R., Chief (5 dr). Bob Scott (4 dr), H. Vanderbilt (3 dr), 2:331.., 2:35, 2:34, 2:.36, 2:36, 2:35}i, 2:3GK. I'oint Breeze Park, Phila.. May 29, 1878, $.300. Odd Fellow 1. James R. 3, Clara Morris 2, May Medium, Bol> Sc(»tt, Chance (5 dr). Chief (3 dr), 2:31, 2:,32i.i, 2 ::U, 2:.30?.i, 2:.3,5, 2:3314 Alcyone, br s (2 :27), by George Wilkes, dam Alma Mater, by I\lamJ)rino Patchen. T. Bruce. St. .Joseph, Mo., Sent. 10. 1880, ,$350. Mollie Bell 1, 2 (3 0), Mattie Graham, McLeod, Alma V., Hardv (I dis\ Carrie Cozzeus (I (lis), 2:35, 2::J5'4, 2::r>'.v, 2::U. 2:.37, 2:40. Lawrence, Ivan., Sei)t. 15, 1880, .$500. Corbins' Bashaw 2, ISIattio (Jraham, Tom Keno 1, (4 dis), 2:36,2:39}4, 2;38, 2:3014,2 :3,5?i. • F. Van Ness, Maysville, Ky., May 16, 1883, ,$800. Molly Harris, I'egiisus, 2:.35, 2:41. 2:.34. Toledo, O.. June 19, 1883, $600. Nettie R., Kitty AVoods, Blanche IL, Mary C, Frank Patchen, Molly Harris. 2:31, 2:.32i... 2:.37. Alcyone. l)r s (3 :00), by Ben Patchen, dam by Chester Lion. N. T. Kirby, Jerseyville, 111., Oct. 11, 1881, $— Pilot St. John, Kidnapper, 3:02?4. 3:oo. 3:0.5*. stallions, Alden (ioldsmith, b g (2 :45'i), by Volunteer, dam Maid of Orange, by Hambletonian, R. Richards, Wauke- gan. 111., Sept. 28, 1882, $1,50. Comanche 2, Billy Carmine, Grace Murray, 2:.58, 2:46'.i, 2;45'i, 2:48. Aldine, grg (2:^'*). 'ly Administrator. Cole aii, C. E. French, Woodstock. Vt.. Sept. 26, 1ST.3, $.50. Killington, (2 0), 2:50, 2:45i4, 2:45. Aleck eh g (3':37 ). J. J. Rowen. Boston. Mass. , June 8. 1865, $100, Kitty. Butcher Boy d dis), 2:40',2, 2:49,2:49. • A. Oseanip. Blanehester. O., June 17, 1866, $ . Cassius M. Clay, Bay Mare, 2:37. Aleck, b gf3:-t3>.i), R. G. Rittenhouse, Chicago, 111., June 30, 1869, $500. W. Price 1. John Tonley 2, 2:45'/2, 2 :40. 2 :42i , . 2 :429i, 2 iWi. Aleck ch g cJ :40' ,\Wm. Woodruff, Beacon Park, Boston, Sept. 2, 1870, .?300. Gen. (4age, 2:49. 2:52!-2, 2:43'/2. Aleck hr s (3 :.56),r. Powers. Deerfoot Park, L. I', Nov. 26, 1874, .150. Dick Goodwin 1, Chief, Battery Bov (:{ (I'is). Hariier (1 dis), 3:09^4, 2:58, 2:56, 3:01. Mr. McManus, Dec. 9, 1874, $200. Chieftain 1, 2:58,3:00, 3:09U, 3:00'4. Aleck. 1) 4), by Geo. M. Patchen Jr., dam by Bellfomider. H. L. Spencer, Sacramento. Cal., Sept. 8. 1869, $250. Friday McCracken 2, Bracelet (1 dis), 2:.38, 2:43, 2:41 1.1, 2:46. Mr. Mackey, Sau Francisco, Cal.. Aug 24 and 25, 1871, $l.fKX>. May Fly 1. 2. California Dexter (3 0), Mary D;ivis 5 (7 (lisi. fonntess. Peanuts, 2:.33, 2:.35, 2:.34i4, 2:.34. 2:40, 2;.31M, 2:.34ii. W. Ilamlllou, Sau Jose, Cal., Aug. 30, 1871, $.500. Ajax 1, 2, Copperhead, 2:34i.., 2:35'-;, 2:3114, 2:34»4, . T. T. Uuckless. Petaluma, Cal., Sept. 17, 1874, $300, Countess, Brilliant (2 dis"), Rob Roy (1 dis), 2:4li<;, 2:42. 2:43';. San Fnincisco, Cal.. Oct. 14, 1875, .$2,000. Nancy, 7:.57. Three miles. Alexander, b s (3:38?'i). by Goldsmith's Abdallali, dam Fanny, by Richard's Bellfouuder. Mr. Hopkins, St. Paul. Minn., July 3, 1876' $1,000. Jim Raven, Gen. McArthur, Pat, Maxey, Gray Eagle, Jack West (3 dis), 2:34, 2:36?i,2:37.' July 5, 1876, $1,000. Jim Raven, Jeff C, Pat, Jack West. Trampoline (1 dis), 2:34'o. 2:36. 2:37. Alexander, bg(3:36ii), by Happy Medium, dam Mary Patclien, by Bully King, V. D. Konover, Suffolk Park, Phila. May 8, 1883, .$500'. Index, Black Prince, Don Carlos, Oiscar Wilde, Mona Medium (2 dis). Ward Medium (i dis), 2:314, 2:29'.;, 2:30'4. Point Breeze Park, Phila., May 15. 1883, .$.500. Index, Mabel G., Oscar Wilde, Don Carlos, Mona Me- dium (1 dis). Ward Medium (1 dis), 2:29"2, 2:.30, 2:261/4. Belmont Park, Phila., May 22, 1883, $500. Index 3, Ward Medium, Don Carlos, Oscar Wilde, 2:3214, 2:30, 2:3314 2:36ii. ^ Point Breeze Park, Phila., Sept. 14, 1883, $2.50. Dick Organ 3. 4, May, Lady Crossin, Stonewall (2 dis), 2:27'2, 2:3014, 2:26'<., 2:2814, 2:30. Alexander Benham ch s (3 :44), Sonoma, Cal.. Oct. 6, 1870, $200. Jersey Maid 4 (3 0), Rio Vesta Maid l, 2 (3 0), (G (lis), ■2:ii^?i, 2:48. :'-:49M, 2:48?i, 2:48';., 2:48V2, 2:49. Alexander Button bsf3:36i/^), by Alexander, dam Molly Button, by Napa Rattler, S. Crandall, Sacramento, Cal., Sept. 22, 1880, .$900. Annie Lam-le 2 (4 0) , Belle Echo, Leu Rose. Honesty, Glencora (2 dis), 2:3412, 2:30, 2:29, 2::50M. 2:.35. Three-year-olds. Stockton, Cal., Sept. .30. 1880, $500. Honesty, Len Rose, Upright, 2:32, 2:33ii, 2:.32i.2. Three-year-olds. San .lose, Cal., Oct. 8, 1880. $300. Belle Echo 1, Len Rose, 2:2854. 2:30;z, 2:33^4, 2:31^. Three-year-olds. — Sept. 1, 1881, $400. Romero 1, 2, 2:29, 2 :26?4, 2 :26i^, 2 :27i^, 2:31 1/2. Alexander's Chestnut Gelding, ch g (3 :43H). by John Henry, J. K. Alexander, Woodlawn, Kv., July 14, 1865, $100. Gray Pilot (1 dis) .lohnson's ch g (1 dis), 2-AZ%. Alexander's Chestnut Stallion, i3:55i/4), by Pilot, Jr. dam bv Eclipse, R. A. Alexander, Louisville, Ky., Oct. 19, 1863, .$22.5. Rolla Golddust, 3:00, 2:55i4. Three-year-olds. Alexander's Bay Stallion, (3:54). by Pilot Jr., dam Black Hawk Rose, R. A. Alexander, Louisville. Ky., Oct. 20, 186.3, .$:i50. Glencoe, 2 :.5.5, 2 :.54. Four-year-olds. Alexander's Bay Stallion, b s (3 :36i4).bv Mambrino Chief, dam by Davy Crockett. R.A.Alexander.Louis- ville, Ky., Nov. 5, 1867, $50. Little .Joe, George, Kate Overstreet (i dis), 2:.36i4, 2:361^, 2:37. Alexis, br g (3 :40), A. T. Cobb, Taunton, Mass., Oct. 1, 1873, .$25. Middv 3. 4. Mountain Maid 2, Prince, Cole's rn g Bay John, Whippoorwill, Fall River Girl, Honest John (3 dr). Empress (3 dr), 2:57,2:581,4 ,2 :50i.i .2:58%, 2:.57i4, 2:.50, 2:.50. MansHeld, Mass., August 13, 1875, $100. Middy, Quarryman, 3:02. 2:54, 2:53. W. A. Wright, Providence, R. L, Sept. 11, 1877, .$500. 'Sarah Gould 4, 5. (2 0), Tip 2:4.5, 2:42i4, 2:40%, 2:4.3?4, 2:47, 2:42. Alexis, b g (3 :3.5), A. P. Fisk, Dixon, HI., July 3, 1875, .$.300. Black Frank, J. J. Cook, Western Dick, Lady Brush (1 dis), 2:49, 2.50, 2..54. Freeport, 111., Sept. 29, 1875, $500. Wonder, Quarry Bov. West Liberty. Lady McD.. 2:35, 2:35i,^, 2:38i4. Alexis, b g (3 :56), ,J. Baker, Hammonton, N. J., Oct. 14, 1879, $125. Patclien Chief, Alice Addison, Atlantic, 2:56, 2:.56, 2:.59. Alex. .S., rn g (3 :38i4), by Gurney. Wm. Major. Akron. O., June 21, 1878, .$200. Essex Maid, Da\T C, Belle Powers, Moll Pitcher, Don Juan, Birdie Campbell (2 dr), 2:45, 2-47, 2:46. — Newark, O., June 25, 1878, $.500. Outlaw, Lady Grayfoot, Sleepy (3 dis), Ebenezer (1 dis), 2:46i/2, 2:48i4, '- Toledo, O., Sept. 17, 1878, $.500. Honest Mary (3 0), Sannie G. Golden Girl (1 dis), 2:35, 2:34, 2:37, 2:3614. Columbus, O.. Sept. 25 and 26, 1878, $600. Gem Lee 3, 4, Mountaineer 6, Tola 5, Valiant, Belle Powers, Honest Mary, Imogene, Sannie G. .Jessie. 2:.34. 2:28i4, 2:34, 2:29, 2:32, 2:34, 2:33. A. Lilliman Akron, O., July 2, 1879, .$400. Betsy Ann 1, Willy Golddust, Dr. Cash 2:37, 2:35, 2:35, 2:37. N. Harold, Mount Vernon, O., .Inly, 1879, $1.50. Bay Frank, Ancient Order Boy, 2:45, 2:45. Miinsfield. O., August 22. ]S79. .$2.50. Joe Hooper 1, Estella, Dunn, 2:33, 2:31 14, 2:32%, 2:34. Alfaretta. b m (3 :40). by Mambrino Gift, dam Blondy. A. Pearsall, East Saginaw, Mich., Sept. 26, 1883, $250. Little Duke, Ned Hanlan, Harry D., Walter Smoker, 2:40^, 2:41, 2:40. Alfred, b g (3:3614), by Cloud Mambrino, dam by Volunteer. D. B. Carmody, Prophetstown, 111., Aug. 7, 1877, $600. Col. E. D. Baker, Minnie, 2:38, 2:36, 2:37. 14 CHESTEKS COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING KECOKD. St. Joseph. Mo., Sept. 12. 1877. S4flO. Dakota Maid 1. .';. Lady ^'e.sta 2. Bender, Legal Tender (4 dr) John Dunninj; (I dr), Denmark CJ dis), Farmer's Maid i2di.s), Walkerd dis), 2:3.t, 2:.«',j,2;«i4,2:{7 2-35^i 2-37'i K. Lejrg, Muntie, Ind., Oct. 23, 1878, S»X>. Duster, Jennie Dickson, Phd'be C, 2:38. 2:41, 2 -lO " '" H. Loder, East Satrinaw, Mich., June 10, 1880, $800. Josephns 2, Lizzie II. 1, Humboldt (4 dis) 2-23'4 2:2t;'.i, 2:26'2, 2:27'2,2:3(). ' Alf Stone, b s (3 :51^), Alt Stone. Louisville, Ky.. June 20, 1873. .?75. (Jolddrop 3, 4, liailroad l, (2 dis), 2:56 2:.'')4, 2:.50f J. 2:r>r>%, 2:51^4, 2:5;"). ' ' AlGrath, b m ('i :33). by Cuvler. dam Haroldine, by Harold. J. C. McFerran, l.,ouisville, Ky Sei)t 13 isfo .S42."). Edwin C, 2:38. 2:3.'')'.,, 2:.!!iii. Three-vear-olds. ' "' CliicaKO, 111., Sept. 20, 1882, .?.">(K). lUnlKct ■;i:12, 2:2r)'2, 3:08. Three-year-olds. Algeriiie. b s (3 :45). by ('a])t. Kislier. dam Maria Mink, T. McClellau", Santa Cruz, Cal., Nov. 19, 1870 «1,'50 Ladv Emma. Scipio U dis), 2:48, 2:47, 2:4,'). ' Oakland, Cal., July 2.'>, 1874, j? . Oakland Girl, Goldtinder (\v), 2:4(J!4, 2:4Cy2, 2:47. Alhambra Maid, br in (3:3.5). |jy Alliambra. J. F. Studebaker, Grand Rapids, Mich., Aug. 23, 1881, S!;JOO. Frank B. 1, 2, Portage Girl, Maggie K., Tom Patcheii (4 dr), Shonev (1 dis), 2:4fl'i, 2:43, 2:4.5, 2-44, 2:48. A D. Helm, South Bend, Ind., Oct. 5, 1883, t4(X). Tramp Jr. 2, 3, Razor B., Nelly May, 2 :a5, 2:34'/., 2 Wi. 2 :.-«. 2 :.-«».,. • ■>> A. L. Helmbold, b g (3:43'.i). M. Goodin, Woodbury, N. J., July 3, 1877, $150. Irene 2, Moselle, Cora, Snowden, Dot. 2:51. 2:51, 2:30, 2:50^4. 1. II. Phillii)s, Suffolk Park. Phila.. May lo, 1878. $ . Chance, 2:44. 2:46, 2:47 . Alia, br m (3:37), D.Walters, Woodstown, N. J., Sept. 15. 1880, $ . Jim Ilari), Clara Morgan Edward S.. Jennie Patclien. Clifton, 2:44. 2:45, 2:4.-). West Chester, Pa., Sept. 24, 1880. $\rjt>. Billv Needier, 2:50"j. 2:49^4, 2:48'2. Sept. 2.5, 1880, .«110. Ella May. Billv Needier, 2:47. 2:4(1' >, 2:47>.i. Oxford, Pa., Sept. .30, 1880, $125. lU'cklcss. Kll;i Mav, Ida, Blind Tom, 2:45, 2:45, 2:49. Oct. 1. 1880, .?110. Reckless, Ella May, Harry B., 2:46, 2:4.5, 2:449.i. Doylestown. Pa., Oct. 8, 1880, .S150. King Cetawayo 3, 4, Climax, Jenny Grace, Republic, 2:37, 2:38V4. 2:41.2:39.2:43. Alice, b m (3:45), Wm Woodruff, Cambridge, Mass., Sept. 17, 1846, $ . Bushwhacker 2, Tomatoes, 5:30, 5:.J3, 5:34. Two miles. E. Goodwin, Boston, Mass., April 15, 1853, .$ . Canada Gray 1, 4, 2:56, 2:.57, 2:56, 2:58, 2:52 June 9, 18.53, $ . P.utcher (ial, 2:45, 2:51, 2:50'/4. Alice, gr m (3 :58), W. W. Ilougli, Buffalo, N. Y., Sept. 25, 1849, $100. Henry, Recorder, 2:,58, 2 ;,59. Alice, (3:3(J), T. Smith, Springfield, 111., Oct. 23, 1865. $1.50. Rock (2 dis), Lazy Bill (1 dis), Alice Douglass (1 dis), Ben Bolt (1 dis), Barney (1 dis), 2:55, 2:3G. Alice, bm (3:37'2) C. Selvage, Louisville, Ky., Nov. 1, 1867,.^ . Jim 1 (3 dis), Billy (2 dis). Blackbird (1 dis\2:42'4,2 37"2 . Alice, b m (3 :48i4), by Sir Henry. G. N. Ball, Middletown, N. Y., June 15, 1870, $100. Delaware 4 (2 0), 2:53i4, 2:53'i, 2:48'4, 2:.57'4, 2:5354. Alice, blkm (3:41), Levi Ray, Lowell, Mass., Sept. 9, 1871, $200. Pleasure Boy, Richmond Boy, 2:42, 2:41, 2:4.5. Alice, bm (3 :37'i), Geo. Davis, Tippecanoe, O., May 27, 1874. $ . Cassie NioklinS. 5, Gov. Frank, Kitty Clark, Michael (4 dD, Dan Shannon (3 dr). Halcorn (1 dis), 2:55, 2:51, 2:53, 2:49, 2:49, 2:51. J W. Harris, Sept. 23. 1874, .$ . Chalk Line. Dan Howell, 2:45, 2:55'/2, 2:45'.4. Pi((na, ()., June, 12. 1875. .$ . Cora, Fannv Bigsby, 2:46, 2:44, 2:42. Alice, I) m (3 :47'o), E. 1). (Julick, Scranton, Pa., Oct. 28, 1874, $100. Ben, Force Put (2 dis), 3:04, 2:56 2:56!4. 0< t. 29, 1874, .§250. Lady Throop, Ben, 2:47';2, 2:51. 2:49. Alice, gr m (3:53), S. A. Bennet, Fleetwood Park, N. Y., June 22, 1875, $150. Capt. Jinks 1, Harry of the West, 2, 2:.52, ?:51, 2:.52'4, 2:.52, 2:5.3. Alice, eh in (3 :40'/2), W. W. Cross. Bridgewater, Mass., Sept. 23, 1875, $175. Little Gent, Caoutchouc, Deacon, Rosa, 2:40' 5. Alice, br in (3:49), L. B. Fordney, Mobile, Ala., April 3, 1876, $100. Nubbin Ridge 1, Dick Abrams, Ladv Bates, 2:4.5, 2:49';, 2:49 2:51. Aiiril 18, 1876, .silOO. Ladv Bates 1, 2, Farley's br s Nubbin Ridge, 2:5214. 2;m% 2:.50i4, 2:50M, 2:.50?4. Alice, eh m (3 :45), E. Pvle, New Hunting I'ark, Phila., Sept. 13 and 14, 1876, $200. Golddust 4, 5, Pete Manee (1 0) George Hicks, 2':45, 2:50, 2:47i4, 2:4.5, 2:4.3'o, 2:45(2. Haninionton, N. J., Sept. 21, 1876, $100. S;iiii French 1, Sally F., Geo. M. Patchen, 2:52"2, 2:52'i, 2:48, 2:47'/2. Alice, I) III (3 :38), by Abraham, dam the 'J'ownsciul mare, by Ethan Allen. H. J. Lucas, Reno, Nev., Sept. 12, 1876. .?600. Tom Slorgan. Sweet Briar, Mav Boy (2 dis), 2:34V'2, 2:34';., 2:37. Alice, b ni (3 :39), by Cock of the Rock (?) A. Noel, Montreal,.P. Q., Aug. 8, 1877, $100. Drummer Boy, Camors, l"*l'itle 2:30 2*3.3 2*29. Aug. 9, 1877, .Siob.' ' Pride 2, Camors, Captain, 2:31. 2:34. 2:30. 2:32. Alice, ch m (3 :59H), ISIr. Saville, Iximpasas, Tex., Aug. 24. 1877, $100. Dexter (1 dis), Sunday (1 dis), 2*..59^i. Alice. (3:40\ A. Walton, Lynn, Mass., July 4, 1877, $100. Messenger Drew l.Ladv Norton, Ocular, 2:46, 2 46"2,2:46'4. 2:4<). Alice, b ni (3 -.as^i ), N. T. Dessault. Lvndonville, \t.. Sept. 5. 1878, $150. Geo. W. Wilkes, Volunteer Girl, Black Johnny, Young Colnmbus, Ladv Fulton, 2:44, 2:40' r., 2:48. Sept. (i, 1878. S:m. Black Johnny. Volunteer Girl. Patchen Star, Lady Fulton, 2:38?i, 2:43, 2:.50. Alice. 1) 111 (3:30',), l)y H. W. Genet.M. A. Skinner, Dover, N. H., June 11, 1879, $150. Onawa, Belle Davis, Black Diamond. Comet, Annie E. 2:.36, 2*.34. 2:.'!.5^. Taunton, Mass., Sept. 25. 1879, .$2(X). Kitty Morris 1, Tom Pink, Onawa, Capt. Darcy (3 dr), 2:33's, 2:33, 2:;{2!i.2:3;{. Cambridge. N. Y., July 2, 1880, .«!200. Minnie Ide .3, Sligo. Kittv Ives. Joe S.. 2:.^5, 2:.3,5Vi. 2:,38, 2:;i6. Alice, bm (3 :34^), J. Carlin, Montgomery City, Mo., Sept. 23. 1880, $2.50. Big .ke. Stick, Little Frank, 2:40'/,, • U:."?(i>ij 2:39. . . ' Alice, blk m (3 :43^), A. Maxwell, West Chester, Pa., June 10, 1880, $90. Reckless, Lady Mace, 2:45»/j, 2:441^, 2 42'.i. Alice, gr m (3 :50\ B. Manims. Sherbrook, P. Q., June 22, 1882, $ino. Honest Tom 3, Honest John, Lady Elm- wood, 2'.50';, 2:.50, 2:.50i4, 2:.50"',. Alice Addison, gr m (3:33'i), bv Almont. dam by Alexander's Norman, W. Scattcrgood, Middletown, Del., St'pt. 21. IKHO, .$250. Spunkv. Sleepv Dave. 2:.39; 2:.37'i. 2:41'^. ,. t j M. llodge, Elkton. Md.. Oct. 13, 1880, .«!17.5. Country Boy Sleepy Dave, Republic. Annie v ., Alice, Judge (I (lis). •.':l6',,2i45'.'..2:47'.. \V. Sciittergood. New Hunting Park. Phila., Aug. 24. 1882, $ . Fashion, 2:48>.i, 2:48, 2:4.5. S(M)t. 14. 1882, .«;2no. Fashion. Li/-/it. rMfcluMi. 2:42i,. 2:42''.|. 2:42*4. Elkton. Md.. Oct. 3. 1882. $250. jMav Flower. 2:.59, 2:46, 2:46-'{. W. A. Cleaver. Dover. Del.. Sept. 26, 188.3. .$2,50. Albert France, Oliver F., Mamie Kiernan, Idlewlld (2 dis), 2:;j.5, 2:34'.4. 2:;).5'.i. Sept. 28, 1883, $2.50. Frank Patchen 2, Molly Mack (3 0), 2:35>.i. 2:.35, 2:34'i, 2:.34'4, 2:.^5^^s. Elkton, Md., Oct. 4, 188,3, $2.50. Mamie Kiefnan 1, Orange Bov, Lady Aitken, Frolic, 2:40. 2:.34M, 2:a3;4, 2*..36';. Alice Almont, b m (3 :14>/jX by Almont Pilot, R. W. Ludington, Lawrence, Kan., Sept. 3, 1883, $100. Ficco, Selma P., 3:35%,, 3:37'/j. Two-year-olds. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 15 ■ Topoka, Kan., Sept. 13. 1883, SlOO. Picco, Selnia P., 3:39'2. 3:U'4. Two-year-olds. Alice Baker, b m (3 :5iV2), Mr. Johnson, Lexington, O., Aug. — , 1874, § . Red Hawk, Little Jimmy, Dr. Uusll,3:01,2:54'4. Alice Blackwood, b m (3 :3l}i), by Blackwood, dam Emeline, by Henry B. Patchen, E. W. Conover, Mount Holly, N. J., Oct. 9, 1878, $sr). Laoy Mack 1, 2, Bob Ray, Purity, Nettie T. (3 dis), Chelsea (3 dis), 2 ;58, 2 -MM, 2:54. 2:59^4,2:57. Four-year-olds. E.W. Conover, Waverly.N. J., Sept. 18, 1883, $200. Jessie 1, Handsome Lambert. Lady Poindexter, Whirlwind. Topsy, George Wilkes, Victor, Belle Medium, Sleepy Chief (2 dis), 2:36%i. 2;36i4, 2:37, 2:37!4. Plainfield, N. J., Sept. 26, 1883, $300. Leon Boy, Revenger, Whirlwind. 2.34^4, 2:35, 2:36'/2. Sept. 27, 188:5, .«;300. Addie E. C. Cup, Little Mac. Handsome Lambert, 2:34'/2, 2 :.31'4, 2:3434- Mt. Hollv. N. J., Oct. 11, 1883, .«2.50. Mamie Kiernan l, 2, Lady Independence, Isaac, Maud (5 dr). Lance- wood (4 dr), 2:36, 2:34M. 2 :34Vj 2:341^4, 2:.38. Oct. 12. 1883. .'$300. Juno 1, 2. Laiicewood. Mayflower, Mamie Kiernan, 2:34>.2, 2:35, 2:.31i;i, 2:.36, 2:.34. Alice Brown, ch m (3:38), Dan Mace, Parkville, L. L.May 21, 1873, .§200. Slippery Dick, Butterfly, Molly Barker, Brandy. 2 :43, 2 :40, 2 :43. IMay 27, 1873, $ . Jack Draper, Butter Ball. Billv, 2:38, 2 :40, 2 :40. Alice Darville, ch m (3 :44%). (3 -A^^^ s), Hiram Woodruff, Centreville, L. I., May 13, 1840. .f 100. Helen Mc- Gregor, Lelia, 5:294, 5:35. Two Miles. (s), May 14. 1840. $100. Don Juan, 3:25'4. 5:,36. Two miles. (s), Juiie 12. 1840, .$.50. Don Juan (1 dis), 5:27'/,. Two miles. Alice East, (3 :40), Eminence, Ifv-., Aug. 12. 1879, $.300. Geo. Curtiss. Annette, Golddust, 2:4oy2. 2:40, 2:40M. Alice Garret, (3 :36^4), Mr. McDonald, San Francisco. Cal., June 15, 1877, $150. Topsy 1, 2, (5 0), Cairo (5 0), Patchen Girl, Lady Lightfoot, 2:37V2, 2:3G. 2:36l^i, 2:38. 2:38, 2:42. Alice Gray, gr m (3:46), James Whelpley, Centreville, L. I., Aug., 17, 1852, $30. Fanny Kemble, L. S. Jr., 2:.51, 2:46, 2:.51. Union Course, L. I., Aug. 27, 18.52, .$500. Gen. Wool, o:36V«, 5:35. Two miles. H. F. Jones, Oct. 19, 18.54. .$1,000. Dutchess. 2:.50, 2:47'/2, 2:.51. Alice Gray, grm (3:55), Wm. Sheldon, Norwalk, O., Oct. 29,1864, $25. Frank, Strong's b m (3 dr), blk 3 (2 dr)."Aker's br s (1 dis), 3:09, 2:55, 2:.57. Alice G ray, gr m (3 :40?4 ), T. Trimble, Fleetwood Park, N. Y.. June 27, 1873, $100. Sorrel Jake, 2 :40?4. John Murphy, June l, 1874, $1,000. Even John, 2:49, 2:59, 2:.52. (W), P. Fleming, Dec. 5, 1875, .§200. Tin l, 2:5.5, 2:.56, 2:55, 2:,5.5. Alice H., b m (3 :53), by Quien Sabe, dam bv Blue Dale, Sargent Bros., Salinas. Cal., Oct. 3, 1883, $150. Patchen May, Al Sanborn, Bill Cody (2 dr), 2:54, 2:53^4, 2:53. Alice Lane, rh m (3 :33i4), W. M. farrish, Petersburgh, Va., Oct. 20, 1875, $a50. Red Bird (1 0), Forager 2, (3 dis), Ugly Dutchman (3 dis), Fenian Boy (2 dis), Maggie Duval (2 dis), Slippery Jane (1 dis), 2:54, 2:51, 2:49, 2:.52'4.2:.53. Richmond, Va., July 12, 1876, $50, Kate, Forager (2 dr). Little Dick (1 dis). 2:48i'o. 3:02, 3:12. T. Curtis. Washington, D. C, May 3, 1878, .$200. Jersey Boy 1, 2, Gilt Edge, Capt. West, Damon (2 dis), 2 :45' » . 2 :42, 2 :39, 2 :40, 2 :41 . 'P. Driscoll, Cornwall, N. Y.. Oct. 9, 1879. $1.50. Nelly Ely, Nora M., Pinafore. 2:36, 2:36, 2:37. ■ J. W. Driscoll. .Jersey City, N. J., July 13, 1882, $150. Juno4, 5, Lydia K 2, (5 r o ), 2:37;4, 2:37,2:39?4, 2:42'.;. 2:42, 2:39'2. Alice May, rn m (3:40). H. F. Morrison, Danvers, Mass., Aug. 8, 1883, $ . F. B., Milton, Esther F., Kittv R. (2 dr), Robert B. (2 dr), Nancy (5 dr), 2:4414, 2:41^4, 2:40. Aug. 9. 1883, $2.50. Willy, Lady Glbney, Dawn, Clara Belle, Barber Boy, Queen Anne, 2:44%, 2 :44, 2:44Ji. Aug. 10. 188:3, $250. Bellone l. Charlev Knox. F. B.. Prospect. 2:40, 2:41, 2:43. 2:41'4. Alice 3Ieclium, b ill (3 :39i4), by Happy Medium, dam Belle Boyd, by Sherman Black Hawk, A. Goldsmith, Altoona, Pa., Sept. 30, 1880, ,$400. .Modoc 3, .Mamlirino Grit 1, 2, (6 dis). Dr. McLaughlin, Jim Schultz (5 dr). Lady Windsor (2dr), 2:37^4, 2:36'4, 2,:37=^, 2:37'4, 2:38'4, 2:41 9£. Lewistown. Pa., Oct. 7, 1880, $300. Modoc 1, (3 0), Mark Twain, Dr. McLaughlin, 2:38'.;, 2:36M, 2:37Ji, 2:38^4,2:38. o . - » Washington, D. C, May 5,1881, .$500. INIodoc 1, (2 0), Kismet (2 0),Mattle Graham, Fringe, Trump, AVllite Stocking, 2 :29'4, 2:30. 2:30, 2 :29'4, 2 :29'4. Pittsburgh, Pa., Sept. 30, 1881. .$350. Milo. 5 :06, 5 :13%, Two miles. Alice Gates, b m (3 :33i 2), by St. Lawrence (!), W. R. Merryfleld, Middletown, Del., Sept. 19,1882, $150. Oliver F. Tempest, Kate. Lulan, Fanny R., Delmont, Nancy Hall (4 dr). May S. (1 dis), Bay (1 dis), Alice Medium (1 dis), 2:37^, 2 :.36i4, 2:39. Sept. 20, 1882, $200. Lulan 1, 2, Tempest, Oliver F., Cyclops (5 dr), Addie G. (2 dis). May S. (2 dis), Alice Medium (1 dis). 2:39'4, 2:.37i4, 2:38!^4. 2 :39k. 2:44. Dover. Del., Sept. 28, 1882, $15. Katie Medium, Fanny R.. Young Smuggler, 2:40, 2:40i4, 2:40. Sept. 29, 1882, $200. Lulan 1 , Bay, May S. (1 dis), 2 :37,' 2 :37, 2 :39' ; , 2 :39. Elkton, Md., Oct. 3, 1882, $200. Lulan. Addie G. 2:43, 2:47, 2:.39'2. Oct. 5, 1882, $200. Jim Harp 1, 4, Lulan 5, Alice Addison, Bay Chief, 2:34?i, 2:36^2, 2:36?4, 2:37'4, 2:36^, 2 : .32 '2 . Alice .S., (3 :59). L. D. Converse, Mechanicsburg, O.. Sept. 13, 1883. $135. Willoughbv 1, 4. Whippel, Jr., George K.. Col. Dan (5dr), Washington, Jr. (4r o), Peter Kline (1 dis). 2:.59M. 2:59'/». 2:.59. 2:54. 2:59. AliceStoner, bm (3:34i2). by Strathmore, dam Ned, by Berklev's Ned Forrest, Macy Bros., Frankfort, Ky., Sept. 3. 1878, .$ . Fringe. Honest Ethan, Best time 2:30' ... — Sharpsburgh, Ky., Aug. 3, 1881. .$2.50. Rosa Wilkes, Mvsterv 2:3i?4, 2:3694, 2:34?4. Aug. Ki. 1882, $135. .Stranger. 2:39. 2:34, 2:29'^. Oynthiana, Ky., Aug. 24. 1882, $300. Boneset, Mysterji, Paris. Defender, 2:42:2:39. 2:3894. Lexington, Ky., Aug. 29, 1882, .$500. Judge Hawes 1, 2, Catch Fly, Tucker, Stranger (5 dis), 2:27K2, 2:25'/2, 2:2714, 2:29' 2, 2:24'. T T. J. Snyder. Sharpsburg, Ky., Aug. 10, 1883, $.500. France's Alexander, Judge Hawes. John R. 1, (4 dr), 2:38. 2:37, 2:34, 2 ::i6'.. Alice Taylor, b m (3 :30), by Hero of Thorndale. dam by Peavine, Gus. Gliddeu, Grand Rapids, Mich., June 24. 1881, $600. Lucrece. Fringe. Spiiiella. Shoney, 2:38. 2:.34. 2:335^. Ionia, Mich.. June 28. 1881, .$600. Willis Woods, Rachel, Rockton, Geo. K. (2 dis). General Russ (2 dis), 2:30'i.2:3O'2,2:30. Alice West, blk in (3:36), by Almont. dam Young Kate by McDonald's Mambrino Chief. E. F. (ieers. Cincin- nati. O., June :30, 1877, $l,ooo. Keene Jim 2, 3, Romance, Kentucky Wilkes, Sut Lovingood, Lassie (5 dis), 2:3214, 2:35, 2:34, 2:33, 2 :;J1 14. Fleetwood Park, N. Y., Sept. 8 and 10. 1,S77. .$950. Sir Walter l, 2, Hogarth 3. May Medium (4 dr), 2:34M, 2:.34. 2:.3.5. 2:.37. 2:3414. 2:33. ' . fe Montgomery. Ala., Nov. 4. 1877. .$2.50. Spider .3. Lady Turpin, 2:41i.i. 2:40?4. 2:41'4. 2:4.3. Adrian, .Mich.. June 5. 1878. .$.500. Little Jake. C. W.' Woollev, Kentiickv Central, 2:33, 2:31, 2:^1. (W) Athuita. Ga., Oct. 26, 1878, $.50. Chieftain. Scotts' Thomas, 2:41, 2:.35?4, Alice West, bm (3 :00), W. Burton, Hillsboro. O , Oct. 6, 1882, $ . Buckeye, Jr., Norris, 3:10, 3:00, 3:03. Ihree-vear-olds. Alicia Mandeville, b m (3 :37), C. H. Shear, Sacramento, Cal., Oct. 17, 1864, $250. Brown Mack. Ben Frank- lin. 2:441/2, 2:50, 2:531/2. Four-year-olds. 16 CHESTEK'S {'OMIM^ETE Tm)TTIN(} AND PACING UBCOKl). £ '".f ranclsco, Cal., Oct. IG, 1806 ■? . Sorrel Cliarlcy l (4 o), Jenny N'oyos (4 0), 2:41,2:37, 2:38, 2-40-, r :40"2. AlidaE, p:v ni(3i52'i), A. H. Allen & C<^ Providence, R. I.,M.iy :M875,S.'50. ( lien .5. 4. Roxle2,2:55^j. -.63%. 2 r>S 2'52'.i 2 52'4 2'r>4 Alide, b~nM3:00),K FVster,Attii'a,N. Y., Sept. 11, 1879. ?r)0. St, James, Mafixle Kcm-y 3:0; 3K)0. Fowr- voar-olds Alien Almont, b ni (!J :31)'.i), by Uanilius Almoiit, Jr.. K. F. Myi rs l'liil;ulrlplila, P.i . Sept. 12, 1^83. .?2r)0. Feli.\ 1. 2, Deenier .3, 5, Bessie M , Karnest (5 dr). Little iJilly i") dr;, Col. II. i2(lis) Lady Belli (2 disi, Annie C. (1 dis), 2 41, 2 301.1, 2 39"., 2 .W, 2 41'.i, 2 43'/2. ■ Sept 14, 1883, .■5i200. Clay l, Turk, Mambriiio i'll J^ Jr., Lady B( lie. 2 39'4. 2 4.'j 2 39U, 2.34'i. AUaliue. (3 :08'i ). Oivgon. 111., Sept 18, 1883. .H^. Sleepy Sam. Reward. ■'> Wli. 3 10. Kour-year olds. Allan I'"., hlk s (3;'^'4) vV. H Foster. .Marion, U . 0>l :!. I8W,*«0. Kate. Bed Eagle, :5:38'/2. •« 22 Allan <;ardncr. eh g (3 :40'.2), Charles S. Oreen, I'n^peit l^ark, L. I , Nov l.->, 1879, $1ikj. Patty Lath. 2:40'/2. 2:42. Allan Roy, gr g (3 :33) by Patclicn Vernon J. McCord. Santa Cruz, Cal , Aug 2 and 3, 1 W *J(X). Viab 1,2, Big Lize H ^4 0). 2;2t>>.,. 2:2G'.,, 2:24'4, 2:27. 2:27'2. 2:.32, 2:27. • Oakl;in(l, Cal., Sept. (;. i«8.!. .•^7.")0. Bay Frank (l dis). 2:23. J. \V. DcMiatiiaii. Saeniniento.Cal.. Sept. II, I88.i. .i< 1.000. Bay Frank 1, Barney B., 2. 25, 2. 28 2. 24' i, 2. 2854. Stoektou. ( al.. Sept \'.i. iKs;i, ,'ji,200. Bay Frank. Big Lize (1 dis), Banicy B. radis). 2-26'. Alleghany Boy, rn s (3;37i.i). by Wood's Ilaniblctoiiian, J. Wood. Elniira. N Y . Juuj 27. i878 $400. Robert, 3:07i;i, 3:llVi, 3:069i. Four-year-olds. Cuba, N. Y., Sept 26, 1878. §100. 'Star i, Irvie I.e.c 4, Leon Boy, J. B. Stannard, 3:02. 3:05, .t:00, 1:03. 2.5(j. A. J. Coldren, Olean, N. Y., June 2.5, 1880, ,§500. Brown Tom 2, 3, Tmi 4 Ned Norns, Bay Jimmy r2uis). Parole (2 dr), Minnehaha (2 dis). 2::}7'.i. 2:;«, 2:389.t. 2:37i.i, 2:371/;. 2 3:). Salamauea, N. Y.. July l, 1880, .^.300. Tim 3, 4, Brown Tom 1, Mabel :\Lambrino, Daisy Pearl, 2^M%, 2.38 2:38, 2:; ;s, •j.:-t7i;. 2:;}9 I'roiihetstomi, 111., Aug. r,. 1880. S;2.'jO. Mambrlno Chief, Jr 2, Fanny Fern <\ )), Sam Patch (l 0), Sleepy Ned. -Minnie Warren, Malvina. Siu-pnse, Cneket (.5 dr). Emma ]\faxwell (3 dr'. 2:34^. 2.iiM, 2,34H, 2:36',2. ■ Meiidota. 111., Aug. 10, 1880. .S400 Lucy 2, Young Buchanan 1. Charley Douglass. Capt Herod, Happy. Marv Miller, Granger (5 dr). James L. (2'dr). 2:31li, 2-31'.2, 2:32V.i, 2 33, 2-37»/2. Bradford, Pa., JUme 16, 1881, .ssoo. Flora F, 5, 7, Fitzgerald 2, 6, Tola 4, 9. Valiant 1 7 dr\ Ilosewjjd. Alice Medium (5 dr). Jack (r, dr), 2:33'4, 2:3394,2:34, 2:33!i, 2-3o, 2 35'/2. 2,33^4. 2:37^4 2.35 2.39/2. J. Hounstean, Pittsburgh, Pa.. Oct. 15 and 17, 1881, $500 John N 1,2, Frank Ross +. Mil >. Eloho, Val- iant, 2:;«'4. 2:31'4, 2:;«. 2:33,2:35?4. 2:42^. A. J. Colclren. Bradford, Pa., June 12, 1883, $500. Kit Sandford 2, Empress, May Biid. Lulan (2 dis), 2:32>4. 2:32'4' 2:32'/^, 2:3l'/2. June 15. 1883, $500. Nellie G. (3 0), Bonnie I/., Lady Lear. Liuly Scud, 2:32»/2.2;32V4 2.31 »4, ^.szh H. Brown, Newport, R. I., Sept. 18. 1883. $3.50. Archie. Commissioner (i dis), 2 31, 2;34U, -':31H A. . I. Coldren, Boston, Mass, Oct. 31, and Nov. 1, 1883, $400. Vision!, 4, Earl .% Westover. Fannie Ir- win. 2 28. 2 :28i4, 2 ■.27^%, 2 :29'/2, 2 :29'/2. 2 :30Vo, 2: 2714. Allen, b g (2 :28k), by Woodward's Etlian Allen, Jr.. W. W. Allen. Rock Island. Ill , Sept, 3, ls74, $175. Kitty Strattoii (2 0) Troublesome (2 0), Alexis, 2:48!'2, 2:47^2, 2:43, 2:45V2. F. Boyd, Earlville, 111,, Aug. 24, 1875, $400. James L. 1. 4 (G dis), ,Josh Billings 2, 5 (.0 dis) Lady Logan, Bismarck, Badger (4 dr),Manon (3 dis), BiilyWasson (2 dr), HiU-ry B. (1 dis), 2:332i 2:32'/2 2:34 2:36%. 2::W4.2:39. Aug. 26..1875, $3.50. Capt. Jack, Wonder, Belle Brown. McHenry (2 dis, 2 34M, 2 :37y2. 2 ;40{4 Cincinnati, O., Oct. 9, 1875, $2,000. Billy Yeazell, Gustie, Deception (3 dis). Lizzie Davis (.3 dis), Phoebe C. (3 dis), 2 :33, 2 :36'/2, 2 :35. Beloit, Wis., Sent. 21. 1876, .$260. Frank Davis, liickorv. Bacchus B.. 2:35 2.33'/2, 2.37' i Allen, grg (3:36), m: Goodin, Woodbury, N. J., June 3, 187.5. $250. Coal Mine Jack Dunn, Modoc Lady Allen, George Hicks, Dolly T., Little Nell (3 dis), Lsabel (idis), 2:41V=. 2 3914 2-37?i Ambler Park, Pa,, June 8, ls75. .$.500. Patterson Girl, Maggie Midway, Coal Mine, Dolly V . Geo. Uicks, Little Nell (3 dr). Rose Allen (3 dr), 2:,37. 2:39. 2:38. Salem, N. J., June 22, 1875, $4.50. Modoc, Modoc, Coal Mine, 2:37k, 2:37, 2:37?^. .fune 24, 1875, $300. Lady Goodin, Modoc, Champion Morrill, Rainbow (Idis), Joe Hooker (1 dis), 2:06, 2 '40 2 41 Allen, (3 -SO), Mr. Foster, Pontiac, Mich., June 2, 1875, $275. Chestnut Billy 1, 2, Mary H. 3, Clifton, Hollow Neck, 2:.50k,2:50'/2, 2:.51. 2:50, 2:51'/j, 2:51k- ,. , ,„ .„.„,. hine :!, 1875, ,$300. Wild Bill 1, Clifton, Empress Girl, Mary H. (4 dr). Gray Alice (1 dis),2 :52, 2 .52, 2:50>/2. Allenr'b g (3 :00), Mr, Blossom, New Dorp, S. I., Aug.G, 1877, .$200, North Shore l, 4, 3:19, 3:00, 3: 04 '.2.3: 0.5.3:02. Allen, (w), bg (3:49 w\ F..L Beri-v. Chicago, III., Aug. 25, 1875, $ . Pat Malloy (w), 1, Silver Duke (w). Ladv Davis (w). Major (w), Dictator (w), 2:49?;^, 2:50, 2:49. Allen Boy, (2:56), Manistee. Mich., July 5. 1875, $ . Michigan, Modoc, 3:00, 2-56, 3:00. Alien Boy, b g R. Daggett, Hamburgh, ^(. Y., Sept. 17, 1878. $100. Flora Phillips 3, Alabel A., Robert lulton. No time. Yorkshire Centre, N. Y., July 4, 1879, .$ . Herald. AVilly Wonder. No time. ,, . o All.-niie, Hoosier Sam (I (lis), 2:.5G. 2:58, 2-.58'/2 ,. .^, ^. Allen 11., r-i :4G'i), Mr. Jeiikinson, Seaforth, Out., Sept. 12, 1882, $'22,5. Ralph B , Comet (1 disi. No time. London, Out,. Sept. 20, 1882, $ . Ralph B. 1, 2, 2:47k, 2:43"2, 2:46'2, 2:49. . Allen'H Bay Gelding, (3:50), A. A. Allen, Newark, N, ,J., Sept. 1«, 1873. $1.50. Ezra J., Edward Allen, Troja 2, 4, (5 dis), Rye (4 dr). Chandler's mare (3 dr). Boss Bell (3 dr), Nelly (3 dr), 2:50, 2:.52?4, 2:50%i. 2:51, 2 '.51 '2 AUen'K Black .Stallion, (2 :38'/2), Mr. Allen, Norwalk, Conn., Sept. 29, 1870, $85. Tweed's b s 1, Kate, 2:40, 2*40'/4 ''-.'JS'i ''■40k AlIeii'M Gray Mare, (^ :57), J. E. Allen, Mineola, L. I., June 22, 187G, $100. Ball, Sporter, 2:.57, 2:58kj 2:57'4. Allen NhankleKH, ch si3:59?4), by Eth;in Allen, dam by Kentucky Gray, Foster Bros., Rockville. Ind.. Aug. 1,{, 1881,$ . Bay Frank, Black Dan, .i:.5i»3i. 4:08, 4:1,5. ., , , ,, Allen'H Knox, blk s (3 :39'/2), by Gen. Knox (?) J. Allen, Dixlleld, Me., June 7, 1881, $.50. Adelaide. G>p y, 2:55, 2:.58, 2:.50. June 8, 1881, .$50. Lummax. Maggie Morrill, Kittv Fearnaughl, Gypsy (2 dr), 2:.50, 2:51, 2:50V4 , , ., ^ , 1. Allen, Farrlngton, Me., .June 15, 1883, .$80. Ilarryl, 3, Snowbird, llarrv B. Knox, Nemo (5 dr), 2:42, 2 'SU^ 2*40 2*39*4 2*42 Alley, i) g(3 :i93, by Vohinteer, dam by New York Black Hawk, A. Goldsmith. Woodbury, N. J.. Oct. 21. 1875, .$700. Mary Jane 2. Lady Burgel, Afodoc. American Boy. Hermit (2 dis), 2:40, 2:38',4, 2:37?i. 2:.35. Elniira. N. Y.. June l.J, 187G, .$7CK), Redstone 1. Barbara Knox, Lady Mills. Luther, Joseph A., Reuben. Orange Billy (4 dr). Happy Joluu4dr), Draper (3 dr), 2:33, 2 :32'/2, 2:35k. 2 :.35y2. „ „ ... ..„. Poughkeepsie, N. V., June 20, 1876, .$7.50. Bay 2. Carrie N., Big Fellow, Steve Maxwell, Vivandier , Reuben, Uncae Dave, Bessie. Pondietta, Plymoutfi (2 dis), 2.28?i, 2:30?i, 2:31 ^i^, 2:32'/2. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 17 ^— — June 21, 187G, SSOO. Euisnia 2, Harry Spanker 1, Melissa, Jericho, Reuben, 2:30, 2:30, 2:29, ^.M. — Mav 23. 1877, .$800 Favorite, Columbia Chief, Tom Moore, Harry Gilbert, Big Fellow, FaiV tvballali (2 (lis), 2:29, 2:27?i,2:;«). i #*' ■ — Hudson. N. Y., June 11, 1877, 3:500. Columbia Chiefl, (3 0), Clover, 2:33, 2:33, 2 :32i4, 2:33, 273314 — Albany, N. Y., June 21. 1877. $:m). Ben Smith 1, 3. Herbert^S dis). 2:31?4, 2:38, 2:37'/^, 2:40 2-3914. — Pouiilikceiisie. N. ¥., July 4, 1877. §400. Harry Gilbert 1, Columbia Chief, 2:271,4, 2:28, 2:20';, •>-29i4 — S|)rini,'lielii. Mass.. July 11, 1877, .ti2,50(). Damon 1, King rhilip 4, West Liberty, Dan Bryant, Carri „ , Carrie N., .'4, 2 :24. • Sutfolk Park, Pliila., May 17, 1878, $400. Susie Parker 2, Billy Ray 1, Lady Blessington, 2:30, 2:32, 2:29^, ^ BeTiiiont Park, Phila., May, 25, 1878, §400. Susie Parker, Billy RaVj Irene. 2:28. 2:26. 2:30'i. — Pi-ospect Park, L. I., June 7, 1878, SGOO. Vulcan 2, 3, Geo. B". Daiuels (1 O), Nellie Irwin (1 0). Modestv Spotted Colt (5 dr). Lillv (5 dr), 2:264, 2 -.'ZGYi, 2:27^, 2 :27, 2:27, 2:27!^. ^' Providence, R. I., June 13 and 14, 1878, #600. Trampoline 4, Geo. B. Daniels -1, Vulcan, Wild Lily. 2-25 2:214. 2:25. 2:24',. 2:24?i. Plaiuville, Conn., July 16, 1878, .•#400 Geo. B. Daniels, 1, Anodyne, Result, Queechy Maid 2:27 2 "7 2 •"7 2:26>i. Newark, N. J., Sept. 19, 1878, $500. Mountain Maid, Chauncey M. Bedle, 2:35, 2:35, 2:35".. — Lyons, N. Y.. June 11, 1879, $400. Tom Keeler, Sussex, Cooioo, 2:30. 2:32, 2:30'i. Geneva, N. Y.. June 18, 1879, .$400. Tom Keeler. Sussex, Cooioo, 2:30, 2:30i.i„ 2?27'2. Chicago, 111., July 25, 1879, 2,000. Deck Wright 4, Rose of Washington 3, Lida Bassett, Russ Ellis (5 disl Monroe Chief (4 dis), G. T. Pilot (1 dis), 2:19, 2:2014, 2:219i, 2:2314, 2:22?4. ' Utica, N. Y., Aug. 21, 1879, $2,000. Tom Keeler, Harry Gilbert, Star, Gray Salem, Gray Chief, Lida Bas- sett (3 dr), 2 :22, 2 :22, 2 :23. Hartford, Conn., Aug. 28, 1879, $2,000. Emma B. 3, Steve Maxwell 2, Star, Gray Chief (4 dis), 2:2m. 2-2414. 2:23,2:23^,2:2514. Beacon Park, Boston, Mass., Sept. 3 and 5, 1879, $2,000. Capt. Emmons 2, 5, Sheridan l, Mary Russell Jersey Boy (4 dr), 2:23, 2:234, 2:24, 2:234, 2:2o, 2:24. < j , Columbus, O., May 26, 1882, $800. Voltaire, J. B. Thomas 2:254, 2:254, 2:26. Olean, N. Y., June 23, 1882, $500. Lady Brownell, Big John, Leontine, 2:254, 2:254, 2:25?4. Albany, N. Y., Sept. 29, 1882 $800. Humboldt 1, 2:274, 2:.'50, 2:29, 2:30. W. L. Daniels, Cortlandt. N. Y., June 22, 1883, $300. Lulu F.. Clover, Lena, 2:31, 2:20%, 2-27?4 Alley, ch g (3:0314), J. W. Ford, Concord. N. H., Oct. 3, 1878, $100. Princess 2, 4. Eva 1, Bessie Dean U dr). 3:11, 3:074, 3j07, 3:02, 3:04, 3:034- Allie, b m (2 :34!4), Miller & Peters, Frankfort, Ky., Sept. 8, 1877, $300. lago 1, Zeph\T, 2:.52, 2:44. 2:55 2-47 Allie, ch g (3 :30), M. S. Williams, Grafton, N. H., Sept. 27, 1882, $50. Fraiik A. l. Golden Kite, Geo. H.. Babv Boy (2 dr), 2 :50, 2 :51, 2 :51, 2 :50. •' J^Jept. 28, 1882, $125. Black Jack 1, Little Harry, Star Gazer, 2:46, 2:.50, 2:50, 2:50. Allie B., ch g (3 :44), S. Hayes, Mansfield, Mass., June 9, 1876, $ . Camors. No time. Beacon Park. Boston. Mass.. July 8, 1876, $150. Blackbird 3.4, Timid, 2:50, 2:45, 2:44, 2:46. 2-45 ■ Sept. 16, 1876, $100. Ironsides l, Abdallah 2 (5 dr), 2:.50, 2:49J£, 2:44,2:45, 2:46. Allie B., ch m See & Brighi;, Montgomery City, Mo.. Sept. 26, 1882, $60. Joe Lane. No time. Allie Bonner, b s, (3:04), by Startle, E. Duryea, Mnieola, L. I., Sept. 27. 1882, $30. No Name 2. Eclipse (2dr), 3:08, 3:05. 3:04. • E. Duryea, Mineola, L. I., Sept. 27, 1883, $30, Jupiter. King Richard, 3:17. Four-year-olds. Allie Clark, b m (3 :45), Wilcox & Griffen, Warren, O., Oct. 12, 1877, $200. Toge, Dewdrop, Harry, John 2-45. 2:4C%C, 2:46. 1, .>, , , Allie F., b m (3:504), S. Fleming, Sullivan, 111., Aug. 10, 1881, $100. Nettie R, Sister, Daisy Young (3 dr). Tramp (2 dr), 3:02, 3:09, 3:124. ' = ^ /> ■ Charleston, 111., Aug. 5, 1882, $1.50. Buffalo Bill, Joe Davis, Gray Eagle, Dan, 2 :53'/», 2:5214, 2:5014 Allie Forest (3:55), J. N. Phelps, Carlinville, 111., Sept. 3, 1878, $100". Capt. Jones, Little Joker, 3:12k;, 3:01, 2:55. Three-year-olds. Allie H., ch m (3 :57), W. Jenkinson, .larvis. Out., June 13, 1883, $75. Brooklyn Boy, George B.. 2:57, 3:03, 3:00. Allie AVest, blk s (3 :35). by Alinont, dam by Mambrino Chief, B. J. Treacy, Lexington, Ky., Oct. 23. 1873 $250. Ike Marvel, 1, (2 0), Wilkin Turpin (1 dis), 2:.59. 2:.59, 2:56^4, 3:064. Oct. 2, 1874, $850. Doble (1 dis). Clement (1 dis). Stiletto (1 dis). 2 :29' i. Four-year-olds. Allie Wilkes, b g (3 :354), by George Wilkes, dam by Almont. A. B. Cook, Macon, Ga., Oct. 31, 1879, $200. John M. 1, J. Kemble Jackson, 2:37, 2:404, 2:42, 2:44. W. R. Bass, Richmond, Va., Nov. 1. 1883, .$400. Edward H., Charley Ross. Tornado, 2:394, 2:40. 2-AOK- Washington, D. C, Nov. 8, 1883, $200. Edward H., l. Blue Dick, Lady Bell, Hastings, Couiion (2 dis). 2:36, 2:35"3,2:37, 2:359^. " All Right, b g (3 :04), J. Ludlow. Secaucus, N. J., July 4, 1879, $75. Bella, Lady Curry, 3:10. 3:04. All Spots, sp g (3 :4:9U), Hiram Woodruff, Boston, Mass., June 24, 1850, $ . ' Dick Turpin, Johnny Carver, 5:391.2, 5 :.5.5. Two miles. AUston, b g (3 :36i4), W. Wellman, Beacon Park, Boston, June 26. 1871, $1,000. Ellen Tree (w), 2:52, 2:.54, 2:48. Sept. 22, 1871, $1,000. John Stewart, 1, 2:.35, 2 :.364, 2:364, 2:3714. Attleboro, Mass., Aug. 29, 1872, $700. Royal Mike 2, Mark Twain (3 dis), Geo. Hall 1 (3 r 0), 2:41, 2:43, 2:48.2:48,2:44. v /, , , Alma, b g (3 :57), J. H. Cranston, Sandy Hill, N. Y., Sept. 18, 1879, $65. Whippoorwill 1, Fred, Tarn O., Shanter (2 dr), 2 :.58, 2 :58, 2 :58, 2 :.57. Alma, br m (3 :38^4), by Hambletonian, dam Clara, by American Star, C. Backman, Morrisania, N. Y., Oct. 6, 1881,.$2(J0. Nellie Grant, 2:3514, 2:374, 2,33iy. Oct. 29, 1881. $200. 2 :324, 2 :28%. Alma to beat 2 :.30. Almo, ch m (3 :444), by Almont, J. B. Shockency, Lexington, Ky.. Sept. 1,1881, $300. A!)dallah Forest 2, Jay Bird, Evadne (4 dis). Chinchilla (2 dis), 2:52, 2:43ai, 2:444, 2:481^. Almonarch, b s (3 :3«Bli), by Almont, dam Hi by Asteroid, S. B. Thompson, East Aurora, N. Y., Sept. 23. 1881, $100. Lady Mack 1, 2. Panic, Capt. Thad, Harkaway (5 dr). 2:39, 2:46, 2:404, 2:43'/;, 2:45. W. B. McDonald. Detroit. Mich., June 30, 1883, $700. Cresco 2, Dr. Frank 1, Little Joe 3, Henderson, Amazon. \ ;dley Girl, Byron Cole, Zoe B,(6 dr), Carrie H (6 dr), 2:.33ii, 2:,31i4. 2:37, 2:36M„ 2:38i4, 2:3514. East Saginaw, Mich., July 6, 1883. $700. Dr. Frank 1, 3, Henderson 2, Zoe B., Little Joe (5 dr), 2:2814, 2 :30',i, 2:29, 2:2914, 2 :27?4, 2:31 1/0. Kalamazoo, Mich., July 13, 1883, $700. Henderson 2, 4, Belle F. 3, Zoe'B., Dr. Frank, 1 (5 dis), 2:28,2:2714, 2:294,2:29,2:264,2:2814,2:20. ./,,-*. Utica, N. Y., Aug. 24, 1883, $1,000. Independence 2, 3, 2:30, 2:31, 2:.30'4, 2:29, 2:.314. Almont b s (3:39?4), by Alexander's Abdallah, dam by Mambrino Chief, D. Swigert, Louisville Kv.. Oct. 27, 1868, $100. .Jack Conn (1 dis), 2:3994. Four-year-olds. Almont, brg, by Almont, P. F. Carter, Raleigh, N. C, Oct. 16, 1879, $12.5. Henry Clay 2. Silk Stocking. No time. Almont Boy, ch s (3 :344), by Almont, G. Smith, Hastings, Minn., Sept. 14, 1881,'$200. Topsy 2, Buckthorn, Black Prince, 2:40, 2:37, 2:384, 2:40. Almont Commander, ch s (3 :144), by Almont, R. F. Myers, Phillipsburg, Pa., July 5, 1883, $100. Billy Benn 3, Time Medium, l :43, 1 :40, l :.384, 1 :42. Four-year-olds and under. Half mile heats. Sept. 18, 1883, $100. Time Medium, Clayala, 1 :3l, 1 :30, 1 :25. Three-year-olds. Half mile heats. 2 18 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TUOTTIM; AM) I'AlING KEtOKD. Alniont Forest, oh s (3:0«). l)v Alinont, (lain l)v Joe DowiiiiiK, <'. AV. IMiillips. iMaiihattan, Kan., Out. 9, 1879, S100. Frank Stt-wart, Kvclinc IJluc Kov. :t:0 ami 6, iss:!, !^m. .loe Hooper 2, Alinont !\I. l, Coniniandcr, Hald (liiVf (2 disi. 2:.'fl, L":.!Oi», , , 2.;i2. stallions. Almont' Jr., 1) s (3 :2«), by Almont, dam by Edwin Forrest, .1. Hostick.Cohimbia, Tcnn.. .lulv 4, 1S74, .'«.T0(). .Ma>:j;l(' Woodford, Capt. .lenks, Mainbrino Yorkshiro, 2:.'Vi. .•!:01. — Nashville, Tenn., Aug. —. 1K7.5. .«!I(io. 2:29. To beat 2:40. Alniont, .Ir., b s (3 :3«), bv Alinont, dam bv JJloods HIack Il.iwk. Leonard & Maxw^-U. New Orleans, La., Mareli 4. tS7G, .S(J50. Monarch Klile, Nellie Mav. (!eii. Hood (.'! drt. 2::!794. 2:41?.;, 2:.^9';. C. .1. Hamlin, Dunkirk, N. V., Sept. .!, Ikso, .«4(KI. Lady .June 1, Valiant, Ladv Thorn. Little Koan, Mamie M.. 2::«J',. 2:;{,->'/j, 2:;«, 2:;{r.. Toledo. O., .Inne 2.{, 18K1. .'jSGOO. Katie D., Darlinfiton, Mainbrino Chief, .Jr., .Mambriiio Clav. Rert Shel- (hm. Redwood, I'eddler. Caviiga Chief, Lassie, 2::n'i, 2:30'2, 2:.30'i. ■ Columbus, ()., .June 2!), 18H1, Saoo. Darlington, Katv I)., Jilanche H., Mistletoe, Redwood. Lassie i2 (lis), 2:28';. 2:26, 2:27?ii. Alinont, Jr., Dr. Vail, Kocliellc, 111., Sept. IC, 188.3, .f . Kid 2 (.JO), 1 :44ii, 1 :41, 1 :41"2, 1:42'2, 1:40. Two- vear-olds. Half-mile heats. Alniont, Jr., (3:37*), .Jackson, Miss., Nov. 2, 1883, .•t!l2.'>. Buckthorn, Gen. Washington, 2:47, 2:.'Tr. Three- (|uarter mile heats. Alinont M.,bs(3:31), by Almont, Bloomington,, III., .July 1, 1882, $ . Bob 1, 2, Ike Shepherd 4, Main- brino Startle 3, .Jim Bowman, (!eo.\AV. .Ir. 2:4!)'-, 2:.'i(), 2:.'')2>2. 3:05, 2:57, '>:r>><, 2:4H. s. E. Rodgers, Springfield, ().. .Iihie s, 1883, S700. Minnie Wilkes 2, F. J. Purcell, Reynard, William T., Dell Evans (4 dr), 2:.'{5'i. 2:."J.5, 2:.Hi ,, 2:.r.. S:ibiiia, 0., Aug., 22, 1883, .r^KK). Little .Toe. Mohawk Chief, 3:10, 3:08V2, 3:10. Stallions. Alinont Maid, ch m I*. H. McNaiiiey, Robinson, 111,, Aug. 10,1878, $ . Rosa Bell, Tom McNeese (2 (In. No time. Alniont MorRan, b s (3 :01\ by Alniont, .Ir., Ves. Rogers, Hamilton, Ont., Oct. 6, 1881, .?l(X). Satan, Piloteer, ;::2o. 3:l7'i. 3:01. Stallions. AIiiKint Norman, b s (3 :43), bv Alniont, dam Norman ]\Iaid, bv Alexander's Norman. J. S. Pettus, Mobile, Al;i., .May 3. 1880. .SK55. Hattie Hardie 1. Maria Stewart. Geo. IIaskins(4 dis) jSlaggic Hughes (2 dis), Good Friday ci dis). Chief (2 dis), Ida Davis (1 dis), 2:.'j(!, 2:45, 2:48, 2:47';. Mav i>. 1880, .$1G5. Mary Stewart, .John M. (2 dis). No time. Alinont Kaven, bik s (3 :34'i4), by Alinont, dam by St. Lawrence.. J. B. Hatcher, Tipton, O., Sept. —, 1883, .■?2:(i(). Shakesjieare, 2:i>.''), 2:.'50, 2:.39'i. Almore, b s (3 :43'/i), F. Downing, Galesburg) 111., Sept. 3, 1878, .?200. May Queen, Tinioleon, Lady B. (3 dis), Nellie K. (1 dis). 2:42'^, 2:48i'4, 2:47M. Alonzo, ch g (3:40). F. Perry, New Himting Park, Phila., July 26. 1880, $50. Republic 1, 3, Lady Sharp 2 (4 dr). 2:45, 2:43'4, 2:.51>/2, :j:o6i/2, 2:59. 3:08. Alonzo Hay ward, gr s (3 :30), by Billy Ilayward, W. Blaii\ San Francisco, Gal., May 21 and 22. 1877, $40(K Kvrat 3| 5 (7 0), (8 0), Gray i^teel 4 (8 r o), Elcho, Pat Hunt 1 (2 dis), Vashti (1 dis), Lady Lightfoot (1 dis), Alice Garret (1 dis), 2:37?.(, 2:.39"2, 2:.34, 2:36i2, 2:38>o, 2:.369;, 2:37, 2:38. 2:35. Sacramento, Cal.. June 7, 1878, .«200. Patchen Girl 1, 2, -iMlu 2:41, 2:37'.:. 2:41i4, 2:40. S;iii I'ranci.sco, Cal., June 28, 1878, .^100. Belle 2. Prophet, 2:36Ji, 2:^?.,', 2:32'A, 2:31'i. • lulv l.i, 1878, $100. Belle 3, .5, Prophet, Alice (Jarret 1, 2 (6 dis), 2:38, 2:;i4, 2:35i.i. 2::U'.:. 2:.35i4, 2:39,2:39?i. A. L. Hiiies, Santa Clara, Cal.. Sept. 2.5, 1879, .•?300. Zero 2, San Juan Bill, 2:34, 2:30^.,. 2:35'2, 2:33}4. :Marvsvill(!, Cal.. Sejit. 8, 188.3, .<;300. Woodbine 3, 5 (40). 2:38?.i', 2:.369i. 2:.38. 2:41'2, 2:49, 2:41».i. Alpha, ch g 13:38' j), by C'onklin's American Star, dam a Patchen mare. K. E. Dimham, Parkville, L. I., Aug. l.i, 1S74, $im. Nelly, Stranger, 2:.50, 2:42?.,', 2:.50. . Providence, R. I., Aug. 19. 1875, S200. Fearless, Harry Whitford, 2:4i;/2,2:42i4, 2:43. ■ Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Sept. 22, 1875, .$600. Silas Rich 1, Irish Maid, Charley Young, Newton (2 dis), 2:41, 2:.389i,2:40'2. 2:39'/2. C. H. Denton, Centreville, N. J., June 21. 187C. .«:200. Lovely B., 2:55, 2:50, 2:44. Alroy, b g (3:37i4). by PeaccMuaker. Mr. Ilcndrickson, Morrisania, N. Y., Sept. 30, 1882, $.525. Senator Spi-ague, N'lctor ('lay, 2:44, 2:3:!i.i. Three-veai-olds. 15. F. Tracy, Oct. 3, I88'j. .i<56r.. \uiov Clay (2 dis), 2:419i, 2:27^4. Three-year-olds. ( )(t. 7, 18S2, .'iii4:in. Lucy Walter, A'ictor Clay, 2:45M, 2:42. Alsie v.. b g 1 3 :37',i). Mystic Park, Bo.ston, July 26, 1882, $15o. Ned Jackmau, Jessie, Lady Hawes (3 dr), Jim P.. (3 dn, 2:43?.(, 2:39'i, 2:41 'i. .1. K:iiiisev, Newport, R. I., Aug. 1. 1882, .92.50. Vladimir, INIascotte, ISIiller's Damsel, Benny Baker, Green I'.ov r-' dis), Frank (2 dis). 2:.37>.,, 2-39, 2:.37'.i. Alta, gr s i3 :33), bv American Clay, dam Lady Turner, by Mambrino Chief, A.G.Peters, Lexington. Ky.. Oit. 17. 1872, IS'UA Sugar-in-the-Gourd, Busliwhacker. Sally Duke, Mark Anthony (2 dis), Woodford Maid (1 (lis), Idolize (1 dis), 2:;J4, 2:32, 2::m;. Alta, brill (3:3314), by Alinont, dam by Bourbon ChieL Gus Glidden, Lafayette, Ind., Sept. 4, 1880, $1,50. Snooks, Little Jew(d, Rosedale (2 dr), 3:07, 2:.54?4', 2:,5194. I'oit Wayne, Ind., Sent. 7.. 1880, .$400. Tekonsha 1, Joyce, Mambrino Athlete (4 dis), Fox (2 dis). Frank Forrester (1 dis), Maud M. (1 dis), Tom Pulcher (1 dis). 2::i6, 2 :.36'.i . 2 :a5, 2:35. Sept. 10, 1880 .$.500. Belle Of Lexington, Tekonsha (1 dis), 2:.^">. 2:38^4, 2:40'/2. Toledo, ()., Sept. 14, 1880, .$400. Hoosier (!irl. Fanny Shepherd (2 dis), 2:373^, 2:34M. 2:35»4, Sept. K;, 1880, .'31400. Hoosier (iiii. I-'anny Shepherd, 2:37, 2:.38, 5::?,5. Grand Kapids. Mich., Sept. 21. 1880, .$400. (Jeo. V., Mambrino Turk, Lady Brownell, Sarah L. (2 dis), Shooiiev ll (lis), '2::m.i, 2:29'i, 2:28',,. Sept.'L'3, 1880, ,$400. Geo. V., Lady Brownell. 2:.30, 2:31i4, 2:.39'.,. St. Louis, Mo., Sept. 29 and 30, 1880, $800. Kate Sprague 2, .3, Joe Bunker l, Donald, Tom Keene (3 dr), 2:28'i, 2:2594, 2:24. 2:2.5"2, 2:'.'8. 2:25'4. Louisville!, Oct. 7, 1880. .$800. Cyclone, Sue Grundy, Effle G., ^Eneid, Girl E. Queen (1 dis). Stamps (1 dis), 2:28'4, 2:29"2, 2:.30. G. Glidden, Louisville, Ky., May 9, 1883, $700. Catchfly2, .3, Florence M.. John Hall (5 dr), Annie S. (5 dr), 2:2:!';i, 2:21. 2:2.5'/s, 2.26, 2:27'''2. .1. Monroe, Si)riiigneld,0., June 5. 1883. .$700. Sciola2, John Hall 1, 2::i3'2, 2:;«, 2r.30, 2:31'2, 2M%. Altaniont. br g (3 :3»), C. Allen, Norfolk, Va., Nov. 29. 1877. .$200. Dr. Rush 2, Ed. Wilder 4, 2:39. 2:33, 2:39, 2:37.2::«). . I. C. Smith, Richmond, Va., Dec. 5. 1878, .<200. K:ite. Best time 2:46. Altainont, br s(3 ::u '4), by Alniont, dam by Brown Chief, J. Beach,' Eureka, Cal., Oct. 14, 1880.'$100. Aleck 1, (3 (lis). Little Hojx'S (2 (fis). Black Dick (2 dis), 2 :.57, 2:44';, 2:44. Oct. 16, 1882, .$500. Nelly, 2:to'... 2:40';, 2:3794. Salem, Dr., Sept. 18, 1883, .$;o(). .Mount Vernon 2, 2:32. 2:33. 2:31 '2, 2:36. Stallions. Alton Boy, rn 8(3:3!)'.), by Honest Allen, Jr., C. F. Emerson, Dover, N. H., Oct. 16, 1873, »400. Martin Luther, 2:44, 2:45, 2:4.5. .1 Golden, Mystic Park, Boston, Oct. 24, 1874, .«!1.50. Meddlesome. Kate Hughes, 2:.3«'i, 2:.32»4, 2:29^. Alvarado, gr g (3:48), J. Rycrson, Union Course, L. 1., May 16, 18.53, $500, May Fly 2, 2:49, 2:55'/j, 2:48, 2:55H. CHESTEKS COMl'LETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 19 Alvin B., (Derby), b g (3,35>4), by Emigh-and-Reacly, clam by Dragon. A. L. Smith, Marshalltowii. la.. June 27, 1877. 8300. Sheppard Bov, Jim Lane, Lady Baxter, Lncy, Grapevine, London JBelle. Lex, Lady Bleuner- hassftt (3 (lis), Honest Jollli (2 dis), 2:43. 2:40. 2:37i.i. Oskaloosa. la., .luly 3, 1H77, $;«X). London Belle 2, Lady Blenflerhassett, Lney, Jim Lane, Jim Brollier 14 dr). Stonewall (3 dis), 2:.36. 2:37'., 2:.3r>. 2:40. July 4, 1877, *4«>0. Delia, Waukwioosah. Tnekahoe, Lucy. London Belle, J. N. Steck, 2:38%, 2:.34, 2:34!4. Mr.' Overpeek, Minneapolis, Minn., .lune 17, 1879, .S . Charley Chani]), 1 (2 r o), 2:35. AIvy, blk s (3:33), B. Stetson. Worton, xMd.. Sept. 14, 1880, S'^BOO. Alice Adilison 1, Modoc, Elwood R., Sleepy Dave. Annie V. (3 dr). 2:42, 2:43, 2:40, 2:37. Al West, b s (3:3G>»). l)v Allie West, Brownsville. Mo., Aug. 19. 1880, $200. Pet 1, 4, Woodruff, Wee, 2:45, 2:.3(>i.,, 2:42, 2:48^.1'. 2:47?i. Stallions. Amanda cli ni ( 2 rlT ). T. Jefferson, Bethel, Yt., Oct. 16, 1873. S225. Dagger 3, White Cloud, Harry, Black War- rior, Midni'4lit. Birdie, Modesty (4 dis). Whalebone (3 dr). Brown George (2 dis^. Bell (1 dis), Jim Fisk (1 dis), Ladv Merrill (1 dis), 2:47, 2:.51. 2:50, 2:48. Amanda, eh n"i (3:43), C. A. McClind, Stockton, Cal.. Oct. 1, 1874, $125. Truckee, Victress (1 dis),2:58'/2,2:.55i4, 2 :.52'4. Four-vear-olds. Amanda, b m (3:351^), bv Hambletonian. F. Thompson, Herkimer, N. Y., July 26, 1876, $150. Kit Holden, Toronto, Jr., Hattie M.', Nelly Tower, GyiJsy (2 dis), Aldine (2 dis), Eugene (2 dis), Dexter (2 dis), 2:40 2:43, 2:46. G. H. Hicks, Beacon Park. Boston, Aug. 11, 1877, $ . Tontine Bell 4, Lady Williams 3, Bay George (5 dr), 2:3G'/2, 2:.39i», 2:40'4. 2:40U. 2:354. Amanda E., gr m (3 :50 U\ P. Erb, Marysville, Kan., Sep. 28, 1883, .$50. Satan, Bald Eagle (2 dr), 2 :509i, 2 :58, 2 :5G. Amanda Murray, b m (3 :44), Mr. Lacy, Hillsboro, Oregon, July 3, 1879, $ . Dom Pedro 1. 3, Belle (3 dis), 2:45, 2, .50, 2:46V4, 2:45' .,. 2:44. Amazon, rn in (3:40), by Hector. S. Goff, Lewiston, Me., June 18, 1873, $ . Billy Buminis. Besttinie 2:40. Amazon, b m (3 :4(J'4). by Sentinel, dam by Mambrino Pilot. S. A. Browne, Buffalo, N. Y., Aug. 3, 1876, $600. Allie East 1, Annie Golddust, 2:47'2, 2:46i4, 2:47. Three-year-olds. Ambassador, blk s (3 :35 14 ). by Geo. Wilkes, dam Lady Carr, by American Clay. West & Webster, Columbus. O.. Aug. 26 and 27, 1879, $300'. Hermit Jr. 2, 6, Sam Tilden 3, 4. Good Morning 5, Com. Sweetser 1 (8 dr). Lucy Nichols, Little Mack, Fannie Patchen, Mistletoe (4 dr), Emma Schoenberger (4 dr), Mary Belmont (4 dr). Aleck (4 dr), John Reber (2 dis). Butcher Boy i2 dis), Alexander Selkirk (2 dis), Rachel B. (2 dis/. 2'38'i 2')^ 2*34''!> 2'.33^i 2'33'2 2'.35''9 2:.36. Cleveland, o'.. Sept". 2, 1879, $400. Hermit I/r. 3, Good Morning, Lucy Nichols, Sunrise (4 dis), Ella Wicks n dis), 2:36^4, 2:38, 2:36;4. 2:.36^^. Toledo, O., Sept. 9, 1879, $400. Sid A. Kent, Hermit Jr., Ella Wicks. 2:32'4, 2:34, 2:33' 2. Dayton, O., Sept. 24, 1879, .$400. Lady Greer 1.2, Lucy C, Sid A. Kent (1 dis, 2:46ii.2:41, 2:42i4, 2:42i-2, 2:39>/2 Fairview, O., Oct. 2, 1879, $ . Hunter l.Lady G., 2:36, 2:33, 2:.34, 2:33. • Oct. 1, 1880, $ . Bine Goose l. 2, Jack Hardwick, 2:33, 2:33(4. 2:.32, 2:.33, 2:32. Y. Williams, Hicksville, O., Sept. 22, 1883, $185. Lady Elgm, Outlaw, Blanche H.. 2:31, 2:30, 2:30;4. Bucyrns, 0.,Sept. 28, 1883, $200. Lady Barnes 1, Belle C, 2:4.5, 2:32, 2:30,2:27. • Marion, ()., Oct. 5, 1883, $300. May H. l, Kate Campbell, 2:40, , 2:41, 2:.30. Harris & Williams. Bucvrus, 0., Oct. 12, 1883, $200. Nettie C, Lady Greer, 2:48, 2:37, 2:28. Amber, b m (3 :34i4), by Hambletonian, Horace Lombard, Buffalo, K. Y.. Aug. 13,1867, $500. Grantbam Chief 5, 6, Prince 2, Cattaraugus Chief 1, Mickey Free (5 dr). Lady Planet (6 dis), Josephine (6 dis), Bona- parte (4 dis), Fanny LawTence (1 dis), Myer's gr g (1 dis), Young Columbus (1 dis). Glengarry Maid (1 dis), 2:44^4, 2:45'4, 2:43-4, 2:41?4, 2:40' 4, 2:40, 2:41. T. F. Butterfield, Watertovvn, N. Y., Oct. 10, 1867, $100. Lady Taggart, 2:39i4, 2:34i4, 2:35. Horace LombarcJ, Clyde, N. Y., Oct. 22, 1867, .$ . Lady Taggart, Lola Montez. 2 :47i:, . 2 :47, 2 :49. Amber, b s (3:35J4), by Clear Grit, dam Jenny Jinks, by Royal Revenge. P. J. Pilkey, Buffalo, N. Y., June 27, 1878, $200. Jaines Ash, Cora, Molly D., Emma, 2:38, 2:8514, 2:.34. Goodrich, Out., Nov. 19 1878, $100. Lucy 1, 2:40. 2:35!/2, 2:36, 2:37%. A. J. Feek, Elmira. N. Y.. Sept. 10, 1879, $500. Nellie Rose 1, 2, Tom Mallov. Drummer Boy, Taylor, Geo. F. Smith, Neilson, John McDougall, Geo Brooks (5 dr), 2:.3054, 2:30V4, 2:32, 2:31, 2:.33. Rochester, N. Y., Sept. 19. 1879, $.50. Whalebone, Royal George, J. C. Hall, Tremont, 2:41, 2:41 14, 2:40. Albany, N. Y.. Sept. 30, 1879, $.500. Sligo 1, Tom Mallby. Ben Smith, Geo. F. Smith, Fairy, Camou (J dis), M. R. (3 dr), 2:30, 2:30, 2:30, 2:30. Syracuse, N. Y., May, 25, 1880, Billy Burr, Geo F. Smith, 2:35i/i, 2.31, 2:32. Rochester, N. Y., June 3. 1880, .$400. Johnny Gordon 1, Chieftain, Fitzgerald, Deceit, Orange Blossom, Lem, Lola, Sligo, Lilly Pierce (4 dr), 2:2514, 2 :25i4, 2:2514, 2.26. ■ Batavia, N. Y., June 10, I88O, $m. Johnny Gordon 3, 4, Deceit. Fitzgerald, Jim Ash, Lem, Sligo, Lilly Pierce (5 dr). Orange Blossom (4 dr), 2:2914, 2 :28i4, 2:27, 2:25M„ 2-28';. Lyons, N. Y.. June 15, 1880, $.500. Dora 1, 2, (3 0), Taylor, Dickafd, Champion Girl(l dis), 2 :32i4, 2 :26i4, 2:2614.2:28, 2:29%, 2:3714. (Jeneva, N. Y., June 24, 1880, $400. Chieftain. Lem, Deceit, Johnny Gordon (l dis). 2-.30'<;, 2:31'^.. 2:32. ■Lyons, N. Y., July 1, 1881, $400. Argonaut 1,5, Valley Chief 3, Daisy Brown, Lady Star, 2:^714, 2:26, 2:25''2, 2:29%, 2:29, 2:29%. — Buffalo, N. Y., Aug. 4, 1881, $1,000. Gray Chief, Wizz, 4:.57'i. 4-.55. Two miles. — Rochester, N. Y., Aug. 11, 1881, .$1,000. Una 1. Gniy Chief. Wizz. 4:5si4, 4-57'4. 4:56%. Two miles. — Hartford, Conn., Aug. 25, 1881, $1,000. Post Bov 1. "Wizz. 5:0fii4, 4:.5S%, ryWK. Two miles. — L. Prendergast, Bradford, Pa., Sept. 12, 1882, $.500. Rolla 1, Ella Doe, Damon, 2;.33, 2-32. 2:32i4. 2:29. A. J. Feek, Cuba, N. Y., Sept, 20, 1882, .$ . Flora F. 1. .3, D.anion. 2:.33i<;, 2:.31. 2:32, 2:33. 2:.34. Amber, b m (3 :4.5), W. Ames, Springfleld, l'. I., Sept. 20, 1882,' .$50.' Rolling Motion i. Palmer's b g, Doubtful, 2:46, 2:45, 2:45'4, 2:45%. Ambler, bg (3 :3b), by Wood's Hambletonian. S. R. Clark. Suffolk P:irk. Phibi.. July 11, 1878, $150. Gen. Norcross 3, Ike Smith, Belle Strideawav (3 dr). Max L. (1 dis). 2:40. 2 :40, 2 :.39, 2 :40. Belmont Park, Phila., July 18. 1878. .$1.50. Columljia 1, 3, Sorrel Top, Ike Smith (2 dr). Max L. (2 dr). Belle Strideaway (1 dis). 2:36. 2:32.2:34. 2-30, 2:32i4. Westminster. Md., July 31, 1S78, .!!.300. Fanny Fern, Silas, Andy Dill, Tom Fields, 2:41'!;, 2 4o. 2:."8. Amboy, ch s (3 :36). by Green's Bashaw. Wash. Corbin. .\kron. 111., Sept. 9, 1874, .$75. American Boy, George Lucas, Brigham Young, Frontier Dick (2 r o), 2:48, 2 47'i, 2-494. Sept. 10. 1874, .$40. Geo. Lucas, Brigham Young (3 dis). Frontier Dick (1 dis), Yankee Boy (1 (li'-), 2 42' :,, 2:46, 2:4."). — Prophetstown, 111., Aug. 11, 1877, .$600. Capt. Bunnell 1, Dan Vosburgh, Rachel, Black Kate, 2:38%, 2.35, Panville* 111., Sept. 21, 1877, .$600. Henrv 1.2, Easter Maid, Rival, Echo (5 dr), 2;.35, 2:.35, 2'.35'/2, 2 .33. 2.33''2. Springfield, 111., Sept. 28. 1877,.$,500. Billv McClure, Slickfellow(2 dis), Sleepv Bill (2 dis), 2:36%. 2:3i'2. — M. A. Gibbs, P>eei)ort. 111., May .30, 1878, $700, Yankee Sam 1, 2, Phil Slieridans, 4, Emerald (4 dis), LadyMc. (4dis), J. M. Botts Jr. (3dr). 2:29, 2:27. 2:29. 2:29. 2:30. 2:41, 2-39'4. Aug. 1, 1878, .$700. Foxie V. 1. 3. Dakota Maid 4. Lady McFatridge 2, 2 2R, , 2:26, 2:27, 2:.3i; 2:27. 2:26. ■ Mendota, 111., Aug. 1.5, 1878, $100. Monroe Chief. Bvron. Gen. Lee. 2:37, 2:.39ii. 2:38. Stallions; Earlville, HI., Aug. 23, 1878, $100. Sterling, Byron, 2:32. 2:39%, 2:31. Stallions. 2(1 (MIKSTKK'S ( OMri.KTK TKOTTINC AM) I'AClNO liKCOlU). Ainliov. •> li, S. C. AVill)iir, Jiurloii, ()., Sep. 2U, 1X.H.J, .'■i.W. C'oloiii'l 1, Midiihliilil Hoy, Topsy, . :35, 1 ;3(i, 1:34. Hiill-iiiili- heats. Aiiil>r(>8iu, br III Ci :56, w), A. H. M. Pratt, Middletown, Coiiii., Aiif;. l. 180J, ,S100. Kate, Blackbawk 111 (w) 1. (4dr). 2:52. 2:.'J«, 3:00. .•J:02. Amelia. Ii in ('-5 :30), N. K. Kincrson, Buffalo, N. Y., July 2!», 1S71, Sloo. Cnmd Hlaiic 4, Katie 1, White Hawk, .John A. IJice, Flora, Doctor ^."> dn, Harry (4 dn, Yeoiiiaus C.Ulr), 2:51, 2:4H'o, 2;ll',i. 2 :*!'», 2:40. Kd. S. IJrown, .loliet. 111.. June 21, 1872, S200. Wild .Jjiiie, Hliiid Hilly. .Molly, 2:45,2:44". Karhille. 111., Aug. 30. 1872. Stoo. IJilly Tanner, .llin Kisk. Blind Billv, 2:42.2::Kt'.. 2:;«)?4. Barahoo, Wis., Sept. 18. 1873. * . Sorrel ("liarlie. Gray Charlie. I.ady Cutler. 2:57, 3:01, 2:.'>7>.i. Amelia C, I) 111 (2:33), by Dexter Bradford, (lain by Volunteer. .1. Douj;rey, Albany, N. Y., Sept. 2.i, 1882 Cora Belli, 2:35.2:33, 2:35', .2:3734. .•JGOO. Sept. 28, 1882. .SOOO. Solo 3, Hi Sutlierlaild.2:31'-i.'-*:29?i,2:2S3.i, 2:30?j Hudson, N. V., Oct. 25. 1882. .^2.50. Lizzy O'Brien. Billy Button, Brutus, Manhattan, 2:2!»Vi, 2:30%i, 2:2<.»'4. Hartford, Conn., . June 12. 1883, *500. Happy Tliouf^ht, Billy Button, Herscy, Cro\yn J'oint Maid, Klla Doe, ]$reezc Medinni, HiKlilaiid Win, 2:221i, 2:22, 2:22. Morrisauia, .\. V., June 21, 1883. Sl,50O. lio\yard Jay 2, Fides, Breeze Medium, Madeline, Di.\ie Sprague, Uipton (4dr),2:2;>,2:24 2:23Ji, 2:24'4. Amelia 1>., gnu (2 :40), by Maiiibrino lYiiiee. dam by Pilot Jr. W. J. Paine, Beacon Park. Boston. Nov. 10 and 11, 1873, 81.50, Alice 1, Lady Daggett 2, Eastern Prince, Jenny (4 dr), Clara Gage (i dr). 2:41, 2:41>4, 2 :40' i 2 :40 2 :40. American, b s (3 :i5), by Whitehall. Geo. W. Adams, Albany, N. Y., Sept. 10, 1857, §200. Hardroad, 2:40. Sept. 24, 1857, SiiOO. Duke, 2:50, 2:49, 2:45. G. H. Billings. Malone, N. Y., Sept. 26, 1857, §50. Maggie Brown. 3:04. 3:0-4. American Boy, blk g (3 :45'/2), by Woodstock, G. L. Harpin, Woodstock, Yt., Sept. — , 18C9. S . Maggie Mitchell, 3:01, 2:57. 2:55. Bethel. Vt., July 4, 1872, $ . FVed. Billingsl, 2, (ien. Stannard 3.2:12i.i, 2:49?.i,2:52'/2, 3:05'/2.3:25. 3 12'-. .Vniericau Boy, b g (3 :38j, Belding& Morris, Stockton, Cal., May 10, 1870, $100. Stockton Boy 1, 4, Sorrel George 3, 2:50, 2:50, 2:52, 2:50, 2:52, 2:52. G. W. Traheru, Sept. 26, 1873, «380. Prince. Little Ben, Gold Kote, 8:39'4. Three miles. Sept. 25, 1873, $3;w. Glencoe Chief 1, 2, Gold Note, Mountain Maid (5 dis), 2:56, 2:54'.,, 2-47'4. 2:52, 2:51. San Jose, Cal.. Oct. 2. 1874, .*250. Black Prince 2, Gold Note 4, Friday, McHarris. Pluck, (ileucoe Chief. 2:48, 2:41, 2:.39, 2:39, 2:38. Reno. Ney.. ( >ct. 9. 1875, .S6OO. Cook, Sorrel Dick (1 dis), 2:42. 2 :40i^2. American Boy, br g ( 'i Ai ). Amos' C. M. ('l;iy Jr. A. Dolaii, White Plains, N. Y., Sept. 20, 1872, S200. Central Bov, Maggie .Mav, Deliglit. IteveiuuMl (lis). 2:434, 2:43, 2:42. Sept. 21, 1872, S200. Maggie May 4, Delight 1, Roadmaster (2 dis), Beatrice (1 dis), 2:40Vi, 2:43' i. 5:43>.i. 2:50i.i,2:43'4. N. B. Mann, AVatertown, N. Y., Oct. 8, 1873, .S300. Jim Murray 2, 6, Long Branch 5, Lady Putnam 1, 3 (8 dis), 2:42, 2:42, 2:41M, •2:46'i, , 2:44, 2:46, 2:46'/2. Sept. 18, 1874, .'$100. St:ir. Gen. Grant, Lady Dexter. No time. American Boy. (Jesse G. Lindell), blk s(3:37V^). Tlios. Stewjirt. Ayoii. III.. Sept. 11, 1874. .'^IdO. Canton P.ov Litllc Billy, Wild Cat (3 dis). Little Nelly (1 dis), 3:08, 3:04i?4,, 3:0214. American Boy, blk s (3 :39'4), by Aiiiericiui Star. A. Einstein, Deerfoot Park, L. I.. Aug. 2(i. 1S74. .SIOO. Jim Coyle 1, Dick Goodwin. First Attempt, Dick Jones (4 di"), H. W'. Beecher (4 dr). Billy Stinchman (4 dr), Julia A. (4 dr), Daii (4 dr), Mrs. Tilton (4 dr). Butcher Boy (1 dis), 2:44, 2:.52i;. 2:4s. 2:45. " J. W. Fletcher, Woodbury, N. .1.. Oct. 21, 1874 .§150. Jim (3 0), (4 0), I-'leetfoot. Jim. Lady Jackson. (Jen. Custer. Ambler, Harry Stewart (4 dr), Billy (4 dr), Lucy Allen (2 dis), Sally (2 disi. One F:ye (2 dis), Black Charley (1 dis), Rattler (I dis), Jenny (1 dis), Adam (1 dis), Buttcm (1 di.s). 2:47'4,'.2:42'2, 2:394, 2:45'2, 2:495^. H. Robbins, Woodstown, N. J., Sept. 16, 1875, $ . South Jersey Patchen, (ieorge Rambo, 3:01, 2:58, 2:57. Stalli(ms. Sept. 7, 1876, $ . Geo. Rambo. Fleeting Ray, 2:48'/2. 2:43. 2:41%. Hamnumton, N. J.. Sept. 22,1876, .'J125. Sam F'rench 3, Modoc, Alice (4 dis). Harriet P. (4 dr>, 2:47, 2:46^.,, 2:45 '/2, 2:5014. American Boy, b g (3:43), J. D. Dunb;ir. Keene. N. H., July 3, 1875, $250. Cloudman, Lady Thomas, Wilton Boy (1 dis), Lizzie J)rake (1 dis). 2: 12, 2:48'2, 2:51. American Boy, br g (3:36), by llasliaw. dam by an Indian Pony. J. Baldwin, Attica. N. Y., Sept. 11, 1879, .$150. Herald 1. 2, Lady Smitli, Molly Dayis, Uncle George, Rocket (5 dr), 2:46'2, '2:44, 2:44, 2:43, 2.45. L. Smith. Cilbil. N. Y., Sept. 26. 1879, .S200. Johnny B. 2. 3, Oleana (3 dis), 2:40, 2:38'2, 2:38. 2:36. • Huntiiig Park, Phil., June 6, 1882, §100. Gertie 1, 2:56'i American Boy, b g (w), (3 :43),Mr. Nixon, New Hunting Park, Phil., June 6, 1882, §100. Gertie 1,2:56' i, 3:00, 2:50, 2:, 50. American Kagle, ch g (3 :50), H. Rogers, Plymouth, IMass., Oct. 6, 1865, §50. Sorrel Bill. I^idy Dunbar, 2:50, 2:56, 2:.52. American Kagle, b s (3 :47), W. H. Smith & Bros.. Hillsdale, Mich., Aug. — 1866, .'i!35. Young St. Lawrence, Black Swan (2 dr), 2:47. 2:49. American Kmperor, b s (3 :30'4). (3 :37*). by Emperor, dam bv American. D. S. Quinton, Mount Holly, N. J.. Oct. 1, 1861, Sin. Patchen Colt 2, (3 dr), Kemble Jackson, 2:29, 2:27. 2:27. Short track. Win. II. Doble, Flemington, N. .1., Sei)t. 28, 1865, ,§.300. Ripton, Phillips' b g Raid, 2:32'.i. 2:34"2, 2:304. J. Joslyn, New Hayen, Conn., Oct. 17. 1865. .*!loo. Volcano, 2:.36, 2:49».i. 2:38, 2:,J5. American Kmperor, b s (3 :53'/2), .1. J. Coykendall, Port Jervis, N. Y., Oct. 7, 1871, §150. Wabash, Stranger, 2:.5.5?.(,2:.5.3<4.2:53'2. American Kthan, b s (3 :53). by Ethan Allen, dam fir.ay York, by American. Mitchell Bros., Saratoga Sjia, N. Y., Sept. 5, 187.3, .4. 2:23'.,, 2:24. W. Loyell, Union Course. L. I.. .Fiine 2, 1869. .«2..500. Lucy. Goldsmith Maid, 2:22'4, 2:23, 2:25. M. Roden, Mystic Park, Boston, June 11, 1869, .§2,500. (ioldsmith Maid, Bashaw Jr., 2;27, 2:26^4, 2:28'4. June 18, 1869, $4,000. Goldsmith Maid l, Geo. Palmer, Lucy, 2;22, 2:22'/j, 2:24, 2:24. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. a — Providence, R. I., June 26, 1869, $3,000. Lady Thorn, Coldsinith Maid, Lucy, Geo. Palmer, 2:22!4. 2:1^ 2:20':.. — Fasliion Course, L. I.. July 12. 1869, .§2.500. Lady Thorn 3, 2:28^. 2:24M, 2:27J£, 2:24V4. — Union Course, L. I., .July i7, 186!). *2.000. Mouutaui Boy. 2:23^4, 2:21^. — B. Daniels, Oil City. Pa.', Auk. 18. 1869. .$2,r)(K). Lucy 2. -'M, 2:28''2, 2:32, 2:35. — Blngliainton, N. Y., Oct. 2(), 1869, .•i?2,r>00. Lucy l. Hotspur, 2:28, 2:309i, 2:31i!i. — Troy, X. Y., Oct. 30, 1869. $2,(nM). Ueo. Wilkes. Lucy, 2:32, 2:28, 2:29^4. — Union Course, L. I.^ May .-51, 1870, f2.500. Geo. Palmer 2, 4, Geo. Wilkes, 2:28, 2:^4^, 2:25, 2:24^, 2:25*/^. — New Haven, Conn., Sept. 15 and 16, 1870, «!2, 000. Lucy 2, Mountain Boy, Lady Sheridan, 2:281/2, 2:28ii 2:28, 2:28' i. — Boston "Mass., Oct. 4, 1870, $2,m). Lucy 3, 4. Hotspur. Mountain Boy. 2:229^, 2:2W2, 2:24;4, 2:26,2:27. — Troy N Y Oct. 14, 1870, $2,.500. Lucv 1, 2, Hotspur, (reo. Wilkes, 2:28f4, 2:27, 2:25, 2:29, 2:29. — Biniiiiaiutoii. X. Y., Oct. 22. 1870. $-2.-m. Lucy. Hotspur, 2:28, 2:30>/2, 2:31?.^. — (\v).^J'rospcct Park, L. I., Oct. 2S. 1870. .$1.0(J0. Geo. Wilkes (w). 2:2914, 2:30'/2, 2:30. — Nov. 5, 1S7U. .■^1,000. Geo. Palmer 3, 4, 2:21 '4, 2:2.'), 2:24, 2:25'2. 2:251.1,. -- l'hila(l(>lphi:i. Pa., May 26, 1871, ^''.m). Lucy. Mountani Boy, 2:22'.. 2:22i2, 2:25^4. — Trov X Y , Sept. 8. 1871. .<2.500. Tlios. Jefferson, Gray Mack, 2:;j4i.,. 2:34, 2:30. — Fleetwood Park, N. Y., Sept. 22, 1871, .$4,500. Geo. Palmer (3 0), 2:2.!i4, 2:23, 2:251^, 2:241^. — Providence. R. I., Sept. 29, 1871, .$500. Geo. Palmer (3 0), 2:28i2, 2:28i2, 2:31iii, 2:27. — Mvstic Park. Boston. Mass., Oct. 14, 1871, .•?2,(K)0. Geo. Palmer l, 2, 2:25. 2 :25V2, 2:2414, 2:27?i, 2:28V5. — Fleetwood Park. N. Y'., Nov. 13 and 18, 1871. .$1.(XX). Wm. H. Allen, 3, 4, 2:27, 2 :29M, 2:26.2:251/2, 2:2254. — (w), Ben M;ice, INlav 10, 1872. .$1,000. Wm. H. Allen (w), 2:39M. 2:35^4, 2:33i/4. — Amenia, N. Y., June 13, 1872, $1,200. Wm. H. Allen, 2:35, 2:29'/2, 2:2714. — Fleetwood Park, N. Y., July 9, 1872, .$5,000. Lucy. Henry, Goldsmith Maid (3 dr), 2:21, 2:1914, 2:24. — litica, X. Y.. Aue;. 17, 1872, |;5,000. Geo. Palmer, 2,24, 2:22^4, 2:19. — Si)rinKlield, Mass., Aug. 23, 1872. .$3,000. Henry, Geo. Palmer, Nonesuch (2 dr), 2:23, 2:23i2, 2:19. — W. Lovell, Prospect Park, L. I., Sept. 20, 1872, $2,000. Rosalind 2, 3, George Palmer, 2:24, 2:25, 2:22^, 2:20, 2:231/4. Philadelphia, Pa., Sept. 27, 1872, .$3,.500. Rosalind 1, Geo. Palmer, 2:21^, 2:264, 2:24, 2:24^. etwood Park, N. Y., Oct. 7, 1872, $3,0 ' ----- • Fleetwood Park, N. Y., Oct. 7, 1872, $3,000. Rosalind, Geo. Palmer, 2:26, 2:26, 2:27 ■ May 31, 1873, $2,000. Harry (pacer), 3, 2:2313, 2:21i4, 2:26i4, 2:26M. Joliet, 111., .July 11, 1873, .$1,400. Ripon Boy 2, Pilot Temple, 2:28, 2:25, 2:26. 2:26. Chicago, 111., .Jiily 19, 1873, .$1,000. Ripon fioy, 2:25, 2:24^, 2:25^. July 22, 1873, $1,000. Chicago, 2:29?i, 2:26i4, 2:24^. Wm. Lovell, Prospect Park, L. I., Oct. 24, 1873, .$3,.500. Judge Fullerton, Camors, 2:20, 2:22, 2:22^4. Beacon Park, Boston, June 13, 1874, $2,000. Lucille Golddust (.s), 1, Copper "" Bottom (pacer) (3 dis), 2:27, 2:251;;, 2:2714, 2:26. June 26, 1874, $2,000. Camors 1, Copper Bottom, pacer, 2 (5 dis), 2:25, 2:22, 2:25, 2:26, 2:25. Island Park, Albany, N. Y., Sept. 25. 1874, .$1,500. Camors, 2:20i4, 2:1614, 2:19. Fleetwood Park, N." Y., Oct. 1, 1874, .$2,.500. Camors (1 0), Sensation, 2:24%. 2:25, 2:23M, 2:25. Deerfoot Park, L. I., Oct. 5, 1874, $3,500. Copper Bottom (pacer) 1, 4, 2:25!>4, 2:25J4, 2:25^4, 2:25%. 2:26. J. Dougrey, New Haven, Conn., Oct. 14. 1874, s2,00(j. copper Bottom Qmcer), 2:28%, 2:2714,2:2814. Woodbury, N. J., Oct. 24. 1874, $ . Copperliottoin ( iiacer) 3, 2:.S0i4, 2:21, 2 20, 2:30%. W. Lovell, Baltimore, INId., Oct. 28 and 29, 1874, .$2,000. Copper Bottom, (.pacer) 2, 3 (5 dis). 2:19. 2:21, 2:19, 2:21 1/2, 2:25^4. Point Breeze Park, Phila., Nov. 7. 1874, $1,000. Copper Bottom (pacer) (1 dis), 2:25. Stamford, Conn., Nov. 19, 1874, .$ . Copperbottom, pacer. 2:.30, 2:26. Springfield. Mass., Aug. 27, 1875, .$5,000. l.ula, Nettie, 2:22, 2:24. 2:22. Albany, N. Y., Sept. 24, 1875, $ -,. 2:40,2:2614,2:244,. To beat 2:22. Lost. American Girl, b m (3 :43), bv Italian Boy. B. Welch, Jersey Citv, N. J., Julv 15. 1876. .$200. J. M. Bigelow, 3:24,3:3.5. W. .S. Sargent, Newton. N. J., Oct. 4, 1881, $1.50. Wellington 1, 2. Lady Horton 3, Masgie. 2:421.;, 2:41 14, 2 :45, 2 :47. 2 :45 2 :48i4. Sept. 28, 1882, $1.50. Lady Horton, Maior Brodhead, 2:424, 2:44!». 2:46%. American Golddust, b g (3 :45i4), by Golddust. L. L. Dorsey, Montgomerv, Ala.. Nov. 26. 1869. $75. Winter's 1) g 1, Emma Irwin (3 dr). Black Hawk (3 dr), 2:5014, 2:474, 2:4514. Nov. 26, 1879, $100. Norman (1 0). 2:.54%, 2:48, 2:52, 2:50. American Jackson, b s (3 :38i4), D. Bodine, Salem, N. J., Sept. 29. 1869, $100. Hermit 2, Ladv Locke (3 dr), 2:46,2:47,2:47,2:47. Philadelphia, Pa., May — . 1870, .$250. Hetty, 2 :.38i4, 2 :42i4, 2 :41. American Lady, b ni (3 :45), L. L. Pitcher, Unity, Me., Julv 4. 1876, $2.5. Hulda 1. Lavinia, 3:0;!, 3:00. 3:06J4, 3:124. Same day, .$70. Maine Slasher 1, 2:484, 2:45, 2:46U, 2:46. American Maid gr m (3 :33i4). by Plumas. C. W. Moulthrop. Sacramento, Cal., May 5, 1874, .$250. Yuba Boy 1, 2:484,2:4614,2:454,2:49. San Francisco, Cal., Oct. 30 and Nov. 2. 1875, .$200. Nancv 2. Charles. Ed. McCook. 2:.36i.i. 2:.39i.;, 2:59, 2:56. March 22. 1876, .$-,;00. Abdallah .Toe. Alameda Maid. Roiulniaster, Dan (2 dis). 2:3,5, 2:321^, 2:33. April 8, 1878. .$200. Red Cross. Lout;- .loliu. Alameda i\I;ii(l. 2:34%. 2:.35'... 2:36i.,. American Star, brg (3:53 '4 ), Geo. liidwell, Detroit. Midi., Oct. 3, 1860, $1.50. Davy, St. LawTence (2 dis), Charley (2 dis), Flora Temple (2 dis), Madam Ida (1 dis). Gay Deceiver (1 dis), 2:53%, 2:444. American Star, (Wild Warrior), ch si3 ;:5-Ji.,>. Itv Duilamrs Bolivar, dam bv son of Tom Thumb. T. P. Roach Cleveland, O., Aug. 27, 1866, .$800. Jeaiuieltc- :;. Sir W;ilter. L':43'.>. 2:32 '...'2:34, 2:.36%. Louisville, Ky.. Oct. 13. 1866, $ . Black Maria, 5:33%, 5:43. Two miles. Oct. 31, 1866, .$200. Big Black, Brignoli (1 disi, 5:14%, 5:24%. Two miles. Peoria. 111., Aug. 30, 1867, .$250. Ladv Alice, Ht^art of Oak 2 (4 dr). Lady Gav (1 dis\ 2:33i.,. 2:36i4, 2:32i4, 2:34%. W. B. Leonard, Davenport, la., Sept. 12, 18G7. $100. Tom Hver, 3:594, 4:00. One mile and a half heats. T P. IJoacli. Chicago, 111., Oct. 2, 1867, .$2.50. Ladv Alice 2, Heart of Oak, 2:424. 2:43%, 2:39, 2:.38i4. I^uisville. Ky., Nov. 6, 1867, $100. Brignoli, Big Black (2 dis). .'j:1.3, 5:114. Two miles. .American Star, cli s (3 :33). bv American Star, M. Goodin, Philadelphia, Pa.. Oct. 21, 18.58. $100. P. T. Bar- num, 2 :42, 2 :44, 2 :42. Stallions. Suffolk Park, Phila., June 5, 1805, .$600. Haley Galev 3 (4 0), Clark's rn m .■>, Stephen A. Douglass, 2:33' 2, 2:35, 2:3314, 2:37, 2:;«i, 2:35%. I-:. K. Conklin, Dovlestown, Pa., Oct 0, 1868, .$70. North Star, Harry Clay (2 dr), 2:371,, 2:37, 2:38. Oct. 9, 1869, .$70. l^Ml D. Piltchen, 2:.53i/,, 2:.52ii, 2:.52. American .Star, (3 :38i4), T. Lafferty, Wheeling, W. Va., Oct. 11, 1865, ,$125. Sorrel Bashaw (3 dr), 2:42i4, 2:404 . American Star, ch g (3 :444 vv), E. Ellis, Hornellsville, N. Y., Oct. 7, 1804, $200. Capt. Taggart (w) 1, 2 (4 dr), 2:50, 2:.52, 2:47, . (w), M. W. Black, Avon, N. Y., June 6, 1866, $130. Strathmore (w), Genesee Maid (w). 5:38. 5:29. Two miles. American Star, (3 :37i4), bv American Star. T. Paxtoii, Augusta, Ga.. March 27. 1868, $300. Pony 1, 3 (2 0), Harry Hamilton (1 dis). 2:40, 2:3714, 2:3654, 2:37i4, 2:40, 2:4454- 'Hi CHKSTEirS COMPLETE TKOlTlNCi AND I'ACINli KEfOKl}. AmericuM, b g (3 :;J:i' 1 1, by Ked Jacket. Isaac "WooclnilT, Hearon Course, N. J., Oct. 1, 183U, SlOO. Don Juan, Dairynnuvs DauKlilcr, bouL'linut, and two otliers, 5:3!», .'>:43. Two miles. Oct. 2, 183!t, .■:43. Two miles. (w), Hiram Wooilrull', I'nion Course, N. J., Dec. 18, 1840, ^.wo. Naiioleon (w), 9:10'2, 'J:.>4. Three miles. (w ), Cieo. Spieer, Centreville, L. 1., Oct. '.'l, 1H41, S.^.WO. Lady Sutt'olk ov,>, i;i:;V<, 13:58'j. Five miles. (\y). Beacon Course, N. J., Sept. L'C, lM4i', ?. Two miles. Sept. 21. 1.S43, ^\;SM. Dutchman kI O) (4 disi, «:04, «.ll, X:2(i, !t:4<). Three miles. June -'7, 1H44, ^< . Lady Sultolk, Columbus, 7:52'. 2, S:01. Three miles. Canulen, N. J., Se])t. l!i. ls44, $ . Colund>us, Dutchman, 5:li>. 5:18. Two miles. Union Course, L. 1., >Liy lf», 1K45, 8400. Lady SulTolk, Columi)us ^2 dis), 8:00, 8:05',2. Three miles. Oct. 10. 1S4.'>, .■si;.-,(). J>ady Sull'olk, Moscow, 5;13, 5:11. Two miles. J. Hammill, riiiladelphia, l';i.. Oct. IC, is4(i. S . jSIoscow 1, 5:17'2, 5:17, 5:22. Two miles. AuiericuH, l)r K (.'J::}?), by Aniericjui Star. A. K. Smith, Sacramento, Cal.. May 28, 1809, .? . Jersey Maid, Dick (iough. Unknown, I'ride of the B;iy, 14:27' 2. Eive miles. Amcrikanski, br g (^ :.50) P. :M;i11ouv, Cold water, aMich., May 25, Is77, §125. Wabash Billy. Clara H., Dooley, lioval Magna (3 dis), Belmont (2 dis), Dick (2 disj, Sir George (.2 dis;, Gold Spray (2 dis), Flora Wake (2 dis), Chief i2 dis). White Socks (1 dis). 2:.5."), 2:50, 2:.57. Aiuie KiiiK, chin (3:34'.i), by Mambrino King, L. \V. Sinclair, Crawfordsville, Ind., May 2G, 1883, $400. Angliu, 4, 5. Netty .M., Ike Medium (,5 dn. Little Miss (.4 dr). :J: »t, 3:01, 3:0.5, 3:01, 3: 07, 3:00. Cedar Kapids, la., Aug. 9, 1883, $400. Glenwood 1, 2, Orinda, Rufus, Decoration U dis), 2:44?4, 2:43'/4, 2 •44'" ''"41 '4 '''44. • ^ J.'Xewbro,' Qiiincy, IlL, Sept. 11, 1883, $2,50. Wildmont 1, 2, Modjeska (4 dis), Billy F. (2 dis), Quincy Boy (1 dis). Beauty (Idis), 2:37',, 2:38, 2:39'.i, 2:34i.i, 2:39'., Sept. 13. 1883. .<2.50. Little J Tonimv 2, Big Medicine, Charles S. (3 dis). Beauty (1 dis). 2:39, 2-38, 2:3G»4,2:37. Auiiiia,!) m (3 :37), Hiram Woodruff," Beacon Course, N. J., May 9, 1844, $75. Coliunbiis, Doctor (3 dr) 2:37'/j. 2:38, 2 37. Aiuitie, blk g (2 :53 J. O. Neil, Jersey City, N. J., Sept. 20, 1882. $50. Blue Bird, 2:.57"2, 2:5(5, 2:52. Aiiius. ch g (3 :48), W. Fuller, Palmer, Mass., Sept. 21, 1857, $10O. Broker, Lady Brown, 2:.55, 3.04. Amos, b g (3 :40' .,), H. E. Elliot, Auburn, N. Y., Aug. 21, 1871, $250. Clothespin 4, IVggy 1, Strideaway (5 dis). Chalk Line (1 dis). Lady May a dis). 2:47, 2:45' ., 2:40, 2:49' 2, 2:46. Auiv b m (3:30'i), by Volunteer, dam Belle Brandon, by Ilambletonian. J. A. Dustin, Lawrence, Ma.ss.. Slay 28, 1874, $225. Kichmond Girl, Pirate, Honest Jesse (3 dr), Baby Girl (2 dis), Guy ^l dis>, 2.4Di, 2:42'/2, 2 '42 ^M. Carroll, Beacon Park, Boston, Oct. 15, 1874, $300. Georgie B. 1, Amelia D., Fleetwuig, Andy John- son, 2:37, 2:3Gi.i, 2:35, 2:36. Mystic Park, Boston, May 13, 1875, $300. Effle, John Lambert, Georgie B., Grace, 2:30, 2:30',i, 2:30. - Beacon Park, Boston, May 21, 1875, $300. Grace, Effie, John Lambert, 2:33^i, 2:34?4. 2:35. Prospect Park, L. I., June 4, 1875, $1,500. Honest Harry, Hannah D., Dan Bryant, Xed Forrest, Fred Tyler, Lady Whitman. Hosa Sonburgh, Lena Case, Pauline, Mat Tanner, Lady Woods (.3 dr). Honest Mack (2 dis) •'••'9'i 2 26' > 2"^5'.i. . Hartloid! 'conn.V June" 11, 1875, $1,500. Honest Harry, 1S"ed Forrest, Lady Whitman (3 dis), Gray J>iok (1 dis). Pauline (1 dis). 2:25' .i, 2:26!2, 2!29'2. — Providence, K. I., .lunc 19, 1875, $1,500. Honest Harry, Ned Forrest, 2:27"2, 2:27y2, 2:35;i.. e 25,1875, $i,.5(K). Ned Forrest 2, Honest Harry, Jean I ngelow, Jesse, Lady Mv-tic I'ark! I'SiUton'.VuTy 2, 1875, '$1,500.' HonestHarry, Ned Forrest, Ned Bryant, Jesse, Jean Ingelow — Hartfi)r(f'coniu, Sept.' 1, 1875, $4,000. Joker 4, Molsey 3, Blanche, Ella Madden, Kitty D. (3 dis). Monarch .(r. (2 disi, Everett Kay (1 dis, 223. 2:22'.i, 2:21?4, 2:23^4, 2:24'2. ^ ,, ^ ^^, . W. H. Peck, Plaiiiyillc. ( 'oiiii., .July 2, 1879, .$.5(K). Sheridan, Cai)t. Emmons. 2 :2. '2. '\-^^\y V" k . ., • Amy It., b mrJ:34'ii, by Vomii; Winnebago, dam Daisy Dean, by Black Jack. G. AV. Buslinell, (.hicago, 111., Sei)t. 30, 1873, $1,()00. Moss Kosc. Ida (3 dr),2:40, 2:37, 2:36"2. Beloit, Wis., Oct. !), 1873, .-SODo. P.lack Diamond, Maggie G.. 2:44V2, 2:46, 2:46'4. H. S. Spencer, Delavan, Wis., May 2:5. 1874, $ . Charley Langworthy, J. D. McMann (1 dis),2:.36,2:38. Beloit Wis., July 15, 1874, .-:i,(H)(). " Billy Wilkes, Buckskin. 2:44»/2, 2:37, 2:36. — — .July li!, 1874, $1,200. Billy W ilkes. Buckskin. 2:.34, 2:33'.. 2:35. ]>el:iv:in. Wis., Oct. 13, 1874, .$500. Col. Barnes, 2:32-'i, 2:34. 2::«5. C. W. Phillips, Dixon, III., .luly 3, 1875. $too. Bismarck, I'.adger, Oak Grove Girl, 2:42, 2:3(?4, 2:40. Meiidot;i, 111., July 5. 1875, .$4o6. Dan Vosburgh, Sorrel Frank. I'.ad.ger, 2:43?4, 2:37, 2:38/2. Sycamore, 111., Sept. 8, 1875, .$600. Lady Griswold, 2:30' j, 2:.'.3't, 2;:!3':. Itockford, 111., Sept. 17, 1875, $.500. Modoc, Tornado, 2:33'.., 2:.!.v ... 2;:i5'4. Janesville. Wis., Oct. 7, 1875, $ . Janesville, Hickory Abd;illah. 2:;mi. 2:30, 2:30. Freepoit 111., May 31, 1876, $600. Phil. Sheridan, Whalcbmic, Latly .Mack. 2:32, 2:33'2. 2:32. Jime 1, 1876, .^itKK). ■ Phil. Sherichni 3. Lo:ifer, Allen, Kitty Stratton, 2:28'.i. 2:2!t'2, 2:32, 2:31. Dubwiue, la., .Mine 8. 1876..$,500. Phil. Sheridan, Whalelione. Aldine. 2::tO. 2:34Vi. 2:31. Jackson, Mich., June 21, 1876, .^.500. L:idv Byron 4. 5, Little (iypsy 2, 3, Granville, loin Brown, Tom But- ton, Monroe. Cai>t. Jack (4 dr). 2:31i.i, 2:30'.;, 2:31',, 2:32ii, 2:34?i. 2:3.5>.i,2:33?4. -., „ ....... East S;i.,'in;iw, Mich., June 28, 1876. $l,25o. Little (ivpsv 3, 4, Silversides 1, Lady Byron, JSlonroe, Gran- ville, Billy L:iml)eitson, 2:24, 2:21' ., 2 26. 2:25'.,, 2:2.5 2:28'2. , , „,„„„.,,, „ „„ ., r- Amy !•'., b iii Ci :•">">). H. Foster, Beacon Park, Boston. Sept. 5, 1882, .$100. John H. 1, 3:03, 3:11, 3:00, 2 :.'>.>. Amy M., gr m (3 :4-,), T. H. Jones, Chillicothe, O., Oct. 5, 1881, $225. Little Gns 2. 4. Purcell 1, Nipper, 2:40, Amy I'ei-i-y, i) m (3 :i%6),''c. A:icn. Providence. II. I., Nov. 8,1878, .$.50. Buzz 1, John Howard, Dexter Boy, (}ypsv, Edith, BlackCrow(ldis), 2:50, 2:50, 2:50, 2:51. , , .,.„ „ ,, i ,>„.,/„. fj.n9 Am.vS»on«(w),Vm(3:43U.). W. G. Shaw, Concord. N. IL, May 1.3, 1871,340. Howard (wt, Jenny (w), 3:03, Aiiadari'b'm (3:40), H. G. Smith, Springfield. Vt., Aug. 28, 1878. $200 Pilot, \?}f':VJ.?' r/.i^V^.'.n.ih.wii^n dis) Anca«tcr Hoy, b g (3:48'p, B. Olmsteiid, Dundas, (Tut., July 1. 1878, $:«-.. Pat Carney, tapelown (1 (lis). Brown .loe (1 dis). No time. , iif,.,,.,K„. i> i>ii.ri>i' fnsluie- Auclent Order ll..y. ch g (3:37). by Kurtz Horse, dam by son of Brown s Bellfonnde K. ' .' . • * ''Xj ton, ()., Oct. 27. 1876, $100. Billy L. 1, Daniel the Prophet, Lady Maud, Abdallah Bo>, Bcei Inr (J (lis), "^^ PieVcet" KiHiaidsmi, Newark, O.. June 27, 1878, $700. Jim Schriber, Lady M.. Joe Hooker, Black Maria (3dis), 2:33' 0.2. :i3'i, 2:84, — Oct W. !; 7,' 1878. S140.'' f)aniel the Prophet, Honest IMary. Aleck S., Bay Bob, 2:32, 2:*2'2, 2::i7. Pierce, Blanchester, O.. Sept. 13, 1879, .$:«K). Alex S.. Daniel the > ''T'et, 2:.«.. 2:.!fi. 2:.^2. ia bs(3:;UU).bv D:miel Webster. E. K. Conklnig, Doylestown, Pa., Oct. 8, 1869, *60. Audalusia, Patchen. George M. Patclien .IT.. 2:.54i4, 3:00. Oct. 6. 1870. .$60. Delaware Patchen, 3:06, 2:59, Delaware CHESTER'S COMPLETE TKOTTING AND PACING KECOKD. 29 Oct. T. 1870, $70. Empire, 2:45. 2:48, 2:47^. \iiiblcr Park. Pa.. Sept. 16, 1873, $ . Abclel Kadir 1. Gen. Love 2, 2:4.5, 2:48, 2:46, 2:4654, 2 :46. i)()ylL'sto\vii, Pa., Oct. 9, 1873. .S70. Geu. :McClelhiu U (lis), Monsieur Chief (1 dis), 2:42!i. Stallions. Oct. 10, 1873.' §70." Hermit, Bell Kinger. 2:45. 2:44' 2. 2:42. ., ^ Amlover Boy, ch g (3:49i4), S. D. Locke, Mystic Park, Boston, .June 4, 1880, .f . Tyrone 1,2, 2:1014, 2-46'^^. 2:53, 2:4!)'.i. 2:50'/2. Amlover Keariiaujflit. ch s (3 :50), by Pearnauglit. Lawrence, Mass., Sept. 24, 1878. $150. Onawa, Saroney, Emma. 2;oi). 2;.in'o, 2:51. . AihI»-ow 1) '■ ( -J ••">;$ i.'(Jeo. Nelson. Philadelphia, Pa., April 23, 1853, 5=500. Ossiana Dodge, 2:58, 2:54, 2:5;. Andrew' 1 lv"ey West), ch s (3:281^), by Bashaw .Jackson. A. A. Snider, Paterson, N. J., Oct. 21, lo7i, .S700. Judire Bed'le. Prank. Fanny W.. 5laud (1 disj, 2:42, 2;:jy, 2:43. sHriiVr Vailev N. Y.. Oct. 28. 1.S74. .■31300. Judge Bedle, Ella, White Stone (2 dis),-2:44, 2:49. 2:42'i. Vmbrer P:irU. Pa.. June 9, 1875, .tirjOO. West Eaton Girl 1, Theo. Fitler, Batcmau, Champion Morrill, ^'riink. 2::!9' >. 2t;'»'.;. 2:39, 2:.394. Z- Mon-istown Pa 'June 16. 1875, $350. Bateman, Star. Cliampion :M()rrill, 2:36'/i, 2:35, 2:36. Parkville, L. L. JiUy 2. 1875, $300. Lady Woods l, Fred T> ler, Edilli, Fourth ot July, Prince i,3dr), 11 .johu'Splan.Freetwood Park, N. Y., Nov. 25 and 27, 1875, .t!300. Koyal George 1, 3, Bay Jack (3 dr), 2:49, 2-4><. 2:47, 2:43, 2:43'.i. I w) Dec. 4 and 7, 1875; $250. Steve Maxwell (w) 3, 4 (5 0). T>ady Woods 6, 7 (5 0),Modesty (w) 2 (.8 dr), Harry Irwin (w) (5 dis), 2:40, 2:40, 2:42"2, 2:42'^, 2:50, 2:51, 2:52, 2:55, 2:56. Andrew J., ch g (3 :40), A. Johnson, Bridgewater, Mass., Sept. 19, 1878, .$ . Nichols, Tom, Fearless, Lady Caswell. Spotted Ben, 2:41i.i. 2:41, 2:4.5. Weymouth. Mass., Sept. 27, 1878, $130. Queen Esther 2, Puzzle, 2:40. 2:42i/2, 2:40, 2:44. Andrew 'Jackson, ch s (s), (3 :38i4 s). bv Young Bashaw, dam by Why Not (?). C. W. Keyser, Philadelphia, Pa., Oct. IG. IS34. $200. Sallv Miller (s), 5:20, 5:2.5. Two miles. (s). Oct. 27. is:!5, .?;2no. Lady Washington (si, Daniel D. Tompkins (s). 5:20, 5:17. Two miles. (s), ill, (Russell) gr g (3 :3G), by Blue Bull. A. B. Cuminings, Gettysbiu-g, Pa., July 23, 1878, $200. Maud, Ladv Mav, Big Fellow, 2 :43, 2 :5l". 2 :43?i. lidv 24, 1878, ^-l^^i. Silas 3, Tom Fields, Ambler (4 dis), Lady May (4(iis), Lady Yerkes (1 dis), 2:39, 2:401/^, 2:42, 2::57'.;. Westminster, :Md., Aug. 2, 1878, $300. Oakley 1 2, Maud, Big Fellou, C;;stleman (2 dis>, 2:41ii, 2:40"2, 2:42. 2:439i, 2:47'o. Andy H., blk g (3:50), C. H. Smith, Mount Hollv, N. J.. Oct. 3, 1876, $105. Belle Fon-est, Stninge Henry, Ladv Sterling, Crooked Snip, .Moodv, Lady Patchen, Tuckahoe, Dolly (3 dr), 3:02, 3:02, 3:04. A\'ooill)urv, N. J., Oct. 17, 1876, siOO. Josephine, Belle Bangor, 2:57i4, 2:57i4, 2:50. Andv Johnsoii, b s (3 :33), bv Henrv Clay, dam by Tormentor, J. I. Henry, Taunton, Mass., Sept. 20, 1S56, .$30. Gypsy Boy 1 3, Mtlggie 2:44, 2:42, 2:48, 2:45, 2:44. Providence, H. L, Oct. 25, I866, $100. Henry Putnam 1, 2:49, 2:40, 2:435/2, 2:42J4. Anay Johnson, blk g (3:43). W. H. Nelson, Union Course, L. I., June 23. 1809. iS.^OO. Prince 1, (2 dis), 3:07. 2:54. Andy Johnson, rn g (3:33). bv Moscow. M. Roden. Trov. N. Y.. Sept. 5. 1871, $1,500. Fanny Lambert 2, Trumbull. Lida P^ctoii. H.irtford Belle, Lottv (2 dis), 2:33i.t. 2:.34, 2:35ii. 2:33. C. W. Bell, St. John N. B., Sept. 12, 1872, $400. Ink 3, Nelly (1 dis), 2:40, 2:381/^, 2:40, 2:38^- — — (w), W. Woodruff, Beacon Park, Boston. Sept., 14, 1874, .$ . Lazy Jim, Young Hero (pa«er), Pauline, 2:44i.>. 2:.38, 2::38. J. B. P. Wheeldon, Bangor, Me., Aug. 11, 1875, $200. Lightfoot 3, Gentle Annie, Dick (4 dr), 2:34^2, 2:3a 2:37).i. 2::>4. — Calais, :\I('., Aug. 26, 1875, $300. Lady West 1, Olive Logan. 2:37'i, 2:36, 2:38, 2:3714. — - — Woodstock, Out., SeiJt. 1, 1875, $200. :,larquis of Lome 1, 2 (3 dr). 2:40, 2:40, , 2:38, 2:39. Andy Jolinson, blk g (3 :34), Geo. Jones, Middletown, Del., Sept. 24, 1874, .$200. Modoc, Marydel (2 dr), 2:40, 2:40, 2::i8'... Baltimore, ild., Oct. 8, 1874. .«200. Ladv Ewel (1 dis), Henrietta (1 dis), 2:50. .Morristown, Pa., June 16. 1875. .s4no. Ladv Atkinson 1, Fanny Gilbert, Jenny Cooper, Lady Morrison, R. D. Hunter, L:idy Dexter (2 dr) 2:;32, 2:^1, 2:.37, 2:;34:'i. .^ Woodlniry. N. J., June 2, 1875, $300. Andrew 1, 2, R. D., Fanny Gilbert, West Eaton Girl (5 dr), Fanny (1 disi, 2:3714,2:38, 2:38, 2:3914. 2:38' 2. Sidem, N. J., June 23, 1875, .$.500. R. D., Jenny Cooper, American Boy (2 dr). 2 38^, 2:3914, 2:40?i. Andy Mershon, gr s (3 :35i2), by Curtis' Hambletonian, dam by Kavanagh's (Jray Eagle. Macy Bros., Cin- cinnati, O., Oct. 16, 1877, $1 000. Nancy Hackett 1, Cottage Girl, Netty C. 2, (4 dis), Kitty Bates (2 dis), Lucille (1 dis), 2:.31, 2:28, 2:32, 2:32i4, 2:30. ('vnthiaiia, Ky.,Oct. 23, 1877, .$500. Edwin Forrest 1, Alice Keller. Webster, Sannie G. (2 dis), 2:26?i, 2:2;5'i, 2:27,2:30. Andy IMulligan, ch g (3 :39!i), Mr. Thompson, Union Course, L. I., June 14, 18.59, .$1,000. Lady Pollock, 5:25, 5:32 Two miles. I). Plifer, Nov. 17, 1859, .$100. Ladv Golden. 2-401/2, 2:41. _ ( ico. H. Bailey. Portland, Me., Aug. .31. 186^\ .«i400. Dick Ling 1, 2, 5:31, 5:30, 5:39, 5:39, 5:42. Two miles. Oct. 17. 1S6.-., .■^200. Dick Ling. .->:49. 5:."). Two miles. .1. V. ILiliics, Scarboro, Me.. .Fnne 22, 1S66, .-;200. Daniel Webster 1, 2 :.50, 2:48, 2 :,52, 2:50. Angehi, gr m i 3 :40), G. J. Worccstei-, Worcester. Mass.. Sei)t. 22. 1876, $125. Vashti, Granger, Hatty, Alice, Kate .Murray. Glenair, Nelly. Sleepy Kit, Fearless .Tim. 2:.50, 2:.51. 2:48. . „• , i Ang:eliue ( \\'esterii Girli b m (3 :37 ). by Richard's Bellfounder, dflm Fannv, by Wild Harry. O. A. Hickok, Milwaukee. Wis.. Avig. 2,5, 1866, $100." J. C. Lewis 2. 3 (5 dis), 2:3614. 2:3614. 2:37?4, 2:41, 2:.53. Nov. 1, 18G6, $.500. TSLigna Cliarta 1. Buckeye Bill. 2:41i;. 2:.38i4. 2:40>2, 2:38. Chiciigo, 111., Aug. 3, 1867, $1.50. Ploughboy, 2 (3 0), Lady Ella, Lady Angeline, 2:37i/o, 2:39i'2, 2:39'2, 2 ■^>i 1/, 2 :4.5. Milwiiukee, Wis., Sept. 11. 1867, .$200. Meg 3. North Hawk. 2:36ii, 2:34i4, 2:35, 2:33H. Sept. 12. 18C.7, ;«)0. Lady Hobart, 5:24'.;. 5r27. Two miles. June 25, 1S68, .$;300. Morrissev 1. Jeanette (4 dis). 2 :36i ;. 2 :.33i i. 2 :."«). 2 :.33%. Ciuc;igo, 111., Aug. 19. 1868. .$500. W^. K. Tbomas (1 0). Dixie (3 dr). 2:34. 2:.3.39.i, 2:38, 2:.35i/2. Cleveland. O., Sept. 12, ISO.s. .$800. Silas Rich 1 . 4.(5 0),E. Hilliard 2,(5 0). 2 :32W, 2:33. 2 :.32, 2 :32i4, 2:32i!; , 2:S7J^- <'bicago. 111., Aug. 27, 1869. .$000. Jim Rockey 2. 4. Pilot Tenn>le 1. 2::n'.C. 2:30. 2:29V4, 2:36%, 2:30, 2:32^4- I)etroit,Mich.,Sept.l8, 1869, $2,.500. Byron l,2,Kirkwood. Point Breeze 3, (2 dis). 2:29,2 :28i4,2:27'/2,2:28,2:33!2. Milw.aukee, Wis., Oct. l, 1869. $soo. Silas Rich 2, Vulcan, Clara, 2:29. 2:29'4. 2:28i4. 2:321-4. 24 CHESTER'S COMPLKTE TROTTINC AND PACINC RECORD. Aii^lin, l)g(3:274), by (ieorijc Wilkes, dam a Whip (lay mart',.!. F. Gilbird, Danville, 111., .Iiiiic -jy, is>s;?,$200. (Jell, (iokklust ), Maggie M. 3 (4 ilis), Brown Tliraslier, 2:4t;; 2:4."), 2:r)0, 2:19, 2:45. Jackson, Mich., Aug. 24, 1!<83, ?«3(J0. Prince :\liddklon, Harry Wickard, Norrls Bashaw 1 (3 dls). Tramp .Ir. (3dis), 2:41, 2::i4, 2:33'.2, 2:.{.->^4. Council Blulls, la., Sept. 12, isx;!, S400. Colunilnis 2.McMalion, Chas. (J. Haves, 2:31'i,2:.30'4, 2:27' j, 2:30»/4. Sept. 14, ls,s.i. !, 187.">, §.500. Eulton, Hayden 13 dr), Lady (iertrude (2 dis, 2:51, 2:43, 2:41'2. Parkershurg. W. Va.. June 18, 1875, $350. Helen de Long 4, Moses (4 dr), Jack (1 dis), Jerry Hoover (4 dis), 2:41'., 2::a)'.4, 2;!4'.i, 2 :.i9 '.i. Mav 7. 187.'^.. 5;.-)(K). ciii'tou. i;illv dishing, (}neen Marv. 2:40, 2:.'J8, 2:39>;. Mav II, 187."), .S">.i. Parker City, Pa.. June 2.;, 187."), .S800. Mary Taylor 1, Mary Jane, Kate, Fred Fette Ladv Johnson, Sleepy Tom, 2 :a5, 2:;«>'.i, 2:3(i' .. 2:3t>'4.. Sliaron, Pa.. .Inly 1, 1h7.">, .^(i(M). Sleeny Tom 1, 2, Toiisy 4. Lady Patterson, 2:^5,2:34, 2:35, 2:36, 2:30, 2:39, (ireenville. Pa., Jnly 5. 1875, S400. >fary .lane 1. 2, Ki-ntucky Prince, Sleepv Tom, 2:37, 2:35. 2:.37, 2::!8. Anna, eh ni (3 :3»), J. F. (iib.son. Chester, Vt., Sept. 22, 1875, ,*!16.-). Chestnut liilh 2, Lalla Rookh. Springfield Maid. Black Frank. 2:51':. 2:.-)5, 2:.')2'4, 2:.54. St. Albans, Vt., Sept. 14. 1870, .'*9.5. Prince of Wales Jr. 1, Fannv Streit, (iifford Boy, Tramp, Coachman, NfUv Brown, 2: 48, 2:40, 2:44'.., 2:40'i. Maloue. X. V., Sept. 27, 1870, .§150. Maggv B. (3 0), Honest George, Alice, 2:41';, 2:39, 2:42, 2:43. Fort Covington, X. Y., (Jet. 5, 1870. SIOO. Foundry Bov, Nelly, Harrv Clay. 2:,-)l, 2:49, 2:44. Anna, blk m (3:.'>0). by Liglitning. H.L.Miller, Manchester, X. H., Juiv 4, 1870, SIOO. Roval Clav, Secnrity i3 disi, Wava (2 dis), Dick U dis). 2:5(), 2:.^2'2, 2:52. Anna, (Lady Alice), rn ni ci :3;J), by Mambrino, dam by Leviathan (?). Jas. Jamison, Cnba, X. Y.. Sept. 28, 1870, .•:S3.5(). Chariev 1. Billy Paver, 2:35. 2:35'2, 2:35. 2:30. Anna Dickinson, gr m (3 :53'.,), B. Hoffman, Geneva, HI., Sept. 21, 1871..?l.">0. Frank 3. 4. Ella Allen (4dr), 2 :.">7, 2 :58, 2 -.Hb, 2 :57, 2 :.">". Anna H. ( w). gr m (3 :4»!2). G. Abrams, X. Orleans, La., April 25, 18,58, $125. Monse (w). Bill Scpiaretoes (w), 2:50U, 2:49',»,2:.53. Anna H., b m (3:33), F. D. Fox, Huntington, L. I., Oct. 19, 188,!, $1M. Honest Mack 1, Mabel, .Jennv (!rav, 2:39, 2:.i7'/4, 2:33. 2:.'W. Oct. 20, 1883, .'SS1.50. Honest Mack, Bine Hero, Mannelito, Frank B., 2:38, 2:39, 2:38i.i. Anna J„ dii m. bv Honest Fred, dam Belle Wintlower. Elkton, Md., Oct. 4. 1882, $.50. Dantes. Dollv M., Brown Boy, 2:08'2, 2:02. Half mile heats. Annette, b ni (3 :3.5!4), bv Sentinel, dam ]\Iinnie, by Kentuckv Clav. R. P. Peiti)er. Lexington, Kv.. Ang. 29. 1879. S2.-.0. Blondine, 2":28',i, 2:20'i, 2:;!0':.. Five-vear-olds. Aug. :«), 1879, .§250. Wait-a-bit, Sable, 2 :27?i, 2 :25!'2, 2 :27. Annie, br m (3 :46i4), .John Drake, Hartford, Conn., Sept. 10, 180,3. !575. Rnssell's b s Jack Horton, 2:5(V4 2:40'o. Annie,chm{3:43),.L Pettit, Point Breeze Park, Pliila., Apr.,18, 1800, $ . Fanny, Capt.Clavton. Dun mare, 2:47'.i,2:49Ji,2:49'4. Annie, b m (2:n'JKi) Charles Fuller, I'almer, Mass., Ang. 31, 1870, iR,50. 2:.".9'.i. To beat, 3:00. Annie, b m (3:4J)), T. Hazlett, Fleetwood Park, X. V.. Oct. 7. 1870,§500. Robert. 2t.50. 2:49'o. 2:49. Dec. 10, 1870. .§.300. Sorrel Jake. Honest Tom 1. 2:50, 2:50, 2:,')0. Annie, blk m (3 ■A'i^i), J. C. Chandler, Morristowii. X. J.. Jnly 24, 1871, .?200. Monnt Holly (1 dis), 2:54'/2. Bob Johnson. Fleetwood Park, X. Y., Sei)t. 2. 1871. ,«,500. Ladv Bisco 2, 2:47, 2:47i.,. 2:51, 2:40. (w), Dan Mace, Sejjt. 2,3, 1871, §500. Ladv Bisco ( w), 2:49?i, 2:,5U4, 2:44ii. Annie, b m (3 :.53), B. Kinne, (Jreat Falls, S;. H., Oct. 31, 1871, .§1.50. John Hale (2 0). .lean Ingelow 3 (-2 0), 1 1 dis). Granite Belle (1 dis), 2:!).i, , 2:.50, 2:54, 2:.59. Xov. 1, 1871, §l.-.0. .John Hale. W' bite Card. 3 :03, 2 :55, 2 :.55. Annie, b m (3 :4r>), V. L. I\irkinan, Xashville, Tenn., Oct. 10, 1872, $250. Delia I. Tobe Rowe. 2:49, 2:48!», 2:45, 2:48»4. Annie ch m (3 iSl^), T, Polhemns, Pri)si)ect Park. L. L. Julv 2h. 1874. .§.500, Telegraph 1, 2:.55'2, 2:51Vj 3:20, 3:.33. Annie, b m (3:43), O. H. Butler, Stafford, X. H., (Vt. 13, 1870. $25. Echo, Billy Button, lilack Clip. Xo Xame (2 dr). 3:00.2:58, 2:.50. • W. S. (nH^ney. Montpelier. Vt., Oct. 25. 1870, 82,50. Turpentine 1, Seeds, Promise, Lady Morrill, Fanny Grav (3 dr). Addle R (3 (lis), 2:18, 2:48'J, 2:42, 2:43. Annie.'ch m (3 :43), H. S. Smith. Fitchbnrg. Mass., Julv 27, 1876, ,§300. Archie, Governess, .limmy. Slarlighl 3 (4 dis), Willis (4 dr), .Minnie D. (4 dr), Xelly Logan (4 dr), 2:44. 2:4;i. 2:44. 2:46. Annie, b m (3:41 '4), 1. Poole, Hempstead, L. 1., .Julv 2, 1881. ,§100, Black Diamond 3. 4. 2:44. 2:45, 2:44. 2:43?i, 2:41 '4. Annie Itennett, b m (3 :36), C. Xolan, Amber Park, Pa., Sept. 20, 1877, .§200. A. I-. Helinbold 1, 2, Chief. Xelly Blv. Robin Hood, Tommv Dodd, Frank (4 drV Addle E. C. (2 dr), 2:42'4, 2:4.!?4. 2:38'4, 2:41 '4. 2:40-l,. Dovlestown. Pa., Oct. 3, 1877, .§17.5. Belle of .\berdeen. Spunky, Irene. Viola, Tommy Dodd, 2:41?i, 2:42>4 2 :42. Oct. 5. IS77, .§100. Bobbv Burns, Belle of Aberdeen, Jail Bird, Surprise (1 dIs), George d dis), 2:42, 2:41, 2:41. Edlnl)urgh, Pa„ June l.-i. 1878. .§.500. Bay l^anny 2. 4. Little Ro;in 1. Little Xell. Lady Mcl\inney, 2:3.5, 2*,3.5 2 '30' 2 2'3()'^> 2:,37'-i> 2'.'ifl ~ Youngstown,(V.,"i'ulv"5, 1879, .§300. Lizzie 11.2. .i, Chariev T. Caviiga Chief 1,(2 dis), 2:41. 2:.30. 2:40, 2:40'i, 2:40,2:43. Annie C, bm (3:38), H. C. Woodnut, IMineola, L. I.. Sept. 29, 1881, .§ . Brooklyn Maid. 2:49. 2 :,Jh. Six- vear-olds. Annie C, blk m (3 :47',i), J. 11. Weaver, Ottawa. Out., Ang. 20. 1.8X2. .§40. Batson's ch g. Molly Bawn. liodine, 2:.51,2:.52, 2:.5.\ Aug. 24. 1882, .§100. I<:iiza Kidler 2, 2 :4s. . 2 :49, 2 :47' j. Annie C, ell m (3:43i4), E. F, Bass, I'almer, Mass., Sept, 1.8. iss:!. .§ . James K.. i'aniiy Allen, (.eorge, t'lara H., 2:48, 2:47'... 2:45. , ,, , .John Smith, Woonsocket, R. L, Sept. 20, 188:{, .§1.",0. R(>:in Johiiiiv. Kilfv Garlleld (2 dis\ Henry (1 di.s), Prince (1 dis), 2:43ii, 2:4t)V4, 2:48?4'. Annie Collins, b m (3 :33';i. bv Edwin Forrest (?). Thos. Collins. Caiuil Dov(-r, O., Nov. 18. 1871, $200. Tramp .!. 4. Dictator 2, Silversides, 2:41';, 2:41, 2:.38. 2:40. 2:41. 2:44. F. Patterson, Parkersburg, W. Va., Oct. 4 1872, ,§a50. Belle Buckley, Randall, Joe (2 dis). 2:424. 2:43?.i, 2:43M. 2:26'/2, 2:26'4, 2:28'.i, 2:29Ji, 'I-.^-i,- 2:31, 2:32i4. — Fleetwood Park, X. Y., June 14, 1875, $1,500. ("HESTERS COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 2S — Lancaster, O., June 5, 1873. §800. Capt. Jack, Fanny Brown, 2 til^^, 2 :42, 2 i+tU. — June G. 1H73, $1,000. Red Dick, l, 3, Red Cloud, 2:;i4Mj 2:32, 2:34y2, 2:36^4, 2:3l)-'4. — Zanesville, ()., .)uuc 13, 1873, $500. Josle 2, Magna, Billy (3dis), 2:39, 2 :38'2, 2:35^4, 2:43. — Colunil)us, O., .luly 2, 1873, $600. Kate Campbell 1, Joe Shavvhan, Dolly Varden (.3 dis), 2:39'4, 2:Z1%, 2 :.39i 1.2:41. — Thonuis Collins. Lapeer, Mich., July 10, 1873, $400. Little Johnny, Royal Magna, 2:37'4, 2:37'/2. 2:35. — F. Patterson. Wheeling, W. Va., Aug, 21, 1873, $250. Silversides 1, 2:35. 2:31, 2:35?4, 2:34%. — Portsmouth, O., Aug. 30, 1873, $800. Red Dick 3, Thos. L. Young 1, Bedford, 2:33?i, 2:30%, 2 -.SOU, 2:3354, 2 :40. — Marietta, O., Sept. 18, 1873. .$ . Gray Sara, Capt. Jack, 2:38;2, 2:32'4, 2:36. — W. H. Crawford. Beacon I'ark, Boston, June 25, 1874, .$1,000. Dustin Jim l, Fanny, Carroll, Hamperion, 2:.«, -IiSS. 2:3.5, 2:34'.>. Hartford, Conn., June 11. 1875, $1,500. Ella Madden 5, 6, Frank J. 1, Artliiu:, Orange Blossom 2 (4 dr), Frank J. 1, 2, Lady Banker 4, Charlie Green, 2:30V2, 2:31. 2:29. 2:;B.2:.32-M,2:349ii. I'arkcr City, Pa., June 24, 187.5, .$1,200. Nelly Irwin 1, 2, Belle P.rasfleld, Lady Patterson (3 dr). 2:295^. 2:29'.. 2:29, 2:29,2:30. (ifcenvillo. Pa., July 7, 1875, $5.50. Cattaragus Chief, Lady Patterson, 2:38%i, 2:35Ki, 2:34i2. Pottstown. Pa., Oct. 29 and 30, 1875, $l,ooo. Susie Parker 1, 2. Tanner Boy 4, Little Mary. Hannah D., 2:25'i. 2:26. 2:2.5, 2:27'2, 2:29, 2:26i2, ■ lialtimore, Md., Nov. 12, 1875, .$750.' Bateman, Tanner Boy, 2:40, 2:30i2, 2:.31i4,. Kiclnuoiul, Va., Nov. 2.5, 1875, $ . Tanner Bov 1, Jack Draiier, 2:29y2, 2:32, 2:31 '/a, 2:3272. New ( )rl('ans, La., March 6, 1876, .$800. Kate CaiiiplMll 4. ISanicy Kelley 3, 2:30'/i, 2:32, 2:31'/^, 2:33i/2, 2:34. XashvillH. Tenn., April 8. 1876, $.500. Kate CainphcU ■^, Barney Kelly, 2:31%, 2-M%, 2:28^4, 2:29i^i. April !». 1S76, $500. Kate Caiiipbell 3. Barney Kelley, 2:31i'4, 2:31 Vs 2:301^, 2:29?^. Suttolk Park, I'hila., June :i(i. I,s76. $1,000. Susie Parker 4 (1 0), Belle Brasfleld, 2:26, 2:25, 2:28, 2.27, 2:28. I'leetwood Park, N. Y., Sept. 21, 1S76, $1,500. Slow Go, Mystic, Lady Banker. Blanche, 2:28, 2:30, 2:30. Beacon Park, Boston, Nov. o, 1876, .$1.50. Little Gypsy 2, 3, Frank Reeves, 2:28%, 2 :29, 2 :27, 2 :33, 2:33. Mystic Park, Boston, Nov. 14 and 15, 1876, $200. Little Gypsy, Joe Ripley, Frank Reeves. 2:29J/2, 2:28J4, 2 -29. ' Annie Doyle, ch m (3 :53?;i), Thos. Barret, Fleetwood Park, N. Y., .June 22,1872, $5iio. Garryowen, 3:17, •-':.523.i. Annie K,. chm(3:39i4). A.A.Einstein, Rittersville, Pa., Oct. 22, 1874, .$300. Messenger Ironsides, Edwin Foi-rest. 2:47, 2:50, 2:45. Pittsburg, Pa.. Sept. 22, 1876, $200. Diamond (w) 1, 3, Joe Hooker (w), Loretta, Canton, Frank B. (5 dr), 2 ;.55, 2 :57. 2 :55»4 , 2 :55, 2 :49''2. Annie F., m m (3 :44), A. R. Ladd, Point Breeze Park, Phila., June 15, 1875, $200. Oliver 1, 2, 2:52' 2, 2:52'/2, 2:521/2,2:5114,2:50. New Hunting Park, Phila., Oct. 16. 1876, $100. Frank 1, 3:01 '4, 2:551/2, 2:.54, 2:5:>. — April 23, 1877, $200. Lady Sharp (w). Lady Hodge, Frank, Dunallan, 2:51, 2:52, 2:50. < )ct. 19, 1877, .$,50. Clam, 6 :09, 5 :47. Two miles. (wj, Nov. 20, 1877, $100. Dart, Black Horse (2 dr). 3:05%. 3:06, 3:08%. June 5, 1878, $ . Deacon (w) 3, Onward (W) 2, 2 :50%, 3:00, 2 :43i4, 2 :50. Woodbury, N. J., Sept. 19. 1878, $150 Frank 1, Pilot, Little Dave, Lew (2 dis). 2:48, 2:44, 2:47, 2:45'/2. Annie (;.. b m (3 :38), by Dictator, dam Annie Laurie, by Harris' Hambletonian. H. C. Woodnutt, Albany, N. Y., Sept. 14, 1877, 200. Fury 1, Livery. Annie Mack, Aline, Harry (3 drj. Rattler (1 dis), 2:34, 2:36. 2:35, 2;.37i4. Milford, Conn., June 12, 1878, $100. Meriden Girl. 2:47, 2 :40%, 2:40%. Plain ville. Conn., Aug. 29 and 30, 1878, $500. Penelope 2, .5, Clara J. 1, Myrtle, Fanny Jefferson, 2:29;^, 2*30 *^'.32 2*31% 2 'SOi'o 2*29i4. ■' Milford" Conn.. 'Sept."'r2, 1878. $1.50. Judge Ti-umbull 1, 3, 2:35, 2:35, 2:33i/2, 2:3TA, 2:39. Annie O., ch m (3 :4.5ii), by Star of the AVest. C. Q. Weeks, Manchester, la., Sept. 12, 1883, $145. Lady Aliens- worth, Joe S., MoUie P.., Diamond Jo>-, 2:47, 2:46. 2:45'^. Annie Golddust. b m [3 rOSij). by Dustin (iolddust. J. D. Heard, Erie, Pa., Sept. 24, 1878, $100. Maria Wil- son 1. Kendall Star 2. Molly M(«Carthy, 3:00, 3:01, 3:0.3, 3:02i4, 3:05. Annie .Jewell, gr in i3 :45), T. C. Gregan, Fashion Course, L.T.. Aug. 19, 1864, $500. Kitty Star 1, 2:58, 2:45, 2 :5n. Annie K.. br m (3:37i4), Attica, N. Y.. Sept. 14, 1881, $150. Silver Cloud, Alpino, Jane A. Stewart, 2:50, 2:.50, 2:51. Annie Kelly, ch m (3 :.5.5 1, W. R. Smith, Oshawa, Ont.. July 6 and 7. 1876. $100. Shamrock 2. 3, Kitty Mother- sill, Canada George (4 dis), Charlotte (l dis), 2:.5.5. 2:5.5%, 3:09, 3:00, 3:04i/,. Annie Laurie, ch m (3 :4.'> w). W. Peabodv, Union Course, L. I., May 29, 1855, .$.500. Indigo. 2:45, 2:50, 2:51. Annie Laurie, blk m (3 :43i2), F. Laffertv, Pittsburgh, Pa., Oct. 14. 1863, $150. Ladv Anne, Highlander, Lady Jackson (l dis). Gen. Thomas d dis). Anna Watson (1 dis). 2:49, 2:5.5, 2:57. Aug. .3, 1865, $80. (ien. Thomas. XX , Duncan Campbell, 2:.5.5. 2:53, 2:53. (w), J. Musgrove, July lo, IWC .-?5oo. Charli'v. 2:4.s. 2:50. 2:.54. Oct. 17. 1860, $100. Little (U-oriXC Cell. Thoii'ias. Cliai-lie. Maid. 2:46ii;. 2:4.Tr,. 2:47i.i. Annie Laurie, b m (3:30i,by Kcho. dam by Ten P>roeck. Wm. Smith. Oakbind, Cal.. Sept. 1.5. 1880, .$400. Alex. Button 2, State of Maine i3 dis). Leu linse d dis), Phaeeola (1 dis), 2::U. 2:;;r,ii, 2:34, 2:a5. Three-year-olds. Annie Lou, 1) m (3 13014). by Daniel LamlxTt. .1. S. Carter. Rutland, Vt., Sept. 9, 1874, $35. King William, John Cramton. I :.i4Vi, 1 :3;'.'.;. Half-mile heats. Three-year-olds. Sept. 27, 187(), ,si(K). Ladv Dixon. Leo, Col. Morton, Wild Indian, Dolly Varden, (3 dis), 2:,55, 2:49, 2:48. Sept. 28, 1876. $75. Wild Indian, Leo, Madam Rusk (3 dr), Nellv (3 dr). Lady Dixon (3 dr), 2 :47i/2, 2 :47i/2, 2 :49. M;ii)(l)ester. N. H., Oct. 4, 1876. .$200. Nell Hastings 1. John B., Topsy, Melvin, Glenair, Franklin (3 dis), 2:49'.,, 2:4(;i4.i.':48i/i. Oct. 6, 1876. .$200. Col. Allen, Tom Rogers, Topsy, Col. Morton, 2:46, 2:45. 2:41^. H. G. Smith, Montpelier, Vt., Aug. 21, 1S78, .$2(XX Abby P. 1, 2, Bellevue Bov, Y'oung Pathfinder, Billy Patterson, 2 :42. 2 :42, 2 :44, 2 :42, 2 :42. St. Albans, Vt., Sept. 11, 1878, $1.35. Island Bov. Kitty Jones, 2:.38i4. 2:47, 2:40. Woodstock, \'t.. Sept. 25, 1878. $1,50. Washington, Belle of Putney, Rubv (1 dis), 2:40. 2:46, 2:454. Providence, R. I., June 20, 1879, .$2.50. Steve Lewis, Lady Wilmarth, Gypsv, George Adee, Matty, 2:34. 2:.^, 2:.35i4. ' " A. J. Rollins, Woodstock, Vt.. Oct. 2, 1879. $175. Hatty Tyler 1, Osceola. 2:46, 2:40, 2:.35ii, 2:37. W. S. White, Webster City, la., July 8, 1881, .$.300. Hidden Treasure 1, 3, Corbin's Bashaw 2, Emma Max- well, Princess, 2:.'U'2, 2:33ii, 2:.32i2. 2:.32i.i, 2:.W2, 2:.33i4. Crawfordsville. Ind., Sept. 9, 1881, $.300. .Jenny L. 1, 3, Sucker Maid 4, Rosewood, Polly Wishard (5 dr), 2 :.'!4. 2 :32i i , 2 :3!». 2 :.33. 2 :33i4, 2 :.34. Annie Lou. rn m (3 :38). P. Wood, Om.aha, Neb.,Sept. 12, 18s,s, .$600. Kitty Strader. Little Tom, 2 :.38, 2 :.39, 2:41%. Annie Louise, ch m (3:3.5i2), by Hambletonian Prince. T. Kyle, CobbleskUl, N. Y., Sept. 30, 1881, $150. Sleepy Dutchman 1, Bay Billy, Prince, 2:.!6, 2:35'.,, 2:.36, 2:,37. Annie Mack (Black Bess), blk m (3 :34). J. H. McDonald, Albany, N. Y., Sept. 12. 1877. .$200. Annie G., My Julia, Fury, Aline, Ida Jane, Louise (2 dis),2:.35V4, 2:.36i4, 2:.38'/4. 26 CHESTKK'S (OMl'LKTi: TKorriNC AND I'AC'INC UKCOKl). T. Gratly, June 5, l»78, .*'ioo. Fury, Ada I). 'i/.V), 2:34, -iM'i. Annie Moore, i'i :6«), (). Jtl. Dickinson, AU'liison, Kan., Sept. 9, 187S, $200. Lonjj-ii-Coniinj; 1, Morgan (1 (lis), Steamboat (1 ilis). Billv Hunconibe (l, 2:5"'», 2:5(i. JiaS, 2:58'j. Annie O'Neil. 1) ni (a:58'^i), J. O'Neil, Jersey City, X. J., July I'J, ItMvi, ii^M. Marv W. 1, Dr. Collins (3 dr\ .■t:(r)| .. 2:;>^i, 2:.'iii';. 3:00. Annie I'ajre, li ni I'^iS?'.!). 1)V Daniel Lambert, dam l'"aiinv Jackson, by Arthur's Stonewall Jackson. John 'I'roiil, Prospect Park, L. (., June .1, isso, s4(KI. Kismet. I'ickard. LadV (lav ij disi. 2:27' i, 2:L'7'.i, 2:28. Annie K.. b m (a:4:j>.,), G. \V. Oakley Prospect Park, L. I.. .Sejit. 2'.), 1871, .:!4()0. Nellv Condor ^w;, Mack (w). .lobu Knox, 2:.-)aj2. 2:44, 2.47. Annie .s.,cli m (» :36?4). by Almont, dam by Conklin's Star. A. Shiirp, Chicago, 111., Sept. 20, 1882, |500. True Blue 1,2:41. 2:41, 2:37'.i. Four.vear-olds. Lexington, Ky.. t)et. Ki, 1882, .•$4?i. 2:2(i?i, 2:28^.i, 2:315!i, 2:32. Annie s., 1) m, (i. Ellis, Willits, CaL, Sept. 2.'5, 1883, §100. Frank, Bessie B. (.2 dis), 2:00'4, 2:00'/2. Two-year- olds. Halt-mile heats. Annie Snyder, eh ni (a :50), Kockville, Ind., Aug., 12, 1880, .? . Fleetwood, Dandy, Black Cloud, Tom Kay, Mollv Crowder, 2:.^)1. 2:.0O, 2:.'iOi.2. Annie t.. b ni (3 :4(;), A. D. Tirrell, S. Wevnioutli, Mass., Oct. 1, 1881, $85. Lightfoot 2. Bishop 1, Wliistler, Clipi)er, 2:17, 2:4(i, 2:4(54, 2:4(i, 2:4(jj£. Annie v.. (wt. b m (a:4«), W. K. Stokelev. Wilnnngton, Del., Oct. ", 1879, S50. Swamp (W), 2:.">S, 3;19'i, 3:19. 1, 11. Dickerson, West Cliester, Pa., June 11, 1880, .•#125. Lady Maee 2, Alice 1, (.4 dis), IJecklesij (4 dis), 2 :4(i' 2. 2 :..!(. 2 M, 2 :47, 2 :47. Annie W, eh m (^3:30). hy Bostick's Almont .Ir., dam Marv M., by Bassinger. E. F. Geer, Macon, Ga., Oct. 28, 1880. .■<2.')0. Living.ston, Bill Moodv. 2:41'.i, 2:4.'5'.i, 2:4(i' >. Montgomery, Ala., Nov. 12. 1880, .sVj.x Nick 1. 4, liosa NVilkes, 2:55, 2:44, 2:41, 2:40;i, 2:41!/2. Jan. It, 1881, .S:joo. Koss, Livingston, Burlington. No time. Tallahassee, F'la., Jan. 13, 1881, $2.">0. Nick 2, I.,ivingst()n, Burlington. Minnie Tilden. No time. Dayton, ()., June 15, 1881, $300. Katv D., Kittv Clyde, Darlington, Colmnbus. Minnie "Warren, Blanche H., 2:33'2,2:30M,2:iJ8.' Toledo, O., June 22,1881, .$G00. L:uly Clark, L:ulv Cleveland, Cincinnati Boy. Busbv, Raven, 2:32;j, 2:31'.i, 2:35. Columbus, O., June 30, 1881, $(500. 1-ady Clark, Laura J., Eagle Plunie, 15usby, Djivy C, K:imie (3dr), 2:29, 2:30'-i 2:30^A. ^ CiFi'cinnati, O., July c, 1881, $1,000. Kosa Wilkes, Higldand Stranger. Boneset, Laura J. (I dis), 2:36, 2:28, 2:31. Cleveland. O., July 27, 1881. $1,500. Argonaut, Executor. Elsie Groff. KoUa, Stella C, 2:20, 2:244 2:244. Utica, N. v., Aug. 17, 1881, $1,500. Argonaut 1, F'orrest Patclien, Stella C., St. Kemo, 2:24ii, 2:239i, 2:23, 2:21i4. ((luncil BlufTs, la., Sept. 2, 1881, .SuOO. Little Sioux 1. Selola, Kose of Washington, Loafer. 2:22^, 2:214, St. .losi'iih. Mo., Sent. 8, 1881, $m). Will Codv, Kose of Washington, 2:24, 2:27. 2:26>4. Kansas City, Mo., Sept. 14 and 15. 1881. .'?1,000. Will Codv, 2:25, 2:24, 2:26i,i. Louisville, Ky., Sept. 30. 1881, $800. Deck Wright, Fanny Witherspoon, Lumps, F;iiuiv Kobinson, agenta. Will Cody (3 dr), 2:224, 2:21, 2:21. Oct. 3, 1S81, $800. Will Cody 2. (3 0), Fanuv Witherspoon. Lumps, 2:23>4. 2:26J4:. 2:24, 2:25, 2:33i4. Maysville, Ky., May 10, 1882, $800. Deck Wright, ^■oltilire, Driver, Fanny Kobinson, 2:25 Alagenta. Will Cody (3 dr), 2:224, 2:21, 2:21. IV Witherspoon. Lumps, 2:234, 2 :26Ji. 2:24, 2:2; :25!2,2:25i'4,2:25. Columbus, O., May 2(), 1882, $8(K). Volt:iire, Driver, 2:28;'.i, 2:28'/2, 2:28. Detroit, Mich., June 9,1882, $soo. Driver 1, 2, Croxie, Voltaire. William PL, 2:24, 2:214, 2:244,2:25, 2:2(i'.,. lackson, Mich., June 1.5, 1882, .>f:800. Red Cross, Croxie, 2:30y, 2:29, 2:30. E. Saginaw. Mich.. June 22, 1882. $.8on. Hed Cross. William H., Voltaire, 2:2114, 2:21, 2:21»4. Grand IJapids, Mich., June 28. 1882, .s8(Hi. William II., 2:27, 2:244, 2:25?i. Annie W., ( :1 :3<)),Agencv City, la., Oct. 7, 1882, ii. Wheeling, W. Va., Sept. 15, 1870, .$500. Wdd Wiigoiier l, 2, Gray Jim, Capt. Graham, 2:46^, 2:45, 2:41'i. 2*4,'J'^ 2*44*'2. iMtisburg,' Pa., Sept. 16, 1870, ,$ . Bob 2, Coldwater Billv (1 (lis), 2:33, 2:.34. 2:;w, 2:34. ( )ct. 2<(, 1870, .$.iOO. Bob 1 , 2, (5 0), 2 :38i.i, 2 :37:'.i , 2 :36'/2, 2 :35-:'.i , Race uutinished. Oct. 14, 1870, $ . Bob 2, Coldwater Billv (1 dis). 2::W, 2:34, 2:3.5, 2:;U. Cleveland, O., June 21, 18, 1. $i,(K)(). Mohawk Jr. 1, Cuvahoga Maid, Lady Crowder, Chestnut Dick, Cleveland, Denmark (l dis). 2:29' ., 2::!4. 2:;'.:!'i, 2:a5 -Aug. 13, 1872, $10,000. Belle P:iltcrson, 2:.!(>'.,. 2:35af, 2:37V4. Annie AVe8t, b m (3:44?.(). bv Conductor. C. F. Kindred, Fargo, D. T., Sept. 21, 1882, $600. Dakota Bov. Mol I v ( 1 dis), 2 :44i'.,' , 2 :.53, 2 :.52. Valley City, I). T., Sei)t. 27. 1882, $1.50. Diikota Bov, Loafer, 2:.59, 2:.50, 3.0.3. Annie Willtes, gr m (3:41',), W. G. Harkness, Itonieo, Mich., Aug. 12, 1807, $120. Harvev, Barley, Bob Hunter (2 dis), 2:49. 2:.-)0-i, , 2:.V_",i. Cluitliam, Out., May 2.">, 1808, $100. Capt. Tom, Miiggie May^'ille (1 dis\ Canadian Girl U dis), Hindoo (1 dis), 2:.'>7, 2:51?4. 2:Mli. Seaforth, Ont., Sept. 12, 1872, $1,50. Highlander, (lold Leaf (3 dis), 2:.54.2:.504. 2:48. Strjitlirov Out.. Oct. 3, 1872, $100. Brown K:ite. Piiddv Carv, Magna 1, 2. (5 r 0), 2:49. 2:47, 2:48, 2:49. 2:60. London. Out., Oct. 19, 1874, $irrf). .(essie 2. 4, W. H. I'iovle.'2:40',. , 2:45-'.,. , 2:4.5. IL Baker, Windsor. Out.. .Inlv 2, 1875. .$300. Long .loli'n. ISutcbcr Bov, Wild Bill. 14:04. Five miles. Toronto, Ont., Oct. 19 and 20, 187.5, .ona. Pa., Oct. 20, 1878, $100. Elsie Medium 2, 2:.5fl, 2:,50, 2:.51, 2:.52. Anodyne, (Honest Billy and Bill) eh g (3:3r>), by Ross colt, dam by Young Hogarth. H..LWhittaker,Wel)ster, Ma.ss., July 27, 1875, $1.50. Lady Bonner 4, Lady Hale 1, Kitty Hills, Belle of Worcester, Fearless, 2:40'.i, 2:494,2:45'i, 2:47, 2:454. S. .Jennings. Portland, Me.. Sei)t. .5, 1877. $2.50. Nigger Baby 1. Peter. Hon(^st Lyon, Emery Feiirnauglit, Ladv Young, Nelly Sbe.rman (4 dr). 2:38'.., 2:;«;, 2::!(i'.i, 2:.'«;. Mystic P;irk, Boston, Oct. 18 juid 19. 18'77. $400. Hiram Woodrull 1, Clover .t, Edward, Belle Oaklev, Lath D., W;dter C! (In, Dick Moore (3 dr), Billv Ed. O dis), 2:27.2:28. 2:27, 2:20. 2:2.5. Ciunberhuid, Me.. Se|>t. 20, 1878, 8100. Millinocket. Little Pete. 2:42, 2:41. 2:36. Kredriclon, N. B., Oct. 10, 1878. .*!•.'(¥). Fnmk Allison. Poc:ibont;is, 2:37. 2:.{4, 2:;«. C. Kecord, Porlbind, Me., July .5, 1880, .81.50. Dispatch. 4'apitol;i, 2;.f7. 2:;i2:'.i. 2:.32. V. C. H:dl, Lewiston, Me., Sept. 24, 1880, .$.500. Tom B. Patcheu 3, Knox Bov, Maud O., 2:29,2:30, 2:324r» 2 *32 '- W. Cumberland, Me., Sept. 30, I88O, $1.50. Maud O. 1, Lightfoot (4 dr). 2:38, 2:40, 2:40. 2:40. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTINC AND PACING RECORD. 27 Anoka Maid, ch m (3 :38). J. M. Gray, Ferfius Falls, Minn., July 4, 1879, $3c. Snow Flake, Brown Kit, Nelly, 1 M, 1 -.U. Half-mile heats. Anotlier «oy, br g (-Jiauii). Job Hobson, Clairmont, N. H., Aug. 6,1873, $250. Belle Deanl, 2 (40), Jean Inu;elo\v :i (4 0). Jerry Lock (2 dis), 2:3»i.i, 2:37'i,2:40'2, 2:40' 2, 2:404, 2:3t>V2, 2:42'4. Another .Such, b m (ji:Si)U). L. Carpenter. SpriuKtlekl, Mass., Oct. 11, 1870, .IHOO. Hiram 1, Susie, Two White Heels (4 dr), Westfleld Boy (2 dis), Ennly (1 dis). ^-MU, 2:40, 2:42ii 2:38. Oct. 13. 1870, .4), C. E. Briggs, Dayton, O.. Sept. 15, 1880, $300. Happy Traveller, Gvpsy Girl (1 dis), 2:502i, 2:4514,2:48. Arab, b g (3:34i4) by Electioneer, dam Lady Hamilton. E. M. Fry, San Francisco, Cal.. Aug. 11, 1883, .$800. Big Lize, (3 0), Scandinavian, Col. Hocking, Barney B.. La Grauge (4 dr), 2:27'^, 2:24'i, 2:24'i, 2:2i!^2. Oakland, Cal., Sept. 3, 1883, $600. Barney B., Scandinavian, Big Lize (l ilis). 2:27' 2, 2:27'4. 2:_';j. Arabia Girl, blk m (3:44'^) by Imp Saifl, dam .Jenny, by Vt. Black Hawk, Haverhill, Mass., Aug. 5,1872, $1-50. Auctioneer, Long Johnson (1 dis), 2:47'i, 2:48, 2:44'4. Arabian Pilot, b m (3 :18'4), J. Case, Baptisttowu, N. J., Sept. 28, 1876, .$25. Kitty Wells, 3:18' -i, 3:19. Three- year-olds. .■Vrbiter, b s (3 :00i4), by Administrator, dam Alma Mater, byMambrino Patclien. J. Wilkins, S. Weymouth, Mass., Oct. 1, 1881, .$30. Mambrino Carroll, 3:09:-i, 3:00i4. Three-year-olds. Bridgewater, Mass., Sei)t. 22, 1882, $30. F. D., 1 :30, 1 :27'i. Half-mile heats. Four-year-olds. Archer's Almont, b s (3 :37i4), by Almont, dam by American Clay. T. Archer, Farrington, Minn., Sept. 26, 1878, $175. Spot 2, 3, Capt. Herod, Cap (5 dis), 2:47, 2:45, 2:44, 2:46 >4, 2:47"2. Sept. 27, 1878, $ . Capt. Herod, Flat Rock, 2:45. 2:4514, 3:00. .\rcher's Orphan, (3 :36), by Harbinger, dam Lady Benson. J. Archer, Hastings, Minn.. Sept. 12, 1883, $100. Ida O., Yankee Clipper, 3:021^2, 2:56, 2:.5S'4. Archie, b s ^3 :38i4), by Garibaldi, dam Lady Mischief. Charles Bissett, Taunton, Mass., Sept. 29 and Oct 30, 1874, .$30. Kate Dennis, No Name, Prince Harry, .John. 2:56, 2:52, 2:55!4. -^^ Fitchhurg, Mass.. June 27. 1877, $400. Morris, John Morrill, Jimmy, Lvman, George Green, Victor, Shei>- herd Boy, Pat McCoou (3 dr). 2 :4I , 2:40. 2 :40. June 29, 1877, $400. Dalou 2, 3 (4 r o), Delaware Belle, Jimmy, Fitchlnirg Boy, Bungay Girl (3 dr). Belle Coraee (2 dis), 2:37, 2:3i;'4,2:31, 2:43, 2:40'i. Brockton, Mass., Oct. 3 and 4, 1877, $200. Gen. Landers, Lyman, Geo. Green, Cassias, Abby P. (2 dr), 2:41 2:39 2:42. ^ j! W. ^iniitli, N. Attleboro, Mass., Jmie29, 1880, .$200. Pointer Boy 3, Mambrino Dudley 4, Topsy D., Lady Martin, Midas, Jenny, Kitty Thompson, 2:36, 2:34, 2:.36, 2:.34, 2:36. Charles Bissett, Newport. R. I., Sept. 7, 1881, .$200. Jeremiah, Speedress, Ahby P,. Homer, 2:36}4, 2:36, 2:3514. J. W. Smith, Bridgewater, Mass., Sept. 23, issi, .$.300. Traveller 2, 3. Homer, Storm, Nat Otis, 2:38,2:3714, 2:.38',4, 2:42'.., 2:42. F. Bissett, Taunton, Mass., Sept. 28, 1881, .$240. Pickwick, Bay Lambert, Traveller 1 (2 dr), 2:36i4, 2:36i4, 2:37'/i, 2:38. J. W. Smith, Brockton, Mass., Oct. 7, 1881. .''S2.50. Homer. Black Pilot, Traveller. 2:35. 2:.35, 2:.34''4. C. Bissett, Newport, R. I., Aug. 3, 1882, .$250, Belle R. 1, Speedress, Little Maid, Dick Dample, Zelda. Maud B. (4 dr), 2:33i4, 2:.35, 2:35. 2:33i4. Worcester, Mass., Sept. 6 1882, $300. Screwdriver, Maggie Mitchell, Dick Dample, Nell, Red Bird, Empress. 2:32, 2:35, 2:38. Sept. 7, 1882, $250. Belle R. 1, Henry, Fred McGregor, Maud D., Red Bird, Edwin. Wild Andy, Screw- driver (2 dr), 2:32' .;, 2 :.34. 2 :32, 2 :.34. Bridsewater, Mass., Se pt. 22, 1882, .$300. Speedress 2, Irene (2 dis), 2:40K2, 2:36, 2:3414, 2:34)4. Taunton, !\Iass., Sept. 27, 1882, $ . Lottie, IMollie, 2:40, 2:46. Attleboro, Mass., Oct. 4. 1882, $200. Belle K., Morris, Pickwick, 2:3.5, 2:33'i, 2:32. Brockton, :\Iass., Oct. 6, 1882, .$250. Speedress. Masrcie Mitchell, Homer, 2:34^, 2:35, 2:3ia£. Archie Bourbon, (3 :03), by Bourbon Chief. J. P. Fisher, Goderich, Ont., Aug. 13, )883, $400. Tontme 1, 3:05,3:03, 3:04'r2, 3:07. Archie Boy. b g (3;45), John Bav, Fredonia, Kan., Sept. 25, 1874, $75. Lady Alice I, John Bender (4 0). Barl), Olive Logan (5 dr), 3:03, 3:02, 3:00, 2:.59, .3:00. X. B. Lome, Leavenworth, Kan., Oct. 14, 1875, $ . Ned, Kansas Girl, Kitty Conover (3 dis). Ben Lyon (2 dis). 2:48, 2:4.5, •2:r,2K. Arcliie Cuyler, b g (3 :4»), Charleston, S. C, Nov. 29, 1883. .$ . Don Pedro 2, 3:11, 2:46. 2:49. Archy Golclilust,cr s (3:49), J. Breeman. Plvmouth, O., Oct. 3, 1883, .$ . Harry Blandy, Zeno, Spring- field Chief Jr., Scobv's Champion, 2 :.'>1'<;, 2:50, 2:49. Areola, (Celia), ch m (3: 3434), by Withefell. G. H. Bailey, Portland, Me., Oct. 30,1868, $200. Fleeting Moment, Tempest, 2:40, 2:40, 2:40. 2y CHE3TEK'.S COMl'LKTK TKOniNCJ AND I'ACING KECOKD. Argonaut, b s (2:!J3Ji), by FeariiautJlit, (hiiii a inu-er. A. .Jolinsoii. HridKcwatt-r, Mass., Sept. IT. IK79, S60. liiKy, Crusoe. Best time l':4l'. Tauiilon, Mass.. S»i>t. -.'5. 1H79, SIOO. Kitty Bates 3, 4, Lottie, Midas, Steve Lewis, Sweet Milk (4 dr), Kilev (4 diM. .loliii S. [i di j, .liny (3 dr;. •.':42, _':.«;, -J-MG. 2:37, L'::J3. Ilioiktoii. Mass., Oct. 2, IsTii, $J00. Midas 1. 2, Ailceii, 2:38, 2:35. 2:3C. 2 :.»'j. 2:^594. Oct. .!, 1^7;). *150. I'auliiie, Midas. Sweet Milk. I'aljer (3 dr;, Ked Bird d dis;. 2:;5,J. 2:33'4, 2::{3. .^I^^tie I'ark. lioston, June 16. imi, 'j400. Alice 1, .Judgnient 2, Annie Lou, Caiuors, Columbus Ihmiblc. toiMiui. 2:30:;4. 2:2;». 2:30. 2:31'2, 2::«'2. .1. Woodward. Attleboro. Mass., Oct. .5, 1hk3, S:,{>n. (ieorge A. 1, Kuo.x Boy, Westover. 2:31^4, 2:31^4, 2::iii'j. 2:31. ArKousiut.br t; (, "'J :■-*•'' i). 'JJ ^Vo()d's Haiubletonian, dam the Hackett Mare. ,). Wood, Bradford, Pa., Sept. 17. ls,H(», :?ooo. Lucy 3. .">, Tom Keeler l, Clara. I., i.,ittl(! Ciypsy. Lttie .loues (4 dr), 2:.30'o. 2:.'«i, 2:30,2:30, •J :;!<). 2:29'-. 1. Houustean, Olean, N. Y., Oct. 1, 1880, .S2.'iO. .lobii McDougal 1, 4, Clara J., 2,2:.'!0,2:30»2. 2:ai)li, 2:.W4, 2:.;i'..,2:311i. KImira, N. Y...Iuue 13, 1881, S.')00. Powers. Tiiiiotliy. Kosewood. Clifton Boy. 2:29, 2:29, 2::50. Olcau, X. v.. June 21, 1881. $400. Amber. Damon, 2:26'.i. 2:28',2. 2:2K'.i. Lyons, N. Y., June 28, 1881, $400. Daisy Brown l, Clara J., liCm (3 dis;, Timothy, (2 dr). 2:.'J.i. 2.31. •2:.nyi, ^' iiatavia X. Y., July .5, 1881. §400. Amber, 2:27, 2 :29'.i, 2 ■:29\i. Wcllsville, N. v., Sept. 7. 1881, .•iis2.50. Black Cat, pacer Lady Star. Jack Rai)id, pacer. 2:32' 2. 2:29, 2:29. iClniira, X. Y., Sept. 1.5. 1S81, $800. Ella Doe. llnolala, John Hall. Tom Keeler-. 2:29. 2:2(;, 2:27'.i. ArKunu'ut. b m (« :53i4). W. Peabody, Titusville, J'a., Aug. 20, 1S70, .'5S200. Honest (Ieorge 1. 2. Sleepy (r, dr), 2 :.>). 2 :.>;' 2, 2 -JioU,'^ :53'4. 2 uAKi. Ariel, br m (2:51 w). C. Sinunons, Albany, X. \., May .5, 1840, $.50. 3h. .5,5m. 40'/2sec. To beat four hours. Kilty miles. Ariel, lim i,i:.>«i2). C. Keeler, Boston. Ma.ss., Oct. 13, 1&59, $1.50. Charleston, Hickory Jack ( l dis). 3:00 2 ;.■)<;' 2, Three-year-olds. Ariel, bg(:i:40), by Messenger Duroc. E. Clifford. Albany, N. Y"., Sept 1.3. 187(!, .$200. Blackwood Belle 2, Weskora. Utica," Joe. 2:4o, 2:42i4, 2:41. 2:40. Arion. ch g(.a:48). Jas. Murphy, Baltimore, Md., June 21, 1872, $7.50. Ladv Flash 1. (3 0), Hampton (I dis), ■_':11. 2:44'i, 2:48. 2:48. 2:4-J'2. Aristos.u s ('Z -.'iT^i), by Daniel Lambert, dam Fannv Jackson, by Arthur's Stonewall .Jackson, A. Woodard, I'ortland, Me.. Aug.' «, 187(j, §300. Spangle 1, 2, Sally, Jim Farnum, Busy Bee, Bay Dick, Osceola 4 dr. ,ludg- ment a dis), 2:40, 2:37, 2:3(), 2:40 2:43. ■ August 10, 1871), .$300. Clara J., Xellv Shermiin, Jim Fariiym. 2:32, 2:40. 2:34. • Lowell, Mass., Aug. 17, 187G, .$200. Black Eve, Archie. Jack Chamberlain. Willis 2 dis. 2:,3Ci.;, 2:;«l, 2:42, ■ Lawrence, -Mass., A'lg. 22, 1870, .$200. Black Eye 4, (JovernorS, llderim. Jack Chamberlain (4 dr). De- fKince (1 dis), 2:3ii'2, 2:31 '2, 2:38, 2:40. 2:.39'/i. An::. 24. Is7ii, .$20o. Archie. Jack Chamberlain. 2:42, 2:44V4, 2:3g;^ • Mvstic Park, Boston, Sept. 13 and 14, 187(i, .$1,(KX). Carrie N. 1, 3. Young Wilkes 5, 6, Lizzie Keeler 4, Xiia'Belle, Celerity, General, Prize (.5dr), Lady Daggett (3 dr), 2:28, 2:29?i. 2:.3034. 2:30J.i, 2:31. 2:29i.i, 2:29. 2: 27 "4. Ark:tns:i.s Bob, 1) g (3 :39), Frank Ecdfield, Sycamore, Til.. July 25, 1876, .$300, J. M. Botts Jr.. Hickory. Kitty l-'iske. Mambrino Chief Jr., Hazen. John Dunning, Stradcr, 2:411.,. 2:42. 2:39. Arkansaw, b g (3 :46), R. X. Taylor, Dansville. X. Y.. Oct. 14, 187.5, $2!)0. Lady Ballard 1, Whitford. American Bov, Xellv (J., 2:.50, 2-4«, 2:49'">, 2:47^4. Arlington, ch g (3 :48>4), by Kentucky Prince. Jacob Shuler. Auburn, X. Y.. Oct, 8. 18G9, .$2.50. Syracuse. 2:1H'.,,2:52>4, 2:.5S'4. _ Arlington, oh s f3 :40ii). by Morgan Black H.awk. W. W. Boyoe. Evansville, Tnd., June 6. 1874,$500. Tonj Houston. Ton) Hoach. Fearnaught Jr., 2:42, 2:42, 2:42?.i. ArliiiKtou, ch s (3 :50i4), R. S. Wilcox, Fort Scolt. Kan.. Oct. 5. 1882, $70. Stranger, 3:10, 3:16, 3:12. Aroostook, blk s (3:49), Mr. Whitnev. Topeka. KiHi.. Sept. 18, 1872, .$125. Lady Patchen 1, Felix, Kansas .Ilnnnv, Wildair Jr., (3 dr). Limber .Tim (2 dr). 2:.5.5, 2:.50. 2:50. 2:49. Aroosto.'.k IJoy, blk s {3 t.lO), D. E. Lucv, Houlton. Me.. July 11. 1871. ,$110. Pat Gaul (3 dr), 2:.52?4', 2:.53. 2:.50. Aroo.stook IJoy, b s (3 tSlU), by Old Al)e. N. Herring, SL Johns,;X. B., Sept. 24 and 25, 1874, $150. Fred Oliver 1, 2:.53'i, 2:51^.2:51,}^, 2:48. Frodricton, N. B., Oct. 2. 1874, $200. Baker Boy 2, (3 0), l>olly A'arden, 2:40i/2, . 2:45, 2:42, 2:41!,^. Lincoln, Me., June 1.5, 1875, $160. Starlight 2. Honest Farmer, .lack Shepherd. Bay Dick, 2:42,2:40. 2: 40 "2, 2:42. H, L. Brockway, Dexter, Me., July, 4, I88I. ,$200. John Marshall. Whalebone Knox, Capt. Jenks. Best time 2:40. Aug. 9, 1881, .$ . CA-psv. .Toe Hopkins. Lon Morris. 2:40, 2:41',.. 2:43. ITsirtland, Me., Sept. (';. issi. .'«ino. Icliabod, .Joe H«ii>kins. Twinkle. Lon Morris. 2:40, 2:41, 2:41. \V. G. Morrill. Sei>t. 14. 1881. .$8,5. Honest .lohn 1, 4, Elevator ::, 2:40, 2:40. 2:40;;, 2:37;i, 2:.37».i, 2:37^. iA"ter. Me.. Sept. 28, 188K •■^s."). Capt, Jenks, Monarch, 2:.i7i.i, 2:4:;. 2:42. rnpsliani, .Me,, Oct. 12. 1881. .$1.50. Sh.-iw's Knox 2, Slee|>v George. Flirt 2:38, 2:45, 2:41, 2:38. HarthMid, Me., .July 4. 1«82. .$70. Mazo-Manie :i. 4.2:47, 2::'.0. 2:.i7'.2. 2:.!(ii.C>, 2:39. Dexter. Me., .^ept. i, l.>^82. .•5fi0. Elmwood ;!. Gray Dan, M:izo-M:inie, 2::i7'.,. 2:37^1. 2:,38. 2:37Vi, H:(rtl:nid. Me., Sept. 13. 1882, .■=!S.5. (Jray Dan l". 2, M;iZ()-M;iiiie 1. (i: ilD. 2:.i8. 2:38, 2:3S., 2:38. 2:38. 2:37>.i. Lewiston, Me.. Sept. 20, 1882. .$300. Fondling, Fred. (ir;iv Xose, Lone Star (2 dr), 2:39. 2:40i-.i. 2:3(>i.i. W. G. .Morrill. Lewiston, Me., Sept. 20, 1883, .$2.50. .Tack Spratt, (iray Dan, Gray Nose, Nelly M., Tiny B.. Flirt, 2:.35, 2,'M.2:31V2. Brintror. Me.. Sept. 2.5, 1883, $2,50. Gray Dan 1. Rocket. Gen. Lvon (1 dis), 2:40. 2:.{8'^, 2:43%. 2:40?4. A i-oostook Hov, b s (3 :36). H. L. Whitnev, l^envei'. Col., Sept. 29. 1870. $1.50. l{ough-and-l{eady. 2:.59. 2 :57. 2:50, A. iJose, l.r m('J:4r'«), bvThe Moor. L. .L Hose, Siin Francisco. Cal.. Aug, 16. 1877. .$400. Medoia. Lolila 1 1 dist. .lennv G. a dis)i 2:.56'.;. 2:.''>.3. Two-vear-olds. Los Angeles. Cal.. .lulv .5. 1878. .i; . Cade. Tom Stout, 5:22?4. 5:.31?.j. Two miles. .^rteinuH Ward, ch g (3 :35), bv son of Harris" Hambletoniau, dam liv Biggart s lialller. S. B. Woodward, H.'irtlord. Conn., Se])t. 14. 186.5, .$.50. I>ucv .3.Honest Abe 1 (4 dr), Ben Allend dis), 2:4,!, 2:38-^. 2:37!i. 2:37''-. Boston. Mass.. Sept. 9. 1S65. .*I2.5. Jessie W;iles. Ladv Bliss. 2:;i9. 2:41. 2::t8. Sept. 21. isft-., $1.50. Ticonic. Benlcia Bov, Honest Abe (1 dis). 2:37, 2:.37'i. 2:.39'2. • IVn Mace. Sept. 2.3. 1865, .$110. Geo. M. Patchen .Ir.. 2:.!i;, 2:46, 2::«;. ^ , Artlialmska. ch m (2:45), G. M. Stevens. Dover. N. II.. Oct. 2. I.s72. .$2.50. Hiunbletonian Patchen 1, John G. Save. Tom Scott. Alton Boy. Ladv Whitford. Dollv Varden (2 dis), Soiillwrner (2 dis), 2:48. 2:4.5, 2:4C, 2:49. Arthul.aska Girl, ch m (3 :4fe), J. Letonrnean. Sher'l)rooke. 1". (^. Sept. 4. 1.'7.<. $12.5. Indian T'oint Chief 1, 2. Midnight. Morrill Boy. .2:4.5,2.47,2:45, , „ „, Arthena, bm (3:44'.0,' bv Arthurton. dam Belle Brown, by Whipiile's llaniMetonian, J. IT. lennont Pacheco, Cal., Oct. 4, 1883, $95, Alice R,, 3:44?4. Yearlings. B, K, Hiirris, Oakland, r,nl., Nov. 3. ls,'<,3, W, O„4:04',, Yearlings. , , „ ,,-,., i„ .\rlliur, gr g (8 :3«i,). H. W. Brown, Middletown, Conn.. Oct. 22, 1872. $10,5. Lady Shoemaker. Electro, Lady Bloomfleld. 2:,''i0. 2:,54, 2:50. , ,, • , v v Plainville, Cotni., Se))t, 10. 1873, $1,000, Rose Standish, Zephyr. Jinuny Norton, Tornado Manl. \ X (3 dis). Addy Jefferson (1 dis). 2:.36i.i. 2:37. 2:38. CHESTEU'S COMPLETE TKOTTING AND I'ACINU KECOKD. 29 Arthiir, blk s (2 :33?41. by ihe Dennison Horse. Hicks c& Brown, Concord, Mass. . Sept. 23, 1S73, $200. Gold- flnder, Folly, 2:53, 2:52, 2:52'^. (1. H. Hicks, Mystic Park, Boston, July 14, 1874, SiOO. Grace 4. 5 (6 Oj, Tontine Belle (7 dr), Lady Wilcox, Meddiesomc, Audv Johnson, 2:37, 2:3G'4, 2:35'/2, 2:37k, 2:39J4, 2:42?i, 2:43. Dover, N. H., Aiig. 5, 1874, $225, Biittalo Bill, John T. Kussell, Lady Williams 1, 2 (5 dr), 2:40, 2:37, 2:38, 2:37'2. 2:43. Beacon Park, Boston, Aug. 15, 1874. $200. Effle 4, 5, John T. Itussell 2. Cataract, Little Jim, Modoc Chief, Fleetwiug (5 dr). Lady Kirk (4 dr), AUston (3 dr), 2:35. 2:3tJ'/2, 2:37' 2, 2:37, 2:38, 2:37. Arthur, blk g (3 :»8'.i), by Lexington. _^Dan Mace, Prospect^ Park, L. I., Sept. 22, 1874^ $500^^ Tidy 1, Che^ston (i 3, Hampton, Maria, Andrew (5 dr), T. J. Stevens (.5 dr;, Henry Miller Jr. (5 dr), New Dorp (.2 dis), Lucy (1 dis), 2:43>4, 2:39, 2:401^, 2 :37?.£, 2:3914. — Se|)t. 23 1874, $000. Kosa Sonburg 2, 3, Belle Cleveland 1, Phil. O'Neil Jr., W. Walsh, Lizzie Adams, Lottie, Pauline, American Boy (.4 dr), Tliomas Jefferson (1 dis), 2:35, 2:41k, 2:35^2, 2:32?i, 2:34, 2:30. — Sept -'r, 1874, .'liOOO. Faluioiith Boy 1, 2. Lena Case, EfQe Deans, Mat Tanner, Adelaide, Volunteer Maid, Compeer, 2:32, 2:29'/2, 2:35, 2:33^4, 2:34k. — Fleetwood Park, N. Y., Sept. 30, 1874, $800. Matt Tanner 3, 4, Roadmaster 1, Midget, Nelly, Mary Lamb, Alexis, 2:35, 2:321/2, 2 :37m. 2:35?i, 2:30, 2:37. — Oct. 1, 1874. $600. Midget 1, Lena Case. Chester, T. E. Gordon (3 dr), 2:3612, 2:37?i, 2:37, 2:37k. — Prospect Park, L. I., June 2. 1875, $1,500. Dustin Jim l, Lady Dahlman, Tip Allen, Heather Bloom, Windermere, 2:32^, 2:28k, 2:31ii, 2:31J3. — Providence, K. I., June 16, 1875, $1,500. Dustin Jim 2, 4, Lady Dahlman, (1 0), Lothair (1 0), 2:29V2, 2:30!i, 2:31'/4, 2:31, 2:29'^, 2:29'4. M. Carroll, Beacon Park. Boston, July 19, 1876, $100. Emperor 1. Johnny 2:39, 2:3514, 2:37, 2:36k. Arthur, ch g by Dorsey Golddust, dam by Leighton Horse. A. C. Sanborn, Concord, N. H., Aug. 27, 1880, $100. Tiltou Boy 1, Pea Soup, Sleepy John, Honest Sam, 2:50, 2:51, 2:.50, 2:50. Plymouth, N. H., Sept. 30, 1880, .SKX). Frank D.. Tilton Boy, Dr. Tanner, 2:4,5, 2:46, 2:46. Same day $100. Young Shakespeare, Moxie, Tilton Boy, 2:45, 2:42, 2:43, 2:41. N. Jenkins, Concord, N. H., May :n, 1881, .$100. Kocket 1, 2 (4 dr) Frank D. (1 dis). 2:32, 2:36i/2, 2:34, . Beacon Park, Boston, June 7, 1881, .$300. Portia 1, 2, Nelly W., Gen. Custer, Victor, Flirt, Lady Wil- marth, J. H. Gould (5 dr), Sinclair (5 dr). Screwdriver (4'dr , 2:30, 2:29'2. 2:31, 2:28?i, 2:33. Arthur, b g (.3 :43), H. Ballon, Cambridge, N. Y., July 21, 1880, $1.50. Nelly, Molly W., 2:42 2:43k, 2:43k. Arthur, b g (a;36'/3), by De Long's Ethan Allen, dam by Vermont Black Hawk. C. E. Mosher, Beacon Park, Boston, July 19, 1881, .S400. Tommy Norwood 2, Eve, Lena, 2 :27k, 2 :2n. 2 :27'-'4,,2:2S^i. Haverhill, Mass., May 30, 1882, $100. Frank F. 1, Geo. Mann, Tinker, 2:3-'ii, 2:35, 2:35, 2:30^4. T. Cornelies. Lowell. Mass., July 4, 1882, $100. Wild Lily 1, 2, Fred McGregor, Capt. Jinks (5 dr). Glen- wood (4dr), 2:36k, 2:34i4, 2:36, 2:40, 2:38. Sept. 26, 1882, $150. Eastern Boy 1, Geo. H., Lady Sherburne (4 dr), 2:3G'4, 2:.38, 2:40, 2:40. May26, 1883, $300. Montreal Girl, Wild Lily, George M. 1,2, (5dr), Morris (I dis), 2:.34, 2:38, 2:42, 2:42. Arthur, grg (3:371,2), hy Young Columbus, L. E. Dimham, Jersey City, N. J., Aug. 17, 1882, $100. City Boy (3 dr), 2:411 2, 3:lli/2, . Arthur, b s S. C. Bradford, Clyde, N. Y., Sept. 21, 1883, $ . Judge Folger, Goldeinar, Mainbrino Charta (2 dr). No time. Stallions. Arthur Boy, b g (3 iSlii), by Tip Cranston, Mr. Woodman, Spriugfleld, O., Sept. 10, 1870, $125. Ida May, 2:,5.5, 2:50. 2:.563i, T. P. Roach, Chicago, HI., Aug. 26, 1871, $2,500. Western 2, J. C. Partridge, Satinet, 2:33J4:, 2:30, 231!^, 2:37. Arthur Boy, br g (3 :40), Cope Stinson, Hamilton, Ont., Sept. 27, 1875, $200. Alexander 1, 4, King John, Johnny Gordon (5 dr), Hulett (5 dr). Walter (4 dr), Lady Kemble (4 dr), 2:40k. 2:40, 2:40i/2, 2:42, 2:45!/2. Arthur T., br g by Colonel Ellsworth, dam by Hector, Geo. H. Hicks, Mystic Park, Boston, May 13, 1876, $12.5. Folly 2 Nelly Star, Duchess, 2 :49, 2 :44' 2, 2 :45, 2 :46. Beacon Park, Boston, July 19, 1876, $100. Emperor 1, Johnny, 2:39, 2:35i2, 2:37. 2:36k. H. Woodruff, Aug. 13, 1877, $ . Hard Times 1, Mary G., Royal Tom, 2:4254, 2:40i4, 2:39, 2:42. T. D. Marsh, Dover, N. H., July 3, 1878, $400. Honest Lyon, Belle Davis, 2:44, 2:39, 2:40. Manchester, N. H., Oct. 11, 1878, .$200. Alarm 1. Honest Lyon 3, Annie Lou 2, Torrent (5 r o), Emperor (5 r o). Comet (4drJ, Col. Dean 3 (dr), 2:43. 2:40, 2:37, 2:37, 2:40, 2:41. Farmington, N. H., Oct. 24, 1878, $200. Matilda 1 (2 0), -lohn Gilpin, 2:39, 2:371/2. 2 :,38?4, 2:38k, 2:40?i. Concord, Mass., June 18, 1879, $150. Honest Lyon, Katy Did, Col. Dean, 2:38, 2:36i/2, 2:36. Manchester, N. H., June 2.5, 1879, $1.50. Honest Lyon, Lady Sherburne, Moxie, 2:38, 2:41, 2:40. Farmington, N. H., Julys, 1879 |20'>. Onawa 2, 3, Belle Dean, Matilda, 2:41 14, '2:3TA, 2:42, 2:44, 2:381^. O. B. Butler, Lewistoh, Me.. Sept. 24, 1880, $200. Pruie E. 1, Geo. Maynard, Watchmaker, 2:37!i, 2:33^ '- T. b". Miir'sli, Mystic Park, Boston, Oct. 14, I88O, $300. Jennie W, 1, Dan Wood, Mambrino Dudley, Jim, Boston Pilot, Pickpocket, Puzzle, Bonnie Doon, Pickwick, Shepherd Boy (4 dr), 2:30, 2:30, 2:30, 2:31k. Arthur W., br g, Quin & Young, Sherburne, N. Y., Oct. 11, 1883, $100. Drummer Boy 1, 2, Tommy M. No time Arthur Wild, ch g (3 :39i4), Geo. Wilde, Washington, D. C, May 13, 1875. $500. Hayden 2, 3, Album, 2:45k, 2:43, 2:43'2, 2:42k, 2:42i/2. Harrisburg, Pa., June 10, 1875, .$2.50. Frank, Fanny May, Minor Potts, 2:48k, 2:43-'j;, 2 :44?i. Artin Maid, b m (3 :43), Chas. B. Ballard, Nashua, N. H., Sept. 10, 18.59, $100. Lady Florence 2, 2:48, 2:49, 2*4.5 2 '.52 '- St. Johnsbury, Vt., Oct. 7, 1859, $100. Canada (1 dis), 2:4.5. Artist, blk g (3 :4.5%), C. Lanberry, Providence, R. 1., MavSO, 1876, $100. Jenny 1, 2, Central Boy (3 0), Conun- drum, Gray Boaster (5 dr). Black Crow (5 dis), 2:,51, 2:47'/4, 2:459i. 2:46i/2, 2:47'/i. 2:49. Artist Maid,'bm(3:49),C. B. Ballard, Morrisville, Vt., June 30, 1875, $200. Clara B., Maggie Lee, Black Prince (3 dr), 2:.51, 2:49, 2;.51i2. Asa, br s (3 :34), J. Collins, Newark, N. J., Sept. 16, 1873, .$1.50. B. C. Tipps, Little Mack, Pennington Flicker, ■Edwin Forrest .Ir. (2 dis), Frank (2dis), Susie Clay (2 dis), Dolly (1 dis), 2:54, 2:57, 2:.5794. Ashamomogue, ch g (3 :47), R. B. Conklin, Southold. L. I., June20 1874, .$25. Major, Hiram, 2:.54, 2:,50, 2:47. Ashland, br s (3 rSl'/j), C. A. Grossman. Couneautville, Pa., July 3, 1874, $ . Sleepy Dan 1, Gray Mack, Florence (3 dr), 2:50, 'l-.nv/^ 2:.5,3, 2:.53i4. Ashland Ben, blk g (3 :03), C. H. Bodwell, Goffstown, N. H., Sept. 28, 1880, $50. Knox Boy Jr. (3 dis), Maud D. (1 dis), 3:03, 3:03, 3:05. Five-year-olds. Ashland Boy, Eufaula, Ala., Nov., 13, 1883, $ . Gracie G. 1. 4, Oregon 2, Sour Mash. No time. Ashland Kate, eh m r3: 399.0, by Ashland Chief, dam by Capt. Walker. J. B. .Jones, Newport. Ky., July 14, 1875, .$400. Dr. Rush 2. Lady Chester 1 , Nelly May (2 dis). Maxwell Maid (2 dis), 2 :45, 2 :47, 2 :41M, Lexington, Ky., Oct. 2, 1875, $.500. Kentucky Central 4 (5 o), John S. Kane 1, Scotts' Chief 6, 7 (5 0) (8 dr), Emma Clay, 2:.37'/2, 2:.36k. 2:35M, 2::35'/2, 2:35, 2:.35. ■2:36k. 2:36%. Ashland Kate, b m (3:48). D. Steever, Baltimore, Md., Sept. 7,1880, $85. Florence B., Chestnut Ridge, Florence (1 dis), 3:00, 2:.52, 2:48. Ashland Maid. l)lk m (3 ;38k). W. Sheldon, Providence, R. I., Oct, 14, 1879, $150. Ernestine 3, Steve Lewis, 2:411/2, 2:39, 2:41; 2, 2:43. Ashland Maid (w). b m (3 :38), by Ashland Chief. J. Trout, Beacon Park, Boston, May 1, 1882, $20. PrinceM (w), E. Flat (w), 3:01, 2:55'/». 30 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND rAClNU RECORD. Haverhill. Mass.. .Tulv 4. 1882. S200. Little Dick 1, 3. I>lttle Stub, 2:45, 2:41. 2:43, 2:43, 2:41>4. heacoii Rark. Hoston; Aug. lit, 1««2, SW). .loliii 2, .J, 2:42, 2:4,W2, 2:14. 2:44. 2:45. Nortli Attli'luno. Mass., (K-t. 4. 1882, *J()(). l-'alier 1, 2, Gov. Rlaistcd, Jxittie, Henry S., .Jenny (4 dr), 2:34", 2:.3.;. 2:.'J7-.i. 2:.fii. riirmisllt'ti. Oct. 1(1. isxj, .?UK». Kosa. Moonstone. Franklin. Sunshine (1 (lis), 2:39, 2:41 ',4, 2:38. Ashlanil I'et. 1) ); (a::{«i.i). l)y And.v Johnson. A. .Jones, Avon, N. Y., .Sept. 1(J, 1870, $100. Kelly Horse 1,2, Nelly 'Ihurston, Eort Wayne. Anieriean Hoy. Carrie Brown (1 (lis), 2:42. 2:41. 2:42'2, 2:42. 2:42. IChnira. N. Y.. Aug. :J0. 1S71. Sn.'). Kill)urn .Mm 2. 3. Young Thorne 1. i: :43. 2:4ri, 2:4.3Vi 2:45. 2:43'4, 2:48'4, Cuba, N. Y.. Sei)t. 27, 1871, S-'JOO. Billv J'avor, (ien. Custer, Daniel Hoone (2 dr), 2:40, 2:41, 2:41. Belmont, X. Y., Oct. 1. 1874. .•S2(H). (k-o. Cadmus. Orav Elliot. 2:42. 2:43, 2:45'i. Newark. N. Y.. .hily 15, 1875, $300. Charley3 u ()), Young Wilkes (1 0), Barbara Knox (2 dis). Sunset (2 dis). 2:tO, 2:10, 2:41, 2:40, 2:41. Buflalo, N. Y., Aug. 7 and 0, 1875, §1,000. Woodruff 3, 4. Quaker Bov 1, 5, Pilot, Sam, 2:3894, 2:.36>4, 2:38>4, 2:39"j. 2:.37, 2:4a"2, 2:37'£- W. S. Brooks, Morrisania, X. Y., .July 29, 1880, §200. .John Henry, 2:44, 2:47J4, 2:46. Sept. 1, 1880, $rm. Willie liov, 2:,"A 2:r>(), 2:.50. (W), L. Finn, Sept. 20, 1880. §400. Willie Bov. 2:43. 2:40, 2:43. C. Davidson, .Jersey Citv. N. .J. July 14. \x»\, §200. Grocer Boy. 2:51, 2:53. .July 18, 1881, §50. Huniess Boy. 2:52, 2:47'i. Ashland Oueen, b m (.3 :00), by Asliland Chief, dam by Peyton's Tranb.y. P. F. Gallagher, Doylestown, Pa., 0(;t. 3, 1879, §100. Billv Barefoot, Mountain Bov. 3:09' i, 3:03'i. 3:03. Hamnioutou, N. J., Oct. 14, 1879, § . Edward 1, Lady Dean 3, Atlantic, Jim Ross(ldis), 3:00, 3:00,3:00, 3:00,3:00. Oct. 15, 1879, §,50. .Tenny Patchen, Lady Atkins, 3:00, 3:00, 3:00. Four-year-olds. Ashley, ch g (^ :3.>ii), by I'lumas, dam by (ieorge (?). J. Cochran. Marysville, Cal.. Sept. 17, 1879, §7.50. St. Helena 1. 2. Dirigo, Ited Cross, Gold Xote. 2::iO. 2:29'/2, 2:29, 2:30, 2M. Sacramento, Cal., Sept. 24 and 27, 1881, §l,000. Crown Point 3, 4, Echoral, 6, Del Sur, 2, 2:2,5,2:24.2:26, 2:2G=!i, 2:29. 2:30. 2:25'^, 2:269.i. Reno, Xev., Oct. 15, 1881, §800. Maggie C. (1 0), 2:284, 2:27, 2:32"2. 2:34"2. Ashton Itov, gr g (3 :33i^). C. E. Rosenthal, Lawrence, I\Iass., ]\Iav ,10, iK7{i, §200. Ruth 2, 4, Uncle Dud l.Geo. Bancroft 3, Leo. Messenger Bov (4 dis). llunest Boy (:! dr), 2:t;», 2:15'.,, 2:41. 2:44, 2:40. 2:43'4, 2:45'-!;. Mav 31. 187i;, .§200. I.,yman, Anna, Nt'llv Collins, Jloi)el(-ss. Venture. Ruth (3dis), 2:44, 2:48, 2:43^. Rochelle, 111., Sspt. 20. 1877, §15t». Xellv Howard 1, 2, Black Cloud, Xellv Rand:Ul. 2:45, 2:4,5, 2^45, 2:46, 2:44. A. .s. McAllister, blk s ((3:45), G. L Yosbnrgh, Jamestown, Pa., July 10, 187,5, §175. Arthiu: Wilde 3, Blue Btdl (1 dis), 2:45, 2:4(!, 2:40, 2:45. Assumption, (2:51), Xew Orleans, July ,31, ISiU, ,§200. Reynold's b s 1, Boston, 2:,51>.j, 2:51, 2:,574. Astorii, br m (3:2!)i/,^.), by Hand>lctonian, dam Clara, by American Star. N. W.Kittson, St. Paul, Minn., Aug. 21, 18S,3, I'rize silver. 2 :2!>K'- To beat 2:32. Athenian, br g (3 :47). S. Hayes. Mystic Park, Boston, May 1, 1872. §100. Capt. Russell 1, Victor, Ned, Blue Mountahi Bov, Snell, Harrv T. (4 dr), Charlestown Boy (,3 dis), 2:rA%, 2:47, 2:49, 2:51. Athens, gr g (3 :"4r>), 1). I'almer, Jersey City, X. J., June 2, 1882, §250. Doctor C. 1, Viator, Capt. C. J. N,, Lady (Jrant (1 dis), ILirrv K. (1 dis), 2:4G:U, 2:48'.;. 2:46'/^, 2:4.5. Atlantic, gr m (3 :3!)), B. Rice, Sacramento, Cal., May 19, 1868, $200. Sorrel Charley, Jersey Maid, Lady Fine, 2::W'i, 2:39, 2:41 'i. Atlantic blk s (3 :35'2), by Almont, dam Isabella Clay, by Kentucky Clav. R. W. Davis. Youngstown, .,0 S -nt. 22, 1882, ,§12,5. Geo. W. 2, Amy King, Maggy C, "VVm. Wallace,) 2:46'/^, 2:47(2,2:33^4.2:42. Four-year- olds. Atlantic rilrt, blk m (3 :43), A. J. Russell, Sandy HiU, N. Y., Sept. 20, 1873. Jonnny 3, (4 dis), Longfellow i4 dis), Xi.uble Dick (4 dis), Kentucky (4 dis), 2:49, 2:52'4, 2:54, 2:43. West Troy, X. Y,. Sept. 2,5, 1873, .■^300. .losephine 3. Little Tom, Stella, Alice, 2:42'/2). 2:42, 2:aH, 2:43. S mdy Hiil. Xi;w York. S M>t. 20, 1883. .§200. McDonald's blk g, .3, (4 dis), 2:49. 2:50, 2:,54, 2:,50. Atlas,ch gf2:4.'>) Wm. H. Doble. Belimmt Park, I'liila.. Nov. 14. 187(i. §loo. Brown .John. Helen R.. George IL, Rainbow, Xelly II:irt. Athlone, Prince, Oak Leaf, iMIlkmnid, Eliza King (1 dis). 2:4,5, 2:48-)4 2:49^i. A. T. .stovirart, b g (3 ::?.H), bv Toronto Sontag. .J. Fisher, Fleetwood Park. N. Y., June 14, 1877, ,§ . Prince Charles 1, 5, Lizzie :;, 2:44". 2:4:!'i. 2:4:i?4, 2:43?ii, 2;45!4, 2:46. .1. Miirpliv, Long Branch, X. .J., Sept. 12 and 13, 1877. §600. Vinewood 5, 6, Tom Bird, Iron King, Sam, Mary Miller (4 dr), Romulus 1, 2, (3 dis) 2:,37M, 2:36'4, 2:.38, 2:42, 2:4,5, 2:41, 2A3^i. Atr«von(i, (Hazor), gr g (2 :27), by Y'oung America, dam Hebe, by Bertrand. H. Shane, Oshawa, Ont.. Oct. 21, 1880, §17,5. City Bov ,3,2 :.3.5,2:,34, 2:3,5, 2 :36"2. E. Horan, Gonverneur. N. Y., Sept. ,3, 1,881, §100. Richard B. 2, Startle, 2:31, 2:32, 2:30'/4, 2:3.5. Auburn Itoy, ch g (3 :^T!,), by Lewiston Boy. G. W. Delano, China, Me.. Aug. 20, 1872, §60. Idol Maid, Red K )'.)in, Dyer's b in Topsy (3 dr), 2:4.5, 2:4(>?i, 2:46. .\ng. 20. 1872, §70. l\lilo3. Gr;iy Boy, 2:,54Vi, 2:,50, 2:41, 2:48. F. I.. Norcross INIystic P:irk, Boston. May, 30, 1873, §100. Bay Stranger 1, Honest Brock, Lady Went- worth (3 dis), I>iidlow Boy (2dis), 2::{8?4, 2.,37'i, 2:40, 2:39'.i. Auburn Boy, bg (3:43), J.' Murphy, AIorris:uiia, N. Y., Oct. 8, 1879, §200. Minnie H. 1, 4, 2:46, 2:49, 2:48, 2:46, 2.49. Oct. 24, 1870, .§200. Bow Legged Billv, 2:44, 2:44, 2:43. Auburn rj'or-e, ch g (2 :54), Wni. Himsecker, Harrisburg, Pa., Aug. 25, 1870, §100. Lady Ironsides 2, 4, 2:54, 2 57''i.2 .5';, 2:.57, 3:01. Auburn llorse,/;h s (3 :40U), Isaac Woodruff, Washington, D. C. Jnlv 7, 1876, §200. 3:15. 2:52. To beat 3:00. .Iiilv 7. 1.S76, .§300. Ned Buckley 1, 3, Jersey Boy, Butcher Bov (3 dr). 2:43, 2:40Vi. 2:38, 2:40':.. 2:42. Auburn .Maid, ch m (2 :41'il, W^ O". Bnrntnn. (lit. Biirrington, Mass., July 12, 1873, §75. Barrington Boy 1, 3, .III -k Potter, Co));dve Mahl, 2- Ki, 2:41>4, 2:449i, 2:42"-, 2:42^. I'ittsll-ld, Mass., Oct. 9. 187,3, §100. Caii(ro Miiid f (,3 dis). Adiim's Bov (3 dis), 2:48. 2:461.;, 2:45Vi. Gt. I'.arringlon, Mass., June is, 1874, .§100. Barrington Bov 1. 2 (3 0). . . . 2:.50. 2;43. 2:45»4. Auction. ;:r a Ci :40). by Sam Booker, dam by Grav Eiigle. L. Bryant. South Bend, Ind,. June Ki. 187.5. §700. Mambriiio Mai.i, 2:44',i, ~ .June 16, I87fi, ,§700. Membrino Maid, Gray Ira, Chief, Roadmaster. Honest George 1 (2 r o), Slim Jim (1 di). 2:10, 2 I2'.i. 2:44"., 2:44. Auctloniu^r, b g (2 -An), Boston, Mass., Oct. 26, 1870, ,§ . Unknown. 3:02. 2:,56"o. 2:.52U. Auc'.ioneor. bs (3:;J5), by Tattersall. diini Hibernia, bv imp., (\>nsternation. Mr. Goodfellow, Readville, Mass.. Miiy 1. 1874. §100. Cav;uiaugh 3, 3:08, 3:06'.-!. 3:fl6'i, 3:04'.l. , ,, ., A. "/. Griswold, Morri.stown, Vt., Aug. 12,1874, ,§40. Maggy, Fisher Boy, 1:29, 1:27, 1:34. Half-mile lie;Us. Tliree-year-olds. H. S. Town, Morrisville, Vt., June 23, 1875, §1,50. Minnie W^arner 2, Kit, Chas. P. Allen, Black Prime, .Icssv Temnleton, 2;,51"2 2:48'2, 2:58'4, 2:48i.i. Mfmtpelier. Vt.. Sept. 2C., 1879, .§— . Fanny Gr;iy, Daniel Lambert Jr.. 2:.39. 2:.35, 2:.3,5. Augusta, ch m ( 3 :34), by A.llie West, dam by Ericsson. Frank Muir, Lexington, Ky., Aug. 31, 1881, §50. CUT- rtn's eh jr. Blackford s ch m, 3-34, 3:34'4. AuRusui Schuyler, eh m (2:31%), by Aberdeen. E. W. Conover, Mount Holly N. J., Oct 9, 1878, $100, J'raetor. Lady Yerkes, 2:.52'4, 2:53?i, 2:52?^. ;i < . 1 * t\ ' ^ f > ' >'i ;- -i <' ' ^ CHESTER'S COMPLETE TBOTTINCx AND PACING RECOED. 31 Oct. 9, 1879, $150. Leontlne l, Lizzie F., George, Johnson Boy, Frank Bower, Lady R. (4 dr), Strange Harrv l4 dr) 2 '45 2*40 2'4'> '^■44 Rittersvilie.'Pa., Oct. 16, 1879, «150. Kate S. 1, Belle, Whalebone (3 dr), Blacksmith Dan (1 dis), 2:39i4. •>-41 2'37'i 2-38 — Oct." I7."l879, .f200. Belle 1, 4, Lydia S.. Gen. Custer, Belle of Bethlehem (5 dr), 2:41, 2:40?4;, 2:39y2.2:40Vi, 2 •43 — Ambler Park, Pa., Sept. 15. 1881, $250. Alice Addison 1, Bay Chief, Iron Clad, Charley Ross, Monmouth Chief ''•40^i •>-4>> '>-4,3 2'39?i H. S. Conov'errYoiiii'irstown, O., July 7, 1882, $500. Lady Elgin 3, 4, Fanny Irwin 1, Matty W. 2, Fanny Wilkes, Maud B., Topsv 0. i_' dis), 2:35V2, 2:3214, 2::32'.i 2:31i4 2:35. 2:31M. 2:34'/2. _ , . ^^ ^ ^^ Aulinda i> m (3 :35), bv Woddwartl's Ethan Alleii, dam by Red Bird. J. Dougrey, Washmgton, D. C, May 7, 18«1, $500. Granger, Ool. Havwood, Itachel, Clipper, 2:34ii. 2:32i.i. 2:32i4. Albany, N.Y., May 30, 1881, ^ . Nelly W., BeavtTWNrk, 2:341.1, 2.34, 2:34>4. — Beacon Park. Boston, June 13, 1881, $400. Modoc 1, ^\ aller, Olive, Lve, Rex Patchen, Tommy ..orwood. EarlvRose,JennvW., Nelly (3 dr),Highlaiul Gray (2 dr), 2:25, 2:2G!2, 2:2714, 2:28'^. ^. , „ — Mystic Park Boston, June 16, 1881, $400. Eve, Tommy Norwood, Olive, Jenny W., Modoc, Early Rose i- CobbU'skill N. Y., Oct.'i, issi. .'^loo. Toronto Chief, Kit Small, Beaverwyck, 2:30!/2, 2:29, 2:32Vi. . G. Haner, Troy, N. Y., Srpl. s. iss2, $80. Ingomar, 2:38, 2::«;, 2:34, Auntie, blk m (3 :349i). J. O'XfiU. .b'lsey City, N. J., Nov. 9, 1SS2, $100. Kate, 2:58'^., 2:.54|4, 3:00. Aunt Mary, b m(,3 :40), F. Ridabout, Norwalk, Conn., Sept. 20, 187T, $100. Nelly Riordan, 1- airfield, 2:51, AuKevoir,b's(3:ll), by Ahvood.dainby Bellfounder. Dr. Mack, Union, Or., Oct. 21, 1882, $15. Harry 1, Poindexter, .Jeff, 3:14," 3:13, 3:11.- Three-year-olds and under. „. .0-0 *^.,. t . t>, , ,, Aiirora. ch in (3 :37), by John Nelson. J. L. Eoff, San Francisco, Cal., Aug. 30, 18<2, $750. Lady Blanchard 1, *2 '^'SO '^•'^S^i '^ *28Vo "Z'^l 2'*'9 Austerlitz" ' b V (3 :08i j )7by August Belmont, dam Artless, by Hambletonian, J. M. Welch, Ottawa, HI., Sept. 11, 1880. Frank, Kit, 3:19, 3:08 V2. 3:10. , , Avalanche, gr g (3 -ASy^), Isaac Woodruff, Fashion Coiirse, L. I., Aug. 30, 1865, $300. Black Charley 2, 2:48V4. 2:52U. 2:49, 2:.50. ^ ,, Avalanche, ch g, C. .Winslow, Phoenix, N. Y., Sept. 14. 1878, $100. Sunset 2, 3. Dick Jones, Dan Mace. No time. ^^ ^. Fulton. N. \'., Sept. 18, 1878, .$50. Black Jim, Dan Mace, Stephanus, Charley B., Lawrence. No time. Avenue Boy, ch g (3 :44i4), W. Kennedy, Whitby, Out., May 25, 1877, $100. Lillian 1, Jenny Vincent, Queen, Cool Burgess, 2 :48i4. 2 :45!/2, , 2 :45i4. Toronto, Out., Sept. 11, 1877, $100. Jenny Vincent 2, Butcher Boy, Highlander (2 dis), Lady Palmer (1 dis). . 2:44. 2:4^^4, 2:46. London. Out., June 6, 1879, $125. Gold Digger, Maud Edgerton, Kate Marshall. Tom Hall, Factory Boy, 2:45'^4, 2:49. 2:45^4. 1). Lambert. Hamilton, Ont., July 5, 1880. $125. Ancaster Boy 1, Spotted Colt 3. Honest Dutchman, Gara- fraxa. Byron Cole (2 dr). 2:48'.;, 2:4414, 2:42'^;, 2:49ii. Avilochy, br m (3 ao'.,), W. Barbour, Lewiston, Me., Sept. 21, 1880, .$100. Fair Lady, Lottie Franklin, 3:10Vi, 3:10"2. Three-year-olds. Awful, b g (3 :40), by American Boy, dam by imp. Expedition. S. M. Neil, Centreville, L. I., Oct. 3, 1837, $4,000. Screw Driver, 8:23, 8:16'3. Three miles. Geo. Spieer, Beacon Course, N. J., May 11, 1838, $.300. Greenwich Maid, 5:41, 5:37;'2. Two miles. J. L. Anderson. Oct. 8, 1838. $200. Lady Suffolk, 5:28, 5:21 14. Two miles. Nov. 23, 1838, $200. Dutchman, Henry Clay, 5:42»o, n-AVi. Two miles. ■ (w), Centreville, L. I.. Aug, 5, 1839, $2,000. Aaron Burr 2. 5:26H, 5:.31. 5:31. Two miles. (w). Beacon Coiu-se, N. J.. Oct. 28, 18:i9, .$2,3.33. Dutchman (w), 2:41i4, 2:40, 2:44-:'4. spicer & Anderson, Centreville, L. I., Ana;. 11. 1.^42, .$500. Hector (1 dis), 2:4614. Jlyer. (Air. and Shadow), b g (3 :38). bv Gen. Ligbtfoot. John S. Aver, Rockland, Me., Oct. 21. 1874, $200. Jennv Thompson 1. Sir William Wallace (4 0), Lady Daggett, Honest (Quaker (.3 dis), Red Jacket (1 dis). ■ , 2:37, -J :37i4, , 2:38. Unity, Me.. Oct. 8. 1875, $150. Knox Jr., Gen. Lee. Granite Boy. 2:.37i'i. 2:37, 2:37. Gardiner Me., Aug. 25. 1876, .$500. Billy Platter l, 2. Unknown." Kins William. 2:32. 2:.32, 2:.32, 2:34, 2:37. Azro, chg (3:411.;), A. W. Brnctcett. Portland, Me., Sept. 22, 1875, .$200. Lady Mansfield 3, 4, Village Boy 1,2, Nelly Sherman. Highland Patchen (3 dis). 2:4.334, 2:4594, 2:43, 2:45?4, 2:47, 2:41'/2, 2:4414. Biackington, Unity. Me., Oct. 8, 1875, .$75. Gen. Lyon 2, 4, Ralph, Seven others, 2:50i4, 2:43, 2:50, 2:45?4, . Oct. 9. 1975, $40. Flora, Lady Emma, Two others, 2:52i4, 3:01 14, 3:02. Belfast, Me., June — , 1876, $110. Ralph, Victor Jr., Waterville Harry, Fanny, 2:42'/^, 2:44M, 2:45. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. B Baba, b p: (3:3:? 6-10), J. A. Connor, Denver, Col., March 13, 1875, ,?500. 35, 36M. To beat 40 minutes Te!l miles. BalM' of tho Woods, cli g (2 :41?i), by Henry Clay .Ir.. dam by Farmer's Delight. 1*. I'liilson, Corry, Pa., June 14, 1S71, .sj5(i. Titusviile 1, Walter Lee, .Josephine, Hilly Wait, Orange Hilly (2 dis). , •2:47',i,2:49 2:05^4. .lune l.>, 1871. ^-'MK Sam, Walter Lee, Titusviile, .Jenny Lind, 2:44!2 2:4i?4, 2:4.^'j. Baby, lilk m (2 :53' j), Wni. Woodrult", Boston, Mass., .July 22. ISftj, *200. Robby, 2:52's, 2:.i4, 2:50. .James Pitts. Nov. 12, 1865, mi Gen. Sickles, Uobby, 3:02' 2. 2:.'>4. (wi, Wm. Woodruff, Nov. 24, 1865, .S200. Port Hill Roy, 2:53. 2:55, 2:5,'). Baby, br m (2 i.T.-Jij), Peter Pratt, Ameuia, N. Y., .June 12,"l872. .* . Mary A. Whitney 3, Cloudman 1, 3:00, 2..54I2, 2:i)0. 2:.")3'2, 3:04. Baby, ell m (3 :57), .J. Schermerhorn, Des Moines, la., .July 4, 1873, $100. Joe Hague, Red Pox. 3:11. 3:00, 3:00'.,. Pour-year-olds. Oct. S, 1873, .siOO. Prank Allen 1. Hotchkiss, Flora Bell (2 dr). 3:03, 3:07, 2:57. Four-year-olds. Baby, b g (Straugcri. v2::$0'o), by Highlander. .J. Iveves, Decorali. la.. June 14, 1876, §2.^0. Black Dock, Jim Kavcn, Annie B.. M;ixey, West Union (iirl, Jenny Holton, Billy Hatton (.2 dis), 2:40, 2:40, 2:40. • .June ir,. ls7(;, ^I'yM. Monona Bill, 2:47, 2:4G'o, 2-A'iU. June 10, 187G, ^-ITM. Black Dock, Kllen, Clara B. (3 dr), 3:01, 3:02, 3:07. Baby, blk s (3:43), J. Henderson, Burlington, la., Sept. 27, 1878, $400. May Queen, Richard B., Alinore, Lady B.. 2:45, 2:4.5, 2:43' 2. Baby, blk m(3 :40,'4), J. H. Lewis, Milford, Conn., Sept. 19, 1883, $100. Professor Medium. Toronto Maid, 2:55. 2:.-.5'2,2:49}4,. Baby BeU, li m (3:35), by Eureka, dam by Dover Messenger. H. Woodrulf, Union Course, L. L, Jan. 9. 18G4. $2,000. Port Royal, 2 :35, 2 ::i5, 2 :3G' .,. Baby Ben, b g (3 :3«j, by Black Dutchman. J. M. Wilson, Plemington, N. J., Sept. 25, 1883, $50. Minnie C. Jim, 3:36, 3:40, 3:4;{'4,. Four-year-olds. Baby Boy, gr g (3::50), by Winthrop Morrill. A. W. Worcester, Mystic Park, Boston, Sept. 3, 1873, $300. Rex Patchen 1, 3. Caoutchouc 2, Mountain Maid (5 dis). Princess (4 dis). Flora (4 dis\ Svlvui (3 tlis), Snow King (1 dis). 2:33' j, 2:.J.->i.i, 2:32, 2:30, 2:39, 2:30. Beacon Park, Boston, Sept. 5, 1873, $250. Pet, Seamstress, John T. Russell, Jim Fiske (3 dis>, Tom (2 dis). 2:40, 2:37. 2:;«. Haverhill, Mass.. ?lept. 8, 1873. $250. Martin Luther, Grace, John Lambert, Green Mountain Maid. Southerner, lilacksniith M:iid, Nelly, 2:42 2:421,4 241. Sept. 10, 1S7:!, .■*22.-). Ilirani. Peter (3 dr), Nelly (2 dis), Southerner (1 dis). 2:39^.^. 2:42, 2:44. liawrence. Mass., Sciit. 12. ls73, $300. John Lambert 1, Green Mountain Maid, Martin Luther. Knox Jr.. Grace. Artinu- (4 dr), 151;icksniith Maid (2 dis), 2:37. 2:38, 2:39. 2:39^. Sept. y.i, Ist:,. .^.ioo. ,Sliakespe;ire. Kate, Brom Keeney (2 dis), 2:~33V4, 2:34?i, 2:35. Worcester, M:iss., Sept. 21, 1873, $250. JBelle Brandon, Raven. 2:37, 2:39, 2:44. C. !■:. Worcester JJangor, Me., July 16, 187.5, $250. Joe Hooker 2, Bangor 1, Jim Fiske, Honest Billy, Plymouth Bock (3 (lis), Andy .Johnson (2 dis), 2:33, 2:32'/2, 2:31 '/a 2:32k, 2:33. A. W. Worcester, Keene, N. H., Aug. 12. 1875, $600. Young Rattler 1, White Cloud 4, May Bee, Gray Dick. Snow Fl;tke (5 dr), 2::f2, 2:.'$5"2, 2:35, 2:3494, 2:39?4. Westlield. .Mass.. Sept. 17, IS7.'->, .$600. Ben Smith 3, May Bee. Alton Bov (4 dr), 2:39, 2:37, 2:38, 2:40. C. 1:. Woi-cester, Concord, Mass., Oct. 4, 187.5, .$300. John S. Heald 1, Dusty, 2:38! 2, 2:35',, 2:37^2, 2:3614- A. W. Worcester, Brockton, Mass., Oct. 9, 1875. $500. John S. Heald, Belle Brandon, St. Elmo, 2:38, 2:35, 2;;i6. Mystic Park. Boston, Oct. 22, 1875, $100. John S. Heald 2:38, 2:40, 2:39k. Lawrence, Mass., May 30, 1876, .$2.50. Charles R. 2. Joe Riplev 3, 2:35':,, 2:34. 2:33i.i, 2:36'/2, 2:3ti?4. W est Meriden, Coini., July .>, 1876, .$.500. Lucca 2, Rowe's Toimny (2 dis), 2:;i2, 2:34, 2:.36'2. 2;355ii. Baby Hoy, eh g (3:30' 2), by Telegraph. D. P. Larkins, Xenia, O., June 10,1881, $300. Tucker 4, Bashaw Chief, Maud H., Flying Cloud, Bob ('., 2:47?i, 2:4.5, 2:36/2, 2:44. 2:43^4. 2 :41"2. June 11, ISHi, .$300. Daisy C., Nelly Mainbrino, 2:46'/2, 3:07'/o, 2:41'/2. Baby Boy, blk s (3:03). J. (). Sargent, Beiicon Park, Boston, Sept. 5, 1882, $250. Milk Boy 1, Bristol Bill, I'lute, Charley Lambert, 3:o:{. 3:02.3:05. 3:02. Baby Boy. A. D. Bumps, Belfast, Me., Oct. 2, 1882, $15. Unknown, 1 :36. 1 :35, 1 :40. Half-mile heats. Three- year-olds. Baby B.»y, (•hg(3:50?i), O. M. Larkin, Greenfield, O., Oct. 12, 1883, .$180. Nipper, Harry Patchen, Molly Allen. 2 :.")()%, 2:.52. Baby Franklin, 1) s. W. Jewell, Portland, Me., Sept. 18, 1878, $105. Mountjov Belle, Charley Morris. 1 :33, 1 :30, 1:31. Three-year-olds. Half-mile heats. Baby (iii-l, b m (3:48). C. L. Dundee. Mystic Park, Boston. Nov. 7. 1874. $300. Kate. Nonesuch. 2:.50. 2:48,2:48. Baby Jumper (w;, ch g (3 -.-.H)). J. VVaril, Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. 20. 18,50, $75. Harry Blulf (W) l, 2:.58, 2:56, 2 :.54, 2 :".5. 1 > 1 Win. Woodruff, Sept. 18. 1851. $.50. Napoleon, 2:44'4, 2:44'/2. 2:39. Baby Mare, b 111 (3 :.53',4). F. B. Ayers, Nashua, N. H., Sept. 12, 1876. $25. Suspend Girl, Up North, No Name (3dr). 2:57, . 2:.52'i. Baby Mine, in m (3 :37',), bv Stonewiill .J;ickson. dam by John Edwards. J. H. McCorniick. Manslield, O., Sept. 28, IKHI, $-- -. Billy B., Zero. Y:iiikee Boy, 1 :35?i, 1:30^4. Three-year-olds. Ibilf-mile heats. M. S. Littlelleld Jerseyville, 111., Oct. 11, 188I, $ . Kitty Walker 2, 4, Mambrino Dick, 1:33k, 1:29, l:30i2, 1:27'2, l:2.->. Three-year-olds. Half-mile heats. . ,, N. 1. Kirby. Jerseyville, III., Aug. is, 1883, $2.50. Belle Brown 2 (1 0), 1:15, 1:15, l:13'/i, 1:16, 1 :15. Half- mile heats. Maryville, Mo., Aug. .31, 1883, .$.300. (Jov. Anthony 1, Frank H., Maud L., Fred Neil (1 dist. Budd Doble (1 dls), Cow Boy (1 dis),2:34k, 2:.i7',,, 2::t7k, 2:;{5. St. Joseph. Mo., Sept. 4, 188,$. .$300. Lucy B., Gov. Anthony, Fred Neil, Jane C., Cow Boy, Budd Doble, Molly Forest ( 1 dis), 2 ::(5''i, 2 -.M. 2 :3.5. Sept. 7, 18K!, .$400. Smith O'Brien 1, Fniiik H., Lucy, Cow Boy (4 dis), 2:.J2. 2:.34, 2:33k, 2:3.5'2. Toiieka, Kan.. Sei)t. 11, 1883, .$400. Smith O'Brien, Frank Pi., Ruby, Billy Douglas, Mack (1 dis), Gov, Anthony (1 dis), 2:30'4. 2:29'4, 2:31 ?.i. Sept. 1.3. 1883, $400. Fred Neil, Gov. Anthony. Ruby, .Jane C. 2:.34k. 2:3;». 2:36'/j. Kansas City. Mo.. Sept. 18. 1x8;}. .$400. Smith' O'lirien 1, Zenesie (1 dis), 2:30, 2:31 '/», 2:33V4, 2:34. Sept. 20, ISK.!, .S400. l>rank II.. Mack. Iviiey B.. 2:37k, 2:360. Blanche, Upstart, ■i:4s. 2:48, 2:52. „ . . ^ ., . x , i^ ■ i- ^.. r ■^^^ Bacchus B., b s. Mr. Lislicr, IJcloit, Wis., Sept. 20, 1876, .$180. Prairie Lily 1, Lady Dodge, tayette, Little Backman Mait^b^m '(s'lSSi^), bv Charles Backman. G. H. Hicks. Beacon Park. Boston, Oct. 23, 1882, .•i!200. Kosi P.elle Mahone, Princess, Hamilton, Butcher Boy, Black Patchen (1 dis), 2:38, 2:.39, 2:30. Backus Golddust, cli s (:i :l(>i, bv (lolddust. D. C. Thickstun, Conneautville, Pa., July U, 187.5, .*>225. Imo- gene, Harrv Hill, C. H. Kliunpli, Netty (ireer, 3:10,3:17. Three-vear-olds. — G S Harrison, Sinclair\flo, N. v., Sept. 18, 1875, §10. Kendall Star, Briggs b m. No time. Three-year- Jr„ olds. Halt-mile heat ^ , ^ ^,„„ ,- i. ,, , t , Bacon's Bay Mare, b m (3 :44). M, W. Bacon, New London, Conn., Sept. 27, 1863. 6100. Kate May 1, Lady Badger, (,3 tSl), by Badger 'Boy.' Haywood, Cal.. Oct. 30, 1869, $150. Capitola (I dis), Blodgee (1 dis), Bobby Batlgei-t Idle g (3:061.). b Gannett, Pawtucket, K, L, Oct. 7, 1882, .15 . Hardware, Tug Wilson. Baby Batiirer Bov, b'g (3 :'39),bv Leon, dam Kitty D., by Vermont Hero. T. Gordon, Cedar Eapids, la., Jmie 15, - --""■' ■" " ^. X -T.---. ^,, „_ ^, ,.,.,.1 i..,i,. T^.,. Doubtful Girl, Molly Lynch, Nelly Eobt Brown. Mahoning Boy, les Layton (2 dis), 2:29'4, 2:301^, 2:30ii,. ' ■ Fort Dodge, la., July 1, 1881, $300. Clara Cleveland, Mahoning Boy, Carrie Cozzens, 2:33';, 2:30. 2:36. ■ Boone, la., .Tuly 14, 1881, $300. 2:38!4, W. O. • Grand Rapids Mich., Aug. 26, 1881, $300. Grand Sentinel 1, INIolly Middleton, 2:32?4, 2:32i4,. 2:.32i4, 2:.32. • Cleveland, O.. Sept. 8 and 9, 1881, .$400. Effie G., 3, 4, Mamie M.. 1, 2, Stranger, Gift Jr.. Doctor McLaugh- lin (3 dis), CoL Moore (1 dis), 2:26i4. 2:26i4, 2:3114,, 2:29, 2:30' 2. 2:30' i. badger Girl, gr in (3:33i4), by Black Flying Cloud. J. S. Rowell, Milwaukee, Wis., Aug. 20, lSi2, .ijl.ooo. Lady Kate, Kate Hazard, Capitola (3 dis), (ierman Maid (1 dis), 2::31' ^ 2:32U, 2:33. , ^, „ ^ ■ Chicago, 111., Sept. 30, 1873, $1,500, Molly, Lady Mack, Kate Hazard. Albert, Gen. Howard, Nelly, Tom Roach, Hattie. Nourmahal (3 dr), 2:25' 2. 2:264, 2:26^. ■ Milwaukee, Wis., Sept. 11, 1874, $500. Phil. Sheridan 4, 5, Jackson 1. 2:27?i, 2:3114, 2:29?4;, 2:3114, 2:31, 2:28?4. ■ Oshkosh, Wis., Oct. 23, 1874, .$600. Gen. Howard 1, 2:30, 2:26, 2:32M, 2:28y2. • Beaver Dam, Wis., Aug. 28, 1875, .$250. Cliarhe Westbrook, 2:3.5, 2:33"/2, 2:32. ■ Sparta, Wis., Sept. 22, 1875,$ Peavine (3 dis). Golden Farmer (3 dis). Best time2:30i4. ■ Chicago, 111., May 24, 1876, $400, Lady BjTon, Kate Hazard, 2:a5i4 2:33, 2:34'i. • East Saginaw, Mich., June 29, 1876, $1,500. Cozette 1, 2, Observer, Frank Reeves, Lady Star, Lady Tur- pin, Fred Hooper (3 dr). 2:24'i, 2:24, 2:22'4, 2:24. 2:27. Freeport, 111.. Aug. 3, 1877, $1,000. Marion, 2:28. 2:28, 2:26»/2. ' Burlington, Wis., Sept. 7. 1877. $ . Allen, Lady Mack, Clifton. No time. • Cleveland, O., Oct. 2 aud 3, 1877, .$1,000. Deception 1, 2, Lew Scott 3, (4 0). Little Gyiosy, Monarch Marion. Elsie Good. Jenny Holton,Clifton,Boy,2:229i, 2:22"2. 2:25, 2:24, 2:251/2, 2:22i4. 2:25'^. • Iowa City, la., Sept. 28,'l878, .$ . Blossom, Kitty Stratton, Sleepy Bill, 2:35'/2, 2:.36, 2 :35?i, 2:31 '4. Baicbtel's Bay Gelding, br g (3 :45), H. K. Baichtel, liutztown, Pa., Sept, 18, 1878, $80. Lydia S., Rattler, McFarlan. 2:.51, 2:48, 2:45. Bailey. (3 :45). Holton, Me., Oct. 17. 1874, .$ . Kate, 2:4.5. Bailey's Bay Gelding, bg (3:53i4). Chas. Bailey, New London, Conn., Jime 12,1872,.$ . Black Harry, Brown Jim, 2 :.55i4, 2:5514, 2:5514. „, ,, , Bailey's Chestnut Gelding, ch g (3 :38), Chas. Bailey, Indianapolis, Ind., Aug. 10, 1860, $2,000. Wood s ch in 1 (3dis), 2:37'4,2:38, 2:39. ^„ Bailey's Gray Filly, gr m (3 :44), Geo. H. Bailev, Boston, Mass., Oct. 10, 1867, $100. Belle Norwood 1, 2, ^4 0) (5 0). Little Nell (2 dis), 2 :47?4, 2 :46i4. 2 :48i4, 2 :.J0, 2 :49, 2 :44, 2 :46. Fam--year-olds. ■ Bailift; (3:43^4), Barrie, Out., July 4, 1874, .$600. Long John, Toronto Boy, Forest Maid (2 dis), 2:42^,2:44, 2 :43i.i,. Bainbridge, ch g (3 :45), O J. Peck, Gt. Barrington, Mass., Sept. 30. 1875, $ . Capt. Jinks, 2:46. 2:45, 2:4.5. Baker Boy, (w), ch g (3 :44i/2), J. Langstafl, tJnion Course, L. I., Aug. 27, 1852, $200. Dan Marble (w), 2:47, 2:50. (w), Hiram Woodruff, Aug. 27, 18.52, $100. Dan Marble (w), 2:48, 2:51, 2:51. (w), Centreville, L. I., Nov. 30, 1854, $300. Tecumseh (w) 2, 2:51, 2:46, 2:51, 2:45. (w), S. Gage, Sept. 5, 1855, $700. Gray Eagle (w) 2, May Qneen (w) 3 dis), Peacock (v/) (2 dis). Shepherd (W) (2 dis), 2:49, 2:4.5, 2:44, 2:46. Baker Boy, (3 :43), New Haven, Conn., June 15, 1865, $150. Rube, Prince, 2:50, 2:51, 2:49. Baker BoV, b g (3 -AOU), by Woodbrook Messenger. J. E. Burnham, St. John, N. B., Aug. 24, 1871, .$200. Queen, Unknown (1 dis), 2:58, 2:58. Four-year-olds, ■ Sept. 28, 1875, .$150. Hatty 1, Emily Boston 3, 2:47, 2:49, 2:4914 2:46, 2:48' 2. Sept. 29, 1875, $200. Honest Farmer, 2 :49, 2 :42, 2 :42; ;. Baker Boy, b s (3 :57), F. Baker, Boston, Mass., May 21, 1872, $25. Oxford Belle 2, 3:06, 3:00, 2:57. Baker Boy, bg (3:3^ " ~ . ^ . - .^ „ . ~- „ ^ , « , Michael Rogers Baker Boy, b g (3:4l,, _.. _. , . _., „ . Baker's Bay Pony, b g (3 :44), Mr. Baker, New Haven Conn., July 4, 1863, $ . Snow Bird 3, Jocelyn'sb c (4 dr), 2:56, 2:471/2, 2:47V4, 2:44. Balaklava, b s (3:4594), bv Onward, dam by Kentucky Clay. N. Bruen, Quincy, 111., Sept. 11, 1883, .$60. Hazlett's Bashaw 1, Lady W., l :43, 1 :35, 1 :25. Two-year-olds. Half-mile heats. Chicago, 111., Sept. 26, 1883, $500. Issaquena, Larchwood, Glenview Maid (l dis), 2:4594, 2:5394. Two- year-olds. Baldy, ch s (3 :37), Frank Raney, Napa, Cal., July 5, 1858, .$ . Kate 1, Kate, John Bigler (l dis), 2 :.36, 2 :37, 2 .39 2 ■ 39 Baldy,' br g (3 :1094), W. Harrison, New Hunting Park, Phila., April 20, 1881 $75. Cora Temple 1, 3:40, 3 :47, 3:41. Oct. 26. 1881, .$40. Baxter 1, (3dis), 3:10i4, 3:WX, 3:13'/^. Baldy, (3 :00), Mr. Sweeny, Reno, Nev., Oct. 26, 1883, $100. Tyler, Lilly, 3:00, 3:09'4. Ballamena, (w), gr g (3 :10). J. Carr, Dundas, Ont., May 24, 1881, $50. Harry Phillips (w). Hit or Miss (w), Great Western (w), St. Elmo (w), 3:12, 3:10, 3:11. Bally, ch g (3 :46), A. Rush, Macomb, 111., Sept. 17. 1868. .$25. Belle, 3:04, 2:58. Balsora, h s (3:01), by Alexander's Abdallah, dam byVincent Nolte. J. Magniflci, New Orleans, La., June 22. 1873. $75. MoUv 2. Capt. Jack. Little Mack. 3:01, 3:18. 3:02'/2. Baltimore, blk g (3 :37i4) Jas. Murphy. Baltimore, Md., Oct. 25, 1854, .$ . Joe (1 dis), 2 :37i2. Baltimore, (3 :50), W. Webb, Middletown, N. Y., Sept, 10, 1868, $50. Lefevre's br g. Ridge Boy, Butcher Boy (I dis), 2:.58 2:59, 2:50. 3 84 CHESTEK\S COMPLETE TUOTTlN(i AM) I'ACINCi KE( OKI). '**"!-"***'*'' ^ ^ ('^'S*). Washington, D. C, Juno 15, imt, «!200. Hol.hy Unrns l, Milk Maid, 2:.-.;, 2:.>4, 2:b-'i, ***V/"i?r2\V2TA*"''5-o^''' 4yl'''^'' ^"^^"^"'''' ^^ '^'- Aug. 10, 18-1, $irA,. ^•in(licator 2, 3, (4 (lis). Col. Abbott ^\'- i^'-^'J,^'''' ^*i^- '"' 1«'0. *^"«- Joe 1, -', (•* 0).'l'ete. 2:4(;, 2:-13fi, 2:44^4, 2:45. 2:47, 2:40'.,. — — .Mr. .Natliaii Dec. 20 18.0, .;#200. Lady .Signal 3, 4, Mald.2:41. 2:42'4, 2:40,2:;«J'4 2:41?.,. - •;!5"'"* "»>■• ^ K t2:33^2>. 1- 'lrunl)le, Morrisania, N. V., July -, 18«2, $.500. 2:37, 2:37?4, 2:33'/i. To beat ^*'*V,n"'u Vr- ^*p' u-'^'- '' n"",;-*3K>- ^':-*> s), l)y St. Lawrcnt-o. liii.t.l ix.hl,., I'.altiinoro, Md., Mav -. lS6ff >_'0(). Bflk'of Baltinioro 2. 15est tiiiie 2:41. . .. .• (.s), June IG, 1866, $1 000. Belle of Baltimore (s), 2:41M. 2:42, 2:4.5'4. Italty Kose, 1) g d ■Ml), 1. Copp, Boston, JSIass., June 26, 1867. fLW. 2:37. To beat 2:40. .1. K. Kitzniillcr, AJu'on, O., Oct. 6, 1876, .s2.-x). Abdallah Boy f, 3, .lane Easl'y, Mary, 2:48, 2:48»/2, 2:50»/4, 'J. ."»(>, 2 1*49!4» Bauker, br g by Hiunbletonian. G. H. Bailey, Kutland, Vt., July 4, 1876, .$60. Nellie 1, Ma.xiinilian 2. No time. niiiiker Mosseiiffer (Yoixng Dexter), br s(2:4.-»), by Ilamhlftonian. d:iin bv Boston, J. B. Elliot. Mount Holly, N. .1.. Oct. 4, 1876, ,S175. Barney 5, Lady J )utcliinan 2, AndifW li. 1. Belli' Forrest. L;ulv Sterling, IM l.v. (!yi)sy Maid, Frank, Sally Wall, Andy Johnson, Nancy 1'., Enoch Arden. Belle 15aker, 'Bell, 2:53, 2:.".L",,2:4!)'.i. 2:.-.l.".i, 2:4si2, 2:51'/2. Banner lloy, br s ('J :;{."> >. by Green Mounti.in Chief. J. L. Emery. Jefferson. 0., Aug. 3, 1877, .iiilSO. Stranger 1, Daisy, Fretful, Jessie Haye.s, Little I'hil, Valiant (3 dr), 2:38'/2. 2:44U, 2:40i2. 2:40. Warren , O., (Jet. 12. 1877, .§250. Valiant 1, 2, Lewis, Willy Uolddust. Brown Ncllv, Belle Porter (4 dr), 2:41i.i,2:40'/2,2:;i7, 2:37, 2:3714. ' • Brownsville, Mo., Aug. 22, 1879. .§1.50. J. N. Steck. Gen. Custer, 2:35. 2:36. 2:42. Banquo, b .' (2:31), \V. W. Coniee, Beacon Park. Boston. Aug. 17, 1875, §300. Idlesin, Blanche Kobinson, Boston Pilot, Independence, Cloudman (3 dis), '2::iS''«, 2:39, 2:40. Mystic Park, Boston, Sept. 18 and 20,1875, «?1,5()0. I'etl, 4, Langdon 2,3, Lizzv Keeler, Gen. Hood, Topeka Belle, Bismarck, Dellii (5 dis). Colonel (4 dr). Bay Fearnaught (.4 dr». 2:31, 2:33'4. 2.;J3, 2:;50i4, 2:339i, 2:32. 2:33'4. ■ J. (iolden, Beacftn Park, Boston, June 18 and 19, 1878, .$600. Commonwealth, Powers, Kesult, Pickard, 2:22, 2:24' 2, 2:24?4. Barbara, b m (2:53), by Bald Chief, dam Abdallah Pet,bv Spaulding's Abdallah. L. J. Eose, San Diego, Cal. , Nov. 1 , 1871 , .■?200. Pilot Chief, 3 :37 ' ; , 3 :32' i. Three-year-olds. Barbara Knox, b m (3:35), S. Bunnell, Bath, N. Y., June 16, 1874, $ . Nichols, O. C. Knapp, Nelly Grant. No time. ■ June 17, 1874, .$200. Kilpatrick, Idler, Beauregard, 3:01, 3:00, 3:00. • Nicholson. Pa., Oct. l, 1874, $ , Sol, Billv Kay, 3:00ii, 2:51, 3:00. ■ Elmira, N. Y., Sept. 29 and .30, 1875, .«l.ooo". Lewis 4, 5, Young Wilkes 1, Ladv L., Ladv Dexter. Jlomcr, Elliot (3 dr), 2:41, 2:40, 2:;i7, 2:37, 2:37, 2:40. Owego, N. Y., Oct. 6, 1875, .$4(K). Lewis. Young Wilkes, Ladv Dexter, Step Up (3 dis), 2:36i2. 2:36!2, 2:36. Hinghaniton, N. Y., Oct. 28, 187.5, .$400. Ladv Dexter 2, Luther, 2:40, 2:38, 2:4D/2, 2:42k. Barbara I'atchen, b m (3 :34U), by Idol, dam I'.adv Patehen. bv (ieorge M. Patchcn. C. R. Bill. St. Johns, N. B., .Sei)t. 10, 1879, .$200. Flying Dutchman 1," Mambrino Monarch, Geo. Barker, Tiger, 2:41 '/j, 2:40!2, 2:38'/2.2:37. —— .1. P. Wiser. Rochester, N. Y., Aug. 11, 1882, $1,.50C. Gladiator 1, 3, Barrett, Alleghany Boy, Hetty Pearl, (5 dr), Kitty Wood (4 dr). 2:24'.;, 2:28. 2:24?4, 2:24'.;, 2:265^. * Barber I'ony, (s) ch g(3:37), (3:30i.i s). W. N. Rogers, New Orleans, June 2, 1850, $100. Tippecanoe 1, 3, Butcher Boy, (s), 6 (40). 2:40'.;. 2:33, 2:41, 2:30'4, 2:37, 2:39, 2:39. Barden, ch s (3 :50), W. Barden, Chicago, 111., Aug. 25, 1877, $ . Kitty Durphy 1, Billy Bashaw, 2:62' 2, 2:00, 2:52. Barker's Bay Mare, b m (3 :36'^2). D. Barker. Louisville, Ky., Oct. 27 1868, $1C0. St. Elmo, John Leland, Tom Hendricks (1 di.s), .lessie. Brown (1 dis), 2:40, 2:36'/2. Barkis, b g (3:35i/2), by Whirlwind. E. Bair, Cincinnati, O., July 4, 1881, $1,000. Kate McCall, Highland Stranger, 2:28' i, 2:27'/2, 2:29. July 8, 1881, .$1,000. Alniont Jr. 2, 2:27. 2:26. 2:25"2,2:27. Barlow, b g (3:33), R. Reld. Whitby, Out., May 25, 1877, $175. Tempest 2, Gray Eddy, yueen {S dr), 2:46, 2:40';, 2:42' 2 2:44. ■ Toronto. ()nt.. May 30, 1877, .$200. Tempest. Aveiuie Bov. Willard Ciirl. Caractacus, Hulett. Jlonk Boy, Aurora Bov. .lennv Vincent. Golden Farmer, Nelson Chief' (3 dis), 2:36'.,. 2:.34'2, 2:34'2. ■ Fune 1. 1877. .$200. Fulton, Aurora Boy, Quaker Boy, Tempest (3 dis). Sir Henry (3 dr), Nelson Chief (1 dis), 2:36. 2:;«'4. 2:37. Oshawa, Ont., June 7, 1877, $17.5. Little Ethan 2. 3, Uncle Ned, 2:.37, 2:35, 2:36, 2:37. • Waterloo. Out., Aug. 24. 1877, .$200. Fulton, TTnele Ned, Johnny Ciordon, 2:41, 2:35?i. 2:38. • Listowell. Ont., Aug. 30. 1H77, $140. Ned A.. Odd Fellow. No time. London, Out., Sept. 6. 1877. .$200. Edward, St. Patrick, Capt. Tom. 2:34'2. 2:.34. 2:33. Barne'K Idol, eh m (3:38'.,). by Idol, dam Ella Jlorton, bv The Colonel. L. J. Ro.se. Los Angeles, Cal., Nov. 18. 1K76. .$400. Gladstone 2. Maggy Mitchell, I'llot Cliief; 5:16"., 5:25-'i, 5:29. Two miles. Barney, ch g (3 :4»Vi), Hiram WoodnifT. Caml)ri(lge. Mass., Mav 14. IStc, .$ . Bailey, 2:53. 2:51. Barney, b g (3 :31i4). O. W. Dimmick. St. Louis. Mo.. May —,"1868, .-rl lO. Rowallen 3, Belle Addison (3 dr). Brown Bill (3 dr), 2:45. 2:49. 3:02. 3:02. L. G. Glenn, Davenport, la.. Sept. 8, isn. .«i)00. Volunteer 5, Lady Fox 4, Brother Jonathan 1, 2. (5 r o), 2:.32';. 2::!0'/2. 2:.W.i. 2;;i2"2. 2:3.5V,, 2;:i.3. 2:35-',. ■ W. S. Tough, Kansas Citv, Mo.. Sei)t. 27. 1872. .<.5no. Logan 1. Dan 2. 2:.^5. 2:.^6. 2:35V2, 2:39. 2::59. ■ Topeka. Kan.. Oct. 2, 187'2, $125. IJourbon ('lii<'f. Ladv Palclien, 2:.52, 2:45, 2:48';. Oct. 2. 1872. .$.500. St. Elmo, Topeka Belle, L;idv, Aroostook, 2:49, 2:36. 2:34. Barney, cli g (3 -An^), G. W. Balilwin, Winona, Minn., Aug. 2, 1872, .$70. Young Weasel, Wapsie Gn-1 3:04' 2, 3:03',, 3:03',. ■ Aug. 3, 1872, .$7.5. Bay Billv, Young Wea.sol. 3:01. 2..58'',i. 3:00. S|)iirta, Minn., Aug. 4. 1873, .$ . Bay Magee 4,.5, Lexinglon 1, 3, 2:53. 2:49i;i, 2:.54. 2:52V,, 2:.54, 2:.53, 2:58. Barn«>y. b g (3 :47). P. IVInnee, New Haveii. Conn., Oct. 17, 1872, .$200. Young Pilot, Yankee Girl (3 dis). Gold- smith (2 dr). 2;.5.5, 2:,57. 2:47. Barnev.bg (3 :34>;;). Short & Lampbenr. Cobnnlius, O., Julv 2, 187.3, $.500. East End 1. CapL Vincent 4, Bellu Braslleld. Panigon, Deception. William Major (4 dis). ('arrie Nicklin (4 dis), Frank (4 dis), Tony (3 dis), Chamj)agne Charley (3 dis), Billy Lewis (1 di.s). 2:49!4. 2;42;/j. 2:38, 2:39^i, 2:40. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 35 July 3 and i, 1873, $600. Red Oak 3, Joe Shawlian, Dot, Dolly Varden, Indian, East End, Fanny Brown, Boiinvddr), Mag Kluiljerl\H3dis),Josie (3 1-0), Dick Sliter(2dis), 2:3814,2:36, 2:38, 2:38. „ „ „ ,, Bariie.v,"b g (.3 loo). West Bowen, RarkviUe, L. I., July 1, 1874, §200. Delight 4 (1 0;, 3:03, 2:5oVj, 2:o9, 3:01'/2, 3:0y'j. July 4 and 6, 1874, $200, Snow Flake r-' dis), 3:29i.i, 3161^. „,-,..„ ^ c • .■ Barney (w), b g (.3 rSS'i), by Mike, dam a Morgan mare. San Francisco, C al., Jan. 2i, 1!m2, * . bwmdle, ^H.'DeGroot, Salinas, Cal., Oct. 26, 1876, .f 150. Glass Eye 1, .3, Prince (I dis), 2:5214,2:52, 2 :,54i4, 2:50, 2 :.'J4i4. D. Eraser, Sonoma, Cal., Sept. 25,1877, $ . Sonoma, Dan Rice, Queen, \ olmiteer (1 dis;, 2:38, 2:4.5, • — — Oakland, Cal., Nov. 8, 1868, $ . Monarch 2, Rustic, Volney, 2:32, 2:28i4. 2:25i.i, 2:26iii. Barney, br s ^3 :48i,,). c. Medford, Philadelphia, Pa., July26, 1877, $ . Nelly Clipperl, 1 :42i/2, 1 :39, l:38i/2, Barney, brgCSsVs 7)! Plymouth, Ind.. Oct. 2, 1877, $200. Six others. 2: 43?i, 2: 41' 2, 2:40. ,, ,. , ^^ u;:\I. Lewis, Salina. Kan., Oct. 2, 1878. $150. Startle 1, 2, West Wind (3 dis). Dock Creeve (2 dis). Drover Bovdiiis) 2-46 2:47, 2:40. 2:3!), 2:39. Barnev ch ir 3 -44'.,) E. Rilev. Hoosick Falls, N. Y., July 2, 1881, s^lOO. Joe, Snow Flake, 2:50i4, 2:48Ji, 2:47. Barney'B.,bg(3:37i.i), by Budd Ddblo, P. Farrell, San Jose. Cal.. Sept. 29. 1883, .•i;500. Bismarck 3, 4, Barne'vcl^br "^(3':39"ii).' "j?'l'rTui"n'er, PointBreeze Park, Phil., May 3, 1880, $ . Early Rose, 2:47, 2:43',4. F Galhigher, June 17, 1880, ,S . Wellington 2, Irish Girl 3, 2 :40, , , 2:411.4, 2 :39i4. B-u-nev Crossin (w), gr gi3:43',). Point Breeze Park. Phil., May 1, 1877. Plate. Ten others, 2:52, 2:50!i, Barney Crossnian, gr g (3 :39'i). "D. Davis, Keeiie, N. H., Oct, 17, 1874, .§ . Schoolmaster 3, 4, Jenny 2, 0, Dean, George R.. Nelly B., Mary (.5 dr), Jenny (3 dr), 2:39V2, 2:40i.i, 2:40, 2:42, 2:46, 2:4::.i4, ; . . . Barney H., ch g (3 :30). ' H. T. Raynor, Ypsilanti, Mich., Sept. 27, 1877, §350. \ irginia (3 disj, Dominion Boy Barney^Hoinies, bg'(3':ll), Frank Parsons, Tecmiiseh, Neb., Sept. 29. 1883.$ . Bogardus 1, Queen of Dianionds, Maggie Nelson, Hemp, 3:18, 3:11, 3:13. ^, ^, t:, , rv * Barnev Kelly bi' a (3 :35), by Holland's Ethan Allen, dam a Morrill mare. Thos. Tierney, Fryesbiu'g, Ont., Sept. 4, 1872, ,$150. White iiirdl,3, Hattie. 2:43. 2:44, 2:431., 2:44,2:4.5. Sept. .5, 1872, .$2.50. White Bird 1, 2:40, 2:43, 2:42'c. 2:44. . . , .„ Fleetwood Park, N. ¥., iMay 28, 1873, §300. Lady King 1, Crazy Jane, 2 :42. 2 :3 1 , 2 :3i • o , 2 :40. Dan Pilfer, Chicago, 111,, July 7, 1873, .$300. Lagoneer 1, Ella Thorpe (1 dis ) 2:43^., 2:40 2:36?4, 2:30^^. Joliet 111, Julv9. 1873, >!1,200. Frank Palmer 2, Lagoneer 1, James H., Molly ()., Billy iownes (3dis), ^(wn'chicago,"'llL,'ju'lviVi8T3t'$300. Lagoneer 2, Hope 1. 2:40. 2:38, 2:37?i, 2:42'». 2:39Ji. Thos. Tieriiey, Montpelier. Vt,, Aug. 20,1873, §250. Nelly 2, Gambler, Jim AveriU, Kitty Thorn, Jim, Flora) Lady Gordon, Gen. Black (2 dr), 2:40!4, , 2:421^, 2:44. iw). J. Trout, May 11, 1874, .$500. Senator Mitchell, 2:41, 2:405^, 2:42'2. Beacon Park, Boston, June 24, 1874, .$l,ooo. Joker, Col. Moulton, Comee, 2:301;, 2:29. 2:28!2, 2:27?4,. Ainenia, N. Y., Sept. 24, 1874, $400. Flora, Uncle Dave, Fred, 2:36^4, 2:3314, 2 :31. Baltimore, Md., Oct. 28 and 31. 1874, §750. Annie Collins 1, 2, (3 Ot, 2:361,, 2:32;2. 2:30 1.2, 2:29,2:29>;2, 2:28. Fleetwood Park, N. Y., Nov. 11, 1874, §600. Comee 1, Frank Wooa, Everett Ri,iy (1 disj, 2:2(i.4, 2:271/4, 2 :29, 2 :30. (w), Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Nov. 19, 1874, $1,000. Annie Collins (w), 2:38, 2:34. ■ (w), John Muri>hy, Sept. 4, 1875, §100. Little Dorrit, 2:3714, 2:35, 2:3114- W. Lovell. Island Park, Albany, Sept. 21, 1875, § . John W. Hall 1, 2:31, 2:30i/2, 2:29i4, 2:30'/2. ■ ( w). Sept. 2i. 1.S75, §200. Berkshire Boy, 2:3f)M,2:38, 2:30J4-. ;352i. , , ,-.-,,--.- , . . ... . JJi- .,w), Fleetwood Park, N. Y., Oct. 17, 1876, §200. Prince 2, 3, 2:38, 2:36, 2:30, 2:34, 2:37. Oct. 26 and 27, 1870, .$100. Prince 1, 4, 2:34, 2:31, 2:33, 2:31, 2;30. iw), Nov. 13, 1876, ,$200. Fred T^der, 2:47J4, 2:41i^, 2:3894. Jersey City, N. J., June 19, 1877,' .$500. Carrie N. 2, 2:38i^, 2:42, 2:37, 2:38. Clifton, N. J., July 4, 1877, .§300. Moscow 2, Jim Moffat, 2:30, 2:31}^, 2:34, 2:.33. R. Lindsley, Vincennes. Ind., July 4, 1878, .$3.50. Yankee Sam 1, Rosa Lee, 2:37}^, 2:3514, 2:37i^, 2:42. Barney Xellisj eh g (3 :3~), by George M. Patchen (?). A. Daniels, Chicago, 111., Aug. 28, 1866, §300. Plough Bovl, iSdis), Lively Flea (3\lis), 2:37. 2:39, 2:45. , ,, , ,, ^ , Barney, O.. b g (3:5i), B. S. O'Conner, Fort Wayne, Ind., Sept. 23. 1879, §300. Frank 3, MaudM, Isadora, Rumundo, 2:5114, 2:56?4,2:.52, 2:51. ^. , „, Barney Tanzy, blk g (3 :38!/2), J. B. Woodbury, Portland, IMe., July 4, 1883, §150. Humnung Bird, Line Jay, 9-59 9-r^() 2*50 ^Nonvay/Me., Aug. 15. 1883, .§300. Flirt 4, 5, F. D. 1, Gray Nose, Nat Otis, Fanny M., Percilla, Rocket (5dr). Hewitta (2 dis), 2:3914. 2:41, 2::5S'2, 2:36, 2:37, 2:.38'i. Barney Treaey, bg (3 :46:'4), bv Big Eagle, dam by Red Eagle. G. B, Royal, Lincoln, Neb., Sept. \t, 18bl, §100. Little Pruss (1 dis), 2 :46?4. Foiir-vear-olds. ,,„.,„ Barney -Willianig, ch g (3 :43i'i), P. Mauee, Easton. Pa., Oct. 26, 1869, §175. Twilight, DeCamp s b g. Star (3 dis), (George (3 dis), Hiram (3 dis). Honest John (1 dis). Lady Douglass (1 dis), 2:4394, 2:4414, 2:46. June 7,lS61, §375. Country Boy, Sally Ogdeii, Buck Shot (3 dr), 2:.50i/2, 2:53, 2:51. W. Beahm. Avon, Pa., June 9, 1871, §2.50. Country Boy 1, Lady Gray (2 dr), 2:49i4. 2:50'i, 2:481^2, 2:45. Lebanon, Pa., Sept. 24, 1871, .$200. Blue Belle 1, Fenian Chief (1 dis). Trotting Jack (I dis), 2:49, 2:48, 2'56'^4, 2 *553k Itaron, b's (3 :06), by Little Mose. T. W. Wenyon. Lincoln, 111., Aug. 28, 1880, §80. Mohawk Jim 2, 4, Cheat- ham, 3:15, 3:06, 3:09, 3:08, 3:06. Stallions. Lincoln, III., Aug. 29, 18.82, .$.50. Sleepv George, 3 :22i'2, 3:06. „ , ^. . Karon Luff, b g (3 :37), by Happy Medium; daui Belle Boyd, by Sherman Black Hawk. R. Steel, Elmira, N, Y., Sept. 19, 1876, .$500. ' John taylor 2, 3, Gov. Tilden, B. F. Bruce, Henry Clark, Anna Page (2 dr), 2:41i2, 2:39, 2:40, 2:38, 2:.37i4, 2:38. ■ Sept. 21, 1876, §500. John Taylor, B. F. Bruce, Tom Malloy, Lib (i dis), (iov. Tilden (1 dis), 2:29' '2, 2:.32'2, 2-31'" J. H. I'hillips, Woodbury, N. J., July 4, 1877, §350. Phil. Dougherty 3, (2 0), Delaware (2 0), Snow Ball 1, (,2di.s), 2:3414.2:3214, 2:29Vi;2:31i'2, 2:31. 2:32. Barrett, b s (3 :35), by Chester Chief, dam by Houston's Clay. A. Goldsmith, Bradford, Pa., June 14 and 1.5, 1882, .$60. Lookout." "■ ■ '■"■ ■ ' ' ■ "■ - - ^_,. „ ,„ ,_. T.. .„ .,... ,...„... ^T „,Or„ Fortune Girl (6 1 2 .3."> 2 '40 '' '40 '' 40 2 '43 I'fi-ie. ]f>a., June 2871 8.'<2, $.500. Lady Elgin 2, 3, Lookout Jr. (5 0), Maud Munroe, Raymond, Nora Temple, ), by Chester Chief, dam by Houston s flay. a. (.TOKismirn, tsradioru, ra., juiie j^ auu lo, :oiit Jr. 1, 3, King Wilkes 4, 5, Lady Elgin 2, .Tohn F, Phelps Jr. (8 dr) Ruric Neville (8 dr), dr), RaMuond (6 dr). Nickel (5 dr), William D. (5 dis). Lady Cleveland (3 dis), 2:3714, 2:38i4, William D., Fortune Girl (3 dis\ 2:3314. 2:32H. 2:3614, 2:.33i4, 2:36"2, 2:38. — Morrisania, N. Y^ Sept. 30, 1882. .§.500. Lotta, Jupiter Norwood, 2 :31i4, 2 :35?4, 2 :35. — Oct. 3, 1882, $9.5. W. O. — Oct. 5, 1882, .$600. Lotta, 2:31"2, 2:34/2, 2:3854. 36 C'UESTEK« fOMPLKTK TKO'lTING AM) I'AlINU KECOKD, Barriiierton Boy, br {; (■^:39'4), K. Hurlbiirt, Ut. JJiirriiifitoii, Mass., Aug. 10, 1872, $50. Kockwell 1,3:00,2:56, 2 :55. Pittstteld, Mass., Oct. 3, 1872, *T0. lloosae Mountain Hoy, I'atiencc, Latly Walhice, No Name, 2:53, 2:51 5ii, 2:.'>3'2. Barrister, b s, by Aliiiont, tlani by IJrignoli. It. 1'. ri')>i)iT, Krankfort, Ky., Sept. 22, 1880, iJ2J0. Defender 1, 2, I'aiuiv Wilkes. No lime. Burtuii Girl, ell in (« :51^j), I. Hyinal, Hamilton, Out., Aug. 22, 1883,^100. GunliiUla, Flora B., Mack, Miracle, Wellington Maid. 2:.'A 2:,53?i, 2:,")l 'i. Bashaw, blk s ci-.SO'^,) by Young Sleepy Davy, dam Betsv, by Andrew Jaekson. George Blnmberg, I'on- tiae, Mieh., Oet. 1, 18(>8, .-? . Magna Cliarta, Morgan Chief. Best time, 2:ij0'i;. Bii-shaw, blk s I --J :35), by Veiiiors Black Hawk, dam Belle, by Tom Tluiiiib. Joseiih A. Green, Davenport, la., Sept. 6, 1S71, .^jloO. Biusbaw Driiry, 2:47i», 2:41'.i. 2:.J."). Stallions. liaiihaw, (-i :4!>), Mr. Summer. Waukesha, Wis., Oel. 10, 1873, .»! . t'liii)pewa, Selim, 2:53, 2:49. Mallions. Itushaw, gr g (3:33';), James A. Carey, Toledo, ().. Oct. 27, 1874, $300. Orphan Boy ' .Mainbriiio Warner, Chalkline, Stranger (2 dis). Sunrise (.2 dis), 2:4i>'4. 'IMU, 2:48, 2:48»4. Cincinnati, O., Nov. 13, 1874, .S;«X). Joe Lawrence 1, 2:41"2. 2:43, 2:43. 2:41i.i. -Madison, Ind., June lit, 1877, s.vk). Wildwood 1, Frank Miller, Cadiz, Tom Gardiner (2 dis), Whipple (2 dis), Blue Wing (2 dr), 2:.i:' ,, 2:.i2'i, 2:34'4, 2:33U. Bashaw, b g (,3:-t5), K. Terwilliger, Oswego, N. Y., July 1, 187.5, §300. Ned 1, 5. Nancy Haekett 2. 3, (7 dis), Johnny, l.ady Hliett, Careless (."> dr), J. E. Ward (2 dis), 2:4.5, 2:4ti, 2:45, 2:45, 2:47, 2:47, 2:47. E. Holmes. ]-:imira, N. Y., July 4, 1876, $200. Ned 2, 5, Lady Khett 3, 4, Henry Clark, Liirk, Mary Sehwind, 2:49, L':4;i'.2, 2:.50, 2:47';., iSA), 2:54'2, 2:50^2. Webb's Mills, N.,Y., Oct. 1, 1878, $7.5. Lib 1, 2, Shipmate, Jonnny B. No time. Oct. 3, 1878 $75. Hattie Fisher, Itarus. No time. Three miles. Bashaw Chief, blk s (3 :l,5i4, (3 :04'4 s), K. Demjwter, Eiistoii, I'a., June 12, 18G!), $100. King Tobe, 3:19?4, 3:I.5'4. Bashaw Drury, br s (3:36?.i), by Green's Bashaw, dam by Prophet. S. W. Wheeloek, Kock Island, 111., Sept. 2, 1874, $ti(). West Liberty, SamShar|>lev, Camden, Brown Sam. Gen. Grant, 2:40. 2:40. Stallions. Davenitoit, la., Sept. 9, 1874, $200. KfcoMstructioii 0', ilis). Camden Ci disi. 2:41?i. 2:4oi,|. 2:3iiJi. Stallions. €. MeAlister, Cambridge, 111., Oct. b;, ls74, shmi. Kittv Strattoii, Sllckl'ellow, 2:40. 2:3(;M, 2:41».i. Orphan Boy 3, Sorrel rriiice. A. McFacblen, Akron, O., Oct. 7, 187.5, s.joo. .ludge Waite. Flora 1)., Oliio Girl, 2:39, 2:40, 2:3U^. Bashaw Jackson, b s (3:61, B. W. Goodell, Akron, O., June 25, 18ii8, $ . Lady Norris, Lady Jane (2dr», 2:.51,2:.54. Bashaw Jr., eh s (3:34?i), (3 :31*), by Green's Bashaw, dam Fanny Foss.by Young Green Mountain Mor- gan, Louisville. Kv., Sept. 20, 186,5, $ . Clifton, Billy MeClure 1, 2, (3 dis). Two others. Best time 2:35. S. C. Stan-, Muscatine, la., Aug. 17, 1806, $ . Kirkwood 1, 4(3 0), 2:35^4, 2:34i4, 2:32J4, 2:38, 2:38M, 2:38?4. Short track. S. II. Ferry, Davenport, la., Sept. 6, 1866, $150. Kirkwood 1, 2, Tom Hyer(l dis), 2:27, 2:26V., 2:28, 2:30,2:31. Short track. Sept. 7, 18()6, $1.50. Sleepy John (2 dis), 3:46, 3:47. Mile and half heats. Short track. Sept. 8, 1866, $200. Tom Hyer 2, Sleepy John l, (2 dis). No time. Starr and Piatt, Sept. 9, 1866, $320. Tom Hyer 2, Sleepy John 1, (4 dis), 2 :30, 2 :32, 2 :30>^, 2 :28, 2 :31. Short track. S. H. Perry, Muscatine, la., Sept. 28, 1866, $300. Tom Hyer, 2:32>4, 2:299i, 2:29)^. Short track. Dubuque, la., Nov. 1, 1866, $250. Medoc, McClellan (2 dr), 5:16, 5:12. Two miles. Chicago, 111., Aug. 15, 1867, $1,000. Medoc, 2:.J6, 2:29?4, 2:29?4. Sei)t. 4. 1867, $1,400. Pilot Temple, Geo. M. Patchen Jr., 2:29M,2:3()^i, 2:30»i. ■ Davenport, la., Sept. 11, 1867, $4.50. Kirkwood, American Star, 2:32^4, 2:28J4, 2:28^. Sept. 12, 1867, $;J00. Kirkwood, 2:31 '/j, 2:30, 2:29.'4. A. F. Fawcett, Chicago, 111., June 4, 18()8. $5,000. .Jim Rockev 1, 2:34, 2:30, 2:34>4, 2:31^- George Nelson. Aug. 20. 18(>8, $2,000. Jim Kockey 1, Silas Rich, Tackey (3 dis)2:31M, 2:27'4, 2:27',^, 2:29H. Aug. 22, 1868, .$800. Silas Rich, Morrissey, 5:04' 2, 5:02'2. Two miles. A. F. Fawcett, Detroit, Mich., Aug. 27, 1868. $1,000. Idol, Morrissey, 2:34',i, 2:29'2, 2:24?4. Geo. Nelson, Daveni)ort, la, Sept. 11, 1868, $3.50. Kirkwood, Lance, 2:2!i'... 2:34, 2:37. A. F. Fawcett, Rock Island, III., Sept. 17, 1868, $1,000. .lim Rockev 1, 2, 2:28^4. 2:26i4, 2:26, 2:25, 2:2754. Cliiiloii. la., Oct. 3, 1808, .$500. Kirkwood, Jim Rocky, 2:31, 2:21, 2:33>4. Short track. (ico. Nelson, Dubuque, la., Oct. 8, 1868, .¥1,000. Jim Rockey, 2:2754, 2:26!/2, 2:28. Ciiicago, 111., Oct. 20, 1868, .$2,000. Jim Rockey, 2:30, 2:29, 2:29?i. A. F. Fawcett. Washington, D. C, Nov. 24, 1868, .$1,000. Ironsides (s), 2:29, 2:30, 2:31J4. (ieo. Nelson, Nov. 2(;, 1868, $1,000. Fanny Allen (s) 2:.385i, 2:31'.i, 2:.37M. A. F. F;twcett, Baltimore, Md., Sept. 28.' 1870, .$.500. Patchen Jr., White Momitain, 2:40, 2:38'4, 2:34}'4. Cumberland, Md., Oct. 6, 1870, .$500. White Mountain, Gray Jim, 2:52, 2:41, 2:47. < uiiirieriaini. Hill., »;(a. o, in/o, .^^auu. vviiiie iviouniaui, vjiii.v oim, ^.o^.^.^i, ^.ti. Basli:iw Maid, ch m (3:30), by Plowboy. A. II. Sainmis, Prospect Park, L. I., Oct. 15, 1870, .fSOO. James H. <'olem;ui 2. 4, Lottery, 2:30, 2:31 '4, 2:.32:'i, 2:,34. 2:3.5. Bashaw .\Iaid. blk m (3:48), A. Woodard, South Franiingham, Mass., Sept. 21, 1875, $150. Marlborough Boy, Fred B., Belle Brandon. Western Boy, Tom, Fannv Nichols, Tom, Ned Fowler (3 dr), 2:53, 2:r)4. 2:58. Miltord, Mass., Oct. 1, 187.5, $1,50. Limber .Jim 1, Belle Brandon, Maggie Allen, Live Oak, Maggie, Red Oak, Tony Pastor, 2:46, 2:.50, 2:.50, 2:48. H. Witliey, Danville, Conn., July 4. 1878, $150. Witch Hazel, Roger Wade, What Now, Ned Curtis, 2:51, 2:.50, 2:,5.3. Bashawiiian, br s (3 :36), bv Green's Bashaw, dam Sna|). by Black Hawk Morgan. J. S. Suaney, Marengo, 111., Sept. 21. 188,!, ,$ . "Nimi)le Dick, Wiii'sie Cliiel", 3:o'8. 2:.5.5. 2:3(>. Stallions. Bashaw I'rinee, blk s (3 :4«i/o), .Josepli Fisher, Pliillipsl)urg, N. J., .Inly 4, 1868, §30. Pilot Colt (3 dr), 2:57, 2:l6'i. Bashaw rrjiiee, b s (3 :.'i5), Wm Read, Truro, N. S., Oct. 6, 1875, $1.50. Variety, Charcoal Jr., Black Bird, Katv (I (lis), 2:.58''i, 2:.57, 2:55. Bashford's Black Filly, (Emma G.), blk m (3 :38i,i). bv Almont. A. Bashford, Lexington. Ky.,Oct. \s, 1879, $\:mo. Rowenii, Hermione, Sydner's ch f, Secret (1 (Us), Director (1 dis). Favorite Wilkes (1 dis), 2:;i8'4, 2 :-IO-:'., . Two-year-olds. Bashtiiic, b s (3 -AlU.). by Bashaw Jr., dam Faustine, by Baltimore. W. Moore, Richmond, Va., Oct. 31, 1879, .$200. (!en. I^ve l' 4, Manchester 2:42, 2:42, 2:41U'., 2:i3»4, 2:4.5. Virginia stallions. Basil Duke (Rattler), rng (^3 :38i4\l'y Hippy. -John Marr, Mac(m.(!a.. Oct. 27, 1871, $.500. Gentle Annie. Wade Hampton, Ira Bride. Rip IJap (2 (lis). Combinati4, 2:42?4. Oct. 31, 1871, .S2.50. Gentle Annie, Ifip Itap d disi, 2:47, 2:4.5, 2.42?i. Oct. 29, 187.'j, $300. Dixie, Tlinnderbolt, (ieorge Dorsey. 2:40'2, 2:.39, 2:44. 1. W. Oawford. Augusta. Ga.. April 11. 1874, $l,ooo. flh^kory Jack, 2:4154, 2 :35)^, 2 :39>^. April 29, 1874, $2,0(n). Lady Emma 3, 4, 2:40, 2:.35'/i, 2:32, 2:mi, '^■Mh■ Charlotte, N. C, Nov. 5. is74, $rm. Lady Patterson 1 (2 0), Susie Kurtz (2 0), 2:43, 2:4254. 2:41, 2 :39, 2 :4154. Columbia, S. C, Nov. 12, 1874, $100. Ladv Patterson 1. No time. Augusta, Ga.. Feb. 19. 187.5, .$300. Lady <':itterson 1, 4, Molsev, 2:37i4, 2:36, 2:365^, 2:46J£, 2:46>/i. Feb. 2.5, 187.5, .Sl.OOO. Ladv Patterscm 2, 4, 2:;t8?4. 2:34. 2:^5'/,. 2:36, 2:3.5. Detroit, Mieh., July 7, 1875, $800. Richard 1, 2, Clifton, Mambrino Warner, Little Angus, Rival, 2:31'/i, 2:32H, 2:30 Ji, 2:3054 2:2854. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 37 Batemau. b g (3 ■.^^^4,), by Doty's Black Harry Clay, (lain Nell, by Hambletonian. J. H. Goldsmith, Goshen, N. Y., May 27, 1875, SSOO. Billy Stevens, Andrew, Sleepy David, Sea Foam, Compeer, William Walch, Geneva, 2:39, 2:36, 2 :3G'i. ^ Patterson, N. J., June 23. 1875. §700. Andrew (1 0), Compeer, Rosa, 2:.38, 2:38>/2, 2:38, 2:39. Oneonta. N. Y., June 30, 1875, $400. Col. Upton, St. Patrick, Jack Potter, Henrj', 2:39, 2:40, 2:35. Amenia, N. Y., July 9, 1875, $500. Rosa Birch, Vesta, Uncle Dave 2 (l 0) (3 dis), 2:3534, 2:35'/2,2:33?C, — synuiisr!' N. Y., Sept. 7, 1875, $1,000. Frank Munson, Lady Johnson, George H. Mitchell, Ashland Pet, C artif, Tarleton, 2:31?i, 2:34J/2, 2:37. Kinjiston. N. Y., Sept. 16. 1875, $1,200. Ed. White 3, Tom Keeler4, Catskill Girl (4 dr), Annie Collins (2 dr), 2:30, 2:30, 2:31, 2:31, 2:33. Elniira. N. Y., Sept. 30, 1875, $1,500. Jack Draper 1, Charley, 2:329i. 2:33, 2:33, 2:32>o. Woodbury, N. J., Oct. 22, 1875, $1,000. Ella Madden 5, Susie Parker 1, Annie Collins 4, Filbert (4 dr), Hannah D. (3 dr), 2:30, 2:29, 2:30, 2:30, 2:33'4.2:30. Pottstown, Pa., Oct. 28, 1875, $700. Frank Munson 1, Little Mary, Star, Dinah, Clothes Line (3 dis), 2:30, 2 :30. 2 :27, 2 :27. Beacon Park, Boston, July 18. 1877. $400. Winthrop Morrill Jr. 1, 2, Shepard Knapp Jr.,Georgie M., George A. Ayer (4 dis), 2:28^,2:27, 2:2914,2:30, 2:31i.2. ,,.,,, ^, . ,r c, , ,.' t .. •• ^ Mystic Park, Boston, July 25, 1877, $400. Queecliy Maid 1, 3, Georgie M., Shepard Knapp Jr. (4 ais), Winthrop Morrill Jr. (2 cU-), 2:28M, 2:2714, 2:29, 2:29, 2:2914. p:iinaa, X. Y., Sept. 27 and 28, 1877, $500. Clover 3, 6, Belle Smith 1, 2, Charley B., 2:30i4, 2:31%, 2:31'/4, 2::jl '4, 2:34'4, 2 31, 2:34^4. Suffolk Park. Phila., May 16, 1878, $300. Jersey Boy 2, Champion Morrill, Lew Ives, Phil. Dougherty, .Sadie Bell (5 dr), Lady H. (4 dr), Delaware l (3 dr), 2:29i2, 2:31, 2:29, 2:28, 2:31'/2. Hartford, Conn., July 11, 1878, $400. Lady Daggett l, Fanny Jefferson, 2:28i4, 2:29, 2:27^,2:27^4. Plainville, Conn., July 18, 1878, $400. Queechy Maid, Lady Daggett, Fanny Jefferson, 2:27, 2:29?i,2:30?i. Hartford. Conn., Aug. 23, 1878, $1,500. Wolford Z. 1. 2, Steve Maxwell, Result, Jersey Boy, Lady Voor- hees, Goldfinder, 2:22, 2:23'/2, 2:23'4, 2:22'/2, 2:2234. Lewistou. Pa., Sept. 27, 1878, $700. Irene. Susie Parker, 2 :28y2, 2 :2934, 2 :29'/2. Norfolk. Va., Nov. 14, 1878, .§300. Key West 1, 2. C. M Bedle, 2:31. 2:30i/2, 2:291/2, 2:29, 2:25. H. C. Maddox, AVinchester, Va., Oct. 9. 1879, $300. Lady H., Frank, 2:273.i. 2:29i4,2:28i.i. ^ ^ ^ Bates Bav Mare, b ra (3 :52). W. Bates, Mystic Park, Boston, Oct. 25, 1876, $30. Lizzie Humes, Tom Lester, 2:.50i2,2:.5434,2:52. Balkv Bill, b g (3 :57). W. R. Moody, Perth, Out., Oct. 21, 1875, $ . Bracket 2, John 1 (2 dr), 2 :.50, 2 :58, 2 :.59. 2 :57, 2 :59. Battle Ground Maid, b m (3 :48). Wm. W. Smith, Stillwater, N. Y., Oct. 15, 1859,$50. .Joe Bates 2, 2:50, 2:49, 2:48, 2:.50. Bawley, ch g (3 :55i/2). Mr. Rice, San Francisco, Cal., June 6, 1863, .$400. Bucephalus 2, 2 :.55i^, 2 :54;/2, 3 :01. Bawley. ch g (3 :51). T. D. Warren, Mankato, Minn., Sept. 30, 1875$150. Young Harry Bluff , White Stockings, Brown Jack. Betty Bashaw, 2:.51, 2:.52?i, 2:.53. Oct. 1, 1875, $206. Young Harry Bluff 1, White Stockings, Brown Jack, Betty Bashaw, 2:.5;?i4, 2:.52, 2:5314, 2 ".oSi^ Bay.'b g"(3 :37i^), by Gideon, dam Julia, by Gen. Knox. C. B. Gilman, Westchester, Pa., Sept. 9, 1875, $300. Garth 1. Harry. .Jim. Lexington (4 dr), Jiick Keller (1 dis). May Harris (l dis). 2:4294, 2:44i4, 2:45, 2:46. West Meriden, Conn,, July 4 and 5, 1876. $500. Joe Pettit 1, 2, Harry Gilbert 5 (4 0), Kentucky Gaorge, Nero (5 dis), Fanny Jefferson \5dr), 2:35?4, 2:36'^, 2:32. 2:34, 2:36i2. 2:33^ 2:33'i. Lowell. Mass., Aug. 15, 1876. $300. Joe Ripley l, Sam Hill, Ed. Cliapin, 2:36, 2:32i4, 2:32, 2:343^. Aug. 18, 1876, $400. Wliite Stocking 1, Belle Dean, Basil Duke (2 dis), 2:38, 2:32, 2:3414, 2:33^. Kingston. N. Y., Sept. 1.3, 1876, $500. Harry Gilbert, Zephyr, Driver, 2:35, 2:34, 2:33k. Ehnira, N. Y., Sept. 21, 1876, .$800. Lady Pritchard, Clover, Damon, Lysauder Boy, Venus, 2:2934, 2:30V^, o -go BayAbby, bm (3:4794), G. Brewster, Burlington, Vt., Sept, 7, 1871,$ . Topsy, Roan, Brown Betsy, Fanny, 3:22, 3:08. Mr". Jenkins. Glen's Falls, N. Y., Sept. 10, 1873. $175. Red Ribbon 2, Darkey, 2:501^, 2:50, 2:4794, 2 :.58. Bayard, gr s (3 :40>^), bv Pilot Jr., dam Bay York, by American. R. A. Alexander, Louisville, Ky., Oct. 29, 'I866, $175. McCracken's b c (1 dis), Lewis' ch g (1 dis), 2:51. Three-year-olds. Nov. 5. 1867, $50. White Face (1 dis), Johnson's br g (1 dis) Bull (l dis), ?:42?i. Four-year-olds. D. O. Heiskell, Clark Co., Ohio, Oct. —, 1873,$ . Moimtaiu Maid 1, Carrie Nicklin (l dis), 2:43!/2, Bavard, b g (3 i-tO). by the Colbreth Horse, dam the Capt. Adams mare. A. W. Brackett, Bangor, Me., 2, $180. Little Fred 1, Maine Slasher 3, American Lady. DoUy Bidwell. Little Fraud (3 dis), 2:10'4,2:40'.2, 2:41^4. yard, b g (3 :•; Sept. 17. 1872, Maine Boy (2 dis), Baker Boy (1 dis), 2:1214, 2:40i4, 2:44^4, 2:4394, 2:40i4, Sept. 19, 1872, .$200. Scott. St. Elmo, Velvet, Lucy Knox (2 dr). Lady Sullivan (1 dis), 2:4932, 2:50. Sept. 16. 1873, $200. American Lad v. Paddv. Lady West. Bay Dick. Milo. 2:45, 2:47.2:40. Bayard Bright, gr s (3:4454), W. W. Belyea, Woodstock, Out., Sept. 30, 1880, $70. Richmond Girl, Edward Hanlon. 2:.55, 2:55i4. 2:.55. Bayard Knox, b s (3 :40), A. W. Hewes, Portland, Me., Sept. 17, 1878, .$ . Black Crook, Nat Webb, Alice Withers, 2:42, 2:43, 2:40. Four-vear-olds. Bay Arthur, (3 :4034), S. C. Bradford, Geneva, N. Y., June 14, 1881, $1.50. Daisy Lewis l, 2. Danforth Maid, Morocco. Sterling, Green Linnet ^3 dr) 2:4114, 2:42^4. 2:41. 2:42, 2:40i-. Bay Bashaw, (w) b s (3 :49 w), by Black Bashaw. E. B. Quick, Newton, N. J., Sept. 27, 1860. .$200. Hamble- tonian Jr. (w), 2:49, 2:4994. Bay Beauty, b s (3:03), L. Van Name, Plattsburg, N. Y., Sept, 15, 1860. $ . Young Duroc, 3:09, 3:03. Four-vear-old-stallions. Bay Beauty, b g (3 :43), Ad. Carpenter, Da\-ville. Conn., Oct. 28. 1870. $150. Hank Girl 3. Frank Allen, Trifle (4 dr). Sleejiy David (3 dr). Lady Osgood (3 dr). No time. John S. Parkis, Providence, R. I., Nov. 2. 1870, .$275. Quarrymau. Bay Billv, Hambletonian, Fanny Kenibie, Eolus, Lizzie Douglas, 2:4314, 2:44, 2:43. Bay Belle, b m (3 :49>/2), L. J. Hobart, Oconomowoc, Wis., Oct. 10. 1807. $75. Bay Charley. Lew Rowell, 2 :50i/e 2:52, 2:.5.5. Oct. 12, 1867, $100. Bay Charley, Lew Rowell, 5:59, 5:39. Two miles. Bay Ben, b g (3 :38i^). bv Rockawav. W. J. Wilson, Geneva, 111., Jidy — , 1874. $200. Billy H., Y^ates b c, Harry Howard. 2:.57, 2:47. 2:46. Aug. i9, 1874. .$200. Billy P., 2:.51. 2:47. 2:46. Sycamore, 111.. Sept. 2, 1874, $500, Quickstep 3, 5, Dred 2, 6, Frank Palmer, 2:38'2, 2:43. 2:3794, 2:441^ 2:.39i4, 2:4134. 2:42. Bay Ben, b g (3:35), bv Andrew Jackson. G. W. Pidver, Penn Yann, N. Y.. Aug. 26. 1874. $400. Lady Thompson 4. Frank 2, Billy Pavor 5, (6 dr), Clothesline, Charley. Charles Hinson (1 dis), 2:35, 2:34, 2:3734, 2:.37. 2:.37, 2:40. S>Tacuse. N. Y.,Seiit. 1, 1874, $1,000. Lola Montez 2, Messenger Boy 3, Frank 4, Anna, 2 :35i/., 2:3734,2:38, 2:3814.2:39. 2:40. Hudson. N. Y.. Sept. 29, 1874. $150. Young Hindoo, Young Dexter, Register Boy, 2:51, 2:52i4, 2:55. 38 ('HESTERS COMPLETE TROTTING AND I'ACINC UlX'OliD. Bay Bill, 1) g (3:68), A. M. 'Wilson, Yoiingstown, ()., Aug. i;6, 1808, Sioo. Frank, Jack, Clariui disi Wild Turk r.' (lis). 3:02. 2:.'>9'4, 2:riS. Bay Billy, h g (3 :56), Mr. Jat-kson. Union Park. Pliila., .July li), 18;«, SIM. Cliief, Nelly, JoG 2 ".9 .t (K) B».v '''^.v. '* B (. '-* :•*■*). Wni. Hodges, Cliifago, HI., June 2.'j, IStiT, S;;j5(). tapt. Knight, Sally Lee 2:59'4, i2:57J4, Julv i), 18(57, .?a50. Brown Hill 2, Lady Alieo, 2:47, 2:47, 2:4»j'2, 2:48. (W), July 18, 1867, .?J(Hl. Little iMaria"l, 2:47',, 2:44, 2:4(5'i, 2:4G'2. Bay Billy, bg(3:51), l>. MiMurray, Montgonieiy Ala., May —, 1870, $100. Jeff Davis, Monroe's b g (2 dr) 2:.")8, 2:.il, 2:54'.i. ' ' Bay Billy, l)g (3:40), L. L. Shattuek, Greenville, Pa., July 3, 1873, .?17.j. Orlando 2, Sleei)v Tom 1 Brown Dick (1 (lis), 2:48, 2 :4i), 2:48' J, 2:48, 2:45. , w u Titusville. Pa., Sept. 2(!, 1873, ,«!2o0. Tom Perey 1, 2, Gray Billy, Blue Pill, Horaee Greeley, 2:43, 2:40, 2:43^4. 2:41, 2:41. — P;irker City, Pa., Jmie, 10. 1874. .SlOO. Lyde 1, 2, John Wallaee 4, 2:40i.i, 2:40, 2:42, 2:41';, 246 2-40 y Billy, li g (3:-44), by Gen. Kiiox. 1). Bigley, Beacon Park, Bcjston, May 31, 187.5, .'$150. "Kate I •>, Niekel r>. S:iniiiiy lliglid (lis), Kosa, Jilack Harry il dis), 2:.">4, 2:.">;}'2, 2:54, -l/iO, 2:.52, 2:r>4'4. N. T. l);ire, (Jardiner, Me., .lune 22, 1870, ^siOO. Jinnny 1, Lizzie Drake, Canada, Kate Wallaee (3 dr). J>a(ly Pussell (1 dis), 2:.")0. 2:44, 2:44, 2:4.'). " Bay Billy, b s (3:45), S. V. Hager, Brattleboro, Vt., Sept. 1, 187.'3 $400. Henry Stone :j, .5, Little General 1, 2 :50. 2 :4C., 2:42' j, 2 :45. 2 :45. 2 :48. Bay Billy. 1) g (3:48), \V. S. Bruen, Cambridge, HI., Sept. 1, 1876, $110. Elder Pogne, Henrv. Juanita, Sorrel Charley i3(lr). 2:.'>0, 2:48, 2:50'i. o . . I$ay Billy, b g (3::{1), P. T. .MeGeer, Skaneateles, X. Y., Aug. 17, 1870, $120. Lady Hall, ]5illv. Morgan Chief. Sunset, 2:4i)^.i. 2:40' .>,2:40?i. ' . t. . Bay Three-year-olds. Bay Billy, b g (3:40';}, AVinona, :\Iinn., June 20, 1877, §250. John J. Cook, Alvin B., J. L. Allen, American Girl. Kate. Pilot, Billy Halton (2 dis). l':42'i, 2:40>^, 2:42'4. BayB illy, b s (3:34), H. Saiilurd, Ced;ir IJapids, I:' , ,une 13, 1878, .S.TOO. Hambletonlau Chief 1, 2, Kobert Bums. Henry (lilbert (3 dis), 2:40, 2:38'4, 2:36, 2:48)^, 2:41. Davenport, la., .luue lii, 1878, .■Js.ooo. Kobert Burns 1, Carrie K., Yandalia Joe, Prosper. Clara Cleveland (2 (lis), ■I::is, 2:34, 2:3.'), 2;3(). Bay Billy, b s (,3 :3S)>o. 2:40Ji, 2:44',,2:43'.i,2:40'.i. ' July 13, 18H2, .^200. Nelia, 2:46. Unfinished. Bay Billy, b g (3 :41), A. M. Kingle, Waterloo, Ind., Oct. 3, 188.3, $100. Silvio, Blind Maggie. Boiniy C, 2.46}4, 2:44^4. -2 :4i;'.,. »& j . ts, KendallviUe, 111., Oct. 10. 1883. .$.50. Kllie G., Gertie C, Frank ^Veatherwax 1. (3 dr), 3:14'.,, 3:04. Bay liilly, b g (3:00), (ieo. Hecox. Fl Dora(h), Kan.. Sept. 28, 1883, SIM. Kalamazoo Boy 1, 2:.V2. 3:00, 3:00. Bay Bird, bm (3:37). K. Rose, Fhtra, 111., Oct. 1, 1875, .$45. Haymaker, andtwo others, 2:.37. 2:40. Bay Birdie. (3 :04), Carnu, 111., Sept. 8, 1880, $100. Molly Hawthorne 1, Jack Frost, Cold Deck. Fir.st Out. 3:03Ai,3:14, 3:07, 3:04. Bay Bob, b g(3:37), by Frank Forrester. T. Edwards, Newark, O., Oct. — . 1876, $100. Doctor Rush, Daniel, 2:41 ^, . Same day $1 50. Mohawk Chief, Doctor Rush. Daniel, 2:40, 2:42U,2:41%, Bay Brijj. b m i3:409i,(, by St. Paul P:it(lien. dam by Holcombe Hors'e. M. Fortune, St. Paul, Mimi.. July 2, 1874, $400. , 2:42'o, 2;42?4, 2:44?4, 2:4(i. Stillwater, Mimi., .July 4, 1878, $ . Pilot, 2:43'.i, -':4.3. Itaybrino. bg (3 :38';), by Swigert, dam Bonazella, by Micky. W. H. Matthews. Red Wing, Minn., Sept. 15, 1880. $it^5. Prince Arthiu-, John Goldsmith, Fanny C, Alexander Jr.. 2:50, 2:,tO, 2:.50. Rochester, I^Iinn., Aug. .!! and Se!)t. 1, 1882, .$;iOO. Sam II. 1, 2, Rattler 3, \ictor, David R., Minneapolis, 2:42'2, 2:;J914, 2:.i7';, 2:.iiti,, 2:3(i'i, 2:33?.i. Ha.stings, Minn., Sejit. 12, 1S82. $ . Mollv P.. Sam H.. Minneapolis, 2 :32i4, 2 :34»4, 2:35%. Sept. 14. 1S82, .§250. Clumsy Fred 1, Mollv B., ]\Iinneapolis. Sam H.. Black Jim. 2:36, 2:35, 2:35'2, 2:36. Fargo, 1). T. Sept. 19, 1882,'.$.-)00. Flora ftelle 1. Lncv N., Clumsv Fred. 2:.30. 2:.33i4, -':;J5, 2:.36. Winnipeg, Man., Oct. 11, 1882, SAM. Fashion, Susie B.. General' Sarsfichl (1 dis), 2:48i^,2:48';. 2:48>i. W. H. Matthews, Rochester, Minn., Sept. 11, 1883, $2.'iO. Flora Belle, Silas Wright, Cai»itola, 2;30. 2:30, 2:28}/.. Bay Brftoii, b g (3 :49), Wm. B. Smith, Hartford, Conn., Aug. 26, 1867, $11.5. William Sprague. Andy, 2:49'.i, 2 :49. Bay Charley, b g (3 :03), J. B. Shoemaker.gPort Jervis, N. Y.. June 22, 1871, $100. SherilT O'Brien 2, George Gillett 3, 3:02^.1, 3:02, 2..57'i', 3:02, 3:10. Bay Charley, b s (3 :37), by St. Paul Patchen, P. Saver & Son., Dubmiue, la., July 26, 1873, .$900. Surprise 3, 2:48, 2:.5:i, 2:48, 2:.50. St. Paul. Minn., Jnlv. 2, 1874, $600. Selkirk. Billy Morgan. Brother Baldwin, 2:43i2 2:38, 2:42>4. July .3. )S74, .$600. ()ak Grove Girl. Billy Morgaii, Marv Lane (1 dis). 2:;J8. 2:37, 2:38-34'. Sept. 9. 1874, .$.300. Hobby (iolddnst 2, ('4 0», 2:41 'i, 2:42'"2. 2:424. 2:4:t, 2:44, May 14, 1875, $l,ooo. Oak Grove (iirl 3. 4. 2:42. 2:42'i, 2:40. 2:41, 2:4(!. May 22. 1875. $200, Billy O'Neil 1. 2:37'.;. 2:41. 2::i9'v,. 2:42'4, Bay Charley, It g (3 :50), H. F. Jennings, Milwaukee, "Wi.s., Seiit. 11. 1874. $90. (;eneral Lee, Ixonia Chief (1 disi, 2:.'>0. 2:.53';, 2:,55-','. Bay Charley, b g (3:38i/.). T. Dickerson. Cincinnati. ().. Julv 3, 1877, $1.0i)0. Decept'"'" !■ -*. Prank Milli-r. Lady Lumber, Red Bird. Post Bov (2 dis). 2:29. 2:20, 2:29'i, 2:28'/., 2:.3'i. Greenburg, Ind., Aug. 23. ls7K.'.'ji;2fM). Snorter, .lennv C, Higiriaml M;irv. No time. Bay Cliarley, bg (3:441/.), P. S. Hawk. Flemington, N. .!.. Sept. 2t!, 1878, $60. Kingwood 1, Careless. Ida Thompson. Plow Bov. 2:49'., 2:4(i'/., 2:44'/.. 2:47. Bay /4, 2:49. CHEiSTKU'S COMPLETE TKOTTING AND PACING KECOUD. 39 Bay Chieftain, b g (2:^S^), bv John F. Pavne, dam Fannv Williams, by Alexander's Abdallah. J. H. Phillips, Suffolk Park. Phila.'lMav 10, iSso, sum. Annie Pajie 1, 2, Unolala, Lady Upton, Kipton, Duncan, Haiipv (lift. Brown Tom i2 ilis), Josei)huie S. (1 disi. 2:2i)\i, •_':28U, 2 :30>4, 2:31^4, 2:;}2^4. May IJ. If^^iO, Sim. Deceit 1. 2, Ketiulus Jr., Jo.sei)hine .s.. Duncan, Belle of Bethlehem, Tom Medlev, Alice Addison, Alice Medium (4 (in. Mambrino Billy {i dr). Kismet (4 dr), Frank Saylor (4 dr), Belle of Montreal. Cliester, 2:34. 2::!2. 2:.s8'4, 2:28i.i, -':3(i. Bay Dan b g (3:J5'i), P. Dalv. Trenton, N. J., Sept. 2(», 1866, $400. Lady Patchen 1, Strathmore, Ironsides, Gray Eagle, Koden's b m 2:36. 2:37, 2:35U, 2:.36i4. Bay Dan, b g (3 :36), G. W. AValbridsre, Batavia, N. Y., Sept. 17, 1868, .f400. Bootjack 1. General Love, 2:40, 2 :37, 2 :36, 2 :39. Bay Dan, b g (3:43), N. H. Ferris. Streetor, 111., June .'5, 1873, .«ir>0. Champion 1,2, Blind Billy, William Clinton, Daniel Boone (2 (lis). Shoe Flv (2 dis», 2:4.5, 2:4.5. 2:44i.i, 2:44, 2:44i4. F. \V. Snell. Cliicago, 111.. Aug. 12, is73. ,f!20o. Goodenongh (3 0), Sleepy Dave (.3 0), Black Prince, PhU. Sh'ridan(2 (list. George d (lis*. 2:.52'i. 2:11*14. 2:.57i4, 2:.51'2. \ H. Ferris, Wiitseka, 111., Sept. 2t;. 187.3, .^75. Lazy Lazarus 1, 4, (5 0), 2:4.5, 2:47, 2:45, 2:40, ,2:43, Bay Dan, b g (2:.->0), G. Johnson. Fleetwood Park, N. Y., Sept. 15, 1873, $500. Billy Lynch 1, 4, Tony Hart- "man (3dis). Mav Morn (2dis). 2;o7'o. 2 :52i4, 2 :.50, 2:.50, 2:5714. Bay Dan, b s (3 :4~K'>. hy son of Scotfs Iliatoga. E. B. Potts, ISIount Holly, N. J., Oct. 6, 1875, $ . Little "Charley, Ladv Dexter, 2:.59, 2:.-0. Four-year-olds. Fre('hold. N. J., Sei)t. 15, 18T(;, •'jiso. Charley Wooley, Abdallah Patchen, Flora, Austin's ch m (3 dr,) Fisher's b m (2 dr), 2:48}/,, 2:471,^, 2:48. Five-year-olds. Bay Dan, b s (3 :3.3), bv imp. Alex. Orloff. A. J. Morris, Freeport. 111., May 29 and 30, 1877, $500. Smuggler "Girl 1, 2, Alberta 3, shenherd Boy, Prairie Lily, Prairie Boy (4 dri, Senator (4 dr), 2:36'4, 2:31, 2:33V2, 2:36, 2:36,2:3.3. Dubu(iue, la., June 5, 1877, .•J500. Ella F. 2, Fannv C. 1, Alberta, Little Rube, Delia (4 dr), RoUa Bashaw (2dr). Black Swan (1 dis), 2:36, 2:38, 2:.37i.i, 2:.37i4, 2:.38. Bav Dan (w). 1 3 :49^ w), Santa Cruz, Cal., Aug. 1 and 2, 1883, .$60. Sorrel Ben (w) 1, 5 (7 dis), Ella T. (w) 2, ■(7 dis). Pajaro Chief 3, (7 dis), 2:51, 2:.54. 2:.50. 2:49i^, 2:47)^, 2:.54, 2:.563^. Bay Daw, b'g (3:47), L. Burke, Crete, Neb., Sept. 22, 1881, $120. Big Tom 2, 3, Rocky Mountain Tom, Bav Dick (3 dr\ 2:47^1, 2:16, 2:47. 2:47^^, 2:47. Sept. 23. 1881. $90. Charley P. (I 0), Rocky Mountain Tom, 2:47, 3:08, 3:12, 2:58'2. Bay Diamond, b g, H. Root, Dimville. Ont., June 8, 1880, $ . Johnny (4ordon. No time. — ^ Elmira, X. Y., Aug. 26 and 27, 1880, $110. Ancaster Boy 1, 3 (6 0), Col. Peck 4, 5, Express, Tom Burke. No time. Bay Diamond, b g (3:36), Mr. Jackson, Sheboygan Mich., July 13, 1882, $17,5. Walter Jones 1, Mary C, "Molly Harris (2 dr), 2:38, 2:46, 2:4.3, 2:36. July 14, 18S2, .S85. Canada Boy, Mollv Harris, Lady C. (3 dr). Moonlight Bill (2 dis). 2:47, 2 44'4. 2:.3e. I3ay Difk, (s)b g(3:50 s), R. Titus, Cambridge, Mass., Nov. 15, 1842, .•ifso. Black Maria (s) (1 dis), Star (s) ■(! dis). l)utchess(s) il dis) 2:.50. Bay Difk, 1) g (3 :41'.,), J. Losee, Fonda. N. Y., May 31, 18.57, $100. Whalebone, 5:23. 5:.39. Two miles. Bay Dick, b g (3 :41i4:), S. White, Boston, Mass., May 30, 1862, $50. Old Man 3, St. Lawrence Maid, 2:.W»i, ■2:.50,2:47?4, 2:514. Col. Thurston, Lowell, Mass., June 17, 1865, .$200. Bella Clay, 2:45. 2:45, 2:4iy. Bav Dick, b g (3:30i4,), \Vm. Hodges, Chicago, 111., June 25, 18G7. $350. Christmas, Lady Becket, 2 :.59i4, ■2:57^4,2:5014. Bay Dick, b g (3 :55), Manchester, N. H., June 18, 1870, $ . Young McClellan 3, 4, Little Frank, 2:55, 2:56, 2:.56, 2:. 56, 2:5.5. July 5, 1870, $1.50. Buckskin 1, 2 :55, 2 :57, 2 :.57, 2 :56. Bay Dick, b s (3:53io), by Wild Wagoner. D, Daniels, Parkersburg, W. Ya., Sept. 18. 1874, $7.5. Virginia "Wagoner 3, 2 :.58i i . 2 :.58. 2 :51, 2 :53i i. Stallions. :Slarietta, O., Sept. 23, 1874, $75. Virginia Wagoner 1, C. Williams (4 dis). Wild Bill (4 dis), 2:5714, 2 :59M, 2:o7i.,.2:.58. Bav Dick, bg (3:36'.;), by the West Horse. T.Smith, Gettvslmrg. Pa.. Jnlv 31. 187,5, $500. Hannah K. 2, 3, "Frank (4 dis), George F. (4 dis), Santagouian (4 dis), Modoc (4 dr), Blue Ridge (2 dis), 2:40, 2:3714, 2:35, 2:3GJ^, Pittsburg, Pa., Sept, 18, 1875, $.500. Nelse 3, Alert, Ella 1, 2 (3 dis), 2:47, 2:4.5, 2:48, 2:47, 2:.52. Bay Dick, b g (3 :39i ., ), by House's Hiatoga, dann bv son of Dutt Green. W. W. French, Norwalk, O., Aug. 13, 1878. .$300. Jessie Haves 3, 4, Lady Si., Jim Sc'hriber, ITj) and Up, Gum Ball, Billy Budd, Johnny Gordon (4 dr), Billv (3 dr). Hunter (3 dr), 2 :,30', 2 :30' i, 2 .30, 2 :30, 2 :30i4. Finlav, (),, Sept. 4, 1878, $ . Billv Budd, James Ash, Fearless. No time. Sept, V,, 1K7S, .S . Betsy Ann 1, Billy Budd. ,2:36, 2:35, 2:.3.3, Davton, O,, Sept. 2,5, 1878, $ , Red Bird 1, Joe Hooper, 2:.38i». 2:38, 2:39. 2:39. • V. Williams, Marion, O,, October 3, 1879, $250. Daniel the Prophet 3, 2:3014, 2:.31, 2:28, 2:33. L. B. Harris, Finlay, O., July 2, 1880, $200. Dizzv, Fairy, Desdemona, 2:40, 2:41, 2:35. Chillicothe. O., Aug. 11. 1881, .'ii2,50. Kitty Clyde" 2, King, Erastus, Bnmswick Boy, Hector (3 dis), Jerry Hardwiek (3 dis). Flying Cloud (3 dis), Lena (3 dr), 2:32, 2:30, 2:.32, 2:3414. V. Williams, Delaware, O., Sept, 7, 1881, $375. Minnie Warren. Shepherd Girl, 2:37, 2:37, 2:37)^. L. B. Harris, Upper Sandusky, O., Oct. 19, 1881, $300. Joe Hooper, Dolly (1 dis), Billy Lewis (1 dis). Stranger (1 dis), 2:32!^. 2:.32, 2:30. Oct, 20, 1881, .$500. Joe Hooper, Dolly (2 dis), 2:32'4, 2:,32, 2:31. Bay Dick, b g (3 :40i4), W. T. Briggs, Tiinnton, Mass.. Sept., 25. 1878, $90. Lottie, Louise, Crusoe, Brown Tom, Enoch Arden, Lady Caswell, 2:45, 2:40i4, 2:43. Bay Dick, br g (3 :5l), C. Gillet, Mill Village, fa.. May 29. 1879. $100. Kitty Cooper, Zigzag, 2:52. 2:51, 2:51^. Bay Dick, b s (3 :34), J. Taylor, Lincoln, 111., Aug. 27, 1879, .^250. Minnie M., Dr. Fred, Dan Mace, Jenny S., Dan. 2:.34, 2:37, 2:.35. Bay Dick, b s (3 :57), A. A. Morton, Friendville, Neb., Aug. 23, 1880, $15, Gray Bill 3, 4, Daisy F,, Nellie S. 2 (5 dr), 3:32^.1, 3:37, 3:35, 3:39, 3:.3G!4, 3:.38i4, Sei)t. 10, 1880, .$1.5. (iray Bill 4, Daisv*'F, 2, 3:27, 3:23. 3:21, 3:24, 3:21. Bay Dick, b g (3:11), by Frank Forrester. J. Draker, Fort Wayne, Ind., Aug. 17, 1882, $100, Push (1 dis), 3:24, Four-year olds, Sei)t. 4. 1882, $ , Cheek 1, Pat, 3:l;m, 3:14^, 3:11. Four-year-olds, Bay Dick, b g (3.54), E, Ehler, Rochester, Pa,. Sept, 26, 1882. .$.5(i, Fannv M., Dolly, 3:11, 3:01, 3:00. Bay Fanny, b m (3 :38) by Nigger Babv. E, Schoenberger, Chagrin Falls, O,, July 8, 1874, $100, Discount, Mollv, Al)(lallah Boy, Golddrop (1 dis). Lady Lightfoot (1 dis), 2:52^, 2:,58V^, 2:.58, Ellas Ritt. Conneautville, Pa,, July 1.5, 187.5, s$2.50. Blue Ball 2, 3, Minnie, Loafer (5dr), 2:.51i^, 2:50i^, 2:.51i/., 2:47, 2:46i.i. Titusville, Pa,, Seiit. 29, 1875, $300. Ladv McKinney 2, Joker, 2:42, 2:40i.i, 2:40, 2:40i|. A, Lockwood, Erie. Pa., Aug, 22, 1878, $300. Jacli 1, Silver Cloud, Phil. Sheridan, Odd Fellow, Lady McKinnev, 2:,36-i,, 2:.3.5i4, 2:37. 2:.3k14, E, Ritt," Pittsl)ur-'j,-. VS.. Aug. 27 :ind 28, 1878, $300. Little Roan, Judge Waite, 2:3614, 2:32^, 2:37. A. Lockwood. Briulford, P:i., Sept. 3, 1878, $700. Sleepv Tom 1, Pathfinder, Lilly Pierce, Fancy, Tom Mallov, Nelly Wel)ster (4 dr), Bav Dick (4 dr), '2:32}4, 2:,32i< 2..33, 2:.32y . Warren, 6., Sept. 20, 1878, $200. Reaper Boy, Harry Hill, Henry S., 2:40, 2:37, 2:38. 40 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. Masillon, O., Oct. 22, i«78. .?200. Napoleou 2, General Lee 4, Bay Dick, Carrie K., Hunter, Broker (5 dls), Toiii Batterv (4 dn, •2:m.2:S5, 2:3j, 2:;i8, 2:J6. E. Ritt. ]\k'iulville, Pa., June 5, 1879. $ . Sleepv Tom, Klngsniaii Boy, Bay Freddv, 2:.«, 2:34Ji, 2:35^. Colunibu.s, O., Aug. 29, 1879 $400. Fashion 1, Elsie , 2:JV^. Toledo, ()., Sept. 11, 1879, $400. Fashion, Young Buchanan, Abdallah Bdv, Sleepy Tom, Joe Hooper, ■* *32 2*ii3''i 2 '.'iOS ■ Coiumlms. <^)., Oct. 3, 1879, SiiOO. Business 1, (2 0), (4 0;, Fashion, Billy YcazcU, (iood Morning (5 dis), 2 :29 'i , 2 :.»l 2 :291^, 2 :28, 2 Mli^ , 2 :32. Bay Feariiaufjlit, (B.S.Wright), (w), l> s *3:37), by Fea^naught, dam Helen, bv the Hathaway Horse. E. L. Norcross, Lewiston, Me., Sept. 14, 187(J, $500. King William, 5:16^^,5:21. Two miles. • A. Mackay, AVoodstock, Out., May 26, 1876, $ . Limestone, Barney, Fearnaught Chief, Carrie. No time. H. Siiain, .lime 2. issl, 6175. Eden Golddust. Chestnut Sam, 2:40, 2:40, 2:37. Bay Frank, ((;. 11. .Mitiln lb, b g I'J ■.•Hi), by American Ethan, dam by Tornado. ,J. Raleigh. Madison, Ind., June 19, 1X77, .S4IK). Dread .!, .Iulm A. Pattie, Alice West, Dr. Bonaparte, Dorothy, Paddy 3 dis. Bay Fanny (.1 dis\ Lady Alice (1 dis ), Maria d dis), Little One (I dis), , 2:.37>6, 2:39, 2:.32^." • June 20, 1877, .§400. (iov Morton 3, 4, Nelly Morton, Dread, Little One (3 dis). Dr. Bonaparte, Wade Hampton, 2:43, 2:.37, 2:39, 2:.!7. 2:34 Newark, ()., Oct. 5, 1877, $130. Daniel the Prophet 1, 2, (5 0), 2:31'^, 2:32, 2:.31, 2:.32, . 2:34. Bay Frank, b g C-J :46), Dr. Guesserot, Chambersburg, Pa., Oct. 9, 1878, $100. Lady B., Biid. Allic, 2:46, 2;55 2:.51V<>. Bay Frank, Hg (2:35), W. C. Wriglit Sullivan, 111., July 31, 1878, $150. Lady McD. 4, Vermillion Boy 1, Priuce i2disi. Little Joe (2 dis),2:45, 2:41. 2:47'c.2:47'.i. Mouticeilo. 111., Aug. 22, 1878. .sir,o. Little Robby 3, Kelly Diivis 2, Lady McD.. Roofer Jr. (4 dis), Shelby Maid (4 (lis). Deception (4 (In. Hob (4 dr), 2:40i,i, 2 41"2, 2:46. 2:40'4, 2:41. R()l)iiis()ii. 111., Oct. 11. 1S7S. .sHK). Almont Maid, Rosa Belle (l disj, 2:43, 2:42, 2:35. Brazil, Ind., Aug. 19, 1S8(». (Juilford 4, .5, Marion, R. E. Lee, Rosa Lee 1 (5 dis). 2:46, 2:46'^, 2:48, 2:47, 2:44, 2 ;48. Urawfordsville, Ind., Sept. 6, 1881, .$250. Blue Bull 2, 3, Humpy l, William R. (4 dis), Ivan(4dis), , , ,2.40, 2:36, 2:40. Bay Frank, b g (2:20), by Tornado, dam by State of Maine (•?). S. K. Trefrv, Salinas, Cal., Oct. 5. 1882, $125. Pamro Chief 2. Lelaud Stanlonl. .M:iggie Voorhees, Ella P., 3:05, 2:.')4)4, ■2::u^^. 2;4'.i''.i. P. J. \Villiams, San Francisco, t'al., Aug. 15, 1883, $800. Allen Roy, Barney B.. Big Lize (1 dis), 2:21, 2:22, 2:20. ■ ( w), Nov. 30, 1883, $125. Pilot 3, Terra Cotta (w). 2 :45, 2 :45K'. 2 :44^, 2 :47. Bay Frank b g(2 :39), J. Fletcher, Richmond. Va., Nov. 3. 1882, $150. Henry Clay 1, Clara Morgan. Libby, 2:.37U.2:40:2:46'o,2:.39. Poitsmouth, Va., Dec. 4, 1882, $.300. Blackwood Belle, Clara Morgan. Best time 2:40. Bay Frank, b g (.'J :03), G. B. F. Cooper, Lima. O., Aug. 17, 1883, $ . Bonny C. Best time, 3:03. Bay Frank, bs (2 :49K>), F. H. Goodwin, Ada, O., Sept. 20, 1883, «75. Bonny C. 3, Kitty Clay, Roan Steve (4 dr), 3 :00, 2 :.")0, 2 :49^, 2 :49W Four-year-olds. .y George, (w) 1) s (2:50), J. Mason, t'ashi Bay George, (w) 1) s (2 :50), J. Mason, Fashion Course, L. I., Jmie 28, 1870, .$300. Road Jack (w) 2, 2:50, 2:52!-i, 2 :.').">.;!: 09. Bay George, (George) b g (2 :24;'o\ bv Parrish's Hambletonian, John Bixby, Binghamton, N. Y'., Sei>t. 10, 1869, .$500. Dr. Ivane 1, Andrew Jackson (2 dr), 2:43, 2:42»/2, 2:4??4. 2:43-!i. R. D. Ward, Avon, N. Y., Oct. 3, iSTl. Chestnut Ked, Haphazard, Fancy Kate, Honest William, 2:49, 2:49, 2:4814. ■ J. Golden, Jlvstic Park. Boston. Sept. 30, 1873, $150. Quaker Jim, Jim Fiske, 2:43. 2:44!j. 2:41. Nov. 1, 1873, .S«X). Meddlesome, 2:44?i, 2:43'i, 2:46 Beacon Park, Boston, Nov. 15, l.'^TO. .*1.50. Grace 2, 3 (1, 0). Arthur, 2:4.3>'2. 2:42',i, 2:43 2:46, 2:46, 2:45>4. Geo. Lovering, Mystic Park, Boston, IMav 12, 1874, $150. Meddlesome 2, 6, Modoc Chief 3, 4, Flora (5 dr), Loui.se, Jester (3 dis), 2:421i,2:41i4, 2:49i'4, 2:41, 2-AZh, 2:46'4, 2:48'/2. — J. Ramsay, Mystic Park, Boston, June 10, 1876, $50. Jim Fiske 2, Lady Lawrence 4, 2:42, 2:43' .j, 2:42, 2 :42, 2 :42. July 12 and 13, 187G, .$200. Ladv La\vrence 2, 3, Jim Fiske 1, 4, Reua G., 2:43, 2 :i0I a, 2:43, 2 :4,3, 2 :44, 2 :42, 2:43. ^ Aug. 1. 1876. $50. .Jim Fiske 1, Rena G., Ladv Lawrence (2 dr). 2:41Vi, 2:44,2:46, 2:46. Woiinsdclat, R. I., Aug. 16, 1876, .$200. Billv Stevens, Orphan Girl, Crazy, Brown Bird, Clii)per, Hamlet, 2:42li. 2:44. 2:44. Bay George, bg (2 :40i^i), Eau Claire, "Wis.. Sept. 29, 1H7.-), $100. Fly 2, Lisbon Girl. Cohmel B. 2:49*4, 2:52, 2:.'>0',i, 2:5n.i. Bay George, b g (2 :5O>0, Mr. Spahr, Indiaiiaiiolis, Ind., July 5, 1875, .$.50. Ad Hereth 1, Betty Mitchell, Fan- ny B. P.. 2:.51, 2:50K., 2:.59. 2:.')4!i. Bay George, b g (2 :55), C. H. Dodge, Danvers. Mass.. Sep. 5, 1877, $100. Maud 2. 3:00, 2:58, 2:.').5. Bay George, bg (2:53), G. Rose, Portland, Me., July 4, 1879, $ . Cyclone. Sis, Brown Irish, Katy Did, 2 :.'-..-)'.;. 2 :. 5.3, 2 :.')i). Bay (Jeoige, 1) g (2 :49). H. Livingston, Albany, N. Y'., Sep. 11, 1879, $.50. Jenny c;iddes, 2:54, 2:49, 2 50. Bay 4. .J. Losse, Springfield Centre, N. Y., June 20, 1873, S15. Lady Mack, Billy Mix, Otsego Belle, 2:42i4, 2:40, •■) .4>> ^J. H. Phillips, Jersey City, N. J., July 31, 1875, $100. Fanny H, 1, Black W, Handy Andy, 2:4.5. 2 :40^4, ■'•41'i '^O^a ; Prospect Park, L. I., Oct. 4 & 8, 1875. .$400. T. B. French. 1, 3, Mac. Elsie (5 dr) Cordilleras (5 dr). Fred Hi.-ks"(.5 dr) Melissa (4 dr\ Martha Washington, (3 dis), A. T. Stewart (3 dis), 2:34, 2:30, 2:3314, 2:32, 2:32?^. -Oct. 29 & 30, 1875, .$400. Martha Washington, 1. 6, Langdon, 3, 4, Florence, 2:33, 2:.33i/2, 2:35y2. 2:32y2, '- ts)'John Murphy. Fleetwood Park, N. Y., Nov. 19, 1875, .$250. Frank Reese, 3, 4, 2.41, 2:37Vi, 2:34, 2:421^, •_'-4i. Bay Jack, b g (3 :50). C. W, Leach, Lowell, Mass, Oct. 27, 1881, .$50. Ira, Kip Van Winkle, Blue Nose, Freak, ■NellvH..2:50, 2:50. 2:50. . ^ , t ^ , ,^ Bay Jiin, b g (3 :35>, T. T. Oliver, Cincinnati, O., Sept. 24. 1863, .$100. Seni l, Frank, Jane Coombs (2 dr), 2 :51?i, '2:4t;, 2:46'.., 2:45. Sept. 25, 1863, .$200. Bradv (2 dis), 2 :49i^, 2 :39U- O. A. Hickok, Chicago, 111.. Aug. 15, 1867, .$200. Lady Angeline l,Lady Maria, Brown Bill (3 dr), 2:41,2:40, 2:381.2- 2:42"2. Oct. 23. 1867. .$300. Bay Bill 1 (4 0), Buckeye Bill 3, 2:4Bi, 2:40;.2, 2:43, 2:41 1/2, , . Wm. Hodges. Omaha. 'Neb.. July 31, 1869, .$.50. Blind Billy. 2:44. 2:43, 2:4.5. (W), Aug. 4, 1869, .$100. Jack Morrow, Blind Billv, 2:48, 2:48, 2:47. A. Kinkead, Dayton, O., June 6, 1870, .$75. G. M. Wright, Kate, Fleetwood, Palsey (2 dis), Joe (2 dis), 2:43,2:47, 2:41. Tune 7, 1870, .$250. Dart, Burroughs, Red Hot, JNIolly Griffith, Mountain Maid (2 dr), 2:435i, 2:409.i, 2:41J4. W. L. Beck, Buffalo, N. Y., Aug. 2 and 3. 1871, .$100. Amelia 5, 6 (3 0), (7 0). Greenwich Maid 4 (8 dr), Blanche, Logan, Kentucky Girl 1 2 dis). Lady Golddust (1 dis, > 2 :39, 2 :39, 2 :4f)Kt. 2 :40. 2 :45, 2 :39ii, , . Bav Jim, b g (3 :40i4). R. vVhitehead, Adrian, Mich., July 2, 1868, .$25. Maid of the Woods, Green Mountain 'Bov, Sir Hanks (2 dis), Fearnaught (3 dr), 2:57, 2:.53, 2:.52i4. Bay Jim ((Juickstcp and Stewart), b g (3 :33i4), J. McDonald, Chicago, IlL, May 28. 1874, $1.50. Gray Eagle. Red Snuirrel, (2 dis), 2:57M, 2:589i. Bay Jim, 1) g (3 :47i4). Wm. Denton, Conneautville, O., July 4, 1874. $ — . Ashland, Florence, Gray Mack 1 (3 dis), Sleepy Dan (3 dis), 2:56, 2:53, 2:51, 2:.53. Bay Jim, b g (3:50), Utton Bros., Morrisville, Vt., Sept. IC, 1874, $125. Nelly, Modesty. Little Maid, 2:53, 2:.50. 2 :54. Sept. 17, 1874, .$100. Starlight, Modestv. 2:54, 2:.50. 2:50. _ Bav Jim, b g (3 :41), A. J. Feek, Newark, N. Y., July 16, 1875, $300. Step Up 1, 2, Tom Malloy. Gray Eddy. Geneva. 2:41'4, 2:41, 2:41'i, 2:41,2:41^4. Bav Jim, li g (3 :55), Kenosha. Wis.. Sept. 22, 1875, $85. Geo. Morris, John Heenan, 3:00, 2:55, 2:55. BaV Jim i Daniel Webster and Rattling Dan), b g (3 :39i4), J. Wilson, Easton, Pa., Sept. 21, 1881, $ . Lizzie Almont. Mack Stewart, Lizzie Wellington (2 dis). Flower Girl (2 dr), 3:00, 2:51, 2:49"^. Bay Jim, b g (3 :54), A. Cornell, Syracuse, N. Y., July 8, 1882, .$ . Flora M. 1, Gray Eagle, Arco, 2:59, 2:54, "2 :54. D. McLaughlin, Bradford, Pa., Sept. 12 and 13, 1882, $ . Charley 3, Flora Nye 4, Breeze, 3:00, 3:00, 3:03, 3:01, . Bay Jim, bg(3:00), F. Geraghty, Cornwall, N. Y., July 3, 1883, .$50. Cornapple, Newburgh Boy, Brown George. Molly, 3:00, 3:09i^, 3:00. Bav Jimmy, b' g (3:33i4), Simon Butts, Rochester, N. Y., Oct. 21. 1874, $500. Clifton Boy, Silk Stocking, "Thomas Moore, Nelly Q dis), J. P. Townsend d dis), 2:30}4, 2 :36i/>. 2:3314. Bav Joe, b g (3 :3'r^), F. H. Fancher, Monroeville, O., Oct. 5, 1866, $100. JohnH. Welch. 2:45, 2:40. '— Oct. 19; 1866. .$100. John H. Welch 3. 4, 2:41i4, 2:38, 2:41, 2:4494. 2:43?i. Bay John, b g (3 :40!4), Geo. Bailey, Portland, Me.. Aug. 22, 1868. $100. Maria (1 dis). Peddler (1 dis). 2:52. — — M. Carroll, Boston. Mass., July 2, 1872, .$ . Wait-a-While 1, 3:14, 3:09, 3:11, 3:09. S. G. Barnett, Walton, Mass., Sept. 3. 1876. $100. Rumford Maid. 2:41i4, 2:59i^, 2:45. — :\Ivstic Park, Boston, Julv 17, 1876, $100. Lady LawTence 1, 4, Dandy (5 dis), 2:43, 2:41. 2:43, 2:48 2:43. Bay John. 1) g (3 :4li4), C. E. Post, Indianapolis, I'nd., July 18, 1867, $80. Canada Dan 1, Tom Hatch, 2:59J4, 2:48Ui. 2:47, 2:.52i!;. Bay John, b g (3 iSlfi), C. O. Stone, Sycamore, 111.. .Julv 24. 1877, .$300. Black Cloud, Bay Logan, Josie Mans- field. Prince (3 dis), Lilly Camp (3 dis). Little Robby (2 dis), 2:48, 2:47, 2:.50. Julv 26, 1877. .$600. Prince 1, 2, Black Cloud, Aniia Belle, Elnora. Frank, 2:44, 2:43. 2:40. 2:42, 2:40?i. Bay John, b g (3 :30), J. Barnes, Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. 28. 1878, $35. Grocer's Maid 1, Baker Girl, 3:30, 3 '30 3:3.5 3*40 Bav Joh'niiy," bg (3:50), Elkhart, Ind.. Sept. 23, 1880, $100. Leppie, Wild American, E. Goldsmith, 2 :50, 2:. 5014,2:5094, Bay Lilly, b m (3 :40), B. Maisonville. Ypsilanti, Mich., Sept.— 1875, $200. Julia. Jack West, Tom Model (1 dis). Butcher Boy (1 dis), 2:45, 2:43, '2:49. Chatiuim, Out., Oct. 13, 1875, .$17,5. Tecumseh Girl 3, Brown Kate, Bob Hunter (4 dis), Sterling, (3 dr) 2:41,'4. 2:4014.2:42, 2:40. Bay Mare, b m (3 :36). Washington, D. C. May 2, 1864, $ . Alice Gray (4 dr), American Star 2, (3 dr), 2:36, 2:.3;3, 2:38. . Bay Midaieton. b g (3 :53i'2). Newburgh, N. Y., Aug. C, 1873, $ . Rose of Allendale, Judge. Best time >:ry3]4. Bay Moll, b m (3 :50), S. Deshon, St. Paul, Minn., Sept. 30. 1865, .$100. Tommy, Crazy Jane, 2:50, 2:.52, 2:51. Bay Molly, b m (3 :40), N. White, Adrian, Mich., Aug. 16, 1878, 8100. Ladv St. Lawrence 1, Deception, Kitty Carson. 2:50Vi. 2:46, 2:43i4, 2:42i4. Hillsdale. Mich., Aug. 23, 1873, $200. Tom Hunter 1, 2, Greenwood 3, 4, Independence (5 dis). Wild Bill (5 dis I. 2:42, 2:4214, 2:41^,, 2:4.5»4, 2:48, 2:40, 2:41. Manistee, Micfi, Julv 5, 1875, .$ . Harrv Mitchell 1, 4, Charley (4 dis), 2:38i^, 2:46, 2:443^, 2:44. 2:44. Bay Morgan, (Hiram Drew). bs(3:3li4), bv the Drev,- Horse, dam a Morgan mare. A, G. Hunt. Bangor. Me., Aug. 23, 1854, .§500. Blue Morgan 1 (2 6), 2:40, 2:44. 2 :41, 2 :44. 2 :46. Bayonne Prince, blk s (3 :37j^, by Kentucky Prince, dam by State of Maine. R. Cadugan. Waverly, N. J., Sept. 18. 1883. $1.50. Easter Medium, Berge'iiBclle, 2:.36i4, 2:36i,i, 2:43. Four-year olds. Sept. 20. 1883. .$200.r Topsv 1, Lady Poindevter 3, George Wilkes, Handsome Lambert, Selim (5 dr), Capt. Dan (5 dr), Charley M., (5 dr., 2:41 1/2, 2:.34, 2::{7, 2:3\y<, 2:32. 42 C'UKSTKir.S COMri-KTK TROTTING AND rACTNt; IJIX'OHD. ■ Beacon Park. Boston.. Sept. 28, 1883. §1,000. Meander (2 0), Montgomery, Don Carlos, 2:l>7'4, 2:30, 2:30y,, 2:.'?1'2. Stallions, foiir-vear-olds and nnder. Bay OKborn. (« :47?4), .las. C!. Burlew, Waverly, N. J., May 8, 1880. Prize whip. Julia, Cayuga Maid, 2Alii, 2:.'>f>. Bay Pilot, 1> s (3:15), W. Strader, liaston, l*a., Sept. 11, 1807, ?50. Messenger Colt, 3:15,3:15. Three-year- olds. Bay I'rince. b s (3:47), Geo. Bruce, Williainsville, N. Y., Oct. 13, IS.'is, §100. Lady Aldiu, Prophet (2 dr) 2 -.M, 2 :4!». 2 :4S. Oct. in. lK.-,s. SKK). .las. K. Polk. 2:4t;. 2:47. Bay Prince. (Prince). b!i(3:3Si. by Kin^j's Champion, dam by a pacing horse. J. K. L. Daniels, Lansing, Mich. ..Sept. 23. 1874, $110. Kilbourne 1, Jenny Lincoln (2 disi, KateUdisi, Belmont Chief (Idisi. 2-55 2:02?.i, 2:51,2:5494. .1. \Viiul)le, St. Johns, Mich., Oct. 10. 1879. .S150. Lady Smith. Harry. No time Bav Prince. bg(!J:56), F. W. Lathrop, New London, Conn., Sept. 21, 187ti, .s . Franklin Boy, 3 :03?4, *3 :(), 2:.i(;' ., 2:41. " liubiKinc, la., June 7, 1870, §3.jO. Lady ^IcFatridgc 3, Brotlier Baldwin, Granger, Billy B., Anna B., 2 :37, 2 :37, 2 ::J5, 2 :37, Bav Kicliinoiid. b g (2 :46',4), A. B. Miller, Warwick, N. Y., Mav 29, 1870, $100. Beecher 2, 6, (5 0), Bachelor "l, William Owen, 2:49, 2:4G?4. 2:.31. 2:48, 2:.'-.0, 2:48, 2:40'4, Bav K«»bl)ie. 1) g ('-} :45), J. McGilroy, Cedar Kai)ids. la., June 14, 1877,$200. Bav John l, 2, Dan Finch, Jeff, 2 :.->(), 2 :4S. 2 ;4.-|, 2 :.-)ll/,, 2 :489i. Bay Kocket, I) g (.3 :53|'2), John Lee, Wichita, Kau., Aug. 28, 1883, $50. Dick Ximon 1. William H. 2:.53, 2:59, 2:.W2, 3:00. Aug. ;», 188.3, .$100. George O. 1 2, Lucy. 2:59, 2:59, 2:59'4, 3,00, 3:00. Bay Sam, b g(2.44>.i). ludianapolis, Ind., Sept 27,1882, .S . Long Branch 1, 2, Smuggler 3, Messenger, Golddust (5 dis). Kentucky Girl (3 dr), 2:.j0, 2:48, 2:48)4, 2:441.^, '2:ii^i. Bay .Star, (s), b g (3 :37 s), Thos. Davis, Boston, Mass., Aug. 18, 1852, $ . Sorrel Hiram 1, 4, (3 0), 2:42^, 2:37. 2:41^. 2:41, 2:39, 2:43. (s). Providence, K. L. Xov. 0, 1852, .S300. Cain (si, 5, Lady Ada (s), 2:47, 2:49, 2:51, 2:46. Bay Stranffer, (Muggins), b g (3 :38?i), J. M. Read, Manchester, N. H., Aug. 10, 1870, .$150. Lilly 2. Dio- mede. ftiary (3 dis), 2:40. 2:40. 2:42^. 2:42. July 5. 1S70, .S . Diomede. 2:40, 2:45. 2:4.5. A. ti. Gill, Mystic Park, Boston, June 11. 1874. $100. Lizzie. Tom Collins, Nelly, 2:49^, 2:521^, 2:50. Bay .Stranger, bg (3:43 ;•.,), C. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 22,1870, $200. Lizzie (3 0), 2:46i4, 2:43^, 2:44^, 2:49. Bay Tom. b g (3 -.nu). Xew Orleans, La., June 5. 1867, $100. Wake up Jake. 3 :01'.;, 2 :59. Bay Tom, bg(3:49), M. W. Black, Avon, N. Y.. Sept. 17, 1870, $100. Shoemaker's ch g, Flora, 2:.52'4, 2:54, 2 :.53. Bay Tom b g (2 :3.'>), E. Beaucanal, Longcuil, P. Q,. Aug. — , 1875, $200. Sorrel Boy, Undertaker, Polly Cook, Little Girl, Ih. 5min. 45sec. Twenty miles. M, Armstrong, Merricksville, Can., Mar. 3, 1875. Lady SulTolk, Jessie Kemp, Old Joe, Plugg, 2 :40, 2 :35, 2*45 ^ Ct. W. Lang, Wood.stock, Ont., June 7, 1870, .$210. Gray Warrior 5, 7, (4 0), Oxford 2, 3, Lady Kysdyk. Lady Elgin (5 dr). Gen. Lee 1, (2 dis). Dr. Griswold ( 2 dis), 2:45, 2:.51, 2:51, 2:529i, 2:54. 2:,53, 2:54>2, 2:.52, 2:5C. May 24, 1K77, .*240. Amber 1, 2, (>xford, Charlcv Morgan, Xo Xame (4 dr), 2:50.2:50, 2:50. 2:50, 2:.50H. Bay Toni. b g (3 :43), N. M. Ward, Glostcr, X. J., May 30, 1877, $40. Cora J. 1, Jack Cass, Tommy. Minnie P. (3 dr . Jim r> dr), 2:.51, 2:46, 2:45ij, 2:47. ■ T. W;ilk(T, Fleetwood Park. X. Y'., July 9, 1877, $100. Frank, (pacer) (2 dis). 2:47. . J. ]\Iuri)liy. Oct. 10. 1877. $200. Frank, (pacer) (w), 2:44V4,2:43, 2:4.5V'2. Bay Tom, b g (3:451, by ('!ianii)ion. A. Morton, Kichlield, Spa., M. Y., Oct. 8,1878, $100. Locust. Flora Bell, "Kitty. Grace (1 dis), 2:1.-|, 2:4.')' .,2.4!)'i. Oct. 11, 1878. $100. Little Andy, Flora Bell, 2:47, 240. 2:4.5. Bay Tom, b s (3:50), V,. B. Bathbo'ne, Norwich, Conn., Sep. .30, 1880, $13. Joe Shannon 1, Black Oak, 2:51, 2:.''(f)i/>, 2:50. Stallions. Bay Tom, (3:55), Woodstock ,111., Sep. 17, 1881, §100. Y'oung Kichmond Boy. Blind Hank. Dixie. 3:02}/^. 3:05, 2:.''>.5. Bay Tom. b g (3 :38'i). Alphonso 1, 5, Cor. B. 2, (3 dr), 2:U%. 2:30'.!. 2:39>2, 2:3SU, 2:38, 239. Bay Vicw.bg (3:404), .Ia.s. Key, Scranton, Pa., June 14,1870, $300. Strange Boy, Frank Leslie .1. (4 dis), 2:48'i.2'4«. 2:46'!.. 2:49',i. Bayview Maid, b in (3 :3«), by Aberdeen, d;mi bv Alexander's Abdallah. II. Hill, Springfield, L. I., June 10, 1879, .$.50. Fred, Jim. 2 :3«. 2 :43. 2 :41?.,'. Mineola, L. I., June 1h, ihso. .$30. Fred. 1. 2:45. 2:40>;. 2:4.5, 2:38. Bay Wlialeliune, b g (3 :3«i., ), by Whirhvind, dam a .Morgan mare. W. H. Woodruff, Boston. Mass.. Jinie 22, 1871, $1,,5(K). l{oy;il .lohn, Cliniax, Lydia Thompson, ik-lle of Toronto, Charley Green, Kosa Golddust, Lady Franklin, 2:28' -', 2:2!»ii, 2::!0. Bay William, b g"( 3:37'., 1. by Clear Grit. J. Atkinson, Charleston, 111., Aug. 3. I»s83, $100. Dun Sam 1. 2, Rockford, Dick West. Pete Wagoner. 2:.50. 2:39'2, 2:43.2:41. 2:Mi%. B. Wilson, Mt. Sterling, 111., Aug. 31, 1883. .$00. Gentle Jim 4, .5, Ivan 2, 3, 2:.52, 2:50. 2:47'2, 2:50'4, 2:52, 2:48, 2:48io. Bay wood, )> g (2 :38). bv Blackwood. C. C. Burns, Vincennes. Ind., Aug. 31, 1878, §100. Essex JIaid 2, Allan- dab^ 1. Rob Lee (3 dri, 2:4!)',. 2:ts. 2:4H'... 2:46'.i. 2:.52. Lafavette, Ind.. Sept. 7. Is7s. $1(Ki. 'loinmy Golddust 1. Mike K. (3 dis), 2:,51'2, 2:,55'.i, 2:405li. 2:45. .1. H.Moore. New Hunting Park, Phila., Aug. 4, 1879, $.50. Viola 1, 4, Johnston Boy 3, 5. 2:42. 2:40'i, , 2:40. 2:40. 2:4o' .. 2:41. AuK. 2s, 1S7!), .$.->0. Eddy 1. John II. S. (4 dr). Viola (3 dis), Republic (3 dr). 2.40. 2:.38. 2:38. 2:39. B. 11., gr g (3 :5(>), .Miller Young, Newton. N. J.. May — , 1806. .$2,5. Sussex Maid 3, 4. 2:50, 2:50, 2:50. 2:.53, 2:57. Btmcli, b s (3 :54), C. Lewis. Lewiston. Minn.. Sept. '16. 18.58. $.",0. Tom Hart. 2:.54. 2:.58. BeaU,2:r,2\. Beatrice,!) m (2:34>ii), bv Mambrino Patchen. dam Ida, by GilFs Vermont. Auburn, X, Y.,.Imie 8,1883, $300. Lib, Ingomar, Hattie Fisher, 2:30?^ 2:34^, 2:.36i4. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 43 Beauiuunt, (w) b s (3:47 w), J. W. Crawford, Atlanta, Ga., April 27, 1878, §300. Storm (\v), 2:47, 2:57, 2:56J4. Beaumont, ch s (3 :39i4,), by Belmont, dam Midnight, by Pilot Jr. J. B. McDonald, New Ross, Ind., Aug. 16, 1881, Sw). Yellow Frank, Katy B., Black Prince. No time. Beauregard, gr g (.3 :39), by Flying Mack. John Shaw, Portland, Me., Oct. 10, 1866, $ . Lady Baker, 3:00, 2 :57. '• (s), Augusta, Me., Sept. 17, 1868, $100. Bay State (s) (1 dis), 2:50. Inly 5, 1870, .$100. CusUnoc. Annie, 2:42, 2:49?^. 2:42!4. . Sko'whegan, ^le., Auir. 1!». 1870. i^On. Lady Burleigh. Cushnoc. Green Mountain Bov, 2:40, 2:41, 2:42. G. H. Bailev, Portland. Me.. Aiiir. 17. 1871, $ . Katv Sliar-p 1, 2:47',. 2:51?^. L>:4.V^.t. 2:46i.^. J. Dalv, .lulv ."), ISTO. SL'do. Nilly Sherman. Dan Trull \l disi, Ncttv d disi, 2:39, 2:44. 2:40. Beautiful Bells.'blk m ('i :'^i)':), by the Moor, dam Minnehaha, by Jiald Chief. L. J. Rose, Chico, Cal., Aug. 28, 1877, .S.500. Dutchman 3, E. H. Miller 5, Nell Crocket 1, 4, (.6 dis;, Hayvvard Chief, Doty, 2:33?4, 2:32'/i, 2 -.STyKi, 2 :33. 2 :.38, 2 :36i4. 2 :39' i. - Marvsville, Cal., Sept. 11 and 12, 1877, .$600. Doty 1, 2, Nell Crockett 5, Dutclnnan, Havward Chief, Granger (3 dis), E. H. Miller (3 dis), 2:32, 2:33, 2:30, 2:a3, 2:32i4. 2:34. — San Francisco, Cal., Oct. 10 and 11, 1877, $650. Hayward Chief 2, 3, N' , , . emo 1, Doty 5, Gen. Reno, Granger, Cairo, Nell Crocket (4 dis). Alonzo (1 dis), 2 :30, 2 :33i4, 2 :32i4, 2 :34, 2 :29i4, 2 :30, 2 :33' ;,. - Oct. 27, 1877, .$.500 Cairo, 1,5, Doty 2, Alonzo Hixyward (4 dis), 2:3.j;.4, 2:3-5, 2:32, 2:31. 2:37, 2:33. -Sacramenlo, Cal., Aug. 16, 1878, $1,000. Alice 1, Flora Shepard, Echora, Patchen Girl, Joim Stewart, Hay- ward Chief, Harry (3 dis), 2:29, 2:29J4, 2:.31i^, 2:32. Beauty, br m (3:45i4) Ed. Montanye, Lawrence, Kan. July 4. 1867. $150. Old John, 2:45i4, 2-MM. Beauty, b m (.3 :40), W. H. Boyce, Amenia, N.Y., June 24, 1874, $500. Billy Dawes, Surprise, Warsaw, 2:4294, 2:43,2:47. June 25, 1874, .S.500, Siu-prise 2, Billy Dawes, Warsaw. (4 dis), Connuodore, (2 dis), Refugee (2 dis), 2:40'i, 2:4114.2:444. 2:48^4. W. W. Hadlev, Lynn, Mass., May 23, 1876. .$200. George Bancroft, Hattie, Capt. Frank, Message Boy, Ash- ton Boy, Allie B., Hopeless. William A. 2:10';, 2:42';. 2:1.31;. May 25, 1876, .§200, Lyman, Ashton Boy, C;ipt. Frank. Messenger Boy, Champlain, Allie B. 2:40, 2:4^, 2:40. Beauty, blk m (3:43), G. R. Spear. Minneapolis, Minn. June 12, 1879, .$— . Topsy 1, Florence, Davis, Jessie D., Gray Ea^'le, Kitfr\', 2:49, 2:53, 2:43. Beaver County Frank, br g (2:40), O. Doud, Beaver, Pa. Sep 26, 1882, $.50, Redpath 1. Keramo, Charley Gold, Tom, Buckskin, 3 :00, 2 :55, 2 :.55, 2 :53. Sept. 27. 1882, $150, Starlight 2, 4, Redpath, Keramo. 2 :.50i4, 2 :44i/2, 2 :45, 2 :41. 2 :40. Sept. 28, 1882, $1.50, Harry W.. Starlight, West End, .loe, 2:41, 2:43, 2:44. Beaverwyck, b s (3:314), by Aberdeen, dam liv Young Columbus. T. H. Gresn, Hudson, N.Y. Sept. 10, 1880, $150. Dan O'Brien, 1, 4, (6:0), Commodore .3, (6 r o), Jack, Lizzie, 3:02, 2:.57, 2:58, 2:.57 2:.57, 2:48i4, 2:.50. Huntsville, N. Y. June 11, 1881, $ . Thornedale Princess. 2 :36J4, 2:.36i2. J. McGee. Morristown, N. J., Sept. 1, 1881, $175. Kate, Gen. Custer, Jim, Flora Cleveland, (1 dis), 2:40, 2:3714, 2:38 ?4. Beck's Gray Horse, gr s, (3 :33), G. Beck, Portland, Oregon, May 24, 1879, .$.30, Frazier's blk m 2, Delashment's Horse, Best time 3:.33. Beckwith's Bay Horse, b s (3:42), H. C. Beckwith, Hartford, Conn. Sep. 16, 1864, $120. Hickorv Jack, 2:45i4, 2:4314, 2:42. Beeky Sharp, b m (3 :54i i), bv Gilbretli Knox, dam the John Noyes mare, J. H. Gilbretli, Portland, Me., Sep. 28, 1871, $150. Lady Jane, Cyncona, (1 dis), 2 :,54i 2, 3:00, 2 :5854. Four-year-olds. Bedell's Roan Gelding, rn g (2:53J£), J. J. Bedell, Miueola, L. I., June 9, 1881, $.59, Polis, Wiggins b m, Soper's ch g 2:.57?4, 2:59, 2:.59, 3:00. .Jamaica, L. I., June 10, 1881, Jones' entry 1, Wiggins' entry, 2:47, 2:59, 2:59, 2:53?4. (1 dis), 2:424. Beduro, blk s (3 :39), E. White, Princeton, 111., Sept. 12, 1883, $150. Joseph W. 1, Richard R., 3:59, 3:29, 3:33. Beecher, b g (3 :55ii), bv Challenge. IMarvsville, Cal., Oct. 11, 1875, $250. Genevieve 3. Tiger 2 (4 did), Oohir 1 (2 dis), Billv McCracken Jr. (2 dis), Ladv Clark (2 dis), 2:.54?4, 2:50, 2:524-, 2:554, 2:.594, 3:01. Beecher, ch g (3 :40i4\ E. Corrigan, Kansas City, Mo., June 30, 1877. $100. Nelly Whitney, Hapin', Ben Lyon, 2:4014, 2:42, 2 :42M. Beecher, ch s (3 :474), E. M. Norwood, Lexington, Ky., Aug. 28, 1878, $.50. Edith 1, Alberta, Bruno il dis), Georgiana (1 dis), 2:484, 2:4914, 2:. 5094 • Aug. 27, 1879, $.50. Rena Craig, Bob, Minnie, Roxie, Raritv, Easton's b Ii, Kitty Clvde, Tuggle's b h, 2 :5194, 2:47'2. Beecher, blk g (3 :44), W. Davidson, Sing Sing, N. Y., June l, 1883, $50. Gen. Blair 1. 2, Fred S., Stranger (3 dr), 2:5.5, 2:.55, 2:45, 2:4.8, 2:44. .lersev City, N. J., Aug. 31, 1883, $40. Montgomery 1, Harness Boy, Lizzie B. 2:43, 2:44, 2:17, 2:48. Bee l.ine, b s (3 :56), Thos.Coue, Sanduskv, O., Sep. 21, I88O, $2.5. Alfred S. Tanner, 3:26, 3:l6i^. Three-year. olds. Beer Jerker, (Stock Ale), ch g (3 :52!^'), Henry Foot, St. Louis, Mo., May 30, 1806, $75. Stonewall 2, Lady At- well ( w), 1 , 2 :54, 2 :53, 2 :.5.5, 2 :.55, 2 :53. Beeswing, chs (3 :59i^), W. C. Renwick. Fleetwood Park, N. Y'., June 29, 1871, .$500. Wide Awake 1 (2 0), Black Hawk (2 0), Buck Douglass, 2:.57'.;, 3:00, 2:59U, 3:02i;. Beggar, b g i3 :484), T. Mahonv, Frankfort, Kv.. Sept. 8, 1876, .$200. JIaud Butler 1, (Eneid, Lady Florence (■2 dis), Idol Girl (2 dis), 2:4SU, 2:49',. 2:4Si,,. 2:51. Beldine, b m (3:00), Mr. Challilonx, jlontreal, P. Q., Julv22, 1880, $50. City Girl, Time Keeper, 3:05, 3:00, , 3:0.3. Belding's Chestnut Stallion, ch s (3:3814), A. & C. AY. Bilding, Ravenna, O., Sep. 24. Is74, .$ . Don Blaine, Ferguson's b s, 3:0li4, 2:.58ii. Stallions. Belfast, b g (3 :36 U), Los Angeles, Cal., Nov. 26, 1875, $200. Shark, Red Bird, 10:27. Four miles. Bell, ch m (.3 :53), Y^ Jones, Keene. N. H., June 7, 1876, .$50. Lady Campbell 1, 2, St. La\n-ence Boy, Shepherd Bov. Centennial (4 dis), 2:,54, 2:5.5, 2:53, 2:.52, 2:52. .July 4, 1876, $100. Rosa Lee, Doctor, Shepherd Bov, Lady Campbell (2 dr), 2:54, 2:5.5, 2:.55. Bell, b m (3 :37), J. Grant, Le Rov,- N. Y., July 4, 1877, sSiioo. Big Southern, Harry (2 dis), Daciana (1 dis), 2 :3794, 2 :38, 2 :37. Bell, b m, Geo. Whitnev, Wellington. Out., Aug. 30, 1883, $30. Gray Dave. No time. Five vear old. Bella, b m. (3 :40), John Quinn, Hazelton, Pa., Aug. 27, 1874, $500. Lady Collier, Peter Manee, Simon, 2:40, 2:40, 2:43. Bella, (Maud), b m (3 :33). by Hamblctoniiin. dam Lady ;M(OI:uni, by Jupiter. Z. E. Simmons. Goshen, N. Y^, June 12, 1874, .$800. George H. Mitchell 2 (."1 (n. Lady ]);ilihiian 1, t>w('etmeat (4 , W;ilden Maitl (3 dr»'. Whalebone (3 dn. Cora F. Ci dr), Happv John (2 dis). 2:37, 2:32, 2:46i;, 2:46. 2:464. 2:46';. ' Copake, N. Y., June 27, 1874, .$4f»o. Rosa Burch. Register Bov, Flora (1 dis), 2:.39, 2:41, 2:46;4. ■ July 4, 1874, .$400. Rosa Burch, Brown Prince, Register Boy, 2.41, 2.404, 2.47ii . 44 CHESTEKJS COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING KECORD. Springfield, Mass., Auu. 20, 1874, Sr),ooo. Niishville Girl 1, 3 (2 Oi, H. C. Hill 6, 7, Mac. Roval Goor^e, Mag- nolia (7 dis), Essex (C dis), James Howell. Jr. i2 0), (tJ dis), Youiik Rattler (.I dr). Harrv "Spanker i.^dis), KlttvCook(.3dr), Haiuptou (,3dis). Reserve (2 dist. Etlie Dean (.dis).2:2U?4, 2:24, 2:28, 2:30."2::!l, 2:2.>-54, 2:29'/i, 2:;i0'.i. Beaeon Park, Boston, Sept. 9, 1874, S2,000. James Howell Jr. 2, Royal George 1, Reserve, Arthur (2 dis), Kdie Di-aii H-'(in, 2:21>, 2:2S. 2:2!t, 2:30, 2:32. (iosheu, N. v.. Oct. 1.5, 1874, §1,000. Tom Keeler, Carrie, Lady Byron,2:28'/i, 2:30, 2:29»4. Joiiii Splan, I'aterson, N. J., Oet. 22, 1874. $!KM). Geo. B, Daniels 1, ^^■.3r>U, 2:31»4, 2:37,2:30. \V. L. Simmons. Prospect Park, L.I.Oct. 21* and 30, 1H74, §1,000. Vanity Fair .5.8, (V.O). Ciiampion Morrill 1.2. (ieorge B. Daniels 3, Ladv Dalilman, 2:30i.i, 2:28, 2:24, 2:24^.i, 2:25, 2:28, 2-23'2, 2:2t;',. 2-2,5''j. Point Bree7.e Park, Phil., Nov. ti, 1874, §1,500. Music 2, Mystic, Frank Wood, Barnev Kellv, Everett Rav. 2:27 '.,,2:26' i. 2:27, 2:28. . „. S'ov. 7, 1874, §7r)0. Barnev Kelly 1, Annie Collins, 2:33, 2:&J. 2:31'2, 2:3;!i4. Kalamazoo, Mich., July 1, 1875, Sl,.500. Fred Hooper, Brother Jonathan, Randall, Sleepy John, 2:29, 2:2H, 2;29'.>. D. Muckle, SpringHeld, Mass., Sept. 6,1876, $3,000. Sam Purdy, Adelaide, Slow (io, Ladv Snell Sensa- tion (3:dr), Amy (I dls), 2:22'i, 2:22, 2:26!4. Bella, ^3:07' 2,), .S. Forrest, Montreal, P. Q., Aug. 5,1878, $50. Paddy, James Boy, Lachine Girl, 3:15. Ten miles. Bella,!) m (2:37), J. H. Richardson, South Franungham, Mass., Sept. 20,1882, «180. Maggie Mitchell, Lady Hi.lt, Mattle Folsoin,2:37, 2:39. 2:37>4. Bella A., blkm (2:47), W.W. Kels, Flemington, N. J., Sept. 27, 1878, $100. Bay Charley 2, 3, Joe Morgan 1, Mack 5, 2:43, 2:48 2:48, 2:48, 2:46, 2:48, 2:47. Bella C'lay, b m (8 :40i4). hy Ballards's Cassius M. Clay, dam a pacer. Geo. E. Mitchell, Lowell. Mass., Sept. 27. 1S67. S17.5. Pete Peck 2, 3, Romeo, 2:42',. 2:41'., 2:41'j, 2:4294, 2:41. Mvstic Park, Boston, July 24. 1868, $500. Straiy;htedge l.-2:42'4. 2:40'2, 2:42. 2:40^4. (w)C. Champlin, Fashion Com-se, L. I., April 27,1869, $600. Harrv Clav (w). Belle of Allentown (w), 2:48, 2:47"2, 2:51^. Bella Davis, b m (3 ;41), D. Gannon, San Francisco, CaL. Aug. 25, 1877, $500. Poscora Havward. Graeie C, 2:41 Vi, 2:41. Three-year-olds. Bella I>un', (3:50), Porter Martin, St. Paul, Minn., Sept. 2, 1871, $100. Black Bess (1 dis), Sweet William (1 dis I, 2:50. Bella G.,grin (3:40), L. Grant. Cliillicothe, O., Aug. 12. 1880. .$250. Little Verge 3.. loseidi, Quaker Girl, Roan Billy, Sue Grundy, Blennerhasset, Harry Woodruff, Dick Turpin, Rninps, Hancock, A. D. Levan, 2:40Vi,2:4"0, 2:4.5^4, 2:43. Bellame, b m (3 :43), M. A. Skinner. Danvers, Mass., Aug 9, 1883, $100. Dick Dample 1, 2:4.5, 2:43, 2 :43».4, 2:43'... Bella Medium, b m (3 :57"o), by Happv Medium, dam Belle Vernon, by Gen. ISIott. A. S. Leatherman, Lam- bertville, N. J., Sept. 15, 1880, .$2.5. Melick's b g, Mary, 3:28. 3:24',. Three-year-olds. Dovlestown, Pa., Oct. 5, 1881, $100. Arabian Chief, Charles H., 3:10. :i:(»S)'.i. 3:00. Four-year-olds. Belle, rW), ch m (3:53w), Union Course, L. I., May 1.5, 1849, $500. Manhattan (w) 1,5:46, 5:46,5:44. Two miles. Belle, gr m (3 :4.5), Jas. Whelplev, Union Course, L. I., Sept. 8, 1855, $500. Deacon, 2:48, 2:49, 2:45. Belle, hr in (3 :39), Geo. Woodruff, Philadt^lpliia, Pa., Oct. 31, 1857, $500. Haphazard, 2:42, 2:42i2, 2:41. .rune 9, 18.58,,$ . Wiss;Uiickon. 2:45'i, 2:43'^, 2:429i. .It:!y 1. 1H.58. $.50. Ladv ClaiciiiDnt 2, Wissaliickon, 2:42'4. 2:37'/2, 2:39, 2:39>^. Belle, b in (3 :49), T. AVelcli, Di.vi-r. N. II.. Sept. 23, 1H58, ^$ . Soulouquc 2, 2:50, 2:49, 2:50'.. Belle, (3 :53), L. L. Dorsey, Louisville, Ky., June 8. 1862. § . Art 2, 2:52, 2:51, 2:54»4. Belle (3 :50), Cleveland, O.. Aug. 13, 1866, $ . Blind Riley 1. IMollv, Queen of the We.st. 2:59. 2:53'i, 2:50. Belle, cr m (3:43';i, by Mazeppa. Thos. Brown, Whitov, Out., Sei)t. 4, 1866. $.50. Black Prince 2. Harry Dovle. John Moore. Black Ralph, Nellv St. Lawrence (3 dis). 2:55, 2:43, 2:43'2, 2:45':>. Belle,!, m (3:37 i, P.iidil Dul.le. Philadelllhia, I'a., May 4, 1869. .$200. F^ank 1.2:44, 2:4.!'2, 2:39, 2:37. W. H. Dolilf. M;iv 25. ls70. .S . Ivocket 4, Jenny 1. Sunflower. 2:.50. 2:4;t. 2:48, 2:48. 2:4.5. Helle, b m (3 :38;, Thos. Miles, Ellicotville, N. Y., July 6, 1869, .$3.50. Frank 1 (,3 dis), White Bird, 2:42'/2, 2:38, 2:3H, 2:, 39. Belle. 1. m a :4H. bv Eureka, dambv Alxlallah. Win. Bodine. Goshen, N. Y., Sept. 13. 1869, $ . Jane 1,4, 2:57'4. 2:58^4, 2:59, 2:,5Cli. 2:.55. Belle, l)lk m (3 :49), Mr. Ruggles, Boston, Mass., Sept. 26, 1870, .$,50. Jack 2. 3. 2:58^2'. 2:56' a", 2:.55. 2:54. 3:00. Belle, !) m (3 :44), J. O'Neil, Fleetwood Park. N. Y.. Sept. 27. 1H70, $.500. Sleepv Jack 1, 3:05, 2:44. 2:.58, 2:.56. Belle (Ladv .Shoemaker), gr m (3 :50), W. C. Daly. I):iiiburv, Conn.. June 25, 1873. $300. \Vine of the Woods 1, 3 (4 0), Ladv Eleanor 2 (4 0), 2:44?.i, 2:45'4. 2:4K',, 2:16'2, 2:.52'2. 2:.50. 2:.50. Belle, b m (3 :"38i.i),liy Ericsson. J. P. Sullivan, East Saginaw, Mich., June 27, 1873, $1,500. Nick, Barney, James 11., Albert, 2:.34, 2:34'/.. 2:42W. Flint, .Miili., July 1, 1873. .$450. IVlainbrino Gift, Modesty, 2:41?.i, 2:40'.;, 2:.50'i. ICast Satiinaw, Mich., .June 24. 1874, $1..500. Capitola 1, 4^ Young Wilkes, Catskill, Dick Jamison, Molly Newton, lioiiiiv Doon (1 disi. 2:31Vi, 2:.30, 2:2SH. 2:28'4, 2:29".. W. S. Mcl.iliuhlin, Komeo, Mich., Julv 2. 1874, .$1,000. Capitola 1, Kitty Wells, 2:3594, 2:33}^, 2:34, 2:35. T. J. Sulliv:in, Flint, Mich., Sept. — , 1874, $ . Chestnut Billv, Grav i^illy, Billy 2:53, 2:5194, 2:52. St. John's, Mich., Oct. 8, 1S74, .$200. Mambrino Walker 1,2, RulT. Brown Nelly, 2:431^, 2:45,2:44 2:46, 2:41. Belle, ch m(3:53';), Mr. Jackson, Chicago, III.. Julv 19, 1873, $1.50. Lady Brooks, Lee's eh m, 3 :00U 2 :.52i<^, 2:53. Belle, (w» b m (3:40 w), A. Cnmkite, St. Louis, Mo.," Oct. 11, lH7.i, $2.50. Lady F'rances (w), 2 0, Suelton (w) (1 disi, Miller (w). (1 dis), 2:49. 2:48',,, 2:46. Belle, (h in (3 :469i), J.H.Kelly, Kokomo, Iiul., June 13, 1874, .$200. Dandy, Jenny Ware, Nancy Gray. 2:.57, 2:.55 Belle, (3 :40i.i\ Trenton, Mich.. July 2, 187.5, $ . Burr. Little Alex., Lady Lexington. Best time 2 :40i4. Belle. 4). S.W. Elliot, A4, 2:46',2:4.3. „, ., ,,,„„,.,. L. W. Elliot, Woonsocket, R. I., Oct. 27, 1«75, $1.50. Ro.se Thorndvke. Clipper. Cotton lail. 2:52, 2:55"i, 2 -.52 P. Dolan. Providence, R. I., May 30, 1876. $150. Nelly Allen, Joe Clark, William S. Briggs, Little Vio, 2 ::!8. 2 :40. 2 :42. Belle, !) ni (3 :r>0) E. P. Reed. Brattlelioro. Vt., .Tune 19, 1875. .$200. Billv Boy. 2:.5.3. 2:.54'2, 2:.50 Belle, blk in (3:3794), GfJi. Brownell, Toledo. O., June 24. 1874, $100. Ida W., Hoosier Boy. Butcher Boy, 2:53, 2 •.5.5 2 '."id ^.'l^bii Slilburn. Sanduskv, O.. Julv 21, 1875, $.3.50. Nelson. Black Kate, Tom Owens. Forrest Maid, Mc- Laniihlin, Orphan Boy (2 dis). Fanehon (2 dis). 2:.38'i. 2:37^', 2:.37=';. Toledo, O., Sep. 29," 1876. $ . Red Bird, Bav Fnink. Mairirie Casey. Best time 2:47' i. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 45 Belle bm(3:50'j>. C. Bird. Baptistown, N. .T., Sept. 27. 1876, $70. Frank Dudley, Black Stranger, John B. Patchen. Black Nelly, s :(i2, 2 :.>t. 2 :.T). Sept. 28. 1M76, $70. Frank Dudley, Bay Sally, Black Stranger (2 dis), Horace (2 dis), 2:52, 2:509.£, 2:55^^4,. Belle, (3 :53), Charlestown. P. E. I., Sept. 2+, 1877, $U0. Jenny 2, Island Maid, Saucy Dan, Nelly, Rapid Roau, (3 dr), 2:53, ;i:04 2:59, 3:00. Belle, bni (3:39^), S.K. Dovv, Chicago, 111., Aug. 25, 1877,$ . Young Wilkes 2,-Z:39%,2:-V>U. Incom- Belle%'m (2 :36\ J. Grant, Cauandaigua, N. Y., July 10, 1877, $300. Deck Wright, Robin Redbreast, Ganar- qua, 2:40, 2:40'4. 2:40. July 12, 1877, $300. Golden Gate, Deck Wright, Robin Redbreast, Ganarqua, Muinie Granger, 2:37i2, 2:37, 2 *38 Belle, b m (3 :41?i), L. M. Homer, Terre Haute, Ind., Sept. 12, 1877, $200. Nelly K., Fred, Briel, 2:44, 2:415i, 2:45'.;. Belle, cii ni (3 :51\ F. Schwirn, Baltimore, Md.. June 6, 1878. $100. Judge, 3:10"2, 3:12!2, 2:.51. Belle (3 :3(>), T. J. Stevens. Charlotte, Mieli., Aug. 8, 1878, $250. John Bender l, 0 (7 0), Frank 5, Mansfield 4, Bl;u-k Cloud, Lizzie Davis, Governor Tilden, Mambrino, Billy (5 di'). Black Kate (3 dis), 2:37'/i, 2:36, 2:36i4, 2-42. 2:3:)'4, 2::;8i^, 2:3G'2, 2.35. Belle eh m i3:40), D. B. Goff, Rittersville, Pa., Oct. 15, 1879, $150. Robin l. Whalebone 3, General Custer, Blaeksmilli Dan, Byron, Gvpsv (3 dis). Wildfire (3 dr), American Boy ^2 dis). Sneak (1 dis). Yellow Frank (I dis), 2:44i2, 2:54?j;, 2:44, 2:421/2, 2:40. F. E. Corning, Reading, Pa., Sept. 30, 1880, $80. Mary, Sprnig Boy, Flora S., Billy Allen, Magna Charta, Bessy Bell, 2:58, 2:.53, 2:.52. Belle, b m (3 :5b), J. Judd, New Haven, Conn., Aug. 12, 1881. .$300. Roachback, 3:13!.i, 3:05. 2:50. Belle, b m (3 :53), H. Moore, St. Johnsburv, Vt., Sept. 20, 1882, $30. Gypsy, Hall's ch ni, Densie. 2:.56. 2:53. Belle, br m (3 rSG'i), R. T. Powers, Marshiield, Mass., Sept. 14, 1882, $25. Frank, Jumbo, Gray Dandy, 2:50Y2, 2:51,2:50. Bridgewater, Mass., Sept 21, 1882, $70. Blanche Douglas, City Boy, Lemmie D,. Buttercup, Wizard, Nip, Fanny T., 2:48(i, 2:47'i, 2:47. South Wevmouth, Mass., Sept. 28, 1882, $90. Frank 1, Kitty, 2:42, 2:42, 2:46',;, 2:49' ^. Brockton.' Mass., Oct. 6, 1882, $200. Foundling, St. Mary, Playful, Muriel, Cleo v2 dr) 2:37, 2:37, 2:36'/^. Marshfield, Mass., JiUv 4, 1883, $145. Rockland Boy, Midget, 3:00, 3:01, 3:0.3. Sept. 14, 188.3, $75. Marshall O., Rockland Boy, Fanny T., 2:43, 2 :42i^, 2:42?i. ^ , Belle, bm(3:41i4). S. H. McDowell, Oxford, Pa., Sept. 27, 1883, .$100. Ned Lamberts, Nanny Beuhler, Rattler (2 dis), Sarah Jewett (2 dis), 2:4lKi, 2-AbU, 2:44'.i, 2:44ii. Belle. grnn3:44i4,), by Hamblctonian. Norwalk, 0., Nov. — , 1883,$ . Minnie M. l, Jay Cooke, 2:49, 2:45» 2:44(4,2:4414. Belle Baker, ch m (3 :35i4), L. Baker, Adrian, Mich., June 3 and 4, 1880, $1,000. Bill McLaughlin 5, 6, Jessy Templeton 2, Joyce, Wilbur F., Harry B., Russ Ellis 1 (3 dr), Disraeli (2 dis), 2:34'4,2:37'4. 2:3514, 2:37, 2:42. 2:4114,2:3514. ^. . , Belle Berkeley, b m (3 :38), bv St. Lawrence. Geo. Smith, Steubenville, O., Aug. 15, 1873, $200. National. ,. . ^ . V. ^ , ^1 T, T,-„- T, *=.i,i t;.„ /> ,i._N -.r^...,,. /i:„l ,1 .l:„^ JunotiOU Pittsburg, Pa., Aug. 30, 1873, $1,300, Skylark 1, Bertie, Patchen Maid, Mary Taylor 2 (5 dis). Lady Ger- trude 3 (4 dis). Major (4 dis), Snow Flake (4 dis), 2:34?i, 2:40, 2:40, 2:39Ji, 2:38i4. 2:.38'^. Belle Blackwood, cli m (3 :50), by Blackwood. John Daly, Portland, Me., July 19, 1876, $50. Dan Trull, 3:03, 2:5Hi. 2:50. . „.„ Belle Blanche, gr m (3 :47i4). D. Woodniansee, Cincinnati, O., July 17, 1865, $100. Monitor 2 (3 dis), Billy Pilot 1 (3 dis), Bill Sherman (2 dis), 2:49'^, 2:47i4, 2,471/2. Dayton, O., July lo, 1866, $ . Ben Rogers 1, Coley, 2:55, 2:521^ 2:52. 2:.56. Belle Boyd, bm (3:44). Hiram Woodruff, Union Course, L. I., July 12, 1864, $2,000. Billy, 2:49, 2 :.W, 2: 51 14. Belle Boyd, ch m (3:3614). Harman and Kelly, Portsmouth, Va., March 24, 1874, $500. Jake Rome, 2:48, 2:46/2,2:4814. Norfolk, Va., Nov. 12, 187,5, $1,000. Peony, 1, 4, Red Bird, 2:51^, 2:50?i, 2:55, 2:52, 2:57. G. A. Brown, Pittsburg, Pa., Aug. 22, 1876, $150. Rob 3, 5, Nelse 1, Clara Morris, 2:44, 2:43, 2:43, 2:47. 2:49,2:48. May 2,1877,$ . Blonde 2. Rattling Jack, Roxie (4 dr), Bay Billy (4 dr), Longfellow (3 dr), 2:43!2, 2:40'/4. 2:48,2:43. May 30, 1877, $100. Perry l, Mamie F., Blonde (2 dr), 2:44i4, 2:36M, 2:39"2. 2:45?i. Belle Brandon, (w), gr m (3 :33'.i), by Tornado, dam bv Morse Horse. Mr. Whipple, Rochester, N. Y., Oct. 30, 1857, $300. Bill Campbell (w), George Walbridge (w) 4, Turk (w) (2 dis), 2:50, 2:47'/2, 2:52, 2:50. 2:50. A. Gillet, Syracuse, N. Y., Oct. 5. 1858, .f;200. Niagara, Honest John (2 dis), George Dawson (.2 dis), 2:38'^2, 2:40 2*39 Oct. i6,'l858, $75. George Dawson 2, 4, Frank Hayes (3 dis), 2:33%, 2:32i4, 2:33'.^. 2:34, 2:35. Belle Brandon, b m (3 :33). D. K. Smith, Mvstic Park, Boston, Sept. 10 and U. 1872, $1,000. Jubilee Lam- bert 4, 5, Sweet Briar 1, 6, Lady Emma, Lady Bradford, Sam Ciu-tis. Caoutchouc (2 dis), 2:32i4, 2:32, 2:3414. 2'34i4, 2:36, 2:3414,2:35. J. N. Woodward, Sept. 24, 1872, .$250. Jubilee Lambert 1, 2;,38, 2:37"2, 2:.39. t-.ZS. S. F. Twitchell, Springfield, Mass,, Aug. 22, 1S7», .$300. Lucinda H. 2, Magnolia (3 dis). Chestnut Billy (1 dis), 2:41'4, 2:40. 2:42'4, 2:401^. Mystic Park, Boston, Sept. 21, 1874, $ . Lady Snell 1, 2 (4dr), Lady Emma (4 dr). 2:38, 2:37»4, 2:39, 2:37'4. Belle Brandon, eh m (3 :00). S. W. Larzalere, Doylestown, Pa., Oct. 7, 1874. $100. Rose Hopkins 2, Telford Farmer, Brown Billy (1 dis), 3:12 2:,59'4, 3:00, 3:09"i4. Oct. 13, 1874, $1.50. Moscow 1, Iowa Girl, Julia (3 di.s), 3:04i4, 3-M%, 3:04, 3:01. Belle Brandon, b m (3 :45i^). W. Adams, Cairo, N. Y., Sept. 22, 1875, $40. Patchen Maid, 2:52. 2:48';, 2:45'4. Belle Brandon, b m (3:05%). Brownsville. Mo., Aug. 23, 1879. .$100. Governor Hampton, Gertie, 3:08, 3:10i4, 3:05?i. Belle Brandon, br m (3 :41^4), J. W. Stickler, Waverly Park, N. J., May 29, 1880, $ . Maud Almont, 2:44, 2:4714. Belle Brannan, b m (3 :44), by Lightfoot, dam by Kennebec, J. Quayle, Sandusky, O., Sep. 20, 1881, $25. Capt. D., Mattie S.. Butcher Boy, 3 :52, 3 :44. Three-year-olds. Belle Brasfield, b m (3 :30), by Viley's Cripple, dam Sally Chorister, by Mambrino Chorister. R. Patterson, Pittsburgh, Pa., Oct. 31, 1873, $400. Latham, Lady Alice, 2:43i4, 2:45, 2:45"2. Monongahela, Pa., July 4, 1874, $ . Kitty D. 3:0214, 2:,52. 2:41. Parkec City, Pa., June 22, 1875, .$.325. Topsy, Cattaraugus Chief, 2:3.5, 2:36, 2:34^. Columbus, O., July 2, 1875, .$1,000. John W. Hall, Lady Mac, Jerry Postal, Albert, Professor, 2:29, 2:28, 2:,30%. , .- . . July 5, 1875, $1,.500. Sam West 3. Jerry Postal, Ladv Mac, 2:31, 2:32, 2:32, 2:.32. Cleveland. O., July 23, 187.5, .$2,000. Annie Collins, 2:2514, 2:26i4, 2:28i/2. Suffolk Park, Phila., July 14, 1876, $800. Ella Madden 3, Stisie Parker, Lady Killdeer, Annie Collins,- Spotted Tail, Gen. Howard, Hannah D. (4 dr). 2:25. 2:25. 2:28. 2:30. 46 CHESTERS COMPLETE TROmNG AND PACING HECORl). Ooylestown, Pa., Oct. G, 1H7<>, Sl.OOO. Hatemaii l, '2, Abe Edington, Little Mary (3 (lis), 2:35>ii, 2:33H, 2:30, i::.il'.i,2;-l;i. \V. 11. .John, Parker City, Pa., .Iiine 22. 1h77, S400. Brother .(oiiathan, Ladv H. 2:25'/j, 2:27, 2:28'i. K. Patterson, Pitlslun-.u'li. P.\., May l.i, ls78, sstoo. Beuliih 2, 4. Parthcniii, 2:aV.i, 2:37'/j, 2:39'»,2:39, 2:38M. June 1, ls7><, S8UI. Lew Scott 3. Ailelaiilc, llann:iii \). 2:l'h, •.':27'-. 2:L'7'2, 2:29. St. Pelersburn. Pa., .June 4. 1878. .•^500. Versailles (iirl, Liuiy II. 2:32, 2:;j2i4, 2:33'-2. Oil Citv, Pa., June 2.">. 1878, §50ii00. Powers 1,4, Lucille 5, Elsie Good 3 ((j dis). Deck Wright, 2:23, 2:22, 2:22'.2, 2:24?4, 2:26, 2:22. 2 23K>. Cleveland, O., Sep. 5, 1879. §600. Deck Wright 2, Gray Salem, General Garfield, Jessie Haves, Dick Tay- lor, C. \V. Woollev (3 dr). 2 ::i2' ,. 2 :23W'>, 2 :--'3'' .'^ 2 ■:2i%. W. H. Wilson, Cvnthiana, Kv., Aug. 2(i. 1H81, $i:>. Webb Ross, 2:.".0, 2:44><'.. Helle Ituriis, blk m (.3 =**>). J- . 2:53>,i. C. L. Barnes, Shelby, O-, Sept. 21, 1S83, 5(90. Molly Harris 2, 4, Dr. West 5 (4 dr), Ladv Green U di'), 2:40)^, 2:411.^, 2:41'.i, 2:40, 2:42. Belle fanadienne, (« :40), M. Tougier, Quebec, P. Q., Oct. 9, 1868, $60. Halifax 2. Tom SajTCs, Lady Shaw (4 (Ir), 2:41. 2:.59, 2:4;-), 2:40. nelleCaiiadieiine,grni (3:10), M. Gibbault, Montreal, P. Q., June 16, 1880, $ . Thoraldon 3, 3:15, 3:10, 3:05. IJelle fhalfant. ri -AOy.,), Louisville, Ky.. Aug. 22, 18(U, §400. Bettv, 2:40'2, 2:44>2, 2:479i. Helle Chambers, b m o-iiSG), by Curtis' Hambletonian, dam by Don Juan. J. A. Stevenson, New Orleans, La., :Mav 17, 1880, S2r>. Bushwaeker, Little Mack (1 dis), 2:5714, 2:50. Belle Clark, eh m Berea, ().. Oct. 28, 1880, .§ . Itepublic 1, Black Dick, Snow Flake. No time. Belie Clark, b m (.3 :01), .J. MeKelvev, Pittsburgh, I'a., July 4, 1883. S . Fred Little, 3:02, 3:01. Belle Cleveland, b m (,3:33'.,), W. E. Weeks, Syracuse, N. Y., Sej)t. 1, 1874, $500. George F. Smith, Nelly, Susan, Capt. Jack (2 dis), Dick a dis). Tornado Maid (1 dis). Lady Marv (1 dis), 2:40. 2:.-». 2:42'j. Belle Collins, b m ('i :37), Win. Brown, New All)aiiv, Ind., Oct. 8, 1806, $m. Betty, 2:48, 2:43, 2:37. Clevehind, O., Sept. 12, 18(>7, Jj . Rust Reuben 2. Mav Queen, 2 :45, 2 :44(/2, 2 :44, 2:48. Ma\sville, Kv.. June 4, 1808, §1.00. Valatie 1, 3, 2:4'2. 2:46i.i. 2:4<). 2:52, 2:531;,. Belle Crab, b m G. G. Whitcomb, St. John's, iVIich.. Oct. 10, 1S83, §130. Harry Holt 1, Big John, Burnes Jr., Myrtle, -loe Jefferson, Nelly B. (3 dr). No time. Belle" Crofl'er, eh m (3: 53' 2). John Todd, Louisvile, Ky., June 9, 1863, $100. Mountain Maid (2 0), 3:06!^, 2 :.52' >, 2 :.')2' ■-. Four-vear-olds. Belle Curtis, b m (3 :3:i%). by Curtis' Hambletouian. dam by Boston, T. J. McGibben.Cynthiana, Ky., Aug. 2(;. lS.-<;i, .'i2iK). Croxie 1. Moutieello. (ilenwood (1 dis). 2:39'... 2:42. 2:44'v., 2:46ii. Three-year-olds. Belle L>avis. ch in (3 :48), by Vermont Boy. C. w. Davis, Spruiglield, Vt., Aug. 28, 1878, §150. Volunteer Girl, Eva K., Saudv, 2:,53, 2:.')0, 2:51. Fariiiiii-ton, N. IL, Oct. 24, 1878, §l.-.0. Emma, Patchen Star, 2:49i.i, 2:51, 2:48. Rochester. N. H., July 5. 1880, §1.50. Comet, Coupon 1,(4 dr),2:48!/2, 2:48, 2:48, 2:50. Belle Dayton, grm (3:33), B. Woodmansee, Cincinnati, O., June 3, 1864, §100. Burr Oak, Mountain Jack (2 (lis). 2:.35':i, 2:.33i.i, 2:40':2. Davton. O., June 15, 1864. ,S . Quaker Bov 2, Brown Gelding 4. 2:40, 2:35'2, 2:39. 2'..39, 2:41. (w) O. W. Dimmick, Cincinnati. O., Aug. 18. "1864, §300. Brown Dick (w), 1, 2, Henry Clay (w) 3, Quaker Bov (W), (2 dr), 2 :37K^ 2 '..35. 2 :38, 2 :.38. 2 :38, 2 :40. W. Peabodv, Loufsville. Kv., Oct. 20. 1864. vS . Daniel Boone 1, 3. Jim 2:37i4. 2:a5>2, 2:36ia, 2:.36, 2:38'/2. Mr. Ibu's'.inian. Hamilton, "O., July 26, 1866, .§ . Burr Oak 5, 6, Billy Crawford 1, 2, 2:40';, 2:39i4, 2:41, 2:4.3, 2:47, 2:.53. 2:42. (ireen Co., O., .Tune fi, 1R67, .;2::?0 2:a)i.; 2:3., 2:42. Lowell, Mass., Sept. '24, 1872. .^2.^.0. John Laml)ert. Lady )5ra(llonl. Bliick Roll (3 (lis), 2:4(), 2:384, 2:39. Sept. 6, 187'2. fi-2r^. Caoutchouc, Brilli;int, Starlight (2 dis). Phil lluuter(l dis). Kittyd dis),2:38, 2:36, 2:36. Lancaster. N. H., Sept. 19. 1872, .§225. Jerry Drew. Danville Boy (2 dr), 2:40, 2:42. 2:41. „ „„ „ „ Dover. N. U., Oct. .3, 1872, .S.IOO. L;idv Franklin 1, Nelly Morrison, Jileston (1 dis), 2:41.2:3(>/2, 2:39, 2:37. C. E. .Mosher, L;iwrence. Mass,, Mav 6. 1H71, .«:t'io. Bhtcksmitli Maid 2, 2:4.5, 2:48, 2:414, 2:394. Dover, N. H., June2'2, 1874, .«! . Phil Sbcrid;m 1. Mill. 2:40. 2:34. 2:34. 2:a5. Lawrence. Mass.. Julv 3, 1874. §2.50. Tarn O'Siiaiilcr 1. 2:.39. 2:38, 2:;v.'i, 2:37'2. , „, „ „ ,. ^ „ .,r Manchester, N. H., Nov. 4, 1874, .§250. Effle, .lames Flsk (3 dis). Grace (3 dr\ Ned Wallace (1 dis), 2:3,j, ^Mvs'iic' Park, Boston, Nov. 16,1874, «!3.50. Effle 1, 4, Ned Forrest (w), Frank O. Hall (3 dr), 2:3.5, 2:3ti4, 2 -.35 2 -.36, 2 '.35 Gre:it Falls, N. H., .Tune 21, 1875. .§400. Bristol Bill 3.4. Phil Sheridan. 2:.35, 2:.344. 2::U 2:.38 2:35. Portland, Me., July 10,187,5, §1.000. Honest Billy 5. Frank P:ilmer2. .3. (5 dis). Dusty, Phil Sheridan, 2 '."H *' '.'to '^'33 2*33 2 '36 2*37 '■ Fitc'iibu'rg, Mass., Ang.V,' 187.5. .§.500. Frank Palmer 1, 3. Baby Boy. Emperor. Gray Dick, Coroner K. (2(lr), 2:33. 2:48. 2:35"2,2:.38'4, 2:39';, , „ , ,. , ,.,.,„, „ .,, „ „„ Lawrence, Mass,, Aug, 24. 1875, .§3,50, Baby Boy .3. Young Riittler. John I'ranklm (1 dis), 2:.34, 2:31. 2:,32, 2 '34* « ^ Portsmouth, N. H„ Sept. 23, 187.5. §300, Snow Flake 1. 2:40. 2:37'.;. 2:.37. 2:38. . ,,,.,„„. [,owell. iNIass,, Oct. 1.5, 187.5. §400, Lady Foxle 2, Ned Wallace, Bristol Bill, John \ irgm (1 dis), 2:39, 2 ' 3S 1 >► 2 ' 't8 *' ' 40 ^ Miii.cileste'r. N. H.. Oct. 9 and 11,187.5, ,$400. Bristol Bill 1.4.(2 0), Lady Foxle, Young Rattler, 2 :35V4, 2:.31';, 2:31';, 2:37';, 2:.36';. 2:.35';. * Lynn, Mass.. Mav2.5, 1876, .^rino. Honest Billv, 2:.37'4. 2:47,2:.34'2. , . „ „„ Lawrence. Mass.'. June 2. 1876. .4.300. John Virgin 1, Henry Chase, 2:.''8. 2:.37, 2::{8U, 2:3/. .,,,,. Lvnn, Mass.. June 29. 1876, §.300. Henry Cl.a.se 1, Baby Boy, Sir William Wallace, Lady I'oxie (4 dis), Emperor (\ dis). 2:.32,2:.30. 2:32, 2:.33".. ,, , „„, . G. S. Locke. Laconia, N. H., Sept."l2, 1878. .§90. M;xthil(la. Colonel Dean, 2:41. 2:36'/j. 2:38'2. Oct. 2, 1878, §200. Lady Sherburn 2. Colonel Dean. 2:42. 2:41. 2:35. 2:41. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AXD PACING RECORD. 47 Belle Echo, b m (2;33ii), by Echo, dam by California Belmont. C. A. Durfee, Sacramento, Cal., Sept. 21, 1880, $700. Hattie Johnson', Pliaceola, 2:48U, 2:48'o, 2:i9%. Three-yearokls. L. H. Titus, Sept. 22, 1881, §750, Alex. Button, Honesty, Annie Laurie (.2 dr), 2:27>4„ 2:25;-i, 2:25. Four- year-okls. San Francisco, Cal.. (Vt. 1."). isgt. .$600. Romerol, 2:24'j, 2:26, 2:25'/2, 2:2.5V^. Four-year-olds. Belle F., b m t-:'i!>'-i, l)v M:istcrl<)de, dam bv Maj;na Charta. W. Fisk, Kalamazoo, Mich., July 11, 1883, OUOO. Maud 11., Blue Bull. Crcsco, 2:p.3'o, 2:36'4, 2:30. Belle Falls, (\v), b nu3:33), Mr. McXamara, Elkton, Md., Oct. 4, 1881, $75. Napoleon (vvX Lola (w), Sadie (w). (I (lis), 2:56'^, 2:59U, ( )ct. (!, 1881, ,'?200. Louis F. 1. Clipper, INIajor, Patehen d dis), 2:404. 2:40, 2:39'i. 2:39Va. Oct. 7, 18S1, S200. Louis F. 1. ClipiK'r, Major, King Wilkes (3 dr). 2:3914. 2:39'.i 2:40'2, 2:41. Bclair, Md., Oct. 1.3, 1881, .S12r). John F.. Ripton, Cyclops, 2:37, 2:;33,2:43. -• Oct. 14, 1881, .Sllo. King William 1 Virginia Squirrel, Calico Maid. 2:.37. 2:3."), 2:S7, 2:4,'). Oct. 1."), 1881, .$100. King William, Virginia So. Volney 3, 4, (G 0), (7 0), Echora 1, Poscora Hay- ward, Belle Flower, Flora Slieppard, Rustic. Mountaineer (5 dr). Lady Emmet (3 dr), Milton Medium (2 dis). Zero (2 dis). Reliance (.2 dis), 2:28, 2:26, , 2:28, 2:28, — , 2:2.5, 2:28. A. D. Shane, Reno, Nev., Oct. 9, 1879, $m). Maggie C, Helena. Governor Stanford, Dirigo,2:314, 2:.9J4, 2::!0'i. Belle H, br m )3 :.54), by Page's Logan, dam by imp. Roseburv. W. H. Hinman, Montpelier,Vt., Sept. 16, 1880, .$125. Elder Girl, Pony, 2 :55, 2 :.58. 2 :.j4. Belle Harrison, grm (3:40), by Tip Cranston, dam by son of Gray Eagle. W. P. Harrison, Delaware, O., July 3, 1877, $190. Fashions, Simshine, Flora, Bell Hughes (l dis"). No Name (l dis), 2:42>4. 2:42i'o, 2:45, 2:40. Belle Henry, ch m (3 :40), W. M. Henry, Xenia, O., July 22, 1879, .$3.30. Harry Hill 2, Major Aleck, Mambri- no Cloud. 2:4714. 2:4.5, 2:48, 2:494. Belle Hewitt, b m (3 :394), by Belmont, dam Grace Hewitt, by Snow Storm. H. C. McDowell, Lexington, Ky.. .luue 17, 1870, .$500. The Jewess 1, 4, Fanny Stoner 5, Lady Bransford 2, Belle Curtis, 2 :44?4, 2:47, 2:42' ,, 2:40',, 2:434, 2:434, 2:391.;. Belle Horton, (3:53i4), G. H. Morgan. Norwich, Conn., Sept. 18, 1877, .$32. Justice, Franklin Boy, 2:54, _ 2:.-.2'i.2:.5r,'4. Belle HugrUes, b m (3 :50), J. Van Marten, Delaware, O., Jidy 4, 1877, $150. Albine 1, Honest Mary, Bogus Tom 1 1 (lis), Joe Kirby (1 dis), Maggie Fred (1 dis) 2:50, 2:56, 2:50, 2:501-1. Four-year-olds. Belle Jackson, blk m (3 :50), G. J. Worcester, Nashua, N. H., Aug. 5, 1876, $100. Annie, Bruno, Royal Clav, Leo. Red Top, Wava (3 dis\ Prince (3 dis), 2:.51i.;, 2:.50, 2:51 Belle Jeft'erson, ch m, J. Campbell, Rockville, Conn., Oct. 16, 1883, .$50. Stacy B., Boy, Rattler, 3:00y, 2:56i4, 2:. 55'.,. Belie Johnson (w), dn ni (3 :41 w), C. D. Parry, Franklin, O., Sept. 13, 1867, .$ . Black Maria (w), 2:41, 2:44,2:50. Belle Jones, b m (3 :54i0, A. F. Pitt, Fleetwood Park, N. Y., May 10, 1872. $ . Fuzzy 2, 3, Joe Hoxie (1 (lis). Dandvd dis), 2:5.5, 2:.544, 2:5.5,2:5.5, 2:.544. Belle J«)nes, br m (3 :58?:i), M. Ryan, Deerfoot Park, L. I., Sept. 3, 1873, $200. One of the Murphies 2, 2;58?^, 3:03^i, 3:04. Belle Knox, b m (3 :34), by Gllbreth Knox. J. B. Littlefleld, Gardiner, Me., Aug. 18, 1877, .$250. Bay Dick, Fanny, Young Winthrop, Morrill, Lady Young, General Griffin, Shaw's Knox, Johnny French, 2:37, 2:38, 2:41',. Aiig. 21, 1877. .$200. Lady Malcolm 1, 2, Gen. Griffin, Bay Dick, Jefferson Belle (4 dis), 2:384, 2:401%, 2:35, 2:. 34, 2:39. Belle Lawrence, b ni (3:38), by Denmark. A. H. Ball, Davton. O., June 7. 1877, ,$150. Robust Hazard 1, Paddy. Minnie B., Chestnut Frank (3 dis\ Shot (1 dis), Iliggie Clay (1 dis), 2:4514, 2:40'^,, 2:38i4, 2:38. Tune 11, 1877, $200. Nelly INIorton, Trojan Belle (1 dis), 2:.39, 2:4.3, 2:4214. Belle-Lee, ch m(3:33i4\R. G. MeCulldudu L;ifavette, Ind.,Sept. 2, 1876,$ . Henry Todd, Dutch Girl, LadvHerzog, Sorrel Tom, Brown Frank. Jim ^Nliller. 2:40, 2:40, 2:.38i2. Piora, 111., Sept. 27, 1876, 82.50. Lady Herzog 1. Laura. Haymaker, Knobby, 2:.37'!;, 2:.34J£, 2:;i4?4, . Belle Legacy, b m (3:.54\ W. Furniss, Canton, N. Y., Sept. 16, 1879, $.50. Colonel Cook, Billy Day, Belle of Pottscrim. Black Miick, Ladv Forrest (2 dr). 2:54, 2:.56, 2:.59. Belle 3Iahoney, b m (3 :.5.5), Cleveland, O., Oct. 22, 1867, $12.5. Brown's ch g Mollv, 2:.55, 2:.57,2:.5,5. BelleMaud, 1) ni (3 :3(i), i>y .Joe Downing, dam by Tom Crowder. T. J. IMegiblx-n. Newport, Ky., Oct. 8, 1874, ■y.'ito. Dolphus. Topeka .John, Jim Smith (1 dis). Lookout (1 dis\ Mohawk (1 dis), Long Branch (1 dis), 2:49',. 2:.-2, :!:4!)3i. Oct. 9. 1874, $200. Squire Talmadge 3, Fritz, Billy, Topeka John (1 dis), 2:46, 2:47, 2:47, 2:46. Dr. Snediker, Nov. 6, 1874, $2.50. Bourbon Girl 1, Blue Wing. 2:.50, 2-A8K, 2:471',. 2:48ii. Scott and L;ul, July 14, 1875, .$400. Thornton, Eph, Hatty Fawcett, Maxwell (3 dis), Joe La\vrence (1 dis), 2:41it. 2:42'.; 2:44i.i. R. C. Wheeler, Sept. 24. 187.5, .$.300. .Joe Hooker 1. (3 dis). Little .Jack (2 dis), 2:.55i.i, 2:.55?i, 2:.55i.i. Belle Maud, blk m (3 :01), H. T. Hitchings, Lynn, :Mass., Nov. 29, 1878, $100. General (3 dr). 3:04. 3:01. • 48 CHKSTKKS COMIM.KTK TKOTTIN(; AM) PACINM; RECORn. Belle McClellan, b m (3 :52?4), G. W. Traliem. Stoi-ktoii, Cal., Sopl. 2H. iwo, !5200. May W. l, 4, LinaC'arlton, (2 tlis>. Blaine r- ilis), ;t:(w. 2:.'>2U. li :">4. :; :rxi, ^-.'n'z- Kour-vi-ar-okls. Belle McNair. bik in {.'Z :3»'»>, by Green's Uiishaw. R. Switzer, Miiseatine, la., Sept. 18, 1872, $70. Muscatine 1. Hill V 3:0-'. 2:46. 2:44, 2:4tj. Sept. 111. 1872, S70. Muscatine, Billv, 2:.''v2, 2:r>'>K. 2:5.3. Denver, t'ol.. Sept. 2.!. 1874. .S250. Kd. McCook. Red Cloud. 2:4.3>2 2:4<>'i. 2:45. Belle Moore, b ni (3:34'i», by llanley's Hiatona. ('. 11. Moore, JJayton, ().. Sept. 27, 1876, S.'iOO. Gray IJasiiaw 2, Doctor Rnsii. Blue \Vin^, Gypsv Tom. Frank Miller. Little .loe. 2:.37, 2:M'i, 2:37'j, 2:38. Cincinnali <>.. Oct. 6, is7(i. .S6(K). Hay Charley 1, ('ottaj;e Girl. Gray ISasbaw. Mine Wing. Netty Ward, Gvpsy Tom, Little Joe, Lady Miles, Stone\valU4 dis). Hlue l!ov (.4 dis;, Little Alfred Udis), 2:32. 2 :34>4, 2:35>4, 2 :;V>. Belle Morrill, ('-J:34i4), N. W. Ogle, Saratoga Spa, N. Y., July c, 1870, .S . Fannv Lambert. Bidv, 2:4^, 2:40. 2:3!». Belle Morrison, ell ni (2:55), by Golddust. J. C. Jones & Co,, Morrison, 111., Sept. 11, 1873, $80. Billv, Topsv Girl 2:.55, 3:01. Scpl. 11, l,s7o. $80. Bismarck 1, Nat Baker, Sailor . 2:.'i7. Belle Oaklev, ch lii (.3 :24>.j I. by Garibaldi. W. T. Covell, Mystic Park, Boston, Sept. 11, 1873, .'?.'iO. Brown Loafer, .f :04, 3:10. Four-year-olds. Taunton, Mass., Sept. 30, 1873, .■S2.5. Brown Loafer, 3:00,2:59,2:59. Fonr-vear-olds. Oct. 1, 1873, §40. Brown Loafer, Young Shakespeare (2 dr). 2:56, 2:5i)>,i. Fonr-vear-olds. Jesse Sinitli, Attleboro, Mass.. Oct. 14, 1875, .. 2:;!5'^, 2:34, July i;». 1S77, SMM. I'elliani. ('oraF.,Charley, Tartar, Oshlega Belle, Belle of Worcester, 2:31^4,2:32, 2:35, W. W. Cross. Mystic I'ark. Boston, July 26, 1877, .§400. Belle of Worcester 2, Pelliam, Cora F., Tartar, OslllCKa Belle, 2:33',, 2:.i2',, 2:.i2'o,2:33>/2. 1. Trout, Beacon Park, Boston, Aug. 9, 1877. $200. Cora F., Belle of Worcester, Honest Billy. Colonel. 2:32. Sept. 11, 1877. $1,000. Tom B. Patehen 4 (3 0), Frances 2 (3 0), Lady Daggett, W. C. Derby, John Lambert. 2:31'», 2:27, 2:28, 2:312i, 2:31, 2:35. Oct, 4, 1877. .•? . Jubilee Lambert, Thankful, 2:31, 2:31, 2:.32. Mr. Ino, May 3, 1878, $100, W. H. 2, Honest Billy 1, Lady Daggett (5 dr). Colonel Barnes (3 dr», George L. Fox (2 dr), 2:39, 2:38. 2:40, 2:41'2- 2:4:5. Providence. R. I., May 28, 1878, .f'200. Colonel 3, Goldfinder, Iron Age, Cora F. (2 dis). 2:32i.i, 2:29. 2:27. 2:29. 1. H. Pliillips. Suffolk Park,Phila.. May tl, 1880. .$.500. Dan Smith, Stonewall, Phil Dougherty, Bay Fanny, 2:-'r.. 2:J5i.i, 2:26;'4. Point Breeze I'ark. Phila., May 10, 1880, $.500. Mav 1, Taylor, 2:28'4, 2:29^4. 2:29i4, 2:29. Mid4, 2:30»4. 2:29. Belle of Al>erdeen, b in (2 :46%), by Aberdeen. J. Yearance, Jersey Citv, N. J., June 15, 1877, $100. Lady Thorn Jr.. 2. Flirtation, 2 :.5.3. 2:.58, 2,,54, 2:.57. Waverlv Park, N. J.. Aug. 7, 1877, .$100. John Goldsmith 2, 4, Mambrino Pilot, 1 :18, 1:18, 1 :18, 1:18V4, 1 MH Half-mile heats. , ^ S. Wright. Oxford, Pa., June 14, 1879, $150. Black Girl, Joe, The Moore Horse, Blacksmith Dan (2 dr), 2:.50, 2:4K,2:.51. Helle of Alleiitown, b m (2 :46). W. H. Doble. Bristol, Pa.. Aug. 19, 18.58, .$600. Sorrel Ned, 2:46, 2:47, 2:49. Belle <.f Biilfiinore. b m (3:30i/2), by Black l'.;isli;iw. John Hiiiosley, Baltimore, Md., July 19, 18tK), $1,000. Chicago .la-k (s)2, 4. 2:35, 2:.30i,i, 2:.30i., 2:.i!». 2::i;)'o. 1'. Melirling, Washington, D. C., June 9, 1865. $1,000. Sazarac, 5:20, 5:22U, Two miles. las. Ward, Providence, H. L. Oct. 13, 18(B, $i»0. Dutchman, Richmond. 2.34. 2:341^^. 2:.!5i4. Patterson, N. J., Nov. 1.5, 1865, $ . Broken Knees, Mountain Boy (1 dis), 2:39. 2:43%, 2:.50. Baltimore. Md., Nov. 12. 1867. $ . Long Legs. 14:31^. Five miles. Belle of Bayslde, (2:56), Win.Wheelan, Fashion (^ourse, L L, July 28, 18(15, $.500. Kate Woolley 1, 3:01. 2:56, 2 :.57. Belle of Berkshire, gr m (2 :48%),. Joseph Lord, Lee, Ma.ss., Oct 1, 1873. $200. Adam's Boyl, Major War- Held, Dandy, Nellv, Motlicr Ann Lee, 2:49%, 2:.50, 2:48%, 2:.5,5. Belle of Bethlehein. br m (2:.-ili4), S. H. Clark, .fr. New Hunting Park, Phila., Sept. 1.5, 1880, $200. Bl.inche Medium 1. 2, Alexis il dis). -JMh'. 2:3.5^, . 2:;«, 2:.37'i. Sep. 22. 1S80, .$200. Blanche Mediunn, 2, King Cetawavo, Climax, 2:.37.2:37, 2:r}4. 2:41. 2:41. Doylestown, Pa., Oct. 6, 1880, $250. Star 3, 4, Mainbrino Charta, Little Nell, Sam French, 2 ;.3lVi. 2:34, 2 '.V2' \ , 2 '.32 ■' '^V^i.! '- Elktoii.'Md.r Oct. 14, 1880, $300. Alice Addison 2, Mambrino Hassen, Sherman Morgan Jr., Billy Boulden (1 dis), 2:37. 2:.37, 2:36W 2:.3.5U. Oct. 1.5, 1880, $200. Billv B(nilden 2. Rocket, Alice Addison. John C. (\ dis\ 2:.%5'i, 2:34%, 2:37. 2:35W. Belle of Boston, b in ('^:42i.j), John Welch, Boston, Ma,ss., July 28,18,59, $.50. James Buchanan, l-anny Smith, Murat, St. Lawrence Maid (3 dr), 2:4.5, 2:42'.i 2:43. Aug. 4, 1S.59, $100. St. Lawrence Maid, Know Nothing, 2 :,50, 2:45, 2:46. , ^ Belle of Boston, (w ) blk in (2 :4sy, w), (i. Oaklev. Brooklyn, N. Y., Oct. 12, 1878, $100. Prospect (w) 1, Doc- tor Rush (w). Deerfoot (w), 2:.50, 2:,50, 2:48>, 2:52. ( w), $100. Young Ripton (w) 3, 2 :48, 2 :47, 2 :43, 2 :4,5. Aug. 11, 1857, $50. Prairie Boy (2 0). 2 :44. 2 :44. 2 :49. 2 :6i- CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTIXG AND PACING RECORD. « Aug. 22. 1857, $100. Young Ripton 3 (2 0), Prairie Boy (2 0), Arabian Spot (1 dis). 2:41, 2:40, 2:39, 2:40, 2:41 — — July 8, 18,58, S250. Little Wonder l, Ladv Baxter (3 0), 2:42, 2:41, 2:44, 2:44, 2:47. Aug. 9. 18,58, .f!400. ( 'llicftain, 2 :44, 2 :.39, 2 :4414. M. Spink, Wauliogan, 111., July 4, 18«), .•S7.5. l)aw 1 (4 dr), 2:35, 2:36. 2:39, 2:50. A. Fisli, ('liio;it:o, 111., Aug. U.' 18(i0. iSlOO. Prairir Boy (w) 3, 2:43, 2:40, 2:43, 2:44. Belle of Clyde, b iiiCi :34:>4 I, liv Wright's Rattler, dam by Tippoo. W. H. Saunders, Pro.spect Park, L. I., Sept. ]8."is(;:i. >;|,0()0. Kastcrn Queen 1, 2, Lady Augusta, Soubrette, Young Wilkes, Cap. Lawrence, Capt. Smitll (4 dn, 2:32,2:31'.,, ■'■:MU. 2;35'.2, 2:a5V.^. Belle of Coldvvater, b m ('3::iO', ), by Tom Hunter, dam by.Green Mountain. S. F. Smith, Dubuque, la., June 9, 1882, .'^200. Lorelle, ll;irle(|uin, 2:51' i, 2:5:3, 2:50^4. i oiu'-year-olds. Lawrence. Kan., Sept. 20 and 21, 1882, $200. Billy Clinker 1, 3, St. Lambert, 2 :48i4, 2:46, 2:52, 2:40, 2:43f4. Four-vear-olds. Mji'itland, Mo., Oct. 6, 1882, $400. Jim Lane 1, Westmont (paeer), 2 :40, 2:40> >, 2:.30?i, 2:39V,i. Belle of Denver, chm(3:57}4), Wm. R. Ford, Denver, Col., Oct. 19,1867, $10,000. 1.5, 06. To beat, 15, 10. T(>n miles. Sept. 27, 1870, $100. Colorado, 5 :54i^, 6:03. Two miles. Belle of Easton, (Mollie Pitcher), eh m ^3 :41), R. W. Fisher, Easton, Pa., June 17, 1873, $25. Dave Richards 2, (4 01, 3:0114. 3:03U, 3:01' j, 3:02, 3:01i_i. July 4, 1873, $180. Miller's Girl. 3;O0i/>, 3:02, 3:03. Julv 14, 1873, $200. Kitty Diivis 2, (3 0), (5 0), 3 :02i/2, 3:03, 3 :00, 3 :04i4, 3:01, 3 :05. Belle of Fairfield, ch m (3:3114), by Toronto Chief, dam by Bowen's 'Trustee. A. A. Rogers, Fort Wayne, Ind. , Sept. 10, 1874, $.500. Little Sam 2, Sorrel Ned, 5 :.3e, 5 :34, 5:39?^,. Two miles. Jackson, Mich.. June23, 18T6$5C0. L;idv Miller 2. 3, (60), Josie 4, 5, LauraD., Rochelle, Golden Fanner (8 dr), Nelly Davis (8 dr), George Randall (5 dr), (Iray Salem {> dis). Emerald (4 dr), Beauty (4 dr), Wood- pecker (3 d'is). Banker (3 dr), 2:46, 2:48?4, 2:51i.i, 2:50}/^ 2:63\u 2:55i4, 2:56?4 ■ Masillon, O., Aug. .30, 1S7(;. $300. Deception, Judge Waite, 2:45}^, , 2:.36i4. • Cleveland, O., Sept. 14, 1876, .$400. White Line 2, Kinsman Boy l, Calmar, Rival, 2:31. 2:31! 4,2:33,2:3 2:3114- Pittsburgh, Pa., June 11, 1877, .$500. Nutwood 3, Little Sam, Venus, Perry (4 dis). Judge Withy (4 dis), 1>:.39, 2:.33;'i, 2 :36?i, 2:35i4. Belle of Fltcliburgh. b m (2:30). bv Paragon. C. R. Child, Lewiston, Me., July 4, 1882, $200. Dandy J., LydiaM., Elmwood. Colonel Lang, Bay Lambert 1, (3 dis), 2:39'2, 2:36^, 2:36, 2:36i.;. Belle of Gettysburg, br m (3 :46i4), J. T. Price, Washington, D. C, Aug. 12, 1874, $300. Honest John, Maggie Duval, 2:46'^, 2:48, 2:49i4. Belle of Hartford, (Cocliee's Belle), ch m (3:36J^), by Eldridge Horse. H. C. Beckwith, Hartford, Conn.. Sept. 8, 1863, $120. Kate May 3, 2 :46, 2:42, 2 -AOyx, 2 :44. New Haven, Conn., Oct. 2', 1863, $ . Tom Thumb, 2 :48?4, 2 :43, 2:46' .;. J. H. Martin, Washington, D. C, Nov. 9, 1863, $500. Lady Champion 1, Dan Mace, 2:43?4, 2:39}^, 2:38, 2:361/2. H. C. Beckwith, Hartford, Conn., Sept. 14, 1864, $100. Kate May (1 dis), 2 :395^. Belle of Hartford, br m (3 :41). H. L. Pope, Deerfoot Park, L. I., JNov. 1, 1875, $100. Harry Gilbert 2, 4, (5 0). Irene (5 dr). Dandelion (5 dr), 2:41, 2:41, 2:42, 2:43i4, 2:4114, 2:44. Belle of Hudson, grm (3:444, J.A.Boyd, Woonsocket, R. I., Sept. 10,1874, $17.5. Wolf Hunter, Dandy, Mary, Tip. Katv Didn't, Young Spot, Lou Thorndyke, Kitty (2 dr). Lady Emma (1 dis), 2:56, 2:.53, 2:52!/2. Belle of Johnson, ch m (2 :5S\i), by Narragansett, dam Pudgy. Kansas Stud Farm, Kansas City, Mo., Sept. 15. 1873, $17.5. Hattie Golddust, Olive Logan (1 dis), Cricket (l dis). Empress (l dis). Belle C. (1 dis) Live Oak (1 dis), 3:00'4, 3:02'.i. Three-year-olds. St. Joseph, Mo., Oct. 1, 1873, .$350. I*eacock, 3:08, 2:58'4. Three-year-olds. Belle of Lexington, ch m (3 :41i4), I. Copp, Beacon Park, Boston, Aug. 12, 1875, $75. Folly, 2:47, 2:48, 2:47. (w). Mystic Park, Boston, Sept. 17, 1875. $100. Ned (w), 3:01, 2:54, 2:52!4. (w), Sejpt. 20, 187.5, .$2.50. Ned 2, 2 :44"2, 2 :43. 2 :43. C. E. Worcester, Concord, Mass., Sept. 29, 1875, $200. Butcher Boy, Nelly S., Martin Luther, 2:49?£,2:50, 2:491,4. Belle of Lexington, ch m (3 :363i), by Magna Charta, dam Polka, by Richard III. B. Stanley, Y'ouugstown. C, July 4, 1881, $400. Morosa 1, 2,' May Bird, Keystone, Reveille, Olive, Lucy R., Little Jim, 2:3^, 2:37, 2:3514,2:37,2:35. W. R. Nims, Pittsburgh, Pa., July 14, 1881, $1,000. Hermes 3, 5, Lady Clark 1, 6, Mambrino Clay, Cincin- nati Boy, Joyce, 2:27, 2:2714 2:27!4, 2:26 ?i. 2:28i4, 2:32, 2:29i4. Belle of liynn, gr m (3 :45), J. F. Phillips, North Chelsea, Mass., June 1, 1858, $50. Finish, Lady Auburn (2 dr), 2:.53,2:.57, 2:57. S. B. Pratt, Aug. 25, 18.58, $50. Romeo (3 0), Black John (3 dr), 2:47, 2:45, 2:46, 2:48. Belle of Middletown, (Milk Maid) (w) b m (3 :449.£ w), G. P. Carpenter, Hartford, Conn., May 10. 1865, $100. Lizzie Somerindyke, (w), 2:48i4, 2:44%, 2:45M. Belle of Oakland, (Belle the Blonde) dn m (3 :43), D. A. Ogden, Winchester, Va., Sept. 24, 1874, $80. Arthur Wild. 2:4314, 2:42. Belle of Olcott, eh m (3 :46U), J. Ashford, Lockport . N. Y., Oct. 24, 1876, $1,50. Tom, Red Eye, Little Anna. Fred, Dutchman, Jessie P., Royal George, Messenger (3 dis), Mary Hayes (3 dis), 2:,59, 2:55, 2:46V^. Belle of Oneida, ch m (3:33\ A. Patterson, Fleetwood Park, N. Y., Aug. 29, 1871, $400. Stella, Hickey, Billy Bird, 5 :28, 5 :20. Two miles. Belle of Orange, br m (3 :40M), Mr. Loomis, Fleetwood Park, N. Y., April 25, 1871, $300. George 3, Cushnoc, 2:471^,2:45, ,2:44. J. O. Neil, Sept. 8, 1871, .$1,000. Kitty, 3-M]A, 2:59, 2:5514. M. Roden, Nov. 3. 1871, $.500. Hickey (w), 2"':45, 2:42, 2:4l5!r£. Belle of Otsego, ch m (3:40), by Yoinig Otsego, dam bv Biggart's Rattler. S. A. Baird. Garrattsville, N. Y., Au5. 31, 1875, $5. Unolala Boy 3, 4, Smuggler Girl, Nelly Tower (4 dr), Nerea (4 dr), 3:01. 3:02. 3:01i4. 3:00,3:00. Waverly, N. J., Sept. 20 and 21, 1876, .$200. Thomas 1, Ladv Dexter, Revenge, Indian Girl, Esperance (l dis), Henry G. (1 dis), 2:381.1,, 2:4014, 2:401-1, 2:40. Delhi, N. Y.. Oct. 6, 1877, $1.50. Fenimore, 2:41, 2:40Vi, 2:40. Springfield Centre, N. Y., Oct. 11, 1877, $50 Fenimore, Peril, 2:40. 2:40, 2:40. Belle of Ottawa, ch m (3 :44), D. Clunis, Greenwich, N. Y., July 4, 1868, $100. John D. Newland, Autocrat 1, (3dr), 2:42, 2:44,3:00, 2:48, Belle of Otto wa, (3:45), Mr. Lemonde, Ottawa, Ont., Aug. 14, 1876, $200. OttawaChief 3, 2:57, 2:45, ,2:46. Belle of Patterson, b ni (3:31), by the Welling Colt, clam by Liberty. W. H. Strong, New Haven, Conn., Sept. 5, 1868, $200. Warwick 2, 3, "John, 2:.37i/., 2:36, 2:461/^, 2:37, 2:39. J, H. Hinchnian, Trov, N. Y., Oct. 1, 1868, $700. Prince, Sir John, General Scott, Warwick , Bayard, Western New York, Jack Lewis, 2:31. 2:.3l, 2:31%. Oct. 2, 1868. $.500. Climax 2, Western New York, Dutch Boy, George (3 dr), Tom Manning (1 dis), 2:33. 2:3214,2:84, 2 :34ii. W. H. Strong, Williamsport, Pa., Nov. 19, 1868, $300. Mountain Maid 1, R. Hilliard, Jenny Mav, 2:34i/2, 2:3514. 2:.3.5. 2:.34. Belle of Pa-w lett. b m (3 :37), by Warr Hulett, dam by Andrus' Hambletonian. W. Hulett, Granville. N. Y., July 27. 1872. $50. Grey Leg 3, 2 :58, 2 :58, 2 :58'/4. 2 :55. 4 60 CHESTER'S rOMl'LKTK TU()TTIN(; AM) I'ACING HKCOHI). Miiv :tl, 1873, S.'')0. Dolly Vanlcn (3 dis), Stoh' Away (2 (lis), Kate Li-wis (2 rlis), 2:50, 2:50, ?:64. Jlelleof riiiladflphla, wh in ^a :35j, B. Crossiii, Wootlbuiy, N. .).. July 3, 1X7X, S200. ratciieii Cliiel Jr. 2 \ illaKf din 1. .Maiiiic, Aniblcr, Laiiil)i'rt Knox (4 ilr^ 2::i7, 2:38. 2::!.5. •_•:.■}«, 2:42. . hily 5, lx~x, .?2. Ccni'ial Danv (3 dn Woodrutfs jir ni i2dis), 2:30, 2:36, . July 29, ls:.7. SL',(HH(. Uarrv Walton 1, (.2 dis), 2:37(2, 2:38. S. MeLaiitiiilin, Middk'town, N. Y., Nov. 27, I8.j". S.-)00. iMary Hojt 3, 2:41'2, 2:43'i. 2:4.-), 2:41'i. I). I'lifer, Albanv. N. Y., AuK- 20, 1858. $rMO. (icneral I)arc-y, George Dawson, 2:41, 2:40'j. 2:41. • S. McLauKblin, New Jersey State Fair, Sept, 7,1860, $loo. Allred Kemble 2, American Emperor 1. i2dr), 2:.-!.-., 2:.«'2,2:.Wi, 2:33'o,2:32>i, , „ ,. M. Hoden, Guthsville, Ta., Nov. 1:5, 1860. SlOO. Chalk-Line, 2 ::»,'■), 2::{8. 2:;«;. N. 1). Taylor, New City, N. Y., Oct. 10, 18(ll, .•5:75. George Cooley ,3. I'ill Doctor, 2 :299.i , 2 :26, 2:27, 2:28. Newton, N. J., Nov, 7, 1861, •JIOO. George Cooley, George B. McCIcllan. 2:Xi%, 2:31>i, 2:31. IJelle of l'ot«dam, br m (2 :50>, W, Haggerty, Canton, N. Y,, Sejit. 11, 1883, .•*.5(», Little Maggy 1, Maggy B., 2:.5.'-). 2:.55, 2:,52, 2:51. .,,,,. Belle of Putney, b m (2:40^4>, J. Joslyn, Springlleld, \ t., Aug. 29. 1878, Sl.50. Belle Davis 2. Eva K,. Clara 11.. Volunteer-Girl, Keno, 2:47, 2:48:'.i, 2:40' 2^ 2:4.^)'4. llelle of Kandolph, b ni (3 •.■iH^ih U, Rogers, raunton, Mass., July 22, 18C7, S.50. Eastern Girl, Young Suffolk (3 dr). 2:45' ... 2 :47, 2:.50. Belle of Kiehmond, b m (3:41!2), Henry \ an Cleft, New Dorp, S. L, Oct. 14, 1874, S.500. Henry Miller Jr., a (lis). Bine Bell (1 dis), Lucy (1 dis), 2:41 K>- • Belle of Kiveisibr 111(2:29), by 'N'erniont Black Hawk, dam Toll Roe, F. J. Nodlne, Boston, Mass.. Sept. 4, 18r4, .S.500, Black Hawk Maid, (w),2:39'2, 2:39. Dan I'lifer, Centreville, L. I., Sept. 25, 1855, S500. Murdock, 2:29'.,, 2:341^, 2:38. Union Course L. I., Oct, 29. 18,-)5, .$1,000. Chicago Jack 3. 4, 2::v."2, 2:32, 2:32, 2:38. 2:32 National Course. L. 1., Oct. 29, 1855, $2,50. Tacoiiy, 2:38'.i, 2:.39i.i. 2:42*i. John S. Stevenson, Hochester, N, Y., Sept. 22, 1868 ,'t!200. Miller's Damsel, 2:35, 2:3.3, 2:34. Sept, 2.5, 18.'>8, .$ . Miller's Damsel, 5:14,5:13. Two miles. W. L Mills, Chicago, 111.. Sept. 24, 1859, .>i2,000, -" 24, 1859, .>i2,000. Eeindeer (2, 0), 2:32'4, 2:a3i4, 2:.50i^. 2:36. Rosboro, Hurstville. N. Y., Aug. 15, 1870, S203. Nelly (w) 3, (40), Belle of .Saratoga, br m (2 :42i4), C. Rosboro, Hurstville, N. Y., Aug. 15, 1870, S203. Nelly (w) 3, (40), 2:51'/!, 2:51, 2:50U, 2:5.5. Aug. 19, 1870, « . Ladv Millbanks 1, Captain Jinks (3 dr). 2:ry0, 2:my,, 2:48' i, 2:48Ji. Albanv, N. Y., .July 12, 1871, .*1()0. Nelly, X X, 2:47, 2:46, 2:45. July 26, 1871, $200. Honesty, (w) 2:43 '4;, 2:4.5, 2:53^. Aug. 1, 1871, $100. Honesty 3, Nelly, Flora, Parepa (1 dis\ 2:46^.2:44'^ 2:42>^. Aug. 10, 1871, .Sioo. Kittv, Patehen Maid, 2:4634, 2:4234, 2:45. C. St. Joiiii. .Mine 1,3. 1872. .$50. Lee Minnow, 2:47, 2:46, (W), C. R()sl)()ro, July 2.3, 1872, $t00, Cora 1, 2:54, 2:47, 2:43JC, 2:43%. Oct. 2.3, 1.H73, .$200. Delia 1, (4. 0), 2:48, 2:48. 2:49, 2:,51, 2:,50. Belleof .scrantou, m m, (2 :4l) M, M, Bayette, Oswego, N. Y., June 25, 1873, $350. Nelly Invln 2, 3, Deceiver, Thomas .Moore, Shorty Fovmtain (4 dis). Alberta (1 dis), Tom "Wonder. Jr., (1 dis), 2:41, 2:35, 2:,39, 2:43, 2:44, Belle of Southtington, (2:55), G. L. Messenger, Plainville, Conn., May 30, 1881, $ . Kuthvine 1. 3, Nelly, Holbrook's Maid, 2.5(i, 2:.5.5, 2:.55V. 2:.38, 2:37, 2:.39'4. Oct. 29, 1870, .$250. Johnny Reh, Draco Chief, Green Mountain Boy. Liiigard, Captain Gill (3 dis), 2:37'/2, 2:.37%.2:3.5'.i. Baltimore, Md,. .Tune 2. 1871, .«!1,.500. Mercer l.Harrv D.. Juno, 2:.32'.,, 2:30, 2:30?4, 2:31. Watcrtown, Conn., .Tulv 4. 1871, .$2.50. Emperor. 2:.39, 2:40. 2:3a'.i Meridon. Conn.. Oct. .30. 1871, .$ . Stephen A. Douglas, 2 :42'.i, 2:41.2:37. ^. , /, ^, x „,<,,- J. D. Brown, Trenton, N. J., June 2.5, 1874, $400. Morton, F. C. Riley d dis). Ledger Girl (1 dis), 2:36'/,, 2-4' 2 '41 Belle of Vermont fLadv SnelH. br m <2 :83i,). by Godfrey Patehen, dam Ladv Stevens by Piggiirf's l?ijttler, M. Rogers, Prospect Park, L. L, Sept. 3, 1872, .$100. Dolly Varden, Lady Jane, Belle ol Hartford, 2:44J^, 24'" i "HS'/i "dV A. Snell, Mystic Park, Boston, Oct. 14, 1873, $200. Howard Snow, Clara Gage (2 dis), Lucinda (2 dis), 2 "'iH 2 ''\'\ 1. ■'iT^ ^ ^'Tauni(')n,"Mass., Oct. 2. 1R74. $.300. Maybe 3. 4 f5 o^). Honest Billy, Deacon (5 dr). Prowess (5dr), Belle Brandon (4 dr), Frank {'2 dr).2:.33, 2:32. 2::M'i,2-.3.3. 2:.38";. 2:38",. ,, .^t- , -r. . Belle of Vernon, b in (2 :48"„y K. Keeney, Rockville. Conn., Oct. 1. 1874, .$40. "\ ernon Boy, Nimrod, Dan, Jim Long, Branford Girl (3 dr), T-antern (3 (lr>. Oakhtnd. Hickory (2 dr). 2:.57, 2:58, 3:o4. Sept. 28. 1876, Sino. Chestnut D:in. Black Bird, Lady Snragiie, 2:481/,, 2:.51,2:.5.5. Belle oMvabaKh, blk in (2 :40), l)y Biissiiiger. John Williams, Indianapolis, Ind„ June 1.5, 1860, $100. Pilllcl)er2 '>-U\ 2'.57 ''•40 ''•43 Belle of "WaHhinpton", blk In (2 ':41'4). Mr. Moscs. Dovlestown. Pa., Oct. 4, 1867, $100. Ironsides, 2:41U, 2:46, 2: 4:1. l{e:iding,Pa.. Oct. 12, 1867, .? . Ironsides, 2-43. 2:42'/.. .,^ „, ., „ .j „.„ Belle of Waterbury,b m (3 :40). J. G. McGrath, Sonlliington, Conn., Oct. 16, 1882, flOO. Sheridan 2, Hattie, Capt, Bashaw, Arabian Chief (4 dis), 2:43. 2:4i:'4, 2:42, 2:425ki. CHESTERS COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 51 Oct. 18, 1882, SIOO. Sheriihiii, Capt. Bashaw, Ben. 2 :40i'4 , 2 :40, 2 :42 Ji. MeGrath Bros., Milford, Conn., Sept. 19, 1883, $50, Ruby Brooks 1, 2, Daisy Pearsall, 2 :42V^. 2:41, 2:42, 2:41,2:42. Watertowii, Conn., Sept 26. 1883. $200. Ned W. 1, 3, Senator Eaton, Fred (4 dis). Daisy Trumbull (4 dis), Goold (2 dis). 2:4714. 2:43K', 2:43'4, , 2:42. Bt'Ue of Waterford b ni (3 :47i4). A. Miller, Hartford, Conn., Aug. 16, 1873, $150. Julia Hayes, Roan Tom (5 (lis). Ladv Bhifkhawk 1. 2, (3 dis), 2:50. 2:46, 2:471.1 2:49, 2:474. Belle of AVatertown, blk ni (3:32i4), A. Warren, Winsted, Conn., Oct. 5, 1870, fVO. Yankee Doodle, Lady Kellogg, St. Lawrence Boy. Cliark'V Waleott, Wellington Maid. Doctor (1 dis), 2:46'4, 2:50?|, 2:53. Oct. 5, 1870, .$70, Nelly, Charley Walcott (.1 dis). Yankee Doodle (1 dis), 2:46)^. 2:48, 2:5bU. Oct.—, 1870, $ . Plynii)toii 1, Yankee Doodle, St. Lawrence Boy, Lady Kellogg (i dis), 2:46i4, 2:43'2,2:43'4,2:43. New Haven, Conn,, Oct. 25, 1870, .?200. New Haven Boy 2, 2:44. 2:45?i. 2:41, 2-A9U. .Tune 2, 1871, .|;250. Dallied Maid 4, Lady Moscow, Douglass 2, 3, (1 0), (4 dis), 2:39, 2:40, 2:39, 2:44, 2:44V4, 2:48. Belle of Waukesan, ch m (3:4514), G. W. Swanborough, Waukegan, 111,, July 4, 1871,$ . Norbrino, Black Spider. No time. June 12. 1872, $100. Fox, Lady Howard, Escape (1 dis), Billy (1 dis), Abe Lincoln (1 dis), 2:45'/i, 2:45i4. 2:45'.,. Belle of ■\Vildwood, b m (3 :38), L. D. Alexander, Woonsocket R. I., Sept. 17, 1878, $100. Redeemer 5, 6, Kate 1, 2, Nelly, Middlesex, Crazy, 2:3614, 2:36, 2:38i4, 2:40, 2:36, 2:37'^, 2:39. Belie oi "tVorcester, (Lady Siissexi, c!i m (3 :33i/^), by General Hoodson. S. E. Coombs, Lawrence. Mass., Sept. 23, 1874, $500. Lowell Belle 3, JNelly 2, Eastern Frlnce, Herod, Lady Van Chief, 2:42'., 2:441^2:47^1, 2:451,^, 2:45)^. Fitchburg, Mass., Sept. 29, 1874, $250. George R. Eastern Prince. Jimmy, 2:4814, 2:47, 2:49%. Worcester, Mass., Sept. 24, 1875, $200. H. B. Very, Lilly Tarbell, Nelly, 5;34, 5:35. Two miles. A. Woodard, Beacon Park, Boston, Aug. 13, 1877, $ . Honest Billy 4, 5, George Mann 1, 2:37, 2:39, 2:38'2, 2:41, 2:41,2:4114- S. E. Coombs, Worcester, Mass., July 20. 1878, $1,50. Empress, Shepherd Boy, 2:38i^, 2:39, 2:39. Belle Patchen, b m (3:30?4,), by Mambrino Patchen, dam Sally Chorister, by Mambrino Chorister, Bryant Hurst, Lexington, Ky., Oct. 17, 1876, .$400. Kentucky Wilkes 1, Fanny Witherspoon, Parana, Noontide (2 dis,) Champagne (2 dis), Ed. Powell (1 dis), 2:45ii, 2:411^, 2:4214. Two-year-olds. Belle Patterson, b m (3:59), P. H. Tienian, Cleveland, O., Oct. 8, 1870, $ . 2:59. To beat 3:00. Belle Porter, b m (3 :47), A. M. Wilson, Beaver, Pa., Oct. 26, 1876, $225. Wonder 1, Prince, Liza, Dolly, Tom Allen Jr., 2:59i4, 2:55=ii, 3:01 14, 2:55. • William Tod, Youngstown, O., Sept. 27, 1877, $ . Kate Hunter 1, 2, Martha Hilton, Harry, Neville (4 ro), 2:,52, 2:49, 2:47, 2:49?4, 2:.51i/2. Belle Powers, blk m (3 :38), by Fisk's Belmont. D. W. Thomas, Masillon, O., June 12, 1878, $200. Alex. S., Moll Patchen, S. B.. .Jerry Hardwick, Essex Maid, 2:46, 2:46''2, 2:46. Akron,0., June 19, 1878, $200. Harry 3, 4, (2 0), Don Juan, S. B., Harry Campbell (1 dis), 2:46, 2:49M,, 2:46^, 2:47, 2:47, 2:46. Belle K, b m (3 :33i!;), by Almont. J. Trout, Newport, R. I., Aug. 2, 1882, $250. Previous 1. Jeremiah, Henry S.,(iovernor Plais'ted,' Ned Jackson, Alsie P., Belle Mahone (2 dr), Flatbush (1 dis), 2:3714,2:3714, 2:3714, 2:40. Boston, Mass., Aug. 19, 1882, $50. Dick Dample .3, 2:40, 2:3.5, 2:34, 2:34i4. Belle Ray, (Dextress), (w), b m (3 :36i^), g. Sammis, Prospect Park, L. I., July 5, 1875, $250. Major Pulse 2, (3 0), 2:4.514, 2:4314, 2:44, 2:43"3, 2:44. -W. H. Thorn, Fleetwood Park, N. Y., July 12, 187,5, $300. Major Pulse 1, 3, 2:501^, 2:45J4, 2:44, 2-AVA, 2:47'.,. Deerfoot Park, L. I., Oct. 21 and 22, 1875, $100. Break O' Day 2, 3, Ellen Mary (w) (5 dr), 2 :45, 2 :45!4, 2 :45, 2:46.2:48. Nov. 9 and 12, 1875, $100. Alpha 3,4, W. R. Roberts l, 5, Sarah Jane, 2:47, 2:48i^, 2:49, 2:50, 2:49}^, 2:45, 2:45' 2. P. Manee, Prospect Park, L. I., May 29. 1879, .S500. Toilsome, 2:44U, 2:.52, 2:37i^. (w), J. D. Willis, Middletown, N. Y., June 4, 1881, $25. Nettie Golddust (w) 3, 4, Gideon (w). Lottery (w), 2:45, 2:46i4, 2:47,2:.51. 2:49. R. Atchison, July 4, 1881, $ . Gideon 1, 2, Netty Golddust, 2 :50i4. 2:.54M. 2:.50, 2:49i4, 2:.52'4. Belle .Shackett, ch m(3:37',), by Abraham, dam Cloverfed, by De Long's Ethan Allen. J. Riley, New- port, R. I., Oct. 12, 1882, S260. Governor Plaisted, Jenny, Mascotte, Ned, Billy Gray, 2:37'2, 2:36, 2:38' 4. J. Riley, Manchester, N. H., Sept. 0, 1883, $250. Minnie Moulton, Professor, Harry D., Maud D. (3 dis), 2 :.32i4, 2 :36, 2 :.36J4. Dover, N. H., Sept. 12, 1883, .$300. Blanche Douglas, Screwdriver, Harry D., Trifle, 2:39%, 2:35, 2:35i4- T;iunton, Mass., Sept. 26, 1883, .•$2.50. Galanthis, Professor, 2:38i4, 2:35, 2:3314. Attleboro, Mass., Oct. 4, 1883, .$300. Jeremiah 1, Little Maid, Frank W., Fanny C, Sic Semper, Wil- liam Otis, 2:39, 2:34, 2:37'4, 2:3414. Providence. R. I., Oct. lo, 1883, $400. Fanny C, Professor, Minnie Moulton, Gypsy Queen, Farce, Wil- liam Otis, Trifle, 2:27'i, 2:29, 2:2914. Beacon Park, Boston, Oct. 16, 1883, .$400. Farce, Little Maid, Minnie Moulton, Professor, Trifle, Gypsy Queen, Winnie Wick, 2:27%, 2:28, 2:32. • Mystic Park, Boston, Nov. 2, 1883, $150. Winnie Wick 1, Farce 2. 2:27%, 2:2914, 2:28i4, 2:32, 2:31. Belle Sherman, b m (3 :44), R. L. Williams. Dexter, Me., Aug. 7, 1879, .$55. Gimmie 2, M. C. R. R. Boy, Mon- ■son, 2:.50, 2:47,2:4.5,2:48. Belle .Smith (Ida), ch m (3 :39), by the Berce horse, dam a Morgan mare. W. H. Smith, Gardiner, Me., Sept. 8, 1875, .$200. Gen. Lyon 3, Androscoggin Bov 4. Buckskin Maid 5, 6 (7 dis), Lady Malcolm (2 dis), Logan Boy (1 dis). Silver Mist (1 dis), 2:45, 2:4.5, 2:4.5, 2:16, 2:47i4, 2:48, 2:44. Mept. 11, 187.5, .$200. Gen. Lyon 1, 3. Androscoggin Boy. 2:4514. 2:47i4, 2:44. 2:44, 2:45i4. ■ Portland, Me., Aug. 9 and io, 1876, $400. Eva i. Honest Farmer 2, Bay Fcarnaught, Waldo Chief, Care- less Boy, Narrow Gauge, Nelly Green, Charles S., Nelly Sherman (4 dr). Gen. Fearnaught (3 dr), 2:36, 2:35, 2:3314, 2:38. (Jardiner, Me., Aug. 24, 1876. .$300. Purity, Abdallah (2 dis). Careless Boy (1 dis), 2 :34, 2:37i2. 2:36i4. Brunswick, Me., Oct. 12, 1876, $— . Ayer .3, 2:31, 2:.30i4, 2:32, 2:31i.i. Mvstic Park, Boston, Nov. 24, 1876, $1,000. Nira Belle. 2:.33"2. 2:29. 2:.32. Belle Smith, br m (3 :40). (by Masterlod A. C. Fisk, Adrian, Mich., Oct. 31, 1877, $75. Buffalo Bill, LittleMag, 3:15, 3:15. Four-year-olds. W. B. Fisk, Charlotte, Mich., Aug. 6, 1879, .$.300. Willard H. 1, 3, Kate Smith 4, 5, Sam Tilden, Sailor Girl, Bay Tom, Harrv H. 2 (4 dr), Georgie D. (3 dis\ Lowell (3 di", Mambrino Kate (3 dr), Lapeer (2 dr), Grand Itapids (2 dr).'2:4.3%, 2:4714, 2:44, 2:47. 2:46'.;. 2:-i.5i.i. 2:4m, 2:40. Aug. 8, 1879, .$300. Williard H., Roadster, Sam Tilden, Jenny June, Ned Norris, Kate smith. 2 :43'^, 2:44,2:4114. Belle .Spencer, b m (3 ■.2^^), by Black Rolf, dam Molly. E. V. Spencer, Reno, Nev., Oct. 7, 1879, $300. Sui^ prise 3, Quincy Chief (3 dis), Minnie B. (1 dis), 2:40%. 2:46, 2:44^4, 2:45. Sept. 30, 1880, .$2,000. Margo 1, McClellan, 2:51, 2:49. 2:44i'i, 2-M^i. Greenville, Cal., Oct. 28, 1881, .$ . Carlyle 2, 4, 2:34'4, 2:a3, 2:.31, 2:.31, 2:3L E. V. Spencer. Quincy, Cal., Sept. 26, 1883, '.$300. Alonzo Hayward, Fred B., 2:2714, 2:38?i, 2:39. 62 iHESTEKS COMrLhrrR TUOTriNG AND PACING KECOKD. Oct. 24 1883, S60. William'IV'll, Aluiizii llaywanl. 5:17, 5:li). Two miles. KfiK), Ni'V., Oit.2(i, l»<>vi, ^lioo. Tuiiip Winston, Alouzo liaywaid, VN illiain Tell (1 (lis), Fred B. (1 dis), Belle Stri«klaiul ch in (3:'^«), 1>V Merrow llorse, (laiii by Witlierell Messenger. L. Courey, Boston, Mass., \ufi. 21. I«.i8, liMO. Maclawaska Maid, Kiiiperor. Belle Morrill d disj, hady Uogers (I dis), 2:28, 2:32, 2:31. 11. IJradlev. Aug. i.'4, Ihos, .■^ijiK). Detective, 2::{h';, 2:479i. 2:2«'4. SpriiiKlield, Mass.. Sept. «. l!S.i, 2::«<, 2:34J^. i;. I'.t'omee Worcester, Mass.. Sept. 18, IWiK, $0H)O. Ceneral McC'lellaii 1, 2:3.')i/>, 2=33, 2:31, 2:30. Nov.' 4, 18GS, S2,(KK). riimax, 2:36'., 2:35, 2:37. . „ ,, , K. J Nodlne, Myotic Bark, Boston, Sept. as, 1870, §1,500. Surprise 1, 2, Harry Harley, 2:27, 2:27'/j, 2:27, ■': 2H' 2 ■> -"'S — Providence, R. I., Oct. 4. 1870, $2,000. Charles E. Loew, Harry Harley, Nonesuch. Western Girl, 2:26, " "iti, 2 :27. llelle Temple. 1) in (3:45), R. L. Erazier, Ottawa, Kan., Sept. 29, 1K76, '$100. Mansliehl Boy 3, .lohn Trice, 2-45, 2-4!). 2:51. 2:.W. jJelle the itloiule (Belle of Oakland), rn m (3 :43), Jiis. Curl, Parkersburg, \V. Va,, June. l«, 1875. $150. Joe Hooker, Charlev,2:54?4,2:51'2. 2:52^4. ,. , . Stubeiiville. O., Aug. 14, 187,5, «51X). Hiatoga Chief 1, 2:.50, 2:47, 2:49, 2:.')0. Uellevue IJoy. eh g ('Z :38), C. F. Skeel, St. Albans, Vt., Oct. 8, 1875, $100. Village Maid, Laura B, Pop Stiuash, 1' l' TieriVey Burlington, Vt, Sept. 14, 1882, $85. Edward S., Ausable Boy, Dan, W. N. Staves, Irish Boy (3dr), Hip llil)(3dr)2:-44, 2:45 2:.50. t . . . ,, , „.u T. H. Gray, Maloiie, N. Y., Sei)t. -'7, 188;5. $250. Theresa Sprague 1, 2, Tony Lambert 4, Malone Patchen (5dri, 2:40i2,"'i:4t)''. 2;40'i, ,2:454,2:43. Itelleviie ;i.50. S.J. Patchen 1, Little Ned, Hallet, 2:.'x5, 2:5.5. 2:.56, 2:5C'4. Belle IVilson, b iii (3:45), Dies & Preston, Potsdam, N. Y., Sept. 25, 1K79. .'?2(K(. Molly 1. Battle Axe, Fred Clark, Dick Turpind dis), 2:45, 2:45, 2:47, 2:46. . ^ t • r , a.- i r ,o Belle Wilson, ch m (3:33'',). bv Blue Bull, dam bv St. Lawrence. A. C. Jennings, Jackson, Mich., June 13, 1882, .^tiOO. Sam Hill, Wilson,' Ethan Allen .Ir. ( I dis). Echo (1 dis), 2:35, 2:34?.i, 2:38. liast Saginaw, Mich., June 20, 1882, $800. Minnie Warren (3 0), Sam Hill, Wilson, Carrie D., 2:23'4, 2:24>4, 2:27'4, 2:29. Belle Svilsoii b m (3 :34i4), by Mambrino Bruce, dam Kate, by Action. C. AV. Bruce, Indianapolis, Ind.. May 31, 18«3, $200. Lansing Boy 1, Queen S. (4 0), Grand Duke (3 dis). Dr. Levi (2 dis) Frank Gray (1 dist, 2 :39^. — Paris', iIl, July 26, 188.3, $150. Flaxie 4, Denmark 1, Gray Dick, Birdie Clay, Joe Davis, Maggie M. (3 dr)„ ?:34, 2::34'4, 2:34'4, 2:39, 2:37. . , ^ . ^ . C. Lathrop, Charleston. S. C, Aug. 4, 1883, $250. Flaxie 2, 5, Nettie M., Don Quixote (5 dr), Joe Davis 1 (5 (lis), 2 :3.5, 2 -M^i, 2 :34?i, 2 :34>.i, 2 :;i8. 2 :38. Beilfounder (w), br s (3:45) D. Barber, Greenwich, N. Y., July 4, 1867, $25. F'riday (w) 2, 3:06. 2:59, 2:57, 3 '00 '■ W. McDonald, Sept. 7, 1867, $100. Greenwich Maid 1, 4, Friday, Columbus (1 dis), 2:49, 2:45, 2:47, 2:51, ■':.50 — P. Manee, Fleetwood Park, N. Y., June 7, 1872, $400. Gen. Grant l, 2, John (1 dis), 2:43. 2:47yj, 2:45^^ 2:54^4, 2:.53:^. Oct. 14, 1872, $400 John Kase Jr. 1, 2:52, 2:50, 2 :49, 2:49. (w) June 4, 1873, $300. Tommy Dodd, 2 :.52, 2:52, 2:48. , .^ . , , ^ , , ,., „ .o e. n- A. St. Germain, Sherbrooke, P. Q.,0(t. 13, 1874, $100. Midnight 2, Gray Eagle, 2:46, -':47 2:48. Stallions. Beilfounder, br s, (3:03), by Hambletoiiian, dam by Biggart's Battler, J. Williams, Salem, Or., Oct. 10, 18m,. .•5.50, Tinsniith, 3:05, 3:03, 3:06. ^ ,- m . * , oo Beilfounder, br m (3 :359.i), J. J. Webb, Portland, Or., Aug. 14, 1875, .S200. 2:40, 2:36i'4. Tobeat2:^. Bell Kinger, b g (3 :41?i), (3 :36'/i*), J. McDonald, St. Louis, Mo., June 23, 1857, $500. Belle of the West 3,. 2:.56, 2:.53, 2:,58, 2:58. S. Kavmon(i, June 27, ia57, .$600. Gray Jim 1, 2:57, 2:51, 2:51. 2:53. Julv 14, 1857, $100. Pile Driver, 2 :.«'/2, 2 :36yj. Short track. Aug. 5, 1857, $100. Belleof the West, 2:56, 2 :,58, 2:56. „, . . Mr. ILill, Sept. 11,1857, .$.500. Pile Driver, 5 :26, 5:23'/2. Two miles. Short track. ,,.,„,, 1. L. Eoff, San Francisco, Cal., Feb. 15, 18,59. .$2,000. Tom Maguire 3, 4, 2:57, 2:56,2:55, 2:64^, 2:54. Feb. 28, 1S59, $1,000. Whalebone, 2:.58, 3 :00, 2 :.56. J. M. Daniels, Jan. 14, miO,. $1,000. Tom I\'agiiire, 5:,53H, 5:23. Twomiles. BelllUueer, bs (3:37'^), by Mambrino Pilot, dam a Beilfounder mare. J. D. Rolf, Rittersyille, Pa., Oct. 22 1873, $100. Major, Maggie Quinn, St. Paul, W. H. Force, Sue, Frank (1 dis). Modesty (1 dis), Silver Tail (1 dis) '''47 24') 2"47 Oct! 2:3, l'873,",$2ob. Major, Maggie Qulnn, Sue, Silver Tail, St. Paul (2 dis), 2:40, 2:48, 2 :48?4. M(}rri8town, Pa., Sept. 10, 1874, .$ . Rocky Hill.2:.37'4, 2:41. 2:37?ii. o. „• ,„ , Ambler Park, Pa., Sept. 25. 1874, .$100. Roekv Hill 1, Punchinello, 2:44'/2, 2:44Vs, 2:44'j, 2:4.>4. Stallions. Sept. 11, 1878, $ . Mambrino Sua)), 2:4.3, 2:4,3. Stallions. -— Oct. 17, 1K78, .$ . Mambrino Snap,2:4.5. 2:42^2. Stallions. ,,.,,„, t -o -.it- oko„,. Bellwood, bs (3:34?i), bv Belmont, dam Vaiiitv Fair, by Alexander's Abdallah. J. P. Wiser, Albany, N. Y., Sei)t. 8, 1««0, $1.2.50. Slephanus 2, Hambletonijin Mohawk, 2:;«;'.i. 2::«;ii. 2:.!4Jt, 2:3o%. Belmont, b g (3 :50';), .1. D. Walton, Boston, Mass.. Sei)t. 2ii, ls.59. .$ . Lady Pierce, 2:.56, 2:50'2, 2:62V4. Dan Mace, Oct. 12, 18.59, .$ . Rocky Mountain 2,2:.'^«'4, 2:53. jJ:-''>l'/s.. . ,, ,^^., ^.,,^ ,^, , ^ - .1 . Belmont, gr s ri ■■.nu,). bv Irish Hunter. A. C. Fisk, Hill.sdale, Mich., July 17, 1867, $70. Black Swan 2. 4. Mair-rie Beiu'h 1, '2r47. 2:43, 2:42, . Unfinished. ^ r n Belmont Pilot, rn g (3:43",), by Belmont, dam by Pilot Jr. Lewiston, Me., Sept. 19, 1883, $100. Jeweller. Marion, Dustpan, 2:52, 2:46V^, 2:43V4. . ■^■, ^ ■. -r 1 * „ -ht^ u^^f in laat «inft Ii'innette Belmont i'ilot.rng (3 :43',f, by Belmont, dam by Pilot Jr. Lewiston, Me., Sept. 19, 188,J, $100. .itaniuwe,. Marion, Dlistlian, •.!;5_'. 2:43'i. ., „ ^ ■«•• t. 1 u^.v* .n iwro ft'xm Iov*»p Belmont i'rinee. b s (3:33i.j). ^y Rpimont. A. C. Perrin, Fort Wayne, Ind., Sept. 24, ls79, $2fto. .io>ce, Frank Forrester, Molly (2 dis), 2:,'').5,2:.50, 2..52'j. r»i„i, t^^^.. o.-u-i/ o.,jai <2-y, o.-it A. I). Helm, DubiKiue, I.-v., June 17, 1880, .$'200. Stornier 1, Careless, Di(^k .Tones 2:36'2. S-S^';^' 2*'. v^l. lune 18, 1880, ,$200. Fleet 3, (5 0), Fanny Fern 2, (6 dr). Cricket, .lenny B. (5 dis), 2:36J^. 2.A>, 2.35, 2.33^,. 3 '00 ^ Aug. 17, 1882, $200. F-r,ankForrester2, .3. 2:.37, 2:40, 2:.37'4,2:.37'i,2:41. . „..i„Ko,.nv'a i. m 9 -iw. Belvldere, ell g (3 :53), Barney Nellis. (Mdcago, 111., Aug. 29, 1867, $75. Price's b m 1, Appleberry s b m, 2.52y„. BelvWere^b^gY3:4iy.), T. McLaughlin, Lawrence, Mass., Oct. 3, 1877, $200. Ben F., Onawa, Gloster, 2:65,. 2:,50 2;,50?i i'^l^^^^T:,X^^^'i^;^^'^I^^^i^^^ 2,3, independence 1,. BemiH Hiram, 2:59, 3:00, 2:55, 2:57Ji, 2:58, 3:06, CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 53 Ben, b y; (3 :55). W. (i. Shoemaker, Seranton, Pa., July i, 1870, $75. Ella G, 8, Starlight 3, 5, John 1, 2 (4 dr), 2:.'>8, 2:.')9, 3:00, 2:55, 2:.W, 2:58, 2:56, 2:58, 2:55. ,. ,. c ■ it ■ iru-^ Ben, b g (!J:54'/j). A. H. Dauforth, Rutland, Vt., Oct. 15, 1872, fioo. Sammy, Pauline, Susie Hams, Kitty Lewis Crab Apple (1 dis), 2 :59'4, 2:.55, 2:&1'2. Four-vear-olds. Ben. br g" (3 :36'o:). Whitey Haynes, Binghamptoii, N. Y., .June 19, 1874, $75. Little Charley, 2, 3 (1, 0), 2:41, 2'4'''^ 2'40'i ■'•43J.4 ''■46V^ ''■43 Ben," eh g (3 rlG)."" Talt & Qiiinii, North Adanis. Mass., Sept. 22, 1876, $ . Forest Maid 2, St. Charles, Volun< Ben*^chg"^(3%5K' l{v Daniel Lambe^^ Montpelier, Vt., Sept. 10, 1879, $1.50. Broker 1, Jenny H., Miller^s Damsel (.3 dr), 3 :01, 3 :0l, 3 :00. Three-year-olds. Sept. 11, 1879, $.50. Jenny H., Lancet, 2:55, 3:02. Three-year-olds. ^ ,^ . „„,,,,„„,„ Ben (w), br g (3 :48 w). W. Sharp. Morrisania, N. Y., Nov. 5, 1879, $100 Jack Irving 2 2:.52, 2:48 2:48 Ben, blk s (3:404). C. H.Morgan, Norwich, Conn., Sept. 28, 1882, $100. Charles S,. Irene, 2:.52K^, 2:57i4, 2 -55^. Sept. 27, 1883, $13. Red Clond, (Jen. Thomas, 2 :.52, 2 -MK, 2 :45. Stallions. Sept, 2.5, 1883, $25. Red Cloud, 2:53^2, 2:50>4, 2:45. ,..„,„,.„.,„,. Sept. 26, 1883, $150. Little Gyp, Green Girl, Centennial, Tonuny (2 dr), 2:40}^, 2:44, 2:46. , ^ „ ,, Ben. ch g (3 :00). Mr. Flip, Watsonville, Cal., July 4, 1883, $100. Bay Dan 2, Pajaro Chief (3 dis), 3:00, 2:54, 3*11 3 '04 Ben,'gr g"(3':55). M. H. Davis, Dover, Del., Sept. 25, 1883, $100. Thomas D.,Templeville, Susie S., Under- wood (2 dr), 2:5914, 2:59)^, 2:5914. ^ , .,.,,, „ o ■ c, / X ^ ,:r1^ o -r (w) Sept. 27, 1883. $50. Florence Mack (w), Thomas D, (w). Little Harry (w), Susie S. (w), 2:55^, 2:o5. Ben Allen, blk s (3 :36). C. David, Stockton, Cal., Oct. 1 and 2, 1880, $100. Frank Hunter 1, 6 (3 0), (5 0\ JennvHunter(2dis), Shuffler (1 dis), 2:441/2,2:40, 2:45, 2:42J£, 2:41, 2:41 2:.39. t> ,. „ ,0 -^^^ Ben B.," bg(3:36). L. Jones, Beloit, Kan.. Sept. 26, 1883, $50. Lady Simpson, Jerome B., Medler (2dr), Ben BaldingCli g"(2:51). H. Adams, Decorah, la., Sept. 26, 1873, $60. Ozias, l, 2, Wapsie Bashaw. David, 2:471^2:50,2:5414,2:51,2:54. ^ ^ ^.„ ^„ ^, _,.„ ,, ,■ ^ ^ ^at/ Ben Bliven, b g (3 :54). H. Connelly, Napa, Cal., Sept. 11, 1873, .$200. Bill, Sleepy John, Billy (1 dis), 2:5% '' • ■>4 2 "54 BenBolt'i b g (3 -AOVe). A. Mason, New Orleans, La„ Jan. 24, 1858, $250. Cliff Kennedy, Ida Gray (1 di.), 5 :51, 6 :04. Two miles. Mav 18, 18,58, .$500. Sam, 5:421^, 5:36. Two miles. G. C. Hull, Louisville, Ky., Oct. 8. 1858. .$100. Valentine. 5:.38. 5:38 Twc miles. A. Mason, St. Louis, Mo., May 27, 18.59, .$400. Lilly Bell 1, J. M. White, Yankee Boy, 5:31, 5:20i4, 5:2714. Ben Bolt '( wtgr g (3 :43). J. Homer, Philadelphia, Pa., May 2, 1859, .$50. Topsy {w) 2, 4 (5 0) (6 0), Ivanhoe (w), (6 0), 2:54, 2:.->4, 2:50, 2:50, 2:58, 2:56, 2:.56. May 12, 1S59, $ . Transcript (w), George Magee (w) 1, (2 dis), 2:43, 2:43/2. Mav21, I860, $ . Transcripts, 2:50. 2:56,3:02, 2:54. <,„.„,,„,=:,/ Ben Bolt, b g (3 :43), Jas. Golden, Mystic Park, Boston, May 15, 1871. .$200. Everett Boy 2, 2:43i/2, 2:45i4, 9 •4514 2 "43 Ben Bolt, b g'(^:49), C. O. Stone, Lynn, Mass., June 12, 1875, $100. Play Boy, Edwin, Billy, 2:.58 2:,58, 2:55M. July 1, 187.5, .$100. Jake 2, Eva," Morgan, 2:49, 2:55, 2 :.56, 2:5514. Ben Bolt, bs (3:4814), by Dick Consternation. D. C. Patterson, Rocklord, 111., Sept. 16, 1875 $55. Nelly Randall 1, 2, Black Dan, John Smith, 3:00}^, 3:06i4, 3:00i/2, 3:01, 3:00ii. Four-year-olds and under C. W. Phillips, Dubuque, la., Sept. 16, 1876, $300. Bid Gage 2, 3, Jeft l, Dick Jones, LeClair Jr. (2 dis), 2:52,2:5214,2:5114,2:56,2:55,2:53. Foiir-year-olds. t, t:, o a, o ^m/ W. G. Blades, Lineville, la., Sept. 27, 1883, $45. Fanny W., Henry St. Lawrence, Bay F., 3:01, 2:5914, Ben Bolt, b g (3 :49). L. Kirkover, Buffalo, N. Y., July 22, 1876, $100. F. A. Cook 1, 2, Tom Lightfoot, Doctor, Rosig (5 dr.), Lizzie(4dr), 2:521/2, 2:.55, 2:49, 2:49, 2:51. , x . ,-„ , ^ e- .1 ,.,> Ben HrSdlev, b g (3 :57), J. L. Dotv, Morrisania, N. Y., Sept. 21, 1880, $100. Lady Clark, 2:5/, 2:58. -Ben Butler," b g (3 :50), by Hiram Drew. J. H. Williams, Keene, N. H., Oct. 29, 1861, .$100. North Star, 2:52, >> .55 2 '57 Ben 'Butler, ch g (3 :39i4), by Witherell Horse. K. Larken, Skowhegan, Me., Nov. 1, 1866, $500. Tom Thumb 3, 2:47' o, 2:4.3^, 2:43M, 2:461-4. ^ ^ ~,r ^r . Ben Butler, ell g (3 :44i4), B. N. Butler. Springfield Centre, N. Y.. Aug. 21, 1873, $150. Vrooman Mare 4, Honest Deacon 2, Victor, Maud, Brown George, Roan Dan (4 dr). Pony (3 dr), 2:58, 2:58 2:,55, 2:5<, 2:54. Ben Butler, cli g (3 :43^), W. H. McKie, Mvstic Park, Boston, Oct. 8, 1874, $200. Nelly, .Smuggler, Tom Col- lins, (ien. Warren, Dorsev, Lady Though"!, 2:43'2, 2:47i^,2:4(Si4. ^ „. ,_,.,, ,„ „,„, „ ,,,, o >:k Oct. 23, 1874, $200. Lizzie Humes 3, Nelly 4, General Warren, Tom Collins (5 dis), 2 :49, 2 :5434, 2 .51^, 2 :55, Ben Butier, b g (3 :37), Jas. Clark, Hillsboro, O., Aug. 28, 1878, $7.5. Lady Blennerhassett (2 0), Bob C., Dolly, '— HaUna, O"., Aug. 21, 1879, $ . Cloud 1. Ike Marvel. City Girl, Alex. Selkirk, Lottie, Dolly (2 dis), Lady EvelaiuKl dis). Dexter Jr. (1 dis), 2:36, 2:37, 2:37, 2:39. ^^. ^ ^„ , „^ ^ Ben Butler, ch g (w) (3 :55), P. S. Bartlett, Bridgewater, Mass., Sept 21, 1883, $55. Nigger (w), C harles S. (w), 3:00, 2:55. Mayo Bov. CaiJtaih Webb,2:.52, 2:.50, 2:.50.'" ■ ' ■ . . . ,,„s „,„ Ben. r. Allen, dn s (8 :57), Mat. Madron, Des Moines, la., July 20, 1.870, .$100. Young America 1 (4 0), 3:10, 3:f4. ;{:10. 3:00, 2:.57. ,,.„ , ■, „ ^^ Ben !• isher, b g (3 :01^), F. Darling, Coshocton, O., Oct. 12, 18^2, $95. Ban's Beecher, Billy Longwood, 3 :05, 3:01K>. 3:04. Ben Flagler, gr g (3 :36U), bv Niagara Chief, Geo. p:ilis. Hamilton, Ont.. Sept. 27. 1871, $300. Joe Simpson 2, Buckle Shaker 3. Socks, Ncttv Moore. Jeiinv Liiul (1 dis). 2:14?4. 2:45. 2:47. 2:17ii, 2:48. George E. Brock, Lockport; N. Y.. Sej)!. 29, 1871. .?75. Toronto Chief 1, Young St. Lawrence, Topsy (2 dis). Townsond'sgrg(2dis>, LockiiorKiravd dis), 2:4,'^.. 2:.'«;i'4.2:43, 2:39?i. Five-year-olds. Sept. 29, 1871. $125. Toronto Chief 1. Fred Johnson, Elizabeth Ann (2 dis), 2 :42i4, 2:44}^, 2:44i4, 2:44. T. F. Ellis, Medina, N. Y., Ot. 11, ls7l. .$300. Ladv Mitchell 5. 6, Jenny Lind 2, Grecian Girl 1, Governor Seymour, Young St. Lawrence, Wicked Will. Fred Jackson (1 dis) 2:45, 2:46, 2:44?4, 2:45, 2:49, 2:41. Oct. 12, 1871, .$200. Lady Mitchell 2, 3, Ladv Dexter 5, Gov. Seymour, Jenny Lmd, Royal George (4 dis). Honest Harrv (4 dis). 2:44, 2:421;,, 2:45, 2:42, 2:40,1^, 2:.50. , .„, ^, „ ... ■ t> ™ J. J. Bowcn. Mvstic Park, Boston, Sei)t. 11 . 1872, .$1,.500. George A. Hall 1 (20). Allston, New Britain, Brom Keenv, Walter, Caoutchouc (5 dr), Ladv Morris (3 dis). Royal Mike (2 dr). 2:.3.i^4, 2:31. 2:34?i. 2::i0, 2:.32. Merrill & Co.. Prospect Park, L. I.. Oct. 17 and 18, 1872, $1,200. Nettie 2 (1 0), Dauntless (1 0), Grace Ber- tram, Lady Ross, 2:28, 2:27J4, 2:26^, 2:26!2, 2:271/2. 54 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTINCx AND rACIX(; RECORD. J. J. Bowen, Beacon Park. Boston, June 3, 1873, $1,500. Ben Starr, Kd. White, 2:31' i, 2:31^, 2:30. Beacon I'ark. Boston, Sept. 6, 1X7.5, Sj.(KK). Blanche 2, 2:32, 2:3<)>^, 2:31, 2::J0. .(. Trout, iMay H, 1x7"), :?2t»U. Dustin .liiii 1,4. Honest Billy, Flora Belle, 2:37'^, 2:.J.5, 2:.{0'2, 2:3;>U, 2:42. Ben Franklin, (s) gr i; (« A'.i s), Wni. Smith, Centreville, L. I., May 31, 1X38, !?200. Aaron Burr, Kittv Clover. r>:.W)^i, 5:26. r):27. Iwo miles. Ben Franklin. l>lk g Ci :34U,i. I). Bi^ley, Boston, Mass., Oct. 18, t86(!, .S500. Mace's gr ni 2, 3. Booth 5, 6. ('apt. Gill, lienrv I'utnani, II. Wootlruff (2 (lis), Dasliaway (1 (lis), 2:31'j, 2:;i5, 2:38. 2:.39, 2::i9, 2:35, 2:37. II. Braclley, .May 17, 18(17, ^4()0. Sh(|)|icr(l Kiiapi) .Ir. 1, 2:32, 'Z-.imi, 2:UU, 2:46'2. .lune 28, iA»i7, .*.5oo. BranUywine. -:44'.j, 2:41, 2:.i7i^j. Ben Franklin. 1) s (« :44'.i), J.'Laycock, Sai nmicnlo, Cal., Sept. 9, 18(.7, .?250. Fly by Night 1, 3, Kentucky Hunter 2, 2:41U, 2:37'.,, 2:38?4', 2:44'4, 2:44'.t, •2:r>3'i. Ben Franklin, li g l2:55Ji), Win. .Johnson, l)es Moines, la., Sept. 6, 1872, S.50. Troublesome, Ann Weaver, 3:(t(|i.i,2:.">i")'4. 3:00'4. Ben Franklin, br s. H. Hamilton. Larrabees Point, Vt., Sept. 18, 1878, S80. Flora 1.., Jim Fielding, Black Dia- mond i.i (In. Nelly i3 dr). No tune. Ben Franklin, ch s (3:39), by Daniel Landiert, dam Black Kate, by Addison. Joe Golden. .Mvstic Park, Boston. Seiit. 11, 187D, -^400. Judgment, Somerset Knox, Lady Wariiig, Archie, Poiidietta, Crcain Pitcher, Wild DaU(lV, (3 dr), 2:30, 2:31, 2:.m Dover, N'. IL, Sept. 17. 1.h7'.», .S300. Black Pilot 3, Mohawk Prince 1, Annie Lou, Palmer Knox, |4 dis>, Rufus (3 dr), Caniors (1 dis), 2:.30, 2:30K', -:31, 2:2o, 2:301^. Providence, R. L, Sept. 24. 1879, .S400. Newbrook 4, Black Pilot (.3, 0), Judgment ;3, 0>, Billv D., Rufus (2 dr), 2:29. 2:29'j, 2:31, 2:30, 2:31. — Sept. 25, 1879, .•S400. Judgment, Somerset Knox, Lady Waring, Archie, Pondietta,2:30. 2:29, 2:29. en Hall, bg(3:40), - ■ ■« • - - — dis). 2:40, 2:42, 2:50. Ben Hall, b g (3:4<)), John W. Browning, Indianapolis, liid.. Nov. 8, 1859, $50. Red Stockings, Lady Bell (1 Ben Harper i I.DoUodt . cli ir 1 3 •.^4^. bv .\brahani. C. Nevins. Marvsville, Kan.. Sept. 23. I8P0, S50. Chauncey 1, 4. Bushwhacker. Vestv. 2:501^,, 2:.V.i.>, -j-.rA. 2:45'4. 2:58. W. H. Wilson, Joplin, Mo., Oct. 13, 1881, $\bO. Lady Kerns;i, 2, Bill, Mack, Hespian, 2:44^, '2:45, 2:41i4, 2:.'<7'2, 2:37. Ben Harris, blk g (3 :46), M. Whipple, White Plains. N. Y.. Oct. 11, 1873, $100. Black Diamond (\, 0), George Wilkes, (1, 0), 2:46K', 2:48'4, 2:51';, 2:4G. Benicia Hoy, rii g (3 :39), C. C. Houghton, Worcester, Mass., July 4, 1860, .S25. Wesson's b g (2 dr), 2 :52. Portlaiid, .Me., Sept. 27, 1860, S3d. Wide-a-wake, Mt. ^■ernon Bov, Merrill's ch g, 2:54. 2:58. Worcester, Mass., .Sept. 20, 1S(!1, .S40. Tom Hyer 1, (3 0). 2:.38. 2:39, 2:42. 2:42, 2:42. D. (ireeii, Hartford, Conn., Oct. 30, 1861, .s5o. Jim Jacks, Camille, 13. SC'.i. Five miles. Ben Lomond .Jr., ch s (3:33), by Ben Lomond, dam bv Morgan Trenton. Hnntlev & Clark.. Butte City, Mon tana, Sept. 19, 1883, $250. Rahchero 4, .5, Brown Jim (l 0», (5dis), Bozeman Boy (l 0) (3 dis), 2:42'"2, 2:43. 2:39^, 2:41, 2:42,2:44. Sei)t. 21. 1883, .$250, Black Diamond 3, 5, Frank L., 1, 2,(7 dr), Bozeman Boy (3 dis), 2:32, 2:35J^, 2:30, 2:32, 2:36, 2:349i, 2:37^. Ben I.yon. b g (3:50), by Ned Forrest, dam l»y Lexington. C. A. Pratt, Marysville, Mo., Oct. 4, 1877, $100. Lucy \eriion. Comet, 2:52, 2:50, 2:50. Ben .M'cC'lellan. ch g (3 :;iO), by Drew Horse (?). Chas. Champlin, Utica, N. Y., Sept. 14, 1863, $50. Kings- bun's blk s ( 1 Oi (2 dr), 2 :.55, 2 :45. .r. M. Adams, July 4, 1877, $100. Lucy Nichols, Lady. 3:01, 3:00, 3:00. Canton. N. Y., Se"pt. '28. 1864, .$200. Kentucky Bov 2, 3,R()derick Dhu, 2:.50. 2:44"2, 2:42. 2:45. 2:46. Watcrtown, N. Y., Oct'. 18, I8iv4, .$.300. Roderick Dhu 1, Kentucky. 2:35K>. 2:.33i/,, 2:31'j, 2:35. M. Whiiiple. Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Nov. 19, 18(16, $200. Bro\vn George, 2:41, 2:3.0. 2:41. Nov. 21." 18(k>. .$,5(X). Brown George 1. 2:39, 2:40. 2:38, 2:41, .Mr. Davton, Gloversville. N. Y., July 3, 1867, .$200. Captain Tallman, Black Jack, 2:40. 2:35. 2:^5. Ben Montague, ch g (3:00),G. N. BargeV, Coshocton, O., Oct. 26, 1876, .$.50. Lady Bonheur. Maggie Mitchell, 3:09, 3:()(i, 3.01. Ben Morrill, br s (3 :3 7), by Winthrop Morrill, dam by Coluiiibus. M. M. Judkins. Prospect Park, L. I., Oct. 21, 1872, $1,600. Rowe's Tommy 1, Dickson (1 dis), 2:48i.i, 2::!4'.:, 2:."2?4', 2:36. Four-vear-olds. .r. J. Bowen, Mystic Park, Boston, June 16, 1874, $.500. Honest Billy 2, Frank I'alnier. Highland Maid (4 (Id, Modoc (1 dis), 2:31, 2:,31i^, 2:30%, 2:30'i. Beacon Park, Boston, June 23, 1874, $1,000. Jubilee Lambert (3 0), Honest Billv, Annie Collins, Rex Patchen, 2::{2, 2:32, 2:32, 2 ::«. 0(!t. 13, 1874, .$.500. Frank Palmer, Dustin Jim. Flora Belle, Honest Billv, Cataract, Baby Boy, 2:.3l'., 2:;30'4, 2:»). Nov. 3, 1874, .$400. Honest Billy, Flora, 2:29?i, 2:30, 2:30'i. E. Barbeau. Montreal, P. Q., Sept. 30, 1878, .$300. Village Boy, Cooloo, Drummer Boy, Fanny L. (2 dr). No time. Oct. 7 and 8, 1878, .$5.50. Clifton Bov 4, (3 0), Hunrress, 2:28i-i, 2:28>^, 2:28, 2:29. 2:31. Kingston, Out., Sept. 5, 1879, $2.50. Happy Abbott 2, Little Harry, Blainville Boy. No time. Montreal, P. Q., Oct. 6, 1879, $500. Lottie K. 1, 4, Ella Doe. Clara J., Happy Abbott, 2:28. 2:28'.,, 2:27. 2 :29. 2 ;2!». Bennflt'H Hay Mare, (3:51'4), James Bennett, Cambridge, N. Y., Sept. 23, 1871. .$,50. Fink's blk m. 1. Mollv St;irk, 3:00, 3:02'.,, 3:00, 2:.51'». Bennett's Hrown .Mare, (s) (2:43i^"s), Mr. Bennett, Butfalo, N. Y., July 3, 1843, $100. Buckeye (s) 1.2:421^. 2:43' 2, 2:46'». Benny Ilaker, blk s(3:00), CO. Amohl, Woonsocket, R. L, Sept. 20. 1882, $100. Robert, Fanny, 3:10'i, 3 :("».!' o, 3:0f). Benny i'helpH. h s (2 :.50). O. G. Stetson, Rome, N. Y., Sept. 19, 1878, $70. Roman Chief Jr. 1, Daisy, Queen. Lildy. 3 ; 10. 2 ;.->8, 2 :.".(), 2 :.5:i. Ben KiKlit.b c, S. B. Mettler, Phillipsl)urg, N. J., July 12, 1870, .$25. Red Duke (2 0), 1 :52 1 :53, 1 :48, Half-mile heats. Two-year-olds. Ben .Sharp, br g (3 :41'i), J. Bartlcson, P(;tnt Breeze Park, Phlla., Aug. 25, 1873, $.300. (Jus 2, 4. (1 0\ (Jyp 3. (1 0). 2:.54 2:.59'i, 3:02?4, 2:.57>>i, 2:.55?.,, 2:50. 2:.51>i. Point Bree/e Park. Phila.. June 4, 1874, $200. Lucy, 2:58, 2:.5r), — . Ben Smith, gr g (3 :37), by Young Cohnnbus, (l:im by \ ermont Hainbletoni:ui. Walter Smith, Woonsocket. U. I., Scjit. 11, 1867, .$100: Fly. Sleepy David. Old .fim (2 dis), 2:46. 2:42, 2:10. (_w) Thomas P. Cari)enter. Sei)t. 12, 1867, .«8.5. Columbus Navigator (w). 2:42U^, 2:.53, 2:47. James Dougrev, Boston, Mass., .(ime .3, 187.1, ,$600. Tip AlhMi 1, 2. Winthrop Morrill Jr. 4. Lizzie Keeler. (Jen. Tweed. Lotl'iair (5 dr). 236?.i, 2:38'., 2:3 :34. Mystic Park, Boston, Sept. 2. 1873, .i?300. Fanny, Ki Ki. 2:34^4, 2:3414, 2:3254. Haverhill, Mass., Sept. 10, 1873, .■3!300. Ki Ki, Fanny, 2:30'.,,2::i5, 2:351^ Ben Starr, b g(3 :39i4), bv St. John's Hazard, dam by John Richards. D. M. Smith, Seville, O., July 20, 1882, .$200. Keystone, Bay Frank, W. S., 2:44i.i, 2:44^i, 2:41i4,. Akron, O., Aug. 17, 1882, |200. Gray Dan, Hotspur Girl, Chestnut Dick, Bay George (3dr), Topsy C.(,3dr), 2:40, 2:40'4, 2:40. Columbus, ()., Aug. 31,1882, $400. OUie 2, 3, William G., Honest Joe, Elsie I., George (4dr), BelleC. (4 dr). 2:30V^. 2:31i4, 2:33, 2:31, 2:29]4. C. Stull, Medina, <)., Sept. 13, 1883, $40. Billy Barlow 2, 3, Rally B. No time. Ben Streator, eh g (3 :53), ,1. Davies, Berea, O., Sept. 23, 1874, iff . Buckeye. Ruin of Man, 2:57, 2:5.5, 2:55. Sept. 24, 1874, $ . Topsy, Buckeye, 2:52, 2 :5;i, 2 :.54. Ben Swaargard, chg(3:00), C. Collins, Brownsville, Mo., Aug. 23, 1883, .$175. Atlas 2, Green Girl (.1 dis(, Mavview (1 dis). Best Lime 3:00. Ben T., b s (3 :34), by Singleton, dam Nelly Bliss. C. Sherman, Chico, Cal., Sept. l, 1883, .«200. Delight, Star- light, Sunrise, Millie P., 3:34. Yearlings. Ben Taylor, ell a ('i -AoU), by Border Eagle, dam a pacing mare. C. B. Michael, Hiawatha, Kan., Sept. 28, 1881, S70. McMahon 3, 4, Nodaway, 2 :57, 2 :5ti, 2 :.58, 2 :52, 2 :.'>4. Beloit, Kan., Sept. 1.5, 1882, $100. Bones 2, Calamity, Amanda E., 2:49i4. 2:48?i. 2:51, 2:.50. Clvde, Kan.. Sept. 5, 1882, .$100. Calamity, Joe D., Satan (3 dr), 2:50, 2:50i^, 2:.50^. Washington. Kan., Sept. 20, 1882, .§60. Amanda E., 2:5P,, 2:49^, 2:45Ji. Bentley's Koan. rn m(;J:45), M. W. Bonfleld, Chicago, 111., ,May 22, 1874, .$.500. Buckeye Bill, 2:46i^, 2:45, Benton, 1) g Berea, O., July 4, 1879, $100. Hattie \V., Lady Emerson, Sleepy Kate, Fanchon. No time. Ben AVade. lir g (3 :40), by Young Rattler, dam l)v aiorgtin Whin. C. F. Jones, jMarysville, Cal., Oct. 13, 1875, .$350. Billy McCracken 1. Dick Salisbury (1 dis). 2:48' j, 2:40, 2:451^, 2:42. Ben Wilde, ijlk s (3 :44'4), by Somonauk, dam by Norton Horse, Frank Lyons, Yorkville, 111., Sept. 12, 1S83, .$45. Forrest Jewel 1, 4. 2 :.50, 2 :444, 2 :46, 2 :45^4, — -. BenWood. b s (3:384), by Stonewall. Jas. Dougrey, Union Course, L. I., April 22, 1868, $100. Ginger l. Nodi lie's br g, 2 -M^i, 2 :.56i4, 2 :.56, 2 :.57. Fjisliion Course, L. I., May 16, 1868, .$500. Lady Drew 2, 2:42, 2:44, 2.42, 2:42'... Trov, N. Y.. June 24, 18i;8, $1,400, Helena, 2:493^, 2:38^/2, 2:49. June 23, 1869, .$200. Kitty, 2:414, 2:.38'i. Bep. (Beppo & John W. Conley), bg (2 ■..ii^i), by Tom ^Vonder. dam by Abdallali. S, J. Jackson, Providence, U. i., Oct. 13, 1868, $250. Galen Boy ^1 dfs), Graduate (.1 dis), Frank U dis), 2:38}^. Oct. 14, 1868, $300. Shawmut, Frank Booth, Frank, 2:33i^,2:.36i'2, 2:423(. Beppo (s), ch g (3:38 s), by Gifford Morgan. .John Si)icer, Beacon Park. N. J., Sept 30, 1841, $100. Quaker (s) 1, Brandywine (s), Don Juan (s) (l dis), 5:31, 5:31, 5:::;(;. Two miles. Mr. Pettis, June 26, 1843, $100. Indejiendence (s) 1. 4, 2:.32>i, 2:31J4, 2:.33. 2 :.38. 2 :.3.5. Beppo, ch s (3 :37'4). by St. Joseph. J. Goodwin, Philadelpliia, Pa., June 13, 1851, .$50. Night Hawk l, 2:40, 2:38,2:37'4, 2;39"2, J. L. Eotf, New Orleans, La., Dec. 5, 1852, $ . Tom Crowder, pacer 2, 2:43, 2:44, 2:39^,2:41. Dan Pfifer, Union Course, L. I., May 3, 1853, $50. Trouble (3 dr), 2:39. 2:: 8, . Beppo, s (3 :40). E. G. Waite, Plattsburg, N, Y., Sept. 15, 1860,$ . Grav Ronuin, Victor Black Hawk (2 dr), 3:40, 3:43, 3:40. Three-year-old stallions. Beppo, ch s (3 :41). EdmundSeely. Stony Ford, N. Y., Aug. 17, 1860, .$15. Tiger (w) 1,3:01?^, 2:.56, 2:.57. 2:53^:(. (W) Aug. 24, 1801, .$.50. Nicholas ( w) 2, 3, 2: 46, 2 48, 2 :43?i, 2 -Ao^, 2 49. E. Keenan, Norristown, Pa,, July 9, 1864, .$ . Trustee 1 (4 dr) 2:.59 2:51, 2:.-.t. Waverly, N. J., Oct. 29. 1868, .$ . Nelly Holcomb. Eddy, 2:44, 2:41. Beppo. (Bep & John AV. Conley), b g f 3 :34i2), by Tom Wonder, dam by Abdallah. B. J. Jackson. Prospect Park. L. I.. Oct. 21, 1871, .§750. W. H. Allen 2, 4, Clarence, Lady Sears, Enigma (5 dr), Belle of Oneida (3 dis), Ohio Boy (.3 dis), J. 11. Coleman (1 dis), Topsy (1 dis), 2:244,2:274, 2:27, 2:29, 2;34J4. Amenia, N. Y., Sept, 5, 1872, $1,01)1). Sleepy Jonn, W. B. Whiteman, 2:29, 2:30H, 2:30i4. Bergen, b s (3:414). J. H. Bertholf, Owego, N. Y., June 7, 1871, .$600. Gen. Custer 1, 3, Frank Phelps 2 6, Central New York (6 dis), Union (4 dis). Sing Sing (3 dis). 2:50, 2:50, 2:50, 2:45, 2 :41i^, 2:43^4 , 2:42. Bergen, b s (3:40), by Messenger Duroc. dam by Hambletonian. C. S. Burr, Albany N. Y., Sept. 7, 1880, $1,300. Solo 1, 2:43'.i, 2:40, 2:411^. Three-year-olds. Sept. 9, 1880, $660. Nutbourne, Hebe, Jupiter Norwood, 2:44, 2:4194'. Three-year-olds, Berkley, chg(3:4iai). J. "W. Drury, St. Louis, Mo.. Oct. 9,1875, $300. A. B . Barrett 1, 2, Flora 3, Henry Parker and six others, 2:41^, 2:41i4, 2:42, 2:42i.2, 2:41^4, 2:44. Berkley Bill, ch g (3 :.58). P, C. Westcott, Norfolk, Va.. April 27, 1883. $200. Jean 1, 3:00, 3:09. 2-M'.i, 2:.58. Berkley Boy, rn g (3 :36%), by Belmont. Samuel Dennison, San Jose. Cal., Oct. 5, 1874, $150. Frank Brooke* (1 dis). Telegraph (1 dis), 2:36Ji. Berks Co. Maid, grm (3:46). H. K. Bechtel, Reading, Pa., Oct. 1.1809. ,$125. Black Swallow, 1, 3, Black Frank 2:481^,2:46.2:47^,2:51, 2:.52. Berkshire, b s (3 :54i4), by Independent. Wm.Barnum. Great Barrington, Mass., Oct. 2, 1877, .$90, Jim Fisk 3, .lennv 2-M^, 2:57, 3:00, 2:5.5. Berkshire Boy, ch g (3 :39i4 w). Geo. Edwards, Greenfield, Mass., June 23, 1858, .$200. Nelly, Hector, 2:48, 2'50. (w), .Tuly 5, 18.58, .$50. Hector, 2 :48, 2 :47, 2 :48. Chatham, \. Y., June 3, 18.59, .$4.50. Hector 1, 3. Best time 2-46^,. G. R. Wesson, Worcester, Mass., Oct. 3, 1860, .$.50. Worcester Boy (1 0). 2:42, 2:44, 2:45, 2:40, Fitchburg, Mass., Oct. 19, 1830, $100, Worcester Boy 1, IMonarch, Buchanan. 2:44, 2:45, 2:43. (w), I. Copp, Fashion Course, L. I., May 22. 1862, .«!.500. Hiram Temple, 2:;;934, 2:3914, 2:42^. Boston. Mass., Sept. 21, 1866, .$400. John Bartlett, 2 ::i9i/>, 2 :41"a. 2 :41. Berkshire Bov. br g (3 :31), L. Ramsey, Lee, Mass., .Inly 3, 1872, .$200. Sister Hope, Dutchess. Auburn Maul, 2:4.314,2:4114,2:451.1. Pittsfleld, Mass., Oct. 3. 1872, .$120, Lucy Jinks .3, Belle. 2:483;(, 2:49. 2:47. 2:46. E. K. Bradbury, Catskill, N. Y.. Oct. 14,'l873. .$300. Catskill Girl, Teller (2 dis), 2:474, 2:34^?, 2:361^. Oct. 15 and 16, 1873, $1,000. Corner Boy 3, 5, Tanner Boy 4, Zephyr. Damon, Lady Gertrude (4 dis), 2:33, 2 :.32, 2 :33U, 2 :36, 2 :38, 2 :37, 2 :.3.3i4. ,., , . John Merritt, Prospect Park, L. I., Oct. 21 and 22, 1873, $.500. Sterling 1, 3, Fred Tyler, Port Washing- ton, Paidine. Sorrel Jake (3 dis), 2:.33i4. 2:.33ii, 2:3.5i4, 2:33, 2:31i/,. E. K. Bradbury, Alliany, N. Y., June 9. 1874, $1.50. Matt Tanner, J. J. Barclay. Kitty, 2:39, 2:37i^. 2:37. Kingston, N. Y., Sept. 8 and 9. 1874, $1,000. Molsey 2, William Turnbull, 2:33, 2:.35, 2:31, 2:31. Catskill, N. Y., Oct. 5, 1874, $600. Bay Ben, Molsey, Lady Woods, 2 :33i^, 2 :32i^, 2 :32i^. 56 CHESTKKS COMrLKTK TUC>TTlN(i AND PACING UECOKD. Danbury Conn., Oct. 9, 1874, S250. Fred, Ned Forrest, 2 i.JSK., 2::tCK', -':40V. I'lckwick. Nellv, 2:3.5, 2:36Ji, 2:38)^. Berlin, b g (3 -A'ih), Tlios. Carpenter, NVoonsockct, H. I., Sept. 28, 1W(>8, §7."). Ypsilanti, 2:48>^, 2:47, 2:44. fcl. A. Squeens. Winsted,,Conn., Oct. 5, 1870, .SU.'j. Prince, Konieo (1 dis), 2:.'jO?4, 2:60>^, 2:42>:4. iw), Oct. 6, 1870, $ . Prince (w), Konieo, Helle of Walertown (1 dis), 2:.5!»i^, 2:54. li. v.. Vining, Walcottville, Conn., Aug. 28, 1873, $400. Brunette, Arthur, .hmmv Norton, Addie Jeffer* .son, 2:47, 2:48, 2:4«l^e Berlin, b g(,3 :35), Mr. Hilburn, Barrie, Ont., March—, 1874, $100. Toronto Boy 1, Stayner Girl, Bob Moore (4 dis), 2:42, 2:49, 2:47, 2:45. Linds:iy. Ont., .Marcli in, 1874, .?75. Manilla ISov l. Deception. Best time 2 :49;'.,. lionier. Ont., Sept. 27, 18S3, SVA). Pinafore 2, .Joe Stoner, St. Patrick, 2:a5i/,, 2:3.51.1, 2:%, 2:35}^. Berlin, l)lk s ^'i :;j'J'i), l>.v Woodford .Manibrino, dam Sue l>udlev, by Edwin Forrest. \V. iS. Smith, Sacnu- inento, Cal., June .i, 1880, :i; . CassieMack 1. Capt. Jinks 2, Jiniinv, 2:30?4, 2:.'!0?4, 2:32i4, 2:34, 2:36. Bernard, b g (3 ;40'.i), B. K. Williams, Norwich, Conn., Sej)t., 24, 1879, .■S200. Sorrel Top, George Adee, Billy Stevens, 2:40'.i, 2:44i.j. 2:41 'i. Bernice, gr s ^;{:00), 1'. Cutting, Prattsville, N. Y., Sept. 12, 1883, $ . Major A., Hattie E. (2 disi. 3:03. 3:02, .■i:ol. Four-year-olds. Coliblesklll, iN. Y., Sept. 27. 1883. $50. Molly M., 3:03, 3:00. Bert, t>lk g M. K. Doty. Osage City. Kan., .July 4. 1883, $40, Hedgewood, Daisy. No Time Same day, .*70. Mayor Dick, Billv Ked Buck, Daisy. No time. Berry's Bay (Jelding, (2 :41U), Mr. Berry, Chicago, 111., Aug. 4 and 5, 1876, $ . Curtis' eh g, 241'/s, 2:5014. Bertha, blk m ('iM3), M. W. Black, Buffalo, N. \., Sejit. 24 and 20. 1873. $300. Mollv 4, 5. Cant. Bob 6, Ger- trude 1, Willy Golddust, Matty Golddust, Socks (7 uis), Silver (5 dr), J. J. Williams (4 dr), .Jolm C. (2 dis), 2:42!4. 2:44'.i, 2:43'2, 2:38, 2:47i4, 2:4GK 2:44. Sept. 27, 1873, .$300. Willy Golddust, Molly (2 dis), Socks (2 dis), Gertrude (1 dis), .1. Hamilton (1 dis), 2:42. 2:40' 2, 2:47 . East Saginaw, Mich., .Tune 24, 1874, $ . Mollv Mack, J. E. Allen, Little Tom, 2:38, 2:394, 2:37. P. J.onglev, Chicago, III,, .July l, 1874, $300. Frank Palmer 1, 3, Young Princeton, Marv B., 2:40^. 2:39X, 2:4'|i.i.2:;«i'4, 2:3914. Bertha, b m (3 :03J^), by Hotspur Jr., dam by Joe Hooker. S. Bemis, Sandusky, O., Sept. 26, 1883, "$40. Vic- tor Almont 1, 2, 3:09J^, 3:04, 3:04, 3:03^, 3:03K>. Four-ve.ar-olds. Bertha, gr m (3 :43i4). H. C. Harper, Doylestown. Pa., Oct. 3, 1883, $100. Sterling 1, Warwick Girl. Parnell (3 dis), Broadway J. (3 dis), 2 :48'4, 2 -.ir^^i. 2 :43K., 2 :4G. Bertha Chandler, bm (2:37), by Magnet, dam by Trafalgar. D. S. Quinton, Ambler Park. Pliila., Sept. 28, 1877, $150. Buck. Iron King, 2:39, 2:37, 2:39. • R. B. Konover, Mount Holly, N. J., Oct. 11, 1878, $100. Wildair, Lady Elgin. Middleton. 2:46, 2:42, 2:49. (s\ S. K. Clark, .Jr., Ambler Park, Phila., May 23, 1879, $150. Martha (s) 2, NelhHs), Dorkiss (s),2:47, 2:45, 2 :."/), 2 :40. • Oxford, Pa., Sept. 29, 1881. $100. GypsyGirl 3, Flora Swing, Davy Copperfield 1, 2(4 dis), Charley Wright, Goodenough, CrazyGirl. 2;46. 2:49, 2:.53, 2:ry0^i, 2:.57, 2:49^. Bertlia (lay, blk in (2:33), by Henry Clay .Jr., dam by Edwin Forrest. J. D.Willis, Morrisiana, N. Y., Sept. 30, 1882, ,$ . Kuby, Beulah, 2:40^, 2:37^, 2:35. Bertha K., b m (2 :.'i4'4), R. M. Richardson, Rome, K. Y., Sept. 22 and 23, 1881, .$70. Clinton Boy 3. Judge 4, Little Wonder (3 dr). Little I ):in (2 dr), 2 :58, 2 ■J,n, 2 :.".4i s, 2 -JA' .. . •>:rAH. Four-year-olds. Berthanl, b. m (3:01), by St. fiothard, clam Grace Bertram, by New Jersey. S. C.Wells, Batavia. N. Y.. Sept 19, 188.}, .$;«). Mollv G.,Rav D;iiiiel, 3:07,3:01. Three-year-olds jind muter. I-' dls). Cruiser (1 dis), 2:37?:i, 2:.3f>i.i, 2:35i.i. Sept. 3, 1ST4, $300. Essie Hollywood, Billy H., Orient (2 dis), Brown Jack (1 di.s). Cruiser (1 dis). Uncle S;iin (1 dis), 2:41, 2:40, 2:4.5. Sept. 4, 1874, .$400. Modoc, Dred (3 dis), Mabel (34is), Essie Hollywood (2 dis), Badger (2 dis). Silky I (1 dis), 2:52, 2:48, 2:49. Auroni, III,. Sei)t. 9. 1874. .$400. An^hie, Y'oung Magna, Daniel Boone, 2:42, 2:41, 2:35. Sept. 11, 1K74, $.5(Ki. Ilanujih, Annie Logjin. Captain Jack (2 dis\ Empress (1 dis), 2:449.i, 2:40. 2:,50. Peoria. 111., Scjit. K!. 1,h74, .•^imm). Col. Barnes. Gen. Howard, Albert, 2:28!.., 2:27, 2:31i4. Fort Wayne, Ind., Oct. 28. 1874, .$400. Moss Ho.s'.", Prince, Little Sam, 2:32J4, 2:30i4, 2:33K'- Canton, III., .July 3, 1875, .$5.0(k1. Pilot Temple, 2::!9. 2:36, 2:.35'2. Bertie tiirl, br in r2:37'.i), by .Morrison. W. Dunn, Harrodsbiirg, Ky., June 20. 187G, $500. Tom Stamp, Darby 1 (4 dis), Elmwood a (lis), 2:.37. 2;.37>i. 2:.'?99,(, 2:44. Bertrace, b m (2:27io), by Kysdvk, dam Pollv Barber bv Bully King, C. F. l*redmore. Beacon Park. Bos- ton, Sei)t. 6. 1879 $1,000. Argonaut 1. 2. Cream Pitcher. Hector (1 dis), 2:'i6',. 2:26^4. 2:27'2. 2:29'., 2:30. C. M. Pond, Providence, R. I., Sept. 23. 1879, .«!400. Roland 1. Volunteer (;iil, 2:29, 2:29. 2:30, 2:30. Sei>t. 26, 1879, .$400, Roland 1,2 (5 0), Gypsy. 2-29, 2:29, 2:29, 2:28, 2:28. 2::il'.,, B<-rt .Sheldon, br g (2:3.'>) by Warwick Boy, dam by Harr>- (lav. J. Forbes. Woodstock, Ont., .June 4, 1S81, $17.5. Parker, Mohawk (Jneen. Cjirlt'on. 2:3.5.'2:39Vi,'2:.37. Ber^l, ch m (2:40i/,) J. Averv. Dover, Del,, Sept. 26, 1883, $1.50. .John L. 1, 2. Bertha. Florence ]SIac, Sorrel Enuna (3 dr), Frank (2dis), 2:.'i9',, 2:43i/,, 2:4114, 2:40';. 2:41. Besom (2:4»), I). Paddleford, Taunton, Mass., Oct. .•!,"ih().5,.$ . Two others, 2:49. 2:52, 2:.52. Oct. 5, 1805, .$ . Chase's entn'. Lady Cari)enter. 2:.5fi. 2:.50. 2:,50. Bessb m (2:471^), M. Nicholson, AVashiiigton, I). C, July :«). 1867. $l(iO. Moscow 1, 2. Lightfoot, Gen. Sher- man, Mary, 2:42, 2:48'j. 2:47'.;, 2:.50, 2:56. BcHs, rn m (3:00), W. K. Taliman, Mystic Park, Boston, Sept. '-"•2, 1870, $50. Green's br in l, Yankee Girl, 3:01, 3:00, 3.02, 3 :a5. Bess, blk m (2 :58), Boston, Mass.. July 4. 1871, .$100. Romeo (w), 2:58. 2:.59'i. Bess, blk in(2:41'4)H. M. Ash. Media. Pa., Oct. .5, 1878, $ . Sardine, Bill, Amber Cirl (3 dr). 2:49, 2:44' ,, •:AV'2. Bess. bm(2:37), .L Chedister. Jersevville, Til., Oct. 14, 1880, $ . Nellv Madden, Little Joker, 2:37'i, 2:40, 2:37. BeHHie (s), b m (2: 54 s), Mr. MclMahon. Deerfoot Park. T... I., Oct. 10, 1873, $500. Colonel (s) 3. 4. Epizootic (s) 2. 2:5,5, 2:58'^. 2:58'.,, 3:02, 2:.'->-l, 3:0.3. BeB8ie, b m (2 :34), Albert Mann, Providence, R. I.. Nov. 7, 1873, $100. Black Ben. William S. Briggs, Frank, Frank Darling, Doctor Bnice, Idad dis). 2:43'4, 2:4,3'.i, 2:43'4. Mav2s, 1874, .$500. Fanny. Best tiiiie2:.38i/„. Nathan B. Proiit. Worcesti'r. Mass., .July .5. 1875, $400. Prowess 3, 4, John LaniberL, Belle of Worcester (3 dr), Dolly Yarden (3 dis), 2:,35';i, 2:38i.,, 2:36';, 2:.'«i, 2:36. • T. S. Carpenter, Fitclibnrg, Mass., Aug. o, 1875, $400. John Franklin 1, 2, Grace, Lady Daggett, DaUi Frank Hull (3 dis), 2:;«;!4, 2:40'/^ 2:371/2, 2:3«;'i. 2:40. CHESTEK .S COMI'LETE TROTTING AND PACIN(i KECOKI). 57 Keene, N, H., Aug. 11, 1875, §500. Sleeijy Jerry 1, Driuiimer Boy, Pet, Tain O'Shaiiter, Dan, Frank Hull (4 dr), Gilford (4 dr), -'::5H, 2:M. •J:.«^4, -':38'.. Bessie, b m Ci :42), D. Allies, Uocklund, Me., Oct. 13, 1875, $2.50. Brace, Black Dianioiid, 2:45, 2:42, 2:45. Bessie, (.Sleepv Marv), gr m (3 :34io), Jas. Dougrev, Fleetwood Park. K. Y., Sei)t. 2s, 1875, .1400. Su.sie 1, Bay Jack 2, Hope (4 dis), Cora Allen (.1 dis;, 2:3i>'2, 2:35;i. 2:a8, 2:35, 2:344. Prospect Park. L. I,, Oct. 12, 1875, «40(i. Langdon, 2:40, 2:41i4, 2:40. Washington, D. C, Oct. 21 and 22, 1875, §500. Lady Pritcliard, 2:42^i,2:37V2. 2:43. Bessie, ch ni (3:43), AVin. H. Hughes, Wilkesbarre, Pa., June 28, 1870, SSOO. Harriet P. 2. Honest Frank 1, Smithv (iolddust (5 dr), Sam (.5 dr), Leni (l dis), 2:43, 2:45, 2:43. 2:45, 2:51. June 29, 1876, §300. Honest Frank l, 2, Harriet P., .Sam, 2:47, 2:47, 2:43, 2:44'2. 2:44. Hazleton, Pa., Aug. 17, 1870, f 400. Sam 4, James K. 2. Carll Burr, Privateer Maid, 2:45, 2:45, 2:45, 2:45, 2:43K». Bessie, brm (3 :342i), by Blackbird. Jas. Mcintosh, Sacramento, Cal., June 5, 1880, |400. Star :t. Puzzle, 5:19Vi, 5:20' J, 5:28^4, 5:351.1. Two miles. Chico, Cal., Oct. 9, 1880, §100. Siskiyou Girl (1 dis), 2:39^4. Be.ssie (w), b m (3 :45;4 w). J. C. McCoy, Middletown, Del., Sejit. 23, 1880, .$50. Mountain Boy (w), Daw Cop- perfleld (w), Brutus (wj, Honest Fred (w),2:56, i-.bb'i. (w) H. Wood. Elkton, Md., Oct. 13. 1880, $75. Hop (w). Davy Copperfleld (w), Flora (w), 2 :56, 2:.56i4. (w) J. K. Former, Jersey Citv, N. J., Aug. 4, 1881, §7.5. Tramp (w;, Montgomery (w ), 2:59'2. 2:5794. Bessie, ch m (.3 ::ir>\o, by Blue Bull. M. Pindar, Fishkill, N. Y., July 26, 1882, $100. Fanny 2, 2:52, 3:00, 2:.55. 3:00. J. E. Wood. Goshen, N. Y'., June 6, 1883. $250. .John, Stephen G.,2:42i;, 2:.35i4, 2:.3,5i^. 'm(3:40i{,), bv Mambrunello. P. Manee, Jersey City, N. ./., J Phil O'Neil Jr., Major. Ledger Girl, Billy, W. H. Force, Mary M., 2:42i4, 2:402£, 2:43i4. Bessie B., (T Guess So), br m (3 :40ip, by Mambrunello. P. Manee, Jersey City, N. ./., June 1.5. 1874, $.500 Spring Valley, N'. Y., July 4, 1874, $500. Belle of Vermont, Stella, 2 -Aby^. 2 :46. 2 :49. J. Ward, New Dori>, S. I., July 15, 1875, §100. Lady Star and t\\ o others, 2 :59, 2 :.53, 3 :00. Bessie B.. gr m (3 :35;^), by Sweepstakes. C. E. Swan, Jersey City, N. J.. June 15, 1882, $100. J. D., Marie (2 dis), Cvras Miller. (1 dis), Rio (l dis), Grace D. (1 dis), 2:42, 2:43i4, 2:39'/2. J. Byner, Southuigton, Conn., Oct. 9, 1883, .$200. Ned. W., Senator Eaton, Black Bessie, 2:39}^, 2:39%, 2:.39'2. Bessie C, b m bv Anthony Wayne. Huntington, Ind., May 3, 1877, •§ . Riddle 2, (1 0), Gray Charley, Little Trouble, Miniiie M., FloraBelle, Lady Gilbert (3 dr). No time. Bessie G., blk m (3:51), J. G. Davis, Brattleboro, Vt., Sept. 1, 1875, $100. Fountain 1, Jim, Winslow, Helen, Forrest Boy, 2:.56, 2:54, 2:.54, 2:51. Bessie Golddust, br m C^ :41i^), by Creator Golddust. dam bv Como Chief. J. Dorsey, Sterling, 111., Oct. 7, 1879, .§250. Ladv Shepherd 3, Verbena. Princess, Frank Baker, 2:41i^, 2:45Vg, 2:43^i, 2:44. Bessie H., blk m (3 :45), D. Pfifer, Woonsocket, R. I., July 3, 1877, $100. Ida Lewis, Honest Dan. Ben Frank- hu. 2:.50i.^. 2:47, 2:49. Julv 4, 1877, §150. Ida Lewis. Countryman, Honest Dan, 2 :4.5, 2 :47V^, 2:45?*. Bessie H., b m (3 :43ii), bv Mambrino Pilot. C. W. Hetzel, Flemington, N. J., Sept. 27, 1882, .§.50. Drover Boy, Allie R., Katy .1. Jollv Jail, 3:15i^. 3:14, 3:07. .Sept. 28, 1882, .§ioo.' Drover Boy, Katy J., Allie R.; Mamie Windsor. 3:1.5, 3:1094. 3:09i^. Bessie H., ,1. Driscoll. Jersey City, N. J., Sept. 21, 1883, .§50. • Smuggler Jr., 3:05, 3:03. 3:00. Bessie Holbrook, chm (3:45), Haverhill, Mass., Oct. 10. 1873, §50. Major, Venture, Minnie (2 dis), Nancy (2 dis). Ruddock's Girl (2 dis), •2:5314, 2:52, 2:50. T. Benton, Portsmouth, N. H., Sept. 2.3, 187.5, .§300. Stanstead 1, Nettie 2, Gertrude. Colonel, Lady Mor- gan, Frank (4 dr), 2:.50!/>. 2:47i/,. 2:50, 2:.50, 2:.50K>. ■ Great Falls, N. H., Sept. 28, 1875, $250. Hiran"! 1, Moxie, Gertrude (4 dr), Frank D. (2 dis), 2 :47, 2 :45, 2 :47, 2:46' 2. Bessie Hunt, blk m (3 :44), E. F. Bessie, Beacon Park, Boston, July 23, 1874, .$1.50. Flirtella 1, Lewlstou Dick, 2 ;45, 2 :45, 2 :47, 2 :44. Bessie Mambrino, (3:00), Brownsville, Mo., Aug. 19, 1879, $75. Honest Ethan 3, Beamer, 3:00, 3:03,3:06, 3 :00. Four-year-olds. Bessie Shaw, b m (3 :40), C. E. Mosher, Concord, N. H., Sept. 24, 1874, $100. Frank, Col. Dean, Nelly, 2:55, 3:01, 3:00. W. G. Shaw. Manchester, N. H., Oct. 1, 1874, .$200. Belle Fowler 1, Capt. Williams, Lady Wliitford, No Name, Leeds (3 dr). Trifle (3 dr), Nat Head (1 dis), 2:4.5, 2:41'... 2:44'2, 2:47. H. G. Smith, Fitclibiuii. Mass., Julv 20, 1876, .§400. Archie, Neva, Clara J., Orphan Girl, Lady Sherman, Arthur F., Arctic M;ud (3 dn, Ikiv Billy i.2 dr). 2:4o, 2:41K>, 2:43i,i. Bessie Sheridan, blk m(3:34). by Pliil. .Sheridan, O. fartridge, Gouverneur N. Y'., Sept. 6. 1882, .$105. Judge Russell, Chandos (1 dis), 2:50, 2:51. Tliree-year-olds. Canton, N. \ , Sept. 13,- 1882, § . Judge Russell, 2 :.51' .;, 2 :,51 2 :54' i. Three-year-olds. ■ A. McDonald, Gouverneur, N. Y., Sept. 5, 1883, .§200. Blanche 1, Chandos, 2:37, 2:44, 2:.39'i, 2:41. Foiur- year-olds. Canton, N. Y., Sept. 12, 1883. .$200. Montgomerv. Blanche, 2:39i4, 2:39}i, 2:39^. Four- year-olds. Bessie Turner, blk m (3 :56i/2), J. K. Morrill, Salt Lake City, Utah, Sept. 6, 1S75, $200. Chalk Line 1, 4, 2 :.58, 2:.5894, 2:.58, 2:57, 2:56'/4. Bessie Turner, b m (3:30i4), D. R. Hicks. Albany. N. Y.. Sept. 12. 1876, $200. King Philip. Jack Barry, yEnudus, Ariel,. Ashland Patchen (3 dr). Utica (l dis), 2 :30i4, 2:.36i.^, 2:31'i. Fonda, N. Y., Sept. 22, isro, $ . Frank. Peril 1. 2 (4 dr). 2:36'4. 2:3&^i. 2:38?4, , 2:48. Cooperstown, N. Y., Oct. 4, 1870, §175. Belle of Otsego 2, Otego Chief (3 0), Black Hawk. 2:44. 2:40, 2:4o. 2:44 =• , o '- Richfield Spa, N. Y., July 5, 1879, $150. Toronto Chief. Andv. Croff. St. Patrick, Fenimore. No time. Newport, N. Y.. July 12, 1879. .§1.50. Toronto Ciiief. 2:.3f>34. 2:36, 2:36. RiclifieUl Siia, N. Y., Julv 19, 1879, §130. Toronto Chief 2, 3, St. Patrick, Andy. No time. Bessie Wilkes, blk m (3:391.,). G. H. Larrimore Coshocton, O., Oct. 12, 1882. $135. Lookout 1,3, Brown- wood .5, Belle C. 3:01. 3:0.3, 3:00, 3:01, 3:92. 3:04. Bet, blk m (3 :56;4), J. M. Brojidnell, Denver, Col., Julv 17. 1869, §1.50. John, Kate (2 dr), 2:57, 2:56!4 (w), July 31, 1809 .§200. Kilte, 3:00ii, 2:.59. Bet, blk m (3:53) L. D. Ormsbv, Fleetwood Park, N. Y., June l, 1874, $5oO. Maggie. 2:.53'4. 2:52, 2:.52. Betsy, b m (3:47i, Mr. Mtises, Indianapolis, Ind., June 24. 1869 $100. Tom Hatch 2. Naseby, George (1 dis). 2 :.57, 2 :,58, 3 :0.3 . (w), June— . 1809, .§ . Tom Hatch (w) 2, Esau 1, Canada Dan, 2:4614. 2:54'4, 2:50'/2 2:52.2:52%. (w). J. H. Coffey, Julv 3, 1809, §1.000. Esau, 2:47, 2:,52i4, 2:52. Betsy, blk m (3 :39), M. Roden, Fleetwood Park, N. Y., May29, 1871, $1.000. John Kase Jr. 1. 2:43. 2 :42. 2 :39i4, 2 :40, ■ ' '• June 5. 1871, $1,000. John Kase Jr., 2;40i4. 2:44, 2:43?4. 58 CHESTER'S COMPLKTE TRO'lTlNd AND TACING RECORD. BetKv hlk in (3:00), by Dlrigo. .1- Richardson, Skowliegan, Me., Aug. 26, 1880. §7."). Ichob l. Black Crook 4, NVttie Franklin. 3:01.3:00, 3:01. 3:02, 3:03. lJet*y Ann. cli ni r-J I'-J**)- l>v the lloaglanil Horse. E. C. (Joodrich, Hillsdale, Mich.. Mav24. 1877, §100. Lady liencli Burt, l-'red Stevens, Bobby Berrv. Belmont, Reading Boy (2 dis). 3:01, 3:00'4, 3:005i. Mav 25, isTT, .■JKX). Clara H., .lohn S., Fred Stevens, Mollv I'iteher i2 dr), 3:01, 3:00, 3:01. . Hudson, Mitli., Mav 31, 1877, SIOO. Mollv I'iteln'r, Lady Beach. Fred Stevens. 3:02, 3:01, 3:01. .June 1. 1877. ^\W. ."John S. 1, Molly I'itclier, Lady Beai'h. Fred Stevens i2 disj, 2:.53, 3:01, 3:01, 3:02. Chamberlain & Co., Findlav, O., Sept. 4. 1878. s . Harry H., 1'. L. Ivastnian, Lady Jane, 2:33, Sipt. 5, 1K78, .■!>; . Major liilly, Budd, Harrv H., 2:3(i. 2:30';, 2:40. David Johnson, Des Momes.Ia., July 2, 1880, «;400. Billy Boy 1. Mat Kirkwood, Little Tom, 2:36,2:»i, 2:36, 2:30?s£, T. Little, Jefferson, Wis., Oct. 5, 1882. .$ . Foxie V.. 2:3.3. 2:3214, 2:32. Waukesha. Wis.. Oct. .'i, 1882, .SIOO. F'oxie V., 2:32, 2:32, 2:32. D .loliusou. Woodstock, HI.. Julv.J, 1S83, §300. Rosalind 1. Birdie Clay, 2:38?.i, 2:dH, 2:.33H, 2:36"i. Crawfordsville, Ind., Sept. 13, 188;i, §200. Birdie Clay 2, 4, W. B., 2:,3G^4, 2::HU, 2:31 ?4, 2:344, 2:36. Toledo. ()., Oct. 6, 1883, « . Birdie Clay, Molly S., Black Dan il dis). 2:3.5. 2:3.''). 2:30. Betsv Itaker (si, 1) m (3 -ASYs s), by Manibrino. C. Carl, Centreville, L. 1., Oct. 5, 1842, $100. Abelard 4, 0>0), John Anderson (4 dis). 2:52, 2:50, 2:43'/i, 2:43, 2:44. (s», Oct, 12, 1842, $\.iO. John Anderson (s), 2:47, 2:47, 2:48. Betsy Itaker. (Lady Pierce), b m (3 :45), Samuel Baker, Boston, Mass., July 9, 1858, $ . Jenny, Copeland Horse, 2:49, 2:4.5. . (s), (Ireentiold. Mass., June 7, 18(!0. $200. Lady Pitts (s), 2:52, 2:51, 2:51. June 11, ISU), .'4200. Lady Pitts. 2 :49. 2 :-19. 2 :.">(). Betsy Itaker, b m (3:40' o) H. Phillips. Detroit. Mich., July 4, 1876, $300. Daisy, Bill McLaughlin, Fred Stevens (3 dis>, Hoosier Boy (1 dis). (iray Frank (1 dis), 2: 48I4, 2:46?4. 2:4514. Betsy IJest. br ni (3 :43), ]\L Lachapelli. Woonsoeket, K. L, Aug. 8, 1877, |150. Lady Balch, Ashland Maid. Orplian (iirl. Lady Honto (2 dis), 2:40. 2:43, 2:43. Betsy Kiiinp. br m (3 :31). by the Sutton Horse. O. Partridge, Gouverneur, N. Y„ Sept. 3, 1879, S . Miss Legacy l. 2, Jefferson Maid, 2:40, 2:40. 2:40. 2:40. 2:40. Sept. 4, 1879, S . Deceit, Tid. 2 :40. 2 :40, 2 :40. Ogdeusburg, N. Y. Sept. 10, 1879, §4.50. Mars 2, Collector, Deceit. Pelham, Lady Mac, 2:33, 2:34, 2:35, 2:3»>. Canton, N. Y., Sept. 17. 1879. §200. Tid, Gen. Thonuis, Orange Blossom. Marion, 2:38, 2:37, 2:37'/2. Potsdam, N. Y., Sept. 2.5. 1879 §400. Deceit, Mars, George Ernest 1, (4 dis), Morley Girl (l dis), 2:35.2:34, 2 :;W, 2 :32. Sept. 2(>, 1879, .«3.50. Valley Chief, George Ernest, Victor, 2 :35, 2 :.32, 2 :31. Betsy Hayes, b in (3 :06). J. B. Parker. Chester, Vt.. Aug. 31, 1870, §100. Lady Cutter, Molly, Kitty Morrill (2 dr). 3:12. 3:00. F'our-year-olds. Betsy King, blkm (3:45), John King, Fleetwood Park, N. Y. ,Xov. 5, 1874, §300. Sorrel Jake, 2:45, 2:48, 2:"40. Betsy MarshaH, (w), b m (3 :01"o) J. Clay, Suffolk Park, Phila., May 2, 1877, $100. Lottie H., Harry Disston, jbhuClay, M:iggieT. (W) 3:00, 3:08,3:10'/2. r.-,T- • T.r,, ,= ^ ^ r 1 Mount Hollv, N'. J., Oct. 10, 1877 §8.5. Ajax 1, Prince Lincoln, Jersey Girl, Lizzie Malsbury (5 dr). Lady Patchen (o dr i. 3:03, 3:01';, 3:02' 1. 3:03. Betty, ch m (3 :40;, Mr, Dickey, Nashville, Tenn., Aug. 17, 1865,§150. Belle Chalfant 1, 3, (6 0), Hugh Douglass 2, 2:52^1. 2:47'.>, 2:49'4, 2:47, 2:40, 2:49'/i, 2:48i/2, K. Pierson,' Louisville, Ky., July 14, 1866, §150. Flora May 2, Stranger '3 dis), 2:41»4, 2:36^i, 2:41U. ' Andy Mellon, New Albanv. Ind., July 30, 186G, §100. Bob Johnson 2, 3, (4 0), (5 0), (7 0), George Moody, 2:4.5, 2:43' i, 247, 2:45, 2:42. 2:48, 2:43. 2:40. Betty, blk m (3 :55i.i), Mr. Bouvier, New < )rleans. La.. .Fuly 18, 1867. $125. Bay Tom, Trick (1 dis), 2:55i^4,2:.56?4. Betty, b m (3 :03), Mr. Pearce, Newark, O., Aug. 3, 1872, §12.5. White Stockings (3 0), Rocket, Billy, Charley (3 dr), 3:05, 3:10. 3:0.5, 3:03. ^ ^ , ^,. , ,„,,,„,-„ ^-,, Jtetty, gr m (3 :64). Mr. Woodward. Tippecanoe, O.. Oct. 17. 1873, § . Duxey, Michael. 2:45, 2:.57, 2:57»4. Betty A., (3 :35), Toledo. O., Oct. 6, 18H3. $ . Bertie Clay, Molly S., Black I):ni (1 dis), 2:35 2:35 2:36. Betty, (Flicker), gr m (3 :-..>). Homer C. Adams, Parker City, Pa., Oct. 14, 1874, §200. Reuben 1, 2, Pirate, Steve (2 (lis), 3:04 '4, 3:00, 3:00, 2:.5,5, 2:.5C. Oct. 17, 1874, .$200. Reuben (1 dis). No time, , „ „ ,„ . r, Betty Georpe, br m (3:51), Mr. Duiilop, Macomb, HI., Sept. 17, 1808, §120. Joe Bowers, 2:58, 2:51. Betty Oolddus:., b m (3:46' 2). by Golddust. T. S. Rudd, Louisville, Ky., Sept. 19, 18(2, § . Morning. Fanny Wentmore, 2:.51!4, 2:5U4, 2:'>3. BirttyjMfcClu.e.'f!^ :53)i'l>. A. Carson, Dubuque, la., Sept. 27, 1865, $50. Kitty Wink 2, Bob Ridley 1, 3 :00, 3 :04, Betty o.,'br m (3:50), G. Ostrom, Bclvidere. 111., Sept. 10, 1880, .$ . George C. No time. '- I). Carney, Kockford, 111., Sept. 10, Ihho, §1.50. .Jupiter, Uno, 2:50,2:.50, 2:50. Betty ,S., blk ni (3 :4?:'4), by (irceu's Bashaw. H. Schurtger, Cambridge, HI.. Sept. 5, 1883, $200. Speed.well, Lailv Spanker, Bisiiaw B., Oliver (irant,2:44'4, 2:42'/4, 2:46Ji. o o.> o oo -. .m BettyAVells, (3:30), .J. (Jano, Manhattan, Kan., Sept. 2, 1882, $100. Jesse K., Woodbine Bo>, 3:20, 3:28, 3:20. Four-ye;ir-olds or under. „ ,, .^ . „,, ,,, , ,, „ Benlah. bm (3:31Vi),A. M. IHovd, Richmond, Ind.. Aug. 6, 187.5. $800. Nelly Davis, Ella Wood.Maxweb Maid, Buckskin, Capt. Jack, Rose Lowrv (2 dis). 2:4.5, 2:41, 2:4.5M. ,, ^ „ ,, t ^ « t« 1 Aug. 7, 187.5, §80(1. Salem. Frank Harlan, Judge Waite, Nelly May, Fanny B. P.. L(iafer, Henry Tod, Greciiljack, Fr;iiik Davis, Ladv Rich.irdson, Bonner (3 dis). Prince Albert (2 (lis), 2:41?4. 2:43'i, 2:43. Beulah, I) III (3 ::5 1 1 j), H. B. Miller, Pittsburgh, Pa., June 8, 1877, §400. Ida 1, Prince Clay, Belle Boyd (4 dis), 2:34, 2::i(jii, 2::!7'4, 2:37",. Aug. 1.5. 1K77, .§200. Belle Bovd, Dick Tiirpin. 2:37. 2:37'... 2:37. .^ „„.„„„,. (ireciisl)iirgli. Pa., Sept. 28, 1877, §1.{5. Belle Braslleld, Seneca Maid (1 dis), 2:35, 2:34, 2: 33}^. F. EHi«-k, S:ui(lv Plains, Pa.. Oct. 19, 1878. §1(K). .loc Hooper. 2:39, 2:39. J. Archibald, Uiiiontown, Pa., Oct. .30, 1879. §1.50. Ncllv, Brickbat. 2 :.59'2, 2 :.53K>, 2:.52. .r. W. TItlev. Kittaning. Pa.. Sept. 12. 1882. §30. Harry 2. No time. , t /- ™ Beulali, gr m (3:.-.r>U.). H. Dorgctt, Dover, Del.. Sept. .to. 18so, .§l(i0. Charles Siiruance, Smuggler Jr., Gam- ble ^iaid. Butcher T$ov (2 disi. Temple d disi. 3:03. 2:.5.5U;. Colts. ,....,... . „, ,„o,. Beulah, l.m (3:3 1',), bV Sweepstakes, dam .leuiiv Puff, by Hero. J. S.Story. Newark,. N. J.. Sept. 21, 1882, .§•200. Hambletonian's Last 1. Charley T., Jersey Boy, Hypercoon, Sappho, Gen. hwing (4 dis), Naiioleon (Idis), 2:4015,2:41'", 2:40'/., 2:44. , ,^ „ ,0^x0.0 Beulah, br in (3 :4«i^), C. Gallna, Memphis, Tenn., July 4, 1883, $175. Fancy Day 1, 4, Harry Clay (3 dr), 2:48, 2 ■40).^ 2 '48 ''•44 ''"49 B. V. AllVn, difs (3 Tiiij, Mat Madron, Des Moines, la., Oct. 20, 1870, §10.5. Young America 1, (4 o), .'5:10, 3:04, B. f! Briice.g'r g (3 :35), by Stephen A. Douglass. A. E. Brown, Peiin Van, N. Y., Sept. 5 187(i. §:«)0. Lottie K.. Judue Briuus, John \lcDougal, Maggie Stewart, Gypsy Girl, Hattie T., Sclo Pet (3 dr), 2:45, 2:40, 2:41. CHESTEK'S COMPLETE TEOTTIXG AND PACING RECOED. 59 — SATaouse, N. Y.. Sent. 12, 1876, iJCOO. John Taylor 3, Annie Page, Lottie K., Milk Maid (1 dis), L. Upham (3 di's), Burou Lufl(2 dis), W. H. C. (2 dis), Male t,ii dis), True Love (2 dis), Maggie (i! dis), 2:3»9i. 2:38, 2:35, "'■ Sept. 15.1876, $600. Tom Malloy, Gov. Tilden, Lottie K., L. Uphani, Baron Luff,Nelly Thorne, Maggie, 2:3y:'i, 2:36, 2:38. ^ . , t. ,^ ,• s B. H., chg (3:4312). G. Garden, Troy, N. Y., Aug. 30, 1870, .1200. Fanny Augusta, Joe, John Henry (2 dis), 2'43'i 2 "-tl' 2 2*44. Bianco,"gr'g(3:4G).' Wm. Woodruff, Boston, Mass,, Nov. 14, iscn, $200. Lady Walton 2. 3.00, 2:55, 2:.54, 2:46. Bickfora, dug (8:3914), bv Black Chief, dam by Gen. Taylor. O. A. Hickok, San Francisco, Cal., Dec. 5, 1877, .S200. PropheU, LiUy White 3, Belle Flower, Lame Dick (4 dis), Alice Garret (2 dis), 2:32?4,2:35, 2 '36^1 '•.'52^4 2'3''?4 — II. W. Scale,' Marvsville, Cal., Sept. 28, 1878, i$200. Dutchman 2, Haymaker, Monarch, Tule Duck (1 dis;,. 2 : 3514 , 2 : .35, 2 : .36, 2 -.iilKu , „ , , Santa Clara, Cal., Oct 4. 1878, $800. Chicago 3, Muggins 2, Zero (2 dis), 2:29ii. 2:33, 2 :35i4, 2 :35J4, 2 :42. (iilroy, Cal., Oct. 28, 1878, .§300. Monarch, Muggins, 2:33. 2:30, 2:35. Santa Clara, Cal., Oct, — , 1878, .*1.")0. Lady Sherman, Monarch, Muggins, 2 :34, 2 :34, 2 :33'/2- Biddlccome (w), br g (3:53). S. B. Tudd, Fleetwood Park, N. Y., Jidy 20, 1872, $300. Humpty Dumpty 3, Orange Co. Ben (w), 3:01, 2:58?4, 2: 58^4 , 2 :575i. Biddy, h m (3:54'/2). Chas. Wirthwine, Cincinnati 0.,Oct. 7, 1873, .$300. Jerusalem 2,2:54'r^2,2:5li^, 2:5o, 3:00. B. J. Fiske. b g (3 :50). C, H. Jones. Mystic Park, Boston, Oct. 15, 1878, $.50. Boss Abdallah, Clara, Dennis Kearney, Drummer (iirl, Eescue (2 dr), 2:50, 2:50, 2:50. June 6, 1879, .•f;30. Resolute, Rockland Boy, Jimmy G., 2:58, 2:58. 2:57'2. . Big Aleck(3:49'/o). Kenney Bros., Sonoma, Cal., Sept, 26, 1877, $2.50. Fitz James, Alta, Centennial Girl (1 dis), 2:5614, 2:52%, 2 :49'4. , , ^ . .„ Big Black, blk s (3 :40), by Mambrino Chief, dam Black Eose, by Tom Teenier, E. A. Alexander, Louisville, Ky., June 3,1865,$ . Jim 1, 2:45, 2:41, 2:40. ^ ,, ,, ^ , Big Bonanza, br g (3 :45). J. G. Green, White Plains, N. Y., July 19, 1875, .$1.50. Longfellow 1, Modesty, Brilliant2, 3 (4 dis), Jim Moffat (4 dis). 2:44, 2:42, 2:42, 2:45,2:48. 2 :405i. .^ „. , , ^ Big Boy, b g (3 :53). S. Eyclesheimer, San Francisco, Cal., Dec. 25, 1854, $800. Glencoe Chief (2 0), Highland Chief, 2:57, 2:.58, 2:53, 2:55, , ^, ^ , Big Ellen, b m (3:431^). \^. Bessiuger, Mdwaukee. Wis., Sept. 10, 1807, $200. Andy Johnson 2, 3, Frank Burr (2 dis). Lady Doble (1 dis), 2:43, 2:431^, 2:40, 2:42',4, 2.42^, Big Fellow, br g"(3:33i2), by Edward Everett. A. B. Post, Hartford, Conn., Aug. 31, 1876, $200. Young Wilkes, Proctor, Carrie N., Dan Bryant 1 (5 dis\ Capt. Smith 2 (4 dis), 2:27?4, 2:28^^, 2:27M, 2:281^, 2:29i4. Post & Pooler, Fleetwood Park, N. Y.. Mav 31 and June 1, 1877. .Sl.ooo. Batomau ', Dan Bryant2, Lady Kildcer C, Faugh-a-ballagli ;;. Result, Harry (iilberl. Baron Luff. Carrie N., Ki Ki, Tom jMoore (3 dr), 2:2714, 2:27. 2:27, 2:2914, 2;29io, 2:o2'2, 2:26i4. Big Frank (3:48), Wilmington. Del., May 24, 1882, $75. Jim, Henry D., Gray Eagle, 2:5^. 2.;48 2:48U. Big Fred, ch g (3 :41'/2), W. B. Barrack, Bradford, Pa., June 24, 1879, $300. Black Cloud 1, 2, Belle (1 dis), Sir Henry (1 dis). Dick Smith (1 dis), 2:35, 2:37, 2:48, 2:41U,2:50i.i. „ ^^ Big Fritz, b g (3 :56), J. L. Smith, Huntington, L. I., May 30, 1882, $100. Defiance 3, Fred Raynor, Alliance (3 Big Ike,"'gr g^(3 :39M). 'Roop & Layborn, Denver. Col., May 18, 1879, $300. Guide 1, McClintock 4, Pat Rear don, 2:49,2:43, 2:41, 2:46, 2:45. Sept. 14, 1879, $225. Guide, Ivanhoe, 2:49?i, 2:43i4, 2:41. Sept. 16, 1879, $400. Elclio 1. 2, Dan Brown, Teaser, 2 :34i4, 2:37, 2:40,2:37%, 2:42. Sept. 17, 1879. $500. Elcho.LittleGjy^psy, Ada Paul, Teaser, 2: 33%, 2: 35, 2^71/2. Big Jake, ch g (3 :41i/2), by Amboy. J. Martin, Quincy, 111., June 19, 1882, $20. Blue Dick 1, 2:45, 2.4454, 2.4I14, 2 '41% Big Joe,' ch g (3 :53), Asa Whitson, Fashion Course, L. I., Oct. 25, 1865, $250. Lady Berry, Montreal, St. Law- rence '''52 2 '54 2 '52 Big John.'cli s( 3:13)', J. L. Eoff, New Orleans, La., Dec. 8, 1853, $100. Bolivar l, 4, 3:17, 3:12i4, 3:15, 3:10. 3:12. Big John, Oct. Fort 2:36%, 2:3414, 2:32}4, 2:3314, 2:35, 2:40. „ , „ .. , xr y- t .. Detroit, Mich., June 1. 1881, $600. Alice Taylor, Independence, Grand Sentinel, Hermes, Jim Lane. ' Jackson, Mich'., June 9, 1881, $600. Jerome Eddy 3, Alice Taylor, Lady Mac, Grand Sentinel, Independ- ence, Nigger Doctor, 2:3214, 2:31%, 2:27, 2 :32i/2. . ^ , r, , o 4.- 1 X.T . East Saginaw, Mich., June 15, 1881, $800. Jerome Eddy l, Mattie Graham, Grand Sentinel, Hcimeh, LadyMac, Nigger Doctor, 2:27i/'2, 2:26%, 2:25, 2:25. „,, , ^ -r ^ r< 4. ci y^i^i- Big John, b g (3 :45), Baker & Long, Hamilton, O., Oct. 5, 1882, $130. Wild Boy, Lady Garnet, Sleepy Dick, 2:50, 2 :,5n, 2:4.5. „ , ,^^ ^^ _, ., .. BigKingston, b g, P. Amey, Kingston, Ont., Sept. 5, 1879, $100. Zulu, Wemp, Kerry Gow. No time. Bi| Leg Jack, b s (3 :35;4), J. Northwbod, Dresden. Out., Oct. 11, 1872, $80. Bald face, 2-MV2, 2:39i4, 2:35'2. Bigley's Roan Mare, (3 :43"2), D. Bigley, Boston, Mass., July 20, 1869, .$250. Sorrel John 1, 3, Jenny Spencer (w) (5 dr), 2:461i',2:43"2, 2:4214, 2:42^. 2:4.5. ^ ^ , t^ t t^ 1 Big Mack gr g (3 :46%), Wm. McGoldrich, Union Course, L. I., Nov. 10, 1870, $125, John Kase Jr., Dandy, 2 '58 2 '59 \ 2 ' 34' ■-* ^"(w) L. S.'Samm'is, Prospect Park, L, I., Sept. 2.5, 1871, $500. Clam Bake 1, 2:52, 2:49, 2;46?i, 2:47^ Wm. McGoldrich, Secaucus, N. J., July 4, 1873,8100. Dunderberg, John Kase Jr., Orphan Boy (1 dis), 2 •■17 ^ ' ^2 2 ■ '>2 ^ ^ Big Mary', ('Mary),'bm (3:34i^). by Geo. M. Patchen, dam by Saladln. M. Goodin, Washington, D. C, Big Maso'ii,'fTom'Ser) df g (3 :47'S!' a' Lorraine"' New Orleans, La. , May 4, 1859, $200. Lady Washington 2, ■'■54 2 -.52 2 -.51 2 '53 '■ W. B. koor'e, 'w'ilkesbarre. Pa., May 22, 1874, $.50. Harry, Blue Bull (2 dis) No time. Big Medicine, b g (3 :49i.i), C. Buckley, Quincy, 111., June 19,1883, $75. Betsy F. 3. (4 0), Logan Chief 1, Dandy,2:49i4,2:49i4, 2:4914, 2:49%, 2:52, 2:49%. ^^ „ ^ ^_ ^ ,,,, „ ^^ BigSam. (3:44), J. M. Neil, Danville, Va., July 4, 1873, $500 Nelly 2:51, 2 :47i4, 2:44. ,„„ «.Qm J cAxr Bii Soap, b g (3 :33(, by Honestv, ,, 2.34, Elkhart,' Ind.?May 28, 1879, $ . Will Cody 1, Jessie Hayes, Victoria, Oceana Chief (1 dis), 2:35, 2:33. 2:31,2:34. «0 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND TACING RECORD. M. Winters, Burlington, la., Sept. 25, 1879, $500. Rose of Washington, Highland Queen, Wild Oats, 2:29, 2:20, 2:28 Vi. Jonlin Mo. Oct. 16, 1879. .?800. Harnev Kelly 1, 3, Silkv B., 2:3.3, 2:.^3,2:39, 2:;{7. 2:3«. . L. (Ilenn, Coldwater, Mii-li., May IL', 1880, ;?3(K). Don Quixote, Bay I'riiice, Flirt, Crocket (3 dr), 2:3C>4, 1 >i NvintVrs Battle Creek, Mieh., June 2, 1880, S700. Yount; Wilkes, Kred Douglass, 2:31}^, 2 :31Ji, 2:33!/i. i,. Glenn, Sterling, 111., July 14, 1880, *400. Klsie Groll', Matt Kirkwood, Mignon 1, (3 dis), 2:27'/,, 2:28, 2 :30. 2 ■.2X. Crawfordsville. Iml.. .Iiuu- 18. 1881. .S-.'.W. Pilot U. 2, .3, Iligliliuid Mary, Ross, 2:30!4, 2:29, 2:28, 2:31, 2:30. Red Oak, la., Sei)l. a'l, 1 :3C, 2:36, Des Moines, la.. Sept. 8, ls«-', .?500. Maxev Cobb 3, Fleta, Idler, 2:33, 2:31, 2:30, 2:28Ji. Burlington, l;i., Sept. '.'1, 1882, S1,(X)0. Stella C, ('orbln"s B:ish;iw, 2:33, 2:30V4, 2:31. .1 Winters, Mt. l'le;isaiit, l;i., Sept. 22, 1HK2,.? . Modoc, 2:,tl, 2:30, 2:33. 1, citMiii, .fersevville. 111., Oct. 13. 1882. $ . lua (i. 1, 3, Will Cody, 2:30>i, 2 :.32, 2:28, 2:25?4. 2:28. Council Hliitls. la.. Mav24. 188.3, $500. Ada Paul, Dutcli Girl, Kitty Fisher, 2:30>^, 2:319i, 2:32. Itfil ( );ik, l:i., June 7, 1883, .$300. Little Sioux 2, Newry, 2:30, 2:29>^, 2:32'.i, 2:3n4. Cellar liapids, la., .lune 1l', lS8;j, ,^600. Florence M., Lucrece, 2::{2, 2:;il'.i, 2:31?.i. M;usli;illt<)\vn, la., June l!»,188.!, .S.%0. FlorenceM. 1. 2, Lucrece 3, 2:27'4,2:29'4, 2:25"o, 2:29, 2:29'/s, 2:31/,. Council Bluffs, l:i,, Julv 7, 188,3, .?400. Lucrece 2, Little Sioux, 2:27J.i, 2:24%, 2:24Si, 2:27^4. La Salle, 111., Julv 2(;. 188;$, .S4(X). Transit, 2:.!0, 2:3."), 2:33i^. Diiveni.oit. la., Aug. 2. 1883, .•3140O. Little Sioux 2. Envoy, 2:27'4, 2:28. 2:28'^, 2:21%. Cedar Uapids, la., Aug. 10, 1883, $400. Little Sioux, Prince, Dutch Girl. 2:29>4. 2:30, 2:3014- Cell. s.o. 111., Aug. 22, 1883, .$400. Lucv 1, Dutch Girl, 2:.30,2:.32, 2:;{3, 2:31>/4. Cuuncil Bliifts, l:i., Sept. 12, 1883. .?G00. Will Codv 1, 2, St. Cloud. Bronze, 2:22^4, 2:24i^, 2:24»4, 2:23, 2:23. Kansas City, la., Sept. 19, 1883, $600. Will Benhaiu, 2:31, 2:31'4, 2:29%. Cliicago. 111.. Oct. 11 and 12, 1883, $1,000. Gladiator 1, 2, Index 5, Robin 3, Willis Woods, Longfellow Wlup(5dis\2:289i, 2:29,2:27, 2:29, 2:28 '.,,2:3214, 2:27. , ^ Big Tom, blk g( -J :H.>i.i), A. M. Policy, Stratford, Ont., Sept. 7, 1875, $ . Gray Bird, Gen. Grant, Long Big T«Mu,"br g ('i :43^' T. Barron, Friendville, Neb., Aug. 23, 1880, .$25. Fanny S. 2, Lady Gibson 4,3:03, 3:12^, 3:loU,. 3:0s. :!:07> 02,3:00. S.M.t. M. isxo, .sio. Monad, Nelly S., 3:06, 3:10, 3:024. Wliiti-omb & Williams, Mav 25, 1881, .¥ . Silas Garber 1, 2, Bay Dick. 3:08, 3:07, 3:05, 3;0: K Allison, Crete, Neb., Sept. 24, 1881, .$1.50 Rocky Mountain Tom, Infelice, 2:42. 2:44, 2:43, Big Trick, lilk g (3 :a9), by Brown Dick. Black & Lockey, Nashville, Tenn., March 10, 1874, $600. 59.13^. To trot seventeen miles in one hour. Bill, cli s (2 :.-. 1), J. P. Clemens, Pittsburgh, Pa.. July 21. 18,59, .$ . Sam Keys (w) 1. 3:02. 2:.5l, 2:.'i7 2:54. Bill. (Anodvne juid Honest Bill) -h g (3 :35), by the Ross colt, dam by Young Hog;irth. C. E. Emery, N. WindlKihi, .Me.. Mav 28, 1874, .$75. Unciis, Forrest Boy, Mosely, Bay Jim, 2:.54, 2:.')2'2, 2:.54'j. _ V. C. Hall. Manchester, N. IL, June '.». 1874, .$1.50. Col. Dean, Red Bird, Pomi>, Beauty, Ingleston, Prize (3dr), Prince 12 dn, John Virgin (1 dis), Newmiui (1 dis), 2:48%, 2:47, 2:47!j. June 10, 1.S74, .■:<150. Fleetwing, Fiisliion. Leeds, Hiram, 2:4,5, 2:4.5. 2:40. Dover, N. II., June 16, 1874, .$ . Fashion, Martin Luther, 2:,50, 2:42, 2:41. June 18, 1874, .$ . Dictator, Buffalo Bill, 2:44, 2:45, 2:41. Bill, gr g (3 :00), ,J. Burns, Providence, R. L. Sent. 21, 1875, .$200. Doctor 1. 3:08^i, 3:00, 3:00. „, . . ^ Bill blk g (3 :4.5), G. R. Sehenck, Freehold, N. J., Sept. 14, 1876, .$80. Iloffmjin's br m 1, 3, Patchen Chief Jr., \Vright's br m, Norton's eh m, Gabriel's b g, Jones's br m(4 dr), Abram's bg(3 dr). 2:424, 2:45, 2:41^4,2:45,, 2:47. Sept. 1.5, 1876, .$80. Enoch Arden. Oleica, Hoffman's blk g. Dan, 2:57, 2:.5.5, 2:55. Bill,(3:00), i). G. Eldridge. Barnst:il.l.', M:iss., SejU. VX 1877. $.30. Kitty, 3:08 3:041^. 3:00. Bill. I) s (2 :43i4), w. G. Davis, Wincliester, Va., Oct. 8, 1879, $80. Jenny Golddust 2, Bastine 1, Spider (5 dr). No time. Cnipepper. Va., Oct. 14. 1879, .$60. Col. Heywood, Alice K.,2:44'/2, 2:47. Oct. 1,5, 1879, .$i;o. Col. Hevwood, Biistine, 2:47'i,2:43',i. . . „ t t,- a- ,, a- s t7„..„,^» Bill, b g (2:4«' ,1, C. Hnndiberger, Lanc:ister, Pa., June 1.5, 1882, $125. Lady C, Lucy, Birdie (4 dis), Farmer Bovl(3dis). Fnnik (1 dis). 2:.57. 2:.->8, 2:.52, 2:.5.5. , , , ,. „• ,■ ,. j. n o r. o m o .,-,' .Tune 16, 1K.S2, .*.'00. Kate (3 dis). Sorrel Dan (3 ilis), Lady C. (3 dis), Birdic (1 dis), 2 :.51, 2 :50, 2:4(.>,:. Bill Allen, ^h g CJ :4S), G.W.St. Clair, Columbus, O., Sept. 8, 187.5,.$ . Jim Guenn 3 Ne ly Bou on 1, Young Floni, .M;iml)rino Gift Jr. (4(lr), Irene Udr), Dan Dalian (4 dr). Honest liiiss., Sept. 19. 1878, .$ . Mountaineer 1, 4, Fanny Forrest, 2:31' .,. 2:;i4-'4, 'i -f'^^ '■f„~~- Bill riveT(3:r,l., Dexter. Me.. Aug. 17. 18so. .$ . Maggie C. 1, C:uinel Boy, Black Crook. John Slierman, Nettie Fnmklin, Twinkle. 2:.5.5, 2:51, 2:.52,2:.52. ^ ^,^ , ,t • 1 , M„n., Billiur.ls. 1.1k g (2 :43), A. P. McDon:ild, Siindoga Spa. N. Y., Sept. .3, 1874, $100. St. Lawrence Maul 1, Nelly Bill .llu'lislm,' l.'g (gVsi'i'iVwm.'R. Smitli, Faston, Pa., Aug. 25. 18ti6, $22. Kate 4 (2 0), Up She Goes, Lady Whitcomb i5 dr), Sleenv Davy (3 dr). 3:02'.., 2:.56, 2:.55''j. 2:.5.3. 2:,56. Del. L'O. lH(i(i, ,$400. Boatman 2, 4, 2:.'5«'., 2:.5,5,2:.54, 2:.54'4, 2:52'2. Sei.t 11. iscw. .«.30. Roval Chiirles 3, Doctor Jackson, 3:00, 2 :.59, 2 :,58, 2 :,58. S;imuel B. Meltler, Ocl. 31. I.hc.s. .$,50. FiUinv Fisher 1, Dr. Jackson. 2:54. 2:53!',, . Julv 24, isr,!». . ■5100. Doctor .Lickson. 3:04, 3:00. 3:04. ,, „,„ „ , . , Bill I.i-amv 1. L' C3-3.5',) P (i. Wliite, Jersey City, N. .L, Nov. 10, 1882, ,$200. Brown Billy 2, 4, Agnes 1, Frank A3 Irish Lad (.5 r o). Lady G. (5 dr), Carrie C. (4 dis), 2:36!^. 2:.36!,. 2:39>i^. 2:40, 2:354, 2:35^4, 2:.354, CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTIXG AND PACING RECORD. 61 Bill McLaughlin, b s: (2 :41i^i), by Big Leg Warrior, dam a Fox Hunter mare. R. Xatlian, Detroit. Mich., July 5, 1S75, $m). Buteiicr Hoy, Gray Alice, C, Kitty Wells, Gray Frank, Red Cloud, Frank, Fred Stevens, . (ientle Jeunva' dis), -':r)(;i.i, 2:!'4, 2:55. J. Purvis, Pontiao, Midi.. Mav 29, 1879, $ . Gazeteer, Clipper, Highland Golddust. No time. Bill Mvers, gr g W. Petty, .Muncie' lud., Oct. 25, 1878, .f50. Frank, Ten Broeck, Hattie Fisher. No time. IJill Nolan, blk g (« :40),' H. W. Howe, Deerfoot Park, L. I., July 1, 187.5, §200. Frank 3, Carrie N., Tommy Moore, Safety, Doxev, 2:40. 2:45. 2:42, 2:40, Bill Tliunder. b g (3 :25), bv Robin Clav, dam Betsy Thiuider, by Alexander's Abdallali. J. N. Williams Jr., Frankfort, Ky.. Sep. 5, 1«76, .'5400. George Judd i. 2 Magenta, Elmwood, 2:30, 2:32. 2,32, 2:30, 2:31U. Cincinnati, O., Oct. 5, 1876, $800. Sam West, George Judd, Belle of Fairfield, Black Maria, 2:2934, 2:30'2, 2:30Jt. Lexington, Kv., Oct. 19. 1876, S;400. Dick Taylor 1, Ella Clay 3, George Judd, Doble, Kentucky Central, 2:24-U, 2:25, 2:27i/2, 2:28i.i, 2:26'4. Biil Tweed, b g (3:47), M. Roden, Clyde, N. Y., July 2, 1868, $100. Col. Morgan, Honest George, 2:48,2:47, 2 :47i4. 1 Billy, (s) gr g (3 :33 s), Henry Severance, Beacon Course, N. J., July 27, 1841, .'?200. Seneca Chief (s), 2 :.32. Billy, (w), b g (3:591^ w), Horace Jones, Union Course. L. I., Sept. 25, 1854, $2,000. Ned Hyde (w), 8:58, 0:03. Three miles. Billv, ch g (3 :30), Jas. Rockey, Cincinnati, O., Oct. 20, 1859, $200. Grit 3, Molly Brooks, Lady Fly (1 disi, 2:39'2, 2:43?4. 2:42?i, 2:46, W. H. Potts, Cleveland, O., Sept. 6, 1860, $50. Billy, Fred Whitbeck, 2:45i^. Thos. Best, St. Louis, Mo., Sept. 15, 1860, $200. Tommy 1, 2:49, 2: 47, 2:49, 2:49. Billv, (Gen. Grant), ch g (3 :38), J. W. Shockency, Louisville, Ky., June 4, 1863, $100. Mountain Jack 2, 3, 2"":40, 2:39' 4, 2:38, 2:38, 2:38?i. Billy, b s (3 :30) (?), G. Zeillev, Canal Dover, O., Sept. 29, 1865, .?50, Dolly, Benjamin Franklin 3, (4 dis), Kitty 1, (2 dis). 2:45, 2:38, 2:40, 2:36, 2:30 (?}. Billy, br g (3 :48M), G. Johnson, Fasluon Course, L. T.. Nov. 1 1865, $5,000. Paterson's br m, 2:485i, 2:49, 2:51. Billy, b g (3 :50), J. D. Bell, Newburgh, N. Y., July 21, 1866, $ . Tatton Sykes, 2:50i2, 2:51 Terre Haute, Ind., July 4, 1867, $200. Bob Eddy (2 dis), 2:58, 2:50, 2:59. Billy eh g (3 :39';), J. R. Smith, Scranton. Pa., Oct. 4, 1868, $150. Tormentor 3, Lottie, Fanny, 2:471^^, 2:40?^, 2*4.5 2 '39'" Billy, b g"(3 :33i'4), D. V. W. Golden, Utica, N. Y.s June 14, 1869, $50. Lone, 2:401^2, 2:36;^, 2:4L July 16, 1869, $500. Rockingham. 2 :35, 2 :36, 2 :33i4,. Billv,.grg(3:35i2), L, Dunham, Cincinnati, O., June 26, 1869, $100. Favorite 2, Medoc (3 0),Pilot, 2:.38, 2:.'59,. 2:384, 2:37' 2. „ , Billy, b g (3 :4394), T, Taylor, New Haven, Conn., Aug. 19, 1869, $100. George 1, 2. Xavier, Biu-ke, (4 dri, 2:45, 2:48,2:46, 2:48, 2:42%. Billy, (Ace of DiamondsX b ^ (3:43i4\ J. H. Phillips. St. LawTence Co. N. Y.,Sept. 10, 1869, $125. Lady Shotr well 3, Lady Mack, St. Lawrence Maid, Ira Allen, 2:43}4. 2:49, 2 ; 47, 2:4614- Billy, cTi g (3 :43i4), Ed Ellis. Auburn, N. Y., June 15, 18'70, $200. Experiment, American Boy, 2:51%, 2:48, 2:4'7. June 16, 1870, $200. Nipper, Snip, Lottie Semple, 2;43i4, 2:43%, 2:44. Billy, b g (3 :49), D. Bigley. Boston, Mass., April 21, 1871, $100. Romeo, 2:56, 2:.53, 2:53. June 10, 1871, $200. South Boston Boy (w),l, (3 0), 2 :53"2, 2 :49, ,2 :54, 2 :58. _ . ,^ , , Billy, b g (3 -.SG^i), C. Benson. Prospect Park, L. I., Aug. 24, 1871, $300. Jenny 1, Hippy (2 r o), Wlialebone (2 dis), 3:011/2, 2:591/2, 2:581/2, 2:56i4. Billy, ch g (3 :56), L. S. Sammis, Prospect Park, L. I., Nov. 25, 1871, $200. Emma (2 dis), 3:01, 2:56ii. Billy, bs (3:37), J. J. Hornbeck, Kingston, N. Y., Oct. 15, 1872, $400. Macks, Penobscot, Y'oung Dexter, Sally,2:37, 2:38, 2:41. 2:39. Billy, (3 :53), San Francisco. Cal.. Dec. 4, 1872, .$ . Pease 1, Sally Come Up, 3:101^2, 3:01M, 3:06^, 3:52. Billy, b g (3 :33'4), Fort Wavne. Ind., June 2, 1873, $ . Flora, Man Eater, 2:50, 2:55, 2:45i2. Billy, (3 :443i.) Syracuse, N. Y., July 4, 1873, .'!!4O0. Deceiver 2, Honest Dick 1, 2:42^4, 2:47, 2:48, 2:45, 2:45. Billy, ch g (3 :44),!Wm. McMalion, Deerfoot Park, L. I., July 16, 1873, $400. Billy 1, 2, 2:5314, 2:54%, 2:53%,. 2 52, 2:.53%. Aug. 1, 1873, $50. Bijou, 2:531/2, 2:48%. 2:46%. E. Heard, July 21, 1873, $75. Village Maid 3 (4 0), Billy, 2 :51'/2, 2 :52, 2 :48, 2 :48, 2 :51. Billy (3:49 '41. John Callender, Napa, Cal., Sept. 12,1873, $75. Frank 1, Pawnee, Eugene Casserly2 (3- dis),2:50, 2:49%, 2:4914, 2:51. . ,. , , ^ . Billy, gr g (3 :39i^). .Jos. Stickney, Wilkesbarre, Pa., Aug. 20, 1873, $100. Snap, Pythias (1 dis), Frank Webb (1 dis)^ Prince (1 dis), 2:49%, 2:45, 2:45. ■ T, Hatch, Oct. 22, 1874, .f 50. Granger, Emma, 2 :51, 2 :50 2 :45. A. Benedict, Plainfleld, N. J., Sept. 17, 1875, $100. Ward Beecher 3, Zeke Davis, 2:46i'2, 2:48%, 2:47i4,. 2:46%. P. C. Eckroth, Wilkesbarre, Pa., Oct. 14, 1875, $50. Johnny, Dick, Maggie, 2:50, 2:49, 2:48. Billy (3:00). Doylestown, Pa., June 3, 1874, $25. Stranger 2, 3, Play Boy 1 (6 dr), Julia (5 dis), 3:02' 2, 2:56,. 3 *04 3 '00 3 *05 3 '03 Billy, blk's (3:36'2). 't, D. Locke, Great Falls, N. H., June 16, 1875, $300. Little Gent 1, Little Fred, Sail, Sol. Hayden (1 dis), Jim (1 dis). Honest Lyon (1 dis), Nelly Star (1 dis), 2:42, 2:44, 2:43, 2:41 Billy, b g (3:39). T. Ingersoll, Sycamore, 111., July 3, 187.5, $100. Ranger 2,3(6 dis). Red Wood 5(6 dis),. 3:141^,3:06, 3:0814,3:1.3, 3 :08>^, 3:26. ^ . ^ t, . /. ,• ^ Virginia, 111., Sept. 1 and. 2, 1875, $112,50. Messenger Golddust 1, Loafer, Lookout, Portuguese, (2 dis), Dunlapd dis), 2.39, 2:.39,2:40M,i2:40i.^. ^ ., , , ^ ^ „ ^„,^ Billv, b g (3:4814). J.Rogers, Fleetwood Park, N. Y..Mayl4, 1875, $150. Saratoga (w),. Ingomar, 2:52%,. 2.4814,2:4914. Billy, b g (3 :34). Mr. Ostrom, Stratford, Out., Sept. 10, 1874, $ . Faithful 1, Arthur Boy, Blind Tom, Little' Tom, J. H. Bqv'le, 2:42, 2:41^, 2:46%, 2:47. L. Lvman, Ingersoll, Ont., Oct. 17, 1874, $135. Jessie 2, Annie Wilkes, J. H. Boyle, 2:40, 2:41, 2:40, 2:44. E. Hopkins. Windsor, Out, July 1, 1875, .$2.50. Long John 1, J. H. Boyle, Wild Bill (2 dis), 2:35, 2:345^4, 2:34, 2:,34. . ,, Billy, b g (3:40). R. T. McGreer, Cortlandt, N. Y., June 15, 1876, $300. John Holmes Jr. 3, Maggie Myers, Dick Jones, Maud INIahon, Senator Boy. Panic, Kate Hayes (2 dis), 2 :40, 2 :40, 2 :43. 2 :4.5i4. ^ ^., . Billy, brg (3:50). W. P. Allen, Gardiner. Me., June 22, 1876, $100. Gray Harry 3, Jimmy Gray, Pilgrim,. Shepherd Boy (4 dr). Major K. (3 dr), 2:50, 2:51, 2:51, 2:50. ^. , ^^ ^ ^^,, Billy, bg(3:53%). P. C.Hartford, Fryeburgh, Me., Oct. 20, 1880,.$ . Peggy 4,5, Dinah 1, 3:03, 2:531/2, 2:54, 2'55'i ''■.5414 2".5''% Billy, 6r g (3 :'oo). P, HrConsider, St. Petersburg, Pa., June 28, 1876, $100. Star Billy, Sorrel Dan, Nelly Bond (2 dis) 3 '00 3 '00 3 "00 Billy, br'g (3:3914), by Victor Denmark, dam by Clifton Pilot. R. S. Strader, Franklin, Ky.. Sept. 5,1876, •$400. Romance, Letlger, Midway Belle, Almont Jr., Katy Watkins (3 dis), Johnson Boy (2 dis), Lizzie H., (2 dis), 2:35%, 2:36, 2:41. , .„, ,,,. R. S. Strader, Lexington, Ky., Oct. 20, 1876, $400. Ashland Kate 2, 3, Puss Thompson 4, Blue \\ ing,. Smoke, Monroe Chief. Jim Fisk, Ettie Jones (4 dis), Fanny Stoner (4 dis), 2 :30i4, 2:29%, 2:32, 2:35. 2:3314,. 2 :29?4. 63 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TKOTTIXG AND TACING KECOlil). Billy, b g (2 :60). C. C. Baker, Philadelphia, Pa. , Sept. 3, 1877. §100. Susie, Gray Eagle, Nelly Clipper, 3:07, 3:01. 3:01'2. -. Nov. 20. 1877. S30. Little Pet O 0). Susie, 3:0.'), 2:.V), 3:05. Billy, l» g i,:J:i;t's). O. Hoit, Kuuie, N. V., Sept. 20, 1877. 5:70. (.liarley, Prince Henry, Hehnore, 3:15^4, 3:165!4, :t : 13' J. Eour-vcar-olils. Billy, I) g (« :4«;4), J. Haines, Philadelphia, Pa., Juue h», lS7b, S . Niblis 1, 2, Mike, 2:55, , 2:53, 2:51, 2:iS'i. Bill V, l> g (2 •.'>''i), H. Derr, Wilmington, Del., Oct. 16. 1k7s, S200. Lou B., Maggie M. (1 dis>, 3:01, , 2:.52. rtillv, lilk s (a:43-.i), M. A. McNey, Butler Co,. O., Oct. 4, 1x78, SI. W. .MooUNloue, Saui, Prank, Ida Haves, Ivjuly Eveland, Mary Belinoul. .losie Black. Ben (2(lisi. 2:47'4,2:43Ji, 2:4(!'2. Billy, b g (3 :30;, M. 0. Stoddard, Newport, It. I., Sept. 21, 1880, $20. Kocklaud Maid, 3:30, 3:30. Four-year- ()lds. Billy. brg(3:31'i>, C. Deyo, Pontiiie. Mich., .Tune 18, 1880, S70(). Diamond 4, ."i, Ceutelbi 3, Cute, Jenny L., 2:31'., 2:34'i. 2:34'.i, 2::{t'.i. 2: :«'.,. 2:il'2. 2:303i. Billy. brK(-i:41). A. Patterson Pougbkeepsie, N. Y., Oct. 14, 1880, $100. Lady Van 1, Lottie 3, 2:50, 2:45J^, 2":.")2, 2:."i«i. 2:4.5. Billy, b g ( 3 .->0), M. Lee, Montgomery City, Mo., Sept. 2.{, 1881, $40. Joe Lane, Ladv Edgcwood, 2:50. 2:.'j0!4. Billy, bg (;{:00),C. H. Huusberger, Lancaster, I'a., Oct. 8, 1881, $50. Young Miditletou. Fanny, Bay Kate, :i:01. 3:00.3:00. Billy, ell g (3 :50), W. Brown, New Orleans, La., Mays, 1881, $ . ILirry, 3:13'2, 3:3014. May \r>, 1H81, $!50. Charley 2, Brooks, Wausuka, Harry, 2:57 Ji, 2:."j9, 2:60. Billy, b g. Upper Sandusky, O., Sept. 28, 1882, $oO. I'lora 1, Frank I'ierce, Young Fillingham. No time. Four- vc;ir-olds. Billy, ch g (3 :53'/j), J. L. Tabor, Painesville, 0., Aug. 18, 1883, $ . Billy Bunker 3. Bed Wing 4, Gray Bill, llattic Clay, 2:.')9, 2:52'4, 2:.J7, 2:.J0?i, 2:53',2. Billy, b g (3:43), C. Haskell, Hinsdale, N. H., Oct. 9, 1883, $75. Thomas A., Melnotte, Johnny, Jumbo, Billy, 2:42, 2:42 '2, 2:42. Billy Allen, b g (3 :46), Wm. S. Schwartz, Reading Pa., Oct. 1, 18R0, $7.'). Sining Boy 3, 5. Mary 2, Flora 8., 2:.").3K>. 2:.">2'2, 2:59, 2:.59. 2:.">S'i. 3:05'i. Billy !$■!; b g (2 :45), R. T. Kiiccbs. Onmh.i. Neb., Sept. 22, 1875, $350. Billy Mai k l,<:etaway. Brown Mack, Lottie, \ankee Boy (3 dis). (';i|>t:UM c' dis). 2:4914, -':•!•"), 2:46, 2:4.''). Billy it. grg(.3:36'4), John T. Fisher, Waterloo, la., Sept. 17, 187.''), $2.50. Clara B., Ladv Alice, 2:46, 2 :48i,i, .Minend Point, Wis., Sept. 4. 1879, .S . Daisy, Rattler, Major. 3:05, 2:51. 3:08. Billy It., b g (3:33'4), by Walcott's H;inii)letonian. Zielly and Bavliss, Orville, O., Oct. 12, 1882, $200. Abby Darling 5, Bay John 3, Larry B. 4, Prince Edward, Kichard, 2:49 •., . 24."), 2:45. , ,2:45. W. B. Tliompson, Wheeling. W. Va., Sept. 12, 1883, $300. Minnie Warren 3, Quaker Girl, Harrj' 15., Hoosier (Jirl (3 dr), Starlight, 2:35',, 2::i3';, , 2:39i4. L. L. Scott. Uhrichsville. O.. Sept. 2(i. 18s;i, $1,50. Polia, Paul Hacke, 2:34, 2:37, 2:37. Sept. 27, 188;}. .$:}00. Polia, Paul Hacke, 2:34?i, 2:35?i, 2:34. Billy It, 1) g (2 :41), J. Ramsey. Haverhill, iNIass., Aug. 21, 1883, $150. Ovveenee, Lady Gibnev, Milton, F. D. 1, 2, (4 dis), .liick M. (4 dr), 2:42. 2:44, 2:4(), 2:41"2, 2:41. Billy Bad Eye, (Chestnut Ridge and Westover), bgf3:39K>). bv Marshall Ney. dam Kate Lawrence, by \Villi;uns'"st. Lawrence. J. C. Boslev. Frederick. ISId., Oct. 10, 1882, $300. JohnN. 1. 2. Sweetness 3, 4, AucnsiaSchuvlcr, 2:.S49.. 2:.S5. 2:35''.i. ■}:.Tiri, 2:47'.i. Unlinished. Haltimore, .\ld., Oct. 26, 1882. .Sl.ono. Stonewall, 2:35, 2:29'^, 2:29";. ^. , , Billy Itarber, b g (2:51), by Martin's Green Mountain. P. Martin. St. Paul, Minn., Julys. 1878, $400. Richard R.. Flora Hatch (1 dis), Modoc (1 dis), Ned (iates (1 dis), Yomig Badger (1 dis), 2:55, 2:51, 2:51. Four-year- — — Co\. Griggs, Oct. 15, 1874, .«;300. Y'oung Badger, Ned Gates, Modoc (3 dis), 2:5914, 2:53, 2:54Vi. Four-year- Billy' iiarefoot, (Nick), blk g (3 :38'4), by King Herod, d;iin by son of Hale's Green Mountain Morgan. John (■•urtis, Waukon. la., June 22, 1872. Sm. Minnesota Bcile 3, Wisconsin Star, 2:38^. 2:38i4. 2:41'2, 2:41?4. ( 'resco, la., Oct. 3, 1872. .S200. Princeton 2, 3, (4 r o) Huckleberry (5 dr), 2 :40!'2, 2 :43;4, 2 :42i/2, , 2 :45. Decorah, la., Sept. 1, 1873, .« . Huckleberry, 2:4.5, 2:41i.i. 2:3l\i. ^ ^ , „ ,^ „ .>- .lohn F. Smith, Norristown, Pa., May 18, 1876, $4.50. Modoc 3, 4, George A. Ayer, Mary Taylor, 2:40,2:3(, 2::i9, 2:37';, 2:37. Pliiladclphia, Pa., Aug. 22. 1876, .$300. Lyde 1, 2:44, 2:42, 2:40, 2:43. , „^ „ ^,,, Sept. 14, 1876. $250. Little Nell 2, Mary Taylor, Mary Jane, Lady Blesslngton (2 dr), 2:38»4, 2:38, 2:44H, 2:381.1. Lewistown. Pa., Sept. 27, 1876, $200. Sorrel Toin, Snow Flake, 2:37, 2:34J4, 2:37'/2. Sept. 29. 1876. $500. Lizzie Keeler 1, Little Mary, Snow Flake (2 dr) 2:339i, 2:3414, 2:34, 2:34. Riltcrsville, Pa., Oct. 27, 1876, $250. Delaware 2, Clothesline 3, HonestMae 1, 2:34'/2, 2:34Ji ,2:343i,2:36Xt 2:4il'j,2:;i4. Belmont Park, Phila., May 6, 1878, $ . (Jray Chief, Lew Ives (3 dr), 2:32i^, 2:32i4, 2:36. C. E. Davidson, Jersey City. N. J.. July 14, 1881, $200. Belle Dean (1 0), 2:38, 2:37Vi, 2:40^2, 2:43^. Aug. 4. 1881. $100 Lucy Penny, Susie, King Cetawayo, 2:41, 2:42i4, 2:41. .\l;"iy 27, 18K2, .'5200. Kate 2, 2:.50'4, 2:43)^, 2:43i4. 2:46%. Aug. 10, 1882, $1.50. Arthur (w) 1, Cyrus Miller, 2.40, 2:38i.i. 2:43i/2, 2:43Mi. Aug. 24, 1882, $1.50. President, Lucy Penny, 2:40^^, 2:43, 2:43. (W) Aug. 2.5, 18,H2. .$1.50. Cyrus Milli-r (w). 2:40, 2:55, . (i. Sli:irp. .lersey City, N. .L, June 21, 1883, $100. Ned Cole, 2:46^, 2.46i4, 2:405li. Iulv4 188:t. .$20. Fritz, 2:4.5, 2:40. . „ _.,, „ „. lillly Barefoot, b_g(3:37), II. Buckman, Lambertville, N. J.. Sept. 9, 1879, $60. Mountain Boy, Billy Ha'l. ltiliy''i5aVl«.w."grg (3:541, John Cudnev. Philadelphia. Pa., Oct. 26. 18.58. $ ; Black Ralph. 2:54, 2:54. Billy Itarlow. blk g (3:37',). Mr. (^oviness, Union, Or., Oct. U, 18kO, $100. Cricket 1. 2:48. 2:.. 1, 2:.)3. (i. W. L-iliy, Portland. Or., July 27. 1881.. ■$.500. Pedro, St. Elmo.. 2:.{8. 2:37>4. Itiliy BanieH. chg f2:38^.{i, B. Biirnes, Cnatham, Out.. Oct. 12. 1870, $ . Cozette. ("apt. Tom (2 dis), l-aa> Kowc (2 (lis). 2:46'u 2:.'!8'':i. 2:!H','. . , , , 1 o, .q,- Billy ltarr,(W. B. Whitman) dn g (3 :33y), by Ethan Allen. T. B. Britton, Terre Haute, Ind., July 31, 186., ■^lO. W. 11. Hiirper, 2:41';. 2:40',. 2:421 1. Aug. 2. 1867. $100. W. H. Harper. Billv. 2:441;,. 2:46. 2:42U. O. Tel'er. Indianapolis, Ind.. Oct. 5. 1876, $1,000. Chiimpniiru 1. 2:.'U'/., 2:37. 2:.38'2. I). P. Bissell. Toledo, O.. Aug. 14. 1808. .«400. Toledo, llciiry, 2:26, 2:27 2:28'.,. Detroit, Mich., Aug. 26, 1868, $,500. Angeline 2, Point Brec/e 1, W. K. Thonuus. 2:30i4, 2:31J4, 2:^,^.3.i«i, 2:271.1. O. Teller .Toledo. O., Oct. 16.1868. .'a!7no. Point Breeze 1. 2:2.8)^. 2:31i,i. 2:34, 2:.Wi. D. P. Itissell.Trov, X-. Y.. July 13. \m\ .«!1.2.50. RoUa Golddu.st. 2::t2'i. 2:31. 2:.T3. ,,0 ji n o ok o oci/ O. Telli-r, ButTalo, N. Y., Aug. 13, 18G9, .$5,000. Angeline, W. K. Thomas, H. W. Genet (3 dIs), 2:26, a:26X, 2 :27. M. Roden, Springfield, Mass., Aug. 26, 18(i9. .•ssi..5on. Mack. 2:32. 2:30. 2:30. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 63 Billy Barr Jr., chg (3 -.47%). A. L. Wilson, Terre Haute, Tnd., April 9, 1870, S . Grit, 2:52i.i. 2:52, 2:47?^. Blllv BasUaw, (w) gr s (3 iSli^), by Green's Bashaw, dam Lady MeNair. J. Braunock, Cliieago, 111., July 1878. S . Printer's Ink 1, Senator, Lady H., Billy (3 dr), ,2:52, 2:53. gr g, G J. Fuller, Benton Harbor, ISIicli., Mav '27, 18si, $150. Molly Lynch, Comanche, 2:42, 2:40, 2:403^. Prophetstown, 111., Aug. 4, 1881, §250. Honest Fred 1, Jenny B. 2, Laura, Lady Lowc,2:38i4,2:41i.i,2:39J4. 2:.39,u;, 2:40. Meudota. 111.. Aug. 10, 1881. .? . F^ank Baker, Frank, Leland, 2:42».i, 2:45, 2:4G Council Bluffs, la.. Sept. 1, 1881, $300. Lucrece 1, Colorado, Kitty Clyde, ]\Iountain Girl, Eiette, Sleepy Bill, 2:32}^, 2:.32'4, 2:34, 2:37 Pardee, Gray Eairie l,(3dr). Best time 2:35. " „ „ . ,, Billy Blood, b g (3 :00), Wm. Dent. Erie, Pa., June 1, 1876, .1f200. Black Hawk 2, Annie, Henry Hoagland (4 dr), .Slow Go^(3dr). 3:00. 3:02. 3:01.3:00. - ^ s ^ , ,„ , , s Billy Blossom, (w) ch g (3 :53,), T. Green, Stockton, Cal , April 4, 1857, l^r^oo. Little Pet (w), Red Wood (w), BiliyBostatier (Charley Ford), gr s (3:16?4), bvMcKessou's Gray Eagle. J. G. McKesson, Janesville, Wis., Sept. 12, 1877, $ . Anna B. 3, Northern Light, Barbacue (2 dis), Flora Gates (l dis), George P. (1 dis), 2:35, 2:32, . 2:33. Sept. 13, 1877, $ . Anna B., Lady Hess, Barbacue, 2:37, 2:3G. 2:35i2. Billy Boulden. b g (3 :33). F. Hopkins, Woodbury, N. J., Oct. 19, 1875, §200. Phil Dougherty, Shelly Cop- perbottoni. Eva, Sally Wood, 2:52Vo, 2:51i4,2:52'2. „, , „ , ^^ W. H. Burgett, Wilmington, Del., Oct. 27, 1875 $120. Nan, Dick Ellis, Gen. Custer, Shelly Copperbottom (3 dis), Alabama (3 dis). Bay Star (3 dis), Jenny W. (3 dis), 2:45, 2:57, 2;51. Ithaca. N. Y„ Oct. 17. 1878, §120. Ida Gray 1, Lib, Mattie F'isher, Bashaw (2 dr). No time. Bradford, Pa., Sept. 19, 1879, $400. Young Columbus, Lady B., 2:.33>2,2:37, 2:.37. Billv Bowlegs, ch s (3 :39). Mr. Finney. New Castle, Del., Jan. 2.5, 18G0, $ . Silver Heels, 2 :41, 2 :40'i. ^ Jan, 27, I860, $250. Silver Heels. 2:39, 2:40, Feb. 8, I860, .§250. Silver Heels 1, 3, 2 :42, 2- ilVz. Billy Bowlegs, ch g (3:40). Geo. Henderson, Whitby, Ont., June 22,186.5, §100. Cypsy Queen 1,4,2:47, 2:42'.,, 2:46'4. 2:.50, 2:42y2. J. Davis, Bath, N. Y., July 29. 186.5, .§ , Capt. Taggart, 2:56, 2:52, 2:45. J. Wallace, Warsaw, N. t., Sept. 25, 1867, $.50. Brown Jim, 2:48, 2:46, 2:40. Billy Bowlegs, b s (3:41), by Young Columbus. J. Round, Freligsburg, Can., Sept. 2, 1868, $100. St. Law- rence, 1, 4, Spindleshanks (2 dis), 2:4814, 2:42i.i, 2:41, 2:421^, 2:42. Burlington, Vt., Sept. 17, 1869, §150. Columbus Jr. 3 (4 0), 2:44, 2:54,2:50,2:49, 2:42.0 Sept. 6. 1871. $ . Young Etlian 2, 4. Horace Allen, 2 54, 2:,54, 2:.53, 2:52, 2:49. Billy Bowlegs, blk g (3:48). W. T. Smith, Fort Covington, N. Y., Oct. 6, 1876, §100. Harry Clay 1, Chas. Dickens, 2 :.57, 2:55, a :.53, 2:48. , „ Bill Bowlegs, b g (3 :31). R. Smith, Morrisania, N. Y., Sept. 29, 1879, $100. Rose Michel i, 3, Blind Boy 5, Minnie H., 2:.55,2:51, 2:.52, 2:51, 2:50,2:51. Billy Boy(3 :.50.) J. R. Howe, St. Paul, Minn., Sept 9, 1870, § . Paul, Green Tom, 2:.52, 2:.50. Billv Boy, b g (3 :36i4), by Mambrino Temple, dam by Son of St. La^^Tcnce. H. Kelly, St. Paul, Minn., Sept. 2, 1878, §600. Gray Dick, Grapevine. 2 :39, 2 -.SbH, 2 :36 Sept. 7, 1878, §600. MambrinoPrince, 2:45,2:41, 2:371^, 2:45. , „, . , ^^ , Dubuque, la., Sept. 11, 1878, $500. Maid of Monti, Blanche, Regent, Orphan Girl, Royal Chief, Newbern (1 dis), 2:34, 2:31, 2:30VS. ,,..,, Kansas City, Mo., Sept. 18. 1878, $500. Tuckahoe, Charley C, Orphan Girl, Lucy Smith, Lady Alice, Royal Chief, Blanche, 2:32, 2:32, 2:31i4. Quincv, 111., Sept. 26, 1878, $400. Royal Chief, Prince, 2:34. 2:32, 2:30' 2. • S. H. Lamson, Cambridge, 111., Sept. 2, ISsO, $300. Wild Oats 4, Sucker Maid, Young Buchanan, Lucy 1, 2 (3 dr), 2:2914, 2:30,2:3014, 2:33i4, 2:34, 2:39'.:. Davenport, la., Sept. 10, 1880, .§300. Fairmont 1, Wild Oats, Careless, 2:33, 2:31'2, 2:.30, 2:34. • Dubuque, la., Sept. 16, 1880, $500. Little Sioux 3, Lizzie B., Lady M., Jessie (3 dr), 2:30?4, 2:3414, 2:33, 2:2914. A. A. Bombach, Higginsville, Mo., Aug. 30, 1883, $375. Tornado 4, 6 (3 0), Executor 2 (3 0), 2:31, 2 :34, 2 :35, 2:3.5, 2:43, 2:40. Mr. Fellows, Kansas City, Mo., Nov. 29, 1883. Prize, blankets. Sheldon, Sleepy Bill, 2 :28i2, 2 :26ii. Billy Boyce, ch g (3:48), J. A. Hurd, Monterey, Cal., Oct. 6, 1879, $80. Joe Dean 2, Brown Charley, Dan Voorhees Jr., 2:52'/2,2:.53, 2:50i4, 2:48. . .. ,. t ^ Billv Brighton, ch g (3 :45-4), by Jupiter, dam by American Star. E. L. Kilmer, Amenia, N.\. Loafer, Dutchess (1 dis). Col. John (1 dis). Amos (1 dis). Bashaw (1 dis), 2:53, 3:05, 2 :.59. , . ^ ^ „r^., Billy Brightwood, b g (3 :36ii), Geo. F. Cheever, Keene, N. H., Sept. 24, 1878, $1.50. Josie, Dan C, White Cloud, Col. Knox (2 dr), 2:43, 2:4314. 2:41?4. ^„ ^ , , Billv Britton, br g (3 :37?i), Aiken & Bntton, Evansville, Ind., Sept. 23, 1874, $300. Belle Berkely 1, Prince, Ernest. Sam Houston (2 dis), 2:41. 2:37?4, 2:43, 2:39. .„ ,. , Billy Buckeye, b s (3 :45), A. B. Barnes, Utica, N. Y., June 14, 1860, $60. Goodwin's b g, Blue Eagle, 2:45. Billv Buckingham, ch g (3 :50), J. Moran, Fleetwood Park, N. Y., Dec. 5, 1878, $50. Barber Tom, 3:15. June 30, 1879, $150. .Toe McElroy 2, Lively, Lady Haves, Bunt, 2:53 2:49. 2 :.50, 2 :.55. ,^ ^ . Billy Budd, ch g (3 :39>6), O. K. Downs, Saginaw City, Mich., June 22, 1877, $30. Gray Dick 1, Lord Duffenn, Charley Bates (3 dr), 3~:1,5, 3:10, 3:1.5. 3:10. Bay Citv, Mich., July 11, 1877, $200. Lord Dufferin 1, 3, Ike Waixell, Champion, 2:45!2, 2:4514, 2:47, 2:4014, 2:44'4. Sanduskv, O., Sept. 27, 1878, .§120. Capt. Reed 3, Carson, Harry H.. 2:41i4. 2:4li.^, . 2:47?4. T. H. Bush, Findlay, 0., July 1, 1880, $200. Robert Brown 1, 3, Molly H., Billy C. 2 (6 dis), 2:41, 2:41, 2 :40, 2:40. 2:41 '2, 2:41. Billy Bumpus, b g (3 :43), J. F. Haines, Portland, Me., Aug. 29, 1871, $ . King William, Belle, 2:52, 2:53, 2 :49U;. WT F. Rowe, Oct. 16, 1872, .§100. Slasher, Meddlesome, Wagrani, Auburn Boy. 2:15. 2:45, 2:43i4. Billy Bundle, b g (3:04), A. Roberts, Dover, N. H., Sept. 11, 1883, .§25. Diamond Star, Harry, 3:17,^, 3:15, 3*04 Billy ijunker, b g (3 :55H'). J. Carroll, Painesville, O.. Sept. 2, 1883, .§ . Billy T. 1, 3:06, 2 :. 59 2:55^4 , 2:5'?M- Billv Burr, (John Holmes Jr.) b g (3 :39'.,), l)v Walkill Chief, dam a Clay mare. A. J. Feek, Elmira, N. Y., Sept. 3. 1880, .§400. JNIidge, Helene, Kitty Small, Charlev Ross, Peck (3 dr), 2 :34i4, 2 :31i.i, 2:32?i. Sahunanca. N. Y., Sept. 7, 1880, §400. Sleepy Tom 2, 4, James Ash, Valiant, Alleghany Boy, 2:32, 2:31, 2:3114. -^riOVu 2:.31i4. Sept. 10. IS80, .§400. Mamie M., James Ash, Valiant, 2:.3li4, 2:.3li4, 2:3li4. Bradford, Pa., Sept. 14, 1880, §500. James Ash 1, 2, Valiant 3, Sleepy Tom, 2:36, 2:35'4, 2:36J^, 2:3214,2:35, ^ Sept. 17, 1880,8400. Helene 4. .5, Jack 1. 6, Mamie M. 2, (6 dis). Valiant, Lady June (5 dr), 2:34, 2:35^, 2:35.2:35M,. 2:33i4, 2:35, 2:31i/4, 2:31k. 64 CIIKSIKKS roiMlM.KTK TK(»TT1N(; AM) l*ACIN(i HE('<)1;|». E. Ager, Soraiitoii, I'a., Oct. 13, 1880, $500. Clara J. 2, 3, Kit Bradh'v l, Hi'iiivClark, Kipton. Lorn Claromoiit (3 dis). No time. Itilly Kuttuu, b g (.3:43^.1;, Jus. Whelpley, Union Course, L. 1., Au{;. ;30, law, S500. Klizu Logan (1 dis*. '- Aug. .to. IS."), .«400. Kli/a Logan, 2:44».i. E. Si, Senior 1, •2:.->8i/'. -:48, 2:49. A. Haig. Manli ij, i«r>s, .>;l'60. Coeliney Dan, Ingoinar, 5:41, b:,i9. Two miles. March u'4, i.^'is. .h, .s75. liiiekeve (W)2, Columbus lill (Wt, 2:49'-, 2:46,2:48. Cnioii Course, L. I.. .Sept. U, lf«4, .'?;«K). Koval Charlev (W) 2. Napoleon IV. 2:.WV<., U':."Kt, 2:.'^4, 2:51 Mr. I'.attershy, H:imllton, Out., Oet. 21, 18(4, 5=200. I'eiham Tartar, Tom Savers, Odd Fellow, Adelaide, l-;ulv Oakland, ."):-'i;-.,, .".:.{(). Two miles. IJilly button, lir s ci :40), o. ]';irindge, Watertowu, N. Y., Oct. 17, 18C5, §360. Andrew Jaekson 1, i2 0) (5dn, Com. Niitt (.•! (In, 2:40. 2:4<), 2:40. 2:4oU, 2:41. Hilly Kiittun. rii g (3 :53), ,J, llnglies, Harrisburg, I'a., May 22, 1869, §200. Sasaraek, 3:07, 2:.'i.'>. Oct. 24, 1S70, .s.'»0. Sasaraek, 2:52, 2:,5S'.i.,, i':.56'.i. Hilly Itiitton. cli g ci-.'i/yi), by llambletonian I'rinee, dam by Paige's Logan. W. Kandolpli. Frederick, Md., Oet. 10, 1882, $250. Peanuts, Martha Washington, Kate, William K., Little Annie (2 dis), 2:37^1, 2:38><4, 2:37',,. Oet. 13, 1SK2,S150. Martha Washington, Little Annie. Kate, 2:43'i, 2:42'2. 2:44?4. L. E. Dunliam, Jersey City, X. J., Oet. is and 1!>, 1S82. .■?2.50. Hreeze Medium 1, 4, Tempest, Western (Mrl (5 dis), Harrv Mills (4 dis), Frank H. (4 dr). Manhattan (2 dis), 2:37, 2:35'4, 2:2!»i/', 2:30?4. 2:29. G. Smitli, Helmont Park. I'hila., Oet. 21. 1882. $20(1. Young Alorrissev, Belle Afniont, Newtown (1 dis), Mona Medium d dis). L;i(lv C. (1 dis), York Boy (1 dis). 2:29'2. 2:32i^, 2:38. Nov. .J, 1.S82, .«?2ii0. Belle Almont, Turk, Lady G., Kate Medium. 2:3.5?4, 2:39, 2:37. W. G. Lewis, Mystie Park, Boston. May 30, 1883, $000. Happy Thought l, 2, Amelia C, Kobert IL, Highland Win, George A., (5 dr), 2:24'"2, 2:25, 2:23, 2:25, 2:25. Morrisania, N. Y., June 20, 1883. $1,500. Valley Boy, Douglas, Frank, Leni, Stephen G., Stonewall, 2:21^, 2:21!j,2:22'^.. L. E. Dunham, Freehold, N. J.. Sept. 13, 1883, $500. Brandy Boy, Parole, Powers, 2:28'>i, 2:30, 2:29>^. J. O. Stearns, Jersey City, N. J.. Sept. 20, 1883, $700. Brandy Boy 2, Mambrino Dudley, Stephen (i.. Jack Sailor (l dis), Ladv Lear (1 dis), 2 :22H, 2 :25>4, 2 :27, 2 :25?4. L. E. Dunham, Plauiiield, N. J., Sept. 27, 1883, $500. Brandy Boy 4, 6 (.5 0), Mambrino Dudley 3, Stephen G., 2::i0, 2:liS,'4. 2:28i.i, IM'GU. 2:29}^, 2:29'i, 2:291^. Somerville, N. J., Oct. 5, 1883, .$300. Jlodoc 1, Star, 2:32y2, 2:30, 2:291^, 2:29^. Alt. Holly, N. J., Oct. 10, 1883. $.500. ISIodoc 1, Brandy Boy, May, 2:22K'i 2:24, 2:23%, 2:24Vi. .lersey City, N. J., Oct. 18, 1883, $500. Modoc 2, Brandy Boy 3, 2:30, 2:3dK', 2:31, 2:29^, 2:29^. Parkville,' L. I., Nov. 2 and 3, 1883, $500. Modoc 2, 4 (7 0), Brandy Boy 1, 3, 2:32^, 2:33^4. 2:30, 2:27»^, 2:299i, 2:2S'.i, 2:28'i, 2:27^. Billy C. eh g i3 :43i^), A. L. Clark, Baldwin, N.Y., July 4, 1881, Prize, whip. Gray Tom 3, Isabella (4 dr>, Rob Kov {3 i\V). 2:53, 2:49, 2:46'4, 2:43''2. Billy C., b g (3:37ii), N. W. Cununings, Kockville, Ind.. Aug. 13, 1881, $30. Sailor Boy 1, Hoosier Ned, James Garlield (3 dr), Honest John (2 dr), 3:00(2, 3:02, 3:03, 3:04. S. E. Oglesl)v, Peoria, 111., Sept. (>, 1882, $400. Susie Mac, Wildflower, Lady Rothschild, Lydia C. 3, (4 dis), Dan Mace (4 df), 2:37'i, 2:381/2, 2:38'i, 2:41"2. Billy C, b g (3:03i/2), A. Dorsey, Washington, D. C, Nov. 29, 1883,$ . Queen I. 1, 3, Pansy 4, Molly Woodcock, Kosciusko, 3:08, 3:07, 3:05, 3:00"2, 3:03)4, 3:09. Billy Caiiipau, ch g (3 :53), J. B. Campau, Detroit, Mich., July 26, 1853, $100. Gen. Taylor 2, 4, (3 0), 2:5«;, 2:53, 2:52,2:51,2:54,2:5.5. Billy Carttm, (3 :36i/2), Three Rivers, Jlich., Oct. 7, 1870, $150. Silverheel, Nottawa Maid, John Douglass, 2:48, 2:42"2,2:;}(ii^. Billy Cheatham, gr s (2:52), by Judge Evans. D. Seaman, Coshocton, O., July 4, 1877, $100. Ben Fisher, St. Denis, Cliarley Walters (2 dis), Billv Robinson (l dis). 2:52, 2:55, 3:05. Billy Collins, ch g (2 :40), James JNIiller, Buffalo, N. Y., Aug. 23, 1873, $100. Lady Cooper, Bashaw Girl, Emm;i, Liddy Ann, 2:49'4, 2:47'i, 2:49. Sliaroi), Pa.. Sept. 2(!, 1S73, $400. Froney (3 0), Bro\vnie (4 dis), Betty Chorister(4 dis). Curbstone (4 dis\ Green Mountain Chief il (lis). •_':4(ii4, 2:45. 2:47, 2:46. John Wliitnian. Couneautvillc, Pa., July 4, 1874, $ . Bay Jim. Ashland. No time. Billy <'ooper,ch s (3 :10), by North Star. C. C. Keeny, Waverly, la., Sept. 21, 1876, $100. Fanny Fern, Jidia Bush, Josii, 4:(X), 3:1.5, 3:10. Billy Crawford, br g (2:35%). Jas. Rockey, Cincinnati, 0., Aug. 19, 1863, $100. Honest John 2, Mountain Jack (2 (lis), -JilO, 2:;!9%, 2:42, 2:4.5. Doctor I'.oiiaparte, L(l>;inon, O.. June 6, 1866, $7.5. Aleck, Burr Oak, Dolly. Dolan's l>lk g, 2:35%. Billy (u.shiiit;, gr g, (3:44'.,), by Kentuckv Abdallah. J. C. Decker, Laporle, Ind., Sept. 24, 1874, $300. Mary, While Stockings, Bourbon, 2:.58, 2:.58, 2:53ii. Billy l>. dig (3 :3«). I)v Daniel Lambert, dam by Mazeppa. H. G. Smith, Chester, Vt., Sept. 6, 1877, $165. Jeremiah, Pilot. 2:41, 2:41"2, 2:42. M:uichester, N. H., Sept. 19, 1877, $200. Dio, Katv Did, Richmond, 2:38'/4. 2:38, 2:38. Mystic Park, Boston, N'^v. 8, 1877, $200. '" ~ " ...^ , , ...... ^_ Eva, 2:40, 2::!.5>.,. 2:38. D. Pilfer, Providence, R. 1., Oct. 22 and 23, 1879, $200. Judgment 2. Rosa B., Morris (1 dis), 2:29. 2:30'2. 2:;52. 2:29. .1. Golden, Newport. R. I., Sept. 24. 1880, $m\. Dickard 1, 2, Lady Bird 4. 2:33, 2:30'/j, 2:31, 2:33. 2:33, 2:35. T. S. Foster Providence. R.L, Oct. 21, 1880, $400. Helene 2. Duroc 3, Lady Martin, Jenny (.3dis), 2:2b, 2:27, 2:27'5, 2:28. '?:28. H. S. Grant, Newport, R. I., Sept. 8. 1881, $.300. Joe Ripley 2. Argonaut. 2:.'51 •2:36, 2:34^ 2:32. I'rovidence, R. I., Sept. 14, 1882, $400. Happy Thought, Lady Martin, J. W^ Thomas, Eve, 2:29»i, 2:28',, 2:28»4. Billy l>avi8, ch 8 (2 :58'/j), J. M. Williamson, Salt Lake, Utah, Sept. 13, 1878, $100. Nettie Crawford, 3:08, 3-02, 2 •.58", Billy DaweM, ch g (2 :33), J. R. Tomlinson. Catskill. N. Y., July 15, 1874, .«800. Frank Wood. Phil O'Neil Jr., Molly Carew, Lady Angle, Bessie B., Lady Trimble (2 di8\ Bay Ben (2 dr), Mohawk .John (2 dr), 2:35, 2:33, 2:38%. Woodbury. Conn., Oct. 8. 1S75. .$.30. Clara Banks, Toronto Jim, Captain Jack, 2:43, 2:47, 2:40i4. Sept. 21, l'870, .$.50. Dick Parsons, Dunham's chg, 2 :42"j, 2:47, 2 :.50. ^ „„ ^ , .^ . n iv.^.. Billy I>(>nathau, ch s f4:l«U), bv A. W. Richmond, dam Lucy Reed. J. A. Hard, Sallna.s, Cal.,Oct. 9, 1882, .$100. Tommv. Salinas Mafd. 4':.'n. 4:29' i, 4 :16'/j. Two-year-olds. , ,. . , ,, Billy Dow, b g (3 :37). E. Faimce, Plainville, Conn., June 4, 1878, $300. Democrat, Colonel Peabody, Marguer- ite. Olive. W. II. Kudd, Hattie .lenVrscm, 2:.'f6. 2:.36Vlj, 2:35Mj. „ „, , T, 1 Billy Uunhain, b g (3 :3«i.,). Geo. Rvdell. East Saginaw, Mich., Sept. 1.5, 1874, $.550. Burr, Bhick Bashaw, Mambrino Walker. Billv (2 (lis), Maggie Smith (1 dis), 2:37'/j,2:36i^i. 2:40. „ , tt d ., Billy KdKerton, b g (2 :36%). ,]. W. Ingalls. Little Falls, N. Y., Oct. 13, 1877, $200. Kit Small 1, Harry B. 3, Maggie Myers, 2:44, 2:4l.2:;!8i.<;. 2:38. 2:37>4. R. M. Kelsey, Richfield Spa, N. Y., Aug. 21, 1878, $200. Peril 1, 2:35>.i, 2:3<;. 2:35, 2:33'4. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 65 Aug. 24 and 26. 1878, S1.50. Little Wonder. Peril l (4 dr), 2:3514, 2:31 >4. 2:324, 2:33i^. — t'ooperstown, N. Y., Sept. 25, 1878, $175. St. Remo 2, Peril, Andy, 2:32'i, 2:3314 , 2:34, 2:35. Billy Edwards, eli g (3 :43), J. E. Jarvis, Jersey City, N. J., May 3. 1877, f 100. William 1, Nesbit, Nina Dan- iels. S. G. Schober (4 dr), Billy Bolivar (4 dr), 2:55, 2-A&U, 2:49, 2:.53i.i- Clifton, N. Y., May 8, 1877, $250. Jim Motfat 3, William, Martba, Doubtful (4 dr), 2-A3U, 2:43, 2:45, 2:44. Brooklyn, L. I., June 30, 1877, .SiOO. Annie K. 2. Harrv Miller Jr. (2 dr), 2:46'/2, 2:43^4, 2:45, 2:49. Billy Emerson, rn g (3:37'/2), T. G. Warrallo, Burton, O., Aug. 18, 1870, .$100. Lady, Wild Turkey, Luyler Bov(2dr). 2:47, 2:52»i. D. H. Hughes, Tiffin, O., June 8, 1871, $ . J. H. Welch l, 3, Sir Walter Jr. (l dis), 2:4414, 2:50]4, 2-ASU, 2:.52'4 2:53^4. Biliv Enfield, br g (3 :50), Jas. Archer, Cambridge, N. Y., Sept. 24, 1880, .'?30. Prince 1. Snowdrift, Sorrel Dan, 2 :5G. 2 :52'4, 2 :.50. 2 :58i4. Billy Felts, (314), San Luis Obispo. Cal.. Mav 17. 18s3, -S . Sorrel Tom 1, Bonita, 3:09, 3:14, 3:21. Billy Ford, (Hancock) ch g (2:30)) by Mohawk Bknidin. J. H. Penman, Sabina, O., Aug. 25, 1882, $15a. Sneak l. 2, Neva, Nipper, 2:55':. -lilii, 2;4',)ii. 2:45, 2:45. ' ■ Columbus, O.. Aug. 29. 1882, 5:3(10. Bruk. Belle C, Mary F.. Sneak, 2:3914, 2:43'/2, 2:39-!^. W. O'Brien, Dayton, ()., Sept. 26, 1883. .•#300. Dr. Frank 3, Modie H., Almont M., 2:.32, 2:32, 2:30, 2:31. Billy Foster, br g (3 :05), L. P. Blake, Sandusky, O., Sept. 24. 1878, $20. Black Hawk, Belle Brandon, Star, Topsv Ann (3 ms), Mambrino Raleigh (1 dis), 3:UU, 3:08, 3:05, 3:05. Billy Fox, cli g (3:45 w), Mr. Thurrel, Chicago, 111., July 22, 1858, $ . Jane l, 2, Hector, Walter (3 dis), 2:50, 2:.50, 2:4G'i, 2:47, 2:51. Billy G., (3 :40), by Little Buck. W. H. Green, Wenona, 111., , 1881. Prospect, St. Joe, 2:42, 2:42, 2:40. Billy Gansen, b g (3 :55'^), Aleck Kinkaid, Cincinnati, O., July G, 1866, $200. Iowa (w) (3 dis), 2:58, 3:00'2, 2 :56. ■ Julv7, 1866, $100. Jessie Harden, Ben Butler (3 dis), Kate (2 dis). Live Oak (1 dis), 2:55%, 2:55>i, 2:56. Billy Glassford, b g (3 :45), C. J. Welch, Salem, Oregon. Oct. 5, 1879, $250. Western Chief (1 dis), King Faro (1 dis). 2:4.5. Billy Golden, b g (3 :34i4), C. S. Green, Utica, X. Y., Aug. 26, 1870, $500. Spotted Colt, 2:33-%, 2:36, 2:355!i. ■ Jas. Alexander, Somerset, O., July 25, 1874. .«25. Alice Baker 2, Frank Elwood, 3:00. 3:04, 2:.5l. Delaware, O.. Oct. 2, 1874, $175. Rocket, Mohawk Jackson, 2 :44i4, 2 :449i, 2 :49i4. Billy Golddust, ch g (3 :44i0, T. F. Macklem, St. Catharine, Ont., Sept. 26, 1882, $ . Tommy B.. Ontario Maid, Greenwood, Belle, 2 ;45, 2 :4.5, 2 :44' i. Billy Goocher, b g (3 :49), bv Stile's Vermonter. C. M. Lambert, Spring Valley, Minn., June 28, 1877, $—. Peggy, Valley Girl, Brown'Prince (2 dis). Brown Stone (2 dis). No time. Preston, Minn., July 4, 1877, $50. Blackstone, Peggy, Yankee Bill, 3:10, 3:12, 3:08. Spring Valley, Minii., Oct. 6, 1877. $60. Yankee Bill, Peggy, 3:00, 3:00. H. Knox, Decorah, la., June 26, 1878, $125. Topsy 2, 3, Careless 1, White Stockings, Nettie Moore, Black- • stone, 2:47, 2:46'i, 2:46S, 2:49, 2:51,2:509i. Billy Graham, (Princeton Bov), ch g (3 :38), by Vermont Hero. C. E. Westbrook, Lacrosse, Wis., Oct. 18, 1872, $200. Thunder, Columbus Black Hawk, 2 :42i », 2 :44U, 2 :45. Oct. 19, 1872, $250. Thunder, Cohmibus Black Hawk, Mudge (1 dis), 2:46. 2 :44?i, 2 :55. Billy Grant, (Hooso'), b s (3:55), bv Administrator, dam by Dubois' Mambrino Duroc. B. R. Perry, Wil- mington, Del., Dec. 17, 1874, $20. Henry Clay, 2:,57»^, 2:55. Billy Grant, b g (3 :43), S. Scott, Helena, Mont., Sept.23, 1878, .$200. Molly McGowan, (1 dis), Caesar (1 dis), 3:02. • Sept. 29, 1879, .$200. Pilgrim, Live Oak 1, (2 dis). Queen (1 dis), 2:47i4, 2:4414, 2 :47}4, 2:5514. Billy Gray, gr g (3 :36), G. P. Carpenter, Hartford, Conn., Sept. 24, 1866, $75. Sorrel Jack, 2:45, 2:47. ■ — — S. Hayes, Boston, Mass., May 29, 1868. $100. Belle Morrill, 2 :36, 2 :40, 2 :4194. Billy Gray, sp g (3 :44), Mr. Cleveland, Manlius, N. Y., Sept. 23, 1875. f . Hitchcock, Tipple, 2 :50, 2:50, 3 :11. Sept. 24, 1875, $ . Hitchcock 3, Plough Boy 4. Best time 2:42. In third Heat. Oswego, N. Y., Sept. 30, 1875, $100. Plough Boy 3, Lysander Boy 4, American Boy. No time. Billy Gray, gr g (3:00), D. G. Sutherland, East Saginaw, Mich., Aug. 25, 1876, $10. Doctor 2, Billy B., Saginaw Dan, Bay Billy, 3:15, 3:15, 3:12. Sept. 8, 187(3. $18. Doctor 1, Bay Billy 3, Pedro, Pet, 3:10, 3:10, 3:10 8:1214, 3:14. Sept. 19, 1876, $50. Doctor 3, 4. 3:07, 3:1054, 3:0914, 3:05, 3:03. June 15, 1877, $12. Edward Blake, Red Ribbon, 3:15, 3:19, 3 :15i^. Aug. 3, 1877, $70. Little Captain 2, 3:05, 3:00, 3:00, 3:01. Aug. 10, 1877, $15. Little Captain 3. 4, Deacon M., 3.01, 3:0094, 3:00i4, 3:02, 3:01, Aug. 17. 1877, .$100. Doctor 3, 4. 3:01, 3:00, 3:02, 3:00i4, 3:00i4. Billy Gray, gr g (3 :41), Chas. Johnson, Norwich, Conn,, Sept. 28, 1880, $150. Willy 1, Varick 2, Lazy Bill, Bay Tom, Lady Singular, 2:47. 2:46"2, 2:41, 2:41%, 2:42. Billy Green, b g, S.Willett, Hamburgh, N. Y.. Sept. 10, 1879, $50. Mabel A., George, Molly D., Throat Latch, Sloak Smith (2 dr). No time. Billy H., gr g (3 :40), A. Culverson, Sycamore, IlL, Sept. 1, 1874, $200. Essie Hollywood, Hesing Jr. (2 dis). Granger (2 dis). Orient (2 dis). Brown Jack (2 dis). Gen. Grant (l dis). Uncle Sam (l dis), 2:52, 2:45}^, 2:44. July 3, 1875, .$300. Minnie Maxfield, Fred, 2:44. 2:46'^, 2:.57. S(>pt. lOand 11, 1875, $.300. Quarry Boy 1, 4, Diadem, Germania, 2:45, 2:40, 2:4«i/", 2:45, 2:45. Aurora, 111. Sept. 6, 1877, .$75. Lex, Elgin Trump, Black Cloud, Wild Kate. 2:4Ci/2. 2:43%, 2;45i4. Billy H.. ch g(3 :34), W. Sanford, Dallas, Tex., Dec. 7, 1881, $100. Sirocco, Rocker (1 dis), 3:34, 3:40. Three- year, olds. Billy Hamilton, b g (3 :40). W. W. Hamilton. Davenport. la.. Sept. 9, 1868, $80. Mapes ch g 1, J. E. Young 3, (5 (lis), Emigrant (5 dis), .James (5 dis). Ad Benedict (1 dis). W;iuora (1 dis), 2:.53, 2:49i4, 2:49, 2:51, 2:49'/4. Clinton. la., Aug. 26, 1869, $75. Rubber 1, 2, 2 :4:i, 2 :.sr», 2 :42' o , 2 :44, 2 :42i4. Short track. Billy Hayward, (Hayward), gr s (8:31%), bv (ieo. M. Patchen Jr., dam Gray Liz, bv the Morse Horse (?). Mr. Sessions, San Francisco, Cal., Dec. 31, i870, $225. Jerseyman (s), 2:52, 2:47}4, 2:53. Stockton, Cal., Sept. 14, 1871, $300. Slsson Girl 2, Black Ralph 1, 2:41',4, 2:441^2, 2:4114. Mr. Cassidy, Petaluma, Cal., Oct. 11, 1873, .$300. Marj'sville Queen 1, 3, Countess 4, 2:46, 2:42%, 2:39, 2:42, 2:46, 2:46. San Francisco, Cal., Jan. 3, 1874, $100. Lou Whipple 3, 4, Lady Grant, Lady Emma, 1 :20]4„ 1:21%, 1: 19' ;, 1:2014,1:19%. Half-mile heats. T. Kennedy, Oakland, Cal,. Oct. 16, 1874, .$ . Ladv Emma l, 2:41, 2:40';, 2:43'A. San Francisco, Cal., Oct. 28, 1874, $200. Dan Voorhees 2, 3 (1 0), Ladv Hamilton (2 dis). Lady Emma (1 dis) 2:3914, 2:40, 2:44%, 2:431/4, 2:44%, 2:451/2. Nov. 19, 1874, $500. Lady Thome, San Bruno, Alameda Maid, Gen. Grant (3 dis), Edgar (2 dr), 2:3514, 2:31%,2:33'4. Feb. 17 1877, $300. Billy Lucas 1, E. H. Miller, Prophet, Sorrel Dick, Captain Jinks (3 ro), Harry (3 dr), Frank (2 dis). 5:21, 5 :13'4, 5:15. Two miles. Billy Hazard, gr s (3:40), C. Robinson, Princeton. 111., Sept. 17, 1879, $140. Ella Mack, Searcher, Bobby New- comb, Stranger, 2:41 14, 2:42, 2:40. Sept. 18, 1879, $8.5. Ella Mack 1, Stranger, Searcher, Jennie B., 2:41, 2:40U, 2:4014. P. Delier, Sioux City. la., Sept. 26, 1883, $100, Welchman (1 dis), George S. (1 dis), Billy Bringher (1 dis). 2:.52i/2. Staf lions. Billy Hiatoga,b 8(3:33%), S. A. Jefferson, Sandusky, O., Sept. 28, 1877, $20. Star, Hiatoga, 3:22%, 3:42, 3:29>4. Four-year^lds, 66 CHESTEKS COMI'KETK TROTTIXC AND PACING KECOllD. Blllv Holcomb, h g (2 :48), F Pratt, (ileal ]5iHTin;;toii. Mass., S.^'pt 1'7, 1807, .■JiSO. hiltlu Mac, Dawson ( liii'f, Victorv C-i tiis), l.':.")!', -.MS. 2:iX». Billv Uoskius, gr g ('-* :-*>' i), by E73, iim. Voung ^Vl)llll, 2:36, 2'.o7. JJilly Hofspur, (Frank Hosewoodi li g (2 :40), by Fisk's Mainbrino Chief. "Wni. Smith, Pontiae. Mieh.. Oct. 27, 1870, SJ80. Cozi'tte 2, iJay Diamond 1, Kilty iiak 3(6dr;, 2:47';, 2:4si.i, 2:4X^4. 2.4!). 2:4(ii.i. 2:49'.. Hilly Hotspur, (Billy and Mambrino Walker\ l)g(2:40i. i. bv FiskV Manibrino Chief. A. C. Fisk. Kala- mazoo. Mich.. .June 23, 1871, $ . Kitty Hlaok. Fannv Kerr. 3o.i. .'JiOO'.!. 3:06'2. Four-vear-olds. Billy llurd, (2 :59K'). H. MeGregorv, Detroit, Mich., Oct. 28, l«(i8, Sioo. Brown Frank (w;, 2:5!»';. 3:\r>%. liilly Irving: blk g (2 :43). P. Dmyea, New Dorp, S. L, Sept. 2. 1875. .«I00. Toniiuv Moore 1, 2. (reedmoor, Bessie B. White Stocking, Mumpsev .Moore (2 dis), 2:45, 2:47 2:40, 2:47. 2:49'i. Sept. IS, 1S75. SUK). Ceorge 1. Lucv, 2 :.")(•, 2:47, 2:40, 2:43. J', ilaskins, Fleetwood Park, N. V., ih'v. 2, 1875. .S200. .John. 2:44. 2:4;iU'>. Billy J., br g {2 ;46). D. E. Lamb, Frederick. Md., Oct. II. 1883,$1.")0. Peanuts, T;inuer Bov, Blue J>ick, 2:50)^. 2:47. 2 :4(;. Billy Jones, b g (2 :38). T. Fleming, Fort Scott. Kan., Oct. 5, 18S2, $\ryO. Mambrino Beamer 3, Trouble. 2:42, 2:40. 2:42'.., 2:40. John Kline, Burlington, Kan., Sept. 21. 1883, .S200. Harry Phelps, Nellv, 2:44. 2:.'')0. 2:50. Billy K., bg (2 :."i3! 2), by Sweepstakes. Brower iS; McMillan, New Hunting Park. Phila.. May 4, 1881,3200. Echo, Elwood II., Kepublic, Caprice, 2:40, 2:."7'-i. 2:.is' j. Sept. 7, ls8l, S200. R. P. 1, Adele Gould, Cliarlcy Boss, Iron Clad (2 disi, 2:38,2:33i4. 2:34, 2:34»J. Billy K., cli g (;?;<)4). B. F. Kendig, York, J'a., Oct. .3, 1883, SKX). Dick, Katie Ciay, 3:o4!2, 3:07^.i, 3:(V4. Billy Ketehiiiii (Butclicr 15ovi, (2 :55i4). Mr. Pfau, San Franci.sco, Cal., March 19, t872, $ . Flora 3, 4 (l 0), 2:57'i. 2:.V.ii. 2:.-i7',. 2::>si 2,;5:C2. Billy King, du g (2 :40). A. K. Melindey, Macon, Ga., Nov. 1, 1878, $ . Elastic, Fannv Heard (1 dis), 2:43-2, 2:4.!'4, 2:.")0. Montgomery, Ala., Dec. 18, 1878, .?100. Lizzie 1, Fred Tj'ler, Bav Billv (1 dis), 2:.')0, 2:,51»4, 2:51, 2:45M. Billy King:, b s (2:51';). J. AV. Phoenix, Lafavette, Ind., Sept. 2. 1879, §150. Minnie M. 1, Henrv, Roadster (2 dis). Dandy (3 dis), Idol Girl (3 disi, (liarlcv K. (.3 dr), 2:r>3':i, ^-.bhh, 2:.52;4, 2:51'2. Bill y L., b g (2':37'i 1, by Ericsson. H. Wliirt. Pi.pia, O., Oct. 3, 1876, $.500. Hannah 2, Gen, O'Brien, Henry Todd, Trojiii I'.ellc, Pupia Belle, Brit Clav, 2:37'.i. 2:38'„. 2:40'i. 2:40'.,. Oct. 5, Wi;. .S:.(M). llannahl, Henry Todd. Dock, Nelly 1).. 2:42. 2:.;9'.i. 2:42, 2:44V4. ■ Orvillf. ( ).. Oct. 12. 1870, .$150 Mary, (ieorgc W. S., JMambrino Chief, Flora V., J. Easlev, Lady M,. Ken- nebec Jr., Tom Scott (1 dis), 2:42, 2:47, 2:.>4. Canton, O., Oct. 18, 1870, §125. Hotwater 1 , 2 (4 0), Lady M. (5 dis), Tom Allen (2 dis), Davy Crocket (1 dis), 2:44, 2:44, 2:44^, 2:42';, 2:42' i, 2:42. Billy L., b g (2:28!i), by Son of Ethan Allen. W. G. Leslie, Cleveland, O., Sept. 7, 1880, §400. Tom B., Hoosier Girl, Singular. 2:,31'4, 2:3l'.i, 2:.33, Sept. 9, 1880, $400. Tom B., Sue (irundy, Hoosier Girl, GUie, 2:31, 2:28';, 2:30, Dubufiue, la., Sept. 10,1880, .SGOO. Captain Tom "3, Milo, J. B. Thomas, Abe Downing, Highland Seal, (ieorge B. Alley, Dan Palmer. Drift (4dr), 2:35, 2:.!5'.i, 2:a5?i, 2:.36'2. Waterloo, la., Sept. 22, I880, .*:K)0. ,1. B.Thomas, Abe Downing, Princess, Darhngton, 2:35;^, 2:32V4, 2:.34'.i. Sept. 23, 1880, .$300. J. B. Thomas, Milo, Captain Tom, 2:32?i, 2:3414, 2:33U. Fort Dodge, la.. Sept. 2!i, 1881, §3(K). Hidden Treasure 1, Eureka, Darlington, Fanny Fern, 2;32'.4, 2:3i;4, 2:32'.i,2:31'/2. S('i)t. 30, 1880, $.300. J. B. Thomas, Hambletonian Morgan, 2:37?4, 2:39, 2:37. Webster City, la, Oct. 7 1880, .$200. Captain Tom, J. B. Thomas, Molly B., 2:38, 2:35, 2:32!2. Billy Lambert br g, Niles, Mich., May 27, 1880, .$25. Maggie Bush, Nelly Pope, Col. Tucker. No time. three-year-olds. Billy Lanibertson, b g (3 :28'4), by Cloud Mambrino. J. B. Loder, Cambridge City, la , Aug. 19, 1874, 8 . St. Lawrence 2, 3, Phoebe C, 2:40, 2:4<)'4, 2:43'4„ 2:38V2. 2:41. Shclbyville. Ind.; .Sept. 4, 1874, $ . Little Alfred, Daniel Boone, 2:.37i^, 2:42, 2:35'/j. Picjua, O., May 25, 1875, .$800. Jeremiah, Lillian, Dan Howell, Lew Scott, Idol, Quickstep, 2:34, 2:36»4, 2:38. Kidamazoo, Mich., July 3, 1875, $1..'500. Jeremiah, Lady Williams, Basil Duke, 2:32, 2:31>4, 2:30. Billy Lewis, b g (2 :40), S. L. Scott, Newark, 0., Oct. 7, 1881, $200. Joseph 1, 2, John S.,2:31, 2:31, 2:40, 2:40, 2 :50. Billy Long, b s (2:.'>2), C. H. Reed, Woodsburgh, N. Y., May 30, 1881, $30. Kidgewood, Kate, Gray Harry, Captain, A]ax, 2:.55. 2:.52, 3:02. Billy Lynch, b g (2 :47), Wm. Lynch, Fleetwood Park, N. Y., Nov. 3, 1873, $300. Molly Levi, Dan 1, 2, (4 dr), .3:02 2".'>4 2:,'jO 2:47 2 '.54. Billy M, i) g. (3 :64(, Vv.B. Myers, Raleigh, N. C., Oct. 18, 1878, $75. Lucy Jackson 1, Jenny Morgan, Blue Slip- per, 3 :06, 3 :09, 3 :04. Billy M, bg(2:38),A. E. Mounet, Bucyrus, O., Sept. —,1881, $ . Archie (Jolddust, Dan B. Best time Billy M, blk g (2 :40) N. Melletts, North Attleboro, Mass., Oct. 3, 1882, $150. Chief 2, Geeser. Benny Baker, Henry Almont, Harry (4 dr), 2:44, 2:42, 2:44,2:43. Billy Ma<-k, b s (2 :40'2), J. L. Ma^. J. G. Sanchez, Salinas, Cal., Oct. 5, 1883. $1.50. Carr's Mambrino 1, Patchen George,2:48"j, 2:40'/2,2:43'/», 2:47'i. Stallions. ^. . Billy Maynard, h g (2 :40), Dorman Bros., Barton, Vt., Sept. 10, 1875, $125. Belle Noble, Island Chief, 2:41. Race unflnislied. Richford. Vt., July 4, 1876, $1,50. Barney Kelly 1, Flora, .John Morrissey, 2:41'/,, 2:47, 2:48, 2:.50. Billy Mayo, br s (3 :4r>), W. B. Young, Sacramento, Cal., July 4, 1874, $500. Dolly, 18:45. Five miles. Billy McCracken, (2 -.46^), T. L. Magee, New Orleans, La., March 24 and 25, 1859, $100. Big Mason 1, 6, S.-lkimna 2, 2:'A, 2:49. 2:48. 2:50, 2:50'/i, 2:50. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TKOTTING AND PACING RECOED. 67 Billv McClure, b g (3 :43), F. Margreuve, ({alveston, Tex., May 21, 1877, §100. Morgan 1, HarryBillings (3 dis), Lone Star (3 dis), 2-A2U. -':■«, -':44?4,. 2:-t3U,. Dallas. Tex., Jnne 2, l»u, .^lTjO. llanv iJillings 1, 2:42, 2:59, 2:42, 2:43. Billy 31cKean, blk g (3:43Uj, C. W. Jai-kson. C'ortlandt, N. Y., Jnne 20, 1883, $200. Lysander Girl, Fanny Belle 3, Telephone, Daisy Bnrns, Susie M., Lilly Dale (4 dr), Eddy (,3 dr), James Lindsay (.3 drj. Dandy (.2 disi 2"42 2:42'" 2:44 2:44. Billy Mead, brgVaV-lS), by 'old Morgan. E. K. Wormley, Mendota, 111., July 4, 1878, .«125. Tragedy, Nelia (3 dis), 2:53, 2:.53, 2:48. Billy Megonigal, ch g (,3 :38), T. G. Hughes. Pottstown. Pa., Sept. 11, 1877, $200. Annie Benuet, Allen Gold- dust. Addie E. C. Drift, George, Guide. Lady Allen, Babe (2 dis), Xellv Earle(l dis), Charley Ross (1 dis), Lucv K. (1 dis), Inkernian (1 dis), Lawrenievill'' 3Iaid (1 dis), Abdallali I'atchen (1 dis), 2:40, 2:40, 2:42U, Philadelphia. Pa.. Dec. 13, 1877, sKiO. Lady Shai'i) (w) 3, Oyster l!(i\- (W). 2:53, 2:56i4, 2:53, 2:50. Billy 3lerrinian, b g (3 :58?,i), J. Priee, luist Saginaw, Mich., Aug. 20, 18G7. §7.5. Sailor Boy 1, Queen, Frank Moscow, Fanny Forester, 2:58i4) 2:58-4, 3:00^^, 3:01V2. Billy Mix, ch g (3 :40), Cluis. Mi.\, Edmondston, N. Y., Aug. 27, 1874, $150. Fred2,Deliglit 3,2:42, 2:41, 2:41 ;/2, 2:40)^,2:40. S. A. Baird, Waverly, N. J., Sept. 20, 1 76, §300. Lady F., Vermont Maid, 2:40i'2, 2:41i^, 2:41. Sharon Spa, N. Y., Aug. 9, 1878, $150. Fenimore 2, 3. No time. Billy Moore, (3:18'.), C. 11. Odell, Ballston Spa, N. Y., Sept. 27, 1871, .$60. Gilchrist's bm, Pearl, 3 :30}i, 3:31, 3:1834. Four-year-olds. Billy Moore, (3:101.1). Gilroy Cal., Oct. 23, 1878, $25. Flora Jones, 3:23, 3:15ii, 3:10^,- Three-year-olds. Billy Morgan, br g (3 :35i2), by Onward. T. J. Dunbar, Nashua, la., Oct. 1, 187.3, $200. Gray Steel, Nigger Girl, Honest Frank, Wapsio Maid (1 dis), 2:51, 2:50Vi,2:50. Oct. 3, 1873, $200. Gray Sled :;, Xiut^cr Girl, Charley Lord, 3:02, 2:53, 2:53V.;, 2:.54. Billy Morris, b s (3 :40), A. Gardiner, Ciloyersville, N. Y., Sept. 29, 1865, $50. Allen's rn s 3 (4 0), 2:43, 2:45, 2:42, ,2:42. Billy Morris, rn g (3 :45) (3 :44 s). F. E. Emory, Portland, Me., May 18, 1866, $250. Andy Mulligan, Croton, 2:48, 2:46, 2:46. George H. Bailey, Dover, N. H., Aug. — , 1866, $1,500. Kettlebale (30), 2:50, 2 :54, 2 :49, 2 :51i/2. F. S. Palmer, Portland, Me., Nov. 3, 1866, §50. Plough Boy, 2:48, 2:45, 2:46. Billy Moscow, ch g (3:33;2)) E. D. Harris, Kingston, Out., Oct. 10, 1876, $ . White Rose 4, 7, Croff 5, 6. Faithful 3. 2:40^4. 2:42, 2:43, 2:40i.i, 2:42.2:42, 2:41, 2:42. J. H. Backus, Canton, N. Y., Sept. 12, 1877, $150. Morley Girl, Nelly Thorn. 2:40^4, 2:41, 2:44. Potsdam, N. Y., Sept. 19, 1877, .$250. Lola Montez, Betsy Bump, Nelly Thorn, 2:35, 2:36, 2:.37. Billy aiustapha, rn s (3 :40), by an Arabian horse (?). F. Wagoner, Readintc, Pa., Sept. 14, 1889, .$300. Hess' ch m 2, Warrior (4 dis), Little 1, (3 dis), Odekirk's blk g (2 dis), Greenwich (1 dis), 2:44, 2:43i4, 2:40, 2:45'/2, 2:42^4. (w), Amos Young, Sept. 16, 1869, $100. Topsv (w), Black Swallow (w) (3 dis), 2:.5l, 2:46i^, 2:47. Billy Myers, (w), b s (3 :51'^ w), J. E. Maynard, 'Lowell, Mass., Aug. 2, 1856, $50. Yankee, 2:54. 2:53, 2:51V4. Billy N., bg (3 :44i4). A.Neil, Punxsutawney, Pa., Sept. 28. 1881, .$12.5. Lucy 1, 3, Flora Mclvor, 2 :.52, 2 :45, 2:45;/2, 2:47, 2:44ii. Brockville, Pa., Nov. 5, 1881, $ . Ada Bank, Flora Mclvor, Red Bank (2 dr), 2 .-48, 2 :46, 2 :45. Billy O'Neil. (Harry Robinson), brg (3 :37), by Tyler's Black Hawk. Fisher&Maher, Mankato, Minn., June 15, 1875, $.500. Cosmos 2, Charley Taylor, Puzzler, Ben Lyon, 2:48, 2:47i'2, 2:46?i, 2:49. June 16, 1875, .$800. Bo\vdell 4, Bifly Wood 1, Cosmos, Billy Button, Puzzler, Ben Lyon, Jim Raven, Black Dan, Galateik 2:43, 2:44, 2:43^4, 2:48!'^, 2:45i'o. Dubuque, la., Aug. 24, 1875, $ . Bay Charley 3, (4 0), 2:42?i, 2:4414, 2-AV4, , 2:45'/^. Sept. 7, 1875, .$500. Regent, Dred, 2:38, 2:39, 2:37; 2- Waterloo, la., Sept. 17, 1875. $3.50. Billy B. l, Regent, Selkirk, 2:36V2, 2:36, 2:39, 2:38. Dubuque, la., June 8, 1876. $350. Little Sam 1, 3, J. N. Steck, Susie Ross. Darkness, Comet (3 dr), 2:43, 2:39,2:37, 2:40, 2:44i.i. July 20, 1876..$ . Bay Charley, Harry Hopkins, 2:36, 2:35i2. 2:37'/2. Sept. 7, 1876, .$500. Granger 1, Ellen C„ Regent, Mary C. (3 dis), 2:42, 2:46U, 2:47i4. Fisher & Williams, June 6, 1877, .$500. Lady McFatridge 2, Mountain Quail 4, Hickory, Susie Ross, Minnie, Albion Boy, Honest John, Jim Raven, Granger (3 dr), 2:35, 2:31, 2 :32, 2 :33, 2 :36. • Earlville, 111., Aug. 24, 1877, .$600. Jacksonville Boy 4, Clifton, Modoc, Callahan's Maid (5 dr), Wild Oats (5 dr), Janesyille (4 dr). Gray Charley,2, (3 dis), 2:2814, , 2:33, 2:28H, 2:33. • Amsterdam, N. Y., Sept. 13, 1878. $ . Bessie Turner, Harry B., State Rights, 2:33Ji, 2 :32i^, 2 :.31i4. Billy P., ch g (3 :43;4), by Charley Allen. W. Potter, Woonsocket, R. I., Sept. 20, 1881, $100. Coal Oil Tommy, Adversity, Frank S. (2 dis), Dom Pedro (1 dis), Allen (1 dis), Frank (1 dis). 2:431^, 2:4314, 2:47. Sept. 21, 1881, $175. Rapid l. 2, Farmer Bov, Nelly, 2 :47, 2 :44, 2 :43?:i, 2:46, 2 :43i4. Billy Patchen, ch g (3 :50i0, C. Porter, Galveston, Tex., May 3, 1883, $200. Star, 2:50}^, 2:.53i4, 2:.53?i. Billy Patterson, (w), b g (3 :53 w), R. Reynolds, Westport, Conn., Sept. 18, 1858, $500. War Eagle (w), 2:52. Billy Pavor, bg (3:35), R. D. Warner, Jamestown, 'N. Y., Oct. 24, 1868, $65. Moore's b m, Spotted Pony 1, (4 dr), 2:5614, 2:58, 2:53i4, 2:,5,5. Oct. 26, 1868, $100. Black Crook, Silver Cloud, Spotted Pony (2 dis), 3 :03i^, 2 :53i4, 2 :549i. L.B.Bartholomew, Cuba, N. Y.,Sept, 29, 1871, $17,5. Tom Kimball, Babe of the Woods, 2:45^4, 2 :44^i, 2:4114. Watklns, N. Y , Sept. 9, 1873, $350. Shorty Fountain 3, Brutus, Deceiver, Hunkidori, Lady Pumpkins (2 dis), 2:.37, 2:37i4, 2:37, 2:37. Sept. 10, 1873, .$360. Lady Star 1.2, Brown Kate, Shorty Fountain, Lightfoot, Central New York (3 dr), 2:37,2:3714, 2:37, 2:37H, 2:37?4. — — Corning, N. Y., Oct. 9, 1873, .$ . Lady Thompson. 2 :44, 2 :42, 2 :38. Hornellsville, N. Y., Aug. 20, 1874, $600." Ashland Pet. Deceiver, Farmer Boy 2:37%, 2:37, 2:.38. Cuba, N. Y., Sept, 23, 1874, .$.500. Ashland Pet, Lady ^^^litman, 2:36, 2 :38, 2 :37'i^. Sept. 24, 1874 $300. George Fawcett, Lady ^Tiitman, Elliot, George Cadmus, 2 :40i4, 2:43, 2:39. Danville, N. Y. Oct. 24, 1874, .$250. Charles Howe, Prince Clay. Tom Collins, 2 :36i4, 2 :36, 2 :36. Towanda, Pa., Oct. 28, 1874, .$200. Prince Clav. McGee's ch c. 2 :37i4. 2 :36i4, 2 :40i4. S. Willet, Medina, N. Y.. June 9, 187.5, .$.300. Step Up 2, Black Bird, 2:38i;, 2:41i.;, 2:38i',,2:38. E. Wilcox, Cuba, N. Y., Sept. 22, 1,875, .«iR00. George Cadmus 1. Merry Lass 2, 2:45, 2:42, 2:40, 2:43, 2:48?4. — — E. J. Burton, Buffalo, N. Y., May 12. 1877, .$200. Tib. Gray Dick, Bay Dick, 2:3,5, 2:35Ji, 2:35i/2. Billy Paxton, b g (3 :47i4), by Mambrino Patchen, dam Idol Girls daiii. J. R. Day, Dubuque, la., Sept. 15, 1881,$45. William B., Gray Eddie, Two Spot, Black Kit, 2:.58, 2:.50i4, 2:,51. A. C. Strapahite, 0.sceola, la., Sept. 26, .$80. Hawkeye Girl, Weldon Boy, George Anderson, 2 :49i/2, 2-M%, 2:47 '4. Billy Pearce, (3 :38i4), Mr. Crawford, Qnincy, 111., July 23, 1870, $100. St. Louis Tom, 2:50, 2:51. Sept. 7, 1870, $150. Jack Jones, 2 :.54, 2 :44?4, 2 :38i4.' Billy Penn, ch s (3 :45), Harrisburgh, Pa.. Oct. 29, 1857. $1,000. Lanman's mare (1 dis), 2:45. Billy Platter, gr g (3 :36), by Mambrino Pilot (?). T. S. Carpenter, Woonsocket, R. I., Oct. 2, 1872, $250. Lady Hale, Frank Allen, Black Frank, 2:41i4, 2:45, 2:43i/c. Boston, Mass.. June 4, 1873, $l,000. Marshall 1, Horace Greeley. Lady Wentworth, Penobscot, Honest Brock (3 dr). Highland Maid (2 dis), 2:34. 2:33M. 2:31?i. 2:34?i. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TKOITINCJ AM) PACING KK(()KI). — June 27, 1873, i?500. Bristol Bill 3. Ella Elwood, 2 :L>!). 2:3H^, a:29.2:32»4. — Proviileiu'e, K. 1.. Mov. ti, l«73,.*500. Music 1, (2 0), Parltis' Alxlallah, Fanny, Rex Patchen (4 dls), Ed. Eaton 0 <7r.. ^ . Shepherd Knajip .Jr., 1. 2-:4(i?i, 2::ir,->.i, 2:;j,3i!i,2:34>4. — O. 1*. Tucker, Exeter, Me., Sept. 27, 1877. fW. Elyuij,' Cloud, Uncle Billy, 2:40, 2:33, 2:31)^. — Bangor, Me.. Nov. 12, 1877, $ . Anodyne. 2:47, 2:41'i, 2:41 '4. .J. Archibald, llniontowu. Pa., July 23, 1880, i«i2!jO. Beulah (3 0), Henry (3 0), Mohawk Kale, Hermit Jr., 2:42';,, 2:M'i. 2:.i9, 2:39M. Billy roorinaii, dii g (a:43?4), L. (!. Butler, Sacramento. Cal., Sept. 15, 1868, ail50. Robin Rough, (ien. Grant 2. 4, ('olunil)ia .Maid, D. 0. Broderick d dist, 2:44, 2:43».i, 2:43?i, 2:4;J>4, 2:47. Billy It, b g C^ •.■ii)h), l>y Clay Pilot, dam by American Star. J". V. Johnston, (Jrand Rapids Mich., .Sept. 28, 1882, ■Syoo. George R., Fred B. lline, Arabella. St. Ehno (1 dis), 2:41?^, 2:44M, 2:41. I). Rhoda, Milwaukee, Wis., June 13, iSKi, $300. Fulton Maid, Tom Keno, G. W. Howe, Doubtful Girl. 2::$4, 2:36,2:31. Madison, Wis., Sept. 11, 1883, ^ioo. Kitty Fisher, G. W. Howe, Buffalo Boy, Rena Sprague (3 dr). 2:32J4. 2:2;»'.v. (Jshkosh, Wis., Sept. 18, 1883, .$2.50. Kitty Fisiier, Bay Prince, 2:38'.i, 2:41 14, 2:35;4. Billy Kay rug i3:33i?i), by Wood's llambletonian, dam a Black Hawk mare. N. G. Ray. Corning, N. Y., Aug. 26, 1873. .§100. Daudy 1, 2, Chauncy M. Bedle, Bay Charley (2 dis), Xelly Grant (2 dis), 2:50, 2:46, » 2 :.V), 2 :53. Elmira, N. Y., June 4, 1874, #400. Ohio Girl, John Wallace, Charley, Charles Hayden, Black Jim (2 flis). 2:37'2,2:37, 2:38Vi. June 5,1874, .§400. Pat Byrnes 3, Lady Johnston, Chauneey M. Bedle (2 dis), Charmer (2 dis). Colonel Walker (2 dis), 2:35) 2:41 '/2. , 2 :38i)i. Syracuse, N. Y., June 17, 1874, $1,000. Lola Montez l, 2. Bonny Doon 5. Messenger Boy (5dis), Billy Rowe (4 (lis), Honest Dick (4 dn, 2:39'/j, 2:39, 2:33iii, 2:35li., 2:35i;.i, 2:38U. . William Kellv. I'lattsburg, N. Y., Sept. 18, 1875, $600. Charley Mack 1, Lady Foxie, J. T. Russell (3 dis),. Spotted .Mill (2 dis). 2::«;, , 2:3SU, 2:31. Burlington, Vt., Sept, 23, 1875, $700. Charley Mack 1, Lady Foxie 2, 2:;i4i^, 2:36, 2:34, 2:37, 2:;.9. 1). Jenkins, Point Breeze Park, Phila., Oct. 13, 1875, .$2,000. Andrew, General, Lookout. Little Mary,. Jericho, Lottie, Little Dorritt, 2:31, 2:;»>4, 2:31. Billy Keed, ch s (3 :45), by Autocrat. J. R. Sawyer, Portland, Or., Aug. 2, 1883, $300. Katy Chetwood, Kitty Lynn, 2-Ar>y,, 2:48, 2:45. Billy Kice, b g (3:41?i), W. Rice, Kittaning, Pa., Sept. 13. 1882. $100. Billy D., 1, 2, Harry W.. Little Billy, .^ellv Banks, Lucy K.d dis), Kitty Cook (1 dis), 2:43, 2 :42M, 2:4m. , ,,^ ^, ,, Billy Kichards, (3 :54), A. L. Richards,Norwalk, O., Oct. 28, 1873, $1.50. Black Bob 1, Ida W. 2. Ida May (3 cfis). Carey Boy (3 dis). Crazy Jane (3 dis). Fearless (1 dis), 3:09?.,, 3:06»4. 2:57. 2:57?i, 2:59. Oct. 29, 1873, $100. Lady Kelner 1, 4, (5 0), (G 0), (7 0), Captam Gill (l dis), Ida W. (l dis), Carey Boy (1 dis), 2:.50, 2:54, 2:5.5. 2:.54-'i, 2:.57, 3:03, 2:.59, 2:.59U. Billy Ring, b s (2 :39). Burlington, Vt., Sept. 16, 1869. $150. Nell Smith, 2:49. 2:39, 2:39. Billy Rix, b g (3 :43i^, f. M. Rahm, Vallejo, Cal„ Sept. 10, 1864, .$250. Billy Catchem. Webber .Calistoga Dexter.BrownGeorge, 2 :43'/2, 2:44,4, 2:46. , ^-h „.. „., Marysville, Cal., Sept. 16, 1874. .$200. Ben Wade 1, Genevieve (3 dis), Billy McCracken U dis), 2:51, 2:54. Billy Roe,*'gr g'^(3 :40). L. Taggart. Oswego N. Y., Sept. 20, 1873, $50. Smooth Briar, Annie, Lady Case, Dandy, .Jenny, Nettie (1 dis), 2:4syQveen, 2:46 Ji, 2:45,2:47. Billy Seward, b s (3 :01). J. E. Janes. Tioga. Pa., July 3. 1877, $ . Lady Hall 1, Bashaw. ..^o t'me. Billy Sheridan, hr g (2 -39^). Vl. M. Howard. Watertown, N. Y., June 28. 1883, $400. Little ^^ alter, Monti© B., Golden Slipper (2 dis), 2:.30, 2:-M,'>::i2h. BUly : Bilfy^Sla^le. b g. F. Dunning, Rochester. Mich., Sept. 29. 1*^82. $-—. Bay Billy 2^JimFisk^ Kgie! Skiiv Billy Smith, h g (3 -.ni). J. I?. Harbeck, Jr., Saratoga Spa, N. Y., Aug. 4, 18.(.. ?.km. jviom) n., iuafc,!,n , ^ 1 Billy ^li;;!";!:^^;!;^' 'if It Man-nm.El Dorado, Kan., Sept. 26, 1883. $35. Lollard. Fashion, 2:10.2:,^ Half-mile heats. Three-year-olds. Sept. 26, IKH.3, .$.r,. BIrd,Lee 3:40. 3:4.5 rvf 01 iotq «r,oo Moss Rose 1, 2, Chamonni. Billy .Spencer 1, g (3:33). E. iv. Lowell Lexlngtffll.Ky.. 0(-t. 24. 187.3 $^ tobe Rowe. Vi.h'tte, Fanny Miller, Drift Wood, Belle Maude, Alice (3 dis). Bournon v,iri u uis;, - . . —^a'LlS,r.S'r; Henderson, Kv.. Oct. 17. 1874,, .$500. Prince 1, Moss Rose, Fearnaught, Tom Fields. BilW Se;Si:!;;;:;^^.^8r"- ^:tlnS: V^^^ Mass., Oct. 22 and 23. 1873, $175. Lady Hale 2, 3. J. N. Man- suay. XX, Island Belle (1 dis), 2.47, 2:42^, 2:42, 2:43. 2:42. 2^0. L. B. Brown. Providence, R. I., June 2.5, 1874, $1.50. Joe Clark 1, Ira Brown, Bl.u-k Ben, 2.43, -.4^, ^a^Ya, ^*New I>ondon, Conn.. Sept. 21. 1876. .$200. George II., Nodine Weaver 2;414, 2:j«'^. 2:41- Woonsocket, R. I.. .Tulv 3. 1877. .$200. Brown Bird 2, Crazy, File .<^"^\^,^^2^1 2.40 2.4rw 243. ,T. E. Wheeler, Willlm.T.ntlr " "•■* ""^ '"■"» *"^ Mmmtain Maid. Bay Neiij, uick, jonimj, ""i tie, Mav D.. Dick D:»mple. Nelly Richardson. 2:.38>/, 2:.38. 2:40. m ^ 1 Gotawav Brown Mack, Billy .Stone, br g (3 :39>4). c. Kevins, Omaha, Neb., Sept. 26, 1876, $250. Lulu M. 3,4, Getaway,Brown John Grant, 2:39?i, 2:, 39!^. 2:45U. 2:43%. 2:4.5. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 69 Lincoln, Nob., Oct. 2, 1876, $ . Lulu M. 3, 4, Getaway (5 dis), John Grant (1 dis), Brown Mack (1 dis), 2:3914,, 2:39>^, 2:45'/2, 2:43U, 2:45. Billy Taylor, b g (2:49), L. Taylor, Buffalo, N. Y., July 30, 1881, $100. Levi 3, Minnie Clayton, 2:49, 2:49!/2, 2:49'o,2:M'/j. Billy Thompson, eh g (3 :03), H. Landis, Point Breeze Park, Phila., May 26, 1881, $ . Indian Chief (pacer), 3:03, . Billy Trump, (2:55), Olney, 111., July 4, 1879, $200. Little Bob 3, Molly Howard, Jessy, Emma, 2:55,3:00, 2:.53'., 2:58. Billy Wait, b g (^2:53), G. A. Sweet, Leroy, N. Y.. Oct. 1 and 2, 1874, $175. Jenny 4, 5. Smuggler 2, 3, Tom riunkett, Yankee, Young St. Lawrence, Gray Eddy, Prudence 1, (7 dis), Genesee Maid (7 or), Lady Maud (5 dr). Fortune (4 dr), Dolly Allison (5 dr), Meadow Lark (5 dr). Little Giant (1 dis), No Name (1 dis), Flora (.1 dis). 2:.55, 2:.55i4, 2:.55i^, 2:,->;i, 2:.51, . 2:5.5, 2:53. Billy Walker, ^2:3l?i), San Francisco, Cal., Aug. 12, 1876, $200. Nelly Patclien 2, Nancy, Paddy McGee (3diS), 2:36, 2:38, 2:36' 2, 2:37. Billy Walker, eh s (2 :56), K. Barnes, Boise City, Idaho, Sept. 7, 1881, ,$100. Phil Sheridan, Seneca, 2:55. Billy Wasson, gr g (2 :34). Chas. M. Brown, Freeport, 111.. June 11, 1875, $600. George F. 2, Wonder 4, Sam S'harpley l. Brown Nelly (1 dis), 2:34, 2:.^9M, 2:40, • , 2:45, 2:46. Chicago. 111., July 2, 1875, $550. Trouble 2, 4, Gertrude, Jack Short, Brown Nellv, Hesing Jr., 2;38i^, 2:37J4, 2:38,2:41, 2:42. Billy Watson, br g (2:34!4). C. H. Smith, Oxford, Pa., Junes, 1876, $150. James R., Temperance, Edna, Sweet William, 2:48, 2:50, 2:50. June 9, 1876, .$200. Temperancel, Belle, Flora, Midsummer, Little Rose, 2:44, 2:45, 2:43, 2:52. West Chester, Pa., June 23, 1876, $350. Flora, Rolla, Harriet P., Harry Jackson, 2:44, 2:45, 2:42, June 24, 1876, $300. Harriet P., Harry Jackson, Lee (l dis), William B. (1 dis). Lord Rothermel (1 dis), 2:44 2:45 2:45. Billy Weaver, b g (2 :48), Dallas, Texas, Oct. 1, 1878, $250. Joe Avaline, Gypsy Queen, 2:.MV2, 2:48J4, 2:50i4. Oct. 3, 1878, $350. Barney O. 2:51 »/2, 2:5014, 2:51 '/2. Oct. 5, 1878. .$250, Sleepy Baldwin, Gypsy Queen, Barney O., (2 dis), 2:52?i, 2:49!/4, 2:48. Billy West, b g (2 :50i4), A. Marshall, Muscatine, la., Sept. 27, 1878, .$- — . Nimble Dick (3 dis). Black Dan (1 dis)2:52, 2:501-4, 2:51. Billy Weston, b g )2:35), E. A. Smith, Lawrence, Kan., July 31, 1869, $75. Phil 3,4, Honest John, 2:47i4, 2:4994 2:48;"^, 2:53, 2:46. : Oct. 29, 1869, $100. Phil (2 dis). Telegraph (1 dis), 2:44, 2:3714. Oct. 30, 1869, $200. Kansas Maid, Topeka Belle (1 dis), 2:3514, 2:3914, 2:39?4. W. S. Wales, Sept. 9, 1871, $300. Kansas Maid 2(3 0), 2:3714, 2:35^, 2:XM, 2:3514,2:35. E. A. Smith, Topeka, Kan., Sept, 14, 1871. $100. Kansas Maid, Topeka Belle, 2:39, 2:55. Billy Whitcomb, dn g (2 :41), Geo. Emery, Cheyenne, W. T., Aug. 1, 1873. $500. Sky 1, 2:37^4, 2:41, 2:47i/2. Oakland, Cal., Dec. 3, 1874, $150. Broom Corn 2. Ladv Emma, 2:4314, 2:4314, 2:43, 2:4414. Billy White, br g (2:51), Geo. Perrin, Union Course, L. I., Oct. 31, 1859, $1,000. Landlord (w), 2:.55, 2:51, 2:56. Billy Wilkes, b g (2:56), M. B. Gibson, Beloit, Wis., July 16, 1874, $900. Gyj), Flying Cloud, 2:.58, 2:56, 2 :57. Billy Willis, b g (3:00), E. H. Bettis, Pleasantville, Pa., Aug, 4. 1877, .$175. Lady May 1, 3, Dock, Happy Man (4 dr), Sniff (4 dr), 3:00, 3:01, 3:00, 3:00Vi, 3:00. Billy AVilson, dn g (2 :44;2), Wm. Wilson, Titusville. Pa., May 22, 1872, $200. Orange Billy 2, 4,2:.58, 2:41?4, 2:.>4, 2:49 2:44i«. ■■ June 1, "l872, .$100. Jenny Lind, 2 :45J-4, 2 :46i^, 2: 47J4. Billy Wilson, (2 :42J^). Poughkeepsie, N. Y.. Sept, 18, 1872, $ . Horace Greeley, Infant Drummer, 2:42V^, 2:44''o,2;43. Billy Wood, ch g (2 :52), C. P. Brundell. Belmont, N. Y., July 4, 1878, $100. Stephen, Charles Fenton, Daisy, Lady Wonder, White Cloud, 2:52, 2:561/2, 2:54. Billy Woodruft', b s: (2 :48), Mr. Archer, Mineapolis, Minn., Aug. 17, 1870, $100. Nelly Gray 1, 2 :.51, 2 :48, 2: 491.2, 2:48!-2. Billy Woodward (2 :44), Valleio. Cal., Sept. 29, 1875, $250. Phillis, Soscoe, Osceola, 2:489.i, 2:47, 2:44. Billy Work, ch g (2:351/2), H.W, Brown, Hartford, Conn., July 12,1873, $100. Eph Smooth, 2:49, 2:46, 2:a5i/2. Billy Yeazell, b s (2 :31i4), J- F. Yeazell, Springfield, O., May 30, 1872, $85. Lady Venus 1, 3:08, 3:05, 3:06. Four-year-olds. b g, Springfield O., Aiig. 2.3, 1874, $ . Carrie Nicklin 1, Dayton, Frank Davis (2 dis), 2:41, 2:49, 2:49. Columbus, O., Sept. 10, 1874, $175. Frank Harlan, Bonner, London Belle, 2:38i4, 2:39, 2:39. W. M. Yeazell, Delaware, O., Sept. 27, 1878, .$125. Delaware Maid, 2:41. 2:35, 2:42. Bince. b g 2: 48, E. Tobv, Cheshire Co., N. H., Oct, 4. 186.5, $.50. Ben Franklin, 2:48. 2 :49. Bird, 1) g (2 :57i4), Bernard Kendig, New Orleans, La., May 11, 1838, .$.300. Moonshine, 9:11, 8:52. Three-mile- hoats. Bird, 1 1 g (2 :40), E. B. Parsons, Rochester, N. Y., Sept. 26, 1872, $90. Nelly Thiu-stpn 3, Lady Daly, Miimbrino Maul, 2:43, 2:40, 2:43, 2:42^. Bird, b m (2:37), R. Rose, Flora, 111., Oct. 1, 1875, $ . Fearnaught, Haymaker, 2:37, 2:40. Bird, (2 :51). J. Kelly. Raleigh, N. C. Oct. 16. 1878, .§125. Billy M., Blue Slipper, 2:51. 2:52. Birdcatcher, (2:45^), J. Cochran, Belvidere, 111., July 4, 1868, .$100. Kate Boyington 1, 4, Gray Bill, 2:.53, 2:45i/2.2:.51, 2:49, 2:51. Birdcatcher, bg(2:47),W. S. Radiure, Titusville. Pa., Aug. 23, 1873, .$200. Billy West, 2 :49i4, 2:47, 2:55' 2. Bird Howard, dnm (2:44), C. P. Ness, Creston, la., Sept. 25,1877, $250. A. D. Temple 1, 3, Farmer Boy, Stonewall (2 dis), 2:,55. 2:50i4, 2:.53K', 2:50, 2:48?4. W. Powers, Winterset, la., Aug. 29, 1882, .$ . Solitude 1, Peddler Boy, Transit, 2 :47i.i, 2 :44, 2 :49, 2 :45?4. Birdie, ch in (2 :56J4), J. Hobson, Sullivan Co., N. H., Sept. 9, 187.3, $100. Telegraph. Goldsmith Maid. 2:.59. 2 '.56 2:55i'4.. Birdie.' ciii nr(2 :49), G. B. Shawhan, Mobile, Ala., May 1, 1876, $ . Di<'k Abrams 2, Nubl)in Ridge. John McDonald, 2:.54, 2:521^, 2:54^, 2:58K^. Birdie, b m (2 :50), J. Corry, East St. Louis, Mo., May 27, 1876. $100. Bald Face, 3:034, 3:08, 2:55i^. (w), St. Louis, Mo., June 10, 1876, $100. Blue Boy (w) 2, Boocoon, Lightloot, Belle Lee, Dock (3 dis), 2:59. 2:54. 2:46, 2:4914. Birdie A., b m, Tallahasse, Fla., Jan. 11. 1881. $100. Robin Adair, Maggie Wilkes, Prince Almont. No time. Birdie C.,b m (2:28i4), by Garibaldi, dambv Edward Everett. E. Kane, Washington, D. C, June 2, 1880, .$800. Legal Tender, Brookside Flora, Sallv Scott, 2:3m, 2:32, 2:31U. Birdie Campbell, b m (2 :45i4., bv Mohawk Island. T. W. McCue, ARron, O., Oct. 4, 1882, .$60. B:iy John 1, Sam Stanley (1 dis). Nettie a dis), 2:4994, 2:4514. 2:46^, 2:48J4. 70 CHESTEK'S COMPLKTK TK(»TTIN(; AND I'ACINC lIEtOKI). IJirdu- Clay. (2 :34'5), Crawfonlsvillc. Iiid Sept. 12. 1«8:{, .? . \V. R, Bcssk- "W., -J-SS'i 2-35 'Jti Kirdie <;irl. I) in ^3:0014 1, by Morrison. Wil.son Duiui, Hiirro(lsl)ur>;li, Ky.. July 2ri, l«73, « Keiiluikv ( iMitral (1 ilisi, Korrest Kiii^: (1 (list. Hilly Hoy (1 tlis), aiOO'j. Two-vcar-old.s. BiM-o, 1) III (3 :00), V. Hilt-y, Hoosic Kails N. V.. .luiiu 18, 1«81, .§ — -. "Nelly 1. 2, 3:28, 3:11 3 or>> t 3-10>i 3()0 Itishop, eh n {'i::i6\i), by Tom Allen ,lr. L. A. Dovel, New (Castle, I'a.", Se|it. U. 1881, .^.Wi. ' uVd t' rook 1 Fancy J>ay, Madeline, Neddy McDonald (I di.st, I'rinee Edward d di.s), 2:43, 2:3(j'4, 2:39. 2-38 Bismark, (w) ell txci-.i'i), S. S. Manehester, raunton, Mass., Oct. Sand 9, 1868, §70. Desmond (w). Fanny iwi, 2 :42' 2 * 2 :44. 2 :4i>, E. O. Soles, (itneoni. Mass., Oct. .5, 1870. $175. Kentucky Bov 1, Hav Diamond, Diets'tor 2-41 '^^i 2-44 \V. I'. Itiekelsoii. .Mystic I'ark, Boston, Sept. 22. 1871, S50. Cray Eddy 1, Cook's Gray Cleldini' La'dv" Stev- ens i4 tlr). Brown Nallian i3 dr), 2:44'4, 2:45, 2:4(i, 2;.'i0. New Be.lfonl, -Mass., Oct. 'M, 1872, &,)0. Mack 1. 2:.j,'), 2:4i», 2:46'.. 2:47. .Mvstii- l':irk. Boston, Sept. 10, 1873, $•«. Little Fruit, Troublesonie, Kentuck, 2-hr, 2-.'j3 •>r,0 Tauntiin. Mass., Oct. 1. 1873, .ifSO. Prince, -Etna, 2 :.'>6, 2:57'!, 2 :4y'.i. .Mvricks. Mass., Sept. If,. 187.".. .sioo. Alexis 1, Belle Oaklev, 2:41, 2:45, 2-42 •>-4(;i4 II. .lolinson, Lynn, Mass.. Nov. 1. 1878. :, Maria (2 dis), 2:40'2, 2:3!t. 2:41?i, 2:42, 2:43'., 2:4(;, 2:4.5. Bismark. gr s (3:411^), J. E. Clardy, Itochelle, 111., Sept. 24, 1874, $300. Modoc, Whalebone, Old Buckskin, 2:41'o,2:41'4,2:44. Chester, III.. .May 18, 187.5, $17.5. Berkelev 2. 3. Plough Boy 1. 2.48».i. 2:45, 2:47. 2:44. 2:47>4, 2:50. Oct. 20. 1875. $7.5. Harrv Parker, Grav Eagle (I dis). Bay P.isnuirek (1 dis), 2:50;», 2:45. Oi-t. 18. 1.870. $100. Bav Bismarck, .lim Beck, .■i:0.5, 3:08Ui. Itisiuark.bg r3 :48).,Iolin'Holmes, I'.eiivcf J );uii.\Vis., Aug. "27. 1875, $100. StoneCutter, Jay Gould Jr. .Diamond Jo.', Colonel B.. Bashaw (2 rrte Ann (1 dis),2:4t;'.2, 2:51, 2:48'2, 2:51'o, 2:51 ',. Bisiuark. gr g (3 :35i.i), J. Bowers, Montpelier, Vt., Sept. 27. 1870, .$1.50. Turpentine. Pastime. 2:.57, 2:."2, 2:.",9. Bismark. br g (3:50). O. Woodsworth, Watseka, 111., Oct. 12, 187G, $250. Frank Leslie, Pat Finlan, 2 :.")8, 2:.54, 2 :;"•(). Bismark, ch s (3 :31), bv Index, dam bv Belmont. H. DeGroot, Salinas, CaL, Oct. 25. 1870. .S7.5. Vern.ont Jr.. 3:12. 3:00. 3:07^4. Yhr^e-vear-olils. Oct. 10. 1878. .-^i.-jO. Vermont Jr., (.)iiien Sabe. I'atchen, 2:40i^, 2:44,2:4C"o. Stallions. J. W. (iordon. Oct. 1.3. 1881, $1.50. Dan Voorhees Jr. 2, 2:45i.i7 2:.50?i. 2:42?^, 2:43?.i. Bismark, br g C3 :46'.i), -L E. Carnialt, Scranton, Pa., July 8, 1882, $ — -. Ladv Sherwood. Billv E.. !>iana, Fannv (1 dis). 2:48'4,2:48i4, 2:4Gi4. Bissell'sBay Oeldinsr, (3 :40 '«), D. P. Bi.ssell, Toledo, O., Aug. 13, 1868, $200. Mollv Xewton 1. Bonny Bell (2 dis), Sanduskv Chief (2 dis), 5:2l'i. 5:20',. 5:21'.;. Two miles. B. J., b g(3:.50), J.' Robinson, Nortli Atllel)oro,I\Iass., Oct. 3, 1882, $100. Topsv C. 1. 2. Fannv A. 3. Kittv, Patsv. Fanny C. (3 dr). 2:53'i. 2..-.2, 2:.-4, 2:.")(), 2:.5(!, 2:.5.5. Bla<-k blk s (3 -.ST), E. L. Durvea, Mineola, L. 1., Seiit. 29, 1882, $ . Locust. Cock's br s. Warwick Bov (2dr'. 2 :.37, 2 :4s. Black Alxlallah, blk s (3:57), by Southside. T. Tredwell, Mineola, L. I.. Sept. 27, 1883. $30. AUie Bonner. 2:.57. Stallions.' Black Arthur, blk s (3 :33i4).bv Phil. Sheridan. V. C. Hall. Cumberland. Me., Sept. 19. 1877, $30. Jenny Knox'. 3 :02i -i, 3 :01' 2, 3 :00. Foiir-year-olds. Portland, Me., Sept. 27, 1877, $.50. Victor Hollis 2, Jennv Knox, 3:05, 3:03, 3:06. Cumberland, Me., Sept. 2.5, 1878, .$40. Sir Diihlgreen, .lenny Knox. Dexter, Eva, 3:00, 3:00. 3:(V4. Five- year-olds. ^ Portland, Me., Julv ft, 1880. $100. Little Daisy, Draco Princess, Brown Dick. Roger (1 dis), 2:40. 2:47. 2:48. Calais. Ale., Aug. 11. 1881. $ . Jenny 1, 2, Itichmond Girl, 2:41. 2:42, 2:40. 2:41, 2:42. Lewiston, .Me., Sept. 8, 1881, .$200. Aroostook Bov 3, Lone Star. Hocket. Troublesonu', Gen. Garibaldi, Black Crook (1 dis), 2:38K', -':;i9'i,-:37i^i, 2:3Gi/'. Stallions. Belfast, Me., Oct. 6. 1881, .$ . Sorrel Fred 1, (30), Jim, 2:;J4. 2::«i. 2::«. 2:37. 2:40. Monroe, Me., Oct. 7, 1881, .$17.5. Aroostook Hoy 2, 4, Grav Dan 1. 2;37'.,, 2:37K'. 2:.3.5Vi), Harlan Ta Sept. 22, 1881, .«200. Cora C. 1. 2, Prime, Judge Drury. Bertram (4 dis), Little Doll (1 dis), 2:42^, 2-;57-'(' '>-4.5 •>:{9i.i 2-40. Black Bashaw protested. Race given to Cora C. Black Bashaw .Jr.. blk s (2:40), b'y Blu"mi)erg's Bashaw, dam bv son of Imperial Bellfounder. J. B. W right. E;ist Saginaw, Mich., Sept. 14 1.875 .«;.5()n. Burr, Chief, Kirtland. Sleepv Tom. Julia. N\ ilson (2 dr ), Brown Ned (2i 2-41'V Black Bo:ir. blk g J. Brad'burn.*'thoro1d. Ont.. May 23. 1878. $75. White Face 2. 3. Lady H. l. ^o «'""';, ,., ".']- ^ '" (^■■'^'^)' Hillsdiile, Mich., Oct. 1, 1875,$ . Chestnut Frank. Sorrel Maggie, 2:4., 2:J.'2. Black Ben, brg (3:44). Ben D;inlels. New Milford. Mass.. Oct. 1. 187.3. $200. Fanny Phipi)s 1, Seamstress. •» It.' '*'",''.,^^""""i''"f ^'l'"l- T'nf"''tiinnte (2 dr). 2:45. 2:44, 2:45. 2:44. , , ,- i.,.i,„.,.« lf..bl{.,v Black Bcii, blk c (3 :4«>. O. Sch.mck. Belmont Park, Phila., June 10, 1880, $ . Lady K- 1 nneess, Rob Hoy, Black Bess, blk m (3 :3«), :\lr. Peltran, South Oyster Bay, L. I., June 15, 18.50, $ . Telegrai)h 2. 3. 2.48, -.4.}, 2:47, 2:45>;, 2:47. < j j Hiram Woodruff. ITniim Course. L. T , Xov 1, 18,54, $600. Blue Morgan (1 dis\ 2:4. <^et. 5. 18.55. $1 .000. Blue Morgan. 2 •39. 2 -42" 2 :45. (W), Oct. 20. 18.'-,5. $1 000. Soto(w). 2:.5S. 2:,59. 3:06M. ,.,. ,,,,. (w), J. D. Walton. Harlem. X. Y., Xov. 27. 18.55. .$1,000. Blue Morgan (w), 2:40, 2:44!2, 2:Uy^. — — ■(w),C. Brooks, Xov. 18, 18.5<;.. $.500. .Tack Potter, 3:03, 2:50. 2:.5094. ^ _, . „^ ,,„,,, o.k.; ov. Black Bess, blk in (3 :55). M. O'Brien, San Francisco, Cal., Xov. 12, 1864. $1,000. Emigrant Maid. 2.55, 2..>.>, 2:55.^^^. CllKSTEirS COMPLETE TKOTTIXG AND I'ACINU KECOKl). 71 Klack Bess, lilk iii(3 :35), by Ethan Allen. Mr. Kogers, Union Course, L. I., April 25, 1867, §100. Washington Ii-\ iiijr 1, Ladv Close (I (lis), Ed Ellis a dis). Jessie a dis), 2:.;')i4, 2:39%, 2:4854, 2:464. .1 Miirphv" Fashion Course. L. I., June -Ti, ist;s, .^l,ou(». Atlanta 3, 2:38?4„ 2:So. 2:44?*, 2.44. Blac-k Bess, hlk'ni ('i :55), Haverhill, Mass., Sept. lo. ls(i>J, .si50. Lady Starking 1,2:51, 2:5.5, 2:56, 2:57. Boston. Mass,, Oct. 2ii, 1S70, ?? . Stranger 1, Nelly (i dr), Diek 1,2 dr; 3:22}^, 3:11, 3:08J4, ^-.l^U- J. Craig, Aug. 8, 1871, .«1IX). Willy Kiley, 3:14, 3:05'4, 2:5 ), bv K. K. Morris. J. H. Kehoe, St. Johns, N. B., JiUy 1, 1875, .$150. Hattie 2, Jack Nelson 1, Brick, Molly" (5 dr;, Kover ^2di,s), Vanity (2 dis). Wild Kose (.2 dis). Fairy (2 dis), 2 :50, 2 :46, 2 :50, 2:4')' o, 2-50. July 2, 1S7;>, .•=!1.50. Flora, Brick, Nelly Boyer, Kitty Clyde (3 dr), 2:47}^, 2:49i^, 2:48. lilack Bess l)lk ni (3:37). W. ScoUan, Providence, K. I., Aug. I, 1877, $2.50. Orphan- Girl 4, 5, File Cutter 1, 2 Billv Stevens Jenny. Nelly Logan. George, Harry Whittord (,4 dr), 2:37, 2,36, 2:37, 2:39, 2:41,2:38, 2:41. C\v)"Bea'-oii Park, Boston, Sept. 1, 1877, §50. Honest Billy ov), 1, 2 v3 0;, (4 dis), 2:424, 2:39, 2:39}^, 2:37Ji. Black Bess, blk in (3:47^^). J. Uobertson, Fishkill, N. Y.. Aug. 23, 1878, $50. The Wise Mare 1, 2, Nora M. 4. 2:.52, 2*:.50i4. 2:.50!^, 2-50, 2:511/2. . Black Bess, blk in (3:10). W. Robinson, Haynesville, Ala., Dec. 27, 1879, *30. Caster, George Washington, Mnrv Golddust, 3:26, 3:20, 3:10. Dm- ,30, 1879 .-^ . George AVashington, Eliza Jane, Jeffersonian, 3:16,3:12, 3:10. lilack Bess, blk m ( 3 :45i4). G. B. Cooley, Southington, Conn., June 27, 1883. .$150. May Jefferson, 2 :45J4, 2 :46, 2 :46. Black Betty, ! ilk in (3:49). E. Allen, Springfield, Mass., July 3, 1869, $100. Kosa 1, 2, Coffee Grinder, High- land Mai'd, K.)biu,2:.-.4, 2:54. 2:53,2:51, 2:.'-il. . . (.Uias. Mo2i.;.'2:.53, 2:.52. ,^ ,, , , Black Bill, blk g (3 :43), by St. Lawrence. N. C. Culver, Stockton, Cal., Sept. 30, 1874, !$250. Black Prince 2, Lii,ditf<)()t. :\I;uk. Billv Acorn, Silverthorn (1 dis), 2:51, 2:46ju, 2:47, 2:48. ,. , , , S.ipt. s. 187.-.. .S250. ' Lady Holmes 3. 5, Jenny Hunter, Solid Silver 1 4 (.dis). Pluck (3 dis), Vermont (2 dis), 2:42'--. 2-40'.-. 2:42, 2:45'U, 2:.j2'". 2:52. Black Bill, l)lk g ,3 :00). Washington Hollow, X. Y., Aug. 13. 1877, §50. Bonny 3, Sleepy Jane, Frank, Bay Barney, 3:00, 3:07, 3:09, 3:07. , . Black Bill, blk g (3 :509i). W. G. Brown, Haverhill, Mass .Sept. 28, 1881, .$150. Daisy 1, 2, Baby Etta (4 dr), 2:.57>4, 2:.>4y, 2:.-)03i, , . Black Billy, l)lk g (3 :48). Mr. Cross, Dubuque, Ia.,Oct. 29, 1807, 1$ . Jenny Day 1, Bay John. Black Tiger (3 dis), 2*: 491.1, 2':,^>.5, 2:4914, 2:5014. Blackbird, blk s ( 3 :54 3-5), by Camden, dam by Post Boy. J. 0. Simpson. Davenport, la., Oct. 15, 1.S56. .$50. Wonder, 3:1.3. 3:16. Oct. 17, 18.56, .$50. Nimrod 2, 3:13, 3:16. 3:11. St. Louis. M(i., Sept. 26, 18.59, $2,000. Lilly Belle, drawn iii5th mile. No tune. Ten miles. Davrnpoit, la., Nov. 9, 1860, .$2,000. Prairie Bov 1, 14:21, 14:33. 15:11. Five-mile heats. Blackbird (3 :47i.i). H. Yates, Chicago, 111.. June 4, 1864, .'$;J0. Dairy Bird 1, Brown Dick, Lady Sumter, 2:48, 2:5114. '2:4714, 2:48. Blackbird, l)lk g (3:50i4), John Arthur, Monroeville, O., Sept. 4, 1867, .$.50. Honest George. Molly (1 dis), 2:.50'4. 2:.'>4i^. Blackbird, blk s (3 :33), bv Black Bird, dam bv Capt. Lightfoot. A. C. Smith. Clinton, la., Julv 2, 1868, $275. Mollv Buckner 1. 4, Buckskin 5, 2-:d(H. 2:36U, 2:38, 2:;384. 2:35, 2:34. Short track. .hilv 4. 1868. $17.5. Honest Abe, 5:13, 5: 16U. Two miles. Short track. Aug. s, isos, $500. Stephen A. Douulass 1. 5:10, 5:12, 5:13. Two miles. Short track. Bloomimiton, 111., Aug. 19, 1868, .$2.50. Maiigie May, Brown Kitty 1, (2 dis), 2:50, 2:43, 2:39, 2:37. Aug. 22, 1S6.S, .-^t.^O. Maggie May, Ethan AlFen, 2:.38-'i. 2:3814, 2:39?X. Mr. Montijoinerv, Glenwood, la., Oct. 16, 1869, $100. Sleepy Frank, Sidnev Boy, Morgan. 2:50, 2:51. J. L. Eoff. Siicriimeiito. Cal., Sept. 12, 1870, .$400. Alexander 1, 2, Venture 3, 4, (6 dis), F. F. Low (5 r 0), 2:;U?i, 2:36',. 2:.35'4. 2 ::i9, 2:.37, 2:41, 2:42. John Boggs, Sept. is. 1871, $1,000. Ajax (3 dr), Hiram Woodruff (1 dis) Copperhead (1 dis). 2:28, 2:32]4, 2:.54^4. D. Dennison, Sept. 22, 1874. $1,000. Ella Lewis (2 dis). Mary Davis (2 dis). George Treat (2 dis), 2:27. 2:22. Blackbird, blk g (3:54'2), J. W. Porter, Selma, Ala.. Nov. io, 1.870, ,$50. Messenger Golddust, Hoy, 3 :01, 2:.54t|, 2:.5G. Blackbird, blk s (3:55), J. Woodward. Middlesex, Mass., Sept. 22, 1870, .$1.50 Micawber, Ice, 3:06. 2:.55, 2:55}^. Blackbird, blk g (3 :50), .L J. Welch, Portland, Oregon. Julv 10, 1872, .«il00. Mack, Highlander, 2:564, 2:51, 2:.50, 2:.52. s . , Blackbird, blk s (3:49i4). by Cassius. .T. W. .Jacobs. Earlville, III. Auk. 29,1872, .$100. Champion, 2:5.5?i, 2:57. 2:.50i4. Blackbird blk g(3:46), C. Clark, Gorham, Me.. Oct. 13, 1875. .>:75. Charlev Millers, Ladv Mansfield, 2:47,2:49, 2:48, 2:46. ' Porthind, Me., Oct. 26, 187.5, .$300. Ladv Mansfield 2, Charlev Miller 1, 2:.i0ii. 2:.51. 2:.55. 2:.55, 2:55. Blackbird. l>lk m (3:47i^), Mr. Gifford, Batavia, N. Y., Sept. 15,"l875. .«.S5. Belle Collier, William AViggins, Bessie Turner, 3:171^, 3:13%. Four-vear-olds. C. E. Tuttle, Newark, N. Y., Aug. 21, 1878, .«25. Newark Girl 1. 2, Magcie. Topsv (1 dis). 2:.53. 2:.52. 3:00, 2:56. 2:.57i4. ^. 1 . Blackbird, Idk g (3 :44). B. F. 0'Lears% Beacon Park. Boston. April 14. 1876, .•=!50. Camors 1. 2, .Tosh Billings, 2:.52i4,2:48'4, 2:521^,2 :.54?4. 2 :.55. ' Blackbird, blk s, C. Root. Lockport, N. Y.. Sept. 25. 1879, .■^.50. Tuscarora. Black Belle, 1:44, 1:44, 1:44"2. Four-year-olds. Half mile heats. Blackbird, blk in (3 :00), G. Bennett, Montreal, P. Q., May 24, 1881, .$50. Ladv Thorn, Grav Eagle, Butcher Boy, 3:08, 3:04, 3:00. Blackbird, blk g, Mr. Pendleton, Salt Lake. Ttah. Oct. 4. 1881, $ . Mountain Chief. Kipton, 2:06 '4. 2:07. Yearlings. Halt-inile-heats. Black Boy, Idk s (3:484), Yates & Parmalee, Stockton, Cal,, Sept. 25, 1873, $2,30. Phil. Sheridan (1 dis), Budd l)o))le (1 dis), 2:.5.3. Stallions. Oct. 1, 1874, .$120, Mainr Mono. Mac, Budd Doble (1 dis), 2:48"o, 2:,53. 2:.54':;. Stallions. Black Cbarley, blk s (3:53), ,f. White, F:ishion Course, L, I,, Aug,' 21. 1865, .$300. Lady Clive (w) 3, 4, Ava^ lanche 5, 2:.52, 2:.52, 2:49, 2:.52i!;, 2-.57i4. 3-0014 Black Charley, l)lk g^c3 :4G%), J. Goff, Fashion Course. L. I., Sept. 3. 1870. ,$4.50, Rob Roy 1, 3, Harry, 2:49, 2:46%, 2:47 2:47, , Black Charley, blk g (3 :37), Mr, Bond, Tippecanoe, O,, Oct, 17, 1873, .$.300. Little Roan. 2:4.5i^, 2:46, 2:47, E, Way, Birmingham. O,. July 3. 1875. .$.30. Rosv 4. .5, Kittv Beein;in 3, 3:00i^ 3:0l, 3:00, 3:0hi.i. 3:00, 2:58i4. — — S. O. Bond, Dayton, O., Oct. 4, 1875, .$500. Doctor Rush 2, Little Roan, 2:.38%, 2 :38%, 2:.37, 2:37. Black Charley, blk g (8 :54), Weldon, N, C., Oct. 2.5, 1877, $ . Nelly, Dolly, Jeff, 2:54, 2:.55, 2:55)^. 72 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. Black Charley, (w) blkK (2 :41'/4 w), Oakland, Cal., April 2G, 1879, S . Johnny 1, macksmith Boy (w), Blait)U 2:47, 2:4i». Stallions. Black Clouct, blk g (3 :51!j), R. G. Culvert, West Chester, Pa., May 22, 1875, ^2.5. I'ortion 3, Cayuga (1 dis), •'■')> 2 •.'>.'■). 2 :.''>4, 2:51 Vi. itiuc'k'cioud l)lk g (2 :35), H. Kellogg, Bushnell, Ind., June 20, 1879, $250. Elsie Groff. Fanny Blackwood, ' )11. Good Night, Harry S., Sam Woods, 2 :37, 2 :41, 2 :41. 'Bnufford, Pa", June 2(i, 1879, $.500. ' Sir Henry, Belle, Dick Smith (3 dis), 2:4.5, 2:53, 2:45. Black Cloud l)lk s (2 :1 7 i.i), bv Ashland Chief, dam the Clukc mare, by Caj)!. Walke Milwaukee Wis., Sej)!. 24, lH7i», .$400. Crcsco Maid, Jay Gould. 2:.3.'i, 2:.ift, 2:.!5'2. Ailrian Mich., June 2, 1880, $1,000. 'Dan Donaldson, Kate Barium, Russ Kills. Hur Adrian, Mich., Jnly 4, 1879, $200. Flirt, Ida Shepard, Mambrino, Oceanic. A. B. Flagg, 2:445li, 2:45, 2.41:!4. _ ... ,_ _. . ... . .., ^,.:„, ,, ...„ r,,.., _„ ,... ^..... -.,...,...._ f. Yf Voorhees. mibol/2, 2:2Gii. Cliicaiio 111., July 22, 1880, $ . Josephus 3, 4, Wilbur F., Lizzie II, Lida Lewis (2 dis), t om. Sweetser (1 dis) '2-2l'/2, 2:23, 2:25. 2:25}^, 2:30. . „ , . — Columbus, O., Sept. 1, 1880, $300 Abdallah Boy 1, Indianapolis, Nigger Doctoi*, Sunshine, 2:25, 2:2.5^, — "GniiKl U;ii'?«"s,' Mich., Sept. 24. 1880, ,$400. Palma, J. W. Thomas, 2:29, 2:2914, 2:30% A 11 (titter. MarslKill. Mich., Aug. 12, 1S81, $300. William H., King Almont, 2:28, 2:27>^, 2:20>4. — J;i lacksou, Mieli., Sept. 2.!, 1S81, .$22,'5. Golden Bow, Tremont (3 dr), 2:29,2:2.514, 2: 24?i. Stallions. r. C. Blake, Dowagiac, Mich., Oct. 14, 1881, $265. George V., H. M. Strong (2 dis). Lady Middleton (2 di8), 2:361/2, 2: 33?i, 2::!l'i G w' Voorhees, Detroit, Mich., July 4, 1882, $ . Red Cross, Voltaire, 2-M\u 2:25U ,2 Chicago, 111., July 19, 1882, $2,.500. William H. 2. Scott's Thomas, Unolala, Pilot R..Fi; ;261 iinny Robinson, 2-20'», 2":isK'. 2:19?4', 2:21"j. julv •'2. 1882, $1,000. Monroe Chief, Scott's Thomas. 2 :19. 2: 18Ji, 2 :17>4. — Buffalo, N. Y., Aug. 3 and 4, 1882, $1,500. Jerome Eddy 1 (3 0) (4 0), 2:16H, 2:18;i, 2:19. 2:20, 2:18",, 2'19'i ■ Hartford. Conn., Aug. .31, 18H2. .$2,000 , Von Arnimt>ed Douglass. 2:l7?i,_^^^^^^^^ Black Black Duke, Black Black 511^^1; g (^i-^' V'^'PidZr, Sal^l.iSa'Sp^N: y; JuneWl873, $100. Saratoga Maid l. 4. Cashier, 3:01, 2:.54'/j, 2:.57>/4, 2:.56, 2:58. ^^:ttjr^ ri^V=: -Woodruff, 2:51. 2:38. ==:|t]^,aterfSte^;^^'^u^'l/'l^4f^- Nelly, Sorrel Boy, Stranger. Emmie, 2:40,2:42. ^^iiL' 28 1874 S400 Nellv 1 Michigan Bov, Ladv Chance, 2 :40»4, 2:42. 2:44 9i, 2 :43U. Gohie^, N 'frsent l\ 1874 .$m Hickory (2 0), Lady. Sill G no Dan L^^y Goodin Jcjin A.. F:iimv W (3 dis) Emilv C. (3 dis). Fanny (2 dis), Nelly Rutherford (l dis), 2..W'., J^i8'^4, 2 -SS' . . 2 ..lo^ Blaik dL.^;), blk g (2742), New llaven. Conn., !, 2:48. '^i^Au%7''^f^.), Al'D'ilr^y'w-.^hfiliiomaC., Nov. 10, 186H. $100. Caleb Mitchell 1, 2, 2:5:«, 2:50Vi, Black'lian'.'b'lk g (2^47), H. Casev, Union Course. L. I., Sept. 15, 1869, $.500. Red Kover, Young Commodore, Willv Kiniiiiel (2dis), 2:47'4, 2:49, 2:48. . ,„ , , w.w,, v\„„»o\ iyv\ •>--i9 917 "•47?; (\v), I'iisl.ion Course, L. I., Sept. 20, 1869, .?300. Red Rover (W), 1, 4. Willy Kimmel,(w). 2.52. 2.4.. -.4.:>4. M.''Rod(u}," .liine 3, 1870. ■S.'JOO. Young Commodore 2, 3, ■■2:»9>2:1». 2:46. 2:47. 2:49. . . , . , Black Dan, blk g (2:34'4), W. B. Newton, Omaha, Neb., Oct. 17, 1878, $28.5. Fanny McCormlck, Biul. 2.43, ^'*PlatNm,uilh Neb , Sept. 21, I88O. .$.500. Wild Irishman, Colorado. Lone Jack. 2:.34^, 2:3.5, 2:41^4. Black Bexter. blk g . aV.S.^H). (J.' o.Walworth, Barton, Vt.. Sept, 16, 1K75, $100. Captam.^ommy, Oxford ( ..rl. — i: m\on1iri:;!'ilurlhSn. Vt.. Aug. 30, 1876. $250. La.ly Sinith. A^ni;'^T^vi"klc, 2:444. 2:4514, 2:47N.. :^^^K^.^[:«^^^^?^«{25. •^l!|;.K\/XrM;:;vi\{:'a.r(ufe^eli;:^Tien(1dls), 2:33.., 2:35, BlackB"ia.n«nd.blkg(2:36M). by a Canadian horse. J. Van Etta, Chicago, 111., Sept. 16, 1863. $1,000. Coolev. 2:41U'.. 2:47. 2:46. Oct. 28, 1863, $1,000. Cooley, 2:.56. 2:42>;,2:40. „ o„ .. 10 ===SSv'^^S$^"Bli^k'^-gi^^;k^.1:(!e^:*ll^aniS (s\ Roanoke(s), (3dr).2:46H,2:39V4, 2'37'<1 2 '4'' ■ (wV. .June 2.5, 1864. $1,50. Brown Dick (w). John Paul (w), 2:46. 2:40^, 2:44. - July 2, 1864,"$l,20b. Carrie l, John Paul "(2 dis), 5:17>4, 6:15. 6:38. Two miles. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. T3 Black Diamond, blkg (3 :38), R. Ogle, Union Course, L. I., Nov, 20, 1863, $400. Napoleon IV, 2:.58, 2:57, 2:58. Black Diamond. (3 :03), Lewis Bnickett, Forrest City, la., Nov. 5,1870, $a). Webster 1,(3 dis), 3:00, 3:06. 3:02. „ . Black Diamond, blk g (2 :48), L. N. H. Crosby, Joliet, in., June 21, 1871 ,$225. Prince 1, 2:48)4, 2:44)^, 2:42, 2:44. Black Diamond, blk g (8 :45'/»), P.W. Haskins, White Plains, N. Y., June 5, 1873, $150. H. D. Clapp, Maggie May, 2:51i4, 2:5314, 2:49. July 4 1873, $200. Maggie May 4 (3 O), Carpenter, George Wilkes, 2:45i^, 2:46^4, 2:49, 2:54, 2:.51. Black Diamond, blk g (3 :l6), B. C. Holly, Grand Rapids. Mich., .June 13, 1872. .$200. Quaker Boy, 3:30, 2:59, 2'51 Black Diamond, blk g (.3 ■AG'-.i), bv C. M. Clay .Jr., dam a Morgan mare. J. W. Carleton, Bethel, Vt.. Oct. l.'i, 1873, $200. Harry 2, St. Denis 4, Dagger. Jerry, Miss (ioodell (1 dis), Jim Fiske (1 dis), Waterbury (1 dis). Brown George (I'dis), 2:47, 2:50'2, 2:4G'2, 2:47'.i, 2:4«i^. • Black Diamond, blk in (3 :03), E. J. Brown. Middle Granville, N. Y., May 29. 1874. Rob the Ranter, Honest Ned (2 (lis). Lida (.2 ilis), Ida Hulett (.1 dis). Honest Dan Jr. a dis), Greyhound (1 dis). No time. Three- A. H. Danforth, Rutland, Vt., Sept. 11. 1874, .$4.5. Florence, Greyhound, 3:04, 3:0.5, 3:02. Four-year-olds, Black Diamond, blk g (3 : 16^4), Chas. Bovvlby, Fl«:niiigton, N. J., Sept. 24, 1874, .$3.5. Young Duke, Longfel- low {-2 dis). 3:24'o, 3:16i4. Four-year-olds, and under. Black Diamond, blk s (3 lOQi^), Jas. Forrest, Conneautville, Pa., July 16, 1875, $ . Lady Whipple, Sorrel Kiite. Polly Perkins, 3:10, 3:02, 3:00i4- Black Diamond, b g (3 :55), C. Deuell. Denver, Col., Sept. 22, 1875, $175 Maggie, 3:01 '4. 2:55, 3:00. Black Diamond, blk g (3 :49), Mr. Eaton, Beacon Park, Boston, Sept. 15, 1877. $00. Flirt 2, Sara 1, George, Dandv, Billv (2 dr), 2:511^, 2:53^,2:49, 2:53, 2 :.55V6. „.,,... Black Diamond, b g (3 :33), by Leviathan. W. W. Roberts, West Meriden. C onn., July 4, 1878, .$200. Annie G. 3, 5. Butcher Boy 1. Dauntless 4, Goshen Maid (2 dr), 2:34%, 2:37, 2:a5i^, . 2:37, 2:35'., 2:35. Black Diamond, blkg (3:01), E. Galvin, Erie, Pa., July 23, 1879, $450. Stephanus 2, Gowanda Jim, Maria, Hermit Jr., Zig Zag. Irene (4 dr), Zueraeas (3 dr), 3:01, 3:01^6, 3:01, 3:01^1. Black Diamond, blk s ^3 :31 J£), by Black Milo, dam a Black Hawk mare. A. Rush, Oil City, Pa., July 10, 1.S79, $300. Cayuga Chief 1. Irene, Slocuin (4 dr), 2:50, 2:46, 2-A6%, 2-M]^. Newcastle, Pa., Oct. l, 1879, $200. Nigger Doctor, Gray Eagle, 2:36'2. 2:35, 2:.34. Wm. Smith, Baldwin. N. Y.. May 7. 1881, .$25. Blazing Star 1, Blue Dick, 3:02, 2:56. 3:01, 2:54. Rockville Centre, N. Y., May 21. 1881, $ . Blue Dick, Roan Charley, Blazing Star, 2:51. 2:52'/^, 2:52. Mav 30, 1881, $— . Roan Charlev 2, 5, Blue Dick l , 2 :.50, 2 ;53, 2 :49, 2 :495^, 2 :50i/4, 2 :49?i. Hempstead, N. Y., June 18, 1881, .$25. Dolly 1,4, Pete, Prince, Kessler, 2:46i^, 2:43i/2, 2:45,2:46%, 2:54. Woodsburgh. N. Y., June 18, 1881, $1,5. Roan Charley 1, 2 (5 0), 2:552i, 3:01, 2:56J4,2:57, 2;56. Unfinished. Baldwin, N. Y., July 4. 1881, $30. Roan Charley 3, Pete 1, Maid 2, (6 dr), Belle of Queens. 2 :47;/2. 2:57, 2:48'i, 2:46,2:4814. 2:47. Hempstead, N. Y., Aug. 2, 1881, $50. Buffalo Bill 3, Annie, Crazy Jane, Pete, 2:45, 2:41, 14 2^:45, 2:42i/2. Helena, U1/2. 2*35. Sept. 10, 1881, $7.50. Chester Fi, Black Douglass (pacer)72:36i4, 2:36^4,2:3614." Black Diamond, blk g. B. G. Angell, Attleboro, Mass., June 23, 1883, $ . Lady Russell, Arthur, 1 :2(H^. 1 :17, 1 ;21i4. Half-mile-heats. Black Diamond, blk s (3:03»4), O. Sweet, Sweetsburg, P. Q.. June 23, 1883. $50. Unknown, Chance, 3:03?£, 3:07, 3:13. Black Diamond, blue s(3:044), A. Hall, Yankton, Dak., Sept. 27. 1883. $200. Lady Mac, Wisconsin Girl, 3:0914. 3:04' 2. Four-vear-olds. Black Dick, blk g(3 :4i), J. R. Smith, Port Jervis, N. Y., Oct. 6, 1871, $200. White Heels, Long Mary, Balti- more (2 dr), 2:45K'- 2:46, 2:47i4- Black Dick, blk g (3 :50i^), Berea, O., Oct. 29. 1880, $ . Ladv B. 5, Belle Clark 3. Republic 4. No time. Black Dick, blk s (3 :57), C. A. McGoldrick, Machias, Me., Sept. — , 1881, $ . INIaud, 3:01, 3:02, 2:57. Black Doc, blk g (3:37) L. Lewark, Charlotte, Mich., Aug, 23, 1870, $200. Mambrino General, Red Oak, Roadster, Cooke, Daylight, Jenny (2 dis). Silence (2 dis), Philip Allen (2 dis). Lady Moscow (2 dis). Blue Buck (2 dis). Saw Log (2 dis), 2:43'4, 2:40, 2:43'i. Black Doll, blk m (3:4114), R. Ward. Avon, N. Y., .July 28, 1871, .$.300. Hank 2, Starlight (2 dis). Doctor Henion (2 dis), Capt. Gill (2 dis). Bay John (2 dis), 2:44, 2:45. 2:41':,. 2:433^. Black Dollv blk m (3:00), A. F. Pine, Vinton. la.. Oct. 21, 1873, .$ . Flora Little. Fidley. 3:00. 3:03, 3:01. Black Dorrit, blk m (3:40), J. P. Gilbert, Fleetwood Park, N. Y.. Mav 7. 1874. $100. Lady Pfifer, Bay Jacfe (1 dis), 2:40„2:44i/2, 2:4014. Black Dot, blk m (3: 48?4), E. A. Grimes, Springlield, 111., Sept. 12, 1883, $175. Hat Rack 2, Rockwood ,Tr., 2 :55, 2 :.56'4 , 2 :48^4. Three- vear-olds. Black Douglass, blk g (3 :30), by Henry Clay. Wm. King. Philadelphia, Pa., April 21. 18.53, .$500. Flora Temple 2 "351/4 2"30'2 2"3.5. Black Doua:iass,'blk s (3 :43), by Sherman Black Hawk. J. H. Estal)rook, Morrison. 111., Sept. 22, 1860, $50. Como Chief 1, 2, (5 0), 3:07, 2:58, 2:.59, 2:.59<^, 2:.58, . (s) C. W. Phillips, Rockford, 111., Aug. 29, 1867, $ . Northhawk (s),2:.50, 2:.52, 2:51. Black Douglass, blk g (3 :4l'i,), W. Brady, Woodbury, N. J., Oct. 21, 1874, $75. Jersey Girl, Little Charley, Washington Messenger (4 dr), Jenny Moore (2 dr), Flora (2dr), Frank Temple (2 dr). 1:30. 1:35M, 1:35, 1:39. Half-mile-heats. Three-vear-olds. Wilmington, Del., June 14, 1878, $1.50. Lambert Knox 1. Robin Hood. Viola, Mav, Barney Consolloy, 2 :43, 2:4.3. 2:41ii.2:42?.i. Black Douglass, blk s (3 :40'^). G. J. Castle, Jerseyville, 111., Oct. lo. 1882, .$ . Pilot St. John 1, Alcyone, Molwwk Jr. (3 dr), 2:40ii, 2:46'';, 2:40V6, . Black Duke blk g (3:.55), B. Gerow, Peekskill, N. Y., Julv 4, 1865 $ . Newcastle. Odell's gr m. Bay Fanny, 3:02,2:55, 2:.57. Black Ka^le, blk g (3 :38'/,). C. C. Wood. La Plata. Mo„ Sept. 30. 1878, ,$200. Jeff C. Davis. 2:.38^. 2:.59, 2:42. Black Elmer, blk g (3 ■Xyi-'i), J. Bogiirt. Spring Valley, N. Y.. Sept. 13. 1878, $100. Sweet Brier, Agnes, Amer- ican Ladv, Ettie (3 dr). 2:.54?4, 2:.59, 2:58''4. Black Fanny, blk m (3 :36i,), A. Fisher, Concord, N. H., Oct. 3, 186.5, $2.50. Gray Stranger, Lady Allen, 2:54. 2:.54, 2:49';. Oct. .5, 1865, $125. Ladv Allen (2 dis), 2:.52. 2:47. Black Fanny, l)lk m (3 :46i, John Fisher, Charleston, 111.. Oct. 16. 1873. .$90. Black Tommy, Prince Albert, Topsy. Charley (1 dis), Dick (1 dis), Gray Charlev (1 dis). Lucy (1 dis). 2:52 2:46, 2:.50'4. Black Finch, blk s (3 :53), Mr. Spencer, ^t. Paul, Minn., Oct. 5, 1863. $50. Gen. Sullv, Barney (1 dis). Slab- sides (i dis), 2 :.5.3, 2 :.54. 2:54. Black Fox, (3:54^4), D. Woodmansee, St. Paul, Minn., June 7. 1873,$ . Lady Gray. Dolly Duff, 2:54ii. 2:.56V4, 2:5814. Black Frank, blk g (3 :63), J. Conlisk, Toledo, O., July 31, 1857. $50. Maggie 2:55, 2:52. 2:.53. 74 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTlNt; AM) I'AC IN(; HECORD. Black Frank, blk K (2 :28i,,). hy Fniiik, dam a pacer. 1). L. Brown, Camliridge, Iiul., Jiilv 30, 1870, §75. John Sniifll U, 2:."»0, 2:.">6, 'J-AX. C. B. .lackson, Roelielle, 111., Sept. 23, 1ST4. Modoc, Tueky June, Unele Sam, Orient, Bay Charley, 2:4«'-. 'J :4X, :; :4»i. Indianapolis, Ind.. Oct. 2, 1874, $r>00. Bay Dolly. Capt. Dawson, 2:40^.,, 2:3914. 2:38. D. 1'. Bissell, Henderson, Ky., Oct. 17, 1874, .5150. Arlington 3, Tom Fields (4 dis), John S. Kane 1 ^3 dis), Jenny B. ^2 dis), 2:4.''>, 2:47V<., 2:o2. 2:.^). C. B. Jackson, Cireenville, O., Sept. 22. 187(i, .?300. .loluinv M., Koliert Bonner, J. H. Stevens (I dis». 2:52, 2.47'.i,2:5()'.i. Black Frank, blk g (2:43), \V. G. Sheldon, Danville, Conn.. Oct. 28. 1870, §100. Lizzie Douglass, Belle, Kocky (.3 dis), Kate (3 dis). No time. Donaklsonville, Conn., Sei)t. 6. 1872, $ir)0. M. W. Simpson. Clillord, Captain Allen (3 dr). Lady Hale 1 (3 dis), 2:44. 2:4<;'.,, 2:43,2:4!). Black Frank, blk g ('i :43), S. Liddell, Greenville, I'a., July 4. 1873. S22'>. Clara C. (1 0), Sandv Lake (4 dr). Sleepy Tom {i dr), 2:43, 2:44, 2:43:!4, 2:50. Black Frank, blk g (3 :31U), J. Granger, Springlield Centre, X. Y., Aug. 22. Ih73. .S200. Flora Belle 4, Kate < ozad 3. -'.40. 2:51, , 2:50, 2:49. Black Frank, blk g ('i :34'4, bv Wild Wagoner. S. R. Clark, I'hilailelphia, Pa., Mav 2, 1877, $ . Blinker 2, 4, Dan Allen (5 dn. 2:.52'2, 2:50, 2:.54. 2:48. 2:.'i0. I'oinl Breeze Park, Pliila.. May 22, 1877. .i?.!00. AVave, Chief. Sans Soyci, James Wood (3 dis). Rainbow (3dis), I'rincess Medium (.2 dis), .1. J. Rowland (.2 dis), 2:42. 2:41>.i. 2 :3.'>. Mav 24, 1877, $300. Jersey Boy 2, Fancy, Helen R., Little Fellow, Burnloist, Jennv, Sorrel Top, Minnie Mctiium (1 dis), 2:35, 2:32, 2:34?4, 2:33. Amblei- Park, Phila.. Mav 29, 1877, §200. Fancy, Burnloist, Jersev Boy, Helen R., Tlieo. Fitler, Little Fellow (2 dr), 2:36'2, 2:3(5, 2:39. May 30, 18T7, .$2.50. Nelly, Sadie Bell (1 dis), 2:39i.i. 2:.3Gi;, 2:;i3. June 1, 1877, .*!200. Jersev.Boy 1,4, Burnloist. 2:.;8, 2::i4. 2:,i!t, 2:37. 2:37. Pottstown. Pa., June 8, 1877, $200. Wave. Allen Golddust. <;T:ipe (.3tlr), 2:41'i, 2:39'2, 2:38. June 9, 1877, .§300. F'ancy, Helen R., Biu-iilulsl, Spittire, Pawnee Squaw, Chief, Tlieo. Fitler, 2:33, 2:35, 2:33'.i. June 11, 1877, S200. David Wallace, Rosseel, 2:33, 2:36'2. 2:3(>>4. (Jettysburgh, Pa., July 24, l877,.S25fi. Morning 4, Sorrel Top 3. Sam F>ench, Honest Mac, Top (1 dis), Modoc (1 dis). 2:3(;'i, 2:36'2, 2:3.5. 2:38, 2:39. July 25, 1877, §200. T. J., John L., Pastime, Black Harry (2 dis), 2:38, 2:41, 2:41. (nlV 25, 1877. .§200. John L. 4, T. J. 2. Silas (1 dis"). 2:41'.2. 2:43U, 2:37, 2:40»/2, 2:3514. Westminster, Md., Aug. 2, 1877, .§50O. Morning, Lizzie Keller, Flora Windsor, Sam French. 2:32' 2, 2:32, 2:3.5. Point Breeze Park, Phila.. Nov. 15, 1877, .§200. O. A. Hickok. 2;33'4, 2:35, 2:30. Nov. 20. 1.S77. s:!(K). (). A. Hickok l. 3, 2:.32i;.i, 2:31U. 2:30.2:33*,. 2:31. Amlilrr Park. Pa.. Mav 11, 1878. Miiggie M. 1. Billv Barefoot. I.adv Daniels, 2:.39''2. 2:.3,5. 2:37. SulVolk i'ark, Phihi.. May 13, 1878, .§300. Modesty 1, Sam French. Hambletonian Mambrino, Lady Bless- ington, Colonel. Sister (3 di's), 2:.30'i, 2:29. 2:31.2:.32H. Bcli'iont l';irk. Phila.. May 22. 1878, §300. Modesty 1. Sam French, Grace, Lady Blessington (4 dr), Maggie M. (3 dis ). 2 ;:i2, 2 :29, 2 :29U. 2 :30. Point Breeze I'ark, Phila.. Mav 28. I.s7s. .§.500. ]\Io(lestv2. 4. lliimblctonian Manibnno, Grace, Romulus (5 dr), S;im French (4 dr). Maggie M. C! dn, ]>;idv Plessiiiulon rj dr). J:!'!;':. 2:2(;io. 2:2(;3.i. 2:29. 2:29i May .io and June 4. 1878, .§500. Bateman. Chami)ion ^lorrill. Sadie Bell c'disi. 2:29. 2:24i;i, 2:28. Black Frank, blk g (.2 :46i2 w). J. Dawson, Clinton, la., Aug. 28. 1879, § . John A. 2, Lotta 1,3:00, 2:55, 2:.52, 2:.50, 2:48. W. H. Oilman. Council Bluflfs, la.. Nov. 17. 1883. §100. Dave l. 2:,53J^, 2:47?i, 2:46^^. Black Frank, blk g (3:15. bv Black Pilot. T. Glendenning. Yreka, Cal., Oct. 15. I880, .§75. Altosia (1 dis), Abdalbili Boy (1 dis), Ab (i dis), 3:1.5. Four-year-olds. Black Frank," blk g(2:41?4). A. Carson, IJnia. ().. Aug. 17. 1S83, § . Sorrel Dan, Black xopsy. Best time, 2:41ii. „ ., „ „ „ Black (icorffc, blk g (2:53^4). G. W. Crummy. St. Paul. Minn., Jime 17,1871, Prize silver. Billy Boy, Aniiinda, 3:02:'.i, 2:53?4:, 2:54. Black (ihost. l>lkg (3:39). J. D. Walton, Albany, N. Y., July lij, 18.58. Milkmaid. 2:41, 2:39, 2:40. Black Harry, blk g (2 iST^), by Napoleon. Geo. Nelson, Centreville, L. I.. Sept. 27, 1850, §400. Smoke, 2:43, 2:40. 2:42. Oct. 4. 18,50, .§,500. Reindeer, 2:42!2, 2:41'^, 2:43. Oct. 14. 18.50, .§1.000. John May 1. 5:19?i, 5:149i, b-.mi. Two miles. Union Course, I., f., Mav l, 18.51, .§.500. Bill Poole (s), 2:40. 2:4.5. 2:46. Centreville. L. L, May 15, 18,51, .§1.000. Pelham (1 dis), 5:;50. Two miles. ^ ,. . .. ^ S. Archer, Philadelphia, Pa.. Aug. 2G, 1858, §25. Gentle Annie 1, 2, Hard Road (w) (5 dis), Stetson s b g Bla<'k 'HarrVbi'kVl^is's)),' Mr. Sullivan, Detroit, Mich.. Jnlv 10. 18(i7. §100. Bill Mcl-anghlin 3, Captain Tom, Tarn OSiianter, Ladv Warrior. Ladv Lightfoot,. Dancing Jim, AVhitefoot, 3:(il, 2:5!ii.j, 3:01. 2:^9. . Black llarrv. l)lkg|2:31). H. Bradlev. Springlield, Mass.. Aug. 11. 18(18. §100. I'lanchette 1. No Name, Annie, Hamiishirc Boy (3 dis). Ten Knots (2 dr), 2:4.5. 2:4114,2:451/,, 2:481.. , . .. . o.,/ o 0/.1/ .> ..« Boston, M:is3., June 10, 1869. §700, Areola 2, 4, Centreville, Dresden (3 dr), 2:30, 2:36>.6. 2:36)4,2.38 2:35';. Aug. C, 1869, .§.500. Centreville 1. 2:41ii. 2:40. 2:.38V<:.. 2:.397i. ,M:inchester. N. H.. Aug. 10, 1S69. .§2.50. Moiuitain (Jirl 1. Centreville. 2:3,5, 2:34. 2:31. , , ,x , Doctor Sidelman, Norwich. Conn.. Oct. 27. 1870, .§ . C. Dickerm:io 1. 4. Noi wich Girl 5, Lady Osgood, Black IIaVry,i)lk'g(2r58),'Ned°Train. B('acon Park. Boston, .luly 12. 187.5, .§50 (ienet .2, 4. 3:02, 3:06, 3:05, •':.5s 2".58 ' Black llaWk (s). blk g (2 :4»\ .Tohn Bucklev. Centreville. L. I., :«:iy 3o. is.w. §10'). H"rcules. Industry, Major, 5:.t9. 5:45, 5:41, 5:42. Two miles. Boston. Mass., Sept. 28. 1840. §200. Harrison. 2:51. 2:49. „ . .„, . i)„.f„.. Black Hawk, blk s (2 :.'> 1 '4). by Sherman Morgan, dam ii half-blood English m:ire. Benj rhurston, Boston, Mass., , 1842. §1.000. l(!:00. Five miles. ()et..3, 1843. .§4(K). Jim 2. Dvlug Sergeant, 5:4.3, 5:48. 5:47. Two miles. _ . ^. , ,-. lu .,.„ Black Hawk (w), blk s (2 :38), bv Andrew .lackson. dam Sallv Miller, by Tippoo Sahib. A C onklin, I ni-.i, 2:48'4,2:50. Black Hawk, blk s (2 :49), Mr. Bibb, Montgomery, Ala., Nov. 16, 1870, «20». Jeff Davis, 2:49, T-iQU, 2:49?^. T. L. Thompson, Huntsville, Ala., Oct. 10, 1874, .f25. Sally Barberry (2 0), SiOSij, 3;00k, 2:55, 2:58. Black Hawk, blk m(3:37i^), G. P. Carpenter, Watertown, Conn., July 4, 1871, $150. Marshall 1, 4, 2:48?i, 2 : 54 ■ » . 2 :45?i , 2 :48, 2 :4(ii4 . Sept. 7, 1871, $75. Jim. 2:49, 2:50?i, 2:47. Mr. Sessions, Hartford, Conn., July 17, 1875, $ . Pork Packer, Duchess, Hattie Jefferson. Best time, 2:37V^ Black Hawk, blk g (3 :4:5), G. "W. Reed, Bangor, Me., Sept. 17, 1872, #40. Aroostook Boy, Twilight, PhiL Hunter, iSutman Colt (1 dis). 2:45, 2:45. W Lind, Koekland, Me., Nov. 2, 1874, $ . Meadow Hen, Bobby. Best time 3:02. Black Hawk, blk g (3 :58) C. Byer, Sandusky, O., Sept. 25, 1874, $25. Stranger, Rosa, 2:58, 3:02. Four-year- Black Hawk, blk g (3:5010, J. Murphy, Fleetwood Park, N. Y., Nov. 28, 1874, $200. Jerry 3, 2:571^,2:55, 2:r).-.u;, 2:55. Dec. 2, 1874, $300, Jerry 1, Jericho (2 dis). 2:59, 2:52, 2:53ii, 2:50',. Black Hawk, blk g (3 :53) E. Pomerov, Wilmington, Del., Dec. 14, 1874, $100. Peoniay 1, Quicksy, 2:58, 2:53, 2 :53. lilack Hawk, blk g (3 :50) J. Stafford, Erie, Pa., June 10, 1876. $100. May, Annie, 3:00, 3:01, 3:03. Julv 5, ISTC, $1^50. Chestnut Dick 2. Annie, 3:04, 3:02, 3:00. J Sinith, Unionville, O., Aug. 29, 1876, $150. Pale Face 3, Loafer 1, Billy Blood, Coal Boy, 2:.5l, 2:50, 2:55, 2::>1, 2:50'^. Aug. 31, 1876, .?200. Pale Face (2 0), Orwell Bov (2,0), Nelly, Carrie B., 2 :52i^, 2: 502i 2:501^,2:50. J. Stafford. July 3, 1877. $100. Lottie l. 3 :07, 2:.50, 2 :.50, 2:50. Black Hawk, blk g (3 :00?4,) O. J. Beers, Peru, Ind., Julv 14, 1878, s$50. Sleepy Bill (pacer) 3, Davy (pacer) 1, Eagleta. 3:08, 3:0.si,, 3:00!4. 3:001^, 3:02' •>. Black Hawk, b s (3 :395£), H. Adams, Fargo, Dak., July 1, 1881, $150. Chippewa Chief 1, Minnie C., Jim, 2 :38, . 2:mi- Black Hawk, blk s (3 :50i^, by Rockwood. L. P. W. Quimby, Portland, Oregon, July 19, 1882, $ . Edna J., Charles Albert, Zilo'phone (1 dis). 2:59ii. 3:00. Salem, Or., Sept. 20, 1R83, $500. May Wintler 1, America (1 dis), 2:57i2, 2:50'i, 2:53'i, 2:51. Four-year-olds. Black Hawk Chief, (3:57), A. Yearly, Owatonna, Minn., July 5, 1873, $180. Jerome (l, 0), 2:.57. 3:0214, 3:19, 3:14. Black Hawk Maid, blk m (3:37), (3 :36 s), by Vermont Black Hawk, dam Ethan Allen's dam. S. White, Boston, Mass., Jime 3, 1853, S . Charmer, 2.42. 2 :41. 2 :39i4. Oct. 4, 1853, $ . Blue INIorgan 1, 2 :42, 2: U, 2 :41, 2 :40. (w) Oct. 18, 1853 $ . Blue Morgan (w) 2, 2:39'^,. 2:34, 2;38, 2:39. Nov. 3, 1853, $ . Blue Morgan, 5 :23. 5 :22. Two miles. D. Pflfer. Aug. 10, 1854, $2,000. Hard Road 1, 4, 2 :42, 2 :37, 2 :41, 2 :43,. Unflnished. Aug. 25, 1854, .$1,000. Belle of Saratosra (3 0), 2 :39„2 :38, 2 :39, 2 :41. (s), Aug;. 20, 18,54, $ . Belle of Saratoga (s\ 2, 3, 2:39, 2:37, 2:40, 2:36, 2:37. Black Hawk Maid, (w), b ni, (3 :48 w), JNIr. Walker, Fashion Course, L. I., Aug. 20, 1863, $200. Little Mac (w), (2 0), 2 :48, 2 :48V.-;, 2 :48, 2 :5.5, Black Henry, blk s (3:43), L. Foulk, Warren, O., Sept. 15. 1882, $50. Hoosier Boy 1, Lvdia Golddust, Slouch (4 dr), 2:4.5, 2:45, 2:46, 2:43. Black Heenan, (3 :50), Springfield, Mass., Oct. 18, 1864, $15. Palmer Girl, 2 :51, 2 :50. Blackie, (3 :37), S. Dunn, Saratoga Spa, N. Y., Oct. 23, 1878, $ . Red Hot 2, Lady Althouse l, 2:40, 2:40*4, 2'37'o 2 '37 2:3711 Black Ike ' blk g (3:3614), J. G. Brandt, Dovlestown. Pa., Oct. 5, 1881, $100. Thomas Carlyle 1, 2 Polish, Daniel S., LittleMike fl dis), 2:37'.i, 2:39, 2:42it,2:36'3, i-.SSVz. Oct. 6, 1881, $150. Jim, Maj-flower, 2 :42, 2 :4:;, 2 :4si.i. Oct. 7, 1881, $loO, Thomas Carlvle, 2 :39V.^, 2:41;.;, 2:45, Black Jack, blk g (3 :39), Geo. Nelson, Centreville. L. I., Mav 28, 1851, $500. Lady Jim, 2:39, 2:39. Black Jack, blk g (3 :40i.^), East Saginaw, Mich., Sept. 26, 1873, $100. Little Tom, Molly Mack, Yankee, 2 :47, 2:46,2:40'.;. Blackjack, l)lk g(3 :43i4), Jas. Kleenau, Dover, N. H., Aug. 4, 1874, $175. Colonel Gushing 1, Dan Bryant, Belle .lackson (3 dr). Doctor (2 dis), 2:48. 2:44i.i, 2:44, 2:50. jNlvstic Park, Boston, Oct. 20, 1874, $200. Birch Top, Capt. Jack (2 dis). Battle Row Boy (2 dis), 3 :15, 2:55, 2:.52.' Black Jack, blk g (3 :46), J. H. Fyfield, Montreal, P. Q., May 22, 1878, .$25. Jack Draper 1, 3, Brown Dick, Tab (4dr), 3:03,3:00, 2:56, 2:58, 3:04. Seven eights of a mile heats. Laconia,N.H., Sept. 11, 1878, $.50. Bell 1,2, Maria S., Lady Alice (2 dis), 2:55'^, 2:57.2:57, 2:53^4, 3:01'/2, 3:06. Black Jack, blk g (3 :10), Mr. Trull, Oshawa, Ont., Oct, 21, 1880, $50. Daisy, Josie Mansfield, Kitty, 3:10, 3:16, 3 '18 Black Jack, b s (3 :53), Mr. Stetson, Waupaca, Wis., Julv 4, 1881, $100, Delaware. Henrv K. Best time 2 :52. Black Jack, blk g (3 :40), A. B.Ewbank, Franklin, Kv., Sept. 1, 1883^S200. Little Joker I.Dixie Boy (2 dis), 2 :51, 2:43'4, 2:41='4.2:40. Black Jim, (w), blk g (3 :56 w). Union Course, L. I., July 15, 1857, $2,000. Riley (w), 3:00, 2:.56. Black Jim, blk g (3:52!^, Jas. Kenny, New Hampton, La., Oct. 12, 1871, $150. Uncle David 1, Nathan, 2:5914, ,2:.543i£, 2:57. Black Jim, blk g (3 :40), E. Carpenter, Beacon Park, Nov. 13, 1873, .$200. Little Fred, Green Mountain Maid, Grace Arthur, Bay George, Folly, 2:40, 2:40. 2:43. Providence, R. L. Nov. 28. 1.S73, $200. Dollv 1, Black Ben. Best time 2:45, Black Jim, blk g (3:35) bv Brown Jim. M. P. Davy, Hastings, Minn., Sept. 14, 1881, $1.50. General Siegel, St. James, Sam H., Startle. 2:44i.i, 2:40i4. 2:48. Red Wing, Minn.. Sept. 21, 1881, $160. Sam H., Dyer, Gen. Siegel, 2:41. 2:37, 2:37?4. W. Gunn, Sept. 15, 1882, $75. David R. 3, Minneapolis, 2:45, 2:42V'2. 2:42i4, 2:41i4- G. P. Smith, Stillwater, Minn., June 21, 1883, $250. Grand Misery 1, Fashion, Rochelle, 2:41, 2:40, 2:40, 2:40. Black Jim, blk g (3 :31), P. Warren, Edmonton, N. Y., Sept. 12, 1882, $100. Bay Billy 1,2, Lady Upton. No time. Norwich, N. Y.. Aug. 15, 188.3. ,$100. Lib, 2:.36,2:31. 2:33. Oxford, N. Y., Sept. 19, 1883, $100. Susie M., Drummer Boy. No time. Sept. 20. 188.3, ,$1.50. Susie M. 1,2. No time. Norwich, N. Y., Sept. 26, i«83, $100. Drummer Boy 1, Susie M. No time. Sept. 27. 1883, ,$100. Susie M. No time. Sherburne, N. Y., Oct. 10, 1883. Lib 4. Susie M. 3. No time. Oct. 11, 188.3, .$150. Lit) 3, Susie M., Henry Grattan. No time. Black Jimmy, blk g (3 :37), G. R. Holmes, Slierbrooke, P. Q., Sept. 25, 1858, $100. Kit Cosey 1, 2, 2 .40, 2 :41, 2:40. 2:37. 2:40. 76 CHESTEK'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. Stansteed, Canada, Oct. 5, 1858, $im. Kit Cosey 1, 2:64, 2 -.ni. 2 :49. . Black Joe, blk g (8 :41), A. H. Ball, Haiuiltou, O., Oct. 2, lUGti, $1.50. Flora, Lady Gay 1, 2 (4 dr). Charles John- sou (1 dis), 2:41'2, 2:42, 2:41, 2A9'i. 2:50k. Black Joe, blk g (« :40), 11. Bradley, Great Falls, N. H., July 15, 1869, $225. Fanny, Sally, Butcher Boy, Rosa, Kl»<-k .ioe blk s (2 :43), P. Grim. Ambler Park, Pliila., Sept. 24, 1879, $300. Frank Bowers, Happy Gift, Annie F Bellevue, Grecian Maid, Nellv, American Btiy, Don, 2:4«. 2:43, 2:44. Blaok John blk g (,« :•*•*). J- McCilue, Lvnii, Ma.ss., .Inly 29, 1858, .*100. Nelly (iray, 2:44, 2:50, 2:51. Black John l)lk g (3 :5«), Stillwater, Mmn., .Inly 22, 1871, $400. Gray ISlessenger 2, 3:04, 2:50, 2:.')9, 2:66. Black .lohnnj, blk g (3 :30j, J. C. Dyer, Tunbridge,Vt., Oct. 9, 1879, $50. hedfloud, Little Gent, Frank L.. 2:50. iiirl'eck, St. Johnsbury, Vt., Oct. 11, 1879, $170. Abby P. 1, Paragon, Blainville Boy, Dagger, 2:41. 2:42, •'•40'i 2 '38. Zl Morrisville., Vt., Oct. l(i, 1879, $l()0. Abby P. 1, 2, Belle H. 3, Fanny (iray, Richmond (iirl, (5 dr\ 2:41, 2-45 2-41, 2:41'j, 2:41, 2:45. :st. Johnsbury, Vt., Sept. 23, 1880, $170. Belle H., Pony, Starlight, 2:39,2:36?ii, 2:41. Lou Myer 2, 3, ■ " 53?i, 2:55, _. r, 2:33, 2:3914,2 :39'i. 2:36,2:36. Black Joke, (s) blfe g (2 lis'). Beacon Course, N. J., Oct. 13, 1845, $100. Sir Archy, 2:45, 2:43, 2:43, 2:47. Bla<-k Joke, blk g (2 :55), Robert Cave, Washington, D. C, Sept. 12, 1865, $400. Gen. Lee 1, ISIonitor (1 dis). Rattier (1 dis), 2:.54'i, 2:55, 2:56, 2:59. BhM-k Jug,blkg(2:27k).Newark,0., June 22, 1883, $350. Outlaw, Billy B., Kitty D., Belle C.(l dis), 2 :34, 2 :36, Black Kate blk ni (2:47M), H. Clark, Dubuque, la., Oct. 14. 1869, $100. Wild Rose, Comet (1 dis), 2 :50^, Black Kate blk m (2:35), by Flying Cloud (?) B. Cooper. Dayton. O.. Jime 8, 1877, $200. Lou I Nelly Morton, Nelly Davis, Duck (1 dis), Johnny B. (1 dis). Col. Clyde (1 dis), 2:52k, 2:52?4,2: ?■'(*' T Lacv Adrian Mich., Oct. 17,1878, $200. Buffalo Bill, Virginia. Bismark (3 dis), 2:50, 2:53'/2, 2:52. iViiliiiniie la Sent 9 1879, S.'iOO. Prince Orlott' 1, 2:43, 2:41'.,, 2:43y2. 2:4.5. Black Kate, bik m (2 IsS), A. 1). Fellmire, Baltimore, Md., Aug. 14, 1879, $100. Hickory Jack, Tlios. B. Kalb- Black' Katirblk^n\"2^:'4^l' W. McMahon, Prospect Park, L. I., March 30, 1882, $75. Jarvis's rn g, Sam, 2''jl'4 2 'M ''■49 Black Knight*' blk g (2 :.53). R. Ogle, Union Course. L. I., April 19. I860. .$500. Maria (1 dis), 2:57. (w). J. Lovett, Aug. 4. 1860, .$200. Fanny Washington (w), 2 :,54. 2:53. ., , „ . „ /„ j- , Black Lucy, blk mK2:37), J. Wlielpley, Centreville, L. I., June 17, 1861,. $50. Lady Bevins, Zouave (2 dis), Blalk'MacKlk g (2 :26k?,'p.'>icSherry, Jamestown, N. Y., Aug. 19, 1870, $.300. Silver Cloud. Gen. Howard. ^"^"'iiui^er Tffivinll'pa.. Aug. 2.-$. 1870, $500. Silver Cloud, Hope. Fuller Brown (2 dis), 2 :40?4 , 2 :45, 2 :46. .T.- Ila^rris? Aurora, o;it,.ii^^ i»-3, 4—. T-.ronto Boy 1, 3, Long John 2, 5 (6 dis), 2:57, 2:.'a?i, 2:51, 2*48''' 2 •'55 2*5^ • '■ Bnim'pton Out." May 27, 1874, $200. Stavner (iirl, Woodruff. Toronto Boy 2:43i4. 2:43k. 2MU- Lima, O., July 28. 1874. $ . Warrior Jr. lilack Kate, Lady Garfield, 2:43. 2:46. Bla«!k Mack, {)lk s (2 :37), P. Davev. Bay City, Mich., July 10. 1877. $200. Alford, Gen. Mack, 2:43, IMh., 2 38. 181.5, $100. Hector (s) 1. Sorrel Billy (s). 2:37, 2:45. 2:4.5, 2:42. / , ,o .iic\ k loi ^.i.)u (s), June 18, 1845, $200. Hector (s), Daniel Webster (s), Euclid (s). Buckskin (s) (2 dis), 5:19'/4, 5. 12!4, Two miles. . „ „, (s), June 2.3. 1845. .$200. Washington (s) 2. 2:3iyj, 2:37. 2:34^, 2:35. Sept. 2(!, 1K45. .$400. Daniel Webster (1 dis), 2:48. Oct. 23 1845. $100. Washington, 2:43. 2:41. Oct. 27, 184.% .$2(K). Washington 1, 2:44, 2:38, 2:41. 2:45. Nov. 2. 184(;, .* . Hector. 5:24. 5:27. Two miles. Nov. 4. 1846. $1,000. Hector. 5:24. 5: 261/>. Two miles. ^ ^, ,, , -wrv..^ rri,r.<= niiv..r rinfinniti Black Maria, blk in (2:30'«), by Gill's Vermont, dam bv son of Blackburn's W hip. Thos. Olner, Cincinnati, O.. Oct. 24. IW..^. $100. Ben Higdou (w) 3, Bay Jim. 2:44, 2:42, 2:37'/2, 2:41. Nov. 6, 180.5, $;«)0. Ben Higdon, Bav .Tim (1 dis), 5:13?4, 5:17y5, Two miles. Chicago. 111.. June 9, 18Iaria, lilk m (2 -.IW .). bv AllianlDra, dam Enchantress, by Abdal air 12, 1H72, .$.".00. Countrv Girl. Fred .lonnson. Reserve (3 dr), 2:5.3, 2:.>l. -■->■!■ 2 Black Maria, li'i-- •" /^^ •:*"'-* '>'• Mi.init.rri .imii Fnchiintress. ov Auuanan. T. M. Lynn, Cleveland, O., Sept. I'ortsmoutli, O., Sept. 26. 1874. $ . Katv Did. 2:30! j. Sept. 2(;. 1874. .$.500. Floren-e. 2::!0U, 2:.31i i. 2:.33'4. ,.,„.,.,« iK-a s-iiit'i 3 4 Tormentor Bla<-k Maria, blk m{3:00). Warr HulHt. Middle Granville. N. \., June JO. 18.4. Santa 3, 4, lormenior, Flora 1. 2 (4 (lis). 2:44. 2:.52. 2:.5.5. 2-.'it;. :i:00. 3:00. 3:01. , ,„._„ ..,^ 11.,,.,.,. W 1 i.nc. 3-01 3-00 Black Maria, blk m Ci :00). F. I). Thompson, Canton, N. V., Nov. 1. 188.3, .$200. Hai i> AN . 3. 3.00. 3.01, 3.00. Black Nance, blk m Ci =57). John Oliver, Stockton, Cal., Sept. 24, 1870. .$200. Tidal Wave 1. Bay Harry. Cali- fornia Damsel, 2:.-.8. 2:58'i,2:.57. » TWT ir T..i,ro7 iBiin «vi Itonest Abe 1,2:.56. 2:.56. 3::!0. Black Ned, blk g (2 .r,(U. G. G. Fav. Hammondsport. N. Y., July 27. l^f^ *•«'.• .'"?M\r,\ w,M,tworth .5. 2 :5b?i. Bla«-kNed.l>lkg(2:47k. Milford, Mass.. July 4. 18';7. .$1.50. Fanny Hipley 2. .5, Kittj \Mim\onn .,z.ii>.4. Bl:;i.k'^;^r'bik'if (o":!^*!-): V; l^ stone. Boston. Mass.. June 4. WO^^f^^OO. Nelly 2. 2:50. 2:423^, 2:50.. .2:49.4. .Inly li. lH7n. $100. N.-lly Gray Strang(>r Gypsy Boy 2:.39 '-•2:*'^. -•vv-..t„,,™j.ker 2 Gray No.se,2.33>iJ, Black Nell, blk m (2 ::n>. J. Woodbury. Portland, Me., Nov. 3. 188.3. $.300. waicnmaKir .. v.i..j th, BIack\)akV l/st(2 :3r.). bv Mambrino Chief, dam bv Gano C M. Clark. Adrian, Mich., June 21. 1866. $300. Sorrel Ned 1. Lady I,.inigan 5:18'',, 5:289(,-—. Two miles. irto «ioo Belair (3 dis), 3:08. 3:01, Black Pat. blk g (2 :4&i^). .John Murphy, Fashion Course, L. L, May 31, 18.0, !#ux). i« lau i.^ ui. ., Bl^k'p'k. blkm (3:06%). .L M, Parker. Painesville,0.. Sept. 2, 1883,$—. Hattie Clayl, Ilderlm (3dr), 3 : 1 4»i , 3 :08i^, 3 :0r.?4 , 3 :07}4. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 7T Black Pete, blk g (3 :50). J. Pawling, Copake, N. Y., Aug. 13, 1870, $150. Gen. Grants (4 0), Canada, LyueU (5 (Ir), Henrv MilliT. -'t.'A 2:50. 2:51, 2:50, 2:51. Blac Pete, hlkg {'i :41 1, (ieo. Miller, San Francisco, Cal., April 4, 1876, $50. Rattling Jack, 2;44Vi, 2:41. Black l*il<»t, hlk s {'Z MO), by Roscoe, dam Eugenia, by Swigert's Lexington. F. D. Harmon, Gardiner, Me., Aug. 25, 1874, §250. Van Winkle, Androscoggin Boy, Stonewall Jackson, Golddust, Polly Hopkins, Henry C2ais), Fannv(l dis\ 2:39, 2:40, 2:41. Aug. 23, 1876, .«250. Belle Smith 1, 4, Bay Fearnauglit, Troublesome, (4 dis), 2:35, 2:37, 2:35, 2:32, 2:34Ji. Batii, Me., Aug, 30, 1877, $60. Dan Rocket l, Walter, Royal Knox, 2:36^2, 2 :3(;, 2 :35^4 , 2:35>^. Portland, Me., Sept. 4, 1877, $500. Knox Boy, Tom B. Patchen, Phil Sheridan, 2:33, 2:31!^, 2:30V4. Stallions. W. B. Smith, Topsham. Me., Oct. 14, $1880, $ . Lydia M.. Sherwood, 2:37, 2:39, 2:37'o. Black Prince, blk g (3:33?4), S. Hayes, Boston, Mass., June 29, is72, .$400. Fanny, AUston, Lady Morris d dis), 2:32^^, 2:36>4, 2:33^4, Black Prince, blk g (3 -AlU), S. B. Mettler, Easton, Pa., Sept. 10, 1872, $100. Simon (w) (1 dis), 2:50. Black Prince, blk g (3 -.SIK^), F. Van Wagner, Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Sept. 2, 1873, $15. Grapevine, Lady Har^ denburii;h.2:.51i4, 2:53?i. 2:51i4. Hhinel)ec-k, >7. Y., Sept. 11, 1873, $75. Lady Hardenburgh, Lady Patchen, John, Grapevine, Seaman Colt, 2:.'il'/i, 2:52%, 2:5114. Black Prince, blk g (3:53), R. Sherwood, Westport, Conn., Sept. 26, 1873. White Stocking, Bill Taylor, Boston Girl, Nancy (2 dis), 2:55, 2:52. 2:52. Black Prince, blk g (3 :54'/2), J. J. Welch, West Union, la., Sept. 28, 1876, $75. Norway Girl 1, i,4 0), 2:56^4, 2:.54!4, 2 :,59, 2 :59, 2 :57%. Black Prince, blk g ^3 :03), O. B. Pierce, Goffstown, N. H., Sept. 23, 1879, $50. Doctor, Joe Pinkhani, Nelly Gray, Kitty, 3:09, 3:021^, 3:02. Black Prince, blk g (3:03), Jas. Armitage, Sandusky, O., Sept. 21,1880, $30. Heniy L. 1, Henry Ward Beecher, Huron, 3:ll|/2, 3:03'4, 3:02, 3:04. " ~ " " "■ ■ ~~ ' ■ ' "■" " " " "' ^T ^ Riverhead, ished. ■ Mineola,' L. I.,' Jiine's.Tss'l, $35" Ridgewoo'd, Patrician, 1:21^, 1:22. Half-miie-iieats. ■ Sept. 29, 1881, $175. Kitty Temple 2, Brown Dick, Maggie, 2:40, 2:37, 2:45, 2:42. E. Durvea, Mineola, L. I., Sept. 27, 1882, .$60. George, 2:43, 2:42, 2:42. Black Prince, blk g (3:33",), T, J.Allen, Morristown, N. J., Sept. 13, 1882, $175. Eddie H., Regardless, Deucalion Jr., 2:,3.5, 2:34'4, 2:33'4. • Sept. 14, 1882, $150. Eddie H. 2, 4, Duroc 5, Glen Isle (2 dis), Frank Phillips (2 dis), Jim (2 dis), 2:38i4, 2:3414, 2:35,2:40, .2:38. Black Prince, blk g (3:51\ H. H. Ballon, W^oodside, L. I., May 30, 1883, $50. Lady Jane, Strive, Nelly, 2:.53>i, 2:52, 2:52. Woodstock, N. J., Sept. 25, 1883, $300. Middletown Maid 2, 3, 2 :5iy2, 2:5214, 2:53, 2:53, 2:51. _ Black Prince, blk g (3 :30i/j), by Wilkins Micawber. F. Haight,Pawling, N. Y., Sept. 14, 1883, $400. West- over 1, Polly B. (3 dis), 2:37, 2:33'/2, 2:3314, 2:33i4. Williniantic, Conn., Oct. 4, 1883, $250. Highland Win 3, 2:33, 2:35i4, 2:32%, 2:31. .Jersey City, N. J., Oct. 16, 1883, $300. Ossian Pet 1, Josephine S. 3, Daisy Eye Bright 2, John D., Little Mack, John Love (4 dr), 2:31, 2:32^, 2:33, 2:33, 2:3014, 2:31. Black Prince, blk g (3:5014), C. P. Grove, Rochester, Minn., July 4, 1883, $200. Little Queen 1, 2, Omro 4, Kitty W. 5, Silver (5 dis), 3:06, 3:02%, 2:.58%, 2:55, , 2:53>/2, 2:50i4. Black Prince, (3:39), J. T. Stevens', Athol, Mass., Oct. 4, 1883, $25. Patch's b c, 3:38, 3:29. Four-year-olds. Black Ralph, (s), blk g (3:34), (3:31 s), by Vermont Black Hawk. George Edwards, Cambridge, Mass.» Sept. 15, 1848, .§ . Little Nelly (s), 2, 2:42, 2:41, 2:42. S. McLaughlin, Union Course, L. I., April 28, 1851, $200. Trojan (3 0), 2 :42'/2, 2 :38%, 2 :39!/2, 2 :38M. (s), D. Pfifer, Oct. 8, 1851, $.50. Dutch Oharley, 2:34, 2:37, 2:36. Boston, Mass.. Aug. 3, 1852, $ . Boston 1, (4 dr), 2:40, 2:41, 2:43. . (s), Saratoga, Spa, N. Y., Aug. 20, 1852, .$100. Murdock (s) 2, 4, 2:32, 2:30, 2:31, 2:38, 2:34. Union Course, L. I., Sept. 28, 18.52, $500. Shackleback, 5:42, 5:29. Two miles. R. A. Champhn, Chicago, 111., May 15, 1856, $2.50. Selim, John Tonley, 2:43y2, 2:41, 2:38. Buffalo, N. Y., Oct. 7, 1856, .$250. Lady Kate, 2:37, 2 :38, 2:38. Black Ralph, blk s (3 :40i/2), Mr. Ellis, Marysville, Cal., Oct. 11, 1871, $200. Friday McCracken 1, 2, 2:52i^, 2:44'i, 2:4014, 2:4.5, 2:41%. Black Ralph, Tjik g (3:44), S. Gowan, Great Falls, N. H., Nov. 1, 1871. $175. Jenny Lind, Rosa Temple, 2:51» 2:49,2:51';. T. D. Marsh, Biddeford, Me., Oct. 14. 1873, $ . Goldflnder 2, Buffalo Bill, 2:15, 2:42. 2:45, 2:45. Manchester, N. H., Sept. 30. 1874, $200. Wild Eddy, Leeds, Greenland, Royal Prince (3 dis), Richmond Girl (3 dis). Red Bird (1 dis), 2:44, 2:4.5, 2:44i/2. Black Ranger, blk s (3 :35), R. T. Kneebs, Cedar Falls, la., Sept. 12, 1873, $350. Reconstruction 3, 4, Honest John. Boone, 2:571/2, 2:58^, 2:53%, 2:50i/2, 2:54%. Stallions. , blkg Waterloo, la., Sept. 16,187.5, $.500. Billy O'Neill 1. 4, Regent, 2 -AO^, 2:4:1%. 2:39,2:40*4,2:4154. Wm. F. Treadway, Sioux City, la., April 14, 1876; $500. Billv B., 2:38i^o, 2:,36, 2:3.5. Black Ranger, blk g (3 :33i^), by Harry Knox, dam by Brandywine. E. P. Butterfleld & Son. Rockland, Me., June 8, 1881, $100. Claymoht, Achilles, Gen. Grant, Lotta,Lenore, Lady Anderson, 2:381/4,2:39, 2:38%. Lewiston, Me., .June 29, 1881, $150. Lenore, Lydia M., Rocket, Yellow Dog."2:33i^, 2:a5 2:36. July 1, 1881, $100. Lenore, 2:4114, 2:42, 2:36. Portland, Me., July 4, 1881, $1.50. Lenore, Lydia M., Black Arthur. Yellow Dog (3 dis), 2:36J^, 2:37, 2:35, July 5, 1881, $100. Lenore 1, 3, Lotta (1 dis;, 2:.34, 2 :39, 2 :41, 2 :37, 2:40. Farmington, Me., June 15, 1883, $100. Fondling 1, Graynose, 2:35. 2:.3.5, 2:354, 2:33}^. Black Robin, blk g (3:41), David Lyons, Newton, N. J., Aug. 29, 1866, .$50. Sussex Maid, 5 :45, 5 :38. Two miles. Black Rock, blk s (3 :03), by Delmonico. S, Sharpless, Belmont Park, Phila.. April 13, 1882, $350. Conway's gr ni 1, 3 :22, 3:10, 3 :04, 3 :02. Black Rose, blk m (3 :34), by Howe's Bismarck. T. Wall, Portland, Me., Aug. 10, 1876, .$2.5. Dave. No time. Cumberland. Me., Sept. 28, 1876, $200. King William 2, Tom B. Patchen, Dave, 2:42, 2:42, 2:41, 2:41. W. H. Irish, Portland, Me., Sept. 5, 1877, $300. Young Buchanan 1, 2, Walter 5, Phil Sheridan, 2:33i4» 2: 3414, 2 :34, 2: 34. 2 :35, 2 :37. Black Sam, blk g (3 :39), S, Dibble, Danbury, Conn., Aug. 23. 1869, $500. Fanny Gray, 2:39, 2:44i^, 2:43. Black .Sam blk s, Dan Shawhan, Rushville, "Ind., Sept. 11, 1873,$ . Roan George, Davy Crockett, Lida, Ida Jones. No time. Black .Sam, blk g (3 :50), W. S. Roberts, Wilkesbarre, Pa., Sept. 22, 1877, $400. Fanny White 1, 2:50, 2:50, 2:50, 2:. 58. Blacksmith Boy (3 :38\ by Chieftain, dam by Billy McCracken. F. S. Hatch. Stockton. Cal., Sept. 17, 1879, .$300. Frank Hunter, Lieutenant, Birdie, Castoria. Western Boy, Ben Franklin (2 dis), 2,4114, 2:39, 2:38. ■ F. Denio, Vallejo, Cal., April 28, 1883, $50. Minnie Warren 2, 4, Red Robin, Frank 1 (3 dr), 3:03, 2:57, 2:56,3:05,2:55,2:57. _ _ April 28, 1883, $100. Sorrel Dick. 3 :4©^. 78 CHESTER'S COMPLETE 'JHOTTING AND PACING RECORD. Blacksmith Colt, 1) g (2:52), C. Barthrani, Wliite Plains, N. Y., Sept. 10,1870, $200. Lilly 1, Angeline (.3 dr), •.':.")U'.i, L':.")'Ji. •i:.'iH?4, 2:52. Blacksiuith Dan, b s (2:47). by Lightning, (iani bv Pt-rkins Morrill. W. Miller, Chester, Pa., Oct. 12, 1878, jiltio. Lvnth's b m (pacer), 1 -.M^i, 1 :2.j, 1 :2(;. Half-mile heats. 1. Covlc. (IrecMWooil, Pa., Oct. 10, 1K79. S.'iO. Thad. Stevens 2.47, 2:53. 2:58. lilacksuiith Olrl, 1) ni (,2:44|j),G. Merchant, Bnllah), N. Y.,Jiily 17, 1873, S20U.JMattieGoltUlnst, J. Hamilton, 2:44-.,, 2:1.-.',, 2:44'.. Blaeksiuith Mai«l, ch ni (2:36), E. M. AVoodman, Lowell, Mass., Aug. 27, 1873, .«2(K). I'eter Simple. Yellow Girl, Carrie Palmer, Mav Flower. Colonel Dean, Colonel K., Hapi)V Land, St. Lawrence lioy (2 dis>, Orient (2dis), IJillv (2dis), 2:48. 2:44'.., 2:47. Manchester. N. H.. Oct. 29. 1873. S250. Dollv Vardeii, Eollv, Grace, t olonei R.. 2:43>.i. 2:4<;, 2:45. Lawrence. Ma.ss.. Aug. .I, 1874. §225. John l-amhcrt 1, Ladv \Vilco.\, Comet 2:41'... 2,4214. 2:44'4, 2:39. Blacksmith Maid (3 :59), Jas. Higgius, Elizabeth, N. J., July 1, 1S7.5, §1,000. Frank Carrol 3, 3:27'/2, 2:59, 3:11'-, 3:(«». Black Snake, blk g (2:54), J. S. B. Hartsock, Frederick City, Md., Oct. G, 1883, $ . Kate. Mountain Maid, 2:.-.7, 2:.>4. 3:(l4. Itlack Sophia, blk m (.2 :3~|2), Barr & Boyd, Nashyille, Tenn., May 26, 187G, §300. Darby 3, 2:40, 2:40, 2:365ii, J ;37U>. Bla.i, 2:49?.,, 2:48'i, 2:46'4j 2:4J). Black Squirrel, blk s (2:41), N. Waters, Meadville, Pa., July 31, 1867, $-^. Blazing Star, Countrj- Boy (1 (lis), 2:44>.i. 2:4C, 2:4«. Stallions. Col. ensiling. Andover, O., Aug. 8, 18G7, S75. Country Boy, Blazing Star 1 (2 d is), Honest Dave (1 dis), 2;42U.. 2:41, 2:41K>. 2:58. Blackst.tnc, blk g (2 :31i4), by Crorketfs Mambrino, E. G. Clement, Lincoln. 111., Aug. 24, 1880. §2;jO. Hagnet, Bay i>ob, Lucy Barr, l'hillip,2:47;'.i, 2:45 U. l':4.-.'.i. ■ A. J. Carlin, Jr., Quincv. 111., Aug. 22, 1882, ^rA)0. Danube 1, Dr. Shepherd 2, Judge Curtis, Lady Clyde 2:3;{, 2:32'i, 2:31'.i, 2:33';i, 2:32. Blackstone Belle, blk m (2:38»i), by Whalebone. J. J. Bowen, Boston, ;Mass., Oct. 11, 18G4, $1,000, Young Sutton. 2:40'-.i, 2:42' 2, 2:4554. (w), Nov. 10, 18G4, $500, Lady Warren (vv), l, 2:4.''>i,i. 2:43i.i, 2:4Gi4, 2:49. Nov. 30, 18G4, $ , Lady A\ arren 1, 2:41, 2:39'.i, 2:44'.,, 2:42i^. May 10, 18(!5, .S2.W. Lady Hayes. Gen. Grant. 2:;J9?4, 2:40^4, 2:4514. May 24, IHii.-., .■, .'i;2.(i;K). Sorrel Dan ci dis), 2:31 '2. 2:.3C. T. Trout. Fitchl)urg, Mass., Sei)t. 27, l.sG5. $m). Fearnanght. 2:44'/2, 2:41, 2:42. — (w), II. N. Smith. Boston, Mass., June 8, 18G(), $300. Leviathan (w). 1, 3, 2:35, 2:34'2,2:34, 2:335ii, 2:36. J. J. Bowen. July 2, 1866. $5,000. Fanny Allen, 2:28^2, 2:30i,2, 2:31. Aug. ;j, 18G6, .$2,(xio. John Morgan 1, 3, 2:35, 2:32i4, 2:33, 2:3ii. Unfinished. June 11, 1.S77, $7, ,500. John Stewart (s), 7:58'i, 7:5G. Three miles. Blackstone Maid, ch m (2 :47i.i). D. C. Keay, Boston. Mass., July 13, 1870, $300. Fanny 1, 2, Everett Boy (w), 3, 2:5fl!i, 2:.51. 2:51'2, 2:49>/2, 2:.53, 2:54. July 20, 1870, .$200. Rosa (3 0). 2:4714. 2 :50'4, 2:.54, 2:51H. Black Swan, blk s (2 :4l), N. Alvord, Hillsdale, Mich., Oct. 5. 1866, $14. Bob Messenger 3:04, 2:55. Stallions. Oct. 5. 186G, $.50. Sachem. American Eagle, 2:47, 2:47, 2:52. Black Swan, blk m(2:28'2), by David Hill Jr. W. H. Seale, San Francisco, Cal., June 27, 1870. Lydia Thompson, Romeo, Stranger," 2 i.W 2, 2:4(li4, 2:4i)'2. Oakland, Cal., July 7, l.sTl, .Sjiio. Danger, Fanny, 2:38i4, 2:3914, 2 :39?i, San Francisco, Cal., Aug. 2;3, 1871, $600. Ajax 2, Peanuts, Flora, Copperhead (2. dis), Princess (1 dis), CO(|iicttc fl dis), 2:.37, 2:34'2. 2:;58i^, 2:391/,. San .lose, Cal,, Aug. 29. 1871, .$300. Flora, Brilliant, 2:40, 2:.39, 2:42^. San Francisco, Cal., May 17, 1872, $1,000. Grant, Highland Mary, Hiram Woodruff (3 dis), Mattie (3 dis), 2:39)4, 2:39, 2: .38. San Jose, Cal., May 23, 1872, .$250. Mattie Howard, Hiram Woodruff (2 dis). 2:35, 2:32'i. 2:40. San Francisco, Cat., June 2, 1872, $2,000. Alexander 2. 3, (l 0). (6 0), 2:38, 2:.37i4, 2:37?4, 2:43?i. 2:41, 2:43, 2:4.5. Blackthorn, (3 :37), Owensboro, Ky,. Oct. 12, 1883, $ . Charley H., Black Duke, 2:47, 2:37. 2:47. Black Tom, blk s (2 :44), N. Ray, Whitby, Ont., Jidv 29, ISiVl, $.500, Frank Hayes 1, 2, 2:49, 2Mi4, , 2:44, 2 :48. 2 :47. Black Tom, blk g (2 :54), by Velox. Geo. B. Vile, Evansville, Ind., Sept. 24, 1873, $100. Buckeye 1, Birdie, Green Hilly. 3 :02, 2 :.57!4, 2 :.5h3.(," ;, .q^m ,, Black Tom, blk s (2 :5^, , 2:,3tJ, 2-32"2. Aug. 26, 1870, $1 ,000. Careless Bov, 2 :38' i. 2 :41 "2, 2 :47. „ . .. Bla«k Walnut, br m (2 :53). E. White, Chicago. III.. Sept. 18, 1873, $500. Sleei)y Dave. Best time 2:.53 Black Walnut, brg (2:41). W. W. AVorden, Siiralog;i Sp:i. N. Y., Sept. 6 and 7, 187(i, $.50. Kitty Lewls3,4, ( 'ongrcss St rcet 2, M:irv, K itty, 2 :,56, 2 :56. 2 :.57. 2 :.5t;i., . 2 :.52, 2 :.50. .,„.,. ^ „ „„ Hallstoii S])a, N. Y., Sept. 14, 187(i, $100. James Smith, Rialto, Jack Byrne (3 dr). 2:51i/i, 2:47J.i^, 2:53. Sept. 1.3, 1.S77. .$100. ]);iye 4, (2 0), Ada D.. Stella (4dr), 2:45, 2:41, 2:41, 2:4.5V<., 2:4.5. Saratoga Spa, X. Y., .lulv 12, 1878, $100. Black Ned. Mohawk, 2:4Gi4, 2:41, 2:43?4. ., _ .„„„ „^^ Black Warrior, blk s (2:49), by Morgan Black Hawk. J. t^iimby, Worcester, Mass., June 25, 1863, $400. Gray Stranger 1. 2. Best time 2:52. Black \Varrlor, blk s (2 :35), Pcmtiac. Mich., Jtme 28, 1866, .$400. Gray Eagle, 2:40»i, 2:3.5 2: 39Kv ^, ,. . Itlack Warrior, blk s (3 :47?i ), l\Ir. Mallet, Aurora. C. W., July 9, 1870, $100. Brown Billy, Agitator (1 dis>, Black Warrior, blk g (1:48), by Benedict Morrill, dam a Morrill mare. John Clark, Bethel. Vt., Sept. 3, 1874, $175. Lillie, Bones, 3:02^. 2:.56, 2:.51. Northfield, Vt., Sept. 17, 1874, $ . Red Cloud. Bones, Ginger, 2:.^5. 2:55, 2:66. ^ , ^^, , „ „.,„,.. E. Montpelier, Vt., Sept. 24, 1874, $85. Lady Holbrook 1, 2, Modesty, Dolly, Lady Lightfoot, 2:50>iS, 2:64, 2:.52, 2:53 Ji. 2:53. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 79 Black "Weasel, blk s (3 :33), bv Sherman Black Hawk. Mr. Arnold, Waukegan, 111., July 4, 1860, §60. Black- bird. ii.W, -':,%, 2:41. Blackwood, blk s (2 :31), by Alexander's Norman, dam by Mambrino Chief, Lexington, Ky., Oct. 2, 1869, $ . 2:31. Against time. Three-veur-olds. Blackwood Belle, (School (iirl),br m (3 :30?4), by Black\vood, dam Victoria, by Abdallah. J. H. Phillips, Dover. Del.. July 4 1881, §200. Lady Lear, Lizzie M., Lady Fenuer, Thomas Scarf, Gamble Maid, Gloucester, 2:'39i4, 2:.»i4. 2:39^4. T. B. Meyer, Lebanon, Pa., Oct. 4, 1882, .$400. Billy Button, Martha Washington, 2;32i4, 2:309i, 2:32. Oct. .5, 1882, .$300. Hatter Boy 1, Lady F., Grand Bashaw Jr. (4 dr). White Cloud (3 dr), 2:48, 2:38;^, 2:4094. 2:51 "2. Oct. 6. 1882, .$200. Hatter Boy, 2 :4.'5, 2 -ATA, 2 :45. Oct. 12, 1883, $600. Ike Medium, Busby, Sister, Bay Star, 2:45, 2:40%, 2:47^4. Blackwood Filly, blk m (3 :33';), by Blackwood. Andrew Steele, Lexington, Ky., Sept. 13, 1872. Stout's Filly, Xecle's Entry. 3:23'2, 3:->^U- Yearlings. Blackwood Jr., blk s (3 :33'.n), by Blackwood, dam Belle Sheridan, by Blood's Black Hawk. John Overton, Huntsville, Ala., Oct. 7. 1874. $25. Dick Thorne (1 dis), 2:349^. Three-year-olds. Oct. 9, 1874, $350. Chieftain, Black Hawk (1 dis), 2:35, 2:34'/2. A. J. McKimmin. Albany, N. Y.. Sept. 7, 1875, $600. W. O. Lexington, Ky., Sept. 30, 1875, .$500. Kentucky, Central, Lady Lumber, Alethea, 2:32^^, 2:34, 2:32. Fom:- year-olds. ^(ioslien, N. Y., Oct. 20, 18|5, $ . Hambletonian Mambrino, Alice Medium (1 dis). Girlie (1 dis), 2:35, 2:36-2,2:40. Four-year-olds. Jacob Zell, Nashville, Tenn., May 23, 1876, $500. Frank Reeves 1, Sophia Temple, Lilly Shields, Scott's Chief (4 dr), 2:25;'3. 2:24, 2:25^2, 2:27. May 25 and 26, 1876, .$500. Frank Reeves, Lilly Shields (2 dis). Scott's Chief (1 dis). 2:24%, 2:22'/2, 2:36. Madison, Ind., June 3, 1876, $1,200. Frank Reeves, Doble, Dick Taylor, Ashland Kate (2 dis),2:37,2:31'/4, 2 :35. Lexington, Ky., June 14, 1876, .$600. Giun Ball, Ashland Kate. 2 :36, 2 :33M„ 2 :34!>4. Harrodsburgii, Kv., June21, 1876, $350. Soi)hia Temple, Gum Ball, 2:31%, 2;30^. 2:26. Cvnthiana, Ky.. .fuly 7. 1876, $500. Doble, (Unn Ball, Dick Taylor, 2:31k, 2:29, 2 :31k. Florence, Ky.', Sept.'2, 1876, $300. Dick Taylor, 2 :32i2. 2 :31%, 2 :27i/2. Suffolk Park, Phila., Sept. 28 and 29, and Oct. 2, 1876. Prize cup. Gov. Sprague, Sam Purdy. Best time 2:23. stallions. Competition against time for Stallion Championship. Oct. 2. 1876. $2,.500. Dame Trot, Rosewood (3 dis), 2:27%, 2:24%, 2:24M. Six-year-olds and under. A. J. McKimmin, Hartford, Conn.. Sept. 18, 1877, .$ . Carl S. Burr, 2 :32;'2, 2 :29i i, 2 :32!/2. Six-year-olds. Blackwood Jr., P. H. Dorsey, Jerseyville, 111., Oct. 11, 1882, $ . Zero, L. B., Jessie, Gledare, l:49j^, 1:47%, l:42'i. Half-mile-heats. Blackwood Maid, ch m (3:36"2), A. T. Hayes, Geneseo, 111.. Aug. 16,1877, $300. Brown Fanny 1, Pilot, Wichita, Ella Earl, Dick Jones, Billy Monroe (2 dis), 2:42, 2:45, 2:4.5, 2:45. T. Evers, Chicago, 111., Aug. 3, 1878, $ . Job, Annie Logan, 2:36'2, 2:39i^, 2:39, Blackwood Mambrino, blk s (3 :01i4). by Protos, dam Nelly Johnson, by Mambrino Boy. J. Willits, Law- rence, Kan., Sept. 8, 1882, $200. Eva Bell, 3:32 14, 3:327. Two-year-olds. Topeka, Kan., Sept. 13. 1883. $1,50. Jessie K., Young Dean, 3:01i4, 3:05, 3:12k. Three-year-olds. Manhattan, Kan., Sept. 26, 1883, $50. Jessie K., 3:10, 3:071^. Three-year-olds and under. Blackwood Prince, blk s (3:33k), by Blackwood, dam Voluntary, by Volunteer. T. R. Tipton, Fairview, Ohio., Oct. 27, 1876, $ . Sleepy .John, Diamond, Franklin Boy, Bay Lucy, Lula Fay (2 dis). No time. Oct. 28, 1876, Sleepy .John, Franklin Boy. No time. J.D.Willis, Middletown, N. Y., Sept. 1, 1880, $100. Majors, Bouton, Lady Perry (2 dis), 2 :39k, 2 :39k, 2:40 '4, 2:42. Sept. 3, 1880, $100. Mountaineer 1, 2, Fritz 4, Bouton, Lady Perry (3 dr), 2:37k, 2:38, 2:37k, 2:3734, 2:38,2:40. W. E. Weeks, Beacon Park, Boston, June 9, 1881, $300. Arthur 1, 2, Arthur, Furette. Emperor, Capitola, Pilgri.n, Tom Barton, Topsev D. (4 dr), Billy K. (3 dr), 2:2914, 2:29'/2, 2:28k. 2:29%, 2:30%. Providence, R. I., June '22 and 23, 1881, .$.300. Arthur 1, 2, Capitola, Victor, Pilgrim, Furette, Lady Wilmarth, Tom Barton (4 dr). Rosa B. (4 dr), Billy K. (3 dr), 2:27%, 2:26U, 2:26, 2:26k, 2:271/2- Blac?.-.wood <7ft. S'.',f)0(i. Tom Kwh-r 1, Taiint-r Boy, Charley Green, May Bird, Sea Koain. Ladv Hanker, Koval Georp', I.ydia Tlioniiison (4 dr), 2:28, 2:21;, 2:29, 2:27V<{. Beacon Park. P.oslon, .lune 22. 1«75. ."i;i.ri. .*1,5(K). Sea Foam .}, 4, Latly Banker 2, H. W. Genet, Tom Keeler, Pnrk'is' Alidallah, .Jubilee Lambert, Barney Kelly, 2:27J^, 2:23, 2:2(i, 2:2G, 2:25, 2:28. BrijiKs and Ross. Prospect Park, L. I., Oct. 4, 1875, ^1,200. Music 2, Comee 1, George B. Daniels, 2 :26'/4, 2:24. 2:L':!U. 2:26^4. 2:24'.. Point Breeze Park, Pliila.. Oct. 14 and 15,1875, $2,000. Observer 1,3, Bonner, Nerea. Fred. Hooper, George B. Daniels (5 dr). Frank J. (1 dis.i. 2:-'G. 2:28?^, 2:28^, 2:25, 2:.'«»!i. (K-t. 18, 1875. ■■SoOO. Nerea 1, 2. Bonner 3, 2::«>, 2:20, 2:2G'2, 2:28, 2:28"2, 2:33 Blanche i\v). f,'r m ('4 i-'iS'i ), Mr. Johnson, Plainville, N. .J.. Nov. 12, 1875, .»i2.5. Contractor (w), Tom (w), Lady Pilot iwi, 2::>!i'i. -vr.sVv., l'::>81.i. ItlHiielie. wli 111 (i ::? ti, J. T- Manson, Mystic Park, Boston, May 12, 1875, $-M0. Doctor, Folly, John S. Heald, JJullalo Dick i3 disi. 2:4!t:'4, 2:43'2, 2:44. (W) Beacon Park, Boston, .lune .5, 187,5, $100. Folly, Captani K., Baby Girl, 2:4.5, 2:4.5, 2:4.5. July 17, 187.5, $300. Doctor, 2:40, 2:44, 2:41. Aug. 12, 1875. .$2.50. Ladv Daggett 3, Georgie B., Arthur, Frank Hall (4 drt, 2:34, 2:36'4, 2:40, 2:39J£. (W) Aug. 21, 1875. $1(K). Arthur, 2:42, 2:45, 2 ::«). Sei)t. .•«). 1875, $200. Grace, (ieorgie B., 2:;«)U, 2:35, 2:37. W Perkins, Danvers, \hiss., Aug. 26. 187(i, $150. Bayard, Willis, 2:41, 2:39U. 2:41. Blaiu-lie. blk m c^ :40'4). A. Gillesjiie, M;uislield. o., Aug. 9, 1878, $250. Lucy t^. 3, Loafer 1, Red Oak, Mlnne- halia. Wild Doctor, Black Clou(l i.i dr). i.':4.^, i;:4r.'i, , 2:40i4, 2:439i. Blanche, cli ni {'i :30i j), John Murpliv, Prospect Paik, L. I., June 21, 1880, .$500. W O. Five miles. Morrisania, N. Y., Mav 12, 1880, $300. Alice Lane 1, 4, Nelly Bly, Harry Bassett. 2:3G, 2:34, 2:35, 2:35, 2:37. Blanche, b ni (3 :30), by Little Eastern, dam by C. M. Clay .Ir. M. Moodv. Canton, N. Y., Sept. 13, 1883, $'2O0. Maggie Morrill 3, .5, I'ickwick 4, Kitty A.. 2:U'i, 2:33';, 2:36. 2:38, 2:43, 2:36. I'otsdani. N. Y., Sept. 19, 1883, .$200. ISIontgoinery, Bessie Sheridan, 2:36, 2:31'A, 2:30. Four-year-olds. Blanche Amorv, b m (2:36), by Clark Chief, dam Cro]>, bv Pilot Jr. J. N. Williams, Lexington, Ky., June 22, 1877. $150." Honor, Belle Curtis (l dis), 2:41?i,2:40?.,, 2:45'/2. Macy Bros., Sharpsburg. Ky., Aug. 5, 1880, $150. Rusty Shilling 1, Lady De Jarnette, Sister Annie, Stranger. 2:34'i, 2:35iii. 2:35'4, -':37. Cynthian;i, Ky.. Aug. 25,1880, .$.500. Lumps 1, 3, Sannie 6. 5, Alcantara, Mystery (3 dis), 2:28%, 2:274, 2 :25'4, 2 :2(;. 2 :40." 2 :;i.i'.i. Blanche Arthurs, b m(2:35), Ira Carman, Parker City, Pa., June 20, 1876, $300. Lillie Pierce, Mattie, Hero, Lorettc, Kaiser (3 dr). Sorrel Fred. (3 dr), 2:41^.^,2:40,2:41. Blanche O. b m i3:17), J. M. Coppeck, Dayton, O., Sept, 24, 1878, $200. R. C. Anderson, Maggie C, 1:42}^, 1:32, 1 :40. Half-mile heats. Two-vear-olds. Springtield, ()., Oct. 15, 1878, .$ . Maggie C, Robert Burns, 3:27, 3:17. Two-year-olds. Blanclie l>ouKlas, b m (2 :37'!, ), A. .Johnson, Taunton, Mass., Sept. 28, 1882, $ . Galanthis 2, 3, Billy M 4, Citv Bov, Thorndale Prince (3 dr), 2:40, 2:40, 2:44, 2:43, 2:43. 2:42. Sept. i'G, 188.!. $1 10. SejTnour 1, Emma K., Ladv Russell, Bninetto, Nelly L. (3 dr), 2 :40, 2 :28. 2 :39, 2 :37'/4. Blanche H.. blk m (3:2614), by Blue Bull, dam by Tom Hal. "W. A.Hanson, Crawfordsville, Ind., Sept. 13, 1882, .$2.50. Kuth, Minnie D." (l dis), 2:.39, 2:3994, 2:37'4. Hamdton, ().. Oct. 6.1882, $1.50. Emma Booker 1, Kitty Clyde, Modie H., Kitty Clay, Ada H., Col. Bannister, 2:3(>, 2:36'i, 2:36i4, 2:39}^. Columbus, O., Jime 15, 1883, $700, Modie H., KittyWoods. Minnie Wilkes, Nettie R., Hotspur Girl (2 dis), 2:29'i. 2:2G'4, 2:30'4. Blanche Medium, b m (3 :34?4\ by Happy Medium, dam by Voorhees's Abdallah. Robert Steel, Ambler Park, Pa., June 2, 1876. $250. Duke Medium 2, Ethel Medium, Hawthorne Blossom, The Stiuire, 1 :3014, 1 :Xi, 1 :2Gi^. Half-mile heats. Three-year-olds. Blanche Pratt, bin (3:33), H. A. Bcnoist, Virginia, HI., Oct, 17, 1877, $100. Vandalia Joe, Sucker Maid, Bessie, Bragelonne, Charley Hale, Lady London (2 dis), 2:50?4. 2:45. 2:42^6. St. Louis, Mo., Sep. 27, 1878, $1000. Tekonsha, Creed. Pate's Sentinel, 2:36, 2:33, 2:34!4. Blanche Kohinson, b m (3:35), H. Woodruff, Beacon Park, Boston, Aug. 21, 1875, $300. Banquo, Inde- pendence, 2:3.5. 2:39'.i. 2:39. , , ^ , Blanche w., r n m (3 :43i ,\ joh,, Murpliv, Fleetwood Park, N. Y^, July 20, 1875, $100. Lady Nash, Alphonse, Ladv Emma (3 dis), Robin (2 dis). Cora (1 dis), 2:4(;',, 2:48^4, 2:43>4. Jiilv 22, 1H75, .$300. GidcOTi, Dexter P.. (2 dis). 2:.5(), 2:51, 2:,54. , , Blanc Negre, in g (3:36). S. McLaughlin, Union Course, L I., Sept. 10.1862, $300. True JohnS, 2:40H, 2:40K>, 2:44'2, 2:41. (W), Sept. 12, 18.52, $.300. True John, 2:44, 2:46'J, 2:40'2 Sept. IG, 18.52, .$200. Ladv Bond (1 O), George West, 2:36, 2:37>^, 2:38. 2:39"^. (w), Sep. 29. 1852, $250. Lady Bond, (w) 1, George West (w), 2:37, 2:37!2.2:39, 2:38^, Oct. 7, 18,52, $.500. LadvBond„2:37, 2:39, 2:37. ,, ^ ^ ,, „ , t-.* 1,1 Bland Ballard, gr g (3:39'>4), by iJclinont, dam I'attv Burns by Paddy Burns. C. E. Mosher, Fitchburg, Mass., Julv 23. 1881, ,$200. Alexander, Kitty S., Lexington, Lightfoot, Harry, 2:46, 2:39M, 2:3914. Blandina. (w), blk m r3:38w\ by Rockland. N.Strauss. Morrisania. N. Y., Nov. 16. 1882. Prize, silver, Harrv Miner, Blossom, Capadura. .Jersey City, Lonsdale, Six-Fifty, 2:39, 2:38. BlazeFace, br nW2:4l'i), by Mambrino Patchen. L, Herr, Lexington. Ky.. Oct. 17, 1876, $400. Kentucky Wilkes 1, F-annv Witherspoon, Parana, Noontide (2 dis). Champagne (2 dis), Ed. Powell (1 dis). 2:464, ''■41' 2 ''ioi/ Two-vear-olds Blaze Medium, b g (3:40) bv Happy Medium. Robert Steel, Ambler P:irk, Pa., Sei)t. 22, 1876, 8260. Minnie Medium, Nettie (1 dis), 2:47, 2:41. Threc-vearolds. Woodbury. N J., May 10, 1876, $100. Jersey Boy (1 0). Kate Dixon 2:50'4, 2:47, 2:55, 3:03. Four-year- Ambler Park. Pa., .June 1, 1876, $a')0. Charley N. (1 0), (4 dis), Hattie Dixon 3, (4 dis), Maud Medium (3 dr) 2-47'4 2-47 244. 2-40. Blazing Star, li s '(3':57>4»,'by Henrv Clav, (pacer), dambv Spencer's Post Boy Jr. R. W.Davis, Meadvllle. Pa., Aug. 1, 1867,$ . Oueen of "the West, 5:,56>4,5;.54"i Two miles. Bleecker. blk g (3 :46). J. Chandler, Waverly Park, N. J., Sept. 17, 1878, $150. Ed. Everett 1, Joanna, Harry, 2 :43, 2 "47 '/J '' '46 '' '49 Blind Billy, chg (3 :38), Tom Palmer, Omaha, Neb., July 24, 1869, $100. Bally (1 0), (2 dr), Johnny Come Up (3dr), 2:51, 2: .51, 2:56. Aug, 7, 18()9, $75. Bay Jim (1 0), Jack Morrow, 2:45, 2:4,5, 2:44. Sept. 8, 1869,825. Jack Morrow 1, 3, ao) 2:49, 2 :4,3U. 2:49,2:46, 2:42, 2:45. Mr. Bonner, Chicago. 111., Sept: 9, 1«76, $200. Jack Short(w), 2:46, 2:445i£, 2;424. Sept. 1 1 , 187(>, 8200. .Tack Short, 2 :40>., , 2 :38W., 2 Aa^. T. A. Brown, Aug. 3, 1878, .$ . Social .Tim, 2:40, 2:41. ^^^ ^„ ,,.,,, „^ xi Blind Buy dng (3:40). G. Sharp, p-leetwood Park, N. Y., Dec. 17, 1874, 8200. Butcher Girl (w), 1 (4 0). No tJmA. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 81 M. Voss. Nov. 12, 1875, $100. Miss Drew 3, 4, Major (4 dr), 2:52i4, 2:51, 2:47, 2:50, 2:.50. W. Gallagher. Dec. 2 and 4, 1875, $50. Panic 1, (.3 dis), 3:05, 3:01, 2:50. Dec. 4, isT.^), .'S.W. Panic (1 dis), 2:42. . ,,. ^ . . , ^. (w), H. Van Valkenburg, Jan. 3 aud 4, 1876, $100. Revenge (w) 2, 4, Panic 1, 3, MlSS Ifrew (W), (5 dr), 3 :07, 3:04, 3:03, 3:05, .iiOe, 3:10, 2:.j8. (\v), Jan. 4, l,s7t;, $40. Panic, 3:02. (w), Jan. 6, 1876. $100. Revenge (w) l, 2, 3:08, 3:03, 3:05, 3,08, 2:59. Jan. 12. 1770. Lizzie (2 dis), 3:01, 2:52. NewDorp, S. I.. Aug. 5, 1876, .S200. Madge 1. 2, J. H. B., Black Bess, 2:55, 2 :.39, 2 :52}4, 2:58, 2:55J^. FU'ctwood P:irk. N. Y., Nov. 11, 1876, $100. Panic, 2:47i4, 2:50, 2:48J^. Mr. Tyler. Oct. 7. 1878. $100. Belle, Bess, Minnie H., 2:44, 2:42!-i, 2:40. June :iO, 1879, $,500. Minnie H. 2, 4, 2 :49, 2 :46, 2 :46, 2 -AZM, 2.43. July 7, 1879, .$200. Minnie H., 2:47, 2:45, 2:48. ^. ,, ', ^ Blind George ell g (3 :56), J. Morgan, Pottstown. Pa., Oct. 5, 1878, $60. Harry G. 2, Tip, Kentucky Fanny, F;inny, Lulu, 2:.'J5, 2,58, 2,56, 2.56. ^ . ^ .„ Blind Hookey ch g (3 :49?i), L. Dubois, Cornwall, Can., Sept. 12, 1855, $125. St. Lawrence, Deacon, La Teni- pete, 3:00, 2:55. • Sept. 13, 1855, $150. Mickey Free 1, 2, Kitty Clyde(3dis) 2:5.5, 2:51, 2:.o6,2:.52, 2:49%. Macomb, 111., Sept, 17, 1868, $25. McLeod"s gr m, 2:5 Blind Pete, ch s (2 :58U). J. C'ulton, Macomb. 111., Sept, 17, 1868. $25. McLeod's gr m, 2:584, 3:13. Blind Tom, b g (3 :40?:£). L. B. Fordnev, Galveston.;Tex., Oct. 17, 1874, $1,000. James H., 2:40^4., 2:41, 2:41i^. Mobile, Ala.. April 5, 1876, $150. Biruie, Dick Abrams, Alice, 2:45%, 2:45ii. April 25, 1876, $ . Jeanette 2, Dick Abrams, Nubbin Kidge, 1 :27, 1 -MVu 1 :24. Half-mile heatsl. April 29. 1876. $ . Nelly May 2, John M. 3 (4 dis). No time. Blind Tom. b g (3:35), J Y. Ross, Suffolk Park, Phila., Aug. 9, 1875, $200. Jim Fisk,3:04, 2:59 2:55i^. P. Wilkes, Waverly Park, N. J., Sept. 22, 1876, $150. Annie May 1, Speculator (1 dis), Nick (l dis), 2:40yj, 2-35 2 "35 2*40 Blind Tom.'b g (3 :53)>4, Guelph, Ont., Sept. 7, 1873, $100, Lady Morgan 2. Jim Christy, Wellington Boy. Lady Colson (3 dis), Duke (3 dr), 2:52i/2, 2:52, , 2,52^. ^ , ,, Bind Tom (w), ch g (3 :58). F. Roberts, Worton, Md., Sept. 18, 1878, $50. Louis Napoleon (w), John Morgan (w), (2 dis), Patchen (w), (1 dis). Little Chief (w), (1 dis), Chesapeake (w), (1 dis), 2:58, 3.00. C. R. E. Lewis, Wilmington, Del.. June 16, 1880, $10o, Little Dick, 2, 3, 3:07, 3 :37, 3:04 3:08, 3:02. Blind Tom, b g (3 -.isv^). s. J. Fleming, Robinson. 111., July 3, 1878, $130. Olney Belle 3, Dexter, Change (2 dis). Almond Belle (2 dis), 2 :43'i, 2:45, 2:44, 2:48. Blind Tom, dn s, L. J. Bartlett, Houston, Tex., March 23, 1882, $300. Tom Moore, Dick Shane, Kokomo2, (3 dis). No time. Blind Tom, ch g (3 :03). Pierce City, Mo., Oct. 14, 1882, $20. Fearnot, 3:05, 3:03. Bliss (3 :4:5). \Viu Woodruff, Boston, Mass.. Sept. 2, 1865, $ Katy, Duroc (1 dis), 2:45, 2:49^4, 2:47'/^. Bliss, b r m (3 :31i^), by Bayard, dam Dolly Hazard, pacer, by Sam Hazard. J. H. Allen, Albany, N. Y., Sept. 8, 1880, $ . Hiiwthorrie, Hattie Matthews, Ballot (1 dis), 2:32i^, 2:38Vi, 2:37. Sept. 9, 1880, $ . Adriana,Cora Belmont, Punuema, Snap. Effle Deans, 2:31, 2:30, 2:30^4. \V. AV. Bair, Detroit, Mich., June 6, [1882, $700. Novelty 2, 3, Mattie Graham 1, Ina G., Dick Organ, Red Cross, Waverly. 2:28, 2:2414, 2:25, 2:24i4. 2:26^,2:29%. East Saginaw, Mich., June 20, 1882, $800. Mattie Graham 5, Dr. Norman 4, Tom Rogers 1. 3 (7 dis). King W^illianr Dick Organ, 2:2314, 2:2314, 2:2414, 2:27, 2:2.5, 2:2514, 2:25i^. Blizzard, ch g (3 :57). 6. Weeks, Ambler Park, Phila., Sept. 11, 1878, $ . Stockings 2, Lucy Long, Prince (3 dr), 3:00,2:.J8, 2:57, 2:58'4. Blodgett's Brown .Stallion (3 :54:). N. H. Blodgett, Batavia, N. Y., Sept. 17, 1868, $30. Sorrel Charley 2, King's b s, 2:51, 2:58, 2:,56. Blonde, gr m (3 :39i4), by Hoagland's Gray Messenger, dam Blonde by Abdallah. D. Pfifer, Union Course, L, I., Sept. 27, 1864. $2,000. Cardinal 1, 2 :43, 2 :36i4, 2 :41, 2 :43. Fashion Course, L. I., May 30, 1865, $350. Cregan's gr g. Shark, 2:30, 2:30, 2:32. June 6, 1805, $ . Shark" 1, Frank Temple (3 dr), 2:30'o, 2:32;/2, 2:31, 2:29'4. (w), .June 13, 1865, $1,000. Shark (w), 2:34, 2:.38, 2:31'2. Blonde, brm (3:37' i), O. A. Hickok, Chicago, 111., Oct. 12, 1869, $200. Irishman (10), George Hicks, Kate Kel- ler, Daniel D. Tompkins, George, H. Morris (2 dr). Moonlight (2 dr), 2:47i4, 2:46, 2:47i4, 2:47%. M. Goodin, Suffolk Park, Phila., May 27, 1874, .$200. Daniel D. Tompkins, Irishman, Lady Allen (3 dr), 2:41 2:39 2*42. '- Pittsburgh,' Pa., Nov. 1, 1876, $ . Frank Shaw 1, 2, Bob, Tom .Thumb, 2:42, 2:43, 2:49. 2:46, 2:40. Blonde, ch m (3 :39), J, Peters, Ambler Park, Pa., May 20, 1874, $200. Lady Clark 1, Stranger, Honest Joe, 2:361^, 2:38, 2:37i2, 2:38U. Blondln, b s(3:39), Jas. Clarke, Mechanicsburg, O., Sept. 2, 1874, $1,500. Herzonla, Bumham's bm, 3:31, 3:29. Five-year-olds. Blondin, ch g '(3 :44), L. C. Titus. Bangor, Me., June 24, 1875, $80. Major, 2:48%, 2 :44, 2:48. June 28, 1875, $80. Major, 2 :48%, 2 :44, 2 :48. Blondin, ch g (3 :46!2). w. F. Smith, Sacramento, Cal., June 4, 1878, $200. Dandy 3, 4, Mack 2:47, 2:49i^. 2:47, 2:44.2:461/2. Blondine, ch m (3 :34%; by George Wilkes, dam Flaxey, by Kentucky Clay. Henry Edsall, Owensboro, Ky., Aug. 14, 1875, $25. Lancaster's b s, Lewis' b m (1 dis), 3:14V^, 3:16i^. H. M. Bowman, Nashville, Tenn., Sept. 12. 1878, $ . Rusty Shilling, Capt. Jenks, Honest John, Black Cloud (1 dis), Mary Harding (1 dis), Forest Lily (1 dis), 2:39%, 2:35%, 2:40. Lexington, Ky., Oct. 15, 1879, $700. Fanny Robinson, Allie East, Belle Patchen, D. Monroe, 2:25^4, 2:24%, 2:2.514. Bloodmont, b s (3 :01J^), by Olvmpus. dam Patty Price, by George D. Prentice. M. N. McKusick, Lewiston, Me., Aug. .30, 1883, $ . Lady Blaine 3, 4, Maud (5 dr), Joe Withers (2 dis), 3:09i^, 3:0114, 2:5914, 2:59',4 3:02. Three-year-olds. Bloody Jonathan (w) b g (3:58 2-5 w), Worcester Mass., Aug. 24, 18.58, $500. Topsy(w), 14:52. Five miles. Bloody Nathan, ch s (3 :39), Mclntyre & Co., Stanstead, Conn., Juiv4, 1859, $100. Snow Squall (2 dis), Bla-k Jimmy (2 dis), 2 :,52, 2:39. Bloomer, ch g (3 :33), by Field's Royal George. Frank Perew, Ellicottville, N. Y., Sept. 17, 1868, $200. Belle, Thompson s b m. Sis 1 (2 dr), 2:40, 2:41'4, 2:42i4. Sept. 18, 1868, $85. Belle, Billy Pavor, Yankee Dan (3 dis), 2:4714, 2:48, 2:45%. Rochester, N. Y., Oct. 3, 1868. $200. Daniel O'Connell 1, 3, Plumer (2 dis), 2:45, 2:43, 2:.38. 2:33, Buffalo. N. Y., Oct. 7, 1868, $300. Molly Golddust, Brown Mare (1 dis). Royal George (1 dis), Galen Boy (1 dis) 2:36% 2*36 2*40 Avon, N, Y., 'Oct. 16, 1868, $150. Daniel O'Connell 2, Mattlson's b s, 2 :39. 2 :36, 2 :36, 2:36. Geo. Logan, Buffalo, N. Y., Sept. 13, 1870, $150. Gen. Love 1, Cattaraugus Chief (1 dis), , 2 :37, 2:335i, 2:36%. Blossom, spg(3:40), J. B. Fassett, Nashua, N. H.. Oct. 1, 1872, .$200. JohnMorrill, 2:57, 3:02:, 2:59. Waterville, Me., July 28, 1874, $200. John French, Major. 2:40. 2:48, 2:47. Piscataquis, Me., Aiig. 11, 1874, $100. Nelly, Honesty, Life Invigorator, Modoc (1 dis). Major (1 dis), 2;45. 2:44. 2:44. 6 82 CHKSTEKS COMl'LKTE TKU•^n^(; AND I'AC'lNCi KECOKU. Pittsfiold, Me., Aug. 18, 1874, $ . Nelly 1, Modoc, Mabel Gray, Jenny, American Girl (2 dls), 2:45, 2:42. 2:42,2:42',. v /i , , \V. V. Down, Fryeburg, Me., Oct. 15, 1874, $200. Bay Nell.Wbite Stockings, Wonder, Maggie, 2:42Ji, 2:44, Blossom, l)g ^2:33^4), W. Shay, Earlville, 111., Aug. 22, 187«, 850(1. Klla Earl 1, 2, Koyal Chief 3, CUljwr Lady Alice (.1 dis), 2.:35'/i, 2:37^4, -':41U, 2:;48>i, 2:41?4, 2:3G'j. Blossom, I w) ni g(,»: 37 w), by Wood's Haniblctouian. J. Murphy, Morrisania, N. Y., May 12, 1883, fSOO. .Sooner (\vi, 2:;j7. Bliu'lier, gr s r~ :•■>!), A. Mallen, houisville, Kv., Nov. 20, 1X4». ,§400, Jerry 3, (2 0), 3:3«'.i, 255, 3-00 3-05 Bliicher, b s (« :40), J. K. Henry, Cliarlutte, Mieli., Aug. », 1S78, .SJ(io. Sain Tilden 1, Ned Morris, Drift, JJnui IJoy, John 15rown (i dr>, Tom Walton i3 dri, , 2:43f4, 2:40, 2:42. Blue Bell, lir m (3 :4«i4), John Shultz, Lancaster, I'a., July 4, 1h7o, .?300. Lady Glrard 3. 4. Konieo Doll 2-47 2 :4t;' 2, 2 M, 2 iMl^, 2 :47. Kaston, I'a., July 22, 1870, $300. Charley Davis, Strange Hoy, Ben, 2:.'')0,2:.'>1U, 2:.W. Oct. f<, 1S70, 3170. Sally Swan, Stella, Swinuner, No time. Blue Bell, bli< m (3:34i.i), F. K. Sargent, Taunton, Mass., Sept. 28, 1881, $90. Little Nell, Starbriglit. Frank H., Frank, diaries Kuss, 2:391.1, 2:42, 2:42»4. Hliie iJcll. ch 111 (JJ :31Ki), by Blue Bull. W. K. Kendall, Kutland, \t.. Aug. 2, 1883, $260. Knox, Billy C.Sur- I)ris(.-._':4o, 2::>;»,4, 2:40. North Adams, Mass., Aug, 14, 1883, $250. J. G. Ellison 1, W. K., Morrill Boy, Harry East. 2:36^4. 2:34V4, 2:34'.i,2:.nK>- Aug. 15, 1H83, $200. Henry K., Dexter H., Berkshire Girl, 2:40i4, 2:39'4, 2:40. I'ittsfielil, Mass., Aug. 21,1883, $200. W. K., Morrill Boy, Deyo, Billy Holder, 2 :40m, 2:40'i, 2:40. Auk. 22. 1883, $200. Mystery 1, 2, Dexter H., Deyo, 2:42, 2:3!('2, 2:37,"2:41'/2, 2:38, Atlioi, Mass., Oct. 4, 1883, $250. Midge, Wild Indian, 2:37, 2:31i.i, 2:35}^. Blue Bell, blue ni (.3 :>55), H. Speck, Lebanon, Pa., Oct. 10, 1883, $150. Ben, JohnB., Sunbeam, Harry (2 dis), 2:.J9, 2:.3r>,2:5(5. Blue Kelts, lilk m (3:00), by Prompter. J. P. Mcintosh, Cliico, Cal., May 11, 1883, $50. Verona 3, Modoc (1 disi. Chico Uuis), 3:00, 3:06, 3:02, 3:0414. Blue Bird,
  • /2. 1 .- .^ . . • Aug. 22, 1879, $200. Lady Green 1, 2, Mohawk Jackson, Tom Battery', Minnehaha, Davy C, Kitty Fisher, J:39'2, 2:40K., 2:40, 2:40>4, 2:40. Youngstowu. O., Sept. 24, 1879, $200. Sunshine 2, Belle Powers 1, Toge,Hattie,2:41>4,2:40k,2:38J4,2:383i, 2 :40' 2. Blue Bird, blk g (3 :54i^), R. Stage, Jersey City, N. J., Nov. 24, 1882, $90. Auntie 3, 4, (1 0), Smuggler Jr., , 2:.57',2, 2:57, 2:54'/i. 2:.')5'/2, 2-MV2. Blue Boy, gr s (3 :30), bj- Young Messenger. P. B. Schlosman, Manhattan, Kan., Sept. 27, 1878, $70. Grey- stone (1 dis), 3:30. Three-year-olds. Blue Bull, rn g ^3 :43i4), by Blue Bull. A. J. Wheeler, Greenville, Pa., July 5, 1875, $300. Florence 1, Bay Fanny, Loafer, 2:50, 2:53, 2:46, 2:51. July 6, 1875, 300. Florence 1, Bay Fanny, Loafer, 2:50, 2:53, 2:46, 2:50. July 7, 1875, $300. A. S. McAllister 2, Florence, John P. 1 (3 dr), George (3 dr), Carrie Bushnell (2 dis), 2:43, 2:4,5, 2:47, 2:46, 2:46'/2. Blue Bull, h g ( 3 :4054 ), K.T. Cook, Meriden, Conn., Sept. 22, 1875, $100. Meriden Girl 1, Sorrel Bess, Chinqua- pin. Katliarina (2 dis), 2:51!2, 2:49^4, 2:51'2, 2:.'')3. Sept. 23, 1875, $200. Jenny, Gray Goose, Don Juan, Tom Dailey (2 dis), Hattie Jefferson (2 dis), Jimmy Comtort (1 dis), Duster (1 dis), 2:49'4, 2:4Hi4, 2:48'/i. Blue Bull. I)lks(3:39'4), by Blue Bull, dam Alyra Shaw. G.W. Grove,Detrolt, Mich., June28,1883, $600. Maud It., Belle F., Tom Kolfe, Eosalind, Secret, 2 :425ii, 2:40^, 2:39i/2. Blue Bull l)g (2 :55), M. White. La Salle, 111., July 4, 1883, $150. Gray Tom 1, Lady Burns, La Salle, i.xyi, 2:55,3:02, 2:,'5.5. Blue Bull Pilot, ch s (3:37!.i), by Blue Bull, dam by Mambrino Pilot. J. W. Ford, Oshkosh, Wis., June 28, 1883. .^300. Oshkosh, W. F. Hayes, Frank H. (3 dis), W. G. Howe (3 dis), 2 :39i4, 2 :40i.4, 2 :40. Woodstock, 111., July r,. 1883, $300. Fulton Maid l, 2, Eeel, 2:4194, 2:40?i 2:39;/2, 2:39'/,, 2:3954. Sept. 12, 1883, $300. Bloomlield. Kocket, Kirkwood, 2:44, 2:45, 2:44. Stallions. Sept. 15, 1883, $.300. Princeton 1, 2 (3 0), Harold, 2 :39'.i, 2:37\i, 2:.i1M. 2:mi, 2:39'/,. Blue Cloud, gr s (3:45), A. Spring, Flora, 111., Sept. 29, 1874, $22.,50 Bill, Hattie Golddust, 3:24'4. 3:12fi. Blue Cloud, b g (3 :39), by Gage's Logan. W. Hannis, Davenport, la., Sept. 5, 1879, $l.')0. Ccntella, Josephus, Western Belle, Milo Belle, Maud C, Bobbv Newconib (1 dis), Singular (1 dis), 2:41".. 2:39, 2:40. 2:40. W. W. Yetter, Las Vegas, N. Mex., June 23, 1883, $200. Spottswood 1, Ada Paul 2 (3dr), 2:51, 2:47, 2:.5,5, 3:02, 2:.5.5. Blue Dick, b g (2 :40), S. Ruble, Milwaukee, Wis., June 1, 1858, $200. Honest Anse 2, 3, (4 0) (5 dr), 2:52, 2:42, 2:44,2:40, . G. W. Nickerson, July 6, 18.')«, $50. Butcher Boy 2, Limber Jim, 2 :46, 2:47, 2:45, 2.46. Blue Dick, bs (2:36), P. Brady, Chicago, 111., Aug. 8, 1867, $100. Brown Bill 1, Gov. Morgan, 2:46'/,, 2 :42j 2:42'.,, 2:4.^. Blue Dick, b g (2 :39J^), A. S. Amory, Denver, Col., Oct. 3, 1877, $100. German Girl, John Dean (1 dis), 2:39>i 2:42, 2:43' 2. Blue Dick, gr g (2:47'/,), J. H. Snapp, Frederick, Md., Oct. 9, 1883, $200. Tanner Boy, Pascal, 2:47'/,, 2:53'/,, 2 "WJ Blue Eacle, gr g (2 :30'/j), J. A. Hunter. Charlotte, Mich., June 8, 1871, $550. Mary Taylor 1, 3, Morley, Scal- pel (1 (lis). Bob Ellieott (1 dis), 2:4(1' ,. 2:4:!' ,, 2:41' i, 2:^9^, 2:469^. Lansing, Mich.. June 23. 1871, Hattie 1,2. Princess, Nelly (4 dis), 2:47, 2:4.\ 2:48^,,, 2:43, 2:41. Blue Fisli (w), (2 :66 w), John Muniiiv, Fleetwood Park, N. V., Oct. 9, 1S71, $.'>00, Weak Fish (w), 3:01. 2:.''>6. Blue letoiiian, ilani liy Potter's Clay, O. H. Wood, Addison, N. Y., June 19, 1874, $ . Kendal Henry 2, Cliauiicey M. Bedle, Fred. 3:00, 2:47, 3:00. 3:00. Syracuse, N. Y., June 15, 1875, $.500. Northwood, Jim, Liberal, William H. (1 dis) 2 :40, 2 :40'4. 2:40. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 83 June 16, 1875, 8500. Roman Chief, Ruby (3 dis), Judge Russell (1 dis), Billy Gray (1 dis). Major Lambert (1 dis). 2:36, 2:45, 2:42. Watertovvn. N. Y., June 22, 1875, $500. Northwood, Flora, Maud B., William H„ Mountain Girl (3 dr), 2:3->i4, 2:36'i,2:42. June 23, 1875, S500. Major Lambert, Maggie B., Flora, Mountain Girl, Judge Russell (.1 dis), French Boy (1 dis), 2:.35i^, 2;40M. 2:.39. ■ Scranton, Pa., July 5, 1875, .?500. Little Mary l, 2, Lucy Penny, Bonny Doon, Kitty Clay, 2 :33?i, 2 :34, 2 :34, 2:3:3. 2:38. M. D. Van Scoter. Belmont Park, Phila., June 6, 1876, §1,000. Gen. Tweed 3, Steve Maxwell, Heather Bloom, Bessie, Favorite, Ladv Pritchard, 2:29, 2:27, 2:27, 2:29 June 8, 1876, Sl,000. Gen. Tweed 2, Steve Maxwell 1, Sand Hill (3 dis), 2 -.Ti^i, 2 :26'/2, 2 :29i/2, 2 :27, 2 :.33. Penn Yan, N. Y., Sep. 7, 1876, .fi500. Joe Brown 4, Lady Mack 3, Tom Keeler, Damon, 2:31, 2:31, 2:31, 2:31'», 2:29. — — Elinira, N. Y'., Sept. 22, 1876, §1,500. Idol 2. Adelaide, Eva, Carrie, 2:30, 2:29^4, 2:2914, 2:29V2. Cuba, N. Y., Sepl. 29, 1876, $400. Carrie 1, Lady Mack, 2:391^, 3 :40, 2:38?4;, 2:42'2. B. W. AVilliams, Batavla, N. Y., July 4. 1878, $800. Lysander Boy 1, 3, Carrie 2, 2:281/4, 2:29'/2, 2:29, 2:24M, 2*25 2'25i4.. ^"W. ii. ciirry, Dansville, N. Y., Aug. 27. 1880, $300. John McDougall, Argonaut, Lady Star. No time. Blue Morgan, br. g. (3 :33i»), S. G. Bean, Boston, Mass., June 21, 1853, $ . Sorrel Hiram, Young Post Boy, 2:49, 2:54, 2:55. — — (w) E. Goodwin, June 28, 1853, $ . Andover, w (1 dis). 258. — D. Pfifer, Scarboro, Me., Aug. 23, 1853, $500. Lady Anne, 2:40, 2:51, 2:49. — E. Goodwin, Boston, Mass., Sept. 13, 1853, $500. -Lady Anne 1 (4 0), 2 :54, 2 :50, 2 :4?, 2 :48, 2 :47. (w) Sep. 2.3. 1853, $50. Alice (w), 2:46, 2:50. Sept. 27. 1853, .$ . Alice, 2:45, 2:48. (w) Oct. 7, 1853, $ . Charmer, 2:42, 2:43. (w) J. Daniel. Oct. 14, 1853. $ . Blackhawk Maid (vv), 2:41, 2:45. E. Goodwin, Nov. 24, 1853, $ . Blackhawk Maid, 2:38}^, 2 :33i/2. Bangor, Me., Aug. 22. 1854, $300. Lady Anne 1, Bay Morgan, 2:44, 2:48, 2:50, 2:51. (w) W. Shute, Union Course, L. I., Oct. 31, 1855, $1,000. Black Bess (w), 2 :40. 2 :40, 2:41. C. Birdsall, Mav 12, 1864, $300. Stella 1, 3 :09, 2 :53, 2 :53. J. Bevins. May'l2,1864, .« -. Stella 1, 3:08, 2:54'2, 2:54'/2. Blue Mountain Boy, b s (3 :33), H. Hogeboom, San Francisco, Cal., May 23, 1877, $500. Prophet 3, 8, Coquette 4 (6 0), Vashti 1, 2\6 dis). Gray Steel, Lady Lightfoot, 2:32',2, 2:35, 2:34i/2, 2:36, 2:36, 2:36i/2, 2:41?i, 2:33, 2:33. Walla Walla, W. T., July 5. 1879, .$ . Gold Foil, Black Bess (2 dis), Susie Mack (2 dis), 2:39i!i. 2:36i/2, 2:39. Blue Nose, b g (3 :44) by Black Hawk (?), dam Helen Mar, J. E. Cameron, Lowell, Mass., Sep. 22, 1883, $300. Ladv M. Calumet, Waxy, 2 :.50, 2 :52, 2 :.52 Blue Ridge, b. g. (3:33), J. Wiley, Pittsburgh, Pa., Sept. 11, 1872, $1,000. Nelly, John Chambers, Canna, Major, Slow Go, 2:39, 2:39'/2, 2:.38M. H. B. Van Voorhees, Aug. 29, 1873, $1,500. Washington Irving, White Hawk, Silversides, King William, Snow Flake (1 dis), 2:33, 2:36, -I-MM- Blue Ridge, blk s, Martin Quinn, Carroll Co., Md., July 1, 1874, $100. Tom 1, 2, Billy, 2:49, 2:51, , , , Blue Skin, dn g (3:45), A. Roberts, Hartford, Conn., July 5,1856, $50. Ned Lawrence, Patapsco, 2:59, 2:56,2:45. Blue Stone Maid, br m (3 :40i4), Mr. Rverson, Prospect Park, L. I., Oct. 24, 1873, $500. Mary, 2:4014, 2:4414, 2:45. Blue Wing, rn g (3:36), by Woful. D. W. Thrasher, Portsmouth, O., Oct. 20, 1874, $300. Portsmouth Girl, Mjiggie Marshall, Dick, Bourbon Girl (3 dis), Doc Herr (3dis), Gray Jane (3 dis), 2:43, 2:41i4, 2:42}^. F. Mundy, Florence, Ky., Aug. 31, 1876, $400. Strader's Hambletonian, Eclipse Clay, 2:40?i, 2:38'^, 2:3914. • G. D. Bennett, Weldon, N. C, Oct., 24, 1877, $ . Alice Lane, 1, 3, 2:42, 2:45, 2:42, 2:40, 2:45. Raleigh, N. C. Oct. 18, 1878, $500. Altamont, Ed. Wilder, 2:52, 2:56, 2:59. Weldon, N. C, Oct. 29, 1878, $75. Billy M., Altamont, 2:36, 2:50. Oct. 30, 1878, $200. Tot (3 dls), Billy M. (3 dis), 2:49, 2:56, 2:47. Nov. 1, 1878, $125. Billy M., 2 :59, 2 :54. ■ E. Pomeroy, Raleigh, N. C, Oct. 20, 1880, $200. Roanoke 1, Almont Mambrino, 2:41, 2:44, 2:44, 2:44. Oct. 21, 1880, $200. Almont Mambrino, Chauncey, Roanoke, 2:45, 2:45, 2:49. M. Walters, Baltimore, Md., Nov. 2, 1883, $200. McHenrv, 2:.52, 2:51. 2:43. Bluffer, b g (3 :45), L. T. McQuivey, St. Louis, Mo., April 19, 1853, $50. June Bug, Cuba, Black Ctarley, 2:52 2:48, 2:48. Apr. 26. 1853, $50. Tom Benton, June Bug, 3:00, 2,47, 2,4.5. May 28, 18.53, .$50. Tom Benton 2, 2:48, 2:52, 2:47. 2:45. Bluffer Pony, b g (3:47), R. Titus, Cambridge, Mass., May 4, 1846, .$ . Bailey. 2:49, 2:47. 2:48. Bob, chg(3:33), J. McKelvey, Hornellsville, N. Y., Aug. 2, 1870, $500. Kansas Queen 1, Juliet, New Berlin Girl, Lady Barber, 2:3714, 2 :40i/2, 2:38i4, 2:38. Aug. 4, 1870, .$600. Kansas Queen 2, Byron Chief, Lady Barber, Firefly, 2:.35i4, 2:2,l^i. 2:37?4, 2:391^. Bob, gr g (3 :53), S. G. Wilbur, Niles, O., Aug. 11, 1871, $90. Kate 1, 2, Sally 4, Peach Blow (5 dr), 2:45, 2:51, 2*52 2*55 2*52 2:53i-4. Bob,'gr'g (3 lo6),'w. W.'Smith, Livermore Falls, Me., Nov. — 1873, .$50. County Girll, Ida, King Philip, 3:01, 3:02, 3:00, 3:01. Bob, (3 :54i4), Newark, 0„ July 11, 1874, $200. Tom Collins 1, Nelly, Brown Charley (2 dis), 3:03i4, 2:54»4, 2,5914, 2:56. Bob, dn g (3 :44), H. McCullough, Pitt.sburgh, Pa., June 8. 1876, $ . Jennie Froelich, Joe Lytle, Nelse, 2 :56 2 '44 2 :45. Bob, b g ('3:46). J. R. McConnell, Hillsboro, O.. Oct. 11, 1877, $300. Folly, Little Joe, Clark Chief, Highland Lady, 2:.56V4, 2:5214. 2:5414. Bob, b g. L. Collins, Frankfort, Ky., Sept. 22, 1880. $ . Mike 2, Bill 1. No tnne. Bob, b g (3 :06). W. ^H. Nathans, Morrisania, N Y., March 30, 1880, . Brighton, 3:06. Bob, b g (3 :56). C. Brinkerhoff, Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Sept. 22, I88I, $ . Sally Butler 2, Fred 1, 3.01, 3:00, 3:01, 2:56,3:00. Bob Acres, ch g (3 :38), by Honest Allen, dam Caro Nomo, bv Hambletonian. F. Van Ness, Cincinnati, O., Sept. 28, 1882, .$600. Billy Ford 1, 2, Brown Wilkes 3, (5 0), K^itty Patchen, George (4 dr), Ollie (4 dr), Annie S. (4 dis), RodR. (1 dis), 2:32i/j, 2:30'4, 2:3014, 2:28i4, 2:30, 2:28?4, 2:3294. Bob Ames, blk g (3 :46^). A. L. Bort. Monticello, la.. July 5, 1875, $175. Topsy, Maggie Mitchell 3, Nig, Fanny Fern (3 dr). 2:54, 2:46i4, . 2:46i4, 2:.54^4. Bob Berry, br s (3;13), R. E. Coleman, Harrodsburg, Ky., July 19,1872,$ . Stealaway (1 dis), 3:12. Three-vear olds. ^ Bob Burdette, ch g ((3 :47). Mr. Richardson. Sullivan, 111., Aug 12, 1879, $100. Nora Neal 4, Jessie 1, Guy, Wanetta, Mat Payne (5dr), Victor (4 dr),2:49, 2-Al%. 2:47,2:50, 2:51. Bobby, ch s (3 :43). bv Blue Bull. J. Forbes, New London. 0., Oct. 15, 1878, $1.50. Little Ben 1, 2, Jessie Dixon, Kittv Clyde. Ohio Maid, Venus(4 dis). Lady Tucker, 2:43i4, 2:42, 2:42, 2:43^,2:44. 84 ( HK.STEKS COMl'LETE TUOTTINC AM) I'ACINC UECOUD. Bobby BarnK, b g (2 :502-5). R, Dempster, Belvldere, N.,J., Se|)t. 14. 1X77. $40. Beppo 3,4, Patchen 1, 3;0f^, 3 :00, 3 :00'.i , 3 :0(», 3 :01. 3 :(K). Aiiibk-r Park, l*a.,Sept. 25, 1877, S200. Middletown, Fitz.John, Jack Frost, Limber Shlftle88(l dis), 14:12. Five niilt's. Bol)byB urns. l)lk g (2 :36). .1. Esseliiiont. Morrisauia. N. Y . May <>. 1879, ijioo. Xt-lly 4, Dick 1, Bruin, New- l)rook. 1-ailv Fanny (2 dis), (iloster d dis), 2:.i!>. 2:38, 2:39. 2:;j.'»'.i. 2:3(J. Bobby Newiuiinb, blkg,T. B. Cook. Leominster, Md., Sept.—, 1883,?? . Kentucky Boy, (ieorge, Corinne. No time. Bob Davis, rn g (3 :33). bv Bonesetter, dam l>y Daniel \Vel)ster. F. Nan Ness, Cynthiana, Ky., Aug. 2.'), 1882, .•?3<)(t. Stranger 1.2, Mike 3, Mieliael, Sanford Keith (3 dis), 2:28'/j, 2:34!^, 2:34'4,2:34''2, 2:34 "2:32'/j. BobKrwin.bg (3 :43i.i). C. (iates. Feterl)()n). (an.. Sept. 19, 18.5C, S800. Bay (ielding. No time. Toronto. Can., Sept. 16, 1&57, S50. Cooksvillc J, .t, 2:48. 2:47, 2:48, 2:.'i2, . Brantford. Can., Oct. 1, 1857, *1(K). Cooksvillc (s) 2. 3, London (1 dis), 2:61, 2:.52, 2 :.54, 2 :.')0, 2:53. Niagara, Can., Oct. IG, 1857. .8. Toronto. Out., June 29, 1858, .S12.5. Wliite I'.ird J, Norman, 2:51, 2:.50, 2:49,2:47. Mr. Itomaine, Union Course. L. I., April 2ii, ls:i:». -rKoOO. Lady Warren, 2:49, 2:49?^, 2:43J4. Bob (Jeary, b g (3: 47)^). G. Nelson Balliniore, Md.. July 18, 1878,S;100. Oakley 1, 2, Little Dick. 2:43%, 2:42, 2; 49. 2:47'.. IJob Uoward b s (3 :56), St. Louis, Mo.. June 4. 1874, .* . ratbarine. 2 :56'/j , 2 :56. Bob Hunter b g (3 ■M'TU). Mat. Colvin, Memi)liis, Tenn., (^ct. 2.S, 1872, Ssoo. .tack 3. Hattie Fawcett, Bay Tom, Wagoner. Nellv Seward, Tennessee Bov (4 disi. Slicllcv i2ilis). i':4(;. 2;14'i. •J:4t;. 2:4:i?i. II. C. Haves", Aurora, 111., Sept. 10, l,s'7.i. i>;325. Daniel Boone. Maggie, 2:58. 2:r,;-)At. 2:53% T. F. Boacb, St, Louis, Mo., Oct. 8 and 9, 1873, $1,400. (ientleman Joe 1, Lady Temple, John Brennan (1 dis), 2:4;5?i, 2:42^.1, 2:40, . Indianapolis, Ind., July 9, 1874. $1,200. Little Alfred 3, 5. Lottie 1, 2, (7 dis), 2:39, 2:38'/2, 2:37i^, 2:3754, 2::{8, 2:41,2:.39. Bob Ingersoll ch s (3 :53) N. Wells, Painesville, O., Sept. 2, 1883, $ . Lazy Ned, 2 :58'4', 2 :54, . Bob Jolinson ch g (3 :36?i), by John Henry. R. Johnson. Louisville, Ky., Sept. 14, 18(«, $300. Jack SanderSy 2 *.56 2*45 2*44. ^ Oct." — . 1866", S500. Jack Sanders 2, Betty, 2 :37'/j, 2 :37i4, 2 :40i>^. Unlinished. J. B. Parke, Oct. 29, 1866. $100. Alexaiuler's b c. Sir Walter, 51 oily Buckner (1 dis), 2:48Vi, 2:49, 2:45?i. K. Johnson, Nov. 1, 1866. $100. John Morrissev, 2:38, 2:38. 2:36?4. W. E. Milton, May 21, 1867, .$350. W. K. Thomas 1, 2, George E. Moody, 2:45. 2.54V4, 2:54}4, 2:521^ 2:51»4. Bob Jolinson b g (3 :58), J. Cassidy, Ncwton. N. J., Oct. 14, 1880; $3,5. Willies, Tha, 3:07Vi, 3:05, 2:58. Bob Lee ch g (3 :50), bv Whirlwind. V. B. Sharp, Tarboro, N. C, April 7, 1874, $76. Sorghum (3 dis), George (2 dis), 3:08, 2:55, 2:52. April 8, 1874, $.500. Nixis, 2:55, 2:,52. 3:00. W. (ioodman, Macon, Ga , Oct. 30. 1878, $2.50. Beaumont, 2:53' 2. 2:50, 2:52. Bob Lee br s (3:04i^), bv Tucker Horse, R. German, Florence. Kv., Aug. 29, 1876, $50. May Flower 1, 4, Fanny, 3 :09M, 3:041 2, 3.09^ 3-04, 3:06. Bob Logan br g (3 :37i^) by Gage's Logan, dam a Morgan mare W. Wallace. Oregon, 111., Sept. 21, 1882, $200. Dayton Belle 3, 4, Fayette 2, Fat Dan, Lady Hopeful, 2:37^,2:40%, 2:41';. 2:42, 2:41 9i, 2:43. Bob Logic wh s (3 :34)."T. Winn, Stanstead, P. Q.. Sept. 26, 1857, $25. Blaekluiwk, 3:25, 3:24. Bob Logic. Jr., w s (3 :53), by Bob Logic. L. A. Hitchcock, Mobile, Ala., March 16, 1857, $600. Carl Bun- 2, 2:52. 2:.53'/2,2:55, 2:54. Bob Mackey blk g (w) (3 :50>/i w), L. S. McQuivey, Hartford, Conn., June 16, 1863, $100. Frank Wonder (w). Creeper, 2:51, 3:00, 2:.50'4. Bob May ch s (3 :54i,4) George & Hojt, Harrodsburgh, Ky., July 20, 1872, $2.50. Dolly Varden, Star (2 dis), 3 :06, 2 '54 '4 2 ".58. Bob 'McClellan ch g (3 :38), Chas. Champlin, Waterville, N. Y., Oct. 22, 1863, $200. Oneida Chief (3 0), 3:03, 2:47, 2:40. 2:38. Bob Moore, b g (3 :50i4), Martin Moore. Barrie. Ont., Oct. 11, 1872, $400. Lady McMillen. 2:56%, 2:!i3, 2:58V4. May 2.5. 187.3, $100. Creeping Kate. 3:00>i, 2:51. 2:50^. Bob Newton, blk g (3 :51) by Henrv (lav. M. Q. Townsend, Little Rock, Ark., Oct. 15, 1873, $450. Maggie .Mitciiell 1. 2, Henry (1 dis), 2:48. 2:44'2, 2:.53i4, 3:04'.i, 2:,52i4. Oct. 16, 1873, $106. Maggie Mitchell 1, 2. 2:4.5. 2:45. 2:51. 2:5.3. 2:52. Bob R., ( Tariff) b s (3 :30i/,). bv Clarion Chief, dam Lillian, by Favorite. J. Thomas, Canton, N. \ ., Sept. 16, 1880, $1.50. Snap 1, Daisv Brown. Fred Clark, St. LawTence Belle, 2:34'/2. 2::J4M, 2:35%. P. Williams, Potsdam, N. Y., Sept. 21, 1880, $200. Cora, Rosalind, Walter Jones, N. J. Fuller (3 dis),2:37, 2 :37 2 '.'56 '- j'. fiiomas, Kingston, Ont., Oct. 7, 1880, $150. Harry Walters, WHiite Rose, Lillian (3 dr). No time. R. Read, Toronto, Ont., Oct. 15. 1880, $1,50. Bvron Cole, Lillian, Yorkville Maid, 2:4ni, 2:41i4. 2:41"2. Bob Kidley, rii g (3 :49). Jas. Turner, New Haven. Conn.. Oct. 28. 18.59. $100. Capitola, 2;,'-)0'2. 2:50".. 2:49. Bob Ridley, b s (3 :49i^), P. Farrell, Sacramento, Cal., Sept., 22, 1865, $400. Frank Malone 1 (2 dis), 5:39, 5:48'4. Two miles. Bob Ridley, br g (2:44), L. Pease, Boston, Mass., May 26, 1870, $ . Fanny 3, 4, Bobby, 2:53, 2:51J4, 2:51%, 2:51,2:53»;^. (w). Aug. 3, 1870. $1,50. Yankee (2 dis). Starlight (w), (1 dis), 2:56, 2:47. . .-, „ r- n ro,/ Charles H. Palmer, Port Jervis. N. Y.. Nov. 7, 1870. $100. Lookout, Brown Horse. 2:!>th, 2:5., 2:53%. June 21, 1871, $100. George Elliot. Delmonico. 2:,59'4, 2:.50>4. 2:.50>,i. June 22, 1871, $100. Champagne Charley, Delmonico, 2:.51, 2:53%, 2:5054- ^ ,.,,,. r. * „ ji ^ Jesse U. Wood, Unlonville. N. Y., Sept. 7, 1871, $200. Long Mary, Col. Abbott (l dis). Major Doty (1 dis), Marv Hoped dis). 2:44. 2:49. 3:00. _. „ . ,^ „ o^, . „ o«! Bob Ridley, br g (3 :36), L. W. Green, Lafayette, Ind., Sept. 3, 1875, $50. Echo, Capt. Dawson, 2:36^4. 2:36, Bob Ri.lley, br s (3 :43). J. Hcbel, I>ogansport, 111., Sept. 27, 1879, $250. John Anderson 3, Phoebe C, Gray Bob Roiiin, fn g"("3 :3.3?.o,"w. H. Abbott, Tltusville, Pa., June 22. 1872, S • l-ady Custer 2, Walter (4 dis). 2:35^ 2 :45*A 2:45.2:38, ^ July 4, 1873r$-^ .' Lady .Johnson, 2:38, 2:33%, 2:34. ^„ , „,„ ^- ,, „„.,,, Hi«^ Bob.Scott grg (3:40), R. Dempster. Doylestown. Pa., Oct. 3. 1877, $100. Slouchy Bill, Newell, Eva (l ciis), Fanny P. (1 dis). 3:01"., 2:51'4, 2:.54',i. ' ,„ o ro o Ao:iy Kiv-ston, Pa., Nov. 10 and 12, 1877, $120. Tommy Dodd 1, 3, Frank 4, 5, Harry Forest, 2:50, , 2:53,2:48%, '■ Belvidere, Pa., Nov. 22, 1877, « . Harry Forest 1, Tommy Dodd, Frank, Lady Brans, , 2:51, 2 :51'^, 2:51»/4. Ea.ston, Pa., Julv 16. 1878. $.'50. Frank 2, George .3. 2:.'')1. 2:48. 2:,53. 2:,'-)0. ,j. x „ ..„,. „ .r o ach/ Doylestown, Pa., Oct. 2, 1878, $100. Strange Harrv. Rocket, Black Girl, I^uisa D. (dis), 2:46%, 2:45. 2.46%. Oct. .5, 1878, $150. Lady Fenner 2, Mambrino Black Hawk. Jail Bird, 2:40,2:40, 2:40M, 2:41>4. Rlttersville, Pa., Oct. 25. 1878, $20n. L.idv Sharp 1. 2, Frank. Little Mack, 2:44, 2:42i4, 2-AV/t,2-A2\, 2:40%, Easton. Pa., Oct.,26, 1878, $90. Frank. iLirrv Forrest, 2 :,53»4, 2:48. 2:47. ,„ „ .,^ „ «« Bob the DeTil, brg, (3:40'/i), J. Rhea, Martinsville, Ind., Oct. 6, 1882, $ . Joe Davis, 2:50. 3:00, 2:59. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 85 Bob Watts, ch g (2 :37). Robert Watts, Cineinnati, O., Sep. 18, 1860, $100. Uncle Ned 2, Fillmore 3, Lady Gay, \i :,i'i ' " . 2 -.'.id 2:39 2:37. BobSvhite\3:39ii), Mr. Stinson, Brantford, Out., Mav 24,1883,$ . Rouen, Tom Keenan, 2:42, 2:^\, 2:40. Bock Beer, ch g (3 :00), Muskegon Brewing Co., Muskegon, Mich., July 4, 1881, $100. Night Hawk, Black Bird, Fox. 3:00, 3:01, 3:06. Bodine, bg (.3:1914), bv Volunteer, dam by Harry Clay. A. Goldsmith, Goshen, N. Y., Aug. .31, 1870, .f40. Goshen xMaid, Viola, 2:.53, 2:45'/2, 2:50U. Fleetwood Park, N. Y„ Sept. 19 and 22, 1871, $1,500. Belle of Oneida (30), Constance, Netty Morris (4 dr), Joe (2 dis), 2:31, 2:30i4, 2:33, 2:30^i. — Middletown, N. Y., Sep. 27, 1871, $600. Post Boy (3 0), (4 0), Ruby (3 0), (4 0), Farmer Bain, Goshen Maid, Gray Dick (2 r.o). Chip Girl (l dis), 2:41, 2:41, 2:41, 2:40, . Pittsburg, Pa., Oct. 26, 1871, $500. Sorrel Dan 4, 5, Sally 3, Harvey V., Ladv Alice (5 dn, Leopold U dr). Emperor Eclipse (1 dis), 2 :36i4, 2 :36i^. 2 :39i4, 2 :38i4, 2 :37U, 2 :39i4. Chesterfield Co., Va., Nov. 2, 1871, $180. Gen. Mulford 2, White Legs, Shot (4 r.o), 2:3934. 2:40, 2:39'-., 2:43. H, C. Goodrich Aurora, 111., Sept. 11. 1873, $2,000. Red Cloud, Brother Jonathan , Ladv Mack, 2:28, 2:27, 2:28. Laporte, Ind., Oct. 2, 1873. .S600. Col. Barnes, Molly, 2:37, 2:30, 2:2714. Freeport. 111., June 6, 1874, $1,400. Pilot Temple, Dan, Amy B. (2 dis), 2 :3l, 2 :26, 2 :27i2. Jackson, Mich., June 17, 1874, $1,500. Gen. Sherman, Thomas L. Young, Fred. Hooper, Western Boy, Mollv Morris (2 r o), 2:2714, 2:28i4, 2:29. Bu'ffalo, N. Y., Aug. 4, 1874, $6,000. Castle Boy 1, 2, Badger Girl, Triumph, Derby (5 dr). George (3 dis), 2:22'i, 2:21, 2:21 '4, 2:22'4, 2:2214. Utica, N. Y., Aug. 11, 1874, $2,000. Thomas Jefferson, Susie, Castle Bov. 2:21'2, 2:2314, 2:26is Springfield, Mass., Aug. 18,1874. .$7,500. Susie, Castle Boy, Crown Prince (2 dis), Lula (l dis). Triumph (Idis), George (1 dis), 2:21'2, 2:22%, 2:26. Mvstic Park, Boston, Sept. 1, 1874, $5,000. Lula 2, Hopeful 3, Susie, Castle Boy (5 dr), (icorge (2 dis), 2:22!i, 2:1814, 2:23, 2:21>^, 2:24. Beacon Park, Boston, Sept. 10, 1874, $2,500. Hopeful, Susie, Castle Boy, George, 2:21%. 2:19>2, 2:2114. East Saginaw, Mich., Sept. 19, 1874, $1,500. Cozelte, Lady Tm-pin. Gen. Sherman (1 dis\ 2:26Ji. 2:26. 2:26U. Grand Haven, Mich., June 3, 1875, $350. 2:26}^, 2:25^4, 2:24!4. To beat 2:25. Grand Rapids, Mich., June 10, 1875, $2,000. Fred. Hooper, Gen. Grant, Harry Mitchell, Brother Jonathan (3 clr\ 2 :28i4, 2 :31, 2 :29. Jackson, Mich., June 18, 1875, $1,500. American Girl 1, Bella, Fred Hooper, 2:281;;, 2 :24i4, 2:28, 2 :27i4. East Saginaw, Mich., June 25, 1875, $2,000. Judge Fullerton 2, American Girl, Bella, 2 :19?4, 2:20,2:2114, '■ Detroit, Mich., .Julv 8, 1876, $1,000. Gen. Garfield, Kansas Chief, 2:21, 2:2.3U.2:22. Grand Rajiids. Mich., July 14, 1876, $800. Cozette, Observer. Gen. Garfield (1 dis), 2:25, 2:27, 2:24^6. Chicago, 111.. July 21, 1876, .1t!2,500. Molly Morris, Gen. Garfield, Badger Girl, 2:2594, 2:2514, 2:27>^.~ San Francisco, Cal., March 9, 1877, $ . Occident, 2:24i4, 2:23}^, 2:2514. April 21, 1877, .»2,000. Oakland Maid 1, 2 :24i'2, 2 :24, 2 :22?4 , 2 :23a. Chico, Cal., Mav 17, 1877. $ . Occident 1, 2:20M, 2:22, 2:25i^, 2:31i4. May 18, 1877, $1,500. Occident l, 2:23, 2:24?i, 2:2.5, 2:26. Sari Francisco, Cal., Mav 24, 1877, $1,500, Occident 1, 2:23, 2:24i4, 2:25,2:26. Bodine Mare, bm (3:33i4), Wm. Bodine, Middletown, N. Y., Oct. 10~ 1866, $500. Newburgh, 2:41,2:33i<;, 2:36. Troy, N. Y., Jmie 2.5, 1868, $500. Ella 2, 3, Helene (4 dis), Charmer (3 dis). Belle (3 dis), 2:43, 2:39, 2:37, 2:41 2:41. 2:37. Bogardus, ch s(3:51),T. A. Harris. Creston, la., Sept. 27, 1882, $150. Weldon Boy, Nelly Bly, 2:.i954, 2:.58i/!;, 3:02. .... Bogardus, gr g (3:40), Franceville, Ind., Oct. 7,1882,.$ . Mohawk King 1, Lady Sarah, 2:4.5, 2:43, 2:40, 2 :47. Bogota, b g (3:371^), by Hamperiou, dam a Patchen mare. Mr. Ryan, Secaucus, N. J., Aug. 6, 1879, .$100. Jenny L. (w), Pete R. No tune. Bolly Lewis. (Volunteer) (w), b g (3:39^), by American Star. A.J.Daniels, Cincinnati, O., May 10, 1860, $ . Neliy (w), Fred Forrest (\\),2:i9%, 2 :52'/4, 2:4814. May 18, 1860, .$200. Ladv Rockey (3 0), Lady Utley, 2 -Asy^, 2 :46, 2 :47?4. 2 :S9. (w) May 29, I860, $100. Lady Utley, Lady ftockev (s) (2 dis), 2:41. 2:37';, 2:38i4. Louisville Ky., June 19, I860, .$300. Joe'Dimmick (1 0), Dolly Duncan (3 dis), 2:333^, 2:35i4, 2:.35, 2:32. June 23, I860. $300. Dolly Duncan, Abbv Woods, 7 :58. 8 :01?4. ' Three miles. Cincinnati, O., Sept. 19, I860, .$115. Joe Dimmick, Billy, 2:29!4, 2:2934. Paducah, Ky., Oct. 23, i860, .$3.50. Miller's Damsel, Ike Cook, Lady Woodliiwn (2 dis), 2:36, 2:.32, 2:3194. Bolly Lewis gr g (3 :30"2), (3 :39 s). by Pilot .Tr , dam Molly Flovd, by Mohawk (pacer). M. Cavanaugh, Cincinnati, O., Sept. 16, 1863, .$.500. Eriima(l dis), 2:56. James Rockey, July 29, 1865, $150. Little Pick 3, Pilot Bird (1 dis), 2:42i4, 2:411;, 2:47,2:48. M. Cavanaugh, Cincinnati, O., Sept. 11, 1865, $ . Billy Crawford 3, Gentle Annie. 2:4134, 2:41, 2:419^, 2:4194. Hamilton, O., Aug. 30, 1866, $500. Belle Da\'ton 1, John (w\ (l dis), 2:33, 2:3394, 2:34, 2:3414. Hamilton, O., Sept. 13. 1866, .$600. Belle Davton. W. H. Wilcox (1 dis), 2:3494, 2 :37!'2, 2:39'i. G.A.James, Louisville, Ky., Oct. 30, 1866, .$100. Sir Walter 2. Morrisey, Snowstorm a dis). Brown Kitty (1 dis), 2:4134,2:3834, 2:38, 2:38i4. Budd Doble, Trenton, N. J., June 13, 1867, $200. Henrietta, Sorrel Charlev, Doble's gr m, 2:37, 2:41. July 8, 1867, .$ . Rockingham, 2:35, 2:42, 2:42. W. L. Bradley, New Haven, Conn., Oct. 3, 1867, $300. Ladv Sheridan, 2:4194, 2:45, 2:4414. (s) W. E. Weeks, Fleetwood Park, N. Y., June 18, 1872, .$500. Plimpton (s), 2:48, 2:41, 2:38. E. M. Smith, Washington Hollow, N. Y., Sept. 10, 1874, .$2.50. Fred 3, Brown Kitty, Uncle Dave. 2:30;4, 2:3214,2:34,2:3114. Bona Fide, br s (3 :46i4), by Hambletonian, dam Kate by Belair. Baker & Harrigan, Sandy Hill, N. Y., Sept. 6, 1881, .$65. Chapman Horse, 3:00, 3:00. 2:4614. Stallions. Bonaparte (Teamboat) (s), ch g (3 :40i'2s), Hiram Woodrufl^, Centreville, L. I., May 12, 1840, $100. Mumford (Idis), 5:21. Two miles. (s), June 10, 1840, .$300. Sir William (1 dis), Mingo (1 dis), 5:21. Two miles. Bonaparte, b g (3 :44), L. S. Sammis, Union Course, L. I., Nov. 28, 1868, $75. Teaser 4 (1 0), Betsey (1 0), Eddy (2 (lis), 2 :46, 2 :44, 2 :15^, 2 :51, 2 :47. May 14, 1870, .$200. Jonas (2 dis), 2:51';. 2:48'/2. G. Mumby, Prospect Park, L. I., Nov. 24, ls70. $ . John, 2:5134, 2:5034. Aug. 10, 1871, .$500. Clambake 2, 2:.56. 2:.')7' ,, 2:47^', 2:.51. Bond's Black Gelding, blk g (3 :53), A. O. Bond, Springfield, O., Sept. 28, 1871, $7.5. Charley, East Wind, 2:53, 2:.58. Bones, b g (3 :44), R. Sherwood, Dover Plains, N. Y., Aug. 31, 1865, S200. Honest Jack, 2:49, 2:50, 2:49. R. Ferris, July 4, 1868, $150. Webotuck l, 3, Dutchess 2:4, 2:47, 2:463^ 2:4934, 2:.5534. ■ Mr. Hammond Chatham, N. Y., Sept. 18. 1868. .$70O. Frank Miller 2, 5. (4 o), Capt. Tallraau, 2:49J£, 2:391/2, 2:44.2:48. 2: 4.-)i/„. 2:44. 8C fHESTER'S COMPLKTE TROTTIN(i AND PACING RECORD. BoneH, blk g (3 :44), Win. Gird, Nel)r;iska City, Neb., Aug. 16, 1873, .isJO. Gray Tom, Sleepy Lot, 3 :2.5, 3 -24, 3 -26 (S) Stt-ptoe Kimit'V, -May l-'ti, 1«74, .s . Athol (2 dr), 2:58, 2:.'.;. William Gird, ro'rtlaiid, Oregon, Oct. I^ 1874, !?175. Kate .i, JJlvie Dick. 2:5."), 2:54, 2:.58, 3:00. Hones, b m {'i ■..'>!), bv 15eiiediet .Morrill, T. K. .Mo.xley, Bethel, Vt., July 4, 1874, .S150. In and Out 2 Col Fiske 1, J)i(k Palmer, 2:.'>3's, 2:51^.4. 2:51, 2:51, 2:51. Hones, b g {'i :3:Ji.i), W. Davis, Cortland. N. Y., June 2, 1882, $2.50. Enoch 3, Cool Boy. Primus, Winnie Wick (,1 dr», 2:X>'.j, 2:;i3i4, 2:3S)'j, 2:38. D. H. llendrickson, -Mineola, L. I., June 14,1882, .^50. Billy C.. Leo, Little Fred l(4ro) Bob (4 dr) Emma 1). i3 dr;, Minnehaha (3 dr), 2:40, 2:41, 2:41?4, 2.41;*.^ G. B. Charlick, June 15, 1882, .*30. Koseberry, Maud F. J{est time 2:48. Honesetter, b s (3 :19), by Brooks Horse, dam by Adam's Htumi) the Dealer, I). H. Hibbard. Adrian. Mich .lune 0, 1878, .*i,'>00. lekonsha, Lady Beach, Ilarker, Lilly Pearce, Convoy. Rocket (2 disi, St. Cloud (2 disi* ■2::irMj. 2:3."). 2;;i.j'4. J;irks()n. Mich., June 13, 1878, $1,000. Lady Beach, Kate Hall, Tek(uisha, Betsy Ann, Starlight Monitor , (1 disi. •.':,((), 2:30,2:34. Grand Kai)ids, Mich., June 20, 1878, .f 900. Lady Beach 1, Tekonslia, Kate Hall, Starlight (2 dis) 2-42 2:32.2:38,2:31. East Saginaw, Mich., June 27, 1878, .'fl,000. Kate Hall. Harker, Convov, Betsy Ann 2-27>i '-.".oi. 2:30i4- . . iMiiiiicapolis, Minn., Sept. 7, 1878. .■5:750. Neli;i. Dakota ,"\l:dd 2:27':.. 2:28'.,, 2:31^. Kaiis:is City. Mo., Sept. IS), 1878, .■!iil,.50O. Scott's 'riioiiias 2, lii(liaiun)olis."2:27, 2:2.51/), 2:27?4, 2:2J). St. l.Diiis, -Vl')., Oct. 1, 1878, .Sl,500. Woodford .Mambrino. Scotfs 'Uiomas, 2:2.')^i, 2-23i6 2:25'., 2:26, 2: 271^. W. N. Burris, Elkhart, Ind., May 30, 1879, $ . Elsie Good (3 0), Ethel, Monroe Chief, Loafer, Cozette. John II. .2:2.".. 2:27, 2:26, 2:28. F. \'an Ness, Battle Creek, Mich., June 6, 1879, $500. Lew Scott, Monroe Chief, Elsie Good, Cozette. Brother Jonathan, John JL (2 dis), 2:2.5U, 2:26, 2:29. Jackson, .Mich.. June 13, 1879, §800. VVolford Z, Mazo-Manie. John H.. Lucille. Doty, 2:25, 2:26i.i, 2:25. East Saginaw, Mich., June 20, 1879 iJSOO. Doty. IMazo-Manic, Lucille, .lohn H.. ■>:2i\i. 2:22?4. 2:24'4. Chicago, 111., July 4, 1879, .•jil.SOO. Mazo-Manie, Lew Scott. Elsie tiood. Clementine, 2:24, 2:26, 2:25k. Louisville, Kv., Julys and 9, 1879, ^800. Scott's Thonuis3, Mazo-.Manie. Lucille, Doty, 2:23V2, 2:30. 2:29'i,2:22U, Chicago, 111. .Julv 2,3, 1879, i$2,000. .Scott's Thomas, Driver, Hand>letonian Mambrino, Doty, John H.. Lucille. Mazo-Manie (2 dis), 2:24,2:21,2:24. July 26. 1879. .'i;i.200. Col. Lewis, Hanni.s 2:2114, 2:20. 2:22'^. Rochester. N. Y.. Aug. 12. 1879. .•S2.000. Driver. Hambletonian Mambrino, 2:2V:i, 2:24'4, 2:2,3. Aug. 15. 1879, S2,.">00. Dick Swiveller 1, Haunis, Col. Lewis (4 dis). 2:20'.., 2:20, 2:19. 2:21. Uti.!a, N. Y.. Aug. 19, 1879, .S2,000. Driver. Voltaire. Hambletonian jManibrino, 2:24'/2, 2:23^j, 2:22. St. Louis, Oct. 1, 1879, $\,(m. Charley Ford 3. Driver 2, 2:24, 2:21, 2:20>i. 2:24, 2:21?4. Battle Creek, Mich., June 1,1880, $700. Bald Hornet (pacer) 1, Ben Hamilton (jiacer), 2:30,2:29Ji,2:31H. 2;29!i. Dan Mace. Minneapolis, Minn., Sept. 11, 1880, $1,000. Voltaire. 2:30. 2:-Z(;li, 2:22'/2. Chicauo, 111., Sept. 16. 1880, .§1,000. Voltaire 1. Hannis, 2:26i.i. 2:22. 2:22'.i, 2:225^. Stallions. Kans:is City. Mo., Sept. 22, 1880, .Sl.OOO. Hambletonian Bashaw, 2:45, 2:41, 2:40. Sept. 24, isso. .'j!l,ooo. Voltaire. Hannis, 2 :289i. 2:29i/.;, 2:26'.i. Stallions. St. Louis, Sept. 28, 1880, $1,000. Will Cody 1, Volfaire, Monroe Chief. Kitty Bates. 2:24, 2:24, 2:23M. 2:24. Danville, 111., Oct, 22, 1880, ,$.5o0. Pilot R. l, Ella Earl, Abdallah Boy, 2:.32. 2::54, 2;30?4', 2:31. Cincinnati, O., Nov. 3, 1880, $1,000. Voltaire, 2:32'i, 2:30i4, 2:28' 2. W. H. McCarthy, Fort Wayne, Ind., May 2.5, 1881, $1,000. Robert McGregor, Wedgewood, 2:29. 2:28. 2:2«i^. Stallions.' May 27, 1881, $1,000. Robert IVIcGregor 2, Charley Ford, Wedgewood. Will Cody, Kitty Bates, 2:25'/j, 2:24?4;2:28, 2:2814- Honey Vouns, b g (2:451^), Hiram Woodruff, Union Course, L. I., June 22, i.stK), srm. Shooting Star. 5:31. 5:3(). Two miles. Honita b m (3 :18?.C), by Electioneer, dam May Fly, by St. Clair. L. Stanford, San Francisco, Cal., Nov. 24. 1881,.$ . 2:24'.4. Bonita, two-years-old. To beat 2:251^. L. Stanford Hartford, Clonn., ()ct. 4, l.s83. .$700. W. O. No tinu'. Four-year-olds. Lexington, Ky., Oct. 11, 1883, $ . 2:lKi'4. To beat four-year-old-record, 2:19. Itonner, cli g (a :48), J. M. Bosworth, Palmer, Mass., June 2, I860. .$100. Lady of the Lake. 2:.".3, 2:49, 2:48. Honner, ch g(3:3:j), by Cortlandt Star, dam by Shenandoah. J. Brown, Auburn, N. Y., July 2, 1874, $300. (ien. Custer, 2:42'4,2:.50i i,2:4(;»/.. J. A. Stevens. Newark, N. Y~ July 16, 1874, .$400. Central Boy. Clifton Boy. Deceiver. 2:38i^,, 2:45 2:43?i. A. Stevens, Syracuse, N. \'., Sei)l.'2, 1874, .$800. Flora I>ee 3. Brown Prince. Coudit Sn\ith (3 dr) Clothes Horse (3 dis). Rough and Jieady (1 dis). 2:41, 2:tO'i 2::i6'4, 2:;!8. A. J. Feek, Baldwinsvillc, N'. Y., Sept. 19, 1874, $1,50. (Jeorge F. Sndth, Dandy. 2:38i.<.. 2:41, 2:38%. (ioslien, N. Y., Oct. 16, 1874, $1,000. Lady Annie (1 0), Lottie (1 0), Black Crook. IMonntauieer. Lady Angle. 2:.Ti'.i,2:33'4,2:a5V4,2:3;")M. " ..... ^ Poughkeepsie, N. Y'., Oct. 20, 1874, .$1,200. May Bird 2, Sweetmeat, Adelaide, 1-armer Bane, Lottie (4 dr), Rosa .S(.til)iu-g (1 dis), 2:30, 2:.32, 2:32?.^, 2::i3. While I'hiins, N. Y.,Nov.4and5, 1874, $.'500. Berkshire Boy .3, 6, (2 0), Mol.sey 1. (2 0). 2::{3'4. 2:.34.2:.34'2. 2:.32'4, 2:.!.i, 2:35;4, 2:.32. Syracuse, N. Y., June 17, 187.5, $1,500. George H. Mitchell 3, Ed White, Lew Ives, 2:.33'4. 2:33, 2:.33'j. 2:35'/j. Auburn, N. Y., .July 8, 187,5, .$2.50. St. Patrick, Lookout, 2:4.5'i, 2:.35';, 2:,37'4. .. , , , Newark, N. v., July 16 and 17, 1875, $1,000. Nelly Irwin 2, 7, Ed White 4, 6, lom Keeler 1, Lew Ives, Sunset n dis), 2:29!/., 2:301/.. 2:30, 2::<0'''», 2:31'2.2:;U.'2:3.5.2:31. . .. , , ^, „ Poughk<'e)>sie. N^ Y.. Aug. 7, 1875, .M.OOO. Frank F'ergusou UMav Bird. Ed White, Ella Madden, Nelly Walton, CIcMgarrv, ILinnali D.. Filbert, Twilight (3 dri, 2:27. 2:26, 2:29. 2:29. Roiliister. \. Y.. Sept. 24. 1875. .$800. Carrie, Unknown, W'hite Cloud, 2:29, 2:27, 2:30. Syracuse. N. Y.. .lune 2.!, 187,5, $1,0(K). Idol 1, 2. Carrie, 2:;{2. 2:29?4', 2:31, 2;;J0?4. 2:31'2. Honner Hov. l)g(3:3:J), by Gill's Vermont, dam athorougbred mareC.M. Thompson & Hart. .lackson. Mien.. June 12, 1879. ,$800. Russ Ellis, Tekonslia, Diamond. Sut Lovingood, Tom Walton. Pate's Sentinel, Kegu- lator, S.ini Tilden, Judge Hawes, Mary Belmont, White Cloud (2 dis). Singular (1 dis), Kugene 1 1 dis),2:.J4^4. *2:IM) 2 :.'tO"'' i ^East Saginaw. Mich., June 19, 1879, .$800. Russ l^lis. Sut Lovingood, Myrtle, Singular. Pate's Sentinel, Diamond, Tom Walton, Eugene, Sid. A. Kent, 2 :28'4, 2:23, 2 :2.3"2- ,- v T..f„'„ Toledo. ()., .Tune 26, 1879, .$800. Russ Ellis, Singular (2 dis), Sut Lovingood (1 dis). Myrtle (1 dis), l ate s Sentinel (1 dis). 2:26?4,2:26'/j,2:.31i4. „ ,, , „ „..., «„„«„,^„h Louisville, Ky., July 10, 1879. $800. BeJla Patchen 3. 4. Green Charley. I'anny M itherspoon, Rosewood, Judge (Mirtis. Zephyr 1 (4 dis), Fringe (4 dis). Russ Ellis (4 dr). William ( I dr'. 2:29' ». 2:28^,. 2:.30^4. 2:31',,. 2:27»4,2:r.7. CHESTEK'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND TACINc; KKC.^KI). K7 , A. H. Thompson, Flint. Mich., Oct. 6. 1882. « , Clifton Boy, Tom B., Flirt, 2:3014, 2:30'A, 2:30i4. Bonnets C Blue {'Z :46), Millersbur}?, Pa., Oct. 1.5, 1874, * . Frank, Lady Frlck, 2:46, 2:47, 2:49»/2. Bonny (2 :35), Omaha, Neb., Oct. 21, 1872, .?200. Iowa Girl 2, Dakota Maid 1, Brown Mary, 2:.50, 2 :45^, 2:50^4, 2:50'/4, 2:51. Bonny (2 rSO'/^), H. Cole, Milwaukee, Wis., Jmie 15, 1882, $40. Dr. Hughes, Jenny Butcher, Banker, Tearer, Bradlev, Seven Up, Jav Gould, 2:o9>^. Bonny b m ^2:25). by Gen. Benton, dam America, by Hambletonian. L.Stanford, Oakland, Cal., Nov. 13, 1882, $807.22. Fred. Arnold 3, Anteo, 2:34'2, 2:37, 2:40' 2, 2:a')>/i. Three-year-olds. .San Francisco, Cal., Sept. 1, li:<83, §000. La Grange, Bonny Wood, Olivette, 2:26»/i, 2:25, 2:27?^. Four- year-olds, or under. Sacniiuonto, Cal., Sept. 11. 1883, $1,000. Hazel Kirke, Bonnie Wood, Sister, La Grange, Adrian, Adair, Telegraph, Lucilla (1 dis), 2:29'i, 2:29, 2:32. Four-year-olds. Bonny (3:05i.i), Portland, Me., Sept. 14, 1883, .$25. Col. Eussell, Lady Allen, Georgie, 6:10'/i. Two miles. Bonnie Bay b s (2:44^^), bv S\veepstakes,dam by Gen. Taylor. Bair & I'hipps, Cincinnati, O., Aug. 30, 1883, $130. Hamilton, Bookcr'Bov, Lady Garnett, 2:46i^. 2:45'2, 2:45'/2. , Aug. .30. 18s;5, $100. Crockett's Woodford, 3:02, 3:02, 2:44%. Bonny Belle b m (2 :46), VV. H. McLymau, Monroeville, O., June 5, 1866, .$100. Bashaw, Frank, 2:,52, 2:493^. June 6, 18(i6, .f75. Frank. Hubbard's ru s, 2:53, 2:mi. June 7, 1806, .$50. Frank Hnlibard's rn s 1, (2 dr), 2:.50, 2:4!t, 2-AZi4. J. H. Harder, Oct. 5, 1866, .$40. Black Hawk 1, 2:47, 2:40, 2:46. Bonny Belle ch m (2 :42), C. H. Marsh, Avon Spa, N. Y., July 28, 1866, $100. Monitor, Grand Bashaw (3 dr), Nelly (1 dis), 2:51. 2:4.5, 2:40. Bonny "Boy b s (3 :02), Dr Nicholson, Goderich. Ont., Aug. 16, 1883, $75. Capt. Gibb 2, 3:08, 3:05, 3:02, 3 M. Bonny Castle ell s by Belmont, dam Fadette, by Alexander's Abdallah. .1. M. Simpson, Taylorville, 111., Sept. 18, 1878. Gen. Custer, Handsome Jim. No time. Bonny Doon br s (2:35i4), by Daniel Webster, dam Linda, R. Dempster, Ambler Park, Pa. Mav 20, 1874, .$4.50. Mattie Lyle 1, 2.(3 d). Dot, Delaware, Lady Atkinson, Ladv Jane, Daniel Webster, R. D., 2:37 4, 2:3.5, 2:3714,. 2:38%, 2:38,2:44. Wilkesbarre, Pa., June 4, 1874, .'#400. Delaware 1, Ben, Dennis, 2:33, 2:39, 2:39, 2:35}^. Hazleton, Pa., June 10, 1874, .$500. Delaware 1, 2, Kittv Clav, 2:35?^^, 2:.349J, 2:35%, 2:37, 2:36'4. Binghampton, N. Y., July 4. 1874. .$250. Ben 3, 4, Fanny 1, 2, Charley, 2:36, 2:.36i4, 2:36}^, 2:38, 2:39, 2:42, 2:43. Wilkesbarre. Pa., Aug. 19, 1874, .$800. Dennis l. Hannah D. 4, Celia, Snap, Kitty Clay, Mattie Lyle, Mary Jane, R. D., Ella, Solo. Lady Dexter (4 dr), 2:36, 2:36, 2:36, 2:35, 2:36i2. Easton, Pa., Sept. 30, is74, .$2(X). Gentle Annie l. Lady Collier. 2:.50, 2:48, 2:52, 2:48. Oct. 2, 1874, .$ . (ientle Annie, 2:.52, 2:57, 2:53. Waverly Park, N. J., Sept. 21 and 22, 1875, .$200. Abdallah Champion, Mambrino Pilot, 2:411.^. 2:40, 2:41. Stallions. Doylestown, Pa., Oct. 6, 1875, .$500. Fleetwood 2, 2:49' 2, 2:52}.^, 2:55, 3:03. Ocf. 8, 1875, $100. Delaware Patchen, Iron Clad, 2:46i4, 2:48%, 2:48i4. Stallions. Oct. 9, 1875, $100. Jim MofEatt 2, 4, 2:40, 2:371^, 2:40',, 2:39^^, 2:42'.i. Bath, Pa., Oct. 19, 1875, .$200. Iron Clad, Colonel, Geo. M. Patchen Jr., 2:48, 2:51, 2:513^. Stallions. Bonny I>oon blk s (2 :35), D. Bigley, Keene, N. H., Aug. 5, 1880, ,$250. Holyoke Girl, Pathfinder, Tom Thumb (2 dis), 2 :43, 2 :44, 2 :40 Worcester, Mass., Aug. 10. 1880, .$200. Holyoke Girl 1, 2, Lexington, Black Jim, Sadie, Crazy Tom, Lizzie M., Kate Murray, Jocko, 2:39]^, 2:3914,, 2:35, 2:38',, 2:42. Aug. H, 1880, $200. Lexington, Crazy Tom, Gen. Patchen. Dodd. 2 :44. 2 :43, 2 :37^4. Bonny Kate, b in (2:36), J. S. Stevenson, Cleveland, O., Sept. 6, l8(Xt, $75. Julia 1, 4, May Queen, Cooper, 2:42, 2:40, 2:43, 2:40, 2:.36. St. Lawrence Co., N. Y., Sept. 27, 1860, $100. Bashaw, John Henrv, St. Lawrence Chief, 2:.54, 2:53, 2:.5,5. Bonny L.., ch g (2 :28), bv Charley B., dam a Star mare. W. Slack, Lvons, N. Y., June 9, 1882. .$2.50. Lena 1, Oolong, Coal Bov, Carrie B., Mary H., Tricotrine (3 dr), 2:.39i4, 2:37k, 2:36%, 2 :36k. Bradford, Pa.. June 15 and 16, 1882, $600. Josie H. 1, 3, Oolong 4, Fanny Irwin, Bob Davis, Lona Guffln, Augusta Schuyler, 2:37'4, 2:.35k, 2:32i4, 2:8214, 2:35k, 2:35^. Olean, N. Y;, June 22, 1832, .$500. Lona Guffln 3. Oolong, Lena, Fanny Irwin, Josie H., Augusta Schuvler, Bob Davis (2 dis), 2:32k, 2:32'i, 2:32k, 2:32U. Bonny Wilkes, b m (2:2914), by George Wilkes, dam by Bob Johnson, A. H. Davenport, Lexington, Ky., Aug. 29, 1883, $10. 229'i. To beat 2:30. Bonus, br g (3:49i^>, J. A. Rilev, Mt. Sterling, 111., Aug. 28, 1883, $50. Dancy, Leopold M. (1 dis), Abdallah Clay (1 dis), 2 :.58, 2 :19' 2, 2 :56;/2. Bony Ford, b g (2 :45), W. R. Ford, Denver. Col., Dec. 25. 1865, .$2,000. Reindeer (w). 2:45, 2:49. Hiram F. Ford, Oct. 11, 1867, .$200. Belle of Denver, 2:46%, 2:49%, 2:.W. Booker Boy (w), b g (2 :46i^ w), Booker & Long, Cincinnati, O., Aug. 31, 1883, $100. S. F. D. (w) I, Little Joe (w), 2:46'/2, 2:461/2, 2:48i4, 2:48i4. Boone, ch s (2:391/2), by Young Andrew Jackson, dam Niagara byPhelp's Hambletonian. S. P. Kingsley, Mouticello, la., July 4, 1870, $200. Champion Maid 3, 2:41, 2;40i4, 2:403^, 2 :iVi. Marshall, la., June 15, 1872, .$200. Reconstruction, Mary (1 dfs), 2:40, 2:3914, 2:42. Boot Blaek, br g (2 :49), G. R. Wesson, Worcester, Mass., Sept. 23. 1870, .$75. Lucv, Leonard, 2:53, 2:.50, 2:49. Booth, br g (2:33), J. J. Booth, Boston, Mass., Nov. 2, 1866, .$200. License 1, Nimble Dick, 2:33%, 2:3.5, 2:.3.3, 2:36k. — Dan Mace, Fashion Course, L. I., Oct. 1, 1867, .$2,000. John Stewart. 5:24, 5:25. Two miles. Boot Jack (2:40), B. Mann, Batavia, N. Y., Sept. 18, 1873. .$240. Fred. Johnson 2. St. George, J.J. Williams (2 dr) 2:.56'2. 2*58^, 2:.52, 2:.53. Borax (J. W. Thomas), ch g (2 :27k), by Scott's Thomas. -P. Scully, Greenwich, N. Y., July 18, 188.3, $300. Hocus Pocus 1, 2, Henry K., Blue Bell, Theresa Sprague, Ladv G., Knox, Ossian Pet (5 dr), 2:39k. 2:39U, 2:39k. 2:39%, 2:40k. 1 & . y, 4 7j, * Aug. 1, 1883, .$2.50. Benny B. l, 2, Knox, Blue Bell, Frank S. (1 dis\ Surprise (1 dis), 2:35, 2:35i/4, 2:371',, 2:37!4. 2:;57k. Little Falls, N. Y., Aug. 16. I8S3, .$.80. Daisy 1. Jennie Star, Theresa Sprague, 3:01, 2:.57i/s 2:55, 2:.51'2. .Johnstown, N. Y., Sept. 4. 1S83, $2.50. Capt. Jake 1, 5, Eutaw 3, 2:43, 2:39ii, 2:43%, 2:41, 2:43k, 2:45. Oct. 12, 1883. $100. Lotta 1, Croft, 2:371,1, 2:.37k, 2:38. 2:37k. Borax (Borak), ch g (2:3.5i^), by Belmont, dam bv Black Rat. F. J. Brothers, New Haven, Conn., Oct. 10, 1883, .$200. Ansonia, Jane, Black Bess, Stranger,' Prairie Queen (1 dis), David Crockett (1 dis), 2:36%, 2:38, 2:3.51..^. Borden (2 :44i^), J. K. Raleigh, Chicago, 111., Aug. 17, 1878, .$ . Granger, Miss H., 2:.52. 2:49, 2:44^. Border Eagle, gr s (2 :37%), M. D. Field, Dubuque, la., Sept. 7, 1876, .$.500. Regent 4, 5 (6 r o), Nat Baker 3, Dan Rice, Bismark, Bill Paxton (4 dr), 2:41i4. 2:42^. 2:4.5, 2:46, 2:47, 2:47i<;, 2:46i^. St. Joseph, Mo., Sept. 27, 1876, .$.300. Nodaway, Minnie, John Bender,"2:40%,~2:.38i/2, 2:37%. Border Kin^, b s (3 :27i4), S. E. Larabie, Helena, Mont., Sept. 28, 1882, .$200. Nelly R., Wonder (1 dis), 3:36;4. 3:27)4. Three-year-olds. " Borst's Bay Mare (w), (2 :54!/2 w). W. H. Borst, Fashion Course, L. I., Dec. 2. 1868, .$500. Patterson's ch m (W) 1, 2:.59k, 2:.>1',, 2:.56. 88 CHESTER'S COMri.KTK TKOTTINli AND PACING KECOKD. Bor8t'8 Chestnut GeldiiiK, (3:37), W. 11. Borst, rr()si>ect Park, L. I., Sept., 14, lt<69, Sl.OOO. Bay iMare 1, Hainiltous b in, C. H. Alurpliy, «. D. I'atc-lieii, 2:41Vi. a:37, 2:37-'4. 2:39. Bosk. L) u (« :31), Mr. McOoiiuell, Atlaiila, (.a., Ort. 17, l!S70, §260. Hickory Jack, ^V. K. Thomas, 2:35,-2:32!4, ■.':31. Bo^H. b s (2 :39), by Gladiator. K. Miller, IVtaliima, Cal., Oct. 1 aiul 2, 1H7D, $300. I'at Leuiion (I 0), .Johnny Blue, Eudora (10) (i di.s), ■-':&•.', •2:rhi. 2:4h^, 2:39. Four-year-olds. Boss, H., b g ( 3 :31'4>, by .linuilus, dam In American Star (?>. G. Travis, Suffolk Park, Phlla., May 11, 1883, $5(X). BlacK Prince 1, 2, York Boy. Hospodar, Don Carlos (4 dr), Mabel (J. (1 dis), 2:31>4. 2«31>4, 2:321^,2:38, 2 4f> '- Point Breeze Park. Phila., Mav is, 1883. S,500. Black Prince, Hospodar, Mabel G. (1 dis), 2:31>4, 2:.38, 2:33«. Boston, b g (3 :3.5), .T. Whelpley, Cambridge, Mass., May 10, 1845, $400. Billy, 5:33, 5:4^. Two miles. May 20, 1845, S800. Boston Bov, 5:30, 5:32. Two miles. June .'i, 1*^5. $400. Pizano. 5:24, 5:32. Two miles. June 14, 1845, $400. Washington, 2 :43J^. 2 :42}^, 2 :44>^. W. Wlielan, Centreville, L. I.. Oct. 5, 1K48, $.50. Honest John, Young Confidence, Doctor Syntax (2 dr), 2:43,2:43,2:41. S. White, (Uimbridge, Mass., July 15, 18.-)0, $ . Cotton Tail, 2:41> j, 2:4«, 2:37'/i. Aug. 0, 1850, $ . Cotton Tail, 2:48. 2;:t5. 2:;J7;2. KoHtou, ch g (3 :36 w), J. Bridges, Union Course, L. 1., May 4, 1858, $75. Phil 1, 2 (3 dis), 2:;{7'/2. 2:.34yj, 2:37^. Boston, b K (.3 :53), A. Si)aulding, Ashland, Ky., Oct. 25, 1800, $70. Greenup Boy. Flying Kattler (2 dis), 2:54, 2:. -.3. Uostun, br g (3 :31), G. Mansur, Louisville, Kv., Oct. 5, 18&5, $200. Rosa Golddust, 2:.34, 2:37, 2:40. Boston, b g (3:39), H. G. Mayuard, Hartfortf, Conn., June 27, 18G8, $100. Pride 1, 4, Coftee Grinder (1 dis), 2 :3.i, 2:52, 2:51. .Mystic Park, Boston, Sept. 9, 1879, $400. Bertrace 1, 5, Jerome 2. 3, Carrabassett, Roland, ^'olunteer Girl, Gen. Custer (4 dr), Mattie Fulsom (3 dn, 2:31, •2:2m, 2:27, 2:29,2:30, 2:28'^, 2:29».4. Sept. 12, 1879, $400. Kitty :\Iorris 2, 3, Roland, < arrabassett, v'olunteer Girl. .Jerome 1 (3 dis). 2:27, 2:30^, 2:30, 2:30,2:31,2:31. - Dau Mace, Fort Wayne, Ind., July 7, 1880. ^•anitv Fair, Minnie K. (2 dr\ 2::{8^4, 2:4.5, 2:41. Boston Blue, 1)1 g (3 :00). Major Willuim .lones, Jamaica, L. I., , 1818, $2,000. 3:00, against time. Boston Boy, b s (3 :56),Ed. Tennerv. ()nia));i, Keb., Sept. 16, 1870, $40. Black Patchen (2 dis), 3 :03)^, . Julv31, 1871, $200. Fred Doughiss d dis), 2:50. Boston Boy, bg (3:51), D. A. Billings, New London, Conn., Sept 22, 1876. .$65. Bay Prince. Helen H., Dick F. (3 dis), Mango (2 dis), Ladv Nash (2 dis>, 2:.539.i, 2:52. 2:51. Boston Boy, ch g 3 :30i4>, by Abnibiiiu. T. D. Marsh. Beacon Park. Boston, .Inly 27, 1883, $400. Frank W.. May .Icflerson Henrj' Almont, Ben Franklvii. Geeser, Lady (iibney, 2:32J^. 2:329.,. 2:31 Vi. Norway. Me., Aug. 16, 1883. -S.sno. Druiiiiiicr (iirl. Nell, Black lianger (3 dis), 2:391^, 2::J5, 2:45. Itoston Boy, (2 :38), H. Hart, Washington Hollow, N. Y. , Sept. 19, 1878, .flOO. Billy, Dolly Hope, Belle of Stanfonl, 2:4:?, 2:44U, 2:42y>. Boston T>avis, b g (3 :34), T. J. Dunbar, Pittsburgh, Pa., Oct. 15, 1881, $rm. Daniel Webster 2, 3, Little Sam (5 dr\ 2:.'}.5, 2:,'}2i.i, 2:.34';, 2:34, 2:.399i. Boston Davis, l)lkg (3:38' ;\ by Atlantic, W. H.Wilson. Sharpsburgh, Ivy., Aug. 17, 1882. $7.5. Roxy, Joe I{ogers, Brown K;ite, 2:.''>4, 2-: 47. Aug. 18, 1882, $1.50. Michael, Little Josh, Whipple Jr., 2:43'.i, 2:45'4. 2:39i^, Boston Girl, b m {9:35^), Hiram Woodridl, Centreville. L. I., June 4, 1851, $150. Confidence 2, 3, Selim. 2 :41 • i , 2 ::}8, 2 :40, 2 :37, 2 :38. Union Course, L. 1., June lo, isni . .$2.50. Honest John 3, Confidence, Susan. 2 :40, 2 :.i9. 2 -M. 2 :39. (w), .June 19, 1851, .$1.50. Honest .John (w). Fanny (w) Mount Morris (3 dr). 2:40. 2:42. 2:42. (w) July 22, 1852. .$.500. Holiest .lolin (w^), 5:.'50, 5:30U, 5:.'!2. Two miles. Centreville, L. I., Aug. 12, 18.v.', .-^l.WK). Selim (1 dis), 7:45. Three miles. W. Fish, Sept. 25, 1S51, $500. Ladv Franklin 1, 2, 2 :38, 2 :37'/2, 2 :.37, 2 :;;6, 2 :37. , . .. A. Carpenter, I'rovidence, R. I., Oct. 14, 185.5, $150. Lady Sherman 1,2, Mary Taylor, 2:44, 2:411^, 2:39, 2:41,2:46. Nov. 29. 1K55, .$100. Iliird TUiad 1. 2:41, 2:4(5, 2:46>^, 2:49. Jimc 20, 18,56, $150. Liidy Langlcv, Kate Deveiiaugh. Mar>' Taylor, 2:38, 2:37,^, 2-AVi. (W) .lulv 19, 18.56, .$200. Ladv Shcrnum. (w) 1, 2, 2:43, 2:43, 2:42, 2:42, 2:40. Sept. IK, 1856, $1.50. Marv T.nvlor. 2:tard, b'g (3 :0,5), J. W. Hurst, Sessamvillc, INIiss., July 24, 1878, .$— -. Liiiil)er Jim, 3:05 3:06'/(. Boston Pilot, ch g (3:33), bv Pilot ALimbrino. Lon Morris. Dover, N. H.. Sept. 26, 1876. $;J00. Bismarck, Annie E.2:37K,, 2:33, 2:.35?.,'. , , , „ ^, o t i, Mvstic I'iirk, Boston, Sept. 19, 1876, $200. Ladv Daggett 1. General, Lysander Boy. Georgie B., Lady Neli; llonesi Hilly (2 dis), 2::i2'^.2:32ii, 2:32,2:34. „ „ . „ ,. , „^ Sept. -'s. iM7r,, .$300. Bisni;nl<, jaevjitor, Annie E., Itemington, I'nink Hull. 2::!4,2:.i(.,2.J.5. Provi.leiice. K. 1., Oct. 3. 1X76, .«nno. Bismark 1. L.idv B:ilch. Decoration, Sanih («ould. Brown .Mm (3dis), I^izzie A. (2dis), FrankHnlKl (lis), 2:;J5i,,2::u. 2::)5, 2:37. t^,,A^\ Oct. 5, 1R76, .$.500. Nellv 2 W. C. Dorl)V, Frank Hull, Cassias, W illy Stevens, ( .en. Hayes, Elevator (4 dr), Orphan GirU2 dis), 2:33, 2:;UK.,2:.!5',,2':.Wi. . , .,r o o^i o ^oi/ o ii C lloadJey, Springfield, Mass., Oct. 2, 1880, $1.50. Carrie Allen 1, (2 0), Lorna 4. 2:.i5. 2:.34V4, 2:32!4,2:33, 2:32"». 2:40. E. Hublmrd, Julv4, 1881. Dick Dample, 2:.36'4, 2:40. 2::v>'.;. „,. .. o. i- /o n^ i? ... .,!.«„ Boston Rattler, b g (3 :37 ). A. C. Manning, Boston, Mass.. .July lo, 186«. $200. White Stocking (3 0). Fanchon (W), 2:41'4, 2:;t9y,, 2:.37. 2:41M. , , „ „..«.• o lo BouKiiton, (3:43). C. Smith, Highland, N. Y., Aug. 16, 1880, $100. Honest Harry, Lady Roe, 2:44,2:44, 2:4^ Bouquet, spg (3 :40). H. V. Woodiiutt, Milford, (•onn., Aug. 16, 1877, .$1(K). Grit Bucklngliam, 2:40, 2:4,>',„ Bouvier's Bay Stallion (3 :4«'i). George Boiivier. Plilladelplii:i, P:i.. May 18, 1860, $ . K:ite,2:49, 2:46i4. Bowen's Bro\vn OeldinR (2 :.'>i^). J. .1. Boweii, Mystic I':irk, lioston, Aug. 8, 186(!, *200. Lady Drew 1 (20), Bowery" Boy (w\ b g '^« =''>•' «). J. Nelson, Union Course, L. L. June 15, 1857, $1,000. Dandy Jim (w), 2 :.5.5. Bowser, ell g (2 :50). L. J. Nottingliiiin, Eastville. Va., May 27, 18.57. .$.500. Annie Bell. 5:40. Two miles. Box, b g (3 :40). I. Waixell, ("liieago. 111., Aug. 2.5, 1«77, $ . Builder, Advance. 2:42, 2:46'/i. (w), July 4, 1878. $ . Adviincc 1, ,2:40, 2:45. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 83 Boxer (s) be (3 :50 s). Isaac Woodruff, New Orleans, La., May 13, 1838, $100. Snowball, 3:04, 2:50. Boxer b k. H. Hunter, Saratoga Spa, N. Y. , Sept. 10, 1879, $25. Mag. Tom Worileu, Archie. No time. Boxer, b g (3 ae'j). A. Burke, Atkinson, Kan., Sept. 28, 1881, $150. Black Jim 1, 5, Menalile 4, 3:15k, 3:20j!i, Bov b K (3 '3314). ' P.' VVatterson, New Dorp, S. I., Aug. 14, 1874, $600. Adeline R. 1, Nelly, MollyCarew, John, George Ray (3 dis), Bessie B. (3dls), 2:37, 2:3654, 2:36i4. 2:39. Oct 15, 1874, .$500. Nathan Ward, Warsaw, Henry Miller Jr., 2:42'i, 2:45, 2:44. • Jersey City, N. J., Oct. 20, 1874, $600. Adeline R., Phil O'Neill Jr.. Nelly, 2 :42>4, 2 :42>4, 2:43. Rhinebeck, N. Y., Oct. 28, 1874, $800. Lady White, George H. Smith, Fred Hicks, Eastern New York, 2 "36 2 '34 '^ '37 : Oct '29' 1H74, $800. Geo. F. Smith 3, H, D. Walton 1, Utica (2 dr), 2 :35, 2 :34k, 2 :34^, 2 :34i/2, 2 :37k. Deerfoot Park, L. I., Nov. 7, 1874, .^300. Mat Tanner, Prince„Pollock, 2:33k, 2:37'/2,l2:34i^. ,sv) Dee. 2. 1874, $ 1,000. Phil O'Neill Jr., 2, 2.51k, 2:49, 2:47^4, 2:51?i. Bov "r g (3 :47) C. Brooks, Brewster, N. Y., Sept. 23, 1875, $100. Little Frank, Gray Dick. 2:57, 3:10, 2:52Vi. IJ Carmel, N. Y., Sept.K4, 1875, $100. Little Frank 1, Gray Dick, 2:52, 2:51, 2:52, 2:52. Sent 24 1875, $250. Little Frank, Gray Dick, 2:47, 2:48. 2:48^2. L H. Hurd, Danbury. Conn., Oct. 8, 1875, $100. Lady Palmer, Charles H. Story, 2:48, 2:48, 2:49. Bov Billy b K (3:51^4), Mr. Favor, Omaha, Neb., Sept. 25, 1867 $50 Ploughboy, 2:5134. 2:52, 2:56. Boyce's Black Mare (3 :38i^), P. Boyce, Lyons, N. Y., Aug. 15, 1868, $150. Western New York 1, Hunter, 2 :46, Boyti pVch g (3 r31i/»), by Bay Middleton. F. Saur, Toledo, O., Sept. 15, 1882, $500. Ollie, Bill Ford, Flora Temple, George, Lady Lawrence, Ben Starr (1 dis), 2:32, 2:311^, 2:37. G. N. Hatch, Grand Rapids, Mich., Sept. 26, 1882, $400. George R., Billy R., Arabella (2 dis), 2:40, 2:37?i, 2.4034 Boy Granger (3 :.5lk), G. Williams, Hamburgh, N. Y., Sept. 27, 1882, $ , Edwin H., Huron, Derby. Best time, 2:51k. Three-year-olds. Boy in Blue (3 :31k), Capt. Robinson, Lafayette, Ind., Nov. 8, 1866, $3,000. Cricket 1, 2:37k, 2 :38i^, 2:31kf 2:40>2. Boy John, b g(3:58), F. L. Richardson, Lowell, Mass., Oct. 31, 1871, $75. Tommy l, 2, , , 2:58, 2:59, *3 '00 Boy Jordan, b g (3 :39), Jas. Cain, Earlville, 111., Aug. 29, 1873, .$300. Bay Jim, Heedless, Bay Charlie, Lady Howson, 2:44, 2:43k, 2:41 3i. ,, ,. W H. Mitchell. Macomb, 111., Sept. 4, 1873, $350. Chickamauga 2, 3, Heedless (2 dis), John Morgan (2 dis). Never Mind (2 dis), 2:50k, 2:47k, 2:463^, 2:.53, 2:58. Sept. 5, 1873, .7. Jopllu, Mo., Oct. 1.5, 1879, .$.506. Lady'Mc. D. 4, Stonewall (2 0). Kentucky Girl, 2 :39, , 2 :42, 2 :44, 2 :50. Bradley Johnson, ch s(3 :44i2), A. S. Andrews, Dansville. N. Y., Nov. 5, 1874, $ . Orange Blossom 2, Gayo, 2:44>o, 2:411^. 2:46k, 2:4414. Brakeman, brg (3:33), by Son of Gen. Knox. Peru, Ind.. Sept. 14, 1883, $100. Frank Bogardus, Frank B., Lady Knox, Gouldie. 2:39, 2:.34k, 2:38. Brand," gr g (3 :36), J. ( 'arpeiitcr, Brocton, Mass., Oct. 6, 1881. $200. Jeremiah, Homer, Storm, Molly Morrill, Lady Thornton, INLuichester .■\Iaid. 2:36, 2:36, 2:38ii. Brandon, blk g (3:13), by Wagner. Joseph O'Neill, Marietta, O.. Sept. 9,1875, $45. Annie Cleveland, Reckley (3 dis), 3:18, 3:13, 3:13. Four-year-olds. Brandy, chg (3:44), E. Dunham, Plaiiifleld. N. J., Oct. 16, 1873, $100. Violet (1 0), Zeke Davis, Jim Crow (2 dis), , 2:46' 2, 2:45, 2:44. Brandy Boy, bg (3:30k), by Admiral Patchen. W. L. Nicholson, Youngstown, O., Sept. 23, 1881, $250. Bridget, Kate R., Laura, Bay Alex,2:,39k,2:3.5.2:.35k. Sharon, Pa., Sept. 29, 1881, .$300. Maud B.. McLaugWin, Pilgrim, Lizzie B., Jim Burns, Mistletoe (2 dr), Envi)eror(l dis), 2:31, 2:32, 2:38k. E. Wilson, Belmont Park, Phila. Nov 4, 1882, .$300. Ethel Medium, Toronto Chief Jr., Gen. Beamish, 2:27'i.2:28. 2:28'.^. J. Markee, Suffolk Park. Phila., May 8, 1883, .$500. Capt. Emmons, Naiad Queen, 2:25, 2:26'2, 2:32. Point Breeze Park, Phila.. May 15, 1883, .$500. Capt. Emmons, Naiad Queen, 2:27i^, 2:26%, 2:25/2. Scranton, Pa., May 30, 18S3, $500. Naiad Queen, Howai-d Jay, 2 :26y , 2 :26k, 2:25. Wilkesbarre, Pa., June 0, 1883, $.'>00. Independence, Naiad Queen, 2 :27, 2 :30, 2 :28. Rittersville, Pa., Aug. 18, 1883, .$250. Powers, Lady Lear, 2:31. 2:29k, 2:27. Doylestown, Pa., Oct. 3. 1883, $2(M). Parole, Mamb'rino Hassen, 2:34, 2:40, 2:38. Brandywine, blk g (3:381/,), (3:36 St, by Abdallah. Hiram Woodruff, Centre ville, L. I., June 3, 1841, $50. Earl (2 dis). Cottage Bov (l dLs), Lady Clinton (1 dis), 2:.38i4, 2:42v„. (s), A. Conklin, Beacon Course, N. J., June 15, 1841, $7.5. Vernon Maid (s), Mingo (s), Princess (s), 5:24. 5:24. (s), July 5, 1»11, $400. Washington, 5 :26, 5:31. Two miles. (s), Centreville. L. I., May 12, 1842, ,$ . Fourth of July (s), (l dis), Hans (s) (1 dis), Betsy Baker (s) (1 dis), 2:36. ^ ^ Brandywine, (w) br g (3 :39), C. I. Hollis, Boston, Mass., May 2. 1867, $100. Tornado (w) 2, 3, Martha Wash- ington (w) 1, Lady Gray (w), Fanchon (4 dis). Missionary (1 dis), 2:49'2, 2:4854, 2:43%, 2:50^4,2:50,2:5131. May 28. 1867, .$100. Whalebone 3, 4, Martha Washingtonl, (3 dis), 2:45, 2:42k, 2:49'/2, 2:43)^, 2:4154, 2:40%. (w), J. J. Bowen, May 29. 1867, $100. Whalebone (w) 3, 4, Martha Washington (w) 1, (3 dis), 2:45, 2:4254, 2:43»4. 2:41'/2, 2:403i, 2:433i. Brandywine, ch g (3 :38), A. J. Perham, Lynn, Mass., July 1, 187.5, $1.50. Jim 1, Ned Forrester, 2:55, 2:50, 2:.51'4, 2:.53. Danvers, Mass., July 5, 1875, $200. Carrie Palmer 2, George R. 1, Harry Howland, Alice, Odd Fellow (3 dis), 2 :42i/6. 2:42, 2:42k. 2:46, 2:46. 90 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. W. W. Bessy, Readvillc, Mass., Au^. 2s, I87u, Sioo. Maynard 2, 3, Driver 1, (4 dr), 2:53!i, 2:52, 2:39, 2:41, 2:38,2:45. Brandy wine, 1) {1(2 :4ro. F. H. Hastin},'s, Dainariseotta. Me., Aug. 18, 1880, $80. Maggie Mitchell 1, Maud, Lady .VikIitsoii. (Quaker, Big Tliuiiderd dis), 2:45, '2:45, 2:46, 2:46. Bra inock's Chcsnut Gelding, ('Z:5r>), Chicago, 111,, Aug. 26, 1876, $ . Blodgett's b ui 2. Perkin's ch m Ford'.s ell g (I'di). 3:01, 2:58,2:55. Brattle borough, b g (•i:4G», HiiHin Woodruff, Union Course, L. I„ July 4, 1857, Sl,ooo. Losee, 2:52, 2:49, BrattleboroiiK:li, b s (^::$«i.,), li:illstoii. Spa N. Y., Aug. 10, 1870, $50. 2:42'2, 2:45, 2:361^. Brattleboioii^'h Maid, b iiM'-J :r.; i, ( li;irlcs White, Chailustown, N. II., Sept. 22, 1858, §15. Brattleborough Boy, Dcacou John, Modcslv C- di.s;, I'liuilvliu (1 dis), 2:52, 2:58. Break 0'I)ay,chgc2:36), J. L. Doty, Fleetwood Park, N. Y., July 9, 1875. $200, Hardwood 1, 2:44',4.2:4l>4, 2:36, 2:40. S. Atwater, Dec. 2. 1h75, $100. Missouri Bov 2, (4 0), 2:40. 2:45, 2:42, , 2:42. 1*. Maiiee, Newark' N. J. June 15, 1876, $20b. Silvertail 3, St, (Jeorge. No lime. Breeze, b g (3 :44), I). I'flf er, Uiiiou Course. L. I. , June 2, 1857 ,$2,000, Cinderella. 2 :52, 2 :44, 2 :46'/i. Breeze, b m (S :33>.0. J- -McKee, Trenton, N. J., Jinic i:, 1-67. $350. Old Put (1 0), Strathniore, 2:a5, 2:.37. 2-39 I'onglikeepsie, Oct. 9,1867, .$200. Newburgh 3,4, Burger (1 dis), Bill Tweed (l dis), 2:34, 2:36, 2:38>4, 2-30 Unfinished. Breeze (2 :56>2) B.Horn, San Mateo, Cal., Aug. 29, 1868, $1,500. Ajax, Black George (1 dis), 2:r.6'i. 3:00>^. Three-year-olds. Breeze, b g (2 :)44), by Hambletonian, dam Kate by Belair. Charles S. Green, Buffalo, N. Y., Aug. 5. 1875, $2,.'i00. Sand Hill 2, Gum Ball. Hattie It., Calmar, Sam, J, D. Benton, Tearaway, Fanny D., ^■arcoe, Kitty Fisk (4 dis). Belle Porter (1 dis), 2:;n!2, 2:34'.i, 2:26, 2:28»/j. Utica, N. Y.,Aug. 17, 1875 .$l',(MK). (ircat Eastern 1, Calmar 3. Proctor, Carlisle, Sand Hill, Celerity, Preston (5 dr), Queen (5 dr). I Guess So (3 dr), 2:27K>, 2:25>s 2:30. 2:31. 2:.31i4. Breeze ch g (2 :40), by King Herod. E. Smith, Creston, la., July 13, 1878, $100. Carrie F. 1, 3, May Howard 4, Modoc (5 dr). 2:50, 2:40, 2:50, 2:51, 2:47, 2:44. Breeze, brm (2:32 4), by Kearsarge. C. Meyer, E. Brooklyn, N. Y., May 17, 1883 $ . Bateman's b ff 2:481^. 2:46';. 2:49. ' ' . ' A. Wilkinson. Danbury, Conn., Oct. 6, 1883, $250. Jessie C, Ansonia, Westchester Girl, Fenner, Hxrry B., Rosy Thorne, India Rubber Jack (3 dis), 2:34?i, 2:32',4, 2:35. Breeze Medium, b m (3:29Ji), by Happy Medium, dam Net, by son of Charles E. Loew. A. C. Doyle. Waverly Park, N. J., Sept. 16, 1879, $100. Night. Music. Daisy, Ida, 2:54, •2:ra. Three-year-olds. A. A. Wright, Mt. Holly, N. J., Oct. 12, 1880, $100. Eight Spot, Try Me, Beulah, 2:57k, 3:04, 3:00. Four- year-olds. G. W. Nelson, Mineola, L. I., Sept. 28, 1881, .¥40. Jerry, Rob Rov, 2:.'")0. 2:53. Five-year-olds. Doylestown, Pa., Oct. 7, 1881, $200. Cortlandt Boy," Shaughran, May Flower, Wellington (2 dr), 2:43, 2:42'.i,2:42?4. J. B. (lurncy, Mcriden, Conn., Sept. 20, 1882, $200. Carrie B. 1,'Ino, Louis Napoleon, Nelly Mambrino, Thonnis Jefferson (1 dis), 2:32^.i, 2:35i^, 2:30Vi, 2:36. Wiitertown, Conn., Sept. 28, 1882, $200. I'atchen Maid, Carrie B., Jack, Ino (1 dis), Kate (1 dis), 2:38»4, 2:;!7, 2:;{8'». Plttslicld. Mass.. Oct. 11, 1882, $2.50. Railroad Boy 1, Rutland, Madison Wilkes. Lady Sealskin (2 dis), 2:39J4, 2:,i5V,. 2:38, 2:35i,i. J. B. Giiriu'v. Wjivcrlv, N. J., Sept. 18, 1883, $4C0. Daisy Eve Bright 2, 3, Guess Not 1, Troublesome, Ike Medium, Tea lioy (4 dr),Bonnv L. (3 dr), 2:31, 2:31, 2:30U, 2:31, 2:31'.i, 2:30. Plainlield, N. J., Sept. 25, 1883, $250. Daisy Eye Bright. Troublesome, Ertie G., 2:33, 2:29?4. 2:30>^. • Newton, N. J., Oct. 3, 1883. $3.50. Emma C".. 2 :32, 2:35, 2:34i.i. Parkville. L. I., Oct. 9, 1883. $300. Josephine S., Fides, Black Prince, George, Daisy E.ve Bright, Polly B., Ossian Pet, 2:;W.i, 2:30. 2:30i4. Brenheizer's Entry, R. II. Brenhcizer, Marshalltown, la., Aug. 30, 1883, $ . J. E. Gould's entry, J. W. Gall)rclh's entry, C. W. Ho:ig's cntrv. No time. , , ^, ,. „ . Briareuft, b g (3:41), l>v Tlioriicdalc.dam by Mambrunello. F. Howell, Washington Hollow, N.\., Sept. 20, 1883. .•?— . Fannv Thorne, Fnmk. Ladv Hammond. 2:44. 2:44, 2:43. Sei)t. 21. 1883, $ '-. Frank. Dudgeon's I) m. 2:41, 2:41,2:411.,. , ,, ^ , . (i. Pimchard, Jersey City. N. .1.. Oct. 25. 1883. $100. Auntie 2. 3, Sunrise (5 dr). Prince (5 dr), Mac Roberts (4 dr), 2:.')f), 2:551/2, 2:49t4, 2:46'o, 2:.52. Bric-a-Brac. ch g (3:37). by Continental, d:un bvStubt;iil. C. Dickcrmaii. X:)rwich. Conn., Sept. 20, 1882, $300. Lady Mac 1. 2, Star 5, Ben, 2:39U, 2:;!894, 2:40, 2:41';. 2:41' i. 2:4). Sept. 28, 1882, $200. Helen Mar, Star. Billv Gray. 2:43V4, 2:43V2, 2:44V4,. on^-,, iwon Danbun-, Conn., Oct. 6. 1882, .$200. Magnet, Daisy Pearsall. Ossie, Baker Boy, Queen Ray, Garry Man- ning, Bessie B. (3 dis), 2:42V,. 2 :3si,, 2:41. . » . .,„ , .,o Oct. 7, 1882, .$200. Daisy I'carsall 3. Frank. Rainbow, Bessie B (4 dis). 2:37, 2:37, 2:39. 2:38. Brickbat, ch m (2:56), Mr. Skates, Boston, Mass., June 8, 1860, .$75. Butcher Boy, Unknown (2 dis), 2:j6, Brickbat, b g, Wavnesburg, Pa., Oct. — . 1882, $100. Billy D. 1, Little Billy, Smuggler. Xo time. Bri.k ronieroy, 1)^ g (2:43), John Edghill, Watertowu, N. Y., Sei>t. 6, 1866, .■:'35. Reliable, 2:u5!-4. l-our- vear-olds. ,. Sept. 18, 186(!, .$65. Nellv Isham, Keliiible. 2:.55'i. 2:.52. 2:.'>3. Four-ycar-olds. Sept. 1!), 18(!(;, $100. U. ft. GriUlt 2, 4, 2 :.52. 2 :51 . 2 :.51, 2 :.50. 2 :54. Oct. 10, 1866, .SIOO. U. S. Grant, Emigrant (3 dr), 2:43',. 2:44, 2:44. Oct. l.'t. IHOf;. ,$200. MambrinoChicf 2. 2:46, 2:4(;. 2:42. 2:.'i2. Oct. 25, 18(!6, .$.50. Burlington Chief. Clumsy Girl. Nelly Isham (1 dis), 2:.52, 2:51. !,■.„,*„„ o T3„unn Brick I'omeroy, b g (3 :00), I). C. Blucbaker, Hundmldt, Kan., Oct. 3, 1876, $60. Maggie 1- niton 3, Belton M:iid, Silas Rich (1 dis), 3:00, 3:02. 2:65, 3:00. ^,^„ „.„ , ,,, „ .o o doi o.io BrickH, ch g (2:43), John Mnrphv. Fleetwood Park, N. Y.. June 1. 1874, .$400. Billy 1. 2:44, 2:43, 2.49',. -.49. (w). Mr. .Sehultz. Nov. 18, l.'<74, S.-WO. Ice Cream 1 (4. 0), 3:14. 3:07, 3:10, 3:01. 3:05. (w), April 26. 1K80. ,$— . Ch;irh'V Ross (w). Jim K:m(loli)li(WH2dr>, 2:55,3:00. v.iiv k ,i.li«^ Brick Yard, b g (3 :49'j), G. Orv is, Chicago, 111., Sept. .5, 1874, $300. Weasel 1, 2. Fanny B.. Neli> i<.(iais), BrldKeiVort!blkg;3r4i''i),J.'Turner, Boston, Mass., June 16. 1865. $100. Mac, Nelly Hunt, Bowen's blk in (2 dis). 2:46^4,2:411^, 2:42. , , ,.,.,■ /., .i;^\ orr,, BridKct. b III (2 :.'-, 1 ',i), E. K. Conkling, Doylestown, Pa., Oct. 6, 1871, .$200. Lyde 2, 1-ady Alice (2 dis). 2.o(. i, BridKeVrb iiH'sioO)," N. P. Jenks.Titusville, Pa., June 3, 1879, $ . Irene, George S. Greeley, Fanny (2 dr), BriWa„„„i,i pi.ior. Brisradier. l)s(2:21i.,), bvlLippv Medium. 7l:im Ladv Turner, by Frank Pierce Jr. J. B. ^f^^VP „ qV 9.^0 Cal., Aug. 28. 1877, .42.50.' Voliiiitcer. Fr:iiik T;illni:vn. Prince. Lady Chirk. StriUiger (1 dis). 2:33^, 2.33 /j,2.3». Aug. 31, 1877. .$300. Joe Hamilton, Gypsy Davis. Ida, 2:40, 2:33;2, 2:30. 1< our-year-olds. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 91 Miirysville, Cal., Sept. 11, 1877. Si'sn. Amanda Murray, Ripton, Roan Charley (1 dis), Stranger (1 dls), Jenny June U dis). Lady Clark (1 disj, 2:41. 2:45^, 2:42',o. Sept. 12, 1877, ?>500. San Diego, Gvi>sy Davis, 2:41. 2:42, 2:44. Sacramento, Cal., Sept. 20, 1877, 5>5(H). Gypsy Davis 3, Ida, 2:43^^;, 2:40i.i, 2:399.4, 2:38^4. Marysville, Cal., Sept. 25, 1878, $500. John Stewart 3. Dutchman, Bicltford, Haymaker (1 dis), 2:34, 2:32^4,, 2:34,2:3214. Jackson, Mich., June 10, 1879, S^soo. Tom B. Patchen (l 0), Alice West (1 0), Oceana Chief, Jessie Hayes, Lady Alice, Monarch Rule, Convoy. Up-and-Up. Tola, 2:28, 2:28, 2-27'.2. 2:20'2. June 12, 1879, ,^800. Big Soap 1. Chance, Kate Middleton, Kentucky Wilkes, Abdallah Boy, Jim Schriber, Wiry Jim, Scott's Clay (4 dr), Wiklwood (4 dr), 2:27 '4, 2:28, 2:29vj, 2:2<)'2. Toledo, O., June 24, 1879, .$800. Oceana Chief l. Monarch Rule, Jessie Hayes, Convov, Up-and-Up, Tola, 2:30, 2:28, 2:27 'i, 2:28. June 26, 1879. $800. Lucy, Big Soap, Kate Middleton, Abdallah Boy, Chance, Fashion, Kentucky Wilkes, Gray Cloud, Wiklwood (l dis). 2:2(i, 2:27, 2:27'4. Cincinnati, O., July 2, 1879. Sl.fXK). Monarch Rule 1, Alice West 2, Jessie Hayes, Convoy, Up-and-Up, D. Monroe, Lady K. (4 dr), 2:26, 2:26.2:27,2:29. 2:28U. Buffalo, N. Y., Aug. 8, 1879, $3,000. Chestnut Hill 1, 2, Iron Age, Kitty Bates, Tom Keeler, Star, Gray Chief, 2:-23]4. 2:24, 2:23^4,2:2514, 2:26%. • Petalunia, Cal., Sept. 11, 1880, $400. Bateman, Abbotsford l, (3 dr), 2:27i/j, 2:27^, 2:29'4, 2:30. Oakland, Cal. , Sept. 14, 1880, .f 750. Bateman, Pat Hunt, 2 :28, 2 :.33. 2 :29. Sacramento, Cal., Sept. 23. 1880, .fSOO. Bateman, 2 2294, 2:2394, 2:26. Santa Rosa, Cal., Sept. 3, 1881, $400. Abbotsford, Bateman, Crown Point, Tommy Dodd (1 dis), 2:25, 2 :25, 2 :2594. Oakland, Cal., Sept. 14, 1881, $200. Bateman, 2:2394. 2:26. Sept. 17, 1881, §800. Abbotsford 3, Bateman, 2:23i^, 2:22'/2, 2:2114, 2:22. Stockton, Cal., Sept. 29, 1881, .$800. Bateman 1. Ashley 2:22ii, 2:24, 2:26, 2:26. Oct. 1. 1881, §1,000. Abbotsford, Crown Point, •2:23%, 2:23'/^, 2:23'/2. Stallions. San Jose, Cal., Oct. 6, 1881, .$750. Abliotsford l, 2, 2:22, 2:2194, 2:28}^, 2:24'/2. 2:29. Oakland, Cal., Sept. 6, 1882, $800. Belle Echo 2, 2:27, 2:23i^, 2:2214, 2:241^2. .Sacramento, Cal., Sept. 12, 1882, $1,200. Romero 1, 2, Belle Echo (5 0), 2:2214 2:20, 2:23, 2:28i4, 2:27V4, 2:2514. J. B. McDonald, Marysville, Cal., Sept. 7, 1883. Prize, blanket, 2:25. 2:21i4, 2:2294- To beat 2:22. Briggitty Dick, gr g (3 :43}.^), W. W. Abbott, Louisville, Ky., June 29. 1870, §250. Nettie Bryant, Rob Roy. No time. Lexmgtou Ky., July 4. 1870. .$100. Lizzie T. 1, 2:53i4, 2:46, 2:43!4, 2:47U., Briggs' Chestnut Stallion (3 :35). H. Briggs, Columbia Co., N. Y., Sept. 25, 1866. $ . Fearless 3, 4, Lady Jane, 2:.S.5, 2:37, 2:37, 2:41, 2:4.5. Brigham, b g (3 :45), Law & Sargeant. Ogdensburgh, N. Y^, Oct. 6, 1871, $125. Gazelle 1, Charley, School Girl, Cock of the Rock, Betty Ann (3 dis), Frank (3dr). 2:47, 2:45, 2:45, 2:52. Brigham Young, b s (3 :44). Joun Graydon, Macomb, 111., July 3, 1871, $125. Scotchman, Rattler, 3:00, 2:57, 3:01'/2. Bright, ch m (3 :35), by John Bright, H. Dibble, Fredericton, N. B., Oct. 11, 1878, $150. Noble 1, Hambletonian (3 dr), 3:04, 2:50, 2:.51. Foiu--year-olds. Sept. 4, 1879, $1.50. Xorris, Lady Jane, Passaic Maid, 2:41, 2:40, 2:40. Woodstock. N. B., Sept. 30, 1880, $67..50. Sandy Norris. 2:35, 2:42i/2, 2:43. July 1, 1881, $100. Bayard Bright, 2:40, 2:4014 2:41. Woodstock, N. B.. Sept. 12, 1883, $100. Dominion Boy, Lady Bright, 2:51. 2:58, 2:.52. Bright Light, b g (3 :40'.2), by Inauguration, dam by Morgan Rattler. John Williams, Stockton, Cal., Sept. 20,1883, $300. Silver Thread l, 2, 2:451/2. 2:4294, 2:46, 2:40i2, 2:4094. Brighton, ch g (3 :3434). W. J. Moore. Albany. N. Y., Oct. 23, 1879 , .$400. Lady Eleanor 2, 4. Stella C. 3, Bav Lambert, Jennv, 2:38,2:38, 2:37. 2:36, 2:39. 2:38^. J. Ward, Parkville, L. I., Nov. 1, 1880, .$2rM). Hanover 1, 2:40, 2:3494, 2:4314,, 2:42. Brighton Flirt, br m (3 :.50). C. Skinner, Rochester, N. Y., April 29, 18.58, $100. Kate Stanton 3, 4, Fairport Boy (2 dis). Lady Olmstead (2 dis), Canandaigua Belle (1 dis), 2:53, 2:.53, 2:55. 2:59, 2:57. Brigliton Maid (w), ch m (2 :52 w), Boston, Mass., June 8, 1852, $ . Terror (W), Monte (w), 3:01, 2:52. 2 :.53. Brightwood. (Clover and Dalon). b g (3 :35i4), by Young Hindoo. d;uii a pacer, .f . Saisi)augli. Freeport, III., Aug. 1, 1S77. $500. Shepherd Boy 2, Dan Vosbiir^h. Lizzie Crocket (4 dis), Alorosa (3 disi, Gray Dick (3dis), 2 :.^'i. 2:37. 2:34, 2:32. Aug. 3, 1877, $.500, Amboy 1, David H. 2, Logan B., Captain Bunnell. Shepherd Boy (4 dis). Rochelle (4 dr), Black Kate (4 dr), Billy McClure (4 dr), Valentine (3 dis), Lizzie Crockett (2 dis), 2:32, 2:33, 2:33'i, 2:31, 2:29. Tiskilwa, 111., Aug. 7, 1877, $€i00. Illinois Chief, David H., Roofer Jr., Ike Marvel, 2:37, 2:40, 2:41 14. Aug. 10, 1877, $600. Illinois Chief 3, Edwin B., Senator, Jim Lane, Ike Marvel, Wabash Billy, Somonauk (4 dr), Bay Logan (2 dis), Lilly B. (2 dr), 2:38U, 2.3214, 2:38, 2:.37i4. Mendota, III., Aug. 14, 1877, $600. Shepherd Boy, Minnie, David H., Ike Marvel, 2:.31, 2:33}4. 2:3314. Aug. 17. 1877, .§600. Foxie V. 3, Edwin B., Jim Lane, Charley Hall, Ike Marvel, 2:3314, 2:33. 2:33, 2:30. Earlville, 111., Aug. 21 and 22, 1877, $60. Shepherd Boy, Illinois Chief, Ike Marvel, Minnie, David H., 2:38, 2:351/!;, 2:37. Aug. 24,1877, .§600. Foxie V. 1, 2 (3 0), Illinois Chief, Ike Marvel, Jim Lane, Horace Jewel (3 dr), 2:30. 2:301^, 2:3014, 2:3094, 2:.36, 2:3714. Brignoli (Mambrino Prince;, b s (3:39%), by Mambrino Chief, d.ain Sally Woodford, by Woodford. A. H. Brand, Lexington, Ky., April 29, 1860, §,50. ' Iron Duke. Mambrino Whalebone, Morgan Chief, Kentucky Chief, Albion, 2:3894. Louisville, Ky.. Oct. 22, 1860, .$,500. Woful 1, Len Rogers. 5:20i4, 5:l8i4, 5:1714. Two miles. Brignoli, b g (3 :5'3i4). Gen. Forrest. Memphis, Tenn., Oct. 7, 1874, ,§ . Bedford 1, Helen, Muggins, 3:08, 2:52K, 2:.55'4. Brill Hudson, b m. R. Greene, .Tersej-ville. 111., Oct. 10, l.S82.$ . Lady Leonard, Fancy Fair. Mambrino Dick, Ringgold, Small Hopes, Alexander, 1:27K', 1:28. Half-mile heats. Brilliant, b g (3 :40). T. French, Wilmington. Del, Oct. 10 and 11. 1876, $1.50. Jerry Postal 2, 3, Jenny Moore, Jersey Boy, Addie, Burnloist, Hallet. Odessa (5 dr), 2:49i4,2:42'i. 2:4,5. 2:43. 2:42. Oct. 11 and 12, 1876, ,$200. Sam French 4, Iron Clad 2, Gypsy Maid, Spit Fire. Gold Dust (4 dr). Jenny Moore (3 dr), 2:43, , 2:4414, , 2:40. Brilliant, brs(3:43), by Conductor. J. N. Ayers, Visalia, Cal., May 31, 1883, $100. Alice, Dick Turpin. Tommy, Lochinvar, 2:.59, 2:58)4, 2:5,5i/.. Brimstone, cr g (3:45 2-3). H. "Woodruff, Union Course, L. I. , May 9. 1854, $1,000. Lady Relief, 8:17. 8:24. Three miles. Bristol Bill, gr g (3 :39). Charles Dickerman, Meriden. Conn., Sept. 29, 1868. Cracker Boy, 14 :00, 14 :00i4. Five miles. S. Follansbee, Dover, N. H.,Sept. 27, 1871, ,$200. Richmond Boy, Martin Luther, John G. Saxe, 2:41 14, 2:401/2,2:4014. G. G. Brown, Oct. 2, 1872, ,$2,50. Nelly Morrison, Lady Williams, 2:4114, 2:35, 2:3814. H. G. Smith, Great Falls, N. H., Oct, 25, 1872,.$400. Col. Moulton 1, Fanny Blanche, 2:36, 2:36. 2:36i4, 2:37V». 92 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TKOITING AND PACING RECORD. G. G. Brown, Boston, Mass., June 5, l»73, $1,000. Lida IMcton, Highland Maid, Franlt Palmer, Fanny Fern, Prince Allen, Fanny, Sam Curtis, Constitution, Carthage Boy (1 dis), Royal Mike (1 dis), 2:31'/i, 2:29, 2:2»?.i. . • Portland, Me., June 13, 1873, $400. Fanny 5, 0, Frank Palmer 2 (.1 0), Royal Mike, 2:35, 2:35, 2:37, 2:30, 2 '37 2*37!^ * '■ H. G. Siiiith, Haverhill, Mass.. July 25. 187.{, S400. Ben Starr 1, 2. Fannv. •.'::«;, 2:37, 2:329i, 2:33'/i, 2:34. Boston, Mass., Aug. l, 1873. $250. Ben Starr 3. 4 i2 0), Fanny 1, Col. 'Moulton, 2:32,2:325^,2:32^4,2:36, 2:32?4,2:;J4^4,2:37. G. G. Brown, Keene, N. H.. Sept. 2.5, 1873, $500. Babv Boy. Spotted Colt, 2:35i4, 2:36>/4, 2:38, Bethel, \t., Oct. IC. 1873, SOOO. Frank Palmer 1. Snow Flake (2 dr), 2:38, 2:38!s, 2 :38, 2:37. Raymond & Whitford, Manchester, N. H. June 11, 1875, $150. Frank Palmer, Belle Dean, Defiance, 2:34' J. 2:;», 2:30. W. H. Raymond, Rutland. Vt., July 15, 1878, $400. Flora Lee 2, Gvpsv Girl, 2::J7. 2:39M, 2:38. 2:41J£. ■ (w), T. McLaughlin, Lowell, Mass., Sept. 25, 187',». Sam Custer (w), Flyaway (w), St. Lawrence (w), 2:48, 2:48. 2 i.W. Bristol Maid, Ijv Strader's Hambletonian. W. H. Bristol, Cincinnati. O., Sept. 12, 1882, $ . Taffy, 2:24, 1:53. Half-mile heats. Britain, I) g (2 :34?i), John H. Judd, Watertown, Conn., Sept. 7, 1871, $275. Belle of Watertown, 2:385!i, '- New'ilavcn. Conn., Oct. 17 and 18, 1871. $1,000. Fainiv Liimlicrt 3, (1 0), Fanny 4, Grace Bertram (1 0), Sally, Hartford Belle, St. Elmo, 2:;(8. -l-.-.m^, , 2:38, :^::isu, 2::;5. >Ieriiliii, Conn.. Oct. 29, 1872, $1,50. India Rubl)er, Lady .Miller, 2:4394, 2:44. 2:46. Broadway Flirt, ch m (2:53), S. Hayes, Beacon Park, Boston, Aug. 6, 1875, $50. Rosa 1, 5:55, 6:00, 6:00, Two miles. Aug. 9 and 10, 1875, $,50. Dutchman 3, 4 (50), (60), 2:57, 3:01H. 2:53!4, 2:54, , , 2:54. Brock's C'liestnut Horse, (2 :.51), George Brock, St. Catharines, Ont. Sept. 11,1869, $ . Cornell's gr s 2:51K>,2:51,2:,53^4. Brocton, 1) g (3 :.50i/,), H. W. Carter, Rome. N. Y„ Sept. 18, 1879, $70. David Copperfleld 2, CarroUton 1, Asylum Girl (5 dr), 2..53, 2:56, 2:52, 2:.52. 2:!J0>^. Broctoii Boy, b g (3:38), H. Rogers. Bridgewater, Mass., Sept. 21, 1877, $150. Flora Brett, Tommy (2 dr), 2:42. 2:40. 2:43' 2. Sept. 17. 1870. .?70. Star of the East, John S., (George Marshall. Best time 2:48. Rockland. .Mass., Sept. 2.'), 1879, $65. Molllv Miller, Pauline, 2:,38, 2:39, 2:38. J. S. Haz:inl. Newport, R. 1., Nov. 15, 1.881, .$40. Bessy, Jim Fisk, 2:49';,, 2:51'4, 2:481^. Broker. (Dalton Horse), ch g (2:54), A. A. Dalton, Albany, N. Y., June 24, 1857, $4,000. Unknown, Ih. 13m. 5?4sec. Twenty miles. • (w) Hartford, Conn., Sept. 4, 1857, $1,000. Lady Taunton (\\\ 32:27. Ten miles. Chatham, N. Y., Oct. 16, 1857, .fl.ooo. Chatham Boy, 14:52. Five miles. (w) Bridgeport, Conn., Oct. 23, 1.8.57, $2,000. Unkno"wn (w), Ih. ^m. 15sec. Twenty-fivemiles. Hartford, Conn., Nov. — , 1857, .•?250. Buckskin l, 2, 5:52, 6:00, 5:51, 5:48, 5 :53. Two miles. Nov. 6, 1857, $ . Palmer Boy, 3:07, 2 :56. May 4, 1859. $1,000. Lady Gilbert, 31 :49. Ten miles. Brolier, (2 :32>2). Lebanon, O., Sept. 19, 1878, $75. Lulan.Edna Earl, Stranger, 2:32i^. 2:43, 2:42^. Sept. 20, 1878, .$75. Mohawk Gloster 3, Empire Bob 4, Lnlan, Edna Earl (5 dr), 2 :37, 2 :3.3U, 2 :47. 2 :48. 2 :46. Brolter. blk s(3:01), H. Davis, Montpelier, Yl., Aug. 20, 1879. .«(iO. St. Johnsburv Girl, Algol, Moonlight, Black Jerry, Molly, 1 :40i4, 1 :40"2, 1 :»>. Three-vear-olds. H;ilf-mile heats. Broin Keeney, blkg (2:37), Tom Carpenter, Woonsocket, R. L, Sept. 15, 1870, $175. Commodore Nutt 1, Eolns, 2:.50. 2:51, 2:40i4. 2:51. Charles Douglass, Providence, R. I., Oct. 7, 1870. $500. Gyjisy 3, 4, Happy Jack, Nelly Jlorrison (2 dis>. Another Such (1 dis), 2:.38'i, 2:40'/5, 2:42!/», 2:4.3i^, 2:42'., 2:43'4. Willi;im Hall, Middletown, Conn., Oct. 5, 1872, $100. Elector, Gilston Boy (1 dis), Gray Tom (1 dis), 2:50, 2:42,2:47. James (iolden, Mystic Park. Boston, Sept. 4, 1873, $100. Dolly Varden, Meddlesome, Blue Bonnet, 2:43^, 2:46.2:44'.,. Beacon" Park, Boston, Oct. 9, 187.3, .$300. John T. Russell 1, Pet, Flora Bell, Caoutchouc, 2:40, 2:38, 2 :.38, 2:.37?^. Bronze, br m (2:31>4),by Morrison's Morgan Messenger, dam by Christy's Black Snake. T. Dickcrson, Brad- ford. Pa., June ic, 1882, .$600. Miuid Monroe 1, King Wilkes, Winnie Wick, Mollie H., Lilly J., 2:3314, 2:35^, '■ f)lean." N. Y., June 23, 1882, .$.500. King Wilkes, Fortune Girl, Lilly J., Kuric Neville, Mollie H., Winnie Wick, 2:.3.3»4, 2:,3.3'/j, 2:XiH. Erie, Pa., July 1, 1882, ,$500. Barrett, King Wilkes, Ruric Neville, Fortune Girl, May Bird, Lilly J. (3 dr\ 2:30, 2:.i:i',i, 2:;«i4. H. 1). McKlnncy, Waukegan, 111.. Sept. 28. 1882, $200. Phallas, Dixie Sprague, 2:38i4, 2:38?4, 2:37. Sept. 30, 1882. .$200. Phiillas, Dixie Sprague. 2:39, 2:;i5, 2:31. J. La Masnev, Albany. N. Y., .June 29 and 30, 1883, $1,000. Big Fellow 3, Louise N., Breeze Medium, 2:24'^. 2:2314, 2:2.31/,. 2:24'i. Brooklyn Boy (2 :36i4), Mr. Hough. Oakliind, Cal., April 22, 1872, $200. Peanuts 3, Mattie Howard 4, Char- ley, 2:.30'2. 2:.37, 2:36,~2:.37>4. rnnnisbed. Brooklyn Maid, ch m (2:38). l>v Al)d:dl:ili. Mr. Simonson. Beacon Course, N. J., May 25, 1841, $200. Lady Clinton 2, 4 (3 0\ 2:42. 2:41. 2:40. 2:40';, 2:40, 2:.38. (s), June 7, 1841. .$,300. Mingo (n). Rattler (si. 8:27, 8:24. Three miles. (s), William Wlielan, April 27. 1842, .$.30. Homer (s), 5:16, 5:29. Two miles. (s), Trenton, N. J.. June 1.5, 1842, .$.50. Rifle (s», 2:42, 2:38. Brooklyn Maiil ( w). blk m Ci :52K> w), I). Pilfer, Union Course, L. I.. July 10, 1.8a5, $500. Gen. Corcoran (w), 2:.'i.5, 2:53, 2:52'4. Brooklyn Wood, br g (3:08). by John Goldsmith, dam by Young Whitehall. E. L. Allen, SomervlUe, N. J., Oct. 7, 1880, .$.3.5. Fairy. .3:08, .3 :1.5, 3 :n9. l''our-year-olds'. Oct. (), 1881, .$.3.5. J(i;mn:i Goldsniitli. Svlvi;!!!, Dandy, 3:09';. 3:10, 3:08. Five-year-olds. Brooks, b g (3 :00), ('. S. .Johnson, Woodbury, N. J.. M;iv :M), 18s:t. .$400. Ned. 3:04>.,, 3:00 3:00. Brook's Gal.br in (2:48'4), Jolin Wiggins. Dover, N. H.,Sei)t. 1.5, 1864,$.5(K>. Sally Come Ul), 2:48M, 2:50>-4,2:.51. Brookside, gr g (2 :50), G. (iilnian. Augusta, Me., SeF)t. 28, imJ, .$.50. Thrasher 2, Sagadahoc (2 dr), 2:51, 2:;>4, 2 :.50. 2 :.''>.3U',. Br«M)kside i'lora. b m (3 :29\ by Hamlet, dam bv St. Liiwrence. J. Short, Albany, N. Y., Sent. 11, 1877, $200, l,;idv Rapid 1. 2. Annie Mack." Jennie (Jolddust, Reaburn (4 dr), Fenimore (5 dr), Aline (4 dr), Sligo (4 dis). R;ittler (4 dr), Lorine (3 dr), 2:3(>. 2:;J8'/-, 2:3<>. 2:36, 2:.38V6. — J. Dongrey, Potiglikeepsie. N. Y., ,tune 9, 18 1880, $:!06." Uncle Dave 1, 2, Alice I.,ane, 2:34, 2:30, 2:29, 2:29, 2:.'!0>4. Broom Corn (w). h g (3 :40), Mr. Burdett, San Francisco. Cal., Aug. 2, 1872, $100. Lady Grant 2, Lady Emma (w), Nelly Grattan (w), Latham 1 (5 dis), 2:53>4. 2:49. 2:48'/i, 2:50'i. 2:47!^. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 98 — Mr. McCue, Petaluma, Cal.,Sept. 11, 1872, $100. Jake 3, Johnny Schmoker (3 dis), 2:58, 2:53^, 2:55, 2:4814. — Sept. 4, 1872, $ . Flora 1, 2, 2:51'/2, 2:48j^, 2:44, 2:47, 2:53?i. George Emory, San Francisco, Cal., Oct. 30, 1874, § . Roe Allen 1, American Celt (s), 2:50i^, 2:48, 2:49, 2 :48. Brother bg (3 -.4:4:^).. J. A. Williams, Burlington, Vt., Sept. 13, 1883, $100. Helena, Tony, Homer, 2 :4 7, 2 :46, 2:44^. Four- year-olds and under. Brother Baldwin b g (3 :33). H. B. Slaten, Mankato. Minn., June 18, 1874, $200. 2:56^4, 2:55, 3:08. June 19, 1874. $400. Nelly A. Gray, Black Hawk Cbief , Bay Brig, 2 -.bOU, 2 :50i4, 2 :51. La Crosse. Wis., Jmie 3, 1875, $125. Albert 1, Jack Stiles, Don (.4dr;, Jim Raven (3 dis), 2:46i4, 2:48J£, 2:47. 2 :45^. Knox Brothers, June 11, 1875, $125. Albert 1, Jack Stiles, Don (3 dr), Jim Raven (2 dis), ,,2:47, 2:46, 2 :45. H. Adams, Austin, Minn., July 3, 1875, $200. Billy Morgan, Little Fraud, Billy Wood (3 dr), Little Sam (3dis), 2:47, 2:44, 2:45. Cresco, la.. Sept. 29, 1875, $175. Little Frank 3, 4, Billy Morgan, 2:41, 2:39, 2:40, 2:40, 2:41i4- Brother Jonathan (s) b g (3 :35i/2), J.HacQey, Philadelphia, Pa., July 29, 1858, $50. Gray Albert 2, 2 :49, 2:43'/j, 2:41^, 2:4i;';. Jos. Shoemaker. Sept.l27, 1858. $25. Rose of Sharon, 2:48, 2:47}^. IS), Mr. Goodin, June 25, 1859, $400. Ivanhoe (s) 1, (2 0) 2 :42, 2 ;38, 2:44. 2:49. (w), Jos. Shoemaker, Nov. 4, 1859, $ . Jack Conde 1, 2:46, 2:45, 2:U>-A,2M}i. (s), Mr. Goodin, iMay 4, 1800, $100. Gentle Annie (s), 2:47, 2:44, 2:42^. ■ (w), Oct. 10, 1801, $ . Garibaldi .Geo, Mayer (3 dr), 2:44i2, 2:4.5, 2:42. H. Woodruff, Union Course, L. I., June 25, 1864, $500. Nelly Holcomb 1, 2, 2:36, 2:35, 2:37, 2:38, 2:43. Brother Jonatlip.n b g (3 :34\ by the Potter Horse, dam by Beattie's Norman. W. S. Frazier, Earlville, HI., Oct. 2, 1871, $700. Volunteer, Lady Douglass (1 dis), 2:30!/2,2:31, 2:31^. Joliet, 111., Jime 20 ,1872, $800. Bodine, 2:44i4, 2:4014,. 2:38Vi. Ottawa, 111., June 28, 1872, $500. Tom Wonder. Amelia, 2:433^, 2:38, 2:36J^. Peoria, 111., Sept. 18 and 19, 1873, $1,000. Mila Caldwell 2, Lady Mack 1, Blue Ridge (1 dis), 2:31 vj, 2:31, 2:30^,2:29,2:29. Chicago, 111., Oct.2, 1873, $1,500. Badger Girl, Thos. L. Young, Molly Morris (3 dis), John H. (1 dis), 2:25, 2:24,2:25. Galesburg, 111., Oct. 8, 1873, $250. Lady Fox 3, 4, Ella Wright 1, Nlcodemus (3 dr), 2:32, 2:29, 2:32i/4, 2:32, 2 "3014 2:32'i. "■Chicago", iil,. Oct. 25 and 28, 1873 ,$1,000. Molly Morris 5, 6, Bashaw Jr. 2, Mila Caldwell 3, 4, O dis), Ella Wright, Lady Mack (3 dis), 2:29^, 2,26?4, 2:26^^, 2:27^, 2:2654, 2:30, 2:30%, 2:29>^. Mason. Mich., July 4, 1874, $500. 2 :2994, W. O. ■ P. L. Rush, Jackson, Mich., June 16, 1875, $1,500. Bellas, Fred Hooper, Molly Morris, Randall (3 div. Sleepy John (2 dis), 2:29i4, 2:29, 2:.36?i, 2:2914. East Saginaw, Mich., June 23, 1875. tl,.50O. Cozette, Fred Morris, Sleepy John. 2:2514, 2:20, 2:2414. Peter Kimberly, Pittsburgh, Pa., Oct. 6, 1876, $300. John B. 1, Rival, Lady H., 2:34, 2:34, 2:39, 2:38. Abner Rush," Parker City, Pa., Sept. 22, 1877, $500. Lady H., Belle Brasfleld, EllaF. (2 dis), 2:30,2:27, 2*28 St. Petersburgh, Pa. Sept. 26, 1877, $400. Belle Brasfield 4, Lady H, 3, 2:28, 2:29, 2:32, 2:30, 2:3m. Sept. 28, 1878, .$.500. Belle Brasfleld, Stranger, 2:30, 2:31, 2:31. C. A. Grossman, Massillon, O., Oct. 24, 1878, $300. Gray Salem, Deception, Hazor, Hunter, 2:30, 2:30i4. 2*31 '• C. Lavally, Delaware, O.. Sept. 19, 1879, $ . Sleepy Tom, Molly Kestler, 2:35, 2:34, 2:31. Youngstown, O., Sept. 26, 1879, .$250. Black Diamond 3, Duster, Tom Medley, Frank, 2:31, 2:30^, 2:3191 2:32. '- Sharon,'"Pa., Oct. l, 1880, $250. Tom Medley, Kinsman Boy, 2:32i^, 2:31>^, 2:32. C. Dilworth, Pittsburgh, Pa., Aug. 30, 1883, .$200. Darlington's b g, 2:42i4, 2:46^, 2:43. Brown's, b s (3 :50), E. N. Sweet, Hudson, N. Y., Sept. 26, 1877, $500. Columbia Chief, Young Paul, George W., Engineer, Pauline (3 dis), 2:50, 2:51J^, 2:5214. Brown's Bay Geldingr, (3 :39), Frank Brown, Kokomo, Ind., Jime 11, 1875, $400. Black Frank 2, Jim Fisk 1» Ned Allen (3 dis). Cashing (3 dis) Monarch, Jr. (3 dr) Pickett, (3 dr), 2:38i4, 2:39^4. 2:39^4, 2:39, 2:39^. Brown's Bay Gelding, (3:1194), J. A. Brown, Riverhead, L. I., Oct. 6, 1880, $8. McGee's ch g, 3:12, 3:lli'4. Three-years-olds. Brown's 'Bay Stallion, (3 :38i^), H.W.Brown, Cleveland, O., Sept. 10, 1868, $200. C. M. Clay 1 , 2, Black. Diamonds, 2:47}^, 2:45, 2:47i/2, 2:46'/2, 2:40}^, 2:38"^, Brown's Bay Mare, (2 :5994), John Brown, Cincinnatti, O., Nov. 1,1871,.$ . Strauss' br s (2 dis), 3:02, 2:5994. Brown Bashaw, brs (3:41), D. Baird, Springfield Centre, N. Y., July 4, 1873, $150. Celia 1.4, Bay Jack, Billy Mix (4 dr), 2:43, ,2:41, 2:41U. . G. Satterlee, Sandy Hill, N. Y., Sept. 20, 1873, $300. Humphrey Clinker, Warr Hulett, Henry (2 dis), 2:43, 2:44,2:45. Stallions, Brown Ben, br g (3 :3o94), W. H. Woodruff, Boston, Mass., July 31, 1873, $200. Grace, Meddlesome, John Lambert, Louise. 2:3594, 2:3794, 2:3o;/2. Brown Billy, br g (3 -AS^^), Harrison Rogers, North Bridgewater, Mass., May 8, 1858, $ . St. Lawrence Maid, 2:46, 2:4514. Brown Billy, brg D. Tallman, Union Course, L. I., May 14, 1861, $2,000. Ragged Sailor, 90, 55. Twenty-four miles. Brown Billy, br g, (3 :57), John Menton, Baltimore, Md., June 26, 1873, $500. Stella 1, (3 dis), Modoc (1 dis), 3:09, 2:.59, 2:57. Brown Billy, (w), br g (3:44% w), Fred. Briel, Fort Wayne, Ind., June 7, 1873, $ . 2:44%. To beat 2:45. July 21, 1873, $ . Flora 3, 2 :521^. 2 :53, 2 :46. 3 :00. May 27, 1874, .$ . Flora 2, 2 :5914, 2:53, 2:524, 2:39>4. (W), Providence, R. I, Oct. 12. 18.">8. vS2.0()0. Pilot 3, 2:3:j;'4, 2 365ii, 2:;56'2, 2:39. Fasliion Couise, L. L, June i>, 185t», *l,oo(). Miller's Damsel, George M. Patchen, Lady Woodruff, 2:30^. 2:2xy,,2-:2S. I w] H. Woodruff, Eclipse Course, L. I., Aug. 4, 18.59, .S2,000. Lancet (w), 2:34. 2:38, 2:.37U. 1). Plifer, Union Course. L. I., Oct. ;j, 18.59, * 1,000. Lancet, 2:32, 2:31, 2:31! j. Eclipse Course, L, I., Oct. 17, is.")y, $1,000. George M. Patchen, 2:28, 2:2b}i 2:28. Philadelphia. Pa., ^ov. 7, 18;)9, •^^iooo. George M., Patchen, 2:31'2, 2:2y?4, 2:30'». F. Briggs, Boston, Mass., May 29,1800, $'200. Ida 1, 4, Mountain Maid (4 dr), 2:50, 2:47'/2, 2:47, 2:48V4, 2:48^4,. (\v) J. D. McMann, Watertown, N. Y., Oct. 10, 1800, .$-200. George Cooler 2, 2:30, 2:34>2, 2:33>^, 2:35. (w) Wni. Woodruff, Boston. Mass.. July 1, 1802 $400. Rocky Mountain (2dis), 2:40, . A. P. Morrison, Oct. 22, 1862, 5!7o. Young Sutton, 2:49, 2:52, 2:47' ». O. W. Dimick, Cincinuati, O., Sept. 4, 180;5, §100. Billy Crawford 1, Aleck 2, Prince (2 dis), 2:37, 2:39, 2:39, 2:4(),2:3(i'2. W. D. Peabody, Mav 28, 18(U, $100. Maggie W'oolley (w). Burr Oak (3 dr). 2:38'''», 2:33^, 2:34. Chicago, 111.. July 2. 1801, $100. Nahocklisli 1 (3 0), (Jen. Grant, 2:40, 2:38'.i,2:36", 2:39'/^ 2:43. (w), IL Brock, Boston, Mass., July lo, isoT, .Sioo. Rocket (w). What Cheer (w), 2:48, 2':50, 2:48. Brown Dick, br g(3 :41j, H. B. Griffin, Watertown, K. Y., June 22,1809, $150. Linda, Lewis' ch m, Belle (2 dis), Phoebe Robin (l dis), 2:5.5, 2:50, 2:58. June 30, 1870, $2.50. Dan Rice, Frank Putnam (2 dis), 2 -AbH, 2 :45;'4 , 2 :41. Brown Dick, br g(3:46?4), Jas. Hill, Houlton, Me.. July 3, 1869. $75. Uncle Dudley. 2:50'i, 2:46'4, 2:47Vi. Brown Dick, br s (3 :09), Geo. Hicks, Chatham, Ont., Oct. 11, 1870, $100. Lothair," Lady Elgin, Brown Kate, Gypsy Fan, Minnie (2 dis), 3:17, 3:09, 3:14;'4. Brown Dick, br g (3 :48), H. Vitral, Springfield, O., May 15. 1871,$ . Alice, Ladv Maguire, 2:48, 2:48. Brown Dick, br g ( a :40), J. W. Jacobs, Earlville, 111., Aug. 30, 1871, $200. Maggie'?, Hot Foot, Black Ralph, Lady Gray (1 dis), 2:42, 2:40'2, 2:42'2, 2:42'/2. Joliet, 111., Sept. 27, 1871, .*200, 2:40, 2:42, 2:43. Brown Dick, br g (2 :4:J), W. Valentine, Fleetwood Park, N. Y., May 15, 1872. $400. Teaser l, 3, Dolly (1 dis), 2:.59, 2:52'2, , 2:.52, 2:53. Brown Dick, br g(2:40!2), D. Dennison, San Francisco, Cal., Nov. 1.1867, $100. Lady Stockton 2, I^dy Belle, Mose (3 dis). Honest John (Idis). 2:47'2, 2:48. 2:44V", 2:40',4. (w) G. R. Butter, Los Angeles, Cal., Aug. 15, 1872, $ '. HectOr (w), 2:53K'. 2:59»4, 3:02>i Mr. Gilbert, Yreka, Cal., Oct. 2, 1873, $100. 3:02. Brown Dick, br g (2 :48i.i). H. Parker, Natick, Mass., Aug. 13, 1873, $150. Andy Johnson 1, Dustin Jim 3, Irene i2 dis), Orient (1 dis), 2:50'4, 2:48'4, 3:00, 2:51. Brown Dick, brg (3:59), Ira A. Bradford, Barre, Vt., Oct. 23, 1873, $100. Brougham, Honest Harry, Kitty Witherell (3 dis). Lady Abdallah (3 dis). Black Diamond (2 dis), Lizzie (2 dis), 3:13, 3:10, 2:59.- Brown Dick, br g (2 :34!'2), by Virginius. W. E. Stearns, Howell, Mich., June 2, 1874, $ . Little Tom, Novice (2 dis). 2:t4'4, 3:00. Ypsihi.iti. Mich., Oct. 2, 1874, $ . Competitors not named, 2:37V4, 2:35;4, 2:36. East Saginaw, Mich., June 25, 187.5, $1,500. Lady Williams 4, Billv Lambertson 3, Jeremiah. Basil Duke, Echo. Lew Scott, LadyTurpin (5 dr), Gold Leaf (2 dr),2:27i^, 2:2713,2:28^4, 2:28'i, 2:28^>. Brown Dick, br g (3 :00), C. X. Shearer. Norristown. Pa., Sept. 14.1875, $150. Flora, Billv, Sleepy Sara, Gulf Bov (1 dis), F'aniiv (1 dis). 3:04. 3:00, 3:04"-. Brown Dick, br s (3:.5.'i), bv Brown Dick. M. H. Waterhouse, Worcester, Mass., May 30, 1878, $100. Gray Eddy. Tompy, LadyMack^ Belle of Milford (3 dr), Bismark(3 dr), 2:.57,2:.5C, 2:53. Brown Dick, br g (3 isi), F. L. Ilerdic, Fleetwood Park. N. Y.. Oct. 3 and Nov. 1, 1878, $200. Wild Dandy 3, Barney Kelley 2, Tip Allen 1, .John S., Jas. M., Oakley, Alice Lane (5 dr). Black Diamond (5 dr), Rush (4 dr), 2:;U'4, 2:.'V), 2:37, 2:34, 2:31, 2:.359ii. G. W. Nelson, Springfleld, L. I., Julv 23, 1880. $100. Dave Young, Maud, Pet, Lady D. (3 dr), 2:44, 2:42, 2'3H '- ]\iorristown, N. J., Sept. 1, 1S80, $200. Jersey, King Cetawavo, Cinderella (3 dis), 2:39^, 2:37, 2:37. Springlield, L. I., Aug. 3, 1881, $1,50. Martha 1, Jessie Maude Maud, 2:35, 2 :35, 2 :36, 2 :.36. Brown Dick, (Village Boy), brg (2:44), E. Field, St. Johnsbury, Vt., Sept. 23, 1880, $150. Princess, Elder Girl, General Hancock, Pony, Little Gent, 2:44, i-A^h, 2:4.5. Brown Dick brg (3 :29i.i), by Anthony Wayne, dam Lucy Mason. W. Carj', St. Joseph, Mo., Sept. 6, 1881, $300. Orphan Bov 1, Lady Kern, Blackwood .Tr., Luther Challis. 2:.37, 2:30, 2:37, 2:3414. W. Gary, Mason City, la., .July 12, 1882, $400. Owen F'arlev, Goldeubow 1, (4 dis), 2:351^, 2:335!i, 2:33ai, 2:.3:j>i. Milwaukee, Wis., July 25, 1882, $400. Don Quixote 1, Sorrel George (2 dis), Jim Bowman (2 dis), 2:29^, 2:34'.i,2:37, 2:29'4. Brown Dick, br g (3 :41), G. F. Ockenhausen, New Dorp, S. I., Aug. 9, 1883, Prizes, blanket, suit, and bridle. Surprise, Jumbo (1 dis), 2:47, 2:13, 2:41. Brown Krics»on, br s (3:49'i), by Ericsson, dam Kate Rattlef, by Morgan Rattler. T. Reedy, Ottawa, 111., Sept. 8, 1880, $ . Sheridan Maid, Idle Boy, Neelv's Henry Clav, 2:58>4, 2:51}4, 2:49'^. Brown Fanny, br m (3 :43) J.J. Robinson. Hillsdale, Mich., Aug. 23, 1873, $100. Black Foot 3, 4, Kitty Carson, Benny, Belleof W'auseon d dis), 2:.52. 2.54, 2:5l''j, 2:.5.3, 2:.5.5. Fort Wayne, Ind., Sept. 17, 1875, $400. Irish 1, 3, Col. De Courcy (1 dis). Sweet William (Idis), Flora May (1 dis),2;42'^2, 2:49, 2:49'/j. 2:45'5, 2:4(i%. Brown Frank, br g (3 :40), J. Keltenham, Indianapolis, Ind., April 22, 1876, Prize, silver. White Line 3, Coal Oil Jolinny, 3:04^,3:00, 3:00, 3:03. Cincinnati, O., July 27, 1876, $100. Billv (l 0), l>ock (2 dis). Kentucky (1 dis) 2:.57"j. 2:51, 2:48'/i. BroM-n Frank, brs(3:49i4), R. S. Howe, Mercer, Pa., Sept. 9, 1880, $150. Due Bill, Wild Billy, George, 2:50, 2:58, 2:49>4. ■Brown G., br g (3 -.52%), C. T. Lawrence, Morrlsania, N. Y., Oct. 6, 1881, $1,000. Olivette (1 dis), 2:,52'i. Brown George. (w),brs (3:33 w), Mr. Rutter, Poughkeepsle, N. Y., Dec. 3, 1860, $.500. Ben McClellan (w) 1 2 ;;M) 2 :.'i7 2 :32 2 '32 Browri Georire,'br g (3 :66>4), J. B. Burlew, Auburn, N. Y., Sept. 15, 1870, $100. Rough-and-Ready, Kuiit, Sorrel Tom, No Name, 2:55>4,2:55?i, 2:.57>4. nrownfJeoFffe, brg (3: 04). Charles City, la.. Oct. 26, 1870, $150. Chicago Boy 1,2,(4 dis), 2A9U, 2:48, 3:18J^ 3:04. BrownGeorKe.br g (3 :59). IL Ralston, Indianapolis, Ind., July 27, IVL $ • Rip Van Winkle, Gray Goose, Lotta (2 dis), .( :00, 2 :.5<), 3:04. Brown George, br g (3 :40), Fleetwood Park, N. Y., June 22, 1874, $2,000. Sorrel Jake, 2 :40, 2 :40, 2 :42. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 96 Brown George, br g (3 :479i), G. F. Hartwell, Vallejo, Cal., Sept. 9, 1874, $225. Calistoga Dexter 5, Webber 1, Nancy 3, Osceola. Loafer (3 dis),'2:54,2:47?i, 2:49, 2:4yu. 2:4t), 2.50. Muscatiiif, la., Sept. 26, 1878, S . JNIolly Lynch, 2:51, 2:50, 2:49' j. t , t, , , , Ar . ^ ,„ Brown Harry, (s), br g (2 :40), R, Kldridge, Myricks, Mass., Sept. 17, 1874, $30. Lady Palmer (s) 1, Mac (s) (2 !-l*jkl' GJuk'n,'B"eacon Park. Bostou, Oct. 13, 1874,8200. M. W. Stinipsoii, Prince, George, Lady Loring. (ien. Feanuuigbt, Lazv Jim Ci dr.). Black Dan (1 dis), 2:42. 2:40, 2.40. i,, . • m • f .> -o Brownie, brm (3:48), J. M. Haves, Sharon, Pa., Sept. 27, 1873, $ . Curbstone, Green Monntani Chief, 2:o2, '— y. w. \^alker, Erie, Pa., Oct. l, 1873, .i?loo. Royal George 3, George, Carrie C, John C. l (.3 dis), 3:02'/2, Bro^wnie.^bl^gtafil)/!:. S. Currier, Westfield, Mass., Oct. 21, 1874, $100. Little Dan 1, Flora Wilco.x, Sir Tom, BrJwnfe, br'nU^ :50),' by 1-Vank Pierce. R. Hough, Easton, Pa., Oct. 31, 1883, $100. Jim Gamble, 3:02, 2 :55, Brownie H., (2 :41), Mr. Hewlett, Oakland, Cal., Sept. 9, 1882, $ . Emperor 2, OUie Ray, 2 :41, 2:42, 2:46. Brown Jack. (Dictator and Huckleberry), br g (3 -.-Z-aU), by Comet. J. H. Harding, Laporte, Ind., June 2o, 1874, $400. Ned Allen 2, Mambrino Walker, Alice {i dr), Billy Cushmg (3 dr), Uncle bam a dis), 2:4i;2, 2:4oJ^, — R.% Kneebs, Kansas City. Mo., Sept. 17, 1874, .1250. Molly Graydon, Hawthorne Queen (1 dis), Andy (1 dis), Nell (1 dis), Nanette (idis), Missouri Chief (1 dis), 2:35' 2, 2 :53,2:5m. ^ ^^ ^„ , tj i n ^ ,^ — Sept. 19, 1874, $500. Ned S., Lucy Smith, Hawthorne Queen, Molly Graydon, J. N. Steck, Peddler, 2:42, 2 38'" '''34^ '- GaieVburg, 111., Oct. 7, 1874, .$500. Sorrel Frank 4, Gold Leaf 1, Fancher, Joe Golddust, Peavine, Kitty Brow'^ Jim,"brVl3 iioj^'), Geo.' Fultcher,' Nashville, Tenn., Sept. IG, 1865, $500. Ten Pin Johnny (3 0), 2 :40?i, 2:ijO'2,2;515i, 2:50^,. . t , ,,„ , < t. n -c Brown Jim,br g (3 :47), G. Lineham, Mystic Park. Boston, Nov. 13, 1874, $100. John Mills 1, 4, Belle, Emma W (3 dr) ''■bo 2 •.51 2-47 ''•52 2'51'o. ^ Newport,'R.' l' Sept. 7, 1876, .$100. Connecticut Sam, Luck Look (3 dis), Newport Belle (l dis), 2:56Ji, 2'50V^ ■'•57 Brown Jim, brg (3:38), by Bashaw (?). Mr. Hardwicke, Helena, Mont., Sept. 7, 1883, .f250. Maxim 2 3, Happy Jack, Kentucky N"olunteer (.1 dis), Ranchero (1 dis), Smoky (1 dis), 2:38i^, 2:41i4 2:43'2, 2:40'4, 2:40. Brown John, brg (3:3514), Nashville, Tenn., Nov. 24, 1865, $ . Morrissey (10), "Black Dan, 2:40, 2:55^4, Brown Joiinny, br g (3 -.SOy.}, C. A. Sweetser, Holyoke, Mass., Sept. 28, 1881, $100. Billy Jefferson 3, Kate Harris, Harry N., Topsv, William (4 dr), Propeller (3 dr), 2:49i2. 2:52!4, 2:47i.2, -':49V2: Hartford, Conn., Oct. 11, 1881, $400. Maud B. 2, Valley Boy 1, Backman Maul, 2:3214, 2 :34?4, 2:3014, 2*3214 2 "32 ' Oci 12,4881, $400. George A., Hawthorne, Rheu R., Blue Bell, Lizzie R. (1 dis), 2:X>l-4., 2:3214, 2:3514. C. A. Sweetser, Suffleld, Conn., Aug. 11, 1883, $20. Emerald, 2:3914, 2:37i-4, 2:37. Same day, $ . Kate Harris, Propeller, Surprise, 2:4714, 2:47i4, 2:45. . Brown Johnny, Jr., br g (3:48), F. Rivers, Sweetsburg, P. Q., July 1, 1882, .¥150. Conqueror 3, \ ision 2, Elenora 1 (5 dr), 2 :52, 2 :49, 2 :46, 2 A8U, 2 :50, 2 :48. . , ^ Brown Jug, br g (3 :43), John Green, Cambridge, 111., Aug. 29. 1877, $95. Lictor (3 0), Dupage, John Ran- dolph, Bid Gage, Nelly (2 dis), 2:48, 2:45, 2:46, 2:47. „ . ^ Brown Kate, br m ^3 :38i4), J. R. Wheeler, Coldwater, Mich., Sept. 13, 1870, $300. Molly, Benzie Cummins, Gay Boy, Sir Hank. 2:42i.i, 2:43i.i, 2:43}4. Toledo, O., Oct. 1 & 3, 1870, $1,000. Frank Burroughs 1, 3, 2:39, 2:42, 2:43ii, 2:40, 2:40. C. Wheeler, Chatham, Ont., May 24, 1871, $ . Maggie 2, 4, Lady Elgin, Black Bess, Lothair (4 dis), 3 '04/4: 2*55 2*5094 2*54 3*03 '■ W.' Laugiiiin' May 24, 1871, $ . Orphan Girl 3, Bob Elliot, 2 :54, 2 :42i '2, 2 :44i ^, 2 :45. Toledo, O., Oct. 14, 1871, $200. Jeannette 1, 4, Lady Suffolk, Frank Burroughs (5 dis), 2:46'4, 2:49i4, '■ C. Wheeler, Dresden, Out., Oct. 11, 1872, $80. Lady Hayes 2, Brown Dick, Red Bird, 2:44, 2:40, 2:38i4, 2*39 '■ Mr. Raymond, Sandusky, O., Oct. 10, 1873, .$500. Lady Star l. Gay Sam, Yellowstone (4 dis), 2:3914, 2:40, 2:41i/i, 2:40. W. T. Campbell, Norwalk, O., Oct. 30, 1873, $250. Forest Maid 3, Yellowstone, Evelina, 2 :.'51, 2:5194, 2:4894. 2:.50U. R. J. wheeler, Sandusky, O., Nov. 5, 1873, $200. Lady Kelner 2, 2:49i4, 2:5114, 2:48^4, 2:44. Toledo, O., Sept. 23, 1874, $ . Minnie 1, Barney the Guide, 2:51i/2, 2:53i4, 2:,51i4, 2;.54. Brown Kate, br m (3 :38). by Rough and Ready. A. J. Feek, Oneonta. N. Y.. June 23, 1874, $800. Ella Mad- den 4, Catskill Girl, Sandy, Lady Johnson 3 (5 dis), Dutch Farmer (2 dr), Charles Osgood (2 dr), 2 :38, 2 :44, 2:43,2:40,2:41. Mr. Foster, Ottawa, Can., May 24, 1877, $100. Gen. Hall, Pert Boy, Gray Eagle, 16:40. Five miles. Brown Kit, br m (3 :53i^). C. Jones, Chatham, N. Y., Sept. 15, 1875, $50. Dick (3, 0) (4 dr). Young Philhs (1 dis). Grit (1 dis), 2:53, 2:.52i4, , 3:0114. Brown Kitty, br m (3 :50), Wm. Brown, Maysville, Ky., June 5, 1868, $100. Our Dave, Billy (2 dis), John Ed- sall (2 dis), 5:4014.5:46'.;. Two miles. Brown Kitty (s), br m (3 :41) (3 iSli'js), A. Patterson, Deerfoot Park, L. I., May 27, 1873, $ . Coroner K. (S) 1, 4, Billy Lewis (s) (5 dr). Mystic (1 dis), 2:32, 2:34, 2:3414, 2:3594, 2:39. John Miirphy, Fleetwood Park, N. Y., June 27. 1873, .$500. Dick Yates s. 1, 2 :41 14 , 2 :31i^, 2:35, 2:39. Wm. Nelson, Katonah, N. Y., Aug. 30, 1874, $100. Black Diamond. 2-42, 2:45, 2:44i^. Stamford, Conn., Aug. 31 , 1874, $50. Laura 2. Black Diamond 1 . 2 :48, 2 :36, 2 :41, 2 :45, 2 :48. Nov. 18, 1874, .$ . Adeline R., 2:46)^, 2:.52^. Brown Mac, br s (3:46i4), Mr. Ryan, Stockton, Cal., Sept. 15, 1864, $50. Calaveras a dis). Lady Putnam (1 dis), 2:47'2. Brown Mack, br g (3 :54), Ottawa, 111., June 17. 1870, $500. Lady Douglas, Jim Tyler, American Boy (2 dr), 2:. 54, 2:57. Brown Mack, br g (3 :36i/») x. Tobin, San Francisco, Cal., June 26, 187?, .$ . Paddy Magee, 2:374, 2:3614, Brown Maggie, br m (3 :46), Ed. Brown, Geneva, 111., Sept. 23, 1871, $ : Anna Dickinson 1, Sorrel Billy, Black Ralph (1 dis). 2:.5294, 2:46, 2:461 2, 2 :4K. Brown Mary, br m (3 :47;4),Geo. Smith, Shelb>-ville, Ky., Aug, 28, 1873, $20. Josh Parks, Wiley, 2:47i^. Brown Nathan, br g (3:4194). Jason Russell, Portland, Me., Sept. 10, 1869. $150. Ned Lewis, Delhi, 2:41%., 2*4594 2*4414 '- July 4, 1870, $125. Hard Road, Billy Button (l dis), Snowball (1 dis). Best time, 2 :48. 96 CHESTEKS COMPLETE TKOTTING AND I'ACINC KECOKD. Lewiston. Me., Aug. 30, l«70, .SIOO. Snow Droj) 3, 2:52, 2:.'>1, 2:W, 2:54. Brown Nelly, br iii C-i •.iiiii ), \S'. .S. Milk-r, (iraiul Uapids, Mich., June 10, 1(<74, SVOO. Limber Jim, Kittv H Flv, 1". KoelvwelL Hay Oiel< il ilis>. 2:57'., 3:(«, .iM.>. Ilig liapiiis, Micli., Aug. 21), lis74, $m. t'o\. Buffalo Bill (4 dr). Limber Jim 2,(4 dr), 2:50, 2:50, 2-55. 2:57. Sherburne. N. Y. Nov. b, 1S74, S200. Fancy Lucre 1. 3, Bay Frank. •iM, 2:54, 2:53'/i,2:54, 2:.51J4. Brown Nelly. l)r m (8:45), A, M. Hart. Lambertviile, N. J., Sept. 9, lK7y, §150, liei.ublic 1, 3, Spunky Care- less, 2:4.">. 2:4S. 2:4.\ 2:50. 2-4,'). Brown Nelly, br m >« :38»4), U. W. Bonett, St. Johnsbury, Vt., Sept. 20, 1883, $150. Dottie (iolddu.st 1. AIoscow, Marv Anderson, Hip l{ap,2:40, 2:41. 2:41. 2:43^4. Brown Nelly, br m ( 3 :50), E. H. (liluian, Montreal, I*. Q., July 18, 1883, §100. F'red 1. Frank. Parlsville (Jirl .3:00. 2:51. 2:50. 2:.'i2. Brown I'rinee (Harry) brg (2:36). W. H. (Jartliwaite, F'ordliam, N. Y.. Sept. l(i. 1871, §250. Lena Branch Jerry 1, (3 disi. (!en. (irant (2 dis), 2:50>4, 2:45. 2:45'4, 2:439i. 1). Daniels. White Plains. N. "i ., July 27, 1872, $100. Ladv Taggart, Cupt. Boyd, 3:05, , , Sept. 19, 1872, .*;;!00. ('apt. Boyd, Moliawk (1 dis), 2:.'>0, 2:49, 2:4^',2. Sept- 21, 1872, .?400. ('apt. Boyd. Sibyl (1 dis), 2;.52'.i, 2:48'4, 2:45!-2, Otis Bort, Sept. 12. 1873, .ti!7.^(». Dick Ytites 1, Lady Wood, llobert Dixon, Central Boy, Little Fraud (1 dis), Moliawk d dis), 2:39>4, 2:38'j, 2:m.i, 2:42. Stamford, Conn., ISov. 19, 1874, $300. Isew Dorp, F-anny, Diamond, 2:42, 2:43, 2:41' 2, Brown I'rince, (3 :40), Portsmouth, <),, Aug, 23, 1874, $ . Col. Hardy 1, 2:40, 2:41, 2:44, 2:40. Brown Robert, br s (3:533^2), F. J. Nodiiie, Union Course, L. 1., June 15. 1859, §400. Sally Highani 2. 2:52'4, 2:5.3,2:53. Brown Rover, br g (3 -AlU)- by Ethan Allen. T. Trimble, F^leetwood Park, N. Y'., Sept. 6, 1871, §500. Hiram (W),2:42'2. 2:44'/2,2:41Ji. Peter H. Hall, Newark, N. J., Sent. 22, 1871, §150. Lena B., 2:40, 2 :42i)4 , 2 :48'/i. Morristown, N. J., Sept. 27, 1871, $ . (irey Eddy 1, Simon, Lena B. (1 dis), 2:37'i, 2:42'i, 2A3%, 2.45'4. Brown .Sentinel, br s (3:00^4), by Sentinel. Dr. S. Price, Lexington, Ky., June 19, 1877, §325. Crickets, Humboldt 1 (5 dis). Starling (5 dis), Ada (2 dis), Mambrino Diamond (l dis), Tom I'orter (l disj, 2:48^4, 3:00i'4,3:ll,3:08'4, 3:02'2. Three-year-olds. Brown's Kntry, (3:5'7,'4). S. S. Brown, Pittsburgh, Pa., Sept. 15, 1883, § . Morehead's Entry, 3:0134, 2:5754. Brown Seward, br g (3 :45). J. Reed, Greenfield. Mass., July 20. 1860, §100. Baker's ch m, 2:51, 2:45, 2:45. Brown's Bay Stallion, (3 :38';). H. V/. Brown, Cleveland. O., Sept. 10, 18C8, §200. C. M. Clay 1, 2, Black Diamond 3, 2:47i2. 2:4.5, 2:47'/2. 2:46'i, 2:40'/2, 2;38'2. Brown's Bay Stallion (3 :40) E. Brown, Weyawega, Wis., Sept. 27, 1882, § . Nelson's br m, Plowman's brs. Best time, 3:40. F'our-year-olds. Brown's Gray Mare, (3 :47). H. B. Brown, Potsdam, N. Y., Sept. 21, 1875, §250. F'actory Girl, Mill Bov, H. B., 2:49. 2:48,2:48. Brown Thrasher, b g (3:47). Hiram Woodruff, Union Course, L. I., Dec. 4, 18()3, §200. Nellie Howard (3 dis), 2:47, 2:47. Brown Thrasher, br g (3:45), by Gray Fearnaught, dam by Hero. I. Barnhart, Centreville, Mich., Oct. 5, 188;5, §1.50. Gladys, J. Thomas, Glasgow, Pauline. 2:50, 2:53, 2:45. Brown Tom, br g (3 :40). S. Torbert, Philadelphia, Pa., Oct. 19, 1858, §50. Babylon, May Qiveeai (2 dis), 2.45, 2:40,2:40. Brown Tom, brg (3:451^), E. R.Robinson, Alliance, 0., May 25, 1871, §200. Silveivides, Keystone Girl, 2:47^4,2:45M,2:47'/2. J. Cudland, May — , 1871, §300. Billy Emerson, Lady Fleetwood. 2:45^, 2:45^4, 2:48. • Zanesville, O., .Tune 9, 1871, §200. F'iizz2, Silversides, Broadice (2 dis), Joe Moore(ldls>, 2:49. 2:51. 2:50'4, 2:.52l^. Brown Tom. br g (3 :31>.i). by son of Geo. M. Patchen. G. Scattergood, Washington, D C, June l. 1S80. §400. Alice Medium. Tom Meckley, Lady Golddust, Col. Heywood, Wiilter B., Metz, Zeph (2 dr), Mamie (I dis), 2:36'2,2::i7, 2:. 31 '4. Worton, Md., Sept. 15, 1880, ,§250. Tom Bayard, Sherman Morgan, 2:47, 2:43. 2:43. Brown Wilkes, hr s (3 -.^G^^), by George Wilkes, dam Jenny Ervin, by Henry B. Patchen W. L. Beck, Kan- sas City, Mo.. Sept. 17, 1881, .§400. Cyrus 1, 2. Jim Mack, Scramble, 2:44, 2:41, , 2:40J4, 2:43. MinneaiKilis, Minn., Sept. 5, 1882, '§500. Flora Bell 2. Charley Champ, Capitola.2:34;2, 2:31?4, 2:30i4, 2:30. Montgomery, Ala., Nov. 16, 1882. 4200. Pilot Eagle, John Splan, 2:45':, 2Aim, 2:47. Stallions. W. L. Beck," Detroit, Mich., .Fuiie 29, 188.3, §700. i.ady Lucas 1, 2. Sleepy Joe 4, Molly Middleton, ^^ alter Jones, Bob Davis (4 dis), Jim K;irlv. Morocco (2 dr), 2:29'i, 2:29"2.2:29?4, 2:29i4, 2:30, 2:29U. Brownwood,brg (3:3914). R. Crawford, Beaver, Pa., Sept. 27, 1882, §1.50. Harry W., Joe, 2:55, 2:49, 2:47. Sept. 28, 1882, §120. T. M. Baync (10). Ned AVhirlwind, 2:40,2:45, 2:41, 2 :40;4. ^ ,, . ^. ^ , . „ Bmce, b g (3 :48i^). Readville, Mass., May 30, 1870, §100. Washerwoman 1 (4 dis), Major (2 dis), Swiveller (1 dis), 2 :.5.5, 2 :49'4', 2:48^,2:50. ^^ ^ „, Broee's Bay Filly (3:13). W. H. Bruce, Richmond, Va., Oct. 24, 1881, §100. Nancy Lee, 3:15,3:13. Three- Briieetown,' grs, J. J. Johe, Winchester, Va., Sept. IT, 1874, §.35. Dan, Buck (2 dr). Beulah. No time. Three- VP/i), J. A. King, Monmouth, 111., Sept. 5, 1883,.§125. Adjutant 3. Paragon 4, 2:48, 2 :43>^, 2:42, 2:41, 2:4154. , „ ,. Sept. 6, 1883, .§1.50. Ed. Logan, Knight Temi>lar, Billy Green, 2.64?4. 2:.'>4, 2.51. , .,^^ ^ • « ■ Bruiser, wh g (2:48»i), H. A. Baker, Bridgewater, Mass., Sept. 23, 1881. §,0. Starbright 3, Annie, Prince, Brnt'nn?e, br g (3 :49\ Comac, L. I.. July 5, 18.58, § . Green Mountain Boy 1. Village Maid, Plug Ugly. Gray S(|uirrel, (4 dr), 2:.50, 2:49, 2:.54, 2:52. ' . ,, » r ., /-w 1 .-• 1 Brunko Bill, gr g (3 :37'4), Brownsville, Mo., Aug. 23, 1879, §300. Pat 1. 4 (20\ Gen. C uster 5, 6, Orphan Girl, <:r:inbv Maid, Hiram Woodniff (5 dr), 2:40M. 2:42. 2:41. 2:42i^, 2:40. 2:40. 2:41'4. 2:43. Bmnette. uT m d -Aiih), William Walsh, New Haven, Conn., Nov. 3, 1873. §150. Lady Warren, Yankee Girl, 2 -49' I 2-."iO', ''-lOij Brunette, br m (3 ':43)', H. Bull. Newport, R. I., Sept. 19, 1882, $ . Sweetheart 3, 2:.55. 2:63}^, 2:50 2:47. Bruno, bs(3:3S>'/2), by Hambletonian, damKate, byBelair. J. Ixjvett, F;ishion Course, L. I., Oct. 19, 1864, $10,000. LadvtMifden (wl, 2:39, 2:.38. ^ ^ ^ , -c n r<.i - o miz Bruno, bg (3:53), J. Cavanagh, Beacon Park, Boston, Oct. 20, 1877, §'200. Laura, Rob Roy, 2:.>6\i, 2:j9>i, 2:62. .lune 14, 187.5, $100. Auctioneer, Paul Revere, 2:.565ii,2:.')4'^,,2:.5.5. t:. , ,, ,:,. A,>.,in Bruno, l)lkg (3:51), J. E. Janis. Deerfoot Park, L. I., Oct. 18, 1870, §300. Bronx, Frank Martin, Annie, Carrie L., Ben Morris, 2:.52, a:.")!. 2:.52. ,„ . , „„„„„„ „„,x Ilruno, b s (3 :32), Detroit. Mich.. Sept. 16. 1880. S . Indicator, Grand Sentinel. 2:33, 2:.32. 2:33^. Bruno, blk K(2 :44H), T. I'arker, St. Louis, Mo., Sept. 23, 1883. Prize, silver, Minnie H. 2. Honest John l, 2 '45^1 ''•4'"4 ''■475^ 2'4fi'i Brunswick Boy" b g (3 :34),' E. Rockwood, Berea, Mich., Sept. 2, 1880, $ . Loraine, Belle Crawford. No time. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 97 — George Barry, Saudusky, O., Sept. 23, 1880, S200. Dick Harvey 3, Jim ScliribL'r, Harry B.,2-34 2-3714 2:37, 2::;s. . • 72, Sept. •J4. 1880, .SlOO. Carson. Ned Foster, 2 :35, 2 -.Siy,, 2 -.ssy^. Brushy John, blkg (3:3 7), by RappaiiaimoL'k, dam Molly I.ong. by Langford. Macy & Co., Los Angeles Cal., -luly 0, 187G, .■<2.000. Cactus 1. J a dis i. l> M' 2. - :oN4. - :3l>J/a, 2 M. ' Cnico, Cal., May hi, 1877, §700. (ieoii^e Treat 1, Alaiiuila Maid, Sweet Brier, 2:31 Va, 2:27, 2-30 2-3'' San Francisco. Cal., May 22, 1877, ^mo. Dingo (.2 Oj, Flora Shepherd, Alice, Nancy, Parrot, 2 :30^i. 2 -31 li 2:29 2:281^. A. Green, July 26, 1879. .$2,000. St. Helena. 2, 3, 2:29]4. 2:.30U, 2:271^, 2:30, 2:30. Brutus, b g (2 :37 1, O. F. Atw'iod. Newark, N. Y., July 16, isTS, .$300. St. "Germain 2, Shorty Fountain Deceiver Modoc 1(2 r o), Ashland Maid 1 2 dis), 2 :41' .2, 2 :44' ., . J ■.i'>^4:. 2 :43. . ' Auburn, N. Y., July 24, IST:;, sii:,. Deceiver, Rubber, Tom Wonder Jr. (3 dr). 2:44, 2:4.5. 2:42. Elinira, N. Y.. Aug. 22, 1873, $3.30. Billy Pavor 2, Prince Clay, Shorty Fountain. Kinzua Orphau, 2 •37'. 2:4114, 2 :42U, 2:45'. 2. Williamsport, Pa., Aug. 27, 1873, .$300. Shot, Stonewall, R. D., Marv Brown. 2:39, 2:42, 2:41. Brutus, b s (3 :37i4 J. E. Armstrou}:, Sioux City, la., Aug. 7, 1875. $100. Diamond Joe 1, 2 :.50, 2 -AaKi, 2 :37' ., Brutus, rn g (3:43'.,). J. Murray. Helena. Mont., Oct. 4. 1879, .$500. Billy Grant 2, 3. Corrigan 1, Live Oali (1 dis), 2:44, 2:5514, 2:42, 2:43y3, 2:47^,, 2:4si.i. Brutus, ch g (3 :34'.2), F. M. Dodge, Hudson, N. Y., Sept. 27, 1881, $120. MissHanerl, Niskayuma, Wassawea, 2:42"2, 2:41'2, 2:47'2, 2:4#g. Poughkeepsie, N. Y., .tune 29, 1882, .$.500. Marv 1, 4, W. J. Baldwni, 2:3714, 2:37, 2:36, 2:33, 2:34i4. Lee Mass. Sept. 13, 1882, $ . Madison Wilkes 3, Ina, Lady Sealskin, 2:38, 2:37i^. 2-35, 2-37. Bryant, rn s, B. W. Brock way, Knoxville, la.. Aug. 22, 1883, $110. W. M. Wheeler, Charley Lewis, McCliin, 1:44?4, l:35?i. Two-year-olds. Halt mile heats. C. A. Thompson, bskaloosa, la., Aug. 28, 1883, $25. Belle Bashaw, Dm-ango Maid, 2:02^4, l:o6U. Two- year-olds. Half mile heats. B. S. Wright, (Bay Fearnaupht), b s (3 :37», by Fearnaught. Wrisht & Xorcross. r.oston, Mass., June 23, 1871, $1,000. Thomas Jefferson Jr. 2, 3, Wallace, Dan Morrill 13 disi. Emma Stuiirt (3 disl, Torment (3 dis), 2 :48, 2 :50}-4, 2 : 46, 2 :44i^, 2 :46. Three-year-olds. Bub Olds, b g (3 :55i4)', H. G. Olds, Fort Wavne, Ind., Sept. 12, 1877, $100. Gray Aleck, Kekionga Chief, Mary Long. Long .lim (3 dr), Mary O'Connor (2 dis), 3:00, 2:58^, 3:05. Sept. 14, 1877, .$40. Mambrino Captain. Kekionga Chief, Tom Scott, 2:6.514, 2:55Ji, 2:55?^. Bucephalus (3 :59), J. M. Cross, Elizabeth City, N. (J., Nov. 20, 1878, $125. Black Jack, Comet, Charley, Gold- dust, 2 :.59, 3:04. Bucephalus, rii s (3:33), by Wood's Hambletonian. S. F. Richards, Wellsboro'. Pa., Sept. 22, 1883, $100. Minnie Mack, Dandelion, Nigger. No time. Coudersport, Pa., Sept. 27, 1883, $105. Nancy S., Minnie Mack, 2:32, 2:34J4, 2:35. Buchanan, b g (3:35), W. W. Comee, Keene, N. H., Sept. 25, 1861, $70. Ben Butler 1, Fanny Fern, Comet, 2*50 2*43 2*41 2*39. '■ Oct.' 29', l86l', $30.' Ben Butler, 2 :45, 2 :45, 2 :44. J. Read, Boston, Mass., May 19, 1863, .$100. Lady Shaw 1, 3, Eagle 2, Tom Benton (4 dis), 2:3t)?4. 2:34?4, 2 '36 2*35 2*35 2*37 Buck, b s'(3 :5'9); John Happ, Cleveland, O., Sept 8, 18.57, $100. Nelly Bly 3, 3:00. 2:.59, 2:57, 2:59. Buck, ch g (.2 :59i/2), Joe Cole, Kansas City. Mo., July 11, 1873, $ . Colonel, 3:05, 3 :05. A. D. Carson, Aug. 23, 1873, .$25. Red Mike, Vanderbilt, 3:02, 3:0534, 3:0014. ■ T. Magroflf, Wyandotte, Kan., Sept. 27, 1873, $100. Vanderbilt 1, 3, Molly Graydon, Lady Belle, 2:,54, 3:00, 3:00%, 3:00, 3:08. Buck, dn g (3 :40), M. Goodin, Woodbury, N. J., Sept. 18, 1877, $200. Fanny Bates 4, Billy Megonigal (2 0), Farolet, Jack Frost, Belle of Gloucester (5 dr). Clam (4 dis), Charley Ross (4 dr), Superior (4 dr), Abdallah Patchen (2 dis), Kate (l dis), 2:48, 2:42, 2:4.5i^, 2:44, 2:47. Point Breeze Park, Phil., Oct. 16, 1877, $200. Rainbow 3, General 2, Transit, Lady Mount (4 dr), Lizzie Bodine (2 dis), 2:40, 2;41'2, 2:44, 2:43, 2:45. •H. G. Smith, Mystic Park, Boston, May 24, 1880, .$ . Pony, 2:43, 2:41, 2:48. Buckeye, rn g (3:41), Amos Monroe, Cleveland, O., Aug. 4, 1858, $100. Lady Sherman 2,2:45,2:48,2:45, 2:41. Chris Doyle, St. Louis, Mo., Sept. 26, 1863. .$.50 Tom Best 3, Independence, 2 -ASM, 2 -ATM,, 2 :46i/2, 2:47. Buckeye, b g(3 :37), by American Star. Bonnell & Hutchinson, Evansville, Ind., May 15, 1874, $60. Logan 1, 4, Billy Wilson (3 dr), 3:04i4, , 2:.57, 3:01, 2:58. W. ■ W. Bair, July 1, 1875," $500. Dan 1, 4, 3 :00, 2 :.59, 3 :00, ? :01, 3 :00i4. Buckeye Bill, bg (3:37'/2), T. 0. Pound, Milwaukee, Wis., Oct. 13, 1866, $300. White Stocking Plymouth Rock (3 dis), 2 :41, 2 :.37'4, 2 :40'^. (w), E. E. Rood, Nov. 10, 1866, $500. Angeline (w) 1, (2 0), Magna Charta (w) (2 0), (3 dr), 2:42. 2:42i4, 2 -.ssy^ 2:38(i. Chicago, 111., June 12, 1869, $100. Molly Brooks 1, 3, (20;, Albatross, Honest Charley, St. Lawrence (2 dis). 2:44'/«, 2:43, 2:46%, 2:47, 2:48i4. Ed. Brown, Earlville, 111., Sept. 2. 1871, .$200. Hot Foot, 2:3914, 2:42, 2:41i4. Buckeye Chief, rn g (.3 :50), Dr. Grace, Chillicothe, O., Sept. 5, 1877, $300. Flora, Ulster, Folly, Gip (2 dis), 2:.55'.i, 2:52, 2:.50. Buckeye John, b s (3:43), J.Harris, Zanesiille, O., Sept. 29,1864, $.50. Pretty Boy, Belle (2 dr). 2 :.55, 2 :.53. 3:01. D. Seaman, Sept. 5. 1867, .$2.50. Madison, 2 :48, 2 :46%, 2 :4.5. Bnckeye Jr., rn g (3 :00), by Buckeye Chief, Chilicothe, O., Aug. 14, 1883,$ Lady Garfield, May Doble, 3:00'4,3:00. Three-year-olds. Buokfiehl Boy, b g (3 :47i/2). J. S. P. Ham, Lewiston, Me., Sept. 23, 1874, $150. Billy, Shooting Star (1 dis), 2:5.3,2:4714. Buckingham, b s (3:47), by Hambletonian, dam by Vt. Black Hawk. C. C. Coe, Waterbury, Conn., July 4 and 5, 1872, $1,50. Yankee Girl 1, 2, Pilot 4, Skvlark (5 dr), 3:0014, 3:00%, 2:57i4, , 3:01, 3:03%. West Meriden, Conn., July 30, 1872, $60. Ladv Morton 2, Capt. Wasp, 3 :00, 2 :,54, 2 :52%, 2:54. Middletown, Conn., Oct. 5, 1872, $ . Clarion Jr., Fanny 3, 3:00, 3:01, 3:05. W. R. Coe, Sept. 28, 1876, .$80. Nashua Maid 1, 4, Mendon Girl, 2:46'4, 2:48%, 2:47, 2:48;/2, 2:50. Buckshot, (3 :48i4). Cedar Rapids, la., Sept. 14, ls7l, $ . Parepa Rosa, Laura Keene, 2:48^4, 2:48'^. Buckskin, (s) dug (2:39 s), Wm. Woodruff, Boston, Mass., May 21,184,5, $100. Mountain Boy (s) (2 dis), 2:43,2:39. Buckskin, b g (3 :40), R. Titus, Boston, Mass., July 15, 1852, $ . Farmer Boy 1, 5:34i/2, 5:32i/2, 5:37. Two miles. July 21, 18.52, .$ . Farmer Boy, 5:34, 5 :36. Two miles. Dr. Lawrence, S. Oyster Bay, L. I., July 5. lsr)S. .$30. Sally Miller, Ploughboy, 2:58, 2:50. 2:53. Aug. 5, 18.54, $20. Bay mare, 3 :00, 2 :47. 2 :40. Warren Peabodv, Union Course, L. I., May 22, 18.5.5, $500. Indigo (w) 1, 2:53, 2 :51, 2:48, 2:51. (w), L. Roberts, Hartford, Conn., Sept. 5, 18.56, $100. Palmer 1, 2:59, 2:44, 2:48, 2:50. July 4, 18.57, .$ . Stranger 3, 2 :45, 2 :41%, 2 :41, 2 :42i/4. Palmer, Mass., Aug. 21, 1857. Wagner, 2 :47, 2 :47, 2 :50. 7 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TKOTTING AND F'ACINC RECORD. ■ Aug. 24. 1857, S50. Amos, 3:00, 2 Aiy,, 2 rfjO. -Whiti-stovvii, N. Y., Ort. 5, l.sj.s. \Vilkiii, dii K (^8:34'.4) W. H. Saunders, Binghamton, N. Y., Oct. 13, 1801, .$ . Elniira Pet 1, 3. Wild llarroo, ■2:mU,2:'M}4, 2:S4?;i. 2:34'.i, 2:3,3. Buckskin, dn n Ci M'.i), (3 -.'HHtS*), Dubu(iue, la., Sept. 30, 1865, SUX). Wasp I (2 0), (5 dn. IVavine (2 Oi, 2-48 2:40.2:47,2:48.2:48. ■ (s), R. C'lianiplin, Milwaukee, Wis. Sept., 12, 18(k>, .§17.5. Lady Ellis (s) (3 dr). Black Douulass is>n ilis> 2:41i'4,2:43, . Sept. 14, 18t), .«20o. Blackbird (3dis), 2:.54, 2:59, 2:47. Nov. 1, 18,57, $r<). Black Billy 1, 2 (.5 dis) 2:.55, 2:51, 2:.545!i, 2:49»4, 2:46. — (s), Clinton, la., .Inly 4, m;8, .*200. Molly Buckner (s), Stephen A. Douglass (siChaiii Slutl (si. l':.%u, 2:38, 2:2i)>2. Short tnick. Red Wing, la.. May -, 18(;9, .$1.50, Badger, Bird Catcher, 2:40, 2:40, 2:39. May — , 1809, $300. Mace Eustis, Ellen Short, 2:44'i, 2:43 2:42' 2. Clinton, la., July 2, 1809, $250. Queen of the West 1, Mapes' ch g, 5:4.5, 5:;J7}^^, 5:46?i. Two miles. Short track. Aug. 27, 1869, $150. Kenegy's b g 2, 4, Chain Shot .5, Wild Jack 1, 2:.3.5i4, 2:39. 2:3i?.i. 2:47. 2:51. 2:4.5. 2:,54. Short track. Dubuipie, la., Oct. 0, 1870, $300. Tornado, Albatross, 2:42K>, 2:44>4, 2:41^4. Buc-k.'skiP, dii g('-}:40J4), F. M. Dodge, Palmer, Mass., Oct."22, 1868, $ . Johnny Reb 13:4si,.. Five miles. A-..g. 30, 1870, 81.50. Black Diamond 1, 3, Fred. Tyler 2, Frank Allen. Lilly. Richmond Boy ^4 dis), 2:43U. 2:44'.,. 2:44'/2, 2:45'/2, 2:45, 2:401,1. Sept. 1, 1870, S1.50. Johnny Reb, Lady Franklin, 14: 17. Five miles. Buckskin, dug (.3:43), Dan Bates, Pittsfleld, 111., Oct. 1.5, 1850, $ . Betty 1, Shab. Sherman, 2:.5<;, 2:,54 2:51, Oregon, 111., Sept. 12, 1874, $ . Black Kitty, ])acer 1, Uncle Sam 3, 2:45, 2:42, , 2:46, 2:53. Buckskin, dii g (3:511^), Mr. Kelly, Sau Francisco, Cai., Dec. 12, 1870, $30. Croi.k 1, 2. Hiram (5 dis>, 3:09>4, 3:0(s9i,3:03, 3:03,2:.59. Ml'. Cardinell, MarL-h 5, 1871, .$25. Hiram, 3:05, 2.59, Mr. Farrell, April 2, 1871, .IJIOO. Kate, 2:5!), 2:,58!2, 2:58',. Buckskin, dn g (3 :50), S. Raymond, Binghamton, N, Y., Aug. 27, 1874, $100. Col. Hinmaii. Brown Billy. Bill v, Faniiv Hull, Farmer's Boy, 2:.50. 2:53, 2:51. Scut. 3, 1.S74. $ . Brown Billy 1, 2, Col. Hinman. 2:.52V4, 2:52, 2:56, 2:56, . Buckskin Frank, dug (3:3714), B. Rice, San Francisco, Cal., July 15, 1805, $100. Flora Temple 1, Jersey Maid. Lady Tricks, 2:51?.i, 2:49, 2:481.1, 2:371/4. Buckskin Maid, dn m (3;43), A. S. Bartlett, Oxford, Me., Oct. 8, 1875, .$ . Gray Stranger 1. Plow Bov. and three others, 2:55, 2 :5l^, 2:55'/^, 2:51. Buck Tliorne, (3 :37J^), P. Gardner, Owensboro, Ky., Oct. 12, 1883, $\bO. Charles H. (2 dis). Black Oiikc (1 6), J. S. Bell, Denver, Col., Nov. 29, 1883, $200. Ben. Becky Sharp, Fred Mack, Mam- brino ]5ashaw, 1 :17, 1 :18i/^, 1 :19. Hall-miU'-hcats. Buetli, h s (3:50), by Rysdyk, dam Flora, by P>enedict's Pathfinder. J. P. Wiser, Canton, N. Y.. Sept. 13, 1881, .S.50. Lolv, Syren, 2:.55,2:.50. Three-year-olds. Bnflalo Hill, ch g 3:48, J. Van Horton, Union Course, L. I., Aug. 29, 1856, $250. Lady Kale (2 disi, 2:50, 2:48. Buffalo Hill, rn g (3 :44), L. J. Bracket, (ireat Falls, N. H., Sept. 22, 1874, $75. Black Ralph, Paul Treattan. Best time 2:44. Buffalo Hill, I) g (2 ;44), B. Po\vers, Hempstead, L. I., July 2, 1881, $25. Pete 1, Johnny Sands 3, Kessler, 2 :40' i, 2:44,2:48. 2:47'/2, 2:47. Buffalo Hill, b g (3:41), H. Sullivan, Preston, Minn., Sept. 26, 1883, $100. Lady Brazell, Little Queen, 2:4,5, 2:41,2:411/4. Buffalo Hill, rn g (3:39U), by Saddling Buck. W. A. Storms, Bloomington, 111., July 1, 1881, $2.50. St. Joe, Belle P.owen, Roscoe, Keesicken (1 dis), Lina Lewis (1 dis), Billy Green (1 dis), 2:50H, 2:51, 2:.50. E. McKiiighl, IMarvsville, Mo., Aug. ;<(), 1882, $30. Dutch Girl 3, 4, Maggie F'ulton, Sir (iibbie. Sleepy Frank (5 dr), I'.cile of Cohhvater (4 dr), 2:3914, 2:38, 2:37^.,', 2:.'59'/2, 2:44^. Mr. B:ilcs, Quiiicy, 111., Sept. 13, 1883, .$300. Ivan, Netty M., Flora P., Flaxie (3 dis), (Jrey Henry (3 dis), Lelia S. (3 dis), 2:29'/2, 2:31, 2:31. Buffalo Dick, (w), b g {2-AiiU, w), C. Reddiford, Fleetwood Park, N. Y., Nov. 6, 1873, $150. Rosa (vv), Fanny (w), (1 dis), George (w), (1 (Tis), Dick .Tones (w) (1 dis), Daisy (w) (1 dis),2:46i/'2, 2:49%. Buffalo l>ick, ch s (3 :58), Wm. S. Smith, Flemington, N. J., Sept. 23, 1874, $60. Barney 1, Lady Tliorne (2 dis), Turk (2 dis), John (2 dis), Lucy (1 dis), Lancaster Bili(l dis), Bob (1 dis), Red Bird (1 dis), Dolly Vanlcn (1 dis), 3:07'/2, 3:00?^, 3:06i.,, 15:03';. Sept. 24, 1874, .$70. Eastern Rattler, Young Kenilile Jackson (1 dis), 3:02».i. 3:0414, 3:0.5. Baptisttown, N. J.. Sept. 28, 1876, $40. Young Keniblc .lackson, 2:.5994. 2:.'.8. 3:(K). Stallions. Bulord's Hay .Stallion, b s (3:4J)'4), by Alcxaiider's Abdallah, dam by Mambrino Chief. C. 11. Buford. Lexington, Ky., July U, 1868, $275. Bi.smark, Yates' blk s (1 dis), Britton's rn s (1 dis). Duchess (l dis), 2:49^2, 2:.50, 2:5.5'/2. Three year-olds. Builder, (3 :33). Mr. Kendall" Cliic:igo, 111., Aug. 31, 1878. .$ . Surprise 1,4, 2:34, 2:,3;{, 2:33,4, 2:34, 2:33'^. Bull Call, (s)hg (3:47:-'0, (3:40'r,s), by Young ConiiiiaiHler. Mr. Vanderbill, Philadclithia, Pa., Oct. 21. is.ji). sj(K). Bu.ster (s). Top Gallani. (s). 'Sweet Bricr{s). 5:22. 5:21. Bull Colt, ^Jiidge Fnllertoii), ch g (3:18), by Edward Fverctt. Townscnd Bull, Montgomery, N. Y., June 9. 1870, ,$35. Lady Barnes, Dixon Colt, t^apt. Biink, 3:03, 3:06^, 3:03. Bullet, (w), blk g (3 :50i^ w),Wm. Woodruff, Boston, Ma.ss., Aug. 27, 1862, $100. Lady Bonny (w), Lady Morris (W), 2:.52i4, 2:51, 2:,50'/-T Bullet, b g (3 :3«), by Echo. L. H. Titus, Los Angeles. Cal., Oct. 14, 1878, $200. Inca 2, Flora Wiley (2 dis), 2:4214, 2:48, 2:43'.i. 2:41. Oct. 16, 1878. $200. Inca 2, 4, Apprentice Boy, 2 :4.54, 2:46, 2:45, 2:42'/2. 2:41. Oct. 18, 1878, $2,50. Tom Stout .3, (^-ide 1, 5:24. 5:24, 5:21 ?i, 5:20i4. Two miles. Bullet, b g (3 :33M), by Echo. E. Dunham, Los Angeles, Cal., Oct. 10, 1883, .$.5ro. Lady Washington 1, 4, 2:35, 2:.3.5, 2:.32M,2:40, 2:40. Bull FroB. blk g (3 :55), Stony Ford, N. ¥., June 3, 1863, $25. Tom Powell 1, Well's b m (3 dr) Jones' ch m (3 dr), 3:03, 2:,58, 2:56, 2:.55. Bullion, (3 :4<>), by Blue BulL Wm. Weise, National, la., Sept. 14, 1883, $80. Enfield, Sheridan, Maid, Dixie, 2;42^i, 2:40, 2:41. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 99 Sept. 14, iss;?, .sno. Enfield. Piano Boy. 2:44, 2:40'2, 2:42U. Bull of tiie AVo>9 w). J. MoU, Ci'ntreville, L. I., May 18, 1853, $50. Fanny Barnum 2, Queen Mary, Kiclianl ill., I«ulv Holmes, 2:59, :i:05 ;5:0(;, 3:08. Bull Fuinpkins, (s), blk t,M3 :45ii s), C. Brooks, Harlem, N. Y., Aug. 20, 1852,$ . Spunkey(s)l, Brown Tom (,s ) 2, 2 ■r>:i, 2,4. , 2 :45' 2 , 2 :48, 2 :49! .. Bull Kun. gr g (3 :3394),bv Pilot .Jr. .lolin Crooks. Fashion Course, L. I., Aug. 29, 1866, .fl,ooo. Quaker 1, (3 dis), 2:42. 2:411. J. 2:45. (w), Sept. 21. 18(;(i, .Sl.OOO. Lew(vv) 1, 2:41, 2.431-4, 2 :37!/2, 2:38i^. ■ Mr Stokes Oct. 3. 18(i6, .Sl.OOO. Ella Sherwood (w). 1, (3 dr), 5:20'.2, 5:20. Two miles. ■ .lohu t'rodks, Oct. 16. 1X66, .■?2.0(K). Ell:i Sherwood (w) 2. 2:32^4, 2:37?i, 2:36!i. 2:361^. Bully Urooks 1 llaiiiior), 1) g i'-i :'^8). by Diriiio. V. S. Palmer, Bangor, Me., July 5, 1869, .$150. Black John 1, 4, Ottawa. Ihippy JiVck, Biack Bones (4 dr). -J-.ir.U, 2:42^4, 2:42i4, 2:40, 2:42. Jul V 29, 1869, .$300. Lady, 2:47, 2:49, 2:.54. .. „. . T. f^ullivan, Fairfield, Me., Aug. 9, 1875, $250. Charley Morrill 1, Joe Hooker, Jim Fisk (2 dis), 2 :.34, 2 -.32%, — Aug. 10,'is75, .$3.'-.0. Jim Fisk Jr. 3, Charley Morrill, Joe Hooker, 2:33, 2:34, 2:a5, 2:38!4. Bangor, Me., Aug. 14. 1875, $250. Phil. Sheridan, Andy Johnson, 2:30'/2, 2:30, 2:3l'/2. Chas Record, Newport, Me., June 2, 1876, $1.50. Togus Boy, Slow Come, 2:39'/2. 2 :34i^. 2 :37)^. Bully Brooks, b g (3 laH'-i), Haverhill, Mass.. June 17, 1882, $ . Tinker Jr., 3:05U, 3:021/2, 2:52'/2. Bully King, br g (3 :57), J. Gildersleeve, Hall's Track, L. L, July 30, 1872, .$400. Dick 3, Shelhark 1, Butcher Boy (5 dr), 3:0.3, 3:02, 3:05, 3:05, 3:07. Aug. 1, 1872, $100. Slim John (w). 3:04. 2 :.57i4, 3 :01. Aug. 9, 1872, $200. Daddy (w) 1, 2:57, 2:57?i, 2:58, 2:57. Bundv, b g (2 :43?d), John WfUiams, Edinburgh, Ind., July 23, 1870, $100. Pet (1 dis), 3:03. Mr. Hocknev, Franklin, Ind.. Aug. 6, 1870, $100. Moxley,Pet, 2:.53i4, 2:51,2:49. Indianapolis, Ind., July 5, 1871, $ . Snap, Kip Van Winkle, 2;.54, 2:50. 2:48. Bunker Hill, (2:469.i), H. B. Currier, Mystic Park, Boston, Oct. 6, 1874, $400. Captain Jack, Whalebone, Cliarley, 2:52, 2:.52. Bunker Hill Boy, br g (3:36), S. White, Boston, Mass., May 28, 1852,$ . Lady Ashland, 2:52, 2:54.2:.5l. Bunko, b s (3 :38), by Clark Chief, dam by Edwin Forrest. Macy Bros., Richmond, Ky., Aug, 10, 1881, .$225. Bill Duncan, Virgie Wilkes, Eddie Powel , L:idy Pence (1 dis), 2:48, 2:44i/2, 2:45. Bunney Baker, (3:43), H.Brewster, Bradford, Vt., Sept. 25.1879, .$50. Jim Fisk, Red Cloud, Dan Way, Black Jack, 2:43, 2:45. 2:48. Burdett. b s (3 -.50^4,), A. Revno. Flint, Mich., June 27, 1871, $300. Nelly, Tippoo (1 dis), Billy Whitefoot, (1 dis), Fanny (l dis), Nelly West (1 dis), 2:50M,2:50?i, 2:54?.i. Burger, ch s(3 -31), by Boston Boy. dam by Medley. John Lovett. Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Aug. 25, 18(i6, $200. Old Mans Mare 1, (4 dis). Volcano (3 dis), Raid (1 dis), 2 :38. 2:3.5 2:34.2:35. —— Fashion Course, L. I., May 10, 1867, .$600. Lizzie Warwick, Black Bess, Mace's gr g, (3 dis), 2 ■.■H)4. 2:35^4., 2:3.594. • ■ B. Jackson, June 28. 1867, .§650. Jack Lewis 1, 5 :21, 5 :20, 5 :27>4. Two miles. J. Halstead, Winsted, Conn., Oct. 5, 1868, .$90. Col. Eth;in Allen (1 dis), Monitor (1 dis), 2:31. Amenia, N. Y., Sept. 16,1869,$ . Paul, 2 :36'4, 2:36',, 2:36. H. Briggs. Hudson, N. Y., Sept. 28, 1871, $175. White Fawn, Tom Suffolk, Nelly, 2:365!i, 2:38V4, 2:35. J. Muir, Harrodsburg, Ky., July 19, 1872. $75. Mississippi 2, 3, (4 dis), 2:47!/2, 2:47i4, 2:46i'4, 2:45M. Burke's Chestnut Gelding.'ch g (3 :4l3i), Jas. Burke, Messina Spa, N. Y., Aug. 18, 1866, .$ . Taggart's b m, 2, 3, 2:412i, 2:47, 2:44:0, $1,000. Abdal- lahl, (2 dis), 2:47?i,2:42. Burlington, gr s (3 :33). hy Burlington. S. W. McDonald, Terre Haute, Ind., May 13, 1875, .$7.50. Moss Rose 2, 4, Frank Reeves .5, Lillian, Belle Berkeley, 2:.32, 2:.33, 2:31. 2:.32?i, . 2:40. G. W. Carrico, Sept. 10, 1878, $300. Echo"l, Nelly K. (1 dis). Little Bob (l dis), , 2:40'/2, 2:42, 2:49. Marshall, 111., July 2, 1879, $300. Frank Myers 2, 3, Lady K. 5, Bay Frank, Lady McD. , 2 :3Gi4, 2 :38, 2 :40>4, 2:43, 2:40,2:41. July 5, 1879, .$400. Lady McD. 4, LadyK. 1, Bay Frank, Nelly K., 2:49, 2:37i4, 2:4254, 2:42i4, 2:42i^, Terre Haute, Ind., Sept. 12, 1879, $106. Polly Wishard, McArthur, Dan Messer, 2:4714, 2:46i4. Sept. 13, 1879, $300. Bav Frank, Dan Messer, 2:5414. 2:49, 2:45. Champaign, 111., Sept. 25, 1879, $300. Nelly K. 1, 2, Headlight. Nelly O'Neill, 2:50, 2:51, 2:40. 2:41, 2:42. M. Mcintosh, Montgomery, Ala., June 16, 1880, $175. George Johnson 2, Zona 1, Ross (2 dis), 2:44, 2:38, 2:41. 2:42,2:4014. June 18, 1880, $150. Zona 2, George Johnson 1, Ross, Pumpkin R. (2 dis), 2:42^, 2:4494, 2:40?i, 2:40. C. C Skillnian, Nov. 13, 1880, .$200. Pilot Eagle, Fred Tvler, 2:51, 2:.52, 2:46ii. May 21, 1881, $100. Ross l, Maria Stewart, Georgie Golddust, . 2:42?i, 2:46. Burlington, b g (3 :35), H. G. Keyes, Deerfoot Park. L. I., Oct. 2, 1877, $300. Pattv Lath 3, Sam, Harry Bassett, Nellv Clay, Rebecca, Marengo. Charley Young (4dis), 2:3514, 2:35, 2:35. 2:38^2. Oct. 3, i877, .$200. Maggie, Clara Morris, Louie (2 dr), 2:.38i4. 2:41',, 2:41. Burlington Chief, b g (3 :50), J. S. Gale, Brattleboro, Vt., Sept. 5, 1866, $50. Topsy, Robinson's blk g, Mc- Clellan's ch s (3 dis), 3:09i^, 2:50, 3:09. Four-year-olds. Burnloist, gr g (3 :33), by Shaffer Pony, dam aii Arabian mare, C S. Atkinson. Doylestown, Pa., Oct. 6, 1876, $150. Jail Bird, T. S.,2:58, 2:52,2:,^1. Wilmington, Del., Oct. 12. 1876, $12.5. Molly, Jennie Moore, Bohemian Girl, Odessa, Harriet P., Hallet, Brown George (2 dr), 2:45, 2:45i4, 2:46i4. H. G. Philips, Woodbury, N. J., July 4, 1877, $250. O. A. Hickok 1 (20), Lady Sharp, Fanny H., Fanny G., Jenny Moore (1 dis), 2:40. 2:40, 2:40, 2:40, 2:38i4. Doylestown, Pa., Oct. 5, 1877, $150. Tom Scott, Transit, 2:49i^, 2:44i4. 2:50. Oct. 6, 1877, $2.50. Lilly, Iron King, Drift, Rossell (3 dr), 2:3914, 2:42. 2:429i. C. S. Atkinson, Oct. 3, 1878, $1,50. .Jail Bird 1. Tom Scott, Cricket, 2:41 14, 2:44, 2:42, 2:43i/2. D. S. Quinton, Oct. 2, l.S79,$1.50. ,Iohn 8., Robin, 2:,5794, 2:50i4. 2:.58i^. Burns, h s (3 :30), by Kirkwood, dam by Manibrino Eclipse. S. A. Graw, Greenville, Mich., Oct. 5, 1875, .$200. Hattie Hill l. Flora Bell, Laura D., , 3:01'/?, 3.05, 3:01. Hubbaidstown, Mich., Sept. 28. 1877, $.300. $am Patch, George Sherwood, Live Oak, 2:50^, 2:50, 2:50i4. Greenville. Mich., Oct. 3, 1877, .$.50. Highland Golddust, RedOak, Daylight, 2;40Ji, 2:41?^, 2:35. Oct. 5, 1877, $50. Highland Golddust, Red Oak, Davlight, 2:42, 2:41, 2:35. A. Gran, IMarshall, Mich., Aug. 2 188.3, .$300. Gilbird's Sprague 1, Tecumseh, Almont Gift, Walter Jones. Pathfinder Jr., Neva, Strathlan, 2:33, 2:3514. 2:31%, 2:3114. Charlotte, Mich., Aug. 16, 1883, $300. Gilbirds Sprague 1, Tecumseh, Walter Jones, William S. (4 dr), 2:3314, 2:a3, 2:3214, 2:31 1^. Jackson, Mich., Aug. 23, 1883. $300. Rigolette 1, Tecumseh, Gilbird's Sprague, William S. (4 dr), Jet (1 dis), 2*30 2'3l 2*30'^ '^'30 Burr Oak, ^r g (2 •SBVi), J. D. Mizner, Detroit, Mich., Oct. 3, 1860, $300. Pat 1, Prairie Boy, 2 :46, 2 :442i, 2t42i4, 2:41. Oct. 6, 1860, $1,000. Prairie Boy, 5:22, 5:20. Two miles. Jmie 12, 1862, .$ . Teazle, Tacony, (2 dis), 2:35'/2, 2:36'/2, 2:36. 100 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RKCOHD. Uurr Oak Maid, 1)111 ('^iflOi, . I. Wilson. Monticollo. 111.. Aug. 18. 1S80, §150. Mason City Maid 1, Bell Frav Ladv Hell, Hriuhani Yoiuik (1 tlis>. •-':49'.i. •-':.>'). •i:r,~, 2:-,r,. '* Kankakw, 111.. Aii^. -•''. !><«", '^I-S. M'liss, lUiUion, Hla<'k Mi'ssiMigcr, 2:,'i0. 2:.">1, 2:.')0. Burt, b g (3:00). (i. N. llatili, Jackson, >liih., St-pt. '29, uirt, s . Fred Hooper, Gold Drop.Clara, 3K)5, 3-06. 3:tX). l<'our-vear-okls. Sept. .1. l«7(i, ■?— . D. B. Hibbard, Wandering .Jew, 3:00, 3:02. Concord. iMicli., Sept. 29. 1«7(), Sso. Western Girl 1. Betsy. No time. Kiisby, li j; (« ::n^., ), Iw Georye Nvilkes, dam by Daniel Lambert. J. Forbes, Berea, O., Sept. 2, 1880, $ . Empress 1, Lulu K.. I'ound's b g. No time. Sharon, I'a., Oct. 1. 1s8o. .«200. Maud B., Susie Powers, Expectation, 2:39'i, 2:42'^, 2:42>4. 1). -Muckle. Canton. ().. Sei)t. 1, 1X82, $250. Nora Temple 1, 3 (4,0), Ladv Lakin (3 dis), Daybreak (1 di.s) 2:;5S, 2:47. 2:^9. 2:44, 2:42. 2:40'.. " . v / K. L. JIcLarin, Wheeling, W. \i\., Sept. 14, 1882, $400. Brownwood, Sneak, 2::n^4. 2::«='4, 2:.35. H. K. Lamb, Lebanon, Pa., Oct. 11, 1883, $500. Ike Medium 3, Blackwood Belle, Sister, 2:33'^, 2-.34?i 2:34 '.1,2:31'.,. Bush {-i :58), Niagara Co., N. Y., Oct. — , 1869. $ . Ashford 1, Carmen, Townsend, Cornell, 2 :.W, 3:00. 2:58. 3:02. Bush Boy, b g (2 :42'i), E. W. Twichell, Palmer, Mass., Sept. 2, 1874, $1.^. Sam Richards 4, Jenny, Wonder, Charley M., C. B. and Q.Charley (5 dis). Lady Wilcox 1 (3 dis), Galway Boy (3 dis), 2:52, 2:56, 2:54, 2:46. 2:50. Washburn & Vaughn, Sturbridge, Mass., Sept. 11, 1874, $100. Prince, Prince John, Mizpah, Joe Smith, Wonder, 2:.'>0. 2:52. 2:52. K. \V. Twiclicll, Brookfield, Mass.. June 17. 1875, Sioo. Nelly, Charley, 2 55. 2:.5r), 2:59. St'i)t. II, 1875. .Sl.W. Nelly 3, 4, Live Oak, 2:54, 2:5U^. 2:52, 2:05, 2:55. Bushwhacker, b s {'i :3054), hv Joe Hooker, dam by Jupiter (,?). J. A. Farren. Lexington, Ky., June 20, 1878, $5(M). Grace (ioodnian 1, Cleveland, Pompey (4 dr), tanny (,4 dr) Lulu Moore (2 dis), John Olay (2 dis), Belle of Long Island (l dis), 2:31, 2:29'., 2:30, 2:31. Richmond, Kv., Aug. 16, 1878, .$ . Bedford, Lucv Fleming (1 dis), 3:12. 3:13, 3:16. • Petersburgh, Ind., Sejit. 2, 1878, $ . Rosa Lee 2, Boli Lee. Classford, 2:42. 2:38'.,, 2:44, 2:42>4. ■ Princeton, Ind., Sept. 18, 1878, $- — . Rosa Lee l. (ilassford. Bavwood, 2:53, 2:44, 2:42, 2:42>4. ■ .Mt. Carniel. 111., Sept. 25, 1878, $17.5. Rosa Lee (l. 0), Glasslord, 2:46 2:42. 2:44'^. Bushy Bill, b g (3 :48), Ed. Brown, Earlville, 111., Oct. 14, 1870, $ . Belle 1, American Boy, Lady Douglass, Boy Tom, 2:50, 2:48, 2:53, 2:51. Business, br g (2 :44i2), F. Williams, Nashville, Tenn., May 28, 1872, $ . Flora Spears 2, 3:00, 2:511^, 2:46'/4, 2:49?i. • Aug. 22, 1872. .$300. Lagonier, 2:44V2, 2:49, 2:45l^, 2:46. Business, b g (2:38), by Gossip Jones. W. P. Maxwell, Pittsburgh.Pa., Oct. 15 and 16, 1S79, $700. Champion Girl 2, Daniel the Prophet 1, Sleepy Tom, Fanny, Hambletonian Bashaw, Duster (5 dr), Billy Yeazell (5 dr), Jim Schriber (5 dr), 2:33'/2, 2:31!^, 2:30'2, 2:32i.i, 2:34. Washington, D. C, Nov. 4, 1879, $800. Lyman 1, Belle Oakley, Harry, May, Farmer Boy, Kanawha, Phil Dougherty, H. C. Hill, 2:33, 2 :31, 2:29, 2:29. Busy Bee, b m (3 :00), H. Bull, Jr.. Newport, R. L, Oct. 10, 1882, $80. Fashion 2, 4, Redwood, 3:05, 3:11, 3K)6, 3 :07, 3 :00. Five-year-olds and under. ■ Sept. 13, 1883, $100. Charley Thorn. Messenger Boy, 3:12. 3:01i4, 3:05. Five-vear-olds. Busy Boy, bs (2:47), A. M.Brown, Topshani. Me.. Oct. 14.1880,$ . Nemo Knox, 3:08, 3:10,3:15. Stallions. Oct. 11. 1882, .$20. Billy Patchen. Topsham Bov. 2 :.53, 2 :.50, 2 :47. Butcher Bill, gr g (2 :38). W. Wahl, New Albany, hid., Oct. 12. 186,5, $100. Trueblood's Roan. 2:38. Butcher Boy, b g (2 :47), C. Chamberlain, Wilkesbarre, Pa., July 16, 18.59, $100. Belle of Allentown (1 0), 2:69, 2:56, 2:56. Geo. Nugent, Philadelphia, Pa., July 25, I8(i0, $ioo. Emperor 3, 2:47, 2:49, 2:52'i, 2:5i;i. (w), Aug. 2, 1860, $75. Ed Forrest, 2:.'i2. 2:48'2, 2:.51. Butcher Boy, bg(2:41>^), J. H. Martin, Hartford, Conn., Aug. 21, 1863, $100. Leu Rogers, 2:47J4, 2:48H, 2:41'/j. Butcher Boy, b s (2 :54), D. W. Woodmansee, Urbana, O., Aug. 3, 1865, $150. Dolly 4, Lucy (2 dis), Pet(l dis), 2:.59 2 '.54 2*54 Butcher Boy.'gr g (2 :51), .John Duff, Louisville, Ky., Aug. 14. 1866. $100. Uncle Jeff, 2:52?4, 2:.53, 2:51. Butcher Boy, blk g (2 ■AO'^a), hv Vermont Hero, dam bv Black Hawk (?). Jas. Furuey, Monroeville, O., Oct. 16, 18(«, $.50. Pretty Boy l, Abbv Palmer. R;iv l-'rank (1 dis). 2:439i, 2:43Ji, 2:4554. Oct. 17, 1866, $100". Pretty Bov 2, ('li;iiiiiiioii Maid, 2:40^. 2:3si^, 2:40'i. Oct. 18, 1806, $100. .Toe Hooker, Boniiv P.cllc (1 dis), 2:47, 2:42, 2:46. Butcher Boy, ch s (2 :50), W. Boles. Des Moines. la.. Aug. 10, 1867. $200. Lady Wessel, 2:50, 2:51, 2:54. Butcher Boy, br g (2:47), W. G. Briggs, Providence, R. L. Sept. 4, 1867, $1.50. Blondell 2, Maggie Mitchell (4dr), Dixie (1 dis), 2:48'4, 2:43,2:47, 2:47'i. ^ , .,^, ^, , ^ „,, , ., „ ,^ Butcher Boy, b g (2 :36), Mr. Jacobs, Portland, Me., June 14, 1869, $ . Little Ned, Gray Eddy, 2:41, 2:40, H. Rogers, Providence, R. L, Oct. 5. 1869. .$.500. Ogle's b g, Nelly (2 dis), 2:36, 2:36. 2:3914. Butcher Boy, (2 :57), Oakland, Cal., Julv 8, 1871, .$ . Boy Billy. Buckskin, 3:03, 2:.57, 3:04U. ,„ ^. , Butcher Boy, ch g (2 :.38), Sam Green, C'incinnati. O., July 30, 1872. $350, Dolly V arden 1, Joe, Tom (2 dis), 2:41'.i,2:.38, 2:40, 2:41M. G. W. Savory, Des Moines, la., Sept. 6. 1872. .$1.50. Hickory Tom, 2:51. 2 :,52V^. 2 :.'U „, ^ . -^ liutcher Boy, b g (2:36»4'). D. H. Hughes. Davton, O., Sept. .30. 1874, $.500. Jeremiah 3, Lady McFiitridge, Rattler (2 dis), Frank Davis (2 dis). Dock (2 dis), 2:38, 2:39)^, 2:37^4. 2:36-:'4. Butcher Boy, rn g (3 :00), Chas. Calder, Cedar Rapids, la., Oct, 13, 1874, $100. Belle Mahoiie, Polly Hopkins Butcher Bov, (Little Fred), ch g (2 :34). bv Champion. E. J. Burton, Buffalo, N. Y.. Sept. 11, 1875, $200. CliampagiieCharlev3,3:01'4,2:.57, 3:0.5, 2:.5fi. , . , ,- ^, r^ • .. ., ,^ , . C. T. Backus, EIrnira, N. Y„ June 16 and 17, is76. .$409. Coin .5, Ix)ttie K.. Charmer, Erie 2. 3, (5 dr), Lottie{5(lr), NellieG.(3dr),Sir Henry(3dr).2:.'?7,2:41.2:.-?7'i, 2:421^,2:43,2.40,2:42. ,, „, , ^^ Syracuse, N. Y., .Tune 20, 1876, .$400. Charmer 1. W. H. Arnold. \\ arren, Carrie B.., John Holmes, Jr., (4 dr), Corrallin (4 dr). Honest Bob (4 dr). Maggie Mitchell (4 dis\ Whirlwind (2 dis),2:;!8, 2:37. 2:40, 2:38'.4. Fle<'lwood Park. N. Y., .Tune 26, 1876, S.-iOO. Dolly Dot 2, Katy Hughes, Billy, Leo (3 dis). Whisper (3 dr), But, 3:10, 3:12;4, 3:13i4. Mr, Fowler. Sarnia, Ont.. May 24, 1883, $ . Chestnut Sam, No time. Butcher Boy, b g (3:04), D. Boyd, Le Koy, N. Y., Oct. 19, 1881, $ . Eureka 1, Locket, Crazy Ned, 3:04, 3 '08 3 *08 Butcher Boy, chg(^3:47), by Hotspur Jr., dam by Llghtfoot. Barnes and Hall, ,Sandusky, O., Sept. 23, 1881, S24, Frank H., Black Bess (2 dis), 4:18, 3:47. Two-year-olds. Butcher Girl, eh ni (3 :45), S. White, Boston, Mass., Aug. 18, 1852, .$ . Victorino 1,"2:45, 2:47, 2:45, 2:48. Butcher Girl, b m (3 :46), F. Lounds, Fleetwood Park. N. Y., Sept. 25, 1871, $500, Vinegar Bitters, 3:16, 3:08 3:03, 3:10,. P. Hayden, June 14, 1872, $500. Ladv Lovell-2, 3, 2:56'4, 3:10. 3:10'/4, 3:05, 3:06!4. (w), F'. Ixiunds. June 18 and 19, 187-', S400. Lady Lovell (w), 2, 4 (5 0), 2:51. 2:57, 2:5814, 2:57i^, 2:57, 3:01. Aug. 7, 1874, $100. Alexis, Colonel, Bayside, Peeunious, Gertrude, 2:48^2, 2:46, 2:47. Same day, $400. Miss Drew, Billy Button, 3:04, 3:02, 3:00, (w), Dee. 3. 1874, .f300. Pet 1, 5 (4 0), 3:lli4, 3:07. 3:lli4, 3:0414, 3:05, 3:07Ji. (w), June 29, 1875, $100. Lively Kate, 3:06%, 3:02, 3:03'/2. Butcher Girl, blk m (3:39). R. Lautz, Warwick. N. Y., Aug. 1.5. 1876, $300. Newbridge Girl 2, Bismarck, Fritz, Flora. Lady F., Gen. Hayes. Maggie Many, Carrie H. (3 dr), 2;40, 2:42. 2:39, 2:40. Butcher Jim, br g (3 :40). Mr. Mcintosh, St. Paul, Minn., Aug. 25, 1883, $50. Kitty S. 1, Mattie B., Sorrel Dan, 2:42';,, 2:40, 2:41. Butcher Lass (s) (3 :44 s). Wm. Whelan, St. Louis, Mo., June 2,5, 1842. $100. Dread, 2 :44, 2:45. Butter Ball, gr m (2 :44). E. J. Lawrence, Skowhegan, Me., Aug. 20, 1870, $55. Col. Mitchell 1, .3, Kitty Wild, Sorrel Frau (1 dis). No time. C H. Jones, Portland, Me., Oct. 5, 1871, $175. Bull of the Woods 2, 3. Phil Sheridan l. 4, Kitty Wild, 2■Al}^, 2-A3\, 2:46, 2:45, 2:44U,. L>:45, 2:46. Battercu4>, b m (3 :00). J. S. ^poone, Marshfield, Mass,, Sept. 14, 1882, .$18. Ben Bartlett, Athlete, 3:04, 3:00. 3:05. Butterfly, gr m (3 :41). W. McMahon, Fashion Course, L. I., Sept. 12, 1868, $300. Jimmy O'Brien 1, Ogle's blk m(4 dr), 2:45H, 2:45, 2:44, 2:47. Prospect Park, L. I., July 8, 1872, $600. Clambake, Newsboy 1 (4 dr), 2 :56i/2, 2 :50i/2, 2 :58?4. 2:,'-)8. July 17,1872, $300. Nelly], 2 (4 0),2:44i^, 2:43i.i, 2:45U, 2:47)^, 2:52, 2:51. Hall's Track, L. I., Aug. 2. 1872, $1,000. No Name. Lillie, Bay George, Lady Wheeler, 2:43'2, 2:46, 2:47. ■ Aug. 6, 1872, $100. Plimpton 4 (l o), Joe Morgan, Fanny Osborn (5 dr), 2:41^4, 2:41}4, 2:48'2, 2:51, 2:48. Aug. 12, 1872, .$400. Plimpton 1 (3 dr ), 2 :41, 2 :49. Butterfly, b m (3:31i4), by Young Jim, dam Fancy, by George Wilkes. J. H. Adams, Lexington, Ky., Aug. 31, 1881, $ , Jeptha B., Velmar, 3:37i4, 3:30. Two-year-olds. W. L. Simmons, Cynthiana, Kv., Aug. 22. 1882, $300. Sandford Keith 2, 3, Wick, Michael (3 dis), Lena (3 dis), .Jim Hill (3 dis), Nannie Talbot (3 dr). Fulcrum (2 dr), 2:38i4, 2:33 2:329£. 2:31V4, 2-A\%. Buttonvpood, br g (3:43). P. C. Eckroth, Wilkesbarre, Pa., June 4, 1874, $200. Granger, Admiral (2 dis), Harry (2 dis), 2:47. 2:42, 2:46. Aiig. 26, 1875, $ . Dick, 2:43, 2:42, 2:48. Buzz, b g (3:331^). by Morgan Horse. H. Woodruff, Centreville, N. Y., Oct. 22, 1855, $2,000. Lantern 1, 2, 2:32,2:36,2:39,2:38.2:3414. Buzz, b g (3:3812), by Toronto Chief, dam Lady Fulton, by Stubtall. R. P. White, Watertown, N. Y., June 26, 1872, .$250. Jack Hart, Fanny Waite, Flying Charley, Lady Woodward, 2:41, 2:43, 2:45. Potsdam, N. Y., Sept. 25, 1872, $75. Nelly Thorne, 2:59, 2:56, 2:56. Four-year-olds. Watertown, N. Y., Oct. 8, 1873, .$500. Miclland, Lady Dexter, Central New York, 2:34, 2:36, 2:35. Buzz, bg (3:41Ji), by Robert Bonner, dam Sister Hone, by Flying Cloud. C. H. Chase, Providence, R. I., Nov. 5. 1878, .$.50. John Howard, King Bird. Edith, Black Crow, 2:51, 2:50, 2:50?4. • B. Dennis, Sept. 11, 1879. $150. Hampshire Boy, Tommy Lee, Ben, Agnes S., Nelly Burke, Peerless, Hector, Robert Emmett (3 dr), 2:43, 2:4l9.i:, 2-A2U. — • Woonsoeket, R. I.. Sept. 16 and 17, 1879, $120. Woodchuck 1, 2 , Tommy Lee, Josephine, Just Out, Nelly Burke, Dolly, Mustang (4 dis). Lida E. (3 dr), Harry (1 dis), Faber (1 dis), 2 :44, 2 :43, 2 :44, 2:45, 2:43. Buzz Medium, br m (3:30'4), by Happy Medium, dam by Nonpariel. Robert Steel, Ambler Park, I'a., Sept. 21, 1880, $200. Early Rose 2, Ella May. King Cetawayo, Doble Jr. (4 dis). Climax (4 dis), Grecian Maid 1 (3 dis), Brown Billy (3 dr), 2:38i^, 2:42i4. 2:45, 2:37)^, 2:40i2. Dover, Del., Oct. 1, 1880, $300. Clara Morgan, Early Rose, 2:43, 2:42, 2:39. ■ New Hunting Park, Phil., May 5, 1881, $200. Billy K., Lancewood, Harry Velox. 2:3214, 2:31, 2:33}^. Suffolk Park, Phil.. May 11. 1881, $400.. Pilgrim, Mattie Graham, Ingomar, Harry Velox, Alice Medium, Modoc (3 dis). Fringe (3 dis), Lancewood (3 dr). Gift Jr. (1 dis), 2 :28i4, 2 :23i2, 2:26U. Point Breeze Park, Phil.. Mav 21. 1881, $400. Modoc, Harry Velox, Alice Medium, Harry Arlington, Pilgrim, Ingomar, 2:2914, 2:31, 2:31, 2:31. • Belmont Park, Phil., May 25, 1881, .$400. Harry Velox. Ingomar, Modoc, Kismet, Pilgrim, Alice Medium, Harry Arlington (3 dr), 2:263i, 2:27, 2:24%. Beacon Park, Boston, Sept. 14, 1881, $1,000. Helene, Robert Lee, J. P. Morris, Galatea, Abdallah Boy, Golden Girl, Wild Lilly (1 dis), 2:24%, 2:2312, 2:2414 Point Breeze Park, Phil., May 19, 1882, $700. Great Eastern 1, Alexander, Daisydale,' 2:29J4, 2:24%, 2:2.5!4, 2:27. ■ Pittsburg, Pa., Jidy 11, 1882, $2,000. Unolala, Mattie Graham. Abdallah Boy, Jewett, Bliss, 2:20?4, 2:20ii, 2 :22. Belmont Park, Phil., May 22, 1883, .$500. Brandy Boy 1, Capt. Emmons, Naiad Queen, 2:23, 2:23%, 2:22%, 2:26. Albany, N. Y., July 4, 1883, $1,000. Josephus 3, Capt. Emmons, 2 :22, 2 :23, 2 :26, 2 :25i4. Byron, ch g (3:46), H. Jones, Chicago, 111., Sept. 2, 1845, $100. State Plug, Empire, French, W. Rice, 2:47, 2:50 2:48 2:.50 2:46. Byron '(3:39),' Gen! Dunham, Saratoga Spa, N. Y., Sept. 15, 1845, $30. Lackawana 1, Rough and Ready (2 dr), 2 :,38 2 :40 2 *,39. Byro'ii,' eh g (3':43%), B. Steve, Fashion Course, L. I., Sept. 3, 1866, $300, Frank Tarbell 3, Jenny Lind, 2:46, 2-43'4: 2:44, 2:52. Byron, ch s (3:351^), by Royal George, dam the O'Brien mare. John S. Stevenson, Buffalo, N. Y., June 29, 1807, .$300. (ien. Love, 2 :47, 2:42. 2 :39"». Troy, N. Y.,.Oct. 29,1868, $700. Prince, Western New York, Charmer, Charlotte Temple, 2:37.2:40%. 2:40. ■ ^ Oct. 30, 1868, ,$600. Western New York, Prince, Charlotte Temple, Washington Irving, Charmer, Ben Wood, John Doyle, Bones (1 dis), 2:37, 2:39>i, 2:40. Frank Perew', Buffalo, N, Y., June 18, 1869, $300. R. Hilliard. 2:30!^, 2:36i4, 2:34^. Wm. Brown, Titusville, Pa., June 3, 1870, ,$600. Clara, Hope (3 dis), R. Hilliard (1 dis), 2:30, 2:44, 2:37. Auburn, N. Y.,~ June 16, 1870, $1,000. Mack, Kit, 2 :30, 2 :31, 2:30i^. 102 CHKSTEKS COMIM-ETK TliOTriNG AND lAflNti lllXOKD. Geo. R. Logan, Freiloiiia, N. Y.,June 3,1871, $300. Black Miic'k 2, 3, (10;, Cattaraugus Chii-f, 2:JG»», 2:31%, 2:29, 2:29'^, 2:3C, ■-':.«:. Titusville, I'u., June 8, 1871, $800. Matthew Smith 1, Cat taraufius Chief, Clara, Lady Garneld (2 dis), 2 :33'/i, 2 :.!•->' » , 2 :33y,. 2 :32^.i . Cleveland, O.. June 23, 1871, $1,000 Mat Smith 3, Morrissev, Annie Watson, John R. Fero, 2:a5's, 2:3254 j2:3.'>. Hamilton, Ont., July 1, 1871, $800. Ladv Hamilton, Capt. Tom (2 dis), 2:3.';%i. 2:3.">. 2:3(!'/i Ixjckiiort. N. Y., July C. 1^71, $260. Ceii. Love, Albatross (2 dis), 2::$4"2, 2:3.1^4, 2:33!2. Bnllalo. N. Y., July29, 1S71, $100. Molly (1 0). Ed. Foster, Indejiendenee, Albatross, Sapidio. 2:31^. 2:29'» 2'28'*4 2:31*4. '■ Sharon. i*a.. Sept. 22. 1871, $100. Captain .'!, 2:40'2, 2:40, 2:37?4. Sepr,. 23. IKTI. $.«Ki. Captain, Sally. Pictatur. (Irav .lohn. 2::ir>, 2:37. 2:38;/2. Zanesvlllc. ()., Oct. 19, 1S71. $5(K). Indcpciidtiiee 3, Frank Mason,l)rift, 2:41'/., 2:42, 2:38, 2:46. Canal Dover, ()., Nov. 19. 1871, $300. Independence, Dictator. Annie Collins (1 dis), 2:341^, 2:3«!, 2:33H. A. C. Lewis. Toronto. Ont., Sept. 10. lw72, .?500. Derby, J. Ellis. Hornet, 2:34'2, 2:.34i4.2:345>i- Sandusky, O., Sept. 27, 1H72. $.500. Mohawk Jr. 2, 2:27?^, 2:26?^, 2:28. (ireenville. Pa.. Oct. r,. 1872, .$«00. Gentle Annie. 2;42Vi, '2:X>\i. 2:31'4. Nashvdle, Tenn., Oct. 8. 1872, $1,000. Hickory Jack. Jessie, 2::«?i. 2:.38'4, 2:29. Mcnii)his. Tenn., Oct. 25. 1872, .$400. Hickory J;ick, I'iit Kinfr. Bob Hunter, Wagoner, 2:;»4"',i. 2:36. Louisville, Ky.. July 20, 1S74, $,'500. Cray Harry (pacer) 1. 2, (3 dis), 2:29. 2:36, — (Jeo. Linderberger, Harrodsburgh, Ky., July 9, 187.'5, $3.50. Ed. Wilder, Gum Ball, Harrodsburgh Boy, Little Nell. 2 :30, 2 :.32, 2 :30. (ieorgetown, Ky., Aug. 20, 1H75. $250. Lady Munroe 3, Doble, Wait a Bit (4 dis), 2:30'4, 2:31 '/j, 2:32'/,, 2'34'i. ^ Lexington, Ky., Sept. 30, 1875, $400. Mambrino Boy 3, Mambrino Pilot Jr. (1 dis), 2:a'>^, 2:30*4, 2:.3m, 2:.32. Stallions. Lonisville. Ky., , 1876, ^rtOO. Josephine 1. 2, Wild wind (3 dr), 2:32, 2:.32'/., 2:31, 2:.31i4. 2:3t; W. ,1. Neelv.'Earlville, 111.. Aug. 21, 1877, Prize medid. Ainboy 3, 2:a5'/2, 2:40'4, 2:42, 2:39"2. Stallions. Byron Chief, ljrg(3:39), ('has. Leonard, Batavia, N. Y", Sept. 17, 1868, $4.5. Brown Ned 1, White Legs, Indian Mare, 2:.51i'2. 2:5,5, 2:50, 2:48. Wm. S. McLaughlin, Lansing, Mich., Aug. 23, 1870, $ . Molly 1, Onward, Molly Mack, LadyVoorhees, George Lawton (4 dr), Is'elly Wilkes (2 dis). Lady Davis (1 dis), Frank Daniels (1 dis), 2:46'^, 2:43^.,, 2-A>^^, 2-AW. Aug. 24, 1870,$ . Molly 3. Lady Clifford (2 dis), 2:4:!'.,, 2:4(i, 2:38J.«, 2:39. Byron Cole, blkg (2:40), by Phil Sheridan, dam a thoroughbred mare. T. Wood, Detroit, Mich. June 27. 1883, $100. Seui T. Bain, J. O. B., George H., Topsy, Billy Barker, 2 :46J4, 2 :42}4, 2 :40. CHESTEKS COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 105 Da, br m f3 :54). Quebec, P. Q., Oct 7, 18fi8, $40. Tongier's gr m 1, Purant's b m, 3:02, 2:57, 3:00, 2:54. y,\vh 111(2:57 3-5). Lyiin, Mass., Aug. 25, 1857, $400. Frank, 14 :.58. Five miles. „,,-.. ^ „ K br " c^-SS) .John Kowell, Dayton, O., Sept. 30, 1875, .f400. Frank Davis 3, London Belle, Nettie C. Cacona, Caddy, Cadiz, — Cmciniiatr.' o'ocuV/wi'), 81,200. Dream 3, 4. Alberta, J. L. Keck, Empire (3 disi. Little Boy (3 (lis), CadmiVnv) bili g\3't45k^\T),*b. W. Dimmiek, Chicago, 111., June 5, 1865, $100. Honest Charley (w), 2:47, Ca-\ C. O. Stone (4 dr). 2:4l""2. 2:41, 2:40, 3:00. • Mystic Park, Boston. July 4, 1877, .$50. Jenny 1, Lady Tip (4 dis), 2:49. 2:.o0,2:45, 2:.51V2. Aiig. 23, 1377, $.50. .John Mills 3, Jim Fisk, 2:45, 2:.51, 2:43, 2:4.5. ^. , o, ^^ „ ,• ^ Caesar, rn g ^3:30). .1. A. :SIurrav, Butte City, M. T., Oct. 13, 1878, $ . Dexter 1. (2 dis), Sly lox (1 dis), Nig(l dis). Gray Eagle (1 dis). .3:58'.i, 3:30. __ -Hi' jiuie 30, 1877, $150 Billy Walker 3, Lilly White 2, Patchen Girl, Blue Mountain, 2:36^. 2:36, 2:.36, 2:37'/j, I^",iulv 14, 1S77, .$2.50. Skv Lark 1, 2:51, 2:41, 2:40^, 2:43. Aug. 1, 1877, $100. Yaslvtl 2, 3, James Chambers (4 dis^ J^otime. , ,„ ,. x x> ,, a- ^ Stockton, C;il., Sept. 26, 18V7, $500. Granger, Dutchman (3 dis), George W. Loud (2 dis\ Reno (1 dis), *-* '34 2 •3.514 *■* '36^4 1: San Francisco, "oaU March 16, 1878, $ . Doty, Lon Whipple, Sweelbrier, 2:2914' 2:29, 2:291^. Sacramento, Cal., .June 10, 1878. .$.500. Dotv, Sweetbner, Dingo, Mary Davis (1 dis), , 2:28i.i, 2:29. San Francisco, Gal., July 4, 1878, $ . Lou Whipple 1, (2 01, Brushy John, 2:31>2, 2:284, 2:30ii, 2:29, I'jnaughes, Sacramento, Cal.. Sept. 16, 1882, $600. Honesty 4, Del Sur 1, Ashley, Tump Winston, 2:2514, 2:26';C, 2:281.1. 2:26'4, 2:27. 2 '39 '^ •40'/i 2 '43 Calaiuity. grg (2:45), H.H. Harris, Springfield, Mass., Oct. 30, 1865, .$ . Wliite Leg 3, Josy B.,3:00, 2:56, 2:56, 2:-52. Oct. 7, 1868, .$200. Buckskin 3. Robinson's br m (4 dr), 2:4.5, 2:47?i. 2:43, 2:45'j. Sprimjfteki, Mass..Oct,4. 1S71..$60. White Bird (vv). Lady Gin,Robm.2:.51 4, 2:.52,2:.50V|. Calamity b g (3 issi^), E. H. Boynton. Haverhill, l^Iass., Sept. 5 1S7S, $100. Lady Britchet. 2:5.5^. 2:5<, 2:5b. Calamity, br in (2 :r,2"j). F. W. Boice, Leadville, Col., July 27, 1882, .$300. Estella, Toothpick, Lady Gray, 2:55, Calamity ,Vg (2:5914), S. Drakely, Beloit, Kan.. Sept. 14, 1882. $100, latan, George S., JoeD., 2:5914, 2:.59Ji, Calamus, b m (2 :24i4), by Swigert, dam Merrimac, by Richard's Bellfouiuler. C. C Nelson, Prophetstown, 111., Aug. 0, 1879, $200. ■ Lena 1, Melvina, Bobby Newcomb, Western Belle, Kirkwood, .Jr. Huron Boy, -^miWo'^^'^Ia '^Sept!) 1879,$600.' 'Fairmont 1, 2, Little Hannah, Hambletonian Bashaw. Fanny Fem, Kitty Pease (;^ dr), David H. (1 dis), 2:31'/,. 2:31, 2:33, 2:33, 2:34. 104 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. - — Cedar Rapids, la., Sept. 17, 1879. SGOO. Hamblctouiun Bashaw, Fanny Fern, Prince Orloff (1 dis), 2:34^, 2:35;ti,2:34'.,. BusliMull, Iiid., Sept. 25, 1879, $200. Centella, George Skipper, 2:37, 2:.J4, 2:40Hj. H. B. Eldridge, Minneapolis, Minn., Sept. 8, 18«0, §750. 1> ranl< Fislt, Busine.ss, .1. W. Thomas, 2:27, 2:25'4, 2:24'4. Chicago. Ill , Sept. 15. 1880, $7C0. Mary Miller, .1. \V. Thomas, lleadliglit (2 dis), Com. Sweetser (1 dis), Cincinnati Boy, Lady Thorn, Centella, Mary Miller, Headlight (2 dr). — Chicago. 111., Sept. 15. istso, !ftm. 2:27iii,2:27:'4,^:29i4. — St. Louis. Mo., Sept. 28, 1880, $800 2:27iii, 2:30, 2:29 Caldwell (,vv), b s ('^ :57\v), Philadelj)hia, Pa., May 7, 1874. $ . Lady Waters (\v>, 2:57. Cnldu-ell'is Itay Stallion ('-J :3«), \V m. Caldw ell, Cornwall, N. Y., Sept. 8, 1873, $ . Thompson's br s, 2 :36, 2:36. 2 :3(;. Caleb Mitfhell (w), br g (3 :43Jiw), .Jas. Ward, Washington, 1). C, Nov. 29, 18W, $400. Keyport (\v), 3, 2:4C, 2:4.'-|»4, 2:49, 2:435si. CultMlonia Chief, ch s (3 -.^OVi), by Howes' Koval Ccorgc. (him .lule by Eclipse. Thos. Brown, Hamilton, Ont.. ,liiiie20, 1871, $300. Butcher s Maid 2, Koval Uiv.iigf, (^UKidian Girl, Sam (3 dis), 2:42».i, 2:45'.,. 2:40, 2:45V4, (Juelph, Ont., Sept. — , 1871, $1,000. Toronto (ilil J, Arthur Boy,Surety, Lady Calvert (3dr),(2:57J4, 2:37Vii, 2::J4i4, 2:3t>. Caledonia Chief Jr b s (3 :35). by Caledonia Chief, dam by Royal George. Buifalo, N. Y., June 12, 1873, $3,000. Little Angus 2, 2:34?i, :i:37'/i, 2:38'2, 2:41',i. Homer, Ont., July 21, 1875, $ . Dominion Boy 3, Quaker Boy (4 dr), 2:30%, 2:29'/j, 2:30k, 2.30. Medina, X Y., Sept. 4, 187.0, $400. Cattaraugus Chief, Billv I'avor, 2:;«), 2:35, 2:;«. W. IL Barnes, Petrolia, Out., .Funel3, 1882, $— . Lady McGregor 3. Tom Sheridan 2:37'2, 2 :37>4. 2:35, 2:3.5. 1). NV. Wliitlirop, Lansnig, Midi., May 30 and 31. 1883. .$40o. Mollv Middleton 2, 4, Nellv Mav. Mary C., Walter Jones, Boyd P., Wm. S., (3 dis;, 2:3714, 2:;i5. 2:40';., 2:37?4. 2:38^. Callioun, cli g c-i ::$«), L. (i. Butler, Sacramento, Cal., March 11, 18Ci5, $500. Hendrickson's b s (w;, 2, 4. 2.39^4, 2:3!), 2:37, 2:37'-i, 2:41. Air. White, (iolden Gate, Cal. Aug.l, 1869, $.50. Jersev Maid, 2:5C. 2:50, 2:,57. .Sacramento, Cal.. Sept. 10, 1869, $106. Plumas 4, Honest Anse 1 (3 dis), 2:4514. 2:44. 2:40%, 2:40%, 2:44. San Francisco, Cal., Nov. 24, 1809, .$100. Princess 2. 3, Hiram Woodruff (3 dis). 2:41, 2:40»4. 2:42, 2 ::»'/,. Califo Jane, ru m (3 :i"»9H), S. B. GoiKlrich, Bradford, Pa., Sept. 6. 1883. $100. Evansburg. 2:5914, 2:5914. Calieo Maid, rn m (3 :39'/2), K. Ueatchell, Baltimore, Md., June 14, 1883, $300. Billy Beck, Blue Wing. 2:40%, 2:43%, 2:43. • July 12, 1883, $20. 2:39J^. To beat 2:40. California, b m (3:53 5-12), W. M. McKelvey, Cincinnati, O., May 12, 18.5.3. .?4.000. Shavetail (1 dis), 8:37^, Tliree miles. California Chief, rn g (3 :43), Mr. Robare, Omaha, Neb., Sept. 11, 1869, $75. Blind Billy, Jack Morrow, 2 :42H, 2 :47, 2 :43. California Damsel (Columbia) ch m (3 :34' i), by the Eossman Horse. John Crooks. San Francisco. Cal., Sept. 17, lHt;i. $.'i00. Red Bird 2, 2:41, 2:44, 2:35, 2:38. San Jose, Cal., Sept. 28, 1861, $300. Red Bird. 2:36V4, 2:36, 2:34. Fashion Course, L. I., Sept. 16, 1863, $250. I'rince 4 (3 0), Rattlesnake (2 dr), 2:26, 2:28%, 2:24^, 2:2854. Unfinished. (w), Sei)t. 17, 1863, $ . Lady Suffolk (2 dr), 2:43%. Philadelphia, Pa., Oct. 14, 1863, .f.^jOO. Gen. Butler, Kevstone (3 dr), 2:27i/4, 2:28i4, 2:35. (w). Oct. 18. 1.56.3, $300. Gen. Butler 2, 2:30, 2:30. 2:31, 2:31. California Dexter, b g (3:37), by Volunteer. B. Rice, San Francisco, Cal., Dec. 16, 1869, $200. Hiram Woodruff, Onward, Princess, Dick Gough (1 dis), 5:19. 5:21i/'. Two miles. Aug. 19, 1870, .$800. Blackbird 1, Alex. Benhani (2 dis), 5:13, 5:14;-2, 5:151i. Two miles. Aug. 27, 1870, .$4.50. Regulator, Shoo Fly, 5:12'i, 5:12%. Two miles. S. C. Rowley, Sacramento, Cal., Sept. 16, 1870, $800. Jerome, Regulator (2 dis). Venture (1 dis), 5:06V», 5:0814. Two miles. Sept. 17, 1870, .$800. Alexander 2, May Flv (1 dis), 2:3.5, 2:37'2, 2:32i4, 2:36'i. San Francisco, Cal., Oct. 15, 1870, $500. Venture, Bla:k Knight. Alex. Benhani (1 dis), 8:1014, 8:29. Three miles. B. Rice, Sacramento, Cal., Julyl, 1873. $750. Black Swan, Mary Davis, Regulator (3 dis). May Flower (1 dis) 2:29 2:27 2:27''^. .1! B. 'McDonakirSan Francisco, Cal., Julv 26, 1873. .•? . May Howard 3, 4, Black Swan, .leronie (3 dis), 2:;i4. 2:,32i4, 2:331/2.2:36, 2:371/2. T. McClellan, San Jose, Cal., April 22. 1874, .$400. Ella Lewis 1, 4 (3 0\ A'auglian (3 0>, (4dr), 2:30>^, 2:30, — -, 2 : 32% , 2 : 29>/j , . California Joe, br g (3 :19 5-12). W. Gates, Jersey City, N. J., Nov. 6, 1883. $200. Pilgrim, 9:,58'4. Three- mill; dash. California IVIaid, gr m (3:46'), bv Hamilton Chief. J. Sessions, Sacramento. Cal., Sejit. 9. 1869. $2.50. Stock- ton Maid, Onward, 2:.59'4, 2:.50i^. Three-vear-olds. San I'liiiicisco, Cal., Sept. 24, 1809. $l.(;,50. Lady Clara (1 dis), Fanny (1 dis), 2:46. Three-year-olds. (wi, S;icraincnto.Cal., May 2.3, 1870. .$2,50. Faniiv 3, 2:54'4. 2:51, 2:49'.2, 2:49>^. Fonr-year-olds. San Franci.sco, Cal., .June'.W, 1870, .$2.50. Onward. 2:51'2. 2:48%. 2:48. Four-year-olds. Julv6, 1870, $2.50. Onward, 2:5114.2:48%, 2:48. Four-year-olds Callahan's .Maid (Chicago Maid), ch m (3 :3.'i). by Revenge, dam Illinois Maid, by Black Donald. Budd Doble. Chicago, 111., Sept. 21, 1878, $ . Bodine, Roofer Jr., Little Hannah. Huiider. Rattler. 2:25, 2:26, 2*2.5^1 Oct. 9, 1878, $1,000. Oceana Chief 1, Edwin B.. Marian H., Frank Hull. Piedmont. .Mat Kirkwood. Carrie K., Lady Ellis, Lady McFatridge. Frank. Roval Chief, 2:28, 2:27, 2:27, 2:26. Oct. II. 1878. $1,. 500. G.T. Pilot 1. Nelia. Gray Salem, Monarch Rule, Lady Mv-Fatridgi-, Dakota Maid, Envov. Schuvler, Herod, 2:24,2.2.5, 2:26, 2:251^. Callie Koberson. Brownsville, Mo., Aug. 20, 1879. $ . Allie B., Silver Heel. John K., Bob, Kiiima. 1 :;{7, 1 :.30'4. Twovcar-olds. <'Hlniar. bg(a:33), bv Bourbon Chief, dam bv M.irch's Bolivar. S. Clark, Rittersville. Pa.. Sei>l. 12, 1876, .$200. Alexander. Ottumwa. Charley. St. (Miarles, Billv Thompson (3 dr). 2:.50%, 2:.50i^, 2:54. Sept. l.i, 1876, $200. Colonel. Honest .Folin, Ottumwa. 2-AC,\, 2:45'j, 2:46i4. (Jeo. A. Baker, Long Branch, N. J., Sept. 1.5, 1877, $100. Lady Ix)ve 1, Flora Windsor. Mai. Tanner, Elevator (3 dis), , 2:38Ui, 2:31",, 2:32';. Fleetwood Park, N. Y.,''Sept. 26, 1877. $1,000. Baniev Kelly 1, 2, Rosewood 4. Hazor. Royal (Jeorge, Gray Eddy (5 dr). 2:26, 2:26, 2:29. 2:2!t',i. 2:.'I0, 2::}0'4, Sept. 28. 1877, $800. Modesty, Warrior, W. T. Allen. Steve Maxwell, Tom (3 dr), .lack Barry (2 dr), 2:27'/4, 2:27M, 2;28V4. Cleveland, ()., Oct. 4. IH77. $1,000. Ladv H., Flora Bell, Russell. Magnolia, Dread. 2:25%, 2:26»4, 2:28. Oct. 5, 1877, $800. Little .fake. Belle of Fairfield. Dream, ("liarley B.. Lady Logan. Kinsman Boy, Lady G.T. Pilot, 2:28V4. Voorhees, Capt. Sellick, Post Boy, Johnnv Gordon (1 dis), 2:27U. 2:27. 2:23'e. — ('olumbus. O., Oct. 9, 1877, $600. Lewiiiski 1. 3, Deception 4, Rip Raj), Belle Brasfield, 2:29. 2-2S. 2:25^4, 2:25, 2;25!-4 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 105 Cincinnati, O., Oct. 16 & 17, 1877, $1,000. Deception i, Woodford Cliief 3, Lewinski, Bay Charley, Belle Brasfleld, 2:25).^, 2:28, 2:28, 2:24^. 2:25. - — Madison, lud., Oct. 31, 1877, $600. Lew Scott 2, 4, Little Gypsy, Dick Taylor. 2:24i.i, 2:26%, 2:24?C, 2:253!i, 2:26. Kansas Citv, Mo., Sent. 20. 1878. $200. Dick Taylor 3 (2, 0), 2:41, 2:44^4, 2:^314, 2:.309i, 2:36J4. San Francisco, Cal., Nov. 9. 1878, $ . Tommy Gates (2 dr), 2:31, — . Cbico, Cal., Nov. 21, 1878, $500. Adelaide, 2:35'/2, 2:37. (w), San Frant-isco. Cal.. Dec. 25, 1878, $ . Gus, (iold Note, 2:29'/2, 2:25, 2:24i4. John Splan, 0;iklaiul, Cal., Jan. 4, 1«79. $250. Doty, 2:30, 2:25, 2:25. G. E. Whitney. Voiiiigstown, O., July 4 and .5, 1881, .WOO. Mamie M. 4, 5, Abdallah Boy 3. Tom Keeler, Dan Donaldson (5 dr), 2:30, 2:30, 2:30, 2:30, 2:31, •2:2S'-4,. Pittsl)iiri;li. Pa., Sept. 14 & 15, 1881. .§1,000. Belle Oakley 4. 5. Kate McCall l, 3, Flora F., 2:23, 2:25, 2:251^, 2:27^4, 2 :25,'2:26. 2:22. Wheeling, W. Va., Oct. 13, 1881. $2.50. Clara J.. Robert Brown, Stranger, King (1 dis), 5:15, 5:20. Two miles. Oct. 15, 1881, $600. Clara J. 1, 2, Lucy, Ambassador. 2:31, 2:28, 2:28, 2:30''4, 2:31i4. •Caloric, b s (2:40i4), by Ericsson. J. Carpenter, Worcester, Mass., Aug. 20, 1H78, .§200. Village Belle 1,2, May Queen, Maggie Mav. Redeemer, N. S. B.. Royal Tom, Josephine, Mansfield Girl, 2.44, 2:4114, 2:44, 2:43, 2:40'4. Calvin B., cr g (3 -.34:^), A. B. Medburv, Milwaukee, Wis., Sept. 18. 1876, $700. Hickory, John Hall (1 dis), 2:34^4. 2:36^4, 2:39>4. Oslikosh, Wis.. Oct. 7, 1876, $300. Ecru Maid 1, 5, Countess 4, Darkness (5 dr), 2:47'i, 2:43?4, 2:45, 2:45, 2:37',,2:.37?4. tV&, 3-M^, 2 :';(;. Camel, (3:58), Abraham Ellis, New Dorp. S. I., April 11. 1872. f . Lucy 2, 2:58,3:01,3:00. Camerine, (3 :55). Asa Smitli, Rhinebeck, \. Y., Sept, 10, 1875, $45. Unduie 2, Maud, Milan Maidd dis), Fred. Smith (1 dis). 2:58, 2:.>4''o, 2:59, 2:55. Five-vear-olds. Ciimille, ch m (3:47 w), fhos. Carpenter, Hartford, Conn., June 15, 18G1, .$75. Pilot (w). Reed's b m (w), Japanese (w), 2:47. 2:52, 2:.51. Camille, gr m (3 :499i), by Mohawk Chief, C. Stanfoni. Schenectady, N. Y., Sept. 24, 1875, $100. Miguon, Nettie, 2:.55, 2:49?4. Four-vear-olds. Camon, 1) g(3 :31), L. O. Mansfield, Chatham, N. Y,,Sept. 15, 1875, $100. Major S., Louise, Young Philip (3 dis). Veto (2 dis). Grit (1 dis), 2:50'/^, 2:56, 2:,".l. P. Smith, Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Mav 24, 1877. $600. Youug Sentinel 2. 3, Montezunui 1, Thomson. Cora F. (5 dr). Judge Robertson (l dis), 2:31, 2:31, 2:.30. 2 .31 . 2 ..34i^, 2:34i4. Hudson, N. Y., June 9. 1877, $75. Pelham, Lailv Lowe, 2:38, 2:36'i, 2:37. Albany, N. Y., June 19, 1877, $300. Silas Rich, Young Sentinel, Albino, Herbert, Kittv 2:31i{,, 2:33, 2:31U. C. .V. More, b g (3 :57'-4), A. Blake, Norwalk, O., July 11, 1879, .$7.5. Little Jim, Star, John'W., Ringaold, 3:00, 2 :.59' 1,3:18. Caniors, blk g(3:19y), by Gen. Knox, J. J. Bowen, Utica. N. \'., Aug. 1.5, 1872, .$3,000. Sensation, Grace, Continental. Gloster, Lady Maud (1 dis). Ladv Emma (1 dis), 2:.30, 2:29, 2:31i^. Springfield. Mass., Aug. 20. 1872, $1,250 S. V. Swits. ])f)ubtfid, Brom Keeney, Columbia Chief, Stuy- vesant, Kitty Buck, Jubilee Lambert, Charmer (3 dis), .Mystic (2 dis) 2:349^.2:.32?4, 2:3014. Beacon Park, Boston, Sept. 10, 1872, .$2,000. Gray Eddy. Dauntless, Lydia Thompson, 2:27. 2:2.5',4, 2:26i^. Mystic Park, Boston, Sept. 14, 1872, .$2,000. Crown Prince, Sleepy John, Nonesuch, Dauntless, 3 :23Ji, 2:24^.2:2.5. Prospect Park, L. I., Sept. 19, 1872, .$2,000. William H. Allen 3, Judge Fullerton. Lula, Triumph (3 dis), 2:2.3, 2:21 •'4. 2:24, 2:2314. ■ Springfield. Mass.. July 4, 1873. $600. Nonesuch. 2:29, 2:27, 2:30. Prospect Park. L. I., Sept, 27, 1873, .$3,000. Sensation 1.2, Huntress, Wm. H. Allen (3 dis), Gazelle (1 dis), 2: 2^1, 2:24, 2:23'/2, 2:221^, 2:24?4. .lobn Trout, Doylestown, Fa., Oct. 13, 1874. $1,000. Stewart Maloney, Music, 2:27M, 2:24, 2;25i4. Cami>rs, 1) g (3: 3514), by Dirigo, dam a pacer. Russell & Bessie, Beacon Park, Boston. April 29, 1876. .$75. Josh Billiugs 1, .3, Ben, Flirt (5 dr). 2:4.5^, 2:45. 2:4()i.i. 2:43'.,, 2:46'.;. Portland, Me., Aug. .30, 1876, $1.50. Bhick Diamonds, Nelly Knox (3 dis), 2:49, 2:46, 2:.3.5, 2:37. W. (L Morrill. Lewistim. Me., Aug. 15,1878. .$300. Careless Boy 2, 3, Emperor William (4 dr), Little Peter (2 dis), 2:32, 2:.'«, 2:3114, 2:30,2:30, Exeter, Me., Sept. 25. 1878, .$80. Plymouth Rock, 1, 2, 2:10, 2:39, 2:35, 2:35, 2:.35. J. F. Haines, Mystic Park, Boston, July 17, 1880, .$400. Judgment 3. 5, Rilev, Gray Friar (4 dr), Colum- bus Hambletonian l (3dr), Jack Archoll (.3 dr), 2:26, 2:2r-)U, 2:.32'4, 2:26'2, 2:.31^," 2:.31i'». Mr. Solomon. Montreal, P. Q., July 22, 1880, $100. Black Johnny l, 3 (2:0). 2:.3S, 2:30, 2:38i/4, 2:37, 2:35, 2:36. Sept. 23. 1.880, .$ . Orange Blossom, Citv Bov. Ben Morrill (3 dr), 2:3414, 2:.!4'u 2:35. Sept. 24, 1880, $ . Little Fred, Alice, Black Hawk, Pelham. Billy Patterson (3 dr). 2:341^, 2:.35. 2:34?4. J. F. Haines, Lewiston. Me., Sept. 29, 1882, .$400. Ezra L. 3, Tom Keeler, Carabassett (3 dis), Elmwood (2 dis), 2 :32i^, 2:28, 2:31i/2 2:34i4. S. Gowen, Biddeford, Me., Oct. 28, 1882, $ . Tom Keeler l. Screwdriver, 2:.34, 2:31, 2:34, 2:34. Camors, br g (3 :35), A. S. Germain, Gouverneur, N. Y., Aug. 30, 1877, $1.50. Lady Grenville 2, L. H. Daniels, 2:.50i4,2:.5l, 2:47^4,2:51. P. Pickel, Potsdam, N. Y., Sept. 17, 1878, $400. Farmer Bov, Village Boy, Betty Bump, Jim Wood, Maud B.,2:.35, 2:3.5, 2:.3.5. ' « ■ • ' Watertown, N. Y., Sept. 26, 1878, $150. Little Wonder 2, Mary Newton, Mattie K. Fuller, 2:.39, 2:351^, Campbell's Gray Mare (3 :48?4), Chicago, 111., Aug. 26, 1876, $ . Waixell's Bay Team, 2:48%. Canaan (3 :41>^), Jas. Turner. Greenfield, Mass., Oct. 5, 18.57, $ . Frank Pierce, 5:23, 5:27. Two miles. Canaan (Comet), gr g (3 :38i^), O. W. Dimmick, Chicago, 111., Julv 17, 186.5, $1,000. Lady Moscow 1, 2:46, 2:42, 2:44, 2:46. Cincinnati. O., Nov. 7, 1865, $1.50. Molly 1, Gentle Annie, Lilly Drown (3 dis), Truman Jones (2 dis), J. W. n dis), 5:15, 5:16i4. 5:20. Two miles. Canada (w), chg(3:57 w). Union Course, L. I., July 4, 1865, $200. Lady Howard (w), 2, 2:57,3:00, 2:,5''. 106 CHESTEKS COMPLETE THOTTING AND PACING RECORD C'Hiiada Bill, b p (3 :00), J. Driver, Birniinghain, O., Avig. 19, 1876, $30. Joe Roof 1, Jenny Law, Morg, 3:01, 3:iK|i.i, 3:00, 3:<»0'2. Canada Boy,
  • .,. 2 .4t)' 2, 2:49' i, 2:52, 2:50, 2:47, 2:.52. Canada Boy, l)gc^:40), John (iarnum, Howell, Mich., June 17, 1882, S200. (!rav I'.ini. Little Mac, (ireca Dnichinan. Trapliagcu, 2:48, 2:40, 2:43. Canada Dan, 1) g (« :48;, K. Lindsav, St. Louis, Mo.. July 26, 1873, $100. Nat Claiborne 2. .i. Kangaroo, 2:49, 2:47, 2:49. 2:4s,-.':49. Canada Girl, blk m {'i :51>.0. J. H- Bertliolf, Warwicii. N. Y.. Oct. 17, 1872. .'?2no. Peter Clearwater 1, 3, Nelly Wjirwick, Warwick Maid, Lady McClellan (4 dis), 3:01, 2:.52i^, 2 :.'■>;!' 2, 2:.51'.i, 2:.')5'4- Canada Miii0ie, , 2 :.">!, 2 M' ■;. Cana, T. -Megray, Norwich, Conn., Sept. 18. 1878, S65. Planter 1, Lachlne Boy, 2 :.'iC, 2 :56, •2:r>9U, 2:i)!l'.3. Canada Queen, b ill (3:47i/>), H. M. Dubois, London, Out., June 20, 1872, $.'500. Forest Maid 1, Brown Dick, Mounhiin Boy, Nancy Perkins (2 dis), 3:06, 2:493^, 2:47'i, 2:49-'4. Canada .Sam, cli g (.a :35), A. Doty, Toledo, O., Noy. 10, 1857, $75. Western Metropolis, 2:4.'), 2:47, 2:48, 2:43, 2 :4;!. S. C. Doty, Cleyeland, O. . Aug. 5, 185S, ?400. Honest John, 5:25, 5:27. Two miles. Toledo, ()., .\ug. 12, l.s.")S. .^joo. Western Metropolis 1. 2:47, 2:35, 2:44, 2:4.5. Aug. V.i. is.-i8, S200. AVcstt'rn Mctnipulis, .'>:.'6. .->:;j(). Two miles. Sandusky, O., Sept. k;, 1s.-)8, ,•$200. Buckeye, «:50, 9:24. Three miles. A. Doty.'Cleyeliiiid. ( >., Oct. 1. 18.58, .?100. Buckeye, Lady Shermiui, 8:0.5. 8:24. Three miles. Andy -Mcllen, Nashville. Tcnn., Noy. — , 18.57, :S1.50. Caj)it()l;i. Whirlwind (1 dis), 2:45. 2:51, 2:56. Canadian, ch s (2:51;, Mr. Kii-wan, St. Hyacinthe, Can., July 21, 1853. .$35. Jean Bajitiste 1, 4, 2,:52, 2:51, 2:58, 2:.')9. 2:59. Canadian Belle (3 :51), P. Mclntvre, Newport. Vt., July 4, 1865, $40. Fanny Wllkins 1, 2:,57, 2:.52, 2:51. Canadian Girl (3 :.35i4), J. Scott, Guelph, Out., Sept. 14, 1871, .$400. Sleepy Bill 2, 3. Robin Redbreast (3 dls), Duke (1 dls), 2:.52, 2:52, 2:52, 2:491^,2:51. Belleyille, Out., Jidy 9, 1874, !S75. Chestnut Jim 1, Dandy Pat, 2:43, 2:a5i^, 2:m4.- Canadian Queen (2:47), B. Bradt, Albany, N. Y., June 23, 1808, $ . Bones, Beauregard, Jim Woodward, 2 :47, 2 ;.50. 2 :4'.). Canadian Squaw, m m (3:52), L. Glbout. Fashion Course, L. I., Oct. 1, 1870, $2.50. Nelly, 2:52, 2:.56. 2:.58. Canadian Tiger (s), b g (2 :44j, Geo. Edwards. Cambridge. Mass., Aug. 8, 1838, $50. Saiicho Panza, 2:44, 2:51, 3:01. Canard, b g (2:37). W. H. Carpenter, (iouverneur, N. Y., Sept. .5, 1882, $150. Black Ira l. 2. Zjidoc, 2:37"2, *2''-i7'o '^■'i7 '^*37 2*38 Canary," ch ni '(3:03), J. M. Peasley, Hudson, N. Y., Sept. 30, 1873. $40. Dauntless, 3:03, 3:06>4. Four-year- olds. Canary's Bay Gelding (2:35), T. Canary, Fashion Course, L. I., Oct. 28, 1868, .$500. Star, Lady Wells, Hen- rietta (4 r o). Needle Gun I (2 r o\ 2 :.S4 '1 . 2 :3r>, 2 ::!r. '., , 2 :.35. May 14, 18(;9, .'JSOO. Mercer 1. Hickory .lack, White Fawn, 2:15. '2:iS^i, 2:45?i, 2:4,5. Canoga Chief, b g (3 :40K>), J. D. Burroughs, Auburn, N. Y., .lune 8, 1883, $300. Woodruff 1, 2, Kate Douglass. I'.est lime. 2:40' 2. Canton Boy ( 3 :43), J. Wilson, Providence, R. I., Oct. 25, 1860. $ . Midnight (2 0), (3 dis) and three others, 2:47.2:40, 2:42,2:48)/'. Cant4)n Boy, br g (3 :00), A. H. Danforth, Rutland, Vt., July 30, 1873, $ . Golddust, Gunjtowder, 3 :02, 3 :00, 3:01. Four-year-olds. Sept. 12, 1873. .*45. Golddust, .'5:11}^. 3:04. Fotir-year-olds. Canton Chief, b g (2 :45). O. W. .hidd, Canton, N. Y.. Sept. 24, 1807, $250. Black Ralph 1, Nelly Gray, Young Canadian (1 dls). Honest Dutchman (1 dis), 2:50. 2:45. 2:49U. 2:.50. Can't Tell, ch m (2 :40), I. WoodrutT. Union Course, L. I., Aug. 2. 1852, $200. Brutus 1, 2:.51'2. 2:44, 2:40. Caout4-houc, ch m(2:35>4), by Shepherd F. Knajjp. dam by Witherell. H. A. Hall. Lowell, Mass., Sept. 3, \x~'2. .1*100. Slanty, Casco. No Nanu', Bishop. Phil. Himter. Billy, 8:2.5. Three miles. Scot. 5. 1S72, $2.50. Lady Bradford, Minerva, Kate Hughes, Gypsy, Franklin Boy (3 dr), Ethan (1 dis). Croiiuet Boy (1 dis), Ned (i disl. 2:41i4, 2:41-:'i. 2:41i.i. Cape Fear Charley, b g (2 :39), E. F. Beaslev, Boston, Mass., July 1, 1871. $1,50. Kate Gilbert 2, Lady Allen, Eastern (juceu (3 dis), 2:42, 2:41.^, 2:42, 2:.S9. Capitola, b m (2:55). Theo. Si)encer, Jackson, Mich., July 5, 1859, .$50. Belle of Jackson 2, 5:52, 5:50, 5:51. Two miles. Capitola, gr m (2 :40), D. Bristol, Chatham, N. Y., Oct. 4, 18.59, $75. Plow Boy 1, Jack Potter, 2:41, 2:40'/s, 2:40, 2-AlYi. . H. II. Gilbert, Winsted, Conn., Sept. 22, iscn. .$.50. Brown Seward, 2:42, 2:42'-,.. :.':i;>. Capitola, (.Jenny Llnd),bm (2:37 ;/2). by Gen. Taylor. G. A. Nugent, Philadelphia, Pa„ Nov. 11, 1859, $16, Kate, Red Bird, 2:43, 2:45, 2:42 Nov. 16, 1859, •« . Lady Llghtfoot, Kate (1 dls\ 2:44. 2:.S7'/2,2:44. Mr. McConnell. Nov. 7, 1H(M), $ . Brother Jonathan :!, 2:44'2, 2:46, 2:47. 2:4.5. May 15, ISCl, .S.500. Crcole,2:38>4, 2:40,2::W. MaV 22, isci. .$.500. Creole, 5:27, 5:1«'2. Two miles. D. \V. Coid, .*1.50. Wild Rose 1. 2, Lady Mack. 2:41. 2:;J9, 2:;(8U;. l'::i9. 2:401/,. Kacine. Wis.. .lune .5, 1872, S . Wild Rose. Lady Mack, 2:.39, 2:.39, 2:;<8. (w) .lune K. 1K72. .$200. Hero fw). 5:.35M, 5:37. 5:.37. Two ndles. C. B. Myers, Cambridge, 111., .Sept. is. 1872, .$300. Nicodemus, Lady Mack, Wisconsin, 2:36'/i, 2:37H, 2:;{8. W. F. Steele, Pekin, 111., Sept. 13, 1873, .$400. Tom AVonder 1, Cliickimiauga (3 dls), 2:3!i, 2:35>.i, ^:355li, 2:37'.(. Hannihid, Mo., Oct. 1, 1x7.3, $200. Silas Rich 2, Trojana, 2:;i7-^i, 2;.'?9»4, '.':.37, 2:37V{>. D. Johnson, Hartford, Wis., July 4,1876. .$200. Hartford Maid 1. Darkness, .lav Gould Jr.. (3 dr (.2:4.5. 2:43, 2:45.2:44'... Capitola ( Lady Sf an bm( 2:241, by Sir Henry. H. F. Fox, Phoenix, N. Y., Oct 1.5, 1873, $175. Gray Colt, niack Jim, Ladv Ca,se, Dick .lon"cs. 2:.52''.,, 2:52. 2:.50''2. Syracuse, N. V.. ,hme 24. 1X74. $100. Frank Hogers. Lilly (1 dis). 2:.'^^6. 2:51'.;. 2:.59'4. Capitola br m (2:22U,), by CJilbrcth Knox, (himtlie Bridghani mare, by Young Hmidv. J.. J. Bowen, Norwich, Conn., .July 13, 1881", $300. Gypsy 1, 2, Tom Barton, King Cetawavo, Nelly Bryant. 2:35, 2:3t!, 2:35, 2:36»4, 2:36. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 107 Capitolabm(3:35i4), byColonna. L.J.Phelps, Rochester, Minn., Sept. 7, 1881, $300. Lucy B., Red Buck, 3:14, 3:04. Three-year-olds. L. Phelps. Stillwater. Minn., June 20, 1883, .$225. Lady Elliott 2, Lady Florence, Peter Farley, Black Prince, Theresa Scott (4 dr), Dick (2 dr\ 2:37U, 2:39i4, 2:43>4, 2:38. Capoul, b s (8:38), by Sentinel, dam Rosa Clay, by American Clay. W. A. Sanborn. Cedar Rapids, la.. June 12, 1879, .S50<1. Sealskin, William H., Brown George, Billy McNeil (3 dis), Limerick Boy (2 dis;, Lizzie Jack- son (1 dis), Rockwell a dis), 2:31, 2:34' 2, 2:35. G. B. Hays. ChicaKo, 111., July 4, is79, §1,250. Buffalo Bill 2, Kentucky Wilkes, Effle G., Jennie C, Don- ald (4 dis). So So (1 dis), 2:29, 2:31'i, 2:31, 2:28. Five-year-olds and under. Caprica b m (3 :56). A. R. Ladd, New Hunting Park, Phil.. June 2, 1879, .ii:75. Rocket, High Cloud, Republic, Maple Joe, 3:00, 3:00. 3:01. (w), July 31, 1S79. .? . Fanny (w). Louisa (w). Katv (w), 3:05, 3:019ii, S-M%. Nov. 26, 1879, Prize, harness, Mae, Sam, 2:.'56i4, 3:03i4„ 3:03. Nearest to 9:00 total. Captain (Hector,) (s> eh g (3:38), (3:37'2 s), Hiram Howe, Union Course, L. I., May 29, 1867, $500. Dandy (2 dis), 2:49^4, 2:37'.;. (w), Nov. 28, 1867, $300. Col. Roberts 3. Honest John, 2:54^, 2:55, 2:56, 2:57. Captain, b s (3:38», by Billy Denton, dam by De Kay's Bellfounder. J. G. White, Titusville, Pa., June 2, 1870, $300. Honest George, Dispute. Mixggie Denton (1 dis). Clinton (1 dis), 2:56, 3:02, 3:01. John Magee, Burton, ()., Aug 18, 1870, .•11.50. Gray Jim, Cadmus, 2:45, 2:40. >few Castle, Pa., Sept. 28, 1870, $175. Brown Betty 2, 5, Denmark 4, Sally (5 r o), 2 :43'/2, 2 ■.42%, 2:46;'2, 2 :42'/j, 2-4714, 2-47. Weir & Brown, Greenville, Pa., Oct 4, 1872, $550. White Hawk, Lady McKinney, Orange Billy, Dave Hill, 37; », 2:40. , 1873, .$200. Delaware Chief, Molly E., 2:35H, 2:36'.4, 2:36. July 4, 1873. $300. Delaware Chief, Molly E., 2:36'4, 2:39, 2:37. — Erie, Pa.. July 18, 1873, $1,800. Delaware Chief, Barney, Susie Kurtz, Nelly, Factory Boy, Lola Montez, Maggie, l, 2, (5 dis). Governor (2 dis), 2 :3(i, 2 :36U, 2:39, 2:41M, 2:41. — Chagrin Fails. O., Aug. 26, 1873, $150. Little M;ick, Nonpareil (2 dis), 2:45%. 2:43'4. — Aug. 28 and 29, 1873, $325. Independence 4, 5. Little Mack 1, Chestnut Dick 2, (6 dr), 2:39M, 2:38}^, 2:41^4, 2:38'i, 2:.37, , . — July 9, 1874, $500. Joe Shawhan, Independence, 2:.39, 2:38, 241. — Massillon, O., Aug. 4, 1874, $500. Kate Campbell 1, Independence 2, Billy Collins (1 dis), 2:33i^„ 2:37, — Parker City, Pa., Oct. 15, 1874, $800. May Howard 2, (5 0), Cattaraugus Chief 3, Gen. Picton l, Clothesline, 2:30,2:30,2:31,2:30,2:30,2:30,2:28. ^.„ ,^ „. , ^., — Weir & Brown, Columbus, O., Oct. 27, 1874, $400. Swallow 2. 3, Cozette, Billy Collins (3 dr), Silversides ( 2 r o), Jerry Postal (1 dis), 2 : 31 ?i, 2:311^,2:33, 2:31, 2:31. — Oct. 29, 1874, s$.500. Cozette. Jerry Postal, Billy Collins, 2 :37. 2 :35i^, 2:.37. — S. W. Wheelock, Galesburg, 111., June 30, 1875, .$400. Kitty Stratton, Mabel (2 dr), 2:33^4, 2:28H, 2:38. Davenport, Ia..Sept. 8, 1875, $180. West Liberty. Gen. Grant, 2:53, 2:57, 2:48M. Stallions. 2:37)4,2:2 — July 3, Captain, b g (3 :45), W. H. Woodruff, Boston, Mass., Aug.l. 1871, $200. Parepa (1 dis), 2:53}^, M. Carroll, Aug. 8, 1871, $100. Worcester's b s, 2:.58, 2:56^4- ■ June 27, 1872. $100. 2 :.55'/2. To beat 3 :00. Sept. 24, 1872, .$150. Victor, Grace, Ned, Lady North (3 dr), 2:46, 2:45, 2 :48Vi. , , ^. . ,. . Captain, bg (3 :43M).W.H. Boyer, Nashville, Tenn., May 29, 1873, $190. Spotted Tail 2, Lady Clay (1 dis), 2:49!i,2:47U,2:423i, 2:43?i. „ „ ^„ Captain, blk g (3 :46). Wm. Thorn, Prospect Park, L I., Aug. 23, 1873, $100. Gypsy l, Towne 3, Prospect (5 dr;. Handsome Sarah (5 dr), Sam T. (5 (\r), Break O'Day (l dis), 2:47, 2:46. 2:53, 2:.5C, 2:57. Captain, b s (3 :50;4), by Fisk's Mambrino Chief. J. D. Misner, E. Saginaw, Mich., Sept. 15, 1874, $225. George B., Burt, Nelly H. (1 dis), 2:59J^i, 2:59)^. Three-year-olds. Xiles, Mich,, Oct. 2, 1874, $100. Col. B., Pastime, Fanny, 3:09"2, 3:07'^, Three-year-olds. ■ Sept. 29. 1875, $ . ^ Tom Hunter, Chief, 2:52,^2:5014,, Captaii ' --—-"•• . -. - '- ^ " Fle.\ C'aptai Oswego, N. Y , Oct. 17, 1877, $ . Johnny Mack 1, 2, Remorse, Ami, Lem, Volunteer Maid, Tom. Joe White, SackettColt(2dr),KittyBennett(ldis),2:00, 3:00, 3:00, 3:00, 3:00. . ,., j. . Captain, b g 1:3 :309i) D. Bigley, North Attleboro, Mass., Oct. 5, 1882, $150. Gee Sir, Henry Almont, Vladimir, Benny Baker, 2:47, 2:421^, 2:41 '/2. , ,. „ . „.„„ t. *^ Captain Allen, ch g (3:37), by Middletowu. G. W. Butts, Sturbndge, Mass., Sept. 12, 1873, $100. Betty Martin, Robin Adair, Misimh, 3:03, 3:00, 3:01. „, , „ ^ „ ,i. o t, • Woonsocket, R. I., Sept. 18. 1873, $175. Sunshine 2, 3, Lady Frye, Black Ben, Ira Brown. Wm. S. Briggs. Kentuck (1 dis), Katulah(ldis), 2:48, 2:4.5, 2 :4.'5, 2:46, 2:46. ., ,. ^ t...jvtv June 28, 1876, $150. Billy Stevens. Ida, Cnizy, Honest Allen, Brown Bird 1, (4 dis) Fanny B. (4 dr), John Morrill (3 ch-), 2:42i4, 2 :40i/2, 2 :38, 2:42'.:. .lune -29, 1876, $400. Billy Stevens, Crazy, Houest Allen, Belle, Ida (1 dis), 2:45. 2:42, 2 :4'i. Providence, R. I., June 12, 1876, .$2.50. Honest Allen 1, Lady Balch, Ida, Nelly Logan (,3 dis). Crazy (3 dis), Billy Stevens(3dis), Jenny (3 dr), 2:37, 2 -..38, 2:40'. 2.2:4.33^. Captain Bashaw, blk s (3 :47 J£), L. H. Frost, Meriden, Conn., Sept. 18, 1883, $55. Clothespins, 4, Topsy, Rod- nev Bill (5 dr),2:,505^, 2:47^4, 2:4814, 2 :.50, 2:51^. ^ ,,, , „, ^^ Captain Hen, b g (3:3314), A. Johnson, Manchester, N. H., Sept. 6. 1883, $-200. frank W., Henry Alniont, Woodlake, Rysdyk Maid, Boss Fearnaught, May Queen, Honest Allen, Sophronia, Eden Golddust, Billy (2(tr), 2:.39'4, 2:42, 2:.37ii. , ,.„,„, r ^.. tx Dover, N. H. Sept. 11, 1883, $300. Frank W., Harrv Almont. Boss learnaught. Woodlake, Lunette, Don, Golddust, Princess, William F., Loie t3dis), Houest Allen (3 dr), Dot (3 dr). Golden Kite (3 dr), 2:42, 2:40, 2:39. Bridgewater, Mass., Brockton, Msss., Oct „ Sept. 20, 1883, $160. Belle, Rubber Boy, Mascotte (3 dr), 2 :38, 2 :38' .>, 2 :38. 3t. 4, 1883, .$250, Minnie Moultou, Woodlake, Harry D., Belle, Rockland Boy, 2:34', 2, Captain mil, b g (3 :56), D. E. Boyer, Reading. Pa., Sept. 30, 1869, $50. Belle of Reading 1, Black Royal, Lady Thompson, BavBilly (4 dr), 2:.57, 2:.56, 2:.57, 2:56. , ^, . ^ r^ ,^ , xr j 1 -i, t j Captainliogardus,bs (3:44), by Blue Bull, dam bv Highlander Champion. L Telford, Kendalville, Ind., Oct. 11, 1883,$100. Bav Billv 1,' Blind Maggie, Jim Handy, Berkie, 2:41, 2:.50, 2:44, . J. S. Eilcr, Oct. 12. is83, .§75. Jim Handv, (ioit, Simon, Jasper, Conductor, 2:5414, 2:.52'|^, 2:.52. Captain Boyd, b s (3 :43i/j), L. Carpenter, White Plains, N. Y , Aug. 31, 1870, $200. Grace Bertram 1, Ange- line, 2:.51, 2:.55'j,2:.51. June 10, 1872, $.500. Brown Prince 1. 2, 2:40, 2:47, 2:43V^, 2:43^, 2:4514. Aug. 14, 1882, .$400. Unknown, 2:48. ^ . ^ x. x « tt _, Captain Bullard, br g (3 :44i4), C. Turbush, Concordia, Kan., Oct. 12, 1882, $75. Amanda E., Jeff, Harry» 2:51)^,2:51,2:501^. Oct. 13, 1882. $100. AmandaE.,MaudL.,2:50'/2, 2:51, 2:49)4. 106 CHESTER'S COMPLEiE rU()iTiNan, cli g (a:39i,i). J. Madden, F:aston, Pa., Sej)!. 13. 1883, $100. Charles M. l.|Don, Toiumv Wagner, Bon 1 1 (lis). 2 ;4!)',. 2:46' i, 2:42. 2:43. ( )\vcn Graham, Sept. 14, 1883, $100. Nelson A.. Sophia Cole, Nero. 2:44i^. 2:46U, 2:44U K. Wilson,. Fleiiiingtoii, N. J., Sept. 2"., I88;i, §75. Henry 2. Sweep 1, (ieo. B. Sanford, Sleepy Chief, Henry B. (r> dr), Duke Magenta (4 dr), Barney (1 dis), Silver Dan (1 dis), Jim (1 dis), 2:40, 2:47, 2:48'/4, 2:44, 2:.i9'.i. Sept. 27. 1883, $100. Geo. B. Sandford, Henry, Sweep, Sleepy Chief. Duke Magenta (3 dr), Mike (2 dr), Jim (2 dr), 2:41, 2:39i4, 2:43. Captain l>avid (w), b s (3 :55w), Fleetwood Park, N. Y.. May 10, 1872, $ . Tom Wonder (w), Polly (w) (l dis), 2:.'">5, 2:56. Captain Dawson, grg (2 :33»4), King Nebro. Kokonio, Ind. Sept. 20, 1872, $200, Holkhorn 2, Dandy 5, 2:44, 2:45. 2:43,2:51,2:45. Lafayette, Ind.. Sept. 1874. $1,000. Professor. Dan Howell, Deceiver, 2:38, 2:^3%, 2:4094. Captain n'ouds, ch g (2:33^4), A. Eisenian, Wheeling. W. Va., Sept. 14 and 1.5, 188;}. $300. Tom Cameron 4, Harry B 3, Charley Tipton, Luster Bov (3 dis), James, Colonel, (5 dis), Starlight, 2:33iii, 2:32%, , 2:349ii, 2:33. Captain Kmmons. ch g (2 :30), by Continental, dam by Stubtall. W. E. Weeks, Fleetwood Park. N. Y., Sept. 10, 1878. $400. Chance, Jessie Maude, F'lorence. Star, Dollv, Everett (1 dis), 2::il. 2:;35'o, 2::i2?i. Prosjieet Park, L. I., Sept. 17, 1878. .$400. Cliance, Liuly Winfield, Star, F'lorence, Dolly Everett, W. MeM;ilion. Harry Hill. Viola. (2 dr), 2:28'.>. 2:31, 2:31. Morrisania, N'. Y., Mav 9, 1879, $;«0. Steve Maxwell 1, Alanibrino General, 2:27, 2:26, 2:27. 2:25^i. Hartford, Conn.. June" 26, 1879, $500. Sheridan, Amy 1. 2 (3 dis), 2:2014, 2:22^4. 2:23, 2:27, 2:31^. Dover, N. H.. Sept. 16, 1879, $500. Dick Moore 1, Unknown. 2:28. 2:26'/2,2:25, 2:25. Providence, R. I., Sept. 23, 1879. $(i(X). Sheridan 2. Emma B., 2:22, 2:22(4, 2:22'/i, 2:23»4. Albany, N. Y., Oct. 3, 1879, $500. Castleton (3 0), (4 0), .Emulus, Harry Gilbert (3 0), (5dr), 2:25, 2:26, 2:27, 2:23K'. -':^6. Mystic Park, Boston, Oct. 9, 1879, $400. Noontide. Emma B., Wild Lilv, 2:24, 2:24?4, 2:23*4. Belmont Park, Phila., Oct. 21, 1879, .$600. Little Gypsy 1, 2, Wedgewood 3, Emma B., Lew Scott, 2:23, 2:25, 2:23, 2:22, 2:24. 2:26i^. Albany, N. Y., July 2, 1880, $400. Castleton. Irene, 2 :309ii. 2:2314, 2:23?.i. Mystic Park, Boston, July 20, 1880, $500. Sheridan 2, 3, Knox Boy, Iron Age, 2:23';, 2:22?i, 2:24, 2:23>4, 2:25>4. Oct. 15 and 16, 1880, $,'500. EmmaB., 1(4 0), Ladv Foxie, 3,Lady Maud, 2:23?4, 2:24'j, 2:25!2, 2:2614,2:23^, 2:24. D Pftfer, Hartford, Conn,, June 23. 1882, $500. J. P. Morris, 3. Kentucky Wilkes, Jim, 2:22, 2:22?4, 2:22, 2-24 '■ Springfield, L. I., Oct. 31, 1882, $200. Sam 2, Josephus, Clover (3 dr). 2:32'4, 2:32H, 2:31i4, 2:.-«. D. Pfiier, Morrisania, N. Y., June 20, 1883. .$2,.'500. Josephus 2, 3, Romero, John S. Clark, Adele Gould (4 dr). 2:21, 2:2014, 2:22, 2:2.5, 2:2.'5%. I. Nelson. Huntington, L. I.. Oct. 19, 1883, $250. Clover 1, 5, Great Eastern, 3, Fredonia Boy 2:30'2. 2:304, 2:31, 2:33, 2:.30i;, 2:;{f). Captain Fisher, b s (2 :45), by Sir Thomas, Jr., dam Mother Fisher by a Claybank horse. S. Crim, Newark, O., Sept. 30, 18.58, .$ . Champion Searcher 1 (3 0), 2:44. 2:45, 2:50, 2:.50. Stockton, Cal., Oct. 23, 1861, $.50. Morgan Rattler, Oddfellow (1 dis). State of Maine (1 dis). 2:46, 2:56, Stallions. Captain Gill, b g (2 :26i/2), M. Roden, Providence. R. I., Oct. 24. 1866. $ . Garibaldi 2:38, 2:37' 2, 2:36. Catskill, N. Y., Oct. 3, 1867, $4.50. Newburgli 3, J5urger 2:37U, 2:37, 2:34'4, 2:30y2- F:ishi(m Ccmrse, L. I., July 22, 1868, .$1,000. Com. Vanderbilf (w), 2:;J4?4, 2:3,3i/2, 2:32'/2. Waverly, N. J., Aug. 12, 1868, $.500. Bay Mary 2. Surprise 2:35'^, , . Si)ringfield, Mass., Aug. 26, 1809, $1,000. Jessie Wales 1 (2 0), Gen. McClellan (2 0) Old Put, Mambrino Prince, 2:.32, 2:32, 2:31, 2::i4, 2:.32i^. Aug. 27, 1869, $1,000. Gen. McClellan 1, 2:37, 2:36:'4, 2:36U. Prospect Park, L. I., Sept. 16, 1869, $1,.500. Lady Sears, Manhattan, Belle of Brooklyn, Daniel Boone (3 dis), 2::i6i.i, 2:.'55i4,2:.33. „ Captain Gill, ch s (2 :53i^), J. Forbes. Elyria, O., Oct. 1.5, 1873, $150. Honesty 1, Parley, Brown George, 3:01, Cap"tai'n Cio'uien.'c'li g (2 :r.6), E. K. Bradbury, Catskill, N. Y., Sent. 18, 1872, $ . Al>dallali, 2:.56, 2:57. Captain HanfortI (Paddy MiiL'ce), gr s (2:33' i). by Gen. Taylor, dam a Canada mare. C. H. Shear, San Fran- cisco, Cal.. Nov. 4, ls , tt lames L. (irove, Mendota, 111., Aug. 20, 187.5,$ . Belle Brown, Mambrino Chief, Nat Baker, J. L., Charlev 1(2 dis), George (2 dis), Saxtond dis), 2:34,2:38, 2:4194, 2:4194.. ^ ^, , . ^, . ^ , „ „ t> Earlville, 111., Aug. 27, 1875, $300. Nat Baker 4, 5, Sleepy Bill 2 (6 dis), Mambrino Chief, Jr., Belle Brown, (5dr),2:32'4, 2:.34, 2:.3834, , 2:41, 2:41i4. „ ,. , - ^n • i. t ^. d Sycamore, 111., Sept. 8, 1875, $300. Monarch Rule, Belle Brown, Mambrino Chief Jr., Quarry Boy, Germania, 2:39, 2:38'/2, 2:37, „ „„ ^, ^. , r^ , o ^4., Cynthiana, Ky., Sept. 21, 1875, $500. Tom Britton, Doble, Billy Spencer, Ella Clay, Dick Taylor, Scott s Chief (1 dis), 2:2794,2:3014, 2:3094, ,. ^ „ , „ „„ Columbus, O. Sept 8, 1876, $ . Sam West, Red Oak, Starlight, Bella Moore, Deception, 2:38"2, 2:37, 2 •35' 2 ^(i. Virove, Grand Rapids, Mich. June 21, 1877, $800. Tom Keeler 2 „ Lewinski 3, Lew Scott, Tom Britton, Jack Draper. Allen, Scotland. 2:27'^, 2:3094. 2:271/2 2:291^, 2:2714. Bay City, Mich., Julv 11, 1877, .$300. C. W, Woolley, Gen. Mack, 2:351/4, 3 :32i4, 2:3214. ^ ,. , _,^ Chicago, 111., July 19, 1877, $1,500. The Jewess, Monarch Rule. Jack Draper, Rose of Washington, 2:29ii 2 .99 2 '31 ^4 ^"Mendota' 111., Aug. 15, 1877, .$600. Monarch Rule, Lady H., Granville, George Judd, Allen, 2:2894, 2:29i/j, St*'ciairville, O., Aug. 19, 1877, $35. Quaker Tom 2, 3, Sangaree, Selim. Bay Mare (5 dr), 2 :45, 2 :40^4, 2*37V^ 2*49 3*40. — Earlville, 111.^ Aug. 21 and 22, 1877, $600. George Judd 1, 2, Monarch Rule, Lady H., Allen, 2:32'/2, 2:32i4, 2 '33/4 2 '3'^ 94 2*3414 '■ Qui'ncy" 111., Sent. 7, 1877. $1,000. Red Cloud 1, Little Fred., Cozette, 2:3194, 2:26, 2:311^, 2:,32. Macomb, 111., Sept. 8, 1877, .$550. Red Cloud 1, Cozette, G. T. Pilot, 2:27 '4, 2:2614, 2:30'/2, 2:30'i. St. Joseph, Mo., Sept. 15, 1877. .$400. Monarch Rule, Randall, 2:29, 2:3294, 2:36i4. Captain Jack, ch g (3 :54,). C, A. Huchins, Strafford, N. H., Oct. 16., 1874, $ . No Name, Tom Pillsbury, A. H.Bassett, New Haven, Conn., Nov. 6, 1874, $200. Nelly, Charley, Darkness, Fanny (2 dis), 3:06, 3:00, 3:00. N.B. Baldwin, Oct. 23, 1875, $ , Randall, Bay Billy, 2:59, 2:06, 2:54. Captain Jake b g (3 :30i^). a. P. McDonald, Albany, N. Y., Sept. 26, 1883, $50. Nino 2. 2:34'i, 2:30, 2:33, 2:3114. Captain Jinks, ch g (3 :30>/2), by Tornado (?). O. J. Brusie, Gt. Barrington, Mass., June 2, 1870, .$65. Glen- coeMaid, Auburn Maid (1 dis). Albatross (l dis). 2:38, 2:43"2.2:44. Lee, Mass., July 4, 1871. $200. Glencoe Maid 2, 3, Berkshire Boy, 2:37, 2:40, 2:42, 2:41, 2:43. Gt. Barrington, Mass., Sept. 25, 1872, $275. Ladv Sheridan, Berkshire Boy, 2:48'/2, 2:45, 2:47. Sept. 26, 1872, $150. Berkshire Boy, Auburn Maid, Belle, 2:48'i, 2:53'/2, 2:45. Pittsfleld, Mass., Oct. 3, 1872, $171.' Berkshire Boy, Sister Hope, 2:44, 2:45'4, 2:39. (Jt. Barrington, Mass., Sept. 2.5, 1873 $100. Barrington Boy, 2:36'/2, 2:3894,2:42. • Sept. 26, 1873, .$275. Barrington Bov, Auburn Maid, 2 :42'/2, 2 :38i^, 2 :39. Oct. 1,1874, .$190. Barrington Boy 3, Auburn Maid, 2:42, 2:41'/2, 2:511/2, 2:.51. ^ , , ,, , ^ „ ^„ Captain Jinks (w), blk g (3 :46). A. Jones, Fashion Course, L. I., May 16, 1870, $400. Lady Lovell (w), 3:02V4. 2:,57, 3:0.3. Hiram Howe, Deerfoot Park, L.I., Sept. 24, 1873, .$200. Colonel (w) 3, 2:51, 2:52, 2 :.56, 2 :.56. M. Myers, Aug. 31, 1874, $200. John (1 dis), 2 :5l. Geo. Wright, Sept. 3, 1874, $200. AVhitestone l (3 dis), 2:55. 2:46, 2:49. „ . ,, j. . r., Captain Jinks, b g (3 ■A3]4). H. W. Seale, Oakland, Cal., July 4, 1871, .$200. Fanny, Buck (1 dis). Glycerine (1 dis), 2:45'/2, 2:43'/2, 2:4514. ^ ^, ,. t,,,-^^* Captain Jinks (3 :50). A. J. McKimmin, Nashville, Tenn., April 10, 1875, Oswego 4, Moonshine, Maid ol the Mist, Chuck-a-Luck, Col. Taylor (4 dis), Nashville Belle l (3 dis), 2:52, 2:.50'/2. 2:50, 2:50, 2:53'A. Captain Jinks (w), b g (3 :54 w), by Mt. Vernon. Albany, N. Y.. Oct. 19, 1876, $ . Flora 2, 2:58;/2. 2:55, 2*54 Captain Jinks, ch g (3 :40). L. Leighton, Exeter, Me., Sept. 30, I880, $ . Elderene, Franklin, 2:50, 2:40, 2:40. no CHESTEKS COMPl.ETE TKOITING AND PACINC RECORD. Captain Jinks, b g(2:30Ji). B. Tlminon, Sacramento, Cal., Juno 1, ISHO, $2(X). clainnont, Siskiyou (Jirl, hoilen (2 dis), St. Mark (2 dis). 2:39, 2:37,2:41. „...,,, i:aptaiii Jinks, dig (^2 :47'-i). C. J. Nasli, iNorvvalk, Conn., Sept. 13, 1881, S50. Mischief, Colonel, Harry L., liiuuie (l(lis). 2:47'.j, 2:48'2, 2:47Mj. • (\v). Sept. 15, 1881, $100. Daisy TearsalUw) 1, 2, Elinore Star(4dr), Harry L. (3dr), 2:50, 2:52'2, 2:r>53li. Captain ifa IV rence, (Starlight), b g (3 :35), S. Hayes, Worcester, Mass., Sept. 30, 18C8, S200. Ben Higdon, ''•44 "-W) 2'4o)^ 4 — ii.'iiraillt'y, Lawrence, Mass., Oct. 12, 1869, §500. Ida May (3 o;, i.ady Wilkes, Blue Jacket, 2:42Hi 2:41, 2:41, 2:41. Hostdii, Mass., Nov. 2, 1869. S . Emma 1, Ida May, Billy Button, Jenny S|)encer. 2:40. 2:.39, 2:35'/s,2:35. (W ) () J Brusie, Worceslcr, Mass,, Sept. 28, 1870, .<2r)0. ConuiiodoiT Nutt 1 (\v), 2 :42, 2:38, 2:52, 2:43. W. ]\i. Mandell, Barre, Mass., Sept. 30, 1870, $250. White Stockings 1, 2, Black Walnut, 2:41, 2:41, 2:38, ''•43 '''41'". 11 J,' ji. Keed, Fitchburg, Mass., Oct. 21, 1870, $800. White Stockings 1, Johnny Keb, Fanny Vixen, Jenny, 2-:J9! 2:38, 2:40'.., 2:3!». Captain Lewis
  • . Hartford, Conn., Aug. 31, 1882, $1,000. Barrett, Barbara Patchen, W'inchester Maid, 2:239i, 2:23=^,2:26%. H. W. Brown, Springtleld, Mass., Sept. 6, 1882, $800. Florence, Prospect Maid, Lucrece, R. P. (1 dis», 2:201.1, 2:20'.i, 2:22;4. Mystic Park, :nLiss., Sept. 13, 1882, $800. It. P. 1, Prospect Maid, Lucrece, Florence, Trampoline, Knox Bov i3 dr), 2:J2U, 2:20i.i, 2:21 '/2, 2:22>4- Beacon Park, Boston, Sept. 20, 1882, $800. Prospect Maid, Lucrece, Florence, R. P. (2 dr), 2:21,2:22}^, 2- ''3. Albany, N. Y. Sept. 26, 1882, $800. Dau Smith, Red Cross, Cornelia, Prospect Maid, Walnut, 2:22,2;23»4, ''•25 Captain Lijflitfoot, b s (3 :38i.i) by Ward's Black Hawk. Lemuel North, Rouse's Point, N. Y., Sept. 2, 1858, Flora, Canadian (2 dr), 2:.38i4, 2:40'/2. 2:42. (.'incmnail, U., i\ov. ^. loou, ^z,i>uu. v^ypsy »>/ueen zaiiiy^- xcn nines. J. J. Iknven, Boston, Mass., Oct. 19, 1864, $800. Rapid, 13:51, 14:26'/2. Five miles. ■ Nov. 1, 18(>4, $200. Lady Champion. l.'!:48. Five miles. Oct. 31, lH(i5, $5,500. 58 :25. To trot 20 miles in one hour W Woodruff Jr. Nov. 16, 18()C, $7,000. 38:52, for u miles. To trot 21 miles in one hour. lA)st. Captain Owen, blkg (!J :4!J), Detroit, Mich., July 20, 1871, $200. Soldier Boy, Orphan Girl, Little \ic. Blue Capta*in P.t*clig% :49^), W. McRoberts, Jersey City, N. J„ Aug. 15, 1874, $100. Patty, Tom Berger, Adelia, Trenton(2dis), Badger (1 dis), 2 :.58' 2, 2:50^.2:49%. ^.^ ^,c.i,-ixj xx Captain Keetl, bg (-3:44), N.J.Garick, Sandusky, O., Sept. 25, 1878, $90. Carson, Frank Sellick, Harry H., ''•4(i'ii "-44 ''■44'o CapVain'Koweil b'g (2:49>,i1, bv Dictator. A. B. Cook, Blanchester, O., Aug. 29,1883, $750. James 5, 6, Sweet William 4. Golden (iate.'i. Little Willie, Little Joe. No time. Aug. 31, 1883, $150. ]>ittle Willy 1. Ladv Eveland, Annie. 2:5i)"2, 2:49(4,3:02, 2:57. , ,. „ „ Captain Rniiner, b g (3 lOS;^), Redman & Miller, Austin, Tex., Oct. 30, 1879, $125. Adam Bardash, Molly E. Captain Kynder.s, i)'r s (3 :39»4), bv Aberdeen. T>r. H. Kingsley, Rome, N. Y.. Sept. 23, 1875, $70. Fanny Forrest,"Walkill Chief, D;"i Kice(3 dr) 2:40, 2:48'.i, 2:4.3U. Four-ycar-ods. Sept. 20. 1870, .«100. Alexander, Pathfinder, Walkill Cliiet, 2:3!)'^, 2:4:i, 2:38'4 Sept. 19, 1877. $100. AlexjindiT 1, Brown Lilly, Winlield Boy, 2:39, 2:39?^, 2:40, 2:41%. Sta lions. Captain .Sea, b g (2 =51), W. C. Morrisou, Dunirs Track, Ky., Aug. 1, 1868. $100. Mmnie 3, 4. 2:51, 2:52, 2:49, 9 .f^o '> '5,3 l^^our-vpur-olds Cap'tufn'sellick, cirg^2:35'); by Benny. G. E.Whitney, Norwalk, 0., Aug. 22,1877, $325. Dick Harvey 3, Dr. Hush, Gussie.. Stranger, 2:42M, 2:40i;i, 2:38, 2:.38. ^ ,^^, ^, ..,.,„.,,„„.,<, o .ik./ .lohn Forbes, \Varren, O., June 29, 1878, $250. Abdallah Boy 2, 3, Little (Granger 4, .' :35, J :40, 2 :38, 2 :35!/j, W.'ll. Moody Laconia, N. H.. Sept. 19, 1883, $150. Screwdriver 2, Frank D., Little Harry, Lake Shore, Cap'talirsheridan; eh g (Z :38). Wallace Harris. Buffalo, N. Y., July 0, 1872, $100. Antelope 2, Emma 1 (2 dis). Orange Girl (2 dis). Lady K. (2 dis), 2:51, 2:46, '2:49>4, 2:46%. 2:38. C^a'i'n SkLlf ?w)Tg (3 :00 w^'^j: a'^^SmiurPoughkeepsie. N. Y., June 8. 1880, $100. Bay Messenger (w), Kmnia Walso fw). 3:00, 3:02(4, 3:0T'o. „ , , ^ t t n- ... r lor^ OQnn T>ut a Captain .smitli,bg (3:43), by Hanil. Etonian. J. Eekerson, Fashion Course, L. L, No\., 5, 1869, $300. 1 el 4, (i. Big Jim 1,5. 2:47, 2:46, 2":4.'j:'4,2:45U,2:45, 2:44V4,2:46. . „,. «r i o -.i Tir„^^i,.„ Captain .Sniitli. (Gray Billy), gr g (3 :';«i.^i, by Fenian Chief, dam Minnie Ralston. Wash. Smith, W adding- loii. N. v.. Sejit. 9."l873,8 , K'tty ire<::iiHl. 2:57, 2:58, 2:57. Sept. 11,1873,.$ . William D.. Gray Eagle, 2:42W, 2:44,2:42. _ ._, . „ „ „ .. ... Po sdam, N. Y , Sept. 24, 1873. $200. William I).,/?ray .lohnny. ^^^li^ |' 2=''«5. 2:&4. 2.50. J. D. Dardis, Canton, N. Y., June '25. 187.'",. .$200. Lady Hastings, "f'^f-yl^^. J- ^ J^ell, 2 3< . 2.42 2.42. II. w. Brown, Brockville, Can., July 1, 1875, $ . Frank Munson 1. l2. Three-year-olds. Sept. 24, 1880, $3Gn. Del Sur 2, 3, 2.'29, 2:'25, 2:28. 2:.32, 2::«. l\""r-year-o d9. „ . „, ,„ ^„„. , ,„j^ Captain Stewart, b s (2:35^). by 'Prainp. dam by (ireen's Bashaw, P. Agm, Des Moines, la., Sept. 7. 1880, ri:m. Manitoba, Riette. Belle U. (1 dis), 2:.3,5Vi, 2:.39'4,2:^Vi. nm^.h Cirl '2 3 Snooks Max- Captain .Stone, br g (3:39). D. Bnrge. Indianapolis, Ind.. Sept. 2«, 1R76. $200 Dutch Girl 2. 3. snooks. Max well (1 dis), lloosier Sam (1 dis). Shoe Strings (1 dis), 2:39. 2::«). 2:3.',. 2:3.), 2:d». CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD, lU Captain Stubbs, b g (3 :46i4), W. T. Sheldon. Providence, R. I., July 4, 1874, $100. Fearless, Josephine, Tom cj^n^^e^;;^y!'^s\^:^''^^^^ N. Y., Oct. 12, 1875. $30. Black Tom, Mulligan CapSTaggartf ni"' s % :40), by Phenomenon, O. C. Mattison, Hinsdale, N. Y., Oct. 17, 1863, $100. Little Giant. Martin (1 dis), Lady Norman (1 (lis), 2:46, 2:48. 2:46>2. Hornellsville, N. v., Mav2. ISiif), .$100. Lady Douglass (,s), 2:40,2:45. ^, ^ . , , Goshen, X. Y., Sept. 11, 1867, .SIOO. Hunter 2, Mountain xMaid. 2 -M, 2 :41. Unfinished. Captain Tallman, gr g (3:35j, J. Davidson, Utica, N. Y., Sept. 28, 1866, $300. Washtena Washtenaw Chief, Ninette, '^•3.5 2*37 ■' ' — Oct.' 2,'r8C6.'.'*300. Washtenaw Chief, Ninette. Toronto Chief, 2 :3S, 2 :4o, 2 :42 -- — ' ■■ '- • -- ■., -^ ...,..,., ,o,... ^■^■Jn Kosa, Buzzard, 2:48, i':46, 2:52 ^l;Ki^^.?[lSfJt^5:^l^S^n^ wS; ril^xSrHaiii^u^f ^:^^.; sept, u, i88i,$5o. ''''^S^^^)M^i^9):\^At'^^on, M. Regan. Salinas, Cal., Oct. 4, 1883, $lOO. Red -> Mark Twain (2 dis), 4 :00K>. 4:14. 3:49, 3:54. Horses weighing over 1,400 lbs. ,„,„„,^ Tom, rn s (3 :34), Wm. LooTiwood, Port Huron, Out., July 5, 1870, $150. Riston, Monitor, 2:40, 2:.38J^, Captaii - -, Pfeifer Boy, Harkaway,^ W^^il Captain Chief Captain ' ^^A.'c. Shelby, Mineral Spa, Out., May 25, 1871,$ . Vulcan 3, Diamond 2, 2:39}4, 2:31?i, 2:30, 2:33'/i, 2 "49 '.J, Gillespie, Medina, N. Y., Sept. 12,1873, $230. Hornet 1, Dextress, Fred Johnson (1 dis), 2:40, 2:37, Cap^tain 'Turpin, b s (3:11^), Patterson & Spear, Danville, Ky., Sept. 26, 1872, .$75. Thomas F. Marshall, Ca,^ll^f^hn^(5;;b^ J« ^ siS'^Sg, St. Louis, Mo., Nov. 2, 1848, $150. Cider Maid (s), Butcher CapS^Vhicen^hlkf Vl-SO^^'.L h: Crook, Lancaster, O.. June 3, 1873 $600 Paragon, Carrie Nicklin, Gov. Friend, Wake Up .Take (1 dis), Propeller (1 dis), iveystone Girl, 2:51k. 2:54?4,2:ol-i. ^ „ ,„ ^ ,^ Captain Walker, b g (3 :43), .Jas. Ward, Baltimore, Md., Oct. 15, 1850, $100. Frank Forrester 3, 2:43, 2:43, ^■'^Oct.'i7a850..S1.50. George Washington, Kate O'Brien 5:32,5:39. Two miles. tin Waugh, (Peacock) (w), ch g (3:39 w;. J. D. McMann, Union Course, L. I., Nov. 18, 1846, $200. Bos- Captai ton. Boy 1, 2;.52. 2:39, 2:4134. 2:42. Capta^ Mcintosh, Chor, Sam, Captain Webb, b g (3:33?i), H. T. Westbrook, Brantford. Out , Aug 30 1883 $200. Mc Victor 1 (2, 0), (5 dis), Billy Keenan (5 dis). Grey Dan (3 dr), 2:37^4, 2:37 2 :.U, 2:39 2:37 f*. ,., v x o oo -Aug. 31, 1883, .$200. Canada Southern l. Bob White, Charley Sweden, Sam, Chestnut Sam (3 dis), 2:36, Caplt'ain Weblter {^Isoy^}, Mr. Jackson, San Leandro, Cal., Oct. 12, 1878, $50. Jeannette 3, 2 :30J{,, r :46^, 2:5514,3:0114. 2:44'/2, 2:41?i,2:39'2. Sept. 21, 1874, $ . Nelly, Cassias, 2:40!^, 2:39, 2:35. J. 0. Smith, Richmond, Va., June 12, 1875, $600, Perkin's Morrill, 2:42, 2:42, 2:43, Petersburgh, Va., Oct. 23. 1875, $200. P'orager 2, 3, 2:5314, 2:52, 2:5.5, 2:54, 2:3814- Richmond, Va., Oct. 26. 1875, .$250. Cohee, Forager, 2 :.57i4, 2:5214. <. „ , r. t» n ^ Captain Williams, b g (3:433^), Mr. Cheever, Athol, Mass., Aug. 7. 1874, $50. Protest 3, 5, Ben Butler 4, Captain Jack, Fred(5dr), Dandy Jack(ldis), 3:00, 2:.55, 2:57, 2:58, 2:.54, 2:53. Aug. 8, 1874, .$.50. Fan 1, Fanny Fern, Captain Jack, Fred, Shoo Fly, Dick Dample, Ben Butler (4 dr), '' ■ 53 '' ■ 51 '^ ■ 55 '^ ■ 56 Cap"tain""w[ "scott.;' rn s (3:03^), by Winfleld Scott. C. McLaughlin, Woodstock, Out, Oct. 4, 1881, $230. Emily, Hardv,Fearnauglit(l dis). 3:04, 3:04. 3 :03»=C. Three-year-olds. . ^, ,, ., , „„,„„. 00-n xii. Cara, ch m (3 :43), by Edward Everett, dam by Pilot Jr. Wm. Foote, Corning, N. Y., July 27, 187.5, .$2o0 L,ib 2, Lady Bath 1, Henry Clav Jr.. Belle Laiidon, Fanny (2 dis). Black Henry (1 dis), Taylor (1 dis), Frank Hart (1 dis), 2:.52, 2:.54, 2:45, 2:48, 2:47. July 28. 1875, $300. Kendall Henry 1, Lib (1 dis), Johnny B. (1 dis), 2:42, 2:44. 2:43i4, 3:00. • July 29, 1875. .$1.50. Frank Hart, Rosa B., Lady Bath. Billy Wood. Roan Billy (3 dis), Kate (3 dis), Taylor (3 dis); Nick Pierson (3 dis), .Judge Briggs (3 dis), Grey Hound Jr. (2 dis), 2:46V2, 2:42, 2:439i. Caractacus, b g (3 :34i/3), O. Jerry, Clifton, Out.. Aug. 1, 1877, $150. Quaker Boy 1, Lady Upton, Dmoc. Billy Carbolic' b g'^('3 isiii), by Logan Jr., dam bv Bashaw Jr. L. E. Dunham, Albany N. Y., Oct. 1,1879, $500. Ben Franklin 1, Starlight, Billy Burr, Frank Ross, Timothy, Young Columbus, Stiletto (4 dr). My Julia (2 dr) 2 '30 2 '30 ''■30 2 '31 W.' Moore,' Plainfleld, N. J., Oct. 8, 1879, $200. John H. Starin, Lady Martin, Heloise, Lark, 2:37Ji, 2:30, 2*33 ^ WaverlvPark, N. J.,May22, 1880, $ . Doubtful, 2:.32i4, 2:31. _ , . „ .„ Plainfleld, N. J., .July 5. 1880. .$300. Peralto l, Billy Barefoot, Sciola (3 dr), 2:34i4, 2:42, 2:46, 2:47. Cardinal, br s (3:38), bv Vermont Black Hawk. J. H. Cafley, Montgomery, Ala., Nov. 5, 1858, .$20. Black Hawk Morgan, 2:38, 2:45. Stallions. ^ ^ , ^, , . x „ ■ „ ,„ Cardinal ( \\),% g (3 :43i4), Hiram Woodruff, Union Course, L. I., Apr. 27, 1864, .$50. Lady Blake (w) 3, 4, 2:46, 2:4514, 2:.50, 2:.W'i,2:.51. (w) Fashion Course, L. I.. Julv 14, 1864, $1,000. Minnie (w) 2, 4, 2:44>'2, 2:45, 2:42i4, 2:4.5, 2:46'4. (w). Union Course, L. I., Oct. il, 1864, .$200. Walker's b s (w) 3, 2:47, 2:46i4, 2:47 2:50. Cardinal, (Carroll), gr g (3 :30), by Edsall's Cardinal. Dan. Mace, Fashion Course, L. I., July 24, I861., $2,000. Princess *^ *30 ^ 'Z2^k ** '34^4 Careless, 'b m t3 ^39 w)Vj. Turner. Boston, Mass., June 29, 1866, $1,000. Tib Woodward, 2:42''., 2:4?i'-. 2:48. Careless, b g (3 :44), Jas. Collins, Easton, Pa., June 3, 1869, $1,000. Stephen A. Douglas 1, 3, 2 :45, 2:4, , 2 M^i, Careiess.(3:45i4), D. Olmstead, Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Nov. 24, 1870, $ . Major, Eugene. Duchess. 2:48, Careless "(s*),'!) g (3:57U s), H. B. Perry, Auburn, N, Y., May 22, 1R7.'5, .$ . Big Charley, Nat Williams 1, (4 dr), Lulu Green (4 cfr). String (3 dr), blonde (2 dr), 3:00, 2:.59, 2:.57i4, 3:0H,'. ,, , , , o„„ „ oi ■. qi R. Mabbitt, July 8, 1875, .$125. Mate 2, Judge Briggs 1, Nat Williams, Becker Boy (5 dr), 3:20i4, 3:21, 3:21, 3 '21 Vi> S *21 %^ Careless, br gt"3 :43). D. Warne, Flemington, N. J., Sept. 24, 1879, $60. Gen. Custer, Nelly, Kate, Minnie B., Black Maria, Harry, 2:48, 2:47, 2:47'/2. Dovlestown, Pa." Oct. 1, 1879, $100. Orange 2, Jersey Girl. 2:4.5, 2:47, 2 :43>i., 2:42. t,, , t,t •„ Oc{. 2, 1879, $100. Kate, American Boy, Jersey Girl, Victorine, Delaware, Neshominy, Black Maria, Harry Clay (2 dis), 2 :45i4, 2:47, 2 :47. 112 ClIESTlilfS COMrLETE TUOTTINU AND PACING UECOKl). Careless, lir fi i2:;il), l)v Cutlers Coiiu't, (lam by Kriitucky (k-orgi-. C. C. Hates, iH-corali, la., July 3,1879,. $50. Littlf Mink, I'lVstoii Star, 2:47J^. •i-.M, -ZAl-ii. Cedar Kapids, la., .liim- 2;i, 1x80, $200. Beln»ont Prince, Doubtful (lirl, We.sterii, Koanoke, Hidden Treiisure, Kibona (3 dr). Bashaw Maid (2 dr), Prinio 0 dis), 2:40, . 2:34'4. June 25, 1880, tt.Ktt. Doubtful Girl, Little Crow, Eureka, Belmont Prince, Western, Dick Jamison, John 11. Gear, Prinio (2 dr), 2:34'4,2:33'4, 2:35',2. port Dod>,'e. la., July i<, 1880, S200. Jessie 1, Doubtful (iirl, Hidden Treasure, Belmont Prince, Idler. Euri'ka. 2:35. 2:.fl, 2:32. 2:35. .Marslialltown. la., July U, 1H80,S200. Dr. Slieimrd. Hidden Treasure, Kibona, 2:37. 2:37>^, 2:39. July Hi. lf^H0. Joe Kipley, Thos. L. \"oung. Unknown. l':_'s. 2;J!t'.i.2:32i2. ■ T. D. Marsh, Concord, Mass., June 17, 1879, .$150. Belle Dean, < )shlega Belle, Matilda (3 dis), 2:37, 2:35,. 2;38. Careless Boy, bg (2:41). G. Bond, Mystic Park, Boston, Oct. 12, 1882, $80. Ben Butler, Redwood. 2:4514, Careless Charley, gr g (2:47). Geo. Hall, San Francisco, Cal., Mav 17, 1876, $75. Yellow Jacket. Black Prince(20), (3 dis), 2:48'/2, 2:50, 2:47, 2:48. ^, , , .,. „ . Carll Burr (3:41?^) H. C. Woodnutt, Mineola, L. I., Sept. 30, 1880, $45. Pake's ch s 1, Samniis b s. Best Carletoii' gr g ( 3 :55). \V . Smith, Brantford, Ont., June 25, 1880, $175. Byron Cole, Flora F., Honest Dutch- man (2dis), Tom Sullivan (2 dr), 2:55, 2:58k, 3:00. ,.., ^ . .T „ ^.-. Carlie .>!., b m(2:40). Jesse Smith, Gouverneur, N. Y., Sept. 1, 1881, $100. Little Eastern, Nell Otonnell, 2 "40 '> •40' 2 2 '41 Carlos,' b's (3 :5'4)i by Crittenden, dam Kitty Fisher, by Mambrino Columbus. J. L. Carrington, Richmond, Va., Oct. 20, 1881, $125. Belle, Little Frank, Lady Spangle, 2:59, 3:01, 2:54. Three-year-olds and under. Carlotta, bin (3:51»4), b Flax Tail, dam Lady Narley, by Marion. M. W. Hicks, Oakland, Cal., Aug. 23. 1879. .$200. Maid (1 dis). 2:51k. Three-year-olds. ^ _, , , , Carlton's Black Mare (3 :48). J. W. Carlton, Manchester, N. H., Aug. 21, 1868, $25. Alexander s br m, 2:48. 2-49 Carlyl4, gr g (3 :31), by Plumiis. C. H. Lawrence, Chico, Cal., Sept. 8, 1881, $270. Claremont 1, 4, Prompter, 2:34, 2:3414. 2:32'/2,2:32?i, 2:32^4. ^ t, • , , <, t,, /o x 1 , 1 n • -> Carr Mare, br in (2 :53), R. T. Carr, Joliet, HI., July 12, 1873, $300. Duke, Lex, Quarry Boy, Black Prince (3 dis), BillvGrav(3dis), 3:03. 2:57M, 2:,52. ^ ^,, , ..,...,,. „ .« Caroline, gr m (3:40), W. C. Trimble, Newburgh, N. Y., Sept. -, 1806, .$50. Skowhegan, 2:42 2:41'2, 2:40. Carpenter Boy, m g (3 :37), J. A. Carpenter, Providence, Tt. I., Aug. 22, 1876, $150. Abby P., Lizzie A., i ile Cutter. J()e.".M()untain Rose (2 dis), 2:40>vi, 2:40, 2:401/4, , ,., ..„v Aug. 2.i, 1HT6, $150. Abby P., Newsboy, John Morrill, File Cutter. Irene. Clipper, John Howard (2 dis), 2 '41 ''■lO'i ''■'!9'4 Carpenter's Horse (2:37%), A. Carpenter, Springfield, Mass., Oct. 21, 18(H, Lady Champion 1. 2:42. 2:39, 2:42 Carrie 'li.ady Franklin), rn m (2 :29?4'), bv Esty's Black Hawk. Mr Floyd, Cincinnati, O., May 30, 18C4, JdOO. Dick Turi)in ci 0). Belle Drayton (3 dr), 5:18?i4, 5:1:354, 5:34. Two miles. » „ .„ o o«,/ o oq,/ (w), O. W. Dimmick Chicago, 111., July 6,1864, $150. Dick Turpm 3, General Grant, 2:40, 2:391/2, 2:38V4, 2:43. luly I.''), 18r4, .$400. Silas Rich, Belle Dayton, 2:39, 2:.'?7?.i,2:36V4. Geo. B. Flovd, Boston, Mass., Oct. 24, 1867, .$500. Captain 1. 2:45?.i, 2:48 2:46, 2:45'/2.. ,^.„.o.i.,.. Carrie, ch m (2:4314), Alex. Lewis, Corry, Pa., June 13, 1871, $300. Billy Pavor. Billy M hite, Josephine, Titusville 2'43ii 2-47 2'4<)ii June 14, 1871, $:iob. ' Lady Custar 2, 3, Arthur Boy 4, Grimes, Tramp, William (3 dis), Hope (2 dis), 2:46y„ Carrie,'gr"iii (3 :4'3);d. Logan. Lancaster, Pa., June 11. 1873, $125. Colonel M. (2 dis). Midnight (2 dis). Lady J^^.hnie 12,^i8V3?.$lia' Snowflake, Gap (1 dis). Midnight (1 dis). Col. M. (1 dis). Sorrel Bill (l dis), 2:43, 2:44. Carrie,' b ni (2 :24k), by Volunteer, dam by American Star. Ben Wilson, White riaiV^- ^^; \-.- ri';PL-,.!K.{l"/i 15, 1873, *rrf)0. Lady Woods 5, 7 (3 O), Dan 9 (3 0), (6 0), Break o' Day 2. 4 (7 dis). Charley M, ( . r sh Oh (5 dr), l>ookout 1 (3 0), (4 dr), Frank (4 dr), Mickey Free (1 dis), Frank Olcott (1 dis), lone d dis), 2:3oi4. '':38k, ^ n?A>tS iffi Ni'Y^tVtii^^ijf i87^m^^ ^Goshen, N. Y., Sept. 2, 1874, $1,000. Molsev 3, 4. Berkshire Boy 2, William Turnbull, George B. Daniels, Dot, CatskiU. 2:32, 2:.31Ji, 2:39, 2:3,'->, 2:32'/,, 2:.i2f/.. , , c. .111 T?n , \i..,i,i-.,i fnn P Prospect Park, L. I., Oct. 27, 1874, $K00. Royal Georg.' ). Lady Sayres A< e aide FJla .M:uiden, Cora !•., Lady Woods, Lady Annie, Black Crook (4 dr), Ladv Mornson (•;' 4), by Ethan Allen, dam by Harris Hambletonian. M. Carroll, Beacon Park, Bos- ton, Oct. 10, lS7ii. >;2no. J. C. Kelly, Shore Boy, 2:.35, 2:43, 2:44. W. P. I5;dch, Sept. 15. 1877, § . BlackBen 3, Honest Billy 1, Eva, 2:41V2, 2:35i4, 2 :37'/2, 2:3854, 2:40. C. R. Pomerov, Springfield, Mass., July 5,1880, $150. Johnny 1, Mack, Alfred (3 dis), 2 :37, 2 :38, 2 ::i7, 2 -39^4 Carrie B., b m d :44), W. H. Truesdeli, Belvidere. 111., Nov, 25. 1871. §50, Hattie Bishop, 2:49, 2:52. — Sept. 27. 1872, .*150. Tramp, Kate. Magna, 2:44, 2:48^4, 2:48. Carrie B., eh m (3 :40), by Champion. M. L. Brando, Cortlandt, N. Y., June 13. 1876, $100. Dick Jones, Hero, Old M;in. Fanny Bixby, 2:40, 2:4714, 2:4612. June 14. 1870, $300. Maggie Myers 3, Billy, Cortlandt Boy, John Holmes Jr., Hattie Fisher, Irish Girl (3 dis), 2:44, 2:4214, 2:44, 2:41ii. Carrie B., br m (3 :^S^i), by Elial G.. dam bv Hinsdale Horse. J. E. McAllister, Gouverneur, N. Y. Sept. 2, 1880, $ . Cora, Fred, Clarke, 2:40, 2:41, 2 :40, 2 :40. H. W. Brown, Buffalo, N. Y., Oct. 20, 1881, $300. Warren 1, Straightedge 2, Chestnut Sam, Eocky, Gov. Tilden, 2:.37i4, 2:38W,, 2:3914,2:43, 2:39. J, Smith. Danbiiry, Conn., Oct. 5, 1882, $200. ISIanhattan 1, 2, Patchen Maid, Lady Tucker, 2:30Vo. 2:37, • 2:.33i4. 2:.32io.2:34. Carrie Belle. ("3 :50), Butte, Mont., Sept. 22, 1883. $100. Cora 1, (3 dis), 2:59, 3:00, 2:50. Carrie Berrvhill. blk m (3 :35),by Wild Wagoner, Col. Berryhill, Davenport, la. Nov. 5, 1875, $ . Cot- tonade, Topsy (2 dis). 2:47, 2:47, 2:44. J. Frinnev, Norwalk, O.. Aug. 14. 1878, .$300. Essex Maid 4, Golddust 2, Lady Greer, Nelly, Billy Budd, Emeline (4 dr), Maggie Fred (4 dr). Starlight (1 dis), 2:35i'2, 2:361-4. 2:37, ,2:35. Carrie C, b m (3:35'/2), J. Griffen, Freehold, N.J. Sept. 14, 1882 $120. Richard, Vinewood, 2:50' .,2:48= i, 2:511/2. Red Bank, N. J., Sept. 21, 1882, $125. Richard, Vinewood, 2:50i^, 2 :48i4, 2:5114. Carrie C, br m (2:27i;), by Electioneer, dam Maid of Clay, by Henry Clay. Palo Alto Stable, Oakland. Cal.. Sept. 8, 1883, $400. Dawn, McVaugn(4 dis), 2:.52, 2:.30i4. Two-vear-olds. Carrie Cozzens, brm (3:40), T. Smith, Sullivan, 111., Aug. 11, 1880, $100. Nettie Reese, Bay Bob. Tempest, 2:.53'4, 2:5314. 2:54. Lincoln, 111., Aug. 25. 1880,. $250. Dr. Fred, Blackstone, 2:36i4, , 3:05, 2:40"2. Carrie F. br in (3 :35U), F. Smith, Creston, la., July 12, 1878, $100. Little Jet, Lightfoot, Hank Dubois, Otoe Maid, Bay Billy, (3 cfr), 2:50, 2:50, 2:50. W. Carey, Red Oak, la., June 25, 1880, $175. Gen. Custer 2, Colorado, Nelly Shaw. Lone Jack (1 dis), 2:401^, 2:41. 2:.57, 2:48. Carrie K., wh m (3 :30), by Blind Eagle, dam by the Pike Horse, Mr. Ketchum, Burlington, Wis., Sept. 7, 1877, $ . Rochelle 2. 3, Kitty Servis, Lizzie. No time, W.L. Peck, Prophetstown, 111., Aug. 8, 1878, $300. Kitty S., Abdamed Allen, Clipper, Dolly, Hazlet Queen, Sleepv Bill, 2:45, 2:4.3, 2:43. Mendota, ill., Aug. 13, 1878, $400. Mat Kirkwood3, 4, Lady M (1 0), Prince (5 dis), Abdamed Allen (2 dis), TdaK. (2 dis), 2:34, 2:31,2:33. 2:34,2:34, 2:34. Earlville, 111., Aug. 21, 1878, $400. Lady M., Prince, 2:33^, 2:339i, 2:35. Aug. 24. 1878. $400. Sleepv Bill, Mat Kirwood, Blossom, Fred Reynolds, Clipper (1 dis), 2:3414, 3:34, 2:30i4. Macomb, 111., Aug. 28. 1878, $400. Blossom, Blue Cloud (1 dis), Clipper (1 dis). 2:30, 2:.34. 2:36V4. Aug. 30, 1878, ,$300, Sleepv Bill, Frontier Dick (2 dis). Rowdy (1 dis), 2:35, 2:30, 2:319i. Galesburg, 111., Sept. 4. 1878. $400. Jim, Bay Billy (3 dis), 2:a5, 2:33, 2:3514. C. Porter, Galveston, Tex., May 5, 1883, $300. Blind Tom 1, Crocket (1 dis). No time. Carrie Longr, b m (3:53), L. Long, Carmi, 111., Sept. 7. 1881, $100. Beaumont 1, Gray Mack, Cream, 2:57i4, 2:. 52, 2:5314,2:58. J. S. Campbell. Evansville. Ind., April 26, 1882, $85. Bob Lewis, William Z., 3:00, 2:59»4, 3:05. Carrie M., b m (3 :34). by .Jack Shepherd, dam by Fearnaught. Jesse Smith, Malone, N. Y., Sept. 27, 1881, $200. Little Pete, Cobden, Bob Dalzell, 2:.38, 2:36, 2:38. Carrie Medium (Miss Medium), b m (3 :37i4), by Happy Medium Jr. W. H. Nelson, Norwalk, Conn., Sept. 13, 1882, $200. Lady Tucker 1, May Jefferson, Flaxey, Geo. E. Baker (1 dis), Stephen G. (1 dis), 2:33, 2:34, 2:4.5, 2:46. Sept. 14, 1882, .$200. Stephen G., Lady Tueker, IMarj' Kennedy, Kate Harris, Harry Pelham, May Jeffer- son, Flaxev, Surprise (2 dis), 2:34i^, 2:32?.£, 2:35. Merideu, Conn., Sept. 19, 1882, $200. Harry Pelham (3 0), Stephen G., Onward, Nick, Sheridan (2 dis\ Hattie (2 dis), Arabian Chief (l dis), Ben (1 dis), David Crockett (1 dis), 2:32i4, 2:32,2:32^4, 2:.31M.. Watertown. Conn., Sept. 27, 1882, .$200. Nickel, Stephen G., Onward, My Lady (1 dis). Belle of Waterbury (1 dis), 2:40^^, 2:39ii. 2:36!4. ■ New Milford, Conn., Sept. 29, 1882, $200. Onward, Nickel, Mary Kennedy, Stephen G., 2:36, 2:36%. 2 :38i?4, Sept. 30, 1882. .$200. Carrie B. 1, Breeze Medium, L. C„ Louis Napoleon (3 dr), 2:35, 2:.32ii, 2:37, 2-M^i. Danbury, Conn., Oct. 7, 1882, .$200. Carrie B. 3. (4 0), Manhattan, 2:2714. 2:31 2:32i4, 2:33?i, 2:33. Carrie Myers b m (3 -.36%), M. Mvers, Fleetwood Park, N. Y., Aug. 30, 1875, $150. Judge Bedle 2 Fred T\ ler (w) 4, 2:471^, 2:43, 2:42i4, 2:46i4. 2:43. Jolin Murphy, Jersey City, N. J., Julv7, 1876, $200. Judge Bedle, 2:45^4, 2:47, 2:48. Fleetwood Park, N. Y., July 14, 1876, .$100. Judge Bedle, 2:393ii, 2:43i4 2:44. Sept. 14, 1876, .$200. Fred Tyler (w), l, 2, 2:381^, 2:38, 2:3634, 2:40, 2:40i/2. Sept. 29, 1876, $500. A. T. Stewart. 2 :42, 2 :41i^. 2 :.38. Carrie N., b m (3 :37), by Young Woful. dam by Hector. D. B. Goff, Spring Valley, N. Y., Oct. 19, 1875, $150. Judge Robertson 3. .5, Katv Hughes 1. 2:42, 2:40, 2:414, 2:40, 2:40i4. 2:40^4. — W. Bassford, Jersey City. N. J., May 25, 1876, $260. Lady Mills 3, St. George. Judge Bedle, Hard Road, Came Mvers (2 dis), 2:4.3, 2:42, 2:44, 2:41%. — Rhinebeck. N. Y., June 14, 1876, $300. Nightingale 3, 4, Clover, Silas Rich, H. D. Claflin, Camon (5dr), Big Fellow (5 dr), 2:40, 2:36, 2:39. 2:37, 2:44. Amenia, N. Y., .July 4. 1876, $400. Wilkes' Spirit 2, Nightingale 1, Delilah, Uncle Dave (4 dr). Break o' Day (2 dis), 2:34ii, 2:38, 2:38, 2:40, 2:40. Albany, N. Y., Aug. 8. 1876, $200. Mohawk Prince 2, Silver Tail 1, Favorite, J. T. Davis, Prince. Sam (5 dr), Kitty (5 dr), 2:35^4, 2:35, 2:36?4, 2:35. 2:36>^. 114 CHESTEKS COMPLETE TKorilNC AM) PACIN(} KKf'OKI). Spriiigflcid, Mas8., Sept. 7, 1876, S2,000. Williiim II. l, Big Fellow Young Wilkes, Dan Bryant 2:29, 2:27, Carrie S., rn m (2 :37Vi5), T. H. Alvonl, riainville, Conn., May 28 and ;«), 18«1, Auh). Flei'twooil 2. 4, New England Boy 3, 5, Ktlian (i. Rutin im-, Liltle Joe, 2:4J, 2:4i.",i. , 2:44, ■_':4j^. 2:4."), 2:.{7' j, 2:.i«. Carrie T., (3 :08U;), C. D. toward, I'lacerviile, Cal., Sept. 18,1880, $■'500. Tooiliey's Entry 1, Taylor's Entr^- 3:13. 3:08'2, »)!>'o, 3:10. Carrie AVliite, l)lk ni(*'i:40' 2), L. E. Dunham, Jersey City, N. J., Dec. 4, 1877, 8100. Vermont Maid 2 J T Davis, 2:4U, 2:.'J«'/2, 2:50'2, 2:51. ■ July 11. 1878, Sm. Vermont Maid 1, 2 (4 0), (5 dr), 2:4.'.. 2:4»i, 2:42, , . .1. Iv Jaryis, Jersey City, N. J., May 30, 1kh2, .?:«)(). t'liarles Dreyfus, 2:40^, 2:463a, 2:47. H. Colui, July 27. 1X82. 5S100. Charles Dreyfus, 2:,'J3i'4, 2:4!i'2, 2:48)^ Autiust 10, 1k'82. .«7.'). Charles Dreyfus :i, .fudge Blake 1 (4 dis>, 2:47!2, 2:">2, 2:52'2, 2:52'^-, 2:54 Carrie Z.. 1.1k m (a:30!j), 1.. C. Palmer, Emporia, Kan., May 17, 1880. Little Dick, Lady ConlV, Kilty D.. \Virliita('li;irlfy (1 dis», 2:15'.,. 2:4.V4, 2:4.'jS. . May IS, isso, ^; Little rnuik. Wichita Charley, 2:40'4, 2:40»,, 2:40i.i. Carroll (Cardinal) gr g (3 :30), by KdseH's Cardinal. Ben .Mace. Union Coursi', L. L, Nov. 6, 1868, $rMi. Ned Nevels, Cora, No Name, Fanny >+iiraf;iie, 2:33, 2:35i/i, 2:32f4- Carrolton(Oapt. Jack), b g (2:31' e), by Billy Morgan. R. J. Slater, Baltimore. Md.. I\Iay 18, 1875, §1,000. Clifton, 1, 2. Jacob Larian. Fanny (1 dis), 2:3.5, 2:36, 2:33, 2:34. •.';3. 2:33, 2-34. Jiilv 1, 1S75, jil.OOO. John Virgin 1, 2, Ajax. 5, Clifton, Nelly. Ned. 2:31-'i, 2::«i. 2:31 'j. 2:3;f. 2:36. 2:.344 .M. .1. Calvin, Northampton, :M:iss., .Inly 9, 1875, S700. Clifton 1. Jlay iice 2, I'rincess (1 dis), Rowe's Tiimiuy (1 dis). 2:3.'), 2:3ti'2. 2:37, 2::i8, 2::«». Carr's Manibrino. br s (3 ■AS'^'i- hy .Mambrino Patchen, Mr. Dubois, San Jose, Cal., Oct. 4, 1875. S200. Cali- fornia Patchen 2, Belmont Pjitclicn, Charley (1 dis), 2:,50'", 2:52, 2:49, 2:.55. Carson, bik g (•^:44',). M. B. Smith Jr.. S;iii(lusky, ()., Sept. 20, 1876, §24. Rosedale. Canada Bill, George Whitney (2 dis). Lady Sykes (2 ills), Bill (1 dis', Mumic :May (1 dis), 2:.58, 3:02. E. W. Hughes, New London. ()., Oct. 17, 1878. .§150. Jessie Dixon 3, Little Ben, (irav Dove. Top Gallant (4 dis). Gray Dan (3 dis), iMilder B. (2 dr), 2:50, 2:50, 2 :,50, 2:51. Massillon, O., Oct. 23, 1878, 8200. Davy C, Harry J., Fasacas, City Girl, Little Harry. Sandy Bogus, Raft, Blue Bird (3 dis), 2:49, 2 :46'4, 2:45' 2. Sandusky, O., Sept. 26, 1879, $80. Billy Budd. Romulus, 2:441.,, 2:.59. 2:.58. Carson's Cliestnut Gelding:, (3:00), A. Carson, St. Joseph, Mo., Sept. 7, 1870, 8.'">0. AVhitncy's ch m. Kinney's bg (1 dis), 3:28, 3:00. Carthase Boy, br g (3:32U), by the Rollins' Horse, dam by Whalebone, Robt. Potter. Skowhegan, Me., Auir. 20, 1870, S . Bully Brooks l, Beauregard. Cushnoc. 2:40. 4:40, 2:39, 2:40. R. H. Storm, Concord, Mass., Sept. 2.5. 1872, $250. Green Mountain Maid 1, 4, Ludlow Boy, 2:43'.i, 2:38, 2:40,2:42, 2:42. Jas. Golden. Boston, Mass., Oct. 22, 1872, $1.50. Highland Maid, Lady Wentworth. Lady Morris, Captain (1 dis), 2 :32'/2, 2:34' 2, 2:3,514. Cassell's Roan Geldinj; (3 :47), T. Cassell, Lexington, Ky., Aug. 31, 1880, $.50. Hudson's b g, Spencer's ch g Sydner's gr g, 2:50, 2:47. Cassie Maclt, b m (2 :30Ji) D. McCarts% Sacramento, Cal., June 1, 1880, S.300. Dick Turpin 2, Gentle Annie, Frank (4 dis), Jimmv (1 dis), 2:31^, 2:.32, 2:.34'4. 2::U-:'4'. Cassius, blks(2:39), Mr. Cudnev, Suffolk Park, Phila.. May 2, 1867. $100. Annie 1, 2, Ida 6 (5:0), Idlewild (4 dr), 2:47, 2:42, 2:42'''2, 2:3.5, 2":4.5, 2:42. 2:47. Cassius, b g (3 :37), W. H. Cheney, ]\l;»ncliester, N. H., Sept. 16, 1868, .§1.50. Messenger Girl. Britomarte, Nell Prescott, John, Horse Jockey, 2:43?.i, 2:37, 2:43. Cassius, b s, Mr. Perley, Sullivan Co.,N. H., Sept. 12, 1873, §30. Maggie Mitchell. Mattie Farnum, Hermitress. No time. Cassius, ch g (2 :38), W. P. Ricketson, Mystic Park, Boston, Sept. 17, 1875, $75. Tip 1,2, Belle Oakley, 2:39».^, 2:41.2:44M. Unfinished. Brockton, Miuss., Oct. 3 and 4, 1877, $ . Gen. Landers 1, Twinkle (30), Myrtle, Abbv P., Bay George (5 dr), Kingston Maid (4 dr), 2:40, 2:39, 2:40. 2:40, 2:38. Cassius Clav, br s (2 :4.5'i), Dan Mace, I'rovidence, R. I., Aug. 7, 1866, $450. Jim Barton 3, Toby Candor 1, 2:.51, 2-A9U, 2:.52M, 2:47!i, 2:45U. Cassius M. (w), brg (2:48i'i,)H. Swartz, San Francisco, CaL, June 14, 1872, $100. Fritz (w), 2:54J4, 2:5654, 2 "56. '■ P. F;irrell, June 21, 1872, $200. Fritz, 5 :41, 5 -.^hi. Two miles. B, Rice, San Francisco, Cal., Dec. 15, 1872, $200. Silverheels (w), 5:53, 5:42. Two miles. ( w), Ui'a:. 20, 1872, .?200. Silverlu^cls (w), 8:3C?4, 8:45. Three miles, (w), Henry Swartz, Feb. 14, 1873, $.500. Silverheels (w), 8:40, 8:59}4. Three miles. Feb. 17, 1873, $.500. Silverheels, 12:01. Four miles. Nov. 28, 1873, .$.500. Romeo, 11 :37"2. Four miles. Dec. 26, 1873, .$.500. Romeo, 11 :.54. Four miles. Cassius M. Clay, b g (2:48), Peter "W. Jones & Co., Amherst, N. H., Aug. 30, 1859, $50. Young Mike (1 0), Bliick Chief (1 0). 2:.54, 2:.5.3, 2:,54. Manchester, N. H., Sept. 16, 18,59, .$40. Hawthorne 3, (1 0), Charley, 2 :,54, 2:,50, 2:49, 2:48. Amherst, N. II. , Sept. 9, ls,59, ,'t;7,5. Young Mike (1 0), Black Hawk Chief (1 0), 2 :,52. 2:51, 2:52. Cassius .>!. C^lay Jr., br s (2 :36i4), by Cassius M. Clay. R. S. Strader & Co., SpringUeld, O., Sept. 15, 1870. §100. Ohio Hero, 2:,5.5, 3:04. C. P. Kelso, Cleveland, O.. Sept. 11, 186a,.«1.50. .loe Hooker 1, 2:44i4, 2-47'.i. 2:47, 2:48>4. Cassius M. Clay Jr., b s (2 :49), O. .1. Brown, Narrowsburgh, N. Y ., May 27, 18.50, §50. Scranton, Pony, Belle ot Providence, Ilarrv Hazel, 2 :,52. 2:49. Cassius Prince, ch s (2:29), by Ballard's C. M. Clav, dam by the Harlow Horse. H. A. Wood, Bethel, Vt., Sept. 3, 1874. $ . Vermont Bov. Boxer, 3:06. ,'?:05. Stallions., Srpt. 4, 1874, $.300. American Boy 1, Honesty. Bliick AVarrior, 2:45V{,, 2:45'.i, 2:46, 2:43. Woodstock, Vt., Sept. .'iO. 187J, $100. Ilerniit, Elder Folsom, 2:39, 2:41'4, 2:45?i. Bethel, Vt., Aug. 24, 1875, $.500. Drummer Bov. Clmrlev Mac, .Tohn T. Russell, 2:36, 2:3654, 2:37. Aug. 25, 1875, $400. Anx-lia D., Twinkle, Charley Mac,2:.39''.i. 2:38'4, 2:41H. . „ „ „ A. Woodiird, Mystic Park, Boston, Nov. 1. 1875, .S3(K). Doctor, Lady West, Topeka Belle, Brace, 2;3i^^, 2:36, 2:361/2 1. J. Bowen, Beacon Park, Boston. July 19. 1876, .$270. T,ady Daggett. Grace. 2:.32'i, 2:.30,2:34k. . A. Woodard, May 17, 1877, .«200. Nira fielle 2, Geo. A. Ayer, Belle Dean, Ben Starr, Joe S., .Ichn \ irgin, (1 dis), 2:29"2,2:.3P,', 2:29>;.2:.'M. . . ,,,,<• Mystic Park, Boston, May 28, 1K77. $200. Nlra Belle, Belle Dean, Ben. Starr, (Jeo. A. Ayer, .John Virgin (1 dis) 2'3''Vi,2'29 "'31 Beacon Park'. Bosioii. Aug. 11, 1877, $200. Sam. Curtis 2, 3, Lady Daggett, Clara J., George M. (4 dis). ' e'. C." Cliirk," Doyresto\\-n",'Pa.', Oct. 1, 1879. $100. David Walhice, 2:.3CV4, 3:01>i, 2:48^. Stallions. Castaway, b g (2 :50). A. V. siiannon. Lee. Mass., .tune 12, 1880, $.50. Fortune 5, 7, Tom Clerk 4, 6, Nelly Gray 3, Purity, 2:50, 2:60, 2:621^, 2:66, 2:56, 2:50J4, 2:48'/», 2:51. o CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING .lECOKD. Ili5 Castelar, eh s (3:361. by Ajax. rtani Fanny bv Young Drew. H. E. Biewster, Sherbrooke, P. Q., June 23, 1S8-. si5(). .lennv 2. :i. Huui'st Ton\ 1, lilaVk ('rook (3 dr). Squaw (3 (Ir), 2:44?4 2:4414, 2:39'2, 2:41, 2:3G. Castiiiara, b ni c^ :51), by Burl)iii(), dam Sakida. J. A. Dusliu, Dayton, O., May 30, 1883, $400. Irisli Fly 1, Kittv Rolf, Allen Boy (4 disi, 2:r,iU. 2:51. 2:54'2, 2:534. Castle iJov. ^Bavl>^llv>^'^:~l). 'n' (ioodintr's ( lianmiou. M. Roden, Fleetwood Park, N. Y., Sept. 19, 1871, si.oiK). Briglit Eyes, Jack Poor. Louisa Moore, P. Haskins d disi, 2:34'.i„ 2:30^+, 2:40. Sept. 21, ISTI. $1,000. Ed, Eaton 2, 3. Bright Eyes, 2:33U,, 2:32'^, 2:31^i, 2:34, 2:33. June 22. 1872. .Sl,(t00. Grace Bertram ;',, 4. I):in'iel I'.oonc 1. 2:35, 2::J0, 2:34>i, 2:31 '4. 2:.*?%, 2:33>'?. Haniiltou, Out., June 2^. 1872. Si.5((0. Cattaraugus Chief 2, Hornet, Gen. Howaru, Columbia (2 dis), Horace (irecley (2 dis), Frank Sluuv (.2 dis) .2:34V6, 2;:;4>.i.2:.;4i4„2:.'5(!. Cleveland, 0.. Aug. 1, 1873, .*3.0()(). Cozette, Lady Banker. St. James, Brother Jonathan, Annie Collins, Star. Independence, 2:25. 2:25'.!. 2:24';;. Prospect Park, L. I., June 4, 1874, $1,500. Crown Prince, Triumph, 2:2C, 2:2614.2:25. Mr. Benham, Woodsburg. N. Y., Aug. s, Aug. s, 18S3: $200. Strathmore, Susie, Little Jasper, 2:42, 2:37,2:39. Castles in the Air, b m by Versailles, Mr. Galligher, Lnicoln, 111., Aug. .30, 1878, $50. Gray Alice. No time, Halt-mile heats. Castleman. blk s (.3 :43). Selman & Faheley, Frederick. Md„ Oct. 13, 1881 $200. Courtlandt Boy 3, Harry, Henry Martin. 2:44'4, 2:4.3, 2:45?4, 2:45. Castletoii, bg(.3:31), by Cliesebrough, C. H.Wells, Rome, N. Y., Sept. 19, 1878, .'?200. Ebenezer 2, Frank Clark, Lucy C, Crazy Kit, Oceana, 2:42, 2:39, 2:40, 2:41. Lyons, N. Y'., June 11, 1879, $400. John McDougall, Daciana. Frank Ross, Lady Tighe, I>ady Jane, Dick Jones, Lib, Charley W., Frank Clark (2 dn. 2:3014' 2 :.32i2, 2:31. Elmira, N. Y., June 25. 1879, $600. Tom .Alalloy 1, Key West, Sussex, Lola, 2:3314, 2:29. 2:291^,2:29^4. ■ " - - - - - -■ Unss Ellis, McCurdy's Hambletonian, Sut Lovingood, -Cincinnati, O., July 1, 1879, $1,000. Bonner lioy, Ri Fanny Witherspoon, Singular (3 dis), Mambrino, Oliver (2 dis), Lizzie f>mith (2 dis). Judge Hawes (1 dis). William L., (1 dis). Judgment (1 dis), 2:27i4, 2:2314, 2:25i4. Columbus, O.. .July 17, 1879, $600. Sannie G., Sut Lovingood. Blue Bird, Singular, Eugene (2 dis), 2:31, 2 :34, 2 :29i^. Castleton, rn g (3 :40), D. Gervaise, Montreal P. Q., July 22, 1880, $100. Coq du Nord, Belle Canadienne, 2:41, 2 :42, 2 :40. M. Plamondin. Montreal, P. Q., Sept. 6, 1882, $550. Conqueror (3 0), Redeemer, Fear Not. No time. Castleton, blk s (3 :43i4), W. Tanner, Rome, N. Y. Sept, 21, 1882, .$200. Mantie B., Nancy, 2:47. 2:42»4, 2:4414. Cast Steel, b m (3:45i4), Clias. Bissett, Taunton, Mass., Oct., 6, 1870, $100. Bridgewater Boy l, 4, Juno, Unknown (3 dr), 2:51. 2:45'2, 2:509i, 2:50, 2:5414. Catch Fly, b m (3:19), by Administrator, dam Cachuca by Almont, R. P. Pepper. Cynthiana, Ky., Oct. 20, 1880. $1,060. W. 0.,2:.32?4. Falmouth, Ky., Sept. 13, 1882, $.300. Alice Stoner 2, 3, Mystery, Tucker (1 dis), Boneset (1 dis), 2:30, 2:33, 2:329i, 2:2914, 2:29. Lexington, Kv., Oct. 14, 1882, .$400. Kitty Silver. Kenilworth, Tucker (1 dis), 2 :27J4, 2:271/2, 2:27i4. G. B. Hayes, Maysyille. Ky., May 15, 1883. .».500. Alta, Lady Thorn, 2:28/2, 2 :22i/2, 2:22. Cincinnati, O.,* May 25, 1883, .$1,000. Ina G.. Alta (1 dis), 2 :23?4, 2:22M, 2 :25U- Milwaukee, Wis., .June 14, 1883, $500. Monroe Chief, Foxie V. [2 dis), Eureka (1 dis), 2:20i4, 2:192i, 2:27. ^Oshkosh, Wis., .June 28, 1883, $.500. Monroe Chief, Eureka (1 dis), 2 :32, 2 :22, 2 :25. Woodstock, 111., Julv .5, 1883, $.520. Foxie V., Rosalind, 2:30i4, 2:30J^, 2:23. Chicago, 111., Julv 16, 1883, .$2,500. Sleepy Joe, Minnie Warren, Commander, 2:23, 2:19, 2:23J4. July 18, 1883, $2,500. Sleepy Joe, Ina G., Will Benham. 2:20:'4, 2:20, 2:23%. Catherine, b m (3: 3014), McDonald's Mambrino, dam by John Ennis. W. G. Mosher, Quincy, 111., May 31, 1882, .$200. EdinaBov l, 2, Seal? kin 3, 2:48''4, 2:4914, 2:47i4, 2:49i2, 2:.50, 2:49i4. R.Carnatlian,Oslikosh, Wis., Sept. 14,1882, $200. Elsie C. 1, Sleepy Fred, Gray Eagle, Forrest Girl, Tojjsy, Col. Cloud, Frank H., 2:39'4, 2:3914, 2:3.594, 2:.38?4. Cato, Ijr g (3 :45), Peter Whelan, Centreville, L. I., Oct. 3, 1838, $27.5. Emperor, Medora. Leila, 5:30, 5:34^^. Two miles. (s), Stacey Pitcher, Beacon Course, N. J., July 4, 1839, $200. Yankee Doodle. Chance, 5:50, 5:53. Two miles. Centreville, L. I., Oct. 8, 1839, $100. Lady Swan. Helen McGregor, 5:36, 5:33, 5:36. Two miles. Catskill, b g (3:34), S. Hayes, Walcottville". Conn., Aug. 28, 1873, $400. X X 3, Mystery, Belle Daniels, Buckskin (1 dis), Harry Allen (1 dis). 2:49, 2:49, 2:.52i^, 2:^>4. Catskill Girl, blk m (3 :38V^;, by Kossuth. Loud & Smith, Cairo, N. Y., Sept. 24, 1874, $ . Register Boy, Onondaga Boy, Webster's ch g, (2 dis), 2:48, 2:45, 2:47. G. W, Loud, New Haven, Conn., Oct. 15, 1874. $1,000. Lady White 1, (2 0), T. E. Gordon, Lady Sill (3 dis), 2:.38, 2:37, 2:,35i2, 2:36i/2, 2:37;f4. Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Oct. 21, 1874, $800. Geo. F. Smith, Hampton, Wild Oats, J. H. Weeks (2 dis), 2 :40^, 2:35, 2::34^i. M. F. Smith, Prospect Park, L.' I., Oct. 27, 1874, $500. Falmouth Boy. New Dorp, T. J. Stevens, Chester, Hampton, Effie Dean, Compeer, Arthur. 2:354,2:2914, 2:284. Cattaraugus Chief, (Kanawha), b g (3 :39), by Rough and Ready. F. Thompson, Cuba, N. Y., Sept. 29. 1871, .«500. Kilburn Jiml, 2, Ashland,Pet, 2:35, 2:35V^, 2:.37, 2:3514. 2:3.5M. Lockport, N. Y., Oct. 4, 1873, .$200. I,ady Byron, Toronto Chief, Boot .Jack (1 dis), 2 :39, 2 :40, 2 :43. C. Wilcox, London, Ont., June 10, 1874, .$350. Lady Kate, Little Angus, 2 :35. 2 :.35i4, 2 :.37. Fred Thompson, Brookville, Pa., Oct. 22, 1874, .$400. Clothesline 1, Lady Johnston, 2:334, 2:32i4, 2:35, ■ Jamestown. Pa., .July 10, 1875, .$250. Magnolia 2, 3, Sleepy Tom, 2:.32i4, 2:32i/o,2:33, 2:35, . ■ Titusville, Pa., Sept. 30, and Oct. 2, 1875, $400. Sleepy Tom, 2:42, 2:35, 2:42. ■ St. Petersburg, Pa., Oct. 7, 1875, .$.300. Sleepy Tom 1, Mexican Tom. 2:38, 2:39, 2:38, 2:36, Parker Citj', Pa,, Oct. 14, 1875, $400. Sleepy Tom. Mexican Tom, 2 :35, 2 :.34, 2 :35. • iuffalo, N. Y.,Oct. 23, 1875, $ . Leon 3, "Grace Bertram, White Cloud, 2:3394, 2:29='4, 2:33, 2:31. • Le Roy, N. Y., May 31, 1876, $2.50. Grace Bertram, Prince Clay,S. S. Ellsworth, 2:36, 3:371^, 2:37. • jlamburgh, N. Y., Sept. 14, 1876, $200. Leon, Billv Pavor, Springville Chief, 2:33, 2:34, 2:3314. Le Roy, N. Y., Oct. 4, 1876, .$200. Damon (2 0). Leon, 2 :45, 2 :43i.^, 2 :44, 2 :41. Cayus:aChief,(w),brg (3:354), Horace F. Jones. Beacon Park, N. J., Sept. 3, 1840, $200. Lady Victory (w), 3:0.5,3:044. Centreville, L. I., Sept. 16, 1840, $175. Nonpareil, Lady Clinton, 5:41, 5:44. Two miles. Sept. 17, 1840, .$250. Quaker, Post M.aster, 5:151^, 5:24. xwo miles. Apr. 27. 1841, $125. Mingo 2, 5:45, 5 :48. 5 ;,5l. Two miles. Wm. Whelan, Beacon Course, N. J., June 12, 1841, $2.50. Aaron Burr 3, 2:38, 2 :38, 2 :46, 2 :37. Philadelphia, Pa., July 14, 1841, .$100. Quaker (2 0), Spangle 1, Queen of Trumps (1 dis), 2:41, 2:39, 2:42, 2:41,2:44. H. Woodruff, Centreville, L. I., Oct. 6, 1842, $150. Duchess, 5 :19!l^,5:20. Two miles. -(w), S. Cooper, Beacon Course, N. J., June 19, 1844, $300. Washington (w) 2, 3, Americus (w), 2;36i^, 2:36V4» 2:40, 2:42, 2:45. 116 CHESTEll'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING UECOKD. Cavuga Chief (Tom Keeler), b s (3 :35), bv Jersey Star. J. S. Baker, Clyde, N. Y., Oct. l'.i, ikct. if . (yen. 'Grant 1, (Ireat Eiisteni, 2:57, ;{:tM%i, 2:59?i. Three-vear-olils. Butfalo, N. Y., JulySl, l8C«,S5uo. Fancy Gokldust, Silver Cloud (3 dis),2:51'4, 2:4ti>4, 2;42i.i. Three-year. olds. CaviiRaMaid. ch m(3:60'/j). C. Heath, Waverly Park, N. J., May 29, 1880, $ . Deucalion 1, Fred, 2:44'/j, '2:.''>(tU,, 2:.W. Jiriic 19. 1880, S . Unknown, '.i-m, 2:,')2M. C. v., U a {-.i ■.•i.M..), bv Black Eagle. C. C. Wood, La Plata, Mo., July 4, 1878, §50. Captain Jack l, Abdallah, DextiT, .{ :;U?4, 3:33K», 3:30'4, 3:26'2. C. C. iSnrinj;, b n (3 :35). T. E. Bailev, Barrie, Out., June 30, 1872, S.JOO. Eva, Central, (iold Leaf. Walton Bov (3 (li.s). While Bird (3 dis). 2:3'J'i, 2:.«'4, 2:42. C. C. Perkins, Medina, N. Y.. June 19, 1872, $1,200. Delaware Cliii'f, Ladv Emma, Ladv Sherwood, Mufjgins, Tom I'arker. Royal (ieorge, I'lanter, Lady Wales, Major Starr, Fred .Johnson (3 dr)", Kittv Wlilt- man (3 dr), •-':.«)i2, 2:,«i'i, 2:39'2. .hme 20. 1S72. SLooo. Delaware Chief, Lady Sherwood, Saucy Kate, Tom Parker, P'red Johnson d dis). Major Starr (1 dis), 2:37*4, 2:37. 2:35. Hamilton, Out., .June 28, i«72, .*1,000. Eva 1, William Wright, (Jen. Sigel (4 dis), Belle Hughes (2 dis). Socks (2 dis), 2:37-U, 2:.39?ii,2:44!2, 2:40^4. Cecil, eh s (3 :40). L. B. Ford, .Jr., Baltimore, Md., Sept. 28, 1870, .t200. White Cloud (1 dis). Fannv Washing- ton (1 dis\ Frank (1 dis), Victoria (1 dis). 2:40. Cecelia, gr m (3:4.'>). S. M. Head, New Orleans, La., June 18, 1855, $100. Tom Oliver 1. Jim Woodpecker, 5 :30, 5 ::«), r,:M. Two miles. Celeber. gr s (3:11), by Homer. J. H. Conklin, Southhold. L. I., Nov. 9, 1878, $200. Juno 1. .S:22, 3:ll,;i:21. 3:30. Celerity, l)lk (3 :34 '4 ). J. A. Carpenter, Providence, R. L, Aug. 22, 1870, .$250. Belle 1, Ernestine, Betsy Best, 2 :;5.5i4 , 2 mU . 2 :37 ^4 . 2 :37 ' 2 . Aug. 23, 1876, $200. Billy Stevens 3, Lady Balch l. Belle of Hudson. Orphan Girl (5 dr), Harry Whitefoot (5 drl. Ira Brown (5 dr), D. I). (5 dr), Ida (2 dr), 2:44, 2:39, 2:41'2, 2:38'.;, 2:42. • Hartford, Conn., Nov. 1 and 2, 1876, $200. LadK' Smith ;{, Butcher Boy. Wallace, 2 :37, 2::}6i4, 2::!4Vi, 2:34?4. Celeste (SI. gr m (3:44 s). H. Woodruff, Beacon Cfourse, N. J., Oct. 4. 1830, $150. Henry (s) 1. Americus (s), (1 dis), .">:J2, 5:3214,5:26. Two miles. Ceiitreville, L. I., May 13, 1840, $1.50. Americus (s), (1 dis), Cato (s), (1 dis), 5:29. Two miles. Celia (Areohu, rn m (3 :349i), by Witherell. Jas. Lombard, Penn Y'an, N. \'.. Aug. 28, 1872, $400. Wornnvood, Valley Bov, Dandy, Bird, Deceiver, David Green, Addie (2 dr), Lightfoot (2 dis), W' illy Weston (1 dis), 2:40'.,, 2:41. 2:41. J. A. Murphy, Utica, N. Y., Oct. 3, 1872, $250. Brown Bashaw, Otego Chief, New York Central, 2 :36, 2 :40, 2.44' o. Oct, 12, 1872, .?100. Lew Baker, 2:40, 2:38U. 2:39'/2. Clinton, N. Y., May 14, 1873, $125. Lady Amber, 2:47i4, 2:47'2, 2:a5'4. Aubiu-n, N. Y., July 24, 1873. $250. Belle of Scranton, Lola Montez. 2:36, 2:36>4, 2:36?i. Mr. Wood, Hamilton, N. Y., Aug. 6, 1874, ,$ . Lookout 1, 2, Honest Dick 5, Bonny Doon (5 r o), Billy Mix (5 r O). Deceiver (2 dis), 2:36'/4, 2:363i. 2:38, 2:38)4, 2:40, 2:43. ■ Aug. 7, 1H74, $ . Midland, Lookout, Otego Chief, 2:40, 2:41, 2:39^. Celia, b m (3:36?4), J. Bogert, Spring Valley, N. Y., Sept. 9, 1875, $100. Kate Palmer 2 (4, 0), 2:49^, 2:52J4, 2:47'4, 2:49, 2:.365!i. Celia, b m (3:4914), by Edward Everett. C. Tanner, Closter, N. J., July 4, 1876, $75. No Name, Minstrel, Prince, 2:50'4, 2:5m,2-A9}i. Celia H., eh m (3:05), P. Sandford. Salina, Kan., Sent. 29. 1882. .$.50. Little Dick, Salina B.. 3:12, 3:10, .3:05. Centiiur, gr g (3 :39i4), by Sultan, dam Belle View Maid, by Idol. L. J. Rose, Los Angeles. Cal. Oct. 19, 1882, .*3. 2:41, 2:.38'4, , 2:.38i,i. H. F. Libby, ISIystic Park. Boston. .luiv 19. 1883, .$400. John Love 3, Professor, Jenny, Belle Shackett, Vladimir, Kvsdvk Maid, 2::V)i.,, 2:27'(t, 2:'2<»'/2, 2:2«!4. Beacon Park, Boston, .July 26, 1883. .?4oo. Belle Shackett, Kansas Jack, John Love, Vladimir 1, 2 (3 dis), Galanthls (3 dis), Patrician (3 dis), Rosebud (3 dr), 2:283ii, 2:29>^, 2:30)^, 2:36, 2:3 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. Ul Oentury (2 :36), Waterloo, N. Y,, Sept. 3, 1867, $ . Maid of Clay, Lola Montez (2 dis), George (2 dls), 2:40, 2:3tj, 2:49. Cephas, b s (3:14), S. D. Sessam, Sessamville, Miss., July 25, 1878,$ . Emma H., Boston U dis), 3:1«>, 3:14. Cetawavo. blk g (3 :03), by Whirlwind. Truro, N. S., Oct. 10, 1881, $ . Chestnut Gelding 1, 3:00, 3:03, 3:06. C. F. Clav, b s ( 3 :31'/2 ), by Caliban, dam Abbess, bv Albino. W. S. Buckner, Bourbon, Ky., Sept. 4, 1S83, .¥825. Bcdfoi-(l, O. F. C, Novelty (1 dis), Egalite (1 dis)'2-A9%, 2:46U. Two-year-olds. Lexington, Ky., Oct. 9, 1883, $ . Bedford, Prince Wilkes (1 dis), Alban (2 dis), 2:.34'2, 2:3l'/2. T\vo« vear-olds. C. H., b g i:;:03i, by Onward. C. H. Nelson, Lewiston, Me., Aug. 30, 1883, $ . Maximilian, 3:03, 3:10J^, 3:07. Four-year-olds. Chain Halter, b g (3 :00). John W. Sprague, Attica, N. Y., Sept. 23, 1874, $70. Greenwood, Black Fred, Sam Houston (3 dr), 3:04, :3:0l, .3:00. Chain Shot, bg (3:36?i>. W. Vosburgli. Dubuque, la., Oct. 29. 1867, $200. Black John. Bill Parker. 2:.52Vj, 2:bi)]4. -.i-M. Oct. 31. 1867, .«250. Widow Machree 3, 4. Honest Abe, 2:36%. 2:37. 2:40, 2:3«i4. . Clinton, la.. Oct. 2, 1868, $45. Loafer 1, Si.sedy (1 dis), 2:40',2, 2:47i/2, 2:o6',2, i;:48^. Sliort track. Chain Shot, ch g (3:4lio), A. Oatnuin, Terre Haute, Ind., May 12. 1875, $750. Echo 2, Belle l. Kit, Jane, Malin (3 dn. 2:46-!;i, 2 :439i, 2:4314,. 2:41K'. 2:43. <;halkline, gr g (S :36), Chas. Pell, Middletown, Conn., July 28, 1860, $ . Rutabaga l C^O), 2:46yi, 2:45, 2:42, 2:42'o. E. Quick, Guthsville, Pa., Nov. 15. I860, $200. Tommy Cook, 2:36, 2:38. — — Mr. Nichols, New Haven, Conn., Oct. 13, 1866, .$400. Lady Warren, and running mate 3. 2:43^4, 2:41 Jt, 2:37, 2:42K>. Chalkline, gr g (3 :58), J. A. Hornbeck, Ellenville, N. Y., July 4, 1870, $25. Sheriff O'Brien, Blackbird 1, 2, (3 0). (4 dr), 2:5714, 2:55,2:58, 2:58, 2 :.59, . Chalkline, grg (3 :34), H. E. Browu, Salt Lake, Utah, Sept. 25, 1875, $400. Bessy Turner, 5:52'/2, 5:54^4. Two miles. Challenge, br s (3 :36), by Dictator, dam Crop, bv Pilot Jr. H. C. Woodnutt, Hartford. Conn.. Sept. 4. 1883, $600. Daniel O'Rorke, Knox, 2 :38, 2:36, 2:36. Chamberlain Colt, br g (3 :47). W. T. Dixon, Dixon, 111., July 21, 1860, $100. Rob Roy 1, 2:.50, 2:.50. 2:48. 2:47. Champagne, h g (3 :39>/2), S. Keyes, Pittsburgh, Pa., Sept. 29, 1858, $100. Harry Neal (3 dr), 2:46. 2:43 Sept. 30, 1858, $100. Fanny Wood, 2 :42, 2 :46, 2 :49. Oct. 23, 18.58, $100. William Penn 2, 3, Fanny 1. (4 dr), 2:51, 2:50, 2:50, 2:48, 2:46, 2:45. Wheeling, Va., Sept. 16. 1859. .$3.50. Harry Neal 1. Capt. Fisher, Red Dick. 2:45, 2:44. 2:39W. 2:40. Champagne Charley, brg (3:54>, O. Holsteih, Cameron. Mo., 1869, $100. Brown Dick, Rocky Mountain, 3:00. . 1869, .$.50. Jack, (pacer). Brown Dick, 2:54, 2:55. Champagne Charley, ch g (3 :58;, J. H. Bowman. Port Jervis, N. Y., July 4, 1871, $30. Geo. Gillett 3. (4 0), ?:02. 3:(H), 2:56, 2:.58. 2:58. Champagne Charley, b g (3 :59), J. H. Randall, Buffalo, N. Y., July 24, 1875. $150. Schwinger 1, Red Dick 2, 3:07'4. 3:08y2,2:.59, 3:05„3:04?i. Champaign, gr g(3 :30), by Edwin Forest, dam Gray Goose, bv Nottingham's Norman. R. B. Carpenter. Champaign, 111.. Sept. 13, 1867, $150. Blue Dick '.i. Bay Stallion 1,(4 dr). Black Stallion c4ro), Eav Gelding (4 dr t, 2 :45, 2 :.39, 2 -.35, 2 :37. Bloomington, 111., Oct. 21,1867,$ . Kirkwood 4, 6, W. K. Tliomas3, 5, 2:30, 2:.31i4, 2:31! 2, 2:35, 2:35, 2:.32, . Champion, b s (3:43), J. Cudney, Baltimore, Md., May 6, 1858, $200. Sorrel Ned, 2:52%, 2:42, 2:551^. Champion, (w) gr s (3 :31?4), D. Pfifer, Union Course, L. I., Nov. 3, 1864, .$200. Woodruff's br s, (w) 3, 4, 2:57. 2 :.53 2 "53 2 '53 2 *.54 '■ ( w), S. Mott. July 13, 1865, $2(X). Fun (wJ 2, 4. 2 :44, 2 :45, 2 :44, 2 :50, 2 •46, Boston, Mass.. July 21, 1865, $.500. Mac. 2-AlU, -':43i4, 2:4.3. Champion, (Night Hawk), ch s (3 :36). by Grinuell's Cliampion, dam by Slierman's Young Eclipse. J. Van Kirke, Lansing, Mich., June 26, 1868, $150. Frank Moscow, Fort Wayne, Billv Merriman, 2:36!/2, 2:40i^, 2:36. Aug. 22, 1868, $1,000. Dallas, 14 ;03'/2. Five miles. Champion, b g (3 :45), by Champion. Daniel McKee, Galesburgh, Mich., June 11, 1870. $ . Hero, Flora KellOig (2 dis), Budd Doble (l dis), 2:45. 2:46. 2:47'.. Kalamazoo. Mich., Oct. 1. 1870. $100. Lamplighter, Irish Boy, Dick Turpin (1 dis), 2:55, 2:5454, 2:56. Champion, b 8(3:3714). Geo. Spicer. Minneapohs, Minn., Sept. 14,1870. $50, Molly Martin 1, 3, Amanda (5 dr), Rolla Mills (2 dr), 3:07, 3:01, 3:0j, . 3:03. Sept. 17, 1870, $50. Rolla Mills 3, Mollv Martin 1, 2:.55, 2:55, 2:55. 2:55. Champion. rng(3:45). Mr. L'Esperance. Longueil, Ont., Sept. 5, 1871, $50. Richelieu, La Manche, 2 :49, 2 :47, 2 :46. Fleetwood Park, N. Y., June 28, 1873, .$200. Bobtail, 2:48i4. 2:50, 2:45. Champion, brg i3:49!4). P. Marvin, Fleetwood Park, N.Y., Oct. 13, 1873, $200. Roanoke 1, 2 :.53i^, 2:51, 2:.-)3. 2:49'.,. Champion, blk g (3:40i/2). A. R. Burton, Lockport, N. Y., Sept. 29,1877, $160. Dilbert, Red Eye, Wander, Dan Mace, Pete, Nellv Sherman, 2:40, 2:41, 2:47'^. Champion Girl, b m (3 :38), by Gooding's Champion. A. Sellew, Seneca Falls, N. Y., June 25. 1878. .$200. St. Cloud 4, Xellv Rose 3, Minnie, Jim Briggs. No time. June 27, 1878, .$125. Golden Girl, Toot Dintrufl, Maggie. No time, Auburn, N. Y., Aug. 16, 1878. $125. Hattie Fisher 3, Johnny Mae 2, Lady Decker. Best time, 2:38. Waterhjo, N. Y., Aug. 28, 1878, $175. E. C. Crane 3, Sentii>el, Clipper, Laurelton. 2:39, 2:37. 2:36, 3:36. Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Sept. 3, 1878, $400. Dolly Everett 2. Chance, Edgar, Jim Ward, Landseer, Harry Hill, Emma K. (4 dis), Jesse Ward (3 or), 2:.3.3^i, 2:3414. 2:34. 2:.30. ■ Elmira, N. Y., Sept. 10, 1878, $.500. Nelly Rose 1, Rose Medium, Sleepy Tom, Ladv Burgett, Tommy Nor- wood. Tom Mallov, Bay Dick, May Day (3'dr), 2:32"2, 2:32, 2:32, 2:3314. H. <'asey, Youngstown, O., July .5, 1879, .$,500. Duster, Tom Medley, Sleepv Tom. 2:30, 2:28. 2:28. Belmont Park, Phila., Oct. 22, 1879, .$500. Business, Sherman Morgan, May, Molly, Belle Oakley, 2:30, 2 :.30, 2 :;30. W. R. Byer, New Castle, Pa., Sept. 15, 1881, $300. Mistletoe 1, Kinsman Boy, Valiant, Bristol Girl (3 dis), 2:.37, 2:38, 2:.39, 2::M. • Clearfield, Pa., Oct. 15, 1881, $200. Charley T.. Lady Lear, Verge, John King, Maud B., 2:31, 2:33'4, 2:38. C. Levally, Youngstown, O., Sept. 21, 1883, $400. Burns, Charley West, Neva, George D. Sherman, Joe Hooper, May Bird. Mistletoe. Mattie H.. 2:.?0'4, 2:30'/2, 2:30'/2. Champion Jr.", b s (3:34). bv MambrinotJWwf, dam by Eureka. Chas. Redevat, Poughkeepsie. N. Y., Oct. 23, 1874, .$300. Willy. Lady' V:iu, Dazzle (2 dis), 2:46, 2:45'4. Five-year-olds. .Minfonl & Lavtbn, Hudson, N. Y., Aug. 8, 1877, .$300. Pelhilm 1, Mary Lamb, Silas Rich, Maggie B., Delilah, Butcher Boy. Susie (2 dis). Governor (1 dis), 2:41. 2:38,2:38, 2:41i4. Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Aug. 21, 1877. .$2.ooo. Joseph A. (3 0), Dame Trot, W. H. Arnold. Roman Chief (3 dr). St. Remo (3 dr). 2:27'/j,, 2:27''2. 2:24. 2:29. 118 (HKSTEKS COMPLETE TKOTTIXC AND I'ACINd KErORD. Cliampion Maid ch m (.2:40), (2:37>4*). Jas. Boyle, Chicago, 111., Oct. I«, 18(W. •J.iOO. Clikago 2. 4, 2:40 •J:44'..'.':41'i. •.':40 ,-':40. DiilpiKiiie la., .(line 18, 1870, S . Buckskin. 1, 2, 2:Wi, 2A2U,'2A0%. L'-41»i. •2:4:{?a. Cli ton. la., Oct. 13, l!<7u, j; . Chainshol, 2 41, 2:37;4, 2:41,4. Sliort irack. Champi.ui .Maid, b ni y'i -Aii), 11. J. Cotiy, C obliU>iiiiil, X. V., Sept. 22, 187t), c;i 10. Maggie Moorc, Ca|)t. Sweeney, 2:5(1. 2 :■"><•. 2:4C. Champion Morrill, lir s (2:37), by Vermont Hanger, dam by son of A'crmont Champion. K. U. CuinniinKJ', NVoiMllmiv. X. J., .Innc 1, 1«75. .::250. Lailv Gooilm, D. I'. S. Xicliols, Elizabeth, Modoc, Stonehenge. Hiilv Konldcii, 'Walter B., Deer(l (lis), 2:41. 2:42, 2:4;iV4. .Iinic 2. ls7ri. .'*2."*. Patenson Girl 1, 15, Lady (ioodin 3, G, Modoc. Nelly C. (7 dr), .lack Dunn (7 dn. Eliza- beth i7 (Id. (ieoige Hicks (7 dn, .loe HookertC dr). Jenny Moore (2 disi", Elora Temple Jr. i2 dis). Rainbow (2 disi. J:tl '1. 2:3«i4, 2:42. 2:42',,. 2:4r>. 2:45';. 2:4:!'2. Ambler Park. Pa.. June 11. 1^7."., .S400. Allen .3, 4 (5 0), Eady Ooodin, 2, «, Pater:,on Oirl 1, Modoc, (ieorge Hicks. Maggie ^4 dr), Joe Hooker U dis), Uainbow (1 dis), 2:37'2, 2:40'2. 2:37i.C', 2:."!6'.i, 2:38. 2:;J7'4. 2:40, 2:39, 2:38'... .Salem. N. J.. June 22, 187."). .S200. Lady Goodin, D. P. S. Nichols., Koxa (2 dist, Billv Boulden (2 dis), Stonchcngc d dis). 2:38^, 2:44. 2:;i9^.,. M. Goiidin. Point Breeze Park. Pliila., Mav 2.5. 1877, SMK). Sadie Bell. M()llv.2:28. 2:.30. 2:27. C'han<-e. ch g ri :."> 1 ). J. AV. Poulter, Mobile. Ala., l'"( b. 15. 1S71, .-: . Teb^grapli. Lightning. 2:.'-l. :;:.vj. Chaiii-e, b g ri :4.">), C. Cameroii, Boston, Mass., June 29, 1872, .i!200. Myra Sliaw 3, Susan l. 2:."2. 2:48, 2:47ki, 2:4.-.. Chance, bikg (3 ;30'i).E. D. Kood.Waiikegan, 111., Sept. 12, 1872, .«1 00. Mes.senger. Deacon Herrick, Abe Lincoln (3 dr), 2:52'2. 2:55»/j, 2:53. Chance, blkg (3:14' c), A. X. Large, Fredericton. N. B., Oct. 8, 1873, $100. Lady Duflerin, Bay Conqueror, Fredi-ricton Girl (1 disi, 3:17, 3:14':. Three-year-okls. Chance, ch g (3 :30i^), bv Blue Bull, dam by Pete Griflin. J. E. Turner, Ambler Park, I'a., Sept. 23. 1878, $200. Frank P., Lady Fenncr. Susie C., Harry Forest (2 dis), 2:42, 2:41, 2:47. Sept. 24. 1878', §200. Dew Drop, Ilarry Ford, Lizzie F., (iuide (l dis>, Motto (1 dis). Sophia Scott (1 dist,2:3e 2:;i7U,. 2:.3tiU,. Sepl. 2.-., f878..'?200. Frank P., Ladv Finner, Bob Scott. Annie F.. Jiiil Bird, 2:42' 2, 2:38'/2, 2:38'i Sept. '.(3, ls78. .^200. Harry Ford. Cl'iarley Nolan. Maiiibriuo Black Hawk. 2:.ii;. 2:.39. 2:,3(>. Point lUveze Park, Phila., Cci. 2, 1878, ."ioOO. Buzz .Medium, Star. .Manibrino Hassen. 2:32'4, 2:.3.'i?4. 2:3«ii.^. Oct. 5. 1878, S300. Judgment, Stur, J.ary Jane, Xettv J., Duke Medium. Harry Forrest (1 dis). 2:32'4, 2 :30' ., , 2 ::;i ?.i . liihnont Park. Phila . Oct. 7. !'7s, .S300. Judgment, Star, Mambrino Hassen, 2::!2, 2:35'.i.2:3* Oct. 10, 1878. .S3(X). Judgment, Star. 2:39'.2, 2::i4'.., 2:35'o. Wilmington, Del., Oct. 17, 1878, $200. Sorrel Top, Mav, Lady Allen, Mary Jane, 2 :42, 2 :4l. 2 :40. AmblerPark, Pa.,May22, 1870, §300. Susse.x, Lady Blessington, Fancv, Sam French. Iron King,2:32, 2::B. 2:3.!. Buffalo, N. Y.. Aug. 7 and 8. 1879. .S3,000. Moose 1, 2, Gr iv Friar. 2:21V,. 2:22i.i. 2:20!'.. 2:21 ?i(. 2:22. Chance, b g (3:58), J. L. Smith, Smithtown, L. I., Aug. 10. 1880. .•r^iuo. Big Chief 3, 2 :.58, 3:01, 3:05.3:05. Chancellor, (s) gr g (3:41}4s), by Chancellor. H. Richards, Philadelphia. Pa., Oct. , 1831. 8 . 1 h .58 mill. To beat 2 hours. Triirtv-Two miles. Change, blk g (2 :44), Vr. Washburn, Flora, 111., Sept. 25, 1877, SlOO. Vandalia Joe, Bay Dan (1 dis). 3:02. 2:57, 2:. 54. Chanfie. b g (2:30), ,J. Van Houton, Dovlestown. Pa., Oct. l, 1879, S150. Nelly, Strange Harry, Happy Gift (2 dn. William K. (1 dis), Hannah C. (1 dis), 2:404. 2:48. 2:,-.0. Oct. 2, 1879, ••S200. Lady PatclK 11, Little Mack. Eddv. Mambrino Hassen, Annie Bennet,2:37. 2:37';. 2:.304. Chano. ch s (3:0(»i, Mr. Lurope, Coteau Pierre, Can., June 1.5,1809.850. Canadian 1, Bay Gelding, Lady Young (3 dr). 3:00, 3:00, 3:04)^, 3:04. Chantler's Gray Mai-e, gr m ("S :06), Mr. Chantler, Toronto, Ont., Aug. 1(>. 1880, 1? . Richardson's b g. Best time3:0. Chas. Record. Bangor. :Me., June 16, 1874, $1.50. Paddy, Corinth Boy. Sorrel Tom (2 dis). 2:40,2:41'/j, 2:42. Frank Sargeaut, Oct. 7. 1874, .?.5.30. Honest Farmer, Paddy, 2:46':, 2:43';, 2:42';. Same d;iy. S175. Aiiodvne 3, Honest I'^irmer. 2:41. 2:»(;. 2:4:;. 2:41. Orono. .^Ie.. Oct. 12. 1874. .•* . Jack Sheidicrd. Best time 2:45. E. N. Ilutchings. Norway, Me.. Oct. 3, 1877. .S . White Stockings. T'ncle Tom. 2:.5;i. 2:48, 2:.52. Charity, b m (3:45). .1. F. Frost, Washington Hollow, X. Y., Sept. 20, 1877, .•^(Ki. Boston Boy, Nellie, Lady Wbalcii, Marge. 2:40,2:40.2:47 I'oMiihkeepsie. N. Y.. Sept. 27, 1877, .SlOO. Nelly. Quartette. Boston Boy, 2:48. 2:.52i.i, 2:424. Oct. 31, l,s71, .$,500. Lady Kirk. 2:38';, 2::t8i ,, 2:;!9' ,. Charles DtuiRlass, blk 8 (3 ::$7), C. Flaniiagan. Toronto, t)nt.. Feb. 12, 1874, $200. McKenzic 1, Lady Clarion, Sam, (iertrudc, V(7rk State (3 dis). Agnes, 2:4.8, 2:49, 2:45, 2:41. a. Clarkson, Seitt. 15. 1.s76, .$2,50. Governor 2. Douglas, John A.. Stayer, 2:40, 2:.'?7, 2:37. 2:46. Charles Doyle, b g (3 :51i^), C. Porter, New Orleans, La., .March. 3, 1876, $100. Mary B. 3, 2:51 '4, 2:53^4, 2 :46H, 2:52. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TKOTTIX(; AND PACING llECOKD. 11* Charles E, IJk s (3 :50), E. C. Nutter, Great Falls, N. H., Nov. 7. 1874. $500. Gray Tom, 2:53, 2:51, 2:,50. Charles JK. Coonev, i\v) ell },' (3 -.^-i^i), Hiram W. Howe, Prospect Park, L. 1., July 13, 1874. foOO. Plimiber Bov (W) 1. „':44-'4. -'lii;. 2:4r.^4:, •J:4a}4. Charles K. Loew, i I'aU-heu ('liief) blK s (3 :35'4) by Geo. I\I. Patclien, dam by Dutebman. W. Borst, Doyles- town. Pa., (K-t. .i, 1x72. .:j800. Nettie 3 (4 0j, Stewart Maloiiey, Sunbeam (5 dr), Mercer (4 dr.), 2:3.5, 2:33i^, 2::»^4, 2:32i..,2::». Charles G. Haves, br s (3 :33), bv Tramp, dam Jeunv Foss by Green's Bashaw. J. Watts, Des Moines. la., June 28, 1881, 8100. Lady Elgin, pacer 3, Charley Tayh)r, E. Cady Stanton, Waiisie Maid, 2:51".^, 2:.05, 2:4414, 2:41U. Colby & Brown, Ottumwa. la.. Aug 24, 1883, S30O. Lucy B., Ottumwa Maid (3 dis), 2:44, 2:3Gi^, 2:34. Oskaloosa. la.. Aug. 30. issa, .•*300. Anglin 2, Lucy B., Anamosa .Maid, Bashawman, John A. Kasson (3 dr). 2:;U'2,2:oH. 2:.33i4, 2:;5:!. Cliarlcs H., ch g 03:35), F. H. Berrv, Portland, Me., Sept. 17,1878, |il.50. Frank B., Drew Knox, Dispatch, Cai>itoia. Cvcl()i)s, Wallace. S'r Dahlgrcen. 2:40.2:43.2:38 <:i:irl«'s Haydeii. di gi2:4i)i I v Chanipion. 1'. Byrnes. Penn Yan, X. Y.. June 11 , 1874, .1!;300. Ohio Girll, Charh'V r.'.Ul.'ti, Fred, .rolmson, Ida L., Black Jini i2 dis), 2:4G, 2:49. 2:51, 2:.jli2. < harles Henrv, b g (3 :56), John Craig, Boston, Mass., Aug. 15, 1871, . '5.50. Willy Kiloy 1, 2:57, 2j58'2, 2:56, 2 :.J7. ( harles Hf«;ison, gr g (3 :35), J. W. Mead, Buffalo, N. Y., July 25, 1874. .^100. Alle 1, 2, Belle of Oleott, Ante- lope, 2 :.-)l ' . . 2 : 10. 2 :44i i. 2 MKi , 2 :43. Mead & Eggleston, Canaiulaigua, N. Y., Aug. 19, 1874. .$400. Lady Thompson 1, (2 0), Prince Clay, S. S. Ellsworth, Condit Smith (5 dis), Charley (5 dr). 2:39'i, 2:37^, 2:37, 2:40',, 2:43. Clyde, N. Y'., Sept. 8. is74. .S500. Lola Montez. Bay Ben, Lookout. 2::!4. 2:.3(;'2, 2:30. To'ronto, Ont., Oct. 2. 1874. Sm>. Hapi>v John 1. Dextress, Tecum^eli Boy, 2:399i, 2:36'4, 2:37?i, 2:40. Batavia, N. Y., Oct. 10, 1874, .$ . Prince Charles, Harry Clay. J:42ii, 2:4(5, 2:44?4- Rochester. N. Y^, Oct. 22, 1874, .$700. Planter 1 (2 0), Colburn (2 0), Little Angus, Lady Whitman, 2:30!4, 2:31':;. 2:28, 2:32, 2:31. Medina. N. Y^, Oct. 29, 1874. .$200. Colburne 1, Little Angus, Little Frank (2 dis), 2:3314, 2:33^4, 2:30'^, 2:31. C ■ arles Knox, b g ( 3 :3 1 14). J. iMcGlue. Haverhill, Mass., Aug. 21 and 22, 1883. $irM. Trifle 4, .5, Green Mount- ain Boy 1. Fannv M., Luoy K., Marshall O., Pilot Victor (3 dis), 2:38, 2:40, 2:46, 2:4m, 2:38'/,, 2:39'J. .Maiu'hester. X. H., Sept. 7, 1883, e-2.X). Frank 1). 2, Billy M., Little Harry, John Morrill, Clio (5 dis). Lady (Jiluey 3 (4 dr). Blanche Douglass (4 dr), Prince (3 dr). Gray Dan (2dr), 2:39, 2:38. 2:41, 2:43, 2:40. AttbMjorb, :iass.. Oct. .3, 1883, .$250. Lulu 1, 2, N. H. 5, Miller's Damsel, Jennie, Minnie C., 2:35, 2:U]4, 2:3G'-i, 2:37, 2:36m'>. itace unfinished. Mv-;tic Park. Boston, Oct. 30, 1883, .$400. W. K. 1, Winnie Wick 2, Fenner, TinnieB., Mortimer, Minnie C. (."> dri, 2:321/2, 2:31,2:32'4. 2:32^4. 2:31>4. Charles L., m g (3 :43>^), by Masterlode, dam bv Pocahontas Bov. C. L. Lathrop, Remington, Ind., Aug. 27, 1882. SIOO. Mamlirino Prince l, Mohawk King, Billy B. Best time, 2:.j2. Rensselaer. Ind., Sept. 9. 1882, $100. Mohawk King, Mambriuo Prince. No time. Sept. 10, 1S.S2, $60. Mohawk King, Mambrino Prince. IMllv Wondei'. No tim". Xiles, Midi , Seiit. .30. 18x2, $1.50. Razor B.. Trump. Ladv Xiles, James K., 3:02, 3:01, 2:rmi. Charles Logan. 1) s (3:41), by Wineman's Logan. P. Wineman, Burlington, la., Sept. 26, 1878, $300. May t^ueen. Lady B., Almore, Richard B., 2:4.3'i. 2:41}.^, 2:41. Charles M., b g (3 :44i^). Barton Smith, Easton, Pa., Sept. 12, 1883, $100. Nelson A., Capt. Dan, Ben, 2:44'.,, 2:40',. 2:.31. Charles M<-Chesnev, b g (3 :37i4). P. Mclntyre, Norwich, Conn., Oct. 1, 1873, .$150. St. Elmo 3 (2 0), Frank Allen. Lady Vixen (4d!s), 2:40v:,. 2:41. 2:40^', 2:4394. 2:37i4. Charles Newton, gr g (3:47). P'. McEwen, Johnstown, N. Y., Sept. 17, 1873, .$50. Lady Hector 1, Charles Hl'liry, 2:50, 2:48, 2:47. 2:471^. Charles K., br g (3 :3 7 ), by Giu)reth Knox, dam by Witherell Messenger. A. Walton, Manchester, N. H.. Oct. 7, 1875, .$;300. Ed. Chapin, Joe S., Nelly Collins, Eastern Girl, H.^B. Very (3 dr), Bessie Holbrook (3 dr), 2:45, 2:48, 2:44. Lowell, Mass., Oct. 12, 1875, .$.300. Flexible 1, Job, Mary E. (4 dr). Live Oak (2 dis), Daniel (1 dis), 2:45, 2:.':!8. 2:37, 2:3~K. Oct. 14, 1875, .$.300. George H. 1, 2, Brick (3 dis\ 2:41^, 2:40'.;. 2:40';. 2 37'.i, 2:44. A. Walton. Lawrence. :siass.. Oct. 21. 1875, $300. Flexible 1, Ed. Chapin, Bessie Holbrook (4 dis), Little .loe (3 dis), George H. (2 dis), Sjiot (1 dis). 2:37, 2:35, 2:33, 2:37. Lynn. Mass., Nov. 3, 1875. $400. Commodore 1. Grace 2, George B., 2:.36'2, 2:3T}4, 2:35, 2:35, 2:.36'^. Mystic Park, Boston, May 19, 1876, $300. George H., Doctor, General (2 dis), Nlra Belle (1 dis), 2:3li4, 2:33' 2. 2:a3. ISeacon Park, Boston, June 8 and 9. 1876, $1,000. .Joe Ripley l.C, Charlie Mac 5, Laura Williams 2, 3 is (lis). Maine Slasher. Maggie S., General, John Lambert, 2:30, 2:29, 2:28, 2:27, 2:29, 2:30Vi, 2:32. 2:29H. Charles Kobhins. blk g ( 3 :38). C. Robl)ins. .Jefferson, O.. Aug. 2, 1877, $100. Lucy Hill 1, Fretful 3, Fanchon. Biliy Seward, Orwell Bov (3 dis), 2:44i.i, 2:43'2. 2:40';, 2:38, 2:39^2- Charles Kubinson. 1) g (3:40). A. How^ard, Rochester, N. Y., Oct. 20. 1?i74, $500. Bay Jimmy, Whitford. Dolly Allison, Ontario, 2:43'2, 2:40'4, 2:40. Charles Kugg, ch g (3:53). J. B. Woodbury, Portland, Me., Sept. 10, 187.5, .$200. Lady Grant 1,2:.55, 2:.53, 2:57, 2:.56. Charles .s., b g (3 :35). Chas. Sessions, Hartford, Conn., Nov. 2, 1875, $100. Sand Bank, Bay Tom, 2:5.5. 2:55»4, 3:02-'.i. Charles S., b g (3:40). S. S. E;'ton, Adrian, Mich., July 13, 1878, $150. Black Cloud, John S., Sam Tilden, Sam Tatch, Mary. Bismarck. Ida Shepard. 2:45, 2:45',. 2:4.5. ■ Fremont, O., Aug. 28, 1878. ;?2ri0. Harry H. 1. Red Oak 4, P. L. Eastman, Lucy C. (3 dr), 2:50, 2:45, 2:40, 2:50, 2:4G'2. ' ... Fort Wayne, Ind., Sept. 25, 1879, $200. Belmont Prince. Joyce, 2:47^4, 2:50^4, 2:45^. Charles Taylor h g (3:38), bv Royal George, dam a thor.ontrhbr'ed. R. M. Archer, Maokato, Minn., Julys, 1876, $300. Lady of the West 1,"2, Ned Gates (2 dis), 2:47i/2, 2:50, 2:52, 2:51, 2:54. .1. Archer, Xorililield. Minn., July 20,1876, $250. Susie, Granger George, Farmer Boy, Sam Foster (1 (lis). 2:41, 2:42'4. 2:441/,. Faribault, Minn.. Sept. 23. 1870, .$ . Gen. Lee. Jim Raven. 2:44, 2:43, 2:43%. Charlesli>wn (fiirl, b m (3 :41'i). VV. N. Harris, Mystic Park, Boston, Oct. 16, 1866, .$200. Bunker Hill 1, Hon- est Whitev. Biack Diamond. 2:46^4, 2 :41i^, 2:44. 2:49. Charles V/. gr g (3 :33i4), bv Honest Sam. dam K^'te l^asher. T. ISInsier. Monticello. 111., Aug. 27, 1879, $100. Frontier Dick. Guv, Annie (1 disi. Little Ethan (1 disi. Burr Oak Maid (1 dis), 2:42U, 2:4114,2:41. Kankakee, III., Aug. 2.5, I88O, $1.:0. Lady McI). 2, Marion 1, Pilot Golddust, Kitty Long''(4 dr), 2:40, 2:40, 2:41, 2:41',,2:.36. Matoon, 111. Oct. 2, ISRO, $11.5. Bay Harry, Fridny, John Steiner, 2:44, 2:40%, 2:43. Oct. 3, ISSO, $ . Jenny L. 2. Rosa Lee. 2:.3.5, 2:31';, 2:.32'^, 2:35. La Salle. 111., July 6. iswi. S200. Emma Maxwell. Frank Baker. Grey Salem (1 dis), 2:.37, 2:'V>}4, 2:40^. W. B. Smith, Priiiceton, 111., Sept. 22, 1882, $ . Lantern, Emma Maxwell, 2:3214, 2:3454, 2:38'/2, 2:32J^. 120 CHESTER'S COMI'LKTK TKOmNd AM) I'ACINC ItKCOKl). Charles Winton, b g (3 :07^4). J. E. Yarrock, Sandusky, O., Sept. 24, 1875, S25. Hills Cray Colt, Phil. Slieri- il.iii, 3:()H, ;{:07k, 3:(W. Four-year-oUls. Clia Xes VV.Woolley, b p (8 :!4!4>t). by Crazy Nick, dam by Curtis' Morgan Messenger. M. S. Korbus, Cincin- UHti, O., Oct. «. 187.5, $1,500. Joe Lawrt'ucc, Dr. Kush, Lizz.f Davis, (irav liashaw ^2 dis). Anvil (2 dis), 2:43, Julv 12, 1K7(>. .•?1,000. Deception 1, 2, Post Bov 3, Frank Miller i5 dis), Judpe Waite, Archie Alexander (3 dis), tiz/.le Davis (1 dis), 2:341/^, 2:32'/j. 2:35, 2:37'/2, 2:3.'>, 2:37'/s. Columbus, O., July 19, 18"(;. S700. llelle of l-'airfleld 4, 5, Charmer 1, Belle Moore, Dr. Kush, I.ittle Dar- ling, White C'loud (5 dis). Birdie Boisseau (5 dr), Dubois Cadmus ^5 dr;. Banker (5 dr), Oscar (4 dr) Nettie C. (2 dis). 2:33, 2:aJ, 2:341^. 2:3-'. 2:31)^, 2:22'/s. Cincinnati, O., Aug. 2, 1x70, 9;750. Islack Maria l. 2, Harry Clay (4 dis), 2:3:i^. 2:32, 2:.^3, 2:30,2:33. Charley, bg(a:39). C. S. Ellis, New Orleans, l.a., Alay 29. 1W60, $100. Barber I'oiiv 2. 4. Josephine (4 dis), James Kendnck (3 disj, 2:4.3, 2:40. 2:3.9, 2:37, 2:5."). Charley, (w), bg(«:63 w). John Cudney, Philadelphia, Pa., July 27, imi, $-20(K Billy (w) 3, White Cloud, Kate, 2:55!4, 2:.53. 2r,s, 2:.'>4. Charley, gr g ('i :50). \V. Bishop, Adrian, Mich., Sept. 20, 18(!.'j. $200. Lady Kidlev. 5:44, 2:56. Charley {'i-AT). N. P. Looniis, Hartford, Conn., Sept. 19.1860,$ . 'Madam .Justice 2, (ieorge, Eady Pathlinder, 2:58. 2:53, 2:47. Charley, ch g (2:36>.,t. C. Kerr, Haywood, Cal., Oct. 28, 1869, $300. Capt. Webster, Irwin Daws, Brooklyn, st'ir of the \Vest 2*56 2'.")6*.i 2*54^2. ^ San Francisco, Cal., Nov.' 24, 1871, $200. Thomas Jefferson 1, Lady Emma 2, Nelly (Wattan, 2:.52, 2:51%, 2:.')1K'. 2:.')0, 2:49V4. Mr. l5oston, Dec. 14, 1871, $80. Lady Emma 3, Nelly (Jrattan, Susy Hill, 2:47>^, 2:44, 2:46?i, 2:47'/s. C. Kerr, March 7, 1872, .'g; . Democrat 3, 2:49, 2:46Vi, 2:48, 2:51?i. March 13, 1872, $500. Demowat, 2:.'')1, 2:52'/;, 2:48i/2. B:irti)n Connor, March 23, 1872, $400. Mattie Howard, 2:.'')7, 2:43'/2, 2:49. .luiir 7. 1KS2, .•S2U0. Jolmny Coghlan 1, 2 (3 dis), 2:43, 2:4.5, ■J:47'4. Pctaliini;i, Cal., Sept. 14, 1872, .* . Democrat, 2:4.^^.14, 2:4r>i.i, 2:44i2. (w), San Francisco, Cal., Aug. 9, 1873, $200. Dutchman, Columl)ia Maid. No time. T. McClellan, Oakland, Cal., April 18, 1874, $100. Prince Allen. Lou Whipple. Sweet Brier, 1 :.53, 1 :50, 1 :52. Three-fourths of a nule. Charley, ch g (2:4li^). by Magna Charta. Frank SkeeLs, Coldwater. Mich., Sept. 14, 1870, $250. Lady Bis- m:ir('k. Flora Bridge l (i dis), Scalpel (4 dis), Onward (4 dis). Sir Hank (4 dis), 2:48?i, 2:51, 2:41'A, 2:43. Charley, ch g (2 :52). J. W. Everich. Zanesyille, 0., Sept. 28, 1870, $150. Flora (2 dis), 3:04, 2:52. Charley, b s (2:33). M. J. Pope, Berea, O., Oct. 18, 1871, .$25. Sorrel Frank, 2:46. 2:33. ■ Oct. 1!». 1871, $30. Fly 2, 3:05, 3:02, 3 :03, 3 :10. Charley, bg (2 :52Ji). H. L. Harris, Gouverneur, N. Y., Sept. 27, 1871, $175. Surgery. Fanny Wait. Frank. Kitty Clover, 2:.529.i. 2:5.'>, 2:.';6. Charley, blk g (2 :43i4). John T. Biggs, Cincinnati, O., Aug. 8, 1872, $150. Polly 1, Clint, Frank, Frank (2 dis), Ben\l dis), 2:48, 2:43>.j, 2:49, 2:48i4. Charley, ch g (2 :50). H. M. Taylor, Salt Lake City, Utah, Aug. 15, 1873, $100. Quaker Lad 2, 5. Granger 1, 2:49! 2:47, 2:.')0, 2:54, 2:50>/2, 2:51. Charley, grg (2:4.514). I. Denton, Deerfoot Park, L. I., Sept. 20. 187.3, .fijOO. Epizootic l,2:.-)6,2:47"2,2:.-)0,2-5n4. Charley, b g (3 :10), by Roan Chief. Jas. M. Startt, Kent Co., Md.. Sept. 30, 1873. $.'50. Morgan, Sue, 3:10, 3.:21. Four-year-olds. Jas*. (Jatlin, Oct. 1, 1873, $ . Plate, Belle, Sue (2 dis). No time. Four-year-olds. Charley, b g (2 :44K>). A. D. Weber, Boston, l^Iass., May 23, 1873, $100. Grace, Rescue, Baby Boy (5 dr). Little Fraud I. 2 (5 dis)," Tom (2 dr), 2:48, 2:49>4. 2:44»/2. 2:45H, 2:47. Charley, b s (i:*l). John Delanev. Wakefield. K. I., Nov. 26. 1874. .$75. Fanny, 2:41. Charley, gr g(2:30). .L Newbauer, Milwaukee, Wis., June 24, 1874,$ . Harry Buckley 3, Lou Loder. Dick, 2:51' 2. 2:521/4, 2:53, 2:52%. Charley (w) (;2:50"o w). Mr. Sherwood, Chicago, HI.. Aug. 29. 1874.$ — . Fanny, Brown George, Sleepy Bill, Germania, Bl'ue Dick, Brown Tom. Laura. Bay Jim, Frank (2 dr), 2:55. 2:5014. Charley, b g (2:.54). G. A. Locke Great Falls. N. fi., Nov. 14 and 16, is75. $100. Tom 2, Lady Wentworth 1, Shellrock Maid 3, Black .Lack (5 dr). Red Cloud (3 dr), 2:.52. 2:.5(;' .. 2:.V). 2:.5.5. 2:.54, 2:.56>^. Charley, ch g (2 :34iii), l)y Andy Johnson. O. C. Knapp, Norwich, N. Y., May 22, 1874, ij;500. Competitors not lianuHl. 2:46i/s, 2:4314,' 2:42. ■ Owego, N. Y., May 27, 1874, .$,350. Bullet 1 (2, 0), Tom Wonder Jr., Billy (1 dis), 2:41, 2:42, 2:34i^, 2:43, 2 "42. '■ May 28, 1874, .$300. Luther, Bullet, Bonner. Chauncey M. Bedle. 2:42. 2:43, 2:42'/2. Lockport, N. Y., June 26, 1874. .$,500. Yarcoe 1, Pat Burns. Bailiff, 2:.52-^.i, 2:5H4, 2:.52, 2.50. ■ Watkins, N. Y., Sept. 16, 1874, .«400. Kate Keller 1, Ohio Girl, Prince Clay, Juu, 2:40. 2:40. 2:40. 2:41. Corning, N. Y., Oct. 5, 1874. .$.S0O. Prince Clav 1. 2. Ohio (Hrl. Billy Mix, 2::i8. 2:41. 2:40, 2:40. 2:40. Penn Yan. N. Y.. Oct. 23. 1874. .f . S, S. Fliswortli. Recluse, 2:4.5. 2:40, 2:40. Corning, N. Y., Julv 29, 1875, .$300. Kilpatrick 1, Molly Mack, Barbara Knox. Bashaw (3 dis), 2:41, 2:42, 2'4r'i 2"4.'t. ' Synrcuse, N. Y., Sept. 9 and 11, 1875, $900. Northwood 4, 6, Mohawk Prince, Sister 1, 2 (4 dis). Lady Dexter 13 (ID, Otego Chief (3 dr\ Roan Jack (2 dis), 2:.3(!'i, 2::{4i?4, 2:38' ». 2:41'., 2:41 2:39?4. 2:35. • Penn Yan. N. V.. Se|)t. 15. 1K75. ,$400. S. S. Ellsworth. Lady Johnson, Luther, l0). A. (I Whits(ni. Deerfoot Park, L. 1., Aug. 14 and 16. 187.5. .$100. Elizabeth, Charley Mason, Augustine, Maggy, 2 :.52, 2-50, 2 :.52. , ,,,,., . „, ^ .a, i'harley, br g (2 jSH'i). Thos. Smith, Toledo, ()., July 1.3, 1875, $6(X). Nelson 3. .loe. Little Alex, 2:4fiV4. 2:4854, 2:*!' I. 2:4914. Erie. Pa.. .Tulv '20, 187.5, $800. Bay Fanny, Mistress, 2:.38i2. 2:40'2. 2:43?4. , ,,..„, . .,,y .July 21, 1875, $800. Bay Fanny 2. A. S. McAllister. Bay Dick, Lady Camp, Gen. Lee, 2:40-:'4. 2:42'2. 2A\}i, 2:38 — Gettysburgh, Pa.. .Inly :«». ih75. .$200. Modoc. Henry (4 dis\ Tom Thumb (2 dis). Tom (1 dis). Rushville Maid (1 dis). l.ady Gertriide (1 dis). George (1 dis). Gilbert (1 disi, Joe (1 dis). Hermit il dis), l-anny May (1 dis), Sir Walter Mcotl (I dis). 2:4514.2:43. 2:.39''.,. 2:4.5. , , . ,. . c, , »•„ », ,^ /„ .July .SO, 187.5, .$400. George F. 1, Modoc, Siiutagonian, Frank (4 dis), Claybank (2 dis). Scientific Maid (2 dis). Blue lUdge (2(lis). Prince (2 dis), Haumih K.. (1 dis). 2:47, 2:42. 2:42",. 2:44^- ^ „^ , Richmond. Ind., Aug. 5. 1875, $800. Hyhis 2. James L.. Jim Fisk. John B., Snowstorm, St. Lawrence, Creole. Jack (3 dis). Belle of Riverside (Idis), Stony Branch (1 dis), 2:43}^. 2:45, 2:45, 2:44. CHESTER'S t'OMl'LETE TKOTTlX(i AM) I'AClNii RECOKD. 121 S. C. Abbott, Coldwater. Mich., Sept. 10, 1875, .?300. Ned S., Pilot Mambriuo, Friday. Novice (2 dr), MainbriiK) Warner (2 dr;. 2:40i4, 2:39;i, 2:44. Charley, ^>i) K Ci :48) B. Toiiiliiisoii, Aurora, Ont., June 30, 1876, $100. Fearless, Peufleld Boy, Nettie, New- niarliet (iirl (3 dr). 2:56, 2:4i<, 2:.->3. (". Gilbert, Oshawa, Out.. Out.. 20, 1876, $40. Jeff Davis, 2:52, 2:51 '/i, 2:51. Charley, ch g (3 :38). H. H. Healev, Providence, R. I., Oct. 31, 1876, $100, Flight 2, Gracie, Honest John, .luuo (2 dis), 2:40, 2:41, 2:41>4. 2:10. Nov. 1, 1876, .SKJO. Flight 1. Gracie, Honest John 2MU. 2:38?i, 2:38. 2:39'4. Charley, b g (3:43). ('. Havward. Hudson, Mass., Sept. 7. 1877, §150. Marlborough Boy 1, Laura Post, Lady Mack, Cassius, Kitty, Kittv Lambert, Star. 2:46, 2:49. 2:46io, 2:4."). Charley, blk g, by Charley B. J. B. Burle\v, Seneca Falls, N. Y., Oct. 10, 1877, $50. Brown Patchen, Osborn, Milton Hoag, 1:33, 1 :30. Half mile heats. Charley, og(3:40i,i). N. Breeze, Westchester Pa.. Sept. 17,1878, .$1.50. Max L.,CharleyP.,Gyp.sy Queen, 2:.51, 2:43, 2:46, Charley, blk g (3 :59). H. S. Shultz, Montgomery. Ala.. July 2:>. 1879, iif . Parole 1, 2, 3:10, 3:09, 3:03, 3:09, 3:10. Charley, b g (3 :37'„). H. Hunt, Olean, N. Y., Oct. 3. 1879, $1.50. American Boy, Johnny B., 2:401^, 2:41, 2:37'4. Charley, b g (3 iSoi^). Robert Dciniistcr. Laiiilicrtyille, N. J., Sept. 17. 1880, $iO. Daisy 1, Harry, Major E., Bill Hoff, 2:.54?i. 2:.55'4, 2 :."i7. 2 :r,(;ii. Four-year-olds. Charley, ch g (3 :09i2). T. Smith, Toronto, Ont., July 7, 1880, $50. Bonesetter 1, 3:30, 3:23, 3:09!2. Charley, ch g (3:46=4). F. Sleisher, Springfield, L. l". May 2.5, 1881, .$50. Fanny (.1 0), Prince, Larry (i dr), 2:469it, 2:.53, 3:01, 2:.50. Charley, gr g (3 :33'2), T. N. Linn, Lafayette, Ind.. Sept. 5, 1882, $100. Katy B., Yellow Jacket. Amie King, 2:42^,2:43,2:4294- Sept. 6, 1882, .$200. Modie H., Netty M., Ida May (3 disj, 2:3394, 2:339:i, 2:37. J. S. Harris, Sept. 8, 1882, $200. \V. H. D., Kitty Clyde, 2:32^, 2:36;4, 2:37:'4. Chrirley, blks(3:47), by Sebastopol. T. A. Dudley, Easton, Md., Sept. 15,188.3, $100. Princess 1, Brownie, Frank, 2:49, 2:47, 2:56, 2:47. Charley, b g (3:49i4). G. H. Ellinwood, Laconia. N. H., Sept. 19, 1883, $100. Bartlett 1, Harvey, Baby Boy, Arthur F. (2dr), 2:.50, 2:49'^. 2:49i.i, 2:51U. Charley A., gr g (3 :35ii), by Gen. Grant, dam Wonder, a pacer. A. C. Allen, Waverly, N. J., Sept. 20, 1881, $200. Irish Lad. Rover, Sachem, Rocket, Young Lambert, Breeze Medium, Hanibletonian Gem, Rocket, Beulah. 2:3514. 2:35^4, 2:36. Charley Able (Pelham), b g (3 :38), Wm, Whelan, Boston. Mass., May 23, 18.50, $ . Tom Carnley l, 5:24, 5:16.5:23. Two miles. Charley Allen, b s (3 :09), D. Spink, Sandy Hill, N. Y'., Sept. 17, 1879, .$60. Tan O'Shanter 3, 4, Abdallah Star, Kingston (4 dr), 3:17, 3:20, 3:21, 3:11, 3:09. .Stallions. Charley Allen, b g (3 :53-'4), bv Amboy. Mr. Allen, Brantford, Ont., June 30, 1881, $100. Charley I)., Girt Wonder 3, (4 dis). Marquis (3 dis). Nelly W. {3 dis), 2:52'4, 3:00i'4, 2:569i, . Charley B., (Lark), b s (3:35), bv Kings Champion .Jr.. dam Old Jane, by Zielley's Eclipse. J. B. Burlew, Rochester, N. Y., Sept. 18, 1874, $250. Henry Clay, Fred Pierson, Todd's br s. Butt's ch s, 2:38, 2:37, 2:.39. Auburn, N. Y., Sept. 16, 1875, $ . Billy 2, 3:07, 3:05, 3:04. Stallions. Rochester, N. Y., Sept. 24, 1875, $32,5. Damon l, Fred Pierson 2, Whitford, St. Germain, 2:42, 2:.39, 2:39, 2:37,2:3614. Stallions. Utica, N. Y., Oct. 4, 1875, $100, Minnie. Whirlwind, 2:37, 2:44, 2:38i^. A. V. Sargeant, Sonierville, N. J., Oct. 4. 1882, .$50. Mambriuo George. 2:46, 2:4.5, 2-4014, Waverly Park, N. J., Nov. 7 and 8, iss2, $400, Ethel iNIedium 3, 5, Jewell 2, 4, Toronto Chief Jr., Billy Button, Nickel, Valley Chief (4 dr), 2:.30'2, 2:30i4, 2:29, 2:31. 2:28';, 2:29';;, 2:.32. Charley B., (Gifford& Chickamauga), ch g (3:30), by Chickamauga. E. L. Breed, Sodus, N. Y„ July 11, 1877. .$.300. J. Upham. Charley W , Sir Henry (2 dis), 2:34. 2:33, 2:34'o. Newark, N. Y., July 18. 1877, $200. Stranger (2 0). S. S. Ellsworth (2 dis), 2 :33. 2 :32, 2:30. 2:32-!^. Cortlandt, N. Y.. June 14, 1878, $200. Teaser, .Johnny .Mac, 2:38, 2:3SH, 2:.38i4. Seneca Falls, N. Y'., .June 26. 1878, $200. Nelly Rose 1, 3. S. W. Spink,'Minnie (5 dr). No time. Charley Baldwin, b g (3:18). by American Eagle, dam a pacer. Wilbur & Jones, Denver, Col., Sept. 24, 1875, $150. Rounh and Ready l. Tom Whlffen. 3:22. 3:18. 3:18ii. Four-year-olds. Charley Bates, brg (3:38). B. Bates, E, Saginaw, Mich., Sept. 8, 1876, $15, Everett Boy, Tom Oliver, 3:0.i 3:02, 3:00. C. F. Hill, June 15, 1877, .$40. Lord Dufferin 2, Gray Dick, 2:45i^, 2:51, 2:41, 2-38. Cliarley C, (Harry G), b g(3 :38>^by Woodward's Ethan Allen Jr. E. D. Either, Dubuque, la., Sept. 12. 1878, $500. Lady Alice l, 2, Gray Eagle (4 0), Lady Rule (5 dr). Pate's Sentinel (I dis). Highland Queen (1 dis),Tekonsha (1 dis). 2:36'i, 2:35?^, 2:36'=., 2:36, 2:37, 2:39i2. 294, 2:.52. Charley U., ch g (3 :37). E. C. Tiittle, Geneva, N. Y"., June 15, 1881, $1.50. Lena. Mary H.. Frank Behm, Ster- ling, 2:4.?, 2:4.3i4. 2:43. • . • Charley D.. b g (3~:33), N. A. Covarrubias, Los Angeles. Cal., Oct. 18, 1882, .$500. Bullet 3. Prentice Boyl, 2:.3.3, 2:.36, 2:39, 2:38. ' 122 C'HE.STKU'S COMPLKTK TllOTTINC; AM) i'AClNG KECORU. Charley Uouglass. b g (.3 :30), by Sutton's Hiatoga. J. W. Jacobs, Lincoln, Neb., July 4, ]879,S175. IJruniho Jim. Lailv >I:ic. J:.i7>.i, •.':4:.'?4. 2:4(i-'4. May I'N ISK>, •:=-'«'«•. Little Sioux, ilaltie Arnold (1 ilis), 2:39. 2:3«'4, 2:40. I'lattsMioutli, Nob.. Si'pt. 2J, IHW). .::.'HK). (iiay (Irangi-r, Nottie Ward, 2::Ui^, 2:365^4, 2:3«!. Charloy Dr«-\v. lij,'(i:4«i. -Mr. 15r:akflt. Haugor. Me., Aug. 21t. IWiii, .i?-.'.".. Oldtown Hoy 1, 2:48, 2:52, 2:52'4. 4 barley Koril. (ISiliv lii)stader», gr g C^iHi'iJ, liy MeKe.ssou's dray Kagl>-. (1. llrown. Oil City, I'a., June 25. 18TS, .■<4(i(». .Miss Tartar 1, 2, I'rieket, T. .M. IJayne, (Jail Hainiltou, Aiuiie (iolddust (,a dis), 2':40!i, 2:37, 2:37. 2 :3X, 2 :;(.><. June 2(i, 1878. '=400. Valiant, Jessie K.. Igo, 2::«';, 2:40, 2:37'2. Titusvdle, I'a., July 2, 1878, j<400. Miss Tartar 1, 2; Cricket, Gail Hamilton, T. M. Bavne (3 dr). 2:30. 2:37, 2 :3t>, 2 :;i8, 2 :3C. July3, 1878, S400. Valiant. Transit, Igo, Je.ssie K., (3 dis), 2:3(i'2, 2:;57'2, 2:3!). JerVv Monroe, Chicago, 111.. July 24, 1879. S1.500. Hrigadier .5, Gray Salem 4. Will Codv 1, Dictator, Mon:iiili Kule. Taylor, Kussian .Sjiy. .-Ennilus. Big Soap (4 dr}, 2:22^a, 2:22, 2:25'2, 2:24. 2:2ti. 2:2G?4. .luly -i'k 1^711, ^1, .■)()(). l-'red Douglass, ylinudus, Kitty Bates, Envoy, 2:22'2. 2:22, 2:2(i. M:ii<>nili, 111., Aug. 2i», 187:), .•? . Cozette 1, 5, i3 0j, Scott's Thomas, John H., 2:28'/2, 2:27}^, 2:30, 2:30, 2 -'"J' ■• 2 '29. ^'Gah'sburg, Ind., Sept. 5, 1879, §250. Cozette 1, John H.. 2:23'i, 2:24?.i, 2:2CJi, 2:29. Quincy, 111., Sept. 12, 1879, $1,000. Mazo-Manie, Doty, Scott's Thomas, 2:2.'). 2:23. 2:2fi. I'eiM-ia, 111., Sept. 2(j, 1879, $1,000. Midnight 1, 2, Scott's Thomas, Clifton Boy, 2:25^4, 2:25^4, 2:25' i, 2:29J4, 2:31>a- Cincinnati, O., Oct. 7. 1879, .$1,000. Lew Scott. Driver, Lucv. 2:23. 2:26, 2:26?4. ( )ct . HI, 1879, .?1 .OIK). I )ri ver, 2 :25. 2 :20K', 2 :%'>. Lexingtim, Ky.. Oct. 13. 1879, .'5700. Bonesetter 1, .3, Driver, 2:22>4, 2:20?.,,2:22, 2:21H, 2:22^4. Oct. 17 and 18. 187!), .si.otH). Darbv 2. 3, Driver (1 Oi. Bonesetter, 2-22?4, 2:22}^>. 2:21, 2:24. 2:23. 2:22. W;isliliigtoii, I). C.. Nov. :{, 1879, $ljm. Hannis 1. 2. Driver. Lew Scott, 2:27, 2:28, 2:26'/2. 2:27, 2:26V4. • loliii Siihiii, Klkhiirl. llld.. Mav 22. 1880.$ . Will Cody 1. 2. Dot v. 2:29. 2:28. 2:32. 2:35. 2:.'}SU. Aclri;iii. Mich., .lune 1, 1880, .■$1,000. Lucy 2. Doty. Elsie (iood. Will Cody 1, (4 dis), 2:26k, 2.2'(;?4, 2:25f4. 2:2(l'.i,2:31>.,. . leri-y Monroe, Chicago. III.. June 5, 1880. SI. 000. Bonesetter. 2:23. 2:25, 2:25Ji. Johii Splan, Jack.son. Mich., June 11. I88O, .*1,000. Darbv 1, Hannis 2, 2:22;2, 2:23»/2, 2:28. 2:24i^. 2:245ii. E. Saginaw, Mich.. June 1(>, 1880, $800. Voltaire, 2:22'i, 2:22. 2:21. Toledo, O., June 23, 1880,.S800. Hannis 2. (3 Oi. Orange (4irl 1, Voltaire, 2:23?4, 2:22V2, 2:22?4, 2:25!2, 2:25^, ^".leri-y .Monroe, Cincinnati, 0., Julv C, 1880, $1,000. Hannis, Bonesetter, 2:29'o, 2:21»2, 2:25. Ihiit'ford, Conn., Aug. 25,1880, S20O. Hannis 3,4,(2 0), Driver, Bonesetter, Lucy, 2:20?i, 2:19, 2:19>^, 2:17'.i,2:18'.,,2:19'i. Be:u'OU I'ark, Boston. Sept. 11, 1880, Sl.OOO. Driver. Wedgewood, 2:22, 2:21!i. 2:20^4. Alb:iiiy. N. Y., Sept. 17. I881), .•ii2,500. Driver 3. Wedgewood. 2:21'2, 2;2D4,2:20!'2, 2:21. St. Louis, Mo., Oct. 1. 188(1. .Sl.OOO. Hopeful. 2:22. 2:22. 2:23':;. Lexington, Kv. Oct. !•;. isso, .s;70(). Oniiige (iirl. 2:41i/,. 2::>8'.,. 2:3fi-'.,. Cvnthiaiia, Ky.. Oct. 22. isso, .si.oih). William H., Orange Girl. Indianapolis (2 drl, 2:31, 2:39, 2:35. C!ncinn:iti, O., Nov. 9. isso. .-^l.ofKi. Hopeful 1. 2:24, 2:23',, 2:2)ii-i.. 2:32. .lacksoii, Mich., June 10, I88I, .^il.OOO. Will Codv 1, Robert Mc(iregor, Trinket, 2:30, 2:2oi.i. 2::.9li. 2:2C>4. I'lttshiirirh. Pa., July 1."), 1881, .$3,000. Hopeful (s) 1, 2, Kobert JIcGregor 4. Hannis (.5 dr), 2:19, 2:1914, 2:24 2;2(;'..,2:2()'.,, 2:24. Cleveland, O., July 29, 1881, $2,.500. Midnight 1,2, Robert McGregor 4. Hopeful, 2:19'^, 2:19?4, 2X0U, 2'22 *''21'-i 2 "30. — Rochester, x! Y., Aug. 12, 1881, S3.000. Midnight 3, 4, Hannis, So-So, Hopeful 1, (4 dr), Santa Clans (4 dr), 2:181,1.2:21, 2:22K>,2:24'.., 2:24'.,. 2:28'.!. lUica. N. Y.. Aug. 19, 1881, ,«2,000. Jlidnight. Hopeful, Hannis, 2:20i4, 2:19V^, 2:20. Hartford, Conn., Aug. 2(!, 1881, .$3,000. So-So 1, 2, Hopeful, 2:1714. 2:17?^, 2:20. 2:20. 2:20i.i. hus. A. Dustin, Mvstic Park, Boston, Sept. 9. 1881, $1,000. Hopeful 2, 2:1834. 2:22'.,. 2:t;2. 2:19='.i. €liarl«>y Gibson, (,J rlJ'O). It. James. London. Out. Sept, 2.5,1882, $150. Jim Liiidy 1, 2, Greenwood, King Street, Tom K;ili)li (5 dr), 2:45'», 2:4.5}/,, 2:4(ii^. 2:.'i0.2:50. Gueli)h. Out.. Oct. 5 iind (i, 1882, $ , Tommy B. 1, Col. Peck, Gen. Wood, Young Winfield Scott (1 dis), 2:41U, 2:39, 2:43'2, . .„ , , Charley Green, b g (3 •.^(iU'>. by Careless. Al Roden, Fashion Course, L. I., May 18, 1870, Sl.OOO. P.illy, Lady Jane. I.ady Phillips. Liulv EiV.ilv (2 dis), Dutchess (1 disi. 2:.3S. 2::'.7. 2:42K'- Cnion bourse I, I. May 23. 1870. S5(Ki. Chip (Jirl, Bright Eyes, Lady Phillips (2 (lis). Duchess (3 dis), Sarah.l;mc(3(lis). Mv.sterv'(3dr). 2:40. 2:;«)i,.2:40. ,,, . Boston ..M:iss.. .June 7, 1870, $2,000. Lady Emily, Daylight (3 dis), Kobert Bonner (2 dis), i ancy Golddust (1 dis). 2:.3(1. 2:40, 2:39'',. Providence. 1!. I., .lune 21. 1870. .•5;2.fK)0. Honest Dutchman. I>:in Ford (1 dis), 2:.!3. 2:.S. 2:::2'.i. Fleelw 1 P:iik. N. Y.,.Iulv(i, 1870. .$700. J. H. Coleman. 2::f8-'4, 2:36?4, 2:31'2. .lohii .Murphy. Prospect Park, N. Y.. Oct. 20 and 21, 1871. Sl.fiOO. Dreadnaught 4, (! ^5 0). Lottery 2, 3 (u 0), Miij. Kdsjill (5 dr). 2:291/., 2:28'.,, 2:27, 2:28, 2:27K,, 2:30. 2:.T0.2:;«. ^ , ,. . , Fleetwood Park. N. V.. Nov. 3. 1871. .«2.0fK). Toi)sev, Cliiiuix (w\ Belle of Oncuhi (3 dis). 2:i!4»4. 2:35, 2:37. Prospect P:irk. N. Y.. June 3. 1872, $1,700. (hireni-e. Kd. White. Dreadnaught. •2:M'>^, 2:29, 2:28'i. (•:itskill. N. v.. Julv 24. 187:i. $2,r.oo. Huntress, .lack Draper. L:idy Ross. Commodore. 2:32;'4. 2:.32, 2:31?4. Fleetwood Park. N. v.. Aug, 11. 1873. .$1,000. Lady Bvron. 2:.3;!, 2:37^4. 2;:i3. Prospect Park. L. I.. Oct 21,187.3, $1,000. .loker I.Ed. White, Ben Flagler, I.ydia Ihompson, Barney Kellvi2,. .\pril 23. I87S. .$ . Sooner. 2::a . , ,. , Charley CJreen (:J:04';). Criim & D:iuh, Quincv. 111., Sept. 3. 1880. .«! . Morgan Girl d dis). 3:(M'2. Charley H., b g (2:38)4). W. Bedford, Ev:ihsville, Ind.. April 1. 1882. Sioo. Bob Lewis, Longfellow, 2:41. 2 :40. April -7. 1882, S1.50. Starlight 1. 2. WiUii.m L.. Pob Lewis. 2:.37,2:.35.2:39. 2:;!8?4.2:38i.,. t-harley HaU, b g (2 :37). J. Ward, Avon, 111., Sept. 27, 1877, $150. Lady M., Valley City Maid, 3:10, 2:44';, Charily Hayes, b g (3 :45). A. T. Whiting. Washingtmi. D. C. June 28. 1871, .$.300. Gray Dick 1, 2:45. 2:45, Charley HilV. br g ( 1 :4 1 ). C. Davidson, Jersey City, N. .1.. May 10. 1877. $100. Sangamon. Lady Tompkins, Lady Harman, Pullaway, Admiral, Poor Pat, 2:4«'i, 2:49. 2:.51. CHESTEK'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING KECOKD. 123 May IS. 1877, S160. Grac-e 4 (3 0), Tom Bird, Weeclan Kate (5 clr), Charley M. (1 dis), Mary W. (,i dis), San- gaiiioii (1 dis). 2:48, 2:4s. 2:47, 2:50i.i, 2:5;i. Charley Hjpsiey, bK(a :47). J. A. Miu-phy, Baltimore, Md., Aug. 7. 1857,«f . Mary Douglass, 2 :47, 2:55. Cliarlev Hood, h }; (3 r'-jy...), by I'earsall. C. V^ LoU, Miueola, L. I., Sept. 28, 1880,$7a. Hubb's eh g 2, Allen'3 blk g, Ladv !>.. Jonos lir g, Snedicor's sp g, Baldwin's cli g. ]>iiryea"sgr g (4 dr;, 2:48, 2:u2, 2:40;2, 2:48. June 8, 1881, S5.-., Mabel L. 1, 3, Daisy 5, 2:43^. 2:42'2, 2:43-4. 2;44'.2, 2:39^, 2:3yiJ4,. D. IMifer, Morristown, N. J., Aug. 31, 1881, ¥200. Joe Bradley 3, Great Hopes, 2:34i/i, 2:38, 2:30i2, 2:3.5^. Hclniont I'arlv. I'hila., May 4. I,s82. §400. Frank Patchen 3, Porter Leonard, May Thorue,El\vood K., Augusta .Sclnivler. Frank a dn, Eva (4 dri. Kadir (4 dr), Socrates (2 ur), 2:32f4, 2:2D'2, 2:3314, 2,31J4. Icrsrv <'itv.' X. J.. Julv 20, 1882, .^75. Juuo 1. Hidden Treasure, 2:42, 2:.35i^. 2:38, 2:3o'4. Charlev H'o«e'(Thonidike, King ^Villianl and KoverK gr g (3 :33j. J. W. Coykendall, Penn Yan, N. Y., June 4. 1874. s.joo. Lady Tuthill 1, May Brown, Fred Johnson, Tuos. Patterson, Nelly Myette, Brutus, Kecluse, Charley, Zeppd, Stranger, 2:47", 2:49, 2:49' 2, 2:4()'4. Medina, N. Y"., June 2.'), 1874, .$500. Jersey Sam (,1 0), Bailiff, Fred Johnson, Daisy (3 dr). Lady Cooper a dis), 2:41!'2, 2:40i/o,2:41, 2:42i^. G. E. 15rock, Rochester, N. Y., Oct. 21, 1870, $700. Charley, Tom Collins, Molly, Tippy, Billy Mix, Mount- ain Girl (2 dis), 2:34, 2:33, 2:35 C'liarlev Hughes (3:57). Albert Plato, Batavia, N. Y'., Sept. 17, 1873, S95. Julia, Nelly, Flora, 2:57, 2:57, 3:03. Charley K., gr g (3:43Ji). M. Bayne, Chatham Village, N. Y., Sept. 18, 1879, .$100. _ Dolly, Pinafore, Viroqua, Nelly, 2:'16-4, 2:46^2, 2:46. Charley K., b g (3 -.SlVi), C. S. Kayes, Hinsdale, N. H., Oct. 9, 1883, $125. Railroad Boy, Billy, 1 )exter (2 dn, 2:;35K', 2:;!5,2:34ii. Charley Keinp, eh g (3 :45i/). w. S. Thonis, Deerloot Park, L. I., Nov. 25, 1875, )g200. Sally Mack. 2:45^2, 2 :49. Charley I., (w), br g (3 :45). "E. M. Lo^vry, Philadelphia. Pa., Oct. 2, 1876, $200. Major, Molly, 3:221/2, 3:19, 3:03, ,/ New Hunting P;iEk, Phila.. May 1, 1879, .S . Cypsy, Albert, 2:56'/3, 2:56. f .',\ Charley L,.,b g (3 iSflnT W. R. Merrifield, Middletown, Del., Sept. 18, 1883, $150. Mamie Kiernan 1, 2, Young Smuggler, Leo, Jmni L., Minnie B. (5 dr). Bertha (4 dr), Salem (.4 dr), Belle Almont (2 dr), Harry G. (1 dis), 2:3.51.1. 2:.36M, 2:38i4„ 2:41'.;, 2:45. Sept. 20, 1883, .§200. Oliver F., Mamie Kiernan, Salem, 2 :35i4, 2 :.34' 2, 2 :39. C. G. McGinnis, Dover, Del., Sept. 25, 1883, $150. Young Smuggler, Maud Bei yl, John L. v2 dr), Florence Mac. (1 dis), 2:34%, 2:37)^, 2:37^4- W R. Merrifleld, Elkton, Md., Oct. 4, 1885, 82.50. Delaware Boy 1, Belle, Florence Mac, Delmont, Roches- ter (2 dis), 2:41. 2:41, 2:39, 2:38?i. Charley Lawrence, eh s (3 :40), Wm. S. Kirby, Providence, R. I., Oct. 7, 1864, $.50. Tom, Sim Leland, 2:51, 2 "40' 2 *.")3i4 . "— ^Ivricks, Mass., Sept. 23, 1865, $20. Black Hawk, 2:50, 2:50, 2:49. Charley Laytoii, gr g (3 :39). Mr. Newell, Maquoketa, la., Sept., 30, 1880, $175. Fanny Fern 3, Richard D., 2:40,"2:40, 2:.39, 2:.39. Charley Mac, ch g (3 :35), by Holabird's Ethan Allen, dam by the Bulloek Horse. L. A. Drew. Barrie, Vt., Oct. 13, 1874, .^150. Kitty'Bro'.vn 1, 2, Black Jack, Promise (4 dis), Washington (2 dis), Gifcord Boy (2 dis)^ 2:43,2:45.2:46,2:45, 2:45. J. A. Williams, Rutland, Vt., Oct. 27, 1874, $100. Uncle Bill, Lalla Rookh, Gray Jack (.3 dis 1, {Hack Jack (2 dis). Sunrise (2 dis), 2:54, 2:51'.;, 2:54'^. Oct. 28, and 29, 1874, S200. Schoolmaster 1, 2, Twinkle, Bay Abby, Lady Thompson, Black Jack (5 dr), Fanny (1 dis), 2:461-1, 2:39ii, 2:42, 2:43, 2:40. Middle Granville, Vt.,Nov. 6, 1874, $ . Night Watch, Diamond, 2:47, 2:48, 2:.50. Claremont, N. H., Aug. 17, 1875, .$300. Langdon. Goldfmder, Cassius, Sleepy Jerry. Fleetwiug, Lady Bonner, Gifford, 2:.'Ui4, 2:.33^i, 2:34. Aug. 19, 1875, .$300. Joe Ripley 1, John Franklin, Gilford, Tarn OShautex-, Gyiisy Girl, 2;35. 2:35M. 2:.31?4, 2:3314. '— St. Albans, Vt., Aug. 31, 187.5, .$500. Kelly, Twinkle, Jane (1 dis), 2:39!i,2:3Si2, 2:37?i. Plattsburgh, N. Y., Sept. 15,1875, .$600. ' Twinkle, Barnev Kelly, Amelia D.. 2:36, 2:35, 2:38. C. F. Predmore, Fleetwood Park, Nov. 18, 1875, .$200. Andrew i, Laura Williams 2, Bessie, Steve Max- well, Clifton (3 dr), 2:37'.;, 2:33, 2:34, 2:35, 2:30ii. J. A. Williams. Hartford, Conn., June 29,1876, ;^800. Maggie S. 5, 6, Enigma 2, 3, (7 dis), Alley, Harry Spanker, Banker (3 dis), 2:26i4, 2:26, 2:27, 2:29U, 2:26J^, 2:30, 2:29J^. Mystic Park, Boston, July 11, 1876, $300, Flora Belle 2, 3, Maggie S.,King William, Shepherd Knapp Jr., Henry Chase, Sir William Wallace, 2:271^, 2:2714, 2:28i.i, 2:28i.i, 2:29. — Montpelier, Vt., Aus:. 16, 1876, .$600. Kitty Cook 1.3, George H., Fanny (1 dis), 2:34,2:34, 2:35,2:35, 2:3.31 1. — B\n-lington, Vt., Aug, 29, 1876, .$400. Joe Ripley 1, 2, George H., Rosa B. (3 dr), 2:38i4, 2:39, 2:42, 2:43»'3, 2:45. St. Albans, Vt., Sept. 14, 1876, $300. Fanny, George H.. 2:37, 2:3G, 2:.33ii. :\ralone. N. Y., Sept. 28, 1,S76, $400. Cajit. Smith, Twinkle, Jack Draper, 2:3".. 2:.38. 2:36. Charley Miller, ch g (J :48), Cumberland, .Me., Oct. 5, 1875, $ . Blackbird ? Lady Mansfield 4, 5. Deering Hov, 2:54, 2:.52, 2:48. 2:42, 2:50. Race unfinished. Charley Morrill, bg (3:34), l)vWinthrop Morrill, dam bv Vermont Black Hawk. Geo. Goodale, Bangor, Me., June 24, 1874, $125. Fred. McOliver 1. Specie, Coriiith Bov, Fannv May (3dr), 2:44. 2:47, 2:40, 2:41. Skowhegan Me., Aug. 4, 1874, .$12.5. Gentle Annie (3 0), Pomp, Anson Belle(4dr),2:40i'2,2:.38.2:37,2:38'.2. Aug. .5, 1.S74, $1.50. Gentle Annie 2, Ludlow. Pomii. Best time 2:36. PiscatM(|uis, Me., Aug. 11, 1874. $1.50. Charcoal, Fred. Logan, Dick, 2:41. 2:43. 2:41. Aui;. 12. 1.S74, $175. Charcoal, 2:.39i.i, 2:4nK>, 2:41. Pittslield, Me., Aug. 18, 1^^74, .$ . FashiVn, Gen. Lee, Plvmonth Rock, Joe Hooker, 2:36, 2:38, 2:381,. Gardiner, Me., Aug. 27, 1874, .$.300. Anodyne. Road Rowdy. 2:.36, 2:,39i--i, 2:42. Lewiston, Me., Sept. 22, ]s74, .$40. Ladv ^lorsan, 2:55, 2:44. Lincoln, Me., June 16, 1875, .$200. Fred. Logan 2, Andv JoLnson 3, Abdallah 1. 2:36'/2, 2:38';, 2:38, 2:4i), 2:37,2:40. Charley .Morris, b g (3 :45), bv R. R. Morris. C. W. Bell, Moncton, N. B., Sept. 21, 1882, .$ . Annie Ethel 1. Lockhart, Young Haml)letonian, Long John, Kitty Clyde, Rubv, 2 :42i^, 2 :46, 2:45'.;, 2:45. Sei>t. 22, 1882, $130. Young Hambletonian, I.Long jolin, G. P. Thomas. Black Duchess, Ruby. 2:.50, 2:47*.;, 2 :47, 2 :46. Charley Moulton, ch g (3:4.5). F. Spencer, Scranton, Pa.. Sept. 28, 1881, $1.50. Jennv3. Bismarck, Shamrock, Barney B., 2 :4(;, 2 :45, 2 :44?4, 2 :45. Charley Nolan, b g (3 :38?4). D. Coolev, Huntington, L. I., Oct. 25 and 26, 1878, $100. Fred 2, Tip. 2:44, 2:45i-^, 2:3914,2:38^.1. Charley I'., b g (3 :47). W. H. Pallett, Friendville, Neb., May 25, 1881, .$ . Topsy 1, Gray Bill. Best time, 3:10. L. Cotton. Crete, Neb., Sept. 22, I.88I, .$ . Topsy. Sleepy Dick, Black Swan (3 dis), Golddust (2 dis), 3:11,3.08,3:04. W. H. Pallett, Sept. 24, 1881, .$75. Fanny, Sleepy Dick, Topsy (.3 dis), Silver Tail C3 disj, 2:47. 3:04, 2:58. 124 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TKOTTING AND PACING KECOKD. Charley PariH, b g (2 :41Vi), bv Cloud Miuiibrino, dam Lou Loder. A. Ix)der, Cambridge City, Ind., Sept. 6, 18K5, § . Joe Watts 3, Duke, Stouer, Sundown, Ciiifiuuati, Albia, Swallow, Kate Snyder (3 or), 2:50, 2 •45 '''45 •'•41 '4 Charlev'i'e'piiei-iiian. rn g {'i :4«'2). B. Barnes, Salt Lake, Utah, .Tuly 28, 1874, .*400. Blind Girl (1 dis), 2:46'/,. CliarU-y Terry C-J :">«). St. Paul, Minn., Sept. 30, 1871, §100. Flying Cloud, Birdeatelier, ;i:00, 'Z-.'Ai, 2:5»'/2. C'liarleV K. I> s (a:.>7). .1. Uobinsou, Baraooo, Wis, Oct. — , 1x74, $120. Lady Cutter 3, .Jaek Tenijile 1, Mai;- beili ■-' \Vhite Hilly, Small Prolits, Lady 15., Annie Dver, VVauuakee (3 dr), 3:00, 3:00, 3:01, 3:03, 2:r)7, 2:,'i9. Charley K. tw), eh g"(a:3.5'2. w). D. A. Wiles, Cynthiana, Ky., Aug. 27, l8so, ^75. Sannie G.(w>, Stranger (w), Allen Hov iw), 2:3(J'2, 2::irM. Charley Ko'ss, b s (,« :42). 1< . Koss, Providence, K. I., July 12, 1876, §150. D. D. 1, Thorn 2, Orphan Girl, Dandy (3 (lis). Honest John (3 dls). Irene (3 dis), 2:42J£, 2:44>^, 2:42, 2:43;2. 2:43i^. Charley K<>s8, bg(2:3»). (J. Niles, Dayton, O., Sept. 23, 1879, $150. Peddler 3, Albine 2, Abdallah King (5dr), Kast Wind d dis). Emma Schonberger (1 dis;, 2:38. 2:45, 2:44, 2:38'2, 2:4014. Sei)t. 20, 1879, S2.')0. Peddler 3, Trojan Belle, Emma Schonberger (1 dis), 2:^3, 2:30, 2:37, 2:37. 1). P. Larkin. Chillieotlie, O., Oct. 24, 1879, $200. Keturn, Kitty Clyde (5 dr), Ida Hayes 1, 2 (4 dr), Harry B. (3 dr), 2:45, 2:45'.i, 2:40, 2:4(i. 2:40. Charley K«>s8, b g (« ::J«>.i), bv Telegrai)h, dam a pacer. W. H. Hillier, Westmibster, Md., July 27, 1880, $350. Johii King 1, Spunky, Alvey, Maud (3 dis). Patapsco Maid (2 dis), 2:39, 2:38':. 2:37}/., 2:39. - July 28, 1880, $3,")o! John King 2, 3, Pilot Boy, Lucy Phillips, Bob Sheldon, Lucy, Zephyr (5 dis), 2 ;.39%, K. A. Sprtinuc. Kicliniond, Va., Nov. 21, 1882, $175. Tornado, Black Crook (1 dis). Best tune. 2:39'/i. Charley Siu-pber*! 1 i A.Mi ). Ed. Bentley, Beaver Dam, Wis., July 4, 1871, $1,000. JSlcNaughtou's gr m 1, Dark- ness 2, Kiiliv, Cruiser. Dandy ('2 dis), — — , , 2:47, 2:44}^. Same (l:iv, $.">(). Old Grimes 1, Clam Boy, Hunter (1 dis), Columbus Girl (,1 dis), Black Jake (1 dis), Ladv Hopkins (1 dis), Itobert Lee (1 dis), 2:.W.i, 2:4314, 2:47U. Charley siipp, gr g (3:4.5). A. L. Slipp, Fredericton, N. B., Oct. 9, ls78, $150i Lady Jane, Lookout, Jenny, Little Bessie (3 dr), 2:45, 2:4.->i4, 2:47. St. John, N. B., Oct. 18, 1878, $150. Lady Jane, Lookout, 2:45. 2:48, 2:.'>3. , „ Charley Stewart, blk g (2:36^). by Western Spy. A. Thompson, Lansing, Mich., June 2, 1882, $300. Gazetteer, Minnie Warren, Mambriiio George, Belding Boy, Nell Buckman, Jenny Wells, Bay Fred (2 dis), Alice M. (2dr), 2:40, 2:37M, 2 :30k. Charley Sweden, b g (2 :37). J. Woods, Guelph, Out., June 7, 1883, $200. Eifieman, Bob White, Eden Girl, 2:42." 2:40, 2:41, J. Bungan, Paisley, Out.. July 2, 1883, $ . Goderich Chief, Jim Christie. Best time, 2:44. July 3, 1883, .$ . Jim Christie. Best lime, 2 :42. Hamilton, Ont., Aug. 22, 1883, .1200. Bob White l, Sam. Eden Girl, Highland Chief, 2 :.39?^, 2:37, 2:38, 2::J8'«. Charley T., ch g (3 :43>4), by Cadmus, dam Betty, by Albion. J. F. Cabhvell, Jackson, Miss., Nov. 12, 1875, $100. Ross 2, Josh I'arks (1 dis), 2:.''>;^, 2;59, 2:50. M. W. Kennedy, Greenville, Miss., June 2, 188t), $200. Belle Grant 2, Yankee Sam l (5 dis), 3:05, 2:46, 2*46 2:47 2*56. '- June 4, I880', .$75. Belle Grant, 2:45. 2 :42U. , , Charley T., blk g (3:lli'i.) D. Laporte, Salina, Kan., July 8, 1881, $25. Mary S.. Maud M.. Arthur Chief, 3"ll'a 3.J03 Charlev T.', ch g (2 :29»i). H. Hodges. Suffolk Park, Phila., May 12 and 13, 1881, .$400. Early Rose 4, 5, Hugh McLaughlin 0 (8 dr), Kcntuckian 2, 3 yl dr), Kegulus Jr. (7 dr), J. F. (6 dr), Fritz (5 dr). May Medium (5 dr). Floral". (4 dr), Whitefield (4 dr), Fisk (3 dr). Jerry Hardwick (2 dis), 2:29i.i, 2:27'/j. 2:29, 2:29'«, 2:30, 2:32>4, 2 •SI '4 2 •.33 '■ D. F. Edelblute, Kittanning, Pa., Sept. 15, 1882, $250. Harry W., T. McBayne. Billy Rice, George Jinks (1 dis). 2:.3.3M, 2:;i7, 2:.37i,l. A. Neal, Brookville. Pa., Sept, 22, 1882, $2.T<). Verge, Lizzie, 2 :.39?i , 2 :47. 2:46?i. I'hillii>sburg, P:i., Oct. .5, 1882, .$300. Lizzie, Tom Meckley, 2:38, 2:30, 2:38. . ,, , ,. . . , ^ Charley Tew. (3 :00.) L. Flint, Willimantic, Coiui., Aug. 27, 1873, $25. Latonia, ITnkno\vn (3 dis), 3:13, 3:00, 3^09* Charley Thome, eh g (2:49), l)y Thornedale. H. Bull, Jr., Newport, R. I „ Nov. 29, 1883, $ — . Fashion, ■'•49 2^."i3, 2 •.10 Charlev Tipton, by Bellfouiid<>r, dan\ bv Wild Wagoner. C. R. Tipton, Newcomerstown, O., Oct, G, 1882, $1(K»; . John T., West End, Ida, Fanny Haws (1 dis). No time. , ,„ ,, • , Charley AV., br g (2 :38). .T. F. Smith," Westchester, Pa., Oct. 4, 1879, .$200. Frank Bowers, Hernuon, Leon- Charley Ware,' br 'g V2:32*'V(;)! by Homer. W. Larrabee, Providence, R. I., July 28, 1878, $300. Kadir 1, 3, Norwood Chief, Shorty Fountain, Charles N. (4 dr), 2:36, 2:37, 2:3,5 2:34, 2:34. , ,, . , .. ,, „ o'2. Four-year-olds. „ .,„ .^ .„,/ cynthi:m;i, Ky., Oct. 22, 1880, $.500. Lillian .3, 4, Bristol Girl, Molly Collins, Judge Hawes, 2-A2\n, 2:40^, Charley' West brook, ch g (2 :32i,,), by a Morg.an horse. C. E. Westbrook. Lacrosse, Wis., Oct. 18, 1872, $.300. .lack, Wansie. 2:.i8i.i, 2:37';, 2:.39. Oshkosli, Wis., .Inly '2.!, i873,.$275. Phil Sheridan, Capitola, 2:.^3'-, 2::Mi, 2:36'4. ( )ct. 3, 1S73, .«;2V). Princetmi Boy, Ladv Franklin, 2:45, 2:48, 2:48. Lacrosse. Wis.. Oct. 24, 1873, $1.50. Privateer Boy, 2:.")0'.|. 2:40'.,, 2:3C.>^, - Wausau, Wis., Oct. — , 1874. .$17.5. Princeton Bov, 2:42^,, 2:."i8>;, 2::i9m,. St. Paul. Minn., .lulv 2, 187ft, .'Sl,200. Cliarley Champ 2, Boy Charley, 2:39k', 2:32>.i, 2:36, 2:3494- Kail Cbiire, Wis., Sept. .30, 187.5, .$.500. Prim-eton Hoy. 2:41i.i, 2:40^i. 2:.38'2. . , „ r.i Charley V., b g (2 :39V;i). .]. l{. Titus, Morristown, N. .1., Sejrt. 12. 1882, $1.50. Kitty Clyde 1, Hypercoon, Glen Isle, .Hm, Hetsy Trotwoo6, 2:47. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECOKD. 125 • Fleetwood Park, N. Y., Nov. U, 187G, i?l25. Billy 1, Siyah, Marengo, Blue Ruin (l dis), 2:43, 2:44i^, 2:44, Charlotte Cushman. br ni ('2:34:^4.). G. Scattergood, Belmont Park, Phila., May 4, 1882, $400. Lady Story, Seven-Tweutv, The King. 2:31)14. 2:3414, 2:37Vi. ^, ,, , Charlotte Temple, (s>, (3:38). bv Young Basliaw, dam Saladin's dam. Mr. Henderson. Harlem, N. Y., Dec. ^ is;«. s . Modesty (s), 2, 5lajor Jack Downing (s), (3 dis). 5:29, .5:1.'), 5:17. Two miles. 1 Philadelpliia. Pa., Nov. 1.5. ls:i4. .siOO. Columbus 1, 2:39, 2:38, 2:39. 2:40. Charm b m (3 :06). T. .loncs, Loudon. O., July 4. ls83. $15. Texas 1. Newark Maid. 3:01, 3:08y2, 306. Charmer, gr m i3:31). l)v ISav ( liampiou. "Wallace Pierce, St. Petersburg!!, Pa., June 27, 1876, $300. Lillie Pearce. Blanche Arthurs, .Niatlie, Panic, 2:40'/^. 2:40'4,2:42M. , ,,..,, ^ .June 29, 1876. $300. Blanche Arthurs 1, 2, Lillie Pearce, Duster, Billy Boulden (4 dri, Mattie (4 dr), Dan (2 (lis). 2::5.5, 2:a5, 2:38, 2:38. 2:40. Titusville. Pa., July 4, 1876, .$200. Lady H., Billv Boulden, Zig Z:ig (3 dis). 2:404, 2:47, 3:00. (Jrecnville, Pa., Aug. 29, 1876, $250. Sleepy Torn 3, Bay Fanny. 2-.35'4, 2:36, 2:35, 2:3614. Pittsburgh, Pa., Oct. 6, 1876, $200. Sleepy Tom, Davy, 2:44. 2:43, 2:41, 2 :.51. ,. r , Fleetwood Park, N. Y.. Oct. 24 and 'io, 1876, $800. Jo'in Taylor 3, Joe Petit, Hamilton, Result, Lady Lowe. Modesty, Don. Orange Billy. 2:321^,2:32, 2:25. 2:33. fharon b s (3 :03). Kingston, R. 1., Sept. 25, 1883, .$100. Jamaica Jim 1, Kitty, Little Star, 3:12, 3:02, 3:05. Charter Oak, b s (3:00). John Jones, Oswego, N. Y., Nov. 4, 1859, $25. Kate 1, Damsel, Irish Maid, 3:03, 3:03, 3:00. , ^ , ^ Chaiitaiuiua Chief, b g (3 :33). G. Metzger, Buffalo, N. Y., May 17, 1848, $100. St. Lawrence 3 (2 0), (5 dr), .Smoke (1 dis), 2:39, 2:37, 2:.3,5, 2:35, 2:37. Milwaukee, Wis., July 13, 1848, $1.50. Jack Rossiter, 1, 2, St. Lawrence (1 dis), 2:40, 2:43, 2:37, 2:39, 2:39. (s), July 14, 1848, $100. Jack Rossiter (s), 2:38, 2:36, 2:40. Wm Woodruff, Philadelphia, Pa., Oct. 21, 1851, .$250. Rhode Island. St. Lawrence, 2:34. 2:38, 2:35. H. Garrick, Centreville, L. I., Oct. 28, 1851, $.300. Rhode Island, St. Lawrence, 2:32, 2:32, •2:33)4. Buffalo. N Y., May 22, 18.52, .$400. Moscow, Stranger, 2:37, 2:36, 2:37. St. Louis, Mo., July 10, 1852, $250. Rhode Island 2, 4, 2:36, 2:48, 2:42, 2:38, 2:39. (s), July 22, 18.52, .$250. Rhode Island (s), 1. 2:39, 2:39, 2:36. ., ,. ^ „ .„ Chautauqua Chief, b s (3 :43). E. Adams, Adrian, Mich., Aug. 9, 1855, $100. Pat 2. Sailor Boy (1 dis), 2:52, 2 46' 2 2 ^S}^ 2 '42 '- Chicago, 111.,' Aug. 2l, 185,5, $200. Reindeer 1, 2, Tib Hinman, Black Ralph, 2 :41, 2 -ASM, 2 :43, 2 :44, 2 :45. Aug. 25, 1855, $200. Fanny Wood, Tib Hinman. John Tonley, 5:29, 5:27. Two miles. (w): Aug. 27, 1855, $250. Jake Taylor (w), l, John Tonley (w), (2 dr), 8:30, 8:33, 8:38. Three miles. Chatham Boy, gr g (3 :34i/2). F. J. Childs, Albany, N. Y., Oct. 1, 1872, $50. Cooloo, Delavan Peck, 2:43, 2.401, O'^^i '- Kingston, N. Y., Oct. 15, 1872. $300. Billy Forest 4, Wiltwyck l. Young Wilkes 3, Young Dexter (1 dis), 2:3714, 2:3434, 2:38, 2:40, 2:35i4, a:34U. ^ Chauncey, gr g (2 :57). D. Lane, Catskm, N. Y., June 7, 1873, .$200. Ellal, 5:58, 5:.57i^, 5:55, 5:54. Two miles. Chauncey(3:ll). J. Atkinson, Chicago, 111.. Aug. 17, 1878, .$ . Billy, Roweua, 3 :11, 3 :14 Cliauncey, gr ra (3 :32). G. D. Burnett, Richmond, Va., Oct. 26, 1881, $'.'50. Charley Ross, Clara Morris, 2:38, 2*43 2*3914. ^ Oct." 27, "1881, .$37.5. Charley Ross, Sailor Boy, 2:32, 2 :34i4. ^ ^ „ Chauncey Goodrich (James T. Brady), b s (3 :59), by Marshall Chief, dam by son of Iron Foot Bogus. H. Lambkin, Fashion Course, L. I., May 7, 1867. $150. Alexander, 2:59, 3:00, 3:01. Fom;-year-9lds. Chauncey, H., br g (3:37i4), by Robert Bonner, dnm by Seeley's American Star. J. T. Biggs, Dayton. O., May 26, 1880, .$300. Emma Maxwell, Joseph, 2:40, 2:40, 2:43. May 28, 1880, .$300. Emma Maxwell, Catch Up, Pinatore, 2 :35, 2 :43i4, 2 :41. A. J. Woodmansee, Battle Creek, Mich.. June 1, 1880, .$600. Ned Forest, Emma Maxwell, Lady Middleton, Magnet, Tom S. (2 dis). Carrie Cozzens (1 dis), 2:38?4. 2:40^4, 2:37^. L. S. Caton, Xenia, O.. July 16. 1880, $ . Fashion 2 (1 0), Executor, 2:35, 2:35i4. 2:36?£, 2:3714, 2:38. S. W. Hoffmann. Pittsburgh, Pa., Sept. 18. 1880, .$100. Tola 1, Duster, Beulah (2 dis), ,2:31,2:30Ji,2:34. C. H. Colby, Des Moines, la., July 4, 1883, .$,50. Sultiui. LaJy Belle, 2:.50. 2:48}^, 2:48. July 2.5, 1883, $ . Nelly W., B;irney B.. Sultan. Lady Belle, 2:36i-4, 2:35^, 2:36^4- Aug. 2, 1883, .$ . Barney B., Sultan, 2:46, 2:44, 2:41. Chauncey M, Bedle, b g (3 :30) by Gooding's Chanipion, dam by BoUfounder. R. Dempster, Corning, N. Y. , Oct. 9, 1873, $ . Tom Wonder Jr., Minnie Havens, 2 :.55, 2 :55. 2 :55. R. Dempster, Wilkesbarre, Pa.. Aug. 25, 1875, $1,000. Reuben, Beulah, Fleei,*wood. Modoc, Lady Goodin, Northwood, 2:35, 2:35>^, 2:36^. Rittersville, Pa., Aug. 31, 1875, $500. Lady Goodwin, Modoc, Sussex, Kiity Fiske, Hannah R. (1 dis), 2:35]^ 2:41 2*40. '■ J. McAndrews Jr., Suffolk Park, Phil., June 29, 1876, $700. Topsy 1, Modoc 2, R. D., Midway, Lady Weller (2 dr), 2:31, 2:33, 2:34, 2:32U, 2:34. Secaucus, N. J.. June 26, 1878, Prize, silver, Jenny L. 1. 2. Nameless (4 ar), 2:2914, 2:33i4, 2:38, 2*.41,2:40i4. July 13. 1878, Prize, silver. Tommy 1, 3, Jenny L., 2:40, 2:37, 2:391/2, 2:42, 2:36. July 27, 1878, .$ . Jenny L. 3, Paxton, Tonimv 1. 2 (3 dr), 2 :32, 2 :33, 2 :35, 2 -.SSya. 2 :34, 2 :32. July — , 1878, .$75. Silver Tail 3. Woodford, Jenny L., 2:38. 2:38i4, 2:35. 2:.38. Norfolk, Va., Nov. 15. 1878, $100. Key West 1, 2:31. 2:.'52i^. 2:32. Chas. S. Green, Prospect Park, L. I., Aug. 30, 1879, .$300. Sailor Boy 2, Dr. Rush, 2:34. 2:38i^, 2:32i4, 2 :.32. Cheek, gr g (3 :39i4^- T. H. Barium, Detroit, Mich., June 5, 1882, $100. Joe 4, 6, Mt. Clemens 5, Seth T. Bane 2, 2:.54^, 2:.53i4. 2:49'i. 2:53, 2:52?4, 2:50i4. 2:49. June 10, 1882, $100. Seth T. Bane 1, 3, 2:37»4. 2:39i4, 2:40i4. 2:45, 2:42'%. Chemung Jack, b g (3 :57), L. Lowe. Elmira, N. Y.. June 2.5. 18.58. $100. Flag, Dutch Toby, 3:04.3:02,2:57, Chemung Maid, b m, S. Bunnell, Scranton, Pa., Oct. 12, 1380. $-250. Flora Miner, Pittston Girl (2 dis). Lady P. (Idis). No time. Oct. 13, 1880, .$2.50. Le Clair l. 3, Flora Miner 4. No time, Chenango Maid, b m (3 :45), Mr. Pellet, Delhi, N. Y., Oct. 9. 1868, ,$75. Black Joker 3, 2:51, 2:54, 2:45, 2:45. Cherokee. (2:36), Mr. McCarthy, Mobile, Ala., Mch. 20, 1857. $200. Hoosier (1 0), 2:.57, 2:.56. Chester, br s (3 :32), R. F. Galloway, Newburgh, N.-Y., Sept., 1866, $ . Mediator, Mack, 2:59, 2:543^. Four- year-old, stallions. J. C. Howland, Middletown, N. Y., Sept. 9, 1868, $ . Decker's b g 1, Brutus, Stranger, 2:57, 2:53, 2:52, 2:54. Chester, (w) b g (3 :46i4 w), A. Woodward. Mystic Park, Mass., July 16, 1874, $250. Pacer, Rosa Bonheur (w), Florence (w) Americus (l dis), 2:48, 2:48|4, 2:46i4. Chester, b s (2:3.594), bv Jay Gould, J. E. Stewart, Beacon Park. Boston, May 15, 1877, ,$200. Walter 2, Frank A. I.Jimmy, Mattie, Lilly, Olive, Woodstock. Daniel (5 dis). Bashaw Maid (5 dis). Miller's Damsel (5 dr), Aaron (4 dr). Actress (3 dis). Gen. Hampton (3dr), Fred. (2 dr). 2:.38, 2:,39, 2:3894, 2:37i4, 1:3.-,^. Chester, (Dickens) b g (3 :3 7), by Hambletonian, dam Julia Machree by American Star. E. A. Parker, Red Wing, Minn., Sept. 11, 1878, .$200. Mambrino Prince, Daisy Dean, 2:4l'i4. 2:34i4, 2:3994. Sept. 13. 1878, $200. Mambrino Prince. Daisy Dean. 2:42. 2:42, 2:42. Sept. 10, 1879, .$300. Susie. Archer's Almorit, Hambletonian Chief, 2:35, 2:.35, 2:37. 126 CHESTKR'S COMrLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. Sept. 12, 1879, 8400. Big Foot. Capt. Herod, Dixie. 2:.^3'i, 2:.S3, 2:32''2. Sept. If.. IKSO. .S'JfK). .liiii Wilson, llaiiihlotonlaii cliicf. 2:3;'). -.^-'U'.,. 2:.32^4. Si-pt. IT. INMI. s-2:u. Liuiv of till' West, .lilii Wilson, llaliibl.'loiiiali Chief. 2:.%!';, 2:.32^.i. 2:354. Eariiiiii>,'lun. ;\liiiii., «epi. L';i. isso. s . Ladyof llic W isl. .lolm J. Cook, 2:42'2, 2:3.5)^^, 2;32. Sept. -.'4. l.v. llasfinjis. Minn,, Oct. !> and y, 1880, S . N ivandlere'l, 2 (4 0), Frank Hull, 2:30, 2:30,2:32, 2:29K>, 2:28'.,-':-'7. Oet. 9. 18S0, .? . Frank Hull, Richmond, .1. (!. Walker (2 dr), 2:3(>='.i, 2:31, 2:32. ChtHter. ha (3::i.5). bv Major KdsiiU. (' Newell. Haniniohton, N. J., Oct. 14, 187!), S75. ^Voodsto<•k. Jenny I'alelien. Joe Warner. Lady Dean. Little .loe, 3:00, 3:04, 3:00. Oet. 15. 1879. .S7;"). Edwards. Ladv Dean, Woodstock, 2:.")2. ■.':5."). 2:.>4. M. (loodin. New Hunting I'ark. I'hila., Sept. 14, 1880, §200. Buzz Medium, Grecian Maid, Alexis {2dis), l:ell:i v. a dis), 2:42';. 2:35'.j, 2:3.5. Westcheslor, Pa.. Sept. 25, i8so. S200. John 3. Republic, Mlneola, 2:.'58, 2:36?i. 2:37, 2:37'i. Dover. Del.. Sept. 30, 1880, $200. Blanche Medium, J. B., Clara Morgan. Little Annie (2 dis). 2:36',i, 2:30'o, 2:38^4. Chester, eh g (3:38i4), bv Patrick Henry, dam Molly. J. Eggleston, Alexandria, Va , Sept. 29, 1880, .«7.'>. .lennv B.. Honesty, 2:36. 2:.i(;)4. 1. H. Snyder, Washington, D. C, Oct. 6, 1880, S300. Pilot Boy 1, 2, Lady Sargcant, Blue Dick (5 dr), Lady Colddust (2 dis), 2:32, 2:29^.,. 2:30'.., 2:32, 2:.'52. Oct. 1 1 . 1880. .sr)00. Ladv Sargeant 1, Harry Arlington, Early Rose, Gilt Edge, Star Maid (4 dis), Patapsco Maid i.'! dis). 2:;{0'j. 2:28'.!. 2::!2'2, 2:29^.. Chester, F., ch g i2 ::so), l)y Mercury, dam Mary Ann, bv Magnolia. T. S. Flood. Elmira, N. Y., June 24, 1879, ■iKH). Rose B. 1, Atlanta, 3:(K». 3:07, 3:04. Four-year-olds. Koehester, N. V.. Aug. 9, 1881, iJ.'JOO. Rachel 1, Stranger 3, Kockey, Lady Bell. Hattie Fisher, fiM%, .">:(«, .'):(!."). 'f.Wd. Two miles. Hartford, Conn., Aug. 23. 1881. S.500. Stranger 2. Lady Kelso, 6:0i, 4:59, 6:00. Two miles. Bi-adford, Pa., Aug. 31, 1881, .*500. Ladv Mack 4, Empress 3, Alleghany Bov, Lady June, Alice (5 dr\ Cuckoo (1 (lis), 2:.T>, 2:30, 2::?."). 2:30. 2:3,"). Chester Thoiims Jr. ((ien. Sheimau). b g (2:331^), by son of Draco. Fort "Wavne. Ind., June 8, 1875, .^^.W). Jennv. (ien. :Mack, Wild Doctor (3 dis), Roadmaster (3 dis), Nelly May (3 dis). Lucy D. <3 dis), 2:41, 2:39, 2:33 J. Chestnut Billy, di g (2 :34). John Lee, Detroit, Mich.. July 22, 1873, S700. Billy, Quicksilver, Mary, Dan- iels, Tom Biitton (3 dis). Harmless (3 dis), 2:37, 2:38. 2:34i'4. .lulv 23, 1873, .?700. (Juieksilver. Sir tSeorge, Brown Dick. Lady Hayes, Pilot (3 dis), 2:30, 2:30, 2:34>4. lulv 24. 1S7.3, .'5700. Quicksilver. Tom Britlon. ]5illy, 2:.'U. 2:40. 2:40. .1. ('roker. Buffalo. N. Y.. Sept. 9, 1873, .§2.50. Little Dan, George, 2:42^, 2:41, 2:42. Chestnut Hilly, ch g {-i-.^kOKi). Williams & Rundel, Pontiac, Mich., June 1, 1875, .S225. Clifton, Gray Sea, Frank. Little (Jlen, 2:50, 2:51i/'. 2:50'2. — — E. W. Williams, Windsor, Out., July 2. 187.5, S2 50. Vanderbilt 1, Josie, Jim Elastic, 2:44'/2, 2:41, 2:41, 2:42'.. Chestnut Boy, ch s (2 :36). by Burgher, dam by Addison. T. Rigslev. Terre Haute, Ind., June 1, 1882, §200. Henry 1, 2, William Z., An'glin, Netty M.. Neltv R.. Scott Parker (3"dis), 2:40K>. 2:40?^. 2:424, 2:43, 2:44. Cluii-leston, 111., Aug. 4, 1882, $140. Buffalo Bill. Belle Bowen. Maud W.. 2:48. 2:44'/^, 2:43'/2. Sullivan. III., Aug. 11, 1882, .S150. Fancy Day 1, Maud W. (2 dis), 2:39. 2:41. 2:40.2:42. H. V. Padfield, Cambridge. 111., Sept. 0," 1883. .¥200. Mary B.. Edith. 2:.54. 2:49'.i. 2:.50. Peoria, 111., Sept. 8. 1883, .s400. Lelia S. 1, 3. Legal Tender Jr., Mambrino B., Wildflower. IMambrino Startle (4 dr).2:37, 2:30'4, 2:38, 2:38'2, 2:.38. Chestnut Charley, ch g (2 :50). D. Hughes. Chagrin Falls. O.. Aug. 5, 1875, §1.35. Boxer, George W. S., Non- pareil. King David, Bashaw^ IMaid. Josie JIansfleld, Billy Hosmer, Alice K. (1 dis), 2:54^i, 2:50. 2:.50. Chestnut Dick, ch g (2:33'..). B. ,L Townseiid. Rochester. N. Y'., Aug. 2, 1870, .§100. Gen. Howard 3, Con- traband. (ieorge faff. Nelly Thurston, 2:35Ji, 2:37. 2:40i/,, 2:;i8. Aug. 3. 1870, §1.000. Lew Baker 2,4,(5 0), Fanny Lambert, Long Branch, St. Lawrence Maid(5dr), 2::{5'i, •.':34'.i. 2:.%, 2:41. 2:43i.i, 2:4.3U. Chestnut Dick, ch g (2 :.55). J. Stafford, Erie, Pa., July 4, 1874, .§50. Nig 3, (1 0), Fanny, 2:55, 2:mi, 2:483!i, Chestnut i>i<-k, eh s (2:444). Henry Hollis, Buffalo, N. Y'. , July 15. 1875, §100. Mattie Golddust, Jake Pitz, Lizzie n. (3 dr). 2:40. 2:4414. 2:44' o. Chestnut Diek. (2 :38). bv John Henry. G. Whitney, Elyria, o., Aug. 25. 1876, $75. Jeremiah 1, 2, May B., Little Aleck, Little Hannah, 2:42, 2::S8'i, 2:39, 2:40, 2:40. Norwalk. O. Sept. 27, 1870. .§200. Lady M., 3,(2 0), Kennebec Jr., Frank W., 2:48'4, 2:45, 2:42, 2:424, 2:42. W. B. F; ■ - ■ - -- - -— - - - " ■- ■■ Chestnut Di( 2:.50''.,, 2:46';, 2:51. AV. Sweringeii. Smithfleld, O., Sept. 29. 1879. § . Slieriff Johnson 3, Harper, ^Vild Tom, George L., 2:44.2:42.3:00,2:40. , _ Chestnut Diek, ch s (2 :48^). C. H. Harlow, Akron, O., June 23, 1880, Prize, harness. Tom Grundy, Try Me, Balsora Jr., 2:57?.(, 2:485!i,'"2:48'.,. Stallions. . , , Chestnut Hill, 1)8(2:2214), bv Strathmore. dam Pollv Barber, by Bully King. J. P. ^^ iser. Ogdensburgh, N. Y., Sept. 7. 1877.. § . Hercules 2, Jean Bapti'ste 1, Lady Grenville (5 dis) Morley Girl (5dr), 2:41, 2:38'rt 2*40 2:40 2:42. ^Gouvcrneur.N. Y., June 4, 1878,8200. Mary Newton 1, Morse, Mattie K. Fuller, Croff, Palmer Boy, 2:36.2:36,2:30, 2:.{8. Watertown, N. Y., June 12, 1878, 82.50. Maggie Mitchell, Mary Newton, Mattie K. Fuller, Croff, 2:31V4, 2:30. •2:,32^t. AV:iddington, N. Y., Sept. 4. 1878. §125. Capt. Smith, Ellen,2:.^5. 2:37. 2:38. Ogdensburgh. N. v., Sept. 10,1878, §4.50. Marv Russell 3. Capt. Smith. Cooloo, Mary Newton, 2::52"j, 2:32V,, 2:304. 2 :.33i;.i. Potsdam, N. Y.. Sept. 17, 1878. §.500. Cooloo. Mary Russell. 2:.31. 2:30i.,, 2:,30. AVatertown. N. Y.. Sept. 2.5. 1878. .§200. Wilbur F.. Cooloo. Billv Moscow. 2:;{4. 2::!0. 2:.304. Daniel Jenkins, Utica, N. Y., Aug. 20, 1879, .§1.. 500. Hambrino, Gray Salem, Brigadier, Dictator, 2:234, 2 :22i/., 2 :2.3. J. V. Wiser, Prospect Park, L. I., Sept. 16, 1879, §1,000. Hambrino (3 0), 2:22'i, 2:23'i, 2:23H, •2:234. Stallions. Chestnut Jim, ch s (2 :41), O. Peck, Monroeville, O., Sept. 6, 1807, .§125. Bay Joe 1, 4, 2:.39, 2:41, 2:42, 2:374, Chestnut Mare, ch m (2 :45), by Ethan Allen. Fashion Course, L. I., May 14. 1869, §1,500. Rodeu's br g, 3, 2 45 '' '48' 1 '' -46% 2 -45 Chestnut' .San\r<"h g (2:3.3'4). J. Mitchell, Sarnla. Out., Sept. 22, 1881, §100. Sparkle 1, Belle of Shelby, 2:33J^. ''•.37''i 2'.30''i ''•.37 "- .1. B."coulter. London, Ont . , June 7 and 9, 1882, .§300. Ralph B. 3, 4, Lady McGregor 1, 2, Caledonia Chief Jr., 2:38, 2:38, 2:38, 2:40, 2;40, 2:40, 2:47. Fasig. Elyria, O., May 29, 1877. .§200. Maggy Kimberlv 1, 3, 2:4.3, 2:.38. 2 :42?a. 2:41^4, 2:41. iek,chg'(2:42). J. Archibald, Pittsburgh, Pa., Sept. 3,1878, §100. Little Sam 1, (3 0), 2:48'i, GHESTERS COMPLETE TROTTIXG AXD PACING RECORD. 127 Cheston. (w) b g (3 :37). John Splan, Fleetwood Park, X. Y., Nov. 19, 18V-1, $2.30. Little Dau 1. 4, 2 :5T! b, 2 :48i^, •J:47, -':4.5'.2,2:51. C. Simiiioiis, Xov. '>(>, 1874, .$200. Cora ¥.. 2:4G!4, 2:3T, 2:41. (S), John Sphiii, iXov. 28 and ao. 1874, .f200. Sorrel Jake 3 (2 0), 2 :46, 2 :42, 2 :39U, 2 :37! 2, 2 :47i^^. Chet Kellojfg, b g i,3 :31). 1). Mahonev, Messina Spa, X. Y., Aug. IG, 1S70, §300. iete Matthews 5. Kitty 1, 2 i4 dr). 2:;x>'.;, •-':;i4-'4, 2:32, 2:31. L':.i3;o, 2::». Skaneateles. X. Y., Aug. 19. l.'^Vo, S-j::,. Tete Matthews, Lady Allen, 2 :38'/4, 2 :40, 2 :40Vo. Vuburn, X. Y., Aug. 24. liS7o. .■j3.j0. Ladv Allen. •J:4U^.i. 2:39'.!, 2:43' 2. \von. X. Y., Sept. 16, 1870. .■:^ . Lady Allen, George Pitts. 2:40U, 2:42,2:45. M. Burns, Auburn, N. Y., Oct. 14, ls7o, .$300. Tete Matthews, Fearles.s, 2:37^4, 2:37' 2, 2:37, 2:37' 2. Canandaigua, N. Y., June 29, 1871, .S . Tom Keeler 5, 7, Major Edsall 2, 3, Joe Hooker 4. Dutch Boy, Frank Hobart, 2:31i/i, 2:29, 2:32, 2:33, 2:35, 2:3i;2, 2:33^2, 2:34'2. Avon, X. Y., July 29, 187 1 , .$400. Toi)sy, 2 :3Gk, 2 :35U, 2 :34J/2. Kocliester, N. Y., Aug. 1, 1871, $1,000. Joe Hooker 2, John R. Fero 1, Lew Baker, Fanny Lambert, 2:31 '/i, 2:34'.,.2:3i), 2:;}4, 2:3:3^. Canandaigua, X. Y., Sept. 8, 1871, $400. Tom Keeler, Joe Hookei-, 2:30, 2:35ii., 2:34^^. Oswego, X. Y., Sept. 27, 1871, .$350. Tom Keeler, 2 :35, 2 :3S, 2 :38. Avon. X. Y., Oct. 5, 1871, $ . Tom Keeler 1, Joe Hooker, 2:35, 2:34?4, 2:35, 2:33. Penn Yan, N. Y., Aug. 28, 1872, .$400. Frank Phelps 2, 3, Lady Allen, Horace Greeley (2 dr}, 2 :39;2, 2 :37, 2:36'2. 2:3-5, 2:36. , ,, ^, ^ ., n> „ .„ , „ C. H. Gould. (3 :47i4). Edwin Weeman, Xorway, Me., Sept. 28, I8ISI, $— . Gen. Grant 2, 3, Topsy, 2:o( , 2:52, 2:4.3M, 2:52^2, 2:52i4. , R. G. Knight, Oxford Co., iMe.. Oct. 4, 1882, .$50. Tramp 3. Lady Allen, Rear Guard, 2:5514, 2:533^, 3:01>2, 3:00. Oct. 5, 18,^2, S . Golubird, Rear Guard, Tramp. 2 :.50?i. 2 :48?4, 2 :47i4. Chicago (Hard Bread and Jim Rockey). br g d :34 U j. liv Ole Bull, dam by American Eclipse ('.'). Geo. Xelson, Dubuque, la., Oct. 7, 1868. .$200. Champion Maid2, Hav John U dis). 2:50i2, 2:46, 2:461-^, 2:46 r4. Oct. 8. 1808, $150. Jerry Dav, Bay John (1 disj, Prairie Boy (I dis;, 2:45, 2:40^4, 2:42. Cb'velaiid. O., Oct. 7, 1870, .$1,000. Independence, Derby. Cuyahoga Maid, Morrissey, 2:2S'2, 2:27k, 2:27. (iravesS Loomis. Cincinnati, O., Xov. 5, 1870, $l,.500. W. K. Thomas 1, Pilot Temple, Silas Rich, Pat Ring. 2:29. 2:28'2.2:29V:;, 2:31'2. St. Louis, Mo.. May 17, 1871, .$1,000. Pilot Tenillle. 2. 4 (5 0), Tackey, 2:27, 2: 26)4, 2:28, 2:31, 2:33, 2:37. Charlotte, Mich., June 8, 1871, .$1,000. Pilot Temple 1, John A. Fero (1 d\s), Tackey (l dis), 2:3314, 2:28, 2:29J£, 2:28'4. Jackson, Mich.. June 15. 18V1, .$2,000. Pilot Temple 1, 2, Cozette, Silas Rich (1 dis), 2:3014, 2:28?4, 2:30, 2:82, 2::33W. (w), Chicago, 111., July 4, 1871, .$5,000. Lady Douglass, 2 :3li4, 2 :.32, 2 -.sidU, Aug. 24. 1871, .$3,000. Hotspur 1, Western Girl, 2:2;], 2:26, 2:27. 2:2714. Pekin, 111., Sept., 21, 1871, .$1,.')00. Sleepy John 1, 2:27, 2:284, 2:28, 2:29"^. Indianapolis, Ind., Sept. 28. 1871, .$2,000. Pilot Temple 1, 4, .Matt Smith 2:26^, 2:24i?4, 2:27?i, 2:27' 2, 2:28i4 Chicago, 111.. July 4, 1872, $1,000. Ed Seely, Ellen Davis, 2:41 14, 2:34"2, 2:32. Burlington, la., Oct. 3, 1872, .$300. Logan, Xicodemus. Xo time. Beloit. Wis., Oct. lo, 1872. $1,000. Rattler, J. D. MfMann, Bodine, Logan, Kate Hazard, Capitoia, Lady Mack, Ladv Douglass (1 dis), 2:38M, 2:3014,2:27. Cambridge, Ind., June 14, 1873, .$1,600. Black Frank 1. 2, 2:28'2, 2:28i4. 2:2714. 2 :28i4, 2:32. East Saginaw, Mich., June 27. 1873, .$2,000. John W. Conley 3, Pilot Temple, Byron (3 dis). Lady Light- foot (1 dis), 2:2714, 2:36'2. 2:34, 2:3314. Beloit, Wis., July 17, 1873, $ — -. Pilot Temple 1, 2, (3 0), Mila Caldwell i4 dn, 2.27, 2:28}^, 2:2814, 2:28, 2:28i4, 2:3L Chicago, 111,, Aug. 10, 1874, $4.50. May Howard 1. 5, Gen. Howard 4, 2:29. 2:3014, 2:30i4, 2:3014, 2:31'2, 2:31. Omaha, Xeb., Aug. 29, 1874, $100. 2:31, 2:28?4. To beat 2:30. P. Farrell, San Francisco, CaL, July 1,1876, .$600. Dirigo. Mary Davis, George Treat 1, (4 dis), 2:33!4, 2:28' 4,2:32, 2:32. T. Kennedy, Santa Cruz, Cal., Aug. 4. 1883, $.500. Sorrel Ben l,2:40i/2, 2:42, 2:37, 2:3914, Salinas, Cal.. Oct. 3. 1883, .$250. Frank Charles 1, Sorrel Ben. 2 :45i^. 2:41, 2 :33, 2 :38. Chicago Cliief.ch g [ 3 :48). Capt. Hainner, Xashville, Tenn. , July 4. 1855, .$ , Gray Eddv, Midnight (2 dis). Deluge (2 dis). 2:.56, 2:52, 2:48. (ieo. Futcher, May 17, 1856, $200. Cream Pet 2, One-eyed-Joe, 2 :49, 2 -.Wi, 2 :48' 2, 2 :55. Cliicago Jack, bg(3:30), (3:37i4s), by Sherman Black Hawk. Geo. Grain, Cincinnati, O., July 11, 1854, $2,000. May Queen. 2:4m, 2:41, 2:47. Jnly 15, 1854. .$2,000. May Queen, 5:32, 5:29. Two miles. Warren Peabody, Boston Mass., May l, 18.55, $.500. Know Nothing 1, 2 :41i4, 2 :37, 2 :43. (s), Dan Mace, May 11, 1855, .$500. Know Nothing (s), 1, 2:27'., 2:29; 2:271/2, 2:30. 1. M. Daniels, Centreville, L. I., Oct. 2. 18.55, $1..50O, Murdoek (3 dr). 2:43, 2:33, . IS), Warren Peabody, Oct. 16, 1855, $1,600. Belle 01 Saratoga (s) 1, 2:31, 2:29^4, 2:33, 2■.S^^. r. M. Daniels, Boston, Mass., Oct. 27, 1855, .$200. Ladv Litchfield 3, 4, 2-.'56'i, 2:33, 2:.37i4. 2:36. 2:38'4. (si, Warren Peabody, Union Course, L. I., May 27. 18.56, .$500. Know Nothing (s), (2 dis), 2:31i/4, 2:30. J. L;uvton, Boston, Mass.. Nov. 24, 18.57, .$200. Major Rogers 2. (4 dr), 2:44. 2:40, 2:40, . Burlington, Vt., Feb. 26, 1858, .$50. Maggie Brown 1. Young America, 2:42. 2:38, 2:39, 2:40. X. Bridgewater, .Mass., June 29. 18.58, $200. Lannans blk g.'.2:45, 2:4.3, 2:45. Z. (i. Brownell, Boston, Mass., .Tuiv 23, 1858. $ . Mary Taylor. (1 0), 2:4.5, 2:43H, 2:45. G. W. Dickey, Oswego. X. Y., Oct. 27, 18.59, $100. Walters 1, (2 dis), 2:45, 2:49. XOV. .3. 1859, .$200. Stella, 2:.56, 2:.52, 2:.53. A. Johnson, Augusta, Ga., Feb. 17, 1860, .$2.000. Wanderer. 2:.54i^., 2:.52. Chicago Maidbm ^3:44'2). J.Young, La Salle, 111., Nov. 28, 1857^ $300. Spot Beauty (w), (3 0), 2:49, 2:4.5, 2 -.Uy-i, 2 :46. (w). Geo. Evans, St. Louis, Mo.. April 24. 1860, .$.50. Brown Dick (w), 3:01. 2:57, 3:02. Chickaiuauga, ^Giflord & Charley B.), cli g (3 :30i. by Chickamauga. A. V. Brocking, Galesburg. 111., Oct. 11, 1873, ^S/). Whitcomb. Iowa Girl. John Morgan (1 dis\ 2:42. 2:.36V4, 2:42. Peoria, 111., June 19. 1874, .$.500. Tom Wonder 2, Whalebone. Capt" Jack, 2:40. 2:3714. 2:.37i4, 2:40. Chief, (3:36). Boston, Mass., Oct. 1.3, 1852,$ . Bunker Hill Boy 3. 4, (5 0), 2:44i;, 2:43, 2:41. 2:41,2:.36, Unfinished. Chief, b s (3 :44). Charles Marvin, Topeka Kan., ISIav 29, 1873 $175. Lady Patchen 1, Maggie Wall, Prairie Boy (4 dr), 2:48'4, 2:47^.i, 2:44, 2:4714. June 7, 1873. .$225. J>;idv Patchen 2, Kaw Jimmy (2 dis), 2:45, 2:4.5, 2:45. . Chief, rn g (3:3714). J. B. Rawiey, Mystic Park, Boston. July 27, 1874, $150. Royal Charley, Gypsey, 2 :572i, 2:56M,2:.54i4. ' ' ^< ■ ^ (w). Beacon Park, Boston. July 8, 1875, $100. Timid 1, 2, 2:48, 2:49. 2:48'^, 2:49'4. 2:48. A. D. Webber, Oct. 5, 187.5, $7.5. Belle of Lexington 2, 3, Lizzie Hume, 2:38i4, 2:42^4, 2:46^4, 2:44Mi 2:4.5. Oct. 9, 1875, $75. Belle Of Lexington 2, Blanche (w). (3 dr). 2 :43. 2 :42. 2 :43. 2 :43u 128 (HKSTKIJS COMPLKTK TK()TTIN(4 AND PACINCi KECOKD. Chief, b s (2 :44). ('. L. Lee, Sandusky, O.. Sept. 20. 1876, S20. Belle Hrandon. Spv. .i::". 3:30. 3:2.5. Sept. 21. 1S76, $UK). Carson, Hiicskin. Kenuehee .Ir., Canada Bill, Sloan,: l.,adv Holland (I dis). American Boy (1 dis».i. Cook a dis). 2:44. 2:-l8, 2:48. Chief, l)lk I,' (3 :00). ,1. (inuy, Oxford, I'a., .June 14, 1879, S75. Hanover, Arab, Doctor C, I.adv Knii;lit 300 3:01, .•!:01. " ft . • » Chief. I) g (3:37'i)- ^V. B. lJi(li:irds, Uittersville, Pa., Oct. 15, ls79. .S2H0. Spunky 2, 4, Lvdia (s). Kenublic Violii, Little .Mae. Belle of Betlileluni, Kate S. (.3 dn2:41'2,2:.J7.2:37',i, 2:37. 2:39'i ' /> i i Chief, b in'Z:4-i). ,]. Carpenter. Woonsoeket, It. L, Sept. 20, 1882, $121). Benny Baker, Patience. Henrv Harrv 1 1 dis), 2:,'-)l'.i, 2:48^4, 2:51',. Chieftain. b),'C'i:41>. (i W. Bidwell, Chicago, HI., .July 8, 1867, §1,000, Yankee Boy 1, 3, (5 dr), 2:4«>4, 2:43U, 2:4.')'o, 2:4."), 2:43, . July 18, 1857. §1,000, Yankee liov, 2:441^. 2:44W 2:41. (\v». K. 1). Darlin. Sept. 22. 1857, $1,00((. Lady Jane. 2:.51, 2:.'j0, ChieftHiii. b s (3:35^4), by Clark Chief, dam l)y Younj; Hooton. Joun Overton, Nashville, Tenn., Get 4. 1871, §.'Ki. Col. Wads\vortli,2:48'o. . Same day. Cray's bg. Bl:ick Crook (2 dr) .Kirbv Smith (2 dr), 2:56'4, 3:03. Oct. I, 1872. .S . Lagoiiier (3 0), Patehen. Business i4 dis), 2:41 '4, 2::!1):'4, 2:.'58Vi, 2:;i,'5^4. Oct. 7, 1872, .$ . Bay Woodford, Hickory .Jack, ratdicn d dis; 2:3'JU, 2:.((ii^i, 2:41^4. Seitt. 30, 1873. .ii400. Octoroon 3, Woodpecker Colddiist. i^Sl '1, 2:49. 2:48i4 2:4eceit, Lem, To"la, Sligo, Martha, Orange Blossom, 2:29'.i. 2:291.1, 2:29, 2:29. ■ Albany N. Y., .July 1, I88O. .$400. Mars, Birdie C, Timothy, St. llemo. Brookside Flora, Cyntbiana, ^-.'Zah, 2:2.')'/?, 2:2.^)'^, • Julys, 1880, $400. Columbus Hambletonian, Sligo, Judgment, Uncle Dave (2 dis). Deceit (l dis), 2:26>/i. 2:28'/2. 2:32. ■ A. H. Sweney, May 30, 1881, $ . Fred Casey l, 3, Pilgrim, "2:23^, 2:26^4, 2:25^4, 2:27, 2:29. — — A. P. McDonald, Jiily 7, 1881. Aulinda. Pilgrim, 2:25'j, 2:25"2, 2:26. • Elmira, N. Y., Sept. 14,1881, $700. Ella Doe 1, 4, John Hall, King Almont, Una, 2:29'4, 2:27Vi, 2:28'/4r 2:29>:i,2:30>^. Chip, br g (;3:41), by George. C. VanNostrand, Mineola, L. I., June 9, 1881, $25. Little Flirt 1, 2:53,'2:48;i, 2 :54Wi. Six-year-olds. ll.~C. VVoodimtt, Sept. 28, 1881, $45. Corsiean, De Mott's b g, 2:54. 2:41. Six-year-olds. Chip Oirl, b m ( 3 :41'2). L. S. Samniis, Prospect Park, L. I., Aug. 10, 1871, $ryOO. Dandy, 2:48, 2:48, 2:47?4. . Oct. 21, 1871,.«!1.50. Dandy. Nifger, 2:53, 2:57?4. Nov. 25. 1871, $rm. Mystery l. 3, 2:48'4, 2:46, 2:42?4', 2:41>i. 2:44'4'. Chippewa (3 :47). Pres(iue Isle, Can., Oct. 2, 1868, $50. Benj. Franklin 1, 2:48, 2:47, 2:48, 2:54. Cliippewa Cliief.br s (3:38). D. Catura, Fargo, Dakota, July 1, 1881. .$200. Captain Tom, Loafer, Black Hawk, 2 :42'4. 2:4514. Hollingsworth & Shattuck, July 4, 1882, $ , Loafer, Gov. Garver. 2:46. 2:50, 2:47. Chiqna, b m (3:69), by Muscatine. Chas. Warfield, Muscatine, la.. May 26, 1876. $120. Lucy 3, 4, 2:59,3:05,3:04, 3:04. 3:05. Choconia Maid, b m (2 :56). G. W. Newton, Great Falls, N. H., July 4, 1872, $100. S. W. Warren 1, Lady Empire, M<'ssenger Boy (2 dr), 2:49^, 2:56, 2:56, 2:58. Choptanli Chief, ch g (3 :05ii),bv Frank Pierce. H. H. Garrison. "Woodbury. N. J.. Get. 17. 1876, $,':0. Venus 1.2, Lad v Burns, l:36!i, 1:.?8, 1 :.'M'^.. 1 :36'4, 1:33. Three-year-olds. Half-mile heats. Chorus, blk m (3 :18?4). E. King. Helena, Mont., Sept. 9, 1880, $150. Chateau Belle, Charm (1 dis), Boneselter (1 dis), 3:21, 3 -.UU. Three-ve:ir-olds. ChoHroeH. b 8 (3 :46), by Hambletonian. dam the Carvev mare, by Nickev. Wm. Bodine, Goshen. N. Y.. Aug. 31, 1870, .$70. Phil Sheridiui 2, Fear Not (3 dis), 3:01. 2:.53. 2:48. 2:47. J;is. M. Mills, Oct. 4. 1870. Phil Sheridan. Tormentor, 2 :.54, 2:49?.i. Wm. Bodine, Sept. 14. 1871, ¥50. Lady Coleman, George Elliott, 2:.52, 2:46'^. A. Fitzgerald, Warwick, N. Y., Oct. 16, 1872, $200. Lena B., Peter Clearwater (2 dis>, 2 :.')6W, 2 :56i4, 2 :46. ChowtiKiue (3:30*). Clinton. la;, Oct. 13. 1870, $ . Colored Billy (1 dis). Lucy (l dis». 2:.i0. Short track. Christine, b m (3:3G'v,) by Doctor Parmley, dam by Abdallah (?). A, Tuft. Beacon Park. Boston. May 15,. 187fi. $200. (icorgie M. 3^ 4, Champlain. Olive, Peter Simple (5 dr), Nashua Maid (3 dr), (ientinella (3 dis\ 2 ::i6i J , 2 :40, 2 :.39, 2 :41 , 2 :37. Mystic Park, Boston, May 16. 1876, .$200. Arthur T. 1, Georgie M. (2 dis). Royal Tom (2 dis), 2:40?4, 2:46, 2:43V/., 2:42. Beacon Park, Boston. J>me 6, 1876, $500. Bancroft, Lady Balch, Brother, Tartar, Patehen ISlaid, B. J. Fiske (2 dis). 2:40';;, 2:36'^. 2:40. ChriHtine. gr m (3:51). E. Trowbridge, Franklin, Mass., Sept. 3, 1881, $ . Allen 3, Jenny, Gophir (4 dr), 2:.''>4. 2:55. 2:.53. 2:.51. ChriHtine NilHKon (w), br m (3:56w). A. S. Gdell, Fleetwood Park, N. Y., May 26, 1873, $ . Joe Hoxie (W), 3:2.5, 3:02',i. (w). M;iv .31, 1875, $ . Dot (w) 2, John Kase .Tr. (w\ 2:58, 3:08. 2:56. Christine NiilHon CPollv Cook\ b m (^3:399.0. J. Brown, Hamilton. Out., Sept. 16, 1874, $275. Little Sam 1, .Jessie 2, Clifton, Ix)ng .John, WoodnilT, York State (4 dr). 2:41 :'4, 2:46, 2:42. 2:.i9'4. 2:44. Montreal. P. Q., Get 16, 1874, $500. Bay Tim. La Belle Canadienne, Comi>ton Boy. Tom Wains, Paei- floue, 46:54. Fifteen miles. Chromo. )> s r3:38\ by Ballard's C. M. Clay .Jr. J. P. Martin. Bethel, Vt., Sei)t. 19. 1883, $20 Y'ounc Justin 2. 3. Black Diamond." No time. Stallions. , ,. Woodstock. Vt.. Sept. 26, 1883. $20. Bl:u-k Diamond, Cassius Chief, Chester Dewey, (ioldflnder, ^oung Moniirch (2 dr). No tmie. Stallions. Sept. 27, 188.% $100. Ernest L.. Burdock, 2:.T8Vi, 2:40. 2:.38. Chroni<-le. dn g (3 :44). bv Etlian Allen, diini bv Blue Bull. M. M.idren. Rockland, 111., Sept. 5, 1874, $1.50. Nat Baker 1. Sam Slian)lev'. West Liberty. Cub. No time. . „., , . W. Thompson. l\lcii(lot:i, 111.. Julv 5, 1875, $200. Monarch Rule, Diadem, Black Frank, MeBrlde, Lucky .Tane. 2 :44. 2 :47-^i , 2:51 1, . " Chnek, ch g (3 :00). It. B. Crawford, Miusillon. G.. Aug, 24, 1867. $20. Tom Moore (1 dis). Bony (1 dis). 3:00. Chuckaluck, b g (3 :38). Robt. Johnson, Nashville, Tenn., Aug. ,5. 18(«. .SJOO. Betty 2, 2:45, 2:48, 2:44, 2:42. A. Pe:icock. Louisville, Kv.. Sejrt. 27, 186.5, .$ . Betty 1, 3. 2:40, 2:44, 2:45, 2:45, 2:45. New Albanv. Ind.. May 25, 18(i6. .$50. Bob Johnson, 2:42, 2 :.'W. ^ , , „ ,. Cigar Boy (w), J)lk g (3:43). U. Chamidiii, Providence. R. I.. June 22, 1855, $100. Telemachus (w), North St:ir (vv) (3 drt. (Jreen Mountain Boy (w) (2 dis). 2:48. 2:50. 2:49. Cincinnati Helle (w), gr m (2;67^w). E. Sndth, Cincinnati, G., Aug. 5, 1868, $12.5. Jenny 1, 3:04 ?4, 2:599*, 2:.5"",. 3:00. ^ ,. . , Cincinnati Belle (w\ blk m (3:46 w). A. Kincard. Cincinnati. G., Nov. 2, 1864, $60. Punch (w) 3, Jane Coombs 1, Lady Ladshaw (4 dis), 5:40, 6:40!^, 5:49, 5:47. Two miles. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 129 Cincinnati Maid, br ra (3 :40). E. C. Hoffniivn, Waverly, N. J.. Sept. 19 and 20, 187C. $200. Belle of Otsego 1, Lady Dexter, Thoma.s, ni (3 :53',2 w). J. H. Harbeek Jr., Fleetwood Park, N. Y., June 19, 1872, .i>200. Rosa (w), 2. Ida,2:.-)3!.2,2:54, 2:58, 2:55. ^ ^' » Cinderella, b ni (2:50). H. H. Gessells, Ottawa, Ont., Oct. 12. 1883, .S60. Quoen, Eureka, 2:50. 2:54. Citadel, gr g (■}:46-'.i\ by Pacing Abdallah. J. P. Finley, Uniontown. Pa.. Oct. 29, 1879. $er, Nelly 1, 3, Chat- liani Planet, Stranger, Mary Turner, C. D. Prentice. . 2:4G?4, . 2:52. 2:."j3' ^. City l?oy, hr g (3 ::5'2i.i). M. Charbonneau, Montreal, P. Q., Oct. 2, 1877, .flOO. Red Bird. No tune Sept. 21, isso. (';istleton, Black Bird (2 dis), Patte d'Argent (2 dis). 2:.39i4, 2:40^, 2:40. ■ H. Otis. Toronto. Ont., Oct. 15. 1880, S;i75. Fulton 1, 3 ^4 0), Welland Girl, Bay Fearnaught, 2:34^4,2:3414, 2 ::!.".i'i 2 ::i4 \i, 2 ::'.2'.i. 2 :42. Oct. IS and 19. ls,so, .Si .5. Welland Girl 3, 4, Bob R., Bay Fearnaught, Bob Moore (3 dr), 2:39, 2:32ii, 2-36. 2:.34i2. 2:.U. -i' » wrB;itterman, "Woodside, L. T.. July 12. 1883, $75. Lady Jupiter, Little Jasper, Etta A.. John D.. 2-3S>^ 2:37, 2:.",6'i. City Girl, br m (2 :37i4). Pittsburgh, Pa.. Oct. 15. 1879, $150. McLaughlin, Nigger Doctor. 2:481^, 2:45, 2:49. Oct. 10, 1870. .?400. McLaughlin 3, Effle ii.. Nellv, Jenny (1 dis),.Gilhoolv (1 dis), Beaumont (1 dis), 2:41, 2:46i2. 2:40, 2:45. Claire, gr m (2 :31). by Bayard. J. Riley, Mystic Park, Boston July 15, 1879, §300. Dispatch 1, Gloster, Louise C4dis), 2:31'2, 2:33, 2:33,2:32?i. Clambake, b g (3 -.4:9^4). Geo. Wright, Prospect Park. L. I., Dec. 1, 1870, .$800. Nelly, 2:54, 2:58V4, 2:58. R. Eugleman, Uinou Course, L. I., Dec. 20, 1870. .$500. Pleasure Bov 3, 3:02, 3:02'/2, 2:.50, 2:56'/2. (ieo. Ingraham, Prospect Park, L. I., July 28, 1871, $500. King Bee 2 (3 dr), 3:00y2, 2:56, . Hiram Howe, May 13, 1872, .$.500. Billy, 2:.53'2, 2:50M, 2:49^3. Geo. Pernn, Woonsocket, R. I., July 5, 1875, .$50. Ira Cook 1, 2, Lady Everest (3 dis), 2:5514, 2:56, 2:57, 2:59, 2:58^i. Clapper, b g (3 :40i4). G. Clapper, Saratoga Spa, N. Y., Aug. 11, 1873, $250. Frank Page, Violet (w1, (2 dis), 2:45,2:42,2:441/2. Clara (3 :47). Cincinnati, O., Julv 6, 1857, $150. English Maid, Big Kate, 2:47, 2 :.51, 2 :49. To Phaeton. Clara, b m (3 :53). S. Keyes, Pittsburgh, Pa., Sept. 17. 1857, $100. Barney Williams 2, 3 (6 0), Fanny Robinson • 5, 2 :.57, 2 :55, 2 :.55, 2 :.52, 2 :53, 2 :.55, 2 :5i. Sept. 18, 1857, .$200. Fanny Robinson. Buckeye Roan, 2:57, 2:.55, 2:55. Clara (Crazy Jane), b m (3 :37). by the Sager Horse. Lewis & Richardson, Lyons, N. Y., Aug. 15, 1868, $800. Mountain Maid .3, 4, 2:32?i, 2:.39""2, 2:.34K2, 2:32i4, 2:32ii. Syracuse. N. Y., Aug. 20, 1868, .$.500. Commodore Nutt, Mountain Maid, 2:31. 2:35%, 2-M. Alex. Lewis, Canton, N. Y.. Sept. 24, 1868, $400. Cooloo 1, 2:3714, 2:38, 2:43i4, 2:4394. Oil Citv, Pa., June 18. 1869. $800. Whitebird, 3, Frank, Blue Lick (1 dis), 2:37, 2:39, 2:41, 2:36. Ellicot'tsville, N. Y., July 7, l.%9, $800. R. Hilliard, Whitebird. 2:32i4 2:40i4, 2:45'/2. Binghamton. N. Y., July 29, 1869, .$1,200. Momitain Maid, l, Fanny Allen, John, 2:30i/4, 2:.sii4, 2:3414, 2:.32'i. Erie, Pa., Aug. 18, 1869, $4.50. Fanny Allen 2, Grav Hawk (2 dis), 2,31 i, 2:32, , 2:40. Detroit, Mich., Sept. 8, 1869. .$300. Fanny Lee, Vulcan, R. Hilliard, t (4 dr), 2:35i^, 2:35J4, 2,33?4, 2,36. H. Doty. Chicago, 111., Oct. 15, 1869, $100. Nelly. Frank (l dis), 3:01, 2:49=!^, 2:45i/2. Alex. Lewis, Erie, Pa., Julv 15, 1870. .$500. Derbv, Kane Boy. No time. Omaha, Neb., Sept. 16, 1870. $350. Fanny King, Mose (2 dis), Trim (1 dis), Dutchman (1 dis), 2:45, 2:4114. 2MH. Council Bluffs, la., Sept. 22, 1870. .$50. Comet 2, Bryant (1 dis). 2:44, 2:385^, 2:4794. Macon, Ga., Nov. 10, 1870, $1,000. Anthony Wayne 1, Hickory Jack, 2:35, 2:41, 2:37, 2:40. Montgomery, Ala., Nov. 18, 1870, $600. Panic (2 0), 2:39i4, 2:38, 2:39, 2:41. Mobile, Ala., Dec. 20, l.S70, ,$ . Morrissey 3, 5, Anthony Wayne, 2. 2:36, 2:369i, 2:35, 2:36^, 2:35, 2:38^. Nashville, Tenn.. Mav 24, 1871, $1,000. W. K. Thomas (1 6), 2:33, 2:32, 2:30U, 2:32. May 26, 1S71, $400. Dart, W. K. Thomas (2 dis), 5:12, 5:1394. Two miles. Clara, gr m 1.3 :48i^). D. W. Worthington, Lancaster, Pa., June 8, 1871, $300. BlueBelle, Emma, 2:48U, 2:48i4, 2:. 50. Clara, gr m (3 :43). C. Jackson, Trumansbnrgh, N. Y., July 4, 1870, $70. Clark Cowan 3, 4, No Name, Dick (5 (lis), Rubl)er (2 dr), 2:4794, 2:.54i4, 2:4814, 2:.50, 2:48. Clara, brm(.3:03). P. C. Hoff. Baptisttown, N. J., Sept. 28, 1876, $30. Arabian Pilot, Flora (2 dis), Harry (2 dis). 3,li;4. 3:1514, 3:02. Four-year-olds and under. Clara (w), gr m (8 :51 w). D. Morris. Philadelphia. Pa., Nov. 7. 1877, $ . Harry (w), R, D. (w), 2:51, 2:55. Clara, b m (3 :44!4). C. B. Michaels, Hiawatha, Kan., Sept. 27, 1881, $70. Nodaway 1, 3. McMahon, 4, 2:59, 2:58. 2:.58'2, 2:.'>4, 2:b5Vi,2:55. Washington, Kan., Sept. 20. 1882, $100. Jessie C. 1. Calamity. 2:41M. 2:4894. 2:47, 2:44i4. Sept. 22, 1882, .$60. Calamity, Jessie C, Amanda E., '1MV>. 2:46^, 2:45. Clara B., (3:.56ii). Oneida. N. Y., June 5. 1874, $ . Tow Boy 3. 2:57, 2:561/4, . . Clara 15., 1) m (3 :46), by Butler. Barber & Glenn, Clarksville. la., Oct. 10, 1876, $100. Maid of Monti, Maud Mullei-, Culivator. Puss Bailev, 2:47, 2:48, 2:46. Oct. 11, 1.H76, $100. Captain George. Hardware, 2:49. 2:.50, 2:47. Clara IJ., h nu 3 : 3614). T. S. Clark, Dover, Del., Sept. 25, 1878. $150. John C, Mischief, Frank, Lady Wright, Fannv (1 dis), Chesapeake (1 dis), Polly Ann (1 dis), 2:3614, 2:39i4, 2:40^4. Clara Belle, b m (3 :47). Cavanaugh Bros., Mancliester, N. H., Oct. 16, 1883, $300. Knox Boy, Jr. 1, Margery, Mav Morrnng, Alley, Charley B. (2 dis), 2:47', . 2:48, 2:47, 2:51. Clara C., b m (3 :41). W. J. .lohns, Greenville, Pa., July 4, 1873, $225. Roan Billy (2 0), Sandy Lake, Kevstone Girl (4 dr), 2:4.'?, 2:44. 2:4394. 2:50. Titusville Pa., July 11, 187.i. Orlando 2. 2:4SU, 2:451^. 2:41. Clara Cleveland, ch m (3 :33 ). by Anil)oy. G. W. Cleveland, Macomb. 111., Aug. 25, 1880, $3.50. Gentle Frank 1, 2, iMattie Granam. Ladv Lou, Geo. W^ashington (2 dis), 2:.S5i4, 2:35Ji, 2:38. 2:40ii, 2:38i<.. Webster Citv, la., .Inly 7, I88I, $300, ]\Iahoning Bov 4, Badger Boy 1, 2:34^4, 2:39'i, 2:.38i/!;, 2:39^, 2:43. Charlotte, Mich., Aug. 18, 1881, .$300. Leclair 1, 2, H. M. Strong, Bay Tom, Resolute (2 dis), 2:4di4, 2:40^, 2:40, 2:4214, 2:42'/,, 2:43. (irand Rapids, Mich., Aug. 23, 1881, $300. Golden Bow, Spinella, 2:371/;, 2:3814, 2:37. Cambridge, III.. Aug.. .31, 1S81. .$.300. Lantern 1. 2, Skipper, Nellv R., 2:36, 2:36;^, 2:36, 2:40, 2:43. Sept. 1, IS8I, .$,300. Ltnia l, Skipper 2. 2:399f, 2:40, 2:40iw, 2:41, 2:41. Dubuque, la.. Sept. 14. 1881. ,$.500. Stormer 1, Cupid. Kit Sanford, 2:Z5%, 2:35i4, 2:35^4, 2:35M. Sept. 16, 1881, .$.500. Riette 1, 2. W. F. Hayes 4. Blackstone, 2:49, 2:42i/,, 2:4294, , 2747^, 2:49i4. June 6, 1882, $400. Ben Harper. C. W.. Fanny Fern, Brown Dick, Stormer, Owen Fariey, 2:32M,2:35, 2:.'6i4. .Mine 8, 1882. $400. Transit, Lucy, Mountain Girl, Sucker Maid, Kentucky Girl. Maggie F., 2:2914, 2:30M, 2:301s. 130 CHESTER'S COMPLETK TKOTTINC AM) l'A( IN<; KKCORD. . Cedar Tlapids, la., June 14, 1HX2, S500. Al)e Duwniii!; d oi. Owiii FarU-v, Transit (3 dis). Ladv Lucas (2 (lis). 2:32>-.i, 2:31, 2:31'.,. 2:31. Cliif auo. 111., July 17 and 1h, 1882, .■?2,0(iO. Hardwood 4. (ti 0). Kinolette, King Wilkes, Maud T.. Defender, Walnut 1, 2, (4 dis). Dr. Norman CJ dr), 2:23'.,, 2:244, -■-'■ 2:-'7'4. 2:'J3:'.j, 2:24i;4, 2:2.!. ■ Milwaukee, Wis., .July 2m. 1882. .*400. Little Sioux 1, 3, JSiy Soaji .5, Adelaide i<; dr), 2:255^, 2:23'.,, 2:2!t',,. 2:25'/j.2:2'.»'.,,2:2«!4. St. .losepll, Mo., Sept. 8, 1882, .SOOO. Seiola 2. 3, Will Codv, 2:28'v,, 2:28'i, 2:28^, 2:283!i, 2:31. Toneka, Kan., Se|)t. 12, IWJ, $bm. Seiola 2, 3, 2:2«',i, 2:.«)'2, 2:28. 2:28?^. 2:28%. Couneil Hlulls, la., Sept. 2-'. 1882. $im. Little Siou.x 3, 4, Convoy il dis), 2:27,2:27k, 2 :27?4. 2:28, 2 :28>4. Clara I>.,Kr ni (a:r,0). C. II. Sniitli, Salem, N. J., Sept. .30, 1874. $l.w. Kate 4, Nelly .3. MeClellan. I'lora Temple. Frank. Weiionali, Little I'liil i2 . A. (!aj;e, Buffalo, N. Y., Auk. 8, 1871, S2,0(iO, Barney. YounnTliornc, Huntress, Thos. L. Young, Kentucky (iirl (3 dis), Ed. Eaton (2 (lis), Willy (iolddust (2 dis), Virginia il' dis), Kilburn .Jim (1 dis), 2:3(>. 2:2GK', i-':26. Aug. 9, 1871, $1,500. Cen. Sherman (s) (2 dis), 2:25^.,, 2:2.''). Clara Hudson, b m (3 :4J»). M. l{oberls. Hartford, Conn., .July 24, 1873. .Sioo. I'llot. Yankee Cirl, Brown Dick, Billy, Coldsmith Ci dr). 2:.''>C.. 2:.')l'.i, 2:4!». Clara J., eh nu)J:38), by Black Diamond, dam by Whalebone. T. Longlilin, Nashua. N. H., SepL 28, 1876, $250. Angela 1, Nelly IL, 2:41, 2:4.'->, 2:4(i, 2:48. - —Beacon I'ark, Boston, Oct. 13, 1876, .?;.300. Carrie Allen 1, . I. C. Kelly, Carrie B.. Arthur T., Defiance, Dagger (4 dr), 2:37»4, 2:»t, 2:34. 2:;J4?4. .Mystic I'ark. Boston, Oct. 17,1876, $\M. J. C. Kelly 1, 4, Everett, Carrie Allen, 2:34»4, 2:35^, 2:36>^. 2:3.-)i"., 2 :.•!.•{. Lawrence, Mass., Oct. 2.'), 1876, '$200. Sleepy David. Harry. Nelly I)., Arthur T., Rosa B.. 2 :40, 2 :40Vi, 2:40. Lowell. Mass., Nov. 27. 1876. •S.'W. Favorite 4, (3 0), 2:43' j, 2:39, 2:36, 2:37. A. A. Jewett, Beacon I'ark, Boston. .June 1.!, 1877. .■i5800. Lottie 1, 2, Com. Perry 4, Hiram W'oodruff, Lady Daggett. Delightful, Sam Curtis (6 dis), Langdon (Cdis), Charley (.'i dr), Ed. Chapln (4 dr), 2:31, 2:28'/j, 2:29M 2:29'/2, 2:29^i.2:38'/2 • Fitchburgh, Mass., June 28, 1877, .$400. Sam Curtis 2, Ladv Nell l. Lady Daggett. Hero. Nelly (3 dis), Iron Age (3 dr). 2:38, 2:37U, 2:37i/4, 2:35'/2, 2:37. Mystic I'ark, Boston, .July 26, 1877, f400. Queeehy Maid 1, Sam Curtis, Cassius Prince. Nira Belle, George H (2"dr), ■>:.M, 2:28'/i, 2:29'/2, 2:28. Keene, N. H., July 31, 1877, .S:300. Lady Lowe, Walter, 2:41'4, 2:35, 2:37. ■ Beacon Park, Boston. Oct. 12, 1877, $400. Lady Daggett 3, Belle Smith 4. Belle Oakley 5. Sam Curtis, Grateful, Frank Muiison (.5 dr), 2:31, 2:.30, 2:32, 2:33, 2:;J0, 2:29. • Mystic Park, Boston, Oct. 17, and 18, 1877, .$400. Lady Dagget 5, 6, Frank Munson 3, Belle Smith 2, Sam Curtis, Sooner, Grateful (3 dis), 2:'2SU, 2:29, 2:28, 2:28, 2:29K', 2:28, 2:28. « T. Laughlin, Lawrence, Mass., Sept. 24, 1878, $2.50. John Virgin 1, 4, Haviland, Dio, 2:32. 2:;J4, 2:3C:!i. 2'37 2:41. '■ H. Colby, Potsdam, N. Y., Sept. 26. 1879, .$400. Ella Doe, Lottie K.. 2:.33i^. 2:31, 2:32. Malone, N. Y., Oct. 2, 1879, $400. Lottie K., Ella Doe, Pelliaiii. 2:l'S34,2:294, 2:28»4. Pieton. Out., May 25, 1880. Mary Newton, Richard B., Happ\ Al)l)ott (3 dr), 2:31^, 2:30, 2:32. • Earlville, 111., Aug. 18, 1880, $450. Musette. 2:38, 2:34, 2:31!4, ^- — Salauiauca, N. Y^, Sept. 8, 1880, .$400. Tom Keeler 2, 3, Amber 5. 6, Clover 4, Argonaut, Johnny Gordon. 2:27'.i, 2:26. 2:26k, 2:28^, 2:28,2:27k, 2:27^.,, 2:29. Olean, N. Y., Sept. 29. 1880. .$200. Argonaut, John McDougall, 2:33, 2:37?.,, 2: :32k- • R. S. Heard. Beaver, Pa. Oct. 7, issl, .$22.'). John N., Ella Doe, Whirlwind, 2:41i.i. 2:32, 2:30. Clara M., b m (2 :29^), bv Jack Shepherd, dam by Fearnaught. Daniel Itider, Potsdam, N. Y., Sept. 20, 1881, $200. W.'ilter Jones 1, f^t. Lawrence Belle, Maggie M., Jim, 2:40k, 2:38, 2:39, 2:40. ■■ ,J. Smith, Hoosick Falls, N. Y., July 24, 1883, .$.300. Kitty Ives 2, 3, Parole, Daniel Webster (5 dis), 2:30, 2:29k. 2:29'o, 2:30'/2. 2:.32'/2. — — Rutland, Vt., Aug. 1, 1883, $.300. Kitty Ives 1, Sir George, 2.33'/2. 2:31Vi, 2:34, 2:30'/j. ■ Darwin Rider, Watertown, N. Y., Aug. 28 and 30, 1883, $20. Flora B. 1, 4, Billy Sherman 2 (1 0). (4 0). Lizzie (1 0). Cobden. Cunard (4 dr). Fuller (4 dr), 2:31 '/», 2:29i4, 2:.30. 2:35, 2:39,2:30>/2. Clara Morgan, gr m (2: 36). J. T. Purdue, Middletown, Del. July 22, 1880, $150. Gray Morgan. John. Little Mae, Reckless, 2 :40:^, 2:42?ii, 2-AOU. Clara Morris, blk m (2 :30i^). w. McMahon, Jersey City, N. J., May 11, 1878, $100. Jack Shepherd, Pontiae, 2:.')2?.i 2:54 2:52. ^Belmont Park, Phila., May 23, 1878, $2.50. Princess Medium, David Wallace, James R., Oddfellow, Oscar, 2 :33'/i, 2 :33. 2 :.30'/2. Clara .S., gr m (« :50), T. McLarren, Mt. Holly, N. J., Oct. 12, 1881. $100. Molly, G. F. Andrews, Lady Aitkin, St. Jufien Jr., 2:r>0, 2 :.51 , 2 :.')0. Clara We8tl,v, ch m (2 :41). O. W. Dimmick, Chicago, 111., Sept. 30, 1857, $250. Prairie Boy 3, Jack Rosslter, 2:4.5, 2:41, 2: 41, 2:41. Clareinont. ch g (2 :30), by Almont, dam Jean Ward, by Melbourne Jr. T. Corr, ISIorrisania. N. Y., Oct. 29, 1879, $250. Gciorge Cadmus, Bay Lambert, George M., Stella C, Emma C. John Hill, S.vracuse, G. H. (2 dis), 2 :35, 2 :33i^, 2 :.32. . c. H. Yale, Milford. Conn., Sept. 10, 1880, $200, Fitzgerald, O. A. Hlckok. Emma, 2:39'.;, 2:38, 2:38. «— Merlden, Conn., Sept. 24, I88O, .$200. O. A. Hickock, Emma, Rosebud. 2:369.i, 2:37';, 2-:mU. Danbury, Conn., Oct. 8, 1880, $200. O. A. Hickok 3, 4, Rosebud .5, Bay George, Flora, 2:34, 2:34'/2,2:35, 2:.30, 2:36,2:36. Clareinont, br g (2 :34k.) by Fred Low. W. P. Smith, Chico, Cal., Sept. 6. 1881, $300. Sheriffs 3, Bessie (1 0), Carlyle, Roanoke, 2:34%, 2:34,2:31, 2:36'4, 2:.'i4. Clarence(w), ch g (2 :37^). J. IL Whitson, Fashion Course, L. I., May 28, 1866, $250. Naiwleou (w) 1, 2:.54>/„ 2 ••56 2".''>4 3 "00. '■' Nov. 29, i866, $235. Honest Pete (w) 1 , 2, Sid Nichols (w), 3 :00. 2 :.57, 2 :5fi' i, 2 :.56, 2 :55. Union Course, L. I., May 25, 1870, $750. Tempest of New Yoik. Penobscot Chief, Tempest (3 dis), Irma (1 dis), 2:.39. 2:38%.2:42. Clarence, ch g (2:37k)- Hamilton, N. Y., June 7, 187.3. .$.300. Lady Clare, Lady Amber. Farmer (.eorge (3 dr) 2 '46 2:44 2*43. Clarence, gr g. ' M.'c. Delano, Oxford Co., Me., Oct. 8, 1882, $ . Alice Miller 1, Maud E., Whitefoot (2 dr), 1 :40. 1 :35, 1 :.37. Half-mile heats. H. G. Dunn, Farrington, Me., Oct. 12, 1882, $ . Maggie, 1 :.50, 1 :35. Half-mile heats. Clarence Koy, ch g (3 :00). V. W. Bullock, Burlington, la., Sept. 25, 1879, $70. Hamble, Annie Collins, 3:01, 3:00. Three-year-olds. Clarence Boy, ch g (2 :44k), bv Brougham, dam by Finch's St. Lawrence. M. Cottrell, Tipton, la.. Sept. 7, 1883. $80. Ben, T.ittle Joker (2 dis). Sleepy Lize (2 dis), 2:44k. 2:45. 2:.53. Clarence H., eh g (2:53'/,) U. C. Blake, Fairfield, la., Sept. 7, 1881, $300. Bertrand, Hawkeye Girl, Rawlelgh's Rattler. Minnie S., 2:56%, 2:63^8, 2:54^,. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 131 Clarence H., b g (2 :35). F. M. Harlan, Houston, Tex., March 21, 1882, $300. Tom Moore 2, Dexter, Dick Sbain, 2:43?i, -i-.S'Sh. 2:381,1, 2:39. March 22, 18«2, $300. Dexter, Fhig of Truce {2 dis), (ialvestoii (1 (lis), 2:43^, 2:-tl',2. 2:51. W. S.Cook, Corsicaaa, Tex., April 20, 1882, $2W). Mambriuo, Tom Moore, Dick Shain, 2:38, 2:36, 2:38. Mr. Cain, Dallas, Te.x., Nov. 8,' 1882, .*400. Dick Shain 1. Nomad. William P., John S., 2:37, 2:35, 2:35, 2:.38. Clarion, br s (3:31), by Naugatuck, dam Lucy. F. W. Russell, Portland, Conn., Oct. 8, 1859, $50. Peggy, Fanny, 3:00, 3:14, 3:ll! Four-vear-olds. A. L. Holt, Miildletovvn, Conn., Oct. 7, 18G0, $50. Gypsy, Toddv, 2:55, 2:54, 2:53. 1). Tallnian, Hartford. Conn., Sept. 6, 1861, $200. Butclicr Boy 2, 2:h\%. 2:49^4, 2:48J4, 2:49}^. F. W. Russell, Sept. 8, 1863, $90. Jim Brennan 1, .lohn Brown, 2:45, 2:48, 2:45i4. New Haven, Conn., Oct. 1, 1863. $ . Hickory Jack, 5:34, 5:35}.t. Stallions. Two miles. Hartford, Conn., Sept. 13, 1864. $90. Brown George, Frank (2 dis), 2:47, 2:45J^. Sept. 24, 1S66, $150. Bristol Bill, 14:42. Five miles. G. P. Carpenter, Middletown, Conn., July 29, 1867, $500. Margin, 5:44i^, 5:32!/2. Two miles. Aug. 13, 1868, $100. Cracker Bov 1, 2:461^, 2:49?i, 2:47'2, 2:46i4,. H. W. Brown, Ravenna, O.. Sept. 6, 1809, $ . Messenger, 2:.53, 2:55, 2:56i2. Urichsville, O.. Sept. 11, 1869, $ . Tom (irundv. Lady Bird, 2:48, 2:48, 2:38. Wiieeling, W. Va., Nov. 3. 1SG9. $ , Lady Mitchell 3, ('hanii)ion, 2:54, 2:55, 2:54, 2:56. Clark's Bay Mare (3 :38). S. R. Clark, Norristovvn. Pa., .lulv 4, 1864, $ . Norrislown, 2:42, 2:38, 2:39. Clark's Chestnut Stallion (3:50). C. A. Clark, Little Rock, Ark, Oct. 16,1869.$ , Bishop's blk S 2, 3:0114, 2:,'J0"2,2:50. Clark's Chestnut Mare (3:48i4). Mr. Clark, Goshen, N. Y., Sept. 6. 1865, $75. Mountain Boy, Port Royal, Uncle Sam, Wild Irishman, 5 :.37, 5:37»2, 5:37 Two miles. Clark Chief, b s (3 :35; i), by Clark Chief, dam Viy Blood's Black Hawk. D. B. Bowman, Harrodsburgh, Ky., July 24. 1873. $100. Harrodsburgh Boy 3, Midnight (2 dis). Knight of St. Alva (l dis), Mark Anthony (1 di,s), 2::mi, 2:35^, 2:38?i, 2:43. July 25, 1873, $175. Sophie Temple 2, J. L. Dotv, Ella Wright (4 dis), 2:40?i, 2:.38, 2:3994, 2:39. Clark Chief, b s (3 :39i4). N. Poyneer, Naples, N. Y., July 28, 1882, $100. Baby Wood 1, Lib, Bob Stewart, 2:42W, 2:45, 2:39%. July 29, 1882, $100. Deadwood 4, Baby Wood 1, Bushwhacker, 2:43, 2:39i4, 2:399i, 2:41'^, 2:40^2. Clark Chief Jr., b s (3 :33i4), by Clark Chi'ef . M. McQuirk, Helena, M. T., Sept. 27, 1877, $750. Montana Boy. Bret Harte, Crazy Horse (1 dis), 2:45, 2:47. Sept. 25, 1878, $250. Live Oak, 2:50, 2:41, 2 :54>/2. Stallions. Sept. 27, 1878, $700. Montana Boy (1 dis), Billy Grant (1 dis), 2:38Ji. Sept. 4, 1880, .$2,000. Jackson Corrigan, 2:41i.i, 2:43^4, 2:53ii. Sept. 8, 1880, .$400. Billy Grant, Pilgrim (3 dis), 2:38i4, 2:32i4, 2:34%. Sept. 10, 1880, $500. Herod, Billy Grant, Brutus (1 dis), 2:36, 2:39>/2, 2:39'/^. Oct. 6, 1882, .$400. Ranchero. 2:53. 2:48!'2, 2:49. Bozeman, M. T., Oct. 27, 1883, .$ . Bozeman Boy, Fanny Patehen, Assignee, 2:57, 2:57, 2:53. Clark Cowan (3 :33i4). Auburn, N. Y., Aug. 16, 1866, .$200. McClellan, 2:51%, 2:42;4, 2:32i4. Clarke, ch g (3 :43). J. W. Wilson, Sacramento, Cal., Jmie 5. 1875, $300. Yokmn 1 (2 dis), Daisy (2 dis). Tele- graph (2 dis), 2:59, 2:45. Clark S., gr g (3:37i4), by Edward Everett, dam Jane Murray, by Daniel Webster. W. P. Maxwell, Pitts- burgh, Pa., Sept. 16, 1881, $1,000. Mercutio, Brandy Boy, Ike Sliultz, Fortune Girl, 2:2914, 2:2914, 2:2714. Clark's Stallion (3 :41). Mr. Clark, Cooperstown, N. Y., Oct. 4, 1865, .$ . Ellsworth's s, 2:42, 2:41, 2:47. Claude R., gr s (3:35i4). D. W. Roe, Omaha, Neb., Sept. 12, 1882, $300. Dave Mount, Little Tom, Little Press, Newt F., 2:4014, 2:35J4, 2:43. Claudine, gr m (3:47i/i). J. Clark, Springfield, 0., Oct. 15, 1878, $100. Dinah 5, 6, Milly D. 2, 3 (7 dr), Ned, Longstreet's b S (3 dr), 2:4714, 2:49i4, 2:48, 2:50, 2:51, 2:55, 2:53. Clay, b g (3 :43). H. Harm, Secaucus, N. J., June 12, 1878, Prize, harness. Stranger, Big Foot, Wallace, Sor- rel Jim, 2:49,2:45, 2:43. Clay, blk g (3 :35;4), by Fred Low, dam. Maid of Clay, by Henry Clay. W. H. Vioget, San Jose, Cal., Oct. 8, 1881, .$450. Hancock 2, 2:29%, 2:29, 2:31, 2:31i/i. San Francisco, Cal., Nov. 5, 1881, $400. Starr King. Hancock, Susie (1 dis), 2:27, 2:28i;, 2:25J4. Nov. 24, 1881, .$300. Gold Note, Hancock, 2:28i4, 2:2714, 2:2614. Clay, ch g (3 :41). T. J. Middagh, PhiUipsburgh, Pa., July 5, 1883, .$200. Alien Almont, Col. H., De Rosa, 2:42^,2:48,2:41. Clay, br s (3 :3l), by Electioneer, dam. Maid of Clay, by Henry Clav. Palo Alto Farm, Oakland, Cal., Sept, 4, 1883, $800. Bonnie Wood 4, Sister 1, Le Grange, Olivette, Adrian, 2:30i/2, 2:32%, 2:31, 2:32, 2:31'-. Four- year-olds. • Claybank, dn g (3 :36). C. T. Yoder, Leesburgh, Va., July 24, 1875, $250. Honest John 3, Lady Gertrude (4 dr), 2:45, 2:39%, 2:44%. 2:36. Claybank, b g (3:431/4). Philadelphia, Pa., Oct, 14, 1878, $ . Viola 1, Annie, 2:45. 2:43. 2:45, 2:42ii. Claybrino, blk s (2 :46i/i), by Mambrino Pilot, dam Molly Harrison, by Strader's C. M. Clav Jr. C. F. Pred- more, Waitsfield, Vt., Sept. 3, 1874, $200. George W. 2, 3, Charley Mack, Gilford Boy, 'Rocket Jr. (1 dis), 2:51,2:48,2:46,2:4814,2:461/2. Clay Chief, b g (3:37%). C. Daniels, Westminster, Md., July 27, 1880, .$300. Mishap 4, John S. 3, Bob Shel- don. Zephyr, J. B., Myrtle, Lucy (3 dis), Nelly Evans (3 dr), 2:40, 2:43, 2:35%, 2:.37, 2:37%. Clayland, (3:40i4). W. W. Smith, Norwalk, Conn.. Sept.; 12, 1883, $130. Nigger, Kate (1 dis), 2 :40i^, 2 :4l, Sept. 13, 1883, .$200. Bonnie Scotland, 2 :42, 2 -.4.2%, 2 :48. Claymont, (w), bg (3:41). R. T. Powers. Marshfleld. Mass., Sept. 14, 1883, $20. Rubber Boy, Unknown, Midget (3 dr), John (3 dr), 3:01, 2:,59%, 3:(X). Bridgewater, Mass., Sept. 2, 1883, $r,b. Rockland Boy, Vexation, 2:50, 2:.50, 2:50. S. Weymouth, Mass., Sept. 27, 1883, $90. Rockland Boy, Topsey V., Kitty B., Arbiter, Nellv, Eddy (3 dr), 2:41%, 2:4314, 2:43%. Sept. 28, 1883, .$90. Rockland Boy, Kitty B., Vexation, Topsey V. (3 dr), 2:41%, 2 -41, 2 :42 ClayPilot, b s (3:47), by Neave's Cassius M. Clay Jr., dam by Pilot Jr. J. Williams, Milwaukee, Wis., Sept. 1 J , 1867, .$ . Comet. 2 :511^, 2 :47i4, 2 :47. Clayton, ch g (3:44%). T. Moulton, Clinton, N. Y., .lulv 31, 1875, $50. Eugene 1, Gypsy, 2:5254, 2:44%, 2:56, Clear Grit, b s (3:43i4), by Imp. Lapidist. Mr. Mitchell, Simcoe, Ont., Sept. 21, 1870, .$100. Tom Kimball, Little Angus, 2:46, 2:46i4. 2:46. R. Stinson, London, Ont., June 18, 1872, $300. Hurricane 2, Lady Norfolk, Lady Gray (2 dis), Canada Queen (l dis), Nettie Moore (1 dis), 2:44"2, 2:46^, 2:42%. 2:42i4. Clear Grit Rattier, b s (3:50). P. Hawk, Fleniington, N. J., Sept. 28, 1882, $75. Gen. Knox Jr.. Glyndon, 2:50, 2:5314, 2 :.51. Cleio, b m (3 :37). J. Reilly, S. Framingham, Mass., Sept, 20, 1882, .$90. Dandy 1, Highland Grey, Pennacook, Michael Strogoff. 2:47, 2:48, 2:45, 2:49. G. Martin, Haverhill, Mass.. .July 5, i883.,S.30i. Little Harry 1, Henry Almont, Upstart, Gleam, Col. Allen, Emma F. (4 dr), J. R. (4 dr), Rysdyk Maid (2 dr), 2:38)^, 2:37'/2, 2:40, 2:38. 182 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTINd AND PACING RECORD. Clement, (Col. K. S. Strader), blk s (2:49'2), by C.M.Clay Jr., dam Sally Hicks, by Conu-t Morgan. .Tas. Bailey, Ciiioiuiiati, O.. Oct. 7, 1875, $\,'>ix). Blacksuiitli Maid, Lady K. 1, 2, ^3 dis;, Liillc Hoy ^y disj, 2:.')i 2:rxj'.., 2:4!t'i, 3:0,">, 3M. Clementine, by in [•4:'il),by Addison Jr.. dam bv Yoini;; EnMt;rant, (iravcs & I^omis, Cleveland, O.. Jidv30, 1873. $1,500. Walter 3, Little Longfellow li, Bertie, Miss -Miller, Vanity l-'air (1 dis), 2:;w. 2:29U, 2:329i, ^i.TJ-j 2:2SV2. Ang. 2, 1873, S2,000. Waller, Zilcaadie Golddiist, Little Longf»llo\v. \ andy Fair, Mary Taylor, Unssell, Magnolia, Sleei)y Joe, 2:2!), 2:27»t;. 2:301-.2. Butlalo. N. v., Ang. (i, 1«73, .■!<2.(kk». I'lanter 1. Little Longfellow, Magnolia. Miss .Miller, Lizzie Kccler. Willie (;olddnst(4 dr). Archie (4 dr). 2:31, 2:2!)i;;, 2:30, 2:32',. Aug !». lH7.i, $4,000. Mambrino Star, Vanity Fair, Little Longfellow, Zncaadie (iolddnst, Planter, Wiiiv Golddiist (3 dis). 2:31'-, 2:3Ha,2:3'J. , , . „ . Utica, N. v., Ang. 15, 1873, .■;;2.500. Continental, Magnolia, \ aiiitv I- air. Little Loiiglellow, Lew Ives, Vol taire. Planter (3 dis), Lizzie Keeler(3dr), 2:30, 2:29';., 2:31'j. Springlield, Mass., Ang. li), 1873, §3,000. Walter 2, Barney Kelly, IJowe s Toininy. Stewart Ma lone v. Jubilee Lambert, (ieorge Miller, Chestnut Billy, Gold Leaf 1, (5 dis). Idol (iirl (4 dis.i, 2:311^. 2:37",,, 2:31' j. 2:30'-. 2::i2'.i. Vug. 23,1873, .ii4.ooo. Vanity F'air 1, 2, Little Longfellow .'i, Kate (iilbert, Miss .Miller, (ieorge Miller, Lady -Viigie, Kowe's Toniiny (4 dis), Gold Leaf (3 disi. 2:;j.!'.i. 2:3294. •.;:32, 2:35, 2:.«), i;:;!'!-. Budd l)ol)le. Baltimore. Md.. Mav 19 and 20, ls75. s!l,500. Annie Collins 4, 5. Ed. White 1, (3 0), Bariiev Kellv. KitlV i)., 2:27',, 2:27, 2:27, 2:29, 2:29, 2:32ij, o-.'M. E S;igiiia\v, Mich., .lime 24 and 25. 1s7.'j,.$1,.500. Molsey 3. 5, Molly Morris 1. Fanner Bov. Lady Byron. Han V .Mitchell, .Mollv (5 dr), llucklcberrv (.4 dr). Gen. Grant (4 dr), 2:31. 2:29'.,, 2:2Gi4. 2:29, 2:40Ji. 2:3134. Chicago. 111., .lulv 22 and 23, i. $l,rm. Observer 1, 3, F'arnier Boy, Bertie, Lady Byron, Molly Morris, Snow Ball (3 dis), 2:29, 2:29'.i. 2:30, 2:31' 2. 2:26. (.'Icvcland, ()., .Inly 27, 1875, .^4,500. May Queen 3, (5 0). Molsey, Lady Star, Gen. Garfield 1, (3 dis), 2:2n.i, 2:23, 2:2i:'4, 2:25,2:2r'4. 2:23. Poughkeensie, N. Y., Aug. 4 and 5, 1875, $4..')00. Joker 1, Frank J., Spotted Colt. Blanche, Geo. B, Daniels. Parkis' Abdallah, Vanitv Fair, Everett Kay, (;iciigarry, 2:27?4, 2 :24^2. 2:25.2:26. Springfield Mass.. Aug. 26. 187,5, $3,000. Bonner 1, Ella .Madden, Parkis' Abdallah, Carrie. Glengarrv, Kitiv I)., Billv Platter (3 dis), Belle Brasfield (3 dis), Bertie (3 dn. 2:24?4, 2:2t;. 2:2.5,2:23'2. Clemmie G.. ch"ni (3:17). by .Magic, dam Ned, bv Beiklev's Edwin Forrest. T. J. Sydner, Sharpsburg, Ky.. Aug. 4. 1880, $80. Defender, Hopeless Maid, JNIoUy Mace. 2:45, 2:45. Three-year-olds. Ang. 4. 1881, $ . Minnie, 2:52' o. 2:54':, 2:47. F'our-year-olds. Cyntiiiana. Ky., Ang. 24, 1881, .$500. Kosa Wilkes 1, 6, Judge Hawes 2, 3, Cyclone, Monitor, 2:30' 2, 2:28, 2:27'"2, 2:30, 2:30'2, 2:33'2. 2:36. W. A. Skinner, Beacon Park, Boston, Jime 13, 1882, »500. K. P. 1. Brandy Boy St^ephanus, Portia, George A., Dandy J., Dave Young (3 dis), 2 :25%, 2 :23, 2 :28, 2 :24. ■ Ilartfonl. Conn., June 22, 1882, $.500. Brandy Boy 1. 2, (4 0), Young rullerton, K. P.. Dave ^ oung, fharlrv Hood. George A. (5 dr). Uijiton (5 dr). Brown Johnny (4 dr), 2:22i2, 2:21i, 2:20i.i. 2:22, 2:29. Poughkcepsie, N. Y'., June 29, 1882, $.500. R. P., Charlie Hood, Dave Young, 2:27?j;, 2:25^'. -':26. Albany, N. Y., July 3, 1882, $1,000. ISIars. R. P., King Alniont, 2:24, 2:231-0, 2:2.5. ■ Hartford, Conn., Aug. 30, 1882, .$200. Brandy Boy, Adele Gould, F'orcst I'atchen, 2:2394, 2:21''o, 2:2394. G. W. Saunders, Cleveland, O., Aug. 2,1883 $2,000. Overman 3, Billy Button, Phyllis, Brandy Boy, 2:18^,2:1814, 2:209i, 2:21. Utica, N. Y., Aug. 23, 1883. .«;2,ooo. Billv Button, Romero, Josephus, Phyllis. 2:21V4, 2:22i/s, 2:2014. Beiicon Park, Boston, Sept. 27, 1883. .?2.b00. J. B. Thomas 1, W'llson, 2:24K'. 2:20, 2:20, 2:21^4. Cleopatra, (w). b m (3:55 w). B.S.Russell, Middletown, Del., Sept. 24, 1874, $35. Dexter (w) 2, Belle, (w), (3 dis), Kent (w), (3 dis), Bismarck (I dis). Harry Nep(l dis). 3:00?4, 3:01. 2:.55. Cleora, blk m (2:189^). I. H. Norris, Mendota. Ill, July 15, 1882,$ . Maywood, pacer, 2:29'j, 2:.{0. J. Reedv, Sept. 8, 1882, .ifSOO. Lantern, 2:34, 2:31. 2:31. . I H Norris Chicago, 111 , Sept. 10, 1882. $i,ooo. Adelaide, Minnie Sprague, Home Made, Henderson, Queen, Tramp'Jr. (3 (lis), Castiii:ira (3 dr), Mambrino Startle (1 dis), 2:2714, 2:22'2, 2:25'2. ~ Sept. 22, 1882. ,, 2:21 '^2. 2:21^,, 2:18^4. Cleveland, b s (3:40). ,1. P. Gilbert. Berea, O.. Oct. 17, 1871, $.S0. Tom. 2:51, 2:4(. Cleveland, b g (3:381,), by Hughes' Ned Forrest, dam Mary Ellmore, by Mambrunello. Macy Bros.. Lex- ington, Ky., June 22. 1878, $.500. Bushwhacker l, Oracle Goodman, Red Crook, Honor (1 dis), Lady Alice Clifden^brs(3":40K i>v lowaViii'iVahoe. A. J. Ingraham, Des Moines, la., June 30, 1881, $300. .Jo]inJr..l, Musketeer, Nursery Girl. Maggie F., 2:49';, 2:4,5. 2:4314. 2:4,594. . „ .0 „ .„ o ■>.. .. . • o lo K. W. Gawlev, Anamosa, I;i., Oct. 18 and 19. 1882,.$ . Capteener .■?, 4, 2:48, 2:40,2:38, 2:44 2:42. Clift-, b m (3 :40)." John S. Stevenson, Hartford, Conn., Oct. 17. 1862, $60. Ploughboy, Brown Seward (3 dis), Buicher Bov (1 dis), 2:42, 2:44, 2:40. , ^„ , ,„ „ „ ,. ^ Clift'ord, 1) s (3 ::$8). Moses Dollin. Lowell, Mass., Sept. 8, 1871, $2.50. Lady Sherburne, Pleasure Boy (2 dis). Lady Cliamplin (2dis), 2:45',. 2:.50i4. 2:40'i. .. .• x r.i 1 i i ,•> li,^ Hudson, Slass.. St'pt. 13, 1871, .$400. Jean Ingelow, Col. Maynard, Sorrel D:in (3 dis). Black Jack (3 dis). Honest .Ned (3 dis), Fannv (2 dis), Rubber (2 dr), 2:4.5. 2:44. 2:38. Worcester, Mass., Sept. 22, 1871, $100. Grav Morrill. 2:40. 2:40, 2:41V4. C. N. Howland, Natick. Mass., Nov. 1. 187:?, $100. .Jolin L;imbert. 2:40V,. 2:46. Clift'ord, br g (3 :4794). E. Davis. (Jranville, N. Y., Sept. 24. 1880, ,$100. Highland Gray Jr. 2 ••??..-' -^,' 'iH^f; Cllft-ord. b s (3:409i). (i. H. Hipiile. Union City, Pa., May 13, 1882. $125. Little Phil 3. Willie J., Kitty Cooper (2 dis). 2:.50, 2:.51, 2:.50i/.. 2:.50. W. H. Hippie. I<:rie, Pa., Oct. 18. 1882. $400. Goldstone, 2;41i4, 2:40».i. 2;41J^. . - x- t- r ,- ,^at Clifford, O., blk g, w (3 :36^ w), by Hambletonian I'rince. A. A. Freeman. Morrisania, N. \ ., June (>, I88.i, Prize, silver, Harold (w),liogota (w), Lonsdale (w). Champagne Belle (w). Little Knox (w), De l.a > trgnc Clifton,"b'i!''(3:5G4').*'' W. J. Br.idley, Louisville, Ky., Jidy 4, 18.59, $100. Woodruff. John Davis 2 (3 dis). Jiinies Monroe (1 dis), 2:56'/2, 2:.'')0, 2:.58'4, 2:.58. .. „ ,- , r-..^*^,. Clifton, (.lack Lewis), (w), b g (3 :38';). J. J. Bowen, Boston, Mass., July 30. 1869, .$400. Kangaroo 1. Centre- Clifton,' rn g (3:33), b'v StraAvii's Moiiarch.' C." W. Phillips, Burlington, la.. Sept. 22, 1876, .$300. Albino 1. 2, Macgie S., Carman.'Elder Pouue, 2 ::!.5i., , 2::ifii4. 2::!;!i4. 2:.37^... 2:36i4. Freeport, 111.. Oct. 11. 1876, $400. Lina 1. Mary C. F>ank Davis. Aldme. 2:.n, 2:32.2:,32, 2.33. F. J. Barry, Chicago, 111., Aug. 17. 1878. ,$ . Diii)age. Jolin Kerncll. 2 :45, 2:44, 2:38. „ o ir,i e Clifton, brs (3":46). .f Murra v. Woodbury, N. .L, June 3. 1880. Prize sulky, bilk Stockmgs 2, 3, liU. b. CUffon^Jit., ch g (aJ-lnPi).' ~M^'c.' WiUnif, Colorado Spa, Col., Aug. 4, 1880, $200. Flora (2 0), Wyoming Maid, iiaby (2dis),2:.50'^.2:.50i4,2:.5.3. 2:,50K>. .. ^ „ » „ r, o n o.ka o.m Cheyenne, W. T., Oct. 14. 1880, .«ioo. Pauline 2, Black Diamond, Lady Sweetser, 2:51, 2:51, 2:50, 2.51. Oct.' 15, 1880, $200. Bridgeport Boy, Pauline, 2 :5594 , 2 :.54, 3 :00. .-Af%f ':.i. Iff 1^ GO CHESTER'S COMPLETE TEOTTING AND PACING EECOED. 133 Leadville, Col., July 21, 1881, $400. Elcho 3, Haphazard, Big Ike 1, 2 (4 dis), Little Crow, 2:41'/2, 2:40i4, ''•40^1 ■'■42'i 2'41'4 2'4r)'4. Clifton Boy ."blk'g (2 :'a:{), by Joe. D. Malioney, Avon, N. Y., Oct. 9,1874, $150. J. P. Townseud, Nelly, J.J. Williains, Zepuo, 2:51, 2:46, 2:4754. Dausville, N. V., June 24, 1S75, $300. Ashland Pet, Lewis, Indian Bell, 2:38, 2:37?£, 2:42V4. Tune 25 1875, $250. Barbara Knox, Joe Miller, Hurlton Boy, David Green, 2:43k,, 2:43M, 2:41%. Owego, N. Y., Oct. 8 and 9, 1875, $ . Charley 1, 3, Young Wilkes, Lewis, Luther, 2:36'/2. 2:38, 2:40, 2:37. W B Thorpe, Washington, D. C, May 15, 1876, $500. Geo. A. Ayer 1, Lady Morrison 2, Nelly Gray (1 dis), Black Crook (1 dis), 2:35' 2. 2:35, 3 :3U, 2:3114. ^ . . ,. „ Suffolk Park. Pliila., May 17, 1870, $1,000. Gen. Tweed 1, 2, Allev, Dan Bryant, R. D., Girlie. Steve Max- well (5 ilr), Fleetwood (5 dr), C. M. Bedle (5 dr;, Maggie M. (3 dr), 2:29, 2:291,4, 2:31>4, 2:31, 2:.31i4. Medina, N. Y., June 7,1876, $400. Jack Draper 2, 4, Cattaraugus Chief 1, Grace Bertram, 2 :30}4, 2:33, 2:32, 2:34. 2:.3t>. 2:.35. Chatham Village, N. Y., Aug. 17, 1876, $300. Ben Smith, Lady Dahlmau, Harry Spanker (1 dis), 2M, ^Pitisfleld,' Mass., Aug. 24, 1876. $300. Ben Smith 2, Lady Dahlman (1 dis), St. Charles (1 dis), 2:29 2:33, •> .33 2 '34 -'■ Syracuse, N. Y., Sept. 13 and 14, 1876, $1,200. Ella Madden 1 (3 0), Jack Draper 4, Tom Keeler (3 0), Blue Mare, Eva, 2:2814, 2:28, 2:28^4. 2:30, 2:2914. „ , — — Dayton, O., Sept. 28, 1876, $800. Lew Scott (1 0), Capt. Jack, Tom Britton, Dan Howell, Sam West, 2:29, 2:24, 2*:25, 2:30. Thorpe & Chamberlain, Columbus, O., Oct. 12 and 13, 1877, $1,000. Adelaide 2, 5, Cozette 4, Silversides, Slow Go (2 dr), 2:25?i, 2:25, 2:27V2, 2:27, 2:28^.1,2:27. Cynthiana, Ky., Oct. 24, 1877, $100. Lew Scott 2, Dick Taylor, 2 :24i.g, 2:2514, 2:2714, 2:26. Oct. 26, 1877. $500. Dick Taylor, Lew Scott, Carrie, Monarch Jr., Coaster, Woodford Chief (2 dis), 2:23i.'i, 2:26, 2:25' ». Mystic Park, Boston, Nov. 21, 1887, $ . Forest King, 1, 2, 2:28i/2, 2:3014, 2:31, 2:32, 2:35. Adrian, Mich., June 4, 1878, .'$200. Proteine, Lady Lowe, Alfred, 2:36, 2:30i4, 2:33. E. Saginaw, Mich., June 27, 1878, $1,000. Lew Scott 4, 5, Mambrino Kate 1, Edwin Forrest, Calmar 2:25, 2:2314, 2:234,2:24, 2:26, 2:29. Gciiverneur, N. Y., Sept. 7, 1878, $150. Cooloo 1, 2, Sadie Bell (3 dis), , ,2:33, 2:31, 2:29. — Ogdensburgh, N. Y., Sept. 16, 1878, $600. Huntress 2, Sadie Bell 1, Moose, 2:29, 2:27i/2, 2:30, 2:2914, 2:301^. Potsdam, N. Y., Sept. 19, 1878, .$800. Huntress 2, Mary Russell, Sadie Bell. Deceit, 2:27, 2:29, 2:37, 2:41. M;done, N. Y., Sept. 27, 1878, $;500. Huntress 2, 3, Moose, Mary Russell, 2:27, 2:30, 2:26%, 2:28, 2:27 Montreal, P. Q., Oct. 3, 1878, $500. Huntress 1, 2:30, 2:28, 2:33'4, 2^31. W. I. Haves. Dubuque, la., Sept. 13, 1879, $ . John H. 1, Cozette, 2 :29, 2:28, 2:28. John Edgill, Peoria, 111., Sept. 2.5, 1879, $1,000. Will Cody 1, Kate Hall, 2:27%, 2:27, 2:26%, 2:26%. Clifton Boy, b g (3 :30), by Major Winfleld Jr., dam Lady Irwin, by Geo. Wilkes. J. Yearance, New City, N. Y., Aug. 1, 1877, $50. Flora, Milo (1 dis) Major (1 dis). Long John (1 dis), Fanny (l dis), 2:.52, 2:51, 2:.50. W. E. Weeks, Prospect Park, L. I., Sept. 20, 1878, $.500. jEmulus 2, 4, George Henry 3, Newbrook, Nelly Webster, Lilly (3 dr), 2:.30, 2:29, 2:31, 2:31, 2:.31, 2:.31. Climax (w), b s (3:51i4 w). Peter Kavaiiagh, Nashville, Tenn., Sept. 29, 1865, $130. Kentucky (l dis), Cat Hop(ldis), 2:511^. Climax, ch s (3:31), by Green's Hambletonian, dam by Matchless. J. E. Stewart, Island Park, Albany, Sept. 30, 181)8, .$500. George 1, 2, Uncle Sam, Tidy, Tom Manning (3 dis). Chance (2 dis;, 2:39k, 2:40, 2:43, 2:4114.2:39%. Providence, R. I., Oct. 15, 1888, .$400. Kate 2, 4, Starlight (4 dr), Bep (1 dis), 2:34, 2 :31?4, 2 :33, 2:3414, 2:37. Amos Green, Mystic Park, Boston, Sept. 2.3, 1870, $150. Mack 1. 2:49, 2:44, 2:45, 2:43. Taunton, Mass., Oct. 7, 1870, $200. Lady Walton, Mountain Maid, 2:44%, 2:39, 2:37. Ben Mace, Middletown, N. ¥., Sept. 27, 1871, $1,000. Ladv Whitman, Clarence, Mystic, 2:35, 2:37, 2:3414. Sept. 29, 1871, $800. Lady Whitman, Mystic, 2:36, 2:.3.5, 2:.35i/4. Col. Dickey, Hall's Track, L. I., Aug. 12, 1872, $.500. Fanny Fern, 2:40, 2:39, 2:.38. Daniel Greene, Mystic Park, Boston, Sept. 12, 1873, $140. Bismarck, Frank, Capt. West, Mack (2 dr), 2:441/4, 2 :42V^, 2:41%. Climax, gr g (3 :33i4). H. Bechtel, Reading, Pa., May 31, 1875, .$300. Topsy, Black Crook, 2:38'4, 2 :33%, 2 :32i^. Clingstone, b g (3:14), by Rysdyk, dam Gretchen by Chosroes. C. M. Pond, Rochester, N. Y., Aug. 11, 1881, $1,000. Tariff, Kitty Wood, Capitola, Wade Hampton (3 dis). Eureka (3 dis). 2:24. 2:23%, 2:24. Utica, N. Y. Aug. 18, 1881, $1,000. Tariff 1, Kitty Wood, 2:23^, 2:21i:,, 2:22. 2:23'.. Hartford, Conn., Aug. 25, 1881, $1,000. Jimmy Stewart, Topsy, Capitola, 2:24%, 2:23%. 2:24%. Jlorrisania, N. Y., Sept. 22, 1881, $2,500. Lucy, Buzz Medium, Voltaire, Steve Maxwell, Emma B., Tariff, Pickard, 2:19%, 2:21%, 2:21%. G. W. Sanders, Detroit, Mich., June 7, 1882, .$1,000. Edwin Thorne, Alley, J. B. Thomas, 2 :20i^, 2 :21, 2:21%. Chicago, 111., July 19. 1882, .$2,500. Fanny Witherspoon, Driver, Annie W.. J. B. Thomas, 2:17, 2:18, 2:20. W. J. Gordon, Cleveland, O., July 28, 1882, $3,000. Edwin Thorne, J. B. Thomas, So So (2 dis), 2:14, 2:lok, 2:23' 2. Buffalo, N. Y., Aug. 4. 1882, .$3,000. Edwin Thorne, Minnie R., J. B. Thomas (1 dis), Kate Sprague (1 dis), 2:14%, 2:16, 2:1714. ■ G. W. Saunders, Rochester, N. Y., Aug. 12, 1882, .$3,000. Edwin Thorne 1, Pickard, Minnie E., Kate Sprague, J. B. Thomas, 2:19, 2:18, 2:20. 2:21. Springfield, Mass., Sept. 7, 1882, $1,000. Exhibition, 2:20. 2:19, 2:18. Clinton, b s (3 :35i4). A. L. Olmstead, Urbana, O., May 15, 1862, .$.50. Moro, 2:54, 2:.57, 2:.50. Hiram Davis, Cincinnati, O., June 15, 1862, .$200. Lady Gay (2 0), (3 0), Lady Morgan, 2:3514, 2 :38i4, 2:391^, 2:40 2:37. Clinton, br s (3:501^). by Howler, dam by Brown Dick. W. Robinson, Montgomerv, Ala., Nov, 2, 1871, $250. Frosty 1, 2:.50k, 2;f50i/2, 2:.57i4, 2:58. Oct. 26, 1870, $2.50. Jeff Dayis 1, Fred Tyler, 2 (4 0), Mambrino Cloud Jr (4 dis). Harry of the West (l dis), 3:02. 2:.58, 2:,54, 3:00, 2:,59, 3:00. Stallions. ' Oct. 28, 1870, $200. Caesar 1. Fanny 2. Tacko, 2;52%, 2:55, 2:.52i4, 2:55, 2:531/4. Clinton Girl, b in (3 :01i4). W. H. Holway, Lacrosse, Wis., July 22, 1873, .$30. Lexington 3, 4, 3:03%, 3:02'4, 2:.57, 3:0.5, 3:01^. Oct. 24, 1873, $ . Fanchon 2, No time. Clinton Girl, l)lk m (3 :55). C. Pease, Southington Conn., July 4, 1883. $15. Bay Billv, Prairie Queen, 2 :56i4. 2:58, 2:.55. Clipper, blk g (3 :.51). W. C. Mills, Lowell, Mass., May 25, 18.57, $100. Major Kingsley l, 2, Skowhegan, 2:44, 2:46 2:.51 2:53 2*5.5. Clipper, (w) b'g (3 Us'i). W. .1. Sheldon, Woonsocket, R. I., Oct. 26, 1875, $1.50. Eose Thorndvke 1, 4, Eay- mond, Castle Bov, Cottontail (1 dis), 2:.50, 2:.53%, 2:54]^, 2:.55. 2:.50. Clipper, ch g (3 :43). F. W. Reynolds, Hartford, Coiin.7 Nov. 1, 1876, $200. Thomas K. 4, Waco, East iHart- ford Bov 1. (2 dis), Molly E. (2 dr), 2:.37, 2:4214. 2:44,2:42, 2:42. Clipper, 1) g (3 :44). B. Walter, Danville, 111., Sept. 17, 1878, $200. Iroquois Belle, Black Frank, Flora, Glidie, 3:01, 3:(K)J4, 3:00. 134 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. Clipper, (w) b g (3 :40 w). T. H. Rorkwood, St. Ixiuis, Mo., June 1, 1879, Prize, silver. Deiiiiijirl; (w), 4, Trici: (W), 1, 2. (3 (Pis). 2:37. 2:35, 2:40, 2:4ti',j, 2:47'4, 2:4(i. (w) .Iiilv 5, 187'J, Prize, .silver, hiiuy K. (W) l, Maxeey (wi, Wntt Anderson (w), Checkmate (w), 2:40'> 2:40,2:42,2:43. Clipper, b ^ Ci :40), by Frank Pierce III. D. Cutting, Builington, Vt., Aup. l«, i«8i, sioo. Carrie M., Brown .lohnnv. (iambic, Darkness, 2:40, 2:43.2:44';. Montreal, P. 0., Oct. 5, 1881. ijlfiO. Minstrel Boy 1, 4, Mark Ray, .lolm Bet, Blackbird (3dis), 2:rA)\.^, 2:44'j 2:42.2:40,2:42. Clipper, di g (3:40). H. G. Dobson, Jersey City, N. J., May 30,1883, 4:100. Ned Allen. Andy Blair, Ned. 2:40' J, 2:41, 2:40. Clipper IJov, blk g. H. W. Brandon, Tccumseh, Neb., Sept. 20, 1883, $100. Beeclier. No time. Clip the Heather, (2 :38). Js;i;ic Hope, Whitby, C. W., June 19, 1863, $100. Sam Patch 1, 3, Adelaide. Black Tom (4 dr), 2:47, 2:o9'.i, 2:42':, 2:40' 1, 2:;kS. Clit«», b m (3 :39), by Steinwav. AI. Welch, 0:ikland, Cal., Sep. C, 188.3, $ . Tom Moore, 3:39. Yearlings. Cloonev's Black Mare, (3 :41). W. II. Clooncv, Wavcrly Park, 1<. J., Oct. 29, 1808, S:200. Jersey Boy 1, Beiniv's lilk m. Capt. Jinks (1 dis), 2:44, 2:41, 2:ki;'4, 2:41^4- Clothesline, bg (3:331, by Sir Henry, dam by Bclltoundcr. Lem Ullman, Willlamsport, Pa.. Oct. 25,1873. *;3(M). Zebra, Ladv Weiman, Pranli Ralin,2:43i'.i, 2:4;j?.i. 2:40. Clc;irlield, Pa., July 4, 1874. $52.'). Rail 2. l.vdc, 2 :42, 2:4.'i, 2:48, 2:42. Corning, N. Y., Julv 30, 1874, S400. I'riiiceiClay 1, Ashland Pet 4, Ida L., Lantern (,'') dr), Luther (5 Ur), Charlcv i5 dr), Sunset (,5 dr). 2:42!;, 2:4o;.i, 2:41,2:40,2:42?i. Waterloo, N. Y., Aug. 19, 1874. $ Bay Ben, Lady Case, Little Mack, Ida L.,^:41, 2:40, 2:409^. Penn Yan, N. Y., Aug- 25, 1874, .S400. Charley Howe 2, (1 0), S. S. Ellsworth, Charley, Montour Maid (5 diaf. B;i- Ben (3 dis), Ohio Girl (2dis),2:41'2, 2:40, 2:41, 2:41>^, 2;o8. Corning, N. Y.. 0(tt. 6, 1874, $300. Prince Clay, Charley," Billy Mix, S. S. Ellsworth (l disj, 2:.38, 2:;w. 2:;jH'4. Parker City Pa., Oct. 13, 1874, $500. Lady Johnston (1 0), Orange Billy. Gen. Picton. 2:3G. 2:32, 2:.J7' , 2:;w. Frank Herdic. Oct. 16, 1874. $200. Orange Billy 3, 4, 2 :39y2, 2 :36, 2 :36, 2 :35, 2 :35. Chas. Seagrave, Easton, Pa., Nov. i:i, 1875, $50. Bonnie Doon, Gentle Annie (3 dr), 2:48, 2:43^4, 2:.54. IH.c. 1, 11S75, $400. Lady Atkinson (3 dr), 2:46'i, 3:1(>, . Clothespin, b g (3 :31>o). by Clear Grit, dam by Red Bird. A. J. Peek, SvTacuse, N. Y., June 20, 1872, S120. Little Fraud, Captain Taggarl. 2:48;)4, 2:479», 2:48. Watertown, N. Y., June 27, 1872, $300. Muggins 1, Wicked Will, Buzz,2:41i/', 2:43>4. 2:45,2:40. June 28, 1872, $350. I'ilot 1, (ieorge. Central New York, ]>adv Dexter, , 2"':3794, 2:39?4, 2:36. (W), Prospect Park L. I., .lune 4, 1873, $.500. Slippery Dick (w), 2, 3, 2:o9':;, 2:38'/., 2:47. 2:36, 2:39'-2. Deerfoot Park, L. I., Oct. 2, 187.S, ,$400. My.stic 3, (5 0). Tom (2 0), 2:38, 2,37yi, 2:3514, 2:39>.i, 2:37, 2:36. Amenia, N. Y., Oct. 9, 1873, $1,000. Capt. Jenks 2, Molly Smith, Ben Smfth, Brown Prince, Molsey (1 dis), 2:37, 2:33, 2:35J4, 2:."6. Catskill, N. Y., Oct 17, 1873, $1,000. Ben Smith 2, Molsey ]. Goshen Maid, Damon, Lady Annie, 2:.37'/2, 2:.'i8. 2:37, 2:33, 2:31U. Auburn, N. Y., July 4, 1874, $400. Lookoi Syracuse, N. Y., Aug. 15, 1874, $300. Lola 1' Mncl^ina AV-ltr'rlfl4. Wiisli. Hollow, N. Y'., Sejit. 15, 1875, $140. J. H. Weeks 1, AVillv. Nelly Jones. 2:45?4, 2:44}^, 2:44, 2:43Vi. Fleetwood Park, N. Y'.. .fune 24, 1870, .$600. Steve Maxwell. Silver Tail, Stiletto, Bessie. Chester, St. (ieorge, Newbrook (3 dr). 2:.33i.i. 2:.'!2'.., 2:.34. .lune 27, 1S7G. .$.500. Butcher Boy, Aleck, Col. Campbell, Oy.ster Boy, Flora, J. M. Oakley (3 dr). Sarah (3 dr). Little Harvey (3 dr), Alonzo (i dis), 2:3.5'o, 2:37, 2:36. Herkimer, N. Y'., July 27, 1876, .$.300. Henry, Tommy Ryan, Reuben, Little Angus. Roan Jack (3 dis). 2'34'i» 2:36 2:37'4. '- Albanv.'N. Y., Aug. 4. 1876, .$200. Carrie M., George II. IMitchell, Mohawk Prince, Vulcan, 2:32'/4, 2:30? 2:.32'i. Catskill, N. Y., Aug. 8, 1876, .$400. Ladv Lowe, Bessie, Camon. Lyde, Luther, 2:.32, 2:34>4, 2:34. Elinira, N. Y., Sept. 25 and 26, 1877, $4C)0. Charley B. 1, 4, S. S. Ellsworth. S. W. Spink, Belle, Lady Dex- ter. 2:.34'/2, 2:.31, 2:.31. 2:.32, 2:30. Syraciise, N. Y., Oct. 3. 1877, .$400. Nelly Grant. Tommy Rvan, S. S. Ellsworth. Belle. 2:3214,2:33%, 2:35. V. Pettibone, Lockport, N. Y., Sept. 26,1878, $1,50. Col.'Scaitergood, Lady IMack. 2:3514, 2:;«?4, 2:38^,. Sept. 28, 1878, $i,5ft. ( 'ol. Scattergood. Lady Mack. 2 :.34''-, 2 ::!3i ;, 2 :38. Attica, N. Y., Oct. to. 1878. $100. Tavlor .3," Adele Clark, 2:31, 2::il. 2:32. 2:31. J. Pettibone. Comieaut, ()., Aug. 19, isso, .$400. Abdallah Bov (20). Sleei)V Tom, Kinsman Boy, Alniont Jr., 2:.30, 2:30i4,2:.3.3?i,2:.32»4. W. B. McDonald, Dunkirk, N. Y., Sept. 2, ls8o. $.500. Clara J. 1, SleepvTom, 2:2914, 2:28i4. 2:28i4, 2:28^,. Salamanca, N, Y.. Sept. 9, 1880, $400. John MeDougall. 2:29',. 2::tO';, 2:.34. Pittsburgh, Pa., Sept. 2.5, 1880. .$400. Topsv. Chiinncev H., 2:28K.. 2:28^,. 2:28. Altoona, Pa., Oct. 1, 1880, .$000. Tom Keel'er 3. Joe Riplev, Ethel Mediinn. 2:28"j, 2:27^4, 2:.30, 2:2954- Wilkesbarre, Pa., Oct. 20. 1880, .$.300. Kit Bradley. Carbolic, Lola, 2::!0ii, 2:29, 2:28'o. La Salle, 111.. July 29, 1881. $400. Lucy, Fairmont, Mamie M., Imlicator, Sucker Maid, Annie Lou, 2:2.5',,, 2 :29'.i, 2:28V,. Meiidota. 111., Aug. 10. 1881, .$400, Annie Lou, Mattie Graham, Sucker Maid, 2:.30'i, 2:27. 2:31i4. G. W. Nelsim. Springlield, L. I., Aug. 2^1, issi, $1.50. Charles T., Bertie C, George, 2:3.514, 2:34, 2:31. Morrisfown. N. .1., Sept. 1, 1881, $;{00. Martha. Ilappv Jack, 2:.37'i. 2:a5i.,. 2:42. - PIttslield, Mass., Hept. 15. 1881. .$:i00. Lizzie O'Brien, Fitzgerald, 2:34, 2:35?4, 2:32. Mineola. L. 1., Sept. 28. I8S1, .$;tfto. Billv C. 2:.52. 2:2!i''i. 2-51U'.. Doylestown. Pa., Oct. 5. Issi, $rA)0. Helle of Betlilelieni. Nigger Baby, 2:39, 2:.36 2:3.5>^. Oct. 7, 1881, $300. Mambrino Charta. Nigger Babv. Belle of Bethlehem, 2:34V4,2:3m,2:36Mi. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 135 Mount Holly N. J., Oct. 13, 1881, $500. J. P. Morris 3, 4, Belle Oakley 2, Kate Taylor, Lady Crossin (5 dr) 2:34!/.j, 2:33'", 2:33ii, 2:34K>, ■■i:3«, 2:34. G.'B. Charlick, Mineola, L. I., June 4, 1882, $70. Tanner Boy 3, Setli Warner, Harlem Boy, Darling, 2:34, 2:39. 2:40, 2:41'2. G. Nelson, Ameuia. N. Y., Sei)t. C, 1S83, S300. Capt. Emmons, Kitty Ives, 2:381^, 2:35, 2:34i4. Clubhouse, b g. .). K. Callahan, Beacon Park, Boston, June 18,1883,$ . Sweeper, Gov. Butler. Hosser, Commodore. No time. ,. ., . , Clumsy Gin. Ii ni r^ :">»)■ John Edghill, Malone, N. Y., Oct. 4, 186G, $.50. Burlington Chief 1, (2 0). (3 dr), 2:50, 2:53, 3:05. Kour-vear-olds. Clute, l)lkm (3:49). Fa.shion Course, L. I.. May 11, 186S, .$200. Vermont 4, 5, Lady Mary (1 0). 2:54i.i, 2:51. 2 :.W. 3 :00, 2 :4i), . Clyde, blk m (3:53'^). N. Langton, Marvsville, Kan., July 3, 1880, .$150. Hiram Woodruff 1, Bushwhaeker, Ciiauneev, 2:51, 2:.53'2, 2:.54>4, 2:.5.5. ^^ _. Coal IJealei-, hlk g (3 :50i4). by Delano's Mainbriiio Hambletonian. Lancaster. <)., Aug. 19. 187G, .i5 . Ned Morehead, Honest Frank (.idis), 2:."iS'i, 2:58U, 2:.54. Aug. 28, 187G, .$ . Ned Morehead. George Taylor, Red Hawk, Barney, 2:.52, 2:50k, 2:.50i/4. Coal Mine, chg 12:49). c. Seagraves, Westchester, Pa., May 22, 1875, $500. Modoc, Little Nell, 2:52, 2:55, 2:40. Lamb's Tavern, Pa., Sept. 30, 1875, .$ . Bristol Maid, 3:00i^, 3:02V2, 2:54!/^. T. G. Earle, Trenton, N. J., Aug. 9, 187(!, $100. Eddy Green, 2:53, 2:.'>5. Coal Oil Johnny, blk g (3:55). J. Knight, Indianapolis, Ind., Aug. 27, 1874, .$30. Fannie Breeder, Old Swavhack, 2:55, 3:10. 3:05. _„ ^ ,^ ,, ^ Coal Oil Tommy, b g (3 :47). W. H. Sheldon. Woonsocket, R. I., Sept. 22, 1881, $120. Billy P. 3, Dom Pedro, Christine. Adversity (4 dr), 2:49'4, 2:4!»>4, 2:4614, 2:47. ^ . Coaster (Jim Brennan). bs (3:36i.i), by Caliban, dam Sal, by Canada Chief. M. M. Clay, Lexington, Ky., Oct. 21. 1873. $200. Kittv Patchen 1, Gum Ball, Treacy's b s 2:45, 2:45, 2:42. Three-year-olds. Hook & Kinney, Peru, Ind., June 1.5, 1876, $650, Russell, Denmark, Nelly Davis, Dr. Rush, Bay Charley, Flora Dee. Buckskin, Sweet William, 2:271^, 2:33^4, 2:3294- E. Saginaw, Mich., June 29, 1876, $1.2.50. Belle of Fairfield, Flora Dee, Woodpecker GolUdust, Gray Salem. Golden Farmer. Rochelle, Charles W. Woolley, Eastern l\Iaid, 2::;<|i.,. 2:26i.i, 2::». Detroit. :Mich.. Aug. 3. 1877, $1,000. Belle of Fairfield, Charles W. Woolley. (iolden Farmer, Gray Salem, Flora Dee, 2:.W, 2:41, 2:374. E. Saginaw. Mich., Aug. 3, 1877, $100. Black Mack, 2:47i4. 2 42%. 2:44^. „^ , Cobdeu, ehs(3:38:'4i. bv Daniel Lambert, dam Clara, bv Ethan Allen. W. Van Valkcnburgh, Potsdam, N. Y.. Sept. 21, 1881, .$200. Tricotrin 3, Lena Belle 1. Daisy, Fatlier Mac, 2:36, 2:37, 2:38, 2:40, 2:40. Malone. N. Y., Sept. 30. 1881. $150. Joe S. 1, Bob Dalzell, 2:l4i.,. 2:4(i9i, 2:37, 2:37. Ogdensburgh. N. Y., Sept. 7, 1882, $250. N. J. Fuller 1, Cunanl-. Klh-n. 2:31, 2:34i4, 2:32, 2:34. Ogdensburg, N, Y., Oct. 5. 1883, ,$.500. Vision, Billy Sheridan, 2:36, 2:32, 2:.34. Providence, R. I., Nov. 1, 1883, .$200. 2:289^. To beat 2:.30. Cock's Brown Stallion br s (3 :15;/2). T. D. Cock, Mineola, L. I., Sept. 29, 1880, $30. Whitney's Entry (2 dr), 3:15'4, . Three-year-olds. Code, bs (3:361^). by Dictator, dam Crop by Pilot Jr. R. P. Pepper, Louisville, Ky., Sept. 27, 1881. .$400. French Lawn, Sally Wilkes, Algath, Bub Pulford, Mollv Garfield (1 dis), Edwin C (1 dis), Betsy Baker (1 dis). 2:4.5. 2:471/2. Two-year-olds. Chicago, 111.. Juiy 15, 1882, $1,400. Eva, Bntterfiy. Garfield (1 dis), 2:31Vi. 2:.33, 2:31, Three-year-olds. Lexington, Ky., Oct. 12, 1882, .$1,690. Endymion" 1, 2, Jeptha D. (4 dis), 2:33, 2:33y2, 2:311;!, 2:30i4. 2::!1. Three-vear-olds. G, B'. Haves. Louisville. Ky., Mav 11, 1883, ,$360. Edwin C, 2:43, 2:41 14, 2:32'4. Four-year-olds. Lexington. Kv-. Oct. 11, 1883, $1,335. Endymion, 2:2S, 2:2714, 2:26!4, Four-year-olds. Cogswell, cTi m (3 :08». Mr. Cogswell, Racine, Wis., Mav ll, 1S78. $ . Nelly B.. Unknown, 3:08,3:0914. Cohash, eh s (3:19'i) by Bashtine. G. O. Wilson, Timonium, Md., Sept. 4, 1883, .$50. Ann Johnson, 3:43'4, 3:19»4. Tliree-vear-olds. Cohee, br s (3:54i^). A. Sprague, Norfolk, Va., Nov. 25, 187.5, .$100. Fenian Boy, John, 3:01 14, 3. 00' 2, 3:00. A. H. Snapp, AVashington. D. C, Nov. 13, 1877, $150. Redwood, 3:15ii 3:W.i, 3:12%. Colburne, dn g(3 :30). G. S. Harris, Rochester, N. Y., Oct. 20, 1874, .$80,0. Charles Henson 3, 4, Little Angus 2, Tom Collins, Lady Whitman (2 dis), 2:32X^, 2:331^;, 2:3294, 2:31, 2:33'4, 2:.'!0. A. \Y. Harris, Medina, N. Y.. Oct. 28, isTl, .$200. Charles Howe 1, Molly, 2:.38, 2:.35i^, 2-36, 2 33. J. C. Shannon, Toronto. Ont. Sept. 30, 1874, .$400. Village Girl, Judge Lane, J. H. Boyle, Annie (1 dis), 2:36% 2*34 2 '37-11 Coley, (3':45).' Mr. Catheart, Davton, O., June 28, 1867, $100. Belle Dayton 2, (3 dis), Oliver Roan 1 (2 dis), Billy (2 dis), 2:45, 2:45, 2:48. Colma'n's Black .Stallion. (3 :07), by Merchant, C. C. Colnian, St. Louis, Mo., Oct. 1, 1880, $200. Cash Boy (1 dis), 3:07. Three-vear-olds. Collector, blk g (3 :09)", Mr. Shucy, Contra Costa, Cal., Oct. 3, 1879, $100. Wandering Refugee, Star Davis, Sam Patchen (3 dis), 3:09, 3:10, 3:09. Four-year-olds. Collector, b g (3 :37), by Sweepstakes. C. Smith, Montpelier, Vt., Aug. 20, 1879, $150. Fanny Gray 1, Young Pathfinder, Lotta, Tanner Girl(2dis), Billy(l dis), 2:5.5, 2:48. 2:52, 2:46. ^ ^ ^ St. Albans, Vt., Aug. 25, 1879, $ . Star Ethan 1, 2, Bellevue Boy, Island Boy, Daniel Lambert Jr., Tim, Lotta (4 dr). 2:46, 2:451/2, — -, 2:45i^, 2:4.5'4. G. S. Smith, :Montreal, P. Q., Sept. 2, 1879. $125. Lady Mac, Blainville Bov (2 dr). Best time, 2:4.5. Collev's Bay Stallion, 1)8(3:5054). G. S. Collev, Fitchburgh. Mass., Sept. 27.1881.$ , I>otta. Leander Lambert, Jolm, Joker, 3:09. 2 :.50'r,. r^ ^ ^ Colonel, bg (3:36). Wm. Woodruff,'Boston, Mass., Sept. 14, 1866..$ . Gen. Sherman, Captain, Toby Can- dor (1 dis). 2:4.5. 2:40, 2:39',. Oct. .3, 1866, $100. Nimble Dick. Captain, 2:42, 2:41, 2:36. Colonel, bg (3:5312). J. H. Haiglit, Pekin. 111., Oct. 28, 1869, ,$40. May Queen, Red Oak, 2:5.5, 2:.52>4. ^, Colonel, b g (3 :34i.^). S. H. Lawsoii. Cedar Rapids, la., June 21, 1872, $300. Wilton 1, 3, Midligan, Mary, 2:48,2:411/4,2:45,2:49,2:42. ,^ ^.„. ^ x, ^ , t^ 1 Colonel, br g (3 :47 ). G. Wright. Deerfoot Park, N. Y., May 15, 1873, $100. Young FiUmgham, Paddy Dooley, Josephine, Unexpected, Blue Dick (1 dis), 2:53, 2:54, 2:.53. Wm, Thorn, Sept. 12, 1873. .$200. Capt. Jenks 2. 2:47i/2, 2:51, 2:48. 2:50. Sept. 26, 1873, $500. Summit .3, 2 :53, 2 :.52i/>, - :49. 2 :.57y2- W. MeMahon, June 15, 1875, .$300. Denham, 2:49. 2:49, 2:47. H. Hopkins, May 1, 1876, $1.50. Hard Road 1. Nelly (3 dr), 3:18, 2:,58, 2:48, 2:'17. May 11, 1876, .$200. Lady Cooper, 14 :.30. Five miles. . ^ ^ „ .. Colonel, ch g (3:51). H. W. Lincoln, Granville, N. Y., Oct. 10. 187.3, .$ . Competitors not named. 2:51, 2:.5.5. 2:,58. W. H. Hollister. Mav 27, 1875, $2.50. .Johnny 4 (5 dr), Maggie 1, 2 (4 dr). 2:.54, 2:59, 2:52. 3:01, ——. Colonel, blk ir (3:37). Thos. Tierney, Essex Junction, Vt., June 3, 1874. $ . Spruce 1. 2, Twinkle 4. No time. 1.36 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. Scranton, Pa., Sept. 2.5, 1874, S500. John P. 2, 3, Sol 4, Silk Stockings, Ashley Frank (5 dr). Empire (4 dr). l.':40'.i. 2:44, 2:41, 2:42, 2:38}^, 2:37i^. ,Jas. A. Diistin, Mystic Park, Bo.slon, Sept. 8, 1877. S50. Black Bess. Lysander Maid, 2::i9'i, 2:36i4, 2:35. Colonel, (3:58), J. l^ovett, W. Cumberland, Me., Sept. 20, 187G, S:jO. Magoy, Madawanikeai' (3 dis), Kate (3 (lis). ,S:(X), .■i:(H), 2:,'i8. Colonel. I) e (!i:3:t), by Tom Crowdcr. R. Swartz, Pottstown, Pa., Sept. 13, 1877, S300. Sans Soiici 1, Rose Medium, James R., Iron Clad, Spitlire, Strife, Sneak, John C. (4 dr), Silas ^4 dr), Wave (4 dr), 2:42»^, 2:3.5'4, 2:.i8. 2:3.i. Colonel, b s (2:.")0). (i. M. Davis, Belvidere, N. J., Sept. 13, 1877, $35. Beppo, Patchen, Patchen, 2:50, 2:50, 2:.'«. Stallions. Colonel, (3:44). Marslialltowii, la.. July .3, 1878, S275. Lady Tilden 2, George D. 4, Lady Esther, Red Bird, Sorrel Dan (3 dis), 2:44. 2:43i.,, 2:44?i, 2 :43;'4 , 2 :45. Colonel, eh s (8:33). J. D. Young. Sacramento, Cal., June 17, 1882 S80. Robin Hood, Molly A., 5.48. Two miles. C. H. Shear, Reno, Nev., Oct. 7, 1882. sSOOO. Roanoke, Slim Jim, Pilot a dis), 2:41, 2:44, 2:38i^. .1. D. Yunng, Sacramento, Cal., May 10, 1883, .$300. Buck. Sadie S. (3 dis), 2:38, 2:3714. 2:37. May l!». 18S3, $3(i0. Long .John 1, Sadie S., h-.Wi, .^):15, . Two mile.s. Colonel Abbott, b s (3 :.'>;Ji'j ). S. Doremus, Port Jervis, N. Y., .lune 21, 1871, $100. Sheriff O'Brien 2 (1 0), Rose Barilett 3, Stella (5 dr). Gutter (4 dr). Flora (3dr), RosaBonheur (2 dr), 2:53?i, 2:r)7).<;, 2:58 '4. Colonel Allen, b g (3 :64»/s). C. A. Allen, Strafford, N, H., Oct. 12, 187G, $25. Buckskin Maid 1, White Card, 2:.'-)l'4, 2:54'/j2:55, 2:55 Oct. 13, 187G. $25. Business 2:57, 2:,56, 2:59. Colonel B.,ch g (3:44',), hv Post Bov. F. Downing, Cambridge, HI., Sept. 2, 1880, $200. May Queen 2, Comanche, Nelly Rolfe, King Mambrino, 2:40, 2:45. 2:44^4, 2:44'4. Colonel Bannister, 1) g ( 3 ::J«^4), by C!urtis' Hambletonian, dam by Mambriuo Chief. J. Walker, AVheeling, W. Va., Sei)t. 1;!, 1S82,$4()0. Lottie W., Rosa, 2:38^4, 2:39, 2:381/4- Sept. 10. 1S82. .•$400. Sneak, Tourist. 2:45, 2:3714, 2:37"2. Colonel Barnes (Sorrel Pete), ch g (3:38;2), by King's Champion Jr., dam by Henry Clay. P. II. Barnes. B:ittle Creek, ftlich.. May 29, 1872, $ . Kitty, I'atrick Niles, Dolly Varden (2 dist, 2:.')C, 2:.'>l>i.. — Kalamazoo, Mich., June 4, 1872, $200. Black Diamond 3, Joe Cornell (2 dis), Patrick (2 dr), Dolly Varden (1 disi, 2:45^.,, 2:1.-.'.., -2:46. 2-M. Soulli lleud. liHl..S(|)t.24, 1873, .$400. Peavine 1. 5 (6 0), Boy .Jordan 2.9, Stump Puller. 7, 8, Whitehead (6 Oi i!i iln, (irt'cnwoud (7 dr), Landseer (5 dr). Countess (4 dis), Wild Bill (2 dis). Simcoe (2 dis). l)ecei)tion (2 disi, liiUv Cushiug (2 (lis), 2:43. 2:43>6, 2:44, 2:37'o. 2:40, 2;41, 2:39, 2:.'?7. 2:;?9. 2:42. » r.;[rius & Lewis, Earlville, 111., Aug. 27 and 28, 1874, $.500. Little Fred, Young Wilkes, Bob Ridley, Chickamauga 1. 2 (4 dis), Sam Houston (4 dis). 2:.3.3K', 2:3.5'/2. 2:354. 2:33';, 2:3SH. .). T. Manson, Beacon Park, Boston, May 18, 1875, $400. Arthur, Frank Hall, J. S. Y'oung (3 dr). John T. Russell (3 (\r\ 2-3.^;., 1!:30'.>, 2:;i0=.,. • (W), Oct. 18, IK7.5, $1,000. Royal John. 2:34, 2:.'i3. 2:.32?j. Jas. A. Dustin, Mvstic Park, Boston, Aug. 0, 1878, $200. Sally 2:47, 2:57, 2:46. Colonel Campbell, blk g (3 :40), M. Cline, Spring Valley, N. Y.," July 5, 1875, $200. Marshall 2, Tom Paine, 2;55, 2:.50, 2:,52, 2:52. J. P. Taylor, Sept. 9, 1875, $00. Dandy Jim 4, 5, Marshalll, Harry (3 di.s), 2:51, 2:52, 2:50*4, . 251 2 ■503, '- Cioster, N. J., Oct. 1, 187.5, $100. John 1, Fanny W., Kitty Clover (3 dis), 2:45V4. 2:45%. 2:46f4'. 2:4.5^^. Jersey City, N. J., Oct. 13, 1875. $150. John W.'l, J. H., Major Pulse, Charley Young (2 dis), 2:48^^. 2:454, 2 47 ■.,,2:47. Fle(>twood Park. N. Y., Nov. 17, 1875, $100. Daisy 1. Remington, .(Ohn B., 2:40. 2:42. 2:47, 2:47. K. iM'kerson, Fleetwood Park, N. Y.. Nov. 19 and 20, 1875. .•ti200. Modesty (w) 2. Harry Irving (W)l. Cats- kill (W) i4dr), 2:40, 2:38, 2:40, 2:40K'. 2:41i4. Colonel Cheney, b g (3:40?i). W. 11. Tillon. Claremont, N. H., Aug. 0, 1873. $17.5. Col. Pike, Black Jack, Sjiotted Jim, ShclbiirDc Maid, Honest Sam, Dolly Varden, Honest Fred, Junction Maid, Birdie, Sleepy Dick. 2:r,0K>, 2:44',, 2:4(1 '.,. Colonel Cross, b s (3 :4oi ,,). L. W. Ray, St. Johnsbury, Vt., Oct. 5, 1870. $175. Black (Jirl, Marshal Bazaine, .lersev Boy, '2.:UVa, 2:.53"». Dr. Pickering, Manchester, N. H., Sept. , 1872, $200. Rarey 3, 2:4C'4, 2:46'i, 2:4.5, 2:45. J. Smith, Oct. 14, 1872, $200. Victor, 2:40i.;, 2:41^, 2:42yo. A. C. Sanborn, Concord, Mass., Aug. 9, 1879, .'$,5.5. Johniiy, Fanny, Ally, 2:.55, 2:55, 2-.5.5. Colonel Cross, gr s (3:37?4), by Mr.jor Edsall, dam White Fa\yn. J. fl. Clark, Cuba, N. Y., Sept. 23, 1882, $ . Faiinv E., 2:48i.i, 2:44, 2:37Ji. Colonel Davies, ch g (3:41). by Eaton Horse. C. Harvey, Barrie, Vt., Oct. 22, 1872, $200. Dagger, Tim (2 (lis), Chesapeake (1 dis). Belle (1 dis), Dolly (1 dis), 2:.53, 2':52''2, 2;,52V6. .Inly 5. 1875, .Sl'OO. Lady Thompson, Bisinarck, John Pomeroy, W'iishington, 2:40, 2:45, 2:45's. Colon. -1 Dawes, b g (3 :34?i). B. F. Akers, Lawrence, Kan., Oct. 30 and 31, 1877, $ . Lady Ve.sta 4. 6 (3 0), Don 1, (3 0), Little .Sam (4 dr), 2:34"2. 2:36, 2:37, 2:41, 2:.37i/», 2:37, 2:4n'2. Colonel Dean, br s (!«::»<}), by Cell. Lyon. A. C. Sanborn, Lawrence, Mass., Aug. 25, 1875. $2.50. Doctor 1, L;i. Baker, blk s (3::ir>). A. W. C.illhaiii. <^uinc>'. 111., Sept. 23. 187.5, .$.500. Amboy, Turkahoe, (!i)l(l(liist, I'.order Eagle, Susie Ross. 2:41'^, 2:39i..<'>, 2:3014. Calcsbiirg, 111., Oct. 14, 1S75, .$000. G. T. Pilot 1, Anibov, Slick Fellow. W. L.. Orphan (Jirl. Mabel, Meiloc, •J;4P.i, 2:40, 2:40',, 2:40?,'. ' June — , 187,5, $ . Slick Fellow, 2:43, 2:40. Bloomington, 111., Sept. 9, 1K7.5, .$.500. Selkirk 3. Pilot Golddust. Little Mose. 2:.37, 2:37. 2::?9, 2:.39. Stallions. M. W. Gibbs, Lafayette, Ind.. Sept. .5. 1879. $.300. Ladv Thorn. Dulchv, 2:.30i,, 2:37"s, 2:40. Danville, 111., Sept. is, 1879, .$20«. Frank Myers 1,2. Dr. Fred, Headlight, Lady R., Rosewood (3dr), 2:.34V. 2:42, 2:38, 2:42. Oswego, >!. Y., Sept. 27, 1871, $200. Clotbespin, Lady Db?:ter, Peggy, Clark Cowan. 2:40i'2, 2:42i/2, 2:44. Colonel Handley, b g (2:40i4). vVni. Woodruff, Boston, Mass., Aug. 8, 1866, $600. Champion (w), 2:45, 2:44»^, 2:46 "2. Colonel Haywood, ell s (3 :03), by Bashaw Jr., dam Peggy. A. F. Fawcett, Baltimore, Md.. Sapt, 26. 1878, $1.50. Admiration, Minnie H. (1 dls). (iardius (1 dis), Helen (1 dis). ,S:0.3. ;!:06'4. Colonel Jennlson, blk g (3 :43;i). Otto Holstein, Omaha, Neb., July 28, 1869, $500. Bay Jim 3, 2:5514, 2:42^4, 2-4:21"2, 2:285^. 2:22^^. San Francisco, Cal., Sept. 9, 1878, $1,800. Graves, Coquette, Eustic, Beautiful Bells (2 dis), 2:24, 2:23i.i, 2:281^.: Sept. 14. 1878, .$2,000. Occident, Judge Fidlerton, 2:18^4, 2:193i, 2:21. San Joarpiin. Cal., Sept. 26, 1878. $800. Graves, 2:22, 2:21. 2:25. Santa Clara, Cal., Oct. 4, 1878, $800. Eustic (1 dis). 2:19 (w). J. B. McDonaki, Sacramento, Cal., April 25, 1879, $ . Doty, Adelaide, 2:24'i, 2:-'4i4, 2:24. John Sphin, Des Moines, la., June 5, 1879. .$ •. Doty 1, (4 dis). Brigadier (4 dis), 2:J7i4, 2:29, 2:20, . Colonel M., ch g(3:43). J. McFarland, Hoosick Falls, N. Y., June 23, 1883, $100. Barney 2, Con. 1,2:41, 2:44'2, 2:4.3,2:42, 2:44. Colonel Martin, ch s (3:50). W. Martin, Lancaster, N. H..Sept. 14, 1876, $100. Shakespeare, Bruno, 2:50, 2:.53, 2:54. Colonel Maynard, (Hotspur), b g (3:34), by Ethan Allen. J. A. Maynard, Boston, Mass., Oct. 8, 1867, $500. Empress l. Gen. McClellan, 2:3614, 2:34?4, 2:34/2, 2:34. J. J. Boweii, Nov. 1, 1867, .$800. India Rubber 1, Jessie Wales, 2:301^, 2:30',2, 2:32J^, 2:31. D. Blanchard, June 26, 1868, $700. Gen. McClellan. J. J. Bradley, India Eubber 1 (4 dis), Sorrel Dan (3 dis), Lexington (3 dis), 2:291.;^. 2:29, 2:2714. 2:27. Budd Doble, Seneca Falls, N. Y., Aug. 7, 1868,$ . Commodore Nutt (1 0), Latham, 2:30, 2-30, 2:30, 2:331^. Boston. Mass.. Oct. 5, 1868, $1.,500. License 1, 3, (2 0), Myron Perry (2 0), Belle Strickland, Lexington, 2:2714, 2:27, 2:26i4, 2:27, 2:27, 2:2714. Colonel Miller. New Eoss, Ind., Aug. 22, 1882, $ . Anna Lee, Judge Baldwin. No time. Colonel Moore, gr s (3 :34;. by Eocky Mountain, dam by Bush Messenger II. S. McCann, Columbus, O.. July 13, 1877, $600. Lassie 3, Nellie Morton. Belle Harris, 2:37, 2:34, 2:37. 2:35^^. Colonel Moi'.lton, ch s (3:38/2), by Daniel Lambert, dam Jenny, bv Bigelow Horse. E. Ealeigh, Boston, Mass., Oct. 10, 1871, .$1,000. Helen 1, Bristol Bill, Hard Eoad, Lady "Morris (3 dis). Lady Alice (2 dis), 2:37, 2:32. 2:.33, 2:3614. A. Vi. Worcester, Mvstic Park, Boston, May 13, 1874, .$400. Shepherd Knapp Jr. 2, 3, Frank Palmer, Fanny, 2:32^4, 2:28i4, 2:29i4,.2:28i4, 2:.31i4. Colonel Peabody, b s (3:34), by Daniel Lambert. A. Woodard, West Meriden, Conn., July 3, 1878, $200. Sam Weller, Shorty Fountain, Livery, Dover, Norwood (1 dis), 2:38, 2:42, 2:40 Plainville, Conn., .July 18, 1878, $300. Norwood Chief, Robert Bonner Jr., Ike Lee, Shorty Fountain, Solitaire, Kadir, Volunteer Girl, Music, Louisa (2 dr). 2:40^4, 2:42, 2:391,1. Providence, R. I.. May 30, 1879, .$ . Irene 1. (ivpsv. Ashland Maid. 2:39, 2:39, 3:.39i.i, 2:.39i4. T. A. Hammond, Woodstock, Vt., Sept. .30, I88O, .$150'. Little Dick, Stanton, 2:.39'2, 2:.36i^. 2:.38. Colonel Peck, b g (3:051,2), by Clear Grit. G. H. Stevens, Guelph, Out., Sept. 22, 1881, $00. Jimmy Puzzler, Kitty Hooper, 3:07, 3:07, 3:05'^^. Colonel Pike, b g (3 :39>^), bv Ballard's C. M. Clav. Pike & Bowen. Mvstic Park. Boston, Sept. 2, 1873, .$2.50. Diistin Jim, Seamstress, Blue Bonnet (3 dis), 'Tom (2 dis), Peter Simple (2 dis ), John T. Russell(2 dis), Dagger (2 dis). Yellow Girl (1 dis). Snow King (\ dis), 2:.34?4, 2:29''^, 2:.3694. Colonel R. (8 :43i4). F. L. Richardson, Lowell, Mass.. Sept. 16, 1873, .$300. May Flower 2, Quaker Jim, 2:4714. , 2:45%, 2:43^. ' Colonel Roberts, b g (3 :4494). H. P. Kelly. Kingston, N. Y.. Oct. 23. 1873, $800. Mag Tammany. -Lady Emma. lona, 2:5014. 2 :52ii, 2:51k. Colonel Rochman (w), b g (3 :50 w). Colonel Dickey, Waltham, Mass., May 17, 187S, $100. Butcher Boy .3, Actress, 2:50i4, 2:55, 2:51, 2:.50. Colonel Rockwell, blk g. T. S. Sower, Shelby, O., Sept. 19, 1883, .$25. Sunshine, Auburn Chief, Brown's gr m. 2:04,2:04. Half-mile heats. Two-year-olds. Colonel Rowland, br g{3:51). J. R. Alter, Denver, Col., June 10, 1873, .$100. Lady .Jane Grey, Sheriff Sheah:in (2 dis), 2:.51ii, 2:.52'i, 2:.5I. Colonel R. ,s. .Strader (Clement), blk s (3 :49V,) by C. M. Clav Jr. Kirtlev & Hick. Florence, Kv., Oct. 3, 1873. $175. Rough-and-Ready 2, Emma Tramp l,"King Tom (1 dis). Lady Monroe (1 dis), 2:55, 2:54%, 2:52!4, 2:50, 2:'A. Three-year-olds, Colonel Russell, b s (3:50). C. H. Miller, Eichmond, Va.. Nov. 28, 18,57, .$.50. Peggy 3 (4 0), 2:.56, 2:.')0, 2:51. 2:52, 2.. 50. ■ Colonel Russell (Hop), b g (3:85%), by Louis Napoleon. Budd Doble, Long Branch, N. J.. Aug. 27, 1870. $2,.500. Edna 1, 3, Mary, Charley Green, Carroll, 2:2914, 2:304, 2:32Vi, 2:.33ii. 2:.3.!. W. H. Doble. 15ostan, Mass., Sept. 21, 1870, $1,500. N. B. Palmer, Royal John, Fanny, Lady Augusta, Lizzie Keller (3 dr), 2 :29i4, 2 :28, 2 :29. 138 CHESTEirs COMri.KTlr; TliOTTlNG AND PACING KECOKD. Sept. 27, 1870, $1,500. Man' 1. Prince. Medoo, N. B. Palmer. 2:28"j. 2:27»4, 2:^hi, 2:25?l;. Cul<>nel .Scatt«rgoo, 2:40. Sept. -It. IX". .?200. Hlllctt. .lo.sie, 2:44, 2:46'.i, 2:40. Colonel .SpofTord. eh g (2:45), bv Loonev's Basliaw. J. H. Bacon, Denver, Col., June 16. 1877, $200. Badgei- IJov .3, Dan IVlace (2 dis). Jet (2 "(lis ), 2 :4r,3.i , •_' -.ix^^ . 2 :49i'.i . 2 :48. Colonel Stevens, b 8 (3:34>s). by Adniiiilslralof, dam by American Clay. R. S. Strader, Lexington, Ky., Oct. 14. 1S82, SrKK). Go Fetch Cap, Abdallah 1 orrest, Anna Wilson, '2:37. 2:34' j. 2:3(;i.i. Fonr-vear-olds. Colonel .Swan, b g (3 :45). H. Swan. Albany. N. Y.. Aug. 12, 187ti. .S30. Albany Hov. 2:40. 2:4f;, 2:4.'). Colonel I pton, b s (2 :40). bv Victor. Jas. F. Clark, Garratsville, N. Y., Aug. 19, 1874, $126. Fred, Delight, Faith Derrick, 2:48, 2:4*;, 2:45. S'lrin^'lield Centre, .N. Y., .Sept. 3. 1874, .$75. Draco ."?, Ben. 2:47>,,.2:45, 2:.'iO, 2:4C. (^arnusville. N. Y., Mav 27, 1875, $100. Maggie Moose, Topsy (3 dis). Grapevine (2 dis). 2:45y2. 2:40. 2:45'.. Mi)ravi:i, N. Y., June 5, 1875, $150. Little Wonder 1. 2:4o;'4. 2:41';. 2:42i.i, 2:42;>i. Oiieonta. N. Y., Julv 2, 1875, $2.50. Henrv. George Edsall Jr., •.':4;i, 2:4;:. 2:43. Siirinu'liild Centre, N. Y.. July 5, 187,5,$ir)0. Bill v Mix (.?. 0», Henrv. 2:4(i';, 2:41, 2:40, 2:40?.i. Garratsville. N. Y.. Sept. 1. 187.5, .?100. Delight, IJilly .Mix, Jack Potter (H dis), 2:40i.i, 2:40. 2:40. Colonel Van .Vuken. b s ('^ :5(>3.i ), bv (ireen Mountain Morgan. P. Martin, l-'arniington. Mitni., Sept. 23, 1880, $ . Dick Whistler, Scalper, 3:00'.;, 2:57V4, 2:56%. Colonel Walker, eh s (^ ■.4r,-Uu by Andy Johnsou. J. Gilbert, Bath, N. Y., July 2.j, 1874, $600. Kilpatrick 1, 2:45'.>. 2:4594, 2:463.^, 2:46?^. Colonel Wires, (2 :56). Sheldon, Vt., Sept. 8, 1875, $ . Bellevue Maid 3, 4, Major Diamond, 2:58, 2:66, 2:65, 2 :.5ti. 3 :00. Colonel AVood. b g (2 :3.5i;i), by Charlev B., D. Wood, Freehold. N. J.. Sept. 13, 18S2, $100. Star (Jjvzer, Annie !•;.. 2:.")7'i, 3:0194, 2:,58. Four-year-olds, and under. Waverly. N. J., Sept. 20, 1882, $150. Noontide, Daisy Ilartshorne, Sir Charles, 2:44i4, 2:44'/j, 2:43!4 Four-vear-olds. Plainlield, N. J., Sept. 28, 1882, $50. Eastern Mediimi 3. Steel 3:10>^, 3:03, 3:02, 2:47>4- Sept. 30, 1882, .$50. Eastern Medium, 2:42, 2:44, 2:4:i!4. Waverly, N. J., Nov. 7 and 8, 1882, .$300. Lady Horton l, John S. 2, Beulah 5. Carrie C, Addie Smith, Mortimer'<3 dr), Edna (2 dis), 2:36, 2:39'^. 2:35'2, 2:30, 2:37, 2:37'2. Colorado, br g (3:38). bv Toot Dillon. J. H. Esterbrook. Denver, Col.. Sept. 30. 1870, .«2">. Tom Morgan 3. 5, Jack Brown 4, Ship Timber, 2:4494, 2:45, 2:44^, 2:52'^, 2:47'2. 2:48>/-, 2:.509i, 2:47. 2:51'.i. ' J. F. Kinnev, Lincoln, Neb., May 20, 1880, $150. Pilot, Omaha Dick, Lady Gibson, Buck, Luna, (3 dr), 2:4294, 2:43, 2:40H. June 28, 1881, $1.50. M. H. Inslov 1, Silas Garber, 2 :40i4, 2 :42. 2 :45, 2 :48. L W. Jacobs, Sept. 14, 1881, .$400. Alarm, Maxey Cobb 1. 2, (4 dis), 2:38. 2:42, 2:39, 2:42. 2:39'4. Colorado IJov, b g (2 :50). J. Lesher, Toledo, O., May 1. 1880. $ . Claud. 2:.56. 2:50. 2:.52. Colorado Cliief, cl> s (2:53), by Ethau Allen. A. H. Smith, Denver, Col., Oct. U, 1867. $75. Lightning Striker (1 dis), 3:061.1. Sept. 25, 18(», $ . (Irav Eagle 1, American Eagle (3 dr), 3:07?^. S:OryH, 3:0l>.i. Win. R. Ford, Sept. 27. 1870, $.50. Dick Whitsitt, May Hampton. Charley, 3:10. 3:11 '4. • Sept. 28, 1S70, .$.50. Volunteer Jr., 3:16. 2:.53'-. ■ Sci)t, 29, IHTO, $100. Mav Hampton, 18:40. Five miles. A. H. Smith, Sej.t. 2.5. 1874, $100, Jake, 2:54?4. 2:53. , ^^ « ^ , , „ Colorado Cow Hoy, dii fx (3 :479ii). G. Emery, Denver. Col., Sept. 2X. 1872. aiI75. 1 oby 4, b, Ed. McCook 1. 2, 2 '.51 '2 2'5I-^4', "i'l "•.54'i 2 ".54 2"54'i 2 "55 Colu'mi>iV(('aliforii'i;il)ams'en,'ch"m(3r24i/,), bvson of L. 1. Blackhawk. Horace F. Jones, Philadelphia, Pa.. Mav 1.5, 18(X), $1.50. Bay John. Henrv Clay (l dis). 5:l7'i, 5:18'!. Two miles. (w), iTnion Course, L. I., Nov. 8, IHCO, $.500. Lady Palmer (wi, 2, 5:08U, 5:07. 5:08U.. Two miles. Fashion Course, L. I.. Aug. 7. 1K62, .$500. Shark, 2:38'... 2 :36-:'4 , 2 :35. Columbia, grm (3 :36\ Belfast, Me.. Julv 29. 1865, .$ . Lady Jane, 2::!6. 2:;i7. « „ ^ Columbia, (Alice May), bm (3:42). Col. I)ickey, San Francisco, Cal.. Mch. 29, 1871, $ . tanuy, Oregon .loliii, 5:.55'^, 5:.52. Two miles. Apr. 20. 1871,. $200. Charlevl, (4dis),KatyTricks(2dis), 2:.54,2:48'4,2:49;.i, 2:42. , „ ... _, Columbia, (Albatross), br m (2:333,), by Black Bird, dam by Kentucky Eclipse. J. Boyle, Hamilton, Onl., Sept. 28, 1871,.*.'',.5o. Caledonia Chief, f apt. Tom, Little Angus. 2 ::!7>.,. 2 :37».t, 2 :38i.,. Sept. 29. 1871, .$500. Lady Hamilton 1. Capt. Tom. Caledonia Chief (2 dis\ 2:.S7>.i, 2:.32'.i, 2:3<^, 2:37^4. A. W. Richmond, Oct. 18, 1871. .$800. Toronto Girl. 2 :.37ii. -'::»',. 2 :.'!7. Columbia, b m (2:34). C. P. Niitt, Belmont Park, Phila., July 16.1878. $100. Ike Smith, Mag L., Belle Strideawav(1 dis), 2:38,2:4.3. 2:44, ^ .,. „ „ . . ,.^ „ Columbia Boy, bg(2:38). P. WatOrson, Jersey City, N. J., July 4, 1874. .$200. W. H. lorce 2, Annie E., 2 '41 -'4 2'49'i ''■45*i 2"J)1 ^J.Comvay, Waverly Park, N. J.. Aug. .5, 1874, $ . William H. Force, Annie E., Ledger Girl,2:42'4 2:40V,, 2:41, Aug. -, 1874. .$ . Nellv. Shoestrings. 2:44, 2:.39. 2:38. „ , , , , , , u.rV^^M. Columbia Chief, (Stump Piill(T). blk s (3 :3«'4). bv Maiiibriuo Black Hawk, dam Lady .lackson. by Kemble Jackson. G. \V. Camp. Albanv. N. Y., Julv 24. 1872. $100. Belle of Saratoga 1. 2:42, 2:42, 2:43>^, 2:43. Aug. 6, 1872. $1.50. LewBaker2. .3. Mystery, 2:41'.i, 2:40, 2:41, 2:11':, .3:12'... .,.,„, ^ ,.^„„,, ,0 .\\<\ W. W. Rogers. Charleston, 111., July 4, 1874, $1,000. Gen. Grant, Gray Alex 1.(2 dis). Black I< rank (2 (lis). 2 '.35 ''".3.5 2 ".'ifi' i 2 '36 ' o'tFum'wa, la.', July 31, 1874, .$.500. Star of the West 4, Fancher 1, Whalebone, Blue Ridge, 2:31, 2:30, 2:30 2'31 2 :.30. ^ Keokuk, ia'., Aug. 18. 1874. .$200. Fancher 1, Honest John. Iowa Cliief. 2:.36. 2:38, 2:37, 2:37)i5. Mendota, 111.. Aug. 20. 1874, .$.300. Young Wilkes. 2:.3.3, 2:3.3. 2:.34'-. Earlville. 111., Aug. 28, 1874, $:«)0. Frank Allison. Honest Abe, Andrew .lackson, 2:41».i. 2:41, 2.3JJ^. Stallions. Chatham Village, N. Y., Sept. 17. 187.5, .$300. AVilkes Spirit 2. 2:37'.. 2:.37'i.2:37'i, 2:.38. PoiKchkeepsie, N. Y.. Sept. 24, 187.5, .$.500. Wild Oats (2 dis). 2:4.5. 2::{0'-. Stallions. Rogers & Harmon, Lincoln, 111., Aug. 30, 1878. .$300. Susie Ross 2, Will Cody, 2:.34'4, 2:34>4, 2:36'/,, 2 -.359^ ^ Blonmington, Ill..Sept.2. 1878, .$400. Emma Coons. Pilot Gnlddust. 2:.31'/,, 2:.37»*, 2:35. Columbia Maid, (Ladv H:imiltoii). eh m (3 :43'i). Mr. Gate, S:in Francisco, Cal.. Nov. 29. 1873. ^l.i. liger, Waverly, 5:53, 5:46. ' Two miles. CHESTEKS COiMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 130 Columbian Chief (Harry Harley), b g (3:35%), by Young Columbus, dam the McGee mare by Barney Henry, J. S. Smith, Watertowii, N. \., June 25, 1868, $250. Lady Taggart 1, Ace of Diamonds, Miss Day (J disX John Moore (3 dis), Reliable (2 dis;, 2:.i5»ii. 2:35',2, 2:33, 2:35; 2. Wm. .Steward, (Jlyde, N. Y., July 3. 1868, $200. Kit 2, Isabella, 2M}4, 2:.39J4. 2:3714. Columbus IS), b g (3 :39), (3 :35 s). P. Whelau, Philadelphia, Pa., Oct. 18, 1832, $200. Sally Miller (s), Comet (s), 5:22, 5:21. TWO miles. Nov. 23, 1833, $ . Dread, 5:28, 5:47. Two miles. (s), Harlem, N. Y., Aug. — , l&Ji, $200. Charlotte Temple (s), 2, Confidence (s), (1 dis), 7:45, 7:42, 7:48. Three miles. • (s), J. Anderson, Centreville, L. I., Oct. l, 1835, $300. Calvin Edson, Rolla. 8:24_, 8:21. Three miles. (s), J. Singer, Beacon Coiu'se, N. J., May 10, 1838, $200. Daniel Webster, 5:41, 5:42. Two miles. (s), Mav 11, 1838, $200. Rattler, 1, 2:47, 2:46, 2:47. 2:48. (s), Peter whelan. Red House Course, N. Y., June 18, 1839, $30. Aaron Burr, Bull Calf, Mary Randolph, 2 "43 2 '45 '■ Cap't. Underbill, Beacon Course, N. J., Oct. 21, 1843. §500. Ajax (w), l, 5:24i^, 6:32, 5:;i6. Two miles. Columbus (w), ch s (3:03i2 w). S. White, Cambridge. Mass., Nov. 8, 1850, $ . Cambridge (w), 3:10, 3:04'/^, 3:02'2 Columbus, b s (3 :44'4). Mr. Rubsen, Wash. Hollow, N. Y ., Aug. 9, 1854, $225. Tige, 2:44^2, 2:47, 2:-15. Columbus, b g ( 3 :50). E. G. Stall, Chicago, 111., May 16, 1856, $150. George Law, Stephen A. Douglass, 5:43i^ 5:40. Two miles. Columbus, br s (3 :43), by Y'oung Columbus, dam by the Nelson Horse. C. Bergh, Des Moines. la., June 24, 1870, $225. Reconstruction, 2:48y2, 2:42, 2:55. Columbus, ch s (3:58). Wm. Chadwick, Franklin Co., Vt., Sept. — , 1874, $75. Young Kix 1, Fairfield Boy, 3:01. 3:01, 2:58. 2:58. Stallions. Columbus (3 :58%). A. E. Hopkins, Gt. Barrington, Mass., Oct. 1, 1874, $150. Lloyd, Nelly, 2:5854, 3:06, 3:08. Columbus, b g (3:34). J. Russell, Kansas City, Mo., Sept. 21,1883, $500. Smith OBrien 3, Maggie H., Comanche Bov(l dis), 2:35, 2:39, 2:37i^, 2:31]4, Columbus, ch g (3 :40). J. E. Burt, Hinsdale, N. H., Oct. 9, 1883, $50. Jessie 3, Jumbo, Orange Boy (4 dr), David M. (4 dr). Black Dick (4 dr), Joe (3 dr). 2:46, 2:51, 2:49, 2:40. Columbus Black Hawk, b s (3 :39i2). G. P. Smith, Winona, Minn.. Aug. 3, 1872, $325. Barney, Lexington, 3 :00, 2 :58, 2 :40. St. Paul. Minn. , July 5, 1872, $100. Brother Jonathan, Lady Gray, Savage, Puss (2 dis), Charley B. (2 dis), 2:52't,2:4;» .J. 2-4514. Minneapolis, Minn., July 18, 1872, $350. Fred Star, Flora, 2:41, 2:40, 2:39»^. Columbus Hambletonian, b s (3:36), by Ajax, dam Orphan Girl, by Y'oung Columbus. G. AV. Jones, Woonsocket R. I., Sept. 16 and 17, 1879, $l(JO. Cute 2, Drummer Boy 1, Steve Lewis (3 0), Gvpsy (3 0), Aileen (5 dr), Ira Brown (4 dr). Black Friday (4 dr). 2:42'2, 2:42, 2:41 14 2:39, 2:40,2:39. Attleboro. Mass., Oct. 2, 1879, $200. Ashland Maid 1, Pointer Boy, Steve Lewis, Buzz, Gypsv, Mary Corn- stock, 2:39)/^, 2:X, 2:38i4. 2:37. T. S. Foster, Beacon Park, Boston, June 10, 1880, $400. Judgment, Argonaut, W. H. (1 dis), 2:8114, 2:28i4, 2:3014. Columbus Medium, b g (3 :59i4), by Happy Medium, dam Annie, by Y'oung Columbus. J H. Cranston, Kingston, R. I., Sept. 14, 1881, .$25. Bridget. No time. Four-vear-olds. Providence, R. I., July 4, 1883. Prize, silver. Susie l. Belle, 3:04, 2:5914, 2:59'/2. Columbus Navigrator.b s (3:34), by Columbus. A. J. Richardson, Woonsocket, R. I., Sept. 11, 1867, $75. Ticonic 1, Black Hawk, 2:4514. 2:44, 2:43. .Stallions. J. W. Templeton, Bethel, Vt., Sept. 3, 1873, $200. Black Jim 1. 2, American Boy, Hermit (5 dr), Robert Bonner (4 dr), 2:48, 2:46M. 2:45,2:45, 2:44. E. Montpelier, Vt., Sei)t. 23, 1874, $85. Dagger, 2:4AH. 2:37>/4, 2:40?^. Stallions. Comanche, ch s (3:43 At), by Golddust. H. Pardue, Benton Harbor, Mich., Mav 28, 1881, $100. Catherine Burch, Frank, Otto Wheeler, Waubeek (l dis), 3:00, 3:03, 3:00. M E.Ludington, Des Moines, la., June 28,1881, $300. Jim Crandall, 2, 3, Musketeer, Herald, 2:48'4, 2:42i2,2:42ii,2:43?i,2:44. Comanche, eh s (3:45). C. Sullivan, Waukegan, 111., Sept. 30, 1882, $50. Blackbird, Belle Dooley, Billy Carmine, Ken Monday, 2 :45, 3 :03, 3 :02. Comanche Boy b g (3:35>^). R. Drakely, Portage, Wis., July 4, 1882, $125. Lisbon Boy, Kibona. Bismark, North Hawk. No time. ' — D. O'Connor. Council Bluffs, la.. May 22, 1883, $500. Geo. W. Jr. 1, Lorene, Victory. Dan Allen (3 dr), 2;40^4, 2:37^2, 2:39, 2:40'^4. Atlantic, la.. May 31, 1883, .$250. Tranyiolier 1, Sunshine 4, Calamity, Kitty Kltterman (4 dis) Avoca Bov (2 dr), 2:41, 2:42i4, 2:43, 2:39^4. 2:47!2. Combat, b s (3 :33), by Hero of Thorndale, dam Abutillion, by Belmont. W. A. Sanborn, Sterling III Sent 13, 1883, $1.50. Leland 1, Allahoe, Pullman. 2:37, 2-AOV,, 2:40^^, 2:45. «3epi. Combination, bs (3:40' 2), by Fitch's Hambletonian. .las. French. Hartford, Conn Sept 22 1874 .«!150 Col Kipp3 Waco 1, Charter Oak, Pete Jefferson (1 dis). Rose of Sharon (1 dis), 2:50. 2 -48^ 2-47V 'f-isv^' Four-year-olds. ■-•*.•/.!. Gardiner, Me., Sept. 8, 1875, $300. Millinocket 3, 4, Ruby, Mary L., 2-4414 2-48'r, 2-44 2-42% '>-47'i Geo. H. Bailey, Rutland, Me., Aug. 26, 1875, $500. Dr. Franklin, Millinocket (3'dis), Highland Patchen (3 dis), 2:44, 2:421.^, 2:40' 2- Five-year-olds. Sept. 21, 1875, $150. Millinocket, Highland Patchen, 2:42i4, 2:50, 2:45i/^. Five-year-olds S. T. Golding, Truro, N. S., Oct. 11 and 12, 1876. $ . Prince William, Gen. Knox (2 dr) 2-57 2-55 2-47. Stallions. Comee, b g <'3:19i4), by Daniel Lambert, dam by Hiawatha. .L J. Bowen, Philadelphia. Pa., Sept. 25, 1872, $2i)00. Sunbeam 1, Young Thorn, Mercer. Harrv D.. Honest Billy, 2:.32Vi. 2:31, 2:.33V4. ^-MV,. To^i'^^oPf^^^^n-' ^- \\^^- 16' 1^'?2, $1,000. Yoiiiig Bruno 1. Lady Backus, Comet, Othello", Venus (4 dr), W. W. Comee, Beacon Park, Boston, May 30. 1874. $7.50. Flora Belle. Ben Flagler, 2 -.30, 2-31, 2-27. Aug. 15 and 17, 1874, $400. Commonwealth 3. Cataract. 2:27. 2:29, 2:29'4, 2:31. — -T Pi""?Pect Park. L. I., Oct. 8, 1874, Si.ooo. Bella 1, Barney Kelly, Lady Banker, Charley Green, Mystic, Kitty D. (4dr), 2:2614, 2:27,2:25'.i.2:28^. . j. .r .t , j . ~ "Toi?^®""^^'*' ^^^^' ^- 1" ^^^- ^^' ^^''*' ^^- Everett Ray 1 , Annie Collins, Frank Wood, 2 :31i4, 2 :29^, 2 :30V4, 2:3014. — Providence, R. I., June 17, 1875, $1..500. Vanity Fair .3. Spotted Colt, 2:27, 2:27^, 2:27, 2:29. M.yst'f' Park. Boston, July 1 and 2, IS75. SL.^OO. John H. 1, 2, Tom Keeler 5, 6, Spotted Colt, George, Vanity Fair. 2:2.5, 2:27, 2:27. 2:28, 2:29i;, 2-32 2-26 > > » 1 ^o?,/''o"',l ^'^^^' Boston, Sept. 24, 1875, i?,.500. Bella2,Molsey, John H., Thomas Jefferson (2 dis), 2:25, Prosiiect Park, L. I., Oct. 26, 1875. $l,20O. Music (2, 0), Blanche, 2:28i4, 2:28, 2:2814. 2-.32i/o. rJ'^y^^^^ ^'"^^^^ Boston, July 14 and 1.5, 1876. .?600. Unknown 4, 5, Honest Harry 2, 3, Sir William Wallaca 2:2614, 2:29'.,. 2:28'/2, 2:281^, 2:30%, 2:33?4, 2:3494. 7: Beacon Park, Boston, Sept. 25 and 26, 1876, .f 1.000. Frank Reeves 4, 6, Honest Harry 2, Hannah D. 1, Little Gypsy, Commonwealth, Nelly Walton (0 dr), 2:25, 2:25, 2:25, 2:25i4, 2:25i^, 2:24'/2, 2-24^. 140 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TKOTTING AND PACING RECORD. . Dover, N. H., Sept. Jx, IRTfi, $«00. Kraiik Reeves. Little (ivpsv, Nelly Walton, 2:27?4, 2:29, 2 :2C. Mystic Park, Boston, Oct. 2 unci y, Iktu, ;:f750. Bella I.May Bird 3, Annie Collins, 2:22>^, 2:22'/4, 2:26^, 2 *23 2 '25 ' Providence, R, L. Oct. 0,. ls7f>, »1,000. Honest Harry 2, 3 (4,0), Thomas .Jefferson (4, 0), Annie Collins, Siiotted Colt (5 dr), Nettie Bnrlew (r, drj. Major Allen H disj. Lady .Snell (.1 dis), 2:27, 2:26)^, 2 :2T, 2 :27, 2 :28, "'.iO' I ' Mystic Park, Boston, Oct. Ki, 187G, .SijOo. JU-lla, May Bird, Annie Collins, Bonner, Hannah D., 2:26, I'o^t' IS 1S7C, S400. May Bird. Bell:i, Bonner. Hannah !)., 2:2:5, 2:23. 2 :24»i. . June 5, 1K77, $SOO. Al ay Bird 4, Coinniunvveallh, Hannah D., Prank Reeves, John H. 3.^4 dis). Amy (3 dis), 2-22, 2:22, 2:21, 2:23, 2:2r). —Beacon Park, Boston, .lune 12, 1877, $h()0. Hannah D. 3, John H. 4, Commonwealth. May Bird, Amy (1 dis). 2:23, 2:20, 2:22?4.. 2:24^- '^■-*- Oover, N. H., June 19, 1877, iim). Hannah D, 2, May Bird 3. .John H. 4, 2:27;'4, 2:2(;. 2:2G'2, 2:2714- 2:30, 2*31 '. Kochester, N. Y., Aug. 9, 1877, $2,500. Slow (io. Prospero, May Bird. Frank, Bella. Hannah D.. Farmer Boy, 2:22,2:20, 2:20. . , tJtica, N. Y., Aug. IC and 17, 1867, $2.500. ISlay Bud 3, Slow (;o. J'rospcro, Hannah I)., 2:20?4, 2:21, 2:21, 2-20 Hartford, Conn., Aug. 29, 1877, 513.000. John H., lianquo, N\ hite Stockings. May Bird, King Philip, 2:22, '■ i?rock'ton!'Mass., Oct. 4. 1877, .$.500. Wild Lily 2, George H.. Lady Snell (3 dr), 2:26, 2:27M, 2:31,2:30. Beacon I'ark. Boston, Oct. 15 and 16,1877, *i4U0. Honest Harry 4, 5, John H. 2, 6, 2:23"^, 2:23, 2:2714, 2 :26V4, '- Mystic "l^ar'k, Boston, Oct. 19, 1877, $400. John H., May Bird, 2 :20?4 , 2 :24, 2 :24. Comet, (s) gr g (2 :.59s). Dr. Saunders, St. Louis, Mo., Aug. 28. 1841, $500. Maid of the West, (s), 3:02>^, 2:59. Comet) (k'eenan), (s), gr g (2 :37;2), (.2 :36 s) Henry James, Harlem, N. Y., Sept. 24,1851, $ . Tom Buck (s). Patriot (s), 2:36. 2:411^, 2:40. Comet, ch g (2 :38i2). It. Jackson, Dubuque, la.. July 16, 1866, $200. Lottie Stewart 1, (3 dr). 2:41, 2:48. . Sept. 8. IKtw;, $ . Ladv Stewart, 2:50, 2:49 Julv 18. 1S68, .'?2r>0. Black Kate, Lottie Stewart 1, (2 dis), 2:52, 2:44, 2:49. 2:48. Ed "Patrick, Omaha, Neb., Aug. 7, 1869. $.50. One Eye, pacer. 3, 4, 3:00, 3:00, 2:51,3:00, 3:04. Council Bluffs, la., July 30, 1870, $50. Charley Lord. Boston Boy, 2:58, 2:57, 2:58. Omaha. Neb.. Sept. 16, 1870, $ . Eagle, 2:48' 2, 3:12. Sept. 16, 1870, .f50. Omaha Pet 1, 2:.54, 2:4,5%, 2:4414. Council Bluffs. la., Sept. 22, 1870, $50. Trim 2. 2:.51, 2:47, 2:46. C L Clarke, Gallatin Citv, M. T., Sept. 30, 1874, $150. Honest Charley. 2:50. 2:4714, 2:5514. Comet (2:38). W. Blackingtou, Cambridge, N. Y., Sept. 23, 1871, $100. Nugeiijt, Lida Picton, 2:40i^, 2:405!i, Comet' b g (2 :31). G. P. Carpenter, Meriden, Conn., June 8, 1872, $150. Lady Sheridan. 2:48'4, 2:43, 2:40. Bridgeport, Conn., Aug. 9, 1872, $300. Coroner K. 1, 3, Lady Backus, Lady Sheridan, 2 :34'.2, 2:33, 2:36, 2*33 2 "37 1 New Haven, Conn., Aug. 13, 1872, $250. Ladv Sheridan 3, 2:46, 2:36, 2:39, 2:.36. North Adams, Mass.. Sept. 20. 1872, $700. Nonesuch, 2 :39i^, 2:44' 2, 2:45. • Comet, blk s (2:45). A. C Marston, Lewiston, Me., Sept. 22, 1874, $100. Royal Knox, Knox Jr., 2:45. 2:47. Four-vear-olds. , , , .„ , , Sept. 25, 1874, $100. Knox Jr., Leader, 2:541/2.2:511^. Four-year-olds. Comet 1) g (3 lOS'/j). Mr. Corry. Flora, 111., Oct. 1, 1875, .$ . Gray Ben 3, 4, Blue Cloud, Mattie Golddust (2 dis)' 3:()6i;i, 3:05U, 3:07. 3:06, 3:08';. Four-year-olds. , ,, Comet (2 :4.5). Smi'th Acker, Maquoketa, la., Sept. 25, 1875, $300. Mazeppa (2 0), Hambletonian (2 0). 2:48"^. 2'43i\ ''•4"> ''"4.5 Comet, IJ s(3':2i).' A. Arnct. Denver, Col., Sept. 3. 1876, $1.50. Evangeline 1, Rustic (2 dis), 3:23. 3:21, 3:22?i. Thr6t*-vciir-olus Comet Jr. (2 :.57). Matoon. Ill . Oct. 2. 1880, .$100. Red Joe. Billy S., Black Hawk Messenger, 2:57, 3:05. Commander, ch s (3:09). H. S. Schultz. IMontgonierv. Alii.. Jan. 15 and 10, 1880, $100. Lena S. 1, 2, Shango- nier. Jeffersonian (3 dis), 3:11, 3:10'4, 3:12, 3:09. 3:11. Three-year-olds. ^ ^ ,- nn.. •„ t- Comuiander b s (2 :2«i4). by Blue Bull, dam Nellv Gray, by Dave Crockett. J. F. Gosnell. Maysville, Ky., May 18, 1882, $800. Maud T. 2, 3, Dr. Norman l. Bronze, Fulcrum (4 dr), Borak (4 dr), Ld. I'owell (4 dr). o.Qns' O'Of) ''••><) •'•''6ii 2'2'* ''".Sfl'i . ^ Colinnbus,'"o'.."May'23, 1882, $600. Dr. Norman, Roscoe, Maud T., Willie H., Barrett, Borak, Aimee ^ Detn)itfk"ich!^;june'28, 1883, $700. Stranger 3, Reveille, Waiting. Cyclone, Will Bcnham, Willis Woods, 9 • '^i 9 • "iX 9 • 'iH ** • 'M Commoclore. br'g"(2j>2)- W-.^ll^te, Union Course, L. I., S^Pt-..2"j,.\8'':3; J-^SOx^ Bob_Walton (1 dis), 2 :48. e, br g (2 :42). W^ Shute, Union Course, L. I., Sept. 20, 18.53, $450. ] ,m p Hellam Harlem N. Y.i, Oct. 6, 18.54, $600 ,Ioe Husted (s), 2:49, 3:04, Iw], Hiram Woodruff? Uni^^ L. I . Sept. 30, 18.56, $2,000. John Wands (w) 3, 2:44"2, 2:42, 2:43, Commodore, br g (2:34"2>. Wm. Gagan. Adrian, Mich., Aug. 2, 1864, $100. North Hawk 1, 3. Boston, Gray £"^'! ReillV.^lVig^^ Chief, (Jray Eagle, North ll:iwk (4 dis), Henry Clay Co,mnirdor^\Vg^'2^M'3)^b^'Vo^.S^ Bov. dam bv Edward Everett. AV., C. Trimble. Goshen, N. Y Oct 8, Kvrium. 'v'oung Wilkes (l O), Brown 1'rince, Lady Bmiker. Oram M:ud. Lumberman (3 dis). Central Boy — -Prospt*'4'pS^-^i^^ Wellington, Young Thorno, (Constitution, 5:06, 5 :04i/,. Two ^"nddletown, N. Y., Aug. 29, 1873, $1,200. Ohio Boy, Mary A. Whitney, Jack Draper, ISlolsey (2 dis), 2:32^, ^TlainvTlie. Conn., Sept. 11. 1873, $1,500. Little Longfellow 3, Belle Brandon 2, John IL, Col. Moulton, Billy Platter (1 dis), 2:34>i.2:.3.5,2:32H,2:.3.3i4,2:.33'2. ^ ^ —- ?s^:^;\-r:.ui,^y';8^r;^<^"-T:/.^::!^iio;^:i:'-c^ir;^'r is vc^fv^s. ^=32^, 2:30^4, 2:30%. =1^ ^!lJ"^a^;.^nt:'V]^;^;^ri^fe"-BSir'jl!;;?-2^ '.i^t^t i^, 'Sl^^-^ne^l col. Moulton, Shepherd _Ji"i:i:^i^;itS^^-;^n!u:.?'>5:'t. J-dy 28. m*.^-.. Tanner noy1.|4 0). 2:^.2:31 2:31 2:35 2^ as. Frtchcv, Corn wall. .^. y., .iniy 2s, isv*, .t..mh) iii""V,' " '•' ^^"' \"m:ji" Ar.VrHr fnbii H Fveretl beacon Park. Boston, Sej.t. 9. 1874, .1«3.(KM), Mmsh; 3. Phil Sheridan , ^/ ll>,,?,Vj':"A':,_jir'^\./BVr-'^ ,-. Piu-kis' Abdiillah. Frank Ferguson. Shepherd Kn;ipp Jr. M •''> 2:.-'<;'2. f --^Sj -•-• ;;i.4„^^^ 2:30U ) \ Hickok.^San Francisco, Cid., June 2, 1877, $300. Brushy John 1, San Bruno, Nere.K- dis), 2.ju>^ Be; Rav. — () -^''san Joaqui^nf cti., Sept. 19, 1879. $800. Magdallah 3, Tommy Gates, 2:23>^. 2:25, 2:24»i. 2:25. CHESTEK'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND TACING RECORD. 141 Commodore, ch g (3:55), by Bashaw (?). Saul Sanders, Waterloo, N. Y., Aug. 29, 1878, §55. Flora (10) Aurelius (2 dis),3:16'2. 2:55. 3:15, a:08. Coiiiiuodore, ch g (3 :36?i). S. Regals, 01e:ui, N. Y., Oct. 5, 1882, $200. Fanny E., Paddy, Glen Arden, 2:U^ 2-3'J'-, 2::i6'4. Commodore iJainbridge, ch g {3 :34), John J. Webster, Lee, Mass., Sept. 2, 187-1 1225. Somerset, Sea Poam, Sam Holeoiiil). Quaker (!irl,"2:40'.., 2:14, 2:42?^. Sept. .i. 1874. S3T5. Major Warlield, Sea Foain,2:38i4, 2:3SV2, 2:40. Ch ithani Village, N. Y.. Aug. 15, 1876, .$300. Bessie 1, Farmer Boy, Lady Lowe, Lady Pritchard (2 dis), Saud Banlvd (lis), 2:38, 2 :.'J5, 2:34, 2:38. „ Commodore Belmont, b s (,3:54'.;), l)v Belmont. W. H. Raymond, Helena, Mont., Sept., 6, 1883, $100. iSIoslem. Conwav. 2:551^. 2:54!4. Stallions. ^„ CommodoreChase, grg(3:47Ji). P. Cunan, Ambler Park, Pa., Sept. 16,1873,$ . PoUy 1, :>, 2:52, 2:.30, Comniodore Jr., br s ( 3 :33), by Commodore, dam a Pilot Mare. C. High, Peru, Ind., June, 12, 1878, $300. Lady Mel)., Nelly K., Clipper, (iray Sam (i dis), 2:33, 2:38i4, 2:424. Brownstown, Ind., Aug. 29. 1879, .SIOO. R. E. Lee 3, Betsy, 2:37Vi, 2:43'2, 2:40, 2:34?4. ^ ^ , ^ J. Stunrd, Crawfordsville, Ind., .June 16. 1881, $ . Kentucky Girl 1. Jenny L. 2, lanny B., Frank L, 3 (4 dis», Emma Coon (4 dis), Nelly K. (.4 dr), Highland Mary (4 Or), Charles W. (3 dis), 2:31J4, 2:32'/2, 2:35?4. Commodore Nutt, b g (3 :39), by Grantham Chief, T. Towers, Buffalo, N. Y., Sept. 16, 1865, $ . George B. Efnerl, 2:50'.,, 2:47, 2:51'.4- Four-year-olds. E. L. Harris, Watertown, N. Y., July .3, 1860. 8 . 2 :40;2. To beat 2 :41. H. Kingsley, Messina Springs, N. Y., July Iti, 1867, .$300. Young Morrill, 2:38, 2:4154, 2:37 1/4. .luly 24, 1867, $1.50. Paddy Carey. 2:30y, 2:324, 2:34. Syracuse, N. Y., Aug. 28, "1867, $400. Tecumseh 1, Brick Pomeroy, 2:33i^, 2:.34, 2:37, 2:36. C'. C. Blair, Clyde, nT Y., July 4, 1868, $1,000. Henrietta, George Palmer, 2:3314, 2:32, 2:304. Ben Daniels, "Prospect Park, L. I.. Oct. 19, 1872, $500. Topsy, 2:36. 2:35. Commodore Nutt, ch g (3 -.SiU)- S. J. M. Weston, Worcester, Mass.. Sept. 29, 1868, $150. Cassms 1, 2, 2 :.56, 2:58, 2:,)6. 2:.52, 2:52. M. Weston, Concord, N. H., Oct. 4, 1870, .«;2,5. No Name, 2:53, 2:45. Lyman Patch, Fitchburgh, Mass., Sept. 27, 1871, .^2.50. Corporal Trim 2, Trifle, 2:44, 2:.53>4, 2:514, 2:51. Lowell. Mass.. Sept. 3. 1S72, $250. Lady Williams, Lady Wentworth. Franklin Boy (1 dis). Charm (1 dis). Lady Sherburne (I dis), Fearnaught (1 dis), Bismarck (1 dis), 2 :39, 2 :37, 2 :35. . Sept. 4, 1872, ."^SOO. Royal Mike 2. 3, Nelly Morrison 4, Maggie Wayne, Dictator (5ro), Lady Morris (1 dis), Stuyvesant (1 disi". 2:.34?i, 2:3Sii, 2:37, 2:39, 2:37,2:39. Rutland'. Vt., Oct. 16, 1872. .S300. Minerya 3, Maggie Brown 1, Dan, 2:45, 2:42i4, 2:43'^, 2:41 ?i, 2:40. Woonsocket, R. I., Sept. 17, 1873, $400. Frank Allen 1, 3, Maybe 2, 2:42, 2:43?4. 2M%, 2:47, 2:45, 2:49'4. Commodore Nutt. bs (3:51 li). T. K. Hawkins, Galyeston, Tex., May 2, 1874, $1,000. Jim Breeze, 2 :.51i4, 2'51'5). iNlr. Conant, Lowell, Mass., June 9, 1869, $75. Balch & Lawrence's bm 3, 4, C..ii«liu-t.»r, eh'g. C'. 0. Wood, Cliurles City, la., Sept. 12, 1879, $200. Honest Fred. 1, Netty R. 2, Hetty V. No H. L. Owens, AVaverly, la., Sept. 19, 1879..? . Little Dick 1, Netty R. No time. CoiieinauKli. (3:48). S. Keyes, Pittsburfjh, Pa., Oct. 20. 1858, .«;ioo. Tnunderer l, 2:5o 2-48,2-50 2-50 CoiilVderate, (3 :48). A. Peacock, New ^Ubany, Ind., Aug. 31, 18Wi, .fl5. Bill Davis 3, Old May,'2;56yj, 2:49, CoiilVdeiate Chief, 1) s (3 :.51), by Clark Chief, dam Virginia by Billy Townes (?). G. H. Buford. Lexington Ky.. .Inly 4, 1878, .?100. Cloud, kiiloh (1 dis), Menkin d dis). 2^51, 2:56?.,, 2:52. Three-year-olds ^'''''°^°"' ConfijIoiHe bg(3:35}. by Sir Henry. Mr. Renville, Harlem, N. Y., Dec. 6, 183;t, « . Marshal Blucher Ldwui Forrest, 2:45, 2 :3(i, 2 :.37. ^uvucx, Jas. Berry, New Orleans. L:... Mch.. 20, 1839, .So.ooo. Bird, 5:28. 5:38. Two miles. Cinciiniati. ()., .July 17, is.",<), .r;i50. Rolla, 5:11, 5:13. Two miles. Wm. Whelan. Centerville, L. 1., May 18, 1841, .*200. Lady Suffolk 1 (4 0), Aaron Burr 2, 5:16^. 5:16V4. 5-16 5:18,5:25. i wo miles. . *t . /i» i .Jas. Berry, Beacon Course, N. J., June 10, 1841. Sl,9eo. Washington, 5 :24, 5 :28. Two miles. June 28. 1841,. $1,000. Washington, 2:35, 2:37, 2:36. Oct. 4, 1H41. $200. Ripton. Awlul, 5:13, 5 :17. Two miles. (w). Ce.itreviile, L. I.. July 12 1842, igl-OOO. Ripton (w), 5:14^, 5:27, 5:37. Two miles. Confldeiu-e. ch g (2:3714). S. McLaughlin, Union Course, L. I., Sept. 27, 1849, $ . Fannv Youns Americus. 2:42, 2:44'.2, 2:44'/2. xcuxijr, xuiuig Centreville, L. I.. Nov. 29, 1849, $500. Lady Ellen, 2:46, 2:37i4, 2:39. Union Conrse, L. I., May 6, 1&50, $150. Tom Carnley 1, 5:40, 5:32, 5:34»/i. Two miles. ■ Philadelphia, Pa., May 11, 1850. $100. Sorrel Ned 3 (4 0), (0 dr), John Davis 1, 2, (4 0). (6dr). 2-39!A 2-38. 2:38' 2. , 2 :39K>, 2 :42. ' > v /i v /,-.«»/«, -.oo, Union Courser L. L, Mav 1.3, 1850. $400. Trustee, 5:3c!/-, 5:36)4. Two miles. ■ 11. ( liaiifrau, .June 3, 18.")0, $300. Stranger (2 disj, 2:46, 2:44. s. .Mcl.auiihlin, I'hiladclphia, Pa., .Tuly 17. 1850, $100. Sorrel Ned, 2:39V2, 2:39. 2-39i^. I mon Course. L. I., Sept. 19, l,*^.-*, $ino. Sorrel Ned 2, Smoke, 2 :40y2, 2 :39'/2, 2:42i.4,"2: Sci)t. -.'.s, i8.".o, .s . Honest John 2, Gray Eagle. 2:S9, 2:41!4. 2:43,2:39. Oct. 21, is.-)0, .'j;ioo. Honest John 2. Amer'icus (3 dis), 5:35, 5:25, 5:26. Two miles. ■ Ceiitrcville, L. I., Sept. 6, 1853, .?200. Jenny Lind (1 dis), 2:44. ■ :. V- >^ •.Ommuck, Cincinnati, O., Aug. 31, 1860, $500. Cons. Miller (3 dr), 2:50?i. 2:50Ji. Comuienee, gr s(3:!i8), by Columbus, dam by Barney Henrv. M. Roden, Mercer, Co. N. J., June 19, 1867. *2;j0. Ironsides. American Star, Gen. Mott, 2:37, 2:35. Stallions. Gt. Barringtoii. Mass., July 4, 1867, $ . Buzzard 1. Holcomb Pony, 2:46, 2:54, 2:49, 2:51. Troy, N. \., July 24, 1867, $800. Ben McClennan 1, 2. Burgher, St. John. 2:32^, 2:30,2:31, 2:33. ;r..i ''.?.^-.'.'./'""'.'. 1^*' }■' "^V^-^' ^^' •^^'''' *1'^00. Bingham Colt 3, Cora, John Farris,~Dutch Girl 1, (5 dr), 2:29%, Spiiugliel.i, Miiss , Aug. 29, 1867, .$700. Leviathan, Ticonic, 2:38i/2, 2:38y2, 2:39. Stallions. ",". — ' \ ashion C ourse, L. I., Nov. 14, 18C7, $2,000. Daisy Burns 1, 2 :32^, 2 :33, 2 :32'/i, 2 :36. contiueuce, 1 u- g (3:36?4'). Dan Mace. Boston, Mass.. Jnne 17, 1869, .$3,000. Darkness 1, 2, Old Put, Lady \vmtman, Emperor, Lady Hamilton (3 dr). Twang (3 dis). Belle of Brooklyn (3 dis), 2:31, 2:31, 2:31, 2:30V4, Philadelphia. I'a., Sept. 8, 1869. $2,000. J. J. Bradley 1, 2, Fanny Allen, N. B. Palmer, Mambrino Prince, Geo. M. Patchen Jr.. 2:28'o, 2:28}.i, 2-29 2-30 '>"6='i ^'""^o^"'^' ^f/^'* Pence) b'g (3:26). by the ^Gillis Horse. J. C. Hall, San Francisco, Cal., Dec. 15, 1876, .>3()0. BayHenr\'3, AlKlallah Joe, 2:.S6!^, 2:32'!;, 2-28'i 2-30K> I'. Dennison, Stockton, Cal., Sept. 27,~1877, $450. (5eorge treat, Chicago 2:30^, 2:28^, 2:3m. San J- rancisco, Cal., Oct. 30 and 31, 1877, $450. Gus 1. 2. Lou Whipple 4, 5, Sweet Brier, Professor (3 r o), ^t.Helcna(ldls), 2:27)4,2:27, 2:26, 2:26'4,2:27U,2:27'/2, 2:28%. tlm-"2-4"> ■ "^^ ■'^- ^'^^y- l^ric'gewater, N. S., Aug. 18, 1880, $75. Little Champion (2 dis). Best Z-ii; h o^i'/'^P' Moncton, N. B., Oct. 14, 1881, $200. Col. Lang, Jenny, Zulu, Abdallah Queen, 2:37, -Oct. 17, 1881. $2.10. Zulu, Col. Lang 1, (2 dis), 2:36, 2:39'/.. 2:31, 2:41. Confidence, b s (2 :41). J. M. Canty, VLsalia, Cal., June 2, 1883, $100. Baldv 1. Brilliant, 2 :48',4, 2:42, 2:41. "/?"»■/ ^'^ g (3:50J^). Hiram Woodruff, Union Course, L. L, Nov.2i, 18.53, $200. Emigrant (w), (2 dr) ■ $.to6. Emigrant 2, 2:.5l. 2:.'J6,2:,'')0'^. l>fc- 5. 18.%, $600. Dandv, 2:58, 3:01. 3:07. Conklin'8. lirownGeldins:(2:35),i). W. Conklin, Huntington, L. I., Aug. 8, 1870, $300. Clarence (10). Ripley's blkg, 2:3514,2:36, 2:39, 2 :37'/2. . b - h . v /, Conness, (.John Conness and Frank Rhoads\ bg (2:30'/2). Chas. Shaw, Vallejo, Cal., June 22, 1869, $200. Geo. F. Train 3(4 dis), Mandeville 1, (3 dis), 2:45.2:44. 2:43,2:34. B. Rice, San Francisco, Cal., March 6, 1871, $200. The Maid 1, 3, Baltimore Belle 2, Kate, 2:415i, 2:39, 2:39.2:40.2:40.2:43. (w) March 11. 1871. $200. The Maid 2, 3, Kate 1, Baltimore Belle,2:41'/i, 2:43?i, 2:41. 2 :41'/4. 2:4054. 2:41V. (w) May 2. 1871, $1,000. Columbia 1 (3 dis), 2:48?i, 2:44, 2:41'/,. Conover br s (2 :43'/2). Lewis S. Ellis, Florence, Ky., Oct. 3, 1873, «255. Little Dorrltt 2, Bay Jim, Richmond (3dis1. 2:.'-.0?.,',2:45)4,2:iJ0'4. . j • Sept. 18, 1874, $200. Belle Maud 2, Lightning. 2:43'/«, 2:47><;, 2:43K', 2:46%. Conqueror. 1) g (2 :52 w), l)y Bellfounder. Geo. Spicer, Centreville, L. L, Nov. 12, 1853, $4,000. 8 h 56 m 1 s. I o bciit 9 liours. One hundred miles. *^""'!5^*"'*"'' '' '^ (=* :39?4). F. T. Bri, 2:!)0, 2:.52. Stallions. Dr. Perrault, Montreal. P. Q., Sept. .5, 1882, $100. Fear Not, Midnight, Harrv B. No time. ~ Ottawa, Ont., Sept. 26, 1882. Quebec Boy 2, 3, Annie c.. 2-Ar,\i, 2:45, 2:42%, 2-41%. 2-41'/-. Conserve, br m. D. L. Bourn, Quincy, 111., June 19, 1883, $40. Psyche, Finis, 2:01, 2:02. Two-year-olds. Half-mile heats. Consort, b s (2 :4li^>, by Belmont, dam Vanity Fair, by Alexander's Abdallah. J. P. Wiser, Gouverneur, N. Y.. Sept. 6, 1882. $160. Ajax, BillvE. (Idis). 2:41'i.2:42, 2:4.3'4, Conspirator, b s (3 :29), by McMahon. M. Daily, Omaha, Neb., Nov. 3, 1883. $ . Killamey 2. Be.st time Constanoe. br m (2:34%). J. C. Suvdam, Fleetwood P:irk, N. Y., .Tune 20, 187.3. $1,000. Lady Banker 8, Washburn Maid, Lady Knox, Asa, Winslow, Brown Prince (2 dr), 2:37, 2;36%, 2:30'/,. 2:34%. CHKSTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 143 Constitution, ch g (3 :37i4). Geo. Wright, Boston, Mass., June 6, 1873, .S500. Fanny Fern (1 dis), 5 :54. Two ll^W^'s. Thomas, Warwick. N. Y., Aug. 29. 1874, SlOO. Ben Butler. Lucy Penny, 2:«l2, 2:421*, 2:4114. Consul b s (3:39). by Almont. dain by Wake Up Jake. John Steele, Versailles, Ky., July 7, 1874, $100. MajorBuford, Montague (Itlisj. 3:03.3:0714.. Two-year-olds. , Tvr **• r., w. l•^ r- I exington Ky Oct. 1, 1874. $625. Sunshine, Mambruio Joe, Tom Stamps. Coral, Mattie Old (2 dis), Jim (2dis), Cmdei-elia'a dis) 2:.'-,li4, 2:48. Two-year-olds. . ^^ Harrodsburgh. Ky., Julv 8. 187.5, .$225. Tom Stamps, C'roxie (3 dis), 2:44. 2:13, 2:.39. ('. GriswokirButte Cityj M. T., Sept. 5, 1879, .§400. Brutus 3, U 0>, Billy Grant, (1 0), 2:47'/2, 2 :54'/2, 2:571/4, '■4'" 4 ''•4.5 Consul bg (3 -S^^i). R. T. Powers. Bridgewater, Mass., Sept. 23. 1881, S55. Emma (w). Whistler (w), John Gilman (w\ Lulu (w), Charles Koss (w), Sam Weller (w) (2 dr), 2:50'/2, 2:57. S. Weymouth, Mass., Sept. 30, 1881, .^50. Marshall, O., Whistler, Lady Delmar, 2 :52, 2 :55, 2 -.oGU. Nearest Contest, blk s (3:13i4). W. Moore, Plainville, N. J.. Sept. 29, 1880, .f!50. Hillsboro Chief, 3:14^, 3:131^. Contest, b g (3 :55), by Victor Bismark. dam by Young Flying Cloud. A. Sherwood, Norwalk, Conn., Sept. 12, 1882, $50. Kate 1," Edward R., Fearful (4 dr), 2:5.")^, 2:5.'')i4, 2:55, 2:57k. , ^ Continental, b s (3 :36), by Bacon's Ethan Allen. R. P. White, Potsdam, N. Y., Sept. 24, 1873, .ipl50. Twinkle 1, Dot, 2:44, 2:42, 2:44, 2:45. Sept. 25, 1873, .«150. Dot 3, Twinkle 1, 2:48, 2:.52, 2:54, 2:56, 3:01. Gouverneur, N. Y., Sept. 10, 1874, $ . James Bell, 2:37, 2:36, 2:40. Continental, gr g (3:46V2), by Gray Eagle. T. Trimble, Fleetwood Park, N. Y., Aug. 18, 1877, .$1,000. Lady M., 2:5214,' 2;46i/2. 2:493^. P Fleming, Dec. 5, 1878, ,$100. Honest George, Fred. 2:.'>5, 2:.5154, 2:53. Contraband, blk g (3 :33i:,), by the Mansell Horse, dam by Wilherell. Dan Mace, Boston, Ma.ss.. Sept. 20, 1870, $500. Andy Johnson 1, Gypsy 2, Lady Alice, Shawmut, Ferry Henshaw (4 dr), Billy Butler (3 dis), Starlight (2 dis)," Daylight (l dis), 2 :34, 2 :37»4, 2 :37, 2:39, 2 :39. Sept. 22, 1870, .$500. Easton Boy, Daylight. Andy Johnson, Frosty (1 dis), 2:32';, 2:37, 2:36i4. Sept. 28, 1870. .«;,500. Andy iJohnson 1, 4, Gypsy. Lady Hughes, Ferry Henshaw (5 dr), Daylight (4 dr), LadyAlice(4dr), Shawmut (4 dr). 2:36. 2:3414.2:37, 2:37,2:37. ^ ^ , . t- . r Contraband, blk s (3:50). G. E. Robacker, Clearfield, Pa., July 2, 1874, $276. Little Rachel 1, Kate, Joe Saxon. Lady Chatham (1 dis), 2:50. 2:51. 2:.50, 2:.50. Osceola."Pa., July 8, 1874, $150. Little Rachel 1, Kate, 2:51. 2:50. 2:50, 2:50^. Contraband, b s (3 :40i;). a. Kaiil, St. ISIarv's, Pa., Oct. 9, 1883. $100. Prince, Kate, 2:58M, 3:12. Oct. 11, 1883, $1.50. "Turk 2, 5, Frank Hall 1, 6, Dutchman (5 dr), 2:46, 2:423^, 2:45, 2:40ii, 2:45, 2:.50, 2:43. Contractor, ch g (3 :53i/2). Mr. Weldon, Plainfield, N. J., Sept. 22, 1875, $100. Blanche, Lady Pilot, 2:56i^, Contrary (3 :48). G. P. Cole, Warwick, N. Y., Oct. 4, 1876, $ . Mamie Miller 1, 2, Kismet, 2:52, 2:49, 2:49, 2:50. 2:48. Controller, b g (3 :39), by May Boy. H. White, San Francisco, Cal., Dec. 4. 1877, $150. Howell, Lady Emma, 13:15ii. Five miles. Dec. 15. 1877, $200. Howell, 13:191^. Five miles. March 23, 1878, .$2,000. John Stewart, 27:2714. Ten miles. (w), April 20, 1878, $1,000. 58:57. To trot twenty miles in one hour. Nov. 23, 1878, .$ . Red Cross, 27:2314. Ten miles. Convoy, gr g (3: 3314), by Woodford Mambrino. dam Vanity Fair, by Alexander's Abdullah. John Funk, Jackson, Mich., June 11, 1878, .$1,000. Lilly Pearce 2, 3, Betsy Aim 1, Lima Boy, JIambrino Turk, Sam Tilden, Frank, Monitor, Jenny (2 dis), 2:3.5. 2:34, 2:3114, 2:35, 2:35il, 2:35. Grand Rapids, Mich., June 18, 1878, $900. Lilly Pearce 3, Jenny 4, Betsy Ann, Monitor 2, (5 dr), Mam- brino Turk (5 dr), Lima Bov (5 dr), 2:33^4, 2:30^, 2:30?^, 2:33V$, 2:33^4, 2:30. Detroit, Mich., July 6, 1878, $800. Bonesetter (3, 0), Kate Hall, Lady Beach, Rocket, 2:30>g, 2:32, 2:32, 2:34. Cincinnati, O., Oct. 2, 1878, $800. Fashion. Carrie K., Judge Pollard, Bay Fanny. Lady Monroe, Ham- brlno (3 dis), D. Monroe (3 dis), Muriel (3 dis), 2:30, 2:2914, 2:28. La Salle, 111., Julv 27. I88O, .$.500. William H. 1, 3, Ella Earle 2, John Hall, Nelly Irwin, Big Soap (2 dis), 2:25ii. 2:26iiL, 2:26?4,'2:27i4, 2:30i4, S:31^. Minneapolis, Minn., Sept. 10, 1880, $l,000. William H., Business, Frank Fisk, Gray Cloud, 2:271/2, 2:22^, 2 '2^' .' Conway, gr g (3:43). G. H. Brasfleld, Florence, Ky., Oct. 3, 1873, $350. Sorrel Prince, Sally Emerson, 2:43, 2.473^ 2 '43 Conway's Bay Mare, (3 :35). J. Conway, Union Course, L. I., April 22, 1857, $50. Gen. Darcy, Ariel (3 dr), 2 '39 2 '35 '^ '36 Coolie,' b g (3 :46m). Chas. Murphy, Charlotte, Mich., Aug. 24, 1876, .$200. Florence (2 0\ Balm of Gilead (2 0). Daylight 1, 3 (5 dis). Captain (4 dis), Nettie W. (4 dr). North Hawk (5 dis). Highland Gold Dust (3 dis), .Jenny (2 dr), 2:42?4. 2:55, 2:45, 2:44, 2:42. Cooksviile, b g (3:47). R. James, Brantford, Can., Sept. 30, 1857. $60. Dundas, Clark's b g, 3:01, 2:58, 2:57. Cooley, blk g (3 :36), by Daniel Boone. A. H. Barnet, Logansport, lud., Oct. 15, 1853, .$300. Bay Dick, 2:56, '-' P. Mulligan, Chicago, 111., July 1, 1864, $800. Glencoe, Lib Dunwick, 2:43, 2:44, 2:45. July 5, 1864, .$1,100. Nabocklish, Silas Rich. Brown Dick, 2:33. 2:38, 2:3514. H. Hastings, June 6. 1865, .$800. Lilly Simpson, Boston, Lady Leonard (1 dis), 2:31, 2:2914, 2:29%. (w), June 9, 1865, $1,300. Boston (w). Lilly Simpson (w), 5:16, 5:13 Two miles. Sept. 2, 1865, .$.500. Nabocklish (w\ Boston (w). 2:33'4. 2:35, 2:33'/j, Sept. 8, 1865, $1,500. Nabocklish 2, Lady Walker, Quaker Boy (4 dis), Boston (2 dis), 2:.30, 2:29?4, 2:32}4, 2:33. '- Kalamazoo, Mich., Oct. 6, 1865, $1,300. Lady Sherman, Leander, 2.20, 2:28, 2:27. Wm. Rilev, Chicago, 111., Oct. 24, 1865. .$500. " Traveller, Lady Sherman, 2:38^4, 2:363i, 2:37i^. H. Hastings, July 3, 1866, .$300. Medoo. Gen. McClellan, Canaan, 2:3214, 2:29^4, 2:30. Sept. 22, 1866, $5,000. Gen. Butler 3, 4 (5 dis), 2:38i4. 2:37i^, 2:32, 2:.33i4. , Wm. Riley, Ottawa, 111., Nov. 2, 1866, $500. Fanny Lee, 2:.33i4, 2:30%, 2:26. Gooloo, b g (3:31%). R. Starr, Burlington, Vt., Sept. 12, 1868, $500. Sir John, Billy Bowlegs, 2:33%, 2:33%, 2:35%. Mat Tanner, Albany, N. Y., Aug. 29, 1872, $50. Mack, .Tohn Morrissey, 2:55, 2:48, 2:49. Sept. 11, 1872, $ . Mack X Lobster (2 dr), 2:.55i4, 2:.55"», 2:49, 2:48. W. Moore, Oct. 10 and 12, 1872, $100. I,adv Tallman 3, 4 (2 0), Delavan Peck (4 dr), 2:50, 2:46, 2:53, 3:01, 2:4014, 2:4214. „ _^ Cooloo b g(3:30), by Young St. Lawrence, dfim Madam Sheridan, by Post Bov. A. J. Feek, Watertown, N. Y., June 14, 1878, $300. Tom Malloy 4, Croff l. Deceit, Mary Newton, Mattie K. Fuller (5 dr), • 2:3014 2:3014 2:31 2:39%. ' Sodus, nA",' June 27, 1878, $200, Tom Malloy 3, Teaser, 2:37, 2:37, 2:36, 2:37i/i. 1« CHESTERS COMIM.KTK TK()TTIN(; AND rACING KECORD. Hatavia, N. Y., Julys. 1878, S600. Tom Malloy, Jossie, St. Patrick, 2 ::{;'), 2 :.«i^;, ■jmj. Lyons, jN. v., Oct. y, 1878, ■S . Geo. !•'. Smith, Tom Malloy, Tom Norwood, /cssie, St. Cloud, 2:3a, 2-33'. •J:.vJ. " Ithaca, N. Y., Oct. 21, 187H. .Siao. Charley B., Lilt. Tom Malloy, Ladv Hiirget (2dr), 2:.{2, 2:37, 2:32U. • Coon, cli s (3 :4:J). .Mr. Stout, Urhaiia, ().. May ir., IHOJ. .^^.O. Kate Snip, C. Hall, 2:43, 2:49. Coopc-r Colt, gr g (''i •*>*•) W. S. McLaugiiiin. Yp.silanti, Mich., Nov. 13, 1807, §2oO. Lady Davis, 2:,57, 2:.>4, '■ Nov. 14, I'ttiT, $100. Hunkidori 1. 2. l^idy Hooper (I dis), 2:.')5, 2:.')2, 2:51. 2:50,2:48. Coppt-rbottoiu. 1) s (« -ATU)- NV. (i. Marshall, Biitlalo, N. \'., Aug. 27, 1874, iilW. Johnny Duffer (2 (M, Walter Otis. Haiislu-e (3 dr), Maggie i2 dn, 2:50, 2:55i.,, 2:.50, 2:.5;'>. ' CopperheiMl, ch s cz-.'.i.'fU). I', (ioodhue, San Franci.sco, Cal., May 22, 1871. .Sl.ooo. Marv Davis 2,5 (40) Lady Slasher .( (4 (t), Colciiian (.! dis), Saxby (2 dis). Cassias M. (\ dis;, Fred U dis>, Butteriield (1 dis), 2:42. •'•40. 2:42?4. 2:40. 2:45'.,. 2:40, 2:r,0',. .las. .McCue, .M:irvsville,Cal., Sept. 18. 1874, .S2.50. Hiram Woodruff. 2:44i.,, 2:44?^. 2:45V.. Copperlu'ad, ch m (,!J:4«). Mr. vVeleli, New Jhaven, Conn., Sept. 14, 1871, SIOO. Green .Aiountain Boy. 2^48'4 2:.">o'» 2:4»>. Coq'tiu Nord.' ch g(3:00). Mr. Lacroix, Montreal, P. Q., July '20, 1880, §75. Brown, Darkness, Belle Cana- dienne, Beldine 3:09, 3:03, 3:01. Coquettf , blk m (2 :40). Dan Mace. Troy .7s. Y.. Oct. 12, 1870, .S.500. Ladv Brisbiii 2, 3. Pownall Mare, Sorrel Gelding, Marv Barber (5 dri, Amanda I'arks (4 drt Angeline (3dis). 2:48, 2:4.5, 2:47, 2.46, 2;.50. John (Yoker, BiUtalo, N. Y., June 27, 1872. *loo. \ illeilc, Prince Arthiu", Capt. Sheridan, Emma (3 dn, 2:42'o, 2:40, 2:41'2. LockiK)rt. N. Y., July 4, 1872, S500. Bay George, Dominion Bov. 2:42i4, 2:42^, 2:42^4. Cociiiette. ch m Ci :2H^.O, bv Jack Hawkins Jr. Mr. Wilson, San Francisco Cal., July 15, 1871, .?400. Kate 2. 3, Alex. Benham. 2 :42, 2 :40Vo, 2 :44, 2 :45, 2 :45?4 . V. Farrel. chico.C'al., Sept. 30. 1871, $100. Black Ralph, Lady Mack (2 dis). 2:48'2. 2:.53. San Francisco. Cal., Dec. 8 and 0. 1871.. '?2(K). (irant 1. 4. Lady Grant, 2:46, 2:44'2. 2:41J4. 2:44, 2:3.512. ,1. F. Wilson. March '23. 1872, §100. reamits, rriiicess, 2:38, 2::^7. 2:37'2. Santa Clara, Cal., Oct. 5, 1877, $500. Startle, Echora, W. A. Bickford, Alonzo Hayward. George W. Lond (3 dis), 2:.30,2:^29, 2:'29'i. San Francisco, Cal., Dec. 12, 1877, .§,500. Sweet Brier, 2:29V^, 2:291/2, 2:.32i^. Aug. 31, 1878, ij . Dirigo 1, Tommy Gates 4. 2:'29i4, 2:28i.'i. 2:30%. 2:.WU, 2:32. Cora (Helen), blk m (« :.30), by Cassias M. Clay Jr. W. J. White. Louisville". Kv., Oct. 2.3. 18(M). ,?100. Elvira Wliitesides 1. Blue Flv i3 dr), Lady Morgan (1 dis), Farmer 1 dis). 2:39. 2:37?4, 2:4^2. Three-vear-olds. (w), J. D. McMaun,"Union Coui-se, L. L, May 1, 1807, $1,000. Lew Fettee, 2, 3. 2:43';, 2:37»i. 2:42. 2:40, 2 :38 ' ; '■ July 4, 1867, $400. Rosamond 1, 2:.34, 2:33, 2:.35, 2:37?^. Dan Pfifer, .June 4, 1809, $1,000. Belleof Brooklyn 1, 2, Western New York, 2:31%', 2:32'i, 2:32, 2:;i4. 2:37. Cora, 1) m (3:49). W. Moore, Albanv. N. Y., JulvO. 1872, $75. Nelly R., 2:56, 2 :,55i4, 2:55. Jul V 1 1 , 1S72, $'200. Draco (1 dis ). 2 :49. Cora, b ni [2 :38'2). L. Johns, Hazleton, Pa., June 25, 1875. $500. Jerry Leigh, Susie T., Phoebe Severance (2 dls), 2:42K'. 2 :43' ;, 2 :42'i. Wilkesbarre, Pa., June 30, 187.5, 5500. Nelly Warwick, Juj)iter, Jerry Leigh, Don. 2:39, 2:39, 2:41J^. Scranton, Pa., July 5, 1875, .$500. J. Walden 1, Jerry Leigh, Nelly WarwicK, Jupiter (2 dis). 2:41'2. 2:38H, 2:4.5,2:421^. July e, 1875, .$500. Silvertail 1, Beattie, Gypsy Bill. Luther, 2:42, 2:40';, 2;40, 2:41. Cora, b m (8 :39'.i), by Charles Douglass. H.W. Brown, Canton, N. Y., Sept. 16, 1880, $200. Bob. R. 2, N J. Fuller 1, Walter Jones. 2:34'4, 2:30, 2:39'i, 2:39%,2:39U. Elmira, N. Y., June 13, 1881, .$300. Alleghany Boy, Flora F., Henry Clark, J. F., 2:35%, 2:3314. 2:-29>4. Bradford.Pa., June 15, 1881, $500. Harry Velox, 2:34!/2, 2:32%, 2:.33%. Lyons, N. Y., June 30, issi. $400. King Alniont. Flora F.. Lem, Alleghany Boy. 2:31i4, 2:30».i, 2 :29U- Cora, ch m (3 :00). C. Sniflin, Johnstown, N. Y.. June 7, 1881, $100. Alice Tracy 2, 3, Lady Clifford 1, Dora S.. Ulrick, Joe Sale (2dr), 3:01,3:03, 3:0914 3:00, 3:03Vi, 3:02'/2. Tunc 8, 1881, $100. Alice Tracy 1. 2,l)ora S., 3:00, 3:02,3:a5"2, 3:01. 3:00. Cora, b m (3:44). by Buccaneer, dam Pearl bv Blue Bull. F. L. Smith, Chico, Cal., Aug. 28, 1883, $250. Cheva- lier, Sallv McKini (2 dis), 3:0'2, 2 :50. Two-year-olds. .Marysville, Cal., Sept. 7, 1883, .$200. Robert Lee, Chevalier (2 dis), Nighthawk (2 dis). 2:47H, 2:44. Two- year-olils. Cora H., br m (3 :37i.i), by Elial G., dam bv Hinsdale Horse. H. E. Essex. Rutland. Vt., Aug. 23, 1832, $200. Nickel 1, Railroad Boy, John Love, St. Elmo. Professor ( 3dr), , 2:42, 2:42, 2:42. J. W. Essex, Jersey City. N. J.. June 14, 188.!. $.50. Harry A. 2:45!2, 2:45, 2:47. June 16, 1883, $100. ' Harrv A., 8:19, 8:,51. Three miles. „„„„„„.. Hoosick Falls. N. Y., Sept. 2'2, 188.3. $100. Rutland 1. Flora B. 2. Bay Tom. 2:37%, 2:38. 2:.37V.i, 2:38, 2:3, j. Cora Hell, gr m (3 :3.5), by Joe Brown. R. Smith, Glen's Falls, N.Y., July 4, 1881, $50. Dan (3 0), George Pardo, Ned H:irris. No time. „ , ., ,. , ,. ^, j ,, , Cora Heliiinnt, gr m (3 :34';'), by Belmont, dam Miss Russell by Pilot Jr. J. Murphy, Hartford, C onn.. June 22, 1882, .$500. - Jack Sailor 1,2, Frank, Kansas Jack, Mary, Boston Boy (4 dr), 2:'20i4, 2:27, 2:'2o'4, 2:24',i 2-27% Cora F., gr m (2 :28). bv Brown Harrv. J. P. Gilbert, Fleetwood Park. N. Y.. May 29, 1874. .$500. Lady Dahl- man 1, Sweetmeat. iVlclissa, Jim ('ole (2 dis). Uncle Sam (1 dis), George Maynard (1 dis), 2:36'4, 2:38"j, '- Daii'lfiglev. Mvstic Park. Boston, Nov. 7, 1877. .$200. Carrie. Nigger Baby Peter, 2:.36'i. 2:3.5, 2:32. Cora F., 1) m(3;4r>i4), by Jackson's Bashaw. L. Springsteen, Spring ^ alley, N. \., June 5, 18r(, $'200. Jersey Girl 3, Bav Tom, Lady Tompkins. Flirtation (4 dr). 2:4.5, 2:45»4, 2:50, 2:49^/2. New (Mtv, N. Y., Sep. 28, 1877. $100. Rosebud. Harrv, 2:46, 2:50, 2:.53'4. White Plains, N. Y.. Oct. 2:5. 1877. $100. Cora M.. Julia, 2:52, 2:54, 2:.55. Oct. 24, 1877. $100. Cora M., Gr;int,.Iulia. 2:40. 2:48>.,, 2:46. _ , ,^ ^. ^ „ ,000 0,0,: u.^^„i CoraH., rii m(3:54).bv Kisher. d;iin bv Pathllnder. LB. Lindsay. Portland, Or., Oct. 2. 1883, $12.5. Harry 1, Orange Blossom (1 dis). 3:04. 2:55',. 2:57' .. 2:.54. Three-year-olds. , „ ,., .. ,^, CoraHe, br m (3 :43). W. King. Philadelnhia, Pa., Mav 13. 18.59. $.50. Ivnnhoe. Haidee. 2:43 2:4.5%, 2:45 5. Cora ManniiiK, (3 :37%). Parkville. L. T., Julv 4. 1883, $100. John D. 1. Lady «., 2:4.3, 2:3i%, 2:41%, 2:40 Cora AVar.1, rn m (3:03). P. S. Van Orden, New City, N. Y., Sept. 29, 1880, $30. Lady Ward, l-red Ellis.3:02. 3:04. Four-vear-olds. _ „ -n t ai Cor !»., fDotyt.b g (3 :31). byChallenge. D. Y'oung. Schoharie, N. Y., Oct. 4, 1883. $100. Bay fom, Lucy, Al- phonso. 2:.3.3V<'>, 2:37. 2:;!4. „ . «„„„ •., w t 1 ■, Corbeau. ch s (3 :4«"„). bv t.'orbeau. J. W. Ewbank, Nashville, Tenn.. Oct. 3, 1873, $300. Mattie Jackson 1, Maud Williams, Tom Marshall, 2:48k., 2:4fi'4. 2:48'i. Three-year-olds. .™, ^. ,,., t «„- Corbeau, l>g (3 :43K.). <'..T. Brown, Sedalia, Mo., Sept. 7, 1882, .$2.50. Trouble, Forest Pilot 1, (4 dr, JoeMar- tin (3dis>, Hespenon (3 dis), Mambrino Beamer (2dis). 2:45';, 2:42, 2:42"2.2:46'4. Corhln'H Hashaw, ch s (3:3fi%), by Amboy, dam Black Maria, by Banner Chief, Wash. Corbin.( edar - • - - - . _■ . 3. Hidden Trcjisure, Emma Maxwell, Jim Lane, Annie Lou, :34V,, 2:.30',,2:31. Rapids, Lv.. June Ki, 18«1, .$.300. Fairmont 2. 3, Princess, Big Foot. Maggie Fred, 2:31, 2::t2. 2:3^ CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 145 Marshalltown, la., June 23. 1881, f 300. Hidden Treasure, Aunie Lou, Emma Maxwell. Princess. Robert Brown ^3dr),2:2GM,2:38'/^,2:27'2. ^. ^ ^ ,, „ ^,, . ^„.,, ._ Des Moines, la., June 29, 1S81, $300. Clara Cleveland, Jim Lane, Emma Maxwell, Skipper, 2:3o'2, 2:29, ^Co^iincil Bluffs, la.. Sept. 1, 1881, $400. Livingston, Alarm, Phillips Blackwood Jr., Alniont Raven, Charles G. Hayes. 2:28'2.2:38U, 2::ij. Stallions. . ,^^, , ,^ ,. ^^ ^ . ^, , Kansas City. Mo., Sept. 14 and 15, iMsl. ijtOOO. Edwni B. 1, i airmont, Ethel Medium, Mattie Graham, 2'30'i 2'olV.j 2'28'4 2:29. : Sedalia, 5io.rSept"'o, 1882, $125. Fred Douglass, Hesperion, 2:36?i, 2:36i4, 2:34^^. Cor.lelia Wade, h in (3:00j. Jas. Boswell, Hamiltou, O., Aug. 4, l8U(i, .$50. Lady Ladshaw, 3:02, 3:00. Cordilleras, b g (3:46). Smith Bros., Hillsdale, Mich., .July 5, 1873, $175. Greenwood 2, Independence 1, Billv Hotspur 3, (5 dis), Wild Bill (3 dis), 2:40. 2:45, , 2:50 2:40, 2:.51. . ,,-.,, Cora H., b g (3:46). F. Gibbs, ClearUeld, Pa., Sept. 18, 1883, $ . Ernest 3, 4, Little Billy, Annie, 2:4., 2:4G, Coriander! Vn g\3 :40!4). H. Woodruff, Boston, Mass., April 6, 1871, .$300. Dick 1, No Name, 2 :57, 2 :.52, 2 :5.3, 2:6X (W), April 13, 1871, $300. Cracker Bov (w), 2, 3, Dick (w) 1, 2:.53, 2:45 2:46, 2:46' i, 2:46".^, 2:48)^. (w), -April 27, 1871, .$300. Dick (w) 2, Dexter Jr., 2:51J4, 2:4G?4, 2:48i4, 2:49'/i. ,. c. .. Coriander, br s (3 ■.■39U), by Iron Duke, dam Clara Wood, by Harry Clay. R. I., Lee, Lawrence, Kan., Sept. 19, 1882, .$400. NoneSuch, Mack, Daiton, 2:40, 2:.383^, 2:.39. Kansas City, Mo., Sept. 29. 1882. $400. Edina Boy, Lady R., Tom Kirkwood, Tramp, 2 ;42y2, 2 :42 2 :41]4. Corinne. b m (^:5S^4). W. H. Wilson, Terre Haute, Ind., May 24, 1870,$ . Billy Button, Best time, ''"53^ Corisande.bm (3:3410, by Iowa Chief. M. W. Hicks, Keokuk, la., July 17, 1873, $200. Red Fox 1, 3:l2>i 3:0,3, 3:07, 3 :09U. Four-year-olds. ^ ^ , -. , ^, v, ,„ ,- ^ .. , , Sacramento. Cal., Sept. 10. 1878, $,000. Harry 2, Lady Emmet 1, Proctor (3 dis). Monarch (3 dis). Gold- finch (1 dis), 2:31, 2:30, 2:24)4, 2:31, 2:3214. , , . . , X , T. ^ ^„., r. O^, • , ,... Stockton, Cal., Sept. 24, 1878. $500. Gibraltar l, Harry, Abbotslord, Lady Emmet, 2:27, 2:2G;s.., 2:26 2, Cormiek, blk s (3 :45). Smith Acker, Maquoketa, la., Sept, 17, 1875, .$300. Yankee George (2 0), Hambleton- ian(2 0). 2:481 2, 2:4514, 2:45. 2:45. ^ r , „, .., ^- „ Oorn Cracker, grg (3:48). W, Sherlock, Milwaukee, Wis., Aug. 5, 18.55, $50. Lady Wortley, Nelly, 2:,50, d. W. bickerson, Beloit, Wis., Sept. 11, 1856, $50. Cato (3 dr), Tom Benton (3 dr), Red Bob (l disi. 2:48, 2 ■ ,56 *^ " 50 Corner Boy, blk g (2:33}4). Homer Briggs, Hudson, N. Y., Sept. 24, 1872, $50. Bay Harry, James Ham, 2:46, 2:43,2:46. ^ „, ,^ Catskill, N. Y., July 22 and 23, 1873, $1,000. Pelham 3, 4, Prince 5, Zephyr 2, Molly Barker, G. W. ferret. Lady Angle, Addie Jefferson, Fisherman's Daughter, 2:40, 2:40, 2:41,2:40. 2:43, 2:45, 2:40i/2. Geo. if. Powers, Hudson, N. Y., Sept. 30, 1873, $75, Young Dexter 2, Bay Harry, Stella, 2:4414, 2:46,^, 2 :46»i, 2:4314. Sept. 28, 1875, $1.50. Rosa Burch 2, (3 0), Register Boy (3 0). Delila, 2:39, 2:39, , 2:40, 2:39i4- Cornelia, blk m (3 :31i4), by Col. Bonner. W. C. Trimble, Hartford. Conn., June 20, 1882, ,$500. Crown Point Maid, Lady Kelso, Zelda, H. W. Beecher, Harry R. (3 dis). Lulu F. (2 dis), 2:26, 2:26, 2:26%. Buffalo, 'N. Y., Aug. 4 and 5, 1882, $1,500. Walnut 1, 3, (2 0), Golden Rule, King Wilkes, Hetty Pearl, Neta Medium (2 dis;, Douglass (2 dis), 2:2214, 2:24' 2, 2:23, 2:22^, 2:26i4. Utica, N. Y., Aug. 17 and 18, 1882, $1,500. Mamie 2, (3 0), Ethel Medium 4, King Wilkes, Onawa, Frank (3dr), 2:24, 2:22i4, 2:23i4, 2:27, 2:21 14, 2:24i2. W. C. Trimble, Mystic Park, Boston, July 20, 1883, .$400. Judge Davis 2, 3, H. B. Winship 4, Iron Age, Forest Patchen. 2:23, 2:2214, 2:241^, 2:23?4, 2:2514. Cornet, b s (3;49?i). D. B. Stetson, Philadelphia, Pa., May 29, 1858, $ . Hard Road, Stranger, 2:5114, 2:.52, 2:53. Corn Husker.bg (3:48). S.Williams, Albany, N. Y., Aug. 22, 1871. ,¥125. Nelly 1, Jack Shepherd, 2:57, 2:.54, 2:.54, 2:.51i2. Sept. 19, 1871, $100. Nelly, 2:52i/2, 2:48i4, 2:48. Coroner K., b g (3 :30?4). W. McMahon, New Haven, Conn., Oct. 18, 1871, .$700. Nameless, Jenny Martin, Lady Black Hawk (3 dis), Judge Shandley (2 dis), Brom Keeney (2 dis), William Wish (1 dis), 2:421/2,2:41,. ^Amenia, N.,Y., June 11, 1872, ,$ . Walter, Washburn Maid, Buckskin Maid (l dis), 2:42i4, 2:41i'2, 2:4014. Goshen, N. Y., July 2,5, 1872. .$800. Commodore, Black Dick, Nelly (3 dis), Goshen Maid (2 dis), Addy (3 dis), Scotland Maid (3 dis). Island Chief (2 dis), Netty (2 dis), 2:.36, 2:.38i4, 2:,37i4. July 29, 1872, $700. Young Thorne 2, Mystery, Leo, Vischer, Rockland (4 dis), Addy (4 dr), Lef evre Jack (1 dis), 2:32, 2:36, 2:351^, 2:35. Deerfool Park, L. I., Mav 13 and 14, 1875, .$300. Adelaide 2, Wliite Cloud, Walter, 2:34, 2:35, 2:34, 2:36. Waverly, N. J., Sept. 24,'l875, $390. Harry Irving 3, Chauncey M. Bedle 4, Clothesline, Silvertail, 2:31^, 2 '311^ 2*3914 2*34. '■ W.'e. Cannon, 'Pro.spect Park, L. I., Oct. 28, 1875, .$600. General 1, Jean Ingelow, 2:35!/2, 2:34, 2:31, 2:36. Hiram Howe, Deerfoot Park, L. I., Mav 4. 1876, $1,000. Sally Mack, 2:35?i, 2:.35, 2:39. May 19 and 20, 1876, .$300. Jericho l, liarry Spanker, Clothesline, Sally Mack (3:dr), 2:33, 2:33M, 2:3394, 2 :.36ii. Coronet, dn g (3 -.^l^i), by Cazique. B. B. Marshall, Mt. Sterling, Ky., Aug. 9, 1877, $65. Alice Stoner. Bessie Turner, >fidway Boy, .Josephine (1 dis), 3:25, 3:2194- Two-year-okls. Coronet, b g, by Geo. Wilkes, dam Utopia, by American Clay. H. C. & J. Jewett, Hamburgh, N. Y., Sept. 10. 1879, ,?.30. .Jiiy Gould, Fred. Smith, Firelock, Mollv. No time. Three-vear-olds. Half-mile heats. Cornwal Clhief (3 :01). W. Smallman, Malone, N.'Y., Sept. 27, 1878, $100. Mid Lee 1 (2 dis), Billy (2 dis). (ioldsmilh Maid (2 dis), 3:09, 3:01. Corrigan, b. s (3 :44). C. Griswold, Butte, M. T., Sept. 5, 1879, $ . Live Oak, Brutus, Billy Grant, Queen 1 (3 dis). 2:.51"2, 2:48, 2:481^. Helena, M. T.. Oct. 2, 1879, $500. Consul, Diamond, Live Oak (2 dis), 2:45, 2:4414, 2:4414. Corry, ch m (3 :40^). A. Lewis, Corry, Pa., June 13, 1871, ,$300. Billy Pavor, Billy Wait, Josephine, Titnsville, 2:4314, 2:47, 2:46%. June, 14, 1871, ,$300. Lady Custer 2, 3, Arthur Bov 4, Tramp, Flora Grimes, Lady Hill (5 dr), William (3 dis), Hope (2 dr), 2:46i4, 2:4494, 2:46, 2:51!^, 2:.51K', 2:4094- Cosher, b s (3:04ii), by Capoul, dam Lola, l)y Administrator. W. A. Sanborn, Sterling, 111., Sept. 12, 1883, $1.30. Nellie Mitchell 1, 3:08i4, 3:04'4, 3:04^2. Two-year-olds. Cosmos, b s (3:43';). M. Jarvis, Minneapolis, Minn., Sept. 29, 1875. Sorrel Dan, Red Cloud, Kentucky Hunter, 2:43, 2:42i^, 2:45i/2. Costello. H. E. Brewster, Sherbrooke, P. Q., .Tune 23, 1882. $1.50. Jenny, Honest Tom. No time. Cottage Boy, blk g (3 ;44i/2). Hiram Woodruff, Beacon Course, N. J., July 5, 1841, $ . Tom Thumb. 1>:-. Syntax (1 dis), 8:301,4, 8:36'/^. Three miles. 10 146 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TKOTTlNCi AM) I'AC IN(; hK( t)KD. Cottajre Boy. I)r K (2 :47M)- Samuel Bloom. Tumors, N. Y., .Julv 6, 187(», s.V). CilU-tt. Hiram Woodruff. Tom. Laily Howull ^2 di.s). L':5-', 2:rx!. T. O. Smith, Moiitfiomery, N. Y., July 14, 1871, *100. roehcctoii Maid 1. ('liiji Tammany rJ dri. 2:.'>3>4, 2:4!t, 2:5-', 2:4T:'4. Cottage <;irl, eh m (a:3»i^i), bv Mambrino Star, dam Lady rrankliu, l)y Black Hawk. C. Lt'KKott. Toledo. O . Sept. 2r>. 1877, $000. Lillie rearee, Carrit- K., London lU'lIc, Mary, ■.':.«». 2:.«, 2:34'i. Clt'voland, O., Oct. 2, 1877, .$W)0. ^■igger Doctor (.S dis), -.i-.uy,. 2A!. 2:51, 2:51. Counterfeit, bg(2:56J^). A.J. Vail, Marengo, 111., Oct. 1, 1881. .«1.5(). Little Brown Jug. Thorbour, 2:5<)Ji. 2:.56'.i. Countersij<:n, b s (iJcSS'^), by American Clav. dam Hagar by Alexander's Abdallah. W. S. Frazier, Stirling, 111., July 14, 1880, $300. Kitty Fisher, Bessie Ciolddust, Jenny B., Lady Shei)herd, Jack Cartel, 2:39J4, 2:a5^ 2:a5»4. Countess, (2 :36'4), by Whipple's Haml)]etonian. Mr. McClellan, San F'rancisco, Cal.. April 27.1871. 8100. Cassius M., 2, 4, Madam Cosmo (5 dis), Patchen Queen (5 dis), 2:50, 2:.51U, 2:,50 2:48?.i,2:53. WisneVBros., Vallejo, Cal., Sept. 8, 1874, $2,50. Henriett;i (1 dis). No time. Sebastoi)ol, Cal., Jan. 1, 187.5, $ . Flora (4 OK Billv Itussell 1. (5 dr), 2:44, 2:36i,,.2::58 2:41. 2:42. Countess, b m (2 :40). Ben Mace, Elmira, N. Y., Sept. 30, 1875, $700. Jenny S, 1, Billv Moscow. Bay Billv, 2:39. 2:40, 2:41, 2:40'/i. Countess, ch m (2:3314). C. E. Westbrook, St. Paul, Minn., July 1, 1875, $600. Rubv. J. N. Steck. Puzzler. Pat, Charley Taylor, Richard R. (2 dis), Ida Bell (1 dis). 2:36. 2:35, 2:33(4- July 3, 1875, $1,000. Belle Brown, Ruby, Highlander, Richard R., Puzzler (2 dis), Ida Bell (1 dis). Burdell (1 dis),2:39, 2:33»i, 2:36. Count Monte, cbg (2 ;51). A W^olsey, Highlands, N. Y., Oct. 21, 187.5, .S — . Janu's 3. 4. Kittv, 3:00, 2:.5l. 2:51,2:.50, 2:55. Country Boy, b g (2:39). Thorn Dean, Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Jmieo, 1868, $7,5. Malone'.^ b .s 3. 4, 2:47, 2:45. 2:46.'2:41,2.39. Country Boy. blk g (2 ;47'/2). J. Homberger, Lebanon, Pa., Sept. 2:J, 1870, .5100. Bella 2. (3 0), 2 :.54, 2:52>-4 2:5414, 2:50'4.'2:52Jii. W. F. Roberts, Avon, Pa., June 7. 1871, $375. Barney Williams. Sally Ogden, Buckshot (3 dr), 2:51'/j. 2. 51 14, 3:0.5. Country Boy, blk g (2 :40). J. J. Bowen, Boston, Mass., July 14, 1873, $100. Shoemaker, Lady Gray (2 dis), 2:50J^, 2:4714. G. \V. Dickey, Beacon Park, Boston, May 7, 1874, $100. Grace 2, (l 0). Andy Johnson (5 dr). 2:43>2, 2Alh, 2:401.4. 2:40, 2:44. Country Boy, (Gen. Howard), br g (2 :26i4), by Badger Boy. E. V. Bennett, Joliet, 111.. July lo, 1873. $1,200. Tom" Wonder 1, Lady Mack, Capitola, Nelly, Hattie, Little Mack, Barney Kelly. Young Princeton, L-:35, 2:32, 2:32^4 2:3294. Country' Boy, brg (2:3 7>4). W. S. Foote, Auburn, N. Y'., Aug. 17, 1878, $100. Golden Girl 3, 4, Laurelton, Blacksmitli Boy. Best time 2:43. Newark. N. Y., Aug. 22, 1878, .$300. Lady Burget 1, 2, Lady Wonder, Hattie Fisher, 2:42.2:441.4, 2:45. 2:45, 2:4.5. ■ Aug. 23, 1878, $300. Sentinel 1, 2. Clipper, Dick Jones, E. C. Crane, Lady Rhett, Borden (4 dis). Lady Wonder (4 dr). Flying Cloud (3 dis). Walter (1 dis). 2:42' 2, 2:381^, 2:40, 2:38, 2:37}^. Country Boy, br s (2 :.50), bv Black Hawk (?). John Trickey, Mfione, N. Y .. Sept. 28. 1881, $150. Miller Boy 1, 2, Syren, 2:,57, 2:,59i4, 2:50, 2:.51U, 2:51i.i. Country Girl, br m (2 :49). by Blaclc Hawk (?). Dan Mace, Hartford. Conn., Nov. 19, 185;), $100. Lilly Dale 1. Kate Belden, 2:51, 2:49, 2:50, 2:.52. Country Girl (2 :.50). R. M. Goraline, Saratoga Spa, N. Y., Sept. 2, 1873, $50. Pratt's b m, 2:,58. 2:57, 2:50. CountrV Girl ^3 :06). J. M. Henderso'i. Greenwood, Pa., Oct. 10, 1879, $ . Frank, Blo^vn Betty, George 1 (2 ro), 3:03, 3:00. , . Country Maid, b m (2:51). A. House, Portland, Me., July 31, 18.58. $.50. Ephraim Smooth, Shanghai (w), 2:5.5, 2:.51, 2:.58. Countryman, ell .s (2 :39H). J. 1). Griffin. Salt Lake. Utah, .July 27. 1877, $100. Purity, 2:49, 2 :43>^, 2:45. ■ June 18, 1880, ,$200. Mary Emorv (1 dis). Major King (1 dis), 2:4494- June 18, I8H0, $7.5. Mary Emorv'l (3 dis). Major King (3 dis), 2:43?4. 2:40?^, 2:39V4- ■ G. W. Dickey, Leadville, Col., July 28, 1882, $400. Lizzie Drew 2, Winchip 1, 2:40i'j, 2:45J^, 2:47ii, 2:46'/j, 2:47'4. Coupon, br s (2 :36i/2), by Gen. Knox, dam by Young Abdallah. J. H. Milliken, Portland, Me., Sept. 4, 1877, $200. Lady Humphrey, Dion, May Burrlll i (3 dis), Kitty Morris (1 dis), Shamrock (l dis), 2:36^, 2:40, 2:40, 2:3.5U. Sept. 7, 1877, $200. Lady Young 1, 2, Hiram Woodruff 5, Little Nell, Honest Nell (2 dr),2:38V4,2:38J4, 2:36 2 :38> 4,2:38%. 2:40. . .1. B. Fowler, Sept. 16, 1879, $300. Shaw's Knox 1, Dr. Franklin (4 dis). , 2:41i;, 2-Ab,2:mi. Coupon, dn g (2 :29V4\ by High Jack. S. Armstrong. Springfield, O.. July 26. 1882. $300. Katie Clay L Billy Ford, Coal Dealer, Elsie I., Belle C, Modie H., Dell Evans, W. M. K., AV. S. (3 dis), Tilly M. (1 dis), Mattie F. (1 dis), 2:38, 2:3914, 2:3914, 2:3614. ,,,.,,, x ,, Springlleld, O., July 28, 1882, $300. Maggie N., Belle C, Ollie. Elsie I.. Highland Maid. P. J. Pursell. Billv Ford, Cliffwood, Harry O., Katie Clay, Modie H., Coal Dealer (2 dis), W. S. (1 dis), 2:36. 2::U. 2::w. Xenia, O., Aug. l. 1882, .$200. Modie H.,"2, .3, Elsie I. 4. Red Dick, Pedro. Mattie Henderson, Katie Clay (5 dis), Honest Jim (5 dr). Belle C. v4 dr), Dell Evans (2 dr). 2:38. 2:,!7?4, 2:40' ., 2:46. 2:16. 2:47. P. Dickerson. Lawrenc.;burg. Ind., Aug. 24. 188:!, $200. 151:inche H. 3, Col. Dick. 2:M\u 2:.W4, 2:35, 2:34^ St. .loseoh. Mo., Sejil. 5, 1883, .$400. Columbus I, 6, Maggie H. 5. Smith O'Brien 2 (6 dis), Billy Douglass. Harrv Pulling, Dublin Boy (4 dr), 2:.34, 'i.^ib^.i, 2:.32i4. 2:34, 2:.W,i, 2:.35'4, 2:34i4- Marvville, Mo., Sept. 16, 1883. .$300. Annie Lou, Harrv Pulling. 2::i3i.i, 2::i5i4, 2:.'»4i4- „ Toi)eka, Kan., Sept. 13, 188.3. .$400. Golden Girl, Abner F.. Tramp, Sister Wilkes, 2:.31i/j, 2:2914, 2:30. Kansas City, Mo., Sept. 19. ls83, $500. Golden Girl 2, 3, Tramp 1, Abner F., Sister Wilkes (3 dis), 2:30%. 2:.30i4, 2:.30'4, 2:31^4, 2:31^, 2:.33i4. Fort Scott, Kan., Oct. 4, 1883, $1,50. Thistledown, 2:37. 2.38. 2:.52. Courtney Boy. ch g (2 :50). D. Roy, Oxford, Pa., Sept. 30. 1880, $100. Davy Copperfleld, Gilt Etige, Napoleon. Harry B., Prince, 3:.'>i, 2:50, 2:54. , ^ „, ,^, , Covell's Bay Stallion (2 :55). A. E. Covel, Mystic Park, Boston, Sept. 21, 1871, $50. Dore's b c, Bissett s cli g, 2:55, 2:65. Four-year-olds. CHESTERS COMPLETE TROTTIXG AND RACING RECORD. 147 Cowan's Chestnut Gelding. (3:41'4V C. Cowan, Auburn, N. Y., Oct, 9, 1869, $200. Nell 3, 4, Lady Biu-ke CowB^*' bf''i'(), .S30. Trump, Tom McCann, 2:4.'? "•'"' "-"^ Sent. 10, 1874, •■J400. Ida Gray, 2:39^^, 2:-4, 2:54^^. I) ' Bonllam, Nov. 21, 1874, .^— . Henry, Ncllv S., 3:01, 3:02, 3:05. Feb. 24, 1875, $ . Rodney 1 (2 0), Tom Ochiltree, 2:.57i^, , 3:02, 3:02. ^ ■ . , _ ^ , Cow Boy, bg (3:54), T. H. Gaftney, Taunton, Mass., Sept. 26, 1883, $45. Lambert, Prince 1, Tommy, Puck, Cow Boy?'b g''(":4lj.''w^ A^^Snod'dy, Emptor ia.'^Kan., Sep;. 27, 1883, $250. Jane C 3, Emerald ( 2dr), 2:41, 2:41, :41-:'/, 2:411 Jackson. Mich.. June 16, 1871, $1,500. John A. Fero 1, 3, Black Mack (3dis), Vulcan (3.dis), Kate Hazard (1 dis), Pat Ring (1 dis), 2:36»i, 2:3714, 2:35' 2, 2:40, 2:40i4. „ . ,^, ■ -c „ ^ u- * u a L J M French Detroit. Mich.. July 23 and 24, 187.3, $1,500. St. James 3,4, Ohio Boy 2,5, Kate Hazard Country Boy, Little Mack, Lady Lightfoot (.7 dis), Penobscot (3 dis), Natchez (3 dis), Barney (2 dr), 2:30;4, ^ Cleveland; d., July'29. 1874, $4rooo.'*'Spotted Colt 1, Lucille Golddust 4, Stewart Maloney, Molly, Silver- sides GovernorVl dis), 2:251^. 2:2i]4, 2:27'2, 2:26i4, 2:2714. _feVester,N.Y.,Au|. 1^1874, $^^^ John ft., Lady Star, Nelly Irwin, Tom Walter, Gulnare, 2:34i4, 2.053^ 2'''5i'2 :'Frank''Loomis, E. Saginaw, Mich,, Sept. 16, 1874, $800. Lady Turpin, Small Hopes, Lady Hayes, Lizzie 'w.^H.'Doble', Chicago,' 111., July 21, 1875 $2,000. Brother Jonathan 1, Maud, Randall, Lady Star (1 dis), •>.9gi^ 0.053^ 2 '25^4 2'''8 ^ P. wlnemani Rock island, 111., Sept. 3, 1875, $1,000. Tanner Boy 1 (5 0), Lady Star 2, 2:32' 2, 2 :31!2, 2:29J4, 2:31, , 2:31. -Freeport, 111., Oct. 2, 1875, $1,000. Lady Star 3, Prince, Tanner Boy, Bertie (4 dr), 2:29, 2:2C'4, 2:25, 2'30V^ St: Louis, Mo., Aug. V and 8, 1875. $2,000. Huckleberry 3. Little Fred l, Blackwood Jr., White Stockings, 2:33M,2:36''J, 2:35,2:3314,2:3414. , ^ ^, ,„ „^ t , ^, J. M. French, Kalamazoo, Mich., June 9, 1876, $1,200. Badger Girl (3 0), Observer (3 0), Lady Turpin, Fred Hooper (3dr), 2:2914, 2:29'4,2:32'/2, 2:3194. ^ ^. , x ^ c... Detroit, Mich., July 5, 1876 $1,500. Badger Girl, Richard, Observer, Brown Dick, Lady Star, 2:2(!, 2:29, 2 :26U. Chicago, 111., July 19,1876, $2,000. Little Fred 1, 2, Amy B., Netty Burlew, 2:25?4, 2:23, 2:22' 2, 2:2494, ^^"Rochester, N. ¥., Aug. 9, 1876, $3,000. Adelaide, Idol, Lady Turpin, Joker, Joe Brown, Prosper©, Bonner, Badger Girl, Amy(>2dis).2:20V2, 2:23,2:19. Grand Rapids, Mich., Sept. 16, 1876, $ . Jim Fisk 1, Lady Turpin 4, 2:31, 2:29i^, 2:3114. 2:34i^, 2:3314. Mendota, 111., Aug. 17, 1877, $1,000. Capt. Jack 1, Badger Girl, Marion, 2:30, 2:26, 2:26, 2:30. Earlville, 111., Aug. 24, 1877, $1,000. Capt. Jack, Badger Girl, Marion, 2:3014, 2:27^4, 2:2814. St. Joseph, Mo., Sept. 13, 1877. $1,000. Capt. Jack (2 0), Little Fred, Red Cloud (2 dis), 2:2514, 2:29, 2:2994, Earlville, 111., Aug. 24, 1878, $700. Monroe Chief 3, Modoc, Loafer, 2:2914, 2:291/2, 2:28i4, 2:28. Oskaloosa, la., Sept. 13, 1878, $400. Mountain Quail 2, Hambletonian Bashaw, Sealskin, 2:2794, 2:30, 2:29, 2:28"2. Adrian, Mich., Oct. 19, 1878, $2.50. Tom Heeler 2, 3, (4 0), Mambrlno General 1, (4 0), Brown Dick (4 0), 2:33, 2:31%, 2:3314, 2:3194, 2:32^4, 2:31i4, 2:30. Detroit, Mich., Oct. 25, 1878, .$200. Oceana Chief, 2:27. 2:2S, 2:29. Adrian, Mich., July 4, 1879, $500. John H. 1, 2:30i4. 2:34%, 2:.38H. 2:37. H. L. Spencer, Mendota, 111., Aug. 15, 1879, $500. Observer, Will Cody, John H.. Loafer, 2:27, 2:31, 2:34. Crabb, (3 :43).^). Mr. Lee, Reno, Nev., Oct. 24, 1883, $100. Fred Arnold 2, 2:46, 2:40, 2:45. Cracker Bov, (s) (3 :47 s). W. Peabody, Buffalo, N. Y., Sept. 7, 1848, .$30. Candy Girl (s) 2, 4. 2:50. 2:49, 2:47, 2:45, 2:4814. Cracker Boy, b g (3 :43i4). Geo. Titus, Hoboken, N. J., July 6. 1865, $500. Buckskin Mare 2, 3, Billy Button (4 dis), 2:5514, 2:53, 2:54,2:4214, 2:46i4. Cracker Boy,b g (3 :45 w). J. Burton, Readville, Mass., Julv 4, 1870, $ . Lilly. Bruce, 2:55, 2:,57, 2:55i >. Cracker Boy, ch g (3 :00). C. W. Kennedy, Savannah, Ga., Nov. 28, 1878, $100. Irish Girl, Alex. Stephens (3 dis), 3:01, 3:01, 3:00. Cranky Jake, b g (2 :53). W. S. Thom, Deerfoot Park, L. I., May 15, 1875, $100. W. H. Lippincott 1, 2:53, 2:53, 3:03. Crapo, (Captain Crapo). b g(3:34i4), by Legal Tender. A. J. Myers, Mt. Vernon. O.. Aug. 17, 1877, $2.tO. Top- gallant. Wild Tom, Jerry Hardwick, Sunshine. Lucy Nichols, Kate, Honest Dodd, Dexter, Julia B., 2:45, 2:46, 2:45. Crawford Boy, br g (3 :49i/2). J. B. Malie, Bucyms, O.. Sept. 27, 1883, .$.50. Archie Golddust 1,2, Nick of the Woods 3, Springfield Chief Jr., Storm, Farewell, Netty, 2 :48i4, 2:46, 2:.50, 2:49i4. 2:4914. Crazy gr g (3 :40). Chas. O. Arnold, Woonsocket. R. I., Sept. 18, 1873, $45. Monument Boy, Ida (1 dis), 2:59i/4, 3:0294. Sept. 9, 1874, $175. Hamlet 2, (1 0), French Girl (3 disl, 3:00, 2:,54i.^, 2:4fi, 2:55. 2:.59'4. Aug. 18, 187.5, $200. Lady Sheridan 1, Belle. Nellv, Ad Carpenter. 2-A6K, 2:47. 2:40, 2:50i4. Sept. 19, 1879, $200. Bay George, Fanny B., Brown Bird (1 dis). 2:40i/2. 2 :40i4. 2 :42. Oct. 18, 1876, $200. Billy Stevens 2, Lady Balch, Lady Holt, Brown Bird, Hamlet, Brocton (2dr), 2:44, 2 "40 2 '44 2 '45 Crazy Hors'eVbr'g (3 :55i4). Larrabee & Co., Helena, M. T.. Sept. 29, 1877, $200. M. L. Cummings, Mountain Chief 2 "57 2*55i4 Crazy Jane, I) ni (3 :44) (3 ;33s*). George Edwards, Cambridge, Mass., Aug. 19, 1845. $800. Euclid. 2 :44. 2 :45. Crazy Jane (Clara), bm (3:37), by Sager Horse. Geo. W. Pulver, Syracuse, N. Y., July 4, 1865,$ . Jessie S"iith, 2:37V4. 2:38, 2:35M- M-^ssina Spa, N. Y., Aug. 17, 1865, $150. Fearless 1, Highland Maid, 2:35^, 2:35J4, 2:41. Watertown, N. Y., Aug. 21, 1865, $175. Kentucky Boy (3 dr), 2:43, 2:40. Sept. 8, 1865, $125. Kentuckv Boy, 2 :40, 2:43. Ovid, N. Y„ Mav . 1866, $150. Foxhunter 2:37^. 2:37, 2:37. Watertown, N. Y., June 29, 1866, $300. Ben McClellan, Sir John (3 dr), 2:31i^. 2:36^4, 2 38. 148 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. L. Taggart, Syracuse, N. Y., July 26, 1866, $ . Panic 1, 2, 2:42, 2:33, 2:31k, 2:30'/., 2:3114. G. NV. I'ulver, Ucmiiugtoii. Vt., Sept. , 18(«, $ Goodbeer, McC'lellan (\ dis),'2:38, 2,41, 2:36. Seneca Palls, N. V. July 26, 1867, $50. Mountain Maid 1, 4, 2:29l2, 2:34, 2:33, 2:31, '2:'2S\. Watertown, N. Y., June 29, 1867, ;SToO. Goldsmith Maid 2 (.3 dis), Captain Tallnian (3 disj, 2:29, 2-29'. 2:27. "' Waterloo, N. \'., Sept. 5, 1867, S . Gen. McCleiian 2, Keystone (.3 dls), Johnny McGraw (4 dr) 2 -.33*1 2:32!.o,;J:32?4, 2::io. ' ' Waierlown, N. Y., Sept. 25, 1867, $7.50. Y'oung Jackson (1 0), Minetto 2:3754, 2:39' 2,2:39, 2:37'.4. Oct. 11, 1867, .:?300. Young: Jackson 2, 3 (.5 dn, l';31, 2:;i^'4, 2:35, 2::i9, . Crazy .laiie, l)llv ni (« :4~}. A. Bump, Amenia, N. Y., Oct. 19, 1871, $35. Hilly 2:50, 2:50, 2:47. Crazy Jane, j^r ni ('Z-AS). Peter Alanee, Fleetwood Park, N. Y., Oct. 26, 1873, .$200. Barney Kelly (\v), u':48, Crazy Jane, 1) ni (« :30). Ed. Duryea, Baldwin, N. Y'., Aug. 1, 1881, $30. \allev Stream Maid. Bullet, Lady H..2:54, 2:52, 2:50. Crazy Kate, lilk m (3 :49). A. II. Woodward, Lowell, Mass.. Sept. 29, 1866, $100. Lowell I'ct 1, Post Boy, 2:55, 2:.J0'2, 2:49. 2:,-.2. Cream I'et, cr g ('i :46). W. Peabody, Cincinnati, ()., July 6. 1852, $500. Black Knight, Shavetail, 5:48K'. 6:04. Two miles. Oct. 21, 1852, $ . Black Knight. 2others, 2:5;{, 2:.53,2:52, 2:54. Oct. 28, 1(S52, $ . California, Black Knight, Stranger, 5:52,5:48, 5:49. Two miles. Jas. Rocky, May 1, 185."i, $50. Quaker 4 C^O), 2:49, 2:48,2:50, 2:51, 2:53. Wm. Pybus, Nashville, Tenn., June 30, ls.j6, $100. One-Eyed Joe, 2:63, 2:47. Cream I'iteher, cr ni, by Coleman's llaml)let()nian Mambrino, dam by Abdalhih. J. B. Burlcw. Auburn, N. Y., Oct. 1, 1874, $45. Caledonian Boy, George, No Niinie, 1:44, 1:47'2. Half-mile licats. Three-vear- olds or under. Same day, $40. George, 1:44, l:41'/2. Four-year-olds or under. Cream Pitelier, blk m (3;36}^). J. Ryan, Mystic Park, Boston, July 16, 1879, $.'?00. Kitty Bates, Sweet Milk, 2:36' 2, 2:40J^, 2:41. Cream Tartar, (w;, cr g (3 :53i^ w). R. M. Carpenter. Albany, N. Y'., Oct. 22. 1859, $1.50. Nancv 1, 3 (5 dr), Bellringer 2, 6, Dorcas, 2:52, 2:54, 2:48'/2, 2:54, 2:53^, 2:.54, 2:55. Creator GuUlclust, b s (3:08;, by Golddust. W. C. Bryant. Cedar Rapids, la., June 20, 1872, $100. Dolly \arden, Billy Jacobs (2 dis), 3:15, 3:08, 3:13. Three-v'ear-olds. Credo, b m (3:07). Jas. F. Kirby, llarrisburgh. Pa., Sept. 22, 1880, $100. Dollar-a-Pound 1, (iueen of the West, 3:12, 3:08, 3:07, 3:071^. Creeping Kitty, b m (3 :48v'4,). Sweetsburgh, P. Q., July 1, 1882, $50. Lizzie, Johnny B. (3 dis), 2:50'.4, 2-A8U, 2;57?4. Creepey. b m (3:37). Pueblo. Col., May 1, 1883, $500. Leadville Girl, Sir Gibbie, 2:40, 2:40, 2:46. Holly & Carlisle, Denver. Col.. May 11, 1883, .5.->00. Blue Clnnrt, Sarah, Rndd Doble. ]\Iaud S., Comanche Bov CJ (lis), Leadville (iirl (2 (lis). Baby cj disi, 2;:;;;' . ■:::7. ":.■ s' . Denver, Col., May 15, 1883, $400. Budd Doble. Lester, Maggie H., Isaac Eads (2 dis), 2:42'/2. 2:40, 2:35?i. Council Bluffs, la.. May 23, 1883, $5U0. Rocky Mountain Tom, Calamity. 2:37. 2:41, 2:42. ^ Creean's Grey Gelding, (3: 33). T. Cregan, P'ashion Course, L. I., April 27, 1865. $100. Ship Timber (3 dr), (irace (2 dis\ Gibo (1 dis). Black Aidind;i (l dis), 2:36, 2:3.3. Cremorne, b s (3;58io). Hiram Woodruff, Fashion Course, L. I., July 11. 1866, $1,000. Lady Stephens (w), 2:57»4, 2:52'i. Creole, blk m (3 :40i^). AVm. King, Philadelphia, Pa., May 9. I860, $50. Gentle Annie 1, 2:47, 2:43, 2:44, 2:45. June 14, 1800, $-^. John, 2:42, 2:40'/2. 2:46»4. Creole, dn s (2:34), by John Randolph. D. N. Ricketts, Ciunbridge City, Ind., June 3, 1875, $1,200. Green- backs, Duke, lYansfer. Mattie Sturgeon, Bay Billy (2 dis), 2:52. 2:51'2, 2:48. June 5, 1875, $1,000. Richard, Frank Reeves, Maxwell, George, Uncle Sam, Mattie Sturgeon (3 dr), 2:34, 2:40, 2:41 Creole, hr m (3 :53i/„>. D. P- Wheeler, Washington Hollow, N. Y., Sept. 26, 1877, $70. Charity. Black Cloud, Creole Maid", 1)" m'"(2 IsO)" '.John Cndney, New Orleans, La., Nov. 15, 1859, $50. Stranger, Juliet (s), (3 dis), Cresco.^bik g\3 :30U) V'Oodfrev Patchen. J. E. Turner, Toledo, O., June 22, 1883, $600. Dr. Frank 1, Belle F., Lady Lawrence, Raynard. P. J. Purcell, Mary, 2:33'/2, 2:3314, 2:31U. 2:35>^. w, ^- ^ Fast Sagiiiaw. Mich., July 4, 1883, §600. Maud R., Blue Bull, George R., Rosalam (1 dis). Secret (1 dis), '>'30' ; 2"'!4 ''•33V<; Cresoo Mai'd,"b in (3:33i,). M. Kalian. Milwaukee. Wis.. May 24, 1879, $-—. Punch (w) 2, 2:36, 2:36, 2:mi. Crete, O., h m (3:33). G. B. Sharpe, Parkville. L. I.. Aug. 28 and 29,1883 $3()0 Rocket 1,2 St V/^r.^A^E"!- liant. Seven Twentv. Annie C. Tom Bradley, Maggie George. Harry M. (3 dis). 2:38, 2:38, 2 :,-?8 2:41, 2:33. Cricket, b m (3 :.'>3'/„). Boston. Mass.. Amr. 18, 1869, .$125. \ erniont Boy, Columbus, 2 :53i^, 2:54'2, 2:55. Cricket, 1) m (2 :40i^). a. J. Eves Massillon, O., Oct. 16, 1872, $200. Tom Moore 1, George Reed, Nelly, Carey Bov (4 dis\ 3:01. 3:01i4, 3:00, 2:.57K'. Oct. 18; 1872, $100. Barney (3 0). Carey-Bov, .Tulia. 2:.'),5U, 2:.57, 2:.'59'/2. ^^ ^ , ,, , , ,^ , ■. -n ^ Hiram Schiller, Rittersville, Pa., Oct. 2.S, 1873, .$300. Starch 4, Belle of Easton 1, Malcolm (5 dr), Pete Manee (4 dis), L. I. Patchen (3 (lis). 2:41, 2:4P.^2:40'i, 2:4.'), 2:421^. ,^. , r< • t, i o r« Cricket, ))lk m (2:45). Anson De Hart. Lebanon, Pa., Sept. 24, 1874, $120. Brown Dick, Grecuui Bend, 2:50, 2:51, 2:49. Sept. 2.5, 1874, $100. Brown Dick. Marv Jane (3 dis). 2:.')0, 2:51Vi, 2:49. t ,,0,/ o .^ o .r , Cricket. I) m (3 :45Jf). T. Brown. Dcerfooi Park L. I., June 2.5. 1875, .«300. London. Tom, 2:53'i, 2:46, 2:45^.1. Cricket, b m (3:48). H. Worthington, Philadelphia, Pa., July 25, 1878, $75. Lady Emma (w). Vicious (w), 2:56. 2:.56. 2:.Wi. Aug, 1. 1S78. .$,50. Vicious, 2:58. 2-.56, 2:.'>7';. „,„„.„„ r« n r= Aug. 15, 1878. $ . Jim IT. 2. 3, Ladv Emma, Rally (4 dis), Joe (2 dis). 2:.53'/s, 2:48. 2:50, 2:50, 2:56. Aug. 28, 1878. .$ . Ladv Emma 1. 2. Vicious. 2:.5i='.(, 2:45, 2:48, 2:49. 2:.52i.i. »^,oo. * Cricket, 1) n (3:39'i) by Wiisliington IlMmlilctonian. B. II. Demarest, .lolinstown, N. Y,, Sept. i, 1882, $ . Montie B., Jlarmie, .Toe Brown Jr.. Professor. . 2:.W4, 2:.39'4. ,. . , , » .« ,000 £■•„« Cricket, blk m (3 :33"o). by Cuvlcr. dam ly Daw Crockett. H. Clark, Cedar Rapids, la., Aug. 10, 1883. $400. Maud H. 2, May Clark l".2:.38,2:.38. 2:.37Vri. ^ „, , „,„„,,, o m Crinoline, jrr m (2 :40). W. C. Trimble. Orange Co., N. Y., Sept. — . 1866. C50. Skowhegan. 2:42. 2:41'.,. 2:40. Cripple .Tack, b s (3 :45\ Milwaukee, Wis., June 5, 18.57. .$50. Lady Wortbley 1. 2:42 2:45. 2:47. 2:48. Cripps' IJlack Mare (3 :44). Mr. Cripps- . Phila(ieli)hia, Pa., Nov. 6. 1871 . .$500. Conn's b m (1 dis). 2^44. Critt. b g (3:54';), C.S.Crittenden. San Francisco, Cal., Aug. 15, 1872, $100. Fritz 2, Mary 1, 3:00. 2:57J.^, 2'.54'4 3'05'4 3-05 Crittenden's Mare' (2 :47). C. S. Crittenden, San Francisco, Cal.. March 14, 1872, $ . .lefferson 2 (4 dis), ''•.51 2 ■.52'" 2 '47 2'48'i Croff. ('-hg (3:.^3). ' W." Becker, Canandaigua, N.Y., July 11, 1877. $300. Ida L., Minnie Granger, Maggie Stewart, 2 :40'4, 2:40, 2:40. . . ^ .. ,-j , o * m.. J. W. Ivory, Mexico, N. Y., Sept. 12, 1877, «200. Mountain Girl, Black Lawrence, Capt. Kidd, Sunset. No time. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 149 ■ Oswego Falls, N. Y., Sept. 20 and 21, 1877, $300. Tommy Ryan 3, Tom Malloy 4, Maggie Mitchell l. JVo tim'e. Syracuse, N. Y., June 18, 1878, $300. Deceit, Maggie Mitchell, St. Patrick, Annie Mack. Billy Burr, 2:3(i, 2:35, 2:32. June 19, 1878, S300. Maggie Mitchell 1, Nelly Rose, Chestnut Hill, 2:37,2:33, 2:35^4, 2:32. Cromwell, blk s (3:37), by Landseer. dam by Vermont Hambletonian. E. C. Dudley, "Worcester, Mass., Sept. 3, 1879, $250. Little Maid, Farmer Boy, Cute, Steve Lewis, Peanuts, Kitty, Josie, Volunteer Girl, Bush, Sweet Milk, Midget (2dis), Druumier Boy (2 dis), 2:37, 2:37>6, 2:37. Sept. i, 1879, $200. Mattie Fulsom 3, Promise, Jenny W., woodchuck. Drummer Boy, Grocery Boy, Jenny M. (4 dr), 2:38. 2:38. 2:37, 2:40. J. N. Dudley, Miltord, Mass., Sept. 24, 1879, $150. Aileen, Gypsy, Mary Comstock, 2:39, 2:42%, 2:44. Sept. :>5. 1879, $100. Faber, Grocery Boy, Dolly, 2:40^, 2:42. 2:37;;i. Croton, bg(3:47). F. S. Palmer, Scarboro, Me., May 8, 1868, $100. Andy Mulligan 4, (3 0), Billy Morris 1, 2, (3 0), (6dr), Ranger (1 dis). 2:52, 2:49, 2:50, 2:52, 2:52, 2:54, 2:52. (ieo. H. Bailey, Saco, Me., Oct. 5, 18G6, $150. Billy Morris 2, Berwick Boy, 2:47, 2-MV2, 2:49, 2:47. Croton Girl, b m (3 :16,u;). J. Wagner, Newcastle, Del., Sept. 28, 1870, $30. Cora Jackson 1, Ada, 3:24, 3:22i^, 3:21i/„, 3:16y«. Four-year-olds. Crow, b g (3 :43'i), by Reconstruction. A. W. Allen, Oskaloosa, la., July 3, 1876, $250. Big Soap 1, 2, Mon- arch (4 dis). White Oak (3 dr), 2:44, 2:43, 2 :42M, 2:43, 2:43. Crowder, ch g (3 :46). G. Gates, New Orleans, La., Jan. 15, 1843, $75. Fanny Wriglit 4, 5, (l 0), Velox, 3 :04, 3:08, 3:01'i, 3:02'4, 3:00, 2:56. T. G. Chase, April 14. 1843. $50. Lady Clinton, 2 :46, 2 :47. Crowder, ch g (3 :00). B. M. Terrill, Joplin, Mo., Oct. 12,1881, $100. Henry, Billy, Black Jack, 3:04, 3:00, 3:02. Crown Point, ch s (3 :34), by Speculation, dam Young Martha, by Geo. M. Patchen Jr. Tom Farrell, Peta- Inma. Cal., Oct. 16, 1873, $718. Monroe, Blonde Mack. Blondine 2:55V2, 3:01i4. A. B. & S. K. Whipple, Sacramento, Cal., Sept. 24. 1880, $1,200. Susie, Capt, Jinks, Cassie Mack, Major, 2:25, 2:26M, 2:28. Stockton, Cal., Sept. 30, 1880, $700. Volunteer 3, 4, (5 0), Cassie Mack (2dis), 2:29, 2:265i, 2:27, 2:28, 2:30, 2 :35. San Jose, Cal., Oct. 8, 1880, $700. Cassie Mack, Major, Pinole Patchen, 2:37,2:36, 2:391,4. (i. Valensin, San Francisco, Cal., Aug. 5, 1882, $500. Sweetness 1, Starr liing, Cairo, Del Sur, Ashley, 2:25, 2:24, 2:27, 2:27. '- (i. Valensin. Saiita Cruz, Cal., Aug. 15, 1882 $500. Starr King 3, Del Sur, 2:25, 2:29^, 2:2714, 2:31. PetaUmia. Cal., Sept. 1, 1882, $400. Cairo 2, Bullet, 2:301^, 2:26, 'Z:2m„2:30U. Crown Point, wh g (3:36). J. Nevvbro, Vinceiines, Ind., Aug. 29, 1878, $125. Skinner Dick 3, Slow Go, Proc- tor Knott, Lincoln!, (3 dis). Roan Charley (1 dis). Billy Trumps (1 dis), 2:.32"2, 2:37. 2:36k,2:44,2:.36. Crown Point Maid, br m (3 :30i4), by Jubilee Lambert, dam by Ethan Allen. L. E. Wicker, Poughkeepsie, N. Y., June 27. 1882, $500. Bertha Clay, Lady Kelso, Harry B., Hocus Focus, W. J. Baldwin (2 dls), 2:30i4, 2:301.,, 2:30':;. . . June 30, 1882, .$500. Bertha Clay (2 0), Lady Kelso, Hocus Pocus, Gerry Manning (1 dis), 2:32,2:33, 2:32, 2:31' i. Pittsburgh, Pa., Sept. 27, 1882, $500. Sunshine, Tony Newell, Stranger. Busby, Alleghany Boy, Mercutio, 2::'.9, 2:401/2, 2:39. Crown Prince, gr g (3 :35), by Logan's Messenger, dam Lady Messenger, by Warrior. Chas. W. Bell, St. Johns. N. B., Aug. 24, 1871, $500. Eastern Boy, Nelly Locke (3 dis), 2:43, 2:41, 2:43. W. H. Jarvis, Buffalo, N. Y., Aug. 6 and 7. 1872, $4,000. Camors, Grace, Mambrino Star, Tom Walter, Ashland Pet (5 dr). Star (2 dis), 2:2«, 2:261^, 2:28, Utica, N. Y., Aug. 13, 1872, .$3,000. Camors 1, Strideaway, Walter, Tom Walter, Frank Phelps. Johnny Pell (4 dr), A. W. Kline (3 dr). Star il dis). Lady Maud (1 dis), 2:291/2, 2:29M, 2:30, 2:30^4. Northami)ton, Mass., Aug, 29, 1872, $500. Joe Brown, William TurnbuU, Comet, 2:32 2:3314, 2:35. Prospect Park, L. I., Sept. 16. 1872, $l,.500. Gray Eddy 1, Charley Green, 2:281^, 2:2814, 2:2514, 2:29. Philadelphia, Pa. , Sept. 24. 1872, $2,000. Gray Eddy, Lady Maud, Sea Foam, 2 :26?4 , 2 :29, 2 :29>4. Goshen, N. Y., Oct, 9 and 10, 1872, .$1,.500. Gray Eddy 2, 3, Susie, Lottery, Nonesuch 1, (4 dis), Gray Mack (4:.«>, 2:3:JK 2::nU- Cudney'H Bay Mare (« :4«). John Ciulncy. I'luUulelphia, Pa., Oct. 21, 1858, §50. ~ (ioliah 1, 2 (5, 0), 3:00, 2:55, L' :.'>«). l':46, 2 :."><), 2:rA. Cultivator. I)lk g (3 :4«>,i). Jas. Kinnev. Nashua, la.. Sept. 4, 1874. .§200. Lawless Bill, Pocahontas, Modoe, Krank d (lis), 2:r)2. 2:52i^j, 2:.'i2V^. New Hampton. Li., t)ct. 7. 1874, $11.\ Hav (Uiinea, IJillv Hutton, Little Dan (3 dr), 2:54, 2:46?i, 2:46V4 Culver Boy. gr g ri ■.'>0' i). Thos. Trimble. Fleetwood Park, N. Y., July Jl. 187G, SIOO. Black Hawk, 2:54U, 2:57' J.. ■(;()•.".,. Deerfoot Park. L. I., .Vug. 1, 1876, .flOO. Itch, 3:00, 2:52. FlcetWDod Park, N. Y., .Nov. 1, 1877, *200. White Fawn 2. No time. Cunard, li g r^ ::JO), bv Von .Moltke. dam by tien. Knox. .1. Kidiiirdson, Kockland, Me., June 7, 1881, :5100. Clavmoiit. Pet the First, John P., (ieneral (irant. Lotta (2 dis), 2:41'j, 2:40, 2:;58K,. Diimariscotta, Me., June 15, 1881, .^suk). Black Ranger, Lenore, Lotta, 2:.^5'... 2'':40?4, 2:40. 11. L. Jenkins. Watertown, N. V., June 28, 188:5, $400. Ingomar 3, 4 (,2 0), K. P. Flower, 2:31 ?4, 2:30, 2:3l»^. 2:.)L".,,-':37, 2:;J7. .liilv 5, IK8.J, $250. Troublesome, Baby Wood, Ira. 2:;j7i;i, 2:;«>, 2:35. ('. n. Bowers, Johnstown, N. Y., Aug. 4, 18h;j. S\W. Paddy Carey 1, 4. 2:42, 2:38. 2::?8, 2:;K)"2, 2:38>2. Cuuniug Jake, b g (,3:.53). N. Holconib, Woonsockct. li. L, July 23, 18.59, f 100. L;iwrence Will Go, 2 :.'>;{, 2:52, 2:54. Middletown, Conn., Sept. 19. 18!J9, «500. Night Hawk, 2:55, 2:54, 2:51. Cupid, eh s r~:-i'>'2) Ijy King Herod. C. C. Bates, Nashua, la., Oct. 1, 1873, .¥60. Pilgrim, Orphan Boy, 3:0.s. 3:09,3:02. Stallions. — Stillwater, Minn., Aug. 13, 1874, #4(X). Darkness 1, 2, Stillwater Jim, Sleepy Joe, Bay Brig (4 dis), 2:43. 2::!8, 2::(9, 2:;i5i^, 2:41. Curbstone, br 111 (» :45). P. L. Kimberly, Sharon, Pa., July 2, 1875, SISO, Raft 2, 3, Sis 1, W. H. Seward (4 dr>, 2 :57, 2 :4t>. 2 :45, 2 :45, 2 :.57, 2 :51. Se|)t. 21, 1875, ;J150. Bushwhacker, pacer, 4, 5, George 1, Harry Thorne, 2:45, 2:45, 2:45, 2:45, 2:43, 2:45. Curiosity (3 :4:~^4). Kentville. N. S., June 27, 1877, $ . Lady Mack, Weeping Willow, 2:55'i, 2:.53, '^■M%. Curley, b s (3 :33i4). Eli Butler, Lawrence, Mich., July 8, 1864, $.350. Northhawk 1, Flying Childers, Wa.sh- tenaw Chief, 2:38, 2:34'o, 2:;i7i4, 2:33i.i. Curley (\\), br g(3:48 w). John Slioat. Omaha, Neb., July 28, 1867, .'J200. Dollv Brown, 2:4S, 2:48»-i, 2:48. Curley. b g (2 :47). Point Bnc/c l':nk, Pliila., July — , 1875, $100. G. Maid 1, 3:00, 2:55i.i, 2:56}^. Mr. Jones, Menomonee, Wis., Oct. 2, 1878, $800. Black Bess 1, Capt. Herod, (iniv Eagle, 2:5154, 2:47, 2:51, 2:50'4. Curtis, bs (3 :36'/s). W. Eckhart, Yreka, Cal., Oct. 17, 1882, $95. Favorite (l dis). May D. (1 dis), Ned (1 dis). 3:26)^. Curtis Fearnaught, b s. Biddeford, Me., Sept. 28, 1881, $ . Ti'ansit 1, Wonder. French Boy (4 dr). No time. Cushnian's Gray Stallion (3:53). C. H. Cushman, St. Johnsbury, Vt., Sept. 30, 1867, $50. Drew Horse, Morrill Horse, 2 :52, 2 -M. Cushnoe, b g (3 -ABU). < J. M. Delanev, Bangor. Me., Aug. 1, 1870, $100.. Only Sister, Happy Jack, Fairy Belle, Gvpsv I.«ine, Little Tom (2 (Us), Red .lacket (2 dis), Fanny Low (2disl 2:47?4, 5:45?4, 2:46. Orono. Mo., Aug. 3, 1870,-Tvittv Niles, Little Warren, 2:54',i, 2:rAh, 2:50^2. Cute ch g ciiSl'a). A. Wheelock, Woonsocket, R. I., Sept. 17, 1879, $100. Tommy Lee, Drummer Boy, Just Out, Dolly, Harry, Lucy Bell. Ada (2 dr), 2:44, 2:43.2:504. A. A. Whitney, Northampton, Mass.. Oct. 2, 1879. $12,5. Washington, Johnny, 2:35, 2:36. 2:38. Cutwater, br nM3:3.5i^). W^. T. Briggs. Woonsocket, R. I.. Sept. 21, 1869. $40. Lady Gray, Cloud, St. l.awren(e, 2:46. 2:45. 2:4,5. Sept. 22, 1K69. .tiOO. Johuuv Reb 3. 2:37. 2:.35i/o, 2:35, 2:40. C. H. Richmond, Myricks, Niass.. Sept. 25, 1869, $50. Roger's gr g 1, 2. 2.33?4, 2:35, 2:39. Undnished. Cuyahoga .>lai4, 1:28.1:26. Three-year-olds. Half-mile heats. Mendota, 111., Aug. 12, 1880, $.3.50. Clara Cleveland 3, Mattie Graham, (ientle Fi:ink. Frank Baker (4 dr>. Gnu-e Maxwell (1 dis), 2:.38'4, 2:;W'4, 2:37''4, 2:38. Earlville, 111., Aug. 19, 1880, .$350. Mattie Graham, Clara Cleveland, Gentle Frank. Blackstone (3disi. 2:41, 2 :.'«;■;, ^/.MH. Ottawji, 111., Sept. 8, 1880, $ . Au.sterlitz, 2:51, 2:58i^. F-our-year-olds. Lexington, Ky., Oct. 8. 1881, .$.500. Aldine (3 0), Tom Brown, Ix)hdon, Mystery, 2:261i, 2:26'/i, 2:27J£, 2:31. J. E. Turner, I'oint Breeze Park, Phila., May 17, 1883, $500. Stonewall 2, Keiio (1 dis), 2:30'/2, 2-31, 2:29i4. 2:.30',,. A. J. Hook, Lexington, Ky.. Aug. 28, 188.3, .$.500, Molly .Mack, Mike, Reveille. Tucker, Kitty Silver. Alcyone, Stranger, Hiiwthori'i,2:26io, 2:25. 2:25. Cyclone, b s (3:47). 1). K. Babbitt, M:irvsville, Kan., July 2, 1880. $.50. Wild Dutchnian. Hiram Woodrulf. 5i/>. Dan Mace. July 15. I8r>6, $200, South Star (3 dis). 2:54, 2:57, 2..57U. Cyclops, b g (3:37),1)v Marsluil Nev, dam Kitty Puss, bv Frank Pierce Jr. E. B. Emory. Dover, Del., Sept. 25, 1879. $100. Bellt' Morgan, Mollv F. (2 dr), 2:,50i^. 2:,56';. Baltimore, Md., Aug, 20, 1883, $300, John F., 2 :29, 2 :30, 2 ■.21. i CHESTER'S COMPLETE TKOTTING AND PACING RECORD. 151 Cyjfuet, ch m (3 :03), by Harold, dam Juliet, by Pilot, Jr. K. P. Pepper, Franklort, Ky., Oct. 7, 1875, $175. Uoau gelding, 3:12, 3:02. Two-year-olds. Cvphax, br g (3:62i/i). I). H. Gould, S. Oyster Bay, L. 1., July 30, 1852, $15. Sally Miller, Peacock, 2:52'i, 2:54,3:00. J. W. Derby, Worcester, Mass., Nov. 11, issti, .?200. Rough and Ready l, Topsy, 2:55, 2:54, 2:54, 2;56. Cyrua Miller, ch g (3 :46). C. Davidson, Jersey City, X. J.. July 13, 1882, $100. Annie, Concrete, Whirlwind, 2:47, 2: 47 '2,2:46. ■ J. H. Pake. Nov. to. 1882. •■?- — . Fourth of July. 2:.57. 2:.53. R. Stage. Jersey City. N. J., Nov. 6. 1883, .•S200. Lowland Mary (w), 2:48, 2:51. Cyrus R.,blk s (3:43). by Nutwood, dam Belle. J. H. Rauly. San Jose, Cal., Sept. 25, 1883, .$370. Mamie, Comet, Butcher Bov. Billv .Martin (1 dis\ 2:49 2:48'i, 2:42. "Three-year-olds. Czar, br g (3 :36'.,). Dan Mace, Boston, Mass., June lo, 1872, -SoOO. Abdiillah, 2:39, 2:41 14, 2:41. M. Carroll, Jime 12, 1872, .f.500. Abdallah, John Lambert, Honest Brock, 2:36H, 2:38, 2:40. .lune 13, 1872, .?500. Abdallah, Stuyvesant, Titian (2 dis\ 2:37, 2:3SV«, 2:43^. Czar, b g (3:41). J. Fleming, Toronto, Ont., Aug. 13, 1883, .|!100. Little Jack 1, Leslie, Lambert (2 dis). Bay Billv (1 dis\ 2:.51, 2:5m, 2:.-)2».i. 2:.53. Hamilton, (^nt.. Aug. 21, 1883, $200. Mcintosh 1, Grey Dan, Greenwood, Sam, Maggie May, Brooklyn Boy (4 dr), Billy Keenau (3 dis), 2:44J4, 2:41, 2:4254. 2:43i^. ISe CHESTEKS COMrLETE TROniNU AND PACING KECOED. Daria, blk m (3 :39V^), by "Woodford Mambrino, dam Dahlia, by Pilot Jr. F. B, Redfteld. Le Roy, N. Y., May 29, 1877, $200. (.'hiirlev W. 1, Lady Muck. George Martin, Minnie, Belle, Charlev G., lleathwood (4 dr), Jack (1 dis), Charlev k (1 dis), . i;:y7>^. 2:4ii!,2, -':.{8. May 31. 1877, $200. Minnie 3, 6, Charley W. 2, Lady Mack, George Martin, Zero, Charley B, 1, (3 dis) Belle (3 dis), 2:41, 2:42!/2, 2:40, 2:39'4, 2:40, 2:40, 2:42. Medina. N, Y., June 5, 1877, $200. Lady Mack, George Martin, Dick (2 dis), John Murphy (1 dis), 2:42H, 2 :45, 2 :42. . Buffalo, N. Y., June 26, 1878, $300. Bay Dick 1, Mambrino Nell, Woodford, Dick Crocker, 2:33'/2, 2:32, 2:33, 3:.33. Koclu'ster, N. Y., May 22, 1879, $— . 2:32. 2:29'4. To beat 2:30. Daciana, blk ni (3 :27'2), by Harold, dam Dacia. by Woodford Mambrino. F. B. Redfield, Attica, N. Y., Oct. IH, 187(">, $ . Harkaway, Juliet, Eastern Cloud, 3:03, 3:04. Three-year-olds. ■ Elmira, N. Y., Sept. 9, 1879, $500. Nelly Irwin, Tom Keeler, Proctor, May, Mary Kussell, 2:30}^. 2:28, 2:31. Sept. 11, 1879, $500. Nelly Irwin 1, Tom Keeler, May, 2:27, 2:29, 2:30. 2-3014. Dad, blk s (3 ;40). Beacon Park, Boston, July 13, 1874, $100. Jenny Tliompson 2, Lady Hayes, Butcher Boy, a dis), 2:43.2:44, 2:43'4, 2:42'4. Dagger, ch s (3 :38), by Yoinig America, dam Kitty Wood, by New Jersey. A. O. Cummins, Brattleboro, Vt.. Oct. 25 1871, Prize silver. Jones gr m, (2 dr), 3:09, . Three-vear-okls. Waitsfield, Vt., Sept. 2, 1874, $175. Charley Mac, George W., Harry, Ked Cloud (2 dis), 2:43'/2, 2:45, 2:44V4. ^Moiitpelier, Vt., Sept. 24 and 25, 1874, $130. Cohmibus Navigator 3, (4 0), Robert Fulton (4 0, Koanoke (5 dr), 2:41, 2:41,2:40?i, 2:40, 2:40. •- Sept. 19, 1877, $300. Lady Atkins, Charles H., Capt. Page, Patrick, 2:45, 2:40. 2:41. Dagmar b m (3 :49), by Bona Fide, dam Young Nelly, bv Ashland Patchen. Baker & Harrigan. Sandy Hill, N. Y., Sept. 7, 1881, $G5. Duroc ISIaid, 2:53, 2:48. Three-year-olds, Dainty, (\v) b g (3 :46). W. Kobb, Prospect Park. L. I., Oct. 10, 1871, $200. Hanson Place (w), 2, White Stock- ings (w) 1, Elliot Place (w), 2:48, 2:45'.2, 2:46, 2:48. Dainty, b m (3:3.'>i4). AV. F. Mason, Warren, O.. Aug. 10, 1877. $200. Jay Bird 1, 4, Willy Golddust, Nigger Doctor, David Crockett, Joe Lytic, 2:40i.i. 2::m.u 2:36^. 2:40. 2:37i/o. Dainty, b m (3:43), by Dictator, dam Mc, by Mambrino Chief. S. Bull, Jladison, Wis.. Sept. 13, 1883, $300. Little Wonder 2, Daisy Holmes, Bismark, 2:43, 2:42, 2:49. Four-year-olds. Dairy Maid, b m (3:37), by American Star, dam by Hector. Ira Williams, Lexington, Ky.. Oct. 22. 1873, $700 Caliban l, 2, Capt. Jack 3, Frank Miller, Howard, Fanny Robinson, Jolui E. (2 dis), Richmond (2 dis), Vindex (1 dis), Bolivar (1 dis). Driftwood (l dis). Copperhead (i dis). Moss Rose (l dis), Dudley (1 dis), 2:;«j, 2:34, 2:36'/2. 2:;i7, 2:39-4. 2:42'/2, Daisy, ch m (3 :38). D. S. Field, Belvidere, N, J., Sept. 12, 1868, $75. Lady Seymour 2, 4. Dr. Jackson, 2:38, 2:46, 2:47,2:44 2:43. ■ T. Lough, Columbus, O., Oct. 5, 1868, $ . 29:24. Ten miles. Daisy, ch m (3 :46). Charles Painton, Troy, N. Y., Oct.—, 1873, $ . Buck Jack. 2 :fi8. 2 :48. 2 :55. J. Sellick, Fleetwood Park, N. Y., Nov. 13, 1875, $600. Lizzy King 1. Roanoke, Fanny Carr, 2:.54, 2:55, 2:5.314, 2:49. Daisy, b m (3 :4'7). S. H. Wentworth, Dover, N. H., June 16, 1874, $ . Col. Dean, Lady Empire, Tom, Col. Gushing, Prince, Jiutk, 2:48, 2:52, 2:47. June 18, 1874, f . Ned Mor.se 1, 4, Tom 2, Greenland, Lady Empire (5dr), Col. Gushing (5 dr). Col. Dean (3 dr), 2:47,2:50, 2:48, 2:46. 2:47, 2:.-)3. Daisy, blk m (3 :46). C. Ward, Medina, N. Y., June 24, 1874, $500. Flora 1, Quaker Boy (4 0), Fanny, Dido, Capt. .Tack, 2:44'/2, 2:46, 2:47?i, 2:47K 2:49. Daisy, ch m (3:55). C. Lawson, Dubuque, la., Aug. 27. 1874, $ . Gray Eddie. Loafer. No time. • S. H. Lawson, Monticcllo, la., .luly .5, 1875, $17.5. Echo, Nig, 2:55, 2:59?4. 3:00. Daisy, ch m (3 :55). C. Stuald, North Amherst. Mass., Oct. 23, 1874, $ . Jemiy 2, Topsy, 2:.55, 2:.54U, 2:57. Daisy, br m (3:3614), by Chieftain. John McCloud, Stockton, Cal . Sept. 30, ls76, S2(i(). Jenny Hunter 2, Mocking Bird (1 dis). Solid Silver (I dis), .Tolm Hock(l dis), 5:27>4. 5:.31'.i, S:;^'^. Two niiies. ■ Q. A. McCloud, San .Joaquin, Cal., Sept. 26, 1878, $400. Peerless 4. 5, Lightfoot 3, Venus, Reliance 1 (4 dis), 2:.33'4, 2:.36'4, 2:;{8, 2:38, 2:42, 2:42, 2:43. Daisy, gr m (3 :50). A. C. Davitt, Waterford, N. Y., Sept. 15, 1876, $200. Fanchon 2, 3. 2.59, 2:58^, 2:52, 2:50, 2:52'/2. Daisy, 1) m (3 :36). S. Bunnell, Tioga, Pa., July 2, 1877, $ . Jenny 1, C. D. Fenton (3 dis), Fred (2 dis). No time. Meadville, Pa., Aug. 23, 1877,$.T00. Pale Face 1, Lotos, Flying Cloud, Fitch, 2:5ni,, 2:52. 2:51, 2:50. .1. Whelpley, Morrisania, N. Y., Oct. 30 and 31, 1879, $200. (ieorge M. 2, 3, Emma C, Bay Lambert, John Hill Syracuse 2:.3.5 2:.37 2:.36 2:.3.'> 2:36. Daisy, gr in (3 -50).' H. Hunt, Bradford, Fa., Oct. 1, 1878. $ir)0. Lady Willis 1, Minnie Mack, Pique, Hueklc- bcrry, Daisy, Uncle Sam (4 dr), 2:44. 2:.')0, 2:50i.i. 2:50. Oct. 3, 1878, $150. Lady Willis 2. Pi(iue, Molly Darling, Minnie Mack (4 dr). 2:50, 2:.')0, 2:50M, 2:50»4. Daisy, I) m (3:13K.). M. Sdineier, Chicago. 111.. [Sept. 9, 1879, $100. Rabbit 1, 3:17, 3:13, 3:12"2. Daisy, l)lk ni (3:3^12), by Superb, (i. Jones, Prospect Park, L. L, July 12, 1880, $500. Sport 1, 4, 2:37, 2:38J4. 2 :;!9U',, 2:41.2:42. WT C. F. .Tones, Mineola. L. 1., June 9, 1881, $85. Little Fred, Maud, 2:43. 2:40^. 2:39. (\v\W. K.Jones. Mineola, L. I., Sept. 26. ]S8:i. $25. Little l-'rank 1. Leo (2dr), 2:54, 2:.52\4, 2:49. Daisy, ill m (3:13). C. N:ipper. Philadelphia, Pa.. May 2.3. 18H2, .S . Billy Frank, 3:1.3, 3:13H. Daisy, 1) m (3 :01^4). L. Petit, Mineola, L. I., June 14, 1882, $30. Annie May," Macbeth, 3:23, 3:14. Three-year- olds. M. Mott, Mineola, L. I., June 27, 1883. $40. Prairie Girl, Matilda, Joe Hooker, 3.a», ZMH, 3:05%. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 163 . Sept. 27, 11=83, S20. Prairie Girl J. Matilda, Joe Hooker, 3:0.3, 3:01^4, 3:0594. Daisy, b m (8:44i, S. Fletcher, Little Falls, N. Y., Aug. 1.5, 1883, .$70. Jim, Willard S., Sarah C, 3:01, 3:01i/4, 3:02. Johnstown, N. Y., Oct. 1.5, 1883, $100. Croft 1, Dora S. 2, 2:.50, 2:48, 2:45, 2:45, 2:44. Dai.sy h nu3 :<>Oi.i). J. K. Harris, Haverhill, Mass., Aug. 22, 1883, $30. Carrie G., 3:12, Black Prince 3:13, Arthur A., 3:13i.,, Little Ben, 3:25. Nearest to 3:00. Daisy, ch m (3 :35i^), by Algona, dam by A. T. Stewart. J. N. Ayers, Visalia, Cal., Oct. 19, 1883, .$150. Promise, S. L. Mack, 3:25^. Yearlings. Daisy, bm (3:03'2). Dr. J. A. Hann, Scranton. Pa., Sept. 21, 1883, .?300. Robin Adair 1, Jack Pet, 3:06i4, 3:'04H.3:04, 3:03i2. Four-year-olds. Daisy Blacliwood, blk ni (3 :44), by Blue Bull. Fort Wayne, Ind., Sept. 28, 1882, $ . Blue Bull, Jr., Little Brown Jug, Hanger, 2:44, 2:44, 2:45. Daisy Brown, b nl (3 :33). B. Burnett, Ogdensburgh, N. Y., Sept. 9. 1880, $300. Pred Clark 1, Harry B., Cora, Rosalind, Blackbird (1 dis), 2:41. 2:40, 2:41, 2:38. Watertown, N. Y., Sept. 10, 1880, $300. Fred. Clark 1, Harry B., Cora, Blackbird (l dis), 2:41, 2:40, 2:41, 2:3S. (ieneva, N. Y., June 17. 1881, $ . Midget, 2:41, 2:41. 2:42. XewMilforu, (^onn., Oct. 1, 1881, .$200. Olive. 2:38, 2:33%, 2:36. Yorkshire, N. Y., .July 8, 1882, $300. Lena, Warren, Damon, 2:35, 2:34^4. 2:33. Daisy Burns, b m (3 i^QU), by Shenandoah, dam by the Harden Horse. Hiram Howe, Union Course, L. I., May 16, 1867, $1.50. Lizzie Warwick, Black Bess (2 dis), 2:.3594, 2:35i4, 2:35^4,- • Aug. 31, 1867, .$2,000. Lew Pettee l, 2:3414, 2:31, 2:29?4, 2:32i2. Daisy C, b in (3 :38i.^), by Richelieu, dam by Tom Wonder. C. M. Carlisle, Dayton. O., Sept. 23. 1879, $150. Minerva, King, Mambrino Oliver, Molly Ready, Erin Chief (3 dis). Baby Boy c3 drj, Frank C. (1 dis). Moon- stone (1 dis), Annie (1 dis), 2:43, 2:43, 2:40^. Sept. 25, 1879, $1.50. King 1, Manilirino Oliver (2 dr), Annie (2 dr), 2:38'.;, 2:41^i, 2:3814, 2:39'^. Daisy Dale, b m (3:19?i), by Thonulale.dam Daisy by vVashlngton.' Edwin Thome, Minneapolis.Minn., Sept. 3. 1878, .$.500. Chester 2, Archer's Almont, Singular (2 dis), Frank (2 dis). Altitude (Idis), 2:291^, 2:.31V2, 2:32i4. 2:31. ■ W. H. Dobble, Suffolk Park, Phila., May 16, 1879, .$.500. Lady Blessington 1, Chance, May Medium, John 8. Clark. Eastern Shore Boy, Sam French, Jeniiv L. (4 dr), 2:28, 2:28, 2:31, 2:31. Belmont Park. Phila., May, 30, 1879, $500. Lady Blessington 1, John S. Clark, Sussex, Jenny L., Fancy, Sans Souci, Sam French (2 dr), 2:29, 2:32, 2:31. J. E. Turner, Chicago, 111., July 20 and 21, I88O, ,$ . Rienzi 4, 7, John Grant 1, 2, Big Soap 3, Boston, Tola Maid. Crockett, Billy (1 dis), Edwin B. (5 dr). Calamus (4 dr), Ben Morrill (3 dis), 2:25?4, 2:25i/2, 2:2414, 2:2514, 2:26i4, 2:2414, 2:2714, 2:28. Cleveland, O., July 27, 1880, $1,000. John Grant, Dan Smith, Rienzi, Black Cloud, Penelope, Rosewood, Humboldt, 2:19='i, 2:23, 2:21i4- Buffalo. N. Y., Aug. 3, 1880, $1,000. John Grant, Dan Smith, Black Cloud, Robert McGregor, Penelope, Timothy, Nigger Baby, 2:22, 2:21, 2:20. Rochester, N. Y^, Aug, 10, 1880, $1,000. Glendale, Timothy, Black Cloud, Nigger Baby, Dan Smith. Robert McGregor, Penelope, 2:2014, 2:21i4. 2:21. Scranton, Pa., May 27, 1882, $800. Great Eastern, Grey Chief, 2:38, 2:271/2, 2:271^. Daisy Dean, bm (3 ;41*4), by Dolphus, dam by American Boy. D. P. Bissell, Terre Haute, Ind., May 27, 18"70, $12.5. Billy Barr Jr.. Harkawav i3 dis), 2:41>.2, 2:45'2. 2:48»i. Daisy Eyebrislit, bm (3:30i2), by Kirkwood. D. B. Herrington, Jersey City, N. J., Aug. 7, 1SJ3, $200. Bayonne Prince, Os.sian Pet, Crete G., Anna C, (ieorge Wilkes, John, 2:35, 2:40, 2:38. Daisy Gardner, bm (3:41). D. J.Gardner, Riverhead, L. 1., Oct. 6, 1880, $75. Marcello, Hampton Boy, 2:54,2:51,2:4.5. Five-year-olds. • Oct. 6, 1881, $50. Mischief, 2:43, 2:41. Daisy Hamilton, b m (3 :38i^), by Blackstone, dam Ladv Hamilton. Baker & Harrigan, Prospect Park, L. I.,Sei)t. 17, 1879, .$210. Hambletonian Mohawk 1. 2:40, 2:369i,2:.34ai, 2:281^. Five-year-olds. Daisy Hartsliorne, ch m (3:37), by Aberdeen, dam Enieline, by Henry B. Patchen. E. W. Conover, Mt. Holly, N. J., Oct. 9, 1883, $100. Frank 3, Brown Jug, Nannie Buehler, Sleeping Chief, Lady Gypsy, 2 :40, 2 :41, 2:40, 2:40. Oct. 10, 1883. $100. Frank 1, Pilot, George S., White Stockings, Jersey Volunteer, Lady Gypsy, Charley W. (4 dr). Lady Gould (4 dr), 2 :40, 2 :39^, 2 ::»i4. 2 :38' .. Oct. 11. 1883, $125. Frank, Lady Gypsy, Sleeping Chief, George S., Katydid (l dis). Hunter (l dis), 2:37, 2:.37. 2:39. Daisy Knox, blk m (3 :44). A. Stover, Damariscotta, Me., Aug. 6, 1879, $80. Lady Weston 2, Dandy 1, Ben- jamin, Lady Campbell, Dew, 2:.51, 2:47i4, 2:44, 2:50i2, 2:51. Daisy Lambert, ch m ( 3 :51 ), by Daniel Llimbert. E. Faunce, Haverhill, Mass,, Sept. 19 and 20, l.s83, $200. Car- rie G. 4, .Joe 1, Dan H. .5, Daisy (5 dis), 2:4914, 2:,51, 2:5214. 2:54?i, 2:50i4, 2:5m,. Daisy Lewis, b m (3 :37). C. E. Tnttle, Geneva, N. Y""., June 16, 1881, .$150. Green Linnet 3, Danforth Maid, Baby N., Bay Arthur (2 dis), 2:40, 2:37, 2:4.3, 2:41 1/0. Daisy Nevin, rn m (.3:00). L. Barr, Philadelphia, Pa., Mav 16, 1877, $ . Walter Cook 1, Harry C, Nelly Severn, 3:14, 3:01, 3:02, 3:00. Daisy P., b m. (3 :i3i4). D.L.Allen. Plainfleld, N..L, Sept. 26, 1883, $100. Lady Superior, Peter Cooper (1 dis). Lady De.xter (1 dis), 3:15%, 3:15. Four-year-olds. Daisy Pearsall, bm (3:39). S. W. Gaylor, Carinel, N. Y., Sept. 20, 1882, $125. Baker Boy, 3:00. 2:42, 2:40, 2:40, 2:41. Daisy Scott, b m (3 :37). F. S. Van Aulstein, Waterloo, Ind., Oct. 4. 1883, $150. Little Ned 3, Joe, Lucy May, 2:41, 2:37, 2:.53'i. 2:.57. Daisy Trumbull, b m (3:46i4), by Judce Trumbull. J. L. L\on, Milford, Conn., Oct. 13. 1882, $100. Dav:d Crockett 1, Ossie, 2:46, 2:4614, 2:46i4, 2:49. Oct. 16, 188.i. $100. David Crockett l, Ossie, Wild Rose, 2:46, 2:4614, 2:4614, 2:49. Dakota Boy, b s (3 :00) O. L. Hadlev. Valley City. Dakota, Sept. 26, 1882, $75. Night Bell, Lady Spry, 3:00, 3:07,3:00. Dakota Maid, ch m (3:36i4), by St. Arntz Horse. Mr. Colby, Des Moines, la., July 9. 1874, .$ . Grape- vine, Chronicle. Best time. 2:.5J. R. T. Kneebs, Ottumwa, 111., July 29, 1874, $300. Chronicle, Silas, Big Soap. Sigourney Maid, 2:48, 2:42, 2:42. July .30, 1874, $400. H(mest John 1, Troublesome, Honest John, Sigourney Maid, Rattler, William (4 dr), 2:39, 2:;!6i^, 2:3794, 2:40. Omaha, N(!b., Sept. 30, 1874, .$400. Hiram Woodruff, Andy (2 dis), 2:4214, 2:411^, 2:43^4. Lincoln, Neb., Oct. — . 1876, .$ . Mat Patrick l Legal Tender, Lulu. 2:.38i4, 2:.38, 2:38, 2:41. Des Moines. la., July 25 and 26, 1877, .$2.50. Gentle .lim 1, Little Sam, Henry, Fanny C. 2 (4 dr), Ned S. i4 dr). Sorrel Ned (4 dr), AMm B. (2 dis), 2:;i4i4. 2:34'2, 2:35, 2:35. 2:.35i4- Geneseo. 111., Aug. 14, 1877. .$300. G. T. Pilot 3, Kitty Stratton, Captain, Wild Oats, Bay John, Roadmas- ter. Little Sam (3 r 0), , 2:35, 2:35, 2:36. Aug. 15, 1877, $300. Col. E. D. Baker, Glenwood, Jim Fisk, Tuckahoe, Nat. Baker, Dan Vosburgh, Lady Vesta, Roadmaster, 2:33, 2:35, 2:36^. IM CHESTER'S COMrLETK TKOiTlNU AND PACINd RECORD. Aug. 17, 1877, S.'jOO. Little Sam, Kitty Stratton, G. T. Pilot, Bay John, (Jlenwood, 2:35, 2:35, 2:35. Kansas City, Mo.. Sept. 19, lt^, 2:30, 2:31, 2:29'/2. Council Bluffs, la., Nov. G, 1877, §150. Kate Wesner. Jim Lane, (iennan Girl, 2:40, 2:39!4, 2:39'/i. Davenport, la., June 19, 1878, §500. Aniboy, Phil Sheridan, Kitty Stratton (3 dis), 2:29,2:29, . Marshallt(nvn, la., Julv 4, 1H78, S . Lady Turpin 1, 4, 2:.'53, 2:31^, 2:32'j, 2:32, 2:33. Proplietstowa, 111., Aug. 8, 1878, $400. Foxie V. 1, Amboy, Lady McFatridge, Nettie Ward, 2:33, 2:33, 2:31.2:31'2. DublKiue, la , Sept. 11, 1878, $500. Nelia 3, 2:32U, 2:28i^, . 2:31 ?*. Dallas, b g (2 :43' 2), by Abdallah Chief. P. Falvey, Detroit, Mich., Aug. 23. 1800, $ . White Eagle, 30:00^, (i. Doit, Oct. 1. 1806, $000. Frank Rolfe 1, 2, (4 dis), 2:53, 2:48, 2:,'52, 2:49'/j. (w) Oct. 15. l.HOt), $ . Frank Koll'e 1, 5:36, 5:34^, 5:52'.i. Two miles. (w) Nov. 12, 1806, .1)!100. TipiH'canoe 2, Diamond, 3:01^4. 2:.')4, 2:55, 2:,55. W. S. .McI.auKlilin, Jtily 13, 1867, $200. Frank Moscow (w), 2:45, 2:47ii, 2:47. July 2.'>, if^iw, .^4(Ki. (iyi)svQueen a dis), 8:.i4. Threemiles. Oct. 31, 1H07, .S5,(XH). iSIelton, 32:.i5'4. Ten miles. Lansing, Mich., July 11, 1808. $ . Billy Merriman, Kit Carson, Charley Welch, ]3:33V4. Five miles. (w) Detroit Midi., Oct. 28, I8O8, $.500. McGregory's ch m, 15:00, Five miles. (w) Nov. 7, 1808, $500. Kit Carson (w) l 5:51i'4, 5:43?4, 5:38, 5:40. Two miles. Dalon. (Clover), b g {'Z :35i4), by Young Hindoo. J. Saispaugh, Fitchburgh, Mass., June 26, 1877, $400. Dela- ware Belle. Charles Gerrish, Aaron, Fitchburgh Boy, Peterboro Boy, Young St. Lawrence, Mattie, Harry Knox (3dr). BelleComee (2 dis), Bungay Girl (1 dis), 2:38'.i. 2:41, 2:44. Keeiie, N. H., July 4, 1877, .$200. Katy Wallace, Pilot, 2:37, 2:40, 2:37'/2. Dame Trot, blk m (2:33), by Messenger Duroc, dam Green Mountain Maid, by Harry Clay. K. W. Sears, Fleetwood Park, N. Y., Sept. 9, 1873, $1,600. Fearnaught Boy (1 dis), 2:40. Three-year-olds. Sept. 7, 1874, $.'>.'50. Sweet Brier"(l dis), 2:371/2. Four-vear-olds. Cleveland, O., July 23. 1878, $1,000. Alfred, Gray Salem, Wild Air, Tola, Volunteer Maid, Upand-up, John McDougall, John H. Starin, 2:22(4, 2:2514, 2:25. Buffalo, N. Y., Julv 31, 1878, $1,000. Wildair, Volunteer Maid, Gray Salem, John McDougall, Jessie Hovt. John H. Starin'(l dis), 2:23'4, 2:22?i, 2:23(4. Utica, N. Y., Aug. 1.3, 1S78, $l,ooo. Wildair, Gray Salem, Volunteer Maid, Alfred, 2:22(4, 2:22, 2:23. Quincy, 111.. Sept. 27, 1878, $700. Amboy, Lady Turpin, 2:26?^, 2:28(4, 2:29»^. Damon, (s)gr g Ci :49 s). Hiram AVoodruff, Centreville, L. I.. Oct. 8, 1839, $100. Jefferson (1 dis), 3:00. (s) Beacon Course, N. J., Oct. 23, 1839, $100. Cato 1, 2, Hap Hazard. Jack Frost, 2:47(i, 2:48,2,49, 2:.52, 2:51. Damon, br s (3 :23?i), by Palmer Bogus, dam Old Gray by Gray Eclipse. B. Holdridge, Batavia, N. Y., Sept. 17, 1873. .$r,5. Jim Lewis 2, Billv Jones 1, Sir Henry, 3:02, 3:03. 3:05, . Four-year-olds. Dan Ma*'^*> 2'H4 2*^.5 ■ A. C. Holdridge^ Le Roy, N. Y.,'May 29, 1877, $200. S. S. Ellsworth,VersaillesGirl, Billy Pavor, 2:31V^, 2:34, ■ '- May .31, 1877. .$200. Lady Star 1, Cattaraugus Chief 3, 2:28M, 2:30(4, 2:30'4, 'i^SSH, 2 ■■■^- _^^^. ,^,„■,^a^ Syracuse, N. Y., .fune 1.3, 1877. $600. FraiHc Munson (2 0), S. S. Ellsworth, Lysander Boy, Bessie Turner, ■ Fleetwod Pa"rk.^'. Y., June 20, 1877, $1,000. King Philip 3, Columbia Chief, Harry Gilbert, Result, Lady Kildeer(2dis). 2:28, 2:27M, 2:28^, 2:29»i. , ,x x, „» i^„..,c, T-^f ««=« nf — Buffalo. N. Y.. Aug. 1, 1877. $2,.')00. Scotland (2 0), Nil Desperr.ndum, Dan Bryant, Dame iroi, nose oi Washington, West Liberty, 2:26'2, 2:274. 2:28>4.2:29'.'i. ^,.„ ,. „ ,^ „ oii^ o oj 4- Oct. 14, 1870. .'P400. Kansas Maid (1 dis). No time. , ^ .. .• . o .m O. A. Collins, Salt Lake. Utiih. Sei)t. 1. 1871, .$7.5. Comet (1 dis), Quaker Lad (1 «'f\, 2:«; S. O. Jerome, Kans;is Citv. Mo., .lulv 12. 1872. $1,50. J. S. Young. Phil Sheridan. 2:47. 2 :4o',j. Topeka, Kan., May .30, 1873, $2.'"rf). Topeka Belle, Lady Patchen (1 dis), 2::i8'.i, 2:40.^:38. o.oau Kiuisas City, Mo., Sept. 17, 1873, .$,500. J. S. Young 3, Topeka Belle, Berger (2 dis), 2:35^, 2.35, z.d»/,, 2 •39?4 '- St. Joseph. Mo., Oct. 2, 1873, .$600. Topeka Belle, J. S. Young, 2 :.33?i, 2:331i, 2:33. Omaha, Neb., Nov. .3, 187.3, $ . Randitll. 2:38. 2:.36. 2:.38. . ^. , „ o« .. .jn o.-u ■.-•<- Sam Colbein. Peoria. 111.. June 20. 1874, .$700. Phil Sheridan 2, Rattler 0 dis),2:36, 2:.35'4. 2..«. - .u. • Galesburg, 111., July 3, 1874, $.500. Chickamauga (2 dis), 2:,54. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 165 Dan, b g (3 :51). Mr. Hobson, Union Course, L. I., Aug. 24, 1870, $700. Dandy 3, Kate Blauchard, Dolly, Jim Brown, Andy Johnson (3 dr), 2:541^, 2:54J4,^:52'/2,2:52?i. „ ,. , „ Dan, ch g (3 :5d). L. P. Comee, Worcester, Mass., Sept. 28, 1870, $200. Jenny Chandler, Kentucky Boy, 2:50, Dan' rn g (3:47). E. D. Rich, Boston, Mass., May 10, 1871, $1.50. Prince William, Somerville. No time. '- J. S. Kinney, Rutland, Vt., Oct. 15, 1872, $200. Tarn O'Shantet, Maggie Brown, Com. Nutt, 2:47i^, 2:47, 2:49' 2. Dan (w), br g (3 :56i; „•). llall's Track, L. I., Aug. 2, 1872, $200. Abe, 3:02, 2:58, 2;56i/2. Dan b g (3 -.50^4,). R. E. Berringer, Rhinebeck, N. Y., Sept. 11. 1872, $40. Cunningham's b g, Country Girl (1 d'isX 2:5014, 3:01, 2:54' 2. Sept. 21, 1872, $500. Lydia 2. 2:55, 2:56, 2:54. Dan b g (3 :50i4>. T. H. Orton, Erie, Pa., Sept. 20, 1872, $100. Golddust, 2:50i4, 2:52%. Dan, grg (3 :43); F. D. Nagle, Wilkesbarre, Pa., Oct. 2, 1872, $300. Buckskin 2, Jerry Leigh, 2:50, 2:48, 2:4314, " "43 Dan,' ch g (3 :56). C. B. Stewart, Albany, N. Y., July 22, 1873, $200. Barney 4, 5 (3 0), Lady S., 2:58M, 3:00''i, 2:56,3:001^,3:0014,3:04. Dan, br g (3 :40i/j). L. B. Dubois Denver, Col., June 11, 1873, $150. Gen. Snuth 2 (3 0), 2 :48, 2:48?i, 2,:50, 2:49, 2:471/2. ■ June 13, 1873, $300. Gen. Smith, South Platte (2 dis), 5 :33, 5:3914. Two miles. John Peabody, Oct. 1, 1873, $225. Billy Whiteomb, Wasp (2 dis), 2 :51'4, 2 :44, 2:44. ■ C. A. Cook, Sept. 24, 1874, $750. Hannah 1, Denyer Girl (3 dis). Lady Jane Gray (2 dis), 5:32 14, 5:28 i/s, 5:33'4. Two miles. Sept. 26, 1874, $500. Ed. McCook 1, 2, Tom Morgan (3 dis), Hannah (1 dis), 2:45, 2 :40'/2, 2:441/2, 2 :46V3, 2:47. Oct. 22, 1874, $500. Ed. McCook 1, Lady Jane Gray, 2:45?4, 2:46, 2:48, 2:54. ■ Oct. 23, 1874, $ . Lady Jane Gray. 2:56, 2:56i/2, 2:58i4. Oct. 24, 1874, $400. Lady Jane Gray, South Platte, 5:4,3i^, 5:53^. Two miles, June 26, 1875, $700. Frank Sommers, Pilot (l dis), 5:33, 5:27. Two miles. Sept. 23, 1875, $.500. Eagle Bird 3 (4. 0), James H. 2, Denver Girl, 2:40/2, 2:42i/2, 2:42!/2, 2:451/4,2:46. Dan, b g (3 :53). H. G. Smith, Mystic Park, Boston, May 13, 1874, $100. Spot, Echo, Fanny (l dis), 2:5914, 2:53, 2:5314. • - . Dan, ch g (3:37i^). M. Lark, Brockton, Mass., Oct. 8, 1874, $40. Jessops, Josie, Sorrel Dan U dis), 3:01/2, 3:03/2, 3:00. G. W. Swick. Northampton, Mass., July 8, 1875, $400. Samoset 2. Quaker 3, Gifford 4, 5 (6 dr), Kitty Lightfoot (5 dr), Neva (4 dr\ Warwick (3 dis), Lyman (3 dis), Madge (3 dis). Sorrel Dave (1 dis), Fanny Star (1 dis). 2:38/2, 2:42, 2:43?4, 2:40. 2:46, 2:45, 2:50. L. H. Baker, Sturbridge, Mass., Sept. 10 and 11, 1875, $225. Little Pomp, Capt. Allen, Lady Hale, Eva, 2:41 2*41 2 '40. Dan,'b g (3 :'49). " J. Conlan, Woodbury, N. J., Oct. 21, 1874, $250. Maggie M., Mary Dell, Boss, Flora Temple, 2 '5014 2 '51 2 '49. Dan,' oil's "(3':56)." Mike Kennedy, Evansville, Ind., July 3, 1875, $100. Buckeye 2, Belle Marie (3 dr), 3:00, 2:57,2:.56, 3:00. . ,- , , . ' Dan, b g (3 :6l). S. Hall, Ballston Spa, N. Y., Sept. 9, 1875, $50. Ben Watson 5 (1, 0), Grab 3 (l, 0), Knowlton's b S (3 dr), 2 :50, 2 :.51, 2 :54, 2 :58, 2 :.55i/2, 2 :56. ^ .,,.,„,. Dan, br g (3 :36). T. McClellan, San Francisco, Cal., April 29, 1876, $100. Howell 5, 6, Maid of the Flams 1, 2, Nelly Gratton, 2:37/2, 2:41, 2:39, 2:40, 2:41, 2:42, 2:48/2. Dan, br g (3 :54). C. E. Brown, Norwalk, Conn.. June 14, 1870, $120. Maxley, Henry 1 (2 dis), Blacksmith (2 dis), Dazey (2 dis), Kitty Kirkham (1 dis), 2:58. 2:54, 2:57i/4, 2:56i4. Dan, ch g (3 :41i4). S. Short, Erie, Pa., June 3, 1876, $200, Annie 1, Billy Blood, Brown Frank, 3 :00. 2 :57, 3 :00, 2:50. Dan, ch g (3 :36). J. Henry, Point Breeze Park, Phila., Sept. 12, 1876, $200. Molly, Morning, Leontine, Hallet (1 dis), 2:42i4. 2:41, 2:41," Sept. 14, 1876, $200. Molly, Morning, Leontine, George (1 dis), Kitty M. (l dis), 2:37i^, 2:37, 2:36. Dan (w), ch g (3:49i^ w). P. D. Van Sykle, Waverly. N. J., Sept. 19. 1876, $150. Henry G., Lizzie A., Rattle. 2:49»4, 2:55'4,2:57i/2. Dan, ch g (3 :46). H. G. Turner, Readville, Mass., Sept. 29, 1876, $100. Queen 1, 2, Christine, Charley, Ecno, Dick (4 dr), Little Hopeful (4 dr). Mystery (3 dr). Green Mountain Boy (2 dr), 2:50, 2;.50, 2:46. 2:51i/4, 2:55. Dan, b g (3:43), H. C. Boyer. Norristown, Pa., July 17, 1877, $ . Chief, 2:57. 2:46]^, 2: 43. Dan, b s (3 :04). G. Coulson, Baltimore. Md., July 4, 1878, $500. Baltimore Co. Kate, Trustee, 3:07, 3:09, 3:04. Dan (w), b g (2 :45). G. L. Austin, White Plains, N. Y., April 24, 1878, $100. Good Boy (w), 1, 2, Henry, 2:56, 2 '58 2 "5.5 2 :55 2 '54 '■ M:or'risan'ia,'N.' Y.. Sept. 10, 1879, $100. Charley (w), 2-AQVi, 2:47, 2:47i^. Sept. 30, 1879, $100. Dandy (w), (30). (4 0), 2:52, 2:48, 2:50, 2:47, 2:45. Dan, b g ( 3 :40J£). W. W. Lyman, Meriden, Conn., Sept. 24, 1880, $ . Little Ben 3, Ino 2, Pixie, Rover, 2:4054, 2:40?4, 2:411-4, 2:424. Dan, b g (3:50). T. Treadwell, Mineola, L. I., Sept. 29, 1881, $45. Wanderer 3, Frank B. Jr. 2, Roseberry. 2*50 2 :47 2 *50 2*52. Dan,' b'g'(3":45).' P. Brandon, San Francisco, Cal., May 13, 1881, $1,000. Ella, 2:45, 2:47. Dan, ch g (3:51), by McCurdy's Hambletonian, dam by Golddust. E. B. McCurdy, Montgomery, Ala., Nov. i4, 1882, .$50. Minnie Palmer, Hambletonian Jr., Jack Haverly. 2:51, 2:53%. Three-year-olds. Dan, ch g (3 :33%). C. Davidson, Jersey City, N. J., May 4, 1882, $100. Gunner George, Kate, 2:.583^, 2:55. J. Ross, Somerville. N. J., Oct. 4, 1882, $75. Jumbo Jim, John Martin, 2:52i4, 2:49i4, 2:49/2. D. Dunleavy, Parkville, L. I., June 6, 1883, $.500. Frankie B.. Alice Withers (2 dis). 2:38i4, 2:32%. 2:37. Dan, (2:34). Mr. Conant, Toronto, Ont.. May 24, 1882, $500. Caledonian Chief Jr. 1, 2, Bay Tommy, Cana- dian Girl, Norway Boy, Chestnut George (3'dis), 2:40?4, 2:37/2, 2:.34, 2:.38, 2:40. D-in. M. J. Doyle, .S'avannah, Ga., Feb. 22, 1883, $150. Maud 1, 5, Golddust 4, Belle (4 dr). No time. Dan, br g (3 :49i4). P. Bouquet, Council Bluffs, la., July 6, 1883, $ . Lady Breeze 2, Bogardus, Rat. John. Joe (1 dis), 3:05, 3:031,4, 2:.58M. Dan Andrews, blk s (3:47/2), (3:38% s). J. A. Williams, Milwaukee, Wis.. Aug. 16, 1866, .$300. Molly Bei- tram. Flora (2 dis), 2:58%, 2:47%, 2:48i''2, 2:47/2. E. Rood, Aug. 24, 1867, $200. Fanny Fern, Belle Lake, Ben Bolt 1, (2 dis), 2:45, 2:.38%. 2:39, 2:43i^. Dan B. (3 :40). .J. Bland, Bucyrus, O., Sept. — , 1881, .$ . Baby Leo, Billy M. Best time, 2:40. Dan Bassett, b g (3 :34). Geo. Baker, Freeport, 111., May 30, i877, $500. Gray Dick, Little Wonder, Little Frank, Jim Lane, 2:37, 2:35i4, 2:.37. Cincinnati, O., Oct. 20, 1877, $1,000. Netty Ward 3, Salem 4, Ethel 1, Deck Wright, Cottage Girl (2 dis). Kitty Clay (2 dis), 2:.50, 2:48, 2:52/2, 2:55, 2:56. 2:.58. Dan Britton, ch g (3 :46). G. Earhardt, Goshen, Ind., June 27, 1876, $200. Little Tom, Bay Jim, Roadmaster, Fanny Dodge, 2:46. 2:48%, 2:47. Dan Brown (Hickory Tom), ch s (3 :33). L. T. Logan, Earlville, 111., Aug. 28, 1873, $600. Bay Jordan, John McCarty, Lady Howson, Sexton, Daniel Boone, Bay Ben (3 dis), Clara Belle (3 dis). Signal (3 dis), Marlon (3 dr), Iowa Boy (1 dis). La Salle (1 dis). Belle Golddust (l dis), 2:48i4, 2:45^4, 2:43?4. 156 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. E. P. Thompson, Mankato, Minn., June 15, 187."), $1,000. Herod 2,4(10), Princeton Boy(l 0), Brotner Baldwin, Ladv Griswold, W. L., 2:38, 2:37, 2:41, 2:3H, 2:39, 2:42. .luiie 16, 1875,81,000. I'eavineS, 4, Darkness, Little Sam (4 r o). Granger (1 dis), St. Lawrence (1 dis), L':33, 2:37iT>, . ^ '^-..m^ Stilhvalir, Miini., Jinic 24, 1875, $1,000. Princeton Boy 2, .5, Herod 4, Hose, Pilot Hutchinson, W. L., laitliiiid , Selkirk 0 disj. Dyke (1 dis), 2:35>2, 2:321^, 2:35,2:33, 2:37'/i, 2:37. St. I'liiil, .Minn., July .!, 1875, $1,200. Lady Griswold 3, Peavine, Bay Charley, Darkness, St. Lawrence (1 disi, 2:;!2?4. 2:3.i'2. 2:35. 2:37. E. N. Fancher, Quincy, 111., Sept. 24,1875, $500. Bob Hunter 1, 2, Frank Reeves, 2:37'/i, 2:379i, 2:37H, 2:3.^1,2:3.5. Galesburg, 111., Oct. 12, 187.5, $300. Col. E. D. Baker, W. L., 2:.}8, 2:37'4, 2:33'/^. ,\. C. Bal)eock, Ehnwood, 111., .July 4, 1878, $100. Frontier Dick, 2:43, 2:50, 2:;J9. Dan IJrjaiit, eh g (2 :52). Wm. Morris, Nashua, N. H., Aug. 21, 1803, $100. Tom Benton 1, 2, 2:47, 2:50, 2:52, •J:5;i, 2:.'.G. Daii iJryant, (Reserve), ch g (3 :34), by Plow Boy. J. W. Drew, Keene, N. H., Sei)t. 10, 1874, $a50. American Boy, Jenny, Herod. Glenwood Belle, Harry, Careless Boy, Samoset (3 dis), Black Jack (1 dis;,2:49'i, 2:47'/i, 2:48. Daubury Boy, b g (3:34i2). R. Ferris, Danbury, Conn., Oct. 5, 1883, $150. Brown Jack 2, Katonah Maid, 2:40ij. 2:33'i. 2:40, 2:40. New Haven, Conn., Oct.. 18,1883, $250. Borax (3 0), Isolene. Railroad Boy, Jack, India Rubber Jack, Belle of Waterburv, Black Bess, Topsv (3 dis), Major (3 dr), 2:34i4. 2:33, 2:3714, 2:37^. Dan Callaghan, b g (3 :35). Frank KtiHicld, St. Louis, Mo., Aprif 2.'), 1807, $50. Bailey 2, 3, Fleetfoot 1 (6 0), Ladv Morris (5 dis), 2:4!), 2:47^4., 2:48^^, 2:47, 'A-.ir,, 2:40?^. 2:45. lime 17, 1867, $100. VVakaw 3. Billy (ioat l (5 dis). Wagoner, 2:431/2, 2:41i4, 2:43, 2:43V4. 2:46)^. June 27, 18G7, .$200. Lady Churchill 1, 3, Fleetfoot (2 ilis), 2:4914,, 2:43, 2:42K>, 2-A\%, 2:4014. — = — Sept. 21, 1807, §100. Gov. Morgan 3, 4, Bob Johnson 2, Little Joe (5 dis), 2:30. 2:41, 2:39, 2:40, 2:39, 2:42. Dan Campau, b s ( 3 :43). P. C. (Collins, Ada, O., Sept. 20, 1883, $130. Dolly, Andy C, Sweet William, Richard, Quilna Chief (1 dis), Vankee Tom (1 dis), 2:45, 2:45, 2:48. Lima, O., Sept. 28, 1883, $175. Quilna Chief 3, 4, Sweet William 5, 6, Lily S., Cinderella. No time. F. W. Jordan, Findlay, O., Oct. 0, 1883, $100. Quilna Chief, Stranger Jr., Thos. Nidrogen, 2:46, 2:42. Stallions. Dan t'olvin, b s (2 :^SW>- Dan Colvin, St. Joseph, Mo., July 3, 1872, $100. Duroc 1, 4, Morgan (1 dis), Comet (1 dis), 2:.57, 3:01, 2:58^4, 3:05, 3-m. Dan Costello, ch g 1 3 :34i2), by Phelp's Bellfounder. Gilbert Adams, Freeport, 111., l\Tay .30, 187G, $300. Plato, Flea, Lady Esther, Chinquapin, Little Dutchman, Stella (l dis). Freshman (1 dis), Honielv Jack (1 dis), 2:39, 2:43,2:45." June 2, 1876, $400. Rochelle, Lady Dodge, Longfellow, Lena Boy, Flea, Homely Jack (1 dis), Fleecer (1 dis), Ladv Truesdell (1 dis), Vira (1 dis), 2,381%, 2:3014, 2:.3494. Dubufiue, la., June 6, 1876, $500. Rochelle l, 4, Black Doc, Flea, Lady Montrose (3 dr). Maid of Monti (2 dis), Ellen (3 dr), Portlgne (2 dr). 2:40. 2:34y2, 2:30%, 2:41, 2:40!/2. June 8, 1870, .$.'')00. Lady Ellis 2, 4 (5 dis). Gen. Stoughton 3(5 dis), Rochelle (5dis\ Lady Montrose (3 dis), Mountain (^uail (3 dis), Daisy Deana dis), 2:.38. 2:.35i4. 2:.37, 2:38'/2, 2:44. Dan Croft'ord, 1) g . Ada, 0. Sept. 20, 1883, $200. Dolly, Andy ('., Sweet William, Richard D. No time. Dan D.. ch s (3:07). M.J.Doyle, Savannah, Ga., Feb. 17,1882, $150. Chieftain 1,4, Lottie, 3:11, 3:03, 3:07, 3:08, 3:07. Dan l>elay, b (g3:59). Mr. Harman, Brooklyn, N. Y.,Nov. 30, 1876, $35. Frank Martin, Prince, Emma, Knox, Thanksgiving, Moscow, Centennial, 2 :.57. Nearest to 3:00. Dandelion, (Dan Ford), dn g (3:38). S.S.Jones, Huntington, L. I., Aug. 24, 1874, $200. Setauket Chief 2. Prince Albert, 2:47^, 2:50, 2:.52V^, . E.Wright, Prosp'ect Park, L. I., June 17, 1875, $300. Plumber Boy 1, 3, Ehzabeth, 2:44i^, 2:43'2, 2:459i, 2:41,2:41.. C. E. Whalen, New Dorp, S. I., June 24, 1875, $200. Nanny G.,Helen,Brickmare, West Brighton, 2:41, 2 :43 2 :45. -June 2.5. 1875, .$200, Creedmoor 1, Henry Mac (2 0), Cranky Jack, Helen, Cliieftain (1 dis), 2:44, 2:48, 2:461^. 2 :42'/2, 2:44, (w), D. McDonald. Jnmaica, L. I., Mav 8, 1870, $200. Betsy Ann 2, 3:03, 3:02, 2:.56i/2, 2:51. Dan Donaldson, cli g (3 :34 'i ), ))y Imj), Boudv Scolland (?). W. H. Crawford, Butler, Pa., May 21, 1878, $400. Clara Morris l, 2, Helen .Medium, Dewilt (lav. Mamie F. (4dr), 2:48, 2:44, 2:4,5, 2:45, 2:46. Pittsburgh, Pa., May 24, 1878, .$400. EddyFry 4, Little Sam (10), Clara Morris,2:45, 2:41, 2:41i4, 2:41»4, 2:40. Pittsburgh, Pa, May 29, 1878, .$400. Eddy Fry 4, Little Sam (1 0), Clara Morris, .2:45, 2:41, 2:41^, 2:4t>4, 2:40. ■ Massillon, O., June 14. 1878, .$250. Nelly, City Girl, Lady Greer, Hinckley Boy (2 dis), 2:40, 2:40, 2:401,4. Akron. O., June 21, 1878, .$2.50. Lady (ireer 1, Sunshine," City Girl, Nelly (4 dr), 2:44, 2:44?i, 2:43'2, 2:42^. Mr. Clark, Pittsburgh, Pa., June 9. 1880, $500. Nigger Doctor 1. 4, Valiant, Lena, Frank Saylor, Beach, 2:.3.5, 2:31'/2, 2:31, 2:.i3'.2, 2:31i2. W. L. Kelsey, Newcastle, Pa., June 19,1880. .$300. Frank Saylor, Nigger Doctor, Valiant, Hattie, Nesliannock (2'dis), Effle (i. (2 dis), 2:30, 2:28, 2:31. Mr. Clark. Yonngstown, O., Julv 2, 1880, $500. Valiant 2, Nigger Doctor. Frank Saylor, Effle (L, City Girl, Expectation (1 dis), 2::{4, 2:.3.5, 2:33, 2::m.i. M. Boorh;im. Allegan, Mich., Oct. 1, 1880, .$300. Indicator (1 0), 2:.33i^, 2:33%, 2:32«^.2:.32. W, L. Kclscv. IClniira. N. Y.. .June 14, 1881, $400. Stei)hanus 2, Fitzgerald, Valiant, Fritz, Midge (2 dis), Clara J. (2 dr)."2:.{.''). 2:;i2.2:,37, 2:.33. Olean, N. Y., June 22, 1881, $400. Timothy 2, 3, Clara J. 1, Stephaiuis, Russian Spy, 2:301,4,2:31,2:30%, 2 :31K', 2:3214,2:351.1. Chicago, 111., Julv 23, 1881, .$2,000. Unolala 6, (3 0). Argonaut 2, (3 0), Lady Thome 1, Elsie Groff, Jessie Dixon, Rolla, Envoy, 2:2.5, 2:2414.2:231,1. 2:25, 2:24%. 2:26'2, 2:3114. — -Grand Rapids, Mich., Aug. 26, 1881, $300. William H. 4,(10), Indicator (1 0), 2:36. 2:30, 2 :29'i, 2:31i4, 2:31. Toledo. O.. Sept. 14, 1881, $400. Dream 2, Fashion, 2:31'4. 2:.30'i, 2:30. 2:3.3. Dandy, i)r g (3 :4G)4). I. Copp, Boston, Mass., Nov. Vi. 1866. $200. Ladv Franklin. 2:.'>4i/'. 2:51, 2:50^. Dandy, cli g (3 :51). S. Daniel, Harrisbnrgh, Pa., Oct. 17. 1867, $ . Ladv Bell 2, 2:.51, 2:49, 2:51, Dandy, clig (3:55). Mr. Jackson. Union Course, L. I., July 20. 18(J8, $iiOO. Charlie, 2:,57, 2:.55. Dandy. (3:37''i). C. Potter. Seneca Falls, N. Y.,Ang. 7, 1868, .$ . George, Reindeer (2 dis), Cliestnut Geld- ing (2 dis). 2:.'i7%, 2:40, 2:;f9. Dandy, blk g (2 :48). I). INIorgan, Fashion Course, L. I., May 21, 1870, .$rj00, Hazlett's bl m (3 dis), 2:56'/2, 2.5.5, 2:48. Dandy, m g (3 :53;'j). Mr. IVIaKuire, ITnion Course, L. I.. Nov. 24, 1870, .$000. Dan. 2:.58, 2:54'4, 2:.56. Dandy, b g (3 :57). P. A. Stannard, Savaunali, Ga., May 23, 1872, $100. Feely's ch s Thunderbolt, Nick King, 3:0.5, 3:01' i, 3:00. Dandy, b g (3 :43). G. Adams, Racine, Wis., June 24, 1872, $100. Billy Utley 3, Wild Rose (w). Lady Howard, 2:46,2:48.2:48,2:45%. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 157 Oshkosh, Wis., July 23, 1873, SL'fX). Daiuly 2, C, Hartford Maid (4 dis), Henry (4 dis), 2:45}^, 2:43^4, 2:44i^, 2:43^ ••: I-'. Dandy, b a {'i -ASK^). E. S. Hammond, Fond du r,ac. Wis., Aug. 2, 1873, $100. Dandy, 2:45V2, 2:45. Dandy, b g (.3 :49). J. Cudney, Boston, Mass., April 24, 1873, .-JSO. Jack Dyer, Gray Eagle (2 dis;, 2:56, '.i-AOYz, 2:55. Dandy, b g (3:46). A. French, Mystic Park, Boston, June 10, 187U, $100. Bay John, Doctor, Lulu, Belle, 2:4C, 2:51, 2:49. Dandy, b g (3 :50), J. J. Wlckham, Deckertown, N. J., Sept., 29, 1876, $150. Julius H. 2, 3, 2:50, 2:47, 2:45, 2:50, Dandyl ch g (3 :39). B. V/atkins, Springfield, 111., Sept, 26, 1877, $1.50. Starlight 1, (2 0), Napper (l dis;, 2 :39i4, 2:44 '4, 2:39. Dandy, ch g (3:471^). E. Clark, Little Rock, Ark., Nov. 21, 1878, $100. Sortie, Dim G. 1, (2 dis), 2:45, 2:51, 2:47'4. Dandy, (w) b g (3 :48 vv). F. Pillsbury, Minneapolis, Minn., June 12, 1879, $— . Fanny (w), Nelly (w;. Dia- mond (w). Bay Bill (w). Bill, 2:48, 2 :55. Dandy, b g (3 :41i^). R. Davis, Danville, 111., Sept. 16, 1879, $1,50. Victor 1, Belle Bowen, , 2:42?^, 2:4GJt, 2:.51. Dandy, gr g (3 :39). J. G. Orcutt, Troy, N. Y., Sept. 9, 1881, $125. Maud Miller 4, Factory Girl, Mary Allen 1, (4 dis), 2:53, 2:.51,2:49'4, , , 2:47J-g Dandy. M. Larose, Montreal, P. Q., Sept. 6, 1882, .$.550. Fly, Lucy, Repeater. No time. Five miles. Dandy. (3 :05). W. B. McGaw, Orono, Out.. July 25, 1883, $ . Chestnut Nell, (iolddust. Best time 3:05. Dandy, ch m ( 3 :45). E. M. Walker, Aberdeen, Miss., Oct, 26, 1883, $200. .Mina R., 2:47, 2 :46, 2:45. Dandy. J., brg (3:31). B. H. Jossalyn, Levviston, Me., Sept. 8, 1881, $150. Walter B., Slippery Dick, Emma D., Witch, Pet, Zephyr, Little Bess, Hudson (3 dr), 2:37y2, 2:37i2, 2:35. Sept. 9, 1881. $2.50. ' Black Arthur 1, Shaw's Knox, Aroostook Boy, Belle (4 dis). Hopeful (4 dis), Grasp (4 dis). Honest .lohn (2 dis), 2:.33>^, 2:.31, 2:35^, 2:U}4. — — Sei)t. 10, 1881 $150. Walter B., Emma D.. Witch, Pet. Zephyr (3 dr), 2:34, 2:34?4, 2:3314. C. B. Trask. Biddeford, Me., Sept. 28, 188!, $100. Camors 1, 2:40, 2:36, 2:37, 2:31. Portland, Me., Oct. 21, 1881, $200. Lydia M. 1, Aroostook Boy, 2:41, 2:35, 2:34, 2:34. — — Oxford Co., Me., Oct. 5, 1882, $100. l)runimer Girl 1, 4, Col. Lang, Arthur T., 2:4114, 2:3m, 2:34?i, 2:3614, 2:34' 2. Dandy Jim (w), ch g (3 :54w). T. Woodruff, Union Course, L. I., Nov. 14, 1856, .$250. Bowery Boy (w), 2:59, 2:. 54. Dandy Jim, gr s (3 :46), by Jimmy. Dan Mace, Fashion Course, L. I., May lo, 1865, $l,000. Hotwater (3 dis), 2:46,2:48,2:4514 Dandy Jim, 1) g (3 :.55). W. L. Smith, Smithtown, L. I., July 22, 1871, $40. Billy, Ned Buntline, 2:55, 2:58. Dandy Jim, hlkg (3:501',), by Son of Hambletonian. J. H. Merritt. Spring Valley. N. J., Sept. 27 and 28. 1876, $100. Rose Medium 3," Shorty, Tom Paine, Lillian C, Dan, 2:.54, 2:57, 2:50i4, 2:.50%. Dandy Jim. ch g (3 :13), by Fearnaught. Suffolk, Park, Phila,, Dec. 18, 1879, $50. Delaware Dan, 3:12, 3:13, 3:14. Dan Ford (Dandelion), b g(3 :41). B. C. Floyd, Deerfoot Park, L. I., May 1.5, 1875, $200. Henry Miller l, Edith, Watson (3 dis), Helen (2dr), 2:40i/2, 2MU, 2-AZ%, 2:42^. Danger, b g (3 :45). D. Dennison, San Francisco, Cal., June 10, 1872, $300. Johnny Coleman, Flora, Morgan, Shortiellow, Capt. Jinks (3 dis) 2:48i4, 2:48' i, 2:46 14. — G. W. Dickerson, Oakland, Cal., July8, 1871, .$200. Kate 1, 2. 2:4614, 2:48, 2:49i^, 2:49, 2:4.5. Danger, b s (3:39). C. N. Howland, LavVrence, Mass., July 2, 1874, $ . John Virgin, Belle (3 dis). Nan (1 dis), 2:48, 2:.50i4, 2:43. Julys, 1874, $2.50. .JennySmith, Nan, 2:.50, 2:45i4, 2:4.51^. Haverhill, Mass., July 7, 1874, .$200. Effle, Frank Hull, John Virgin, Minnie (1 dis), 2:39, 2:39i/^, 2:43. Danger, gr g (3 :48). W. B. Wright, Watkins, N. Y., Sept. 16, 1874, .$300. Lillie Pierce, Sprite, Granger, 2:50, 2:48,2:49. Danger, b g (3:51). Wilbur & Jones, Denver, Col., Sept. 23, 1875, .$225. Black Diamond 1, Reindeer, 3:01, 2:.51, 2:58, 2:.58i4- Danger, rn g (3:00). S. H. Haskell, Dixfleld, Me., June 17, 1875, $ . Shakespeare 2, Countryman, Maud, Bdly Morgjin (4 dr), Humming Bird (2 dr). 3:00i2, 3:01i4, 3:00, 3:00^4. Dan Howell, b g (3 :39i4), by Gray Highlander. A. H. Ball, Erie, Pa., June 2, 1876, $225. Sleepy xom, Lady MeKlnnev, Orange Billy, 2:38, 2:37, 2:39. Columbus, O.. July 20, 1876, .$700. Ed. Wilder, Maggie Smith, Sue Mundy, Red Line Judge Waite, Orange Bdly (2 dis), 2:3314, 2:2914, 2:29!^. Hillsboro, O., Oct. 12, 1877, $40. Black Frank 1, (2 0), Deception (1 dis), 2:.32, 2:.30, 2-31 2-3114 2'.32. Daniel, grg (3:43). S. M. Barry, Beacon Park, Boston, May 4, 1,877, $100. Dan Crockett 1, Bashaw Maid, Big Knee Jim, Brown Ben (3 dis), Lon Morris (3 dis), .Jenny (3 dis), 2:48, 2:45'o. 2:48, 2:42 Daniel IJ, br g (3:03). T. T. Potter, Greenwich, N. Y., June 30, 1883, $100. Harrv, Syntax (3 dr) 3-03 3-05. 3:08. Daniel Boone, 1) s (3:37i4), (3 :31i2*). John Williams, Decatur, 111., Sept.l5, 1864, "$300. Patchen Jr , Clifford, Gray Eagle (2 dr), 2:31i4, 2:32. Short track. New Albany. Ind., Oct. -, 186.5, $ . 2:37i4. Against time. Daniel Boone, (w), br s (3 :3l^), by Hambletonian, dam Kate by Bellalre. J. Rogers, Fashion Course, L. I., June 11 1866. $2,000. Mace's b s (w), 2:43'J, 2:43^4, 2:49^4. Dan Pflfer, Boston, Mass.,. lune 16, 1869^ .$2,000. Dresden, Sally, Lizzie Packer, Wilson, Locust (2 dis), Carlotta (1 dis), 2:31?4, 2:34 '4, 2:33. Daniel Boone, (3:48). L. J. Hobart, Oconomowoc, Wis.. Oct. 12. 1867. $100. Two others 2-48 Daniel Boone, chg (3:39), by the Beals Horse. R. Larkin, Portland, Me., Sept. 10, 1869, $200. Hmnming Bird, 2:51?4,2;47?4.2:47i4. , t- , , st s Aug. 30, 1871, $130. Hector, Honest Shaker, 2:46i'2. 2:43, 2:46. Daniel Boone, bg (3:39). A. H. Davis. Buffalo. N. Y.. .Tnly 22, 1871, .$100. Washtenaw Chief Jr. 1, High- laiiiler4, Yeoman's (1 dis), 2:48i4, 2:42=?4, 2:50. 2:48'.;, 2:45^4. ^- Willet, July 11, 1872, $100. Long Br.anch 1, Villette, Prince Arthur. 2:45%, 2-44, 2-42^4, 2-39 Daniel Boone, b s (3 :38?4), by Capt. Walker, dam hv Pilot. Nick Thorne, Oskaloosa, la.. An. 28, 1872, $350. Sorrel Dick, Reconstruction, Frank Palmer, 2:40, 2:41';, 2:42. .Marshalltown, hi., Sept. 5, 1872, $100. Reconstruction 1, 2. 2:,39i4. 2:44. 2:4.514, 2:39ii, 2:385^. .lolin Bradley, Council Bluffs. la., June 20, 1873, $100. Iowa Girl, 2:48''4, 2:47, C. Nevin. July .5, 1873, .$250, Bonny Doon, Iowa Girl. 2:51, 2:49%, 2:.52. Dan Allen, Omaha. Neb., Aug. 21, 187.3, .$:300. Om;Uia Girl, Iowa Girl, 2:41i4, 2-41, 2-42. G. W. Dealing, Council Bluffs, la., Aug. .30, 1873, Billv Whitcoml). 2:4.5, 2:50i4, 2:1414. Daniel Boone, b g (3 :55). H. Wetzel, Pittsburgh, Pa., July 27, 1876, $100. Miss Annie 1, 4 (2 0), .lake, 3:16, 3:15, 2:5.5,3:14, 3:1.5, 3:13. ' Daniel D. Tompkin.s (s), ch g (3 :35% s), by Winthrop Messenger. Mr. Anderson, Centreville, L. I., Sept. 29, 183.5, $200. Modesty (s). Fire King (s), Andrew .lackson (s). 5:18, 5:20, 5:17. Two miles. (s), Mr. Gilbert, May 17, 18.37. $300. Modesty (s). 1. R;ittler Is), 8:15, 8:08, 8:16. Three miles. (s), Oct. 10. 18.37, $1,000. Rattler (s), 7:,59, 8:09. Three miles. (s), Oct. 17, 18:37, ,$200, Locomotive (s). Fire King (s), (2 dr), 5:16, 5:lli4. Two m 'es. (s). Wm. Fotterell, Philadelphia, Pa., May 21, 1838, $5,000. Edwin Forrest (s), (2 dis). 8:07, . 158 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TUOTTING AND PACING RECOllD. Daniel K., Rr g (2:40). Martin Dewey. St. Paul, Minn., Oct. 4, 1883, $200. Butclier Jim 1,4, Kitty, Blllt Mack. 2:41, 2:40, 2:-«>V^, . Unfinished. Daniel Lambert, cli s («:*«), by Ethan Allen, dam Fanny Cook by Abdallah. Dan Mace, Chelsea, Mass., Oct. 22. ISiil, .$7.j. Lady Anderson 1, Younu Mack (1 dis), 2:49' o, 2:4.i, 2:42. Three-year-olds. Daniel Lambert Jr., eh g (2:35). Ijv Daniel Laml)ert. J. Utton, Montpelier, Vt., Sept. 10, 1879. SST,. Bella, Hard Times, Lockwood, Gray \\ alkill (3 died;, Leonla (3 dr;, Beecher (3 dr), Billy (3 dr). Little Gent (2 dr). 2:42, 2:.«). 2:41. ^ v /< v /i Scpl. 11, 1S79, §95. Young Pathfinder, Hard Times, Lottie, Flora L., Tanner Girl, 2-40, 2-40U 2-35 .Morrisville, Vt., Oct. Hi, 1H79. ••< . llichmoiul Girl. .lim Fisk, 2:42, 2:4(), 2:40}/.. Daniel K., lir g (.3:591^). D. It. Boiighton, Avon, 111., Sept. 13, 1883, $100. Kinma M., Little Kate. 2:59'/. 2:.-.9',,2;59:'4. Daniels, I) g (w). Dr. White. Upi)er Sandusky. O., Sept. 29, 1882, S50. Maud (w), John (w), Frank Pierce (w). iii, 2::35>.i. W. P. Kinzer, Blancliester, O., Sept. 11, 1879, ;|f200. Ancient Order Boy 1,2, Aleck S'., Lady Sampson. 2:36, 2:36J^, 2:34, 2:35. 2:84i^j. ■ Dajton, O., Sept. 24, 1879, $400. Bay Fanny 3, 4, Good Morning 5, Fashion, 2:33'/, 2:.34, 2:33'/j, 2:34. 2:36, 2: ,37. Delaware, 0., Sept. 26, 1879, S200. Bay Dick. Marker, Harry J., Col. Moore. 2:32. 2:.30^, 2:.33. Daniel Tucker, rn g (3:65;. L. S. Tucker, Riverhead, L. L, Oct. 6, 1881, $75. Chieftain 2, Eva, 2 :56, 2 :55, 2:>5.5. 2:.')7. Daniel Webster, b g (2 :46), (2:44 s). C. S. Bartine, CentreviUe, L. I., May 4, 1838, $200. Jim Oaks, Dread, 5 :4C. 5 JA. 5 :38. T\vo miles. (s) Beacon Course, N. J., Nov. 23, 1838, $50. Celeste, 6:51J^, 5:47'/4. Two miles. Nov. 24, 1838, .§75. Celeste. 6:08, 5:57. Two miles. CentreviUe. L. L, Nov. 28, 1838, $500. Cato, 5:38, 5:40. 5:42. Two miles. (s), April 7, 1845. $50. Medoc (s). Coquette (s). Lady Polk fs), 2:44, 2:45, 2:44. Union Course, L. I., Ai)ril 28. 1845, $ioo. Bob Logic, 5-50, 6:.i6. Two miles. ■ (w), Geo. Edwards, Cambridge. Mass., Aug. 28, 1845, $200. Monster Boy (w), 2:59, 3:01. — — L. Clark, Mav 14, 1846, $ . One Eyed Rilev, 2:56, 2:.50, 2:49. Daniel AVebster, b g (s), (2:39>4). Wni. Woodruff, Boston, Mass., June 21,1848,$ . Snow Storm (s), (1 dis). 5-25. Two miles. .luly 4, 1848, $ . Sir Gerry, 5:46, 5 :45. Two miles. May 8. 1849, $100. Hector, 5:29, 5:181^. Two miles. Daniel Webster, br g (2:42'/2). A. R. Ladd, Lamb's Tavern, Pa., Julys, 1874, $200. Lady Sharp 1, 2:44'/4, 2:43^. 2:45. 2:42'4. Daniel Webster, ch g (3 :38). D. N. Le Clear, Denver, Col., Oct. 2, 1877, $300. Hannah, Blue Dick, Aroostook Boy. 2:4.'l, 2:42>^. 2:41V4. ■ Oct. 5 j-nd 6, 1877, $500. Repeater 2, 3, Aroostook Boy 1, Hannah, Blue Dick, 2:36, 2:38, 2:38, 2:39'4, 2:40'2, 2 "38 Daniel AVebster (Bay Jim and Rattling Dan), b g (2 :29i4). J. Heslin, Pittsburg, Pa., Sept. 28, 1881, $300. Milo. Gazetteer. Bishop, 2:29'4. 2:295,i, 2:30"2. Daniel W'ebster, b g (2:3514). H. Ballon, Johnstown, N. Y., Oct. 15, 1883, $150. Cor B., Brookside Flora, Borax, 2:36, 2:37, 2:a5''2. Dan Lisle, br g (2:50). Mr. Stevens, Sacramento, Cal., June 11, 1854, $2,000. Whalebone, 2:50, 2:50, 2:.50. Dan Mace (Sorrel Dan), ch g (2 :30), (2 :28 s). W. H. Mead, Boston, Mass., May 20, 1862, $100. Lady Shaw 1, White Chief, 2:36?ii. 2:36, 2:3(;;'.'. 2::«i!',,. (w), J. E. Turner, June 13, 1862, $100. White Chief (w), (3 0), (4 0), Lady Shaw (w), 2:40J4, 2:40, 2:40, (\h. Worcester, Mass., Oct. 9, 10 and 11, 1802, $400. Tib Woodward 1, 6 (2 O) (5 0), 2:38, 2:401^, 2:42, 2:36'/4, 2:40. 2:.38, 2:37' ». W. H. Mead, Hartford, Conn., Oct. 16, 1862, $150. Tartar 2, Lady Sherman, 2:33, 2:31, 2:.34, 2:34. J. S. Turner, Fashion Course, L. I., June 27, 1863, $750. Lady Sherman 2, Lady Morrison, 2:31'^i, 2:33;'4, 2::j2'/2,2:32J£. (s), Pawtucket, R. I., July 4, 1863, $150. Wellswood (s), 2:33%, 2:32, 2:36. Dan Mace, Washington, 1). C, Dec. 13, 1863, $1,250. Lady Champion, Little Mac, Abdallah Chief, 14:18, Five miles. .Nov. 6, 1863, $500. Belle of Hartford 3, 4. Jackson (1 dis), 2:42'4. 2:.?7>4, 2:,37. 2:37. 2:37. (s), J. E. Turner, Hartford, Conn., June 20, 1864, ,$5,000. Prince, 2:32'4, 2:31)4, 2:31i.i. s), Springfield, Mass., July 4, 1864, $1,000. Gen. Butler, 2:32U, 2:31, 2:31'/^. r. J. Bowen, Boston, Mass., June 20, 1865, $400. Tib Woodward 1, Draco (2 dr), 2:37. 2:40;'2, 2:38J^, 2:38'/2. .). E. Turner, Sept. 19. lRa5, $.350. Black Diamond. 2:55, 2:46, 2:42. Dan Mace, Providence, R. L, Aug. 6, 1866, $7.'50. Mountain Maid 1. Fanny Allen 2, 2:34'i, 2:33, 2:31, 2 *,31 ''i 2 '30 ^H. Brock, Augusta, Me., Sept. 18, 18C8, $500. Gen. McClcllan, Col. Lakcman (1 dis), Lady Chapman (1 dis), 2:39, 2:40, 2:44. ^ „, ._, Dan Mace, 1) s (2 :45'/2). W. D. Peabody, Hartford, Conn., Sept. IS. 1806, $300. Black Diamond, 2:46'i,2:48?.i, 2:45' i. Dan Mace, (3 :50M). Tra Metcalf, Adrian, Mich., June 6, 1874. $100. Long Branch, 2:51';, 3:09, 3.0114. Dan Marble, bg (3 :47'/j). C. Brooks, Union Course, L. L, Sept. 7, 18.52, $400. Baker Boy, 6:35, 5:41. Two Dan "Martin, br g (3 :03). R. Kerr. Cli-nton. Ont, May 24. 1881, $40. Cariboo 1, Lottie, Seaforth Girl (2 dis). Ma itland Maid (1 dis), Billy (1 dis), 3:12, 3:0.3,3:07. „ „ „„ r i^, f r- * rv * o ., o „. Dan >'eal, br g (3:30). J. F. Denney, Carmi, HI., Sept. 6, 1881, $50. Eliza J., l/2, 2:43, 2:41 ?i, ,„ ^ ,.„„„,„„,„.„. , „^ Dan l>almer, ru g (2 :46). A. B. Anthony, Newport, R. I., Sept. 21, 1880, $70. Maud, Exie, Castelar, 2:60, 2 '47 2 "40 Dan ■ Pflfer"(w), rn g (2 :40). D. PHfer, CentreviUe, L. I., June 8. 1855, $1,000. Tom (w), (2 0), 2:44, 2:43. 2:41^, 2 '55 Dan I'flfer. ch g (3 :52). Mr. Housted, Easton, Pa., Nov. 3, 1859, $50. Old Joe 2, 2:62, 2:58, 2 :54. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 169 Dan Reeves (vv;, Dr g la :00). C. Davidson, Fleetwood Park, N. Y., July 17, 1874, S300. Byron, 3:00, 3:07. Dan Kice (Rhode Island), br s (3:33'.,). by Whitehall, dam by Nigger Baby. Warren Peabody, Cincinnati, O., Oct. 20, 18tU, jiloo. Cincinnati Belle, Maria Letcher, 2:4-."2, 2:40, 2:37. Crein & Lynn, Columbus, O., Aug. 18, lso.5, S.'MW. Mohawk (2 dis). 2:37;-i, 2:28?4. Stallions. Warren Peabodv, New London, Conn., Oct. 2, 1806, $ . Old Put, Gray Eagle, 2:.36, 2:32, 2:36. Taunton, Mass.," Oct. 4, 1866. §200. John Morgan 1, Leviathan, 2:40, 2:38i2. 2:3:)'2. 2:;39 Geo. H. Bailey, Portland, Me., Oct. 12, 1866. .§.500. Fearless 2. 3, General McC'lellan, 2:32'/;, 2:36, 2:39, 2'39 ** '37 \Varren Peabody, Providence, R. I., Oct. 27, 1866, $1,000. Lucy 1, 3. 2:32U, 2:289i, 2:28!2, 2:291^, 2:27!4. • Amasa Sprague, New Haven, Conn., Oct. 1, 1867, $50. Leviathan, 2:36, 2:37;2, 2:34. Stallions. Dan Rice b s (3 :45), by Signal. D. McVicker, Chico, Cal., Sept. 2.5, 1873, $200. Swamp Angel 2, Emma Tan- ner (1 dis), 2:48, 2:44' 2. 2:45, 2:48i4. S:icraiuento, Cal., Nov. 27, 1873. $1,000. Swamp Angel 1, 2:54'2, 2:50, 2:45, 2:46. Dan Kice. ch s (3 :46). Nashua, la., Sept. 3, 1874. $170. Little Fraud 2, 3 (4 0), Tom Allen, Maud Muller, 2:48, 2 :4y 1 .i, 2 :49, , 2 :46, 2 :.50. Mr Webb. Winnipeg, Manitoba, June 4, 1879, $70. Tom Kemble. No time. Dan Kice ch g (3 ;37). J. Collier. Waverlv, N. J., June 19, 1880. .§ . Harvey, 2:37, 2:38. Dan Richards b g (3 :50). S. B. Metier. Easton, Pa, Julv 4. 1870. $100. Tom Craig 2, 2:57, 2:51, 2:51, 2:50. Dec. 3, 1870, $25. Tom Craig 3, Dr. Jackson 1. Molly" Pitcher. 2:57, 3:00, 3:05. 3:03!'2, 3:0.5. Dan Robinson, b g (3:545i£). A. Helm, New Orleans, La., Feb. 19, 1879, $ . George B. Johnson, Birdie, 2;.55'.i, 2:.54?i, 3:0114. Dan Rocket, brg (3:34). B. S. Young, Montpelier, Vt., Aug. 16, 1876, $300. Dover Boy, Billy Patterson, Bolton Bov, Ladv Dean (l dis), Halo (1 dis), 2:40, 2:.39. 2:39'4. Oct. 24,1876, $"300. Twinkle, Falcon, Highland Grey, Sherburn, Rosie B., 2:35, 2:36' 2, 2:.38 G. F. Locke, Manchester, N. H., Sept. 20,1877, $300. Walter. Falcon, Lady Nelly, 2:40, 2:41'4, 2:.3.514. Dan Rogers, blk s (3:38). H. Bradlev, Boston, Mass., July 23, 1867, $500. Brandy wine (2 0), (.4 dis). Sweet- brier 1, (2 0), (5 0), 2:42'4, 2:39. 2:.38 U, 2:38, 2:40>4. Unfinished. Dan s., b g (3 :44?4). J. B. Sabra. Malone, N. Y., Sept. 28, 1882, $100. Great Western 2, George R. Sherman, 2:45. 2:44^4,, 2:46. 2:48. Alhanv, N, Y., June 29, 1883, $200. Lady Kinney, 2:.56' i. 2:.58, 2:54!4. Dan Shawlian, rn s (3 :41i/2), bv Blue Bull. J. N. Shawhan, Mobile, Ala., June 25, 18G9. .$75. Mary E. Shaw- han 1, (2dis), 2:44, 2:411/^. Dan Smith, b g (3:31i4). by Reporter. J.Denton, Brooklyn, N. Y., Oct. 19, 1876, $.3.50. Doliy {3 0), Frank Martin, Raven, Bruno (3 dis), Roare Rane (2 dis), 2:46, 2:48, 2:50, 2:48. Fleetwood Park, N. Y., June 26, 1877, $1,000. Logan 2, 3, Mary Lamb, Fancy (5 dis), The Marquis (1 dis), Bavwood (1 (lis). 2:28'2. 2:30. 2:,34,2:31i4, 2:36'.,. \V. S. Sargeant, Albany, N. Y., Oct. 23, 1879. $500. Nelly Irwin 1, Tom Keeler, Taylor, St. Charles, George F. Smith, Ben Smith, John McDougall (4 dr). 2:28'/2, 2:28, 2:28i4, 2:28. Morrisania, N. Y., Oct. 29 and 30, 1879, .?400. Dora 2., M. R. 1, Newbrook 3, Fitzgerald, Tom Molloy, Martha, Diana (4 dr ), 2 :28, 2 :28, , 2 :.30, 2 :29, 2 :28. Springfield, Mass.. .\ug. 17, 1880, .$1,000. Daisvdale 1, Glendale, Nigger Babv, Robert McGregor (3 dis), Penelope (2 dis). 2:20, 2:28?^, 2:22'.i, 2:21 '4. Aug. 20 and 21, 1880, $1,500; Keene Jim 3, Belle H., Lady Foxie, Golden Girl, Robert Lee (5 dr), Hatty Woodward 1.2. (3 dis), 2:23. 2:24, 2:233.£. 2:24,2:2i'4. 2:25ii. Mystic Park, Boston, Sept. 2, 1880, $600. Glendale 3, 4, M. R., Unolala (2 dis), 2:24 2:215.£, 2:22'4, 2:211.^, 2:22''2. Beacon Park, Boston, Sept. 8, 1880, $2,000. John Hall, Golden Girl, Robert Lee, Wilbur F., Sadie Howe, Rii'hmond (3 dr). 2:24, 2:24Vi, 2:2.5. Albany. N. Y.. Oct. 26 and 27, 1880, $400. Castleton 1, 2, Emma B. 4, Florence, Fred Casey, 2:29"2, 2:21%,, 2:2T'o. 2:29, 2:24'-, 2:2.5U. D. Mace, Albany, N. Y., Sept. 28, 1882, .»800. Cornelia, Driver, Clemmie G., 2:2.3i^, 2:23"2. 2:249|. Dan Sutton, ch g (3 :35), by Ned Sutton. H. H. Bracket, Minneapolis, Minn., July 4, 1870, $75. Minnehaha, 2:59 ■4.3:07 Aug. 31, 1871, $ . Yankee Girl, Pembina Star, 2:.35, 2:.39, 2:37"2. St. Paul, Minn., Sept. 2, 1871, $ . Pembina Star, Yankee Girl, 2:42'4. 2:41, 2:41. C. Champlin, Minneapolis, Minu., Sept. 13, 1872, .$450. Rolla Mills, Columbus Black Hawk, 2:37i4, 2:.39, 2:38 '4. St. Paul, Minn., Sept. 20. 1872. $.300. Champion 1. 2. Rolla Mills, 2 :37i4, 2:.S8^, 2:36'4, 2:39'4. St. Cloud, Minn., Sept. 27, 1872, .$200. Minnesota Chief, Fred Star, 2:37 2:38. 2:37'4. Dan Taylor, b s (3 :.58). Geo. Evans. St. Louis, Mo.. Mav 10, 18G1, $1.50. St. Lawrence, 3:05, 2:.58. Dan the Cigar Boy, (3 :55). D. G. Emerson, Lowell, Mass., Sept. 18, 1858. $15. Ned the Butcher Boy 2, 2:55, 3:00, 2:.59, 2:58. Dan Trull, b g (3 :55). J. G. Smith, Lancaster, N. H., Sept. 17, 1874, $100. George R. Eaton, Josh Billings, Col. Dean (3 dr), 2:57, 3:03, 2:5.5. Dan Turvey (3 :0.5). Dr. M. Johnston, Augusta, Ga., March 3, 1883, $ . Nancy Jane (2 dis), 3:05, . Danube, b g (3 :57). C. J. Golf, Weston, W. Va., Sept. 20. 1878, $135. P. L. Bland. 3:05, 2:.57. Danube, b s (3 :33), by Chickamauga, dam Dart, by Trojan Jr. F. Walters, Macomb, 111., Ang. 27, 1880, $100. Mike Emerick2, 3, Ella Sweepstakes, 1:21>4, 1:]5'4, 1:19, l:15''i, 1:16'<;. Half-mile-heats. b g. W. O. Blaisdell, Monmouth, 111., Sept. 8, 1882, .$200. Judge Ciu-tis, 2:.36, 2-^314. 2:34'^. Avon, 111., .Sept. 13, 1882, .$1.50. Skipper, 2:.33, 2:33^, 2:.39. Sept. 1.5, 1882, .$350. Skipper. 2:39, 2:36'i, 2:39. Macomb, 111., Oct. 12, 1882, .$300. Skipper 2, Lady E., Dutch (iirl, 2:37, 2:36'4, 2:40, 2:.37i4. Danvers Boy (H. W. Genet', b s (3:36) by Godfrey Patchen, dam Ladv Danvers. J. F, Phillips, Boston, Mass., June 15. 1869, $2,000. Anthonv Wavne 3 Dot, Jim Libbv, Finnegan, Parkis' Golddust, Nina, White Heels (4 (lis). Lizzie Packer (3 dis), Bt^lle Mahone (2 dis). 2:30',, 2:28"», 2:34'/2, 2:31 1^. June 17, 1867. .$2,000. Anthonv Wavne, Finnegan, Dot, 2:33, 2:.33i4, 2:28. G. M. Stevens, Manchester, N. H.,"Oci. 1, 1869, $100. Gen. Lyon 1, 3, Farmer's Beauty, Pickering (3 dr), Morrill Prince (3 dr), 2:42ai, 2:36. 2:41, 2:3614, 2:36. Danville Boy, (Te.aseri. blk s (3:33). bv Young Morrill, dam by the Iloyt Horse. J. H. Longee,Saco, Me., Sept. 1, 1860, §300. Black Hawk, 2;57, 3:00. M. Lark, Newport, Vt., July 4, 1865, $125. Ladv Mclntyre (3 dr). 2:44, 2:42. \. H. Smith, Frelighsburgh, Can., Aug. 29, 1835. $50. Kettle Bale 1, Lady Franklin, Woodstock, 2:36. 2::i5, 2:.S4, 2:3.3. M. Lark, Concord, N. H., Oct. 4, 1865, .$200. Leriathan, Gen. Meade, Gen. Sherman (1 dis), 2:40, 2:40, 2:30' i. G. M. Stevens. Boston, Mass., May 23, 1867, $100. Ticonic, 2:.37'4, 2:38:'4, 2:37. Stallions. L. W. Ray, St. Johnsbury, Vt.; Oct. 5, 1870. $350. Red Dan 1, 2, Lingard, 2:46"2, 2:435^,2:43,2:45, 2 •4.5'/4 DanVooVhees, ch s (3 :33i4), bv Gen. McClellan. C. Dubois. San Jose, Cal., Sept. 5, 1872, $250. Nig 1 (3 dis). Ned Ketchum (1 dis). Lady .fohnson (1 dis), 2:48'/,, 2:4994. 2:42. Chico. Cal., Oct. 2, 1872,' $300. Terror 1, Lady Winkle, 2:53^, 2:48^4, 2:47M, 2:51^. IflO CIIKSTKK S COiMPhETK TROTTINC; AM) rACING KKCOIID. Oakliiml, t'al., Nov. 18. 1874, S-W. Broom t'oni. Lady Kiuiiia. 2:4:',, i;:3J»'j. 2:38'.i. San FraiuMsco, t'al., Dec. II, Dili. S150. MarysvilK- Omi", Mattk' Howard, .Joe, 2;.30, 2:.30'i, 2:.M'.i. .lllllO 2. 1X75, a4.(M)(». Ajax, 2:27' J, 2:2(;'4, 2:29.'4. San Jose, V:i\.. Opt. s anil !). 1875, §750. San Bruno 3, Hope. Ajax, Dirigo (2 dis), 2:28, 2:26. 2:261.^, 2:28U'.. San Francisco. (":il.,. June 24, IS7(>, §2.000. Gold Note, 2:23 Ji. 2 :23!>. 187!i. sir.o. llisinarck. Zero, 2:.is. •J:;!9, 2:36. l>an Vosburjjh, l> jfCZ-Mai^), liy Criinieirs Kllian Alien Jr., dam l)v I'lvinn Cloud. S. V. R. York Tiskilwa 111., Sept. 22. 187.5. .5600. Col. Knox 2. Diadem. Tom Dodge. J:l7'i. 2:47, 2^4r,?.,. 2:47:'4. ^isMiwa,, Sept. 2.!. 1875, 3:200. Col. Knox, 2, 3, Diadem. Buckskin Jack 0 dis), Saxton (1 dis), 2:40'.i, 2:4"'2, 2:4.'), 2:4^I:'4 , 2 :4I*. Dan W'.. l)lk g ('}:.">li. ]). L. Johnson, .Jersey Citv, N. J., Julv 19, 1883, .?7.5. Frank, Grade L., 2:55, 2:52'4. 2:51. W. G. Williamson, Aug. 23, ISS,"!, $M. Doctor B. 2, 3:08!4, 3:18, 2:59'2, 2:55. l>an Webster (w), eh g (3 :41). Hiram Woodrnft, Union Course, L. I., Nov. 16, 18.'')7, S500. Lady Cndnev '^ -43 2:42'.., 2:41. " -' • ' Ban >Vebst«T, blk gf3:49\v). H. Beadlcy, Portland, Me., Nov. ,186.5. Prize, harness. Ladv Alihott 2 Logan. 2 :'*>. 2 :.5(i. 2 :'<><, 2 :.")9. ■ ( w). K. S. Palmer, Sept. 15, 1866, .S.50. Gen. Sherman (w), 2:52, 2:52, 2:49. Dan Webster ch k (3:37). P. Gay. .Mechanicsville, la., Sept. — , 1871. $600. Moscow Bell 2, Tom Hyer (3 dis). 2:45. 2 :.•!!». 2:37. 2:10. Dan Wilkes (3 -AGVi). O. Kanus, Amenia, N. Y., Sept. 7, 1880, $50. Molly Loomis 2. 3, Frank "VV. 1. Ruth (6 dr), Adam P. (5 dr), Dick Dashaway (5 dr). Kitty Bradley (4 dr), W. H. (3 (list, Kmma U. (3 dr). I'red (1 dis), John Henry (1 dis). 2:50^4, 2:48'/2.2:.'"(t'.,2:.51i.2, 2:53,2:461/2- Dan Wilkes, l") s (3 :38). H. D. Hausou, Biddeford, Me., Oct. 28, 1882, $ . Fanny M., Humming Bird. 2:39, 2:;i9,'J:41. Dan WiUets, ch g (3:4.5). W. H. Allen. Stockton, Cal.. Oct. 27. 1860. .^soo. Snowstorm (2 dis), 2:45, 2:47. Sacramento, Cal.. .Inly 20. ISCl. ^Mi). Gypsy Jack. 5:40. 5:40. Two miles. Dan Wood, gr g (3 :;il'.i), by WiMtlitop Morrill. J. J. Bowen. Mystic l';Tk. I'ostoii. .Tnlv 19, 1880, $.300. Jenny 4, Mamhrino Dudley i2 0), Steve Lewis, Topsy B., Kadir, 2:32;'2, 2:31?i, 2:32, 2:30i^, 2:31^4. Darby, ch g (3:53). J. De Noyel, Cresco, la., Oct. 13, 1872, $ . Uncle David 2," Lady Sovereign, 3:01, 2:.57, 2:.5:?, 2:.58%. Oct. 13, 1872, $ . Lady Sovereign, Lady Margaret. 2:.59, 3:05. Darby (John .Murphy Jr), lir g (3:16';j, by De'lmonieo. T.Simmons, Fleetwood Park, N. Y., June 8,1876, ^80 T. H. B.. Lizzie 0 dis), Blnul Boy d dis), 2:43'4, 3:03, 2:.56. June 30, 1876, .$ 100. Black Bess, Sarah, Red Cloud (2 dis). Blind Boy (2 dis), 2:46^.i. 2:42'.;, 2:4.5i.i. Thos. P. Wallace, Cohnnbus,0., July 10, 1878, $800. Belle Brasfield "l, Tom Keeler. Lewinski, Kdwin For- rest, Modoc, Crown Prince. 2:23'.,, 2:25'.>, 2:25, 2:25. Minneapolis, Minn., Sei)t. 5, 1878, .f 1,000. Col. Dawes, Lady Turpin, Dick Taylor, Scotland (2 dis), Cal- mar(2dis), 2:24M.2:23, 2:23. DubiKiuP. la., Sept. 10, 1878, $800. Dame Trot, Calmar, Dick Taylor, Badger Girl, Lady Turpin (3dr),2:27, 2:27?i, 2:281.1. Kansas Citv, Mo.. Sej)!. 17, 1878, $1,000. Dame Trot 1, Dick Tavlor, Calmar, 2:30%. 2:27i/.. 2:27,i^, 2:27. St. IxMiis, Mo.. Sept. 2.5, 1878, .$1,500. Bonesetter 2. Wolford Z., 2:24. 2:20' ij, 2:23, 2:23Ji. Sei)t. .30. 1878, $1,.500. Lida Bassett, Nelia, Col. Dawes, Modoc, 2:27Vi, 2:2414, 2:26U. Chicago, 111. Oct. 9. 1878, $1,.500. Lew Scott, Belle Brasfield, Tom Keeler, Lida Bassett. l\Iambrino General. Ladv Turpin, 2:2.51.^, 2:23'.^. 2:27. Fleetwood' Park, N. Y., 5fov. 1, 1878, .$400. Capt. Emmons 2, Driver, Mary Russell, Lady Snell (3 dr), Steve Maxwell (2 dis), 2:25?:i, 2:28. 2:2(>. 2:25i4. Dan Mace. Belmont Park. Phila., Mav 29, 1879, $500. Irene, Gray Salem, 2:27';, 2:25',. 2:27. Pittsburgh, Pa., June 12, 1879, $800. Jersey Boy 1, 4, Silversides, Belle Brasfield. Deception, Hannah D., 2:28,2:26, 2:28, 2:26, 2:.30. Butler. Pa., June 17, 1879, .$600. Silversides, Jersey Boy, Belle Brasfield, Deception, Hannah D.. 2:27, 2:29, 2:26%. liradford. Pa., June 24. 1879. $700. Deception, Gray Salem, Hannah D.. 2:28,2:34. 2:,3i5i. Youngstown, 0., July 3, 1879. .$600. Silversides 1, Deception, Brother Jonathan, Lizzie II., 2:24»^. 2:24. 2 •''51.'. •'■2:5' I ^'chVc'agu, 111., July 25, 1879, .$2,000. Little Gyjisv. Lucy, Lew Scott. Scott's Chief '3dlsi,2:22'2, 2:23'2, 2:23. Clevebuul, O.. July .30.1879, $2,000. KateMi'ddleton, Orange Girl, Belle Brasfield, Little Gypsy, Lew Scott, Ca.stleton, Jersey Boy, 2:18, 2:20, 2:20. Aug. 1, 1879. .$2,,500. Driver, Hannis, Col. Lewis (3 dis), 2:2.3?.i. 2:20'4.2:40'4. Buffalo, N.Y.,Aug. 7, 1879. .$5,000. Bonesetter, Dick Swiveller, Driver. Hannis.Kate Middleton (3 drX Trin- ket (3 dr), 2:l9'i. 2:19, 2:18'.. ^ ^ ^ „ . ^ .^ Rochester, N. Y., Aug. 13, 1879. $2,000. Castleton 1, Little Gypsy, Jersey Boy, Lew Scott, Capt. Emmons. BelleBrasfield, Kate Middleton (1 dis), 2:21, 2:201-4, 2:221.1,2:24%. „ . , ,. . ,...,, Uti<-a, N. Y., Aug. 20 1879, .$2,000. Capt Emmons. Little Gypsy, Jersey Boy, Castleton, Kate IMiddlelon, (2dis), 2:20. 2:21%, 2:22%. Aug. 22. 1879. .$2,500. Dick Swiveller I, 2, Hannis, Driver, 2:20, 2:18, 2:16';, 2:20, 2:19'4- Hartford. Conn.. Aug. 27, 1879, .$2,000. Little Gypsy 1, Capt. Emmoiis, Sheridan, Jersey Boy, Castleton (3 4, 2:22, 2:21%. Minneapolis, Minn., Se|>t. .3, 1879, $1,000. Scotts Thomas, Doty, 2:28V4. 2:.30, 2:30. Scpl.fi. 1879. .$2,000. 2:24%.2:21'4. Tobeat2:16. Lost. (Juincv. 111., Se|>t. 11, 1879. $1,000. Little Gvi)sy 1. Charlie Ford, Scott's Thonuis, 2:24'2, 2:20'; 2:23. 2:22'4. Chicago. III.. Sept. 19, 1879, .$l,.'^O0. Driver 1. Charley Ford, Scott's Thomas, Belle Brasfield, Bonesetter (4 dr), Kate Middleton (4 dr), 2:21'2, 2:20U, 2:20^,2:22.' Sterling. 111.. Oct, 9, 1879. .$600. Edwin T?.. Cozette. Ella Earle. 2:28, 2:27U, 2:26';. Jas. A. Dustin, East Saginaw, Mich., June 18, 1880. .$1,000. Charley Ford, Hannis. 2:19, 2:23%, 2:18. Toledo O., June 25, 1880, $1,000. Orange Girl, 2:2.5V'i, 2:22' 2, 2::«). Cincinnati, ()., Julv 8. I88O, $1,000. Charley Ford, Proteine, 2:23. 2 :2.3. 2 :21 '/J Rochester, N. Y., Aug. 12. I88O. SL.-iOO. Hopeful 1. 2, Great Eastern, 2:1.5'i. 2:16',. 2:16i<,. 2:19, 2:22. - Mvstic Park. Boston, Sei)t. 3. I88O, $1,000. Charlev Ford 3, Trinket, Driver. 2:17%. 2:18'/,, 2:20';. 2:20 Darby, b s (3:36), by Steve. J. Caldwell. Harrodsburgh, Ky., June 22. 1876, .$225. Tom Stamps 1, Andy Mer- DaA>',7ToTn Thuinbt'bg ('3:35rbvtbe Knight's Horse. C. R. Milliken. Portland, Me., Sept. 27, 1871, $250. Phil Sheridan 3. Belle, Northern Light (2 dis). 2:43';, 2:40i/, .2:42',. 2:41'h. „ ,. „ ^„, „ ,„ o amz Sept. 28. 1871. .«:i.'-rf). Butter Ball, (Gentle Annie. John Gilpm. Kate Sharp (1 dis). 2;.39i.i, 2:40, 2;40U. EdI Baldwin. Lancaster. N. IL, Sept. 19, 1872, $100. Messenger Girl 3. 4, Arthabasca Girl, Old Bagley. i^' L^ J^'lfmcketl'.'^lVfrUaiuftl^^^ 1875. $300. Plymouth Rock 3. 5. Emperor William 4,2:39'i, 2:40, DarWsMwUdk^sVs :31), by Mambrino Chief. H. Woodruff. Boston. Mass.. May 20. 1S68. .$100. Madawaska Maid (wj. Boston (w), 2 :42'/j, 2 :39%, 2 :43. CHESTEHS COMPLETE TKOTTINU AND PACING RECORD. 161 r~ — J. J. Bowen. June 27, 18(», $850. Empress 1. No time. Darkness, b g (3:4714). Nick Thome. Oconto, Wis., July 5, 1872, .$ . Lady Franklin 2, 4, Copperhead 1 Flying Morgan (2 dr), 2:47?i, — , 2:48J4, 2:41?j„ 2:47'.2, 2:17}4. ■.Marshall. La.. Sept. 4, 1872, $75. Gen. Jackson (1 0), Nigger Joe (10), Sleepy Dan, Jack Fletcher (2 disl, 3:01 ',. 3:00i.i. 3:041.1, Z:%. Darkness, l)lk g (3:47',). S. R. Clark, Doylestown, Pa., Oct. 3, 1872, $150. Flushing, Brutus, Whitefoot (J dis), 2:49Ji, 2:47%, 2:48. Darkness, blk s (3 :53). John Gurtin, Deconih, la., July 16, 1874, $150. Little Dan, James Vanetta, 3:02'^ 2:52, 2:.533i. Darkness, blk m (3:35). W. D. Edgerton, Milwaukee, Wis., June 25, 1874, $300. Fanny 2, Pollywog, 3:01, ,2:511^,2:50'.,. Stillwater, Minn., Aug. 14, 1874, .'5400. Electricity 2, Dan Sutton, Rolla Miles, Bay Brig (4 dis), 2:39, 2:40; 2 "39 ''"411 1 '- St.'Paul,' Minn., Aug. 21, 1874. .$.300. Cupid, Peg Rattler. 2 :4Bi, 2 ::38, 2:42. Aug. ■2.', 1874, $400. Cupid, Dan Sutton. Voniig St. Lawrence, Oak Grove Girl, 2:37, 2:3.5, 2:35'2. Milwaukee. Wis.. Sept. 10, 1874. .^l.^.d. Haritoid Maid. Maggie, Nelly (3 dis;, 2:43%, 2:38%, 2:4414. Darkness, blk g (3:41), G. Scattergood, Wortim, .Md., Sept. 10, 1879, $100. Frank 1, Pahuer Boy, Recklesi (4 dr). Bruce (4 dr). Modoc (1 dis). 2:41'2, 2:45,2:41, 2:45. Sept. 17 and 18, 1879, $150. Palmer Boy 3, 4, Modoc, Frank (5 dr), 2 :42 :2 :42, 2 •.45, 2 :42i 2, 2 :-M. Darkness, blk s (3 :00). H. Lefleni, Stanbrulge, P. Q., June 15, 1881, $50. Lady Knox, Alice, Brown .John, 3:01, 3:00, 3:00. Darkness, blk g (3 :.50). W. A. Willis. Alineola. L. L, June 8, 1881, v$25. Snip. 3:20, 3:27. Four-year-olds. Sept. 29, 1881, .$.30. Jet, Weaver's ch g, Brush's b g, Levy's ch g, Gracie, Allen's ch ra (2 dr), Lightfoot (,? dr), 3: 10, 3:10. Four-year-olds. E. V. Willis. Sept. 28, 1882. .$30. Kitty W., Dick, 3:06, 3:03, 2:57/2. Five-year-olds. Sept. 26. 1883, .$20. Black Hawk, 3:02. Six-year-olds. Sent. 27. 1883, $45. Helen Jefferson, P:i(l(lv,2:.50, 2:531^. Six-year-olds. Darlington, bs (3 :33i.i), by Curtis' Haiiililitoiiian. M. L. Hare, Waterloo, la., Sept. 24, 1880, .$300. Fanny Fern 2, Eureka, Hidden Treasure, Prince Orloll, 2:.32'4, 2:38, 2:35, 2:35}^. Josepii Rupple, Xenia, O., June 10, 1881, .^350. Katy D., Peddler, Minnie Warren, Blanche H., Columbus, Charley Ross, 2".36, 2:33'^, 2:37. W. L. Froter, St. Clairsville, O., Sept. 5, 1883, .$ . Banner Boy, Harry Scott, 2:52, 2;.53, 2;.50. Stallions. Dart, blk g (3 :43).) S. K. Raymond. Hartford, Conn., Oct. 1, 1859, $50. Night Hawk (w),3:00, 3:01, 2:52. Dart, ch s (3 :45), S. D. Grier, Cincinnati, O.. July 22, 1869, $230. Dolly 1, Lexington, Live Oak, 2 :43, 2:45, 2 :45i4 2:48. Dart, b g (3 :35). F. Hord, Springfield, O.. Sept. 16, 1870, .$250. C. M. Clay Jr., Nelly Gray, Drift, Harry Clay, JoeHooker, 2:47. 2:47. J. T. Briggs, Cleveland, O., June 20, 1871, .$650, Bay Jim 3, Arthur Boy (I 0), Tramp, Sally (3 dr) Kate (2 dis), Patsey (2 dis), J. N. Welsh (1 dis), Denmark (1 dis), 2:4014, 2:35, 2:35, 2:.35U, 2:3714. June 22, 1871, .$500. Silversides 3, Evelina. Kane Boy, Moxley (3 dis). Black Thorn (1 dis), Mountain Maidd dis), 2:37i2, 2:37i/4, 2:35, 2:35. Darwin, by Green's Bashaw, dam Miss Nebraska. Frank Switzer, Fairfield, la., Sept. 13, 1883, $100. Fanny 1. Richardson's Gelding, 2:.53, 2:52, , . Dashaw, b s (3:48). S. W. Watts, Lima, ()., Aug. 16, 1866.$10. Mohawk (2dis), 2:48, 2:53. Dasliaway.bg (3 :33), by Butterfield. O. M. Shaw, Portland, Me., June 9, 1866, $300. Gen. Sherman (2 0) 2:59.2:55, 3:00, 2:53. Bangor, Me., Aug. 29. 186C, $100. Lady Berry 1, 2 :42, 2 :37, 2 :38, 2 :38. Boston, Mass., Sept. 13, 1866, $100. Gen. Sherman 2, Belle Strickland 3, 2:40, 1-A2y<,, 2:39, 2:40, 2:39',4. Augusta, Me., Sept. 26, i860, $70. Johnny Schmoker, 2:3914, 2:40'2, 2:43. Bangor, Me., Oct. 4, 1867. .$ . Little Fred. 1. 2:31 1^, 2:34%, 2:36, 2:33. Oct. 12, 1867, $100. Lady Fairfield, 2 :42 2:40, 2:55. Dauntless (Parkis' Abdallah). br s (3:36%), bv Taggart's Abdallah. ,L S. Parkis, Manchester, N. H., Sept. 8. 1870, $250. Shoo Fly, Lizzie, Rosa B., Micaw^ber, Nelly Morrison (3 dis), Dagon (3 dis), Marv (2 dis), 2:43 2:33 2:32. '- Boston, Mass., June 20, 1872. $2,500. Tom Keeler 2. St. Elmo, Frank Palmer. John A. Hall, John Stew- art, Joe Hooker, 2:2914, 2:28, 2:28, 2:28. Providence, R. I., Sept. 19, 1872, .$800. Major Allen, Another Such (1 dis\ i,:32i^, 2:34, 2:32i/2, W^oonsocket. R. I., Oct. 3, 1872, .$ . H. W. Genet, Lydia Thompson, 2:39, 2:4.31^, 2:41 1/2. Dave, b g (3 :39i4). M. Megonigle, Lancaster, Pa., June 6, 1870, $250. Blue Bell, Romeo, 2:51, 2:46"2, 2:43. June 6, 1871, $.500. Clara, Lady Girard (2 dr), 2:39^4, 2:46%. 2:48'4. July 18. 1871, $1,000. Topsy 1, 3, 2:404, 2:40i4, 2:4314, 2:42%, 2:42%. Dave, b s (3 :41). C. B. Kilmer, Saratoga Spa, N. Y., Sept. 3 and 4, 1874, $100. Lizzie 1, John, Lady Warren (3 dis), 2:.'57, 2:.50%, 2:.50i4, 2:.53. Ballston Spa, N. Y.,vSept. 10, 1874, $50. Ben Watson, 2:55, 2:.53. 2:56i4. Sept. 11, 1874, .$100. Ben W^atson (3 0), Black Frank. 2:511.4, 2:.53i4. 2:,53, 2:.5.3. J. Murphy, Saratoga Spa, N. Y., July 27, 1875, $100. Harry Irving 3, 4, Fairy Queen 1, Jack, St. George, 2:40'/2, 2:44, 2:45, 2:46, 2:45%, 2:47. Dave, b g. J. Breitz, ,Tarport, Pa., June 29, 1878, $100 Sleepy Jim 1, Huckleberry, Lady Kimball, Kitty Hawk, Standard (4 dr). No time. Dave B„ wh g (3:46). J. Beard, Danville, 111., Sept. 19, 1877, $150. Buck, Rolla, Black Cloud (1 dis), 2:50 2:46. 2:51. Dave Hill Jr., b s (!,), (3:41i4), by Dave Hill. C. S. Case, Meadville, Pa., July 31, 1867, $ . Sam (s), (3 dis). Blazing Star (s), (2 dis), 2:51, 2:57, 2:53. Cleveland, O., Sept. 15, 1871, $200. Billv Cushing, York, Maggie Carey, Lady Ella, 2:57i^, 2:56, 2:51i4. Davenant, gr s (3:4914), by Belmont, dam by Pilot Jr. C. Newell, De Witt, la., Sept. 5, 1883, $100. Pet 1, 2:53, 2:.53)4, 2:49i4, 2:4914. Dave Young, ch g (3 :33), by Stephen A. Douglass. G. H. Hubbs, Hartford, Conn , Oct. 13 and 15, 1881, $.500. Motion 1, Lady Moore 3, (ivpsv. Maud B., Dick Dample, Brown Johnny, Detective Patchen (4 dr), Lady Scud (4 dr). Patrician i4 dr), Alexander (2 dis), 2:29, 2:2914, 2:25, 2:31%, 2:28i4. W. S. Thom, Beacon Park, Boston, Julv 20, 1882, $2.50. George A.. Hetty Pearl, 2:23, 2:29, 2:29. David, ch s (3 :55'/2), by Dave Hill. D. B. Hibbard, Jackson, Mich., July 4, 1859, .$25. Seeley's gr m, 2:5554, 2:.T(;^,2:56i4. David, ch s (3:41), by Daniel Lambert. W. S. Stewart, Granville, N. Y., May 27, 1875, $250. Beauty, J. Thomas Davis, (irey Hound, Volunteer Belle, Bav Ida (1 dis), 2:41, 2:4.3, 2:42. Chas. D Kerner, Chatham Village, N. Y., Aug. 16, 1876, $200. Sam, Major Warfleld, Ed Gills, Flora, 2:40,2:42,2:451/2. Pittsfield, Mass., Aiig. 23, 1876, .$200. Major Warfield, Mate fl dis), 2:48}^, 2:441^, 2:45'/2. David, blk g (3 :50). O. W. Judd, Canton, N.' Y., Sept. 11, 1877, $100. Dominion Girl, Kitty Bell, 2:50, 2:504, 2;.50. David B., ch g (3 :34i4), by Magna Charta, dam by Vermont Hero. A. L. Boynton, Janesville, Wis., June 7, 1883. .$.300. .Minnehaha, Harold, Ohio Maid. Paddv Rvan (2 dis), 2 :36i4, 2 :.35, 2:35!4, Milwaukee, Wis., June 14, 1883, $300. Minnehaha," Harold, 2:36%, 2:34H, 2:34J4. 11 162 CHESTKKS COMn.KTl-; PUOTTINC AM) PATIXd IJECORD. T. .1. l)unl)ar, Oslikosli, Wis., .luiu' .'6. 1!snj, S:mt. lijirold. Fri-d NVincliie. -J-Atl^. '2M'i 2-43 Woodstock, 111., July 4, If^^o, isatM). Harold, .MiiiiielialiJM 1 disi, L':.;!i' 2, ;j:40, •.':44>^. David. ^1 loll luT. hr k ('^::J1'.,;. Joliu .Murpliy, l'ros|H'ct I'ark. L. I.. Ocl. 11, i87o, .■j<7.T0. Fanny Fern, Lady §300. Alhanibia Maid, iit, Solitaire, Hay Tom, ,, ., .,., .,.,., „ .,., - ... .Stranger, Kinj,' Nero. Tom Ciuneron, (ivp, 2:3J, 2:J2, 2 :.$•_'. — Marshall, Mich., Aug. 11, 1881,. '?300. Molly Middleton, Hattie Matthews, Mainbrino Uattler Alliambra Maid. Hay Tom, 2:;{4, 2:3;j, 2:.i(). — (liarlotic, Mich., Aug. 17, 1881. $M0. Hattie Matthews 1, Billy T. . Molly Middleton. Col. Could William S. ij dri, ■_':.;", 2:o.'«'2, 2:',iTi, 2:35'2. — - Aug. i!», l«Javi4, , 2:.37i4, 2:40. David Hume, br s{'Z:36%,). B. S. Leonard, Elmira, N. Y., July 16, 1881, $400. Harry Long. 2:41U, 2:36>4. 2:*;'.i. . e a . Davi4. Philadelphia. Pa.. Oct." 24, 1877, $ . Chief 2, John, Gray Billy, 2:37i/j, 2:43'/2,2:37. W. D, Kikai-d, Suffolk Park, Phil., July 9 and 10. 1878, ,$200. Glide 1, Belle of Pliiladelidiia. Sorrel Top (2,0). (3 dis). Village Girl (1 dis), 2:31, 2::J5, 2:30, 2:34,2:31. Belmont Park, Phil.. July 16,1878, .$200. Fancy, Glide. 2:28, 2:31,2:32' Davis Colt, brs (3:45). G. Robinson, Bangor, Me!, Oct. 4, 1861, $50. Black Ralph 1, 2:52, 2:50, 2:4.5, 2:48. St.allioiis. Davy, ch g (3 ::J4). D. Bassett, Waukegan. 111., Oct. 30, 1860. $100, Black Weasel, 2:34, 2:34, 2:.34. Davy, 1) ir(2 :47). Robert Kennedy, Suffolk Park, Phil., June 15, 1865, $200. Larry 4, (3, 0), Kate 2. 2:48, 2:48, 2 : .M ' e , 2 :4l)-'4 , 2 :5:{Kj, 2 M ' i . Jiuie 29, 1865. .$27)0. Larry, Kate, 2:48, 2:47, 2:50. Julv 6. 1865. $2.50. Kate 1. 4. Larry, 2:49l2, 2:19, 2:48»/', 2:46. 2:49?.i. Davy, b g (3;.'>l). Geo. H. Ash, Oxford, Pa., June 7, 1883, $100. Big Frank, Little Marv. Rochester, Effle, Rattler (3"dr), 2:53'/2, 2:.5.5K.. 2:51. Davy ('., bg (3:45). R. B. Crawford. Massillon, O., June 14, 1878, $200. Belle Powers, Little Harry, Birdie Campbell (3 dis\ .Terry Hardwick (2 dis), 2:45. 2:45, 2:40. Davy ). Mr. Braxton, New Albany, Ind., Oct. 3, 1866, $50. Sorrel Mare 2, Jud Crowder, 2:40. 2:.37i4, 2:39. Davy Crockett, bg(3:49). Dr. Benson. Baltimore, Md., Dec. 4, 1878, $150. Big George 1, Little Billy, 2:64, 3:00. 2:.5.5. Dec. 5, 1878, »150. Big George 1, Little Billv, 2:,54. 2:49, 2:52"2, Davy Crockett, ch g (3:49). Wm. Whelan. Huntington, L. I., May 30, 1879, $.500. Maurice Daly. 2:49. 2:51 '/j, 2:. 52. Dawn, ch s (3:59), by Nutwood, dam Countess, by Whipple's Hambletonlan. Mr. Whitney, Petaluma, Cal., Aug. .31, 1882, $1,50. ■ Blue Gown, Viking, Conemara. 3:08'4. Yearlings. I']. B. Cx>nley. San Francisco. Cal.. Nov. 13, 1882, $ . Antevolo. Sister to Honesty. 2:.59. Y'earlings. Dawson, gr g. A. Kennedy, Pentwater, Mich., ]\>.iv 23. 1879. Prize, bridle. Billy Boiiga, Long Ears. Nelly (2 ilr). No time. Daybreak, br s (3 :39»4). bv Lexington Chief Jr. G. Felker, Centreville, Mich., May 17, 1883, $250. lolanthe, Little Tone, Roxie, 3:ll'/2, 3:l2^i, 3:14U. Three-vear-olds or under. • Elkhart, Ind., July 3, 188,3, $100. Pavona, Allen B., Major (3 dr), 3:06, 3:03, 3:05. Three-year-olds or under. South Bend, Tnd., Oct. 3, 1883, $1.50. Defiance, Minnie R., Peon, 3:00. 3:53. Two-year-olds. (ioshen, Ind., Oct. 12, 1883, $150. William W. 3, Little Turk, Birdie G.. Prince Fox, 2:.57, 2:56V«, 2:58, 2:.5(;i..'.. Day Dream, ch III (3 -.21^^) by Cuvler. dam Lucia, bv Hambletonlan. McFerran & Co., Louisville. Ky., Sept. 18. IS8.!, .$400. Grand Duke. Misfortune, 2:31 '4, 2::io»4. 2:,32. • S.'pt. 20. 1883, $.500. Misfortune. (Miarlev G.. Danville Wilkes (2 dr), 2:29';, 2:.30, 2:31. Chicago. 111., Sept. 28, 1883, $5f)0 BilW Clinker. (Jen. (Jarfield (3 dis). 2:29'4. 2:28?*, 2:2.53^. Four-year- olds. Lexi-ngton, Ky., Oct. 9. 1883, $400, Maud Messenger 1, 2, Tucker 3, 4, 2:21?i, 2:20, 2:19^. 2:20J^, 2:215!i, 2:22'4,2:25. Daylight, ch g (2 :35H). Mr. Carrol, Boston. Mass., Oct. 25, 1870, $500. Shawmut 3 (2, 0), 2:41)^, 2:48. 2:46)4, 2:4.5.2:444. (W). Nov. 4. 1870. .$300. Richmond Boy 1.2:.5.5, 2:44, 2:42'/2. • J. A. Sawver, May 30, 1871, $150. Stellii, Dick, Ironsides. Charles Dickens (3 di8). 2:40, 2:38Ji, 2:41. R. Johnson, June 6, 1871, $.500. Geu. McClellan (w) 3, 2:36, 2:38. 2:37'/i, 2:39. Thomas March, Bangor. Me., June 24, 1874. $200. Gentle Annie. Paddy. Charcoal (2 dis), 2 :42, 2 :40, 2 :39U,. (J.~ Robinson. Rockland, Me., Oct. 8, 1874. !!!250. Red Jacket 1, Honest Quaker. 2:39, 2:41'4. 2:42. Daylljrlit. 1) m (3 :50). .John E. Tiillv. Washington, D. C. May 9. 1874. S600. Honest John, 2:61J4, 2:50, 2:60J4. May 20, 1874, $500. Dan. Feniau Boy. a:.""*, 2:5fl, 2:53^4. o o- O J IV..\. n \ ^ ti ^r t- *i 5 M # 5 p:^ f'' T^ ~ Et w CHESTER'S COMPLETE TltOTTING AND PACING RECORD. 163 . Sept. 19. 1ST4. em. Belle of Gettysburgh 2, 2:57J;|. -— ,2^3 3^ J H Morrow. Oct. 8, 1875, .S300. Eil. l-orrest, 2:o7^, 2:o^4, 3:0OJ4. tii;:f K"T-m^\o?'^c'ls7r^-5=''^;i. K^'? mg Mary, 3:i;i, 3:06^4, 3:03. S^ton Bene cb -.u .^ :^jl =1 'l' brHlue Bull! difm by >TohaNvk Jr. 'c. H. t^poffard, Oregon, 111., Sept. 20, 1882, I>. fe'b g^laVifckf'w^ g (2:5314), by Andrew Jackson. G. Green, San Francisco, Cal., Feb. 4, 18.>4, S . Fia'b.l':.59.2:54. V;iril 2, 1831. S200. Joe, SrOC'i, 3:02, 2:.)i. , . .„ ,Tiiie2 18.-.4, S500. Sorrel Ned H2, 0), 5:4(>, 5:464, 5:50, 5:-19^. Two miles o-i., -q ». C. Broderick, b g (3 :54). C. H. iihea, Sacramento, Cal.. Nov. 9, 1805, .^400. Eugene Casserly, 2:,>1, 2:.:,9, Deat-on (W). b g (3:43). S. Hoaglaud, CentreviUe, L. I., Nov. 21, 1853, .SoOO. Point Breeze (w), 3:03, 3:03. ^il- ^^t^ii^'^'l^^r.^^'^^S^^:^, 1873, ^100. Nelly, Dr. Bruce, 2:48i., 2:45, 2:48... = ^ap^^^J^%^^:SS''r^ lX'^^^^'do^<:i^o^ (3 dr), Lucy (2 dr),2:39, ii^Prnvirtenoe R I Au"- 18 1875 $250. Alpha, Colonel, Jasper, 2 :38?ii, 2 :38i4, 2:381^. 5;;^on Crankett b g (^fio). Mr. Fiihner, 'fiaston. Pa.', Aug. 27, 1882, $400. Jersey Boy 3, 4, 2:50, 2:47/., 1 J."N\ Wilson. Newton, N. J., Sept. 28, 1882. $100. Russell, 2:40, 2 :43!/2, 2:42i4. Port Jervis.N.Y., Sept. 28, 1882. .§100. Russell, 2:40, 2:40'., 2: 42'4 , Easton. Pa., Oct. 31, 1S82. S200. Lizzie Almont 2 C3 0), 2:41^2. 2:43 2:41V2. 2:4.?^, 2:43^2. Deadwoo(i^,bg (3 :48U>yGoocling=s Champion^ C. Tuttle,,Naples, N Y., July 28, 1882 $50. Ossian Pet 1, J. B. Dean, Passaic, N. J., Julv 6 ana 7, 18^5, .■?bOO. Josie i, z, r Fannv, Plumber Boy, Maud (2 dis). 2:36U, 2:42U, 2:43 2:'M)^, 2:43. Pa'terson N J.. July 23, 1875, .Sl.oon. Fourth of July, Joe Clark, 2:44. 2:42, 2 44. i Stou", Waverly^ j'. Sept. 20. 1877. $200. Patchen Chief Jr, Windsor (2 dr;,2:37, 2:36, 2:45. Stallions. D^mp'I Chestaut' Gilding rl ':4l)7~E. D*eCami?Hoboken, N. J., July 4, 1867, $500. Rossiter's b g. 2 .-5414, 2 '-53 2*42 Deceit,' brg (3:30), by Jean Baptiste. H. W. Brown, New Hunting Park, Phila., May 5, 1880, $200. Ellen, Annie Page, Reguliis Jr., Josephine S., Lvdia S. (3 dn. 2:.34i4, 2:32!^, 2:35. . . ,^ ,,. ,, May 7, 1880, .$200. Chester. Regulus Jr., Belle of Bethlehem, Alice Addison. Kismet, Republic, Mam- brinobilly(2dr), 2:32'2, 2:.34, 2:34|'o. , „ , „ „ * Point Breeze Park, Phila., Mav 20. I88O, .$400. Birdie C. 1, Chester, Regulus Jr., Frank Savior, Belle of Bethlehem, Kismet, Alice Medium, Duncan, Alice Addison, Belle of Montreal, Tom Meckley (4 dr), 2:31, 2;:'.0. 2:31, 2:31. Deceit, b s (3 :44). C. H. Robbins, Stafford Springs. Conn., Oct. 5, 1882, $100. Lone Star 2, Willie, Grey Dick 1 (5 dls). Ben (1 dis), 2:44, 2:43, 2:44. 2:46. 2:45. Deceitful, b g (3 :59). M. Pettus, Sweetsburgh, Ont., Oct. 5, 1880, $40. Brown John, Why Not, Young Angus, Buttercup (3 dis), 3:05, 3:05, 2:.59. Deceive, ch m (3:47). Goshen, N. Y^, Julv 4, 1868, $50. Rip, See Saw, 2:4Si4, 2:47. 222. Deceiver (3 :50). Jerry Parker, Rutland. Vt., June 15. 1871. $50. Northern'Light 1, 2:52. 3:00, 2:52, 2:50. Deceiver (3 :5oi4). Nashville, Tenu., Aug. 6, 1872, .$ . Hard Up 2 (1 0), Dan Futcher, 2:55i4, 2:5514. 3:02i4, 3:03. 3:03"2. Deceiver (3 :45?4). Syracuse, N. Y., Julv 3, 1873, .$400. Billv 1,3, Jericho 5,6, Tippoo, Henry Clay, Billy Watts (2 dr), 2:48, 2:45?.^, 2:445!i, 2:40, 2:48, 2:47io, 2.46^. Deceiver, b g (3 :47). Jas. Beard, Delphi, Ind., Sept. 24, 1874, $150. White Cloud 3, Jessie (3 dr), 2:53, 2:47, 2:48, 2:50. Deceiver, br g (3 :39i4). by son of Ethan Allen. Partridge & Ritchie, Governeur, N. Y., Sept. 1, 1880, .$200. Rosalind, Ira, 2:37, 2:38, 2:37. W. Partridge, Ogdensburgh. N. Y., Sept. 18, 1880, $350. Daisy Brown, Cora, Welland Girl, Castleton, TiosJilinfl '^"^P 2*33 S'*^'? Cantoii,"'N. Y.," Sept. 16, 1880, $200. Bellwood. Rosalind. 2:3414, 2:35, 2:33. O. G. Madison, Potsdam, N. Y., Sept. 22, 18>i0. $300. Daisv Brown, St. Cloud, Ellen, 2:31, 2:3214, 2:.32. Sept. 23, 1880, .$3(X). Cora, Bob R.. Bellwood, 2:2914. 2-30?.£; 2 :29i4. Deceiver, b s (3 :33i4). E. L. Harris, Watertown, N. Y., Sept. 8, 1880, $50. Jack, Middleton, Spitfire, Diamond, Lady Benton. Tuck (2 dr). No time. Sept. 9, 1880. $ . Ira 1. Tom James. No time. O. Partridge, Potsdam, N. Y.. Sept. 20, 1882, .?.2.50. Kittv Ives 1, Victor. 2:37, 2:36, 2:35, 2:35^. Canton, N. Y., Sept. 13, is82, . Victor. N. J. Fuller, 2:33^4, 2:30!/.i, 2:.30io. Deception, ch m (3 :00). A. Warren, Watertown, Conn., Sept. 7, 1871, $25. Woodward's rn m 2, 3:01i/'2, 3:00?i, 3:07' 2, 3:00. Deception (3 :43i4). W. H. Delaney, Dixon, 111., Sept. 5. 1873, S . Bismarck, 2:57H, 2:.51. 2:52 , gr g f3:32'e). W. P. Kinzer. Conueautville, Pa., Ji" Deception, gr g;f3 :32'e). W. P. Kinzer. Conueautville, Pa., Julvl4, 187,5, $200. Mary Jane 1, Lady McFat- Kentuckv Prince, 2 :.39. 2:3614, 2:39. 2 :.37l4. .$300. Luther 4, 5, Charley 3, Ladv Thompson, Billy Pavor, 2 :39. 2 :36i4. 2:40, ridjie, Gray Billy, Sleepv Tom. Kentuckv Prince, 2:.S9. 2:36i4, 2:39. 2:.37i4. •Corning, N. Y., July 28. 1875, .$3" '■' '" ' - - - — - 2:10, 2:42,2:42. — Julv 29, 1875, $300. Billv Pavor 1, Luther, Planter, 2:.36, 2:.38i4, 2:.37, 2:3914. — Massillon, O., Aug. 11, 1875. $300. Joe Hnoi>pr, Ladv Gray, Jack, Red Line (1 disl. 2:37, 2:35, 2:37. — Dciphos, O., Sept. 22,1875, $2.50. Red Line. Surprise", Bonner (1 dis), 2:48';, 2:41,2:4414. — Beaver, Pa., Oct. 2, 1875, .$.575. Marv .Jane 2, 3, Josie 1, Perrv, 2:40, 2:.37 ■■ . 2:40i9, 2:.39i4, 2:.36, 2:3714. — Piqua, ()., June 16, 1876, $.500. Dan "Howell 1, 3, Archv Alexander 2, Belle of Fairfield, Ella Wood, L. V. Caldwell.Billv Yeazell (5 dr), Lucy D. (4 dr). Mountain" Maid (4 dr), Black Charley (1 dis), 2:37i/4, 2:34, 2:35, 2:35Vi, 2:39, 2:.38i4. — Detroit, Mich., July 6, 1876, $1,000. Young Wilkes 2, 3, Girlie, Judge White, Gray Salem, 2:323^, 2:30^, 2::<4i», 2:32, 2:32^. — .Medina, O., Sept, 21, 1876, $175. Ladv Belle, Hambletonian Boy, 255, 2:53. — Sept. 21, 1876, $100. 2:36. To beat 2:45. — Beaver, Pa., Oct. 2, 1876, $575. Mary Jane 2, 3, Josie 1, Perry, 2:40, 2:375!i, 2:40i4, 2:39i/5, 2:36, 2:37»i. 164 CHESTEK'S COMPLETE TKOTTlNd AM) PACING RECORD. Miuisflekl, O., Oct. 5, 1876, $2r>0. Moliawk Jr. li, Dick Ilarvcy, Starlight, Mohawk Jackson, Ben Smith (3 (li|)or 3, Red Line, 2:r)0, 2:51, 2:.').'5, 3:20. MassiUon, O., June 13, 1877, 5>200. Maggie .Smith 2, Jlilly L., Peculiar, 2:.!6, 2:40, 2:3.51^, 2:39U Akron.O., June lit, 1877, .S400. Harry 2, .Maggie Smith 3, Joe Hooper, Venus, Starlight, Peculiar 2-39 2:40'/j.2:36;'4, 2:38, 2:40. " ' '. **»! Columbus, O., July 11, 1877, .§(»(). liay Charley l, J?ay Prank 2. Lady Logan, Frank Miller Red Bird Dixit- (2 (lis), 2:30,2:26, 2:.iOi'.i,2:2!).'4,2:3l)'/2. " , «cu xj.iu, Elyria, (»., -Vug. 10, 1877, $200. Gray Dan 1, Dick Harvey. Ciiestimt Dick, , 2:32,.2:37. 2-41 Norwalk, <).. Aug. 24, 1877, .S400. Ed Wilder, Dan Uassett, 2:^9, 2:31, 2:36. Cliilli.ollic. ()., Sept. 8, 1877, .S300. Dream, P.lack Frank, 2:30'.i. 2::S4. 2:39. ioluiiilius, ()., Sept. 14, 1877, .■i<27.j. LewinsUi :.. 6, \i (»), Kitty Wirt 1, Jlay Dick, Daniel the Prophet Billy Yca/cll, (4 dis), Blue Goose (,2 dis;, Maggie Smith i2 dis), Nettie C. (2 dis), 2:31, 2:28, 2:30. . 2-28 2-27M 2:28' 2. I ■ I '•> '- iManslleld, O., Sept. 21, 1877, $300. Joe Hooper. Stranger, 2:32, 2:31, 2:27, Sandusky, ()., Sept. 27, 1877, $400. Lewinski, Dick Harvey, 2:39, 2:32'/2, 2:365ii Indianapolis, hid., Oct. 24 and 25, 1877, .«500. Badger Girl 1,6, (50), Adelaide 3, 4, Cozette 2, Silversides. 2::«i, !'::«»';. 2:2'J.2:31, 2:33, 2:32, 2:31;.., 2:l;i». 2:31. ' Parker City, Pa., May 30, 1878, $700. \ersailles Girl 2, 4, Silversides 3, 2:34?4, 2:30J4, 2:31, 2:35. 2:32, 2-34. riqu.-i, ().. Aui,'. !t, 1S78, .^.WO. Belle Harri.son. Rip Kap, 2:29, 2:32. \enia. ()., .Vug. 1.^), 1878. $500. Billy Yeazell 1, 2::;.->, 2::irj, 2:39, 2:45. Deniiison, O., Sept 20, 1878, .$250. Hunter, Davy C, \enus, 2:36,2:.36, 2:38. Mt. Vernon. O., Sept. 27, 1878, $.300. Red Line .3. 4, Jessie Hayes. Moliawk Jr., 2 :29U, 2-29' • 234 •>-27 .Marysville. O.. Oct. 4. 1878, $275. Billy Yeazell 1. 2:35. 2:28', 2:34, 2:30. ' ' "" Lancaster. ()., Oct. 10, 1878, $300. Red Oak, Ancient Order Bov. 2:30'.i,. 2:37, 2:35. Oct. 12, 1S7S, .•55200. Red Oak 1, Ancient Order Boy, 2:.S8K«. 2:3.5,2:36, 2:32. Oct. 12. 1S7S, $75. Ancient Order Boy, Frank Scllick, 2:40io. .Meadville. I'a., June 7, 1879, $500. Duster, Little Roan, 2:33, 2:31, 2:29. Hraeeeptiuii,grg<3:00j. A. H. Hendrickson, Springtield, L, 1., July 11, 1876, $ . Sophia, Black Horse (2 (lis), 3:02, 3:02, 3:01. * B. L. Hendrickson, July 5, 1880, .$.-,0. Frank, Dan, 3:20, 3:l0i4. July 2.3, 1880, .$,50, Voltaire, 3:06, 3:00, 3:04. Det-eptioii, ell g (3 :5l). J. Adler, Monticello. 111.. Aug. 21, 1878, .$75. Shelby Maid, Frank, Flora, Pontiac, Sam Wonder, Pilot Eagle, Flax (1 disK 2:51, 2:.52. 2:.52'.. Deception, blk }; {3:25). W. C. Crandall, Beloit. Kan.. Sept. 28, 1881, $.50. Meadow Lark, Jack Rabbit, Black lorn, \ouiig Temjiest, 4:07';, 4:02. 3:24'i. Two-year-olds. L. G. Jones, Beloit. k.in.. Sept. 13, 1882. $40. Winnie, Blaze, 3:31, 3:25, 3:30. l>eck, 1) g (3 :r>l). J. Brown. Kome. N. Y., Sept. 20, 1882, . Knight of Honor 2, 3, Warwick 1, 4, Molly B., Hambletonian Prince, William Tell (4 dr), 2:56. 2:57'i, 2:58, 2:.59, 2:55, 2:51, 2:.54i4. I>eck, gr g (3 :51). St. I'aul, Minn., Aug. 25, 1883. $50. Nash, McLeod, Sorrel KatT', Logan, 2:51, 2:52^. l>eck, l)rg(3:49). S. Schley, Frederick, Md., Oct. 9, 1883, $125. Eddy B. (3 0), Lady Morrow, Daisy, 3:00, 3:02''i, 2:54,2:49. Deck Wright, b g (3 ilQU), by Hinsdale Horse, dam by North Briton. H. Becker. Newark, N. Y., July 19, 1.S77, $200. Ganarqua 2, 3, Dick Jones 1, Shorty Fountain, 2-45, 2:42. 2:40. 2:40, 2:40. 2:40'5. Meadville, Pa., Aug. 23, 1877, $300. Lady Dexter 1, 5, Fretful 2, Banner Boy. 2:40, 2:41. 2:40. 2:42'/s, 2:42, 2:40. Parker City, Pa. Aug. 29, 1877, ,$500. Capt. Sellick 2, 3, Lady Dexter, Minnie Lee, Adonis, Johnny B. 2:a5, 2:,3.5, 2:. 3.5, 2:36, 2:36. Edinburgh. Pa.. Sept. 12. 1877. SijOO. Capt. Sellick 4. .5, Ladv Dexter 2, 2:38, 2:42. 2:40, 2:42'/2, 2:38, 2:36. Clarion, Pa., Sept. 19, 1877, $.500. Lady Dexter, (apt. Sellick, .lolinny B., 2:35, 2:3.5, 2:35. Dayton, O.. Sept. 26, 1877, $.300. Netty C, Capt. Crapo, Belle Harrison (2 dis), American Lady (1 dis), 2:31K>.ii:3.5K', 2:36, 2:37. ,. ^. Sept. 27 and 28. 1877, $400. Post Bov 5, 6, Frank Miller 4, Lucy D. (2 0), (6 dis), Daisy, 2:34, 2:34'/i, 2:32>/4, 2:33. 2::!5)/,, 2:,31iX, 2:33K " , ., „ ( (ilunilMis, O., Oct. 12~and 13, 1877. $600. Daniel tbe Prophet 3, 5. (60>, Shepherd Boy 4. 8, Lucille 1. Gray Salem, Kthel, Dan Bassett, Joe Kellogg (5 dr), Iowa Maid (4 dis), 2:29, 2:28. 2:30, 2:29(4. 2:30, 2:27, 2:29H, 2:30>, , 2:.;2'o. IiHli;iii;ii)()lis, Ind., Oct. 27. 1877, .$500. Nancv Ilackett .3. Monarch Rule, 2:4l'/2, 2:38i^i, 2:40'/2, 2:41. DuhiKiiie, la., June 4, 1878, $.500. Neome, L(^afer. G. T. Pilot, 2:29, 2.30 2:31. , ^. , ,, ,. „ „ ,, ^, , Cincinnati, ()., Jnlv6, 1878, *1.000, Wolford Z. 1. 2. Bay Charley, Dan Howell (3 dis) Sadie Belle (1 dis), Iowa Maid (1 dis). .John B. O (lis), 2:26. 2:28. 2:241.1, 2:28. 2:31. ^ „ ... ., », ^^ « „ Columbus, O... July 11, 1878, ,«;ooo. Wolford Z. 2. Sadie Bell 1. Aniboy, Mountain Quail, Netty C, Bay Charley, Hazor (5 dr), Ladv Lowe(4 dr), 2:24, . 2:26. 2:26. 2:28. Bradford, Pa., Sept. 5, 1878 .$700. John H., Hannah D., 2:.30i^. 2:33?^', 2:.33. Toledo, ()., Sept. 17, 1878. $800. Belle Brasfield. Lew Scott. Little (Jypsy, Schuyler. 2:26, 2:27»/2, 2:24>4, Elliot & Jones. Lvnchburg, Va., Mav 29. 1879, .$.5.50. Hotspur, Hallie. 2:31. 2:31. 2:33>4. J. Knauber, Toledo, O., Sept. 13, 1879. $400. Belle Brasfield 3, Bonner Boy 1. 2:34!4, 2:34%, 2:33H, 2:33Ji5. 2:.^3!4- Mt. Hollv, N. J., Oct. 15, 1880, ,$500. Nigger Babv 1, Sadie Howe, 2:32i^, 2:33i4, 2.36U 2:34'4. R. G. Linn, Maysville. Kv., Sept. 2, 1881, $300". Lumps 1, Alcantara. LcHmtine, Belle Brasfield, 2:26, 2:21%, 2:21, 2:21. 1. T. Biggs. Little Rock, Ark., Oct. 21, 1881, .$1,000. Minnie R.. Mattie Graham, 2:38'>.,. 2:40»4, 2:29. A. Coleman, Kockville, Ind., .Tune 10. 1882, $250. Will Cody 1, Pilot R., Big Soap, 2:48, 2:44V^, 2:43V2, 2:46. .1. Knaut)er, Lafayette, Ind., June 22, 1882. $ . Pilot li. 3, Big Soap, Sciola (3 dis), W ill C ody (2 dis), 2:28, 2:27\'. 2:29. 2:29. Indianapolis. Ind., .Jidv 14. 188?. .$1,000. Sciola 1. Will Cody. 2:27. 2:27, 2:28'.i, 2:29'4. , , ^, . ^ _ Sjiriiigricld, O.. July 28, 1882, $.500. Tom Rocers 1. Will Cody, Fashion, Mamie M. (4 dr), Elsie GroH (2dis), 2:37, 2::{.i, 2:32, 2:.32. _,. „. „ „, Mavsville, Ky., Sept. 20, 1882, .S.-JOO. Post Boy 4, Leontine, Fanny Robinson. Lumps l (4 dis), 2:21, 2:25, 2:22, 2:24 2:221^'. J. Knauber, Cincinnati, O., May 24, 1883, $1,000. Romero 1, France's Alexander, Troubadour, 2:25, 2:28, 2:25, 2:25. Dayton, O., June 1, 1883, $700. Ewlng 1, 2, France's Alexander, Troubadour (2 dr), 2:28, »:25, 2:27, 2:30, 2:30. A. Coleman. Springfield. O., June 6 and 7, 1883, $900. Ewing 1, Hambletonian Bashaw, Mattie Graham, 2:2.5, 2:28, 2:28, 2:26*(. .Tune 8, 1883. $1,000. Ewlng 1, Wilson. France's Alexander. 2:26. 2:26. 2:26, 2:27i^. Toledo. O., June 20, 1883, ,$60O. Hambletonian Bashaw. Alta. Tariff. 2:29'5, 2:29V,, 2:32. „ ^ „ »_w J. Knauber, East Saginaw, Mich., July 5, 1883, $700. Independence, Hambletonian Bashaw, 2:27, 2.27J4, 2:20 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 16S A. Coleman, Muskegon, Mich., July 19, 1883, $150. High Jack (pacer), Stranger, 2:28, 2:27, 2:25>4. L:i SiiUe, 111.. July 2s, 1S83, $350. Big Soap, Will Cody, 2:27, 2:22i4, 2:23'^. Spriiigtield. O.. Aug. 19, 1883, «!90. Fashion (1 0), 2:27, 2:26, 2:30. 2:33. Culuiubus, O.. Sept. 7, 1883, $500. Fashion, lua G., Leontine. Lewuiski, 2:26. 2:2b>/2, 2:27. Wheeling, W. \'a., Sept. 14, 1883, $iw. hewinski, 2:30, 2:liii?4, 2:25. ,j K Costeii. Youngstown, O., Sept. 20, 1883, $500. Rienzi, Lewinski, Fashion, Mistletoe, 2:35, 2:35, 2:36. A (.'oleniau,Lancaster.O.,Oet.l2, 1883. $.500. Will Benham, Joe Hooper, Robert Brown, 2:25M, 2:21%, 2:24, ) . Knaiiber, London, O., Nov. 7, 1883, $ . 2:27}^, 2 :21'/2. To beat best time, half-mile track, in Ohio. Decoration, blk g (3 :36^), by Godfrey I'atchen. J. N. Woodward, S. Framingham, Mass., Sept. 19, 1876, siOO. VasTiti, Shore Boy, Granger, Fred B. (Idis), 2:47, 2:4714, 2:45. „ ., „ » , ,0 1 x Milford, Mass., Sept. 27, 1876, $10o. Vashli, Fanny D., Blanche, Don Juan, Sailor Boy, Angela (3 dr), 2 :45 2 :45 2 :45. '- Sept. 28,"i876, $100. Fanny D., Shepherd Boy, Georgie, 2:45, 2:46J4, 2:451^. G. W^ Harris, Sept, 27, 1877. $200. Crazy, Carrie B., 2:45, 2:419i, 2:42'4. ^ „ ,, , „ .^ M. H. Waterhouse, W'oonsocket, R. L, Sept. 18, 1878, $200. Jim Briggs 1, Kate, Nelly, Ashland Maid, 2::35, 2:.S6>4, •2:.35';, 2:.38. J. W. Harris. Milford, Mass., Sept. 26, 1878, .$200. Crazy, Middlesex, 2:37, 2:41, 2:39. Decorticator, blk g (3 :40). D. P. Bissell, Indianapolis, Ind., June 6, 1882. $100. Dolly, Nelly R., 2:46, 2:40, 2.42. Dedham Boy, eh g (3 :00). J. Cowlev, Readyille, Mass., Oct. 19. 1878, .$25. Jim, Puzzle, 3:04, 3:00, 3:01. Deer Lodjie Maid, b lu ^3=53). J. M. Walsh. Deer Lodge City, M. T., July 4, 1874, .$200. Bitter Root Bill, Buckskin Joe (1 dis), 3:05, 3:05, 2:59?^. Same Day. $?m. Bitter Root Bill (l dis), 5:46. Two miles. Deer Park. Wm. Bodine. Middletown, N. Y., Oct. 12, 1878, $100. Major 1. Harry Young 2. No time. Defender, blk s (.3 :36), by George Wilkes, dam Mist, bv Ward's Flying Cloud. Macy Bros., Lexington, Ky., Sept. 2, 1880. $ . Clemmie G. 3, Rowena, Hermione. 2:4414, 2:38. 2:36, 2:37. Three-year-olds. R. P. Pejiper, Falmouth, Ky., Sept. 15, 1883, $100. Isaac, Tom Bagby. 2:41' ,, 2:38'... 2:34'i. Maysyille, Ky., Sept. 19, 1883, .$300. Georgia W., Boston Davis, Nanny Talbot, Zulu, 2:29'2, 2:28'/2, 2:26. Defendum, b g (3 :3.5). Peter INIanee, Parkville, L. I., May 22, 1879. $100. Dot 1, Ladv White, Anna H., Rosa Raw, Avondale, Lump, Bruin, Why Not, George Clark (4 dr), 2:40'/i, 2:.39, 2:39'2, 2:4014. May 23, 1879, $100. Dot 2, Birdie C, George Cadmus, Why Not, Bruin, Howe's ch in (4 dr), 2:40, 2:44, 2:41 '2, 2:42. M.Fountain, Suffolk Park, Phila., June 5, 1879, $200. Athelstan, Phil Dwyer, Hermione, Gray Jim, Gail Hamilton, 2:.37, 2:38, 2:35. Defiance fs\ ch g (3 :03). White Howard. Jamiiica, L. I., — . 1825, .$2,000. Bay Horse (s), 1, 9:11. 9:08, 9:06. Tliree miles. Defiance, b g (3:53). G. Harvey, Trenton, N. J., Sept. 20, 1867. $200. Port Royal, U:21%. Five miles. Defiance, blk s(3:34), by Gen. Lyon, dam the Hoyt Mare, bv the Litchfield Horse. H. G. Smith, Dover, N. H.. Sept. 27, 1871. .$200. Lady Williams. Wallace. Lady Roberts (1 disK 2:43?4, 2:4214. 2:39. Boston, Mass., June 30, 1872, $1,000. Lady Williams, Rowe's Tommy, Myra Sluiw, Judith (3 dr), Whirl- pool (3 dr), 2 :36!4, 2:3614, 2:36i4. Hoyt Bros., Lawrence, Mass., Aug. 10. 1872, 700. Fanny 2, 3, Lady Franklin, Snow Flake, Black Prince, Frank Palmer (3dr), Madawaska Maid (2 dis), 2:39, 2:38"2, 2:3914. 2:40, 2:44. H. 4. Lawrence, Mass.. June 1. 1875. $300. John Lambert, Belle Dean, Grace, Effie (2 dis), Frank Hall (1 dis), 2 '.34 2 "37 ^4 2':37. ^' Great Falls, is". H.. June 17, 1875, .$400. John Franklin 1, Phil Sheridan, Belle Dean, Dare (2 dis), 2:36, 2:30. 2:36'i.2:39'i. Manchester, N. H., Sept. 10, 1875. .$500. Belle Dean, Young Rattler. 2:36i2, 2::«, 2:3654. Oct. 6, 1875, .$300. John Franklin, Lady Foxie, Johnny, Lady Daggett, Dan, 2:30, 2:.37, 2:38. Lowell, Mass., Oct. 13, 1875, $200. Cassius Prince, John Franklin, Grace, Lady Daggett, Lady Foxie (1 dis), 2:3714, 2 :.36"2, 2:37. Defiance (3:59). Mr. Dean, Bloomington, 111.. Sept. 11,1875, $ . Lilly, Teuny C, Longfellow, Fearnaught Jr., Curley's g, Lucy (2dr). 2:.59. 3:00. ^ „.„ Defiance, br g (3 :34). by Chieftain. J. Williams, San Francisco, Cal., April 29, 187.5, $500. Countess, BiUy Whitcomb, Pluck, Uncle Sam (2 dis), 2:3s. L':^!*. 2:3514. May 1, 1875, $600. Sisson Girl. Ajax, 2:28^4. 2:30^4, 2:27^4. O. A. Hickok, Dec. 11, 1875, $1,000. St. James, 2:27, 2:30, 2:24. ^ ,, ,, Delanoy's Chestnut Gelding (3:39). D. A Delanoy, New London, Conn., Sept., 27, 1866, $60. McClics- ney'sbgl, 2. Green's blk m, 2:54, 2:56, 2:.56, 3:00, 2:39. * „ -nw Delavan Peck, b g (3 :41'/2), by Gooding's Champion. Mat. Tanner, Albany, N. Y., Aug. 15, 1872, $100. Dan, Lady Tallman, 2:4114, 2:44, 2:4314. Aug. 2.5, 1873, .$200. Twang 3, 2 :42, 2 :44, 2 :53, 2 :44. Sept. 4, 1873, .$200. Twang, Faro, 2-A&%,2-AlVi, 2:50. Delaware, b g (3 :46). Wni. W^helan, Union Course, L. I., April 24, 18.54, $200. Bennett, 2:46, 2:47. Delaware, ch g (3 :38), by Morgan Black Hawk, dam Fanny, by Gen. Taylor. R. P. Stetson, Lancaster, Pa., Sept. 25. 1873, .$2.50. Show Flake, Fannv (1 dis). Helen (1 dis). Gray Jim (l dis). Limber Jim (I dis), 2:36>^, 2 '45 2 "39 '- vJ^estchester, Pa?, Sept. 11, 1875, $600. Slow Go l. Susie Kurtz, Billy Barefoot, Little Mary, Sherman,2:37, 2:36}4, 2:3814, 2:38. Woodbury. N. J., May 10, 1876, $700. Susie Kurtz. Mountain Girl, R. D.. Lookout, 2:41?i, 2:45'/2, 2:40 Westchester, Pa., June 23, 1876. .$500. John S. Heald 2. 5 (4 0). Susie Kurtz. Andy Johnson, Modoc, 2 :34, ^ 2 :3234. 2 :33' 2 , 2 :32. 2 :32, 2 :33. • WTlkesbarre, Pa., June 29, 1876, $100. Kitty ( 'lav. Erie. Harvey, 2 :35. 2 :35, 2 :33. Hazleton, Pa., Aug. 17. 1876,-$500. Mattie Lvle, Lizzie Keller, 2:37. 2:31. 2:35. ., „ „. Rittersyille, Pa., Sejit. 13, 1876, $3.50. Gray Salem 1, Kitty Clay, Clothesline, Billy Britton, 2:38i4, 2:35, ' Wlim'ington, Dei:, Oct. 12, 1876, $200. Scotland 2, Venus, Jerry Postal, Star (3 dis), Maggie M. (2 dr), 2 :36, 2:37,2::«, 2:37 . Belmont Park, Phil., Nov. 2 and 3, 1876. $100. Morning. Little Nell. Star, Venus, 2 :35?i, 2:38, 2:38. Nov. 24, 1876. $200. Morning 2, Billy Barefoot, 2:33' 2. 2 :.;6i/2, 2 :32i4, 2 :34. Potsdam, Pa., June 8. 1877, .$400. Sa'die Bell 3. Lizzie Keller, Lola, 2:28, 2:32, 2:30, 2:32. Wilmington, Del., July 13, 1877, .$300. Sadie Bell (1 dis), 2:35. $50. Sadie Bell, 2:41,2:331/2. „ ^„ ,, a- \ Lancaster, Pa.. .July 19. 1877. $2.50. Morning 1, Sam French, Modoc, Lizzie Keller, Honest Mac (4 dis), 2:35' >, 2'34'4 2*3i'2 2'.34 — — I)ovrestown,'Pa..'6ct.',3. 1877.$10O. Lil lie. Jim Moffat, 2:39, 2:4014. 3:02. „ r, * Delaware, lir s (3 :00). J. Plowman, ^Veyawega, Wis., Sept. 28, 1882, $ . Calamity Jane. Flora B. Best time, 3:00. ^ ,. Delaware Belle, gr m ^3 :37V L. E. Battery, Providence, R. L. July 31, 1877, .$2.50. Lady Foster 1, 2, Darling Boy, Honest John. I,:uly Balch, Alexis. Ashland Maid (5 dr). Dolphin (4 dr), Rose Thorndyke(4 dr), 2:40^4, 2:37. 2:37, 2:401/2, 2:381/2. ■ 166 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. Taunton, Mass., Sept. 27. 1877. .«l'(K). .Jciniy l, Abliie P., File Cutter. Brockton, -i:.!:. l':.;7. •l-.'-iTV^, 2:38V4. Delaware H«>.v, 1> s (S :■">:$). Dr. Coniplon. Iiidiiuiaitolis, Intl., Sept. ly, 1»7S, 5; . Rosa Null a, 4, Texas, 2:55, Delaware" lloy,"bj;^'^i^-**'''i^- •T.A.Wilson, Middletown, Del., Sept. 1«, ixsa, S150. Jumbo 1, 1'lorenee Mae, l.ankfonl. Nannie Heuliler24tii.i,ii:48i.i, 2:471.1. i-':-!!;!^!. ,. „. • „ ,, Sept. •_'(». 1S8;}. i*l.")0. Vounji Smuggler, Florence .Mac, Jumbo (1 dis), Nannie Beuhler, U disj, Little Harry . !-OxV)ni. Pa.,"septV28, 1883, S150. Nelly 2, Belle, Nannie Beuhler, Neil Lambert, Hero, Rochester (l dis), ^Fl'irton'.Sid 'bet. 3. 18s:{, $150. Belle. Florence Mac, Beryl. Rochester, 2:44. 2:43, 2:42'.i. Delaware Chief,!) s {2:35\i). A.S.Hubbard, Titusville Pa., June G, 1872, .'5450. Honest Harry, Contest, •'•441.., '^si.., 2:48' 2. '- Mradville, I'a.. June 11, 1872, S300. Lady McKinney l. Billy Wilson. Oranjic l$illy. No time. Delaware Chief, ell g (3:.55). S. D. Hill, Binghaiiiton, N. V., Sept. 10, 1874, .■:;iuo. No Name 3. Jim, Homer Delaware Paiiiu'ii.c'irs (« :49'.i), by Georiie M. Patchen. dam Emma by iMorgaii Blackhawk. J. Micliener, Dovlcstown. Pa.. Oct. 13, 1874, .$70. Henry Clay, Jr., 3:03'i. 1:oA\u 2:4!ii.i. Stiillions. DelhiiFlash) b « i'i ::il'.,). W. 11. Thomas, Deerloot Park, L. 1., Aug. lo and 11, 1875. .?.300. Wilsey Boy 3, 4. Major S. 2,'cantrella, Billy Barnes, Modesty, Uncle Ben, Lady Slater (5 dr;, Addie GottU dr),2:.'K),2:4.^.. 2:47, 1 ^^'j'g 14. 18751 S300. Wilsey Boy 1, Major S., Cantrella, Uncle Ben, Addie Goff (1 dis), Privateei- Maid (1 dis) ''V) "2-45."2:4(i'". 2:4.")'2. "liirani liowc. PoiVit Breeze Park, Phil., Oct. 13 and 14, 1875, .§1.500. Florence, Stiletto, Melissa, Lady 'ws^Thoin' Prospect Park L. 1.. t)ct. 2(> and 27, 1875, $400. Melissa 3, 4, Bay Jack 1, T. B. French. Coin- peei-, Marth:i Washington (5 dn. Fred Hicks (3 dis), 2:31'i, 2:32i4, 2:32»4, 2:*-) 2:.3(!>.,, 2 :35. Delight, b m (,'- ■■''i^)- Otis Bort, White Planis, N. \.. August b, 18(3, $200. Black Diamond, Carpenter. 2:4454, •'•43'^ •'■44' I 1: .r.Vi ."Campbell, Garrattsville, N. Y., Aug. 20, 1874, $100. Flora B., Draco, Ben, Black Frank, 2:4.'->, 2:42, '>-43 'L ,]' ^x Iiigalls Earlville, N. Y., Oct. 1."j, 1875, $300. Farmer Boy (2 dis), George W (1 dis). 2:45. 2:4(t. a' Nve Providence, R. I., July 11, 187(1, •i<2.00. Commodore Perry 1, 2, Ernestina 5, Billy Stevens, Fearless, Cra7.V,l?('lle, 2:37. 2:40, 2':.iV-2, 2:39'.i, 2:37, 2:38. ■ Jiilv 25, 1876, .«I.()00. Ernestina l. 4. 2:43. 2:40i4, 2:40»4, 2:41, 2:39. . Nov. K;, 1876, .S-'JOO. ErnestiiKi, 2:30' 1.2 :37y2. 2:37';. ^ . ^,, .,„.,, , ,,., ., .. . , , . j_ X. t'ari»enter, Woonsocket, li. 1.. Aug. 7, 187., $200. Capt. Allen 1. 1 winkle, Jenny, l-ile Cutter (3 dr). 2'>9^a ''-'ii "'^O ''-ll'., ^'j. Hawlev.' Providence. U. L, July is, 1878, $ . Honest John 2, 2:3(5. 2.34, 2:37, 2 39. • Woonsocket, K. I.. Aug. 28, 1878. i?2.50. Jenny 1, 2:41. 2:38^, 2:401^, 2:41. Norwich. <'onn., Oct. 1. 1«78. $400. Kate 1. O. A. Hickok. Rosa B., 2:.3.5. 2::?5'c. 2:3.5. iiSGh. Plaiiiville, CoMii., Oct. 9. 1878, ,«;300. Little Wonder, Jenny, 2:36'4, 2i36"s. 2:35. r„ . ,, Delightful. Ill 111 Ci :3:V.,). II. WoodriilT, Mystic Park, Boston. July 11, 187(1, .'FoOO. Iron Age 3. Tartar, C.eorge Mann. Jessie Tenipleton, I)aniel(4(lr>, 2:36'o, 2:39, 2:41. 2:4114, Beacon Park. Boston, .lulv 18, ls7(i, .5200. Iron Age. Tartar. Oeorge Mann, 2:36. ^:.»Vi' ^;".Y>-. .„. „ ...,,. Oct. 12, 187(1. .•*3(X). Grace 1. i:icvator, Warwick, Tartar, Chester (3 dr), Prize (1 dis), 2:3(, 2:30, 2:o3^^, DelUahTblk m (3:34",). L. Zeh, Hudson, N. Y., Sept. 30 and Oct. 1, ls75, $150. Flora Lee 3, Camon, Miller Boy(2dr). 2:4.5. 2:45!4, .2:44. „ x- » t 1 -u^.., E. Hurlburt. Albany. N. Y., .lime 20, 1S77, $200. 'SUxggw B. 2, 3, Mary Russell. >e\vton, Jared, Ro>a ."ontag v2 (lis,i,2:34v'.i, 2:34, 2:.35, 2:30, 2:37!j. ^., ^.^ j^^,,.. .1. >.\.ti/> 1.,. w„i..i.-,i <1mi.i iiv f'oiisternation. Wm. Huff. Albany, N. Y., Ma> i9. I8.4, $iw. C( Delia. $2(H ''■45' » '''44' ■^. "- OUu'iiiwaV la., Jnlv 12, 1877, .?300. Tuckahoe, Grapevine, London Belle, 2:38,_2:,'37, 2:30. , ,-■ , •„ DeUa Waite, ch m (3 :15). .1. Palmer, Aurora, Out.. July 2, 1880, $100. Tom BurKC 1, 3, t rank 11. 2. \ ictoria Maid (>. Princess Louise. No time. _. ^ „ ,, • t... .,.,... 1 .oj Delle, blk III. l)v Black Hawk (?). Wm. Farwell, Barre. Vt.. Aug. 2(1, 18,4, $50. Maggie, Strangei, 1.34, l::i3;i,,, 1:34'2. Three-year-olds. Half-mile heats. „ rr .♦ , ^ 1^^.;^ <> tq Del Manley. b 111(2:51). M J. Laiiiliert, Ridgefickl, Conn.. Sept. 28,1877,$ . Tomtit 1. 4, Josie, 2:53, Delnlontrbikg (3:43), by Norniandv, (hnn by the Dawson Horse. C. J. Johnson, Mt. H(>lly, N. J.. Oct. 10, 1882, SVA). Mary Andi'-rson. Xooii'tidc. Turk, Dall, Rowers. Glen Isle (2 dr). 2:.50, 2:51,_2:49Vi. De LoiiKe. ch g (3":.581. Mr. Mill, I'lc.lwoo.l Park, \. Y.. Nov. 12, ISTO, $.5(10. Kiibini. '■^•'JN ;;f*^' 7-;;-'- Del Siir. blk s (3:34). bv The .Moor, dam Gretclicii 1)V Manihrino Pilot, L. .1. Rose. OMkland, I al.. Aug. .3, 1879,.S77.5. Mabel(2(1is), W. S. Lvic (2 dis), Ceres ( i disi. 2:41 ^,. 2:36}4. Three year-()hs. Sacriimeiito. Cal., Sejit. 11. 1879, .$f.OO. ('apt. Smith 1, 2 ,4 dis), Rena (1 dis), 2:.J3'j, 2:32, i.35'4, 2.50. V)ak?and, CaL, Sept. 10, 1880, .$7.50. Tinole Patchen. Lady Gertrude, Venus. (Jcjjtle Annie, 2:29>^, 2:31, 2:.31. Los Angeles, Cal., Oct. 21. 1882. .^^.VIO. Belle Echo 1. 3. 2:;M). 2:28. 2:30, 2:29, 2:29. . L. .F. Rose, Los Angeles, Cal.. Oct. 13, 188.3. .«.')fl. 2:27'i. to beat 2:28. ,..,»., r- „. ivr .„.,;„,.> ,liu^ . Delta Girl, b m (3 :009,7. Simon .lames. Hamilton. Out., July 4, 1874^ $200. Pilot 3, Comet, Maggie (2 dis), Cassd dis). Shvlock (1 dis), 3:(Ki-,. 3.()1-'',, 2:.")93.i. 3:(i3'e. ^ »i u . i-..fo 1 o^,, Democrat, br g (3:38"2W). Pat Farrell, Sacramento, Cal.. Sept. 11. 1809, $400. Rob. Burns, Kate, Lady Dooley (1 disi, 13:.57'2. Five miles. , , „ ^„ „, „ . ,,1,, ,.wiio\ k.ok — -~ Saii Francisco, Cal., .Fan. 20, 1872, ,$ . Nelly Grattan 1 (2 0), Lady Emma (2 0). Susie Hill (2 dis), 5.35, . 5:3:!, 5:;if> ', . Two miles. March 9, 1872, .$,500. Charley (1 dis), 5:37. IVo miles. March 9, 1872. $100. Charley 2 (10). , 2:.54, 2:51'i. 2:.52'/2. ,„.,,, . ,.„ o.it o...-,,/ Mr. Crane, April 2.3, 1872. .^iioo. ISciiben 4 (30), Susie Hill 1 (30), 2:4,5'4, 2:41 '4, 2:41 '4, 2:4.t'o. 2.47.-.43'/5. Mr. Dickerson, April ;to. 1S72. .?1.0(K). Reuben. 2:43' :. 2:43>4, •i:49. (W), O. A. Hickok, April 12, 187.3. .'«200. Lady (Jrant 1, 2:42?i. 2:40'4. 2:4(»^._2:3R' j_. Democrat De ^ 1 Den $ Deninark, br g (2 :35). Robert Lindsley, Peru, Ind., May 18. 1875, $000. Frank Reeves, Creole Maid, Trans, fer, Patrick Henry, Black S,am, Fanny B. P. (3 dr), 2:47>i, 2:45, 2:40i^. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 167 — IMqua, ()., May2G, 1875, $500, Stiletto, Creole Maid, Jenny. Sciota Belle, Patrick Henry (1 dis), 2:42i^, 2:4(>, 2:44>- . — K. .McLaicn, St. Louis, Mo., Sept. 22, 1877, $200. Maxey 3, 4, Header2, Trig, Sally Rue (5 dr), 2:35, 2:3G?i, 2:;«i, 2:4(J. 2:4.i, «:37. -<\v). May 20. 1S79. Prize, silver, Clipper (w), 3 Lady Fearnaught (w), 2:40, 2:41, 2:4.5, 2:424 - ('. U. McLa;Ou, May 8, 1«S0, $ . Walt. Anderson 1, Joe. Lady Kavanaugli, Manibrin unbrino Susie, 2:46. 2:49, 2:47.2:49. Denmark, chg (3:30). Cincinnati, O., Aug. 2. 1876, $75. Long Jim 1. 2, Dock Martin (1 dis), 2:53, 2:49, 2:.50» 2:.54, 2:56. Denmark, b g (3 ;31). J. Sandusky, Danville, 111., Sept. 22, 1877, $200. Vandalia Joe, Dupage, George B., 2:40, 2:12, 2:40. Catlin. 111.. Sent. 9, 1880, $1.50. Black Cloud. Bay Henry, Burr Oak Maid, 2:41, 2:40, 2:40. Seitt. 10. 1.SS0, ,$200. RosaLee 3, Black Cloud, 2:40, 2:40, 2:3.5,2:40. ). Kennev, Vincennes, Ind., Oct. 1.3,1883. $1.50. Starlight, Betsy Ann, Molly S., 2:35, 2:40. 2:38. Denmark, blk g ( 2 :38). Mr. Moore. Hurstville. N. Y., Aug. :n, ls82, .$ . Dercon 1, Don. Best time, 2:38. M. Tanner, (Jrcenbusli, N. Y., Sept. 9, 1882. .$.50. Lady Sontag Best time. 2:40^- Dennis' lJ:iv Mare, b m (3: 40). Mr. Dennis. Wavei'ly. N. J., Sept. 6. 1860, $15. Mills' b m 1, Van Cleves' bik in, 2:40. 2 47. 2:4.5 l> g . . Frank. Undertaker (1 dis). Ladv Troup d dis). 2:49?.4, 2:47i.i, 2:47',. Sept. 14. 1871. $1.0(M1. Ruby, Prince of Wales (1 dis); 2-Al}4, 2:36, 2:47. J. Donur^llv. May 2.'!. 1^74, $100. Jerry Leigh, Snap, Dick, 2:48, 2:49^^, 2:47?4. — — W. G. Mclioiialil. O.t. 10. 1S74, $200. Belle of Watertown 3, Jerry Leigh, 2:45, — -, 2:444, 2:4314. .1. Donnelly, 0<-t. 24. 1S74, $100. Stella, 2:42, 2:40, 2:36i4. Oct. :il, 1S74, S20(i. Ballv Lewis, 2:41, 2:46, 2:4.5. IL Woodruff, Beacon Park, Boston, May 21, 1875, $200. Nelly (l disi, Maggie S. (1 dis), Billy Marston (1 disi, 2:;!5'i. Dennis McCabe, gr g (3:45). Hiram Woodruff, Centreville, L. I., Aug. 30, 18.53, $1.50. Creeper, 5:35, 5 :.30. Two miles. .7. Whitson, Union Course, L. I., Nov. 18, 1858, $200. Brown George, 2:52, 2:.52, 2:51. Denver Girl, b m (3 :40i4), W. S. Lockwood, Denver, Col., June 10, 1873, .$200. Ed. McCook 3, Jack Brown (2 (lis). 2:46i4, 2:44:'4, 2:44, -J-AG^i. June 12, 1873. $2(H). Ed. McCook, 2:4014. 2:461.1, 2:404. J. L. Bailev, .lulv 2, 1874, $1,000. Dan, Jerome 1 (2 dis), 5:20, 5:40, 5:4l!/2. Twomiles. Sept. 27, 1875, .$.500. Dan 1 (4, 0), James H. (4, 0), Eagle Bird, 2:434, 2:43i4, 2:41 5i, 2:42>2, 2:41Vi. C. M. Duismore, Oct. 2, 1877, $150. Raven 2, Badger Boy, 2:53, 2:49, 2:.56'4. July 4. 1878, .$400. Providence, Brown Jug 1 (2 dis), 2 :43, 2 :44i4, 2:48i4. 2 :48i.j,. Derby (Dutchman and Alvin B.), b g (3:354), bv Rough a:Hl lleadv. dam liv Dragon. Wm. Brown, Oil City, Pa., June 16, 1870, $1,17.5. Clara 3, 4, Annie Watson, Red Hot (4 di.s). 2:.;6. 2:.i7 -i, 2:38, 2:a5^4, 2.37?i. Buffalo, N. Y.. Aug. 9, 1870, .$2,000. Lew Savres 1 (2, O), Lady Gartield 3. St. Elmo, Fanny Fern, Mat Smith, Capt. Tom, Gen. Howard (5 dr), Princeton (4 dr), Logan (3 dr), 2:28!!^, 2:2914, 2:284, 2:2854, 2:30ii» 2:33U- Jamestown, N. ¥.. Aug. 19, 1870, $800. Anthony Wayne 2, 3, 2:48, 2:403.^, 2:3814, 2 :38)>^, 2:3714. A. Brown, Cleveland, O., July 20, 1872, $3,000. Mohawk Jr. 2, Harry Harley, Elmo (2 dis), 2:25 Ji, 2:2.5, 2:25'.;, 2:27. Barrie, Out., Sept. 20, 1872, $600. Cattaraugus Chief. Ladv Kate (1 dis), 2:3314, 2:34, 2:31. G. Ellis, Lockport, N. Y., Oct. 2. 1875, .$200. .1. S. Towiisentl, Gargling Oil, J. Hulett, 2:424, 2:441^^, 2:40. Derby, b g (3 :40), H. Homer, Prospect Park, L. I., Sept. 9. issi', $100. Wreck, Grace, 2:40, 2:40, 2:43. Deronda, ch g (3 :36). G. H. Ball, Geneseo, 111., July 4, 1878, $100. Oconto, Jenny B., Lucv S., Edgar G., 2:46, 2:49, 2:46. De Rosa, b m (3 :35), by New York Rattler. J. M. Mortimer. Ambler Park, Pa., Sept. 22, 1874, $1.50. McDaniel 3, Jerry Leigh, Kate, Clara D., Frank, Ed. Allen. George, Bonner (3 dis). Brown George (3 dis). Biddv (3 dis), Bobby (3 dis), Mike (3 dis). Lady Star (2 dis), Lexington (1 dis), John (l dis), 2:45";, 2:.5li4, 2:45, 2:43%. De Rosa, b m (3 :35). D. W. Hess, Phillipsburgh,N. J., July 4, l.s83, $200. Capt. Jenks 1, 2, Col. H., Edelweis, 2:42. 2:43, 2:4.5, 2:46'.;, 2:43. Desdemona, b m (3 :35), by Copperbottom. Collins & Small, Findlay, O., June .30, 1880, .flOO. Irish Fly 2, 3:02 :>:00, 2:50. Three-year-olds. S. r. Phillipps, Newark, O.. June 21, 18.S3, $.300. Bessie Wilkes 3, Billy B. 2. George, P>ro\vn Charley (1 dis), 2:394, 2:3614, 2:39i.i, 2:39i4, 2:39^. Sabina, O., Aug. 24, 1883, $;!00. Almont M., Kitty Clvde, Urbana Belle. BelleC, 2:344, 2:35, 2:40. (;reenville, O., Sept. 14, 1883, $400. Kitty Rolf, Sweet William, 2 :.39ii, 2:37, 2:36. Desmond, ch g (3 :41). W. S. Briggs, Bristol, Mass., Sept. 20, 1868, $70. Fanny 1, 2:45, 2:45, 2:44, 2:46. Woonsoclcet, R. I., Sept. 2.3, 1869, $100. Roan Jim, Sleepy Davy 2:14, 2:444,2:41. Detective, brg (3:35), by Hiram Drew. Geo. H. Bailey, Portland, Me., Oct. 14. 1867, $ . Spot 1, Gladia- tor, 2:42,2:41, 2:;59, 2:42. (w), Oct. 26, 1867, .$400. Billy Morris (S) 3, 2:41, 2:45, 2:44, 2:.".9. (w), Lon. Morris, Boston, Mass., Oct. 2, 1868. .$200. Fanchon 1, 2:43^4, 2:384, 2:39i4, 2:444. I). B. Goff, Fleetwood Park, N. Y., Oct. 4. 1871, $500. Star Henry 1, 3, 2:.50, 2:.524, 2:474, 2:473^. 2:43»i. Detective Patcheu. l)r s ( 3 :35 ), by Patchen star. W. W. Smith, Lewiston Me., Sept. 23, 1880, $1 00. Farmer Boy 1, Dart, Frank F., Black Princess, Maine Central. 2:404, 2:44i4, 2:404, 2:43. Sept. 10, 1881, $1.50. Belleof Wildwoodl,2, Troublesome, George Maynard (4 dis). Ranger (2 dis\ 2 :40, 2:38,2:3714,2:401^,2:41. DeiicaHtm. b s (3 :33), by HamI)letonian, dam Trusty, by Marlborough. J. E. Haring, Spring Valley, N. Y., Sept. .30, 1874, $.50. Eclipse Clav, 3 :08, 3 :09, 8 :03. 'Staliious. ■ Sept. 29, 1875, $100. Harry Ward, Khedive, Eclipse Clav, 2:5374, 2:49i4, 2:45. Stallions. Goshen, N, Y., Oct. .31, 187.5, $ . Fleetwood (1 dis), 2:38. W. G. Lewis, Waverly, N. J.. Sept. 24, I8.S0, .$300. Hattie 1, Regulus Jr., General B., Blackwood Prince, r.iidy Antrim. Augusta Schuyler, 2:33, 2:.36, 2:.36, 2:35Y^.. .1. E. H;iriug, New City, N. Y., Sept. 29, 1880, $3.5. Leo, Pet, 2:.58, 2:.5.5. Stallions. Sept. 30, 1880, $1.50. Flora. Fred S., 2:4014, 2:41i4. 2:37%- Newton, \. J., Oct. 13, 188it, $100. Gen. Brooks 4, (3 0), 2:40, 2:40, 2:38i4, 2:39. 2:40. Stallions. \Vaverly, N. J., Sept. 22. lHxi..?r)00. Clover 2, Peralto, Lilly, Larkin. 2:26i.i, 2:26, 2:26i4, 2:29. Newton, N. J.. Oct. .5, 1881, >!J50. Sussex, Governor, 2:.33, 2:324, 2:.3.5'i. H. B. Gadis, Fh'inington, N. J., Sept 28, 1882, $500. Parole 2, 4, Peralto, Blllv K.,2:34, 2 :32. 2 :.32, 2 :33, 2::i4. Doylestown. Pa., Oct. 6. 1882, .$400. Parole. Mambrino Hassen, Farmer Boy, 2:29, 2:294,2:32. ■ W. ({. Lewis, Burlington, Vt., Sept. 11, 1883, $300. Goldflnder, Mountain Boy, Gen. Ballard (1 dis), 2;28V4 2:29,2:28. Albany, N.Y., Oct. 6, 1883, $1,000. Lizzie O'Brien 2, Index, George R„ Allegheny Boy, 2:22, 2:23)4 2:264 2:24. 16P CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROITING AND PACING RECORD. Deucalion Jr., b g (2 .-39^.1), by Deucalion, dam a Star mare. J. J. Conway, Jersey City, N. J., Nov. 24 1882. SKX). Ch-nnoilt, 2:43^.. 2;.V2, 2:45. ^ J. fonway, Wavi-rly, X. J.. iMay30, 1883, .Sir>0. Belle, 2:4«, 2:41V4, 2:46. Deuce of .Spades, (w), blK},' ('^::5!) \v». .1. Rooney, Sweetsburgli, P. Q., Sept. 29, 1883, §25. Limber Jim(w) Sweetslnir^'li Hoy (w), 2::i!»'.i, .'i:-.'!!. :J:4(t. Dew l>roi». 1) g (2 :31'.j »,. Tlios. Hiatliwood, Lowell, Mass.. Sept. 27, 1867. $ir,. Sam, 2:48, 2:44, 2:46. R. L. Fkncher, Mvstic I'ark, Itostoii. Sfi)t. 21, isos. $rm. Bella Ckiv, 2::59, 2:40. 2:38'/i. Portland. Me., Sept. 9, lsi;i». .si.-,o. (Jloueester 1. Temi>est, Bridge, 2<41, 2:41, 2:42, 2:41. Boston, Mass., Nov. ."j, 1ki;:». .s.vhj. caiit. Lawrence, J::!!). 2:3i;'.i, 2:38. J. J. Bowen, .Inly 2a, IsTO, $1,000. Emin-ess 3, 4, 2:35i/.., 2::a, 2::!7i4, 3:39, 2:38. Dew Drop eh g (2 :H4). W. Forest, Ambler Park, Pa., Sent. 25, 1878, §200. Dolly V., Fltz John (2 dr), 6:14. 5:22' 2. Two miles. ^ Fleetwood I'ark, N. Y., Nov. 12, 1878, .$100. Charley, pacer,.l, Hero (4 dr), 2:46, 2:34, 2:52, 2:37. Newark, N. J., Oct. 29, 1878, f . Ida Gray 1, Carbolic, Doxev, Fanny Varick, Lnto Dan, Jane, 2:41, 2:4.5, 2:38, 2 :45Vi. . Jersey City, N. J., Nov. 8, 1883. S.so. Gravdam. Midge ri dis), 2:,59, 2:55. Dewliur.st's Gray (w), gr g (2 :56ij wK Geo. i '. Dewhurst, Worcester, Mass., Sept. 18. 1868, $00. Black Bill o\) 1, Navigator (w) (i dis), Kitty (w) d dis), 2:ris. -j-jAi^-., :i;0o, :'.:<(!'". De AVitt, l)g r2:40). ('. McElrotli. Centreville, Mich., Oct. 4, 1882, $ . Gov, Haves 2, Brown Thresher, Lilly Pathliiider, 2:45, 2:4s, i-as, l':47. Oct. 5, 1882, $ir>o, iManibriiio Sparkle, Sorrel Jim, Brown Thresher, 2:40. 2:40,2:40i.i. Dexter, brg (2:171,4), by liainliletonian, dam Clara, bv American Star. Hiram Woodrnff, Fashion Course, L. L, May 4, 1864, $100. Stonewall .laekson. Lady Collins, (km. Grant (1 dis), 2:.33, 2:36, 2:34%. Union Course, L. I.. Mav (<. ls(;4, §175. Lady Collins, 2:;Ui/>, 2:.'56, 2:37)^. — (w) May 13, 1864, $lir-,. i)otv"s !> ni t w) (;{ dr), 2:3(;i.j, 2:39, ■•^^. Fashion Conrse, L. I., May is. Is(i4. s2(K). Ladv Shannon, Shark, 2:33, 2:32^, 2<30. Jnne 2, 186.5, $•^,IMW. Gen. Butler. 2:J6'4. 2:2tii.i". 2:24^. (s) June 26, 1865, $.5,()(K). stonewall Jackson (s) 1, 8:02i^, 8:0.5, 8:09!4. Three miles. (s) Sept. 7, 1865, $2,000. Gen. Buller (s), 2:26^, 2:24'2, 2:2214. Sept. 21, 1865, $1,0C0. Gen. Butler, George Wilkes (3dr), 2.25K', 2.26»/2, 2:25. (s) Oct. 10, 186,5, .'§6,000. 2:18»4. To beat 2:19. (w) Oct. 17, 1865, $2,000. Gen. Butler (w), 2:27^4. 2:31, 2:29. (w) Oct. 27, 1865, $2,00(t. Gen. Butler (w). 5:00i>4, 4:56k. Two miles. June 15, 1866, $1,000. George M. Patchen Jr.. 2:29Vo, 2:28%, 2:27yj. July 2, 1866, $2,000. Gen. Butler l, 2, Com. Vanderbilt (4 dis), 2:28, 2:27, 2:2714. 2:241/2, 2:24ii. Budd Doble, Suffolk Park, Phila., Julv 9, 1866, $2,000. George M. Patchen Jr., 2:26, 2:25, 2:32^. (s) Fashion Course, L. I., July 19, l866,".S:i,noo. Gen. Butler (s). Toronto Chief (s). 2:24M,2:19, 2:22. Syracuse, N. Y.. .Inly 29, 1866, .$ . Gen. Butler, 2:2714. 2:30i4. Avon Springs, N. Y., >ng. 6, 1806, $1,000. George M. Patchen Jr., 2:3m, 2:21. . Buffalo, N. Y., Aug. 16, 1806, $5,7.50. George M. Patchen Jr., RoUa Golddust, 2:2714. 2:29, 2:25. (s) Aug. 18, 1866, .$1,500. Gen. Butler, 2:21 '... 2:26, 2:18. Cleveland. O., Aug. 25, 180C, $2,000. Georjre M. I'atehen Jr., Gen. Butler, 2:32k. 2:32}^, 2:324. Detroit. Mich., Aug. 29, 1866, $1,800. Georf^e M. Patchen Jr., 2:24%, 2:26i.i, 2:23!4. ■ Chicago, 111., Sept. 5, 1866, $5,000. George M. Patchen Jr., 2 :30K>. 2:2414, 2:28. Milwaukee, Wis., Sept. 15, 1866, $ . (ieoi-Re M. Patchen Jr., 2:24k, 2:22'4, 2:29. — - — Adrian, Mich., Sept. 22, 1866, $ . George M. I'atchen Jr,. 2:32, 2:2714, 2:31J^. . Toledo, (),. Se|)t. 28. 1866, $ . George M. Patchen .Ir., 2:32, 2:22k, 2:31. Kalaniazod. Mich.. Oct. .5, 1866, $2,000. (4eorge :M. Patchen Jr., 2:27, 2:27, 2:21%, 2:21}4. • Wheeling, W. Va., Oct. 12, 1866, $2,000. George M. Patchen Jr., 2:35, 2:26i2, 2:.33k. Pittsburgh, Pa., Oct. 17, 1866. .$3,000. (George M. Patchen Jr., 2:31k. 2:28, 2:30k. • Oct. 21, 1866, ,$2,.500. Magoozler, pacer 1. George M. Patchen Jr.. 2:22%, 2:21%, 2:23%, 2:32. I'oint Breeze Park, Phila., Oct. 29, 1866, $ . Polly Ann, pacer, George M. Patchen Jr., 2:23»4, 2:27, 2:28. Wilmington, Del., N6v. 9, 1866, $ . Polly Ann, pacer 1, George M. Patchen Jr., 2:36, 2:29%, 2:28^, 2:301.1. Baltimore. Md., Nov. 16, 1866. $4,000. Silas Kich. George M. Patchen Jr., 2:31. 2:21%, 2:25%. (s) Nov. 17. 1860. 2:27k, 2:24K>. To beat 2:18. Lost. ■ Washington. 1). C, Nov. 20, 1866. $1,500. George F;iwcett, 2:.30, 2:21i2. 2:27%. Nov.24, 1866. $2,000. Polly Ann pacer. George Fnweett. 2:26' .j, 2:21' ,, 2;29'2. Richmond, Va., Nov. 30, i860, S • George Fawcetl, 2:::i%. 2:27ii, 2:.3;). • Middletown, N. Y., May 16. $1867, .'?.3.noo. Goldsmith Maid. 2:2.sK>. 2:32, 2:28. Fashion Conrse. L. I., tliiw 28, 1867. .*2,(H)0. Lady Thorne (2 dis), 2:24, 2:22. ■ (w) Jnne 7, 18(;7, $2,000. I>ady Thorne ( w). 2 :32, 2:24. 2 :28. Tune 14, 1867, $2,(KX). Lady Thorne, 4 :51, 5:01,4. Two miles. (w) June 29. 1867. .S2.000. Ladv Thorne (w). 5:0l, 5:09. Two nules. — Trenton. N. J., July 10, 1867, .r.). Daniel Bo vd. Coliinibus. O.. Sept. 9. 1874. .«1.50. Queen Of Sheba. Major ^ aiighn, St. Pierre, Country Girl, Sleepy Nell. Red Barnev. Bay Mare, Hattie L.. Harry B.. 2:.59. 2:.5.5 Dexter, eh g (^-.tilYj). W. Love, Wilmington". Del'., Oct. 2h. 1H7.5. $120. Sleei)y John. Bay Star, 2.,)8. 2..58, Dexter.^blk g f2:41). Utton Bros.. Montpelier. Vt.. July 4. 1876. $200. Sunrise. Norman Reindeer, Brown Dick 2 '49 2'47'/4 ''-44 St.' Johiisbiiry. Vt.^ Sept. 21. 1876. $.300. Moxey, (Joodenongh. Billy Maynard, Turpentine, Royal Prince, De^^ter, b g r2 :43). V,\ Ardrev. Centralia, Til., June 16. 1877, .$ . Change 3 (2 0). 2:46, 2:44, 2:4.5.2:43. Dexter, br s (2 :30), by Millinnin's B<-llfoiinder. dam bv Suinpter. Mr. Fitzgerald. Gilioy, C al., Oct. 21, 1878, $50. Lizzie 1. Silvertail. Kittv (1 dis), 3::i.5, 3:26. 3:27. 3:27'2. i i O > ^ 'f*j^ CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING KEC<:>KU. 16D Kennedy & Smith, Fortland, Oregon, July 2G, 1881, $ . Milton Medium 1, Startle, 2:31 ?4, 2:30, 2:35 2:32'.>. N. G. Smith. July 28, 1881, $500. Inauguration, Fanny Kellogg, Startle, Gold Foil, 2:33;4, 2:35, 2:34!/2. Misner Brothcns, Hillsboro, Or., July 4, 1882, $2.50. Milton Medium, 2:39%, 2:30, 2:30^4. \ :uK-oiiver, K. C, July 2G, 1882, $400. Milton Medium 1, J. 2:32i/2, 2:34,^, 2:33, , 2:42. — Olympia, W. T., Sept. 1, 1882, $200. Walla Walla Maid, Lunmiux, 2:39',2:43'/2. 2:371/2- — — ■ J. Misner. Seattle, W. T., July 4, 1883, $800. i.ong John, J. C. Kelly (1 dis), 2:4.5, 2:45'4, 2:39%. Dexter, b g (,3 :00). S. Frye, Butler, Pa., July 4, 1875, $25. Kitty 3, Belle Mahone, Kate (1 dis), 3:00, 3:01, 3:01, 3:00. Dexter, fh g i3 ;51). S. H. Henderson, Austin, Tex., Nov. 1, 1879. $150. (iypsy Queen, 2:.5G, 2:.>4%, 2:o3. J. Foster, Galveston. Tex.. May 5, 1883, .$200. Star l, 3, 2:,51i4,, 2:51, li-.m^^, 2:57, 2:.53i2 Dexter, br s ^3 :00). W. Kattenbury, Exeter, Out., July 1, 1879, .$40. Little Bessie 2, 4, George Brown 6, Gray Molly 1, Big Fellow, 3:00, 3:00, 3 01, 3:02, 3:02, 301, 300. J. "Kattenbury, Clinton, Oni., May 24, 1881, $100. Little Bonner 3, Marquis of Lome, Cariboo (3 dr), 3:00, 3:0,5,3:00.3:02. Dexter, gr g (3:44). V. S. Shular, Montgomery, Ala., Dec. 4, 1883, $125. Jack the Barber, 1, John Foster, Fred Tyler 2 (.4 dis), Bismarck (2 dis), Punch (2 dis), 2:52, 2 :50, 2:48, 2,:47, 2:48. Dec. 6, 1883, $50. Fred Tyler 1, Jack the Barber 3 (5 dis). Last heat, 2:44. Dexter B., b g (3 :57). D. B.'Goff, New Dorp, S. I., June 24, 1875, $100. Mary F. 1. Katy, 3:07, 3:00. 3:02, 3:05. July 24, 1875. $.50. Green Kidger 3, 4, Daylight, 3 :00, 2 :58, 2 :57, 2 :53, 2 :57. Dexter Boy, b s (2 :50). VV. Sheldon, Providence, R. I., Sept. 11, 1877, $100. Ella Van Ness 2, (iypsy. Provi- dence Maid. Ned, 2:.50'4, 2:.50, 2:50, 2:,54. L. A. Phillips, Nov. 7, 1878. $50. Gypsy, Madeline, 2:58, 2:.58. 2:56i2). C. W. Loomis, Northfleld, Minn;, July 20, 1876, .$55. Dakota Chief, Lady Graves (3dr). 3:06i2. 3:08'4. 3:0814. Four-year-olds. Dexter, Jr., blk g (3:34). R. M. Washburn, Council Bluffs, la., July 4, 1877, $100) Katy Clay l. Lady Gray, 3:27, 3:24, 3:28. Four-year-olds. Dextress, b ni (3 :36%). Geo. Ellis, Barrie, Ont., July 3 and 4, 1873, $300) Tecumseh Boy, 2, 4, Nelly O. (1 dis), 2:.39, 2:421.1, 2:39i2, 2:39. — July 4. 1873,' .$200. Little Nell l, Toronto Boy, York State, 2:40, 2:39, 2:41, 2:4114. T. F. Ellis, Buffiilo, N. Y., July 4, 1874, $.500. Charley Howe, Joe Warren, Falcon (1 dis), Molly (1 dis), 2:30,4, 2:39, 2:37. Dextrous, ch g (3:4914), by Black Prince, dam by Bald Stockings. E.G. Hall, Georgetown, Ky., Aug. 19, 1875. .$,50. Sue5, 6, Star Chief 3, 4, Jim Monroe "(fi dis). Lena Taylor (5 dis), Maggie (5 dis), Phihp Sails 1, (4 dis). Lyre (1 dis). Brown Dick (1 dis), Widow (iibbs (I dis). 2:5i, 2:4914, 2:4914. 2:i!»i4, 2:49'<.,2:50, 2:51ii. Deyo, rn g. i3:.57). J. J. Vandusen, Hudson, N.Y., Sept. 27, 1883, $100. Luke M. 2, Glencoe Girl 4,3:00, 2:.59i2, 2:5914, 2:.58, 2:57. D. G., ch m 1,3 :47%). Chas. McChesney, Norwich, Conn., Oct. 2, 1873, $40. Lady Cotton, Frank Morgan (2 dis). Sylph (1 dis), 2:52, 2:47?d, 2:56. Diamond (w). blk g (3:51 w). Jas. M. Hammil, Philadelphia, Pa., May 3, 18.53, $1,000. Bendigo (w), 1, 2, i4 dis). 2:494. 2:55, 2:55, 2:51. Diamond, blk g (3:3194), by Long Island Black Hawk, Jr., dam the Whitewood mare. Pontiac, Mich., June 27, 18(j6, $75. Kittv Hodges, 3:10i/4, 2:55^4, 2:56. ■ G. W. Voorhees, Detroit, Mich., Oct. 16, 1868, .$200. Honest Abe (w), 2:59, 2:51 '4, 2:53i/2. - Pontiac, Mich., June 9, 1870, $17.5. Ristorl, Capt. Tom. Plicebe, 2:461-, 2:48k. Diamond, b s (3 :43). S. Munson, Plainville. Conn., Aug. 9, 1873, $100. Shylock 2, Clara Hudson, 2:47, 2:46%, 2:47^4', 2:43. Diamond, ( 3:4714). John Demass, Howell, Mich., June 2, 1874. .$350. Dan Birch, Rough, Lizzie D., 2:47^, 2:481.,, 2:.52i.^. Diamond, blk s (3:28), by Wild Bashaw. A. Rush. Cleveland, O., Sept. 3, 1879, $400. Sunshine. Mistletoe, Sannie (i., Sidney A. Kent. Outlaw, Mary Belmont, Blue Bird (3 dis), 2:34%, 2:32%. 2:31%. Diana, (3:40). L. J. Bertliolet, Reading, Pa., Sept. 29, 1SC9. $100. Capt. Bill, 2:40, 2:43. 2:40. Diana, ch m (3 ;40). R. Andrews. Buffalo, N. Y.. Sept. 5, 1873, $200. Shamrock, Lilly, 2:40. Diana, bm (3:36; 2), by St. Elmo. T. W. Keese, Columbia, Tenn., July 4, 1874, $80. Lancaster, Princess, 2:.5.5, 2:,50. A. J. McKimmin, Nashville, Tenn., Apr. 15. 1875, .$.50. Moonshine, Nashville Belle, Coon (2 dis). Country Boy (1 dis), 2:51, 2:51, 2:54i/,. E. F. Geers. May 23, 1876, $500. Logan 2, .5, Sweet William 1, Harry Hopper, Charley T., Edinburgh (5 dr), 2:.33%, 2:36i4, 2:36i4, 2:37,2:39, 2:40. Dick, br g (3 :51). H. D. Rich. Watertown, N. Y.,June 23, 18G6. $200. Frank Swift, 2:59 2:59, 2:51. Dick, (3 :58). C. Knapn, Jackson, Mich., Aug. 11, 1866. $200. Flora, 3:07, 2:58. Dick, br g (3:47). A. Bye, Doylestown. Pa., Oct. 2, 1867, .$.30. Dinah 1, Polly (3 dr), 2:58. 2:49, 2:47, 2:47. Dick, ch g (3 :36). c. H. Olmstead, Columbus, O., Aug. 19, 1869, $100. Ladej 2:54. 3:02. 3:00. Alliance, 0-, Sept. 8, 1871, .$.500. Sllversides 3, L;idy Carey, William (1 dis). 2:.36, 2:3914, 2:40. 2:4014. Dick, gr g i3 :47). J. B. Burlew, Skaneateles. N. Y., Aug. 19, i870, $175. American Boy 5, 6, Experiment 2, 4, No time. J. McKee, Fleetwood Park, N. Y., Oct. 21. 1871, .$300. Little Nell, Andy, 2:49, 2:48i4, 2:47. Dick, b s (3 :01). Wm. R. Ford, Denver, Col., Sept. 29, 1870, .$25. Kate, 3:0ii-, 3:0i. Three-year-olds. Dick, brg (3:39). Dan Mace, Fleetwood Park, N. Y.. Dec. 8, 1870, .$400. Louise (w), 1. 2:48^2, 2:48, 2:48 2:45. '- A. 0. Whitson, June 26, 1871, $359. Country Boy 1, Detector 2,(3 dis), Katy (3 dis), 2:471^,2:44,2:39, 2 :55. Dick, ch g (3 :33i/2). D. Bigley, Boston, Mass., June 10, 1871. $100. Unknown 1, 2, (3 0), Coriander (3 0). Fllrtella, Cracker Boy, 2:42, 2:42%. 2:40i-2, 2:4414, 2-W-A 2-451.; July 4. 1871, $200. Stella 4. (3 0), Lady Ellis i. Kangaroo, 2:41i4, 2:4214, 2:43%, 2:45,2:454. 2:44%. (w), Nov. 23, 1871, .$300. Romeo 2, 2:.57%. 2:5.5, 3:00i^, 2 56. Dick, bg (3:38%). H. P. Folley. New Orleans, La., June 20. 1871, $ . Jenny D;iy. Smith's gr g, 2:33, 2:38%. 2:41. ' Dick, blk g (3 :.57). D. Walley, Albany, N. Y., Aug. 9, 1873, .$50. Giball, 3:07, 3:03, 3:15. Aug. 11, 1873, .$50. Lew. 3:10, 3:0liU. Atlg. 25. 1873, $100. Lew, 3:01, 2,57." Dick, rn g (3 :43). S. J. Faux. Wilkesbarre, Pa., Aug. 22, 1873, .$200. Lady Dexter 3, Fanny, Washington Jr., Delawjire. Lena B. 1. 2. (3 dis). 2:434, 2:44, 2:43, 2:42, 2:44, 2-54. Dick b g (3 :30'2), by Velox, dam bv fiuford. W. A. Forth, Earlville, 111.. Aug. 27 and 28, 1874, $300. Dred 1, 5, Amljoy 4, 6, Badger, Ned S., Silky R, Dunlap (1 dis), Archy (5 dr), 2:35i/^, 2:36% , , 2:43J4, . H. C. Sands, Flora, 111, Sept. 26. 1877, .$150. Vandalia Joe. 2:37, 2:35%, 2:37^4 • Sept 27. 1877, $325. Henry 1, Vandalia Joe, 2:33, 2:32, 2:30ii, 2:3134. no CHESTEll'S COMPLKTE TROTriNG AND PACING REUOKD. Dick, bg (a:46>»), by Abdalluh. J. Kandall, liuflfalo, X. Y., Sept. 19. 1874, §100. Lady Orr, Johnny Duffer, Otis (4 dl) Walter, 2:5r,'2, -:•">•"), 2:r>ri. Sept. 20, 1»T4,.S2CK). t'opperbottoiii 3, 4, 3:04, 2:46'/2, '.i:51?i. 2:47>4. 2:.''>0?4. Du-k, b g C'i :***)• , $\m. Alberta, .Maggie, 3:()0. 3:(a), 2:57. Dick, gr g (3 liiTy^). 1'. S. I'aliiicr. ISaiigoi', Me., June 22, 187.'), $\riO. lAMa Fred, Brick, Major, Slow tome (1 dis). Lew (1 dis;, 2:.i!i, l':4(i, 2:41^4- — — Jus. Carpenter, rrovidenee, K. I., Aug 20, 1875, S300. l>eacon. Colonel, Jasper, Capt. West (3 dls>, 2:37'4 2:38'.j, 2:40'i. -J. names, Sept. , 187.'). .S.WO. Doctor, 3-03".i, 3:00, 3 00. I>ifk, gr g C/i:5:J). J. Brown, Brewster, N V., Sept. 22, 1875, 6,50. Boy, Boy, Little Frank. 2:57, 2:.54, 2:53. Dick, ch g r~:>">5). C. McCiune, Mystic I'ark, Boston, Nov. 5, 1877, 5i200. Black Diamond 1, Eastern Prince, Honest Nathan, Bolly H Best time 2:.V). Dick, b g (3:01). S. D. Cass, Manchester, N H., Sept. 7, 1877, $35. Susie J. 1, Butcher Boy, Hampton Joe, Unknown, Honest Billy 1.4 dr;, (ieneral (4 dr), 3:00, 3:01, 3.05, 307. Dick, b s (.S :00). Chester. I'a., Oct. 13, 1877, * Lucifer, 3.12, 3:02, 3:00. Dick, bg (:5:03'4), by Fitzwilliam. W. 11. Plummer, Damariseotta, Me., Sept. 3, 1879, $15. Low 2, Gypsv, :!:03' I, 3:001^, 3:09?4, 3,09',i. Dick b g (3 :38;. Glens Falls, N. Y., May 22, 1879, $125. Little Dick 1, 4. J, F. Leonard, Tom Lilly, Hellene (4 (In, 2:36. 2:38, 2:38 2:42, . Dick, br g Ci :43). J. Walters, Milford, Conn., Sept. 11, 1879, $80. General, Blacksmith Maid, Belle of Putney, Kate t.anil)ert (2 dis), 2:42, 2:43' 2, 2:42?4. Dick, cli s (3 :48). C. H. Harlow, Akron, O., June 23, 1880. Prize, harness, Abdallah Prince, Try Me, Balsora Jr. (1 dis), 2:31M, 2,48;'4, 2,48i''2. Dick, bit g (S -.-Z-iU). Mr. Parsons, .Montgomery City, Mo., Sept. 24, 1880, $30. Alice. Jack, Best, 3:22?4, 3:24>2. Dick, b g [:i :0(»). .J. Barrett, Montreal, P. Q., July 20, I88O, $50. lied Mare 1,3, City Girl, Sorrel IBoy, 3:03. 3:00, 3:04. 3:02'.. 3:00. Dick, lir s (fJ :<>0). (i. Treadwell, Hemi)stead, L. L, Oct. 2.5, 1881, Prize blankets. Sitting Bull 2, Buttrrllv 1, :!;()1, 3:(lll. .'IlOO, 3:02. Dick, (In g (3:40). J. A. Bland, Tallalia,ssee, Fla., June 18,1881, $ . George A. 2, Wade Hampton, Burlington, 2:40, 2:40'.i, 2:41. Dick, rn g (3 :.';3). J. E. Jarvis, .lersey City, N. J., May 26, 1882, $150. Sunflower 3, Emma D. 1, 2 57^. 2:52J£, 2:5(3"2, 2:.53^, 2:.52. Dick, 1) s (3:59't). W. Smith, Owego, N. Y., Sept. 5, 1883, $150. Tannery Girl, Maggie Merrill, Oakwood, V enango Chief, Sunshine (3 (In, :{:0i;^. 2;59i.i, 2:.59?4. Dickard, ell g ( 3 :3ii 'i ), 1)\ I laiiiel Lambert, dam the Doane Mare by Young Columbus. A. Woodard, Providence, K. I.. July 22, 1879, .^300. Dispatch 3, 4, Claire 5, Louise (2 dis), Gloster (l dis), 2:27, 2:27, 2:31, 2-29, 2:31, 2:30. Keene, N. H., Julv 29, 1879, .$250. Volunteer Girl, Young Columbus Jr., Loafer, Fondling (3 dis), Harry Leonard (.2 dis). 2:34,' 2: 38' -i, 2:41. ■ July 31, 1879, $300. Wild Dandy, Johnny, Lotta, Bush, Annie E., Goshen Maid (2 dis), 2:32, 2:.35, 2:35. • Gn'-enlield, Mass.. Aug. .5, 1879, $200. Volunteer Girl, Young Cohnnbus Jr., Cute, Harry Leonard, Collector (1 dis). 2:35i.t, 2:.35Vi, 2:.35. Aug. 7. 1879. .S20(). Wild Dandy 3, Pelham 4, Johnny, Lady Mack, Bush, Annie (2 dis), Midget (2 dis), 2:37, 2:32, 2:3s, i;:.i9'.i. 2:37' B;ilavia. N. Y., June 8, 1880, $.500. Chieftain, Taylor, Mars, Clara J., Dora, 2:2514, 2:26?.£, 2:28. Dick Bonhitin, b g (3:15'4). Mr. Bartlett, Galveston, Tex., May 29, 1880, $ . Banker 1, Kinger (4 dis), 3:19. 3:151.1, 3:16, 3:23. Dick Collar^, 2:41Ki. lliiisdiile", N. H., Oct. — . 1879. .$ . Rocks, 2:4.3, 2:42, 2:46. — — L. .Miller, Palmer, Mass., Sept. 21, 1881, $ . Wetherby 2. (1 0), Johnny, Dick, 2:40, 2:41, 2:36Ji, 2:37, 2:39. W. S. Miller. Springfield. Mass., Oct. 22. 1881, $ . Boston Pilot, 2:3214, 2:3214, 2:33. — D. BIglev. Beacon Park, Boston, May 1, 1882, .$50. J. K. H.. 2:44^4% 2:42V^. 2:37',^. Julv 20, ISSL'. .s'r)0. Daniel Lambert. Ilka (1 dis), 2::{4. 2:40',. 2:40>i. Mystic P;iiU, I'.oston, .July 26. Iss-.', $j.-.o. Ilka 1, 3. Acliillcs. Bay Lambert, 2:32i-4, 2:34, 2:33Ji, 2:311/4, 2:33. Beacon Park. Boston. Oct. in, issj. S . Frank S., 2 :;!.!, 2:31. Dick Deadcye, br g (3 :4(>). ,J. ( ). K:nic. Rochester, N. Y.. Sent. 6. 1880, $100. Lady H., Lady Morgan, Dolly Rov, Cali("o Bov, Doc, Nelly, Kismet, .Moliy (-■! dr). Lady Hedditch (2 dr), 2:4(i, 2:48i^, 2:48"2 g Billy (1 dis),3:16'i, 3:06, 2:58, 3:10. Suffolk Park, Phila., Sept. 27. 187.5, .$200. Jersey Boy. 3:10. 3:00. 3:00 Sept. 30, 1H75. $ . .Jersey Boy 1. 3:00. 3:06, 2:56?4. 3:00. Dickens, b g (3 :4»). J. McLiiiK", Oil City, Pa., June 14. 1870. ,$400. Honest George, Foggj' Dew 2 (4 dis). Lady Dickcji.s, br'^s'iTj :037,'bv"BIack I^iigle. P. C. Fenner. Woodland. Cal.. Nov. 2, 1876, $100. Clara B., Chief 1, 3 (4 (lis), .Jack (1 (lis), Volcano (1 dis), 3:05, 3;02?;i, 2:.58, 3:(k;, 3:02. Dickciinan's llliick stullii.n. (3:50'o). Clias. Dlckerman, Norwalk, Conn., Nov. 10, 1868, $175. Modoc, Jimmy, Young l{;ittler. d disi, 2:.50"2, 2:51, 2:.55'... Stallions. Dickeriiian's Chestnut GcldinK, (3 :44'/2i. Chas. Dickerman, New Haven, Conn., Aug. 19, 1869, $50. Harry, Dick Piirsons (2 dn. .^.'.R, 2:,55, 2:.53. Aug. 19, 1H(;9. .i;ino. Canada P.ov 3, 4, Prince 2, Tom Bradlev 1, 2:48, 2:47, 2:45, 2:47. 2-M}4, 2:441/2, 2:50. Dick Gough, bg(3:3«j w). F. .M. .^kaggs Sacramento. Cal., i^ept. 15, 1866, $500. Mike O'Brien, Unlcnown ^3■.r,ill. Five miles. H. R. Corey. S;in 1" rancisco, Ciil. A|)ril 14, 1867, .$ . J\'ire Devil, Topsy, 2:48, 2:44U. Dick Harvey, h g ( 3 :3t;). F. H. Harvey, Sandusky, O., Aug. 5, 1874, .$50. Midnight 5, Kirkwood (1 0) (3 0), 2:.58, 3:01'4, 3:01'.;, :i. 00'.'.. 2:.5(;, 3:02. Harvey & Ciirv'-r, Sept. 24. 1875..$250. Minnie 2, Ella K. 1 dis), , 2:51, 2:50M, 3:01. Cloveliuid. O,, Sept. 13, 1876, $300. Nutwood 2, Maggie Kimberly, valiant. Banker, Alberta, Mary, 2:39, 2:37, 2:37, 2:.37?.i. F. A. Harvey, Sandusky, O., July 4, 1879, $140. Frank C, Carson, Billy Budd, Capt. Reed, 2:4314, 2 :403li, 2:39k. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. ITl Harvey & Carver, Sept. 25, 1879, $80. Billy Budd, Capt. Reed, 2 :44i4, 2 :46('2, 2 -A^l^. D. Carver, Sept. 23, isSl, $300. Ruth, Bay Charley (1 dis). 2:r,2i/i, 2 :4094. 2:42. Dick Jamison, b g (3 :a6), by Joe Downing. Jas. Miller, Marysville, Ky., June 2, 1868, $100. Dick Oglesby, Billy, Josephine 1 (3dr), 3:02, 3:02, 3:03. Cincinnati, Oct. 15, 18G9,.'$400. Lucy 4, 5, Lew Sayres 1,2, Dart, Ella Ehvood(4r o), 2:35, 2:34, 2:34'2,2:40;i, 2:38}^'.;, 2:4114. Lexington, Ky., Oct. 23, 1873, $800. Lady Alice, Josie, Harrodsburgh Boy, Jack Conn (1 dis), Frank Miller (1 dis), 2:4"), 2:4r>'4, 2:45. Oct. 2.5 1.S73, $1,000. Red Cloud 1, 2, John H. (3 dis), Billy Ho.skin.s vUlis). 2:36'2, 2:3414,2:351^, 2.:n%, 2:37 '4. Oct. 3, 1874, ,$600. Wait a Bit, (Jranville, North Star Mambrino, Byron (2 dis), 2:28va, 2 i27Vi, 2:31. Cambridge City, Ind., Oct. 20, 1874, .$1,000. Tom Britton, Little Fraud, Bertie 1 (4 dis). Moss Rose (4 dis), Little Alfred (3 ciis), Maniijrino Walker (2 dis). Prince (1 dis), Bob Iluiitei- (.1 dis), 2:29'2, 2:2'Jvo, 2:26, 2:2u. Dick Jctt'erson, ch s (3 :5G), by Thomas Jetlci-soii. F. S. Eager, Greenfield, Mass., Sept. 29, 1881, .$50. Lady of the Lake 1 Fanny, Unknown, 2:r>y.,, .•;:()(ju, 3:02!2, 2:56. Dick Jones, ch s (3 :38). J. Bedford. Newark, N. Y., July 17, 1877, .S200. Deck Wright 3, 4, Maggie, Shorty Fountain, Zero, Minnie Granger (5 dis), Bhickstone (3 dr), 2:50, 2:4.5, 2:45. 2:40, 2:4.5. L. Haskins, Waterloo. N. Y., June 26 and 27, 1879, .$225. Lady Beekman 1, Henry Clark, , 2:4.'5i4, 2:4414, 2:40. Dick Jones, blk g. C. Y. Wimple, Oswego Falls, N. Y., Sept. 27. 1883. $50. Eulela U dis), Fan a dis). Xo time. Four-year-olds. Dick Larry, (3 :51). P. R. Bidlou. Readsville. Mass., Sept. 26, 187.3, Prize, cup. Ten others, 3:03, 2:51. Dick Lewis, b g (3 :3at, bv Tom Hver. E. Corrigau, .Manhattan. Kan., Oct. 25, 1876, $100. Wild Bill 3, Moll 2, Major Winship 1, J<)\iri'rice. 3:6214, 2:52?i. 3;(»(), 3:(K);'4, 3;i, 2:.54}^, 2:.52. Stallions. • J. M. Tirrell, Worcester, Mass., Sept. 8, 1881, .$2.50. Lizzie M., Honest Lion, Echo, Dick Dample, Parepa, 2 :35 2 :35 2 * 33 ' F. W. Reynolds, Willimantic, Conn., Oct. 3, 1883, $250. Nelly Bryant 2, 3, Star (5 dr), Frank D. (l dis), 2:3214, 2:.30i/2, 2 ::»14, 2:3214, 2:32;4. Dick Moore, (s) ch g (3 :33ii), by Belmont, dam Marv, by Monmouth Eclipse. Lon Morris, Mystic Park, Boston, June 30, 1875, .$500. Honest Billy (w) 1, 5 :l6h, 5 :24i4, 5 :t3' 2, Two miles. Beacon Park, Boston, June 8, 1876, $500. George Bancroft, Christine, Tartar, Lady Balch, 2:34, 2:^614, 2:34'.,. Mystic Park. Boston, June 13, 1876, $400. Grateful 2, Lady Balch, Annie E., Capt. Frank. Hopeless, Eva, Brother (4 dis), 2:36, 2 :.33, 2:.32ii, 2:30. June 23, 1876, $.500. George Bancroft, Tartan, Grateful 3, (4 dis), 2:3114, 2:33'^, 2:3114, 2:36. Hartford, Conn., .June 29, 1876, .$600. Mike Jefferson l, Nelia, Limestone, Driver, Sand Bank, 2:29^, ^ Dover, N^H.'^Sept. 29, 1876, $500. Belle Smith 1, 2, Young Wilkes, Jean Ingelow, Joe .S., 2:29}^, 2:.30, 2:3014,2:3214. • George A. Ayer, Shrewsbury, Mass., Aug. 22. 1877, $400. Bill Ed. 1. 2, Lady Daggett. Belle Oakley, John Lambert, 2:301^, 2:30, 2:31, 2:.32''i. 2:31. Dover, N. H., Oct. 25, 1877, .$400. Hiram Woodruff 3. Frank Munson. Edward. Walt-r. 2;29. 2:29i2. 2:2714, 2 :29. -^ Plainville, Conn., June 5, 1878, .$400. Steve Maxwell, Sooner. Lady Daggett, Si'in Curtis, 2 ::J2, 2:30, 2:30. Beacon Park, Boston, June 19, 1878, $600. Batenian, Scjoner, Steve .'Maxwell. Lady Daggett. Colonel, Belle Oakley, Sam Curtis, Aristos. 2:26i2, 2:2414, 2:24i'o. Mystic Park, Boston, June 26, 1878, .$600. Bateman, Steve Maxwell, Lady Daggett. Belle Oakley, Aristos, Colonel, Sooner (3 dr), 2:25, 2:2414, 2:24i^. ■ Plainville, Conn., Aug. 27, 1878, ,$600. Amy 2, Alley, Carrie, Wildair, Blue Mare, 2:26, 2:261^2,2:2.514, 2:2(;-4. Providence, R. I., Sept. 4 and 5, 1878, $600. Trampoline 1, 2, Sooner 3, Lady Snell. Wildair. Alley, . 2:24 2:24, 2:2414, 2:24, 2:24i4. Jas. Golden, Mystic Park, Boston, Sept. 9, 1879, .$600. Capt. Emmons, Steve Maxwell, Emma B., Thorn- dale, 2:251/2, 2:24, 2:24^. Dick Naylor, br g (3:45), Mr. Curtis, Appleton City, Mo., Sept. 28. 1877, $10. Bledsoe l (2 dis), Cornsheller (2 dis), 3:10, 2:47. Sept. 20, 1877, .$2.5. Bay Bill, 3:00, 2:45. A. McSkimon, Brownsville, Mo., July 4, 1878. .$200. Marvel 2, 4, Joe Richey 2, 2:50. 2:46?i, 2:4714, 2:4694, 2:4.5K>, 2:4.5. Dick Neal, blk g (.3 :.55). David Nevins, Louisville. Ky., July 4, 1859, .$200. Robert Ridley 3 (1 0). 2:55, 2:.5.5, 3:10. Dick Nevins, ch g (3:51i4). C. H. Olmstead, Tiffin, O., June 7. 1871, .f; . Chatta, 2:51i4, 2:51^4. Dick Ojflesby, (3:40). Mr. Baird, Bloomington, 111.. Aug. 24, 1867, .$ . Pullman's gr g 1, 2:40, 2:44"o, 2:45. Dick Organ, blk g (3:3514), by Commodore, dam bv Tom Hal. J. P. Stuard, Rockville, Ind.. June 10, l«81, $1.50. Snooks 2,Camii, Bay Frank, Guilford (3 dis), Denmark (2 dis), Glassford (2 dis), 2:36i4, 2:40, 2:38, 2:.39. Crawfordsville, Ind., June 17. 1881, .«200. Owen Farley 4, Pumpkin R. 1, Snooks, Bay Frank, 2:.32'4, 2:33' a. 2::!3i4, 2:3,3, 2:33i4. Danville, 111., June 22, 1881, .$2.50. Owen Farley 1, Pumpkin R.. Snooks, Denmark, 2:35, 2:34, 2:33Ji, 2:34'i. • J. E. Turner, Suffolk Park, Phila., May 9, 1883, $,500. Frank 1, 2, Lizzie M. 4 (6 0), Elmer 3, Clover, Nelia, 2:29, 2:27'4, 2:27, 2:28^. 2:27'^2, 2:271^, 2:29, 2:32';. Scrauton, Pa., Mav~.31, 1883, ,$500. Nelia 2, Dora 1, Clover, Lizzie M., 2:29, 2:29, 2:29, 2:2914', 2:.31. Dover, Del., Sept. 27, 1883, .$.350. Lady Lear 1, 2, Lizzie M., Stonewall (pacer), 2:31^, 2:.32"2, 2:33, 2:34V4, 2:37 'i. Dick Owens, b g (3 :46''„). C. Pritchard, Mobile, Ala., April 26, 1876, $125. Hugo 1, 3 (2 0), Mambrino Cloud .Ir., Dick Abrams, Unnamed (5 dis), 2:59U, 3:00ii, 2:.56i4, 3:00ii, 3:00, 3:0014. Aj)ril 28. 1876, $ . Nelly May 1 (2 0), Edna Earle {4'dr), Birdie (4 dr), , , , 2:46'4. May .3, 1877, $12.5. Little Star 1 (4 0), Jenny 2 (4 dr), Cloud Mambrino (4dr), Fanny (3 dis), 2:52. 2:67, 2:5114.2:52. 2 :.51. 2:5714. 172 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TKOTTING AND PACING RECORD. Dick P., b s (Z-AOYi), by .lupitcr Abdallali. tlaiii bv Ilainbh-toiiian. Drakely & Co., Lincoln, Neb., May 7, 1S79, $250. Bo.ston Davis 1, d, J-'lora :', J. .MoUv H., Oloc Maid (ti (lis), Nelly Sliaw (.'"> dis). Flora May {2 dis), . li. King, Watertown. Conn., July 4, 1870, SlOO. Mazeppa, Lady Mloomfleld 1, 3 (4 dis), I^ady CreenHeld (2 dis), 3:03, 3:04, 3:02, 2:.5«, 3:oo. A. Warren, AVaterburv, fonn., .luly 4. IHT2. .S21KJ. Jinnny Norton, Curtin, 2:.''>3. Dick IMpton, ('Z-Aif). Fort Seott. Kan., Oct. (i. 1«83, ^UA). Carbaugh 2, 2:.'^>2, 2:51, 2:51, 2:49. Dick .Slmiic 1) g (a:37). .I.N. Davis, Anstin, Tex, Oct. IK, IKXl, *75. Flag of Truce, Sam, Joe, 2 :539!i, 2:55. Oct. 20. issi. .$1.50. Flag of Truce, Hragelonne, 2:,")3^.,, 2:53'2. 2:M. Icsse Sliaiie. Dallas, Tex., Dec. li, 18S!, $\:,i). Tom Moore, Dick Dewey, Norali (1 dis), 2:39'/i, 2:44, 2:41. April 17 1S82, :f2d0. Mambiino. Te.xan Itanger, Tom Moore. 2::«»^4. 2:3!i'.i, 2:;.9'.i. liivU .'Stokes, ell g 1,3:55). 1). W. Si)arling, Kingston. .N. V.. July 2(;. ts7ii, ^M. .Molly. 2:.'")7!j, 2:.5.5. Dick Stricter, gr g. Mr. Lorillard, .Meriden. Conn., Sept. 19. 1k7., .*")0. Jetlerson 1, t liallenge, Aimie Laurie, 1 :;P4'.,, I:;i2, 1:30, 1:31. Fonr-vear-olds and under. ll;iU-milc beats. Dick .swivellcr, b g (2:1«K liv"\Valkill Chief, dam .Mad;ini Swivellcr. bv Henrvf lav, Jr, Mr. lloUingsworth. Hartford. Conn., Aug. 29, 1H7(;, $2,rM). Manibrino Kale, Sadit' Howe, i'arrie N., 15ig l'"ellovv. 2:20, 2:29;4, 2:27, Sprhiglicld. Mass.' Sept. 5, IHTG, .'ii!2,.'')^, 2:23>/2. . I'rovidence, R. L. Sept. 1, 1877. -SI, 000. Honest Harry. Tom Keeler. Driver, 2:23. 2:2314, 2:23'2. Cleveland, ().. July 2:j, 1878, $2,(X)0. Lysander Boy, Lew Scott, Silversides. Ethel, Lady Pritchard, De- ception (1 dis). 2:22i2, 2:21. 2:21?4. Utica, N. Y., Aug. 13, 1878, $2,000. Lady Pritchard, Mattie, Blue Mare, Clifton Boy. Lysander Boy, 2:21ii, 2:2:;Vi.2:21 — — ILirtford. Conn., Aug. 20, 1878, $2,000. Lysander Boy, Proteine, Mattie, Blue ISIare, Lady Pritchard, Conunouwealth (1 dis), 2:19?4, 2:214, 2:19. Mystic Park. Boston, June 7, 1879. .1«600. Banqiio. L^.iO'.;. 2:31. 2:25. Hartford. Conn., Aug. 29. 1879, .«2,.500. Hannis. Koncsetter, Driver, 2:18. 2:18^, 2:20. Dick Taylor clis('-J:50). Mr. Taylor, Atlanta, (ia.. April 22, 1871. '6:125. Belle of JJaltimore (w), Ned At- water, 2:.'i0, 2:59. Dick Taylor, gr g (2: 34I4), by Bob Didlake, dam by Star Davis. Scott & Lail, Florence, Ky., Sei)t. 18, 1874, S.")0. Doctor. Lady Smith, 2:44, 2:41, 2:48. Lexington. Ky., Oct. 1. 1874, $G00. Billy Si)eucer (2 0), Auction, Conover. Jenny H., Midway Belle, John Clay. Fanny Miller (3 dis), Kate Clay (3 dis), Belle Maud (3 dis). Annie Bailey (3 dis). Frank Miller (2 dis), 2:3(!'4. 2:;i3K,, 2:3;$, 2:36, 2:37. • W. H. ^^^lson, Harrodsburgh. Ky., July 27, 1877, $2r-iO. Sophia Temple 4, 5, Lady Lumber, 3, (4 dis), 2:31, 2:31, 2:'29?4. 2:34, 2:35'/2, 2;30V2- Mt. Sterling, Ky., Aug. 10. 1877, fl.50. Ella Clay 2. Wildwood (2 dis), 2:41, 2:43, 2:4114. 2 -Alii,. W. S. Tough, Manhattan, Kan., Sept. 28, 1878. $300. Doc. Snyder 1, Pine Leaf (4 dis), 2:30!4, 2:3314, 2:36, 2:34'/2. Salina, Kan., Oct. 7, 1878, $ . Doc. Snvder 2, 3, 2:45, 2:34, 2:33. 2:31i^. 2:29. T. S. Foster, Providence, R. I., Nov. 3, 1882, ,'$500. Faimy C, 2:3.31^, 2:33, 2:33' 2. ( Dick Ten Kroeck, rn g (2: .35"»). A. T. Daniels, Chicago, HI.. Oct. 21, 1857, $500. Pranie Boy 3. 2:36?^, 2:38, 2:42,2:44. A. Howard. Watertown. N. Y., July 1. 18ft4, $100. Meddlesome 1, 2:41, 2:.37U, 2:.i8'i. 2:."». Dick Turpin, b g (2:331.^), E. A. Smith, Louisville, Ky., Oct. 22, 1860, $100, Flora, Fillmore. 2 :37ick Uaverly (3:01). A. Foster, Batavia. N. Y., Sept. 21, 1883, $ . Jack A., Willy N. Whitefoot, 3:03^, .'1:01 ,'i'i2**4 i'V>ur-year-olds Dlclt West' b's (2 :50). by Aliiioiit, dam Monogram. S. Comstock. Ma Diclt'Avilder, b g (2 A^i4). Wm. Sherman, Worcester, Miiss., Sept. 20 1861, .$:J0. Tornado 1. 2:44'/s, 2:48)^, ''•47'n 2'4Hi. Dictator-' (w>, dig (2:32). Hiram Woodruff. Fashion (\)urse. L. L, May 18, 1865, .$22.5. Lady Marsliall(w), Gray Harry (w), 2:49, 2:47, 2:42'i. , , , , . , s /, ji ^ ^ oc o.4, , 2:41, 2:39i4, 2:41i4, 2:39, 2:;t4'... Cliarlry Skinner, Coldwater, Mich., Sept. 9, 1871, $250. CharleV. Sachem (1 dis;, Magnet (1 dis), Tom Hunter (1 dis). No lime. Dictator, b s(3:39). Chas. Moulton, Middlesex, Mass., Sept. 21, 1870, $150. Unknown 3, Daniel Lambert 1, Ice, Micawber, Kate U dis), 2:51!2, 2:51, 2:52i4, 2:53^4, 2:55. Natick. Mass.. Aug. 15, 1872, $150. John Lambert, 2:49, 2:40?i, 2:44'/». Milford. iMass.. Oct. 1. 1873, $300. Dolly Varden, Sailor Boy, Little Joker, 2:.39, 2:40, 2:37'2. Dictator, b g (a :38). S. W. .Tones, Chester, Vt., Julv 3, 1875, $175. Volunteer Belle, Belle. 2:48, 2:50, 2:41. Rutland, Vt., July 14, 1875, $200. Flora Lee 2, 3, Gypsy Girl l. Volunteer Belie, Johnny (5 dis;, 2:39}^ 2:39'^. 2:;58, 2:41, 2:38, 2:41'o. .lulv 15. 1875. $200. Bav Billy. Lady Whitford, Frank. Dolly (3 dr). Fanny (2 dis). 2:43. 2:42, 2:39. Dictator (Huckleberry. Brown Jack and John T.), br g (3 -.^^U), by Comet, dam by Vt. Blackhawk. E. COJ> rigan, Kansas City. Mo., .luly 4, 1877, $400. Georgie B. 1, 3, John Dunning 2:37^4. -':37, 2:42>4, 2:38, 2:44. Sept. 18, 1877, $400. Monarch Rule. Capt. Jack. Randall. Stranger, \'oIney, 2:26^, 2:20, 2:2654. Sept. 20. 1877. $1.1)01). Little Fred 1 (2, 0). Cozette. Capt. Jack (4 dr). 2:27, 2:26, 2:26, 2:20, 2:29. Coldwater, Mich., May 17, 1878, .?300. Elsie Good 3, Loafer, Cozette, 2:30i4, 2:274, 2:29^4, 2:31?4. Adrian, Mich., June 6, 1878, $500. Sheridan, Proteine, Clifton Boy, Mambrino Kate, Brown Dick, Edwin Forrest (3 dis). 2:28. 2:29'2, 2:28. St. Louis. Mo., May 26, 1879, $ . Lucille. 2:26'4, 2:27. Mat Tanner. Hurstville, N. Y., June 11, 1881, Louise 3. Ben Smith. 2:38'^, 2:29?i, 2:29ii, 2:30i4. 1). Stewart. Fargo, D. T.. July 4, 1882, $ . Selkirk 1. 2:.)9. 2:.35, 2:36, 2:.35?4. X'allev City, D. T., Sept. 28, 1882. $.500. Flora Bell 1, Baybrino, Pedro, 2:4414, 2:46i4, 2:40, 2:41. ( rookston. Man., Oct. — , 1883, $ . Gypsey Joe 1, 2, Minneapolis 3, 2:39;'2. 2:39'2, 2:36;i, 2:37^4, 2:37Vi, 2:.!7. Dictator, b g (3 :3~), by Goldsmith's Abdallah. dam by Richard's Bellfounder. P. Reese, Freeport, 111., May 28, 1878, $500. Deronda. Frank, Silyersides (1 dis), 2 :38, 2 :35. 2 :42. Dictator, b 3(4:31). Ellis Teal, Gouyerneur, N. Y., Aug. 31, 1881, $50. Dick Johnson, 4:21,4:28. Two-year- olds. Dictator (2 :37). C. R. Cummings, York, Pa., Oct. 6, 1882, $ . Maud l, 2, 2:38i4, 2:36)^, 2:39, 2:37V4, 2:37. Dido (w). blk m (3 :43'4, w). Hiram Woodruff. Fashion Course, L. I., June 26, 1863, $200. Tallman's ch g (,w) 1, 2:43'.., 2:43:'4. 2:43ii, 2:45. Dignity, b g (3 :38i4). G. W. Nelson, Morristown, N. J., Sept. 1, 1881, $150. Barney B. 2, 3, Lady Murphy 1, Lady White (1 dis). Foxhall (1 dis). 2:40, 2:42, 2:40^4, 2:43i4, 2:411^, 2:4354. Dimond, b g. Mr. Doland, Peekskill, N. Y., May 30, 1879, $50. Lent's sp g 2, Sally K., Martin's ch g. No time. Dinah, blk m (3:5814). O. W. Dimmick, New Orleans, La., March 6, 1858, $100. Little Dorrit 3, 4, Vi.xeu, 3:06, 2:5814, 2:.58'2, 3:01, 2:58,^. Dinah, blk m (3 :3d), by Young Flying Cloud, dam Dinah, by Vermont Hambletonian. R. P. Stetson, Altooua, Pa., July 4. 1870, fflcA Flaxev 1, Major 4. 2:44, 2:4651, 2:47?4, 2:50'2, 2 :49. Wilkesbarre, Pa.. Aug. 20, 1873, $800. Patchen, Carrie, Joseph Stickney, Star Henry, 2:40, 2:39, 2:41. J. Iv. Leayitt, P(jint Breeze Park, Phila.. May 12, I8i4, $450. Mary Jane 2, Delaware 1, Lady Atkinson, Daniel Webster (2 dis), Nick (2 dr), 2:35'b, 2:38i4, 2:37, 2:37, 2:36. Suffolk Park, Phila., May 28. 1874, .$500. Dot 1, 4, Mary Jane, Nick, Delaware, Daniel Webster, R. D. (4 dri. 2:31i4, 2:3F4, 2:32^4, 2:3314, 2:33. J. .M. Pettit, Oct. 29, 1874. .$.500. Mattie Lyle, Sunbeam. 2:32?4, 2:30^, 2:30. R. P. Stetson. Philadelphia, Pa.. Aug. 16, 1876, $ . Mary Jane 2, Star (3 dis), 2:40, 2:37^, 2:37, 2:39'/i. Pottstown, Pa., Oct. 6 and 7, 1876, $400. Delaware 3, 2:3914, 2:45, 2:33, 2:39?4. Dio, b g (3 :30), by Gen. Sherman, dam by Ethan Allen. C. Spaulding, Clareraont, N. H., Aug. 8, 187V, $200. Mathilda. .Juno, Kitty Downs, John Morrill, Peterboro Boy, Polly, 2:41, 2:41, 2:40, Springfield, Vt., Aug. 14. 1877, .«200. Mathilda, Katy Did, Billy D., Harvey B., 2:44, 2:43, 2:40. Aug. 15, 1877, .§200. Kitty Downs, Juno, John Morrill, 2:42, 2:41, 2:42. Providence, R. I., June i2 and 13, 1878, .$600. Oscar 1, 2. Duroc 3, Myrtle, Landseer (5 dis), 2:33, 2:33, 2:30, 2:34, 2:;jO, 2:32. Dion, b g (3 :4li4). C. K. Drew, Portland, Me., Sept. 6, 1877, .$200. May Burrill 1, Kitty Morris, Morrill Boy, .Julia, 2:41, 2:44. 2:4114. 2:44. Director, blk s (3:17), by Dictator, dam Dolly, by Mambrino Chief. J. H. Brasfield. Louisville. Kv., Oct 5, 1880. ■? . Emma G., Rowena, Barrister, Fanny Wilkes, Clemmie G., Brown Wilkes, 2:32, 2:30, 2:3314. Three-year-olds. L. Herr, Lexington, Ky., Oct. 14, 1880, $1,250. Clemmie G., Rowena, Emma G.,2:41, 2 :46i4, 2:4954. Three- year-olds. J. W. Conley, Sept. 1. 1881, $300. Clemmie G., Alcvone, 2:30i4, 2:2954, 2:30. Four-vear-olds. L. Herr. Maysville, Ky., Sept. 24, 1881, $300. Cyclone 1, Rosa Wilkes (2 dis), Toiii Brown (l dis). 2:2914, 2:3014,2:2914,2:2854. Louisville, Ky., Sept. 30, 1881, $600. Clemmie G. 1, Fly (1 dis), 2:2954, 2:27i^, 2:3314, 2:30i4. Four-year- olds. Oakland. Cal., J. A. Goldsmith. Sept. 8. 1882, $800. Honesty, Ashley, Del Sur, Cairo, Starr King (2 dis), Reliance 1 <2 dis), 2:22i4, 2:2414, 2:24, 2:24io. Sacramento, Cal.. Sept. 127 1882, $1,200. Starr King 1, Honesty, Cairo, Capt. Smith, Del Sur, CrowTi Point (3 dr). Reliance (1 dis). 2:2414. 2:254 2:24. 2:25. Stockton, Cal., Sept. 20, 1882, $1,000, Starr King 2, Echora 1, Honesty, Cairo, 2:2314, 2:2354, 2:2354, 2:2514, 2:26*2. S;in Jose, Cal., Sept. 25, 1882, .$7,50. Cairo, Starr King, 2:28i4, 2:26. 2-:2i}4. — ■ — J. A. Goldsmith, Pittsburgh, Pa, June 1, 1880, .$600 Hambletonian Bashaw 1,2, Alta, Wilbur F., Willis Wood-;, 2:25, 2:25i.i, 2:26, 2:28, 2:26. Hartford. Conn.. June 13. 188.3, $1,000. Dan Smith 1, 3, Walnut 2, Cornelia, Kentucky Wilkes, 2:2214, 2:221.^, 2:2114, 2:2114, 2:22,2.2214. Albany, N. Y., June 26, 188,1, $1,000. Cornelia. Dan Smith, Walnut, 2:22*.^, 2:23%, 2:22. Washington, D. C, Julv 5, 1883. $1,200. Douglass 1. Tom Rogers. Stonewall, 2:29, 2:254, 2:284, 2:285£. Chicago, 111, Julv 16, 1883, $2,.500. Gladiator 1, .Tewett, Kate McCall, Walnut, 2:2254, 2:244, 2:20, 2:22i4. July 21 and 2,3. 18a3, $3,000. Monroe Chief 2, Black Cloud, France's Alexander, Santa Glaus (4 dis;, 2:19i/j, 2:20,2:2214,2:264. Stallions. Cleveland. O.. Aug l, 1883, .S2,ooo. Wilson 3, 5 (2 0), Gladiator. Kate McCall, Tony Newell (1 dis), 2:X9}4 2:17, 2:16i4. 2:17i4. 2:18. 2:2854. Utica. N. Y.. Aug. 21. 1883, $1,000, Duquesne. 2:25. 2:22i.i. 2:2054. Hartford. Conn.. Sept. 5. 1883. $10,000. Fannv Wither.spoon 2, Wilson 1, Clemmie G., Phallas, J. B. Thomas, Adele Gould, Overman, 2:174. 2:17, 2:20, 2:18, 2:1914. 174 fllKSTKKS fOMri-inE TUOTTlMi AND I'AClNG IJLCOKI). Providence, K. I., Sept. 12, 1883. §6,000. Forest Patcheii l, riiyllis, Clenimie G, Joseplius, Wilson, .Modoc, 2:19K>. -MOii, 2:19'.i, 2:20. Bt'iicoii I'ark, iiostou, Sept. 28, 1883, §5,000. Phallas l, 2, Santa Clans (4 dis), 2:20, 2:22>^, 2>2l ' i, 2:20, 2:20!i. Stallions. Alhany, N. Y., Oct. 4, 1883, §2,000. Pliallas 2, Fanny Witliorspoon, 2:23, 2:22, 2:2394, 2:J9?4. Dirijj". l>r K (3 :37). l)y Fo.xliunter, dam by St. Clair. \V. II. Cade, San Francisco, Cal., Oct. 2. 1875, §300. Soir.'l Frank 2, Charles Ventnre, 2:32li, 2:.!1, 2,.;i'o, 2:32. Fel). 2, 187fi, §200. 'i'oniiento 1, 3, 2 :40. 2 :.i2i.i,. 2 :.», 2 ;37, 2 :.•{?( J. Feb. — . 187G, .'SJOO. Tonneiito 1, 2, hong .John 5, 2:37'4, 2:32, 2:32^, 2:32, 2:.32, 2:.'J5. lifiM. Nev., Se|)t. 14. 187G, SI.OOO, Alay Howard 1, Professor, Jerome, 5:iri, .'):21'«, 5:22?i. Two miles. San Francisco. Cal., June IG, 1877, §500. Nelly Patchen 1, Brushy John, Venture, Sweet Brier, Gov. Stanford, 2:32, 2:281^^, 2:27'o, 2,3H4. Sacramento, Cal., Sept. is and 19,1877, $750. Tommy Gates 1, 2. Gov. Stanford, ConlUlence, George Treat, 2;2y';. 2:27'.i, 2:27, 2:2!i'j, 2:29. .San Francisco, Cal., Oct, II, 1877, §700. Coquette 1, Tommy Gates 2, Confidence, George Treat, Sweet Brier, Nellv Palclicn (4 dis), 2:28J4, 2:26'2, , 2:27(4, 2:27J^. • iteno, Nev., Oct. 18, 1877, §500. Confidence 3, May Howard, Tommy Gates, Gov. Stanford, 2:27'/2, 2:27^4, 2:29, 2:30. ■ \V. H. Ciule, Seattle, Wash. T. Sept. 29, ix»3, §2,000. Long John 2, 4. 2:41, 2 :.37, 2:37, 2:36, 2.36. Discount (Andy Mulligan), ch g ('i :40! j). Kalph t)gle, Hartford Conn., Sept. 9„1863. §150. Butcher Boy, 5:32, 5:40. Two miles. • (W) J. Lovctt, Fashion Course, L. I., May 12, 18(U, §100. ISIorgan Jones (w) (2 dis), 5:44, . Two miles. Discount, ch g Ci :41 ). A. .McKav. St. John, \. B.. Oct. 5, ]87(>, §i5(i. Tliomas Ayres 2, Ncllv Bayer 1, Sir John, Busy Bee. Black Bess, Ciiriositv {■'< dri. IVtc Lee (5 dri. Kate, Topsy (1 dis), 2:45'.i. 2:40, 2:45'o, 2:43^, 2:42. Oct, 4, lH7(i, §1.')0. Sir .loliii, C uriosilv. Juvenile Kiiaim, Flora i i3 dis). 2:4k, 2:45, 2:44, 2:4.''). Truro, X. S., Oct, 11 187»i. § . Little Maid, Honest Bol), 2:41'/2, 2:41, 2:43. ■ Oct. 11 and 12, 1876, § Nellv Tliorne 1, 2, 2:44, 2:41, 2:42. 2:43, 2:43. Dispatch (Windsor), rn g (3 :34i/.) ()v Lewiston Bov. J. A Littlefield, Mystic Park, Boston, July 17, 1879, §300. Ladv Wilniarth, Gloster, Ben I'.. Prince Lambert (2 dis), 2:32'4, 2:31Ki, 2:36. Providence. K. 1. Julv 24, 1S79. .§.300. Gloster, Lady Wilmarth. Newsboy (1 dis), 2:28, 2:31, 2:36»4- Dispute (Sp!ing))ort Chanipion) ch g (3 :3T'.i). J. B. Burlew, Palmyra, N. V., .June 22, 1871, §100. Bristol Boy (3 dis). Honest Hick (3 dis), 3:03, 3:01, 2:47'/2- (w) Canandiiigua, N. Y., June 27, 1871, $ . Stridaway (w), Dan Gates (w), Lady Harris (w) (1 dis). Prince (W) ( l dis), 2:58, 3 :09, 3:04. Auburn. N. Y., Sept. 3, 1871, §300, Draco Chief 4, Kitty Crumb, Norwood 1 (3 dis). Little Frank (8 dis), 2:39'.i. 2:,37-^,. 2:3714, 2:38, 2:38=.,. Canandaigua, N. Y., Sept. 8, 1871, §300. Jack the Barber, John Wells, Green Mountain Boy, 2:49'i, 2:52, 2:47Kj- O. C. Sevmour, Mav 24. 1872. §250. Ladv Allen 3, Judge Mitchell 4, 2:47?i, 2:39?i. 2:38K>. 2:45. 2:41. Henrv llollis, Buffalo. N. Y., Mav 31, 1873, §100. Villette, 2:i9. 2:40, 2:41'/2. Diver, 1) g (3:45). A. S. Katon, Beacon Park, Boston, Aug. 6, ls'5, $90. Kiverdale, Koyal Charley. Timid, Brown lliirrv, 2:4.'-). 2:45, 2:4(1. DixHeUl .Maid, gr m (3 :47). C. Dickerman, New Haven, Conn., Oct. 17, 1882, $ . John, Pompey, 2:50, 2:47, 2:47u. Dixie (w), gr m (3 ::iO). bv Pilot Jr., dam Jennv Liiid, bv Bellfounder. J. Duffv, St. Louis, IMo., Aug. 22, 1865, § . I'ilot Tenii)le (W). 2:31^.,, 2:.33. 2:32'o.' Wm. P. Walker, Andover, O., Aug. 8, 1867, §75. Brown Dick 1. Buckeye Boy, Honest Jane, Silver Star (1 (lis), 2:.")5K., 2:51, 2:.")2. 2:.''4. Dixie, gr g (3 :46'/,). M. 1 )ollcn. Worcester, Mass., Sept. 20, 1867, §25. Lady Ida(3 dis), Sundown (3 dis), 2:56J^, 2:57'.;, 2:40' i. Dixie, b 8(8:31^4), by Swigert, Geo. Adams, Ivansas City, Mo., July 6, 1874, $50. Mamie 6., Country Girl (1 dis). 3:2394, 3:14;i. Four-year-olds. S. Place, Dubuque, la., Sept. 7,1876, $500. James A., Albino, Chief, Josephine, Lady Bonham (3 dr), Pine Leaf (2 dis), 2:50. 2:51'.,. 2:.53'2. Wavcrlv, Li., Sei)t. 21,1870, $200. Comet 1, 2, Maid of Monti, Mountain Quail, West I nion (!irl, 2:45, 2:45,2:46, 2:45'i., 2:4,5. Prophetstown, HI., Sept. 28, 1876, §400. Albino 1, 2, Yankee Dan, Ellen, George, 2:39, 2:39'.:. 2:40, 2:42, 2:44. Winona. IMinn., June 21, 1877, §300. Jim Kaven, Sorrel Ned, Winona Belle, Fanny C, St. Lawrence (2 dis>, 2::!i;' 1, 2:37?4, 2:3.5^4. M;iisli:illl()wn, la., June 27, 1877, §300. Sorrel Ned 1, West Union Girl, Bay Katller, Nat Baker, Honest ■Tolniililis) 2:.35 2:35, 2:3.5:'4, 2:35'i. Dixie, bg(3::5.T,i. W. H. Caulk, Middletown, Del., Oct. 6,1875, $150, Lady Burgct. Bob Boy, Sis(3dis), Tclenrapli (1 dis). 2:54Vi, 2:43'4, 2:40. Oct. 7, 1875, §400. Modoc, Kevstone Patchen (2 dis), 2:4.3!^, 2:37, 2:38'i. Oct. 8, 187.5, §.'■)«). Andv Joliiison, Modoc, 2:.36'4, 2:.37, 2:,'J5?i. Dixie, b s (3:01). G. Van Sice, Springfield, L. L. May 30, 1878, . Prize, silver. Lady Price 2, Jarvis b s (Idr). 3:06.3 05. 3:01,3:04. ^, „ _ ^. ^. Dixie, chin. J.G.Wilcox, Logansport, Ind., Sept. 20, 1879, §50. Sleepy Nell, lom Cress. No time. Threc-vear-olds. „ ' »..,.,, Dixie, (Donald & Tnidge), b g (3 :3194). E. L. Palmer, Huntington, Conn., Sept. 23, 1880, .§50. Neighbor Ups, Young Toronto Cliicf, 2:.55, 2:5H.i, 2:.52?i. Sci)t. m. isso. .'*KH). Patchen Maid, Kate Lambert, 2:40, 2:40, 2:39?i. Dixie, bik g 13:43). A.J. p:ilis, Des Moines, la , Ang. 2, 1883, § . Oscar Wilde 1,2, Kitty Strader, Sun- lii!:ht.2:49,2:44'/2,2:45<4, 2:42, 2:46'.,. ,, .,»,„„, Dixieiviaid, ch m (3:10). J. K. Pollock, New Castle, Pa., Oct. 1,1879. §50. tanner Girl3, Nelly, Tojisy. Honest John, 3:1.5, 3:1.'.. 3:10. 3:10. Dixie's I.anil, i)r m (3 :44). Wni. Kobkink, Waupun, Wis., Oct. 12, 1861. $.500. George Law, 2:44, 2:47. Dixie Sprajjue, br m (3 :3.'»Vi). bv Gov. Spniguc. d:im Dixie, by Pilot Jr. J. L C:ise, Cleveland, O., June 8, ^HKi, .WM). Secret, Maud B., L:i(lv Lawrence (2 dis), Faith (2 dis), 2-29'4. 2:26,2:25>4. Dixon, brs (3 :36?4\ by Happv Medium. K. F. Galloway, White Plains, N. Y., Sept. 18, 1871, $100. Nelsons Colt, 3:.-{.3, 3:0.i. Three-vciir-olds. . ^ , .„ ,. „„ ^, , ,. .. ^ ( ;osh(>n, N. Y., July 25. 1872, .1f(K)0. Silverheel l (2 dis), Kcno (2 dis), Mary Miller (1 dis), Polly Ticks (1 dis), 2:41, 2:.'{t;^.i, l<\)ur-ye!ir-olds. „ , . o, . / x , « D. T., Filer, blk g. I^ Filer, Pentwater, Mich.. May 2.3, 1879, •§ . Prize harness. Shadow, (pacer) 1,2. No time. „ _ , , ,, 1 D. Monroe, h s (3:381,), by Jim Monroe. Garret Powell, Georgetown, Ky., Ang. 18, 1875, $250. Lulu Morton 1, 2::U\, 2:3S.2::«"i, 2:39. Five-vc;ir-olds. (!. H. Briwfleld, Lexington, Ky., June 22, 1878, $.500. Wait a Bit 5, 6, Gray Bashaw .3, 4, 2:.34?i, 2:,30>i, 2-31 ' -^ 2 -'M, 2 :.33, 2 :^<^i , 2 :.39' j. Dol)ie, i)lk s (3 :38), bv Ericsson, dam Belle by Tom Crowder. S. Price, Lexington, Ky., Oct. 19, 1872, $500. B:iron Bothschild (I dis), 2:40,'4. Two-year-olds. CHESTKKS COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING KECOKD. 175 Oct. 2r^. 1873. .S600. Vinclex Fillv 3. Allie West 1. 2:47, 2:51, 2:46^4, 2:49}^. Three-year-olds. Henderson, Ky., Oct. 17, 1874, .SSOO. Lulu Morton 2, 3 :02i4, 2:52>/2, 2 :57. Four-year-olds. B. J. Treacv, HarrodsburRli, Ky., July 8, 1875, •'Saoo. Little Nell 1, Hallie 3, Mambrino Pilot Jr., Fla.\ey, Anui Bailey U dn. Hermit (2 dis), 2:34'c, 2:37'.!,, 2:39, 2:.S8i»4, 2:39. Eminence, Kv., Sept. 1;J, 187.^, .^W. Flaxey, Tidy Golddust, Harry Hopper (1 dis), 2:,36i^, 2:37?^, 2:47. Sept. 18. 1875,\*1,000. Ed Wilder 1, Bvron, Glencoe Golddust (3 dis), 2:39i.i, 2:88, 2:39'^, 2:39^4- Cynthiaua, Iv* ., Sept. 22, ls75, $rm. Arohy Alexander 2, Hvlas, Belle Berkeley (3 dis), Fanny Miller (2 (lis), Belle :\faud"(2 dis), John S. Cain (1 dis). 2:29'2, , 2:.30, 2:29-.i. . , l)'>lile's Gray Gelding- vi-.Sl . Wni. H. Dol)le. Hunterdon, N. J., Sept. 26, 18(50,8175. Crosiers ch g 1, Walker's b a. Fisher's ch ;,', Wok-olf s I) m. 2:39, 2:37. 2:37. 2:41. i:oo, b li rZ :57>. J. F. Cott'nian. Omaha, Neb., Mav 21, isijo. -S . Soldier Boy, 2:.">7. 2:58, 2:59'2. l>oc, b 5; ( i :-tGi/,). C. Beecher, Lebanon, O., Sept. 24, 1874, S50. Blue Dick. Gray Lady, 2:54, 2:49U. Sei)t. 24. 1874, .*100. Xenia Belle l, Bower, Kate Secly, Abdallali. 2:50, 2:47'2. 2;4s',, 2:4(;i2. Doc (3 :01). M. L. Bond, Lawrenceburg, Ind., Aug. 21, 1883, .-jlOO. Annie K., Barney B., Ella H., Nelly, Edwin Forrest. Zenobia (2 dr), 3:03, 3:10, 3:01. ,,. „, ,, ^, , , c, , t^- , Dock, b g (3 :5!JU). J. A. Lovejoy Minneapolis, iSIinn., Sept. 1, 1883, .*?250. Kitty Stratton 1. 2, Gold Seal, Dick, Green Mountain Boy (3 dr), Charley (2 dis), 2:524, 2:52'2,2:.55, 2:52'2, 2:54. ^^ , Doctor, ch g (3 :33). S. H. Kuiulle, Danbury, Conn., July 4, 1870, $50. Belle of Danbury 2, Joiin (2 dis), 2:.52, 2:53'2, 2:52'», 2:52. Doctor, gr g ('3:4014.) Jollyville, la., Aug. 27, 1870, $ . Woodford Boy 1, Plough Boy (2 dis), 2:37, 2:40k, 2-46U, 2:15i/ii. Doctor, eh g'(2:5Sii). S. A. Gordon, Nashville, Tenn., May 23, 1871, .?150. Brook's gr g 2, Vina Nelson, Burlington(2dis), 3:02, 3 :00l.^, 3:021.1, 2 :58J4. Doctor, lir g (3:55). G. H. Bailey, Portland, Me., Aug. 3, 1871, S^IOO. Dolly, Wideawake. Brown Dan, Hum- ming Bird 1, 2 (3 0), (4 dis), Rocket ( 2 dis), Golddust (1 dis), 2 :.55. 2 :50, — -, 2 :.55, 3:00. 2 :59. , , , . Doctor", gr g (3 :50). D. F. Baker, Boston, Mass., Oct. 10, 1872, .?150. Blackstone Maid, Rosa Temple (2 dis), 2:,52>4, 2:50,2:58. June 7, 1875, .■S1.50. Abby 1, 4, 3:10, 3:02U, 2:54'/2, 2:53Vi, 2:59. „, ., „ ., ,, , . Doctor, eh g (3 :57i4 w). W. H. Thompson, New Haven, Conn., May 13, 1874, .§ . Phil Sheridan 3, Robin, Nellv, Little Bob, Gvpsy (4 dr), 2:58, 2:59, 2:5894, 2:59. (\v), J. Cook. W. Meriden, Conn., Oct. 19, 1878, .$200. Daisy (v) 2, 2:584, 2:.54i/2, 3:00>4, 2:57)^. Doctor, b g (3 :35). Dover, N. H., Aug. 5, 1874, $175. Greenland, Sebago Boy, Black Jack, Tom, Col. Cush- ing, 2:42, 2:4.5, 2:4.3. H. Woodruff, Beacon Park, Boston, Aug. 23, 1875, $300. Bayard 1, Early Rose, 2:47, 2 :44?i, 2:434, 2-451-.^ F 'M. Berry, Lowell. Mass., Oct. 14, 1875, $300. Kate Sloan 5, 8, Stephen W. 3, (i (8 dis), MonadnocJv Boy 1, 2 (4, 0), (6 dis), 2:43, 2:46, 2:43, 2:401i, 2:49, 2:47",. 2:49i'2, 2:434. 2:484. 2:48i4- H. Woodruff, Beacon Park, Boston, Oct. 18, 187.5, $150. Jenny Thompson 1, Arthur, 2:40, 2:37. 2:37. 2:39. Mystic Park, Boston, Oct. 21, 1875, $300. Belle of Lexington 3, Brace, Amelia D., Chalk Line (1 dis). No time. July 23, 1877, $100. Amanda 1, 3, Lyman 5, Frank, 2:39, 2:35, 2:.39i4, 2:.38, 2:404- Doctor, br g (3:00). W. O. Donnell, East Saginaw, Mich., Aug. 18, 1876, $50. Saginaw Dan 1, 3:284, 3:20'4, ^"Sept. 27, 1876, $50. Billy Owen 1, Billy Gray, Charley Downs, Detroit Girl, Bay Billy (4 dr), 3:00, 3:0.5, 3:00, 3:02. June 1, 1877, $ . Red Ribbon 5, 6, Rose Shipman l, 2, Billy Gray, Worthless, 1:32, 1 :3li4, 1:33M, l:303i, l:31i4, 1:32^4, 1 :33^i. Half-mile heats. June 8, 1877, $20. Rose Shipman, Billv Gray, Red Ribbon, 3:00^, 3:00?i,3:05'2. Doctor, b g (3:03=4). J. G. Ellenwood, Goffstown, N. H., Sept. 28, 1880, $50. Skipper 1, 4, Kate 2, Honest Billy, Gen. Grant, 3:08, 3:01. 3 :02?i, 3:02, 3:08, 3:12. Doctor, eh g. J, P. Woodbury, West Cumberland, Me., Sept. 30, 1880, .$50. Cashier. Little Nell. No time. Doctor, b g (3 :10). H. Hogeboom, Walla Walla, W. T., June 11, 1880, $ . Quinn (2 dis). Long John (2 dis), Sergeant Smith (2 dis), 3:10"2, 3:10. Three-year-olds. ^ , ,- ^ Doctcn- Bruce, b g (3 :43). W. J. Shelden, Providence, R. I., Sept. 11 and 12, 1873, *150. ^ ic 3, 5, Bessie l, b. William Briggs(5ro), 2:48, 2:4414, 2:41':,, 2:43i'2,2:44'4, 2:43, 2:42. t ■ , t. -.^ ■ , , Doctor Brush, ch g (3 :43). W. H. Tliorne, Prospect Park, L. I., April 20, 1878, $100. Lida D. (2, 0), Twinkler 1 ( 2 r o), Arabian Mag (2 r o), 2 :42, 2 :49. 2 :47. ^.. .. „ . .„ Doctor Brvden, rn g (3 :40?4). G. Ticehurst, Huntington, L. I., July 17, 1880, $100. IS igger, Dan Bryant, 2 :43, 2:41, 2:4bi'4. Smithtown, L. L, Aug. 10, 18.80, $50. Eureka (3 0), (4 dr), 2:58, 2:59, 2:55. -—. „_,,.,,_ ^ .• ^ Doctor C, ch g (3 :46i4), by Lewiston Boy. J. W. Driscoll, Jersey City, N. J., July 7, 1882, .•yioo. Captain C, 2:.54, 2:.54, 3:02. C. Smith. Sept. 16, 1882, $ . Joe, 2:55, 2 :484. 2:46ii. Oct. 2, 1882, $100. James O. 1.2, 2:49, 2:50, 2:471^, 2 :.51 4, 2:48. ^, , t , t. Doctor Cash, b g (3 :44). C. H. Shinn, Uhrichsville, O., June 6, 1879, .$200. White Cloud 1, Johnny, Davy C, Doctor Davis,"b s(3"':35). C. C. Williams, Washington, O., Sept. 28, 1883, .$30. Kitty D., Sorrel Jenny, Browu Jim, 2:42, 2 :.38, 2:35. Doctor Dickson, eh g (3 :48). J. Whelpley, Union Course, L. I., Aug. 6, 18.52. $1 ,000. Whitehall, 2 :49, 2 :48. Doctor Elliot.blkg (3:43 '2). J, L. Eofl, New Orleans, La., Feb. U, 1854, $ . INIay Queen 1, 2, (3 dis) Reindeer (1 dis). 2:42"2, 2:38, 2:424- , ,,. ^ ,, .. ., .„o„ •, ,^ , t,t „ Doctor Frank, rng (3:371^), bv Geo. Hall. C. E. Mason, Alpena, Mich., Sept, 7, 1882, .^ . Dock, Molly Harris, Billy Mack, Maud, 2:40,4, 2:42, 2:40. ^ „ ,^. . „, „^.„. _. „ ^,.,, 0. E. Mason, Marshall, Mich., Aug. 3. 1883, $300. Lady Brownell 1. Minnie Warren, William S 2:31:'4, 2:31'2, 2:31'r2, 2::i5. Flint, Mich., Aug. 28, 1883, ,$300. Ladv Brownell l. Rigolette, 2:3414, 2:30, 2:30^^4, 2:34, 2:3414. , Aug. 31, 1883, .$300. Waiting 3, Lady Brownell, 2:2794, 2:27"2. 2:30. , ^ n, c, c Doctor Franklin, b g (3 :39). J. D. Misner, Battle Creek, Mich., July 5, 1860, $150, Tom 1, Sleepy Sam. 2:45,2:39,2:43. Doctor Franklin, blk s (3 :31), by (5pn. Knox, dam Sickleback, by Winthrop Morrill. E. J. & G. W. Law- rence. Gardiner, Me., Sept. 8,' 1875. .$200. Starr King, Young Gen. Knox (3 dr), 3:00, 2:514, 2:57. Four year-olds. Portland, Me., Sept, 22, 187.5, .$1.50. Fearless, Royal Knox, 3:16, 3:15V2, 3 17. Sept. 21, 1876, $200. Black Diamond, Camors (3 dis), 2 :.39' ^2, 2:.34, 2:38. E. Brunswick, Me., Oct. 4, 187(;, $.3.50. John Gilpin 2, Jim Farnnm, 2:434, 2:41, 2:4.3%, 2:41'^2. , .„ Doctor Fred, b g (3:35), !by Thunderbolt. Dr. Higbee, Springfield, 111., June 15, 1880, $100. Black Bess, 2 '41 ^4 '^ -44 2 '42 Doctor Oage^b'g'(3:41). W. Jetfers, Rittersvile, Pa., Sept. 2, 1879, $200. Letitia S., Unknown, Spunky Farmer. Lizzie McFarland, 2:42. 2 :42i4, 2:41. ^ ^ „ ,^ j Doctor Henry, blk g (3:00). P. Vensel, St. Petersburgh, Pa., June 29, 1876, $100. Sam 1, Sorrel Fred, Quaiito. 2:531,4. 3:00. 3:00, 3:01. 176 CIlESTKirs COMPI.KTK TRO'ITINt; AND TACINd HKCOKI). Doctor Herr, b s (2 :30), Ity Manibriiio Patclit-ii, (lain by Edwin Forrest. Win. Goff, Portsmouth, O., Oct. 21, IHTt. s4(K). Mafjf^ic Marsliall 3, Dick, J'orlsmoutU Boy (I clis), Kody Patterson (1 dis;. Brown 'lorn (1 disi, L';4l'.,.2:36.'.':4.i',i, ^.M. Doctor JHokson, rli s(!i:4G). R. Dempster, Belvidere, N. J., Sept. i!2, 186C, $35. Hoan Bashaw, 3:10. 3:03, 3:00. loscpli Kislier. Kaston, I'a., July 4. 1867, $300. Flora .i :04, 2 :.''>4. K. Dt-mpstcr. Auk- 24, 18ii7, $rAK Funiate Boy. 3:22, 3:00, 3:04. Sept. 11, ISilT, SriO. C'atclM3dr), 2:r.6,2:r)6. Thos. .Newman, Faston, I'a., Aug. 7, ltS6!), *100. Hill .lackson, 2:.57'2, 2:.'">9, 2:54. Doctor Jayiie, 1) g (3:53(2). 1*. Jlartiii. 8t. Louis, Mo., Nov. 5, l(v48, $200. Boston, Friday (I dis), .0:63, 5:47. Two luiles. Doctor Kane. 1) s (3;40). Ceo. D. Pell, Montgomery. Ala., June 24, lh70, S30. Kiee (Jraves 3. 4, 2:64, 2:45, 2:4(1. 2:51, 2:40. Doctor Lewis, ( Flexible 1, eh g (« :a4). by the (ioodrich Horse. J. ('. Deyo, Battle Creek, Mieh., (Ht. 1.5, l«7;t, S125. Salem, liollv .Mien, ^■ankee. No time. Four-vear-olds, and imder. Ceo. Hvdell, Kast Saginaw, .Mich., Sept. 111. 1S74, .«:«H). (•hief, Mag, 2:4.5, 2:49?4. Four-year-olds. J. ('. Dcvo. Kalani;i/.(Ki. .Mich., .Sept. ;ju, ls74, $.50. .\ighj:ir. 3:0H, :oo'.i. Fonr-vear-olds and under. (ieo. Kvilcll, SI. .lohn's, .Mich., ()<'t. 7. 1h74, .SiiOO. Mambriiio Walker 3. Maneless 1, Chestnut Billv. Huff, B. Milier.'Ciav P.illv, Frank 11.(3 (lis). 2:40 ',. 2:4h';, .2:47';;, 2:47i2. 1, (t. (Uniia'rson, Baltic Cicek, iMich., Sept. 2, 1S75, .?500. True Bluu 1, NedS., Frank 11., Charley, Minnie iMaxlield (I dlsi, 2:;i2:'4, 2::!l, 2::!0?4,.2:36, Sept. .i, 1S75, $5(K). Liz/.ic Davis, Frank, Molly. Chestnut Ned, Lady Duncan (2 dis), 2:38, 2:36»/4, 'ZAWs Fast Saginaw, Mich., Sept. 15, 1875, $310. Chief, 2:40, 2:41. Five-vear-olds. D:ivid ■lohnson. Butler. Pa., May 22, 1878, *500. S. S. Ellsworth 1, Sleepy Tom 2, 5 (6 dis) , Benlah, 2:30, 2-32, 2:;i2,2:35',^, 2:34, 2:34'2. Pittsburgh, Fa., May 28, 1878, .'$400. Dan Bassett2, Gray Salem ■, Beulah, Happy Jack. Little Nell (3 dis). 2 -.M, 2:;i4, 2:31, 2:31, 2 :3f.. Massillon.O., June 12. 1878, .S300. Gum Ball, Hunter. Lady M.. Mambrino General, 2.32'4. 2.34. 2:35. June 14, 1878, §250. Joe Hooper 1, Hazor, Hunter, Daniel the Prophet, Black Frank (3 dn, 2:31 '4. 2:30, 2:30,2:301^. • Akron, O., June 19, 1878, §300. Lady M., Gum Ball, Mambrino General, Hunter, .Maggie Snntli d dis). 2:3;?14. 2:;i5. 2:a5K>- Warren, ()., June 27, 1878, $:«X). Mambrino General. Hunter, Patchen, Gum Ball (3 dr). 2.3t>. 2:35, 2:;w. June 29, 1878, $300. Hazor, Black Frank, Hunter, Daniel the Prophet (3 dis). Magnolia (2 dis), 2:28, 2:30, 2:2y. Youngstown, O., July 4, 1878, $400. Beulah l, Gum Ball, Mambrino General, Hunter, 2:31'», 2:32, 2:30';, 2*3.3. Bi adford. Pa., July 10, 1878, $000. Frank, Tom Mailoy, Cooloo, Lilly Pierce, Sleepy Tom, Charley. Lottie (3dr), 2:33, 2:33, 2:32. Meiidota, 111., Aug, 14, 1878, $bOO. Mountain Quail 2, Neome, Rose of Washington (4dr), G. T. Pilot (1 ^^^ariviile,'llf.', Aug."2'i','l878, $.500. Neome 1, Moxmtain Quail 2, 3 (4 0) (6 dis). Ancient Order Boy (1 dis), G. T. Pilot (1 dis). 2:24, 2:25' 2, 2:2(i'.i, 2:29K>, 2:27'2, 2::«). 2:4C.'2. Miieomb, HI., Aug. 29, 1878. .1i!3.50. Amboy 1 2, G. T. Pilot. 2:269i, 2:27.2:28'4. 2:30. 2:27. Aug. 31, 1878, .•i;400. Modoc 2. Amboy. Cozette, Loafer, 2:27, 2:2794, 2:27i'.i, 2:27. Gafesburi;, 111., Sept. 5, 1878. $.soo. Col. E. D. Baker, Warwick (3 dis), 2:52%, 2:43, 2:34. Sept. 0. 1878, $.500. Modoc, Loafer, 2:.31,2:32Ji,2:27M. , ,„ „, „ ^ .„, ,, ,. ^ „ „.^ Fort Wayne, Ind., Sept. 14, 1878, $1,000. Silversides 1, Chas. ^V. Woolley, Little Gypsy dis\ 2 29J^, ' T<>ledo,'b.i Sept. 19. 1878, $800. Neome, Tom Keeler, Dream 1. 2 (3 dis), Gray Salem (3 dis), 2:27, 2:27, ''■26 '''.'iO ''■■30 Cohimbu's, b., Sept. 25. 1878, $800. Lewinski, Schuyler, Rip Rap (3 disi. Dream (l dis) 2:29' j, 2:27, 2:26'i. Dayton, O., Sept. 26. 1878, $bOO. Gray Salem. Hazor, Monarch Rule, Bay Dick, .Judge Pollard, 2:33' j, 2:35, '' 31 — c'incinnatl, O., Oct. 1, 1878, $800. Tom Keeler 3, Orange Girl 2, Gray Salem. Lewinski, Rip Rap (2 dis), Dream (2 dis), 2 :26'/j,2:26»4, 2:27^4,2 :2C' 2, 2:29'/2. . ,. , „ ,.. , ■„ ,„ ,. Oct. 4. 1878, $800. Orange Girl 1, Gray Salem. Nettie C. Monarch Rule, Bay t harley. Envoy (2 dis), 2:23Ji, 2:249.1, 2:'2(i%, 2:27';. Zanesville, ()., Oct. 8, 1878. .«600. Lewinski, Rip Rap. Bay Charley, 2:30i4, 2:28?i, 2:301^. Oct, 11, 1878, $C<()». Deception 3, Silversides. Lewinski. 2:28' ,, 2:29. 2:28'i, 2:25. Newiirk, ()., Oct. 16, 1878. ?,5()0. (irav Salciii. Bay Charley, 2;2(1, 2:27, 2:24. ,....„.,, Doctor Norman, bg (2 :1»=.,), bv Col. Moore, diiin by ScotfsHiatoga. h. I. Geers, Detroit, Mich., .luiie 6, 1882, $()00. Maud T., Barrett, C(mimander, Wilson, 2:.3094', 2:31, 2:36. J. W. Russell, Grand Rapids, Mich., June 29, 1882, $700. Mattie Graham, King William Bliss, 2:26?4, 2:251/2. 2:2(i»<(. Ionia, Mich., .July 7, 1882, $.500. King William. Gladiator. 2 :.30. 2:31. 2:26?i. Wheeling. W. Vii., Sept. IC, 1882, $.500. Tony Newell, 2:;«V{.. 2:36, 2:24>v;. , . , ,, ,. * Doctor I'armly, bs(3:48'..), bv IIaml)letoni:in, dam Rhoda, by Mambrino Burton. Jacob J. Hopper, lat- erson, N. ■!., Aug. 25, 1870, .S2,(K»0. Hamperion 1, (3 dis), 2:.51. 2:49'.i, 2:48'2. ., .. „ . „,, , o« Doctor Robinson. l)rg. Brownsville, .Mo., Aug. 18, 1880, .fl25. Mirabile, Lilly H., Al. Beemer. t :27?i. 1 :30, 1:.33. Three-vear-olds. Half-mile-heats «..-,., <.i 1 Doctor Rush, c'h g (2 :33). bv Waxev. Capt. Selbv, I^xington. O., Aug. 7. 1874. .$200. Emma Dean 2. < harley Moore(2(lis), Trouble (2 (lis). 3 :07'4, 3:01, 3:14V,,•.. S. ,L Larrimore. I'ortsmoiith. O., Julvo, 187.5. .$600. Ma.wvell, Portsmouth, Lady ^^ agoiier. Mambrino I'ilot, l':itchon. Bay Billv(2dis>, 2:40, 2::»i/>. 2:.39. „ . ,, ,,..,, „„ Newport, Kv., .fnlv 1.5, ls75. ,<400. Maxwell Maid. Fannv B. P.. Sciota Belle, Ashland Kate, Maxwell (I (lis), BMle Wiiifer (1 (lis), Nellv May 0 dis). Bridget (1 dis), 2:43'2. 2:46, 2:44'2. Coslioiton, ()., Oct. — , 1875,$1.30.' Ridgewav 2, Marksman. Bav Bob (3 dr), 2:43'-, 2:43'4, 2:40. 2:39. Doctor .s]iei>h.-rd. bs (2:31';), by Blue Bull. CJ. W. Ingraham. Webster City, la., July 8, 1881, $300. Gen. (Jarfield 2, Hamble. American (^lirl, 2:44^. 2:48»4, 2:4.5. 2:45. Boone, Li., July 1.5, 1881, $.300. Clifton 1, Gen. Garfield 2. 2:.'-)0. 2:46, 2:,50, 2:4.. 2:49. „„„„„. t,- ^ L. Ensign, Nile's, Mich., Sept. 27, 1882, $1.5. Jerry H., Kate. Maggie Rush, 3:32, 3:34, 3:36, 3:34. Four- '.L H. Young, Mattoon, HI., July 2, 1883, $200. Joe Davis 1, Nettie M., Roscoe, Ike Medhim (2 dis), 2:37'i, 2:37",,2:;!.5, 2:.38. Inlv4, 188.3, $300. Roscoel,3:00, 2:40, 2:.39, 2:37'/,. Stallions. • o «., o aa o m Doctor Shepherd, b g (2 :40J.^). Aberdeen, Miss., Oct. 24, 1883, $50. Scott Parker 3, 4, Bessie, 3:02, 3:00. 2:67, Doctor Smith, b s (2 :44>i). F Howell, Anienia, N. Y., SepL 4, 1883, $50. Fanny Thorn, Billy .lackson, Do^tor^Snyder,"/^! g (2 :30».0. Mr. Ramsdell, Topeka, Kan., Oct. 24, 1877, $.300. Ben Lyon, Dick Lewis, Empress. Musette (1 dis), 2.4.51^.2:42,2:42 CHESTEirS COIUFLETE TIiOTTIN(i AND I'ACING RECORD. 177 Doctor Wesson, br s (3:34i4), bv Harrv Hill, dam Jenny Chandler. Thos. McLaughlin, Worcester, Mass., Atig.ll, 1880, S200. VVoodcliuck, Steve Lewis, Rover, Maggie May, 2:38. 2:3iU, 2:34i^. Dodge M:orrillJr.,b s (3:36), by Dodge Morrill. Hiram Dodge, Morrisville, Vt., Sept. 17, 1874, $25. Anglo Saxon, 3 :i!3, .3 :26. Stallions. ^ ^ ,^ . . „ ,r Dolan's Bay Gelding, b g (3 :46). Mr. Dolan, Peekskill, N. Y.. Aug. 2, 1878, $50. Crazy Kate 1, 2, Vermont 3, (4 0), Minnie S.. 2:50. 2:401^, 2:48, 2:46, 2:-18, 2:48, 2:51. „ ^, . , , ^ Doll. 1) m ci :47 ) . W. Gardiner, Huntington, L. I., June 15, 1853, $ . Little Doll, Florizel (w), l, 3, (4 dr), 3:00, 2:47, 2:.56, 2:53, 2:52. _ , „,„,, Doll (w),chm (3 :*<>%). Union Course, L. I., July 22, 1868, .$1,000. Teaser, 2:49, 2:47»/2. Doll, rn m (2:50). Junius Cliafter, Mt. Holly, K J., Oct. 6, 1875, $175. Ben. Bashaw 2, Major, 2:52, 2:50>4, o.gg 2 5'' Dollar^ b"s73:53i4). L. H. Hurd, Carmel, N. Y., Sept. 19, 1879, $75. Little Nigger 1, Diamond, 2:55, 2:553i, Dolly, gr ni (sisi). VV. Kinsi. Philadelphia, Pa., Oct. 28, 1858, $300. Fanny (1 dis). 2:51. Dolly, blk m (3 :35). E. C. Dndd, ('Hi4, 2:40>4, 2:47'i, 2:469^. Dayton, O., June 28, 1867, $100. Belle, Billy Crawford, Frank, 2:381^,2:35, 2:36. , ,. ^ Dolly, ch m (3 :43). A. G. Hunt, Lexington, Ky., July 1, 1870, $100. Maggie O., Jim Buckskin, Iron Duke. Jr., July 10, 1870, $100?' Maggie O., Foxtown (3 dis), Jim Buckskin (3 dis). Iron Duke, Jr. (2 dis), 2:53"^, 2:48>4 Dolly, gr m (3 :59U). John Murphy, Fleetwood Park, N. Y., Oct. 9, 1871, $200. Jack, 3 :0li^, 3:01, 2:59y2. Dolly, gr m (3 :38Vi') . Williamsport, Pa., Sept. 20, 1872, $ . Clottiespin, Express, 2:45, 2:39^4, 2:mi. . Dolly\w), gr m (3 :44). M. Maloney, Deerfoot Park, L. I., Sept. 17, 1873, $400. Sarah 1, Kate (w), Ginger, 3:16, 3:09. 3:10,3:12. — (w). Sept. 24, 1873, $200. Ginger 1, 3 :26, 3:23, 3:18, 3 :17. S. Bennett, Aug. 31,1874, $100. Henry, 3 :25^4, 3:21. r.. . ^ .. ^ .. ,...,, ^ .. M. Maloney, Point Breeze Park, Phil., July 15, 1875, $200. Starhght 1, 2:45, 2:44, 2:45'/2, 2:45 Dolly, b m (3 :36), by Frank, dam by Gray Eagle. Samuel Pence, Fort Wayne, lud., Aug. 13, 18/3, $300. Tom Britton, Deception, Bill Conway 2:42'.2, 2:4114, 2:40?4- ^ ^^ ^ ^ , ^ ._ „ ^ , , ^ W. P. Brelesford, Tippecanoe, O., May 27, 1874, $300. Lotty 1, Jean Ingelow, Little Roan, Buckskin, 2:37, 2:36"2, 2:40.2:37. ^^ ^. Mav 27, 1874. .■=! •. Bay ^lare, Jean Ingelow. No time. Dolly, blk nu 3:56) hy Benedict Morrill. D. B. Wooster, Northfleld, Vt., Sept. 16,1874,$ . Lady Atkins, Red Cloud, Northfleld Boy, Alidiiight, 3:10, 2:56, 3:02. ^,u , t, . , , t , „„ Dolly, bm (3:48). W. J. Sheldon, Woonsocket, R. I., Sept. 16, 1875, $200. Charley Babcock 2, Joe l. Belle Brandon, Mambrino Maid (4 dis), Roe's Back (4 dr). Gray Dan (3 dr), 2:47, 2:.51M, 2 -M^, 2:48 2 :49. Dolly (w), cii m (3:394). W. Davis, Deerfoot Park, L. I., Oct. 2, 1877, $200. Clara Morns, Lilly, Harry K., J. W. Oakley. Rapid Transit, Ladv Harmon, Gray Jacket (3 dr). Black Diamond (2 dr): 2:43/2, 2:40}.! 2:409i, Oct. 6, 1877, .$250. Maggie 1, Clara Morris, Lilly, J. W. Oakley, Sorrel Johnny, Rapid Transit, 2 :42, 2'40/i 2'43 '^'iS '- John'o! Otis, W. Meriden, Conn., July 4, 1878, $200. Merideu Girl 1, Ike Lee, Norah M., 2:42, 2:42i4, 2:39'/2, 2:44'4. A. J. Russell, Norwich, (?onn., Sept. 18, 1878, $200. Dick 1, 2, George F., Hopkinton Maid (3 dis), Kitty Hill (1 dis), 2:38^, 2:40. 2:41, 2:40!/2, 2:41J^. H. Williams, Prospect Park, L. I., Oct. 17 and 18, 1878, $300. John S. 2, Jessie Maude, Addie E. C. (5 dr), .James 1 (2 dr), 2:37, 2:40, 2:40, 2:40, 2:4094- Dolly, ch m (3 :0li4). F. Phipps, Milford, Mass., June 29, 1878, $50. Jenny Lind 1, 2, Fairy Boy, Little Mack (3 dr). 3:0814, 3:00. 3:01 14. 3:021,1. 3:03i4- Dolly, ch m (3:40). T. Sweet, Battle Creek, Mich., June 4, 1879, $300. Elmer 1, Ned Morris, 2:3814,2:40, 2:4334,2:4634. Dolly, b m (3 :34). J. C. Dinehart, Hudson, N. Y., Sept. 14, 1880, $100. Dinah, Bub, Wassawea, 2:511/2. 2:48}4, 2:48'/.. Sept. 17, 1880, .$100. Wassawea, Bub, 2:15, 2:43, 2:411/2. C. H. Burch, Amenia, N. Y., Sept. 7, 1881. $100. Colonel 4, Royal Knox (3 0\ Independence (5 dr), 2:36, 2:34 2:3512.2:40 2:37!4. Sept. 8, 1881, m50. independence. Colonel, Gaylord (2 dis), 2:37. 2:39, 2:411^. Dolly, eh m (3 :48i/2). H. F. Beyer, Uniontown, Pa., July 22, 1880, $75. T. K. 1, Ray Beall, Nelly Gray (3 dr), 2:56, 2:51)^, 2 :48'4, 2:51. Dolly, b m (3:45), by Sam Kirkwood, dam Luella. Thompson McKean, Cambridge, 111., Sept. 7, 1883, .$200. Bertie S., Col. Johnson, Nelly Grant (2 dis). Decoration (2 dis), 2:54, 2:45, 2:46i4. Dolly B., b m (3:33). L. Ensign, Niles. Mich., Sept. 27, 1882, $15. Jerry H. 3, Kate, Maggie Rush, 3:32, 3:34, 3:36, 3:.34. Four-vear-olds. Dolly Carnes. gr m (3:57i4). J. Cowan, Memphis, Tenn., Sept. 30, 1867, .$100. Cliff Shepherd 1,2 (3 dis) Black Warrior (l dis), 2:58?4, 2:51?4, 2:5714. Dolly D. (Lady Belle), b m (3 :37i4). J. H. Coffee, Eaton Rapids. Mich., Aug. 27, 1880, .$300. Gray Dobbin 2, Badger Boy 1, Tom S., Transit_, Fox, Deception (3 dr). Sada A. (2 dr), 2:.36i/2, 2:37, 2:39, 2:,39, 2:391/2. Dolly Davis (Eastern Maid), ch m (3 :39). l)v Almont. dam Annie Eastin, by Morgan Rattler. Wm. Davis, Hudson, Mass., Oct. 19, 1877, .$?00. Katy Did 1, Belle Stringer, Aaron, Lady Mack, Lady Hall, 2:45, 2:45. 2:45. Oct. 23. 1877, $200. Jimmy, Katy Did. Lady Mack,.Mattie. Pauline. 2:45, 2:46. 2:45. O. J. Slocum, Beacon Park, Boston, May 23, 1878, $200. Oshlega Belle 3, 4, Lady Humphrey, 2:35, 2:35, 2:35.2:3.5,2:35. Plainville, Conn., June 5, 1878, .$400. John Hall 1, 4, Lyman, Meriden Girl, John Morrill (4 dis). Charier (4 dr), 2:.38, 2:39, 2:36. 2:40, 2:40. Dolly Day (3 :51i4). Mr. Cowan, Memphis, Tenn.. Aug. 18, 1871, $ . Screw Driver (1 dis). 2:51i4. Dolly Dean. H. S. Truxler, Rittersville, Pa , July 16, 1878, $ . Annie Collins. No time. Dolly Doe. b m (3 :37), by Comet. J. H. Price, Sandusky, O.. Sept. 23, 1881, $100. Seth, Minnie D., Hotspur Girl (2 dis). Little Joe (2 dis), 2:47. 2:41i4, 2:37. Dolly Dot. ch m (3 :36). M. H. Whipple, White Plains, N. Y., Nov. 2, 1876, $175. Thomas L. 1, Billy Irving, 2:45, 2:38%, 2:38ii. 2:.S9. Oct. 24 and 2.5, 1877, $20f/. Carrie N. 1, 3, Gen. Hunting, 2:39i4, 2:37^. 2:.36, 2:38!/2, 2:38^. Dolly Duncan, ch m (3:40%). E. Robbins, Louisville, Ky., Sept. 28, 1859, $ . Capitola, Canada Sam, 5:211/2,5:23. Two miles. Dolly Dutton (3 :47i/2). F. S Palmer, Waterville, Me., Oct. 13, 1864, $.30. Lady Scott, Fanny, Village Clique, 2:50, 2:.'J0. Dolly Dutton, gr m (3 :38). Jas. Rockey, St. Louis, Mo., Sept. 21, 1867, $200. Lady Alice 1, Lady Ella, W. K. Thomas (3 dis), 2 :38, 2 :38, 2 :44. Dolly Dutton (3 :44) Mr. McGrue, Bloomington, 111., Sept. 5, 1877, $50. Little Morse, Peter Cooper, Throck- morton, 3:55, 3:44. Three-year-olds. 12 178 CUESTEK'S rOMl'LETK rKOlTlMi AiND l'AClN(i RE(;OKD. Dolly Farrell, cli m (2 :55). H. Farrell. Lawrence, Mass., July 5, 1870, $ — . Eureka 1, 3 (.2 0), Kitl.x (.'lyil.- (4 dis), IMiil Sheridan (1 dis). 'iiM, , 2:55!2, 2:55'/4, 2:55. 2:57'2. Dolly H., eh ni (.a :'>«i^.i). E. Sniilli, I'leniington, N. J., Sei)t. 24, 1879, i^TA). Major E. 2. Billy H., 3:28. 3:30, 3:22, 3:"23. Eour-vear-olds and luidcr. Mt. Hidly, N. .1., Oct, 7, l«7i). j:80. Daisy 2, Try Me, Elolse (3 dis), l:3C!i;,, l:3(), 1:32. Three-year-olds. HaU'-niilf iuMts. Klcniinnton, N. J., Sept. ;!0. 18ho $35. Frank, Belle Medium, Honest Dick. Major K.. 2:5!». 2:i)9's, 2:565U. Dolly Holiiu's, rn ni (8 :4«>. Ottawa, 111., July 5, 1878, .'?50. Rebecca V. Best time, 2:4s. Dolly I'arker, b m (3:25). T. Parker, Somervillc, N. J., Oct. G, 1881, S3r.. (loldeu yiieen, 3::}(». 3:.36, 3:25. Eour-vear-olds. . ,, „ Dolly Smith, ch in (2 :44'2). F. S oan, Nashville, Tenn., Sept. 14. 1850. I'rize, cup. Ihunder, pacer :>, 2:51, 2:"47?4. 2:44'.;. . (leo. Futcher, New Orleans, La., May 17, 1855, $50. Larkin 2, Anne Franconia (si 4, 2:5i, •.•:44, 2:47, 2:49'4, .1 .54 Dolly .Spanker, bm (2 :43',i), by (icorfie Wilkes. J.Miller, I'aris, Ky., Sept. 7, 1883, SGdO. Tom Bagby 1,3, DV. .Moore r>. 2:40, 2:46)^^. 2:42, 2:44, •J:4.i'_., 2:43'4. Dolly Starch, b m (2:45 s). J. Morris, I'hilailelphia, Pa., June 13, 1848, $100. Medoc (s)3, 4, 2:48" .. 2:45, 2:47, 2:44, 2:40. Dully v., b m (2 :447i), by Bashaw Jr. J. B. Titinan, Warwick, N. Y., July 3, 1870, $200. Beecher. B;iy Klch- inoiul, Harry, 2:50. 2:45, 2:oO'2. . Ambler I'ark, Pa., Sept. 20, 1877, $200. Lady Hodge 2, Annie F., Middletown, Clara (3 dr), (hippy Bird (3dr), 5:38, 5:39, 5:29?4. Two miles. , . ,. Dolly Varden, b m (2:42). W. K. Troflord, Amenia, N. ^ .. Sept. 4, 1872, .$200. 1' islierman's Daughter 1, Lady Tash, Kentucky George, Delight, Fanny (.4 dis), (Jeorge E. Weed (3 dis). Diadem (2 dis^ Hose Burch (2 dis). Flora (1 dis), 2':45'2, 2:41^4. 2:42, 2:44i.i. Sept 5, 1872, $200. Richmond 3, 4, Lady Tash. Kentucky George, .lock. Delight, (Jen. Sigel, Cloudman (2dis),Tactics(2dis), (iyiisyddis), 2:47, 2:42>,,2:44. 2:4r.,L;:44. Dolly Varden (Silver Maid), gr m (2 ::i 1 '.i ), l)y Sherman .Morg:in Jr., dam Gray Neliy. R. Kenwick. Balti- more Md., June 21, 1872, .$500. Sherman .Morgan, Ferguson (1 dis), Jenny (1 dis), 2:51, 2:48, 2:49. N. Mitciiell, Catskill, N. Y., Sept. 18, 1872, $ . Dolly Varden, Live Oak. 2:.'i0, 2:45»^, 2:45. jas. (ioldeii. Lawrence, Mass., May 27, 1874, $200. Grace 2, Blacksmith Maid 1, Fleetwing, Flora, 2:39. 2:41, 2:41, 2:4(1, 2:40. (ireat Falls, N. H., June 5, 1874, $175. Martin Luther, Lady Haves, 2:48, 2:,53, 2:51"2. Mystic I'ark, Boston, June 10, 1874, .¥300, Lady Mac 2. 4. Wcddlisome. Alice, Arthur. Andy Johnson. Pet Nelly, Topsv, Tontine Belle, Stuyverton (5 dr), 2:30, 2:35, 2:35':, 2:3:>Vi, 2:33?.i. Beacon Park Boston, June 24. 1874, .$400. Major 2, Alice, Lady Enlield, Arthur, Nelly, Grace, Topsy. Pet. Lady Wilco'x (4 dis), 2:37i2, 2:38, 2:33"o, 2:3.'5. Haverhill, Mass., July 9, 1874, $300. Dustin Jim 1, 2. Honest Billy 5, Fanny, 2:33>4. '2MU, 2:34. 2:36. 2:38. 2 '38 Dolly Varden, b m (2:50), by Bay Billy, dam by a son of Potter's Clay. Addison. N. Y.. June 20. 1874, $150. Fred, Fred Hill, 2:,^2. 250, 2:.53. . „ .. ^,. , , t, • ^ r. ,..».■, o * ., Dolly Varden, b m (2:49), by Abdallah Champion. Barney McNichol, Point Breeze Park. Phila..Sept. 2, 1874, .5 . Maid of the West, 3. 4, 2:.-)0, 2:53, 2:481/0. 2:47, 2:50i4. (w). Sept. 2, 1875, .$100. Honest Jim. 3:10, 3:11. ^ .. „ ,,-, ^,,^ t- , n 1 1 -«, .> =/, Dolly Varden, b in (3 :33). B. McLeod, St. John's, N. B.. Oct. 8, 1874, $150. LisgiU" 1, Perhaps. 2:..0'2, 2:50. ^^G'eo.V.'''Smith, Smithfleld, O., Sept. 23, 1875. $140. Frank Shaw 3, Hotwater, Hiatoga Chief, Tom Porter. 2'44''i 2''J9 2 "38 2'3Ii Dolly Varden, b in (sloi). P. Foster, Chagrin Falls, O., Aug. 26, 1880, $30. Nigger Baby, Messenger Dony Whitefdfin (2 -iVau'r W. A. Sanford, AVatwick, N. Y.. Aug. 29, 1874, $:oo. Nelly Rutherford 4, Lady Bonner3(5dis), LenaB. (5 dis), Resciie (5dr), 2:39k,^2|43U,2:40yj, 2:40 2:39. «•,„..„ Win. McCorniick. Somerville, N. J., Sept. 30,1874, $75. Weil Boy, Gray Squirrel, Joe Piatt, Bailey's blk m. 2:41'/2,2:40?i, 2:46. „ , „ m o .,.. ., mi .> ..r. Dominie, (2 :46M.) Wm. Moore, Albany, N. Y.. July 25, 1871. $100. ^^^arepa 1. 2:49 2:46 .i. 2:.'iO'» 2:5.^ Dominie! ch g (2:37i.i). W. Harrington, New Bedford, Mass., Sept. 7, 1883, $60. Julia B., Molly Crack C dis) 2"4'' 2'42'/4 2"42^ ~ Newport. R. L, Sept. 19. 1883. .$300. (Commissioner 12, Brunette (2 dis), 2:40''j; 2-37'i, 2:37^x, 2:40 2:^^^^^ Dominion Koy, b s (2:30>4). W. W:ilte. Detroit, Mich.. Sept. 12,1867,$ . Capt. lom 1, Maximilian, ColdwaterBov. 2:51, 2:509:i,2:51K>. 2:57?4. Four-year-olds. o ,13. ., '.o^^*^i^^•'*^;\:,^f ^'vvff^^^ Dom Pedro, ch g (2127). by Blue Bull. J. I. Case, Waukegan, 111., July 4. 18-6, $300. Tom 1,2, Nelly S., O.idU 9-d.'>VZ 9.44 9.41 ^.-tOU :: Titkilwa, "ill".; Aug. 9,"i877,S600. Croxie, Frances, Lady Mc, Chief, David H (2 dis) 2:36' .i. 2:37';, 2:36. Burlington, \Vis.. Sept. 6. 1877. $\m. Ellen C. 1, 4. Dan Costello. Si.j^. 2:36, 2:40, 2:42 2:39 ^„.,,,.,,.,„ Dom Pedro, b g (2:42). G. Closson, Fleetwood Park, N. Y., June -. 1877, $ . \orkMlle Boy, SnoNvball, Dom 'peVfro.'blk g (2:38'/j), by Snow Storm. L. B. Lindsley, Salem, Oregon, Oct. 11, 1877, $500. Broker 1 (3 dis). Zella(l dis), 3:14. 3:14, 3:07. Three-year-olds. E. Portland, Oregon. Aug. 30. 1879, $100. Snowflake 1, 2:44, 2:38'4, 2:45. „^,„„f.,„ /..a vv.joT.«r -fdn Don (w), I) g, (2 -.4014) H .Jones, Union Course, L. L, Oct. 20, 1853. $350. Fort Washington (w), Wagner, 2.48, -(w)\ ('eiitreville, L. L, .Tune 19. 1851. $1,000. W'halebone (w). 5:27^-, ^'■-^■, T^T^'l'^Tonuc r^vr, miiP<» w) H. Woodruff. Union Course. L. L, Oct. 11, 18.'i4, .$2,000. Whalebone w), 5:29'2. 5 :20^.Tn\o miles. Don, blk g (2 :53M). Mr. (^udnev. Bciicon Park, Boston, July 24. 1874, $100. Echo 1, 3:04, 3.00, 3.12, 3.13',j. (w), Mvstic Park, Boston, Aug. 11. 1874, .$7.5. Echo (w), (2 dis), 2:53k.2:.>9. Tulv 24, 1875. $100. Echol,2:.'-.7>4,2:.5.3'/j,2:.57, 3:00. , ^ „ ,. ,,0 ,.,r. -..in M. B. Liiuck, (^obblcskill N. Y., Sept. 21, 1876. $80. Little «irl. C. B- '> ■ ^ ■^?' ^-^1' ^ },., n^ ,,„,„„ ^tnh^rt Don, dn g (2 :36)." Mr. Flagg. Waverly,'N. J.. Sept. 22 and 23. 187,5 ,$,00. "'''P' 1^. '«.^:.«.i; ^}\:l-^'^,%^^^ son. Kate Hughes, Joe Plato (5 dr), Frenchy (3 dis). Red Bird (3dis), 2:37, 2:38. 2:36, 2:30,4, 2.6,, 2.37. Sept. 24, 187.5, $100. Jim Moffatt, 2:38'/s,2:36'.i. ^, . .„ ^ ^ on io-r cinn V..lrinf fi r. 0^ Rp-ni Don. b g ( 2 :44'/,), by Hamhletonian. N. F. French Unionvi le. O Aug. 30 \«;«- »1'^; .,,X' , -'Viili ■'.•^i' 2-1 George 1. Kennebec 4, Maggie Hill(4 dis), Sleepy kate (6 dis). Flora (5 dis), Harry Heniy (O dis), 2.o2, 2.0I, Don: grl; r/fijIiS.I/y idoL d!nm M:,ry Weaver, by Black Hawk Vermont -T B An.old, Q>';'»7v .y,;;j ^'^'^^^igt- 877. .$400. Rescue, Alice. Lady McD., Ben Lyon, Highland (Jueen, Stanchffe (2 di ). Bidd> loolnl clis), 187 2:36M,2:.34, 2:.39i/,. 1: Mn'comh, III. Sept. 5, 1877, $.500. Hero, Lady McD.. Charley Hall, Corisande. Lady M., Billy Monroe (I Sept.'7.i877,"'*40b. Hero, Charley Hall. Corisamle.2:35K>. 2:35^2:36. r.,tirict Ciiief Bird St. Joseph, Mo., Sept. 11, 1877, .$400. Rescue, Ned Forrester, Nelly Whitney, Alice, cataiac i i iiiti, inru (3 dis), Comet (1 dis), Dan (1 dis), 2:48, 2:37, 2:41'/,. o "^ CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 179 Qmucy, 111., Sept. 14,1877, $500. Rescue, Charley Hall, Corisaiide, Lady M. (2 dis), Highland Queen (2 disK 2:38. 2:33, 2:33y2. . - Kansas City, Mo., Sept. 17, 1877, S400. Nelia 1, Sam Kirkwood, Repeater, Doctor Snyder (2 dis), 2:36i4, 2 "35 2 '32 2:3-l'2- 1 nepi. 21, i«77, $400. Rescue, Rei)eater, Sam Kirkwood, Highland Queen (2 dis). Brown Frank (2 dis), 2 :36, 2 :o3, 2 :36. Leavenworth. Kan., Oct.9. 1877. S!400. Nelia 1, Ben Lyon, Col. Dawes (3 dis), 2:38, 2:39, 2:44, 2:42i4. Oct. 12. 1877, S400. Ben Lyon, M. H. Insley, 2:43^,2:40, 2:48l-o. Toneka, Kan.. Oct. 24, 1877. .«400. Col. Dawes. Ned S., Lady Vesta, 2:33'/2, 2:32'/2, 2:32. J. .5. Bowen. Providence. R. I., June 2, 1882. Lady Lemon 2,\Vinchester Maid, R.P., Stephanus, Portia, Vivid C, Brandy Boy, Dave Young, Judge Gildersleeve (l dis^, , 2:27, 2:26Vo, 2:28. Mystic Park, Boston, June 8, 1882, ,§500. Brandy Boy 2, 4, R. P., George A.,Cleniniie Ci., Stephanus.Vivid C Portia (5 dr). Dave Young (5 dr). Dandy J. (5dr), Arthur (5 drj, Judge Gildersleeve (5 dr i, Lady Lemon (2 dr), Ladv Waring (2 dr), 2:25'/2, 2:28^, 2:2C;j«, 2:25i4, 2:25i4. — Beacon "Park, Boston, June 14. 1882, $500. George M. 2, Gypsy, Boston Boy, Little Maid (4 dr), Dick Dample (4 dr), Frank B. (l dis), 2 :25f/2, 2 :25, 2 :24'/2, 2 :28. Albany, N. Y., July 6, 1852, $1,100. Flora F. 1, John Hall. Brandy Boy, 2:27M, 2:27'.i. 2:2714. 2:25!4. J J. Bowen, Springfield, Mass., Aug. 29, 1883, $1,000. King Almont 2, 4, Barbara Patchen 1, Stephen G., Prince, Hersey, Valley Boy (4 dis), 2:2514, 2:2514, 2:27, 2:25,2:20, 2:30'2. Don, eh g (3 :40ir,). A. Graham, Lyons, N. Y., June 4, 1878, $200. Nelly Parks 2, Eunice Ann l , James Ash, Dan Mace (3 cfis), Jimmy (3 dr). Freedom (1 dis), 2:45i^ 2:45, 2:40'/2. 2:42, 2:43?^. — — R Smith, Ambler Park, Pa., Sept. 23, 1879, $150. Belle r f Bethlehem 1, 2, Mineola, Nelly. Grecian Maid, FrankBowers(5dr),AnnieE.(5dis), 2:16, 2 :47!4, 2:46,2:51, 2:53. „., . , . . ^ „.„ ,, .,.,, Don, eh g (3 :43i^). Samuel Adams, Rittersville, Pa., Aug. 15, 1883, $250. Pilot Jr. 3, Annie C, Billy D., Kitty Knox, Maggie'Stewart (3 dr), 2:421/2,2:421/2,2:45, 2:44. Don oh s (2 :.39). C. Snow, Brockton, Mass., Oct, 5, 1S83. $250. Magnet 2, Milton 1, Rockland Boy, Belmont (5 dr), Michael Strogotf <5 dr), 2:38>^, 2:381/,, 2:40, 2:S9, 2:3934. DonaUy's Gray Gelding, (3 :4,i). A. Donahy, Middletown, N. Y., Sept. 21, 1871, $200. Farmer Boy 1, 4, 2:54, '>.4-) '>'45 ■>'44 2 '45 Donald,"ru e~{2 :40). ' M. Fritz, Washington Hollow, N. Y., Sept. 18, 1878. $100. Boston Boy 1, 2. Lester. Billy, Lady Whalen, Belle of Stamford, Dolly Hope (5 dr), Belle of Dutchess (3 dr), Harry (3 dr), 2:40, 2:38, 2:40, 2:4214,2:45)4. Donald, br g (3 :37), by Dictator, dam the Burch mare, by Brown Pilot. P. V. Johnson, Cynthiana, Ky., Oct. 19, 1880, $500. Sannie G. 1, 2, Wait a Bit, Mary Miller, Jlvstery (1 dis), 2:27, 2:.30, 2:27i'2, 2:28,2:27. Don Carlos, b s (3 15314). Carrington & Moore, Richmond, Va., Oct. 27, 1873, $150. Modoc 2, Exchange, 3:08}4 3:03i'it. 3:04'4. Four-year-olds. Staunton, Va., June 3, 1874, .T1.50. Crusader, Ladv Clyde, 2:55i.i, 2:57\i, 2:57?i. Don Carlo.s, b s (3 :59i4). J. B. Benson, S. Weymouth, Mass.. July 4, 1883, $50. Folly 1 (4 dis). Lady Belle (2 dis), 3:08, 3:06. 3:13, 2:,59i^. Don Carlos, ch g (3:33), by Del Sur, dam Sunny Slope Belle, by The Moor. L. J.Rose, Los Angeles, Cal., Oct. 9, 1883, $450. Hunter 3, Hardman. R. R. (1 Cis), 2:35, 2:37M, 2:371/2,2:371/2. Oct. 11, 1883, $400. Hardman, Valentine, Hunter, 2:ZGyk,2:ZVA, 2:38. Oct. 15, 1883, $400. Max, Apprentice Boy, Valentine (3 dis), 2:331/2, 2:32, 2:34. Doncaster, ch g (3:45y2). John Denner, Grass Valley, CaL, Sept. 4, 1883, $250. Bally, Lizzie Mack, Billy, 2:58 2:55?4 2:47?i. '- Sept. 5, 1883, .$100. Billv, Bally (1 dis), 2:45i/, 2:.53i'„, 2:49. Don Cossack, b s (3 :38), by August Belmont, dam Latham Lass, by Alexander's Abdallah. Chicago, 111., Sept. 21, 1881, $100. 2:28. To beat 2:30. Don Elipha, (3 -.Zp). J. Donathan, Los Angeles, Cal., Oct. 28, 1874. $300. Confidence l, 2, (5 dis), 2 :49, 2 AZVi, 2:41, 2-44)4, 2:40. Mav 7, 187.5, $ . Vaughn 2, (3 dis), 2:341^, 2:32i4, 2:30. Sari Francisco, Cal.. Aug. 24, 1877, $300. San Bruno 1, Chicago, 2:32, 2:3314, 2:31?i, 2:31. Don Fulano, blk s (3 :47). H. S Morrison, Lynn, Mass., Dec. 5,1878, $100. Diamond, Country Girl, 2:48. 2:47. Don Giovanni.b s (3 :35), by Hampton, dam Lady Blucher, by Volunteer. J. P. Gilbert. Prospect Park, L. I., June 4, 1878, $300. Billy Green, Kadir, James, Katy Thompson, Nelly D., O. U. A., Village Girl, Why Not, Arabian Mag. H. W. Beecher. 2:42, 2:37, 2:35. Don Juan, (s)chg (3:57i/i), (3:37 s). P. Whelan, Beacon Course, N. J., Oct. 2, 1839, iilOO. Damon (1 dis), Black Hawk (1 dis), 5:29. Two miles. (s), P. Whelan, Centreville, L. I., Oct. 9, 1839, $100. Celeste (s), Henry (s), 5:17, 5:14. Two miles. (S), June 12, 1840, .$50. Celeste (s), 2:44i2. 2 :42, 2 :42. (s), J. D. McMann, Beacon Course, N. J„ Sept. 21, 1840, $100. Apology (s), 2:48, 2:49. (s), Centreville, L. I., Oct. 22. 1840, $100. Vermont Maid (1 dis), 5:36. Two miles. (w), E. DeForrest, April 20, 1841, $20(7. Postmaster (w), Tom Thumb Jr. (w), Quaker(w), 5:55, 5:55. Two miles. (s), April 27, 1841, $1.50. Ripton (s) 1 (3 dr). George Washington (s) (1 dis), 5:19, 5:36, . Two miles. (s), P. White, May 19, 1841, $100. Ellen Tree (s), 5:53, 5:54. Two miles. (s). Win. Whelan, Beacon Course. N. J., July 12, 1841, .$400. Washington 2, 5:21, 5:39. 5:22i4. Two miles. Don Juan, chg (3:3614). J. C. Kellv, St. Louis, Mo., Nov. 23. 18G3, $1,000. Jersey Boy (w), 2:52, 2:46,2:50. Jas. Rutlierford, Oct. 2.5, 1861, $2,000. Lady Walker l, 2, 2 :38'4, 2 :.38, 2 :36i.i, 2 :40i4, 2:40. Don Juan, ch g (3 :44\ by American Clay. J. W. Young, Warren, O., June 27, 1878, $100. Harrv I'^nry 2, 3, Ohio Almont l, 4, Dew Droj), S. B., Northwind, Tom Jones (3 dr). Lady Rowdybush (3dr), Victoria Wood- hull (1 dis1, 2:47, 2:.51, 2:47, 2:49, 2:48. 2:46, 2:51. Donk, gr g (3 :35), by son of Bonny Scotland. O. P. Cheney, Chillicothe, O., Oct. 9, 1878, $200. May Queen, North Wind, Follv (1 dis), 2:,50, 2:50, 2:.51. Don N.. br g (3 :43). F. Noble, (Jreeii Co., N. Y'., Sept. SO, 1882, $ . Dan O'Brien, Major of Cohoes, 2:48, 2: 45 '4, 2:43. Hudson, N. Y., Oct. 24, 1882, $200. Lady Harmon, Billy, Kitty, Lady Flannery (2 dis), Charley Ross (2 dis), 2:47,2:43,2:43. Donnelly (3 :43%), Petaluma, Cal., Sept. 14, 1872, $100. Jake 2, 3, Olio (4 dr), Magna Charta (2 dis), 2 :54, 2:49, 2:47,2:501/2.2:5014. Don Pedro Sancho (3 :37). C. M. Perkins, Stockton, Cal., April 13, 1882, $160. Buckskin (2 dis), 3:28, 3:27. Don Quixote, gr g (3 :29i4). Jerry Monroe. Peoria, 111., Sept. 23, 1879, $.jOO. Josephus, Mamie Lee. Ike Mar- vel 2:39/4 2:37 2:37 W.B. Dai-lingi Dubuque. la., June 9, 1882, .$400. Sciola 1, Capt. Herod, Grey Cloud, 2:32i4, 2:30i4 2:.34, 2:3414. J. Monroe, Muscatine, la., Sept. 14, 1882, $100. Lady R., 2:43?i, 2:42, 2:3.5U. Dont Dodder Me, b m (3:41M). .1. L. Eoff, Alameda, Cal., April 23, 1870, $.300. The Maid 1,3, Norah McNeil 2, Toronto Jmi, Granger, Breeze, Fanny Lent, 2:43'4, 2:41i^, 2:44?4, 2:45. 2:481^, 2:46i,4, Sacramento, Cal.. May 28. 1870, .$250. Americus 1, 3 (4 dis). Glover 2,(3 dis), 2:37. 2:4414, 2: 441/2, 2:5.31/2. San Francisco, Cal., May 6, 1871, $100. Peanuts, Humming Bird (2 dis), 2:42'/2, i-A^M, 2:42^. 180 CHESTEUS fOMrLETE TUO'lTlNc; AM) I'ACINCJ UECOKD. Dont ltod«ler Rle, b in (2 :371,2). J. t'juhvalladiT, Lexington, Ky., .Fiily 4, 1870, 3 . Foxtown 1, 2:39, 2:40, 2:37'o,'.':rx('j. Don't Know, lilk K (3 :38). Chas. Hank. Myricks, Mass., Sept. 10, 1H74, $130. Brockton (l 0), Middy, Lady EninuiU dis). \ uieyard Boy(l dis), 2:43'/i. 2:48, 2:43>4. 2:46. Si'ijt. 17, 1S74, 586. Bisniarek. Kosa, 2:49J4, 2:50, 2:r)0. ■ IJiidKewater, Mass.. Sent, iv., i»74, *140. frank, Alexis, Middy, Rosa No 2, 2:49, 2:52, 2:46. \V Hiadlord, Taunton, Mass., Sept. 29, 1874, SI20. Ira Brown 2, Folly, Fearless, Frank, Vick, 2:45, 2:49V4, 2:38. 2:41. Oct. 2. 1874, $140. Belle of Hudson. Black Bin, Folly. Wolf Hunter, 2:45. 2:42. 2:42i^. W. 1!. Hiitliaway, Mystic Park, Boston, Nov. 7, 1874, #150. Jenny Thompson, Young Hero, Green Mount aili Maid, 2:40.2:38 2>38. Don Toniiis. l)lk K (2 :52). by Del Sur. L. J. Rose, Los Angeles. Cal., Oct. 11, 1883, §250. Queen of America 2,2:."i3' ;. 2:.">l, 2:r)2';. Two-year-olds. Dora.rii nn2:55'o). A. Howard. Watertown, N.Y.. Sept. 18,18«G,$65. Emigrant, F. E. Dean (3 dis;, Simmon's marc (3 dis). Young Sampson (3 dis), 3:03, 3:0H2. 2:65^4. Dora, blk nn!J:51i'4). J. llolcomb, Middletown. Conn., Oct. 3, 1873, .56.''). Jenny, Lady Doble. Fanny, Bill (1 disj, 2:r,l?4,2:56'2.2:54. Dora, ((inicie J).), brm (2:3614) by Corbeau. John E. Turner, Washington, D. C. May U, 187(i, $400. Gen. Ilimtcr3, (i, Oscar 1. 2, (!cn, McArtliur, 2:42Ji, 2:42-!4, 2:42^i, 2:40i;.i. 2:44. 2:43. 2:45?.,. Xorristown, i'a., iM;iy 18, 18.0. *2.">o. Seneca Maid 1, 5, (2 0;, Phil Dougherty, Harriet 1'., Lady Blessingtoa (5 dr). Superb Jim (.1 dis). 2:43. 2:41-.i, 2:40'2, 2:41, 2:43^4, 2:41. Mav 20, 1870. SioO. Phil Douglicrty, Seneca Maid, 2:38, 2:41, 2:43. Anlblcr I'ark, i'a., May 30, 1876, $500. Sir Henry, Dewitt (.'lav, Middleton, Phil Dougliertv, Seneca Maid, C:ilmar, SMllctto, 2:40, 2:39, 2:41. • May 31. 1870, $500. Phil Dougherty, Sir Heur.v, Dewitt Clay, Seneca M:iid, Lotta, Callus Mike, 2:42, ^ Poltstown, Pa., June,6, 1870, $350. Seneca Maid 1, Dewitt Clav, Lady Blessingtou, Sir Henry, Phil Dougherty. George K. U dis), 2:3."), 2:30, 2:30. 2:.%. June 8, 1870, $375. Phil Dougherty, Lady Blessingtou, Sir Henry, Dewitt Clay, G. M. Patchen, Lotta (3 dr), Willi:un B. (2 dis), Harriet P. (2 dis), Seneca Maid (2 dr), 2:33. 2:34'A, 2:34. Point Breeze Park. Phila., June 15, i87(>, $700. Irene, Modoc. Stilletto. Fleetwood. 2:313.i, •2:X^\i. 2:33. • J. (J. Dunwoodv. Washington, D. C, Apr, 30, 1879, $ . Eastern Shore Boy 1, 2, Hallie, Lady Blessing- ton. 2::A8'i l'iIJS'^ 2:38, 2:35, 2:35. J. L. Tucker, New Hunting Park, Phil., Sept. 18 and 19, 1879, $2.50. Cassius Prince 2, Lady Kildeer, Star, Aml)ler3, a dis), 2:32, 2::U, 2:35, 2:31. 2:32. Wilmington, Del., Oct. 9, 1879. $2oO. Shcrnuiu Morgan. May, Belle Oaklev, 2:31'o, 2:29. 2:30'y4. Kiltcrsvllle, Pa„ Oct. 17, 1879, $300. Sherman Morgan, Cassius Prince, Star, John S. Clark, 2:30H, 2:30?.,. 2:.32'.i. C. S. Cox, Paterson, N. J., Nov. 5, 18T9, $300. Chamicey M. Bedle, Jericho, Key West, S. S. Ellsworth(2 dis). 2:35' 2, 2:31,2:34. J. L. Tucker, New Hunting Park, Phila., May 7, 1880, $250. Hambletoniau Bashaw 3, 4, Lyman, Molly, Cassius Prince. 2:;U'.i, 2:31'o. 2:.30. 2:34, 2:31, Rochester, N. Y., June 1, 1880, $.500. Deceit, Clara J. (1 dis). Farmer ]5ov (1 dis). 2:29i.,, 2:32. 2:29}^. C. S. Cox. Gouveriieur, N. Y"., Sept. .3. 1880, $350. (ieorge H., Ccoige Ernest (3 dr). 2:31, 2:37'2, 2:36. ■ W. A. Ogden, New Hunting Park, Phila., Sept. 10, 1880, $250. May Medium, Penelope, 2:31!^, 2:.39>i, 2:34^. C. S. Cox, Ambler Park, Pa., Sept. 22, 1880, $400. Ella Doe, Nigger Kaby, Phil Dougherty, 2:35, 2:35, 2:30. '- Dover, Del., Sept. 30, and Oct. l, 1880,$500. Belle Oakley 1, 3, Phil Dougherty, Nigger Baby, Wilbur F. (2 dr\ 2:2!)'.;. 2:28'o, 2:29'4, 2:28K', 2:28i.i. New Hunting Park, Phila., Mav 0, 1881, $250. Timothy 1, 2, Molly, Sally Scott, 2:34'/^, 2:30. 2:30'/i, 2:29i-fc 2 "''8 ^ J. L. Tucker, Kankakee, HI., Aug. 26, 1880, $\m. Kitty Long, Delia Fay,2:44'4. 2:43J^, 2:423!^. ■ D. S. Field, Easton, Pa., May 17. 1883, $100. King Cetawayo 3, 2:30, 2:33, 2:36. 2:32i/j- Rittersville, P:i., July 4, 1883, $1.50. Edvyard H. 3, Iron Clad, Don, 2:34U, 2:3214, 2:33^4, 2:34. G. H. Stern. Easton, "Pa., Sept. 14, 1883. $150. Don, Ironclad, 2:44. 2:40, 2:40'/2. Sent. 1.5, 1883. $100. Ironclad, Don, 2:43. 2:44. 2:4.5. Kiitztown, Pa., Sept. — , 1883, .flOO. Don, Ironclad, Little Nell, 2:3", 2:37, 2:37'/4. Naz:u-cth, Pa., Sept. —, 1883, .$100. Ironclad, 2 :;)?, 2 :;«, 2 :27i^. . ., ,^ Dora S., hlk m (2:40). J. B. Stone, Johnstown, N. Y., Sept. 8, 1881, $100. Joe Brown Jr. 1, 4, Mink, John, Jack (5 dr), 2 :45'4, 2 :42, 2 :43. 2 :46, 2 :40. Dora T., b m (2:41K>). J. E. Jarvls, Jersey City, N, J., July 2.1882, S75. Victor 2, Little Dan 1 (4 dis), 2:46, 2:45, 2:46. 2:41K'. 2:43?i. * (W). July 27188,3, $100. Ned Cole 1. 2:41^4'. 2:42. 2:45';. 2:UH- 2:,38, 2:;{5k,2:a5W, 2:34. , ,., , „,. Sept. 30 and Oct. 1, 1880, $200. Rav Gould 2,3. Lilly Mack, Belle of New York, Lulu W. (2 dr), Bobby Burns (2 dr), 2:.38. 2:40, 2:41, 2:.'{4?.u 2::t8"". " , .,. ,^,, ^ Dorrit (Little Dorrit). hlk m (2::J3'.;). iJan Miice. Prospect Park, L. I., April 27. 1878, $150. Lilly l. Shorty Foind:iin, .Firn Moffat, 2:40, 2:40, 2:.39, 2:40?.{. . , , .^.^^ „ ^ „ ^.,, Dorsey, b s (.3 ■,Oiy^). T. M. Preiidergast, Erie, Pa;, Sept. 26. 1877, $100. Jim 1, Billy Blood, Kitty, 3:30, 3:01>4, 3:14, :!:i{;i;. , ^ Dorsey, ch g (3:01U). G. Dunleavy, Winona, 111., Oct. 2, 1878. .$45. Gloster, Lady Goldsmith, Enuna, 3:02, 3:01U',. Dorsey'H Bay Stallion (2 :42), hv Green Mountain Black H:iwk, dam by Bald Hornet, E. Dor.sey, Wood- lawn, Kv.j June 8. 1803, $100. Jim Mitchell 1. 3:.55. 3:48, 3:48. Two-year-olds. New Albanv Ind., Oct. 12. 1865, .Sl'O. Gretlarv's br s. 2:42. Four-year-olds. Dorney'M Chestnut Stallion (2:50), by Golddust. L. L. Dorsev, Chicago, III.. Sept. 2. 18, 1, $300. Morosa, Mavis. Dalsv, Silver Duke (2 dr). 2:50, .3:00, 2:.54S. Three-vear-olds. ,„ ^, .. DorseyV Chestnut Gelding (2:41). L. L. Dorsev. Louisville. Kv., June 28,1865,$ . I'lora May, John- son's ch g, Andrew's entrv. Nelly (1 dis). 2:49. 2:41, 2:49. ,^ ,,,,„. „ 04.„> ., DoHtin'H Itrown OeldinK (2:45). A. L. Dostin. Eiiston. Pa. Oct. 27. 1869, $200. Barney Williams 2, Star ,?, Bay Gelding, Rosa Lee, Hiram, Twilight 1 (2 dr), 2:49',, 2:47'^, 2:50)4;2:4«;, 2:45, 2:48-^,. ..,.,, ^^ „ .. „._, Dot. ch g (2:33"'4). Budd Doble, Boston, Mass.. June 9, 18(M). $500. Jim Libby 1, 2, Lady Wilkes, 2:40, 2.3*, 2:39, 2:.39»4, 2:4m. Fashion Course, L. I., Oct. 2.5, 1869, $1,000. Hickorv Jack 2, 2:3.5. 2:335i, 2:33. 2:34. B;iltimorp. Md., Nov. 11. 1869. .$1,000. George M. Patchen Jr., 2:36. 2:34, 2:41. — — Philadelphia, Pa., April 10, 1871, $ . Ironsides, 2:43k, 2:38'/». CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 181 M. Goodin, Lancaster, Pa., Sept. 28, 1871, Sl,.500. Gen. Love, Harry D., 2:37, 2:37'4, 2:.39. Doylestovvn, Pa., Oct. 4, 1871, $tMO. Bodine, Gen. Love, Blue Dick, Register (2 dr), 2:38, 2:36%, 2:38. John E. Turner, Wiljningtou, Del., Oct. 21. 1871, $300. Huntress, Gen. Love, 2:4014. 2 :44'/i, 2:36/2. Philadelnhia, Pa., April Iti, 1872, .S . Susie Barr, 2:55, 2:47. Salem. N. J., Sept. 12, 1872, $500. Star 3, Mary D., 2:351/2, 2:38!i, 2:35%, 2:37'/2. Dot, b g r~ =39^4 ), bv American Emperor, dam by Black Basbaw. Robert Steel, Doylestovvn, Pa., Oct. 10, 1873, .5200. Simon, Abdel Kader, 2:41^, 2:44'i,"2:41. Point Breeze Park, Pliila., May 13, 1874, $350. Hunter, Central, Queen Vic, H. G. Cook, Garland (I dis). Tommy Dodd (1 dis), 2:38, 2:40, 2:38. Philadelphia, Pa., June 17, 1874. $ . Hall McAllister, 2:46'^, 2:42. Dot, b g (3:58%). L. Benham, Buffalo, N. Y., May 29, 1874, $60. Agnes, Lady Ann, M. A. Wood, Paddy, Rocky, 2:58%. Nearest to three minutes. Dot (3:46). R. H. Travers, Washington Hollow, N. Y., Sept. 9, 1874, $175. J. H. Weeks, Willy, Scud, Frank, 2:52, 2:46, 2:48'^. Dot ch g (3 :33). D. W. Beckler. Beacon Park, Boston, June 23, 1874, $300. Frank 1, 2, Gray Dick, Danger (4 (lis), 2:36-4. 2:36, 2:3m, 2:37'2, 2:421^. Dot, ch g (3 :40i4). E. H. Heard, Brooklyn, N. Y., Nov. 27, 1879, $150. Brighton (1 0), Bay Lambert, 2 :47, 2 :49, 2:.51'^, 2:. 52. Dottie Golddust. b m (3:41). J. S. Snow, Montreal, P. Q., July 18, 1883, $100. White Bird, Alice, Iroquois Girl (3 dis). Sir John (1 dis), 3:00, 3:0.5, 3:01. Dotv (Cor. B.), bg (3:31), by Challenge. AV. Doty, Marysville, CaL, Oct. 23, 1876, $250. E. H. Miller, Tule Duck ( 1 dis), Duchess (1 dis), 2:38' 2, 2:43i4, 2:46%. San Francisco. CaL, Oct. 31 and Nov. 1, 1877, .$ — . Sau Bruno 1, 2, Belle Flower, Cairo. 2:."i4. 2:30. 2:28, 2:281/2, 2:30. Dec. 4, 1877, $100. Cairo 3, 4, 2:36, 2:33, 2:35'4, 2:33}^, . Sacramento, CaL. March 16, 1877, .$500. Sweet Brier, 2:30, 2:31, 2:34V4. (w), San Francisco, CaL, April 5, 1878, $25o. Cairo (w) 3, Bell Flower (1 dis), 2:32i/^, 2:33, 2:30, 2:30. April 27, 1878, $800. Cairo 3, Lou Whipple, Brushy John, Coquette, 2:2714. 2:26%, 2:27, 2:30. Santa Clara, CaL, Oct. 3, 1878, $800. Nutwood, Tommy Gates, 2:23, 2:21%, 2:21. Doty's Chestnut Gelding (3 :43). J. V. W. Doty, Middletown, N. Y., Sept. 7, 1865, $100. Belle of Orange 2,2:45,2:48,2:44.2:43. Doty's Bay Gelding (w), b g (3 :48 w). W. Doty, Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Oct. 9, 1867, $40. Odell's blk m (w), 2:52, i':48. Four-year-olds. Doubleday's Colt. Mr. Doubleday, Janesville, Wis., May 25, 1878, $ . Dixie, Roanoke, Rifle (2 r o). No time. Doubtful, gr g (3:391.,). W. H. Jarvis, Buffalo, N. Y., Aug. 7, 1872, $1,500. Little Longfellow, H. H. Foley, Comee 2 (3 dis), 2:.36, 2:32'/2, 2:30%. 2:35. Springfield, Mass., Aug. 23, 1872, $1,000. Sensation 1, S. B. Swits, Jubilee Lambert, 2:31'4, 2:31ii, 2:34. 2:29'/2. Doubtful, br s (3 :48i.^). P. Watersoti, Jersey City, N. J., July 4, 1874, $100. Little Nell 2, George 1, Fiank O'Reillv, West Side (3 dr). Rosy (3 dr;, 2:4614, 2:49, 2:48i2. 2:49"2, 2:55. Doubtful (w). br g (3 :53). J. T. Brockway, Mystic Park, Boston, April 12, 1877, .$30. Hornet (w) 2, E, Gerrish (w), Snowflake (w), (4 dr), Suffolk Bov (w), (2 dr), 3:03!^. 2:.57, 3:04, 3:01. Doubtful, b g (3 :43). J. Spalding. Clifton, N. J., May 9, 1877, $250. Frank 1, 2, Tom Wonder (4 dr), Christine (2 dis). 2:44. 2:48-, 2:4754, 2:51'4. 2:Mi/2. Doubtful Girl, ch in (3:34i4), by Doubtful, dam by Ethan Allen. D. Hanover, Fort Dodge, la., Julv 6, 1880, $200. Dr. Shepherd 3, Manitoba. Kibona. Idler. Tom Kirkwood, Patience, Primo, 2:41, 2:42,2:42, 2:39. Sterling. 111., July 15. 1880, $300. Kitty Fisher, Mattie Graham, Nelly Rolfe (2 dis), 2:37i^, 2:37, 2:36i/2. July 16, 1880. $300. Countersign 1. Mattie Graham. Princess (4 dis), 2:.35ii, 2:40, 2:34i4, 2:37. J. F. Hanover, Milwaukee, Wis., June 16, 1883. .§300. Haves. G. W. Howe, 2 : 17. 2 :42. 2:41. Oshkosh, Wis., June 27, 1883, .$300. Fulton Maid, Bay Prince, 2:38u. 2:39%, 2:41%. Doughnuts, ch g (3 :49i^). C. Whitson, Centreville, L. I., July 18. 1850, $400. Johnnv Lemonpeel (2 dis), 2:50, 2:491/3. Doughnuts, b s (3:47). J. M. Daniels, Boston, Mass., Oct. 10, 1854. $ . Peanuts. 2:5(5. 2:47. Douglass, b s (3 :03i.^). J. Ripple. Grand Rapids. Mich.. Julv 3. 1869. .$85. Hiram Woodruff, Snip, 3 :05, 3 :03' ». Douglass, b g (3 :36). Norwalk, Conn., June 17, 1871, $1.50. t.ady Moscow, 1, 2, Frank Morgan, 2:37, 2:38.2:36, 2:39,2:40. H. M. Howe, Prospect Park, L. I., June 25, 1883, $200. Baker Bov 1, 2, 2:37V4. 2:37, 2:42, 2:.39%, 2:4214. Douglass, b g (3 :38i4). J, Fisher, Suffcdk Park, Phila. Nov. 18. 1875, .$300. Sleepy John 2, Flyaway. 2:38i4, 2:38, 2:38!^. H. W. Howe, Prospect Park, L. I., June25, 18,83, ,f200. Baker Boy 1, 2, 2:3714, 2:.'i7, 2:42, 2:.39%. 2:421.4. Douglass, br s (3:38), by Pelham Tartar. Barrie, Ont., Oct. 12, 1871, .$125. Gray Plover l. Burglar (1 dis),Ap- prentice Boy (1 dis), 3:10, 3:11, 3:lli^. Three-year-olds. — — W. F. Robertson, Waterloo, Ont., Aug. 29, 1876, $150. Nelsou Chief 1, Romance, Jessie Hoitt, Poor Boy, Governess, Comet, 2:40, 2:45, 2:46, 2:4914. Aug. 30, 1876, $175. Avenue Boy, Oxford, Bav Tom, Poor Boy. St. Joe. King John (2 dis), 2:43>^, 2:43%, 2:431/2. . . , . Stratford. Ont. Sept. 5, 1876, $125. Lady Elgin. Jessie Hoitt, 2:54, 2:48'/^. 2:49. Toronto, Ont., Sept. 15, 1876, $2.50. Caractacus 1, Capt. Webb 2, Tricotrine, Lillian (4 dr), Lookout (4 dr), 2'40, 2:.38 2*41 2*38 2*38 ' '- W.^F. Robertson. Oshawa. Ont.. Sept. 19. 1876, $200. William W. 2. Caractacus, 2:44, 2:43, 2:4514, 2:4214. ■ Sept. 20, 1876, $175, Caractacus 1, 2, Jenny Vincent. 2:40';,. 2:43. 2:44'4. 2:44i4. 2:43. Douglass, gr g (3 :35), by Washington. J. H. Phillips, Provirlence, R. I., May .30, 1882, $.'iflO. H. W. Beecher 2, .Muriel. Crown Point Maid, Previous. Andrew Jackson, Harry R., Jule. ftomulus (4 dr), Ladv Story (3 dr). 2 :31 J/j, 2 :.32iX., 2 :31 % , 2 : .34. June 3, 1882. $500. Lulu F. 1. Backman Maid, Muriel, Ruey R., Jule (3 dis), American Girl (2 dis), 2:31. 2:31. 2:37^4, 2:31. Mystic Park. Boston, June 6, 1882, $500. Lulu F. 2, Crown Point Maid, Juno, Zelda, Hudson. Romulus (2 dis), 2:25, 2:29, 2:27'/^, 2:29. Beacon Park, Boston, June 13. 1882. .¥500. H.W. Beecher 2, Crown Point Maid. Lula F., Muriel. Hill Top. Zelda (4 dis), Belle Mahone (4 dr), Ichabod (3 dis). Juno (2 dr), 2:26i4, 2:2S'i. 2:26. 2:27. June 16, 1882, $500. Winchester Maid, Elmer, Clara M., Backman Maid (3 dis), 2:2514, 2 :26>/3, 2 :26%. Hartford, Conn., June 22, 1882, $500. Cornelia, Lady Kelso, 2:27. 2:26. 2.29. Albany, N. Y., July 7, 1882, $1,000. Elmer 1, Jenny Barrett, White Eve (2 dr), Patrician, (2 dr), 2:26^4, 2:26><'>. 2:27., 2:27. W. f '0 'offiii, Lvnchburgh, Va.. Oct. 26. I8S3. .SSOO. Edwin A.. Henry W. Beecher, 2 :38. 2:37. 2:37. -Washington. D. C. November 8 and 9. 188,3. $250. Ladv Lear 2. 4, Edwin A. 3, Dick Organ 5, May, Ike Medium, St. Remo, 2:25. 2:26, 2:264, 2.26>2, 2:28, 2:33'4, 2:35. Downey (w). br g (3:40 w). J. M. Daniels, San Francisco CaL, Oct. 21, 1865, .$2,000. Genoa Maid (w) 2, 2:40,2:4114.2:4014.2:411/4. Downey's Black Stallion, (3 :48'/i). R. Downly, Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Nov. 19, 1866. .$200. Brown Dick 21, 2:56,2:651/2,2:511/4,2:48^4. 182 CHESTliU'S COMPLETE TKOrflNG AND-PACING KEt'OKD. Doxey, ch g (2 :44?i). H. M. Howe, rrosjiect Park, L. I.. .June 25, 1873, §200. KoRer's -37 2-42ia .June 17, 1875, S:ioo. t'haiuition Mor.-ill 3, 4. Ned Allen, Neliv. No lime ^< ^■■^. ■^■*o, ^-^i, i.*z/f Drama(3 :38), by Lexington UokU.ust. S. E. Larrabee, lielena,"AIon.,iSei)t. 3, 1883, §250. Excelle, Mimie,3:45, Braco, br s (3 :28'4), by Young iMorrill. dam by the Hoyt Horse. L. H. Tucker. Saugus, Mass, Sept 22 1857 $ . \oung St. Lawrence, Anglo Saxon, 3:00. =. ' i i ^^, i^^,, C'harleslown, N. H., Sept. 2.i, is.58, a;7j. Pathfinder, 3:02, 2.41. Dover. N. H., Oct. 8, 18.58, § . Edgerly t:oll, 2.51. Concord. N. H., Sej)t. 30. 1k,59, §100. Ajax, 2:44}^, 2:474, 248. N. Holcomb, Hartlurd, Conn., Aug. 28, 1859, §700. Toin Carpenter 1 (20), 2-47 2-4'> 2-42 2-4'> a-** L.T.Tucker, Chicago. 111., Sept. 20, 18G0, §300. Prairie Boy, 2:37, 2:39. 2-35 ' '■•-''•"• Norris liolcomb, IVIemnhis, Tenii., Oct. II, 1800, §100. Putnam, Black .lack C dr ) 2 48 '>-4l iToi'-.?'.-,-'."""''^^''- l^'"'.V'o™' ^-'o""-. Sept. 15, 1804, §200. Duke ot Wellington l, Hickory Jack, Young Morrill. 2:37, 2:.)t3;>, 2:40'.^, 2:43. E Goodwin, Jioston, Mass., June in, is(;5, §400. Norcross' Bay Horse, 2:44, 2 -371^ June 0, 1807, §1.000. Prince, Gen. McClcUau, 2:33'/i, 2:29, 2:28'/i. ' Draco, br g (2 :36t by Draco Prince, (lam by Kattlcr. S. A. Baird, Garrattsville, N. Y.. Aug. 19. IW §75 Ben. Heck Pellet (3 dis),Ceola (3 dis), Ed Allen, (1 dis), 2:52, 2:51, 2-50 '■••■.o. Ednieston, N, Y., Aug, 26, 1874, §75. Ben. Peril (1 dis), 2:51, 2:.50, 2:50. rJ"^*o^om^"o^.],-'^)'i^V*'o^>^ ^L-.i'"^y "'' ^^^^' ^^^- ^''^""y Atwood 1, 2 (5 0), J. T. Davis, IVlohawk .lohn 2:36ii, 2 :3d' 2, 2:36, 2:36''4, 2:.?7, 2:41. Chas. Champlin, Nov. 4, 1875, § . Lambert Knox 3, 4, 2:43, 2:47, 2:!50, 2:46. 2:38. Draco Chief, ch g (2 :35J4,). E. Newell, Watertown. N. Y., June 22, 1871, §400. Stelecta 3, Pilot, Sandy, 2 3514 2.37Ji, 2:38'2,2:38).^. ' ' J- 4, Law & Sergeant, Ogdensburgh, N. Y., Oct. 5,1871. §250. Phil Sheridan 1, Fanny Fern 3, Sandy, 2:43, 2:48, 2:42!2i 2:42, 2:40. Draco Chief, blk s (2 :44) by Draco, dam by Red Cloud. Jas. Golden, Mystic Park. Boston. Nov. 12, 1R74. §200 Black Prince, Capt. K, 2:44, 2:47, 2,46. Draco Prince, blk s (2 :24Vi), by Diaco, dam Lady Draco, by son of Vermont Black Hawk. John K. Poor, Hartford, Conn., Sept. 13, 1864, §60. Pathlinder, Monitor 2, Surplus l, Hambletonian Colt, 2:.'i9.4. J. .1. Bowen, Boston, INIass., Oct. 3, 1871, §3.000. Myron Perry l, 2:2614, 2 :24i.i, 2:2S?4, 2:27^4. — -'ohn R. J'oor, Lowell, Mass., Sept. 6, 1872, §150. Defiance, Kentucky Chief (1 dis), 2:36, 2:35, 2:32. Stallions. (i. P. Smith, St. Paul, Minn., Sept. 26, 1873. §1,000. Star of the West, Skinkle's Hambletonian, 2:32, 2:.32. 2:29. Eau Clair, Wis., Oct., 9, 1873, §800. Charley Westbrook 1, 3, Star of the West 2, Skinkle's Hambletonian, 2:40, 2:39, 2:37'4, 2:38, ?.-37, 2:33. Dracut Boy, blk s (2 :.56i.i). c. Lainian. Lowell. Mass., July .5, 1875, .§50. Oliver S. 1, 2, Nelly, Mountain Boy (5 dis). Annexation Boy (4 dis), clianipion (1 dis), 2:58, 2:55':,, 2:56i.i. 2:58U, 2:56'2. draper, br^ (2:34). R. G. Calvert, Not ristown. Pa.. Sept. li, 1875, §200. Lexington. Frank. Belle Brandon, rank. Jim, Belle Bniiidon. Invincible. Mary Cayuga, Black Shank, Lady Pierce (i dis), 2:42, 2:44'-, 2:46'/2. — Sept. 15, 187.5, §150. Sam French, Lady Biirget, Lexington, F: Harris, Fearless, Tom Kelly (3 dis), 2:45, 2:40Jt, 2:46. — J. B. (;uyer, Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. ,5, 1877, §300. Iron Clad. 2:35';. 2:34. 2:42. W. (Jross, Kntztown. Pa.. Sept. 19, 1878, § . Little Harry 3,- Lydia S.. Tramp. 2:43, 2:45. 2:47, 2:47. Draper's Kntry (2:55), Mr. Draper, Minneapolis, Minn , Sept. 12. 1872. §70. Brocke'tfs Entry (10),' Lewis' Entry(2ro), 2:,59, 2:55. Dread (s). (2:4J»}4s). Philadelphia, Pa., Oct. 21, 18,31, ?!300. Topgallant (s) 2, Collector (s) 1, Whalebone (,s), Lady Jackson (s). Moonshine (s), Columbus (s), (2 dis), Chancellor (s), (1 dis), 8:16. 8:19, 8:28. 8:32. Three miles. Dread (s), (2:51 s). St. Louis. Mo., Oct. 2.3, 1841, .§200. Culvert (s). 2:51. 2:59. Dread, br s (2:38), bv Phil Sheridan. W. L. .Sargeant. Potsdam, N. Y., Sept. 26. 1872. §175. Buzz 2 (4 0), Muggins, Glencoe (4 dis). Gray Eagle (4 dis). 2:48, 2:40i.i, 2:42, 2:43 2:43. A. Tierney. Sej)!. 2,5, 1873, .§'400. Buzz 2, 3, Lew Ives. Fannv Fern, 2:40"2, 2:4;t, 2 44'2, 2:43!4, 2:4.5i;i. J. R. Farnum, Ottawa, Can.. March 7, 1874, §225. Lew Ives 1. Harry Mitchell. Eva. 2:3614. 2:385^ 2:.38, 2:4214 Dread, ch g (2 :35'/2), by son of Hill's Black Hawk. J. Gifford. Osage, la., Oct. 16, 1872. ,§300. Fred Douglass 1, 3:00. 2:,5.5. 2:59, 2:.57. Nashua, la.. Oct. 2, 1873, §160. Billy Morgan 3, ?Jigger Girl, 2:43, 2:44, 2:47, 2:47. Oct. 3, 187.(. .§2.50. Hawkeve. Honest Frank. 3:27i.,. 3:,^3'.l. 3:18. — DnbiKine. la., Sept. 12, 1K74. §160. Bav Cluirlcy, Granger. Best time 2:40. Dread, br g (2 :2~i/.), by .lim Monroe. L. II. Smith, Cincinnati. O., Julv 3. I.s77, §1.(I00. \\ ildwood (4 0), Little Alfred, Daisy. Clcndale, Blue Wing, Harrison (5 dr). Belle L:iwrence 1.(4 disi. Orange (iirl (3 dr), lorn Medley (1 disi, 2:l'x. l':27K>. 2:'J9'i,2:30, 2','{3. Mr. Looniis. W:iui)acarWis., .rulv4, 1881, §2.50. Princeton Bov. Sorrel Dau. Best time 2:35. DreadnauRht. ch g(2:27U). A. Patterson. Union Course, L. I.. Oct. 21, 1809. §1.000. Burgher 1, 4, Louise. 2::«;»;i. 2:,35. 2:35. 2:;i7, 2:;«i. May .'to, 1870, §1.000. Prince 2. Dresden, Topsy, Louise, Eastern Queen, Capt. Gill, 2:32^.j, 2:3414, '2:32%. 2:3314. Fleetwood Park, N. Y., June 11,1870, §2,000. Ed. White 1, 2, Capt. Gill, Black Harry, Dresden, 2:27',. 2:.32'4, 2:.30iit, 2:31».t, 2:35"^. (w). Nov. 18, 1871, §500. Topsy, 2:3,51.,. 2:.37'». Dream (Flora R). b m (2: 2rt'/j), by' Curtis' Hambletonian, dam N'cola, by Reveille. W. Green. Columbus, O., Julv 10, 1877, .$ou Myer, Belle Harris, Lady (treer. Peer- less, Brit Clay, Jerry Hardwick (3 dr), 2:31'j. 2:.3.5, 2::!5i4. July 12, 1877, §400. Ladv(Jreer, Peerless, Fashion, Black Cloud. 2:31, 2:33'4, 2:37. Zanesville, 0., Sept. 18, 1877. $500. Joe Hooper, Ed. Wilder, Venus (3 dis). Blue Goose ^3 dis). 2:34, 2:.», 2:32K. , t, , ,,>^ CHESTER'S COMPLETE TKOTTING AND PACING RECORD. 183 Chillicothe, O., Oct. 20, 1877, $300. Dan. Howell l, Black Frank, ■2:38'4, 2:39U, 2:ZB}i. 2:39i^. Briggs & Oliver, Hiulsou, Mich., May 30, 1878, Si'SO. Little Jake 2. o, Charle's W. Woolley 4, Brown Billy, Joe Kellogg. Tommy Ryan, 2:35, 2:31»/2, 2:30'/2, 2:32i4. 2:32. 2:31Jf. J. F. Eilwards, Cincinnati, O.. July 7, 1880, .51.000. Hambletonian Bashaw 2, Pilot R. 1, Big Soap, Busi- ness, Fred. Douglass, 2:33, 2:27''2, 2:27?i, 2:28, 2:28 J. T. Biggs, Hamilton, O., Oct. 8, 1880, $276. Jonn B. l. Highland Mary, Lady Sampson, 2:33V2. 2:.32, 2:.;i 2:.34!^i. Lafayette, Ind., Sept. 3. 1881, S200. Jenny L., Girl E.. Queen, 2:36'^, 2:41?i, 2,38. I>red, 1) g (3 :50). T. Merrill, Keeseville, N. Y.. Nov. 5, 1857. Smx Margaret Brown, 3:08, 2:.50. Dresden, b g (3 ^'JOi^), by the Call horse, dam the Dr. Marble mare. (ieo. Robinson, Augusta. Me., Sept. 17, 1868, $100. Pelhain 2, Fearful, Happy Jack. Carabassett. 2:47. 2:47'5, 2:.50, 2:42. M. Roden, Providence, R. I., June 25, 1869, .$1,.500. Starlight 2, Mercer, Stanley (4 dr), 3:37i/2, 2:3714, 2:38' ,, 2:34'i. Drew Girl, b m (3 iSO',). bv Winthrop. d;ini by McCrackeu's Black Hawk. L. E. Yates, Stockton, Cal., Oct. 1, 1874. S . Hiram, Nelly Duke (1 dis). Rock (1 dis), 3:22=4, 3:isii,. Sept. 8, 1875, .$300. John Rock 3, Daisy, Black Prince, Amanda, Truckee, Fanny Fern (2 dis), 2:49. 2:48i^, 2:46'.;, 2:47. Sept. 11. 1875, $200. AVestern Boy. Berkshire Girl, 2:.55. 2:.56, 2:.55'2. Drift, org (3:37), by Independence. D. O. Heiskell, Springfield, O*., Nov. 7, 1868, $100. Nelly Grav, 2:47, 2:37. . R. Gwinn, Columbus, O., Sept. 9, 1870, .$200. Gypsy Queen 3, Nelly Gray 1, John Paul (4 dr), 2:47ii, 2 :434, 2:42'2. 2:46. 2:47. J. Alexander. Zanesville, O., Sept. — , 1870, $200. Patsy, Ditto, 2:3914, 2:42',, 2:3814. R. Gwinn, Springfleld. O., Oct. 21, 1870, $100. Arthur Boy 4, Bav Jim 1, Patsv, 2:44. 2:41, 2:40, 2:50, 2:45. Drift (Norwood), b s (3:39?4), by Hambletonian, dam Jenny, by Saltram. Dan Mace, Boston, Mass., Sept. 28, 1869, $500. Nonesuch l. 2, Royal John, 2:37, 2:34, 2:34, 2:34'/,, 2:3894. Providence, R. I., Oct. 6. 1869, $1,000. Nonesuch, Lightfoot, Belle of Clyde. Nelly (2 dis), 2:3Ci4, 2:.34i4, 2:31'i. Oct. 7, 1869. $1,000. Eastern Queen 3, Penobscot Chief, Belle of Clyde, Thomas Jefferson, Lady Lightfoot (4 dr), Soubrette 1 [Z disi. 2::!1U. 2:li9-4. 2:.33'i. 2:3.5i'4, 2:36}^. Drift, b g 13:34'.,). L Pawling. Pottstown. Pa., Sept. 14, 1877, .$200. Billy Megonigal 3, Addle E. C, Annie Beiuiett. George, Allen Golddust. Guide. Snyder's Clay (1 dis). Sneak (1 dis), Cliarley Ross (1 dis), Nelly Earl 1 1 dis), Inkerman (1 dis), 2:40, 2 :.37, 2:.38, 2 :37. Westchester, Pa., Sept. 20, 1877, $200. Addie E. C, Allen (Joiddust, Bendigo (2 dis), Billy (2 dis). Hetty L. (Idis), 2:41.2:41'2, 2:43V^. Driver, b g (3:191.0, by Volunteer, dam Silvertail, by American Star. Alden Goldsmith, Elniira, N. Y., June ;.5, il876. .$600. Lysander Boy. Ida L., Joseph A., George (3 dis), Lady Chatham (3 dr), John Tavlor (2 dr), Jim Murray (2 dr), 2:.37, 2:37' 2, 2:36. Poughkeepsie, N. Y., June 22, 1876, $600. Mohawk John, Big Fellow, Sandbank. Newbrook, Happy Jack, J. M. Oakley, Wild Oats, Young Sentinel (2 dis), Champion Jr. (2 dr), Ladv Wheeler (1 dis), Sadie Howe (1 dis), 2:33, 2:.33'4, 2:35. Cincinnati, O., July 11, 1876, $1,000. Scott's Thomas 1. Elsie Good, Glendale, Smoke, Cottage Girl, Moxley (3 dr), Montville (1 dis), 2:32;^, 2 :36i^. 2 :34i^, 2:37. Springfield, Mass., Julv 12, 1877, .$2,000. Lady Pntchard 1, Calmar, Modesty. Lady Lowe, Jack Barry (4 dr), 2:1'6' 2, 2:25. 2:27}^, 2:28. Elmira. N. Y., Sept. 25 and 26, 1877, $600. Joseph A. 2. Clifton Bov 1. Blue Mare, 2:28k, 2:2794, 2:27. 2:29. 2:29. Beacon Park, Boston, Oct. 11, 1877, $100. Wild Lily, Hazor, Jubilee Lambert, 2:28'i, 2:27^, 2:28ii. Fleetwood Park, N. Y., June 13, 1878, $600. Modesty 1, Nelly Irwin, Vivandiere, Result, Young Sentinel, Charley Green (4 dr), 2:28^4, 2:28i^, 2:26i^, 2:29. Bradford, Pa., July 11, 1878, $600. Blue Mare 1. Clifton Bov, Hannah D , Versailles Girl (4 dis), 2 :3l, 2:29. 2:28"2, 2:281^. Plainville, Conn., Aug. 28, 1878, $600. .Joe Riplev 1, Sooner, Hambletonian Mambrino, John Hall, Ladv Voorhee.s, Lady Daggett, Goldflnder, Phil (4dr), 2:25'2. 2:27, 2:26, 2:27. Elmira, N. Y., Sept. 11, 1878, $700. Jersev Bov, George B. Daniels. Irene, Carrie, Hambletonian Mam- brino, 2:34 '4. 2:31, 2:31. Sept. 14. 1878, .$1,000. Jersev Boy (1 0), George B. Daniels, Lysander Bov, Hambletonian Mambrino, Carrie (3 dr), 2:259i, 2:2554, 2:28i4, 2:?6i4. Batavia, N."y., Sept. 19, "1878, $500. George B. Daniels 1, Lysander Boy 2, Carrie, 2:2.5. 2:22, 2:25' 2, 2:25, 2:26. Dover. Del., Sept. 27, 1878, $1,000. Jersey Boy 1, Wildair, 2:26, 2:26}^, 2:27^, 2:25. Point Breeze Park, Phila., Oct. 3, 1875, $1,0(30. Wizz 1, Lady Foxie, Phif Dougherty, Penelope, 2:25k, 2:24k, 2:2,594, 2 :269i. Mt. Holly, N. J., Oct. 9, 1878. .$500. Nelly Irwin, Scotland. Wildair, 2:35, 2:32, 2:2914. Prospect Park, L. I., Oct. 15 and 16, 1878, $400. Geo. B. Daniels 2, 3, Irene, Nelly Irwin, Rose Medium (4 dr). Modesty (4 dr), Lillv (2 dis), 2:2.5, 2:24, 2:26, 2:24, 2:25. Providence, R. I., Oct. 23, 1878, .$400. Wizz 1, LadyFoxie, Lady Daggett, Charley Mac (4dr),2:28M, 2 :.32, 2 :27, 2 :28. Middletown, N. Y., Nov. 2, 1878, $ . Geo. B. Daniels 1, 2:31, 1:2B}4, 2:30, 2:30. Albany, N. Y''.. Nov. 7, 1878, $2.50. Marv Russell 2, 3, 2:27, 2:27. 2:28, 2:28, 2:29. Washington, D. C, May 2. 1879, $600. Jersey Bov 1, Eastern Shore Boy, 2:29, 2:281^, 2:31>4, 2:33M. Ambler Park. Pa., May 22. 1879. $500. Irene 1. Henry. Richard. 2:28H, 2 :28k, 2:29, 2:27. Geneva, N. Y., June 20, 1879, .$600. Tom Keeler. Toni Mallov. J. F., 2:29. 2:30, 2:24. Elmira, N. Y'., June 26, 1879, $1,000, Hambletonian Mambrino 1, Harry Gilbert, Planter, 2 :26i^, 2 :26, 2;27, 2:28. - Ciaciuuati, O., July 4, 1879, $1,000. Post Bov 1, Deck Wright. Dick Taylor, Dictator, 2:231.^,2:23,2:24 2:231/2. Cleveland, O., July 29, 1879, $2,000. Voltaire 2, Gen. Garfield. Mazo-Manie, Hambletonian Mambrino, 2:23k, 2:21?4, 2:20' 2, 2:21 '4. Hartford, Conn., Aug. 26, 1879, .$2,000. Bonesetter 1 (2 0), Voltaire, Hambletonian Mambrino, 2:2594, 2:23?4, 2:25, 2:22;4.2:25. Beacon Park, Boston, Sept. 2, 1879, $3,000. Bonesetter 1, 2, Voltaire, Steve Maxwell, Indianapolis (4 dr), 2:2194. 2:20, 2:21^4. 2;21>2, 2:22'2. Sept. 6, 1879, $3,000. Hannis .3, 4, Dick Swiveller 1, 2. 2:2014, 2:20^, 2:20, 2:22, 2:23i^, 2:23i4. Unfinished. Chicago, 111., Sept. 17, 1879, $1,000. Charlev Ford, Scott's Thomas, Mazo-Manie, Post Boy, Rose of Wash- ington, Belle Brasfield, Kate Middleton, John H., 2:22^4, 2:2294, 2:22'/^. KansasCitv, Mo.. Sept. 24. 1879, $1,(XK). Bonesetter 1, 4, John H., 2:27, 2:27'a, 2:24}^, 2:27'/2, 2:27. Sept. 26, 1879, $1,000. Bonesetter 1, Lew Scott (3 0), Gloster, 2:2194, 2:24 2:23J4, 2:21i^, 2:23i^. Point Breeze Park, Phila., May 21, 1880, .$800. Hannis 2. .3, Richard (1 0), Voltaire, Ettie Jones (5 dr). Chance (4 dr). Hambletonian Mambrmo (3 dr). 2:2.3i^. 2:21k, 2:1914 2:22, 2:22'/2, 2:.3L Belmont Park, Phila., Mav 28, 1880, $600, Ettie Jones 1, 3, Voltaire, Hambletonian Mambrino (3 dr). Belle Brasfield (3 dr), 2 :22, 2:24, 2 :20Ji, 2:24, 2 :239i. 184 CllESTKR.S COMrLETE TllOTTING AND TACING RECORD. Washington, D. C, June 3, 1880, $1,500. Ettie Jones 1 (.20), Belle Brasfleld, Chance, 2:21V4, 2:21h, 2:aOH, i.':24, v!:iii)'i. Dflruit, Mich., June 8, 1880. $1,000. Voltaire, Lucy, 2:25k, 2:253ii, 2:24>4. loiiia. Mich.. June 22, 1880, $800. Kitty Bates, Doty, Ettie Jones (3dr), 2:28, 2:23, 2:27514. Graiul Kapiils, Mich.. June 29, 1880,51900. Ettie Jones 1, I>oty, 2:2G, 2:24U, 2:33, 2:28k. BlooniliiKton, 111.. July 5, 1880, 31,000. Monarch Kulc, Lady M., Convoy, Tolu Maid, 2:29. 2:28^, 2'.22.: Itochcslcr, N. Y., Aug. 11, 1880, $2,000. Charley Ford 1, 2, llannis 4, 5, Ettie Jones, 2:21, 2 :19ai, 2:20, 2:18:}i, 2:209^.2:20, 2:21. Beacon I'ark, Boston, Sept. 7, 1880, $1,000. Wedgewood4, (3 0), Sheridan 1, Lady Maud (3 dis), 2:2054, 2:22k, 2:20J^, 2:21'/j, 2:23, 2:23i-j. ■ Sept. 2.'>, 1880, $1,000. Daisydale 2, 3, Wedgewood. Sheridan, 2:20?^. 2:21, 2:21, 2:21, 2:21 '/j. Dover, Del., Sept. 20, 1880. *1,000. Wedgewood, Daisvdale i3 dr;, 2:2G, 2:23. 2:24. Elmira, N. Y., Sept. 14, 1881, $1,000 Argonaut 1, ;i, Tom Keeler, Humboldt, 2:28k 2:26)^, 2:26, 2:27, •-':24)i. Bradford, Pa., June IG, 1882, $(i00. Mamie M., Lady Brownell, Leontine, Josephus. 2:29. 2:29k. 2:31. Erie, I'a., July 1. 1882, $i>00. Big John 1, Lady Brownell. 2:29k. 2:29k, 2:29k, 2:27'2. Albany, N. Y., July 7, 1882, $l,(KK». J. 1'. Morris 1, 4, Early Kose, Capt. Enunous, 2:21k, 2:22'/s, 2:21J^, .':21,2:23'4. Mystic Park, Boston, Sept. IG and 18, 1882, $800. J. P. Morris 5, 6 (4 0), Kentucky Wilkes 1, Forest Patchen (4 0), Clcinniie G., Humboldt, (2 dis), 2:25. 2:23, 2:23^. 2:20>.,, 2:22Vi, 2:21k, 2:22?4- Mt. Holly, N. .1., Oct. 13, 18S2, $ . Brandy Boy, Elhel Medium, I'arole, 2:37'/2, 2:35'/j, 2:35. • J. H. (ioldsmith. Johnstown, N. \., Sept. G, 1883, .SaH). Deucalion. George M., 2:32,2:31i^i,2:29>4. — Pawling, N. Y., Sept. 15, 1883, $:m. Dan Smith, May Thorne, Capt. Emmons. 2 29, 2:27k, 2:28'/j. Cobleskill,"\. Y , Sept. 27. 1883. .$500. Amelia C, City Boy, 2:;53i^,, 2:27"^. 2:22k. Southington, Conn., Oct. 11. 18«3, $.500. Mambrino Dudley, Highland VVin. 2:305Li, 2:26^i, 2:26k. New Haven, Conn., Oct. 18, 1883, $500. Troublesome l, Jimmy Stewart, Louis (4 dr), 2:29k, 2:295Si, 2:31, 2.30. Drover (s), bg (2:28 s). Hiram Woodruff, Beacon Cour.se, N. J., Oct. 3, 1839, $100. Washington (s). Long Tailed Blue (s), Otsego Maid (s). Dick Turpin (s). 2:30, 2:31, 2:28. Drover, br g (2 :50). V. B. Jordan, Williiiiantic, Conn., Oct. IG, 1878, $100. Bav Nellv 1, 6, White Stockings, 2. 3. Dan O. 5. Harry N.. Nelly Uicharason, Topsy. 2:4.'), 2:4.5, 2:46, 2:i50, 2:45, 2.46, 2:.')6. 2:.'jO. Drover Hoy (2 :49). Port Huron, .Mich., July 4, 187.3, $8.5. May Flower 3, Nigger Jim 1, 2:57, 2:52. '. .50, 2:49, 2 r>3. Drover Uov, b s (2:351^). Uttou Bros., Montpelier, Vt.. Aug. 15, 1876. $300. Billy Patterson 1, Maud, Joe Morrill (3 dr), Triumph (3 dr). Pastime (\ dis). Young Bonner (I dis), 2:47. 2-A2^, 2:42.2:43Ji- Aug. 22, 1877. .$250. Barney Kelly, Dagger. Norman Iveindeer, 2:40k, '~A0, 2:39. - - St. Albans, Vt., Sept. 11, 1877, $175. Dagger 3, Gen. Sherman, Y'oung General, Red Jim, 2 :37i!4, 2:.T8k, 2 :!H. 2 :40. • .Montpelier, Vt.. Aug. 20. 1878. $.'M0. Village Boy, Annie Lou, 2:35i4. 2:.38i.i. 2:38>/j. Drover Girl, ch m (3:16). Mr. White, (^uelph. Out., Sept. 7, 1879, $50. Maggie May, Prince, Livery Girl (1 (lis). Butcher Boy (Ulis), 3:15,3:16, 3:19. Drover Maid, b m (2:47'/2). J. S. Williams, Waterford, N. Y., Aug. 16, 1876, $100. Major 1, Norma, Brisk, Jack. 2:50. 2:51, 2:.50, 2:50. Drucilla (2 :44k). J- F- Haines, Scarboro, Me., July 12, 1866, $400. Lady Burckfield 2, 4. 2:48'2. 2:41>.i, 2:44k, 2:41 'i, 2:4,5. Drummer Boy, br g (2 :40). Utica. N. Y., Oct. 7, 1864, . Honest Quaker 1. 2:45, 2:40. 2:43, 2:52. • Mr. t;onnelly, llosendale, N. Y.. Nov. 5. 1864, .$200. Unknown. Frank, 2:5.5, 2:58. O. Bort, Little Falls, N. Y., Sept. 2, 1865, $200. Bellinger's b s. Fearless. 2:42, 2:45, 2:43. R. Chainplln, Utica, N. Y..Sept. 5, 18GG, $'i 2"51 2*47 Duiiiie, I) g"(3':02) by Elial (J. A. Corbit, Jr., Gouverneur, N. Y., Sept. 4, 1883, $10. George 1, No Name, 3:12, ,3 0", .3-02 Dublin bs(3:01). R. W. Southard, Knoxville, 111., Sept. 5, 1883, $75. Blankmont, .lack Baker, 3:01, 3:02, 3.01. Dublin Han. (2:40). Kingston, Ont., Mav 24, 1871, $200. Governess 1, 2:43, 2:40. 2:4,3, 2:40. . ^ ,^ „ , ,, Dublin IWaid, (Nettie), brm (2:41). J. D". (Ullincr, Pioche, Nev.. Oct. 8. 1874. .$2,50. Barnes Colt, I2, 2:48. Duchess, g; rii (3 -.4:6^,). P. W. Hudson, Rockville, Con., Sept. 30, 1874, $50. Gen. Reno 1, Vernon Boy, 2 ;45V4. 2:51V».2:48io, 2:4614' Duchess, br m (3 :00). J. Thorpe, Mobile, Ala., May 3, 1875, $25. Lady Bates, Tom Collins, Maid (1 dis), 3:00, 3:nili. Duchess, b m (3:48i-i). A. V. Shannon. Gt. Barrington, Mass.. Aug. 1, 1877, .$100. Lazarus, George W., Netty, Ilderim, Probable, Black Ralph (3 dr). Clifton (2 dr), 2:51i.i, ■^■AS'-^,, 2:.-,l. Duchess, b m (3 :43). J. Carpenter, Woonsocket, R. I., Sept. 16, 1880, $100. Little Witch 1, David, 2 :.50, 2:48'/^, 2:48'2, 2:46. Newport, R, I., Sept. 22, 1880, $90. Lazy Bill 3, 4, Castelar 1, Wonder, 2:45, 2:45, 2:47, 2:46, 2:46, 2:45. Ducliess, b g (3 :35i4). T. Colton, Somerviile, N. J., Oct. G, 1881, $^^go. Billy Button, Brown Billy, Peralto (1 dis). 2:40, 2-35 V4. 2:38. Duck, br m (3:35). J. Rusk, Woodville, O..Aug. 17, 1867, .$150. Reindeer, Byron, Squirrel, 2:43y, 2:43%, 2:45'.i. A. M. Wilson, Uhrichsville, O., Oct. 20, 1869, $175. Rodney, Lady Crowder, Lady Mitchell, 5:10,5:15. Two miles. Duck, blk m ^3 :30), by Scott's Hiatoga, dam by John Stanley. S. J. Beebee, Fairview, O., Oct. 5, 1877, $- . Lady Maud 3, Belle Boyd 1, Honest Ben (5 dr). No time. C. H. Harvey, Pittsburgh, Pa., Oct. 14, 1879, $400. Nigger Doctor 1, 2, Effle (i. 5. Daylight, City Girl, McLaughlin, 2:38. 2:3Si4. 2:37^, 2:3614. 2:38'/2, 2:344. A. Carlisle. Belmont ParK, Phila., Oct. 21, 1879, $300. Emma C. 2, Lizzie F., Oscar, Augusta Schuyler, Joseph (2 dis), 2:31. 2:32, 2:31, 2 -.32. Oct. 24, 1879, .$300. Emma C. 1, Brown Tom, Little Mac, Spunky, Hernuone, Black Joe, Lizzie F. (4 dr), 2:31,2:30, 2 :.32, 2:34. Dudd.gr s. Samuel Smith. Ballston Spa, N. Y., Sept. 9, 1874, .fl.'i. Esmond Colt, Ironsides, 1:46, 1:45. Half- mile-heats. „ Dndd ( w), blk g (3 :56 w). Beacon Park, Boston, Nov. 28, 1874. .$100. Billy (1 dis), 2 :56. Dudley, b g (3 :38^4). A. P. Sweet, Woodbury, N. J., Sept. 18, 1878, $200. Cortlandt Boy, Bertha C, Frank. Onward, 2:44, 2:44, 2 :42'/2. , „ , , „ Ambler Park, Pa., Sept. 23, 1878, .$200. Bob Scott, George Brooks, Cortlandt Boy, Viola, 2:41, 2 :40>^, 2:38>4. DufTer, b g (3 :56). W. G. Morrill, Exeter, Me., Sept. 30, 1880, .$ . Startle, Victor, 2 -M, 2:57, 2:57'/2. Duflfv, ch g (3:16). O. G. Stetson, Rome, N. Y.. Sept. 22, 1880, $45. Leonardsville Star 1. Etta K.. T. H. Norton, Dutch Boy, 3:24. 3:16. 3:20. Three-year-olds. Duke, b g (3 :55i4). C. Bisset. Taunton. Mass., Sept. 25. 1872, $55. ^tna 1, 2 (3 0), Longfellow, 3:00i4, 2:55i^, 2:59, 2:.55i'2, 2:.56?4, 3:00?i. Duke, b g (3 :36'/2), by Duke of York, dam by Gen. Scott. P. Wineman, Cleveland, O., July 27, 1875, .$2,000. Breeze 2, Sand Hill 1, Calmar, Sam, Tearaway, Belle Porter (1 dis), Preston (l dis), 2:31, 2:28'i, 2:27%, 2:30, 2:26'/4. Bake, b s (3 :05). N. Nve, Fenton, Mich., Oct. 12, 1876, •$ . Sally 1, 2, Gray Fox, Robert Bonner Jr. (5 dr), 3:06, 3:06i/j. 3:0,5, 3:07, 3:07'/2. Duke, b g (3 :00). H. G. Phillips, Piltsfield, Mass., July 14, 1877, $50. Daisy 4, Acorn 2, 3:00, 2:58, 3:01, 3:02, 3:00. Duke (3 :54). W. H. Aldrich, Chicago. 111., Aug. 31, 1878, $ . Eva F., 3:03, 2:54. Duke b g (3 :43i4). L. 6. Hallock. Emporia, Kan., May 17, 1880, $ . Winchip 2, 4, Colonel B., 2:48. 2:40i/j 2:48H,. 2:43, 2:45. C. T. Lange. Hastings, Minn., Oct. 6, 1880, $ . Smith's blk g. Van Auken, D. Whistler, 2:42'/2 2:42'/2, 2:43H. Dake, ch g (3:3114), by Goshen, dam Kate Kearney, by Toronto Chief. A. A. Livermore, Mystic Park, Boston, July 18, 1881, .$300. Alexander 1, Ruth, Lexington, Mary B., Zelda, 2:3514, 2:31i/2, 2:32%, 2:32'/2. Duke, b g. R. Johnston. Augusta, Ga.. March 15. 18.83, $ . Jack Wilson. No time. Duko of Brunswick, b s (3:40), bv Haiiil)lctonian. dam Madam Loonier by "SVarrior. Geo. M. Jewett, Columbus, ()., Sept. lO, 1874, $1.50. Dick Sliter 4, Mohawk Jackson 1, Emerson Golddust, C. W. Williams (1 dis), 2:3714, 2:41, 2:40. 2:3914, 2:40i,4. Duke of Orleans ( w), blk s (3 :35%). Mr. Duval, New Orleans, La., July 18. 1867, $200. Bob Lee (1 dis),2;38!4. Duke of Sutherland, bg{3:00). Zanesville, O., April 1, 1880, $ . Lady Belknap 1, 2. 2:57'/2, 2:58, 3:00, 3:03, 3:0.3. April 3, 1880. $200. Venus 1 , 5 (4 0), 3-274, 3:20, 3:17i^. , 3:18^, 3:14. Duke of Wellington, gr s (3 :35), by Perkins' St. Lawrence, dam Lady Moscow. Wm. B. Smith, Hartford, Conn., Oct. 17, 1862, $60. Whirlwind (1 dis), Leviathan (1 ais). 2:42. Stallions. 186 CHESTKRS COMPLETE TUOITING AND I'ACING KECOKD. Sept. 10, 1SC3, S120. Danville Boy 2, 2:37?4. 2:39, 2:40'4, 2:38. New Haven, Conn., Oct. 1, l«li3, § . Eolly (20), bMh, 5:54^, 5:50Ji. Two miles. Jl. MelHer, Newton. N. .)., May 2\, 1W>6, $Vi. Sussex Boj', 2:35, 2:,"),5. Aug. 2s, l.siii;, ,:J50. Doetor .Jackson, 2:.''>1, 2:51, 2:52. Au>;. 2!i. 186(i. •W.'K), .Sussex Maid 3, I'oint Breeze 1 (3 dis), 2:36, 2:42, 2:40, 2:41, 2:.39^, Sent. IS, is6t;, S . J)octor .Jackson, 2:.^2, 2:.55, 2:51. Easlon, I'a., Sept. 29, ISiid, SIOO. Boatman, Kitty Brower, Bill .Jackson. 2:43, 2:41'/2, 2:46. Sept. 11. ixtJT, .*200. Minnie .{, 4 (5 0), Warrior (5 o;, .Jenny J^ind (5 O;, 2:44, 2:43, 2:.'il, 2:51, 2:46, 2:46. Str()iidsl)urj,'ii, I'a., Oct. 4, 1HG7, .S— . Warrior 1, Dolly "(40), Mariner, 2:4«, 2:44, 2:46, 2:.M, 2:43. Belvidere, N. .J., Oct. 16, 1807, .ts20. Doctor Jack.son, Young iiacdius (2 dr), 2:.'iO, 2:49. 2:45>.4. J';aston, I'a., Sept. 2,'}, 1870, .?;J00. Charley Davis, Kick Whiffles, (ireenwich Maid, 2:47, 2:48, 2:,52. I>unL-an. I) g (,3::57), by Kentucky Prince, dam l.aay Bach by Hiram Drew. W. O. Brown, I'oughkeepsie, N. Y., .luiie 8, 1880, $200. Lady Scud, Mabel, Belle of New York, Honest Harry, .John L., Gunner, 2:37, 2:39. 2:37K>- Duncan Campbell, rn s (3 :44). F. Lafferty, Pittsburgh, Pa., June 14, 1865, $100. Maggie Harris 1, 2:59, 2:64, 2:.54, 2:44. Duncan Wood, gr g (3 :53). T. C. Petit, Babylon, L. I., May 11, 1883, $100. Mystery, Little Daisy, Victor, 3:07, -l-m, 2:53. Dundas, eh g (3:01). J. N. ■Williams Jr., Frankfort, K., Nov. 2, 1878, $25. Annie 1. 4, Maria Samuels, 3:19, 3:19, 3.0.-), 3:01,3:0.. Dunedin, gr g (.3:40). K. McCuUoch, Waverly, N. .J., Sept. 21 and 22, 1876, $100. Julius H. 3, 4, Lady Dutch- m:in, Gyp.sy Girl, Fleelfoot (3dr), i:)olly (3 dr), Itichmond (iirl (3 dr), 2:40, 2:40K>. 2:42, 2:42, 2:42. Dunkai-d itov, ch g (3:39?^). W. J. slioper, I^afayette, Ind., Aug. 31, 1875, $150. White Cloud 1, Honest Joliii. Sorrel Tom, Bay Polly, Gay Dolly, Ed. Mitchell, 2:b2^.u 2:44?4, '1::&U. Dunkirk, b g (3 :4«}. H. E. S., Philadelphia. J'a., Sej)t. 26, 1859, i^'im). Young Defiance, 2:53, 2:47, 2:55. .1. .McCoiinell, Nov, 24, 1859, $ . Dolly Davis 1, (3 0), 2:.'')3. 2:49, 2:46, 2:51. Dunlap, bg(3:4G). L. Glenn, Jacksonville, Hl„ July 4, 1875, $ . Minnie Weir 1, Johnny Lind, Joe Shelby, 2:46, 2 :4i;. 2:.->0, 2:46. Dunn (Itiitherfor(i). b g (3 :31). C. Wheeler, Adrian, Mich., July 3, 1879, $200. Black Cloud 3, Belle Smith, Flirt .Jessie Dixon, Red Oak (2d!s). 2::!7, 2:38, 2:41, 2:38. .J. Gregorv, Aurora, 111., July 31, 1879, .$500. Elsie GrofI 3, John K., Maid of Monti, Jesse G. Lindell, Shoo Flv (3 dr). 2:36 2:31, 2:32, 2 :33!^. Manslield, O., Aug. 20, 1879, .$200. Joe Hooper 1, Flirt, Tom Battery, 2:35'/j, 2:341^, 2:33?i, 2:32>/4. Aug. 21, 1879, $2.'50. Alex. S., Daniel the Proj)het, Flirt, 2:34U, 2:33'2, 2:36. Dunns Gray Stallion, (3:50)). S. Dunn. Ballston Spa, N. Y., Sept. 10, 1872, $100. Irish Girl, Fanny, Tom Hyer, Ballston Boy, 2:51: 2:50, 2:50'.,. Dui)re's, Itlack Geldins: (3 :55). J. Dupre, Toronto, Out., Aug. 13, 1882, $100. Best's b g 3, Fleming's ch g, Winmans b m, Itelh'^s b g. Smith's b m (.3dr), Tighe's b m (2 dr), 2:.'5.5, 2:55'/2, 2:.')9, 2:56. Duqucs7\e, ch s (3:1 75i), bv Tippoo Bashaw, dam Wild Kose, by Hainbletoiiian. P. H. Hacke, E. Sagin;iw Mich., .Inly 3 and 4. 188,"v§700, Almont M.. Alcvone, Sorghum 1, (3 dis), Nelly R. (2 dis:, 2:2914. 2:21, 2:27'/», 2:31. Duran}j;<>. blk s (3 :33M), by C. INI. Clav Jr., dam Mattie "West, by Almont. A. M. Studer, JVoria, 111., Sept. 22, 1879, .e.-)0. Isabella Cook (1 dis), Ba'lsera Boy (l dis), Milburn King (1 dis), 3:16'4. Two-year-olds. Chicago. 111., Oct. 16, 1883, $100. 2:265^, 2:23%. To beat 2:80. Daroc, bs( 3 :3G'4), by Young Dexter. W. Hill, North Adams, Mass., Sept. 21, 1876, $ . Major Lord 4, Ix)ngfellow 1, Lambert 2. Forest Maid (5 dr). Green Mountain Maid (5 dr), 2:45, 2:45, 2:45, 2:43. 2:44. Sandy Hill, N. Y., Aug. 17, 1877, $100. Flora Lee 2, W. H. Van Cott 1. 3, (6 dr), no time. Beacon Park, Boston, .June 19, 1878, $600. Dio 1, 3, Oscar 2, Myrtle, Wonder, Marguerite, Katy Did, Land- seer, 2:.'«), 2:30, 2:.30, 2:30, 2:30!2, 2:29. Mystic Park, Boston, June 26, 1878, $600. Oscar 3, Myrtle 2, Billy Dow 1, Dio, Katy Did (5 dr), Landseer. 2:29, 2:.30, 2::}0. 2:29' 1, 2:29, 2:31. June 28, 1878, .§600. Even John 2, Dolly Davis 1, Oshlega Belle, Charles Gerrish, Palmer Knox (5 dr), John Morrill (l dis), 2:29,2:31, 2:33, 2:3314, 2:33J4. Cambridge, N. Y.July 23, 1880, $200. Florence 3,4,(5 0), Thomas L, Young, 2:30, 2:2814, 2:32,2:27, , 2:30. '- Washington, D. C. Oct. 6 and 7, 1880, .$800, Timothy 1, 2, Stonewall 3, Phil Dougherty, May Medium, (6 dis), 2:28'^, 2 :2()i,i, 2:2714, 2:27"2, 2:26'2, 2:2614. Jas. Dougrev, Mystic Park, Boston, Oct, 14, 1880. .$400. Lady Martin. 2, Bayard Knox, Fitzgerald, Belle of Fitclil)urg, 2:27, 2,2514, 2:29?i, 2,28'/2. J>uroc ch g (3 :41'/2). H. Darling, Lockport, N. Y., July 3, 1880, $100. Gargling Oil, Fonda. No time. Duroc, b g (3 :43). T. Bowman, Lockport, N. Y., Sept. 27, 1880, $100. Royalton, Nelly, Lady Sherman. Nettie. (3dis), 2:44, 2:4.5, 2:43. Duroc, br s (3 :40). J. Yearance, Waverly. N. J., Sept. 20, 1882, .$ . Napoleon 3, 4. Maggie (3 dis). Bull (3 dis>, 2:4.5, 2:40, 2:3614, 2::J8, 2:48}^. Duroc Maid, blk m (vv), Mr. Lafferty, Morrlsania. N. Y., Nov. 22, 1882, .$500. To beat 2 :50. Lost. Duryea'H Hay Mare, (3 :00). E. Hempstead, L. I., May 30, 1882, $15. Treadwell's b g. Weaver's b g, 3:02, 3:01,3:00. ,„ ^ Duryea'H Krown Gelding (3:58). E. Duryea, Mineola, L. I., Sept. 29, 1880, $30. Ryder's b m. Woodnutt's brg. 2:.58, 2:.58, 2:,'j9. " x, . ■. , ., Duryea'H Gray Geldin};, (3:58). N. T. Durvea, Springfield, L. L.June 10, 1879. Prize, silver. Lady lYice 2. 3, Kessler, Cliarlev A., Babv White, Junk. 3:02, 2:59. 3:00, 2:.59, 2:58. DuHenbury'ft Chestnut Mare, (3 :4J>). E. Dusenbun', Newburgh, N. Y.. Sept. -, 1866, $ . Strldeaway 1,2:4.5,2:45.2:45 Six-vear-olds. DuHky, ch g (3 :55). E. C. Jennings, Toledo. O., Nov. 11. 1871, .$40. Jack Hayes, 3:05 3:03'^. K. G. Wheeler, June 8, 1h72, $200. Little Jack, 3:1514, 3:11, 3:1.3M. July 13, 1872, $1,000. .Jack Haves 2. 6:311,,, 5 :.58U, 6:18. Two miles. , , ,. ^ Duster, ch g (3:45'/j). Major Daniels, Cincinnati, O.. Mav 17, 1849, $50. Fanny EUsler 1, Jenny Lmd, 2:64, 2:49,2:,50U, 2:45'/2. "r. Davfi, Columbus, 0., Oct. 28, 1R50, $100. Kitty Clover (1 dis), 2:54. Duster, ch g (3 :51). W. L. Warwick. Lawrence, Kan., Oct. — , 1872, $ , Nick, Limber Jim, No Name, 2:31. 2:,52'/4. I>uHter,chg(3:50). W. Van Valkenburg, Ciinton, N. Y., Sept. 15, 1876, $260. Victor, Setter, Nelly Grant, 2 ',57 2 '50 2 '.53 Duster, bg(3':'3b'/2), by Seneca Chief. S. Burnside, Parker City, Pa., June 22, 1876, $300. Billy Boulden 2, Dan 1, iMaiiche Arthurs, Mattie, Charley, Truesdale, Lilly Pierce (2 dr). Sorrel Fred (5dr) Kaiser (4 dr), 2:411/4, 2::m;i.,,2:.39, 2:35',,,2:37y.. ' , . . ^, ^ „, . Pittsl)urgh, Pa., June 13 aiiTl 14, 1879, .«:700. Sleepy Tom 3, 4, Bay Fanny 1, 2, Black Cloud. Champion -4. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. IW — A. J. Johnson, Beaver, Pa., Sept. 16, 1880, 6I20. Nigger, Doctor, Silversides, Gray Billy, 2:41, 2:41'/4, 2:43J^>. ster.gr s (2 :45). M. W. Gibbs, Eufaula. Ala., Nov. 6, 1879, $ . Jack the Barber, 2:46, 2:45, 2:45i^. ster, br m3:35V4), bv Hambletonian Prince, dam by Henry Clay. Mitchell & Co., Seward, Neb., Sept. .30 1881, * . Bay Mack 2, Morgan Chief, Rockv Mountain Tom, Charley P., 2:55k. ^:57i4, 2:50i4, 2:46i5£. — Oct. 1. 1881, § . Big Tom 1, 2, Bay Mack, Magna Chief, Rocky Mountain Tom, 2:41ii, 2:40, 2:40J4, 2:46i4, Peter & Sons, Coimcil Bluffs, la., June 1, 1882, $300. Mabel H., Trapeze, 2:36, 2:44, 2:40. Duster, b g (3 :30). H. B. Ferguson, Hicksville, O.. Sept. 21, 1883, $75. Bay Kit, White stocking, John Nor- raan,3:30'i, 3:30, 3:30i.i. Duster, b s (3 :10). Ryers & Gleason, Quincy, Cal., Sept. 24, 1883, $175. Dora K. (2 dis), Lou G. (2 dis), 3 :52i4, 3:10. Three-year-olVls, ■ , . ^ , Duster B. (3 :57 ). D. B. <4ofE, New Dorp. S. I., July 24, 1875, $50. Green Kidger 3, 4, Daylight, Miss Pordy (6 dr), Kitty (2 dis), 3:00, 2:58, 2:57, 2:58, 2:57. Dustin Jiin (Dusty), b g, (3 :30J4). J. A. Dustin, Beacon Park, Boston, Aug. 26, 1873, .$600. Col. Pike 2, John T. Russell, NellvAValton (3 dr), 2:34, 2:38, 2:33^4. 2:38. Aug. 28, 1873, $600. Col. Pike, John T. Russell, Tom Patchen Jr., Compeer, Blue Bonnet (l dis), 2:»4»4, 2:30, 2:36. ■ Mystic Park, Boston, Sept. 5, 1873, $250. Blue Bonnet, Peter Simple, Snow King (2 dis), 2:34, 2:38, 2:38. Oct. 16, 1873, $300 Flora Belle 2, 3, Broni Keeney, 2:37, 2:37, 2:37M, 2:36, 2:37J^. Beacon Park, Boston, Oct. 25, 1873, $500. Flora Belle 3, 4, 2:36?4, 2:37, 2:3914, 2:39, 2:38. M. Carroll, Haverhill, Mass., July 8, 1874, $250. Dolly Varden 2, Belle Dean (3 dr), 2:36i^, 2:38, 2:39'/j, ■ Manchester, N. H., Oct. 3, 1874, $600. Young Rattler, Frank Palmer, Ben Morrill, Jean Ingelow, Lady Emma, 2:3114, 2:32, 2:3114. Dusty (Dustin Jim), b g (3 :30i^). D. W. Fisk, Dover. N. H., Aug. 31, 1875, $400. Bismarck, Charley Boy. Nelly Star, 2:44. 2:40, 2:38. Dutch Boy (3 :43). Springfield. Mass., Sept. 9, 1868, .$400. Fanny 1, Silas Wright, 2:43, 2:46, 2:42, 2:46. Dutch Boy, br g (3 :345!4). J. H. Phillips. Watertown, N. Y., Sept. 7, 1868, $250. Lady Lightfoot, Kitty White, 2:49,2:44,2:45. . Delhi, N. Y.,Oct. 9, 1868, $125. Stockbridge Chief 1, 2:50, 2:45, 2:48, 2:46. ■Troy, N. Y., Oct. 21, 1868, $500. Gray Gelding, Lady Augusta, Murphy's gr s, Bellfounder, Vandekar's b g. Stranger (3 dis), Jerry (1 dis), Lone (l dis). Shadow (1 dis), Brady s ch g (1 dis), Kate (l dis), 2:46, 2:52. 2 "49 ■ '■ R. Mabbit, Oswego, N. Y., June 6, 1871, .$300. Draco Chief, Ashland Pet, Lancet (3 dis), Bergen (3 dis). Little Dan (l dis), 2:40:'.i, 2:3954, 2:31M- Rochester, N. Y., Aug. 4, 1871, .$500. Lady Kendell 3. Frank Hobart, 2:3834, 2:38i4, 2:42. 2:40)^. Amenia, N. Y., Oct. 17, 18^1, $30. Kingston, 2:51, 2:49. Dutch Charley, b g (3:37i^), (3:33>4s). D. Pfifer, Centreville, L. I., Oct. 17, 1850, $500. Putnam, 2:403i, 2:371/4,2:45. T. Davis, Sept. 11, 1851, $100. Black Ralph (s), 2:33i4, 2:.37, 2:40. Dutcher, b g (3 :43>/3). Sam Ecker, St. Louis, Mo., June 18, 1870, $1,000. Pete Ham 1, 2:48, 2:43?4, 2:42'4, 2:45. Dutch Frank, gr g (3 :43). A. Hobart, Oshkosh, Wis., Sept. 27, 1877, $200. Sheboygan Bov, Ishperaing Boy, Waco (2 dis), Peecher Mare (2 dis), 3:01,,3:00i<^, 3:00. J. Holmes, Sept. 17, 1879, $200. Capt. Tom, Oxford, Minnie Homer, Bismarck, Maud Butler, 2:52, 2:50, 2:50. Sept. 19, 1879, $200. Akbar 1, 4, Capt. Tom, Oxford, George, Prairie Chief. 2:45, 2:46, 2:43, 2:4l'i, 2:47. Dutch Fritz, rn g (3:43). J. Inglehart, Cincinnati, O.. Nov. 9, 1875, $100. Belle M. 1, 2, Sailor Boy (2 dis), Joe Hooker (1 dis), 2:44'2, 2 :45i|. 2:4314. 2:43, 2:43. Dutch Girl, gr m (3 :39'2), by Dusty Miller. J. C. Partridge, Malone, i^. Y., Oct. — , 1864, $ . Ben Mo- Clellan 2, White Foot (4dr), Roderick Dhu (3 dr), 2:.33>o, 2:.30, 2:34'4, 2:3414. • (w), N. B. Mann, Watertown, N. Y., Oct. 14. 1865, $200. Reynold's b ni (w), 2:.55, 2:.53. 2:51. Dutch Girl b m (2 :ST,), by Rob Roy. J. Maas, Kokoino, Ind., Sept. 19, 1872, $75. Bellevue Maid, Honest John, Black Crook, 3:0.5, 3:03, 3:06. Andrew Jackson, Jamestown, O.. Aug. - , 1875, $ — -. Belle Phillips, Young's hr g. Best time, 2:42. Dutch Girl, rn m (3 :37?i), by Goldsmith's Abdallah, dam by Myrick's Copperhottom. Quincy, 111., Aug. 22, 1882, $500. Buffalo Bill 1, 3, Little Casino, Spotted Fawn (5 dis), Scott Piirker 2 (4 dis), 2:40, ,2:39. 2:41, 2:38, 2:49. Comicil Bluffs, la., Sept. 19. 1882, $500. Jack Peregoy, Duster, 2:34i/2, 2:31i4. 2:32M. Dutch Girl, gr m (3: 441/2.) W. A. Stout, Martinsville, Ind., Oct. 6, 1882, $ . Lady Alice 2. 3, Hoosier Boy, Crockett, 3:18, 3:25J4, 3:2.5, 3:2.5, 3:20. ■ Columbus, Ind., Oct. 20, 1883, .$2.50. S. M. Strader 3. Theodore, Sam, 2:49, 2:46, 2:44, 2:4414. Dutch Girl, b m (3 :53i4), by Black Dutchman, dam bv MeKelway's Expedition. A. w . Quinton, Westches- ter, Pa., Oci;. 20, 1882, $ . Rochester, Harry, Dexter, Lady Blanche, Mamie S., Joe d dis), 2:5514, 2:58, 2:5214. Dutch Girl, b m (3 :53i^). L. Mantle, Butte City, Mont., Sept. 20, 1883, $200. Blair 1, Ajax (1 dis). Bruiser (1 dis), 3:021/2. 3:02, 2:55. Yankton, Dakota, Sept, 26, 1883, $300. Satan B., Van Winkle, Brown Wedge, Wisconsin Girl, Cyclone, 3:05, 2:59. 2:53}^^. Dutch Hank, br g (3 :55). G. H. Hosmer, Syracuse, N. Y., May 23, 1874, $100. White's ch m, Tippoo, Hart's b m, Harry Lester (3 dr), 2:59. 2:55, 3:00. Dutch Jim, ch g (4 :05i4). S. O. Cloud, Austin, Texas, Oct. 8, 1875, $75. Boston, 4:05i4, 4:05i4. Three-year- olds. Dutchman, b g (3 :33), (3 :30 5-6 s), bv Tippoo Sahib .Jr., dam Nettle, by a son of Messenger. Wm. Whelan, Beacon Course, N. J., .June 19, 1838,' .$200. Ben Franklin (s), 5:37, 5:32. Two miles. (s) Hiram Woodruff, Beacon Course, N. J., Oct. 6, 1838, $1,000. Rattler (s), (3 0), 7:.54i/2. 7:50, 8:02, 8:24t/^ Three miles. Oct. 15 1838. $300, Rattler (1 dis). 8:01i/». Three miles. (s) Peter Whelan, Nov. 22, 1838, .$200.. Rattler (s), Ladv Suffolk (s), 5:38, 5:52. Two miles. Hiram Woodruff, Nov. 24, 1838. $150. Lady Suffolk (1 dis), 2:49. (s) April 27, 1839, .$200. Ladv Suffolk (s), 5:16, 5:19. Two miles. July 4, 1839, $300. Awful (1 'dis), 7:41. Three miles. July 11, 1839, $5,000. Awful, 8 :18, 7:.59. Three miles. July 18, 1839, $1 .000. Awful, 2 :35, 2 :.32, 2 :.35 (s) Aug 1, 1839, $1,000. 7 :32i/2. Against time. Three miles. — — J, M. Hammill, Oct. 4, 1839, .$250. Awful, 5:11. 5:16. Two miles. (8) Philadelphia, Pa., May 8, 1840, $500. Lady Suffolk (s). 7 :51, 7 :51. Three miles. Beacon Course, N. J., Sept. 29, 1840, .$750. Wasbington (1 0), 5:171/4, 5:17, 5:24. Two miles. (s) Baltimore, Md., Oct. 10, 1840. .$1.50. Ice Pony (s), 2:41, 2:,38. Philadelphia, Pa., July 13, 1841, $100. A-aron Burr, 5:25. 5:23. Two miles, Oct. 16, 1841, $400. Confidence Jr., 2, Ripton 1, Spangle, 5:19i^, 5:19, 5:19, 5:23. Two miles. 18H CHESTER'S COMPLETE TUOTTING AND PACING RECORD. Nov. 14, 1842, $1,000. Rifle 2, 2:43, 2:36. 2:33, 2:35. Beacon Course, N. J., Oct. 5, 1K43, $'jm. Lady Suffolk 1, Aniericus (3 0), 5:19. 5:20, 5:22, 5:29. Two miles. Uutolimaii, di g (3 :45). bv Abdallah, dam by Alderman. \Vm. Riley, Buffalo, IN. Y., Sept. 27, 1855, $500. Tom Brown 1, (3 dls), 2 :53, 2 :45, 2 :53. . (w) H. Graves. Chicago, 111., June 24, 1857, 8200: Prairie Boy (w), Honest John (w), Topsy (w), 1, 2, (3 dis), 2:42, 2:50, 2:40, 2:50, 2:52. Datvkman, gr g (3 :54;-j). (.'arl. Hurr, Fashion Course, L. I„ May 17, 1804, $1,000. Dr. Tliomas 2, 4,2:55, 2:59, 2:.57. 3:ol. 2:54!i. Datchman. (Derby), bg (2 ;25!2), by Rough and Ready, dam by Dragon. J. S. Stevenson. Buffalo, N. Y., Aug. 14, 1S(;7, .«1.000. Mace's gr g 1, 2, Cuyahoga Maid 4, (irantham Chief, Whitebird (3 dis} Fanny Law- rence (1 dis), Josepliine d dis), Phillijjs' b g(I dis), 2:3.9, 2:37i^. 2:34'i, 2::«>Vi',, 2::j,'j, 2:35'/2. W. Brown, Aug. 11, IStiS, .?2()0. Springville Chief, Gen. Love, 2:.34, 2:.35, 2:43. Dutchiuan, b g (3 :30). s. Daniels, Chico, Cal., Sept. 28, 1870, .$200. Oakland 2, 3, Nettie 3:15.3:08,3:055^, 3:08?4,3:07?4. July 4, 1871, $100. Honest Anse, Lady Winkle (1 dis), 2:5.% 2:,57, 2:57J.^. F. ^l. Smith, Marvsville, Cal., Sept. II, 1873, $350. Oregon Jake 1, Dan Rice, Yuba Boy (1 dis), 2:38?i, 2:,S2'i.2:40:'4, 2:35. ■ A. F. Smith, Chico, Cal., Sept. 27, 1873, $350. Dan Rice, Yuba Boy, Tula Duck, Marysville Queen. 5:l3?i, 5:19k- Twomile.s. • D. Dcnnison, Marysville, Cal,, Sept. 15, 1874. $250. Copperhead 2, 5:2C, 5:32>i. Two miles. Sept. 16, 1874, $300. Dan Rice, American Maid, 2:37, 2::33}.^, 2:321^. Stockton, Cal., Oct. 3, 1874, $300. Vaughn 1, Regulator (2 dr), 2:34, 2:38',4, 2:33, 2:31%. San JO.SO. Cal., Oct. 19, 1874, $300. Marysville Queen 1, Vaughn (1 dis), Oregon Jak (1 dls), Mattie Howard (1 dis). No time. S:in Francisco, Cal., Nov. 19, 1874. .$000. Henry 2, 3, 2:30, 2:.30, 2:30'/^, 2:32, 2:33. 1). J. Green, Sept. 30, 1875. $300. Dirigo 1, 4, Billy Ross 2:3214., 2:34, 2:31!i, 2:34, 2:35. Dutchman, ch g (2:42). Arthur Henry, Dundas, Ont., Aug. 8, 1873, $ . York State 2, , Flora Temple, 2:49Ji, 2:,%, 2:47'2, 2:,'5(), 2:50. Dutchman, gr g (2 :51). Mr. Pike, Mystic Park, Boston, Oct. 6, 1874. ,$ . Rakeafter, Black Buck, French- num,3:12, 3:10. .John Craig, Beacon Park, Boston, June 5, 1875, $200. Rhoda 2, 5, Middy 3, 6, Nelly (3 dr\ 3:00. 2:55. 2:51, 2:.-)3, 2:,'>4. Unfinished. K. Pettis, Hudson, Mass., Oct. 19, 1878, $ . Tom Paine, 2:58, 2:54, 2:55. Dutchman,bg^(2:34). bv Champion, dam Kate by Y'oung Morrill. G. Spicer, Lake City, Minn., April 24, 187H, $100. Tony 2, 3, Turner 4, May Queen, 1:19, 1:1994, 1:18, 1:20,1:17.^,1:19. Half-mile heats. Mankato, Miim., June 20. 1878, .$400. Wild Irishman 4, Wapsie Boy, Prince Arthur 1 (3 dis), Gray Eagle (3 dis), 2:38, 2:.38, 2:37, 2:38, 2:42. Fairibault. Minn., June 26, 1878. $300. James Lupe, Fairmount, Mambrino Eclipse, Star of the West Jr., 2:41, 2:.37'4,2:39'i. June 28, 1878, $300. James Lupe, Wapsie Boy, Star of the West Jr. (3 dis), May Queen (2 dis), 2:41!4, 2:40 2:41*4. ■ '- Owatonna, Minn., July 4, 1878, $400. Wapsie Boy 1, 4, Prince Arthur, Wild Irishman. James Lupe, Star of the West Jr. 2:.36 2:35 2:34 2:38'4, 2:37. Dutchman, br g (2 :48'). Mr. Learv, Richmond, Va., Oct. 19, 1881, $50. Black Maria, Consolation, Hatrack, Blackwood, Mattie B., Nathaniel. 2:48, 2:48?i. A. Sprague. Richmond, Va., Nov. 15, 1881, $400. Carlose (1 dis), 3:25. Dutchman, b g (2 :4«'j). M. Williams, Brookline, Mass., May 6, 1882, $ . Prince, DoUv. 2:49'b, 2:48'/^. Dutchman, b g (2:37^). J. T. Mcintosh, Chico, Cal., Sept. 8, 1882, $ . Roanoke 1, Bones. Challenge (i dis), 2:45'^., 2:.39, 2:40H, 2:42^. L. W. Burnham, Sept. 9, 1882, $ . Roanoke 2, 2:44, 2:38'r,, 2:46%, 2:37Vi. J. T. Mcintosh, Chico, Cal., May 10, 1883, $75. Roanoke, 2:45'.,, 2:39i:i, 2:44. Dutchy. b m (2:50). N. Pike, Hillsdale, Mich., July 17, 1867, $30. Sachem 1, 2, St. Lawrence (3 dis), 2:52, 2:.52. 2:.50, 2:.54, . Datchy (2:.54i4). Olney. 111., July 5, 1879. $100. Billy Trump, Neil Payn, Richard L., 2:55, 2:56Vi, 2:54W. Dyer, b s (2:40), by Kth'an Allen.' S. Jenkins, Rochester, Minn., Sept. 6, 1881, $250. Fanny G., Jim Phelps, St. James, 2:.54, 2:5214, 2:57. Dyke, b s (2 :47). S. W. Potter Evansville, Ind., June 6, 1874, $100. Black Tom 2, Buckeye. Jennie Kellogg, 2:47. 2:r)4, 2:49%, 2;54?i. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TKOTTING AND PACING RECORD. Iflg E. A. Burchard (!J :49). D. R. Rider, Vergeunes, Vt., Nov. 9, 1871, §100. Dick Palmer, Lady Williams, 2:49, 2:50,2:53. Nov. 10, 1871, $100. Dick Palmer 1, Lady "Williams, , 2:50, 2:53, 2:5.5. Eagrle (w), grg(3:48). Union Course, L. I., Sept. 20, 1858, $125. Soniag (w) 2, Harkaway (w), Jack Rossiter (w\ River (vv), 2:54, 2:5G, 2:521.^. Eagrle, wh g (3 :51). J. E. Moonev, Denver, Col., July 15, 1865, $1,000. Ghost, 2:51, 2:54%. Eagle, ch g (3 :53). Mr. Gallup, Omaha, Neb., May 28, 1870, $100. Eclipse. 2:58, 3:01, 3:01. Col. Dickey, Salt Lake City, Utah, Aug. 15, 1873, $100. Charley, 3:05. 3:03. Eagle Bird, b s (3 :32). Joel G. Roe, Pueblo, Col., Oct. 31, 1871. $ . Bob, 3:17' 2, 3:05?^. Denver, Col., Oct. 3, 1873, $170. Joe Bates, 2:59i2, 3:00. Stallions. Sept. 24, 1875, .S750. Dan, Denver Girl 1 (3 dis), 5:31, 5:28?^, 5:30?i. Two miles. Sept. — , 1875. $500. Dan 1. James H. (2 0), Denver Girl, 2:40i^, 2:42'/^, 2:42^4, 2:43%, 2:46. S. Carlisle, Cheyenne, W. T., Dec. 25, 1877, $4,000. Chalk Line 2, 2:33, 2:34, 2:34, 2:32. Denver, Col., July 3, 1878, .$500. Hannah 1, Denver Girl, Dan Webster, 2:40%, 2:39'%, 2:41, 2:43. W. S. Tough, Colorado Springs, Col., Aug. 4, 1880, $300. Tom ColUns 2, Gray Steel 3, 2:35, 2:40, 2:41, 2-44, 2:46. Eagle Eye. gr s (2 :49), by Ericsson, dam by Grey Eagle. Mr. Cody. Detroit, Mich., Aug. 27, 1868, .$400. Capt. Tom 2, Roval George, 2:49'2, 2:47, 2:.50U, 2:49. Five-year-old stallions. Eagle of the West, gr g (3 :4834). H. Woodruff, Centreville, L. I., June 14, 18.54, $1,000. Vermont l, 8:19'/2, 8:25,8:30. Three miles. Eagle Plume, gr g (3 :39i4), by Bayard, dam by a son of Chevalier. .J. W. Russell, Xenia, O., June 10, 1881, $300. Ramie 1, Little Jim, Bashaw Chief, Nelly Mambrino, Kate Snyder, Hamilton, 2:43, 2:45, 2:41 '/j, 2:46. Columbus, O., Aug. 31, 1881, $400. Gift Jr. 3, Tremont, Flying Cloud, Carson, Ethna. Hector, 2:29J4, 2:30%, 2:3014, 2:37. •Earl, b s. J. Shield, Brookville. Pa., Sept. 22, 1881, $70. W. O. Three-year-olds. Punxsutawney, Pa., Sept. 29, 1881, $85. Lady Bank, Zelda Golddust, 2:06, 2:00. Three-year-olds. Half- mile heats. Earl, ch g (3 :36), by Revenue, dam a Copperbottom mare. W. T. Easterbrook, Great Bend, Pa., Aug. 2. 1882, .$200. Maud W. 4, Shamrock l, 2:3914, 2:38, 2:39'4, 2:42, 2:43. Oct. 4, 1882, .$150. Shamrock, Maud W., 2:38%, 2:3614, 2:36i^. G. W. Miller, Southington, Conn., June 27, 1883, $200. Flora Jefferson, Dick, 2:4114, 2:38%, 2:42%. Great Bend, Pa., Aug. 9, 1883, .$400. Troublesome l. 2, Polly B., Billy G., 2:31 'A, 2:331/2, 2:30, 2:33V4, 2:3314. Yorkshire. N. Y., Aug. 30, 1883, .$300. Tempest l, 2, Lady Upton. Pinafore, Lady Mac, Lena, Empress (5 dis), 2:3214, 2:3214, 2:30i4, 2:30i4, 2:3014. Beacon Park, Boston. Oct. 19, 1883, $400. Vision 2, 3, Allegheny Boy, Westover, Belle Shackett, Fanny Irwin, Kitty Ives (3 dis), 2:26i4, 2:2614, 2:2714, 2:26i4. 2:26i/2. Early Rose, b m (3:43), by Godfrey Patchen, dam Lady Stevens, bv Biggart's Rattler. H. M. Gale, Worces- ter, Mass., Sept. 21, 1871, $40. Pratt's b g, Elliot's ch m (1 dis), 3:26, 3:30. Four-year-olds. July 6, 1872. $100. Blister 2, 3, Lady Hill (1 dis), 2:52, 2:58, 3:02i^, 2:56i^, 3:00. Sept. 19, 1872, $30. Darkness, 3:12, 3:45. Lon Morris, Mystic Park. Boston, Aug. 13, 1875, $100. Rock, George A. Stetson, 2:46, 2:.52, 2:43. Early Rose, ch m (3 :30i4), by Almont, dam by Ward's Flying Cloud. Jas. Elliott, Ambler Park, Pa., Sept. 23, 1880, .1ii200. Grecian Maid 1, 2 (3 0), Doble Jr., Lady Windsor, Cortlandt Boy (4 dr). 2:4214, 2:44, 2:36, 2:38, 2:41, 2:39. J. H. Phillips, Hartford, Conn., June 30, 1881, $400. Tommy Norwood 1, Jimmy Stewart, Modoc, Olive, Freeman, Rowe's Tommy, 2:2714, 2:2614, 2:2.5Vii, 2:2614. Jas. Elliot, Ambler Park, Pa., Sept. 16, 18.si' .$60. Goldfinder 2, 3, 2:32%, 2:31%, 2:32i4, 2:.32, 2:32. Dover, Del., Sept. 29, 1881, .$600. Helene 2, 3, Goldfinder l, 2:25'/«;, 2:27?4, 2:.30, 2:30, 2:26%, 2:28i4. Mt. Holly, N. J., Oct. 14, 1881, .$400. Kate Taylor 3. Clover 1, Belle Oakley, 2:32, 2:33, 2:321^2, 2:33, 2:3314. Point Breeze Park, Phila., May 18, 1882, $.500. Belle Oakley 1, 3. John Hall, Prospect Maid, Modesty, Adele Gould (1 dis), 2:26, 2:27'4, 2:27, 2:31 14, 2:29. Scranton, Pa., May 26, 1882, $600. Nelia, Prospect Maid, Zola, 2:31^, 2:31i4, 2:32%. Mystic Park, Boston, June 7, 1882, $500. Naiad Queen 4, .5, Prospect Maid 3. Midge, Arthur, Lady Sher- man, Eve, Frank F. (4 dr), Parole (4 dr). Shamrock (4 dr), Billy D. (4 dr), 2:24, 2:23%, 2:2414, 2:25ii, 2:25'4, Beacon Park, Boston, .June 17, 1882, $500. Naiad Queen 2, 3, Prospect Maid 1, Midge, Arthur, Billy D. (3 dr). 2:2314, 2:22%, 2:2.314, 2:2114. 2:2114, 2:2214. Hartford, Conn., June 21, 1882, .$500. Naiad Queen 3, Big Fellow, Midge, 2:22, 2:22i/6, 2:20i4, 2:20^. Poughkeepsie, N. Y., June 27, 1882, .$500. Pickard 4, Tariff (2 0), 2 :22i,i, 2:20%, 2:22, 2:22%, 2:23. Albany, N. Y., July 3, 1882, $1,650. Naiad Queen 2, Unolala, Buzz Medium, 2:24%, 2:21, 2:24i/2, 2:24. Pittsburgh, Pa., July 14, 1882, .$2,000. Driver, William H., Leontine, 2:21%, 2:23%, 2:22. Earnest (3 :43). J. Banta, Evansville, Ind.. Sept. 4, is?4, .$200. Woodland, Hop, Alice May, 2:48, 2:444, 2:42. East Boston Boy, br g (3 :50i4). A. W. Cowan, Boston, Mass.. July 14, 1870, $100. Lizzie, Bismarck, Butcher Boy (1 dis), 2:,50i4, 2:51)^, 2:5\\4. East End, b m (3 :39). J. W. Clark, Pittsburgh, Pa., June 17, 1873, $1,250. Nelly, Toledo Boy, Addie, Belle Brasfleld, Perry (1 dis), 2:4li4, 2:40, 2:4014. .June 20, 1873, $],2.')0. Belle Brasfield 3, 4, Nelly, Toledo Bov, Addie, Perry, 2:42, 2:4114.2:38%, 2:39%, 2:43. .June 20, 1874, .$.300. Silver Cloud, Blonde, 2 :42, 2 :46i4, 2 :45.' Greensburgh, Pa., .July 4, 1874, .$ . Jake Underwood (2 disX 2:57. . Easter, br m (3 :0li4), by Ethan Allen, dam by Hoag's Hambletonian. N. Montgomery, St. Louis, Mo., June 1, 1870, $75. Cotton Picker 1, 3:05. 3:02'/2, 3:02'/2, 3:01 14. Alton, 111.. June 3, 1870, $75, Haymaker 1, 3:00, 3 :OVA, 3 :01%. IflO CHESTER'S OOMPLETK TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. Ea8t«r Maid (Dolly Davis), ch in ( 2 r^O), by Almoiit, dam by Morgan Rattler. W. J. Sliiinor, Cranil Rapids, Mich., .lime Hi. IsTti, Sfsuo. Kcc-k;i'y l, Lady Dodge, Robert .Mc(iregor, IJrown Nelly. Wonder, Fred Bird, Blaek Diamond (4 dr), 2;5t)?4. ^:i>2'4. '^■■^, '■i-(>lU- Danville, 111., Sei)t.i'3, 187«, ?f . Fnuik Myers 1, Denmark, Dunkard Boy, Lula Belle, Bob Ridley, Bay Frank. •.••.4ii, l':44'.i, 2:45Vi, '2-A2ii. Kaster Medium, b m (2 :40), by Happy Medium. Doylestown, Pa., Oct. C, 1882, $150. John Goldsmith, Owena, .loliniiv D.. 2:40, 2:40?a, 2:41',j. Eastern Itelle (w), eh m (2 :68J^ w;. G. Edwards, Boston, Mass., May 1, 1852, $ . Duehess, Lady Alice, 3:01'^, 2:.')9'c, 2:.">X>/s- Eastern Hoy, gr g (2 -.•i'i^.i), by tlie Allen Horse, dam the 11. W. Pray Mare. ('. Snanlding, Beacon Park, Bos- ton, June 2(), l«7l, ig 1,000. Czar, Bridget, Andy Johnson, Heatlierbloom 1 (.2 uis;. Nortliern Chief (2 dis), 2:32'2, 2:a">W, 2:38^4, 2:3"'j. llaverhilT, Mass., July 27, 1871, S2.')0. Fannys, 5, Nelly Locke 1, McClellan (4dr), White Mountain Boy (3 dr), 2:3fi'-. 2:S5'o, 2:37'2,2:37-!4, 2:37, 2:30. Eastern IJov. br g (2 :42)4)- J- H. Phillips, Hall's Track, L. 1., Oct. 12, 1872, $100. Topsy (w) 1, 2, 2:46, 2:41V4, 2:421.1. 2:4.-)Ui. 2:40. -5 Prosp.'ct V;nk, May 19, 1873, 8300. (iernel Light 3, Venture, 2:51i4, 2:47'/2, 2:43, 2:46i4. G. C. Iloiikins, June 17, 1873, §500. Plumber Bov, 2:.51, 2:43'4, 2:45',i. (w), I'rospect Park, L. I., Oct. !), 1873, *800. Rinaldo (w), Shiloli, Annie, 2:49, 2:49, 2:47'/i. (w), Deerloot Park, L. I., Nov. 27, 1873, S500. Plumber Boy (w) 1, 2:,')5, 2-M}4, 2:59!2, 2:58. (w), Mr. Cox, Prospect Park, L. 1., June 22, 1874, $300. Doxey (w), Plumber Boy (w), (1 dis), 2:45}^, 2:46. 2:4.3J4. Eastern Boy, blk s (3:36), by General Knox. G. M. Huekins, Bradford, Vt., Sept. 29, 1881, $ . George Wilkes Jr., Red Cloud, 2:37^4, 2:41, 2A2U. Stallions. S. S. Houghton, Kutland. Vt., Aug. 23. 1882, S200. Oolong, Ellen, Ned Jackman. Vision, 2:38, 2:37, 2:38J^. Laconia, N. H.. Sept. 20, 1882. .?;!00. Screwdriver 3. Black Nell, 2:40, 2::«), 2:40, 2:38. Goffstown, N. H., Oct. 5. 1882, .$I.'-)0. Nell 2, 3 (1 0), Kocket (1 0), (5 dr), 2:;J9, 2::W^o, 2:.39. 2.36'i, 2:36 2:38'/i. Eastern t;irl, (2 :47?i). Salem, N. J.,(,Aug. 28, 1873, $150. Shiloh Patehen 2, Cliff, McClellan (3 dis), 2 :47M, 2;.^)l'4,2:.^)3^, 2:.55. Eastern New York, blk s (2:451^). Jolm II. Teats, Rhinebeck, N. Y., July 4, 1871,.?50, Dean's bm, 2:49%, 2:51'2,2:47?i. Eastern Queen, gr m (3:40'). W. S. Briggs, W'oonsocket, R. I., Sept. 11,1807. §4.5. (Jen. Sherman 2.3, Henry's b s (5 cTr), Norwood, Dixie (5 dis), Flander's bksm(2 dr), Dave (2 dis), Shearon (2 dis), Taylor's Entry (2 dis), 2-A^%. 2:50, 2:50, 2:50. 2:50. .Myricks. Mass., Sept. 21, 1807, mo. Mack, 2:50. 2:54, 3:04. J.'Ricketson, Bristol. Mass.. Sej)t. 17, 18G8, Prize, cup. Desmond,2:47, 2:40, 2:47. Eastern ijueen, blk m (3:31'/2), by Young Captain, dam by the Drew Horse. F. J. Nodine, Norwalk, Conn. Nov. 11, 1808, $ . Prince, Dickerman's blk s 2:41, 2:45, 2:43. Union Course, L. L, Nov. 17, 1>S68,(,#.500. Black Bob, 2:45, 2:4014, 2:43. Boston, Mass., Sept. 29, 1809, $.500. Thomas Jefferson, Penobscot Chief, Capt. Lawrence, Gen. Sherman, Lady Lightfoot, Big Jim (2 dis), Jenny Spencer (1 dis), 2:37U, 2:33'/2, 2:33. U. S. Saniniis, Union Course, L. I„ Oct. 21, 1809, $500. Lady Wells, 2:35?4', 2:36, 2:30%. Eastern Oueen, b m (,2;48), by Gilbreth Knox, dam byWitherell. J. M. Fogg. Bangor, Me., Sept. 18. 1873, $25. Triumph, Perhaps, Fred, Whise, 3:04, 3.01. Three-year-olds. J. F. llaynes, Orono, Me., Oct. 12, 1874, $60. Sheriff. Major. Phoebe . Best time 2:50. , 2:32^i, 2:30Hi, 2:33, 2:30, 2:31. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 191 Oakland, Cal., Sept. 18, 1880, $750. Volunteer, Startle, Gus l (3 dr), Capt. Jenks (l dis), 2:2694, 2:26^, 2:27-'.v, 2:28%. Sau Jose, Cal., Oct. 4, 1881, $400. Crown Point 4, Del Sur 2, 2:26'/2,2:26, 2:25, 2:28, 2:26',2, 2:30. Oct. 7, 1881, $300. Empress 2, 4, Bismarck. 2:32, 2:36?^, 2:30, 2:27!4, 2:27. Oct. 7, 1881, $500. Susie, Dave (2 dis), Goldnote (1 disj, 5:1214, 5:12. Two miles. Santa Rosa, Cal. Aug. 24, 1882. $50(i. Del Sur 1, Director, Starr King, Cairo, 2:24V2, 2:2514. 2:25, 2:29. Kckford, ell g (3 :41ii), bv Dick Morgan, dam by Dan Underwood. H. E. Green, Prospect Park, L. I., Sept. 17, 1879, .'$840. Jenny (1 dis), 2:41i2. Three-year-olds. Ecksoth's Black Mare, blk m (3 :00). P. C. Ecksoth, Wyoming, Pa., Oct. 1, 18G9, $50. Black Dick 1, 3:07i^, 3:1X1, 3:04, 3:02. Eclipse, ell g (2 :36). J. Downey, Canal Dover, O., Sept. 28, 1805, $no. Wheeler's blk m 1, 2 :10, 2:38, 2:.36. E«-lipse Clay, b s (3 :4!J), by Amos' C. M. Clav Jr., dam Minnie l)v Hanibletoiiian (?). S. W. Cooper. Lan- caster, O., May 26, 1876, $250. London Belle, Don Juan, Sweet William (3 dis), Kilbuck Tom (1 dis), 2:49^, 2:48, 2:42. Ed. b g (3 :44). C. Fountain, Jersey City, N. J., Aug. 23, 1883, $7.5. Katie 1, Carrie White (2 dis), 2:.59, 2:44, 2:56'", 2:5914. Ed. Allen, blk g (3 :50). R. Kelsey, Ednieston, N. Y., Aug. 26, 1874, $ . New Berlin Boy, 2:54, 2:501.^, 2:50. Aug. 27, 1874, $75. New Berlin Boy 2, Faith Derrick, Heck I'ellet. 2:.52, 2:.50, 2:51. 2:.50ib. Ed. Brown, ch g (3 :40). L. L. Shattuck, Titusville, Pa.. Sept. 29, 1875, $250. Phil. Sheridan 1, Zig Zag, 2:40J4, 2:41,2:411-1, 2:40ii. Sept. 30, 1875, ,>*250. Phil. Sheridan 1, 2, Charmer, Lilly Pierce, Zig Zag, (4 dr). Bay Dick (2 dr), 2:41M, 2:46,2:44=4,2:41,2:41. St. Petersburg, Pa., Oct. 5, 1875, .$300, Phil Sheridan 1, 3, Zig Zag, Capt. Clay, Quanto (5 dr), 2:48, 2:47. 2:50,2:46,2:47. Oct. 6, 1S75, $300. Phil. Sheridan, Zig Zag, Cant. Clay, 2:46. 2:49, 2:.50. Parker City. Pa., Oct. 14, 1875. $250. Lady WcKiiiney 3, Phil Sheridan 1, 2:42, 2:40,2:40, 2:40, 2:40. Ed, Burns, br 8(3:01). W.W.Clark Woodstock. Out., June 19, 1880, $100. Bay Billy, Jim O'Rourke, Bella, Idol King (3 dis), 3;06. 3:0.'), 3:01^4. Tilsoiiburg, Ont.. June 23, 1880, .$60. Frank 1, Eden Girl, George, Lady Smuck. Best time, 3:01. Ed. Burton (Johnny (iordoui, ch u (,3:35i.i), bv Toronto Chief Jr. E.J. Burton, Hamilton, Out., July 2,1877, $150. Bav Tom 3, Jennv Vincent, Nig, Matt AVhitbeck, 2:42, 2:42k. 2:40^2, 2:40i4. Ed. Chapin," b g (3 :33>2), by Phil Sheridan. .1. R. Farnum, Concord. Mass., Sept. 29, 1875, $100. Maid of Merit, Lewis Surrette, Marfborbugh Boy, Jennv Smith. 2:.55. 2:52, 2:53?4- Oct. 4, 1875. $150. Lady Holt, Eva, Capt. Frank, North America. Lady Morrison. Vashtal, Weston Boy, Marlborough Boy, Neddy, Beauty, Fanny Nichols (3 dr). 2:46?i, 2:48'/2, 2:46. W. S. Sargeant, Mystic Park, Boston, June 14, 1876, $500. Sleepy David, Josh Billings {X dis), Hiram Dyer (1 dis), 2:3514 2:41, 2 :.33i/2. ^ ., , „ ,. 'Beacon Park, Boston, June 22, 1876, $500. Joe S. 1, Gentinella, Champlain, Sleepy David, 2:3314, 2:32i^, 2:;53ii, 2:34i2. — __ Dover, N. H., July 5, 1876, $500. Bancroft, Hiram Dyer, Gentinella, Josh Billings (l dis), 2:36, 2:3414, 2.331, ^ July 6, 1876, $400. Grateful 1, Gentinella, Jerry (1 dis), 2:35, 2:34, 2:38, 2 ;.37. . Ed Day, ch g (3:55). R. M. Speakman, Lav^rence, Kan., Sept. 4, 1883, $250. Blackwood Mac, Jessie K., Jeaunie Deans, 2:55, 2:56ii, 3:00. Three-year-olds. Eddy, b g (3 :40). W. Roder, Waverlv, N J., Nov. 10, 1868, ,$1,000. Benpo (1 0), 2:44, 2.40. 2:41, 2:401^. Eddy, b g (3 :34i'2). Thos. Newman, Easton, Pa., Sept. 18, 1872, $100. Bill Draney, Fanny (3 dis), 3:08, 3:0314, 2:592i. Four-year-olds. . , Ambler Park, Pa., June 11, 1873, $150. Bay Mack, Lady Mott (1 dis), Little Nell (1 dis), 2:47' 2, 2:48i4, 2:50. Wilkesbarre, Pa., Aug. 21, 1S73, .$200. Billy Draney 2, George (3 dr), 3:00?ii, 2:50, 2:48, 2:51. Ambler Park, Pa., May 21, 1874, $:350. Eugenie, Hunter, 2:50?i, 2:46, 2:52^, 2:.50. Waverly, N. J., June 24, ls71, $2.50. Belle of Easton, Morton, W. H. Force, Lucy Penny, Nutwood, L. Harrison, Trojan (1 dis). Black Jim (1 dis), 2:39"2 2:411^. 2:40. Eddy, b g (3 :48). J. W. Page, Parkville, L. I., Nov. 9, 1876, $100. Tom Gaynor 2, C. Greer 1, Frank Martin 5, Beaux, Clara Morris (5 dr), Gypsy Maid (4 dr). Judge (3 dr), 2:56, 2:53, 2:48, 2:52, 2:52, 2:55. Eddy, gr g (3:50). N. Cashius; Flint, Mich., Sept. 28, 1877, $ . Grey Fox, Sam Houston, Bell, Gray Bill. 6:18. Two miles. A. Carson, Fleetwood Park, N. Y., Sept. 1, 1877, $100. Charles Dryfus 1, 2:52, 2:53, 2:51, 2:50. Eddy, b g (3:38). W. H. Ogden, Rittersville, Pa., Sept. 4, 1879, $200. Letitia S., Sophy Scott, Robert Lee, Unknown, Doll, Dodger, Iron Clad, 2:.38i/2, 2:38, 2:38. New Hunting Park, Phila., Oct. 30, 1879, $.30. Viola, Mary Jane, 2:40, 2:40. Eddy, b g (3:06). G. Fancher, Salinas, Cal., Oct. 9, 1882. $ . Maggie 1, 2, Queen B., Flora Clair, Bluster, 3:26,3:16,3:06,3:09,3:1214. Three-year-olds. . , ^, „ Eddy B., b g (3 :46). T. Gaynor, Jersey City, N. J., Nov. 1, 1876, $200. Snip, Flirtation, Genuine, Little Nell, White Rose (3 dr). Major (3 dr), 2:481/2, 2 :46^, 2:46. , ^ .,^ Eddy Fry, ch g (3 :40). H. Byers, Edinburgh, Pa., June 13, 1878, $400. Helen Medium l, Cricket, Dewitt Clay, 2:4.5, 2:41. 2:44?i, 2:40. Eddy H., ch g (3:34!/2). Dr. Palmer, Jersey City, N. J., Sept. 6, 1882, $50. Billy Barefoot 2,4, 2:43, 2:42Vi, li "38 2'39^i ^*4l Eddy Jackman, b g (3 :39i/2). P.Gorman, Brockton, Mass., Oct. 6, 1881, $100. Ned, Jim Flsk, Columbus Maid, 2:43=4, 2:.39^, 2:42i4. Oct. 7, 1881, .$1.50. Ned. Starbright. Columbus Maid, 2:42, 2:42, 2:42i4. Ed Eaton, gr g (3 :38), by Ghost, dam Fanny Phelps. Glens Falls, N. Y., Nov. 2, 1871, $ . Joe Brown 1, 2:37 2 :.38i4 2*39^ 2:37. Ed. Eliis', chg (3 :3594), by Broken Legged Hunter, dam a Messenger mare. Wm. Borst, Fashion Course, L. I., May 2, 1867, $100. Income 2, Ladyliendall. Belle of Rockland (4 dis), 5:31M. 5:.'56H, 5:2394. Two mdes. Trenton, N. J., June 12 1867, $400. Leavitt's b g. Port Royal, Almy's ch g, Abdallah Chief, 14:06. Five miles. Fashion Course, L. I., .Tuly 3, 1867, $400. Capt. Gill, 5:12. 5:lli/2. Two miles. L. L. Hutchinson. Buffalo, N. Y., Aug. 11, 1870, ,$600. John Morrisey, 13:4994. Five miles. ^ ^ ^ , Eden Golddust, ch s (3 :41i4). by Golddust. dam Rose, by Vermont Morgan. M. L. Odell, Exeter, Ont., July 1, 1879, $140. Odd Fellow 2, (4 dis). Factory Boy (4 dis), 2 :43k, 2:43M, 2:41k, 2:43'/2. Ed. Forest Colt, ch g (3: 53%), by Edwin Forrest. J. B. George, Lexington, Ky., Sept. 14, 1870, $ . Con- federate Chief 2, 2:571/2, 2:56'/,, 2:52%, Ed. Foster (Harry Mitchell), b g (3 :38%), by Foster's St. Lawrence. T. Parker, Jackson, Mich., June 15, 1871, $1,000. Dart, Lady Cr.ane, Fuzz, Moxley (2 dis), Phil (1 dis), 2:3994, 2:399{, 2:39k, 2:39. Lansing, Mich., June 21, 1871, .$ . George Sherwood 1, Indiana 2, Hattie (1 dis), 2:37}^, 2:37, 2:36, 2:40, 2:41. Toledo, O., July 6, 1871, .$750. Susan, Silversides, Kentucky Girl (2 dis), Blackthorn (l dis), Hattie (1 dis), William (l dis), 2:39, 2:37U, 2:39. Buffalo, N. Y., July 22, 1871, $100. Molly 1, Cattaraugus Chief, Albatross, 2:32'/2, 2:29k, 2:33%, 2:36%. 102 rHESTEK'S COMI'LETK TKOTriNCi AND PACING RI-XORD. E. J. Foster, UocliesttT, N. Y., Aug. 1, 1871, $500. Young Thorn, Stelei-ta. Lidii Pictoii, Royal George Jr., Striileiiway. William (.UlLs), :J:.W, 2:M,'2::H>14. Aug. ;t. 1H71, $rM). Lady Mitchell l, Stelecta, Charley Davis, Black Doll. Billy Burton, Hawk (4 dr), Royal George (3 ilr), 2:38, 2-.40i^j, 2::{7 U, 2:41. Tlios. I'arker, Medina, N. Y., June 20, 1K72, §600. Independence, .Fudge Mitchell (1 dis). 2:37, 2:3«W 2:3>*. \\. H. Borsl, Syracuse, ^. Y., Sept. 12, 1872, .'SGOO. Tom Walters, Bay George, Cattaraugus ciiief, Hunkl- dori {2 (lis). Lady Lightfoot (2 dis), 2:.H\, 2:;«;'.i, 2:.HiU- ICdsrar, l> g I'i :4« s). J. Decker, Harlem, N. Y., Aug. 2G, 1852, $25. Fanny Kenible (s; l, Ladv Picton, 2:52, 2:4r.. 2:tt;i.,. 2:4;»'». Efljrar. I.Ik g"cJ::$l?i). M. C. Wilbur, Chicago, 111., Aug. 31, 1872, S1,000. John H. 2, 3, Mamlirino Temple, Kimball (3 dis). Chance (3 dis). Shoo Fly (l disi, Lurcher (1 dis). 2:;51^a, 2:;{1, 2:335ii, 2:35?.i, 2:37'/s. Ed^ar, eh g i'^ :30). by Col. Winlield. dam Mollv iMcWiioiter, by Daniel Webster. C. E. Bowman, Newburgh, N. Y., .Mine is, 1878, •■? . Major .'!, 4, 2:.V>. 2:."i.\ ;!:«il, .•):(ilH', 2:56. Alden (ioldsmith, Batavia, N. Y., .lune 7, 1^7y, §250. CJeneral B. 2, 3, (6 0), Dick (7 r o), Dick Jones, Char- ley W.. Walkill (5dr), Richelieu (1 dis), 2;38;.i, 2:30, 2:35, 2:35, 2:35, 2:38, 2:36. Edgar protested. Protest sustained. ^ Lyons. N. \'., June 13, 1879, S400. John McDougall, Billy Burr, Dnmnner Boy, Maggie Mitchell, Lady Jane. Billv Boulder, 2:M, 2:33,2:34. Edgar's. I)g (■3:.51i^). C.J.Edgar, Los Angeles, Cal., April «, 1883, $ . Billy ll.,2:55, 2:51'4, 2:.').5'/i. Ed. Jov. 12, 1875, .i?2(X). Ella. 3:00, 3:01'i, 3:00J^. Ed. Higffins. eh g(3:40). G. Humphrey, CaiKiiidaigua, N. \ .. Oct. 9, 1870, S800. Kitty Baker :{, American Boy. Norwood, Red S(iuirrel, Li/zie Baker, Sterling, Alay Day (4 dr), Lottie Thompson (1 dis). Belle Bran- doli (1 dis), 2:42, 2:40. 2:41'.!, 2:41?4., 2:41. EdKhiU's Black Gelding, (3:56). J. Edghill, Watertown, N. Y., May 12, 1866, $ . Alida (Jray 2, 3, 3:05, 2:.-.7, 2:.5C, 2:5G, 3:01. Ediiia IJov, b g (3 :44i.i), by Walkill (Miief. B. M. BiggerstatT, Rock Island, 111., May 2G, 1882, §300. Catha- rine 3, Iceland, Jessie, Jim, Brown Frank (3 dr), 2:4t;>:, 2:4.^)' ., 2:49i,. 2:44'i. £diiil>urKlt, b s (3 :43'4), by ISIambrino Patchen, dam Turner mare, by Mountaineer. A. J. McKimmin, N;ishville, Tenn., Sept. 3, 1874, $ . East Lynne, Country Boy, Blossom (2 dis). Andy .lohnson (2 dis), 2:42'2, 2:43. 2:43'.i. Edith, bik m (3:48). H. Woodruff, Boston, Mass., April 25, 1872, $ . Topsy, Mambrino Pet, 3:00, 2:55, 2:48. Edith, b m (3:33). W. Connors, Fleetwood Park, N. Y"., June 14, 1875, S800. Brilliant, Minnie Ide, Delmon- ico. Judge Robertson, Fanny G., Pat Malloy,.Sam Hunting (2 dis). Katy Watson (1 dis), 2:39^^, 2:35^, 2:33. June It), 1875, $800. Judge Kobertson, Privateer Maid, Sleepy Mary, Fanny G., Pat Malloy, 2M14, 2::33'5, 2:;JG'2. (w), Deerfoot Park, L. I., Aug. 25, 1875, .$200. William Walsh (w), 2, 2:46, 2;40, 2:41, 2:38»/2. (w), W. McMahon, Sept. 4. 1875, $200. Lady Woods, (w), 2:42H, 2:42. Edith, eh m (3:.58). Thos. Trimble, Fleetwood Park, N. Y„ Dec. 12 and 13, 1878, $25. Surprise 1, 3. Gus 2, 3:(h;, .•{:I0. 3:OGi4, 3:08, 2:.58, 3:02. Ed. McCook. ch g (3:38'^,). W. R. Ford, Denver, Col., Sept. 26, 1872, $75. Denver Girl 1, 2, Tobv. Pilgrim, 2:,52H, 2:5214, 2:53, 2:.52, 2:52. Edna (Fannv Fern), (3 :39J4), (3 :37'2 s), by Wisconsin Tiger, dam Mary Barden.by Sir Henry Jr. O. A. Hickok, Milwaukee, Wis., Sept. 29, 1869, $500. Lottie Clark 2, Dictator, Gray Hawk (l dis), 2:38, 2:3.s»4, 2:33k, 2::JG. Fashion Course, L. L, July 4, 1870, .$500. Butcher Boy, 2:36, 2:35, 2:38V6. Binghamton, N. Y., July 28, 1870, .$600. Topsy, Kitty 1, 2 (4 dis), G. W. Patterson (3 dr), Hickory Jack (2 dr;. Lady Whitman (3 dis), Gniy John (3dis), 2:33'/j, 2:334, 2:35. 2:43, 2:45. Washburn & Vaughn, Stiirbritlge, Mass., Sept. — , 1874, $1.50. Belle of Worcester, Shipmate, Clara Bell, Cora Bell (2 dr), 2:41'^, 2:45'2. 2:44U. Edna, bIk m (8 :47). M. Megonigle, Lancaster, Pa.. June 5, 1876, $110. Harry D., Ida K., 3:03, 3:13, 3:02. .lune IG, 187G, $200. James R. 2, Jim, Flight", White Stockings, George (3 dis), (ieorge d dis). 2:47. 2:45, 2:47, 2:48!/j. Edna, b m (3:42'/2), by Middletown. Waverly, N. J., July 21, 1882, $ . Glendon, Ella J., St. Lawrence, 2:424. 2:45. Edna Conger, br m (3:51). M. Briggs, Cnico, Cal., May 10, 1883, $ . Fred Ackerman 1 (3 dis), 2 :4i), 2 :.'i3, 2 :.51. Edna Karle, b m (3 :38). L. B. Fordnev, Mobile, Ala., April 3, 187G, $100. Birdie 1 (4 dn. Dick Abrams, Alice (1 dis), .left. Boone (1 dis), 2:,52i^, 2:49S. 2:49, 2:49. Ai)ril 13, 1876, $ . Birdie 2. Dick Abrams, 2:51i^. 2:49. 2:49'2. 2:52. T. Pavey, Dayton, O., Sept. 26, 1878, $250. Chester 2, 3, Ladv Warren l. Outlaw 6, Stranger, .losie (5dis), Nelly Draco (5 dis), Sam (4 dis), Minnie Warren (3 dr), Herzonia (3 dr), Anna Snyder (3 tir), 2:49'3- 2:46, 2:.'")3i4, 2:.54, 2:52?^, 2:.52i4. 2:49. Sept. 27, 1878, $300. Outlaw 3, Minnie 2, Stranger, Moonstone. Lady Warren, Sam (4 dr), Emma Jane (I dis), 2::t8, 2:47, 2:4,3%, 2: 42^, 2:40';. (^hilicothe, O., Oct. 10, 1878, $2.50. Donk, May Queen, Northwind. 2:41K'- 2:42, 2:44. • P. Barnum, Adelphi. ()., Sept. 22, 1882. $17.5. 'Hector, Roan Charley. 2:40, 2 :40y2, 2:41. Edna J., br m (3:05), by Kisber. F. L. .lelTrey Hillsboro, Or., JulvG, 1882, $300. Sheriff 3. Jane L. (1 dis). May Wintlerd dis), 3:0.5, 3:14, 3:11,3:12. Thfee-vear-olds. ^, ^. = , , , ^^ Ed. .s»-elv. blk s (3 :35). Wm. Patrick. Cleveland. 6 . Julv 18. 1872. $l„500. Delaware Chief. John ( hambers, Tom NValter, Coiiiiette. Tom, Maggie Hall, Elizabeth D., Kiine Boy, Ohio (Jirl. Fanny, 2:.S7. 2:.«). 2:»>?:i. ^ Ed. Sills, gr g (3:43). .lohn Langdon. Jersey City N. .T., May 22. 1R7G. Sf.o. Deacon 1, 2, Richmond Girl, .lohn H., .lessie, Rosa. Robin (5 dr), Billv W.A. (3 dis). Oyster Bov Ci ^. ^ , ^. ^. , ^, ,., „ G. C. McAllister, Hamilton, Ont., Aug. 17. 1877, $250. Happy Abbott 1, 3, Barlow, (iray Salem, Fulton, 2:31'i, 2:.31'/2. 2:35, 2:,'J.5M, 2:305^. Toronto. Ont. Sept. 13 and 14. 1877. $300. Barlow 3. Hir.am Woodruff 4. 2:.34, 2:33Ji, 2:32, , 2:,32ViS. Brockville, Out., Sept. 2G, 1877, $100. Frank Munson 3, 2:,'?2"2. 2:.30, 2:.30U. 2:,32. M. A. Price & Co.. Cincinnati, O., July 5. 1878, $1,000. Dream 1, 2, Amboy, F"anny Robinson, Wait a »ii. Hermes (1 dis). 2:25",, 2:2fiM,2:283(,2:3lVj, 2:29'/,. „„ .. ,,, i ,j,iv Columbus. O.. .lulv lo, 1878. $600. Bay Dick. Gray Salem, C. W. WooUey, S. S. Ellsworth, Dream, L, $2r>0. Angela 1, Clara .J., Melvin, 'Shore Boy, 2:46J4, 2 :43, 2 :45^.>, •ZASH- H. T. Roberts, Beacon Park, Boston, Oct. 29. 1877, $200. Uncle Sam 1, (2 0), Judge (3 dr), 2^42, 2:42, 2-45. 2:42,2:45. o v / . . . Edward, b g (3 :00). Meadville, Pa., May 16, 1878, $50. Rachel B., Shenango Boy (1 dis), Dave )l dis), 3:01. 3:00,3:00. ' » Edward B.,bg (3:4014). B. Masouville, Woodstock, Ont., June 18, 1880, $135. Little Carlton, Flora, Fear- naught (3 dr), 2:40'3, 2:45, 2:48. Edward Everett, b s (3 :36'4), by Sherman Black Hawk, dam Marv Kellar. J. B. Parks, Louisville Ky Aug. 10, 186.3, .1? . John Henry 1. 2, (5 dis), Golddust (1 dis), 2:39M, 2:43i!i, 2:44. 2-44. 2-44. W. Brown, New Albany. Ind., Oct. 12, 1865. $50. Daniel Boone, Willy Golddust (2 dr), 2:40>2, 2::Hi%. Edward Everett, (2 :51>^). J. W. Drury. Chester, 111., May 19, 1875, $75. Plow Boy 1 (2 0) (3dis), 3:02, 2:51Vi, Edward G.,bg (3:50V2). Ad. Hereth, Indianapolis, Ind., Sept. 9, 1874, $100. Lucy Long, Frank. 2-,50'/i. 2:51M,2:50'/j. Edward H., (Fretful), bg(3:40i. C. Raymond, Ithaca, N, Y., July .3, 1879, $200. Mary 3, Newsboy. . I. B. Sprague, Senator, Andy Johnson, Molly Datling, LailvSperry, 2:40, 2:40. 2:45, 2:40'4. Edward H., b g (3:33), by Goodiugs Champion, duin Mary, by American Star. W.M.Hughes, Scranton, Pa., May29, 1883, $500. Cresco, Billv (i., 2:.;;;'4, 2:34'.,. 2:.32. Mav 31, and June 1, 1883, $500. Billy G. 1, 4, (2 O), Black Prince, 2:35>,i, 2:35}^, 2:36i4, 2:369^, •Z:32U. 2-36. ' VViikesbarre. Pa., June 5, 1883, $500. Black Princes. 4, Billy G. 2, 2:33, 2:36U, 2:36, 2:34, 2:33, 2:35. June 7, 1883, $.500. Cresco, Gettysburg, 2 :36. 2 :35, 2 :37' 2. Rittcrsville, Pa., Aug. 15, 1883, .$250. Juno 1. David Wallace. Billy Bad Eye (2 dis), 2:35,2:35,2:37, 2-43. Ringtown, Pa., Sept. 20, 1883, $400. Nelly Toole l, Ned, Cleary's Hambletdnian. No time. Edward H., blk g (3 :30). G. E. Hoppie, York, Pa., Oct. 4. 1883, .$200. Billy J., 2:43M, 2:44U 2-44. Oct. 5, 1883, $1.50. Red Dick 2, , 2:4iy, 2:44, 2:51i4. Edward S., b g (3 :40). VV. T. Smith, Burlington, Vt., Sept, 15, 1882, $85. Albert C. 3, 4, Gray Cloud 5, Broker Dan (4 dr), Nelly B. (4 dr), Ausable Boy (4dr), W. N. Staves (3dr), 2:41, 2:40, 2:40,2:41, 2:42,2-42. Woodstock, Vt., Sept. 28, 1882, $150. Red Cloud, Pickwick (1 0), (3 dr), 2:48, 2:49, 3:00, 2:45. Ed. White, (Gen. Scott & Jim Smith), bg(3:37), by Jim Scott. White & Doolittle, Easton. Pa., June 22, 1870, .$600. Lady Whitman, Harry D., Dresden, 2:37}^, 2 :36i4.2:379i. June 23, 1870, $1,000. Fanny Allen, Harry D., Dresden (Idis), 2:.35^.i, 2:38?.u 2:36'2. J. H. Phillips, Utica. N. Y., July 12, 1871, .$2.50. Rolla Golddust 2, 2:28, 2:30, 2:.34'4, 2-33. Goshen, N. Y., July 2.5,1872, $1,000. James K. Polk 2, Lady Backus, Fleetwood (3dis), Gray Eddy (3 dis). Grey .lack (2 dis). Lady Whitman (2 dis), 2:33, 2:.33i4,2:30i,i, 2:34. Waverly, N. J., June 25, 187.3, $500. Grace Bertrams, St. Elmo Fred, Coroner K. (3 dr), Adonis (1 dis). 2:32, 2:.32»4. 2:30^2, 2:33. June 2'( , 1873, $500. Fred 1 , Grace Bertram (3 dis), 2:33)^, 2 :31)^, 2 :32, 2 :38. Sept. 18, 1873, $500, Lady Shaw, Horace 1 (3 dis), 2:41, 2:36, 2:33, 2:i2\4. E. C. White, Watertown, N. Y., June 2.5, 1875,.$ . Lewlves, Bonner, 2:29M, 2:38'y^, 2:28. Dick Tayfor, Doble, John B. 1, (2 dis), 2:43, 2:42, 2:44' Larrimore & Buckmore, Sycamore, 111., July 26, 1876, $450. Monarch Rule 1, Doctor Lewis, Neome Sophie Temple, Nettie J., Capt. Dawson, A. B. Barrett, Susie Ross (4 dr), Granger (2 dis), G. T Pilot i2 dis). Sleepy Bill (2 dis), 2:36, 2:31M,2:34'/2, 2:33. ""- v* S. G. Larrimore, Mendota, 111,, Aug, 17, 1876, .$300. Stranger 1, 2, Charmer, Selkirk Gvnsv Tom Morev (5dr), FrankKernan(2dr), 2:33, 2:34, 2:32, 2:.34, 2:33. ' ■ ". ^i-"cjr Mt. Vernon, O., Aug. 15, 1877, .$300. Joe Hooper, Belle of Fairfield, Lady Chpner, 2-42»'2. 2-42'4 2-44'i Smithfield, O., Sept. 28, 1877, .$ . Wild Tom l, White Cloud. No time. 2. • 2. ^■'«^4. Fairview, O., Oct. 6. 1877, $200. Venus 2, Doctor Rush, 2:40. 2:36^4, 2-30 2-.38 Norfolk, Va., Nov. 19, 1877, .$200. Doctor Rush 1, Altamont, 2 :.33, 2:30 2-30 2-SO Dec. 4, 1877, .$ . Sadie Bell, 2:38, 2:43, 2:40. ' ' ■J. Kelly, Raleigh, N. C, Oct. 17, 1878, $100. Blue Wing, Tuesday Night, 2-47?i in A., (Sentinel), b g (3 :343i), by Gooding's Champion. C. Eiseman, Steu" 2:4014.2:46. Edwin A., (Sentinel), b g (3 :349i), by Gooding's Champion. C. Eiseman, Steubenville, O. Sent. 1 188". $300. Homemade, Col. Bannister, 2:.34i4, 2:3.5, 2:.3li4 . p > r Wheeling, W. Va., Sept. 14, 1882, $400. Ida H., Tony Newell, West Side, 2:.30i<;., 2:32 2:StV4 Newcomerstown, O., Oct.. 5, 1882, $150. Kitty Patch en 2. Brown wood. No time. ' Wayue.sbnrg, Pa., Oct. —,1882. $200. Valiant, Mercntio. T. M. Bayne, 2:29'i, 2-2914 2-29'', C. H. Beall, Pittsburgh, Pa., June 2, 1883, $600. Bonnie L. 1. Brown Wilkes 2 Busbv 2^'")ii "-•^sv, 2-'>8i4 2 •.29?4, 2:2814. ' '"" "^ " ~ Cleveland, O., June 7, 1883, .$700. Bonnie L. 1, Brown Wilkes, Busby, Sweetness (Idis), Lulu K (1 dis) 2:28, 2 :27'/2, 2:28, 2:25. ' ^ Bradford, Pa., June 12 and 14, is83, $500. Lizzie M. 1, 4 (3 0). Handicap, Ladv Lear, Gettvsburg Lulu K. (5 dr), Clark S. (4 dr). West Side (2 dis),2:27'o, 2:291,1, 2:30'.,, 2:30, 2:271,1. 2:25. ' . »' Dunkirk, N. Y., June 19, 1883, .$500. Lizzie M. 2, Molly Kistler 1, Handicap Clark S- •>-''91a 2-'>i)^i 2-.27'/2,2:29-?i, 2:271/2. " '" " • June 23, 1883, $500. Sciola 1, George M., Kate McCall, Hambletonian Bashaw. 2-27U 2-2T-A 2-i:7'4, 2:28'/2, Erie, Pa., June 29, 1883. $,500. J. B. Thomas 2, Kate McCall, George M., Sciola (4 dr) 2-'>-iJi.2-'>rM 2-2VA. 2:2()'i. ' ■ Uniontown, Pa., Sept. — , 1883, .$ . Little Mack, Spotted Tom, 2:28, 2:271^. 2:29, ' J. B. Ileideger, Richmond, Va., Nov. 2, 1883, .$.500. Donghiss 1, 3, Lady Lear 2, Allie AVilkes, Henr:» Ward Beecher, Tornado (1 flisi, 2:.'U, 2:3214, 2::i4ii, 2:.32-:>4. 2:.35?.i', 2:38, Edwin B., lilk g (3 :37), J. I. (^ase, Dubtuiue, la., June ,5, 1878, .$500. Carrie K., Wild Irishman, Bay Billy, Clara L. (3 (lis), 2:.38, 2:38, 2:.38i4. ■ Milwaukee, Wis., Aug. 27, 1878. .$.500. Punch 1, Mollv Pitcher. 2:32, 2:.33. 2:.3.3Vi, 2-HK. ■ Minn(>apolis, Minn., Sept. 6 and 7, 1878, ,$500. Up aiid Up, Flora Belle, Carrie Berryiiill, Mollv Pitcher (I dis), 2:29, 2:34, 2:3614. , ' ■ Dubuque, la., Sept. 13, 1878. .$.500. Up and Up (2 0), Sterling, Lady Blennerhassett, Carrie Berrvhill. Molly Pitcher (3 dis) 2:33, 2:32i4, 2:30^. 2 :33. Ipt CHESTER'S C0MPLET1-; IltOTTINd AND I'ACING RECORD. Kansas City, Mo.. Sept. 20. 1878, 8500. Ned S. 1, Carrie IJerryliill. Tekonsha, Molly Pitcher, Up and Up (4 ^ 6uincv' Tli 'ser)t.\!r)','lH7N S500. Mollv I'itcher. I'rince. Ciuirley C. Ci dr). •^■A%K, 2:49^4, 2:40V>i. £ Bith'crs 'osiikosli, ^\ is., Sept. 19, inTit. S25(i, Lady Mac Iv. .Ii-imy ('..Toniniv Dodd, •2:yS]^,'2:.a^^,'2:3iii. M'il\vaiil<«.'e \V is., Sept. 2.1, 1K7U, *500. .Marian li. 1, Herod .{, billy Yeazell, .Mat Kirkwood, 2:30, 2:27, 2:29, IfJi' ^'ftisp Klkhoni. Wis.. Sept. 29, 1879, $ . Slrader. Gov. Hayes, 2:28, 2:29._2:32'/,. J l' Case Klklioni, Wis., Sept. 29, 1879, $ . Slrader. Gov. Hayes, 2:28, 2:29, 2:32'/,. E. liithers. Council 151iitts, la,, Aug. 30, 1881, $700. Maltie Graham, Fairmont, I'liie Leaf , Business, Steel Mfdinni Coi'liin's liasliaw, 2:31V^, 2:32'4, 2:.'J. \x-». •'-^oo. Henry ( lay 1, 5:1 «, 5:13, 5:17. Iwo nnles (^) I i\t Hi- nniill May 0, lS4i). .-^ioo. l.ndv Siitlolk (s), 5:0.''., 5:00. Iwo miles. Kdu'iii roi-'rest, eh g (2:32).' H. P. Waggoner, VVashiugton, D. C, Aug. 31, 187.->, .«;- KtUvin Forreist 1) g (3:18), by Brannock's Ned Forrest, dam Fanny Munday, by Smiling Tom. A. H. Had- (l')ck, -Madison, Ind., Oct. 30,' 1877, $500, Andy Merslion, Proleine, Lady Alice, Kitty Bates (2 dis), 2:26'/,, *''27^i '* ''^0 r: Nov"r i877, S-^OO. Proleine, Kitty Bates, Lady Alice (2 dis), 2:20, 2:36i^, 2:30. Toledo, ()., July 17, 1X78, .'$1,500. Woodford Mambrino, Darby, Dream, Aiodoc, Mambrino Kate (1 dis), i: (jiove'iiuid b July 24 and 25, 1878, $1,800. Edward l, Trampoline. Darby. Modoc, Woodford Mambrino. Nil Desperandum, D'ick jMoore, Carrie, Levyinski Deck Wriglit (4 dis). 2:20 2:iy'.i, 2:2(i'.,, 2:lsi.a. Buffalo. N. Y.. Aug. 1. 187H. $1,800. Edward, Woodlord Mambnuo, Driver, Nil I>esi)eranduni, Dick Moore Carrie, Deck Wright. 2:20, i,':'J0'2, 2:20-!4, -Rochester N Y Aug 7 and s. lsT«, $1,800. Dick Moore 3. Woodford M;;nibriiio, Edward. D;irbv, Geo. B Daniels D'river,'Carrie, Nil l^esi)eraiuluin. Deck Wright (3 dis), 2:'.^li.i, 2:20'.:. L':23>,i, 2:20?^. — " Chas S (Jreen, St. Paul. Minn.. Sept. 5, 1S7.h, .S7W. (ireat Eastern (s), 2:19!i. 2:19. — Kaiis'jus City. Mo., Sei)t. 21, 1878, $1,000. 2:24'.,, 2:22',, 2:2.5?,,. Exhibition. Boots, 3:09',2, 2:59'2, Kdwin Thoriie (hg (2 :1 «'•>), l)y Thoruedale, dam Lady Light foot, by Ashland. J. O. Smith. Poughkeepsie, N. Y., June 9, 1880, $2.'")6. Harry Moore, Charley K., Dan O'Brien, Kentucky (Jentlmiaii, 2:42!., 2:35, 2'34'/'> . L .Jinie 10 i.sso, .$200. Duncan, Miss Van (1 dis). 2:.32K.,2:32Vi,2:4.S';. j„li,i i;. 'lurner. Mystic Park, Boston. Se|)t. 2, 1880, $000. John S. Clark. Lady Thorne, Bill Ed. Marl- borough Maml)rino Dudley, Jennv AV.. 2:24. 2:20. 2:23'2. Beacon Park, Boston, Sept. 8, 1^80, .'jil.ooo. Lady Thorne, Bill Ed. IMarlborough (3 dis). 2:30'i, 2:29, ^''Albany, N. Y.. Sept. 14, 1880, $l.ooo. Tommy Norwood, Larkin, Sannie (L, Marlborough. Lady Kelso, Bill Ed. Hambletonian Mohawk. 2:31'.i. 2:3114,2:3214. ,>,.„,.„.,» , .. ,, , ■ Detroit Mich June 3 1881. $1,000. Pickard 4, Silverton 1, Mmnie R. (2 0), Alta. Jewett, Mambrino Kate (2 di '). John Grant (1 dis), 2:23'.,, 2:2.S, 2:2:}i/4, 2:20, 2:26%, 2:27?4. Cleveland. (>.. Julv 28. lH8t, .$2,000. Voltaire, Lucy. 2:20-'.i, 2:23. 2:22. Bulfalo, N. v.. Aug. 2 and 3. 1881, .$1,500. J. B. Thomas 1, 3 (2 0). Kale Sprague. Pilot li., .Icwett (3 dr). ^"itVchcUer,' N\ Y.^ Augrio,"l'88L $1.5M^ Kate Sprague 2, 3, J. B. Thomas 1, Pilot R., 2. 20'.^, 2:18, 2:231.6, ^"Utica, N. Y.,''Aug. 10. 1881. $1..500. Pilot R., Kate Sprague, J. B. Thomas, 2:21 ',i, 2:21 Ki, 2:21?.. Hartford, Conn., Aug. 2;!, 18K1, $1,500. .1. B. Thoinas. m-lia. 2:2,'-.'4, 2:27.2^6>.i . „ , . Aug. 25, 1881, .$LMKK). Piedmont. Lucy, Voltaire, Emma B., Steve Maxwell, Hambletonian Mambrino. Dan Smith 217'«, 2:181/.^. 2:lSi.i. Si)iiii"r)efd Mass., Sept. 1. 18H1. $1,000, Wedgewood, John S. Clark, 2:18^. 2:20. 2:20i.i. Bearoli r;i)k I'.ostoii, Sept. 13 and 14. IKSI. $1,000. Jolm S. Clark 1, Josephine. 2:23, 2:23, 2:21?4, 2:2254. Frederick, Md.. Oct. 13. issi. $1,000. \(iltaire, 2:28, 2:25. 2:.31. Toledo, O.. June 1, 1H82. .$800. Allev Voltaire, J. B. Thomas. 2:29i^, 2:29»4, 2:28}.^ ]oni:i, Mich., Julv 7, 1H8J, $m). J. )'.. Thomas 3, 2:26, 2:20. 2:30.2:26. Chicago, 111., July 21, 1H82,.$2,.'500. KateSpr;igi)C,SoS(i.'J:Ui', 2:20. 2:21. Utica, N. Y., Aug. is, 18h:2. .$2,000. Clingstone, Pickard, Kate .Si)rague. So So, 2;18'/2, 2:20'2, 2:21. Hartford, C00. Buzz Medium, Xaiad Queen, 2:26.2:2. 'i. 2:2(.'2. . Point Breeze Park. Phila., May 13. !8x:'.. $."rfH). Buzz Medium. Trinket. Naiad Queen. 2:23, 2:25, 2:23",. Belmont Park. Phila.May 25, l"88,3. .$.^^^00. Trinket, Buzz Medium. N;ii;id ()ii('en. 2:2254, 2:19, 2:21. J. Petitt. Wilkesbarre, I'll.. Junes. lKK:i. $1,000. Trinket. 2:25. 2:27' i, 2:23;,. J. E.Turner, Columbus, ().. June 14. lss3,^;700. Wilson, J. B.Thomas, Ewmg, France's Alexander,2:21'2. 2 '22 2'''4' • ^'Toledo.' ().. .Tune 21. 1883. i^OOO. Wilson. .L P.. Thomas, France's .Alexander. 2:29' 2. 2:24^, 2:25'4. IMroit. .Mich., June 2.s. iss,3. .«!1.000. Wilson. I'rance's Alexander. Santa Clans, 2:29?4, 2:23?4,2:24}4. E. Saginaw, Mich., .Inly 4. IS*".'!. .$l,ono. Wnson. France's Alexander. 2:24. 2:21'.i. 2:22. K;dam:izoo. MCli.. .Inly 10. l»s:i. $1,000. He-k Wri'rht. Black cloud. Wilson. 2:2.3. 2:19'i. 2:22. Chicairo. III.,.Iulv 17. 18s:!. ,=;2..'-.0f). Von Arnii», Chinl-v Ford, 2:23',. 2:2014. 2:21'2. . , .. Effle, b m (•^::5:{',). bv'Geo. .M. P.itchen Jr.. d:iin bv Abdallah. Geo. .lackson. Philadelidiia. la., OcL 15, 1873, .$150. Oueen Vic. 1.2, 2:48',. 2:41".. 2:4.'5'/„ 2:43. 2:38. .,,•,.. ,q Jas. .samiison, Kaston, Pa., Oct. 30, 1873, $200. c;ricket. Simon. Snow Ihike. I bos. .letierson (l (hs), 2:38, '- (i'eo. .'lackson, Norristown, Pa., June 20. 1874. .$2."0. Lady Atkinson. Lady Dexter, I!. I)., Daniel Webster, '>-'M, 2 ■.37 •' •:'.') ^.lohii lleVdom, Westchester. Pa, Oct. 3. 1874. .$800. Lizzie Keller .3. 4. Snowball, Dinah Annie Collins, Norwoo^. 2:37'/, CD s;i o ^>-' ^ ^ '' 3 te ^ ^ ^'^ El 'fl\ ^ tl 5' ifi ^H . Belle Dean 1, i^aily AVilhams, Grace, Hiram Dyer, George Pea' body. Johnnvl'ranstou (4 (Ir). 2:;Ju:U. 2:35, 2:30, 2:a7. . , ,. . ,„ , , t. ■ x- -i' /^ * ,o ,o— Kttie. b in (3:0~), by Almont, dam by Kentucky ChieL K. Penistan, Fleetwood Park, N. \. Oct. 16, ISu, SI Mu Touchstone, ;J:07, :>:m. Three-year-olds. ^ „ ^, , , .^, ^, , Kttie DeaiKs b m (3 :35'j), bv Hambletonlaii, dam Molly, by L, L, Black Hawk. J. H. Goldsmith, Goshen, N. Y., May 28, 1875, •S800,' Lucca, Brilliant, Edith, Patterson Girl, Kosie (3 dis;, Pat McCann (3 dis), 2 :38, 2 :o9, ^ "35 ^ Paterson, N. J., June 22. 1875, $i0O0. Edith l, Maud (1 dis), Kosie (1 dis), Kate Watson (1 dis), 2:35'/;, 11 June ''4 1.S75 '•«()00 Edith 2, Privateer Maid, Melissa, Kosie (3 dis), 2:35'2, 2:36, 2:35, 2:35>^. A. Goldsmith." Washington, D. C, May 2, 1876, $1,000. Gen. Howai'd, Mattie Lyle, Blue Mare, George A. Eflit^G!.' b^'m'^ls^si )? l\'r B]"ue^'jfun;"^danra pacer. J. Wilson, Akron, 0., June 25, 1880, $400. Valiant, City Girl Nigger Doctor, 2:.36. 2:36, 2:.36'.,. John (fall, St. Louis, Mo., Sept. 30, 1880, $800. Myrtle 1, 2, Kigolette, Dublin Boy, 2:35, 2:31, 2:34i/2, 2:32 11 J "^G. Gallagher, Lyons, N. Y., June 9, 1882, $300. Cunard, St. Patrick, Mars (1 dis), 2:32M, 2:35V2, 2:36. F. Patterson, Jersey City, N. J., June 13, 1883, $300. Manhattan, Brown Billy, Claremont, Fitzgerald (2, ■ -^Parkvifle^'L. \'.r Jiilv 31, 1883, $250. Charley Hood 1, Daniel Vv'ebster, Black Prince, Black Prince Modoc, Susie, Ladv Sciid, Juno, Lady Jupiter (2 dis), Dora T. (2 dis), 2:33j^, 2:32i4, 2:32;/2, 2:31. ■ Jersey City. N. J.. Aug. 7. 1883, $300. Lowland Mary, dohn Love, 2:3114, 2:32;4, 2:,jli4. Eealite, cli s (3:44), bv Egbert, dam Stockbridge Belle, by Stockbridge Chiet. \V. R. mcher, Lexington, Kv, Aug. 28, 1883, $2,125. Freelund. Bedford, Nettilian, Guinea, Sour Mash, O. i. C, Aaron Talbott, Alicia, Ariel, 2:44, 2:46' 2. Two-year-olds. „., , ^^ t * o, ,o-.> -. tj ,• • , Essman's Bay Horse, b s (,3:59). Mr. Eggman. Bridgton, N. J., Sept. 22, 18,0, «> . Pawling s ch s, Slighfsbg, 3:05, 2:59, 3:01. ^^ , ^, ^ , t> , x- ^- t , Eight Bells (Black Harrv). blk g (3:3oi^), by Smith Burr. W. E. Weeks, Fleetwood Park, N. \., July l, 1S71, si.OCO. Lady Taggart 1, 2, 2:39>s. 2:42',, 2:41io, 2:43'/2, 2:40',2. July 22, 1871, $i.OOO. Lady Taggart. 2:43-4. 2:35]4, 2:43i/j. Oct. 21, 1S71, .$500. Kitty Crum, 2:46' 2, 2:44, 2:40'/2. Oct. 14, 1872. $500. Topsy (W) 1, 2, 2 :45, 2:41i.2, 2 :42k, 2 :45}^, 2 :40. Eight .Spot. Woodstown, N. J., Sept. 15, 1880,.$ . Jersey Girl 3, Hannah, 1:32,1:31,1:31, 1:39. Three- year-olds. Half-mile heats. * , ^ , , ,. . E. J. (3 :43ii). Oregon, 111., Sept. 19, 1883, $200. Sancho 1, 3, Daisy Holmes 2, Allahoe, Lady Capoul (3 dis), Mattie Fenton (3 dis), 2:43. 2:539i, , 2:42i2. 2:45, 2:46. Elaine, b m (3 :30), by Messenger Duroc, dam Green Mountain Maid, bvHarry Clay. L. Stanford, Fleetwood Park, N. Y., Sept. 3, 1877, $750. Ellwood Medium 1, Hambletonian Mohawk (3 dr), Frank Mediiun (1 dis), 2 :4i ' 2, 2:44, 2:36y2. Three-year-olds. Hartford, Conn., Sept. 20, 1877, $2,000. Star Duroc (2 dis), Effle (2 dis), 2:.384, 2:28. Three-year-olds, ■ Koehe.ster. N. Y., Oct. 2, 1878, $ . W. O., 2:2614. • Hartford, Conn., Oct. 25, 1878, Prize, silver. 2:24ii. To beat 2:24V4. Four-vear-olds. ■ H. R. Covev, Sacramento, Cal., Sept. 22, 1880. $1,200. Gibraltar. Echora, Reliance, 2:2114, 2:22i4, 2:24. — L. Stanford, San Jose. Cal , Oct. 6, 1880, .s!l,000. Bateman, Brigadier, 2:20;!4, 2:21i^, 2:2114. Elheron, rn g (3 :51'2>, by Peacemaker, dam Eastern Queen. J. Osborn, Somerville, N. J., Oct. 5, 1881, $75. John Martin, Kitty Thompson, Patehen, 2:51i2. 2:53ii, 2:57. Elcho, b g (3 :34i4).' bv Tuckalioe. C. Coward, San Fi-ancisco, Cal., May 14. 1877, $300. Crazy Jane, Charley (Idis). ,2:52,2:42^. (w). J. M. Hughes, Denver. Col., Oct. 20, 1880, $150. Route (w), 2:48i4, 2:43. — Oct. 21, 1880, $300. Clifton B. 3, Route 4, Frank, Ivanhoe (3 dis), 2:41^2:38, 2:37i2. 2:42i4. 2:42. Sept. 15, 1881, .$300. Joe 1, 2, (3 0), Clifton B., Little Crow, Ivanhoe, 2:37?4, 2:39ii, 2:36i4, 2:38ii, 2:47}^. Elden, b g (3 :4~). Mr. Heiskell, Dayton. O., June 11, 1869, $50. Louisa, 3:02, 2:47. Four-year-olds. EUler Girl, b m (3 :00). H. E. Brewster. Derby, Vt., June 28, 1881, .$100. Harrv B., 3:00, 3:00, 3 00. Elder Pogue, b g (3:40i4). W. Bruin, BurJiugton, la.. Sept. 23, 1880, $250. Nelly R. 3, 4, Lady Bishop 2, 5, Sundown, 2:45, 2:45^, 2:40, 2:411^, 2:40. 2:401^, 2:43' 2. Elder Sniftles, ch g '(wj, (3:53 w). F. V. Smith, Detroit, Mich., Aug. 10, 1860, $ . Watchmaker, 2:53, 2.56. Eltlridge's Black Mare, (3:51). Mr. Eldridge, Portsmouth, Me., Sept. 17, 1873, $ . Greenland Girl, Floss (4 dis(, Kossuth (1 dis), 3:08, 3:02, 2:.59'4, . Sept. 18, 187:3, .$ . Wild Eddy, Topsy Chief, 2:51, 2:5li/i, ^-MM. Eleazer. Barnard, Vt., Sept. 27, 1883, $ . Kitty L., Avis. No time. Electic, bg (3:41^), by Geo, Wilkes. A. B. Cook, Macon, Ga., Oct. 30, 1878, .$200. Chieftain, 2:41V^, 2:43. Four-year-olds. Electric, b s )3 :39i^), by Edward Everett. J. W. McKee, Newton, N. J., June 1.5, issi $250. King Cetawayo, Addie E. C, 2:391^,2:43' 2, 2:40"2. Electro, gr g (3 :38). J. G. Flower, Meriden, Conn., Oct. 30, 1871, $100. Billy Fowler 2, Big Steve (40), Fannv, 3:03.2:54,2:551^,2:56,2:511-^, ■ Hartford, Conn,, June 17, 1872, $400 Lady Shoemaker 1, 2. 2:4714 2:4n. 2:4414, 2:45, 2:4514. ■ J. Bullers. Sept. 18, 1872. $sii. Buckingham, Ladv Newton, Ladv Shoemaker (1 dis). No time, Sept. 19, 1872, $50. Ladv Shoemaker, 2 :.54, 2:47. 2 :45i>4. E. Ross, New Haven. Conn.. Sept. 17, 1875, $1.50. Ladv Ross, Bullet, 2 :,53ii, 2:56, 2:.56. F. Stone, Saratoga, Spa, N. Y., July 28, 1876, $100. Laura M. 3, Mary Hill, Charley McManus, W. H. \'an Cott, 2:3914, 2:41'^, 2:43, 2:41. Elevator, bs (3:34-, ), by Hambletonian, dam by Bull Frog. Ben Mace, Dover, N. H, Sept. 29, 1876, $300 Gentinella 1, Thomas S., Ilderim, Boston Pilot, Annie E. (3 dr), 2:35.2:36. 2:36'^». 2:3,514. Providence, R. I., Oct. 6, 1876, $500. Bismark 2, Pickwick, John Morrill, Lady Batch, Decoration (3 dr), 2:34'4, 2:.36i4, 2:.37, 2:3914. G. J. Shaw, Dexter, Me., Aug. 9, 1881, $ . Marion, John P„ Kitty Wells, Little Bess, John Marshall, 2:40,2:411/2,2:401^. ■ Aug. 10. 1881, $100. John P. (1 0), Lon Morris, Twnikle, Hav .rim, 2:46, 2,4014, 2:43, 2:43. ■ Hartland, Me., Sept. 0. 18S1, $100. Marion. John P. Liitlc 'Bess, Black Diamond, 2:41, 2:40, 2:41, ' Sept. 7, 1881, .SIOO. Marion. John P., Little Bess, 2:4014, 2:40':;, 2:40. Eli, ch g (3 :38). J. Cushing,Keene, N. H„ Oct. 20, I8ady Arlliur. 2:51, 2:.02, 2:.50'2, 2:51. ^ Eliza 'Jane, rn ni {'i -.ii)'^^). J. Fabian, Point Breeze Park, Phila., Aug. 13, 1874, $200. UncleIke,Lucv, Prince 2:'^), 2:55'.,. ■_':49^4- 'J' . ov). .lames Logan, Aug. 28, 1874, $200. George Magee (w), 2:52'/s, 2:51?i, 2:53. Eliza .1. Web.-ter, hr in (3:40)^2). G. Edwards, Cambridge, Mass., Oct. 22, 1845, $50. Ellen of Trov Dvinc Sarge;iiil.:;:J-'.2:40'2, 2:42, 2:45, 2:50. J- J t. Ella, hi m 0- :-i3' 2;. J. 11. Morey, Scranton, Pa., May 27, 1871, $ . Gypsy (l 0;, Scranton Boy, 3:04, 2:67.2-56 3:03. .July 4. 1871, $150. Preacher, Probably, 2 :52'/2, 2 :54. 2 :54. Frank Wagner, Wilkesbarre, I'a., Sept. 13, 1871, $250. Pleasant Valley 2, Pip (i dis), 2:56?£, 2:57>4,2:49'i4, 2:52'«. July 20, 1872, $400. Yankee Tom, pacer, 2, 2:48. 2:46'i, 2:42' 2, 2:47. W.'il. ilunl, Fleminglon. N. J.. Sept. 26, 1873, $75. Belle, W. H. Force, 2:451,1. 2:43. Ella, ell m (3:33). by Erie Abdallah, (l:tiii by May Duke. L. P. Drake. Pittsburgh. Pa., .Seiil. 14. I.s7.-., $-iuu. Quilj). Joe Hooker, Frank. Mulligan ( 1 dis). >;6 time. EUa, b m (3 -.Hi). C. E. Moslier, Haverhill, Mass., May 30, 1882, $100. Fanny M., Little Stub, Hanes' Quaker, Salem Belle (1 dis). 2:46. 2:48, 2:48, Ellalt., (3:51), bv Magna Charta. B. W. Short. Coldwater. Mich., May —, 1877, $50. William T. Bishop l. Boo Peep, Nelly Buckmaii, 1 :4li.i, 1 :40, 1 :52. Two-year-olds. Half-mile-heats. Ella B., b m (3:44i/2j. J. S. Brown, Norwich, Conn., Sept. 29, 1883, $100. Gold Xiigget, Hazel Kirk. Canada, .Jack (1 dis), 2:45, 2:50, 2:44K'. Ella Clay. (Maggie Elliot and Fanny P.), b m (3:27ii), bv American Clay, dam by Mambrino Chief. R. M. Terrill, ( licsteiiv Park, Ky., Aug" 31, 1872, $ . Jim IMiller, (1 dis) 2:51 '4. Tln-ee-year-olds. Lexingtdii. Ivy., Oct. 17, 1872, $150. Baron Kothschild 1, Jim Cogau (2 dis), Hylas (1 dis), 2:41'/2, 2:40'/4, 2 :43. Tluce-vea'r-oJds. B. J. Treacy, Sept. 26. 187.-5, $250. Meteor, Emerson's Entry, 2 :51, 2 :54, 2 :.>lVi. .lames Miller, Oct. 2, 1874. $600. John S. Cain 3, Kichmoncl, Roderick. 2:40^4. 2:37. 2:39'/2. 2:40^. R. M. Terrill, Cynthiana. Ky., Aug. 26, 1875, $400. Sam Patch 4, Belle Maud 2, Alethea, Ashland Kate, J. Combs (3 dis), Mamlirino Pilot Jr. (l dis), 2:31, 2:36, 2:34'2, 2:32'.,. -J-MS^i. ■ Lad J. Smith, Lexington. Ky.. Oct. 20, 1876, $200. Geoige .lucid 1. Doble, 2:26i4, 2:27":, 2:27'/2, 2:281/2. Ella !>., gr m (3 :37?4), by Young America. J W. Thompson, Washington, D. C, Oct. 19. 1875, $i)00. Katy Richards, Mack (1 dis), 2:37?4, 2:42, 2:401/2. Ella !>., b m (3:40). Tom Price, Canal Dover, O., Oct. 3, 1883, $50. Tasso, John T., Jim Stevens, Billy, 2:47, 2:48. 2:45. Oct. 4, 188.3, $150. Tasso, Bob Ingersoll, Prince Edward, Jim Stout, 2:40, 2:41' ,,2:41 14- Ella Uoe, ch m (3:33'.,), by Daniel Lambert, dam hy Cook's Cohiml)us. E. U. Harvard, St. Albans, Vt., Sept. 13, 1876, $135. Barney Kelly 2, Ladv Smith, Black Dexter. Lena W., 2:41, 2:41. 2:4o, 2-40. C. .1. Wicker. Rutland, Vt., Aug. 21, 1877, $350. St. Charles, Susie, Rosa B., Joe s., Marv Russell, Lady McFatridge (3dr), 2:34'/2, 2:31U, 2-:il%. Larrabee's Point, Vt., Sept. 18, 1878, $125. Harmon 2. 3, Addison Boy, Maggie. No time. C. H. Baldwin, Glens Falls, N. Y., May 23, 1879, $175. Jim Ward, Nelly Webster, 2:29'4. 2:29Ji. 2:30. " Ogdensburgh, N. Y., Sept. 11, 1879, .$450. Lottie K., John Hall, Clara J. (3 dis). Deceit (2 dr), 2:28!/j, 2:30, 2'29 '- Potsdam, N. Y.. Sept. 23, 1879, $500. Clara J., Lottie K., 2:30, 2:31, 2:.i4. Crown Point, N. Y., June 3, 1880, $150. Jim Ward 1, Geoi-ge Sherman, Little Dick (3 dn, 2 ::{.5, 2:31 )iJ, 2*34 ''•''2 '- MoVrisville, Vt., July 1, 1880, $100. Amy 2, Little Dick 2:32, 2:33. 2:.30i.|. 2:.'?3. Elmlra, N. Y., Sept.' 1, 1880, .$500. Billy Bm-r 1, Sally Scott 3, Duroc, Kitty Small, l.arkin, 2:331,4, 2:31^, 2:331.1, 2:2914, 2:31i.i. Sept. 3. 1880, $500. Amber, Little Mary, Larkin, 2:28M, 2:27i.i. 2:30';. Bnidlonl, Pa., Sept. 15. 1880, $500. Clover 1, Amber, Argonaut, Tom Keeler, 2:2894, 2:31, 2:3o;!.,, 2:29. (ileus Falls, N. Y., July 27. 1881, $200. Aidinda, Duroc, Dan, 2:29, 2:27i/s, 2:28. .lulv 29, 188], $200. Duroc, Aulinda, 2:37, 2:3752. 2:28ii. Yoimgstown, O., Sept. 21, 1881, $250. Champion Girl, Kinsman Boy, McLaughlin, Bristol Girl, Mistletoe, 2:301.1,2:30, 2:29' 2, Sharon, Pa., Sept. 29. 1881, $350. Executor, Champion Girl, 2:271^, 2:29, 2:279i. - ' " — - Clara J., Clark S., Valiant, 2:319i.2:349i,2:35i^i. Pittsburgh. Pa.. Oct. 12, 1881. $500. Yoimgstown. O.. Sept. 2.3, 1882, .$2.50. Kinsman Boy, Sunshine, 2:33, 2:31, 2:33. Pittshiirgli, Pa., Sept. 26, 1882, .$,'-)00. Kolla 3, 4, Sunshine, 2:28'.,. 2:30, 2:3(|i.i. 2:31'.,. 2:333*. Biiiliiigtoii. Vt., Ocl. 11, 1SS2, $.'•.00. Kitty Ives 2. Frank 1, (ioldfiiider. 2:30, 2:29. 2:;i(i, 2:32, 2:30. Mystic Park, Boston, JiUy 18, 1883, $400. George A. 3, llersey, Archie, Mc( lure, 2:27ii. 2:25?4, , 2:2514. Beacon Park, Boston, Jidy 25, 1883, $400. Kersey 1, George A., Highland ^\ in. Jewel, Archie, 2:25 Ji, 2:23'/i, 2 -24' 4, 2:2.'). KUa Eai-Ie, b lii (3 :35), by Almont, dam by J. C. Breckenridge. W. D. Ham, Mendota 111.. Aug. 14. 1878, $450. Blossom. Lady Alice, ('Upper, Royal Chief. 2::i7, 2:;i6. 2:.35. Bed WIng.Minn., June 2.".. 1^79. .$200. Silkv B. 1 Indicator, 2:3794, 2:;U. 2::{4'e, 2:36i4. Miniii-;ipolis, Minn., .Inlv 9, 1879, .«>200. Silkv B.. Iii(lic;itor, 2:27'2, 2:29, 2:29'o. St il]\v:il.r, Minn., .July 16, 1879, .>2()0. Silky B., Indicator, Col, King (3 dr), 2:30, 2 :.31, 2:2794. ^. „ , , Chiciigo, 111., .July 2.3, 1879, $1,500. Daciana (2 0), Piedmont (2 0), Chance, Ettie Jones, Kate Hall, Ladjf Monroe (3 dr). Highland Queen (1 dis), Fletad (lis). 2:25, . 2:28, 2:27>2. ,,,.,,, Aurora, 111.. July 30, 1879, $500. Foxie V. (3 0), Will Cody, Big Soap, Dakota Maid, Up and Up. 2:31V2, 2 '30 2 "'8 li — Memlora. III., Aug. 13, 1879, $400. Foxie V.. 2:27'^., 2:27, 2:28'^ — Princeton, 111., Sept. 18, 1879, $175. Roval Chief. Captain, Ensign, 2:35M 2:.37W, 2:.3d Douglass 2. Loafer, Foxie V.. 2:27, 2:25'-^. 2:28 2:26',;. G. \V. Ingraham, La Salle, 111., .July .'io and Aug. 2, lK8n, ,$7.50. Little Gypsy 3. 4, Koseof Washington 1, 2, John II., Nellv Irwln, Coiivov, Emma B.. 2:28. 2:ir^\, 2:2914, 2:29, 2:2914, 2:3194, 2:31'i. Sullivan, 111., Aug. 13, I88O, .Su.50. Dotv. Sucker .Maid, 2::{3, 2::«, 2:30. ■ St. Joseph, Mo., Sept. 9, 1880, $1,000. Big Soap, Fanny Robinson, John H. (1 dis), 2:279i, 2:26, 2:25. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. Ul W. D. Ham, Danville, 111., Oct. 19, 1880,1400. Pilot R. 1, Abdallah Boy. Polly Wishard (2 dis), 2:364, 2:3014, 2 :35?:i, 2:3-2 14. Ella Kllwood (w), b m (3 :31V4). J. J. Bowen, Mystic Park, Boston, May 16, 1873, $700. Bay Stranger, Auburn Boy,2:o!»'i, 2:39ij. 2:i0. Lon ilorris, Muv 24, 1873, $150. Royal Mike 1, 2. Ben Starr 4, Prince Allen, Fanny, Jenny, Frank Palmer (5 dr), Slu'pherd Ivnapp (4 dr;, 2:3314,, 2:32, 2:35y2, 2:39, 2:39. (w), J. .J. Bowen, June 24, 1873, $300. Ben Starr (,\v;, Royal Mike (w), Joe Hooker (w), 2:33?i. 2:35'/i,2:34'/4. Ella F.b ni (.3 :32). J. L. Fisher, Chicago, 111. June 12, 1877, $40o. Fred, Wild Irishman 1, 2 (5 r o), Minnie Taylor (.4 dis). 2:45'*, 2:37i!4. 2:37'/i, 2:32, 2:48^4 Ella G. (3 :43). Worcester, Mass., June 1, 1878, S .— Gen. Patchen, Dutchman, Joe Goldsmith, Young Reliance (l dis), 2 :45. 2 :i5}4. 2 :43. Ella K., gr m (3 :50). Alexander Lacy, Sandusky, O., Sept. 23, 1875, $150, Bridget, Buckskin, Kennebec Jr., Georire E. Whitney, Judge Smith, 2:55, 2:,50. 2:51. D. Gettrell, Sept. 24, 1875, $200. Molly, Bridget, George E. Whitney, Dick (3 dr), 2:54i^, 2:54i^, 2:52. Ella Lewis, b m (3:37), by Vermont. Oscar Lewis, Sacramento, Cal., Sept. 15, 1873, .$600. Jupiter, Oakland Maid, Dutchman, Frank (3 dis), Swamp Angel (2 dis), American .Maid (l dis), Oregon Jack (1 dis), 2:30^ 2:29^,2:3114. San Francisco, Cal., Oct. 22. 1873, $750. Aja.\, Jerome, George Treat, 2:32i^, 2:33, 2:33^. Jas. R. Keene, Oakland. Cal.. May 16. 1874. S4.000. California Dexter,2:28. 2:27, 2:2814. O. A. Hickok. May 30, 1874, $2,000. Mav Howard, 2:31i4, 2:32>o, 2:33. C. S. Crittenden. San Francisco, Cal,, Feb. 1. 1879, $500. St. Helena 3. 4. 2:33. 2:.34, 2:33i2, 2:36, 2:36. Ella Madden, b m (3 :3.5?i), by Hambletoniau, dam by Drew's Hambletonian. .1. H. Phillips, ( )neonta, N. Y,, June 24, 1K74, $800. Brown 'Kate 3, 5. Sandy, Charley, Charles Osgood, Ladv Johnson 1, 2, (4 dis), Dutch Farmer (1 dis), 2:39U, 2:40, 2:40?4, -':-l0, 2:4394, 2:40, 2:50i4. Waverlv, N. J., Sept. 23, 1874, $300. Kate Taylor 2, Adeline R., DoUv White, Windsor (3 dr., 2:37}^ 2:35"2, 2:36, 2:37^4. - Point Breeze Park, Phila., Nov. 6 and 7, 1874, $1,000. Mattie Lyle 4. Arthur 5. Sunbeam 1, 2:-30, 2:32i/4, 2:3094, 2:.32, 2:.32, 2:301^. Fleetwood Park, N. Y., Nov. 13 and 14, 1874, $500. Mountaineer 2, S.Mat Tanner 1, 5, Cora F. (5 dr), Ladv Angle (:5 dr), Jimmy Norton (5 dr), Lena Case (5dr). Mountain Maid (3 dr), 2:31,2:.36i4, 2:34, 2:33J4, 2:34," 2:30, 2:30. ■ (w), Nov. 19, 1874, $400. Carroll 1, 3, 2:43'/2, 2:4m, 2:35, 2:.34?4. 2:36'2. • Providence, R. I., June 19, 1875, $1,500. Annie Collins 2, Arthur 3, 2:32. 2:.30. 2:30i4. 2:32, 2:30. Beacon Park, Boston, June 25, 1875, $1,500. Billy Platter 4. 5. (6 dis), Frank Palmer, Arthur 1,2, (3 dis), Frank J. (3 dis). Young Rattler (3 dr;, 2:29'.2, 2:29}^, 2:30, 2:31'2. 2:29, 2:28. Fleetwood Park, N. Y., Sept, 28, 1875, $800. Charley Green, Royal George, 2:30^4, 2:31Ui, 2:301^^. Point Breeze Park, Phila., Oct. 18,1875, $500. Annie Collins l, Barney Kelly 2. 2:2994, 2:2014. 2:2714, 2:311^.2:30^. Ella Mav eh m (3:451^). S. Haines, Doylestown, Pa., Oct. 8,1880, $100. J. H. Spencer l. Bobby Burns, Neshbminy, Kate, Mayflower, 2:47, 2:45i4, 2:47, 2:51. Ella McBride, ch ni (3 :65). See & Bright, Montgomery City, Mo., Sept. 27. 1882, $.55. Lulu N., Bill See, 3:05, 3 :08. Ella Millard. (Ruth and Eva) (w), bm (2:3r>y,). Wm. McMahon, Deerfoot Park, L. I., Nov. 3, 1873, $200. 3:16, W. O. Ella Sherwood, b m (3 :34), bv Vernol's Black Hawk, dam a pacer. Dan Mace, Union Course. L. I.. May 4, 1,S65, .$2,000. James Watson 1, (2 0), 2:371^, 2:38, 2 :4294, 2:4094, 2:40. ■ Fashion ('ourse, L. I., .lune 14, 1865, $2,000. Toronto Chief, 5:10, 5:12^4. Two miles. July 19, 1865, $2,000. Bruno 1, 2, 2:30, 2:34. 2:3414, 2:43i4, 2:3VV^. • Oct. 7, 1865. .$2,000. Shark, 5:08^2, 5:11. Two mdes. Ella T., gr m (3 :.54 w), by Echo, dam Lady Weirs. J. G. Sanchez, Salinas, Cal., Oct. 2, 1883, $100. Jackson, Maggie v., 3:00. 2:5614, 2:.57. Ella Waltou, b m (3:55). Thos. Wheeler, MasiUon, O., July 4, 1861. $20. .Jenny Lind, Tom Moore, 3:013.^, 2 :.55. Ella AVilson, b m (3 :30). by Blue Bull, dam Fanny Benson, by Jerry. Jas. Wilson, Lowell, Mich., .June 19, 1872, .S600. Undine, Wild Bill, Billy (2 dis), Nelly Wilkes (2 dis). Greenwood (2 dis), Maggie Casey (1 dis), 2:48)^,2:41,2:48. • Toledo, O.. July 2. 1872, .$2,000. Jenny, Harry R., Vanity Fair, John H. (3 dis). Little Longfellow (2 dis), Dashing Charley (1 dis), 2:3.594, 2:3194, 2:32, Cleveland, O., July 18, 1872, .$2,000. Gentle Annie 1. 3, Cattaraugus Chief, Ohio Boy, Mila (■:ild\vell, Col- umbian, Castle Boy, Gen. Howard, Denmark (2 dr), 2:32y2, 2:30, 2:3214, 2:31, 2:32;;. Ella Wright, b m (3:3494), by Trojan, dam by Vaughn's Hercules. Lewis Wright, Keokuk, la., Aug. 30, 1871, $100. Chickamauga, George Sampson, Greyhound (1 dis), 2:47, 2:.5l. Hannibal, Mo., Sept. 26, 1872, .$375. J. L. Young 1,2:2994, 2:2594, 2:2914. H. W. Alexander, Evansville, Ind., July 4, 1873, $500. Lady Alice, Honest .John. Trojan. 2:4494,2:41, 2:41. Eminence, Ky., Aug. 12. 1873, .$.500 .John Chambers 2, 3, Clark Chief, Ed Wilder, Billy Hoskins, Tom Fields, Brown Marv (1 dis), 2:40^4, 2:42, 2:42, 2:42, 2:4194. Galesbnrgh, 111.', Oct. 10, 1873, $400. Brother Jonathan 2, 3, Lady Fox, Mila C. (1 dis). 2:.30. 2:29. '-':28i4, 2:29,2:281/!;. Budd Doble, Evansville, Ind., July 3, 1874, $.500. Tom Roach, 2:42i4. 2:42. 2:371;. July 4, 1874, .$500. Tom Roach, 2 :4'5. 2:41, 2:.37. Dan Mace, East Saginaw. Mich., July 16, 1874, $ . .James Howell Jr., 2:29, 2:26, 2:29V^. Budd Doble, Chicago. 111.. July 22, 18'74, $2,500. Pilot Temple 1, Badger Girl. Chicago, May Howard (2 dis). (icorgc (2 dis). 2:26. 2:2494. 2:25J^, 2:26i4. Ellen, (s) h m (3:49i/2 s). Mr. (ioodrich, Cambridge, Mass., May 10, 1838, $.500. Billy (s), 8:2814. 8:38. Three miles. Ellen, b m (3:33). R. P. Stetson. Wilkesbarre. Pa., Oct. 4. 1872, .$200. Belle, Construction, Careless (3 dis), 2:4.3, 2:4014, 2 :40'/2. S. Quinn, Gratztown, Pa., Sept. 25, 1874, $2.50. Lady Emma l, 4, (5 0), William Penn, 2:311^, 2:34, 2:34!4, 2:33, 2:.3:i, 2:3494- Ellen, h m (3:43i4), T. P. Roach. Montgomery, Ala., Nov. 19, 1872, $152. Hiata, Eufala Bov (3 dis), 2:.564, 2:5314, 2 :42i;. Ellen, ch m (3 :38). J. H. Staves, Potsdam, N. Y., Sept. 17, 1878, $300. Mat Cameron 3. Fomidry Bov 2. Tim, Sam Perkins, Edgar (4 dr). 2:38i'2, 2:40, 2:41, 2:42i4, 2:41. Malone, N. Y., Sept. 25. 1878, .$150. Foundry Boy 2, 3, Edgar 4, Sam Perkins, Dominion Girl, Dominion Bov (1 dis). 2:38, 2 361/2, 2:40, 2:41, 2:42i/2. Champlain. N. Y., Oct. 9, 1878, $75. Island Boy 2, Black Warrior, 2 :50. 2:46, 2:46, 2:4514. Woodstock, Vt.,Oct. 27, 1883, $300. Ned Hastings 2, 4. Frank D. 3, (6 dis). Fanny P. (5 dr). 2:36, 2:36, 2:37 2*37 2*40 2:40. EUen, gr'ra'(3:53i/j)." J. O. Hara. Youngstown, 0., Sept. 23, 1881, $150. William Wallace, Boston Girl, Fanny Gray, 2 :59}^, 2 :52i/2. Three-year-olds. I9b CllK&TJiKtS tti.Ml 1.1-1 !•: TUOTTIM. AND TACI-NU KECOKD. Ellen, ch m (3:33;,4), bv Daiikl Laiiiberl. W. S. Stewart, Jr., IJiirlington, N't.. Oct. lo. 1881, $175. Lottie 2. Molly Clark. ;Ml\cr SfU, elipiper, i.':4o. 2:4ii, ^-.o'jy^, 2;4l!2. Grceuwkli, M. i'., Any. lu, lb»:i, H-^w. Mckel Lady Diu-oc, Frud MaiU, Tom Meckley, 2:;Joi,j, 2:36Ji, liraiivillc, X. V., Aug. it;, ls«ii, *200. Ooloiig -, Lady JJuroc, iiigomar {\i dr;, 2:;i;.. ii:37, 2:J8>2, •J:a8?4. I'otsdam. N. V., Sept. -'1, 1882, S250. N. J.luUer 1, (uiiaid, 2:4:j, 2:42^^, 2:45, 2:48. . Burliiigtijii. \ t., Del. 13, 188::, Siou. iSarali Js. 4. lU-x I'atclien i, 2:a9;2, :;:y9, 2:o5. :;:41, 2:40. Ellen AiuU-iMMi. cli in ^a:40j. Uv. llir.scli, Denver, Col., Oct. 4, 18S2, 4(32,"i. Leadville Girl 6. 0. Clifton B 4 Maxey, lUnKskiii UO dr>. Lady TniesdaU (,.> dr;, •J:41, ■.;;4U, 2:41, .:;4J, :::41>i., •,::41^4, 2:42. Ellen C.,"br iii r- :3-^>, by Copijerbottoiu. s. Hull, Tiskihva, 111., Aug. 10, 1876, $500. Jaiiesville 1, Sam Kirk- wood, Little Tom i.4 dis;, ji^yU, 2:43f4, 2:41K>. 2:y8!2. liaeiiie, Wis., Sept. 0, 1877, jiloO. Dom I'edro 2, 3, Dan Costello. 2:35, 2:30, 2:40, 2:42.2:39. \Vaiikcg;in, HI., Oct. (J, 1877, $250. Tornado, Lady ftlack, Dom IVdro, 2:35;2, 2:34, 2::35. Elleu Diivi.s, b m v« :37 ,ji. Mat t'olvin, M. Louis, iMo.. May z,i, 1S72, $1,250. Kate, G. W. Leonard. 15. Foley. Alvina t2 dis;, I'ilot Ilulehinson a dis), :::4U>2, 2:54, 3:0U|2. — May -"J, 1872, $1,250. Kale i, 2, Alvina 5, Jack, G. \V. Leonard, Teter Payne (4 dis). Ilavmakcr (4 dis), rilotllutcUinson (I disj, 2:37, 2:40'.i, 2:38. 2:37?^, 2:43, -— . , Capt. Dixon, .May lU. 1874, $250. Ji. 1<. btnig. Gen. Sherman. 2 :40»4. 2:40^,2:41. Ellen Jewctt, (.3:0-i». T. Cuniiingliam, \\ asliii.gLoii Hollow, X. V., Sept. 10, 1873, .«35. Agnes. Lady Out- wider, 3:171^. 3:04. Tlirce-yeur-olds. Ell< .1 Mary,clT m (■'i:37), by Magna t liarta. E.H.Heard, Hempstead. L. I., Aug 3. 1874. S.;00. George 2, lilidiaud Maid, Hempstead Boy, 2:45. 2:45J.s, 2:45, 2:45. Jersey City, N. J.,Aug. 0,1874, $2U0. M. C. Ogden l, Louise, Alpha (l disi, SLoe string fl disi. 2:45?i, •>-44 2-44'...2':4794. Zl Deerloot i'ark, L. I., Aug. 28, 1874, $100. Alpha, Anna E., Sorrel Boy, Nelly Condor (1 disi, 2:43. 2:43'4. 0.4^3 ' Jersey City, N. J., July 15. 1^75. Sioo. Handy Andy l , Frenchy, Safety. Lady Nash, 2 :43i^. 2:42.i-o, 2:42?i, 0.45 1 \vhite Plain.s, N. Y., July 22, 1875, $100. Sherman, Dandelion, Billy Stevens, Sleepy David. Harry,2:37, ^^Deerfoot Park, I- I-, July 27, l8-.=>, .?100. Henry Miller, Silveit;:;'. BL-:.elie W . Belle Kay. Dandelion ^ Aug.'^Kf,'l875."'V300?^Lady Woods, Chauncey M. Bedle, riiil O'^eil Jr., AVilliam Nolan, Jim, 2:38J^, Ellen*>IeiKS. br m (2 -.^0). W. M. Staves, Waddingt Two miles. EllenTree bill ('-J:48^i). T- P. Doyle, Watertown. N. Y., June 23.1808. $K0. Slippery .lane, John H. Pliinips." F:iiiiiv Mack (1 dis), 2:,51i4, 2:-lS?.r. 2:49^4. Kll.'U Tree 1 lotesleii. 1 M lest snst:iined. Ellen Woodson h m (3 :STU)- I- Kellv, Brownsville, ]Mo., July 4. 1^78, SM: J. M. Botts Jr. 2. 3. Dora F., Dick Niivlor (2 dr), John C. (1 dis). 2:4i>, 2:43^, 2:40'2, 2:41, 2:37>4. Elliot aTL'(3-40) J H.Clark, Huniellsville. N. Y., Aug. 19. 1874, $600. -Willy (iolddnst 1,2, Lilly Pierce. Lamliert Knox Carrie. Fred, Alexander (5 dr\ Albert (4 dr). 2:50. 2:.50U. 2:.';0. 2:50U, 2:,51. BHmont N Y July 3, ]H78.$100. Cliarlev. Billy Wood, Milo Tct. 2;4('U.2:41i/j. 2:40V,. Ellis i3-4:J'.i)'. ' J. F. Ellis, Guelpli. Out.. Sept. 9, 1870, $250. Middleton 1. White Rose. Long Branch (3dis), Bav .lohu Vi (lis), 2:46Ui, 2:43'4, 2:434, 2:48'2. Ellis Mare, (3:4 1 J. J.'C. Ellis, Schenectady, N. Y., June 12, 1860, $100. Ed Ellis 1. 2. 2:40. 2:.%. 2:41. , Ells^Vth >Iald. ch m (3:33>i;i. E. E. & F. M. Rowe, Bangor. l\lo., June 23. 187.5, $1.50. Little Fred, Dick, Eni^ci!|^'(3 :!^4)"' i^Shk.U?!-W;:^u;^1i. J., July 5, .8S0. $115 Ajax, Joe Hooper. Clifton, 2:51.2- Ell wood Medium. 1)S(3:34'.0, by Happv Medium, dam by Voorhees' Abdallah. -nebert Steel. Prospect P'lrk L I Sent 17 1879 .SI 250. Sunrise 3. Pidrician (2 dis), 2:"l 1., . 2:.T!, 2:."0. 2 r.'^J . Mallions. : Mew Hiinting Park, P'hila., Sept. 14, 1880, .$200. Mambrino Cliarta, John, Kob Roy, Lady Sharp, Spunky, ^^)in'er!1jeL!*Sept. 29, 1880, $350. M:iml>riro CV.art:i. Biookside Flora, Sherman Morgan. Una, 2:35^, 2*33 2 '34 New Hunting Park. Phlla., May 4. 1881, $200. Mambrino (^liarta, Rob Rov. 2:33V4. 2:34>.j 2:32H^^ Morrisania, N. Y., Oct. .5, 1881, $1.2,50. Carabasset, Manibr:i)o Dudley, Bellwood (1 dis), 2:'ai.,. 2:26^^, 2''*0' i I'i'oint Breeze Park. Phila.. Oct. 22, 18^1. ,«1.ono. TTolene. Belle Oakley, 2:.-'8^.2:2(;>.i. 2:^05^. Ellwood K..bg(3:3.'>). bvRockvHill. d:iiii bv Patch, n J. Ridey. Worton. Jld.. Sept. 16, ih80, $200. Little -^'I^-lSllflS Phi£ XSl 10.' 1«'k 'I'-^'-i^'- '>^="ly Sniith ,w). Bay John (w). Lady Mack iw), -^'(Sel^own! M.u' s;:pi:'l^" 18". S^." 'l^^^^' ^^^5. r:ilt Edge 4. Mountain Boy 1 (6 dis). Keystone Maid. Iliptoii. Gypsy. Thomas S<-arf, 2:46, 2:4.5. 2:46. 2:48. 2rAh.. 2:45 Elktoii. >fd.. 0ct.'5. 1881. ,?20n. Lvdia K. 2. Belle Falls. Ripton. Clipper, Sleepy T>:ive. Gilt Edge, Louis F.. Lucifer. 2::!r»'4. 2:,39'.i. 2:401/.. 2:39'.i. „ , , ,„ o » „- ,0-- c-r i> r^s^t},^ Elm Hlaek.bs (3:13), by Green's Bashaw. S. Beerup. Siiringfleld. Til., Sept. 2-. 18, .,$.5. B.mn\rastl.. Eliner7i)ri'73:3.5ii!!"i)'v GoodiuL'"s CliamDJon. dam Billv. by FTamhletonian. T. Grady, TTa rt ford. Conn.. .luiie 21. 1882, $.500. Dlek Lonmer. Frank. Diek D:imple. Clara M . Patrician. 2;27>j. 2:20. 2:2s'2. Island Park Alb;iuv. N. V. Au'-'. 22. 1«S2. .«1.000. John Hall. 2:2r.i ,. 2:2.5' (. 2:20. .,u-«» Elmira. bin(3-40) S S. Cooper. Clifton, N. J . Aug. 27. 1878. $200. Cinderella, .lessieMaud. Bourbon Cllief, O. U. A.. L. B. Eldridge. Hiirry. Minnie n..2:40. 2:40 2:42. . ^ ^ _ . „,,„.„„.,„., Aug. 28, 1878. .. 2:46. 2:41, 2:41. Elmira I'et, h g (2:3A^i). E. Howes, Elmira. N. Y.. .lulv 4. I8.-9. $2.50. Tacony 2 (3 0) (4 dr). 2:3.. 2:42,2:42, P Pierce Cortlandt N. Y'., Sept, 15. i860. . ¥1.50. Quaker 1. 2 :.'!S. 2:40. 2:40. ^ tt Elmo (St FJnioV ch ;i'3:37>: by Moliawk. O. A. Hickok, Milwaukee, Wis., Aug. 20, 1872. 81,000. Gen. How- ard, Greenwich Maid (2 disl. 2:38'i. 2:3.5I,k 2:.12»4'. San Fninciseo. Cal., April 12. 1«7.% $5,000. Ajax. 2:30^. 2:31'4, 2:31^. May 3. 1873. .$1 .500. Jerome. 4:.5sUl, 4 :.59. Two miles. June .5, 187.3, ,$1,000. May Howard, 2:27. 2:27.2:29^4. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 199 Elmo Pilot, b s (2:34U\ by St. Elmo, dam by Pilot Jr. J. Donnelly, Manhattan, Kan., Sei)t. 2G, 1878. «I(K). Manihriiio Maid, Corvettei 3:0'), a;03. Four-year-olds. C. l:ouiK'llv, Kansas City, Mo., July (>, isso, j;-joo. Kit D., Col. Marks, Kennetli. •2:.>1, 2:53, 2:53>^. DdiiH 'llv Bros., Topelca. Kaii., Seirt. U.lssi, ^fouu. Joe Young 2, 3, Opal 5, Echo Chief 4, Kentucliy Chief. Teudov. :i:.}4'2.2:38'.:. ■J-.o'J'-'^. 2:l.;'.i. 2:4s, ;;:(.:;, 2:57. Stallions. Elmore, 1) s (3 :10>,i). by (ioldsiuitli's Alxhillah, dam the Wherritt mare, by Joe Downing. W. H. Wi son Minni'ai)olis. ISlinn.. Sept. 2, ls7s. .^4oo. Jenny R. 1. Juliet, Ida ()., 3:07^4, 3:124, SrlO^i. Three-year-oi N Elmore Kverett, (w) cli g (2 :::0), by Aidrew Jackson. (Canadai, dam by StubtaiL Mr. Roden, VVater \\n. N. v., Aug. 7. Isc;;. ifb'M. H'u-K Ten Brock 1. .2:39, 2:;;6, 2:39. A. M. Harris. Sept. 16. 18(i3, $250. Simon (.2 dis), 2:30, 2:30. Sept. 11. IsiB. S'O. Simon, 2:3G3^. Sejit. 2.;, 1SC3. S . St Lawrence Chief, 2:56, 2:48, 2:48. (wi. :\I. Koden, Watertown. N. Y.. Nov. 4. 1863, .^eiM). Lady Franklin 1, 2, .2:36, 2:33, , . Elmwood. eh g (^ :33), liv Manibrino Pateliea. Maey Bros., Le.Knigtou„Ky., June 15, 1876, $700. Warrior 3, 4, Mambrino Billy, Albriiio. Alhi (1 ilisi, 2:38i.i. 2:;!(;, 2:37'4. 2;3G. 2:;.s?4,. Elmwootl Chief, br s (3:'^8), hy J51ack Ranger, dam Doll, by Revenge. R. T. Kneebs. Tremont, Neb., Sept. 15, 1880, .'5 . May Clark, Robby Dunbar, Scotland Tom (1 di.s;, Doctor Witherspoon a dis), 2 42, 2:40'/4, 2:40-. Harlan. I;i.. Sept. 23, 1881, §150. Trapeze 1. Crav Charley. Malor Etzel, Rattler, 2-49'., 2:47'2, 2:44. 2:46. R. T. Kiieebs, Sioux City, la.. Julv 12, iss2, ,S-2(i(ki. Hampton (iirl. r.:32'.>. 5:28^^.. 5:.;:;. Two miles. Mimieapolis. Minn., Aug. 29, 1S83, 85(10. Silas Wright 1, Humboldt. Mullv B..Dutcli (iirl, Tom Kirkwood Theresa Scott. John Tliomas, Xamona. Black Jnn, Lady Florence, 2:30, 2:2:i;j,, 2:32, 2::i;3. Elsie, b nu '3:40 'j). W. S. Thorn. Deerfoot Park, L. I., Aug. 13, 1875,i5i200. Doxey 1, First of May, James M. Oakley, Love, Frenchy. 2:44^4. 2:44,2:47, 2:43. Providence, R. I.. Aug. 20. 1875. .§100. Ernestine 3(1 0), Long 2. (1 0), James M. Oakley, W. R. Proctor. Rose Tlionidyke, Nelly Logan (5 dr), 2:3S'.i. 2:41^4, 2:41)/^, 2:42, 2:40li. 2:43. Elsie O., blk m (3:17-4.). W. C. Carson, Des Moines, la., June 29, 1881, §145. H W. Beechcr, Bird, A 3-32i/« 3:17-,,3:27Lo. Elsie Good, ch m (3:33' 2). by Blue Bull, dam by Alexander's Abdallah. J, Wilson & Son Peru, Ind., June 13, 18"(;, .S700. Neome, Sweet William, George, Lady Barnett, Bessie Turner (l dis), George W. Braxton (1 dis). John .\a(lerson d dis). 2:2S;'4. 2;25i.i, 2:33='4. Jackson. Midi., June 20, 1876. .•jS-rtO. .lanesville. Gilt Edge. Bacchus, 2:43i.i. 2:4114, 2:399i. East Saginaw, Mich., June 27, 1S76, $1,.500. Gilt Edge, Janesville, Smoke, Albemarle, 2:30, 2:28i4, 2:28. Dayton, ()., July 4, 187(5. $450. Scotfs Thomas. Mav B. (3 dis), Mambrino Thorne (1 dis), 2:41'/i.. 2-40 2:.37. Columbus, O., July 21, 1876, §1.000. Bateman 3, Lady H. 1, Lewinski, 2:27, 2:27U, 2:27, 2:28, 2:2914. Buffalo, N. Y., Aug. 4. 1870, $2,.500. Batem;-.'.), Hannah D., Lewinski, Mazo-Manie, Phil Sheridan. Abe Edginton, 2:24, 2:23' 2,2:24. Point Breeze Park, Phila., Sept. 16. 1876, .•f?500. Gov. Sprague, Susie Parker, Albert, 2:26?i, 2:27, 2:27. Peru. Ind.. June 14 and 1.5. 1877, $500. Lady Mack 5. C, Monarch Jr. 1, 2, ^o dis), Doble, , 2-28, 2-27 2:2i. 2:2:;'4, 2:28, 2:2'J'2. (:oiuml)us, O., Oct, 10, 1877, .?500. Monarch Jr. 3, Lew Scott, Planter, Clifton Boy, Marion, Badger Girl Little Gvpsv, 2:25i2, 2:25, 2:26'-, 2:25. Jackson, Mirh.. .lune 11 I87;t. .ssoo. Post Boy 2, Brother Jonathan l. (5 dis). Lew Scott, Monroe Chief, Dictator, Deck Wright, Cahnar a dis), 2:31'2, 2:28, 2:30i4, 2:31i4. East Saginaw, Mich., June 18, 1879, .$800. Lew Scott, Monroe Chief. Calmar, Post Boy. Dictator, Deck Wright. Brother Jonatli:in. 2:23, 2:23. 2:23. D. Wilson, Coldwater, .Alich,, May 12, 1880, S.SOO. Charley Ford. 2:28, 2:29, 2:30. ■ S. Wilson, Mav 14, 1880, .$300. Cliarley Ford, 2:28, 2:28, 2:.30. Elsie Groft", (Quebec Girl), b m (3 :35), by Danville. John Hines, Y'oungstown, O,, July 3, 1879. $400. Cayuga Chief 1, Bay George, 2 :,3.5, 2:41. 2:40, 2:40. J. Ackelson. Oil City, Pa., Julv 8. 1879, $.300. Cayuga Chief, Irene, Slocum, 2:.50. 2:51, 2:5li4. Prophetstown, 111., Au.g. 7, 1879. $250. John H.. .Maid of Monti, Roofer Jr., 2:37, 2:35, 2:37. John Hines, Youngstown,0., Sept.25, 1879, $200. Sleepy Tom 6,(2 0), Duster 5, (4 0), Black Diamond. 2:32, ,2:3314, ,2:31,2:32,2:30^4. J. Ackelson, New Castle, Pa., Oci. 2, 1879, $2.50. Duster 3, Blue Bird, Sleepy Tom, 2:33, 2:32U, 2:34. 2:3.5. I. . . ... -. John Hines. Meadville, Pa., May 20. 1880, .?300. Sleepv Tom 1. 4. Red Oak, 2:33. 2 34. 2-33, 2-35 2-36 Pittsburgh. Pa., .June 10, 1880, .$(300. Sleepy Tom 2, 3. (4 0), Ethel Medium, Beulah, 2:304, 2:30}4, 2:3jU. 2:32?4,2:34, ' ^"^ New Castle, Pa., June 18, 1880, $400. Tom Medley, Clarence Boy, Sleepy Tom, Red Oak. Larkin. 2-33. 2:34^i,2:334. ' " ' .\kron, O.. June 24. 1880, $400. Kinsman Boy, Mistletoe, Clarence Boy, Larkin, Headlight, Medley, Red Oak (2 disl, 2:29'4, 2:31'2. 2:32. ■ J. Ackelson. Earlville. 111., Aug. 19, 18.80, .$4.50. Little Sioux, Billv Boy, Young Wilkes, Musette (3 dr), 2:3.5, 2:31. 2 :30?4. . . . & , v /, • Jolui Hines. Cohnubus. O., Sept. 3, i8,so, .$400. Sannie G. 1, 5, Bay Dick 2, Headlight, Charley Ross (2 dis), Outlaw (2 (lisi. 2:33ii. 2:341.., 2::)5'i. 2:3.5, 2:33^4, 2:.30, " » .7 v . J. Ackelson, Cleveland. O., Sept. 7. is.so, .$400. Diamond 3, (4 0), Tom Medley, Kitty Fisher. Belle G., Alniont Jr.. Headlight, Mistletoe, Outlaw, Hunter, Billy Stowlmdge (5 dis). Midge (4 dis). Sunshine (4 dis)» Harry .1. Cidis). 2:28'.,. 2:26'4, 2:28.2:28'.,, 2:.'!0. Sei)t. 0, isso. .-.(joo. Fashion, Kinsman Boy. Hunter, Rienzi, Up and Up. 2:28'.;, 2:29, 2:32='i, Toledo, ( t.. Sept. 15, 18.S0. ,s4oo. Hiniter. Almont Jr.. Fashion. Mistletoe. 2:33,"2:32, 2:.314. ' Sei)t. 17. Isso, .$4f)(). ,41niont Jr., Cincinnati Boy. 2 :.■«'.., 2 :.34'.,, 2:31. Pittsburgli, Pa., Sei»t. 22, I88O, $t00. Chaiuicey H. 2, 2:.30i4, 2:30, 2:.30iii, 2 -.34 Sept. 15, 1881, $1,000. Executor. Harry Velox, Onawa. Clara J., Eagle Plume. Stella C. (3 dr), 2:25ii, 2:2614,2:26. - » 4. Canton, O., Sept. 30, 1881, $300. Joe Kellogg 4. Ancient Order Boy 3, Fanny Wilkes. Best time. 2:.34. Elvira, blk m (3:37). hy Cuyler. dam Mary ^lanibruio, by Mambrino Patchcn. ' J. C. McFerran, Louisville. Ky., Sept. 20, 1883. .$.500. Euclid, Epaulette. 2::;2. 2:.;i. 2:27. Three-year-olds ■ Chicago, HI.. Sept. 27. 1883. .^.kki. Kp:iiUette, Wildniont. 2:30i4. 2:41. Thiee-year-olds Ely, eh g (3:53'/2). J. Cashing. Fitchlmrgh, Mass., June 3, 1864, .$.50. Weston's gr m 1, 2(5 0), Buttrick's b s (3dr), 2:52, 2:.52'/^. 2:.52'..2, 2:.54,2:.5.5, 2:54. Emerald, b g (3:45%). J. G. Barton, Cincinnati, O., Nov. 12. 18.57. $500. Buckeye 2, 3. 2:45%. 2:46'-, 2:44'i. 2 :48'4, 2:481/2. •' ' . ■ Nov. 14. 1857, .$ . Buckeye 1,5:28, 5:32' i, 5:37'^. Two miles. • Columbus. O.. Oct. 27. 1857, $100. Buckeye 2, 4. Harrv Neal 1. (2 dis), 2:45, 2:47. 2:.52. 2-49. 2-51. 2:.56. Emerald, b g f3:34iii. (3:30'i*), by Empire, dam by Cone's Bacclms. J. Browning, Indianapolis, Ind., June 14, 1860. $inn. Wabash Tom, Belle of Wabash, Bhicher, 2:.34iA. 2:.37';, 2:.34%. • Mr. Phelps. Sc, S . Granger i, J. J. Cook, Pill. Finlaii, Vredo,2-A3U,2-Mhi, '2:45Ji, 2:44?4. Earlvilk' III., Aug. :;ii, 1875, $'200. iMouarch Kule 1, Lady H., rortsniouth Girl, Harry Logan, Harry Hop. kins, Miraculous, Elunora, Credo, Diadem (4 dr), Kose (i dr), J. J. Cook (3 dr), Kirk (1 dis), 2:42'/i, 2:46, 2 ■4414 2:4^!' ". ■ Aurora, III., Sept. 2, 1875, $200. Granger, Miraculous, Rose, Elenora, Portsmoutli Girl (1 dis), Kirk (1 dis), 2:52, 2:5.'5, 2-50. Emerald, b g (« :!49',i). A. Woodward, Mystic Park, Boston, Oct. 2a. 1883, S400. Blackstone 1, Nelly C, Boss Fcarnaught, Lunette. Upstart, Tannery (iirl i2 dr), 2:35. 2:;j4!j, 2:35, 2:37. Emerson, Hi s {'i:'>it),hy (ioltldnst, G. Lindenberger, Louisville, Ky., June 18, 1872, $ . Molly Lewis, ;; :o;;U , 2 :,^>9, .'f :-' 1 )• G- Emerv, Taunton, Mass., Oct, 8, 18G8, §30. Sylvia, 2:52J4, 2:,53. Emery I'eariianjjht, b s C-J::}:}!.!), by Fcarnauglit Jr., dam a Morgan mare. S. \V. Berry. Portland, Me., Aug. 21, 1S7.!, .'jil.OOO. Palmer King, 2:46k., 2:4ti, 2:41. - Sept 17 1878, $300. Royal Knox 1, 2, V ictor, Doctor Franklin, King Philip, Coupon, Abbot (3 dis). Black Diamond 0 dis), 2:35'/s, 2:37, 2:36, 2:40, 2:3S'/i. Hiddeford. Me., Sept. 27, 1881. .«; . Midnight, Transit. Knox Chief. 2:40%. 2:40. 2:.s8Ji. L';51',". 2:47, 2:40. Emilia, b nt (» -Alii)- Samuel Willett. Buffalo, N. Y., June 1, 1872, $100. Lady K. 1, Orphan Girl, Antelope (4 dr','-':5Gi.i, 2:.'>2M, 2:.52. 2:57. ., Auburn. N. Y. July 30, 1872, $200. Shot 1, 3, Kunt, Major Thorn, Bay Billy (3 dis), Eagle (1 dis), 2:41 '/4, 2-42'.i, 2:42%, 2:41%, 2':47V2. Emma, brm (2:4014). W. A. McDougall, Montgomery, Ala. , Nov. 19, 1872, $2.50. Tacco, Sir Arthur (1 dis), 2 '401.4 2 "4'' 2 "43 : coTuiiibus ' (ia Oct. 25, 1872, $300. Taeco. Atlanta (2 dr>, 2:41, 2:42i.i, 2:41>/2. Emma, blk in (k-ASVi). Hiram w. Howe, Deerfoot Park, L. I., May 31, 1873, $ . Lady Fisher 2, Gypsy, ^-^'*.IiiTy"4. 1873, $50. Stranger 2, Champion 3. 4, (6 dis), Billy, Young Allen, Kate (4 dr), 2:481^, 2:51, 2:53i4, 2'50 2'^A)^i 2*52 Emma' ch ni (2:55). C. H. Sherman, Natick, Mass., June 18. 1873, $100. Tom 3, Fred B., Lauce wood, 2:5634, 2 '55 2*57 ^'57 ■ Jenny Twitchell, Nov. 1, 1873, $50. Fashion, 3:00, 3:01. Lady drivers. Emma, bi"m (2:54^4). Jas. Hughes, Carlisle, Pa., Oct. 8, 1873, §20. Belle of Richmond, (ien. Mosby (2 dis), Emnia.'^bik ni (2"^39). H. W. Lincoln, Albany, N. Y., .Tune 23, 1876, $100. William H. 2, John Henry 1, Clara VV., Drivers' Maid (3 dis), 2:431^, 2:42, 2:421^.2 :42«^, 2:39. ...... Emma, cb m (2:53). J. D. Mc^ann, Philadelphia, Pa., Sept. 10, 1877, $100. \ icioiis 1, 3, (5 0), 2:57^, 2:53, 2:.52?i,3:01i4. Emu D Emi Emi Emma, (w) b ni (S Wel)er(w), Sleepy George (w),2:.56%, 2 :56'ii, 3:00. Taunton Mass. Sept. '.'8, 1881 , $40. Ben, Puss, 3:02. Nearest to three minutes. Mystic '- Hartford". Conn., June 25, 1879. .$300. Gray Friar Lady Waring, 2 :.33'.4, 2:30 2:25 Plainville, Conn.. July 2, 1879, $.•^00. Gray Friar, Lady Wanng. Bliiiicbe, 2:.so?i, 2:.«, 2:27 Mystic Park Boston," July 15 1879. $400. Lady Foxie 1, 3. (.-S oi, Harry Conklin, Noontide. Joe Ripley, .Jenny L (5 drt'Rose Medium, (3 dr), 2:27,2:27, 2:26, 2:25!4, 2:2(;':, 2:i;8'.,. D. Bigley, Jr., I'rovidence, R.I.. July22, 1879, $400. Lady Foxie, Noontide, Lady Blessington, Rose Medium, ^ JulyV^'mg, $400. Sheridan 1, 2, Nettie Burlaw, Harry Gilbert, Wizz, Thomas L. Young (5 dr), 2:24?i, 2"24 2'23 2'25'/o ''-''fi'^. Buffalo n! y' Aug.' 6, 1879, $3,000. Gray Salem 4, Capt. Emmons 3, Deck Wright, Lew Scott, Castleton, Nettie Burlew(2dr), Wildair(2dr).2:23.2:22':i.2:24.2:21V4, 2:26%. ., .,r o.oit Beacon Park. Boston, Sept. 5 and 6, 1879, $2,000. Chestnut Hill 3, 5, Lady Foxie 1, Star, 2:2514, 2:25, 2:25, '- Jas. Kicuan, Point Breeze Park, Phila., Oct. 1, 1879. .$600. Scotland, Jersey Boy, Glide, Envoy (3 dr), 2*22 2 '23 '* -''5 — '- Toledo V)" June 24, 1880, .$800. Wedgewood 5. 6, Silverton 1, Will Cody 2, Little Gypsy, Young Wilkes, LadyTurpin(l dis),2:24%,2:21?.^2:26.2:26,2:2,5i4,2:25V{,. 2:26'4. W:ishiiigton, D. C, Oct. 7, 1880, $800. Florence, Hambletonian Mambrino, Wilbur I-.. Amber, 2:2(Ji, 2*23'', 2*2*) 1 D!"i?igley Jr., Providence, R. I., Oct. 22, 1880, $400. Capt. Emmons 3, Patchen, Castleton, 2 :25, 2 :26. 2 :26^, 2 "24 ' i - — '- .Jas. Keenan, An j. 4. 1881, .1?500. Goldllnder 2, Eve, Golden Girl. Wild Lily. 2:2.5. 2:27. 2:26, 2:26. Hartford, Conn., Oct. la and 14, 18H1, $.500. Mainbrino Dudley 1. .i. Joe Ripley, Indiauaiiolis, Mazo-Manie .Jas!" A DustuifMys^t'ic Park, Boston, Oct. 21, I88I. .$.500. Mambrino Dudley 1, 4, Trampoline. 2:25, 2:23Mi, i:^.Ias. Velmari! Providence. R. I.. Oct. 27, 1881,8400. Wild Lily. John H., 2:31'j, 2:30H, 2:29 Emma Hooker, br 111 (2 Mr,). W. 11. Bristol. Cincinnati O.. Sept. 26 and 27, 1882. $12.5. Lulu 4. 5 (2 0), Kitty Clay (2 0), Red R., King William, 2:4(«). Cicorge M. 3.6. Dfck Loonier 4, 5, Higbland Win. Daisy Brown, — ^T^^.K"co('% Jersl^^^^^ $-'«>0- l>:»'sy KJ^ Bright 3, Westover, Ellle ii , Sweet Briar, 2 '33 2 ".34 2 'SIM 2 '37 — ^ W. Boston. Watertown, Conn., Sept. 27, 1883, $200. Josephine S.. Charley Ware, 2:38, 2 :37, 2 :36>/4- CHErtTERS COiMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 201 Kmma. J. Diuilevv, Rochelle, 111., Sept. 7, 1883, $200. Gen. Lee, Pickpocket, 2:36i^, 2:37, 2:35. Wenona, ill., Sept. 20, 188.3, .^250. Charles W., Lantern. Best time, 2:40. Emma Kavmoncl. l> m (3:53). A. Cummings, Harrisburgli. Pa.. Sept. 3, 1874. $75. Lady Stetson, One-Eyed Hunter (1 dis). Button (1 dis). Eagle (1 dis), Frank Star (1 dis), 2:53, 2:56, 2:.54i^. Emma Russell, b m (3:38i4). T. Russell, Catskill, N. Y., July 24, 1873, $1,000. Lady Angie 1, 2, Agnes, Ledger Girl, George H. Mitchell, Molsey, Lady Pfifer, Lucy Penny, Jack Shepherd, Washington Jr. 2:41?i, 2:41, 2;.3Hi4, 2:40, 2:41. A. Thompson, Beacon Park. Boston, May 5, 1874, $100. Commonwealth 2, 4, 3:05, 3:02, 2:5.5, 2:55, 2:55. Emma Snyder, ch m (3:38). E. Mitchell, 'Martinsville, Ind., Oct. 10, 1879, $ . Lady Morgan, Ethan. Best time, 3:28. Emma Thompson (3:47%). S. Haves, Beacon Park, Boston, June 27, 1874, .$200. Butcher Boy l. Honesty, Roval Charley, 2:49. 2:51, 2:.51, 2:47%. Emma U., b ju (3:04), by Peabody. E. L. & D, Vanderberg, Washington Hollow, N. Y., Aug. 16, 1879, $ . Harrv 3 (4 0), 3:07. 3:11, 3:01'/2, 3:04, 3:11. Emmett, ch g (3 :43%). Chas. Edgell, La Crosse, Wis., Oct. 22, 1874, $200. Brother Baldwin, Jack Stiles, Ada v., 2:44, 2:4.5, 2:43U. Emperor, ch s (3 :51), by Burr's Napoleon, dam Fanny Piillen, by Winthrop Messenger. J. Bridges, Centre- ville. L. I., .Tune 20, 1849, $500, Ned, 2:,52, 2:52, 2:55. Emperor (s), 1) s (3:01"2 s), by Bridge's Enuieror, dam Cherub, by Abdallah (?). B. Rice, Sonoma, CaL, June 9, 1861, .§100. Black Bess, e-M^, 6:03. Two miles. Emperor, 1) g (3:30), by the Rollins Horse. J. Pompilly. Portland, Me., Oct. 10, 1866, $1.50. Gladiator 1, Croton (3 dis). Billy .Morris (2 dr), 2:39^. 2:43, 2:44. Oct. 11, 1866. $2.50. Shepherd Knapp Jr. 3, Dashaway, 2:37, 2:41, 2:42'4, 2:44. G. Kingsbury. Springfield, Mass., .July 3, 1869, $100. Spot, 2:40, 2:43, 2MV2. C. Record, Dedham, Mass., Sept. 23, 1869, .$300. Bay Beauty, Fanny, Lahave. Vermont Bov (3 dr), 2:39'/i, 2:38'.4, 2:49'^. "E. C. Robinson, Northampton, Mass., Oct. 8, 1869. .$2.50. Elliot's br 111, Black Betty, 2:4314, -:4l, 2:37%. L. C. Ryerson, Winsted, Conn., Oct. 5, 1870, $ . Britain. 2:.39';, 2:40, 2:.39. — New Haven, Conn., June l, 1871, $250, Douglass 2, Belle of Watertown, 2:41, 2:39%, 2:41, 2:39. A. Bourret, Montreal. P. Q., Aug. 5, 1871, $150. Snowflake 3 (4 0). Ella Cole (l dis), 2:36, 2:36, 2:37, 2:42, Emperor (Black Dan), blk s (3 :39i4), by the Newman Horse, dam by Lewiston Boy. S. D. Houghton, Haver- hill, Mass., Aug. 6, 1874, $200. Lizzie Ham, Topsfield Boy, Venture (1 dis), 2:48V^, 2:.53. 2:.53i4. Fitchburgh, Mass.. Aug. 11, 1874, $150. Eastern Prince, Orient, Belle (1 disi. Honest Boy (1 dis), Dick(l dis). Long Mary (1 dis), 2:45i/4, 2:4.5, 2:46. .Vug. 12. 1874, $200. Eastern Prince, Orient, Jimmv. Topsy, 2:«, 2:44, 2:50. Worcester, Mass., July 5. 1875, $300. Lilly Tarbell.' Maggie, Topsy, 2:4314. 2:41i4, 2:43. < )xf(jrd, Me.. Oct. 8, 187.5. $ . Highlancl Patchen 1, 2:.51, 2:45'4,'2:44, 2:45. Sturljridge, Mass.. Sept. 15, 1876, $200. Kate Sloan, Capt. Allen, Bush Boy, Fearless, Orphan Girl, Bessie Bess, 2:4.3, 2:43%, 2:41 '4. Fitchburg, Mass., Oct. 3, 1876, $.300. Clara J., Edward. Archie, Dr. Weston, 2:43, 2:37, 2:40. Oct, 4, 1876, .$400. Eva, Johnny (2 dis), 2:38';, 2-37. 2-40. Beacon Park, Boston, Oct. 11, 1876, ,$300. .To'hnny 2, Knox Jr. (2 dis). Defiance (1 dis), 2:36, 2:37i/2, 2:37, 2:3714. Mystic Park, Boston, Oct. 18, 1876. .$200. Elevator, Grace. George Mann, Johnny, Prize (2 dis), Defiance (2 dis), 2:34, 2:33, 2:.32i/2. Beacon Park, Boston, May 16. 1877, .$200. Lady Daggett, Delightful , Sam Curtis, Boston Pilot, Lady N(!ll, Buchanan (3 dis), 2:2914. 2:31%, 2:.31'''o, Mystic Park, Boston, Mav 26, 1877, $800. " Ladv Daggett, Sam Curtis, Delightful, Clara J., General, Boston Pilot, Honest Billy. Ladv Nell, 2:32"2, 2:31, 2.33 ' Emperor, blk g (3:.59) E". C. Lewis, New Philadelphia, O., Oct. .5. 1874, .$25. Margaret, Bird, Frank, Chat- liain. Long .Mary, Mud Mill (3 dr), Polly Otis (2 dr), Tuscarora Chief (2 dr), 3:04, 3:11, 2:.59. Emperor, b g (3 :35^). G. Homer, Fleetwood Park. N. ¥.. July 6, 1875, $100. Melissa, Katy S., Jim, Tommy Moore, (lenuine (2 dis). Uncle Joe (2 dis), 2:.35i'», 2-42''i;, 2.42. J. Ramsey, Mystic Park, Boston, Aug. 7, 1876. $50. "Johnnv 3, 4, Tartar (w) (5 dr), 2:38'.;, 2:.37. 2:41, 2:41, 2:.37'2. Franklin, Mass., Sept. 23, 1876, $75. Belle 2, .John Morrill, Christine, Laura Dyer, 2:4714. 2:4314, 2 :46Vi, 2:45!4. Emperor, ch g (3 ; 45). L. J. Brackett, Gardiner, Me., July 5, 1875. $150. Whitefleld Maid 3, Ruby, Logan Boy (2dis), 2:47 2:4.5, 2:51,2:47. Emperor, blk s (3:35), by Eni)ioror. dam by Godfrev Patchen. C. Dwinal, Worcester. Mass., Sept. 9, 1880, $200. W.-dter 3. 4. Horner. Mark Twain. Puzzle (5 "dis), J. B. (4 dis), 2:.35, 2:.36, 2:.37, 2:.37, 2:38. Emperor, brs (3:43). A. C. Dietz, Oakland, Cal., Oct. 23. 1880, $650. Carrie F. 3, 4, Ollie, Kathleen, King Pill (5 ilr). 2:46%, 2:4.514, 2:44, 2:44i/o, 2:44. Emperor, br s (2 :56). B. G. Kimball, Haverhill, Mass., July 4, 1881, $ . Peddler, Lady Coffin, 2:59, 2:68V4, 2:56. 202 CHESTKKS COMPLETE TKOTTIN(; ANU I'ACINO KECOKI). Emperor, brs (2:361^), by DorseyCold.lust, dam the I'olhird M:ire. M. I). Merrill Haverhill Mass Nov 9 Ins:;, .»;200. Black Strap i!. Oweeiia, Lulu. Lady .Siierniaii, fSusie, :.':41'., ■'•46 ' -4.1 •'■47'i ' " '* ' ' ^',''^,*^',"'^*•T.M,• '«'*-.«-'<«. •'<>}>" )\'- a, Ulaek Strap, lilue Nose, Lady Sheniraii, Lulu, .SyiJlioii i3ro), Frank Hull (o ill'), l;;.IOfy, 'J:41,^>, 2'4o, a:4ii 2. Haverlilll, Mass., Sept. 18, 1«S3. :<2r,{). I'rospect'i. Billv J{. rj dis), -Z-AJ, 2-41', 2W. •'•43 KiniKTor tclipse, ell s {•Z-.iS^,^) by Auierieau Emperor, dam by iMesseiit?er Eclipse, .'la.s. McAllister IMtts- iMir.iili. I'a., July -Jl. 1««!>, $200. triple John 1, 3 U O). .i:4H-i, 2:48'.., ^•474 -'-.-a) -'-r.! '•^^""'^'-'^ "">« L. I). Slialler, ^e\v C'a.stle, Pa., Oct. 4, isT"). Sloo. IJlaiicbe, Dixie Mai. Little Fred, Granite Boy (4 dis;, 2:X>-^^, 2:.S7. 2:o9>i, 2:3<;. 2:'^', Belfast. .Me., June 21. 1H77, S200. Modoe. Ileiirv F., 2:41?4, 3:41, 2-43'2 Skowhegan. Me., Aug. 8, 1878, iflQO. George M'aynard, Bay Dick. King Philip, Plymouth Ko,-J2'« Kinpirei\v)(!J:5l w). .Mr. Cregaii, Troy. N. V.. June 18. 18.'>8, *->(K' VVasliim'lon" (W)' 2^54 ■•■■,IK. •'•'ji Kuiyii-f. b sC'i:45'j). 1. McConnell, Point Breeze Park, Phil., June 17, 1863. §100. 'Haid'eo;~2:47K>. 2:4.'i'i 2:46^1. • • -• • I Kiupire.bg (2 :35'4). C. A. Bailey, Williinantic. Conn., Oct. 3, 1883, .#1,50. (Jreen Girl, Oakwood Bcllo. Enie- 1 "lid, ^l, »i. i*.. iiOld ^ u^^t^i , iii3<) -1, il i.UM .T , li ;3b'^4 . Stanbnl, Coiui., Oct. UM8s.i. .siMi. William K. 1, 2, Green Girl, M. J B •'•411; •>-4'' 'f-u •'•42 ''-41 Uo.kville, Conn., Oct. 16, 1883. .*1()(). M. J. B. 1, Green Girl 3, 2-49'4 •'4''i,""^.'i6'r'-'"44"'''^43~" '*" Kinpress{s), bm(a:46s;. J. D. McMann, Beacon Course, M. J., Sept. 25, 1838', asioo."" PollvRav (si (irav S(iuirrel(s), 5:46, 5:47. Iwo miles. . j 1 j (s), Centreville, L L, Oct. :j, 1838. $275. ]\Ietamora(s), (1 dis), Ellen Douglass (s)( l dis), 5:32. Two miles. (s). Sept. .5, 1,S38. .T!;i.o. Polly IJay 1,5:51, .^.:44i.,. 5:4lVo. Two miles Sept. 11. 1839. .S600. 1 h 58 m .55 s. A^'aiiist time, lliirty-three miles Kinpress. b ill (3 :;J0). Jones & Ballard, Boston, Mass., July 29, 18(>1. .$.500. Tib Woodward, 2:3f;. 2^37 -•39 Thomas .loiios, Aug. 3, 18G,5, .l!i2.(HJ<). Ethan Allen. 2:341-.,. 2 -iHii 2-45»4 Millonl, Mass,. Aug. 15, 1805. .■!!5(io. Woodstock, George VVashingtoii, 2:41. 2:31'i, 2:34. Aug. 20, 18t;.5. .S . Ethan Allen. 2:41. 2:44. Lowell. .Mass., Aug. 29. ISiS. .?ir>()0. Ethan Allen, 2:305^, 2:34. Aug. .11 , isi;.-,. .>i.-,oo. Ethan Allen, 2 /.uni, 2 ::!1. Ballard & Jones, Concord, N. H.. Sept. 7, 1X65, .$300. Blackstone Belle, Farmer's Daughter (2 dis). 2:33, 2 :3G' 2, 2:36. Thomas Jones. Oct. .5, 1865, .fsoo. Blackstone Bell 3, Sorrel Dan, 2:30^4, 2:3654, 2:39'/4. Unfinished. Woonsoeket. K. L, Oct. 20. 1865, .« . Woodstock, 2:33, 2:35. Wm. Woodruff, Boston, Mass., June 13, 1867, Si500. Shepherd Knapp Jr. 3, 4 (1 0), Gen. McClellan. 2:33>4. 2:33!i, 2:32, 2:39, 2:41. 2:44. J. J. Bowen, June 19. 1867. .Sl.ooo. Col. MaATiard, e:."??. 2:37. 2:33?i. Wm. Woodruff, Aug. 9. 1867. .$300. Gen. Mi-Clellan. John Farris, 2:32^, 2:31, 2:3,5'/4. Aug. 14. 1.S67. .$.500. Lexington 2. .3. 2:3!t'i. 2:31, 2:31'., 2::«i.i, 2:36. Sei>t. 17, l.s(;7, .$150. Jessie Wales 3, Komeo. 2:41'.^, 2::;5J4, 2:35. 2:36. Portsmouth. N. H.. Oct.-7, 1867, .$1,.500. /j, 2:36^4. H. Woodruff, Boston, Mass., Aug. 10. Is71. $ . Geo. Mavnard (w). 2:42'2, 2:38, 2:37»4. .-'.ug. 11. 1871,,$ . George Maynard. 2:42'.,, 2:.i8. 2:3Vi,i. W\ II. Woodruff, Oct. 24. 1871. George M:ivnard. 2:41-'.i, 2:38»4, 2:36. Knipress, gr m(3:43'^). S. I). Housrhton. Woonsoeket, K. I., Sent. 18, 1878, S150. Belle of Wildwood 1, 2, Gy])sy, >Iattie, Grocery Boy, Jennie, \elh Burk (5 dr). Fearless Jim (5 dr), Naragansett 0 dis), Klucky (I (list,2:40, 2:401^, 2:4312,2:4414, 2:461.6. Empress, ch m (3:33i;i), by Panic, dam bv Yorkshire Whig. N. Ernst, Sharon, Pa., Sept. 29, 1880, ?200. Busl)y, Maud B., F:xi)ectation, Susie Powers. 2:.Sfi, 2:.33ii;. 2:37'4. Xew Castle. Pa., Sept. 14. I88I, .$,300. :\Iislletoe ,3, 4. Whirlwind, Nigger Doctor, T. M. Bayne (5 dis),Beau- nioiit (2 (In, 2:.'i:!V,. 2:34, 2:33. 2:,34i.;, 2:,34. Empress, b m (3:45). A. L. Slipp. Keiitville. N. S., Sept. 29. 1880, «;150. Harry Baker 1, Lady Bagnall, All Kigllt. 2:42. 2:4.5, 2:47, 2:.50. Empress, eh m (3 :34), bv Whii>ple"s Haiiiblctonian. dam Katv Tricks, by Colonel. J. C. Simi)son, Oakland, Cal., Sept. 1.3, 1881, .$600. Starr King 1, 2. Louis D.. Susie. lOttv Thorn.'2:28i-4, 2:29, 2:27, 2:29i., 2:.32'.i. A. C. Dietz. Sacramento. (';il., Sept. 19, 1881, .?(;oo. St:ur King 1. 2. Louis D., Little Belle. Kitty Thorn (3 (lis), 2:32. 2:27. 2:28. 2:;i4, 2:31. J. C. Simpson, Sjin .lose. C;d., Oct. 4, I8!-l, j^^.^O. H;>iicock. Bullet, Susie. 2:31. 2:31, 2::!0i/'. J. W. Donathan, San Francisco, Cal., Oct. 1.5. 1881. .$.500. Clav 1, llam-ock. Starr King. Susie. 2:29, 2:29, 2 :28, 2 :24. Enchantress, brm (3 :36if), bv Happy Medium, diim Kittv Clover, by Hambletonian. S. H. Offert. Lexing- ton. Ky.,Oct. 6. 1.881. $.500. ■ Lilliaii. Tucker. Tulu. Sally Brass. Lucv Pope. Hill Top (1 dis), 2:27, 2:2C,\, 2:2(>?.i. I. Smith, Cincinnnti. O., Oct. 11. 18sl, .'*1.000. Lillian. King Wilkes, 2:29' ,. 2:27, 2:29. Endless, b m (3:05). E. Diirvea. >'incola. L. L. June 21. 188.3, .$1.5. Charlev 1. 3:28, 3:05, 3:05. Five-year-olds. Sept. 26, 1883, .$'20. Gvpsv, 3:15. Five-vcar-olds. Endurance (\v), b m (2:45). H. Phillips. Providence, R. I.. May 22. 1879. $1,50. Dai.sv(w), Ntdly Burke (w), 2:48,2:48,2:40. B. Dennis, Oct. 16. 1879, $1.50. Major 2. 2:46, 2:.52?4. 2:45, 2:46. En g (3:45'i). Jacob Wagner, Newport, Ky., June5, 1875, $ . Mohawk 2, Doctor (1 dis), 2:51, 2:49, 2:4r.'2,2:47. Sept. 23. 1875, .$400. Mohawk l, Harry West (2 dis), 2 :51'/4, 2:54i4, 2:55, 2:5314. Eph Bradburv (w), b g (3:57 w). Jas. Jones, Albany, N. Y., Sept. 21, 1858, $50. Tom Gregan (w) 2, 2:57, 2:55, 2:.59, 2:58. Eph Maynarrt, b s (3 :46i4), by Bucephalus, dam a Morgan mare. J. B. Lindsey, Portland, Oregon, June 8, 1872, .$200. Blackbird, Mack, 2:52, 2:49. Mr. Walsh, Oct. .3, 1874, $ . Black Bess. 2:46'4, 2:48';. Chas. Bacon. Nov. 14, 1874, $150. Mark Twain 2, Olympic Dick. 5:34. 5:46, 6:00. Two miles. Ephraim Smooth (s), ch g (3:43i4 s). Philadelphia. Pa., May 21, 1828, $500. Topgallant (s), 8:20, 8:10. Three miles. Ephraim Smooth (.John Spicer) br g. (s). Union Course, L. I.. Oct. 10, 1.845.$ . Arab (s). 3:04. 2 :.53. 3:02, 2:55. (ieo. Wood, Chelsea, Mass., June 24, 1858, .$50. Murat. Julia (3 dr), 2:47, 2:47, 2:50. Boston, Mass.. July 9, 18.08, $ . Granite State (4 dr), Tom Benton l, 2, (3 dr), 2:44, 2:42, 2:46. K. C. Wjilte, Julv 23. l.'i.-)8, Betsy Baker, 2:45, 2:46. — Aug. 13, 1858. Tom Benton (2 dr), 2:41. s. Emerson, Sept. 28, 1859, $100. Rockv Mountain, Contest 1, (2 0), (4 dr), 2:53i^, 2:5614, 3:00. 2:,58i2. Erastus (Little Jake), rn g (3:30). Forbes & Burgess. IngersoU, Can., Oct. 17, 1874, $1.50. St. John, 2:48, 2:41, 2:.38. W. H. Parker, Fowlerville, Mich., June 7, 1876, $300. Josh Billings, Mambrino Warner, Victor Hugo (3 dis), 2:36, 2:32, 2:3.5. Erebus, blk g (3 :38i4), by Scott's Hiatoga, dam bv Ladd's Bush Messenger. L. Ostrom, Point Breeze Park, Phila., Mav 17, 1883, $500. Gettysburg, Ike Shu'ltz. Don Carlos. Easter Medium, 2:29ii). W. W. Leet, Manchester. X. H., Sept. 5. 1883, .$200. Woodlake. Capt. Ben. Owenee, Nelly C, Frank W., Boss Fearnaught, Esther T., Henrv Almont, Lola, Billy (2 dis), Kitty (2 dis), 2:41, 2:401^, 2:36>-o. Error, br g (s) (3 :43i4 sX J. M. Sherwood. Centreville, L. I.. May 3. 1850, $200. Old John (s) 1, 2 :47y2, 2 :43i4, 2:4.5. Escape, chg(3 :45). T. R. Champlin, Waukeuan 111., Sept. 12. 1872, $1.50. Lady Davis 1, Andrew Jackson 3, 5. (6 dis), 2-49'>, 2:50, 2:.51"", 2:52^1, 2:.">2, 2:45, Escort, b K (3 :53'i). John Seward. Mnrvsville. Cal., Sept. 15. 1874. .$250. Billy McCracken Jr., Ophir (2 dis), Frank (1 dis), Ben Wade (1 dis). Robin (1 dis), 2:.53, 2:.'<2i,i. :':")li;. Essex, b g(3 :40). M. Carroll, LoAvell, Mass., July 28. 1874, .$200. Emperor, Maxie, Comet. Orient, Lazy Jim, Capt. Williams (2 dis). Eva (l dis), Annexation Boy (l dis). Eastern Prince (1 dis), 2:47, 2:42, 2 :47. 204 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. La\vrence, Mass., Aug. 4, 1874. $J00. Emperor 2, 3. Lazy Jim, 2:45, 2:40, 2:40,2:41K', 2-41 • Aug. 6, 1874, $200. Gi-orge B., I'oUy, Sir William Wallace. 2:42i^, 2:40, 2:40'4. Kssex Maid, b m (a:30), by Wild Wagoner. AV. S. Rogers, Warren, O., June 25, 1878, $200. Harrv Henrv- l>e\v Drop, S. H., Diamond, Red liuik, 2:45, 2:45, 2:4?ii, 2 :42, 2:42?i, 2 :40. (s), Lafayette, Ind., Sept. 5, 1878, $250. tirapo l, Baywood, Lady McD., Rosewood, Legal Tender (4 dls^ 2:35, 2:34, 2 :;i5, 2:35, ■" Columbus, O., Sept. 18, 1878, $180. Red Oak l, Utile Jake (2 0), Fashion, Whipple, 2:30. 2:30, 2:30>4, 2:32 '■ Lewiston, Pa., Sept. 29, 1878, $300. Little Nell 1, 2, Silas 4, Red Crook (3 0), 2:35, 2-.35?4 2-34U 2-37 '>-33 2:37. ' ■ ' -• . Essex Maid, bm (2:35 i/i). P. B. Norton, Watertown, Conn., Sept. 24, 1879, $100. Hannah Dustin Charley G. (2 dls). 2:48, 2:46, 2:465a. ' Sept. 27, 1879, $100. Knox Girl. Billy Walcott (2 dis), James B. (2 dis). General (2 dis) 2-45 2-46 2-47 New Haven, Conn., Oct. 3, 1879, $100. Jewell 1, Jack, Belle of I'utnev (3 dis) 2-42 2-40»ii' 2'-38?i' 2-40 Meriden. Conn., Sept. 20,1883, $200. Shamrock 4,5, Green Mountain Boy 1 Hero ^Wa 2-35'^ 2-37 2:37, 2:.Wi,, 2:40. " . • .a. • /x, . f, Essie Hollywood, br m (3 :38), by Alexander's Abdallah, dam by American Star. A Hastings Waukecan ill., Oct. 2, 1874, $150. 8. $2,000. George M. Patchen, (w) (1 dis), 2:28. J. Holcomb, Burlington. Vt., Sei>t. 9, 1859, $1,000. Taconv, 2:37i4. 2:36, 2:3314. Dan Pfifer, Boston, Mass., Oct. 12. IS.W, $1,300. Columbus Jr., 2:29%, 2:34, 2:33. Union Course, L. I., July 12, 1860. .$500. Princess (2 dis), 2:29^, 2:25>4. Saratoga, Spa., N. Y., July 26, I860, $}.r>00. Brown Dick, 2:33'/4. 2:29>4. 2:29'/2. .1. Holcomb. Chicago, 111.. Sept. 10, I800. $500. Prairie Boy, 2:40. 2:36, 2:37. St. Louis, Mo., Oct. 2, 1860, $500. Draco. Fox (3 dr) Hector, pacer (s), (2 dr), 2:30»^, 2:33, 2:34. Memphis, Tenn,, Oct. 13. 1860, $1,000. Draco, Putnam. 2:36V'2. 2:32, 2:41. Norwich. Conn.. Sept. 26, 1861, $100. Justice, Nash's Grav Horse (3 dr), 2:36, 2:45, 2:38. Dan Mace. Boston, Mass., Oct. 16. 1861, $1.50. Ladv Shaw, 2:33, 2:361^, 2:34>^. Oct. 22. 1 861 , $1 ,000. Brown Dick. 2 :.34. 2 :31i^, 2 :28. Oct. 25, 1861, $1,000. .John Morgan 3. 2:29".. 2:29. 2:28, 2:31 S. White, June 3. 1862, .$250. Pilot 1, 2:.36U. 2:.33. 2:31. 2:30. Holborn & Satterlee. Concord. N. H.. Sept. 8. 1865, ^.so. Tony Pastor 1, 2:52. 2:57, 2:52. G. C. Mavnard. Brattleboro. Vt.. Sept. 1. 1866, $r^00. Grace, 2:.'!8. 2:39'/4. Lowell. Mass., Sept. 29, 1866, $1,000. Berkshire Bov, 2:.^5, 2:36. £than Allen, br g (3 :45^4). bv Ethan Allen. (J. W. iMckey, San Francisco, Cal., March 1 1873, $ . Billy Blossom. Billv Lvons (1 disV 2:.''>4?.i. 2:.57K'. -:58. Man'h 8, 187.3, $100. Ragpicker, Olin, 2:47. 2:46V4, 2:.50>4. (w), I). McCarthv, Aug. 14. 1874. $ . John Lvnn 1. Mink. 3:02. 2:54, 2:.W4. Ethan Allen, br s (3:41). Jas. Ludd. Rome, N Y„ Sept. 23, 1874. $100. Young Dexter, Gen. Grant, Young Pathfinder, 2:41, 2:41, 2:42U. Stallions. Ethan Allen (3 :52'/2). G. Campbell, Bloomington, 111., Sept. 13, 1878, $100. Kitty Young. John Bright, 2:52H, 2:.57"2,2:.'V4'j J. C. McCuen, Concord, Mass., Sept. 26, 1879, $40. Carter's Entry, Charley, Lady Blackstone. No time. Four-vear-olds. Ethan Allen, b g (2 :45). L. M. Blakelev, Weldon, N. C, Oct. 12, I88O. .$65. School Girl, Old Spot, 2:47, 2:49 2:51. Oct. 16. 1880. Roanoke 2, (^hauncev. No time. Ethan Allen .Jr., bs (2 :48\bv Ethan' Allen. ,L Holland, Portland, Me., July 12, 186,5, $200. Red Bird 3, 2:.'i4, 2:.52, 2:.51, 2:48. Ethan Allen Jr., b s (2:47), bv the Bellinger Horse. W. P. Ricketson, Myricks, Mass., Sept. 17, 1874, $70. Prince, Archie. 2:52'4. 2:49. 2:48. Brockton. Mass,, Julv 5. 1875. .$200. Roman John. Alexis. Sorrel Dan, 2;47'/2, 2:47, 2:47H. Ethan Allen .Ir., b s (2:43), bv Dnirv's Etli;in Allen (?t. Mr. Doughtv, Waukegan, 111., Sept, 29, 1875, $250. David II.. Ellen Kathie, Minnie. McIIenrv. 2:451,. 2:43. 2:45. Sept. .'W, 187.5. .$,'-)00. Nellv S. 2. Tonv. Rockland Maid, 2:48»4, 2:.50. 2:52. 2:.52. Ethel, gr m (2:33), bv Blue' Bull, dan'i by Tom Crowder. W. A. .lones. Chicago. 111.. Sept. 19, 1877, $400. Viva (3 0). Prairie Bird, Anna Belle. (Jvpsv Girl. Minnie Tavlor. 2:40, 2:3.->?4', 2:37,2:39. Sept. 21, 1877, .$400. Tempest. Aniia Belle, Gypsy Girl (3 dis>. Pniirie Lilv (2 dis), Ferre(2 dls), 2:37. 2:3.5U, L':4.S. East Saginaw, Mich., Sept. 26. 1877. $400. Betsv Ann. Kittv. 2:.'?7. 2:.%5. 2:X\ Indianai)olis. Ind.. Oct. 27. is77. .$400. Gray Salem 1. Pompev c! di*;). J. N. Sleek (3 dis). No time. R. J. Wilson. H\idson, Mich., May 29. 1878, $250. Ned S., Toinmy Ryan. .Toe Kellogg, William D. (3 dis), 2:35 2'.3.5i4 2'3.'i -"- Adfian.'M'ich.,.Tnne7, 1878. .?.'iOO. Callahan Maid. Alfred, William D.. 2:a5, 2:.3.'-.. 2:.^5l4. Jackson. Mich., June 12. 1878, $1,000. C. W. Woollev, Alice West. (Yoxie, Dan Bassett. Lucille, Lady Voorhees. Little Jake, William D., Charley (3 dr\ Kentucky Central (2 dr), .lohn Hall(2 dis), 2:27>4, 2:26, 2*28 '- .Fune 14, 1878, .sst.wio. Scott's Thomas. Grav Salem. lielle Moore, Callahan Maid, Iowa Maid, Lady Guest. Alfred, William D.. Snri>rise, Col. Dawes (2 (lis), 2:27';, 2:26'4, 2:28. „ „ „ Grand Rapids, Mich., June 19, 1878. $0OCi. Alice West, Lticille, Dream, C, W.Woolley, .Tohn Hall,Croxie, Dan Bassett, Ch:irlev. Little .lake. Ladv Voorhees (1 dis). 2:2,V2:26i4. 2:2.3'4. „ „, ^ East Saginaw. Mich.. Jmie 26. 1878, ^*!l,ooo. Ladv Voorhees, Croxie. C. W. Woolley, Lucille, Alice West, Little Jake, Dan Bassett, John Hall (2 dr), 2:25^, 2:2.5, 2:24. „ „ June 27, 1878, $1,000. Alfred, Col. Dawes, Scott's Thomas, Callahan Maid, Iowa Maid. Bella Moore, Lady Guest, 2:26, 2:26, 2:34^- - o ? td I ^ I ^ ^ CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. loo Toledo. O., July 16.1878, $1,800. Sheridan 3, Lew Scott, Mattie, Clifton Boy, SilversiUes. Deception, Loafer, Jim Irving (1 dis), 2:23'/i, 2:23. 2:24^4, 2 :2(i',i. S. Wilson, Coldwater, Mich., May 23, 1879, 5^300. Elsie Good, Loafer, John H , Cozette, Deception, 2:30, 2:33^a, 2:33. G. Miller, St. Catharines, Out., Sept. 20. 1881, §200. W. Hunt 3. Moose (4 o;, Maggie May. No time. Ktliel, eh ra (3:37), by Messenger Duro<', ilani Coquette by Wild Irishman. G. Grithn, Salt Lake City, Utah, June 29, 18S2, .SWOO. Buclvskin, Billy .lutlson (1 dis). Lady Lewd dis;, 2:37, 2:39, 2:39. Ethelbert. grs (3:0314), by Pilot Ji-., dam Madam Dudley. R.A.Alexander. Louisville, Ky., June 8, 1864, .^500. Willy Golddust 1, ."):56, 6:00, C:0.-j. Two miles. £t]iel 3Iedium, b m (3 :3o'2), by Hapjty Medium, dam by Harris' Hambletonian (?;. R. F.Myers. Chambers- burg, Pa., Oct. 9, 1878, §250. Longfellow, Jersey Boy, Dan Allen, 2:36'.2, 2:39';, 2:42'/2. Altoona, Pa., Oct. 20, 1878, §100. 1:17.1:10.1:1714. To beat 1:18. Half mile heats. Lancaster, Pa., Oct. 1878, §1.50. Francis. Black Girl, eight others, 2:45, 2:46, 2:46. Oet. . 1878, .§150. Francis, Black Girl, tlu'ee others, 2:47,2:50, 2:48. Ambler Park, Pa., May 21 and 22, 1S79, §300. Music in the Air 2, Martha l, 3 (6 dis), Annie Bennett, 2:37, 2:36, 2:35, 2:37, 2:3G'4, 2:.S6. Suffolk Park, Phila., June 7, 1879, .§200. Annie Bennett 2, Lyman, Bay wood, Billy Watson, Sorrel Top, 2'35 2*36 2'34 2*32 ^'Harrisburgh,'Pa., Sept. 25, 1879, §75. Hotspur, Frank. 2:33'^, 2:3o?4, 2:37. Oct. , 1879, §300. Hotspur, Little Nell. 2:.!3, 2:3.j, 2:36. Oct. , 1879, §250. Fox Chase 2, Little ^ell, 2:3.j, 2:36, 2:40, 2:41. Lewiston, Pa., Oct. , 1879, .§400. Hotspur (10>, Planter, Susie Parker, 2:34, 2:33,2:341^,2:34. Oct. , 1879, .§300. Change 1, 2, Chauncey M. Betlle, 2:36, 2:36. 2:36, 2:35i^. 2:35. Pittsburgh, Pa., June 9, 1880, §300. Ancient Order Boy, Warrior, Sally Scott, Larkin. 2:32. 2:32, 2:311/4. Lewiston, Pa., Oct. 6, 1880, §.500. Onawa 1, Mambrino Chief Jr.. Fritz (4 dis). 2:32'2. 2:31. 2:34, 2:^3. A. S. Moore, Marshall, Mich., Aug. 10 and il, 1881, §300. Indicator 2, 3, Badger Boy, 2:321,2, 2:29, 2:31, 2:31, 2:31. M. Honkins, Council Bluffs, la., Aug. 31, 1881, §500. Little Sioux 2 (3 0), Mattie Graham, Fairmont, 2:261/4, 2:25Vo, 2:2614, 2:28, 2:29. W. J. Walsworth, Cedar Rapids, la., Sept. 20, 1881, §500. Mattie Graham 2, 3, Fairmont 1, Kit Sanford (5 dis). Resolute (5 dr), 2:30M, 2:30, 2:29?^, 2:29,14, 2:29i2, 2:291^, M. Hopkins, Bay City, Mich., July 4, 1882. §200. Lucrece 2, Tom B. l, Cyclone, 2:32i4, 2:29, 2:31ii, 2:30?^. M. Modre, Sheboygan, Mich., July 14, 1882, §175. Lucrece, C. W. WooUey (2 dis), Mary C. (2 dis), 2:34i^, ^"\V.'.J. Waisworth, Mt. Holly. N. J., Oct. 13, 1882, .§400. Parole, Gen. Beamish, Toronto Chief Jr., Deuca- lion. Siierman Morgan, 2:38, 2':37. 2:37. , ^ ., „ , , Jersey City, N. J., Oct. 20, 1882, §300. Carrie Medium l, Jewell, Parole, Frank, (tCu. Beamish, Peralto (3 dis), 2:3114, 2:3114, 2:34. Prospect Park, L. I, Oct. 25, 1882, §250. Jewell 4, Parole 1, Lem, Carrie Medium, 2:2814, 2:281/3,2:26, 2:28i4,2:25?i. Belmont Park, Phila., Nov. 1 and 3, 1882, §200. Toronto Chief Jr. l, 3, Gen. Beamish 2, Charley B., Jenny L., 2:2614, 2:26i4, 2:26i;, 2:28, 2:29, 2:31, Ethel Y. (3:41), by Mohican. J. D. Yeoman, E. Aurora, N. Y., Oct. 6, 1883, §250. Justina, Star Monarch, McLaughlin's entry (2 dis), 2:42, 2:41'4, 2:41. Four-year-olds. Etna, b m (3 :54). W. Crasher, Ithaca, N. Y., Sept. 15, 1875. §5.5. Howland's h m, Smith's ch m (1 dis), 2:54, 2:58, 2:.58. Etta A., ch m (3 :37i4). D. M. Ogden, Jersey Citv, N. J., Oct. 17, 1883, §200. Katv Jordan 1, Briareus, Maggie, Maggie G. 2 (4 dis), 2:4014 2:37, 2:41, 2:.37^, 2:.38i4. Etta B. br m (3:53). H. G. Dobson, Jersey City, Aug. 9, 1883, .§300. Auntie 1, Frank (2 dis), 3:02, 2:57, 2:54, 2:53. Ettie Dilham (3:41). Jas. McKee. Goshen, N. Y., Sept. 2, 1868, §1.50. George :\rartin (2 0\ Demarest's blk m (2 dis), 5 :32, 5 :32, . Two miles. Sept. 3, 1868, .§.'5. Fanny. Patterson Girl, 2:41, 2:42. Ettie F., ch m (3 :34), by Tom Crowder. J. H. Wood. Maysville, Ky.. Sept. 20. 1881. .§1.50. Mayflower, Bonnie Wilkes, Nanny Talbot, Yazoo (3 dr). Amy (2 dis), Augusta (l dis), 2:374, 2:.37i^, 2:35-U, Ettie Jones, b ni (3 :30), by Parrish's Pilot, dam by Davy Crockett. J. & I. Smith, Cynthiana, Kv., Aug. 23, 1876, .§200. Arab 3, Billy, Midway Belle, Moxley 2 (5 dr), Cazlque (3 dr), Charmer (3 dis) Proctor Knott (2 dis), Nelly Stevens (2 dis), Jim (i dis). Lady Whiteface(l dis), Lizzie H. (1 dis), Tom Warnock (l dis), 2:35^, 2:.36, 2:371/2,2:37. 2:421,. Aug. 25, 1876, .§400. Billv 3, Alley, Moxley, Raven Creek, Proctor Knott, Arab, Tattler Chief. Midway Belle, Calloway, Rocroy, Peter Service, Lady Whiteface (2 dis\ 2:39U, 2:40i4, 2:38, 2:37\4. H. P. Kelly, Cleveland, O., July 29, 1879, §1,.500. Chance, Daciana, Kate Hall. Piedmont, Rienzi (1 dis), 2:221/3, 2:2314, 2:22. Rochester, N. Y., Aug. 12, 1879. §1,500. Moose 3, Argonaut, Daciana, Gray Friar (4 dis). Kate Hall (4 dis), Clair (2 dis), 2:20, 2:2194, 2:2414, 2:20!'2. Beacon Park, Boston, Sept. 2, 1879, §1,500. Ben Franklin, Hector, Gray Friar, Bayview Maid (2 dis), Argonaut (1 dis), 2:2.5, 2:23, 2:2714. Point Breeze Park, Phila., May 23, 1880, § . Chance, Wild Lilv, Hannis, 2:28. 2:2714. Ettie Wise, blk m (3 :45). Brookville. Pa., June 18. 1874, §.3O0. Contraband 2. Blanche Arthurs, Bay Jim, Gray Mack, Dolly Morgan (1 dis). Joe Saxon (1 dis), 2:45'2. 2:.50, 2:45. 2:45. Euclid, ch g (3 :41). Cambridge. Mass., Oct. 24, 184.5, §400. Mary Ann. 2:42, 2:41. (w), Oct. 25, 1845, §300. IMarv Ann(w), 2:57, 2:.56. Eudora (3 :49). S. Craudale. Vall'ejo. Cal., Sept. 18 and 19. 1879. §250. .lohnny Blue, Pat Lennon, Boss, 2:50^4, 2:49, 2:.51. Four-vear-olds. Eugene, blk g (3 :5i). W^illiam Owens, Utica. N. Y., Oct. 12, 1872, §125. Gift 1, Twang, T,.ady Sherman, 2:53i4, 2:.51, 2:511/4, 2:52. Eugene Casserly, gr s (3 :45\ by Gen. Taylor. O. Lewis, San Francisco, Cal., April 14, 1867, §500. Katy Tricks, 2:5.5, 2:49, 2:45'i. (s), Mr. Woodward, "March 13, 1872, .§200. Lady St. Clair (s) 1 (2 dis), 6:.30. 6 :15. Two miles. Eugene R. (w), gr g (3 :.58 w). H. A. Richardson. Middleto^vn, Del., Sept. 20, 1881, §50. Napoleon (w) 1, Lola (w), Jenny B. (w), (1 dis). Rock (1 dis), 2:.57'2, 2:.58, 2:.58. Eulia, ch ni (3 :33), by a son of Tippoo. G. Moody. Gouverneur, N. Y.. Sept. 5, 1878. $100. Victoria 3, Lady Roxy, Mat Cameron. No time. Canton, N. Y., Sept. 18, 1878, .§2.50. Marmion, George Ernest. No time. Sept. 19, 1878. .§2.50. Lady Grenville, David, Elsie Meigs, 2:4.3, 2:41 1'», 2:40. Watertown, N. Y., Sept." 26, 1878, §150. Mnt Cameron 1. 2, Ladv Roxy (4 dis), 2:40i4. 2:.37, 2:33, 2:32, 2:36. Sept. 27, 1878, .§1.50. Camors 3, .5, George Ernest 4, 2:42'a, 2:42, 2:44. 2:40, 2:42, 2:.36. Lvons, N. Y., Oct. 9, 1878, § . Camors l, Seneca Patehen, Cricket, Jim White, Frank Clark 2 (5 dis), 2:361^, 2:40, 2:.39, 2:.38, 2:38. Eureka' blk g (3:53!/2). A. Carpenter, Houlton, Me., July 7, 1869, §50. Dasher, Honlton Belle (1 dis), 2:56, 2:52i4,2:.57i/.. 20fi OUESTElv'tJ COMPLETE TUOTTING AND I'ACIXG KECOliD. Eureka (I.:ulyWeller),blk in (2:35). J. H. Tarrant, Prospect Park, L. I., Sept. 12, 1872, i^rAU). Coiistitutioii Ci (Id. J-MK -JSJo, . ( alsUiil. N. v., Sept. 18, 1872, SoOO. Onee 2, Gray Alat-k. 2:.J9, 2:3U, 2:37'o, . Kureka. grg (a:35). (.'. Burr, Huntington L. I., O^l. 20, ls74, *lu(J. Jiiek Spralt, AVoo(ll)ury Boy, Idliwild, ;j:^t;{, 2:57, 2:5l>. Eive-vi-ar-olds anil uiulei. Bureka, l)s )3:10). .,'. Kearni-y, liit-hniond. Aa., May 5, 1S75, -S . AVilil Irislnnan 3. Small Jim, I'uss, ;i:10, 0:10.3:05,3:11. Euri'ka. l)lk g (:J -.'i'-i). \>y CtMi. . 2:43:'4. Julv 5, 1872, $1,000. Dominion Boy 1 (2 0), Koyal George, Molly, James S. Townsend 2:40, 2:39!^, 2:42?4. 2:43, 2':42. S. W. Clark, Pen Yan. N. Y.. Aug. 28, 1872, $400. Jidia (1*), Lady Thompson, Dundee Maid, Ked Squir- rel, 2:41. 2:;i9. 2:37^4, 2:3y'2. Elmira, N. Y., Aug. 20. 1873, $4.50. Billy Pavor, Shot, Lady Thompson. Ladv Pumpkins, Brutus, 2 :39>^, 2:;J7. 2:34. (i. F. Burt, Corning. N. Y., Oct. 5. 1874, $300. Billy Pavor, Billy Kay, S. S. Ellsworth, 2:33>4, 2:35. 2:35. , Syracuse, N. \'., June 15, 1875, $1,000. Jack Draper 1, Bonner, Frank, George H. Mitchell, 2:32U, '-':30, 2:30'.i. 2:31' WilkcsbaVre, Pa., July 1, 1875, $500. Twilight l, Delaware (3 dis), Simon (3 dis). 2:33, 2:.32, 2:30. 2:30K>. Aug. 27. 1875,§1,300. Frank J. 1. 3, Spotted Colt. Nelly Irwin, 2:20' j, 2:27'", 2:27Ji. 2:27^4, 2:30. Cub:i, X. Y.. Sept. 24. 1875, $000. Fanny D., Billy Pavor, 2:39, 2:42, 2:355a. Elmira, X. Y., Sept. 20, 1870. $1,000. Ella Madden, Lady Mac, Tom Keeler, Blue Mare, Clifton Boy 1, 2 (3 disi, 2:38, 2:30. , 2:29, 2:31. Cortlandt, N. Y., June 21, 1877. $400. Factory Boy, Billy Burr. 2:28^j, 2:,33Ji, 2:35'4. Eva. 1) :n (3:34). J. W. Bennett, Lowell, Mass., Xov. lOand 11, 1874, $12.5. Tom 1, 3, Colonel R. 2, Stridavvay ;2 dr). St. Lawrence Boy (2 dis). 2:51, 2:i")3, 2:51. 2:55'-2, 2:521.^, 2:57. J. F. Chase. Dover, X. H.. Sept. 1, 187.5, $400. Dusty 1, 3, Geo. Bancroft, Bessie Holbrook, Moxie, Frank D. (! dis), Morrill Morgan (1 dis), 2:42'o, 2:40. 2:38, 2:38,2:40. Sept. 2, 1875, $400. Col. Dean 3, 4, Nelly Star 1, Bessie Holbrook, Wilton Boy Bismarck, Stanstead, Star (3 dr), 2:41, 2:43, 2:36. 2:43. 2:49, 2:47)/'. .Manchester. N. IL, Sept. 10, 1875, $300. Lady Morgan. Y'ankee Bov, Wilton Boy, Frank D. (2 dis), George Bancroft (2 dr>, George II. Eaton (1 dis), 2:42H. 2:39yo, 2:4194- T. 3lcLaughlin, Portsmouth, N. H., Sept. 21, 1875, $150. Fleetwing, I'aul Briton, Johnny, Duster, Ned, 2:41' 1. 2:44. 2:44. Sept. 21, 1875. S300. John Franklin 1. 2:42, 2:44. 2:42i,i, 2:45. Great Falls. N, IL, Sept. .30. 1875. $500. Ned 1, 2, Fleetwing, Johnny, Topeka Belle (3 dis), Kitty (3 dis). Dusterf3dr),2:.38'4.2::58.2::!8, 2:40. 2:38. ^, ^ ^ „ ^ , « Tas. W. l?ennet, Lawrence, Mass., Oct. 19, 1875, $300. Lady White, Honest Farmer, Monadnock Boy, 2:.'(9 2:.39 2'3>^'9 ^ Lowel'l.''Miiss.. July 8. 1876 $12.5. Jack Chamberlain, Gen. Winthrop, 2:46. 2:44, 2:45. Aug. 16. 1876. .«250.' Falcon. Ilonest Tom, Jenuv, 2:38, 2:40, 2 :40ii. , , . Lawrence, Mass.. Aug. 23 and 21. 187(;. .$2.50. Ho.iest Tom 5, 6, (7 0), Falcon 2. .3. Colonel Dean (3 dis), Billv Murstoii (1 disi. 2:3fii/,. 2:.".9, 2:3.5, 2:38. 2:42»^. 2:46'2, 2:.38, 2:38>^. Oct. 26. 1S76, .$200. Emperor. 2:39'4, 2:;i7'2. 2:37. , , ,, , ^ s jNIvslic Park, Boston. Nov. 15 and 16, 1876, $1,50. Warwick 1, Arthur T., Knox Jr.. George Mann (3 dr), Netlle (1 dis), 2:37. 2:.36'.i. 2:37V4. 2:34. . „ _ ^„ . „ „ Eva. (Ruth ;uid Ella Millard), b in (3 :.35U5). Geo. N. Leaven. Massillon. O., Aug. 4, 1874. .^600. East End 2, 3, George I£eed. Iowa Maid, Orange Billy, Billy Collins, Lyde, Forest Maid, Daisy (2 dr), 2:40'/s, 2:39. 2:40si, 2';i9'i 2-41'i Eva. vvh m (a:53'i). L. M Brock. liVnn, Mass., Aug. 7, 187.5, .$50. Jester 3. 4. Ben Bolt 2, Jake. Tom (5 dr) 2:."'2' >. 2-.53 2'51. 2'.52'o, 2:.52'.>. 2:.52'/3. Eva. blk m'(^ -.'iT). by (ii-n. Lvon. G. W. Ford. Concord. N. H., May 1, 1880, $100. Pea Soup, Fnink D., French Boy. Tomniv Rogers, Josephine. Black Jack, 2:5.5, 2:.52'4.2:.50. , . . ,. ... , »- n > ..> .^ r« (irecn(ieltl, N. IL. Sept. 16, 1880, ,$75. Arthur. French Boy, Shepherd, Lizzie S.. Dick. Nell, 2:43, 2:.50, 2:44. L;iconia. N. TL. Sept. 22, 1880. .$,50. Nell. Frank B.. Topsv .7r.. 2:4.5. 2:45. 2:4,5. Goirstown. N. H.. Sei)t 29. 1880, $100. Lady Sherburne, Joe (3 dr), 2:48. 2:4,5, 2:47. Fl. (!. Smith. Providence. R. I.. June 2.3, 1881. $400. Tommy Norwood .3, 4, Aulinda2, Modoc 1, iMcenian, Rex Patclien, Karlv Rose. Olive 1.5 dr).2::!0. 2:26','. 2:26!4. 2:26^4.2:27, 2:29, 2:.30'.j. . , , ,^ , ., ,oo, Eva, b m (;i :;i.">>., ). bv'Siilt:m. dam Minnehidia by Bald ChieL Mr. Mackey. San Francisco, t al., Oct. 22. 1881, $ . 2:26. Tobeiit2:25i4. Lost. .„ ^,. , „ .^ „,.,.. „r. O. A. Hiekok, Chicago. 111., July 14, 1883, $1„500. Algath 1, Jersey Lily, Billy Clinker, Bonita,2:2.(, 2:25^^1, 2:26'4.2:26. Four-vear-olds. Eva, grm (2:391.,). ^. K. Hires, Woodbiirv. X. J., May 16. 1883, $.300. Leo, 2:4.5, 2:49}/', 2 :44W. Eva. grni (2 -Si)';), by I'rinceps, d:ini bv Scott's Blue Bull (?). F. C. Ilalsell. Dalhis. Tex., Nov. 6. 1ks>. $500. Bine Jav. 3, Wliirlwind, Golden Thre:id. The Kiim. Pine. 2:3.3'i. 2:30',, 2:32, 2:.30i,. Eva Itradlev, br m (3 :4«' ,). A. A. Wiighl. Freehold, N. J., Scjit. 15, 1875, $80. Nelly 1. 2, Pope's rn m Ed- ward's b s (1 dr). 2:.50. 2:ro, 2:.53. 2:.51>,. 2:,58. /. , N O -T Sept. 16. 1875. $80. Rival 1. 2. Boston Girl. Corneal's br m. Nelly (5 dr), John (4 dr),Pope'srn s (4dr), 2:»7, — Mt.'HohVi'N.'j.'. Oct. 5, 1875. .$340. Little Maid 2. Eddy (Jreon. Tippoo (2 dis). 2:50M. 2:46«, 2:50, 2:46J^. Eva Mav. b m'(3 :42'..). J. Farreii. Jersey City. X. J., Nov. 16. 1S74. .«.50o. Forest King, 2:49, 2:47 2:42'4. Evansbiirc. b g ('.i:5»'.,). (-. H. Cramer, hradlord. Pa., Sept. 4, 18H3, «i200. Molly, Calico Jane, iTank, Kitty lU'llt Tliora lJ'59''i ''•59W ''■5'1'A Eve. b ni Ci :3!Vi', >; f.v ■BUick1}:'ishaw. G. Rice. Albany, N. Y.. July 1, 1880, $400. George H. 1 3 (4 0). Charley Chainplin. Ilonesl Billy, 2:26i^i, 2:30, 2:28'/2, 2:29'4, 2:34, 2:29'4. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 207 Bvelina, I) m (2 :43\ E. Robinson, Canal Dover, O., Aug. 2, 1871, $25. Minnie Lee l, Bob, Tom Moore, Dan Pi-ice, Kittv FIviin, Deception, i.':47, 2:48. 2:50, 2:45. Aug. 3, isTl, s2()0. Joliiiiiy. .Miiuiie Lee, Kittv Flvnu (3 dis), Dan Price (2 (lis), 2:45, 2:4.5!4. 2:45. . J. \oung, Niles, O.. Aug. 12, 1871, .S175. Lady Cai-y (3 dis), Dave Hill (3 dis), Bay Joe i.3 dis), Butcher Boy (3dis). 2:42, 2:44, 2:431.1. — — L. W. Sanford, Sept. 29. 18"1, .S2no. Kittv Flynn 1, 2, Walter, Little Mack (i dis), 2:40. 2:43. 2:44}^, 2:48, 2:44i.s. ■ J. T. Bitrgs. Cliagriu Falls, O., Aug. 27. 187.3. .$1.50. Yellowstone. Judge Gledden, Ladv Kilner (3 dis), 2:46i4, 2:48'o. 2:."lU. Kveline, blk m f3:34), bv W. H. Riplev, dam Quakeress, by Burr's Washington. J.J.Wheeler, Prospect I'ariv, L. I., Mav .".l, 1872. $m). Wallace. 2:44i.,. 2:.iG>.., 2:40. W. Tliorne, Sept. 18, isTJ. $500. Scotland INIaid 1 (2 dis), 2:.15. 2:34. Mr. Sprague, Sept. 20. 1872, §200. Topsy, 2 -.seK^. 2:38'^, 2:3g;2. Everett (Jericho), br g (3 :30), bv Champion, dam Belle of Clyde. F. M. Berry, Mystic Park, Boston, Oct. 19, 1876, SS150. J. C. Kelly I.Carrie Allen, Billy Dow, 2:32, 2:35, 2:5414, 2:;u. — — Oct. 21. 1876. S125. Russell 1. 4, Cassius Prince, (ieiieral, 2:.32!2, 2:."32, 2:323i. 2:35'^, 2:o6'o. LawTence. Mass., Oct. 25, ISTf,. .¥200. Francis 1, 2. I'.illy Dow, Remington, Alice, 2:.:3. 2:40, 2:42,2:4G,2:4L Dover. N. H., Oct. 31, 1876. S400. Ladv Dacgett. Chira J., Eva, (lenefal, 2:331/6, 2:.34, 2:34i2. Lvnn, IMass., Nov. 9, ]S76, .?250. Francis. Nira Belle, Clara J., Tcmi, 2:35, 2:35'.;. Kverett, b m d :.'>4). E. Webster, .Lacksonville. Fla., Feb. 21, 1.S82, $1.50. Yankee. 3:12, 2:.54, 2:54. Kverett Boy (w>, blk g (3 :41). J. Fcssenden, Boston, Mass., Sept. 2, 1870, §200. Blackstone Maid 1, 2, 2:50!4, 2:4'5ii, 2:48. 2:4'^. 2:50. S"pt. 20. 1S70. .^200. Fannv, 2:421^. 2-Ai%, 2:0^4. — Oct. 20. isTo. .S.500. Fannv" (w), 3, 6, Blackstone Maid, Lady Lawrence (w), 1, 2 (3 dr), 2:43>4, 2:42i4,2.47U, 2:433/.i, 2:4G?4, 2:48?ii, 2:47. May 2, 1871, .'!f!2(M». Ben Bolt 2. 3. Bess i2 dis), 2:48. 2:47, 2:46, 2:47'/^, 2:45. May 23, 1871, .SIOO. Fannv 1. 3, Ironsick^s, 2:41, 2:42, 2:40M. 2:41, 2:41»4. M. tgo. Aug. 17, 1.^71. .$200. Ike Woodward 1, 3, (2, 0), 2:39)4, 2:41, 2:42, 2:41^, 2:4.3i4, 2:45. Sept. 20, 1871. .■!;200. Ike Woodward .3, 4, Kate (Gilbert (w), 2. 2:44V2, 2:43^4, 2:44i4, 2:46. 2:44, 2:45. Everett s Entry, (3:53i.i). Joseph Everett, Lexington, Ky., Sept. 14, 1872, $ . Price's Entry 2, 2:.53, 2:50% 2:52^4. Everett Rav, b g (3 :35), by Edward Everett, dam Nancy Rav, bv Downing's Vermont. John Murphy, Deerfoot Park, L. I. Sept. 30, 1873, .?300. Gulnare. Black Jim, Phil O'Neill (2 dis), Wicklow Witch (2 dis). Flora i2 dis). 2:381^ 2:35'2. 2:,36. Oct. 2, 1873, .$300. Black Jim, Phil O'Neill Jr., Gulnare (2 dis), Wicklow Witch (2 dis), 2:36i4, 2:.34, 2 :3Jl4. J. "C. Eckerson, Hartford, Conn., Aug. 28, 1874, $4,000. Annie Collins, Ben Morrill, George H. Mitchell, '> •29' i, 2-28. 2:28^4. Spring Vallev. N. H., Oct. 1. 1874. .§500. W. B. Whitman 1, Scotland Maid, 2:32)4, 2:31i^, 2:321-4, 2:31>4. . Paterson, N. J., June 24. 187.5, ,§1,000- Coroner K., 2::54'.., 2.36. 2:;33. Waverly, N. J., Sept. 20, 1877. .«i.500. Planter 1. Barney Kelly. Flora, 2:30, 2:25io, 2:2si4, 2:2714. New City, N. Y., Sept. 28, 1877. ijioo. 2:3412,2:3014. To beat 2:3114. Ever's Dun Stallion (3 :.50). T. Evers, Chicago, 111., June 3, 1875, $ . Fanny Brady 1, Nelly F., Joe Tabor (3 dr). Lady Day (2 dr). 2:.52, 2:,54, 2:50. E. \V., b g (3:5914). E. W. Brownell. Greenwich, N. Y., June 16, 1883, $100. Eclipse .3, 4, Tom R., Governor C. 2:.591a, 3:01, 2:.59='4, 3:00i2. 2:,59i/g. Ewinjf, b g'(3:31i0, bv Primus, dam Ladv Washington, Dv American Boy Jr. M. Snanghnessy, Salt Lake Citv. Utah, Sept. 29, 1881. .■i!3,0f)0. Bickford 3. 2:35'..; 2:36=4. 2:3714, 2:38i/2. Nov. 29. 1881, .f . Bateman 2 (3 0), Marv Emory .5. 2:46. 2:47. 2:46i/2, 2:47)^, 2:48. 2:48';. .1. Thompson. June 25, 1882. .«;i.50. Teazer 1. Bickford, Wlnship (3 dis), 2:31''i., 2:37io, 2:32, 2:34V2. A. Lewis, June 26, 1882, .$700. Mila G., Mary Emory, Winship, Lady Low, Lizzie Drew (2 dis), 2:43, 2:41 1/^, 2 :.37. .lune 29, 1SS2. .«i1,000. Clav, Winship. Gold Note (3 dr), 2:38, 2:341/2, 2:37. Jnlv 1:!. 18.S2. .§1.500. Frank L. Best time. 2:29V:i. f'levf'liiiid. O.. Sept. 5. 1.S82, .§7.50. Gift Jr.. Rigolette, Polka Dot, Sunshine, Tony Newell, Jack, Will B.Miham. Valiant. Augusta Schuyler. 2:24i4. 2:21i4, 2:2.3. Excelsior, b s (3:.51), bv Vermont er, dam l)y Youiig Count Piper. Thompson & Co., Bazetta, O., Sept. 18, 18.58. .§ . (mderdonk. .Tane, 2:.58. 2:.53|4. Plnlo Thompson, Warren, O.. Sept. 15, 1859, .$:i5. Green iMountain Morgan. Cuba. 2:51, 2:51. Stallions. Burton, O., .Jnlv .5, I860, .§,90. Kennebec. Montreal. Montauk (2 dr), 2:48, 2:49. Stallions. Exception, 1) g (3 :36i,g). E. F. Nash, Marshalltowu. la.. Aug. 29, isi^3. .§ — -. Edwin K., Joe S., Lady Payne, Idler. 2 :.5'\ 2:46';, 2:4314. Des Moines. la., Sept. 4. 18,8.3, .§.500. Anglin (2 0), Amv Kins, Chas. G. Haves, Oscar Wilde (1 dis), Bashaw (1 dis). 2:.36i^, 2:3514, 2:3614. 2-3514. — H. J;i(kson, Sept. 6, 1883, .$500. Ansjlin 2, Maud H., Chas. G. Haves (2 dr). Sultan (1 dis), 2:31^j. 2:32>4, 2:.32i4.2::-!4'4. Burlington. la., Sept. IS, 1883, .$400. Princeton, Little Tommy, Anglin, INLunbrino B., George W. Jr., Amie Kins. 2:.35'2, 2:37. 2:34'.i. Sept. 21, 1883, .§400. Princeton 1, Chestnut Bov, Ivan, MambrinaB., Anslin, Nettv M.,2:35. 2:3414, 2:33i/4, 2:331i;. Exchanije b s (3:06i4). J- L. Oorrington. Richmond, Va., Oct. 28, 1874. .§150. Dutchman (1 dis), Lady Slip- pers 1 1 dis), 3:0614, 3:06^4. Four-year-olds. Exeoutor (Prairie Chief), b s (3:36). bv Administrator, dam Chestnut, bv American Clav. Snyder & Wallace, Greenville. O.. Sept. 18. 1879. .§225. City Girl 1, 2, Trojan Belle, Dutch Fritz, Lotta Farley, rharlev Ross, New Jersey Volunteer (4 dr). Tourist (4 dr). Red Dick (4 dr\ Anna (1 dis), 2:4^4, 2:42J£, 2:41, 2:42. 2:43. Toledo. O.. Sent. 15. 1880, .«400. Tskonsha 1. Cincinnati Bov 2":.32, 2:3314, 2:3514, 2:34i4. Greenville, <),, Sept. 24, 1880. .*2.50. Katv D, 3, 4, Belle G,, Aral» 2:.36. 2:36i4, 2:.36ii, 2~36i4, 2:3:!i4. Columbus, O.. Jnlv 1, 1.881,. §600. Sue Griuidv2, 3, Effie a.. ]<^asliion, Manife M., Lady Thome, Sleepy Tom (4 dis). Fritz (4 dis). Kittv Fisher (3 dis), 2:2r.V,, 2:28, 2:27, 2:29'.,, 2:27'o, Cincinnati, O,, Julv 6, I88I, §1000, Alice, Bliss, Eairle Hov, 2;29'4. 2:.30%, 2:.35. Fort Scott. Kan., Oct. 6. 1 88:i .«;200. Coupon. Tliistledown. Willv H.. 2:.30, 2:33, 2:27. Expectation, b g (2:Sii^.i), by Forest King. L. H. Hender^^hot. rinigrin Falls. O.. Aug. 2.5, 1880, .$50. Harry B.. Dr. Chase. Countrv Boy 1,(4 dis). Edith, Topsy Bird, Lady Thorne. Almira P. 3:0014, 3.001.;, 3:00, 3:00i4. T. Brown, Aug. 26. 1880, $140. Harry B„ Belle'Clark. S. B., Council, Kentnckv Tom. 3:0014", 3:01, 3:00M. Painesville, O.. Sep. 11, 1883, §1.30, Billy Bunker. Stella A., Billy T., 2:45?i, 2:47i4, 2:46. Sent. 12, 1KK3. .§17.5. Charley West (2 0), Willie Goldust, Loafer, , ,2:36, 2:3514. Exi>ei-iment. l)lk m (3 :45), H. P. Kenyon, Clyde, N. Y. Sept. 30, 1869, $125. Fox's b s 1, Jim Gray, 2:.55, 2:56i4, 2:5s, ■_':15. Oft. 1. 1869. §100. Right Bower 1, 4, American Boy 3, 2:48, 2:48. 2:47. 2:44V>, 2:47i.i. 2:46 Experiment, I) g ( 2 :50), by Godfrev Patclien. C. B. Davis, Holvoke, Mass., July 4, 1877, .§7.5. Dick Farrell 3, Tom .Mason, Mack, 2:.51, 2:50. 2:.50i2, 2:.51. ' " Express, b m (3:31). Wm. Woodrufl, Boston, Mass., Aug. 9, 1867, .§300. Gen. McClellan, John Farris* 2:32?4,2:31, 2:35'/2, 208 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TllOTTIXG AND PACING UECORD. Express, b m (3:00). II. T. Smith, Meriden, Conn., Oct. 27, 1870, $ . Fanny 2, Holconib Colt, 3:18, 3:08, ;i:00, :i:()2. Express, i '3 :48i4). Mr. Hi-nry. Chosterfleld Co.. Va., Nov. .i. 1871, Sioo. Lee 1. 1'axson. -Z-.rjO. 2:48'i, 2:51. Extractor, ci-AS). E. E. Doniiiiiik, Sclioliarie, N. Y., Sept. 20, 1S82, s . Gray I'rince, Butcher Boy, 2:54, 2:43, 2:4tiV2. Ezra, L., rn g (8:31'4), by (Jitleon, dam bv Tom Benton. E. L. Stearns, Springfield, Mass., Sept, 8,1882, S600. Anu-lia. C, Carrabassett, 2:2514. 2:27W, 2:25'.!. Mvstic I'ark. Boston Sept. l.i, Ikkj, .<:koo. Eva, Amelia C, Carrabassett, 2:2714, 2:26i4, 2:27. Sept. K;, 1SS2. .*800. Amelia ('. 2, Eva. Miirit-l. 2:J9'i, 2:29'.i. 2:.32. 2:303.,. M:iv 31, is,><;t, mm. Ella Doe. Franit. Montreal (iirl. 2:24^. 2:251.,. 2:2 ,,. Provldenee. K. I., .June K, 18S3, S500. Ella Doe, Frank. Niokel. •.':2.')V,, 2:27, 2:26. Hartford. Conn., .Inne 15, 188.'{,.?800. Nickel 1, Valley Boy, Frank. Happv Thought, Hersey, Jewell, (8 dis), 2:-'l, 2:2114. 2:22"5, 2:23. Be;icon Park, Boston, Juno 22, 1883. .?400. Forest Patchen, Kentucky Wilkes, Lady Martin, 2:23, iiii, 2 2'" '. '■ Bangor, Me., Sept. 28, 1888, $200. Phyllis, 2 :3(>, 2 :33:^. CHESTEK'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. aO| Faber, b s (3 :40), by Jay Gould. C. N. Howland, Hudson, Mass., July 4, 1879, «!100. Tom Paine, Sam MorrilL Kearsarge, 2:55, 2:51, 2:50. July 5, 1879, $100. Young McClellan, Sam ISIorrill. Kearsarge, 2 :59, 2 ;.50Vo, 2:51. Woonsocket, K. I., Sept. 21, 1S81, $\m. Utile Fred 2, 3, (4 dr). Little Nell, Hampsliire Boy, Rapid (2 dr), 2:43,2:3914,2:42,2:461/2. Facer, b g (3 :52i^). J. F. Tyler, Selma, Ala., Nov. 14, 1872, $200. Sam Reid, Cow Bov. 2:521/2, 2:52i/i, 2:.56. F. A, Cook, ch s (3 :46!/i). H. Hollis, Buffalo, N. Y., July 5 and 8, 1875, $100. Bob Piircell 3, Otis, 2:50i/i, 2:47, 2:57,2:4614. Factory Boy, ch s (2 :36), by Henry Clay Jr. C. M. Blivens, Lockport, N. Y"., June 13, 1873, $500. George W. 1, Dextress, Willy Golddust, Prince Charles, Lady, L. R. Smith, Fanny (3 dr). 2:40, 2:42, 2:403^, 2:40. Medina, N. Y., June 18, 1873, $800. Liberal, Susie M., Prince Charles, Spot, Willy Golddust, No time. Chas. Dickerman, Corning, N. Y., July 2, 1873, $550. Frank Phelps 3, Lady Pumpkins, 2:44i/2, 2:401-^,2.38, 2:39?i. " '- c'. M. Blivens, Williamsport, Pa.. July 8, 187.% .$550. Billy Pavor, Windsor, O. A. Hickok, Western Boy, Patclien. Clothespin, Zebra, 2:37, 2:30'^, 2:36?^. Oneida, N. Y., Aug. 29, 1876, $250. Henry R., Henry, Roan Jack, Tom Ryan, 2:35, 2:36i,i,2:363|. Cortlandt, N. Y., June 20. 1877. $40. Billv Burr, Lady Dexter, Billy Roe (3 dr), 2:35, 2:40J£, 2:38, 2:44. Factory Boy, ch g (3 -.■illi). S. Grigg, London, Ont., June 4, 1879, $160. Gold Digger, Kate. Rettie, 2:47^, 2:4714. Factory Boy, b g (3 tSSfi). L. W. Arnold, Kingston, R. I., Sept. 18, 1883, $50. Tug Wilson, Cyclone Kit, Jim Fisk, 2:5314, 2 :55'4. Factory Girl, (3 :46). Albany. N. Y.. Sept. 4, 1857, $800. Osceola, 2:46, 2 :46. Factory Girl, b m (Lady Rogers), (3 :39k). hy Hambletonian, dam by Green's Bolivar. Chas. Kenyon, Wilii- mantic, Conn., Aug. 28, 1873, $200. Lady Black Hawk, Rose, Frank Allen, Island Belle, Hartford Belle, 2:51,2:371^,2:43. Factory Girl, grm (3 :5Ti/2). L. W. Arnold, Kingston, R. I., Sept. 19,1883, $80. Columbus Medium, Gray Jed, Cyclone Kit, Westerly (2 dr), 2:571/3, 3:02, 2:5914. Fagin, gr g (3 :35?^). S. H. Jacobs, Fairfield, Me., Aug. 9, 1875, $200. Millmoeket, Yankee Jim, Rival (1 dis), 2:43^,2:46, 2:45. E. Dorrity, Mystic Park, Boston, June 24, 1880, $300, Horace Greely 2, 2 :35JC, 2:35, 2 :36'4, 2:36-)i. Fairfield, blk s (3:50), (3:411/2 s). J. H. Lewis, Milford, Conn.. June 19, 1879, $100. Idler, Brown John, 2:48;/2, 2:421^, 2:411^. Fairfield Maid, b m (.3 :51). Washburn & Vaughn, Worcester, Mass., Sept. 21, 1874, $125. Reliance, Georgie, Arabian Girl, Fancy, Lucv (2 dis), 2:55, 2:54, 2:52. Barre, Mass., Sept. 26, 1874, $85. Prince John, 2 :54, 2 :51i4. 2 :51. Fairmont, eh g (3 :39i4), by Wild Billy, dam a Black Hawk mare. J. Tovey. Aurora, 111., July 30 1879, $350. Flint 2, Carrie Cozzens, Kitty Long, Charles W., Annie Bell, Western Belle, Huron Boy. Calamus (4 dr), Nona S., (3 dr), 2:40;/2, 2:40i/3, 2:38, 2:44. Mendota, 111., Aug. 12, 1879. $300. Ada Paul 2, William H., Sucker Maid, 2:35, 2:31, 2:34. 2:35. Earlville, 111., Aug. 21. 1879, $500. Big Foot 1, Hambletonian Bashaw, Sucker Maid, Maid of Monti, Calamus, Clipper, William H., 2:33, 2:.S3i4, 2:33>4, 2:33^, Cedar Rapids, la., Sept. 16, 1879, $300. Little Hannah, Fleta, 2:32, 2:33i/4, 2:37^. Peoria, 111., Sept. 25, 1879, $500. Little Hannah, Col. E. D. Baker, Business, Ensign, '2:33J4, 2:3434, 2 :34'/2. Oskaloosa, la., Sept. 21, 1880, $200. Careless, Molly Lynch, Jessie, 2:37Si, 2:37i4, 2:34. • Burlington, la., Sept. 24, 1880, $ , Careless, Molly Lynch, Wild Oats, 2:33, 2:3114, 2:33^. Hampton, la., June 10, i.ssi, .$300. Minnie Maxfleld, 2:.35. 2:40, 2:44. B. J. Johnson, Prophet.=town, 111., Aug. 3, 1881, $300. Clover 1, 3, Mamie M., Mattle Graham, 2 :28!4, 2:2914 2:27M 2:2914 2 "30. '• Aug. 5, 1881,' $300. Lucy 1, Sucker Maid, Mattie Graham, Darlington, Business, 2:30M. 2:2914, 2:31, 2:30. ■ Lawrence, Kan., Sept. 6 1881, $600 Mattie Graham, Molly Bell, 2:30?4, 2:3134, 2:2934- Sept. 9, 1881, $500. Mattie Graham 1, Mollv Belle 2 :.30i4, 2 :31i/2, 2 :35i4. 2:44. A. McDowell, Cedar Falls, la., Sept. 27, 1881, $300. Ethel Medium 2, Little Sioux 1, Mattie Graham, 2.34, 2:34, 2:3034, 2:32i/2, 2;,3014. ■ B. J. John.son, Jerseyville, 111., Oct. 12*1881, $250. Belle Brown, Vandalia Joe, Nelly Madden, Little Joker, 2:3314,2:34. 2:34. Fair Kachael, ch m (3 :50). T. Kyle, Mobile, Ala., Jan. 25. 18.38, $100. Helen Mar, 2:.50, 2:.'54. Fairy, b m (3 :51). Seward Hills, St. John. N. B., July 2, 1875, $^. Rover, 2:.5l, 2:.54. Fairy (Jueen, b m. A. N. Large, Cliarlottetowa, P. E. I. May 24, 1878. $100. Princess 1, No time. Faithful, b g (3 :3634). G. M. Stearns, Hartford, Conn.. July 15, 18sn, .$2000. Carrie Mack,, 2:3GM, '2:37, 2:.36-^4 Falcon, ch g (3 :35), by Vermont. H. G. Smith, Lynn, Mass.; June 29, 1876, $200. Johnny 1, 2, George Bancioft 3, Lady Smith, Sleepy David, Messenger Bov, Stephen W., (5 dis), Bayard (5 dis), 2:38. 2:41, 2:38, 2:40, 2:38J^, 2:40, Nashua, N.:H., Sept. 27, 1876, $2,50. Eva 1, Col Dean, 2:401,4, 2:41'/», 2:37. ' Chester, Vt., Sept. 6, 1877, $165. Katv Wallace, Colonel, 2 :48, 2:.50, 2 :41. Falmoutli, b g (3 :50). A. D. Warren, Worcester, Mass., Aug. 29, 1872, $ . Nellv d 0), 2-M'(i., 2:50. 2:63i4. Falmouth Boy, h g (3 :39i/2), by Potter Horse. Hiram Woodruff, Providence, R. I.', Sept. 17, 1.S74, $1,000. Ef- fle Deans, Jasper, Cataracts, (4 dis), Daniel (2 dis,) Wolf Hunter (1 dis), Fearless (i dis), 2:32, 2:32,2:32, 2:.31. Fancher, b g (3 :31). F. N. Fancher, Galesburgh, 111., July 1,1874, $600. Quickstep, Ladv Griswold, Lady Temple, Netty Green, American Boy, Illinois Chief (3 dis), Rosa Bell (2 dis), 2:42, 2:36, 2:.3()i4. ■ Jiilv 3, 1874, .$400, Bav Ben, Brigham Young, Bell. 2:38, 2:.37, 2:.38. .\von. 111.. Sept, 10, 1874, $160. Chioknmauga, Nettv Green, 2:3734. 2:3734 2:37. Sept. 11, 1874, .$200. Amboy, Netty Green, Brigham Young, Colonel Knox,2:43i4, 2-A3%, 2:43^. 14 aO CHESTEKS COMPLETE TKOTTIN(i AND PACING BECOUD. . C. St. Clair, Terre Hauto, Iiul . Nov. 9, 187."), S.'iOO. Burlington, 2:38, 2:39, 2AVA. Fanchun, lirnu'^::»H> C. Heckler, IJo.ston, .Ma.ss., June 8, 18iiK. $500. Boston 1, 2:39, 2:43, 2:42, 2:4m. ■ (w I. . I 111 V 20. iHix. ■t-.VKi. Hoslon Itattler 2, ;{. U0>, 2:;i8^.i, 2:42, 2:-«)'/i, 2:42?.i, L':4;i'/i, 2:43. 1). \V. Uerkler, Dedliain. .Mass., Sept. 18, 1H<;h, .srj5. Carrie. Kanny, 2:4T,'.4, -^-.r^i^. • Boston, Mass., .lulv 2, istiu, «:u00. Centrevilie {\V) 2, 2:oU'.i. 2::i7, 2:38,2:43'4. • 11. Woodnirt. .lulv 27, lS(,i), SllH). J.ady Peek (W) 3, 2:44J4, 2:44'.4, 2:48, 2:47. (i. W. llarri.s, Sept. 13, ls"0, .«;400. Panny 1, Spot, 2:51, 2:47?4, 2:.')1, 2:53>/4. Fanehoii, l)lk \n CZ :r,0). P. OBrieii, Warren, O., Aug. 10, 1877, §75. Allie Clark, Crazy Jane, Bay Kate, Crieket, Nelly (irav, Tom Poreiiian i.'S dis), 2:5.'>, 2:50 2:65'/j. Aug. II, 1H77, S2(H). Cricket, Maggie Pred, 2:54, 2:.'>.'>'/», 2:i52. Fancy, 1) nir-i :»<>), l)y Winton. \V. ( . Pountain, .Middlutown, Del., Oct. 4, 187«, §150. Odessa, Hallet, Dan (3 dis), Prank (2 dis). Sleepy Kate il (list, I'olly Ann d dis), 2:45'i, 2:47, 2:.50. ~ Oct. <), 1«76', $150. Boheiiii;ui (lirl, Odessa, llairiet P., (iray Eagle (2 (list, 2:43'.i, 'l-AG]/,, 2:47. G. W. Fitz water, Jr., Wilininglon, Del., June 12, 1877, $200. Burnloist. Sorrel Top, (iillett, 2:45. 2:454, 2:45 %. Ambler Park, Pa., Sept. 24, 1877, .S2,''>0. Burnloist 3, 4, David Wallace. I.adv Sharp, Hainuih Clark, Tom Seott, (leorge Brooks, Vermont Maid, 2:41'2,.2:.}8, 2::{9, 2:40, 2:38. I'oiiit Breeze Park, Pliila., Nov. 7 and 8, 1877, $200. Modoc l,. lames Wood. Lillv .I:u'kson, Fanny G., ( )yst(r Bov, 2::J5, 2:36, 2:3(i, 2:35. Wihnington, Del., .lune 11, 1878, $250. Sorrel Top, David Wallace. 2:45,2:41, 2:43. Woodl)urv, N. Y., July 4, 1878, $200. David Wallace 3, James Wood, 2:;i6'.i, 2:,H7>4, , 2:.r). ■ Westminster, Md., Ang.l, 187.s, .$400. Kose ^Medium. Silas, Belle Lee. Panny Fern, 2:38, 2:3.''>, 2:35. Elmira, N. Y., Sept. 13, 187S, !?4(K). Cliampion Cirl, Maggie Mitchell, liose Medium, Senlinel, Phil Sheridan, Jim White 1, 2, (.5 dis), Billy Boulder (5 dr), Norwood Chief (,4 dr), Columbia (2 dis), 2:34>/2, 2:33^, 2:3.5. 3:34,2:36. Westchester, I'a., Sept, 20, 1878. $300. Rose Medium 3. 2:37?.i, 2:37i;i, 2:.S5,2:34?i. Point lUreze Park, IMiila.. Oct. 3, ls78, $400. Nellv Wel>ster 1, 3, Key West 2, Volunteer Maid, Stiletto, May Medium, Sorrel T(jp, (4 dr), Frank ]'. (1 dis), 2:2X3^.2:28'.,, 2:;i0.2:36, 2:;!0'2. 2:34. Taney, br m (a::J7Ai). M. Tustni, Dayton, O., Sept. 28, 1877. $200. American Lady 2, Silver Dust, Charley .Moore, Charley Koss, Nankeen, Buckeye Chiel (4 dr), 2:42, 2:41, 2:;!7?i, 2:42i.i. Fancy, b m (3 :00). Dr. Moore, Spring \alley, Minn., Oct. 5, 1X77, $50. Jack of Spades. Black Girl, I'red (1 dis), 3:08,3:00. Fancy, ch m (3 ■.•31%,), by Middletown. D. Mace, Pawling, N. Y., Aug. 4. 1883, .$ Competitors not named, 2:40, 2:42, 2:42'/2. Newton, N. J., Oct. 3. 1883, $300. Tom G., Daisy Hartshorne, Whirlwind, Prank j\L, Sweep, Great Harry W., 2:33>.,.2:33. 2:31i Hopes, Dover Boy, 2:37i;4, 2:.i9;^,i, 2:38'4. Oct. 5, 1883, $.300. Addie K. ('.. Alice Blackwood, Cuh, Brilliant, Parkville, L. I., Oct. 11, 188.3, $ . Lilly Dale, Bay Billy, Prince, Andrew .lackson. J5rilliant, Dryden Maid, Briareus, Emerald, Lady Sealskin, 2:.37i^, 2:33U, 2:331.4. . New Haven, Conn., Oct. 16, 1883, $450. Dick Looiner, Breeze, Louise. Nelly Mambrino, 2:34i^, 2:33, 2 34. Fancy Day, 1) m (2 :30), by Alcalde, dam Die Vernon, by Kentucky Clav. L. Grant, Memphis, Tenn.,Sept. 17, 1883, $ . Roxie 2, Beulah W. (4 dis), 2:39, 2:42!2, 2:,50, 2:46. Fancy .Jack, blk g (3:01^). Wm. Parker, West Meriden. Conn., May 1. 1871, $50. Annie 2, Nelly, 3:01'4, 3:00,3:03, 3:03. Fancy R.. b m (3 :4l). .John Ramer, llhrichsville, O., June 4, 1879, $200. Kitty Clyde, Ben Montague, Tourist, Little Maid, Frank Sellick, Daisy (ireen. Deserter, Henry S., 2:,5.3, 2:42, 2:41. Fanny, ch m (3 :36K>). P. Woodruff, Centreville, L. I., June 24, 1850, $l,000. Cambridge Girl 1, 2(5 dr), 2:44'/2. 2:44':'4', 2:39, 2:41'/2r • . (w). ,I;is. Wheli)ley, Union Course, L. I., Oct. 1, 1850. $1,000. Mendham Maid (w), 5:48'/2, 5 :48"2- Two miles. • Nov. 23, ix.'iO, $rA). Confidence (1 0), 5:33, 5:33'/2, 5:34j4. Two miles. J. L. Doty, Union Course. L. I., Oct. 27, 18.5.3, .$400. Lady Suffolk 1, 2:39'/2, 2:3Gi/2, 2:39!.2, 2:44i^. Jas. Whelpley, 'ov. .30, I8r>0, .$1.0(X). .lohu M:iv (w;, 5::i4, 5:45. Two miles. H. Woodruff, April 30, 18,5,5, $500. Prince .3, 2:49, 2:51, 2:.50'2, 2:50. Fanny, b m (3 :56). Utica, N. \., Sej)t. 26. 18.57, $200. Tom Campbell, 2:.56, 2:,'56'4. Fanny (w ), b in (3 :57 w). R. Reed, Union Course. L. L, June 4, 18,58, .$200. Gypsy (w). 2:58, 2:.57. Fanny, Il m (3:46). Warren Peabodv, Cincinnati, O., July 20, 1865, $100. Chuckaluck 1, Pilot Jesse (2 dis). Cool Cut (1 di.s). Bay Harry (l dis), 2:.57, 2:,->5. 2:51, 2:54. • .Inly 22. 18a5, $3.50. Black Maria, Robb's ch g. Flora May, 2 :46, 2 :46M, 2:48. Fanny, rii m (3 :3TU). John Cowan, Louisville, Kv., July 10, 1866, $100. Rufus 1, 3 (5 0). Fanny Shaw (3 dis), Ida (2 dis), 2:.38,2::J8, 2:39'or (2 dis), 5:24, 5:15!'2. Two miles. Fanny, b m (2:60).' J. W. CowcH, 1 )()vlest()Wii, P:i., Nov. 28. 1866, .«!200. Mingo 1, .3, 2-.52, 2:,50, 2:51, 2:51,2:51. FannV, b m (3 :31). Capt. Buidick, Monroeville, <)., Sejit. 5. lJ-67. $12.5. Snow Bird, 2:49. 2:31. Fanny, gr nu3 :38). W. G. Root, Burlington, Vt., Sept. 10, IscS, $175. Snow Flake. John Rich. 2:38, 2:42, 2:39. Sept. 14. 1870, $1.50. Deceiver, Quickstep, 2:42, 2:49, 2:47. ... -.:,., „ „ o . ». „ Fanny (Sauce Box), b m (3 :41i^). D. B. Hibbard. Galesburgli, Mich., June 10, 18.0, $120. Belle, Pat Malloy, '■ .Vackson,*'M'icli!',' June 14, 1870, $ • Molly Griffith 1, Molly, Peninsula Maid, 2:48^, 2:47!er (3 (lis), 2. 38-:'.,) 2:41, 2:41. 2:42-',. 2:39. _ __, „^„_, ^ ^„ Fanny, b ni (3:.'>5'..). .1. llaxall, Chicago, 111.. Sept. 17. 1869, $ . Little Pacer ,3, 4. '»:56, 2:.55!4, 2:52'j, 2:69, 3:(i!). M. Doyle, Sept. 2.3, 1869, $500. Black Ralph 1, 4. Nelly, Davy Crockett d dis). 3:04, 2:56».,. 2:.56>.,, 2:5(4, Faiiiiy.lfm (3:431/,). Mr. Butts Qnincy, 111., Sept. (i, 1871. $12.5. Lolly Golddust, Dick Tnrpin. Silver Dust, Clara, 2:.50, 2:42'"'4. Fanny, b m (3 -.40%). Franklin, N. IL, Sept. 10. 18(X), $100. Johmiy, 2:47, 2:40-7.i. 2:4.3>.i. Fanny, ch m (3:41i.i). F- Alexiuider, Coliunbus. O., June 18. 1870. .$.!00. Nelly (;r:iy. 2:41 ',. 2:41V,, 2:4('i. Fanny, 1> m (3 :55»). J. II. Goldsmith. Montgoiuerv, N. Y., June 24, 1870, .$;!.5. Coshocton Maid 1, Demonico 8, 3:fio, 3:01'/2,3:04^.'?:01,2:.59. ^ .. „ / s ^ ..,. Fanny, ch m (3 :3l)), by Flying Banner. D. Biglev, Boston, Mass., .July 20, 1870, .$200. Everett Boy (w). 2:44>4, 2 :4fi, 2 :45. Dover, N. IL, July 21, 1870, $12.5. (ien. McClellan 2, Prince John (4 dr), 2:.S74, , 2:a5'/2, 2:374. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 211 Boston, Mass., Aug. 3. 1870, SJrfl. Nelly 1, 3, 2:48'/2, 2-ASU, 2:51^4, 2:48^, 2:47%. (\vi, L. P. Keav, Sept. 2, 1>T0, .sjK). Black Nell 1, 2:53. 2:49'o, 2:48'/2, 2:49. ■ D. Bis,'k'y, Manchester. N. H.. Sept. 7, 1870. .•g42o. .Johnnv Keb., Linj'ard, Lillie, 2:36%, 2:36%, 2:3554. L. P. Keay, Boston. Mass., Oct. 2tj, 1S71, .« . Everett Boy. Lady Wentworth, Blackstone Maid (3 dr), 2:4.'5i.i, 2:44, 2:44. iSIav 2, 1S71, $200. Lady Wentworth, 2:48i4, 2:48'.,, 2:49, 1), Biglev, Palmer, Mass,, Sejit. 15. 1871, .1*150. Biilv, Daylight, 2:40'^, 2:42' 2, 2:4iy2- Boston, .Mass., Sept. 22, 1871, .$ . Jenny i2 0), 2::ni, 2:3ti'2, 2:39. Xov. 24, 1871, $oOO. Lady Sheridan I, Empress, 2:4314, 2:4G, 2:47>^, 2:46%. (!eo. Anisden, Providence. R. I,, .huie 5, 1872, .f . Ida 1, 2:40%~ 2:35'o, 2:36'4, 2:39%. D. Bigley, Boston, Mass., .June 12, 1872. $.500. Madawaska Maid 1, 2, Royal Mike 5, Shepherd Knapp Jr. 3 (7 dls), 2:35, 2:36, 2:35, 2:38, 2:40i4, 2:41i2. 2:38'4. Natick, .Mass., Aug. 15, 1872, $300) Frank Palmer l, Tileston, Madawaska Maid (4 dr). Black Prince (3 dr). 2:35',. 2:37,2:46, 2:4G!4. Haverhill, Mass., Sept. 21. 1872, $300. Frank Kellv 1, 2, Tileston 3, 2:40?4, 2:37'2, 2:3C, 2:40, 2:41. 2:41i4. Beacon Park, Boston. Mass., May 29, 1873. $125, Royal Mike (w) 3, 4. Sam Curtis 2, Lady Morris 5 6, (8~dr), 2:;}4, 2:32'i. 2:35:'4, 2:35, 2:40'4. 2:39%, 2:38'/2, 2:39'/2. .)ulv 4, 1873, $200. Royal Mike 1, 2:37, 2:33, 2:3214, 2:.32i4. .Tulv H. 1873, $150. Joe Hooker 4, 5, Ben Starr (W), Ella Ellwood 1, 2, (3 dr), 2:32, 2:31i4, 2:32, 2:34, 2:33, 2:3.5. 2':32%. '- (\v), JuW 15, 1873, .*200. Sam Curtis 1, Royal Mike, 2:36'4. 2:33, 2:31i4, 2:32'i. Mvstic Park. Boston, Mass., Sept. 3, 1873, $300. Sam Curtis, Jubilee Lambert, Col. Moulton, 2:30, 2:31Ji, 2:31. B.'.acon Park. Boston, Mass., Oct. 8 and 9. 1873, $500. Rex Patchen 1, Frank Lambert 2, Rowe's Tommy, Col. MouHon. Ki Ki, Joe Hooker, Jubilee Lambert (3 dr), 2:33, 2:33J4, 2:34'/2, 2:34'i, 2:33}4 Oct. 14, 1813, .«!300. Col. Moulton 2,3, Ki Ki, Shephord Knapp Jr.j-Belle Brandoii, Joe Hooker (5 dr), 2 :29, 2::j.l, 2::;oi4, 2:32'4. 2:32. (Jreat Falls, N. H., Oct. 30, 1873, $250. Modoc 3, Alton Boy, 2:37, 2:441-4, 2:4214,2:43%, (w), Bost(m, Mass., Nov. 21, 1873, $150. Ki Ki, Jubilee Lambert, 2:44,2:42, 2:40^4. (ireat Falls, N. H,. June 6, 1874, $200. Honest Billy 2, Joe Hooker, 2:39, 2:40, 2:40, 2:40. Geo. Amsdcn, Providence, R. I., July 31, 1877, .$350. Lady Daggett, Lizzie Keeler, Dick Moore, To.n Pink, W. T, Allen, 2:28, 2:2714, 2:29'4. June 23, 1S79, $1,000. Nelia (1 0), 2:27, 2:28, 2:29, 2:29. Fanny, b m (3 -AQ). Mr. Trout, Doylestown, Pa., Oct. 6, 1870, $70. Dinah 3, Prince George, Fair Play (3 dis), No Name (l dis), Dolly {1 dis), 2-A7Ki, 2:48'/2, 2:44%, 2:46. Fanny, gr m (3:48). O. Haity, New Haven, Conn., June 2, 1871, $200, Nancy, Gen. Harrison (3 dis), 2:48, 2:48, 2:18. Fanny, b m (3 :00), D. Hersey, Lake City, Minn.. Oct. 21, 1871, .$ . Rowdy, 3:03%. 3:01%, 3:00. Fanny, ch m (3 :00). W. H. Rayinond, Dover, N. H., Oct. 3, 1872, $100. Clover Boy, Black Walnut, Doctor (1 dis), Horace Greely (1 dls), 3:00, 3:04, 3:06. Fanny (Belle of Wate'rtown), blk m (3 :3.5). Miles Cronk, Corning, N, Y,, Aug. 28, 1873, $200. Prince of Wales 1. 2, Sliorty Fountain, 2:4.5. 2:15, 2:39, 2.35, 2:411^, Wellshoro, Pa., Sept. 12. 1873, $800. Frank Phelps 1, Prince of Wales, Patchen. 2:39%, 2:39%, 2:41ii,2:43. I'.inghamton, N. Y., Sept. 11, 1874, .$17.5, C'lptain 1. Little Charley, In and Out, 2:39%, 2:41, 2:3914, 2:42J4. Fanny, (3:43). W.L.Stewart, Middlebury, Vt., Oct i, 1873, $75. Maggie 1, Golddust, Spruce. Best time 2:43. Fanny, br m (3:58). Joseph Havward, Raleigh, N, C. Oct. 20. 1873. $250. Mattie, Fanny, 3:02,3:06i;i, 2:58, Fanny, 1) m (3:50). J. E, AVhipple, Rutland, Vt,, Sept. U, 1874, .$85. Gilford Bov, Waif, Night Watch, 2:50, 2:54, 2:.-)2. Fanny, (w) b m (3:54 w). Geo. N. Holmes, Bridgewater, Mass., Sept. 23, 1874, $75. Mac (w), Rosa II (w), Stranger (w), Kenyon (w), 2:.55,2:54, Fanny, (w), b m (3:48). J.Fisher, Easton, Pa., July 18. 1874, $100. Bill Jackson 3, 4,(5 0), 2 :.52, 2:52^4, 2:53, 2:54. 2:. 53. 2:.52%. July 2.5, 1874. $.50. Jupiter 3, Bill Jackson 1, 2:48, 2:.50",', 2:.52'4, 2:48%, 2:i9]4. Sei)t, 29, 1874, $100. Black Rock, Decatur, 2:58, 3:00, 2:58. Oct. 1, 1874, .$200. Simon 2, 4, Fenian Chief, 2:48, 2:48, 2:53, 2:46, 2:52, Fanny, ch m (3 :33). Utton Bros., Morrisviile, Vt., June 30, 1875, $(100. Snow Flake, Kitty Cook, 2:35'/4, 2:35, 2.37',. Same day, $300. Charlev Mac, Quaker Maid, Spotted Jim, 2:.''.2. 2:3.5V^, 2:34. St. All«uis, Vt., July 7, 1875, .$700. Bristol Bill 1, 2, Charley Mac, Charley Green, 2:30!i, 2:35%, 2:36, 2:35, 2:. 35 4. -- — Barton, Vt., Sept. 16. 187.5, .$300. Snow Flake, Midnight, 2:43. Unfinished. Fanny, b m (3 :10!^), K. A, Brady, Florence, Ky., Aug. 31, 187.5, .$50. Mav Flower, two other.?, 3:10'4, 3:13%. 3:13%. Tliree-year-olds. Fanny, b m (3 38), by Harry Clay, dam by Hambletonian. G. W. Fitzwater, Point Breeze Park, Phila., July — , 1875, $150. J im Fisk, Carrie, 2 :,56, 2 :.51, 2 :.55. J. McCourscy, Ambler Park, Pa., Sept, 19, 1876, $.300. Tom Scott 2, Morning, Harry Sipp, Jersey Bov, Onward. .Sneak, 2:4.3, 2:43, 2:45, 2:46. —— S. Dyer, Phila., Pa.. Sept. 2^, 1876, $100, Warrior, 3:12%, 3:12, 3:lli.i. B. Worthington, Oct. 18, 1876, mo. Morris l, 3:06U, 3:07i.i, 3:04%, 3:02%. May 8, 1877, $1.50. Billy, 3 :2 !, 3 :29. 3 :00. (w) Oct, 24, 1877, .$ . Bess (w). General (w), Rosie (w), 2:51. 2:46. Fanny, wh m i,3 :38). R. F, Mevers, Lo_-k Haven, Pa., July 5, 1876, .$600. Kate Keller 2, 2:40, 2:40, 2:.38, 2:39. Fanny, b m (3:51'/2). W. H. McClellan, Belfast, Me., Jiine 20, 1877, .$140. Martin McClellan. Skip, 2:51'/2, 2:54'/2, 2'55<^. Fanny, (3 -.Sr,). P. Farrel, Srtn Francisco, Cal., May 17, 1878, .«; . Dougherty's b g, Bettv, 2:.35, 2 :,50'/?, 2 :51. Fanny, blk m (3:04). Mr. Wilson, Se»;iu"u-i, N. J., Julv 27, 1878, .$.50. .Mountain Maid, 3:05. 3:04. ' Fannv, ch m (3 :51 4). B. M. Crane, Secaucus, N. J,, Sept, 24, 1878, $ . Eliza T., Meditation, Black Eagle, (2 (If), 2:51'o, 3:01 '/2. 2:.5.5. Fanny, ch m (3:Ol). H. Larrabee, Lynn, Mass.. Nov, 29, 1878, .$.50. Loafer, 3:0i, 3:03. Fanny, blk nH3:40). E. K. Palmer, Parker Citv, Pa.. Oct, 3, 1878, .$250. Drift, Diamond. Blue Bird, Black Hawk, Colonel. 2:40, 2:40' r,, 2:41. Fanny, b m (3 :38), W. N, Potter, Greenfield, Mass., Oct. IS, 1879, $125, Josie 4, Black Joe l (5 dr), Dan C. (5 dis), 2:45, 2r;8, 240, 2:4.5,2:40. Si)ringlield, Mass., July 5, 1880, $100. Jennv 1, Holyoke Girl, Fanny Jefferson, Lotta, 2:38, 2:3914, 2:39'/2, 2:40. .J Fanny, b m (3 :08i4). J. McCarthy, Carmel, N. ¥., Sept, 3, 1879, $50. Ladne's b m, Sally D., 3:09f4, 3:08Ji, Fanny, b m (3 :58), C. E. Tuckev, Damnriseotta, Me., Sept. 19, 1879, ,$40. Dne, 3:02, 2:58, 4:30. Fanny, b m (3 :56'/o). G, S. Smith, Evansi'ille. Ind., May 27, 1879. $100. Billy Wilson 3, 4(5 dis), 2:56>^, 2:58-!i, 2:57, 2:5814. Winner also distanced in fifth heat. 212 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND TACING RECORD. Fanny, b m (3 -AS^). J. A. Bland, Franklin, Ky., May 31, 1879, $300. Matt Gardner, George Bell, 2:43V, 2:47, 2:44. R. I'rewitt, Sharpsburg, Ky., Aug. 6, 1879, S140. Lady de Jarnette, Lady Maud, Eva West, Brockton, •.':5I, 3:01,2:59i;4. Aug. 8, 187y, §100. Brockton 2, l,ady de Jarnette. Hero (4 dis), 2:44, 2:44^4, 2 :46V4, 2:40. JTaiinv, b m (3:13). C. D. Wliitlaker, Hinsdale, N. H., Oct. , 1879,$ . Nancy, .Mrs. Bennett, 3:13. 3:15, 3:21. Fanny, gr ni. O. B. Dickinson, Benton Harbor, Mich., Oct. 6, 1880, §75. Spinella, Ben Hill. No time. Fanny, b m {it-AG^^,). T. Disbrow, Mineola, L. I.. Sept. 2h. isw), $«5. Pake'.s cli m 1, Duryea's b g, 2:60, 2:49'4, 2:48'2, 2:47. Fanny, b ni, H. Colby, Morrisville, Vt., Sept. 28, 1881, $90. Clippers, 4, Lady Longmaid, Fanny M., Lady Bay. No time. Fannv, gr m (3 :54), by Messenger Ironsides. R. Cunningham, Belmont Park, Phila., June 29, 1882, f . Biily, Belle Morrill, Ladv Bl;ick, .'s;2:50, J-.ob. C. S. Ludwig, Reading'. I'a., Sept. 22, 1««2, $100. Hatter Boy, Hopewell, 2:54. 2:67, 2:5CJ^. Fannv blk m (3:45). F. sirecler, Albol, Mass., Oct. 4, 1883, $80. t:ora, Nelly B., Fanny, Jumbo, 2:50, 2:45, 2 :4V.. Fanny Alfred, cb m (3:45). T. Alfred, Massillon, O. , June 15, 1877, $200. Red Buck 3, Catchup, Engarde, Young Palmer, 2:54, 2:31^, 2:31?i/'2:33J4. Hartford, Coini., .luly 26, 1866, $1,000. Mountain Maid 2, 3, 2 :31'4, 2:30J^, 2:33V.i, 2:33, 2:32'/2. Aug. 25, 186, 2:38?4, 2:33»4, 2:33. Flemington, N. J., Sept. 27, 1866, .1t!3(H). Mountain Maid l, 2:34U. 2-:Si%, 2:32?.i, 2:34. Doylestown, Pa., Oct. 4, 1866, $500. Mountain Maid 1, (30), Mary, Bay Dan, 2:24M, 2:26. 2:25'/4, 2:27}^, 2:27. Short tnick. Trenton, X. J.. Sei)t. 20, 1867. $2.50. Marv Patchen (3 0), Breeze, 2:34l2. 2:35, 2:31, 2:32i4. New Castle, Del., Oct. 17, 1867, $12,5. Mary Patchen, 2:35(4, 2:36Ji, 2:.35U. ■ Baltimore, .Md., Nov. 12, 1867, $1000. Mountain Maid 2, Marv Patehen, 2:39, 2:35, 2:37i^, 2:37'/4. .1. M. Pettit, Wilmington, Del., Sept. W, l>-68, $500. Lizzie Littlefiekl, 2:3494, 2:34U, 2:36. Jolm K. Turner, Harrisburgii, Pa, Oct. 2, l,s68,$ . Ironsides. Kate Mann 2:30, 2:35. 2:38>^. Doylestown, P;i., Oct. 8, 1868. .$.500. George Washington. Zena, 2:;j5i>.i, 2:27, 2:35^. Short track. Boston, Mass., June 9, 1869, ."?4000. Brooklyn Belle, Old Put, Emj.ress, Lady Whitman, Star of the West, Confidence 2 (4 dis), Nelly Locke (.'! dr), 2:34'2, 2:34. 2:32%, 2:31'/2. Lancaster, Pa., June 16, 1869. $500. Ironsides, Belle Keller, 2:37, 2:40, 2:32. Salem, N. J., Sept. 29, ]869,.$.50O. Victor Patehen, 2:44, 2:38, 2:41. Philadelphia, Pa., May 17, 1870, $ . Marcy, 2:32^4, 2:.32'/2, 2:34?^. Altoona, Pa., Jnlv 4, 1870, .¥6.50. Lady Lightfoot, 2:36, 2:37, 2:.'i5. Fanny Arclier, b m (3 :36i4). H. Brown, Newport, R. I., Sept. 19, 1883, $300. Chardon Girl, Frank W., Bit- ter Sweet (1 dis), 2:37i.i, 2:.37',4. 2:36'.!. Fanny Atwood, wh m i3:34';), bv Guv Miller. Thos. Grady. Rhinebeck, N.Y. June 1.5, 1876. $2,50. Carrie N. 3, 4. Big Fellow, Harry Conkli'ng,'lrisli Maid, J'lyni})ton. Pondietta, William Lewis, Ed. Smith (5 dr). Judge Robertson (3 dr). 2:36, 2:3514, 2:38, 2:40, 2:38?^. Syr;icusc. N. Y., June 20, 1X76, $100. Luther 2, Silver Cloud 1, Barbara Knox 3, (5 dis), F:ictory Boy (4 dr), 2:.3T'. 2:.3T1.., 2:37. 2:37, 2:3.5. 2:37'/2. CaltsUill, N. Y., July 18, 1876, .$400. Camors 1. 6. Carrie N. (2 0). Little Agnes, Silvertail .".,(2 0), (5,dr), Irish Maid (4 dr), Dick Croker (3 dr\ Flora Lee (3dr)Mac (3 dr),Com. Bainbridge(2 dr), Wilkes Spirit (1 dis), Dolly Dot (1 dis), Jim Moffatt, (1 dis), Mohawk Prince (1 dis), 2:38^4. , 2:::6V,, 2-:M-'.t, 2:.i7>.j, 2::i5i4„2:37. Saratoga Spa, N. Y'., July 26 and 27, 1876, $200, Silvertail 2, Tavorite 5, Mohawk 4, Bessie, Mac 1 (5 dis), Lady Augnstii (5 dr). Erie (2 dis. 2:.37, 2:37, 2:.35"o, , 2:.35'o, 2:.34i/.. 2:38. Fanny B. b m (3 :4()). O. Howjird, Rochester, N. Y., Nov. 7, 1874, $100. Carlotta S., Minnie Allen (3 dis). Gray Kd'dv (3 dis). Walter (I dis). 2:43-',. 2:421.1. 2:40. .„ ^ Fanny IJ. b in (3 :45). R. Jihickiiigton, Attleboro, Ma.ss, June 13, 1876, $100. Nelly Logan, John Morrill, Lucy, Bessie H., Luekv Look, 2:.5;i, 2:.5l',,. 2:.50. June 15, ls76,'$ino. John Morrill 3, (4 0), Lucv. Luckv Look. 2:.50ii, 2:.52, 2:.50. 2:4.5}/>. 2:45'4# Fanny B. (w) b in (3:00 w). R. Wilcox, Woonsocket, R. I. Sept. 19, 1883, $70. Fanny Bullard (w), Peckham Maid (w). 3:0.5,3:00. , , , . t Fanny Hates, bm (2 :44\ F. H. Rradlcv. Woodburv, N. J., Sept. 19, 1877, $200. Lady Patchen 5, 6, A. L. Hclmbold 1, 2. Tom 3, Billy Megonigal 4, Fanny(8 dr>. Chief (7 dr).hene (6 dr), Sneak (0 dr), J:ick l-rost (6 dr), 2:4.3, 2:4;i>.,, 2;43i.;, 2:46, 2:44. 2:47. 2:47i.i. 2:44, 2:45. (;. A. Ashton, Mt. Holly, N. J.. Oct. 8. 1K78. $125. Fleetfoot, Rob Roy, 2:46'4, 2:47U. 2:48'4. Fanny Bell, eh m (3:48). EH. Oilman, St. Johnsbury, Vt., Sept. :6. 1867, $65. Danville Boy, Come Home (1 (lis), 2:49, 2:48. , , t., •, ,_. . ,« Fanny Bell, wh m(3:35V0. by Gooding's Champion. J. A. Marshall, Point Breeze P:iik. Phila., Sei)t. 0, 1883, .$2,50. Jessie 1. Salem 3, 1-iidy Poindexter, Hospodar, Daisy Queen (4 disi, Lrilli;int (Idis), 2:.«>^4, Faniiy BiTts, rVi ni' (VVsov,')."' R. Anderson, Fashion Course, L. I., Aug. 24, 1868. .$200. I5:iy mare 1. 2, AVhale- bone. Young Fearless, 2:52, 2:49, 2;.51V6.2:.5,3, 2:.50"2. ^ „„ ,. ,. , . ,, Fanny Blackwood bm (3:35';,). J. ArBland & Co.. Nashville, Teiin.. May 13. isso, $500. Lmiiia :\.ax\\ell. Hoosier Girl 0 dis), 2:,35'4, 2:37, 2:43M. Friinklin, Kv., Sept. 18. 1«80. ,$.50. Stamp 2. 2:4.3. 2:42'4, 2:45, 2:40. x' «.!„,.,.,.,, i.«w Fanny Bradbury, h m (3:37M). bv Bhizing Star, dam Emmy, by the Chellis Horse. J. N. Stimpson, 1 ort- land. Me., Sept. 27, 1860, .$40. Fannv Fern, 2:.58, 2:.'4. John Keed, Saco, Me., Oct. 12, 1860. $2.5. Old Charley 1. 2:.58. 2:.56,2:.53, 2:53. Scarboro, Me., Jnlv 4, 1861. .$,500. St. L.-iwrence 2:40. 2:41V(., 2:42'4. S. White, Boston, Miiss., June 6, 18(!2, $75. Rocky Mountain 2, Maud. 2:.37i^i, 2:.39U, 2:40. 2:.39?j . Fanny Burke, b m (3 :4l>,). M. Shoekencv, Louisvile, Ky., June 3, 1865. ,$1.50. Janette 2, 2:41'2, 2:44'/2. 2:44, 2-48. Fanny <'., ch m. J. Woolson, Lockport, N. Y.. Sept. 26, 1874, $40, Nelly Sherman 1, Jena, Sawyer, No name, l:.i9. 1:4.3. 1:.'i9. H;tlf mile bejits. Three-venr-olds. „^ , „.,, „ ,»„„ ,.„7w Fanny <',, eh in (3 :58'o), H. Y. Brothers, Hastings, Minn., Oct. 22. 1881. $ti0. St. James, Billy Button, 3.27'-',, Faniiy <'.,''bni (St.-^a), by Draco Prince. W. A. Cnrpenter, Providence. R. I., Sept. 16 and 18, 1882, $300. Hersey 3, 4. Previous l'. 2, N. S. B.. 2:37'i, 2:.3fi';, 2:,36i,,. 2:36,1/.. 2:.33, 2:;U, 2:34. ,.. ^ ., „ _ ,„ . . tt„,v,« -—- Woonsocket, R. I., Sept. 20, 1982, .$200. Black Jenny 1 , Flatbush, Faber (4ois), N.S. B. (3 dr), Hamp- shire Boy (2 dr), Lady Alice (1 dis). 2 :38ii. 2 :26. 2 -.SiU. 2:40!dl. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 218 Fanny Carr, b m (2 :54i^). J. J. Bowen, Boston. Mass., Juno fi, 18G2, $50. Telegraph, 2 :54'/2, 2 :55. Fannv Champion, (3 :45i;-£). J, C. Deyo, St. Johns, Mich., July 4. 1870, $125. Topsy, Lady Voorhees (3 dr). Clara Lookwoocl (1 dis;, 2:5314, 2:52'4, 2:45^4- Fanny Clark, b m (3:51). Frank Armstrong, Utiea, N. Y., Aug. 21, 1858, $500. Flirt (w), 2:51, 2:51, 2:55. Fanny Clay, grnu2:51). Morris Doty, Uuionville, N. Y., July 3, 1869, $.50. Abe Lincoln, Brutus, 2:51, 3:03, 3:01. M- Tanner, Huntsville. N. Y., Sept. 5, 1870, .$100. Maggie, Annie (3 dis), Prince (3 dis>, 2:59?i,2:593i, Faniiiy'D., bni (3:45). Harry Jones, Union Course, L. I., May 31, 1851, $1,000. McManus' b m 1, 2, 2:52U. 2-5"2^. 2:45U;, 2:4594,, 2:45V4. Faujiv i>., b nua :31). S. Willet, Attica, N. Y., Oct. 7, 1874, $135. Prudence 1, Spectator, Lady Maud, Lady S." Bay Jim, Damon, Old Buck (3 dr), 3:00, 3:01, 3:00, 3:01. Medina. N. Y., June 8, 1875, $400. Merry Lass, Careless Girl, Albion Boy, Sorrel Tom, Sam (2 dis). Liberal (2dis), 2:44, 2:41, 2:43, (w) Buffalo, N. Y., June 19. 1875, $500. Lady Pickard 1, 2:45, 2:40/2, 2:40, 2:41i4. Dansville, N. Y., June 23, 1875, $250. Albion Boy 3. 4, Jim Briggs, Hurlton Boy, Johnny, Marshall, Tem- pest (5 dr\ Lady Bath (2 dis), American Boy {l dis), 2:3914, 2:38, 2:389i, 2:43, 2:3894. June 21, 187,5. $250. Albion Boy, Marshall, Hurlton Boy, Jim Briggs '(2 dis), 2:39, 2:41'/^, 2:41. Buffalo, N. Y., May 26, 1876, $200. Silver 2:45^, 2:46, 2:40'/2. Fanny D., ch m (3 :5194). J- Ramsey, Franklin, INlass., Sept. 23, 1876, $55. Tom (1 0), Ned, Capt. Cole, Tony Pastor, Violette (4 dr). Snow Flake (4 dr;, John (3 dr), 2:5214, 2:51?^, 2:55. Fanny D., (3:14). Toledo, O., Oct. 5, 1883, $ . Molly Sands, Flora D., Richard, 3:14, 3:14, 3:16. Fanny Dean, brm (2 :45(/2). C. Van Vliet, Rosendale, N. Y., June 12, 1872, $ . Fox, Kentucky Boy, J. H. Collins (1 dis). Lady Emma (1 dis), 2 :48, 2 :47, 2 :45ii. (w) Hall's Track, L. I., Sept. 28, 1872, $300. Joe Robbin 1, Horace (4 dr), 3:02i^, 2:58, 2:57}^, 2:57%. Fanny Drew, b m (3:49). J. Jordan, Portland, Me., Aug. 10, 1865, $200. Jack Williams (w), 2:,56, 2:56, 2:52. Scarboro, Me., Aug. — , 1865, $400. Fanny Nichols 3, 5, (4 0,^ 2:50. 2:,50, 2:51, 2:51, 2:55, 2:49. Fanny Drew, cr m (3 :50i4). C. Towiisend, Lockport, N. Y., Oct. 2, 1875, $150. Mattie 2, Belle of Olcott, Paddy Miles. 2:50)^, 2:50^. 2:50}4, 2:51ii. Fanny E,, br m (3:03). E. D. Higgins, Friendville, Neb., Sept. 11, 1880, $30. Big Tom, Nelly S., 3:02, 3:06, 3:02. Fanny Ellsler, blk m (3:50). Isaac Woodruff, Centreville, L. I, May 18, 1840, $250. Quaker 2, Tom Jeffer- son, Trenton, 5:40, 5:43]^, 5:48^. Two miles. Fanny Ellsler, gr m (3 :40). Toronto, Out., June — , 1842, $1,000. The Queen, 2:40. Fanny Ellsler, br 111 (3:54>. Mr. Barwise, Cincinnati, O., Sept. 2, 1848, $ . Red Buck 2, Lucy Neal, Hickorv Jim, 5:49, 5:45, 5:48. Two miles. Fanny Elisler, b m (3:48), by Brilliant. D. W. Waite, Jonesville, N. Y., April 24, 1858. $50. Sue 1, 3:00, 2:50, 2:48. Fanny Evans, (3 :00). David Evans, Wenona, 111., Sept., 19, 1883, .$75. Kentucky Rocket, Major. Best time 3:02. Fanny F., gr m (3 :58i/2). B. Delop, Sandusky, 0„ July 4, 1879, $.50. Jaco 4, 5, Star 1, Black Hawk, 3:03, 3 :00J4, 3:009£, 3:0414, 3:0214, 2:58J4. Fanny Fern, b m (3 :43i/2). W. McRoberts, Union Course, L. I., Aug. 10, 1858, $400. Pilot, 2:5214, 2:47M, 2:4434. — — ■ Aug. 31, 18,58, $300. Express, 2 :49, 2:489iC, 2:48i^. (w) Philadelpnia, Pa., Oct. 15, 1858, $500. Belle of Allentown (2 0), 2:50, 2:49, 2:47, 2:46. Fanny Fern, (Edna), (s) rn m (3 :39M), (3 :2T^i s), by Wisconsin Tiger, dam Mary Barden, by Sir Henry Jr. E. Rood, Milwaukee, Wis., Nov. 14, 1867, ,$300. Fanny Lee (1 dis), 2:27i4. Fanny Fern, ch m (3 :33i4). White & Doolittle, Watertown, N. Y., Aug. 15, 1869, $ . Emperor 1, 2, 2:39i^, 2'40 2:3894, 2'41 2'40. Wiliiamsport', Pa., Oct. 20, 1869, .$500. Twilight, Quaker Girl, Rachel, Jeff, (2 dis), 2:41, 2:411^, 2:4414. E. C. White, Trenton, N. J., May 26, 1870, $1,000. Buck, Rosalie, Hiram, Mustapha (3 dis), G. W. Patti- son (3 dr), 2:40, 2:3994,2:39^4- Wiliiamsport Pa., June 7, 1870, $500. Gray Hawk, Strange Girl (1 0), (4 dis), Wiliiamsport Pet (4 dis), 2:40. 2:40,2:3994 2:3914- Scranton, Pa., June 15, 1870, $500. Strange Girl 2, Gray Hawk. Josephine, 2:37i^, 2:39, 2:38, 2:39. Easton, Pa., June 21, 1870, $4.50. Colonel Fisk. Nick Whiffler (2 dis), 2:4414. 2:411*, 2:4314. Binghamton, N. Y., July 27, 1870, $500. Lady Lightfoot, Minnie Lee (3 dis), 2:44, 2:43. 2:4394- Wiliiamsport, Pa., Sept. '14 1870, $1,500. 2:4094, 2:4094, 2:40. Troy, N. Y.. Oct. 12,1870, $1,. 500. Spotted Colt (1 0), Jack 2, 3 (10), (6 dis), Le Blonde. Fanny Lambert, Ironsides (5 dr), 2:37, 2:371/2, 2:.35, 2:35, 2:36^4, 2:37. Fleetwood Park, N. Y., May 18, 1871, $1,000. Jenny 4, Fanny Lambert 1, Clarence, Lew Baker, Lady Savers, Lady Ross, Belle Morrill, Comet (2 dis), 2:34',, 2:.34, 2:34, 2:35, 2:3314- Hurstville, N. Y., May 26, 1871. $1,000. Andalusia, Comet. Ruby, i>:.34, 2:36, 2:34i2- Prospect Park, L. I. June 7, 1871, $1,000. Lady Sayers 4. Jennv 1, Belle Morrill. Lew Baker, Lady Ross, Othello (4 dr). Purity 2, (3 dr), 2:.32J4, 2:30, 2:.32i4, 2:33. 2:.34ii, 2:34. J. H. Phillips, Utica, N. Y., July 13, 1871, .$ . Rosa Golddust l. 2, 2:35. 2:33i^, 2:35, 2:36'». 2:a,1<-4. ■ E. L. Harris, Gouverneur, N. Y. Sept. 29, 1871, .$.300. Sands, 2:42, 2:40, 2:40. Hall's Track, L. I., Aug. 2. 1872. .$200. Chmax 2, (1 0), 2:36, 2:43, 2:46. 2:39, 2:39. ,1. H. Phillips, Prospect Park, L. I., July 17, 1873, $750. Bashaw Maid 1, .3, Lady Emma, 2:35/2, 2:37, 2:36/2,2:36/2,2:411/2. G. McNeil, Gouverneur, N. Y., Sept. 2, 1879, .$60. Battle Axe 2, Stephen A. Douglass, Flying Cloud 4, (5 dis), 2:48, 2:4614, 2:49, 2:47. Fanny Fern, b m (3:41). H. L. Spencer, Gilrov, Cal.. April 14, 1871, $100. San Jose Belle, Fox, 2:44i4, 2:43}^, 2:41'. San Francisco, Cal., April 28, 1871, .$150. Alex. Benhani 1. 5, Baltimore Belle 2, 4 (7 dis), 2:53, 2:44/2, 2:4494, 2:45, 2:4594, 2:51 »4, 2:48. May 6, 1871, $150. Peanuts, Humming Bird (1 dis), 2:42i4, 2:41i4, 2:42'4. Fanny Fern b m (3 :37). Wui. S. Bewlev, Middletown, Del., Oct. 5 1876, ,$200. Gray Eagle, Hallet, Polly Ann (1 dis). Cheerful Billy (1 dis), Dolly Vanlen (I dis), 2:43'2, 2:51)4, 2:52. Fanny Fern (3 :38). l)y Green's Bashaw, dam h\ (lab's Morgan. J. P. Cramer, Cedar Rapids, la., June 11. 1879, .■=!.50O. ]\Iaid of Monti 2, 3, Lady Tilden. S'ewbiTii ,3 dis), 2:40, 2:38, 2:39li, 2:38, 2:39. W. H. Gallagher, Davenport, la.,' Sept. 7, 1881, .$3.50. Jim Lane l. 2, Skipper 5, Lantern, Bay Charley, (3 dr), Tom Kirkwood, 2:36, 2:41, 2:38. 2:4094, 2 :39'4, 2:3814. , „ Fanny Fern, ch m (3:33^). A. W. Brackett, Dexter, Me., Aug. 17, 1880. Gray Dan. Hiram Woodruff, Fran!. (ireenwich Maid (s) 3, Dr. Jackson, Kraiik Rlair, -j-.rA, 2:r,:i, 'j-.ti. 2 "49 1 (iet 8 1S6H, §250. Hill Jackson, Dr. Jackson. Awful, 2:54, 2:49. 2:50. Fanny Foster, b ni ('-4 :33(. M. Kay, Wlijlby, C. W., Nov. , IStil, «105. James' ch ni I, Wild Deer CJ dri. 5:49, 5-45, 5:49. Two miles. Bowmanville, V. W.. Oct. . 1S6:J, .>2r). Spry, Ida May. 2:37, 2:a}. Fanny G., I)lk m (3:44). D. B. Goff, Coniwall, N. Y.,July21, 1873. * 100. Lizzie Squires I.Charley Voun>r, East Oranne. Tomuiv, JuiIkc. 2;5-"e, 2:51, 2:51. 2:50. . ^e^v Dtitp, S. L, .tune 26. 187.% $irrO. Belle of Richmond 1, 4, Mary 1-., 2:48'.i, 2:48, 2:.'ili,,, 2:42H, 2:47. Deerfoot Park, L. 1.. July 2, 1875.j?200. Jim 3, Melissa, Carrie Winfield, Mack (4 dn. Dolly (1 dis), Whitestone (1 dis), 2:4.'j,2:4t), 2:4.51^, 2:44, Fanny G., gr m (8 :35). G. W. Gilden, Poltstown, Pa., Sept. 2. 1876, .■?1.'",0. Lady KIlis, Uurnloist. Black Shark, 1 Anibler' Park! Pa., Sept. 19. 1870, Si 25. Calmar, Nelly, Patty (l dis). A. C <1 ilisi. J'.hick Shark (l (lis), .' Sept '^ I87t>. S200. Calmar. Sneak. Strife, .John C., 2:43'4. 2:43?.i, 2:44. ],' J,' Sohaffer, Reading. Pa.. Sept. 14, 1877, $ . Burnloist, Birdsboro Maid, 2:49, 2:41, 2:42. s'm! Parrar, Monticello, 111.. .\ng. 28, 1879, . $1.50. Silver Maid 1. 2. Lady K.. Lady McD. (2 dis). Little Robbie (2 dis). Vermillion Boy (2 disi, 2:35Vi, 2:.34'j, 2::)5, 2:36'o. 2:3814. Fanny Gilbert, ch ni (3 ::$»). S. B. Liirzalere, Ooylestown, I'iu, Oct. 13, 1874, IS2.50. De Rosa 1, Star, William B (4 dr). M:ie (1 dis). Flora (\ dis), 2 :3,si^2, 2:39, 2:41, 2 :45' ... Morristown, Pa., Oct. 15, 1874. .$400. .lenny Cooper, Dulilm George, Flora, Midway, Pete Manee, 2:44»4, 2-40, 2-43^1. F. Hopkins, Middletown. Del., Oct. 5, 1876, •f4.')0. Gypsy Maid. Sam French, .\n(ly Johnson. Pat McCoon, 2:40'4, 2:4oCi, 2:40Vi. Fanny Golddust. br m (3 :50). Mr. Harrison, Ottawa, Out., Seiit. 28, 1882, $ . Fly, Midnight. 2 :5fi, 2:52. FaniivGrav (3 :47\ T. White, Cortlandt, N. Y., Sept. 20, 1807. .S75. Ida, Rinderpest. 2:52, 2:50, 2:47. "Geo r. White, Danbury, Conn.. July 5, 18G9, $.50. Kitty Kirk, 2:5114. 2:5014. 2:51. Fanny Gray i'.i :35). S. Hager, Newark, O., Oct. 1, 1874, $ . Lilly Burns, Golden Prince, 3:.32. 3:2.5. Tliree- Fannv Gray, gr m (3 :40). N. C. Tabor. Baire. Vt.. Oct. 11, 1876, $1.50. Leeds, Snowdrift, Turpentine, Annie, John Stark, Red Cloud, Frosty Ben (2 disi. Bay Billy (2 di.s), 2:51, 2:51, 2:52. O. I^. Harvey, Tunbridge, \ t.. Oct. 9. 1879. .§75. Josie L.. Young Pathfinder, John Tyler. Lockwood, 2:43, 2:40, 2:43. Fanny Gray, b m (3 :07). by Harold, dam Miss Duval, by Duval's Mambrino. T. W. Thomas, Newcastle, Pa., Sept. 14,"l88l, $100. Boston 4, 2:.5;j, 2:47i/>- G. Swick, June 1.3, 1877, •'SIOO. Jim Moffatt, Major, 2:48;U, 2:4714. 2:4«i4. Fanny Higgins (3 :50). J. Rankin, Utica, N. Y.. Sept. 4, 1858. $ . Old D;ul. Sleepy Nelly (2 dr), 2:50. 3:04. 2 :.50. Fanny Hope (w). b m (2:43?^ w). Jas. Kockey. Cincinnati, O., Nov. 3, I8.j9. .§400. 'Ida Bell 1. 5:3234, 5:27 5i. 5:26%. Two miles. ^,^ ,,,,.. . ». Fanny Irwin, ch m (3 :31«^), by Middletown, dam Fanny Irwm, by American Star. J. Rankin, Laconui, N. H., Sept. 22, 1881, $150. M'oxey 1, Eva, Astoria, Tilton Boy, Nell, French Boy, Lion Slasher (4 dr), 2:44, 2:45. 2.40 2 '43 ^H C Rankin N. Adams, Mass.. Aug. 15. 1883, «300. Sir George 1, 1'olly B., Madison Wilkes, Louise, CitvBov. Miss Legacy, Brutus(4dr), 2:3.5, 2:33, 2:33, 2:33 ,„,,,„.,,.„„, t, , ,, , , Manchester. N. IL, Sep'. .5. 1883. $.300. Boston Boy 2, Robert H., Galanthis, Nelly Hale, Professor (4 dr). Screwdriver(3dr), 2:311^,2:35, 2 :35'.i, 2:33. ,.,.,•,.,.,,,,. „,,, , J. E. Rankin, Dover, N. H., Sept. 13, I88.3. $.300. Boston Boy, Galanthis, Robert H. i2 dis), 2:34i/i, 2:35, 2 "37 14 Fanny'jefterson, br m (3 :39), bv Thomas .Teffer.son. M. Dorsey, Hiulford, Conn., May 27. 1876, $ . Pen- obscot 2. Belle of Waterford (3 dr). Nonesuch (3 dr), 2::ii:',, l':4()1-.j. 2:;i5. ■ Norwalk, Conn., Sept. 15, 1876, $200. (ieorgia. Major. ( lara .\.. 2:42. 2:4.5, 2:44. Sept. 16, 1876, .$100. Billy Boyce, Frank T. (2 dis), 2:51,2:46 2:44. ,•,„■• 1 .0 i- v Meriden, Conn.. Sept. 21, 1876, $200. Chestnut Dan, Dolly, Kitty Hills 1 (.! dis), Buckingham (3 dis), 2:40?i,2:41, 2:36V{., 2:37'5. , . ,.., Sept. 22, 1876, $2(K). Mendon (Jirl, Dollv. Buckingham. 2:38Vo, 2:41i.|, 2:41i.i. . Middletown. Conn., Sept. 29, 1876, $120. W. H. Ripley (3 0), Rowe s Tommy, Kentucky George, 2:43V4. 2-41 2-.'!9'i, 2:.38',i. • E. C. Whittemore, Meriden, C(mn., Sept. 21, 1877, .$200. Nero, Julia J., 2:38, 2:41'i, 2:40. Waterbnrv, Conn., Oct. 4, 1877, $ . Julia J., Butcher Boy, 2 :.50'.,, 2 :48i4, 2:48 .,.,,,. W. B. Smftii, Fleetwood Park, N. Y., June 13, 1878, $300. Alarguerite. J'ondietta. lago, I'lckwick, Don, Giovanni, Gen. Hunton. 2 :.31' 2, 2::«,2:.32>4. . ,. „ •. . ,• x „ o« o -,, .June 15, 1878, .$400. Grace 1, Even John, Romulus. Rosa Sonberg (2 dis), Marguerile (2 dis), 2:30, 2:29Ji, 2'31 2'31. ■ New Haven, Conn., June 17, 1878, $1.50. Annie G., Lady Annie, 2:304, 2:.37'2. 2:;:4^. Plainville, Conn., June 21, 1878, $ . Little Gem 1, 4, 2:.32, 2:31. 2:^5. 2:30'-:, -2:33. Norwich, Conn., June 26, 1871, .$400. Little Gem, Grace, Lottie, 2:;56, 2:36ij. \>:u.^ Fanny Jenks, b m (3:0.'> 3-.5). Geo. Ferguson, Centreville, L. I., Nov. 14, 1844,* . Iroy, 30:50. len (jMi Dunham Albany. N. Y.. Mav .5, 1R4.5, $ . 9:42:57. To beat 10 hours. One hundred and one miles. Fanny Jenlts. rn m (3 ;44W>). A. Carpenter. Providence, R. I., Sept. 16. 1852, $.50. Buck.skin, 2:57, 3:05. Sept. 14, 18.5.3, $r>0. Hiram, 2:.52 2:49,2:48. (w), Sept. 21, 1853, $400. Washington (w), 2:,5!>, 2:57'/4. Oct. 26, 18.53. $100. Trouble, .Nero, 2:.51, 2:4.5, 2:44ii. Nov. 24, 18,53. $100. Honest .lolin. Farmer Boy. 2:.''iO, 2:49, 2:.51. Dec. 15, 18,5.3, $.50. Farmer Boy 1, 2:.54, 2:51, 2:49, 2:.53. _ Fanny K»-nible, ch m (3:38?4), by Addison. John Henry, Providence, R. I.. Aug. 16, 186/, $200. Maggie Mitehell '' 5.3 "-5'* ''•4't'i M. Colvhi, Chicago, ill"i .Funo 17, 1868, $100. Billy Bacchus, Lady Crane (2 dis), Undine (2 dis), 2:38,2:38i4, 2:46. — .rune 18, 1868..$-.>no. Major Gravesl. 2. (3 dis). Unknown (3 dis), 2:38, 2:37i^, 2:37J^. June 20, 1868, $100. Bil'lv Bacchus, Barnev 1 1 dis). 2:4.5^^, 2:46'/j, 2:47. Davenport, Ia„ Sept. I9,'l868, Tom Brady. 2:40 2:,37'», 2:37. Urbana. 111., July 28, 18<;9. $7.5. Strideaway. Ida, 2:42?^, 2:.3«,2:.36'o. Fanny Kinjf, ch in (3 :30. Fanny Kirk, (w), blk m (3 :51 w). A. Jiiggrieuo, Norfolls, V;x.. April 1, 1859, $500. John Pligh 1, 2:50, 2:53, 2:.51. Fanny L.. I) lu (2:59). T. L. Pope. Woodbine, Ont., July 30, 1878, $00. J. F. 2, 3, Avenue Boy, Byron Cole, 2:59, 3:02, ;;:02, 3:00.3:00. Fanny Lambert, br ni (3:33i2), by Daniel Lambert. J. Dougrey, Fleetwood Park, N. Y., Sept. 23, 1870, Sl,'r)()0. New Berlin Girl 2, Lady Sears, Ed Ellis (1 dis). 5:09, 5:04, 5:11}^. Two miles. Albany, N. Y., June 30, 187i, $200. West Albany Boy 1, 2, Lew Baker 4, 2:3754, 2:36J4, 2:35i4, 2:36'4, 2:.'t"'i. 2:38. July 11, 1871,. $1.50. LewBaker2. 3, Mystery 1, 2:37> 2, 2:32, 2:39, 2:37i4, 2:36%, 2:37. . Oct. 10, l.'^71, .«!200. Lew Baker 1, 2, W. H. Taylor 3, Farmer Bain, 2:36, 2:a5'/2, 2:37, 2:37, 2:40. 2:41',4. Oct. 21, 1871, .$150. Lew Baker 2, 4, W. H. Taylor 1. 2:3fj'.i, 2:3314, 2:35^, 2:35k, 2:355/2, 2:37. l4, . . Fanny Lee, b m (2 :39i4), bv Ethan Allen, dam Dolly Miriam, by the North Horse. C. W. Ensign, Des Moines, la., Sept. 6, 1861. .$100. Dan Rice (1 dis), 3:03. Nov. 1, 1861, .$50. Sarsaparillal, Yankee (1 dis), 2:56, 2:50, 3:03. A. Single, Kalamazoo, Mich., Oct. 4, 180.% .$ . Mayflower 2, Woodlawn, Lady Ellis (4 dr), Lady Moore (3 dr). Minnie Warren (1 dis), Fearless (l dis), 2:44, 2:38i4, 2:37;/2, 2:38M. Chicimo, 111., Oct. 19, 186.5. .$1,000. Medoc I, 2:391/2, 2:371/2. 2:39, 2:38. his. uDckcv. July 25, 18(;8, .$500. Jeanette, 2:371/2, 2:41!/2, 2:36. .Inly 17, l.s(;9. $1,000. Lilly Simpson 1. 2,2:39. 2:3794, 2:33Ji, 2:40i4, 2:40. o. A. llickok, Detroit, Mich., Sept. 14, 18C9, $ • Point Breeze 4, Byron 5, Vulcan (2 0). India Rubber I (7 dis). Dick Hilllard (5 dr), 2:31V4,2:.32. 2:32i4, 2:34,2:37%, 2:40, 2:42. Milw:iukee, Wis., Sept. 29, 1809, .$500. India Rubber, Vulcan, 2:34. 2:29U,2:32. r.oston, Mass., June 15, 1870. $3,000. Locust 1, 3, H. W. Genet 2, Western New York, 2:28J4, 2:32, 2:32, 2:.^1,2;;;9, 2:3'". (w), Mr. Taylor, Chicago, 111., Aug. 29, 1874, .$ . Right Bower (w) ,Rockey Jr. (w), 2:42,2:39. Fanny Lent, ch mc^ :48). John Kelly, Sacramento, Cal., Sept. 28, 1803, $.50. Flora McDonald, 2:58, 2:56, 2:56. Four-ve;ir-olds. „ . Fannv M., Idkm (H-.SSW. bvPhil Sheridan. V. C. Hall, Haverhill, Mass., Aug. 22, 1883, $150. Prince 1, 2. Blue Nose 4. Boss Fearnauglit, Ruev R. (4 dis). Messenger Boy (3 dr), 2:41, 2:41, 2:41, 2:41 1/2, 2:44, 2:4214. ('. Rickard, ?*Iystic Park, Boston. Nov. 7, 188.-!, $400. Gray Dick 1. Lizzie M. (3 dis), 2:3514, 2:33i4, 2:34i4, 2 :33i4. Fanny May, ch m (3:10). Jos. Trostle, Carlisle. Pa., Oct. 7, 1875, .$30. Foxy, Lizzie G. Sharp (2 dr), 3:14, 3:10, 3:10. Three-year-olds. Fanny Mc. (3 :64). Lawrenceburgh, Ind.. Oct. 13, 1880, $ . Molly P., Wild Boy, Sally, Chief, Lulu B., 3:10, 3:11.3:04. Fanny Miller, ch m (3 :34), by Edward Everett, dam by American Star. F. J. Nodine, Woonsocket, R. I., June 5, 1877, .$200. Crazy, Billy Stevens, 2:47, 2:40, 2:47. ■ Providence, R. I., June 12,1877, $200. File Cutter, Billy Stevens, Flora Brett, .lohn Morrill, Henry Whitford, Sarah Gould, 2:34, 2:.34, 2:3614. Fitchburgh, Mass., June 26. 1877, .$400. Sam Curtis, Lady Daggett, Baby Boy, Lady Nell, Ben Starr, 2:34 2:37. 2:.36U. ■ June 28, 1877, .$400. Morris, Harry, Nigger Baby, Peter, John Morrill, Moxie (3 dr), Honest Farmer (3 dr), 2:37J^, 2:39''2, 2 :39. Fanny Murphy, (s), b m (3 :37 s). John Murphy, Fashion Course, L. I., Nov. 5, 1869, $,500. Village Girl (w), 2:37 2*43 2:4.3. Fanny Murray, bm. B. Blakely, Albany, N. Y., May 15, 1846, $ . Ariel Stager ( dis), 9h, 41m, 26 s. One luindreu miles. Fanny Nichols, rn m (3 :48). Geo. H. Bailey, Portland, Me., May 25 and 26, 1865, .$.50. Sea Foam (3 dr), 2:48, 2:51. Fanny Osborne, b m (3:35^4). J. H. Phillips, Hall's Track, L. I., Sept. 6, 1872,, $100. Horace Greely 1, Lady Jane, Humptv Dumpty, Joe Robins, Bav Billv, 2:57, 2:.50, 2:.50, 2:56. Deerfoot Park, L. I., June 9, 1873, $100. Lady Emma, Lyman, Molly Barker, Butterfly, Eastern Star (1 dis, 2:3814. 3:3.594, 2:3814. Fanny Osler.b m (3 :55). ■ F. W. Hawkins, Ypsilanti, Mich., July 4, 1871, $100. Joan, Blue Dick, Lady Ben- ham (2 dis ), 3:0014, 2 :55, 2 -MKi. Fannv Otis (Louise), b m (3 :38?4). by Post Boy. F. B. Cummings, Hartford, Conn., Oct. 8, 1873, .$300. Seam- stress 1, M:uisu:iv, Ladv Burnham, Sam Holcomb, Jenny (3 dis), Wm. S. Briggs (3 dis), Nelly (2 dis), Wil- liiim G. (1 disi, 2:4814, 2:44, 2:42-4,2:46. Fanny Parvin, ch m (3:44i4), bv Green's Bashaw, d;im Kittv H. Chas. Haskins, Davenport, la., Aug. 2, 1883. $100. Little Famous, Miirhbrino Maid, Frank W., 2:.54, 2:48!^, 2:441.4. Fanny Patchen, ch m (3:43), by Fayette Mambrino. M. McGuirk, Helena, M. T., Sept. 30, 1879, .$200. As- signee. 3:37. 3:38. Three-year-olds. " Butte City, M. T., Sept. 7, 1881, $250. Black Joe 1, Chief Joseph, Bob Ingersoll, Mountaineer, 2:58, 2:59, 2:59. 2:57. Sept. 9, 1881, .$.300. St. Thomas. Smoky. 2:58'4. 2:4.3, 2:.52. Fanny Phillips, ch m (3 :57). J. W. Springfield, Rochester, N. H., Oct. 7. 1874, .$50. Jim, Bhick Joe, Ned d dis), White Stockings (1 dis), 3:01, 2:57, 3:01. (^ct. 8. 1874, .$30. Jim 2, Lilly (2 dis). Ned (l dis), 3:19, 3:19,3:05, 3:05. Fanny Pullen (s), ch m (3:35 s*), by Winthrop Messenger. Horace Jones, Harlem, N. Y'., Aug. 20, 18.35, $ . Crazy .lane (s) 3, Snowball (s), 2:44, 2:36, 2 :33, 2 :35. Short track. Oct. 15, 1835, $100. Crazy Jane, Fire King 1. 2 (3 dis), 2:33, 2:37, 2:40. Short track. Fanny R., b m (3:47U). J.' A. Harris, Nashville, Tenn., Oct. 3, 1879, .$250. ,L W. Thomas, Nick, Dolly M., Dick Turpin (2 dis). 2"':,50^4, 2:48i4. 2:47^. Fanny Raymond ( Princess), br m (3 :30), by American Ethan, dam by Long's Tornado. H. Ballon, Ballston Spa, N. Y , Sei)t. 13. 1872, $100. Black John, 2:51, 2:.50i4, 2:.50i4. Sandy Hill. N. Y., May 21, 1873, $2.50. Volunteer Belle, George H. Mitchell, Emma P., Humphrey Clinker, Fulfill, Ciiarter (Vak (1 dis), 2:40. 2:40, 2:.39. Sariitoga Spa, N. Y., June 21 . 1873. .$200. A. W. Kline 2, 3 (4 dis). 2 :34, 2 :41, 2:42, 2:39»4. July 4. 187.3, .$2r,0. George H. Mitchell, Favorite, 2:41, 2:3914, 2:39. Albany, N. Y., July 22, 1873, .$200. A. W. Kline 2. 2:3.5, 2:37»4, 2:4194, 2:44i/2. • Troy, N. Y".. July 2,5, 1873, .$ . Ben Smith 1, 2, A. W. Kline, 2:36, 2:.37, 2:38, 2:38, 2:40. • Sariitoga Spa, N. Y., July 28. 1873, $2.50. Ben Smith. George H. Mitchell, Flora Lee, Nelly Webster (3 dr). Frank P:ige 13 dr), Robert Bonner (1 dis), A. W. Kline (1 dis). 2:40, 2:41M. 2:46. ■ Ballston Spa, N. Y., Sept. 14, 1876, $7.5. Johnny, Rosa, Lone. 2:37, 2:42i4, 2:42. • J. Brvaiit, Sandy Hill, N. Y.. June 20, 1877. .$200. Flora Lee 1. 2, 2:3914, 2:39, 2:3614, 2:37, 2:36. 216 OHESTEK'S COMPLETE TKO'ITING AN1> PACINI; KECOHI). Saratogil Spa, N. Y., Aug. 7, 1877, $300. Flora Lee, Duroc, 2:38U, 2:39'4, 2:36>^. Fanny Kf^el (w), b in (« :50( j w). J. J. Bevins, t:entreFille, L. I., Oct. 16, 1864, §400. Jim (w) 1, 3 Ladv Caaa (W). 2:.5.'), 2:.'i4, 2:.S2, 2:52, '2:r)0'/s. ^ . Fanny Kt>l>inson b ill (2:50). J. Watson, Pittsburgh, Pa., Aug. 28, 1858, $400. Gray Bob, 250 •>-.'jO 251 .lul.v -'7. ISW), SIOO. Lizzie l,2:.'-)8. 2:,Vi, 2:5,^ Fanny Kiibiuson, br ni (a:!*©^), by lilood (liief, dam l>y Alexander's Norman. Crit. Davis, Madison Ind . I line 3, lH7ti, SiXX). Dr. liush 1, 2, Sweet William, Jim Fisli, .loe Lawrence, Glencoe Golddust Belle Lee' Harriet Hopper (5 dr), Baldy (3 dis), 2:4.'), 2:41, 2:38, 2:39'4, 2:41. ' Harrodshuigh, Ky., June 23, 1876, .¥3,50. Doble 1. Gum Ball, Little One (2 dis), 2:.31, 2:;j0ii, 2:30>4, 2:31%. June 27, 1870, $3r>0. Warrior, Lucy Fleming, Hallie, Henry Stanliojie (•> dis), 2:46. 2:43. Fanny Thompson, (3:59)7 T. Kilmer, Hudson, N. Y., Sept. 27, 1871, $120. Sorrel Cub, Lady Felterd dis), 3:08y», 2:59, 3:04%. Fanny Thome, b m (2:44'/2). 11. Babbitt, Fails Village, Conn., Sept. 12, 1883, $100. Queen 2, M'tse, 2:444, •_':43V<3, 2:48, 2:40. Fanny V., b m (3 :00). Dr. Cleveland, Le Roy, N. Y., July 4, 1882, $ . Damon Jr.. 3 :00. 3:03. Fanny Walker, br ni (3 :47). Mr. Kelly, Uiiion Course, L. I., May 6, 1864, .$,500. Storm's gr g, (2 dis), 2:51, -':47, Fanny White, ch m (3 :43). Mr. Utter, Utica, N. Y^, Sept. 14, 1852, $75. Spider, three others, 2:.55, 2:54. O. Bort, Sangerfleld, N. Y., June 20, 1860, $125. Belle of Mohawk, Nelly (1 dis), 2:45, 2:45, 2:43. Fanny Wilkes, br m (2:36;ii) by Geo. Wilkes, dam Bazaar, by Kentucky Chief. J. H. Jones, Youngstown, ()., Sept. 22, 1881. .$200. Rufus, Mav Day, Blue May, 2:52'^. 2:46, 2:46. Four-year-olds. Seville, O., Julv 4, 1882, $200. Lilly J. 2, Lady Lawrence, 2:35»4, 2:385ti, 2:38, 2:3814. July 19, 1883, $200. Lilly .J. 2, Ladv Lawrence. 2:38, 2:38>4, 2 :38'i, 2:3014. Fanny Wilson, (3:15%). Nobleville, Ind., Aug. 28, 1883, $ . Buftalo (Jirl, l?obtail. Clay, 317, 3:15%. Fanny Witherspoon, eh m (3 :17), bv Almont, dam Lizzie Witherspoon. Dv (iough's Wagner. Crit Davis, Louisville, Ky., Oct. 0 and 7, 1880, $800. Minnie R. 1, 2, Tolu Maid 3. Robert Mc(iregor, 4, Lumps. Blanche Amory, Girl E. Queen, Molly Kistler, Jerome. Myrtle, 2:25, 2:28'4, 2:26%, 2:25'4, 2:28%, 2:25, 2:27'/i. Chicago, 111., .Iulv25, 1881, $2,500. Florence, Abdallah Boy, Big Soaj), Fred Douglass, Josephus. Alta, 2:22V4, 2:21',i 2:22',i. D. W. Woodnransee, Minneapolis, Minn., July .5, 1882, $ . 2:17>^, 2:24. To beat 2:14%. Lost. Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Aug. 25, 1882, $2,000. Driver, I'ickard, Hnmboldt,Williani IL, Capt. Emmons, 2:19, 2:18'4,2:18>4. N. W. Kittson, Kalamazoo, Mich.. July 11, 1883, $1,000. Santa Clans. 2:21M, 2:19>4. 2:19. Chicago, 111., July 14, 1883. $2,500. Monroe Chief, J. B. Thomas, William H., Adele Gould, 2:19'4. 2:18%, 2:20. Cleveland, O., Aug, 2, 1883. $4,000, Edwin Thome 1, St. Julien 4, Trinket, 2:17J4. 2:l7'/s, 2:18J4, 2:21^4, 2:23%. Fanny Wood, (Lilly Bell), b m (3 :38). Henry Graves, Chicago, 111., Nov. 4, 1854, $1,000. Reindeer, 3:02, 2:68, 2:59. Sept. 1, 18.55, .$400. Reindeer (w), 2:47, 2:47, 2:47'/j. Sept. 8, 18.55, .$400. Reindeer (w), 5 :23' i , 5 :26. Two miles. FannyWriKht(w), ch m (3:45 w). Dan Bigley, Portland. Me., .lune 11, 1873, $250. Ella Ellwood (w), 1, 4, Auburn Boy (w), Regulator (w) (5 dis), Troublesome (W) (4 r o), 2:47, 2:48, 2:4,5M, 2:44^, 2:4,5. Fanny Yeazell, (3:01). W. M. Yeazell, Columbus. ().. June 21. 1x70. $50. Snow Drop 2, 3:01, 3:00, 3:02. i an W., in III (;J :44»4), by Roman Chief, dam by Henry Clay. V. Wilkins, Mulilleiowu. Del.. Sept. 21. 1882, *l.^o. Bay .lohn (1 dis), Mollie F. (1 dis), 2:44!4, 2:52'/2, 2:47>ij. Farce, b in(2:2i)'.',), by Prineeps, dam Roma, bv Golddust. H. C. McDowell, Louisville, Ky., .Sept. 29 and 30 1881, $m). .lay Bird 3, 4, Jim Bowman, Maggie C, (Jray Carrie (1 dis), 2:.38, 2:38)4, 2:38i4, 2:4l>4, 2:33'/4. Tliree-year-olds. Farmer, br s (2 :5»). Mr. McKay, Cornwiill. Can.. Sept. 14. 1855, $100. Joe Beanchamp, 3 :00. 3:02, 2 :.59. Farmer b g (3 :48). Samuel Jones, Huntington, L. I., .July 22, 1858, $15. Bowery Boy 2, Ocean Maid, 2 :,57, 3:00, 3:06,3:03, h , . , , Sept. 1, 18,58, $15. Sorrel Jim, Fremont. 2:.50. 2:48. 2:48. Farmer, br g (3 :40). T. R. Smith, Hubbardstown, Mich., .July 3, 1878, $200. Trieatrone, Pasaeas, Fleet (1 dis), 2:4,5, 2:45, 2:40. Farmer, b g (3 :03i4). W. H. Tilford, Susquelianna, Pa., Julv 23, 1880, $40. Lady Wells (1 dis), Tom (1 dis), Kate (1 dis), 3:03»4. Farmer iJain, blk g (3:37%). C. Roseboro, Catsklll, N. Y., Sept. 17. 1872, $ . Gray Mack, Live Oak, 2;:wii, 2:37%, 2:44. FarnKT Itoy, b g (2 :45). E. Goodwin, Boston, Mass., June 29. 18.52, $ . Buckskin, 2:49, 2:47, 2:47. K. Sheriiiiin, Bost(m, Mass., Aug. .5, 18.5.3, $ . Blue Morg.iu .3,5 (40), 2:47, 2:46, 2:44, 2:45, 2:47, 2:46. I'rovidenee, R. I„ Sept. 7, 185.3, $50. Dick (1 dis), Hiram (1 dis), 2:51. l>:in Mace, Dec. l, 1853, ,$,50. Honest John 1. 2:.51. 2:49, 2:.53, 2:,5,5. Farmer IJoy. ch g (3 :53). Mr Van I)uss:ir, Fond du Lac. Wis., Aug. 26, 1864, $50. Kitty, Handy, 2:56, 2:58, (W), Aug. 28, 18(^4, $.50. Kitty, 2:.55. 2-.57. Farmer IJoy. ch l' (3 :37). L. S. Sammis, Deerfoot Park, L. I. Oct. 30, 1873, $150. I Guess So 1, Jim, Husky Boy, Sterling, Phil O'Neill Jr., Bessie (3 dis), 2:43, 2:40, 2:40».4, 2:48J4. ^' I- o CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 217 . J. J. Hughes. Morristowii, Pa.. Sept. 19, 1874, $200. Mike, Ed Forrest, Frank, Jim (3 clis), George (2 dis), Brown Dick Ci dis), Bliick Sh;irk (1 diss Le.xington (1 dis), 2:59, 2:51, 2:58. Farme- Boy, cli g (« :38), by sou of Vt. Blackliavvk. M. A. Linfleld, Portsmouth, N. H. July 20 and 21, 1875, $300 Lady SlHTidan 2, 5, Laurel Maid 1, Nelly Star (5 dr) George Bancroft (5 dis). Rose Bock (4 dis), Edith Knox (4 disi, Rose (3 dis), Silvertail (2 ciis), Laity (1 dis), 2:.55, 2:47i/i, 2:51 Vi, 2:51'/2, 2:50. 11. 1). Svdcliuau, Norwich, Conn., Sept. 15, 1875, $3o. Merriman, 3:06, 3:00, 3:00. ■ Bridgfwater, ]\Iass., Sept. 2.3, 1875, $30. Black Prince, Brown Dan, Nelly, 3:01?!i. Nearest to 3:00. Taunton, Mass., Sept. 29 and 30, 1875, $150. Belle Oakley, George Brown, Shore Boy, Alexis, Minnie, 2:51, 2:.T0, 2:.')0, . W. W Cross, South Wevmonth, Mass., Oct. 3, 1875, .$200. Little Gent, Tom Pink, Deacon, 2:43, 2:43,2:45. Broi'ton, Mass., Oct. 6, 1875, $250. Little Fred, Maid of Merit, Brown George (2 dis), 2:40, 2:38, 2:44. Oct. 22. 1875 .$200. Rosa B. 1, Billy Stevens, Lady Balch, Joker, Dr. Bruce, Ad. Carpenter, Omega, Ray- mond (2 dis), 2:40^ 2:38?i, 2:38k- Chatham Vilhige. N. Y., Aug. 17. 1876, $300. David, Silas Rich, Sam, Lady Burr, Flora, Yomig Hindoo, Billy i3di). 2:40,2:40, 2:40. iMttslield, ISIass., Aug. 24, 1876, $300. Silas Rich 1, David, Lady Burr, Newton (2 dis), 2:38, 2:39, 2:43, 2:40. Oct. 5 audio, 1876. $150. Lola Montez 2, Ladv Maud (2 dis), American Girl (2dis), 2:44i^, , 2 :40, 2 :39'/i. Farmer Boy chg (3:4414). J J. Hughes, Rockland, Me., Oct. 13, 1875, $200. Brace 3, 2:51, 2:4414, 2:42,2:4514. Farmer Boy, brg (3 :40?4.). T. LeSage, Ottawa, Ont., Oct. 5, 1876, .$450. Belle Dean, American Girl, Lola Montez (4 dis), Caroline 1, (3 dis), Whisky Horse (3 dis). Belle of Ottawa (3 dis), 2:44' 2, 2:46,2:4094, 2:46J4. Farmer Boy gr g (2 :!J8), by Young Columbus, dam by the Morse horse. S. Carp Ballston Spa, N. Y., Sept. 12. 1877, $50. Gypsy, Darby (1 dis). No time. W. McKinstry Glens Falls, N. Y. May 23, 1879, $100. Ashland Patchen 1, Wider, Leona (3 dr), 2:36, 2:38, 2:38 2:42. Saratoga Spa, N. Y., Sept. 11, 1879, $50. Lady Roxey 3, 4, Y'oung Columbus. No time. Sandy Hill, N. Y., Sept. 13. 1879, $100. T. Leonard, Kitty Thorn, Glen Boy, Mike Taylor. No time. G. Nelson, Jersey City, N. J., Aug. .3, 1882, .$30. Jeanette 1, Kitty Clyde, 2:49^, 2:47, 2:48,2:47. Farmer Boy, bg (3:37). B. Helmer, Newark, N. Y., Aug. 27, 1879, $300. Lady Beekman 2, Henry Clark, Starlight. Diclc Jones. Maud, Hattie Fisher, Bashaw (3 dr), 2:41, 2:46, 2:43, 2:41. Farmer Boy, blk g (3:44i2), by Planet Jr. S. Kinney, Danbury, Conn., Oct. 6, 1882, $200. Contest, 2 :4^, 2:46, 2:48. Farmer Girl bm(3:44i2). Jep. Harris, Willimautic, Conn., Aug. 27,1873, $50. Whirlwind 2, 3: 10, 3:03 Ji, 3:10. A Sherwood, Danbury, Conn., Oct. 5, 1878, $100. Greeley, Blacksmith Maid (3 dis), 2:50, 2:19,2:48. — — Oct. 10, 1879, $100. Patchen Maid, Knox Girl, Kate Lambert. 2:50, 2:46, 2:46. ■ O. T. Waring, Plainfield, N. J., Sept. 29, 1880, SIOO. Tom 1, Fanny Varick, 2:45W, 2:44;2, 2:46i^, 2:48/2. July 4, 1881. .$200. Sparkle 1, (4 dis), Nelly (4 dis), 2:.^2-4, 2:52'i, 2:52^4. 2:53. Farmer Maid, b m (3:3814), by Capt. Walker, dam a thoroughbred mare (?). H. Hathaway, Sullivan, IlL, Aug 10 1876, $1.50. Allie, Henry Blank, Stonewall Jackson. Billy Butler, Dan L. (3 dr), 2 :45k, 2:48, 2:50U. Lincoln, HI. Aug. 23, 1876, $175. Minnie, Bismarck, T. J. Cook, 2:39, 2:44"2, 2:45i4. Aug 25, 1876, $60. T. J. Cook, Fanny C, Dan Marble, Little Barefoot, 2:47, 2:48, 2:56'.2. Si)ringfleld 111., Sept., 1876, $500. Monarch Rule 1, Slick Fellow, Maxey (l dis), 2AV4, 2:4014, 2:59!/2. P. Snuth, Manhattan, Kan., Oct. 4, 1877, .$200. Major Winship, Wild Bill: 2:51, 2:52, 2:.58. Farmer'? Maid, b m (3 :05). D. B. Meigs, Stanbridge, P. Q., June 14, 1881, .$40. Red Oak, Brown Jim, 3:05, 3:07, 3:08. Four-year-olds. Farmington Girl,(3 :48). Dover, N. H., Aug. 30, 1869, .$500. Lady Wilkinson, 2:50, 2:52, 2:48. Farrauut, (Green Mountain Boy and Bay Billy), b g(3 :31f4), by Cutler's Comet, dam a Morgan mare. Wra. Sherman, Boston, Mass, Oct. 18, 1871, $1,000. Clifford, 2:47?i, 2:46?i, 2:46i4. Nov. 21, 1871, $1,000. Lady Sheridan 2, 2:4214, 2:46, 2:46, 2:50. G. Hopkins, Jersey City, N. J., Oct. 6, 1876, $100. Julius H. l, 2. 2:52, 2:51, 2:56, 3:02, 3:03. Chas. A Siblev, Norwol'k, Conn., Sept. 15, 1880, .$200, Topsy, Patchen Maid. Nelly, John T. Hoffman, Fanny Ferris, 2 -.31%, 2:31^4, "2 :34i4. Watertovvn, Conn., Sept. 28, 1880, $1.50. Willard 1, 3, Young Moose, 2:52?4, 2:493i, 2:44. 2:464, 2:42i4. Faro, ch g (3 :36) W. H. Doble. Philadelphia, Pa., May 15, 1866, $150. Tilt Up, Gambler, 2:40. 2:36, 2:38. Fashion, b m (3:44r'4). I. Woodruff, Beacon Course, N. J., .June 5, 1843, $100. Cottage Boy 1, Washington Irving, Plum Bob (2 dis), 5:29. 5:.34, 5:39. Two miles. W. Wheelan, Aug. 14, 1843, $1,000. Cottage Boy, 5:2914, 5:36. Two miles. Union Course, L. I., Aug. 21, 184.5, .$50. Trouble (w). Lady Washington (w), John Anderson (w), 2:55, 2:54. 2:i55"2 2:54. Fasliion fs). gr m (2:43'2 s). Gen. Dunham, Buffalo, N. Y.,May— , 1848, $100. Sky Rocket (s), 5:32, 5:31, 5:33. Two miles. Fashion, b in (3:48), A, A. Winch, Providence, R. I., Sept. 6, 1854, $50. Lady Sherburn (1 dis), 6:50. Two miles H. B. Billings, July 25, 18.57. .$2.50. Old Ben, 8:40i4, 8:4.5, . Three miles. (w). Sept. 2, 1857, .$50. Lady Westlev (w) 1, Neptune, 2:52, 2:53J4, 2:54, 2:54. Dan Mace, Nov. 26, 18.57, $100. Ladv Westlev 2:52ii, 2:52. W. Babcock, Dec. 7, 18.57. $200. Lady Westley, 2:49, 2:48, 2:50. Fashion, rn m (3:415£). Jesse W. Smith, Taunton, Mass., Sept. 26, 1872, $140. George M. Patchen, Duke, 2:46W;, 2:46, 2:4914. W'. T. Covin, Manchester, N. H., June 9, 1874, $200. Richmond 2 (4 0), Leeds (5 dr), 2:48, 2:48, 2:46, 2:45, 2:48. ■ Bangor, Me. Tuly 16, 1874, $150. Fred McOliver 1, 2 :42. 2 :41''i, 2:45. 2 :46>4. Piscataquis, Me., Aug. 12, 1874. $100. Nellv l. Life Invigorator. Modoc, Honesty, Major (3 dis), 2:49, 2:50, 2:47 2:4.5. Fashion, ch m (3 :37i4). A. Miller, Rittersville, Pa., June 4, 1874, .$300. Garland 2, W. H. Force, Gray Billy, Molasses Hollow Boy, 2:49, 2:49, 2:51, 2:.51i4. Hazlcton. Pa., June 10, 1874, .$500. Fanny, Snap, Hannah D. (3 dis). 2:40, 2:4014, 2:42^. Fa.shion, b m (3 :33U) by Clark's Mohawk Jr., t(am by Surprise. W. M. Yeazell, Columbus, O., Sept. 7, 1876, $ . Stranger, Little Pat, Honest Mary, Maggie Wiley, Hotspur, Folly (1 dis), 3:02, 3:00. Three-year- olds. Xenia, O., .July 24, 1879, .$400. Charley T., D. Monroe 3, (5 dr), Charley C. 2, (4 dis), 2:34, 2:33, 2:35, 2:36, Fashion, b g (3 :34?^), bv Corsair. W. IJuffee, Winnipeg, Man., Oct. '21, 1882, $400. Honest Quaker 2, Panta- loon, .Sain H. (1 dis), 2:.56,-2:48. 2:51 1/2, 2:.52. Oct. 23, 1882, $400. Sam H.. 5, 6, W. J. 2, 3, Minneapolis 4, Honest Quaker, Julia F., Pantaloon (2 dis), 2:54, 2:47, 2:5.3, 2:45, 2:43, 2:45, 2:4.3V4. 2:48'!,. • Stillwater, Minn., Aug. 24, 1882, $100. Rattler, Claybank, 2:40, 2:34%, 2 :40. A. G Orff, Rochester, Minn., Sept. 14, 1883, $1.50. Kitty Warren. Little Queen, 2:424, 2:42?i, 2:.39. Faueh-a-liallagh, b g (2 :36), by Legal Tender (?). M. J Doyle, Savannah, Ga., July 27, 1874, $60. BobiH Hood 1, Billy, 3:05, 2:53'/2, 2:50. 218 CHESTEIfS COMl'LKTE TK()TTIN(} AND I'AriN<; HErORD. April 2, 1875, S400. Thuiicicrbolt 3, 4, 2:57, 2:57, 2:57. 2:5.5, 2:53. Nov. 26, 1«75, «!17.'>. Sleepy .loe 3, Diiviil Croekett. .Maud, 3:0U, 2:59, 3:00. 2:57'/». Feb. 22, \sn;. *250. Annie Collins .j. Uaniev Kelly, 2:45',2, 2:4(j, 2:45, 2:49. Washington, 1). C, May 3, ])S7(i, *1,0(H). Nelly. Osear, (iayo, Nellv Gray (2dis), 2:;J6>4, 2:;«94, 2:36, — May 4, 1«7U, «;i,ooo. Usear. Lady Cliathani, belle of Flatbush, Ivitty Fisk. Lady Geitriide, 2::it)'4, 2-,37H, 2:38)^. May 13, 1870, S500. Ciayo 1, Nelly Cray 2:4(;>4, 2:40'i, 2 :38'/j, 2,43=4. ;;^.Surt<)lk Park, I'liila., May 17, 1870, Sl.OOO. Nelly 1, Fleetwood, Hall McAllister. David (4 (lis>, 2:.H1, 2:32, l'."'Melntyre, Frovidence, R. I., Nov. 1 and 3, 1877, .$400. Vulcan 2, 6, harney Kelly 3, 4, Joe Riplev 1, Mazor, Hatenian, li. .M. J. Doyle, Savannah, Ga., Feb. 14, 1879, $500. Hotspur 1. 3, 2:4.5K., 2:44i.i 2:405i., 2:49>4, 2:49. Jan. 22. 1880. .<2!»o. Ned M. 1, 2, Harry G. 4, .Joe Rhea (5dr), 2 :40,2~ 4.5. 2:441 2:40' », 2:47>,. 2:.52. Faustina, b in CZ :-iKi , ), by I'liil Sheridan. J. .J. Bowen, Mystic Fark, Boston, Oct. Z\, 1883. S44, 2:5,5, 2:48'4. Favorite, cii 111 (!«:30), by Senator. A. Smith, Saratoga, Spu, N. Y.,Sept. 2. 1875, $100. .Johnny, Frank, 2:48, 2:.50, 2:.53. - "^:1-,-^'"".",' Syracuse, N. Y., Sept 7, 1875, $500. Jupiter Abdallah, Lysander Maid, Homer Boy, Gen.Grant, \\ illiam H. (3 dis), fommy Ryan (3 dis). Sleei)V Kated dis), St. Charles (1 dis), 2:30, 2:42'^, 2!:i9. Sept. 11, 1875, $700. Unknown, Jleiirv. Aiuerieaii Bov.2:.s7. 2:35. 2:39. II. Ballon, Troy N. Y.. Ausr. 31, 1870, .•joOO. Ben Smith" 3, Clover 1, Geo. H. Mitchell, Lady Dahlman (3 i\r\ 2:35,2:33, 2:34, 2 :35U, 2 :36(». ' .J Saratoga Sj)a, N. Y., Sept. 8, 1876, $100. Rosa, Warwick. 2:41, 2:46. 2:42. Fleetwood Park N. Y., Sept. 27, 1870. $800. Martha Wasliingtou, Ladv Low, Carrie N.. 2:32. 2:30, 2:;n. \Vhite Plains, N. Y., October 12, 1876, .'$400. Lady Pritehard. Lady White, Fannv Atwood, 2:30'/j, 2:30'/,, Dover, N. H., Nov. 2, 1870, .$400. Gifford, Belle Dean. Belle Smith. John Virgin (1 dis). 2::55, 2:30, 2:36. " ^- G. Appleiuan, Norristown, Pa.. June 19, 1874, $175. Tillie Smit" " " 2:32'4. Dov Fawii. b m (3:43!/2). L. (i. Appleiuan, Norristown. Pa'.r.Iun'e' 19V"l874,"$i75. ' WlVe' SmUiirFrankrR.' l! B., 1< sinner Boy, Lady Croton, Jack B. (1 dis), 2:45, 2:47'^, 2:43'^. June 20, 1874, .S175. Tillie Smith 4, Pawnee Squaw'i.3, George Hicks, Claude D. (5 dr), 2:40, 2:48'4, 2:48'4, 2 :48;-i, 2:481.1. 1 l ' f- \ /. , 4, 4, Fawn, ch m (2 :37). (i. Valeusiu, Sacramento, Cal., May 18, 1883. $200. Mack l, 2, Danger, Zulu (3 dis\ 2:37, 2:42,2:37.2:39,2:41. - . . , , f, , v , , Fayette, brg (a :39i4,), by .Swigert. Geo. (J. Doubledav. Waukegau. III.. Oct. 4,1876,81.50. Dot 1, 2, Nelly Siiiitl). Lady Kate, Billy Curtis, Jack Carter, Woddchuck (4 dr), Little Frank (2 dis), Lottie B (3 dis), Roxie (1 dis), 2:50, 2:51. 2:49, 2:47U, 2:50. Watertown, Wis., Sept. 26, 1877, $100. Yellow Bark 3, Gray Ned 1, Seven Up, Charley, Cooper (4 dr), Frank (4 dr), — -. 2:40, 2:40i2, 2:41, 2:41!^. .Sept. 28. 1877 $100. Yellow Bark, Cooper, Frank, Swigert Jr., Flora Gates, Seven Up. Ruby, Billv Barr (3 dr), Billy 12 dis\ 2:50, 2:45, 2:41. e , ■ . . A. J. Elder, Rochelle. HI., Sept. 8, 18S0. $1.50. Kitty S., Unroe, 2:41i4, 2:42, 2:42. Oregon, 111., Sept. 21, 1881. $20»,. Kirkwood Jr. 3, "Prince, John H., Illinois Bov (4 dis), Ladv Hopeful (4 dis), 2:46?4, 2:39U, 2:39*.,', 2:43?4. F. IJ., b m (3 :47'4). T., Moore, Atlanta. Ga , Oct, 27. 1879, $200. Trouble 1, 2:45»^, 2:47'o. 2:.54'i, 2:55. Fearless iCnice), b m (3:38 w), by the Meeker Horse W. H. Borst, Rochester, N. Y'., July 20, 180,5, $100 Tow Bov 2. Iliirlibiiid ]\Iaid, 2:."57'», 2:36, 2:;W, 2:39. — — Col)l)leskilI, \. v., Oct. 25, I8a5. $100. Tartar, Hall's rn m. Crazy Jane, 2:32, 2:32, 2:34. .Inly 20. isdc. Ai'fi. Little Stranger, 2:.37, 2:3,S, 2:32'". .J, Dougrey. Fashion Course, L. I., Aug. 3, 1806, $1,000. Ladv Jane 1, 2:33?4', 2:;W2, 2:3194- 2:321-4. Aug. , 1.S66. ,$700, Crazv Jane 2. 3, 2 ::56, 2 :45, 2 :39' 2, 2 :.34, — . S. James, Boston, Mass., Sept. 13, 1866, $200. India Rubber 1, 2 (40), (50), (6 i\r\ Fannv Allen, Gen. McClellan, 2:a3. 2;.32?4, , , . (wi, W. H. Borst, Oct. 0. 1866, $2,000. Blackstone Belle (w), 2:36K'. 2:35, 2:35. Providence, R. I., Oct. 25, 1866, ,$300. Old Put 3, 2:3914, 2:35^, , 2:35ii, 2:33^. (w). Copake, N. Y.. Nov. 3, I8OO, .$:»0 Cora (w), l, Burger (w), 2:34, 2:3i;2 2:30i:. 2:28. J. Dougrey. Fashion Course, L. I., May 31, 1867, $400. Panic, Capt. Tallman, Ned Forrest (l dis), 2:29i^, 2:29.2:29>4, 2:39.2:3814,2:40. Fearless, gr m (2 :43). .John S. Parkes, Providence. R. I., Oct. 10, 18a5. $100. Sorrel Pet 2:45, 2:43, 2:42. Fearless, bcks m (3:56). Adam Thompson, Lowell, Mass., Sept. 27. 1807, $3.5. Nimble Dick 1. 2, Gen. Grant 3. 3:00, 2:53, 2:.59, 3:00, 2:.56, 2:.'i8. Fearless, blk m 3:33i4). O. Bort. White Plains, N. Y., Sept. 21, ls74. .-^loo. Ed. Jones. Meteor (2 dr). 3:2.3}^, 3:24. Three-year-olds. Fearless, b g (3 :38'4, by Fearnaught. T. S. Carpenter, Middletown, Conn., Aug. 20. 1875, $300. Billy Stevens, Wol f Hunter, 2 :,52i.i . 2 :".<). 2 AH. .1. Carpenter, Wooiisoikct, R. I., Sept. 14, 187,5; $250. Capt. Allen 3, 6, Crazv 1, 2, Another Such, Sea Foam. Joker (5 dr), Helle (4 dr), MoUv Russell (4 dr), 2:41. 2:41, 2:4414, 2:3914. 2:40, 2:42U, 2:4.5. Fearless, b g (3:50i4). A. F. Weizel, Doylestown. Pa.. Sept. 4. 187,5. $4(M). Tom Scott 1, 2:.52'i. 2:.5394, 2:.5C.'5. Fearless, b m (3:50). N. S. Bosworth, Sturbridge, Mass., Sept. 15. 1876, $.50. Kate Murray. Lantern, Browu Dick, Carlotta, Bessie (2 dr), 2:,59, 3:0,3. Fearless, gr g (3 :44). W. Clegg, Taunton, Mass., Sept. 27, 1877. $90. Ladv Cabot 2 :.54. 2:50. Sept. , 1877, $150. Honest John 2, Midas, Bessie H., Fannie B.\4 dr), Kitty Wells (3 dr). 2:46, 2:46. 2:4.5.2:4,5. Fearless, ch g (3:00), bv Hemips, dam bv Legatee. J.J. Johnson. Chestertown, Md., Sej)!. 13. 1881, «60. Flora Swing 2. Star, Bashaw, Fred G., 3:00. 2:.59''o, 3:00. Four-year-olds. Dover. Del.. Sept. 29. 1881, $100. Ladv Moscow 1, Star, 3:09, 3:03, 3:07. Fonr-vear-olds. Fearless .liiii. blk g |3 :r>45.i ). H. M. Cortis, Dayville, Conn., Aug. 7. 1875, $40. Nelly 1, Harry Walton, Fanny Allen, 3:0t 3:06. 3-0O. 3:06. A. M. Armstrong. Milford. Conn., .July 4, 1878. $100, Tim. Tom. 2:!>0.3:00. 2:54»4. FearnauRht, (w)ch s (3:23i4), bv Young Morrill. dam Jeiinv. by the Steve French Horse. E. L. Norcross, Boston, Mass., May 10. 1865, $160. (ieo. Washington (w), Niblo"(w), 2:31%, 2:40'/i. 2:4lMa. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 219 Win. Woodruff, Jime 30. 1865, .lil.OOO. .John Morgan, 2 :33?4. 2:3414, 2:34. toaconl N. H., Sept. G, isu.j, .$.000. Ticonic, Ethan Allen 1 (4 ilis), ii:38, 2:4054, 2:36, 2:39. (s), Boston, Mass., Aug. 28. ist)6, .'3i6,()00. Dan Mace (s), 2:2914, 2:29, 2:30. US), Sept. 18, 1866, $2,000. Joliu Morgan (s), 2:32'a, 2::i0'<., :':34V2, (W), E. L. Norcross, Providence. R. I., July 14, 1868, .ifl.OSO. Darkness (w), Old Put (w) (3dis), 2:31'/;. 2:28, 2:30' 2- Dan Mace, Buffalo. N. Y., .July 29, 1868, $10,000. (ieorge Palmer 2, Col. Maynard, American Girl, J. J. Bradley, Myron Perry, Victor Hugo (4 dis), Molly (4 dis), 2:2314, 2:28, 2:24?4, 2:26i4. Feai-niiHsrht, cli s (3:4»). R.Armstrong, Guelpb, Ont., Sept.—, 1871, $800. Joe Simpson, Orange Billv. H(M>eater(l dis), 2:47. 2:48, 2:48. & Jt Fearnau<.;ht, bsi'J:.36). S. W. Berry, Portland, Me.. Sept. 17,1878, .$ . Royal Knox 1, 2. Victor, Dr. Franklin, King Philip. Coupon, Abliott Cidis), Black Diamond (Idis), 2:3514. 2:.'!7,"2:36, 2-40, 2:38i4. FearnaiwjTlit. h s 1 3 ■.•Z9). by Canaihi Black Hawk, dam hy Red Bird. F. St. Germain, St. Paul, Minn., Sept. 3. 1S7S, si.iioo, Alexander 2, Capt. Heruil. 2::i0'.,,2:2.s?4, 2:29. Stallions. Red Wing. ?,[inn., Sept. 11, 1878, .'S.'iOO. Flora Belle. Charley Champ, 2:32, 2:35, 2:36i4. ilenomiiice. Wis., Oct. 3, 1878, .$400. Capt. Herod, Charley Champ, Dread, 2:37^, 2:.j8'i, 2:38i/^. — Fcai-nans-ht Hoy, l> s (3:43), by Feamauglit. J. A. Dustin, Mystic Park, Boston, Se'pt. 30," 1873, $750, David T;n,"^art U dis), 2:5134- Three-year-olds. 1). Shain. St. Thomas, Out., Aug. 18, 1880, $100. Chestnut Sam, Gray Lizzie, Ancaster Boy, Dock, No time. H. Shain, London, Out., Aug. 26,1880, $75. Gen. Mack 1, Little Fred, Gray Lizzie, Ptahima (4 dr). 2:46,2:43,2:45.2:46. Fearnauglit Chief, (3 :05). J. Forbes, Woodstock, Ont., May 24, 1879, $100. Limestone, King David, Carrie. 15esttime, 3:05. Fearnausrht Jr.. (\v)ch s (3:36). by Fearnaught. E. L. Norcross, Boston, Mass., June 13, 1868, $1,000. Tay- lor's br in (2 dis), 3:02i4, 2:57i2. Three-year.olds. B. S. Wright, Boston, Mass., July 2, 1869, $1,500. Stewart's ch s, 2:46ii, 2:4754, 2:46^4. Four-year-olds. Tulv 7, 1SS69, $1,500. Stewart's ch s, 2:49^4, 2:47, 2:46. Four-year-olds. Jurv20, 1869, $l,.500. Stewart's en s. 2:50, 2:471/2, 2:46i^. Four-year-olds. ■ July 2". 1869, $;,.500. Stewart's ch s, 2:51, 2 :51^, 2 MU- Four-year-olds. Providence, R. I., Sept. 7, 1369, $ . Highland Ash (w) 1, 2:4054, 2:43%, 2:43. D. Neviiis. Beacon Park, Boston, May 17, 1877, $200. Honest Farmer, Harry, Belle of Worcester, Frank A. Lymin, A;iron, Amanda, Clara Belle (2 dis), Valley Cliief (2 dis), 2:30t^, 2:26, 2:30. Fearnaufflit Jr., b g (3:37), by Velox, dam the Buford mare. W. A. Forth. Evansville, Ind., Oct. 31. 1879, .•jgiKi. Yankee Sam, Billy Britton, 4:02, 4:09'i. One-and-one-half mile heats. New Harmony, Ind.. Sept. 17, 1875, $125. Logan. Lady Jane, 2:48i4, 2:.").3M. 2:.52. Fearnaught Prince, blk s (3:37). W. G. Brown, Portsmouth, N. H., Oct. 12.1870,$ . Greenland, 2:52. 2:-17i/2,2;47'i. Mr. Jones. Piscataqua, Me., Sept. 19, 1871, $ . Kentucky Chief. 2:58, 2:57, 2:57. H. G. Smith, Dover, N. H., Oct. 4, 1872, $250. Martin Luther 1, Colonel Cross (I dis), 2:41, 2:44, 2:42)4, 2:43-,{. Claremont, N. H., Aug. 7, 1873, $200. Kitty Thome l, Grace, Colonel Cheney, Ferry Henshaw, Folly (1 dis), 2:4054, 2:40, 2:,';9, 2:38'4. ' " Lawrence, Mass.. Sept. 12, 1873, $400. Little Dick (l 0), Flora Belle. Horace Greeley, 2:37, 2:38, 2:41, 2:40' 1. Plymouth, N. H., Oct. 2, 1873, $150. Pearl d o), Lady Williams (1 0), Dolly Varden (l dis), 2:43i4, 2:40, 2:41,2:43. Fear Not, b s (3 :47). A. D. Hawley, Richford, Vt., Julv 4, 1867, $1.50. (Joddart's b ni, 2:.52, 2:48, 2:47. Fear Nothing, gr g (3:51). Chas. Dickerman, Hartford, Conn., Aug. 11. 18;)6, $ . Orphan Boy, 3:06, 2:51. 2:51. Feddy (3 :33). W. F. Kidder, Waverly, N. J., May 8. 188O. Prize-silver. Helene, 2:32, 2:33i2. Feek's Horse (3 :55). A. J. Feek, Baldwinsville, N. Y., June 30, 1863, $ . Tasker's horse, Taggert's horse, 2:56.2:56, 2:55. Felix (s), b g (3 :41i-^ s). Jas. Ward, Baltimore, Md., Nov. 1. 1854, $3,000. Kentucky Joe (s). 2:47, 2:47, 2:4l!4. Felilx, wh g (3 :50). J. D. Adam, Atlanta, Ga., June 19, 1878, .$50. Oriola l (3 dis). Dollar 2 (3 dis), 2:50, 3:04, 3:06. Felix, b g (3:3514). by Nutwood, dam by Abdallah Chief. J. D. Oc:den, Cedar Rapids. la., June 13,1883, $.500. Martha C. Toronto Maid, Alfretta, Idler, Maud H., Ethan Allen (2 dis), McK. (1 dis), Mambrino l':iris (1 dis). 2:.3454, 2:.34J4, 2:34. MarslKilltown, la.. June 21, 1883, $500. Toronto Maid, Idler, Maud H., McK. (1 dis), Martha C. (1 died), 2:r;iU. 2::i7'4, 2:.36. ( )skal()osa, la., June 26, 1883, .$500. Toronto Maid, Idler, Maud H., 2:3.5, 2:35, 2:35i<.. Mason Citv, la., July 3, 1883, $500. Idler, Susie C. (1 dis), 2:42i4, 2:34i4, 2:.38K'- r. sjiatz. Pittsburgh, Pa., July 27, 188.3, $1,000. Mambrino Clay, Lady Upton, Lucy R. (2 dis), 2:30i4, 2:25'4,, 2;2">i4. Fenian (3:41). Geo. Voorhees, Owosso, Mich.. Aug. 18, 1878,.$ . Lady Voorhees, Nelly. 2:43, 2:12, 2:41. Fenian Boy ( 3 :33i^*). Ed. Montana, St. Joseph, Mo., Sept. 30, 1869. $200. Dave, 2:241;, 2:22ii. Short track. Fenian IJoy, ch g (3 :10). Hanna & Kelly, Petersburgh, Va., Oct. 22, 187.5. .'5100. Lady Triplet, Lady Fielding, Redmond, 3:19'o. 3:10, 3:1.5. Four-year-olds. Fenian .Sister (w), blk in (3 :41\i:). R. T. Walker, Union Course, L. I., Sept. 20. 1865, $400. Tony Pastor (w) 1, Dick Turpi!) (w), 2:49, 2 :47i/g, 2 :48, 2 :.50. May 31, 1866, $1,000. Jimmy Lynch, 2:48, 2:41 1<;. 2:43. Fenner, ch g (3 :33), by Belmont. 'J. H. Goldsmith, Cobbleskill, N. Y., Sept. "26, 1883, $200. City Boy, Sleepy Dutchman, Borax, 2:40J^, 2:.37i4, 2:39. Fennimore, eh g (3 :37), by Victor, dam Lady Larkin. bv Little Jack. S. A. Baird, Delhi, N. Y., Oct. 5, 1877, $125. Carrie B. No time. J. G. Vandewaken, Cortland. TST. Y., June 13. 1878, $150. Whalebone, J. B. Sprague, Ada, Rosamond, Clover Bov. .Jack Shepherd (3 dis), 2:40, 2 :40, 2:37. Fernando Wood, b g (w) (3 :44 w). Union Course, L. I., Oct. 14, 18.59, .$.500. L;\'lv Suffolk, W (1 dis), 2:44. Ferris' Black fielding:. (3:41). R. F. Ferris, Amenia, N. Y., Sept. 16. l,^'69. $ . Mabbitt's ch g (w), Sliariistocn's b m (wi, Brook's b g (w), 2:41i4, 2:41. Ferry Hensliaw. b g (3 :4li4). John F. Tyler. Mobile, Ala., May 11, 1866, $300. Molly Buckner, Great West- ern d dis) 5:33. 5:39'4. Two miles. Claremont N. H.. Sept. 9. 1873. .$125. Langdon. 2:41?.,, 2:4114, 2:42. July 4, 1874. .$80, L:Kly Spur, Sleepv Dick, 2:46. 2:41 1^, 2:50. F. F., ch g (3 :00). A. R. Ladd. Point.Breeze Park, Phila., Oct. 17 1879, .$.50. Monk Medium 5. (3 0), Frank R. 4, Victorine (3 0). 3:00. 3:02, 3:00, 3:01. .3:00. 3:01. F. F. Low, br s (3:37), by St. Clair. Geo. Inch's. San Mateo. Cal., Aug. 28, 1868, $875. Harvest Queen 2, 3, 2:.52ii, 2:4.5V6, 2:44i'2, 2:44. 2:48. Four-vear :olds. Sacramento, Cal., Sept. 21. 1868, $1.50. Harvest Queen. Billv Havward (2 dis),*2:4154,2:44, 2:42i4. San Francisco, Cal., Oct. 27. 1868, $1,000. Hiram Woodruff, Sorrel Charley, 2:37, 2:391^, 2:37. 220 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TKOTTINU AND PACING KECOKD. Fiddler, b g (3 :39^4). S. Cook, Chicago, 111., July 24, 1876, $125. Ethan, Lucy, Weazel, Brickyard, 2:44. 2 :45J^ i::4.'i'.i. II. Kedmond. New Hunting Park, Phila., Oct. ->«. 1881, $100. Maggie, 2:.56'/i, 2:5li4, 2:4(J. Fidelity. I) ni (.« :50). Geo. Wood, Boston, Mass., Sept. 30, 1«59, $50. Belmont, 2:52, 2:51, 2:50. (\\ ». 11. L. Lawrenee, Aug. 1, 1860, ■'Sl.V). Belmont (w), 2:55, 2:52W 2:52. Fides, ill g C-JiSTU,). l)v Gen. Stanton, dam l)y Bliick Bear. A. Riddle, St. Catharines, Ont., Sept. 21, 1881, .*1L'0. Tonnny 15. 1, Billv (iolddust. No time. (i. Robertson. Toronto, Out., Aug. 14, 1«82, $750. O. T. A., Lady G., Marsh Clark, Capt. Ellis (1 dis), 2:35'.i. 2:.T."o, 2:;«). (iuelpli, Ont.. Oct. 6. 1882,$ . Little Billy 1,2, Russian Spy, Valentine, 2:38, 2:37, 2:37'/j, 2:35»4, 2:39. Niagara, Ont., Oct. 27, 1882, $ . Charley (iibson. Pinafore, Fulton, 2::iS'i, 2:33'/2, 2:33. Fidiiin, gr ni (2 :43). R. .Mason, Ellsworth, Me.. Sej)!. 12, 1865, $3(X). Blanco 2, 2:43. 2:46, 2:46, 2:48. FIllMTt. ell g i3:i>0). VV. Sargent, Burlington, Vt., Oct. 24, 1871. .?125. Hamilton 1. Gen. Stannard. Country Maid (3 dis), Harrv (2 dis), Jeiinv c' ills), 2:.^;'.,. 2:r>:i. 2:.'>o, 2:.")4. Oct. 2.5, 1871, .f2()0. Coiintrv Maid, Bismarck. Horace Allen, 2:55, 2:.53,2:54. FilMert, gr g (3 :3«). G. \V. Fitzwater. Wilkcsl)arre. I'a.. Aug. 2(), 1874, sSSOO. Little Mary, Champion Morrill, .Messenger Ironsides, Mack. American Boy Ci dr), Pillston Maid (1 dis), 2:38, 2:34, 2:38'4. Filiinore, 1) g (3 :53). I). W. Conklin. Huntington, L. I., Nov 7, 1857, $50. Gray Squirrel, Emily, 2:57, 2:53, :i :.'>'.». Fillinoii'. eh g (3 ■.•3'ZU). G. \V. Bidwell, Cincinnati, O., Oct. 9, 1860, .f250. DiekTurpin, Flora, Wagner (1 dis), 2:,i2V,. 2:3.3, 2::«. .\piil 11, 1860, .$,'^00. Dick Turpin 2, Abby Woods, Bob Watts, Emerald, 5 :09, 5:0!». 5:08>4. Two miles. Siiti Francisco. c;al., April 18, 1863. $2,000. Calilornia Damsel (w), 13:16. Five miles. N. Porter. Sacramento, Cal., Sept. 13, 1866, $400. Lowry Matthews, Dolly Duncan (1 dis), 8:03'/!, 8:09^. Tlirec miles. Finch's lilack Mare (3 :46' j). Mr. Finch, Eagle Ridge, N. Y., Julv 22, 1872, $ . Faulkner's gr m, 2:46'/i, 2 .iL".i. Fiiidreii, cli g (3 :Ol ). by Green's Bashaw, dam by Iowa Chief. W. Blanchard, West Liberty, la., Sept. 1, 1881, .■?1.5. (iold Drop, KrankChester (2 dr), 3:01, 3:01. Finiif^aii, ell g (3 :34i2). W. H. Borst, Troy, N. Y., Jan. 29, 1869, .'«!500. Odekirk'sb g 3, Locust, Lizzie Packer, Kenner's ch g. Faniiv Fern (1 dis), Ladv Emma (1 dis), Sannder's eh g (1 dis), 2:34!o, 2:.'i4?i, 2:38V2, 2:40. Poughkeepsie, N.'Y., July 5, 1869, $500. Fred 1, 2, Black Knight, Young Wilkes (4 dis), 2:35, 2:38, 2:38, 2*37 2 "39. Fire'cia'y, br s(2:53). H. C. Courtright, Auburn, N. Y., July 15, 1870, $50. Major 2, Billy, Bay Champion, 3:0.->i.i. 2:.57'2, 2:58, 2:5794- A. S. Huntington, Canton, O., Oct, 2, 1874. $ . Colonel, Dutchman. Best time, 3:03. A. M. Spellman, July 1, 1875, $150. Kittv A. 3, 4, Jim 5, Judge Waite, Davv Crockett, Advance (5 dr), 2MPi. 2:.5.5. 2:53. 2:51,2:53, 2:53. Fire Fly (6:08). Montreal, P. Q., Nov. 6, 1867, $120. 9h8m. To trot 90 miles in 12 hours. Fire King (s). gr g (3 :39 s) (3 :33*). Mr. Martin, Centreville, L. I., Aug. 3. 1835, $ . Modesty (s) 2, 2:43, 2:41,2:39. Fireman's Favorite mm (3:30'^). J.Sherman Jr.. Boston, Mass., June 21,1844, $200. Hamlet, 2:35, 2:30! 2. First Love, b m, by Happy Medium. R. Steel, Morrisania, N. Y., Oct. 7, 1882, $250. (w o). Oct. 7, 1«8-'. .'$700 (W O). Fir.st Sand, (3:.'»0). E. A. L. Roberts, Titusville, Pa., July 4, 1873, $ . Phil Sheridan 1, Honest George, Kitty, Prince. Baldwin, Long George, Billy, 3:30, 2:51, 2:50. Fish, b m (3:36). J. Driseoll, Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Oct. 13, 1880, $200. Mary W., Gray Billy, Charley, K.. Billy, 2 :36;'i, 2:36. 2:38. Fisher, b s (3 :31 2-3). Mr. Swain, San Francisco, Cal., Nov. 18. 1870, $100. Dolly, 10:36. Three miles. Fisher, ch g (3 :40ii), by California Belmont, dam by Capt. Fisher. T. A. Scott. San Francisco, Cal., Dee. 3 and 4, 1882, .$2,50. Stranger 1, Proctor. K();in Tom. 2:51 2:45. 2:43, 2:404. Fisherman's l>auKliter,bm (3 :44i4). A. Rogers. Hall's Track, L. I., Sept. 28, 1872, $100. .loe Hall 2, Re- peater. John, 2:.53i.i. 2:44, 2:44^4, 2:47'/2. Fisher's Kay Geldinj,-, (3 :55). C. Fisher. Belvidere. N. J., Sept. 13, 1877, $40. Emory's gr g 1. Bobby Burns, Nellv B. (3 dr), 2:59, 2:58, 2:55, 2:56. Fisher's Brown Stallion, (3 :03i4). J. M. Fisher, Easton, Pa. Oct. 27, 1869, $50. Maggie Monroe 1, 2, 3:10' i, 3:12,3:04,3:07, 3:03i2. Three-year old.s. Fitch, b s (3 :44). by Edsall's Henry Clay, dam Ladv Edsall. by American Star. F. Shoemaker, Bedford, Pa., Aug. 31. 1881. $im. St:indard. Flora, M., Ladv Ciilpler, 2:59'2, 2:59i4, 2:59i4. H. B. Carr, Port Alleghiuiy, Pa., Sept. 8, 1881, $220. C. E. Fenton 3, 4, William Wallace, 2:50>4, 2:50».i, 2:.59'.i, 2:47. 2 :.'■>!. J. Scliurtz, Olean, N. Y.. Sept. 24, 1881 ..i. Condersport, Pa., Sept. 27, 1883, $105. Ladv Rice. Joker. 2:44, 2:44, 2:.52. FitehburK Boy. chg(3:40';), S. . I. M. Weston, Hudson, Mass.. June 9, 1877, $150. Jenny Cleveland 1, 5, Hero .i, St. Lawrence, Little Joe, Maud (5 dr), Leo (5 dr), Maggie (4 r o). Toronto Maid (2dis).Chauncey Boy (2 dis), 2:50. 2:4.'i, 2:45, 2:4.3, 2:.50. 2:49. Gardner, Mass., .Tune 14, 1877. .$100. Petersboro Bov 2, DanC. Jenny Cleveland, Rowdy. Little l-ellow, Liz/ic Drake (1 dis), 2:4.^ 2:51, 2:.51, 2:48. — — .Mystic Park, P.ostoii, Nov. 20 and 21. Is77, $ . Jack. Best time. 2:40V«. FitzKeriild.iDimn and Rutherford), (s) 1> gf3:30), bv Young Columbus, dam Dolly Root, by Jackson's Black Hawk. G. W. Thomas. .Jersey City. N. J., May 4," 1879, $100. Ben is) 2. Harry (s), Ed. Sill(s), 2:44, 2:43 2:43K>. 2:40'.;. Lee. Mass, Sept. 6. 1877, $1,50. XX (2 0), Tom Mason. Jennv. Oriole.(3 dis), 2:40, 2:41 ?4, 2:40' .-,2:42. Alb:inv. N. Y.. Sept. 13. 1877, $200. My Julia 1, Dick Loonier. Belle of Otsego, Jessie, Ida Jane, (Jeorge E. Weed (3 dr), 2:35. 2:35, 2:34. 2:39. . .„ , .. ,. , F. V:indekar, Prospect Park, L. I.. June 4, 1878, .$400. Clara Morris .3, Pondietta, Lilly, James M. Oak- lev, Addie E. C. Jenny L. (3 dr), 2:36'.i,2:32Vi, 2::$4, 2::}5. J. Hazlett, Waverle'v, N. J.. Sept. 15. 1H79, $1.^.0. Sussex. Cinderella. 2:.32. 2:33>4, 2:.32. ■ Plttsllcld. Mass., Oct. 8. 1879, .SISO. Sllgo 1. .!. Wild Dandv. Tom Mason, 2::!6, 2:33i2, 2:36'i,2:32, 2:;i4. Norw:ilk.(^onn., Sept. 16, 1880, ,$'200. ClaremontS, Emma 1. O. A. Hickok. Bay George, Rosebud, 2:31?4, 2:.'!I',, 2:;tlU, 2:;«U, 2:34'i. .Salamanca, N. V., .July 4, 1881, $400. Valiant 1, 5, (2 0), Stephanus, .lack. 2:31. 2:31. 2:30'/j. 2:31, 2:30^4, 2:.30. W. Haslcft, Jersey City, X.J,. Sept. 19, 1883, $50. John D. 1, 2:47, 2:47. 2:.37, 2:44. Fit/. .John, cb in(3:r>0). s! R. Clark, Ambler Park, Pa., May 11, 1X78. $ . Lambert Knox, 2:50'/2, 2:50. 2:.')01V,. Sept. 28. 1878, ,?200. Susan Chirk, 14 :.55. Five miles. ^ ^ I'Mtzwater's Chestnut Gelding. (3:41'.). G. W. Fitzwater, Point Breeze Park, Phila., May 30, 1874, $300. Ladv Norwav 2. 4. D Tomkins, 2:4.5, 2:40K>, 2:42V.. 2:40, 2:41!/,. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 221 Flash, (Delhi), (3 :31i^). c. H. Brodeineyer, Baltimore, Md., Sept. 28, 1870, $400. Loafer 2, Butcher's Damsel, 2*51 2 '51 2:45M» '■ May 30,*l'871, $1,000. Scroggins 1, White Mountain, 2:36';, 2:35, 2:37, 2:36. Daniel Steever. Oct. 3, 1871, $c>oo. Warsaw ( l dr). Star Pilot (l dis), 2:3y'2. (w) J. T. Swim, Oct. 9, 1873, $300, Buel:5l •■,, 2:r,Ji.>, 2:r>4' .. 2:53V4. Closter. N. J., Nov. 6, 1875, $100. Col. f'amiibcll, and four others. 2:46, 2:45. 2:4.5. J. Benton, New City, N. Y., Nov. 12, 1875, .Sioo. Col. Campbell, Lvdia, and three others— 2:48, 2:45i4, 2:42'4. Nov. 13. 1875, $100. Snow Bird, 2 :.57. 2 :40i4, 2 :45< i. Jas. McKee, Woodbury, N. J., May 9, 1876, .$500. Billv Barefoot, Modoc, Uncle Bill, Mary Jane, Lady Burgett, 2 :.37i4, 2 :.34i 2. 2 :36. May 11, 1876, $.500. Sally Bodine, Alonzo (1 dis). 2:44K', 2:491^,2:4.514. Point Breeze Park, Phil.. May 23, 1876, $1,000, Nelly, Faugh-a-ballagh, David (3 dis), Alonzo (3 dis), Hall, McAllister (3 dis). 2:31i''2, 2:29, 2:29. Ambler Park, Pa., May 31, 1876, $700. Alley, Uncle Bill, Mary Taylor, Mary Jane (3 dis), 2:37i4, 2:37, 2 :38. • June 1, 1876. $.-)00. Draper, Nellv, Rocky Hill. Stiletto, Prince, 2:33'2. 2:32, 2:.3.5. Fleety, br m i3:34i4). Freeport. 111.. Juno 11, 1875. $1,000. Kitty jStratton 3, Lady McFatridge, Peavine, Ni'ttie G., Bav Charlev, 2:.37, 2:;35. 2:.^4, 2:.'^4i4. Fleety, b m. C. A. Lisle, Burlington. la., Sept. 26, 1879, •$ . Roaming Robert, Snip, 1:30, 1:31. Two-vear- olds. Hidf mile iieats. Fleety Golddust. gr m (2: 30). by Golddust. I>. L. Dorsev, Cambridge. Tnd., .Tune 6, 1872, ,$4.50. Kate Bennet 1, Lovewise, Fanny Sturgeon (2 dr). Doctor Homer (2 dis). Maroon Golddust (2 dis), Maid of Erin (2 dis), 2;.50i;,. '>-M)i'„, 2:4194, 2:.52i4 Four-Vf'ar-olds. Lowell. Mich., June 18, 1872, ,¥450. Don I. Robinson, Maroon Golddust (2 dis). Pirate Golddust (1 diS), 2 :.53i4 . 2 :.53i 1 . Four-vear-olds. 222 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. Buffalo, N. Y., Aiit; G. is;-.', Sl.ono. Howi-'s Tomiuy 2, Emerson (ioldtlust, liii/.z (3 (lis\ Tornado (1 dls). 2-'.i>' 2:;»4'I, u:3'2'», 2:;!4. I'oiir-vt'iir-olds. ^ Clias. S. Grewi, llectwood I'ark. N. Y., Sept. i-', 1S73, §1,200. I'anny, Heathcrblooni, Daniel Boone, (ieorite .MillerU dis), Vulcan il (lis), \Vintlu-0|) .Morrill. Jr. <1 dis). 2:31. 2:34»4, 2:;n'2. HuiTalo N. Y., Auj;. 7. 1874. .:»4,tH)o. Kansas C'liief, Stewart Malonoy, Vanity Eair, Dinah, Lady Dahlman, Ladv Alicl', Lady Star. Kitty Wells (2 dis), Slow <;o i2 dis), 2:2;i>«, 2:20'-. 2:22';. L'tiia N. v., Au};. !2, ls74, .s.'i.iKKi. JSlusic 1. Sj otttd Colt, Stewart Maloney, Lady Byron, George H. Milclicir. Everett Kay i.4 dri. SniUKgler (4 dr), llamperion (2 dr), 2:22K,, 2:22!'2, 2:23, 2:27. I'rospeet Park, L.'l., Sept. 25, 1874, .$2,000. Sensation 3, 4, Huntress U dis), 2:23, 2:23, 2:2.'?yj, 2:29, 2:25?^. rieuiiiiK t. b in i3 :39). bv Buccaneer, dam Prairie Bird, by Flaxtail. Oakland, Cal., March 17. 1883, $125. Colo- nel 2. P.uck. 2:33?4." 2:32. 2:29, 2:29i4. Flimsy l>aii. b s (^3 :40J4). Lamb T.aveni, Ta., .Tulv 22, 187.5, $100. Color.ido 3. 2:55. 2:.53. 2:.50, 2:40?^. Flint Morffaii, ch m (3:56i.i). J. L. Blakeley, Laconia. N. H., Sept. 12, 1878, $40. Young Lyon 1, 3, Draco Chief, 2:.57, 2:.56;'4, 2:.58, 2 :.55i.i, 2 :5.5U. Flirt, b III (3:47i4)- C'has. Chase, New Orleans.La., Jan. 19, 1855,$100. Doctor Weldon 2,4, 2:55'/!, 2:50, 2:51, '^■.50 2'47W> Flirt, bni (3~:'41). J. W. Smith, Hudson, Mass., Sept. 15, 1871, $100. Jean Ingelow, Rubber, Marblehead, Young Barnev(2 dis), 2:.53!o, 2:.55, 2:52"». Taunton. Mass.. Sept. 27, 1871, .$25. Beindeer. Brown Nathan (2 dr). 2:46. 2:.50, 2.52^. Seiit. J8, 1S71, $60. AcuR^inct Boy 3 (40). George J. Batchen. Helen (2 dr\ 2:48. 2:45 2:42'/2. 2:45Vi. 2:48. Flirt, dim (3:38'!), by Gen. Knox (?). S. Hayes, Beacon Park, Boston. July 19, 1875, $100. Janet, It any, Kosa '''.5'^ ''•.5'' ''".56 .i. .I.-Bowen" Mystic Park, Boston, June 17. 1881, .$300. J. H. Gould 2. Gen. Custer L^Oforge A., Screw Driver. Lexington Jr.(5 dn. Kitty lvcs(4(l.-). Joe Boynton (3dr), 2:;51i.,. 2..S2, 2:2!)>4. 2:;nK>, ;-:■«• Providence, R. I., June 24. I88I. $;!00. George A.. J. H. (5ould. Screw Driver. 2:30, 2:29^4. 2:.?0. Hartford, Conn., June 30, 1881, .$300. J.H.Gould 1, Screw Driver, Little Mary, 2:32^4., 2.28>4, 2.28^5, 2 31'/> Flirt. hrnW3:.31iO. H. Morris. Charlotte. Mich.. Aug. 7, 1879, $300. Bay Prince, Myrtle, Ned Forrest, Strainer (2 dis). 2:.37.2:.%V,, 2:.38'.?. _ , ,^ ,-,0 x- .-. , .lohn Gariium, Howell, Mich.; Aug. 19. 1882. .$200. Noms Bashaw 4, Tom B. 3 No time. Flirt, b m (3 :37^). H. Wilson, Hillsboro, Or.. Aug. 28. 18T9, .$250. Hanker 1. Lady Green, (admus, 2:37, 2:37!/2. Flirt'; b" m"(3l3.5^,)- W. D. Ramsdell. Calais. Me., Aug. U, 1881, .$ . Mountain Boy, St. Stephen Boy. 2:41'/,, W."l)'. iVamsdell. Lewiston. Me.. Aug. 8, 1883, .$.wo. Rocket 4. Gray Nose 1, Fanny M., Harry, Nat Otis, Priscilla, Hewitta, (3dr), 2:3G'.,,2:.15?.i.2::i7'4.2:40, 2:.37'i. /-»..„„,.., o s-i' o.^in- FlirUUa, b m (3 :43). D. W. Beckler, Beacon Park, Bost,), by One Eyed Kentucky Hunter, dam Madam T*^"ip\P„.^:e(i. E. Perrln, Union Course, L. L, Sept. 9, 18.50, .$30. Whitehall I, Delaware Maul. Napoleon (l dis). Hiram O dis). 2.62, Flo"ra, Vr'ni' d :4<»- N. Hallock. Utica. N. Y.. Aug. 1.5. 18,54, $1,300. Teazer (3 dis),2:44, 2:48. 2:40. (w), Otis Bort. Oct. 11. 18.5fi. .$.500. Tom (1 (lis), 2;.-!G. .Tulv 22, 18.57, .$400. Jurrv Maid 1, 2:.52. 2:47'". 2:4G, 2'.52. <>). J. Best, Lexington. Kv.. Julv 2.5. 1863. .$1,50. Lady Latsham, Uunderwood s b s. 2:.56. 2:59. Flora, b m (3 :41 '4). M. Fish, San FraiK'isco. Cal.. Aug. 22. 1867. $200. Ma.ster A ernon 1. 2, Ben l4. Two miles. _ „ , , „ ,„,, „ .,,, „ ,„ Flora, b m f3:42i Mr. .Moxander. Colnmluis, O.. July 11. 1868. .$ . Fannv/w\ 2:4.34. 2:44U. 2:42. Flora, ch m (3 -.r.j^). Mr. Bashaw, (irand Rapids, Mich., June :», 1869. $150. Hiram Woodruff 2, Snip, IrisH Flora'IhVi's^oiir^Vin. I'iodine. Middletowii, N. Y.. Aug 2.3. 1869, .$ . Lady Clay. Lady La Grange, ^ Newburgh N\' Y.,^Sept. 4!*1869. $50. Mambrino Maid. Tormentor, Major Burke, Fanny Edsall, 3:08 S:07. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TKOTTING AND PACING RECORD. 223 Montgomerv. N. Y., June a. 1870. $35. Bay Gelding, Fanny Star, 3:12,3:04, 3:03. Flora b lu (.3 :59lj). Mr. Edgerton, Janes ville, Wis., July 22, 1870, $iO. Lady Alice, Gray Douglass, 2:59'/4, 3:03. Flora, b m (3:39!4). Mr. SpeiK'er San Francisco, CaL, Aug, 13, 1870, 5f700 Nelly Grattan l, Mary Davis, Lady Tliorne, Ladv Bisniarclv, Jonny Colonian, Butcher Boy (3 dis). Fanny (3 dis), Sorrel Billv (1 dis), , Sept. 21., 1870, §600. Ajax 2, 3, (5 dis), Baltimore Belle (l dis), 2:40'4, 2:42, 2:41M, 2:45, 2:49. San Jose Cal., Oct. 6, 1870, $150. Bracelet, Honest John (1 disj, 2:30>.>, 2:40^2, 2:40;4. Sar. Francisco, Cal., Nov. 18, 1870, $350. Index, 2 :43 2:51, 2:40. Flora, ch m (3:481., ). Mr. Kelsev, Albany N. Y. Aug. 3, 1S71, $100. Tlonestv, 2:48' n, 2:51, 2:55. J. Caghreu, Albany, N. Y." Sept. 14,1871, $50. Lake Girl 2, Newlou, Capt. Smith, 2:494, 2:48, 2:50. 2 : 50. Aug. 11, 1874, $100. Bay Jim 1 (4 0) Fanny Lee (4(dis). 2:55, 2:53, 2:54, 2:55'2, 2:rAl4. Flora, b m (3:51'2). Wm. C. Clark, Worcester. Mass, Sept. 22, 1871. $60. Billy Button, Richard III (3 dis), Youiisr Barney U dis), 3:00, 2:53, 2:51^2- Flora, b m (?:53). N. Pyle Oskaloosa, la.. July 4, 1872, $100. Frank, Lucy, 2:55. 2:53, 2 :.54. Flora, b m (2:39) Thos. Tierney Frelighsburg, Can., Sept. 4, is72 $125. Richmond Girl, Dominion Gu-l, 2:42 2:43, 2 :3P. P. Mc Enany, Sheldon, Vt., Sept. 10, 1875, $100. Young General, Bellevue Maid, Honest Charley, 2:48i4, 2:46.2:48',. Flora, b m( 3:3 7). Geo. H. Hicks, Boston Mass., July 29, 1873, $150. Grand Central 1, 2 Eva, Blacksmith Maid Pollv(4dr). 2:42 '2,2 :439i 2:41i4. 2:47, 2:43. Sept. 30," 1873, .$300. Meddlesome Modoc, 2 :46i4, 2 :42. 2 :-10. Flora, ch m (3 :45). Mr. Rockliill, Fort Wayne, Iiid., Sept. 27, 1873, $ . Brown Billy, 2:5614, 2:45. 2:48!i. Flora, b in (3:36). O. J. Peck, Amenia, N. Y"., June 2», 1874, $500. Ed. Smith, Ned lorrest, Yellowstone, 2:38, 2:38i..i, 2:39. H. E. Hopkins, Lee, Mass., June 24 1875, $300. Gypsy Girl, Major Warfleld, 2:39. 2:41^, 2:40. Flora, (3:38). B. Watkins. Jacksonville. 111., Sept. 9. 1874, .$ . Proctor, 2:39, 2:38,2:38. Flora, bm (3:414). Levi Litzenberger Waterloo, N. Y. Aug. 19, l«74, $ . Lib, Josie, Sorrel Dapper Jr, 1.(2 dis), 2:54, 2:50, 2:41'j, 2:48i4- Flora, b m (3 :40). L. Allen, Falls Village, Conn., Sept. 7. 1874, $70. Jack Potter 3, 4, Addie Bell, Daniel 2:4114 2:4Ci^, 2:50, 2:49, 2:40. Sept. 10, 1874, $70. Shakespeare, Addie Bell, Daniel (3 dr), 2:41, 2 :43, 2 :48. Flora, b m (3 :47). John Seward, Marysville, Cal., Sept. 16,1874, $250. Lizzie Jasper l, Gypsy (l dis), 2:52, 2:47 2:48 2:59. Flora, gr m (3 :46). W. P. Laird, Plemington, N. J., Sept. 24, 1874, $200. Weil Boy, Eastern Girl, Princess (3dr), 2:474, 2:46 2:47i/2. Flora, blk 111(3:55). D. Gervais, Montreal, P. Q., May 24, 1875, $250. Nelly, Maid of Ottawa, 14:35. Five miles. Aug. 6, 1875. $75. Baker Boy 1. No time. Flora, gr m (3 :4l). W. D. Sayre Sacramento Cal. June 1, 1875, $400. Jim Farrell 2, 3, Teddy McGee 1, 2:441/2, 2:43/2. 2:44!/2, 2:4314, 2 :43',/2 2:42'4. Flora (3:4914). Lynn, Mass., May 15, 1875, $100. No Name, Little Allen (1 dis), 2:51 4, 2-A9U, 2-M%. Flora, b m (3:461^). L. G. Legg, Great Falls, N. H., Sept. 30, 1875, $300. Hiram 3, Moxey2, Gertrude, 2:46'/2t 2:48,2:48, 2:52, 2:54. Flora, grm (3:40). K. C. Allen, Hazleton, Pa., Aug. 16,1875. $200. Harry, Sam, Sally S., Dewitt Clay, Abe (2dis), Blind Dan (2 dis), 2:45, 2:43, 2:43. Aug. 18, 1876, .$200. Harry, Dewitt Clay. Sam, Sally S., Grecian Bend, 2 :40, 2:40, 2:40. Flora bm(3:43). D. Sanford, Waverly, N. J.. June 13,1876, $150. Annie R. 1, Jenny, Tilly Carson, Fanny Varick, Harry Hedden, 2:50, 2:42, 2:42i2, 2:439:i. June 15, 1876, $150. Annie R., Jenny, Bay Richmond, Henrv Hedden (3 dr), Mercer (2 dr). No time. Flora, b m (3:474). Chas. McCreery, Beaver, Pa., Sept. 28, 1876, $100. Buckskin d 0), Louisa (3 dis), Coun- try Girl (2 dis). Little Frank (2 dis), 2:56U, 2 :47?4, 2 :.50?4. 2:474. Flora, ch m (3:40), by Delinonico, dam by Tom Crowder. E. E. Chambers, Northeast, Pa., Aug. 19, 1876, $ . Dan 1, 2 :45, 2 :40. 2 :48. Flora (w;, blk m (3 :49). Albany. N. Y., Oct. — , 1876, $ . Switch Tail, 3:00^, 2 :55. (M') Nov. 4, 1876, $- — . Xitty Lewis (3 dr), 2 :.50, 2 :52, . Flora, b m (2 :38). J. T. Learned, Lee, Mass., July 4, 1877, $125. Major Lord 1, Delilah 3, Mack, 2:35i^, 2:39, 2:3714,2:40,2:4114. Pittsfield, Mass.. July 14, 1877, $100. Delilah, Mack, Lady Burr (g dr), 2:40M, 2:42, 2:38 Aug. 16, 1877, $100. Silas Rich (2 O), 2:41, 2-38i,i, 2:41?i. Flora, ch m (3:51;. E. Sewell. Newburgh, N. Y,, June 8, 1878, .$ . Irish Mike 1, Colden's b m, Whippoor- will (4 dr), 3:02, 2:52, 2:53, 2:.51. Flora, b m (3 :354). S. Willet, East Aurora, N. Y., Sept. 26, 1878, $^—. Herald, Molly O., Drover Boy, Molly D. No time. Yorkshire Centre, N. Y., July 5, 1879. $ , Allen Boy l. Gray George, Mabel A. No time. East Aurora, N. Y., July 5, 1880, $ . Flying Cloud 3 (2 o), lola. Busy Boy, Molly D. (5 dr), Harkaway (4 dr). No time. C. J. Hamlin, Buffalo, N. Y., July 30, 1881, $ . Lilly Pearce (w), 2 :35'^. 2,.39?i. 2,36. Fl<»ra. ch m (3 :34i4). liy E^, 2:46^. Four-year-olds and under. Walker & McDaniel, Worton, IMd., Sept. 17, 1879, $50, Cyclops, Reckless (2 dis), Molly F. (2 dis), 2:50, 2:.50. Four-year-olds. Flora (Rosa B.), ch m (3 :37i.i). E. T. Smith, Greenfield, Mass., Julv 23, 1878, $200, Addison Boy, Gen. Butler, I):in C, Volcano, Rocks. Topsv, Ashtabula (3 dis), 2:40, 2:37^4, 2:40. Flora ch in (3:06). bv Broken Legged Hunter, .1. W. Wilcox. Clinton, la., Aug. 30, 1879, $ . Tipton Maid, Blackwood, Joe the Bar))er, Gertnule, Honest Aleck (1 dis), 3:08, 3:06. 3:C9. ■ Flora, bni(3:Ol). w. C. Trimble, Newburgh, N. Y., May 30, 1879, $.50, No Name, Lady Starr, Cornwall, 3:04,3:01, 3:03. Flora, b m (3:4914). H. J. Northrop, Newton, N. J., June 16, 1881, $00. Frank Phillips, Senator, Honest Jim, 2:.534, 2:51U, 2:49^4. Flora {3 :06). J. Travis, Greenbush, N. Y., Sept. 9. 1882. .«50. Kitty Whitefoot. Best time 3:00. Flora (2 :40). Portland, Me., Oct. 24, 1882. $200. Dan Wilkes 1, 3, Minnie M. 2, Fanny M., Humming Bird, Nellv B., Nellv H.. (2 dis). 2:40. 2:40. 2:40. 2:40. 2:40. 2:41. Flora, blk m (3 :44), by Colfiix. Mark Tavlor, Watertown, N. Y., Aug. 30, 1883, $ . Upstart, Charley, Lady flattie. lolanthe. Aniui (4. (3 dis), 2:45, 2:44, 2:44. 234 ("HKSTEUS COMl'1-ETK TUOTTINC ANi: PACIN(; HKC OKD. Flora, cli tn (2 :37>. bvCanliiiiil, clam bv Belmont. A. Farley, Visalia, Cal., Oct. lit, I88.I, §150. Brilliants, S. J. Tihii-n i4 (lisi; i':4()^4. 2:40^.,, '2:i:i. '^rM Flora B., l)lk Ml. C. Aiiranil, Newark, N. Y.. Oct. 9, 1874, $100. Arcadia Maiil 3, Clara, Minnie II. No lime. Flora B. i^iOSJ^). K. 1.. Best, C'hathani Village, N. Y., Sept. 16, 1875, $l.'j. Nelly, 3:20. 3:0Hiii. Four-year- olds. Flora B.,1) ni (8:55). H. F". Jacob.s, Lancaster, N H. Oct. 4, 1882, $100. Hambletonlan Chief (i 0), Vermont Champion, Nigger, 2:,")(5'j, 3:00, 2:50, 2:58. Flora B. (Dream), 1} m (2:25'i), by Curtis" Hanibletonlan, dam Nicola, by Reveille. W. Wood, Watertowu, N. Y'., .^ug. 31. 1883, S2.50. Geo. D. Sherman IK. J*. Flower, Little Walter Morley Girl (4 dr>, Ira (4 dr), 2:21>'.i, 2:28. 2:28',i, 2:30'/2. (Jouverneur, N. Y., Sept. 5, I88;j, S.MX). Cobrien, l^lly Sheridan, Lookout, K. 1' Slower, Carrie B. (2(lr>, 2:.!0. 2:30'.,, 2:31'2. Sei)!. f!, 18H3, §200. Pickwiek, Gvpsv Queen. Malone Patehen, Phil Sheridan, Kitty A., 2:34, 2:;J4, 2:34. Canton, N. Y., Sept. 12. 1K83, $200. Gvpsv Queen, Theresa Sprague, 2:37, 2:3(!, 2:42'/2. Flora Belle, b in i 'i -.•i'iii, ), by Stevens' Uwharrie, dam Kit. M. liigbee, Quiney, 111., Aug. 0, 1S7(), $100. Billy Pearee, SI. Louis Tom, 2 :4"8. 2:49. Macoml), 111., .hiiv 4, 18T2, S225. Y'ankee Sam, Chicamauga (2 dis), 2:46'.i, 2:48. 2:52. T. (;. Sniitli. Cleveland, <)., .lulv 19, 1872, 5il,.".00. .lenuy, Thomas L. Y'oung, Delaware Chief, I^ady Kate, Tom Walter, Kane Bov, .Joe Hooker, Little Longfellow (1 dis), F'rank Shaw (1 dis), Lottie (1 dis). Dictator (1 dis). 2:2i»',. 2:29. 2:28". Utica, X. Y., Aug. 14, 1872, $5,000. Sleepy John, Lula, Dauntless, Grand Duchess, Dennis (3 dis) George (2 dr), 2:28H, 2:269.), 2:27}4. Chicjigo, 111., Aug. 29, 1872, $2,.500. Pilot Temple (2 0), Chicago, 2:23?i, 2:25, 2;25>'2, 2:26. Aug. 31, 1872, .'8i2,(KK). Brother Jonathan, Pat King, 2:27, 2:2514, 2:23'/2. CinciiuKiti, ()., Sept. 24, 1872, .S2,000. Pilot Temple, Thomas L. Young, 2:27, 2:25;2, 2:2,5. Indianapolis. Ind., Oct. 4 and 5, 1872, $5,000. Red Cloud 5, Mohawk Jr., Brother Jonathan, *'ilot Temple, Jenny 1, 2 (5 dis), Kilburn Jim (3 dr), 2:243^, 2:23, 2:22?i, 2:24, 2:24'i, 2:25. Flora Belle, eh m {2:-iTli), bv Abe Lincoln. D. W. Beckler. Boston. Mass., June 24, 1873 $200. Farmer Slocum 1,3, Lady Frv. Black Bess, Pirate, Clara Gage (5 dr), Country Boy (2 dis). Captain Jack (2 (lis). Ilarrv Knox (1 (lis), L';.379i, 2:35',. 2:34,4,2:38!,, 2:381:,. ,,„„.:„.„„ .June 21;, 1873, .^ijoo. Farmer Slocum 2, Lady Hamilton 1, Lady Fry, Pirate, Country Boy Harry Knox (1 (lis), •J:37"», 2:3G'/>, 2:37, 2:37?4. 2:379i. .iuly 2,1l873, $200. Modoc, John T. Russell, Flora, Farmer Slocum, Sir William Wallace (1 dis). 2:37, 2:35'.;," 2:40. .lulv 8. 1873, S200. Lady Hamilton 2, John T. Russell, F'lora, 2:40, 2 :39, 2:41J4, 2:40^4. (w)." .luiv 211, IS7:f, .•J!250. Royal .Mike (w) 3. 2:36i4, 2:3Gi4. 2:38i.4, 2:38. ,^ Julv-'iOaiid 31. 187.!, .«200. Belle Dean 4, 7, King William 1, 3, Horace Greeley 2 (5 dis). Little Dick (2 dis). Ladv Hamilton t2 dr), 2:34, 2:35?^, 2:34?4. 2:34yo. 2:.S7';, 2:37, 2:.34^. 2:39"2. Mvsti('' Park. Boston, Mav 12, 1874, $2.50. Frank Palmer, Ladv Wentworth, 2:3::'.i, 2:34i.i, 2:35. May 15, 1874, $250. Johii Lambert, Belle Dean. Kate Gilbert. Caoutchouc, Lady Kirk, 2:33k, 2 :34i4, '- B('^'icon Park, Boston, Mav 19. 1874, $250. Frank Palmer 2, Lady Kirk 1, Lady Wentworth, Highland Maid, 2:.33, 2:32'4, 2:33, 2:.!G. ■ Mav 23, 1874, •«2.^0. Jubilee Lambert 1. John Lambert, Bdle Dean (4 dr\ 2:34, 2:32^. 2:30. 2:32. July 24 and 25, 1874, $100. Fanny 3, 4, Honest Billy 5, 7. Baby 1 (8 dr), 2:334, 2:31. 2:.34, 2:34Ji. 2:3Ci;i. 2:36, 2*3()' •> *2*'5'' '- Oct iir'lS74. .S600. Frank Palmer, Dustin Jim. Honest Billy, Cataract, 2:29, 2:29V4, 2:30^. Oct. 21, 1874. .•?400. Jubilee Lambert 2, 3. Cataract. 2:40. 2:40, 2::V)}4. 2:32!4, 2:.38. L T. Mauson, July 19, is75, §50. Ben FlaghT 1, 4, Little Ned, Amelia D., Cataract, 2:32,2:31. 2-.:^. 2:31. 2 3'' : (W) July 26, 1875 .?100. LittleNedl,2:;52,2:48, 2:3.5, 2:3614. Iulv:«) 187.5, $.500. Frank Palmer 3. 4. General. Honest Billy, 2:34'4. 2:31, i-MVi. 2:34Vi, 2:32'". Sept. 25, 1875. .■*400. Frank Palmer 1, 3, Jean Ingelow, Dustin Jim (5 dr), 2:33, 2:.30. 2:.30'/s, 2:29^^. 2:32'4. (w) Oct. 21) and 27, 187.5. .fl, 50. Jubilee Lambert 1.2. John S. Heald 5, 2::'..5. 2:36'.i, 2:;i5.2:36'/2, 2:39ai,2:38J(i, 1). W. Beekler, May 3. 1870, .?1()0. Baby Boy. 2:.ni.,, 2:34i.i. 2:37. . Mystic Park, Boston, Mav 2o, 1876, $500. ]Si:iggie S.. Baby Boy, Honest Billy, 2:31, 2:29. 2:28'.i B(»acon Park Boston, Ju1v 18, 187(;, $400. Royal John 1, 4, Georgie M., Maggie b., W inthrop Morrill Jr., 2.329i,2::{()U, 2:27'o, 2:28i.i. 2!29'2. — lulv 21, rH70. $300. Henrv (Miase 1. 2:31^, 2:29i,i, 2:.32i.i. 2:;!3M. A. I5. ( 00k, Maemi, Ga.. Oct. 31, 1878, $200. Harry B. 1, 2:34, 2:301^, 2:31'/2, 2:33V'2. Flora Belle, b m (3 -.mui T. W. Kenv(m, Lincoln, 111., Aug. .5, 1875. $60. Barrett, Bay Dan, 2:5794, i:f)»%. Aug. 6. 1875, .'{iioo. Barret 2. Bay Dan, 2:579.i, 2:,5S';, 2:.58. MinncaDolls, Minn.. .lune 17. 1*79. .? . Mambrino Prince. 2:42. 2:30. Sept. 8, '1880. .$200. Prioress, Black Hawk, Molly K.. Winoiui Belle, 2::i9'2, 2:40^4. 2:41. Hastings, .Minn., Sept. 13 and 14, 1882. $ . Clumsy Fred 3. 4, Lucy N. 2, 2:35>i, 2:.«i»4, 2:35^,2:35. 2.35, 2::!7, 2;. 37. Fargo, D. T., Sept. 19, 1882. $.500. Selkirk Lucy N., 2:32, 2:.32i.^, 2:31'i. ,,0.11 P. .Smith, Stillwater, Minn.. .lune 20, 1883, $2,50. Baybrino 3, Royal George, (.rand jMisery (4 dr>, 2:31, ^'j. V\"()swald, 'Minneapolis. Minn., July 3, 1888, $500. Baybrhio 2. .3. Fashion, Grand Misery (2 dr). ^'ow:ir('>"nua'., MinmiSept."'.'), 1883. .$,300. Baybrino (2 0),CharleyChanip.Farmer's Maid adis).2:34K>.2:;<4Vi, 2:.35'.;, 2::{6. Rodiestcr. Minn., Sept. 12. 188.3, .«200. Zig. F'armer's Maid. 2:329ri, 2:33'.,. 2:.35>ii. P. Smitli, Stillw;iler.IMinn.. Sept. 2.5. 1883. .$2.50 N;)monna, Zig, 2::«), 2:32.U,, 2:31. r...,,-.,,, ^^ Flora Belle, b m f3::$7',), bv Young M.inibrino Cliicf. d;im by Roy.il Revenge. G. P. Richmond, Davenport, la., Aug. ■■',(). iss;!. sioo. Aniie King, Van, Bertie S., Cliarley L., .loliii .Ir.. 2:40'.i. 2:to. 2:10.4. A. I). Adams. I).' Witt, la.. Sept. 6, l8K:i..sir.O. Combat. .Marmion. 2:44';, 2:46, 2:47^j. Sept. 7. iss:!. fi-^m. Combat 3, Honest Fred, .Marmion (1 dis), 2:40' 1, 2:4094, 2:44, 2:42!4 Aug. 31. \SK). .«400. John Jr., Bertie S.. 2:46'i, 2:4fi';, 2:47Hi. Oregon, 111., Sei>t. 20, is8;t.. $200. Jupiter 3. Frank Baker, 2:.38. 2::!7' ,, 2:37',, 2:394. „ „ „ u. Flora v.. b m (3 :.50). H. Coleman, Fast Saginaw, Mich.. Sept. 8 and 9, 1876. $40. Lord Dufferin 2. 3. Rob 1, S;iw Log. 2:.52. 2-51. 2:.50',,, 2:.50. 2-51i-(i. , . ^ ^. ,^ Flora ii/2. Aug. 7, 1875, $500. Peculiar, Chestnut Charley. Jessie Hayes, Captain- R., Alberta, George VV. S. 2:55, 2:52'/a, 2:57's. Flora K., dim (3:45V2). P. Emerson, Portland, Oregon, July 7, 1880, $250. Western Chief, King Faro (1 dis,l,2:45'/i, 2:50, 2:451^ Flora F., b lu (3 :34i4), by Clear Grit, dam Lady Blanche bv Mazepita. A. J. Feek, Albany, N. Y., Oct. 26 and 27, 1880, $300. Kit Carson 3, Radical, Beavervvick, Fiu-ette 1, 2 (4 dis), Effle Deans (3 dis), 2:37, 2:37^, '2::&2, 2;35>4. 2:3514. 2:35' 2. Oct. 28 and 29, 1880, $300. Elmer 1, 2, Mark Twain, Effte Deans (4 dis), Radical (4 dr). Kit Carson (1 dis), 2:37, 2::i6, 2:35, 2:34^4, 2:3414. New Hunting Park, Phila., May 3, 1881, $200. Charley T., Harry Velox, Monmouth Chief, Rob Roy, Blanche Medium, 2:37, 2:35, 2:32i4. Clean, X. Y., June 23, 1881, $400. Jack 1, Alleghany Boy, Valiant, Lady Brownell, Rosewood, Fitzgerald Tola, Lady B., 2 :32?4, 2:30, 2 :30i4, 2:.32i/^, Batavia, N. Y., July 6, 1881, $400. Alleghany Boy, King Almont, Lem, J. P. Morris, 2:30y2, 2:3(14, 2:2!Ti. lUilTalo, N. Y., Aug. 2, 1881, $1,000. Shamrock, Humboldt, Ambassador, J.W. Thomas, Cora, Lady June, Tom Hendricks, J. P. Morris, 2:24'o, 2:24^, 2:l'4'o, .\lbany, N. Y., Sept. 27, 1882, $8(MJ. Ewinir, Flurence, Barbara Patchen, Frank, 2:24!/2, 2:24'/2, 2:24V2. Beacon Park, Boston, Oct. 23, 18s2, $500. Florence, 2:25, 2:27, 2:27. Flora Frost (3 :43i^). vv. M. Nelie, Washington Hollow, N.Y., Sept. 28, 1874, $70. No Name. Frank. Scup, Nelly. Lady Patchen, Black Bess(3 dr). 2:43'4, 2:42'2, 2:46. Flora G., b m (3 :10), by Harold. S. S. Pickering, Uniontown, Ala., Oct. 24, 1882, $20. Lord Byron 1, Arbuckle (2 dis), 3:30, 3:10, 3:11, 3:10. Flora H., rn m (3:369i, by Kisber. J. Hoskins, Portland, Oregon, Oct. 21, 1882, $480. Y'oung Kisber, Ben, 3:37. 3:26i£. Three-year-olds. Flora Hunter, b m (3 :39), G. Service. Plemington, N, J., Sept. 26, 1877, $ . Wild Boy, Flora, Nettie B., Flora, Robeson's b m, Katy Did, 3:47, 3:39. Four-year-olds and under. Flora Jefterson, b 111 (3 :38 '4), by Thomas Jefferson. A. Sherwood, Meriden, Conn., Sept. 21, 1880, $150. loO 2 Young .Moose 1 Berkshire, Upstart, Nelly (2 dis), 2:40, 2:43, 2:419£, 2:.39';, 2-40%. W. B. Smith, Southington, Conn,, June 26, 1883, $150. Ned W. l, 2, Jack 5, Dick 2:41! 2, 2:41, 2:42V2, 2:42, 2:4n4, 2:431/2. F. W. Reynolds, Avon, Conn., July 11, 1883, $1.50. May Jefferson, Little Joe, 2:49y2, 2:50'/2, 2:46?i. W. B. Smith, Beacon Park, Boston, July 24, 1883, $400. Boston Boy l, 4, Captain 2, L. L. D., Mortimer, Minnie C, Charley Knox, Muriel (4 dr), Sylph (4 dn, 2:.32, 2:30-4, 2:28Ji, 2:30'/i, 2:32. 2:343^. Collinsville, Conn., Sept. 26, 1883, $200. Rowe's Tommy, Happy Jack, 2:48, 2:43, 2:39M. Rockville, Conn., Oct. 17. 1883, $200. Charley Ware, M. J. B., 2:36!4, 2:37, 2:3414. Flora Leedn m (3:36). E. Flanigan, Warwick, N. Y., Aug. 28, 1874, $450. Rival 3, Rescue, Hickory Boy 4, Ladv Bonner (5 dis), Nelly Rutherford (4 dr), Wicklow (4 dr), Dolly White (4 drt, Lena B. (4 dr), Einilie C. (2 dis), Passaic (2 dis), 2:40'2, 2:.37, 2:38'4, 2:37, 2:40. Syracuse, N Y., Sept. 3, 1874, $800. Frank 2, .3, Bay Ben l, 6 (7 dis), Charley Howe, Geneva (4 dr), West Eaton Girl (4 dis), 2:4t'2, 2:40M, 2:43i4, 2:.36, 2:.37, 2:38i4, 2:38. Fort Edward, N. Y.. Sept. 10, 187.5, $150. Nelly Webster 1, 3, Lady Mav 2:42, 2:40, 2:42, 2-43, 2:46. Sandy Hill, N. Y., Sept. 11, 1875, $ . Nelly Webster l, 3, Ladv Mav'2:42, 2:37, 2:42, 2:45, 2:46. A. P. McDonald, Waterford, N. Y., June 13, 1876, $200. Vulcan D., Thomas Davis, William R. Bleecker, Johnny, 2:411 2, 2:40, 2:4314. P. Flanigan, Cambridge, N. Y., July 1, 1876, $160. Maggie l, Night Hawk 2, Lady May, St. Charles, 2:38, 2:38 2:37 2:39 2:41. Flora May,' b'm'(3':36J£). W. Brown, New Albany, Ind., May 25, 1866, $50. Brown Kitty. 2:42, 2:43. Aug. 1, 1866, $1,500. Bob Johnson 1, Bettv, Sorrel Ned (3 dr), 2:46'4. 2:40'4, 2:10, 2:38. Cleveland, O., Aug. 24, 1866, $ . Billy 4, 5, Union Jack 1 (.4 dr), Ned Riley (6 dis), 2:4114, 2:42, 2:43, 2:46, 2:47,2:46. Flora Morrill, blk m (3:59), by Young Morrill. J. Fisher, Easton, Pa., May 15, 1869, $100. Delaware Maid 1, 2 (3 0) (5 dr) 3:13 3*15 3*35 3:11. (w),' June 12,' 1869! $]'oo! Bashaw Chief (s), 1, 2, 3:0414, 3:08, 3:11, 3:12. . July 3. 1869, $25, Keno2, Allspice (3 dr), 3-M]4, 3:06, 3:01, 3:03?4. July 17, 1869. $100. Dr. Jackson (vv"* Miller's Damsel (3 dr), 3:15, 3:03, 2:59. Flora Norwood, b m (3 13414) by Norwood, dam Florella, by Volunteer. H. Gatlin, Freehold, N. J., Sept. 13, 1882, $150. Richard Bull, 2:4894!, 2:44, 2:47. H. W. Buck, Red Bank, N. J., Sept. 20, 1882, $150. Bull, 2:48, 2:44, 2:47. H. W. Buck, Freehold, N. J., Sept. 14, 1883, $250. John D., Marvel, Alice Blackwood, Sleepy Jack, Handsome Lambert, St. (iiles, LillieMac, Queen S., Dryden Maid, Billy B. (2 dis), Victor (2 dis), John Mor- risey (2 dr). Little Star (2 dis), 2:3514, 2:3414, 2:35U. Flora P., ch m (3 :33), by Felter s Hambletonian, dam Nelly, the dam of Lucy. M. E. McHenry, Quincy, III., June 1 1882, $250. Blue Dick, Nan, Little Casino, 2:50, 2:50, 2:52^. Cambridge, 111., Sept. 8, 1882, $250. Toronto Maid. Laura Belle, 2:41i/4, 2:42, 2:4114. R. Porter, Davenport, la., Aug. 1, 188.3, $300. Tom Kirkwood 1, 2, Blue Bull Pilot, Minnie Wilkes, May Clark, Betsey Ann, 2:3214, 2 :33?4, 2:35, 2:361^, 2:36. Peoria, 111., Sept. 5, 1883, .$200. Lelia S., Legal Tender. 2:41?i, 2:3314, 2:3514. Flora Phillips, br m (3 :50), by Ledger. Wm. Moose, Sinclairville, N. Y., June 21, 1876, $150. Wild Rose 1, 2, Printer, Belle Martin, 2:50, 2:.50, 2:50i/,, 2:50, 2:50. S. Willet, Hamburgh, N. Y., Sept. 16, 1878, $55. Allen Boy, Dan Mace, Mabel A., Molly D., Paddy. No time. Flora Saxon, ch m. Peru, Ind., Sept. 18, 1879, $ . Black Hawk, Frank, Bay Flora, Rachel. No time. Flora Sears, br m (3 -.Slf^). C. J. Feuton, Kansas City, Mo., Aug. 5, 1871, $25. Mattie Lee 1, Kate, 3:10, 3:00}4, 3;02"2. William Noonan, Natchez. Miss., May 10, 1872, $100. Henry Rav, Billy Phillips, 7:84. Two miles. J. F. Caldwell, Nov. 23, 1872, $100. Henry Ray, Ladyship (1 dis), 2:53);^, 3:01. Flora Shepherd, b m (3:30), by Gen. McClellan. dam Jenny by Belmont (?). S. Crandall, San Fraucisco, Cal., July 3, 1875, $150. Aianieda Maid, Flora, Nelly Grattan, Alice (3 dis), 2:3414, 2:37J4, 2:34^. July 10, 1875, $300. Henry 1, Dutchman 2:32, 2:30,2:34, 2:,34. Petaluma, Cal., Oct. 7, 1875, .$300. Countess3, 4, Brown George 2:38, 2:39, 2:42,2:41,2:43. J. J. Shepherd, Vallejo, Cal., Sept. 4, 1878, $100. Havmaker l, 2:36.2:35, 2:37, 2:41. Sonoma, Cal., Sept. 27. 1878, $2.50. Rustic 2:43i4, 2:38, 2:39i4. St. Mary's Cal., Oct. 4, 1878. .$2.50. Rustic. 2:4314, 2:38. 2:39. Flora Temple (Flora), b m (3 : 19%). by One Eyed Kentucky Hunter, dam Madam Temple. 6. Perrin, Centre- ville, L. I.. Oct. 13, 18,52, $150. Brown Jim, 2:43, 2:41. 2:4.3. Hiram Woodruff, Union Course, L. I., Nov. 10, 1852, »1,000. Young Dutchman, 2:40, 2:39, 2:36. 15 126 CHESTEKS COMPLETE TiiOlTlNG ANO I'AClMi liECOlJU. • (w). Centreville, L. I., Dec. 10, 1852, $500. Centreville, '-':42. 2:46, 2:44. ruil;ulc'l|»liia, I'a., AjTil i-'l. iSM, «>;)00. Black Dou{,'las.s,L':;»Ju,ii:30l2, 2:35. C'l-iilicvill'j, L. I., Mav 4. 185.J, $lMm. hailv JJrooks, ■_':3n4, 2:32, 2:.WU. l'iiilaiiili)liia, I'a.. .May 17, Ituw, 82.000. Tacoiiv, Bhvck Douglass, 2:32!4, 2:35, 2:31^. t fiiuvviilc, 1.. 1.. .Iiiiif 15, IN);;. .-;ii.uiK). lliglihiiul .Maiil 1, 2, (3 (lis), 2:29, 2:27, 2:32. iw), .Jui;c2«. 1H58, ^f 2,000. llifiiilaiui iMaiiUW) 2, 4 (3 0), 2:28, 2:.32, 2:32, 2:33, 2:31V»,2:S6b Union (.'oursc, l>. 1., .June ho, Inv;, $1.000. Black Douglass, 2:32, 2:32, 2:36. ■ .Julv 1!», lW^k5, .?1.(JOO. Taconv,-4:.M;, 5:01',2. Two miles. ■ .Saratoga »ii:i, N. V.,July 20, ]%r,:i, $1,000. Tacony. 2:30, 2:31, 2:32. .Jul\ ;io, IK'^,;!, .vi.OOO. T:i(()iiv 5:04,6:10',.,. Twoinilcs. (W). lioclicslcr, .\. Y., Aug. 12, IH;"),} .SI,(KK). Tacouv (w), 2:31 fi, 2:365-4, 2 :35>1b- Utica, N. Y., Aug. 20, 1853, ?i!1,OoO. Taconv, 2::«'.^,"2:27, 2:28>.2. Saraloga Spa. N. Y., Aug. 20, 18.5;}, $1,000. Taconv. 2:29, 2:34, 2:.34. • I'hiladclplMa. I'a.. Sept. 15, 18.'-.3, $il,0(K). Tiiconv. 2:;U, 2:32. 2:.3(i. Oct. IS. 18."..!. .•^I.cKMHl. Lady Vernon, (Ireen .Mountain ]Maid 2:.33, 2:33'i,2:32M. Janu's Ward, Ciuciuuati, 0., ^ov. 24, 18.'i3, $250. Oreen Mountain Maid 2, Rhode Island, 2:38, 2:37, 2:40, 2:421.0. • (w;, Nov, 29,'1853, $250. Khode Islaud (w), 1, 2, (4 dr), Green Mountain Maid (vv), (5 dr), 2:43, 2:40, 2:41, 2:40, . Louisville, Ky., Dec. 3, 1853 $250. Rhode Island, 2:4.5K', 2:42, 2:40. ■ Sanniel Rice, New Orleans, La., Jan. 31, 1854, $900. Oreen Mountain Maid, 5:07, 5:07. Two miles. Hiram Woodruff, Union t^ourse, L. I., Oct. 5. 1854, $2,(K)0. Mac, 2 :31^j, 2:32, 2:33. t'entreville. L. L, Oct. 18. 18.54, $2,000. Jack Waters, 2:3:5. 2:39, 2:37. ■ J. D. .McMann, May 24, 18.'>5, $,'-),00.0. To trot 20 miles in 1 hour. Lost.. 12 miles in 37:11)4. W. I'eabody, Boston, Mass. June 20, ls5!t, $3,000 Kliow Notliing, 2:.37, 2:43. iw) Hiram Woodruff, Union Course, L. I.. July 6, 185,"), .$2000. Soutag (vv), 5:07, 5:27. Two miles. (w) J. 1>. McMann. Centreville, L. I., Sept. il, 1855, $2000. Lady Franklin (w), 5:121^, 5:1154. Two miles. Sept. 17. 18.5.5. .$.500. Chicago Jiick, Mac, 2:29Ui, 2:31 '/j, 2:34. (w) Hn-am Woodruff, Sept. 20, l.s-)5, $.500. Frank Forester (w). 5:15i4, 5:17V^. Two miles, J. D. .McMann, Oct. 17, l.s.:.5. .y.'.WH). Hero, pacer (w), 1. 4:.59, 4:57, 5:21'/2. Two miles. June. 24, 18.5*;, .SIOOO. Chicago .lack (s). 2:30K'> 2:30, 2:30. 1 ulv 2, 1850, i^-StO. Lancet, 2::i0'.;, 2:30, 2:29. Union Course, L. I., July 22. 1850. $1,000. Tacony (s) 1, 2:31%, 2:28'/2, 2:29M. llinuii Woodruff, Sept. 2, 185t), $1,000. Tacony (s), (1 dis) 2;24'/!!. ■ Fashion Course. L. I.. Oct. 8, 18.%, $3,500. Lancet, 2:;!8'..i, 2.34, 2:31. J. 1). McMann, Boston, Mass., Oct. 23, 1850. .«il,000. Lancet, 2:36!/2, 2:40!/2, 2:43. Nov. .5, 185*;, $1,000. Ethan Allen, 2:32' 2, 2:30}/>. • Centreville, L. I., July 20, 18.-.7, $1,000. Rose oi Washington s (1 dis), 2:31. Elniira, N. Y., Sept. 2, 1857, $900. Lancet (s). Miller's Damsel, Red Bird, 2:28, 2:27. Sept. 5, 18,57, .$2,000. Lancet i.s). Red Bird. Miller's Damsel (3 dr). 2:26V4, 2:27, 2:25. Albany, N. Y., Sept. 12, 1857, $4,000. Brown Dick, 2:33'/2, 2:30"o, 2:30. Springlield. Mass., Oct. 3. 18.57, $1,000. Lancet (s), 2:39'/2, 2:.32, 2:32. . Philadelphia. Pa., June 16. 18,58, $1,000. Lancet, 2:29, 2:31, 2:35. Tune 2J, 18,58, $1,000. Lancet. 2::n, 2:27'.< 2:29?i. ■ Baltimore, Md., .luly 1, 1858, $1,200. Lancet, 2:30, 2:29, 2:33. ■ lulv 0, 1868, $1,200. Lancet, 2:35>4, 2:31>4, 2:33'/2. Will. McDonald. Detroit, Mich., Oct. 2, 1858, $500. Prince, 2:3D/4, 2:34. Chicago, 111., Oct. 13, 1858, .$2,0.50. Ike Cook. 2:30»4, 2:38, 2:42. Kalamazoo, Mich., Oct. 15. 18.58, .$500. Prince, 2:33, 2:29. Chicago, 111., Oct. 10, is.-g, .$.")00. Ike Cook, 2:35»/2, 2:35'/2, 2:35. S;indusky, O., Oct. 27. lS.-,8, .$.500. Prince. 2:41, 2:37^4, 2:35. 1. 1). Mc'Manii, Adrian. Mich., Nov. 4, 18.58, $500. Reindeer, 2 :.30, 2:28, 2:28. St. Louis, Mo., Nov. 25. is.w, $1,(K)0. Reindeer, (2di.s), 2:34, 2:3.5. Nov. 27, 1858, $;,fK)0. Iteindcpr. 5:17K. Two miles. Dec. 2, ls,'-,8, $l,0(m. Reindeer 1, 2, 2;31"2, 2:31'i, 2:30?4', 2:32'/;, 2:36^. (w). Fashion Course, L. I., Mav 31, 1859, ,$2,0(K). Ethan Allen (w), 2:2,5, 2:27"2, 2:271'2-., . ( w), Eclipst^ Course, L. I., June 10, 18,59, .$5,000. Princess (w), 7:54, 7 :59i^. Three miles. Aug. 9, 18,59, .$ . Princess, 2 :23K>. 2:22, 2:234. .\iig. 10, 1859, $ . Princess, 4:.50U'., 5:05. Two miles. Boston, Mass., Aug. 2.i, 18.59. $1,000. Princess, 2:.'», 2:20!2, 2:34. Sanitoga S|)a, .\. Y., Auf. 27, is.59. .$l,.50O. Princess 2:30, 5:.38, 2:34. ■ I'orllai.tl, Me., Sept. I, 1869, $1,000. Princess, 2:32. 2:.56"2, 2:29. Phihidclphia, Pa., Sept. 8. 1859, $1.,500. Princess (3 dis). 2:41'2. 2:.31. 2:23. B:iUini()r(\ Md.. Sept. 10, 1S5!), $1,000. Princess (3 dis>. 2:29, 2:31,2:22. Chicago, 111., Sept. IG, 18.59, .$2,000. Princess, 2:31, 2:31, 2:26'-^. St. Louis, Mo., Oct. 4, 18,59, .$ . Princess, Ike Cook, 2:25i.i, 2:25*4, 2:28. (^iacinuati, O., ();!t. 7, 1859, $1,000. Ike Cook, 2:27'-2, 2:27, 2:21 '.4. Kiil.imazoo, Mich., Oct. 15, 1859, .$2,000. Princess, Honest Anse (3 dr), 2:321^. 2:22Ji, 2:193£. Cleveland, O., Oct. 22, 1859, $1,000. Princess, 2:40, 2:30!i, 2 29. Oct. 26, 18,59, $1,000. Ike Cook 2, 2:32' -, 2:33, 2:3,5. • (!uv:ih()ga FiiUs. O., Oct. 29, 1859, $ . Ike Cook (2 0), 2:38. , 2:34, 2:33. Buffalo, N. Y., Nov. 2, 1859, $1,000. Ike Cook. 2:28, 2:;!1, 2:23V'2. , ,. , Nov. 5, 18.59, $.500. Ike Cook. B( lie of Saratoga, 1 :40, 1 :47, 1 :47. Three-fourths of a mile. St. f^iitherines, Ont., Nov. 11, 1859, .$.500. Ike Cook, 2:35, 2:29, 2:27. t, «■ • 1 -1 Union Course, L. I., Nov. 21, 18,59, $1,000, Geo. M. P:itchen (s) 3, 2:28, 2:23, 2:24. UnlinisheO. Nov. 24, 1859, $1.,500. Ethilll Allen 1, 2:27, 2:20'.,, 2:27. 2:29?^. B;iltimore, Md., Dec. 1, 18.59, .$1,000. Ethan Allen. -VJT'o, 2:26M, 2:25>^. 'Jnion Course, L. I., Jiineo, I800. $1,000. George M. I':itchen, 2:21, 2:24, 2:21"2. Phll:idelplil;i. P;i., Julv 4, 18(Mi, .$1,000. George M. Patchen, 2:22';. 2:21?i, 2::{7"2. lulv 10, ls(;o,$i,(K)0. George M. Patchen, 4 :5I\4, 5:01!i. Twomiles. Union Course, L. I., Aug. 2. 18(0, .$.500. (Jeorge M. Patchen 1 2:2;%, 2:22'/2, 2:23, 2:255i. I''im(la, N. Y., Aug. 22. 1800, $.].m). Brown Dick (3 dr), 2:32, 2:25'i,. 2:;{8. Saii','us, Mav., Aug. 28, 18(10, $1.,500. George M. Piitchen (2 0), 2:2814. 2:28)4, 2:28).i, 2:28'/,. K.tlain:izoo, Mich., Sept. 1.5, l^eo. $1,000. Ethan Allen, 2:301-4, 2:25".i, 2:23. ( e tniville. L. 1., Sept. 27, 186", $1,000. 7:33''4, 7:4:!U. To I)eat7::i2'i. Lost. Three miles. Klniira, N. Y., Oct. 3, nw. .$2,010. (ieorge M. Patchen, 2:;«).2:31i/i, 2:;i0. Svricuse. N. Y., Oct. I.i, isco. $ . George M. Patchen, 2:26'2, 2:25)4, 2:26. Watertown, N. Y., Oct. 17. IRfiO. .$ . George M. Patchen 2, 2:28, 2:26, 2:26, 2:25. Rochester. N. Y., Oct. 23. IH60, $ . George M. Pivtchen 1, 2:29, 2:29, 2:2«. 2:30. Corning, N. Y., Oct. 31, 1860, $ . Georue M. Patchen. 2;332i. 2:31%. 2:31. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 227 Daiibiirv, Conn., Nov. 1."), 1860, S . Widow Macliree, 2:39, 2:31, 2:33. . Fiisiiion" Course, L. I.. iMay 21. l.stJl, $500. Princess. 2:.i2i,i, \>::U%, 2:34^. ■ Ceiitreville, L. I., June 13, 1801, S^ooo. .lolm Morgan, 2:2i-.i, 2:i6, 2:2S'/2. .June IS, 1801, .'S2.(M). Jolin Aiorgun, 4:."..''>'... 4:r/.ii4. Two miles. .Imie 2."x 1861. $2,000. John Mori^an. T:-IT. 7:48. Three miles. F:isliioii Course, L. I.. July 2."), isiii, .si.oim. Ethan Allen witli running mate 1 (2 dis), 2:21%, 2:20V2. Flora Temple, I) m (2 -Al-'^). McCivady & Co., Monlical, P. Q., Sept. 25, 185«, $50. Montreal, Speed, St. Jeroui", i'.laci< Prince, 5 :-i2, 5:23' i. Two miles. Flora Temple, b m (3 :46). o. Bort, Str.mford. (Onu., Nov. 18. 1874, $300. New Dorp 4, Fanny 3, Bridget (5 dr). Honest John (4 dis), 2:r;2. 2:47, 2;50, 2:52, 2:.>;. Flora Webster, b m (3 :47). JNI. Webster, Porllaud, Me., Oet. 28, 1863, $100. Gold Leaf (2 0), 2 :47, 2 :49, 2:51, 3:01. Flora Windsor, b m (3 :30), by Windsor, dam by Empire. T. W. Atkinson, Waverly, N. J., Sept. 15, 1874, $150. Fleetfoot, Lady Levi. 2:44'.2. 2:44,'2:46'i. Five-veai-olds. Sept. 2.3. 1874, .SIOO. Lottie. Lazv Ned. I:l8'.i, 1:10^4. Hall-mile heats. Mt. Holly, N. J., Oct. 7, 1874. .§175. St. Elmo, Fleetfoot. Shelly (3 dr), 2:42, 2:46, 2:47'i. Five-year-olds. Freehold, N. J., Sept. 16, 187.5, .>:80. Nelly V., Mao, 2:rAVi, 3:11, 3:06. Mt. Holly, N. J., Oct. 5 and 0, 1S75, ,$425. Sam French, Nelly V., 2:49, 2:42, 2:48. Oct. 6, 1875, $ . Delaware. Nelly, Modoc, 2:37, 2:34, 2:30'o. Point Breeze Park, Phila.. Oct. 12, 1875, $2,000. T. B. French 3, Bay Jack 2, Alley, Modoc, Countess (5 dr), 2:3.3!^, 2:30?4, 2:32W, 2:32-4. 2:32^. Freehold, N. J., Sepf. 14, 1876, $13.5. Ki Ki, Mystic (1 0), (2dr), 2:36, 2:44, 2:55, 2:38%. Gettysbur^h. Pa., July 25, 1877, $300. Sam French, Morning, Lizzie Keller, Sorrel Tom, Hambletoniau Mambrino, Modoc (2 dis), 2:35, 2:35, 2:32^4- Freehold, N. .L, Sept. 13, 1877, $150. Judge Robertson 1. 4, 2:37. 2-Myi, 2:37, 2:40, 2:34. Doylestown, Pa., Oct. 1, 1879. $250. Chauncey M. Bedle l, Buruloist, Sara French, Mambrino Hasseu, 2**^0' ' '^'Sl '*'3S 2'3'' ^ Mt.' Holiy, N.' J., Oct. 7, 1879, $325. Nelly Rose (2 0), Lyman, Peralto, Star, John S. Clark, Lady Patchen (3 dr). 2:34!i, 2:.36, 2:33U, 2:3.3. Florence, b m (3 :38?4). J. Furney, Toledo, O., Aug. 14, 1868, $200. J. H. Welch 1, 2, Lady Jackson, 2-AOU, 2:4114.2:4114, 2:46?4, 2-49i'4. Florence, b m (3 :40''2 ). E. Soper, Hillsdale, Mich., Aug. 22 and 23. 1873. $100. Hoosier Boy 3, 4, Kitty Carson 1, 2, Honesty, Hornpipe (2 dis). Doctor Everett (2 dis). Belle of Wauseon (2 dr), 2:,56?i, 2:57, 3:00, 2:58, 3,00, 2:57, 2:55. E. Grey, Morenci, Mich., Oct. 21. 1875. 150. Minnie Maxfleld 3, Bay Jim, White Cloud. 2:50ii, 2:50'/2, 2:51, 2:51i4. Florence, ch m (3:50), by Duster Golddust, dam by Highlander. A. Juvin, Jonneautville, Pa., July 2, 1874, $ — . Summit, Nameless, Richards. No time. Four-year-olds. Florence, b m (3 :38ii). John Trout. Keene, N. H., Sept. 28, 1875, $300. Whisper 2, Doctor Weston, Rosa B 1 (3 dis). Naked Truth (I'dis). 2:42i<'., 2:.38U. 2:.38M, 2:45i.i, 2:4114. Florence (3:40), W. J. Haskall, Athol. Mass., Oct. 1. 1879. $110. Nelly, Eva, 2:40, 2:40, 2:4214. Florence, ch m (3:33i4), by Highland Gray, dam Polly Daley, by Adam's Rattler. G. Haner. Rochester, N. Y., June 2, 1880. $400. Pat O'Brien, Black Princess, Nelly* Bly, Le Claire, 2:32'i, 2:35'4, 2:.34':.. June 4, 1880, $400. Ripton. George H., Billy Burr, George Brooks, Lady Mack, Lady Eleanor, Fulton (3 dr) 2:2.5^,2:2714.2:27. Batavia. N. Y., June 9, 1880, $400. Pat O'Brien 1. Lady June, Molly Gray, Black Princess (2 dr), 2:34i4, 2:38!4, 2:39'i, 2:39'/2. Lyons, N. Y., June 16, 1880, ,$400. Honest Billy 2, King Almont, Pat O'Brien, Black li-iccss, 2:31i^, 2:33';i, 2 :.33i4, 2:3514. .lune 18, 1880, .!;400. Rlpton 1, 2, Billy Burr, George Brooks, Lady Eleanor. 2:2914, 2:2914, 2:341^,2:31, 2:31J.,. ■ Gelieva, N. Y., June 23, 1880, $400. Helene, King Almont, 2:32, 2 3314, 2:3n/.. ■ June 25, 1880, .$400, Helene. George Brooks, Billy Burr. J. F. (1 ais), 2:40. 2:.37i4, 2:32' '2. Albany, N. Y., July 2, 1880, $400. Pickard. .leniiv Geddes. (2 dis), 2:30. 2:2954. 2:29. J. Doiigrey, Mystic Park, Boston, October 13. 188 1. $mo. Nancy, Argonaut, Camors, 2:28, 2:29'4. 2:281^. Providence. R. I., Oct. 20, 1880, .$500. Lady Foxie 2, John Hall', Frank Munson, Wizz, Camors (3 dis). Argonaut (3 dr), 2:2G!4. 2:24?4. 2:26, 2:25?4. Albany, N. Y. Oct. 27 and 28, 1880. 400. Fred Casey 4, (1 0), Amber, John Hall, Joe Ripley, 2:2514, 2:254, 2:26',, 2:29''2, 2:2814. — .John Splan, Washington, D. (;., May 4, 1881, .$800. Fred Douglass. Fred tasey, Clara J., Star, H. C. Hill, Pilot Boy, 2:241-1. 2:2G'i, 2:26i4. Suffolk Park, Phila., May 12, 1881, $.500. Belle Oakley 2, 3. Lady Foxie l, Amber. Fred Casey, Helene (5 dr), Star (1 dis), 2:2^4. 2:24^4, 2:2514. 2:2014. 2:26, 2 26. Grand Rapids, Mich., June 21, 1881, $900. Silverton 1, Edwin Thorne 3. Minnie R., Pickard, Alta, 2:25, 2:2C, 2:2814, 2:2.51.4, 2:26i4. J. .J. Bowen, Belmont Park, Phila., Oct. 3, 1882, $1,000. Flora F. 3, Luerece 2, 2:25, 2:23i4, 2 ■.2414, 2 :23M. 2 :2.5. Florence, b m (3 :37). J. B. Daily, New Dorn. S. T., .Tune 6, 1883, $1.50. Toney T.. Siiowflake, 2:."9, 2 :37, 2:41. Florence Herbert (Minnie WarrenK ch m (3 :.">6'4>. by Attorney. 'Varfield & Fletcher, Ottumwa, la., Aug, 22, 1883. .i? . Joe L., Barkis (I dis), 3:0314, 2:5U'4- Three-year-olds. • Oskaloosa, la.. Aug. 28. 18*3, $25. Nell. Belle. 3:.35. 3:28ii. Three-vear-olds. Florence >I., ch m (3:35i4), liv Blue Bull, dam by Red Buck. W. A. Jones, North Vernon, Ind., Aug. 10, 1881, S .. Billv G., Gone Up. Hambletoniau Downing. 3:04, 3:06, 3:02. • Aug. 11, 1881, « . 3:02. 3:01, 3:00. Comoplitors not named. ■ Shelbvville, Ind.. Sept. 8. isai. .$l>00. General Russ. Jim Erwin, Nancy M.. 3:00, 3:00, 3:0i. Sept. 9. 1881. .$200. H. Matloek, Little .Trihn, 1 :14U. 1 -UK. 1 :14i'2. Foiir-year-olds. Half-mile heats. May.sville, Ky., May 16. 1882, .$800. Walnut, Lillian, Bonnie Wilkes, Wade Hampton, 2:2.51-^,2:27)4, 2:2814. Toledo. O., .June 1, 1882. .$800. Walnut, King Wilkes, Bronze, Wade Hampton, Lona GufQn, Little Ned, 2:.30 4. 2:31, 2:31io. New Ross, Irid., Aug. 25, 1882, $400. Willis Wood.?, Gilmer, Rosewood, Frank Landers, 2:28%, 2:27i/4, 2 28. Lafayette. Ind., Sept. 9. 1882. .$300. Frank Landers, TTomemade. 2:.33";. 2:32'^, 2:36. Crawfordsville, Ind., Sept. 25, 1882, .$400. Rosewood 2, Frank Landers, Cliestnut Billy. 2:30, 2 :32, 2 :30, 2 :.30. Indianapolis, Ind., Oct. 6, 1882. $ . Fashion 2, 3, ATattie Hunter. 2:25i-;, 2:28, 2:28%, 2:25^, 2:25%. Rockville, Ind., Aug. 24, 1SS3. .$2.50. Willis Woods. W. B.. 2-29, 2:.32i'i. 2:.i2'<;. Frankfort, Ind., Aug. .31, 188.3, .$200. Bill Wilso-i. Willis Woods. 2:30. 2:.30%, 2:25Ji. Anderson, Ind., Sept. 6, 1883. $ . Katv B.. Howard. 2M. 2:3i. 2-29. Kokomo, Ind., Sept. 8. 1883. .« . Frank ?'orres(»r. Billv tlie Kid (2 dr), 2:35, 2:.31i4. 2:31. Fort Wayne, Ind., Sept. U, 1883, $300. Mambrino Sparkle 3. Polka Dot. 2:31. 2:28. 2:31. 2:27. 228 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND I'ACING RECORD. Sept. 14, 1883, $400. Mambrino Sparkle, Polka Dot, 2::il'.i. -':28»^, 2:26. Uiuksville, ()., Sept. 21, 1k«;j, .S3()0. Col. Dick, Nitrogen. Ida R., 2:f)G, 2:40, 2:35. Mauslielil, ()., Sejit. 2^. XHx:i. ifhm. Joe Hooper 1, Kiltv Clyde, Outlaw, 2:34?4. 2:33, 2:35, 2:33^. .Niarvsville, O., Oel. f>.18!<;i. ■<4U). Url)aiia Helle 1, Kilty D., 2:2'J'.i, 2:28, 2:31, 2:28. Keii'toii. O., Oet. 13. \x»3. i!;i(Ki. .Mambrino Areliy, l'ros])eet, Yankee Boy, 2:31, 2:30>.i, 2:28^. Florenee «)., br ni *:i :4«'.i). by C razy .lack, dam Blonde, a pacer. A. H. Perry, Des Moines, la., July 26, 1883; § . Kitty Strader. Harry Oleii, Tom Dougla.ss. Molly .\1.. 2:4()'c, 2:4(J>.i, 2:4Gli. Florida (\y I. b i; ( a :5G w). Alfred Post, New City, N. V., Oct. 2U, IKju, .•5i2."). Andy Sheeny (W) 2 (4 0), Harry Williams 1 (2 disi, 2:54, 2:.")2, 1!:.'')(1. :j:.">7. 2;,")7. FloridiKa:5~;'4). W. C. Braistcd, Rutland. Vt..'.June Hi, 1871, $50. Tam O'Shanter. 2:57?.i, 2:59?i,2:59. Four- year-olds. Florhla Jr., br s( a:4J»'4), by Florida. R.M.Lindsay, Scranton, Pa., Sept. 19. 18K3, S2()0. Jersey Dick 2, Sherman .Medium. Pickpocket, .Majonl dis), 2:55, 2:48. 2:4y'.4, 2:53'2. Floss br m (^lol). Jas. A. Dustin, Mystic I'ark, Boston, May .■), 1875, .$.50. Timid, Pepper, Gertie, Oregon, 2:51, 2:.54. 2:."j3. Flossy, blk m. R. \V. Davis. Vouiigstown, O., Sept. 19, 1883, $100. Forest Queen 2, Gen. Garlield, 1 :38, 1 :35, 1:4"(;. Half mile heats. Two-year-olds. Flour Boy, brg (« :r.9). Hiram Howe, Fleetwood Park, N. V., Oet. 9, 1872, $ . Dolly Varden 3, Frank 2, Jersey .MauT I Cidn, 2:57. 3:01. 2:58, 3:01, 2:59. Fly, b'kg {'i:4-i'i). M. (i. Sherman. Winchester, N. H., Sept. 18, 1872 $100. Horace Greeley 2, Aaron, Honest John. Dick TnVpin. Roxev Ci dn. liizzie Oucen (3 dr). 2:.5(), 2:4.">, 2:47. Sc))t. 19, 1872, $:n)0. Horace (ireeley 1. 2, Honest John. No time. Fly, \) 111 itJ:4;}i, bv Warwick, dam by Mambrino Chief. T. J. Howell, Galesburg, 111., July 1, ls74, $150. Mose 2, Lady Siiannon 0 dis), .j:OOU, 3:06, 3:0G?4. Four-year-olds. Oct'", 1H74 $100. Nelly, Monitor, 3:22'.j, 3:13. Four-year-olds. S. S. Dyer, Cambridge, 111., Aug. 26, 1875, .$150. Cub, Nomad, Lady Bush, Joe Laird, Mary, 2:51, 2:50, 2:.'->l. T. J. Howell, Aug. 30. 1876, $125. .Juanita, King Philii). Bay Billy. Elder Pogue, 2:44. 2:42, 2:50. Fly, br g (3 :r>.->Voi. .) . Lee. Fleetwood Park, N. Y., July 6, 1875, .$300. Miss Drew 3, 5, Pet 1, 2, 2 :57. 2:f52, 2:55, 2:55'/2, 2:54' .7. 2:55'?, 2:563^. Flyaway, blk s ('.J :36), bv Morgan Eclipse, dam by Yt. Black Hawk. Dan Mace, Taunton, Mass., Nov. 2, 1859, .$50. Taunton Biilv. Brown Billy 1, 2, (4 dis), 2:47^=4. 2:49. 2:46ii., 2:4s. 2:46. Boston, .Mass., Oct. 17. isoo. $100. Beneeia Boy 1, 2:44' o. 2:4.">'e, 2:4s. 2:49' 2. Oct. 18, 1860, .$250. Tom Cari)enter 1,2, Plough Boy. Aiax ddis), 2:39. 2:38. 2:40;4, 2:43Si, 2:46. Stallions. Oct. 25, 18t>0, .$100. Tom Carpenter 1,2, 2:42. 2:42'». 2:48':. 2:4;i'.i, 2:46'4,. Taunton, .Mass., Nov. 14, l8(;o, $40. Lady Cliami)ioii. 2:4.s. 2.46, 2:4l}4. Boston, Mass., June 21, 1861, $125. Lady Shaw 1, 5:24. 5:18. 5:21. Two miles. Richmond, Va., Nov. 29. 1866, $ . Bav Stranger, 2:.%, 2:51, 2:49. D. T. Harvey, Augusta, Ga.. Feb. 7, 1868. $200. Betty Ward 3 4, American Star, 2:40, 2:38, 2:39, 2:42, 2:38. Richmond, Va., Nov. 2, 1869. $ . Twist (2 Oi, 2:47, 2:39''2, 2:39i.i. Flyaway, ch g (2 :47). D. R. Ballon, Norfolk, Mass., Sept. 23, 1870, $125. Unknown, Lady Colnnibus, Flying Cloud, 2:5314, 2:4914, 2:54'/2. Taunton. Mass., Oct. 5, 1870, $30. Lady Kennedy 1. John Patehen (2 drK 2:52'2, 2:49, 2:47, 2:r)2' j. Oct. 7, 1870, $.50. Unknown, Lady Kennedy, P.hick Belle. 2:48. 2:51';, 2:47. Flyaway, (.S :00). M. L. Looniis, Keokuk, la., Sept. 2.s, 1^74, $25. Nameless, 3:03! i, 3:10, 3:00. Fly by Night, br s (2;38Ji). T. B. Carlton, Marion. Oregon, June 24, 18y3, $100. Black Hawk. 3:09, 2:52. Stallions. Nov. — , !8W, $50. Mystery, 2:.52, 2:499i, Stallions. FlyiniEfChilders, gr g(3:37). P. Cornell, Lawrence, Mass., June 26. 1865,$ . Frank Seely. 5:22, 5:61. ' Two miles. „ ^ . , Flying Cloud, blk g (3 :47). G. Evans, San Francisco, Cal., Oct. 20, U66, $100. Katy Tricks 2, Brown Sam (1 (lis). Roe Allen (1 dis), 5.11, j:.}9. 5:41. Two miles. Sacr;imento. Cal., Sept. 11. 1867 $17.5. Lilly, Frank. 2:47, 2:47, 2:49. Flying Cloud, gr s (2 :40), by Wood's Hambletonian. J. Sealack & Co., Dansville, N. Y ., Aug. 27, 1880, $200. Lib, Nelly G., Charley D., "Daisy Lewis, Ladv Raflferty, Belle S. No time. It. R. Davis Jr., Port Alleghany, Pa.. Sept. 17, 1880, $225. Billy D. l, Hattie, Lizzie Burns, Brown Billy. No time. W. P. Kinzie, Davton, O., .Tune 16, 1881, $300. Baby Boy 1, Maud H., 2:Wi, 2:4.5, 2:42, 2:40U. MansHeld, O., Sei)t. 28, 1881.$ . Highland Mary, John Sherman. 2:46'.i, 2:46U, 2:46',i. Flying Cloud, b g, Unner Sandusky, O., Sept. 27, 1882, $.''.0. Country Boy 1, 2, Blackbird, V ick Alniont. No time. Tiiree-year-olas. Flying nottd Colt, br g (2:4,9^), by Flving Cloud. R. Lowell, Lexington, Ky., Oct. 27, 1870, $500. Bowen s "b g, 3:01, 2:49%, 2:.55V<.. Tliree-year-olds. , ^ Flying Cloud Jr., ch s (2 ::il*). J. S. Cole, Bloomfield, la., Sept. 30, 1871, $50. George the Sampson, Long- fellow, 2 :3i, 2 ::$3. Short track. ., ,,..,, „ „ „„ Flying I>utehnian, gr s (2 :52). S. Crook, Fashion Course, L. I., Oct. 28, 1861. $400. Silas N\ right (2 0). 3:02, 2 0.5 2 '.52. 2 '.52. Flying Outclinian, br g (2 :5.1), by Black Dutchman. G. C. Koontz, Culpepper, Va., Oct. 17. 1874, $100. Englishman, Black Warrior, (1 dis). 2:.58, 2:.59, 2:,''>6. W. Bass, Richmond. Va., Sept. 16, 187.5. $ — . .Joe 2, Trump. 2 :.5.3. 3.00.2:56. 2:54. Flying Dutchman, bs (2:37). E. H. Edwards, St. Johns, N. B., Aug. 19, 1875, $1,000. (.ray C hester, 3:02, 3:02. 3:03. Kentville, N. S., Oct. 2, 1877, .$ . Saco Bov. Gen. Griffin (1 dis\ 2:44.2:44, 2:44. . ,, „ .„ I). McEiiyov, St. .lohns, N. B., .lulv 1, 18S0, $125. Waiwlerer. Harry Baker, Argyle (2 dr). 2:41. 2:4.5, 2:40. C. W. Bell. 'Kentville, N. S., Sei)t. 28 and 29, 1880, $175. Lookout, Empress, 2:;t7.2:.S8';. 2::;8. Flying Dutchman, I) g, bv Gray Lightning. (}. Van SUke, Hi<'hfield Spa, N. Y„ Oct. 10, 18.8, $25. Kit Shimel 2, Billv Boy, Sweet Horse, Benny (2 dr). No tinie. Half mile heats. Flying .liiek, bg(2:54). G. Longwaist. N. Bridgewater, Mass., July 21. 1H,58, $.500. Nancy, Dunbar, 2 :.56. 2:55, 2;5t. Flving IJiitiler. (w) (2 :40'; w). Ashland, Ky., Oct. 2.5, ls'60, $ . Competitors not named. 2:45. 2:40^. Flving KatUer, b g (2 -.nH). T. Willi.ims, Greenwich, N. V..Oct. 14. 1867. $25. Kittv Clay. 3:0s. ;{:00, 2:.58. Flving .Skillet, b m (2 :.'>«'.). Will. Iliugins, Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 8, 1874, .$2."^. Eddy Edwards, 3:02-'4. '2:56'^; F.'McC, b g (2 :44). E. C. Robinson, Westneld, Mass.. Oct. 21 and 22, 1874. $200. Mary 1, 2, Dean S.. Ne '>' Bly, Johnny, Glenwood Belle, Julia Hayes, Sea p-oam, Little Fraud (5 dr). Seed Leaf (3 dr), 2:46,2:44'2, 2'48*/4 Li "49 2*47 2*44 F. McGuire. ' R. H.'Sfason, Contra Costa, Cal., Sept. 11, 1882, $50. Oscar, McVey, Don Carlos (1 dis). Pinole Jr. (1 dis). No lime. Yearlings. , , ,„,, Foam, wh g (2 :50). E. Kipp, New City, N. Y., Sept. 30, 1880, $100. Lew Tallman, Star, 2:.50, 2:50i43i, 2:62'/i. 2:53V4, 2:.52'.i. ^ ,, » • d Folly, chg 12:42). John Saxe, Concord, Mass., Sept. 24. 1873, »175. Colonel R., Green Mountain Boy, Butcher Boy, 2:62. 2:51. 2:50. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 229 H. Brock, Mystic Park, Boston, Oct. 15, 1873, .S200. Kenoza Boy 1, 2, Sally Come Up, Quaker Jim, Lucitt- da 2*45 2:43 2:43^4 2:43^4, Beacon'Park, Bo'sfon. Oct. 20. 1874. $400. Lady Wilcox 1, Andy Johnson, 2:41i^, 2:43Jr^, 2:42i^, 2:45. (W) June 14, 187."., SIOO. Nickel (W) 1, 2:51, 2:51 2:47'», 2:50. (\v) Mystic Park. Boston, June 21. 1875, $100. Middv 1, 3. 2:414. 2:46, 2:47/2, 2:45, 2:52. June 10, 1876, $40. Ladv Kipii (w), (2 dis), Lizzie Hume (2dis),2:53. 2:47. Folly, 1) ni (3 :47). G. Ticehiirsl, Itiveiiiead, L. I., Oct. 0, 1880. .§75. Whirlwind 1. 2, Sevvasset Chief, Henry Ward Beecher, 2:50.2:54. 2:47, L':.'iL>. 2:51. FondUng, b ni (w), (3 :34i4,). In Fisk's Miimbrino Chief, dam Nelly Litchfield, by (ireyhound. J. R. Farnum, Concord, Mass.. Sept. 25. 1879, .^50. Koxey Reese (w), Louise (w). Flora (w), Eva (w), Fisher (w), Fanny (W't, Jolinnv B. (W), 2:.56. 2:55. Sept. 26, 1879, .$200. Grocer Boy 1. Eva. Jenny W., 2 :45. 2:45, 2:45, 2:46. J, T. Winans, Lewiston, Me., Sept. 28, 18«2, .f250, Aroostook Boy, Drummer Girl, Shaw's Knox, Gray Nose il dis), 2:35^4, 2:36i4, 2:.34i4. Footlight, chg(3:53'4). A.W.Allen, Council Bluffs. la., June 17, 187.5, $100. Denmark, 2:55J4, 2:54i^, 2:52V^. Forbidden Fruit, b m (3:38). J. H. Hussey. Concord, Mass., June 17, 1879, $150. Nelly Brooks, Honest Allen, Eva, Honest Sam (3 dis). 2:48, 2:42'i. 2:42. June 19, 1879, .«l,50. Nelly Brooks, Young; Shakespeare, Yellow Girl, 2:40, 2:38, 2:40. — Manchester, N. H., June 24, 1879, .$150. Nelly Brooks, Honest Allen, Eva, 2:42.2:47, 2:42. Ripley Bros., June 26, 1879, .?150. Nelly Brooks. Tommv Rogers, Yellow Girl, Jupiter Abdallah Jr., 2:41, 2 :42, 2 :42. Forest, b s (3 :51). by Black Eagle. John Benjamin. Riverhead, L. I., Oct. 6, 1870, $15. 2:51. Forest, ch g (3 :38). " Isaac Dalian, Paducah, Ky., Oct. 9, 1880, $75. Balaklava, Mary Kinkead, 3:30, 3:28. Forest Boy. ch g (3:3514). R. Holmes, Norfolk, Mass.. Sept. 23, 1870, $50. Black Diamond, Brown Dau, Stanton". Nelly, Zadoc (2 dr). Highland Belle (2 dr), 3:00,3:00. B. Colien. Readville, Mass., Oct. 13, 1870, $1,000. South Boston Boy, 2:35)^, 2:48i^. Boston, Mass., Oct. 28, 1870, .$1,000. South Boston Boy, 2:56, 2:55. 2:53^4, H. Brock, Nov. 2, 1870, $500. South Boston Boy, 2:50)^, 2:49. 2:50. . Fore.st Chief, b s (3 :53i4). W. L. Best. Mt. Sterling, Ky., Aug. 7. 1877, $100. Bessie Neal, Edith, Arlington, Star Chief (1 dis). Stranger Bov (1 dis), 2:55'4, 2:52^4, 2:55^,- Forest Girl, b m (3 :03). J. Berry, Wooster, O., Oct. 28, 1874, $125. Samson, Lady Lightfoot (3 dis). Blackbird (\ dis), Crom (1 dis), Kilbuck Tom (1 dis), 3:02, 3:07i^, 3:06. Forest Girl, b m (3 :33). A. M. Brown, Portland, Me., Sept. 19. 1878. $150. Charles H.. Dispatch. Lookout, Cyclops (1 dis). Sir Dahlgreen (1 dis), 2:32, 2:.38'/2, 2:39. ■ Sei)t. 20. 1878, .«1,50. Charles H. 2, Frank B., Abl)ott, Capitola, 2:35, 2:35, 2:36, 2:40. A. Lorillard, Morrisania, N. Y., Mav 20, 1879. $1,300. Duchess Boy 1,2, Dutchess, Ion (.1 dis), 2:32/4, 2:29it. 2:33^2, 2:.36-4. 2:.35. Forest King, b s (3: 3 7), by Honest Dan, dam by Wildair. W. B. Holster, Manchester, N. H., Aug. 28. 1874, $300. Sam Richards 1, Harry B. (2 dis). Veto (i dis), A. H. Allen (1 dis), 2:50, 2:50, 2:45, 2:47. bg, (t. H;ui.t, Cambridge, N. Y., Julys, 1875, .$100. Pickles, Colleen Bawn (1 dis), Gray Billy (l dis), 2:42"», 2:42, 2:421.1. Gardiner, Me., Sept. 6, 1875, $2.50. Gen. Lyon, Androscoggin Boy, Lady Malcolm, Belle Smith, 2:44, 2:434,2:44. J. T. Richards, Portland, Me., Sept. 23, 1875, $250. Lady West 4 (3:0), Belle Smith, Olive Logan, 2 :42?i, 2"41'i 2 3914 2 '41 2 "40. '- Ge"©. H. Ni'chols.'East Brunswick, Me., Oct. 3, 1876, $75. Hopeful, Lady Grav, 2:46V^, 2:46i^. F. S. Hollister, Mystic Park, Boston, Oct. 16, 1877, $400. Vivandiere 1, Harry Robinson 4, Billy D., Dolly Davis, Nilson, Morris, Jeremiah (5 dr). Ruff (5 dr), Nigger Baby (5 dr), Harry Conklin (4 dr), 2:34i^, 2:32, 2:28. 2:30. 2:.30. Oct. 19, 1877. .'5400. Harrv Robinson, l, 4, Walter, Little Dandy. Dan Rocket, Eva. Wizz (4 dr), Billy Moscow (3 dr), 2:27, 2:27, 2:27, 2:29, 2:29. Dover. N. H.. Oct. 23, 1877, $400. Vivandiere, Billy D., Harry Conklin. Neilson. Palmer Knox (2 dis), 2:30,2:3194. 2:.31. Oct. 27, 1877, $400. Dan Rocket, Palmer Knox. Billy D., Neilson, 2:291/3. 2:29, 2:.31V;. Providence, R. I., Oct. .30, 1877, .$400. Neilson, Billy D., Vivandiere, Starlight. Harrv Conklin. 2 :28. 2:2914, 2:.31i4- Fore.st Maid (s). b m (3 :4:5). Geo. Edwards. Cambridge, Mass., Sept. 8, 1840. $100. Pilot (s). Jager (s), Adam (s), 2:51, 2:47, 2:49. L. McQuivev. May 26, 1845. $200. Hog, 2:53, 2:50. 2:45. Forest Maid, b m.(3 :48). S. G. Dean, Boston, Mass., Sept. 22. 1857, $75. Toby, Somerville, Cleugh's ch ra, Messenger Maid. 2:49, 2:51. Oct. 2.3, 1857, .$ — . Somerville 2 (3 0), 2:52, 2:44, . 2:48. Forest Maid, b m (3 :55). S. C. Fisher. Dover, N. H., Oct. 14, 1865. $ . Stranger. 2:.55. 3:01i.i, 3:00. Forest Maid, b ni (3:44). W. H. Dawes. Phillipsburgh, Pa.. Julv 18, 1868, $100. Greenwich Maid (s) 2, Lady Si-liaifer. 2:44, 4^55, 2:45. Forest Maid, b m (3 :43i4). Dan Hughes, Chagrin Falls, O.. July 8, 1874, $400. Frank 1, 2, Philadelphia Boy, Lady Gray (5 dis), 2:4514, 2 :40i4, 2:18, 2:43, 2:43. Forest Maid, b m (3:40i2). Jos. Lamb, Barrie, Out., Julv 2, 1874, $3150. Long John 3, 4, Honest Mac, Nelly Please. Billy Boyce. 2:40^,2:43, 2:42, 2:42. 2:41^4. Forest Maid, gr ni (3:40';). Rockville, Conn., Sept. 25, 1879, $50. Kittv Hills 1 Shady, Nelly Richardson, 2:40^4. 2:4014. 2:411/4, 2:421^. Forest Patchen, br g (3 :19i4), by King Patchen, dam by Jackson's Flving Cloud. J. Wilson, Rochester. N. H., July 5, 1880. $100. Maud M.. Tim. Ben H.. Whiniiie (3 dis), 3:01, 3:00i2. 3:00. T.Ellis. Detroit, Mich., June 3. 1881, .?ijO0. Rachel, Rocton, Waverly, Handicap, Lucrece, Spinella, Humpty. 2;28'.,,2:29y, 2:29i.i. Muskegon. Mich., July 5, 1S81. $200. Grand Sentinel. Molly Middleton. 2:.31V6. 2:34i.2. 2:31. Sjiriiiglield, Mass., Sept. 1 and 2, 1881, .$700. Mambrino Dudley ,3,6, Aulinda 5, Hugh McLaughlin 1, Arthur, Eve (5 dis). Parole (3 dis). St. Remod dis), 2:23. 2:25. 2:22, 2:24?£, 2:2.5. 2:2214, 2:26. Mystic Park, Boston, Sept. 7 and 8. I88I, $500. Rachel, Hugh McLaughlin, Mambrino Dudley, Ellwood .Medium, Little Gem, 2:26!^, 2:2514, 2:20. Beacon Park, Boston, Sept. 16. 1881, .$500. Mambrino Dudley 4, 5, Ellwood Medium 1, Rachel, Hugh McLaughlin (4 dr), Little Gem (4 dr). Rex Patchen (3 dr). Arthur (2 dr), 2:24?;i, 2:2414, 2:24%, 2:24%i, 2:2514. 2:25. Morrisania, N. Y.. Sept. 21, 1881, $1„500. Ripton, Ellwood Medium, Hugh McLaughlin, Cora Belmont, Sif Guy, Mambrino Dudley, Gavlord (1 dis). 2:26. 2:26, 2:2614- Detroit, Mich., June 8 and 9. 1882, .$800. Rosa Wilkes 1, 4, Dan Donaldson 5, (6 0), Jerome Eddy, Aldine, Largesse. Big .John, Mamie. 2:2214. 2:2115, 2:244, 2:26?4, 2:284, 2:27V4. 2:23^. J. L. Duntlev, Rochester, N. H.. Sept. 27. 1882. .$300. Fanny Irwin, 2:31, 2:29. 2:.30. T. D. Marsh, Beacon Park, Boston, Oct. 28 and 29, 1882, $300. Onawa 5, (4 0), Florence 1. Amber, 2:24i4. 2:24. 2:24, 2:24, 2:25, 2:22!4. ISO CHESTER'S COMPLETE TKOTTIN(J AND PACIN(i KECOICD. • Hartford, Conn., .June 14, 188.!, $\,0(h>. .losephus 5, «, iJramlv Hoy i, 2, Capt. Emmons Romero Driver 2:20)^, 2:21,2:19';, 2:i;2,2:l'3'.i,-J:l>5'.i,'J:U9. " - - . Rocbester, N. H., Sept. 2i;, l«s;i, $ . -i/.G. To Iicat 2 :2(.i' j. Si'pt. 27, 1883. $ . 2:25. To Iji'at 2:2U. Hroi-toii, Mass., Ort. 5, 1883, $nmi. Killv I'atclieii, Onawa, 2:29, 2:29, 2:26. KorlicsUT, N. H.. Nov. 3, l)<83, s:vm. oiiawa, 2;2;_,. 2:28i.i, 2:29. Forest l'il«»t, eh sia :3il'.i>, by I'alnnUo ( liicl, dam liy J ilot .Ir. G. H. Conkliii. Sprinulii'ld, Mo Oi-t •'? 1882, S2(H). Trouble, I'm-zoo-t'i'. l.iltli'Fraiik. Aiissouii AIaiil,2:39'.i, 2:42'.i. 2:45',^. • ' FurinoKH, blk m ('-J •.:i~l^>). Jolin (arden, iMoiiUeal, 1'. y., Nov. 29, 1870, ^,'»00. I.adv Planet 1. 4. Frenchman liandy, (otlou (4 dis), (Jray (;irl (3dis), 2:4r,, 2:40, 2:39, 2:43, 2:.i7i». " v-^um.., Formosa, b t;(!i:4.5'4). A. N'oorbis, .Jersey City, N. ,)., Ang. 24, 1x^2, .«1.")(). Lizzie K. 2, 3. Kmma D. (4 (lis> Annie(3dis), J>oetorC. 1 (3 (lis). 2:47'2, 2:4(iU, 2:4.5'2, 2:403^, 2:49. Unlinished. " ' C. Davidson, Sept. 8, 1882. §.")(>. Holil)y S., 2:.");;i.,, 2:r4>5. ■ W. Reamer, .lersey City, N. .1., .hnie J.><. 1883. .■*20. Yonng Sentinel. 2:49. 2:47-',. 2:52. Forrpstf r,- (3 ::«(»'., t. Fort Wayne, Ind., Sept. 27, 1882. §250. Roger Han.son 1 (2 0). Ada, Conpon. 2:3U'o.2:41'2 2:39'.,, 2:3(i'.i. ".i;*!. .>. • . Forrest's IJay .Stallion, ^;{:00;. Capt. Forrest, (Jreeuville, Miss., June 4. 1880, .?7.'). Nettie (i., Jones' blk m (1 dis>, 3:06, 3:01, 3:(X». Fort Hill IJo.v, l)g(3:5*,}). M. Downing, Boston. JNIass.. Nov. 9. 1805. §350. (ien. Siekles 1, 2:54, 2-52 2-57 •2:5(j. Fortune (lolddust, b g (2:43i4), by Ky. (iolddust, d;mi Florenee Colddust. by Golddnst. Chas. Ryi.n, Vinton. la. June 21, 1873, § . Caribaldi 2, Piinee. l'-in? . Frank Rolfe 1. 2, 2:40. 2:45>4. 2:46, 2:47. 2:;7. Foster's Itay Mare, (2:41i Dr. Foster. I'.altimore, IMd., April l.'i. 1882, $200. Cavauaugh's b m (1 dis^, 2:43. .lulv 22. 18S2. S150. Kirbvi2 0i. Hairv Martin 1, i2 0), (3 dr), 2:37, 2:4;). 2:42'... 2:41. Foundry iJoy. eh g(''J:3«!/i.). W. K. Smalliiian, St. Albans, Vt., Sept. 11, 1878. §85. Addison Boy, Tim P., Volunteer (iirl. Woodletou Bov, Frontier Maid. 2:40, 2:40, 2:42. Fourth of July, gr g i '-i :40), l)v Abdullah. Wm. Wheelan, Beacon Course, N. .1.. April 1:7. IH42, $50. Hector 3, Snatlle. Don .luan (2 disi. Lailv Clinton (1 dis). 2:40, 2:42. 2:10. 2:46. (s), 1'. Dobbs, May 25. 184."{, $m). Snaffle (s). Aja.\ (s), .'■.:20, 5:2(). Two miles. Fourth of July. I) s (3:*l''2t. h.v llanibletonian. .1. Rogers. Fleetwood Park, N. Y., Oct. 13. 1873, SIOO. Jaek Frost, Yorkville Boy. Young FiUiiigliani, Red Bird, liicbinond Cirl, Jlaria. 2:45;i, 2:41';, 2:42. J. K. Jarvis. Jersey City, N. .1.. Sept. lo. 1882. .•? . Junction 1.2:50J4, 2:4914. 2:47 '.j. ■ W. S. Lane, Nov. 24. 1882. -S . Cyrus .Miller 2, 2:.54, , 2:50, 2:51. Fox, b g (3:30), by Peacock, dam Aggy Downs. C. B. Myers, East Saginaw, Mich., June 24, i87!, ?2,000. Frank J. 2, Kitty Wells, Billy Lamberson, Granville, Ristori, Little .lake (1 dis). Cottage Girl (1 dis), Char- ley Langworthy (1 dis), .Judge (Hidden (1 dis), 2:30, 2::J4!i. 2:30i4, 2:30. Romeo. INIicli., June 30, 1874. $600. ])iamond (1 dis), Charley Langworthy (1 dis). Onward (1 dis), J. E. Allen (1 dis). No time. Clinton, la., Aug. 14, 1874. .§.500. Wluil'^bone 2, Amy B. 1, Phil Sheridan. Star of the W'est. Yankee George (4disi, Bonnie 1)000(4 dis). 2:;!6',i. ■.'::'.4',. 2:;54'i. 2:3.5. 2:37' Fox, eh g (3 :50). ,1. B. Belonge, (Jrand Haven, Mich., Aug. 19, 1874. .52.50. Jack West. Ruby. Crimson (2 dis), Green (2 dis), 2:53^, 2:,50,3:00. Fox, gr g (3:41'-2). .1. M. Gaige, Eaton Ra))ids, Mich., Aug. 2,5, 1880. $300 Dolly D. 4, Badger Boy 1. Mam- bnno I""oster. Transit. Myrtle Thompson, Tom S.. Lady Niles, Lucrece, Sadie A., Deception ;3 ilr), 2;41i^, 2:41'2. 2:45'ji, 2:42.2:44. Fox Chase, bg (3:36). T. J. Midd.igh. Harrisburgh. I'a.. Sept. 25. 1879, $125. Girlie, Lady M., 2:47, 2:49, 2:4614. Foxey Lane, ih m (3 :33i. C. B. Hunt, Greenlield. la., Sept. 5. 1878, $ . Little Orphan 2, Fo.\ey H., 3:45. 3:.'?3. 3:33. Foxey v.. eh m (3:2394), by King Herod, dam a Morgan mare. W. H. Veasie, Freeport, 111., July 31, 1877, $.500. Bay John 2, .-i, Frank (2 dis), Swinwner (2 dis), Illinois Boy (1 dis), S. F. Taylor (1 dis), 2:37, 2:3114, 2 '31'^ 2**32 2 :.'i3 Aug. 2,"l877, .$.500. Bay John. Timbuctoo. Prairie Lily, Bay Logan (l dis). Lily B. (1 dis), 2:34, 2:35!s. 2:a3'2. Prophetstovvn. 111., Aug. 7. 1877. $.500. Mat Kirkwood. Capt. Bunnell d dis), 2:35.2:47, 2:36. Aug. 9. 1877, .$.500. Bid Gage. Annie Bell, 2:49. 2:47, 2 :.53. ,, ., , , ,, ,■ ^ „ ...t ., .„ Mendota, 111.. Aug, 10, 1877. $(m. Illinois Chief. Lictor, .McBride, M. II. Insley (1 dis), 2:42?4, 2:42, Eiirlvllle. 111., Aug. 2.3. 1877. .$(!00. Lietor (2 dis>. Charley Halld dis), M. H. Insley (1 dis), McBride (1 dis), 2:319^,2:37. Minneapolis Minn.. Sept. 7. 1877, $.500. Rnsie. Hiarlev Chap, Gen Lee, 2;:«)'s. 2:31 2. 2:30. Stillwater. Minn., July 4. 1878. .$ . Kittv Cook 1, 2:27'.-. 2:*.'9'o. 2:32'2. ...01/ ., .^ Mendota, 111., Aug. l(i. 1878, $.500. Dakota' Maid, Ladv McFalridge, Amboy, Nelly Ward, 2:28>^, 2:30, 2:28. Earlville, 111.. Aug. 24. 1878. .$.500. Dakota Maid 3. Liidv McFatrid.ge. Amboy. 2:29^4. 2:27 ?4, 2:29. 2:30>4. Menomenee, Wis.. Oct. 4, 1878, .$400. Badger (iirl, Fearnaugbt. Chancy ( hamp, 2:3.i, 2:.52'.;. f-M. I). .lohnson. Pittsl)urgb, Pa.. June 10. Is79, $700. Gray .Salem •2.3, Russian Spy 4, Warrior, Benlah, Champion Girl. .Knuilns, 2:27. 2:r!0.2:.10, 2::!n'.., 2::'.0,2::U. " , ^, , .,.„,, „ „. „.,,.,, Youngstown, ()., July 4. 1879, ,$.5no. • Russian Spv 1. /Emuliis. Gray Salem, Gen. Lee, 2:27'/8, .e.20, 2.-(.><^, 2:20. ■ N(uwaIk.O., July 10. 1879, .«.'iOO. Tom B. P:itchen 1..5. (4 0i, Gen. Gaiileld 6. (4 0) Alex S., Daniel the Prophet, 2:*2H,*.>:2s'.i, 2:271.1, 2:.*{3,2:3.S. 2:27',, 2::4. .,11c; ., it Prophetstown. 111., Aug. 6, 1879. .$400. Warrior 1. Dakota Maid. Indic:dor. .Sciohi. Lady hampson, 2:31, 2:27'/., 2''9'i "■'>9'4 E:rrlville,""irr., Aiig. 20, 1879, .$.500. Dakota Maid. Kitty Bates. Loafer. Fred Douglass (1 dis), 2::«)V4. 2:29''4. 2:31'i Miicondi. ill.. Aug. 27, 1879. .$400. Ella Eivrl 3. Kitty Bates. (!. T. Pilot. 2:27. 2:27!i, 2 :29?i, 2:2794' D;ivenport, la.. Sept. 4. 1879. .$2.50. Fairmont. Clifton lU)y. Monarch Rule. 2:;{0'2. 2:29'2. 2:-.> 4- Dubu(|ne. I;(.. Sei>t. 11. 1879. .$700. Hambli-tonitin B:isb;iw. Sciol;i (1 dis). 2:32''.i. 2:2 .i- Cedar Rapids, la.. Sept. 18 and 19, 1878, .$700. Convoy I. 4. Seiola '2, .5. 2;*29'4, 2:.i2. 2:30, 2:29*i, 2:30/,, 2:279.i,2:30i4. Biisbnell. Ind.. Sei)t. 27. 1879. ,$2,50. (}. T. Pilot 3, Lady M.. 2:37'.,. 2;:«'i, 2:41^^, 2:50. Waukesha. Wis.. <)ct. 9. 1879. .$ . Betsy Ann. Strader. 2:28. 2:20. 2 :2b\ PorlJigo. Wis., .lulv 4. 1SS2, $1,50. Betsy Ann 3. Lisbon Boy. (Vnnam-Jm-iioy. 2:29^, 2:27'^, 2:32?4, 2:27Jt- • Jefferson, Wis., Sept 21. 1882. ,$ . lietsv Ann 2. 3, Ladv Cosmos. 2:27, 2:30 ,2:28, 2:32, 2:33. CHESTKR'S COMPLKTE TUOTTINC AM) I'ACINO RECORD, 231 Foxhall I) g (3 :49U. P- H. Hritton, Lowell. Mass, Nov. 20, 1883. .§100. Tempest l, Oweenee, Rosa, F. H. (4 dr). 2:50, 2:4014, 2;.524, 2:491.4. Fox R., ch g (3 :56'2i. T. D. Ransom, Benton Harbor, Mioh., Oct. 4, ISSIJ, .Sioo. Major, Ida, Belle C, 2:55i^, 2:59.2:57. Fox River Maid (w) eh m (3 :50 w). G. Morgan, Aug. 2'>, 1877. .^- — . Blue Dick (wi, 2:.")8, 2:.W. Fox River Pet, gr ni (3 :5l). G. W. Bidwell, Chicago, 111., Sept. 20, IR'',*;, .*.50. Lilly bale, 2:,56, 2:51, 2:53. Fox's Brown (ieltlins: (3 :5aU). H. T. Fox, Clyde, N. Y., Sept. 20, ixog, iiiilOO. Shadow 1, 2, Canada Ned (4 dis). Kite (1 dis), 2:51, 2:54. 2:.55i4. 2:.')2'2, 2:.54. Frances, briu3:41). W. B. Leonard. New Orleans, La., April 24, 1872, S150. Johnson's ch g, Roach's b g. Dr. Smyth (2 (lisi, 2:.50, 2:48. April 2(;. 1872. .SLDO. Lady Clare 2. .Tohnson's cb g. Roach's b g, 2:41 (/2, 2:44, 2:41, 2:41)4. Mav 2, 1872, .S200. Roach's b s, 3 iiic. 2:4414. Frances,' b in (3 :40<.,. B. & C. B. SmiUi, Cambridge, 111., Sept. 1. 1876. .f200. Yankee Dan 1, Mabel 2, Slick- fellow.- 2:4514, 2:45'. 2:444, 2:434, 2:444. Frances, b m (3 :36)/>). J. Cowell, Dover, N. H.. Oct. 31. Is7(i, $300. Lady M., Dion, Frank A. (1 dis), 2:38, 2:424.2:42',. Nov. 1. 1870, .S.300. Granger, Col. Allen. 2:45, 2:48, 2:45. Nov. 2, 187(). .iiiSOO. Dion. Frank A.. Lady M. (2 dis), 2:40}/^, 2:4.5. 2:43. Lynn, Mass., Nov. 9. 1870, .$2.50. Henry, Alice, Frank A. (2 dis), Drummer Boy (2 dis). 2:40, 2:36^, 2:.39i;. Frances, wh m t3;37). by H. W. Genet. P. Mclntyre, Mystic Park, Boston. Sept. 4 and 5, 1877, $1,000. Mode.sty 1. 3, Lady Daggett 2, Belle Oaldey, John Lambert, Rosa, Neli, W.C.Derby (5 dr), 2:304, 2:28, 2:30. 2:31, 2 ::!1. 2:29. Frances, brm (3:33). P. V. Johnston, Grand Rapids, Mich., Sept. 25. 1879, .?400. Western Fearnaught, Ed Ba:-bfr, 2:3;{^i. 2:324, 2:374. France's Alexander, blk s (3 :19). by Ben Patchen, dam by Canada Jack. (J. Wilson, East Saginaw, Mich., June 18, IS80, .§000. (iray Cloud 3, Palma 1, Don (Quixote. Sucker Maid, Jim Schriber, Akbar (1 dis), 2:22»4, 2:22'.., 2:2:^'.., 2:25, 2:2.5. . Jerseyyllle. 111.. Oct. 14, 1880. .$ . Col. E. D. Baker, 2:.373;i, 2:.37 2:364. Stallions. . Point Breeze Park, I'liil. May 17, 1881, .$600. Robert Mc(iregor 2. Jersey Boy, Silverton, Scotland, Ed- win Thorne, Ilanililetonian Mambrino, 2:22'4;, 2:22. 2:23. 2:224. Belmont P:ii k, I'liila., May 24, 1881, $600. Jersey Boy. Edwin Thorne, Voltaire, Kentucky, Wilkes, Irene (3 (lis I. 2:20' I, 2:20, 2:204. Ueaeon Park, Boston, June 9, 1881, $700. Sheridan, Banquo, Dan Smith, 2:24i^, 2:2.%, 2:23J£. Mystic Park, Boston, June'14, 1881, .•i?700. Sheridan, Baiiqno. 2:26 u, 2:20, 2:26i'2. W. C. France, Providence, R. I., June 21, 1881, $700. Sheridan, Jersey Boy, Wizz, Banquo, 2:25 2:224, 2:2.5)4. G.Wilson, Rochester, N. Y., July 4, 1881, .$10,000. Robert McWregor, 2, 3, Santa Clans, 5, 6, Hannis. Wedgewood, Bonesetter, Monroe Chief, 2:19. 2:19, 2:18'!i, 2:19i4, 2:21, 2:2'!, 2:2-5)4. Stalhons. F. Van Ness, Cincinnati. O., Sept. .30, 1882, .Sl,.500. -z-AV., w o. Stallions. Mavsville, Ky., Mav 18. 1883, .$800. Deck Wright 2, Troubadour l. Ewing, Minnie R., 2:21)4, 2:20i'2, 2:21, 2:20K^. 2:21. Sept. 20 and 21, 1,883, .$350. Alice Stoner 1,3, Maud Messenger, Leontine (3 dr). 2:33%, 2:33%, l-.XiH, 2:31, 2;,32ii. Francis Lee, br m (3:39). Wm. V. French, Ticonderoga, N. Y., Sept. 9, 1874, $175. Brown Dan, Maggie, 2:4614, 2:39, 2:40', 4. Francis, b g (3 :38i'2. H. Ballon, Lowell, Mass.. Nov. 25. 1876, .$.50. Eva 1, 4, 2:40, 2:42, 2:.384. 2:45, 2:.39;4. Francis Allen (3 :45). C. Lusk, San Francisco, Cal., Aug. 24. 1877, .$50. Czar 2:48'''2, 2:4.5. Frank (w), (3 :.50 w). E. Goodwin, Boston, Mass., Jiuie 14, 18.54, .$400. Conqueror (w), 1, 2:.52, 3:.50, 2:.52, 2:50. Franlt, gr g (3 :44)4). C, Hoyt, Rose Valley, N. Y., Oct. 20, 18.54, $100. Yoimg St. Lawrence 2, 5:46, 5:48, 5:48. Two miles. Nov. 4, 18.54, $250. Young St. Lawrence 3 {1 Oi, 2:46'2, 2:46. 2:43. 2:45, 2:44i2. Franlt (w), b g (3 :53!/2W). W. Peabody, Union Course, L. I., Aug. 13. 1855. $.500. Lady Cooper (w) 1, 5:43, 5:45, 5:4.5. Two miles. Frank, ch g (3:35). Jas. Rutherford, St. Louis, Mo.. Oct. 13. i?;r,5, .$200. Tom Hyer, Prince, 2:39%, 2:38?^, 2 :.35. Frank ch g (3 :40). F.J.Webb, Meadville, Pa.. Aug. 16. li--67, .§1.50. Kitty (1 dis). Rusk (1 dis), Reindeer (1 (lis), 2:40. Frank, ch g (3 :35). E. E. Roulen, Hamilton. O.. Aug. — , 1.SC8. $.500. Dollv Dutton, 2:.35. 2:36. 2:37. Frank.br g (3:48). W. A. Eager, Worcester, Mass.. July .5. isoo. $100. Trifle 1. Lady Lyon 4, Target, 2:51, 2 :.52 1/2, 2:48, 2:49, 2:. 52. Frank, ch s (3:35). Horace Brown, Oil City, Pa., Aug. 17. 1.8C9. .$."00. Squirrel 1, Unknown, 2:40, 2:38, 2:41, 2 :43. '- Aug. 18, 1869. .$400. Mar>- Ann (3 0), (4 dis). Old Splinter (3 dis>, 2:37. 2:46, 2:35. . Frank, gr g (3 :44i4). Mr. Tisdale, Glenbrook, Cal.. Aug. 19. 1869, .$200. Frank 1. (2 0), 2:59k, 2:55)4, 2:51)4, 2:.5.5. Frank, b g (3 :35i4). D. Rider, Burlington. Vt.. Sept. 14. 1870. $ — -. Lady Drummer, Ethan, 2:49, 2:47, 2:45. Sept. 16, 1870, .$1.50. Fanny, Red Cloud. Vermont Ranger. 2:50. 2:.50, 2:.52. Frank, ch g (3 :53). J. Harmer, Springfield, O., Sept. 15, 1870, ,$50. Maioi- Thorn 2, Billy Wales. Rolla Golddust. 2:.52, 2:53, 2:,52. Frank, ch g (3:534). H. Beckwith, Readvjlle, Mass.. Sept. 21. 1871. .$3.5. Lady Champlain (1 dis), Molly- Pitcher (1 dis), Athenian (1 dis), Ben (1 dis), 2:.52i'2. Frank, grg (3:43)4). A. Vanderburg, Amenia, N. Y.. Oct. 19, 1871, ,$7.5. Brown Dick, Baby (3 dr), 2:444, 2:43'.,, 2:44'.,. Frank, b g (3 :49). Wm. Potts, Berea, O., Oct. 19. 1871. .$40. Hatch's gr m Prairie Bov, 2:.50, 2:49, 2:,50. Frank, b g (3 :43)4). F. W. Hurt. Fleetwood Park. N. Y., May 10. 187'2. $ . Flour Boy 1, Joe (1 dis), Dolly Varden (1 ais), 3:06. 3:07. 3:10, 3:10. A. Odell, Ap. 2.5, 1873, .$200. Flour Boy 2. 3:07' i, 2:.57, 2:.58. Mr. Swan. .Fersev City, N. J., Oct. 1 & l.s. 187.5, $100. Charlick 3. Gertrude. Lilly. 3:00, 3:00, 2:.51. Oct.2.5. 1S75. ,§200. Missouri Bov l. 2. Annie Carroll. J.H. (5dr) Judge Duffy (2 dis), 2:44,2:41,2:47. 2:47. 2:47. F. Blake, Sept. 9, 1876. .$150. Julius, (irace. Harry. Sister Annie. (4olddnst Maid, 2:43V<'>. 2:46, 2:46. J. Chester, Springfield, L.I., Oct, 18, 1876, $100. I^ady Moscow 1, Doxy, Jamaica Boy (2~dis), 2:46)4, 2:434, 2:4,5. T. Walker, Fleetwood Park, N. Y., Nov. 29, 1876. .$200. Sweetbriar 1. 2:44, 2:48, 2:47)4, 2:49. T. O'Neill, Deerfoot Park, L. I., Nov. 30, 1876, $100. Grace 2 (3 0), Major Pulse (1 di.s"), 2 :.55, 2:51'3, 2:48)4, 2:48'/o, 2:.50^i. L. Doremus. Jersey City, N. J., Oct. 27, 1876, .$200. NecL 2:46, 2:46^. 2:46k. Frank, gr g (3:44%). F. Hopkins, Salem, N. J.. Sept. 12, 1872. ,$150. Eastern Girl, Lady Fashion, Lady Briggs, 2:52, 2:48%, 2:44%. Frank, b g (3:57%). Larry Hart, New Orleans La., Anril 24. 1873, $100. Leonard's b g, Shawhan's b m, Spearing's rn g, 3:03. 2:59)4, 2:.57%. 23-2 CllKSTKJJS < OMJ'I.KTK TKOTTINC ANJ) I'ACINU KICCOIJD. Frank, hr K <"'* :-*3). Frank Warner, Wilmington, Del., Juno ;i, iht.'j. $7."). Orav .Tin). Councilman. Snowflake, L';4H, 'iiSL', 2:r>4"i. DickiTson Bros., Middletown, Del., Oct. 5, 1876, §50. Tliundi'r I, Jolin. P.nilu.s (1 (lis). Rattler (1 dis), Arab (.1 dis). 2:52. 2:.'>r)f4, 2:52. Wilminjilon, Del.. Oct. 10. 187t;, Sino. Molly. Harriet J'.. Holieniiau Girl. IJmwn .Tolui. Sleein- Kate, Wild Hover, Belle l-'orrest. Mike, (io Slow. I'rince Charles, 2:.')0i'4, 2:,")0, 2:.'jO. Oct. II. 1870. $~r,. Helle Wildair, Sleejjy Kate. Brown John, Belle l-'orest, Mike, Thunder, Peter Pollard (.•5 dr), Harry Dunlap (2 dr). Wild Hover i^2 dr), 2:43, 2:51, 2:45. Frank, b {j (2:44'/2). W. U. Jarvis, Daubury, Conn., June 24, 1873, 3500. Jack 2, Lady Eleanor (1 di2), 2:46, 2:45,2:4,5,2:5(1. June 2.5. lS7.t. §3.50. Tom, 2:44?4, 2:.52. 2:44'2. Frank, blk g Ci ■.•Mi'.). L. Brown. Auburn. N. Y.. Aug. 28. 187.!, S150. Billy. Countrv Boy, 2:431-4, 2.41^, 2:39. Aug. 29, 187;{, $200. Billy I'avor, Deceiver. Lady Woodward (2 dis),'Smootli Ijriar (2 dis), 2:39J4, 2:36'/i, ■l.ri). Frank, br g (2 :j">3'/4). J. W. Assel. Cincinnati, O., Sept. 2. 1873. $300. Urav Dick 3. 2:5(i'i, 2 :. 53' i. 2:55, 2:67. Fn.nk 1 2 ■.-.ir,',)- D. Moore. Utica, N. Y., Oct. 10. 187.3, .•f20('. Clarence. Celia. Billy Mix. 2:.^5' ,, 2:.36i,i. FiKuk, b g («:;{! >.i)- II. Woodrutt, Mystic I'ark. Boston. June 19. 1874, $300. Danger. Gray Dick, Queen (2 (lis), .lennv Smith (2 dis), 2:;ili.i, 2:35',., 2::i7'4. Frank, 1) g (•i:41'..). S. K. Clark. Do.vlestowii. Pa.. Oct. 7, 1874, $100. Iowa Girl, Moscow, Lucy (1 dis). Brown iiilly (1 (lis). •J:.57'.i, 2:.5t>, 2:.57?4. Oct. 13. 1S74, *1.50. Ladv MotI, Hose Hopkins (2 dis), 2:591^, 2:5t;>4, 2:.55>4. Norristown, Pa., Oct. 15, 1874, .»200. Ed Allen, 11. L. B., Kocky, Belle Brandon, Iowa (iirl, 2:48'/s, 2:52^, 2:45Ji. Oct. IC. 1874, $350. Fanner Boy 1, Thrill. Virginia Maid (1 (lis). 2:43Vi. 2:41'o, 2:42i^. 2:45. Frank, br g (3 :48i,i). J. Tyson. Doylestown, Pa.. Aug. 8. 1873, $75. Slipp. Viola. Camden (1 dis). Red Rappo (1 (lis). Major (I dis). Little Dexter (1 dis), 2:54, 2:.54, 2:48'4. Oct. 9, 1S73. $150. Honest John 2. 3, Plav Bov, Lady Hall il dis). 2:48U, 2:,53i4, . 2:1)0^. 2Am. ■ Oct. 10. 1873. $100. I'ennsgrove 1, W. H. Force, Mary, Billy a dis),' Ma)or (1 dis), 2:51H, 2:50f^, 2:49>^, 2:.50'/.. Frank, b g (3 :43). Jas. Hughes, Harrisburgh, Pa., Oct. IC, 1873, $100. Lilly. Gray Ned. Jenny D'Este, Minor Botts, SMU. 3:039i. 3:95V2. Lancaster, Pa., .lulv 14, 1875, $300. Tom 2, Harriet Lane, Grecian Bend. James R.. Lady Raymond (1 dis), 2:44, 2:4t). 2:4;tK>, 2:42. Frank, b g (« :r,ini). P. McOue, Vallejo, Cal., May 15, 1874. $200. Bliven 2. 3, American Celt, 2:5014, 2:4G>/i. 2:48V.., 2 :,50'.,, 2:51. Frank (wi. grg(3:51 w). W. S. Briggs, Taunton. Mass.. Sept. 29 and Oct. 1. 1874, .?70. Belle Brandon (w), ( aoutclioue (w), 5 :42. Two miles. Frank, b g (3 i.-iO'/j). E. Bunby. Cambwdge, 111., Oct. 14. 1874, $100. CoL Knox, Cub, Henry, 4:25Va. 4 :26. One mile and a half. Oct. 18. 1874. $100. Henry l. Cub, Mary, 3:0354, 2:58?4, 3:03, 3:02. Frank, br m t;J:37'a). A. M.'Wilson, Chagrin Falls, O., June 9, 1874, $300. Forest Maid 1. 2. Silver Maid, Sleepy T(mi. Maggie Kimberly (4 dr). 2:4214, 2:43^4, 2:46, 2 :46i^, 2:471,1. ■ Jufy 10, 1874, $;ioo. Ladv (irav 1, Billy Collins 3. Maggie Knuberly (5 dis), Judge Glidden (4 dis). Orphan P.oy, iVIaggie, Philadelphia Bov (1 dis), 2:40i-4, 2:43. 2:4o, 2:40, 2:43. Sharon, Pa., Sept. 2.5. 1874, $600. Lady Johnson, Orange Billy, Deception, Jerry Postal, 2:35, 2 :36!'4, 2:38'/j. Pittsburgh, Pa., Oct. 7, 1874, $1,000. Ladv Johnson 1, 3, Orange Billy 2, Hvlas, Lady Whitman, Decep- tion (1 (lis), Addle (1 dis),2:35, 2:34,2:35?4, 2:;300. Lady Mac 4, Ella Wilson 3, Tom Britton, .leremiali (5 dr), 2:28i4, 2:31, 2:31 V4, 2:25, 2:27»^4. Sept. 1.5, 1876, $000. Hvlas 3, Beulah, Gray Billy, "Deception d dis), Little Aleck (1 dis). 2:30Ji, 2:29'/s, 2:31, 2:29 '4. Frank, b g (3 :.t8). H. G. Heed, Fort Wayne, Ind., Jnne 18, 1874, $ , 2:38. To beat 2:49. Frank, dn g (3 :4C). L. B. Dubois, Denver. Col.. Aug. 23. 1874. .$2.50. Harvey, 3:06, 3:0114. 3:07.» (une 24, 187.5, .$.500. Dandy. Raven (1 dis). Col. Spofford (1 dis). 2:46, 2:.58, 2:.55. Frank, cb g(3:44). A. L. Houghton. Manhattan, Kan.. Oct. 8. 1874, $80. Roan Charley 1. Koxy, 2:50, 2:44, 2:47,2:47. Oct. 9, IS74, $1.50. Roan Charley 1, Roxey, 2:.50, 2:44i4. 2:4si.i, 2:47?4. Frank, blk g (3 :.54). L. Phillips. Milwaukee, Wis., Oct. .3. 1874, $ . Clay, 3:11, 3:06. 2:54. Frank, b g (3 :r>0). E. Warner, Butfalo, N. Y., Oct. 17, 1874, $100. Otis Forrester 1, Modesty. Bill Farmer, Red Eye (4 dr), 3:04, 2:.57, 2:.50, 2:.50. Frank, b g (A :00). Geo. Lineham, Newport, R. I., Nov. 4, 1875, $100, Cottontail. 3;01. 3:00, 3 :OC'j, Middlclovvn, R. I., Nov. 18, 1875, .'i(;200. Lou 1, 3, 3:20. 3:12. 3:11, 3:08. 3:08. ■ Frank, blk g (3 :30), by Young Oneida. Eugene Root, Messina Spa. N. Y., Jnne 2, 187.5. $17.5, Bonner, 2:34, 2:^J4'4 2:.'t.5'/^. ^Syracuse. N. Y.. Jnne 16, 1875, $1,000. Frank Mnnson. Great Eastern, Mohawk Prince. Hattie R. (4 dis), 2:.34'4. 2:37. 2 :.36>4, 2 :37. . I). I). Ormsbv, Elmira, NY. Sept. 28 and 29. 187.5, $1,200. Frank Mnnson 5. 6. Laura Williams 4, Dan Bryant 2. Clifton Boy. Dennis, Charley, Chauncey M.. Bedle (5 dr). Andrew^ (3 dr), 2:.34. 2::t4. 2:32. 2:33, 2:35, 2:.34. 2:32. H. Kingsley. Messina Spa, N.Y.,.Tnne 1.1876, Bonner, 2:4,5, 2:a3. 2:32. „ „o. o n/,i Roch(!sT,er,N Y., Aug. 10, 1876, $2,000. Proctor 2, 3, Allen 1, Young W likes. Gray Salem, 2:28k, 2:26i4, 2:2.3, 2:2.5'i, 2:2{», 2:28!^. — Utica, N. Y., Aug. 17. 1876. .$2,000. Vonng Wilkes. Allen. Proctor. 2:.32i4. 2:28 2:2.5=4. ,.,.,„ .^,, „ ,^. ■ Ottawa. Ont., Oct. 16 and 17, 1876, .■?200. Lew Ives 1,, 5. Joe Brown 3. Jack Draper (3 dr), 2:325i.2:29>8. 2 '.31 ''"'M) 2*30 2*3.394 ^"svracns<\N. Y., June 14, 1877, $1,000. Lady Star 2, Bonner 4. Lew Ives, Proctor, 2:28, 2:27, 2:29!4, 2:31, 2'34 '- Lyons. N. Y.. July 5, 1877, .$800. Damon. Versailles rtirl, Blue Mare. Stranger. Clifton Boy. 2:30Vis, 2:28^ii 2 "27^4 Fraiik.'ch g.(3:37'/,). H. Brewster, Big Rapids. Mich.. May 26. 1875. .■*400. Lady Kellogg. J()hnny Tr(iuble, Dustv(2dis), Riigged Edge fl (lis). Polly Hoi)kins (1 dis). Essex Miiid (1 dis). Johnny Clark (1 dis). 2:39S4, ■'•44'; 2-419t May 27, 1875, $400. Johnny Trouble 1, Charley, Minnie Maxfield, Duster, ironsides (2 dis), 2:44, 2:47, -' — -^ Grand Ilaven, Mich., Jnne 1, 187.5, $500. Charley, Mambrino Warner, Frank IL, David H., Lew Day, o .4f) 2 .38 2 '.38 Frank.eh'g(3:'36i4). S. Crandall. iVtaluina, Cal., Oct. 4, 1875. $2.50. Keuo 1. Countess (I dis). 2:3294, 2:36i4i 2:3514, 2:41. — — San Francisco, Cal., April 6, 1877, $ . Lady Emma, Controller. 2:423^, 2:43. 2:40. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 233 (W). Sept. 8, 1877, $200. Orefiotl Jake 1, 2:.'50, 2:42iii, 2:42',. Frank, ell g (2:48). (ico. R. Logan. Chicago, IlL, Aug. 13, 1875. $50. Lucy 2, i, Rosa Woods (4 dis), 2:52%, 2:50 2:48, 2:.i.Si.i, 2:49i.i. Frank, gr g (3:5«,. T. C. Seyniotir, Baltimore, Md., July4, 1876,$ . Lady Stewart 1, Morgan 3:03, 3:01, 3 :0:ivulson, Jersey City.N. J., May 18. 1877, .$.50. Ward Jr. (s) (3 dr), 2:53';;, 3:18,2:42. Frank, b g (2 :5i;i). Baltimore, Md.. June :'.(). 1877, $200. Tom, pacer. Milkmaid, jiacer, 2:.'53, 'IStVA, 2:54. Frank, br g (2:37). A. B. (iardner, Danver.s, Mass., Aug. 2. 1877, $200. Faiinv (1 0), (2 0). (4 dr), 2:.57, 2:59, 2:57' 3. Both drawn in fourth heat. Frank (\vi. br g (2.55>i w). J. Cardova, Fleetwood Park, N. Y., April 23. 1«78, $100. Lilly (w), 2:55Ji, 2:56^4. (S). Mr. Poole, Deerfoot Park, L. I., Dec. 12, 1878, .$75. Zeppa (2 0), Harrv K. (3 dr), 3":0l,3:01, 2:58. Frank, br g 1 2 :45). E. Willetts, Philadelphia, Pa., May 6, 1878, $ . Katy C. 2. Charley L., 2:55, 2:.58M, 2:51, June .5. 1878, .$ . White Stockings, Andy H. (2 dr), 3:04, 3:16, 2:59. Lamb Tavern. Pa., June 7, 1n78. .$ . Ehvood R., Viola, Snap (2 dis), 2:50, 2:4514, 2:48(2. Philadelphia, Pa., July 29, 1878, $75. Viola 2, Annie 1, Vicious, Rainbow, Tom (3 dis), 2:45?4. 2:45, 2:45, 2 :45, 2 :45. Frank, I1 g ( 3 :00). L. L. Shattuck, Titusville, Pa.. May 16, 1878, $200. Maywood, Nettie, 3:04'/i, 3:00. Frank, b g (2 :28). F'rank Van Ness, Le Roy, N. Y., May 28, 1878, $200. James Ash, Lady Smith, Leo, 2:46, 2:46,2:45. • Lyons. N. Y".. June 6. 1878, .$200. Nelly Parks 1. 2, Dick Jones 5, James Ash. Dan, Minnie Allen, Dan Mace i3 drl. 2:40. 2:40. 2:38, 2:39. 2:42, 2:41. WattM'town, N. Y.. June 11, 1878, $200. Jessie 2, 4. Dick Jones 3, Jerry Mannic, Maud B. ( i dis). 2:37, 2:.i7, 2:3S. , 2:39'i, 2:37. Batavia, N. Y., .lulv 2, 1878, $400. Mambrino Nell 1, 2, Bay Dick, St. Cloud, Daeia, William D., Lady Mac, Jolm McDougall (4 dr). Lady June (4 dr), Maggie Mitchell (4 dr), B. F. Bruce (4 dr), Jessie (2dr), 2:31, 2:32.2:311-1.2:35'.., 2:34. W. Bowers. Milwaukee. Wis., Aug. 28, 1878 .$600. Lady Groesbeck 1, 2, Lndv McFatridge 3, Maggie S., 2:25i2,2:27'.2. 2:29, 2:;», 2:29, 2:29. Kansas City Mo., Sept. 16, 1878, $.500. Richwood 2, Ned S., Lady Groesbeck, Mr.mbrino General, J. M. Botts Jr. (1 dis), 2:33>i. 2::;5, 2:34, 2:.35. Frank, ch g ( 2 :30). B. Carlton, Rockland, Me., June 1, 1878, $100. Granite 2. Best time, 2 :.50. Frank, b g (2 :36). J. Smith, Vincennes, Ind., Aug. 29, 1878. .$90. Vandalia Joe. Bob Lee, Billy Kay, Fanny S., Thomas C. (2 dis). Lady Nina (1 dis), Kentucky Bill (1 dis), Sleepy Mac (l dis), 2:4.3i4, 2:451^, 2 :4ii4. Frank, l)r g. Mr. Forsyth, Dundas, Out., May 26, 1879, .$.30. No Name'3, Lady Emma, Brown Dick, Marquis, r.utcher Bov. Flamboro, Fairy. No time. Frank, b g(2:37'i). N. W. Rockafeller. Falls Village, Conn., Sept. 11, 1879, $150. Pinafore l. Col. John a dis), Gavlord a dis), 2:40, 2:40, 2:38^ 2:39. Hudson, N. Y.. Sept. 26, 1879, .$20. Dan O'Brien 1, Jack, Lizzie. 2:45, 2:39'4, 2:4.5, 2:42. ■ Poughkeepsie, N. Y.. Sept, 28, 1882, $ . Wassomet. 2:39, 2:38, 2:37i^. Frank (w) b g (2 :41'2). F. I.. Dudley. Kent Co., Md., Sept. 18, 1879, .$.50. Patchen (w). Ruby (w), 3:04, 3:02. Frank, 1) g i2:42). H. D. Sydelman, Norwich, Conn., Sept. 24, 1879, $65. Helen Mar, Lady Singular, Plow Bov. 3:00'2, 2:48, 2:47. Frank, b g (2:45). C. Williams. New Hunting Park, Pnil,. Nov. 10. 1879, .$ , F. F., Little George, Mary Jane, Majile, Eddy, Caprice. 2:50^^. 3:00, 3:00, nearest to 3:00. Frank, b g (2 :36,4). O. Towbrulge. Alexandria, Va., Oct. 1, 1880, $125. Uncle Dave 1, Trump, 5:24, 5:22,5:31. Two miles. Piedmont, Va., Oct. 14, 1880. $150. Jenny B. 3 (1 0), Lady H. 2 (5 dr), 2:36i/$,2:38J/^, 2:37, 2:365£, 2:37J4, 2:40. Frank (Charley Champlin), b g (2:2134) by Messenger Duroc. W. E. Weeks, Prospect Park, L. I., May 31, 1X80. .$400. Phil Dwyer, Music, 2:249i, 2:25=4, 2:27?4. Frank, blk g (3 :1.5). L. H. Price. Newton, N. J., Oct. 12, 1880, $35. Lottie C, 3:43, 3:15. Three-year-olds. Frank, eh g (2:35). M. Colvin, Chicago. 111., June 7, 1880, .$.500. Y''oung Bashaw, Judge Curtis,' Unroe, 2:44, 2:35' 2. 2:.3.5. Frank, brg (2:45). J. Bright, Montgomerv City, Mo., Sept. 21, 1881, $40. Joe Lane, Ben Butler, Billy, 2:45, 2:49. Frank, b g (2:23^4). by Abraham. E. A. Jones, Burlington. Vt., Aug. 17, 1881. .V200. Molly Clark 1, Vision, Bellevue Bov, Sarah B., Brown Johnny. Little Fortune, Hard Tack, 2:43, 2:40. 2:40, 2:40. Aug. 19, 18.S1. $1.50. Vision, Richmo'nd, LittU' Fortune, 2:48. 2:40, 2:44. — — St. Albans, Vt., Aug. 31, 1881, $100. Blackstone, Little Pete, Clipper, Josie (3 dr), John H. (1 dis). Broker (1 dis). 2:40, 2:40. 2:40. Sept. 1, 1881. $100. Vision, Molly Clark. Little Pete, Sarah B., 2:38, 2:39i^, 2:38. J. Dougrey. Poughkeepsie, N. Y., June 2s, 1882. $.500. Jenny, Patrician, H. W. Beecher, Dolly Everett, 2:27, 2:27>4, 2:26i4. J. Dougrey. Hudson. N. Y.. Oct. 24. 1S82. $250. Toronto Chief Jr., Lizzie O'Brien. M. R.. Gen. Beamish (3 dis). Village Bov (3 dr). 2:29'.;, 2:2>-H, 2:29. Oct. 26. 1882. $.'«)0. Driver 2, (3 0), M. P., Toronto Chief Jr., Independence, Gen. Beamish, 2:2814, 2:2914, 2:2914. 2:.30, 2:.30'4. .1. Dougrey, Point Breeze Park, Phila., May 16, l«83, .$.500. Nelia, Dick Organ, Clover, Elmer, 2:30i^, BcVniont Park. Phila.. May 23, 1883, .$.500. Nelia, Dick Organ, 2:25^2, 2:28. 2:261.^. May 24. 1883, $500. Cyclone. Stonewall. Keno, 2:28, 2:2514, 2:251^. Bennington. Vt.. July 24. iss3. $.300. Daniel Webster, George M.. Kitty Ives. 2:2514. Unfinished. Frank b g (2 :42). Mvstic P;irk. Sept. 2.5. 1882, $100. Honest Billy, Bull, Baliy (3 dr). 2:49, 2:48, 2:.55?4. Frank, (2:379X). C. .J. Swift. Santa Cruz.Cal.. Aug. 17, 1X82. $ . Slim Jini, 2:40, 2:.37?4, 2:39. Frank, ch g f3:01). F. B. Baldwin, Y'orkshire Centre, N. Y., July 5. 1883. $100. Jenny Norton. 3:01, 3:01%, 3:01^2. Frank, 1) g (2 :52'/2). S. AValsh, Jersey City, N. J., May 16, 1883, $20. Whirlwind 1, Nelly Robinson, Passaio il disi. .3:00, 2:52''2, 3:02, 3:00. Frank, gr g ( 2 :50). .lohn Alviso, Pleasanton, Cal., July 4, 1883, $100. Puzzle. 2:51, 2:50. 2:.50. Frank, ch g (2 :44), by Frank Pierce. Hassett & Wright. Centreville, Md., July 4, 1883, $50. Bob Lee, 2:52, 2:44.2:51. 2:M CHKSTKKS CCMl'i.MTK TUOTTING AND 1'AC1N(; liKCOHl). rraiik. 1) jj;(3::j3i. T. Kennedy, San Francisco. Cal.. Aug. 17, 1883, $200. Hcaiitv'-'. 4. I'crrv CiiUcr, Urown iJlik (3 dis». Marv O. (,!' i-2. Aug. 24, 1S»3, .¥200. beauty 2, 3, Terra t'otta, Brown Diek (4 dis), Mary O. (2 dis;, 2:36. 2:32. 2:34'i, 2:32, 2:36».2. Frank, l)Ik ),'. A. K. DalniadKC, Wellington, ()., Aug. 20. 18K3, $10. Claude Maiubrino. Mohawk. No time. Frank, lir g i3 -MTy,]. U. IMalibitt, Ainenia, N. V.. Sept. G. 1883, $150. Walter (.'. 1, 2, I.ady Sealskin 3 c« dis). Frank, llosv Tliorne l4 dr), 2:40, 2:39. 2:3i»'2. 2:40'2. 2:.i7ii., 2:39. Frank, cli g i'i :47 ). Utton IJros., St. .Jolinsbury, VI., Sept. 20. 1883, $12.'). St. Jacob. Passumpsie Hov. Black Bantam. Kditli.2:47. 2:47, 2:50. Morrisville, Vt., Sei)t. 25, 1S83. .Sso. Swallow Boy 1, 2. Editli, Beecher. 2:.50. 2:51. 2:4S; 2.51. 2:.V>. Frank (iJiOy'j). Fort Scott, Kan., Oct. 2, 1883, iSlOO. W. H. It., Kninia, Kva T.,Cai)tain. Bet. 3:10, 3:I0U-., 3:0!i'o. Frank, b g (3:40i,i). I. Eckert, Heading, I'a.. Oct. 4, 1883, $125. Serpent 2. Bav Frank 1. Drover. aMischief (4 (Id, \ aUcv Maid (4 ^\v). Susie B. ^3 ^, 2:.-..5. 2:49',i. 2:40'.,. 2:43'.i. Frank, br g i'i A'S). W. G. liudley, Easlon, Md., Oct. 31, 1883, )}1M. Batapsco Maid, Frank, Blue Bidge. 2:43, 2:44. 2:43. Frank A., rn g (3:36). C. Ci. Clark, Lynn. Mass., May 29, 1877, .'?200. Alice, Mattie, Loyal Tom, 2:43'2. 2:41'j, 2:43'.. Frank A., b g (2 :39'/i). J. Mabbitt, rouglikeepsie, N. Y., June 17, 1880, $ . Janios H., Whiteliouse. No tinu'. Frank .V. (3:46). (5. F. Balmer. Suffleld, Conn., Oct. 25, 1882. !!<70. Kichard 3. Willie. Sleciiv .lack. Dick Eve, Topsv(3dls). Best time, 2:40. Frank .'Vllen. b g 1 3:43), by Ethiin Allen, dam Nelly Litchlield, bv (Ircvliound. T. Sayles. Danielsonville. Conn.. .Uilv 4, l,s7.i, .'#150. Dan Morrill d 0), Captain Allen, 2:4S, •J:47, 2:.50. 2:,52. W. 11. Sawtelle, Athol, Mass., Oct. 7, 1874, $25. Honest Boy, I'rince Albert. Kate Thorn. Brnce, 3:0.S, 2:57. .1. U. Farnmn. Waltham. Mass,. Sept. 13, 1882. $100. Cleo. Highland Crav, 2:4.5. 2:4.3K>. 2:4.5. Frank Allison, l)r s i3 :3«'.i), l)v Bhickbird. J. W. Jacobs, Aurora. Jli.. July 4. 1874. $;i00.~ Jack Short. Timi C., Belle. I'.illv 11.. Billv Uichards. Bay Charley (2 dis), 2:45i.i, 2.48'.i, 2:4!ii^" Marengo, ill., June l(i, 1875, .i?800. Hartford Maid 3, Badger, (iertrudc, Little Mose. Toiiimv Dodd (4 dr). 2:36, 2:36^1. 2:40. 2: ;J8. E. R. Palmer. Aurora, Out., June 30, 1876, $200. Lookout. Nettie Irwin. 2:.50, 2:50^, 2:53. J. C. Mahon, Kentville, N. S., June 28, 1877, $ . Discount. Tiger. 2:41. 2:42. 2:40~'2. Truro, N. S., Sept. 26, 1877, $200. Honest Farmer 2. 6 U 0) (S O), Alorgan Knox 1, 3 (7 dis). King William, 2:36l2. 2:38, 2::{7, 2:36, 2:38' i, 2:39' 2, 2:39, 2:38, 2:42. Amherst, N. S. .July 11, 1878, $ . Nelly Thorn 3. Best time, 2:36. Truro, N. S., Aug. 28, 1878. .•?2.50. Nelly Thorn 4 (2 0). 2:.'i<), 2:40. 2:40, 2:30. 2:.?9. Beacon Park, Boston, Nov. .5. 1878. .$1.50. Rosie, 2:36, 2:281.1. 2 :29?4. Frank 1$.. blk g (3:-"il). J. Bernard, Mystic Park, Boston July 4, 1877, $.50. Bob 1. Dot. Triangle. Joe (3dis). 2 :.56, 2:51 . 2 :.52i.i . 2 :51 "j. Frank H., eh g (3:38). S. Witliam. Portland. Me., Sept. 18. 1879. $150. I'ickijoeket 1 Dectective Patchen, Ralph, Wanderer, Sir Dahlgreen Little Fred, Watchmaker, Tonv. Sis (4 dr) Dexter <1 dis). 2:39'/2, 2:40. 2:42, 2:39. Sei)t. 19. 1879. $1,50. Cottontail 1, Watchmaker. Detective Patchen, Waiulerer, Bav (leorge (2 dr), Ike (2 dr), 2:40'i. 2:40. 2:38, 2:43. • (w). F. W. Berry, Bangor, Me., Sept. 27, 1883, $200. Gladstone (w), Maicom (w). Prince William (w). Duchess (w). 2:48=4. Frank 1$., gr g (3 14014). M. (iuinn Peru, Ind., Sept. 16, 1880, $160. John A.. Belle Bowen, (ieorge B., Royal Cieorge. No lime. Sept. 18. 1880, .$100. .lohn A., Belle Bowen. No time. .Inly 4, 188;{. ,$3.50. Bhu-k H:iwk. Saiu Mack. 2:42, 2:43, 2:43ii. Frank «.. b g (3 :33i.,). Attleboro. Mass.. Oct. 6. 1881. $75. Competitors not named, 2:38. H. Smith, Norwalk. Conn.. Sept. 14, 1882, $ . Nickel, George E., Baker (3 dr). Airlike (2 dr), 2:42^4, 2:37!^, 2:43'.i. Frank IJ.,.ch g (3 :40). F. Dudgeon. Si)ringfield, L. I., Aug. 10. 1881. .$150. Breeze, Sim, 8:16i^. 8:29. Three miles. (w) R. P. Dudgeon. MIneola, L. L, Sept. 28. 1881, $65. Frank B .Ir. (w) 2, Duryea's b g (w), Sammy Sands (w). Black Pete (w). Butterfly (W). Sorrel Dan (w), (4 dr), 2:53. 2:,52, 2.53. 2:55. Frank leaker, b s (3 :.'>i), by son of Green's Bashaw. J. Baker, Ottawa, 111., Sept. 3, 1879. $200. Blue Jeans, Fairy Gift, Solitude, Musciitine, Leland. 2:51. 2:51. Frank Baker, eli g (3 :38), hv Paw-jiaw Ciiief. R. A. Mead, Davenport, la., Sept. 9. 1881, $300. Bay (^larley, Melzar, George W. Jr., John Jr.. Trump. Nightingale. 2:46'2, 2:42i4. 2:43^- Frank llelun, br g, R Philips, Phoenix, N. Y., Oct. 18 and 19, 1883, $125. Primus 2, 3. Lola P.. Daniel. No time. Frank IJlalr, b g (3:47). E. L. Harris, Canton, N. Y., Sept. 22. 1868, $150. Mott's br g 2, 3, Maria, Mormon Ann. 2:49. 2:44,2:46, 2:.50, 2:47. Frank lilair. b g (3 :57i.i). .los. Fisher, Easton. Pa., Oct. .31, 18(i8. $2,5. Greenwich Maid (s). 3:02, 2:.57V4. Frank l^onner (3:48i2). L. Rider. Rutland. Vt., June 16.1871, $1,50. Deceiver, Lincoln's b m. Tinmouth Maid. 2;4Si/,. 2:49, 2:48i-2. Frank Koody. blk g (3:39). A. Manning, Boston, Mass., October 7, 1867, $1,50. Dick Turi)in (Vf), Lady I'bigner 1 w). 2 ,39. 2:43. 2:4,5. Friink Itouers, blk g (3:43). P. E. Lvnn. Avon, Pa., Sept. 8. 1880, $2tX). Grand Bashaw. Ike Scholl, Dick LIverman. Garfield. Lizzie Bell, ShineV Bov. Ladv F. (3 dri. 2:45. 2:44, 2:46. Reading. I';i.. Sept. 29. 1880. $12.5. Ladv McFarlaiul. Black Ben. Thrill, 2:48'2, 2:49K>, 2:4914. Sept. IV). IS!0. .Sl.V). Charley Ross. Lizzie .McFarland. Black Ben. 2:4.5. 2:43. 2:4.3»a. Ilarrisbnrgh. Pa.. Pa.. Sept. 24. 1881. .$200. (;ar(ield 4. Maud U. 1. Lizzie Bell. 2:45.2:47.2:49'2.2:47K>,2:49. Frank Kowcrs. lis (3:43'2i. ,1. Flickinger. Westminster, .Md.. .Inlv 20. I88I, .$250. Clii)per. Lady Lear Little .VdiiIc. 2:49. 2:l2i2. 2:45'2. Frank Itox. (W) 1) g (2:43 w). J. Waixel. Chicago. 111.. Aug. 11. 1877. $ . Spot (w). 1, Music (w). Frank Mvers (w). Col. Ben (w), Lady Durfee (w). Wild June (w) (3 dr), Nellv D. (w) (3 dr), Finest Jewel (w) (3 dn, 2:45' 2, 2:45"5, 2:4:{. Frank Itrooks, lir g (2 :44''4'). W. Hamilton, San Jose, Cal., Oct. 6, 1874. ,$300. Quien Sabe. Fisher, Mary Jenks, 2:47».i, 2:45. 2:44^,. Oct. 8, 1874. .$:i(K). Marv Jenks .'{. 4. Quien Sal)e, 2:,54. 2:49'i, 2:51'i, 2:.52. 2:.')3. Frank Brower, (s) blk g(3:ri3 s». C. S. Bartine, Harlem, N. Y., Oct. 13. 1843. $.30. Yiinkee Doodle (s) 1, Lonesome Pluelie. Dragon, 2:53. 2:,54. 2:,54. 2:.55. (SI April 21. 1813. .$.30. Drau'on (si 2. Yankee Doodle. Lonesome Phoebe (4 dn. 2:.59. 2:,50, 2:,5,'?. 2:55. Frank Brown, gr a (3:36i, 1, Frank Brown. Kokomo. Ind., .lune 11. 1874. ,$500. Lilian. Pocahontas Boy. Jim FIsk. Uncle Siiiii (1 disi. Ned Allen il disi. 2:.37i4. 2:,37',. 2:40. Friink Bush, eh g(3:.'>0i. I. Harrison & Bush. North Amherst. <>.. Aug. 27. 1875. $100. Camden 1, Lady Lexington 3. L:idy Snyder (5dr). (leorge (5 dr), Rosendale (3 dr), 2:43, 2:50'i. 2:53}^, 2:53, 2:51. CHESTEKS COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING KECOKI). L'.;5 Frank C (Crown Prince), wh g (2 :35). J. M. Harrison, Norwalk, 0., July 8, 1879, $300. Flirt, Cliarley Moore (1 dis), Fanny B. (1 clisj, Willartl H. (1 dis), 2-:mU, 2:33, 2:35. Frank C. protested and protest sus- Fraiik t;harles, gr g (3 :45V2). A. Sanborn, Watsonville, Cal., July 4, 1883, $250. Chicago, 2:50, 2:53, 2:5414. Frank Cheatham, rn g (3 :37i4). Frank Price, Massillon, ()., Sept. 13, 1867, $100. Hunkidori 1, 4, 2:54, 2:38, 2"41 2'4() "44 '- w. burress, Cincinnati, O., Oct. 24, 1867. $100. Dick Oglesby, Grapevine (2 dis), Truman Jones (1 dis), Fraiik D^'br g (3 :53). W. K. Kavniond, Dover, N. H., Sept. 2, 1875, $100. Colonel 2, Charley Bov, Uncle Sam, Christian Shore (2 dis), Netty (2 disj, 3:ui. 2:50, 2:53, 2:54. Frank I)., br g (3 i-tS'^ 1. G. L. Vosborougb, Hamburgh, N, Y., Sept. 13, 1877, $50. Sorrel Cloud, John Avery, Hannah Miller. Einvv Colt, Lady .Maud, Young Model. No time. W (;. Lcland, Pottt-rsville, N. Y., Aug. 12, 188J. *KiO. Speedwell 3, 2:44, 2:4314. 2:48, 2:52. Frank 1).. br g (3 :3~ 1, by Deflancu. A. F. Hoyt, Ilyniouth, N. H.. Sept. 29, 1880, $10C. Pea Soup, Topsy Jr., Lisbon Bov. Sleepv John (3 dn, 2:50, 2:51. 2:50. M s Williams. Laconia, N. II., Sept. 21 and 22, 1881, $150. Trifle 2, French Boy l, Kitty S., lilton Boy, Maud.Muller, Nell, 2:45, 2:45. 2:42,2:45. 2:45. .,„-„. ,,.,.,. ,, r.. -a , A. F. Floyt, Concord, N. H., June G, 1882, $100. Ivitty S., Nell, Eiver Girl, Star Gazer, Trifle, Joe, 2:39^4, 1 A.^jriiolUn, Woodstock, Vt., Sept. 27, 1883. $250. Maud D., Daniel Lambert Jr., Thomas A., 2:37, 2:4154, 2'39 '- M S Williams. Oct. 26, 1883, $200. Yellow Dog, Queen Mab., Fanny P., Pickwick (2 dr), 2:38, 2:40, 2:41. Frank b., rn g (3 :03). E. B. Davis, Kansas City, Mo. July 2, 1881, $100. American Cluy Jr., Santa Fe Maid, McCoy, 3:02, 3:0314.3:03. „ ^ ,, ■ , ^ , ^ . , ^, , Frank l)ace, br s (3 :11). L. B, Dunklee, Portsmouth, Me., Sept. IS, 1873, $ . Kossuth, Lady Lightfoot, 3'11 Frank Davis bg (3 :29), by Dorsey. (J. W. Bouvier, Dayton. 0., Sept. 28 and 29, 1875, $500. Flora D. 3,5, Nelson i5r o) Ked Line "1,2, (4dr), Ella Wood (3 dis). Bill Collins (3dr), Frank Harland (3 dr). Lady Chester (1 dis), 2:37, 2:37:'4, 2:41, 2:39, 2:40)^, 2:45, 2:3414. W. Davis, Cincinnati, O., Oct. 26, 1875, S200. Kate Campbell (vv; 3, 2:33'/2, 2:32i4, 2:35'2, ?:32i4. G. W. Bouvier, Newport, Ky., Oct. 29, 1875, $200. Kate Campbell 1, 2:32H, 2:37 2:41, 2:30. Chas. Daft, Boscobel, Wis., Oct. 6, 187(i, $500. Herod 1, West Union Girl, Granger, 2:35?4, 2:36, 2:37i4, 2 "39 '- Chicago, 111., Nov. 9, 1876, $200. George Judd 3, 2:35, 2:3354, 2:3.514, 2:30?i. Mr. Swartz, Aug. 11, 1877, $- — . Rattler, Sam Kirkwood (2 dr>, 2:3414, 2:3994. Frank Decker, br g (3 :45). Cox & Bos well, Earlville, 111., Sept. 1, 1870, $100. Norwegian Girl 1, Royal Oak Jim Tyler, Sorrel Top, 2:53'4. 2:50-4. 2:17'i. 2:45. ^ .^ , , t..... , t„ , Frank Dudlev, b g (3:01). PC. Hoff, Baptisttown, N. J., Sept. 27, 1876, $60. Trouble, Ettie S., Black Stranger. American Star, 3:01, 3:04, 3:02. ... x .. . - r ^ Frank Dunlap, b g (3 :58), (3 :46i'n*), by ('omo Chief. J. F. Martin, Clinton, la., Oct. 12, 1870, .* . J. C. Partridge, 2 :46'2. 2:50, 2:51. Short track. , . , „ , ,^ . ,,, Dixon, 111,, July 1. 1875, $150. Diadem, Flying Cloud, Tom Dodge, Lady Brush, Detective, Western Dick (1 dis). Gray I'rince (1 dis), 2:59, 2:58, 3:00. Frank Ellis, bs (3:33), by Happy Medium, dam by Ned Forrest. R.F.Galloway, Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Sept. 24, 1875, $200. Marksman, Blossom (3 dis), Alice Medium (3 dis), 2:4.5, 2:47',4, 2:39. Four-year-olds and untler. Robert Steel, Woodbury, N. J., Oct, 21, 1875, $100. Jersey Girl (2 dis), Little Charley (2 dis), 3:06, 2:37. Four-year-olds. . R. F. Galloway, Ambler Park, Pa„ May 31. 1876, $450. Jenny (2 dis), 2:!54, 2:32. Five-year-olds. Frank Emerick, b g (3:04i4). CM Emerick, Peru, Ind., June 14, 1878, $150. Black Frank l, 4, Black Rachel, Pet Lamb 3:10v;, 3:0414. 3:11, 3:15^4, 3:22. Frank Enner, b g (3 :51i4). M. Kavanaugh, Cincinnati, O.. May 26, 1864, $125. Ripton 1,2 (5 dis), Limber Jim (2 dis), 3:00^4, 2:47i2, 2:5112, 2:.53'i, 2:52. Frank F., bg (2 :36i4), by Emperor William J. F. Haines, Mystic Park. Boston, Sept. 6 and 7. 1881, .«400. Arthur 3, 4, Shamrock 1, Marvel, George A., Lexington Jr. (3 dr), Olive i2 dr), 2:28, 2:30?4. 2:28.14, 2:27 1'a, 2:29,2:2614. Se )t. 9. 1881, $400. Shamrock, Arthur, George A., Maud D., 2:29, 2:2914, 2:2794. Frank F., ell g (3 :31i4). by Troublesome. E. H. Woodside, Portland, Me., Sept. 13, 1883, $200. Georr^e O. 3, 4, Surprise, Belmont Pilot, David W. (4 dr), Gen. Knox (2 dis), Marion (2 dis), 2:36, 2:35i4, 2:.3Ci/2, 2:38, 2:46. Frank Ferguson (J. G. Brown and Harrv Todd), br g (3:36). by I'.illy 0, $100. Blue Dick (s), Kate O'Brien (s), 2:43, 2:41, 2:44. (w), Horace Jones, Union Course, L. I., Sept. 20, 1854, $2,000. .loe Husted (w), 2:44, 2:44, 2:43. (w), Oct. 12, 1854, $100. Lady Collins (w), l, Boston Girl (w). Highland Boy (w), 2:38,3:35, 2:3514, 2:37. ■ Geo. Spicer. Centreville, L. I., Oct. 2.5, 185,5, $1,000. Ladv Franklin, 5:16, 5:18. Two miles. Oct. 31, 1855. $1,500. Lady Franklin 1, Taconey, 5:13, 5:121.,, r,:U. Two miles. .r. L. Eoff, Chicago, III., Oct. 28. 1850, .$2,000. Reindeer 3, 2:.?.2i4. 2:.30, 2:34, 2:32i4. Frank Forrester, b s (3 :49). by Scott's Hiatoga. H. Finkbine, Newark, O., Oct. 4, 1871, $25. 2:.56i'2. Against time. „ -, .,, X Frank Forrester, b s (2 :34i4), by Frank Forrester. B. Cooper, Davton, O., May 19. 1882. $2.50. Lilly J., Lady Lawrence 1,2, (3 dis), 2:40, 2:39ii, 2:3714. 2:37' 2. 2:.3S!/i. p: H. Glick, Tiflin, O., June 14, 18S2, .«.300. Topsy C, Lady Lawrence, 2:43, 2:45, 2:.~9. ,r. Draker, Fort Wayne, Ind., Sept. 21. 1882, $ . Roger Hanson 1, (2 0), Ada, Coupon, 2:3914, 2:411.^, 2:.i9i4, 2:.36i.i.2:41. Knightstown, Ind., yVug. 31, 1883, .$ . Commander, Bates' entry, 2:3.5, 2:3414. 2:3.514. Frank G., b g i3:44i2). J. Waixel, Chicago, 111., June 12, 1877, $ . Ethan, 2:45, 2:4,5, 2:44ii. Frank Golddust, b s (3:03), by Golddust. Mr. McDaniels, Battle Creek, Mich.. ,Iune 3. 1874, $ . Sir Franklin. 3:10, 3:041^, 3:02. " ^ Frank (iranger, b g xS -.^oy^). Mr. Belden, Detroit, Mich., June 2, 1858. $1,1*). Unknown, 1 h, 0 m, .50 sec. Twenty miles. Frank Grey, b g (3 :.53). bv Little Wonder, dam by Hambletouian. Danville, 111., June 26. 188.3, 9200. Ins 1, Little George, Maggie M., Frank E., Smuggler,' 2:56. 2:.54, 2:.54, 2:.53. Frank H.. b g (3 :45). J. W. Whitliy, Hempstead, L. L, Aug. 4, 1874, $150. Fashion 1, Bay Dick 2, Modoc 5, Blanche, Malor, John French, Ruthvine(3 dr), 2:46, 2:44, 2:47, 2:4.5, 2:47, 2:46. Frank H., bg(3:37i4). Frank Starkey, Mason, Mich. ..July 2, 187.5. $500. Tliayer's ch g, Nettie Barnes, Jenmie, Lord Dufferin, Dan H. ( 2'lis). Prince (1 dis), Brown Mary (1 dis), 2:4P.i, 2:44 ■>,, 2:44. Fowlerville. Mich., Aug. 24, 187.5. $.300. Gertrude. Bay Lillv, George B.. Fniidi ct I'i'^). 2:42, 2:4294, 2:42. Aug. 25, 187,5, .$300. Minnie Maxfleld 1, Frank, Stranger. Gertrude (4 dis). Bay Lilly (4 dis), 2:42, 2:4294, 2:42, 2:41. Aug. 26, 1875, .$300. Pilot Mambrino 4, .5, Doctor Lewis, Frank l, 2(5 dis), Gertrude (4dis), 2:37i4, 2:40, 2:38Vi, 2:.37i4. 2:.S9ii. 2:42'i, 2:.389i. 236 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECOKD. I>ansing, Mich., 8ept.21, 1875, $500. Nod S, i, Stranger, Pilot Mambrlno, George Sherwood, Friday (3dr) ;J:40'ii, 'Z-.ja^i, i;:41, 2;41'4. Muir, MUh.. Oct. 1, \x'ir,. $ . Michigan Boy 3, Dan H.. Essex Maid, 2:51, 2:52, 2:50^, 2:504. Frank H.. I) g Ci :35). T. \V. Ulton, Lyndon, \ I., .nily 4. 1879, S:;50. Oliver Twist 2, Goodenough,2.44, 2:36, 2:42, 2:.'^^. . ?,loiiII)clicr, VI., Ang 22. 1S79. $170. Little Dick. .\(l.!:>;on l,;iniliert, 2::{8'i 2:.'ffl'.,2:39. M. Alliiins. VI., Ang. 2ti, IST!*. * . I'dliani. \ illagc I'.ov, Slarler. 2: .<;. 2:40. 2:38-'4. Nt. .loiinsbnry.. \ t., Oct. 11, 1S7!I. S2rA). lit n .Moiriii J. KiclmHind 1, Alice, 2:3a, 2:35, 2:3.5. 2:39, 2:37"i. Frank H.. )> g Ci :4."> k I>V Swigert. 1". Dclany, Osliko.sli. N\ is., .lune 2U. 1«<83, *300. G. W. Howe, Loafer, 2:46, 2:4.-., 2:4ti. Stevens Point, Wis., ,)nly 3, 18X3. Sl.-iO. Satan B., Henry K., 2:.'>4. 2:51 Mj, 2:,'>6. • .Inly 4, 1S.S3, S20(». Princeton Bov 3, .'>. Dread 1, 2:.'>4, 2:.53, 2:51, 2:48. 2:47, 2:40. Frank H., I) s (3 -MVU). E. E. Eeker, Enii>oria, Kan.. Sept 26, 1883. §250. Unity 1, Billy .lones, 2:38. 2:39}4. 2:40, 2 ::«»'-... iMMt Scott, Kan.. Oct. 5, 18«.i. S1.50. Dick Sexton (2 dis^ Long .John (2 dr). 2:40, 2:a9\. Frank Hale, wli g rJ:44:i4), hv .Messenger. T, Mel^mghlni, Lowell, Mass.. Sept. 2.5, 1874, S . Bine Nose, .lohn O'Gore, Canada Boy, "2:4s. 2:.")0. 2:.'')2. i;. F. Goode, Lowell, Mass., .Inne 17, 18S2, S7.5. Fred McGregor 1, 2, Maggie May, Lady Sherhurne, Do.iald (5 dr>. 2:45' 2, 2:4.'i, 2:46'... 2:46. 2:i9. Sept. 27, 1882, $125. Qiieeii Anne. Tempest, 2:49, 2:49>4, 2:48. Nov. 16. 1882, $.")(). Oweenee, 2:47'2. 2:49. Frank Hall, Mk g r~:32). M. Carroll. Beacon Park, Boston, Ang. 12, 1874 $150. Lady Van Clief, Lazy Jim, Ben. Ed. cha|)in. Annie Allen (2 dr). 2:42. 2:42. 2:44. y\\\ Ang. 31. 1874, $.500. Andy .lolinson 2. 2:.'>Jio.'„':42'.;. 2:44'-. 2:42. Lawrence, Mass.. Sept. 24. 1874. $bn). Kate liuglies, Horace Greeley, Alton Boy, 2:41. 2:4». 2:40. :iancliester, N. H., Sept. ;«), 1874, $:!.")0. (ieorge I'ealiodv 1, .lohnii.\ Cranston, Langdon, Lady I'^inma, Jo!;n (1 dis>, 2:38. 2:38, 2::?8, 2:.37. >iystic Park, Boston, .July 22, 1875. $300. Honest Tom 2, John T. lUissell, Georgie B., 2:.32, ,2:34, 2::;.s." Fran^ Hall, (2 :46i;i). \V. N. Powell, St. Mary's. Pa., Oct. 9, 1883. $1.50. Turk, Little Billy. Dntchman. Kitty, .M:iV i2 (lr>, 2:48. 2:47. 2:46i4. Frank Hampton. 1) s (2:48). G. W. Gary, Reedsbnrg. Wis.. July 2. 1880, $,50. Cerman I'.oy. North Hawk. No time. .Iiilv 3. 1880, $75. (ierman Bov, Portage Boy, 2:48, , . Frank Harlan, hlk g (2 :45). W. F. Harlan, INiassillon, ().. Aug. 11, 1875, $1(K). Bosette 1, 2, Maxwell Maid r>, C.I ;iv Dick. ClilT K.. Luev P., Sorrel Frank (4 dn. Cai)t;iin (3 . Digger (2 dis), Coimtry C.irrr-' dr). Bald Hornet"(2 dr). Naomi (1 dis\ 2:.'^.!. 2:5(i, 2:47io, 2:46'4, 2:47. 2:4.5. Frank Haskill. hlk g (2:40). Mr. Savage, Lewiston. Me., ,)uly — , 18G7. $ . Bed Bird 2, 2:44. 2:36, 2:40. Frank Hayes, (s) ch g (2:34). L. T. McQuivey. St. Louis, Mo.. Oct. 22, 1852, $150. Rhode Island, 5:20, 5:18. Two miles. „ H. I'ottrill, Mobile, Ala., Dec. 23, 18,52. .fl;,500. Hannah Mae, Helen Mar (s), 5:54>o. 5 :55. 5:56. Two miles. C. Skinner. Rochester, N. Y., Sept. 11, 1856, $1.50. Jake Oakley 1, (2 dis). Lady Oliver {2 dr), 5:20, 5:24. Two miles. Seiit. 13. ia56, $100. Jack Temple l, 2, (3 dis), Lady Freeman (2 dr), \onng Morrill (I dis), 2:48, 2:41, 2:45. Avon Spa. N. Y., Oct. 9, 1858, $100. Bav Norman. 2:.57. 3:01. 3:0,5. Frank Hill hrg'^2:46). J. Pierce, Corning. N. Y., Julv 31. 1874. .?1.50. Maggie IMitchell 1. St. Nicholas. Jesse Smith, Brown Kate, Ned, 0. Ivnapp, Judge Russell, Sir Henry (2 dr), Kitty Case (1 dis), Billy Blade (1 dis), 2.r,'j3' 0.4(5 0.591.; S'Oll.^ Frank Howard, b g (2 :32i0. B. Ransom. Detroit, Mich.. Aug. 26, 1868, $2.50. Bay Gelding 3. I51oomer. Frank Rolfe (1 dis), t-rank Moscow (Idis), Diamond (1 dis). 2:32;i,,2:34'j,2:33'i,2:.m^ . ^„ ,, , ^., ^ Frank Hull gr g (2 :32). H. Woodruff. Mystic Park, Boston, Sept. 15, 187(;, .$600. Carrie Allen. l?oston Pilot, Belle Oakley, Lady Balch, Jessie Tempieton, (4entinella, Annie E. (3 dr). Elevator (3 dr), (iraiiger (1 dis), 2'''il'i 2'3''M 2'.'?2''i ^Heacon Park, Boston, Sept. 25. 1876, $600, Belle Oakley, Boston Pilot, Carrie Allen. Elevator, Dagger, Iron Ace Gentinella, 2:.31, 2:.34K., 2:M}/>. Frank Hull gr g (2.34K.). A. A. Iviatthews. Red Wing. Minn.. Sept. 15, 1880, $245. Hattie V. 3. Lady of the FrankleB.,1) g(2:34i^). P. Dolan, Parkville, L. 1., Aug. 29. 1883, $300. Prince, htfa A., Ransom, Ned, .Jersey cft'y.N.' J., Sept. ,5, 1883. $300. Ira 0. 3, 6. Rocket (5 dr), George 1,2 (4 dis), Little Mack (3 dis), 2:a5'/„ 2:36, 2:35>^,2:34>4, 2:.37, 2:40.2:42'/j. „ . ., , ^ ., ,, , ■• , o .„ ..001/ C. Mishler, Parkville, L. I., Nov. 29. 188.3, $200. Dan 1, Susie (4 dr), (Jarry Manning 1 1 dis». 2:44V«, 2:39^ 2"45'4 ''•46' 5 PraiikieG., br'm (3 :00). J. Graham, Dowagiac, Mich., Oct. 10, 1883, $75. Ida Bell 2, Boy G., Jennie IL, 3:10, 3:01.3:00';. ,.. . . ,, „ , ,1 ,-•.. ,,r ,, Frank.!., dn g (2:23^.0. Grand Rapids. Mich.. .Tune 10, 1874, $1,000. Ristori. I-ox. Randal. Kitiy Wells. .Jenny Strideaway. Fred Spragne, Little Jake, Plain Agnes (1 dis). Charles Langworthy (1 dis), 2:37, 2:41i.i, ^'.I.'a. Batchelor, Woonsocket, R. I., Sept. 10, 1874, .$4,50. Billy Platler. Maybe, Cassin (l dis). 2.34?4, ^Lawrence; Mass., Sept. 26, 1874. .$600. l<'rank Palmer. Billy Phitter. .loe Uipley, Du.stin Jim, Ben Mor- rill, 2::{0. 2:29. 2:30. ^, .„„,„, Stenbenville, O., Oct. 1,3, 1874. $1,000. Frank, Kitty Wells, Gypsy Tom, 2:.39. 2:.«), 2:37iC'- Fort \V;ivne. Ind., Oct.^'7. 1874, ,$600. Bertie. <,)iiickstep, lUpon Boy. 2 :.30 2:30?., 2:31 = 1. Oct. 2s. rs74. .■Si .5(10. BlTi'k Frank. Gen. Gr.-int, Ohio Boy. Kale Campbell. May Howaiil. 2:31. 2:29, 2:.to. Augusta. Ga.. Feb. 22, 1875. $2.50. Lady Patterson. Ccn. Hood. 2:14. 2:42',. 2:43. Martingsburg, W\ Va.. May 19, 1S7.5. $.300. Jack. (!;iyo. 2;;i|',. 2:.32'.i, 2:43. , , ,^ Point Breeze I'ark. Philii.. May 29. 1875. $l,.5no. Snow Ball, Annie (^ollms, Klla Mad, 2:29, 2:26' ,, 2:28. Mystic Park, Boston, .July 2, 1875. $l,.50O. Billy Platter 2, Ella Madden .3, Frank Palmer, \ oiing Rattlei (1 (list ''.or, •>.0(; o.'27.T, 2''''f>\ '' ••'6''4 Amen'ia.'N'.'V., 'juiv'8,'l875; $im. Tom Keeler 2, (30), Barney Kelly l. FfHe Deans. Royal (ieorge (4 dis), Messenger Boy (1 dis)." 2:.30. 2:->9'-,. 2:.30. 2:29, 2::«). 2:.32"j. . ,„„,,„„„ „„,/ \\h\U' Plains, N. Y., Julv 21, 1875. ,$400. Spotted Colt 1, Crown Prince 4. 2:31. 2:.3,3>i. 2:33\. 2:,36, 2:.35'/,. Syracuse, N, ¥., Sept. 10, 1875, $1,500. Eva 2, Annie Collins, Nelly Irwin, 2:31 >4. 2:31, 2:30, 2:.3l. CHESTER'S COMI'LETE TROTTING AND PACING KECO::!). 23T Frank Jackson, ^3:39). J. Cowan, Cleveland, O., Sept. 6, 1800, §100. Jack Rossiter 2 (5 drj, Ike Staden I, (3(lr). 2:39, 2:40, 2:39,2:39. . Frank Kernau. b g (3 :36' .,). L. B. Bartholomew, Corning, N.Y.. Julv 29. 1S74. S400. Kenzua Orphan 1, Gray Charley 2, Central Boy, toni Wonder Jr., lieeluse, Col. Walker, David Green (.5 drj, Coiidit Smith (5 drj. 2:42, 2AIU, 2:43?4. 2:42, 2:44U. F. Thompson, Hamljurg. >J. Y.. Sept. 14, 1877, .«20n. B. F. Bruce 4 (2 0), Mambrino Nell (2 0), Almont Jr., No time. Frank Kimbsill, blk {,' (3 :45'o). I). McFee, Exeter, Ont., July 1, 1878, $125. Little Fred, Mat Duffy, 2:47, 2:40, 2:48'-. July 2, 1878. .^125, .Aland Edgerton, Little Fred, Plough Boy. Big Fellow. 2:47, 2:45'.2, 2:45V2. Frank L. (Orpiian Boy\ b g (3:31 ). bv Tramp. H. H. Prine, Oskaloosa, la., Sept. 10. 1878, $200. Frog, Black Eagle. Nigger Boy,' J. H. Geer, Billy, Lottie (2 dr), 2:45»4, 2:48, 2:47. Mr. Jackson, (rawfordsville, Ind., Sept. 8. 1880, .S20U. Lady Mel).. Rosedale. 2:3.5'4, 2:30, 2:35. .M. .M. McHattie. Bloomington. 111.. July 1, 1881, ?!300. Kentucky Girl, Nelly K., Emma Coon. Charles W. (2 dis), Fannv K. (2 dis),.2:32, 2:33. 2:32i4. P. E. Seffler. Salt Lake City, Utah, June 23, 1882, S200. Buckskin 1, .Milo G., Lutie. Billy Judson, 2:4l}4, 2:37^,2:43, 2:37 1 i. M. M. Allen. Butte Citv. Mon.. Aug. 19. 1882, S400. Black Diamond 1. 2:30'^. 2:41. 2:39i^, 2:39V4. Helen:i. Mon., Oct. 10. 1882, .$500. Clark Chief Jr. 3. 2:39'.i. 2: J5>3, 2:3.5, 2::>4' 2. Frank Landers, brg (3:36'.,). bv Saddling Buck, dam Roany, by sou of Copperbottom. G. W. McHaffle, Eaton Kapiils. .Alich.. Julv 28. 1881.. S3U0. Blanche H. 1, 3, Transit 4, Clara Cleveland. Resolute. P. D. Q., Jay (ioiild. Cracker Bov, Lucrece. Roval Champion. 2:.52'2, 2:35. 2:37. 2:37, 2:3Gi4, 2:.JG. New Lebanon. Ind., Aug. 26, 1881, .$250. Kitty Bates 1. 2, Nancy M., Polly Wishard, Mamie, Nelly S., 2:31,2:.31xj. 2:30^, 2:31! j, 2:31. Crawfordsville, Ind.. Sept. 10, 1881, §400. Annie Lou, Jenny L., Sucker Maid. Rosewood, 2:34, 2:32V^, 2*3.3''^. '- Indi;ina))olis. Ind., Sept. 29, 1881, .S500. Minnie R., Blanche H.. Daniel Bcoue, 2:31>^i, 2:2994, 2:33'/4. Fort Wavne. Ind.. Sept. 29, 1882, -S . Resolute 3. (2 0). Leontlne (2 0), 2:29^^, 2::30^, 2:28, 2:28i4, 2:34. South Bend. Ind.. Oct. 7. 1882, .§400. Polka Dot, Riette. 2:28'4. 2:29.2:28. B. F. Walker. Lancaster, O., Oct. 14. is'^. .?.500. .(ohn H:dl. (iift Jr.. Mamie M.. Outlaw, 2:29. 2:30. 2:33. rrank teslie br g pacer, (3:35). W. B. Sheldon. Cleveland. O., Nov. 18. 18.58. ?220. Buckeye. 2:39, 2:43, 2:44. Nov. 20, 1858! -SIOO. Buckeye (2 0), 2:39. 2:41. 2:41. Detroit, Midi., Aug. 9, 18G0, S175. Butcher Bov 1. Sam Slick (4 dis), Yankee Boy (3 dri. Jack Madden (1 dis). 2:40.2:38, 2:35,2:36. Franklin, gr g (3 :47 1. C. Ballard, Charlestown, N. IL, Sept. 23, 1858. .§70. Bethel Maid 2, 5, Brattleboro Maid 1, 2:^.9, 2:.-)3, 2:47. 2:49. 2:49, 2:51. Franklin, b s (3 :45). (i. Palmer, Exeter, Me.. Sept. 27, 1877. §40. Hiram Dell, Julia, Kitty Wells, Gen. Knox, • Little Nell i3 dr). No Name (2 dr), 2:48, 2:49. 2:4.5. Dexter, Me.. Sept. 1. 1«82. .§.50, Fannie W. 2. Twinkle 3, Spider 2:45. 2:.50, 2:42, 2:4.5. 2:46. Franklin, gr g(3:50. Maj. Nicholson, Washington, D. C, .June 19, 1878, $200. Lady Elmer 1 (2 dis), 3:00, 2:. 50. .lune 21. 1878, .S200.I>ady li:imer(2 dis). 2:.5G. 2:.52. Franklin, gr g (3 :35'4), bv Baekman's Idol. J. Garrison, Schagticoke, N. Y., Oct. 7, 1882, §200. Don Carlos, Harrv East. 2:41. 2:37'i, 2:38i4. Ho'osick Falls. N. Y., Oct. 18. 1882, §75. Molly W. 1, 2, Colonel M. 2:48i4, 2:40, 2:41, 2:42, 2:43. Franklin Bov, gr g (3:58),. E. H. Coon, Cortlandt, N. Y.. June 12. 1878, §50. Roan Colt 1, Maud Stanton, Black Fannv 1 1 disi. Flora (1 dis). 2:.55, 2:.58l4. 2:5S'-2. 2:58. Frank Martin, gr s (3:33>. bv Springville Chief. O. F. Briggs, Medina, N. Y., .June 8,1876, $300, Gray Salem. Farmer Bov, Tom Allen (2 disi. 2:36. 2:37. 2:36. Buffalo. N. Y., June 13. 1876. $200. Grav Salem. Farmer Boy, Wait a Minute, Marmion, Shocco, 2:35, 2:37^4, 2:a3. Sinclairville, N. Y.. June 21, 1876. §100. Carrie N., Tom Allen. 2:48.2:47';. 2:45. Frank Marvin, b g (3 :45). F. Marvin, Greenville, Pa., Aug. 31, 1876. .$200. George, Willy Golddust, Sorrel Tom, NiggerDoctor. 2:451.^, 2:4.5. 2:46. Frank Medium. bg(3:35). bv Happv Medium. G. W. Eckstein, Ambler Park, Pa., May 30, 1877, $50. Ell wood Medium. 2:.59, 3:03. Three-year-olds. J. H. Phillips. Woodburv, N. J., July 5,1878, §40. .Joker 2:.50, 2:48, 2:3.^. Four-vear-olds. Frank Miller. (3 :35). E. Bradbury. Hudson, N. Y.. June 13, 1867. .§ . Ladv Mac. 2:47, 2:48'4, 2:52. : June 29. ISG7. .$400. Paul (W) 1,'2, (4 dis), 2:36, 2:39. 2 :39'4. 2 :35. Frank Miller. Iig (3:51), bv Frank Miller. T. W. . 2:.">5?ii. 2:.51. 2:.51'4, 2:51. Frank Miller, br g ( 3 :33 1. W. H. Gertey, Madison. Ind.. June 1. 187C, §600. Warrior 2. 3, Ella Wood, Edward G. .1 dis). Blossom (1 dis). Little One (1 dis). Planchetted dis). 2:4Gi4. 2:48. 2:41?4'. 2:49, 2:46^1. Dayton. ().. Sept. 29. 1876, $400. Billv L. 1. Bettv Lawrence, Lady Riggle, Ledger, .Johnny M.. Lou Myers. Ida Wheeler. Nellv (4 dr), 2:41. 2:4114. 2:41. 2:40'2. Davton. O.. June 7. 1877. .$250. Daisy 2. Alfred, Black Mack. Easter Maid (4 dis). 2:.36. 2:.37. 2:36i4. 2:35. Parker City. Pa.. Aug. 28. 1877, §500. Beulah 2. 3. .Sleepy Tom l. Little Roan, Bay Fannv, Duster (5 dis), 2 :33. 2 :.33. 2 :.34. 2 ::iG' » . 2 ::». 2 :.33. Clarion. Pa.. Sep't. 18. 1877. .$500. Sleepy Tom. Beulah, Little Roan. Phil Sheridan, 2:34, 2:34, 2:33^. Hillsboro. O., Oct. 13. 1877, .$150. Red Bird. Monroe, 2:41i4, 2:.'<'i^4. 2 :.38. Frank 3lorgran. ch g (3 :33?4). L. Allen. Newark, N. Y.. June 6, 1872. §1.50. Nellj', Belle of Easton, 2:38, 2:40, 2:42. E. F. Allen. Rochester, N. Y., July 29. 1872, §1.000. Continental. Mary A. Whitney, .Saucy Kate (1 dis), 2:.34'4.2:;J3^4.2:35. ' " Frank Moscow, b s (3 :46i. A. E. Lampham, Detroit. Mich.. Oct. 1. 1858. § . Sebastopol, 2:56i^. Mr. Case. Oct. 21. 186:3, .«100. Chloe Charta.5:.59i4, 2:.51?i. 2:.51'2. Four-vear-olds. E. Saginaw. Mich.. Aug. 1.5. 1867, .$300. Billy Merfiinan 2. 3:02. 2:59, 3:03, 308. Frank Moscow (^Moscow*, ch g (3 :3~^^. by Moscow, dam Lady Franklin. A. S. Cooper. Santa Cruz. Cal.. .A.ug. 2.5, 1882, §500. Vanderlynu 4. .">. Freestone 3. Marin. 2:32, 1:?,Vi, 2:32, 2:33,2:34, 2::i2'2. Reno, Nev.. ( »;t. G. 1^82, §:ioo. Alonzo Havward 2, Carlisle, Belle Spencer (1 dis), 2:.36'4'. 2:38. 2;.'U. 2:35. P. J. \Villiaiiis. San Jose. Cal. Sent. 27. 1883. $300. Ashlev 1. 2, 2:3514. 2:.33?4, 2:a5i4, 2:.30V«;, 2:34'». H. H. Craighton, Cal., Sept. 25 and 21;, 188.3. .$.500. Hunter l, Bismarck 3, Laura M. Barney B., 2:32, 2:30, 2:31.2:29. 2 :.30^. Lee Shaner, Oakland, Cal., Nov. 23. 1883. §500. Alonzo JIayward. Countr>Tnan. 5:13. 5:lli^. Two miles. Frank Munson (Andrew J.), ch g (3:35i, bv Paragon, dam Fa'inv, bv Zimmerman's Dnroc. .J. D. Gillett. Svracuse. N. Y.. June 10. 1874, §800. Ladv Jolniston (2 0), Ella Madden, Catskill Girl, West Eaton Girl, Brown Kate. Bay Ben (2 dis). 2:.38"2, 2:;». 2:.'v9i4. 2:42'^. Utica. N. Y.. Julv 3, 1874. §500. Ella Madden 2, Parepa (2 dis). Charley Osgood, Draco, 2:36, 2:34V4, 2:37, 2:365*. Watertown. N. Y.. .lune 25. 1875, §1.000. Frank 1, 3, Mohawk Prince, Great Eastern, 2:34»/i, 2;37'4, 2:36. aa5H,2:35. 238 CHESTEKS COMI'LETIi: TKOTTING AND PACING KECOKD. .John Edj-'hlll, Brockville, Onl.. .lulv l. 187">. ?? . Lew Ives. 2:4C, 2:42. •_':.3«!. John O. Gillet, Kiiigslou, N, v., .Se|il. 21, l»75, $1,(4)0. Carne .N., l.a Morrison, Lady Woods, Clifton Kov. Vvilliaui 11. ISl-iOiu, 2:^5. 2:30. 2:34. Woodbury. >i, .J. Oct 20, 1^7,"), .s80(). Susio Kurtz 1, Little Mary, Little Dorritt, Jericho, Nelly, Lottie, Lookout, , 2:32, 2:31, 2:32' ■;. Wa. liin{?toii, 1). C, Nov. o. 1K75, $2,000. Annie Collins, Tanner Boy, Batenian, Jack Draper, Planter, T. A..:i:i..'2.2:45, 2:42!j. Ottawa, Out., June 17, 1877, $300. Woodstock (2 0), Hiram Woodrutt', Village Uirl, Barlow (2 4, 2:32^4, 2:35. iiuiilrcal. 1". ()., Aug. y, l"s77, T-iOO. Faiiiiv Slu pliiid d oi. 1 ;11. 1 :2l. 1 :20, 1 :22. Half-miie heats. Ogiiensliiirgli. N. V., Sept. 8. 18r7. .■^i . Caiil. Muilh, 1, 2. Diiiliis, 2:31, 2:.30'/i, 2:.32'.i, 2:31. 2:34»4- l'ot.sdani. N. V. Sept., 18.1877. -Sioo. C'ai>t. .Siuitli, C liarlev li U (lis;, 2:3,3, 2:37, 2:;i4. Dover, N. 11., Oct. 24, 1877, 5;400. Clara J. 1, 2, Lady Daggett 4, Sam Curtis, 2:29, 2:30'2, 2:31V.,, 2:2!), 2:29, 2:32. Providence, 11. I.. Oct. .31, 1877, $400. Lady Daggett, Clara J., Sam Curtis, CratcfulO dis), 2:27, 2:27' ., 2:27. Aiystic Park, Boston. Nov. 8, 1877, $200. Forest King 1. 3, Clara J. 2, Lady Daggett .'5, Faugh a Ballagh (4 0) (,7 dis), liiram Nvoodruft' (2 dr). 2:28, 2:28, 2:28; 2:29:'4, 2:30^2, 2:2y'4, 2:30'4, 2:31'4- Nov. l.'>. 1877, 5!3O0. Forest King, Julni II., 2:3(1';, •2:2'JU, 2:30^4, 2:.31'.i. Nov. lu and 20. 1877, ii'iW. Forest King .(, 4. Clilton Boy 5C: '2:MU,-2:SV,, 2:28, 2:29, 2,28, 2:27^. 2:,'?0',,. A. Johnson, Ureenlield, Mass.. Aug. 3, 1879, $3(H). Noontide 1, 2, Knox Boy 3. Lottie K., Bayview .Maid (3 dis). 2:25'.i, 2:27'i, 2:27, 2:27'.., 2::W, 2:3194. . Aug. 7. 1879, $?0o. Robert B. Thomas 1. 3, Lottie K., Queechy IMaid, 2:29?4. 2:3()'2, 2:32, 2:.30>2. 2:31U. J. D. (Jillet. Mystic Park, Boston, Sejrt. 10, 1879, $500. Queechy Maid 2, Tom B. Patehen, Neli, Knox Boy, 2 2G, 2:2(). 2:25. A. Johnson, Bridgewater, Mass., Sept. 19, 1879, $ . Kiley, O. G.. 2:34';, 2:28, 2:35'/!. Providence, It. I., Sept. 24. 1879. $500. Neli 3, Queechy Maid, Dickard, 2:20. 2:27, 2:27, 2:28. Brocktcm, Mass., Oct. 2. 1879, .*400. Joe Kipley 1. Wild Lily. 2:25'.i. 2:2.'-)-.i. 2:2-)'.,. 2:25. N. Altleboro, -Mass., July 1, 1880, .$2.j0. Valley Chief 1, Galatea, Ali(•.^ Lottie. 2:2;t'j, 2:30, 2:32, 2:29^. Mystic Park. Bo.ston, .hilv 14, U80, $,-,00. \alley Chief. Pickard. 2:28, 2:2894. 2:a5!2. Brockton, .Mass., Oct. 7, 1880, .^400. Lady Maud. Argonaut, 2:30'2. 2:20. 2:27. Newport, li. 1., Oct. 13, 1880, .>i;200. Norman Jolm. .lolni Hall. 2:;(4, 2:30, .■:25'o. Frank Myers, b g (« :3:}i4). H. A. N. Sain, Mendota. 111., Aug. 19, 1875, $300. Sleepy Bill 2, Jesse G. Lindell, Letty .Mitcheil, .Maggie S., .\iaggic Sniilli, Inchworm (4 dis), Lady McD. (4 dis). Lady Truesdell (2 dis), Dan VosDurgli 1 2 (In, 2:3.;'.i, 2:41 'i, 2:.JtiVi, 2:3.5. Frank Nelson, b s (3 :18'.i). H. Lydiard. Halifax, N. S , June 22, 1874, $ . No Name 2, Lady Blern, Nelson, .Si.-epv Jeiiiiv (1 dis). Prince (1 dis), 3:19,3:20, 3:21. 3:181^. rran:i i'., dn g(2 Md). S. Kennedv, Woodbury, N. J., Sept. 17, 1878.$200. Lizzie F.. Cortlandt Boy, Bonanza, Bertha ('., Pilot, Palmer Bov (3 dis), Lucy U dis), 2:40, 2:38, 2:41. Sept. lii. 1878, $200. Bonanza 3, Dudley, Mambrino Black, Annie F. (2 dr). Little Dave (l dis), 2:36, 2:37, 2:1:2, 2:37. Frank Page, blk g (3:393^). J. McKee, Trenton, N. J., Sept. — , 1871. $350. Lyde, Dunderberg,2:39'/i,2:43%i, Frank Palmer, rn g (3:37i.i). S. B. Howard, Des Moines, la,. Oct. 20. 1870, $ . Lady Gay, 2:52, 2:54, 2 :5.5. Winterset, la., Oct. 27, '.870. .S50. Young America. 3:09, 3:05, 2:52. Des Moines. la., Nov. 18. 1870, .S85. Frank Fleet, Lady Gay, 2:52, 2:5(J, 2:,'52. Nov. 19, 1870, .'§50. Dan Boone. 3:131.2. 2:51, 2:52. „ W. G. Chirk. Davenport, la.. Sept. 6. 1871. $120. Jas. A. Mulligan 4, Bay Bashaw 1, Parepa Rosa (5 dr), Queen Esther (5 dr), 2:.'J0.'.i, 2:47. 2:48, 2:.52. 2:45. _ S. B. Howard, Des Moines. la., Sept. 20, 1871, $100. Lady Jane Grey, 5:54, 5:48. Two miles. Sei)t. 21. 1871. $ . Wh:ilcbone. 2:56. 2:i>2. W. (i. Clark. Oct. 27. 1871, $rm. Honesty 2 (1 0). 2:48, 2:48, 2:47. 2:50, 2:41. ■ S. P.. Howard. Council Bluffs, la., July 4, 1872, $400. Kobby Golddust (2 0), Longfellow (1 dis), 2:41^4, 2:40'i. 2:401,, 2:111,1. „. , ^ Frank Palmer, l)r g (3:26i.i). James A. Dustin, St. John. N. B., Aug. 23, 1871, $300. Bismarck 1 2, Topsy, Hiram Dyer (3 (list. 2:54. 2:.5.5, 2:52, 2:.52, 2:.51. „,., ^ , , ,. • „ ,. ^ C. Spa'uldiug. Lawrence, Mass., Aug. 9, 1872. $(i00. Bristol Bill, Fanny lileston. Lady Morrison (3 dis), John Franklin (1 dis), Black Prince (1 dis). 2:.3Gi/^ 2:39^4,2:40. Jas. A. Dustin, Natick. Mass.. Aug. 14. 1872. $200. Fanny Tileston, Black Prince 2 :35W- 2:3., 2:.%. Stowell & Co., Lowell, Mass.. Sei)t. .5, 1872, $1,000. Fanny 2, 5, Jenny 1. Bristol Bill. Black 1 rince (2 dis), 2:a5'i.2::!4. 2:31, 2::i3.2:;!4'c. 2:33. . , „ ,,...- ,, » Plymouth, N. 11., Sept. 28, 1872, $700. Belle Dean 1, Another Boy 4, l-anny. Lady I'lanklin. \oung Kat- tler, 2:.3.'i',,,2::j5"2, 2::!8, 2::!8'... 2:41. ,,,..,. ., ,.. ^ ♦• /n las. A. Dustin, Nalick, Mass., Aug, 13, 1873, $175. Belle Brandon 2, 3, Lady \A entworth, Sam Curtis (2 dr). 2:401,... 2:42"", 2:41' 1, 2 :43>... 2:41 '4. ^. »^ , j C, Spalding. Lowell, Mass., Aug. 27. 1873. .$.350. .John Franklin 1. 2, Belle Dean. Commodore >utt, Liidy Wentworth. Carthage Bov (2dis), Roval Mike (2 dis), 2:3,'-)i4.2:30'4. 2:.37, 2:3.5'i, 2:;U'4. All','. 29, 1873, $.500. Fahnv. Ki Ki, lloe Hooker, 2 :34'2, 2:32'4, 2:32'i. . o-./ o .,73/ Stowell & Co., Lawrence, Mass., Sept. 11, 187.3, $500. John Franklin 1, .3. Belle Dean, 2:.(5, 2:3.,".^. 2:M%., 2:.38' ., 2:.3fiU'>. Sept. 1.3. 1S7.3, .ffiOO. Fanny, Ben Starr, 2 :34'4, 2:3.5, 2:.3.3^,. ,, , ,, ,, „ oa ., ^^iz •> ■»«./ C. Spalding, Manchester, N. IL, Oct. 3, 1873, $.500. Shakespeare 1, Baby Boy, I-anny, 2:36, 'Z-.aay^, 2.36!j, 2".37'i • Poston. Mass., Nov. 10 and 11, 1873, $ — . Ki Ki 1, 5. Col. Moulton 2, Fanny 3, Modoc t4 dr).2:.%5'4, 2:40^4, 2:39'i, 2:.33%.2::«>'i, 2:36. 2:.3."). .„,.,., ... ■ ^ .,.,0.' Ins. A Dustin, Lawrence, Mass., May 2^. 1874, $250. Fanny, Honest Billy„Joe Hooker (3 dr). 2:38'/2, ^ ci;u'emont, N. II. , June 7, 1874. $400. Honest Billy, Tarn O'Shanter, Fanny, John Lambert, 2:32' ;, 2:;J5'i, 2"3" ' Mv.slle Park. Poston. June 18, 1874. $800. Jubilee Lambert 1, 4, (2 0), Fanny, Flora Belle, Honest Billy, 2:1:7"", 2 :.'0';, 2:;50i,,, 2:29''". 2::!0, 2:;52. I.pwrepco. Mi'ss., .Tulv 4. 1874, $.3.50. DoUv Varden 1. Fanny, 2:31'.,, 2:31'4. 2:3(;"5, 2:.36k. At'L'. 6. 1874, .f!'25. J. J^. Young 1,3. Fannv. Honest Billy, 2:3814, 2:.3r.'4, 2:.37, 2:3!>, 2:;59. ritclil)nrgh, Mass., Aug. 12, 1874, f.'-.OO. Sandy 3, Dolly Varden, Honest Billy, l-anny, 2:.39, 2:.37V2, -.36, 2*37 ^Manchester, N. H.. Aug. 28, 1874, .S600. Joe Rli)ley 3, Dolly Varden, Y'oung Rattler, Snow Flake, Honest . 1. 'Prict^.'Bf^ncon Park, Boston, Nov. 6 aud 7, 1874, $600. Falmouth Boy 2, 6, Flora Belle, Honest Billy 1 (2 dr), 2:31, 2:34, 2:34!4, 2:33!.i, 2:3194, 2:31. CHESTEKS COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 239 Jas. A. Dustin, Lowell, Mass., June 17, 1875, $350. Babv Boy 1, Honest Billy '2:39'i. 2:35, 2:36, 2:35. Mystic Park, Boston, July 24, 1»75, $500. General. Sir William Wallace, Honest Billy, Cataract (2 dis), 2:31, 2:31, 2:33. Beacon Parlv, Boston, Aug. 23, 1875, |l,000. Flora Belle (2:0), John S. Heakl, Honest Billy, 2:29'/2, 2:30, : Mr.Bingham, Gardiner, Me., Sept. 11, 1875, $500. Baby Boy, Phil Sheridan, Joe Hooker, Flora Belle (1 dis), 2;.;6' 2. 2:35^2, 2:35'2. ,,, ,, ^ , BriKKs & Ross. Point Breeze Park, Phila., Oct. 15 and 18, 1875, .S2.000. Sir William Wallace 2, Bateman, J:iek Draper, Columbia Chief, Richard (4 dis), Webber (4 dr), Billy Ray (2 dis), 2:28^. 2:2714, 2:29, 2;26'a. 4.. X. Woodard, Athol, Mass.. Oct. 4 1876, .$300. Geo. H. Mitchell, Capt. Allen, 2:3414, 2:31,2:.31. Frank Patchen, ch g (3 :30), by Seneca Patchen, dam by Andy Johnson. J. W. Day, Point Breeze Park, Phila., Sept. 12, 1883, $250. Molly Mack 4, C, BJanclie Medium. Bavonne Prince 1, 2 (5 dis), 2:34y2, 2:31}4, 2:31^4, 2:.35?i, 2:32i'2, 2:40, 2:30. J. H. Pawling, West Chester, Pa.. Sept. 22. 18S3, S2M. Maud X. l, Harry, Mambriiio Hassen, 2:413i, •'•37?i, 2:4114, 2:43*4. Frank Phelps, blk g (2 :33). C. T. Potter, Elmira, X. Y., Aug. 29, 1871, $200. Ashland Pet. Mary Barber, L':49. 2:56. 2:52"2. Vu>' 31. 1871. $175. Mary Barber 1, 2, Leo Vischer 3. 2:39, 2:409:4, 2:42, 2:43'i, 2:44, 2:439a. i'.-iin Yan, N. Y., June 5, 1873, .$400. Lady Pumpkins. Celia. 2:36!4, 2:37, 2:3714. Willianisport, Pa.. July 9, 1873, $600. Windsor 1, Susie Kurtz, 2:39, 2:36, 2:35, 2:35. ( 'oriiing, N. Y., Oct. lO', 1873, .$250. Billy Pavor, 2 ;37, 2:.39, 2:38. wmiamsport. Pa., Oct. 25, 1873, $400. Lady Patterson 4, Clothesline 1, Lady Wieman (2 dr) 2:40. 2:35'/^, 2 -3^1.,, 2-48, 2:35. W'F Delainater. Elmira, N. Y'.. June 4, 1874, $400. Lady Thompson 1, Celia, Lady Pumpkins 3 (5 dis) 2:38, 2::>v=.i.2:,37, 2:3714, 2:39J^. ,. ^, „„ Penn Yan. N. Y., June 10, 1874, $300. Lady Star 1, Ladv Thompson, Lady Pumpkins (3 dis), S. S. Ells- worth (1 dis\ 2:36:'i, 2:37' ,. 2:32, 2:36;2. Addison. X. Y., June 19, 1874, .•?200. Ashland Pet 1. 2, S. S. Ellsworth, 2:4:i, 2:41. 2:41, 2:37, 2:34. Frank Phillips, hr g i3 :45 u. bv Truesdell's Hambletonian. ■(. B. Armstrong, Waverly, N. J., Sept. 21, 1881, $150. Raven 1. 5. Eustern Medium 3. 2:56'.2, 2:47. 2 :46'o. 2:45^4. 2:51. 2:511;. Frank Pierce \) s t'i -.-ilKi,). D. E. Lucv. Hoillton, Me.. Aug. 8. 1S6S. $200. Forest Maid, 2:59, 3:03, 3:05. lulv 4. IsTl. si;ii. Xia'_'ara 2. DickTurpin. 2:51i4. 2:51, 2:59,<.':47i4. Frank Poppleton, i,n- g ri-Mou). B. Eugarde. Cincinnati, 0., Nov. 3, 1870, $400. Arthur Boy, Little Tom 1 i4dis), Kate HaV(tcni4 dis). 2:;36',. 2;36=i,2:35;'i, 2:3814. .. , , Frank R. iw). b g (3:36',). F. R. Smith, Min^ola. L. I., Sept. 26, 18^3. .$65. Jav I Don't See (w) 3, Little Jasper iw) 1, 2, (6 dis). Glover Boy (w) (5 dis). Eiu-eka (w) (4 dr), 2:44, 2:46i4.2:44, 2:45i2. 2:44' ,, 2:45. Frank K.. bg(3:43). F. Robinson, Milford, Conn.. Oct. 22, 188.3, $100. Wonder, Samuel C, Prof. Medium, Frank Kahn' ch g^b :53). .Jacob Rahn, W' iiliamsport. Pa., Aug. 29, 1873, $250. Willianisport Pet 2, Zebra, CountrvBov(2dis), 2 :.53, 2:4814.2:5.3. 2 :.54. , , , „ „„„„ Frank KeeveA, h g (3 tSSVi), by Skedaddle, dam by Dallas. (4. J. Fuller, Fort Wayne, Ind., June!), is. 5, $800. Humming Bird 1,2, Gray Dan (3 dis), Charley T. (3 dis), Mattie Sturgeon (2 dis). Lady Lyon(2Uis), 2:433i, 2:43, 2:36, 2 ::;!». 2:. 35 14. , , -,-, East SagiiiJiw, Mich., June 24, 1875, $1,.500. Transfer, Alberta, Chester Thomas, Clifton, Lady Duncan, Miraculous, Xelson, 2:41*4, 2:40. 2:38. Kansas City, Mo., Sept. 15, 1875, it!;250. Lothair, Kansas Girl, 2:3594% 2:35, 2:42. Galesburg, HI., Oct. 13, 1875, $700. Kitty Stratton. Gen. Howard, Lady H., Lady Fox (3 dr), 2:30, 2:31 14, 2:32U. Peru, Ind., June 16, 1876, .$500. Ed Wilder 3, S. W. McD. 1, 2 (4 dis), John B. (I dis), 2:40i;, 2:39i4, 2:40M, 2 '4014 2 '4314 2 '4094. — .Jackson, Mich.', .June 23, 1876. .$500. Gen. Garfield 1, Bodine, Badger Girl, Observer. 2:4014, 2:4li4, 2:422i, 2-41 Cincinnati, O., July 12 1876, $1,300. Blue Mare 3, 4, White Cloud, Tom Brown, Bateman. Lewinski (5 dr), 2:30,2:30.2:27,2:31,2:47)^. ^„ Hiirtford. Conn.. Xov. 1 and 2, 1876, .$350. Annie Collins 3, 4, Honest Harry 1, Thomas Jefferson, 2:27, Frank Khoatis".7conness').''b g t^ :30V^). G. W. Dickey, Sacramento, Cal., Sept. 23. 1871 . $1,.500. May Fly 1, 2, Jerome 3, (6 O), California Dexter, Regulator (4 dr), 2:.33, 2:.33i4, 2:32i4, 2:30^2, 2:33^', 2:8314, 2:3414. Frank Rolf, gr g (3:45i4) W. S. McLaughlin. Ypsihmti, Mich., June 25, 1868, $1,000. Elkhart, 2:50i4, 2:49, 2:4014. W. Love. July 2, 1869, $ . Dan Mace 3, 5, (4 0). Sea Foam (4 dr). 2:52^, 2:.55. 2.50*4, 2:,53, 2:.54, 2:56. Frank Root. bg(3:-43). A. Davis, Aurora. N. Y., June 12 1866, .$50. Two others. Best time 2:46. huie 13, 1806, $25. Tip Genesee. 2:.54i4, 2:53, 2:i>,5. . „„ .. „ „„ Frank Ross, (3 :54). Mr. Stevens, Oshawa, Ont., Sept. 20, 1876, $100. Shamrock 2, 4, Annie Kelly, 3:00, 3:07, •j.()5 '>'53 '^'54 Frank Ross."rn g (2 :31i4). Wm Slack. Sodus, N. Y.. June 28. 1878, $200. Eunice Ann, Whalebone (3 dis). Red- wood d dis), Emily I^. (1 dis), 2:41, 2:,'"i0, 2:40. _. , , J , Shick & Wilson." Batavia, X. Y., June 7, 1879, $2.50. John McDongall 2. 3, (4 0), Lady Tighe, Lady Jane, FrankClark.Arlington.Dacianal,(2dr), 2:37, 2:3614, 2:.36, 2:3714, 2:45, 2:45. 2:48. G. E. Whitney, Cleveland. O., Sept. 7 and 8, 1881, .$400. Happy Traveller 3, 5, Fancy Day 1, Lady Middle- ton, 2:30. 2:31*4, 2:271,, 2:34. 2:31, 2:33. , ,^,, Frank S., b g (3 :35i4). G. Farnesworth. Chicago. 111. , Sept. 16, 1882, $200. Emmett Green, 2:46. 2:35*i. 2:41^. ^-'rank .s., gr g 1 2 :44i i). J. S. Snow, Sherbrooke, P. Q.. July 3, 1883, $125. Fanny 2. ,5, Dottie Golddust 3, 2 :46, 2:46, 2:4,5, 2:44'o. 2:441^, 2:44^4, 2:45. St. .lohnsburv, Vt.,"Sept. 20, 1883, $100. Bay George, Baby, Swallow Boy, 2:46, 2:45*4, 2:49. Frank Shaw, br g"(3 :33). D. H. Hughes, Newark, O.,' June 7, 1872, $500. Annie Watson 1, 2, Sdversides 4, 2::;;i'i. 2;:;3ii„ 2:36*4, 2:41, 2:4:i. 2:42*0. ( Ifviland, O., Sept. 14, 1872. .S300.' (niestnut Dick 3, 4, Delaware Chief 1, Country Girl (2 dis), 2:35' 2, 2:.33, 2::!:;'... 2::r,i4, 2:3.5, 2:38. II. I ):i\vson, Pittsburgh, Pa., June 15. 1876. $100. King William, 2:39*4, 2:42'4, 2:41. , .^ , Frank .Sloan, b g (2:40). J. P. Thompson, Coluaibus. O., Sept. 7. 1876,$ . Daniel the Prophet. L.idy Lancaster, Jerry Hard wick, Frank. Dutcli (iirl, Ladv Fairfield, Queen of Sheba (3 dr), Brit Clay, (3 dr), Ladlev(3dr), Ma1or Stout(3dr), 2:.50. 2:49, 2:52. ,.„ , .. . ^v,- ^- , ,„ ,- ^ Delaw:ire. O., July 3, 1877, $300. Lou Myer 1. Jav Bird, Lady Green, Lilly S. (2 dis), Ohio Girl (2 dis), 2:40'a, 2:40i4, 2:40, 2:40. „, , r^ . t Mt. Vernon, O., Aug. 16, 1877, $300. Red Buck 1, Wild Tom 4, Peerless, Lady Greer, Black Kate, Lucy, 2:,54, 2:.5.3, 2:53, 2:45, 2:.54'/2. ^ , ^. s -^r ,.■, ■ ^ Chilicothe, O., Sept. 6, 1877. $300. Nettie C. 3, 4, Buckeye Chief, Lady Lancaster (3 dis), Northwmd (1 dis), 2:4714, 2:.51i/,, 2:4.5';, 2:4.5, 2:4214. .^. „ 4. ^i Frank Sprague. (2 iSO'i), by Gov. Spragiie, dam bv Goldsmith's Abdallah. S. Bull, Madison, Wis., bept. U* 1883,$ . Hotel Boy 1, Cash, Esculapius, 2:57, 3:0414,2:5914. Three-year-olds. 240 CHKSTKKS COMPLKTK TKOTTINC; AND PACING KECOKI). Frank Templf. cli ),' ('-J::J0'4). Hiram Wootlniflf, Union Course, L. I.. AprilJO, 1859, $50. Senator. Dash 1,1 ilis;, ■.';4;i'.!, -^-IS, L':41's. (w), Muv •-', 1S69. $50. Senator 2, 2:41, 2:41, 2:42. 2:42',!. hhiladi'liJhia. i'a., .June 25, XXiX). $ . Belle of Portland. •iMiy.r^.M, 2:35Ji. Union Ctiurse, L. 1., Nov. 2i». IWK), .'S2r)0. Capitola, 2:4«, 2:4»). 2:49^^. Centrevilie. I.. I.. Dee. 5, l»(il, mtO. Lancet. 2:^5U.2:44. 2:42's. Frank Tluimpson. eii gf/i :54). C. .1. i'iekett. New haven, Coini., .Mav — , 18<>9,S100, Mike Peek, Belle, Lady Dohle 1 2 (li.s ), 2 :.".6;"4 , 2 :.'">4, 3 :02. Frank Tolnian, br s (3:57i, l)V Vermont, (lain .lulia, l)v Ked Bird. I), llorn, Vreka, (a!.. Oct. IR. 1871, $200. Til) Ward, .lake Jr. 0 dis), i-Ju. 3:03. Frank Vernon, il'anic). (wi 1> K C4:'4S), (8:37 si, liy Slierinan Black Ilawk. dam Ijv Harris' Ilanddctoiilan. Dan Mace, liiiiin Conr.se. L.' I.. M-ay 11, ISC,"., sUKi. (iiluxwi. (1 disi. 2:3s. Concord, N. H., Se|)t. x. IHii'i. $400. Blaekstone ISelle. 2::i6. 2:4o, 2:.«t. D. DeNovelles. Hartford, Conn., Sept. 14. ise.''), mm. Stonewall .laeks-on (3 dis), Harry Clay (3 dis), 2:3(i'.i, 2:32, 3:0t;. Ben Mace, Boston. Mass., Sept. '20, lH(i5, .$350. Empress 1, Dan Mace 2, Capt Megowan (1 dis>, 2:30, 2:af. 2::{2'i, 2:34?i, 2:39'2. Dan .Mace, Bangor, -Me., Oet,.5, 18t», .$000. Gen. MeClellan. 2:32'2. 2:29'4. 2:.n^i. Frank \\ „ ^•^•.r>■i). I'aterson, N. .1.. May 30, 1879. $ . Lady Bush, KUa Ksmoud (2 dr).2:.54, 2:.'>8. Frank W., ch g (3:;$0'oi. .J. K. Wilbor, Newport, K. 1., Sept. 20. 1883. .S4IK). Kannv Archer 1. 4. Dominie, .lini Kisk,2;41.2:.!s^., 2::m;Uj. 2:40, 2:44'2. Frank West, l)g, M. Thomas. Niles. ().. Aug. 17, 1878, §40. (ieorge Klllot. Vic VVoodludl, Krank. No time. Frank Wonder, lig (2:50). Dan Field, Belvidere, N. .L, Sept. 21,1866, .$.35. Koyal Charles, Stephen, Cut and Come Ci dr). 2:52, 2:.'j0, 2:55. Frank Woofl.lj gt 3:24), by Volunteer, dam Kipp Mare, by son of American Star. W. E. Weeks. Goshen, N. v., .Iuly4 and G, 1874, iJ200. Kcmiey, Bateman, Nellv Martin il disi. Fanny Craus (l disi, Marv Miller (1 dis), 2:42K,, 3:01, 2:45. UocliesterT N. Y., Aug. 13, 1874, .■?2,5(H). Belle Braslield 1, H. C. Hill (4 0). .1. D. Benton, JIambrino Kate, Kitty Cook, Lady Hayes (3 dr). Jolin C. Ellis (l dis), 2:30. 2:24. 2:25'». 2:26'i. 2:24V6 W'ilkesbarre, I'a., Aug. 19, 1874, '§900. (Jeneva, Annie K.. Stella, Peter Manee, Midway, Lady Collier, 2:3810, 2:39, 2:.39. .Vuu:. 21, 1X74, .§1,000. Ella 2. Geneva, Kitty Clay, Lizzie Patchen, Midway. Hunter, I'eter Manee (3 »lr), George .Jndd (2 dis), 2:31!^, 2:33, 2:.!.->,2::i7ii. Franser Horse. bs(2:59). Wm. Franser, Stroug(3:41'4i. S. Cozzens, Chicago, 111., Aug. 4, 1876, $ . Ethan. 2:4.514. 2:41 ?4'- Fred, br g (3 :43). A. S. .Jordan, Portland. Me., Sept. 25, 1877, $50. Ben Knox 5. Gray Stranger, Ned h 4 (5 dis), Thurlow Knox 2 (5 dis), 2:44,2:44J£, 2:42, 2:43'i. ,2:45, 2:46. K. Perrin, Bath, Me., July 4, 1878, $100. Hopeful 2, 3, 2:43'.i, 2:44, 2:45'j. 2:46'.2, 2:4G. Fred, b g (3:30), by Democrat,' dam by Hambletonian. (i. Hand. Setauket. L. I., .July 27, 1878, $.30. Kitty Clyde. Dick, 3:0(), 2:58. 2:.54. F. Schleicher, Uockville, L. I., Aug. 13, 1879, $100. James M. Oakley, Charity, Kidgewood, -2:30. a:33, 2:34. Springfield Centre, L. I.. Aug. 21, 1879, $150. Mambrino General l, 2, Koyal George, Jersey Maid (4 dr), 2:3). HeilO. Nev.. Sept. 27. IXKO. .«2.50. Margo. MeClellan, 2:38, 2:.37's, 2:41. Oct. 1, 18K0, .«!,50<). Trnmp2. Belle Spencer, 2:40^4, 2:.34=!i. 2:37, 2:.34'4. Fred II., b g (3:4«",). L. H. Brown. Mvstic Park. Boston, .July 28. 1882, $50. Lady Morris 1, Billy Bunt 3. Ladv 2H;'o, 2-4«>'i, 2-45'4, 2:51U,. 2:49''i. Fred ItillinKS, bg (3:40). Orrin (Ox, Woodstock, Vt., Sept. 26, 1872, $100. Fly 2, Minerva. 2:44'i, 2:42^, 2:40' i, 2:42. W. Carleton, Sei)t. 26. 187.3, .liilOO. American Boy, 2:49. 2:42, 2:40. „ „, Fre(). Ellen 2, 4, N. J. Fnller 1, 2:40!4, 2:36?i, 2:36, 2-38i4 2-41i^ 2-42i4 Fred Crocker, b s (3:/5i.i), by Electionccf, dam Melinche, by St. flair. L. Stanford San Francisco, 'Cal Nov. 13, 1880, .S200. ^':28. To beat 2::50. Two-years-old. ' '* Nov. 20, 1880. .«;100. . . 2:Jo'.i. To beat 2 :28>^. Two-years-old. Fred D.. b g (3:53). J. Wllkins, Bridgewater, Mass., Sept. 23, 1882, $100. Lenny D., Buttercun Fannv L. Shoemaker (3 dr). Nig (3 dr), 2 :.i3, 2:54' 2, 2:52. • ' ian C'hief, 2:41, 2:38, 2:37. — Cambridge, 111.. Aug. 29. 1878, .'5250. Albion Boy, Friday, 2:.38i.^, 2:38. 2:40. — Davenport, la., Sept. 5, 1878, $500. Kitty Bates 1, Granger, Blossom, Albion Boy, David H. (3 dis) "34 2:36, 2:.'i6, 2:34. .''-•. Cedar Rapids, la., Sept. 20, 1878, .$175. (Jranger l, Blossom, Gray Smuggler, Lady Blennerhassett, 2 :33, /, 2;34, 2:34, 2:34-^a. ft- — Sept. 27. 1878", .IfSOO. Granger, Kitty Pease, West Union Girl, 2:35, 2:3.5i^, 2:34. .^ — J. Bell. June 11, 1879. .§500. Charley Ford, Ella Earl, Sterling, Granger, Indicator, Kittv Pease, Silkv B iSi^ Pilot, Eoyal Chief (3 dr), Sealskin (l dis), 2:;!2, 2:29, 2:29. »- & - O'^^, om^.v o., ^^ — Cleveland, O., Aug. 1, 1879, $1,500. Kitty Bates 2, Kate Hall, Convoy, ^mulus, Lucy Fleming Envov (3dis), 2:241^ 2:25i;i, 2:26>.i, 2:.38. ^ ^ — Des INIoines, la., July 3, 1880, .$.500. Ella Earl 1, Foxie V., Maid of Monti, Jessie Dixon, Minnie Maxfield. 2:2514, 2:J(;i4. 2 :25y, 2:261.1. ' ^ — Cedar Rapids, la., June 13, 1882, .$500. Loafer 3, 4, Eesolute, Capt. Herod, 2:27i. 2-27'.; 2-^7 '>-'7U 2:2814. >. . ., ~ . ^..%yz. Cedar Falls, la., July 4, 1882, $500. Loafer, Little Sioux, jNIonarch Kule, 2:28, 2:251 », 2-6I', Chicago, 111., July 21 1882, $2,.i00. Corbin's Bashaw, Little Billy, Abdallah Boy, "Ked Cross, 2:20k, 2:23 C. H. Smith, Grand Rapids, Mich., Sept. 29, 1882. $400. H. M. Strong, Pilot R., Minnie Warren 2-309/ 2:29^1,2:31. ' Fred Douglass, blk g (3 :34i4), by Black Frank. J. M.Edwards, Chicago, 111.. Sept. 17,1879. $l,noo Don Quixote, Frances Alexander, T. J, Potter. Horsemount Boy (2 dis), 2:25'.^, 2:29, 2:29^. Sept. 19. 1879, $1,000. Duck. Don Quixote, Headlight, Largesse, Ike Marvel. T. S'. Potter (2 dis) Horse- mount Roy (1 dis), 2:26, 2:25' i, 2:26. W. H. McCarthy, Sept. 19, 1881, $.500. Boston Davis, 2:25^4, 2:2414, 2 :24?.i. 7-'J-,H. Chambers, Pittsburgh, Pa., Sept. 15, 1883, $600. Clara J. 2, Brother Jonathan, 2:30, 2:31i^, Fred Doug-lass, b g (3 :31). E. W. Stevens, Brownsville, Mo., Aug. 20, 1880, $400. Granby Maid, Gen. Custer 1 (2 dr). Thunder (1 dis). Tramp (1 dis), 2:.38'4, 2:381^, 2'.369i, 2:38. B. Balch, Wichita, Kan., Aug. 29. 1883, $200. Blue Cloud 2, Lightfoot, 2:47i4, 2:424 2-44'.; 2-4314 Aug. 29, 1883, $-200. Lightbird, Blue Cloud, Henry Clay, 2:44, 2 :44, 2:37. Aug. 31, 1883, $200. Blue Cloud, Tom Vance, Gov. Anthony, 2:57,^ :00, 2 -31 Washington, Kan., Sept. 14, 1883, $125. Addle B., Little Press, Frances (3 dis), Jessie C. (2 dis), 2:39, 2:39,2:39. \ ^> \ h , P. H. Cooper, Manhattan, Kan., Sept. 26, 1883, $10o. lona. Harrop's Tom, 2:3414 2:39i4, 2-40H. Fred Douglass b g (.3 :50). R. Aikmann, Fort Scott, Kan., May, 26, 1882, $150. DasherT Thorn Hamilton, 3:03.3:05. -A. Walburn, Fort Scott, Kan., May 24, 1883, $100. Arlington, Doc. Tanner, Eva T., Lady Scott, 3:04, Freddy, ch g (3 :35). S F. Ewing, Sabina, 0., Aug.. 23, 1882, $150. Lively Fred, Refugee, Black Bess, Sleepy Rock, Harry Hill (2 dis). White Oak f2 dis). Shot (1 dis), 2 :40Ji, 2-35 2-3614. Fred E., ch s (3 :46). W. H. Barmore, Woodside, L. I. Oct. 11, 1882, .$500. Ellis' blk m 1 (2 0), 2:40, 2:51. 2:.5nio, 2 :4G. Fred Feek, b g (3 :59i4). A. J. Feek, Cuba, N. Y., Sept. 23, 1880, .$250. Coleman, Thomas K. 1 (2 dr), 3:01, 3:00, 2".5y}4, 2:59/2- FredFette, rug (3:41), by Black Lyon, dam by Count Piper. W. Kelly, Conneautville. Pa., July 2, 1874. Ashland 3, Minnie, White Fawn, Loafer (3 dis), Acuff (3 dis). Way Freight (2 dr), 2:4194. 2:.')6?i 9 •.-. 2:471.^. ■ ^ " ,..-.--..-„ . .. ..,-:.», FredG.,bg (3:3194). H. H. Jackson, Des Moines, la., June 4, 1879, $300. Lady Tilden, Phyllis, Sealskin, 2*35, 2:31/4, 2:33/4. Fred G., bs (3:55), by Reese Patchen, dam by Black Hawk. Worton, Md., Sept. 12, 1882, .$50. Flora, Fear jNot, 3:-29, 3:33. Foiur-year-olds. Elkton, Md., Aug. 3, 1882, $75. Wilton Boy, William R. il dis), Alice C. (1 dis), 2:55. 3-02'i. Four-year- olds. Fred Golddust, ch s (3 :37i/2), by Fancy Golddnst, dam a thorough lired. bv Donerail. C. S. Wheeler Canton, O., Au;^. 30, 1882, .$-.'.50. Minnie D. 2, Samuel .1. Tilden. Maggie. The Kid 1, (4 dis). Bob Ingersoll (4 dis). Senator (1 dis), Ida C. (1 dis), 2:3GV£;,2:.'!6. 2:.3r)i.;, 2:.33i^,. 2:.37'o. Sept. 1, 1882, $250. Maggie 2, Sanniel J. Tilden, Bo"b Ingersoll. John F.. 2:.35i<; 2-.36U 2-.'!8 "^-37 J. C. Saur. Cleveland, O.. Sept. 5. 1882. $7.10. Samuel J. Tilden, Kittv Patchen, Mattie H., Col. Ban- nister, Hawkeye, Rosey, ]\Iinnie D. (1 dis), 2:27'.;. 2:32. 2:.30i4. — Toledo, O., Sept. 1-2, 1882, .$500. Minnie D., Kitty Patchen, „ ,„,^ ,, . .^ , , , - ., Boyd P., Bessie G. (1 dis), Mattie H. (1 dis), 2'.28>^, 2:.51i4, 2:31 1^- Chicago, 111., Sept. 20, 1882, $1,000. Minnie Sprague 2, Maud R. Hardie, Queen, Reel, 2-'^S 2:.!li<;, 2:32M. 2:28. y X . , .. ,4, — —Fort Wayne, Ind., Sept. 27, 1882, .$300. Frank Landers 2,6, Florence M., Resolute. 2:31 14, 2 :.'!l, 2:.3l,2:3i;^, Fred Hicks, b g (3 :43). Wm. Van Benschoten, Gt. Barrington, Mass., June 18. 1874, .Sioo. IMaior Warfteld, Rachel (2 dis), 3:05, 3:04. 2:.50. Copake, N. Y., July 4. 1874. .«i200. Slippery 4, Sleepy George 3, Billv Brighton, 2:.51. 2-.-1O. 2:48 2:52, 2:.54. A. 11. Hicks. Washington Hollow. N. Y.. Sept. 10. 1.874, $loo. Frank 2, Colonel W., Ladv Hardenberg, Preci(-ola. Scud (5 dr), George 1. (2 dr). 2:49'i. 2:,50. 2:4 l-AClNd I'.KCOIil). W. Lovi'll. DetTfoot Park, I.. 1., Oct. r.» and 20, 18"5, S200. Sam Rayinond 3, 4, Lavlnia 2, Missouri Boy, Belli- of AlienU'tli ^;^ ilrn 2:44, 2:4G, 2;4C, -':■».). 2:4a, 2:44. Fred Hill, (« :4o). Avoii, N. Y., Sept. 17, 18.0, * . Lady HuiiU-r 4. 5, Bay loni 1, 0, 2:49, 2:50?*, 2:45, 2:45, l)'red^H«M>i>er. (,i. Ellis), b B (2:23), by Koyal Itevenjie. W. S. McLauKhlin, Aim Arbor, Mich., .June C, 1873, g MoUv iSlorris. Western Boy, 2:^»ii, 2:39i'4, 2:41?4. , —Grand Ka'pids. Mich., June 10,1873. *1,800. Kipon Boy, .lolm 11., Western Boy, Edgar (1 dis), 2:34^, 2:33'4. L'::i!tai- Grand Kapids. Mich.. .June 11, 187."J, Sl.OOO. Gen. Sherman, Western Boy, 2:34!4. 2:37>6, 2:35. .June 13 1S7;(. .-;2,r>ii(i. I'ilol Temple, Byron, Western Boy U disi. 2:30'i, 2:31 u, 2:31>4. .Jackson Mieli.. .lune 17, 1873, *1,,'500. Kipon Boy (1. O). .John 11., (Jen. Sherman 2:28?.i, 2:27»/4, 2:28ki,2:3t. East Sii^jinaw, Mich., June 25, 1873, $1,.'^K)0. l{ii)on Boy, John IJ., (Jen. Sherman, Lady Garlield (3 dis), : w!'ii. Ani'isti-onK, Chieano, 111., July 1, 1873, $4,(i00. Bodiue 2, Kipon, Joker, Byron (2 dis), Ella Wright (1 di>*), 2:'Jti'.i, 2;2.">J->}. 2:27^4, 2:28?4. —.Inly 3;ind 4. 1873, •? 1,000. Kipon Boy 2 (3 0), John II., Joker, 2:27?i, 2:25?^, 2:26. 2:2Ci/>. 2:2!)?i. Lapeer. Mich., July 11, 1873, S40o. Molly Morris. (Jen. Sherman, Annie Collins, 2:31?i. 2:.'J.3K., 2:35. . Grand Uapids, Mich., Sept. 18, 1873, ^1,825. Molly Morris, Manibrino Gift, Cozette. (Jeil. Sherman, 2-32';i, 2:32, 2:33J-... J I'ridgeon, East Saginaw, Mich.. June 23, 1874,81,500. Thomas L. Young, Molly Morris 1,3 (4 dis), Western Boy (1 dis), 2:;jO. 2:27}4, 2:i.8'o, 2:30, 2:33!'.,. Toledo O , July 17, 1874. .S300. (Jen. Sherman, .John IL, Annie Collins, Belle (3 dr), 2:31?^, 2:32?4, 2:3L Chi('ago, ill., July 23, 1874, §2,250. Clementine, .loker, Belle, Tom Wonder, Mila C. (3 dr), 2:2ti'/4, 2:26^, ''•27' i - Cleveland, O., July 30, 1874, So.ooo. Mambriiio (Jift 3, Thomas L.Young, Koyal .lohn, Barney Kelly, (■race (2'dis>', 2:23>6, 2:23, 2:2G^. 2:27!2. . Buffalo N Y.. Aug. »A. „„ , , .,,,. „,.,. FredJone8(3:31iU). \Vm. Todd, Oskaloosa, La., Sept. 2, 1880, §200. Careless, Molly Lynch, 2:3l?i, 2:34^4. 2'39'i Fred Lopan, b g (3-34), by Littlefield's Logan. G. Manter. Dover, Me., June 9, 187-3, $ . Rosalie 1, Bay Dick (3 dis) '''53 9'.54'-> 2 ■. 56 ^i, 2 '52^.1. Fairfield Me.'. Aug77, 1875, $200. Toir^is Boy 1, 2, Purity 3 (4 0), Knox Jr., Gen. Lee. Bay Dick (2 dis), 2:35'/o. 2:.38, 2:37'"'. 2:42, 2:40. 2:42.4. — E Getchell Waterville. Me.. May 24. 1876, .S . Ayer. 2:.34>'2. 2:38. 2:41i4. Belfast, Me. June — . 1876, S2,10.^ "H,"|,\\'^f Farmer 1.., LiUle I'rt'tl; Modoc (4^(lr)^ 2j^39, 2:38'.;. 2:37, 2:41>/,- 3:20.3:33, Fred''Mc(;r«'jror bg(3:39>4). F. G. Mc(Jregor. Lowell. Mass., Aug. 30, 1882, SI 50. Trifle 3. 4, Frank Hale, Barlier Btn', ProsM)ect, Rosa (5 dr). Bay .JacHi (5 dr). 2:40, 2:39!i, 2:40'2, 2:45. 2:41 ?i ,. , ^ ,^ , Fre4, 2:2914, 2:29V4, Fnnionla Hoy. b g. L. F. Harrison, Sindairville. N. Y., Sept. 15. 1875. $ . Golddiist, Albert Tarbox, Blazing Star LadvWoleott. No time. I'our-vear-olds. „ ,, , ,,.,,., „.,-,, Fredonia Boy, ell g(«:3«). (J. W. .lackson. Smithold. N. Y., SepL 3. 1881, $7r>. Cuyahoga Maid 1, Sam, 2:3. ?£, ■ '- Riveri'ieiui, L. L, Oct. 5. 1881, ?10n. Jenny "W.. Sitting Bull. 2 :4C. 2:.^>0. 2 :51>4. . Mr Ticehirst, Huntington. L. I.. June 1, 1883. .«,50. I'rank B. 1. 2. (4 dr). 2:40. 2 :4o, 2.45, — -. Fr«.l Orr. br g (2 :58i.i). .1. S. Orr, Youiigstown, ()., Sept. 21, 1879, 6100. Brown Ivate 3, Charley I-oster, Topsy, Frell I'em-c (('onll?bMiceK^^ g "i'l^iTi', byT.'.Vnado. dam by Commodore Vanderbilt. Jas. Dougrey. Fashion Course. L. I.. May 10, Isc,-. <<-M). Lady Emma, 2:.55. 2:.')0, 2:50?i. July 24, 18(>7. .f.'iOO. (JoDil Bi'''r. 2:.38i;. 2:4:".i. 2:.37. . ,,..,., . ,■ . n„ni/ .» .„ Troy, N. Y.. July 16. iscs. $2,0(i0. Capt. Gill 4. .5, Alack 1, Col. Maynard. Dixie, Latham a dis), 2:Jn4, 2:31, Fred Piu'jt.'b s. j'.Tl'ammnnd. Newark, O., Oct. 5, 1882, .?100. Pocket I, Horace Greeley, 1 :47J^, l:41',s, 1 :41H. Fred^IM?<0.'e^V)''g. (J.?!! llatha\vii% Charl.sCity, la., Sept. 13, 1879, §100. Jack of Spades. New Hampton Girl, Fred s.'! gr Lm 2 :5oV"j- J^aTi'l'Tson, Brooklyn. Conn., Sei)t. 20, 1882, S . Midget 2, Hickory Dick, Prince, Fred'.star"(2:41).' ^Mr. Des'hon, Minneapolis. Minn., Nov. 1. 1872. .Sioo. Columbus Black Hawk (2 0), 2:43. 2:41, Fred Ty'ler rn g(2 ::?2' :.). 11. B. (Joodale. Hartford. Conn.. O.t. 19. 1869. .t. Jenks, 2:47, 2:43?i, 2:45. . Deerfoot Park. L. I., Sept. 24, 1873, .¥:«)0. Ladv Annie 1. 2. 2:48, 2:45, 2:45, 2:41, 2:45. . Oct. 1, 1873. .«3,50. Bonny Doon 1, Lady Pfller, Lady Woods, Young Fillingham, Octavia (1 dis), Dinah (1 dis), 2:40. 2:39. 2:42, 2:43. Fleetwood Park. N. Y., Nov. 5 and 6, 1873, .S200. Damon 2, 3. 2:39'2, 2:35. 2:33U, 2:39, 2:8714. X()v. 6. 1873. S200 Husky Boy, John P., White Cloud, Lady PfllVr, Bessie B., Brandy, Sorrel Jake, Billy, Stella, 2:3.-) '4. 2:35, 2:35. T. B. Johnson. Oct. 31. 187ff. .S200. Prevail (w), 2:35'o, 2:3(i, 2:37. Fred Tyler, blk s (3:4'7>. E. Beebee. Montgomery. Ala., Nov. 1, 1877, $150. St. Patrick, Charley, Molly B. (2 dis)."Pe!iasus (1 dis). 3:00, S:0\U, 2:57. Nov 2 1877. $150. Clinton 2, 3, Edinburgh (1 dis), 2:58. 3:00'4, 3:031.^, 2:57^, 2:57. . Sept '0. 1879, § . Eliza Jane 2, 5, Torn 1, Parole, pacer, (1 dis), 2:52, 2:51, 2:53, 2:52, 2:52, 2:51. W. C. Morrison, June 15 and 16, 1880, $15. Charley, 3:01. 3-02V2, 2:.5.5. H. S. Schultz, Montgomery, Ala., Oct. 1, 1880. .§.50. Jack the Barber, Black Charley, 2:52, 2:48, 2:49. Uniontown, Ala.. Oct. 21, 1880, .«;72. Richmond Chief, 2:49, 2:48, 2:47. Freeman, blk g (3:35>), by Macedonian, dam by Yt. Black Hawk. Washburn & Vaughn, Mystic Park, Boston, July 14, 1880, $300. Augusta, Tom Barton, Bonny Doon. Jenny, Wild Rose, 2:32Vi, 2:30^, 2:.S3'i. Norwich, Conn., July 22 and 23, 1880, .§300. Onawa 1, 2, Jimmy Stewart, Johnny, George P. (3 dr), Billy Stevens (2 dis), Delaware Belle (2 dr), Duncan (1 dis), Jenny (1 dis), 2:3l'.i. 2:32!i, 2:29, 2:30^, 2:31 5-i. T. Blanchard. Keene, N. H., Aug. 5, 1880, .|300. Joe Ripley 1, 3, George H. 2, 4, Valley Chief, 2:30, 2:.34, 2:34, 2:3214, 2:33, 2:35, 2:35. Freestone, b g (3:38';,), by Republic, dam Fanny Dodge, by Dodge's St. Lawrence. A. D. Helm, Dubuque, la June 6, 1882, $45o. John A. Rawlins 1, Golden Rule, Herald, Magnet, St. Cloud, Little Joe, Maggie Fulton, Little Joe Fry, Scott Parker, Marsh Young, Belle of Coldwater 1.2 dis), Maggie K. (,2 dr), 2:36^4, 2:35'4, 2:3414, 2-3414. Marshalltown, la., June 22, 1882, $400. Mabel H., German Boy, John A. Rawlins, Grace S., Trapeze (1 dis), 2:3614, 2:36H, 2:36i4. Cedar Falls, la., Julv 6, 1882, $300. Mabel H. 3, Maggie Fulton, German Boy, 2:38. 2:37, 2:41, 2:43. Niles, Mich., Sept. 29, 1882, $200. Charles L.. Riette, Robert Whaley, Tramp Jr., Quickstep, 2:3454, 2:3454, 2:3JU. A. D. Helm, Oskaloosa, la., June 28, 1883, $500. Flora P. 1, Caledonia Chief Jr., Tom Kirkwood, Com- anche Boy, 2:32, 2:3414. 2 :.34i4, 2:3414. MasonCitv, la., July 5. 1883, $500. Flora P. 1. Tom Kirkwood, 2:35, 2:36, 2:3414, 2:34i4. Andrews Bros., Chicago, 111., July 20, 1883, $2,500. Prince, Alcyone, Maud R., 2 :30'2, 2:31?i. 2:28'/2. A. D. He'm, La Salle, 111., July 25, 1883, $400. Lady Clyde, Blue Bull Pilot, Emma Maxwell, 2:33]4, 2:31^, 2:36. Fremont (w).bg (3:50/2 w). D. Keho, Union Course, L. I., Aug. 20, 1858, $200. Balch 3, 2:5494,2:54, 2:.52, 2:.50'2. C. Velsor, Comae, L. I.. Sept. 25, 1858, $10. Pepper, Plug Ugly, 2:55, 2:53, 2 :58. Suffolk L. I., Sept. 24. 1859, $15. Rifle, Lady Ellen, 2:58, 2:55, 2:52. French Boy, b g (3 :45). N. Dessault, Manchester, N. H., Sept. 6, 1878, $ . Unknown 3, "Walter, Young Tuck, Topsy Jane, 3:00, 3:00, 3:00, 3:01, J. P. Young, Julv 5, 1879, $50. Honest Billy, Lady Clay, Security, 2:5G, "i-.mi, 2:55;4. N. Dessault, Concord, N. H., July 29, 1880, $50. Yellow Girl 1, Pea Soup, Larry, Alley, 2:50, 2:50, 2:50, 2:51. French Lady, blk m (3 :58). P. J. Shelly, Boston, Mass., Oct. 17, 1872, $150. Nickle, Bed Bug, 2:59, 2:58^, 2:58. ,^ . French Lawn, b m (3:37), bv Administrator, dam Alice White by a son of Denmark. B. J. Treacy, Emi- nence, Ky.. Sept. 23, 1881, i . Betsy Baker l. Day Dream, Piid Pulford, Ida Todd, 1:2794- 1:27/2, 1:25>4, 1:3714. I'wo-vear olds. Half mile heats. • Lexington ,"^Ky., Sept. 1, 1882, $1,390. Beatrice, 3:04!^, 3:16i^, 3:02. Three-year-olds. B. J. Treacy, Lexington, Ky., Aug. 30, 1883, $100. Beatrice, 2 :37i4, 2:.37, 2:3894- Four-year-olds- Paris. Ky.,'Sept. 6, 1883, .$275. Boss Monroe 3, Olaf (1 dis), 2:4494, 2:40, 2:.53i/2, 2:47. French Lion, ch s (3 :09). A. Mclnness, Summerside, P. E. I., Sept. 19, 1877, $200. Abdallah Messenger, 3:09, 3:12. Frenchman, b s (3 :48). St. Paul, Minn., June 4. 1869, .$1,000. Romeo, Belle (2 dr), 2:50, 2:53, 2:48. June 5. 18G9, .$2.50. Roanoke 1, 2:58, 2:55. 2:50. Frenchman, gr g (3 :41). Wm. Emmet, Henderson, Ky., Oct. 8, 1873, $100. Paddy Burton, Flaxy (2 dr), Lo- gan (2 dr). Black Tom (1 dis). Nelly (l dis). 2:54, 2:50. Oct. 10, 1873, .$200. Twyman Maid, Octoroon, Ned Wilder. 2:5114, 2:4514. M. R. Mayer, Paducah, Ky., Oct. 16. 1873, $800 Kate 2, Fearnaught, Lady Alice (l dis). Playmate (1 dis), 2:43. 2:40'i,"2:43, 2:41. French Mare, (3 :43ii). N. Rae, Chicago, HI., Sept. 4, 1845, .$50. State Plug, Empire, 2:42'4, 2:4.5i^. French .Sport, gr g. S. McNeal, Summerside, P. E. I., Sept. 14, 1878, .$ . Lookout l, Jeff Davis 3. No time. Frenchy, blk m (3:47). O. Dimmick, Centreville, L. I.. Nov. 16, 1849, .$30. Angeline 1. 2, 8:0014, 2:50, 2:49, 2:48,2:47. Frenchv, br g (3 :38ii). A. M. Hawes, Fleetwood Park. N. Y., Sept. 4. 187.5. $loo. Henry Miller 3. (4 0"), Car- rie Myers 1, fSuis), Jim Coyle (4dis), Tonv Hartman (3 dr). 2:44. 2:40, 2:4S, 2:44. 2:38i4, 2:39ii. Jersey City, N. J., Sept. 18 and 20, 1875, '$150. Hard Road 1, 2, St. George, Don, 2:43, 2:43'2, 2:42i4, 2:43, 2:47. Freshman, b s (3 :36io), by Blackwood, dam by Edwin Forrest. John Steele, Eminence. Ky., Aug. 14, 1S73, $100. Steele's brm, 3:07i2, 3:0.594. Two-vear-olds. Harrodsburg, Ky., Julv 7, 1875, .$500. Rosa Lowrv, Trojan, Kentucky Central, Midway Belle, 2:.36'4, 2:44, 2:361^. Friday, blk g (3 :59). J. Follett, Greenwich, N. Y., Oct. 9, 1807. $30. Galesville Boy 3, 4, 3:11, 3:09, 2:56, 2:54, 2 :.59. Friday, ch g (3 :47). R. S. Johnson, San Joaquim, Cal., Sept. 24, 1873, $.300. Annie, Prince, Black Bill (1 dis), Budd Doble (1 dis), 2 :4814, 2 :47. 2 :.52. Friday, b g (3 :33). R. Gilbert. Big Rapids, Mich., Aug.25, 1875. $400. Maggie Smith 1, 2, Farmer Boy, Capt. Selleck. Pollv Hopkins, Basil Duke, Hero (3 dis), Rover (2 dis), 2:47. 2:45'.. 2:45',. 2:44, 2:44. • Aug. 26, 187,5, $400. Josie, Farmer Bov, Capt. Sellick, Brown Nelly, Maggie Smith (2 dis), Saginaw Girl (2 dis), Quaker Boy (2 dis), 2:43, 2:40, 2:41K Aug. 27, 1875, Josie, Farmer Boy, Brown Nelly, Maggie Smith, Polly Hopkins, Quaker Boy, 2:44, 2:43, 2:421^. SM CJIESTKi: S ( O.Mri.KTi; Ti:oril>iU and I'Atl.NU KKC'OUl). Rattle Creek, Mich., Sept. l, 1875, §500. Fanner Roy 2, Frank. Kivcrside, Molly, Lads Dunran, Maggie Smith (i dr), St. Charles (;i dri, 2::i;{?4, 2:3.5^, J:37J4, 2:33. Sept. 2. IST."}. $rM). Farmer Hov. Kiverside. Frank, Alapgie Smith. .Salem (3 dn. MIddleton (1 dis), Frank Rruce (I dis). Cant. Selliek d disi. 2::i.i',, L';33'i, l';.!6. Coldwater, Mieh., Sept. 11, isT.'). .<2U0. Wrights Morrill, Capt. Selliek, Balm of Gilead, 2:41?i 2:44Ji. 2:4.'-.^4. Hastings. Mleh., Sei)t. 1.5, 187."). .-^ . Molly, I'olly Hopkins, 2:45>4, 2:42^, 2:4354. Sept. IG. 1S7."., .losif, Brown Nelh. I'olly Hopkins, 2-M, 2:43^4, 2:38. Fried'H Chestnut Mare, T-i :4<»'2)- •<• Fried, Springtield, .Mass., Juno 2, 1874, .?400. 2:4G^. To beat, 2 :.'>0. Frifiidsliip, hr g ri-AOK). .1. Kobinson, Younv.sto\vn, O., .July rj, ls78, §250. Don Jwau 1, Essex Maid, Harry llrnrv (4 dis), 2:44, 2:4.'-). 2:40^., 2:41'5. Friiiffe, 1) m (■-!:40'.i), by Frincelis, dam Favorite, by Alexander's Abdallah. II. C. McDowell, Lexington, l\\., Oet. !>. lH78.S.")4, 2:.01K 2:52^4- lohii Splaii. Rattle Creek, .Mich., .July 8. 1881, S400. H. M. Strong, Lucrece, Lillian. 2:41^, 2:409*, 2:42, Frisky, b iiu'-*:"**)- L. Rearian. Chemung Co.. N. Y., Oct. 4,1855, $200. Bort's gr m, St. Lawrence, Jersey .Maid, .'):27, 5:1G. Two miles. Frisky Jane, (Mary Landi). bm(3:3~\ by Volunteer. F. McCurdj', Fleetwood Park, N. Y., Oct. 29. 1870, s:|,o(K». independent lillv (1 disi, 3:()li.i. Three-year-olds. Frittilla, b m (2 :45). H. L. Williams. Dexter. Me., July 2, 1878, §11.5. J'omp 1, 3, lone 2, 6, Nat Webb, Capt. .lenks, 2:42, 2:45,2:42. 2 :4.->, 2 :ri5.2:-l2. 2:45. Fritz, li g (•^:40?4). Mr. Newnuin, San Francisco, Cal., April30, l,s72, SU)0. Fred, Johnnv Schmoker, Bally, Quaker Jake, 2:.57'j, 2:5(!, 2:55i.i. Friiz, l)g (3:2714), by Rav Kiehmond, dam by son of Henry Clay. C. E. Bowman, Hudson, N. Y., Sept. 14, 11S.MI. .'<1.50. Lady .Jupiter 3, Lizzie O'Brien, Lady Rattler, 2 :44, 2 :41 '/j, 2:41 h, 2 :43'/i. .Sei)t. 16, 1880,..S2no. Kittv Jves 3, Charley, Lady Scud,2:43'2, 2:46. 2:42. 2:43. Fritz, bg (3:41J4). E. Server. I?ochester, N. Y., Nov. 2, 1881, I'rize, silver, H. V. K. 2, Staver 1, Nelly A., MoUv, Tommy, Corn Fed. Rrown Jake (.4dr), Juno (3 dr), Keform (1 dis). Rocket (l dis), 2:4.3, 2:41?4.2:41»4, 2:43''.,. Fritz, bs (3:52'., "). George Hubb, Springfield, L.L.Aug. 16, 1881, .§ . Prize, silver, Itowdv. Loadstone, George, Hester .\., 3:02, 2:.52'/2, 2:54. Fritz, blk g (3 :54V2). F. Sutton, Jersey City, N. J., Sept. 19, 1883. $100. Midge 2. 2:54!2, 2:.50, 2:58, 2:,5.5. Froe, eh g (2 :45). L. A. Rcrrv. ( )skal<'iosa. 'la.. Sept. 13, 1878, .^200. Frank L. 2, 3, JJigger Rov 1. lilaek Eagle, J. H. Gear, 2:47?4, 2:47'2, 2:4794. 2:45ii. 2:45, 2:45'2. Frolic, b m (3 :55). Mr. Greenway, Elklou, Md., Oct. 4. 1881, j:75. Vred G. 1. Star, Tick Ford (1 dis). 2:56»4, 2:5C?4. 2:55. Frost.g'r g^W), )3:48). (3:45 s). (Jeo. Nugent. Philadelphia, Pa.. .Inly 15, 18.58, $30. Barry Colt, 2:48'/2,2:53, 2:54. (w). Sent. 2, 1858, $25. Cooper Colt 1 , 2 ■.r>2}4, 2 :51, 2 :48, 2 :56. Frosty, rn s (3 :39>4). John Tyler, Manchester, N. H., Sept. 9. 1870, $250. Black Kiddie 3, Jerry Locke, Amy Stone. Cora Bell, Sea Foam" (2 dis). 2:4.3, 2.44, 2:4414. 2:39»4. Columbus. Ga.. Oct. 25. 1872. $100. Sam Keid. . 2:49, . Selma. Ala., Nov. 15, 1872, $100. ISIessenger (iolddust, 2:51, 2:48^4, 2:50%. Frosty, rii m Ci-.^QU)- G. H. (iodfrt-v, Taunton, Mass., Sept. 2-5. 1S72, $25. 2:.599i. Nearest to 3:00. Fugue, b m (3:37i4), by King Kene. (I:iin Imiuuc, liy (ieorge Wilkes. H. C. McDowell, Lexington, Ky., Aug. 30, 1882, .« . Lizzie Wilkes, Wilkes I'.ov. 2:4l'V... 2:48}... Two-year-olds. Louisville, Ky., Sept. 15, 1882, .? . 2:43i/.., 2:37i4. To beat 2:31. Lost. Lexington, Ky., Oct. 14, 1882, $ . 2:32?i. To beat. ?:.3.5. • H. C. McDowell, Louisville, Ky., May 9 and 11, 1883, $480. Elvira, Lady Almont, Prince Edward, Albert B. B., Earlv Dawn (3 dr), 2:45, 2:43, 2:34?4. Three-year-olds. Lexington. Kv., July 4, 1883, $ . Col. Stevens, 2:37, 2:271/2. July 4. 1883. .$ . 2:37, 2:271^. To beat 2:30. Aug- 31. 1883. .$ . Helen 3, 2:35, 2:27'i, 2:30U, 2:.Wi. Puloher's Gray Mare (3:38^4). Geo. Fuleher, Nashville, Tenn., Nov. 4, 1865, $.50. Black Dan (s). Climax (w), 2:.39'/2. 2:391^, 2:38i4. Fuller, ch g (3 :45i4 ). H. (i. Smith, Providence, It. I., Nov. 7, 1873, $ino. Whirlwind, Spot, Josephine, Peggy, Dandy (1 dis). Providence Belle (1 dis), Hiram (1 dis), 2:46, 2:4514, 2:49'... Fuller, br g (2 :4.'>). E. Courtney, Morrisania. N. Y., Sept. 8, 1880. $2(io. Melbourne 2, 2 :49, 2 :.52. 2:47, 2:45. Fuller Brown, dn g (3:43). S. T. Bain, Oil City, Pa,, June 17, 1870, $400. Mary Barber 3. Ashland Pet, Mary Taylor. 2:4.3, 2:4.3, ,2:46. Fuller's Gray Mare (3 :44). W. H. Fuller, Palmer, Mass., Sept. .5, 186.5, ?2no. Keed's b g. 2:17. 2:44, 2:4,5, Fulton, ch g (3:43). F. Johnson, Centreville, L. I., Oct. 3, 1855, $1,000. Lady Helen 3 (4 01, 2:45, 2.49, 2:44, ''■45 2*43 Fulton, ch s (2 :31U), by Dominion. D. (iillis, Toronto, Out., Aug. 11, 1877. $200. , 2:41',i, 2:4014. Toronto, 'Ont. Sept. 11, 1877, $370. Chestnut Hill 3, 4, Capt. Tom 2, 2:;r>i/.. 2:.36',, 2:37, 2:.37%, 2:.39 ''•.3991 '- Sept. 13 and 14, 1877, S . Gray Salem l, Gray Eddy 2, Western I'earnaught, 2:36i4, 2 :.3.'>. 2:3514, 2:35, 1 i/ockport. N. Y., Sept. 28, 1880, $1.50. Silcox 2, 4, Rocky 3, Newark Boy (2 dr') 2:38, 2:.3<'., , 2:;!5, 2:35, ^"D.\';illis. Toronto. Ont., Oct. 16. 1880. $2,50. City Boy 2. Wetland Girl, Bay Fearnaught, 2:34''4, 2:;u>2, 2:.339i, 2::i4''i. Hamilton. Ont., Oct,, 21. 1880, Welland Girl, Foamangbt. Douglass, 2:3.5-'4. 2:34'4. 2:.36'4. Dnndas, (hiL, Mav 24, 1X881, !$1,'«). Russian Si)v. 2:46, 2:40, 241' j. , , . ,, ,0.1 St. Catherines, Ont., Sept. 21, 1881.. $1.50. Starlight 3. Harry Lewis. Mohawk (^leeii. ( anada Southern. No tinu'. ,.. , ^ , T,i ... * .n Fulton Maid, li m 1 "J :'Ji>i.i ). by Clay Pilot, dam by Green's Bashaw. J. V:\n F.tta. ^\ oods;tock. Til., Sept. 13, 1SK2, .«;i.50. W. II. ILivs 1, ISillv Logan. Rillv H'oi.eful. Tom Wriirbt. Charles Rurhman. No time. .1. Van ICtta, Janesville. Wis.. June 7, 18s3. .«;!00. G. W. Howe. Tom Keno. 2:.35'5. 2:36, 2:35'-. Woodstock, 111., July 4. 1883. $1.50. G. W. Howe, W. F. Haves. 2:.5n, 2:41U, 2:42. A. Rnrnham, Chicago. 111.. Aug. .30. i,v83. .«(:oo. 2:31. 2:29i,. To beat 2:30. Fun (wi, gr g(2:41w). L. S. S:iminis. Union Course. L, L, June 8. 186.5, .$200. Uncle Sam a dis). 2:4i. (w) July 20. 186.5, SI2.5. Champion (w). (2 dis). Ladv ■McClelliin (w). (2 dis), 2:43. 2:41. Norwalk, Conn. Sept. .'to, 1865. SlOO. Rocket. 2:44. '2-49. 2:4fi. , _ ,, . .., „ Furette, ch m (2:35), by Kthan Allen .Fr.. dim bv tho Kelly Horse. A. S. McDonnell, Poughkeepsie, N, Y., Oct. 12, 1880, $200. Gray fiilly. Lew Tallimm, 2::i.s}-4, 2:37, 2:41iU. Oct. 14, 1880, $200. Lew rallman, Mabel, Ruth, Honest Harry (2 dr), 2 :38, 2:.35, 2 :39. CHESTER'S C()Mrr,ETR TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. MS Furniture, gr g (3 :43ii). B. Dennis, Pavvtucket, K. 1., Oct. 7. 1882, $ . Hampshire, 2:58, 2:465!i, 2-43»i. Fury, cli s (3 :33), by Elhan Allen Jr. T. Grady, Albany, N. Y., Oct. 19 and 24. 1877, $150. Nelly Grant 1. 4 My Jldia, 2:354,2:3514. -':;»^4. 2:35>4, 2:32. ' ' Fusion, b g (2 :50). (U'O. Y. .lordan. Sr:irboro. Ale., .fune 29, 1855. .$200. Countryman, 2:50, 2:.52. Futliorne Horse (2 :48i'2). Reading, Pa., .Tune 9, 1S(;g. .*1,")0. Flitner Horse, 2:,52. 2:48)^, 2:49^4. Fuzz, b g (3 :41). Daniel Stevens, Baltimore, Md., May 21, 1874, .ftSOO. .Tack Rome, 2:46?^, 2-44 241. Fuzzy (w), eh m (3 :.54'4). Mr. Riddle, Fashion Course, L. I., May 18, 1871, $ . Mazeppa (w) 3. Billy BontOD (w)l, 2:59, 3:09, 3:03,2:59. i'f v / . j v«««. MA CHESTER'S COMPLJiTE TUOTTINU AND TACINO i:iic UKIX Gabllan Joe, bp:(2:39'j). J. Delaney, Salinas," Cal., Oct. o. 1882. .?300. Sorrel Frank. Nell Briodv. Gen. Li'e (2 '2, 2:40?.!. Gabriel, I) g \'i :49(. E. Maynard, Lowell, Alass.. Sept. 15, isw). jf.'jO. Bones, 2 lo."), 2-5(i, 2:.>'i' 2. Andover. .Mass , Sept. 22, 18(J0, .S25. Couiitrv Hov, 2:.")2. 2:.".2, 2:49. Gail Haiiiilt«>ii b m, ('^ ::5.".). A. .1. Oatnian, Erie I'a.. Au^. 22, 1878, .$250. Hillv St-ward l.Kittv Cooper, iiull, Zif,' Za.i.'. .lacksoii. ;J:(il'.,, ,!:(ll. r.-.mU: 3:02. Galaiitliis. lir 111 ('JiS'J'ii, hv Bav State, dam Enijjress, by Verd Mont. W. JNIason, Taunton. Mass.. Sept. ;2.s, I8SI. .^.a .Miller's Uanisel. Midtift, 3:00, 2:59^,, 2:.")9'i. Five-year-olds. Newjiort. K. I., Oct. 12, 18(;2. ^V2r,. JijUv I\I., Chief, Dominie, Chief d dis), 2:41';. 2:4H4, 2:41. A. il. Dore, INIvstie I'ark. lioston. .Inlv 18, I88:i. .«i40(). Mortimer, Minnie C, Ripple, Syli)h, IIenr\ S., Charley Knox, Muriel, City Boy. Belle .Mahone dr), 2::J2i4. 2:31'.i, 2:32'4. Galatea, ^r m (3 :47), by Black Flving Cloud, dam Badp'r (iirl's dam. A. B. Medbury, Oshkosli, Wis.. Oct. 4, 1870, .«!200. Jav Oould Jr. .?, X'ncle Mart, Alorosa. Dick Tnrpin, Henry C. (3 dis), (irav S(iuirreU2 dis), 3:00, 2:.-)l>.i, 2:47?i, 2:47. Galatea, 1) m [•Z:'H^4,), by Fearnauj;lit, dam (inuid Duchess, by Hanley's lliatoga. A. H. Dore. Providence, It. I., Au^. 2, 1877, ^'JaU. Delaware J5elle. Darling ]5ov, Ida Lewis, Ladv Halch, Honest .lohn, Lady Foster (3 (In, 2:3.-). 2:;«;. 2::i3V... Aug. 2, 1881. .•51400. (iolden Oirl. Eve. Billy 1).. Ooldlinder 1 (4 dis), 2:23'™. 2:24',. 2:2.5. 2:20^>. W. Mason, Jr., Worcester. .Mass., Sejit. 9, issi. .s.-.dO. .lohn Mall, Lizzie M.. 2:;'.l. 2;.io, 2:28. Gallant, blk s (3:50), by Constellation, dam Nonpai-cil. by Chamiiion Morrill. W. S. Tilton. Lewiston, Me.. Sept. 23. 1880, .§100. Koyal Feamaught, Castle Dare. '(ilonarm, l:41'.i, 1 :.3.i. Two-year-olds. Half mile heals. Sept. 7, 1881, -SKK). Gleiiann. Artell (1 dis). 2:.53';. 2:.')0. Three-vear-olds. Gallatin Maid, b m (3:44i.i). J. H. Beasley, Carmi. 111., Sept. 0, 18K1, .^l.TO. Renegade. 2M'«, 2:4.5, 2:44^4- Galloway's IJay Gelding (3 :04). A. C. Galloway, Marseilles. 111., Nov. 3, 1882, .*! . Lester, 3:04. Three- year-olds. Gainble Maid, b m (2 :40i.,1. J. F. Earle, Middletown, Del., Sept. 23, 1881. .*;i,50. Ripton 1. Davy Coppertield, Molly F., 2 :43i4. 2:40K', '2:42, 2 :42' j. Frederick, Md., Off. 12. 1881. .$;joo. C'ortlandt Boy 1. 2. .\lice Gates. Harry. 2:4Ii^, 2:42' >, 2:40, 2:41?i, 2:41. Gambler, bg(:5:00). J. Lamonde, Montreal, P. Q.. Oct. I. 1881. .•^50. Ladv Knox 2, Darkness, Little Ben, Black City Girl, 3:00, , 3:00, 3:00. Gantley's Hay .Stallion, (2 :4:ii.!). T. H. Ganlley, Hudson. X. Y.. .1 uly ,5, 18G9. .'5 . Thornton's gr m. Perrin'sbr s, Coomb's br m, Cole's b s, 2:431.;, 2:46'i. 2:49. Garafraxa, b g(3:40). Mr. Crozier. Brampton.'Ont.. Aug. 29. Is7f;. .-^l to. .1. F. .3, 4, Aveinie Boy 2. Bob Moore 1, (ien. Beamish. King William (5 dri. No tinu'. 1. Harris, Hamilton, Out., July 1, 1880, $ . Byron Cole 3, 4. Spottentchni;in. Carlcton, 2:41,2:40. 2:42,2:44.2:40';. Garcon du Village, l)r g (3:01). T. Hogue, Montreal. P. Q., June 11. 1877. .s.50. L'Oiseau Rouge, j'orler (1 dis), 3:00, 3:01, .•(:04. Gardez (2 :.5S). Di'. Henrv, Staunton, Va.. Oct. 20. I88;j..s;,50 . Maggie B.. 2:.58, 2:.59. 2:.59. Gardner's I tay Gelding, b g (2:37). J (;ardner. St. Loi.is. Mo.. May ."11. 1878, .'5200. Christy's blk in. 2:48, 2:48'/j,2::i7. Garfield, bg(2:47ii). J. L. Frock, Harrisburgh. Pa.. Sept. 21. isKO. .ifioo. Lizzie Bell 2, Kate. 2:51, 2:54,2:50. Garfield, (w), l)g (2:46). l)y Milwaukee, dam Minnie. E. Martin, St. Louis. Mo., Ang. 25. 188.{. .S . Gov. Payne, Eva L., Fred Pohlman, 2:48, 2:46. Sept. 2:!. 1883, Prize, silver, Teinj)est. Eva L.. Fred Polilman.2:49. 2:49. Garbling Oil. (Gargling Oil Maid), dn in (2:43). Thos. Bedford. Medina, N. V., Oct. 28. 1874. SIOO. Olean- der, Edwin F., Walter i2 disi, 2:.5.3, 2:49, 2:4.9. Oct. 2!t, 1874.. SlOd. Walter. 2:.59. 2:.5:?. <;aribal(li, b s (2:49). ,1, B. i'arker, Middleburv. Vt., Aiitr. 10. 1800, .IfJOO. Belle Brandon. 2:.50. 3:04,2:69. aldi, b s(2:33i, by Dnroc Messenger. 1>. S. Stevens, Providence, R. L, Oct. 7, 1804, S80. No com- petitors. 2:41'... New Bedford. .Mass.. Sept. 21. i860. .SIOO. Andy Johnson. 2:40. 2:.37. Providence, R. I., Oct. 24. 1866. .¥200. Two others. 2:;m. 2:.!7' .. 2:36. W. S. Briggs. Woonsocket. R. I.. Sept. 12. I807. .Snoo. Jack Lewis 1. 4, 2:.'i7. 2:;i6, 2:.30,2:.37, 2:34. F. S. Stevens, .Mvricks, M;iss., Sept. 21, lso7. .Ti!t.5(». Ticonn-, 2 :;!.3, 2 :37. 2 :3.5. Tainiton. Mass., Oct. 2, 1807, .S40. Bulcher Boy, Ladv Carter, 2:4(1.2:40, 2:33. — Woonsocket. R. I., Sei)t. 24, Isiw. .S7.5. Wofiil 1. 2:47'.|, 2:42. 2:45. 2:40'-2. Stallions. W. S. Ibiggs, Tainiton, Mass.. Oct. 7. 1868. .*ii.50. Fannv. 2:51, 2:4.3'... 2:4.3. Garibaldi, rii s (2 :52). W. Pierce, Waterville. Me.. Oct. 11. 1804. .filOO. Tripliamnier. 2:.52, 2:.56. 3:02. Garibaldi, blk s (2 :.'> I'.). F. Brown. Ingersoll, C. W., Nov. 2, 1869, .?100. Orillia (ineen. Idol (1 dis), 2:66, 2:.53';, 2:511/.. (Jarrett, ehg(3:54'4). C. H. L:iwrence, (^iiincv. Cal., Sept. 2.5. 188.!. '?7.5. Isaac M. 1. 3:51U,. 3:54)4 3:56>^. Two-year-olds. Garry .Manning, b g(2:37?i). C. Manning. Ameiiia. N. Y.. Se|)L 7. 1882, .?1.50. Onward 2, (3 01, (6 0), Wait-a- \\ bile 1, (7 r o). 2::f8. 2::i7, 2:40, 2:41',, 2:42':.. 2:45. 2:48. R. Mabbit. I'arkville, L. I.. July 4, 1883, .*!125. ,F. I). 1, Lady (}., Ramson, J. R. (2disi, Dutch Hank (2 dis), 2:4.3, 2:;!7:'.i. 2:41 'i. 2:40. Garth, br g (2 :4-i^.i 1. S. Powers, Doylestown, Pa., Oct 7, 1874. -SIOO. Jnpiter. Belle Brandon, Ward Beecher, Hickey, Honest .lolni. Fearless, V'iol.a.Tom Scott (1 dis). 2:60i,i, 2:4.3?i, 2:47(4. Oct. 9, 1874. .«;i.50. Kate. Flora Temple Jr.. 2:47. 2:.5.3i.,, 2:49»4. Gauntlett. br s (2:44). by Hambletonian. dam Lady .Brown, by American Star. Geo. B. Allev. Prospect Park, L. I., (Jet. 15, 1870. .4. Gay George, b g (3:4 71 i). Geo. H.Bailey, Portland, Me., Sept. 17, 1868, §50. Lady Empire, 2 :47J^, 2:49, 2:50. Gay George, (3 :47' j). Pittsburgh, Pa., July 4, 1883, S190. Joe, Haeke, Blacksmith Maid. 2:47;£, 2:47^, 2:48. Gaylord. (Sir George), br g (3 :33(,y, by Manhattan. J. lieldiiig, .Vnicnia, N. Y.. Sept. 4, 1879, $1.50. Pinafore, Miss ll;uier, Frank, Cora B., Jack, O. U. A. i3 dr), Charley 11. (1 disi, Col. John (2 dis), 2:43, 2:40, 2:40. Cliathain Village, N. Y., Sept. 19, 1879, .$150. Frank 4, o, Charley K. 1, 2, Pinafore, Viroqua, Lizzie, Dan O'Brirn, Deserter, Jack, 2:42^4, 2:43, 2:43i4, 2:41'i, 2::59, 2;:i8, 2:.JiJ. Hudson, \. v., Sept. 25, 1879. Sl.oO. Dan O'Brien, Frank, Pinafore, Sprite, 2-43'/4, 2:42, 2:45. Gayo, gr g i3:331i), by Young IMainbrino. J. W. Bradshaw, Martinsburg, W. Va., Sept. 10, 1875,$ . Bay Billv. Ladv Alice. 2:43i.i, 2:42'.. 2:43. — •— I'etersbnr^h. Va.. Oct. 21, 1875. .^SOO. Top 2, Belle Boyd (t dis). 2:42U, 2:4,5, 2:42, 2:43. Oct. 2-'. 1875, .>il. 000. Top ^20), Capt. Westd dis), 2:47;.i, 2:40?j. 2:40, 2:46. J. Morrow. Stillwater. Minn., .lune 28, 1876, $700. Quarry Boy, Lady Mac, Stillwater Jiin, Portigue, Mambrino Chief Jr., B;iv Brig (2 dis), 2-MU, 2:39, 2:.33?.i. Lake Citv, Minn.. July 12, 1876, .1f.500. Quarry Boy 3, Lady Mac, General Lee, Brother Baldwin, 2 :37J,^, 2;38i..S. 2:41't. 2:40'... Gazelle, b m (3:31 ), bv Hambletonian, dam Hattie Wood, by Harry Clay. Joseph Harker, Prospect Park, L. I., Sept. 17, 1872, 61,000. Young Thorne, Tip Allen (3 dis), W. H. Ripley (3 dis), Ben Flagler (2 0), (3 dr), 2:27^4, 2;28>4, 2:22, 2: :23. Sept. 20, 1872, ■$1,350. Grace Bertram, Lady Ross, Ed. Foster. George (l dis). Doubtful (1 dis)^ 2:i!7J4» 2:26' -2, 2:30. Fleetwood Park. N. Y), Oct. 1, 1872, .§2,250. Crown Prince, Grav Eddy, Lottery, 2:24^^. 2:27!4, 2:25. Oct. 3, 1872. $1,250. Gloster, Joker (3 dis), Wellington (3 dis). Lady Annie (1 dis), 2:27, 2:28Ji, 2:22. Prospect Park, L. I., Oct. 21 and 22, 1872, .154,000. Judge FuUerton 4, (3 0), George Palmer, Rosalind, 2:23'.=, 2:21, 2:22^4, 2:231.^, 2:23}^. May 30. 1873, .S2.500. Judge Fnllerton 2, 2:21, 2:30, 2:26Ji, 2:299i. Gazelle, bik m (3 :50), by a grandson of Fearnaught. B. K. Hunt, Belfast, Me., Oct. 4, 1883, $30. Sweetheart 1, Daisy Otis (2 dr), 2:.50, ,2:51,2:50. F'our-year-olds. Gazetteer, b s ( 3 :30i4), by Joe Davis. B. Stanley, Charlotte, Mich., July 29, 1882, .$300. Flirt 1, Tom B. 2, Sleepy Joe, MambrTno Sparkle, Ruth, Bay Tom (5 dr), , 2:36%, 2:334, 2:;wi^, 2:36. Eaton Rapids, Mich., Aug. 5, 1882, $300. Flirt, Mambrino Sparkle, Tom B., Bay Tom, Sleepy Joe, 2:.35, ^Oslikosli.'Wis., Sept. 12. 1882, .$250. Moody. Stormer, Oshkosh Boy, Col. Cloud. 2:339i, 2:31^4, 2:31. G. IJ. Patchen, b s (3:36). D. E. Bayer, Lancaster, Pa., Sept. 5 and (;,'i876, $200. Queen May, Gray Salem, Chance, Bessie, .James R.. 2:.37i4, 2:38ii, 2:43. Ambler Park, Pa., Sept. 19, 1876, .$200. Spitfire, Iron Clad, David Wallace, 2 :40, 2:41, 2:43. I'ottstown, Pa., Oct. 7, 187G. .$250. Little Nell, James R., Iron Clad. Si)it(ire, 2:40, 2:3914, 2-39H. G. K., rn g (3:4894). Chas. Gifford, East Brunswick, Me., July 4, 1876, $\r,n. Spot 2, 3, Neal 1, Eomp, Iron Clad (2 dis). Little Susie (1 dis), Colonel (1 dis), 2:51, 2:50, 2:501^. 2:.50, 2:49'2, 2:48M. Gem, 1) m (3:55). by Almonl Jr. C. J. Hamlin, East Aurora, N. Y., Oct. 4, 1883, $250. Jack Hican 3, Harry D. (2 dis), Dorothy (1 dis). 2:55, 2:55'2. 2:.56'4, 2:.55. Three-vear-olds. General, (3:54). C. H. Adams, Portland, Me., Oct. 2. 1860, .$200. Wideawake, 2:55, 2:54, 2:55. General, bg(3:37). I. Woodruff, Union Course, L. I., Sept. 1, 1864, $170. Shot 2, Hickory (3 0,) Caroline, Seamen's b g 2:38, 2:.37, 2:37. 2:.38i4. 2:42. (ieiieral, gr g (3 :59). Union Course, L. I., Sept. 9, 1864, .$300. Bay Mare (3 dr), 3:02, 2:59. General, blk g (3-39). A. Brown, St. Johns, N. B., Oct. 6, 1866. .$60. Tiger. Crazy Jane, 2:40, 2:.39. General, blk g (3:33), by General, dam a Knox mare. C. F. Predmore, Chittenden, Vt., Sept. 15, 1873, $200. Harry, Spruce, John Pomeroy, Allen, Billy Mack. 2:51, 2:52, 2:.52. Morristown, Vt., Aug. 12, 1874, .$225. Barney Kelly 2, American Boy, Belle Noble, Roanoke (1 dis), 2:42, 2:45,2:44,2:4,51^. Aug. 13, 1874, $200. Little Blue, Quickstej), Harry, Belle Noble, Black Warrior, Howdy, 2:42, 2:46'4, 2:46. Waitsfleld. Vt., Sept. 2, 1874, $200. Honesty, Roanoke, Rowdy, 2:42'o, 2:43?4, 2:45. Mystic Park. Boston, Nov. 10, 1874. $250. Lady Daggett, Amelia D.. Jenny Thompson, Brown Harry, Polly, 2:37, 2:37, 2:39. M. Carroll. Beacon Park, Boston, June 23, 1875, $200. David, Effle, Lady Daggett, Arthur, Little Ned, 2:33}^,2:.34J^, 2:,33. June 26, 1875, $200. Ben Flagler l, 2, Cataract, Lady Blanche (4 dis), Fred Hicks (3 dis), 2:3%, 2:29, 2:3614, 2:34, 2:36)4. Mystic Park, Boston, .July 20. 1S75. $400. Sir William Wallace. 2:34Ji, 2:33»4, 2:38. Beacon Park, Boston. July 27, 1875, .$4(X). Arthur, 2 40, 2:38, 2:40. Aug. 14, 1875, $1.50. Col. Barnes 3, Dusty 1 (4 dis), 2:33)4, 2 :3.3i4, 2:37, 2:37, 2:33)/!;. Aug. 17, 1875. .$400. ,lohn S. Heald, John T. Russell, Dick, Blanche. 2:33'/2, 2:35, 2:331^. Mystic Park, Boston, Aug. 28. 1.S75, .$2.50. Shepherd Knapp .Tr. 1, 2, John S. Heald, 2:32, 2:36, 2:32.», Aug. 30, 187.5, .$200. John S. Pleald 1, Honest Billy, 2:.33, 2:32'4, 2:.32, 2:32'.;. Sept. 20, 1875, .$75. Dustv 2, Shepherd Knapp Jr, 2:35, 2:35, 2:33^4, 2:37. D. Bigley, Jr., Beacon Park, Boston, October 13. 1876, .$200. Cassius Prince 1, 2. Honest Billv, Geortrie B., 2:369;i, 2:3414. 2:3314,2:381^, 2:.37'o. j-, vrcui^.o Dan Mace, Deerfoot Park, L. I., May 6. 1878, $50. Clara Morris 2, 4, Belle of Aberdeen (4 dr) 2.54 2:4,5)4 2:45^,2:4,5,2:461^. " \ /. ■ » May 14, 1878, $1,50. Clara Morris, Drift, Arabian Mag, 2:i7i4. 2:42. 2:40. General, b g (3:51^i). W. Hickey, JerseyCitv, N. J., .July 12, 1883, $100. Governor. 3:09H, 2-5Pi 2-.53 General H.. rn g (,3 :35). E. B. Gaddis, Somerville, N. J., Oct. 7, 1880, 1,50. Gen. Custer 3, Grocer. 2:41 'A, 2:45, 2:45, 2:41 '4. Newton, N. .L, Oct. 1.5, 1880. ,$90. Billv C. 2:4H4. 2:44. 2:3814. General Beamish, gr g (3 :36i.i). W. J. Middleton, Brampton, Out., May 24, 1878, $11.5. Arthur Bov 1. Gara- fraxa. No time. Fergus, Out., Oct. 2. 1878. 180. Eden Gokldust 2. Garafraxa. Bob Moore. 2:42, 2:41%, 2-41, 2-4114 Toronto, Out., .Inly 29. 1880, $250. Russian Spy 2, Barbara Patehen, 2:,35. 2:,35i4, 2:3514, 2 -.35 Stul)l)s i, Z'.oiy. 2 *o3* —Woodstock, Ont.. Oct. 5 and 6, 1881, .$.300. Little Billy 2, 3, Happy Abbott 5. Dundas, Topsy T. 1 (5 dis), Charley Bates (4 dr), Irene (4 dr), Mav (4 dr), 2:33. 2:.34, 2:.36, 2:32, 2:37, 2:36)4, 2:3414. Toronto, Ont., Nov. 3, 1881, .$800. Little Billy 1, 2:.35, 2:34i4, 2:;^4'/;, 2:.37. " — B. H. Demorest, Newark, N. Y., Aug. 31, 1882, .$200. St. Gothard, Lady Beekman, Schuyball, 2:343i, 2:35, 2:35. 248 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. D. McAfee. Morristowii, N. J., Sept. 3, 1882, $200. Phil Dwver, Harrv Mills, 2:35,2:40, 2:40. \V. S. Siubbs, Seraiitoii, Pa., Sept. 29, 1882, Ssoo. Nelia 1, Shainrook,"2:;i4, 2:38Vi, 2:35, 2-36. .J. McAfee, .lersey City, N. J., Nov. 9, 18i>2, .*:joo. Parole 2, 4, Ktliel jMediuiii. Toronto Chi Parole 2, 4, Ktliel jMediuiii. Toronto Chief Jr. (5 dls). 2:32'j, 2:34,L':;«J4. 2:33, 2:32'i Mr. Slublis, Toronto, Out., July ti, 1883, S400. Lady Urownell (3 0), Russian Spv 1, 2 (4 dr), 2:33Ji. 2:30. 2::iO, 2:;U2:.J4. 2::{4. 0«u<-ral Kenton, bs (3:37'i), by Jim Scott, dam Ladv Henton, by Cray's Ilambletonian. (i. Moody, Water- town, N. Y.. S. .?2.50. Happy John, Grev Eddy, 2:40, 2:41, 2:38>;i- General Itroek, gr y (!* :54). G. Harris. Rochester, N. Y., Nov. 1. 1H5(;, $1,000. Eranli Pierce 2,4, 3 K)2, 3:00. 2 ;.^8, 3 :0<), 2 SA. General Brock, b s(2::J3\ by Hooker, dam by St. Lawrence. F. Fairbanks, St. Thomas. Ont., Nov. 3, 1882, §1,000. Caledonia Cliief. No time. Mr. Guilford, Toronto, Ont., July 2, 1883, $400. Billy C. 1, Mink, Marquis, Pioneer, Lambert, 2:36, 2:34Vi, 2:39, 2:3H. A. E. Brown, Hamilton, Ont., Aug. 21. 1883, $200. Joe Stoner, Mink, Bob White, Charley Sweedan, 2 344, 2::!4, 2:;io?4. Dr. Hodgins. Brantford, Ont., Aug. 30, 1883, $200. St. Patrick 2, 3, Joe Stoner 4, Bob White, Canada Southern (;i dis), 2:30's, 2:;«?4, 2:33'2 2:37.2:37, 2:41. General Itutler, blk g (!4 :a:j;.i ), (3 :3i s), by Smith Burr, dam Isadora. Hiram Woodruff, Fashion Course, L. I., June 27. \mi\. Sl.OOO. Lady Suffolk, 2:35'/2, 2:38'2, 2:;iC. (w) Dan Mace, .June 25, 1*, 2:28'i, 2:23';.. — Sept. 21, 1803, .iJil.OOO. Prince :i, 4, Robert Fillingham (3 dV), 2:29V, 2:,32'/2, 2:29, 2:29'/s, 2:29'/i, — Washington, I). ('., Oct. 20, ISta, .Sl.OOO. Prince 3, Belle of Hartford (3 dr). 2:34^4, 2:32»4. 2:31?4, 2:29>i. ■ John Lovett, F;ishi()n Course, L. I., June 15, 1864, $1,750. John Morgan 3 (5 dis), Robert Fillingham, 1, 2 (3 dis). 2:20, 2;J5'4, 2:24, 2:33i.i, 2:31'i. D. 'lallman, Sept. 28, 186.5, $1,000. George Wilkes 1,2, Lady Emma, 2:30'/,. 2:30, 2:28ii. 2:27'». 2:3;{. ■ — J. E. KofY, Union Course, L. 1., June 12, 18G6. $1,000. Lady Emma 2 5, Commodore Vanderbilt 1, 2:25, 2:27»/2, 2:27. 2:2S,.2:29 2:;{2. — — (w) July 4, 1H66, $1,000, Panic (w), 2:36, 2:43. 2:37. Buffalo'. N. Y.. Aug. 14, 186(5. $1,000. Morrissey, Silas Rich (2 dis), 5:08, 5:18!4. Two miles. ■ Ben Mace, Chicago, 111., Sept. 8 1860, $igOO. Dexter 1 (4 dr), 2:33^. 2:27, 2:26'/2, . J. Lovett. Copake, N. Y., Nov. 2, I860, $600. Goldsmith Mare, Cora, 2:23>4. 2:25'j. 2:27. Ponghkecpsie, N. Y., June 4, 1867, $ . George M. Patchen, Jr., l, 4, 2:37^4, 2:3.3, 2:.35. 2:39, 2:35. J. Lovett, Trenton, N. J., June 14, 1867. $2,000. George M. Patchen. Jr., 1, 2, 2:31, 2:31^4, 2:32^4,2:3254, 2:33. (w). Albiinv, N. \'., .Inly 12. 1867. .$1,500. Fearless (w) 1, 2:33'.2, 2:27J£, 2:30'4, 2:30. Fashion Course, L. I., .'July 23, 1867, $1,200. Silas Rich 2, Stonewall Jackson (2dr), 4:59. 5:05, 5:08(4. Two miles. (s), Rochester, N. Y., Aug. 9, 1867,$ . Bolly Lewis (s) 1, 2:29, 2:21M. 2:32. 2:31. Chas. Revere, Chicago, 111., Sept. 6, 1867. .$900- Tackey 1, Silas Rich, Fearless (1 dls),2:31i4, 2:32'/j,2:313£, 2:28'4. (w), Sept. 7, 1867, .$800. Fearless (w), George M. Patchen, Jr. (w), 2:.34M, 2:33'4. 2:33»4. Milwiuikee, Wis.. Sept. 13, 1867. $800. Silas Rich, 3, 4, Fearless. 2:27, 2:28!i. 2:28, 2:29. 2:2"?i. Kalamazoo, Midi.. Oct. 8, 1867. $1,000. Cooley 1, 2, George M. Patchen Jr. 3, George Palmer, 2:295l£, 2:32%, 2:.32K'. 2:,3.-?, 2:33. 2:.30?i. Fashion Course, L. I., Oct. 10, 1867, $2,000. Mountain Maid, 2:28, 2:27>^, 2:299i. J. Lovett, Troy, N. Y., Oct. 21, 1867, $1,000. George M. Patchen Jr. 1, 2, 2:29, 2:32, 2:31, 2:33. Un- finish(!d. Wiishington, D. C, Nov. 9, 1867, $ . Brown George and Mate, 2:,32^4. 2:28. 2:28U. Chas. Revere, Watertown, N. Y.. June 26, 1868, $1,000. Capt. Gill 2, Commodore Nutt 1, Crazy Jane, 2:29, 2:;?0'.i. 2 :.32K>, 2:321,1, 2:3214. General Hutler. cii g (3 :40), by Mambrino Prince. C. H. Sinclair & Co., Mystic Park, Boston, Oct. 22, 1879, $75. Powder Horn, Richard. 2:43, 2:4l!4, 2:40. General Cobb, br g (3 rSl'/j;. C. Lusk, S:in Francisco, Cal., Nov. 30, 1876, $500. Molly Patchen, Kitty Clark, Gracie, 2:3,5, 2:.'!1 '/», 2:.32. General Corcoran, b g (3 :56'/.). S. J. Helling, Union Course, L. I., Nov. 24, 1864. $300. Lady Nell I, 2, Miss Nancy, Plumber Boy (w), Gypsy (w). (4dr). 2:.57Ji, 2:.58. 2:57'/2, 2:.56'.:, 2:58?4. H. Woodruff, May 22. 18(;5, .$,500. Ladv Smith 1 . 2 :58, 2 :.59i4, 2 :.58'., . 3 :00ii. (w), S. J. Helling, July 4, m;r,, .$500. Brooklyn Maid (w) 3, 3:01. 2:.58, .•!:02, 3:00. General Crook, ch s (3:38). P. J. Martin, I'ortl'and, Or. July 21, 18S2, $400. Maggie Arnold 1 4, 2:41, 2:38, 2:41'o.2:4?'4,2:40',4. ,. ^, ^ . „ General Custer, dn g (3 :46). J. Dun woody, Delaware Co., Pa. Nov. 11, 1874, $200. Gray Jim. Ned Allen. Gniy Ponv, Alabama, .Mountain I'.ov, Dan, Lady Dot, George (1 dis), 2:.56, 2:5*]/^, 2:52}4. Nov. 12', 1874, .$1.50. Alabama 1, 2, Ned All;>n, Gray Jim, Katy Did, George (1 dis.). Lady Dot (1 dls), 2:51, 2:48. 2:.50. 2:5;!K.. 2:.54. J. Y. Ross, .'Suffolk Park. Phila.. Pa.. Aug. 2.5, 1875, .$ . Jersey Boy (2 O). (3 dr). 3:03. 2:r)6. 2:46. General Custer, gr g (3:351.,). L. L. Lawrence, Brownsville, Mo.. Aug. 20. 187!), $ . Bunko Bill 1, 2, Gr.inby Maid .5, Moline, Benlomee d dls), Pat (1 dis). Baby (1 (list. 2:.50. 2:42th. 2:40, 2:48, . 2:43. Red Oak. la. June 24. 18S(i. ,«;I20. John .Jr.. Pilot. Nelly Slniw, Liglitfoot.2:44, 2:42K'i 2:4.5. Kansas City, Mo., .Iidv 1, I8HO, $200. Sam Patch 1. i2 0». Colonel R., 2:4114. 2:391;,. 2:42i4. 2:42, 2:35^. General Custer,' grg (3 :4.'i). T. M. Ahern, Flemington, N. .1., Sept. .iO, 1880, $80. Windsor II, Kate, Annie S., Careless, 2:47l2, 2:4.5, 2:48'4. Cteneral Darcy. (w) I) g (3 :33), by Gray Prince. Sam McLaughlin, Union Course, L. I., April 30, 1857, $176. I?elle of Poroland (w) 3, 2:.38, 2:';i7',4. 2:.'!9';, 2:41. May'.5, 18.57. .«150. Belle of Portland. Stella (3 dr) 2:XVi, 2:.^5, 2:36. (w) May 7. IS.-7. $2.50. B(Mle of Portland (w), 2:38. 2:38}^. 2:.39. fw) May 11, 1.S57, .$400. Stella (w), (20), Belle of Portland (w). (2 0). 2:39, 2:37, 2:36, 2:38. May 1k; 18.57, .$4.50. Stella (2 0), Belle of Portland, 2:,35, 2:38>/,, 2::53, 2:37'4. May 22, 18,57, .$.300. Woodruff's gr m, 5:22. 5:17^. Two miles. Philadelphia, Pa., June 33, 18.57, $ . Honest Dave. Stella 1, (3 dr), 2:.30. 2:41?4, 2:44i/j, 2:4254. General Kniory, b g (3:5814). A. S. Emory, Council Bluffs, la., July 3. 1872, «150. Frenchman, Iowa Girl, Dave, 2:58'4'3:t)2J4, 3:04'/,. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 249 General Evans, b g (3 -.SOU)- L. U. Butler, Sacramento, Ual., Sept. 19, 1865. $1200. Tom Jainiary (2 0), (3 dis), 2:511.1, 2:50'4, 2:51'2. General Kvving, b .s (3:37), by VViiulsor, (lam Tullytovvn. J. F. Fritz, Belmont Park, Pliila., May 24, 1883, .i?LiOO. Magnolia, 2 :39'4, 2:41%. 2:41' o. Mt. Holly, N. ■!., Oct. 10, 1883, .t!200. Lady Aitken 2, Eva 1, Handsome Lambert, Bertha Chandler, Leo, 2:3914. 2:36M, 2:37, 2:37%, 2:.HT',2. General Forrest, b g (3 :48;4,). Jas. Odell, Mempliis, Tenn., June 16, 1866, $1,000. Henry O'Neill 1, (2 dis), 2:59!4, 2:51' 2. Aug. 4. 1866, $500. Roanoke 1, 2, 2:52'2, 2:52%. 2:.53'2^2:48?i. Unfinished. General Gano. b s (3 :31), by William Welch. John Koster, Newton, 111., Sept. 28, 1883, $90. Judge Mc., Hleronymus. Best time 2:51. (i. W. Ayres, Alliion, 111.. Oct. 4. 1883, $'-,0. McCarty's b g, Matheny's b g, 3:08, 3:15, 3:06. Oct. 5, 18iv!. .i^Tf). Matheny's b g, (,'astor's b g, 3:20'^, 3:15'2, 3:07. General Garfield, ( Bedford), b g (3 :'^l ). by Kentucky Black Hawk, dam by Capt. Walker. Geo. M. Baker, Calcsburi;, ill.. ( )ct. r-,, 1876, $1,000. Badger Girl 3, (5 0;, Lady Turpm, Sleepy Bill (2 0), (3 dr), 2:39J4, 2:26}4, 2:28' 2. 2 :3()'.i, 2 :29' .i. 2 :.33%. ii. Hough, Akron, O., July 4, 1879, $400. Daniel the I'rophet, Hunter, 2:36, 2:34, 2:34. General Garfield, blk s ^3 :43'/2). Kobt. Dempster, Lambertville. N. J., Sept. 17, 1880, $50. John H. Spencer 2, Herdic 4, James Howell Jr., American Star. 2:43io, 2:51, 2:48, 2:46^. Stallions. General Garfield, b s (3 :37%). by American Clay, dam by Sebastopol. M. Wolf, Kcd Oak, la., Sept. 2, 1880, " "■ . -. „ fohn C. Fremont (3 dr). 2:4S'2, 2:44^4, 2:4.5, $100. Bogardus, Flora S.. John ■ Cedar Rapids, la., June 16, 1881, $300. Tom Kirkwood 3, Little Frank. Lady Bishop ^2 dis),'2:39'^, 2: 2:4314,2:42. J.H.Young, Marshalltown, la., June 23, 1881, $300. Doctor Sheppard, Little Frank, Herald. 2:38J4, 2;39U 2:4514. ^Des Moines. la., June 29, 1881, .$300. Tom Kirkwood (10), Trapeze, Humble, Little Frank, 2:37%, 2:40, 2:45' 2, 2:43. General Garfield, b g (3 :37), by Jim Scott. G. Moody. Gouverneur, N. Y., Sept. 6, 1882, $12.5. Zadoc 3, 4, Cora B. 5,6, Casey Mare, Mary Burns (3 dr). Best time, 2:37. M. J. Morseman, Sept. 4," 1883. $200. Middletown Jr., Black Prince, 2.42.2:42. Stallions. General Geary, br g (3 :45). F.Wagner, Wilkesbarre, Pa., Sept. 9, 1867, $ . White Horse 1, 2:45, 2:45, 2:45'2, 2:47. J. Lovett, Harrisburgh, Pa., Sept. 30, 186S, $ . Prester John, J. Raymond, Johnny Trouble, 2:48, 2:47. Gen. Geo. A. Ballard, blk s (3:37), by Young Kix. C.H.Ryan, St. Albans Vt., Aug. 31, 1882, $100. Ethan Allen, Como (2 dis) Vermont Ethan (1 dis), 2:45. 2:49, 2:46. W. Landon, Burlington, Vt., Oct. 12, 1882, $400. Black Joe 1, Sarah B., 2:39. 2:41, 2:41 14, 2:37i4. St. Albans, Vt.. Sept. 7, 1883. Bellevue Boy 1, Yoimg Columbus, 2:.;8. 2:37 ., 2:37, 2:37|^, C. H. Ryan, Moj-nsville, Vt., Sept. 26, 1883, .¥12). (iray Nelly, Lookout, Moscow, 2:42, 2:38, 2:38. Sept. 26,' 1883, $1.jO. Black Johnny, Lookout, Moscow, 2:37'^, 2:37(2. 2:42. General Golddust, b s (3 :39). by Golddust. dam Sprightly. Mr. Leib, Catlin. 111., Sept. 8, 1880, $100. Smug- gler 3, Bay Henry, Black Cloud. A. B. Powell, May Bee, Henry L. (4 dr), 2:.50. 2:51, 2:4«, 2:39. General Grant (Billy), ch g (3 :38). S. S. Grant, St. Louis, Mo., Nov. 11, 1863, $500. Jersey Boy 2 (3 dis), Harry Neal (3 dis), Quaker Boy (3 dis), 5:21, 5:2.5, 5:35. Two miles. Nov. 12, 1863, .$500. Nabockiish, Jersey Boy. Fancy Jack, 5:18, 5:20i4. Two miles. General Grant, br s (3 :35) (3 :33*). Geo. Mansur, Chicago, 111., June 28, 1864, $150. Dick Turpin 2, 3, Carrie 4 ll 0) (5 dis), 2:43, 2:41. 2:40'/4, 2:40, 2:42. 2:44, 2:50. July 8, 1864, $100. Dick Turpin 1, Waukaw Chief, 2:39^, 2:37, 2:40, 2:40i4. July 30, 1864. $150. Dayton Belle, Carrie (w), 2:43. 2:36, 2:35. Kalamazoo, Mich., July 22, 1865, .$ . Flying Childers 1 (4 0), 2:45, 2:37, 2:38, 2:37, 2:40. Columbus. O., Aug. 17, 1869, $150. Little Molly 3, Naiad, 3:00(2. 2:.59, 2:58. 2:58;4. General Grant, b g ;(3 :41). T. D. Marsh, Lowell, Mass., Sept. 7, 1871, $100. Duff's rn g 1, TonsvCl di9> 2:51i4, 2:4614. 2:43, 2:50'2 * ^ f j k „ General Grant, bg (3:34). E. Flannery, Burlington, Vt., Sept. 6,1871, $ioo Fred Billings 3, Lady Alger. 2:44,2:45.2:49. 2:45. .' & . Sept. 7. 1871, $175. Billy Bowlegs 1, Fred Billings 2:5014, 2:481^, 2:44, 2:43%. Montreal, P. Q.. June 5, 1872. $800. Fanny Lambert, C. C. Spring (3 dis), 2:35*4. 2-34. 23.5. J. Williams, Chittendon, Vt., Sept. 16, 1873, $150. Kitty Pearl 1, 3, General 2, Billy Bowlegs, 2:43, 2:45i/4, 2:49,2:47, 2:47.2:47, .&,./». General Grant, ch s (3 :31), by Wapsie, dam by Hanley's Hiatoga. John L. Wilson, Muscatine, la., Sept. 18, 1872,800. Billy Jacobs, 3:0014, 3:0.5. Three-vear-olds. Chicago, 111., July 3, 1873, .$700. Quickstep, 3:10, 3:04%. 2:59. Four-vear-olds. Joliet, 111., July 8, 1873, $1,200. Gray Eddie 3, Fox, Maggie Mitchell, S. W. Cooper (1 dis), 2:42, 2:42i4, 2:40,2:44. '^ ■> A. P. Stevens, South Bend. Ind., Sept, 24, 1873, $125. Irish Boy, 3:04';, 3:00. Four-year-olds. Laporte, Ind., Sept. 30, 1873, $100. Flying Dutchman, Dolly (l dis), Flora (l dis). Poll (1 dis), 3:36i4, 3:23. Four-year-olds. Freeport, 111., Oct. 17, 1873. $500. Anti Monopoly, General Mack, Daisy, Silver Lock (1 dis), 2:4854, 2:46, 2:47. Four-year-olds. East Saginaw, Mich., June 2.5, 1874, $1,500, Mambrino Star, Joe Wolferd, Lottie, Bertha, Diamond, Alvord, Russell, Ella Clay (l dis). 2:39)/^. 2:33, 2:33%. -Marengo, 111., Oct. 2 and 3, 1874, $600. Col. Barnes 1, Amy B. 2, Gold Leaf, Tornado (5 dr), Bismark (4 dr). 2:32(4, 2:32, 2:30, 2:301^, 2:30. Cambridge City, InS., Oct. 21, 1874, $800. Shanty, Phoebe C, Hylas, Glencoe Golddust, Woodpecker (iolddust, Hattie Shawhan (l dis), 2:36, 2:.30%, 2:37%. Terre Haute, Ind., May 11, 1875, $750. Prince, Lady Patterson, Molsey, Professor, Billy Britton (1 dis), 2:291^, 2:3,5, 2 :.30. Peru, Ind., May 19, 1875, $1'000. Molsey, Harrj Mitchell, Lady Byron, Lady Patterson, Dolly, 2:29,2:31%, 2::iO!4. ■ May 20, 1875, $1,200. Harry Mitchell, Monarch Jr., 2:46(2, 2:4414, 2:43. Cambridge City, Ind., June 1, 1875, $1,000. Lady Byron 2, Grafton, Harry Mitchell, Moss Rose, Billy Spencer (3 tlr), 2:31, 2:2814. 2:42, 2:45(4. Chicago, 111., July 20, ls76, $1..500. Ladv Byron 3, Monroe, Mazo Manie, Lady Griswold, Granville, Loa- fer (4 dr), Bertie (3 dr), 2:25i4, 2:25. 2:30, 2:31. Cleveland, O., July 26, 1876, $2,500. Trio 1, Planter. Marion, Mattie, Banquo, Lady K., Calmar (3 dr), 2:23%, 2:25%, 2:2.5%. Buffalo, N. Y'., Aug. 2, 1876, $2,,50O. Mattie 3, Trio 1, Planter, Marion, Damon, Hattie R., Banquo (5dr). Colbuni (2 dr). 2:2.314, 2:2.5. 2:22%. 2:25. 2:26. Rochester,N. ¥., Aug. 9. l876..$2..5no. l'lanter2,Trio3, Marion, Damon(l dis),2:22(4, 2:25, 2:24.2:22i^, 2:21. Generr-l Grant, b s (3 :41) Bryan Brady. London, Ont., June 4, 1873, $250. Forest Maid, Whitefoot, Sena- tor. Messenger. 2:57, 2:50%, 2:59. 250 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. G. Forbes, Woodstock Out., Oct. 13. 1874, S160. J. 11. Boyle. Jessie. Twuiiisi-h Girl, George Brown. Senator. :i:4.5. '2A6. Gem-iiil Grant (\v,i, c-i.-SOii vv). Budd Doble, San Francisco, Cal., Dec. 5, 1874, SMM). Lady Thorn (w), 3, General (iiiiiit. liik s ('4 :40). bv Shvlock. dam by, Strader's C. M. Clay. J. W. Hartzell, Cambridge, 111., Aug. 25, \Hir,, $1{M). Fly, Lady Hnish, 'loin Dodge(o dis;. Cadet (3 dr) 2:49'4, 2:.">3, 2:.j3^. -V. 1'. Fisk, Sept. 1, 1«7«, §150. F'raucis, Colonel Knox, Buy Billy, Elder Fogue. Fly, Mabel, 2:40, 2:42, General <;rant, oh s (3:55), by .\nen C. Patclien. dam hv Tlaiiilili'tniiiar.. W. H. Woods. Fargo, D. T., July 4. iss-;. $ . Charlemagne. Billv. Artronaut il dls). i;:.")7, 3:00, •.':.05. lieneral (iroene, b s (a:30',i), bv -Vjax. dam Lady Slieau, by Anierican Star. <.'. S. Keiiyoii. Providence, K. I.. .Mig. J, iKsi, .J300. Mary li. 1,-', linlli, l.e.xington, Lizzie (5dr). Brunette (4 dr), 2:34'-, ■_':;!7. L':3G, 2:35' j. 2:37' J. A. Green, Beacon Park, Boston, June 21, 1S83, 8400. Centurion 1, Muriel, Ilarrv I).. Lizzie M., Laady Ten Urutck, 2::)0>j,2:4(S'2, 2:401.1. 2:48';. General Haneoek, grg (2:41). L. A. Phillips, Dayville, Conn., Oct. 29, 1870. S 100. Belle 3 (4 0), Prince 1 (2 dis), Kthan (l dis), Harry (,1 dis), Webster Boy (.1 dis), Lizzie Douglass (1 dist, 2:4G, 2:45' j, 2:.^0'4, 2:57H, 2,45'.,,2:51>.i. Providence, R. I., Nov. IC. 1870, S1.30. Eolus (3 dis), Ida (3 dis). Blackbird (1 dis). 2:47, 2:49. 2:4L General Hancock, b g I'-J :35 1, by LlLClitning, d;im by .Viiu'ricau Star. .J. A. Lovejov, .Minneapolis, Minn., .Iiilv .'., iKNi. $500. Irene, C'api'lola. Lady Florence. Lailv KUiot, 2::J0. ?42:2h'.,, 2:31. ./ulv 5. 18S3. .S.500. Capitola, Lady Elliot, Lady Floreiice, Zig, 2:;J2?4, 2:30',, 2:32. .Aug. 28, 1883, vS500. Charh'V Clia'niii 1, Catharine 4. 2:31'^, 2:32'/s, 2:3194. 2:30f4, 2:27?4. Aug. 31. 1883, .S . t aiit. herod. Pedro, 2 :25, 2 :29. General Hatch, b s(!J:47), bv Strader's C. .M. Clay Jr., dam by imp. Envoy. B. Ilershev. Muscatine, la.. May :i, 1870, S . Lady Mack i (2 dis). Stranger (2 dis), 3:00K., 2:47. General Hayes, b g (2 :40). U. Duuly, Warwick, N. Y., Aug. 17, 1876, $300. Bismarck, Whalebone, Newbridge (iirl. Flora, 2:45'.2,2:40. 2:45K'- General Haves, bs {'S :llh). W. J. Yorrick, Sandusky, O., Sept. 20, 187G, $16. Hiatoga Billv. Hiatoga Duke, 3:,l0'.i, 3:1114,. Three-.vear-olds. General Hood, bg (3 :3i'4). Lewis Jones, Augusta, Ga., Feb. 19. 1875. $150. Quicksev. Black Dick (I dis), 2:40i4, 2:42'4, 2-A(iU- March 30, 1875, $150. Sand Hill, 2:47'2, 2:45, 2:42}^. General Hooker, rn g (3:53). J. G, Gallup, Boston, Mass., July 18. 18C>7, $300. (ieii. Meade, Nelly Ilalev, 3:03^4, 3:0514,, 2:.57?4. D. Bigley, Boston. Mass., Aug. 3, 1809, .$300. City Point 1. 2(5 0), 2:.53, 2:53?4, 2:53, 2:54. 2:54, 2:54^. General Howard. K'ountry Boy), or g (3 :36i4), by Badger Boy. S. Anderson, Milwaukee, Wis., Aug. 28, 18(;9. $200. Minnesota. Belle, F'orrest Maid, 2:3894. 2:41?4, 2:38ii. Oct. 30, 18C9, $200. Fanny Lee 3, (4 0), 2:35, 2:3(>'4, 2:.S4i4, 2:33. Unlinished. Jolin Demas, Toledo, ()., .fuly 4. 1871, $500. Royal Magna 2, Cozette 1. Kansas Maid. Dart (4 dis), Den- mark (4 dis), •2::i6U,, 2:;jG^, 2:3{), 2:37ii,2:36'/2. Rochester, N. V., Aug, 2, 1871, $800. Norwood 1, 4. Dutch Boy 2, liillv llotsjiur (o dis). Lady Stilwell (6 dis). Lady Douglass (6 cUs), 2:35"», 2:35, 2:.36>4, 2:39;i, 2:38, 2:37H'- Chicago, 111., Aug. 25, 1871, $2,500, Barnev 2, (4 0), Transit 1, (5 dis), Ida May, Kate Hazard, Lilly Swarlz (3 dis), 2:.{2, 2:31*4. 2:;«'4, 2:33»4, 2:34i4, 2:323£. llawleyCole, Waukesha, Wis., Oct. 10 and 11, 1873, $ . Phil Sheridan 1, 3. Buckskin, 2::*4?4. 2:34'/,, 2:3(;, 2::<8, 2:34?4. (ieo. Carroll, Milwaukee, Wis., June 27, 1874, $ . Medoc, Lew Day, 2:39',j. 2:37, 2:31. W. W. Langdon, (irand Haven, Mich., Aug. 19, 1874. $700. Albert 1, {lattie. Lady Turi)in, Small Hopes, Anthony Wavne. Little Sam (I dis), 2:35W, 2:.S7, 2:31'/2, 2:.37. Aug. 20. 1874, $7i"io. W. 11. Mitchell, Albert, May Howard, Lady Turpin, Small Hopes, Anthony Wayne (3 (lis), 2:31, 2::!0'4, 2:31i.,. (Jeo. Carrol, Karlville, 111., Aug. 26, 1874, $550. Amy B., Young Wilkes, Lady Mack, Professor, Sam Iloustxm (1 dis), 2:.35, 2:.33. 2:.37'4. Svcairiore, 111., Sept. 1, 1874, .¥700. Albert, Y'oung Wilkes, Amy B. 1, (4 dis), Omaha Dan (4 dis), Hattie (4 dfsi, 2:.f5i4, 2:31, 2:.32, 2:31. S. W. Cranger, Davenport, la., Sept. 10, 1874, $1,000. Albert, Whalebone, Lady Fox, 2:35,2:34, 2:32. Waukegan, 111.. Oct. 1, 1874, $2.50. Phil Sheridan 1, Fox 3,2:31?4, 2:3034, 2 :30i/4, 2:36, 2:33. Oct. 3, 1874. $(;fK). Phil Sheridan 1, Fox, 2:33i2, 2::?2U,. 2:35, 2:31?4. Fon (111 L;ic. Wis., Oct. 16, 1874,$ . Badger Girl 2 (4 0), 2:32i4. 2:31i4, 2:30, ,2:30Ji. Win. H. Doble, Suffolk Park. Phila., May 16, I87(i, $1,200. Slow Go 3. Bay Mare 4, Effle Deans, Bay Jack, Lookout, Kildred, Sand Hill(2 dis). Planter (2 dis), 2:28,2:26Vi, 2:26'4,2:26U, 2:31i4. Point Breeze Park, Phila., May 22, 1877, $600. Gray Chief 4. 5. Barney Kelly 3, Hannis (5 dis), 2:34, 2:32, 2:3112, 2 ;3;i. 2 : .32 ' " , 2 :3.5. General Jackson, (3:44'2). Thos. Carpenter, Palmer, Mass., Oct. 11. 1866, $ . Five others, 2:.')0, 2:r>l'4, — Oct. 12. 1866, ,« . Toby Candor 3, 2:46'i, 2 :44'/2, 2 :44, 2:45. General Jackson, grs (3:01^4). G. W. Ferguson, Marshalltown, la., June 15. 1872. $100. Nigger .loe 1, 2, Sh'ei.v Dan, Kitty Allett. 3:12=!.i, 3:12',,, 3:03i'4, 3:0.3i.i, 3:08i4. General Jackson, lir s (3 :53), by the Iliiniphrev Horse, dam Nelly, byCol. Crockett. Ira C. Harmon. Lee, Me.,- .hilv 4, 1873, $ . Paddv. Best time, 2:53. General Knox,.l)lk s(3:31K>)- i)v Vermont Hero, dam by Searcher. T.S.Lang, Waterville, Me., Oct. 22, 18(;3, $ . Hiram Drew. 2:32'2. 2:32, 2:34. Springfiehl. Mass.. Sept. — . 1864, $ . Draco. Duke of Wellington, and one other. 2:31'j, 2:37, 2:34i^. Waterville, Mc, Oct. 12, 1864, $5.5. Palmer's Horse, 2:;W. General Knox, blk s (3 :43i, bv General Knox. (!. M. Stevens. St. .lohnsbury, Vt., Sept 21,1876. $200. Honest .loe 3, niack .Iohnny,'Coaclim;iii. John B., Auctioneer, Black .limmy, 2:45, 2:4.3. , 2:4rew Horse, (lam by Shark. G. M. Robin- son, Bangor. Mv.. Aug. 31. 18i>4, $300. Garibaldi, 2:o(i'.i, 2:;J4, 2:33. Bellast, .'Me.. Se|)t. 21, ist^l. »200. Geo. B. MeClellan 1, 2:29, 2:31, 2:28, 2:20. Short track. O. M. Shaw, Waterville, .Me., Oct. 12, mA, .§125. Gen. Grant, Don Juan, 2:44, 2:41, 2:37. Stallions. Boston Mass.. Sept. 21, I860, ijtXiO. Leviathan, Ticonlc, 2:33'4, 2:32',2. 2:34i!i. (\v, J. S. Turner. Sept. 25, iwi.'.. $3,000. Fearnaugbt (\v), 2:;37, 2:40i.i, 2:3«J4. O. INL Sli;i\\. lOllsworth, .Me.. Sept. 28, 1865, $\'>(). Dirigo, 2:.'il, 2::i0, 2:29. Boston, Mass., Sept. 14, 1866, $ . Young Morrill. Danville Bay, 2:33i'4, 2:379^, 2:363i. Dan .Miice, I-'ashion Course. L. I., May 24, 1S67, $600. Canaan, 2:';!!'^, 2:35. 2:36-S4. (w) .June 10, 18C7, .?2.000. Coniniodore Vaiulerbilt (\vj, Ci Oi, 2:;«);'.i, 2:31).^, 2:31 ',4, 2:30^4, Rochester, N. Y., Aug. 7, 1867, $800. Latliani 2, Bolly Lewis, .;;:;.f'.i, 2::53'4, 2:35V2, 2:»4'^. S. Daniels. Sacniniento, Cal., Sept. 25, 1868, .S200. Sorrel Charley 2, Jersey Maid (3 dis), Ben Franklin. (3ais). (;eneva Maid (3 dr), 2:40'2, 2:3i)i)4, 2:38, 2:43's. General Mcriellan, b g (3 :49). 1). O'Meara. Sonierville, N. J., Oct. 6, 1864, $50. Star Douglass, Whitings ch ni 2:49, 2:.5fi. 2:r>2'i. General McClellan, ch s (2:.56). Jesse Cliristy, Doylestown, Pa... Oct. 6, 1869, $15. Kemble Jackson, Young Patclicn. Kentucky John, Zollicoffer, 3:18. Oct. ."J, 1872, $75. Monsieui- Chief 2,3(10), Delaware Patchen 4, 5, 3:03, 2:58^,3:02, 3:03,3:02, 2:5994. 2:56, 3:00. General McPherson, ch g (2:34'/s. W. H. Potts, Cleveland. O., July 18, 18C6, $1,000. Sir Walter, 2:36V^. 2:;!4'2, 2:36».i. General Meade ch s(3:53'/2). John Farrel, Warren, O., Aug., 11,1877, $35. Bay Billy 1 , Singular (2 dr), 2:.5.-)'2,2:.')2i4, 2:.54. General Meagher, b g (2:40). E. L. Norcross, Boston, Mass., Oct. 6, 1865, $500. Lady Bliss, 2:40, 2:41, 2:40'4 General Morrill, b s (2:54). J. B. Fasset, Nashua, N. H., Sept. 5. 1877, $ . Belle Knox, Maggie, 3:04, 3:00. 2:59 (ireenfield, N. H., Sept. 16, 1880, $75. Count Runiford 1, 2:55. 2:54, . Stallions. General Morris (3 :58). Mr. Russell, San Luis Obispo, Cal., Nov. 17, 1883, $1:00. Brown's mare 1, 3:07, 2:.58, 3:00. General Mott (2 :35i4). C. H. West, Trenton, N. J., Sept. 19, 1867, $230. Rocky Hill. 2:S;-.i4, 2:3t!'.i, 2:36M- General Mulford, b g (3 :37). A. E. Covell, Mvricks, Mass.. Sept. 21, 1871, $85. Deacon 1 2, Brown Nathan, Cook's gr m (5 dr). Unknown (2 dr), 2:44. 2:41 '/j, 2:44, 2:39, 2:38. Sept. 22, 1871, .$310. Helen, tJaribaldi, 2:37. 2:38, 2:39. General Norcross, bg (3:39). T. Hughes, Suffolk Park, Phila., July 9 and 10, 1878, $100. Columbia 2, 3, Hard Pan, Clark Chief, Ike Smith. Belle Strideawav (2 dis), 2:45, 2:42, 2:40, 2::«, 2:39. Woodbury, N. J., July 19, 1878. $250, Lady Sharp 2, 3, Burnloist, 2:404, 2:39'2, 2:41. 2:40, 2:40. General Patchen, bs(3:4«), by Tom M. Patchen, dam by (General Knox. J. R. McCrilles, Woonsoeket, R. I., July 30 1878, $150. Democrat, Royal Tom, Ben, Charles N., Gray Eagle, Black Crow, Betsy (2 dis), 2:46, 2:48,2:46. General Picton,gr g (2:30), by Rattler, dam by Sumner's Morgan. John George Jr., Parker City Pa., Oct. 14, 1874, $400. Philadelphia Boy, Billy Collins, Joker, Raft, Sleepy Tom, 2:35, 2:32'4, 2:3iy2, St. Petersburgh, Pa., June 15, 1875, $400. Belle Brasfield, Orange Billy, 2:32, 2:31 ?4, 2:31'/^. June 17, 1875, $600. Nelly Irwin 1, Magnolia, 2:32' 2, 2:32, 2 :31'4, 2:35. General Pierce, en g (2 :49). A. Duryea, Centreville. L. I., April 24, 1854, $150. Unexpected, Saratoga Maid, Hardware. Nelly Bly, 2:54>/2, 2:54,2:49. General Put, b s (2 :40i^). F. A. Leland. Burlington, Vt., Sept. 29,1865, $ . Y'oung America 2, Gen. Stannard,3:05, 3:02, 2:59. Sept. 11, 1868. $150. Gray Norman 2, Whalebone (4 dr), 2:41, 2:45, 2:41, 2:44. Stallions. Middlebury, Vt., Oct. 7, 1868, $75. Gray Norman, 2 :45, 2 :45. Hoi)e & Leland, Burlington, Vt., Sept 17, 1869, $2.W. Gray Norman 3, 2:4.5, 2:40'^, 2:42, 2:43. General Putman,(w), rn g (^:48). Hiram Woodruff. Union Course L. I., Sept. 7, 1855, .'57r)0. Rachel (w), .1 (4 dis),Lady Byron (w)(4 dr), 2:48, 2:50 2:55. 3:08. General Keno, blk s (3 :30Ji). by Black Hawk. A. F. Smith, Sacramento, Cal., May 8, 1872, $1,000. Grant 1. Jim Cook, Liidy Emma (3 dis). Democrat (1 dis), 2:38, 2:35i4, 2:34>/2. •2:3(iU. D. Dennison, Reno, Nev., Sept. 14, 1876, $600. Alice, Sweetbrier, John Chambers 1, (4 dis), 2:40, 2:38, 2:371^,2:37. Stockton, Cal., Sept. 28, 1876, $300. Lady Cnmmings 2, Gus, 2:3394, 2:3194. 2:3094, 2:31 ?4. San Francisco, Cal., Oct. 10. 1876, $1,000. Venture 1, Alexander, Billy Haywood, James Lick (2 dis), 2:29, 2:31»/4, 2:31'/2, 2:331^. Stallions. J. Tate, Sacramento, Cal., ,Iulv 16, 1879, $1,000. Dan V. 2, 3, 2:38, 2:36^1, 2:37. 2:44 "i, 2:4294. General Sarsfield, dig (3:34). J.F. Fullerton, Winnipeg, Man., Oct. 11, 1882. $500. W. J., Susie B., Sir John.2:48?4. 2:48, 2:49k. May 31, 1883, $.500. Minneapolis 1, Bay Ge6rge, Gen. Mack, HonestQuaker (3 dis), W. J. t3dis), Seal- skin Jofi (3 dr), 2:369i(, 2:37;i, 2:36, 2:369ii. General S<:ott (w), b g (2:46). Jas. Ward, Philadelphia, Pa., April 18, 1853, $250. Conklin's ch h (w), 2:50. 2:46. General Scott, br s (2 :47). Mr. Allyn, Cromwell. Conn., Oct. 15, 1853, $200. Deacon Dart, 2:49, 2:51, 2:47. Hartford. Conn., Nov. 17, 1853, $50. Deacon Dart, 2:58, 3:00. General Scott, b g (2 :44i^). S. Baker, Plainville, Conn., Sept. 12. 1872, $ . Black Diamond, Jenny Nor- ton, 2:44K>, 2:451-4.2:49. General Scott, I) s (2 ■.my,), by Garibaldi, dam by Nonpareil. H. Bull, Jr.. Providence, R. I., Sept. 10. 1879. SI.W. Dom Pedro, Topsail, "Robert Emmett, 2:.50i4, 2:55, 2:.5m. Stallions. General Sheridan, br g (3 :43). Joseph Le Fleur, Hartford, Conn., July 15, 1865. $1,000. Neal Dow 2, 2:44i4. 2:46!/., 2:49. 2:49'4. Springfield. Mass.. Aug. 19. l80,'->, $ . Wellswood 1. Dollv Dutton. 2:.51, 2:.')1. 2:49, 2:47. .). H. Williams, North:inipton, Mass., Sept. 21, 186,5. $7.5. Hotwiiter 1, 2, Prince (w) (4 dr), 2:47, 2:415, 2:45, 2:44. 2:4.!. o. Fowler, Springfield, Ma.ss., July 22, 1867, $100. Gen. Sherman 2, 3, Columbus 1. 2:46 2:47}^, 2:4.3i^, 2:45, 2:43. 2:42'/i. E. C. Robinson, Oct. 2. 1867. $76. Calamitv. Buckskm, 2:45'.i, 2:41, 2:42'/j. —. — Oct. 31, 1867, .fSlOO. Wildcr'S ch g 2:47. 2:.Wi, 2;.5n. Amherst. Mass., Sept. 29. 1869, .$7.5. Bhick Betty. 2:47'-, 2:46. 2:42. W. S. Hollingsworth. Troy, N. Y., Se|)t. 29, 1870", $12.5. George Taffe 2. Black .lack. Black Mare (2dr),3:0l. 2 ::,<), 2:57,2:57, General Sheridan, ch g (2 :45). A. Martin. Ellsworth. Me., Sept. 28. 1865, $20. Blanco (3 dr), 2:47, 2:45. J. H. Coombs, Portland. Me., Oct. 6, 186s, .$200. White Cloud 2:51. General Sheridan, b s (3 :56U). T. G. Thompson, Oswego, N. Y., Nov. 29, 1870, $.50. Oneida Maid, Gray Eagle. No time. Sept. 13, 1871, $60. Black Hawk 1,3:04, 3:00, 3:00 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TKOTTING AND PACING RECORD. 2B3 Mexico. N. Y. , Sept. 9. 1875. $40. Clarence. 3:10, .3:06, 3:22. Stallions. Oswego Falls, X. Y., Sept. 23, 1875. .IfoO. (iolden Eagle, 3:01. 3:00. General Sherman, b s (,» :37 ). J. J. Bowen, Boston, Mass., May 20, 1865, ^100. Sorrel John, Niblo, 2:39, 2 :38, 2 :-lO. . )une6, 186.5,S300. Draco 1, 3, 2:44, 2:42. 2:48, 2:45. 3:00. 1. K. Mavnard, Keene, N. H.. Sept. 28, 1865, S200. (ien. Sheridan, Gen. Marvel, 2:45, 2:43. 2:47. T. S.C'arpenter, Providence, K. I., Oct 12, l.s6.-i, .•^ . Mace's ch s 2, ."):39'2, 5:40, 5:32'/2. Two miles. New Haven, Conn., Oct. 2(). Lsii"), s\-jrK Hom^st Abe, Bav I'rince, 13:55'/.'.. Five nnles. Mr. LivinKSton, Lowell, Mass.. May 31, IStiii, S'.OO. Black Fannv 1 (i 0), 2:44, 2:47, 2:44, , 2:47. Wni. Wellman, .luae 12, ISOG, .S2,Ouo. Black Faimy 1, 2 (o disi, 2:36'2, 2:38^4, 2:41. Geo. P. Maynard, Boston, Mass, July 18, 186i), .§500. White Stocking, 2:48^, 2:45, 2:49. General .Sherman (w), urg t,'Z:5:r,l'-i. 2":.57. 2:.5.5. 2:59. General Sherman, br g (3 :33). C. Stryker. Suffolk Park. Phila., Pa., Sept. 11, 1865, §175, Lady Rose 3, 2:42, 2:421^,2:38,2:39. wrH. Dobie, Sept. 14, 1865, .SIOO. Lady Rose. Washington Jackson (3 dr). .ALxrv (1 dis), 2:36, 2:33, 2:36. (wi, Sept. 18. 1805, $17.5. Lady Rose (w). 2:44'/2, 2:46'», 2:.J6. General Sherman, b g (,3 :43i4), by Rising Sun. John Smith, Portland. Me., Aug. — , 1866, $500. Phil Sheri- dan, 3:03, 2:57,2:49. Sept. 8, 1866, .$50. Dan Webster 3. Lady Franklin. 2:47' 2, 2:50, 2:52, 2:48. (w), Geo. H. Bailey. Oct. 6, 1866, .■S400. j)aii Webster (W). 2:48, 2:47, 2:47. T. S. Carpenter, troy. N. V., June 23. 1808, .S300. Bodine's b m 2, Ella 1, 2:,54'.,, 2:52i.i,. 2:.o0, 2:51M, 2:.54. Dan Mace, Boston, Mass., Sept. 22, 1869, S500. Jenny Spencer, Lady Lightloot, Lady Emma, Sorrel .fohn, 2:46J4, 2:421/2, 2:4.5, 2:45'/2. General Sherman, blk s (3 :37V^), by Gen. Knox, dam by Hiram Drew. V. S. Palmer, Foxcroft, Me., June 13, 1870, $110. Bully Brooks 1, Dashaway, 2:42. 2:37'<>, 2:4514, 2:44. Bangor, Me., Aug. 1. 1870. $150. Bully Brooks 3, Green Mountain Boy. Target (3 dis), 2;39, 2:39, 2:40i4, 2:401^. General .Sherman, (Chester Thomas Jr.), b g (3 :33}^), by son of Draco. R. Vv'. Ludington. Lawrence, Kan., July 1, 1871, Prize, silver. Jane, 2:.58'^4, 2:57. GcneralSherman, gr g(3:38?i), by Pilot .Ir. A. C. Fisk, .Tackson. Mich., June 25, 1872, $1,000. Wade Hampton (l 0), Jonn Chambers, Maggie Casey (3 dis), Hattie (3 dis). Jenny Moore (1 dis), Ida (l dis), 2:36, 2:.34. 2:29?^, 2:35. June 20, 1872. SI.OOO. Ella Wilson 3, Nelly (4 dr), Lizzie D. (4 dr). Lady Suffolk (1 dis), Kimball (1 dis), St. .lohns il dis). Jenny (1 dis). 2:31 ?4, 2:3514. 2:34, 2--34. Hillsdale, Mich.. July 5, 1872, $400. Lady Blake. 2:38!^. 2:34?i, '>:26U. Battle Creek, Mich., Oct. 17, 1873. $.500. Stump Puller~l, 6, Little Longfellow 3, 5, 2:38' 2, 2:31?i, 2-Mli, 2;30i4, 2:3U4, 2:35i4, 2:331;. Howell, Mich., June 3, 1874, .$450. Ohio Boy 2. Western Boy, 2:.33. 2:321,1. 2:.30. Fort Wayne, Ind., Sept. 8 and 9. 1874. .$500. Harry Mitchell 2, (3 Oi, Kate Campbell 1, Silversides, Bay Sally, 2:30i2, 2:3014, 2:33i2, 2:31,2:30. 2:31}^. Sept. 11. 1874, .$800. Kate Campbell l, May Howard. Harry Mitchell, 2:33!^, 2:3194, 2:3214, 2:34i/2. Joseph Berrv, Hillsdale, Mich., Aug. 12, 1875, $ . Mainbrino Warner 1, Harry Mitchell, Huckleberry, Small Hopes, Sue Monday (4 dis). Jim Fisk (1 dis). 2:3514. 2;38i4, 2:33, 2:33. Battle Creek, Mich.. Sept. 4. 1875, .$.500. Harry Mitchell, 2:29, 2:29, 2:3014. Adrian, Mich., Oct. 16, 1878, .$22.50. Lady Moscow .3, 6, (5 0), Brown Dick 1, (6 dis). 2:.36, 2:33, 2:3714, 2:42, 2:.37?4, 2:40. 2:37J^. General .Sherman, (3:43). J. McCabe, Rutland, Vt., Sept. 12, 1873, $17.5. Black Niaht 3, Storm King, Gen- eral, 2:4514, 2:44, 2:42M, 2:43. General Sherwood, br g (3:59?i). C. W. Hughes, Tiffin. O.. Oct. 3, 1883, $80. Jennie GoUldust, White Stocking, 3:00, 3:00, 3:01. Oct. 4. 1883, .$80. White Stocking. Dandy. Livery Girl (5 dr), 2:59y, 3:00. 3:00, 3:02, 3:01. General Sickles, b g (3 iSO'j). J. J. Flynn. Boston, Mass., May 9, 1866, $150. Fort Hill Boy (1 dis). 2:56. General Sigel. blk g (3:53). John Vaugliey. Peekskill, N. Y., Nov. 7, 1870, .$ — '-. Dimock 2. 3, Hoffman 1, William Tell (4dr), 2:55?^. 2:.58. 2:.58. 2:.56'2. 2:.57, 2:.5.5. J. S;ilspaugh, Rhinebeck. N. Y., Sept. 13, 1872, .$150. Lydia 2, 3. Dan 1. 2:48. 2:49. 2:50. 2:.52. 2:52.2:52. General Sigel, b s (3 :49i.,), by Goldsmith's Abdalliih. dam Maggie Rolle. by Tom Kolfe. f. Beach, Hamil- ton. O., Oct. 7. 1880. .$1(11). Annie Clay, White Cloud, Wild Boy. 2:,^>2U.. 2:5i>i4, 2:50. General Singleton, b s (3 :37i4). by Silverheels. W. P. Heridersoii, Virginia, 111., Oct. 23, 1878, .$100. Clipper 1. 4. Frontier Dick (3 dr). 2:4514, 2:42M,,2:49i4, 2:44, 2:37)^. General Smith, b s (3 -AH^^^). Phil Golding, Denver, Col. ,~Sept. 14. 1872. .«!400. Winfleld, 3:01?i, 3:00, 3:05. Wm. R. Ford, Sept. 25, 1872, .$225. Colorado Cow Boy 2, 4 (1 O) (6 0), General, 2:52, 2-A7U, 2:5014, 2:4914, 2:.^.0, 2:.-.0, 2:.52i4. General Stark, blk s (3 :54). E. Rogers, Norridgewock, Me., Sept. 26, 1876, $ . Blacksmith Maid, Gypsy -Maid. 3:02, 3:00, 2 :.54. General Taylor (Zachary Taylor) ch g (3 :31) (3 :39 s), by Quimby Messenger. C. P. Reir, Philadelphia, Pa., Sept. 28, 1848. $100. Duke of Wellington, 2:44, 2:36, 2:.3i. J. Whelplev. Union Course, L. I., June 4, 1849, .$400. Lady Bevins 2:40. 2 :.37. General Taylor, gr s (3 liS) (3 :44, s). by the Morse Horse. ' S. C. Eyclesheimer, Milwaukee, Wis.. July 17, 18,52, .$.50. Waukesha Girl l, Frank Pierce. 2:.59. 2:.58, 3:01, 2:53. Oct. 14, 1852. $120. Bellfounder, Xiagara. 3:01. 2:.5s. 2:.57.- Racine, Wis., Oct. 21, 1852, .$80. Belllounder. 3:00, 2:.56, 2:48. (s), Detroit. Mich., June 24, is.53, .$2.50. Bay Colt (s), Sam (s), 2:.51, 2:48U, 2:48. (s), Oct. 1, 1853, $100. Billy Hurd (s), Silvertail (s), 2, 3 (5dis), Lady Marshall (s), (1 dis), 2:59, 2:49, 2:50. 2 :52, 2 :50. (s), San Francisco, Cal., .June 21, 1855, .$500. Joe Waterman (s), 3, 4, Prairie Chief (s), (3 dis), 2:55, 3:00, 2:.54. 2:48. 2:48. .(. M. Daniels, Feb. 6. 18.57. .$2,000. New York (w), 29:4li4. Ten miles. Feb. 21 . I.S.57. .$4,000. Rattler (dis). 1 :47 :59. Thirty nnles". .John Kelly. San .lose. Cal., Oct. 25, I860, .$.50. Comet, 3:02, 2:."i6i". Stallions. (s). J. i;ho;id. Sacramento, Cal.. Nov. 9, 1860. .$.500 Alicia :Mandeville. 2:53. 2:44. General Thomas, gr s (3 :,51). J. S. Beltler, Pittsburgh, Pa., Oct. 24, 1863, $150. Lady Annie 3, 4, Annie Laurie. Annie Forrest, 2:59, 2:.59, 2:,5.3. 2:.5.3, 2:.51. .July 4. 1866, $150. Joe Curry 2, 5. Annie Laurie 1, 4 (6 dis). 2:52. 2:48, , 2:48, 2:.56, 3:00, 2:58. General Thomas, gr g (3 :34). E. Horan, Pictou, Out., May 23, 1879, $- — . Tom Burke, Lady Brown. No time. General Tiftt, ch g (3 :38'4). A. Tifft, Fo\vlerville, Mich., .Tune 7. 1876. .$.300. Gray Ira, Empress Girl, Star- light, Jim Elastic, Michigan Boy. Ited Oak. Essex Maid (3 dn, All)erta (2 dis), 2:381^;, 2:45, 2:43. General Tweed, ch g (3:36i4), by Myron Perry, dam bv Vt. Black Hawk. M. Roden, Amenia, N. Y., July 5, 1873, $1,000 GokLLeaf 2, 3, Grand Central, Lady Pfifer, Diadem. Tom (5 dis), Stella (4 dr). Flora Lee (2 dr), 2:363/0,2:38,2:41,2:361^,2:381/2. 254 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. Belmont Park. Phila., Pa., June l. l«7(i, Sl.ooo. (Jirlie, Lady Pritchanl. 2:294, '^■^.ii^, 2:341/2. (W) A. l)e Corilova, Morrisaiiia, N. V.. May .">, 1880, $500. 2:37!/5, -:39. To beat 2:33'/2. Lost. Nov. u;. 1881, .S'AK). 2:34' o. To heat 2:.i5. General Utley, brs(,2:39). O. Abranis, C'liicago, 111., Aug. 24, 3858, §400. Dick Turi)in 3, Prince, 2:54. 2:,'")3 2:.-)l'.i 2:50. Walter U. C'arr. St. Louis, Mo., May 2, 18C2, S50. Hill Daniels, Lady VVilter (2 dr), 2:48'-, 2:45. .1. Kutherford. May 2, l.s62, !<2:>. I'lcayinie, paeer. 2:44, 2.39. M;iv .'il. lS(ij, $i;o<). '.lohii r. Caliiouii d liis), 2:39'/2. General Wayne, b g {'i :.">Oj. \V. S. Kaynioud, Corry, Pa.. Sept. 22, 187G. $ . Kate, Minnie (2 dr), 2:50, 3:14, 2:.-.0'.i. it. (i. Stoner, SlKirpsburgli, Ky., Aug. 5, 1879, ■Sl.'W. Kentucky Star 1, 3, Lulu Moore (4 dr), Blackwood Jr. Ci dis). Jim Skinner (2 tii«). -:i!'. ■^: '3'^. 2:.i7, .•J:(M), 3:02. General Willlanjs, gr s (2 :41J'4). A. It. Williams, Youngslown, O., Aug. 27, 1SG8, §200. Dick, Honest Jaue, Bav Bobd dis). 2:4:., 2;41'.t. 2:42. General Williams, cli s (,« J*-*). J:is- Hill, St. Johns, N. B., Aug. 23, 1871, S200. Senator 1, Frank Pierce. 2:.">2, 2:.")2, 2 :.">.'>. 2:58. Calais. Me., July 4, 1872, .?200. Abdallah 1, Bl:ick Diamond. Careless Boy (2 dr), 2:40i^.2:43'i,2:4CVi,2:44. C H. Katon, St. Stephens, N. B., Sent. 21, lK7,i, .i?li;5. Wuodbrook Messenger 3. (1 0). 'No time. General Wintlu-op. br g (a :43). T. McLaughlin, I'ortsnioulh, N. H., Sept. 21, IST.O, .■r300. Bessie Holbrook, llinim. Moxie. I'Yanklin (3 dr), 2:.''.2';. 2:46. 2:40. II. U. B;irker, Lowell, Mass.. Sept. 30, 1875, a!22,5. Spot, Unknown, Gray Eagle, St. Lawrence Boy, 2:45, 2:43, 2:48';. General Wolsey, b s (3:44?^), by StiUiton, dam by Koyal George. D. King Homer. Ont., Sept. 2G, 1883, .$875. Comet .3. Miiik Twain, l^acilic Dick, Stella, Frank Mack. GoidHakc (3 dr). Cherry Lane (2 dr), Boadicea (2 dr). 2:.-.3. 2:51.2:51, 2:44?i. General Wool, br g (3 :4.5i^). I. Woodruff, Uuion Course, L. I., Aug. 19, 1.S52, $230. Harry Williams, two otliers. 2:45'.,, 2:48, 2:49'4. Genesee. l)lk nu3:35'2). A. Livingston, Boston, Mass., Oct. 25, 18,55. .'ji200. Knte Miller 3, Young America (4 dis), Kastern Colt (2dr), Ned 0-idr), Guiding Slar(l dis). Fanny Slierinaii (1 dis). 2:36.2:35'<.,2:37'i., 2:40H. Genesee Maid, (w) (.3 :54 1-3 w). Rochester, N. Y., June 28, 18JU, $ . Black I'almer (w), 2, 9:03, 8:56, 8:43. Three miles. Geneva, b m (2:.'J8), by Gooding's Champion, dam by Morgan Tiger. L. W. Copp. Syracuse, N. Y., Sept. 16, 1H73. .?3()0. Louise .3, Josephine 1, Compeer (5dr), Grav Colt (5 dr), J. D. Benton 2. (3 dis), Fanny Luker (3 dis). Tippoo (2 dis) 2:41'4, 2:43'4, 2:40'i. 2:45, 2:51. 2:49. J. S. r.:iker. Kingston, N. Y., Sept. 15, 1875. .•f800. Silas Rich, Carrie N., Delilah, Chiirlcv Young. Wil- liam H. Beebce, l':itchen Maid, Nellv "Warwick. 2:41, 2:38, 2:."9. Geneva Belle, cli m (3 :33). Thomas VVhite, Fulton, N. Y., July 4, 18,59, .$100. Long Tom 1, 2, 2:,50, 2 :51, 2:52. 2:52, 2 :.5;!. Genoa Maid, rn m (3:41!^. W. J. Thorrington. Carson, Nev., May G. 18G5, $ — . Dan Hibbard. 2:53, 2:42, 2:41'i. Gentle Annie (s), gr m (3 :44i<>) (3 :44 s). M. Goodin, Point Breeze Park, Phila., July 18, 18."9, S . Sally Lewis (s), Fanny Kiddle (s) (4 dis), Jocko (s) 1, (2 0), (4 dr), George Boker (s) (l di.s"), 2:47, 2:50, 2:50, 2:44, 2:44. Mr. Ford. Washington, I). C, Oct. 13, 1863. .$400. Snow Storm (3 dr), 2:.51"2, 2:50'/2. Gentle Annie (w), ch m (3:46'.,). R. Johnson. Cincinnati, O., July 20, 1865. S:200. Wagoner (w). Belle Chal- font ( w). Pilot Bird (w) (1 dis), 5:43'4, G:15. Two miles. Gentle Annie, b m (3:35). R. Rustin, St. Johns, N. B., Aug. 23. 1871, $100. Wandering Tom (2 dis). Black Crook (1 dis). Young Hero (1 dis), 2:40, 2:.35. Gentle Annie, bik m (3 :37), by Dirigo. A. C. Scribner, Portland, Me., Sept. 1, 1871. $100. John Gilpin (2 0), 2:.50, 2:47.2:45, 2:46"». Aug. 24. 1872, $4.50. Butter Ball (l 0), Meninon. 2:44, 2:45'.!, 2:40>'2, 2:42. Bangor. Me.. Sept. 18, 1872. $200. King William 4, 6. Billy Bunipus 5. Ked Jacket 2, Dagon. Fanny. Velvet (.1 dis). 2:401/.. 2:.39i.,. 2:41, 2:42%, 2:43. 2:41. 2:41',4. Sept. 21. 1872, Sir-,0. Muniin l. Bayard, 2:40. 2:39'4, 2:40i/4, 2:41. Gentle Annie, blkm(Lotty Clark), (2 :33'3). T. P. Koaeh, New Orleans, La., April 25, 1872, $200. Lotta, 2:42,2:37. April 29, 1872, .$2.50. Barney 3, Star Colt 2 (3 r o), 2:3,5, 2:38ii. 2:38%, 2:40. Indiamipolis, Ind., June 13. 1872, $1,000. Kate Hazard 3, Ellen Davis, Alvina, 2:34'.., 2:35, 2:30';, 2:35. Gentle Annie, (w) 1) in (2 :50^ T.Newman, Easton, Pa. Nov.. 25, 1875, $100. Tommy Dodd (3 0), (4 dr), :i :<)-), 3:00. . 3:10. M. Tamny, Phila. Pa., July. 15, 1878, $.50. Tom. Doerr's ch c. Jim H., 2:51'2, 2:51 "2, 3:09. <;entle Annie! blk m (3 :35). E. .McGeary, Petaluma, Cal., Oct. 3, 1879, .$200. Lady Gertrude 1.2. Sonoma Bov. 2:40'i, 2:.38, 2:37. 2:371^. 2:40. Santii Rosa. Cal., Oct. 9, 1879, $ . Sonoma Boy 3. 5 Major Tourtelotte 2 (4 dr), 2:.^5, 2:35?i, 2:37, 2:37, 2::i9'4,2::i8'.i. Gentle Annie, (3:04). West Cumberland, Me., Sept. 27, 1883, .$.50. Nelly, Dick, Dolly, No Name. Kitty D., 3:07,3:04. Gentle Frank, b g (3 :34»/2). T. J. Gladwell, Quincv, 111., Sept. .3, 1880. $120. Lady Clyde, Frontier Dick, Dot, 2:24"2.2:27, 2:29'4. Gentle Jim. iCnrnstalk), ch g (2 :33), by John Morgan. Ilalleck & Plant. Oskaloosa. la.. Aug. 30, 1877, $250. (;r:ipfvine I'.ig Sojip, 2:,3(!'4. 2:3G, 2:36M. Ceneseo. 111.. .lune 28. ikt8. .$2.50. Jim L:uie 1. Bay Billy, CarrieK., Kitty Stratton. 2:37. 2:36. 2:39. 2:37. .Inly 4, 1K78, $1.50. Little Maid 3, Centrclla. Prosp'pct. George Morcy (1 dis). 2:35. 2:37. 2:41. 2:41. Gentleman George, ch g(3:36}4). J. L. Eoff, Sacramento. Cal., Oct. 20, 1864, .$500. Fillmore 1,5:17>4, 512'-. 5:18';. Two miles. Gentleman Jo'e, gr g (3 -MS]/,). G. B. Byron. Sed:ilia, Mo., Sept. 26, 1873. .$200. Aldine 2 (3 0), Lady Wilcox (5 (Ir). Siilly Rue (1 dis), 2:40'i. 2:40. , 2:40. 2:40'.,. I<:. Emma. .June .5, 1874. $700. Nona. .lack Baxter 1. 2 (5 dis). Rattler (2 dis. 2:37. 2:36, 2:40. 2:40, . T. Price. July 24, 1874, $1,000. Billy I);ilzell 3, 4. 2::!8!/,, 2:40'4. 2:13' j. 2:43. 2:45. King &<•().. .MongomervCity. Mo.". Sept. 4. 1874. .$2.50. Bob Hunter. 2:41. 2:39, 2:39'/2. Sedalia, .Mo.. Mav2,5. 1876, $^ . Hlghland(>r, Fveland. 2:.3S!^. 2:44U. 2:41^. Gentleman Joe. bg (3 :49M). T. J. Middagh, Harrisburgh. Pa., Sept. 16, 187.5, $ . Black Boy, David J., Charley (1 dis), 3:21, 3:12>i. 2:54,2:51, 2:54. Sept. 7, 1872, $25. Blister 4, 5, Falmouth 3, Nigger, Nelly (4 dr), 2:56, 2:.53. 2:53, 2:5014. 2 :52i4, 2:.53. George, b g (3 :48). J. Ogden. Easton, Pa., Sept. 18, 1872, $150. Flushing, Jocko (1 dis), Belle of the West(l dis), Jupiter (1 dis). Star (1 dis). Belle of Hartford (1 dis). 2:48, 3:03i^, 2:5314. Sept. 18, 1872, $100. Horace Greeley, Malcolm 2, 3 (5 dis), BeDe of the West l (3 dr), Belle of Hartford (2 dis),2:54i;, 2:4914, 2:4814, 2:511.1, 3:02. George, ch g(3 -.4:014). Chas. Fox, Wilkesbarre, Pa., Oct. 3. 1872, $300. Buckskin 1, Ellen. Dan, Belle (3 dis), 2:43, 2:40"2, 2:429i, 2:4414. B. Stanford, Hall's Track, L. I., Oct. 23 and 24, 1872, .$300. Rowe's Tomniv 1, 2, Kelly (1 dis), 2:391,4, 2 :39>4, 2:41,2:42,3:00. George, ch s (3 :04i4). H. Brothers, Memphis, Tenn., Aug. 16, 1873, $.50. Patrick Mare 2, Butcher Girl, Fanny, 3:101i:, 3:11^4, 3:09. George, gr g (3 :38>. Wm. McMahon, Deerfoot Park. L. I., Sept. 8, 1873, .$500. Slippery Dick 2, 2:40, 2 :42, 2:42, 2:3S. P. Durvea, New Dorp. S. I., Aug. 6, 1875, $150. Hector, Cora S., 2:56, 2:51, 2:48. (w) R. Taggart, Fleetwood Park, N. Y., Jan. 4. 1876, $.50. Carjio 2, 2:59, 3:00, 3:01. Jan. 20, 1876, $100. Red Cloud (5 0), Willy 2. 3, (5 dr), 2:.58, 2:,55, 2:.53, 2:52, 2:,51, 2:48. George, br g (3 :54). L. M. Litchfield, Sturbridge, Mass., Sept. 12, 1873, $100. Molly Pitcher, Darkness, Prince, 2:,>4, 2:54, 2:.57. George, br g (3 :53). J. F. McMahon, Galveston. Tex., June 13, 1874, $100. Cow Boy, Fanny Gray, Henry (2 dis( 2:5714,2:5514 2:52. George, (Beppo). ch g (3 :55?4). L. Dunham, Jersey City, N. J., Aug. 13, 1874, $200. Charles Davis 1, (2 dis), 3:05, 2:.55^4. George, br g (3:50). Wm. McLain, Point Breeze Park, Phila., Sept. 14, 1874. $ . Red Cloud, 2:5114, 2:54, 2:.-9'^. Somerville, N. J., Oct. 1. 1874, $30. Jimmy 3, Lucy, Harry, No Name (4 dr). Walk's ch s (2 dis), Frank (2 dr), 2:59, 3:01, 2:5094, 2 :.50. George, ch g (3 :53). G. W. Dickey, Beacon Park, Boston, Oct. 5, 1874, $200. Happy Dick, Kate, Hero, pacer, (w) 2:544, 2:52, 2:54. George br g (3 :53i4). Geo. M. Foster, Lowell, Mass., July 16, 1875, $20. Diamond 3, (4 o), Oliver S. 1, Kitty, 3:02'i. 3:0314, 2:571/2, 2:.58. 2:5314. George, b g (3 :47). E. H. Cunningham, Beacon Park, Boston, Aug. 23, 1875, $100. Honest Bowen l, Timid 3:01, 2:51, 2:48, 2:47. George, b g (3 :50). J. Burkhardt, Deerfoot Park, L. I., Sept. 2, 1875, $100. Fanny 3, (4 0), Sam 1, (4 0),(5 dr) 3:09,2:5314, 2:,58. , 3:01. George, b g (3:36?4), by Hero. H. C. McDowell, PYankfort. Ky.. Oct. 8. 1875, $ . Little Annie, Annie Bailey, Parepa, Rosy, 2:46, 2:43, 2:4214. Lexington, Kv., June 15, 1870, $300. Woodford Chief, Little Tom, Ike Marvel, Richmond Belle (2 dis), 2:40, 2:309i, 2:4114. George, br s i3 :33), by George Wilkes. S, J. Jackson. Springfield, L. I., June 15. 1876, $50. Molly, George lY.. Diamond Jim (1 dis), 2:50, 2:50, 2:5li4. Mineola, L. I.. .June 22, 1876. $100. Gray Messenger, 2:.57i^, 2:.52i4, 2:.50?.i. Port Washington, N. Y., Aug. 3, 1870, $12,5. Walter 1, Major, Thomas, Frank, Oyster Boy, Jenny, J. M. Oakley, Hempstead Rover (4 dr), 2:43, 2:38, 2:38, 2:37. Aug. 31, 18T0, $1.50. Black Prince, Frank, Indian Girl (1 dis), 2:.38i4, 2:3ni4, 2:40. Mineola, L. I., .June 21 1S77, $ . Paul, Dan Jones (3 dr). 3:01, 2:.54, 2:,53. Fleetwood Park, N, Y., June 27, 1877, $1,000. Champion Jr. Dan, Morning, Harry B. (2 dis), Herbert (1 dis), 2:,33!4. 2:32, 2:32?4. Springfield, L. I.. Sept. 8, 1880, $150. Little Fred 4, Major S. 2, 2:,3Si4, 2:34, 2:3714, 2:38. Mineola, L. I., Sept. 28, 1880, $00. Newton's l)lk s, Mingoe & Condit's b s (2 dr), 2:43'2, 2:44, 2:44. Sept. 29, 1880, .$45. Mingoe's blk s. Liel)ed, Black Prince, Sherman, 2:40, 2:43, 2:43. Sept. 27, 1881, $60. Black Prince, Patrician, 2:38. 2:39^, 2:3714. Sept. 29, 1881, .$2.5. 2:41. W. O. June 14, 1882, $35. Blazing Star, 2:42i4, 2 AGU- Stallions. Mineola. L. I., Sept. 26, 1883, $100. Middletown Chief, Black Abdallah, 2:39, 2:.39. Stallions. George, b g (3 :50). J. W. Ingalls, Amstertlam, N. Y., Oct. 21, 1870. .«200. State Rights, 2:50, 2:53. 2:58. George, b g (3:37'o). W. Dodge, Erie, Pa., June2, 1876, $200. Carrie Ann 1, Chestnut Dan, Dolly Wilson (3 dri, 2:45, 2:4.5, 2:49, 2:47. Siuiron. Pa., June 9. 1876, $250. Lady McKinnev, George, Curbstone, Harry Thorne, Phil Sheridan (2 dis;, 2:37?^. 2:3814, 2 :.37'4. Geory:e, b s (3:33). Geo. C. Brown, E.i.st Saginaw, Mich., .June 28, 1870, $1,250. Capt. Sellick, Albemarle, Sweet William. Miraculous, Henry G.. Robert McGregor, Hattie Wood. 2:32, 2:32, 2:32^. (w), H;imiiton, Out., Aug. 17, 1870, $ . Nelly W. 2. No time. George, blk g (3 :53), W. Thompson, Philadelphia, Pa,, Aug. 21, 1S70, $ — -. Ben Sharp 2.3:071^, 2:58, 2:,57. George, blk s (3:2414), by Mambrino Patchen. M. E. Palmer, Peru, Tnd., June 12, 1877, $500. Highland Mary 2, Barkis, Gov. Morton, Dred, Paddy, Wade Hampton, Henry Todd (3 di.s). Lady Kay (3 dis), 2:34, 2:331.4, 2:29^, 2 :.31. June 14, 1877, $400. Barkis, Dred, Wade Hampton (4 dis), Highland Mary l (2 dr), Mambrino (2 dr), 2:32i4, 2:31, 2:321/2, 2:3414. George, b g (3 :551. J. W. Toplev, D.invers. Mass., Aug. 17, 1877, $100. Jewel, Eda May. 3:02. 2:.55, 2:55. George. (Pill Peddler), ch g (3 :o6). Dr. Clark, Muskegon, Mich, Oct. 3, 1879, $100. Ripley's Brown Colt, Rey- nold's ch g, .James Mambrino, 3:04, 3:00, 3:00. 25C CIIKSTEUS COMPI^iyrK TltOTTINr. AND 1'AC1N(; KEC'ORl). George, bg (2:53 >. Belmont I'iirk, I'liila., I':i., .lime 19, 1»S7!), ? . J. L. Hill. Keiia, Jack, Fanny, Coin i2 (In, Nellv V. (•_" dr), 'J:.")!.'. L'rOa'j. George, i-lij: (3:58 1. Mr. Johnslon, Toronto, Ont., Ang. 10, 1880,,? . Butcber Boy, Nelson's ch in Lady Kate, '.'•.58. 3:(r.'. .fiOr). George, b {; (3:47). T. McClosky, Salinas City, C'al., Oct. 13, 1880, Sloo. Nelly Briody 3, 4, Joe Dean. Best time ■_':47. George, ch K (3 :35i^). John E. Jarvis, Jersey City, N. J., Aug. 4, 1881, .?500. Happy Jack 2, 2:37, 2:35!4, 2:39'/i. 2:4:t'j. K. Stegman, Jersey City, N. J.. Am:. 17, lss.i, .SiiiW. Lowland Mary 1. 2:;«?4. 2:38, 2:39, 2:37. George, brg (3:39'.. ). I)V M:i"mbriii() Traiibv. ('. II. Olmstcad, Si)ringliel(l. ().. Jniv 27, 1SX2, S:J0O. Abdallah King 1. Almonl M.. 1". J. Kiissell, Irish (lirl (2 disi. Hob Lc(m2 disi, 2:42, 2:40'.,, i':'40i.i. 2::J9'2. Xenia ()., Aug. 2, l!s82, tf . 1'. J. I'ursiil, Little Gus, Abilallab King, Bob Lee (3 dis), 2:43'4, 2-42, 2:41'... George, bg(:5:05). 11. Casev, Jersey City, May 31, 1883, S20. Mary 3, (20), 3:21'J, 3:ir), 3:07, 3:()(!. 3:05. ( w). July 4, . .■jsiOO. Sleeper, 3:2(), 3:08, 3:10. George A., b g (3 :35), l)y Daniel Lambert. T. 1). Marsh, Mystic Park, Boston. Oct. 19, 1881. .S;;oo. Maud B., Backman Maid, llossie, Lady Alice, Wisdom, Boss Fearuaugbt, Le.vingtou Jr.. Indian Boy (3dn, 2:33C6 , 2:34'.;, 2::U. ' • -. Oct. 21. 1881, .?.soo. Frank, B. 2, 4, Kitty S., Nell, Hawthorne, El wood R., Emma D., Belle Owen, Lexing- ton Jr. 2:33',i, 2:33'.,, 2::i4, 2:34, 2:3o>.i. Providence, K. I., Oct. 25, 1881. .$300. Jim 1. Florence, Bessie. 2:3.'')"2. 2:.37,2:37, 2::i9';. Oct. 27 and 28, 1881, S300. John S. 5, ti, Elwood It. 4, Blue Bell 3, Florence, Frank B.. Wetherby (5 dr). 2:30'4, 2:32?i, 2::«'4. 2::J5. 2:31, 2:32, 2:35. Newi)ort, li. I., Aug. 2. 1882, S'-iM. Speedress (2 0), Daye Young, 2:41, 2:3C, 2:33, 2:34. Rochester, N. H.. Sept. 28, 1882. .$200. Fanny Irwin, Belle of Fitchburg. 2::i5'2, 2:."{7. 2:37. T. D. Marsh. Newport, R. L, July 10, 1883, $350. Archie, Hersey, Gettysburgh, Maclure, Harry relham, Lena (2 dis), 2 :32, 2 :28' o. 2 :2!). Danyers, Mass., Aug. 8,188,'!, $ . Dick L>ample, Captain, 2:43, 2:2'/4. 2:41. Aug. 10, 18S:i. .$200. Knox Boy. 2:40, 2:34, 2:39. Springfield, Mass., Aug. 29, 1883, .$1,000. Arthur, Alleghany Boy, Lulu F., Index. Bessie. Boss H., Centu- rion, 2:25,2 :25, 2:25' 2. Doyer. N. H., Sept. 12, 1883, 3300. Fanny Irwin 1, Professor, Lady Thornton, 2:33?^, 2:35. 2:32J4, 2::53'i. Beacon Park. Boston. Oct. 17. 1883. .$225. AVestover. Lady Thornton, 2:30, 2:26'^, 2:27. George A., grg (3:40). Tallabasse, Fla. Jan. 12, 1881, $100. Minnie Rose 1, Birdie A., Robin Adair. No tinu'. George A., b g (3 :37'^). George Ayery, Sandusky, O., Sept. 20. 18)^2. $40. Captain D., Mattie S. (2 dis), 3:42, 3 :40. .i :.37' 2. Four-year-olds. George A. Ayer, gr g (3:30), by Woodford IVIambrino, dam Diana, by Pilot Jr. I,on INIorris, Beacon Park, Boston, .Ju'ly 2g, 187.5, ,$200. Is'ira Belle 1, 2, Maggie S., Nelly, Blauclie Robinson (2 dis), Champlain (2 dis). 2:.31';, 2:3114, 2:35'i, 2:30^4, 2:39!i.. (s) Ambler Park. Pa., Mav 30, 1876, .$350. Fanny G. (s), 2:45, 2:46}^. 2:43. Point Breeze Park, Phil.. June 14. 1870, $700. Harry Si)anker 1. 2, Susie Kurtz, T. B. French, Hall Mc- Allister. Lady Weller. C. M. Bedlc, Modoc (4 dis), 2:321*, 2:.33, 2:30J.i. 2:30. 2:32^. Poltstown. Pa., June 7. 1876, $600. Alley 1. 2, Mary Taylor, Honest Mack (4 dis), Fleetwood (3 dr), 2:30. 2:29, 2:31. 2:.30, 2::«i4. John Trout, Beacon Park, Boston, June 30, 1877,$ . Nira Belle 2. 4. 2:30.2:3414, 2:32, 2:,30, 2:30i4. George .\, 2:45. 2:41. George Anderson, gr s (3 :58>, by Lockridge's Bellfounder. A.J.Anderson, Chariton, la., SepL 14,1883, 3100. Fred Douglas. Little Woiider, 2:.'-)8. ."vOO. 3:04. George A. Scott, (3:.'>3). Major Beeh:iu. Xashville, Tenn.. Aug. 19, 1865, $200. Silver, Dick Sands, Red- dick's ch g, Pentecost's blk'g, Canadian. 2:r>'2, 2:55, 2:,5,''>. George IJ., ch g (3 :40), by Fisk's Mambriuo Chief, dam by Flying Cloud. Ray Warner, Battle Creek, Mich., Sept. .3, 1875. .$2.')0. Burt (1 dis). Captain ddis). Belle Middleton (1 dis), Lady Haves (1 dis), Attraction (I (lis), 2:41 '2. Four-year-olds. East Saginaw, Mich,, Sept. 15. 1875, $300. Captain, Burt, Chippewa (1 dis), 2:45, 2:40, 2:45. Four-year- olds. P. V. Johnslon. Chicago. 111., .Fune 13, 1877. $ . Ethan. Minnie Taylor. 2:42, 2:45''2, 2:453,'. George B.,bg (3 :40ii). W. Braxt(m, Danville, 111., Sept. 20, 1877, $100. Billy McClure 1, A'andalia Joe, Dupage, Dan B., Flora (1 dis).2:4.5, 2:42!4, 2-A0]k. 2:43. George B., ch g (3 :00). F. F. Boltz, Fort Wayne, Ind., Sept. 9. 1880 $200. Albany, Willie Briel, Molly, 3:00, 3 :00. 3 :f)0. George H.. gr g (3 :00). T. Eald, Jarvis, Ont.. June 13, 1883. $50. Iron Duke, Princess, Bell, G. M. Patcheu. 3:03, :i:()2. .■i:. ■ Middletown, N. Y.. Aug. '27, 1873, ,$500. Sir Knight, Washington Jr., Gray Hawk. Wild American (2 dis), Lena B. (2 dis), 2:1.3, 2:3.5, 2:35' o. Ang. 28. 187.3. $1,000. Sir Knight, Lady Angie, J. Merritt Berkshire, Jos. Sticknev. Susie Clay (2 dis). Lumberman (1 dis), Asa (1 dis), J.ucy Penny (1 dis), George Miller (1 dis), Harry Gilbert ddisi. 2:33's, 2:39',. 2 ::!.-•..';. Aug.. 29. 1873. .$800. Molly Smith 3, Sir Knight. George Miller. Lumberman (3 dis). Lucy Penny (2 dis). G.-av Hawk (2 dis), Washington .Ir., (2 dis), Molly Warwick (2 dis), Eddy Smilhd dis), 2:37?4, 2:;!2'2. 2:334, 2:33. Robert Hill, Warwick, N. Y., Aug. 28, 1874, $600. Carrie 1, William Turnbull, Constitution, 2:.!.3i.i, 2:37'2, 2:3,5, 2 :.32. Jas. McKee, Fleetwood Park. N. Y., Sept. 21, 1874, $1,000. Molsey 2, Heatherbloom. William Turnbull (1 dis), Coni F. (\ dis). 2:29, 2:31V,, 2:.35"». 2:35i/>. Roli.M-l Hill, Middletown, N' Y., Se'pt. '29. 1874, $500. Bella 3 (20). Annie Collins, Mary Wliitney. Lady Worthington. Ladv Bvron (3 dr). 2:.".3.2:3l, 2::!3"2,2:.34, 2:3,5. M. Rodcn, Prosprc'l P.irk. L. I.. Oct. (i. 1874, ,$860. .\nnie Collins 4, Mary A. Whitn(^y ,i. Lady Byron, Vanity Fair. Ben Smith (5 dri, Ilamperion (5 dr). Lady Wortliiiiirton (3 i;. CHESTIiirs COMPLETE TliOTTING AND PACING RECORD. 267 Waverly. N. J.. Sept. 2n, 1ST5, .?500. Crowni Prince l, Dickerson's spg, Silvertail (4 dr), 2:36k, 2:34i4. 2:35'/2,2:33. J. iM. Mills, Goshen, N. V.. Sept. 28, 1877, $ . Alley. Happy Jack, 2:37'.;, 2:33, 2:35. • Xe\vl)iiii;h, N. \., Oct. 2. 1ST7, .?( . Alley, Happy Jack, 2:.37'.,, 2:35, 2:35. • Hill & Mills, Hartford, Conn., July 9 and 10, 1878, Sr-tOO. Alley 3, Anodyne, 2 :26Vi, 2:2554, 2-25, 2:2^. $yO. Carrie, 2:30. 2:29'o, 2:30V.,. Lyons, X. V., Oct. 10 and 11, is78. § . Tom Malloy 1, George F. Smith, Sadie Bell (3 dis), 2:32?i, 2:31^i. 2:34, 2:34. . > a k ^, *, Georjje liell, (3 :05). G. Alexander, Greenville. Miss.. June 8, 1880. .«25. Alexander, :Jaud, Henry, 3:05. George Hilly, ch g (3 :43'.2). Mr. Fowler, Titusville, Pa., July 4. 1872, $ . Honest Uarry 1, 4, Cole's b m. Hilly Wilson 2, (3 dr). 2:42, 2:47', ,2:4312, 2:45'.2, 2:4.^.-'4, 2:46!i. ■ > » George IJ, JlcClellan. ell g (3 ilG'j). T Willia'ms, Washington. D. C, June 26, I803, .-;i,000. Wr.verly, Inde- pendence (2 dr), lUuiker Hill (1 dis), 2:.">0'2. 2:4(!'e. 2:.'J(!. George IJ. McClellan, rng (;3:30j. H. Sargeant, "Leavenworth. Kan., Nov. 9, I06.", -fiioo. Unknown, Capt. Walker, 2:.iO. 2:31. Oct. — , I8>(i. •■S200. Sell's ch g. Jack Luna (2 dr), 2:41, 2:3.5. Ge<.rge B. McClellan, b g (3 :55i4). A. Wright, Trenton, N. J., Sept. 20. 1870, 875. Ella Burns, Belle, 2:.57k, 2 ;."i5'.i. George iJrooks. br s (3:3;5i4), by Gen. Knox, darj Lewiston mare, by Levviston. J. B. Titni in, Doylestown, Pa., Oct. y, 1S77, siuo. Patclien Chief Jr. (1 O;, :;:44, 2:41, 2:4o, 2:44'/2. Ambler Park, Pa., Sept. 24. 1878, S200. Mambrino Hasseu 3, 4, Mambrino Black Hawk, Mambrino Snap. ()nward(3dr), 2:44, 2:42, 2:44, 2:4(i'2, 2:47. Stallions. Doylestown, Pa., Oct. 3, 1878, j?UiO. Mambrino Snap, Young Malcolm, 2:43, 2:42'.;, 2:46?4. Stallions Elniira, \. Y., June 25, 1879, .S400. Charley W., Lib, Argonaut, Cricket, Milo 1 et.'Frank Alien, 2:.36, 2:36, 2:36i4, Deckertown, N. Y., JiUy 4, 1879. .S . Sussex 3, 2:38"2. 2:38, 2:42. 2:40. Middletown, N, Y. Aug. 12, 1879, §250. C. M. Bedle, Martha, Pickwick, Xeilson, Tommy Norwood, Doctor Rush, Happy Jack (3 dr;, Alice Bane (1 dis), 2:35;J4, 2:37. 2:39'/2. Aug. 14 and 15, 1879, .S250. Martha G, 7, (l O). Chauncey M. Bedle 4, S. S. Ellsworth 3, (8 dis). Doctor Rush. Happv Jack. 2:3414,, 2:36, 2:30. 2:38?4, 2:38, 2:39, 2:.34, 2:37)^. Rittersville, Pa., Sept. 3, 1879, $250. Star, Music in tlie Air, Whitefield, Bay wood, Viola (2 dr). 2:39ii. 2:.38'4,2:43i4. .^ . v a /«. Wilmington, Del., Oct. 8, 1879, $175. Lady Wildwood, Bvron. 2:431-^, 2:44, 2:45i4- Morristown, N. J., Aug. .31, 1881, $200. Billy K., Maud, Gail Hamilton, (3 dr), 2:.33i4, 2:3434, 2:37. George Brown, b s (3:53), by Royal George, dain Mischief, by Wagner. A. Porleau, Watlord, Can., Oct. 2. 1873, 880. George 1, Bob Brown, John Pierce, Honest Mack, Hit or Miss, Reliable, Kate Marshall, Charlotte, Senator, Jenny Lind, 3:01, 2:50, 2:.55, 2:50. George B. Wellington, b s (.3 :00). H. B. Forbes, Houlton, Me., July 3. 1869, $50. Warrior, 3:00, 3:01. Four- year-olds. George C, blk g, (3 :40), by Earthquake. J. Utton, St. Albans, Vt., Sept. 5, 1883, $150. Ira White, W. N. Staves, Ira Hunter, Crampton Lambert, Col. Patchen, 2:48, 2:47, 2':40. George Cliilds, b g (3 :03). H. C. Powers, Sessamsville, Miss., July 2, 1878. $ . Ben Reder 2, 3, Mazeppa (5 dr). 3:05. 3 04. 3:04, 3:10, 3:02. George Clark, blk s (3:36). W. E. Weeks, Parkville, L. I., May 24 and 26, 1879, .$100. Addie E. C. 5(6 0), Harry Logan l, 2 (6 dis), Dolly, Rosa Raw, George Cadmus (3 dr), Blackwood Queen (4 dr), Tommy Mobre (3 dr), 2:38. 2:36, 2.36, 2:38, 2:40. , 2:40^. George Cooley, b g (3 :37), by Neaves' C. M. Clay Jr., dam by Friday. R. W. Woodhull. Stony Ford, N. Y., June 5, 1858, $100. Goshen Maid. 2:49, 2:50. S. Tuttle, Sept. 25, 18.58, .$25. Maggie, 2:39, 2:38, 2:34. J. F. Nodine, Union Course, L. I., Oct. 25. 18,59, $1,000. Phil. 2:38. 2:38, 2:42. R. W. Woodhull, Middletown, N. Y.. Sept. 16, 1861, $300. Widow Machree 2,3,2:36, 2:3.3V;, 2:38,2:37, 2:38. George Crein, bg (3:411^), by Stockbridge Chief. Geo. Daniels, Cincinnati, O., May 31, i860, .$100. Lady Gay, 2:41J/^, 2:43'o, 2:45. George 1).. b g (3:3034). A. J. Woodmansee, Columbus, O., Sept. 7, 1869, $1,000. Tom Rolfe 3, 2:1414, 2:4314, 2 :48, 2 :4.5. P. Mesler, Cincinnati, O., Oct. 14, 1869, $500. Billy 4, 5, Tom Rolfe 2, Frank, Lou (4 dr), Favorite (3 dis). White Face (1 dis), 2:3034, 2:33Vi, ^:34, 2:35i/2, 2:.36, 2:32k- George Dawson, ch g (3 :33!2). J. Springsted, Boston, Mass., Nov. 2, 1853, $ . Frank Pierce, 2 ■Ao}4, 2:49, 2:50. . Nov. 11, 1853, $ . Blue Morgan, 2:45, 2:44, 2:43'/^. Utica, N. Y., Sept. 8, 1854, $250. Flora, 2:4:5, 2:40, 2:45. * Sept. 15, 1854, $250. Flora 2, 5:31, 5:26'.;, 5:28'o. Two miles. Watertown. N. Y., June 25, 1858, $100. Buckskin, 3:02, 2:44}^, 2:35. Albany, N. Y., July 1.5, 18.58, $200. Harry Walton 1 (4 dr), 2:37, 2:34, 2:36. George 1>. .Sherman, blk g (3 :39i4), by Blade Ralph. A. Carpenter, Elnura, N. Y., Aug. 31, 18S0,$400. King Alinoutl, 2, Billy L., Bashaw, Nelly G., Lady Sargeant, Flying Cloud, Clayton, BlLss (4 dr), 2:.36k, 2:31, 2:331/2, 2:33'4, 2:37^. ■> ^ . t, , j , L. E. Wicker, Sept. 2. 1880, .$400. King Ahnont 1, 2, Lady Sargeant, Bliss, Billy L. (4 dis), Daisy Lewis (2 dis), 2:34. 2:3014, 2:3314, 2:3514, 2:3434. Salamanca, N, Y.. Sept. 9, I88n; $400. Lady Upton. Flora F.. Kitty Wood. 2:;;.>, 2:;i4, 2:35. Bradford, Pa., Sept. 14, 1880, .$400. Lady Upton 1 (30), King Ahnont, Lady Sargeant. 2:38i4, 2:37, 2::36, 2:3.5,2:38. Sept. 16, 1880, $400. Lady Upton 1, 3, Lady Sargent, 2:.37, 2:.37i4. 2:35i4. 2:.33i^, 2:33k. Ambler Park, Pa., Sept. 22, I88O, $300. Mambrino Charta 2, May Medium 1, Charley Ross, Mishap (5 dr), 2:36,2:321/2, 2:36, 2:36, 2:35. Greenwich, N. Y., .July 19, 188.3. $.300. Sam 2, Fanny Irwin, Miss Legacy. Little Mack, 2:34'4, 2:34!4, 2::54k, 2:35k. Hoosick Falls, N. Y., July 25, 1883, $300. F'anny Irwin 1, .Sam, Miss Legacy, Franklin, Sir George, 2:32i4. 2:32k, 2:32k. 2 :32M. Rutland, Vt., Aug. 3, 1883, $300. Sam 1, Fanny Irwin, Oolong, Riitland, Honest Lyon, 2:33;4, 2:33i/2, 2:33k, 2:32k. Bradford, Pa., Sept. 4 and 5. 188.3. .$.500. Maud R. 1 (5 0), Lady Upton 3. Susie D. 2, 4, (3 o) (7 dr), Lena, 2:34k, 2:a7k, 2:32k, 2:,37k, 2:34ii, 2:.3.3. 2:35, 2:34i^. George Kckerson. b g (3:06), by Deucalion. J. T. Eckerson. Spring Valley, N. Y., Sept. 27, lS7fi, .$35. Jenny Stearns (1 O), Prince (l dis), , 3:26, 3:09. Three-vear-olds. New City, N. Y.. Sept. 27, 1877, $35. Jenny Stearns, Fred Heckler, 3:12, 3:11, 3:06. Four-year-olds. 17 268 ( HESTERS COMPLETE TliOTTING AND PACING KECORD. George E. Crater, b g (3 :a«J^). .Jim Collins. Denver, Col., July 23, 1870. SIOO. Col, Webster 1, 3:02, 2:58Vi, 3:03'.i,2:,jy. Oeurgre KUis, br s (2 :59). E. Giddings, Visalia, out., Out. 20, 18S.!, ^IW. Harney Hall 2, Lizzy O., 3:0C, 3:00, 2:5y,«:r>!t'2. . 11. S. Fox, Oswego, N. Y , Sept. 28, 1871, ?>22.">. I'eggv 3, Col. Fiske, 2:40K>, 2:41, 2:4]Vi, 2:43. Auburn, N. Y., July 31. 1872, $300. Black Dick 2, 3, Messenger Boy. Bella, Central New York (5 dr), 1-oren i2 dis), 2:41i^i. 2:42, 2:41, 2-39. 2:41. Fonda, N. Y., Sept. 21, 1876. S — - . Kitty Holton, Dexter B., 3:01'/2, 2:.')1, 2.49. George F., rn g (2:30;. Marengo, 111., June ly, 1875, !i!il,0O0. Ruby, Gen. >lcArtlmr, Kitty Fiske, 2:465l£, 2:4f<'.i, 2:435!i. George F., b g (2 :42i4). P. Mclntyre, Norwich, t'onn.. Oct. 2. 1878, .?2.50. Arabian Mag 3, (2 0), Jessie Maud, Nelly Burke, Lachine Boy, Jimmy Stewart. 2:43, 2:42>4, 2:4t'4, 2:44,2:43';. Creorge F. Harris, b g (2 :38) R. Staves, Lamoille Co., Vt., Sept. 20, 1873, .$300. Barney Kelly 1, Sorrel Kate, 2:44 '4 2:39 '4 2:44 2:46. '- Barre. N't.', Oct! 23. 1873. 8300. Nelly, Twinkle. Columbus Navigator, 2:45. 2:45. 2:48. .Morristown, Vt., Aug. 13, 1874, .'?3(iO. Snow Flake, Barney Kelly, 2::j8. 2:39U,, 2:;,y^4. Barre. VI., Aug. 27. 1874, .§300. Kitty Cook, (Jeneral, American Boy, 2:40, 2:;{s, 2:42i4. Geor'^e Fawcett (Silas Bicli), cli g (3 :24:'., ). by Young I'riam. O. \V. Diininick, Hamilton, O., Oct. 5, 1866, — Louisville, Ky., Oct. 11, 1866. .$500. Sir Walter'l, Bill Lewis (4 dis), 2:44. 2:44. 2:44>.i. 2:42i4. orge Fossett, (3:4310). C. H. Dustiii, Quiiicy, 111., Sept. 3, 1872, $300. Carl Schurz, Fanny Refugee, Mid- Ge night, 2:47' I, 2:.-.0, 2:43'/2. Geor5^e F. .Smith, b g(3,38) by Niagara Chief, dam by State of Maine. A. J. Feek, Goshen, N. Y'., Oct. 14, 1871, .81,000. Wiiulermere, Rescue, American Boy (2 dis;. 2:37K'- 2:34'/2, 2:;i5. L. Haskins, Geneva, N. Y., June 17, 1879, $400. Taylor 4,5 (0 0), Queen of Fairies 1 (3 dis), Johnny Gor- don. 2:3.i, 2:36. 2:.31, 2:32, 2:32, 2:31 '2, 2:;{2'o. Waterloo, N. Y., June 26 and 27,1879, $.300. Nelly Rose 2, 3, Cooloo 1, 2:30, 2:31. 2:3l?i, 2:30J4, 2:32, Seneca Falls, N. Y''.. July 3, 1879, $140. Nelly Rose 1. 2:30i.i, 2:31. 2:32, 2:31'/;. Newark, N. Y., Aug. 26, 1879, .IfiSOO. Nelly Rose 4. Larkin 3, Amber, Tom Malloy, 2:38>i4, 2:37, 2:37, 2:40, 2:37, 2:36. Aug. 29, 1879, $375. John Hall, Larkin, Schuyler. No time. Clyde, -N. Y., Sept. 2, 1879, .S400. Amber l, Tom Malloy, Nelly Rose, Kit Small, Dnunnier Boy, Johnny B., S "NV Snink 2*34 2*32 2:32'; 2:30. ^ Bradford,' Pa.,' Septr 16 and'n," 1879, .$500. Tom Malloy 2. John McDougall 1. 2:30'^. 2:33J4, 2:34'/2. 2:35, 2::i.5. .A-lbany, N. Y., Oct. 2, 1879, .$500. Tom Malloy 3, 4, Fitzgerald l. Fury, Lady Waring, Sligo. Canion, 2:30, 2:28. 2 :;i0'. 2 :.30. 2 :29. 2 :32. George F. Train (Calhoun (w), ch g (2 tSO'i). H. "White, San Francisco, Cal., Aug. 14, 1809, $100. Sorrel Charley (w ) \) Stranger (W) (3 dr), 2:4894, 2:49. 2:49, 2:50, George G'ilbert cli i; (3 :4;i), Geo. Gilbert, Deerfoot Park, L. I., May 19, 1874, $300. Senator JMitchell, Handy Andy, Jim 1 i2(iis), 2:40, 2:42, 2:4,3, 2:44. George Gillett, b g (2 :43i4). Geo. Gillett, Port Jervis, N. Y.. July 15, 1871, $200. Champagne Charley 2, 2:57Vr.. 3:02, 3:01, 3:01. L.S. Sammis, Prosjject Park, L. I., July 17, 1872. $500. Mvstery 2, 5:25, 5:29, 5:38>^. Two miles. Prospect Park. L.I., Aug. 11, 1873, .$500. Ladv Sliernian 3, 4 (5 0), 2:47'.>, 2:44. 2:.51?4. 2:48;'4, 2:47. 2:459i. George (ireen, b g (2:44). Clark & Wallace, Cedar Rapids, la., July 28, 1871, $1.50. Camden. Brown George (1 (lis). Laura Keene (1 dis). 2:44, 2:48, 2:.').5. George H.. b g (2:35), by Godfrey Patchen, dam by Gallup's Messenger. Wesner Parks, Beacon Park, Boston, Oct. 29, 187.5, .$300. Hazor 3. Hard Times, Joe S., Gentinella. 2:3.">K>. 2::i6. 2:37. 2::i7. Lynn, Mass., Nov. r>, 1875, .$300. Stephen W., Belle of Lexington, Amelia D., 2:42Ji, 2:409.,. 2:40i2, Beacon Park, Boston, Nov. 11 & 12, 1875, .$200. Grace 1, ;:, P.lanclie, 2, Doctor 5, Henry Stone. Lady Dag- gett, 2:351/4, 2:.37, 2:.36, 2:.38, 2:38. 2:34. 2:;i4. Dover, N. H., July 5, 1876, .$000. Cassius Prince 4, Grace 2, Ladv Daggett, Ned, Lady Nell 1 (3 dis), Live Oak (3 dis), 2:.^, 2:34, 2:3.5, 2:37^.. 2:;!.5. 2:37V6. Pittsburgh, Mass., July 27, 1870, $700. Belle Dean 3,(4 0), Henry Chase, Dusty, 2;.'.7, 2:3.5,2:38, 2:37, 2:.35. H. McGrath, Hudson, Mass., Jul^ 4, 187C, .$200. Harry 3, Dictator, Charley Gerrish. Lady Holt (3 dr), 2:.36'i., 2:32!/2. 2:42'/2. 2:40. .Milford. Mass.. Sept. 25. 1879, $200. Aileen. Painter Boy. Mary Comstock, 2:35i,i. 2:;i59i. 2:33. Athol, Mass., Oct. 1, 1879, .$300. Cute, Shepherd Boy, Emma E., Dick Dample, 2:;j1!2, 2:30!.i. 2:29?4, 2 :29. l'rovideiic(s R. I., Oct. 23 and 24, 1879, .$200. Dickard 2, 3. Robert B. Thomas 5, Nell, Iron Age, 2:25Ji, 2:27, 2:27';, 2:2794, 2:40,2:30. .Manchester. N. IL, (Jet., 31. 1879, .$3.50. Robert B. Thomas 2. Joe Rijiley 1. Oceana Chief, 2:33'/'2, 2:33;'j, 2:34',. 2:31. 2:3.-). Fitchl)iM-gh, Mass.. Junes. 1^80, .$600. 2:.37i.i, 2:31. 2:31 Vi,. To trot in 2:27K'. Lost. Norwich, Conn,, July 23, I88O, .$40o. Golden (iirl 2. Vallev Chief 1, Tommy Norwood, Joe Biplcy, Ber- trace (5 dr). Uncle Daved dis), 2:29';. 2:30. 2 .lOU. 2:29',. 2:33^,. Athol. Miiss, Mass, Oct. 6, IH80. .SiOO, Belle of Fitchhiirg. Keno. 2:.38. 2:;i29i, 2:30i4. Georue II.. br g (3 :36i.i, bv Gen. Benton, (him by Stnbtail. II. \V. llniwii, IJatavia, N. Y.. June 8, 1880, .$400. Ncllv Blv. Helelie. Josephine S., S1epli:inns. Silco\ 1 Cidis), 2::!2i.,, 2::;.'.'... 2::i2'.... 2:.32'.i. Lyons, N. V., June 1.5. I8HO. $100. Hclene. Stciihanus, Honest Billv, 2;:!4';, 2::«;V4. 2:34!2. (icncva. N. V., .lune 22, ls80, .^Jton. Honest Bilh, .Vvahinche, 2::;6Vi, 2:.3(;».i, 2:37. George Hardy (3 :54i.i). J. M. Woodward, Barre, Mass., Sept. .«). 1870, .$60. Mizpah. Leashbel, 2:54!/>, 2:56, 2 :.■)(■,. George Henry, bg (3:37). .L B. Conklin, Springfield. L. I.. Sept. 1.3.1876. $100. Thomas 4. 7. Hempstead Rover 1, .5, Grace 2, McCoy's b ni, John, Sleepy Joe, Harry (2 dis), 2:46, 2:47, 2:46'/j, 2:46. 2:49, 2:45l2. 2:46, 2:4.5. .:. v.. .L-irvis, Prospect Park, L I., .Inly 4, 1878, .$200. .lohn B. 1, 2, Billy Green, Sam, 2:34, 2::t5, 2:35, 2:35, 2 '.33 George Hicks, ch g (2:45\/2). G. Scattergood, Ambler Park, Pa„ May 21, 1874, $200. Kate Keller, Little Nell, George, 3:00, 2,56M, 2:56>i^. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 259 Delaware Co.. Pa., Nov. 12, 1874, SiriO. Pawnee Squaw. George, 2:59^, 2:55, 2:54?£. Lamb Tavern. Pa.. July 19, 1875. i-^2m. Little Nell 1, ■^•.'.r,':^,, ^-Ao'^, 2:48, 2:51. Oeorjje H. Miu-liell (Bay Flank). 1) g i3 :'^6), by American LiUan, dam by Tormulo. C. W. Mitchell. Fleet- wood Parli. N. ^■., .Mavjj, 1874, Saw Tanner Bov, Bessie B., Manhattan, Lady Annie, Catskill, Scotland Maid. Carrie. Ladv Sliotwill, Isabella. 2:S^U, -':3."", 2:35. W. G. McDonald. .Mav I's. 1874, $800. Major. VVashbnrn Maid, Bessie B., Little Dorritt, Lady Pfifer, Ledtier Girl. Bavard. Pollock il' dis), 2:32^4, -^yMK^. -•::::{. C\ W. Mitchell, Saratoga Spa, N. Y.. Aug. 5, 1.^74. .Sl'.-,(^ Bay Maria, Windermere, 2 :.52, 2:424, 2 :3Glt. Sept. 4, 1874, Sioo. Windermere, Kline. American Ethan iii (h'l, 2::i9. 2:42, 2::;G. A. P. McDonald, Kutlaiul. \'t.. Oct. 28, and 29. 1874, S40(J. Young Uattlers, 6, Spotted Jim3, 4, Joe Brown, Lew Ives. Gypsy Girl (4 dn. 2::'.3'.2. 2::;7, 2:40. 2:42. 2::!5'i. 2:.37i4, 2:;;7. — — ('. \y. Mitchell, Fleetwood Park, N. Y., May 20, 1875. $\.noo. Lothair 2. 3, (4 0). Haviland 1, (7 dis), Lady Dahlman, Artluir, Lady White (.5 dr), Jas. H. Coleman (4 dr), Windermere (l dis), 2:29'/2, 2:30J4, 2:30i4f 2:;j3'o, 2:3.-,. 2:;19. 2:38' ... 1). McDon:dd. Sanitoga Spa, N. Y.. Sept. 3, 1875, §90. Windermere 1, 2. 2:34H..2:3Q, 2:36, 2:40, 2:41. — D. F. Nugent. Albany. N. Y.. July 12, 1876. S200. Silvertail. Prince, Kittv (1 dis), 2:36?^, 2:34!.2, 2:3414- Waterford, .\. Y. Sept. 8, 1870. .S1.50. Ben Smith 1, 2:36'4„2:37, 2:3654, 2:.35. Georire Judd, rn g (2:3614). Phin Smilli. Wilkeshare. Pa.. Aug. 19, 1874, §700. American Boy, Messenger Ironsides, .Joseph, Mack. Empire. Little .Mary (3 dis^, 2:.3G, 2:38'2, 2:43. \V. Murphy, Cynthiana. Ky.,Aug. 23, 1870. sifHi. Cliietlain, Ashland Kate, Bay Billy, Phoebe C, Warrior Chief, Belle tlewitt (2 dr), Harry Clay (1 dis). 2::;2, 2:;-2. 2::>oi.i. Dayton, O., Sept. 28, 1876, .|400. Belle Fairfield 2, Harry Clay, 2:40. 2:::;3V.;, 2:.30'2, 2:32. N. F. Kirby, Oskaloosa, la., Sept. 1. 1877. .'f!400. Big Soap, \Vapello Cliicf. Di.xie, 2:31',i.2:35H. 2:36. George K., grg(3:35i4), by Swigert. P. V. .lolniston. Grand liapids, :\Iich., Jime 21. 1881, $600. Rachel, Alice Taylor, Rockton, Willis Woods, Genend Knss (3 dis). 2::;5, 2:3r,. 2::i5'4. H. D. ^IcKinney, Chicago, 111., Sept. 19, 1S81, .'5500. David C. 3, Lizzie B., Monitor, Quickstep, Romeo, 2:25'.,.2:25i4.2:25,'2:27. George L. Fox, du g (3 :33). A. Savage, Bangor, Me.. July 28, 1871, fl20. Shoo j.i'ly. General Cook, 2:46, 2:4.-)'o, 2:40. (;. \V. Dickey, Fleetwood Park. N. Y., June 18, 1872, .$4,50. Topsy 1. Eight Bells, 2:34'2,2:a5i4,2:33,2:33ii. George Lucas, rn g (3:41-U). W. Corbin, Hannibal, Mo., Oct. 4, 1873, $100. Gus Lanigan 2, Belle Golddust, Lady Temple, 2:50, 2:5414. 2:.50i4, 2:51. NY. H. McDoel, Keokuk, la.. June 1. 1874, .$ . Gen. Tadpole, 1:39, l:32^i, 1 :40. Half mile heats. Dubuque, la.. Sept. 10, 1875, .$400. Fanny Parvin, Harry Hopkins, Lady Blennerhassett, Lady Alice, Brown John, Jim Fleming, 2:41 '.i. 2:44 ii, 2.45. George L. West, br g ( 3 :56). W. H. Doble, Philadelphia, Pa., June 21, 1858. $600. Bloody Nathan 2, 3, 2:56. 2:.")7. 3:02, 3 00,3:09. George M. (w), grg(3:00). E. R. Webster, Mystic Park, Boston, Oct. 23, 1874, .$200. Lady Morrill (w) 3, 4, Doctor (w) 1, 2. LegalTender(w), Hiram Drew (w), Daniel Boone (w), Ned (w), Nelly (w). Eastern Lady (w). Prince (w), Qnoddy Boy (w), Billy Boy (w). Baby (w), 3:10, 3:05, 3:07"2, 3:07',, 3:00, 3:02, 3:04?4. George M., b g (3 :50\ A. C. Pierce, Attica, N. \'., Oct. 19, 1876, $ . Lady Mac, Burt, Lottie Golddust, Honest Frank (2 dis), 2:50, 2 -.55^, 2:53. Four-year-olds. ■ Hamburgh, N. Y., Sept. 14, 1877, $55. Matilda 2, 3, Harry H. 1, Crazy George. No time. George M., br g (3 :3-l:), by Westfield Bov, dam a running mare. H. L. White, Meriden, Conn., Sept. 21, 1881, .?:.'00. EmmaC. 2, Daisy Brown 1, Dick Loonier, Higliland Win, Alice Lane, 2:.33, 2:3314. 2:.35, 23:35, 2:34J4. Mystic Park, Boston, June 7, 1882, $500. Elmer 1, Clara M. 2, Boston Boy, Frank B., Little Maid (4 dr), Dick Dample (l dr), 2:26. 2:29U, 2:2714, 2:2714, 2:28';. Poughkee')sie, N. Y., Jnne28, 1882, .$.500. John Hall, Big Fellow, M. R.. Jack Sailor, 2:24, 2:26i4, 2:27. Morrlstown, N. J.. Sept. 4, 1882, .$400. Lizzie O'Brien, Parole, Deucalion, (iuUiver, Unknown, 2:28, 2:27, 2:29' 2. Worcester, Mass., Sept. 5, 1882, $500. Midge 1, Arthur, Maggie Mitchell, Wild Lily, 2:29, 2:30, 2:28, 2*32 -: '• Plainfield. N. J., Sept. 29, 1882, $600. Jewell 1, Billy Button, Capt. Emmons, Valley Chief (3 dis), 2:28?4, 2:26 2 •27M 2 '30' 2. "Jersey City. N.J., Oct. l, 1882, $400. Walnut 2, Ethel Medium 1, Toronto Chief Jr.» Deucalion (2 dis), 2:30, 2:3014, 2:32, 2:30-(, 2:29. Doylestown, Pa., Oct. 4, 1882, .$.500. Parole. Josephus, 2:30'^, 2:2794, 2:27M. Mt. Holly. N. J., Oct. 11,1882, $500. Brandy Boy. Driver, 2:30, 2:.31, 2:28%. Prospect Park, L. 1., Oct. 20, 1882, $100. Charley B.. Parole, Sir Walter (3 dr), 2:25, 2:26, 2:27^. H;iverhill, Mass. May 30, 1883, .$300. Kitty S. 1, 2, Arthur, Tom Keeler, Wild Lily, W. H. (2 dis), iCamors (1 dis), 2:.32':,. 2:32''2, 2:.32. 2:30, 2:.34. U.Lki.id, Vt.. Aug. 4. 1883, .$400. Kitty Ives .3, Sir George, 2:.31, 2:31'^.. 2:33 2:.3.3i4. Little Falls, N. \.. Aug. 16,188.3. .$1.50.' Jim. St. Patrick, Isabella, 2:29'i, 2:2914. 2:.30i/2. George Magee, gr g (3 :4:0), (3 :38i4 s), by Saladin. E. Keenan, Philadelphia, Pa., Sept. 1, 1856, $ . Fanny Biddle, 2:4.5,2:40. (s). Sept. 9, 18.59. •$ . Fanny Biddle (s), 2:48. 2:38i4. W. Sand, July 2, i860, $150. Capitola, 2:49, 2:45. 2:50^. Nov. 15, 1860, .$75. Lilly, 2:52, 2:49. George Mai^ee, gr g (3 :49i'y. J. McCrystal, Point Breeze Park, Phila., July 28, 1874, $1,000. John Spots 3, 4, 2 .-jO, 2:57?i, 2:47, 2:47, 2:51^. Aug. r,, 1874, .$ . Sharp, Lucy, 2:494, 2:.53, 2:51i4. George Mann, l)g(3:37). A. D. Car,son, Keene, N. H., Aug. 1, 1876, .$300. Governess. Seventy-Six, Lady Golddust, 2:37, 2:4i3i4, 2:37. T. Benton, Haverhill, Mass., July 4, 1881, .« . Little Dick 1, 2 :51, 2:49, 2:45. Se!)t. 27, 1S81, .$200. Little Dick i, Butcher Boy. Emi.Tess. 2:43. 2:40, 2:44i4, 2-A6'4,- Geor'^e .'Vlattliews, (3:49'o). Amenia, N. Y.. Julv ;J0. 1870, $ . Western Girl, 2:54, 2:54, 2:49'^. Geor-'-e Mavnard, ch g (3 :34>. M. Carroll, Boston, Mass. , Aug. 1, 1871, $150. Northern Chief 1. Unknown, Netty Morris, Mailjlehead, Ironsides, Lady Wentworth (4dr), 2:40, 2:.39i4. 2:.38, 2:39'i. .Aug. 4, 1871. §150. Northern Chief. Netty Morris. Marblehead, Cape Fear Charley (2 dis), Kate Gilbert (2dis). Everett Boy (2 dis).2:.36. 2:34. 2-3694.' G. W. Dickey, Mvstic Park, Boston. ?Iay 15. 1S74.$1.50. Eugene 3. Honest Jessie, Pirate. Glencoe Belle, Tom. Queen, Lady Jaiie. 2:40, 2:40^, 2:.39i4, 2-42. .1. 1). Kilhy, Fiirmington, Me., Sept. 13. 1879, .$75. Shooting Star, Traitor, Molly Starks, Flying Cloud, 2:41, 2:41 'A 2:42. N. N. iTntchins. Oct. 8. I88O, $ . Pruie E. 3. 2:3.5, 2:.37?i, 2:41, 2:44. Lewiston. Me., Oct. 21. 1880. .$ . Little Fred 1. Black Susan, Small Hopes. 2:42. 2:3S, 2:.38. . George Miller, h a (3 :.30), by Boston Bov. N. Jennings, Goshen, N. Y., Sept. 4. 187.3, .•«i.ooo. Molly Smith 1, 2 (5 dis). Pollock <■; dis). ij'icv Penny (.3'dis), Wild Oats (3 dis). Winslow (2dr), Island Chief (1 dis). Lumber- man (1 dis), Molly Warwickd dis),' Hamnerion (1 dis). 2:.38, 2:41. 2:.39>4. 2-:M. 2:.30';. .lohn Lovett. Fleetwood Park, N. Y., Sept. 16. 187.3, $1,000. Sir Knight 3. Everett Ray. Miss Miller, Lady Dahlman, Lumberman, Black Bashaw (2 dis), Dinah (2 dis). Break o'Day (2 dr), 2:314, 2:30, 2:31, 2:30. 260 CHESTEK'S C'OMIM-ETE TKOTTINC AM) PAOIXC; KECOKD. George .Moody, gr i: -i :33' j). Win. Brown, New Albany, Ind., Oct. 3, ISW, $r/t. Clonii2, Rufiis, 5:22'/j, 6:38% 5:22. Two iiiilus. ' J. W. .shockencv, Louisville. Ky., Nov. 3, 1866, S . :Maria, Stranger. r>:ir,. .1:13^4. Two miles _ Kew Albany, hid.. May 20. lWi7. $120. Kairv. 5:07, 5:21. Two miles. Louisville, Kv., -May 23, 1867, !<2W. lUifus. (Jentle Annie (2 dis),5:17J4,5:21i.i. Two miles. Terre Haute, Ind.. July 6, 1^67. .•>; . .lolm 3, 4, Billy (1 dis), 2:40V'2, 2:42, 2:43?4, 2:43, 2:44. Aug. I, 1867, •■#300. Amerieau vSiar 2. Billy Barr 1 (3 dis). r):21, 5:20, 5:ia!'2, ,5:;.!)'/.',. Two miles. Louisville. Ky., Sei)t. 21. isOi.S — . 2:40. Against time. George MorjjHii, b g ^3:Oy), by Morgan Horse. .John Crook. Sacramento, t'al., Oet. 16, 18.53. $6,000 Cock Kobin, (1 dis). 9:27. Three miles. ('. (iiecn, Sail Kraucisco. Cal.. May 7. ls.->4, >;io.()00. Fred Kahler. 1 :IO:31?i. Twenty miles. Sa<-rainenlo, Cal., .May 27, l.'5?i. Geerge M. l'ateli0. I'ilot 1, 2, 2:.'il, 2:29%, 2:32?i, 2:39'^. 2:40. Iiiiie 2'J. 1859. .^800. Lady Woodruff. Brown Dick. 5:01'». 5:034. Two miles. (W) .lune 28. 1859, ^2,000. Lady Woodruff (W) 2.2:30. 2:3J, 2:3Bi. 2:33. .luly 7, ls.">!), .SjOO. Browu Dick 3, 4. Aliller s Danisol. 2:2 ; 1 2:2<;'o, 2:-.'9. 2:2S'4, 2:29. Eclipse Course, L. L, Oct. 20, 18..9, .Sl.OOU. Brown Dick 1 (2 dis), 2:2!»i4, 2:28. Pliiladelphia, Pa.. Oct. 26, 1859, $l,iHAK Lancet 1 (2;0j, (3dis>, 2:25'.i, 2:29, . Nov. ;i, ls.-,9, .si,500. Brown Hick, 2:28i.i. 2:26'4, 2:2y!4, Nov. 9. I8.V,), .•<400. Brown Dick 3, Lancet 4, 2:29, 2:31. 2:30Vi, 2:32, 2:29. Union Course. L. L, May 16. i860. .¥1.000. EUian Allen, 2:2.5, 2:24, 2:29. (w). May 23, I860, .§2,000. Ethan Allen (w;, 2:27k- 2:20. 2:31. June 12, I860. .$1,000. Flora Temple 4:'>2h, 4:57'/j. Two miles. Geneva, N. Y., Oct. 27, I860. .$ . Flora Temple 1, 3 (4 dis). 2:32, 2:28. 2:29, . Fashion Course, L. L. June 3, 1863, |5,000. Gen. Butler, 4 :58, 4 :58. Two miles. (w), June 10. 1863, .'55,000. Gen. Butler (w), 2,3. 2:27'., 2:29. 2:32^4, 2:30, 2:32. (w), .June 18. 1863, .$5,000. Gen. Butler l (2 dis), 4:56?4, 5:04. Two miles. (s), July 1. 1863. $5,000. Gen. Butler (s), 4:56, 5:01. Two miles. Watertown, N. Y., Sept. 30, 1863, $'m. Harry Clay (s), 2:2714, 2:29%. 2:31. Chicago, 111.. Oct. 27, 1863, $2,000. Harry Clay i,s), 2:37;/2, 2:37!2. 2:37. Nov. 6, 1863, *1,000. Harry Clay csi, (3 dr). 2:41, 2:32, . George M. I'atehen, b s (2:57). E. Odell, Fleetwood Park, N, Y'., May 10, 1872. .■? . Hhaca 2, Teaser, 3 : 10. 2 :.58, 3 :u7l^., 3 ;03' 2. Wm. Callahan, Sept. 25, 1872. $2.50. Black Dan, 2:58, 2:57, 3:03. George M. Patchen, bs Vi:li2). S. F. Twichell, Worcester, Mass.. Oct. 9. 1873. $50. Middlebury. Ma^ cedonian. Prince All)ert, 2:52, 2:53. 2:54. Stallions. George .M. Patelien (3 :00). .\bsecom. N. J., Oct. .30, 1877, $100. Rosie (2 dr), 3:00, 3:00. George M. l'a(,2:41. 2:34i.i. 2:32'4. 2:30'i. Thorn Dei'iu, Newburgh. N. Y., Oct 31, 1867, .$.5.50. Kate 3, Newburgh. Lady Morrill, Com. Nntt (2 dr), 2:.34, 2:.34, 2:40'4, 2:32i/>. A. Johnson, Diamond Beach, N. Y., July 22, 1868. $2,50. Victor 3,4. Belle of Baltimore, 2 :3(;i.,. 2:40'/2. 2:42. 2:42, 2:4114. Philadelphia, Pa., Sent. 16. 1868, .$1.000. Hcnrv Clay. 2:44"., 2:403.(. 2:38^4. Washington, D. O., May .5, 1869, .$ . 'VViirsaw. 2:3t^. 2:.37'2. 2:37. May 10, 1869. $.500. star of the West 2. 3. Mountain Maid 1, Warsaw (2 dr). 2:28'4. 2:2"'4, 2:311,4, 2:3414, 2:31, 2":,3.!. Union Course, L. T., ,hmo 1, 1869. ^sflO. Sir .John. Mike Norton, Canary's b g. 2:.36. 2:34, 2:34'i.. Poughkeei)sie, N. Y . .July ,3, 1869, .WOO. Agmis,Pet, 2:.35. 2:44. 2:43. George M. Patehen Jr., (3 :50). A. Carpenter, New Haven, Conn.. Sept. 2.5. 1R66. .$ . Thomas .lefferson, Telegr-iph, 2:.56. Six-year-olds and under. George M. Patchen Jr.; (2:54). Mr. Gordon, San Jose, Cal., Oct. 5. 1870. $1.50. S(iuab 2. Susie Hill, Scipio, Humming Bird, 2:.54, 2:.59, 2:,57i.i, 2:.57i;i. George M. Patehen Jr., blk s (3 :00). .(. Ricketson, Myricks, Mass., Sept. 16, 1875, $40. Marion Stetson, Wlielau's b g (1 dis), 3:0.3, 3:00. Fonr-ye;ir-olds. T:iunton, Mass.. Sept. 29 ;ind .30, 187r). .MOO. Don't Know 1, (3 0). 2:.55'2.3:00, 3:06, 3:00, 3:0.5. George M. Patehen Jr., chg(2:47). D. Drennan, Sullivan, 111., Aug. 8.1877.81.50. Mack, Clipper, Henry Todd, l'>ank. Lady McD., Wild Kate (2 dis), Billy Hayes (1 dis), Nelly (1 disi. Mattie(l dis). Fanny Castelar (1 dis I. 2:48,2:47. George \\. -Wharton, gr g (2:43). J. J. Wheeler. Philadelphia. Pa., May .iO. 18.59. .$ . Sam Wilson 1. 2:.58. 2:13.2:47.2:49. George Nelson, m 8(2:36^4). Wm. Bright, Washington. I>. C, April 28. I8i:4. .$ . Hickory. Gentle Annie. 2:.58, 2:."6. 2:58. George O.. b g (2 :31'4). by Hambletonian Chief, dam by Gen. Knox. G. O. Bailey, Portland. Me., Sept. 11. 1883, .$200. Surprise 1, l^rank F.. India Rubber .lack. Belmont Pilot. Henry L., Messenger (iirl. Miller's Maid, Bonnie. Gen. Knox. 2:39i;i. 2:37i.», 2:42W.. 2:;i9. „„ ^ Lewiston, Me., Sei)t. 18. 1H8.3. .$200. Frank F. 1, 2, Surprise, .leweler (2 disi, Marion (1 disi, Belmont Pilot (1 dis). Hidia Rubber Jack (1 dis), 2:.31i;i. 2:34i.i. 2:.34i.,, 2:.34, 2:,34'4. Sept. 20. I8H.3. $200. Surprise, (jrav Charlie, Bert. Frank F. (2 dis), Marion (1 dis). 2:31'2. 2:36'4, 2:38. Sept. 21, 188.3, $200, Nelly M. 1, Nat Otis, Fanny M.. . 2:.34?4. 2 :33?4 . 2 :.33. Bangor, Me., Sept. 25. 188.3. .'8;200. Surprise, Knox Chief, Kate Claxton (2 dis), 2:40, 2:41, 2:39. Sept. 26, 1883, $200. Nat Otis, Lady IJright (1 dis), 2:.3.5i/2, 2:37'i, 2:46. Bangor, Me., Sept. 27, 1883, $200. Surprise. Dominion Boy (3 dis). Duchess (1 dis), 2:38i/4, 2:37?i. 2:63'/4. o o ^ I-,-! CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 2SJ Belfast, Me., Oct. 4, 1883, $175. Watchmaker 2. 4 (l 0), Nat Otis (5 dr), 2:31'/2, 2:31J4, 2:31=l£, 2:31M, 2:314, George 6. Patchen. blks(3:53). S. Johnson. Mt. Holly, N. J.. Oct. 6, 187"), $175. American Star 1. Ned Patchen, 2:56, 2:55. 2:5;i, 2:50. ' George P ch g :3 :40). H. liarcher, Lancaster, Pa., Sept. 5 ami 6, 1876, $lou. ,Jim 2, Auctioneer 3, OldMaid. Billy Thompson (1 dis), 2:49?^;, 2:47. 2:45. 2:45J^2, 2 :4GU. > "^ George P. (,\v), gr g ('i :37k). J. J. Bowen, Beacon I'ai-k, Boston, Sept. 25, 1877, $500. Dimple, 2:44'/2 2:46^, — - W" !?• ,^>lex^'"'«'''„^Iystlc Park, Boston, Oct. 2:.', 1,S79, $25, Passumjjsic Maid, Thomas S., 2:40, 2:46, 2:41. II. (J. Smitli, North Attleboi-o. Mass., .July 1, l(S8d, $200. Pointer Boy, Bay Laml)ert. Steve Lewis, Betsv I'.est, Rosa B., 2:.j9 2, 2:3714,2:12. " ' — A. Morrison, Danvers, Mass., .Inly 27, 1882, $200. Bellone 2. 2:42i-4 2-46 2-45M H. L. Morrison, Aug. 17, 1882, .S4U0. Dot (w). Emma (w), Betsy Baker (2 (lis). ' No time. George Palmer, br g (2:19^4,). by Palmer Bogus, dam by Henry Clay. A. ti. Whitcomb, Rochester. N. Y.. .rune 13, 1877. .$200. Daniel O Council 1, 3 (50), 2:41?4, 2:;35, 2:3354, 2:41, 2:38, 2-34. • Watertowii, N. Y., .Tune 27, 1867, §200. Tormentor 1, Rolling Stone, Kentucky Boy, 2:40, 2:36. 2-30. G. W. Walbridge. Rochester, N. Y., Aug. 6, 1807, $1,000. John McCiraw 4, Melton 3. Latham 1, (2 dis). .Mace's grg (5 dr). Dictator (3 dis). Young Jackson (2 dis), St. Lawrence (2 dis), Ed Ellis (l dis), 2:333i. 2:.'!3>^, 2:.3G, 2:.353i. 2:.35i4, 2:.37. v ^) ^*t Waterloo, N. Y., Sept. 5, 1867, $1,000. Mountain Maid 1, May Queen, 2:28'» 2-30, 2-29'^,2-30U — Tiiomas Wilson, Rochester, N. \'., Oct.. 16, 1.S67, $1,500. Geo. M. Patchen,j"r. .3, 4. 2:31 'i, 2:35, 2:29, 2:31}^, Auljurn. N. Y., Nov. 6, 1867, $1,000. Gray Mack, 2:34i4, 2:34, 2:31i4. (w) Nov. 9. 1SU7, $1,000 Gray :Mack 5 (2 0) (4 O), 2:32'.2. 2:33. 2:34, 2 :32, 2:35. Unfinished Syracuse, N. Y., Nov. 15, 18G7, .S250. Crazy Jane 2, 2:32, 2:35, 2-31 2-32'4 A. G. Whitcomb, Avon Springs, N. Y.. Aug. , 1868, ,$600. Col. l\Iaynard l, J. J. Bradlev, 2:34%, 2:27%. 2:.30, 2:32. . . *. 7». Chas. Champlin, Syracuse, N. Y., Aug. 19, 1868, $1,000. Claral, 3, Hotspur (4 dr), 2:28'/2, 2 ■.3014,2:33, 2:2954i 2:36]/i>. New Haven, Conn., Sept. 5. 1868, $l,ooo. Rhode Island 1, 2:32, 2:30V4, 2:28, 2::Wk. Middletown, N. Y., Sept. 10, 1868, $900. Hotspur, 2:38, 2:33'4, 2:33. Newburgh, N. Y., Sept. 16, 1868, $1,000. Lucy 2:29,2:26'/2, 2:27. Sept. 16. 1868, $1,500. Goldsmith Maid 1, 2 :28, 2:26J£, 2:259^, 2:28J^. Springfield, Mass., Aug. 26, 1869, $2,500. Mountain Boy 3. 2:28H 2:28,2:29, 2:28. (w). Prospect Park, L. I., Nov. 9, 1870, $1,000. American Girl (w) 3, 2:25'/;, 2:24'/2, 2:2714,2:2614. Dan Mace, Boston, Mass., June 28, 1872, $2,000. William H. Allen 3, 2:30i2,2:25K'. 'ii'ZiKj., 2:2314. George Peabody, b s (3 :36). D. C. Whittemore, Manchestei-, X. H., Sept. .30, 1873. $250. Fleetwing >;; dis), Uucas i3 dis). Col. Dean c; dis), Dolly Varden (2 dis), 2:45, 2:;;!)'.,. 2:40. Oct. 3, 1873, $250. Dunnyille, Frank, Red Bird, Thought (1 dis), Edwin Booth (1 dis), 2:51i4, 2:49Vo, 2-51. July 4, 1879, .fs.50. Lady Sherburn 3, 2:42i^. 2:40f4, 2:40'''., 2:39K>- George R.. br g (3 :43i4). Jas. Brown, Danver, Mass., June 5, 1875, .$200. Juno, Ben Bolt, 2:^.5, 2:49i/2. 2 :49. Gi'o. Teel, Lynn, Mass., Aug. 7, 1875, $50. Brandy wine. 2 :.50i4, 2:50'^, 2:47. George R., 1 w), cii g (3 :433^ w). O. W. Dimmick, Cincinnati, O., June 13, 1876, $100. Lady Chester (w), 2:45. 2:45, 2:43^i. . v y, ^ George R., b g{3:463:i), by Bacon's Ethan Allen. R. Ellis, Bangor, Mich., June 9, 1882. $100. Sorrel .Tim, Little Rob, Razor B., 2 -.59%, 2:59%, 2 :59i4. George R., bg(3:45). G. W.Nelson, Baltimore. Md., June 18, 1883, $100. Newcomer 1. :;. Dolly B. .5, Jim Fisk, Oriole 2, (5 dr). Telephone (2 dr), 2:45i.i. 2:48, 2:43, 2:45, ,3:47,2:47. George R., ch g (3 :58^). Webb Norton, Yorkshire Centre, N. Y., July 5, 1883, 250. Pinat'on>, Warren, 2:59. 2:5914, 2 :589i. George Rambo, b s (3:03?i). A. Ridgeway, Hudson Co., N.J., Sept. 18, 1874, $75. Gen. McClellan 3, Fleeting Ray, 3:10, 3:02lt, 3:0514, — . Stallions. George Randall, br g (3 :40U), by Magna Charta. Chas. Nicholson, Gr.and Rapids, Mich., Sept. 17, 1876, $ . Golden Farmer, Ladv Moscow, Silverheels, 2:43';, 2:41,2:43. Concord, Mich., Sept. 28, 1876, ,$50. Black Cloud 1. White Cloud, Ruff, Hoosier Boy. 2:47. 2:45, 2:43,2:4,5. Sept. 29, 1876, $100. Ruff, White Cloud, 2 :45, 2:41, 2:40! ;. George Ray (Dick), blkg (3 :39:U). B. Cole, Waverly, N. J., Sept. 1.5, 1874. .f;200. William B. (3 0), Witch. Prince, \oung Abdallah Champion, 2:4214, 2:44U, 2:44, 2:44)^. Spring Valley, N. Y., Oct. 1, 1874, .$300. Road "Master, Lady Rafferty, Billv Button, 2:41. 2:42i4, 2:-t0. George Reed, b g (3 :39' ;), by Buckeye. Thos. Price. Massillon. O., Jnlv 31. 1872, $7.5. Maggie 3, Black Torn, Harry Crooks, Tip, Pauline. Mountain Chief. Tioga John (2 dis). Tommy (2 dis), 3:16i2, 3:08, 3:07?i, 3:07. Aug. 2,1872, $ . Jack 3, Flora, 3:18, 3:2014, 3:28, 3:10. Frank Price, Coshocton, O., Oct. 23, 1873, $150. Bob 3, 4, Wild Tom 1, Doc, Fanchon (5 dis), 3:05, 3:05, 3:0.3, 3:C5, 3:10,3:01. Massillon, O., Aug. 6, 1874, .$500. Star 3, Charley, Alert, Daisy, Raft, Bav Jim (3 dr), Maggie (2 dis), L.V. Caldwell (2 dis), «teel Bottom (1 dis), Irish Lord (i dis), 2:45, 2:40, 2:39!4, 2:3914. New Philade' jhia, O., Oct. 5, 1874, $30, Lew Scott 3, 4, Gray Eagle (4 dr), Annie (4 dr), 2:4.5. 2:44, 2:42. 2:42K>, . " . >^ , Oct. 6, 1874, .$ . Whirlwind, Advance, 2:4714, 2:47ii, 2:45. Same day. Advance, Lew Scott, 2:46, 2:4Si4. 2:421^. Miller & Price, Orville, O., Oct. 15. 1874, $100. , Maggie Kimberlv, Sunrise, Advance, George. No time. Oct. 16, 1874, $;300. Lady Clipper, Deception, Ohio Girl. 2:4314, 2:41V^, 2:42. GeorgeRocket, b g(3:47). .John Losee, .Tohnstown, N. Y\, Jime 1.5, 1870, $150. Billy Mix 2, St. Lawrence Maid, 2:.50, 2:49, 2:47, 2:50. George Ryan, rn g (3 :43). Andrew McDowell, Rochester. N, Y., Sept. 23, 1875, $250. Minnie Allen, Whit- ford, Maggie, Mountain Boy (1 dis). Tom Weiarhi'll (1 dis\ 2:44, 2:44. 2:43. George .S., bg (3:41), by Springville Chief. S I. Strickland, Pittslnirgh, Pa., Sept. 29, 1880, .$300. Albert B. 1. 2, Accident, Rochester. 2:4414, 2:4.3, 2:41. 2:41i.;, 2:42i4. ■ Wellsvillc, N. Y., Sept., 7, 1881, .$200. Hattie, Young Erin, 2:42. 2:4414, 2:44. George .S., b g (3:56i/2). J. D. Smith, Washington, Kan., Sept. 22, 1882, $60. John D.. 3:0294, 2:56'/4, 2:571^. J. B. Smith, Hiawatha, Kan., Sept, 29, 1881, $30. Hot George 2. Bay Jim, Breeze 1, (4 dr), 3:06, 3:08, 3:10, 3:00, 3:10. George S., b s'(3 :30), by Silent Friend. E. W. Gawley, Anamosa, la., Oct. 18, 1882 .$,50. Loafer, Claybank, KitlyC..3:48. 3:47, 3:20. .. .„ ^ x , ^ ^ .^ , . Cieorge Spaulding, ch g (3 :57i/o). A. J. McKimmin, Nashville, Tenn., July 7, 1869. $100. Futcher's br m a dis), Eliza .Tane (1 dis) 2:.57i4. George T.. b g (3 :40). S. H. Rundell. Danbury. Conn., Oct. 8. 1881, $100. F. K. 1, .Toe, Gen. Grant, 3:00, 2:55, George -fafft. (3 :45). J. Dougrey. (Cambridge. N. Y., Aug. 28, 1869. $100. Billy Carver. Dan, 2 :,50, 2:48, 2:45. 262 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROITINC AND PA(l.\(i HKCOKI). George Treat, org (3 :25V4), hy David HillJr., (lam Clara C. liy Morpfaii Black Hawk. A. F. Smith, San Francisco, Cal., Oft. '.iS, liSTl, jil.jO Kentucky Queen, Termuuis, Uotta (,_' dis). Young Diamond C (lis) Emma Madigan (2 dist, 3:0a, i.':i>;j'2. Tlircc-year-oKls. May 10, 1X72, )!?l,0(ii>. Broom Corn U o;, J(jiin Coglilan 1, l', (G dis;, Snot, Flora (4 dis). Chief (1 dis), 242V^ 2 :42, L' :40'4 ■ 2 :40, 1' :a9, 2 :3»i.i. *' Chico, Cal., Oct. 5, 1»72, §400. Regulator U, C! 0), Mav Howard (3 0), 2:39';, 2:36^, 2:3C'/2, 2:3.')»4 Marysville. I'al., Sei)t. 10, 1873, tfoOti. Jerome, Marv Davis. Oregon Jake (2 dis), 2:.i-), 2:33'i, 234 Stockton. Cal., Sept. 9, l«7o, $r>w. San lirnuo 1. 2. Ili)|)e .!, 2:29.2:3.3, 2:32. 2:27'^, 2:31, 2:31^. Los Angeles, Cal., Nov. 23, 187,>. .>7.")U. Vauglin 1. i;, ^ .old Note 3, 4, 2:32, 2:33. 2:34, 2:35, 2:36' , "■.'{R'i ''-41 San Francisco. Cal.,April 1 and 4, ix7(;, i:m. Dingo ;;. 4, Conlidence 1, 2, Heurv. Ella Lewis (. di i. '"••"*H. ' 2:29, 2:l9'.i. 2:31, 2:33, 2:30!2,2:30i4. .... v .--.4, Stocketon, Cal., Jmie 15, 187G, ,':<2.50. Dirigo 2. American Maid (3 dis), 2:32, 2:30, 2:31 2-33'2 San Francisco, Cal., July 2(j, 1876. $5(H). .Jerome. Oirigo, llenrv, 2;32?ii. 2:29',, 2-28'~ Aug. 19, 187G, j!.")(»0. May Howard ;, Stanlonl, Cold Note (3 dis), 2:24. 2:2iJii. 2:27. 2 28}^. Reno. Ncv., Sept. If., 1876 .i:!2,ouo. Jerome 2, ;;, i'rot'es.sor, Dirigo. Sweet Brier, Alice" 2:32, 2:3.0.2:341^, chico, Cal.. May 18. 1877, $200. Alameda Maid 1, Dutchman. 2:28. 2:31, 2:33>.; 2.30 George v., chgi-J:'-JO;, bvMasterlode, dam hy Magna Charla. T. Welch, CoUiwater". Mich.. Mav 22. 1879 .•?200. Tom W alton 2. Dolly. Sam Tilden, Nelly K.. Kftie ti. (3 dis;, Hannah (3 dr), Lightloot (2 dis). Tendov (2 dis), 3:00, 3:01, 3:01, 2 :;jO. Elkhart. Ind., May 29, 1879. $ . Tom Walton, Sam TiUlen, Hannah, Dollv, Knima. Mambrino Oirl. Billy Osborn, 3:01, 3:02, 3:01. ' . Coldwater, Mich., May 13, 1880, .$300. Tom Hendricks 2, Willjur F.. T. Shuler (3 disi. 300. 300, 3-00. 2:36'4- . ■ ' Elkhart, Ind., May 19, 1880, .S300. Tom Hendricks 2, Wilbur F.. Slcei)v .lack No time Niles, Mich., May 27, 1880, JglOO. Mambrino Chief Jr.. ], Gray Dobbin,' Billv C., Lizzie Davis (3 drj. Xo tnne. ;;:,^^''"'*' ,^r'^,'^,'^'.,^'j,*-'^'','^""^ 3' 1880, 6600. Mambrino Turk 3. 4. Chauncev H. 2, Bay Prince. J. W. Thomas, W. H. Holly, Oeorge B. (."> dr). Tom S. (."> dn. 2:31, 2;!"U>, •'■;!3'., •'■;}■> •''•35-4 •>-37 Charlotte, Mich., Aug. 20, 1880, .■3i250. Jessie Dix(m 3 (-iO), Lothair i, Fi"irt', Biflv Bird,"2:'33i4, 2:32?4. 2:33>4, 2:37'.i. 2:33. 2:31?4. Detroit, Mich., Sept. 15, 1880. S— . Lady Turpin 2, 3. 2:32, 2:32)/'. 2:32, 2:34, 2:33^. Benton Harbor. Mich,, Oct. 8, 1880, .1i;300. Grav Cloud 2. Indicator, 2:33'2, 2:34. 2:32, 2:35. Centreville, Mich., May 19, 1882, .fcoo. H. M. Strong. Nell Buckman, Roanoke (2 dr), 2:38,2:41, 2:345^. Grand Rapids, Mich., Sept. 29, 1882, .§400. MoHv Middieton 2, William S. 1, Billv R.. 2:3i;2, 2:.32'2, 2:29'!, 2:30'2,2:a'). " . . .£. s 4, Centreville, Mich., Oct. 6, 1882, .?200. Mambrino Sparkle, Waiting, De Witt, Young Buchanan, 2:34, 2:33^2, 2 :.35',. i . &. . t, . , W.Mulliii, Ligoi.ier, Ind., Oct. 20, 1882. ,?300. Y'imng Buchanan l, Reynard, Polka Dot. 2:39, 2:31U, 2:32'i, 2:.32. G. \V. Siuinders, Rochester, N. Y'.. Aug. 14, 1883, $\,mo. Zoe B. 3. 4. Maxev Cobb, Lona (iufiin. Kitty Patclien. Allegheny ^"y. Cien. Brock, Freestone. Breeze Medium, Ike Scliultz, Modoc, Erebus U dis), Nettie R. (4 dis). 2:20, 2:25, 2:20i4, 2:21i.i. 2:23i^i. Providence, R. I., Sept 11, 1883, ^L.-iOO. Maxv Cobb 1, 2, Allegheiiv Bov, Breeze Medium. 2:23. 2:21='4. 2:20, 2:2414.2:26. Albany N.Y., Oct. 1, 1883, $1,000. Sleepy Joe 1, Maxev Cobb, Zoe B., Pliil Thompson, 2:23, 2:215Si, 2:23;i, 2:23^.,. George AV., b s (2 :.'>3i,4), hy Hambletonian Bashaw. S. Cotton. De Witt, la., Sept. 22, 1882,850. Prince Albert, 2 :.')2, "i'.'yi^A, 2:.54' ». Georjfe W.. b'g (3:54). B. Erskine, Mystic Park, Boston, Oct. 18. 1883, §100. Maud H. 2. Topsv. Fanchon, MaiuUldr). Prince (4 dr). Rex M. (4 dV). 3 :04. 2 :.52i4, 2:,-)7(2, 2:54, George AValbridge, rn g (2 :44). Thos. Wilson, Rochester, N. Y'., Oct. 28, 1857, §200. Belle Brandon 3. Wil- liam Campbell, 2:4.5, 2:44'., 2:4.'., 2:47',. Nov. 5. 18-,7. .Si>On. Belle Brandon 2 (4 Oi. 2:44. 2:45, 2:44, 2:46, 2:47. George Washinston. rng (3:45).^). .Tas. Howard. Baltimore. Md., Sept. 26, 18.'>0, §50. Kate O'Brien, 5:31, 5::i.3. Two miles. George AVashingtoii.gr g (3 :.'53). ,Tas. .Tack, Newburgh. N. Y'., Sejjt. 30. iS.oS, .?200. Milkmaid (s) 2, 8:40, 8:.{4, 8::i6. Tiiree miles. (w), Oct. 14. 18.53, .?G0. Charlev fw) 1. 3:00. 2:54. 2-M. 2:.55. (w), G. .Jenkins, Union Course, L. I.. Nov. 14, 18.55, §1.000. Harry of the West (w) 2. 8:48, 8:5i;, 9:11. Three miles. George Washington fw), ch g (2 :35i;), bv Black Bashaw. F. J. Nodine, Union Course, L. I.. April 29, 1858, §.50. Molmwk (w)2, Boston (w), 2:.3,5i^, 2:.%, 2:37'..>, 2:38'... , , George AVashington. br g (2:34>.i). S. Haves, Boston. Mass., May 2, 1865, SIOO. Niblo. Major, Lady Alice. Paul Prv, Ladv Mac il dis), 2:4.5. 2:47'i, 2:4.5. Mav 5. 1865.§ . Fearnaught. Ma"lor Christie, Y'oung Ben (1 dis), 2:38>.4. 2:42^4, 2:4U4. Mav 20, 186.5, .?loo. Gon. Sherman. Alajor Rilev, 2:39^4, 2:4154. • Jurie2. 1865. .'5.500. Draco 2. '2:mh. 2:401-1, 2:.39''4', 2:4.3. Aug. 24. 186.5, .?1,000. Ch:impion (1 0), 2:42i4. 2:43'i. 2:40, 2:4.314. Sept. 26. 186.5, .§,500. .John Bartlett, 2:46i/», 2:4.5, 2:46'c. Wm. WoodrnfT, Dec. 9. 186.5. Sl.OOO. Ladv Spanker .3. 2:43, 2:41, 2:41, 2:40'^. J. J. Bowon, June 25 1867. §300. Ticonic', Danville Bov. 2:.')6, 2:38?4, 2:38. Julv 13. 1867. §1.000. Ticonic 1. 2:,38i.j. 2:3S'», 2:40i4, 2:38. .Tulv 22. 18(;7. .'5.500. Ticonic 1. 2:.T,';. 2:41. 2:4D4. 2:38. , ^ _,, George Waters (2 :4.'>",. Jas. Rockev. "Cincinnati. O., Aug. 7. 1858, §200. Fancy Jack. 2:48' .. 2:48, 2:45>/s. George West, b g(2:40). Henrv Graves. Milwaukee, Wis., Aug. 1, 18.50, .§90. Col. Johnson, (jueen (2 dis). 2 :.5.3, 2:40. 2:4,5. George AV. Howe, h g f3:.37iO, hv Rowl.ind's Mambrino, dam bv Golddust. Elkhorn. AVis., Sept. 27, 1882, .§, . Tom Wright 2. Lady Frances 3. Brown Kate 4 (6 dr), Fat Dan. Golddust. Edwin K. (4 dr), 2:4914, 2:.50. 2:.50. 2:491-6, 2:.50. 2:491/,.' H. D. McKinnev, Janesville. Wis.. Oct. 3. 188.3, .'5200. W'illiam S., Kentucky Rocket. 2::w. 2:37'i, 2:3iM. George AVilkes, Ht'obt. Fillingham). br s (2:22). bv Hamliletonian. dam Dolly Siianker. by Henry Clay, John Crooks. Union Course. L. I.. Oct. 26. 186.5. .§2.000. Com. V:iiidcrl)ilt. 2:30';, 2:26, 2:27?4. fw), Nov. 6. 18(;5. .S2,000. Com. Vanderbilt (w)2 (3 0), (4 dis). 2:34'2. 2:30, 2:29'2. 2:31!2. June 8, 1S66. §1.000. Lady Thome. 2:26.2:27,2:2.5. fw). June 14. 1866. §1.000, ' Ladv Thorne (w^ 2:27, 2:2.5. 2:25'.i'. TTnion Course. L. L. Oct. 25. 1866. .§1.000. 2:26, 2:28U;. To beat 2:2.5. Lost. W. L. Simmons. I'rovi.leiice, R. L, Oct. 22, 1867, §2.000. Dan Rice 3, Confldcnce. Draco Prince (3 dis) 2:27, 2:29, 2:28',. 2:.{0. St;illi(ms. (w), John Crooks, Boston, Mass., Nov. 15, 1867, .§.5,000. Fearnaught (w), 2:31?4, 2:32'/i, 2:33i/4. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 265 — "\A'. L. Simmons, Providence. R. I., June 16, 1808, .•3!2,O0O. Rhode Island, George M. Patcheu, Jr., Mam- briiio Prince (3 tlr), 'J:29K', 2:3114, 2 :32i^. — A. Piitterson, Suffolk Park, Pliila., Sept. 7, 186S. S . Lucy 2, 2:26'4, 2:27''o. 2:27^4, 2:'1C,^4,. — W. L. Simmons, Providence, R. I., Oct. 13, 1868, .?2,.iOO. Rhode IsUind, Draco Prin„e 1. (4 dis), 2:24i^ 2:22. 2:24' 2. 2:25. "" — ( w), Wm. H. Borst, Union Course. L. I.. Nov. 19, 1868, .52,000. American Girl (vv). 2:29'/2. 2:274, 2:29. — Fashion Course, L. I., Nov. 23, 1868, .$2,000. Lady Thome 1. 2 (40), 2:30^2, 2:26k, 2:28V>,2:27U' 2-30iA — Hartford, Conn., Oct. 20, 1869. $2,00U. Lucy. 2:33, 2:31^^4, 2 :3.i. — Prospect Park, L. I., July 21,1870, ^2,000. Lucyl(30j, Mountain Boy (2dis),2:24, 2:24?i, 2:25M, 2:26Ji;» Bihuhampton, N. Y., Julv29, 1870,fl,.')00. Ed. White, 2:33, 2:32^,2:31?^. Hornellsville, N. Y.. Au^. 4, 1870, $1,650. Lucy 1, 3, 2:29i'ir. 2:29. 2':28'/2, 2:32, 2:34?i. Providence, R. L, Oct. 8, 1870, .«!1,500. Rhoue Island, Draco Prince (2 dis), 2:30, 2:28, 2:27. Anienia, N. Y., Oct. 19. 1871. $.500. Medoc, Ed. White, 2:,!4. 2:35,2:329i. Newiirk. N. J., June 7, 1872. $r>()0. Gray Eddy 1, Mvron Perrv, 2:3S%,2-MH, 2:40, 2:42i4. Wate'town. N. Y., Juie 28, 1872, .$700. Clara, Lady Lightfoot, 2:29. 2:34M, 2:37. Hamilton, Oni., July 2, 1872. .«!l,200. Gen. Howard, Snow Flake (1 0) (2 dis). Ed. Foster (1 dis), Indepen- dence (1 dis), 2::i2'2. 2:32, 2:42i.i. 2:44^4. George AVilkes, br g (3:46'4). W. H. Garthwaite, White Plains, N. Y., Aug. 20, 1873, S400. Tomtit, Lin- wood, Lord Nelson, 3:00, 2:.'58, 2:.55. Sept. 29, 1873, S.50. Lookon, 3:0.5, 2:58, 2:.58. Georfje "Wilke.s Jr., blk s (3 :44), by (Jeorge Wilkes, dam the Speight Mare, bv Smith Burr. S. S. Houghton, Grafto'i, N. H.. Sept. 24, 1878, .$80. Sheridan, Orphan Boy, (irant. 2::,H1.2. 2:.5:;, 2:54. Georse AV. Loud, (3 :33), by George M. Patchen Jr. J. Sessions, SatTamento, Cal.. Sept. 18, 1877, :$300. Nemn 3, Elcho, Echora. Maggie Mitchell, Rustic (1 dis), Clara P. (1 dis), Gladstone (1 dis), Granger (l dis), 2::;2, 2:3.3, 2:3.3, ■':.S4, 2 :34k. Geors-e Wolf, br s (3 :20), by Young Messenger, F. Strawn, Manhattan, Kan., Sept. 1, 1882, $55. Plough Boy, BillvG.. 3:40, .hin. Geovtfe W. Patterson, h g (3 :33)/^). by Henry B., Patchen, J. L. Dotv, Fashion Course, L. I., May 19, 1870, Sl.i'O'i. Clarence l. Little Dan, Villa.ge Girl (4 dis), Kate McGowan (1 dis), 2:34?.,, 2:34?i, 2:37?i, 2:34. Boston, Mass., June 13, 1870, $2,000. St. Elmo, Village Girl, Rose Standish, Shawmut, Little Dan, 2:33'4, 2:.36, 2:.37. (s) .lohn JMurphv, Prospect Park, L. I., Oct. 18, 1872, .$500. Wallace (s), (2 dr). 2:44k, • George AV. S., b g (3 :41). G. W. Sambeck. Massillon, O.. Aug. 29, 1870, $200. Little Hannah, Drummer Boy, L. P. Blake, Dor-v C. Elsie, Jane Easlv, Honest Ben, Gen. Lee, Advance (3 dis), Rebecca (2 dis\ Ladv Muir (2 dis), Mamie F. (2 dis). Honest Dodd (2 dis), 2:45'o, 2:45, 2:41. Beaver Pa., Sept. 28. 1876, .«200. Honest George, Igo, George, Bav Harry, 2:47^, 2:50, 2:49k. Georgia, b ni (3 :36). Wm. Walker, St. Paul, Minn., Aug. 21, 1874, $300. Electricity 3, Gen. Burnham, Lady- Mac, Flora (3 dis), 2:46k, 2:46, 2 :44i^, 2:45?4. Ang. 22. 1874. .$.300. Electricity 2, 3, Fly, Nelly (5 dis), 2-A0}4, 2:.39, 2:40'/^, 2:42, 2:41%. Dubuque. Im.. Sept. 9, 1874, .$300. Fred, 2:36,'2:38?i, 2:41i;. Georgie, gr m (3:51). H. L. Joslyn, Barre, Mass, Sept. 25, 1874, $50. Topsy 4, ,5, Wonder 2, Kate Thorn, Frenchman, Ida (5 dr), 2:51, 2:53. 2:.53'i, 2:.55, 2:58, 2:5454. Worcester, Mass., Oct. 1, 1874, .$100. Colonels, 6, Ciipt. Taugus, Capt. King, Maud 1, 2 (3 dr), 2:53k, 2:52>.i, 2:53, 2:55. 2:55, 2:.53k, 2:.54. Georgie bm (3:38). G. E. Hutton. Clyde, Kan., Sept. 8, 1882, $200. Long John 1, 2 (3 0) (4 0), Ben Taylor, Jessie C, Calamity (4 dr), 2:4B4, 2:40k. 2:43k, 2:4.5, 2:47. 2:49, 2:41k. — — Beloit, Kan., Sept. 15, 1882, .§400. Ben Harper 1, 3 (4 0), Long John 2 (5 0), Clara, 2:39i4, 2:40, 2:45, 2:41}^, 2 :42Vi. 2:45. 2:411^, 2 :42k. Georgie B., eh m{3:31). H.Woodruff, LawTenoe, Mass., Aug. 5, 1874. $200. Orient, Emperor 1,2 (5 dis). Lazy Jim (3 dis), 2:47'2. 2:40, 2:401/^, 2:44'2. 2:44i,. Haverhill, Mass., Aug. 10, 1874, $225. Effie 3, 4 (5 0), Folly (1 dis). Seamstress (l dis), 2:38, 2:40?i, 2:41k, 2:41k. 2:4.3, 2:39. A. D. Carson. Beacon Park, Boston, Aug. 21, 187.5, .$400. Bessie 4, Maggie S. l,Lady Daggett, Grace, Nellv, Sterling(5 dr), 2:.34, 2:35. 2:.36k. 2:34, 2:30. Oct. 28, 1875. .$.500. Magsiie S. 3. 4, (irarr. Mexible, Blanche. ,Iohn T. Russell, 2:35, 2:31, 2:31, 2:33, . Georgie M. (Scotland Maid), h m (3 :38k>, l)v Ilanibletonian. dam Trusty, by Marlborough. B. J. Fisk, Bea- con Park, Boston, May 11, 1870. .$200. Nashua Maid. Roval Tom, Christine, lone (2 dis), 2:4954, 2:40i.i, 2:48. Mystic Park, Boston, May 19, 1876, $200. Arthur T., Peter Simple, Champlain 1 (3 dis), 2:37, 2:38, 2:42, 2:43.' Dover, N. H., .Tuly 7, 1876, .$600. Joe S, 1, 2, Hiram Dyer 5, Falcon, Paul Breton, Johnny, Jenny (4 dr). Flora (4 dis), 2:36, 2:,S6. 2:35'i, 2:38, 2:45. Georgie W., b ni (3 :.50), by New York, dam bv Blazing Star. Volney French, Erie, Pa., Sept. 14, 1881, $100. Coupon 2, Fred Hull 4, Keystone, IMollv H., Harm Miller, 2:55, 2:54, 2:57U, , 2:50. Four-year-olds. Gerald, ch g (3:53) W. J. Hlnman. Winnirug, Man., Sept. 11, 188,3. Prize, silver. Charley C 2, Sara B., Poi)pet 1 (2 dis). Lady Mac (1 dis), 2:49'4. 2:49ii, 2:.52, 2:.53ii, 2:.5.5. Sept. 12, 188.3. Prize, silver. Lady Wintield, Sam H., Lady Mac (1 dis), 3:1154. 3:01, 2:.57. German Girl (Lady Picard), b m(3:35). Wm. Brown, Detroit; Mich., Sept. 14, 1869, .$300. Julia Glover 1, Cozette, Capt. Tom, 2:39;'4, 2:3,5k. 2:40. German Girl, blk m (3 :43). W. H. Colby, Denver, Col., Oct. 6, 1877, .$125. Denver Girl, Badger Girl (3 dis). Rover ,2 dis), 2:4.3, 2:45, 2:42. German Maid, b m 1 3 :34). J. Torrance, Waukegan, 111.. June 18, 1870, $125. Daisy Dean 1, Tom Allen (2 O, 2:47, 2:.50, 2:41, 2:48, 2:48. ■ Smith Sears, Woodstock, 111., Oct. 7, 1870, $100. Minnesota Belle 3, (4 0), Earing's Bay Horse 2, Smiling Pony, 2:41, 2:38, 2:35, 2:40, 2:34. J. Corcoran, Chicago, 111., July 24, 1871, $1,000. Murray (w) (3 dis), 2:37k, 2 :39k, 2:.38. Germany, b g (3 :54). A. J. Mcltimmln, Nashville, Tenn., July 1.5, 1875, $100. Maid of the Mist 4, Tom O'Connor (3 dis). Big Sugar 1, (2 r o). 2:.51?i. 2:.54. 2:56, 3:on, 3:04. Gerry, b g (3 :56). M. G. Worthley, Lvnn, Mass., Oct. 5, 1878. $150. Lady Palmer (2 dis), 3:00, 2:,57?4. ■ Oct. 17, 1S78, $200. General 3', 3:01U. 2:.56, 3-01, 2:.59. Gerry Bron, br g (3 :57). P. Mclntvre, Springfield. Mass., ISIay 13, 1875, .$100. Billv, Lafayette, Green Boy (2 dis), Lady G. (2 dis). Lady Fullerton (2 dis), 2:.57, 2:.57, 2:.59i2. Gertie, ch m (3:45ii). A. ft. Ladd. New Hunting Park. Phila., Sept. .3. 1881. .$200. John, 2:.583{, 3:01, 2:.59. Gertie, blk m (3:43';;). G. Beverly. Providence, R. I., Sept. 28. 188.3, .$300. Ladv Strideaway, Black Diamond, Roan Johnnv. Columbus Medium, Kitty (iarfield (2 dis) 2:46?^. 2:42i4, 2:4.5. Gertie E., b m (3 :55), by Corhin's Flying Cloud. A. Corbin, Gouverneur, N. Y., Sept. 1, 1880, $50. Mabel 1, 3:12' 2, 3:12. 3:07. Two-vear-olds. T. G. Sabin, Great B'arrington, Mass., Sept. 28, 1883, $30. Nelly 1, 4. Judge Cowles, 2:53i^, 2:57>/2, 2:55, 2:56. 2:.55'/,. Gertrude, brm (3:46?^). F. W. Russell, Hartford, Conn., Sept. 16, 1864, $75. Princeton 1, Amos 2, Un- known, 2:49, 2:48, 2:47k, 2:46?^. 2G4 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. Oertrude. I) in (2 :36>4». M. Campell, Ilaniilton, N. Y.. Aiifr. (>, 1874 § Black Fred 1, 2, West Eatou Girl 4, In anil Out. Sunst-l i.2 (lis). •.':41, 2:4H.i, 2:4(i, 2:42. 2:4.;. ■_':44. \„j< 7, |^74, j; . Lulln-r ;!, Capilola (4(li,sj. .Sunsi't i;itlr), 2:44'2, 2:41, 2:41,2:3(>'ii. y Volunteer. H. (". Heye, Belmont Park, PhiUi., June 28, 1879, Ssno. Jerome Getoway,*('a':32), by Gossip Jones. Mr. Brown, New Albany. Ind.. Oct. 8. 18CC, S40. Daniel Boone, Tempest, 2'32 ■'■.'!.'} Gettysinir;;, (H. V. K.). b li (3:30i^j, by I'bil Sheridan. II. Ellsworth, Behnont Park. Phila., May 24, 1883, .*5()0. Creseo. Don Carlos, Eastern Medium. 2::;6. 2:::ti. 2:32. . - Washington. I). ('.. .lulv (i, 1.S83, Sl.20(J. iManilirino Sothani 1, Charles Carroll (4 dis). Alice Blairkwood (1 dis). 2:.J0. 2:3'l'.i, 2:30!2."2:.U. G. (lis), 2:57, 2:.52U., 2:.5(;, 2:,")4, 2:.53. :.54'2\ U. flannnell, Denver, Col.. Julv 17. ]8(i9, $150. Kate, Belle Brandon (2 dr), 3:00. 2:55. Ghost, hlk g {•! :.-.4',\ U. Hanunell, Denver, Col.. .lulv 17. ]8(>9, C. U. Ward, Oct. 25, 18(J9, .§400. Tobe,2:54io. 2:.^;";. 'l-M^i. G. 11. I'iitchen. b s ('i :3y ). .Joshua Garwood, Mt. Holly. N. J., Oct. 1 and 2, 1S(;1.S15. A.J. Patchen, 2:39, 2:44. S'ldlions. Five-vear-olds. Gibo ch ari :43). Ralph Ogle, Union Course, L. I.. Oct. 13, 18C.5, $125. Zenobia 1, 2:44, 2:44(2, 2:4.5. 2:43. . 'K Pulvcr. Copake, N. V.. Jiuie 8. 1SG7, ??100. Moscow 1, 3:10, 2:43, 2:.5.5. Hudson. N. v.. June 13. 1867, .^ . M(wcaw 1, 2:.51, 2:52'2, 2:.55. Gibralter h s (2 r'-iS',), by Echo, dam bv Owen J)ale. G. A. Tiffany, San Francisco. Cal.. Sept. 18. 1878, $1,500. Abbottsford 1. Kcliora,' Alice, Barney', Bickford, Prophet (3 dis). Hayward Chief (1 dis). Harry ( 1 dis>, 2:25, 2:2(). 2:27. 2:24'... M Salisburv, Stockton, Cal., Oct. 2, 1880. .S700. Cassie Mack, Reliance, 2:41'2, 2:.32, 2:41'2. I. II. (Joldsiiiitli. Oakland, Cal., Sept. 13, 1881, §750. Ashley, Echora, Del Sur, Tommy Dodd, Crown Gil. son's' C lies'tiiut'Siirre'ia :14), by Trouble. Mr. Gibson, Nashville, Tenn., Nov. 9, 1877. .S350. Brook's b m, Kimmin's gr in. Sweeney's ch s (1 dis), 3:17?i, 3:14. Three-year-olds. Gideon, m g (3 :4«',). T. Crane, Fleetwood Park, N. Y., July 12, 1876, $100. Blind Boy 2 ^4 dis), 2:46?i, 2:48, Gideon (w), b g (3 :50i,i). Middletown, N. Y., Sept. 2, 1880, $75. Brown Jack (w) 4, Hancock (w) 3, 2:54, 2:56, Gideon Welies'(w), gr g (3 :36). J. J. IBowen, Boston, Mass., May 23, 1866, $100. Toby Candor ( w), 2:46V», 2:421^.2:4.5. .I,n„. 12, 1866, S100. License, Kingston, 2:44. 2:39, 2:4?. Will. Woodruff, .lulv 7. 186(i, $100. ■ Kail Splitter 1, 2:33=4, 2:36'i, 2:36, 2:.%^. Gifl-oril (Chickaniauga &CliarIcv B.). ch g (3: 30), bv Chickamauga. A. A. Hull, West Meriden, Conn., July 5, 187.5. $10f). Blue Bull. Keusingloii Maid, Blind Tom, 2:.55i/,,2:535£ 2:54. S. C. Clancey, Northampton, Mass., July 9, 1875, $400. Dan 1, Kitty Hills, Madge, Tommy Dodd, Quaker (4 dr), Samoset (2 dr), 2:37'/o. 2:38, 2:41, 2:47. A. K, Danforth, Chester, Vt., Sept. 23, 1875, $165. Night Hawk 1, Red Rock, 2:47K, 2:43y2. 2:4.5i-4, 2 •4() '- 1) W. Beckler, l?eacon Park, Boston, Sept. 23, 1876, $600. Delightful, Rosa, Com. I'erry, Elevator, Lady Williams, 2:31'/2, 2:31,2.32. _ ^ „. „ ^. „ „ „„ „ „„ Dover, N. H., Sept. 27, 1876, $300. Com. Perry, Carpenter Boy, Grace, Pnzc, Gentinella. 2:.39, 2:38, — —Providence. R. I., Oct. 4, 1876, $500. Carpenter Boy (1 0), Com. Perry (1 0). Ernestine, Delight, Belle (2 Beac()ii"Park,B()s"ton, Oct. 11, 1876, $.300. Jean Ingelow 3. Nira Belle, Baby Boy, Ceorgie B.. Joe 8.(4 dis), Frank Hull (1 dis), 2:32, 2:31. 2:32, 2:31. Oct. 14. 1876. .$200. .John T. Russell, 2:30, 2:.32.2:.32. Gitt-ord iJov, 1) s (3 :47), by Ethan Allen, dam bv Vt. Black Hawk. G. F. Sollace. St. Albans, \ t.. Sept. 13, 1876, .S85! Highland I'.ov, .Vbbv M.. ('oachman, Leeds, Nelly Brown, 2:49. 2:47.2:47. Middleburv. Vt., Sept. 29. 1876, $80. Ladv Kilraiiie 1. Only One, 2:.52, 2:48U. 2:49, 2 .50. Gift, ch g (3: .53), bv Mambrino Pilot, dam a pacer. C. P. Kdf, Philadelphia. I'a.. Oct. 18. 18,0. $ . Harry 1, Lady 2, Flora," Echol, Black Warrior, Ashland Maid, Sally Crow, Fanny Morris, 2:.'-.6. -^ihO^.'^-^h. 2:63, Gift.' rVg (2:.52), H. Lnmbard, Utica. N. Y., Oct. 3, 1872. .'200. Eugene 3. Lady Sliernian, Curry's ch m 1 (2 dis). Gift Jr.^'r 'sVs :'3Vk.). b'y'Mambrino Gift, dnm Luck Dolly. H. Huntington, Chillicothe, O., Oct. 6 . 1881. $225. Eagle Plume, Big Kiiig, Erastus B.. 2::i5Vo. 2:3::i/„ 2:.32. Oct. 7. 1881. $200. Big King, Eagle Plume. Erastus B. No time. ., , „ . ,-■ r Xeiiia.. O, Aug. 2. 1882, .$— . Joe Rhea, Fannv Irwin, Legal R., Kitty Clyde, Prospect. Kiug, Lona Gumn (3dis), 2:33, 2:.^3. 2:29'/2. ..,•,„ .,o .i .«.., -h Chili(H)the,0., Aug. 6,1882,$ . Toronto Chief Jr., King. Robert Brown (2 (lis), 2:o3. 2:29. 2..11. S. C. Phillips, Sabina, O., Aug. 25,1882, .S300. Toronto Chief Jr., King, Baby Boy, Slrauger (2 dis), 2:.36'i, 2:32'/,, 2:36. Stiibenville, O.. Aug. .30, 1882, .$400. Walter, Tony Newell. 2:30 2:.31, 2■:^l\. (!incinnati, O., Sept. 27. 1882, $800. Will Benham 3, Rigolette, Bob Davis, 2:28",. 2:.30Uj 2:28. i'-^T'/j. T. W. Foster, Columlms, Ind., June 8, 1883. $.300. Jose|)hine 1, Commander, !• nmk Landers, 2 :,i(i',2, 2:32'/}, ^D'aiiviile, 111.. June 27, 1883, $.300. Ike Medium (3 dis), Frank Landers (1 dis), Josephine (l dis), 2:45, Gin>eri,*i)'lk g'(2 :48). H. S. Searight, Carlisle, Pa., Oct. 7, 1873. $40. Mary Bishop, Sorrel Joe, Gnlnare (3 dr), 2:. 5.5, 2:.5,5, 3:02U,. Oct. 8, l873,.$rA Lady Thompson ,3, Mary Bishoji, Ruth Skelly, 2:.52, 2:.''>4'.i,2:.5<»' ,. 2:..3i;i. Oct. 9. 1875. $100. One Ev(>d Hunter 1, 2, Tom Thniidi, Gypsy (3 dr). 2^19"2. 2rt5'j. 2:48 2:48'.,. 2:50. Gilbert Laey (w), gr g (3 :r>l?i w). Mr. Lacy, Detroit, Mich.. July 4, 1861. lYrae, watch. Mehitabet (w) 1 (4 &r), •Oilb.^ti('3t6'o)'.'^"'ciiasr'Mann, National, la., Sept. 13, 1883, $45. Jim 3. Slippery Jira, 3rf)0, 237'/s,. ^aa^ 2:50. CHESTER'S COAirLETE TROTTING AND PACING KECOKl). 265 Gilbird's Sprague. blk s (3 :39»4), by Gov. Sprague, dam Bohemian Girl, by Sir Chai-les. J. F. Gilbird, Dan- ville, 111., July 4. ix»2, Siioo. Jeuuy Wells l. Belle Boweu, Bob Lewis (1 (lis), 2:45, 2:45'4, 2:45. -1:44^/^. • Terre Haute. Ind., June IG. 1883, $450. Dr. Slieppard 1, 2, KlieaCrilteiidou, Kosewoou, Young isuchauan (3 dis), Koscoe (,2 dr), 2:311^2, 2:33. 2::« 2:37V2, 2:41^. Stallions. • J. r. steward. Des Moines, la., Sept. 5, 1883, §.500. Mountain Girl, Freestone, 2:2914, 2:30^4, 2:30'/2. Gilbreth Knox, blk s (2:ZiiU), by Cieii. Knox, dam the Cahill mare. J. H. Gilbrelh, Portland, Me., Oct. 8, 1868,-$ . Competitors not n;iined. 2:52. Sept. 7, 1S(;9, .S600. Gen. McClfllan 1,2:42. 2:37;2, 2:40, 2:37. Sept. '.>. 1809, .^2.50. Gen. McClellan, 2:34. 2:30'. Sept. 29. 1871, AiSOO. Shepherd Knap .)r.. Troublesome, Bangor, Fanny, 2 ■32i'2, 2:3414, 2:37^4. Gilbreth .Haid, blk m (3:38). by Gilbietii Knox. E. H. .Jones, Kockland, Me., Sept. 26, 187G, §180. Little Frank 1, Honest Nell, Lady Voung, Oko, Busy Bee, Shaw's Knox, Lady Emma (l disj, 2 :39i^, 2:45. 2:445-4, 2:44^4. '- SijJt. 28, 1876. .'Siso. Little Frank 3, Oko, Honest Nell, Lady Young, Shaw's Knox, Romp (1 dis;, 2:38, 2:39.2:42.2:3814. E:ist Brunswick. Me., Oct. 4, 1876, S300, Saxon, Honest Nell, Morrill Boy (2 dis), Shaw's Knox (2 dis), I'hil Kearney (,2disi, Romp il dis), 2:40'2. 2:39i.^, 2:39^^ Gil«!liri,sts Bay Mare, (wj (3 :36'., wj. " John Gilchrist. Point Breeze Park, Phila., Oct. 15, 1863, $200. John J. Wheeler (w) 5, Harry of the West (w) 1. 2, 2:40'., 2:41, 2:4U, 2:42, 2:4."), 2:3G>2. Gildersieeve, blkg(3:00). A, Lester, Gt. Barrington. Mass., Sept. 30, 1875, § . Berkshire 2, Dolly Var- den, 3:03,3:01.3:00. 3:04. Gileersleeve Mare, (3 :58). A. Gildersieeve, Hudson. N. Y., Sept. 27, 1871, $30. Black Dan, 2:58, 2:58. Four- year-olds. Oilman, (3 :36). Boston, Mass.. Oct. 23, 1855, $ . John Smith, Benjamin. Barnard, 2:40. 2:.36. Gilmer, gr g (3 :30i4). R. A. Cook, Roekvllle. Ind.. June 9, 1882, §150. Tony Newell 1. 6, Snucks .3, Edina Boy 2, Chestnut Bov. 2 :40, 2 :41U. 2 :40, 2:41, 2:11 V.,, 2:42, 2:411.^. J. M. Cady, Lafayette, Ind., June 21, is,^2, .§250. Chestnut Boy, Legal R., Nettie M., Jenny Wells, 2:53i/4. 2:.53, 2:56U. R. A. Cook, June 23, 1882, § . Waverly l, 2, (4 0), Rosewood .5, 6, Chestnut Boy, Fancy Day, 2:3554, 2*34^-2 2:3014 . 2'32i.i 2*3314 2"35'n 2*38'^. '- .lacVs'on. Miss".", "nov* 2. i883,'.?3'6o. ''Bessie^ rritting, 2:35, 2:37';, 2:.35. Gilroy. b g (2 :36). Piatt Sanford, Decorah. la.. May 15. 1869. .§500. Gray .John, 2:3(1, 2:37! 2, 2:39. Gilt Edge, blk g (3 :31i.;), by Balsora, dam Nonesuch. l)y Brignoii. W. W. Alexander, Jackson, Mich., July 22, 1876. .S.500. George, Miraculous, Bacchus, Fan (2 dis). Fred Briel (2 dis), Hattie Wood (1 dis). Bruiser (1 dis), Ladv D.»dge a dis), 2;31'o, 2:34, 2:36. Gilt Kdge, br g (3 :40). J. E. Moses, Washington, D. C, April 30, 1879, .$150. Eola (2 dis, Neptune (2 dis), 3:00, 2:.57i4, 2:.51'2. May 2, 1879, .S200. Birdie, Trumj), Gen. Hunton, Alec 2. (4 dis), 2:41«^, 2:39, 2:42;4, 2:41'2. Nov. 8, 1879, .S300. Trump (3 0), 2 :40, 2 :41 , 2 :40. 2 :40. Gilt Kdgc. ch 8(3:40^4). by Lyman, H. C. Hess, Worton, Md., Sept. 16 1880, $50. Smuggler Jr., Worton Chief (1 dis), 3 :10, 2 :56. Four-year-olds. (). P. Clemsoii, Elkton. Md., Oct. 14, 1880, .$75. Pinafore, Dora (1 dis), 3:23, 2:52. Four-year-olds. H. C. Hess, Newark, Del., Sept. 17, 1881, $57. Lucifer, Lola, Tola, Goodenough, Napoleon 1, (4 dr), Big Frank. 2:44, 2:45, 2:46, . Oxford. Pa., Sept. 29, 1881, $175. Magnolia, Lady Gussman, 2:47, 2:5014, 2:52. Sept. 30, 1881, .f200. Pastime 2, 3, Cortlandt Boy. Bertha Chandler, 2:44!4, 2:40, 2:40>;. 2:40J4, 2:45. Gimcrack. (s), ch g (3 :49 s). Peter Whelan, Centreville, L. I., July 9, 1839, $50. Lady Catherine (s), l, Boston (s). Dandy Cox (s), 2:51, 2 :52, 2:49. 2 :51. ^ Giraflfe, rng(3:34i'2 w). E. Dennis, Union Course, L. I., Nov. 5, 1864, $500. Marmion 1, Lady Wallace, Plover. Lady Warrenton (2 dis), 2:.38?4, 2:381^, 2:40, 2:4014. (w) H. Woodruff. June 23, 1865, $.337..50. Brother Jonathan (w) 1, 2:42, 2:34'/4, 2:35i4, 2:37i4, Girl E. Oueen, b m (3 :33i4), by Manibrino Patchen, dam by Dixie. L. Herr, Lexington, Ky., Sept. 29, 1875, $ . Post Bov 1. 2, Lady Patchen. Tom St:imiis. Sunshine. 2:3414, 2:40, 2:3714, 2:33i4, 2:3514. Girlie, blk m ( 3 :36' 2 ), bv Georsre Wilkes. W. L. Simmons, Prospect Park, L. I., Oct. 20, 1874, $2,100. Mc- Clnre, Belle of Kings (1 dis). Auctioneer (1 (lis), 2:oiJ9i. 2:36'2. Three-year-olds. D. Mnckle. Jackson. Mich.. June 22, 1876, .$500. Charley 1, 2. Young Wilkes, Deception. Russell, Judge Waite, Gray Salem. Archie Alexander 3 (5 dr), 2:.35, 2:30. 2:31, . . 2:4.5. Girlie, ch m ( 3 :50i. J. L. Freck, Carlisle, Pa., Oct. 2, 1879, $225. Madge 3, Lady Mace, Lady Emma, Emma, 2:.5(). 2:50ii. 2:49^0. 2:.")0. Gladiateur, b s (3 :33 ). by George M. Patcher Jr. Mr. Agnew, San Francisco, Cal., Nov. 10, 1870, $250. Jer- sevmaii. Auction Johnny, 2:.'>H4, 2:.54i4. 2 1.5214. John Wilson. Napa. <'\al.. Sept 11, 1873, .$200. Duane. Eugene Casserly, 2:48!4, 2:4794, 2:47. Stallions. Marvville. Cal., Sept. 13. 1877. .$300. Stranger (3dis), 2:.36?4, 2:33. 2:34. Gladiator, (3 :44), Jas, Rockey, New Orleans, La.. March 8, 1861, .$2,000. Reindeers, Ethan Allen 2, Lady Emma 1, 2:.32. 2:34, 2:43, 2:.55^4. 2:.54i2. Gladiator, bg (3 :33i4), bv Blue Bull, dam by Jim Monroe. F. Patterson, Dayton, 0.. May 17, 1882, .$2.50. Lilly J. 2, 6, Bob Lee 4, 5, Henry 1, Bessie 'C. Lady Lawrence, Irish Fly (5 dr), Maggie Moore (4 dr). Captain B. (2 dr), 2:41i4, 2:44^4. 2:4.3,2:429^, 2:4314, 2:44'/2, 2:39, 2:.39i.i. P. V. .lohnston, Poughkeepsie, N. Y.. Aug. 22. 1882. .?1.000. Topsv 1, May Thome, Eva, Breeze Medium, Sweetness (2 dis). 2:JHi, 2:25'4, 2:27i4, 2:27. F.R.Patterson, Hartford, Conn., Aug. 29, 1882 .?1,000. Eva, May Thome, Topsy (3dr), 2:2314,2:2294. ^"f! L.Noble, Pittsburgh, Pa., July 2,5, 1883, $1,. 500. St. Cloud 1, Walnut, Kate McCall, Lucrece, Bronze (2 dis), 2:24, 2:22ii.<2:2.3Wi, 2:22i4. Gladys, (w), ch m (3 :48 w)T A. Warren, Watertown, N. ¥., Sept. 18, 1867, $40. Nichols b m (w) 2, Bristol Bill ( w). Phil Sheridan (w), 2:48, 2:559i, l:.54i/,. ^. , Gladstone, gr g (3:37). W. J. McCutchen, Teeswater, Ont., July 1. 1876, $30. Brown George, Honest Dick, Gray Wallace, 3:27, 3:1.5, 3:16. John Coiiley. Warwick. N. Y.. Oct. 3. 1876, S200. Flora 1, Bedford, Dnnedin (2dis1, Charley (2 dis), 2:49, 2:44' 1.2:1.31.;. 2:37. Glass Earring, (3:541/^). Gilroy, Cal., .July 8, 1876. $80. Dog Lois 2. .3. 2 :55i/2, 2:54, 2:5414, 2:.54U, 2:.56. Glassfoi-d. bg(3:38). A.C.Wilkinson. Vincennes. Ind., Oct. 17. 1878. $ . Bay Frank 2, 5, Tom Adams 3, Fanny S.. Idle Girl (1 dis), 2:58. 2:50%, 2:49, 2:5n'2, 2:.5ni4, 2:40V6, Oct. 15, 1879, .$75, Nellv K., Polly Wishard. Bundy, Starlight. Bob Lee, Fanny (1 dis). 2:.38. 2:38'', , 2:45. Glastenbury Bov. erg (3:46). Frank Buruham. Norwich. C(mn., Aug. 2, 18.58, $200. Lady Vernon (W), 2:46, 2 :4f;," Glaucus. (Lu Teal), chg(3:47). J. Rutherford. St. Louis, Mo., Aug. 28. 1858, $50. Belle of the West 2, 3, Stranger (4 dis), 2:.56.2:.54, 2:,51, 2:49, 2:48. Sept. 18. 18,58, .$7.5. Gray Harry, 2:48, 2:48. 2:49. ^, „ ^. Gleam, spm(3:44i4), bvRedpath." B. G. Kimball, Haverhill, Mass., May 31, 1883, $100. Green Mountain Boy, Oweenee, l :24. l illKi. Half mile heats. 26C CHESTEK'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING KECOKD. Sept. 18,1883, S . Eninci n.. Pilot Victor, Black Jack, Nancv (2 (lis), 2:44' j, 2:4«!4, 2:44'4. Sept. 20, ItiKJ, *40. Don, Pilot Victor, IJiliy 1).. •J:44'.i, 2:45, 2:44'.i. Glenanlfii, ell g (a:.">y'..;, Iiy W estfrn Fe;iriiaiiglil. (i. Van Caiaiii.'n, Jr., Oleaii, X. V., Sept. 13. 1881, S162. Pred. Porrest, \Villi;iiii Wiillacc. UoIktI Davis, 2:u9Jaj, 3:(Ki, 3:01. Oct. I. 1881, S2(H). .Nelly l,(.'\\i>, 1. Williaiii Wallace, Koltert Davis, 2::)!i'2, 2:.")J)'2, 3:00. •_':.")9'i. Gleiiariii, li syi :3y'... l)y t'oiistellalioii, dam .Sl4'.i. Till ee-aiKl-loiii-yi'ar-okls. • JA'wislon. .Me., Sept. 27, ls82. .*150. Gallant, VVateli (.3 dis), Sabatis Boy (1 dls), Knox Boy. .Jr. (1 dis), Offa (1 dis). 2:45, 2:45',, 2:47'2. Poiir-year-olds. Gleiicoe (w >, ch g Ci :35'/2, by Gleiicoe. It. A. Cliainpliii, Cincinnati, O., Sept. 24, 1803, $200. Joe (w), 2, 3, 3:05, 2:54, •J:57. 2:53,2:47. (\\ ', \\ alien Peabodv, June 3, 1864. SM. Levi, Ten Pin .Jolinnv (w( (1 dis), 2:39?i, 2:42>4, 2:43'4. Jnne 7, 1804, Sioo. lUirr Oak 1, 2, ld;dio(l disi, L':38i4, U:39r4, 2:3S!2, 2::.9, 2:441.,. .Mr. li;irslinian. Dayton, O., June lo. isuu, .■<125. Jane Coombs, Tojisy (2 dis), 2:44. 2:39>.i, 2:.'il. GleiHo«- (3:10). J. Cameron, Lancaster, Out., June 25, 1880,$ . Mcltae's Black Horse, Buckskin. Best time 3:10. GleiKof Belle, b ni (3:38' 2). M. Carroll, Mystic Park, Bo.ston. May 13, 1874, $i5u. Queen, .St. Lawrence Maid, Ladv .lane. Tom, Eugene, Pauline (2 dis), ,2:42, 2:44i4. Beacon P;irk Boston, May 29, 1874, 5iir)0. Eugene, Tom, 2:38'2, 2:41'4, 2:40J/,. GIenct>e Chief, gr g ('i :37). Geo. N. Ferguson, San Francisco, Cal., Ajfril 29, 1855, $1,000. Joe Waterman 1, 2, (501, Wludfuoue (.5 dr), 2:51, 2:49, 2:45, 2:43'.i, 2:43k, 2:45. .Miiv2;!. 1855, $.500. J oe Waterman 2. Best time, 5:41. Two miles. May 26, 18.55, $000. Joe Waterman 2, 5:41'2, 5:38, 5:42. Two miles. (w)," J. L. Koff, Feb. 3, 1857, $300. Tom Morjian (w) 1. (4 0), 2:51, 2:50, 2:49, 2:50. 2:50. (w ). March 14, 1857, $1,000. Whalebone (w), 2 :43'2, 2:47. .S:icraniento, Cal., April 30, 1857, .«!100. :Mary Miller, pacer, 2, (40)2:4.5, 2:42, 2:42, 2:45,2:43. (Wi, ]May IC, 1857, Sl,000. Kit Carson (W) l, 2, (4 0). 2:41. 2:38. 2:41, 2:44, 2:46, 2:44^4. lobn Crooks, Oct. 22, 1857. .*250. Tom Maguire, Kattler (2 dr),2:46'2, 2:42, 2:44. Oct. 24, 1S57, ••!!r>00. Jim Barton. 5:21. 5:2«. Two miles. Oct. 26. 1857, .#2.0(M1. Battler, 2:44, 2:41, 2:42. San Francisco, Cal., Nov. 21, 18.57, :p2,000. Kliode Lslaiid 1, 3, 2:38';, 2:3914, 2:41, 2:41 '/j, 2:42. Dec 2, 1S57. •5i2,0()0. Kliode Island, 5:47, 5:31. Two miles. J. Daniels, .March 16, ls.-,!t, .5400. Jim Barton 1, 2, Jack Waters, 2:41. 2:42>/„, 2:381^, 2:44, 2:41. G. N. Ferguson, San Francisco. Cal., Sei)t. 20, 1859, §.500. Jim Barton 2, 5:20, 5:24, 5:28. Two miles, (w), E. T. I'ease, San Francisco, Cal., April 29, 1859, $2,000. Whistling Giraffe (dis.) Xo time. To ex- press wagon. Five miles. Santa Clara, Cal., Oct. 21, 18,59, $500. Shot, Jack Waters, 2 :45, 2:46. 2:46. • (;eo. N. Ferguson, San Francisco, Cal., Sept. 19, 1860, #650. Jim Barton 2, 3, Battler (3 dr), 2:37Ji,2:37?i, 2:3.5, 2:37, 2:37. Marcii 23, 1864. ,'r;i.noo. Dare Devil, pacer, 1, 2. 245, 2:47i/o, 2:44V2. 2:41, 2:43'4. Geo. Evans, .\pril 2,5, ls6o, SO(K). Jim Barton 2, Latham 1, (4 dis), 2:41, 2:38',2, 2:3714, 2:37i4, 2:3914. Mav 13, 1865, .SoOO. .Mm Barton, 2:44?i, 2:40.2:43. GlencoeGolddust, ch s (3 :3»^,). by Golddust, dam by imp. Gleucoe. L.L. Dorsey. Louisville, Ky., July 11, 187:5, .SIOO. Gold Chief, (iold Droi>, 3:001.:;. 2 :.56)4, 2 :,55. Eminence, Ky.. Sept. 17, 1875, §200. Banker, Puss Thompson (2 dis), 2:42i/i, 2:39M, 2:401,1. Gleiidale, rn m (3 :.53i/.,). B. Senior, Newport, Ky.. Aug. 30, 1875. $300. Komeo, Belle (3 dis), 2:.57. 2:,53i^. 3:07. Gleiuli>le, b g (3:30VS), by Mambrino Wagner, dam Rosendale, by Edwin Forrest. P. 1). Dingeiman, Cyntiiiana, Ky., July .5, 1876, $100. George, Mambrino Billy, Tom Paine, Blanche Ainory 1 1 dis), 2 :53, 2 :49?4, 2 :46. B. J. Troacv, Cassipolis, Mich., June 21, 1877, $ . Fred Moscow, Nelly Goodrich. Alice. No time. Harrodsl)u'rgli, Ky., July 24, 1877. $ . Lady Lumber, 2, 3, Etta Jones 5, 1'ost Boy 4, Kentucky Central. Wildwood, 2:39, 2:33'2, 2:35'". 2:3,5, 2:38U, 2:32, 2:36><;. Cviithiaua, Kv., Oct. 25, 1877, $500. Sophia Temple 2, 6, (7 0), Edwin Forrest 3, Post Boy (5 0), (7 0), Ken- tucky Central. 1). Monroe (4 dr), 2:29, 2:28, 2:28?.i, 2:28i.i, 2:2»%, 2:28i4, 2:28i.i, 2:30^, I(')hn Murphy, Hartford, Conn,, Aug, 24, 1880, $1,000. Dan Smith, Molly (3 dis), Penelope (3 dis), 2:2214, 2:2,3,2:20}^. — ; — Beacon Park, Boston, Sept. 9, 1880. $1,000. TJnolala, Bill Ed., Champion Girl, 230ii, 2:2714, 2:26. Glendon b s (3 :59i4), by Mambrino I'ilot. dam Lady Rilible. E. Smith. Flemiugton, N. J., Sept. 28. 18S1, $50. Belle Medium, Steel (Jniv. 3:11, 3:20'.>, 3:01. Five-vear-olds and under. . Sept. 29, 1881. .$75. Mambaret 1, Wash Moore, 2':49i.,. 2:,59i4, 3:02';, 2:.-9i.i, Glen Isle, b g (3 :.55), I. P;uvling. Flemiugton, N. J., Sept. 27, 1882, $100. Jumbo Jim, Kemble Maid, Cham- pagne Charlev, 2:.59i.i, 2:.5(;. 2:.56'". ■ Sei)t. 2S, 1882, $100. (;iendon, Kemble Maid, 3:01'4, 2:.59i4, 2:.5.5. Glen I^eavitt, gr m (3:3i>',). .]. Kirki)atrick, Albany, N. Y., Oct, 23, 1883, $75. Brookside Flora 1, Lady Holt, 2:381/2, 2:39?.i, 2:41, 2:41. „ . , t. GlenMiller, grs(3:38>i), by WhiteLine. J, R. Hall, Columbus, O., Sept, 6, 188.3, $300, Judge Parsons, Mattic Hunter, Nii)i)cr. J;inics. Cai)t. Bowell d dis), 2:28';, 2:32. 2:31. Sandusky, O., Sept. 26. Ish.-,. .*i(io. Belle, B;ibv Mine. Josephine(3 dis), 2:40, 2:4714, 2:46J^. Sept. 28, iK8.3. SIOO. Belle. .Minnie M. (1 (lis). 2:40'; 2:41,2:3814, Glenns Falls, gr s (3 :40), Mr, Jenkins, Siiratoga Siia, N. Y., Aug. 21, 1871, $750. Stillwater 1, 2, 2:39'2, 2:38^, 2:40. 2:42?.,', 2:46V<;. ^ .,„ . , Glenwood. ch s (3:379.0. bv Wapsie. dam the Bnidshaw mare. J. ronniman. Ceneseo, III., Aug. 22 and 23. ]KS:i, .■?l(io. Legiil Tender 3, 9, (8 O), Blue liiill Pilot 2, 4, George W. Jr, 1, 7, Harry P., ModjesKa 14 dis), b lora Belle ( I (lis), I'nuik Grav (1 dis). 2:.'!6?i 2:.3!)i.i, 2:.'i9i,. 2:40. 2:41i4, 2:46, 2:;$8, 2:40, 2:41, 2:44. Davenport, lii.. Aug. 29, 1883. $4(K). Netty .M., Chestnut Bov, George W. Jr.. 2:36i4.2:3S. 2:38. Glenwood Helle, blk m (3:50). W. H. Hale,' Winchester, N. H,, Sept. 23, 1874, $100. Honest Sam. Jenny, K:ite Henry, Belle, 2:.51, 2:.52. 2:,50. , ^. „ •„,,..■, Glide, cli s 1 3 134). hv Perkins Morrill, dam bv North Morrill. W. C. Wood, Point Breeze Park, Phila., Aug. 13, 1K77, .$200. Du'dley 1. Strife 3, Billy Megonigle, Cora, Lady lM(mroe, Babe, 2:42. 2:411^, 2:42, 2:41, 2:40 Aug, 14, 1877, .«200.' Theodore Fitter 2, liossell 3, Lilly Jacksim, Jack Frost, Wava. Cecil (5 dr). Heet- wood (3 dis). 2:40, 2:.35, 2:.36, 2:40, 2:37, ,, , „. „ ,„ ...» Ambler I'ark, Pa„ Sept. 25, 1877, .«!250, Little Nell 2, 3. (1 01, David Wallace. Lady Sharp, 2:39, 2:40, 2:.t8, 2;.39'.. 2:.37i.i. 2:.3K^,, Point Breeze Piirk, Phila,, Oct. 24. 1877. $ . Doubtful 2. Andy H., 2:441^. 2:49. 2:42. ,,, . - , -— ('has. K. Caldwell. Mt. Holly, N. J., Oct. 8 and 9, 1H78, $200. George Brooks. Windsor. Patcheu C hiel Jr., 2 '41. 2-43U') ''-41 Suffolk iSirk. Phila.. Mav 14. 1879. »fm. Grav Salem 4, Ladv Blessington 3, Gray Chief, Molly, Delaware (5dr), Sans Soucii4dr), George Henrv (3 dis), 2,21,2:244, 2:2H, 2:27, 2:27. . ^ _,, „ , „„ Aml)ler P;irk. I'a., May 20. 1879. $500. Grav Salem 2, .Molly 1, Billy Barefoot, Eastern Shore Boy. 2:30. 2:29, 2:30, 2:33, 2:33. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 267 ■ Waverly, N. J., Sept. 23. 1880, §200. Elevator, Vermont Abdallah, Windbarn (2 dis), 2 :30'/2, 2 :26»i, 2 :35^. Stallions. Glide cli ni (3 :55). C. Cronkheit, West Lebanon, Ind. Sept. 11, 1878, .ijeo. Bell 1, Slippery Elm, Blackbird, Jew, Bay Dolly. 3:0o, 2:.-)5. 2:,-)6, 2:.').5. Gloster, b g (3:17), by \'olunteer, dam Black Bess, by Stockliridf;e Chief. A. Goldsmith, Prospect Park, L. 1., Sept. 17, 1872. S7.')0. SiisieClay, Fanny Osborn, Hiiiy Daws d disi, 2:33^4, 2:,3t=:;.i, 2:42. Sept. 1!). 1872, .•:^8.')0. Susie Parker 1, 2, Walter, Wallace, Columbia Chief, Tip Allen (4 dr). Rose Anderson (2 (lis), 2:271.. 2:28. 2:30'4. 2 31i.i. 2:30. riiiladelplii;i. Pa., Sept. 24, 1872, §1,000. Nettie 1. 2, Blossom (i dis), Little Lottie (1 dis), Stonewall (1 dis), Ellen d (lis), Danderberg (1 dis), 2:2S, 2:28 -i, 2:28,U, 2:31'.i, 2:35. Sei)t. 27. IS72. SI. 000. Nettie 1, DuaderL)erg (3 dis;. Blossom (3 dis), Stonewall, (3 dis). Little Lottie (1 (lis), 2::;o>i. 2:G0i2.2:31i,i.2:34'2. Fleetwood Park, N. Y., Oct. I, 1872, !$l.OOO. Wellington, Victor, Susie Clay, Lady Byron (1 dis), Siarlight Nell (1 dis). Alice Brown (1 dis), 2:32. 2:33;o, 2:33?4. Kini,'ston, N. Y.. Oct. 17. 1872, §550. St. James 3, Joker. Fred, 2:28J/8, 2:31'/2, 2:33Ji. 2:31-?4. Sandv Hill, N. Y., May 21, 1873. $550. Joker, Hall Terril. St. Elmo, 2:31, 2:;a. 2:31'4. Ameiiia, N. Y., Sept. 5, 1873, $1,500, Charley Green, Ed White, Confulence, Grace Bertram, 2:29;4, 2:30J4, 2 '31. '- Catskill, N. Y., July 23, 18T3, $2,000. Joe Brown, Ed White, Gray Eddy, Grace Bertram, 2:27?^, 2:28y2, 2:27^1. Buffalo, N. Y., Aug. 8, 1873, .$10,000. Susie 1, Major Allen, J. G. Brown. Hotspur, Ben Flagler, Crown Prince, Derl)V(4 dis), 2:20U. 2:21i2, 2:2.354, 2:24U. Utica, N. Y., Aug. 12, 187.3, .•#5,000. J. (i. Brown, Blanche, St. James, Joe Brown, Parkis' Abdallah, Lucille Golddust, Comee (3 dis), 2;23i4, 2:24:'i, 2:21-.i. Aug. 16. 1S73, $.5,000, Hotspur, Susie, J. G. Brown, Crown Prince, Ben Flagler Malor Allen, 2:24, 2:22^, 2:2(;i4. Rochester, N. Y., Aug. 14. 1874, $0,000. Red Cloud (1 0), Sensation, St. James, Gazelle (3 dis\ Camors (1 dis) 2:18. 2:17?i. 2:17,2:19. Spriniifleld. Mass.. Aug. 20, 1874, ,$6,000*. Camors 1, Nettie 2, Red Cloud, Sensation, 2:2014, 2:19;2, 2:21^, 2:23. 2:27. Hartford. Conn., Aug. 26. 1874. $4,000. Sensation, Bodine 1 (4 dis). 2:21, 2:20J4, 2:2114. 2:18'2. B. Doble, -Mystic Park, Boston, Sept. 4, 1874, $5,000. Red Cloud 1, 2, Nettie, Camors, 2:19. 2:20, 2:20!4, 2:24, '2:22. '- Fleetwood Park, N. Y.. Sept. 21, 1874, $10,000. American Girl 2, Camors. Judge Fullerton, 2:2014, 2:225!i, 2:21, 2:21. A. (ioldsmith. Chicago, 111., Oct. 7, 1874. $2,000. Judge Fullerton, 2:22. 2:23' j, 2:22!^. Gloster, b g (3:23'.;), bv Highland Boy, dam by Black Prince. Hamilton, Ont.. Sept. 23. 1875. .§J75. Jenny B^'II. M;it Cameron, highland Boy Colt, .1. K. Jackson. (2 dis), ^utr.^^,, 2:54i^. Three-year-olds. P. Cleveland, Morrisania, N. Y.. April 28, 1879. $100. Edith, 3:06'2. 3:05i,4. Darius T;illi)ian, Hartford, Conn., Aug. 29, 1879, $1,500. Major Lord 1, >Emulus, Iron Age, Knox Boy, P:itchen, 2:23-i, 2:2414, 2:23i.i, 2:2.5. Gloster, grg (3:.50). P. Sanders, Lima, N. Y.. Aug. 5, 1870. $100. John Harvey. Lady Fullerton, Chestnut .lim. Best time 2:.59i.i. Gloster, b g (.3 :11). A. Block, St. Louis. Mo., Sept. 15, 1883. $.50. Thu'iderbolt (w). 2, 3:11. 3:19. 3:12. Gloster, bs (3 :»9U). by .Judge Advocate, dam by Brown Harry. C. O. Pahner, Bangor, Me.-, Sept. 20, 1883, $150. Babv Boy, Sweet Heart. Zara. 2:55' j, 2:48ii. Four,vear-olds. Glover, (3:3814). (kielph, Ont., Oct. 5, 1882, $— . Christie 2. Douglass, Iliglilaiul Chief. Valentine (1 dis), 2:,3S14. 2:50, , . Goderich Chief, b s (Z:59^i). J. Knox. Goderich, Ont.. Aug. 13, 1883, $125. George Briggs 1, Dan 2, Poison (3 (Ir), 3:00, 2:.59ii, 3:01, 2-59'2, 3:01. Ang. 16. 1883. $1.50. George Briggs, 3:00, 2:5914, 2:,5994. Godolphin. ch s (3:03). N. L. Beach, Cleveland. O., Sept. 2, 1858, $30. Star of the West 1, 2. (5 dr), 2:58, 2:.")9, 3:03. 3:04.3:07. Goddess of Liberty, b m, by Phil Sheridan. J. R. Farnum, Waltham. Mass.. May 18, 1878, Prize, oats. Massachusetts, Theresa Allen, Alice Martin. 1 :40. 1 :35. Three-year-olds. Half-mile heats. Goldbird, ch s (3 :50). :m. C. Delano, Oxford. Co., Me., Oct. 4, 1882. $- — . Phil Sheridan 2, Spirit of '76, 2:55. 2:4rii.>. 2;.50. 2:.50i4. Gold Digger, b g (3:53). H. F. Westbrook. Brantford, Out., Julv 23. 1878.$ . St. Andrews, Nettie, Poison. 2:.54. 2:.53, 2:.52. Gold Drop, hr s (3 :53), by Superb, dam a Messenger mare. Pouglikeepsie, N. Y.. Sept. 18. 1872, $ . Jim Weeks, 2:.55.2:55'4, 2:.02. Gold Drop, b s (3 -.5014). H. W. Ashmore, Charleston, 111., Julv 3, 1874, $ . Kate, Blue Bull, Dolly, Bob H., Jack, 3:10, 3:08,3:07. Golddust, ehs (3:00=4;), by Vermont Morgan, dam bv imp. Zilcadi. L. L. Dorsey Bardstown, Ky., Sept. 24, 1858, $ . Steele's ch c, Steele's gr s, 3 :00^.i. Three-vear-olds. Golddust, b s (3:06), by Golddust, dam by imp. Glencoe. W. C. Brvant. Mechanicsville, la,. Sept. —, 1871, $100. Sexton Bashaw 1. 4 (5 0), Wapsie Girl, Dan Baldwin (2 dr), John Morrissey (2 dis), 3:11, 3:07, 3:06, 3:04. ,3:11. Four-year-olds. Golddust (3 :5.-. '4 1. A. Irwin. Erie. Pa., Sept. 20, 1872. $100. Black Maria 1. 3:00, 3:03. 2:5594. Golddust, b g(3:00). A. H. Danforth, Rutland, Vt.. Oct. 23. 1873, $100. Kentucky Girl (2 dis), Eob the Ran- ter (2 dis), 3:20. 3:00. Four-vear-olds. Golddust (w). dn g (3 :41). J. Leavi't. Suffolk Park. Phila., Mav 5, 1874. .S. . Jim 1, No time. ( w). Chas. Doble, June 16, 1874. S.'ino. Frank 4. Tommy Dodd (w) 2. 2:45'i . 2:40i.,, 2:44V6, 2:48, 2:49?i. .Inne 26, 1874, $400. Red rioud 1. 2. Lncv (4 dr). Prince (3 dis). 2:48J4. 2:48'.i, 2:48?4, 2:47».i, 2:51i/2. .Inly 4, 1874, $400. Topsv, 2:44, 2:.5(;, 2:4l'. Golddust (w), dug (3:04u'). H. Seltzer, Suffolk Park, Phila.. July 16, 1878, $ ■. Kenderdine Maid l, 3, Honest John .5, Ben. Kit Carson (4 dr). .••.:2')V4, 3:1014. 3:11, 3:04'i. 2:.52i;,, 3:08. Golddust. ch g (3 :41io). John Shaw. Gardiner. Me.. Oct. 14. 1874, .$200. Bay Dick, Frank H., Little Fred (1 dis), 2:41i;, 2:45.2:46, Golddust. ch g (3 :40). G. Adams, Waukegan, 111., Julv 11. 1874, $1.50. David H. (2 dr). Belle of Wankegan (2 dr), 3:01,3:11. ni)iton, la.. Aug. 1.". 1874, $150. Bismarck 1.3. Alexis. Plough Boy, Ned Bowley, Flying Cloud, James Smith, Hardware, Cottonide. 2:.50ii. 2:4514. 2:48. 2:4.5, 2:46'... W;i)ik('t;an. 111.. Sept. .30, 1874, .$150. Essie Hollywood, Kitty Fisher, Gen. Grant, Josie, 2:4.5, 2:41, 2:40. Golddust, (3 :43i,v). Detroit, Mich., Aug. 27, 187.5. .$300. Lady Greiner. 2:44i-'2, 2:4214. Golddust. T. F. Talbot, Decatur, 111., Sept. 6. 1883. $ . Black Ned 2. No time. Golddust, chg<3 49>„i. B. Wentworth, Dover, N. H., Sept. 13. 1883. $.50. William F.. Golden Kite (3 dr), 2:40"», 2:.51M, 2:51. ^ 6olddust.rr..br s(3:36),bv Golddust, dam bv Mohawk Chief. L. P. Dorsey, Boston, Mass., June 19, 1869, $.500. Violetta 2, Brilliant (3 dis), 2:48i4, 2:40i/„, 2:36, 2:45i/». Chas. S. Green, Trenton, N. J., Sept. 24, 1869, $ . Gypsy Queen, 2:48, 2:47, 2:36. 268 CHESl EKS COMPLETE lltOmNG AND PACING KECOKlJ. Golddust Messenger ch s v3 :51). by (iokldiist. P. 11. Dorsey, HiUsboro, 111., July 21. 1875, .'STS. Chester, Q. .Nn-lLeiirv, C'luuley, Laura S. {•: dr). -J:.'.!. 2:r>H. i':.">;t. Golden. l)};\a;44'i;. l>r. Kiciicli. ( iiiKi'ville, Mich.. May 17, 1883, S150. rriuce Middletoii. Odd l-ollow, black.stone, hillv PathliiukT, J'auliiic. 2:45'.i, ■^^.^^',i. 2:45|j. Wclioolcrat't. .\lifh., May J."), i,s«:{. ,si.,(i. (ii-orge U., I'rince Middleton, Odd KfUow. .lames K., Brown Hilly lo dr). Maud rl dr>, 2:44'.i, •2:44'.i, •-':44i.o. Gulden Itow.ch s ('4:'4T'i4), l)y Satellite, daiu lioniiier. by Volunteer. A. B. Donaldson, Grand Kapids, Mich. Aug. jr>, ls8l,.S3O0. Maguie K., (iyp d disi. -Ms',;, ;i:Oi.', ^:.0J. A. J). Helm, Cedar Falls, la., .luly .^, iss-'. •■j;joii. .Star Maid, Seott Parker, Loiigfi-llow, 2:36, 2:40, 2:40. D. .Muekle, Cleveland, O., Sei)t. 11, IJ^S.i. ^;;>-). .i.MT-.,. 'io heat, ii:30. Golden KajjU-. 1) s C-i :00). Mr. t lose, Oswego. N. V., June l.'i. 1877, $30. Flora 3, 3:00, 3:01, 3:02, 3:02. Golden Farmer, ehgc-i:40). ,1. \V. Fleek, Milwaukee, Wis., Sept, 10, 1K7.>, $jOO. Fanny, Weasel, Galatea, Puzzle, Longtellow, (iraiiyer d disi. ■_':4ii. 2:44, 2-4194. H:irding & Bodiiie, FowlerviUe. Mich., June 6, 1876, $300. Chestnut Billy 1, 5(3 0), Gray Bird 4, (iray IJillv, 2:47, 2:41, 2:45,2:44, 2:40'.i,2:4r..J:41. Golden Gate, 1) s (3 :4:iii). S. Harper. I'.urlington, la. Sei)t. 22, 1882, $300. Paragon 1. 2, Weldon Boy, I. J. (3 dis), 2:51'/2. ^:M>^. •-':4!ii.i. 2:4i)>.j, 2:43 '.,. D. K. France. Lebanon, ().. Seiit. 20, 18S3, $ir>^i. .lames, Fanny Clipper, 3:00, .":00, 3:00. Golden Girl, gr m {'i :'/J.*>'.i), by King's Cli;nn]ii()n .Ir. lllick Bros.. Auburn, N. Y., Aug. 16, 1878, $100. Country Buy, Aaron .Slade, Laurelton, Blacksmltli I'.on. I'.est time, 2:41. F. llaight. Jlv.stic Park, Jioston. .\iass.,,)une IS. I.s80, .^300. Eve, Pickard. Gen. Custer, Dan Wood.Topsy D., Kapidus (3 dV), 2:30, 2:2814, 2:34io. Hartford, Conn., June 22, 1880, $400. Pickard, Riley, Eve, H, McLaughlin. Signal (l disi. 2:2.5>4, 2:25»4, 2:2(i. lune 24. 1S80, $400. Pickard 2, Eve, Large Hopes (3 dis), 2:26"o, 2:2414, 2:26?.i, 2:2(;i.i. ^Ubany, N. Y., July 3, I88O, .'S400. Eve 2, Charley Chanipliu, George H., Honest 15illy. 2:2H'i, 2:29J-4, 2:.30, 2;29^i. Golden Girl, b m C-i :38K>), by Golden Bow, dam Kosey, by Sterling's Eclipse. P. Hutchinson, Marysville, Kan., Sept. 24, 1880, .$100. Locust 1, 2, Lady Lightfoot. 2:4S. 2:44',, 2:43. 2:46, 2:48. C. Leland, Lawrence, Kan., Sept. 5, 1881, $500. Coriander 1,2, John K. Bear (4 dis). Santa Fe (2 dis), 2:49'». 2:4,5>&, 2:39'4, 2;.39'.i, 2:41i4. O. A. Dean, Topeka, Kan. Sept. 15, 1882, $400. Mountain (iirl (3 01, Tramp (3 0\ 2:32, 2:32. 2:311.1. 2:31^. Sept. 11, 1883, $400. Joe Young, 4, ,5 (.3 0), Harry Pulling (30), Coupon (l dis), 2::50i4, 2:28'2, 2:29'^, 2:30^, 2'305'i 2 '32. '- C. "Leland, Jr. Beloit, Kan., Sept. 28, 1883, $300. Addie B., Maud L.. 2:40, 2:41' 2 2:.39i4. Golden Kule, b s (3:05ii), by John Lambert, dam by Sir Henry. E. L. Allen, Somerville, N. .1., Oct. 8, 1880, S;35. Lady Et 3, 4, Mvstery, Silver Dan, 3:06, 3:05';, 3:06, 3:05'/i, 3:06. Five-year-olds. Golden Kule, b m by (ioIden'Bow, dam Maggie, by Magna of Avon. A. W. Campbell, Dallas, Tex., .June 8, 1881, $ . Clarence H., Flag of Truce. No time. June 9, 1881, $ . Dick Dewey 2, 3 (1 0). Sam (4 r o). No time. Golden .Star, ch s bv Bashaw Messenger. J. W. Fleke, Waukejjan, HI., Oct. 4. 1877. $155. Dick. Lady Kich- mond, 1:26'^, 1:25. Half mile heats. Three-year-olds. Goldiinder, ch s (3:33i.i ), by John Lambert. .1. N. Woodward, Natick, Mass., Aug. 14, 1872, $l.'so. l-red B. 2, Plough Boy 1(4 dr), 3:12'i, 3:07, 3:02, 3:033^,3:06. ^ , . , , , „ „ „ j S F Twichell I'^itchburgh, Mass., Aug. 5, 1875, $400. . Ned 1. Langdon, Lady Bonner, Emperor. Monad- nock Bov, Pet, XX (4 dis). Belle of Worcester (4 dis), 2:39^4, 2:44. 2:42. 2:40 Aug. 0, 187.5, .$400. Sarah, Polly Ann, Nira Belle, XX, Thorndyke (2 dis). Banquo (i dis), 2:41, 2:40V4, 2 -40 : ciarejiiont, N. H.. Aug. 19, 1875, $300. Lady Bonner. Clara Bell, Col. Dean, Lady Sherburne, American Bov, .Tohn Pomerov, 2:40iJ,2:38'4,2:37i/'. . ^. .^ , „ „ ^ . , . ,. -c , Fitchburgh Mass , July 26, 1876, $500. Cassius Prnice 1, 2, Falcon 3, 7, Eva 4 (6 0). Helen, George Ban- croft Warwick, Smishine, 2:39i^, 2:40, 2:41, 2:40, 2:44, 2:40. 2:41ij„ 2:44, 2:47. Athol. Jlass.. Oct. 4, 1876, $40. Charley, 2:40';, 2:40',. Stallions. 31H, — Beacon Park, Boston. May, 21, 1878, .$200. Colonel 1, 2 Belle Oakley. Iron Age, Bill Ed. Cora F.. Josie, 2:;50, 2:.30. 2:30, 2:30K>, 2:30'»." „ „ , ,„ ,. , „ .... „ „., „ .„., — Plainville. Conn., June 6, 1878, $400. Keform. Cora F.. Dolly garden (2 d s). 2:.»>=j 2:34?.,, 2:36k. — Providence, R. I., June 13 and 14, 1878. $200. Peaceful 3, 4 (2 0), John Hall, Neli, \ elox, ( ora 1< .. Monte- ziini'i (^4 flr^ *> "'^Q 9 •'><) 2*27 2*27 2*28 ***'*8 — Beacon P:rrk,'Bo"ston, .Tune 2l,"l878,$600. Peaceful 2, 3, John Hall. Bill Ed, Iron Age, (Jraee, CoraF., Velox (3 dis\ 2:27, 2:28, 2:26, 2:26, 2:27. ,,. ., „ .,^t o 0,1 ..001 — Worcester, Mass., Sept. 7, 1878, .$400. Haviland, Shepherd Knapp.Tr.. 2:. 6 ,. 2:311.,, 2:a2h. — H. Brock, Beacon Park, Boston, Julv 21, 1882, $250. Gypsy 3,^^ ild Lilly, 1-lorence. Irampolme (2 dr), o.'>4 '^'•"t'j 2'"7'i 2'25'i — Wstlc Park, Boston,' ilulv 27, 1882, .'iS250. Camors 2. I'lorence, AVild Lilly, 2:2414, 2:26, 2 :24i_i. 2:2314. — Essex Junction, Vt., Sept". 8. 1882, .$200. John H.. Black Jolmny. Kastern Boy. 2:38, 2:.»'/j, 2:3314. — St. Albans, Vt., Sept. 12, 1882. $200. John H., Eastern Boy, Black .hdiniiy. -i^-l- ^:'^.6. 2:42. — Burlington, Vt., Sept. 13, 1882, $175. Limber Boy, Highland Grey, Richmoiul. Daniel Lambert Jr. (3 dr>, ''■36'i ''•.?,5lo 2 '.38 — St! '.rohnsburv.'vt., Sept. 21. 18S2. .«:iO0. John H. 1, Black .Tohnny. 2:35, 2:33J^, 2:34, 2:31%. OoldHiil, rn s (2 :48'i). A. A. Miller, (Contra CostaCo.. Cal., Sept..30. 1879, $400. Sam. IgnacioChief (1 dis), 2:51. 2:.-.0. 2:.5r.. Oct. 1.1879, .$7.5. IgnacioChief, 3:09, 3:111.,, 3:01. .Stallions. „ xt -.- i.,i,. 01 iat-i «inn Goldle, (T:inner Bov>, gr g (!J :22L<;), bv Edward Everett. W. E. ^W eeks. (^orwall, N. \ ., .Inly 21, 1873. $100, Baker I'.ov 3.4. Nutwood, 2:42, 2r45\",2;43'c, 2:4'P.,.2:46'',. „,.,,. t ■ .wr ^^^ T«o Gosheil, N. Y.. Sept. 2. 1873. $1,000. Susie Clay 1. 2, Lady Pflfer, Lady Angle. LumDerman (5 dr). Jpe 0 dis). George Miller O dis). Berkshire Boy, (1 dis), Monroe (1 dis). American Boy (1 dis). 2:.32'5. 2:37, 2.41, Gold iVeaf.'ch m (2:37'.;). Otis Bort, Amcnia, N. Y.. .Inly 3. 1873, $1,000, General Tweed, Volunteer Belle, Lad.y Pflfer, Tom, Diadem, Flora Lee (3 dr). Mountaineer (2 dr), Stella (1 dis), 2:42, 2:41, 2:38. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 269 Ziba Carpenter, Norwalk, Conn.. Sep. 20, 1873, •Sl.'JO. Stonecliff 1, 2:41. 2:37'2, 2:42, 2:45. Gold Leaf, ch g (3 :3S>.i ). John Dowaew Jackson, .^ucll., June 18, lsT.5, .'ililjSOO. Basil Duke, Jeremiah, Billy Lambertson, Lady Turpin, Lady Williams, Echo, 2:o2'2, 2:2)5i.t, 2:;il. Z. Sturtevant, Oregon, 111., Sept. 2(i, 18V6, S-M. Illinois Boy, Lehigh, 2:43, 2:34, 2:36. Beloit, Wis., Sep. 0, ISTT, .<> . Janesville ;5, 4. Bay Dan, Swimmer, 2:;il'4, 2:33, 2:3414. 2:,30. Gold Mine, gr m. L. Tongier, Pern, Ind., Sej). 17, isso, .$50. Bay Billy, Diamond, Star, Nelly Hale, Maid, Belle. No time. Three ■> ear-olds. Gold Note, b g (3 :35), Ijy Contrabanil, dam by Jack Hayes. M. D. Townsend. San Francisco. Cal., April 15, 1876, *500. Henry 2, Red Cross 1, Dirigo. Long John, 5:0694, 5:10'2, 5:0, 2:22.2:24}^, Boston, Mass.. June 15, 1870, .$6,000. • George Palmer, American Girl, 2:2.5i/^. 2:24, 2:24. June 20. 1870, .$3,000. George Palmer 3. American Girl, 2:22, 2:20'4. 2:211,4. 2:25. Providen-e, R, I.. June 24, 1870, .$5,000. American Girl 1, George Palmer 2, 2:24, , 2:25, 2:28W, 2:28i4. Fleetwood Park. N. Y., July 11, 1870, .$5,000. George Palmer 1, American Girl, 2:2234, 2:21?i, 2:223i, 2:21. Buffalo, N. Y., Aug. 12, 1870, $7,000. George Palmer, 2:234. 2:21, 2:20. Long Branch, N. J., Aug. .31, 1870, ,$5,000. Lucy, George Wilkes, 2:23V.>. 2:24, 2:25. Philadelphia. Pa., Sept. 9, 1.870, .$4,.500. Lucy, George Wilkes, AmerFcan Girl, 2:25,2:24, 2:26. Boston, Mass., Sept. 23, 1870, .$3,000. American Girl, Mountain Bov, 2:2014. 2:24, 2:294- Providence. R. I., Oct. 10, 1870, $1,000. Lucv, Mountain Bov, George Palmer, American Girl, 2:22, 2:23'^, (w), Prospect Park, L. I.. Oct. 21, 1870, $1,000. George AVilkes (w). 2-MU. 2:255!i, 2:25U. Fler^twootl P;irk, N. Y., May 20, ^x-\, .«;2,000. American Girl, Lucv, George Palmer, 2:23. 2:2134, 2:22?^. Baltimore. Md.. June 1, 1.S71, .$3,.'")()0. American Girl, Lucv, 2:21. 2:23, 2:23. Prospect Park, L. L, June 8, 1871, .$4,000. American "(iirl 1. Lucv, George Palmer, 2:20, 2:20M. 2:21, 2:223,i. . . Beacon Park, Boston, June 22, 1871, .$3,000. Lucv, George Palmer, American Girl (2 dr) 2:2314, 2:25M, 2:24. 'l!uff:ilo, N. Y., Aug. 11, 1871, .$5,000. Lucv, American Girl, 2:19%, 2:1914, 2:19. Kahmuizoo, :Mich., Aug. 18, 1871, .*5.000. Lucv. American Girl, Chicago, 2:26?i, 2:22?4, 2:26. ('hic:igo. 111.. Aug. 20, 1871, .$5,000. Lucy, Chicago, 2:2.3?4, 2:20'i, 2:223^. .Mihv:iukee. Wis., Sept. 6. 1871, .$4,000. Lucy, 2:20'^, 2:17, 2:20i4. Indi:nKii)olis. Ind.. Sept. 16, 1871, .«.3,000. Liicy, 2:22?i, 2:173^, 2:21. St. Louis. Mo.. Sei)t. 19. 1871, .$3,000. Lucv, 2:243^. 2:19. 2:233|. St. .Joseph. Mo., Sei)t. 30, 1871, .$3,000. Liicv 2:24~ 2:1834, 2:23. Pittsluirgh, Pa.. Oct. 25, 1871, .$ . Lucv.'2:26i4. 2:214, 2:24. Suffolk Park. Phila., Nov. 2, 1871, $ . Lucy, 2:22",, 2:Wi, 2:1834. Nov. 13. 1X71, .$;i,000. Lucv, 2:25'^, 2:19, 2:23. June 7, 1872. .^ . Lucy,' 2:22'4, 2:22',, 2:22'.. June 12, 1872, .$ . -I-.W.i. Against time. Wm. H. Doble. Mystic Park, Boston, .fune 9, 1872, .$3..500. Lucv. 2:21, 2:165^, 2:19?;^. Rndd Doble. Prospect Park. L. L, June 27, 1S72, $5,000. Lncy.'Henrv, 2:1734, 2:19, 2:175i. Clevel.-ind, ()., July 19, 1872, .$6,000. Lucv, American Girl, 2:i9. 2:18, 2:19. Cincinnati, O.. .lulv 26, 1872, .$3.000. Lucy. 2:19, 2:17U. 2:2234. Sacramento. Cal., Sept. 28, 1872, $10,000, ' Lucv, 2 :20, 2 :1734, 2 :23ii. 270 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING UE(^ORD. San Francisco, Cal., Oct. 5. 1»'2, .'57.500. Lucy, •^■:>r,, 2:18'4, 2:22. hacranicnto, I'al., Oct. 10. ln72, ST.^OO. Occiuenl, -':20'j, 2:20^4, 2:22. liuttalo. N. Y., Auj,'. 9, l»7a. .s'/jOO. Anitiicau (iirl, Jim Irving (i dis), 2:20i^, 2:20'/2, 2:21Ji. L'lH'a, N. Y., Aufr. i>^. 1>*T3. .^3.500. American Ciirl. J:1;j'4, 2:1^7;;, 2:oi;4. Spriii^ilicld, .Ma^s., Any. 2,3, ls73, So.ooo. Jiiiige I'ullerlon. Anicricun Girl, Lula, 2:21, 2:22, 2:19J4. I'hiladilphia, I'a.. Scpl. II. lt<7;i, .'::i4,uuo. Glo.sier. Sensation, Caniors, 2:;^2, 2:2i>'/2. 2:^-4. Sent. 2.".. 1S73. s;3,(KW. .ludge I'ullcrlon, 2::.'2. 2:r2'.i. 2:2:1^. Cliicagi), ill.. Oct. (i, 1873. s'.'j.OOO. Gloster, JSasliaw Jr., 2:23'/i, 2:20!4, 2:26. St. Louis. .Mo.. Oct. 9, 1873, .* — . (.lostcr, 2 29'... Cliicago. 111.. Oct. 10, 1873, S.%000. t.loster, liasliaw Jr., 2:23!2, 2:18, 2:2214. Oct. 24. 187.1, .s.-).000. 2:18J4, 2:17(2. To beat 2:18. I'ittsl)urgli. I'a.. Oct. 30 1873, .$3,000. (Jloster. 2:33. 2:25, 2:;J2. 11. N. Smitli, I'oint Hreeze I'ark, I'liil.. May 3o, 1874, .'3i2..500. Copperbottom, pacer, 2:J5'4, 2:24?i. 2-25 '/» I'rosjH-ct I'ark. L. I.. .June 8, 1874, .*2,.'.0O. .hidge I' uilerlon, 1. 2:19, 2:18i-.i, 2:28, 2:21 '.i. Bud([ l)o.)lc. Sullolk I'ark, Phil., June 1.5, l.>74. .■jss.otKj. Nettie, 2:23. 2:20, 2:24'2. II. N. Sniitli, Fleetwood Park, \. Y., June 23. I.s74, .S3,.5(Kj. , Judge Fullerton, 2:26, 2:27'/i, 2:23. Build l)ol)le. Kvansville, Ind.. July 2. 1874, i.."),(K)((. .ludge Fullerton, 2:25k, 2:2GJ4, 2:21'^. lndianai)<)lis, hid.. JiUy s. 1.S74, .^5.000. Red (loud, .ludge lullerton, 2:1:6, 2:25^, 2:23. • II. N. Snntli, Fast Saginaw, ISIrIi., July 10. IS74, .S-.ooo. Judge Fullerton, 2:19?4, 2:16>6, 2:16. Dudd Doblc. Clucago, 111., July 25, 1874. .•>i4,()0(i. Judge Fullerton, 2:-9'.i. 2:19^4, 2:2554. ~ ('level;ind, O.. July 29. 1874, $3,.500. Judge Fullerton. Auierican Girl, 2:19?i, 2:19i!i, 2:20. lJuir;ik), N. Y., Aug. 7. 1874. .^L'.OOt*. 2:15'.. To lieat 2:10 Rochester. N. Y.. Aug. 12. 1874, .§5.000. Judge Fullerton, American Girl. 2:19K>, 2:143i, 2:195!i. Springiield. Mass., Aug. 19, 1S74. .§5,000. Judge Fullerton, An'cncan (Jirl, 2:19". 2:10, 2:18. Hartford, Conn., Aug. l8. Is74, .*4,000. American (iirl. Judge Fullerton, Lula, 2:17Ji, 2:18, 2:18W. Mystic I'ark, Boston, Sep. 2, 1874, .§2,500. 2:14. To beat, 2:141,. Sep. 7. 1874. .Si, "00. .ludge I'ullerton, American Gu-1. 2:18. 2:18'i, 2:194. Beacon Park, Boston, Sept. 12. 1874, $3,500. Judge Fullerton i, American (Jirl, 2:19, 2:18. 2:20. 2:23! i. - . . , Uayton, O., Sept. 30, 1874. .$4,500. Judge Fullerton, Gloster. Best time. 2:18. Oct. 3. 1874. .§4.500. 2:21. 2:18. To beat. 2:20. Clncago, 111., (X't. 7, 1874, .§3.000. 2:19, 2:17. To beat, 2:17'4. Trenton. N. J.. Nov. 2. 1874, f . 2:22,2:18,2:21. Tol)eat2:14. Lost. H. N. Snnth, Point Breeze Park, Phila., Nov. 6. 1874, $l,500. 2:L'1K'. 2:18H. To beat 2:14. Lost. lUidd noble, Cleveland, O., Julv 30, 187.5. .§5 000. Lula. Anieric an (iirl. 2:18?j'. 2:19;4. 2:19'i. II. N. Smith, Pouglikeepsie, N. Y.. Aug. 7, 1875. f4,.500. American Girl l. Huntress. 2:175y[, 2:18, 2:19!i, 2:20. — Budd Dohle, Utica, N. \^, Aug. 21. 1875. |5,000. American Girl, Lula (3 dis\ 2:18?i, 2:1794, 2:16. — Hartl'ord. Coini., Sept. 3, 187.5, ,§2.000. 2:22i,,, 2:14!4. — Quincv, 111.. Sept. 24, 187.^., ,§2,000. 2:25k, 2:19?4. To beat 2:14. Lost. — Dayton. ().. Sep:. 30, 1875. § . 2:29K, 2:24. 2:40k. Exhibition. -- San Francisco. Cal., April 8, 1876, $2,500. Golden (iate 2:19^4. (iolden Gate to run 1 3-10 miles to Gold- smitli M;ud's mile. ■ — Belmont Park, Phila., June 2, 1876, $1,500. 2:21'/2, 2:15, 2:19!'2. To beat 2:14. Lost. — June 9. 1870. $ '2:21V2. 2:1094. 2:25. To beat 2:14. Lo.st. — June 23. 1S70. §1.500. 2:17?4, 2:14. 2:17'/2. To beat 2:14. Lost. — Beacon Park, Boston, July 6, 1870, $ . 2:22, 2:18. 2;205ii. To beat 2:14. Lost. — BulTido. N. Y., Aug. 3, 187(5, $4,000. Judge Fullerton, Bodine, Lucille Golddu.st, Smugglar (2 dis), 2:16, 2:1,51,. 2:15. Utica, N. Y., Aug. 17. 1870. $4,000. Lucille Golddust, Bodine, Jud^'e Fullerton, 2:18i2. 2:18?4, 2:18!2. Poughkeepsie. ^S. Y.. Aug. 24. 1876, .§4,000. Bodine. Lula U. tlis). Smuggler (1 dis). Judge Fullerton (1 dis). 2:16k, 2:18k. 2:20. Hartford. Conn., Aug. 31. 1876, $4,000. Smuggler 1, 2 (3, 0), Judge Fullerton, Bodine, 2:l5k- 2:17, 2:lCJi, 2:17'.i,2:18, 2:19%. Springfield. Mass.. Sept. 7. 1876. $4,000. Bodine. Judge Fullerton. Smuggler, 2:19i^, 2:16?i, 2:22, Albany. N. Y.. Se|)t. 14. 1876. §2.000. 2:20?4.2:17, 2:-0'.,. To beat 2:14. Lost. Fleetwood I'ark. N. Y., Sept. 28. 1870, .§2,000. Judge Fullerton, 2:21^4, 2:21>^, 2:24. Pottstown, Pa., Oct. 11. 1870, .§ . 2:20. 2:l,59.i'. To beat 2:14. Lost. W:ishington, I). C, Oct. 24. 1870, .§2,000. 2:25i.,. 2:18io. To beat 2:14. Lost. Belmont Park. Phila., Nov. 4. 1870, $ . 2:20'i, 2:14Lij. To beat 2:14. Lost. San Jose. Cal.. March .31. 1877. .§2,000. Earns. 2:22>i. 2:161i . 2:18k. Los Angeles. C:il., Ai)ril 28. 1877. .§2.000. Rarus. 2 :22K>. 2:19. 2:19k. San .lose. C:d., Mav 12, 1877, .§.'{.000, Rams. 2:2014. 2:10k. 2:199i. Chico. Cal,, Mav 19, 1877. .§.S.000. Rarus, 2:19' 2, 2:14'™, 2:17. Cincinnati. O., July 4, 1877. .§1..500. 2:25, 2:19. 2:21. To beat 2:14. Lost. Springfield, Mass..' Julv 12, l.'<77, ,§2,000. 2:23. 2:17. 2:19. To beat 2:14. Lost. Chicago. 111.. Julv 19 aiid 20. $1877. .§,500, 2:21,2:19. To beat 2:14. Lost. Rochester. N.Y..Aug.9, 1877. $1..500. 2;19k, 2:1C'/2, 2:17i/>. Tobeat2:14. Lost. Ontbiana, Kv., Aug. 22, 1.H77. $1,000. 2:21'i. 2:17k. To beat 2:14. Lost. St. .loseph, Mo., Sept. 15. 1877, .§ . 2:21?4. 2:24. 2:21. To beat 2:14. Lost. Kans;is Citv, Mo.. Sei)t. 22. 1877, $ . 2:21. 2:207). .lohn Tvler, Claremont, X. H., Julv 4, 1874, $.".0. .lerry 3 (1 0) (2 0), Molly, Nelly C.r;iiit.(';issjus Chief (1 0U2 0) (3 dr). (Jneechv Boy (2 dis). 2:.574, 2:,50, 2:57, 2:57. 3:00, 3:07. Ooldsinilh's <'liesfiiut staUion (;J:4!»), by sou of American Star. Alden (ioldsnnth, (ioshen, N. i., Sept. 7, 1S05. .■=! . Competitors not named. 2:51.2:49. Four-year-olds. Goliili. blk !,' (3 lU.'l). bv Mambriiio Piivmaster. dam MambrinoChiefs dam. ^Ym. King, Philadelphia, Pa.. .Inly 1. 1F51. .§1.000. Zjicharv Taylor, 2:.'«, 2:.T.V.; Goliah. It g(3:.5l). J. T. .Manson. Beacon Park, Boston, Oct. 9, 1875. .§75. Bay John 1, 2, Broadway Belle (3 iln. 3:00. 2:,50, 2:.52. 2:.5.5. 2:51. Goliih. rn s (2:44i.i). by Tramp Dexter. J. S. Sanford, Des Moines, la., Sept. .5. 1882. $1.S0. Agatha, 3:50, ^'S'-nt. 6. 1883. .§.300. Thetn 1. Zingara. Bay Simon, 2:4.5k. 2:46'4, 2:44'.^. Fonr-year-olds. Sionx Citv. la.. Sept. 27. r 83. .§100. Flaco. Regnbis. 2:4.5.2:45' 1, 2:4.5. Fonr-year-olds. Good Hpor. b g («::?8). by Young Columbus. \Vm. Snnth, Fashion Course, L. I., Aug. 2. 1805. $400. Little One(w), 2;;f«. 2:40. Bennington. Yt.. .lulv — , i«6i;. .§1.5(.. Tom Thumb. 2:42",, 2:51. 2:49"». Goodfiiousrh. gr g (2 ::U5).' A. W. Houghton. Lancaster. N. H.. S»nt. 17. l<»74. .§7.5. Yankee Boy 3, 5, Henry l, •>. Black Maid. B;irnnm, Whit'^ Dan, Mink, 2:.5.5, 2:.54. 2:.50>4, 2:.52, 2:.55. 2:r.n, -'-.m. (;. :\l. stPveuH. Sept. 14, 1876, $200. M^xey 4, Royal Priuce 1, Dan Rocket, Fanny Shepherd (2 dr), 2:40, 2:41,2:40, 2 :40Vj, 2:44, CHESTER'S COMPLETE TEOTTING AND PACING EECOED. 271 — Plymouth, N. H.. Sept. 28, 1S7G, $150. Leo Knox, Nelly Collins. No time. — Bat-re, Vt., Oct. 11 isTU, S-iW. Kitty 3, 4, Billy ISowletis 5, bUick De.xter 2, Bismarck, Nigger Baby, 2;47, 2:45, :i:50, 2:49, 2:5U, 2:52, 2:54. ■ A. W. Hougiiton, Lvntloiiville. Vt., Sept. 5, 18T8, §200. Annie Low, Billy Patter.son, Frank H., Belle Davis, Youn}? Patlilinder, Lady Fulton, 2:40, 2:42, 2:39'.. Montreal, P. Q., Sept. 30, l!s"i<, $2uo. Belleviie Boy 3, Mat Cameron 2, Edgar 1, Farmer Boy, City Boy, BlUL'kbird, 2:36'4, 2:30'. 2. , 2:o6'.i, 2:38, 2:36',. W. B. McGowan, Jinie 25, 1879, SlOO. Alice 3, 2:3GJ4. 2:36, 2:.37, 2:37;;;. Ctoodhue. clig ('^ :44). H. Merrick, Milwaukee, Wis., Aug. 3, 1S50, $M. Jviniball's gr g (l 0), Pony, Hank's b g(l dis), 2:53. 2:44. Good Morninjf. b 111 (3 :38'.2), by Harold, dam Ladv Limp, by Toronto. J. Voss, Cleveland, O., Sept. 4, 1879, $400. Duck, Headlight, Mistletoe, Ella Wicks, Ike Marvel, Sid A. Kent, Hermit Jr., Mollie Crowed, (l dis), 2:32'2, 2:29, 2:28'2. ■ Toledo, O., Sept. 10, 1873, §400. Ike Marvel 2, .Foyce, Headlight, Eugene, Duck, Hermit Jr., Mollie Crovveli, 2:32, 2:301^, 2:331^, 2:34. Sept. 13, 1879, $400. Diamond, Ambassador, Ike Marvel, Blue Bird, 2:35>4- 2:34M, 2:33M. G. M. Hoover, Greenville, O., Sept. 19,- 1879. .$300. Kanawha 2, Alfred, 2:3GJi, 2:-.;9, 2:40, 2:35. Good Night, blk m (3 :50), by Tuckahoe. P. Sutliff, Niles, O., Aug. 17, 1878, §30. FYauk West, Vie WoodhuU, Tom Jones, Dine. No time. „ , „ . \V. P. .Morrison, Nyw Castle, Pa., June 18, 18§0, .$150. Little Jim, Queen II, Itob Eoy. May Borden. Poi- son, Ladv Forrest, Kitty G., 2:5410, 2:54';, 2:50. - — — Sept 15, 1880, $l5f). Lady Forrest, Empress, Harry, 2:.57. 3:08, 2:57. Good One. ch g Ci :3.5). S. Hayes, Boston, Mass., Oct., 20, 1868, $400. Silas Wright. South Boston Boy, Troy (2dis). 2:40,2:.J(;'2,2:37'2. J. J. Bowen, .June 29, 18G9, $1,000. White Stocking, 2:3714, 2:35, 2:39?^. Graliam Pony, (3:39). Cleveland, O., Nov. 19. 1856, $ . Frank Leslie, 2:39, 2:43. 2:44. Gushen Maid, ch m (3 :31v.i), by American Star, dam Black Molly. R. J. Walker, Easton, Pa., Sept. 24, 1859, $ . Plutarcli, Jack Shepard (3 dr). Old Joe (3 dr), 2:52, 2:43, 2:42. Belvidere, N. J., Oct. 11, 1859, .$125. Sorrel Ned, Mountain Boy, 2:40, 2:41i.i, 2:42. Scranton, Pa., Oct. 21, 1859, $1;50. Elmira Pet 2 (1 0), 2:45 2:38, 2:37, 2:44, 2:40. E.Thomas, Philadelphia, Pa., May 17 and 18, 1860,$ . Eockiiigham 3, Queen, John (4 dr;, 2:35, 2:32'i, 2:34'/,, 2:321/2. Jas. D. McMann, Fashion Coarse. L. I', July 8. 1864, $1,000. Shark, 2:33, 2:31?4. 2:,32. Goshen Maid, b m ( '3 :37), by Hambletonian. J. C. Coleman, Goshen, N. Y., Sept. 1, 1870. $100. Norwood, Charley, 2:48, 2:41'2, 2:42. J. IL Bartholf. Unionville, N. Y., Aug. 6, 1871, $250. Midland Maid 4, Henry Clay 1, Bob Eidley (5 dis). Major Smith (4 dis), Eobert Fillingham (.2 dis), 2;13i4, 2:46, 2:48. 2:46^4, 2:44, Eosendale, N. Y., Aug. 18, 1871, $12,5. Post Boy 3, 4, Senator iMitchell 2, Eugenia, Cottage Boy (1 dis), 2:4.5 2 "43*4 2 '47 2' 45 2 '45. '- J. C. Coleinan,"Goshen,'N. Y., Sept. 20, 1872, $200. BUick Dick 3, Eed Eover (5 dis), Addie 1 (2 dr), 2:39, 2:411/2, 2:43'.., 2:4.3. 2:43. L. Eager, Warwarsing, N. Y., Sept. 10. 1873, .$300. Belle of Fasten, Lena B., Gillet (2 dis), 2:47, 2:48;i, 2:544. Sept. 11, 1873, $700. Molsey 3, Nelly Irwin. Belle of Easton (4 dis), 2:42, 2:39, 2-42, 2:4414. J. Trout, Norwich, Conn., Oct. 22, 1873, $700. Hartford Belle 3, Kate Gilbert, Com. I'erry, Ben Smith, Green Mountain Maid (2dr), 2:38=i, 2:37, , 2:37. Goshen Maid, b m (3:39). F. Fowler, New Haven, Conn., June 28, 1879, $125. Hickox, Essex Maid, 2:40, 2 :40, 2 :39. Goshen Maid, ch m (3 :51i/2). Mr. Dobson, Jersey City, N. J., July 18, 18S1, $100. Eowdy 1, 2, Tramp, Gun- ner. 2:56, 2:56, 2:53, 2:51i2, 2:5o. Go Softly, b m (3 :53). Chas. Chase, New Haven, Conn., May 19, 1869, $100. Copp's br m, 2:5Gi4, 3:01, 2:52. Gossip, ch g (3 :30i,i), by Tattler, dam Molly Golddust, by Golddust. Dan Mace, Ionia, Mich., June 22, 1880, .$600. John Grant, Gray Dobbin. Fox, Lady Bates, Transit, Bob Burns (2 dr), 2:37. 2:31?4i 2:30!4. Gossip, b 111(3:50). by Aiihont, dam Kate Hunter, by St. Lawrence. H. C. Shepherd, Sullivan, 111., Aug. 10, 1880, .§50. Toi)SV 2'. Stranger's Sister (2 dis), Foster (2 dis), 2:57, 3:03, 2:.57i2. Governess, ch m (2:40). S M. Merkley, Ogdensburg, N. Y., Oct. 5, 1871. $125. Pilot (2 0), Brigham (2 0), Gazelle 1 (5 dr). 2:.50, 2:46, 2:45}^. 2:.52, 2:47. C. Tavlor. Claremont, N. H., Aug. 9, 1876, .$300. Carpenter Boy. George Maun, Lady Golddust, Bolton Boy, 2:401.1, 2:411.1, 2:40. Governor, b g (3 :30), by Clark Chief, dam by Canada Chief. John Eaiidall, Lockport, N. Y., June 12, 1873, .$.500, Dextress 2, Prince Charles, Fred Johnson, Gargling Oil, 2 :3G. 2::;6?£, 2:.30'4, 2:41. Warren Peabodv, Buffalo, N. Y., Aug. 30, 1873, $200. George, Blacksmith Girl, Willy Collins, 2:36, 2:361^, , 2:42. Sept. 24 and 26, 1873, $600. Caledonia Chief 5. 7 (1 0). Viola 2 (1 0). Eva 3. Hornet, Long Branch, Chestnut Billv (5 dr), Dextress (5 dr), Daniel Bo tne (2dis). 2:37, 2:33,2:33. 2:31, 2:33?^, 2:33, 2:35,2:34i4. Medina, N.Y., May23, 1874, .$600. Lola Montcz, Lady Kate, Little Angus, Dextress, 2:.35, 2:32, 2:36M. Lockport, N. Y., June 27, 1874, .$.500. Lola Moiitez, Little Angus, Ladv Kate, 2:.32, 2:34,2:34. William Wood, Hamilton, Out., July 2, 1874, ,$G09. Dextress 1, Caledonia Chief, Little Angus (4 dis), 2:36'a,2:33''i, 2:40, 2:38ii. July 4, 1S74, .$600. Little Angus, Caledonia Chief, 2:34i4, 2:.3G?i. 2:,36"o. Governor, b g (S :38). J. McLaughlin, Providence, E. I., July 1, 1875, $300. Providence Maid 3, 2:5314, 2 :51>4, 2:5.5,2:50. S. Otis, Lowell, Mass., Aug. 15, 1876, .$200. Jack Chamberlain, Willis, Black Eye, Governess 1, 2, (3 dis), Defiance (3 dis). Lumber (l diS), 2:40K>, 2:42, 2:39, 2:4.3, 2:48. Governor, grs (3 :38j. L). B. Kavanaugh, Madison, O., Oct. 13, 1877, .$400. Cook 1,(3 0), Mattie Miller 2, 2:30-2, 2:31'2, 2::31, 2:32,2:2914, 2:28. Governor iGovernor Stanford), ch g (3:2714). by John Nelsoi'. C, Y'earance, Newton, N. J., June 15, 1881, $150. Young Lambert, Lady Mapes, ('hiirley '.M.. 2:42, 2:47, 2:43. June 16. 18S1, .$200. Electric, Jack Sailor, Harrv Moore, Charley M., 2:3414. 2:.38, 2:.38i4. Governor, b g(3:56). S. D. Goehener, Jersey City.N. J„ May 16, 188.3, $50. Kitty Clyde, Dlllle T., Charles iMonlter. 3 :02, 3 :00, 2 :56. Nearest to 3 :00. Governor Anthony, br g (3 :34i4). bv Gov. Spragne, dam Jeannette. B. Ullman, Topeka. Kan., Sept. 12, 18.83, $ . Billy Douglas. M:ick, 2 ::!8, 2:.37, 2 :.39' ,. Lawrence, Kan.. Oct. .lo, 1883, .$ . Elmo Pilot d 0), 5:37. 5:29,5:.3G, 5:35"4. Two miles. Governor Banks, cli s (2:581.2). H. S. l,oucli. North Adams, Mass.. Sei)t. 19, 1862, $125. Robert Bonner, Yoimg Dasher il disi, 2:.59i-^. 2:.58'4. 2:,59. Governor iiiitler. b s (2:53). by Sambo. J.W. Hollingsliead. Lincoln, Neb., Sept. 2.3. 187^, .$?00. Col. Step- toe .!. 4, I'.lack Chief, Belle of Lincoln (2dis), Frank Leslie (1 dis). 3:01. .•!:13I4,2:!5614 2:.54^i, 3:01i^. S.-pt. 25, 1K74. $100. Drennoii (3 dr). Hambletonian Prince (1 disl, 2:5.?. 2:.57, . Governor c., b g (2 :59i/5). R.s. Abeel, Greenwich, N. Y., June 30, 1883, $100. Tom E., E. W., Eclipse (3 dr), 2:59/2, 3:0014, 3:01. 272 ( IlKSTKirS COMrLKTK TKOITIM: AM) I'AIINC UW()1{I). Govr (i-iiixi. ell s (3:44'4), l)v Mamhrino Cift. <1:ut\ liv Wasliincton Haiiitilftoiiinn. Dr. Sjn'ncer, Wilkesl>arrc. I'a., Oct. 17. Ikk;5. .?56o. .John Henry, Mi-lissa, Harry, Fred (3 dr), ■.':48'2, ;J:44?4, 2:49?4. Governor Gray («:.55i. (it'ttysburgli, I'a.. Aii>r. JT, 1^T^J. s . r.lacU Hawk, 2:55, 3:00. Governor Hartrautt, b ii {'t ■.,'Ht). by Tom Alhii Jr. .M. Stoii, Beaver, I'a., Sept. 17. 1S78,S4.5. Butcher Boy 1, Kraiik Kiley. 1:40, l:.;i. I:;>t^4. l::J4'.i. Hall-mile heats. Sept. 1«. 1S7S, §100. Hiileher Bov 3. Kittv. Kallliuj; .lack, 3:04. 3:01, 3:01, 2:59 Sept. 15. iSM). S175. Kitty. Sleci)y .lim. .M:iiul II.. « tliiovillc Bov. L'l.'O, 2:.'')!t. .3:04. Governor Hayes, blk g C-* :4(jj, by Svvijfert. W. I'ierce, BurliiiKloii, Wis.. Se])t. «, 1K77, .?U.">. Dictator 1. Pat- elieii. No time. Sept. 7, l!<77. .§ . .leiiiiy H., Dictator. Kosa Belle. No time. an lloseii, Maiiliattaii, Kai;., Sej)!. -7, 1K7.'<, ^75. Border Chief 2, 4. T):ni S:-ii!Iy 1, Spotted Colt {4 dr). Governor >Ior>-enthal, l)lk s (3:4<>'i). W. Leonard, St. Louis, >Io.. Se))!. 20. ls7o, .'^IGO. Kangaroo 2 2-r>r>U, 2:47.2:47, 2:40';. Governor Morrrun, blk s (3 :3G'a;. O. W. Dickev, St. Louis. Mo.. .May 2, ISCT. -^50. B;.ilv3, Fleetfoot 1, 2-.50. 2:4^.2:10. 2::;(ii:, 2:4:i' J. Governor .Alorton. 1> ^ l-i-MT), by Blue Bull. .1. 1*. .Tohiison. MarshalUown. Ta.,June 2S, 1877. .«.300. Sh<'nher(l Boy 2, Lo.ican B., Lailv lCsther04 dis), American (!irl (4 disi. Senator (lolddust (4 dis), Li<'ior(3 dls), Honest John (;: disi. Lady Tiidon (;! dis), 2: !1' i. 2: r.. 2:40. 2:40. Ciovernor .Seward, b g (3:47;. Geo. B. Elner, Buffalo, N. Y., Aug. 4, 1857, $300. So;.!iemer, 2:47, 2:49, 2 :50. Governor .Seward, ell s(3 :37i. A. C. Fisk, Detroit, Midi., Aug. 10, IRGO .$ . Coldwatcr Cliief (2 dr). 3:37. T\v()-ye;ir-oUls. Governor Seymour, blk s (3 :r>;j=i I. K. D. Soiitliworth, Lockport, N. Y.. Oct. 5, 1875. §50. .1. ,1. Williams 2, two others, .•;:0(i. 2:.')2, 2:53?i, 2:."i8. Governor Spraj^ne, blk s (3:30'.2), by Kliod/ Island, djim Belle Brandon, by Hambletoniau. W. Hiu'bee. Earlville. 111.. Aug. 20, 1874. .?150. (\V Oj. :5:4;!. Three-year-olds. " " Chicago, 111.. .July 20, 1870, $\,mo. JMaialirino Kate, Edward, Ue:irge .Judd, Susie Ross. Quarrv Boy, Gen. Mc.Vrthnr (3 dr), Frank Myers (1 dis), 2:27'.i. 2:29, 2:30'2. .Jerome I. Case, Korliester, N. Y., Aug. 8, 1876, $2,.'')00. M:imbriiii> Kate. HaltieR.. Kose (3 dis1. 2:24, 2:2n.i, 2:23. Poughkeepsie, \. Y'., Aug. 22, 187G. $2,500. :\rambrino Kate 1. Irene, Carrie N., Big Fellow (3 dr), 2:2G}4, 2:20i,.--,,2<24i.j, 2:211.1. Suffolk Park, rhila., Sept. 27, 1870, §2,500. Elaekwood Jr.. Elsie Good, Lady Mills, 2:24'/i, 2:26,2:27. Five-year-olds. Governor Stanford (Governor), chg (3 !37'4). by John Nelson. J. Williams. San Francisco, Cal., .Tulv 2.\ 187G, S400. Billv Walker 1 (2 0), St. Helena (2 0),Naney, Billy Lucas, Lady Cummings, Nelly Patchen (5 ills), Onu'on Jake (i'dis), Solid Silver (2 dis), 2::Vo^i, 2:;)l?a, 2:33?i, 2:30?4, 2:31. Nov. — , IS7(i. .$1,000. Alice 1. Lou Whipple (3 dis), Dirigo (2 disi, 2:33U, 2:31,. 2:29>.i. 2:.32. W. L. I'ritcluird. July 14. 1S77, .'5; . Aelly Palehen 5,7, Brushy John 2,4, Dirigo 3, 2:32'., 2:32, 2:31, 2:20'i, 2::U-i, 2:3214 2:.S4. 2:29i.i;. Chlco, C;il., Sepf. 1, 1877. .fl.OOO. Birigo 1, Red Cross (2 dis), Dutcliman (1 dis), .St. Helena (1 dis>. Nell Crockett (1 (list, Susie (1 (lis), 5:02,.'>:05, 5:03',o. Two miles. Reno. Nev., Oct. IG, 1877, $000. Dirigo. Sweet Brier, 2:36>.i. 2:33'4, 2:31V.,. Governor Stone, (.'i :30), Jaek.son, Miss.. Nov. 2. 1883, $1(X). Don Pedro, Julia D.. 3:30, 3:40. Gowandii, b g (3:01), W. Jloore, Erie, Pa., Aug 21. 1878. .$200, Gail Humiltou 1, Transit 4, Annie Golddust, Big F ilo\v(4dr), Kitty D. (3dis). 3:02, 3.oi. :i:01 ',. 3:01. 3:01. Fredonisi. N. Y., An;.'. 30. 1R78, ?2fi0. Fnink M;irtin, Allen Boy, C;irrie N. (2 dr). No time. GrabaH, ch g (3 :.'>4:i, ,. Win. H. Dawes, Flemingt(^n, N. J., Sep. 29, 1804, $60. William Tell, Mary, Ketchum's bg, 3:01',. 2:.55, 2:54%. Grace (Fearless), b m (3 :38w), by the Meeker Horse. Dan Mace. Fashion Cour.se, L. I., May 12. 1865, SI 00. Cregan's b g 1.(2:0), (3:0), (5:0), 2:40, 2:12, 2::58, 2:3«ii. 2 40^4, 2:43,2:40. W. Borst, Boston, Mass., Aug. Id, 1800, $.500. Raid. 2:36' i, 2:32, 2:32. Grace, gr in (3 :37i.i), A. M. Wilson, Cloveland, O., Sep. 10, 1872. $500. Wormwood, Country (iirl (2 dis). 2:.39H, 2:34;2:35'4. Scj). 11, 1872, ?!."on. Wormwood ;:, Dave Hill, Reserve 2 (5 dis), Fred Johnson (4 dr), Maggie Kind)erly, (1 di.s), 2:.30, 2:41>o. 2:.:5i.... 2::57' ,, 2:.39V,. Grand Rapicls. .Mich.. Sep. 21, 1«72, .fi400. Edgarl. 3. Fox (2 dis), Leo (1 dis). Black Diamond (1 dis). 2:35, 2:3(;',i, 2:35V4. 2:35i,i. 2:38U. Iudi:uiapolis, Ind., Oct. 1, 1872, .'?2,ooo. John 11. 2, Edgar, Kentucky (iirl (4 dis>. Brown M:iry (1 dis), 2:34. 2:.35"o, 2:34, 2:.'!3. Oct. 3. f«72, $2,000. John PL, Edgar, Burlington (2 disi. Tramp O dis), N(dly (1 dis). 2:28'j. 2:29^. 2:27>4. Grace, b m ( 3 :34). Dan Biglev Jr., .Gre:it Falls. N. H., June 19, 1873, $200. Ben Russell. Rescue, Flora, 2:45, 2:43, 2:48. Beacon T'ark. ■Mass.. July 21. 1K74, $.300. Arthur. Fleetwing, Andy Johnson, Lady Wdcox. Meddlesome, T(mtine r.elle (2 (lis), 2;:;(;. 2:."7. 2:;i.".W. , . , Framingham, ]\lass.. Sept. 22, 1S74, $rm. John Lambert. Jean Ingelow, Arthur, Monadnock Boy, 2:37?4, 2:37' i, 2:40. Bcw'on P;irk. Boston, June 8. 187.5. ,$2.50. Arthur I (4 0\ Falm(Uilh Boy (3 dr). 2:37Uj, 2:35'i, 2:39, 2:36'/2, 2:.37. Mystic Park. Boston, June 12. 1875 $100. Ladv Daggett 1, Prowess, John T. Russell, 2:;{8.2:.37. 2::«!, 2:35. L()well, Mass.. ,lune 1.5, 187.5. .$.300. Effle, Frank Hall. John Lambert 2, 3 (4 dis), 2:42, 2:37'4,2:38, 2:40, 2:45'i. Beac(m Park, Boston, Jtilv 20. 187.5. $300. John T. Russell 2.3, Little Gent 1, Georgie B.. Frank Hall, 2:.^5. 2:.35' ,. 2:.34' ,. 2::!7'4, 2:;!6?.i. 2:39. Mystic Piirk. I'.ostou, Jniu- 10, lK7fi, .«100. .Tennv Thompson 2. Asht(m Boy. 2:40. 2:.34, 2:38. 2:38. Grace, hr m (3 :4GU). E. T. Anderson. Lafayette, Ind.. Sept. X 1875. .$;?00. Dutch Girl 2. Greeid)ack 1, Billy ItoiU-h. 2:42. 2:4.372:47':.. 2:46'.;. 2:47. ,^ . . , . -. >t ■ Grace, b m (3:37). by KMlekerbocker, dam Ladv DiMiton. by Aux'rican Star. J. E. Jarvis. Jersey ( ily, N. J., Sent. 7 and 8. 1876, $1.50. Revenge 4, 5, Frank Bl:d. 2:55. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 275 — Wiirwick, N. Y., Aug. 14. 1877, .'¥250. Rose Mefliuni, Itomulus, Dolly V., Fanny G., , 2:40, 2:40. — I'rincetoii. N. .1., Oct. 17, 1S77, .$100. Lilly 1, Priiicftoii Girl, Tom Scott (3 dr), 2:3G'4, 2:38, 2:43, 2:42. — Oct. 18, i«77, .*100. \Viiuls()r2, St. George, Princeton (Jirl, Lilly (.3 dr), 2:37>^,2:;»',i, 2:37. 2:3914. — Pottstown, Pa., Oct. ii3, 1877, .s2.)0. Modoc, Buriiloist, James Wood, Newbrook, Addie E. C, Pawnee Squaw, Fancy, Drift (3 dr). 2:3r>. •_'::;.">. 2:35'o. — Oct. -'.i, 1877. $-200. iNewljrook. l.iUle Ji. • \V. B. Bertram. White Plains, N. Y'., Sept. 18, 1871, $250. Revenue, Brown Rover. Fox, (4. W. Haskins, Lady Tierer (l dis), 2:3714, 2:3G>4, 2:3GM. VV. McMahon, Middletown, N. Y., Sept. 30. 1871, .'5700. Sally 2, 3, Senator Mitchell, 2;37Ji, 2:35^4, 2:36'4, 2:36, 2:. 37 14- Fleetwood Park, N. Y., Nov. 17. 1871, §500. Topsv (w), 2:35, 2:36, 2:36. ■ E. N. Crow. May 14, 1872, .S500. Topsv, 2::W ^ . 2 :.33". 2 :.35. Dan Pfifer, May 22, 1872. $1,200. St. Elmo, Camors, George L. F'ox, Gray Eddy, Eight Bells, 2:3214. 2:30, 2:3014. Springfield, Mass.. Aug. 22 & 24, 1872. $2,500. Comet 1, 7, Lady Ross 4, Ed. Foster 3, Lady Hughes 2, F'a-tory Girl i4 disi. 2::il.2:33^. 2:29, 2:3114.2:29. 2:33'i, 2:.35. Graceful, b m (3 :40i4). L. Eames, Mystic Park, Boston, Nov. 14, 1876. .'$150. Granger, Joe Carnes (1 dis).2:41, 2:41. 2:40'4. Grace L., ch m (3 :59). S. Walsh, Jersey City, N. J., July 2, 1882, $100. Nelly Robinson, 3:4. 3:13, 3:05?4, 3:065^, 3:03'2,3:0S^. ■ — — Mr. Jones. Jersey City, N.J., April 10, 1883, $20. Jessie 1, 3:09, 3:01, 3:06!/2, 3:02i/i. L. A. Kinney, June 14, 18s3, .$50. Passaic (3 dis), 3:05, 3:08, 3:15. Grace .S., ch m (3 :40). J. H. McShane, Council Bluffs, la.. Mav 30, 1882, $300. Belle of Coldwater 1, Maud L. 2, Rock and Rye, 2 :473'.3, , 2:47!2, 2:4910, 2:.50i4. Atlantic, la.. June 6, 1882, $2.50. Maud L., Lady Bell, Transit, 2:48i4, 2:48?^, 2:50i4- • -Junes, 1882, $250. Rowley's Rattler, Maud L., Rock and Rye, Salina B. (2 dis), 2:40. 2:42'A.2:42%. Grace Still (3 :48). Mapleton, Dak.. July 29, 1882, $100. Jack Green. Olley M.. 2:55, 2:48, 2:49i2. Grace Tramp, ch m (3:13), by Tramp, dam 1)V Muscatine. b\ Warlield, West Liberty, la., Sept. 1, 1881, $30. Lucy Hodson 3. 3:12. 3:20, 3:14, 3:15. Three-year-olds. Grace Walton, ch m(3 :3594). J. A. Chambers, Mobile, Ala., March 17, 1857, $150. T. Mack 2, Diggory, IngO" mar, 2:.52. 2:50, 2:48'2, 2:48i4. New Orleans, La., May 6. 1857. $150. Queen, 5 :40, 5:46'4. Two miles. Montgcmiery, Ala., Dec. 10, 1857, .§200. Henry Perritt. 5:50?i, 5:49. Two Miles. 1']. Skiliings. New Orleans, La., March 4. 1858, $ . Gray Frank, Tom Hyer, 2-AVA, 2:39, 2:41i4. Aiiril 14, 1858. $1,000. Tom Murray. 2 :40i!i, 2 :35?4;, 2:3.594. Gracie, I) m (3 :3TU). T. Kennedy. San Francisco. Cal., Oct. 14. 1875, $100. Sibyl 1, 2:5614, 2:56, 2:431/4, 2: 43^^. • J. L. Eoff, Nov. 4, 187.5, $1,000. Sibyl, 5:36, 6:06. Two miles. Nov. 10. 1875, $1,000. Sibyl, 5:36, 0:06. Two miles. (w) July 15. 1876, $.50. Accident, 6 :00, 5 :43'/2. Two miles. Sept. 7, 1876, $100. Lady Emma, Lilly White, Howell. South Plant, 5:26ii. 5:32i4. Two miles. • May 4, 1878. $100. Billy Taylor 3, Pride of the Bay, Betty. Dick. 2:41, 2:39)^, 2;44i4, 2:44?4, Gracie, ch m (3:40). G. L. Rice, Fitchburg, Mass.. Sept. 26, 1876. S50. Prince 3, 3:0.5, 3:10, 3:05, 3:08. ■ J. Simmons, Woonsocket, R. 1., July .30, 1878, $200. Charley Ware 2, 3, Nelly, Kate, Ashland Maid, Lady Honto, Sheiiherd Boy, Ida Lewis (5 dr). Crazy (5 dr), Betsy Best (3 dis), 2:43, 2:43, 2:40, 2:40, 2:41. Gracie D.. ( Dora), br m (3 :36i4), by Corbeau. C. S. Cox, Macon, Ga., Oct. 29, 1878. $200. Billy King. Katy D., Butfalo Bill (1 dis), 2:3G,'4, 2:35^4, 2:38. Gracie !>., brm (3:43), bv Gage's Logan. M. O'Reilly, Omaha, Neb., Sept. 11, I88.3, .1i!300. Billy, Little Tom, Bill Paxton (2dis). 2:42^, 2:42, 2A214. Gracie F.. blk m (3 :03). (}. Smalley, Somerville. N. J., Oct. 8, 1880, .$35. Sam, Dutchman. 3:02. 3:05. 3:02. Grafton, cli g (3 :33i4), by Waxy, dam Gvp, bv Grav Eagle. Gus Glidden. Cambridge Citv, Ind.. Oct. 23. 1874, $1,000. John W. Hall 3. Ripon Boy 1, Lady McFatridge, Kitty, Nellv (irant (2 dis). Little Mack (2 dis). Shanty (2 dis). 2:3.314,2:30, 2:34, 2:32',, 2:35'-J. ■ R. Penistan. Jackson, Mich., June 15, 1875, $1..500. Granville 1, 2, Gen. Garfield 3. Ladv Star, Huckle- berry, Wolford Z.. Prince. Little Angus, Ladv Williams. Moss Ro.se. 2:29, 2..30i.i, 2:27J^, 2:27, 2:2s, 2:3014. • Kalamazoo, Mich.. June .30. 1875. $1,.500. Gen. (iarfield 1, Lady Star, Snowball, Idol, Mo.ss Itose. Jere- miah (4 dr), I'rince (4 dr), 2:24^. 2:2214, 2 :24-:'4, 2:2.5. Detroit, Mich., July 5, 1875, .$200. Clementine, Snow Bali, Tanner Boy, Gen. Grant, Rams. 2:27, 2:24?4, 2: 21;. ■ July 7, 1875. $1,200. Clementine. Snow Ball, Tanner Bov, Rarus. Gen. Grant, 2:27, 2:2494, 2:27. ■ Cleveland, O.. Julv 29. 1875, $5,000. Lucille Golddust 2, Cozette 1, Bella, Thoinas L. Young (4 dis), 2:23. 2:231^, 2:24V4, 2:25'4. 2:26. Graham, b s (3 -.50). Jas. Smith, Wheeling, W. Va., Sept. 14, 1870, $100. Roan Bill 1, 2, 2:.56, 2:.5.3, 2:50, 3:00, 2:.V;i4. Grampus, b s (3 :50). D. C. Liverniore, Dubuque. la.. Sept. 29, 1866, $75. Lotta Stuart, 2:50, 2:.54. Granby Maid, cli w (3:39i4). J. A. Ingles, Brownsville, Mo., Aug. 16, 1880. .$300. F. Douglass 3 (5 0), Ten- doy (4 dis). I'^orest Pilot (3 dis). Tramp 1 (2 dis). Honest John (1 dis), Elmer F. (1 dis), Kentucky Norman (1 dis),2:40i4, 2:40"^, 2:46, 2:.58, 2:.58. 2:.56. Joplin, ,Mo., 0"t. 14, 1S81, .'if250. Ladv Kerns 2. 6, L. F. Sheldon 3, 5 (4 0), Ben Harper (4 0), (8 dr), Bill, Tramp (5 dr).2;.394. 2:40. 2:39'''o. 2:39'o. 2:40. 2:.39'i, 2:;!9i4. 2:40. Grand Central, grg(3:3«). M. Carroll, Boston, Mass., July 30,1873, $150. Hiram, Topsv, Polly (1 dis). Southerner (1 disi, 2: 10^.(. 2:4294. 2:42'i. A. E. Brown, Titusville, Pa., June 9, 1875, $375. Idle Boy, Joker, Capt. Custard, Mattie Golddust, 2:403^, 2:42,2:45. 18 274 CHESTEirS COMPLETE TKOrriNG AND I'ACING KECORU. St. Petersburgh. Pa., June 17, 1375, $300. Idle Boy 2, Fred Fette 1, 2:41, 2:45>^,2:40. 2:47, 2:47. Grand Uuchi-ss (Duchess and Mary Ann), b ni (« :a«^), by Haidey's Hiatoga, dan» bv John Kichards. Wm. Mason. Trenton, Mass., Sept. 'JS, l«;i, 5j:.'0O. ',i. A. II. Dore, Boston, .Mass., June 13, 1H72, .?1,700. Clarence 3, Lady Koss, Joim Stewart, 2:30, 2:28^, 2:3;}'.!. 2:31K'- Williiui Mason, Taunton, Mass., Sept. 26, 1872, 9700. Climax 3,6 (1 0;, Lydia Thompson 5, 2:36>4, 2:33^, 2:33. 2:.U'-, 2:32'2, 2:.i6?4, '-:X5. A. H. Dore, Myrlcks, Mass., Sei)t. 17, 1875, $125. Sunshine, BelleBrandon, Ethan Allen Jr., Capt. West, 2:.!(i, 2:;{8,2:40. Oraiidee i 'i ■MTi). P. O'Farrell, Sacramento, Cal., Sept. 15, 1866, $ . Genoa Maid. Tempest (2 dis), 2:43»4, 2:::8'.;,2:.52. Grand Scnliuel, 1) s (2:37'.i), by Heiitine). dam Maid of Lexington, bv Mambrino Pilot. A. Sellick, Pent- \v;iter, Mi<'li.. June 28. 187S, $100. l-'ranii, Colorado. 3:04, 3:00. 3:00. S. .\. lirowiie, Grind Ua|>ids, MIcii.. Sept. 2(1, 187!», S- — . Grand Rapids, Pasacas, 2:40, 2:4054, 2:41. Muskriion. Mich., Oct. 3, ;8:'.(. .S2i)0. Western l-'carnaught 2, Lady Tniesdell (4 dr), 2:40, 2:40, 2:41, 2:42U. Allciran. .Midi.. Sei)t. 31, 1880, Siioo. (irav ICfiie. Ilarrv Knox. 2:41>4. 2:4(»?4, 2:41V;;. r.entf.n IIarl)or, Mich.. Oct. (!. 188t). .?200. Dora. Dupage, 2:40, 2:40, 2:42. Danville, 111.. Oct. 20, 1880, .'?.{00. Snooks .3, Lady McD., Stranger (4 dis). Busy Bee (1 dis), 2:40, 2:39U, 2:;!9'.i, 2::;9'o. Oct. 21. 1S80, .?400. Emma Maxwell 1, Mattie (iraham, 2:39Ki 2:40i4. 2:.39i^. 2:44Ji. L;i .Salle. 111.,' July 28, 1881, $400. Emma Maxwell l, Billy Bashaw, Lady Mack, 2:38, 2:33, 2:36!4, 2:."?4'i. H. P. Kelly. Coldvvater. Mich., Aug. 4, I8si, .§400. Clara Cleveland, Flying Cloud, Le Clair, Chief, Reso- lute, Blanche H., Alhaml)ra Maid, 2:31?.,, 2:29i.i. 2:30?i. s. A. Browne, Marshall, Mich., Aug. 10, 1881, $.300. Clara Cleveland, Lucrece, H. M. Strong, LeClair, 2.33U;. 2:.i2':., 2:31. P. V. .Johnston, Cedar Rapids, la.. June l,'^>, 1882. .S500. Lucv 1, 2, Don Quixote, Kentucky (iirl. Sucker Maid. Duster ( 1 dis), 2:27'2. 2:27^4, 2:29' j. 2:2s'.,, 2:J8'.i. S. A. Urowne, Kalamazoo, Mich., July 4. 18.S3, .$ . Transit, Fannv Goldust, 2:29?i. 2:27ii, 2:29!4. Granarer, ch g (» :4«| j ). Barney Rice. San Francisco, Cal., Jan. 7, 1871, $100. Billv Havward 1, 2, Romeo (w). 2:48<,i, 2:45'.., 2A0\i, 2:.5(l. 2:.".I. ubu(iue, la., Sept.. ll, 1877, $500. Shepherd Bov. Dixie, 2:.'S7. 2:39, 2:37i^. Faribault, Minn., June 27, 1878, $350. Lady Gniesbeek 1, Flora Belle, I.,ady of the West, 2:35!4, 2:39;'4, 2:37',i, 2:39'i. Owatonna, Minn. July 4, 1878, $400. Ricliwood 1, Lady Groesbeck 2, Alvin B., 2:39. 2:37, 2:365!i, 2:36'/4, 2:36. '- Oskaloosa, la., Sept. 10, 1878, $250. Sealskin. Blossom, Wapello Chief, Honest John (3 dr),2:35J4, 2:36'/i. 2 :32. '- Dewitt, la.. Sept. 24, 1879, $.300. Nat Baker (1 0), Nettie E. (1 0), Billy Sherman, Lizzie Jackson, Lonia, 2:40i4.2::!9'.i 2:38, 2:.38. Sept. 26, 1ST9, $3r.0. Nettie R. (3 0), Lizzie Jackson, Lonia, 2:37i-i, 2:39 2:40, 2:34. Charles City, la., Julv 3, ls80. $400. Jessie (1 0), Clias. Douglass, Jim Wilson, 2:36, 2:3.5, 2:37, 2:37. Granger, b g (3 :44i^). D."K. Marvel, Nashua, N. H. Sep, 30, 1875. $100. Dominion, Snow Ball, Betsey, Ned. 2:14'2, 2:.52, 2:53. Grani;er. grg(3:38V2). S. M. Bevins, Athol, Mass. Oct. 4, 1876, $110. .lolin Henry, Dick, Dick, Jimmy Gary (3 dr), 2:45, 2:45"», 2:4.5»^. C. E. Worcester, Beacon Park, Boston, Aug. 9, 1877, $200. Alice, Wildwood, Royal Tom, Caesar, 2:42'/j, 2:38'o, 2:41>4. Granffer, clig(3:34i4) <^. Seattergood, Washington, D. C, May 4, 1881, $500. Blue Dick. Rachael, Clipper, Princess, 2:.!6i^, 2:.39?i, 2:311.,. Granger B., bs (2:«9). II. O'llara, Yankton, Dak., Sep. 26, 188.3, $300. Hampton <;iii 3. Gray Sam, 2:4354, 2:42, . 2:41 '4 Granger Horse (RockinghamHw)grg (2 :2>5i/j\ (3 :«2>4,s). Mr. Root, Hartford, Conn.. Oct. 19, 18.58, $200. Nelly llolc(mil) (s\ (2 0), 2:.36 2:40 2:.38, 2:44. J.' Jocelyn, Middletown, (;onn.. Sept. 20, 1859. .$.500. Tacony 1, 2:40, 2:40. 2:44, 2:4.5. Greenlield, Miiss., Sept. 2S. 18,59. .S150. Plato 2 (3 0), Taconv (3 0), 2:40. 2:39, 2:38, 2:.39, 2:41. Portland, Conn., Oct. 8. 18,59, .foo. Lady Cornwall. Pathfinder, Night Hawk, 2:43, 2:40, 2:47. Five- vear-olds. — W. II. Doble. Somerville. N. J.. Oct. 4, 1860,.?1.50. Belle of Portland, Lady Palmer (3 dr), 2:34';, 2:33, 2:32'/4. Granger Jack, grg (3:38). W. A. Neil, Piipi;!. <)., June Ic, l.s7(;. $.-)(){). llenry (i. 1,3. Matt Brewer, Piqua Belle, Nellv D., Little; Robin (5 dr). Dexter .1. (3 dr), L:idv Green (1 disi. 2:42'i, 2:38, 2::{8i.i, 2:39, 2:40'/s. Granite, gr g(:J:10). C. H. Reed, Woodburgh. L. I.. Oct. 18, 1879, $1.50. Fanny. 3:15, 3:15. .3.:I0. Granite State, dig (3:44'',). E. Goodwill, Boston, Mass., June 13, 1854, $ . Shooting Star (1 0), (3 0), 2:.52, 2:46, 2;4S, 2:50, . Oct. ,5, 18,54, $ . May Flv 1. .3, 2:47.2:46, 2:.50. 2:44"o. 2:.50. G. L. Howard, Lowell,' Mass.. May .30. 18.57, .'¥.50. Ladv Dundas 1, 2:42, 2:45, 2:51, 2:51. Chelsea, Mass., June 2, 1858, .*7.5. ' Belle of Lvnn (3 0),' Black John (3 0), 2:52, 2:54, 2:.5,3, 2:52. June .50, 18.58, .S200. Salem Bov (3 0). 2:49. 2:t-'.,. O. A. HiclvOk, Oct. 21, 1873. .«i . Copperhead (d disK 2:31^i. Mr, Briisli, Aug. 8, 1S74, .$,500. Coquette 3. 4, Peanuts. 2::J9. 2:.3«V,, 2:.T5>4, 2:37'4, 2:43'/.. , ,, .^ Grant. Iir g (3:30'^). G. Webber, Milwaukee, Wis., Oct. 26, 1878, $ . (ireer's brg Milw.aukee Maid, Susan. 2:3914. 2 :40U-,, 2 :;!9K.. ,,, „ ^^., Grant, bg (;;:04>;i,). B. F. Peters, Harrisburgh, Pa., Sept. 22, 1880, $100. Tinner Boy 3, 3:14,3:15, 3:11H,3:04>4, Four-year-olds. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 275 Grant Boy. b g (3 :47). W. W. Hathawav, White Plains, N. Y., Oct. 11, 1876, §150. Eosebud 1, Fred L. 2, Adelaide, Nelly, Molly (3 dri, 2i5U. 2:47, 2:47, 2:47, 2:47. Nev. 3, li^7G, $175. Peter Story (1 0), (2 0) ^4 dis;. Puss 1.4 dis), 3:01, 2:55, 2:52, 3:03. Granville, eh g CZ-.'Zii). by Aiueriean Clay, dam Lady Abdallah, by Alexaiider'sAlidallah. W. IT. "Wilson, Col- umbus, O.. July 1, lf<74, .SI. 000. Lewiuski, Riehard, Rislori (3 dis), lieorge Reed (2 dis), 2:35, 2:3J, 2:J3:;4. Columbus. (>., .hily 3. 1874, $1,000. Rescue, Norma. Maggie Kimberly, Forest Maid, Sam West, Dick Slider, Philailelphia Boy a dis), 2:30',2. 2:33. 2:35'2. Indianapolis. Iiui., Jidy 7, 1874, $],200. Mattie Lyle, MeHenry, Jim Fisk, Lady Morrison, S. Vincent, Billv Lainbertson i2 dis). Major (2 dis), 2;;)7. ■.'-.Si'^, 2:33'.i. — Florence. Kv.. Sept. 19, 1874, $150. Driltwood, Dick Taylor (2 dis).2:43'/2, 2:40i2, 2:57Ji. Lebanon, ().. Sept. 24, 1S74. .«;400. Gypsy Queen, Bennor. 2:5Gi/,, 2:K)| ,. 2:47. Frankfort, Ky., Oct. 9. 1S74, .^SCX). Auction, Mark Anthony, Telegraph (3 dis), 2:43'i, 2:42?.i. 2:4414. H. c. (loodrich, Kalamazoo Mich., June 7, 187(;. $800. Tom Hritton, Lady Byron, Gen. Sherman, 2:34, 2:37'o.2:n4'4. Detroit, Mich., July 4, 1876. $1,500. Harry Mitchell, Tom Britten, Monroe, Little Gypsy. Lady Bvron, Billy Lainljcrtson, Cant. Jack (3 dr), 2:27. 2:27, 2:27'^. Grand Rapids, Mich., July 13, 187G. .^700. Monroe 2, Mambrino Kate, Tom Brittou, Harrv Mitchell (1 dis), 2:27,2:271.2. 2:2(iiii,a:29'2. Freeport, 111., Aug. 2, 1870, $700. Lady BjTon, I^adv H., Capt. Jack, Monroe, Captain, 2:26. 2:ro, 2:20. Tiskilwa, 111., Aug. S, 1870. $600. Lady H. 1, Ladv Byron, Capt. Jack, Monroe. 2:29, 2:3114, 2:So;i. 2:30Ji. Mendota, 111., Aug. 10, 1870, .$400. Capt. Jack, Ladv H., Monroe. 2:32,2:3014, 2:.3.5. Earlville, III., Aug. 23, 1876, $600. Monroe, Capt. .lack. Lady Byron, 2:30, 2:31, 2:29. Dubuque, la., Sept. 16, 1876. $1,000. Phil Sheridan, Aldiue, Gen. Garfield, Billy O'Neill, 2:3014, 2:32?i, 2::iO'i. \V. (}. Mosher, Tiskilwa, 111., Aug. 8, 1877, $600. George Judd 1, Allen, Lady H., 2:30i4, 2:.32, 2:34Ji, 2:33;>.t. Aug. 10. 1877, $1,000. Badger Girl, Marion. Allen, 2:30'-;;, 2:31?ii, 2:33^4. l)ul)uque, la., .lune 8. 1878, $800. Deck Wright (20), Lady Turpin, Barney Kelly, 2:37i/2, 2:38, 2:34, 2:34. C'harles City. la., Sept. 13, 1878, .'jiS.^O. Fred Douglas 3, Jim Raven, 2:3314, 2 :34. . 2:33. W. G. Moore, Albany.N. Y., July 9. 1879. .$2.50. Chieftain (30), Ben Smith, 2:30, 2:29Ji. 2:31, 2:31. Grapevine, blk g (3 :3854,). E. Rawlin, Hamilton, Out., June 22, 1867, $ . Burr Oak, Bitter Water (1 dis), 2:3.<^i, 2:421.1, 2:40J:<;. Grapevine, br g (2:35). J.Archer, Northfleld, Minn., July 21, 1876, $250. Gray Eagle, Ned Gates. Black Charley, Nigger Baby. 2:52U, 2:53, 2:.55'2. I). C. Giftord, Davenport. la.. Sept. 7, 1S77 .'i?,500. Dan Vosburgh 1. Mat Kirkwood, Lady Blennerhasset, Fearnaught, .Mm Lane. John Randolph, Billy Shernian, Billv Boy, 2:35>^. 2:37, 2:35, 2:36. Dubuque, la., Sept. 12, 1877, $500. Dan "Vosburgh 1, Laily Blennerhasset, Billy Boy (3 dis). Gray Eddy (3 dis), 2:.38i4, 2:.';6:'.i, 2:36, 2:37. Sept. 14, 1877, $500. Dan Vosburgh 1, Phyllis, Lady Blennerhasset, 2 :35i4, 2 :36, 2:37, 2 :36. Grapllic, blk s (2 :36i4), by Mambrino Patchen, dam Black Girl by Straders' C. M. Clay Jr. W. S. Frazier, Bloomington, 111., July 3, 1880, $300. Dublin Boy 1, Blackstone, Lula, Florence Clay (2 dis), 2:4i;2, 2:4054, 2 :40, 2 :40. Grasshopper, b g (3 :5.5). Daniel Horr, Mystic Park, Boston, Oct. 15, 1878, $75. Little Phil 2, 3, Bolly H. 1, 3:02, ■, 3:00, 3:00. 3:00. 2:5.5. Grasshopper, ch g (3:53',). W. M. Shaw, Oxford Co., Me., Oct. 5, 1882, $ . Kyrat 1,2, Lady Allen, Butcher Boy, Stranger (5 dr), 2:50, 2:539i. 2:.53y2, 2:54'2, 2:55U. GrateiFuI. ch g (3:28i^), by the Norton Horse. W. P. Balch, Mystic Park, Boston, June 15, 1870, .$400. Ed. Chapin. Dick Moore, Gentinella, Capt. Frank (2 dis). 2:30, 2:28i2, 2:^1. Beacon Park, Boston, Mass., June 20, 1876, $500. Bancroft, Tartar, Brother, Christine, 2:32, 2:.36. 2:38. Hartford, Conn., June 27, 1876. $800. Driver 3, Nightingale 4, Lady Lowe (5 di"). Banker (5 dr). Wild Oats (2 dis), 2:30, 2:28,W, 2:30'i. 2:29?i, 2:33i-i. Graves, ch g (3:19), by Whipple's HaTuliletonian, dam Rose Austin. J. Williams. Sacramento. Cal., June 6, 1878, $.300. Lady Lowe, Flora F. Elcho, Hiram, 2:415i, 2:39?i, 2:37. Sept. 16, 1878,' $1,500. Abe Edginton l. Doty, Dirigo, Coquette (3 dis), Beautiful Bells (l dis). 2 :25i^, 2:26i/4, 2:24^4, 2 :27?i. Sept. 20, 1878, $1,500. Gibraltar, Echora, Rustic (2 dis), Beautiful Bells (I dis), 2:2334, 2:24, 2:24. San Joaquin, Cal., Sept. 28. 1878, .$800. Doty, Abe Edginton, Dirigo, 2:23^. 2:22'i, 2:231/2. Carson, Nev., Oct. 5, 1878, $1,250. Gold Note, Lady Emmett, 2:34, 2:2714, 2:32Ji. Reno, Nev.. Oct. «, 1878. .$800. Dirigo, Ladv Emmett, Gold Note, 2:3454, 2:28%, 2:29. S. Gamble, San Francisco, Cal., Sept. 4, is79, .$750. Nutwood, 2:24>4, 2:23(2, 2:22i^. Santa Clara, Cal.. Sept, 26, 1879, .$.57.5. Occident, 2:20, 2:20, 2:23. Gray, gr g (3 :4ll'^). J. Hazlett, Fashion Course, L. I., Sept. 20, : 1,W, $200. Harry l, 2, Mary, Langevine's brm 2:51, 2:45'i, 2:44?4, 2:41K'. 2:4.5. Gray Albert, gr g (3 :43^). Wm. King, Philadelphia, Pa., Aug. 5, 1858, .$50. Brother Jonathan, 2 :43i4, 2 :44^, 2:43 '4. Gray Aleck, gr g (3 :35). W. J. Walsworth. Fort Wavne, Ind,,Aug. 14, 1873, $300. Dolly 1, Joe Shawhan. Russell, Tom Brittou (1 dis), 2:38i4, 2:35, 2:38i/2, 2:38i;4. Portsmouth, O., Aug. 28, 1873. $500. Maria 1, 2, Gray Sam 4, Fashion (3 dis). Dick Sliter (3 dis). Queen Lydia (1 dis), 2:40i4. 2:42'4. 2:37i/4, 2:39?4, 2:45'/2, 2:4834. W. B. Conway, Fairfield, HI., Sept. 18, 1874, ,$300. Arlington 3, Trotting Mare, Lady Jane (4 dr), 2:42, 2:39,'4, 2:401/2, 2:47'2. F. Myers, Fort Wavne, Ind., Mav 21 1878, .$.50. John Thomas. 2:56. 2:47. Gray ISashaw, gr g (3 :3'li;), l>y Green's Jiishaw. Mr. Reillv, Lexington, Ky., June 16, 1876, $700. Harry 2, George l, Alvermont, Bay Billv, Longwood (4 dis), Pasacas (2 dis), 2:."8. 2:.18. 2:.37i4, 2:4034. Gray Beard, gr g (3 :379i), by Salalin. W. H. Doble, Philadelphia, Pa., Oct. 22,1857,$ . Belle, 2:46i45 2:48,2:46. June 3, 1858, $100. Thunder 1, 3 (2 0) (6 dr). George Macee (2 dr), 2:39, 2:.379i. 2:38'.i. 2:39, 2:38 , . Wm. McDonald. Baltimore, Md.. June 15, 1862. .$ . Bello IIj>.11, Maryliind, 2:;9. 2:42i2. 2:48. Grav Belle, grm (3:40). Wm. Conaut, Freeport. 111., Oct. 15, 1873, .«500. Quicksilver 2. 4, Magnolia. Dais}', Lucia (4dr), La Salle (4 dr). Gen. Mack (4 dr), Jim Logan (3 dis). Bashaw (1 dis), 2:48, 2 :47, 2 :43, 2 :45i/j, 2:44. Oct. 16, 1873, .$.500. Magnolia,, Lucia, Daisy, Quicksilver, 2:40. 2:4.5, 2:41. Gray Belle, gr m (3 :43). ,). M. Bell. Burlington, la., Sept. 26, 1878, $ . Frank S., Jack Flournoy, Sparkle, George :i dis). Gen. Jackson (1 dis), Frank C. (l dis), Fred Logan (1 dis), 2:50, 2:48, 2:42. __, . Gray Ben, gr g (3 -.STK). B. Burling, Montreal, P. Q.. July 19, 1871. $3.50. Lady Black 1, 3, Repeater, White Rose, Young Flora (2 dis). Shoo Flv (1 dis), 2:40,2:42, 2:4394,2:411/2. 2:i3'4- Longucil, P. Q., July 25, 1871, .$200. Lady Black, 2:38?4,2:41, 2:3754. Gray Bill, gr s (3 :45?4). R. Blake, Dubuque, la., Oct., 5, 1870, $150. Pat Malloy 1, 2, Colonel, C:03i4. 2:50H, '^:47?i. 2:45'',, 2:4914. Gray Bill, gr g (3 :39). Jas. Kelley, Lancaster, O., Oct. 14, 1874, $ . Billy Yeazell, Doctor Rush, 2:4854, 2:41,2:4354. 27* CHESTERS rO!VIPI,KTR TROTTINd AND PACING RECORD. Toledo, O.. Oct. 28, 1S74. S.JOO. P.cllc of rairticld. Kamiv and seven others, 2:40'4, 2:.39, 2-M}i. Gray IJill. ar g (.'^ :;{<)), by Vt)ung Brandywiiic. dam li\ Siaic of .Maine. .1. J. Henrv, Providence, R. I., Aug. 18. 1875, .■:<100. El.sie, Joker, Uo.se Tliorndvke, KrncMuie, .1. .M. Ouklev. H:ittie P. i:5 dis i. i;:42'j, 2:43, 2:42. - liiirlinj,'ton, \t., .Sept. 8, 187.-), $175. St. J.awreiiee lioy 3, Hilly Bowlegs 2, Kitty, Bismark. 2:44'4, 2:42'2, 2:44, 2;44, 2:45. . T. .S. Foster, Mystie I'ark. Boston. Mass., .Iinie 16. 1876, $500. Georgie M. 1, Jennv. f 'l;ira Pelle, Lady Smith, Joe S., Jonnny, Flora, 2:31'i. 2 32.2:a2i,i, 2:34'/i. Beacon Park, Boston. June 24. ls7G,.S.5(K). Georgie" M. 3,4, Hazor, Goldflnder, Rose Standish (4 dJs). Jenny (3 dis). 2:30>.i. 2:30. 2:31, 2:.J2'... 2:32. - — - I'rovidence, R. I., Aug. 24. 1876, *350. Lizzie Keeler 1. Tom I'iiik, Belle,2..32ix,, 2:.U?.i,2:;J5, 2:34'i. Westerly, i;. 1., Oct. 25, 1876. .^.TJ."). Spotted Colt 3, H. \V. Genet, 2:40)^, 2:37at~, 2:29U, 2:4301. J. Stillnian. Nov. 30, 1870, .'?25. Unknown, 2:40,2:48. Gray Hilly, ar g ( 2 ::i.5). W. iMurphy. Titusville, Pa.. Aug. 21, 187:5. .■# . King Cole, 2:.''>2' -, 2:4.5, 2-42. Aug. 23, 1S7:!. s-.w. King Cole. 2:.5k, -j :48i .,, li Ao. E. Watson, .Inly 4. 1874. .*90. Til> u' '»>. Ed Broun. 2:42. 2:47'/^. 2:45.2:45. W. .1. .Johns, .hiiie 8. 1875, .■#4.50. Sleeijy 'rom 1, 3, Star 2, John Stone, Orange Hillv. Roan Billy (5 dis). Lady Johnston (5 dr), 2:38U. 2:40, 2:38. 2:43'o, 2:41>.<^.,2:41i4. Wallace Pierce, Parker City, Pa., Oct. 13. 1875, i;3,'j0. Lady McKinnev 2. Phil Siicridan. 2:41, 2:4«, 2:.S,q, 2:41. J . Gray Billy, grg (2. -.38). J. De Camp, Fleetwood Park. \ Y.. June l, 1874, .'$2,000. Ledger Girl, 2:41' 2. 2:40. 2::!8. Gray Billy, grg f2:44K J. Wright, Kowlerville. Mich., .lime 8. 1><7<;, .'$300. Grav Ira, Ben Hulick, Denver, The Jew, . Johanna 1 1 dis),2:45, 2:44.2:4.5. Gray Bird, grgv'^:40). 1). McFee, Windsor. Ont., July 1. 187.5. f 200. Josie 4. 6. Vanderhilt 1 (2 0), Joe W., Cliestiiut Billy, Mose (4 dis). 2:.'J9'...2:40, 2:40,2:40,2:40, 2:45'-, 2:44'i, 2:4G'i. Fnmk Postrick, I'ort Huron, .Mich., July 5, 1875, .^175. Ladv Gnniger. Annie Wilkes. Kate Marsh.all (2 dr), 2:48, 2:46. 2:44. Gray Bo»>, gr g (.2 :i><>'2), R- F. Myers, Lewiston, Pa., Oct. 7, 1875, $100. Muldoon .3,4. Gypsy, 2:.50'i, 2:.')2, 2:.55. 2:5.5, 2:.58, " ■ Oct. 8. 187.5. .?1.50. Middoou I. 2:.55, 2:.50'i, 2:5.5, 2:51. Gray Boy, grg(3:42), D. Jenkins, Tioonderoga. N. Y.. Sept. 21. 1871, .Sl.50. Red Bird 2. Smith's ch m. 2:43. 2:43, 2:4:{. 2-42. W. Price, Clens Falls, N. Y., Sept. 12, 1872, S12,5. Leaven's Gray Colt, White Queen, True .lohn. 2:42:^. 2:42,2:43',. Gray C'harley, gr g (w) (2 :48?i), W. Hodges, Chicago, 111., Aug. 18, 18(56, .S200, Ladv Burnap, 2:.52, 2:48?j. Gray Charley, grg (2:44' o), W. A. Dawson, Chagrin Falls, O., Aug. 28, 1873, $150. Vellowstone, Maggie Kimberly, Madeline (3 dis). 2:44^, 2:4514, 2:48! 2. Gray Charley, gr g (2 :40J.s), by Prince Charles, J. Porter, Sandusky, O., Oct. 27, 1877. .$100. C:irs()ii. Bridget (3dis), 2:43-!a,2:46, 2:40'2. Same d;iy. .•i;20. Bay Fanny. Fanriv Lighttoot (2 dis), 3:12^, 3:49, 3:,58i4. Five-year-olds. Gray Charley, gr g (2:29), T. Bellow, St. Joseph, Mo., .June 16, 1877, $1,000. Iowa Maid, 2:36'i, 2:.'53i>.(,2::50. Oskaloosa, la., July 4. 1877, Soon, (iranville, Janesville, Loafer, Kitty Stratton, Mountain Quail. Henry. (i.T. Pilot (3 (lis). Star of the West (2 dr), 2:29. 2:29, 2:29'i. Gray Charley, gr g (2:43'.i), by Red Buck. Harlan. la., Sept. 22, 1881, $100. John Sherman, Cora L., Belle. .Molly C Sorrel .\ell (2 dr). 2:.50. 2:45^.,, 2:43'^. Gray Charley, gr g (2 :40). B. Fly, Irankfort, Ind., Aug. 28, 1883, $100. Minnie L. 3, Hoosier Bill 1. other comiietitors not named, 2:40!o, 2:4(). 2:4012, 2:41. 2:45. Gray Charley, grg (2:44), by Whii)ple"s Hambletonlan, dam bv George M, Patchen. Jr. N. Schotield, Pueblo, Col., Oct. 25, 1883, .'g.50. Spottswood 2 (3 0), (5 dis). Little Nell, pacer (4 dr), 2:44, 2:42. 2:44. . 2:44. Gray Chester, gr s (3:15i4), by (ien, Havelock, dam Lady Messenger, l)y Warrior. W. T. Coville. St. .Johns, N. B.. Oct. 1, 1875, .?1.50. Model, three others, o:15'2. 3:30'.., 3:20. Gray <'hief, gr g (2 :24','), by Louis Napoleon. (.'. Frank, Ambler Park, Pa.. Sept. 17. 1873, $100. lielle B.. Lady Hall. 2:.55i..., 2:5t'.i, 2:.52^. 1. W. Itoss. Point Breeze Park, Pa., Nov. 5 and 6. 1874, $1,000. Katy S. 2. De Rosa 3, -Philadelphia Bov. Simon, .Mauit, Chester, Fanny Gilbert, Barney Crossin. \olunteer Alaid (5 dri, Minerva (5 dr), Sally B. i2 dis), 2:.'52'.i. 2:401:;, 2 :.35, 2::i6'4, 2:31 9^. .May 27, 1875, $i,.5oo. White'Clond 2, Dot 1, Arthur, Twilight. Ladv Dahlnian, Mattie Lyle(5 dr), Harry D. (5 (In. Lothiiir (5 dr). Delaware (4 dr), Joe Clark (1 dis), 2:29?4', 2:30, 2:30, 2:20'i, 2:29U;. iM. (;<)odin, Belmont Park, Phila., Alav 28, 1879, .15.500. (Jrav Salem, (ilide, Mollv. Lady Blessington, Billy B:irefoot (2 dis), (Jeorge Henry (1 di's), 2:28, 2:2.5, 2:20' '2. Jime 19, 1879, $ . Thorndale 1, 2:32, 2:.30, 2:2.5, M:iy 28. 1880, ..i, 2:."8. Sept. 1 1. 1878, $im. Henry Buford, Sweet Annie, Kate Eastman (1 dis), Rutherford (1 dis). Hoosier Girl (1 dis). 2:3G>.£. 2:42^, 2:43'i. ' G. J. Fuller. Jaelison, Mich., June M, 1880, $800. Palma 1, 2, Don Quixote. Sucker Maid. 2:.5l. 2:32. 2:29, 2::5J 2:29. grg. P. Carnathan. Oshkosh.Wis.. Sept. 1.5,;i882, $200. Annie Lou 4, (iazetteer 3, Little Mack. I'rinceton Boy (4 dr). 2:20'i, 2:2.5. 2:31i.i. 2::529.(, 2:28'',. Gray I>:iii, gr g (2 :5:5'i). A. May, Boston, Mass.. June 9, 1871. $100. Ben 1, Nabob, (Juv (1 (lis), Fanny (1 dis), 3:00, 2:57, 3:02, 2 :;i8i<'.. Mystic Park, Boston. May 1. 1874, $100. Honest Reuben 3. 4. Nellv Simi)son 1, Island Belle (4 r o). Gen. Butler (1 dis). 2:.57. 2:.59. 2:.55. 2:.5,5. 2:.53i^ 2:.53U. Gray Dan. (w). gr g (2 :.5« w). N. B. Horfon, W^nonsocket. R. I.. Sept. 15. 1875. $80. Com. Packard. ISIambriiio Maid 3, Brown I'rinee (3 dis), Billy (2 dis), 3:03, 3:07, 3:00, 2:.58. Gray Dan, gr g (2 :40), by Ramrer, dam an Alcorn mare. A. D. Helm. Fort Wayne. Ind., Sept. 17. 1875. .KJOO Anthony Wayne 1. 2 (5 dr), Belle of Fairfield (2 dis), 2:42'2. 2:42, 2:19, 2:.54''i, . Gray Dun. gr g (2 :.3.5). ,J. I-'nrncy. North Amherst. ()., Oct. 25, 1870, $100. Mambrino Chief, Elsie, O'Hagen, Kitty Hill (3 dis), (Jrav .Mm (3 dis), Sam Patch (1 dis), 2:53. 2:.5fi, 2:.52?i. • Oct. 27. 1870, .SIOO. (Jray Charlie, Mambrino Chief, .Toe, 2:,57;'.,'. 2:.57. 2:.51. Gray Dan. gr g (2 :41ii), (;. G. Brown, Concord, N. H.. Sept. 20, 1882, $200. Little Harry. Star (Jazer. Oscar Wilde, 15iittercnp, 2:42M. 2:41'4, 2:44. T. .J. Rilev, Beacon Park, Boston, Mass., June 18, 1883, $ . Dick 2, South I5oston P.ov, Parnell. 2:43. 2:48, 2:.5.3. Gray I>an. gr g (2 :.'iO). F. A. Mills, Seville, O.. June 27 and 28, 1883, $400. Outlaw 3. Ben Starr, Lucv R.. Gold- dust, Mollv H.. Swe(!tness. Mountaineer (3 dis), 2:.'57'», -Z-.^-VA, 2:31 '/», 2:3.5. June 28, 1883, $200. Velveteen, George. 2:38H. 2:35?4, 2:35k. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. J27T W. Thidler, Medina, O., Sept. 12, 1883, $70. Belle 4, Tippoo Hotspur 2, 2:441^,2:4414, 2-Ml-i, 2:4AVi. E. A. Adams, Sept. 13, 1883, $150. Suushiue 3, 4, Wilbur F. 1, 2, Black Frauk, Billy Morgan (5 dr), , , , , 2:32i^i, 2:32, 2:32. Gray Dan, Kr g (2 :37i4), by Corbin's Bashaw. W. M. Cox, VVasbiugton, Kan.. Sept. 14, 1883, $100. Linwood, Neonia, Elwood, Fred H., Little Maud, S. R. Laniont (3 d:s;. Billy Wells (2 ur), 2;43, 2:39!^, 2:45. H. Harter, Beloit, Kan., Sept. 27, 1883, $100. Addie B. 2, Maud L., Budd Doble, George D. (2 dr), 2:40, 2:39i.i, 2:3y'c. 2:.39i.i. Sept. 28. 18S3, -SIOO. Fred H., Budd Doble, Linwood, 2:38, 2:37J4, 2:37^. Gray Dick i I'ilot), (w), gr g i3 :3»i2), by Pilot Jr. O.W. Dinnuick, Cincinnati, O., Nov. 8, 18G5, $100. Doolau's gr m Belle Blanclie, Cincinnati Belle, 2:53, 2:50. Wni. Brown, New Albany, Ind., Aug. 31, 186G, $ . Lewis' cli c 4, Gray Billy 2, 3:00'/i, 3:00, 3:00, 3:02, 3 :02. - ■ :M. Bowman, Hamilton, O., Aug. 23, l.StiO. $1,000. Topsy (1 dis), 2:51k. M. S. Forbus, Cincinnati, O., June 2i, 186D, $ . Favorite 1, 2, Aleck (1 dis), 2:35?4, 2:37Ji, 2:39»/s, 2;41i4, 2:42i.i. Gray Dick, gr g (3 :.56). H. Parent, Katonah, N. Y., Sept. 12, 1874, $70. Nelly 2, Brown Kuapp, Tea Pot, Flora, 3:01, 2:58, 3:00. 2:.5G. Gray Dick, gr g (3 :37i.i), by Young America. A. May. Mystic Park, Boston, June 18, 1874, .$300. Queen 2, 3, Frank, Danger (4 dis), Peter Simple (4 dr), Monte Cbristo (1 dis), 2:42, 2:385-2, 2:39i/s, 2:37i/2, 2:41. Dan Mace, Beacon Park, Boston, June 26, 1874, $300 Dot. 1, 2. Frank 3, Danger, 2:33, 2:33, 2:35;4, 2:38"2, 2:42, . W. La Rose, Providence, R. I., Sept. 3, 1874, $500. Ira Brown 2, Lizzie Keeler, Billy Stevens, 2:391^ 2:41, 2:3714, 2:38' 2. J. Babcock, Webster, Mass., July 28, 1875, $150. Bessie 3, Lady Bonner, Anodyne, Dan, 2:42,2:42, 2:41, 2:41. T. S. Carpenter, Woonsocket, R. I., Sept. 16, 1875, $400. Little Dick 2, Don't Know, Belle (3 dr), 2:39%, 2::!7, 2:40, 2:37-.i. Gray Dick, gr g (3 :38), by Armstrong. J. C. Curryn, Mankato, Minn., July 4, 1876, $400. Lady of the West 3. Sam Foster. White Stockings (3 dis), 2 :47i^, 2 :50, 2 :52, 2:51, 2:54. Winona, Minn., Sept. 28, 1876, $ . Grapevine 1, Chief, Iceberg, Albert, 2:46, 2 49. 2:46 2:47'i. Gray Dick, gr g (3 :45i4). S. Calbeck, Bay City, Mich., July 10, 1877, $150. Chestnut Frank 1, Thomas O'Con- nor, Kitty Alverson, Mocking Bird (4 dr), Winona Boy ^2 dr). 2.C2. 2:58, 2:46|'o, 2:45k.- Gray Dick, gr g (3 :45). A. T. Burris, Oskaloosa, la., Sept. 3, 1880. $200, Riette 2, 4, Manitoba l, 3, New Hiimpton Girl, Nell B., 2:43 2:45'e, 2:45, 2:.50, 2:45k, 2:45,2:45k- Gray Dick, gr s (3 :53), by Stonewall Jackson, dam by Clifton. A. Losee, Newton, N. J., June 15, 1881, $40. Senator, Honest Jim, Flora, 2:.53, 2:58. Gray Dick gr g (3 :50). R. Douglass, Uxbridge, Ont., Oct. 26, 1881, $40. Quaker Hill, 3:10, 3:00, 2:.')0. Gray Dick gr g (3 :35k). E. Doherty, Mystic Park, Boston, May 30, 1882, $ . Flora, Rock and Rye, Cor- oner (3 dr), Parnel (3 dr), Harry Barr (3 dr), 2:3.51-^, 2:36, 2:41. Gray Dick (3:33i4). H. Holmes, Marseilles, 111., Nov. 3, 1882, .$ . Robinson's b g, 2:43. —— J. Atkinson, Remington, Ind., Aug. 31, 1883, $200. Simon 2, Bay Dan, 2:33i^, 2:33, 2:34, 2:38. Kendallville, 111., Oct. 11, 188.3, $200. Jasper 1, Simon, Conductor, 2:39Ji, 2:42v„, 2:43?i. Gray Dixie (s) (3 :45). M. Dollen, Worcester, Mass., Sept. 18, 1868, $50. Harry Dexter, Gray Dick (1 dis), 2:45, 2:48,2:57%. Gray Dobbin gr g (2 :34i^). E. Nichol, Niles, Mich., May 28, 1880, $100. Mambrino Chief Jr., George V. No time. Charlotte, Mich., Aug. 19. 1880, .$300. Flirt 2, Tom S., Billy Budd, Belle of Lexington, Tremont, Stranger, 2:.36k. 2:36k, 2-38k, 2:40V4. Aug. 20, 1880, $300. Dolly D. 1, Transit, Fox, Tom S., Ida, Mambrino Foster, Ladv Middleton, Myrtle Tliompson, Bay Tom, Mabel Mambrino. Sada A., 2:37}^, 2:3G, 2:39%, 2:38. Eaton Rapids, Mich., Aug. 26, 1883, .$300. Billy Budd 2, Deception, Belle of Lexington, Tremont, Flirt, 2:40>i, 2:39'i, 2:41, 2:40. Benton Harlior, Mich., Oct. 7, 1880, $100. Dora, Dupage. No time. Gray Eagle (s) gr g (3 :35), (3 :31 s), by Harris' Hambletonian. Mr. Nichols, New Orleans, La., Feb. 9, 1842, .$200. Nigger Babv(s), 2:47. Henry Jones, Centreville, L. I., May 10, 1842. $100. Game Chicken, 2:56, 2:56. — — Beacon Course, N. .L, May 14, 1842 $500. Thomas Jefferson, 5:38. 5:34, 5:40. Two niiles- Hiram Woodruff, Philadelphia, Pa., June 3, 1846, $100. Buffalo Mare, 2:48i/g, 2:42. (s) Centreville, L. I., June 25, 1846, $1,000. Hiram (s), 2:33, 2:33i/2, 2:33. (s) Wm. Woodruff, Providence, R. I., Nov. 25, 1847, $100. Trouble (s), 2:43, 2:40, 2:39. — — (s) Union Course, L. I., Oct. 9, 1848. $2,0.X). Lady Sutton, 2:37, 2:3,5, 2:32. (s) Hiram Woodruff, Oct. 17, 1848, $850. Lady Sutton 2, 2 :.31, 2 :33, 2:35 2:33. G. Edwards, Boston, Mass., Nov. 29, 1849, .* . Lady Suffolk, 2:37, 2:40, 2:38. L. T. McQuivey, Saratoga Spa., N. Y., July 4. 18.50. .$500. Tom Carnley 2, 2:.35. 2 :35^, 2:36, 2:36. Gray Eagle, grs (3:411^). Jesse Smith, Cornwall, Can., Sept. 14, 18.55, $250. Hirondelfe 1, Red Bird (1 dis), 5 :23, 5 :29, 5:30. Two miles. Mr. Kingston. Toronto, Can., Nov. 13, 185.5, $130. Laduke's Bay Pony (3 dr), King's blk g 1, (2 dr), 2:58, 2:48. Jesse Smith, Ogdensburg, N. Y., Sept. 24, 1857, $200. Industry 2, 3, Kit Carson, 2:,52, 2:48. 2,.51, 2:52, 2:44. iJan Mace, Providence, R. I., June 5, 18.58, $25. Robin, Weybosset. 3:00, 3 -.OV'., 3:06. Woonsocket, R. I., May 14, 1859, $100. .Jocko 3 (4 dis). Unknown (3 dr), Lady Jackson (2 dis), 3:00, 2:59, 2:57, 2:5-5 Thos. Brown. St. Catherines, Ont.. Dec. 2, 1862, $400. Prince of Wales, 5:45, 5:43. Stallions. Two miles. R. James, Oct. 24, 1863. $100. Sam Patch (3 dr), 2:52, 2 45. Hamilton, Ont., Oct. 19, 1864, $200. Maggie Clark 1, 2, Odd Fellow 5, Tom Savres (4 dis), 2:42k, 2:43?^, 2:44>o, 2:461/2, 2:43%, 2 :43'/2. Gray Eagle (w), gr g. (3 :57% w). Wm. T. Van Nort, Stony Ford, N. Y., Julv20, 1861, $75, Uncle Edmund (w). Black Maria (w) (2 dis), 3:024, 2:59k, 2:57%. Gray Eagle, gr g (.3 :40k). Wm. Ford, Denver, Col., June 4, 1864, .$4,000. Reindeer 1, 2 (4 dis), 5:20 5:36, 5:38, 5:.35. Two miles. E. Beebe, Mobile, Ala., May 14, 1866, $1,000. Molly Buckner, 2:41%. 2:43J.^, 2:40k- (w), C. G. Baldwin. Denver, Col., Nov. 24, 1866, $500. Yankee Bov2, 2:51, 2:.53, 2:46. (W), C. A. Cook, Oct. 10, 1868, $500. Wasp, 2 :.52i.^, 2:.50. (w), Oct. 17, 1868, $200. Shy 1, Belle of Denver (w). Wasp (w), 2:47,2:46k. 2:46, (w), Nov. 21, 1868, ,$50. American Bov, Wasp, 2:45k, 2:42V4. Gray Eagle (Gray Jim), gr s (2 :31). J. C. Robbins, Cincinnati, 0., July 4 1864, $75. Billv Crawford, Jane, 2:41,2:.".6. Warren Peabody, Louisville, Kv.. , 1864,$ . Daniel Boone 1, Edward Everett, 2:37, 2 .-344, ■ 2:31. 2T8 • CHESTER'S COiMPLETK TIKVITINM; AND PACINCJ RECORD. Cincinnati, O., Sept. 15, 18C4, SlOO. Alecl^ 2 (.5 tlLsi, Sam a (5 (lis), 2:3(i<2, •2:.j7U., -j-zm, 2:3»'4, 2:42. O. B. Iraiiivllli, Jaclisoli, Mic-ll.. Aufi. I-'. Ks6.), *nx>. !• lying CliilUers, li:3«, L'':;5), 2;a miles. Samuel liobuins. Adrian. Midi.. June li>, iset;, .•SUOO. Lady Walker, Black Oak, Bntcher Boy (1 dis). Lady Houper (1 tlis). 2:a(i, 2;i;.). 2:37'o. /> j Jackson, .Mich., July 27, isoti. ,«;.0O8, 2::iG!-2, 2:38'4, 2:a7>4- ^.- ^- l-raiiklm, Kalamazoo, .Muli., Oct. 2, iSOti, Saoo. Frank Moscow, Manibrino Chief. XiL'lit Hawk 1 (2dis), 5:25, 5:2,>. 5:31'.,. Two miles. Ann Arbor, Midi., June 14, l»ti7, §350. Melton, Jack on the Green, 2:3514. 2:37, 2:37!4. Detroit, Mich., July 13, 1807, $000. Lady Ellis, 2:.33'j, 2:32'4, 2:34%- G. Randall, July 24, 1807, $3,000. Victor Hugo 1, (,3 dr), 2:37iii, 2:32'-4, . Sept. 11, 1807, .*2r), 1807, .^J.ODO. L:idy Ellis 1, 2:3y'4, 2:41'^, 2:44. 2:44'/s. G. Randall. Coldwater. Mich.. Sept. 4, 1808, .S500. Yankee Mary 1, 2:42'4, 2:37, 2:34. 2:38^4. H. K. Cady. Detroit, .Mich., Sept. 17, 1808, .* . Belmont, Bay Stallion, 2:3t!. 2:;«i'2. Stallions. —Vj. B. I'l-anklin, three Kivcis, Mich., Oct. lo, \mx, $ . \ictor Hugo 1,3, (2 0), Cooley (201. (4dr),2:41i.. G. Randall, Jackson, Mich., Nov. 7. 1808. $500. Gray Alice, 3, 4, 2:3.j, 2:37, 2:34. 2:3(>. 2:39 VV. Kelly, Galesburg, Midi., June 11, 1870. $400. Night Hawk, Royal Magna (2 dn. 2:42'.. 2:44>4, 2:39^. Jackson, Mich., June 10, 1870,$ . Vulcan 2, Sir Walter, Volunteer, I'at King, Matt 'Sniitii, Transit 2:;j0'.i, 2:;i43.i, 2:.i4, 2;;>."ii.i. Gray Kaj-le. gi- g (■-i:5«i4), J. L. Eoff, San Francisco, CaL, July 1, 1805, $1,000. Mike Walsh, i4:40'» "'ive miles. Gray Kagle, gr s(a:41). E. A. Butt. Norwalk. O.. Aug. ;«), 180.5. .$200. Robin 1, 2:49, 2:42. 2:51. ■ Sept. 1, 1805, $100. Robin, Sorrel Ned (2 dis), (jueen of the West (2 dis), 2:41, 2:42. Gray Kagle, grg(a:55) A. Nash, Weymouth, Mass., Nov. 2. 180.5, $50. Charley 1, L. L. Pease, Paddy, 3:00. 2:57, 2:55, 2:5(j',2. Gray Kaifle, gr s (3:00), J. J. Clay. Macon, Ga.. June 13. 1870,$ . (4in Burner 1.3:I.->, 3:0fi-i.i, 3:11. 3:08. Mch. 15, 1873. $— . Eufala Boy 2. 3:00, 3:09. 3:09'2. GrayKagle, grg(3:37'2). .1. A. Bell, Binghaintoii. N. Y., July 28, 1809. .'^1.50. Loui.sa Hoyt 2, Mary Barber. John, 2:38. 2:39, 2:40, 2:4.i. .' . j July 29, 18<;9, .S200. (ieorge Smith .i. Louisji Hoyt, Marv Barber, 2:37%, 2:3814, 2:.39U. 2:;?7'i. Gray Kagle, gr g (3 :00), P. Demoiid, Catskill, N. Y., July 29, 1809. $ . Catskill Beauty 1,2, (5 dn. Dutchess Maid, 3:10, 3:05'2, 3:03, 3:02, 3:00 Gray Kagle, grg(a:51), Mr. Cheney, Oswego. N. Y.. June 7. 1871, $.50. Bird 2, Only Daughter. 2:51'-, 2:.51. 2:51.2:.51. Gray Eagle, grg (3:47 1^), J. K. Leavitt, Columbia, S. C. Feb. 11, 1871, $ . Little Mack. 2:48.2:47"-.. 2:47 to. Gray Kagle. gr m (3 ■.r>Z). Taft & Campbell, Ottawa, Kan. Sept. 29, 1871, $50. Prince. 3:15, 2:.52. Sept. 28, 1871, $25. Dexter. 3:19. 3:00. Gray Kagle. gr g (2 :54). Fleetwood Park, N. Y., June 28, 1872. .$300. Richard 111(1 dis), 2 :54. Gray Kagle, grs (3 14714). B. Akers, Kansas City, Mo., July 18. 1873, $80. Philip Slioulle 1. 4. Philip .5, High- wines (3 dr), 2:.57, 2:.51, 2:49, 2:53"2, 2:49?;i, 2:52i,4. Wyandotte, Kan., Sept. 26, 1873. $200. Buck 3. Molly Graydon. 2:54, 3:00, 2:.59'/2, 3:00. Atchison, Kan., Oct. 15, 1873, .S200. Long a Coming l, 2:5114. 2:48. 2:4714. ^:51'/2. Gray Kagle, gr g (3;50i4). J. Wallace, Chicago, HL, Aug. 19, 1873, $400. Nelly. Frank. 2:.51%,', 2:521.*, 2:53'/2. J. Peevy, June 4, 1874, $ . Bay Jim (2 0), 2:5014, 2:.58i4. 2:50»i, 2:5f??i. Gray Kagle, gr s (2 :43), by Coman's Gray Eagle, dam Ladv Potter, bv Signal (?). A. D. Carson, Ottumwa, la., Oct., 17, 1808, .$200. Honesty 2, 3 (4 0), Star of tlie West. Bertraiid (4 dr), 2:51, 2:.53, 2:49, 2:51, 2:51, 2:55. Stallions. G, W. Ferguson, Des Moines, la., Oct. 8, 1873, $100. Honest John 2, 3, Hardtack. 2:47, 2:40'/2. 2:;»i^. 2:42. Stallions. Oct. 9. 1H73, $150. Capt. Jack, J. A. Elliott, 2:48. 2:42. 2:42. Gray KagJe, gr s (3:49). M. McCarthy, Waddiugton. N. Y.. Sept. 10. Is73, $ . American Ranger. Young Phil., 2:.'->l, 2:49,2:51. Stallions. Gray Kagle, grg (3 :.58'/2). H. Somers, Wliite Dains. N. Y., June k7. 1874, Prize, harness. Tom Tit 2, Gray Kaiiapp 1, Bay Harry, Ladv Lawrence. T.rW". 3:00, 3:04. 3:00. 2:58';. Gray Kagle, gr g {3 :48). J. W^ Coe, Meriden. Conn." July 4. 1870. $100. Sorrel Bess 1, Hattie. Fanny. Meriden chief, 2:.52, 2:48. 2:56U, 2:51. Gray Kagle, gr g (3 :3.'>'2), bv Frank Pierce. H. H. Smith, Kent Co.. Md.. Sept. 26. 1870. $1,^0. Bay Charley 1, Odessa _'. BolieiiiKui Girl, Telegraph, Cheerful Rillv, Knckel (4 dn, 2:47, 2:.52. 2:."3. 2:.-)5 2:.53''2. Sept. •-'.'•., 1H77, sir.(). .Mouiit:iiii llov, I'.ohcmiiin U\r\. Maud (3 dis), 2:48'.;, 2:48. 2:4.'S ',. ■ -Middletown, Del., Oct. 5, 1877, S2(X). Dexter, Li/zie, May, Joe Baxter, Archie. Belle Wildair (2 dr) 2:47i/i, 2:45)^, 2:.52. ■ C Burnett, Baltimore, Md., Sept. 2,5. I87s..«i300. Blanche .3. Patapsco Maid. Kitty Fisk, Whit Oakley (2 dis), 2:35'2, 2::«!. . 2:40. Gray Kagle grg(3:40). by Mjigic Horse. C. & J. Switcher. West Lebanon,, Ind,. Sept, 14, 1877, $ . L;idv.Iest 4 (3 Oi, L;idyMcI).. I);ivid B., Thomas Golddiist. 2:43. 2:40i.i, 2:40, 2:. «, 2:40' j. HooiM'ston, 111., Aug. M). 1,k7.s. $:m. Ladv Mel).. Liidv K.. David B., 2:43. 2:10i.i. 2:40. Gray Kagle. gr s (3:45). W. S. Stew:irt, Providence. R. I.. Aug 7. 1878. $.50. Grace, Narragaiisett. Lady Pal- mer, Clara V.,T(>iii. Hiilcher Bovfl (lis). 2-46 2-40. "-45. Gray Kagle, grs (3:47i/o). by Sherman Morgiin. W. P. Morrison, Mercer, Pa., Sept. 9. I.s80. $2(M). Maud B., Lucy R.. Billy Biisli. Ladv Forrest. 2 '47' ,, 2-48 2-49 Gray Kagle. gr g (3 :.5H). |.;. A. Niins, Booiie. I;i".. Sept. 14. 18S2. .''sso. Dandy 2. Jenny R.. 2:.'i8. 3:(K). 3:00. Gray Kagle «.f t»ie West, gr g(3:48 1-6). .lohn Perrin. Union Course, L. I.. Mav 12, 18.52. $l.ooo. Lady Vernon, 8:;K), 8::;4, 8:44, Three miles. Gray Kddyiw), grg (3 :30), by the Morse Horse. Horace Jones, Union Course. L. 1.. M;iy lo. is.'-^. .«2.000. True .lohn 1 w), 2:40?.i, 2:42i,i, 2:40. Hindu Woodruff, Aug. 17, 18.54. .«2,000. Tacony, 2:38i.i. 2:30'/j, 2:,32K'- Sept. 7, 18.'4, .$2,.50O. Tjiconv. MiU- (2 dis). 2:3.3,'2:;i1,2:34'i. Cenlreville. L. 1.. Sept. 20. ls.>4, .?2,000. Highland Maid 2, 2:.31i.-i, 2::WM. 2:30. 2:31 ?i. —- (w). Oct. 5 18.54, .$2,000. Highland Maid (wi. 2 ::M ', . 2::!5' ..2:33='.;. G. W. Nickersoii, Milw;iukee, Wis.. Sept. Hi. is.56. .*;100. L:uiv Worthlev, Flora Temple, 2:44, 2:44, 2:48. (w). J. D. Mc.Mann, Union Course. L. 1., Sept. 9. 18.58, .'j5;2.5n. Lady Woodruff (w) (2 dis). 2:46, 2:37. Gray KETE TROTTING AND PACINCJ KECORD. 273 Gray Eddy, gr g (2 :51). Mr. Solomon, Montgonierv, Ala.. June 6, 18fi9, S100. Brown Surrey (1 dls), 2:.58. • Chas. reins. Vicksbiirgli, Mi.ss., Dee. 12, 1871, Sio:). Dan C!allaluui, 2:.'j9, 2:58, ;3:0.5. Gray Eddy, gr g (« :37 ). by Blue Colt. J. Bertholf, PochucU, N. Y., Oct. 14, 1869, §50. Layton's b m 1, 3 (5 0), Saver's gr m 2 :59. 2 :o6. 2 :-i9, 2 :49. 2 :49, . .John Looniis, Fordhani, N. Y., Sept. 14, 1871, .$300. Capt. Boyd 3, G, S. W. Haskins 2, 4, Jerry 1 f2 dis), 2:."jO, 2:45, 2:47'/2, 2:45, 2:48, 2:49, 2:.').'). Morristown, N. J., Sei)t. 27. 1871, $200. Lady Belle, Simon, Mac (1 dis), Bess (1 dis), Tommy Dodd (1 dis), l!allv Rose (1 dis). Lena B, (1 dis), 2:44, 2:39, 2:46-.t. Fleetwood I'ai-k, N. Y.. Oct. 16, 1871, .S400. Paterson Girl, Hickey (3 dr), 2:42i4, 2:37}^, 2:46. R. Loomis, Nov. 13. 1871, $ryOO. Belle of Orange 1, Ladv Wells, Hiekey, 2:40?4, 2:38i4, 2:42, 2:41J4. (ieo. Kllis, Prospect Park, L. I., May 3, 1872, S200. Teaser, 2:57. 2:,58, 2:52',2. May 29, 1872, .51,200. Grace Bertram, Jack Draper, Fanny Lauibert, George L. Fox, Camors, St. Elmo, 2:27, 2:2S, 2:28'4. Newark, N. J., June 8, 1872, $300. Frank Morgan l. Rosalie. Lady Shotwell, Felix (4 dr), Eveline (3 dr). 2:3.5, 2:374, 2;35'/2, 2:3814- Goslien, N. Y.. July 24, 1872, $1,500, B\Ton, Charley Green, Mvstic, 2:31, 2:32!2, 2:31. Gray Eddy, gr g C-J :35). D. Cowley, Rochester, N. Y.. .June 19, 1875, .$200. Elisha 2. 2:.'58, 3:00, 3:00, 2:57. H. Coolev, July 5, 187.5. .$400. Fred S. 1, 3(5 0), Prince, Lil>, 2:58,2:50, 2:.j2, 2:50, 2:54K>, 2:.03. A. (i. Whitcomb, Newark, N. Y., July 14, 1875, $300. Bay Jim 1, 4, Minnie Allen,~Tom Malloy, Judge Briggs (2 dis), 2:4.5, 2:4.5, 2:4214. 2:45, 2:43i4. R. James, Jr., Hamilton, Out., July 1. 1875, $250. W. H. Brownlee, Welland Girl, Lady Wentworth, Tempest, Startle. Pilot l, (3 dis). Lady Julian (3 dis), 2:44' 2, 2:41'.;, 2:40VS, 2:4.5i^. Julv 2. 1875, .•#175. Pilot. Lady Wentworth, Josh. Lady Julian (l dis),"'2:44i4, 2:42i/4, 2:42, G. Clarkson. Toronto, Out., May 31, 187.5, $200. J. H. Boyle 3, Caractacus 1, Avenue Boy, Sir Henry, Little .Sam, 2:34i>^. 2:36. 2 :37i'2, 2:40, 2:40. Se|jt. 13, 1 s75, .s.ion. Gray Salem l, 5. L. H. Daniels 2, 3, Northwood, (iovernor, Western Fearnaught (5 dr), Hiram Woodruff (4 dis), 2:35i4, , , 2:37, 2:36, 2:40^. 2:37i-'.>. Gray Effle, gr m (;J :48i.i). H. Joslyn, Allegan. Mich., Oct. 1, 1880, $~120. Harry Knox 1, Spinella, Portage Girl, 2:4814. 2:48i4, 2:48'/2, 2:4854 Gray Elliot, gr g (3 :40). J. H. Clark, Cuba, N. Y., Sept. 23, 1875, $600. Jimmy 1, Belle of Flatbush, 2:45, 2:45, 2:48i.i, 2:47!^. Gray Fawn, gr m (3:35). Boston, Mass., May 19, 1871, $150. Tom Wonder 1, 2, Old Ben, 2:56, 2:59, 2:.56. 2:.59, 2:. 55. Gray Frank, gr g (3:401^). Mr. Hall, New Orleans, La., Feb. 11, 1858, $75. Tom Hyer, Buckeye, Sam, Billy Button 1, (4 dis), 2:423^, 2:40"2. 2:41i4, 2:44i4. Gray Frank, grg(3 :48i4), by Hay ward Chief. H. G. Cox, Pleasanton. Cal., July 4, 1883, $100. Puzzle, 2:48?4,2:.51, 2 :.50. Gray Friar gr g (3 -.SIM), by Young America, dam by Wliitney Horse. H. S. Town, Montpelier, Vt., Aug. 20, 1><1S. .$1.50. Lady Morrill, Bellevue Boy, Volunteer (iirl. Sizzle, Isabella. Lotta. Abdallah Prince, Young Columbus, Charles A. (3 dis), James H. (2 dis), 2:44?^, 2:42. 2:42. Aug. 21. 1878, $150. Tim 1, Hard Tack. Isabella, (George W'ilkes Jr., Y'oung Columbus, Golddust (4 dr). Cant. Page (2 dis), Volunteer Girl (2 dr), 3:01, 2:381/2, 2:42. 2:40. .John Moore, Providence, R. I., July 23, 1879, $300. Gypsy, Kittle Bates, Steve Lewis, Midas, Cream Pitcher, 2:.35i4, 2:31J4, 2:36. Gray George, grg (3:45). Harrisburg, Pa., Sept. 29, 1868, $ . Scroggins 2, .Johnny Trouble 1, 2:49'4. 2:47, 2:50, 2:4.5. Gray George.gr g (3:43' 2). A. A. Gates, Minneapolis, Minn., Julv 21, 1870, .$100. Paul Kirkwood, Young Flora 1, (3 dis), 2:50, 2:49, 2:48, 2.45'.;. Aug. 10, 1870, .$75. J. C. Partridge. Paul Kirkwood, 2:4s, 2:43;i, 2:45. Aug. 27, 1870, $100. J. C. Partridge 2. (1 0), 2:50, 2:48J4, 2:46, 2:48, 2:51. Gray George, gr g (3 :35). W. H. Suodgrass, Lima. O., July 21, 1871, $100. Maggie 1, Lady Lightfoot, Canada Jack, 2:31'^, 2:36, 2:.35. Gray George, gr g (3 :45). Mr. Booth, Fergus, Out., Sept. 11, 1877, $175. Comet, Bendigo, Plough Boy, Capt, Webb, Royal George, Garafraxa, Jim Christy, 2:4514, 2:45, 2-A5}4. Gray George, gr s (,'. Hopkins, Yorkshire Centre. N. Y., Jvdy 4, 1879. $ . Ida D. 2, Drover Boy 1, John Avery. No time. Gray George, gr g (3:03). Grand Rapids, Mich., June 7. 1882. .•?200. Brown Billy 2, 3, 3:08i4, 2:.57, 2:52, 3:0.3, 3:03. Gray Goose (s), gr m (3 :47i4s). O. W. Dimmick, Chicago. 111., Aug. 5, 1858, $ . Hector (w). 2. Black Bess 1 (3 dis). Shark iw), (3 dr), 2:56, 2:54, 2:471^, 2:50. 2:58. Gray Goose, rn m (3 :41Ji), Dr. Maynard, Rockville, Conn.. Sept. 20, 1875, $100. Kitty Lightfoot, Lyman, Diii-hfss, 2:4514, 2:4414, 2:45'/2. Sept. .30, 1875. .$100. Lyman, Kitty Lightfoot, Sand Bank, Charles S., Dan (3 dr), 2:41'4:, 2:42, 2:46. Gray Harry, gr g (3 :45), R. Walker, Newton, N. J., July 26, 1858. $40. Sorrel Ned, 2:48, 2:4.5, 2:48. Gray Harry, gr g (3 :46w), A. Fish, Brighton Course, Mass., Sept. 4, 18.59. $100. One Eyed Riley 2, 2:57, 2:66, 2:49,2:.51. (w), E. Kelly, Norwich, Conn., Sept. 28, 18.59. .$200. Lisbon Bov (w), 2:46, 2:49, 2:51. Gray Harry, gr g (3 :55), Jos. Fisher, Flemington, N. J., Sept. 26, 1.S62, .$40. Lady Seip, Maggie Burns, Jim Reillv. 3:02, 3:00, 2:5.5. Be'lvidere, N. J., Oct. 7, 1863, .$20. Little Sorrel (3dr), 2:.58, 2:.56, 3:15. Gray Harry, (w), gr g (3 :47i>^w). J. P. Gilbert, Columbus, O., June 24, 180,5, $100. Joe Godwin 1, 3, (4 0), 2:48i^, 2:48' J, 2:45. 2 :47^. 2:,51, 2:55. Gray Harry, gr g (3:58). R. Hartpen, Belvidere, N. J., Oct. 28, 1865. $100. Lady Brewer 1, 2, Charley, Gray Mack, 3:01'i. 3:02, 2:58, 3:04,3:02. Gray Harry, grg (3:41). W. McCom.sey, Holmesdorf, Pa., Oct., 19, 1871. .•?300. Topsy, Belle, 2:43}^, 2:44, 2:42*1. Carlisle, Pa., Oct. 1, 1872, $.300. Black Dick 2, 6, Fanny 3. 5. Best time, 2:41. Gray Hawk, gr g(3:38?4). Alex. Lewis. Buffalo, N. Y., Aug. 10, 1869, $1,000. Ella Ellwood, Mary Bamum. Fuller Brown (2 dis), 2:3«i2, 2:42i4, 2:4.394. J. T. Warner, Canton. N. Y., Sept. 16, 1S69, $100. Veto Morgan 3, Young Columbus, (4 dr), 3:04, 2:54. 2:49, 2:.50i^. J. H. Allen. Watertown. N. Y., Oct. 6, 1869, $100. Edgill's b g 2, 3 (5 0), Starlight, Nimrod (2 dis), 2:48. 2:42i;i, 2:43i2. 2:4.3. 2:43, 2:45^. - — — M. D, Freer, Trumansburg, N. Y., July 4, 1870, $170. Kittv Crum, Springport Champion, 2:42^4, 2:45>4r 2:t9?4. J. H. Phillips. Watertown, N. Y., Sept. 13, 1870, Prize, gold medal. Dan Rice 3, 2:41?4, 2:44'/i, 2:48, 2:53. Stallions. Corning, N. Y.. .Tune 15, 1«71, $100. Leo Vischer 1. 2:49'i, 2:43^.t, 2:.39-:'4, 2:48. Kingston, N. Y., Aug. 20, 187.3, .$400. Dawn, Onward, F.utlcr, 2:47 '1 . 2:.50 'j , 2 :47. Gray Henry, gr g (3 :33k by the Morse Horse. Thos. Wriiilit. Watertown. N. Y., Julv 24, 1868, $150. Gold Leaf 1.4(5 0), Tete Matthews, Jack Draper, Continental i5 dr), Jim f4 drj. Oatman'sgrg (3dr), 2:40Ji, 2:3914, 2:351/4, 2 :35J^^, 2:38, 2:39. I ( IIESTEK'S COMPLETE TROTTING AXD PACING RECORD. — .luly 2f>. 1X1*. ■jiLiK). Cooler 2, 3. Gold Leaf. Continental d ills). •.':*!'«, L':31i>i, 2:37^i,2:3r.5S£. 2:38?*. — - Cliiis. S. CJreeii, Seneca Falls. N. Y., Anj;. 7. 18 is. .•* . L.uly VVhitiuau, Western New York (1 dls). Col. Morgan (1 (lis; 2:.'Js. 2:3!)-.i. 2:34'2. Aug. 8, 180S, $ . Western New York 2 C! 0), Hiniter, Kit. 2:^-5. 2::}G'4, , 2:;JK'4, 2:41'.i. Cray Heury, gr g('^ :48>. L. W. \Vlieeler, Council isiulls. la.. June 6, 1S74, §75. Itulland liov 1, Y'ankee Boy, 2:52.2:51.2:0.-), 2:4S. Gray Henry, gr g (a:33!/2). H. \V. Padfleld, Jacksonville, 111., Aug. 23, 1882, -SSOO. Little Joker, Nelly Madden, 2 ::M. 2:.!7'.i. 2::jk'2. Peori:i. 111.. Sept. 7, iss3, $400. Flora P., Netty M.. Tipsieo, Nelly Madden, Lady Clvde,Nellv Gr.iMt. 2:34'i, 2:;i4'4,2:;H'j. Hurlington, la., Sept. 18, 1883, §400. Gilbird Sprague 2, 3, (0 dr), William, Lucy 1, (4 dis), 2:.!4'.,, 2:3.i,2::J3, 2:35. 2:;54i.i,2::«'i. Indianapolis, Ind., Sept. 28. 1883. S . Flaxy. W. H.. Joe Jefferson (1 dis), 2:39'i, 2:39'o, 2:40».,. Orav Uorse.gr g (a:40). Union Course, L. I., July 16, 1867, ?r3(K). Nodine 1, 3. (^ol. Roberts, 2:44''4, 2:40. •i:41 '4. 2:41. 2:4G'.i. Orav Jaek. gr g (3 :28'4,>, bv Clifton Pilot. Moses Whipple, Wliite Plains. N. \'.. Nov. 8, 1871, $750. Ed. White 2. 2:.i7. 2:34. 2:.Y)!ij. C. Uoagland, Anieiiia, N. Y., June 11, 1872, $500. J.D. McMaini I. Dresden, Dutch Boy (I dis), 2:41, 2:36^, 2:3(><.i.2:3U. Goshen, N. Y., July 29, 1872, .•$I,(K)o. Fleetwood, Onee (t dis), 2:37Vi. 2:37, 2:38K>- Gray Jack, gr g (3 :49it ). Jas. Dustin, Mystic Park, Boston, Oct., 12, 1874, $ — -. K:ikeafter. Dutehnian, .John Mills, •J-.m'^, 2:52?4, 2:49^4- Gray Jack, gr s (3 -.i^'o). .Mr. 15urch, Albany. N. Y., .Inly 19, 1875, $200. Mohawk .John. 2:42U, 2:42'/.. 2:49. Aug.2, 1875. .S300. .Mohawk John 1, 2:49, 2:44|i, 2:44. 2:45. Gi-ay Jack, gr g (3:37'e). J. Gentle, Clinton, Out., May 23, 1878, $120. Little Ethan. Johnny Gordon, Gray Eddy. 2:40, 2 :37L^, 2:38. Gray Jane, gr m (3:5«). H. B. Janes, Marietta, O., Sept. 25, 1874. $75. Lulu Wells, Enocli Arden, Virginia Wagoner, Hav Charley (I dis), 2:.57i4, 3:01!^, 2:50. Gray Jenny, gr ni (3 :47). J. W. Russell, Hubbardstown. Mich., Oct. 3, 1873, $225. Lady Hall 1. Valley City Maid, 2:47.2:51.2:50. St. Johns, Muh., Oct. 8. 1874, $200. Sam Patch, Michigan Boy. Billv Tone (1 dis), 2:53'i, Y'ankee (1 dls), 2:54'4. 2:54'2. Gray Jim, gr g (3 :54). Wm. E. McCliutock, Baltimore, Md., Oct. 14, 1839, $100. Lady Miranda 1, 2, Crook Back, 2:;3(J, 2:55, 2:.54. 2:54, 2:55. Gray Jim (Gray Eagle), gr s (3 :31\ D. H. Hughes, Burton, O., Aug. 19, 1870, $550. Chestnut Dick 1, 2, Sir Walter, 2:38^,2:3014, 2:361/,, 2:36»^, 2:42. F. Price, W^ieeling, W. \ a., Sept. 14, 1870, $150. Clarion. 2:.-)7, 2:.53'4, 2:50?i. Stallions. Gray John, gr g (3;33i..). Miles Cronk, W^averly, N. J., May 21. 1870, $75. Lady Jane 1, Doctor Kane, Fred Doutllass. 2:.')8, 2:.-).i. 3:00,2:54. Hornellsville. N. Y.. Aug. 2, 1870. $1,200. Hickory Jack 4, Tom Keeler 1, (i. W. Patterson 1. Joe Hooker, Cattaraugus Chief, Lady Xightfoot, Col. Fiske, 2:34'/2, 2:35, 2:3414, 2:3694- Gray Kate, gr m. N<'wburv, Out., May 24, 1879. $20 Chatliam Bov. No time. Gray Leg:, blk m (3 :00). C. B. Finch, Cambridge, N. Y., Aug. 9, 1873, $50. Orphan Girl, Brown Horse, 3:00, 3":0I.3:02. Gray Lucy, gr m (3:48]. Geo. W. Nickerson, Janesville, Wis., Aug. 13, 1859, $200. Billv Duroc (10), 2:48, 2:49.2:51. Gray Mac, grg (3:3.')'2), by Black Hawk Hero. C. Cleveland, Clyde, N. Y., Oct. 23, 1867, $ . Limber Go Sliiftless. 2::;7-4. 2:40?i, 2:41»i. .Same uay, .$— . Dutchman, 1, 2, (3 dis), Limber Go Shiftless (2 disi. 2::!;)'4, 2:.'!:;!,a, 2::;:5. July 3, 186S. .•^7(K). Capt. Gill 1, Clara. 2:26'2, 2:34, 2:.31. Moravia, N. Y., Oct. 5, 1868. $ . Jenny May, 2.mi. 2:329i, 2:30?4. Dan Mace. Troy. N. Y.. July 2, 1869, S'..50(). Myron Perry, Billy B:irr. C K Burtis. Canandaigua, N. Y., Oct. 9, 1870, .$4,50. Joe Hooker, Toui iveeu-i. ^..W4, ^. 0^,-4, ^."-. C E Carman. Avon, K Y.. July 28, 1871.. $500. Chet Kellogg 2 (3 0). 2:35'4. 2::;.i. . 2:;». F Haight Oswego. N. Y'., Aug." 22, 1872, $800. Ed White, Lady Lightfoot, 2:36^3- 2:34, 2:3D4. Mexico, N. Y., .Sept. 1.3, 1872, S350. .hllia, 2:44, 2:41. 2:38. H. Hiunian, Elmira, N. Y., Oct. 4. 1872. $()00. Major Edsall. Cattaraugus Chief. Ed Foster, 2:32^, 2:32, :'("■ E Carman, Freehold. N. J., Sept. 16. 1h75. $170. Susie 1 .2, 3:17, 2:43'^. 2:48, 2:.53'i,3:06'i. Gray iviac.gr g (3 :r>4i4). Salt Lake City, Utah, May 26, 1875, $ . Chalkline 3. Bessie, Ralston (2 dis), ''■59'i ■'■'>4'4 2'.5;asliville, Teun., Nov. 4. 1865, $50. Black Daii, Sorrel Pony, 2;.S9's, 2:39'/i, 2:38i4- Gray Prince, gr g ^3:53), J. Lieb. Akron, O., Oct. 8, 1874, .$40. Fanny Prince, 2:55. 2:59, 3:06. J. Baldwin, Akron, O., Oct 9. 1874, $100. Bay Prince 2, Libbie, Ellen Peck, Blaze 1,3 dr), 2:59, 2:i)9U, 2:.52:!4,2:52. Gray Prince, gr g iS :08i 2), by Green Mountain. D. VV. Bartlett, Hastings, Minn., Sept. 15, 1881, .$100. Jerry Manic 2, Col. Weller, 3:12'/2,3:09, 3:08'. >. Gray Prince, gr g (3: :^i>'4), by George D. Prentice, dam Gray Moll, by Muckle .John. .7. E. Harrison, Kittan- ning, Pa., Sept. 14, ]S82, S . Hugh, 3:06^1, 3:09, 3:l2h. W. H. Wilson, Falmouth, Ky., Sept. 14, 1883, .*2;50. Maggie S. 1, The King, Sorrel Dan, 2:41, 2:39>2, 2:40, 2:39'.i. Gray Rattier, grg (3:08). Decorah, la.. .June 20, 1878, $50. Billy Scott, Pallas, Fancy, 3:14, ;!:17, 3:08. Four- year-olds. ' ■ Gray Salem, grg (3:34). D. Shirer, Rittersville, Pa., Sept. 14, 1876, $2.")0. Suss(^x. 2, Tom Scott, Gildin's wii. m, 2:45'o, 2:46, 2::;9, 2:38'2. J. Bradburn, Diiudas, Out.. Aug. 14, 1879, S75. Johnny (iorden 2, Woodruff. No time. John Croker, Pittsl)urgli, Pa., June 1, 1878, .*400. Iowa Maid 1, Capt. Sellick, Little Nell, Annie Bennett, Seneca Maid (2 dr), 2::;.'i, 2:.S5'3, 2:35'.., 2:37'2. Newark, O., June 28, 1878, $700. Beulah, Duster, Col. Moore (3 dis) Ancient Order Boyl, 2 (3 dr), 2:30, 2:30, 2:34>.4, 2:4514, 2:4594, 2:47, 2:45i4. Gray Tiger (3 :433^). Bangor, Me., Aug. 25, 18.54, $ . Telegraph. 2:421^,2:45. Gray Trouble (s) gr g(3 :37) (3 :34 s) by Harris' Hambletonian. H.Collins, Boston, Mass., June 22, 1.S48, $ . Hector 1, 2, Tom Benton (3 dis), 2:39ii, 2 :.37, 2 :35, 2 :37, 2:39. (s), Wm. Eaton, Aug. 24, 1848, .1f500. Gray Eagle (s), 2:34, 2:.3.5. 2:.36. a.- Collins, Providence, R. I., Nov. 30, 1848, $200. Tom Hyer 1, Butcher Boy, 5:45, 5:42,5:39. Two miles. Wm. Woodruff, Boston, Mass., Aug. 17, 1849, $ . Fanny Hill, 2:40, 2:38, 2:37. (s), Nov. 27, 1849, .$ . Gray Eagle (s), 2, 2:48, 2:.34, 2:37, 2:39. A. Winch, Providence, R. I., Sept. 14, 1853, $25. Providence Girl 2, Shackleback, Carpenter's b m (3 dr), 2:.57, 2:55, 2:55. (W), Oct. 10, 1853, $250. Fashion (1 dis), 2:48. Gray Tom, gr g (3 :53!2). Jas. Rockey, New Orleans, La., Dec. 23, 1860, $125. Benicia Boy 2, 4, Ned Forrest, 2:5214. 2:.54, 2:53^, 2:53. Incomplete. Great Britain, b s (3:58). T. Ferryman, Olney, 111., Sept. 22, 1871, $4.5. Logan, Fanny, Tom Crowder, 2:58. Great £astern, b g (3 :18), (3 ilS^i s), bv Walkill Chief, dam by Consternation Colt. Geo. Hammill, Rome, N. Y., Sept. 23, 1875, $100. Clarence, riambletonian. 2:46, 2:48, 2:30. Sept. 24, 1875, .S200. Nelly Irwin l, 2:29li, 2 30ii. 2:2S?i, 2::50. Rochester, N. Y., Aug. li, 1876, .§2..500, Hannah 1)., Elsie CJood, Jack Draper, Lewinski, Nelly Walton, Mazo-Manie, Bateman, Phil. Slieridan, Ella Madden, Gray Chief, 2:19, 2:21, 2:219i. Utica, N. Y., Aug. 18, 1876, $2,500. Hannah I)., Ella Madden, Lewinski, Mazo-Manie, Bateman, Nelly Walton, Jack Draper (3 dis), 2:20)4, 2:22i.;, 2:22. Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Aug. 25, 1876, $2,500. Ella Madden, Hannah D., Bateman, Gray Chief (3 dis), 2:22, 2:24:14,2:24. Rome, N. Y., Sept. 27, 1876, $ . 2:30,2:23,2:201/2, To beat 2:14. Lost. .Mystic Park, Boston, Oct. 16, 1876, .$ . Smuggler 1 (2 dis), 2:23, 2:24i/2. Oct. 20, 1876, .$ . Smuggler, 2:21. 2:24i4, 2:25. Utica, N. Y., Nov. 10, 1876. .•jJl.OOO. Earns (w), 2:35, 2:30. 2:2414. ('has. S. Green, Toledo, O., July 19, 1878, $2,000. Hopeful, 2:23^, 2:23?i, 2:24}^. H. Hennis, Sandwich, 111., Sept. 17, 1880, $ — -. Leland. Best time, 2:45. C. Green, Mineola, L. I., Sept. 27. 1883, $500. Ripton, Tea Boy, Capt. Emmons, George, Jack Sailor, 2:3114.2:32,2:29. Great Republic, rn g (3 :35i;). Warren Feabody, Centreville, L. I., June 6, 1855, $500. William A. Brown, 2:36)4, 2:.".5',i,2:35'2. Great Western, 1) m (3 :39i^), by Geo. M. Patchen. J. Predmore, Fashion Course, L. I., June 11, 1864, $100. Lizzie Sonierindyke, I)oli\~ Dutton, Joe Crockeron, 2:39(2, 2:44i2, 2:43. Great Western, l)r" g (3 :39J, l)v Superb. T. J. Coe, Fleetwooil Park, N. Y., June 12. 1878, $300. Kadir, Belie Mac, (ilenair, Clifton J?ov, s'ctli Warner, Nellv D., Gray Jim (2 dr), 2:36. 2::«, 2:38'2. .June 14, 1878. .$;mo. Birdie C. Seth Warner, Clifton Boy, Glenair, Kadir, Belle Mac (2 dr), 2:3414, 2:34, 2:34. Beacon Park, Boston. June 18 and 19. 1878, $600. Billy Dow 1, 2, Robert Bonner, Jr., Volunteer Girl (3 dis), Ricker (1 dis). Judgment (1 disi, 2 27, 2:30. 2:.30, 2.:.'n, 2:.34. Mystic Park, Boston, June 25, 1878, $600. Marguerite 3, Volunteer Girl, Robert Bonner, Jr., Judgment (1 (lis), 2:34, 2:;!:i, 2:32. 2:29. Great Western, ch g (3 :47i/2), by Tramp Dexter. J. H. Burnham, St. Paul, Minn., Sept, G, 1878. $300. Fly (2 dis), Rochester (2 dis). Madam Goldsmith (l dis), 2:56i/2, 2:47i i. Three year-olds. 282 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TRO'lTING AND PACING RECORD. Great Western (3 :57K>), by IJeii. Knox, .Ir. It. Viiughau, Helena, Mon., Sept. 5, tSS3, . Moslem ConwuV (3disj, Sionewall a Uis), 3:ul. ■2:.J7'.i,3:01. ' Gre0. iron Clail 1, Faiinv o. 2:49'.. Green, fjr g (^ :50J.ij. J. Kreunier, Cincinnati. ()., Aug. 5. 1869, S . Dave, 2:.')294, 2:.'51U 2-ri(\\ Lycoming, Pa., Sept. 22, 1870 .■J75. Wild Mary. Sleei)y Sam. 2:56.2:56^*, 2:57».j. Greenback. dng(3:36'o). H. B. Loder, Cincinnati, O.. June 23, 1^69, $200. White Face 2, Pilot Medoc Josi»- Cora Davis, 2:38'2, 2:30;W,2::i"iA>, 2:39^4. .lune 2.\ 1870, §3«0. Pea Oreen, Little George, 2:;iGK>, 2:.«f4, 2:39^. Greenback, gr g (3 :41!o), by Glencoe ChieL .». Banter, Reno, Nev., Oct. 9,1879, S250. Rosie H.. (2 (lis) Sir Will/. (2dis), Lilly D. (2dis),3:30'2, 3:17. Tliree-vear-olds. .\Ir. B:ixter. Union. Or.. Oct. 23, 1882, $\:>o. Lainont. Nellv (iray. Best tune, 2:42'2. Baker ( ity. Or.. Oct. 24, 18.s2, $ . Lainont, !• lora Banh.'im. 2:48, 2:45. J. T. Wilson, Salt Lake City, Utah, June 1, l.ss3, .■?4(iO. Molly D. 1. l^ester. Zip, 2:42!^, 2:41>4, 2-44 2:45 Green IJilly, eh s i 'Z :5y 1. W. F. liuekner, Evaiisville, Ind.. Sept. 23, 1873, §100, Manibrino Friday 1 ' Birdie Billy W ilson i3 dr), Toiii Wonder ^3 dr), 3:15J'4, -■^>i>- 3:07, 3:0G. Green Boy, 1) s (3 :33i.:;i, by son of Aberdeen. C. CJreen. Providence, R. L, Sept. 13, 1882, $300. Liulv Alice 2 3, Vhuliniir. Dan McGuire, Geeser, Jack (i dis), Moonstone (2 dis), 2:36'i, 2:34?4, 2:;«;'i, 2::i4 '>-3G<^ ' Sept. 15, 1KH2. .?400. N. S. B. 2, 3, Robert Bennett, Jim Fisk (4 dis), Hendrick Hudson (3'dis> '2'-4l 2:46 2:37'.j.2:3sJi,2:35>4. - • . Taunton, .\la.ss., Sept. 27, 1882, $ . ISIiller's Damsel. Billy {3 dr), 2:47. 2:47, 2:42. Five-year-olds Newport, R. I., .Inly 11, 1883, •jMOO. Walter, Jenny, Little Maid, 2:35, 2:33'., 2::i4. Greenl>ush Hoy. b g (3 :47;..). Albany, N. Y.. Aug. 8, 187G, $100. Drovers Maid 1, 2:47'4, 2:484, 2:47K> Green Charley, blk g (3 :86i4), by Green's Bashaw. R. C. Pate, Minneapolis. Minn.. Sept. 3, 1879,"$1.000, Business, Archer's Almont, Black Kate. Sturmer, 2:31 '.-.2:30(2, 2:30. Kansas City, Mo., Sept. 24, 1879, $1,000. Sucker Maid 1 (3 0), Charley Douglass, 2:36. 2::i2"2, 2:32, 2:30, 2:31 '.J. Adrian. Mich., June .'5, 1880, $1,000. Centella, Business, Lookout, Ike Marvel. 2::v2U. 2:31 2:28^ Green Girl, b m (3 iS^'j). D. Green, Woonsocket, R. 1., Sept. 19, 1882, .SSO. Bub. Gov Littletield, 1 :28, 1:26}4. Four-year-olds, IlaU'-niile heats. D. Green. Willimantic, Conn., Oct. 4. 1883, $1,50. M. J. B., Oakwood Belle, 2:39. Same day, .S1.">0. Empire, ."\I. J. B., 2:.37i-.^, 2:40i4, 2-38i.i. StalTord. Conn.. Oct. 11, 1883, $100. M. jrB., Canada Jack (2 dis), 2:41, 2:44. 2:47i/>- Green Horn, eli g (3 :53). Geo. 11. Bailey, Portland, Me., July 4, 18G5. $50. Fanny Lrevv, Stranger (2 dis). Kate .lewelKl dis), 2:52, 2:.54, 3:03. ' Green Horn, eh g (3 :43^). Hiram W. Howe, Prospect Park, L. I., July 11, 1872, $300. Mysterv. 8:145^, 8:141.1. Three miles. j . *, (w), July 2;{. 1S72. .fsno. .lohnKase Jr, Tony l (4 dis), 2:43ii, 2:42"., 2:44, 2:45. Green Mountain, blk s (3 :07). H. Zibell, Monroe. Mich., July 2, 1870. $25. Kit Carson 1 (3 dr), 3:17';, 3:07, 3)(KJl..i. Green Motintain Hoy, (3 ;53). Gen. Utlev. Keno.sha, Wis.. Sept. 3, 1858. $200. Bellfounder, 2:.'i3, 2:!)4. 2:52. Green Mountain Hoy, b s (3:56). Mr. Svkcs, Warren, O.. Sept. 30, 1859, $100. Excelsior, Montauk, 2:56, 2:,5G. Stilllions. Green Mountain Hoy, (Farnigut & Bav Billy), br g (3 :31i.i), by Cutler's Comet, dam a Morgan mare. A. A. Siiear, Burlington. Vt., Sept. 17, 1870, $ . Fanny, 2:38, 2:44. 2:;i8. Green Mountain iJoy, (3 :00). John Potter, Monroe, N. Y.. Oct. 12, 1870, $30. Red Bird, Fred Pierson, 3:00, 3:01. Green Mountain Hoy. gr g (2 :41ii\ N. S. Eamos, Concord, Mass., Sept. 24. 1872. $200. Ludlow Boy, Pea^ body Boy, .loe Wilson. Brilliant (2 di-^). French Ladv (2 dis), Nickle (2 dis), 2:43'i, 2:41"2, 2:4,5. Green Mountain Hoy. b s ^3 :38). by Tliomas Jefferson. T. W. Titus, Woodstock, Vt., Sept. 29. 1880, f76. Silver Nell. Jessie Motion. J. B. Tliomas. 2:44, 2:4314, 2:41. T. Cornelle, Hayerhill. Mass., Aug. 23, 188.% $1,50. Emperor, 2:44i.';, 2:50, 2:.52. Stallions. 'J'. W. Titus. Meriden. Conn., Sept. 19, 1883, $200. Goold 1, New England Boy, Harry Winford, Ned W., 2:41'/., 2:44,2:423,', 2:42"2. Green Mountain Chief, ch s (3:40). C. Van Curen, Avon Spa, N. Y., Sept. 7, 18C1, $100. Stella, 2:40, 2:44. Green Mountain Maid, ch m f3 :38!2), by Harris' Hamhletonian. F. J. Nodine, Union Course, L. 1., April IG, 1852. .?4.-)0. Tecnniseh, 2:5P,, 2:i7]/-., 2":47'... April 2.!, 18.-.2, .'?400. War Eagle. Ladv Brooks 2, (3 dis), 2:44. 2:,'59, 2:40, 2:44'4. April 27. 18.-i2. .S3.V). Lady P.rooks 1. 2, 2:.S7. 2:37. 2:37. 2:44, 2:40. (w) Centreville. L. L, April 21, 185.3, .S1.50. Kemble Jackson (w). 3. (4 0), 2:47, 2:50, 2:34, 2:36, 2:41. (w) S. MeLaiighlin, S('i)t. 15. 18.5.3. $nm. Centreville (W), 2:36, 2:34, 2:34, (w) TTnlon Course, L. I.. Sept. 29. 18,53, .$250. Pet (w). 2:.'i4. 2:.38, 2:34'4- F. J. Nodine. Rochester, N. Y., Nov. 1, 18.5.3, .$500. Flor;i Temple 2, 4, 2:40, 2:3.5, 2:35, 2:36, 2:38. S. McLiuigiilin, Buffalo, N. Y., Nov. 12. 18.53. $.500. St. Lawrence (1 dis). 2:41. St. Louis. Mo.. Dee. G. 18.5;i, .$800. O'Blennis. 2:40, 2:38, 2:34»^. Dee. 8. 18.53 .$7.50. O. Biennis. 5:08';, 5:12. Two miles. New Orleans, La.. Jim. 1,5, 1854. $900. Flora Temple 2, 2:.3n, 2:35'2, 2:36, 2:36. Green Mimntain Maid, gr m (3 :38i/;), P, Rafferty, ("oncord, Mass., Sept. 23, 1873, $100. Kate Gilbert 1, Jenny Smith, Kangaroo, Colonel R., 2:46U, 2-51';". 2:;«i/,, 2:.38?.i. Milford, Mass., Sept. 30, 187.5, $200. Lac'y Hale 2, Bflly Stevens, Crazy, Belle, Lady Van, 2:43M. 2:44, 2:43'i. 2:41';. Green Tom, blk s (3:03' j), Mr. Kimper, Lampasas, Tex.. Aug. 14, 1879, $100. Little Napper. Cunningham's b g, 3 :02' ; . 3 :0;{. Greenville Maid. (3:39), W.H. Doble, Philadelphia, Pa., June 11, 1872, $300, Harry B., Lapierre, 2:4114, 2:.3n?.i, 2:;!0. Greenwich Maid, b m (3:40). by Factor, Wm. E. Dennis, Oentreville, L. I.. May 1, 18,38. $200. Daniel Web- ster, Blinker, 5:.3Gi.^, 5:.31. Two miles. Beacon Course, N. J.. May 9, 18.!S, $200. Apollo. Ellen Tree, Fire King. 6:26, 6:24. Two miles. June 21. is;w, $200. Dutclimiin. Apollo. 5:20, 5:22. Two miles. Greenwiclj Maid, (s) brm (3:38). by Black Bashaw, dam liv Abdallah. W. Dempster. Easton. Pa., July 1, 18(>9, .$200. Fanny Smith 3. 3:00, 2 :'53^, 3 01 ' ,, 2 :.5n. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TEOTTING AND PACING RECORD. 288 Sept. 17, 1869, S35. Red Bird, Drover. Dandy (2 dr), 6:00, 5:57»^. Two miles. . Thos. Newman, Nov. 6. 18.j9, SKtO. Eaiuiy Fislier 1, 3, 2:55, 2:50, 2:52. 2:48, 2:46}^. Belvidere, N. J., Auf;. G. 1H70, .^lOO. Cliarley Davis 1, Tom Craig, 2:51^/.^, 2:53, 2:54V2, 2:55. Easton, Pa., Aug. 20. ISTO, .S50. Charley Davis 3. 2:53, 2:47^4, 2:50, 2 47. R. Dempster, Belvidere, N. J., Aug. 25, 18T0, f loo. Niclc Wliiffler 2, 4, Charley Davis (4 ^is), 2:46, 2:4a, 2:47. 2:60. 2:47W;. Suff ilk Park, Phila., Nov. 18, 1870, $ . Lady Douglass 1, 3, 2:42^4, 2:39V2, 2:44,2:42 2:43. Nov. 10, 1870. $ . Lady Douglass 3, 2:38, 2:4134,2:40, 2:40. •■ M. King, Suffolk Park, Phila., Sept.—, 1874,^400. Harry Green 1, Lizzie Dawson, Little Dan, 3:00, 3:1)2 -2, 3:00, 2:54. Greenwood, br s(3:4im. B. D. Parkhurst, Kalamaioo, Mich.. June 6,1872, $200. Undine 1,2, Black Diamond 3, 2:53, 2:54'2. 2:48^4. 2:50^, 2:5214, 2:51. Greyhound, ch g (2:45!^). by Vermont Black Hawk. S. Redfleld, Providence, R. I., Nov, 25, 1853, $250. CouistO('k2, Lightfoot. 2:48'2, 2:47, 2:451^. G. K. GUinore, b g (3 :48i^). John M. Daniels, Lexington, Ky., Oct. l, 1850, $80. Scott's gr m, Little Kate (1 (lisi. .s:Oi;. 2:.')9. 2:56. Four-year-olds. Oct. 3, 1850, $100. 6. M. Dallas, Tough Sam. 5:52, 5:49. Two miles. Oct. 5, 18.50, $150. Tough Sam, Henry, G. M. Dallas (2 dis), 8:50. 8:42. Three miles. New Orleans, La., Nov. 13, 18.")0. $100. Gray Eagle, 2:50^, 2:53, 2:48)4. .Fan. 17, 18.51. $100. Boston l, 2:51)^, 2:51. 2:53'^, 2:53. Griffin's Black Gelding, (2:43 '4). D. G. Griffin, Riverhead, L. I., Oct. 6, 1870, $100. Prince, Jones' ch g, 2:.50. 2:4:!i4. Griffin's Brown Gelding, (3:50). H. B. Griffin, Watertown, N. Y., June 22, 18C9, $ . Competitors not named. 2:5514, 2:.50, 2:58. Grin, (3 :34). Watertown, Wis., July 5, 1875, $100. Ned 4, Stonecutter, Molly Bawn (5 dr). Bay Charley (5 dr), General (4 dr), Watertown Bov 1, (2 dis). Lantern (1 disi, Topsy (l dis). Gray Sam (l dis), Clay Pilot, (l dis). 2:5714. 2:.54Vd, 2:54U, 2:5314. 2:.'38. Grit, chg (3:33), bv Flying Morgan. B. Woodmansee, Cmcinnati, O., Oct. 19, 1859, $250. Billy, Lady Harri- son (1 dis), 2:43, 2:381/2, 2:38i/2. Jas. Rockev, Aug. 9, 1860, $400. Billy 2. 3, 2:351/2, 2:30, 2:31, 2:34, 2:35. fohn S. Stevenson, Buffalo, N. Y.. June 25, 1863. $1,000. Tow Boy, 2:33i/2, 2:33, 2:34. (W) July 2, 1863, $l,0t)0. Tow Bov (W), 2:411/^, 2:0814, 2:38^i. Grit, blk g (3:49i4). J. Webster, Chatham Village, N. Y., Sept. 16, 1875, $40. Dick 1, Mountain Boy 3:02, 3:00,^,2:54. J. H. Lewis, Danburv. Conn.. Oct. 6, 1879, $100. Maggie Dovle, Clara A.. 2:4914. 2:50, 2:51. Gritt v, Ch m (3 :53). Geo. Crawford. Newark, O., Oct. 6, 1881, $50. Lucy 2, 2:52. 2:56. 3:00, 2:50. Grocer, b g (3 :39i,). E. B. Gkuldis. Spring Valley, N. Y., Sept. 13, 1878. $100. Sandy. Hattie, 2:571/2. 2:54V4, 2:b\ Waverley Park, N. J.. May 22, 1880, $ . Belle Brandon 1, 2:4l?4, 2:42?4, 2:44. Grocery Boy, ch g (3 :39;4). C. Doker, Miltord, Mass., July 4, 1878, $125. Tompy, Gray Eddy, 2:51i4, 2:50i4, 2:50. [. M. Moore, Brockton, Mass., Oct. 6 and 7, 1880, .$100. Melvin 1, 2, Speedress 4, Andrew, Little Harry, Eb. Homerfo dr). 2:36"2. 2:31U, 2:39i4, 2:39i4. 2:40, . Grocery Boy, i) g (3 :00). Brockport, N. V., Aug. 28, 1882, $100. Creeper, Sweeijstake, Lady L., Doubtful, 3:00, 3:01. Grocei-y Bov, br g (3 :51). J. Hart, JerseyCity. N. J., Maysi. 1883, $loo. Stagg, 2:51. 2:51i4. 2:.'>7. Grocery Girl, b m (3 :47i4). A. Hinch, Fleetwood Park, N. Y., June 23, 1876, $100. Lady Hildreth, Rip Van Winkle (1 dis), 3:0134. 3:05, 2:,52. iw), Aug. 25, 1876, $100. Brown Dan (2 dis), 2:5114, 2:4714. Groceryman, b g (3 MS). A. Miller. Easton, Pa., Aug. 21. 1869, $20. Terrific, Awful, Ida, 3:15. 3:12, 2:58. Grosvenor Horse, grs (3:43), Dr. Grosvenor, Buffalo, N. ¥., Aug. 14, 1864, $200. Kirkover Horse. Best time, 2:42. Grouble v3 -.BSU). Geo. Futcher. Nashville, Tenn., June 17, 1865, $200. Silver 2, 2 :.5594, 25494 2:56. G. T. Pilot, dn g (3 :34). Thos. Jared, Avon, 111., Sept, 29. 1875, $75. Col. Knox, Canton Boy (2 dis), 2:51, 2:53V4, 2:.50i4. Oct, 1, 187.5, $100. Slickfellow, Jesse G. Lindell (2 dis). 2:43, 2:42, 5:4.5. Oct. 2, 1875, $250. Slickfellow 4 (1 0). , 2:41, 2:41, 2:42,2:42. Galesburg, 111., Oct. 12, 1875, .$600, Rosewood, Francis, Addle Y:, Carrie, Elder Pogue. Col. Knox. 2:36V4 2::!r,i4. 2:35-4. Tiskilwa, 111., Aug. 9, 1876. $600. Ed. Wilder, Monarch Rule, Neome, Sophia Temple, West Liberty (3 dis), Sleepy Bill (1 dis>, 2:32, 2:32i4, 2:331^.. Avon, 111., Sept. 27, 1876, $2.50. Lady Turpin, 2:32=14, 2:33, 2:31 -.i. Virginia, 111., Oct. 19, 1876, .$.3.50. Monarch Rule l. 3, West Liberty, Lena, Sleepy Bill (5 dr), 2:.36i/2, 2:35, 2*38 2:.'jl 2 '34. * '- .fared' &'Lee. Lincoln, 111., Aug. 24, 1877, .$300. Sleepy Bill, 2:28, 2:.37i4. 2:.52. Milwaukee, Wis., Sept. 13, 1877, $600. Allen, Gray Cnarley, Janesville, Emerald, Belle Moore, 2:26, 2:27, 2 :28, Chicago, 111., Sept. 19 and 20, 1877, $600. Gray Charley. Frank Davis, Belle Moore. Billy O'Neil, Allen, 2:30';, 2:281.4. 2:21'i. East Saginaw, Mich., Sent. 26, 1877, .$600. Josh Billings. 2:30, 2:.31, 2:28. Virginia, 111., Oct. 20, 1877, $.500. W. O. Untinished race of 1876, trotted out by order of Board of Appeals. Oct. 22. 1878, $225. Sleepy Bill, Monarch Rule, 2:34. 2:34=14. 2:35. Guerin's Black Mare (3:.>3), B.C. Guerin, Morristown, N. J., Aug. 9, 1878, $75. Daisy Patchen, Harry 1, 2 (5 dr), 2:54. 2:54, 2:53, 2:. ".5, 2:53. Guerin's Chestnut Mare (3:45). B. C. Guerin. Waverly Park, N. J.. Sep . 21, 1870, .$100. Ferrand's ch g Lvlie, Bob, 2:4,5. 2:451^. Guess Not(w), b m (3:371^), by Hambletonian Prince, dam the Mnxwell mare. W. F. Kidder, Morrisania, N. Y., Mav27, 1882, $200. Israel (w) l. Capidura (w). Lady Suffolk (w) (2 dis), Farmer John (w) (1 dis), 2:34'/i 2:.30^,2:31. J. M. Chandler, Morristown, N, J., Sept. 12, 1882. .$2.50. Lizzy O'Brien, Harry Mills. Sussex, Gen. Beam- ish 1, 2 (4 dis), 2:30'o, 2:2Ki/2. 2:321^. 2:31. 2:34. Waverly Park, N. J„ Sept. 20. 1882, .$300. General Beamish 1, Billv Button, John N., Ray Gould, Tor- onto Chief, Jr.. Manhattan, Katv D., Lady Lear (3dr). 2:27V2, 2:2913. 2:2914, 2:2914. W. F. Kidder, Morrisania. N. Y.. Oct. 5. 1882. $750. Solo, Bertha Clay, Elvira (1 dis), 2:30, 2:Z^, 2:28. Guide, grg (3:43). Wilbur & Newton, Denver, Col., May 7, 1881 . .$.500. Almo 2, Little Napperl, Tom Col- lins 3, Ivanhoe, Black Swan, Bay Harry, Pat Reardon, 2":47, 2:4514, 2:434, 2 :43Vn, 2 :4.5i 2 . 2:48. M. C. Wilbur, Cheyenne, W. T.. .luly 4, 1881. .$400. Bay Harry 1. 2, Johnny 'Trouble 3, Black Swan, Little, Napper, 2:40, 2:41'/2 2:40^, 2:42, 2:44, 2:4634. 284 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TKOTTING AND PACING RECORD. Guilfortl. br K(2:44). Mr. Cadden, Torre Haute, Iiid., Sept. 10 aud il, 1879, SIOO. Gray George 2, Nettle, Lottie 11. Putuain, Lady Fletclier, 'i::>>i, 2:51i'4, 2:Wa, ^^:i^i'2. Guillotine, Ijr in. Bv Simiggler. C. C. Peek, Attleboro, Mass., June 23, 1883, S . t'harley 2, Maud B. (4 dr), 1 :i.M, 1 :-.'J, 1 :L'l, 1 :iy. llaU'-iiiile heats. Gulliver, eh g^, 2:37^, 2;3G^4. Plainlield, N. J., Sept. 28. 1882, .$300. Regardless 1, Beulah 3, Lizzie Alniont 2:37?4, 2:39, 2:39H, 2:44, 2:35Vi. Gulnart-, b ni ^3:33l/.), by Dufly Horse, dam hyson of Vt. Blaek Hawk. John S. Baker, Anienia, N. Y., Oct. S, 1873, •■JWH). Jupiter 2, I Guess So, 2:44. 2:4i;4, L':40'2, 2:43^4- Catskill, N. \., Oct. 14 and 15, 1873, Sl.OOO. Damon 2, 3, Ella Millard 1. Uucle Dave. Lightning E.xpresa (3 dis). Harry (3 dis), lona (2 dis), 2:39^4. 2:39'i. 2:.J8, 2:32'j, 2:32Ji,2:33'2. Oct. 17. 1873,81,000. Ella iSlillard 1, Gus Tanner, \Vhite Cloud, Uncle Dave (2 dis>, lona (2 dis), Molly Miller (1 disi.2:3.5ij, 2:3.")h.. 2:.i(;'.i, J-.'M'i. Guinbiill, ell iim3:31'.i), bv r.liuk I'rinee, dam Molly Mott, by Bashaw. J. M. J'atterson, Lexington, Ky., Sept. 29. 1S7."). .S700. Aslilaiid Kate, (iray Bashaw, Easter Maid, 15ianea, 2:32, 2:3U,i. 2:33. Oct. I, 1S7."), S- — . Manil)iino Billy, 3":0C, 2:54, 2:.')3i?4. Five year-olds. Oct. 2, 1875, .S70O. Eannv B()l)inson 1. Elnui, t'rice, Carlisle (i dr), Little Nig (3 dis), Edward M. Wright (2 dis), 2:;J8'.i, 2:.S5'2, 2:3Si4, 2:;J6. Gun Cotton, sr g (3:48?4). Wni. Woodruff, Chelsea, Mass., June 25. 1861, $200. Butcher Bov, 2:52^, 2-MU, 2 :5(i. Gus,bg(2:41!4). E. Saginaw, Mich., Sept. 4, 1872, §350. Royal Magna 1, 4, Mollv Mack. Maid of Ashland (1 dis) 2:41. 2:41'2. 2:44, 2:45, . Gus, (.3:3.->). A. H.Riker, Portsmouth. O., July 11, 1875, ,$500. Black Kate, Nelly M:iy, London Belle, Doctor Rush. Mountain Boy, Mandjrino Pilot. Brent, Jack of the Bush, Si Keck (3 dis;. Billy (2 dis), Joe (1 dis), 2:40. 2:37'.i, 2:35. Gus b s (3 :34, 2:35'j. 2:38M. Guy Miller, bs (3:56), by Guy Miller, dam Sharpless Abdallah by Ahdallah. Sayres & Halstead, Middle- town, N. Y., Sept. 7. 1865. $30. No competition, 2:56. Three-year-olds. Gypsy (s) (2 :43) (3 :36 s). by Almack (?). Centreville, L. I., Nov. G, 1835, $100. Locomotive (s) l, Lady Worth- ington (s)(2 dis), (2 dis), 2:36, 2:.3fi, 2:38, 2:42. Gypsy (3:411/2). J. Gill, Akron, O., Oct. 4, 1861, $ . Billv Pcnn. 2:44',4, 2:41J^. Gypsy, rn m (3:51). Post & Parker, Lockport, N. Y., Sept. c, 186C., $ . Lady Hunting 1. 3. 2:55, 2:51. 2:51, 2:54 2 :5.5. Gyi>8y,*b g (3 :29*). Wm. Scowton. Plymouth, O.. Oct. 12. 1867, $10. Champion, Nigger Baby, Bay George. Gray Badger, 2:30,2:29. Short track." Gypsy, b m (3 :41}/,), O. A. Hickok, Chicago, 111., Oct. 12, 1867, $100. Honest Charley 1, Buckeye Bill (3 dis), 2:4D4 2:41 '4 2:42 2:43'-^. Gypsy, brm (3:31;!^), A. E'.'Coville, Myricks, Mass., Sept. 22, 1870, $05. Mack 1. 3, (50), 2:55. 2:52. 2:.56, 2:m, 2:55, 2:49. H. Woodruff. Boston, Mass., Nov. 6 and 7, 1873, .$200. Avenue Maid 1, 4, (5 0), 2:56, 2:58. 2.58. 3:00, 3:06, 2:.54H. Gypsy, ch m (3 :47), S. Gowcn, Rochester, N. IL, Sept. 26, 1872, $1.50. Emma, Lady Empire, Southerner(2 dis), 2:47, 2:.52, 2:54. Gypsy, ch g (3 :53), C. Tvler, Columbus, (la., Oct. 24, 1872, S125. Norma, Eufanla Boy. Lucy. 3:09. 2:,52, 2:54. Gypsy, br m (3:51^4), T." S. Sterrett, Carlisle, Pa., Oct. 5, 1875, $75. Eady Bisljop, (iray Lottie (1 dis), Black Bob (1 dis), 2:54, 2:.54, 2:51?,'. Gypsy (w), blk m (3:5(Jw), J. B. Kelly. Fleetwood Park, N. Y.. June 7, 1875. $250. John Kase, Jr., (w), 3, 4, Dolly, Harry (1 dis), 3:02, 3:04, 3:03(4, 3:02, 3:04';;, (w), Aug. 30, 187.5. ,$200. J;icob Hess, (w), 1. 3:02. 3:01, 2:.56. 3:01. S. Doremus, Sept. 23, 1875, .$260. Jacob Hess (1 dis), 3:01. Jersey City, N. J.. Oct. 23, 187.5, $200. Harry of the West 1. (2 dis). 2:,58. 2:.55. , . . j. Gypsy, blk m (3 :43i4). C. Clark. Secaucus, N. J.," June 12, 1878, $ . Frank, Lady Curry, Lexington (1 dis), 3 :00. July — , 1878, ,$,30. Margaret L.. Lady Curry, 3:04, 3:n0'4, 3:03. Gypsy, blk m (3 :50). W. A. Ogden, Wilniington, Del.. Oct. 8, 1879, $100. Maud Medium 1, 2. 2:48, 2:48. 2:50, 2:51!/,, 2:.5.3. New Hunting Park. Phila.. Oct. 30, 1879. .$.50. Frank 1, F. F.. 2:4.5, 2:.53. 2:.50. L. W. .Jones, Leominster, Md., Sept. , 1883. $ . Fifer Boy 1, 2 (3 0), Ned (3 0), Flora Belle. No time. Gypsy, blk m (3:15). D. C. Church, Evart, Mich., Oct. 4. 1883, $ . Katy Cowan, Gerard, 4:07, 4:00, 3 :15. Gypsy (3 :40U^. J. Carev, Jerseyville. 111.. Oct. 11, 1877. $70. Blanche Pratt 4. 5 (3 0). Maud (3 0). Vandalia Joe, Hugo (1 dis), 2:40';. 2:42".. 2:47'^, 2;47'/4, 2:.57'», 2:.51. „ Gypsy, bin (3:341,!. bv Wiiithrop Morrill. W. A. Wright, Providence, R, I., Nov. 6, 1878, , $.50. Pamanda, John Howard, KingBird, 2:43, 2:46. 2:>4'4. E. D. Clark. Norwich, Conn., Sept. 30. 1880, $200. Fish. Helen Mar. Lachine Roy. 2:,36. 2:.'?9''.;. 'i-.mi. J. A. Dustin, Providence, R. L, Oct. 26, 1881, S300. Brown Johnny l, Maud B.. Jeremiah, 2:38^, 2:37)4, 2:36,2:3414. CIIESTEirS COMPLETE TROTTING AND I'ACING UECOltlJ. 285 J. Trout, Providence, E. I., IMay 31, 1882, §500. Elmer, George M., Dick Loonier, Little Maid. Frank B., Lydia B. (l dis), 'i:28k, 2:30, 2:291^. {}, w. Bingluun, Mystic Parle, Boston, July '25, 1882, $000. Caniors 1, 3, Dave Young, George A., Eve, 2:25^. 2:24'4, 2:25':4. 2:25'o. 2:25!/^. Newport. K. L, Aug. 3, 1882, $250. Goldlinder 1, Wild Lily, Dick Taylor, 2:33, 2:33, 2:32, 2:3314. Gypsy, (3:58J^). W. (J. Hough, Greenwood, Pa., Oct. 10, 1879, §30. JJexter, Billy Kogers, Fourth of July, Doc, Harrv 1. (2 r 0), 2:5H4, 3:00. Gypsy, gi" ni(3:00). J. W. Taylor, Mineoia, L. I., Sept. 27, 1881. S30. Chance 1. Delia B., Carpenter's b m, Duryea's Damsel. Norman. Warwick Girl (3 dr). 3:20. 3:12, 3:ll'e. Three-year-olds. Sept, 28. IS8I. $30. Duryea's 1) m, Eva D.. Warwick Girl. Xornian. Comniodore, Duryea's Damsel, Chance (2 dr). Bessie Thoriie (2 dr), 3-029i, 3:00. Three-year-olds. Sept. 28. 1882, $30. Keene, Pauline, Nancy, Chance, Conuiiodorc Choci's cli s, Wiggins' b g, 3:02, 3:0G. Four-year-olds. „ , . „ Gypsy Bill, blk g(3:37). A.Miller, Hazleton, Pa., June 12, 1874, $500. Louise. Fanny, John P. (2 clis). 2-42Lo, 2:47. 2:50. Wl'lkesbarre, Pa.. July 2. 1875, §100. Jerry Leigh, Dan. Jupiter, 2:45, 2:46^^, 2:4.514. Scraiiton, Pa., July 7.*1875, f . Simon 2 5 (7 0;, Luther 3, 4 (.7 0), 2:42, 2:37. 2:38'2, 2:38i/2, 2:37'/2, 2:40, Gypsy iJoy.b s (3:55). Grant Fuller, Hartford, Conn.. July 27, i860, .if 100. Massia Maid (w), 2, 2:55. 2:56, 2 '55 ''"56 Gypsy'Boy, gr g (3:34%). VVm. Clegg, Myricks, Mass., July 21. 18()7, .■s;70. Eastern Queen J. 2:42, 2:38. 2:38, ^'Ta'iiaton. Mass., Oct. 2, 1867. $.50. Ticonic 1 (30), 2:44!2, 2:39, 2::i8H, 2:39. 2:46. Oct. 3, 1867, $200. Ticonic, 2:3si.i, 2:38'2. 2:38'2. H. Rogers, Dover, N. H., Oct. 10, 1867, §100. Pome, 2:45, 2:44. 2:41. H. A. Hall. Providence, R. I., July 16, 1868, .§750. Murphy's 1) m 2, 4, Brown IVince, Henrietta, Patter- son's ch g (5 dr). Emperor (3 dr), 2:36, 2:34, 2:34-.i. 2:35. 2:.36i.i. Gypsy Boy. br s (3: 47). P. E. Browning, Kingston, R. I., July 13, 1881. $25. Piedmont Maid, 1:42, l:42'/i. Three-year-olds. Half-mile heats. br g." Sept. 20, 1882, .S25. Dolly, Betsy, 3:.59. 3:17. Four-year-olds. Gypsy Boy, br g. Iowa City, la., Sept. 24, 1882. .i;.50. 2:.39, 2:51-4. Tobeat2:30. Lost. GypsV Davis, ch m (3:331 2) by Irwin Davis. C. S. Crittenden, San Francisco. Cal., Oct. 30, 1875, $1,650. Daisy C. Smooth Brier, Isaac 1 (2 dis), Santa Cruz Belle U dis). Columbine (l dis), 3:01^, , 2:58. Two- year-olds. '— Sept. 8, 1876. .$700. Daisy C, Isaac, 2:42i4, 2:45. 2:44. Four-year-olds. Aug. 11, 1877, $1,000. Molly Drew, Joe Hamilton. Bismarck. Ida, Isaac. 2:4114, 2:40, 2:44. Four-year- olds. Aug. 18, 1877, $1,000. Joe Hamdton, Molly Drew, Ida, Bismarck, Isaac, 2:41 14, 2:40.2:44. Four-year- olds. — June 22, 1878, $500. Ida, Susie Allen, 2 :4iy2, 2:40, 2 :38. PMve-year-olds. Aug. 24, 1878. $700. Ida 1, 2:35'2, 2:3514, 2:.34, 2:33' k Gypsy Gli-l (\v) b m (3 -54 w). ' "g. R'." Wesson, Worcester, Mass., June 1. 1858, $ . Fawn (w) 4 (1 0), 2:51, 2:54, 2: .54, 2:59. 2:57. ^ , ^ , Gypsy Girl, b m (3:50). G. W. Ackerman, Meriden, Conn., Oct. 17, 1874, .$ . Buckingham 2, Lady Dal- bec, 2 :51 , 2 :.51 , 2 :50K2 :50. Gypsy Girl, b m (3 :51). L. Archer, Marshall. 111., July 2, 1X79, $100. Selina 2, 4. Idol (iirl 1, Grapeshot (2 dis), Reckless Joe (2 dis), 2:53. 2:52'4, 2:51i'4, 2:51U, 2:51. 2:55. Gypsy Girl, b m (3 :50V2). J. B. Sutton, Elkton, M(L, Oct. 5, 1881, $100. Ma.ior 2. Fair Cloud (1 dis), 2:56'/^, 2:4'5y2. 2:50';, 2:5214. Gypsy Maid (3 :58%). Nashville, Tenn., Oct. 24, 1872, $ . Business 1, Jeiuiy B.. 5:57. 5;57i2, 5:5624. Two miles. Gypsy Maid, b m (3 :40), bv Alcott Boy, dam bv Lloyd. J. Olcott, Fleetwood Park. N. Y., Aug. 7, 1874, $300. Yellowstone, Tom Wonder 1, 2, (5dis), 2:48, 2:43, 2:43, 2:43, 2:47. Gvpsy Maid(3:00). Woodstock, 111., Sept. 24. 1874, .$ . Hector, Dexter, Sandy Vail, Nigger Boy. (t. R. Smith, BayCharley, 3:00. 3:01%, 3:05. , ,, ,, ,. Gypsy Maid, b m (3 :43^). Henry Hess, Salem, N. J., Sept. 30. 1875. .$350. Sam French 2. Sally Bodine 1. Nelly (40). Little Nell. Kate (3 dr). 2:43, 2:46'e, 2:46i4. 2:45i.i.2:44, 2:45. M'iddletown, Del., Oct. 8, 187.5, .$200. Stonewall. 2:56^4, 2:47i4, 2:531/2. R. Dewitt, Clifton, N. J., May 9,1877, §25C. Tommy jMoore 2, 3 (1 0), Jim Moffatt. St. George, 2 :42ii. 2:43?i, 2:431/?, 2:43. 2:4414.2:4712. „■. , .„ Gypsy yueen (w), blk m (3 :44 w). Geo. W. Bidwell, Chicago. 111.. July 21, 18.58. .';?200. Rii)ton (wi, 2. 2:47, 2:44 2 "44. '- A'ug. 30. 1858, $1,000. Tenbroeck (w), 1, 8:24i2, 8:17, 8:26. Three miles. Sep. 20, 18.58, $100. Speckled Trout 2, 2:57, 2:54, 2:49, 2:.52. H. Van Voorhees, Pittsburgh, Pa., Sept. 1, 1859, $30. Hancock Sorrel 1, Sorrel Jerry (4 dr). 2:.58. 2:58, 2 '.5514 2 '54 2 '47 '- G.~W.' Bid well, Louisville, Ky., Oct. 27, 1860. .$2.50. Capt. Megowan (1 0). 28:39. Purse divided. Ten miles. ^, , ., , . ,^ Gypsy Queen, (w), ch m (3 :53). Jacob Vail, Stony Ford, N, Y.. July 13, 1861. $.50 Uncle Edinond. (w). 3, 4, (2 0), 3:05, 2:55, 2:.54, 2:,56, 3:00, 2:59. July 20. 1861, .§ . Uncle Edmond 1. Gray Eagle. 2:56. 2 :.5.'5. 2:5;;. ,, ^ * „ Gypsy Queen, br m (3:41). by the Drew Horse, dam Gen. McClellairs dam. O. M. Shaw. Bangor, Me., Oct. 3, • 1861, $75. Ben Butler (2 0)." Sacramento. 2:47, 2:44. 2:45. 2:41. Gypsv Queen, b m (3:46). Mr. Morris, Boston, Mass.. Sept. 12. 186.5, .$200. Honest Kate 1. 2:44i2, 2:46. .!:46, 2:48'4. (w). May 23, 1860. $ . Lewiston Boy, (w), 2:.55. 2:.5.5, 2:.55. „,.„,„ Gypsy Queen, ch m (3 :48i/2). W. O. Counell, Ovid, N. Y.. May — , 1866, .$7.5. Belle Clinton, 2:481^, 3:1.5, 3:9. GypsvQueen, (w), b m(3:44i4W). O. A. Hickok, Milwaukee, Wis., Sept. 12, 1867. $100. Mac, (w). 2:44^^, 2:41i4. (w), Sept. 14. 1867, .§.5.50. Kate Larkins, (w), 2:46?4, 2:47, 2:49"2. , .,,....„ Gypsy Queen, (3:43i4). Chas. S. Green, Utica, N. Y., Sept. 14, 1,'<69. §100. Billy Seward .3, 4 (5 dis\ 2:43, 2:4"6i4, 2:.52, 2:55"2, 2:42i4. Gypsy Queen, bm (3:33). C. H. Houton. Marietta, O., Oct. 9, 1872. $100. Biddy, 2:4,5^'. 2:46'i. Gypsy Queen, br m (3:45'.,). F. Kestvick, Watford. Can., Oct. 2, 187.3, .$150. Annie ^\llkes, Gen. Wolfe, Staviier Girl. Holtoii Boy, 2:48, 2:47, 2:45' 2. „,„, , „ .„ Gypsy Queen, br 111 (3 :39). Mr. McLeod. St. Johns, N. B.. Oct. — , 1873, $2,50. Queen. 2:51, 2:48',2, 2:40. Gypsy Queen, br m (3 :00). .L Q. Palmer, Jacksonville, 111., July 4. 1874, .$ . Monarch 3, Morton, Belle Helene, 3:00. 3:01. 3:04, 3:01. ^. „, ,^ t, ■ a, a »„ Gypsy Queen, bm (3 :40'.i). Chas. Austin. Dallas, Tex., Oct. 22, 1877, $125. Tim, Tom Moore. Bois d' Arc (2 dis), 2:51,2:5114. ■ Oct. 23, 1877, $200. Tuckahoe, Morgan. 2:45'4. 2 :40'4. 2:48?.i. 28C (CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. Oct. 24. 1877, SlSO. Tom Moore. Liuly M..Tim Ci (\r\ 2:52. 2:52, 2:.54. Gypsy Oueeii, iir in (« :'>.i'i). K. 15. iMcC'loiid, liaiifior, Mi-., Nov. 7, 1K77. .? . lone. 2:54. 2:55, 2:52'». Gypsy Oin'fii, cli in (iJ:58). J. \V. Daniels. Miildlclown, Del., Oct. 3, 1878. .'?50. General 2. Itoseof Delaware, 2:r)K, 2 .5;i. 2:5'J. iwi Wilniinj;toi), Del., Oct. 16. 1878, .?.'<0. Bay Sam (w), Lou Moulton i\v), 12 (lis). 3:011/.. ;{:02. Gyps.v OinM-n, 1) in. V. Haines. Kast Saginaw. >Ii(!i., Sept. 29, 1881, ij50. Sunburst Jr., Vie, Gray Prince, Isma. 1 :2!i-.i, 1 :.'i2}^j. Tliree-year-olds. llalf-nuh'-lieats. Gypsy Oiieeii. I) m (3:33'o). bv (ieiieral l?enlon. dam 1)V ('. >L Clay. M. Moody, Watertowii. N. Y., Sept. 1. 1S83. s2iK». DieU 1, 2, Frank Uelmi, I'liil Sheridan, Dutelinian (1 dis), Niiiette d dis), 2:30U, 2::«>, 2:3.% 2:;i2'", 2:.33^4. Canton. N. Y., Sept. 11. If8.3. Sl,50. Malone Pateben. Loco d dis), 2:37, 2:42. 2:38';. .1. U. Sawver, Potsdam. N. Y., Sept. 18. 1883, .S2(H). Piekwiek. MaKgic Morrill, Ajax, 2:.33, 2:32^, 2:34. Sept. 19, 18>-3. .i^.-in. Ajax ."$, Malone Patclien. 2:.3.->'4, 2::!2'2, 2::i4'.i. 2:::4'i. Gypsy T«in. rn g (3 :;$7^. bv Tom Crowder. s. McGraw, Massilon, O., Aug. 4, 1874, .?ino. Silver Maid 2. Snow J'.ird, Daw Crockett, l!av .Ilni. Steel Bottom. KIttv C. (4 dr). Raven (1 dis). Blue Bull (1 dis) Kitty A. (1 dis), Loi.g .lim n (lis). Flora P. il dis). Moliawk Island (1 dis). 2:48'4. 2:52. 2;53, 2:47. Aug. 4. 1S74, .•i3."0. r.i'v .lim n, 7, Star l. 2, Cbarlev 3. Silver Maid (7 dis). Tom Moore (7 dr). Snow Bird (5 dr). Steel Bottom (1 dis), Dutchman (1 dis), 151ue"Bull (1 dis), 2:38, 2:42i2. 2:43%. 2:43, .2:45, 2:47>4, 2:4.-';. Kenton. O.. Aug. 20, 1874, $ . Sue Monday 3, 5, Tom Hunter 2, Snow Storm, Bay George, 2 :4054, 2:405^, 2:40':,. 2:t2';.2:41M,2-4«. Delpbos, () , Sent. 2.3, 1S7.'-., .=^210. Ited Line 1, Piduewav, Inchworm, Swindle (4 dr), 2:4.5, 2:41, 2:403!^, 2:tO. Decatur. III., Auc. 31, ISTO. .*:'n(). Minnie, Copperhead. Farmer Maid (l dis). 2.,37. 2:40. 2:40. Sullivau, 111., Aug. 10, 1877, $76. Little Frank 2, London Belle 3, 2:43?^, 2:46, 2:43?^, 2:46J4, 2:42. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND I'ACLNC RECORD. 287 M I H., (w), b g (8 :50 w). R. R. Carr, Goshen, N, Y., June 19, 1880, $75. Tormentor (w) l, Sid (w), Lucilla (w), AJnos (vv), Ryersun's ulk s (vv), 2:52V2, 2:50Si. 2:50, 2:52. Hackaway, bg(3:55j. J. Kliue, Stevens Point, Wis., July 3, 1883, $100. Delaware. Headlight, 2:57, 2:55. 3:03. Hackenberry's Gray Gelding. (2:46). H. Hackenberrv, Passaic, N. J., July 4, 1874, ^155. Post's grm 2, Patcli, Emma Ward, 2:46, 2:45?^, 2:46. Hackney's Chestnut Stallion. L. Hackney, Martinsville, Ind., Oct. 10,1880, S . Rowley's blkm2:25, 2:15. Tvvo-year-oUls. Half mile heats. Haddie, b m. Jas. Montgomery, Harrisburgh, Pa., Sept. 21, 1880, $50. Carrie Mambrino. Mamie K., 1:51 !4, 2:00. Three-vear-olds. Half mile heats. Haddington Maid, gr m (3 :55). J. Hollis, Suffolk Park, Phila.. Aug. 6, 1874, $100. Black Bill, Dexter, Kate. 3:1.5,3:04,2:55. Haidee, bm (;3:37). Wm. King, Point Breeze Park, Phila., May 25, 1860, $ . Sir Arcliy, MameluKe, 2:57. 2:56.2:53. Nov. 7, 1860, $ . Savage 1, (3 dis), 2 :51, 2 :53, 2 :56. Pittsburgh, Pa., July 21, 1865, .$ . Mary Ann, Joe Curry, 2:46, 2:39, 2:37. Halem, b s (3 :58). Wm. Richter, Charleston, 111., July 2, 1874, $90. Molly M., Alexis 1 (2 dis), 3:05, 2:59, 2 "58 Haley,'(w)bg (3:05 w). E.Kelly, Springfield, O., Oct. 7, 1881. .•$ . Kit (w>. Jack W.. Nelly W. (w), Blanche (w). Lady Clark (w), Jane (w) l, (3 dr), 3:09, 3:05J4, 3:05. Haley's Bay 3Iare, (3 :39^i). H. B. Haley, Auburn, N. Y., Oct. 9, 1809, .$200. Kelly Horse, Harry Clav. Lady Burke (2 dr), 2:3914, 2:4414, 2:40?4. Halifax, (2:57'2). Mr. Fague, Quebec, P. Q., Oct. 9, 1868, $60. Lady Shaw 1, Compton Boy, Quaker Boy. 6:00, 5:55,5:57,5:59. Two miles. Hallet, b g (3 -.oSU)- J. Williams, Hammonton, N. J., Sept. 21, 1876, $50. Rocky Hill Jr, Fleeting Ray, Roan Pet (1 dis), Mabel Dent (1 dis). Honest Joliii (1 dis), Barney (1 dis). Harry Bluif a dis), 3:00'4, 3:08, 3:04. Sept. 22, 1876. $75. Andrew H., Major, Billy B., Fleeting Kay, Roan Pet, 3:00, 2:58;^, 3:02. C. S. Cox, Wilmington, Del., Oct. 10, 1877. $100. Yellow Cloud, Mount Moriah Boy, 3:00, 3:05. 3:0.5. Hallie, bm (3:33), by Norman Jr, A. B. Hutchins, Danville, Ky., July 16, 1874, $100. Roan Molly, Pat (1 dis), 2:49'/2, 2:52. 2:52?4. (x. R. Moore. Point Breeze Park, Phila., Oct. 1, 1878. $400. Star, Mary Jane l (3 dis), Judgment (2 dis), Harry Forest (2 dis), 2:34J^, ■2:?,3%, 2:38, 2:38'2. Belmont Bark, Phila. , Oct. 8, 1878, .$300. Lady Sharp 3, Star, Buzz Medium, Max L, 2:37?i, 2:39, 2:41, 2:34. Hall McAllister, bg (3:37), by Rocky Hill. Robert Steele. Point Breeze Park, Phila., Sept. 8. 1S74, .S2.50. George Hicks 2, Jim, Barney Crossin l, 3 (4 dis), Clara D. (2 dis). Uncle Ike (2 dis), 2:435^, 2:5014. 2:45V^, 2:48V6, 2:52?.i 2:52. Suffolk Park, Phil.. July 11 & 12, 1876, $500. Billy Watson 1, Bismarck, Little Mike 2. 3 (6 dr). Rip Rap 4 (6 dr). Little Nell (5 dr). Top (5 dr). Diadem (5 dr), Gvpsv Maid (5 dr), Capitola (4 dr), Morning (3 dr), Sally Bodhie (2 dis). Sparkle (2 dr). 2:.34'i.2:35i2, 2:34)^, 2:.38. 2:38, 2:41. 2:37. Halloween (3:38). B. F. Adams, Concord, Mass., Sept. 25, 1879, $100. Eva, Fondling. Mystery, Caleb, Wis- dom, Clothespin, Billy, Kitty Terrill, 2:40, 2:.38, 2:40. Sept. 26, 1879, $200. .Jenny W.. Frank Allen. Mystery, Dandy (3 dr). 2:42, 2 :38. 2:40. Hallowell Girl, blk m (3 :00). H. D. Pinkham. Augusta, Me., Aiig. 23. 1873, $20. Black Maria. Brown George, Factory Girl, 3:00, 3:00. Hall TerrlH(S. V. Swils) bg(3:38M). C. Rosboro, Albany, N. Y., May 1,3, 1873. $150. Lida Picton, A. W. Kline, Mat Tanner, 2:3914, 2:8814, 2:.35. May 28, 1873. .$600. Joker 1. 2, 2:33, 2:28. 2:30i4, 2:2914, 2:33. Halton Boy. b g (3 :44i^). Mr. Williams. Barrie, Ont.. Aug. 21. 187.3, -$800. Bob Moore (2 dis), 2 -44' 2, 2-49i4- Hamble. bg (3:3914) by Hamblehawk. O. L. Warfield, Muscatine. la.. Sept. 16, 1880, $85. Daisy 1, Gold Rock, Beelzebub (4 dr), 3:01.2:.59, 2:.58, 2:.52. Four-year-olds. Dr. Lucas, Fort Dodge, la., July 1, 1881, $300. Gen. Garfield 1, 2, Doctor Shepherd 3, Clifton, 2:38^, 2:41ii,2:39'.i, 2:40'/2, 2:.39i4, 2:3914. Hambletonian, ch s (3 :00). H. D. Rich, Adams, N. Y., Sept. 16. 18,59. $21. Lady Grav, Roan Chief. 3:00. Hambletonian (w), b g (3 :37). bv Jones' Hambletonian. Horace F. .Jones, Fashion Course. I.. I., June 4, 1863, $400. Pulaski (w), 5:21. 5:2514. Two miles. Hambletonian, br s (3 :39), bv Hambletonian. Warren Peabody, Providence, R. I., Oct. 3, 1867 .$100. Fanny Kembie 1. 2:46?4, 2:40, 2:.39, 2:39. Hambletonian (3 :44V^). Battle Creek. Mich., Mav 30, 1872, $ . Alsconi, 2:44V<;. 2:48. Four-yenr-olds. Hambletonian Bashaw, b s (2 :31i4) bv Green's Bashaw, dam Lady Bvron, by Gage's Logan." E. Dasrgett, OskaloosH. la., Sept. 12, 1878. .$200. Wapello Chief, Fred J. (3 dis). Sorrel Tom (2 dis), J. H. Geer (2"dis), 2:40"2. 2:40. 2:40'.,. W. H. Crawford. Kansas City, Mo., Sept. 24, 1S79, .^il.noo. AVilliam H., Windsor, T. .1. Potter, Largesse (2 disi, T. F. 0;lks (1 dis), 2:33^. 2:.30. 2:31. Suffolk Park. Phila.. May 10. I88O, .$500. Stonewall. Peralto, Ethel Medium, Cassins Prince, Larkiu. Lynum (3 dr). Siierman Morgan Jr. (3 dr), Cute (3 dr), Charley C. (3 dr). Great Western (2 dis). 2:28U. 2:26?^, 2:28. Point Breeze Park. Phila., Mav 18, 1880. .$.500. Stonewall 3, Lyman 2, Ethel Medium, Peralto (5 dr), Larkia (4 (In. Greiit Western (2 dis), 2:30. 2:25'4, 2:28. 2:2914, 2::i3i'». B'hnont Park, Phila., May 26, 1880, .$500. Nigger Baby, Taylor, Lyman, Boston, Dan Smith, Ethel Medium (2 dis), 2:26, 2:27. 2:24V4. Prospect Park. L. I.. .Tune 1 and 3. 1880, .$400. Carbolic 1. 2. Martha, Columbus Hambletonian, Uncle Dave, Iron King (3 dr). Lady Waring (l dis). 2:2414, 2:27, 2:29, 2:30^4. 2:25}4. 288 CHESTER'S COMl'LETE TKOTTINU AND TACING UECOKD. June 4. 18S0. .>«ioo. Uncle Dave 1, IJeguliis. Jr., Emma C. Carbolie ^3 dr), '2:20V<2, 'i.^eii, 2:28'.4, ^-.'26^^. Uuuiblctouiuii lto8i«>ii.l) s (;J:4a'2). Tlios. Vautlekar, Albany, N. V., Oct. 5, 1805, S$-MO. Gen. McClellan 2, ( an't Tell, '.'iSd. 2:47. •_*:4!»'/2. HuinbletuuiHn ( hit't, 1) s v''i:3i!), by Seneca Chief. H. O. Stewart, Dubuciue, la., June 4. 1»78, SiXHi. John J. Cook 1, 1'rospcct, Lena lielle, Ueronda, Clara Cleveland, Ella Earl, Third Michigan, Kellv Davis i2 dr), l.';40. 2:41,2:43. 2:42. \V. F. Cross, St. I'aul. Minn., Sept. 5, 1S79, .?.T00. EearniiU'-'lit, Eclipse, 2:42. 2:43, 2:4.3i^, Stallions. Sept. 6, 187!t, $275. Charley MacK 1, Sleepy ^ed. Lady ol the West, 2::57, 2:34'., 2:34i'.i, 2:32. Kvd Wing, Minn., Sept. 12, 1879, §250. Archer's Ahnont 3, 1'rioress, Sleepy Med, Daisy Dean. 2:38,2:37, 2:37;4, ■-':4(». Rochester, Minn., Sept. 3, 18«), .S . Star of the West 2, (3 0), Almont Hoy, 2:3.'i, 2:34».i. 2:34^4, 2:35. 2 3;^. Hiiiiibli-tonian tiift, b s (3:4«'s). ti. N. Hatch. ("(Hicord. Mich., Sept. 28, 187C, S40. Gyi)sy Girl, Prince Al- bert (1 dis), Rosy (1 dis). Notime. Three-year-olds. Oct. 7, 1882, .S7.''>. Wyandotte 3, Western Girl, Manihrino, Albino Jim (4 dr). IMarv Ann (4 dr), 2:.')0 2:47".;, 2:42. 2:40l2. Uambletoniaii Kuux, br s(2:33K»). bv (lilbreth Knox, dam by (iideon. Dan Higlcv, Jr.. Providence, U. L, Aug. 3, 18><1. S.300. Daisy Thorn T, 5. "Lady Wilmarth 2, Seth,'Spee :,51i/., 2:47, 2:381 ... Hambletonian >Iainbrino. 1) s (2 :21>.i). by Curtis' Hambletonian, dam Topsv, bv Alexanders Alidallah. Josepli Mdiituoiiicry. Lancaster, I'a., Sept. 28, 1875, $500. Gen. Grant. Pilot Manihrino, 3:01 -^j, 3:04'j, 3:00. S. Sinilli, .)unc 14. ls7(i, s.Kio. Sj.arUlc, .James R., Fanny G., Odessa, Philadeli)hia .Maid, Jnn. (iallns Mike, Kdna. George (1 (list. Ccornc K. (! dis), 2:40, 2:42,'-, 2:40',2. (icttysbiirg. Pa., July 2(;. \x'v<. ijoOo. Hilly Watson .^. James R. 1, Rusliville Maid, Ned Buckley, Edna. Kitty Clyde (! dis), tielle (1 dis). Bessy il dis). 2:40. 2::iS, 2:37 -,, 2:42i/,, 2:41'i. July 27. 1876, ,'§200. Rillv Watson 2, Midsummer, Bessie 'i dis). Lady Kate (3 dis), Ned Buckley (3 dis), 2:38^4; -':36, 2:351i, 2:42. R. P. Stetson, Ambler Park, Pa., Sept. 24, 1877. .S250. Black Frank 1, Moscow, 2:35'2, 2:34^, 2:35, 2 :3514. Sept. 28, 1877, $200. David Wallace, 2:.38, 2 :44, 2 :46U. Stallions. Prospect Park, L. I., June 0, 1878, $bOO. Lady Mills l, 2, Modesty, Grace, Montezuma. Velox, 2:30, 2:31, ^"providence! R. I. , Sept. 6, 1878, .f GOO. Lad v Daggett. 2 :2fc . 2 :27Vi , 2 :299i . Point Breeze Park, Phila., Oct. l, 1878, $l,ooo. Trampoline 1, Jersey Boy. Wildair, Bateman, Irene, Nil Desperandum, 2 :J3, 2:24, 2:24^, 2:24^.i. Oct. 4 and 5, 1878, $1,000. Kansas Chief l. Powers 3, Jersey Boy 4, 2:22, 2:211-4, 2 :23»4, •2-M%,2:22%, 2:211.1. Itochester, N, Y.. July 4, 1879, S . Bonner. Ettie Jones, 2 ;29V, . 2:2t. 2:25. Hainbletunian Prince, bs(3:40). J. W. Swanbro, Waukegan, HI., Sept. 30, 1880, $150. Little Frank, Harry S., 2:41'i. 2My., 2:40. Oct. 2, 1880, .$150. Little Frank 1, 2, AVillv D., 2:45. 2:46, 2:42.2:41i.,, 2:45. Haiiibletoiiiaii'sL,ast, b s(3:47U;). by Hambletonian. dam Lady Russell, by American Star. J.P.Sher- man, Mt. Holly, N. J., Oct. 11, 1881, $100. Lady E., Molly, Lady Aitken, Clara S., Prince R. (2 dr), i2:iJl'/j, 2:47K'. 2:47'2. Hambletonian Star (Masterlode). bs (3 :00i.i), by Hambletonian, dam Lady Irwin, by American Star. A. C. Fisk, Grand Rapids, Mich., Sept. i:i, 1871, $100. Dan, Jenny, Capt. Jinks. Star Gazer, Sam Patch (1 dis), 3:10> 2, 3:0514. Three-year-olds. Sept. 19, 1872. .$400. Sam Patch. Sam, .T;noi4,3:Oi'.|', 3:04%. Five-vear-olds and under. Hambright(w), bg'^2:44i/, w). W. Borst, Fashion Course, L. I., Jiilv 25, 1868, $400. Owen's b m 1, 2:4.5, 2:44! '2, 2:46, 2:46'.. Hainbrinu. b s (2riVi), bv Edward Everett, dam Mambrina, by Mambrino Chief. M. L. Hare, Cincinnati, O.. Julv 3, 1878. $1,000. Cleveland 1, 2, Sannie G., Lottie, Kate Middleton (3 dis). 2:39u. 2:34'-, 2:35, 2:36"2, 2:37';.' Columbus. O.. July 11, 1878. $600. Fashion 1, Sunshine, Good Morning, Enoch Arden, Alex. S. (2 dr), 2:32Vi, 2:.'52, 2:33' o, 2:34>4. Vincennes, Ind., Aug. 31. 1878. $.300. Yankee Sam 1, 2(4 0), Burlington. Bushwhacker. Connnodore, Bay Fraid<. 2:40, 2:38, 2:.37K'. 2:."8\, 2:38?.,, 2:36U. Lafayette, Ind., Sept. 6, 1878. .$300. Yankee Sam 1, Belle of Fairlield, .Judge Pollard, 2:31, 2:32, 2:32. 2:33. Sept. 7, 1878, $400. .Judge Pol.ard 2. Yankee Sam, 2:36»4. 2:32!/2, 2:U. 2:3.'). West Lebanon, Ind., Sept. 1.3, 1878, $3,50. I,ady Guest 1, Lady McD., Capt. Dawson, 2:32, 2:;«, 2:;i5, 2 '.33. * "Columbus, O., Sept. 24, 1878, $600. Bay Fanny 1, Joe Kellogg, Fashion, Kitty Bates, "Whipple, 2:30. 2:27, 2:28'i,2:27. Zanesville, O., Oct. 10, 1878, $600. Kitty Bates 1, 2, Bay Fanny 3, Joe Kellogg (3 r o), 2:29, 2:31, 2:32, 2:34, 2:311^, 2:.30. RoVhoster, N. Y.. Aug. 1.3, 1879. $1,500. Chestnut Hill 2, Middlesex 1, Gray Salem, Brigadier, Taylor, Dictator. 2:2414, 2:23'.i, 2:22i.i, 2:24, 2:25'2. Hartford, Conn., Aug. 27, 1879, $1,.500 Chestnut Hill 4. 5, Middlesex 1, Nell, Brigadier, Gray Salem, Sophia Temple (.^1 dis), Robert B. Thomas (5 dr). 2:24, 2:2P4. 2:23',, 2:24'4. 2:2Gi,, 2:2 _ Beacon Park. Boston, Sept. .3, 1879. $1,500. Iron Age 1,2 (3 0), Patchen. Knox Boy. Sophia Temple (5 dr). R. I!. Thomas (4 dr), 2:26. 2:26H, 2:2.^. 2:26'2, 2:271a., 2:27'4. HantlM'ino Belle, br m ('}:3r>' .1, l)y Handirino, dam Sallv Neal, by Mambrino Chief. T. J. INlcGibben. Cyn- thian;i. I\v., Aug. 26, I88O. .$,500. ( alciiflv 3. Bristol Girl. Monitor (4 dis), .lolin Burdine (2 dis), Billy Emer- son (2 dis). Lulu Moore (1 dis), Kentucky (Jii-I Jr. (1 dis). 2:;!1''4, 2:29, 2::!0. 2:;u. — — W. II. Wilson, Columbus, O.. Aug. 31. 18^0. .$:;oo. Luster l?oy, Ivagle Plume, Baby Boy (3 dis). Fairy (3 dis), Klhel R. (3 dis), Jim Gardiner (2 dis). Ned Foster (2 dis), Nelly Stilt i2 disi, Venus (2 dis), Fleetwood Hunter n dis), 2:.3n. 2:28'i. 2:.3:!'... Sept. 1. 1880, .$400. Fxecut(.r, Harrv Patchen, Mary Belmont. Joseph 1, 2, (4 dis). Billy Iving (1 dis), 2:29'i, 2:29>4, 2:27'i, 2:32'^, 2:.33U,. Albany. \. Y.,Sept. 17, 1880, $1,000. W'liite Eye, Capitola, Miisic in the Air, .). F., Lady I.linor, Peck, Una,2:.'Wi, 2:26'i, 2:2(ii/,. Hambnrjrb. (w) b g (2 :44i4 \\\ T. Gilrov, .Jamaica. L. I., Aug. 19, 1875. $600. Sultana (w) 1, 2:47. 2:48U., 2:51, 2:H'... Hamilton, b s Ci :33) bv Hambletonian. rl;im Kiite Hayes, bv Ajax W. B. Smith, Hartford, Conn., May 27, 1872. .»-»oo. .(im Averill. 2:45'», 2:fil,2:47?i. Meriden, Conn., June 8. 1872. $100, Jim AverlU, Lady Bloomflcid, Lucy Allen, 2:47, 2:48',2,2:48. CHESTER'S (X)AI!'LKTE IKOTTINCJ AND PACING RECORD. 289 Middletown.Conn., Oct. 5. 1S7-', § . India Rubbers, William Wirt (3 dr). ■-•:43t2:42, 2:42>^, 2:45. Oct. 22, 1872, .fl40. Brou Kceiiey, Lady Black Hawk, hadv .Miller, 2:43, 2:43. 2:45. — — -New Haven, Conn.. Oct. IG, 1873, .SI. 000. Hartlord IScUc, Com. I'erry, Port Washington, Capt. Jenks, Break o' Day, Arlluir, IJerlln, Kred Tvlcr. 2:34U,2:.i4'2, •_':3tiio. Hartford, Conn., Sci)t.2J, 1874, .$000. Arthur 2, (3 0j. ,l;uk Shepherd, Rowe's Tonnny (4dis),2:39i4, 2:37»^, 2:33-:'i, 2:34 '4 2:30. Oct. 9, 1874, s^l.OOO. Arthur 1, 2:4014, 2:33, 2:34i;4;, 2:;!G. (W) Meriden, Conn.. Seirt. L'0. 1870, .SIOO. Kitty Hills. Gray Eagle, 2:45, 2:50i.i, 2:48%. Sept. L'J, 1876. .s_>0(). IIluli Cloud, Kitty Hills d 4). J. K. :\Ialana, Hamilton, N. Y., May 25, 1872, $75. Minnie 5. 6. Sorrel Billy 3, 4, Bentley Mare, 2:54, 2:52}/a, 2:.52. 2:.'i0'.,, 2:49. , 2:r,5l4. luly 5, 1873, .? . Mohawk Pilot, Kut)l)er. Nelly Bush, 2:43. 2:41H, 2:4:i Hamlet, (w) gr g (3 :43). Geo. Spicer, Centreville, L. I., Sept. 15, 1840. $300. Sir Andrew, Postmaster, Cayuga Chief, 5:3(3, 0:05. Two miles. N. T. Weeks, Sept. 17. 1840, $250. Lady Swan. 5:29';, 5 ;24. Two miles. Hamlet, b s (3 :3'J 1, by Volunteer, dam l)y Hulse's Hickory. Edwin Thorne, Newburgh, N. \ ., Sept. ~. IHOO, $ . Major Edsal'l. Magnolia, 2:38, 2:40. Six-vear-old-stallions. Washington Hollow, N. Y.. Sept. —, 1866, $ . Superb 1, 4, Union 2. Best timr 2:4.5. Middletown, N. Y,, Oct. 10, 1866, .«100. Wild Irishman 1, Major Edsall, Erie Abdallah, 2:42%, 2:38'/2, 2:13, 2:39. Hamlet, chg (3 :50). Sol. Bunuel, Towanda, Pa., Oct. 29, 1874, .$200. Silk Stockings 1, White Bird, Judge Russell, Lady Kane i3 dr), 2:50, 2:5n'/2, 2:.50. 2:.-)0>i. Hammers Bay Mare, (3:431,4), J. Hammel, Philadelphia, Pa., June 3. 1846, .$100. Thompson Mare, 2:47, 2:46'.;, 2:42'o. Hammond, b g (3 :34). J. J. Yost, Gloversville, N. Y., July 2, 1867, $50. Mohawk .Maid 2. Voorhees' Mare, 2:42, 2:.33, 2 ::;5, 2:34. Hamn, b g (3 :0:i). H. Dodge, Danyers, Mass., Aug. 29, 1878, $100. George 2, Frances (4 dr), Dan (3 dr), 3:12, 3:06,3:03,3:07. Hamperion, br s (3:39»2), by Hambletonian, dam Fanny. Ackerman & Van Orden, Prosi)ect Park, L. I., June 4, 1874, .$700. Lady Pattersons, Major, Catskill, Little Dorritt, Geo. Maynard, Bella, 2:29'/2, 2:31, 2:32, 2:Sl'/2. John L. Doty, Goshen, N. Y., June 11, 1874, $800. Zephyrs, 4. Lady Enfield, Bessie B., Ed Smitli, Ben Pelham (4 dis), 2:34^, 2:35^4, 2:38%, 2:37, 2:36' 2. Hampsljire Koy, gr g (3 :44). Albert Heraca, N. Attleboro, Mass., June 30, 1880, $1.50. Agnes, Charles Sum- ner, Fanny Gray, 2:44. 2:44, 2:45. W, H. Fifleld, North Attleboro. Mass., Aug. 9, 1883, .$50. Arthur, 2:52, 2:54, 2:.53'2- Hampton, chg (3 :50i.i). A. Johnson, Baltimore, Md., June 13, 1872, $400. Sherman Morgan, Jim Brown, 5:41,5:40'!,. Two miles. , ^ Hampton Boy, blk g (3:43). by Elevator, D. F. Osborn, Riverhead, L. I., Oct. 6, 1881, .$50. Hora 1, Dan Tucker, 3:00, 2:45, 2:43, 2 :43'2. Five-year-olds. ^ Hampton Girl, b m (3 :40%). A. T. Luther, Washington, D. C, Nov. 7, 1883, $150. Blanche, Gardez, Frank L., Louis B., Pansy (1 dis). Blue Dickd dis), 2:40%, 2:42y2, 2:41. Hancock, b g (3 :39), by Whipple's Hambletonian, dam Young Martha, by Geo. M Patchen Jr. D. McCar- thy, Oakland, Cal., Sept. 16, 1881, .$750. Blaekmore, Pinole Patchen, William Tell, Susie 1, 2 (3 dis). Em- press, Dave, 2:29, 2:26'/2, 2:29, 2:31'/2, 2:32'/2. Sacramento, Cal.. Sept. 22, 1881, $400. Pinole Patchen 1, Rustic, Bessie, Claremont (.4 dr), 2:42, 2 38, 2:431/^, 2:37. ^, , Handicap, gr g (3 :33), by S. A. Douglass. G. B. Morrison, Pittsburgh, Pa., Oct. 6 and 7. 1881, $500. Clark S. 1. 2, Katy D. 3, Elchb, Daniel Webster (3 dis', Ned B. (3 dis). Red Crook (3 dis), 2:32. 2::>l, 2:32, 2:27%, 2:29 '4, 2:3414. Handsome Harry, br g (3 :51), by Smith Burr. J. H. Powers, Union Course, L. I., Oct. 25, 1862, $200. Brook- lyn Eagle 1, 2:55, 2:54, 2:53, 2:51. Handy Andy, b s (3:511^). J. J. Brody, Ottawa, 111., Sept. 30, 18G5, $400. Royal Oak (l dis). 5:501/4. Two miles. . Chicago, 111., Aug. 24, 1807, $400. Brown Bill, Blue Dick, 2 :51i4, 2:.53%. 2 :.51%. Stallions. Handy Billy (3 :47), by Tom Hyer. E. Ady, West Liberty, la., Sept. 2, 1881, $ . Nimble Dick, Blue Bull, 2:47,2:54, 2-MM. t. . , ... Hank, brg(3:33i/o). Ben Mace, Fleetwood Park, N. Y'.. May 18. 1871, $700. Susie 1, 2, Sea Foam 5, Bright Eyes. Newton (2 dis), 2:34';, 2:3214, 2:32^, 2:36, 2:38, 2:37'2. „ ^ , „• . Hank, ch g (3 :36'2), by Andy Johnson. R. Sheldon. Avon, N. ¥., July 29, 1871. .?S00. Black Doll 3. Red Bird (1 dis). Starlight (1 dis), 2:361^, 2 :38>^, 2:41; i, 2:39%. ^^ , ,. ^ „ „„ Patrick Burns, Owego, N. T., Oct. 9, 1872, $225. Solon Boy 3, 4, Bertha, Inez. Billy Graves d dis), 2:39, 2:37(4, 2:42i4, 2:41'o, 2:48';. Hank, b g (3 :00). Mr. Atkinson, Indianapolis, Ind., May 19, 1877, $100. Patchen Maid n dis), 3:00. Hannah, b m (3 :39). Geo. 11. Ware. Burlington, Vt., Sept. 16, 1869, .$175. Fanny, 2:43. 2:t4i,,. 2:39. L. S. Sammis. Union Course, L. I., Sept. 20, 1869, .$300, Reilley (1 0). 2:48'i. 2:46, 2:47. 2:49. Hannah, bin (3:36). J. H. Estabrook, Denver, Col., July 1, 1874, $500. Billy 1, Frank, 2:51%. 2:48''2, 2:51, ■ — ^ Sept. 23. 1874, .$22.5. Ladv Jane Gray 1 Kate Douglass. 2:49i4, 2;49'5, 2:.53i4. 2:48,'4 Boulder, Col.. Sept. .30, 1874, $ . Belle McNair 1. Ed. McCook 2, 2:39' 2. 2:.38^, 2:37, 2:42i/o, 2:38}4- Oct. 3, 1874. .^ . Ed. ]McCook 1. Belle McNair (2 dr), 2:43. 2 :.51i4, 2 :42%, 2:4314. .,,,,.,* S. S. Anstead, Denver, Col., July 6, 1878, $1,000. Eagle Bird 1, Silky B. 2, Denver Girl, Daniel Webster (5 dr). Major King (5 dr), 2:38, 2:3514, 2:36, 2:39, 2:37. „ ^ , „.,, „ „^ Hannah, (3 :57i^). J. Pierson, Philadelphia, Pa.. July 24, 1878, $200. Mount Moriah Boy 1, Buffalo Bill, 3:06, 2:.57i^, 2:.57i4, 2:,57i4. Hannah Bradley, (3 :00). Brookville, Pa., July 25, 1873, $ . Friendless, Mountain Park, Flora. 3 :00, 3:05, •5:08- ,. , ,f 11 Hantiah Clark, (3:43). Ambler Park, Pa., May 29. 1877, .$250. James Wood 2, Danger (2 dis). Moselle (2 dis), Fanny (1 dis), 2:51'2, 2:44, 2:4514. 2:4314 .„ „ ^ „ ,0-. c.,nn r.^oi Hannah !>.. br m (3:33i4). by Magna Charta. A. B. DeHart, Rittersville, Pa., June 3. 18<4, $100. Coal Mine, Zebra, Lambert Knox. Sue. (1 dis). R. B. L. (l dis). Black Ned (1 dis). 2:41!/,, 2:45%, 2:47%. June 4, 1874, $1.50. Fan. Dick, Katty Keller, Sue. Zebrad dis). 2:51, 2:.53%.2:.54. , , ^ -d r> r /, June 5, 1874, $175. Fashion 1. 3, W. H. Force 4, Coal Mine 2, Katy Keller, Dick, Fan (5 dr). R. B. L. (i dis), 2::j7i4, , 2:42, 2:4.5%, 2:47, 2:49, 2 :.51 '4. . .,..., 1 " „ Hazleton, Pa., Aug. 26, 1874, $500. Celia. Kitty Clay, Bonav Doon, Lizzie Patchen, Lady Atkinson, R. 1>., Snap, 2:35, 2:35,2:401^. 19 -»0 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TKOTITNG AND PACING UECORD. Aug. 27, 1874, $.W0. Susie Kurtz, Delaware, 2:36, 2:35, 2:35'4. Suliolk I'ark, Pliila., Oct. 13, 1874, ?f400. Hunter, 2:42, 2:41'4, 2:42. Oet. ir>, 1^74, $400. Mary Jane 2, 2:3«^2, 2::J6Ji. 2:37, 2:3U. WilmiiiKlon, Del., Oct. 2J, 1874, S3(Kt. Andy Joluison 3, Hnckwlieat, 2:42, 2:38, 2-37 (w), Suffolk Park, Pliila., Nov. 10, 1874,.l!!oOO. .Mary Jaiie,2:4o>». iJ:39, 2:40W ' Reading, Pa.. iMay 13, 1875. .i^:.00. Toi)sv, 2:34, 2:33; i, 2:32. Riltersville, Pa.. .June VJ, mb,m)0. slnion. Honest Mack. Anodyne, 2:.J«K', 2-35 2-37. I>an< a.sliT. Pa., .luly l."), 187.5, .■<(;oo. Slow Go 3, Pill)crt, Mattie Lvle. L':2lt. 2-31 2-32 2-33 Lcwislon. Pa., July 2, Filbert 2(4dis). 2:31, 2:33,2:31>i,2:31}4, 7:.)Y^"'*.'<".''.^sler, Pa., Sept. 11,1875, $800. White Cloud 1, 2, Slow Go, Filbert (2 dis;, ?:34V^, 2:32?4,2:31, Reading. Pa., Sept. \r>, 187.5. §400. Hannah K. 1. Clothesline, 2:34, 2:42'/., 2:42Vi.2:36>^. (Wl Nov. 2, 1H75, ?i;400. Lady Woods. 2:4.!'... 2:42, 2 :37K'. Rittersville, Pa., Nov. !». 1875, $1,000. Little JMarv 3, 4,'2:.37',4, 2:36K> '^■'•ii< ••■38';i 2-36?i Woodbury, N. J., M&y II, 187G, $1,000. May Bird' (3 0), (Jon. Howard. .Spotted I'rince. Twilight, Slow G(.. 2:30%, 2:.'!3?.i, 2:34, 2:34U>. Ambler Park, Pa., June 2, 1870, $1,000. Bateinan 1, 3. Billy Lambertson. Twilight, 2:30, 2:32'/i, 2:35%, 2 :30?.i, 2:3394. - — ."iirlf'""*,'- Conn., Sei)t. 1. 1876, $2,500. Ella Madden 4, Mazo-Manie 3, Bateman, Nelly Walton. Abe I'.dginton, Rosewood (4 dr), 2:22'i, 2:L'2'4, 2:23}4, 2:25t'4, •J:24%. Springfield, Mass., Sept. 7, 1870, .■S2,500. Bateman, Nelly Walton. Abe Edginton. Ella Madden, 2:26>4, 2:24. 2:23' 2. « -4. Mystic Park, Boston, Sept. 13 and 14. 1870. $1,500. Coininonwealth 3, Frank Reeves 4, Comee. Planter. Little Gypsy. 2:2n'<,. 2:24'-. 2:25'2, 2:26i.j. 2:24. Hannah Dustin, (w) (3:57'; w). O. (J. Camp, Waterbury, Conn., Oct. 2, 1878. .*100. Louisa K. (w), Meadow (ilrl. Kitty Kuo.k, Victory, 3:00'-. 2:57'^, 3:01. . Hannah K., b m (2 :34). ri. Schitfer, Lancaster. Pa.. July 13, 1875, $.S00. Tom. Frank. James R., 2:47. 2:4.'-.^., 2:45. Kutztown, Pa.. Oct. 8. 1875. $ . Wildfire 4, Honest Mack 2, 2:44, •-■;-13. 2:4.5. 2:43. 2:47. Reading, Pa.. Nov. 2. 187,5. $ . Topsv, 2:37. 2:37i.i, 2:31h- Hannah Lee (!J :50). \. Soutlierton, Siskiyou Co.. Cal., Oct. 2. 1878, .«!22.5. Siskiyou <;irl 2:53, 2:50, 2:57. Hannali Mack, b m (2:4:1^^). D.Barnes, Mobile, Ala., April 29, 1853, $75. Sam. Yi)silanli, Sampson, 2:50, 2 :,59. .L A. Chambers, Montgonierv. Ala.. Mav 12. 18.58, $125. Ellen Tree, 2:46i^, 2:47, 2:44 T. C. Ilartwell, Nov. .5, ls58. S\5. Kllcii Tree, Sam, 2:41'4. Mr. Woodruff. Dec. 11. 18.58. $1,000. Ellen Tree 1, 2. 3:01, 2:.52i.i. 2:.51K'. 2:5.3, 2:57. HannibaL 1) g (3 :48). .John AV. Orr, Loder's Track, Ind., June 23, 18597 $.50. Tramp, John Letcher, Jim (1 dis), 2:48. 2:.51K>. Hannis, ch s (3:17%). by Manibrino Pilot. d:uii Lady Stewart. E. A. Clabaugh. Chicago, 111., July 17, 1877, $1,000. .Josie, Ladv Vesta, Alfred. West Union (Jiil", Echo, Sarlev K.. 2:30. 2:29. 2:27. .July 19, 1877. $1,000. Ladv Logan. Belle Moore. Cai)!. JUiiinell (2 dis). 2:29i2, 2:291.4, 2:32i4. Clevelan, 2:19, 2-23, 2:23%, 2:19',. Haphazarcl. gr g (3 :36), by Edwin Forest. J. Predmore, Chicago, 111., Sept. 4, 18C7, $150. Chainshot 1, (3 0). Ilirondelle (2 dis), 2:.52^4, 2:44,2:49';, 2:.58i4. .J. Wiley, Sept. 0, 1807, $1,50. Dofly Dutton 1, Handy Andy (2 dis). Lady Crane (1 dis), Chainshot (l dis), Gypsy (1 dis), 2:38. 2:.30i^. 2::',7. 2:.30. Haphazaril, grg(3::J6). (L Esterbrook. Denver. Col.. Sept. 29, 1880, .$22.5. Bess 1, Clifton Bell. Raven, Wichita Clijirley (2 dis). Providence (2 dis). 2::!7. 2:.iO. i;:15. •J:43. Oct. 19. isso, ,>.5oo. Hannah. Harrv. Kitty. Rough and Readv. Ivivnhoe. 2:41' J. 2:.39. 2:.T8. (i. G. Bobbins, Cheyenne. AV. T., July 1,' 1881, $.500. Clifton Bell 3, .5. Little Napper 4, Kitty, Elcho, 2:4:!l2, •J:40, 2:44, 2:44, •.,':48, 2:48. Happy, gr m (3:27), by son of imp. Hooton, dam bv son of Gray Eagle. J. M. Dunning, Kansas City, Mo., Sept. 20, 1870, $400. Rory O'More 1, Wild Bill, Bay Rocket, Surprise. John (2 dis). Aker's Pet (2 dis), St. Joe U dis), Dick Lewis (Idis), Gopher (1 dis), Lilly Coleman (1 dis), 2 :45, 2 :45, 2 :49, 2:50. (HESTER'S COMPLETE TllOTTINCi AND PACING RECORD. 291 Humbolt. Kan., Oct. 5, 1876, §100. Lady Alice (1 0), Maggie Fulton, Little Jeff (4 (lis), 2:50,2:47. 2:46, 2 "50 * '■ Alanliattan, Kan., Oct. 25, 1S7G, .fioo. Budil, Belle Temple, Spotted Colt. 2:47, 2:48, 2:49i^. Oct. 26. ls7G, .sioO. Wild Bill 4, Spotted Colt 1, Dick Lewis, iMoU, Budd (5 dr), 2:47. 2:455^, 2:461/2, , 2:45'2. Denver, Col.,. June 14. 1877, S:^oo. Roan Frank. Badger Boy, Rover, Miller's Maid (2dis), Wild Bill (2 dr), Hurlton Boy d dis'. -^-.U'.. 2:4P.i, 2:41i.i. Alex. Lewis, Minneapolis. Minn., Sept. 9, 1880, .§500. Sheldon, Golden Star (1 (list. 2:.'50U, 2:3.5, 2::J494. Dul)U(iue, Li.. Sept. 15. 18so, .«,")00. Hidden Treasure. Doctor Shepherd, Sheldon, Midge, Darlington, Billy L., Dick .Jones ^2 dr). 2:40. 2:42, 2:38. .Sep.. 17. 1880, . §500. iMidge, Sterling. Manibrino Chief .Jr.. Sheldon, Funny Fern, Cricket. Jessie, Dar- lington 1. 2 (5 dis), Stonner (4 dr). 2:32'.i. 2:.32'.i, 2:3014, 2:33'2. Denver. Col., Sept. 30. 1880. .«300. Eagle Bird 3, Gray Steel, Harry, Raven, 2:41. 2:37. 2:38"2, 2:39'.i. Oct. 2, 1880. .§400. Gray Steel 3, Golddnst, 2:43. 2:42, 2:42'., 2:43K'- Oct. 22, 1880, .§600. Haphazard, Kitty. Bessie, Gray Steel. Ivanhoe, Lady Wilier (3 dr), 2 :37i/i, 2:39, 2:37' 2. T. McQueen, Denver, Col., Oct. 6, 1882, §40. Sir Gibbie, Silky B , Maxey, 2:3bU, 2:56%, 2:37. 0(^t. 7, 1882, .•iii.500. Silky B.. Ada Paul 2 (4 dis). Little Joe(l dis), 2:34'-.. 2:35'2, 2:39. 2:42. H. Hitchcock. Denver, Col., May 16, 1883, .§1,000. Ada Paul 3, Sir Gibbie, Col. Dawes (4 dr), 2:35, 2:36, 2:34,2:37. Salt Lake City. Utah. May 29, 1883. $700. Lady Faustina 2, Frank L. 1, 4 (G dis), 2:33}^, 2:34, 2:36i^, 2:34}^, 2:36.2:371/3. W. H. Bush. Denver, Col.. July 26, 1883, .§600. Frank L., Lady Faustina, Danube (3 dis), Big Ike (2 dis), O . ■> 1 I ' O . Oi £} , O T '- .July 28, 1883. $1,000. Ada Paul, Frank L., Lady Faustina (3 dis). Big Ike, 2 :29, 2 :34, 2 :31. Aug. 18, 1883, $2,000. Tonnnv Dodd 1, 2:31 1.1, 2:32, 2:30, 2:34. H. Hitchcock, Oct. 10. 1883. .§600. Sir Gibbie, Maggie H., Ada Paid, 2:34. 2:3.5, 2:39. Oct. 17, 1883, §1,000. Ada Paul 1, Magnet, Kansas Maid, 2:33, 2:30Vo, 2:;i5%, 2:33. W. H. Bush, Oct. 20, 1883. .§600. St. Cloud 2. Ada Paid, Sir Gibbie, Wuider (pacer), 2:27, 2:25?i, 2:30, 2:2914. Happv -ibbott, ch g (3 -.31'^), by Chickaniauga. C. H. Abbott, Woodstock, Ont., Aug. 9. 1877, $250. Gray Salem, Woodruff, Tempest, Odd Fellow (.1 (fis), Amber (1 dis). Bay Tom (1 dis), Annie Wilkes (1 dis), 2:35, 2:35^4.2:37. — ■ — Hamilton, Ont., Aug. 15. 1877. §250. AVoodstock, Fulton, Gray Salem, Tempest, 2:35. 2:33, 2:35i^. H. Lewis, Gueli)li, Out., Sept. 6, 1879, $200. Gen. Beamish 2, 3, Little Billy, Johnny Gordon, Little Frank (2 dis), 2:39, 2:36, 2:35. 2:36, 2:39. Happy Wick, bg, (2 :48i4). Geo. Kendall, Beacon Park, Boston, Sept. 28. 1874. $75. George Mann, Young Hero, pacer, 2:57'.^, 2:5i;4. 2:50. Mvstic Park, Boston, Oct. 12, 1874, $ . Bell 1, Kate (3 dis), 2:.54i4, 2 :57i^. 2:4814. 2:52i4. Happy Harry, b g (3 :07f. H. M. Anderson. Fergus, Out., Sept. 29, 1876, $100. Blind Tom 1, 2, Capt. Webb, Jim Christy (3 dis), Texas Billy (1 dis). Lady Morgan (1 dis). Sir Kerr (1 dis), 2:56?.i,3:06i2, 3:08i4, 3:08, 3:07. Happy Jack, (3 :56). M. Kelly, Bangor, Me., June 1. 1870. .§ . No Name, 3:01, 2:56. Happy Jack, ch g (3 :30). by Andrew Jackson, Jr., dam by American Star. A. Sammis. Prospect Park, L. I., May 7 and 8, 1878, $250. Patt,.v Lath 1, 2, Even John 3, Fitzgerald, Annie G., lago, Jenny L. '5 dr), Lillie (4 dr), 2:3414, 2:34, 2:34, 2:35, 2:35i/o, 2:.30. May 10, 1878, $250. The Duchess 1, 2, Oscar, Alcidas, Addie E. C. (5 dr), George E. Weed (4 dr), Clara Morris (3 dr). Drift (3 dr), Shorty Fountain (2 dr). Prunella (2 dr), 2:3054. 2:32i4, 2:32i.i. 2:.S7, 2:36i4- St. Petersburgh, Pa., June 5, 1878, .$.500. Sleepy Tom 2, 3, S. S. Ellsworth. 2:36, 2:33, 2::^, 2:36, 2:33. O. L. Johnson, Jersey City, N. J., June 16. 1881, .§200. Susie 2, Grocer Boy, 2:45?4, 2:481^, 2:42^. C. Smith, Nov. 16 and 18, i882, $80. Lowland Mary 2, (4 dr). Harness Boy (4 dr), McKoberts C^ dr), 2:39?i, 2:40, 2:4^4, 2 :,58. Happy John, b g (3 :34). E. L. Harris, Gouverneur, N. Y., Sept. 9, 1874,$ . Valley Chief, Willie Put, Lady Hastings (1 dis), 2:43, 2 46. 2:42. Sept. 10, 1874, .§ . Orient, Willie Put, 2:47, 2:44, 2:44. E. C. White, Toronto, Ont., Sept. 30, 1874, §500. Charley Howe, Christine Nillson, Clifton, Stayner Girl, Twinkle. 2:40iii, 2:401/2,2:4094. Ogdensburg, N. Y., Sept. 30, 1875. § . Step Up, Captain Smith, Farmer Boy, 2:51, 2:50, 2:.52. Happy Medium, b s (3:33i2). by Hambletonian, dam I'rincess. by Andrews' Hambletonian. K. F. Gallo- way. Goshen. N. Y., Sept. 11, i867. § . Gotham, Harvest, 2:54, 3:00. Four-year-old stallions. Sept. 3, 1868, Harvest, .$ . 2:51. Stallions. Paterson, N. J,. Sept. 15, 1869, .§200. Guy Miller (2 dis). Honesty (1 dis), 2:34i^., 2:32i4. Happy Medium Jr., b s(3:3G), by Happy Medium. Wm. H. Nelson, Wliite Plains, N. Y., Sept. 22, 1874, $150. Bellinger, Sir Walter Jr., 2:58=14. 3:07. Fonr-ycar-olds. Poughkeejsie,. N. Y., Oct. 23, 1874, .§200. Saul 2, Tommy, 2:44i4, 2:469ii, 2:44. Four-year-olds. Carmel, N. Y., Sept, 27, 1878, $ . Black Bess, Mohawk, 2:45, 2:46, 2:44. White Plains, N. Y., Oct. 10. 1878, .§200. Glenair 3, Addie E. C, Warsaw, Blackwood Queen, Marlboro, Orphan Boy. Nora M. (4 dis). Surprise (3 dis), 2,361/^;, 2:381^, 2:39a, 2:381^. • Danbury, Conn., Nov. 1.5, 1878, .§ . Modoc 1, 2:.39U, 2:42U, 2:39. . Happy Thought, b s (3 :33ii). l)v TIap|iy Medium. d;im Ladv Duval, by Strader's C. M. Clay Jr. Palmer & Morgan, Hartford, Conn., Oct. ]:i, 1X75, § . Adriana, Duster (1 dis), 2:43, 2:40. Throe-ycar-olds. T. T. Palmer, Providence, R. I.. Sept. 12, 1882, .§400. Archie 1. Belle R., Little Maid, Pickwick. 2:285-4, 2:29'4. 2:3014.2:29%. Norwich, Conn., Sept. 27, 1882. .§2.50. Frank D., Dandy. 2:38. 2:.36i4, 2:a5H. Sept. 28, 1882, ,§200. Lady Tucker 1. Dick Dample. 2:36i.i, 2:.37i4, 2-.37. 2:375^. Providence, E. I.. Oct. 18, 1882, .§2.50. Nickel, J. W. Thomas, Archie, Morris, Speedress, George A., 2:28V^, 2:28' 2. 2:30. June 6, 1883, .§500. Crown Point Maid, Billy Button, Jewel, Amelia C, Highland Win, Red Bird (2 dr), 2:22j^, 2:2894,2:2412. Norwich, Conn., Sept. 26. 1883, $140. Nellv Bryant. 2:359ii, 2:3314. 2:35. Sept. 27, 1883. §300. Jimmy Stewart, Frank Di, 2:35. 2:3514, 2:.31. Wdlimantic.Conn., Oct. .5,' 1883, .§.300. Jimmy Stewart, 2:3394, 2:.31i4. 2:28i4. Happy Traveller, b s (2:2T^.), by Hambletonian Prince, dam I>ady Larkin. by Little Jack. H. Hunt, Sahina, O., Aug. 23, I88I, «ioo. Fremont. Flying Cloud, Harry Clay, 2:41'i, 2:4314, 2:.37. Stallions. J. W. Foster, Columbus, O., June 9. 1883; .§450. Will Cody 3, Frank Landers (3 dis), 2:35, 2:36, 2:299i, 2:32' 2. Terre Haute. Tnd., June 15, 1883, $400. John Hall 1, 2, Frank Landers 4, Will Cody, 2:30i4, 2:3li;, 2:33, 2:.30i4. 2:.34?4, 2:36. Happy Traveler, blk s (3 :45). I. Grundy, Lancaster, O., Oct. 11 and 12, 1883, $100. Netty M. l, Roy, Black Hawk, John R., 2:.51, 2:49i/». 2:4.5, 2:48Vi. Harbinger, ch s {3 :40), by Almont, dam <^)inega. bv Hambletonian. A. W. Brackett, Lewiston, Me., Sept. 26, 1882, §100. Little Mary(l dis), Baby Boy (1 dis). Zephyr (1 dis), 3:03'/2. Three-year-olds. 292 CHESTEK.S COMI'I.KTK Tlic/rTINC AM) lACINC UECOHD. Sei)t. 19, 1883. S200. Gloster 1, 2, Gazelle, Baby Boy, Ned, -i-.-.idU, l':39?4, 2:41. 2:40'.i, 2A0>.i. Four-vear-okls. B;iiitcor, .Me.. Oct. 9. ls,s.{, .s'KK). Closter. 2:40. 2:42. 2:42. Four-vear-olds. lirt-iir k (« •.•i4-'o. I>y <>le Bull. 1'. .Mc(;ivenev, St. l.oiiis, ]SIo., May 8, 1867 0. (.ov. .Mo.-L'uii o, l.adv Allee. .Iim rowi'll. 2:3'J. 2::!8'.i, 2:37. 2:39'2. -J - o"'i J. lUitherlord. Sept. 20, 1807. $500. Idol 4, Kliiiore 1, Lady Alice, St. Paul (3 dis). Bob .loliu.son (2 dis» i^j, 2:40'2. 2:40'j, 2:3S»?i, 2:38. * "• Hard lirfa'/i, «. W. Dickey, Cbieago, 111., Oct. 11, 18G7, .S150. Fanny Lee, 2, AV. K. Thonia.s 1, 2::»', 240 2-34'.. 2:34'.i. " ' • i> .Jas. Kockey. Milwaukee, Wis., Nov. 21, m;", .§l,000. Fanny Lee l. 2:29>.i. 2:3i'o, 2-"9'4 "-so-', Hard Coal, bik g ('^ :o3?4,. Martin Groom, Deerfoot Park. L. 'l.. April 2-45 '>-45 2-44 Bangor. Me., Aug. 23, 1854, StiOO. Omar Paslia 1. 5:23, 5:2."). 5:2I. Two miles Geo. White, Boston, Mass., Sept. 13, 18.54, »M). Black Hawk Maid, 2::J8, 2:37, 2:39. Geo. Wood, Sent. 22, 18.54, .S5(io. Black Hawk Maid, 2:-l2. 2:42. 2::!ft. J. M. Daniels, Providence, K. I., Oct. 23. 1854. $300. Lady Litclilield. 2:42, 2:42 2-43 Dan Mace, Woonsocket. P. I., Aug. 18, 1859, $200. Plough Boy, Telemacluts, .lames Porter, 2:40, 2:.39. Lynn, Mass., Aug. 22, 1859, «200. Lady Dauvers, Belle of Boston, James Porter. Meddlesome i (3 dis) 2:42. 2:38, 2 :4;i, 2:394. - Sanitoga Spa, N. Y.. July 27. 18G0, $ . Putnam 1, Lady Fuller. 2:42. 2:38. 2:.!7. 2:42. Har 2:51. 2:.52. . Saco, Me.. June 3, 1871, $1,50. Brown Kathan, Black Ealph, 2:47ia, 2:4(i».i. 2:45?^. Jas. Jack. Portland, Me., July 4, 1871. .Sl25. Brown Nathan. Best time, 2:43. (has. Hanks, Taimton, Mass., Sept. 27. 1871, .$60. Brown Nathan, 2:52. . 2:40. Hard Koad, b g (3 :40). J. Ha/.lctt. Paterson. N. J., June 23, 1875, .$.500. Joe Pltitt 1, 2, Frank, Kitty, Lady Burnbani. Jim Decker (2 dis). 2:.i8, 2:40. 2:40, 2:44. 2;47. (w) T. Atwater, Fleetwood Park, X. V., Nov. 27, 1875, ,$200. Missouri Boy (w). 1,2, 3:06'/2. 2:.53. 2:53V4, 2:.53, 3:00. (w) .fohn Murphy, Dec 4 and 7, 187.5, ,$200. Missouri Boy (w) 1, 2, 2:45U, 2:.51, 2:47'/2, 2:4,5. 2:57. Hard Road, hlk g (3 :.50), by Magna Charta. John Woodliorst, Detroit, Mich., Oct. 20, 1875, $500. Butcher Boy. 2:.5<;. ii:50. 2:.50i4. Nov. 24, 1875 .S,500. Butclier Boy, 14-2914. Five miles. Hardup (s), rn s (3 :45 s). J. Kyle, Mobile, Ala., Jan. 24, 1838. $200. Nun (s) 1, Sam Johnson, Erie, 2:46, 2:46. 2:48. 2:48. Hardware, brg (3:44). Wm, S. Keed. Beacon Course. N. J., May 10, I84,i, .$100. Fasliiou, Pocahontas, 2 :.50. 2:14,2:46. Hardware, bg (3:53). F. Trask, Clarksville, la., Oct. 12. 1876, $40. Homely Jack, Patchen. Topsy, Flora T. (1 dis), 2:r>4. 2:52, 2:,55. Hardwai-e Billy. Mr. Lapell, Seaforth, Out.. Sept. 12. 18S2. $ . Garfield 3. Caiil. Brant. No time. Four year-olds. Hai-tlwood, b s i3:34?4), by Blackwood Jr., dam by Columbus. J. M. Johnson, ladncah. Ky., Oct. 7. 1880, $17,5. Ross 1. 2. .loe Shelby, 2:41',. 2:3G',. 2:37'+. 2:,35. 2:36'.;. — ■ — Aberdeen. .Miss., Oct. 29, 1880, $300. Blackwood .(r. 1. Cephas. No time. Hard Work, b g (3 :58). W. B. Sheldon, Cleveland, O., Nov. G. 18,58. $200. Gypsy. 3 04, 3:04, 2:58. Harkaway, (w) bg (3 :49i4). Ed. Skillings, Cincinnati, O., May 26, 1853, $60. Cato (w), Lize (w), 2:49'4, 2:51'i. Harkaway, gr g (.3 :00). Henry Snyder, Hamilton, O., Aug. 17 18G6. $200. Gen. Weitzel, 3:0214, 3:00. 3:02J4. Harkaway, b s (3 :58i^). bv Joe Warre-\ dam by Harkawav. c. Bean, East Aurora, N. Y., July 4, 1877, $100, Seventy-Three, Gibson, 2:.59i4, 3:04''. 2:58'i. Four-year-olds. Harker. brg(3:35). H. P. Dale, Jefferson. O. .lulv 12. 1878. ,$250. Loafer, Lucy C., Kitty Coo|)er, 2:40, 2:42, 2:42. Harlem Roy , gr s (3 :58) N C. Trowbridge. Augusta. Ga.. Jan. 28. 1846, $150. Kennebec. 2:,'',8. 2:58. 2:59. Harlequin, lir s (3 :59>4) by Almont liattler dam by Mambrino Pilot. J. S. Seever, Dewitt, la., Sept. 21, 1881, .$.50. I.orelle. 3:01,2:59';; Three-veiir-olds. ^ , , ., . ... ,. , . Harniie, b m (3 :44i;,). J. Fulton. Little Falls. N. Y.. Aug. 31. 1882. $60. Snyder's Entry I, Daisy, t arleton, . .3 :01 . 3 :03. 3 :00. Johnstown. N. Y., Sept. .5, 1882. ,« . .Tnpiter (1 dis). Alice (1 disi. Maud d disK 2:41i4. , ,, „ Harmless, eh g (3:509.0. Wm. A. Owen. Detroit. Mich., July 24, 1873. .$.500. Irip Hammer, Ada. John, Pete, Mose(2dis). .John (1 dis). 2:50'4, 2:,5GV4. ^ „ .. t, ,. „ „ .^., ,. r»,, Harmon, bg (3:44%). G. R. Leaven, Glens Falls, N. Y.. Sept. 10. 1873, .$75. Netty Brown, 2:6(. 2:.56'/s,i':.5654. Four-year-olds. W.G. McDonald. Sandy Hill. N. Y.. Oct. 13, 1877. $100. Flora Lee (3 0), Silas Bieh, Jenny S., 2:45, 2:4.5»4, 2:44%i.2:45»4. H. F. Barrett, I-arrabee's Point, Vt.. Sept. 17, 1878. $100. Valnet 1, Lady Franklin, Addison Boy, Magpie, Billy. Oidy One. No time. , , „ ,„, „ .„. Harness Hoy. b g (3 :41 ). ,[ohn O'Neill Jersey Oitv. N. J.. Sept. 1.5. 1881, $200. Jake, 2:51(2, 2:.53i4. 2:,52M. Sei)t. 7, 1882, .$100. Formosa 3. 4. 2:4.5U, 2:42, 2:4.5Vi 2:48, 2:4.5. W. Peed, Nov. 14. 1882. .«i100. Lucv Penny 1. 2:.53. 2:,54i.S. 2:.52. 2:.52. .,o.»,«« t a Harold, brg (3:30',). by Harold, dam by Alniont. W. McDonald, Woodstock, 111.. Sept. 14. 1882, $100. Lady Francis 1. Jessie, Tom. No time. , „ ,, ,„ ,. , ,.„ ,„ C. H. McDonald, Ligonier, Ind., Oct. 21, 1882, ,$200. Kitty Van 1, Michigan Maid, Hora, Sorrel Jim (2 dr). 2'39i^, 2',39i;t 2'39'2 2'40 Woodstock, 111., July 3, 1883, $300. G. W. Howe 2, 3, Shepherd O.. De Soto (1 dis), 2:45%, 2:47^, 2:49, 2:44'<;. 2:44'4. Belvidere, III., Sept. 7, 1883, $200. Jupiter. Rocket, I. A. Daniels, 2:46, 2:44'/2, 2:44J4- CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 293 Harper, br g (3 :41). D. L. France, Mt. Sterling, 111., July 4, 1881, §100. Lclia Sweepstakes, Trojan Jr., Lady Clyde, 2:41,2:42, 2:55. "Burliny.ton, la., July 4, 1882. .$ . Lelia S.. Dick, 2:.50, 2:.57i-i. 2:49. Harpole, blk K (2 :49i4). Mr. \Viilker, Blooniiugtou, 111., Sept. 10, 1875, $150. Western Maid, Bismarck, Jane Ricliards, Belle Lee, 2:49^4, 2:491.^. Harriet Lane, b m (3 :46i/2). J- McCoursey, Lancaster, Pa., Aug. 27, 1875, $1,000. Tom I, 2, 2:44 J4, 2:44%, 2:49,2:47.2:46^/4. Harriet Lyon, cli m (3 :38). J. Rankin, Keene, X. IL, Aug. 12, 1877, $250. Nigger Baby, Katy Did, Morrill, Pilot. Harry, Mary Russell, 2:38, 2:38; 2, 2:38. Harriniftou's Bay Mare (8 :53). Tlieo. Harrington, Sturbridge, Mass., Sept. 11, 1874, $100. Dandy 1,4. LimiJer .lini 2, Betsy Bel;, Tiniberlick, Little r.elle (H dr), Fairfield Maid (4 dr), George (4 dr), Fitt's "Entry (4 dr), 2:50, 2:52, 2:,53, 2:53, 2:50, 2:.59. Harris (w), blk g (3 :50i^ vv). T. Cregan, Union Course. L. I.. May 14. 1858, §.500, Lady Mathews fw), 2:50i^, 2 '51 2:51' ■■>. '- (s). May 17, 1858, $200. Lady Matthews (s). 5:5C, 5:57. Two miles. Harris' Chestnut Otading, (3 :38). A. M. Harris, Watertown, N, Y., June 22, 1869, .$300. Billy. Gray Jim, Bertram (I (lis), 2:41'-, 2:40, 2:39. .lune 24. 1X69, #250. Grav ,lini. Brown Dick. 2:40, 2:38, 2:38. Harris' Clit-stnut Gelding, C2 :4l). N. S. Harris, Titusville, Pa., Aug. 23, 1870. $300. Lady Crowder, Gray Colt, I'ett' Yeonians (3 dis), Molly (2 dis). Shoo Fly (2 dis), 2:48, 2:44, 2:41. Aug. 24,1870. $3,50. Long Branch, Hunkidori, Lady Custer, Pete Yeomans (!r?.yColt(2 dis). 2:55J4, Harrison,'"b g'',3:489i). W. H. Wilson. Cynthiana, Ky., Oct. 14, 1876, $200, Champion (w), 2:51. 2:48?i, 2.541' ^ (w)" Nov. 4, 1876. .S200. Lizzie (3 0). 2:54. 2:51. 2:53, 2:53. (W), Nov. 11, 1876, $500. Lizzie, 2:50, 2:55, 2:55. Harrodsburg- Boy, blk s ( 3:39), by Blood Chief. Muir & Jeffries, Eminence, Ky., Aug. 15, 1873, $200. Hvlas 3, Tom Fields, Ned Wilder (4 dr), Conover (1 dis), Tarleton (l dis), Clark Chief (l dis), 2:40,2:39, 2:36^4, 2:40"4- Harrop's Tom, b g (3 :44i4), by Almont Prince. G. W. Han-op, Manhattan, Kan., Sept. 2, 1882. SlOO. Maou- brino Messenger, Plough Boy, Col. Landers, 3:00, 3:02, 3:01. Sept. .30, 1882, $55. Mambrino Messenger 1, 2, Plough Boy (1 dis), , 3:04, 3:00M. 3:00, 3:00. Sept. 27, 1883, $100. Linwood, Cora Medium, 2:44V4, 2:44i4, 2:44'/2. Same day, $75. Jesse K., Brown Charley, 2:55'^, 2:52»/4, 2:55. Harry, blk g (3 :44). Geo. Nelson, Centreville, L. I., Nov. 16, 1849, $500. Whitey 1, 2:53, 2:53, 2:47, 2:44. Harry, gr g (3 :48). J. Hamill, Philadelphia, Pa., Oct. 28, 18.50, $100. Tom Cooper, (w), 2, 4, 2:49, 2:52, 2:48, 2:.50, 2:.50. Harry, (w), blk g (3 :48w). S. Archer, Bristol, Pa., June 3, 1859, $500. Whitehall, (w), 2:50, 2:49, 2:48. Harry, blk s (3 :45). Mr. Marsh, Syracuse, N. Y., June 15, 1867, $100. Hoyt's rn m. 2:45, 2:.52, 2:45!^. Harry, b s (3:44;^). Mr. Heestand, Lancaster. Pa., June 15, 1869, $250. Frank 1, 2:.50, 2:47i2. 2:49, 2:44J^. Harry, b g (3 :53). J. Mason, Bloomingdale, N. Y., June 8, 1870, $100. Annie 1, Major Prince, 2:56, 2:52, 2:,55. Harry, blk g (3 :45i4). A. H. Whitson, Fashion Course, L. I.. Aug. 20, 1870. $200. Com. Nutt 2. Ladv Pellet, Lady Garvin (3 dr). 2 :47, 2 :473£, 2 :48^4, 2 :49. Sept. — . 1870. $400. Com. Nutt 1, 2, Lady Pellet, Gough'sb g (5 dr), 2:48, 2:50, 2:51, 2:.50. 2:48. Harry, gr g (3 :4li4). J. McComsey, Lancaster, Pa., Oct. 5, 1870, $100. Warsaw Ned 3, 4, Juliet (3 dis), Frank (3 dis), Sallv Swarr (3 dis), 2:50i^', 2:4894, 2:46, 2:48y2, 2:50. Oct. 6, 1H70, $175. Warsaw Ned 1, 2, Sally, Swarr, Jack Rogers (1 dis), 2:42'^, 2:42^4, 2 :44i?4„ 2:461^,2:45. Oct. 7, 1870, $:300, Warsaw Ned, Frank (2 dr), 2:41 Vj, 2:58, 2:55. Harry, grg (3 00). H.M.Jones, Chittendon, Vt., Sept. 11, 1872, $175. Capt. Jenks, Country Boy. Charley Mack, 3:01, 3:04'., 3:00. Harry, b g (3:35). J. Cosmack, Jersev City. N. J., Sept. 2, 1873. $1,000. Listener, 2:46, 2:40, 2:35. Harry, l)r g (3 :50). Jos. Keaton, Kingston, N. Y., Oct. 22, 1873, $350. Fanny, Sorrel Dan 1 (2 dis), lona (1 diS), 2:. 50, 2:51. 2:51. Harry, l)r g (3 :45i4). C. Van Arsdale, Plainfleld, N. J., May 28, 1874, $100. Joe Piatt, Zeke Davis. Red Bird, Mollv Lew (3dr), 2:45>4, 2:49,2-49. Harry, blk s 13 :50). John Thorue, Syosset. L. I., May .30, 1874, $50. Lady Arthur, 2:56, 2:57. 2:,59. Hvuitington. L. I., June 6, 1874, .$100. Lady Arthur, Gen. Sherman, Sappho, 2:50, 2:.54, 2:53^. Harry, chg (3:00.) S. Willett. Attica, N. Y., Sept. 23,1874, $120, De Forest, Daisy. Amazon, 3:01, 3:00. 3:01. Harry, hr g (3 :51). ,J. C. Wilson, Memphis. Tenn., Oct. 9. 1874, $ , Prairie Dog, 2:,j1, 2:52. Harrv (3 ■.SO'^i). C. A. Manning, Frederick, Md., Oct. 15. 1874, $300. Bob, Gypsy, Fanny. Best time, 2:,50'/4. Harry, b g (3 :54). Spring Valley, N. Y., July 5, 1875, $.50. Frank 1, Shorty. Dandy Jim (3 dis), Dan (1 dis), Martlia H. (1 dis). 2-52. 2:54, 2:57. 2:.59. Harry, grg (3:41). T. R. Dyer, Woodstown, N. J., Sept. 16, 1875, $ . Isabelle, One Eye, 2:41. 2:43,2:42. Same diiy, .$2.50. Isabelle, American Boy, 2:46, 2:45}^. 2:46. Harry, brg (3:39). J. Williams, San Francisco, Cal., June 3, 1876, $100. Peanuts, Muggins, 2:38 2:37, 2:37. '- Reno, Nev., Oct. 12, 1878, iSeoo. Maggie C, 1, 3, Ashlev, 2:.30, 2:31, 2:2794, 2:29y2, 2:29. Harry, br e (3 :40>. G. Williams. Fitchburg, Mass., Oct. 3, 1876, $300. Nelly D., Constant (2 dis), Jenny Cleve- land (2di.s), 2:47,2:4.3. 2:41. ]>over, N. H., Nov. 1. 1876, $300. Lady Sherburne, Arthur T., Brockton, Nettie, Honest Lyon l, t4 0), Nelly D. (3dr), 2:42i2, 2:40, 2:43)^, 2:43S.' Harry, b g (3 :41). M. L. Treanier, Baptisttown, N. J., Sept. 27, 1876, $35. Clara, 3:54. 3:41. Five-year-olds. Harry, bg (3:56). T. D. Palmer, Westerly, R. I.. Nov. 30, 1876, .$75. Dexter Boy. Sleepy David, 3:05. 2:.57. 2:56. Harry, blk g (3 :43). I. Martin, Jamaica, L. I., May 13, 1876, $100. Oyster Boy. Carrie M„ Betsy Ann (2 dis). Execution (1 dis), 2 :43. 2 :44. 2 ASy,. Harry, ch g (3 :38i.;). H. Warren, Akron, O.. June 20. 1877. $300. .Joe Morgan 1, 3, Lady Greer, Davy Crock- ett, r.rown Nelly, Peerless, White Cloud, Mont (2 dis). 2:39,2:.38'4, 2:.36'/2, 2:43?4, 2:41. Harry (\vi. br g (3 isiw). H. Livingston, Albany, N. Y., Oct. 19 and 24, 1877, $75. Ladv Rosedale 1, 2. 2:5314, 2:51L.,. 2:51, 2:.53. 2:52K>. Harry, (Brown Prince), brg (3 :36). P. Mclntyre, Plainville. Conn., July 17, 1878, $400. May Day 3, Myrtle, Jeremiah, Ike Lee, Hattie Jefferson. , 2":36, 2:36, 2:.36. Harry, brg (3:4114). F.A.Wells, Norwich, Conn., Sept. 19, 1878, $140. Helen Mar, Sadie. 2:439i. 2:4m, 2:44U. AlT)anv, N. Y., July 9. 1879. $2.50. Pat O'Brien 1, Maggie. Colonel, 2:42>j, 2:42?;^, 2:44i'?, 2:4514. Harry, b g (3 :38i4). W. Fulkerson. Jerseyville. 111., Oct. 19, 1878, $ . Bay Billy 1, 4, Singular, Nelly Mad- den, 2::59i4, 2:40, 2:41, 2:40, 2:45. Virginia, 111., Oct. 24, 1878, .$17.5. Highland Queen 4, 5, Clipper 1, Gen. Singleton (2 dis), 2:4414. 2 :.38J4. 2:41, 2:.38. 2:.36i,. 2:40. 294 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TUOTTING AND l'ACIN(i HECORU. Harry, ch R (2 :58). Mrs. Kiip, Adrian, Mich., Oct. 10, 1878, $100. Darliness 1, 3:00, ''-lA, 2:59V4. Harry. I) tr ('-JiSOi. AV. (iraves, Cedar Kapids, la., Sept. 18 and 19, 1879, iS;jOO. Lntle Hannah 1, Fairmont •J:35'o, 2:;}7»4, li:37, J:3.j. Harry, blk }i(a:34^2). 1- M- Smith, Colorado Spa, Col., Mav 15,1879, .§200. Col. Spofford 2, Nettie Barnes Ensign 1 a dis). 2:48, 2:4.'), 2:40, 2:45!4, 2:47(i. Same day, S250. Uoiddnst .Ir, 1 (4 dr), 2:44. 2:4a, 2:5;{»4, . Denver. Col., July 3. 1^79. .S2(K). Little Belle 3. Alamo. Bashaw, 2:34'/i, 2:38>^. 2:38?4. 2:45. (W), July 5. 1879. 5i;200. Klisi.iiU (W), 2:37W, 2:.ii;?4. 2;.i74. Jas. McKee, Cheyenne, W. T., Oct. 14, 1880, §300. Ivanhoe 2, Bay Harry, Kitty, Gray Steel, 2:44'/i. 2-48 2:421^ 2:50. . /s. . o. Harry, ch R (3 :50). A. Peters, St. John, N. B., July 1, 1879, $125. Col. Taylor 2, Pinafore, Torryburu (2 dis). 2:50, 2:.")3, 2:.-/)'i, 2:51U,. Harry. {jrR (3 :39). \V. E. Dann, Norwalk, Conn., Sept. 26, 1879, $150. Farragut (1 0), Hero, Billy. Kate. 2 -42 2:40,2:41.2:39. Harry, (Jeremiah), ch g (3 :33Ji) A. I'ish, I'ittsbursjii, Pa.. Sept. 11. 1880. .s;200. Davlight 2, Sam K'-yes 1, Alltert B., (Jeorge S., Bishop, St. Clair ('< dr), Harry Warden (3 dis), Bill Cheatham" (3 dis), 2:41, 2:39, 2:39 2:. '59, 2:39. Sept. 16, 1880, .?250. Sam Keyes, George S., Albert B., Irene. Bishop, Daylight 1 (3 dis>, 2:36U, 2:39. ''-37 2:39. Se])t. 22, 1880, .1i!300. Kate Forrest 1. Dayliglit, George S., Sam Keyes (4 dr), 2:36, 2-.34i^, 2:37, 2:36U. Sept. 23. 1880, $300 Tom B. .3, George S. Bishop, 2:32%. 2:37^. 2:36 'i . 2^.39i.i. Harry, eh g (.3 :08). H. Clarl<, Pottersville, X. Y., Sept. 28, 1881, $75. Franlv 3, 4. Nellv. Best time. 3:08. Harry, b g (:J:14'j). A. S. CrannuT. Lebanon, Pa., June 2, 1882, $80. Little Annie 3. Silver Thread, Ladv. 3:21?i,3:I6, 3:16^i.3:14"j. Harry, blji g (3:40). Calais, Me., Aug. 16, 1882, $125. Charley Morris (2 0). Flora Morris (3(lr), Black Bess (1 dis), 2:4.3, ,2:43,2:45. Harry, 1) g (2 ;47|r^ w). F. Bowers, Belmont Park, Phila., April 14. 1882, $ . Frank Watson, Frank. 2:52. 2:53' 2. (w), June 29, 1882, $ . Lizzie McFarland (w) l. Little Bill (w). Kate (w). 2:47, 2:47"2,2:49. Harry, b s (3 :04), by Dead Shot. D. A. McAllister, Union, Or., Oct, 21, 1882. $100. Laura C, 3:24, 3:04. Two- year-olds. Harry, gr g (3 :53). \V. J. McCarter, Erie, Pa., Sept. 28, 1883. $ . Bay Dick 3. M. 1).. Lady Custard, Dutch- man, Tipi)erary Boy, 2:53, 2:55, 2:.'vi, 2:r,sy,. Harry, gr g (3 -.59%). C. Conant, lIillsdale,'Mich., July 3, 1883, .$200. Topsv B.. McWhirter. DonnaD., Ches- ter II., 3:00, 3:01, 2 :.59^i. Harry (w), br g (3 :38 w). T. W. Decker, Morrisania, N. Y., Oct. 10 and 19. 1883, prize, silver. Bogota tw), l (4 0). Mary (w), 3 (4 0), L. C. < w), Editli C. (w). Peter (w), (5 dr), Lonsdale i wi. (4 dr), Hattie A. (w). (4 drK- 2:38)4,2:38,2:411^,2:3714,2:40. Harry. Dr. Djivis,'\Vilkesbarre, Pa., Oct. 18, 1883, $50. Gov. Crapo 1, Fred, John Henry, Melissa (3 dr). No time. Harry A., gr g (3 :48). R. Stagg, Jersey City, N. J., June 21, 1883, $30. Peter D.. Jerrv Lee 1 (4 dr), 2:48?i, 2:48,2:49'.^, 2:525l£. H. Albro, Oct. 26, 1883, $200. May Florence 1, 2 (4 dis), 2:45?i. 2:48, 2:51. 2 55. Harry Allen, bs (3:05). S. E. Smith, Waltham, Mass., May 18. 1878. Prize, oats. AVestern Wonder, 3 :20, 3 :()5. Four-year-olds. Harry Arlington, gr s (3 :35), by Prince All)ert, dam Mac, bv Williams' St. Lawrence. J. F. Todd, Belair, Md., Oct. 10, 1878, $100. Crazy Jane 1. Little Dick. Rocket. 'Dayton (2 dis), 2:40, 2:40. 2:40. 2:40. Timoniuni, Md.. Sept. 10, 1880, $100. Careless Bov 1, Patapsco Maid, Florence K., Florence (2 dr), 2:40, 2:.39'4, 2:41'^, 2:3914. Oct. 6. 1882. S!40. MambrinoDrnid, 2:41, 2:41, 2:41. Stallions. Belair, Md., Oct. 10, 1883, $1,50. Frolic, Comet, Cherry, 2:38, 2:35, 2:42i^. Harry B., grg (3:4014). W. W. Bair, Philadelphia, Pa., Mav 2, 1872. $300. Belle 3. Dave 1 i4 dr), 2:42, 2:44, 2:45. 2:44' 2. July 17. 1872, $:«). Rossiter 3, Little Lottie, 2:42^4, 2:40^4, 2:44, 2:424. Harry B., (Tommy Dodd), chg (3 :50;4). Hiram Howe, Deerfoot Park, L. I., .Inly 1. 1875, $2(K). Cranky Jake, 2:51! 4,2:5014. Harry B., b g (3 :35), by Volunteer. H. Betzinger, Fort Plain, N. Y'., Aug, 26, 1876, $100. Fleeting, 2:46. 2:47, 2:43. Herkimer, N. Y'., Oct. 18, 1876, $100. Farmer Brown, Timotliy, Rit Holden, Commodore, Charley F., Mohawk Belle, Lucy, Kitty B. (3 dr). Flora (3 dr). 2:46, 2:45, 2:45. Oct. 19. 1876. $125. Minnie Hicks 1, Whirlwind, (lonunodore, Blacksmith Maid, Charley F., Timothy (4 dr). Farmer Brown (2 dr), 2:45'4, 2:4.5, 2:4.5, 2:48. Fort Plain, N. Y., Sept. l, i877, $200. (^ypsy Maid, 2:46. 2:42, 2:38. Harry B., br g (3 :54). S. Lantz, Lancaster, O., May 26, 1876, $75. Honest Frank 1, Commercial Boy. Coal I^ealer, Ned Morehead (1 dis), 2:.57, 2:.56i^, 2:55, 2*:54. Harry B., br g (3 :40), by Continental. W. Lape, Troy, N. Y^, Sept. 8, 1881, $100. Franklin, David, Colonel (2dr), 2:40, 2:40, 2:41. Harry B., b s (3 :47). A. F. Bectel, Reading, Pa.. Sept. 28, 1881, $100. Little Dan, Mattie Wills, Fanny, Alice. 2:.56. 2:5.3, 2:.58M. Harry B., b s (3 :33), by Chosrose, dam bv Biggart's Raltler. Daoust Bros.. Ottawa. Ont., Sept. 21. 1882, $ . Honest John, Annie, Hampton, Midnight, 2:40, 2:42'»,2:42>4. Montreal, P. Q., Nov. 9. I882, .$200. Fearnaiight Jr. 3, 2:32, 2:32'i, 2:33, 2:34V2. Daoust Bros., Oct. 6, 1883, $250. Col. Patchen Jr. 1,2, St. Jacob, Ladv Moose (5 ro). 2:50, 2:47,2:47,2:49, 2:49'.i. Harry B.. ch g (3 :33). by Aberdeen. W. Bovle. < )ttawa. 111., Aug. 15 1883, $400. Blue Bull Pilot 3, Amy King, Legal Tentler, Lon F., Frank Grav. Harold, Gray Salem (4 dis), Lelia S. (3 dis), 2:42, 2:39'/i, 2:37i/4, 2:33. Harry B., rn g (3 :31), by Gurney. E. G. Boles, New London, O., Aug. 24, 1883, $55. Dr. West, Minnie M., 2 :40, 2:40, 2:42. Same day $85. Gray Dan. Molly H., Black Frank. 2:40, 2:40. 2:41. R. Robinson, Sandusky, O., Sei)t. 26, 1883, $200. Little Ned 2, 3, Hiram. Miller 4, 2:31, 2:36, 2:35!/2, 2:36, 2:32'/2 2■.^3"5. Bisnett & Robinson Sept. 28. I88.3, .$200. Sunshine, Hiram Miller, 2:31, 2:32'i, 2:33. Harry B„ blk g (2 :34;!i). J. M. Ferris, Watertown, Conn., Sept. 26, 188:}, $200. Indian Rubber Jacque, M'tse. 2:46'/j, 2:46=.,, 2:411^. Southlngtou, Coim., Oct. 9, 1883, $200. Westchester Girl, Prairie Queen, Lady M, (1 dis), Oakwood Belle (1 (lis), 2::«;',,, 2 :;{794, 2:4014. Harry Bassett, br s (3 :40), T)v Harry Clay. Frank Gerrahty, Newburgh, N. Y., Aug. 20, 1873. » , Lady Malcolm. Smith's b g, 2:.55, 2:47, 2:47. Geo. Ticehur.st, Huntington, L. I., Sept. 13, 1876, $200. William Knox, Sappho, JactO dis), 2:44Si, 2:4m, 2 ;42. — — Babylon, L. I., June 8. 1877. $ — . Maggie 1. 2:41. 2:42. 2:41. 2:46. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 285 June 18, 1877, $100. Eureka 1, (3 dis), 2 :39'i, 2:40i.i. . . Huutiii^-toil, L. I,, Sept. lli, 1877, ijplOO. Rifle 1, 4. '2:44'2, ■^■A\'.-.. 2:42, 2:45'2, 2:41^4. Joiai L. Doty. Morrisauia. N. Y., July 7, 1«79, flSlOU. Tom huffolk 3, (4 O;, 2:40, 2:45, 2:44'-i, 2:44, 2:40. J. Kaudolpli, April 26, 1880. $100. Charley, pacer, (vv) 1, 2:48, 2:4U. 2:50. Harry iiluir, (\v)grg (3:51). T. F. Meserole. CeuUeville, L. I., Dec. 8, 185U, $500. Vermont (w) 1, Yomiir Hiokory(\v), 3:00, 2:.5G, 2:57. * Harry lirown, b s {'Z :38 ), by Jimmy Hamilton, dam by Tlieo. Curtis. J. H. Sharp. Hartford, Conn., Oct. 13, 1875 S . .lonny Jefferson, Hif^hhuul Ladv (2 dr), 3:00'.!, 2:rj4. Three-vear-olus. H. Kennedy, Jleridcn, Conn.. Sept. lit, 1879, $200. Tramp 1, 2, Belle "Putney 3, Kitty Hills, Little Ben. Jack. 2:38,2:40, 2:40M, 2 :40i/2, 2:.3,s, 2:4:;. Harry c.,bg (3:00i.i;. S. Crutlendon, New Haven, Conn., June 28, 1879, $50. Hamden Maid l, 3:01, 3:00>i» 3;0I. Harry Clay, (vv) br s (3 :39 vv), by Neaves', C. M. Clay Jr., dam by imp. Bellfounder. Darius Tallman. Fashioa Course. L. I., Oct. 7. I8G2, .$2,500. Shepherd F. Knapp, 2:;j9. 2:38. 2:42i4. C. Cymon, Patchogue, L. I.. Oct. IS, 1802. $.50. Sunnyside 1. 2:.^)2, 2:50, 2:47i^, 2:49. Darius Tallman, Fashion Course, L. I., July 20, 18G3, .51,000. Jinnnv Lynch, 2:;33M, 2:32'/2, K. Champlin, Chicago, 111., July 4, 1864, .$2,250. Quaker Boy l. Princess (Sdis), 2:Z2%,2:Z\\, 2:36'/4, 2:38>4. (s), .luly 6, 1869. $800. Dayton Belle (s). Lib Dimmick (s), 2:52, 2:39, 2:36. Boston, Mass.. Nov. 3. 1864, .$500. Draco, 2:37i^, 2:38i^, 2:42i4. • (w), W. Waltermire, Nov. 16, 1864. $100. Capt. Megowan l, 2:401/2, 2:n\/o, 2:39?i, 2:38. S. McLaughlin, Fashion Course, L. I., April 28, 1865, $2,000. Com. Vanderbilt 2, 3, 2:35, 2:Zb%, 2:38, 2:40. 2:4014. (w), Hiram Woodruff. June 27, 1865, $1,000. Ethan Allen (w), 2:31. 2:.32%.2:34. T. Cragin, Spriaglield, Mass., Ana. 22, 1865, $ . Gen. Meade, 2:42, 2:39, 2:43. Aug. 24, 1805, $300. Ella Sherwood, John Morgan, 2:40, 2:38, 2:38. Hartford, Conn.. Sept. 12, 186.5, .$.300. Volcano 2, 4, 2:38io, 2:37'4, 2:40. 2:41^4,2:40. Stallions. Harry Clay, b s (3:00). Daniel Martin, Philadelphia, Pa., June 10. 1863, $ . J. Buckley 1, 3:04, 3:06, 3:00. Winner three-years-old. Harry Clay, blk s (3: ST'j), by C. M. Clay Jr. H. P. Doty, Goshen, N. Y., Sept. 8, 1864, $ . Hamlet, 2:42, Five-year-olds. Middletown, N. Y., Sept. 7, 1865, .$60. Harrv, Gen. Brown. Blackbird (2 dr), 2:38i/2, 2:37'/2, 2:40. Goshen, N. Y'., Aug. 6, 1866, $ . Wild Irishman, Hamlet, 2:42, 2:39, Sept. 3, 1808, $200. .McKees' Bay Horse, Magnolia, 2:43, 2:41, 2:43. Stallions. Middletown, N. Y.. Sept. 9, 1868, $100. Major Edsall,2:.51, 2:46. 2:47. Stallions. Newburgh, N. Y., Sept. 17,1808,.$ — . Surplus 1, 2 (3dis), Magnolia (3 dis), Baltimore (3 dis), Jack Mahone (3 (lis). 2:46'4, 2:45'2, 2:38'i. Belvidere, N. J., Oct. 13, 1868, $1,000. Haven's Horse 1. 2. 2:44, 2:41, 2:43, 2:41,2:48. Harry Clay, bs (3:37). E. K. Conklin. Suffolk Park, Phila.. Sept. 2. 1808, $400. Lady Lightfoot 1, Kate Mann, Gen. Thomas, John (1 dis). No Name (1 dis), 2:.35'2, 2:39i2, 2:41, 2:38v;. Dovlestown, Pa., Oct. 9, 1X08, .$60. Albert Kimball, North Star (2 dis). 2:40, 2:37, 2:45. Harry Clay, bg(3:56). L.R.Bennett, Lyons, N. Y., Oct. 21,1868,$ . Col. Morgan, Geo. M. Patchen, 2:58, 2:.57, 2:.56. Harry Clay, blk s (3 :00i.i). bv Henry Clay. Jas. B. Burlew. Auburn, N. Y., Sept. 17, 1868, $30. Fire Clay 1, 2, Black Hawk (4 dr), 3:02, .3:00, 3:62'4, ,3:0014, 3 :029i. Stallions. Harry Clay, gr g (3 :41?i). C. C. Cathcart, Dayton, O., July 19, 1869. .$50. Velocipede, 2 :45V2, 2:.51i^, 2:41?i. Harry Clay, br s (3:49). W. Van de Bogart, Batavia, N. Y., Sept. 11, 1874, $65. Damon, 2:57, 2:49Ai, 2:51. Stallions. LeRoy, N. Y., Oct. 1, and 2, 1874, .$200. Nellv. Clifton Boy, Dido, J. J. Williams, Damon (1 dis), 2:50. 2:51)4,2:50. Batavia, N. Y'., Oct. 10, 1874, $ . Damon 1, Jim Lewis (2 dis), 2:.57, 2:49Jt, 2:51. Stallions. Harry Clay, blk s (3 ;40). T. D. Locke, Strafford, N. H., Oct. 13, 1870. .$25. Buckskin Maid. 2:45, 2:40. 2:40. Harry Clay, blk g (3 ■.'iZ%\ by Strader's C. M. Clav Jr. C. L. Espy, Cincinnati, O., June 30, 1876, $100. Little Joe 2 (4 0), Nelly Norton (4 dis), 2:44^4, 2:44, 2:43, ■2:421.4, 2:43)4. .lulv 27, 1876, $100. Little Joe, 2 :45!4, 2 :43, 2 :43. Oct. 4, 1870, $600. Red Bird 3, Lady Mills 2, Belle Moore. Bav Charlie, Smoke (1 dis), Monroe Chief (1 dis). 2:30, 2:33Ji,2:33?4. 2:35, 2:34. — W. W. Bair. July 20, 1877, $1.50. Tom Brown (w), (irav Bashaw, 2:32, 2:32i4, 2:.32. Cynthiana, Ky., Aug. 23, 1877, .$400. Dick Taylor, Dred.'2:32i4.2:31'2, 2:3014. Cnicinnati, O., Aug. 28, 1877, $1,000. Tom Brown, 2:32, 2:31, 2:.30i4. Blanchester, O., Aug. 31, 1877, $1,000. Black Frank 2, Gypsv Queen. Tom Brown 2:38, 2:37, 2:34. S. Harris, Dallas, Texas, Dec. 9, 1881, $200. Myrtle Thompson l. Professor, Dick Shane, Kokomo (2 dr), 2:li9'^, 2:33, 2:34'2, 2:34i4. R. VV. Thomas, Houston, Tex., March 24, 1882, $400. Blind Tom, Kokomo, Myrtle Thompson 1 (2 dis), 2:37"^, 2:.38i/2, 2:52,2:55?4. A. Mills, Dallas, Tex., April 19,1882, .$300. Kokomo 1, 5 (4 0). Golden Rule, 2:32i4, 2:321^, 2:34, . 2:3.5, 2:.36. Harry Conklin. b g (3 ;36), bv .Superb. C. Spaulding, Providence, R. I., June 20, 1879, .$300. John Phelps Jr. Dickard, Louise, Desp;itch, Nelly Burke (2 dis), 2:35, 2:.32. 2:.34. Plainville, Conn.. .July 1, l.S79,$300. Jerome, Star, Ladv Kelso, 2:30'i, 2:32).^, 2:285^. July 4, 1879, $.300. Star 2, General B., Jerome, Ladv Kelso, 2:29, 2:25i,i, 2:29ii. 2:.32. Harry Cook, (3 :46i4). Newark, N. J., Aug. 27. 1873. $1,000. Brandy, Lady Brisbin 1 (2 dr). 2:47i4, 2:46M» 2:47,2:48. Harry D.,chg (3:31i4). P. Daley, Philadelphia, Pa., May 4, 1869, $ . Jersey Boy l, 3, Maggie 2, 2:39. 2::WA. 2:38, 2:37. 2:39, 2:42. J. Leavitt, May 11, 1869, $ . Jersey Boy 1, 2:.33, 2:333^^^, 2:36, 2:37. D. Daly, .luue 22, I809, .$500. Victor Patchen 2, 3, Ironsfdes, 2:34)4, 2:3314, 2:36%. 2:37, 2:38. July 1, 1809, $ . Snnbeam 3, Victor Patchen, 2:.36, 2:.35i/o, 2:.34. 2-My,. M. Goodin, Sept. 3, 1869, $ . Victor Patchen 2, Geo. M. Patchen 4, 2:34i4. 2:35)4, 2: 36»4, 2:35, 2:. 37. Doylestown, Pa., Oct. 8, 1809, $600. Lady Whitman. Andalusia, American Star, 2:31%, 2:32, 2:31}4. Oct. 9, 1809, $ . Lady Whitman. 2:34,'2:.33''2. Pliiladelphia, Pa., Mav 4, 1S70. $2^0. Gazelle, 2:40)4. 2:.39, 2:41. May .-., 1870, .$,500. Victor Patchen 1, 4, 2:39, 2:.34U.'2:35%, 2:38i4, 2:37. May 14, 1870, .$ . Lightfoot, 2:.31i4. 2:.31?4', 2:33) R. .1. Sla - • • Slater, Baltimore, Md., May 26, 1870, .$ . Queen of the West 1, Moses, Geo. M. Patchen, 2:34, 2:34. 2:.3.5, 2:.33. Harry D., b g (3 :43), by Volunteer. S. Smith. Dovlestown, Pa.. Oct. 4, 1876, $100. Addle, Kitty Clay, Wild Rover. Frank Dudley (1 dis).. Helen R. (1 dis), 2:40. 2:4.514. 2:45^4. Oct. 5, 1876, $200. Burnloist, Leontine, Little Dexter, Kitty Clyde, Billy McF., Strife (2 dis), 2:46,2:43. 2:45. 290 ("HESTER'S COMPLETE TltOTTlNi! AND J'ACING KECOKD. Harry U.,rn g(3:37i4,). A. II. Dorc, Taunton, Mass., Sei)t. 20, 1882. .>: . IJillv M., .Jumbo, Allen, 2-47. 2-46 2:44'j. - Sept. 28, 1882. .?- . Lady Mack 1, Lottie 2, Maud B., .Jureniiali (.4 dr), Brand (4 dr), . 2:38. 2-3TW 2:3•.'^4, 2:;i8. ^' Harry I>. (a:58;. S. A. Browne, Kalamazoo, Midi., .lulv 13,1883,$ . Transit 2. John Thomas, Frank Huckleberry, 2:.'")8, 2:58=.i, 2:59. Harry Dawson, brg (2:52;. Mr. Cozzine.Centreville, L. I.. Aug. 17. ls,^4. .■?30(). Gray Eagle. Honest Gray, 2 :52, 2 :54. Harry Duiikinson (\v), bg (2:.57 w). G. N. Sleinhardt, Fleetwood I'ark, N. Y., Mav 28,1875, Si280. John Kase Jr. tw) u'dis), 3:08, 2:.'<7. Harry Ford (2:45;. H. K. Baichtel, Kutztown, I'a.. Sept. 20, 1878,? . Lydia S., Little Rattier, Iron Clad. 2:4.-), 2:l,->, 2:45. Harry Gilbert (.)ui)iter), eh g (2 :24), by Jupiter. L. S. Samniis. Falls Village, Conn., Sept. 11, 1873. S140. Ned Forrest. StoneelilY, 2:4.5';, 2:49'2, 2:41. Hartford, Conn., Oct. 8, 1873, SGOO. Hartford Belle, Hamilton. Com. Terry, Arthur, Berlin, 2:37, 2:41. 2:40?i. New Haven. Conn., Oet. 17, 1873, Sl.OOO. Fanny Otis 1, 2, Jimmy Norton 3, Harry Spanker (2 dis). Black Jim il dis), Ned Moore U dis). 2:.>7l4, 2:37, 2::J8. 2:431*. 2:.J7i.i, 2:39. Deerfoot Park, L. L. May 19, 1874, .'if300. Senator Mitchell, Handy Andy, Jim (1 dis), 2:40, 2:42, 2:4.3, 2:14. II. H. Gilbert, Anienia, N. Y., June 25, 1874, S.^OO. Bessie B. 3, (iray Dan, Ned Forrest (4 dr), 2:40. 2:38, 2;40',i, 3:1.-). Chas. Diekerman. Falls Village. Conn.. Sept. 10, 1874. .$175. Brown Priiiee. 2:53, 2:39, 2:43>2. Amenin. X. V.. Sept. 23, 1874. .*2(io. Flora. Rosa Bureh. Sherman, 2:;», 2:."8. 2:3,-)Ji. II. H. rtilbert. Patenson. N. J., Oct. 21, 1S74, .*^oo. Black (rook 3. Lizzie Adams, Celia, Fanny Osborn, .Mountain .Maid. Cora F.. Fourth of .luly (3 dr).2:38'2. 2:3!)i2, 2:38, 2:35'... (leoige Gilbert, Deerfoot Park. L. I.. May 11, l.s75. .$;300. Rescue 1, Williiim Walsh, Cheston (4 0) (5 dis). Modesty in dis). Walden Maid .4 df). 2:40. 2:38'™, 2:39, 2:41. 2:38. Fleetwood Park, N. V., Juno U, 187.'), $\m. Fourth of Julv. Katy Hughes. 2:40?.i, 2 :42. 2 :41 fij . H H. Gilbert Closter, N. J., Oct. 1, 1875, .$150. Katv Hughes 1, 3, Judge Robertson, 2:41'/2. 2::39^4, 2:39V^, 2:38'a 2:39. ' Deerfoot Park, L. I.. Oct. 19 and 20, 1875, .'5S300. Dick Croker 1 (2 0) Silver Tail 3 (2 0). Don Clifton 2:42, 2:42, 2:40, 2:30, 2:42, 2:42. Oct. 21, 1875, .$300. Silver Tail 1 4, Dandelion. 2:40, 2:37, 2-A\}/>, 2:40'2, 2:40. Jersey ('ity. N. J., May 22, 1870, .$200. Lady INIills. .ludge RoGertson, Lizzie Adams, 2:38U, 2:38',j, 2:39. June 19, 187(1. ,$150. St. (Jeorge 1, Flora, Nellv V.. T. E. (iordon (2 dr), 2:41,2:40^.,. 2:41'.,, 2:41^4. Fleetwood Paik, N. Y., Sept. lii and 20, 1870, .$800. Carrie N. 3, 4, Fred Tyler 2, Fanny Ravmond 1, Phil Dougherty. Dick Croker, Phantom, Cheston, Dolly Dot. Don Carlos (3 dis). 2:30^4. 2:32'2, '2:30'2. 2:32'/s, 2.31, 2:;58,'4. 2::{2V4. Danburv, Conn.. Oct. (i. 1870, .$300. Lady Pritchard 3. 2:36. 2:30, 2:36Vi., 2:37. Brooklyn. N. Y., June 8, 1877, $350. Carrie N. 2, 2:37, 2:3.5. 2:31i4, 2 .35. MIneola, L. I.. June 21, 1877, .$ . Julia. 3.03, 2:49. Long liraiich, N. J., Sept. 14, 1877, $1,000. LadyKildeer, Phil Doughertv, Carrie N., West Liberty, Nil Despenuidnm 1 (2 dis). Rosewood (2 dis), 2:31^4, 2:31.2:34, 2:32. (i. Willis, Prospect Park, L. I.. June l. 1879, $400. Nelia, Lady Blessington, Rufus, Key West, Big Fellow. Volunteer Maid, (ieorge Henry, 2:24, 2:2094, 2:25'.^. Morrisania, N. Y., June 17, 1.879. .$400. Rufus, Ladv Blessington, Jessie Maud, 2:30, 2:31, 2:34'/^. ■ R. S. Hurd, Waverly Park, N. J., Sept. 19. 1879, $180. Planter 1, Mainbrino General. 2:3114. 2:35, 2:30>i, 2:31. ■ ^ Albany, N. Y., Oct. 24, 1879, $500. Tom Keeler 3, 4, Huntress, Planter. Phil (4 dn, Daciana (2 dr), 2:2854, 2:27;4,2:2H. 2:28' 2, 2:27. Harry Glen, b s (2:51%), by Reconstruction. Winterset la., July 4, 1883, $ . Lucy .L 2. Kitty Strader, 2 '59 2:5414 2*5294 2'51*li Harry H.', b g (3 :4o'). ' E.' Hubbs, Brooklyn, N. Y., Dec. 7. 1870. $1.50. Lillie, Dixie, 2 :50. 2 :51V.,. 2 :.53' 2. Si)ringrteld. L. I., Oct. 2.5, 1S77, .$100. Richard 1, Lady Moscow 3, P'red, 2:43. 2:40, . 2:41. 2:42. Harry H.. b g (3 :54M), by Hamlin's Patcheii. C. H. Thonipson..East Aurora, N. Y., Julv 3. 1877. $100. IMathilda, Ben, Ladv Baker. Flora D., 2:.54=.i, 2:.54i4, 2:55'4. Harry H., blk LM 3:40). C. H. Mills, .Sedalia, Mo.. Sept. 10. 1880, $200. Tom Keno 1, 3. Um-zotvee, L. F. Sheldon. 2:48. 2:41, 2:40, 2:40, 2:40. Harry Harley iColunibian Chief), b g (2 :2594), by Young Columbus, dam the Baxter mare, by Barney Henry. Win. Brown, Buffalo, N. Y., Aug. 10, 1870, $20,000. Prince 1. Athonv Wayne, Kansas Main, Ladv Augusta, Bay Henry (4 dis), Derby (3 dis), Gen. Love (3 dis), 2:29';. 2:27''2, 2:27. 2:29U. Bndd Doble, Prospect Park, L. I.. .Julv 4, 1871, $10,000. Mary, 2:28. 2:30, 2:32. John ('roker. Providence, R. I., Sept. 28, 1871, .$3,.5O0. Roval John 1, 2. Charles E. Loew, H. W. Gent (3dr),2:;i2, 2:28, 2:33'.,, 2:.'.0. 2:32i2. Dan Mace, Boston, Mass.. Oct. 5, 1871, .$3,000. Charles E. Loew 1,2, H. W. Genet, .Jessie Wales, Royal .John f3dn, Bav Whalebone (3dr), 2:27'i. 2:25>'o. 2:25:'i. 2:::9. 2:281/'- Harry Hill, spg (3:50). Harry Hill, Springfield, 'L. I., Sept. 11, 1878, $50. C. P.Reynolds, Lew Pettit, 2:50, 2;.51.2:.52. Harry llIU l)r g (3 :46), by Ciase's David Hill. G. Schoenberger, Niles, Mich., Aug. 17, 1878, $50. Reaper Boy .3, .(oiin Ooker. Good Night (3 dr). Roanoke (2 dr). No time. Geo. Hip[)le, Warren. O. Aug. 23, 1878, $125. Blackbird, Waverly, Henry S., Mambrino Clay, Jr., Snow Drop. 2:.50, 2:.50. 2:40. Harry Holt, dig by Jim Monroe. L. A. Dunlap, St. .Tohn. Mich., Oct. 11.1SS3, $120. Myrtle 1, Big John, Hums, .Ir.. Nellv B. (2 dr), ,Ieff Davis (1 dr). No time. Harry llowlaml, wh g (3 :4<$). J. C. Cudnev. Danvers. Mass, June 19, 187.5. $200. Venture, Edwin. Sleepy Dick. F;irniiT I'.oy. Ndly Thayer, Rosa B.'d dis), 2:55, 2:49'2, 2:.51. r.eacon Park, Boston, June 20, 187.5, .$200. Middv 1, Ladv Keenan, N'ickel. 2:.52. 2:40, 2:40. 2:48. Harry Irving, b g (3 :.35). Thos. Carr, Saratoga Spa. N. Y.. Jnlv 28. 1S75. $100. Fairv (^neen. Skipper (1 dis) Jack (1 dis), Tom Noxon (1 dis). Belle (1 dis). .Solod dis). lMOL.,; 2:40i-... -j-jtO. .Inlv .30 and ;?1. 1875, $100. Pickles 2, 7, Dave 4.5, Billiards 1 18 dis), Ladv Black Hawk (3 dis), 2:43, 2:»3'.4. 2:4-1, 2:44, 2:40, 2:40. 2:4<), 2:41. P. .Manee, Paterson, N. .1., Oct. 12 and 13, 1875, .$300. Ladv Woods 2, Don, Silver Tail, Lumberman, I'aterson Girl (3 dr), 2:43'.., 2:41'.i. 2:41. 2:379,. Harry .!.. ch g (3:50). bv Pocket, d.ani bv Old Togo. G. J;imieson. Angola, Ind., .June 7. 1878, $150. Red Oak, Nelly Bnckman. Fred'. Stevens, Angola Bov (2 dis). Best time, 3:00. Harry .^., hlk g (3 ::?.->';,) .Iiv the .Toslin Horse. J. M. Joslvn. Morrisville, A't.. Sept. 27. 1882. $100. Albert C. 1, 2. (ivpsy, Ladv French. Fanny M. (5 dr). Thomas K. (2 dr). 2:42, 2:43, 2:49, 2:49. 2:.50. — J. Utton, >St. Albans, Vt., Sept. 0, 188,3, $150. Crampton Lambert, Tom Lambert, Lookout, Ira Hunter, W. H. Staves, Young Columbus, Jack, 2:40, 2:40, 2:40, 1^ 3i^f' 00 00 00 o w CHESTEKS COMl'LETE TKOTTING AND I'ACIXG KECOKD. 297 Utton Bros., Burlington, Vt., Sept. 14, 1883, $200. Tommy Lambert 3, Nelly E., Mary Anderson, Surprise, Young Cohunlius, 2:3.');'2, 2:36, , 2:37. Harry K., b g ^3 :55). Dr. Powers. Brooklyn, N. Y., July 25, 1R79, $200. Sammy 2, 2:55. 2:49. 3:08, 3:10. Harry K. (3:00!4). J. E. Asling, Berea, O., Sept. 20. 1882, tf . Tender Dell 1, Billy, 0:0014, 3:0014, 3:10, 3:1(5. Harry Kuox, eh g (3: 37;'i. (i. Hale, Peru, Ind., Sept. 9, 1881, $100. Little Mary 3, Little Peanut, Sully Hoel, Sam Ilazanl, 2:4714. 2:5114. 2:44^4, 2:58. Sept. 1:!. 1W3, S225. Maud M., Brakeman. Marie Dougherty, Frank 15.. 2:.37?i, 2:43?i,2:40?i. Harry L., rn .s, bv Wood's Hanibletoniau. J.Wood, Elniira, N. Y., .June 20. 1878, .§400. Dandelion, 1:36, 1:41^4. Two-vear-oUls. Harry L., ch g (3 :50;. W. Hatch, Fort Alleghany, Pa., July 5, 1881, $1.50. Brown ISi'lv, Fitch, 2:.50, 2:511^, 2:52. Harry L. i3:49i4). West Cumberland, Me., Sept. 2G, 18s3, $100. Bonny 3, i'.iidie S., Lady Independence (4 dn. Nickel Plate i4 dr), Steve (4 dr), 2:51, 2:50, 2:4914. 2:.50. Sept. 27, iss:',, .$100. Uoger D. 2. 3, Bonny, 2:49^4, 2:48. 2:40, 2:50, 3:03. Harry Logan, eh g (3 :3G), by Winenuin's Logan, dam by Ethan AU-ii. Mat. Fisher, Rock Island, 111., Sept. 2, 1S75. $250. Tom Dodge, Jim Lane, Kit, Nonuul, 2:50, 2:50, 2:501/2. Sept. 3, 1875, $175. Flv, Toin Dodge, 2:.50, 2:47, 2:47. Davenport, la., Sept. 11, 1875, $200. West Liberty 3. Alexis, Luella, Gen. Grant, George, 2:44;4, 2-Mli, 2:47, 2:401-1. Harry Long, ru s (3 :34?i), B. 11. Demarest, Cortlandt. N. Y.. June 29. 1881, $1,50. Winnie Wick, Lady P., Fred. Root. Gen. Arthur, Dinah, Libl)ie B.. 2:35k, 2:3514. 2:42. June 30. 1880, $200. Thomas Jefferson, Jr., 1, 2, Andy, Homer, Lady P., 2:39, 2:33?i, 2:3454, 2:41, 2:41. Harry Martin, b g (3 :3SU). G. W. Nelson, Baltimore, Md.. June 19, 1878, $225. Caroline, Plough Boy (2 dr), 2:.53, 2:55, 2:>52i/o. C. G. Mc(iinnis, Frederick, Md., Oct. 14, 1881, $100. Alice Gates, Betsy Trotwood, 2:58, 2:.52i4, 2:56. Harry Miller, gr g (3 :40). W. S. Thoms, Deerfoot Park, L. I., June 10, 1875, .$200. Sarah Jane 1, 2, Sherman, Dan Ford, BUI Nolan (4 dr), 2:40. 2:40, 2:40, 2:41, 2:40. June .30, 1875, $200. Dandelion 3, Sarah Jane 2, Carrie N.. Sherman, 2:401/2, 2:40, 2:38i4, 2:40, 2:43^4. Harry Miller (3:00). Hillsdale. Mich.. Sept. 3, 1877. $ . Warrior Chief, Betsy Ann 1 (3 dis), Woodford Knox (3 dis). Mambrino Billy ci tlis), Lizzie (2 (lis). Lima Boy (2 dis). Prince (2 dis). 3:00, 3:00, 3:00, 3:04. Harry iMills, brg(3:3~'i) l)y Sweepstakes. 4. Sept. 21 and 22, 1874, $1,000. Ohio Boy .3, 7(5 0), (90), Magnolia 2, 4, May Howard!. 2:29, 2:28, 2:293i, 2 :30J4, 2 :29. 2 :.31 . 2:2Si4, 2 :28U- - •3OI4, 2 :32i2. Terre Haute, Ind., May 12, 1875, $750. Fancher 2. Professor, Nameless (1 dis) 2:38, 2:3'?i,2, 2:38, . May 14, 1875, $1,200. Molsey, Prince, Fauclier, Moss Eose, Billy Button (1 dis), Ripon Boy (1 dis), 2:32, 2:31'.;. 2:31U.2:31i2. Mason, Mich., July 3, 1875, .$500. Small Hopes, Burlington, 2:29, 2:.36, 2:34. Richmond, Ind., Aug. 6, 1.87,5, $800. Monroe, Gray Jack, Billy Lanibertson (3 dis). Dolly (3 dis). Lady Byron (2 dr), 2:40, 2:4014, 2:38. "■ ' Big Rapids, Mich.. Aug. 27. 187.5, $300. Gen. Sherman 1, Charley, 2:37. 2:33, 2:41, 2:34. Delphos. O., Sei)t. 24, ls75. ,$325. Surprise. Deception. 2;46i4, 2:35,2:39. Harry Moore, brg (3:38) by Sweepstakes, J. Minchin Jr.. Middletown, N. Y., Sept. 9, 1881, $100. Lady Horton, Lady Snyder, Katit- Haves, 2:46, 2:40, 2:42. Sept. 10, 1881, .$100. Bertha Clay, Russell, Junction, 2:43, 2:.38, 2:38. Harry Morri.s, b g (3 :439i). Harrv Morris. Point Breeze Park. Phila., May 26, 1874, $100. Little Nell 4, 5, Lady Allen 3, Highland Mary, Sweet Willi:nn (2 dis), 2:52^1, 2:46, 2;48?4 2:45?/i, 2:47i.., 2:43=4. Harry N., blk g (3:4914). E. C.Vinton, Willimantic, Conn.. Oct. 15, 1878. $100. Topsy 1. Drover, Midget, Rover, Fanny Murphy, Tinker (4 dr), 2:50, 2:51, 2:.50ii, 2:50. E. D. Bass. Suffleld. Conn., Sept. 29, 1881, $70. Farmer Girl, Lizzie R., Baby, Willy, Sleepv, Little Ned (3 dr), 2:.50ii, 2:4914, 2:.50. Harry Neal, ch g (3 :38). E. G. Stall, Cincinnati, O.. May 26, 18,58, $25. Ladv Gay. 2:52, 2:51. (W) .luneS, 1858. $1,50. Lady Gay 2, 3, 2:40,2:48, 2:.50, 2:51.2:50^4. R. Nevins, Wheeling. Va., Sept. 17, 1858, ,$370. Champagne, Joe Godwin, Hiram Woodruff, Major Shutt (3 dr). Fanny Fern (2 dr), 2:4,5, 2:41i4. 2:4li4. F. Lafferty, Sejit. 13, 18,59, ,$60. Red Dick, Little Joe, 2:41, 2:40. Cleveland, O., Oct. 19, 1859, $100. Yankee Tom, Honest John. 2:38, 2:40. 2:40. Newark. 0„ Nov. 14, 18,59, .$100. Nevin's ch m (2 dr), 2:40, 2:44. AVheeling. Va., Sept. 14, I860, .$200, Ike Cook 2, (5 0), .Tack Rossiter 1. Grit (l dis). 2:35, 2::}4,2:35, 2:38, 2:3,3iX'. 2:33. Geo. R. Logan, St. Louis, Mo., Nov. 10, 1863, $300. Jersey Boy, Pat (l dis), 2:43, 2:38, 2:41. 2B8 CHESTEK'S COMPLETE TROTTINC AND PACING KECOUI). Harry Noble, b g (3 :42). J. Puffenberger. Keokuk, la.. Aug. 29, 1871, S200. Honestv (3 0), Willio Martin ■J:45:'4. l.':4!t'... :J:4'J^4, 2:4G^'a. S. H. Perry, Wilton, la., July 4, 1873, 8 Sexton, Wilton. 2 :.-3, 2:42. Aug. 22. 1H73, S150. Whalebone, Town Hoy. Troublesome, 2;r)!, L':42, i.':4o. Muscatine. la., SejU. 18. 1K73. §100. West J-iberty. Wilton, Dan Wlieeler, 3:0;'). 3:03, 2:5t;. Mr. Turiiin, Atlantic, la., Sept 2li, 1877, S . l>ol> Ingersoll, 3:03, 3:(i4. M. Dully. Creenlield, la.. Sent. Iti. 1«7H, ,■? . IJilly Mack, Wyoming Chief. 2:.".7. 2 :.'»'». 2:54^4, 2:.')3'-. Harry Norw <»«k1, b g (.3 :45J4), by Norwood, dam Lady liigraham, ijy Sacliclt's llandiletoniau. H. B. Thrbon, Scranlon I'a., May 10. 1881. §200. Fannv S.. l':55';. 2:47' j, 2:15'/i. Harry olthf West, b g C-Ji^Olj w). Mr. ^Vildrich, Plemington, N. J., Sept. 25. m'.2. ?80. Unkn'>«-n, 2-48, 2:50, 2:. '■>2. Harry P., ch g (2:361^). F. Patterson. Wheeling, ^V. Va., Aug. 21, 1873, S250. George Kccd, Conch .Ir.. Wild Tom, 2:52.2:50, 2:50. Chilicothe, O.. Oct. 9, 1873, $500. Dairy Maid 1, Fanny Brown 4, Little Roan, Gvpsv Queen (5 dr), Maria (3 dr ), Wild Wagoner (2 dis), 2 :40, 2 :42, 2 :40i4 . 2 :42, 2 :45. Steubenville. ()., Oct. 10. 1873, $500. Tom Britlon 1, 2, George Reed, Hiram. .Icrry Postle (4 dis). Brown Charley (4 disi. 2:40, — , 2:3«'2. 2:40, 2:4(»:'4. Harry I'., ch g (3 :33), by Aberdeen, dam by American Star. W. Bovle. Ottawa, 111.. Aug. 15, 1883. ,S400. Blue Bull Pilot 3, Amy King, Legal Tender, Lou F., Frank Gray, Harold, Gray Selim (4 dn, Lelia S. (3 dis), 2:42. 2:39!i. 2:37i4, 2:3;5. Harry I'arker, ch s (3:43'4). A. Gillespie, St. Louis, Mo., Oct. 2, 1874. $300. Belle 1. Kangaroo, Eastirlin (2 (lis). 2:47, 2:46'2, 2:431^, 2:44'; Bloomington, 111., Sent. 7, 1875, .¥175. Little Mose, 2:4754. 2 :42>/s. Sept. 8, 1875, $200. Little Mt ....... ., ....„, lose, 2:42K>. 2:42?i. Harry I'atclien, b s (3:18). Edward Jenkins, Greenfield, O., Oct. 10, 1883, $60. Morris 1, Piloter, 3:15. ;i:20. 3:21.3:18. Stallions. Harry Pelham. grg (3:3854). by Thomas Jefferson, dam Lady Jane, by Hambletonian. M. Darcy, Water- town, Conn.. Sept. 28, 1882, $200. Stephen G. .3, Belle Waterburv, 2:41, 2:40i4, 2:4l?4, 2:42. W. B. Smith, Stafford Spa, Conn., Oct. 6, 1882, $200. Hersey *1, Lady Scud, Wild Dandy (4 dis), 2:37. 2:35, 2 M, 2 :3C. Harry Powell, ch g (3:45i.i). Bayette Bros., Owego, N. Y., June 13, 1872, $400. Erie Boy 2, Deceiver, David (ireer (2 dis). 2:45'.i, 2:46, 2:4.5'4.2:45>4. Harry I*ulliii>f. b s (3:2!)'.i), by Menelatis, dam Bird, by Ethan. Allen. A. S. Olnev, Concordia, Kan., Oct. 14, 1882. .$200. (apt. P.nllanl 1, (ieorgic, 2:44'., 2:41^4, 2:3!)i.,, 2:41. C. C. Olnev, Mar\ svillf. Mo.. Aug. 2;), 1883, $3,000. Billy Douglass 3, Gov. Anthony, Maj-gie H.. Claude R. (2 dis), Forrest Pilotd disi. 2:.S7, 2:,W4. 2:35,2:34»4. Salina, Kan., Sei)t. 26. 1883. .$200. Napper, Georgia (1 dis). Cliffwood (1 dis), 2:29^4, 2:34, 2:35. Harry K., ch g (3 :35). bv tile Drew Horse. C. W. Phillips, Cedar Rapids, la., June 14. 1877, $500. Shepherd Bov. Little Hube, Senator. Jim Lane (3 dis), Pollv Hopkins (3disi. Lex (2 dis),2:;i9'i,.. 2:3G'5, 2:355s. ). Tucker. Chicago, 111., July 4, 1878, .$ . Kitty Duiii)liy, . 2:55. 2:44 Aug. .3, 1878,.$ . Miss H. 1, 2:52, 2:43, 2:41'o. Aug. 31, 1878, $ . Miss H., Granger, 2:42"j,2:43, 2:35. Harry Kand, b g (3 :59). Geo. W. Kand, Scranton, Pa., July 4, 1870, $50. Frauk, Gypsy, Jerry (3 dis), 2 :59, 3 :02. 2 :.i9. Harry Keed, ch s (3:44). 11. M. Reed, Sidney, O., Jnne26, 1875, $ . Honest Dave, 3:05,2:56. 2:57. Sept. 23,187.5. $15. Billy Robins. No time. Stallions. Greenville. ()., Sept. 20. 1877. $2,'50. Kitty Bates, Bay Fanny. Robert C. (1 dis), 2:47. 2:46. 2:44. Harry .S., b g(3:39i4). F. Hess, Newark. N. V. Aug. 30, 1882. $200. Woodruff 1, John Love. Deadwood, Baby Wood, Jennv K. (4 dr), Dan Stoker(2 dr).2:40. 2:4014. 2:40>2. 2:42. Sept. I, 1882, .$200. .John Love 1. .5, Woodruff 2, Baby Wood, 2:40, 2:39'.., 2:39'/j. 2:3914. 2:S9'2.2:39»4. Harry Sipp, brgi3:36i4). J. B. Serrell, Westchester, Pa., June G. 1874, $200. George Wicks 1, Pawnee S(iuaw. Plough Boyd dis), 2:,'')0?4. 2:49, 2:47. 2:48i4. Pottstowii. Pa., Oct. 4, 1876. $200. (ico. B. Patchen (2 0), Smiling Tom (2 dis), Tom (2 dis), 2 :3Ci4, 2:38, 2:.36i4, 2:3714. Harry Spanker, b g (3 :30), by Gen. Knox, dam Ladv Gay Spanker, by French Tiger. T. S. Foster, Spring- field, Mass., Aug. 25,1873, $600. Doily Varden 1, Jenny, Hopeful (4dr), Lady Lightfoot (3 dis), 2.49?i, 2:45'4.2:44, 2:415i. T. C. <'arpenter. W'oonsocket, R. I., Sept. 16, 1873, $2,50. Lady Foster. Frank Allen, Sunshine, Jack Poor, Doctor Bruc; (1 dis), 2:42i4, 2:44, 2:44?^. R.Morrow, Providence, R. I., Nov. 4. 1873, $400. Com. Perry 1, Lady W^illiams, Ned (3 dis). Tontine Belle (2 dis), Bessie (2 dis). Another Such (2 dis),2:27V^, 2:.35, 2:35^4, 2:35. T. S. Foster, Lee. ALiss., Sept. 2. 1874, $ — . Flora, Ladv Black Hawk. 2 :40i4, 2 :38, 2 :404 Wolcottville, Conn., Sept. 10, 1874, $400. Addie Jefferson, Princess, Martha. Kitty Clyde. Roan Tom. 2:.'f9'i.,2:42, 2:42';. Lawrence. Mass . Sept. 25. 1874, .$400. Lady Williams, Fleetwing. Horace Greeley, 2:o9}4, 2:38. 2:.37. Middletown. N. V., Sept. .■50,1874, $1,000. Klla Madden 4. 5, Bonner 2. Mountaineer,' W. H. Ripley, Trout, Lady Angie, Lizzie Adams, Washington Irving (1 dis),2:.X5'o, 2:.'V>, 2:37W, 2:38';, 2:3,5. 2:35'-. New Haven, Conn.. Oct. 14, 1874. $1,000. II;irrv Gilbert, Jimmy Norton, Messenger Boy, Lady Bonner, Lizzie Adams, Mountain Maid. Arthur (3 dr), 2:.^8"2, 2:.37, 2:40 Providence, R. I., Oct. 20. 1874. .$.500. Effle, Lizzie Keeler, Princess, (Jray Dick, John T. Russell, 2:33^, 2:.34, 2:,36'.i. Hartford, Conn., Nov. 4, 1874, $400. Bov, Jimmy Norton, High Cloud (1 dis), May B. (1 dis), Arthur (1 dis), 2::i8i-i, 2:35';, 2:37. Charles Dickerman, Deerfoot Park. L. I.. May 17. 1876, .SJ.'so. Harry Irving, Sally Mack. Clotliesline, Lady Annie, Jericho. Lizzie Adams (1 dis>, 2:34';. 2:.')(r'.,, •J:.!5'5. Jersey Citv, N. J.. May 26, 1876, .$250. .lericho 2, Clothesline. Edith (2 dis), 2:36, 2:3.5, 2:34. 2:36}^ Ameiiia, N*. Y., Julv 5, 1876. .$400. Enigma. Nellv V.. 2::;4'2,2:32, 2:34. Harry Thorn, br g (3;45). by Pacing Alxhillah. C. ('. Kali, Sliaron. Pa., .June 10, 1876. $250. Chesniit Dan .3, 4 (1 Oi, Nigger I>octor Dick Foster (4 dr), Bay Tom (4 dis). 2:,50. 2:.'')04. 2:.50. 2:4.5. 2:45. 2:4.5. Stallions. Harry Thorn iwt, b g (3 :33i4 vv). Will. Powers, Sandiiskv, O., Sept. 22, 1880, .$24. .lames Garfield (W), Bay Dick (W),3::J2»i.3:J9';, 3:2214. " , ^ Harry Todd. ( Frank. Ferguson and J. C. Brown 1, b g (3 :30). bv Billy Glenn. G. J. Fuller, Cambridge, Iiid.. June II, 1873. .$.'{000. Clementine, Billv Lambertson, Nick, (iniv Alex.. 2:41K'. 2:34, 2:.S7!^. .rune l.t. 187.1. .$1,000. Fashion. (Jrav Alex. Bertie. .Moss Rose, Tom Hendricks, Mattie Sturgeon, Mon- arch .Ir. (1 (lis). Ladv Alfred (1 dis), 2:39'.i. 2:.'?9i.i. 2:.3.X .Jackson. Mich., .lime 20. 187.3, $1,300. Joe Cdell, .lames H., Albert, Barney, Ada F., Billy Lambertson (2(iisK L;idv Ida (Idis), Sir George (1 dis), 2:28'o. 2:2914. 2:30. Harry Vandei-hiU, bg (3:43' i). L. C. Smith. Philadelphia. Pa.. Aug. 2. 1877, $100. Hannah Clark 3. 4, Thco- d(ire Fitler. Ladv sTiari) 1 (3 dr). 2:4Ii4, 2:4.3. 2:42. . 2:42'», . Barry Velox. 1) g (3 :3G'j). bv V'elox. .1. S. (Mark, Bradford. Pa.. .June 18, 1881. $.500. J. F. Leonard 2. Ingo- mar 1, Naiad Queen, Laiu-a Payne (2 dis). 2:47, 2:36Hf 2:39, 2:34»4. 2:36. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 290 Olean, N. Y., June 2.'. \xs], S300. Naiad Queen (10), John King, 2:30, 2:324, 2:31}^, 2:36M. June 24, 1881. S^.iOO. Joyce. Kevstoiu-, 2:34, 2:35i;i, 2:;i4'4. Salamanca, N. Y., July 1, 1»81, ?p3r,o. J. E Leonard, Naiad Queen, John King, 2:30, 2:30i4, 2:30Ji. July 4, 1881, $^rjO. J. E. Leonard 1, (leorge S., 2:33'.i, 2:32, 2:30',». 2:31. J. H. Sauer, Eaton Rapids, Mich., Aug. 5, 1882, .^;.00, Minnie 'VVaiTen, Green Charley, Clara J., 2;32)^ 2 '31 2; 42 '■ Marshall, Mich., Aug. 10, 1882, $300. Dora, 2,39, 2:3li^, 2:30. Aug. 12, 1882, $300. Mmuie Warren, Green Charlev (3 dr), 2:31^. 2:31%, 2:32U. .^lansfield, O., Aug. 24, 1882, §200. Waivc-up-Jake, i2:30i/a' 2:35, 2 :3t;. ('. S. Wheeler, Canton, O., Aug. 30, 1882, $300. Sleepy Tom, Joe Kellogg, Lady Thome (3 dis), 2 :30i^, 2:31K',-':31. Teeple & Wheeler, Eaton Rapids, Mich., Aug. 11, 1883, . eddlesome, (w), 3. 2:4G, 2:42. 2:40. 2:42. Lynn. Mass., Aug. 30, 1858, $100. Solouque, 2:39%, 2:38^, 2:40. Aug. 31, 18.58, $100. Solouque, Meddlesome (2 dr), 2:39%, 2:38>4, 2:41. Lowell, Mass., Sept. 17, 1858, ,$,50. Flyaway 1, 2:58, 2:57, 2:.54. Harry Ward, rn s (3:42%, by Happy Medium. P. S. Van Orden, Spring Valley, N. Y., Sept. 29, 1876, $75. Hambletonian Bashaw, 2:42%, 3:03, 3:02. Harry White (3:39' 2). H. L. White, San Francisco, Cal., Aug. 8, 1874, $200. Mattie Howard, 7:57^. Three miles. Harry AVhite, gr s (3 :44). C. E. Candee, Syracuse, N. Y., June 17, 1881, $ . Maggie, Gray Prince, 2:44, 2:4G'i,2:4fi. Harry Wickforcl (3 :40). W. B. Smith, Suffield, Conn., Oct. 25, 1882, $175. Surprise 3, 4, Propeller 1, Ripple 2. Best time 2:40. Harry AVilgus, ch g. C. M. Bliven, Ithaca, N. Y., July 4, 1879, $70. Jack Robinson 1,4, Lena, Earry Morrill. No time. Harry Wilkes, b g (3:33i4), by Geo. Wilkes, dam Molly Walker, by Capt. Walker. Woodard & Brasfleld, Louisville, Ky., Sept. 13, 1882, $300. Annie S. 2, Bob Acres, Clifton (3 dis), Clash (l dis), 2:29^^, 2:28%, 2:26i4, 2:28 U. Sept. 15, 1882, $500. Bob Davis, Kitty Silver, Annie S., 2:27%, 2:27%, 2:28'4. Lexington, Ky., Oct. 12, 1882, $400. Bob Acres, Maud Messenger, Molly Mac, Wendover (2 dis), Michael (2 dis), 2:28i4, 2:23^4, 2:2614. Harry Wood. Cobbleskill, N. Y., Sept. 26, 1878, $40. Fanny 1, Fanny, Victor. No time. Hartford Belle, bm (3:35). G. P. Carpenter, Springfleld, Mass., Aug. 23 and 24, 1871, $700. Lida Picton 2, 3, St. Elmo 4, G, Jack Poor, Lady Alice (l dis), 2:35'4, 2:35i^, 2:35'2 2:35H, 2:35, 2:36, 2:30^4. Wolcotville, Mass., Aug. 31, 1871, $125, Eleetfoot, Dick Parsons, Toronto Jim, 2:51, 2:52, 2:55%. (w) John Farris, Meriden, Conn., Sept. 22, 1875, $100. Kitty Hills (w), Tom Daly (w), (2 dis), Tom Jef- fries (vv), (2 dis), 2:.54!/2, 2:54)^, 2:54. Sept. 24, 1875, $200. Kitty Hills, Lucinda H., 2:51. 2:4414. 2:46. (w) G. Herbert, Fleetwood Park, N. Y., Nov. 12, 1875, $150. Mooney Boy 1, 3, Lavinia 2, 4, 2:44, 2:47%, 2:45 '-4 2:45 2:40 2:44 2:40. ^ C. LaRose.Attieboro, Mass., June 15, 1876, .$2.50. Tom Pink 1, 4, Helen, Belle, Jasper (4 dr), 2:41i4, 2:45i;i, 2:46'2, 2:46%, 2:47. Hartford Clay, brs (3:511^). Dr. Mettler, Newton, N. J., Aug. 28, 1866, $25. Horace Jones. 2:51i2, 2:52, 2:.56. Hartford Hambletonian, b s (3 :45i4), by Hetzel's Hambletonian. dam by Boanerges. Mr. Morton, St. Louis. Mo., (^ct. 14. 1870. $200. Nat Claiborne, Pete Payne, Eureka, Rai)paree, 2:46^1, 2:47. 2:45'-. Hartford Maid, blk m (3 :40). P. Brooks. Milwaukee, Wis., June 24, 1874, $250. MaggieG., Chinquapin, John Hall (3 dis). (iolddust (3 dis). 2:,50i4,2:42, 2:461^. W. D. Edgerton. Marengo, 111., Sept. 30. 1874, .$200. Quickstep, Susie Hendrickson. 2:47. 2 :46, 2 :42Vi;. Hartmore, b s. by Harold. J. P. Wiser, Gouverneur, N. Y., Sept. 4, 1882, $ . Ned McCrea, 1:54, 1:50. Two-year-olds. Half mile heats. Hart's Chestnut Mare. (3 :15i4). W. S. Hart, Oskoloosa, la., Sept. 3, 1880, $.50. Tommy. Prince's ch m, 3:40, 3:1514, 3:.32'4. Harvest Maid, blk m (3:43). Thos. Edsall, Deckertown, N. J., May 26, 1876, $50. Nelly 3, 3:00,2:55, 2:58, 2:57. Middletown, N. Y., O-t. 3, 1877, $150. St. Remo, Peggy, Tommy Norwood, 2:43. 2:43^, 2:42. Harvest Queen, b m (3 :39'2), by Hambletonian, dam l)y American Star. M. Treat, Alameda, Cal., Oct. 14, 18G9. $10,000. Venture 1, 2:46%. 2:44, 2:46i4. 2:45. S. B. Whipple, Sacramento. Cal., Sept. 15, 1870, $1,000. Jerome 3, 4, Billy Russell (4 dis), Flora (4 dis), . Don't Bodder Me (3 dis), 2:32%, 2:38%, 2:32. 2:35'/2, 2:2914. San Erancisco. Cal., May 3, 1871, $.5,000. Blackbird 4, McMann 2, May Fly, Regulator (5 dis), Lady Dooley 3, (5 dis), California Dexter (5 dis), 2:3414. 2:36^, 2:35%, 2:3.5i4, 2:33'4, 2:.35i4. T. Mc( Iclhin, May 23, 1871, .$5,000. Mav Ely 1, McMann, Regulator. California Dexter, Pride of the Bay (2 dis). Lady Dooley (1 dis). Lady Sign.al ("l dis), 2:34, 2:31%, 2:30, 2:36^1. Harvey, blk s(3:37).' .1. Morton, Deerfoot Park, L. I., May 16, 1876, .$150. Ed. Sills, Emily G., J. M. Oakley, Lady Lowe 1, (2 dis), Kate (iolding (2 dis), Jenny (2 dr), 2:42, 2:421^, 2:4.5, 2:44. M. Hand, Waverly Park, N. J., (Jet. 29, 1878, $ . Dwyer 1, Dan Pfifer, Nelly, Vermont Maid, Carrie 'White (2 dis), 2:39, 2:39, 2:38i4, 2:40. JOO CHESTER'S COMPLKTK TKOTTING AND FACINd KECOKD. (w>, May 8, 1880. Prize silver, (irocer, (w). Doubtful. (W), Priiu-e. (w), (1 4. 2:33, 2:.!0-'4.2:;«';. H. H. Conant. Waterloo, Iiul., Oct. 5. 1H8:j, .S2.")(). Aristos Jr., Jasper, Jim Hainly, J:4,J?4, 2:41. 2:;». Harvey I'heljis. b s (3:50), by son of iliatofia, ilani by Uwliarrie. \V . N. Smith, Hiirlington, Kan., Sei)t.fl9, IKKJ. .SKtO. Hilly Jones, Nelly. •J..">n, 2:,")0'.i. 2:.''>l. Hatter Itoy. \) ji ( 'J :48). bv Messenger Duroe, diini by t'hurehill. J. II. Sliugar, Heading, Pa., Sept. 28. 1882, «!«0. Little ld:i 4. »i, Hopewell r,. .Sallv Hlaek 1, Laify Overplus, Dutch Girl, Leather Hoy, (4 dn, Farmer Dan (I dis). Prank (1 disi, 2:5(;' ». a:.").'})^, '2:r>r>. 2:r>5- ... 2 :5G, 2 :.59'/i, 2:.'>9V4. Lebanon, Pa., Oet. 4, l(s82, .§150. Gen. Scott 1, Geo. E. Simshine (2 dis). Lady May. (l disi Dolly (idis), 3:01K>. -':.''>4, 2:48, 2:.'->3. Hattie, blk m r-J :4a?4 )• Thos. Foley. Chicago, 111., 0<-t. 12, 1860, .?100. H:l!f. Hatch's ch m. Clara P., Hanta (2 dis), 2:4f>!4, 2:42?4,2:49. Hattie, b ni (3 :'15). C. Thurston. Charlotte, Mich., June 6, 1871. .?500. Frank Worden, H:ittle Creek, Hilly, Untline, Hav Peter. Hilly Cusliing i;i dis), 15ob Elliot (2 disi. Hob Harker (2 disi. 2:44. 2:4(;'4, 2;4.">, 2:45. Hattie, blk m (:J:i:J). L. S. Grave, Titlin. ()., .lune K. 1x71, .*; — . Fanny Chilton, 3:20, 3:24. F'our-vcar-olds. Sanilusky, ()., Aug. 2S. 1K7l', ■S5((. Kennebec 1. Ida, Midnight. 3:12, 3:13, 3:1.''). 3:14. Hattie, i Sarah and Viola), b ni (3 ::50j, by Morgan I'rince. J. (L Campbell. Auburn. X. Y., July .'W, 1872, S300. Clothespin 1. 2. Sandy Fo.x, Hhick Dick, (4 dis), 2:38i4, 2:37V.i, 2:.3G,'.i, 2:.39'.i. . Syracuse, N. Y., Sept. to, 1.>^7l', .«;.">0o. Clothespin, Hunkidori, Lola :\lontez, Dutch Boy, Lady Allen 1, 2, (3dis», 2:37';, 2:37, 2:;!7, 2:3t;\.. 2:34',. Hattie, ch ni i3 :30), bv Trojan, dam bv Hercules. A. H. Buck, Chicago, 111., Aug. 30. 1S72, SK.'iOO. Ed. Seeley, Kate Hazard, Robbie Gohldusl, Kate. Ellen Davis (1 dis), 2:34, 2:34>.i, 2:32i4. Thos. P. Poach. .July 19, 1873, .<;40<). Topsy (1 0), 2:34. 2:34, 2:33'/i, 2:35. A. H. Huck, July 1, 1874, $r,iV). Albert, Roofer (3dr), 2:30, 2:315!i, 2:32?i. Aug. 10, 1S74, .$300. Bay Henry. Jerome (2 dis), 2:32?i, 2:.31^, 2:37^4. Hattie. b m (3 :.51). Mystic Park, Boston, Oct., 8, 1874, $200. Maud, Gvpsv. Belle, Hiram Drew, Baby. Doctor, ^•elly, Billv, 3:09'-2, 2:56, 2:51. Hattie,bH< lu (3:40). F. H. Sparrow, Truro, N. S., Oct. 6, 1875, $1.50. Emily 2, (iypsv Queen, Blackbird (2dri, 2:.53, 2:51, 2:47K>- St. Johns, N. B., Oct. 28, 1875. .'i!;30O. King William (w). Honest Billy (2 dn, 2:49, 2:44^, 2:46?i. Hattie. b m (3 :38i4). c. Dana, Rutland, Vt., Aug. 24. 1875, §250. Night"Hawk 1, 2, J. F. ?itevens 3. Fanny i. Lady May, Capt. Jack, Lambert Knox Canton Boy (5 dr), Bay Lambert U dis), 2:37. 2:38Ji, 2:41, 2:42, 2:42'/,, 2:45, 2:47. C. Long. Brattleboro, Vt., Sept. 2. 1875, .$300. Night Ha\vk 1. Naked Truth, 2:38'.;, 2:41, 2:39. 2:43. Hattie, b m(3:40). H. W. Barrett, Athol, Mass. Oct. ,3, 1877, .•j: . Adam 2, Josie. Belle Jones (4 dr), John Henry (4 dr), Kate Murray (4 dr). Hilly llatlidrnt (4 dr). Sam (4 dr). 2:4C'4, 2:40, 2:41U,. 2:42. Oct. 4, 1877, $W). Adam, Dick Danipli', Empress, Worcester Bov. Billv Hathorne, 2:40, 2:41'.2. 2:41. Gardner. .Mass., Oct. 6, 1877, .SlOO. Hellel, Dick, Shepherd Boy (3 dr), *Sam (2 dr), 2:50, 2:4,5. 2:47, 2:4G>.i. Westerly. R. 1., Oct. 24 and 25, 1877, $150. Honest John 1, 2, Sparkle 4, Lazv Bill (5 dr), Thomas B. (5 dr), King Bird (3 dis), 2:43, , 2:4G'o, 2:46, 2:41, 2:40^. Oct. 25. 1877, .$150. File Cutter 2, Delight, Lady'Balch, Honest John, 2:40i.i, 2:41'i. 2:40V>. 2:40. Hattie, b m (3 :00?4). R. Johnson, New City. N. Y.. Oct. 2, 1878, .«35, J)an, Susan, Kate {l dis). Sis (1 dis), Jenny (1 dis), George (1 dis), 3:10, 3:04, 3.6o?.£. Hattie, b m (3 :35) by Dixon (?). J. Doyle, Danburv. Conn.. Oct. 9, 1879, $200. Bay State, Fro, Farmer Girl, Patchen Maid, Kate Lambert, Brighton (2 dis). 2:38. 2:39. 2:40. Oct. 10, 1879, $1.50. Lady Sherman, Wakefield, Brighton (3 dis). 2:35. 2:41, 2:46. Oct. 11, 1879, $100. Bay State 3, Ripple, Knox Girl, 2:39, 2:41. 2:38, 2:35. Hattie, b m (3 :39?4). T. Williams, Morristown, N. J., Aug. 31. 1880. $175. Harry Mills, King Cetawayo, New Bridge, Byron, Laura B.. Hilly (!., Nelly, 2:35':. '2-M9, 2:35. Sept. 2, 1880, $100. Brown Dick 2, 3, "Lizzie Jackson, King Cetawavo, Harvey, Vinewood (5 dr), Laura B. (4 dis), Byron (4 dis), 2:36?4, 2:34, 2:3794, 2 :,3fi'» 2:38K>. Aug. .30, 1881, .$2.50. O. A. Hickok 2. 3. Martha l. 4~ Star, Happv Jack. Josephine S.. Pickwick (5 dr), Lar- kin (4 dr), 2:3414. 2:.34. 2:;J4J4, 2:34H, 2:37L4. 2:41='4. Hattie Itishop, (3:46). Woodstock, HI., June 8, 1H71, $110. Perrine, Bonny, Middle Edge, Ed Banks. Best time 2:46. Hattie Browne, ch m(3:48). G. J. Fuller. Nashville. Tenn., July 31, 187.3, .$ . Toby 1,2, Red Cloud 4, Blanche, Lucy One Eye (5 dr). Village Blacksmith (2 dis). Lady Beck (1 dis), 3:00, 2:57^, 2:5714, 2:57i^i, 3:00, 2:57'4. March 10, 1874. $ . Bob Hill. St. Patrick, 3:07'i, 2:.59i.i. Hattie C. gr in (3 :33^). F. Monday, Dayton. O.. Sept. 14. I8HO, .$2.50. P>aby Hov 2. 4, Gen. Sigel 1, Abdallah King. Ethel K., (;ift Jr. .3, (4 dis), 2:49'o, , 2:41i;i, 2:44. 2:44. 2:40. 2:42. Sept. 17, 1880, $;!0(). Arab 1, 2, Happv Traveller 5, 6, Nellv D., liabv Bov. Gen. Sigel, 2:40, 2:36i4. 2:375ii, 2::{9. 2:»0. 2:.i9'.,. 2:38'',, . Hattie Faweett,b m (3:3814). W. B. Leonard. Newport. Kv., Oct. 8. 1874, $200. Clement. Lady Gray, 2:42, 2 :4;t. 2 :48. " > Oct. 9, 1874, .$200. Joe, Doctor, Lady (irav, 2:.53, 2:.5ril t;, 187.5, .$ — '--. Stranger, 6:09ix'., 6:04, 5:.5(P,. Two miles. Hattie Fisher, b m (3 :3.'>). O. L. Fisher, Wilkesbarre, l^a.". Oct. 20. 18.80, $200. Rosa B., Addle 2, (4 dr), 2:50, 2:,50, 2:51, 2:.5.5. Buffalo, N, Y., Aug. 2, 1881, $.500. Rachel 1. Chester F. 2, Rockev. Ladv Bell, Stranger, Anna H. (1 dis), 5:01.5:13'., 5:14»;i, 5:16. Two miles. Hattie Hardie, br m(3:4.'-.). E. R. Foulinier. Mobile. Ala.. May 4. 1880, $165. Almont Norman 3. 4, Maria Stuart. Merry Chief (1 dis). 2:48'4. 2:4.5, 2:459t(. 2:4714, 2:48. Hattie .TefferKon, ch m (3:44). by Thomas JelTerson. A.Woodruff. Hartford, Conn.. Oct. 16, 1872, $100. Sarah Phelps 1, Peter Jefferson, Kitty Grow, Flora J., 3:30, 3:24, 3 :20. Three-year-olds. >> Ui a o -«id bo fl 'S « J - a ^ ^ i^ w a CHESTEKS COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING KECOUD. 301 G. W. Miller, Milford, Conn., June 12. Iis78, $50. Ned Patclien. Greely l', (4 r 0), David (3 dis), Fanny (3 dis), 2:4i;, 2:oO-^, 2:44, 2 :5.i. New llavfii. Conn.. .;uin' 17, 1878. S.tO. Fannv. 3lajor Snow, David, 2:49'o. 2:51^4. 2:49'4. Hattie 31.. I)lk ni (•i:40). \V. McDonald, Herkimer. N. Y., .July 28, 1876, .^l.->o. Amanda 3, 4, Kit Holden, Harry B., Nelly Norton d dis), Isabel d dis;, L':40i4, 2:40, 2:42;4, 2:45, 2:4a. Hattie Matthews, ell m ('i :'S0}4,), bv Lodi, dam by .Magnolia. T. S. Flood. Morrisania, N. Y.. Oct. 4, 1881, .S . Alma 1, 4. BertUa Clay, Isabella (5 dis>, 2:ii0'4, 2:3014, 2:32, 2:;52^4, 2:32^4. Oct. .">, 1881. .$ . Hawthorne, Daniel O'Kourke (1 dis), 2:3714. 2;36:'4., 2:31. Hattie P. br in (3:47! i). Providence, K. I., Sept. 7, 1875, :$300. Governor 4, 5 lO dis i. Providence Maid 1 (4 drj, 2:.i4. 2:l!l, 2:4752, •.':59'^, 2:55J4, 3:37. Hattie Price, br ni(2:35). F. Wineman, Chicago, III.. Sept. 19, 1881, .5300. Maggie F. 2, Bobby Logan, Governor. Hattie S. (1 dis), 2:35, 2:27. Kace incom|)lele. Hattie Ross, br in (2:47 J^). W. Gladnev, New Hunting Park, Phil., June 6. 1882, .'5 . Lizzie Patchen 1,3. 2:.74',i, 2:.->2, 2:58i2, 2:59,2:.53. Hattie S., eh ni (3 :24), by Strathmore, dam Marv Whipple, bv Whipjile. 11. Sharp, Shariisburgh, Ky., Aug. 7, 188.3, .$100. Col. Tom, Little Jim. 3:37. 3:24, 3:33. Two-year-olds. Hattie SUawhan, ell ni (3:4314), bv Blue Bull. John Wilson, Cambridge Citv. Ind.. June 3, 1874, .$800. L. \'. Caldwell 3. Phoebe C. l. Bov Billv (3 dis). Grav Dan (1 disi, Jim Miller (1 (lisj. Gen. Grant (1 dis). William (1 dis). 2:45, 2:4214, 2:45, 2:47ii, 2:.51. Five-year-olds. Hattie West, (3 :53). Mr. Edict, Jamestown, N. \' , Oct. 23, 18G8, §100. Erin-gu-bragli I, Egotist, .Iiilia Dean. 2:.54i;, 2:.53, 2:,50i4. Hattie Woodward, b m i3 :13io), by Aberdeen, dam by Henry Clay. 1?). (ins. Wilson, Milwaukee, Wis., June 8, 1880, .$800. Frank Fiske, Longfellow, Dove Pet Girl. Troubadour, Milo (1 dis), 2:28, 2:31, 2:2914. .lune 11. l.><80. .?800. Lizzie B., Western Belle. Arthur B. (2 dis), 2:33. 2:31'2, 2::40. East S:igiuaw. Mich., .luue l.'i. l-Jso. .ssoo. Wilimr F., Magnet, John Grant, Leontine, George V., Emma M;i.\\vell, ( arrie Cozzens, 2:2.~j'i, 2:25':. 2:i9. W. C. France. Toledo. O.. June 22. I88O. .•^(loo. .Jovee. Forrest Golddust. Robert Brown, Emma Ma.xwell, Wilbur F. (3 dis). Ivjite MeCall (3 dri, Magnet (2 dis)", 2:27y3. 2::il-4, 2:30. Gus. Wilson, Columbus, ()., June .io, I880. .SOOO. Kate McCall, Emma Maxwell. Marv Miller, .Joyce, Clark S.. Black Tom (1 dis), Woodlake (1 dis), 2:30. 2:3\U, 2:30. July 2, 1880, $000. Josephus, Executor, Tom Hendricks, Outlaw, Lizzie II. Forest Golddust (2 dis). Guil- ford (2 diS), 2:29, 2 :24^, 2:2Gi'2. Cincinn;iti, O., July 5. 1880. .51.000. Wilbur F., Emma Maxwell, Magnet (1 dis), 2:43i^ 2:.37'2, 2:42. Cleveland, O., July 30, 1880, Sl,500. Belle H., Ainoer, Abdallah Boy, Nelia, Big Fellow, 2:2234, 2:221/2, 2:23. P.uffalo. X. Y'., Aug. 7. 1880, .1til,.500. Keene Jim 1. Dan Smith. Hambletonian Bashaw, Belle H.. Amber, Satlie Howe. Nelia (3 dr), Big Fellow (2 dis). 2:i:)'4,. 2:15^/0, 2:lKii. 2:20. Rochester, N. Y'„ Aug. 13, 1880. .$1,500. Belle H.. Keeiie Jim, John S. Clark, Amber, Sadie Howe, Nelia, 2:2214, 2:20M, 2 211^. Ha%'iland, (Ned Cole), (w), br g (3 :39,U), bv Mountain Chief, dam bv BundyMorgan. John Trout. Beacon Park, Boston, Nov. 6, 1876, .5200. Flora Belle (w). Cassius Prince, 2:33, 2:34, 2:33, Hawkeye Girl, b m (3 :59i4), bv Tramp Jr.. dam bv Neelv's Tornado. D. C. Gifford, Knoxville, Tenn, Aug. 24, 1881, .$17.5. Home Stake 3, "Black Doctor 3:0G, 3 :04. 3:02^4. 2 :59i4. Hawley. (w)grg (3:39). Hiram Woodruff, Union Course. L. I., May 3, 1855, $50. Tom Thumb (w), 1, 2, Patapsco ( vv), Jim (w), (l dis). 2:44. 2:47^, 2:4314, 2:45, 2:45ii. (w), Jas. Whelpley, Sept. 19. 18,56, $.500. Mustv iw), 3, 4. 2:49'!4, 2:49, 2:49'i. 2:49^^, . Centreville, L. I., "Sept. 23, 18.56, .$500. Mustv (w), l, 2:4G, 2:47, 2:48, 2:4G. Union Course, L. I., Oct. 20, 1856, .$1,000. Jack Potter (w), 2:45, 2:41, 2 :42. (w), Nov. 5, 1856, .$500. Shanghai (w), 2, 2:44, 2;44>... 2:4714, 2:49. ( w). May 25, 18.58, .$1,000. Milkmaid. 5 :28, 5 :31. Two miles. Hawthorne, "gr g (3 :35), bv Smuggler, dam by T. S. I>ang. W. H. Wilson, Albanv, N. Y'., Sept. 7. 1880, $ . Kittv Fisher (1 dis). 2:41. Morrisania. N. Y., Oct. 5, 1881, .$950. W. O.. 2:5594- W. H. Wilson, Falmouth, Kv.. Sept. 12, 1883, .$2.50. Georgie W. 2. 3, Booker Bov, Sorrel Dan, Maggie S., 2:36, 2:40, 2:3714, 2:.38, 2:3.5. Mavsville. Ky.. Sept. 22, 1883, .$300. Tom Bagbv, 2:481^, 2:48, 2:.52. Hawthorne Blossom, b m ^3:50). II. Dempster, Belvidere. N. J., Sept. 12, 1877. S40 Cramer's b g. Newton Boy, .Maggie (2 dis), 3:15. 3:12, 310. Four-year-olds. Easton, Pa.. Nov. 9, 1878. .$40. Harry Forrest (w), 2:.'^0, i;:52, 2:51. Hawthorne (jueen.b 111(3 :48) bv Brigham Y''ouiig, dam a Bellfounder mare. John Grevdon. Kansas City, Mo.. JuneG, 1874, .$75. Vander'bilt 3. Tip, :;:02'2, 0:0314. 3:07-4. 3:0iii. Hayinalier, gr g (3 :.33i4) bv Wideawake, dam by Butt Cut. Wm. Enimett, Flora. 111., Oct. 2, 1874, .$3.50. Gray Aleck 3. 4, Ladv Jane, 2:46, 2:33'^, 2:40, 2:39V;i. Incomplete. Hayner's Entry (w) (3:49 w). Georure Havner. Troy, N. Y., Sept. 18, 1873, $100. Hasting's Entry (w) 1,2, Brush's Entrv ( w), Adam's Entrv (Xv), 2:47J4, 2:.50, 2:49. 2:.51. 2:51. Hayward (Billv Havward)) gr s (3:31-4) by George M. Patchen Jr., dam Grav Liz, bv the Morse Horse (?). T. Kennedy, (lakhind. Cal., Aug. 24, 1871, $100. Lady Emma, Billy Eoss, Mack, Mary Jinks, 1 :.59. 1:57, 1:5:;'2. Tlirer-(|ii;irter mile lieats. Hayward Chief, gr g (3 :3l) by Billv Havward. J. C. Simpson, San Francisco, Cal.. Oct. 11, 1876. ::?5no. Lady Cunmiings, Nellv Patchen. 2:32i,, 2::«, 2:31. Hazel, gr m (3:40). G. Wriglit, Hall's Track, L. I., Sept. 25, 1872, .$100. Lady Jane. Fanny Dean. Horace (1 dis), 2:46, 2:48Vi, 2:.50i2. Hazel Kirke, b m (3 :30?4) bv Brigadier, dam Fannv, bv Jim Brown. J. B. ^McDonald. Stockton, Cal.. Sept. 18, 1883. .$800. Olivette. Aiiteo, 2:30?i. 2:.32:'4. 2:34. Hazlett's lirown Gelding (3 :43). G. R. Hazlett, Fashion Course. L. I.. Julv 2:i, 18G9. $1,200. Young Commo- dore (w ) yi 0), Red Rover(w», W. Kinnev 1 (3 dis). 2:47, 2:43. 2:44'.;. 2:44, 2:49. July 31, 18G9,.$300. Hill'sgrg, MacMara's br g {2 dr), 2:52i;, 2:.52,2:44. Hazlett's Urown 3Iare (3:43'.,l. T. Hazlett. Fleetwood Park, N. Y., Oct. 29, 1870, .$300. Case's ch g 2, .McRoberfs lir m 3. Sfjiiaw, Mallen'sch g (5 dri. 2:50'. 2:49, 2:42'.,. 2:42i2, 2:43'2. Hazor (Atwood 1 gr g (3:37), Dy Young Americji. dam Hebe, bv Bertrand. .1. .1. Bowen. Mystic Park, Boston, Oct. 19, 187.5, .$200. Hard Times. E.iston (iirl, Eva, Maid of Merit. 2:40i2. 2:42ii. 2:42. Oct. 21, 1875. .^200. Bay John 3, Hard Times, Billv Bashaw Maid, Easton GirU4 dr). Siphon (3 dis), 2:4314, 2:484. 2:4()i;, 2:40. Beacon Park. Boston. Oct. 26 and 27, 1875, .$300. Hard Times 1. 2, Ladv Keenan, Maid of Merit (1 dis), 2:34, 2:3914, 2:.37. 2:4.3. 2:37. Nov. 12, 1875, .$200. Ned 2, Florence 1, Ladv Sherburne, Johnny (5 drK 2:38i4. 2:.38J4, 2:37, 2:37M. 2:.37. -Mvstic Park. Boston. Nov. 20. 1875, $200, Ned 1, Johnny, Lady Sherburne, Honest Farmer, 2:36, 2:39M„ 2:39, 2:3Si4 302 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TKOITINO AM) PACING RECORD. li( ;icon Park. Boston, June 8 ami !). 1876. $•''■00. Rose Standish l, 2. Oeorgie M., Gray Bill, Hiram Dyer, (ioliliuulcr. .leniiy, l-.uly JSiiiitli (,■> ilri, --^au',!, i.':J9. 'J/.m. •.'lai'j. :i.32';. Mystic PaiK, IJoston, .June U, isTiJ. .^6ik). Gcoige H., 3, Lady Null, Lady Daggett, Grace, Ned, Live Oak, Gray Dick. C liristinc (udi). i liciokceU dis), ^:.il, •2::ai. L'.:.9';, -JM. ifartt'onl, i oiin.. .luiic 2S, l,-7ii, .^hK). Alley. Liuva. Carrie N.. Bay, L':'J7?4, 2:.3()?i. 2:28'i, Mvstic Park. Loston, Julv U and 15. IS76, *(X)0. Bully Brooks 4, .'j, Georgie M. (6 0), Babv Boy, Joe S., Dusty. Kint; NVilJiam (4 dr), '_'::;8, 2:2x'.i. 2;2. ii, ■J:2>>-)4., 2;32, 2::>4, 2:-9ii. Beacon Park, Boston, July 20, i,s76, *;i(Mj. Bully Brooks 1. Babv Boy, Dusty, 2:28. 2:.3fi'4. 2:.31i4, 2::!fi. Keene, N. 11., Aug. 3, 187«; ?<4(iO. Belle Dean 2, 3, Flora Belle, George H., J. G. Blaine. 2:30i4. 2:32.2:31!^, 2 '31 2 *a4. •' Clareiiiont, N. H.. Aug. 10, l.'<76, §300. Belle Dean 3, George IL 4, I'lora Belle. Henry Chase (3dr) 2:33. 2 :32 ' ■> , 2 : 32. 2 :34, 2 :;>o ' a . — Beacon Park, Boston, Sept. 10, 18TC, $200. Flora Belle 1, Maggie S.. Sir William Wallace, 2:29%, 2:28, 2:28, 2:28!^j. . Providence, R. L, Oct. 5, 187f>, .$800. Tanner Boy 2, (4 0), Young Wilkes .!, (4 0), ],izzie Keeler Bay (4 dis), 2:27U, 2:2si.i. 2:2K?4, 2:29!i. 2:29. 2:31. Beacon Park, Boston, Oct. 10, 1876, §400. Bay 1, 2, Ilaviland, Nellv \Nalton, Flora Belle, 2:29',2, 2:28M, 2:28:'4. 2:2-'.i. 2: I'D. ■ Sei'it. 11. 1871, Sl.OOO, George IL 3, Clara J. 1, Bateman, Sam Curtis, Flora Belle, Queechv Maid, Result, 2:28, 2;--7'4. -':li«. -*:27, 2:27V2. J. (ientle, Tilsonburgh, Ont., June 23, 1880. SlfiO. Johnny Gordon, Spotted Colt, Cayuga Chief (2 dr). Best time 2:37. Brantford, Ont., June 2r,, 1880. $2r,0. Frank C, Happv Abbott (l disl, 2:43. 2:44'4. 2:4l'i. H. 11.. b g (2 :55), bv Phil Sheridan. H. McBride. Waddmgton, N. Y., Sept. 9, 1873, $ — . Gen. Thomas, Lady Bowen. 3:03. 3 :00. 3 :00. A. B. Parton, Sept. 5. 187,'). $1?.'>. Nellv Grant, Gvpsy, 2:.5.5, 2:.'-i7, 2:.W. H. B. Foley, b g (3 :35). Mr. Glenn, Chicago, 111., Aug. 9, 1873, $300. Hope l. Bob Hunter, 2.34, 2:35, 2:35i/t, 2:37. H. B. AVinship, l)lk g (3 :20K>). by Aristos. J. Golden. Mystic Park, Boston, May .W. 1883. ?600. Judge Davis, Gray Finis, Backman Maid, Charley Knox, iMuriel, Archie (3 dr), Don Carlos (3 dr), 2:25J4, 2:26>4, 2"3f>. '- Juno 1, 188:!, $000 Fenner, Magic, Judge Davis. Boston Boy (3 dr), 2:2554, 2 25>4, 2:24i/4. Providence, R. L. June 8. 1883. .1;400. >.aglc, Fenner. 2:27^4, 2:31, 2:27. Seiit. 13, 1883. S2.fK»o. Kate McCall, Amelia C, Gladiator, Happy Thought, Steve Maxwell, Young Fuller- ton (2 dr). 2:211.1, 2:LM>.i, 2-21'.i. Mystic Park, 15oston, Sept. 20, 188.^, .SL.'iOO. Gladiator, Kate McCall, Don, Frank, 2:21. 2:23, 2:20Vi. Albany. N. Y., Oct. 4, 1W3, .Sl.OOO. Judge Davis, Cornelia, Kate McCall, 2:2.")ij. 2:2,"), 2:24'2. Providence, R. I., Oct. 12, 1S8.", .S400. Forestf Patchen 3, J. B. Thomas, 2:23, 2:22>4. 2:2394. 2:24?4. H C. Hill, lir g (2:35';), by a gray pacing horse, dam by the Morse Horse. J. E. Moses. Washington, D. C, June 13. 1874, .■5.500. Silver Maid. White Cloud (1 dIs), 2:42'4, 2:42'4. 2:42i4. Nov. 19. 1880, $ . Jenny B., Trump, Mischief, Uncle Dave (3 dis), Clara Morgan (3 dis), 2:S9, 2:32, 2:34. H. I>, Ellison. 1) g (2 -.RG^i). J. Nelson, Parkville. L. I., Sept. 1, 1883. .«200. Strathmore (2 dr), 2:36V4, . H. I). ■Walton, b g (3 :3Gi4). Ben Mace, Rhinebeck, N. Y., Oct. 27, 1874, $800. Utica, Lady Patchen, Patchen, Lucy (2 disn 2:4G, 2 :4.5V2, 2 :4f.. Fleetwood Park, N. Y., Nov. 10, 1874, S400. Willy 2, 3, T. E. Gordon, Lady Collier (4 dr), 2:36V4, 2:38^*, 2*39 **'37V<> '^'39 '- Nov. 12^1 574, '$400. Willy, T. E. Gordon, Melissa, Lady Collier (3 dr), Tommy Moore (1 dis), 2:39, 2:38?i, 2-40'o. Headlight, ch g (3 :30), bv Scott's Hiatoga. Mr. Cooper, Indianapolis, Ind., Nov. 4, 1878, $75. Polly, Hoosier Sam.McArtliurd dis). 2:40. 2:40,2:40. Nov. 13, 1878, $.')0. Hoosier Sam 1. 2 (3 dis), 2-3f.i4. . . I) It. Hosmer, Milwaukee. Wis., Sei)t. 25, 1879, 8400. LadyOrav, Susie (3 dis), 2:45. 2:36, 2:37. Coloml)us, O., Sept. 30, 187:i, t SCO. Lady \\ agner 1, Kfiie G., Erin Chief (2 dis). Creed (2 dr), 2:35, 2:31, 2:31'», 2:3."). .„ Oct. 2, 1879. .§500. Sannle G. 4, Lulu K. 1, Belle Powers, Lady Clark, Lady Wagner (4 dr), 2:33, 2:30, 2:32, *> .39 ** *34 HeaiVof Oak. blk s (3 :34) (3 :38i.i*), by Royal George. E. Clark, Adrian, Mich., Sept. 21, 1865, $100. Gray Eagle, 2:4.-.. 2:40. Buffalo. N. Y.. June 21, 1^06. .?200. Tom Bradv, Sime 1 (3dis), 2:42. 2:41U. 2:.'?5';, 2:35. W Harris, (orthmdt, N. Y.. .hme— . m;7..$2()0. 'lormentor 2, 2:;j9, 2:38, 2:37, 2:;i8. chiis Skinner, Peoria, 111., Aug. 28, 18G7, Sl.-)0. Ladv Alice, Lady Gav, American Star, 2:34'j, 2:36, 2:34. Heatherbell. I)lk m (3:06'4). F. T. Bridge, Woodstock, Ont., July 1, 1875,$ . Mark Twain, 3:13, 3:10. Four-ve:ir-olds. • „ ,. Sept. 1, 1X75, $100. Lady AVoodbrook, Mark Twain, Col. Tavlor, 3:10, 3:09, 3:06i.i. Four-year-olds. Heatherblooni.grm (2:33), bv Duke of "Wellington, dam Heatherbloom, by Tally Ho. G. P. Carpenter, Fleetwood Park, N. Y.. Ma\ 16, 1871, .S700. Hank. Edwin Booth. Gen. Tweed. Fleetwood 1 (4 dis). Bright Eyes <). 8:0:?';. RtlO. Three milfiS. Hlr:im Woodniff. Union Course, L. I., May 2o, 1847, .$'200. Black Maria2 (3 O), Moscow (1 dis), 6:20, 5:18, 5:21,5:28. Two^ miles. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 303 (s), Wm. Woodruff. Boston, Mass., Nov. 23, 1847, $ . Snow Storm (sU, 2:15, 2:42, 2:40, 2:41. (s), G. Edwards, July 24, 1h4S. Sl.500. Daniel "\V ebster (s), S:C5, 1 :59 Three miles. Hector, (w) vh g ('i ■.■i'Z^/i). .S. Wliite, Providence, R. I., Auk. 22,1867, $50. Riclielieu (w), 1, 4, (5 0), Dentist ^w) (3 dis), 3:00, 2:54, 2:55, 2:53, 2:53, 2:57. W. Blackington, Pittsfleld. Mass., Oct. 8, 1857. $20. Nelly, 2:54, 2:55. Same dav. S . Hoyl., Aug. 26, isso. .«:i,')0. Lady Eveland, Champion Charley, Verus, Lizzie B., Dick Turpin, Sue Grundy, Molly Gift, 2:44, 2:44^4. 2:47. H. Dysinger, Lancaster. O., Oct. 13, 1882, $200. Josie Mansfield 1, 3, Honest Jim 2, Sneak, Aniie King (3 dr\ Black Jug (2 dis). 2:40'o, 2:464, 2:46, 2:46, 2:45'.;. 2:45'.,. Heddon's Bay Stallion, (s), (3 :33 s). G. Heddon, Trenton, N. J., Sept. 25, 1868, $100. Dugdale's br s (s) 2, Qninton's br s (s), We.st's eh s (s), 2:41 ?.t, 2:42. 2:37. 2:33. Helen, (Cora), blk m i3:30i4), bvCassius M. (lav Jr., O, W. Dimmick, Cincinnati, O., Sept. 23, 1863, .$100. John Paul, Brown Dick (1 dis), 2:30^2, 2:30'/2, 2:.32'2. Helen, b m (345^j), by May Flv, . 2:40, 2:43'i. Helen.br m (3:36). F. Ridaliock. Norwalk, Conn.. Sept. 12, i87S, $150. Julia Sweepstakes 3. 4", O. U. A.. Little Bertie, M. P., Miss Thome, Dick Schell, 2:44, 2:3914. 2:42, 2:4314, 2:39. Sept. 13. 1878, $150. Mary D. 1, 2. Harry Brown 3, Julia Sweepstakes, O. U. A., Farmer Girl, Emma K., (1 dis), 2:38, 2:40ii, 2:4014, 2:40, 2:37, 2:40i4. Watertown, Conn., Sept. 25, 1878, $100. Ino., Harry H., Highland Win., Belle (2 dis), Hannah Dustin (3 dis) Duget (3 dls), 2:44%, 2:44, 2:4014. Sept. 26, 1S78, $100. Ino, Highland Win, Harry H., 2:40i^, 2:42'4, 2:44^4. Helen. bm(3:36). Isaac Lee. Wilkeslmrre, Pa., Oct. 15, 1879, $100. Harry, Farmer Girl, Lady Woodruff, 2:36, 2:.37, 2:36. Oct. 16, 1879, .$65. Lady Woodruff 2, Harry, Pop, 2:39i4, 2:43, 2:4314. Helen De l^ong, ch m (3 :35i4). J. Carl, Parkersburg, W. Va., June 19.1875, $350. Anglo Saxon, Joe Little, Jack, Jerry Hooker, Queen Mary, Ladv Wagoner (2 dls), Arthur Wilde (2 dis), 2:37?4, 2:3514. 2:37. Moruantown, W. Ya.. Oct. 8. 1875, $300, .Jack (3 0), Josie, Wild Tom, 2:40'4,2:37. 2:44, 2:40. Helene, ch m (3 :31), by Hambletonlan Prince, dam the Maxwell mare. J. B. Burlew, Elmira, N. Y'.. Sept. 1, 18^0, .^4"iO. Bashaw.'Charley Ross, Kismet, Cricket (2 dis), Seneca Patchen (1 dis). 2:37i4, 2:.33%.2:;!5. Salamanca, N. Y., Sept. 7. 1880, $10. George D. Sherman 2 (4 0), Lady Upton, Irene, 2:33i4, 2:33;/2, 2:ri3^, 2:33' 1, 2'33'i. — — Bra8. Hemlock, b m (2 :54). N. Hovey, Pleasantville, Pa., July 13, 1872, $100. Roderick 1. 3, Kitty. 3:03, 2:.56, 3:00, 2:.54, 2:nc,}4. Hender8hot"(3 :10). Jones Wilev, Newark, O., Oct .^ 1871. $50. Lilly Sutton, Grove's b m, Lee's ch g, Jone's ch m. 3:10, 3:llV2. Three-year-olds. 3W CHESTER'S COMPI.ETK THOTTINC AND l'.\(IN(; RECOIJD. Hemlersoii, eh }f( 3:37 >.i) bv Stnitlimore, (lain by Briguoli. D. W. lircmii-iniui. Bcloit, Wis.. Sept.— , 1882, « . (Kiiijiiiche o, 4(-'0). Swigert Jr. IcJOt, IJiiwoikI. lliirold, Ceorjff I'.. •J:.>l'. J^jl. i::52, 2:5;j. 2:6'2. 2:62'/t, 2:57 '2. HeudrUk, }.'i',i:. W. W. Wood, rortlaiul. Mc. Sii)t. 17. 18so. .S22.'). Fnink K., Wanderer, Molly Morton. SluTWOixl, IloMoii Hov I'J (lis), •-'S.S' J, 2:37 '.I. •_':37. Hfiuli-ickboii .\lare. bll< 111 ci ::Ji>i..,i. ci. F. .loiios. Miiieohi, L 1., .Fiiiic 18. I8H0. S . Dislirow'sbrm. Hill's b 111. Durvfa's b in. Lull's Hav Horse (2 dr). 2:.i0'5. 2:42';, 2:43. Henrietta, i-li ill 'i :31U). M. Uoik'ii. Fashion t'ourst'. L. I, Ap. 20, 1S67, .•$2.01)0. L:i(lv Kfudall 2. 4. 2:4'<. '/Mit, 2 :4.-> ■.1,2:18'.... 2:42. t'oiialu'. N. v.. .lulv i!l(M). !5ur{fher 1, Frank Miller, 2:12. 2:;J9'4. 2:39>.i,2:43. (,'opaki-. N. Y.. Sept. 21. ls*;7. sl,(KlU. Burgher 3, 4. 2:;57. 2:,3.'"), 2:30' .., 2:3G%, 2:3G'i. (It. BarriiiKtoii. .Mass., Sept. 27, 1807. .S1.")0. Sir William 3, 2:.38, 2:.37, 2:40, 2:.18. (w) Fashion roiirse. L. I., May 22. ISGS. STiOO. Fred, Tense (\v) 1. No time. H. Holers. I'roviden. ■-', it. 1., .June 10. 1S08. S.IOO. Rosa Golddust 1. Madawaska Miiid 2 (4 disi. 2:3!i, 2:37, 2:;K). 2:;;U 1. 2:43'2. M. Roileii, Watertowu. N. Y.. .Mine 24. 18G8, 8300. Jim Smith, Reliable (2 dr), 2:37)4, 2:3.j, 2:."6' •. I'iltsfleld, Mass.. Aug. 20, 1808, >?400. Wliitehcels (2 disi. Major Kirk (1 disj, 2:37';. Henrielta also dis- taiieed in second heat. Dan Maee, Boston. Mass., June 8, 18G9. .S800. India Rubber Ben. Frank Morgan, Columbus Navigator. Jack Lewis. 2:.;4, 2:33>,i, 2:;U. Williaiiisport, Ta.. Oet. 1'.). 1809, $2,000. Dot, Anthony Wayne, Hop, 2:3,'}, 2::{4?,i. 2:;ir.. Hfiirietta. bik m (a:40). C. N. Howland, Taunton, Mass., Oct. 2. 1867, $2."). Eastern <>uppn. 2:Ki)<., 2:42, 2 :42. ( )et. 3. 1807. §.")(). Flasterii Queen. Lightfoot (2 dn, 2 :47. 2:45, 2:40. Henrietta, b m (;J:41i, bv FeUon's Bhick Hawk. J. Benjamin, Baltimore, Md., July 17. 1874. BrjOO. Bird, (ii^arette, I'rairie (iirl (2 dr». 2:41, 2:47. 2:44i.i. Henrietta, blk m (3:42). Simon James, Hamilton. Out., June 2i), 1870, $200. Model. Comet, 13allymen!i.2:.')3'/,, , 2:52. Henry, (s),chg (2:40). Horaee .Tones, Beaeon Course. N. J., Oet. 1. 1839. .fKKt. Red Robin, isi DaiiKUi, (s), Jaek Frost, (s), 5:42, 5:30. Two miles. Centreville Course, L. I., Oet. 10, 1839. .isioo. Celeste. Don .hum. Cato (2 dr). Lady Sullolk (2 dis). .^:20, 5:28. Two miles. Henry, bg (3:55). Ca])t. Wells, Messina Si)a. N. Y., Au;,'. 15, is.-,?. $200. .lane (3 0), 2:.56i.i. 2:59. 2:,')0'/i, **"59 Henry, b s (3:51'0. I). C. Whittemore, Nashua, N. H., June 24, 1805. ?1.50. I'.lack Fanny 3. 2:.54V^,2:.-)3, 2:52, 2:.5*iu;. Henry,!) g (3 :30>i), by Harry Lathrop, dam Flora. Mr. Eastman, St. .loseph, Mo., Oct. 1, 1808. .«200. (jray ^'fho'sBest Buffalo, N. Y.. Aug. 10.1809.82.000, Dutchman, Anthonv AVayne. Tete Matthews, Lizzie, lAdia Tliomiison (2dis), Frank (2 (lis). Gray Prince (2 dis). Listener i2 dr), 2:27,2:274^,2:20'.;. : Buffalo. N. Y., Aug. 11, 18(:9, $1,500. Blackbird 3, St. Elmo. Frank Rolfe, Frank, CayugJi Chief, Lady (ijirlield. 2:3.!. 2:;52. 2:32,2:31'-i. .Vug. 12. 1809. $1,000. Lady Garfield, Gray Hawk, Brown Kitty, St. Elmo, (iray Prince (1 dis),2:32J4, ''•"9', ■'•.'i4''j I^'l'hiladelpliia. Pa., Sept. 7, 1809, .'§1,000. Hop, Jaek Draper. Gen. Lyon (2 dis), 2:30, 2:.303i,2:33Vs, Sept. 8. l,vo9. .-^l.ooo. .lack Draper. Lizzie Keller, 2:34'2, 2:38, 2:371.1. Sept 9 iscg, .•ii.(K)0. Hoi). Louisii, Listener, Good One, Lady Lightfoot, 2:3.5^. 2:34'i. 2:33;'.. lohii Lovetl Fleetwood Park, N. Y.,.luly G, 1870, $2,000. H. \V. (iiMiet. Western (iirl. Surprhse. Coiifl- deneed (lis). Idol (1 dis). J. J. Bradley (1 (iis),2:24'j, 2:2C'.,. 2:28?i. Buffalo. N. Y.,Aug. 11, 1870, $4,000. Hotspur 1, Jim Rocky (3 dis), W. K. Thuiii:is d dis),2:25'/2, 2:28, 2:28, 2:2:;'.'. . , Middletown. N. Y.. Aug. 24. 1870. .$2,250. Western Girl. 2:34^.., 2:.37. 2::r.. M. Rodeii, Fleetwood I'ark. \- Y.. May 17. 1871. .■52.000. Hotspur, ISIyron Perry. 2:22'.;. 2:26. 2:23. Providence R I.. June 17. 1871. $2,000. Hotspur. SI. Elmo. Rhode Island. 2:28, 2 :24U, 2:'J2'.i. I5()st(jn. Mass.. June 2:i, 1871. $2,000. St. Elmo, 2:2G>.,, 2:20?.,. 2:20i.i. Thos P Wallace Fleetwood Park, N. Y., Nov. 4. 1871, $2,500. George Palmer ,3, Aiiiencan Girl, Geoii:e Wilkes W H Allen, 2-_'4'i, 2:--'4Vi. 2:244. 2:23-?.i'. Henry, l)r'g(3:4:i-''i >■ (iillicrt Aihiius. AVankegon, Wis., Sept. 28, 1871, .$100. Fox, Red Cloud, K.aeiiie Boy Heiiiv 'i) fi (3^47) ".I 'h' Goldsmith." War'i\'ick, N. Y., Oct. 1, 1873. .f! . Mike, Carrie P.. Fast Colors, Elsie 1 .'■'dis) Alarv Winiield (2dis), 2:.58, 2:.564. 2:.5C';. 2:47. Henry b g (t :3i9h), by Whipsaw. D. Small, Oneonta, N. Y., July l, 1875. .?20o. Maggie Morse. (U^orge Edsall .Ir. New Berlin P.ov. 2-4.5. 2:4.5. 2:40. 2:40i<',. ,t "Wood G;iri;itkville. N Y.. Sept. 1, 1875, $.50. Tnadilla Boy. Maggie Morse, 2:40. 2:4Gi.i, 2:t5. lierkimcr N V Julv "0. 1.87.5. .«;i'00. Undine, Sleepv Bill. Tlie Commodore v2 (lis). ^-Art^.-'ASYi Sept 14 1870 .«22.5. Kit Holton. Toronto Chief, Amanda. 2:tl. 2:47. 2:44'... Rome N Y Sept ''1 1876. .'^400. Ladv Holmes, Minnie Hicks, Amanda, 2::;9, 2:42. 2:38. lersevCi'tv N ,1 Oct 18 and 19. 187o.$.300. W. C. Derl)v 1, Tom, Dick Crocker. Irish Maid. Billy, I'ra 2:4.5. mk (4 dr) "■38 "■.'JS'" 2^37, 2:.'i5?4. Oct. 19, i87i6, .$300.' Tom, Tommy Moore, Flora (3 dr), Newbridge Girl (2 dr), Turk (3dr), 2:40^,, 2:.36, ^''Fleetwood Park. N. Y., Oct, 24 and 25, 1876, ?800, Tom 1. 2. Farragut. Sadie, J. D„ Little Frank. 2::«:, 2:35, Henry" g'r g (3 :39):'bv Columbus. W, McCarthy. Passaic, N. J., July 5, 187,5, $.500, Peter P. 1, Fanny (i.. Bril- lian't. Creedmoor, .lim Moffat (4 dis), J. M. Oakley (4 dr\ Maud (2(lis\ 2:40;;, 2:42'.,', 2:. 39. 2:42. Dan Mace .Tnlv 0 and 7. 187.5. .«!300. Creedmoor. Miii<,'o, Jim Moffat, 2:41-'.,, 2:44, 2:49, „. ^ — W. McCarthv, White Phiins. \. Y.. July 20. 1875. .^l.^-.O. Billy Stevens .5. ?:ileii T^Iary 1, Judge Robertson Henrv, b g (3 :331. J. Lamb. Jerscvville. HI., .Tune 1.5. 1878. !R80. Dutch, Fly. .3:05 2:.52. Henr:v;bg(3:30M). H. Peck, Lyndonville. Vt„ Sept. 6, 1878, .$,50. Jim Fisk. Little Mike. IMoneer. .Tenny Dean ''■51 ''•5Pi 2'.53*i Henry, gr'g"(3:36). ' R.' A. Cook. Sessamville. Miss.. May 2.5, 1878. .$20. Ben Rodeiihonse. 2:.5(!'4, 2:68, ^Aberdeen, Miss., Oct. 28 I88O. $100. Haley 4, 5. F. R., Jake 1, 2 (4 dis), Jim Mack (2 dis). No time. (■[i::STKirs complete TKOTTIN(i AND PA('I\(i RECORD. 305 Mobile, Ala.. May 5,'1881, $1.50, Julian l, (ieorge Hosliiiis 2 (5 dr), Peggy (2 (lis). 2:48, 2:43, 2:49i4, 2:47, 2:47. Cravv.ordsville, Ind., June 15, 18S2, S150. Chestnut Boy, Edina Boy, William T., 1 (4 dis), Nettie M. (4 dis), 2 :40. 2 :;>S- 1 , 2 -.30. 2 :;56' •; . Hlooiiiiiiirtou. 111., .hilv 4, 1882, .8 . Mattie Price, George W., 2:36, 2:39'.;, 2:45. Ht-nrv. blk g ( 2 :43;. S. Fo"iilk, Warren. O., Sept. W, 1882, $50. Hoosier Boy 1, Lydia (iolddust, Slouch (4 dr), .':i.i. •-•:4t;, 2:43. Hfiiry, rn«. W. Daniels, Morrisania, N. Y., Sept. 21, 1880, .$200. Miller's Damsel l. 1:23, 1:17, l:lCk, 1:15k. H.ilf-mile heals. Henry B. Patchen (Ned Forrest) b s (3 -.'iZYi) by (Jeorge M. Patchen, dam by May Day (?). Horace Jones, Fiislwon Course. L. I.. Sept. 27, 1SG4, .?l..-)00. Dobb's b m, 2:39, 2:41, 2:39'.i,. ' Oct. 10. 1864. .S650. T. M. Patchen, Belle Bailey. 2:.i9,2:41, 2:42. D:in Mace, May 31. 1860, .$100. .lack Lewis 2.;?, Hambletoniau 1, 2:37, 2:.39?,i, 2:41, 2:;i7, 2:35, 2:401^. Ben Daniels, .Vlonroeville, O., Oct. 18. I.s66, .•=!13(). .loe Curry, 2:38?4, 2:43'". ()ia'm:e P;irk, N. Y., July 10. 1807 .S.")00. Harry of the West, 2:40, 2:4.5, 2:.'io. Henry Brown, brs (3 :4:31a). A. Pixley, Columbus, O., Aug. 15, 1865, $100. Western Bill, Mary, Big Sandy (1 dis),2:.57V.. 2:51. 2:42'/i. Henry C. (w) b'g (3 :00 w). C. C. Caldwell, Batavia, N. Y., July 4, 1881. $ . Jim (w), Belle Foster (w), Cockro:tcli Cwt. Belle (w) (2 dr). Kittv(w) (2 dr), Samuel J. Tilden (w) (1 dis), 3:02. 3:00. Henry Clark, g g (3 :38) by Tom Wonder. C. T. Patten. Penn Yan, N. Y., Sept. 6, 1876, .$.300. Gov Tilden 2, 3, Judge Briggs'i John McDougall, Maggie Stewart, Cora S., Hattie F. (5 dr), Seio Pet (4 dr), . 2:42, 2:42, 2:45. 2:45'.,, 2:40. J. Kezeau, Cortlandt, N. Y., June 11. 1S79. Newsboy, Prince Alfred, Joe White, 2:4894, 2:46'2, 2:42?^. lth:ic;i, N. Y., July 4. 1879, $200. Cricket 1. Prince Alfred, 2:40, 2:40, 2:40'i, 2:43. Cortlandt, N. Y., ^une 28, 1881, .$200. Tom Wonder 1, Cricket, Andy, Hattie Fisher. Rosa B., 2:38H. 2:39*4 2:39^4 2'39V4. — OvvVgo. n! Y., Aug. 25. 1881, $140. Lib, Ole Bull, Lew Tallman, 2:40, 2:40, 2:38. Henry Clay, (w), ch g (2:38'<;). Wm. Wlielan. Centreville, L. I., Sept. 8, 1845, $100. 2:48. To beat, 2:49. (w). Beacon Course, N. j',. Oct. 15, 184.5, $500. Newburgh (wi, 2:52, 2:.53, 2:55, 2:53, 2:55. Union Course. L. I., Nov. 7, 184,5, $30. Newburgh, 2:45. 2:45, 2:49, 2.50, 2:52. Henry Clay, (w), ch g (3 :47i4). M. Hanson, New Orleans, La., May 17, 1855, $100. Larkin (w) 1, Dolly Smith (w)2, N^inieless (W). (1 dis), 5:^5)^, 5:34i^, 5:45, 5:49. Two miles Hem 2:53. Henry Clay, ch s (3 :39). S. Ling, .\iigusta. Me., Sept. 28, 1859, $100. Thrasher 1, 2, Hector (2 dr), 2:.50. 2:53, 2:39 3 •391^ 2 '42. Henry Clay, chs (3 :49^). J. Pflfer. Baltimore, Md., May 29, 1860, $1,000. Bay Jim 1, , 8:28^, 8:46. Three miles. Henry Clay, ch s (3 :43). W. McConnell, Dundee, N. Y., Oct. 12. 1864, $125. Capt. Taggart, Fox Hunter, Lady Clay, 2:45, 2:43. 2:42. Henry Clay, hlk s (3:43^). .Jackson, Mich., Sept. 12, 1866, .$.50. Wild Cat, Lad v Hooper, Lady Lanigan, Maggie, Red Bird, 2:43, 2:42i^, 2:45. Henry CIay,b s (3:43ii). M. Sheldon, Pochuck. N. Y., Oct. 14, 1869, $ . Jersey Boy, 2:55, 2:52. Henry Clay, ch s (3:111.4). Chas. Hepburn, Brooklyn wood, Md., Sept. 26, 1872. $150. Leamy 2, Elaine 1, 3:03}^. 3:15, 3:1314,3:18, 3:lli4. Henry Clay, br s (3 :37^). G. B. Shawhan, Mobile, Ala., May 7, 1874, $250. Fleta, John McDonald. 2:55"/^, 2:53, 2:54"2. May 8. 1874, $.50. John McDonald, 2 :57Ui, 2 :56. Ponicrov & Fuller, Raleiprh. X. C. Oct. 14. 1S79, $.50. Alniont :M:iml:riMo. "."o time. Oct. 15. 1879. $100. Almont Mambrino. No time. E. Pomeroy, Raleigh. N. C, Oct. 17, 1883, $200. Lenoir Chief, Morgan Charley, 3:29i.^, 3:25, 3:31. Stallions. Henry Cluy. Jr. (w). b s (3 :58). Alex. Brown, Narrowsburg, N. Y., JNov. 11. 18.58, .$75. Tom Star fw). 3:00, 2:58, 2:. 59. Henry Clay, Jr., blk s (3 :00), by Naples Clay. Watkins. N. Y., July 4, 1874, .$40. Dutch Jake, Belle Mitchell, Crazy, Dan Strickland, Billy Button (2 dr), 3:00, 3:00. 3:05. . Henry Clews, b s (3 :43). Clias. M. Reed, Erie, Pa., July 5, 1876, $200. Carrie 1, Bloomer, Tom. Billy Blood. 2 '53^ >> ^ "57 "^ *55 2 *55 ^"septr26,'l877,'$26o.' Lotos 1, 4, Pete 2, Hattie (5 dr). Prosper (3 dr). 2:4114, 2:40M, 2:43, 2:41'4, 2:43'4, 2:44. Henry Columbus, chs (3:41). Isaac Woodruff, Boston, Mass., Sept. 8, 1863, .$200. Uucle Ben, 2:41, 2:4.5, 2:44:'4. Sept. 18, 1863, $100. Tom Benton, 2:46'.^. 2:44. 2:45. I. Copp, Oct. 1, 1861, $300. Alburgh Maid, Pickle. 2:45, 2:43%. M. Carroll, Nov. 17, 1805, $ . Lady Flagner, 2:58, 2:44f4- Nov. 24, 186.5, .$2.50. Lodi, 2:46i4. 2:46. ., , , Henry Dexter (3:50'.;). H. D. McKinnev, .Janesville, Wis., Sept. 11, 1873, .$ . Milton Maid, Black Stranger, Wild Charley, Fanny (1 dis), Giidersleeve (l dis), 2:51, 2:52, 2:.50i.S. Henry Gilbert, b s (3 :37?i), by Clark Chief. J. Herriman, Decorah, la.. June 14, 1876, $100. Nelly, Nelly, True Blue (1 dis), 3:07, 3:11, 3:08. Four-yoar-olds. C. C. Bates. Oskaloosa, la., Sept. 1, l'88l. $200. Little Emma 1, 3. Gray Dick, Musketeer, 2:46i4. 2:41, 2::«J4, 2:3814, 2:3794. , , , , Henry Grattan, lilk g (3 :33). J. Logan, Rome, N. Y., Sept. 17, 1879. $.50. DukC'Of Burr 3, Dandy, .John B. (4 dr), W:illalla (3 tlr), 2:48,2:49, 2:52, 2:47. .M.S.Miller, Sept. 20, 1883. .$1.5f). Roman Chief .Jr., W:u-wick. Knight of Honor, 2:32, 2:3.3' i, 2:44. -■ Sept. 2.3, 1883, $200. Lulu P.. INIarv Newton, St. Patrick. 2:32. 2:32i4. 2:33'2. Henry K., ch g (3 :.54i;), by Limber .li'm. Waupaca. Wis.. .July 4, 1S8-'. $ . (General, KiMy. No time. Henry Morrill, ch g (3 :49). E. E. Weeman. Lynn. Mass., Nov. 14, 1878, $100. Belle Mnud, 2:.51, 2:51,i2:.50. Henry Perritt, b g ( 3 :.50). H. W. Hitchcock. :Montgomery. Ala., Dec. 11. 1857, $150. Sam, Yankee Mary, 2:.52i4 2 ".50 2 56I4 Heiiry .s'., gr g^S :39i;). J. S. Olnev, Woonsockct, R. I., Sept. 19, 1876. .$70. Edith (1 dis). Queer Girl (1 dis), Columlms il dis). Capt. Jai'k d ili'si, Harry (1 disi, 3:0S'.;. Four-year-olds. Providence, R. I.. July i:i, ls77, .$.50. Edith. Gnice Dnrling (1 dis). 3:06, 3:02"o, 3:00. Five- year-olds. W. H. Comstock.Wooksocket, R. I.. Sept. 19. 1883. .$200. Miller's Damsel, Annie C. (-3 dis), Henry (3dls), 2:421^, 2:303,, 2:40. Prbyjdence. R. I., Sept. 26. 188.3, .$300. Jenny 1, Miller's Damsel. Jlenry, 2:40i4, 2:41, 2:.39L^. 2:42. „.^^ Henry ,s., b g (3 :48). Henry Strong. Warren, O., Aug. 24. 1878, $75. Blackbird, Waverly, Hero, Blind Kitty (1 dis), Susie Powers (1 dis), 2:50, 2:57, 2:52. 20 306 CHKSTKKS COMl'LKTK TKOTriNc; AND l'AriNl)s, llanodslmrt,', Ky., July 22, 1874, $ . Roan Molly, Richmond, 2:45,2:44. 2:40. Henry St. Lawreuce. br s (,3 :00). S.Porter, Liueville, O.. Sept. 2i). 188.i. $3.'>. Brnna 2, Stony Ford. 3:00, 3:07. .'i:!)*;, 3:02. Henry .Stone. .i, 2:30. Henrv V., b s. 1)V (orrijian Jackson, dam L;idy Taylor, by Stockbridge Chief. J. E. Neptou. Denver, Col., Sept. JU, 1S80, .*i()0. T<)i)sv (lay 1, 1:5.'). 1:,'>4J^^, 1:52. Three-year-olds. Half mile heats. Henry Ward Heeeher.r~:58'ii- Mr. Kelly, San Francisco, Cal., Jan. 3. 1H71, §30. Belmont Maid 3, Lady I'jltelien 1..i:04. 2:.">b'4. 2:55'.,. '2:'>9. Henrv ^^ard Heeclier, eh }; (a::$Si. bv Son of .leffcrson's Champion. Topeka, Kan., July 11, 1878, §250. Ta'tllcr chief 3, Sleepv Bill, liocket. Kentucky Cnief, Empress i3 dn, 2:42^.,. 'J-mx, 2:3(>"o. 2:4i>.i. Henry ^^ art! lJeecher,gr s (« ::}7 •, i. W. \V. Itevis, Raleigh, X. C, Oct. 19, 1880, $26. Melville Chief, Doctor Mac. l:29'.i. 1 :2C'.i. Four-vear-oUls. Half mile heats. A. K. Si)rague, Lvnchbiirg. \ii.. Oct. 24, is,s3, .■?2ii.''>. Daisy, Hunter, 3:12. 3:03, 3:06. Oct. 25, is8.i. .S125. Daisy 1, Hunter. 2:4H. 3:02's. 3:01';, 2:.")3'4. Richmond. Va.. Oct. .31. ISKS, .^-'JOO. Edward 11.. Nelly (iray (1 dis^ 2:40':. 2:.S75ii. Henry Ward Beecher, b g (3 -ASM), by King Phillip. (!. Anderson, Chicago. HI., .July 24. 1H82, .$400. Dea- coii 2, 2:50, 2:39'.i, 2:47'^. 2:4314. Henry Wilson, ch g (.3:31). Horace Jones, Fashion Cour.se, L. I., Aug. «. 1802. Si, 000. .lohnstown, 2:36'i, 2:40, 2:51. O. Sharpsteeu, Copake, N. Y.. Sei)t 13 and 15, 1802, $75. Lady Collins l, 4, .lake Oakley 2, 2:36, 2:35, 2:34, 2:32, 2:34, 2:31. Hercules, brs (3:37). V, Sheldon, Canton, N. Y.. Feb. 11, 1874, $130. Young Phil. Kit Carson, Kit, Hiram Woodruff 1, .'>, (4 (lis), (iray Diamond O dls). No time. W. \aii Vidkenburg, Sept. 13. 1877, ,S . IMary Newton. Fred. Casev, 2:40, 2:42i.<,, 2:41'4. Hercules, blk s (3:11^). H. 1). Siliy, Laconia, N. H.. Sept. 10, 1878, $20. Lucy (2 dis)T Slippery (2 dis), 4:42, 3:11'.. , Hermes, brs (3:27'-). bv Harold, dam Hermosa by Edwin Forrest. Johj) Sjjlan, Meadville, Pa., May 15 1878. .'$300. Dan Donaidson, Annie Golddust, Rachel B. (1 dis), S. B. (1 dis), J5illv Piper (1 dis), 2:45, "2:46' 2:40. Butler. Pa.. May 22. 1878, $400. Ned Tester, Daisv S.. 2:40, 2:40. 2:40. Pittsburgh, P;i., June 1, 1878, $400. Abdallah Boy, Jake Underwood. Ned Tester. .lennv Froelich, Eddy Fry, Transit, 2:.!8, 2:38, 2::i8'o. S. L. Caton. New London, O., Aug. 20, 1880, $100. Willy Golddust. American Boy, 2:45, 2:45Vi, 2:40. Stallions. Herniione, b m (3 :44). R. Young, Westchester, Pa., Oct. 2, 1879, $125. Alice Addison 1, 2, Blacksmith Dan, Rocket (5 dr), Major (1 disi, 2:45^4, 2:47^4, 2:40i;i. 2.47I4, 2:44. Hermit, brs 13:40), by Woodstock. \V. H. H. Walker. Woodstock, Vt., Sept. 25, 1872. .«75. ISlidnight, 2:40 2:47,2:42. AV. E. Davis. Sept. 28, 1882. $7.5. J. B. Th()i;':is 2, (3 dr). {4old Hunter (3 dr\ 3:04, 3:lli<>, 2:.54. Stidlions. Hermit, b s (3 :37i-..), by Wasliington. S. Keycs. Monongahela, Pa., July 4, 1874. $.S,50. Perry. Jenny Froelich, Fred Haas (1 dis"), 2:.52 2:47, 2:5214. \V. H. Conrad, Point Breeze Park, Phila., Sept. 2, 1874, $ . Lady Patterson, 2, 3, 2:43?4. 2:4394- 2:42U, 2:42, 2:401/,. I)()ylest~own. Pa.. Oct. 1."?. 1874. .1?70. Pimchinello. 2:51, 2:.''>.5. 2:.5494- Stallions. Point Breeze Piirk. Phila., Oct. 10, 1874, .S . (Jen. Lane 1. 3, 2:41. 2:37^, 2:40. 2:42. 2:44. Hermosa, b m i3:33'.), by lulwiii Forrest, dam Black Rose, by Tcmi Teenier. R. A. Alexander, Louisville, Kv.. .luiie 28, ISO."). .$ '. Rodnev. F;iniiy Burke, 2:38i^o, 2:3.5, 2:30?4, "Nov. .3. 18(M) S . W K T,i(>m;is. Billv Hoskins (1 dis), 2:33i;, 2:34?i, 2:34. Hero, gr s (3 :51 ). Darius Tiilnnui, Rochester, N. Y.. June 11, 1853, $200. Billy Smelt. 5 :57. 5:.59. Two miles. C. Skinner, Jnlv 4. ls.53, mi Nimrod, 2:.5.5, 3:00,3:00. Sept. 9, 185:'.. $.n6. Cell. Taylor, . 2..55, 2:.51. ^. _^, , ,, , Hero, ch g (3 :3y 1. S. P. Farnam, Barton's Landing, Vt., Sept. 18, 1857, $100. Jimmy. Black Hawk, 2:41, 2:4,3, 2 ::!9. W. W. Killiuiin. Boston. Mass.. Aug. 1(5. 1800. .S200. Lady Stuart (w) 1. 2:.55,2:49, 2:.50'^. 2:48>^. Hero, l)g(3:53). .1. S. Edsall. Ooslieu. \. V., Nov. 5. is,57, $100. M:iry Hoyt 2, 2:53, 2:51,2:55,2:56. Hero, gr g (3:4.'>), Mr. Cillespie. New .Jersey State Fair, Sept. 7. 1800. $ . Cray (Jelding. 2:4,5. Hero, chg (3:49). (ieo. H. Bailey, Dover. JC. H., July 20. 1865. $300. Lady Brooks (w ) 1 . 4. 2 :50, 2 :.50, 2 :49, •).54 '»-53 Hero, l')g (3:39). H. S. Vornam. Waverly. N. J., Oct. 16.1868, .$200. Doty's br ni,St. Ceorge. Gen. Lyon, Annie, Black George (2 dn. Rosa (1 dis). 2:42'4. 2:.39. 2:42».,'. Oct. 17, 1S6H, .$200. Kate, Reuisti'r, Doty's br m, Rosa, lilack Crook (1 dis), 2:45'i, 2 :49ii . 2 :4.5. Hero. bs(3:43i4), l)v Riclnird's liellfoundcf, dam by Leopold Jr. John Bush, Racine, Wis., May 18, 1S72, .$200. Wild Rose 2. 3 (4 0). 2 :45i4 , 2 :44, 2 :47i4. 2:4514, 2:46. Miiv 24, 1872, .$.500. Wild Rose 1.2, 2:44i(.2:44?i, 2:43%, 2:43M.2:44J-^. , „ , Hero, bg (3:31). W.I,. White. Mvstie P:irk, Boston, Set)t. 1.5, 187,5, $1,000. Lizzie Keeler 1,2, Dolly P., Bismarck, Ilderim. Colonel, Prize (4 dr). 2:.34"». 2::i.5, 2:a3. 2:31, 2:3.5, Hero, b s (3 :37), by Legal Tender. J. S. Wade, Indianapolis, Ind., Oct. 4. 187s. $ . Roger Hanson, 2 :42i4, 2:38,2:41. Z;inesville, O., Oct. 11. 1878. .«600. Black Cloud. Banker, 2:43i4. 2:.39U, 2:.38i',, Hero, b g (3 :39'c». L. H. Chase. Norwalk. Conn.. Sept. 24, 1879, .$1.50. Harry 1, Billy. i;apiiali:inock (3 dis), 2 '40';, 2 '41 2'40ii 2 "41. -' S. W.'(!i\ylor. Woodbury, Conn , Sept. 14. 1S83, .$200. Belle of Waterbury 2. Essex Maid. Little Joe. 2:41M., 2"42'^ 2"44 2'.39'- Hero, b g (3 :43). O. Dobson, Jersey Citv, N. J., Nov. 22. 1883. .«100. May Florence 1. 2. Harness 15oy. Doctor, 2:riO, 2:47. 2:48i'o. 2:47. 2:.50. ' ' ,,^ 1. W. Nichols. Huntington, Conn.. Sept. 21. 18><.3. $100. Belle of Waterburv .3. Fred. 2:46.2:44'i.2:46. 2:42^- Herod, blk s (3:8630. 1)v King Herod, dam by Green Mountiiin l^ov. C. E. Brooke. Dubn(|ue. la., Sept. 9, 1K74. .$300. Joe Golddust 2. Maggie, Wau'keshah. No Name (3 dis). Regent (3 dis). 2:40'^, 2:40i4, 2:40, 2 "41% : Sept. 7. 1«75, .S.500. .Sam Shiirpley 4, Bay Charlev 3, Selkirk, 2:38ii 2:41i'», 2:52, 2 :.54?.i, 2:41U. .\ A. Hnmmer, Milwaukee, Wis'., Sept."l9. 1876,',? . Phil Sheridjin. Allen, 2:20^', 2:.30'.. 2:.30>,,. Heroin*-. 1> tn (3 :37). N. B. Douglas.s, .fanesville. Wis., May 21, 1868, .$ . Prairie Boy, Lady Belle, 2:43!',, ,2:44?i. (CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 301 . Miiv 22, ISGS, $ . Bird Catcher, Prairie Boy. 2:39, 2-37, 2:.".7i4. . Maliison, Wis., Oct. 21, l.sG.S, i;75. Ned Forrest, 2:42, ^Ml^- .Iui\ ;!, lsi;'J. ?j . Honest Juiiu, .'^lOa, 2:59, 2:45. Hero «>i rsalein i 4 liS). Lowell, Mass., Oct. 22. 1856, .1i!200. Ladv Macbeth, 2:43, 2:47'2. 2:46, Herr's ■Chestnut Mare, ( 3 :13?j \ by Manibriiio Patclieii. L. llerr, Lexington, Ky., Oct. 18, 1872, $160 Hail- storm, Alrov (1 disi, .•{:14'.i, 3:Vo%. Yearlings. Hersey, br s (3:35 u), by Macedonian. C. E. Tanner, Worcester, Mass., Sept. 6, 1882, iij;250. Lady Mack, Frank Haic, .fenny, St. jNlarv. Frank J)., Trifle, Hainpsliire Boy, iUiduiglit, 2:o8, 2:3U, 2:o8. StalTord Spa, Conn., Oct. ,5. lf<82, .'?200. Dick B., Wiltl Dandy, Helen Mar, Billv Gray, Joe Jefferson a dis). 2 :.35, 2:30,2:^7. Westfleld, Mass., Oct. 18, 1882, .$17.5. Kate Harris, Brutus, Gilt Edge, Lizzie B. (3 dis), 2:37;4, 2:38, ^ X. Adams, Mass., Aug. 14, 1883, $300. Bonny L., Charley Hood, Kitty Ives 2, (4 dr;, 2:31'/2, 2:28!-2, 2:29, ^ Aug. 14 and 15, 1883, §300. Clover 4. 5, Bonny L. 1, Kitty Ives, 2:311.4, 2:34, 2:30, 2:30, 2:S4Ji, 2:30. I'ittsfield. Mass., Aug. 21, 1883, ■•$200. Lizzie O'Brien l, Louise, Brutus, 2:32li. 2:29i2, 2:30, 2:30. J. Ramsey, Brockton, Mass., Oct. 4, 1883, .§400. Robert H. 1, Arthur, Fanny Irwin, Lady Tliornton, Archie (3 dr). 2:364, 2:34, 2:34S, 2:;;2>o. Hesiiii?, Jr.. b s (3 :41), by Ethan Allen, Jr C. Sullivan, Riverside, 111., July 4, 1877, $50. Blind Billy l, 2:53J^, 2:464, 2:12'2, 2:41. Hetta v., rn m (.3 :41), by Star of the West. H. Knox, Preston, Minn., May 31, 1879, $90. Little Mink 2, Care- less, Billy Goocher. No time. Rochester, Minn., Aug. 31, 1880, $200. Peter Farley 2, Almond Boy, Cap. Capron, Richard R. (1 dis), 2 :41, 2:4.5, 2:41, 2:42'. 2. Preston. Minn., June 1. 1881, -SIOO. Little Queen, Peter Farley, 2:42, 2:44i^, 2:43. luue 2, 1881, S150. Jim Wilson, Preston Star. 2:45, 2:47, 2:45. Hettie Pearl, br m (3:37). by Princess, dam Kate bv Birmingliam. J. Murphy, Springfield, Mass., Aug. 28, 18S.S, $1,000. Glamis 2, 3, Trifle 5, Pilot Knox, W. K., Plough Boy, Commissioner, Hocus Pocus (2 dr), Jes- samine (1 dis), 2:27, 2:25. 2:27i.i, 2:29'2, 2:321.4, 2 :35'^4. Hetty Y., blk m (3 :37). H. Farnesworth, Wilkesbarre, Pa., Oct. 12, 1875, $250. New Brunswick Boy 1, Honest Frank, Empire, 2:41. 2:42, 2:40, 2:45. Oct. 1.5, 1875, .*250. New Brunswick Bov 1, Empire. 2:43, 2:42^, 2:41i4. 2:43J^. B;itli, Pa., Oct. 20, 187.5, .S200. Rocky Hi"ll, Iron Clad. 2:46. 2:43i4, 2:,52J4. Oct. 21, 187.5, .•?200. Topsv, Bonny Doon, Clothesline, 2:.32i/>. '2:i2U,. 2:42V'2. I'ottstown, Pa., Oct. 27, i87,5, .$3.50, Mack 3, Jacob P., twb'others' 2:.39, 2:,37?i. 2:36i4, 2:37. Oct. 2S. 187.5, $350. Belle of Flatbnsh, Jacob P., Jupiter. Rolla, 2:43i4, 2:42ir,, 2:37. Hewes' Black Mare, (3:01). W. C. Hewes, Peru, Ind.. Sept. 9, 1881. $ . Strohm's b m, Farrar's ch m, (iodl'rey's b g Graves' b m, Godfrey's dn g, 3:01, 3:04. H. Forrest, b g (3 :39), J. W. Cook, Media, Pa., Mav 20. ISRO, .$ . American Boy, Dollv, Efiie, 2:43, 2:39. H. G. Cook, gr g (3 :41^). Theo. Bailey, Newark, N. J., Oct. 16, 1873, $c00. Belle of Easton, 2:47,u, 2:41i/4, 2:4;5. Hiatoga Chief Jr., b s (3:03), by Scott's Hiatoga. S. J. Beebee, Fairview, O., Oct. 4, 1877, .$3.5. Bertha T. (2 6), Jenny, Ben, 3:11, 3:18. 3:20, 3:10. Four-year-olds. Cadiz, O. Oct. 12, 1877, .¥25. Betty, 3:03, 3:03, 3:10. P'our-year-olds. Hibhard, blk g (3 :43^). D. A. Batchelder. Sacramento, Cal.."Oct. 20, 1864, $1,50. Trim 2, Bob Ridley 1, (3 dis), Baldv (1 dis), 2:50i4, 2:43i4, 2-A2K. 2:45. 2:4514. Hlckev. ell g (3 :38?i). J. Casey, Fleetwood Park. N. Y.. Nov. 12. 1870. $600. Squaw l, 2, Molly (5 dr), 2:46, 2:48^i. 2:44, 2:44/4, 2:49. H. Casev, July 10. 1871, $ . Kate Mann 2. 3, Eight Bells. No time. July 22, 1S71, .$300. Romeo l, 2, 2:44, 2:4414, 2:44. 2:45, 2:4514. Aug. 16, 1871, $500. Stella 3, (4 dis). Greenhorn (4 dis), Hiram 1, 2. (4 dr), 2:4.3, 2:4414. 2:434, 2:39. Oct. 21, 1871, $400. Belle of Orange 2, 3, (4 0), Mace's Gray Horse (5 dr), 2:4214, 2:4514. 2:46^^, 2:46, 2:4'!, 2:471.^. Hickory, ch g (3 :37). Dan Mace, Fashion Course, L. I.. Sept. 19, 1864, $225. Stranger 2, 3, Walker's b s 2:44, 2:444, 2:44K', 2:43, 2:4514. R. A. Champlin, Boston, Mass., July .31, I868. $500. Lady Flagner 2, 5:41}^, 5:37, 5:44?i. Two miles. Hickory, b s (3 :37?4). by Goldsmith Abdallah, dam Dollabel'la. bv Richard's B'ellfounder. G. D. Doubleday, Beloit, Wis., Oct. 9, 187.3, $400. Gen. Mack, Enchantress, Silver Locks, Peter Simple, 2:54, 2:504,2:49. Four-year-olds. Kenosha, Wis., .Tune 28, 1876, $120. Nelly S.. Whalebone (1 dis), 2:46^, 2:44?4, 2:45. June 29, 1876, $140. Lizzie 2, Mazeppa (2 dr). Limerick Boy (1 dis). 2:45, 2:444, 2:45J4, 2:474. Lake City, Minn., July 12, 1876, $500. Portigue 3, 4, Mambrino Chief Jr., Col. King, 2:434, 2:43, 2:43?4, 2:44,2:43. Waukegan, 111., Oct. 6, 1876. $200:- Whalebone 2, Blind Bill, Lehigh, 2:43, 2:444, 2:46, 2:43. Freeport, 111., June 1, 1877, $500. Dixie 1, Minnie, Gray Dick (4 dis). Little Wonder (2 dis), Lady Baxter (2 dr), 2:35, 2:35, 2::i4, 2:30. Madison. Wis., Sept. 9, 1880, .$100. Brownwood, Bismarck, 2:294. 2:27?4. 2:3014. Stallions. Hickory Jack, ch s (3 :33), by Ethan Allen, dam Lady Litcliflcld, by Vermont Black Hawk. Thos. Carpenter, Palmer, Mass., Oct. 21, 1863, $ . Tom Carpenter, 2:49, 2:40. A. Carpenter, Springlield, Mass., Oct. 21, 1864, .^ . Palmer Girl 1, 2, 2:47. 2:44i4, 2:44?i, 2:48, 2:47U. Fashion Course, L. I., July 6. 1865, $ . A.iax, 2:48, 2:4994. Dan Mace, Fashion Course. L. I., Aug. 31. 1808. .§,500. Lady Wells 1, 2:38, 2:37, 2:38, 2:39. J. A. Chambers, Nov. 2.5, 1868, .$500. Lady Wells 1, 3, 2:48'/2. 2:42, 2:46i4, 2:464, 2:474. Jesse Smith. Riverhead, L. I.. Oct. 8, 1869, .$.50. Lady Sherman 1, Tiny (4 dr), '2:57H, 2:53'4, 2:5.5i;, 2:48. J. A. Chambers, Binghamton, N. Y., July 29, 1870, .$600. Geo. W. Patterson 1, 2, .Toe Hooker, Lady Light- foot, Fanny Fern, Fanny Avery (5 dr), 2 :374, , 2:36%, 2:3894, 2:374. (w~), Augusta, Ga. Mav 1.5, 1871, .?2,000. Short's Colt 1, 2:31i4, 2:389i, 2:41i4, 2:434. Baltimore, Md.. June i. 1871, $1,000. Andalusia 2, Fannv Fern, 2:34, 2:31K>. 2:33ii, 2:33. Columbia, S. C, Nov. 7. 1871, .$200. Little Mack 2, Gray lEagle, Blue Roan"(l dis), 2:52i2, 2:46M, 2:421^. Nov. 9, 1871, .$.500. Rip Rap, 2:.53J.f, 2:,51, 2:.51V2. Hickory Jack, br s (3:51%). C. A. Pendleton, Norwich, Conn., Sept. 18, 1878, .$20. Joe Shannon, 2:59%, 3:0.5, 3:07. Hickory Point (3 :06). Baltimore, Md., Dec. 19, 1878, .$ . Big Dan 1, 3:11, 3:06, 3:104. Hickory Tom (Dan Brown), ch s (3 :33). L. T. Logan, Morrison, 111., Sept. 12, 1872, $100. Brigham Young 1, Camden. 2:44, 2:4.5, 2:47. Stfillions. Hidden Treasure, blk g (3 :?>?Ai). Himting Barnes, Des Moines, la., Jidy 3, 1880, $300. Donbtftd Girl, Bel- mont Prince, Doctor SbcTilierd. Kibona, Manitol)a (2 dr), 2:40, 2:40, 2:40. G. L. Dixon, Fort Dodge. la., July 2, 1881, $300. Annie Lou, Emma Maxwell Princess, 2:35, 2:.36%, 2:33M. 308 CHESTEK'S COMri.KTK TliOTTlNC AND I'ACINC IIKCOIU). Booiie, la.. July ir.. ISSI, S300. Eniiiui Maxwell l. 2:45, -JMT. 2 :5(t, -J-.V). ■ Hunting HaiMR's, I'l-ophctsiown, Jll., Aug. 2, issi, SU.iO. Ainiic Lou, Lady Matk, Darlington, 2:33, ?:33^, — h. ('lark. Dul)uiiut', la., Si-i)t. l.'i. IHsi, .*.-)00. Fanny Kern, Kesolute, 2:H;';. 2:4u'.i. 2:41il4. (i. Ni Imiii, .liMSfV City, N. .1.. Aug. 3, 1SS2, ST.'i. Agni'.s 1. 4. Juno, 2:39. 2:41'-., 2:3h, 2:;!«'2, 2:43. Hieh Cloud. I> g ('.i :3iU'2). L- ('• liyirson, Meriden, Conn., Sept. 2.j, 1874, .'»20(i. Duehes.s, Sea iMiani, (;en Iteno. 2:17'.. 2:44'.:. 2:4(;. ■ K. 1!. V'ining, Westlield, Mass., Oct. 21 and 22. 1874, S2.".0. Com. Bainbridge. Sliipnuitc. r,\])s\ Cirl, Lady Black Hawk. Duciiess, Sam liidiards, Seamstress <1 dis). 2:4<). 2:41. 2::jf>!.^. L. C. Kyerson, New Haven, Conn., Sept. 17, ls7.'i, .S2(io. Don .hi;.n 1, (ioodenougli. 2:4'J. 2:.")0, -JuA)'.. Hi^hluud .Vsli, 1) m r-i:4t)^4 w). Iiv Ashland, dam Highland Lass, by l.catlier Stocking, (ieo. C. llitchcoek, Ka^liion Course, I,. I.. Oct. 8, isb.'^. .<<4.0."jO. I'letcher's D m (! (list, .\:uilliio d dis;, 2:4X. Tliree-year-olds. Hiiililiincl Hoy. b g C-J :4«). 1). 1 lifer. ( eutreville. L. I.. Sei)t. 2(1. 1S.-.4. .^100. Unknown (1 disi, 2':4(!. hi^hlaiul ito.v. b g ia:.'>4). ,). II. Bertliolf. (loslieii, N. Y., Aug. 31, 1870, §50. Yonkers, Jim Conner (2 dis), Krie llov (1 dis', ;:;OI',i, 2:.')7. Four-vear-olds. .1. .1. Cr. ed, .Mystic I'ark. Boston.Oct. 25 and 2(5, 1H75, S . Hollow Boy 1, r, (3 0). 3:13, 2.,56, 2:.5(i, 2:57'/,, 3:1)1. i':.-,!. Higrhliuul thief, eh g (;J:01). H. C. Liter. Falmouth. Ky., Sept. bi. 1882, $40. Le IJoix 2. 3:01. 3:02, 3:02, .■):()3. Highland Colt, ch g(:J:04). J. B. Eager. Hamilton, Ont., .Iwiy 1, 1880, S . Jim (2 disj, Blaeklhorn (2 dis), Daisy Dean (2 dis), 3:04, 3:0.5. Hi^^lilaiKler, h s (»:4U). H. K. I'ease, Hartford, Conn., Oct. 2«, 18.5.5, .'jiJOO. Kate Hayes .3. 4. 2:49. 2:.57. 2,54, HiKhiaiider, b s (3 :44). S. ^Villet, Buffalo, N. Y., July 1.5, 1871, »100. Daniel Boone 1. 2. Washtenaw Chief Jr. 3, Bliss, Up and Up (3 dr). Doctor (3 dis), John Jay (1 dis. 2:,52"o. 2:4.'^^,, 2:4f!?4. 2:18?.i. 2:.50. 2:.50. :l"ora, Out.. Sept. 4, 1872. $1.50. Annie Wilkes l. Gold Leaf (2 dis). 2:49, 2:44. 2:44. 2:44. K. H. Crew. Stratlon , ^ Sept. .5, 1872, .S200. Gold Leaf. Flora D. (2 dr), 2:50, 2:.53. 2:54' Seaforth. Ont., Sept. 13, 1872, .*1.50. White Swan 2. Gold Leaf. 2:51';, 2:.55'e. 2:4.5^. Highlani'er. eh g(!i:51J6). J. J. Welch. Portland, Oregon, June 22. 1872, .SIOO. American Boy. Carl Boseo, 3:03' -.3:04. 2:51'/.. Highland lilan, A. H. Allen (2 dis), Forest King (2 drt. 2.38. 2:37'4. 2:37-'4. Aug. 27. 1874, .1500. .Samoset, Col. Dean, Belle of Worcester, John (3 dis), Forest King (2 dis), Sam Kiehards (2 dis». .V. H. Allen (2 dis), 2:40, 2:38. . A. H. Daiiforth. Ituthvnd, Vt., Sept. 11, 1874, $500. Gvpsv Girl 3, General, Jean Ingelovv 1 (4 r o). 2:39, 2:37^,2:42. 2:39. 2:.;9. Oct. 8. 1874. .?100. Kilty Thorn, T;iiii O'Shanter. 2:44. 2:4(;, 2:42. Oct. 27, 1874. .'S2.50. Faniiv Leigh 1, Twinkle, (iyjisy Girl. Johnny Cranston, Bl;u-k .lack. Schoolmaster, Bay Abbey (2 dis), 2:;!7'4. 2:'.;8^4. 2:.i9 1, . 2 :4o. (Jranvil'le, Vt., Noy.O, 1874. S . Alexander Barclay. Famiv Leigh, Flora Lee. 2:39. 2:3S. 2:3714. Chester, Vt. Aug. 31. 1876, $165. Bessie Shiiw 2, Mary, 2 :54, 2 :51, 2 :54, 2:49. Bethel, Vt., Oct. 18, 1876, $300. Goodenough ;;, L:i(ly Slicrburne. Henry (3 dis), 2:.37, i?:40'.>, 2:38^4,^:41. Woodstock, Vt., Oct. lit, 1876. S;wo. (ioodenongn 2,"Ladv Sherburne, Henry (3 dis). No time. Beacon Park, Boston, May 16, 1877. .^voo. Iron Age, Dennis. Falcon, Bay Fearnaught, Christine, 2:32'4, 2:31K -^:34i.i. Mystic Park, Boston. May 26, 1877. .$800. Queeehy Maid 1. Falcon (3 dis), Dennis (3 dis\ 2:29. 2:28, 2:30H, 2:33iii. .funeo, 1877. .$800. Iron Age 1.2. Hiram Woodruff 4. Falcon, Belle 0:ikley, Charle.v, Cora F. (5 dr), 4, 2:32';, Worcester, Mass.. Sept. 7, 1881. ,$300. Boston Pilot. Farragut 1.^ (4 dr). Belle of Fitchburgh (3 dis). Dirk (3 dr, 2 ::!7. 2 :.38, 2 :40, 2 ::}9, 2 :.38. f Highlanil en, I) m (3:31). by Dick Higbl:mder. d;im bv Legal Tender. W. W. Tbi.'-nfon. St. Louis, Mo.. Sept. 24,1878. .■ Virginia. Hi., Oct. 22, 1878, $100,' Harrv.Clinner, 2:42. 2:,39.2:.385i4'. Highlan.l Queen, b m (3 :36). A. Patterson, Poughkeepsie, N.Y.,Scpt. 11, 1880, $ . Charley K..2:36, 2:36,2:86. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TKOTTING AND PACING RECORD. 309 Highland Stranger, b s (3 -.25^4,), by Manibrino I'iitcheii, dam Highland Winfleld. by Edward Everett. J. Kelly, Cliu'ugo, 111., Sept. 14, 1S81, "$oOu. Hoaeset 2, Horsemoiiiit Jioy 1, Uiuud Misery 5, Alliaml)ia Maid (1 (lis). 2 :.;■)» J, 2:36'/!!, 2:37'/2, 2:38i4, 2:38, 2:39. MavsvilUs Ky., May 19, 1882, .j>800. Keiio 1. u, Lillian 4, Ina (i. 2. Waverly, Kigolette (5 dr;, Lady Lucas (5 (Ir).' AUiilin (4 dis), 2:23!4, 2:24'/2, 2:2oU. ^:2«, 2:2G, 2:2CM. 2:29. ( ohunljus, 0., May 25, 1882. SOOO. Florence M. 1, Lona Guffln, Anglin, Walnut (1 dis;, 2:301^, 2 :3.% 2:29, 2:33. Highlaud Win, 1) m (3:30^2). by Ashland, dam Young Highland Maid, by Ethan Allen. G. C. Hitchcock, Hartford, Conn., Oct. 13, 1875, $1,000. Queen .lett'erson (2 dis;. .lefferson Kelsey (1 dis;. 3:07, 3:06(2. Two- year-olds. '— I). Strong. Sept. 10, 1878, $ . Jerome 2, 2:42, 2:40. 2:40. 2:41i4. Five-vear,olds. • Watertown, Conn., Sept. 24, 1879, .$l.oO. Belle I'utney, General, Maggie, .lack, Knox Girl (3 dis), 2:435^, 2:42^.2:41. Falls Village, Conn., Sept. 15. 1880, ,§150. Railroad Boy 4, 5, Brown Dick l, 2:35, 2:34}^, 2:35>4, 2:35, 2:37, 2 •3'2-'i ■ — ' Mei-iden, Conn., Sept. 23, 1880, .t!200. Olive 2, 3, Zilthena, Jack, Fanny, 2:34, 2:33, 2:32'/2, 2:32?i, 2:33i/2. Watertown, Conn., Sept. 29, 1880, $200. Jack 2, Dolphin, 2:42, 2:43, 2:39i4, 2:38}4. lloosic F''alls, N. Y., Julv 26. 1882, .f200. Oolong 1, Ingomar 4, F'red Mack, Ellen (4 dr), Wild Dandy (4 dr), 2:3714, 2:33. 2:30'2, 2:35'/2. 2:36. F. W. Reynolds. Waterbury. Conn.. Sept. 28, 1882, $200. Newbrook, Maud O., 2:38?i, 2:39, 2:39. Southington, Conn.. Oct. 19. 1882. .§200. Newbrook, 2:39, 2:39}^, 2:40. Meriden, Conn., Sept. 21, 188.3. S200. Josephines. 1, 2, Emma C, Flora .Jefferson, 2:33^4 2:32i'2. 2:31, 2:35'4, 2:34. Norwich. Conn., Sept. 26. 1883. .S250. Prince 1, Frank (3 dr), 2:344, 2:32'4, 2:33^4, 2:32'.2. High Rock, rn g (3 :r>3). AV. Si.'liert. New Haven. (Jonn., Oct. 26. 1881, .§200. Dandy 3:00^, 2:53, 2:.56J^. Hill's Bay >lare, (3 :46). K. Hill, Mineola, L. I., Sept. 27, 1881. .?G5. l^uryea's Bay Gelding 6, Wiggans' ch g, Meghan's br g 4, 5 (3 0). (G died), Treadwell's b g, Duryea's b g, Duryea's ch ni. Snedicor's blk g. Seaman^s blk g. 2:40'.;, 2:4.8, 2:46, 2:47, 2:49, 2:49, 2:46. Hill'.s Calico Horse, (s) sp g (3 :49 s). Harry Hill, Mineola, L. I., June 18, 1880. .§40. Seaman's ch s (w), 1, 3:06, 2:49, 2:49i2. Hinckley Boy, spg (3:43). S. Brewster. Warren, O., Aug. 23, 1878, .$150. Belle Powers. Beautiful George, Harry Hill. S. B. (2 dis), 2:45. 2:44. 2:43. Hiuw(ll, Mass., Aug. 29, 1873, .§.500, Bay George 2. Can-ie Palmer 3. Southerner. Sir AA illiam Wallace, Cor))()ral Trim (4 dr), 2:4.5, 2:45, 2:45, 2:46141 2:47'/o. C. K. .Mosher, Lynn, Mass., Nov. .3, 1875, .$300. Thorndyke, Charley, Pauline (1 dis), 2:47Vi 2:4714,2:45. Hiram, l.ikg (3:37).' Mr. Saunders, Coshocton, O.. Oct. 20. 1873, $200. George Reed, Belle Berkley, Lady Clipper. Bob. Kitty D. (1 dis), 2:479i, 2:42, 2:43. Hiram, ch g (3:33). J. Brown, Southold, L. I., Aug. 15. 1874, .$25. Nelly 3. 4, Nonesuch, 8:041/2, 2:55, 3:00, 2:54. 2:52. Hiram Drew 1 Bay Morgan), b s (3:31i^). by the Drew Horse, dam a Morgan mare. O.M. Shaw, Bangor, Me., Mav 29. l8(;o, $ . St. Lawrence 3, 2:45. 2:46, 2:40. 2:46. Isaac Woodruff, Boston, Mass., July 22, 1863, $.500. Smith's ch m (w) 2. 2:44, 2:49«^, 2:42V4, 2:44. O. :m. Shaw. Portland, Me., Oct. 28.1863. .$.300. Gen. McClellan, 2:42. 2:.36, 2:43. W. S. Briggs. Taunton, Mass., Aug. 26, 1865, .$ . Canada Joe (2 dis), 2:46, 2 :37i4. Hiram Dyer, br'g (3 :40^4), by the West Horse. Jas. Carpenter, Calais, Me., July 4, 1872, $100. Hattie Pollard, Nelly S., Old Milltown (3 dis), Dolly Varden (3 dr), 2:52, 2:43'/2, 2:44^1. Thos. McAloon. Bangor, Me., June 25, 1873, .$250. Charcoal, Matchless, Ethan Allen. 2:4394. 2:45, 2:45. ■ Oct. 1 and 2. 1874. .$400. Lady West 4. 6. Red Jackets, 7, Amy 2, 3, Fred Logan. Anodyne. Martin Luther (3 disi. 2:41. 2:43. 2:37'2. 2:38, 2:40, 2:.38, 2:41. 2:48, 2:51i4. Hiram Howe, blk g (3 :4994). Frank Swift, Prospect Park, L. I., Dec. 1, 1870, $250. Dandy 1 i3 0). 2 -.M. 2:4994, 2:.51,2:.53. Hiram Miller, blk g (3 :35i4). bv Fred Ktmball. dam by Volunteer. Sharon, Pa., Sept. 29, 1882, $ . (xiu- ger (2 0). Fireflv, Sam Woods,'2:44»4, 2:4014. 2:47, 2:48i/2. £. Galviu, Sharon, Pa., Sept. 14, 1883, $200. Atlantic 3, 4, Fire Fly, 2:39ii, 2:3534, 2 :35'4. 2:3594, 2:36. 310 CHESTER'S coMPLini: Tuo'iTiNc AMJ rAC'iNei i:lc;)i:ix Hiram R., chs (3:39?i£). Lee, Mass., Sept. 4, 187K. ? . Belmont 1,3, l'.iceps(3 disj. j:46U,. -^-.aan. 2::ki 2:40'2, 2:4a>4. Hiraiu Temple, b (^ (2 :43). Hiram Woodruff, rasliion Course, L. 1., July 18, 1«(3, $40(t. Sid Nichols 2. 244 2:41,2:43. Mr. McKay, Baltiniore, Md., Nov. 1, 1804, § . Geu. Grant 1, 2 (5 died;, Yellow (ial. 2:43'i, 2:43,2:43?4 2:4(ii4, . Hiram WoodrulT, eh s(2 :44), by Quebec. Conover & Halley, Ceiitreville, L. 1.. .Mav jo, is5«, $2,000. \Vheli>- ley's L'r « 2, .-J. 2:47?i. 2:47>4, 2:40'., 2:4St, 2:44. Hiram Wotxlrull", br s (» :37), by Young iMorrill. J. E. Mavnard, Boston. iMass., Oct. 7. lRr,7, ,'?."iOO. Floni, 2:481i, 2:.03'.. 2:.5l. J. L. KotI, San Francisco, Cal., Oct. 14, 1K69, .§2.50. lalhoun l, Oregon .John, I'hmias, Trim (2 dr), 2:41' j. 2:43,2:4.'*, 2:4G. C. Stagg. San Francisco, Cal., Oct. li). IHW), .§1,000. Westlield 1, 2, Ajax. 2:4. 2:.'il, 2:57^, 2:55'/4- Mr. Kane, Oct. 19. 1S70, S . Marysville Queen 1, 5, Benliain2, 2:49, 2:42-!4. 2:4Uii, 2:43, 2:44>4. . Oct. 2.3, 1S70, S3,2:45?j. 2:40:!i. (i. W. Dickey. Aug. 21, 1871, .S7()0. Ale.\:iiuler 1, Aja.\, Copperhead, 2:38i.i. 2:37, 2:37k, 2:'37».. • ('. Slagg, San .Jose, Cal.. Nay 24. is?:?. .*ri(io. Matlic Howard,. '■>:18, r.:17. Twoiniles. >dr ' Hiram AVoodrutt", l)lk s (2 :43;2;. by Vermont Hero. Kendall & Lee.Topeka. Kan.. May 30, 1873, S70. Top- gallant, lioan Charley (I Uisj, 2:.^;)' 2, 2:53. Hiram W<»o(lrutt, b g (»;«."»;, by I'hil. Sheridan, dam bytirav Eagle. ,J. i*. \Viser. Ogdensburgh, N. Y., Sept. 7, 1877. J? . Frank ISlunson 3, Moose, 2::i2jo, -:31. 2:.31?4, 2:3.5?.j. Toronto. Out. Sept. 15, 1877,. .?400. Barlow 1. KdwanU. Woodstock, 2:32, 2:32K>. 2:32, 2;:i2'.;, 2:32%. Beacon Park, Boston, Oct. 13, 1877, $400. Anodyne, Fiank Munson, Hick Moore, l-:dward'. Bill Ed, Belle Oaidey (3 dr), 2 :28, 2 :30, 2 :27. Broviilence, 11. 1., Nov. 1, 1877, $400. Dick Moore, Frank Munson, Edward, Belle Oaklev, Dick Loomer, 2:27,2.20,2:2c. HirondelLe, eh m (3 :53). P. Dubne, Montreal. T. Q., T\Iav 24, 18R1, -SCi. .Tack G.. ,58:00. Fifteen miles. Hi Sutherland, (3 :34), by Kysdvk'- Bcllfounder. F. Howell. Ainenia, N. Y., Sept. G. 1882, Sil50. Onward 1, 3, Pearl, 2:38. 2:34, 2:439j, 2:38, 2:.!9. H. J. Clark, rn g (2 :46). S. M. .^lills, Hoboken, N. .1., .Julv 11, 180.5. $400. Major, Morrill (w) (2 dis). 2:49i^, 2:40, 2:.50. H. L.. gi- g (3 :43'4). H. Nichols, Grand Haven, Mich., .July 25, 187(!, .S20(). Black Doc. Keel Oak, Mainbrino Gent. Daylight, Kirtland, Gray Effle. Lady Forest (3 dr). Col. (lordon (2 dri Tom Cooper (2 dr). .James Manihriiio ^2 dr), .Jennie; i>. (2 dr), :;:45U. 2:45';'.:. 2:42'2. H. L. Davis, brg (3:00). W. Gallagher, New Citv. N. Y.. Sej)t. 12, 1877, $100. Flora T. 1, Lady Tompk'ns (4 dis), 2:57, 3:01, 3:03,3:02. Sept. 13, 1877. .<;100. Clarence 1. J, L., 3:0014. 3:01, 3:00, 3:01'2. H. M. .strong, ch g (3:3634,), bv Bay Middlcton. dam bv Kings Champion. .Jr. .J. L. Keade, Centreville, Mich., May 19, 1881, $100. Luna Boy, .Josei)hine. Mal)el Manibrino, Bay Johnny, Henry K., 2:59K>, 3:00, 3:01. • Jackson, Mich., June 15, 1882, $800. Gen. Russ 1, Wilson. Bonnie Wilkes. Echo (2 dr). 2:35, 2:39^, 2:41, 2:43*11. ^ East Saginaw, Mich., June 22, 1882, .'S800. Gen. Russ 1, 2, Toledo, May Thorne, Bonnie Wilkes (2 dis), 2:30, 2:2914. 2:25i4, 2:2914, 2:32. Grand R;ii)ids, Mich., June 27, 1882, .$700. Mav Thorne. Wilson, Minnie Warren. Sam Hill (3 dis). May II. (3 dis), Bonnie Wilkes (3 dis), 2:31, 2:.;oi4, 2:.;?i.i. Warren, ().. Sept. 15, 1882. .$1.50. Lanra2. Red Oak, Bob TngersoU, 2:35. 2:35. 2:38. 2:34'2. Alliance. ().. Sept. 20, 1SS2, $400. Elsie (irotl, Stranger. Joe Kellogg. 2:30. 2:33. 2:35. H. W. Smith, Dow;igiac, Mich., Oct. 12, 1882, ,$.300. Mollv Middlcton 3, i'lifton Bov 4. Minnie Warren, 2:37;'.i. 2:31;, 2:37'4, 2:.3.5ii, 2:3.5. • .1. L. Reade, Bangor. Mich., Oct. 21. 1.S82, .$150. Mollv Middlcton 3. 4, Dan Donaldson, Minnie Warren, Neliv .May, 2:31'4, 2:32'2, 2:.35i^, ,.2:43. Hoagland's Hrown Gelding, (3 :49). S. D. Hoagland, Union Course, !.. 1.. Nov. (i. 1858. $1,000. Black Re- publican, 2:4914, 2:49, 2:,50. Hoagland's Hay Mare, (3 :39). S. D. Hoagland. Rockvillt!, Conn.. Oct. 26. ls.59. .^1.50. Nelly Holcomb 2, 2:39, 2:44. 2:.i9, 2:40. Hocus I'ocus, 1) g(3:39i.O, by Thomedale. dam St. Lawrence Maid. E. Ihome, Amenia. N. Y.. Sept. 5, 1882. .S.50. Messenger Duroc," Daisy C, Maggie, 2:.58, 2:.58:'., . 2:.57. Hodges IJay Gelding, (3 :49). Wm. Hodge. Omaha. Neb.. July 24, 1869. $400. King 1. 2:48. 2:.54. 2:.54'2, 2:49. Hod l\, ch g (3:59i4. F.G.Jones, Osceola, la., Sept. 27, 18S3. $60. 'ieo, Anderson. Regulator, 3:00, 2:59^4, 3:01'^. — — Leon. Ind., Oct. 19, 1883, $120. Sunlight 3. Ben Bolt 4, Weldon Boj. HawKeye Girl. 2:ii9i.,. 2:.59i£, , , 3:00. Hogarth, blk s (3 :3«), by Messenger Duroc. dam Ihittie Hogan, ny Sayre's Harry Clay. Clnis. Baekman, Al- Danv, N. Y., Sept. 19, i87(;. $1.(!00. Dunc:in ( 1 dis), 2:4:j. Three-year olds. Carll S. Burr, Hartford, (^)nn., Sept. 19 and 20, 1877. .$2,100. Alice West 3. 5, (ialatea 1. Allie East (2 dis), Tommv Norwood (2 disK n:uinibal (1 disi, 2:25';, 2:26, 2:29^4. 2:30. 2:;«?4.2:26i4. Fonr-year-olds. Rochester. N. Y.. Oct. 1. is78. $ . 2:40, W. O. Ho^rook, (3 :45'4). M. Colvin. .loliet. 111.. Oct. 16, 1«74. ,$200. Little .Toe, Carr Mare. .fS!:.. t, « /, ^. « ro Holcomh's Hay Mare (3 :45). Norris Holcomb, Hartford, Conn., July 31. isdO. ,$20. Gypsy Boy 2 (1 0). 2:.'W, 2 '47 2 '45 ''•55 Holcomb's 'liay Mare (3 :30*\ Mr. Holcond). Seneca Fiills. N. Y., .July 4, IWH. .$.!00. Ben Meclellan, Tow 'Bov, 2:.32, 2:33. 2:.'i0. Short track. ,, ,. ,. , Holland Maid, gr m (3:r>«i4). A. Van Loglian. K;d;iniazoo. Mtch.. Oct. .30. 1K7.5. $100, 1- reo hpragne (1 dis). 25»»., , Oct. .30. 187.5. .$60. Fred Spragiie. 2:,58M. ,. ,. . HolmeH' Chestnut Gelding ^3:44). O. S. Holmes. St. .rohnsbnrv. Vt.. Sej)!. 26. 1K67, .$200. \onng Hector. Narr.agansett ]Maid. Ivettlebale(3dis). 2:15. 2:44. 2:4s ^., ^, ,^ . „. , Holmes' Gray, gr g (3 :57). T. A. Holmes. Norwich. Conn.. Oct. 1. 18C8. .$.32. Lisbon Colt, 2, 6 C3 0). Wood- mans(>e's Sorrel (5 dr), 2:.57, 3:07. 3:02. .i:01.2:,58' 2, . ,, . ,^, , ^, Holyoke Girl, 1) m ^9^.:^i^y^). J. H. Otis, Simsbury. Conn.. Oct. 12. 1881. ,$60, Fanner Girl 2, Dick, handy. 2'4.5 ''"45 2*45'4 '''44 Homely Jim", bg' (3:31 3.1). A. J. Alderman. Anamosa. fa.. Oct. 9. 1808, $.300. Tom Hyer 1. .foe Bennett, Stranger, 2:44. 2:41.2:43. 2:40. New Hampton, la. Oct. 17. 187 1.. $2,50, Brown George. 2:.50i,, 2:17^;. 2:!8i,. ■ J. Mclntyre, Hebron. Neb., Oct. 7. 18K0, .S.50, Silas Garber 1. 3, lattle Dan 2. Beecher. Little l.nnvnie (J dr). No tiihe CHESTER'S COMPLETE TKOTTINC AND PACING RECORD. 311 Home Made, chm (3 :34i4), by Royal Fearnaught. C.E.Abbott, Mansfield, <)., Aug. 25, 1882, $200. Doctor West, .Sir Henry, iMoluiwk Chief ^^.i dr). Unite .Sioclvings ^2 di.s), 2:45'->, 2-45% li-lsj^.i — Milwaukee, Wis., Sept. 27, 1882, $300. Rosalind 1, 2, Eullon iMafd, W. F. iiay~es, 2:31i4, 2:32%, 2:34}^, :40, 2:37!/2, 2:39',2. Veymouth, Mass., _ ^.,, ..iiU>. - Broeton, Mass., Oct. 7, 1880. .$100. Charles Sumner, M. N. Arnold, Portia, Ex~press Boy (3 dr), Gray Bird (1 ciis), 2:40, 2 :4'J, 2:40. --A. M. Niles, Sept. 3, 1881, $200. Emma 3, Lady Favvcett, Thomas A. Patch^n, 2:51^4, 2:47, 2:4314, — (w). Sept. 20, 1882, $70. Jerry L. (w), City Boy fw), Lady Thornton (w), 2:r>5, 2:54 Bridgewater, Mass., Sept. 22, 1882, $100. Jerry L, (2 0), St. Mary, Billy, Little Ike (4 (ir), 2:43, 2:40'2, 2:41, -■ Sept. 2.3, 1882, .$55. Belle, Frank. 2:49, 2:47. J. Morrow, Washington, D. C, Nov. 20. 18s3. .$ . Lady Bell, 2:i3^i, 2-42 2-4114 Hi>ne.st. I)g (3:49). Mr. Bellinger, Fashion Course, L. I., July 23, 1870. .?500. Henry', Lady Darling 1 (3 dr). Honest, b g (,3 :65). C. Fitzgerald, Hinsdale, N. H., Oct. — , 1879, $ . General, White Cloud 1 (2 dis), 3:04, o :0i), •> ! 1 J . o:0S. Honest Abe, b g (3 :46). D. Laning, Penn Yan, N. Y., Aug. 3, 1861, $100. Black Neal. 2:49, 2-40 2-50 Honest Abe. b g (3:37'.;). S. P. Carpenter, Boston. Mass., July 13, 1860, $100. Geo. VVas'hiiWo"u (w) '>-41 2:38'.2, -:38'.2. ' o \ /, ■ , T. Carpenter, New London, Conn.. Oct. 2, 186G $ . Fannv Dickerson, 13:5G. Hve miles — B. F. Alniy, Meriden, Conn., Oct. 18, 180C, Ss . Ladv Hunter (1 dis), 8:44. Three miles Honest Abe br s (3 :349i), by Little Cassius. J. B. Kernagv, Dubuque la., Nov. 3, 1867, $ Bav John *> 4 2:4314. 2:4.^14, 2:46. 2:45, 2:44. ' "' ' — Earlville, HI., Sept. 2, 1870, .$450. Billy Hamilton 1, Kate Hazard 3, Buckskin 2:40, 2:379.^, 2:37%, 2:3714, Honest Abe, b g (3:53>. Mike Rogers, Deerfoot Park, L. I., Sept. 5, 1873, $200. Black Maria 3 Union Bov (3i-.. 2:.'je, 2:.'Vi, 2:57, 2:.'i9. v /. v Honest Billy, b g (3 :31). Boston, Mass., June 23, 1873, 5:80. Gypsy 1, 2. Oiijlian I'.ov. Dick (4 dr i. 2:49. 2:47^. 2:4ti!2, 2:48,2:49. (w). Beacon Park, Boston, April 28, 1874, $ . Lady Clifton (w), 3:01. 3:00. H::nest Billy, I) g r~:'*0'i)- S. Dixon, Uittersville, l*a., Oct. 20. 18TG, $150. Sleepy Dave 2,Geori,'e H. 1, Bariiev. .\liker2 (lis), .loe (2dis). 2:49, 2:4.5, 2:40i4, 2:41. 2:42. Oct. 27. 1S7(;, .?l,")0. Frank 2, George IL, Smiling Tom, Colonel, Patty, Joe (2 dis), 2:-!;i>.i, 2:47J.i, 2:43, 2:44'.t. Honest Billy, ell g. D. Brown. Watertown. N. Y.. Sept. 2,-., 1878, $C0. Pete. Ladv Allen, Dick, 1 :33, 1:34. 1 Xi. Half mile heats. Honest Billy (:$:«:{). J. Parsons. Sag Harbor. L. L. Nov. 28. 1878. .«! . Brnoklvn Boy, 3:03.3:07. 3:08. Honest Billy, b g (« :31>'.i), by Green Mountain Morgan, dam bv Ashuelot Morgan. W! Slack. Rochester \ \ ., June 3. 1880, §400. Jo.sephine S. 3, 4, Stephaiuis .5, Helene, Silcox, Bay Fearnaught (4 dr). 2:29>i, 2-30 2:31'4, 2:33. 2:35, 2::i9. " i- • , Honest Boh, brg (3 :41'4). O. E. Tuttle. Newark. N. Y., July 14, 187ti, $.i00. Tom Malloy. Lysander Maid, Dick .lones. Henry Clark, Sam, Maud Maiian. Becker Boy, 2:42, 2:41'2, 2:43?^. Honest IJroek. b g i;J:4<>'.i). A. 1). Weber, Bo.ston, Mass., April 17, 1873, §125. Captain l. Kangaroo, Victor, Dandy. 2:4.'i. 2:17, 2:45, 2:4fi. IW), A\)v]\ -'4, 187.3, $150. Kangaroo (w), 1. Victor, 2:44i4. 2:42. 2:43, 2:47i4. iMay (i. 1873. $1,50. John Lambert l. ('a|itain. Grace. Trifler, Peter Sinijjle (4 dr), 2:41, 2:41. 2:40^4. 2:42H- Honest Charley, ch !_' (3:37). .). Gallagher, Chicago, 111., Oct. 2,3. 18G7. $200. St. Lawrence, 2:41,2:383^, A. Spink, Sept. 18. 18C9. $ . Charley Nellis, St. Lawrence, 2:41, 2:38, . Honest Charley, ell g (3 :43). O. A. Collins, Salt Lake City, Utah, JiUy 13, 1872 $ . Quaker Lad 2, 4, Ore- Jjon John (3 dis) 2:47'.2. 2:4,-). 2:4J. 2:49, 2:48. July 24. 1872, $1,000. (^lakcr Lad 2, 2:48k, 2-AT-A,2:U. 2:48^4- Aug. 13. 1872. .$ . (^ujiker Lad. 5:38i4, 5:36. Two miles. (w), (Jet. 12. 1872. $500. Quaker Lad. 2:48V2, 2:49',2, 2:50^4. H. M. Taylor. .June 19, 1873, .$.500. Sheep (2 dis), 2:52, 2:56. (w). June 28, 1873, $1,(X)0. Sheep, 2 :52, 2:.52, 2 :19. O. A. Collins, July 4, 1873. ,$2,000. Honest Billy, 2:44, 2:4,3>4. Honest Charley, br g ( w), (3 :48 w). J. Nedm-m, Morrisanui, N. Y., Sep. 30. 1879. $1,2,50. Allen B. (vn. 1 , 4 (30), Lady Annie 5. Honest Son (w), John H.. 2:,52, 2:49, 2:,52, 2:.55. 2:53, 2:50. 2:48, Honest Dan. br g (3 :39), by son of Guy Miller. J. iilauvelt. Spring Vallev, N. \'., Sep. 28, 1876, ,535. Fanny 1 , 3 :25. 3 :26. 3 :;50. Four-year-olds. Honest Dan. eh g (3 :53). .1. Doyle, Providence, K. 1., Julv 13. 1877. $50. Gypsy 5. Bessie H. 1. Griddle. (2 0), (6 dis),Stile, Narragansett, 2:53 2:.53?4, 2:.55, 2:5514, 2:.5.5i4. 2,52. Honest David, b g (3 :3.5%). S. Cudney, Philadelphia, Pa.. July 13, 1857. $ . Baltimore, 2:54. •/■.i'2. 2:46. Sep. 10, 1857, ,f . Whiskey, 5:24', 5:35. Two miles. Oct. 10. 1857, $ . Haphaziu-d 2, il 0), 2:47, 2:41';, 2:40, 2:42, 2:44. • (ieo. Woodriiir. June 1.5, 1858, 8100. Belle 1, 4, Wissahickon, Lady Claremont, 2:41, 2:41. 2 :40M. 2:43^4, 2:42ys. June 19, 18.5.S. $100. Thunder 1 (2 dis), 2:36^4, 2,:i5!?4. Same day, $.50. Thunder. 2:.J7, 2:37'4. New Castle. Pa., Oct. 22. 18.5H, . Billy Penn 2. 3, Friedman Mare 1, 2:.50. 2:46. 2:48, 2:46, 2:45, 2:44. Honest Davy, b g (3 :38). S. Keyes, Pittsburgh, Pa., Oct. 15, 18(i9, ,$ — -. Latham 3, Honest Tom, 2:40, 2:38, 2 ■:.i'.i — . Alex. King, Sept. 10, 1870. $100. Little (Jeorge 1, 2, Coldwater Billy. No time. Honest Davy, b s (3 :57J/,). C. S. Case. Andover, O., Aug. 9, 1867, $30. Silver Star, 2:.57'2. 2:.57'i, K. Copjie, Niles, O., Aug. 11, 1871, $.50. Fannv (Jreenwood 1, Sis, Lilly (2 dis). Bed Oak (l dis), 3:04, 3:03, 3:05. 3:02'^. Honest Diek, eh g (3:44). John Canan, Port Huron, Mich., July 4, 1870. $.50. Fanny, Shantv Boy, Storm King (3 dr), Dutchman (2 dis), 2:,57, 2:59, 2:.58. Honest Diek, br s (3 :37'4), by Wni. Uobinson, dam by Broken Legged Hunter. John G, Campbell. Syracuse, N. Y., Sept. 16, 187.3, SlOO, i)eceiver, I5rutus.2:,37'4.'2-39i4. 2:41. Mr. Biicll. Oneida, X. Y.. .lune 4, 1874, $ . Miiuiie Smooth Briar. 2:40, 2:38',. 2:;f7'.>. John G. Campbell. Garralsville. \. Y., Aug. 20. 1874. $200. Billy Mix 1. Fred. 2:40. 2:41. 2:40'2. 2:40. Honest Diitelnnan. cli s (3 :30i.,), by Hoagland's Gray Messenger, "dam bv Bellfounder. Dan Pfifer, Prospect I'ark, L. I., May 31, 1870, ,$l.oor). Charley Green. Chi)) (;irl. 2:i5. 2:;!2'2,2:.33, P'leetwood Park, N. Y.. May 21. 1872. .,, 2:42'5, 2:45. J. B. P. Wheelden, Bangor. Me., June 22. 187,5. .S170. Ellsworth jMaid, June, Blondin. 2:38}^. 2:;i9, 2:41?i. June 2,!, 187,5, ,$200. Stiirlight. Charcoal, Bay Diek. 2:40".. 2:.38V... 2:40'.,. St. .Fohns. N. B,. July 1. 187,5. ,$200. Charcoal. Nelly Eafon, 2:48. 2:49. 2:49. July 2. 1875, .$175. Nelly Eaton. License. 2:45. 2:42U. 2:41",. Beiu'on Park, Boston, Oct. 23. 187,5. .«!1.50. Johnnv, ftrick. 2:41, 2:39. 2:.39. New|)ort, Me., June 1, 1876. $100. Anson Belle ?.. "Fred Oliver, Black Bess, Slocuni. Millinocket, 2:41, 2:41, 2:41,2:41. Belfast, Me., .Tune — . 1876. $1,50. Uncle Ben. American Ladv, 2:.39, 2:40'2. 2:41, Porthind. Me., Aug. 30. 1876. .S2.50. Bav Fearnaught 1, 5, Forrest King 4, Emilv Fearnaught, Narrow Giuige, 2::i8, 2:.'!8. 2:3(!, 2:.38M. 2:38'.;, 2:38',. C. J. Hatch, Lawrence. Mass., .Tune 1. 1877. .$200. Amanda. Peter. Ladv Sherbnrii. Sleepy D;ivid. Black Bess, 2:.'i9, 2:,'«). 2:381/4. Woonsoeket. R. I., JuneO, 1877, $2,50, Fannv Miller .3, Captain Allen 1, Billv Stevens (5 dr), 2:37. 2:36, 2:.39'.,,2:.37i/,, 2:.30. Providence, it. I., June 13. 1877. ,$250. Flora Brett 1, 2. Capt. Allen, John Morrill (5 dr), Billy Stevens (4 dr), 2:33'/2, 2:35?i, 2:36>4, 2:.3854, 2:4^4. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECOPvI). 313 Fredericktoii, N. B., Sept. \^.^, 1877. $250. King William, Frank Allison, Morgan Knox fS dr), 2:34, 2:34, Honest Fred, ell g(3 :38i.i), by Tecuniseli. F. L. Davis, Charles City, la., Sept. 13, 1879, $600. Richland Girl, Little Frank. No time. H. Cliappel, Devvitt, la., Sept. 24, 1879, .'$200. Trumpeter (4olddust 1, Lizzie Mack, Jenny B., Richard D.. Sleepv Jack (4dr), 2:43?^, 2:43, 2:43'2, 2:43. Sept. 26, 1879, .$200. Lizzie Mack, Jenny B., Trumpeter Gokldust, John Randolph, 2:40, 2:40'4, 2:40. Honest George, b g (3:55). J. W. Humphrey, Titusville, Pa., June 3, 1870, $ . Maggie Dentonl, .3, Venanw Boy. 2:51, 2:56, 2:,55, 2:55, 2:,56. Honest George. (3:59). John Norton, canandaigua, N. Y., Oct. 1, 1874, $100. Gen. Grant, Chamberlaiirs irr s. Enoch Arden. 2:59, 3:04, 3 :00 Stallions. Honest George, b g (,3 :44^). Dan Russell, Fort Covington, N. Y., Oct. 6, 1876, $1.50. Nellv. Pedro, 2:49,2:18, 2:441/.,. Honest "Harry, ch g (3:43). A. V. N. Sprague. Meadville. Pa., June 12, 1872, .$,300. . Raft 1, Col, Drake (4 (lis) Contest (3 dis). Lizzie B (2 dis), 2:5494. 2:47, 2:47, 2:47' ». Titusville, Pa., June 28, 1872, $400. Billy Wilson 3, 2:45i/o. 2:45, 2:45, 2:43';. — (i. J. Jackson. Julv 4. 1873. •$ . Horace Greeley 2. Julia, Bogus Charley, 2:52, 2:51, 2:40. 2:57. Honest Harry, m g (3:33'2), by Winthrop Morrill. Watson Blaisdell, Lewiston, Me., Sent. 22, 1874, $200. James Fisk 2 iS oi. Kini)eror William 4. Androscocgin Boy, 2:41'/4, 2:41iji, 2:38. 2:38, . ■■ Sept. 24 and 25. i.s74. .■S180. Emperor William 1, 2. Androscoggin Bov, Golddust (3 dis), Careless Bov i dis). Shooting Bov (1 dis). 2:39, 2:39. 2:36. 2:35"j. 2:38. G. C. Goodale. Bangor, Me., Oct. 1 and 2, 1874, $500. Emperor William 1. Jini Fisk 2. Olive Logan, Honest Farmer, Silver Eye, General (.S dr). Major (2 dis). 2:.36. 2:.35. 2:.37'2. 2:.".(;. 2:37'i. Oct. 5, 1874, $300. Emperor William, Lady Nell, Olive Logan, Jim Fisk, Stonewall, Major (2 dis), 2:3,5, 2:341.1. 2:3t>V-9. J. J. Bowcn, Mystic Park. Boston, Sept. is and 20, 1875, .$2„000. Blanche 2. Hilly Platter 5, Frank J. 1, Kitty D., Triumph. 2:27, 2:J6, 2:28. 2:28. 2:2;)'.i, L':28U. Beacon Tark. Boston, Sept. 23 and 24, 1875, .$2,500. Blanche 1, Billy Platter, Frank J., Triumph, Kitty D., 2:27'. 2, 2:2714. 2:2714, 2:261^. Oct. 30, 1S75. .$(;oo. Frank Palmer. Juliilee Lambert, Flora Belle, 2:28. 2:28^^;, 2:28'.. — Mystic Park. Boston, June 11, 1877, $800. Charley Mac 3, Little Mary. Phil Sheridan, Ned Wallace, T. A. (3 dis), 2:24';, 2:24';, 2:25, 2:25. Beacon Park, Boston, June 15, 1877, $800. Ned Wallace, Phil Sheridan, T. A.. Little Mary, Charley Mac, 2:25%, 2:26, 2:25;U. July 20, 1877, .$400. Ned Wallace. 2:26^2, 2:29, 2:30. Oct. 4, 1877. .$400. Commonwealth 2, 2:30, 2:26. 2:27^.i. 2:28. Oct. 10, 1877, .$400. Commonwealth. John H.. 2:27. 2:26'.. 2:29. Vanderbilt Allen. Morrisania, N. Y.. Oct. 29. isro. .Sl.OOO. Gen. Tweed, 1:2494, 1:17}^. Half mile heats. John Murphy. Nov. 5, 1879. Dinner, 1 :10i4. To Trot in 1:11. Half mile dash. Honest Harry, Dg (3 :57'2). R. Mal)bitt, Norwich. Conn., Sept. 14, 1875, .$30. Amy, Lady Palmer, Merrimau, Brown's b m, 3:0691. 2:571.^, 3:02^. Honest Jack (w), (3 :48 w). Dover, N. Y., July 4. 18G5. $100. Bay Gelding 1, 3 (4 dis). Vestali (w), 2 (3 dr). Honest John (w). 2:42';, 2:47^, 2:40=4,2:48, 2:48. Honest Jerry (3:57). H. D. Syclleman. Norwich, Conn., Oct. 6, 1870, $30. Black Harrv 1,3, Country Girl, Blackbird, 3:0014. 2:.57, 2:59, 2:58%. .3:06. Honest Jim, b s (3 :17). J. Higbee, Smithtown, L. I., May 25, 1871, $50. Nelly Oscar, Christian, 3:l7i-g, 3:17, .S:17i4. Honest Jim, br g, pacer (2:35i4), by Mambrino Bruce. Wilcox Bros., Columbus, O.. Oct. 6, 1874, $55. John Crowder. Catawba, Bay .Joe, 2:35i2, 2:36. Wilcox & Archer, Delaware, O., Aug. 18, 1875, $190. BoIIy Weaver, Frank Bush, Gray Dick, Fanny Bigsbv. Lady Bell. No time. George R'ush, Adelphi, O., Sept. 20. 1882, $80. Roan Charley, Hector, Marion. 2:44^, 2:45, 2:46. Honest Jolin(w). bg (3:35i4), bv Long Island Black Hawk. Geo. Spicer, Centreville, L, I., July 18, 1850, $100. Reindeer (w), Mendham Maid (w), 5:45, 5:42. Two miles. (w). Same day, .$500. Reindeer (w), (2 dis), 5:51. 5:39. Two miles. (s). Little Neck, L. I., Aug. 15, 1850, $100. Confidence (s), 2, Trustee (s) (2 dis), 5:25, 5:42. . Two miles. Union Course, L. I., Aug. 22. 18.50, $100. Condflence 2, Trustee (1 dis), 5:25, 5:36, 5:2714. Two miles. Centreville, L. I., Aug. 23. 1850, $50. Emperor, 2:48'2. 2:48. 2:46. ■ Union Course, L. I., Aug. 29. 1850. $100. Trustee, 5:36. 5:.30'2. Two miles. Mr. Braden, Centreville, L. I.., Oct. 16, 1860, $100. Mount Morris 1. 2, Echo (2 dr), 2:49, 2:50, 2:46, 2:49, 2:.52. (w) .1. D. McMann, Union Course, L. I.. Oct. 28. 1850, $200. Mendham Maid (w) 2 (1 0), 5:42'^, 5:38'/i, 5:37,5:39. Two miles. (w) Wm. Whelan, June 22, 18.52. $200. Black Harrv, 5:27, 5:28. Two miles. (w) Oct. 18, 1852, $550. True John. 5:2f-2. 5:37';. Two miles. A. Which, Providence, R. I.. Nov. 11, 1853, .$.50. Fanny Jenks, 2:49, 2:47. 2:461/2. Geo. N. Ferguson. San Francisco, Cal.. Jan. 8, 1854, $1,000. Buck Harrigan, 38 :32. Ten miles. (w) Julv 12. 18.5.5, .$600. Joe Waterman ( w) 3. 2 ;46, 2 :44, 2 :39i4, 2 :40. (w) ,Ian. 6. 1857. $2,000. Gen. Taylor. .30:50. Ten miles. March. 21. 18.57. $1,000. Rhode Island 2, 2 :42'o. 2:42, 2:43, 2:45. Jan. 20. 1859. $2,000. Rattler, 5:15, 5:19. Two miles. Jan. 21, 18.59. $2,000. Rattler 2. 5:11, 5:12. 5:19. Two miles. Honest John, b g (3 :38i^), bv Clarion, dam Kate Jarvis, by Mambrino Messenger. Dan Mace, Boston, Mass., Oct. 25. is.5(!. $— ^. .johnny McKay. 2:51. 2:50, 2:46. Same Dav. •* . Young Ripton.Fannv. 2:.50, 2:47';. Detroit. Mich.. June 3. 18,58. S . Rosa. Chappell's blk g, 5:45, 5:47. Two miles. W. H. Potts. Cleveland, O., Sept. 21. is.59, .$so. .Sailor Bov 1. 2, Yankee Tom, 2:57, 2:48, 2:50, 2:.50, 2:,57. Honest John. chg(3:49';). W. W. Kellman, Bo.ston, Mass., Julv 12,^860, $100. Country Boy 1. 2, Brown Dick (2 dis). 2:.52^4. 2:5p4, 2:4914. 2:.52i2. 2:.54. Honest John, cr g (2 :43 ). Wm.'Fell, Wyoming, Pa.. June 23. 1860. .$100. Flora of the West (1 0) (3 0), 2 :54, 2:47.2:4.3, 2:4.5, 2:49. Honest John, (w) b g (3:41i4). J.C.Carroll, Hartford. Conn., June 19,1861, $100. Lady Dunn (w), 2:55, 2:54, 2:,56. Mr. Robertson. Fashion Course, L. I„ Sept. 29,1865, .$400. Lady Gilbert (w). Lady McClellan (3 dis). Blackbird (.3 dis). 2:,54^i, 2:.5.5.2:.53i/2. Mr. Bristol. Nov. 9. 1865. .$.3.50. May Queen 1, 2. Lightning. 2:54, 2:,53. 2-.52. 2:,50. 2:45. Nov. 17. 1865. $200. Richmond, Maggie Mitchell, Eclipse Stud (1 dis), 2:49. 2:41'';, 2:48'^. Honest John, b g (3 :39=i4 ). L. Dunham, Cincinnati, O., Aug. 1.5, 1863, $100. Billy Crawford 3, Punch (4 dr), Kittv (1 dis). 2:43.2:40. 2:38i^, 2^40. 314 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TKOTTINC; AND TACINU ItECOIJl;. Honest John, (2:59). J. L. Edsall, Coslien, N, Y., St-pt. 3, 18C8, $15. Miss McCloiul, 3:17, 2:59. Tliree-year- Uonest John, ch g (3 :43). 1). Cockrill Little Itock, Ark., Oct. 17, 1870, $500. iMainbriiio Messenger, Dan •J:4l.', 2:4."). •J:4H'2. (Kt. I'J. \»'0. S500. Mambrino Messenger (1 o;. Dan. 2:42, 2:4.5, 2:49. 2:49'.;. Honest John, 1) g (3 :54|2). J- <-". Deyo, Jackson, Midi., Sept. 2.J. 1870, §- -. Eva, Lady Delavan, 2:544. Honest John, grg (3 :50). H. Harvey, Doylestown, I'a., Oct. 4, 1872. SIOO. c,)ueen Vic, Fairy, Play Boy, Geo. M. ratdieu 1 (3 dis), Nobby Beau (2 dis). Monmouth (2 disj, Maggie ddisi, Frank (l dis), 2:51>^, 2:53!i, Honest John, ell g (3:44}4). C. Hopper, Washington, D. C, June k;, 1873. $.500. Charley Hayes 2, 2:51, 2'54'4 '^•.V'i ■'•.5ti ! c, L.^Yoder, Culpepper, Va., Oct. 19, 1873, $ . Humboldt, Revenue, Gayo 1, 2 (4 dn. 2:,52Ji. 2:44, 2:48, 2-^ii ! c' Hopper, Washington, D. C.. Mav h. ih74. .?.500. Belle of Gettysburgh, 2. 2:.55'4, 2:57, 2:55. 2:55. Sept. S. 1874. ;:.->0<). Alaggie Duval, 2:52, 2:58. 3:02. Sept 11, IST4. SIOO. Miit^mc Duval. 2:52'o. 2:5(1. 2:54. Nov. 24. 1874, iif-m. Davl'ight :i. 2:5P.,, 2:51?.,, 2:.52, 2:51. June 24. 1875, .*!J00. 15al)V Bov, 2:48'5, 2:47, 2:47. lulv 15. 1875. .SaoO. (iilliird :i. 4, 2 :44J/2, 2 :44' = , 2.40. 2 :49?i, 2 :5G. Rockvillc Md., Sep. 10, 1875, .S50(). Gen. McArthur. Rushville Maid, John Jay, 3:02, 2:.',9?4, 3:04. Washington. D. C, Nov. 17, 187.5, 8200. Bob Hayes. Prince, Daylight, 2:,52?4. 2:54, 2:.v;'.,. Honest John. 1) s (2 :45). R. L. Buell, Syracuse. N. Y., July 5. 1873, .?100. Filly Stark, Fred Johnsou, 2:47':. 2-45 2-46. Honest John, b s (3:39). John Lee, Watseka, 111., Sep. 2G. 1873, §50. Oyster Boy 2, Hoosier Buck, 2:40, . — D. Bartlioloinew, Springfield, 111.. Aug. 27. 1875. $200. Dunlap, Western (lirl, 2:43'/2, 2:51U. 2:50. Jacksonville, HI.. Sep. 10, 1875, §135. .Mary B.. Western Girl, Jack Jr. (2 dis), Billy (1 dis), 2:40, 2:4]'-. 2 '45 Honest John, rn g (3 :45). J. B. Serrell, Westchester, Pa., June (;. 1874, $250. Little Nell. Mary (2 dis), Lex- Honest ?j\lhnji'g'i 3':46). ~'Mr'. La'ke, Indianapolis, Ind., July 15, 1870, $100. Steiner, Lady S. (2 dis). Bay (JeoP'c (1 dis) 2:.50'".2:48. 2:48',i. Honest John (3:44).' San Francisco, Cal., July 14,1877,$ . Wakefield 3,4,2:46,2:4414, 2:46'/2. 2:4s. 2*44 'i Honest .John, rn g (2 :34). P. Quinn, Taunton, Mass., Sep. 27, 1877, $ . Competitors not named, 2:58, 2:47. Honest John, b g (2 :53). H. Howe, London , Out., June 6 1879, Sloo. Bay Fearnaught 2, Kate Messenger, •'•52 ■'•.55 •'•SS'a Honest John gr g (3 :37i4). C. Coldren, Skowhegan, Me.. Aug. 25, 1880, $100. Richard B. 3, 4 (1 0). Frank 1{. ilOM<;dn, 2:40, 2:42, 2:42, 2;45, 2:40, 2:45, 2:40. . Honest John, grg (3:5 11^). P. Pickle, Sweetsburg, Out., July l, 188'2, $00. Alice, Mmnie, 2:.5l>j, 3:01, Honest John rn g (2:439^). M. F. Kehoe. Jerseyville, 111., Oct. 12, I8s2. S . Pilot St. John l. Baby Mine, :MikeEmerick. 2:4,5. 2:4194. 2:47?4,2:4G'4. ^ ^, ,,..,,. . ,^ . . Honest Jolm. ch g (3 :53 ). .1. McManus. Evart. Mich., Oct. 5, 1883, $ . Gray ^^ illiam 3, 4, Doininiou Boy. ]{ant:im (ivpsv (5 dr), 2;.')5, 2:."ij, 2:.'")S, 2:41, 2:.5.5. Honest John, rn g (3 :03). Mr. Kurtis. Kans^-is City. Mo., Nov. 29, 1883, Prize, blanket. Frank. Alarquis. 3 "03 3 '03 Honest Kate, blkm (2:38). Stephen Hayes, Boston, Mass., Oct. 18, 1865, $100. Gypsy Queen (30), 2:.M. •J:50. 2:52,2:51. B. F. Flanders, Nov. 2, 1S65. .$ . Moose. 2:.59'i, 2:57. (w) E. L. Norcross, Nov. 14, 1805, $200. Gyi)sy (jueen, 2:48, 2:48V2. (w) Stephen Hayes, Nov. 29, 1805, .^.^(K). Billy Morris (w), 2:44, 2:43, 2:45. H.G. Smith, Boston, Mass.. May 24, 1806. $200. Hotwater, 2:38. 2:46. , ,„,, ,„., t^. , Honest Kit l)r m (3 :Ol'i). A. Flick. Mansfield. 0„ Sept. 29, 1881, $ . Jack Patchen 1. Gideon, Dick Tnrpin, B.,3;00'.,,3:03?4.3:01'.i. xt , r, o r, o ^a o r.> Honest Lawver. (3 :50). Portland, Me.. Aug. 31. 1800. $100. John Neal Pony 2:51, 2:50. 2:.52. Honest l.yon. ch g(3:37). Ity (ien. Lyon, dam the Pollard mare. J. Rankin, Dover,N. H.,Sept. 14, 18.0, $100. Colonel. ('i>l. Allen, 2:48, 2:49. 2:47. . „ ., ^, . . .,■ , „ .,,, „ ,,,/ ., ,- „ .oi- Nashua, N. H., Sept. 26, 1870, .§250. Maxev 1, Lad^' Holt, Dominion Girl, 2:41' ,, 2:41 '/j, 2;45, 2:43's. Sept. 27. 1870, . $2,50. lliclimoluHJIrll, Nelly. , 2:40'2, 2:44, 2:4.y.i ^^S. \LRankin. Keene, N. H., Aug.2, 1877, $250. Nigger Baby, Katy Did. John Morrill, Mary Russell. ^'springfichlfvt!, Aifg.'lO.is^^^^ Nigger Baby, Peter, Katy Did, Annie Lou, Pilot, M:itliilda (3dr), ^'lllJlKle" Aug.^3ltT87\\$l^2." P^^^^^^^^^ Baby, John Gilpin, Lady Young. Sally Triumph. Topsy, '■ l'. -M. Carpenter. Haverhill. Mass., Sept. 26. 1882, $60. Midnight, Butcher Boy. 2:39?i, 2:37, 2:44. ^^J:i'^^i^^'>!^^\:^^''T\t^Z^TlZ^^ NOV. 4. 1874, $1,000. Katy S., Mau.l, La.ly Goodin, Hampton, SallvB., Maggie M., Jim. 2:34'e,2:37'.i. 2:34. o .o o -j- Kittersville, Pa.. Aug. 19. 187,5. $500. Clothesline 1. :!, Simon .5, (6 dr), Gypsy Belle. 2:3;., 2:37. 2:42, 2:.U, 2-40 ''■40' i ■' wn'kesfiarre. Pa., Aug. 21, 187.5. $100. Dennis .3. Modoc, 2:37. 2:34X4, 2:36. 2:39. Itittersville, Pa., Nov. 2.5. 187,5. .$100. Honest Frsnik. Blue Mare, 3:07, 3:021 2, 3:05. Aug. 4, 1870. ,$ . Kitty Chiv. Blue M;ire. 2:36V{.. 2:,34K., 2:.30. Ha/.Ieton, Pa., Aug. 16, 1870, $.^00. Billy Watson. Sorrel Tom. Billy Britton. JVP'tfr-ji, f- .? ^7 2.3. . Rittersville. l':i., .Sept. 12, 1870, ,$300. Billy Britton 3, (iray Salem. Marshall, Kitty Cla>, Sussex, -.38?4, 2:41, 2::tsi,. •_'::?7U,. Sept. 14, I870,'.'?'.'00. Clothesline 2, Mountain Miiid, 2:.39'i, 2:4094, 2:37'4. H^e8t"»iaek\^ch'|f3';49v''^ WnT." Al\'-(" Tliomas'.Ont., July 16, 1874, $150. Brown Dick, Honest Dan. Ladv NVeiitwortli. Bay Hjirney. 2:.513.,, 2:.50'.,. , ^ ,. . ,^ „ „ /r _ ,^ .> .0 o.t^oi' 't.rjn^ Same day, $175. Brown Dick, Tecumseh Girl General (Jrant, Lizzie D. 2, 3(5r o), 2:49, 2..-)2>s, ..52>ti Hoii^t "Mack, ch g (3 :39V A. iVlcClurc. Hoosick Falls, N. Y.. Sept. 22, 1883, $100. Lucy Knox, Con, Iron- HonesT'Major.gfg (2 :3«>.,."'"LsiuicWoodnilT, Fashion Course, L. I.. July 20, 186,5, .?1.5o. Black Diamond, Honest >Iary! (3 :7/«u). Columbus, O.. Sept. 12. 1877. $150. Stranger, Ma>'flower. Central Ohio, Tecumseh (2 dr). Outlaw (2 dn, 2:47'/s, 2 :45'/2. Four-year-olds. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 315 Honest Mary, cli m (3 :00). W. .). WalsworUi, Elkhart, Intl., July 2,1878, .'$200. Glendale 3. Lima Boy, CJeorge B.. 3:00, 3:01. 3:01, 3:00. Honest Moscow, b s (3:46), by Prince Moscow, dam by Sleepy Dare Devil. J. Morse, VVorton, Md., Sept. 17, 1878, $50. Tuckalioe (2 dis). Royal Roan Chiel d dis), 2:0812, 3:o3. Four-year-olds. • Honest Ned, (3 :51). Farniington. Me., Oct. 11, 1877, .Tp . Victor Hugo, Berri, 2:51. 2:52, 2:53. Honest Nell, (3:00). J. Ardiii, Brunswick, Me., Oct. 11 and 15,1877, .« . Honest John, Susie, Rabbit, 3:00,3:00. Honest Oscar, b g (3:53). J. Hart, Jersey City, N. J., July 26, 1883. .SIOO. Sure Thing, 2:52, 2:55' 2, 2:56V2. Honest Fete, b g (3:56). L. P. Blake, Sandusky, O., Sept. 25, 1877, .'Bi20. Nelly 1 (2dls), Molly (2 dis), Bay Fanny {^2 dis). Hotspur (2 dis). Bay Frank (2 dis), Jenny L. (2dis), Lottie (1 dis), 3:00Ui, 2:56. Sept. 20, 1877, .S24, Kitty Grover, Bay Dick, Kitty (1 dis). 3:11 J^g, 3:15?^,. Honest Peter. grg(3:3 7 '2). P. Voorliees, Centre vi lie, L. I., Sept. 23, 18.50, $1,000. Hiram Woodruff 3 (2 0), 2:51. 2:51, 2:.13, 2:51K', 2:.50. Sept. 29, 1856, $500. Lady Riley 1, 2, 2:47,2:45. 2:47, 2:48, 2:45. Hiram Woodruff, Oct. 6, 18.56, $500. Lady Rilev, 5:37, 5:33. Two miles. (w), P. Voorhees, Union Course, L. I., May 8, i8.57. $1,500. Sir Walter 2, 3. 2:51. 2:44, 2:46V^, 2:44, 2:42. Hiram Woodruff, Centreville, L. I., June 22, 1861, $.50. Lady Bevins 1,2, Zouave 3, 2:37'/2, 2:38^4, 2:37, 2:41,2:40. — . ■ Mr. Birdsall, Hoboken, N. J., Aug. 1, 1867, $2.50. Rawling's gr g 1, 3, 2:39?^. 2:40^2. 2:393^, 2:44, 2:43. -J. F. Satterlee, Elinira, N. Y., July 4, 1868, $100. Potters b s 1, 3, Burr Oak (2 dis), 2:49, 2:40, 2:39, 2:41, 2:48. Honest Prince,, bg (3:56'/^). L. A. Phillips, Middletovvn, Conn., Aug. 26, 1875, ^f200. Martha's Vineyard, Dandy, ii;o7'3, 2 :56j^, 2 :59i4. Honest (juakcr, gr g (3:38), by the James Mahoney horse, ison of Dirigo), dam by Moody's Messenger. A Drake, Rockland, Me., July 4, 1872, $ . Lady Wall, Lady Martin (3 dr). 2 :51, 2 :52, -lidl'i, Aug. 24, 1872, $200. Red Jacket, 2:41'^. 2:48. 2:45. Honest Keuben, br g. W. H. Martin, Bradford. Vt., Sept. 29, 1881, $ . Dover Boy 1, 2, Nelly Pete. Little Kate, Lady Lightfoot (2 dis). No time. Honest Sam, bg (3:50). G. F. Cheever, Athol, Mass., Aug. 8, 1874, $125. Johnny 2, Little Joker, Montague Jim (4 dr). Protest (3 dr). Tommy Dot (2 dr), 2:.52, 2:47, 2:.50, 2:50. Honest Sam, b g (3 :37). A. Rush, Youngstown, O. Sept. 19, 1883, $300. Fire Fly 1, 4, Prince Edward, D. H. Golddust, Jim Bowden. Bob IngersoU (5 dis), 2:3794, 2:.37, 2:40, 2:40, 2:41. Honest Shaker (3 :43). J. F. Haines, Portland, Me., July 4, 1871, $ . Abdallali Boy, Lady Tottle (1 dis). Brown Dan (1 dis), 2 :43, 2 :45, 2:48. Honest Tim (3 :09). N. S. Davis, Laconia, N. H., Sept. 21. 1880, $25. Ned, Nobby Merrill Kate L. , 3:12, 3:10, 3 :09. Honest Tom, grg (3:36), by General Knox. A. Woodard, Lawrence, Mass., June 2, 1875, $200. Jenny 1, 4, John Virgin, Alice, Bessie Shaw (5dr), Kenoza Boy (3 dr). Folly (3dr), 2:;i8, 2 -.38, 2:39,2:41, 2:42. Manchester, N. H., Jime 9, 1875, $500. General l, Peabody, Fleetwing, lieorgieB., David, Lad/ Daggett, Johnny, Alice, 2:36, 2:36, 2:37. 2 ::37. Honest Tom, b g(3 -Aoli). B. J. Jordan, Readville, Mass., Sept. 30, 1876, $85. Mamie 1, Harry Knox, Chris- tine, Brilliant (4 dr), Dan (3 dr), American Girl (l dis), 2:46, 2:45^2, 2:48, 2:48. Honest Tom, ch g (3 :41). E. G. Langley, Truro, N. S., Oct. 5, 1882, $150. Long John, Kitty Thome, Kitty Clyde, 2:4814,2:42, 2:45. Moncton, N. B., May 24, 1883, $ . Kitty Clyde, Lookout, Tom Collins. 2:44, 2:46, 2:43 Sept. 13, 1883, .$ . Stewart Malony 1, Col. Lang, Charlev Morris, 2 :42. 2 :43, 2:44, 2 :4l. Honest Trotter, (3 :4:0yi). C. Mexley, Carlinsville, 111., Sept. 3, 1878, .$200. Doctor Fred, Ella Madden, 2:46, 2:4.3,2:4014. Honesty, b g (3:45). Capt. Erchuit, Scranton, Pa., May 11, 1859, $.50. Gypsy Girl. Kitty Clyde, Sam Patch, Belle of Providence, 2:56. 2:45. Honesty, b s (3 :43 ) (3 :36*), by Stier's Hiatoga. Con. Lewis, Des Moines, la., Nov. 13. 1867. $300. Tom Hyer 3, Butcher Boy (4 dr). Plough Boy (3 dr), 2:54. 2:46, 2:40, 2:42. F. Saginaw, Mich.. Oct. 15, 1.808, $100. t^oiitest, Saginaw Chief 2, (4 dr), 2:46, 2:46i4, 2:4514, 3:00. Ke(jkuk, la., Sept. 1. 1871, $150. Chickamauga 1, Harry Miller (2 dis), 2:47i4, 2:42i'2, 2:50. Ottumwa, la., Aug. 13, 1873, $ . Bust 1. Mattie (3 dn, 2:.56, 2:.57, 2:49. Honesty, b g (3 :44). A. A. Einstein, Reading, Pa., Sept. 25, 1868, $100. Black Swallow, Frank (2 dr), 2:471/2, 2:471/.,, 2:4514- Honesty, gr g (3 :373^). P. Stonett, Detroit, Mich., June 28, 1870, $ . Diamond 2, 3, Capt. Tom 1, Ristori, 1874, (iladiator, Henry (2 dis), 2:.34, 2:37, 2:38, 2:39i4. 2:37?i, . Honesty, gr g (3 :46). 0. Fover, Lee, Mass., July 4. 1872, .S35. Robert Bonner, Paddy, 2:58, 2:.50, 2:46. Honesty, br g (3 :40i4), by Ethan Allen, dam bv Vermont Black Hawk. G. F. Sollace, Barre, Vt., Aug. 26. 1874, $300. Charley Mac, Regardless, Dagger, Black Warnor. lian-y 1 1 Uisj, 2:4714, 2:47^4, 2:48. Aug. 27, 1874, $225. Dagger. Slielbnrne Maid, Quickstep, Harry. 2:42 2:45, 2:46. Honesty, chg. A. W. Cobb, Taunton, Mass., Sept. 24, 1878. $20. Maud, Blue Bull, 1:47, 1:47. Three-year-olds. Half mile heats. Honesty, ch s (3 :35-ii), by Priam, dam Western Girl, bv Chieftain. A. H. Dodge, Stockton, Cal.. Oct. 2, 1880, .$250. Upright, Pliaceola (1 dis), 2:38i4, 2:41. Three-Vear-olds. Honey Balsam, bg (3:47). A. D. Ashfey, New Bedford, Mass., Oct. 22. 1883, .$25. Quaker. Maud. Best time, 2:47. Honey Dew. bm(3:41'2). Darius TaHman, Fashion Course, L. L, June 29. 1869. .$1..500. Davenport Neck Mare (1 dis). Acorn (1 dis), 2:41'j. Honey Lake Chief, (3:4314). W. A. Walker, Reno, Nev., Oct. 15 1881. ,S400. Lilly Breed 1. 2:46, 2:441;, 2:431.1. Honolulu, rn m (3 :45), by Clark's Mambrino Chief, dam by Robinson's Bellfounder. I. Hovt. Ada, O., Sept. 21, 1.883,$100. Black Joe 1, Bay Dick, Samuel C. (J dis), .Joshua (l dis), 2:48, 2:45. 2-4514, 2:4.5. Honor, ch s (3 :39i4), by Belmont, dam Glorv, bv West oru Star. H. C. McDowell. Lexington, Ky.. .Tune 13, 1870, $3.50. Aldine 1, 2, Signet, Mattie Price (3 dis., KentuckvStar (3dis) 2:4.^3^, 2:41, 2:44i/4, 2:4814, 2:52. Cynthiana, Ky., July 4 and 5. 1876. $400. Woomoosa 2, 2:5,5ii. 3:08, 3:02. 2:.39'4. Hooper, (3:311/2). Lebanon, O., Sept. 19 and 20, 1878, $150. Broker 1. Frank Miller, 2:33^4, 2:3214, 2:.3.5. 2:311^. Hoosier Belle, blkm (3:5714). F. Graves, Newport. Ky., Sept. 23, 1875, $.300. Long John 1, Lexey, 2:n9H, 2:5714.3:00, 2:.58. Hoosier Bill, br g (3 :36?4). E. Rawlin, Hamilton, O., June 22. 1867. $— . Live Oak (l dis), John McClellan (1 dis), 2:.36?4. Hoosier Bill (3 :33). Delaware, O., Sept, 27, 1878, $125. Nellv (Jrav, 2:38, 2:.S3. 2:37. Hoosier Boy (3 :48). A. Williams. Milinocket, Wis., June 15'. 1867,".$ . Molly Bertram 1. Thrasher. Kate Fisher (1 dis), 2:.52, 2:48. 2:49. 2:49. Hoosier Boy, b g (3:361,4). Wm. Darling. Chicago, 111., Mav 24. 1876, $.300. Princeton 2. Countess (3 dis), 2 :.'?6i4, 2:391/2, 2 :39. 2 :.394. Hoosier Boy, ch g (3 :43), Dr. Smith, Watertown, Wis., Sept. 20, 1877, $1.50. Anna B., Prairie Bird. Cruiser, 2:44. 2:44,2:43. 316 ('HESTER'S ('O.MI'LKri: TUOITINC AM) I'ACINC HECOKI). Seville, ()., Oct. — , 18T:, .S— . I.atlv Tilton 1. J, •2:MKu 2:rmi, 2:rA)U, 2:50^.,, •_':,-.(). Uoosier Uick. bg C-J:*!). (i. Smith, Strubflivilk', ().. Oit. l;i, ls:4, ::;r>(iO. Liicv, Surutoga, 2:41, 2:42,2:4f(. Uuuso (Billy (Iraiit) b s (.8 :55^ by Adiiiiiiistralor, dam by Dubois' Mambriiio Duroc. 1'. L. Fowler, (jMceola, la., Sept.^G, 1«K5, $30. Flora S., 3:01. 3:02'2, 3:0f;. Hop (Col. Kiis.sel) 1j g a -.'^5%). Thomas Cochran, VVilmingtou, Del., Sept. 19, 1868, $85. Osceola 2, Lady Washington (2 cir), 2:46. 2:44, 2:4.'')?^, 2:44^4. W. 11. Doble. I'hiluilelphia, I'a.. Aug. 21, IHCU, 3 . Ironsides. 2:34, 2:42. 2:47. Aug. 31. I,SU!), .•< . Victor I'atchen (2 0», 2:43'j, 2:40. 2-4.!, 2:39. Hope, blkg (,a :4:J'.i). Mr. McLane, Coshocton, O., Sept. 27, 1H70, $400. Grav Eagle, 2:43^. 2:4*;, 2:47'/j. Hoj)f. ch g (^a :'-J8x by Tclcgra))h. .1. Trod more, Chicago, 111.. Aug. 30, 1872, $1,000. Vaughn, Whitcomb, I'harley, Virginiad dis), 2:.!".. 2:3:%. 2:34^^. <;. W. Leigliy. Stockton, C'al., Sept. 11, 1875. ifloo. Ked Cross, American I'.oy. Thomas H., Cold Note, 2:.!8, 2:.i5. 2:34i2. Sacramento, Cal.. Sei)t. 23, 187.'), .§7.50. Lou Whipple, Alexander. Flora Shepherd. i':.30. 2:28. 2:28i)ii. San Francisco, Cal., Sept. 28, 1875, ijiscx). Jiutchman, Dirigo, Alexander, Lou Whipple. Flora Shepherd, 2:;a)i.,, 2:31. 2:32. Hope, blk g (3 :50). A. Langveine, Barre. Vt., Oct. 23, 1873, $300. Col. Davis. Dagger, Modesty, Black Warrior, Birdie, Seth Warne:- (2 dis) i?:50. 2..")3, 2:.50, Hope, b g (3 :33). W. K. Hunt. Beaver, Pa., Sept. 29, 1876, ,«!400 Duster, Bay Harrv (2 dis), 2::!2>i, 2:32'/2, 2:32. Hope, b m (3:39). Flint and Trotter, (iaiuesviile, Texas, Dec. 13. 1882, .S125. William 1'. l. Enterprise, 2:59, 2:53, 2:55, 2:58. — — .1. L. Nothalf & Co., Gainesville. Tex., Apl. 12. 1883, $150. Nomad 3 (4 0), Maud B. (1 dis, 2:42, 2:39, 2:45, 2:40, v:41. Uupet'iil gr K (3 :14?i), by Godfrey Patchen, dam by the Bridhani Horse. W. Barnard. Prosjjeet Park, L. L, Sept. «, 1873, 5(1,000. Everett Boy. Nelly Walton, I Guess So. Frank Klock. Lizzie Keeler. (iulnare. Chester (2 tlis). Tyrone (.2 dis). Trustee (1 disi Phil O'Neill (1 disi. !'::;(), 2;-'s. -j/.mi. Sept. 27, 1873, .Sl,ooo. Everett Kay 1, Miss Miller 2. F(jrt Wasliin^'ton, Nelly Walton, I Guess So, Chester (5 dis), Gulnare (5 dr), Lucca(4 dis). Lizzie Keeler (4 dr). Trustee ( i dis), 2:30. 2:3214, 2:26, 2:27, 2:25. — L. C. Chase. Fredericton, N. B., Oct. 10, 1873. $500. Gv])sv Queen, (^leen, 2:41>.i. 2:40>4, 2:42^4. — St. John, N.B., Oct. —, 1873, $ . 2 :45>/2, 2:3514, 2:3214. To beat 2.;50. Lost. A. Tuft, Hartford, Conn., Aug. 27, 1874, §5,000. Susie. Kansas Chief. Lucille (iolddust, .Toker, Ella Wright, 2:25, 2:23'/2, 2:23?4. . Providence, K. I., Sept. 23, 1874, $2,500. Susie, Music. Spotted Colt. 2:27. 2:2.S. 2:25i;. Taunton, Mass., Sept. 29 and Oct. i, 1874. .$700. Parkis Ahdaliah. Billv Platter. l'iSIU, 2:37, 3:36?i. Brockton, Mass., Oct. 8, 1874, $500. Lady Snell, Coiuiiionwealth. 2:.s2'i, 2:.!134. 2:2iii.i. Goshen, N. Y., Oct. 16, 1874, $1,500. Thos. L. Young l. Huntress, Kansas ( hief. Farmer Boy, 2:28!4.2:37J<., 2:2714,2:26. L. C. Chase, Fleetwood Park, N. Y., Oct. 26, 1874, $2,000. Thos. L. Young 1, Sensation, Kansas Chief, Young Bruno. 2:22%. 2:24, 2:21. 2:22';;. Dan Mace, Poughkeepsic, N. Y.. Aug. 5, 1875, $4,500. Ladv Maud, Huntress, Judge Fullerton 1, (2 dis), John H. (2 di.s), 2 :2I . 2 ;22?4, 2 :28, 2 :28. Ben Mace, Springfield, Mass., Aug. 25, 1875, $4,000. Lady Maud, Kansas Chief (3 dis), 2:28'/i, 2:24J^. 2:20. Hartford, Conn., Aug. 31, 1875, $4,000. Lady Maud 3, 4, Lucille Golddust, Henry, 2:18i4, 2:22J^, 2:19, 2:2014,2:231^. Sept. 3, 1875, $4,000. American Girl, 2:1714, 2:18i4, 2:18/4- A. N. Gillender, Fleetwood Park, N. Y., June 28, 1877, $1,500. Judge Fullerton, Albemarle, Adelaide, 2:]8'4,2:20. 2:21!i. Mystic Park, Boston, Julv 5, 1877, $1,000. Great Eastern 3, 2:22. 2:26, 2:18'/2, 2:19'i. Springfield. Mass., Julv 13, 1877, .$3,000. .Judge Fullerton 2, 2 :19i/2, 2:22i/2, 2:27, 2:22i^. Mystic Park, Boston. Julv 23, 1877, $1,000. Simiggler, 2:22. 2:19U, 2:20i^. A. W. Richmond, Poughkeepsic, N. Y., Aug. 24, 1877, $3,000. Nettie 3, 4, Lucille Golddust (3 dis). 2:lS?i 2:19,2:20,2:25. 2:22i.i. Adrian, Mich., June 7, 1878, .$600. White Stockings. 2:29, 2:29, 2:26%. East Saginaw. Mich., June 27, i878, $1,000. Cozetle 1. 2, Xviazo-Manie, Adelaide, Little Gypsy (1 dis), 2:20, 2*23 2 '2*^ 2* '^.3 2'*^3V« '■ cieveTanit, "o.,".'lulv 25, 1878, .$2,000. Proteine, Great Eastern, Nettie, Cozette, 2:17i.i, 2:15%. 2:15>^. Buffalo, N. Y.. Aug. 2, 1878, .$2,000. Great Eastern. 2, Nettie, Cozette. 2:18'4, 2:18, 2:18, 2:18}^. Rochester, N. V.. Aug. 8, 1878, .$2,000. (ireat Eastern, Cozette, 2:24. 2:20'4, 2:20. Utica, N. Y., Aug. 1.5, 1878, .$2,000. Proteine, (ireat Eastern, 2:16'4, 2:16%, 2:17J^. Hartford. Conn., Aug, 22, 1878, $2, 100. Great Eastern, 2:221/2. 2:18i.i, 2:20'/2. Minneapolis. Minn., Sept. 5. 1878, .«l.ooo. 2:17%, 2:14%. To beat 2:16. Kansas Citv, Mo., Sept. 20, 1878. $1,250. (Jreat Eastern, 2:3214, 2:27%, 2:25i4. Quincv, 111.'. Sept. 26, 1878, $1,200. Great Eastern, Scott's Thomas. 2 :26i4, 2:231,4, 2:1914. St. Louis, Mo . Oct. 2. 1878, $1,000. 2:1.5^, 2:15, 2:15'/2. To beat 2:1514. Chicago, 111.. Oct. lo. 1878, $.3,000. Rarus (w), (ireat Eastern (s), 2:1714, 2:17. 2:17. (w), Oct. 12, 1878. .$800. 2:16K>, 2:17, 2:17. To beat 2:20' i. Albanv. N. Y,. Nov. 8. 1878. .f500. 2:24,2:21. 2:20ii. Exhibition. Dan Mace, Suffolk Park, Phila.. May 16, 1879. 1,000. 2:2I''2. 2:18, 2:10. To beat 2:17. Lost. Ambler Park. Pa.. May 22. 1879. $1,000. 2:19%. 2:19, 2:22i.,. Exhibition. Belmont Park, Phila., Mav .30. 1879. $1,000. 2:21, 2:1714. 2:17i.i. To beat 2:14. Lost. Pittsburgh. Pa.. .June 11. 1879, $600. 2:22, 2:22, 2:22. Exhibition. Butler, Pa.. ,Iune 19. I.s79. .«:1.000. 2:22. 2:2^4, 2:18%. Exhibition. Bradford. Pa.. June 2.5, 1879, •$7.''>0 2:23%. 2:19%, 2:23%, Exhibition. Chicago. III., July 4, 1879. .$2,000. 2:19, 2:20'/i, 2:20. To beat 2:14. Lost. A. W. Richmond, Hartford, Conn., Aug. 28. 1879, $1,400. Sleepy Tom, pacer (1 0), 2:18, 2:17, 2:19, 2:19. Dan Mace. Minneapolis. Minn., Sent. ,5. 1879, .$3,000. Lucy, pacer, 2:18ii, 2:20, 2:23. (Juincv, 111.. Sept. 11. 1K7rt. $l.ono. Lucv, pacer, 2:161^, 2:17'/i, 2:181.,. Cedar Raj)i5. Betsy B., 3:05, 3:10, 3:10. Horace Oolddust, blk s (3:50). A. (irim, Kansas City. Mo., Sei)t. 20, 1877, $1.50. Kentucky Girl, Pat, Sam Patch, Musette. Cataract Chief. Vidiler Toole, 2:51.2:50. Horace Greeley, ch jr (3 :35i .> ), by Goodiiig's ( iKuupion. W. H. Mitchell, Canandaigiia, N. Y'., May 25, 1872, .•J350. Lady Kendall 1, 2. Dispute. 2:42. 2;4(). 2:44'.,, l':45, 2:42. lune 1, 1872. $-J0(). Ludv Alien ;j, 4. Geor-c I'itts. 2:44. 2:41, 2:40, 2:47, 2:41. Owego, N. Y., June 12. 'l,s72. S:j()0. Frank I'hrlps 1, 2, 2;39-.i, 2:40, 2:.S6, 2:35Vi,2:42. . June 13, 1872, .•=;400. Kittv. Frank I'hclps, 2::;9\i. 2:i.i. 2:41. Medina, N. V., June 19. 1872. .$800. Lady Kendall, Dispute, Traniii, Lady Clifton, 2:38V4, 2:37'^, 2:3(j. Avon, N. Y., July 4, 1872, .'?300. Lady Kendall 4, Lady Allen 1, Dan O'Connell. 2;.53, 2:48, 2:44, 2:45, 2:44. R. L. Sheldon, Oswego, N. Y., Aug. 20. 1872, .So50. Lady Lighttoot, 2:40, 2:37, 2:30. Horace Greeley, b g (3:51). Abe Smith, Titusville. Pa., July 4, 1872, $300. First Sand 3, Wild Oats, 2:58, 2:55'o,2:.58, 2:504. Horace Greeley, b g (3:40). G. T. C. Holden, Worcester, Mass., July 6. 1872, .$2,50. Kob Roy 3, Kentucky Boy (4 dis), 2":42^4 ,2:41, 2:40!/2, 2:40. Horace Greeley, b s (3 :13i/2). Sol. Bloom, Council Bluffs, la.. Aug. 21, 1872, $100. Ted 1, (2 Oj, 3:17i4, 3:19%i, 3:15'/2, 3:124,3:17. Horace Greeley, (Hard Road), b g (3:35), by Dirigo. J. W. Smith. Danielsonville. Conn., Sept. 0, 1872, $2(K). Sweet Briar 1, Frank Allen, 2:404, 2:40, 2:3914, 2:41'4. Taunton. Mass., Sept. 2.5, 1872, $100. Fashion, Acushnet Girl. 2:45. 2:47, 2:45. Sept. 26, 1872, .$300. Mulford 1, 2, Helen, 2:i2U,2:39. 2:40, 2:40^4, 2:404- (ireat Falls, N. H., Jnne 19. 1873, .'JiSOO. Kate Gilbert, Lady Weul worth, Shakespeare, John Lambert, King William ^3 dr), 2:37i4, 2:41. 2:41. Horace Greeley, b s (3 :50). D. Pasey, Marietta, O., Oct. 9. 1872, .$40. Lady Wagoner, 3:50, 3:50. Three- year-olds. Horace Greeley, ch g (3 :38ii). C. C. Berry. Mystic Park, Boston, May 1. 1874, ,$100. Lady Jane 1, 2, Darcy, Susan (1 dis), Hiram Drew (1 dis), Nell (1 dis). Bill (1 dis), 2:.52-t, 2:51, 2:.54, 2:533^, 2:544. June 11, 1874. $100. (ien. Butler 1, Gen. Warren, Dorsey, Island Belle (4 dr). 2:.59, 2:,58, 2:53^4, 2:53^4- H. Sargent, Beacon Park, Boston, July 24, 1874, $300. Jester (w;, 1, 2, Rosa Bonheui-. 2:50i2, 2:52, 2:46%i, 2:46,2:504. Mystic Park, Boston, July 27, 1874. .$75. Jester 2. Flora (w), 3, Jim Fisk (W). 5, 2:43. 2:45?4, 2:41^4, 2:46, 2:46,2:43?i. C. C. Berry, Oct. 23, 1874, .$200. Brown Harry 1, 3, Bay Stranger, 2:4414, 2:394. 2:424, 2:40, 2:40V2. H. Sargent, Oct. 30, 1874, .$200. Lady l>aggett 3, Brown Harry, 2:38i4, 2:394, 2:44. 2:38i,2. C. C. Berry, Oct. 2 and 4, 1875, $100. Nelly 1, 2, Stranger, 2:52, 2:,524, 2:474, 2:50)4, 2:49. Dec. 5, 1875, $200. Nelly, 2:5.5, 2:53, 2:50. Beacon Park, Boston, April 14, 1876, $1.50. Knox Jr. l, Maud, 2:51, 2:534, 2:51''o. 2:.514. Horace Greeley, b 3 (3 :36i/.f)- L)an Mace. Fleetwood Park, N. Y., June 9, 1876, $100. St. George 3, 6, Carrie Myers l, 2. 2:44, 2:444, 2:40, 2:41, 2:37'-., 2::3Gi.,. 2:39. Horace Greeley, gr g. E. E. Ecker, (4irard. Kan., Aug. 8, 1879. s$40. Buffalo Bill 2. Kate Harris, Gray Billy (3 dr), Nico (3 dr). No time. Aug. 11, 1879, .flSS. Tendoy 3. Moline, Osweso Cliief (4 dr). Buffalo Bill (4 dr). No time. Horatio, b g (3 :49M). W. H. Walker, Brattleboro. Vt., Aug. 15, 1868, .$50. Prince Allen, Dan (2 dis), Hagar (1 dis), 2 :56. 2 :,53i4, 2:49?i:. Hornet, ch g(3:45^). Mr. Clintock, Union Course, L. I., Oct. 1, 18.50, $200. Sheiiherd Boy 2,3, 2:454, 2:584, 2:564, 3:00W, 2:54. Hornet, brg (3:34). R. C. Stimson, Hamilton. Ont.. July 1. 187?, $1,000. C. C. Spring 2, Rob Boy. Socks (2 dis). Bay George (2 dis), Eva (2 dis), Joe Siin|ison (1 uis). 2:41^4, 2:4'!^,', 2:4314, 2:4514. Barrie, Ont., Sept. 18 1872. .^400. Kov;d M:ii;iia 1, 2, (3 dis). Lady Clifton (1 dis), 2:34. 2:3414, 2:37. J. Lambe, Chatham. Ont., 0:'t. 14, 1S75, $300^: Little Angus 3, J.'H. Boyle. 2:.36. 2:341;;, 2:37, 2:38. Hornet, gr s (3 :45). John Fenton, Brookville, Pa.. Oct. 22, 1874, ,$200. Little Rachel 1, Hannah Bradley. 2:46, 2:45, 2:45!*, 2:46. Hornet, chg^3:434). E. Train, Beacon Park, Boston, July 10. 1876. .$.50. Oronoko JNIaid, pacer, 2. Best time 2:.52ii, in second heat. D. H. Packard, Bridge water, Mass., Sent. 20, 1878, $ . Bay Dick l, Riley, Louise (2 dr\ 2:52, 2:.52, 2:454, 2:48. Hotspur, (Col. Maynard), b g (3 :34), by Ethan Allen, dam by True John. Budd Doble, Mystic Park, BostOTi, Oct. 5, 1808, $l,.5bo. License 1,3, (2 0), Mvron Perry (2 0), Belle Strickland, Lexington. 2:2714, 2:27, 2:26i4, 2:27,2:27,2:2714- June 15, 1869, ,$3,000. Myron Perry 5. (3 0), Gray Mack 1. (3 0). Mountain Maid, Rolla Golddust, Billy Barr (4 dr), 2:25"2, 2:26?i, 2:2714, 2 :261i;, 2:;!0, 2:30'.;. , Aug. 20, 1869. .$2..500. License. Mvron Perrv. 2:27, 2:24. 2:25. 2:25^. / Philadelphia, Pa., Sept. 7, l^fio. $2,(i(mi, (IrViv Hawk (30). License, 2:28'.i, 2:254, 2:285!^, 2:29?i, A Binuhamton, N. Y., Sejit. 1,^. 1869. .$1,200. Western New York, IMonntain Maid, 2:284, 2-304, 2:2714. -^ Ea.ston, Pa., Oct. 28, 1.S69. $l,.50O. Fanny Allen, Mountain iMaid, -j-.r.n^U 2:io',. 2:.38i4. Boston, Mass., June 13, 1870, .$5,000. License 3, W. B. Whitman. Rolla <;old, (2 dr), 2 :254 , 2 :25, .2 :25U. 2 :25. Milw;iukee, Wis.. Sept. 5. 1871, $2,000. Western Girl 2:284, 2:31. 2:29. W. H. Doble, Doylestown. Pa., Oct. 4. 1872, $1,000. Charles E Loew, Huntress, 2:31iii, 2:28. 3:294- Ambler Park, Pa., June 13, 1873, .$300. Susie Parker 1, (3 0), ■2:35>i,2:?ul4, 2:.374, 2:354, 2:3414. Philadelphia, Pa., June 27. 1873, $1,000. Ladv Maud, 2:,30, 2:27'i, 2:2S?4. — (s), W. H. Doble. Jr., Point Breeze Park, Phila., May 13, 1874, $300. Lady Patterson S, Dinah (s), (Idis), 2:30i.i,2:31, 2:37. — W. H. Doble, Ambler Park. Pa., Mav 20, 1874. .?30fl. Dinah. Thrill, 2:44, 2:37, 2:41. — Suffolk Park, Phila., .May 29. 1874, .$600. Ella Wright. Stewart Maioney, 2:31, 2:28!i, 2:31. — A. C. Henry. Baltimore, Md.. June 18, 1879. .$ . Eastern Shore Boy 3, (4, 0), (5 dr). Hatlie (5 dr"), 2:55, 2:32?i, 2:,32i4. 2:3214, 2:3.5. June 26, 1879. .S.500. Belle Oaklev 2. 3 (4 dr). 2:29. 2:.30. 2:294. 2:.?0. 2:32. — J. L. Freck, Jersey Shore, Pa.. Sept. 'i9, 1870. .$200. Rthel Medium I.Mary Brown, Kate Keller, 2:33, 2:31. 2:.32. 2:31. — Carlisle. Pa., Oct. 2. 1879, .$300. Ethel Medium 2, Little Nell, 2:30, 2:31, 2:31, 2:32)^. 318 CHESTERS COiMPLETE TlIolTING AND PACING RECORD. Lewisburuli, Pa., Oct. 3, 1879, .?160. Little Maiv. Katt- Keller. 2:30'i, 2:32?4,2:34>4. Jersey Sliore. I'a., Oet. — , 1.>7"J. .<30(). hiiiel .Uiiliiiiii 1. .Mary Brown, 2:32, 2:31, 2:3l>4, 2:31. VV. ]■ ink. \\ ilkesbarre, I'a., Nov. — , IBT'.t. «i-io«i. Laile >iary, 2:o4^4. 2:;i6'.i. 2:33. HotKpiir :27, 3:30>«, 3:-'2j^o. Tliree-year-olils. — .Sept. 2J. 1880, S:i(>. ryinonil 1, Bee Lme.Tt .^ .. . , Tom Pate, :i:;!8\. 3:11, 3:0.5>4. 3:09'2. Four-vear-olds. J. K. Hall. Tiffin. O., June 14, 1882, Sl.W. \V. S. (ieteliell (J iln, 2:48, 2:46, 2:47. Orrville, O., Sept. 14, 1882, 4;200. Billy B. 3, 4, Abbey Darling 1. Uarrv B., 2:48(2, 2:49i.i, 2:45, 2:484. 2:49, 2:49. Lpper Sandusky, O., Oct. 20, 1882, $200. Little Ned, Sneak. M:ittie B., Harry B. d dis), 2:37><;, 2 :37, 2:38' 2, 2:;;^^.. Hotwaler. blk g(3:'i3), E. Hubbard, Springtleld, iMass., Aug. 22, 1865 , $200. Dolly Dutton 3,3:01, 2:50, 2:471.0, 2:.08. Aug. 23. 18G5. $ . Dolly Dutton. 2 -.iA. 2 :49. Keene, N. H., Sei)t. 28, isuo, iflb. Parmer's Daughter, C. Lombard, 2:43, 2:45' 2, 2:48. C'lieshire Co., N. H., Oet. 4, Isnb, $ll.'i. Farmer's Daughter, Brattlel)oro,2:45, 2:48. C. Branch, Boston, Mass., May 12, 1866, $100. Gypsy Queen, 2:46, 2:47. .May 15. 1866, .•4'/i, 2:53;4, 2:5(i'.i, 2:.j5, 2:53^4, 2:51 '4. Pairview, O., Oct. 27, 1876, $ . Kitty Wirt 1 (3 0), White Cloud, Wild Tom. No time. HowanlJay, rn g (2:21^4), by Wood's Hambletonian, ilam Kmma Montour, bv Seneca Chief. J.Murray. Toronto, Ont., Aug. 15 and 16, 1882. $750. Fides 2, 3 (1 0), Park 6, (1 O), Valentine, Caledonia Chief, Chestnut Sam. 2:31'2, 2:32, 2:32>^, 2:32i-i, 2:3394, 2:34i4, 2:29?4 Oshawa, Ont., Aug. 24, 1882, $125. Ota l. Marsh Clark, Cobourg Billv (2 disi, 2:45, 2:42}^, 2:39, 2:42. B. H. Throop, Albany. N. Y., June 27, 1883, $100. Billv Button 1. 2, Amelia C., Lem, Sir George, Lulu F., Onwjird (4 drj, H. W. Beecher (3 dr;,2:2i;'4. 2:23^4, 2:24%. 2:26, 2:25. S|)rini'lield, Mass., Aug. -31 and Sept. 1, 188;!. $100. Kate McCall 5, H. B. Win.ship 2, Young Fullerton 1, On;i\va, Ahidelenie, Stranger, 2:22?4, 2:24^4, 2:2oii, 2:22^4, , 2:2314. Hartford, Conn., Sept. 4, 1883, $2,000. Gladiators, 4, Kate McCall, Frank, Madeleine, Young Fullerton, 1, (2 dis), 2:20?i, 2:2114. 2:23, 2:24Ki, 2:24?^, 2:32. Providence, li. i., sept. U, 1883. $i,5uo. Louise N. 1, 2, Sleepy Joe 3, 4, Index. Don, 2:12'^, 2:2214. 2:225^, 2 "22 2:22 2:22, 2:21^4. Howard Snow, b g (3 :42) Beacon Park, Boston, Oet. 8, 1873, $150. Modoc Chief, Peter Simide, Clara Gage (1 dis). F;mny (1 dis), 2:43'«, 2-4.5i^, 2:43'.. ■ Oct. 10, 1873, $150. Eddy 1, Tontine Belle, I'eter Simple, Modoc Chief, Gray F:agle, Thought (2 dis), 2:46, 2:43K>, 2:42, 2:43. HowelCbr g (3 :40). J. Farrell. ►San Francisco. Cal.. Mav 24, 1876. $200. Lady Kmma. 5:24. Two mile dash. . Oakland, Cal.. Dec. 27, 1>-7'J, Sl.Ooo. Controller, 13:46, 13:37k>. Five miles. Howe's Bay Gelding, (-Z :4:Slr,). Hiram Howe, Union Course, L. I., Kov. 6, 18(;9. $400. Topsy, 2:48'2, 2:49, 2:49. '- (\v) Nov. 25, 1869, $500. Billv (\v), 2 :58V4^, 3:00, 3:00. Hoyt's Chestnut Gelding (w), (2:49). Nelson Hoyt. Baltimore, Md., May—. 1866, $— . Charley Hunt, Johnson's pacer. Best time 2:49. . „ , „, ., H. S. Nichols, ch g (3 :00). C. T. Potter, Corning. N. Y.. Oct. 7, 1874, $200. White Bird 3, Taylor, Clothespin, Ir-Mig, Patsv,3:00'i. 3:00. 3:00?4. 3:01. ^ ,,,,,„ Hu1;b's Chestnut Gelding (3 :40'., 1. G. 11. Hubbs, Mineola, L. I., Sei)t. 30. 1880, $4.5. Ladd s blk m 5, 6, Seam:in's blk g 2, 3, Willis' b g. Time, llubl)'s ch g 2:40'-:, Liuld's blk m 2:46. Seain:in's blk g 2:.'>0. Huckleberry (Dictiitor Pluck. Brown Jack, and .loliu F.i. br g {'Z •.•Z-Zh), by Comet. Jas. 15. Cutter, Osage, la., Nov. 14. 1872, .$;^75. Princeton 1. Jesse Stowe. 2:44i.i, 2:-4'_"... 2:4L"n. (i. W. Bishoi), Deconili, la.. Julv 17, 1874, $2.->0. .lesse Stowc Billy Morgan, 2 :.39'i, 2:41, 2:42. Nashua, la., ^ept. 4, 1874. .§300. 'Star of the West 1, 2, Dakota Maid. Wild Billy. 2:41?.,.2:43?i, 2:43, 2:38?4, 2 '.381 > ^ Jas. B. Cutter. Omaha, ^eb.. .Tunc 0. 1875 $800. Granger l, Wlutew:iter Chief, 2:40, 2:49?i, 2:,5294, 2:48. Ed. Jolinson, St. .loseph. 'Mo.. Mav 29, ls7f., SI.(hK). White Stockings. 2:."6. 2:.'{4 2:,30. Omaha. Neb.. .Iui\e 8, 1876. .•=;800. White stockings 1, (iranger, l'::;4. 2:;j. 2:..,. v.:,^^^!. Waverlv, la.. Julv .5, 1876. $m). Stranger, White Stockings. Granger. .MO 2:4, '2, -:.}l. Floni. ni., Sept. 28," 1876. $ar4 2:3oJ4. 2:38. 2:o.Mi. ■ Booneville, Ind., 6ct. 12, 1870. $500. Little Sam 2, 3, Red Cloud 1, Echo, 2:41, 2:40, 2.3b, 2:36, 2.38^i, Hudson, b g (2 :29). bv Tippoo. F. Haight. Lowell, Mass.. May 24 is82. S200. Bflle R. 1. 2. Muriel f- Faimy M - Nelly (5 dr). Tinker f4 dr). Belle Dorr (4 dr), Young Hopewell (3 dr), Dutchman (3, dis), St. Jacob (1 dis), ■ s: Bim-ll'Ynn-ldcnce': R.^L, June 2. 1882, $500. Frank 3. Mary. Dick (5 dis). Jack Sailor 1 (2 dis), 2:30, Hudson'Girl', g"r m ('z":ir,i T. Scott, Deerfoot Park, L.T., Nov. 18 and 19, 1874, $100. Milkman SornO I'.oy, Scratch, .lohnnv 1 fS dis), Frank (1 disi. 2:18'.., 2:.-)0'.., '- :i!^/-=^5^2:4:>, -:4< .... — — . Huell, l)lk g CJ :00). J. H. Giites. Erie. Pa.. June in. 1876, $1.50. Gen. Ward 1, IVIajor 3.0 , .. 03, 3 Oi Hugh D.Hi^Mass, b g f2 :44). John Duval, Nashville, Tenn., Aug. 23. 180.5, $.500. Betty (1 (lis), 2.44 Milkman 4, 6 (5 0), 00. S:iiuc (ijty, $100. Silver. 2:50. 2:.51. .-':'Mii- (lav, .i.i(Hi. reiver. i::.')i). -j:;)!. , „ t^, • 4. 1 1 -n- t ii,it k .uiH r Hugh McLaughlin, b s(2:23). bv Aberdeen, dam Lady Ham. H. Carr, rhinilield, N J., July 5 ana 6, 1880. .^uon. Lilly Mac 4. l/Mira B. 3. Maggie 1. Addle E. 0.. 2:40. 2:42. 2:52 2:.39'.^2:3..>2, -.39.4. ^^^ Stpvens - Norwich. Coiin., Se])!. 29, 1880, $200. .loe Hooker, Blandina, Lizzie Jackson, Bonnie Doon, BiUj Stevens, ^'llinrmHowe! Brooklyn, N. Y., April 28, 1881, $300. Kegulus Jr. 2, 4, (1 0), Tish (1 0). (2 dis), 2:37!i, 2:34V^, '- IL 'm. Ell1s."providencp, R. I.. Aug. 4, 1881. .$.300. Wade Hampton 2. Jim. IJttle Maid, Sorrel Top, Rover. Tom Barton, Topsv D., 2:32U,2:.32, 2:31, 2:31. „ ., . x . a t !..,i<,n,.'a HutT«», 1) s, bv Ashland Patchen. Baker & Harrican, Sandy Hill. N. Y., Sept. 8. lasi, .«65. Lady A., Lindsa> s blk s, 1:28. i::ii. Twovear-olds. Half-mile he.nt. ,^ . „ ,.„ o /vi r.„..^,.«o.. Hulburfs Hay Gelding (3 :09). E. Hulbert. Pittslleld, Mass.. Opt. 3. 1872. .$.35. Daisy, 3:.53, 3:09. Four-year- HulLcii s (2:5110, bv Belmont, dam bv Roscoe. R. A. Stratton, Stoneboro, Pa., Aug. 18, 1876, $50. Brown Dan. Ladv Ella. Nettie (1 dis). 3:00'i, .3:01, 3:00. ^ ^ ,„ Erie. Pa.. Sept. 2.5. 1877. .«!7.5. Noontide. Onil HnmiUon. Kittv Cooi)Pr.2:.5P.. 2:.53 2^.?ivi. „„„ ,„ ttiii Humbert, b s (2 :32i4). by Bona Fide, dam Belle of Pawlet. bv War Hulett. Baker & Harrigan, Sandy Hill, N. \'., Sept. 9, n»2. $50.' Dagmar, Macklin Bros- b m, 2:42, 2:40. 2:40. Four-year-olds. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 319 Morrisania, N. Y., Sept. 30, 1882, $ . Lurline Boy, 2 :4n.i. 2:3214. Four-year-olds. Humbird, blk s (.8:51). E. McAllister, VVaterlowu, N. Y., Aug. 29, ISGO, § . Hainbletonlan 2, 3:04, 3:01, 2 :5G. Plattsburgli, N. Y., Sept. 15, 1860, $ . Jolly Frencliinan, Mitus, 3:05, 2:51. bik g. G. H. Cosgrove, Goverueur.N. Y., Sept. 28, 1871, .'ij2oO. Fraiik,2:57, 2:57. 2:53. Huinbuldt, b g (,3:45). C. H. Osborn, Marysville, Cal., Aug. 2(J, 18«5, .$100. Capt. Hauiord 2 (3 0), 2:52, 2:45!4, 2:1614. 2:4r>. Humboldt, bg (2 :20), by Stocking Chief, dam by Parrisli's Crockett. Siiiiili & Bros.. Lexington. Ky., Oct. 11, isTS. .^.",00. Blondiiie 1, Belle Patchen,2:46, 2:46, 2:48r4, 2:47:^4- Four-year-olds. John Splan, Jackson, Mich., June 9, 1880, $800. W. H. HoUv 2. 3, .Joseplius l, Lizzie II (,5 dri. 2:33. 2:33, 2:35, 2:35' 2. 2:37. 2:40. Chas. S. Green, Cleveland, O., July 26, 1881, $1,000. Ambassador 4, P'lora F., Tom Hendricks l (5 dis), 2:25. 2:25?4, 2:26V^, 2:25i/2. 2:2.5i4. Rochester, N. Y., Aug. 9, 1881. .$1,000. Flora F. 2,3, J. P. :Morris 1, Manibrino Dudley, Cora, Ambassar dor, Tom Hendricks (5 dis). Shamrock (5 drj, 2:2314, 2:25, 2:2514, 2:2.5 J4, 2:2494. 2:29. Utica, N. Y., Aug. 16, 1881, $1,000. J. P. Morris 4, 5, Flora F. 3, (.2 0), Shamrock, 2:2414, 2:24J^,2:25Ji, 2:241-4.2:21, 2:25,2:27'.;. Hartford. Conn., Aug. 23, 18S1. $1,000. J. P. Mon-is 3, Mambrino Dudley, Flora F. (2 dis), 2:2114, 2:20?4', 2:2114, 2:20. Aug. 24, 1881, $1,.500. Ai'gonaut 3, Forrest Patchen, Stella C, Parole, Troubador 1, (3 dis), 2:201^, 2:2314, 2:23'4, 2:2214,2:231-1. M. G. Thomson, Belmont Park, Phihi., May 3, 1882, $600. J. P. Morris 2. 3, Croxie, Bella, 2:2794, 2 :24i/^, 2:27,2:24, 2:2414. Humboldt, b g (3:15). P. Donnelly, Suffolk Park, Pliila., March 4. 1878, $100. Go Slow 1, Sam (3 dr), 3:20, 3:15,2:20. Humboldt, b s (2 :4:4ii). H. A. Pooler, Goshen, N. Y., Nov. 15, 1881. $100. Frank G., 2:46, 2:44ii, 2:48';. Humboldt, b g (3:33). W. C. Bissell, Rochester, Minn., Sept. 13, 1883, $200. Maggie Kernan, Thomas Scott, Capitola, 2:32, 2:32l^, 2:33. Hiram Adams, Preston, Minn., Sept. 27, 1883, $100. Farmer's Maid 1. 2:40, 2:39i/4, 2:41 9i. Humbug, br s (2:48). E. Fox, Fredouia, N. Y., July 4, 1860, $200. Honesty 2,3, (5 0), (6 dr), 2:48, 2:48, 2:45, 2:49, 2:51, 2:54. Humming: Bird, blk g (3 :33i4), by Meig's Abdallah. Darius Tallman, Union Course, L. I., Sept. 18. 1857, $50. Lemonade (4 dr). Dart 1, 2, (3 dis). My Mary Ann (2 dis), 2:43, 2:42, 2:42, 2:48. (w), Sei)t. 22, 1.S57, $.50. Lemonade (w), 1, Boston, (w). Dart, (W), (1 dis), 2:44, 2:40i4. 2:42i/4, 2-A3}A. (w), Darius Tallman, Union Course, L. I., Sept. 24, 1857, $75. Carmon Maid, (w), 2:44, 2:43, 2:43." Sept. 28, 18.57, .$75. Maud, 2:39, 2:39. 2:41'2. (w). Oct. 6, 1857. .S2.50. Meddlesome (w) 2, Maud (w) (3 dr), 2:37. 2:.37, 2:.35, 2:.34i4. Humming Bird, b m (3:53). D. Carver, Sandusky, O., Sept., 18. is.-g. $.50. Bob Ridley 1, 2:58, 2:55, 2:54, 2:. 53. Oct. 19. 18.->8. .$2.5. Ro.sa Belle 2, 2 :.55, 3:05, 3:03. Humming Bird, rnm(3:43). R. ,1. Larrabee, Bangor, Me., .tuly 4, 1864, $250. Ned Hathaway 2. 3, Bob Williams, Snow Storm, 2:42, 2:46, 2:49, 2:49 2:48. Humming Bird, b g (3:4394). Moses Dallen, Worcester. Mass., June 12. 1869, $100. Trifle 3, 2:4394,2:48, 2:.50, 2:.52. Humming Bird, ch g (2 :43). P. J. Toole, San Jose, Cal.. Oct. 8, 1870,$ . Scipio 3.4. Mollv Trussel (odis), 2:43, 2:45,2:46'i, 2:5.5. Humpty Dumpty. b g (3 :34V0. R. Smith, Fleetwood Park. N. Y., Dec. 3, 1874, .$400. Tommy Moore (w) 3. 4, 3:03' 4, 2:52'», 2:.50, 2:4614, 2:56. Dan Mace, May 28. 1877, |l,ooo. Cora. 2,431.1, 2:.36. 2:341^. Humpy, b in (3 :36'2), by Blue Bull, dam by Tom Hal. Gus Glidden, Lafayette, Ind., Aug. 30, 1881, §100. Ida May, William R., 2:.56. 2:,55' ...2:551/2. .J. Forrest, Little Rock, Ark.. Oct. 18. 1881, .$300. Bullet, Jr., Anglin, 2:421^, 2:44. 2:44i;;. Hundred Dollar Note, (2 :43). A. Annis, Fargo, D. T., July. 4. 1882. $100. Dakota Bov. S:43. 2:45. Hunky Dear ( Katy Wallace) gr m (3 :38). C. L. Kingsbury. Pittsfteld, Mass., Aug. l^. 1877, .$200. Dolphin 2, Tom .Mason (3 0), Newton, Colleen Bawn (5 dr), Neilson (5 dr). Kitty Ives (1 disi. 2:41. 2:4.5^, 2:41, 2:38, 2:42. Aug. 15, 1877. .$200. Fitzgerald 1, Oriole, Ben, Green Mountain Maid, 2:42. 2:40, 2-40, 2:4014. Aug. 16, 1877. .$200. Colleen Bawn 1, Tom Mason, Neilson, Newton, Dolphin, Berkshire, Kitty Ives(4 dr), 2:41, 2:39, 2:3914, 2 :409£. Hunky Dory, b g (3 :37). Silas Hasley, Oswego, N. Y., Aug. 21, 1872, $350. Horace Greely 2, Ladv Kendall, 2:41,2:4014,2:41,2:40. Aug. 22, 1872. .$.300. Messenger Boy l, Mark Taylor. George F., Lightfoot (2dis). 2:39. 2:42. 2:37,2:41. Hunky Dory (2 :45). W. H. Sayles, Brookline, Conn., Sept. 25, 1872, $125. Cli|)per, License, Capt. Allen, Flv, Farmer Boy. 2:50, 2:45, 2:46. Sept. 26, 1872, .S4.5. Fly, Ca])t. Allen, License, Ladv Buckingham, Farmer Boy, 2:,53, ?:.50, 2:45. Hunky Dory, ch g (3 :39^). W. A. Dawsoii, Chagrin Falls, O., Aug. 27, 1873, $150.' Jim Brighton 3, Johnny Wonder (4 dis), 2:399i, 2:44, 2:43, 2:39'4. Hunter, gr g (2 :38). Hiram Woodruff, Centreville, L. I., July 3, 18.54, $1,000. Irene, 2:41i4. 2:.38ai, 2:38. Hunter, ch s (3:57). M. Budlong, Utica. N. Y.. Oct. 21. 1856, '.$200. Tippoo, 3:02.2:.57. Hunter, ch g (3:37) by Magnolia, dam by Foxhunter. Alden Goldsmith, Newburgh, N. Y., Sept. — , 1866, $ . Modesty 1, 2 :44, 2 :48, 2:4f!. Middletown, N. Y., Oct. 10, l.s(;6, .•=!30. Lady Weller 1, 2, Ma.ior King,2:43i/!;, 2:42i4. 2:44, 2:49, 2:44. Goslicn, N, Y., Sept. 12, 18fi7,$10O. Capt. Taggart 1, Mountaiu Maid, 2:46, 2:41, 2:40,2:42. Will. Bodine, Troy, N. Y., June 24, \m><. $.300. Taffee (w), Kitty (w), 5:43, 5:35. Two miles. iw) Goshen, N, Y.. Ot. 7. l.^i;s, .^lon. Major Edsall. Chester, -2:43, 2:44, 2:45. Oct. 17, 1868, .$200. Major ICdsall, Honcstv. 2::i8, 2:38. 2:37. Hunter, chg (3:39) by Black Dutclimaii. dami)V Walter's son of Saladin. G. W. Fitzwater, Ambler Park, Pa., .June 13, 1873, .$ . Howell viile Maul, 14:22. Five miles. Wilmington. Del., Nov. 14, 1873. $1.50. Jim, Banner. Best time,.3:01?i. Suffolk Park, Phil., May 1. 1874, .$,500. Tommv Dodd. 2:48, 2:46'.;, 2:45. Mav2, 1874, .$400. Lady Norway 3, 4, Lady Garland 2, Eugene. 2:40, 2:4m,2:38Ji, 2:37, 2:39, 2:41. (w) .luly 31, 1874. .$300. Gray Harrv, Ladv Sharp, 2:41i4, 2:42'.,, 2:43. J. T. Smitk, Point Breeze Park, Phil.. Sept. 13. 1875. $.500. Ladv Ross, 14:15. Five miles. C. F. Yoder, Gettvsburgh, Pa.. July 25. 1876. $400. Sorrel Tom 1, Mary Jane 2, Billy Britton, Belle (4dis), Gen. Hunter a dr), Rockv Hill (2 dr),'2:41-i.i, 2::!8. 2:40, 2:.38, 2:;i9. Washington, D. C, Sept. 4, 1876, .$.50. Ned Bucklev 3, Jersev Boy (2 dr), 2:39^ 2:.3994, 2:40i.;, 2:3994. Rockville, Md., Sept. 15. 1876, $1.50. Ned Bucklev, Prince, 2:42. 2:40';, 2:.39. Greenville. Pa., Sept. 22, 1876. .$.500. Lady Roe 1, Turner 2, Altamont, Bessie, Bay Billy (3 dis), Ironsides (3 dis), 2:40, 2:41, 2:37, 2:36';, 2:.3.5. Washington, D, C, Oct, 2, 1876, .$200. Washington Jr. 1, 4, Ned Buckley, Jersey Boy, Lady Elmer, 2:40, 2:39, 2:.38, 2:4.3,2:41. Chambersburgh, Pa., Oct. 5. 187G, $1.50. Ned Bucklev l. Lady Stets'on, 2:44, 2:40, 2:39, 2:39!2. 320 CHESTER'S rOMri.KTE THOrriNd AM) PACING RECORD. • Oct. 6, 187G, S25C. Ni'd JUickk'V A To)), I.adv Stetson, :;:40, L':45, i':3«, -^-.'JS. Oct. 7, 1870, §400. Ned JUicklcy, 2 :40. •_' -.M. 1 :a8. Culpe^)i)er. V'a., Oet. JO. Isti;, 5;i}.oo. Ned lUuklev 2, Nelly (Irav, l>'rederiek,2t41, 2:41*4. 2:;{9. 2:.'i9. Washington, D. C, Oet. 24. ;876, $\M. Ned Itiickley 1, 3, Kignold, Jersey Boy. 2:40',2, 2:40^^, 2:39'.,, 2:39 2:39i4. ' Oet. 25. 187(!. SIOO. Ned Hiiekley, .Jersey Boy, Kignold, 2:46'.i. 2:42, 2:41>2. Nov. 10, is7ti, ^;2,000. \\:isiiiiiglon Jr. 3, tj. Me.\rthur 1, 2, Ned Buckley 5(7 0) Lady Elmer, 2 -40, 2-40';. 240 2:3'J. 2:40, 2:40^4, 2;40, 2:;«»'2. 2:3!». " ' ' — -Siilfolk I'ark, Phila., May 17 and 18, 1877, $2.50. Lady Blessington 1, 2, I'hil Dougherty 4, Little Nell Lady Emma. Allen (5 dr;, ftloriiing (,". dr}, Jenny (4 dri, 2:31, 2:30, , 2:31, 2:31'2, 2:32'4. Toiiit Breeze I'ark. I'liila.. May 23, 1ST7, .«;4uo. I'hil Dougherty 1, 3, Allen, Jacob Larian. Kannv Lady Blessiugton. Little Nell (4 dr>. Blaze Medium (4 dr). 2:2.S, 2:31, 2:28,2:33, 2:29. ('. H. Shinn, Uliriciisville, O., June 4, ls7y. S'2.")0. Ited Line, While Cloud, 2:.J5, 2:34';, 2:3t;. Hunter, b g (2 :55). by .lack Screw. J. 11. Yakey, Leesburg. Va., Oct. 13, 1877, 4130. Castlenian. Argus. J'ut 2:. "if), 2 :.').">. Kour-ycar-olds. " ' Huntress (Lady Whilnian, b m (2:30\ by American Star, dam by Durlands Bolivar. Troy, N. Y., July 15 isiis. .S">(H). (ii-ay Henry 2, 3 (G dis). Needle (inn 1 ir> disi, Lady Allen (5 dis), South Boston B()"y(odisi.'Ducne88 (3 (lis). Bay Sam i3 dis), Col. Kilpatrick (2 dr), 2:37'2. 2:.;.'), ■J:38i.i, 2:3(;>'o, 2:3.'., 2:31'2. Huntress, b in {2:20^^), by N'oluntcer, dam Lady Sear.s. l)y Ameiican St'ar. A. (ioldsmith. Springfield, Mass, Aug. 21, 1871, .§700. Belle of Watertown 2, Billy I'lattcr, New Ion, Broni Kceney (4 disi. Farragut i3dr)'. Little Kmily (3 dis). Commodore Null (2 dis;, Little l'r:iiik (2(lis), C'zai- (.2 dri, Aiiolher Such (i dis) 2:;i6%' 2:32'2.2:3l'.i,2:32ii. I'ittsburgli. I'a.. Oct. 27, 1871,.S1,000. Ohio Boy, Annie Collins. Black Mack ^3 dr), Indeiiendence (1 disi Annie Watson (1 dis), 2:32^2, 2:3214, 2 :32k. Chesterlield Co.. Va,, Nov. 3, 1871, .iiLOOO. Gen. Mulford (3 r 0), J. C. Partridge (2dis\ St. Lawrence (2 dis), 2:.J3, 2:2(;'2, 2:31. Boston, .Mass., June 11, 1872, $-2,00(). Susie 1, 2:28, 2:2451C, 2:27^1, 2:28?.i. Saratoga Siia. N, Y., July IG, 1872, .?500. William II.Allen 3, 2:3014, 2:32. 2:32?4, 2:374. Montreal. P. (^, Aug. 2G, 1872, .$1,000. Byron 2, 3. William H. Allen 1, Phil Sheridan (2 dis). Sir (ieorge (2 dis), Sliowtlake d dis), 2:30'.;. 2:33, 2:32, 2:29»^.. 2:30?.i. 2:.34K'- Prospect Park, L. L, Sept. 21, 1872, $1,250. Wallace, Constitution. Fanny Fern, 7:2i;4. To beat 7:32'2. Three miles. Sandy Hill. N. Y., May 22, 187;!. .^L.^OO. Nonesuch 1, "William H. Allen. 2:.'50?4, 2:31'/4,2:31i/^, 2:30. Prosp. $ . I'lanter 1, Eva, 2:30, 2:30, 2:28'i, 2:32. • ■Wa.-Jiingtou, D, C, May 3, 187G, $1,000. Adelaide, Annie Collins, John H, (3 dis), 2:28'i, 2:2554, 2:26y2. May !■">, 187G, $1,000, Annie Collins, John H., 2:35i^.., 2:31. 2:30i/2. Elniira. N. Y., June IG, 187G, $1,000. Bonner 1, Carrie, Clifton Boy, 2:27i4, 2:29. 2:2,59li, 2:26'/2. Norwich, Conn., Sept. 20, 1877, .$400. Tanner Boy, Mai-tha Washington. 2:31. 2:27i.i. 2:.S0. Syracuse, N. Y., Oct. G, 1877, .$r)00, Frank 1, 4, Joe Brown 3, '2-:29}4, 2:28. 2:32, 2:29, 2:28»4, 2:29. ■ Prospect I'ark, L. I., June 21, 1878, .$2,000. Jim Irving 1, Nelly Irwin (4 dr). 2:':!8, 2:28i4. 2 2G, 2:25. Norwich, Conn., .June 27, 1878, $500. Nelly Irwin 1, 2, Kansas Chief 4, Parkis' Abdallah, 2:30'/j, 2:30, 2:28i<£;, 2::i.-.'., 2:31i4. 2:32'.;. Cornwiill, N. Y., Oct. 9, 1879, .$300. Dan Smith, Vivandierc, 2:29, 2:28, 2:271/2. ■ Newcastle, Pa., June 19. 1880, .$400. Silversidcs, John H. 1, 2. (3 dis), 2:30!^, 2:28^.2:2.'), 2::5G, 2:.37. Youngstown, ()., July 3, 1880, $G00. John H. 1, 2, Brother .loiiathan 4, 2:32, 2:29'2,2:30, 2.33, 2:.31 2:M. Huntress, b m ('J:.54'i). by Kentucky Hunter. D. (iannon, San Francisco, Cal., Nov. 16, 1872. $150. Lottie, Waverly, 2:57. 2 :.54 ', , ■J-Jn^.i. Four-year-oids. HuMtr«'ss, ch m (3:'^«i, by Admiral, dam Flora, bv ]'>lack Prince, S. S. Drake, Santa Rosa, Cal,, Aug. 23. 1882, $rm. Placida l, St. Patrick, Lady Lane (3 dis), Enmia Taylor (3dis), 2:45. 2:41. 2:4194. 2:44i^i. Pctaluma, Cal., Aug. 29, 1882, $400. Como 2, 3, Placida, Roscbe (1 dis), Emma Taylor (1 dis),2:40i4, 2:39'4, 2:38. 2:.{9'.. 2:38. Oakland, Cal., Sept. 4, 1883, $rM. Frank Moscow 3, 4, Bismarck 2, Kitty Thorne, 2:32, 2:33. 2:.33, 2:29'4, 2:28!2.2:2'J. C. David, Sept. 7, 1883, $800. Barney B., Frank Moscow. Nellv Burns. 2:2914. 2:29^4, 2:28. Hunt's Black Gelding, (3 :46i/,). J. B, Hunt, Flemington. N. J.. Sejjt. 29, 1877,$ . Minnie H.. Sally, Flora, 2:,59, 3:07, 3:0.-.. Huron, b s Ci-A-ZVi), by Almont Jr. C. .1. Hamlin. ILimbiirgh, N. Y., Sept. 2G, 1882. $ . Star Monarch. No time. Tliree-vear-olds, East Aurora, N. Y., Oct. G, 1S8:{. .$400. Alpine 1,2. Capt, Thad (3 dis>. 2:45, 2-4G, 2:4."., 2.42'i.2:45. Stallions. Hurrah, brs (3:.'57ii). J. T,anib, Watford, Out.. Oct. :?. 1873, .$200. Little Angus 3. 4, (2 0), Capt. Tom. 2:38. 2::',7-'4,2:41, 2:41, 2:3714. Hurricane, blk g (2:41). David C. Hill. New Haven, Conn., Nov. 1.5, 18.59, .$ Lady Mack 1, 2. 2:49. 2:1.0. 2:52, 2:.5.5, 2:.54. May 17, 18(!4, $1,000. Baker Bov, 2:44, 2:44, 2:41. May 2.!, 18(H, $ - . Baker Bov, 3. (2 0). 2:.56. 2:,51, 2:47, 2:56. 2:49. HurrieiineOIillcr r.ovi. bgi'J:4.">i. D. F. Nugent, Montreal, P.Q.,June5, 1872, $600. Flora 3, Lady Fisher 2. Nimi od (1 dis), 2:47i/i, 2:52, 2:48, 2:54, 2:50 .Mr. Hastings, Troy, N. Y.. Sept. 5, 1872, .$ , p-actorv Girl 1, Ladv Clinton, 2:.57. 2:54. 2:.54, 2:.52. Uurrleaiie, b g (3:;$6). A. McDonald, Potsdam, N. Y., Sept. 20. 1883, $1.50. Marv Burns. Berdel Prince, Gen. Merrill, 2:.'?6,2:.37'/;. 2:38V<;. H. "W. IJeeeher, br g (2 :r,l)~ Mr. Campbell. Plaindeld. N, J. July 5, 187.5, .?.50. Ed. Green. 2:.5l. 2:r>4. 2:52'^. Sei>t. 1, 1875. .$7.5. Blind Tom, SrOlV,. 2:.53'2, 2:.52i4. H. W, Heecher, ell g 'i -AO^). E. Corrigau, Kansas City. Mo., June 16. 1877, $1.50. Nellv Wliitnev, T. Smith, Archie Bov (3 disi, 2:44, 2:42'4', 2:40'., . H. ^V. lieeelier, (wi. b g (2 :57 w). by YoungChainpion, E. T. Benchotten, Sanduskv, O., Sept. 21, issi, .$24. George Whitney iw). Hotspur Jr, (w), Ladv Star {w>. Bay Dick (W>. Little Joe (w), .3:07. 3fll. 3:17. (w)Sei)t. 20. 1882, .$:{0. G'eorge Whitnev (w). Saiicho (wi d disi, ;!:00i,, -j-Ju. H. \V, Genet (Daiivers BoY>, b s Ci :2.'»';), !)v (iodfrev Patchcn, dam Lattv Danvers. by Rockv Monntain. D. A. Creami-r, I'rospect Park, L. I., June 6, 1871, $2,000. Nonesuch (2 0). .L J. liradlev (2 Oi, Ed. AYhite, 2:2C, 2:25';, 2:28, 2:28'o. IVovi.lencc, R. L, .Tune I.'!, 1 871 . .$2,000. None siicli, Ed. White, Belle Strickland. Ma.ior Allen (2 dis). Col. Lakenuiu (2 disi, 2;'J9i ... 2:2G?4. 2:28',,. B. H. Revere. .June 1.5. 1875. $1..500. Sea Foam I.Tom Kceler.Blancbe. Roval George. Parkis' Abdallah, Barney Kelley. May Bird Jubilee Lambert, Young Rattler (1 dis), 2:27, 2:25H;. 2:27, 2:27. CHESTERS COMPLETE TROTllNG AND PACING RECORD. 321 Hylas, ch s (3 :34»0, by Alcade, (l;un Santa Maria, by Pilot Jr. G. L. Macy, Harrodsburgh, Ky., July 17, 1873, $100. Fanny IvDbinsoii, JCcMitiukv .Maui, ii:36. i.':S;), l::3914- Four-year-olds. J. C. Wtjiianiot. AkruM, O., .Sept. :;!». l»lb, $300. Bashaw Drury, Judge VVaite. 2:76, 2:369i, 2:37. J. Katzniiller, East Saginaw, Micii.. June 29, 1870, $l.2.iO. White Lint! 1, Marion, Manibrino Kate, S. W. MeD., Josephine. Allen. Monarc'i Rule, Calmar, Lew Scott, Wolford Z. (4 dr), Nelson (4 dr), 2:30, 2:26>/i, 2:20. 2:24' 2- Detroit, Mich., July 0, 1870. «; J. Marions, Jim Fisk 4, Lew Scott, Mambrino Warner, Calmar, Wol- ford Z.i.'i dr), Allen <-> dr). Whitt Line (3 dr). 2:27.2:28i.i, 2:27, - — . 2:25io. Cincinnati, O.. July 14. 1876, .$ ..300. Sam West 1, Josephine, Lew Scott, Alley, Black Maria, 2:33, 2:30'/2, 2:134, 2: ;53 ^4^. Akron, O., Oct. 6, 1876, .$.500. Mag Smith, Sleepv John 1 (3 dr), 2:43, 2:40. 2:41',4. 2:39?it- Hymen, gr s (3 :37), by Pilot Jr. da n Young Portia. bV Manibrino Chief. J). Swigert, Lexington. Ky., July 14, 1868, §75. Ada Reamer .3. 2:51';. 2:.37. 2:46?:i, 2:45. Foiu--vear-olds. S. I). Bruce. New Haven. Conn., Sept., 3. 1868. .S400. Young Heatherbloom (2 dis^. Lady Doble (2 dis), Clarion Jr. (2 dis), 3:0,514. 2:42i,i. Four-year-olds. Hypercoon. gr g (2 :36). .1. Yean nee. Plainfleld, N. J., Sept. 27, 1882. $200. Charley G., Bernard, Mortimer. Lady G. (2 dis). George S. d dis> 2:41, 2:40' .,, •j:41. Hypopiiosphates. ch g (2 :531. M. G. Schooumaker, Scranton. Pa., Oct. 2, 1880, .$150. Kitty 1, Harry Nor- wood 2, Diana, Emma PL, Topsy (3 dis). Alice (2 dr), 3:00, 2;5l,2:53?(, 2:.53, 2:.'>4. Hyslop's Bay Stallion, (3 :50i4}. R. Hyslop. Norfolk, Va., June 7, 1883, $400. Smith's ch s, 2:50^4, 2:50J4, 2 ■.bOii. I 322 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. X I. A. Daniels, cli p; (2:59i,i). bv Hlue Bull, dam by Tom Hal. C. H. Spofford, Rockford, 111., Sept. 12, 1883 S\ra. Nt'llv Cliasc .i. 4. Sk-e-pv Sam, Dan. Uest time, 3:0(). lago b ff (3 ::i:$Vi). bv Middlctown, dam l>ady Fallis, by American Star. D. B. Irwin, Warwick. N. Y., Aug. 14. 1877. $jr)0. Little Horse 1', 4, Blacksmith Boy 1, Aulinda 3 (6 dr), Aileen, Ozy, Hard Pan, 2:41', 2:41'i, 2:45, 2:4ti'o, 2:4.'), 2:45, 2:41). Auj;. I8i 1877, .'5250. George Brooks 4, Blacksmith.Boy 2, Dom Pedro, Aulinda (2 dr), 2:40, 2:40»4, 2:40^4, •).4;ji^, 2:45. 11 Pros|)('ct Park, L. I., June 7. 1878, $400. Modoc 2, 1, Pondietta 1, Newbrook. Addie E. C, Dolly, George Henrv i2 dr). 2:34. 2:354. 2:.«'.i, 2:33i2, 2:3."), 2:35. Ibex, bg"('-J:~>3ai). J. Brown, Lynn, Mass., May 27, 1875. .?100. Jake 1, Sam Hayden, Ben Bolt, 2:55)^, 2:54, 2 :.')C'.i , 2 ■.r,:iU- Iceberjr av a (3 :00). C. P. Bugbee, Greenfield, N. H., Sept. 14 187G, $100. Snowball 4, Boy Clay 1, Franklin, Col. Sellers (5 dr), Charlev (5 dr). 2:58, 3:01, 3:03, 3:03, 3:00. Peterboro, N. H., Oct. 7. ISld, S'lO. Snowball, Sliejilierd Boy, Mike. Nobby, 3:01, 3:02, 3:01. Ireberjj, ell g (3:4.5). F. H. Lockwood, Spring Valley, iMinii., June 27, 1877, $ . Brown Prince, Billy Gooclier. 2:57, 3:00,3:00. June "8 1877,.$ Brown Pnnce, \ankee Bill, 2 :.59, 2:57. rreston, Minn., Seiit. li), 1877. .$.50, Sleepy Ned, Darkness, 2 :52V!>, 2:54, 2:50. Siiring Valley, Minn., Oct. 5, 1877, .$65. Little Mink, Jack of Spades, 2:.55, 2:45. Oct 6 1877. .'=(70. Jack of Spades 1, Little Mink, Fancy (3 dis), , 2:.V2. 2:51. Ice Cream, ell in ^3 :58). John Murphy, Fleetwood Park, N. ¥., Dec. 15. 1874, «!200. Pet, 3:03. 3:01, 2:58. Ida, b m (8 :.54',i). Mr. Welch, Detroit, Mich., June 14, 1801, $50. Sam Hayden 1, I'et Lorraine, Yankee But- ter (2 dr), 5:58, 5:.55. 5:48. Two miles. Ida, (w) (3:4.'>='.t w). O. A. Hickok, Milwaukee, Wis., Sept. 2, 1805, $100. Angeline (w). Deuce (w), 2:45Ji, Ida, bm (2 !:54),' by the Shaffer Pony. It. P. Stetson, Philadelphia, Pa., April 13, 1870, $200. Lady Light- foot, 2:37'^. 2:34. 2:37^i. Dec. 1. 1871, .$(300. Ruby 2, Lady Douglass 3, 2:39'2, 2:411-4, 2:39, 2:39>4. 2:42i4. M:iv 10, 1872, $1,000. Dot 1, Topsy 2, Harry D., Susan Kurtz, . , 2:34i.i. 2:36. 2:37. Ida b 111 <'3:47'.i). T. H. Keefe, Chicago, 111., .Inly 10, 1870,$ . Leviathan, 3:(ifi'e. 2:47i.i. Ida,' (3 :41'i). Milwaukee, Wis., Nov. 9, 1870, $150. Gypsy 1, 2:40, 2:411.1, 2:41^.,, 2:41'2. Ida (3 -r,-,) T. K. Clark, Kcadville, Mass., Oct. 1, 1875, $75. Christine. Honest Dan, 3:00. 3:06, 2:55. Ida' (Belle Smith), ch in (3 :39), by The Berce Horse. J. Page, Elkhart, Iiid., July 3, 1877, $200. Paymaster, Senator. Crapo, Wichita. Billy Osborn (3 dr), I'astime (3 dr). 2:39, 2:40, 2:42. ottuiinv:i, Ia„ July 10,1877, .$400. Gov. Morton, Delia, Gentle Jim, London Belle, Bay Rattler (2 dr). Stoiiewall(2dr), 2:43^2,2:461^,2:46'.!. Svc;imore, 111., July 2.5, 1877, .$600. Alfred, Anna, Nelly Brown, Minnie, Delia (l disi. 2:30, 2:36, 2:39. Ficciiort, 111., July 31,1877, .WOO. Capt. Bunnell 1, Alfred, Aniboy, Granger, Minnie, David H., Jim Raven. Di'lla (2 dr), Aniiad dis), YoungPrincctou (1 dis), , 2:;50'o. 2:30ie, 2:,S!). Mciiiiota. HI., Aug. 15, 1877, .$6(X), Anna 1.2, Ellen C, Granger, Alfred, Little Tom, 2:3534, 2:3;?, 2:32'/i, 2 ''iG 2 ''.i'i 1 Kariville, III., Aug. 21 and 22, 1877, .$600. Ellen C. (3 0), Anna (3 0), Alfred. Pine Leaf, Granger, 2:32>/4, 2 *'i4^ 2''?'i 2*31 Ida, bm(3r:i5i4). L. B. Llndsey, San Francisco, Cal.. .Inly 4, 1877, $150. Howell 1, GeorgeB. 2, 2:47J^,2:42, 2:4.'), 2:43, a:4"'7^4. liilV 11 1877,.$.300. George B. .3. Howell 2, 2:41i.i.2:4.3, 2:42^^, 2:47, 2:45>2. Ida chm'(3-4">i J. Corse Dovlcstown, Pa., Oct. 3. 1879, $ . Careless 1, 4, Hiram C. 5, American Boy, Joiin J. (3 dr), Mincol.i (3 dis'i, 2:42, 2:48^, 2:47, 2:46, 2:48^.,, 2:.52"2. I). S. (iiiiiiliii. Doylestowu, Pa., Oct. 5. 1883, $200. Bertha, Bertha Chandler, Handsome Lambert, Reuben, 2::8'^., 2:.33'-',2:40',. Ida I) ill (3:371 iK (i. Hossack, Charlotte, Mich., Aug. 18, 1880, .$300. Sada A. 2, 3. Dolly D. l. Lady Bates, Fox, transit Clarence IL, Ladv Niles, Mvrtie Thomi)son, Promise. Tom S.. Harry B., Lady Middleton, Fanny Mitcl'ieli Tom Pulcher, Lexington Chief Jr. (5 dr), Roval Champion (4 dis). Bay Belle (4 dr), Lucrece(2 dis). •'•41'i,2:;;8'.., 2:35, 2:.37i.i, 2:41^, 2:38».t. Ida, dim (3:48). J. B. Serrill, Westchester, Pa., June 11, 1880, $7,5, Davy Copperfield, Little Dick, 2:53>i, I«la, i')'iii7:?:'oO). C. M. Healey, Brookllne, Mass., April 6, 18S2, $150. Prince 2, White Stocking, Topsy, Star- Ida, 'b m'(3:36i^.' C. W. Hetzel, Flemington, N. J.. Sept. 25, 1883, S 100. Bell Medium, Annie, Star, Drover ijov '''M't 2'46% 2"499i. .Sent. 2fir 1883, '$125. ' Capt. Dan, Brown Jug, KJmbleMaid, Nip (3 dis). 2:38ii, 2::i6i.i, 2:3tii.i. Ida ('.. b in (3 :40), by Andv .lohnson. D. Lanning, Auburn, N. Y., July 24, 187.t, .$175. Bonner, Ashland Maid, Belhi Everett, Nelly. '2-MU, 2:15, 2:42. Seneca Falls, N.Y., Oct. 17. 1876, $150. Patchen, Torrent, Lady Decker. 2:45, 2:45, 2:44. Oct 18, 1876, $1.50. S. S. Ellsworth. Butcher Bov, Torrent, 2 :40?j , 2 :49K>. 2:43H. Oct. 9. 1877, $1.50. Annie B. 1. .3, .lim Briggs, Gypsy Girl, 2:411.^, 2:41, 2:41i.i, 2:42'i, 2:40. IdaD. chm. R. Dygert, Hamburgh. N. v.. Sept. 17. 1878, .$.50. Dan Mace. No time. Four-year-olds. W:irsaw N. Y'., S('t>t. 2.5, 1878, .$.30. Willet's ch m. No time. Ida Fulton l)rm(3:4«'o. N. H. Biddlecombe. M;icon. Ga.. Oct. 27. 1871. $.300. Gen. Morgan, Bullett, Gin I'.iirner (1 dis), George Bertram (1 dis). Wade Hampton (1 dis), 2:47'4, 2:49H, 2:49"2. Prospect Park, L. I., Ang. 26. 1872, .$1.50. Dan Brvant (wi 2, Abe, 2:W,4, 2:.503.,.2:47W, 2:.57>;. IdaGrav,bm(3:COX R. K. Bonham, New Orleans, La.. Aug. 28, 1857, $50. Tom Hyer, Trifle, 2:55'/j. 2:57, 2:58. (CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 323 Ida H., 1)1-111(3:30). M. A. Skinner, Sabina, O.. Ang. 24, 1881, $150. Little Gus, Red Dick, Highland Maid, P. .1. I'urcfll, 2:45i.>. l.':47'2. -^^6^4,. L. X. Logan. Steubeaville. O.. Ang. 31. 1882, $350. Ruth 3. Brownwood, 2:35, 2:38}^, 2:3GVi, 2:35'/2. Ida Haves, in in (3 :4'J'.. >. S. Haves, llainilton, O., Oct. 9. 1879, §150. Ike Marvin 2. Bob C. 1, Bay Charley, Ernest Springer, Molly Keddy.'Naiuy A.. T. C. ('lay, 2:40, 2:4314. 2:4314, 2:42'/4, 2:431-4. Ida Howe, ell 111 (.•■J:50ioi. by W iiipple's Hanibletonian, dam Queen. D. (iaiinon. Petaluina, Cal., Oct. 17, 1873, .:!2.l.'>5. Nellv Patcheii. Susie (2 dis). Badger (2 dis), 2:.>4^4. 2:.>4i4, 2:0814. Three-year-olds. San .lose, Cal.. "Oct. 23, 187,3, $400. Oliver, Fanny Allen, 2:ri0'™. 2:54?i. Ida Jane, ell m ('i -.alM). \\. Flagler, Waterford, N. Y., Aug. 18, 1876, i$50. Sunrise, Frank N. (3 dis), 3:23i^, 3 :20. 3:21 . Four-year-olds. Ida K., b 111 r- :4:ii. by Honest Abe. W. s. Weese, Earlville. 111., Aug. 27. 1874. .$100. West Liberty, Annie Logan, ToniSGardiier, Xeb. (iranger. Eniiiress, Flying Cloud (2 dn, Hesing. Jr. (1 dis\ 2:5H4, 2:55, 2:49. \V. H. Munger, .Mendota, 111., July 4. 1878. .^125. Statesman, McBride. 2:43. 2:43, 2:46. Oregon, 111., Sept. 11. 1879. SIOO. Kitty S.. Angclo, Jlajor Davis. No time. Ida L., b m Ci :40), bV Andy Johnson, dam bv Black Hawk. D. Lanning, Elniira, N. Y.,-June 1, 1874, .$400. Dollv V. 1, Tom Wonder. Jr., 2:4.5, 2:40, 2:45, 2:44. Peiin Yaii. N. Y., June 2, 1875, .$400. Montour Maid 2. David Greer, 2:46, 2:41 '/j, 2:45?4, 2:41?i. Batli, N. Y.. June 8. 1876, .$.300. Erie, Panic. George, 2:40, 2:45, 2:41. I'enn Yan, N. Y., Sept. 6, 1876, $300. Delilah, Lady Decker, Torrent, Ida H., Lady Rhett, Lorena (3 dr), 2:42,2:40,2:41. Ida Lewis, gr in (3 :39). A. Johnson, Woonsocket, R. I., July 31, 1878, SS150. (iray Eagle, N. S. B„ Tip, Dutch- man, r.etsv (2 dr), 2:46'o, 2.46, 2:46:'4. Taunton, Jlass.. Sept. 25. 1878, §110. Roan Tom 1, Fearless, 2:40. 2:.39. 2:40, 2:41'». Sept. 26, 1878, $120. Unknown 2, 3, Bay Dick 4, Argonaut, Midas, Lady Caswell, Riley, 2:41, 2:36, 2:38, 2:41,2:41. Unfinished. Ida Lewis, ch m (3 :45i4). C. A. Waterman, Providence, R. I., Sept. 27, 1883, .$200. Gypsy, Jenny C, Sabin, 2:46, 2:46?4, 2:4514. Ida Lindsley, b m (3 :53). L. Lindsley, Salem, Oregon, Oct. 11, 1876, .$500. Snowflake (l dis), 2:53. Three- year-olds. Ida >I., br m (3 :39\ A. Myers, Dunlap, la., Sept. 17, 1883, $60. .John Sherman, Nora M., 3:00, 3:01, 2:59. Oiiawa, la., Sept. 28, 1883. $175. Nora M., (iypsv Boy. 3:00, 3:05, 3:05. Ida 3Iay, (s), blk m (.3 :48 s). J. Sprowle, St. Catherines, Out., Oct. 22, 1863, .$50. Fanny Foster 1, 2:49, 2:48»^, 2:48,2:52. Ida May, b m (3 :35), by Gage's Logan. D.A.Gage, Quincy, 111., Sept. 30, 1867, $100. Forest Maid, 2:40'/4, '- Sept, 26, 1868, .$50. Clara G., 2:3714. 2:3.5. Chicago, 111., Oct. 23, 1868, $200. Chicago 3, Badger. Champion Maid, 2:39M. 2:38?4, 2:39i2, 2:42?i. Mendota, 111., Sept. 10, 1869. .$,500. Buckskin. Kate Hazard (1 dis), 2:42K, 2:42, 2:37. Geneva, 111., Sept. 23, 1871, .$300. Kate Hazard 3. (2 0), , , 2:375^,2:37?^, . Ida May. b m (3:01), by Guy Miller, dam Jenny Thompson, by American Star. Dewev & Stewart, Grand Rapids, Mich., Sept. 15, 1876, $ . Macomb! Amazon, Nelly, 3:01, 3:02>/2. Three-year-olds. Ida R.. gr 111 (3:5 714). Cy. Coleman, Mt. Vernon, O., June 17, 1874, $120. Anna 1, Nellv, W. C, Emma O., Deck (4 dis), 3:00. 3:0ti/2, 2;57'/2, 3:04. Ida K., sp m (3 :4l?4), by Byron. J. J. Anderson, Lafayette, Ind., Sept. 7, 1883, $250. Yellow Jacket, Bessy W., Kate G. (1 dis), 2:46ii, 2:41?i, 2:46Ji. IdaTliompson, b m (3:50). W. H. Force, Fleniington, N. J., Sept. 27, 1878, .$70. Careless, Mambaret, Dal- rvni|)le"s b g, May Queen, 2:.56, 2:,50, 2:5314. Ida Wheeler, b m (3 :46). T. T. Oliver, Cincinnati, O., .July 22 1876. $100. Kitty, 2:50, 2:47 2:48. Aug. 2, 1876, $150. Little Jack 2, Brown Frank 1, 2:47, 2:48, 2 :47, 2 :46, 2 :.52. ' Ide, b 111 (3 :10), by Charles Backnian, dam bv Ben Abdallali. S. M. Vincent, Mt. Vernon, O., Oct. 6, 1875, $25. Mohawk Girl, Braddock's b m. 3:13, 3:11, 3:10. Four -year-olds. Idle, chg (3:5214). J. Klotz, Morristown, N. J., Oct. 29,'l866. .$300. Lizzie Craig 1, 2 (5,0), 2:5754, 3:01, 2:58 2:55,2:.5.5, 2:.52K2. Idle Girl (3:53). J. D. Carlisle, Springfield, O., Sept. 15, 1870,$ . Henry Clay, 2:59, 2:53. Three-year- olds. Idler, br g (3 :38). F. M. Draney, Washington, D. C, Sept, 16. 1880, $150. Blue Dick, Edward F., Horace Greelev,2:44i4, 2:46,2:48. Idlewild, chm (3:431/2). G. W. Stewart, Pottersville, N. Y., Sept. 29, 1881, $75. Bay Harry 1, Bay Dan, Mary Duell. 2:39^,, 2:421^. 2:46, 2:48. Idlewild (Gloucester), blk g (2:36i4), bv Madison Hunter, dam by Sherman Morgan. Edmund Bailey, Chestertovvn. Md., Sept. 14, 1881, $300. Elwood R. l. Sleepy Dave, Alice, Gilt Edge, Keystone Maid, 2:46. 2:42,2:46,2:4354. Dover, Del., Sept. 29, 1881, $200. Lvdia K., Elwood R., Ripton. Clipper, Sleepy Dave, 2:3Gii, 2:37, 2:38. Idlewild, blk m (3 :39i4). T. Blanchard', Providence, R. I., Oct. 9, 1883, $400. Mary Mac, Hattie C, Tannery Girl, Lunette. 2:331^, 2:32, 2:.30^. Oct. 12, 1883, .$400. Tannery Girl 1, Don Carlos, L.L.D., Foxhall (1 dis), 2:35i4. 2:32H, 2:34i4, 2:32}^. Beacon Park, Boston, Oct. 15, 1883, .$400. Faustina 1, Tannery Girl, Emerald, Nelly C, Upstart, Boss Fearnaught, Lunette, 2:32. 2:2014, 2:30, 2:30. Idol, b s(3:4l'i), by Mambrino Chief, dam by American Eclipse. E. M. Todlmnter, I>ouisville, Ky., Sept. 24, 1859. $400. Brigiioli (1 dis). Wagoner (1 dis), 2:4194. Four-year-olds. ivv), Lexington, Ky., Aug. 2, 1859, .$2.50. Tempest (w) 2, (3, 0),3:00?i, 2:56)^, 2:5714. 2:48. 2:56. Four-year- okls. Oct. 8, 1.859, .$2,50. Norma (1 dis), 2 :52. Four-year-olds. Idol (w), ch 111 (3 :37), by Black Warrior. T. P. Roach, New Orleans, La.. March 1, 1867, $50. Little Joe (w). Bay Jim (w), (l dis), 2:40, 2::J7?4- (W). March 4, 1.867, .$200. Little Joe (w) 2, Johnny Come Up (w>, 2:42, 2:39.2:36. W. B. Leonard. Terry Haute, Ind.. JulySl, 1867, $100. Molly Buckner 2, Trimian Jones (4 dis), 2:3714, 2 :42i4, :>:.3S, 2:3654. T. P. Roach. Davenport. la., Sept. 12. 1867. .«!1.50. Ladv Gav. W. K. Thomas, 2:39 Ji. 2:3Si4. 2:38?^. \V. Dickson, Detroit, Mich., Aug. 29, 1868, .$200. Gray Alice, pacer iw), 2, 3, 2:35?4, 2:35, 2:36, 2:39i/i,2:38^ W. Darling, Buchanan. Mich.. Oct. 3, ixos, .$125. Alexander, 2:41, 2:39, 2:37. Lawrence, Mich., Oct. 10. 1868. .$100. Alexander, Yankee Mary, Washtenaw Chief, 2:42, 2:4454, 2:40. W. S. :\IcLaughlin, Detroit. Mich., May 2 1869, $ . Melton, Ladv Hurd,2:35, 2:36. .lolui De Mass., June %>,, 1869. .$900. Melton, Victor Hugo, 2:29. 2 :34i4, 2 :.30i4. JUiffalo, N. Y'., Aug. 11 and 12, 1869, .$3,000. J. J. Bradley 4. 6, Kirkwood, Fanny Allen 1, Surprise. N. B. Palmer, Dick Hilliard, Western New York, Angeline (5 dr). Gen. Scott(5 dr), BjT6n(2dr), 2:28k, 2:27, 2:29'/2, 2:2714. 2:24, 2:2634. 2:2894. Ben Mace, Williamsport, Pa., Oct. 20 and 21, 1869, $5,000. Locust 3, Fanny Allen, Marj', BjTon, Mountain Maid. 2::!4i4. 2:.36i4. 2:.38i4, 2:3,51-6. Dan Mace, Providence, R. I., June 23, 1870, ,$3,000. Jessie Wales, Surprise, W. H. Taylor, H. W. Genet, Carroll, Locust (2 dis), Shepherd Knapp, Jr. (2 dr), 2:31, 2:28, 2:28Si. »2i CIIKSTKRS COMPLKIK TKOTTlNd AM) I'ACINMi IIKCOKI). BufIalo,X.Y..Aug. 9. 1870, S4,000. Belle Strickland l, Ed. White, AVestcru Girl, Morrissey, :j:l'8.i::l'7>.i,2:27>4, '^•.'Sl-fi. L. E. Leinaire. New Orleans. La., Oet 20, 1871. $ — . Nelly Walton. 2:44, 2:44. Nov. 2.>, 1871, .< . .lolin IJurnett. 2:4712. 2 :4.'>V4. — April 29, 1872, $ — . .lenny Day, Vie., 2:;t4^4. 2:;i»i-j;. Idol (Myrtle Thompson), b nM«:-4:J'ei, by S. A. Donglass, dam Blaek Bess, by Scclv's lUaek Hawk. J. G. Mor- gun, Terre Haute. Ind.. May 11, 187f). s;7M). Trouble 1. Jennv, Transfer, Arab (2 disi, 2:40. 2:y4'4,2:44, 2:47. I'eru, Ind.. -May 20, 1875, S800. Dennnirk. .Jenny, Belle, l.a Iv Barnett, Charley (1 dis). 2:;i.--'4, 2:;i8}'4,2:44'ii. W. V. Fair. Buffalo, N. Y., Aug. y and lo. 187.^ Sa.OOO. Honest Harrv 1, 3, Lewinski 4,.'-.. Blue Mare (5 ro;. Moss Hose (.'> r o). .leremiah i4 disi. Lotia ^'i dis), 2:2,j, 2:20. 2:25K>. 2:27'.i, 2:2814. 2:28, 2:24'... Idol <'hief, ^.■5:00). K. W. C';ii)ron. Snllielil, fonn.. Oet. 11, 1882, a;25. Sleepv .laek, lUval. Best time. 3:00. I«lol '.ii, by Idol, dam Fanny Wright. F. B. Cummings. Boston, Mass.,.)une 21, 1871, $1,000. .luno, .Joe Bowers, I'rudcnee (1 dis), 2:.')0, 2:53;'j., 2:54V». Four-vear-olds. June 28, 1871, SMO. 1-ady Williams, .Juno, .Joe Bowers (3 dis). Annie Allen (1 dis),2:47i^, 2:47U, 2:49. .John Gardner, I'rospeet I'ark, L. I., Oet. 19. 1871, $ . Monroe 1, (Jauntlet, Lady V'elvet"(2 dis), 2:41}^, 2 :36?a, 2 :47, 2 :38. Four-year-olds. Ike Cook (Frank I'^orrester), 1) g (3:30), by Abdallah. Jas. L. Eoff, Fulton, N. Y., Aug. 11, 18G0. $250. Hard Road 2, 4, 2:41, 2:4.}, 2:42, 2:43, 2:35. Ike Lee,l)rg (3 :47). M.Hoyt, Norwalk, Conn., Sei)t.20, 18G0..1?r)0. Little Maid. Farmer Girl, Niek, 2:47,2:47,2:47'«. Danbury, Conn.. Oet. 4, 1877, $m). Bed Cloud .Jr. 2, Grant Boy, Boston Boy, 2:50, 2:.30?4, 2:5n4.2:48. Ike Marvel. I) g Ci:'ATU^. 1>V Forest King, diini by Mambrin<> Chorister. B. Legg, Muncie. Ind.. Oct. 24, 1878, SJOO. Dexter, Lady I'eck. Kentucky chief. 2:40. 2:3714, 2:.!8'.,. Ike Medium, gr g (3 ::?:$). by Jhijipy Medium, dam I/nira Walton, liy Handiletonian. W. IL Shitler, Easton I'a.. Sept. 12, 1882, .§ . Cli:iMiiiagne Charley 1, Naimleoii, Maggie B. ( t dis), , 2:45';, 2:44, . Sept.i:!,lSK2.$!00. Belle Alm<)nt,ClearGrit,Trouble, Maud X.,Toi)sy(Ulis), Maggie B.Udis),2:43i4. 2:50,2 :48?ii. Ke;i(ling. I'a., Sept. 27, 1882, §150. Ned, Purity, 2:41, 2:43. 2:43i/o. Indi:ui:ip(i]is, Ind., June 1, 18S3, $200. Netty M. 1, 2, .Joe Davis, Angeliiie, Brown Thrasher (2 dis), Katv D, (2 (lis). Theodore (2 dis1, 2:.37'c. 2:33'j, 2:33, 2:33'», 2:,36. Roekville. Ind., .June 21, I8S.3, S!2no. Koscoe..Joe Davis, Amie King, .Josephine (3 drl, 2:48"2.2:485^, 2:46V4. l''reeliold, \. .1., Sept. 12, 1883. $300. Irish Lad, Daisy Eyebright, Lady Independence, Brown Billv (2 (lis). Lowland .Mary (1 dis), 2:42, 2:41. 2:38. Reading, Pa.. Oct. 4, 1883, $2.50. Blackwood Belle 1, Gail Hamilton, 2:40, 2::!3i.i, 2:35?4, 2:37. E. C. Daily, Staunton, Va., Oct. 2.5, 18s3. $17.'.. Blue Cloud, Edward H.. 2:39, 2:40. 2:;!9. Ike s<-hiiltz, 1) g a :30i4), by Vosburgh. S. R. Clark, Suffolk I'ark, Phil., May 10, 1883, jr,")(iO. Crcseo, Gettys- biu-g. Faster Medium, 2:3314, 2:36>i, 2:3214. Belmont Park, Phil., May25,lS83, $.500. Blaek Prince I.York Boy,Hospodar (2 dis\2:31.2:30V4,2:30!/2,2:33. Point Breeze Park, Phil., Sept. 11, 1883, $250. Juno, Blauclie Medium (2 dis), Mambrino Ilassen (2 dr), 2:35'4, 2.32'i, 2:3Hi. Middletown, Del., Sept. 18, 1883, $2.50. Mayflower, Alice Addison, Molly Mack, 2:35i^, 2:33>4, 2:34. Sept. 20, 1883. $3.50. Mayflower 1, IMay (2 0). 2:41, 2:345i4, 2::UU. 2::!3i'4, 2:35?4. Dover, Del.. Sept. 25, 1883, $300. Mayflower 1, Frank Patcheu (2 0), Molly Mack, Orange Bov, 2:3214. ,2:341^,2:34,2:35. F:ikton, Md., Oct. 4, 1883, $.350. Maud, Molly Mack, 2:36'/2, 2:37, 2:35i4- Oct. 5, 1883, $300. Frank Patehen 3, Juno, Mayflower, Orange Boy, INIaud, 2 :,34, 2 :.34' ;. 2 :3GVi, 2:38. Ilie .staden, bg (3:34). R. Leihey, Warren, O., Sept. 30, 1859, $50. Western Metropolis 1, Honest John, 2:4G;'4, 2:49'4. 2:48. Oct. 27, 1859, $75. Yankee Tom 2, Western Metropolis l, 2:48, 2:47, 2:45, 2:.50. lice Stevens, (3 :4,0io.). W. Walsh, Queens, L. I., Aug 2, 1876, $ . Lady Emma. 2:40i>{., 2:41?i. 2:43. Ilderlm, ch g (3:43), by Fearnaught .Jr. C. E. jMosher, Keene, N. IL, Aug. 2, 1876, $300. Annie, Archie, Billy Brighton, Doll.v (t dis), 2:4.3, 2:43i^, 2:4.5. Ilka, brm (3:31 '1), by Smuggler, dam by Trotting Childers. H.Woodruff, Mystic Park, Boston, Oct. 13, is,80, $.300. Boston Boy. Prince, Gen. Custer, Helena (2 dr), 2:35, 2::n",, 2:3714. Providence, R. I., ()ct. 20, ]S80, $.300. Gen. Custer, Boston Boy, I'rince, :M;iu(l B.. J. it., 2:34V2.2:34,2:32>/j. Illinois Hoy, b g (3:45). by Black .lack. .J. Hill. Rockford, 111., Sept.l6, 1870, $70. ]\IillcrP>()y,Nelly,Star. Notime. Iv Rhodes, Rochelle, 111., Sent. 23, 1879,$ — . Kitty S., Major I);ivis, I'.lue Jeans, 2:45-'4, 2:451,, 2:45. Illinois Central, b s (3:57?4). N. George, Red Oak, la., Sept. 22, 1882, $1.50. Col. Leech, S. K. Lamonte, Bird S., 3:0.3, 2:.57^.i, 2:59. llIinoisChief.bs(3:40). M.Colvin, St.Louis,Mo..Aug.l2, 1862. $200. Stephen A.Douglass 1 (3 dis).2:47,2:.50,2:40. Illincis Kffbert, b s, by Egmont. B. W. Bush, Peoria, 111.. Sejit. .5, 1883, $90. Pearl Thorndale, Jim Crane, (ilenna I<'av, .John B., 1:,54, 1:48. Half-mile heats. Yearlings. Imogene, ch m (3 :54'/2). D. J. Wallace, Avon Spa, N. Y., Sept. 11, 1867, $70. George Allen 1. Ladv Barnes, St. Lawrence (3 dr), 2:.59, 2:.5.5, 2:.5,5, 2:54;'2. Imog:ene, bm ^3:30), by Duster Golddust, dam Ocean Queen. J. Thickston, Erie, Pa., Oct. 7. 187.5, $150. Uonny Belle, Bl.ack Cloud, Nettie Grier, 3 :.30. 3 :.33. Thr«e-year-olds. luiogene, ch m (3:43). W. Edmunds, Warren, O., Oct. U, 1877, $200. Beautiful GiH)rge 1, Sunshine, Roan- oke, Sorrel Dick, Kitty M., Orwell Bov, Allie Clark, Bay Frank. 2:45, 2:43, 2:47K>. 2:4(1. Massillon, O,, Oct. 18, 1877, .$200. Dory C. 1, Onward (2 dr), 2:.50i4, ,2:.-.0, 2:50'.',. Ina G., b m (3:34'.,), by Blue Bull, dam a Slorgan mare. T. Dickerson, ( iucinnati, o.. Oct. 13, 1881, $1,000. !Iandicap 1, Red Cross, Pegasus, King Wilkes, Kitty Clydcj, Katv D. (3 dr). 2:33U, 2:.3C.. 2:.'.6, 2:3G, 2:32U. Youngstown, O., .July 5. 1882, $(i00. FITle (... Bay Gotild, Liidy Brownell, 2 :.30, 2:2914, 2:29!;. Columbus, O., Sept. 1, 1882, $.500. Polly Wishard, Lady Elgin, Gilmer, 2:40V^, 2:41, 2:.32. Shelbyville, Ind., Sept. 8, 1882, $300. .lim Ervin, Josie H., Coupon, 2::!3, 2:,37';, 2:34. E. MeCall, Bnidford, Pa., June 14, 1883, .$500. George M. 3, 4, St. Cloud 1, 5, Seiola, King Almont, Wil- bur F., Rien/.i, 2:2G, 2:27?i, 2:27i^, 2-28. 2:28. 2:32, 2:281^. Ivast S:igii);iw. Mich., July 3, 1883, $700. Will Benhani, Willis Woods, Minnie Warren, Waiting, Index, Cyclone, Reveille, Commander, Blanche IL (2dis), 2:30, 2:26, 2:25i'.i. Pittsburgh. Pa., July 28 and 30, 1883. $i.,5no. Algath 3, 4, Zoo B. 5, G, Western 2, 8, Stranger, Bienzi, Edv.'in A. (2 dis). 2:2.5»4. 2:2G'i. 2:44, 2:43. 2:42. 2:42, 2:49, 2:25>i, 2:28. A. B. Cook, Blanchester, O., Aug. 31, 1883, $300. Emma Booker, Mav IL, 2:24'», 2:25. 2:2G. Dayton, O., Sept. 25, 188.3, $.300. Lady Brownell 1, .l;in)cs Halfpenny, 2:.35U, 2:.32'4, 2:.32i;, 2:.3,5. In and Out, gr g i3 ■.■.ir,^i). B. K. Bouhain, New Orleans, La., Feb. 3, 1)<60, $50. Gray Eddy l, Martha. Bird Catcher (2 dis\ 3:01?4', 2:55i/^. 2:5.5, 2:.5.5. March 14, 18G1, $1,000. Draco 1. 4, 2:.38, 2:.35'i, 2:35'f,2:37W, 2:36. In and Out, b g (3 :4(>| ;). .1. Child, Erie, Pa., Sept. 28, 1869, $ . Lady AVoodsvvorth 1, Lady Custer. Honest George, Julia, 2:48, 2:49, 2:40',, 2:50. Inca, b s (3 :37), by SVoodford Mambrino, dam Gretchen. by Mambrino Pilot. J. H. Goldsmith, Sacramento, C;il., Jime 1.5. 1882. .$400. Clairmont 1, Blaekmore 4, 2:.30'4. 2:.32»4. 2:30»4, 2:30',, 2:.34. Independence (s), eh g (3:45). (3:33'; s), by Conqueror, dam by Winthrop Messenger. O. Walton, Boston, M:iss.. Aug. 20, 1830. ,$.500. Yoimg Buckskin (s), 1. 2, 2:541/3, 2:51}^, 2:58. 2:55, 3:01. Aug. 21, 1839, $12.5. Pizarro, Pescara, 2:54, 2:.52. Nov. 14, 1830, $1.50. Napoleon, Quaker, Victoria, 6:57, 5:54. Two miles. Nov. 15, 1839, $150. Lady Suffolk, Napoleon, 2 :45'/2, 2 :45, 2 :47. en i o 3 ti3 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 325 Xov. 16, 1839. $150. Lady Suffolk 3, 4, 2:52, 2:53, 2:49, 2:47, 2:50. Independence, bg(3:43). K. Simmons, Albany, N. Y.. July 20, 1848, $200. Fashion (3 dr), 2:43, 2:47, . Independence, b g (3 :3li^), by Uoyal George. D. W. Bell, St. Louis, Mo., .June 27, 1867, $1,250. Pete Ham, ■J: 37, 2:3214, 2:42. S. Dodge, Titusville, Pa., Aug. 22, 1871, $800. Cattaraugus Chief, 2, 3, Ladv Crowder (1 dis), 2:33)^, 2:40, 2:.34';, 2:33, 2:3G. Ang. 24, 1871, $1,100. Bwon 3, .1. D. McMann (2 dis). 2:31',4, 2:41, 2:45'^, 2:41. Canal Dover, O., Nov. 17, 1871, $200. Byron, Lady Gary (1 dis), William (l dis), 5:07^2. 5:10, 5:09i4. Two miles. -.George K. Logan, Meadville. Pa., June 13, 1872, $500. Delaware Chief 1, Lady McKinney, 2:41^, 2:39, 2:40, 2:39=i. Independence, b g (3 :45). Grand Rapids, Mich., Oct. 3; 1874, $200. Lady Suffolk, Brown Nelly (2 dis), 2:45^, 2;45'4„ 2:4.5. Independence, b s (3:40). R. Warner, Adrian. Mich., Oct. 1 and 2, 1874, $25. Quincv Prince 3, 5, Melbor- ouijh 1 (5 dr), Jim Crow (4 dr), Primus Jr, (3dr), Regulator (,3dr), Seneca Chief (2 dr). 2:47, 2:.51,2:50, 2:50, 2:5214, 2:50. Independence, gr s (3 iSl^), by Gen. Knox, dam Skip, by Gideon. Mr. Potter, Portland, Me., Aug. 6, 1878, .? . Detective Patchcn, Cyclops, Fourth of Juiv Boy, 2:40, 2:40;i, 2:34. Aug. 8, 1878, $250. Cyclops, Kentucky Girl, Fourth of July Boy, Detective Patchen (2 dis). Sir Dahl- green d dis), 2:46i-^, 2:40>4, 2 :45. Lewiston, ISle., Aug. 14, 1878, $200. Detective Patchen, Charles H., Frank B., Cyclops, Lillia McClellaa (3 dis), Kentucky Giri (2 dis), 2:38, 2:.35, 2:34. Aug. 16, 1878, $200. Charles H., Forest Girl, Gen. Knox (3 dis), Cyclops (3 dis), Lady Anderson (3 dr), 2:40 2':.39, 2:34. Bath, Me., Aug. 21, 1878, $150. Charles H., Cyclops, Lillia McClellan, Kentucky Girl (2 dis), Benjamin (2 dr). 2:38''^, 2:38i4, 2:36. Aug. 22, 1878, $150. Forest Girl, Charles H., Cyclops, Fred, 2:.35, 2:36?4. 2:39'.2. 1. P. Gilbert, Morrisania, N. Y., Sept. 23, 1881, $l..500. Topsy. Jimmy Stewart, Capitola, Mambrino Chiy. Joe Bradley, Echo, Marvel, White Eye, Banner Boy (3 dr), Gaylord (.2 dis), Eric (1 dis), 2:23»4, 2:24Vi, 2 :2Hi4. Oct. 6. 1881, $1,.500. Hambletonian Mambrino, Von Arnim. Indianapolis, 2:21'ii, 2:27, 2:25>^. Independence, b s (3 iSSi^). by Young Hindoo, dam by Tom Howard. J. A. Grasper. Hudson, N. Y., Oct. 25, ISM, SJ.30. Jenny, Ladv Antrim, Flora, Dolly, Annie Louise, Harry Moore, 2:33'/^, 2:40, 2:30. J. Hazlett, Cambridge, N. Y., Aug. 1, 1882, $200. Lady Lear 1, Kitty Ives, Effie G., 2:29k, 2:30M, 2:29M, 2:29V2. Greenwich, N. Y.. Aug. 8, 1882, $250. Lady Lear 1, Kitty Ives, Duroc, 2:32i4. 2:305^, 2:34%, 2:32V4. Granville, N. Y., Aug, 15, 1882. .§200. Kitty Ives 3, Lady Lear (1 0), 2:29K?, 2:30}^, 2:29?4, 2:2914. 2:30M. Independent, b m (3:57). Wm. Stockier, Dayton, O.. July 13, 1874, Prize, silver. Hirsh's br m, 3:02, 2 :.57. Index (3:45). Mr. Handy, Santa Gruz, Cal., Nov. 15, 1870, $150. Paul Pry (1 dis>. Lady Emma (1 dis), 2:45. Index, b g (3:36)^), by James R. Reese, dam Rosiua Belle. W. H. Saunders, Jr., Pittsburgh, Pa., June 1, 1883, $500. Secret, Netty R., Katy D.. 2:30, 2:36, 2:29K Chicago, 111., Oct. 12, 1883, $1,000. Prince 1, Adelaide, Kittv Van (4 dis). Glen Miller (2 dis), 2:32, 2:27f4, 2:28^4, 2 :26'/2. Indian, ch s (3 :46). N. Clark, St. Arnaud, Can., July 25, 1863, $ , Lady Bones 1, 2, Yankee Mary, 2:56, 2:.">2, 2:49, 2:47,2:46. Indian, ch m (3:38), by Independence, dam by Robinson's Bellfounder. R. Van Meter, Sandusky, 0., July 21. 1875, .$400. Mary Taylor 3, 6 (50), Billy Yeazell 1, 2, Defiance, Sir George, Flora D. (2 dis), 2:411^, 2:39i'4, 2:40K, 2:38. 2:40, 2:42, 2:49, 2:40^4. Indiana, b m (3 : 33), by Tom Crowder. Jt B. Loder, Jackson, Mich., June 13, 1871, $1,500. Ed. Foster, Hattie, George Sherwood, Battle Creek Billy (2 dis). Woodbine (1 dis), Billy Gushing (1 dis), Noveltv (1 dis), 2:42, 2:42. 2:409i. Flint, Mich., June 27, 1871, $600. Gen. Howard 3, West. Dingham, Astor Boy, Ladv Kate, George Sher- wood, Matchless (1 dis), 2:.34. 2 :345:i, 2:3414, 2-M^A. Indianapolis, b s (3 :31), by Tattler, dam Indiana, by Mambrino Chief. F. V. R. Hull, Lexington, Ky., Oct. 20, 1871), .S400. Waveland Chief, Lucy Fleming, Gazique, Pandora, 2:3314. 2:3li4, 2:32. H. S. Russell, Buffalo, N. Y., Aug. 8. 1878, $1,000. Charles W. Woolley 4, Scott's Thomas 2, Gray Salem, 2:2314, 2:21. 2:221^, 2:22i4. 2:21?4. • Rochester, N. Y., Aug. 8, 1878, .§1,000. Chestnut Hill, Scott's Thomas, Charles W. Woolley, Phil, 2:2r>V2, 2:2514 2 '27. bct.T2. 1878, $ . Chestnut Hill 1. Result, 2:26?4, 2:23%,2:23'4, 2:23. W. H. Wilson, Albany, N. Y., Sept. 7, 1880, $ . W. O. No time. Richmond, Ky., Aug. 12, 1881, $300. Fanny Robinson, 2:36;4, 2:36, 2:36. Indian Billy, b g (3 :54). ,T. Burge, Mt. Gilead. O., Nov. 2, 1876, $40. Ethan Allen, Jr., Dart, Sorrel Tjm, Frank Bush, 2:56, 2:55, 2:.54. Indian Boy, ch g (3:47). A. Langeviue, Montreal, P. Q., July 15, 1875, $300. Princess 1, Ida May (3 dis), 2:43?4- 2:.50, 2;48M, 2:47. Indian Chief, blk s (3 :57). John Scarbaugh, Newark O., July 27, 1875, $100. Brook's ch m, 3, 4, 2:57, 2:59, 3:03, 2:58, 3:06. Indian Girl (3 :43%). D. Starr, San Francisco, Cal., Oct. 29. 1877, $100. Controller, Rag Picker, Louisa H. (2 dis), 2:44V2, 2:43^, 2:45. Indian Girl (3 :56). Baltimore, Md., June 21, 1877. $200. Fanny, Big Dan, Dan (1 dis), Roos (1 dis), 2 :56, 2:58, 3 :03. Indian Point Chief, (3 :46H). F. W. Brewster, Morrisville, Vt., Sept. 19, 1873, $125. Sorrel Kate 1, Midnigrllt, 2:46, 2:461^2, 2:48, 2:47^2. Indian Squaw, (3 :33). Mr. Frederick, New Orleans, La., Mav3l, 1874, $15. Mohawk, 2:33, 2:.55. India Rubber (w), blk g (3 :39'/2), by the Joslyn Horse. C. B. Pratt. S. Milford, Mass., May 19, 1860, .$250. Tom Hver (w) 2, 2:49, 2:48;'4, 2:48}^, 2-A9V2. Worcester, Mass., .July 4. 1860, $50. Stranger, Tom Hver (l 0), (3 dr), 2:.39i^, 2:39, 2:47, 2:49. (WK H. A. Hall. Boston, Mass., Sept. 23, 1865, $110. Palmer Girl 4, 5 (2 0), Gen. Grant (2 dis), 2:44, 2:42}^ 2:41,2:43,2:42, 2:44. Plymouth Co., Mass., Oct. 5, 1865, $40. Greyhound, Sorrel Bill, 2:57, 3:00. Oct. 6. 1865, $1.50. John Gilpin, 8:14. Three miles. Providence, R. I., 1865, .$75. Mayfly (2dis), Lady Coon (2 dis). Gen. Wright (2 dis), 2:55Ji, 2:41i/2. H. Rogers, Boston, Mass., June il, 1866, $100. Old Put, Honost Kate, John Bartlett (2 dis),2:33i/^, 2:34i/4, 2:.34i/2. (w), Aug. 17, 1866, .$150. Old Put 3, 2:31i4. 2:34, 2:33?i, 2:36'4. G. B. Floyd, May 24, 1867. $100. Brandywine, Lady Gray, Fanchon, 2:40, 2:41i4, 2:38i/2. June 1, 1867, $100. Br.andvwine, Martha W^ashington (1 dis), 2:411^2, 2:38i4. 2:36i4. Providence, R. I., Aug. 5,' 1867, $500. Quicksilver, Ladv Farnum, Capt. Gill (3 dis), Old Jim (2 dis), 2:32, 2:32 1/2, 2:32 1/2. 826 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TKOTTING AND PACING KIX Olllt. Sept. 5, 18G7. Sr)00. Hrceze, Old Put. Kahwav (l (Us), 2:31 14, 2:385^, 2:3l'>.i. Benianiiii I-am-. CliK aKO, 111., Ort. 4, 1( ... ' - - ^ • 11. 1'. Kelly. Coldwatcr, Mich., Aug. .3, issi. ,*300. Ktliel Mediuiii 1, 2, King Almont, Badger Boy. Carrv F.. Frank L;indcrs, 2::!2' 1,2:30, 2:291.1, 2:;i0'.i. i.':;!l'o. S. A. I'.rowne. Crand Kapids. Mich., Sej)l. 2ti,"l882, $200. Pathlinder, Fred. 15. Hine, 2:27. 2:32. Stallions. Indigo, (w) blk gi3:5;{w). D. Plifer, Union.Course, L. 1., May 15. 1 85.".. $.->(t0. Blue Skin (w), 2:.53. 2:.'V4K 2:5.">}.>. Indig:o,l)lk ni (3:4Gi.i). by Indianapolis, dam Naiuiv Jordan. W. IL Wilson. Mavsville. Kv.. Sept. 1k. 18k?. ,S350. Sour Mash, Novelty, Hatlic S.. Tweedland. New York. 2:.">0>,i. 2:4(;i,. Two-vear-olds. Inez, b ni(a:47i.i). W. H. Fero, Canadaigmi, N. Y., May 25,1872, f<:m). I>rnminer Bov 2. ,3. Phiuter. Maizo. 2:47^4, 2:r>\^4. 2:493ii, 2:49^4, 2:.'j0i4. J.*^'. Fero. June 1, 1872, .$100. Nelly Lawrence 1, 2, Maize 3, Mambrino Maid.2:54, 2:.i3'4, 2:.'i4?4.2:.'-,6'.. 2:581^, 2 :.57 L. Ives, Watertosra, N. Y., Sept. 9. 1880, $ . (iarfield (1 0). No time. Three-vear-olds. Infelice. br ni ri:^S^}4). J. \V. Jacobs. Lincoln, Neb., June l9, 1881. $l.-.0. AVill Her. Florence D. il dis). Big Tom 11 dis). Ashland Bov (1 disi. i':41, V:44. 2:48. lugroniar. i Tom Foster), chg(3:4:3). VVm. Cottrill, i"Mobile. Ala.. .M.ircli 20. 1S.">7. .^150. Diggorv 2. Henrv Perrit. ILinnah Mack(2dr), 8:49, 8:.")Gi/... 8:.->9'... Three miles. Mav 2.5, 18.57, $190. Little Giant. 6:1L', .5:49. Two miles. L. 15. Dubois, St. Louis, Mo.. Sept. 11,1860, $50. Young Hiram. Marv McDonald (2 dri. Kocky (1 dis), 2:4.3, 2:47. . .7 . Ingomar, bg. W. Scollan. Beacon Park,- Boston, Oct 5, 1874. $1,500. 29:l9'i. To beat. 28: 02^. Lost. Ten miles. /• lugomar, rn g {3 :21l). by Dick, dam bv Wood's Hambletonian. W. Morns. Lyons. N. Y., July 1.1881. $300. Charley 1).. Mary H.. 2:.38?4, 2:39, 2:37V2. — Batavia, N. Y., July 5, 1881, $300. Hem •aid 1, Chester F., Liverv Bov. Fiauk Behm, 2:36^2,2:3694, 2:39, 2:39?4. July 7, 1881, $100. Maggie Mitchell 1. Sinbad. Ino, 2:3314, 2:3414, 2:34'... 2:3414. Syracuse, N. Y., Aug, 2. issl. S2m. Kit r.radlev S. Sentinel. Ladv Beekman. 2:40. 2:3.5. 2:35. 2:35. Aug. :!. I8SI. .$i'.50. Nellv Irwin 1. Kit liradlev. Lady Beekman. 2:32'", 2:33'... 2:34^. 2:36i4. ButTalo. N. Y., Oct. 22, ixHi, $40(1. .straightedge 1, 'St. Patrick, Elcho, Ladv Mac~ Bonny L., Herald, Ladv .June (4 dr), 2:33i.i, 2;33^i, 2:;!3'... 2:3314. Cambridge, N. Y., Aug. 2, 1882, $200. Fllen. Oolong, Highland Win. 2:3314, 2:33i^i, 2:3314. lireeuwich, N, Y.. Aug. 9. 1882, $200. Ellen, Yred. Mack, Oolong. 2:37?.j . 2:35. 2 :3o. Oneida, N. Y., Oct. 12, 1882, s=!2.50. Lulu P. 3. Wallkill 1, Kvsdvk Maid. William C. i3 dr). 2:38, 2:34. 2:37, 2:3.5, 2::{4. " " Waterlown. N. Y'., July 3. 1883. $250. N. J. Fuller 1 5. Josephine S. 2, (6 dis). Troublesome, 2:32i4, 2:30?i, 2:32^4, 2 :.i2'..,2:.33, 2:36. I'arkville. L. L, Aug. 28 and 29. 1883, $.300. Daisy Evebright 3. 5. Fannv Irwin l. Eftie G. 2. Charley Hood, Kapture, Josephine S., Westover, Emma C, Ira C, Edward H. (3 dr), 2:33J/.., 2:32. 2:32. 2:30'3, 2:32, 2:30^4, 2:30'i. Bradford, Pa.. Sept. 7, 1883, $.500. Lena 2. 7. Earl .5. (i. Carrie M. 1. Neva, 2:.34. 2:32'-. 2:2914, 2::52k, 2:32i/s, 2:.32Vi, 2:;i2;',-. 2:;!;i. Slmron. Pa.. Sept. l.'J. 1883, $200. Champion Girl 4.5. Mmnie D.. Jiav I'.inl. Aiistletoe, Lena 3 u5dis), 2 ::U^4 , 2 :3:!, 2 :.31 ' ,. 2:33?4. 2:29K 2 :.30' :.. Schoharii'. N. Y., Oct. 5, 1883, ,$200". Borax 4.6, Cor B. 1. Kittv Ives 5. Cilv Hov. 2:29. 2:30. 2:30, 2:.38, 2:31, 2 :,37V... 2 :•>&.->. Ink, blk m (3::J0). Geo. O'Connor, Bangor. Me., Sept. 18. 1872. $300. Phil Sheridan. Gentle Annie. Mum. 2:37, 2:;«J, 2:.39. Sept. 19. 1872, .$6.3.5. Calais Bov, Gentle Aiuiie, 2:46, 2:40' .. 2:42i., . Ino, br s (2:32ii). E. L. Hight. Norri ■iiahl. Meriden, Conn., .Sept. 18. 1878. .5,30. M. P. (w) 1. Harry H. (w). Lady Goldsmith (w», Switzer (W), Jim iw), Topsy (,w). Pus.sy ov) (3 dr), Fanny K. (w) (2 dr), 2:.53'/2, 2:.55'5. 2:52. Milford. Conn., Sept. 7, 1881. .$'.'00. liainbow 1. Bay (ieorge, Maggv Dovle. Young Moose, 2:41, 2:40H, 2:40?ii, 2:42. Ino. b m (3:3114). bv Chenerv's Grav Eagle. G. Havt, Dundee, N. Y.. Oct. 1.3, 1882, $7.5. Queen of Fairies, Bonuv L. (3 r o). 2:36. 2:43. 3:07. Auburn, N. Y., .luue 7. is.ss. $300. Frank Patchcn, Ilattie Fisher, Lib. Canoga Chief. 2:37?4. 2:33^4, 2:36. Geneva. N. Y.. .fune 15. 188.3. $1.50. Canoga Chief. Hattie Fisher. Ladv Alice. 2:a5>i;, 2:36'4, 2:33>/4. June 16, 18.33. $1.50. Lena. Bertrace, 2:36, 2::t-I';. 2:.38i4. Ino, grg. E. Bogers, Keadlleld. Me., Oct. 3. 1883, .$12. Maxim's bm. No time. Inspector (2 :40'4). II. Pratt. Owatonua. Minn., .lulv 4. 1873. $100. Rob Roy, Brown Jack. Quaker, Planter, Ladv Gregory. Black Hawk Chief. 2:.50. •_':.54'». 2:.57i,. July .5. 187,3, $120, Maggie (1 dis). Black Hawk Chief ft dis). Muscatine (1 dis). 2:46'-. Intuition, b 8(3 :4»i^4), by Kentucky Prince. J. Murphy, Morrisania. N. Y., Oct. 10.188.3. $1,000. Marion (1 dis), 2:4914. Inustrel, br g (3 :39,). E. Kelly. Norwich. Conn., May .30, i860, $100. Deacon, 2 :50, 2 :.52. 2:39. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 327 Invincible, b g (3 :41). J. Jackson. Mobile, Ala., Ap. 12, 1834, $100. Jack, 2:50. 2:41. 2:42. lola, b m (»:34?j;), by Mambrino Pavmaster. C. Brooks, Union Course, I^. I., June 24, 1852, $1,000. Gray Eajrle of the West 1, 8:'24'2, 8:05'2, 8:13U. Three miles. ■ (W). Wm. Whelan, Centreville, L. I., Nov. 5. 1855, $200. Ladv Helen (vv), 2:41Vi, 2:43. Union Course, L. I., Oct. 23. 1850, $1,000. Bolivar, 5:09]4, 5:17>ii. Two miles. (vv), Oct. 27, 185G, $2,000. Ladv Ellen 3, 4, 2:36i/o, 2:36'i. 2:3ti'.2, 2:38, 2:39. Ion bg (3:48). Lewis Rogers, Beacon Course, N. J., Oct. 21, 1838, $100. Splawfoot (1 dis), 5:36. Two miles. Ion, (vv) b g (3 :50 w;. J. Billintrs, Jr., Providence, R. I., Oct. 26, 1854. $250. Hebe, 2 .-54, 2 :50, 2 :54. n. B. Billings. .Tune 11, 1855. $400. Providence Girl. 2:56, 2:52. 2:53. lona, blk g (3:421/.,). J. F. Moore, Spring Valley, N. Y.. Oct. 1,1874. $200. Watson 1 2, Highland Girl 4, Andrew, DesdeTnona (5 dis), Prince (4 dis), Fanny Van Horn (1 dis), 2:48'/2. 2:46?i, 2:44'/2, 2-A5]4, 2:43?i, 2:42i«. lona, gr m (3 :39i4), i)v Shuiiganuna. dam by a son of Gray Eagle. J. Willet, Manhattan, Kan., Sept. 25, 1878, $100. Drover Boy, Stem Winder. Jack Rabbit (3 dis). 2:52. 2:52. 2:53. Sei)t. 26, 1878. .$100. Spotted Colt 1, Border King, Startler, Governor Hayes, 2:47. 2:45, 2:45, 2:45. Sept. 28. 1883. $125. Fred D.. 2:31i.i, 2:29i.i. 2:33H. lona blk m (3 :37). J. P. (iibbs, Orono, Me., Sept. 13, 1878, $ . Abbott, Lisgar, 2:.51, 2:.51, 2:57. -'Exeter, >Ie., Sept. 25, 1878, $00. Martin McLellan 1, .3, Franklin. Capt. Jenks. 2:46, 2:44, 2:43, 2:42, 2:42. Dexter. Me., Aug. 7. 1879, $70. Murray, Martin McLellan, Franklin, ('n|)t. Jenks, 2:42, 2:44, 2:42. Portland, ISIe., Sept. 17 and 18, 1879, $200. Julia 5, 6, Walter 3, 4. Oko 1,2, Kocket (8 dr), Patchen (8 dr), John Morrill (7 dr). Morrill Knox (6 dr). Black Diamond (3 dr), Kisbie (3 dr). Fanny Fern (3 dr), Cyclone (1 dis), 2:.35, 2:371,1, 2:37'i, 2:40, 2:.39, 2:.39. 2:.37. 2:37, 2:40'i. Jona Boy, ch g (3 -.56^^). John Wilson, Wilton, la., Aug. 21, 1873, $60. Sexton 1, (2 0), 3:07, , 2:52, 2:52, 2 :.53. W. B. Darling. Chicago, 111., Aug. 16, 1876, $200. Cooke 3. 5, Fiddler 4, Minnie. Germania (5 dis). Lady Lynn, 2:38, 2:39, 2:40^.i, 2:41, 2:43, 2:36ii. Iowa Chief, blk s (3 :58). W. Vosburgh, Davenport, la., Oct. 24, 1856. .$2,600. Blackbird, 3:05, , . Mr. Samson, Dubuque, la., Nov. 17, 1857, $2,000. Dick Dample. 3:12. 3:20, 3:13. W. Vosburgh, Nov. 18, 1857, $50. Lilly Dale 2, 3 (4 0) (6 dr), Bay Billy (5 dis), 3 :00, 2 :58, 3 :0l, 2 :58, 3 :00, 3:20. Iowa Cliief, blk s (3 -.34^), by Green's Bashaw, dam Topsy, by Prophet. C. Seal, Keokuk, la., Aug. 30, 1871, $75. liOfty Golddust. Brigham Young. No time. Sept. 1, 1871, $100. Harry Noble, Chickamauga (2 dr), 2:41^, 2:369i, 2;39V4. Tune 5, 1872, $150. Red Bird, Iowa Girl, 2:51^. 2:52i/2, 2:49?.i. ■ July 17. 1873, $200. Reconstruction, 2:34?i, 2:37, 2:36. Sept. 5, 1873, $100. Tom Brannan 5 (10K4 0)(6 0), , 2:41?.,', 2:44, .2:48?.^. , . Macomb, 111., Sept. 12, 1875, $400. Col. E. D. Baker, Johnny Morgan, 2:41, 2:41, 2:37. — — Keokuk, la., Sept. 29. 1875, .$350. Pilot Temple, Waukasah, Honest John, Amboy, Col. E. D. Baker. No time. Stallions. Iowa Clipper. Iowa City, la., Sept. 28, 1878, $ . Bay William 1, Riley, Wapsie (2 r o). No time. Iowa Duroc, ch s (3 :39?i), bv Messenger Duroc, dam Antoinette, by Shepherd's Rattler. H. T. Cunningham, Knoxville, la., Aug. 23, 188^ $200. Little Moak, Lady Monroe, Joe Neff, Jenny B. (1 dis), 2:40, 2:41 !4, 2:399i. Iowa Frank, rn s (3 :05V0. J- McDonough, Denver, Col., Sept. 28, 1875, $175. J. W. De Silvia l, Jim Smiley, Kansas Boy, 3:02i^, 3 :05}4, 3:05"2. Stallions. Iowa Girl, rn 111(3:38). Deering & Dennis, Omaha. Neb., Oct. 23, 1872, $300. Dakota Maid 1, John Bacon (1 dis), Mary (l dis). Dunce (1 dis),2:51i4, 2:49'i, 2:46, 2:5014- E. N. Faiicher, Galesburg. 111., Oct. 19. 1873, .$200. Frontier Dick Jr., Jack Cook, 2:59, 2:55H, 2:50. Keokuk, la., Aug. 18. 1874. $100. Tuckahoe, Betty Nichols, Tadpole. 2:45. 2:mu. 2:48. ■ C. H. Perry, Aug. 19, 1874, $100. Capt. Jack, George Lucas, Betty Nichols, 2:39, 2:38, 2:421^. Iowa Girl, bnii 3:59). A. S. Leathennan, Dovlestown, Pa., Oct. 7, 1875, $100. Bill Patchen, Jail Bird, Brown Billy (2 dis). Henry Clay 1 dis, 2:,59. 3:0314, 3:05?i. Iowa Maid (3 -53). Osage, Ta., Oct. 16. 1872. $2.50. Dread 1, 2 :53. 2:.57, 2 :.52, 2 :54. Iowa Maid, brm (3:35), N. Smith, Peoria, 111., June 18, 1874, .$500. Lady Gris wold, Sam Sharpley, 2:41}^, 2-41, 2 -42^^. Ottawa. 111., Julv l, 1874, .$,500. Frank Allison, Sam Sharpley, Daniel Boone, West Liberty, Tom C. (3 dis), Capt. Jack (2 dis), Alex (2 dis), 2:40, 2 ::«'. 2. 2:38' 2. ■ i:)ixon. 111., July 11, 1874, $450. Little Jake, Bay Ben, Silky B.. Forest Queen (3 dis), 2:41 14, 2:42, 2:371/2. Eminence, Ky.,' Aug. 11. 1874, $250. Glencoe Golddust. Miirk Anthony, 2:379*, 2:37i4, 2:35. Aug. 12, 1874, $150. Mark Anthony 2, Alice May, 2 :.38, 2:42. 2:41.2:43. _ Iowa Maid, blk m (2 :35). H. S. Riiodes. St. Joseph, Mo.. Sept. 7, 1875, $450. Kansas Girl, Ben Lyon, Haw- thorne Queen, Yankee Boy (3 dr), 2 :.s6i.;. 2 :35i'2, 2:48. ^. , ^, , ,„ ,■ . n, Q *.. — ■ — J. M. Metcalf, Quincy, 111., Sept. 22, 1875, $500. Susie Ross, Kansas Girl, Charley (3 dis), Tom Scott (Idis), Elmer G.(ldis),"Vallisca .Maid (1 dis), 2:.3'7, 2:3714, 2:39. ^,„, ,, „ , „„.,,„„„ C. Brown, St. Joseph. Mo., Sept. 29, 1876, $500. Ned S. 3, Nodaway, Ed. Baker, John Bender, 2:35?i, 2:37. Iowa Prince,'bg (3 :48i4), by Billy Sherman. Mr. McFarland, Chicago, HI., Sept. 8, 1882, $250. Weasel 3, Democracy, 2 :48i4,2:48M, 2:50, 2:52. . . , „, „ , Ira, gr s (3 :01). .L N. Nye, Niles, O., Oct. 2, 1874, $ . Chief, Lizzie D., 3:00^4, 3:01, 3:04. , , , „ v. Ira Adams, (2 :51). S. Fletcher, Worcester, Mass., Sept. 30, 1868, $75. Lady Lyon, Black Ben, Abdallah Maid, Chamberlain (Idis), 2:.51i/2, 2:51. 2:51. . ^, „ ,t t, ,• * Ira Allen, br s (3 :36), by Flying Morgan, dam by Green Mountain Morgan. G. B. Munson, Burlington, Vt., Sept. 9, I860. .$ . Platfi, 2::i6, 2:37, 2:38. ^ ^ „.., t o -^u o .^,/ ^,a,. W. A. Eager, Ogdensburg, N. Y., Sept. 27, 1860, $250. St. Lawrence Maid, Jes.se Smith, 2-M}4, 2:U]4. 2:4414. Sept. 28, 1860, $200. Prince, Brown Gelding, 2 :46, 2:42, 2:45. (w), G. B. Munson, Sept. 29, I860, $4.50. St. Lawrence Maid 2. 2:43, 2:45 2:44, 2:44. , ^ r, Ira Allen, b s (3:53i4). L. A. Phillips, Providence, N. H., Oct. 7. 1864, $ . Green's s 2, Andy Johnson, 2:5314, 2 :,59, 304. Stallions under six years old. , „ , , „ , . x ^„ „ „ , „^ ,,- Ira Alien, br s (3 :53i4). Watertown. Wis., July, 6, 1875, $200. Black Ralph, Sparkle, Longfellow 2 3 (1 0), (5 dis), BavCharley(2dis).2:5.'ii4,2:r,0. 2:5114, 2:54, 2:56^4, 2:55^. j „ .„ „ r, « =0 IraBridc'br g (3:51). F. Tvler, Montgomery, Ala., Nov. 2, 1871, $1.50. George Leonard, 2;59, 2:51, 2:5,3. Ira Brown, b g (3 :41). Will. J. Sheldon, Woonsocket, R. I., Sept. 9, 1874, $250. Cassius 1, Romp 4, Walter R. Proctor (3 dis), Stranger (2 dis), 2:45, 2:4212,2:41.2:41, 2:41?i. ^ , ^ , r. ,. />./oa, Ira C, ch g (3 :35i/2), bv Stillson. C, DevinC, Parkville, L. I., Aug. .30, 1883, .$300 Rocket 1, Crete 6. (20), Dryden Maiden, Anna.C, John D., Etta A., Brilliant (4 dr), Tom Bradley (4 dr), Hambletonian's Last (3 dr), 2'.35 ''■3514 ''•36 ''■371^ 2*3514 Ira Harris (3:51).' A. S.' Dickey, Wheeling, W. Va., Oct. 13, 1865. $70. Josephine 2, Joe Curry (3 dr), 2:51, ' Ira White",'wh gl3:51). M. C. Dorman, Sweetsburgh, P. Q., Sept. 29, 1883, $75. DeceitfuL Black Diamond, Irene, b n"('3 :b6?4), by Mohawk Chief. Chas. Stanford, Schenectady, N. Y., Sept. 23, 1875, $100. Niskayima, Ristori, Nelly (2 dr), 3 :10, 3 :0634. Three-year-olds. 328 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. Irene, blk m C-J :40i. I. Pawling, Deerfoot Park, L. I., Nov. «. 1875, SIOO. General Frank 1, Liddy. Missouri Boy, KolH'it. , 2:29, 2:2(;i.i, '2:28. Roehester, N. Y. Aug. 11, 187(;, .?1,000. Hattie K., Deeeit, Kelipse. 2:27. 2:25'j, 2:2fi"«. — ^ — - Utiea. N. Y., .Vug. 15. 187(i, .■?2,.'i00. Mambrino Kate, Capt. Smith. Carrie N., Enlield (3 dis), Rose (2 dis). 2:27'4. 2:24, 2:2.%. '• Waverlv, N. .L, Sept. 19, 1879, .?500. Daciana 2, Planter, Peralto, .Mambrino (ieneral, 2:29'j, 2:32'/4. 2:31. 2:25'/,. Dovlestown. Pa.. Oct 2, 1879, .$.")00. .John S. Clark 2, Planter, Hannah 1)., 2::«), 2:30, 2:28'4, 2:3S\4,. Befmont Park, Phila., Oct. 23, 1879, .§500. Nigger Babv, (iray Salem, yEmulus, Harry. 2:25V4, 2:27. 2:2G',2. - Prosi)eet Park, L. I.. MaySI. 1880, )5,500. Wizz, Steve Maxwell, Wild Lily, Nelly Irwin, Marv Russell. Nigger H:iby (1 (lis). 2:20'.,. 2:21'i. 2:20'2. Batavi.i, N. Y.. .Inne 9. l.sRO. S400. John Hall. Tom Keeler. .Tumulus, Lady Star, 2:27"i, 2:27'2, 2:28. Dover. Del., Oct. I. 1880. Sim. Phil. Doughertv, Wilbur F., 2:38^.i. 2:,'32»4, 2:32. Belmont Park. Phila., May Ki. I8KI. .§2.000. Leviathan, pacer. 2. 2:271^, 2:28>i, 2:31>;i.2:.'?li4. Irene, b m (S :»»). ^V. Allen. I'rovidenee. 1{. I., May 29, 1K79, S200. (ieorge Adee 2. Nellv Bnrke. Tommy Lee. Black Friday (3 dn, 2::i9, 2 40, 2:43>4, 2:42. Irene, b m (« :3«^.). by Enchanter, dam Enchantress, bv Volimteer. T. Stanley, Meadville, Pa.. .Time 5, 1879, $ . Mariali, Pique, Bluebird. Maud. S. B. P. (1 dis). 3:0l>4, 3:oni.,, 3.00. Titusville, Pa., .July 4, 1879, .•? — . Zig Zag. (reorge S. No time. — -Meadville. I'a., May 2.'), I88O, S300. Bridget 2, Alleghanv Bov, Lucy. Kentucky Tom. Wanderer (3 dis\ 3:00, 3:00. 3:01. 3:02. May 27. isso, .?;{00. Alleghany Boy 1, 4. S. B. P., Lucy. 3:00. 3:00. 3:01. 3:00. 3:00. C. thomijson, Kittaning, Pa„ Sept. 14, 1881, $100. Nelly Bank. Billy N.. Verge, Fannv F., 2:47"j, 2:50>4, 2:51'/j. Sept. 15, 1881, $250. Charley, T. 3, Lady Lear, Lewis Dolphin. 2:39U, 2:44S, 2:4C>i, 2:41. Irene, b m (•J:.'i 1^.1 ). E. McLarin, Oslikosh, Wis., Sept. 14,1882, $200. Henry K. 1, Capt. Bismarck, 3:0314, i>:.56',. 2:r.2'i,2:51?4. Iris, I) m I 'i ::{!)'! ), by .Mambrino Star, dam Lady Dolphin. Jos. Rea, Lafayette, Ind., July 4, 1883, $400. Brown Thrasher. Frank Grav. 2:4k'4, 2:41^4, 2:41. Mt. Vernon., Ind., Aug. 9, 1883. .$ . Honest Billy 3, Blanche W. No time. Shelbvville. Ind., Sept. H, 1883, $100. Dutch Girl 3. 4, Joe Jefferson 2. Hope So, 2:.39?4, 2:.59%. 2:.59»4, 2:59'», 2:39'.i. Irish Boy (3 :44). San Francisco, (:al., Nov. 11, 1874, $ . Mattie Howard, 2:51, 2:45'2. 2:44. Irish Giant, eh g (2 ;53Li,). J. Murphv, Fashion Course, L. I., May 16. 1870, $500. Harrv of the West (2 dis), 2:50, 2:52'4. Irish Girl, b m (3 tOOU). E. J. Burton, Buffalo, N. Y., June 1,5, 1881, $100. Butcher Boy, 3:08, 3:01. 3:00i;i. Irish Hunter, ch s (3 :00). E. Flynn, Burlington, Vt., Oct. 13, 1881, $75. Young Colunibus, Loadstone, 3:01 Vj, 3:00, 3:01. Irish Lad, b g (2 :3014), bv Aberdeen, dam Lady Catherine. M. Hand, Plainfteld. N. J., Sept. 28. 1882, $300. Charley G.. TMiroc, Carrie C, Abraham's Daughter (3 dis), Gen. Ewing (1 dis), 2:41^4, 2:40ii, 2:37'4. Somerville, N. J., Oct. fi, 1882, $200. Eftie G., Beulah, 2:3G'/2, 2:40K>, 2:40. Plainfleld. N. J., Aug. 11, 1883, $1,f)00. Star, 2:.37. 2:.37, 2:34. Irish Maid, b m (3:35). Hiram Woodruff, Union Course, L. I., Nov. 20, 1863, $400. Discount, 2:48, 2:46, 2:46. R. T. Walker, Sept. 9, 1864, $100. Charles Woolley 2, 4, Lady McClellan 1, Creeping Jeimy. 2:42. 2:41, 2:44, 2:43.2:46,2:44'/;. Flemington. N. J., Sept. 29, 1864, $150. Spot, 2:59, 3:08, 2:49»^. Union (bourse, L. I., May 23, 1K65. .$375. Brother Jonathan 4, 5, Giraffe 2, 3 (7 dr). Honest Peter (l dis), 2:35, 2:.379i, 2:375^, 2:,35'2, 2:;S7. 2:;j7, 2:42;2. Irish Maid, b m (3 :37'.,) bv Humming Bird. Washburn Bros., Rhinebeck, N. Y., June 14, 1876, $250. W. C. Derby, W. H. Arnold. Happy Jack, Creole, Frank Wonder (2 dis), 2:40. 2:39. 2:40. Irishmain, bg (3:41) 3:341/, s). Budd Doble, Point Breeze Park, Phil., May 12, 1874. ,S200. Blonde, Hall McAllister, Daniel Tompkins, (Jeorge Hicks, Harry Morris, I,ittle Nell, Sweet William (1 dis). Lady Allen (X dis), Famiy (.1 dsi;, 2:43?^, 2:41, 2:45. (s) Suffolk Park, PhiL, May 29. 1874, .$300. Daniel Tompkins (s) 2, Gold Elsie (s), 2:4."). 2:42, 2 :385!i, 2:34^. Irishman's Dannrhter (3:43). A. L. Rogers, Deerfoot Park, L. I., June 3, 1873, $100. Brandy 1, Lyman, Nelly, Love, Delver. Kit (2 dis), 2:.50, 2:44, 2:44!4, 2:43. Irish Marv, b in. W. F. Adams, Batavia, N. Y., Sept. 10, 1874, $25. Variety, 1:49, 1:47*4. Three-year-olds. Half-mile lieats. Irish May, l)lk m. by Clark Chief Jr. (5. D. Thomas, Bozeman, Mont., Sept. 5. 1882, $150. Cottonwood ChieL No time. Four-year-olds. Irish Molly, rn m (3 :.''>8 'i). H. McBride, Canton. N. Y.. Sept. 15, 1869. $100. Lookout 2. 2:.-)8%. 3:04»4. 2:59^i, 2 :.59. Iron Asre, rn g (3 :33'/2) by .lules .Tnrgensen, dam a pacer. D. Biglev, Jr., Beacon Park, Boston. May 4, 1877. $100. Bay Fearnaught3 (4 0), Black Bess.'), Jules Tower, Lady Williams, 2:40. 2:.39'2. 2::ffl>i, 2:42, 2:4l'i, 2:41 "2. Mvstic Park, Boston, May 28, 1877, .'iit200. Belle of Worcester 3, Honest Farmer, Amanda, Bay Fearnaught, Lynian, Arthur T. (4 dr), 2:;53?i. 2::35'i, 2:.34, 'Z-M^i. Lawrence, Ma.ss., May 31, 1877, .$200. Eva 3, Falcon, Dan Rocket 1, 2(4 dr) 2:38, 2:35, 2:3«. 2:37.2:39, 2:42. .T, J. Bowen, Plainville, Conn., Aug. 27 and 28, 1878, .$400. /Emulus l, (4 0), Charley Ware 5, Clifton Boy, Walter 2'30 2'.'?0 2*32 2*.32 2 *.3.3 *'"*'9 Worcester, Mass., Sept. 24,' 1878," $(ioo. Goldnnder, Lady Daggett, Modesty, 2:.Ui/., 2:32'/;, 2:31. .F. liilcv. Mystic Park, Boston, July 17 and 18. lH7;i. .$400. (^iieeciiy Maid 1, 2. Lady Blessington, Lottie K., Neli, kd. Getchell. .Jenny L., Carefess Boy. John Virgin, 2:27, 2:27, 2:29. 2:.i0, 2:29. -J J. Bowen, June 15 and Ki, 18H0, $.500. Knox Bov 1.^.(60). (7 o^, Frank .MiinsonS, 4 (6 0), Joe Ripley, Dick Tavlor, George IL, Galatea, Anodyne(5 dr), 2:2.'i'.i. 2:25'i. 2:27'2. 2:26U, i^:2t!. 2:28,2:23"2, 2:25'4, 2:28. P. Mcintyre, Providence, R. I., .Inly .5; 1883. .$.300. Sneedress 3. Lady Martin, 2:27"2, 2:24*£, 2:27, 2:28. Iron Clad, grs (3:3«i;,), by Shaffer Pony, dam Lady White. Yonkom Bro.s., Reading, Pa., Sept. 12, 1877, $ . Liidy Ellsworth, ("ora. Lady Emma,2:.57, 3:0i, 2:.59'2. T. Goff, iiaston. Pa., Sept. 21, 1881, $ . Sally S.. Charley M.. Herdic, 2:6\ii, 2:47^, 2:43M. Nazareth, Pa., Oct. 6. 1882. S . Stern's ch m. 2:44, 2:46, 2:.51. Oct. 7,1882, $200. Little Nell 3, Stern's ch m, 2:43. 2:42, 2 :.39>4, 2:46. llittersville. Pa., Aug. 28, 1883, $250. Molly Mac 4, 5, Clay 2, Charley M., Deacon Crankett, 2:36^, . 2:37,2:34J4, 2:36. 2:44. (^HESTERS COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING KECOKD. 329 Iron Clad, gr 111 (3 :30), by R. K. Morns. Win. Nevers, Woodstock, N. B., July 2, 1S83, ^80. Jersey Lily 4, 5, Tnmble 1, 3, Dominion Boy. Presciue Isle .Miiid lo dri, ii:5ij, -JiSO, 2:50, 2:50, 2:5U, 2:o0. 2:50. Iron Duke, 1) s i;J:43-j,). Toni liobinsou, OuIjikiul-, hi., Oct. 10. lum, $200. Comet i.3dis;. 2:r>3i2, 2:56, 2:57, S. U. Lamsoii. Cedur iiiipids. ia., June 2i), 1S72, .t;2.J0. Bouuy Doou 1, 3, Camden 1,1 uis), 2:i2, ^:48, 2:43, 2;-l:(^i. 2 :!.-)■ 2. Iron King, b g (3 :30), bv King's Abdallali, dam a pacer. 'R. Dempster. Waverly, N. J., Sept. 19 and 20, 1877, .$100. Nellv jMattison 4, 5, Princeton Girl 3, Abdallah I'atchen i,5 dr>, Lady Harmon (5 dr), Davis (5 drj, Susie Smith r- dis), Whitefoot U dis), 2:3812, 2:40, 2:40, 2:35, 2:30k. ■ Ambler Parlv, Pa„ Sept. 24, 1877, $200, Addie E. C. 2, Annie Beunet, Pawlet, Buck, Henry, Fauny Bates, Spunky, Pip (1 dis), 2:30, 2:41,'4,, 2:41, 2:37;o. Sept. 25, 1S77, .^200. Penelope 1, Addie E. C, Pawlet, Fanny Bates, Billy Megouigal, Gray Billy (4 dr), L;iitv .Mott (1 dis), 2:37, 2:37, 2:41'2, 2:38. Easton, I'a., June 27, 1878. ••ji . Tramp, Harry Forest, 2:39, 2:37!-2, 2:45^. .fulv 4. 1878, •>? . Tramp, 2 :44:;*, 2:40, 2 :42. VU'' Ii;. 1878, .^100. Sussex 1, 2, 2:39, 2:37i/o, 2:36, 2:37, 2:3614- Anililer Park, Pa., Sept. 24, 1878, .1ti300. Fancy 1, Bimiloist, Gen. Norcross, 2:36>/2, 2:37'/^, 2:38, 2:38. — - — • Sept 27 isTs, .S3!);), (ilide, Sam French, Maggie M., 2:32'^, 2:32, 2:34'/2. . Dovlestown, Pa., Oct. 2, 1878, S300. Star 3, Sam French 2, 2:33J^, 2:31 '/j, 2:34>2, 2:3.5, 2:36'^. Newton, N. J., Oc-t. 2:!, 187!). $\00. Sussex 2, 2:34'.2, 2:35, 2:35, 2:38. Ironsides, gr s (3 ::{4), bv Shaffer Pouey, dam by Sheriff Pasha. C. Ludwig, Berks Co., Pa., Oct. 6, 1865, $2=0. Little Mac.2:39, 2:42, ^ — . Kieliuiond, Va., .May 20, 1866, $200, David, St. Charles (3 dn, 2:51, 2:49, 2:50. TiMTV Ide, Reading Pa., Sept. 24, 1868, $ . Commodore Nutt 1, 2:47, 2:52, 2:47, 2:36. .J. Leavitt, H;irrisburgh, Pa . Oct. 1, 1868, .$200. Warrior, Keystone, 2:47, 2:49, 2:47. — riiiladelplua, Pa., July 22. 1809. .$.500. Dot, 2:36'2, 2:35, 2:37. .lulv 29, 1809, $1,000. Dot, 2 ::J4, 2:34!/2, 2:30. — M. Goodin, Aug. 29. 1870, S . Hermit 1. 2:41'i, 2:41, 2:41. Ironsides, rn g (3:44). by Kennebec, dam a Bacchus Tuare, S. Robbins, Grand Haven, Mich., Aug. 19,1874 $■.00, Hilly Duidiam, Liuly Hall, Stranger. 2:44, 2:47'2, 2:49. .1. <). Rose, Big Rapids, Mich., Aug. 29. .874, $100. Buffalo Bill, Dolly. 2:57. 3:06, 3:0814. Ironsides, blk gi3 :44). John Wood. Beacon Park, Boston, Sept. 28, 1874, $900. Major, Kate, Flood, 2:48Ji, J:*S. 2:44. 0 't. s, 1875. $.500, Unknown, 3:00, 3:03, 2:.58. Oct. 28, 187.5, $75. Butcher Boy, Josh Billings (1 dis), 2:49, 2:45' 2, 2:49^, Aug. 24, 1876. $100. Richmond 2, Beni. Little .Mack. Unknown. 2:49'2, 2:50'2, 2:47?i. 2:46%. ( w). Sept. 4, 1876, $101). Allie B. (w), Horace (ireely (w;, Stevey, Richmond, Lumber, 2:50i4 2:50, 2:46' 2. Isaac, b g (3 :39'2), by George Wilkes, dam by ChiirU^s E. Loew. F. Van Ness, Lexington, Ky., Aug. 31, 1883, $150. Jeptlia D., Billy Wilkes, Charley C., Flavins, Ethel, King Edward.2:38i4, 2:37'2. 2:41%. Mavsville, Ky.. Sept. 20, 1883, $250. xom Coons. (Jrav Prince, Lucy Monahau Maplewood, Lady Torreus King E(iw:vrd (2 dis), Maggie S. (2dis), 2:46 2:45, 2:44. ' — I )illns, Tex., Nov. 7. 1883, .$500, Coriander 3, Mambrino, Blue Cloud, 2:34%, 2:33^, 2 iSSk, 2:35. .Mr Warren, Gainesvile, Tex., Nov. 13, 1883. .$600. Blackstone 1, Coriander, 2:37"2, 2:31%, 2:32, 2:31. Isabel, blk nn3:-*0). .L Wood, Little Falls, N. Y., June 13, 1878, $100. Kit Holton, Kit, King, 2:46, 2:45, 2:40. Isabella, ch m (3 :40). John S. Stevenson. Buffalo, N. Y., Sept, 28, 1849, $50. Gray Eagle, Comet, 2:43, 2:40, 2:42 Isabella, (wi, ch m (3 :48w). M. Roden, Fashion Course, L. I., June 9, 1868, $500. Willy Schepper 3. 2:50, 2:48, 2:50%, 2:50'4. Isabella, ch m (3 :37). M. Whipple, White Plains, N. Y., July 4, 1874, $400. Wm. H. Walsh 1, Hus Kay Boy, 2:51.2:46,2:4314,2:4,5, ♦ Isis, b m i3 :48i4), by Colouna, dam. the dam of Capltola. L. J. Phelps, Owatonna, Minn., Sept. 5, 1883, .f200. Archer's Orphan, Lady Fair. 3:1214,3:03%, 2:,59%. Four-vear-olds and under. — Rochester, Minn., Sept. 12, 1883, $200. King of the West, Ida R., 2:.52, 2:48^, 2-49 Fo"r-vear-olds. Island Belle, b m<3:47'/2). Boston, Mass., Oct. 19, 1870,$ . Gypsy, Butcher Boy Maverick Boy (2 dis), 2:51%, 2:471-.,. 2 :49i4- Island Bo.v, lilk g (3:35). by Hetzel's Hambletonian. H. G. Holcomb, St. Albans, Vt. Sept 12, 1876, $85. William's blk g. Fanny Moulton, Nancy, U. (t. Root, 3:08, 3:09, 2:59. -Vug. 27, 1879, $ . Daniel Lambert, Jr.. Starter, Collector (3 dis), 2:40, 2:41, 2:40, .Montpelier, Vt., Sept. 10, 1879, $1.35. Little Dick, Abby P., Molgie, .Johnny Pathfinder, Katy Did, 2:4014. 2:3.5*^, 2:37'2. — — Sept, 11, 1879, $125. Little Dick. Fanny Gray, Dan, Black .Tohn, Maggie, Josie S., 2:37i/», 2:37. 2:.37. Sweetsburg, P. Q., Oct. 6, 1880, $40. Village Boy (3 0), Kitty (3 0), 2 :.35, 2 -.35, 2:374, 2:39. ' W. W. Phillips, Danvers, Mass., Sept, 11, 1883, $ , Charm, 2:.58, 2 -.37 2:44U Island Chief, b s (3 :55), by Daniel Lambert, Deerfoot Park, L, I,, May 12,' 1874, $600. Dan 2, 3:08, 3:03, 3:03, 2:. 55. Island Chief ch g (3 :41'). Utton Bros., Barrie, Vt., Oct. 14, 1875, $2,50. Rob, Fulton 3, Billv Bowlegs. Dagger, (!ol. Davies, 2:41' 2, 2:41, 2:42Ui. 2:44'?.. Utton & Henry, Rutland, Vt.. Aug. 2.3, 1877, $100. .Tohn B. 3. 2:.55, 2 -.55, 2 -491^ . Island Maid, I) in (3 :49). Biddeford. Me., Oct. 6, 187.5, $ . George A. Stetson, None Such, Fanny Fern, 2:.50. 2:.50, 2:49. Nov. 8, 1877. $ . .Joe S., 3:06, 3:01. 2:.54%. Island Maid, bin (3:41). E. L. Harris, Watertown, N. Y., .July 3. 1883, $100. Blanche, .Johnnv B., Golden Slipper, 2:42, 2:41. 2:4214. July 5, 1883, $100. .Johnny B.. Upstart. 2-48, 2:46i'», 2:43'i. A M, Carson, Bellville, Ont.. July H, 1883, $175. Phil Sheridan 3, .Johnny B. 2. Schelia 5, Rodv Girl (4 dr), 2:42%, 2:43. ,2:42,2:42,2:44. ' j j /, Italian Girl, ch m (3 -.sk"^:,)"' Peter Conover, Catskill. N. Y., .July 4, 1870, .S . White Legs, Ned (2 dr), 2:,57. 2:,56'.!,, 2:.52l4. Ivan, I) r g ( 3 :40i4), by Sam Harvey. F. F. Roan, Grawfordsville, Ind., Sept. 7, 1.881, $1,50. Ida May 1. Wilson, (illtord, 2:50, 2:41, 2:4014. 2:41, Ivanhoe, l)r g(3:38). E. A. Lytle. PhiladelnJiia. Pa.. May 4. 18,59. $m. Topsy, 2-M'i,2-Myf.. 2:,5.5. ive s Chestnut .Stallion (2 :43V G. Tves, Watertown, N. Y., .July 4, 1863, .$2.5, Volunteer's (4 dr). Palmer's blk m (1 (lis), 2:44, 2:4.3. 2:45. , Ivin, blk s (3 :46^), Auroni, 111., Sept. 28, 1882, $125. Little .Jeff, Sailor Boy, Sorrel Dick, Pedman, 2:46^, 2:49, 2:,50. Ivy, blk m (3:49). J, B. Barnaby. Providence, K. I.. Sept. 28. I88I, .fsoo. Ned, 2:.57, 2:51^. 2:49. S80 CHESTEK'S COMl'LETE TKOrriNG ASD I'ACINU llECOKD. .Tftok ffr c (2 :44). F. G. Chase, Mobile, Ala., April 15, 1839, $200. Hardup, Silvertail, 2:51, 2:44 Oct. 4,1870,$ . liellel, 2:54, 2 :47'/2, 2:50, 2:49. (Wi Oft. 15 1870, $300. Belle 3, 5 (.6 0), Gen. Gage (w), 1 (0 0), 2:51, 2:50, 2:53, 2:59. 2:55'/2, 2:49, 2:51. Oct. 18 1870, «;200. IJlaekstoiie Maid, Lady Carter, Geu. Gage, 2:51?4, 2:52, 2:49Ji. Oct. 20' 1S7(), $100. Lady Wallver, 2:48!2,2:52'/2, 2:47^. Jack ia-5«) 1' i) hefevre, Moiitgonierv, N. \., June 17, 1870, $35. Flora, Idlewood, 2:58' i, 3:02, 2:68. Jack' I) u (a:53)' H. Haves, Qiiinev. lll.,'«ept. 9, 1870,$ . Belle Corbin, 3:00, 3:0o>-2, 2:53. Jack,' 8i/2). J. H. Williams, Toledo, O., Nov. 10 and 11, 1871, $450. Jack Hayes 3, 4, Dusk (w), 3:05!2, Jackjj^'\ij:4:«). \v.'w." Abbott, Louisville, Ky. , June 20, 1872, $200. Joe 1,2, Dandy (2 dis), 2:54, 2:49, Jaok^^tr U^i) ^'ii J. Cochi-an, Selma, Ala., Nov. 13, 1872, $150. Ellen, Jeff Davis (2 dis). 2 :511a. 2 :52»^, 2 :51. faok' r I'lek 'M-itthews) chK (•'J:28), bv Alexander's Abdallah. N.B.Clark. Portsmouth, O., Jidy 10, 1875, $7«) Maxwell Eph. Brant. Billy, NfeUy May (3 dis), Gus (3 dis), 2:38?.,, 2:4l?4, 2:41k. Zll'; if Bouten, Lancaster, O., May 20, 1876, $250. Dr. Kush l, John W., Lady Asher, Wild Tom, Nettie C. (2 (lis), 2:42'4, 2:39, 2:41, 2:40^2. 2:34 Jack - SahunancafN.^^ $400. Lady Mack. Lady Sargeant, Lady Thorn. Lady June, 2:34^4, 2:34i4, Jack .\rclioll, ell K '3 :32\ bv NMli^i'm i.in;rt>..jv-i. «.«... ..v..,-. V,\ A'ficr I T HnfTman ndis^ 2-35 *> -.^'^ '' ;!> Jack 3:0L"o. Sept. 24. 18fi9. .«! . Grav Eatrle, R :•'»). 5 :4l''f . Two miles. Nov. 4. 1871.. «!1. 000. .John « dis. 2:43, 2:42. 2 :44Vi. . ,, ,Q7o«.)nn Rnv Charlev 1, 2:63, 2:.52. 2:64. Jack Itiinshy. (2:51). A. F. AVildes, Sprinjrfleld, Mass.. June 11, 1873, $200. nay v nanej ., Jack' Cade. 1.1k R (8 :52). F. Johnson, Beacon Course. N. J., Nov. 27, 1843, $400. Tom Thumb Jr., 5:45, 5:44, Jack"ca;^%^:47). Wm. King, Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. 2,1859.$— Brother .Toiiathan^(w) (3 0). 2:52, Jack Carf^r."(3^::. bv .Tnck Cook Jas. Whitfield. Pekin. Til.. Sept. 10. 18,3. .yiT.-i. (3 dr>. Unknown (2 disl. Billy Dutton (1 dis>. Molly O dis\ 3:04. 2:40, 2-51. ,... , ^ ^,„i(i. pick Carson, Jackdaw, b g (2 :38i/,>. .T. Fnrnh.nm. Worcester. Mass.. Sept. 8. 1881, S200. \\ incnesT( r Kd.Jackman. Kmperor. Belle. Red Bird. 2:.W/,.2r.T9. 2:39. a„„ ok isfio %'m Prince. Lady Jack i>rapcr. pr g (2: 27). hv Humbli d. TL A. Wilte, Springfield, Mass., Aug. 25, 1869, .ifotH.. Wilkes. 2:41.2:40. 2:40. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 381 WatertowD, N. Y., Oct. 7, 1869, $200. Lady Shotwell 4, 5, White's b m 1, Fanny Fern (4 clr), 2:41, 2-37. 2:39i4,3:4L', 2:42, 2:46. v y, ■ -oi J. H. Phillips, Hall's Track, L. I., Aug. 13, 1872, §100. Black Crook, Clarence (2 dis), 2:351^, 2-37 2:37!4. Prospect Park, L. I., June 6, 1873, $1,000. Lida Picton 2, Clothespin, Abdallah, Highland Maid, Ladv AiHiie, Constance (2 dis), Wiuderiiierc (2 dis). 2:30, 2:27'.2, 2:30, 2:32',. Syracuse, N. Y., Sept. 3, 1874, $1,000. White Cloud, Lola Montez, Clothespin, Kitty Wells (3 dis). Planter (2 d;s), 2 :34' ;, 2:33. 2:33^8. E. L. Harris, Antwerp, N. Y., Sept. 4, 1874,$ . Lew Ives, Buzz, 2:3,514. 2:30, 2:36. Gouvcrueur, N. Y., Sept. 11, 1&74, .§ . Lew Ives (3 disi. Buzz (3 disi, 2:31, 2:33, 2:35. E. C. White, Waterloo, Out., Sept. — , 1874, $250. Erastus 3, Little Angus, 2:34, 2:33?4, 2:34?i, 2:42. Hamilton, Out., Sept. 18, 1874, $275. Erastus l, 3, Lady Kate, Governor, 2:30, 2:30, '2:'6U1, 2:3m, 2:3114. Toronto, Ont., Sept. 30. 1874, $500. Lady Kate, Governor, Little Angus, 2:35, 2:37Ji, 2:39 Oct. 8, 1874, $1,000. Lady iMac 3, Bolly Lewis, Captain, Belle Brasiield, Frank, Kittv'Wells, Kinir William (4dr), 2 :,30, 2:30, 2:30, 2:30. Watertown, N. Y., June 23, 1875. $ — . George F. Smith, 2:36',. 2:40. Hamilton, Ont., July l and 2, 1875. $400. York State, Dominion Boy, Kitty Wells 2, 3 (5 died), Little Angus (1 dis), 2:35. 2:34, 2:32?.i, 2:321^, 2 :39^i. Newark. N. Y., July 14, 1875, $400. Bonner, 2:30, 2:33, 2:38. Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Aug. 5, 1875, $4,000. White Clond 1. Twilight 2, Effle Deans, Ben Smith. Adelaide, Bonner, Lady White, Maud, Grace Patchen, Dinah, 2:28^4, 2:27?i, 2:3154, ^2•.o^■U, 2:31J£. Wilkesbarre, Pa., Aug. 26, 1875, $1,200. Little Mary, Sunbeam, Blue Mare, 2:.'«). 2:3014, 2:.30. Kingston, N. Y., Sept. 15, 1875, $1,000. Clifton Boy. Little Dorrit, Berkshire Boy, Effle Deans, Carrie, 2::U. 2:31, 2:31 V2. Potsdam, N. Y., Sept. 21, 1875, $400. Deceit. Spotted Jim, Little Angus, 2:35. 2:38, 2:38?4. Kingston, N. Y., Sept. 22, 1875, $1,000. Clifton Boy, Little Dorrit, Berkshire Boy, Effle Deans, Carrie, 2:34,2:31,2:3134. Norfolk, Va., Dec. 6, 1875, $ . Farmer Boy, Annie Collins, 2:453^, 2:39i4, 2:39. Elniira. N. Y., June 15, 1876. $800. Great Eastern, Clifton Boy. Bateman. 2:281/2, 2:28S£, 2:27. — Poughkeepsie, N. Y., June 26, 1876, $1,000. Coroner K., Zephyr, Lady White, T. A. (1 dis), 2 :283ii, 2:2914, Wiikesbarre, Pa„ June .30, 1876, $500. Little Mary 1, Eva, Clifton Bov. 2:32. 2:28. 2:29, 2:29. Newark, N. Y., July 14. 1876, $600. Bonner 3, 5, Tom Keeler 1, 2:33, 2:32k, 2:323^, 2:35, 2:34, 2:34'/i. Gouverneur. N. Y., Sei)t. 8, 1876, $300. Capt. Smith. 2:42. 2:44, 2:41. Potsdam, N. Y.. Sept. 20, 1S76, $400. Capt. Smith, Charley Mac, Happv John (2 dis), 2:41i4, 2:41, 2:41. W. H. Crawford. St. Petersburgh, Pa., Sept. .5, 1877, .s50ri. Warrior, R'in Rap, 2:369^, 2:35, 2:35. Edinburgh, Pa., Sept. 12. 1877, $500. Little Jake. 2:47, 2:46, 2:42. Jack Drew, (3:53). J. Drew, Dover, N. H., Oct. 10, 1867, $2.5. Nelly Drew, New Dui'ham, 2:52i2. 2:.52, 2:53. Three-year-olds. Jack Flournoy, chg(3:00). G. R. Henry, Burlington, la., Sept. 2S. 1878, $400. Fred. Logan, Flora. 2:34, 2:.35, 3:00. Jack Forrest b g (3 :02). C. S. Herr, Columbus, O., Sept. 6 If 71, $50. Bay Billy (1 dis), Larriinore's ch g (1 dis). Belle Fulton (l dis), 3:02. Three-year-olds. Jack Gambill, br g (3 :033.^). J. M. Daniel, Sacramento, Cal., Oct. 20. 1859, $.5,000. Yolo Maid. 32:54 Ten miles. H. R. Corey, Marysville, Cal., Sept. 5, 1800, $4,000. Fanny Washington, Julia Aldrich, 30:35. Ten miles. Jack Hayes, eh g (3:543^). C. C. Pratt. Toledo, 0., June 1, 1872, $1,000. Dusky 3. 2:59, 2:5Si4, 3:0134, 3:02i^. June 6, 1872, $1,000. Dusky 1. 2:55. 2:541.,, 2:5834, 2:5734. ' Jack Hazard, gr g (3 :53ii). Ed. Hutchins, Dixfleld. Me.. "June 17, 1875, .$ . Ben Butler 3, Morrill Knox 1, Troublesome 2, (4 dr), 3:00, 2:.53;2, 2:.55. 2:.52',, 2:5994. 2:59. Jack Henry, b s (3 :53?i). Jas. Furney, Monroeville, O., Oct. 16, 1866, $100. Bay Frank l, Washington. 2:56, 2:.53^4.2:.57. Jack Horter, (Traveller), ch g (3:37i/2), by Flying Morgan. Jos. Boyle, Did)uque. la., Oct 30, 1867, $350. Buckskin,2:49, 2:42, 2:43. Jack Jr.. rn g (3 :36). G. H. Baldwin, La Crosse, Wis., Oct. 22, 1874, $.300. Emmet, Brother Baldwin (2 dr), 2:44lo, 2:40, 2:.>Si4. .lune 4, 1875, §200. Brother Baldwin, Albert, Jack Stiles, 2:43^4', 2:43k, 2:41?.i. J. AV. Slayton. June 12, 1875, $200. Brother Baldwin, Albert, Jack Stiles. 2:435ii', 2:4;)k, 2:13^^. CliHton, 111., Aug, 19, 1875, $500. Flora Belle, A. B. Barrett, Bob. Ridley 1, (3 dis), Denmark (3 dis), 2:453^, '- Aug. 2l!'l875. $100. A. B. Barrett, Ella K. (1 dis), Tom Brennan (1 dis), 2:.37, 2:44. N'irginia, 111., Sept. 3. 1875, .$225. Honest John, .lupiter (1 dis), 2:36. 2:3834, 2:3834, S\illivan, 111., Oct. 15, 1^75, $200. Fanny, Billv, 3:07. 3:00, 3:01. W:itseka, 111., Oct. 12. 1876, .$300. F. B.'l, Shoo Fly, I>ida Bell (2 dis). 2:48. 2:41, 2:42, 2:45. Jack Ketch, b g (3:50). Wm. Bullock, St. John, N. B., Oct. 11. 1866, $30. Fox (1 dis), 2:.50. Jack Ketchum, blk g (3:49?i). F. Johnson, Beacon Course, N. J.. June 16, 1841, $75, Doctor Syntax, Cottage Boy, Dying Sargeant, Thomas Jefferson, 5:.39'i 5:40. Two miles. Jack Lewis (Clifton) b g (3 :38ii) by Clifton Pilot. T. J. Vail, Hartford, Conn., Sept. 14, 1864, $300. Levia- than, Clarion, 2:43, 2:44. 2:48. F. Burnham, Sept. 13, 1865, .$225. Kate Mav. 2:3914, 2:44'4, 2:43io. T. Carpenter, Providence, R. I.. Oct. 12, 1865. $ , Lucy 3, 2:43, 2:43^4, 2:41. 2:40i2. Oct, 25, 1866, .$225. Grav Eagle. Midnight (1 dis). 5 :18. 5:15. Two miles. (s) W. Spur. Sept. 3. 18C7, $.300. Rahway (s) 3, 2:.37M, 2:36?i, 2:3514, 2::U'i;. T. ( 'arpenter, Brattleboro. Vt.. Aug. 21. 1868, .$200. Mack, Eli, Slaterock (1 dis). 2:4094, 2:49, 2:44. Norris Ilolcomb, Mystic Park, Boston, Oct. 27, 1868, .$500, Columbus Navigator 3. 4, 2:28i2. 2:359i, 2:393^, 2:4i;'i, 2:.14'2. c . , .1 4, 7)s> Jack Martin ((Quaker Boy), b g (3:3894). New Orleans, La., June 14, 1866, $2,000. Reindeer 1. 2:40i4, 2:39^, Jack 3iatthews (.Tack), ch g (3 :38) bv Alexander's Abdallah. J. W. Anderson, Lexington, Ky., Oct. 21, 1871, $ • Caroline 2, 4, .John Dotv (2 dis), 2:44, 2:4414, 2:49. 2:46k. 2:44. Jack Moore, b g (3:56). D. Plifer, Centreville, L. I., May 25, 18.53, $500. Crazy Jane (w)l, 2:58, 2:56. 2:59, 2:.59. Jack Morrow, chg (3 :44k). D. Boynton, Omaha, Neb., Mav 19. 1869, $100. Comet 1. Blind Billy, Frank Mann, 2:.50, 2:45k, 2:.51, 2:47. Mr. Mann. St. Joseph. Mo., .June 18. 1869, $ — . Blind Billy, 2:44k, 2:.56. Jack of Clubs, blk 5 (3 :54) l)v Mamhrino Pet. K. Boardman, New Dorp. S. I., June 26, 1S75. $100. New- burgh, Hector, Miss Brady. Fanny Come Up, Richmond, Mike Wilson, Frank (2 dr),3:0iMi 3:00, 3:00. Nearest to 3:00. 33J CUESTEK'S COMl'LKTE liMriTINC; AND I'ACING KECOKD. Ja<-k Peregroy, br g(2:35Ji)by Strader's Hambletonlan. A. Hartnev. Oiualia, Neb.. Sept. 13, 1882, $420 Mora P. J, 3(1 01, Willi Imhiiiaii, Korky Mouiitaiu Tom, Fanny McCorniiek, Lady Mac (3 dx-), Nebraska liov (1 itis). I':a6'2, 2:3-1. 2:37. L^cW'i, 2:3T'.i, 2:3S. Council BlulTs, la.. Si-i)t. 21, 18X2, ^JM. Teastr 1. Duster, 2:37?4, 2:36. 2:38?4. 2:3oJi. A. H:irtney. Hamburg. la., (Sept. 27, 1X82, §120. MeMalion, Westniont Boy, Major Edsall Jr., Claude R Confidence (1 (ll.s), 2:30, 2:37».4. 2:38. Sept. 2S, 1882. *175. Duster 3. 4. Claude R., 2:;{8, 2:37'i, 2:40. 2:37. Unfinished. Jaek I'nor. br « (2 :47). T. Foster. Danielsonville, Conn., Sept. 7, 1872,$22.-). Island P.elle 1, Frank Allen, 6-36 .'>:36. .'i:41. Two miles. ' Jack Potter iliarry Walton), b g (3 :3.'>!j). J. Whelpley, Union Course, L. I., June 15, 1865, S.500. Dan Pfifer (3 0). 2:42'2. 2:43' J. 2:40. 2:40. {,\\) lllrani Woodruff, Sei)t. 18, ia55, $500. Hlaek Bess (\vi 1. 2:42'i, 2:42, 2:44, 2-43. (\vi Se])t. 28. 185."., .■«1,(HM). Black Bess (w), 2:40, 2:42'2, 2:42'^. (w) Oct. I. 1855. .■?!, 000. Loto (w.) (1 dis). 2:43. (w) .1. I). Walton, Union Course, L. 1., Dec. 16, 185C, $500. Rose of Washington (w) 1, 2:57?i, 2:57, 2:64. 3 :05. June 12, 1868, $.500. Rockland. 2:4G. 2:42. SaratogaSpa, N. Y., .luly 20. 1858. .SSOO. George Dawson. 2::57. 2:39, 2:36. ( w ). .fuly 23, 1858, S500. George Dawson (w ), 2 :45. 2:43, 2:39^. Jaek I'otter, b g (2 :40). O. J. Brusie, (Jt. Barrington, Mass., ^ept. 6. 1872, $.50. Jimmy Ladd, Mother Anne Lee, 3:16, 3:20^, 3:16?/2. Sept. 26, 1873, $7.5. Tommv Grav l. 2, Major Warfield (2 dr). 2:47»i. 2:48'o. 2.47. 2:49, 2:48. W. M. Potter, Garratsville, N. v., Aug. 31. 1875, $loo. Delight, Col. Upton, Billy Mix, Henry, Maggie Morse, 2:45"2, 2:40,2:41. ^^ Jaok Roosa, (3:00). Jackson. Mich., Sept. 29, 1875, $ . Regulator 2, Mos(!OW, 3:00, 2:55,3:01. Stallions. Jaek Kossiter, (Tom Carnley), (S), b g (3 :3 1 1. Mr. ( ioodliue. Buffalo. N. Y., Sept. 8. 1848, $400. Chautauqua Chief (S», (1 dis), Ladv Jane (s), U dis), 5:08. Two miles. <). W. Dimmick, Albany, N. Y., Sept. 30, 1848. .§200. Lady Moscow, 2:38, 2:39, 2:.37. P. Hunt, Union Course. L. I.. Oct. 13, 1848, $200. Lady Moscow (1 dis), 2:3.3i«. O. W. Dnnniick. Saratoga Spa. N. Y.. Aug. 24. 18.50. $ . Ladv Moscow (1 dis), 5:04'2. Two miles. W. H. Saunders, Buffalo, N. Y., Oct. 15, 1850, $300. St. Lawrence 1, Squaw (1 dis), 5:18, 5:13, 5:20. Tws miles. Rochester, N. Y.. Oct. 30. 18,50. $300. St. Lawrence, 5:25, 5:22i^. Two miles. Nov. 7, 18.50, ,$500. Ladv Suft'olk, 5:18. 5:17. Two miles. Buffalo, N. Y., Nov. 14, 1850, .$500. Lady Suffolk 1 (2 0), (3 dr). 5:14>.4. 5:1314. . Two miles. o. W. Dimmick, Rochester, N. Y., May 31, 1851, $.300. St, Lawrence, Lady Moscow (1 dis) 2:35»^. 2:36, 2:3,5. Buffalo. N. Y., .June 26, 1851, $250. St. Lawrence, 2:32'/2, 2:32, 2:33 June 27. 1.H51, .$250. St. Lawrence, 5:05, 5:08. Tw^o miles Rochester. N. Y'., July 4, 1851, $2.50. St. LawTence, 2:34, 2:33, 2:32. Saratoga Spa, N. Y'., July 26. 1851, $250. Gray Vermont, 5:15, 5:19. Two miles. Philadelphia. Pa., Sept. 2, 1851, ,$.500. Zachary Taylor. W'ar Eagle. Taconv. 2:.34"., 2:35>4. 2:32J^. Union Course, L. I., Sept. 9, 1851, $1,000. Vermont, Pelhani (l clis). 2:33)/'. 2:32, 2:33)*. Oct. 28, 1851, $1,000. Lady Suffolk l, 2.39, 2:36. 2:36. 2::U. Centreville, L. L. Nov. 3, 18,51, .$.300. Zacharv Tavlor 1. 2:35, 2:32, 2:34, 2:34. (w), Wm. Whelan, May 3, 1852. ,$.300. Zacharv Tiivlor (w), 1. Pelham (w), (1 dis), 2:34. 2:3514, 2:351/2,2:384. Mav 10, 18,52, ,$300. Zacharv Tavlor. Pelham d dis). 2:3114. 2:3i;2. 2:32. Union Course, L. I., Mav 20, 18,52, $400. Lady Suffolk, Boston Girl (2 dis), 5:14!i, 5:16. Two miles. Wm. Riley, Louisville, Ky., July 1, 18.53. $.{on. Ladv Jane (1 dis). 5:26. Two miles. (w), Buffalo, N. Y., Sept. 23, 1857, $200. Til) Hinmaii (w), 2:37, 2:38. 2:40. Oct. 6, 18,57, ,$200. Belle of Saratoga 1, 2(3 0). (4dr). Tib Hinman (4 dr),2:3Ui, 2:32J4.2:34H. ( )ct. 8, 18.57, ,$250. Tib Hinmail (W) 1, 2 :.37, 3 :,3,5, 2 :,35, 2 :36. Oct. 9, 1857,,$ . Tib Hlnman, 5:1.3, 5:20. Two miles. Syracuse, N. Y., July 16, 18.58, $1,000. Miller's Damsel (w), 2:36, 2:.S6, 2:36»/i. Jack Kossiter Jr., br g (2 :39=!i). O. W. Dimmick, Milwaukee, Wis., July 4, 18.57, $100. Menona, 5:45, 5:43. Two miles. .luly 9, 18.57, ,$200. Menona, 2:50, 2:49, 2:49. John F. Chamberlain, St. Louis, Mo., May 28,1863. .$300. Wagoner 2 (3 0), 2:39?i, 2:40!4, . . Unfinished. B. D. Woodmansee, Dayton, O., July 4, 1863. $.50. Sam 2, Puss. Belle, Joe, 2:,58, 2 :58, 3 :02, 3:00. (w) Wm. Billings, St. Louis, Mo., May 3, 1866, $7.5. Roxana2, 4, \Vaukan (4 dis). 2:48.2:45,2:42, 2:42, 2:46. Jack Sailor, br g (3 :35iii). l)y Sweepstakes. Wm. R. Sargeant. Newton, N. J., Oct. 5, 1881. $100. Major Mil- ler.Trouble, Annie K. (3 dr). 2:41, 2:44'i,2:40"^. Oct. 7, 1881. $100. Wellington 1, Maggie, Tr()uble, 2:40, 2:4,3, 2:40. 2:40. Mystic Park, Boston. June 8. 1882, .«;500. Frank 1. Fondling, Mary, Emma D. (2 dis), Howard (2 dis), 2:32"2, 2;26'.i, 2:28L^, 2:28»4. Beacon Park, Boston,. Tune 15, 1882, ,$500. Previous, Frank, Lady Story, Mary, Fondling, Emm;i D., 2:25ii, 2:2834, 2:,31. Jack Shepherd (s), h g (2 :49). E. Flovd, Huntington, f.. I.. June 22, 1853. $ . Niji and Frizzle (s) 2, 2:.54, 2:,52, 2:49. Ja<-k Shepher«l. blk s (2:43). by HenrvClav, dam bv son of True Messenger. Geo. Walbridge, Mount Morris, N. Y.. May 11. 1801, $500. Little (iiant 2, 2:51. 2: 48. i2:48. Brockport, N. Y., .Tune 12. 1863. ,« . Y'oung Hainbletonian. 2:.50. 2:43. Jat^k Shepherd, 1) s (2 :53). A. .1. Quiinbv, Barre. Mass.. Sejjf.. 29. 1865. ,«85. Elder Morton. Young >Iorrill, Young Trustee, Prince Allen, Jenny "fvnan. Volcano, 2:,56. 2:.53. Stallions. Jack .Shepherd, blk g (2 :58U). G. Gavnor, Albany, N. Y., .Inly 18, 1871. ,$100. Elder (w). Spinner (w), 3:10, 3:1.3,3:03. ■ ; ' July 26. 1871, ,$ . Grandma 1,2. Elder 3, 3:00, 3:00, 2.,59'i, 2:,58V g (2:48), by Young Columbus. C. Brooks, "Prospect P:irk. L. L. May 3, 1878, $100. Prince- ton, l':. 5.5, 2,.50, 2:48. J. Runisev. Richfield, Spa., N. Y.. Julv 2. 1878. $100. Indiana Boy. 3:08. 3:00. 3:00. Jack Short, br g (2 :41). Short and Martin. Mendota, HI., Aug. 20, 1874. $100. Brown Sam (1 0), ].,}uly Temple, 2:51>i,,2:.55i.,2:47'i,2:41. Geo. F.irnsworth. Chicago. 111., Nov. 6. 1874. $300. Col. E. D. Baker 4 (2 0), Josie, Frank Holbrook, 2:42, 2:41, 2:42,2:40, 2:411;,. Aurora. 111., July 5. 1875. $1,50. Gertrude 3. Quarry Boy. Three others. 2:454, 2:4534, 2:49i^, 2:52. (w) W. A. Reason, Chicago. 111.,. July 6. 187.5. .$200. Hesing.Ir. (w), 2, 4, Hoosier Boy (w), Tearaway (w) 1 1 dis), 2:44, 2:4.3K>, 2:.503.,, 2:479ii, 2:r^2H,.' Jackson, b s (2 :27ai), by Fine Cut. J. Carriean. Milwaukee. Wis., Sept. 9, 1874, $1,50. Hero, 2:355!i, 2:37%, 2:31. Stallions. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 333 C. C, Ward, Waiikeshii, Wis., .Sept. 11, 1878, .$ — -. Trov Boy, Weasel, .Jr., 2:37, 2:36, 2:33. Stallions Sept. 13, 1S78 $ . John llall, Billy Wilkes, 2:42:'4, 2:ili'4,'2:3ii. Jacksoa, br g (3 -.aOhi). by Carr's Munibriiio, dam by Hercules. H. Traev, Salinas, Cal., Oct. 5, 1883, «125. Al. Sanborn 3. 4, Pirate (1 dis), 2-Ja. 2:55, 2:48, 2:51'.2, 2:,50i>^. Jackson's Bay Mare 1^:50). T. .Jackson, Dayton. O'., -Inly 4, 1879, S50. Molly Reddy, 2:58, 2:.o0 2-53?^. Jackson's Bay .Stallion i a :39;. Mr. .Jackson, Lewis Co., N. Y., Sept. 29. 18G5, $25. Agan's'bl'k si 2:46 2:39,2:46. b , , Jackson's Gray Mare (3:37). DanielJackson, Trenton, N. J., Oct. 1, 1868, $7.5. Amber 3, Lady Baker (1 dis), 2:37,2:38, 2-38.2:40. ■' ^ Jacksonsvllle Boy, bg (3:36). Mr. Strong, Decalur, 111., Aug. 30, 1876, $300. Henry Blank 3, Alia. Star- light, 2:51, 2:45, 2:4494. 2:45. L. (ilenn. Muskegon. Mich., .June 6. 1877, $400. Fleet, Tramp, Mambrino General, Silver Heels, Abdal- lah Bov, Brilliant, George B.. 2::k^^. 2:3C"2, 2:37. .Jackson. Midi.. .Tunc 2s, 1S77. .^i.ooo. Hannis, St. George, Abdallah Boy, Croff, Valiant, Lizzie Davis Beulah, Mambrino (ieiicral. P.lack Kate (2 dis), 2:36'/2, 2:35J4, 2:34'o. Detroit. Mich.. -Fuly 4. 1877, $800. Hannis, St. George, Croff, Beulah, Abdallali Bov, Fleet, Billy Mc r>aughlin, 2: 32' j , 2 :32, 2 :33»4. Freeport, 111., Au,'. 2, 1877, $S10. Monroe Chief, Modoc, C. W. Woolley, Wild Oats, Judge Withev. Clifton, Crockett, 2:26, 2:2614,2:28'.. . s j, Prophetstown, 111., Aug. 9. 1877, $600. C. W. Woolley, Lady M., Kitty Stratton, Col. E. D, Baker, Clifton. 2:31'2,2:31^, 2:.32?4;. Jack Splan. b s (3 :33). by Almont, dam by Star Denmark. Macy Bros., CynthiaiKi, Kv., Aug. 22, 1883, .iti'OO. Banker. Gray Prince, 2:46i4. 2:.50' 2, 3:00. Paris. Ky., Sept. 5, 1883. .if3i50. Tom Coons 2. Molly Mack, Michael, Favorite Wilkes (1 dis), 2:35, 2:3414, 2:36'*4, 2:3514- Sept. 7, 1883, $350. Molly Mack, (ieorgia W., 2:36, 2:38. 2:3514. Jack Spratt, br g (3:33^4), l)y Tom Patchen. S. P. Woodbury, Lewiston, Me., Aug. 8, 1883, .$200. Queen 1, Billy B., Laura H., Miller's Maid, Brilliant. Scissors. Harry B. Knox, 2:41, 2:30^4, 2:37. 2:40. Aug. 9, 1883, .■?200. Billy B., Nat Otis, Miller's Maid, .Scissors, (jUL-cn, Humming Bird (2 dis), 2:38}^, 2:40, 2:40' 2. Norway, Me., Aug. 15, 1883, $200. Laura H. 1. Billv B., Miller's Maid, Cjueen. Brilliant (3 dis). Scissors (3 dis), Harry B. Knox (3 dr), 2:40, 2:41i4, 2:35'2. 2:39U. Aug. 16, 1883. .S200. F. D. 1, Nat Otis, Billy B., Scissors, Goldbird, Miller's Maid (4 dr). Humming Bird (1 dis), 2:40i2, 2:42, 2:411^. 2:43?i. W. H. Snell, Porthuul, .Me, Sept. 12, 1883, .$200. Robert D., Gray Nose, Flirt, Fanny M., Aroostook Boy (3 dr), 2:38,2:39, 2:.36'4. West Cumberland, Me., Sept. 26. 1883, $100. .1. C, 2:38, 2:37, 2:39, 2:38. Jack Stewart, bg (3:53). W. McMahon, Brooklyn, N. Y., Jan. 1, 1879, $300. 14:2014. To trot in 15:25. Five miles. Jack Stiles, b g (3 :46). S. F. Caldwell, Waukon, la., Aug. 29, 1873, $125. Darby l, 2. Tom Allen. 2:56i4, 2:55}4 2:.5.5?i. 2:56^^4, 2:,5.5. J. Palmer. Decorah, la., July 17. 1874, .$175. Norway Girl l, Tom Aden, 2:50?4, 2:46, 2:5412,2:521/^. Jack Switzer, br s. G. H. Switzer, Rochester, Mich., Sept. 28, 1882, f . Bashaw, Jr., Snip. No time. Stallions. Jack Temple, chg (3:41). J. Roberts, Rochester, N, Y.. Sept. 17, 1856. $100, Lady Freeman, 2:.52, 2:46, 2:42. Jack the Barber, bg (3:47). W. C. Morrison, Montgomery, Ala., Jan. 15 a id 16. 1880. .$100. Georgia Gold- dust, Charley, Snsike, 2:.51, 2:47, 2:49^. Jack Tliorn. o'lk g (3:00), by Mambrino Patchen, dam Kitty Coon, by American Clav. F. Flanigan, North- field, Vt., Oct. 6, 1881. $30." General. Black Sal. Topsv, Lydia, 3:00, 3:01i4, 3:0o. Jack Walters, b g (3:39). D. Pftfer, Union Course, L. I., May 26, 1854, .$2,000. Unknown, 2:40, 2:43'/4, 2:39. Jack Waters (w), b g (3:38i4w). Mr. Porter, San Francisco, Cal., April 3,18.56, $2,000. Rhode Island (w), 2:41, 2:3814.2:4094- Jack Welch, ch g (3 :05), by Robert McGregor, dam by Wild Tom F. Smith, Marysville, Mo., Sept. 1, 1882, $ . Illinois Central, 3:0714. 3:05. Three-year-olds. Exhibition. Jack West, ch g (3 :48). Lake City, Minn., ./uly 11, 1876, $500. Macbeth. Sam Foster, Resolute, 2:48, 2:50, 2:. 50. Jack Wood, gr g (3 -.06^4). L. Peck. Providence, R. I., Oct. 2, 1879. $.30. Cora Jefferson. 3:07, 3:08, 3:061/0. Jaco, ch g (3:53). E, S. Benschoeton, Sandusky, O., Sept. 24, 1879. $80. Little Jim, Black Hawk. No time. Sept. 22, 1880, .$60. Black Prince, Minnie D., Star, 2 :.52, 2:.53, 2 :53i4- Jaco, b g (3:50). G. Andrews Jr., Oswego, N. Y., Aug. 23, 1881, $120. Lucy. Ole Bull, St. John. 2:.50, 2:50, 2:50. Jacob Hess, b g (3 :45i4). S. Lindenstein. Fleetwood Park, N. Y., June 14, 1876, $ . Rocket 1, Lady Mary (4 dr), 3:0414, 2:51. 2:51M, 2-AS14. Nov. 30, 1876, .$200. Carrie Myers (w), 2 :48iS, 2 :45Vo. 2:4.5i4. Jacob Lerian, b g (3 :36). Daniel Logan, Washington. D. C. Oct. 7, 1874, .$,500. William Penn (3 0), Lady Gertrude, Arthur Wild, Capital (3 dis), 2:4314, 2:4l\i, 2:41!/«;, 2:42. Baltimore, Md., Sept. 1.5, 1875. .$.300. Moses, Jillard. Aifamont, 2:.36, 2:.39i;, 2:.37i'2. Jail Bird, b m (3 :5394). A. F. Weisel, Doylestown, Pa., Oct. 4, 1877, $100. Slouchy Bill, George, 2:52M, 3:1054, 3:1214. Jake, ch g (3 :40). Dan Mace. Fleetwood Park, N. Y., Dec. 23, 1871, $500. Dandy, 2:465^4, 2:46^, 2:44. John Murphy, Mav 29. 1 873. .$200. Bav Jack, 2 :.50, 2 :42, 2 :44i4. .fune 9, 1873, $200. ■ Tom Wonders, 2:40, 2:45i^, 2:45, 2-A2V2- J. Hart, Morrisania, N. Y.. Sept. 8, 1879, $100. Annie, 16:17. Five miles. — J. O'Neill, Nov. 5, 1879, .$200. Auburn Boy 3, 2:40. 2:40,2:57, 2:41. Jake, blk g 1 3 :49i4). W. H. Perley. Lynn, Mass., Aug. 17. 1875, $100, John Mills, Ben Bolt, Bay Harry, Lady Norton, 2 (3 dis). Troublesome (2 dis), 2:49^, 2:51, 2:.54. 2:58. J. Nealey, Danvers, Mass., Aug. 2, 1877. .$100. Nelly 3:10, 3:09, 3:12. Jake, br g (3 :44U). J. E. Jarvis, Parkville. L. I.. Nov. 1, 1880, ,$,50. Expert, 2:55. James Black, .lersey City, N. J., Aug. 2,5, 1881, .$100. 2:.59. To beat 3:00. Same day, ,$400. Harness Boy 2. Goshen Maid, 2 :48, 2 :.5194, 2 :46i4, 2 :44V4. Jake, br g (w) (3 :50^ wi. J. E. Allen. Mineola. L, I„ June 21, 1883, ,$.30. Eunice D. (w). Glover Boy (w). Jumbo (w) Happy (w), 2:,54. 2:.5094. 2:52k- Jake Frear(\v), b g(3:47i4 w). Mr. Corey, Union Course, L. I., Oct. 21, 1854, $200. Forget-me-not 2, 2:47»4, 2:49, 2 -.my,, 2:47'<;. Jake H., blk~g (3:00). J. Houseman, Sea View Park, S. I.. May 18. 1878, $.50, Cornell, 3:01, 3:00. Jake Oakley, b g (3 -.^^v^ w), by L. I. Black Hawk. Wm. Whelan, National Course, L. I., Nov. 1, 1855, $200. Lilly Dale, Peabody's gr m, 2 :42, 2 -.iO'-A, 2:42^. 3M CHESTEKS COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. (w), Union Course, L. I., Nov. 15. iss"). Sl.ono. Piiuline (W) 2. 2:35f j, 2:40i^, 2::57, 2:41. (wi, Nov. -Jl, is.">o, Sl.tioo. .lack I'otliT (\V) (1 ilis;. ."i:j7. Two niili'.s. Cfiitrcville. L. I.. Nov. 'JS. l.s-)r>, .>;i,ihm). l'eabocly"s ^v ni. r.:lo'j. 5:20'i. Two miles. (\vt I'aioii Course, L. I., .June .'•, l.»6(i, $1,000. Baltie (\Vj.5:-22, Tiiis. Two miles. iwi, Mr. Smith, Rochester, N. Y., Sept. 9, 18.j«j, $150. Lady Oliver (w) 1, Til) llinman (w) i..i dr), 2-34. 2:37.2:10.2:40'.,. (wi, Wni. Whelan. Union Course, L. I., Sept. '29, 1856, $1,000. Belle of Saratoga (w), 2:32V^, 2:35»i. 2:38>4- Nuv. .5. 1S.J7, .S . Ladv Woodruff (w)l, 2 :32>4, 2 :32?a,2:.i4M;, 2:37. 1). Tiillman, Nov. 16, 1857, .*50(i. Tacony, 2:32^4, 2:32'", 2:36'/s. (vv), Win. Wlielan, Nov. 28, 18:.7. .5500. Bob Walton 2 (.•5 0i. 2:37J^, 2:36^, 2:46»4, 2:43^4, 2:46. Dei'. 14. is.'.7. .'5:-)00. Lady VVoodrutt. 5:28, 5:34. Two miles. W. IL. S:iundors, Lvons, N. Y, .Inly .5. 18.VJ, :<]2r,. QualIc.Manii (Shoo Fly), bg(3:;J894). by George M. Patchen Jr.. H. L. Spencer, San Francisco, Cal., April 22. 1.S71, .'Sl.OOO. California De.xter 1 (20), 2::'Ah, ,2:35'.!, 2:3t)»4. 2:;!9. W. Hendrickson, Sacramento, Cal., June2, 1871, $1,000. Regulator, John Conness, Mav Fly, Marysville Queen. 2:'-'H-.'.,, 2:;il?4, 2:32. St. Paul, Minn., Aug. 3. 1872, $500. Skinkle's Hainbletonian, Star of the West, 2:31}4, 2:32, 2:32. Stallions. James K. Neal, ch g (3 :08). W. H. Harpin. Cincinnati, O., Aug. 24, 1870, $300. Spark, 3:08, S-.nVi.S-.OSM. James G. Itlaiiie. b g (3 :53). S. Babcoc-k, Syracuse, IS'. \'., June 17, 1881, f . Sarah P.ernhartit 2, 3, Frank .AL Smith. 2:.59. 2:.5.3, 2:.56, 2:,5.5, 2:.59. James H., ch g (3:36;2). Geo. A. Rice, Galveston, Tex., June 20, 1874, $50. Rodney, George 1 (4 dis), 2:46, 2:4.5, 2:48, 2:.57'.>. Richard Boiihain, Aug. 1.5. 1874. $1,000. Commodore Nutt, 2:54, 2:56. N. C. Wilbur, Denver, Col., June 23, 1875, $1,000. Dan, Frank Somers, Pilot (1 dis), Quicksilver (1 dis), 2:40'.,. 2:401^. 2:42'j. Colorado Springs, Col., July 5, 1875, $ . Dan, Frank Somers, Eagle Bird, 2:;i9i.i, 2:37, 2:36'i. Denver. Col., June 27, 1870, .$400. Bay Tom (2 0), George Lucas 2:439i, 2:43, 2:43'i, 2:41. .June 28, i,><76, ,*4(io. .Major King, Bay Tom, Jim Smilev (1 (list. b:-nU, 5:32V2. Two miles. <;. Wils St. Louis, Mo., Aug. is. "1877, $ . Maxcv 3, Ladv Steel, Bessie. 2:44>4. 2:41i.i, 2:40';, 2:42. James H.. br g (2:40). A. P. Boanlman. Haverhill, Mass., Sept. 19, 1883, $50. Prospect 2, Emperor, 2:4'2»4, 2:40, 2:41' 1,2:4214- JameR Halfpenny, b g (3 :30), by Blue Bull, d;im by Sam Houston. Dr. Galbraith. Oshkosh, Wis., Sept. 15, 1882. ,$200. Bessie 1. Sleepv Fred 3 (6 dr). Forrest (iirl 2 (Odis), 2:44i/2,2:40?4.2:4F.,. 2:41. 2:Uh, 2:489i. B. Stanley, Flint, Mich., Oct. 5, 1882, $ . Michigan Maid, Alfaretta, Belle Harding, 2:40, 2:40, 2:401.,. C. M. Wilson, Toronto, Out., July 3, 1883, .$400. Red Cloud 1, Maiden, Lambert (.'! dr). 2:30';. 2:39, 2:35, James H. Burke, blk g(3:37i2), by Tippoo. Geo. H. Ferguson, Fleetwood Park, N. Y., May 24. 1872, $1,700. Charley (ireen 2, 3(50), Drcadnaiidit. Clarence. 2:27U. 2:'i(i'',. 2::50'e. 2:'28. 2:31';, 2:.32. James H.' Coleman, brg (3 ::51 '..1, by ILiiiibletonian. d:im Saline, by I'amunkey. John Murphy, Fleetwood I'jirk. \. v.. .lulv 20, 1872, .$4,50. Wliilc F;\wn, Kiglit Bells, 2::!7, 2:3(1. 2:;-. James Howell, Jr., brg (3:34), by Haiiiblctonian, dam .Fessie Sayre, by Sayre's Harry Clay. Ben Mace, Chicago, 111., July 25, 1874, ,$1,000'. Little Jake 1, George Judd. (ieorge F., Rose of Washington. 2:31, 2:27»/s, 2:31,2:.32^. Cleveland, O.. July 28, 1874, .$1.500. Lcwinski, Major Root, T. .1. Stevens, 2:.32ii, 2::y5i. 2:30»4'. :\Fystic I'ark. Boston, Sei)t. 2. 1874. ,$2,000. Bella 1, IJoyal George. Arthur. Reserve, Lady \\ oods, Lffle l)c:nis (2 (list, 2:30'.,, 2:2414, 2:27-7.i, 2:'29. ,. . , , . .„ x. James Howell. Jr.. ch s (3 :.53), by .Jupiter Abdadah, dam by Toronto Chief. R. A. Drake. Lambertville. N. .1.. Sept. 9, 1HT9. ,$.-.0. Biidd Dobfel.2, lMaiub;iret,2:.56. 2:,52';. 2:.5.3. 2:.W4.2:5'2. Stallions. ,. , .. , James H. Steven, ch s (3 :43). Stid)bs and AVhite. Greenville, O., Sept. 19, 1877. $150. Molly S. 1, Spotted Luck (4 dr), Robert Bonner f3dr). 2:44. 2:45. 2 :4.'i. 2:42. .,.,,. James Keefe, ch g (3 :r>7). Richard Hill, Mineola. L. T.. June 9, 1S81, ,$'25. Breeze Medium, Seaman s b g, Soper's ch g. DeMotfs blk m. Bond's b g (2 drt, 2;,", 3:01,3:02. Five-year-olds. , .„ James K. i>olk, b s (3:45). John B. White, Rochester, N. Y., Sept. 23, 18.58, $1.50. Geo. Walbridge 2, 4, 2:48. 2:4.'*. 2:45. 2:4S, 2:.50. James K. Polk, b g (3 :44). Mr. McGregor, Detroit, Mich., June 30,1860,8100. Richard 111.3,2:51. 2:44, 2:t4, 2-4.5. James K, Polk, aMoudman and Judge Scott\ ch g (3 :3t V^. Geo. N. Ferguson. Deerfoot Park. L.I., May 26, 1S73, $ — . Coroner K., Fiinny I-'ern, Fred, New Berlin Girl. Black Prince, 2:,34ii, 2:36, 2:36' j. James I>., ch g (3 ::?2',), by Bliie Bull. L. V. C;ildwell. Mendota, 111., Aug. 17, 187,5, *400. \V ester n I-ear- naiiirhl,.Josh Billings, Allen, Lady Logan, Baduer, Bismarck, Gypsy Tom, Woodpecker Golddust. Billy Wasson. Marion. Capt. Jack, George Lucas (2 dis), 2:36, 2:,32'4.2:34U. _. . ^ „, W. \Vesse, Syeamore, HI., Sept. 7, 1875, ,$400. Badger 1, Allen. Josh Billings, Bismarck, Gypsy Tom, Western Feamawght, Billy H., , 2:40, 2:35, 2:36!/j. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 335 James Mitchell, ch g (3 :46,'4). Jas. Mitchell, Wilkesbarre, Pa., Oct. 3, 1872, $200. Ella (3 0), Jack the Bar- bar (4 dis), Careless (;4 (lis), Lady Love (2 dis>. 2:49, 2:48^4, 2:47'2, 2:4G';. James M. Oakley, b g (3:34). C. E. Bentoii, Prospect Park, L. I., May 7, 1878, .?200. The Dutches.s, Billy Green, Blossom. Lady Geoutches, Olive, Little Dan, Brother to Alley, Why Not, Marguerite, Kadir, Ara- bian Mag, Jack Sheplierd (.2 dis). Judge (2 drh Richard F. U dis). 2:;u, 2:37*^4, 2:36. May 8, 1878, $L'oO. Little Dan, Marguerite, Why Not, Clara Morris, Brother to Alley, Kadir, Arabian Mag. Continental, Prunella, 2:38, 2:37, 2:39;'4, James Monroe, (2:57). A. F. Smith, San Jose, Cal., Oct. 2, 1873. .$150. Oliver, 3:00, 2:57. Three-year-olds. James O., b g (3 -AT^i). J. O'Neill, Jersey City, N. J., Sept. 15, 1S82, .$100. Doctor C, 2:4914, 2:479^, 2:47'4. James O'Brien, b g (3 :40;. Gus Noble, Fashion Course, L. I., May 21, 1870, .$100. Young Commodore 2, 4, 2:48?i, 2:46, 2:40, 2:41',;, 2:45?i, James K., ch g (3 :34). J. Keeser, Oxford, Pa., June 9, 1876, $100. Hermit, Svceet William, Allen Golddust, Dexter (3 dr), 2:54, 2:55, 2:59. James Swain, Lancaster, Pa., Oct. 3, 1877, $200. Silas, Vermont Maid, Midsummer (2 dis), 2:44, 2:40, 2:41^4. • James S. Townsend, gr g (3 ;40), by Niagara Chief. Samuel Townsend, Lockport, N. Y., Oct. 4, 1873, $300. Lady, Belle of Olcott, Gargling Oil, Dexter Jr (l dis). Charley Hinson (1 dis), Mattie Golddust (l dis), 2:48, 2:54'.;, 2:.50. James S. Watson, gr g (3 :37'2). John H. Harbeck, Fashion Course, L. I., May 14, 1870, .$200, James O'Brieu, 2:44^4,2:41,2:42^4. Jam'es Wood, gr g (3 :33). R. P. Stetson, Chester. Pa., Nov. 17, 1877, $ . Adda 1, 2:,50, 2:.55, 2:.5G, 2:57. J. H. Phillips, Suffolk Park, Phila., July 11, 1878, $200. Village Girl 1, 2, Fanny H., John (3 dr), 2:37, 2:37, 2;39 2:39 2:40. ' . ^ Belmont' Park. Phila., July 18, 1878, $200. Village Girl 1, 3, Fanny H., Buck, Lambert Knox (3 dr), 2:39, 2:37,2:.36, 2:33, 2:32. Gettysburgh, Pa., July 2.5, 1878, $200. Lady Sharp 4, 6, (7 0), Silas 1, 2, (7 dr), Gen. Norcross, 2:43, 2-A3^,, 2:43?i, 2:43, 2:45. , 2:43, 2:40. Jamie, b g (3 :00), bv Duke of Brunswick, dam Kitty Clover, bv Hambletouian. J. A. Johnson, Zanesville, O.. Sept, 13, 1883, .§100. Competitors not named. 3:0014, 3:00.3:01. Jane, (w). b ni (3 :4:ol4 w). S. Hoagland, Union Course, L. I., Oct. 19, 1855, $500. Crepe Collins, (w), 2:51, 2:51, 2:50. (w), Centreville, L. I., Aug. 4. 18.56, .$500. Baker Boy (w), 1, 5 :29, 5:31, 5:.38. Two miles. Jane, ch m (3:oOi4). John Murphy, Fleetwood Pai'k, N. Y., May 18, 1872, $400. Melrose 1, 2:54%, 2:51, 2:51, 2 :50i 3. June 7, 1872, $1 ,000. Melrose, 2 :55, 2 :52, 2 -MU . Jane, gr m (3:50). H. Bowen, Fleetwood Park, N. Y., Sept. 25, 1872, $500. Lyman (w), 1, 4, 2:58, 2:52, 2:50. 2:50.2:54. Mr. Crow. Dec. 16, 1872, .$.500. Lvman (w1, 1, (4 d7-\ 3:04%, 3:0414, 3:09i^, . Jane, 1) m (3:47i4). T. T. Oliver, Cincinnati, O.. Aug. 26, 1873, $150. Ajax I, Lady Gray, 2:50%, 2:52, 2:54M, 2:.50'2. John Shoenherger, Sept. 30, 1873, .$2,000. Joe 1, 2:51, 2:4714, 2:50, 2:52i2. Oct. 7, 187.3. $1,000. Kitty 1. 2:51, 2:49]^, 2:5214, 2:.55. L. H. Smith, Julv 27, 1876. .SIOO. Blaildv 3, 3:10. 3:11, 3:06i4, 3:02. Jane, ch m (3 :51). F. De Hart, Baltimore, Md., Nov. 5. 1875, $.500. Bird, 2:54, 2:52, 2:51. Jane. V) m (3 :4l). Geo. Whitney, Keene, N. H., Aug. 10, 1S7."), $300. J. F. Stevens, Lady Van, Farmer Boy, Sailor, Lilly. Cloudman, E. C. Robinson, Leo, Josie, Night Hawk, Naked Truth (2 dis), Billy (2 dis), Walter H. (2 dr), 2:41'/2, 2:43, 2:41. Jane, gr in (3 :11^4). D. P. Bissell, Terre Haute, Ind., Sept. 13, 1877, $100. Jake, Billy Barr, Lady Ellsworth, 3:11%, 3:16%, 3:18. Jane, ch in. W. Wheeler, Weyawega, Wis., Sept. 29, 1882, $ . Delaware. No time. Jane C, br m (3 :41%), E. C. Crosby, Emporia, Kan., Sept. 25, 1883, $200. Cow Boy 2, Major S., 2:44ii, 2:44}^, 2:421 1.2:44. Jane Coombs, (w), b m (3 :45i/^ w), by Neaves" Cassius M. Clay, Jr., dam by Spaulding's Abdallah. Dr. Bona- parte. Ciucinnaii, O., Sept. 24, 1864, $75. Little Dick, (w), 2, 5, Dolly Lewis 4, 2:.50H, 2:49, 2:.53. 2:53'.^, 2:51, 2:4.^.',. Lebanon, O., June 6. 1866, $25. Oscamp's b s, Dolan's b g, two others, 2:50. (W), Hamilton, O., July 7, 1866, $150. Truman Jones (w), 2, 3, Andy (w), l, 2:40, 2:43, 2:424, 2:45i;, 2:52, 2 :48. Jane Easley, b m (3 :45). T.W. McCue, Massilon, O., Aug. 30, 1876. $200. Drummer Boy (3 0), Little Hannah, S. P. Blake, 2:45, 2:45, , 2:48. Akron, O., Oet. 4, 1876, .$40. Mary, Frank W., Deck (1 dis), 2:.54%, 2:5414. Jane Eyre, b m (3:43). D Cunningliam, Amenia, N. Y., Oct. 6. 1875, $100. Refugee 3, Colonel John, Loafer, 3:07%, 3:09%, 3:07,3:06. Dwight Cooley, Bridgeport, Conn., Oct. 18, 1877. $100. Logan, Kensington Maid, Hall's Tommy, 2:4514, 2:4514,2:464. W. E. Weeks, Fleetwood Park, N. Y., Dec. 11 and 12, 1878, .$100. Continental, 2:49, 2:52. Jane L,., br m (3:07), by Hambletonian Mambrlno. L. B. Lindslev, Vancouver, Or., July 27, 1882, $400. May Wintler l, 2, Edna J., 3:17, 3:16';, 3:12i/2, 3:09, 3:07. Three-year-olds. Jane L., gr m (3:55%), bv Capt. Moss. L. A. Crowell, Salem. Or., Sept. 2. 1882, .$ . Zilophone 4, IVIay Wintler 2, Black Hawk 1 (3 dis), 2:59%, 2:.56, 2:.55%, 2:.57, 2:59, 2:59. Three-vear-olds. Jane McClellan. br m (3:53i;). Ralph Ogle, Union Com-se, L. I., March 26, 1860, $1,000. Lady Hunter (w), 2:.53';. 3:0.5, 3:15. Jane on the Green, br m (3:50%). H. Richards, Baltimore, Md., Feb. 6, 1849, .$500. Dolly Starch, 11:23. Four miles. Jane Kedtop (3:41). Chicago, 111., , 1846. $200. Jack Rossiter. 5:22, 5:32. Two miles. Jan<-sville 1 Uoxbury Bov and Notfield). b g (3:3914), by Robert Fulton, dam by Fenton Bov. J. M. Grier, Fieeport, 111., Aug. I,'l87(!, .$300. Dixie, Frank, Fern Leaf, Nellv, Vira, Prairie Lilv, Clara B., Little Tom 1 (3 dis), 2:37, 2:34, 2:37i2, 2:3.5. Aug. 3, 1876. $500. Ellen C. 2, Sam Kirkwood, Little Tom. Frank (3 dis). Fern Leaf (1 dis), Sligo (1 dis), 2:.3-', 2:35, 2:30i4,, 2:35. Tiskilwa, 111., Aug. 8, 1876, $200. Dixie, Little Tom, Resolute, King Philip (3 dis), Vira (2 dr), 2:40, 2:4314, 2:40 '4. Mendota, 111., Aug. 15, 1876, $300. Little Tom 1 (4 0), Dixie, Resolute, Idle Boy (1 dis), 2:43i4, 2:381/2,2:371/4, 2:37, 2:38. Aug. 17. 1870, $600. Ellen C. 4 (2 0), Little Tom, Sam Kirkwood, 2:,3.5i4, 2:3.5Vi, 2:35, 2:35, 2:.34. Earlville, 111., Aug. 22, 1876, .$200. Little Tom. Dixie. Billy Button, Lilly Camp (2 dis), 2:38i^, 2:38, 2:10'.,. Peoria. 111., Sept. 15, 1876, $2.50. Tuckahoc 1, Frontier Dick, Col. Knox. 2:45, 2:40i4. 2:40%, 2:43. R. Smith, Mendota, 111., Aug. 14, 1877, $300. Lady M. 1, Wabash Billy 4, 2:37Mi 2:48>^, 2:46%, 2:68, 2:41. Earlville, Dl., Aug. 21 and 22, 1877, $300. Lady M. (s), 2:34, 2:31i^, 2:3114- 336 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTINC AND PACINd RECORD. Jane Tnomley (8 :5«). W. H. McFall, Sandusky, O., Ort. !», 1873, § . Ida May, Lady Monitor, 2 :52'i 2:.')3'.i, 2:52. " " ' Jared. I) ji (« :40».i). J. M. In^orsoll. Wanv4ik. N. Y., Julys, 1876, §175. Minnie Miller, St. Thomas Heavy 15ov, Mamie Miller, 2:48, 2:47'2,2:.>1. I'ittNl'uld, .Mass., June 8, 1877, .•?200. XX 2. Dolly V., Tommy Dodd, Thomas K., 2:40i4. 2:40, 2:4:t. 244 Jasper, cii j; {'i M'.i). II. B. Winshii), Providence. R. L, Sept. 2. 1874, *300. J5elle of Hudson] Dandv, Wolf Hunter, .Mambrino Maid. Harry Whitford, J()sej)hine, .lenuy Andrews, 2:4t>'4, 2:43'2, 2:41',2. Sept. 4, 1874. §175. Belle of Pludson, Major, W olf Hunter,' Dandy (3 (lis;, Ernestine (2 dis), 2:40i^, 2:423», 2;41 ^1. Oet. 21 and 22, 1874, §150, Ira Brown, Joe Clark, Fuller (1 dis). 2:45, 2:46, 2:4,'5. J.Doyle, June 1(>, 1875, S300. Fearless), Nelly, Belle of Hudson, W. S. Brii'i's (2dis), Brown (Jeorire (2 dis). 2::58'2. 2 :33, 2:35, 2:;58. *' Jasper, 1) (i i3::{!» '4»- F. Vanalstine, Fort Wayne, Ind., Sept. 14,1883, 81.50. Jaw, George B., I?erkie. Red Eajile, ClieeU. 2:47|2, 2:4(i, 2:4tj'5 Waterloo. Indi. Oet. 3, I88.i. i!200. Aristos Jr. 1, Jenny Curtis. 2:43>4, 2:49. 2:49, 2:45'i. Jay ISird, rn s r'i::{«'i I. Ii\ (ieorf;e Wilkes. C. (J. Summers, Lexington, Kv., Oct. 12,1880.8- — . Red Boy Maggie Pre:;e()tl. Alxlallah Forrest, Admiral (2 dis). 3:02i4, 2 :58'4. Two-vear-olds. Jay IJn«l. 1) m (« :aO', liy Kent, dam by Skinner's Warehuster. E. B. Emory, Baltimore, Jld,, June 12, 1883, .?I.50. Neweomer. Buckev B., Teleitlione, George K.. Jim Fisk, Dolly B., Indigo, 2:;iO, 2:.i6>i. 2:37. Jay Cooke, blkg ^3 :5a'..). Thomas Cone, Sandusky, O., Oct. 9, 1873, «>— — . Shaekiiasty Jim, Fanny Kemble Lady iMessenger, 3:10'2, 3:05:).i, 3:12. Four-year-olds. Jay-Kye-.See. blk g (3 :10?;i), , by Dictator, dam Midnight, by Pilot Jr. J. L Case, Chicago, HI., Sept. 23 1882,81,500. Bronze2, 2:22K'. ^:ii9'/2,ii:19, 2:U». Four-year-olds. Louisville, Ky., May 11, 1883, $ . Charley Ford, 2:28;«, '2:'28, 2 :27"2. Morrisaiiia, N. Y., .June 22, 1S83, $3,000. Phil. Thomi)son (3 dis;, J>ucy Gernet (3 dis), Bronze 1 (2 dis). 2:23V.i, 2:19^.1,2:44. Five-vear-olds, ■ Albany. N. Y., Jiuie 29, 1883, .SI.OOO. 2:21%, ,2:16i.i. To beat,2:18. Waslifngton, D. C, July 4, 1883, $2,700. Bronze, Phil Thompson. 2:19, 2:19^, 2:23. Five-year-olds. Cliii'ago. 111., July 20, 1883, .'$3,000. Adelaide. Bronze il dis), 2:29. 2:31, 2:' Pittsburgh, Pa., July 26. 1883, .'$4,000. Majolica. 2:22i.i, 2:17, 2 :17i4. Cleveland, O., Aug. 3, 1883. $:imy. Majolica, 2:20;'j. 2:16, 2:1514. Buffalo, N. Y., Aug. 7, 1883, .?3,ooo. Directorl, Clemmie G., 2:22, 2:21>4, 2:18Ji, 2:24. Six-year-olds and under Rochester, N. Y., Aug. 16, 1883, $2,000. 2:2.'i, 2:14. To beat 2:1514 Hartford, Conn., Sept. 6. IK83, $2,000. 2:14'o. To beat 2:14. Lost. Providence, R. L, Sept. 13, 1883, $2,000, 2:20, 2:10?4. To beat 2:14. Mystic Park. Boston, Sept. 20, 1883. $2,000. 2:31%, 2:11?4. To beat 2:14. Beacon Park, Boston, Sept. 25, 1883, $2,000. 2:29?4, 2:171/2- To beat 2:10?£. Lost. Sept. 26, 1S.S3. .$ . 2:l.5K To beat 2:10?4. Lost. Moivisania, N. Y., Sept. '-'9, 1883, $5,000. St. Julien, 2:20^4, 2:18}^, 2:19. Albany, N. Y., Oct. 4. ls83. $2,000. 2:3114. 2:17. To beat 2:10^4. "Lost. Chicago. 111., Oct. '23, ls.s.t. *;;!,000. 2:2714, 2 :18i.j. To beat 2:1014. Lost. Jay Gould, (.hi. dr), 2:22i/», 2:25, 2:25i/4. H. N. Smith, Baltimore, Md., Oct. 15, 1874. $5,000. Bashaw Jr. (2 dr), 2:40, . Mystic Park, Boston, Oct. 24, 1874, $3,000. 2:201/-., 2:21^. To beat 2:14. Lost. Trenton, N. J., Nov. 2, 1874, $1,000. Sensation, 2:2316, 2:2414, 2:'27 Jay Gould Jr., bg (3:39' iw), by Jay Gould. G. Papon," Oshkosh, Wis.. Oct. 4, 1876, $200. Pinery Boy 1. 4, Linden Boy, Kitty Ellsworth, Jane Sprague, Winnebago (3 dis), Dutchman (2 dr), 2:49, 2:421^4,2:45, 2:42'o, 2:401.0. (w). D. W. Eaton, Milwaukee, Wis., June 15. 1882. $ . Punch (w). Seven Up (wl. Banker (w), 2:39>^. J. B„(a:34'2). E. c. Amer. Behnont Park, Phila., June 29, 1882, $ . Billy Bolden (3 dr). Yellow Dog 1, (2 dr), 2:40' 2 2:35'o, 2:34io. J. B.Sprajjue, dig. by Cortlandt Star, dam a thoroughbred mare. A. H. Piatt, Ithaca, N. Y'., Oct. 17, 1878, $100. Rosa Belle 1, Newsboy, Lady Bates. Bay Charley (4 dr). No time. Oct. 21, 1878. $100. Tony Mack h Polly G., Ida (iray,' Harris. No time. J. B. Thomas, b s('^: 18' i), by Sterling, dam Lady Hojiper, by Detiance. L. P. Thompson, Davenport, la.. Sent. 8, 1880, .$.",00. Darlington, Nelly R., Bertie S.. 2:42 ■..2:38. 2:41. .Sept. 10. iKhO, .$300. Darlington. Nellv K.. Bertie S., 2:"42'i.2:41, 2:35. Fort Dodge, la.. Oct. 1. 1880, $300. Princess 2. 6, Darlington 1. Capt. Tom 4, Milo, 2:3214, 2:3214, 2:34i4, 2:36, 2::i5',, 2:.34K>, 2:3414. Webster City.la.. Oct. 8, I88O, .$200. Billy L. 2, .3, Milo, Princess, 2:3514, 2:33i^, 2:32i.,, 2:36, 2:36. Grand Rapids, Mich., .luiie 23, 1881, $600. Jerome Eddv 1, Hermes, Grand Central, Nigger Doctor (2 dis), Toledo (2 dis), 2:.{0'4. 2:27':"., 2:24, 2:25. Ionia. Mich., .luiie .lo, 188I, .'$600. Jerome Eddy 1. Grand Sentinel, Hermes, Nigger Doctor (4 dis), Toledo (1 dis). 2:-'8. 2:'24'., 2:27?i, 2:27%. P. V. Johnston, Battle Creek, Mich., July 6, 1881, .$500. Hermes, Nigger Doctor, Lady Mack, 2 :315ii, 2 :31!4, 2:33?i. M. M. Hedges, Maysville, Kv. May 17, 1882. $800. Deck Wright, Voltaire. Alley, 2:22;'4, 2:2.5,2:24k- Jackson, Mich., June 16, 1882, ,$800. Voltaire, 2:36V4, 2:32^4, 2:34i^. Washington, D. C.,July6, ]88;5, $1,200. Adele Gould 1, Romero, (iladiator (2 dr), 2:21i4,2:18i/i, 2:26»£, 2 :26. Pittsburgh, Pa., July 26, 188.3, .$2,000. Adele (Jould 1, Wilson, Minnie R. (4 dis), 2:23?4. •-2:19^4, 2:20'J, 2:2m. Providence, R. I., Sept. 14, 1883, .$2,000. Romero 1, Minnie R. 2:2214. 2:23, 2:23?4, 2:23. Mystic Park, Boston. Sept. 21 .iiid 22, 1S8.{, SL.TOO. George V. 2, .5, Zoe B. 4, .Sleepy Joe. Forest Patchen, Amelia ('.. 2:201,4, 2:21'^, 2:22'o, 2:'J3i4, 2:22i4. 2:20. .Nov. 2. 1883, $400. King Alniont I, 2:2114, 2:-Jl'", 2:28. 2:'24ii. J. C. Heenaii, b s(2:4J>)(3:38*). Price Irvine. Norwalk, O., Oct. 4, 1867, $.!.5. Molly2, Hone.st George,2:49, 2:48, 2:,'j.3. J. C. Heenan, ch g (2:45) by Needham TTorse. Ballow & Co.stter, Kenosha. Wis., June 28, 1876, 3120. Fayette, Carrie K., Dom Pe. -J-Ao. ■ Aug. 3, 1870, $75. Young KloraS, 2:48, 2:47, 2:50, 2:50. Duiuuiue, la., Oct. 7, 187(), *150. Bunty Logau 2, 3, Gray Bill, AVild Kose (1 (lis), 2:46i4, 2:43'/2, 2:42, 2:47, 2:4t». A. F. Fawcett, t'liicago. 111., Aug. 24, 1871 , .^2,000. Ellen Davis, Virginia, Sweet William, 2:431.2, 2:43'/2, 2:45' 2. J. I)., ell g (3 -.i-i). J. I). ]'aclick. Blossom, Dean's dn g, Fred Sniilli. 2:45, 2;4iiU. 2:45'.i. Sept. 2(1. is7ii. .SH'O. Ko(),ici- ;;, 4. Tliomas L., Ladv Hunting. 2;4(i. 2:4114. 2:42. ^-ASM, 2:46. J. I). Benton, I) gi'^:40i. bv llulbert's American Star, J. D. Benton, Hornellsville, N. Y., Aug. 19, 1874, .$700. Charles Howe 1, Asldand Pet, Silver Cloud, Karus, 2:40, 2:40^4 , 2:40, 2:40. J. D. Ellison, b g (3 :3T !4}. W. H. Kelly, Jersey Gitv, N. J., Nov. 2, 1883, $200. John Lov.e 1, 2, 2:.35i;, 2:345^, ;i::is. ■J:;!7»4. 2:38U. J. K. Allen, bg(;}:5li.,), by Ethan Allen. T. Fo.ster. Komeo. Mich.. July 2, 1874, $250. Lady Cornells, Ex- |)ress Girl 1. (3 dr), I'.arnev 2, (3 dr) 2:.52, 2:50'.2, 2:48i.i, 2:52. 2:51' ;. Jean I5:iptiste. b s (3:35). by Brandy. :M. A. Lapierre, Montreal P. Q., Aug. 8, 1877, $100. Capt. Webb, Kiclielicu, Conqueror, 2:40, 2:3.5, 2:.S6. Stallions. Jean Inj;elow, l)r m(3:30',). by Emperor, dam bv Peola. W. B. Champlaiu, Haverhill, Mass., Sept. 21, 1872, .S4.50. Stanley. Corporal Trim. Pe;ibodv P.ov. Bay Roy, 2:40i4, 2:42i2. 2:43)^. I". M. Wetherby. Dover, N. H., Oct. 3. 1S7'2. .$250. Messenger Boy (1 dis), 2:38. Oct. 4, 1872. .$2.50. Arthabasca, Lady FYench. L:ulv Whitford. 2:38i4, 2:44'2, 2:45'/2. Keene, N. H., Sept. 24. 1873, $300. Nellv 3 (40), Horace Greeley (1 dis), 2:391^, 2:41i.i, 2:40^1, 2:42iSi, 2:41^4. Manchester, N. H., Oct. 2, 1873, .$500. Fcarnauglit Prince l. Little Dick, I-ady Williams (1 dis), 2:42, 2:39, 2:3754. 2:38. Bethel, Vt., Oct. 15, 1873, $500. Frank Palmer, Fred Billings, Hope, Nelly, Gen. Grant (3 dr), 2:37, 2:37!/2, 2:.38'.^. Rutland, Vt., Oct. 22, 1873, .$200. Tarn O'Slianter .3, 4, 2:41^4, 2;40'-^, 2:38i/2, 2:39'/2, 2:399£. Steubenville, O., July22, 1874, .$600. Kittv D.. Belle Brasfield, 2:37?4, 2:35^4, 2:35, Portland. Me., Julys, 1875. .$700. Belle Dean 2, Dai-e, Minnie Lambert, Ayer, Lady Whitman, George Maynard (3 dis), 2:31, 2:32, 2:3214, 2:33'^. Lynn, Mass., July 14,1875, $500 Prowess 2, Grace 4, General, John Virgin (2 dis), 2:3214, 2:35J4, 2:35, 2:35'4, 2:3512- Jeanne, b m (3 :45) by Mountain Chief. A. J. Elder, Oregon, HI., Sept. 22, 1881, $200. Prince 4, 5, Hopeful 2, 2:40, 2:52. 2:.51,;'4. 2:42-4, 2:48?4. 2:45. Jeannette (Lilly Simpson) gr m (3 ■MSU) by Edwin Forrest, dam Gray Goose. J. Conlisk, Chicago, 111., Aug. 31, 1865, .$500. Boston 5, Quaker Boy 1, 3 (5dr), 2:3.3, 2:33^4, 2:311., 2:3514, 2:43ii, 2:45. Nashville, Tenn., Nov. 22, 1865, $550. Brown John, Morrissev. Jim (1 dis), 5:20i'2, 5:16. Two miles. Chicago, 111., Sept. 7. 1800, $100. Edwin Forrest 2, Gray Eugle, 2:40. 2:41 14, 2:.30i;, 2:39. T. P. Roach New Orleans, La., Jan. 4, 1871, .$200. John Foley l, Molly Brooks, 2:43M, 2:429i, 2:4314. 2:414. James Furncy, Toledo, O., Aug. 26, 1871. .$400, NoveltvS, 3:02, 3:01, 3:04, 3:05. ( w ) Sept. 23, 1871, .f 500. Bally, Novelty, Kitty (1 dis), 2 :47i4, 2 :.50. 2 :51. (wXL M. French. Battle Creek, Mich.'. M:iv3l. 1872. .*!300. Lady HurdCw), 8:121^,. Three-mile dash. Kalamazoo, Mich., June 5, 1872. .$4.50. Fanny 1. 5:23, 5:1.5, 5:22i^.. Two miles. (\v)June8. 1872. .$275. Lady Hurd (w), 8:2814'. Three miles. Jeannette, b m (3 :43). S. Doane. Newport, R. I., Sept. 23 and 24. 1880, $120. Duchess 1, 3, Charles Sumner. Lucy, Bill, 2:43. 2:47. 2:4.3, 2:4.3. 2:46. Jeannette, b m (3 :49' i). J. Pawling, Jersey City, N. J., Julv 28, 1882, .$75. Lizzie B. 2, 5, Little Dan 3. 2:52' 2. 2 :5P.i, 2:52^4, 2:.50i^, 2:53, 2:5114. Jeft; ch s (3:59). W. S. Parkinson, Newburg, N. Y., June 13, 1866, $20. Irwin's b s 2, 3:.59. 2:59. 2:01. Stal- lions. Jeff, blk g (3 :53). F. Monty, Plattsburg, N. Y., Aug. 23, 1870, .$25. Black Fanny, Nelly Bly, Fanny Allen (3 dr), 2 :.56, 2 -.53, 2 :52. Jeff (3:55). M. Dennison, San Francisco, Cal.. Oct. .5. 1871, .$30. Let Me Be (4 dis), Henry White, 2:55. 3:00. 2 :55, — . Jeff, b g (3 :41?i). N. J. Petti.iohn, Quincy, 111., Sept. 20, 1875, .$300. Valisca Maid, Frank (3 dis). Sue :\Iond;iy (1 dis), 2:45,2:45,2:45. Fred Margrave, Houston. Tex.. May 3. 1876, $ . Fearless Tom. 2:41?^. Jeff, b s (3 :47). Charlottetown. P. E. I., Sept. 25, 1877, $ . Royal Harrj', Messenger Boy (2 dis). Bagnall s Messenger (1 dis), 2:47, , , Stallions. Jeff ( 3 :55). J. Hadley, Birmingham, O., Sept. 8, 1882,$ . Norwood. Carrie H. No time. Jeff C.,bg (3:36). S. Allen. Stillwater, Minn.. June 29, 1876, .$700. Jiui Raven 2 (1 0), Gen. McArthur 3, Pat (1 0), Jack West, Fearnaught (4 dr). 2:38'4, 2:38, 2:37i.i, 2:41i4. 2:3914. 2:38i^. Jeff l>avis, b g (3 :36). J. C. Smith, Myricks, Mass., Sept., 23, 186,5. Prize, silver. North Star, 3:01, 2:51'4, 2:56. Same day, .$30. Brooks gr s (2 dr), 3:11, 2 :51 Providence. R. I.. Nov. 9, 1865, .$1,000, Will, Svlvla, 2:42, 2:43, 2:45. (w) S. Emerson, Boston, Mass,, May 11, 18(16, .$'100, Toby Condor (w), Aleck (w), 2:47, 2:48, 2:44. — .May 14, 1866. $100, Major Rilev, Aleck. 2:42^i, 2:42. 2:41. J. J. Bowen. Nov. 1, 1867, $500. Sweetbriar. 2:39, 2:3(i. 2:37. Jeff Davis, gr s (3 :53). L. H. McCurdy. Montgomery, Ala., Oct. 6, 1870, $ . Fleta, Barber's gr g, 2 :53, 2 :5 1. 2:.55'.i. ■ — (Jet. 24, 1876, $ . Fred Tyler. Sweet William 1, 3 (5 r o), 2:56, 2:.58. 2:,58, 2:59, 3:03. , ^, ^ Jeff Oavis, gr s (3 :45), W. S, McLaughlin, Lansing, Mich„May 29, 1883, $400, George R., Prince, Middleton, Donna D., 2:46, 2:46. 2:45. , „ Jeff Davis, bg (3:53). W. :\IcNeill. Kinirston. N. B., Julv 11, 1877, .$150. French Si)orterl,2 (50), Lady Mac 3 (6 dis), Curiositv (5 r 01. Country Lass (5 dr), 2:4'4, 2:46," 2:.52. 2:.53}^, 2:52. 2:.52'.2. 2:.54i4, Jeff Davis, b g (3 :0'8), C. F. Miller. Baltimore. Md., Julv 8. 1878, .$100. Ladv Kate 1, 3:07,' 3:08, 3:10, 3:12, Jefferson (3:49). Mr. Eckert. San Francisco. Cal,, March 7 and 8. 1872, $150. Mose 1,4 (5 0), (6 0), George (6 0). 2:.53->i. 2:49?.i, 2:49, 2:52. , ,2:.50i/.. ^ ^ .„. Jefferson Itelle, b m (3:55). J. Powers, Damariscotlja, Me, Sept. 25, 1879, $50. Brandywine, Dandy, Lillia McClell;ui,2:.55, 2:56, 2:6.5U, „,,.. , Jeffersonian. grs (3:04",), bv Jeff Davis, E. S. McCurdv, Montgomery, Ala., Nov. 14, 1879,$ . Whirl wind 2. Shangonier, Sam Tilden, 3:21, 3:144, 3:18, 3:23'4. Two-year-olds. Jefferson Prince, b s (3 :35i4), by Jim Scott, dam Lady Benton, by Gray's Hambletonian. G. A. Hosington, Rome N. Y . Sept. 23, 1881, $150. Deceivers, Eureka l, Roman Chief, Glenn, 2:.37, 2:36J4, 2:3314, 2:35i4 2:38i/o. 22 338 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. J. Ellis (Fred Hooper*, b g ( 3 :!8.3), by Koyal Revenge. J. Ellis, Toronto, Ont., Sept. 6, 1872, §350. Lady Clif- ton, Hornet, ( Iciir (irit. Little Angus, :i:H)^^. 2:4J. 2-Mh- Barric. Ont.. Sci)t. 18, isTJ. $jm. Wormwood U, Dextress (.3 dis). Central (3 dis), Highlander (2 dis), 2:35, "*35 *Jt32ydi *J :29. '- Sept. L'(l,'l^7L'. .^400. Roval Magna (1 dis). No time. Sept. -A, l.sTi.', .:<:J(K). Royal Magna, Dextress, Clear Grit, 2:36»4, 2:36^4, 2:40. — — - (iuelpli. Ont.. Sept. 2(!, is72, .'7, 2:.5(). Jenny, blk m (3 :44), by tlic Higelow Horse (?i. E. MeAlister, Canton, N. Y., Sept. 30, 1859, §20. Jenny Lind, 2. 3, Townsend Mare 1. 2:12io. 2:46. 2:44, 2:4.^., 2:45. 2:44. Jennv. b m (3:4.11). Mr. Howard, St. Catharines, Ont., Nov. 8, 1859, $50. Fannv 1, James K. Polk 2 (3 dr), Lailv Malta (3 dr), 2:47, 2:48, 2:4.5, 2:50, 2:45. Jenny (^3:58). G. W. Chatterton, Jacksonville, 111., Aug. 29,1805, S150, Grace (ireenwood, Hawkeye. 2:58. Jennv, blk m (3 :3r>). W. H. H. Fine. Syracuse, N. Y., Aug. 21, 1868, $2'^. Western New York 2. 3 (1 0). Bay (ieorge. 2:3GVo. 2:40, 2:.W2, 2:.i(;, 2:39' 2. 2:3,5. Jennv, ell m r'J;3«). W- H. Doble, Philadelphia, Pa., April 22. 1870, $ . Slippery. 2:52?^. 2:54^4. 2:.56Vi. Jenny, gr m (3 :58). A. Williams. Wayeih, N. J.. Aug. 0. ls70. $250. Lady .Toluisou. 2:."i9'... 2:58, 2:59. Jenny., br im 3:35 '.ji. K. Hollman. Philadephi;i, Pa.. Sept, 0 and 7, 1870, .Sl.oiKi. Flora Day 3. Oneida 2, Charlemagne 1, Two White Heels, Honest Billy, John P. Jenkins, Charley Davis, Belle, 2:39, 2:38J4, 2:37}^. 2:39.2:40. 2.:57. Williamsport, Pa.. Sept. 14. 1870, .§1,000. Brown Frank, Green, 2:41, 2:41i4, 2:42. Jennv. b m i3:4()i. ("has. Cainci'on, Hartford, (^onn., Sept. 21, 1870. §300. Belle of Watertown. Lizzie Davis, Doubt lul. Ladv Allen. Black Riddle. 2: 41, 2:43)4. 2:41. S(i)t. 22. 1S70. .s . Belle of Watertown 4, 5, Shoo Fly 1, Doubtful, Brom Keenev, Black Hawk, Annie (4 (Ir), Gen. llaneoek ,1 dis), 2:39. , 2:42. 2:42. . 2:40. Jenny, br m(3:43». J. W. Calton. Concord. N. H.. Oct.5. 1870, $250. Columbus Navigator 1. 2, Empress, Lady Ellis. Coniinodore Nutt d (lis), 2:40'.,. 2:40, 2:44. 2:42. 2:42. iw).I. J. Bowen, Boston, Mass., Nov. 1, 1870. .§100. Flirt (w) 1,3, Fanny (w), (3 dis), 2:41^4, ,2:41, 2:43,2:45-4. Jenny, blk m (3 :46). .John Murphv Fleetwood Park, N. Y., Oct. 18. 1870, $500. Annie. 2:51'4. 2:47, 2:46. Jenny, grm (3:58). Chas. Ri^ymoi)d. Evansville, Ind.. Sept. 8. 1871, $100. Bed Hoosier 2. Kentucky Chief 1 Kitty Moore. Gvpsv (iueeii, Shakespeare, Jr., Mollv Dean (3 r 0). 2:.59, 3:03i.i. 2:.'>S. 3:00. 3:00. P. L. Daniels, Kjilamazoo, Mich., Sept. 22. 1871, $150. Ladv Bell. Champion, Jr., Park Ranger (2 dr). 3:10,3:14. 3:11. Jenny. I> m ( 3 : 35). James Grey. Readville. Mass., Sept. 21, 1871, $150. Martha Washington, Lady Cohmibus, 2:42'". 2:44, 2:4C?i. r.N. Woodward, Attleboro. Mass., Au','. 2s and 29, 1872. $600. George Hall 4. 5(3 0), Allst on, Black Prince (1 (lis).2:4:i. 2:45'o, 2:40'o, 2:42. 2:;59. :':44. \ug. 29, isTj. Arm. Caoutchouc l Roval .Milve. Brown Ben, Ellick,2:52V4,2:50''2, 2:51i4, 2:51. Fr;imingh;uii. Mass., Sept. 18, 1872, §30(». Black Prince, 2:42i/o, 2:43, 2:45'/2. B:uie. M:iss.. Oct. 1, 1872, .•!?22ft. Commodore Nutt 1, Pet, African, 2:39, 2:40,2:39, 2:38'2. Boston. ALiss., April 17, 1873, $1.50. Fanny 1. Royal Mike, 2:44, 2:42,2:42'/2, 2:46. Jenny, gr m (3 :30). (i. B. Marr, Boston. Mass.. July 10, 1872, $125. Flora 1, 2, Albert. 3:28. 3:27^, 3:20,3:17'/,, Mr.' Hight, Beacon Park. Boston, Mav 20. 1875. $300. Lady Daggett 2, Meddlesome 1, Andy Johnson, Jenny Thompson (5 dn. Little Ned (1 dis). 2:43'2. 2:41, 2:41. 2:42'.,. 241. James Golden, Jlav II. 1876. .§200. Fisk's gr g. 2:30, 2:401^, 2:39. Mystic Park. Boston. May 16. 1876, .§200. Johnny 2, Gentinella. W. W. Stiiiii)son. Pcmip, Bay George, 2 :.39' V,, 2 : 40 . 2 :;S8 1 ; . 2 : .38 1 „ . Ly'nii. M:iss.. Mav 24,'l876, .§200. Stephens 1, George Bancroft. Johnny, W. ■\^■. Slinipsou, Sleepy David, 2:4(i; 2:3X'.,. 2:3!>l ... 2:38i.i. Jenny, b III i3:58'ri. Williamsport, Pa., Sept. 11. 1872. $ . Boatman 2. Roderick. Honice (ireeley (3 dr), 2:.58'A,. 2:.")G:'4, 2:.')9. 3:02V>. Jenny, h m (3:33' .1. by Reil Eagle, dam Topsv Reamv, by Pataskala. A. Johnson. Baltimore, Md., June 13 1872. .§.-)00. Dolly V:irden, Roberts. 2:41, 2:.54.2:;!9?i. ,. . „ „. Jackson, Mich.. June 2.5, 1872, .§1,500. Kimb;ill. Lizzie D.. H. B. Foley, Nelly, Cy Auger 1 (4 dis), G. W. Leonard (4 dis), Jessie (1 dis). Ladv Fawcett 0 (lis). 2::«)^4. 2:,399i, 2:35?.,. 2:40i.i. ■ Toledo, O.. July 4, 1872. .§1..500. Vanity F:iir, St. Vincent, Lizzie 1).. 2::!5?i. 2:.38i.i. 2:40^. Uticji. N. v.. Aug. 15, 1S72, .■Sd.OOO. Kilburn .Mm 1, 2, Gazelle, Strideway (5 dis). Lucille Gc Aug." 15, Ts72, .*(;.000. Kilburn .Mm 1,2, Gazelle, Strideway (5 dis). Lucille Golddust (3 dr), Ella Wilson (2 dn. 2:26. 2:2(;'^.2:23>;.2-23'4.2:24?.i. _, ^ .^ . .,. ^ . ,. . , , ^ — Springfield, M;iss.. Am:. 21. 1872. $l,.500. Crown Prince 1, Young Thome, Britain, Jim Irving(4 dr). Lady Miller (1 (lis). 2:27. 2:2K,2:28V(.,2:23K,. , „.,„„„,, — Aug. 23. 1S72. .•«2,ooo. Camors. Joe Brown, Crown Prince, Belle of W atertown, 2:25)^^, 2:22^-2, 2 :285.«. Pittsliurgli, P;i., Sept. 11. 1872, .§1..5flO. Gentle Annie. Arthur lioy, Jessie, 2:31'2, 2:;«V2. 2:34?4. Gnuid I{:ipi(ls, Midi., Sei>t. 17. 1872. $1.0C0. Harry K.. Grace. Edgar. Col. Barnes (2 dis), Billy Hotspur (2 dis). Third MieliigaiM2disi,2::36U, 2 35. 2:.39H. ,..,.„, ,.■ , , i- x Sept. 18, 1S72. .S--. Gen. Sherman 1. 2. Ed. Seely. Fanny. AVhitcomb, Lizzie 1)., Badger Girl (1 dis\ Peavine d disi. Kimball (\ dis), 2:.33i4, 2:,3.5, 2:.32. 2:3-lK>- 2:36'.i. Sept. 19. 1S72. .§1.700. Edgar, (;race , Gen. Sherman, ILirry R.. Lizzie D.. 2:30M. 2:34Si, 2:35^. S(!pt. 20, i,s72. $1,200. Kilburn Jim 2, 4, Molly Morris 1, Kate Hazard, Gen. Sherman (3 dis), 2:34i.i, 2:.30?4. ' indiamipohs, liHl'Oct. 2. 1872, .§.3,500. Red Cloud 1.2. Flora Belle. Brother Jon;itliiin. Kilburn Jim Thos. L.Young. Denmark (2 (lis). 2:25. 2:25. 2:25'^;, 2:26''(, 2:25. . .,„ , r^i w, n ^ Oct. 3, 1872. .§:!.000. Kate Hazard, Kilburn Jim, Red Dick, St. Vincent, Alvma (2 dis), Badger Girl (l dis\ 2:27'4, 2:28, 2:27^,. Jenny (3 :51 1. Philadelphia, Pa.. Aug. 25. 1873, ,? . Lady Sharp (w) 2. 2:.5.5. 2:49. 2:,51. 2:52. Jenny, b ni f3 :.''.o>. Wm. Pierce. Paterson, N. J., May 17, 1875, .§100. Rosie, B(>lle. Ma.ior Lilburn. Lady R. Jackson, Waverl.v, Js\ J., Sept. 21. 1875, .§1.50. Lady Hamlet, Kate O'Brien, 2:50?i, 2:50. 2:50. Four- vonr-olfls Jenny, bm (3 :4m). ,S. Fordnev, Mobile Ala. March 18, 187.5, §175. Ripen Boy, Birdie, John McDonald Duchess (2 dr), 2:43^, 2:41)^, CIIESTEirs COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING KECORD. 339 Jenny. 1) m (3 :43). Thos. Barry. Spring Valley, N. Y., June 17, ISTJ, $150. Jim Decker 2, Raven l, Celia, I'liuce (3 dis). 2:50, 2:52, 2:4Si;4, 2:50>4. 2:58. E. L. Harris. Antwerp, N. Y., Sept. 1. 1875. .'BIOO. Mill Bov 3, Duster, 2:47, 2:-W, 2:-t3. 2:43. Jenny {'i :-t7' -)• S'-arta, Wis., Sejit. 2-3. 1875. .'^l .". Weasel, Lexington, 2:50, 2 47'o. •2:')0'U- Jenny. lii!< ni ( ;i :4 1 1. by Blue Bull. .las. Wilson. Cambridge City. Ind., June 4, 1875, S800. Ella Wood 2, Hum- miui; Bird, Laiiv Logan. J. L. Keck, Nellv ^ivy. Sylvester, 2:42, 2:45. 2:44, 2:4G. Galesburg. 111.. Julv 1. ls75. .'=ii50. Monarch Rule, Orphan Girl, Col Knox, Philo T., Fannv, Phil Hayne, Canton Bov ci dn. 2:47, 2:50i.i. 2:45'.. Jenny, (Nelly Riordan), blk m {^-.SO^^j). B. Leffmgwell, Meriden, Conn., Sept. 24,. 1875. .5200. Walter IL 1, Milo 2, Buckiimliaui. (^rav (ioose, JNIeriden Girl," Capt. Bashaw, Minnie, Hattie Jeiferson (2 dis>, 2:44?i. 2:4"., 2:.50^i, 2:51. 2:.51. Z. C. Leflingwell, Northampton, :!\Iass., Oct. 8. 1875, S175, Rose Thorndvke 1. Whitebird, Jerry, 2:44'/J, 2:51K', 2:.tO. 2;. 51. P.l)olan, Providence, R. I., May 31. 187G. SlOO. Wickford Belle 2, Alexis i40), John Merrill, 2 :48, 2:55i4, 2 :49, 2 :4n, 2 :38i/ii. 2 :38i«. — — T. F. DoiuiiTev, Attleboro. :Mass., June 13, 187G, .S200. Fred ;;. Ida Lewis, Crazy 1 (5 dis). Honest Allen (5 dis). Nellv (3 dr), Nellv Allen (2dis). 2:40' .;, 2:45. 2:49 ^.2:40-.., 2:47. J. Carpenter, Woonsocket. R. I., June C. 1877, $150. Frank 5. File Cutter 1, 2 (5 dis), 2:43' 2, 2:43V^, 2:40, 2:42'i. 2:45:'4:, 2:48'2. — Providence. R. I., June 13, 1877, $150. File Cutter. Frank, Rose Thorndvke, 2:36, 2:37'i, 2:38i4. Newport, R. I., Sept. 22, 1880, $200. Lady Bird l (3 o), Midas (5 dis), Dennis (5 dis), Frank H. (5 dr), 2:.35, 2:38,2:37,2:38,2:38. Jenny, blk m (3 :51i:;). J. E. Jarvis. Deerfoot Park. L. I., Julv 4. 187G, $100. Billy Beers 1, Messenger Maid 2, Hiram(5 drt. W'hitestone (4 dr), Ladv Black (3 dis).2:.53i4.2:55, 2:.51'i. , . Jenny, b m (3 :50i4). J. M. Hopkins. Sinclairville, N. Y., Sept. 13, 1877. $100. Gowanda Jiui, Clarence, Fannv, Toi)sy(ldis\ 2 :.50>.i, 2:51.2:501.1. . „, , ^ t , o- Jenny, b m (3 :46). T. J. Stringer. Cortlandt, N. Y.. June 19. 1877. $100. Lady Annie. Pluck and Luck, Saver- tip, Tom. Marathon Bov. George Hind (1 disi. Mary (1 dis). Ivory (1 dis), Little Bill (I dis), 2:46, 2 :463.^, 2 :46. Jenny, rn m (3 :43). S. J.' Fpux. Wilkesbarre, Pa., Mav 29. 1878, $^ — . Pet 4, George 3, Bell. No tmie. Scranton, Pa.. June l, 18S1, .$300. Charley M. l. Henry Long. Barney B., Lottie, 2:46, 2:42, 2:45^4, 2:42'4. Jennv, b m (3:33). bv Jupiter. F. M. Dodge, Lee. Mass., Sept. 5. 1878, $ . Patrick, Lib, Lady Franklin, 2:45, 2:41, 2:39ii. (4t. Barrington, Mass., Sept. 27, 1878, $30. Charlev L., Trovatore, Willy Parker, 2:55. 2:.50, 2:554. Pittsfleld, Mass., Sept. 14, 18S1. $250. Independence l, 2, Brown Dick (4 dis), Dolly (4 dis). 2:33»4, 2:^5, 2:.33i4. 2:.35. 2:35. Chatham, N. Y., Oct. 19, 1881, $250. Dolly l, 2, Independence, Annie Louise, Flora, 2:35, 2:36' 2, 2:35, 2:34'j, 2:35';;. Lee, Mass.. Sept. 8, 1882, $ . Village Bov 1, 2, Louise, 2:36. 2:33. 2:36, 2:34. 2:35. Jenny, eh m. W. Oglesby, Chester, Pa.. Oct. 12, 1878, $40. Dexter, Lady May, Sally, 1 :42, 1 :4li^, 1 :38. Half mile heats Jennv, b m (3 :l6ii\ by William B. Smith, dam Jennv Rysdyk, by Rysdyk. W. Van Valkenburg, Prescott, Ont., Mav 24, 1879, $ . W. O., 3:1G14. Three-year-olds. Jennv. blk in (3:10). J. E. Berry, New Orleans. La.. April 25, 1880, ,$.50. Alice, .3:15, 3:11. Jennv, gr m (3:0514). W. G. Hobbs, Scarboro, Me.. Sept. 30, 1880. $2.5. Jim, RhodaHouston, 3:16. 3:05'4, 3:11, Jenny, bm (3:19). J. Galbraith, New Hunting Park, Phila., Nov. 2, issi, $ . Dolly 1, 3:24, 3:19, 3:21, 3*23 Jennv,'b m (3:34'4). W. M. Wright, Svveetsburg, P. Q., June 30, 1882. $110. Creeping Kitty, Honest John, Mary Anderson, 2:43, 2:42,2:43. , „„ „ » P.' Pickle, Montreal, P. Q., July 20, 1883, $150. Nelly Gray, Rifleman 2, 3, (4 dr), 2:34'i, 2:35, 2:35, 2:37, 2 -45. Jennv, b m (3 :44^4). bv Hambletonian Chief. F. V. A. W^estervelt, Scranton, Pa., July 8, 1882, $— . Colonel S.'l, Maior Kelly (3 dis), Sleepv Phil (2 dis), Emma H. (2 dis). Pickpocket (2 dis), 2:.56, 2:.56, 2:4714. 2:58. Jenny, b ni i3 :34); D. Jarvis. Ogdensburgh, N. Y., Sept. 7. 1882, $250. Rysdyk Maid 2, R. P. Flower, Marsh Clark (2 dis). Maggie M. (1 disI, 2:35. ,2:37, 2:34. Canton, N. Y., Sept. 14, 1882,.$ — -. Cobden 4, Fred Clark 2, Morley Girl 2:34'2, 2:34i>^, 2:35, 2:36'4, 2:35';. Po'tsdara, N. Y., Sept. 20, 1882. $200. R. P. Flower, Monroe Patchen, Zadoc, 2:44, 2:46, 2:4414. ■ Sept. 21, 1882, .$2.50. Fred Clark 1, 3, Morlev Girl, 2:44, 2:40, 2:45' ;, 2:44, 2:45. Sept. 22. 1882, $200. R. P. Flower, Rvsdvk Maid. Zadoc. 2:.54, 2:52, 2:.56. Malone, N. Y.. Sept. 27, 1882, .$200. Rvsdvk Maid. Great Western, 2:39. 2:38i>^, 2:40. Kingston. Out., Oct. 11, 1882, $1.50. Ciinafd 3, Marsh Clark, 2:48, 2:38, 2:39, 2:35i4. Jenny B.; (3: 50';). Peter Manee, Fleetwood Park, N. Y., April 26, 1872, $ . Gen. Picton, 2:50i/2, 3:07, 3.Q2 JennyB., bm(3:37U). A. R. Brown, Nashville, Tenn,, Oct. 4, 1873, $ . Frank Crofoot, Scott's Chief (2 di.s), 2:405^,2:37';., 2:40. ^^ ^. (w)G. J. Fuller. Oct. 11,1873,$ . Ladv Rattler. W^ H. Boyce. No time.. Jenny B..b m (3:37). D. B. Beaumont. Meriden, Conn.. Sept. 17, 1.S79, $100. Jimmy Stewart 1, 2, Walcott, Wniv, Colonel, Tommy Bent. 2:44',. 2:4.3^;;. 2:39'i. 2:41,2:41. Sept. 19, 1879, .$200. "Jinimv Stewart. Fannv :Murphv, Little Mary, AVilly, 2:40, 2:3914, 2:37. Watertown. Conn., Sept. 24. 1879. ,$100. Little Mary 2. 4. Jack 3. Hannah Dustin, General (5 dr), 2:43i4, 2'45iy ''•41'i '''4414 ''•40Ji ''■41^4 Jenny B.,"'gr nV (i :41i4). J.' Adams, Princeton, 111., Sept. 17. 1879, $100. Italian Girl, Why Not, Idle Boy, ^'.L'rarteiCsteriing. IlL.Oct. 9, 1879. $400. Captain H. 1. 2. Lulu Mac. Doubtful Girl, 2:38, 2: 4514, 2:42, 2:42, 2:4414. — I). Adams. Sept. 21. 1880. $ . John H., Bessie G. 2:47. 2:48, 2:45. Albanv. 111.. Auu:. 24. 1882. .$75. Amis. Brown Frank. 2:47. 2: 4.5. .2:464. Jennv B.. b"m (3:38".l). Jas. Bradlv, Chicago. 111., .Tulv U, l<8o..«jn(). Frank Box, 2:39, 2:38?4.2^4a Jenny B..b m (2 -.SG^). H. Whit'zelle, A:iexandria, Va., Sept. 30, 1880, $100. Trump 2, Star Pilot, Idler, ''•41 ■^•401 A 2 •4014 Jenny "Barker,b m"(a :37i4). A. Patterson. Fashion Course, L. I., May 15. 1S6S, .§500. B. Bird, 2:41i4. 2:37J.^, 2-40 Jenny Bell, b m. J. W. Stevens. Somerville, N. J., Oct. 6, 1880, .$35. Mary (1 0), 1 :47'4, 1 :43, 1 :45 Half-mile- hfiats Jenny C, gr m (2 :34U\ bv Blue Bull, dam a Trustee mare. J. Wilson, Chicago, 111., Oct. 8 and 9, 1878. $l.ooo, .John J.Cooke 1, 3,"' Star Duroc 2, Frank, Tekonsha, Golden Girl (2 dis), 2:2914,2:34, 2:37' i, 2 :.37, 2:364, 2 •3414 Jennv Chandler, ch m 2 :42»i). L. Patch. Fitchburg. Mass., Sept. 26, 1871, $150. Capt. Cook. Clinton Maid, 2 :.56. 2 :.53. 2 :.54. Worcester, Mass., July 6, 1872, $200. Reb 2, Frolic, 2:44%, 2 :43?i, 2 :12M, 2 :44. 340 CHESTElfiS COMPLETE TIIOTTINC AND rA(IN<: IMXOIJD. Jenny Cooper, oh ni (3 ■.3^^^. .T. E. Cooper. Westchester. Pa.. Oct. 2, 1S74. SJno. Tluill 2 d Oi. Gen. Custer ,'), Charley (Jrecii, Faiiiiv Hrowu (5 tlr;, Gray .Mm tl dis). u':.M, ^i.'jHj,, -':iy';, 2:,jo, . ■i-J,\u. NonisiDWU. Pa., Ocl. 17. 1S74, .'^a.jo. Kainiy (iilberl 1. I'uwiicc ,S(iiia\v 2, Flora, Mae, Bay Matk (3 dis). Sleepv Tom ll ills), 2:4-2. 2:41. 2:4(). 2:43'., 2:14. Nvootlbury, N. J., Oct. 22. 1874. ciGOO. Hunter 1, 3, Fauuy 2, Fauuy Gilbert, Pete Mauee, Dublin George. 2:3!). 2:39. 2:40. 2:38, 2:39';, 2:4'".i'4 .. „ . . Jenny Curtis, (3::J.5). Ottawa, Out.. Oct. 11. 1882. S . Mattie B.. Annie A.. Slipiicr. 2:40. 2:35. 2:38. Jenny Oay, l>lk ni ('i :4-^». 1), liaiunicr. l>ubu(iiu', la. Oct. 12, ISii'J, .■#175. Billy llumilton, Clianipion MaiU. \V. .s. King. Billv Chandler. Nelly i3vlis). 2:42. 2:45'. -,2:44',-. Jenny l>ay, (3 :48'.i i. New Orleans. La., April (i, 187.^ S . Chris Doyle 1. 2:4,514. 2:48U.2:48i.i, 2:4.i. 2:4714, 2:4414. Jenny . 2:55. 2:4ni.i. Jenny Hawkins, ("w). br'm (3 :40i4 w). Dan Mace, Fashion Course, L. L, .June 23, 1803. §500. Pulaski (w), Jennv Holt'oii". b ni (3 :33i4), bv Bacchus Horse. S. Place, Freeiiort, 111,. i\Iay 31. 1877. §500. Chief 2, 3. (1 0). NiMlv PaiKlalia 0;, Cora, Ella F. (4 dr), Ladv Truesdell ir. dn. Lictor i3 dn. i':41. 2:3!). 2:.59, 2:35, 2:;«. 2:;«. Cedar Kapids la., June 15, 1877. .§500. Billv ( >'NeiIl 1, 3. Dan Bassett. (iranger, Honest John. Susie Ross (4 dis). Alberta (1 dis). 2:29, 2:32, 2:31^.1,2:3312.2:33. „,, . „, , Wiiioii;! Minn., June 20, 1877. §400. Mountain Quail. Brother Baldwin. St. Lawrence. 2:38. 2:34?.i. 2:.32. Oskaloosa. la.. July 2, 1877, §300. Gray Charley 1, Mountain Quail. Henry. Janesville, Kitty Stratton, o -'<(^ '' "'il 1 2**^'-' '* *'i2 ^'cbhi'niljus, "a,''Juiy 13. 1877, $(500. Deception 1. Harry clay (5 dis). Rip Rap 3 (4 dis). 2:28. 2:28ii, 2:26, 2 "'^9 '' '34 . ^"cieV<'land, O.. ,Tuly 26, 1877. .§2.000. Midnight 2. 3, A'ersailles (;iii 5. Harry Clay 1. Driver, Calmar, Lady Logan, Belle Moore. 'John Murphy Jr. (5 dr). 2 :23 ■_, . 2 :22i ; .2 :22'.i . 2 :23 — -. 2 :3(). 2 :31 • t ■ , Utica N. Y \ug 10, 1877, .§2,000. Sheridan 1. Driver. John Murphy Jr., Lysander Boy, Lady Logan, Calmar. Frank Munson,2:23'2.2:22K>. 2:22^2,2:221,, „ 00 ., o^ Gouveriieur. N. Y., Aug. 31, 1877, §175. Frank Munson 3, 2 :38. 2 :34. 2 :38, 2 :o6. Caiiton, N. Y.. Sept. 13. 1877. .§ . Frank Munson 1. ('apt. Smith 2:30, 2:30 2:3014. 2:30^'., , ^ ^ ^^ Potsdam. N. Y., Sept. 20. 1877, $000. Frank Munson (l o). Laura W illianis, Capt. Smith, Charley B.,2:30, :2 . ' .2 , 2.20. ^ ^^j .^ ^ ^ ^^^^^^ Kokmno Tnd.. .Tulv 13. 1872. §50. Bella. 2:.52. 2:.52. 2:4714. , §250. Solid Jenny Jefferson, b m (3 1:i8).bv Tho's. Jefferson dam by Rowes Tommy. D. Dorsey, Meriden, Conn.. Sept. 21, 1877, .§200. Neva, Julia J.,"2:38, 2:41^, 2:40. . . ,. u , tt * Jenny 1.. Cli m (3 :48). Mr. Lobdell. Grand Rajiids, Mich.. Oct. 3. 1876. §150. Ottawa Boy 4, 0, Bob Hunter 1 (J 'S(",itt"('iV'><). -:•«• ^. Jenny I>ee, gr m (3 :12). by Wild Wagoner. W. .Fohnson. Parkersburg. \\ . ^ a.. Sept. 1 ,. 1874, .«(;(». Sorrel Dick, (Jviisv Queen, I-adv Wa^'uer. 3:12. 3:13. Four-year-olds. , , ,. Jenny llimf. ch m (2 rhr.vO". Wm. Wli.hm. Union Course. L. L, Aug. 30. 1848, §300. Quaker, Lady Emma. Passenger (1 dis), 5:34, 5:30. Two miles. „„^,, Oct. 2.3, 1848, 8 . PhiladelphiaSaW2dis). Passenger ft dis). 2:36' .;j2:35'». Jenny IJnd br in (2:44). W. Barwise, Louisville, Ky., Oct. 22. 1849, §100. Murdoch, (Jray Eagle. 2:45's, Jennyl.ind. grin (2:40). G. Hunt, Philadelphia, Pa., Sept. 22. ia57. S . Baby, 5:524,5:48, 6:4.5. Two ^'j.'cudnev, Julv 14, 18.58, §250. Whalebone 1. .3. 2:57, 3:02, 2:53i/,, 2:41,3:08. Sept. 18. 18.58, .«i50. Frost (S) 1. 2:45. 2:43, 2:40. Oct. 11, 18.58. .'^1,100. George Magee. 2:45,2:44, 2:4,3. Wm. Woodruff. Julv 27. 1H.-9. .« . Kate.2:.52i4. 2:51U. 2:,';2. (W). Jas. Jackson. .lulv 10. 1800. §1.50. George Magee (w), Lily, 2:.53i'j, 2:4.i. 2:48. Nov. 15. I8OQ. $.300. Capitola. 2:40. 2:45.2:40. „,..,.„, Chas. Stryker, Suffolk Park. Phila.. Sept. 5. 18(>5, §500. Montreal(3dr),2:38'4.2:4.5i4, . CHESTER'S COMPLETE TKOTTIXG AND PACING RECORD. 341 W. H. Doble, Sept. 12, 1865. $300. Stiirtled Fawn l. Wild Rose, 2:38, 2:42, 2:41^4, 2:42. >\\) Point Breeze Park, Pliil., Kov. 8. 1805, §500. Moiuilaiu Maid, Stephen A. Douglass, 2:.'M, 2:33W Jenny Lind, ch 111 (2:49). R. Dempster, Belvidere, N. J., July 27, 1867, $105. Bill Jackon, Gen. McClellan (3dr>. 2:52. li:49, 2:49'2. Jennv Lind, b m (i:40). Clias. Cole, Braiitt'ortl, Ont., Sept. 2t!, 1871, .S400. Buckleshaker 3, 5, Joe Simpson, Honest Dick I. 2, (4 dis) 2:44,2:Ui4, 2:43, 2:451,., 2 :44i..'., ■J:4:ii.,.2:40. Titusville. Pa., May 18, 1872. S300. Orange Billv 3,'Billv Wilson, Col. Drake. 2:45^4, 2:46, 2:45, 2:4514. June 6, 1872, .$450. Orange Billy 1, 2, Billy Wilson, 2:4;j'.., 2:44?4, 2:429i, 2:44}^, 2:401^. T. M. Hopkins, Siiiclairvlle, N. Y., Sept. 13. 1870, $100. Sligo 2, Belle Martin, Farmer Todd (4 dr), 2:42, 2:4Pj, 2:42^4, •-':40. Jennv bik in (3 :-45j. A. J. Sherburn. Dover, N. H., Sept. 28, 1871, $200. Howard, Bradley, Wild Eddy, Alton Boy, Rosa Nell. David, 2-A8]4, 2:40. 2:45. Jenny Lind, b m (3:04i2). M. Drum. \Vaterto\vTi, Conn., Sept. 24, 1879, $30. Dan, Jenny, Nelly, Fan, 3:04'i.3;08. 3:17. Jenny aiuv, ch m (3 :05). F. Soper, Baldwin, N. Y., May 21, 1881, $ . Y'ank Tang, Jim Blaine, Nelly W., 3 11. 3:0.5. Jenny Moore, ch in (2:44), by St. Lawrence. H. N. Moore, Charlotte, IMich., June 7,1871, $500. Maxley, Undine, Jenny Bradford, Bob Elliot 0 dis). 2:40>/2, 2:44, 2:46. Union C'itv."Mich., Julv 3, 1871. .t? . Lucy, Gen. Sherman. 2:53. 2:56, 2:.53. Jenny 3Ioore.'bm (2:39}/s). S. French. Salem, N. J., Oct. 1, 1874, .$50. Jersey Boy, Estella, 3:15, 3:123!i. Four-year-olds. S. B. Elkintou, Woodburv, N. J., Oct. 22, 1874. $100. Tom, Kitty, 3:01 '4, 3:00. 2:56. Four year-olds. (w) G. H. Elkintou, Woodstown, N. J., Sept. 6, 1876, $ . One Eye, Mac, 1:2.514, 1 :£6, 1:30. Half-mile he;its. W oodburv, N. J., Oct. 19, 1876, $100. Jersey Boy, Andy H., 2:43^. 2:43i.i. 2:48. Rittersville, Pa.. Oct. 26. 1876, $200. Burnloist, Nankeen, Revenge, Cahnar. Jersey Bov, Gypsy Bill, Frank. 2:4014-2:40, 2:42. Jenny Norton, ch m (.2 :.59^4). G. Crandall, Yorkshire, N. Y., .luly 8, 1882. $100. Garfield. Minnie. Maloney, Gracie B.. John Rogers, 3:05. •2:m^i. i>:b9\i. Jennv Noyes. ch m (2 :40). J. H. Dewev, San Francisco, Cal., March 1.5,1865, $1,500. Wm. H. Seward 1. Hector 2, 2 :40' .. . 2 :40, 2 :43, 2 -ASU- Jennv s., b m (3 :04i2). by Capt. Golddust H. P. Swartz, Crown Point, Ind . Oct. 4. 1883. .^;ioo. Prince, Sister, Foxhuuter, Bessie T.. Eutcb. Jr., (2 dr), 3:04i/4. 3:05, 3:07. Jenny Smith, b m (2 :55?4). Concord. Mass., Sept. 24, 1873. $150. Queen, Clara (iage. Lady Swain, Roofer, (4reen :Mountain Bov, Mountain Bov, 2:57?4. 2:55?!. Jennv .Sontag, bm(2:45). J. AI. Ives. Danbury, Conn.. Oct. 7. 1874, $30. Nelly. Black Jim (3 dis), Charley (1 dis). 2:.52, 2:49, 2:45. Jenny Spencer, bm (2:421 2), Hiram Woodruff, Boston, Mass., June 11, 1809, $200. Sorrel John (wl, 2:48V2, 2:5112.2:52. June 12. 1869, $100. Sorrel John, 2:51. , . Sept. 13, 1869, $100. Lady Peek 3, 2 :44i..i, 2 :43i4, 2:47'.i, 2:53. J. E. Stewart. Sept. 27, 1869, $300. Lady Peck (W) 2. 2:42i,2, 2:49, 2:45W, 2:46. Jenny SviUivan, blk m (2 :33i2). D. W. Sullivan, Lewiston, Me., Sept. 29, 1882, $1,50. Centurion 1, Drummer Girl, Ned Forrest, Harry, Belmont Pilot, Lambert Boy, C. H. Gould, Wonder (4 dr), Fanny W. (l dis), 2 :37ii, 2:3314, 2:3714, 2:34?4. Jenny Thompson, b m (2 :34). S. Hayes, Beacon Park, Boston, July 25, 1874, $300. stranger (W) 3, 4, Jim Fisk '3 dr), 2:46, 2 :.51i/^, 2:.52, 2:51, 2:52. Nov. 14. 1874, $200. Dad 4, (1 0), AVagram (5 dr), 2:45, 2:41, 2:43. 2:40, 2:43. Jenny Vincent, eh m (2 :38?i). J. Fleming. Buffalo, N. Y., June 28, 1877, $100. Brown Dick 1. Big Southern, Wild Rose, Georgia (2 dis), Edward (2 dis), 2:4314, 2:39. 2:40, 2:38?4- Jenny W.,chni (2:39). J. B.Wilson, Rhinebeck. N. Y., Sept. 13,1877, $150. Refugee, Lady Hulett, New Hamburgh Girl, Black Prince 1, (3 dr), 2:4794, 2:48, 2:50, 2:4914. , ,. . ^ ,. Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Sept. 3, 1878. .$200. Defendum 1, 2, Luther 5, Donald, Charley K., Major Fulton, Pet (2 dis), 2:43H, 2:4114, 2:4^4, 2:39, 2:4112. 2:4014. Newburgh, N. Y^, Oct. 22, 1878, $ . Trimble's blk m, 2 :4924, 2:44?.i, 2:45. Jennv W., br m (2 :30). G. J. Worcester, Mystic Park, Boston, July 20, 1880, .$300. Augusta l, 2, Jenny, Tom Barton, E. Flat (2 dis). Freeman (1 dis), 2:3514, 2:36, 2:3714, 2:32. 2:3214. Worcester, Mass., Aug. 10, 1880, $200. Annie £., Belle of Fitchburgh, Johnny, 2:3914, 2:321/^,2:33, 2:36. T. Brooklyn. Providence, R. I.. Oct. 21, 1880. .$300. Arthur T. 2, Pickwick 1, Dan Wood, Lady Sargeant, Little Maid, "Pickpocket, Nelly Brvant. 2:2914, 2:27, 2:.31&, 2:31, 2:34. Jenny Wells, ch m (2 :40i4). by Charley B.. dam Peggy. C. ,P. Bradsliaw, Lincoln, 111., Aug. 30, 1882, $200. D. W. Pediie 1. Nettie 'B., Jessie (1 dis). Shadow (1 dis). Western GirUl dis), Biddy (l dis), 2:47i/4, 2 4414 2 :48 2 :54. — .L W.'Rac(3, Decatur, 111., Sept. 6, 1883, $ John S., Sam, Claude. No time. Same Day, .$ . Centennial T(mi, D. W. Pedue (1 dis), 2 :42, 2:43, 2:40V2. . ^ .. „ Jenny AVilmoi-e, b m (2 :53). John Murphy, Fashion Course, L. I., May 20, 1870, $500. John Lovett, 2:56, Jeremia''li'(Harry), ch g (2 :32 Ji ), by Young Columbus, dam Boston Queen. J. T. Bigo;s, Cleveland. O., Sept. 21, 1874, $500. Mexican Tom 2, 3, Lady McFatridge, Modoc Jack, Willy Golddust (5 dis), 2:38^4, 2:36i4, 2:33, Mr! SniitTi. Dayton, O., Sept, 30. 1874, $600. D. T. Howell, Forest Maid, Carrie Meeklin, James Q., 2:37?i.2:.37, 2:.38i4." J. T. Biggs, Portsmouth. O., Oct. 20, 1874, $(550. Snowstorm 1, Black Maria, 2:3812, 2:37, 2:42, 2:43i/2. Oct. 21, 1874 .$600. Belle Maud, Richmond. Driftwood, 2:3914. 2:37, 2:42. Oct. 22. 1874, $4r)0. Doctor Herr. Driftwood. FAne Wing. Portsmouth Girl, 2:40, 2:39. 2:40. Newport. Ky.. Nov. 5. 1874. .$.500. Belle JNIaud. 2:40. 2:43, 2:4.5. ^, „ Grand Haven. Mich.. June 3. 1875, $700. Little Sam, :M:unbrino Warner, Gen. Hood, Lady Ivellog, ioung Princeton, 2 ::34, 2 :.38. 2:3514. ^ ,, J. J. Meyers. Grand Rapids. Mich.. June 10, 1875, $1,000. Little Sam, Gen. Hood, Lew Scott. ^Lambnno Walker, Young Princeton. Idol 1 (3 dis). 2:3.5i^. 2:35. 2:40i/2, 2:411^. „ ^. , „ Newport, Kv., Julv 15, 1875. .$.500. Kate Campbell, Lew Scott, Jerry Postal, Fanchon, IMolly. Dick Tay- lor, 2:.33, 2:33'2', 2:.35." July 19, 1875, $.500. Professsor, Lew Scott, 2 :.38, 2 :33i4, 2 :38. J. Dore. Chagrin Falls, O.. June 29, 1876, $275. Rattler, Sue Mundy, , 2:37?4, 2:3914. North Amher,st, O.. Oct. 27 and 28, 1876, .$100. Dick Harvey 2, 3, White Line 1, Peculiar. 2:42?4, 2:42i4, 2:39, 2:.52i-2,2:.5294, 2:531/2. ^ . . „ ,_ Jeremiah, blk g (2 :35i4), by Hermit. C. W. Tolles, Woodstock. A t.. Sept. 27. 1877. $150. Josie L.. 2:55, 2 '44 2 '.50 '- Lawrence. Mass., Oct. 5. 1877. $200. Thomas S. 1. 2. Aiiroii. Alice. Dio (5 dr), Ben F. (4 dis). 2:41J4, 2:41V4, 2:4314,2:4614.2:47. 812 CHESTERS COMIM.KTK Ti;( )TTI .\(; AM) PACING UliCOUD. Job Hobson, Milford.Cdiiii.. Sei)t. lo, i8so. .*Joo. Dixie 1, Patchen Maid, J. T. Hoffman, Farragut, "iouiig Moose. Isiiai', Fanny Kcrrls. :!:.;'ji.., 2:40, JiSS'.-, -j-.m?^. Meridi-ii. Conn.. Sept. -JJ. l.swi, s^JOO. J.uile .\i:.ry. Farraiiut (1 disi. 2:^!*. -JAIU. -:4i-j.. Frovidenee, K. 1., Oet. 19 and 20, l^82. .ti-jUO. lUUe Siiaclvett 2, a,VValler o Lottie 4, Jenny, Belle.Geeser Jericho (Kvi rett). brg(-':30)". I>y Clianiiiion, dam Belle of Clyde. J. A. C'lirrv. Williamsport, Pa., Julv 8. ISTrt. $400. Stonewall 1,3 Shorty I'ounlain, Mary IJrown, Thomas Moore, Liniber Jinul di.si. 2:37?4. 2:4 3,2:y2. 2:43, 2:43;'a,2:42. Oneoula. N. V.. June 23, 1874, $800. White C'loiid !, 2, Ben. Billy Mi.\, Frank, Bullet (1 dis;, Stella (1 dis) 2:36, 2:40. 2 :.{2, 2:351^,2:37';. " Utiea, N. v.. July's. 1874. S500. Messenger Bov 1. (■elia.2:3fi' ., 2:3G, 2:33'^. 2:37. July 4. 1X74. 1K74. ji700. Ella Madden, lioan Jai'k, Ilillv >iix, lieurv. Bullet, 2:48, 2:47, 2:49ii. Trenton Falls, N. V.. Sept. 18, 1874. 812:.. Tornado .Maid. 2::in, 2:43, 2:Xu. Utic:i. N. \.. (,»et. 10. 1874. 4:250. Smooth Brier. Grant. 2:42. 2:.'M''4. 2::!4. T. Dunn. Prosi)ecl Park. L. I., Kov. in. is7!i. .^Uio. Praetor. Tioga, 2:.^7, 2:33'», 2:41. Jerome, hr icC'i-A*'.!). J- lliueslcy, Washington, D. C. Nov. 21, 186G, §250. Ladv Brightwood. Monitor, 2:48, 2:4S'.i.2:44'2. v . « Jerome, cli g (3 :4~). Capt. Heaney. Bed Wing. Minn.. IMav - . ]S(;9, SlOO. Romeo. B;^st time. 2:59. Hocliester. IMiiui.. June 7. \h;'j, S . Clem Brown. 2:;')0V . 2:!7. Jerome, eh g Ci :'i7),l)y Keokuk. John Baggs. Colusa. C'al., June 14, 1870, $100. Ben 2, 3 (,4dis), LadyNcl.son (3 dr), 3:Uv 3:lG'o. 3:11'... ;i:0()i.i. Marysvillc. C'al.. Sept. ii. is7n. .■?2on. (^ueen. 2:,'')2i-.., 2:58. 2:49. Chieo, Cal., Seitt. 29, 1S70. ,'*17."). Tom C'arr. Honest Anse. 0:25. G:29, 0:37. Two miles. Marysville. Cal., Oet. 12. 1871. s300. May Fly 1, 2. Lady W iukler (1 disi, 2:41. 2:lo;.j. 2:36, 2:39^2, 2:39i-4. P. Farrell, San F'nincisco, C:d., July 20, 1872, $;200. Matlie Howard 3, 4, Cirant, 2:39'.i,2:40',2, 2:41>.«. 2:39' 2.2:40".,. (w), Jidy 2", 1872. .Saoo. Mattie Howard ^v) 3 (4 dis), Lady Enmia 1 (4 dis\ 2:4(!ii, 2:41, 2:47'., 2:39?4. • Aug. 30. 1872. SI.OOO. Mayflower, Broom Corn. Jliram Vvbodnill (2 dis), 5:16. 5:l"i,. Two niiles. lohn Hoggs, Marysville, C'al.. Sept. 3, 1872. 8700. Kegulator i, 4, Highland Mary, Gen. Keno, 2 :35'2. 2:321.1. 2:.!2';.2:.!2'.. 2:32. Sejit. 4. 1872. .*.5(io. Handy Andy, paeerl. Kegulator (2 dis), 2:29>4,2:28?j:, 2:38, 2:49. Saenunento, C:il., Sept. 24, 1S72. *1.000. :Mayliowerl. Black Sv/an, California Dexter. Kegulator. Ajax (4dis), 2:;il-'j. 2:3i:'.i. 2::jO'... 2:30'... Sept. 2(i, 1872. *l.ooo. California Dexter, Mayflower (2 dis). 5:01?i. 5:02?.i. Two miles. D.l^ennison, Sacramento, Cal., Sept. 19, 1873, 2,000. California Dexter, Juniter, Mary Davis. 5:00'i, 5:0li.». Two miles. A. Lewis. Oakland, Cal.. April 1. 1874, $.500. Ella Lewis 1, 2, California Dexter. "Westfield (4 dis), 2:29ii, 2:29'i, 2:.U>4. 2:;!0. 2:32. April 17, 1874. $300. California Dexter 3. 2:35. 2:28';, 2:."5l'.;,2:.'30'!;. Jerome, 1j g (3 :48i^). J. T. Bailey, I'oint Breeze Park, Phil., April 22, 1880. Prize, dinner. Frank, 3:08;i, 3:15^a- Jerome, h g (3 rSS^j), by Hamilton. W. H. Boyce. Coldwater, Mich., May 14, 1880. $400. Executor 3, 7, Marv Belmont 5, Loraine, Midge l, 2 (Odis), 2:27ii,2:29 2:29. 2:28. 2:33'", 2:30, 2:28=i. 2:28?4. Pittshmgh, Pa., Sept. IG, 1880, $300. T. M. Bavnc 3,0, Little Roau 2, Little Sam 1 (4 dis). 2:38Vi, 2:37's, 2:37'2, 2:3314, 2:36'4, 2:;{8, 2:33?4. Sept. 25, 1880, $300. Lady Asher 2, 3, I-itlle Sam, Kate Forrest, Cieorge S. (4 dr), 2:36, 2:32, 2:33k, 2:32ii, 2:30?4. Louisville. Ky.. CM- « and 9. 1880. $ . Myrtle 1. J. W. Thomas, 2::J1. 2:28--4, 2:295!4.2:26'2. Jerome KtUly. i)s (3:16' 2), i)v Louis Napoleon, 'dam Fanny Mapes. by Alexander's Abdallah. Dewev & Stewart, (irand i;ai)ids, Mieli.. Aug. 24. 18''1, $;'.00. Daii Donaldson 1, Indicator, 2:'27'4, 2:31?4, 2:3014, 2:'28i'4. East Saginaw, Mich.. June 23. 1882. S800. Aldiiie. Sue (irundv. Largesse. 2:30' ') .'>7 4, -. (irand liapids, Mich., June 29, 188'2, $700. Aldine, Largesse,' Sue Gruudv, St. Kemo (.2 disK 2:25^4, 2:24?4, 2:2714. '- lona. Mich., July 8, 1882. $.500. Aldine 1.2. King William. 2;32i4. 2:'i6'2, 2:3014. 2:30, 2:29. Chicago. III.. July 19, ls82, $2,000. Mattie Graham 1. Aldine, Largesse, Catchtiy (2 dis>. Naiad C^ueen (1 dis), 2:21 ■•,. 2:22, 2:21. 2:2314. C. E. Abbott. Cleveland, 0., July 25, 188'-', $200. Mattie Ciraham, rnolala. IMinuie B.. Jewett. Abdallah Boy, Bliss, 2:19. 2:ls, 2:19. Liifayette, Ind . Sept. 7, 1882, $400. Florence M., Frank Landers, 2:30, 2:32, 2::«'». Jerome Ttiriier, b s (3 :3»!.,), bv Bverly's Abdallah. J. B. Crawford. Fort Worth. Tex., Nov. 20, 1883, $500. .Foe Morris 2. Flora . 2:4o'.., 2:39' ... Jerry, b s (3 :50). W. Pe.d>odv, Louisville. Kv.. Sejif. 28. 1;'.^9. $ . Daw (1 dis\ H. Blair (1 dis), 2:50. Jerry, gr g(3:.5«). P. F. Hager, Keene, N. tl., Oct. 20, 18G5. $40. Dick, Emi)ire State, Shoddy. Gray Jim, 2:.50, 2:.58, 2;5G. Jerry, gr g (3 :44). E. Spaulding, Montreal. P. Q., Sept. l(i, 18G7. $300. Fearnauglit 1. 3. Lady Clifton, 2:42. 2:44,2:47.2:51.2:44. Freligsburgh, P. Q. Sept. 2. 1808, ,$75. L:idv Allen 1. S. D.. 2:i)0.2:51ii, 2:4914. 2:48. Jerry, grg (3:41). W. H. Hanes, Prospect Park, L. I , .)\uk" 18. 1870. Prize, silver, Willy 2. Humming Bird (1 dis). 2:41,2:43, 2:43,2:49. Jerry, b s (3 :40U). Geo. Woodruff, Dovlestowai, Pa.. Oct. 9. ises. $70. Prince (ieorge. Stranger, West's gr m. Brown Dick, Hannah (8 dr), 2:42. 2:45. 2:46)4. Same dav, $30. Billy Cranherrv, 2:47';, 2:43V<5. 2:40'... Jerry, b s (3:55). J. Salspaugh. lihinebeck. N;\.. Julv 4. 1873. $100. TLirrv 3.4. 2:,58, 2:5.5, 2:54i^, 2:52i4, 2:.57';. Jerry (w),l) g (2:43). H. Brock, Beacon Park. Boston, Julv 30, 1875. .?100. Oregon 3. 4,2 :,5094. 2:54. 2:55?4 2:5.3^1. 2:. 5t». Aug. 9, 187.5,$10n. Young Hero (w) 2, Butcher Bov. 2:48';. 2:44. 2:43';. 2:47. (w), C. S. Bicker. Sei.t. 3, 1875, $75. Billv 1. Oregon (s), 2:r,1.2:rK». 2:48. 2:47. (w). Sej)t. 6, 1875. $7,5. Oregon (W ). '2. 3. J''ollv. 2-18. 2:4G, 2:48';.. 2:47. 2:,50. 0. W. |);i. is. Dover, N. Ii.. Sept. 14. 1876, $100. White Card 2, 3 (7 0). Buckskin Maid 4. 5 (7 dis), 2:47. 2:46. 2:48, 2:40, 2:42. 2:44.2:46, 2:.51. Jerry, b g (3:40). S. Willet, Dansville, N. Y., Oct. 1.5, 1875, $200. Dolly W., Ruby, Arkansas, Tom Moore, 2:45. 2:43'/j, 2:4.5. Jerry (3:03). F. Haupt, Belmont Park, Phila., Oct. 29, 1879,$ . Grace, Bill, Sam, Fanny, Nelly, 3:05, 3:08 3:02. Jerry, bg (3:439.0. C. A. Sweetser, Pittsfleld, Mass.. Oct. 8, 1879, $150. Sim Watson, Brutus, 2:44, 2 :43?i, 2 :45. Jerry (.Ferrv W.). cli s (3 :35i.,'). bv Pcfirsall. (?. Hulett. Mineola. L. I., Sept. 29: 1881, W5. James Keefe, War- wick Bov, Star M.ald, June. 2:"0, 2 4o, 2:>7. E. Durj'ea. Sept. 28, 1882, .$30. Rob, Udell's blk g. Speir's ch g, 2:,56'». a C — ( CHESTEKS COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACINXJ UECOllU. 343 Jt-rry. b g ("l :5S\). J. F. McNaugbt, Seattle, \V. T., July 3. 1883, $200. Sunset. Mack, 2:0814, 3:03i2- .Jerry B., blks *3:06). W. H. BetLs, Erie, I'a., July 7, 1883, $100. Tipperary Boy 1, 2. 3:04, y:06,3:08?4, 3 O.i 3:07. ■ ' Jerry Hardwick, blk g (3 :35). D. Postle & Sous, Mt. Veruou, ()., Aug. 15, 1877, $200. City Girl, Ohio Maid \Wn Montague, Sunshine, Sorrel Frank, Lucy Nichols. .1:03, 3:01, 3:00'2. Columbus. O., Sept. 18, 1878, $150. Outlaw 3, (1 0), Delaware Maid, Gold Dollar, Claudine (5 dr), 2:K), 2:43>2, 2:41, 2:37'2. 2:42. A. Ballmer. Coshocton. O., Oct. 12, 1881, $35. Kit Carson, Longwood, 3:0C. 3:20, 2:50' 2. Jerry Heenan, gr g (,3:4H4,). A. Kineaid, Ciucinnati, O., July 5, 1865, $1,000. Holabird's gr g 2, (.3 dis),2:4T4, 2 :45, 2 :43. July 2',l, 18G5, .$1,000. Billy Pilot 1, 2:48, 2:44, 2:48^4, 2-MU. Jerry Hoover, b g (3:54). A. Eisenuiu, Wheeling, W. Va., Oct. 22, 1874, $100. Jim 1, 2, Hiatoga Chief, lie- venge. Lightning, 2:58, 2:55,3:04, 2:54. Unflnished. Jerry L., eh g (3 :37). J. C. Warr, Bridgewater, Mass., Sept. 23, 1882, $125. Lady Thornton, Blanche Doug- hiss, Billy, 2:40, 2:41i2, 2:37. Jerry Lee, (3:15). C. I-. Page, Morrisville, Vt., Sept. 19, 1873, $75. Bay Jim, Hambletonian, 3:15, 3:1G, 3:16. Four-vear-olds. Jerry Leigh, b g (3 :44). P. C. Eckroth, Scrauton, Pa., Aug. 16, 1870, $200. Stranger, Ditk, 3:10, 3:06. 3:04. Kiltersville. Pa., June 18, 187.5, $500. James R.. Frank, Phoebe Severance, 2:58. 2:52, 2:49. Jerrv Locke, b g ( 3 :44). J. H. Locke, Concord, N. H., Sept. 28, 1870, $175. Jerry Morrison 3, (1 Oi, (4 0), 2:45, 2:44, 2:43'.., 2:44. 2:46'i, . Chiremont, X. H., Oct. 14, 1870, $140. Frosty 1, Lady Forrest. No time. H. G. Smith, Lawrence, Mass., Aug. 10, 1872, .$400. Ludlow Boy, Martin Luther, Lady Allen, Black Ralph. (3 disi, Trifler (3 dis>. Lady Sherburne (1 dis) 2:49, 2:48, 2:4854. Jerry Maiinic, b g (3 :56). J. Dodridge, Prescott, Out., Oct. 3, 1876, $ . Lady Granville, L. H. Daniels. Best time, 2:56. Ivingston, Out.. Oct. 10, 1876, $130. Lady Barebones, Tom Thumb, Bath Tormentor (3 dr). Xo time. Oct. 11, 1K76, $70. Shelton Wood, Col. Hance, Bath Tormentor. No time. Mr. Purely, Picton, Out., May 24, 1879, $70. Gen. Thomas 2, French Boy 1, Bay Tom, Tom Burke (4 dr). No time. Jerry Parker, blk s (3:01 3-10). Mr. Alexander, Sacramento, Cal., Oct. 8, 1864, $1,600. Lady Middleton, 15:06!.o. Five miles. Jerry Peck, br g (3:35). John Palmer, Watertown, N. Y., June 8, 1866, $ . Yankee 2, 2:50, 2:47, 2:47. Carthage. N. Y.. Feb. 15, 1867, $100. U. S. Grant, 2:48, 2:45, 2:35. E. L. Harris, Watertown, N. Y., Sept. 20, 1867, $75. Nelly Isham 2, 5, Lizzie 3, 2:42, 2:42, 2:40, 2:39U';, 2:42, 2:43. Sept. 7, 1868, $20. Lizzie 2, 2:43, 2:43. 2 :45. Jerry Postal, dn g (3 :33). Fuller and Wentz, Westerville, O.. Oct. 3, 1873, $ . Moliawk 1, 2:54, 2:36, 2:30. 2:39. Burton, O., Aug. 19,1874, $300. Stranger l, 2, Lady McFatridge, Deception (2 disj, Fanchon (2 disi, 2:48i4, 2:48^4, 2:47,2:47'^, 2:47i'2. Columbus, O., Sept. 11, 1874, $ . Red Oak 1, 2, Billy Golden, Mohawk Jackson, Doctor Rush (2 disi. Lady Bashaw (3 dis), 2:38'2, 2:38, 2:32, 2:34, 2:33. -Pittsburgh, Pa., Sept. 17, 1874, .$500. Lady Johnston, Daw (2 dis). Ada (1 dis), 2:361/^,2:37. 2:50. Beaver. Pa., Oct. 2 and 3, 1874, $ . Deception 2, 4, Gvpsv Tom 3. . , , 2:45. 2:43, 2:41. W. H. Delany, Masillon, O., Aug, 12, 1876, $250. Deception' 1, Lew Scott, Joe Hooper, Dolly, 2:36, 2:35, 2:33, 2: 33 '4. Jerry W., (.lerrv), ch g (3 :35i4), by Pearsall. E. Duryea, Mineola, L. I., June 20, 1883, $50. Roseberry (l 0), Chip. Engineer. 2:41. 2:41,2:43, 2;44. Sei)t. 2.5, 1883, $100. Ladv Jupiter (3 0), Roseberry, Glover Boy, Little Jasper (4 dis). Eureka (4 dis), Billy B. (4 dr). Paddy (3 dr), 2 :39'4, 2 :40, 2 :39i4. 2 :40. Sept. 26, 1883, $100. Roseberry, Aberdeen, Black Pete, 2:50, 2:35^4. Jersey, (Buckskin Charley), dn g (3 :38^4). C. Davidson, Secaucus, N. J., May 24, 1879, $100. Arrack, Storm, Peter Russell. Emma L., 2:40, 2:40, 2:38^i. Jersey Belle, blk m (3 :37). Thos. Lee, Fleetwood Park, N. Y.. Aug. 27, 1872. $500. BlackFlv, 3:15, 2:57,2:59. Jersey Bov, b s (3 :37). (3 :38?4*), by Marion. J. Black, Davenport, la., Sept. 9, 1863, $150. TomHyer, Young Buchanan (2 dis). 2:29, 2:38. Short track. Sept. 10. 1863, $115. Gen. Grant 2, Wild Hornet (3 dis), 2:.3n, 2 :32. 2 :35. Short track. M. W. Black, Decatur, 111., Oct. 2, 1863, .$500. Tom Hver, 2:3Pi. 2:30'., 2:28?i. Short track. P. Leonard. Chicago, 111., June 7, 1865, .$ . Quaker Boy, Ripton (1 dis), 5:17'/4, 5:21. Two miles. — M. W. Blai'k, Avon Spa, N. Y., June 6, 1866, $1.50. Stonewall .lackson, 2:57, 2:.51, 2:49. Jersey Boy, blk g (3:33). A. K. Myland, Reading, Pa., Sept. 24, 1868, $300. Billy Mustapha. Lady Davis, Lady Clifford, 2:44. 2:48i4. 2:44. D. Myhuul. Philadelpliia, Pa., Aug. 6, 1869, $500. Victor Patchen 4, George M. Patchen Jr. 1, Harry D. (2 dis), 2:39. 2:40. 2:.S9. 2:41, 2:41. Jersey Boy, (Black's Colt), b g (3:3114), by Young Volunteer, dam Libby. by Yoimg Gen. Taylor. A. F. Dickson, Salem, N. J., Aug. 27, 1873, $150! Gen. McClellan, Lady Brook, Mac'(3 dis>, St, Elmo d' dis), 2:52'/2, 2:.53i4, 2:5194. Hudson Co., N. J., Sept. 19, 1874, $50. Estella 2, 3. Kitty 1,3:35J4, 3:27%. 3:3294, 3:23, 3:24i4, 3:25>^. Four- year-olds. G. Melev, Woodsto\vn, N. J.. Sept. 15. 1875. $ . Jersey Girl, Nell. 3:14. 3:12, 3:09. Four-vear-olds. Sept. 16, 1875, .$25. Kate, 1:. 3.5, 1:35, 1 :. 30. Half-mile heats. C. S. .rohnson, Sept. 7. 1876, .$ . Shiloh Patchen, Mattock Maid, 3:28, 3:18, 3:22. Washington, D. C, May 17, 1877. $ . Tom Fields l, 2, Trump. Gilt Edge 4 (5 dr), 2:42, 2:43, 2:40, , 2:48, 2:47. ■ Woodbury, N. J., July 3. 1877, $100. Sadie Bell 2, 3, 2:.3834, 2:32»4, 2:35='4. 2:36"2, 2:37. Five-year-olds. Point Breeze Park, Phila.. Aug. 14, 1877, .9200. Maggie M. 1, Morninir. 2:.S2, 2:30, 2:32, 2:.?0. Aug. 15. 1877, .$200. Sadie Bell l. 2. Ladv Carson. David Wallace (5 dr>, 2:27, 2:33, 2:27, 2:31, 2:32. Five- year-olds. Wilmington. Del.. Oct. 11. 1877. .$300. Sadie Bell 1, 6 (3 0), Delaware 2 (3 0), Moscow, 2:34}^, 2:37''i, 2:34>/., 2:38, 2:.31, 2:36, 2:38, 2:29. — Fleetwood Park, N. Y.. Oct. 18, 1877, .$1,500. Sadie Bell, John Murphv Jr. 2, 3 (4 dis). 2:28i4. 2:2714, 2:25. 2:32' a, 2::!5'.. Pottstown, Pa., Oct. 26. 1877, .$.300. Delaware 1. 2, Black P'nuik. Modoc. 2:32. 2:.30'2. 2:29, 2:32, 2:31'i. .1. H. Phillips, Woodburv, N. .1., .luly 4, 1878, $350. Ladv Kildeer, Sam French, Champion Morrill. 2:33!4, 2:31, 2;.32'i.. Suffolk Park, Phil., July 10 and 11, 1878, $250. Lady Kildeer, Champion Morrill, Sara French, Preston, 2:.30, 2:28, 2:27. SUA CIIESTEUS CO.Ml'LKTE TKOTTING AND I'ACINc; IIKCOK!). RocliesttT. N. Y.. Aug. 9 aud 10, 1878. Sl.'iOO. fSteve Maxwell 1, 2. Boiu'setter. Wolfonl Z.. Bateman. Lady VoDilu'is, Naiuy llatkctt, Nflia, Scliuyk-r, Goldlinder, Monarch llulc, Cliiellain (1 dis;, -j-.-Jl. .^.l' ., :i:26Vi, Utiea, N, Y., Aug. IG and IT, 1878. $1,500. Bateman 4, Lady Voorhees 3. VVolford Z. 1, Nanev Hackett 6, G 1 7dis), Steve Maxwell, licsult. Chieftain, Goldlinder, 2:2-'. 2:22'j, 2:23>2, 2:25, 2:24'.i, 2:24, 2:23, 2:25. Belmont Tark. I'liil., Oct. 7, 1(S7S, s400. .Scotland 2. Irene 1, Bateman, 2:2ii:'.i, 2:24'.i, 2:27. 2:20, 2:26. Sullolk Park, I'hil., June 7, 187'J. *300. Capt. Ennnons 1,2, Gray Chief 4.5, Glide, Hauuah D. (5dr), 2:25, 2:25, 2:25, 2:25, 2:26:2:27, 2:30. May 11, 1880, $000. Deck Wright l, 2. Lew Scott, Dictator, Wild Lily, Hannah D. (li dn. Irene (S dr), Scotland (3 dr), 2:25'4, 2:25'4. ■-':21l... 2:2,"). 2:2.')'.i. -- — - I'oint Biecze I'ark, I'bil., -Mav l!». 1880, .^oou. Deck Wright 1, 2, Scotland 0, Wild l.ilh 4. Dictator, Lew Scott, Tommy Gates, Hannah D. (5dr), 2:23,2:23, 2:-.'3'j, 2:25, 2:27, 2:293'.),2:31i;.i. Belmont I'ark. I'liil., May 25, 1880. .$.500. Irene. Deck AVright, Wild Lily, liannah D., 2:2115, 2:22, 2 22^4 C. H. .McEadden Washington. D. C, June 1, I880, .S1,000. Deck Wright 1. Daisydale. 2:28><8, 2:25's,2:24>4, 2:2,5', 2. .1. II. Philliiis, May 5 and 7, 1881, .$800. Voltaire 4, 5 ('-< 0), SilvertonSd 0)(2 0), Irene, Powers, 2:2;<5!i,2:22'-4, 2:22'4. 2.2;;!... 2:24. 2:25. 2:23i2, 2:21i.i. Suffolk i'ark, I'hil., May 10, issl. JifOOO. Silvertou, Scotland, Haml)letoniaii Mnmbrino, Kentucky Wilkes, 2:23, 2:'22>(., 2:23. Beacon Park, Boston, June 13. 1881. $600. Nancy, Steve Maxwell, Wizz, Wild Lilv, 2:'23>", 2:25'o, 2:25?4- Providence, K. I., June 23 and 24, 1881, $500. Steve Maxwell 1,3, Wild Lilly 2. Nancy, Dan Smith i;i(lr>, 2:23'i, 2:25, 2:20, 2:2C'4. 2:20J4, 2:22. Jersey Boy {w) rii '^{'Z-.rtl). C. S. Cox. Suffolk Park, Phil., MaySO, 1875. $200. Sallv 2. 3:0.5. 3:04, 2:54, 2:58. luiie 14, IS7.5. .-.sjOO. Maid of the West 1, 3. 2:51, 2:51, 2:49. 2:50'.;. 2:,5.5. Jersey Hoy, hlk g (3:40). P. M. Snyder. Ml. Holly, N. J.. Oct. 3:18Tt;. .■?;;40. IMolly. Sally G., Banker's Mes- senger. Bay Dan, Alice, Tankary, I'rank, Indian (iirl, Shelley, Kate. 2:40'o. 2:44. 2:49. Oct. 4, 1870. .$8.5. Fleetfoot, Windsor Maid. 2:45. 2:47. 2:47'j. • Union Park, L. I.. Oct. 17. 1870, j?100. Addie, 2:51, 2:.50'o, 2;.50Vl. • Doylestown. Pa., Oct. — , 1876, •5200. Onward (3 0), Leontine, Honest John. 2:4.5. 2,44'», 2:45. 2:4.5. H. Middleton, Washington, D. ('., Dec. 3, 1877, .?400. Ned Buckley 2, 5:."7. 5:4(i'.,, 5:30. Two miles. May 1, 1878, .^1.50. Gilt Edge 3,0, Trump .5, Tom Field 1, Dewitt Clay, .Mount Holly (4ro). 2:41, 2:4o, , 2 :40?4 . 2 :40?4 . — . -' ■il. N. C. Kugler. Plainfield, N. J., Sei)t. 28, 1882, .$1.50. Blaze, Music, Bess, 2:45. 2:43'2, 2:45H. Jersey Boy. eh g (!J :43>fedium, Lizzie Almoiit, 2:47i,. 2:45. 2:46. 2:4u».i. Jersey Girl, ch m (.3:44). Horace Jones, Union Course. L. I., Sept. 30, 1852, .$1,000. Tom 1, 2:46, 2:485^, 2:44, 2:46. Jersey Girl, 1) m (!J:47\1)V Dobbins' Patchen Horse. Geo. Meley, Hudson Co., N. J., Sept. 19, 1874, .$20. Gyp.^y. Flora, 3:59'.,, ;;:57'4. Three-year-olds. • W. W. Pancoast, Woodbury, N. J., Sept. 20 and 21. 1877, $.50. Maud Mac, May Morrill. Frank Kosen- gard(!U. Mickle, Alice Addison, Hamlet, 1:31, 1 :34'2. Half mile heats. Dovlestown, Pa., Oct. 3, 1879, .$100. Neshominy, Victorine. Delaware, Blaek Maria (3 dis), 2:48ii, 2:47, 2:47. Jersey John, b g (3 :38i4). J. Denton, Prospect Park, L I.. Nov. 27, 1873, $200. Gray Charley 1. 4, (5 0), 3 :16^4, 3:19, 3:11, 3: 18S4, 3:20, :T:23i^. W. Porter, May .5, 1875, $200, By By 1, 4, Major Pulse (4 dr), Bessie Brown (w) (3 dis), 2:48' 2, 2:4,5, '>:i5%, 2:49,2:49. - — June 12, 1875, Prize, horse clothes. Stranger. 2:49, 2:48. Deerfoot Park, L. I., May 15, 187(!, .$600. Fred Tyler 1, 2, Lady Woods, 2:42V2. 2:39, 2:38;4, 2:40. 2:4.5. Jersey L,ily, (Lady Mac) ch m (3 :35). bv Hambletonian Downing, dam Rolla Se,vmour. C. McCalla, Columbus, Ind.. Jiuie 0, 1883. $200. Lansing Boy 1, Honest Billy, Reuben, Queen S. (2 dis). Major K. (2 dis). 2:42. 2:39'/4, 2:38. 2:,38. - — Terre Haute, Tiid.. June 13. 1883. f,(). (Jueen S.. Frank E. (3 dis). Belle Ford (2 dis), 2:41'i, 2:45, 2:38'/,. Ilockviile, Ind.. .June 20. 188.3, $1C0. Little (ieorge 2, Iris, t^ueen S., E'rank (imy, 2 ::>(i, 2:.i7K>. 2:38, 2:40. Danville. HI.. ,Fune 28, 1883, $300. Dr, Shepherd 1, 2, Joe Davis 3, Ko.scoe, \oung Buchanan (1 dis), 2:49, 2:.54, 2:,50, 2:.52, 2:,5.5, 2:58. Lafayette. Ind.. .lulv 3, 1883. .$400. Gilbird Sprague 1, Neva, Josephine. 2:35V,. 2:35^4. 2 :.^5. 2:36k. Jersey Maid, br m ('3 :4d). W. H. Saundei-s. rhemung Co., N. Y., Aug. 18. 18.55, $600, Satm. 2:40. 2:45, 2:42. Rose Valley. N. Y., Aug. 25, is.55, .$250. Satin. St. LawTence (w), 2:45. 2:40. July 19, 1«''6. .$200. Fanny Barney. 2:4.5. 2:.5:!, 2:.50. Jersey Maid, dn mr3:36?i). S. Dewey, Stockton. Cal., Sept. 17, 1864, .$700. Flora May 1. 2. 2:58, 2:51. 2:51, 2:52, 2:.54. .1/ . 1 B. Gaml)le, .San Mateo, Cal., Aug. 29. ises. .$.300. Bob Cole, 2:48. Marysville.<\al., .Sept. 11, 1808, ,$200. Kittv Wells, 2:499i, 2:19'i, 2:49'.,. ,. ,. . ,. , „ ,„ P. Farrell. .Sacramento, CnL. Sei)t. 19, 1868, .$2on. Ladv Belle 1, 2, (3 dis\ Rnscoe (1 dis), 2:44, 2:o0?4. 2:40. Sonoma, (^-i!., Oct. 6, 1870. .$200. Hiram Woodruff. Fanny Lent. No time. Jersey Maid, blk m (^^.r>ry^). bv Hiimbletonian, dam Mambn'no Maid, by Msimbrino Paymaster C^t. Heet- wood Park. N. Y.. May 26, 1873. .* Flower Bov 4. .5. Frank 1. 2. (3 disi, Teaser (3 dis). Dolly A arden (1 dis). 3:00. 3:001.1,2:551;,. 3:031.,. 3:04V,, 3:07-'.,, 3:08! ,,,.,,. s , , Jersey man, (3:43 '<;>. J. Fitzgerald, San Francisco, Cal., Dec. 2, 1874, $500. American ( elt (1 dis), John Lynn (1 dis), 2-A2K. Jersey Oueen. Freehold, N. J., Sept. 12. 1877. .$80. Bonny Doon Jr. 1, Alice Blackwood. I'lorazme. Lu<'y (3 (In, l:.34i4 1:311.1, 1:25, . Half-mile heats. ' . ,. , « Jersey .Sam. blkg (3:41' J). .Tobn Ellis. Lookport. N. Y.. June 27. 1874. .$,500. Major Lambert. Quaker Boy. Fanny D.. Flora, Ladv Cooper, 2:42. 2:461,. 2 :48?.C. , „ Jerusalem, (w)b g (3 :45 w). J. Shoenl)erger. Cincinnati. O., Sept. .30, 1873. $.500. Biddy, Snowstorm. Gray Dick, Frank, 2:45, . 2:51, Jesse (w) gr g (3 :50!/, w). Dan Mace, Union Course, L. I., May 19, 1865. .$200. Bhick AVarrior (w), 2:50'5, 2:.54, 2:.57"2. B. Holabird, Hamilton, O.. Aug. 2.3, 1866. .$200. Rattler, 8:40. Three miles. , tt . Jesse O. T^inrtell. (American Boy), blk s (3::i7'i). by Miller's Bbick Hawk, dam by Farlow s, Uwharrie. Mosh<>r& Chidester, Macomb". 111., Sept. 8, 1875, .^500. G. T. Pilot2, Susie Ross, Elder Pogue, \ allisca Maid. Madge (2 dis), 2:15. 2:.54, 2:47. 2:49''». Sept. 10. 1875. .$10.. Susie Ross 2, Frontier Dick. V:dlisca Mjiid. 2:47, 2:47>^. 2:49, 2:47. Di\on. 111.. Sept. 1,5, 187,5, .$.500. Nelly 2. Tom Dodge (2 (lis). 2:48',. 2:4.')%, 2:47. 2:181.,. .Taekson. Mich.. June 21. 1876. .<5.5O0. Easter Maid 1. Wonder 2. Harry G., Capt. Sellick, .losie. Dan Bassett B.idgcr, Robert McGregor. Sweet William (5 dr), Ella Wood (3 dis). "Lucy Day d dis). 2:36?i, 2:41'2, 2:3i?4. 2:.37ii,2;.38i4. Je8srK..grg (3: 13), by Young Messenger. W. H. H. Sheldon. Manhattan. Kan.. Aug. 31. 1882.. $5;5. Bal>y Biodgett, Blackwood Mambrino, Albert W., 3:12, 3:13. Two-year-olds. CHESTEi;-S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACIN<^ IlECORD. 345 Jesse I^ambert, bs(3:3~). E.A.Abbott, Bangor, Mich., May 2.5, 1880, $50. James K. 1, Sonora, Dick R. (2 dis;, liazur (,2 drj, 3:29. 3:oU, 3:31. 3:l7. Jesse .Smith, (8:53). L. P. Dull', Oguensl)urj;h, N. Y., Sept. 29, ISCO, $ . Young St. Lawrence 1, 3, 2:51, 3:01,2:09.2:55,2:55. Stallions. Jessie, (vv) blk m (2:40). s. I.ockwood, Union Course, L. I., June 19, 186.=), $400. Peg (w), 3:02, 2:58, 2:46. Jessie, b ni {'Z-.-ili^ s). Edwin Thonie, Nowburgh, N. Y., Sept. — , 18fi6, .15 . Maior Edsall (s), 2:42, 2:4l'». Jessie, ell ni (3:4:3). I.Pauling, Fasliion Course, L. I., May 12, 1868, $500. Glencoe (30), Pepper's Ghost (3 dn, Stay (1 dis), 2:45, 2:47, 2:49, 2:4G'.i. Jessie, blkni (3 :50). J. Smith, Harrodsburgh, Kv., Juno 17, 1869, .SlOO. Minnie 2. 2:.")0, 3:00, 3:00. Jessie, blk ni(,3;53). C.St. John, Albanv. N. Y., .June 13, 1872. S75. NellvB., Lookout. 2 :."j3, 2:56, 3:00. Jessie, bjii V^j32). R. jNI. Ajidersou. Clc\_elau(l, O.. July 20, 1S72, §1)00. Harry li., Ueiry l^ass, Nelly, Vanity olumbia F:ur. T. J. Stevens, John II., Dcxtrcts, Elliok (.idr). Red ((aki2 dis), Top.sy (2 dis), 2:;;.;',, 2:32'.., 2:35, — W. II. Crawford, Buffalo, N. Y., Aug. 2, 1872, $250. Cattiiraugus Chief 3, 4, Kitty Hazel (4 dis), Co i4 dn, 2;.!3, 2:35, 2:31. 2:2<)U, Jessie, b ni (3:35). J. ]). SlTufeldt, Chatham Village, N. Y.. Sept. 16, 1874, $50. Flying Cloud l, Kit (3 dis), Yoiuig Veto(l dis\ 2:57, 3:00, 2:54, 2:. 56. Albany, N. Y.. July 4, 1878, $100. J. Tlionias Davis. P.ay George, 2:35, 2:37ii, 3:.J5. Jessie, br in(3 :563i), by St. Clair. ^Vm. Rawson, Woodland, Cal., Nov. 1, 1876,::pl25. Rock, Pioneer, Maggie 1 (2 dis), 2:.57i4„ 3:021/:;. 3:08, 2:56?.^. Jessie, (3:49i. C. O. Averv, Chicago, 111., June 1.5,1878, .? . L:idv H. 1, Duke, Daisv, , 2:51, 2:56. Aug, 17, 1878, $ . Edwards, 2:50, 2: 4*». Jessie, b m (3 :57i^). W. Corry, Quaker, Minn., Julv 4, 1S7S. .S . Empress 1, Prince, 3:08, 3:00, 2:57'/i. Jessie, blk m (3:35). K. Corcoran, Watertowu, N.' Y., June 13,1878, $150. George Ernest, Major Priest, 2:3si.o. 2:;37, 2:37 Syracuse, N Y,. June 18. 1878, .'B200. Jim Ward, Nelly Parks, Maud, 2:37, 2:40, 2:.35. June 20, 1878, $200. Frank, Jim Ward, Dick Jones, 2:35?a, 2:35^4, 2:3,5. Jessie, b m (3 :5l?i), by Clark's Mohawk, Jr. J. Clark, Davton, O., Sept. 24, 1878, $17.5. Mohawk Queen, Quaker Girl (3 dr). Hail (1 dis), 2:51^*, 2:52^i. 2:52J4. Three-vear-olds. Springfield, O.. Oct. 15, 1878. $50. Hail. 3:00^4, 2:56, 2:.5.S. ' Three-year.olds. Jessie, eh m(3:34U,), bv Almont, damby J'ilot, Jr. J. Bean, Charles City, la., July 2, 1880, $200. W. A. Wheeler 1, 3, Hettv V., 2:4.3i.i, 2:44'.2. 2:43>., 2:42, 2:42':.. Jessie, bm (3:45), by Hermit. C. A. Merrill, Machias, Me., Sept. —, 1881, .? . Kale, Fannv, 3:07,3:05, 3:06. J. Marston. Bethel. Vt.. Sept. 28, 1881, .«!100, Limber Bov. Susan, Kathleen, 2:50, 2:45, 2:47, Woodstock, Vt., Sept. 28, 1881. .'i?75. Susan, 2:50, 2:45,2:46. Jessie, b m (3 :36i4), by Lodi, dam Nipper, by Geo. M. Patchen. J. B. Biulew, Waverley, N. J., Sept. 20, iss:^, .*150. George B. Sandford, Quaker Boy, George Brooks, 2:40^.j,. 2:42, 2:37^4. Plainfleld, N. J., Sept. 25, 1883, $2.50. Slim Jim 1, 2, Tom Wonder, Daisy Hartshorn, Maggie George. Estelie. Sleepy Jack (5 dr), Joseph C. (5 dr), 2:41, 2:38i4. 2:40i4, 2:36?.u 2:38'i. Jessie B., b m (3 :51\ by Lvsander, dam a Stark mare. ~J. C. Potter, Rome, N.Y., Sept. 23, 1880, $70. Ralston 1, Lady Patchen. Daisv,"2 :55, 2 :53, 2 :.51, 2 :.59. Four-vear-olds. S.\Tacuse, N. Y.,Nov. 4, 1880, $100. Lysander Gi'rl(l, 0), Molly S., Constance (l disi. :;:05, 3:01, 2:5.5. Four- vear-olds. Jessie C, b m (3 :41i4). J. C. Crall, Beloit Kan., Sept. 29, 1881, $150. Dave L., Flora, 2:55. 2:54, 2:5D4. Washington. Kan., July 3, 1882, $150. Maud S., Calamity, Amanda E. (2 dis). Capt. Bullard, 2:43>^, 2:449X. 2:1914- Julv 4. 1882. S200. Napper Bones, 2:55'2, 2:44K', 2:55. J. Crall, :Marysville, Kan., Sept. 25, 1883, $100. Amanda E. 1, Jatan, 3:01, 2:.54, 2:51. 2:.52. Sept. 26, 1883, sir). Maud Cook, Amanda E., 2:50, 2:54. 2:56. Jessie D,. ch m (.3 :36). J. Yearance, Waverly Park, N. J., Sept. 19,1883, $150. Revenge, Daisy Hartshorn, Slim Jim, Sleepy Chief (2 dis), Edna (2 dis), Estelie (2 dis), 2:38, 2:38, 2:36. Jessie Dixon, b m (3 :38i4). by Mambrino Patchen. A. D. Helm, Angola, Ind., Oct. 1, 1878, $150. Warrior Chief, HarrvK., Tom Wonder, 2:50, 2:50, ii:.50. Oct. 4, 1878, .■?1.50. Warrior C hief, Nellv, Harry K., 2 :50, 2:50, 2 :50. ■ Norwalk, O., July 10. 1872, .$300. Spider 2, 3, Flirt, Willard H., Blue Bird, Carson, Fanny B. 1 (6 dis), Duck (2 disi. Kittv Clvde (1 dis), 2:33^,2:30, 2:.34;4, 2:33, 2:365ii, 2:39. J. A., Kichlev, Dubuque, la., June 17. 1880, JS.SOO. Maid of Monti, Fanny Fern, 2:35, 2:333^, 2:34. M. Hopkins, Detroit, Mich., Nov. 5 and 6. 1880, $400. Dan Donaldson2, 3 (4 0), 2:3214, 2:32, 2:33^4, 2:31^4, 2:3.5, 2:44. A. S. Moore, June 4, 1881, $800. Mattie Graham 5 (4 0) Musette (3 dis), Donald (3 dr) Dictator (2 dr), 2:30, 2:29*4, 2:29i4, 2:32i.;. 2:31i.;. 2:37. Grand Rapids, Mich,, June 22, 1881, $700. Indicator 1, J. W.Thomas, Mattie Graham, Centella (3 dis), George V. (3 disi, 2:31 Vi, 2:30i.;, 2:32, 2:29 Ionia, Mich., June 29, 1881, $600. J. W. Thomas, Indicator, Mattie Graham, George V., Centella, 2:28>4, 2:29'..,2:2si4. J:inu's Doyle, Sarnia, Out., Mav 24, 1883, $150. Flirt, Sparkle, 2:37*^, 2:36. 2:34' 2. Jessie Hayes, b m (3 :34), by Ned Forrest, dam bv Highlander (?). A. W. Blake, Adrian, Mich., June 5, 1878, $500. Lady Moscow i, 4. Jim Schriber 3, Kitty Bates 2, Bay Dick, Hattie, Silver Cloud, 2:35, 2:331^3,2:37, 2:35, 2:3.5, 2:.S7. 2:38. (iraiid R;ipids, Mich., June 19. 1878, $900. Bay Dick 1, Lady Moscow 3, Alexander (50), Hermes, Josephine, Kitty Bates i2 dis). Webster (2 dis). 2:.30. 2:30i.i, 2:.30i4. 2:31i2. 2:31 14. 2:.'?1. East S;iginaw, Mich., June 26, 1878, $1,000. Bay Dick 1, 2, Alexander, Hermes, Lady Moscow, Josephine, 2 ; 30, 2 :30, 2 : 29, 2 :30, 2 : 30. Detroit, Mich., Julv 5, 1878. $800. Bav Dick 3, 4, Alexander, Lady Moscow, Xelly Rose, Josephine, Or- phan Girl, 2:29. 2:29, 2:30, 2:30, 2:30V.,, Tremont, O., Aug. 29. 1878, .$300. ' "Joe Kellogg, Billv Budd. Bav Dick, Fanny Shepard, 2:34, 2:30. 2:31. Sanduskv, O.. Sept. 20. 1878, .$4.50. Deception. Dick Harvev, 2,36'2, 2:37'/2, 2:36. Toledo, ()., Sept. 9, 1879, .$400. Dick Taylor (1 0), Grav Salem (1 0). 2:.30, 2:28, 2:2914, 2:29. Jessie Hoite. ch m (3 :34), bv Charles Douglass. W. Slack, Sodus. N. Y., June 26, 1878, $150. Whalebone 3, Polly G.. IJniilv L. (4 disi. Redwood (3 dis). 2:40, 2:40, , 2:4.5. Batavia, N. V., Julv 2. is78, $500. Sparta Girl, Lady Mac, Jim Ash, P. L. Eastman, Lady Smith, Golden Gate, Miidelin, 2:.34, 2:34, 2:36'4 Julv 4, 1878, $500. Sparta Girl 1, Jim Ash. P. L. Eastman, Lady Smith, Golden Gate (3 dr). Black Allen (1 dis), 2:.33. 2:;54, 2:35, 2:36. Jessie Housinger, ch nw 3:44). W. Peabody, Hempstead, L. I., Aug. 2, 1858, .$,30. Tecumseh l, Julia Cal- lahan. 2:49, 2:45, 2:44. 2:44. Jessie Kirk ch m i3 :45-', ).bv Clark Chiet, dam by Capt. Walker. L. D. Bunce, White Plains, N. Y., Sept. 18. 1871. $100. Miss .Miller 2, Flora(3dis). Quaker. Spring Girl (3 dis). Lady Palmer (1 dis), 3:01. 2:4514, 2:455!i. 3 :00. Four-year-olds. SMi CHESTER'S COMPLETE THOTTINC AM) I'AClNc; KKCOKl). Jessie Lambert, b in (3:59>4). Dennis iind Abbot, (iiiind Kapids, Midi., Sept. 21, 18x0, .'<4(;0. Colden Me:i- sure 1, SonoiaU dis), Oceana Boy (1 dis;. Marsliall 15. 0 dis), sleepy Joe U dis;, ;J:0,(. 3:uo. _':.".9'.i. Three- vear-olds. Jessie Maud, {ii;i" nu3 :39), by Ke^tnlus. \V. McMalioii, SutTolk I'ark, Phil., May 1.3, IsTit. .*:;{00. Hurnloist 3 (4 0), EdKar. iJitb Siolt, Viola, Kthel Medium, (iiii. IIuiiUt, liaywood. Max L. v4 dn. Klwood Medium (4 dr), Mambrino liassen (3 disi Martha (,3 dis). Little Frank il' dn, 2::',:i. -J:.!!;, 2:34, 2:32, 2:36. Ambler Park. I'liil.. .May 20, l^Tlt. 5:300. (iail Hamilton 1 (2 0), Mambrino Snap (2 0>, Edgar, IJob Scott, Viola, Elvvood Medium, (ieii. Hunter, 2:40, . 2:35, 2:3«, 2:34. .Mav 22, 1879, .s3oi». Duke Medium, hiz/ie MeParland, Kingwood, Sneak. •2;3x, 2:39, 2:30. Helinont Park. Phil., May 27, 1S79, §300. Edgar, Bob Scott, Chief, Nelly, Elwood Medium, Mambrino Hasseii, \iola, Athelstan, Gen. Hunter, Maud Medium(3 dr), 2:31, 2:31, 2:31^4. Mav 30. lt*79, §300. Ethel Medium 2, J'earl 3, -Martha 1, Baywood, Music in the Air, Sorrel Top. Duke Medium, J5urnloist ^:> dr). Annie Beiinet (."> dr), Billy Watson (3 dr).2:.33, 2:;«i, 2:32'.i. 2:.si. 2:.31.2:.'i3'... Springfield, L. L, July 13, 18><1, $150. Brown Dick 2, Alice Lane. JSlaud, Little Fred, 2:33J^, 2:33'.r. 2:35?4, 2:. 35. Jessie Teiiipletoii, b m (2 -MT^.i), by Benedict iMorrill. Calvin Harvey, Barre. Vt., July r), IST.I. SlOO. Minnie W'anur, Clara Smith, Fanny Appleton d dis), Alexander Keindeer (1 dis), 2:53. 2:54, 2:.5(;. Jessie AVales, blk m (3 :30), by Ajax. dam Lady Langley. Ben Wright, Boston, Mass., Sept. 21, 18C5, S . (ieorge M. J'atchen, Jr. 1. Lady Bliss. 2:41, 2.3G?.i, 2:37'.i, 2:38'.i. (w), (ieorge Wales, Mav u;, 1S67. :<\m. Lady F'lagner, 2:45'.i. 2:42'2, 2:42'.i. J. .L Bowen, Sept. 13, 1867, .:;30(). Sweet J$rier l (3 0), John Allen, 2:4D4, 2:30?*, 2:37. 2:.%>4, 2:34>i. (\v), Bei Wright, Sept. IX, imi. .■S2»)0. F:mpress (W), l, 2 (5 0), Komeo (w), 2:4--,2, 2:35?4, 2:35, 2';36, 2:3<5, 2*351 ;^ '- .1. J. Bowen, Sept. 19, 1867, S!200. Whalebone 1, 2:32>4, 2:33, 2:.^3U4, 2:36?i. iw),(;. W. Wales, Oct. 4, 1867. .Sl.OOO. Empress (w),l. 2:;57^.i, 2:39r2:40i.i, 2:39. (W), Ben. S. Wright, Mystic I'ark, Bostoi). Scjit. 2!i. istis, .sdoo. Flmpress (w), 2::i5, 2:37Vt;. 2:37. Sei)t. 25. 1809, .?1,000. (len. McClcllan 6, 7 (2 0), (S oi. Darkness 5, Topsv, Oilbreth Knox 1 (2 0) (5 dis). White F'awMi (5 dis). Black Wali))ll (2 disi, 2;;!1. 2:;!1, 2::;4, 2:33. 2:34, 2:.32. 2:3tl'4, 2:37^, 2:38. Hiram Woodruff, .liiiie 17, 1870. .<-;:f.()()(i. Shepherd Kjiapj). Jr. 1 CO), Fiinnv Lee (2 0), Gen. McClellan, Western New York, W. H. Taylor, W. .1. I'aiue. 2:27-'.i. 2:.S()'.,, 2:30i.i. 2:.i0';. 2:.32i.t. Jester (w). 1) g (3 :45^4 ). A. Woothinl, .Mystic Park, JSoslon, July 17, 1874, $250. Cobbler, Florence, Rosa Bon- heur. Ameri<'us(t disi. 2:4!), 2:48' 2, 2:t6'4. H. L. Morrison, Lynn, Mass., July 30, 1875, $50. Eva 2, Frank, Ben Bolt (4 dr), 2:.59, 2:r>6%, 2:57»^, 2:5;}. Jet, blk m (3 :30i2), bv Trouble, dam bv Adams" Stumj) the Dealer. W. PowelL Youngstown, O., JulvG, 1883, $300. Lizzie D. 3, Iliram Miller, Harrv B.. Theresa Sprague, 2:30^, 2:33».i, 2:34>2, 2:32i^. Jew, b s (3:30). C. Foster, Covington, Jvy., Sept. 2,5, 1878, $100. Henry S.. 3:30, 3:31, 3:30U. Four-year- olds. Jewel, b s (3 iSS^^), by Buckingham, dam by Rhode Island. C. C. Coe, Meriden, Conn., Sept. 21, 1878, $140. Magnet. Clingstone, 2:53' 2, 'i-Shi^^. Three-vear-olds. Hartford, Conn., Oct. 16, 1ST9, .$ . 3:10. W. (). Four-vear-olds. iw), b g. M. Darcy, Prospect Park. L. I., Mav 21, I88I; $ . Thomas J. Berry (w). (3 0), 2:35, 2:37»^, 2:33, 2:321-6. Sept. 8, 1881. Prize, suit. Seth Warner. 2:.34, 2:3434', 2:35. W. B. Smith, Sufflcld, Conn., Sept. 27, 1881, $125. Little May, Citv Bov, Dick Dample, Spotted Jack. 2:39'.i, 2::;9'4,2:.37. Mr. Doisev, Stafford Springs, Conn., Oct. 6, 1881, $200. Maud O., Jennv, Deck, 2:35, 2:36, 2:35»4. W. B. Smith, Simsbu)-v, Conn., Oct. 12, 1881, $so. Jennv. Sj)otted Jack, Nellv (2 dr), 2:43, 2:41, 2:37. H. Smith, Xorwalk. Conn., Sept. 1.5. 1882, $200. Tngon)ar, Olive. Lady Scud."2:30J4, 2:32, 2:30>4. .Meriden, Conn.. .Se))t. 20. I882. $_'0O. Highland Win. Maud O., 2:32. 2:32, 2:30'2. Plainficld, N. ■)., r.ept. 27, 1882. .S2.50. Jt)lin N., Eftie (i., Katie D., 2:30?4. 2:35, 2:33. Somerville, X. J.. Oct. 5, iss-j, $.300. Vallev Chief, Peralto, 2:28'/.;, 2:29}/., 2:29. Jewel (w), b m 1:5 :00 w). L. K. Traill, Easton,'Md., Oct. 31, 188.3, $15. Ned (w), Sally (\\\ 3:00. 3:02. Jewell's ISiown Mare (3:00). N. Jewell, Dimdee, N. Y., Oct. 15, 1881, $ . Budd's rn m. Byrne's blk s, 3:00, 3:01, 3:00. Jewett, l)lk g (3 :23';), bv Allie West, dam Fannv, bv John Innis. J. Smith, Cynthiana, Ky., Aug. 22. 1879. $1,100. Augusta, 2:;^''i, 2:.35?4. 2:40^,. Three-veai'-olds. Lexington, Ky., Oct. 15, 1879, $ . Steinway, Augusta, London (l dis), 2:26?i, 2:23!i, 2:26?i. Three- year-olds. Oct. 15, 1880, $1,3:50. Mvsterv. Catchflv. Cvclone, 2:50i4. 2:40V.. 2:4814. P. Schatz. Vincennes, fnd., Mav 18, l.ski, .$2.-.0. Frank Landei-s. .John Hall. Netty R., 2:34, 2:39, 2:41. Crawfordsvillc, Hid.. Mav 26. 188.t, .$400. Will Codv. Zuli). .lohii H:ill. 2;.M. 2:.5.5,i.a.3:00. liuliaiiaiiolis, liid., June 2. Iskm, .S450. Will Codv, Coiiimandcr. Zulu (2 disi. 2-29i4, 2:28, 2:32^4'. Marshalltown, la., .fiine 2;!. 188;}. .*;,5on. Little Simix, Western (3 dis), Lillian (3 dis), 2:2714. 2:24. 2:26',4. Mason Citv, la., June 6, 188;',, sr-,m. Lillian, 2:.31^,, 2:33, 2:25Vi. J. r.,bg(3:33i2). T. Kerwin, London, Out., June .5. 1878, $125. Aland Egerton, 3:03, 2:44. 2:44. J. Fleming. Woodbine, Ont., Julv. 30, 1878, .$60. Mat Cameron, Raymer's ch g, St. David, 3:02, 3:02, ;! :o;!. Brompton. Out.. Aug. 28. isVs. .«90. Dominion Oirl 1. Mat Cameron. Ancaster Boy. No time. Batavia. N. V.. June 5. 1x79, .$300. .Fudgmeiit, Larkin, Steve Annis. .1. B. Sprague, Lady Cooper, Little Dick, L;i(ly ."Nloore (2 (In, 2:.36, 2:.33io, 2::{4'o. ^^ ^. . ,. J. F. Keniiard. b g (3 :33'.i), bv Nortlirop's Rattler. J. Toole, Bradford, Pa., June 14, 1881. 5-500 straight Edge 1, Hciie. Keystone. Sadie Clark, Billv Wesner (3 dr\ Laura I'ayne (I dis). 2:38'.,. 2:3iU.. 2:3J?4. -:•••'■ Ol!';in. N. v.. June 21, 1881. .$,300. Ingomar. Keystone, Jovee, Irene, Ino 1 i4 dis), Harry L. (4 dis), Hattie Wood (3 dr), 2:.33i4, 2:.33'i, 2:33',,, 2:.34i4. " " .,,,.„, -k-- .* u 1 ^ J. V. Stevens, gr g (3 :38' i). Heiirv Stone. Keene, N. H.. Aug. 12. 1875, $:i00. Lady ^ an 2. 4. Mght Hawk 5, T-illyi.-.(lisi, Naked Truth f5dr), f^ailor (4 dis\ Col. Luck (4 dr). Farmer Boy t3dr). Lady Van t liel (.! dr), .lenny Cleveland n dis), 2:.38i.^, 2:40='4'. 2:42. 2:41. 2:43. 2:,3S';. , , , . -t„ .1 ,, At^\ J. G. ch s (2 -.nO). .r. (L Young, Portland. Me . Sei)t. 23. 1875. .$150. Coldstone, Resolute, Lady Gilbreth (1 dis) Black (Took n dis), Kitty Morris O dis), 2 :!i0. 2:58. , ,, ,^ ..mi ii„,.co m J. G. niaine. blk g (3 :283(). bv Messenger Hunter, dam the Major L:illy mare, by thi', Dr. ( JJH Ho^.o^-., ^\- Carroll, Mvstic Park, Boston, May 11, 187.5, .$200. Hazor (3 dis\ Rosedale d dis). Echo (1 tiis), 2:3A .:.J4, 2 :;!1 •''.1 . Beacon Park. Boston. Mav 18. 187.5, $400. Hazor, Rosedale, Billv Marston (2 dis). Lady Lambert (1 dis), 2:.35';, 2:;'.;!?4'. 2:.'54''i'. Prospect Park, L. I.. June 3 and 4. 187.5. .4, 2rf'> '''44'^ 2-49 ^ Hastin''s Minn Oct. 7 1880,$ . Black Prince, Starlight, Black Hawk, Susie, 2:46i4,2:43i^. 2:43 J G AViikes i) s (3:31'..), by George Wilkes, dam Black Jane. J. G. Beale. Kittaniug, Pa., Sept. 13, 1882 $ . Kate Woods. r:533i. l:47?.t. Three-year-olds. ,, „, ^ .^ , r^, J E Harrison Brookville, Pa., Sept. 20, 1882, ••?70. Kate Woods, 3:21»^, 3:26i4. Three-yeai'-olds. J H. bg(3:.">o;.;i. 'a. C. Whitson, Deerfoot Park, L. I., Oct. 18, 1875, $200. Rachel G. l, (2 0), Snowflakc, Rip, John T. Siun'.'Belie of Aberdeen (2 dis), , 2:.-)l, 2:52, 2:.51i4, 2:50'o. . ^ , J. Hamilton, br s (3:50). J. C. Bowen, Buffalo, N. \., July 3, 1873, $100. Doctor 3, Fred, 2:53, 2:50, 2:48i4, 2:50. 1. H. Rich, Sept. 5, 1873, $150. Bashaw (iirl. Daw, 2:57'.2, 2:.5fiu, 3:09. J. H. 1$., b g (3 :54). B. Wilson, Fleetwood Park, N. Y., Nov. U, 1876, .$90. Butcher Girl, Frank (2 dis), 2:57, 2 '54 '''55 J h! Boylei blk g (3:3714). J. H. Boyle, Toronto, Out., Oct. 2, 1874, $300. Stonewall Jackson. Gray Eddy, Ladv Rothschild. Buclcskin, Lizzie (1 dis). Bay Melton (1 dis), 2:45. 2:48, 2:48. A. Wood. IngersoU, Out., Oct. 16, 1874, $125. Tecumseh Girl, Gen. Grant, Jessie, Senator, 2:40,2:40';, 2:40, Same day, .S800. Little Ethan, Juliet, Planet, Nancv Parkins. Lady Mack. 2:46, 2:44, 2:40. Mr. De Poties, London, Out., Oct. 19. 1874. $130. Little Ethan. Honest Tom, 2:48. 2:57?^, 2:50. W. H. Barnes, .June 2 and 3, 1875, $250. Long John 4, 5, Little Sam 1, (6 dr), Annie W'llkes, Gen. Grant, 2:40i4. 2:.38U. 2:42, 2:39.2:39, 2:39. „ „ . „. , J. H. Brown, blk g (3:50). A. Tuft, Mystic Park, Boston, Oct. lo, 1878, $.50. Cottontail, George S., B. I. Fiske, Boss Fearnaught, 2:50, 2:.50,2:50'i. ^ ., ,„ ^ , J. H. Ferry, b s (3 :33'2). J. J. Bowen, Beacon Park, Boston, Aug. li, 1877. $200. Lyman 1, Richard B., Frank A. (4 dis), 2:40, 2:41,2:35. 2:365i. ^ „ , „ , , L. E. Dunham. White Plains, N. Y., Oct. 9 and 10. 1878, .$250. Rosebud 4, 5. Jenny L., Butcher Boy 1. 2. (4 dr), Addie E.C. (3 dr), 2:37!4, 2:.36ii, 2:.37';, 2:.38.2:35. 2:32';, 2:36^. Clifton. N. J.. Oct. 15 and 16, 1878, $1,50. Cinderella 1, 2, Fantom 3, Dean's Hambletoman, Jenny L., Dunedin (4 dr), 2:42, 2:40, 2:.38i4, 2:36. 2:38^i, 2:.39. Waverly, N. Y., Sept. 18, 1879, .$200. Ridgewood, Patchen Chief, Norton Patchen, 2:34, 2:r.9, 2:35. Stal- J. H. Gouid, ch g (3 :31). J. H. Phillips, Hartford, Conn., June 28, 1881, .$300. Patch 1. Nelly W.. Lady Upton, 2:2914. 2:33^4, 2:31, 2:31 'i. , , , ,„, , Jim, (w), bg(3:46). Hiram Woodruff, Centreville, L. I., Oct. 19, 1854, $500. Tom Thumb, iwi, 2:49, 2:49'2, 2:4!). Union Course, L. I., Oct. 23, 1854. .$200. Tom Moore, 2:53?4,2:47, 2:46. Jim, b g (3:45). S. Dodge. Cleveland, O., Aug. 13, 18,58. .$50. Lady Sherman, Tiptoe (I dis), 2:45. 2:48.2:47. Jim, b g ( 3 :5~ ). L. C. Kellogg, Battle Creek, Mich., July 4, 1860, $100. Gray Jliller (l dis), Hayward s b m (1 dis).'^2:.57. Jim, gr g (3 :54). Geo. Evans, St. Louis. Mo., April 20. 1860. $50. Tom Thumb 1, 3:01, 2:54. 2:58. . Jim, ch g (3:42'.2). Geo. Perkins, Cleveland. O., Aug. 22, 1866. $ . Lady Jones, Bay Jim, Fitz Morri.l (3 dr). Commodore (2 dis). Union .Jack (l dis). Oliver Orlin (l dis), 2:44, 2:44, 2:45. Jim(w), bg(3:43i4 w). Peter Mauee, Fashion Course. L. I., May 8, 1869, $500. Pet (w), 5:26'. ,, 5:30. Two Jim,grsi3:33). Urichsville, O., Sept. 8, l.'i70, .? . Clarion 2, Billv 1, 2 :.37, 2:31. 2:32, 2:32. 2:32. Jim, b g (3 :47 ). J. Campbell, Union Course. L. I., Julv 22. 1868. $1,000. Lady Wells (wi, 3:01. 2:51. 2 :47. Fleetwood Park. N. Y., Oct. 18, 1870, $.500. Tapioca 1, 2:51'». 2:53. 2:51.2:47. , „ „„ . Jim. 1) g (3:51V.). P. B. Norton, W'atertown, Conn.. July 4,1871, $7.5. Stonewall, Dandy, 3:06i4, 3:02i2, 2:.'>7i.i. Walcottville, Conn., Aug. 31. 1871. .$70. Ladv Shoemaker 2, 3, Larrabee 4, Lady Spang. Deception (5 dr), Kitty Allen (5dr), Lucy .Tenks (4 dr). 2:.5,5. 2:.52'';. 2:.5.3i4, 2:54, 2:.53';, 2:.51';. Jim, ch g (3 :45^). J. J. Wheeler, Prospect Park. L. I.. Jtdv 1, 1S71. $400. Mack. 2:46';. 2:45V^. Jim, b g (3 :40i4). W. H. jNIoore, Prospect Park. L. I.. Jnlv'20. 1871. $.500. Gray Charley. 2:4014 2:41 2:41. Jim, br g (3 :49i4). o. F. Dinsmore, Bethel, Vt., Julv 4. 1873, .$100. Shelburne Maid, Aldrich Boy. Ida. Ella Day, 2:4914, 2:50, 2 :.52U. , ^ .» ■ Jim, (3:5914). S. Crouce, Grand Rapids, Mich., Sept. 16, 1873. $225. Chief 2, Doctor Lewis 1 ^2 dr\ Maggie (2dr), 3:12';, 3:00, 3:0314. 2:.59';. Three-vear-olds. _ .rx , r, ^ Jim, blk g (3 :43). E. E. Carpenter, Deerfoot Park. L. I.. Oct. 28. 1873, .$200. Farmer Boy 1, Husky Boy 4, I Guess So, Summit. Prince. Actress (3 dis). Charlev (3 dis). 2:41'». 2:43';. 2:44. 2:41. 2:42. Jim, (3 :48). Baltimore, Md., June 18. 1S74. .$.300. .Jeff. Nelly, Wearing of the Graji(l dis). 2:48, 2:49, 2:50. Jim, b g (3 :43). B. Ransom. Chicago, 111., Nov. 6, 1874. $150.' Lady Linn. Weasel, ^illy. Fred Briel (1 dis), 2:43'4 2:43 2 45. Jim,'ch g (3 :'53).' E. C. Hunt. :\Iarvsville. Cal.. Oct. 12. 1875. .$200. Stranger, Fanny (1 dis). 3:04';. 3:10' .2,3:0314- Colusa, Cal., Oct. 20. 1877. $isb. Frank. 2:.54. 2:.53';. 2:53. Marvsville,Cal..Oct. 27. 1877. .$ . Frank Brooks. 2 :.5.5. 2:.56i4. 2:.55i4. ^, . ,. t- Jim, b g (2 :45). C. B. Kimball, Buffalo, N. Y.. Aug. 28, 1875. $100. H. W. Beecher 1, Fly (2 dis), Kennebec (2 dis), 2:52. 2:47'.;. 2:48'2, 2:4.5. ^ . .vt - .n, ^ ^ ./.1 / Jim, br g (3 :39%). A. C. Whitson, Fleetwood Park, N. Y., .Tulv 21, 187.5, $100. Carrie N. 1, Creedmoor, 2 :40i.^, 2:39?4, 2:424,2:44. Jim, bg (3:01). M.McNamara, Fleetwood Park. N. Y.. Dec. 7. 187.5. $.500. Grace. 3:08>4, 3:04, 3:0k Jim, b g (3 :43), by Hambletonian. J. K. Tallnian. Auburn, N. Y., July 4, ISIC. $200. American Boy (1 dis), Nelly (1 dis), Ladv Decker (l dis). 2:4.3. Jim, blk g (3:43';)." Lviin. Mass.. Oct. 5. 1878. .$100. Gertrnde 1, Fanny 2:47?4, 2:52?4, 2:46J^. Nov. 1.1878, $300. ' .Terrvl (2 0) 2:48. 2:45, 2:42';. 2:4.3. „. „, „ ^ r^ Jim^b g (3:38). R. Patterson, Cambridge, 111.. Aug. .30. 1878. $2.50. Alamo. Shoo Fly, Brown George, Francis, Centella, 2:40'-,, 2:38, 2:.38. " , „ „ „, „ „,,/ o ai Jim, b g (3:01). B. I. Cooper. Little FaU.s, N. Y., Sept. 9. 1879. $ino. Eva 1, 2, Flora. 3:00, 3:01, 3:014, 3:01 3:01?i. 318 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TKOITING AND TACING BECORD. Jim, (2:53) Jiui a, (8:53). J. Ciiimiiijihain. I'oiiit Breeze Park, Pliila., Nov. U, 1S79. SIOO. Frank R. (W), 2r>4', 2-56 2-0! II, dii L' (3 ■■■^»\': M- II- Brow 11, Saiuly Hill. N. V.. Sept. 10, 1879. >^-Jii. iJelle Noniiau, JMK 2:lH>Vi.' 'Tliree. year-olds. Jiall mile heals. » ' "^ Kingston. K. 1.. Sei>l. 1."^ Ksso, $2o, Toniniy. Wiekford, JAUU. 3:4s^4. Four-year-olds Jim, rug ci: '43; ai. IJ.v Daniel Lambert. 11. O. Smith, North Attleboro, Ma.ss.. Sept. 21, 1880 .■Sl.W Priiiop Maud B.. Adonis, 2:.>Tv», i;:3i». ii:3ti' 2. ... i.ii,c, Sept. L'o, 1880, .':-38 •'•38'; 2-Vii' -T. Townseiul. Springlield, Mass.. Sept. :.'. 1881, $m). Tariir. Mamhrino Clav, Arthur. ■capTtola"ToDsv George M.. lu-ho, Ceorge A., .leiinv. .Iiniiiiv Stewart [3 dis), •_':i.'.V... -I-Zii..,, -i^L'u' '^dpiioia, lopsy, ^ H. Brock, Morrisville, Vt., Sept. 28, 1881, S-'OO lilack .Joluuiy, Mack "Roy, Little Fortune (2 dr). No Jim .56 2:57 '4. Joseph, Jim. (;i :5'4J. R.ii. Hall, Marshalltown, hi., Aug. 30, 1883, $ . Capt. Jinks. Koht. Ingersoll.'.':5t)i4, 2:58^, Jim Ash, blkg (2:35). Geo. Roos, Buffalo, N. Y., .Iiiiic 20. 1878, .«i^0. Sparta (I irl, Herald. Cora, 2 :.35 2-371/6 — LeRoy. N. Y..Sept. 25. 1878. S200. William D. 1, S. W. Spink, Lady Mack, Minnie. 2:38, 2:41,2:35, 2:36'i a AsHii^, b g (.3 :50). J. E. Asling, Berea. O.. Sept. 20, 1878, $50. lilla B. 1, 4. Avalanche, 2:51, 2:51, 2:50, 2 :.'>;>. 2 :.'>(). Jim Averill, br g (3 :47i^). H. W. Brown. Meridcn, Conn., Juno 8, 1872, .§100. Little Diamond ."5, Bill Rains- ford -t, 5, Horace (ireeley, Aiuasa (l disi. ;f:00, 2:58. 2:58. 2:,58. 2:56^2, 2:58'o. «. H. Gilnian, Bethel, Vt., Sept, 3. 1873, jilOO. Cassius Prince 2,4, Black Warrior, Killington 2 -4714 2:49,2:49'^ 2:50,2:48. , s, , ^.^. j, Jim Barton, tw) b g f3 :33^), by Kiatoga. S. Eyclesheimer, San Francisco. Cal., Sept. 2, 18C7, §1,750. Pough- keepsie Colt. Trade Wind (3 dis), Glenooe Chief (3 dist, 2:48k, 2:4414.2:4514. Sacramento. Cal., Sept. 23. 1850, S2.0()0. Rhode Island 1, 2:30. 2^34, 2:33'/-., 2:35. Sept. 9. 1858. .S1,.500. Princess, 2:33, 2: 331/i, 2:34. J. Crooks, Sept. 15. 1859, $.500. (Jleiicoe Chief, 2:40, 2:38. 2:40. W. D. Chapman, San Francisco, cal.. Oct. 10, I800, $ . Rattler, (ilencoe Chief, 2:45. 2:40. 15. Ri-e. Sacramento. Cal.. Sept. 29. I803. 8200. Glencoe Chief. Bob Cole, 2:34, 2:34'o. 2:3514. Jimbone, b g t.3 :50). IL Daws, Huntsviile, Ala.. Oct. 14, 1881. $50. Norman 2, (Jinger, Taliaferro, 2:50, 2:49, 2:55. Jim Bowman, b g (3 :39U}. by son of Kricsson. Simons & M:ixwell, Chicago. 111.. .Inlv 22. 1882, $1,000. Reel. Billy K., Ike Shepherd, Henderson, 2:3o;2. 2:.30i4, 2:29'^. Jim Bannon. blk g (3 :4:7). Vail & Smith. Hartford Coim.. Oct. IS. 1802. .■575. Nothing 1, 2:.54, 2:47. 2:49. S|)riiiglield. Mass.. Oct. 19, 1864, $ . Ben Butler, Canada (Irav. i2 dr), 2:.")5, 2:,">3, 2:47. Jim Brenuan, (Coaster) b s (3:36i4), by Caliban, dam Sal bv Canadian Chief. M. M. Clav. Paris, Ky., Aug. 31.1872, .« . Thomas' Bay Colt, 1:301.1. 1:28. Two-vear-olds. Half mile heats. Jim Brigjjs, b g (3 :35). A. G. Burlew. Cortlandt, K. Y., June 14, 1878, .•?200. Kmilv L.. Whalebone, Hattie Fisher, J. B. Sprague (3 dis), 2:41. 2:.37, 2:38. Keene. N. H., Aug. 1, 1878, .•S'2,-,0. Dick Dample, Dr. Weston, 2:40, 2:40. 2:40. Aug. 24, 1878, $'200. Dick Dample, Shorty Fountain, Volunteer Girl, Addison Boy, Dan C.. Belle Putney, 2:40,2:39,2:42. Norwich, Conn., Oct. 2. 1878, $.300. Undine, Dolly. 2:38i.i, 2;.39. 2:.38. Jim Brolliar, ch g (2 :30i4). C. Brolliar, Sigourney,' la., Oct. 7, 1875, $30. Sigourney Maid. Red Buck, 3:31, 3:20. ■ Sept. 12, 1877. .?50. Gloster. Ladv Alice. IV-st time, 2:41. E. van Houton. Burlington. la., Sept. -22, ls80, .« — . Molly Lynch. May Queen, Lady Bishop. 2:30}4, 2:36, 2:.3Si4. Jim Brolliar i)rotested. Protest sustained. H. Schnitzer, Cambridge, 111., Sept. 7, 1882, $1.50. Kitty Long 1. Laura Belle, 2:43i/„, 2:40, 2:39, 2:49. Jim Broirn. b g(3:49i4). Mr. Pine. Troy. N. Y., Sept. 6. 1882. $50. Topsy, Xylophigus. Robert A., Honest George, W. B., Ethel, 2:50, 2:49i4, 2:49U. Jim Buckskin, dn g (3:51). J. E. Nave' Harrodsburg, Ky.. July 22, 1871, $ . Jlole Hunter 1, Oil in the Can, Annie Bell, (iinger, 3:02, 2:57, 2:51, 2:.57. Jim Bulger, b g (3:5014). J. N. Brock, Babylon, L. I., Aug. 29. 1871. $75. Jim Brock l, 2:,72, 2:5014, 2:. 52. Jim Cliesley, b g (3:37!/"), W.T.Smith. San Francisco, Cal., May 18. 1.870. .$200. Lillv White, Amanda, Pluck 1. 2 (5 dis), 2:43'/2, 2:44. 2:37}^, 2:41. 2:39K>. Jim Christy, b g (3 :46"/5). Mr. Miadleton, Brampton. Out., May 24, 1877, §55. Billy Ilogan. Lady Drink- water, Little Fred. No time. Middleton & Stubbs, Cuclph, Ont., Sept. 6, 1879, .S140. Orphan Girl 5. 6, Little Frank 1. 2, Nettie Moore, 2:4.5. 2:49, 2:40';, 2:48, 2:51, 2^4,5, Jim Collins bg (3:47). Kdmimd Dean. Lockport. N. Y., Oet. 5, 1872. .«3.50. St. LawTence 3, 4, James P. Townsend, Belle of Olcott, Buckskin :\Iare (3 dr). Lady (1 dis), 2:49is. 2:47. 2:45, 2:.51. 2:59. Jim (^'onnors. ch g. W. Connors. Saginaw Citv, Mich,, July 3, 1877, $25. Billy 2. Miss Nancy, l :.37. 1 :31, 1 :35. Hiilf mile heats. Jim C<)ok, 1) g (3 :ZHhi). D. Dennison. Sacramento, Cal.. Aug. 9. 1872, $200, Billy Poorman. Lady Emma, George, 2:.38J^, 2:,18i4, 8:411^. Keno, Nev.~, Oct. .5" 187.5. .«!600. Fanny. Lulu, 24l',i. 2:4U1. — Carson, Nev.. July 12, 1878, .«!,300. Liilu, Democrat (2 dis), 2:44, 2:iSi.l, 2:42';. Jim Bevine, b g (3 :54). D. Campbell, Washington. D. C, Nov. 13. 1874. $100. Fanny 3, Mack. 2:.54'/s, 2:.56, 2:51'.,,2:,54. Jim Donm-lly (w), br g (3 :45?4), Hiram Woodriiff. Union Course. L. I.. Aug. —. 1859, $.500. Prince (w), Jim ErvinjT, b s (3 :35'p,bv Clark Chief, dam bv Ashland Chief. B. Dickinson. Nineveh. Ind.. Sept. 1. 1880, .$70. II. Shneline, Eva G., Annie Snvder, 2:.35'4, , 2:41. Shelbyville. Ind.. Sept. 10, 1881, $'- — . Ina G,. Nancy M., Otto K.. 2:.59';. 3:01'.,. . rndiaiiapolis. Ind.. Sept. 27, 1881. $1,50. Blue Bull Jr.', Roscoe, Mambrino Cloud, W. B. Best time, 2:58^. Stallions. .Sept. -28, 1881. $.300, Ina G.. Florence, Col. Bannister. 2:41. 2:48, 2:42i/>. Sept. 27, 1882, $ . Joe Davis 1. 2. W. B., Blanche H. (4 dis), Beaumont (3 dis), 2:.38'5, 2:36%, 2:37^,2:38, 2:.Wr,. Jim Farnham. b g (3 :40'i). S. H. Boviiton. Bedford, Me.. June 20. 1877, $180. Rockwell. Loafer (3 dis), 2:40',. 2:17. 2:48';. Jim Fillint;ham. l)r g (3 :50). Geo. R. Wilson, Worcester. Ma.ss., Sept. 10. 1862, $200. Lady Ellen 1, 2:47Ji^, 2:50. 2:.51';,2:,57. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 349 Jim Fisher. (Red Line and Tom Seott), h c; CJ :35i.t), bv Surprise. .1. Clark, Davenport. la., June 18, 1878, $500. Brown Georire. DeronilA. Ella Eiirlv. Cvrus. Tliinl .Michiiran. 2:41. 2:41. 2:40. Jim Fisk, uMajor Holiues), b s c^ AS). Jlarvey (lark, Earlville, 111., Aug. 27, lh72. 5!300. William Clinton 1, Blackbird. Champion, Annie C'orlev C! dis), 2:50, 2:47, 2:4;!, 2:4o?4,. Jim Fisk, (\vi. sii .i,m3:35). liv KisiuK Sun. I). C. Keav, Mystic Park, Boston, May 7, 1873, §100. Young Konieo 2. Nelly, Rosa Bon'heur (w), 2:ry2i4. 2:52. 2:4i», 2:50. ■ (w). May 30. 187.3, SIOO. Doetor 1, Eannv (vv), 2. 2:54, 2:.')0. 2:48'o. 2:49'., 2:.'52i/o. (w), June 17, 1873, $50. Fannv (wi, 3, Doelor 1. (2 dis), 2:50'^. 2 :4(;. 2 :47i..., 2:49, 2:52. (w), J. Curley. Mystic Park, Boston, June 29, 1874, $ . Don. Fannv i \v>. 2:47. 2:.52'2, 2:48, D. C. Keay. May 17, 187(J. .8 . Bay George 1, 2, Lady Lawrence 3, Josh Billings ov), (2 dis), 2:43'/2, 2:43>.nnv Strideawav (1 disi. 2 45, 3:08'.i. 3:05. Evansville. Ind.. Julv 2, 1874, .S300. Kitty 1, Dyke (3 dis), Spence Daniels i2 disi, Yankee Sam O dis). 2:.54, 2 :42U-;, 2:4.314. 2:41. Julv 3.1 S74, $500. Black Frank, Kitty, One-Eyed Riley, Green Billy, Black Tom ( 1 dis), Y'aukee Sam (1 dis ). 2:42. 2:47, 2:46. \\ 111. Kellv. :\Iailison, Ind., May 26, 1876, $150. Frank Miller. Daisy. 2:40. 2:46. 2::>4. J. H, Dailev, Lexington, Ky., June 22, 1877, .■S400. Glendale 1, 2, Harrison (5 dis), ■2:3l^i,2:37U, 2:35^4, 2 ::!->■:',. 2:38^._ (ieneseo, 111., Aug. 16, 1877, $200. Valley City Maid 1, Cloud, Gov. Morton, Francis. Tony Baxter (4 dr), Dan Vosburgh (4ro), Alarm (3 dr), Lady Kay (.1 dis), 2:40, 2:37, 2:37, 2:37. Jim Fisk protested. Protest sustained. Jim Fisk. b s (3:31), by Sackett's Hambletonlan, dam by Sa\Te's Harry Clay. Win. Anderson, East Sagi- naw. Mich., Sept. 17,1874. $.i5fl. Magna Charta, George Sherwood, Stranger (1 dis), Bashaw Jr (1 dis), 2:41,2::wi4. Four-vear-old stallions. \V. Willet. Sept. It;. IST;-.. 8550. .Maiubrino Chief Jr., Stranger, 3:07r'4, 3:04. Four-year-old stallions. Giaiul Kaiiids. .Mich., Sept. 12, 1876, §1,000. Little Sam, Edward J., Mambrino Warner, Indicator, 2:38, 2:35Vi;. 2:34'.;. Ypsilanti, Mich.. Sept. — , 1875, $155. Stranger. Pathfinder, 2:414, 2:43. 2:.S3?4. Sept. — , 1875, $350. Chestnut Billv 1, Stranger. 2:43. 2:40i4, 2:42i4. 2:43?.i. Oct. 1, 1875. $15.5. Stranger, Pathlinder. 2:44' o. 2:43. 2:4.3. Stallions. (w), S. S. Walker, Salt Lake Citv. Ctah. Oct. 8. 1878. $100. Pilgrim. Countryman, 2:46'.i, 2:43. Jim Fisk. b g (3:57). W. Stock, Point Breeze Park. Phila., Pa., Julv 23. 1875. $300. Blind Tom 1, 3, Clara, 3:03^4, 2:57. 3:02. .'i:00, 2:57. AV. Pancoast. Suffolk Park, Phila.. Sept. 25. 1875. $100. Joe 2. 3:05. 3:02i4, 3:07. 3:01. Jim Fisk. br g (3 :44 ). G. N.;Lineham. Newport, R. I., Oct. 10, 1882, .$150. Sweetheart 2, 3 Brunette, Jerry, Smut, 2:44\i. 2:4414. 2:43, 2:44, 2:4514. Newport, R. I., Sept. 18. 18"83. $50. Brunette 3, Asa B.. Roan Tom (3 dis). 2:46. 2:47. 2:43. 2:48. Jim Fisk Jr., gr g {3:35i. bv Kiiglish Telegraph. S.J. Witham. Fairfield. :\Ie.. Julv5, 1S75, .$150. Togus Bov. Gentle Annie, Fagin, 2;.-;9. 2:';9i._., •_■:.. 8'o Jim Gamble, b s (3 :00i., ). bv Marshal Nev. C. W. Cockey Baltimore. Md.. Oct. 4. 1871, $500. Turner's Horse, John Williams, Lad'v Alinnazella, Lucy (2 dis), 3:02, 3:00i», 3:07'i. Jim Graves, b g, by Tom Crowder. Mr. Springsteen, Detroit, Mich., Oct. 15. 1879. $100. Maggie M. 1, Lady Chipman 4. Lady Gisler. Kitlv C. No time. Jim H., b g (3:48). Jas. Haines. Philadelphia, Pa., Aug. 2. 1878, $50. Charles, Ladv Mac, Lancet (1 dis). Butcher Bov, (1 dis). 2;.58. 3:00, 3:05. Jim H., b g (3 :00). W. E. Harmon. Suffleld. Conn., Oct. 11, 1883, $.50. Ladv Haves. Jimmy Grav. Sam. Dolly, Ned. 3:0714. 3:0214, 3:00. Jim Hamilton. 1 3 :43). W. B. Smith, Hartford, Conn., July 28, 1871. $^— . tlrav Eagle 1, Black Mary, Pet, Hill's bg, 2:.52=>i. 2:56. 2:.59. 2:.56. E. Cu'sick, Middletown, Conn., Oct. 5, 1872, $ . India Rubber 3, William Wirt (3 dr), 2:42, 2:42, 2:42"2, 2 :.55. Oct. 22, 1872, $140. Bron Keenev. Lady Blackhawk, Ladv Miller, 2:43. 2:43. 2:45. Jim Harp, bg (3:33). J. .Sands, Dover, Del., Sept. 28, 1882, $250. Ladv Richmond .3. 4. Addle G., Idlewild, Kate, 2:41, 2:39i^. 2:.'J6'4, 2:38. 2:375^. Mt. Hollv. N. J.. Oct. 12, 1882, $250. Unknown. Mambrino Hassen, Rapture. Brown Billy, Tempest (2 disi. 2 :39i^,' 2:40, 2:40. October 13. 1882, $300. Tempest 1,2, Hambletonian's Last. Effie G., Billy K., 2:401.4, 2:39,2:37,2:42. 2:37. Jim Harris, b g(3:53V^). E. Beebee, Montgomery, Ala., Nov. 12, 1879, $12.5. Black Charley 2, 4, Vidette (4 dis), 2:53, , 2:53. -^^~, 2:52^. Jim Hill, b s (3 :35v;), by Whipi)le, dam by Bay Messenger. B. H. Colegrove, Sharpsburg, Ky., Aug. 15, 1882, $250. Fulcrum, Michael, Molly Mac, Mary B., 2 :35' 2. 2:38. 2 :.52. Jim Irving:, h g (3:33), bv Snowstorm, dam'bv Lear's Sir William. J. L. Dotv. Buffalo, N. Y., Aug. 7, 1872, $5,000. Kilburn Jim. Jennv. Ben Flagler. Ladv Allen (1 di'^i. 2:25'., 2:26. 2::hi,. Jim Irvington. ch s (3 :3.'5). bv Irvington. W. Borliitt. Oakland. Cal.. Aug. 23, 1S79 $ . Grand Moor (1 disi, Mav W. (1 dis), Etlian Allen d dis). 2:.35. Three-vear-olds. Same (lay, .$ , De] Sur 1. 2:.3.5, 2:.39. 2:.36. Three-vear-olds. Jim Jacks, b g (3:40). Mr. IMcRoberts, Amherst, X. H.. Aug. .31. 18.59. $100. .4.rtic Maid 2, Black Ralph. 2:46. 2:41. 2:52. 1 w, Union Coiu-se, L,I., Sept. 5, 1859, .$500. Red John Jackson ( w) 3. 2:52. 2:45?.i, 2:41='4. 2:4051^. Jim Jackson (3:47). J. Long, Cynthiana, Ky., Oct. 23, 1877, .$40. Nephew, Tattler ChieL 2:57, 2:47. Three- vear-oids. Jim Lane (3 :54) A. W. Lane, Barrie, Vt., Oct. 13. 1875, SloO. Mountain Rose. Betsv Bobbett, Night Watch (2 disi. Ladv Mack (1 dis). Blackbird (1 dis\ 2:.")5. 2:59. 2:.54. Jim L,ane, ch s (3:3.5). bv Wapsie, dam by Sir Madison. J. L. Wilson, Muscatine. la., Sept. 29, 1876, $200. IJctor. Black Dan. Chiqua (2 dis), DoUv (1 dis). 2:48. 2:51, 2:.52'^. Freeport. 111.. May 29. 1878. $.500. Gloster 1, Dictator 4, Mat. Kirkwood, Ben Lyon (4 dis), 2 :38, 2 :37, 2:.38'4. 2:39, 2:.37'.;. Mav 31, 1878. $500. Silver Heels 2, 3 (50), Mat. Kirkwood, 2::?8. 2:41i^2, 2:37, 2:37, 2:.37. 2:3»^. Cambridge, 111.. Aug. 27. 1879. $.300. CoL E. D. Baker 2. Sterling, Nat Baker. Singular, Bobby Newcomb, Jennv Dixon, 2:4214, 2:38?4, 2:.39'/4, 2:39i/^. Des Moines, la., Sept. 3. 1879, .$.350. Bradshaw, Silky B. (Sdrl. Granger 1:5 dr\ Grapevine (3 dr), W ild Irishman (1 dis). 2:.37. 2:.37. 2:.3.5. Muscatine, la., Sept. 17, 1880, $ . Hard Tack, 3:11, 3:10, 3:00. Stallions. West Liberty, la., Sept. 2, 1881. $250. Billy Sherman 2, Tom Kirkwood. Maggie Fred, 2:45, , 2:43, 2:41U. Maitland, Mo., Oct. 4, 1882, $200. Belle of Coldwater 2. Westmont (p:if er), 2 :40. 2 :40' », 2 :.39?4, 2 :39i4- 350 CHESTEKS COMPLETK T1U)TTIN(; AM) PACINC UECOril). Jim >Iaok, gr 3 (!2 :45). H. Daws, Seilalia, Mo., Sept. Jl', 1881, §125. Cvnis, Lady Kern, L. F. Slieldoii, •2:.5l 2:.>)'2, -':51'j. S.pt. •-'4, 1H81, $30<). Cyrus 1'. Rose B. 1, l-^oli, 2:51S, 2:.')2. 2:54. 2:55. lltiiitsviUe, Ala., Oct. 13. 1882, ji . Monarch, Ed. Tolhero, Lookout Chief (1 dis), BayToin (.1 dis). No time. .Meriilian, Miss., Nov. 2, 1882, S250. Fla.vey 1, 2, Mainbrino Lutie, Hanibletoniau (.5 r o), Bay Woodford (5 r<)'. 2:.i7'4,2:a.5. 2:47'j. 2:47' 2, . II. Daws, Aberdeen, .Mi.ss., Oet. 26. 1883. .?200. Mina K.. 2:47. 2:4G, 2:45. Jim .Mc> eitfU, m g ('i lolU)- E. W. Iloag, i'oslville, 111., July 23, 1875, §100. Little Dan l, Little Mink, 2:,'J8, 2:57^.1. 2:51V4.3:02'/i, Jim .Mei-ritt, brg(3:01). J. O. Smith. New l)urir. N. Y., June 18, 1878, S . Optic, Irish Mike, 3:01, 3:02, :i:01'j. Jim Aliiler. b g (3:45), bv Joe Downing. John Browning, Indianapolis, lud., Oct. 10, 1873. .$100. Bay Billy, (;r:iv llanv, 3:05, 3:02,3:07. Davton. <).. June 25. 1875, §800. Jenny 1, 2, 1'hoebeC. 4, Little Joe, Joe Lawrence (4 dis), 2:41, 2:4214, , 2:44, 2:4,5, 2 :.54V... Jim >litelieU, br s (3 :39). by Clear Grit. T. Beamish, Cuelph, Ont., Aug. 3. 1883, .?1.50. Pioneer 1. Gray Billy, .loimny B., Clear Grit Jr. i4 dn. Lambert (2 disi. Lady Mac (2 dis), 2:45, 2:38, 2:39, 2:42. Jim .MoHat. bg(3:3T>.it. J. I'awling. Waverly. N. .f.. Sept., 23, 1875. $100. Kevenge, Harry, John \V., Colonel. Tom Scott, liclle A. (2 dn. liirlof Somerville (1 dis), Elory (1 dis). Aunt Annie ^I dis). Lady l>ee (l disi. Black .lack il dis), 2:45-U. 2:45'i. 2:44'.,. Se|)t. 24. 1S7(;. .S125. Uiickv Hill, lleyenge. Creedmore. Welser Boy, 2:38;4, 2:38. 2:39. ( littoii. N. J.. May Hi, 1877. .*2(h). Belle Aberdeen, 2:52, 2:52|o. >lay 30. 1S77, .S200. Belle Aberdeen. 2:43. 2:42. Jim Murphy, ch g (3:381^). J. Grayson, Mobile. Ala., April 3, 1877, .?50. Sam Lewi, Lady Bates, 2:52' 2, 2:48,2:48'.!. April 4, 1877, .S50. Jenny 1, George Johnson, 2:44. 2:39, 2:881/2. Jim Murray, blk g (3 :43). J. H. Smith. Khinebeck, N. Y., Sept. 12, 1877, $ . Nellv, Kismet, Flora (3 dr), 2 :4t!, 2 :47, 2 :49. Jimmy, b s ^3:45). G. R. Holmes, Stanstead, Can.. July 4. 1857, $100. Kit Casey 1, King (3 dis), 2:49, 2:47, 2 :4(>, 2 :45. Jimmy, blk s (3:53). Boston, Mass.. Aug. 29. 186G, $150. Andy Johnson 1 i4 dr). Butcher Boy (3 dr), 3:08, •2:bG, 2:. 53. Jimmy, ch g (3 :50). Mr. Sam. Indianapolis, Ind., Aug. 16, 1868, .$20n. Conklin's rn g (s). 2:.50'i, 2:50. Jimmy, ch g (3 :44). (ieo. E. Goodrich, Gardiner, Mass., Oct. 18, 1875. $100. Capt. Jack, Frank, Billy, Frolic, Major K. (3 dr), 2:51. 2:.53, 2:52i2. .7. Morrill. Hudson, Mass., Sept. 8, 1877. $150. Lady Maud, Empress, Laura Post, Julia, Kitty Lambert, 2:463-fa. 2:46. 2:46'.i. Gardiner. .Mass., Oct. 6, 1877, $150. Harry 2, 3, Doctor Weston. Pilot, Robert B.. Thomas, Pcterboro Boy, 2:44. 2:4.!. 2:45, 2:46'2, 2:50. Jimmy L., 1) g. J. E. Carter, Londonyille, 0., July 3, 1877. $50. Venus 3, Central Ohio, Col. Todd, Ben Wheeler. No time. Jimmy, li g 1 3 :45). G. P. Wliite, Sinelairyille, N. Y., Sept. 14, 1877. .$200. Gowanda Jim. Rochester Girl Flora I'liillips. 2:4.5>4,2:46. 2:46?4. Jimmy iJailev. cli g i2:4T^^). L. A. Duncan, Grand Haven, Mich., June 2. 1875. $400. Gray Nelly, Michigan (iiri i2 dis>. Kitty (2 dis). Gyiwy (2dis). 2:52'4, 2:47'4, 3:04. Jimmy Jones, grg (3 :54 7-12). " W. L. Niuialee, Mobile, Ala.. March 15. 18.58, $1,000. Sam Rice l (2 dis), 8:49, 8:43'.|. Tlireeniiles. Jimmy Lynch, bg(3:43). Jas. D. McMann, Union Course, L. I., May 16,1864, $l,ooo. Lady Ella (2 dr), 2:51. Jimmy >'<»rt«m. h g (3 •35), J. B. Judd, Plainville, Conn., Sept. 2.3, 1871, .$50. Lady Spang 1, 2, Sleepy Jane (4 dn. 2:48. 2:48. i>:.52. 2:.50i.i. 2:.51. Merideii.Conn.. Oct. 29. 1872. $100. Artluirl. Lady Shoemaker. 2:46. 2:42»i, 2:48^4. 2:45. Hartford. Conn., Oct. 10. 1873. .$500. Harry Si)anker 2. Fanny Otis, Harry Gilbert, Dolly Varden 1 (4 disi. Sailor Bov (4 dis). Ned Forrest (2 dis), Billv Steyens (1 dis). 2:40'i. 2:40i4. 2:36. 2 :37, 2:36'/i. Plainyjlle. Coiiii.. May 23. 1874. $200. Arthur 1, Walter S.. 2:43';, 2:45'.. 2:42i.i. 2:41. Ne\v Haven, Conn, ^fav :«), 1874. $175. Arthur2. 4, (5 0). Angeline (2 dis). No time. I* B. Norton. :Meriden, Conn., Sept. 25, 1874, $250. Ned Forrest. Belle of Bridgeport (1 dis), 2:39. 2:39>4, 2:40. Sept. 26. 1874. .$400. Ned Forrest. Belle of Bridgeport, 2:.37i^, 2:38, . Stamford. Conn., Nov. 17. 1874, $500, Brown Kitty, Harry Gilbert. Lady Woods. Roadmastcr, Adeline, R..2:,-!6'.,,:';;C.-'.i. 2::;6'.i, J. B. .hidd. Waterburv. Conn., Oct. 6, 1876, ,$300. George H. 2. Hamilton 1. Billy Davis, 2:37>4, 2:3714. 2:,'!8. 2::f9, 2:40. Jimmy O'lirien (w ). b g (3 :45i4). Mr. Casev, Fashion Course, L.I., Sept. 29. 1868. SJOO. Butterfly (w) 1, 2:4.5, 2:,-.0. 2:48. 2:49. Jimmy P., li g (3 :54), by Young Kniglit, H. H. Pulsifer, Readfield, Me., Oct, 4. 1883, $28. Fairbanks ch g 2, :!. Pavstreak, 2:.57, 3:07, 2:5,5, 2:,")4. 3:00. Jimmy Stewart, b g (3 :34i4 ). by Daniel Lambert. Fred W. Reynolds. Rockville, Conn., Sejtt. 26, 1879, $175. Kitty Hills2i50). Tramp 1. 2:.i9'4, 2:40, 2:31). 2:40V,, 2:42. 2:42. I'rovideiice. R. L. Oct, 21. 1871, $200. Emnia E.. Tramp, Harry Brown. Ernestina. Prunella. Ashland Maid. MarvComstock, .lust Out, 4. 2:.3,5. Springfii?ld. Mass.. Aug. 31. 1881, .$70(1. Racliel2, Lady Sherniiin, Stella Blake, Boston Pilot, George M., Gy])sy, 2:24'4. 2:28' ,. 2:27'4. 2:27'4. New Haven, Conn.. Sept. 7, 1882, $200. John N., Lady Scud, Maud O, (2 dis). Farmer Hoy (1 dis), 2:30?4, 2:;t2',, 2:.34. Jim Ott. bg(3:43). Andy Mellen. Louisville, Ky., Oct. 7, 18,59. $.300. Alliert Losee, 2:43, 2:44,2:44. Jim Terry, grg (3:43'.). J. Perrv. Sliaron, Pa., Sept. 13, 188;J, $200, Honest Sam, F'red Hull, I'aul Hacke, Fire Fiv. Prince F.dwanL I';innv M.. Scottish Prince. .lim Bowdin (2 dis). 2:44'.j, 2:42?4. 2:43'2. Sei>t.'l.5. 18S.3. ,$2(K). Paul Hacke 1, Fred Hull, Scottish Prince, . 2:42-'.i. 2:4.3. 2:42i<.,- Jim I'orter, b g (3:3S';), by Downing's P,ay Messenger, dam Madam Porter, by Roman's Orphan Boy. C. W. Dm(11( V. Lexington, Ky., Oct. 6.' 18.53. .$2.50, Peytona il dis), 2:46. W. King. Philadeli)hia. Pa., Nov. 3. 18,57. $- — . Thunder, JohiiGilpin, 2:39»4. 2:38>^4, 2:4'".s. (w) Nov. 13, 18,57, $ , Thunder 1, .Fohn Gilpin, 2:42"j, 2:39, 2:42, 2:41. (s) M. (ioodin. May 2ft. 18,59, ,$— . Belle (s) (1 dis), 2:32. .June 20, 18»W, $ . Tacony, 2: .35';. 2:37, July 19 isco. <;-2."iO. Lancet. 2::«. 2::i3, 2;31V<'.. Jim Raven, blk g (3 :30), l)y Star of the West. H. Adams, Minneapolis, Minn.. Sept. 9, 1877, .$250. Orient 1, Flora Belle, Gen. Lee, 2:'30, 2:.30. 2:.33';. 2:36i/,. St. Paul, Minn., Se|)t.3, 1878, $600. Lady of the West. Alvin B. 3, (2 0), (4 dis), 2:34!'j, 2:32, 2:36, 2:35, 2:40. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND TACING RECORD. 361 Jim Bockey, (Hard Bread and Chicago), b g, (3 :34?i), by Ole Bull, dam by American Eclipse. Jas. Rockey, Louisville, Ivy., Sept. 21, 1859, .$250. Ben Higdoii, pacer, 3, Lady Woodlawn (.1 dis), Capt. Megowen (1 dls), Mary d dis ), 2:36' o. 2:39.2:30.2:35. Sept. 23, 1S59, $250. Ben liigdon, pacer, 2:33, 2:32, 2:33^4. Cincinnati, O., Oct. is, 1S59. .'*2.50. Dick Ten Brojck 2, 2:;;5'2, 2:35, 2:37'/2, 2:30%. Oct. 21, 1859, .f500. Ike Cook, Dick Ten Brosck, Joe Dinnuick. SrOS'.i, 5:05; 2. Two miles. Zanesville, O., Sept. 21, ISGO, .'{ilOO. Guernsey 4. 5, Dan Rice 1, 1,2 disj, 2i37J4, 2:42'/i, 2:45, 2:51^2, 2:51?^, 2 :50. Milwaukee, Wis., Nov. 22, 1867. $1,000. Fanny Fern (s), 2:30ii, 2:U, 2:33J4. Cliicaao, 111., June 9, ISG8, .$2,000. Bashaw Jr., 2:26, 2:249.i 2:27. June 17, 1868, $1,000. Basliaw .Ir. 3, 4. (ieorge Taluier (.3 dis), 2:27'2, 2:26,2:2554, 2:29, 2:36. Aug. 13. 1868. $1,000. Tackcv, 2 :40. 2 :40, 2 :30i'.i. H Graves, Davenport. la., Sept. 9, I868, $.350. Cham Shot, W. K. Thomas, Honest Abe. 2:35, 2:39, 2:S1]4. Jas. Rockey, Sept. 10, 1868, $700. Kirkwood, W. K. Thomas, Pilot Temple 1 (.2 dis;, Bashaw, Jr. (2 dis), 2:31, 2:37'i, 2:36'-., 2:33. Clinton, la., Oct. l, 1868, $125. Warsaw 1, 2:40i.i, 2:40i.j„ 2:42. Short track. Chicago, III., October 16, 1869, $1,500. Silas Rich, Pilot Temple U dis), Angeline (1 dis), 2:32^4, 2:31, 2:38. Geo. Nelson, Washington, 1). C, June 11, 1870, $1,000. Moses, Patchen, Jr., 2:37i?4., 2:37^2. 2:37Ji. Graves & Loomis, Battle Creek, Mich., Sept. 3, 1870. $1,000. Pilot Temple. W. K. Tnomas, 2:30^4,2:30)^, 2:32^.1. Coldwater, Mich.. Sept. 14, 1870, .$1,200. W. K. Thomas l, 2:31. 2:32^4, 2-M]4,2:36H. Jim Rowell, blkg(,3:33). Geo. Evans, St. Louis, Mo., May 25, I860, .$400. Quaker Boy, Duff, (1 dis), 2:43, 2:431.1.2:42. {\\) June 12, 1860, $500. Quaker Boy l (4 0), 2:42, 2:mi, 2:41 1/2, 2:40i/4, 2:40'/^ June 13, 1861, $10, Picayune, pacer d dis), 2:40. Porter Warner, Sept. lo". 1863, .$250. Quaker Boy, 2:32>/2,2:32, 2:34. Jim Sargent, b g. Jim Sarueut. IMexico. N. Y., Sept. 11, 1883, $60. Bay Prince. Bay Gyi)sy. No time. Jim Schriber. irr s (3 iSO', ^ l.v Khode Island. Schriber Bros., Norwalk, O., Aug. 24, 1877, .$200. Chamois 1, Prince Marker, Charley Mdoie. .Maiinie Miller, H. B. Foley (2 dis), 2:40Ji. 2:38, 2:44. 2:401i. Massillon, O.. Oct. '19. 1877, .$200. George W. S., Red Buck. Bashaw Chief. Jenny Star, 2:50^,2:52, 2:.52i4. A. W. Black, Norwalk, O., July 8, 1879, .$300. Betsy Ann 1, Rienzi (4 0), Himter, 2:32, 2:33, 2:3414. 2:36!4, 2:33' 2- W. Potts, Painesville, O., Sept. 13, 1883, .$240. Kinsman Boy, Rienzi, 2 :32i4, 2:34, 2:3814. Jim Sinclair, ch sC-JtSa'a), W. H. Potts, Akron, O., Oct. 4, 188.3, $250. Sunshine 3, Joe Hooper (4 dr), Mistletoe (4 dr).2:.32'2. 2-32%, 2:33. J'im .Smith (Ed. White), b g (3:37). J. H. Phillips, Watertown, N. Y., June 26, 1867 $100. Frank 2, Thomp- son's 1) m (4 (lis). 3:04. 3:03. 2:59, 2:59. Four-year-olds. .lulv .^ 1867. $600. Frank l, 2, 2:48Va. 2:48, 2:49. 2:ril. 2:47. P'our-year-olds. Sept. 19, 1867, .$.50. Black Jack 1 (2 dis), Neilv Giav (2 dis), 2:4.ii.:. 2:38. .Sept. 24, 1867, $100. Columbian Chief 1. 4 (5 dis). 2:45'2. 2:45';, 2:46'4, 2:4714, 2:471^. Four-year-olds. Edwin Scott. July 18. ]8!J8, fi-2r>0. Reliable 2. Lady Lightfoot, 2:39. 2:44, 2:39i2, 2:44. June 23, 1869, .$500. Tete Matthews, Kitty, two others. 2:35, 2:.;7i4, 2:38'2. Jim Stevens, b g (3 :54). C. M. Sheeler, Canal Dover, O., Oct. 3, \m:i, $.35. Purity, Billy. 3:00. 2:54. 2:55. Jim Tliompson, b s. P. F. Tlioinpsou, Watertown, N. Y., Sept. 8, 1880, .$50. Mabel, Darby. No time. Two- year-olds. Jini Ward, b g (3 :38i4). bv Young Columbus, dam Black Star, by Darkey. D. Jenkins, Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Sept. 7. 1878, $400. Belle" of Kings 1. 2, Dolly Everett 3 (6 dr). Chance. Landseer. Fleetwood Queen, Marl- boro. Kismet (5 dr), Marathon (3 dr), 2:35, 2:32, 2:3414, 2:33i'2, 2:.33^, 2:34i2. Ogdensburgh, N. Y., Sept. 11, 1878, .$300. Ellen, Mat Cameron, Lady Grenville, Eulia, Barney Smith. David C. (2 dis), Johnny B. (2 ur), 2:41, 2:43, 2:38M. Potsdam, N. Y., Sept. 19, 1878, .$300. Betty Bump, Bellevue Boy, Mat Cameron, Ellen, Edgar, Sam Per- kins 2*34 2*35 2*40 Malone, N. V.', Sept. 26, 1878, .$225. Village Boy 1, Betty Bump, Lady Grenville (2 dis), 2:38, 2 :35i^, 2 :37 Ji, 2:361.1. Sept. 27, 1878, $150. Phyllis, Betty Buinp. Bellevue Boy, Ellen. Edgar, Dominion Girl, 2:35, 2:.35, 2:3514. W. S. Stuart, Glens Falls. N. Y., May 21. 1879, $150. Ella Doe 1, 2. Fanny Raymond, Daisy Hamilton, Leona (2 dr).2:.3494, 2:30. 2:28K'- 2:3314, 2:.34. Batavia, N. Y., Jan. 3 and47 1879, .$400. Tavlor 1. 4. Johnny Gordon 2. George F. Smith, 2:40, 2:31)4, 2:32, 2:.34'», 2:31, 2:36. Lyons, N. Y., .June 10, 1879, .$400. Johnny Gordon 1, 2. George F. Smith, Queen of Fairies, 2:.34, 2:30, 2:.3n':;. 2:30, 2:31%. JimWhite, grg(3:31). J. Bradburn. Woodstock, Out, Aug. 10, 1877,$ . Lady Rysdyk 2, Amber 3, Oxford. Duroc, 2:43,2:45. 2:46. 2:46i!,, 2:47. „, . ^ — Ilaiiiilton, Out., Aug. 15, 1877, .$ . Mat Whitbeck 4, Lady Rysdyk 1, King William. Cayuga Chief, 2:40',. 2:421.;. 2:43'^, , 2:43K'- Thorold, Out., :May 23, 1878, $75, John A.. Ladv Upton. No time. May ■24. 1S78. $75, Duroc 1, 4, John A. No time. „ ^ ^ .1. Whitlx'ck, Elmlra, N. Y^, Sept. I2and 13, 1878. .$300. Nellv Parks 3, 5, Monk Boy, Helen R., Lady Woudenr.disi. Elliott (3 dis), 2:4214, 2:44, 2:43. J:45;U,2:46'.i,2:.3714. ,^ , ,. . .„.., liatavia. X. Y., Sept. 18, 1878, $300. Nelly Parks, Monk Boy, P. L. Eastman, Welland Girl (3 dis), Wil- martlMl dis). 2:31, 2:3354, 2:.33. ' „,,.,.. A. Ai)!)lebv. Picton, Out., July 21. 1883. $100. Phil Sheridan, Johnny B., G. Stuart (1 dis), Schelia (1 dis), 2 :34 ' .> . 2 : .'i5 2 :39. '- Ormu), Out., .Tuly 25, 1883, $ . Johnny B., Highland Bov. Best time 2:47. Jim Wilson, b g (3 :60) l)v iNIasterlode, dambv .^lagiia Charta. A. C. Fisk, Centreville, Mich., May 18, 1882, .$7.5. Ben Wright, Portage Boy. Billy Haves. :::1G. 3:11, 3:00. Tliree-year-olds. , . Jim Wilson (Brother Baldwin), b g (3:33)." Waukon, la., Sept. 22. 1882. $100. Little Queen 1, Owner's br m, 2:44'o, 2:41'.,, 2:43'.,. 2:47' i. JimWiiider, b g (3 :03). S. D. Lasater, Carmi, 111., Sept. 5, 1883, $100. Dan Neal 1, 3, 3 :04, 3:03%, 2:55, 3:02, 3:02, J. J. Brakley, b g (3 :43). Thos. Vandekar, Troy, N. Y., Sept. 21, 1874, $100. Maple Leaf, Golddust, Brick Jack 1 1 dis). Belle of Montreal (1 dis) Bay Jim' (1 disl, 2:45. 2:50, 2:.52i^. Albany N. Y., Oct. 23. 1874, .$200. Palmyra Gi!i,2:42%,2:42i4, 2:42. J. J. liracllev (Lookout and John Nesbitt), b g (3 :3.T .;). Wm. H. Borst, Fashion Course. L. I., mov. 15, 1867, .$2,000. American Girl (w), 1 f3 0). 2:.32i4, 2:.33'i,2:.36', 2:.37i.i. 2:30"2. .. . "^tay 5 and 6, 1868, .$400. Fred Pense 3, 4 (5 0) (7 0), Breeze 1, Amber, Bolly Lewis 1 1 di.s), Atlanta (1 dis), 2:3214, 2:31?4, 2:31, 2:.32?4, 2:.32i/», 2:37%. 2:36ii. 2:.36i4. May 26, 1868, $2,000. Capt. Gill 1, 2:3014, 2:30)^, 2:31, 2:30%. 362 CHESTER'S COMl'LETK TltoniNi: AND rACiNG KECOIID. While i'laius, N. Y., Sept. — , 1808, S300. Needle Gun 4. Whipple's 1) g, Ji^s. 2:;«;,2:;u, •^■.■U). l':42. — Fashion t'oiuse, L. 1., Oel. 20, 18«8, .:i»ou. C oru, Fanny Spiagne, li. Neavals, Capt. Gill, I'allersou's ch g Carroll r.' tlisi, •J:ol^i, i::3i;'.i, '^:s^U- — Oct. L'» I8ii», 4!1,000. Clara 1, Western New York, Carroll (4 dr), Dutch tlirl (3 dr), 2:31^4, 2:31?4, 2:32Ji 2:33';. — baltimore, Md.. Nov. 10, 18«y, $1,500. Hop 2, 7 (3 0) (4 0), Fanny Allen 5, Star of the West (5 dr), 2:34V6. 2:34'.i. 2:31^4. 2:37, 2:37. 2:31'.i, 2:3y, 2:34>.i. — Philadelphia. Ta., Nov. — , 1SG9, S . Hop. 2:35, 2:3(ii«, 2:3ti4- Fashion Course, L. 1., May 21, 1870, §1,000. Surprise 1, Idol 3, Western New York, 2:31?4, 2:29^4, 2:3114, 2:31,2:32 rhiiadelphia, I'a., Sept. 8, 1870, $1,500. Hotspur, Fanny Alien, 2:30?i, 2:29!i, 2:2hi/,. .lames Dougny, Albany, N. Y., July 24, 1872, ■51.000. St. Elmo (2 0), 2:34'2, 2:33'», 2:34'2, 2:36'/i. July 27, 1872. ^:W. Turnbull 2, George L. Fo.\, 2:33i'4, -•34. 2:29, 2:31»/2. J. K. b s (3 :00)J)y Conklin's American Star. W. U. Brown. Gouverueur, N. Y., June G. 1878, S75. Little Wonder. 3:01, 3 :(X), . .1. M. Uotts Jr. b s ('-i:33), by J. .M. iiotts. J. M. McCoy, Tiskilwa, HI.. Aug 8, \s~(j, §500. Badger 3. Lilly Tierce, Kittv Fisk, Nodaway, Geo. T., Hickory, Gen. Grant (,3 dr) I'orligue (3 dr), 2:37'n, 2:40^4,2:40514, 2:38 Earlville, 111., Aug. 24. 1876. .?600. Janesville 3. 4. Ellen C. Little Tom, 2:34. 2;33?4, 2:.-54i'4. 2:34, 2:33. Dubuque. la., Sept. 7, 1870, §500. ^\ ild Irishman, Monroe, Judas, Cupid, Bay Charley, 2:4014, 2:44, 2:4054. Kansas City, Mo., Sept. 24, 1870. .¥400. Lulu M.. Dakota Maid. Sleepy Bill (1 dis), 2:3!). 2:.37'/j, 2:38. C. A. Pratt, Browusville, Mo., June 20, 1S79, §200. J. N. Steck l, 2(.^)0). Hiram Woodruff, 2:42'-, 2:41. 2:37, 2:34,2:40,2:33. J. >Icl>oiia>,'h ('Z :58). Yryka, Cal,. Oct. 15. 1870. $ . Clatawa, pacer l, 2:56. 2:58, 3:00. J. 31. Oakley, b g (» :43). L. S. Grant. Woonsockct. It. 1. Sept. 20, 1870, §175, Fanuy B. 2. File Cutter 1, Silver -Miuj, Mountaui Uo.se (.3 dis), 2:40. 2:45, 2:42, 2:42, 2:42' 2. Sept. 21. 1870, §150. Blanche, Deacon ,lr., 2:51, 2:56K', 3:01. .J. M. Wliite (Selim), ch g (3 :32'2), by Abdallah. G. A. G'reen, St. Louis, Mo., May 8, 1858, $250. Grav Frank, I'ile Driver. 2:42'2, 2:42. 2:37. (W), .(unc 22, 1858, §175. File Driver 1, Gray Frank (1 dis), 2:49, 2:40, 2:40, 2:43. (w). July 5, 1858, §75. Pile Driver. 2:46. 2:50. .J. N. Maiisuay, bg (2:40). 11. W. Brown. New Haven. Conn.. Oct. 14. 1873, §700. Ladv Burnham. Miss Burke, Seamstress, Farmer Boy. Fanny Otis, Black Jim, William G. (2 dis), Maggie Dovie (1 dis). 2:40, 2:43, 2:41 '-2. .r, N. .Steck, ch g (2:36), by Golddust. dam by Bonny Scotland. J. Doty, Girard. Kan.. Aug. 11, 1879, §150. Kansas Bill 1.4. Prince Albert. Sleei)v Bill (2 dri. No time. — Moberly, Mo., June 4. I88O. ,§200. Sleepy Joe 3, (4 Oi. Carrie F.. 2:43. 2:41, 2:44. 2:43. 2:54. .Jf>aiiiia, ch 111 (3 :44). F. C. Woodburv, Portland. Me.. Aug. 20, 1875. $100. Thurlow Knox 1. Lady Morgan, Charlev .Miller, Hiram. PresumiKscot Girl, Uoval Knox. Beiiiis, Ladv (irant »4 dn. 2:48. 2:44. 2:45, 2:44. F. Bi-vmer, Oskaloosa. la., .Julv 4. isTii, skk). Tuckahoe, Chestnut Billy, Carrie, Valley City Maid (5 ilr). Crow 1,2, (4 dr). Cornstalk ( 1 disi. 2:45. 2:4714. •.;:4ii'4, 2:50. Jockey, ch g (3 :53'-j ). .1 Alexaiuicr. Manchester, N. H., Oct. 31, 1867, §200. Lady Gray. 2:56, 2:52i.i. Jocko, blkg (3:53). B. B. Baker, Woonsocket, II. I., Aug. 25, 1860, §100. Jack McDonald 3, 2:53, 2:53, 2:52, 2:55, Joe, ch s (3:.'>4i. Henrv Duncan, Lanesville, Kv., Nov. 12. 1858, $200. Unknown, 2:59, 2:54. Joe, b g (3 :45). C. J. K"()l)biiis, Cincinnati, O.. Sept. 22, 1803, $100. (ilencoe. 2:.")7, 2:4,5. 2:47. Joe (3:47). J. Budlong, Hudson, N. Y., Sept. 28. 1871, §l.'->0. Columbia Chief, Gray Stnmger, John Kogers, Rail Splitter, Gen. Grant (2 dis), Lizzie (1 dis). 2:.50, 2:47J4, 2:47. Joe(wt, bs('J:415i). A. B. Van Voorhees, Pittsburgh, Pa.. July 3,1866, $200. Annie Laurie (w) 2, Gen. Th(ini:is.2:.51. 2:4.5,2:4.51,1, 2:45'^. (wi, .Inlv 13. I860, $.500. Annie Laurie (w) 2, Gen. Thomas. 2:57. 2:45. 2:4514, 2:45?4. .Inlv 10. 1866. .§,50. Annie Laurie 2. Gen. Thomas, 2:42i^. 2;46i.i, 2:4i?i, • . Joe (Triuini)li). ch g (3 :3.'>i4). bv Young Plenipo. J. L. Doty. Boston. Mass., Oct. 3, 1871, §2.000. Camors, hd Eaton. Lucille. Col. Moulton." Castle' Bov. Col..Mavnard (1 dis). Stuyvesanl (1 dis). 2:2.5i.i. 2:20. 2:26-'4. Oct. 4. 1871, .§2,000. (\)1. Moulton. .M;iv Bco. .lack Poor. Stuyvesant (3 dis), 2:32, 2:34i2, 2:32. Oct 5. 1 871.. •552.000. Ed. E;itoii. Plato, .lolin Stewart. L"::!0'". 2:20, 2:26'i. ^ „ Joe (3:43'.,). W. W. Abbott, Louisville, Ky., June 19, 1872, $100. Storm Pilot 1, 2 (4 dr), John Bull (2 dis), 2:.30'3, 2:39, 2:43';, . . Joe, bs(3:41i4). J. Knaber. Cincinnati. O.. June 27, 1872, $.500. Lexington, Frank, 2:50|2, 2:49, 2:5.i2. Aug. 20, 1873. $1,000. Kittv. 2:.51. 2:.50^,i, 2:.51. May 11, 187.5. .§.500. Fniiik". 2:411.1.2:41, 2:4414. , , ^. „ ■„••. ,-•„ ,., Joe. l)g(3:40). H. .1. Cliurcli.Gouvcrnour, N. V.. Sept. 12, 1872, $17.5. Lady Tatman. l'annyA\ aite, Kitty t lover, WliltcClotid.W. McCljtiii. I);ui (.'.dn. 2:49. 2:51. 2:.52. ,, ,„ „ ,. ,. ,., « ,. Joe. I. ni (3::5«', 1. .1. c. Iloskiiis. Parkersburgh. Va., Oct 2, 1872, $140. Randall, Belle Buckley, Bay Bridget C! ilri. 2:10'... 2:10'. 1, 2:.^8•^. , , , , ,, .. t, 1 « o is ^ Joe, gr g (3 :33). Mr. Theller, San Francisco. Cal. Sept. 12, 1874, $100. Jeiiks l. Lady Grant, Rob Koj (3 dis), Joe"'b K (3 :41). S. T."Goldiiig. Fredericton. N. B.. Oct. 1874. §1.50. Lady Slandaff, Island Maid, Lisgar, Prince Willlani. Couiitrv Lass, Black Bess (3 dis). Dromodo. (1 dis), 3:00. 2:41. 2:41. „,„»„,. t .. .<= wi-.-n W. H. Shnto. Oct. .5, 1874, §200. Baker Boy, Lady Slandaff. Lisgar, Black Bess, ( ountry Lass. ll""s."'w{ll,'t. Diinsville. N. V.. Oct. 21.1874. .§200. White Bird, Tom, Henry Jr. u' dis), Patsy (2 (Os), Frank(2 dis). .losh Billings (2 disi. Little (Jrnnt (2 dls\ 3:00'.;. 2:45. 2:4.5V^. Oct. 22, 1874..§200. White Bird 1. Ndlv. Billv ^Vaitc. . 2;47i4, 2:49, {M'i- ^ ., „„ ., .. Joe, bg (3:00), E. W. Slielniire. Suffolk Park, Pliil;i.. .Inlv 31. 1875. .§200. Jlac, ^^O"-,-^-"":, 'V ,..„, t..„ .,.iiMs Joe, b g (3;r,3). J. Craig. Mystic Park, Boston. Aug. 11. 1870, $100. Mac 2 "'^-W. "':;:\''- ['j;;' -l^ ''-^^^^^ .IrV K^nnv Joe ch g (3:08i. Henrv Crosbv. Skaneatcles. N. Y.. Aug. 18. 1870. §:«>. Dan 1-., Butcher Bo> (3 dr\ l-anny Welch. 3:20. 3:21. 308. . , -^ . ,r ,* ,„ ■ aa ■}.•».> t-w Joe, b g (3 :13). M. McNnlty, Pbiladclpliia. Pa.. Nov. 12, 1877. $1.50. Daniel H. 1, Yorktown, 4:00, 3.3., a.m. Lamb Tnvern. Pa.. .luno 7. 1878.$ . Ben Butler. .Fim >^;<"rearv (2 dr) 2:5fli4. 2:54. ^ S. D. Haughton, Worcester, Mass.. July 20. 1878, §100. Joe (.odard, R.ittlt i , ...>i, -oi 4, V C. Keenan, Philadelphia, Pa.. May 1, 1879,$ . Sneak 3, Rattling Jack, Pete, 2 :.58, C. P. Shepherd, Concord. N. H., May 28, 1880. §100. Pea Soup, Robt. H.. Black Diamond, French Rov. SIccDvJolni. Black .lack. Josephine, 2:48, 2:46,2:47. ,r t, „ „ -p^,! i i,,,. B-ibv Joe. br g (3 :.-i«u;. .1. .\. Bell. Denver. Col.. Sept. 13. 1881, $150. Jenny Sprague, Van Buren. Red l.im . liaov. Julia, Baby, (iarbage. Dan H., 2:38, 2:46>4, 2:46'/4. ."i 1:12. Joe, bl'R (3:.'? mo. Joe. g(3 :51). ::51. Joe, blkg (3 :41i 3:07, 2:.'>0. 2:58. Joe, bik g(2: 46). CHESTElfS COMPLETE TKOTTING AND PACING RECORD. 353 Joe. 1) g (3 :06i. G. W. Iniboden, Lebiinon, Pa., Oct. 20, 1S81, $100. Jenny 1, Harry, Daisy, George J., 3:07'4, o:09U, 3:0a'4. 3:0U. Joe. blkg(3:01!2). A. R. Lacld, New Hunting Parle, Phil., May 1,1882,$ . Emma H., Toronto, 3:01 J^, ■.iM%. Joe, bite g (3 :05). F. Grubl). New Hunting Park, Phil., Mav 25. 1882. $ . Lady, 1.5:25. Five miles. Joe, b g (;J:49i4). H. C. Hess, Oxford, Pa., June 8, 1882, $7.^ Hero 1, 2, John, 2;59k. 3:00, 2:Wi/j, 2:50, 2:49'.i. Tune 9, 1882. )j?100. Hero. Dutch (!irl, 2 i.^O^j, 2:49Vi, 2 :51>4. Joe, blk g (3 :40). A. Dentuu, Miueola. L. I.. Sept. 2s, is8i.', .$30. Carrie, Dot, Minnie, 3:40. Three-year-olds. Joe Avaline, chg(3:49?.i). M. Armstrong. Dallas, T('.\., Sept. 30, 1878, .«;125. Nettie L., R. E. Lee, Frank, Nettie H.. 2:51, 2:49?4,2:.51. B. O'Connor, Fort Wayne, Ind., Oct. 29, 18T9, § . Barnev O., Maud 'SI., Frank Forrester, 2:53, 2:51, 2 :53. Oct. 30. 1879. $150. Belmont Prince. Maud M., 2:.'30, 2:.50. 2:5014. Joe IJ., (3 :03). Johnston Bros., St. ("lairsville, 0., Sept. 6, 1883, § . Harry S. 2, Dr. David, 3:02, 3:04, 3:05, :!:02. Joe liaker. br g. A. Walker, riinton, la., Aug. 21, 1879, $ . Johnny Bord 2. No time. Joe JJates. blk g (2:43). M. Birdsall, Chenango, N. Y.,June 9, law, * . Belle of Chenango, 2 :43'.i, Joe iJeaton (3:40»4). Wood & Dunbar, Princeton, HI.. Sept. 1.1, 18S3, $140. Fanny Evans, Mama, 2:52^, 2:40'4,2:41'i. . , » Joe Bowers, b g (3 :51i^). J. Flynn, Monroeville, 0., June — , 18G7, .$25. Crazy Jane, Honest George, Brady Mare, 2 :.53, 2:511^. Joe Bowers, b s (3:13). Daniel Green, Myricks. Mass.. Sept. 23, 1870, . $30. India Rubber, 3:13, 3:19. Three- year-olds. Joe Bradley, gr g (3 :36'/2)- P- Doyle, Norwich, Conn., Sept. 29, 1881, .$200. Billy P., Mary B., 2:39i4, 2:.S7^, 2:401.1. Joe Brown, wh s (3:33). by Woodward's Rattler, dam by Vt. Hambletonian. Daniel Jenkins, Saratoga Spa, N. Y., Aug. 11, 1870, $500. Kitty 2, 4, Col. Price, 2:42;^4, 2:43. 2:44, 2:38i;4, 2:41i4. Troy, N. Y.. Sept. 7, 1871, $1,500. William Turnbull (1 0), Constance, Bright Eyes, Young Thorne, May Bee (4 dr), Jewel (1 dis). 2:35i.i, 2:35^, 2:40, 2:351^. Burhngton, Vt., Oct. 24, 1871, $250. Bristol Bill 1, 4, Draco Chief, Fanny, Gazelle, 2:42, 2:43, 2:44, 2:45'.4, 2:41. — Prospect Park, L. I., Sept. 18, 1872, $1,250. Lady Bacchus, Coroner K., Fed, Young Thorne, Comee, Enigma, Mei-cer (3 dr), 2:29, 2:2914, 2:3014. Fleetwood Park. N. Y., Oct. 7, 1872, $2,000. Mary A. Whitney 1, Comee, Young Thorne, Fanny Fern, Contraband (2 dis), Enigma (1 dis), 2:30, 2:32, 2:331.2, 2:31. Rutland, Vt., Oct. 17, 1872, .$500. Commodore Nutt (1 dis), Minerva (1 dis), 2:.38i4. Saratoga Spa., N. Y., July 30, 1873, .$400. Joker 3, Fanny Raymond, 2:32i4, 2:37, 2:.35, 2:34'/^. Aug. 4, 1873, .$500. Fanny Raymond, Lida Picton, l, 2 (3 dis), 2:.33i4, 2:33J^. 2:.30, 2:38, 2:34. Glens Falls. N. Y., Sept. 12, 1873, $450. Wliite Cloud Lady Butler (2 dis)r2:39i^, 2:39J4, 2:36. West Troy, N. Y., Sept. 2G, 1873. $400. Ed. Eaton 1, 2:32^, 2:33, 2:31Ji, 2:3014. Kingston, N. Y., Oct. 24. 1873. .$300. Major King, 2:31, 2:30i/», 2:29. Syracuse, N. Y., June 18, 1874, $1,500. Spotted Colt 1. 2, Lew Ives, Tom Keeler, Buzz (3 dis). Mystic (2 dis), 2:31, 2:3314, 2:2914, 2:29, 2:.31'/2. Oiii'onta, N. Y., June 25, 1874, $1,200. Mystic. Lew Ives, Major King, 2-MU, 2:31, 2:32. i;ut];ind, Vt., Sept. 17, 1875, $.500. Kitty Cook 1, Sam Page, Ned Forrest, Gypsy Girl (2 dr), 2:44, 2:41, 2:41,2:421 Potsdam, N. Y., Sept. 23, 1875, .$800. Jack Draper 2, 2:31i^, 2:32, 2:34, 2:36. ■ Ogdensburgh, N. Y., Oct. 1, 1875, $ . York State, Lew~lvps, Deceit, Little Angus (1 dis), 2:39'i, 2:39, 2 '38 ' — Washington, D. C. Oct, 19, 1875, .$750. Tanner Boy 1, Lajiland. 2:.'?2i4, 2:.32. 2:3214, 2 :.31i4. — Nov. 2 and 3, 1875, .$2,000. Observer 3, Annie Collins l. Ella Madden, Triiunph (5 dr), 2:3114, 2:29, 2:28i4, 2:2714, 2:31'2. — Fleetwood Park, N. Y^, Nov. 18, 1875, $200. Barney Kelly 2, Frank Palmer, Ella Madden, Royal George, 2:30'4 2:31 2:29ii> 2:29. — '■ Nov. 25. 1875, $800. Adelaide, Major Allen, 2:40, 2:36, 2:36. — Dec. 2 and 4, 1875, $000. John H. 1, Adelaide, 2:31, 2:32, 2:2714, 2:26. — Washington, D. C, May 4, 1870, $1,000. Bateman, Barney Kelley, 2:27^^, 2:2514, 2:29. — May 11, 1876, .$700. Barney Kellev 1, Bateman, 2:30i4, 2:28?4. 2:31, 2:28. — Point Breeze Park. Phila., May 14, 1876. $1,500. Abe Edginton, Bateman, Nelly Walton, Frank Palmer, Gray Chief, 2:27?4. 2:2514, 2:251/2. — Belmont Park, Phila., June 7, 1876, $2,000. Susie 3, Nettie Burlew, Annie Collins, Triumph (3 dis), 2:24^, 2:23, 2:21, 2:22. — Pittsburgh, Pa., July 3, 1876. $1,000. Nelly Irwin, Blue Mare. White Cloud, Lady H. (3 dr), 2:23)^, 2:26, 2:264. — Columbus. O., Sept. 21, 1876, $1,500. White Cloud 3, Nelly Irwin, Huntress, John H., Susie 1, 2 (5 dis), 2:27, 2:27, 2:27M, 2:28, 2:29i/o, 2:29';. — Potsdam, N. Y"., Sept. 22. 1876, $1,000. Jack Draper 1, Cluirley Mac 4, Captain Smith, 2:284, 2:30i4, 2:33, 2;33 , — Ogdensburgh, N. Y., Sept. 30, 1876, $600. Jack Draper l, 2, Frank, Capt. Smith, Phil Sheridan (5 dr), 2:4814, 2:48i;, 2:.=iO, 2:50, 2:.'.V. — Brockvilfe, Ont., Oct. 20, 1876, .$.500. White Cloud. No time. Ogdensburgh, N. Y., Oct. 27 and 28, 187G, .$,500. Phil Sheridan' 1, 2 (5 0), (6 dr), 2:33i4, 2:32i>4, 2:.35, 2:38, 2'33K 2*53. '- keene, N. H., Aug. 2, 1877, $300. John H. 2, 3, Joe Riplev 1, Castle Bov, (Uara J., Barney Kelley (3 dis), 2:32, 2:31, 2:28, 2:28, 2:32. 2:32. Rutland, Vt., Aug. 23, 1877, $.500. Castle Boy, Jenny Holton, St. C'aarb-s. Barno" Kellv, Annie Collins, W. D. Hilton, 2:32^^ 2:35, 2:35i/4. Joe Brown. Jr., gr s (3 :44i4), by Joe Brown. C. Copeland. Glens Falls. N, Y., Aug. 26. 1882, $50. Joseph 1, 2. Best time, 3:00, • W. Brownell, Johnstown, N. Y,. Sept. 5 and 6, 1882. $150. Bain Bashaw 1, 4, Warwick (2 dis). Dr. Parmley (2 (lis), 2:4.5. 2:44i4, 2:4.5, 2:46, 2:441,1. Joe liiinker, grg (3:1914), by George Wilkes, dam by American Star. J. Bunker, Louisville, Kv., Oct. 6, 1880 .$800. Largesse 1, 2, Big Julia (4 dis), Hardee (4 dis), Lillian (3 dis), Bill Rodifer (1 disi, Annie Snyder (1 dis), 2:.33, 2:28M, 2:27^, 2:2714, 2:26. Cincinnati, O., Nov. 2, 1880, $1,000. Alta 1, 2, Largesse, Effle G.. Belle G. (3 dis), 2:32, 2:28V4, 2:,31M, 2:32, 2:32M. • A. B. Cook, La Salle, 111., Aug 16, 1882, $500. Lucy 1, 2, Big Soap, Sciola. Edna Earl ,0 dis), 2:28, 2:27V4, 2:29,2;26k. 2:27J^. 23 a64 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TltOTTlNG AND PACING RECORD. Jacksousvllle, 111., Aug. L-i, 1882, $500. Sciola 2, Mattie Graham, (irey Heiiry, 2:27i4, 2:27V4, 2a73i, 2 '32 Cleveland, O., Sept. 7, 18S2, $750. Dr. Nonuaii 1, 2, Kwin)i, .loe Rhea, Hardwood, II. M. Strong, Gladia- tor. Abdallab Boy, Lady Tlionie. Harry N elo\ (,.. dr). 2:Uta, 2::iU, 2:-.'l'.i, 2:_'4. 2:Mr^. Sept. 12, 1882, $500. Harry Velo.\ 1, Gill, Jr., Abdullah Uoy, Will Ueuham i.4r 0), Gladiator(l dis), 2:26»/t, 2:24',2. 2:28, 2:27. ,j Hunker, Chicago, 111., Sept. 18, 1882. .¥1,000. Ewing. Gladiator, George K., 2:25, 2:21, 2:23. A. B. Cook, Cinc-iniiati, O., Sept. 27, Ikhj. .ssoo. .loe Kliea, lua <;.. Lillian. 2:25%, 2:25^i. 2:20. Le.\ington, Ky., Oct. 11, 1882, $40. 2:44. J. Spaulding. Passaic. N. .1.. Scjit. 1. 1S75. $300. Sherman 2, Lady Woods, 2:41'4. 2~:405i, 2:37?*, 2:43. Joe Crocheron (w). br g (.'-i :4I). A. Abrams, Union Course, L. 1., .July 13, 1864, $1,000- Lizzie Somerindyke (wO, 2:44. 2:46'/2, 2:57. L iosepli liace, Fashion Course, L. I., Aug. 31, 186C, $350. Sid Nichols (4 dr), H. F, Clark 1 (3 dis), 2:i.'i, 2 "43 2''il. Joe Curry (w), gr s (2 -.39), by Cotrill Morgan, dam by Fox Hunter. J. S. Beitler, Pittsburgh. Pa., June 25, 1866. $500. Annie Laurie (w) 1, 2:46. 2:46, 2 :44. Aug !>, is(;7. $100. Annie Laurie 1, 2:45?i, 2:48'4. 2:49. . (_'osnocton, O., Sept. 6, 1867, $100. Pickwick 1, Frank Cheatham. 2::i8. 2:42, 2:46, 2:44. Joe Davis. (Tornado), b g (3 :35), by Dr. Herr. G. Grimes, Martinsville, Ind., Oct. 14, 1882, $ . Bob the Devil2,"2:r>1.2:40»/2, 2:37. 2:47'2. ^ .^. .Mont"()merv, Ala., Dec. 0. 1883, $200. Doc Shephard 1, Iriflnig. 2:40»2. 2:45. 2:40, 2:38. Joe Dean, 'grg(;J:40i4). H. DeCiroot, Salinas City. Col., Oct. 15, 1880, $100. Birdy 3, Nell Briordy, Brown Charh'v, Hillv Boyce,2:44?4, 2:44'i, 2:47i.i, 2:463X. Joe Dinniiick.b g (2: 32), by Hiatoga. O. W. Dimmick, Chicago, 111., Aug. 13, 1858, $100. Billy Fox (w) 2,3, Kipton (vv), 2:45, '_':45. 2:47, 2:47, . -Louisville Kv,, Sept. 20, 1809, .$2.50. Capitola (3 dr), AnnaH. (1 dis). 2:36, 2:38'/^, 2:49. Sept. 22, 1859," $500. Canada Sam, Ben Bolt (1 dis), AnnaH. (1 dis), Dolly Duncan (l dis), 8:01 '/i, 8:04. i. A. Shannon, Cincinnati. O., Nov. 3, IS.'^fl, .$200, Patrick .3, 2:49. 2:45, 2:3814, 2:551*. (). W. Dimmick, St. Louis, Mo., April 24, 1860, $100. Fanny Pierce, pacer (1 0). 2:38. 2:36, 2:32. Joe Dyer, rii g ( 3 -.ooy,). Dyer Flanders, Laconia, N. H., Sept. 10. 1878, .$40. Young Lyon 2. 3, Black Diamond 4,6.I)r:icoChief,Topsv, Lady Aliee(ldis),3:00i4.3:02.3:02.3:02'o,3:02'4.3:03,3:01'2. ,, . , JoeEarl, blkgC2:.52!2 w). Mr. Van Ness, Waverly, N. J-, May 15, 1874,$ . Prize, harness. Squirrel, — ^[w)^ .lI! s'iKfrp,^6range; "n^J., July 15, 1874, .$500. Belle of Orange 3, 5 (4 0), 2:52(2, 2:56, 2:58(4, 2:56^, o--,(>U •'•51 '1 Joe"jett<^rsoii. b s (2 :50?4). B. Dickerson, North Veruon, Ind.. Aug. 8. 1883, $ . Reuben 1, Katie B., Bob . -°Osgood!'lnd-. Aug. 15.'l"8'5. $100. Iris 1. Honest Billy (4 ro), Bessie M. (4r o).2:!>9'.;. 3:00.3:01, 3:00. Shelbyville, Ind.. Sept. 6, 1883, .$100. Blanche White, Dutch Girl, Clancey'sbg (3 dis), Hope So (3 dis), 2'59V'> ''•50'4 ■•'•^O-'i JoeGehiing.Viig ■(•^:"40). Akron, O.. .Tune 21. 1877, $250. Red Buck 2, Fretful, Sunshine, Fanny Palmer, Indian I!. 2 :.37, 2:47. ,. ^ „ ,, „ ,0 .> .-.• July 28, 1871, $100. Camden. Brown George (1 (lis). Laura Keened dis), 2:44 2:48. 2:55. Harry Clark. Davenport, la., Sept. 4, 1SV3, $1,000. Albert, Lady Fox, Lady Mack, Dan Sutton (3 dis), 2 :31 , 2 ■.31]4, 2 : 29i/.. , . „ „, Topeka, Kan.rsept. 25 1873. .$2,000. Pilot Temple, Tx)gan, 2:26^, 2 :31?i, 2 :27. W. S. Tougii. St. Louis. IMo.. Oct. 10, 1873 $2,000. Logan 3, Pilot Temple, 2:3094, 2:32, 2:34^, 2:35k. Fort Scott. Kan., Oct. 25. 187.3, « . Belle, 2 :.52?4'. 2:50. „ , i.-n- o 1/-1 o .ic .>..« Joe Hooker. 1)1U g (2 Un). .lonas Vvman. Bangor, Me., .July 20 1864, $100. „,Bob W illianis. .2 :46i.,. 2:46. 2.46. Joe Hooker, I) s (2 :40). (2 :20*\ bv '1*0111 Hyer, dam by Wm. R. Johnson. Wm. H. Potts. Norwalk, O., Oct. 29, 1864. $100. WillianiTcU (3dis). 2:.58, 2:.'i6. 2:.')0. .„ „ ,„ o.n- W. A. Smith, Perrvsburg. O.. Mav 31. 186.5, $100. Kennebec 2.2:48. 2:48, 2:53. Stallions. C- C. Beachv, Lebanon. <)., June 7, 18(W>.. $7.5. Osoamp's b s. Picket, 2:50. ^,. ^ ^ , W. A Smith, I'lyniouth, (>., Oct. 11. 1807. .$200. J. C. Heenan 1. Molly,2:37, 2:35, 2:33, 2:32. Short track. ■OH \'> 1867 .«''5 J C Heenan 1, 2-28, 2:24. 2:22. Short track, - E. Smith. Monroeville. O., Oct. 26, 1W7, $200. .John H. Welch 2, (3 0) (4 dr") 2:43,2:45, 2:40, 2:54, 2:4b. - Thos. Cone. Norwalk, ()., Sept. 16, 1868, .$30. J, C. Heenan. 2:57, 2:49. Stallions. - Sept. 17. 18f;8, .$17.5. J. H. Welch3, 2:.52. 2:47, 2:,50. 2:49. - Plymouth. O., Oct. 13, 1868. $25. SanduskyChief. 2:20. 2:2,5. Short track. Same dav, •$ . V, eorgt' 1, 2:.'W), 2:22, 2:27. Short track. Joe Hooker,' g^ g (2 :34); bv Toiii Hyer. dari^ by Griiy Eagle. .1. S. Wolf, Davenport, la.. Sept. 9. J866, $100. Roiin .lick 4 (6 6), Tuckahoe (6 dis). Blackbird 1, 2 (4 dis), 2:39, 2:37'4, 2:.37, 2:38. 2:40, 2:40, 2:42. Short '^Thicago. 111., June 19, 1869, $2,000. Kate Hazard, Satinet, John Tonley, Lance (2 dis), 2:39, 2:38H. 2'38'i ^Mechanicsville. Ta., July 4, 1871, $1,50. Iowa Chief. .Taok Robinson 2:44, 2:48 2:44. Cedar TJ:ii)ids. la , Sept; 12, 1871, $ — . Moscow Belle 3, Dan Webster, Kitty Clyde (3 dr), 2:39}4. 2:37?4i 2:40, 2 :38'';. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 356 Sept. U, 1871, $ . Dan Webster. Moscow Belle, 2:36' 2, 2:37. 2:34. Council Blurt's, la., Oct. — , 1S71, s^Kio. Buckshot. 2:48. 2:50. Joe Hooker, b g (2 :3Tii). C. Losee, Hcrkiiuer, N. ¥,, Sept. 7, 1869, $125. Billy Golden 3. 4, Rockingham 2, 2:^ '4, 2:40' 2, 2:oS, 2:37'.^, 2:37:%, 2 :3S. .loluiscowu. X. v.. June 10, 1870. .?200. Lone, Sir John (.^ dis), 2-42, 2:40, 2:40. Joe Hooker, ell jr i i MO), by Andy .Johnson. J. C. Fero & Sou, Bath, N. Y., Oct. 29, 1868, $75. Lady Jane 2, Livingston Mare, Red Sciuirrel. 2:b«U. 2:50, 2:46, 2:48. Oct. 30, 1868, JjiUO. Ited SciuiiTcl, Kellogg's b m (1 dis), 2:46, 2:57, 2:50. Auburn, N. Y., June 15, 1870. ,$300. Fearless, Gen. Love, 2:379.1, 2:33'^, 2:35M. Uocliester, N. Y., Sept. 23, 1870. ,S200. BlacklMaok, 2:30, 2:.3.5, 2:.35. ' J. J. Bowen, Boston, Mass., June 17, 1871, §150. Dick l, Stella, Everett Boy (4 dis). Hermit (1 dis), 2:33V4, 2:36?.!, 2:37'?, ■J:37. J. C. Fero. Cauandaigua, N. Y., Sept. 6, 1S7I, .$400. Tom Keelerl, Chet Kellogg, Dutch Boy, 2:3314. 2:32, 2:33, 2:.329i. •' ' Rochester, N. Y., Sept. 29. 1871, si.~>o. Lady Kendall, Young St. Lawrence, Dutch Boy, 2:34, 2:35, 2:36. Sept. 30, 1871, .'?250. Dutch Boy 3, Young St. LawTence 1, Lady Kendall, 2:34, 2:34, 2:35, 2:38, 2:34. .1. .f. Bowen, Boston, Mass., Oct. 3, 1S71, .§1 r,oo. Andy Johnson 2, 2:32'o, 2:32. 2:345X, 2:305i. . )ct. 19, 1871. $750, Fanny Lambert, Belle Morrill, Eveline, 2:33?i, 2:33,2 :33U. 1. C. Fero, Amenia, N. Y., Oct. — , 1871, $125. Burgher, Johnny Reb, 2:40, 2:38, 2:36. E. C. Bowen, Boston, Mass., June 17, 1873, $100. Ella Elwood 2, Carthage Boy, 2:.37, 2:34,2:34, ■ >;3,31i. a .11 1 J t k. Mabbitt, Oswego. N. Y.. June 25, 1873, $400. Spotted Colt 1, Tom Keeler, 2:34, 2:33, 2:32'/i, 2:30'/i. J. J. Bowen, July 14, 1873, .•iji25. Flora, 2 :.3G U, 2 :3G 2 :.39. C. H. Bowen, Beacon Park, Boston, Oct. 2, 1873, $300. Dustin Jim, 2, 4. 2:34^4, 2:34, 2;35, 2:36i^, 2:43!^. Joe Hooker (Red Cloud), bg (3:50), by Black Bashaw. Joseph Fisher, Easton, Pa., July 30, 1870, $50. Bashaw Chief, 3:08, 3:07, 3:05. Balvidere, N. J., Aug. 6, 1870, .$50. Mountain Girl 2, 3, Fanny White, 3:01U. 3:01, 3:03, 3:01, 3:02. — '■ — S. B. Mettler, Easton, Pa., May 31, 1871. $i:00. Molly Pitcher, 3:0314, 3:02, 3:U0. May 23. 1872, $100. Kitty Davis, 2:.D0, 2:5215, 2:5214. Joe Hooker, bg(;3:43i4). Wm. Orndoft, Chicago, 111., Nov. 4, 1871, $500. Wood's blkg, Brennock's b s, 2:42(^,2:49, 2:42V4. Capt. Cilley, Cincinnati, O., Nov. 20, 1875, $.50. Coyote 3 (4 0). 2:55, 2:551'^, 2:51, 2:51, 2:55''^. Joe Hooker, wh g (3 :53). A. G. Richards, New Bedford, Mass., Aug. 13, 1874, $50. Sorrel Charley l , 2, 2 :55, 2:54,2:54,2:53, 2:.54. Joe Hooker, b s (3 -.S^Vi), by Hiram Drew. Watson and Blaisdell, Gardhier, Me., Sept. 7, 1875, $500. Mes- senger Knox 1,2, King William. Maine Slasher (3 dis), 2:32i/2, 2:3194, 2:339^, 2:35,2:37, Joe Hooker, dn g (3 :35). Chas. Dickermaii, Norwalk, Conn., Sept. 15, 1880, $150. Lizzie M. 1, Young Moose, Dixie, Pinafore, Maid of the Vallev, Lady Sherman. Roxie, 2:40, 2:36, 2:36i4, 2:37. Sept. 17, 1880, $150. Dixie 2, Farragut, Harry Jefferson, 2:35, 2:31%, 2:35i/2, 2:38. Danbury, Conn., Oct. 7, 1880, $1.50. Dixie, Flora Jefferson, 2:38, 2:39,2:37. Joe Hooker (3 -AGVi). G. W. Tarbell, Leominster, Mass., July 4, 1882. $80. Sylph 1, 2, Lady L. 3, 2:43%, 2:46, 2:481.^, 2:47 '/2, 2:47?4, 2:46i-2. Joe Hooker Filly, ch m (3 :49), by Joe Hooker. B. J. Treacv, Lexinston, Ky.. Oct. 22, 1873, .?200. Confeder- ate Chief Filly (l dis), 2:49. TwG-yeur-olds. Joe Hooker Jr., b s. T. Cone, Sandusky, O., Sept. 23, 1879, $12. Woodchuck, 2:16, 2:10^. Two-year-olds. Half-mile heats. Joe Hooper, b s (3 rSOv^), by Erie Abdallah. Wm. Sanderson, Mt. Vernon, O., Oct. 10, 1874, $ . Kilbuck Tom. Rocket, 3:09. 3:07, 3:08. Four-year-olds. L. .lames Wooster, O., Oct. 29, 1874, $200. Prince 3, Mohawk Maid 1, Doctor Rush, Lady Greer, Rufus, Dock a dis), 2:47. 2:.52 2:51M, 2:51, 2:.50. Wm. Sanderson, Mt. Vernon, O., Oct, 7, 1875, $40. Mohawk Chief l, Annie Mitchell, 2:46.2:40,2:43, 2 :44. W. Edwards, Columbus, O., Sept. 7, 1876,$ . Mohawk Jackson 1, 2, Dick Slater, Bayard (2 dis),2:45J4, 2:42, 2:46i4, 2:461^, 2:44'/^. Stallions. Wooster. O., Oct. 18. 1876, $100. Deception, 2:45, 2:40ii, 2:38. Coshocton, O., Oct. 28, 1876, $200. Daniel the Prophet 2, 5, Red Line 3, Deception, Ancient Order Boy (4 dr), 2:48?4, 2:44%, 2:44, 2:44, 2:401-4, 2:43. Mt. Gilead, O., Nov. 1 and2, 1876, $ . Mohawk Jackson, Stranger, Catch Up, Starlight, 2 :41ii, 2:41, 2:40. Wm. Sanderson, Mt. Vernon, O., Aug. 17, 1877, $350. Tom Brown 4, 6, Doctor Rush 1 (3 0), 2:37^4, 2:3914, 2:39, 2:37'/2, 2:38, 2:411^, 2:35. C. W. Sanderson. Sandy Plains, Pa., Oct. 18 and 19. 1878, $300. Beulah 2, 3, Chestnut Dick, Gypsy Tom, Jim Moffatt, Lady F. (5 dis), 2:41, 2:.39, 2:38. 2:37U, 2:37. Oct. 28 and 29, 1878, .$.500. Beulah 2.3,2:41, 2:38, 2:38, 2:38, 2:36M. Aug. 28, 1879, .$300. Col. Moore, Sterling, 2:33,2:341,4, 2:37. Staliions. Joe Ho;-ner, b g (3 :53i4. R. S. Horner, New Castle, Pa., Sept. 16, 1880, $100. Harry 3, Empress, Deadwood, 2:58, 2:.54, 2:.5», 2:,52'/3. Joe Houston (w), bg(3:47). D. Pleinsohn, Cincinnati. O., June 14, 1853, $1,200. Rough and Tumble (w), 5 ;.52'/i, 6:0414, Two miles. Louisville, Ky., June 28, l.s.53. .fGOO. Rough and Tumble 3, 4, 2 :51i4, 2 :47%, 2 :48i.i, 2 :53%. 2 :50. .June 30, 1 8.53, .$600. Roucjh and Tumble 2, 5 :34, 5 :.^)Gi .. , 5 :51. Two miles. Joe Husted (s), b g (3 :40 w) (3 -.^S s). G. Cooper, Harlem, N.Y., July 28, 1854, $25. Avenger (s) l, 2,2:45, 2:44, 2:42, 2:47,2:.>3. (s) Hiram Woodruff. Union Course, L. I.. Aug. 3, 1854, $200. John Wands (s), 5:34, 5:36. Two miles. G. Cooper, Harlem. N. Y.. Aug. 18, 1854, $200. Commodore 1. 4, 3:00, 2:51, 2:44J4, 2:59, 2:41. (s) Aug. 25, 1854. $1,000. Commodore (s) 2, 2:45, 2:49, 2:38. I w) Warren Peabodv, Union Course, L. I., Oct. 20, 1854, $200. Tom (w), 2:40, 2:41. Joe Jewell, blks (3:50)." J. Regnan, Trumansburgh, N. Y., Sept. 26,1868, $ . Dr. Sherman 2,4, Gray- hound I, 3 (6 dr), 2:45, 2:48, 2:.50, 2-1)0, 2:,50, 2:.57, 2:.53. Joe Kellogg, hr g (3 :30) by Tuckahoe. H. Kellogg, Hillsdale, Mich., May 2.5, 1877, $100. Sue Monday, Balm of (xilead, Morrill Jr. 1 (.3 dis), 2:40%, 2:42. 2:40K>, 2:40. Hudson, Mich.. May 31,1877, $200. Mambrino General 2, Lizzie Davis, Lady Moscow, 2:40i.i, 2:40%, 2:40?.4, 2:42. Toledo, O., Sept. 27,1877, $600. Frank Kernan, Cottage Girl, Frank Sloan, Gen. Lee (2 dr), 2:37,2:35, 2:35. Massillon, O., Oct. 17, 1877. .$200. Gray Bashaw 4, 5, Red Buck 1, Maggie Smith, Lady Voorhees (2 dis), 2:40, 2:.36i/2, 2:40, 2:36i4, 2:.34;'2, 2:36. Elkhart, Ind., July 3, 1878, $200. Little Tom, Lizzie Davis, Chief, 2 :37, 2:35, 2:S7}4. 36C CHESTEKS COMPLETE TKOTTlN(i AND PACING KECOKl). Maiisliclil. <).. Aug. 0. 1878, S300. Katy Did, Up nnd Vp, Maggie Frod, Dan VosburKh, Essex Maid, Lady lireer. Ni'llv, 2:a'i'4.-i:;«K •i:.H. lliulsoii. Midi.. Sept. ."), 1S7S. .'JJOO. Lady Beaoli, Ikdla. Xelsoii. 2:3.".. L':3.i, *_':.i.'i. Kort NVaviie, lad., Sept. la, l«7», ^tA)0. Essex Maid, Capt. Crajio, Alfred, Hero, Bertie Ann, John Hendur. -^-.MU. 2:3-'J^., 2:3.'>. Toledo, O., Sept. 1«, 1878. SUOO. Haiilver, Farmer's Maid 1 1 dis), 2:32, 2 :37, 2:3."). Cincinnati, O., Oct. 3, 1878, S«00. Farmer's jSlaid.!. lied liiid, NVliipple (3 dis), Golden Oirl (2 dis), 2:30, 2:30, 2:2Si., 2:30. Joe Lane (:$ :09). J. W. Nonnan, Moutgomery City, Mo., Sept. 25, ls80, $75. Epsie 2, Molly McJiattou, 3.-09, 3 :l.">'- ,3:16. Three-year-olds. JoeLawr«'iice, l)g(a:4a). E. M. Clintock & Co., Leaveiiwortli. iv'aii., Nov. 24, \K>9, ?100. Bald Reuben 1, 2:.W. 2:4,s. 2:12, 2:43. Jnv Lawrence (w), brg (8:39 wj. Lewis Benninger, Cincinnati, O., Oct. 27, 1876, $300. Little Joe 1,2, Brown Frank, 2:4.j, 2:41, 2:41>2, 2:41?i, 2:42. Nov. 3, :875. SIOO. Ned. Little Joe, Brown Frank, 2:43k. 2:41'/2, 2:39. 1. S. Sndth, Oct. \->. 1877, SluO. Lillle One. Little Joe (3 disj, 2:42K>. 2:46';, 2:42. (W) .hdv4, 1878, .S200. Black Lou (W), 2:.')n'.i, 2:40(i, 2:56'.i. Joe Logan, b s (3:00). W. \V. Thornton, Shelby ville, 111., July 18, 1883. $W. Minnie Dexter, Bay Bill, Brown Tom (2 dis\ 3:2.5, 3:15, 3:00. Joe L. .Stephens, gr g C-J :4<>). J. B. Kinney, Chester, 111., Oct. 19, 1876, §100. Haymaker. Ed Everett, Harry 0 dis). .loe .SbellJV (1 dis), 2:46. 2:49. Oct. 20. 1876, .$.".00. HavMiakcr. Jack Conn, Berkeley, Bismark (2dis), 2:49.'.o, 2:46>4. 2:49^.i. Joe Lytle, ch g ('~ :4<>'j). by Pennsylvania. Hugh Call, Pittsl>urgh. Pa., Sept. 7, 1875, $500. Lady Lawrence, An'nie K., Soe Wallace ( i dis). 2:.Vi,'4, -:53, 2:54. Beaver, Pa., Sept. 19. ls77. .t;17,"). Gen. Lee, Koanoke, John, 2:47, 2:.52, 2:47i^a. Sept. 21. 1877, .$200. Abbotlsford. C.en. Lee, Irene, Mamie F. (1 dis', 2:47, 2:46';, 2:47k;. JoeM., b g (2:5.5). Mr. Blood, Unionville, 0.,July 3, 1879, $ . Itaymond, John F., Ned Baker, Comet, Lady Gray (.2 dis1, 2:.55, 2:55'.i, 2:56. JoeM.,dng.' M. L. Gridlev, Wallsboro, Pa., Sept. 21 1883, $20. Baby, Barney, Lady. No time. Three-vear- olds. Joe McCool, ch g (3: SO'i). E. E. Parmalee, Meriden, Conn., Oct. 18, 1881, .'5;200. Little Ben i.{ O. Nancy Hall, 2:44, 2:41'/i,2:48i^, 2:49. Joe Miller. (2 :37). A. C. Metcalf. Medina. N. Y., June 6, 1877, $200. Wilnuirth 3, George Martin. Lady Mack, Bay Dick Tommy, Charley Green, 2:45. 2:41'4, 2:4l',i, 2:43'.2. June 7, 1877, S200. Bay 'Dick l, Lady Mack. l);icia. 2:40».i, 2:44?.i, 2:42, 2:44',c. Joe Moon, br g (!i:37). J. Woodniansee. Cadi/.. <)., Oct. 26, 1870, .'S^OO. Gniy Jim 3. Bdlv Kmcrsoii. < larion. No Name, \Vhite Stockings (4 dr), 2:38, 2:;;7. 2:48io, 2:47. Joe Morgan, eh g (3 -.ilU)- W. Nelson, Hall's Track, L. I., June 21, 1872, Prize, harness. Nelly Condor 4, ISlack (1 0), 2:50. 2:40'2. 2:41J£, 2:47, 2:48. Joe Morgan, ch g (3 :33). J. Morgan, Massillon. O., June 13, 1877, $200. Fanny Alfred 2, Roiidmaster 1, Catch Up, Honest Ben (5 dis). Jay Cook (.3 dis), Fanny Palmer (3 dis), Dan (3 dis), 2:4114. '■i:45, 2:36'.i, 2:40's, 2:.'J8. June 14, 1877, .$200. Red Buck 1, Bay Dick, Roadmasler, Davy C. Fanny Palmer (3 dis). Hone.st Dodd (1 dis). Jay Cook, (1 dis), 2:4314, 2:37, 2:36Vi, 2:40. Akron, O.. June 21, 1877, $250. Red Buck 2, Fretful, Sunshine, Star. Fanny Palmer, Indian Boy, 2:45, 2:44'., 2:40. 2:44' 2. Joe Morgan, b g (3:43). A. W. Aboott, Flem'.ngton, N. J., Sept. 27, 1877, * . Hunt's blk g 1, Careless, Minnie II. (2 cfr), Sorrel Mick (1 dis). 2:46'o, 2:50. 2:44?4. Joe Morris, (3 ;39;J4), by Lexington, dam by imp. Glencoe, K. C. Barker, Detroit. Mich., Sej)!. 11, 1867. $ . St. Lawrence 1, 2, Nelly, J.H. Gill, Frank Levins. 2:44. 2:50.2:.39?a, 2:42k>. • Joe Morrison, br g (3 :59J^). Wni. Brown, St. Catherine, Ont., Aug. 20, 1869, $400. Lizzie, INIazeppa, 14:57}^. Five miles. Joe Narhcr. (3 -.51). Cedar Rapids, la., Aug. 30. 1873. .$400. Tempest 1 . 2, 2 :,53, 2 :52, 2 :51. 2:57, 2 :.59. Joe Neir, ch s (3 :34i4), bv Joe Tinsley.dam bv Bohannon. S. Neff, Des Moines, la.. Sept. 4, 1882, 8:mo. Lit- tle .Moiik, Ladv .Monroe, .leiuiie B., jNIinnieW. (3dis). 2:40^.,, 2:41i.i. 2:34';. Joe I'ettit, b K (3 :30), bv Aslibind, dam Belle of Fairliehl, bv Toronto ( hief. R. Wolsey, Norristown, Pa., Sept. 15 and 16, 187.'-., .$500. Maggie M. 3. IModeslv 4. P.;iv. Cai'th. 2::i7. 2 :.'«'.,. 2:39' i. 2:3894. 2:3.5. Sept. 17, 1875, .$600. Modesty 2, Maggie M. 4, Gypsy IMaid. JMidway. Wilsey Boy. Invincible, Nelly (4 dr), 2:34(4, 2:41 '4. 2:36, 2::i7i4, 2:41'4. H. L. White, Catskill, N. Y.. Aug. 9, 1876, $400. Cainon 1, Dick Crocker, Silver Tail. Lady I'ritchard, Sand Bank, Lvde, Luther, 2 :35i.i, 2 :3,5, 2 :.';6, 2:;57. Chatham, N. Y., .\ug. 16. 1876, .$.'i00. Ladv Pritchard2, 3(4 0), Camon 1, Dick Crocker, Com. Hainbridge, Flora, S;in(l Hank, Wilkes Si)irit (4 dr), 2::i(;.'2:.r>. _':,'U'.,. 2:34, 2:37!'., 2::58"o. 2:.S7. Pittslield, .Mass., Aug, 23, 1876, $300. Lady Pritchiird 1, 2, Camon, Flora. Wilkes Spirit. Com. Bainbridge (3 dis). 2:.35'4, 2:.'5.5ii, 2::<6';, 2:37'^, 2:41i4. R. W. Bailey, Hudson, N. Y. Aug. 10, 1877. $400. Moscow 1 , 3 (4 0), Harry Gilbert 6 (4 o). Result 5, Camon Jack Harry (l dis), 2:31'4, 2:45';. 2:43';. 2:44';. 2:4314, 2:44. 2:43 2:40. Joe Pettit, bg (3:45). T. De:in, Washington Hollow, N. Y., Sept. 19, 1883,!? . Fanny Thome, 1. Billy .lackson, I{anirer,2:50, 2:41';, 2 :4.5U,, 2:4.5. t Sept. 21, 188.3, $ . Daisy C.. 2?51. 3:15. 3:00. Joe Piatt, 1) g (3 :43'.0. E. A.'Ciimpbell, Phiinfield, N. J., Nov. 24, 1870. $100. Moimt Holly (w) 1 (30), 2:52, 2:.56,3:01.2:.51,2:.56. Mdy 20, 1871. .$100. White Squall 4, Mount Hollv 1 (3 dis), 2:52J4, 2:.50. 2:.51, — . 2:.58. Sept. 14, 1871, .$7.5. Carrie White, Tom, 2:.58. 2:.54. 2:.53Va. New Dorp, S. I., Oct. 16. 1874. $ . New Dorp. AVarsaw, 2:51';, 2:47, 2:50''4. Dec. .5, 1874, .$ . Ladv Woods, 3 :00, 2 :52»,i, 2 :.50H. Pliiiidield, N. J., Junel6. 1875, $100. Nelly V.I, Shoestring 2, Tommy, Mercer. Carter (5 dis), Lucy (4 dis), 2 •41' 5, 2:48i4. 2:48';. 2:48'.. 2:49';. Sept. 1. 187.5, $100. Tommy Moore 1, 2,2:46, 2:.53'/;. 2:4.3M.2:43W,2:42?.i. Joe Khea.b g (3 :33). E. F. Geer, Atlanta, Gii., Oct.' 20. 1879, $ ^^ Ned M. 2, .3, Maria Stiuirt. JMumy i3 dr), 3:02, 2:44. 2:46, 2:4.3, 2:421/.. Aug. 2,5, 1879, .$2.50. Ned M. 1, 3, Maria Stuart, F. R.. 2:a5V,. ?:36. 2:.38, 2:37V,, 2:.3.0. Macon. Ga,. Oct. 29, 1879, .$200. Ned M. 2, .3. John M. 1, F. B., Allie Wilkes, 2:.33, 2:31 '4. 2:34"o, 2.;i5', 2:27?i. 2:44. Eufjnila, Ala.. Nov. 7, 1879, 9 . Ned M. 1, MoCnrdv's Handdetonian 4. No time. Macon, (Jji., Oct. 27. 1880, .$.300. Livingston, Burlington, 2:38'i. 2:.39';. 2:.383i. Oct. 29, 1880, .$.500. McCurdv's ?Iambletonian 2 (4 0). Rosa Wilkes. 2:40i4,2:.36'';. 2:.35''i 2::!6'.i, 2::m.,. E. Myers, Springtteld, O., Jidv 26. 1882. $400. Gift .Ir. 1, Lona Guflln, Toronto Chief .Ir.. Legal It.. Mary Belmont, Tucker, Prospect. Doctor (4 dis), 2:.31M,2:29>4. 2:27'.,. 2:28. July 28, 1882, $400. Toronto Chief Jr., Rochester Baby Bov. King, Loafer, 2:'29. 2:3i, 2:31. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 35T Joe Rickey, ch g (3 ;12'fi). Tom Price, Topeka, Kan., Sept. 27, 1873. $150. Pete Lindell, 3:V2li, 3:U. Fonr- vfur-olds. Joe Ripley, b g (3 :35), bv Sawins' Hambletoniaii, dam by Black llawk Morgan. C. E. Mosber, Great Falls, N. H., June 3, 1874, $150. Tom, Daisy, Lady Empire, Suowflake, Sliell Itock Maid, Jack, Billy Lambert, 2:50'.., 2:521/3. 2:50. June 6, 1874, .Ijsiso. Lady Empire, Tom, Daisy, Shell Rock Maid (1 dis), 2-51U, 2 :32, 2:55. Lawrence, Mass., July 2. 1874, !? . Tontine Belle, Bay George, Ai'thur, Alice, 2:40'/2, 2:40, 2:39>4. July 4. 1874, $300. Blacksmith Maid 2, Grace. Kitty Thorn. Arthur, Alice (4 dr), 2:37, 2:38M, 2:36i>„ 2:3614- Haverhill, Mass., July 8, 1874, $225. Grace, Arthur. Alice, 2:37K'' 2:37'2, 2:35. Julv ii. 1S74. $225. Effle, Frank Hall, 2:39'.2, 2:35?i, 2:3!). Lowell. :\Iass.. July 30, 1874, $300. Lady Williams, Fleetwing, Grace, Dandy, Little Tom. Dictator (2 r o) 2:40, 2:371 ;. 2:.39i.,. Haverhill, Mass.. Aug. 10, 1874. $300. Dollv Ynrden 1. Fanny. Honest Billy. 2:35!'4, 2:35, 2:37'/4, 2:36. Lawrence, Mass.. Sept. 23, 1874, .$.-)00. Effle 1. Gen. Lighttoot, 2:44. 2:.'59, 2:.3994. 2:39?i:. Manchester, N. H., Oct. 1, 1874. $50f). Lady Emma. Jean Ingelow (2 dis). Gen. Llghtfoot (1 dis), 2:37}i, 2 :38'<.. 2:3(^4,. Lawrence. Mass., Aug. 25, 1875. $300. Lady Daggett l, Fleetwing, Dayhght, Dan, 2:38, 2:38}^, 2:38JC, liover, N, H., Sept. 2, 1874, .$400. John Franklin, Lady Daggett, Davlight, Tally Ho (2 dr), 2:41, 2:38, 2:38. Manchester. N. H.. Sept. 9, 187,"), .$400. Laugdon, Pet, Lady Knox, (ieorge Peabody, 2:32, 2:333^, 2:.32. Claremont, N. H., Sept. 16, 1875, $300. Young Rattler, 2:35':, 2:349i, 2:3«'/2. Keene, N. H., Sept. 28, 1875. $500. .lean Ingelow 2. Gray Dick, Laiigdon, 2:34i^, 2:35i^, 2:UU. 2:34^^. Lawrence, Mass., Oct. 21 and 22. 1875. .$100. John Virgin, Lady I'Oxie, 2:34^, 2:36'2, 2:40. Beacon Park, Boston, Nov. 13. 1875. $200. Nira Belle, Lady Annie, Doctor, 2:32, 2:35, 2:34. Lawrence, Mass.. May 15, 187G, .$.300. Georgie H., Charles R., Nira Beile, General, Doctor, 2:34, 2:30i4, 2:32' 2. Lynn, Mass., June 27, 1876. $150. Baby Boy. other competitorsd dis). 2:35U, 2:34'/2, 2:37'/^. Mystic Park, Boston. Julv 14, 1876, $l,6oo. Jean Ingelow. Gray Bill. Pet, 2:28'4, 2:30, 2:29. Fitchbnrg. Mass.. Julv 2.';, 1876. .$600. Bav l. King William 2. Dustv (3 dr). 2 ■/.H'i, ,2:33, 2:38, 2:37. Keene, N. H., Aug. 2. 1876. .$400. Bay 1, 2[ Jean Ingelow. Dustv (1 (lis), 2:30, 2:30i.4. 2:.32, 2:.32, 2:36. Claremont. N. H., Aug. 9. 1876, .$400. Jean Ingelow, Rattler, Dustv, 2:.34, 2:32, 2:32'/2. Lawrence, Mass., Aug. 22, 1876. .$.300. Bay, Sand Hill, Ladv Daggett, Joe S., 2:.31, 2:30?i, 2:31'i. Mystic Park, Boston. Sept. 14, 1876, $1,000. Jean Ingelow. Pet. Gray Bill, Celerity. Cassius. Prince Alton Boy. 2:2814. 2 :30, 2:29. .^ . Beacon Park, Boston, Sept. 30, 1876, $1,000. Young Wilkes, Lizzie Keeler, Gray Bill, Cassius Prince, Alton Bov. 2:29. 2:29. 2:29. „ ^, .^, East Brunswick, Me., October 7, 1876, .$500. Knox Boy, Ayer, Billy Platter, Belle Smith, 2:311^, 2:33J4, , 2:32i4. Montpelier. Vt., Oct. 25 and 26. 1876, $600. Charley Mac 2, 3, Little Gypsy. Annie Colhns, 2:.36ii, 2:30, 2:31',, 2:29, 2:30. , „ (w), Mystic Park, Boston, Nov. 13 and 14, 1876, $1.50. Annie Collins (w), 2, 5, Frank Reeves (w), 4, 2:32J4, 2:3414, 2:31'2. 2:.34i^, 2:34. 2:30. Ripley Bros.. Beiicon Park, Boston, June 13, 1877, $800. Lady Foxie 1, Bateman 3, Ben Morrill, Flora Beile, Big Fellow (1 dis), 2:26i^,2:26i2, 2:29, 2:27i/2, 2:2914. Dover, N. H., June 20, 1877. .$800. Bateman 3, Ben Morrill, 2:27^, 2:28, 2:28?i, 2:28. Fitchburg, Mass., June 29, 1877. $400. George H., Baby Boy, Shepherd Knapp, Jr., 2:36, 2:32^. 2:3.5. Claremont, N. H., Aug. 9, 1877, $300. Castle Boy, Barney Kelly, Lady Lowe, 2:29?i. 2:37,2:29. Springfield. Vt., Aug. 16. 1877. .$300. Castle Boy 3. 4. 2:31, 2:35, 2:37, 2:48, 2:31. Bath, Me., Aug. 31. 1877. .$400. Phil Sheridan, Ayer, 2:33, 2:33}^, 2:28. Portland, Me., Sept. 7, 1877, $500. Tom B. Patchen, Knox Boy, 2:29. 2:28^, 2:29. „ j. Beacon Park, Boston, Oct. 13 and 1.5, 1877, $400. Hazor 2. 3, Barney Kelly 1, Bateman, George H. (4 dis), T. A. (3dr), 2:27, 2:2712,2:3014,2:28, 2:26, 2:27. „,,.„, . ,. .■ r^ ti Dover, N. H., Oct. 26, 1877. $400. Vulcan 5 (6 0), Barney Kelly 2, Faugh-a-ballagh 3, 4 (o dis 1. George H. (5 dr), 2:28,2:28, 2:271^, 2:29!^, 2:28,2:28i4, 2:31'o,2:34. Mystic Park, Boston. Nov". 10 and 12, 1877, $200. Clifton Boy 4, 5, Vulcan 3, 6, Wild Lily, 2 :30i/2, 2 :29, 2:28, '- Greenheid, Mass.", jiily 25, 1878, $300. Nelly Irwin, O. A. Hickok, Billy Dow, St. Charles (2 dis), 2:30>4, 2*289£ 2:29. Lewistoii, Me., Aug. 10, 1878, $300. Camors, Careless Boy, 2 :26i4, 2:30V^, 2 :31. Worcester, Mass., Sept. 6, 1878. $500. Goldflnder, John Lambert, 2:31, 2^, 2:32i^. ^^ ^, ,. ^ ^ Portland, Me., Sept. 20, 1878, $.500. Anodyne 4, 5, Palmer Knox, Tom B. Patchen 3 (2 0), (4 dis), Camors (1 dis),2:31, 2:291/^,2:3114, 2:3094, 2:34, 2:.359i, 2:35. Weymouth, Mass., Sept. 28. 1878, .$270. Croff, Andrew J., Mountaineer, Young Buchanan, 2:3114, 2..34',j, 2:31',^. Brocton, Mass., Oct. 3, ih78, .$450. Dick Moore, Belle Oakley, 2:271/2, 2:29, 2:27'2- Farmington, N. H., Oct. 25, 1878, $2.50. Unknown 3, Belle Dean, 2:34VJ, 2:36'/2, 2:32^4, 2:.34. — - Danvers, Mass., Nov. 2. 1878, .$200. Lady Foxie 2. Lady Daggett, 2:30^, 2:31'/;, 2:32, 2:34. • C. E. Mosher, May 21, 1879. $ . Thomas L. Young 2, 3, 2:41, 2:33, 2:38!4, 2:38i4, 2:40. Farmington, N. H., June 6, 1879, $150. Careless Boy l, Thomas L. Young (2 dis), 2:30i4, 2:33i4. 2:3314, 2""i'^' o '' Ripley Bros., Manchester, N. H., June 26. 1879, $150. Unknown, Wild Lily, Thomas L. Young, 2 :30, 2 :31, 2::;i. C. E. Mosher, Farmington, N. H.. July 4, 1879, .$300. Careless Boy (3 dis). 2 :3.5i-2. 2:34, 2:34. Farmington. Me.. Oct. 10. 1879. $200. Maud O.. Unknown, Anodyne. 2:35'2, 2:32'2. 2:3414. Beacon Park, Boston. .June 10, 1880, .$600. Iron Age 3, Dick Taylor. Anodyne, George H., Prank Mun- son. Galatea, 2:25, 2:20, 2:2414. 2:26. Lewiston, Pa.. Oct. 8,1880, .$.500. Tom Keeler, Clover, 2:2914. 2 :31?4,2:30i4.. o «a n r^ Joe Robin, gr g (3 :54) . \v. Boweii. Hall's Track, L. I.. Sept. 11. 1872, $i5o. Kate. Village Maid. 3:00. 2:54. Joe S., b g (3:30\ bv Daniel Lambert. d;un :i thoroughbred mare. Henry Jones, Lawrence. Mass., Oct. 20, 1875, .$.300. Kate Sloan, Ralpli. Bessie Holbrook. Hiram (3 dis), 2:44. 2:42, 2:42i'2. ^ ,„ a- - o 10 Stowell & Wiggins, May 31, 1876, $200. Wang 1, Arthur T., Clara Beile, Lady Sherman, Spot (2 dis), 2:42. 9.44 '''4314 '>-42 ~ '- Beacon Park! Boston, June 7, 1876, $.500. Ed Chapin 2, Sleepy David, Hopeless, Horace Dyer (3 dis), Gentinellad dis), 2:32, 2:.33'2, 2:30, 2:3314- ^. , , ^ , tt tt 1 ..„ v;n-» A. E. Sanderson. Montpelier, Vt.. Sept. 11. 1879, $300. Richmond 1. 2. Frank H.. Unknown, Kitty, OceanaChiet{4dis).2:29i4.2:.3.5!4. 2:31,2:30.2:31. „ ,^, „ ,^ F. J. Sherwood, Lowell. Mass.. Sept. 22. 1883, $200. George H. 1, 2:48, 2:44i/2, 2:44. Joe S.. b g (2; 43). by Ashland Chief. W. H. Stipp. Independence, la., Sept. 27, 1883, $125. Billy N. 2, 4, WIL liam B., Dan Mace (5 dr), 2:46, 2:46, 2:42. 2:42, 2:42. 368 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TKOITING AND PACING HECOKl). Jo© Shannon, b s (3 :50V Jas. L. Brown, Norwich, Conn., Sept. JS, 1880, $16. Gen. Thomas, Bean Hill Bov 2:59, 3:07. 3 :0i;. Stallions. • -• Sept. :«), 18.s(), . Tom Wondur. \V. H. Delaney, Port Wayne, lud.. Aug. I.!, ls73, $375. (irav Alex, Uussell, 2:4l"..j, 2:4<)'.i.2:3«5!i. e . ■• . Earlvilie, Hi., Aiiji. 2i», ls73. S.^oo. ("ai)itola 1, Tom Hunter, Young Princeton, Russcl!, Nourmalial, Frank PalmiT. H. IJ. I'olcy, LurdierU dis>, 2 :.'{5, 2:37 '.1.2:3.5, 2 :38i^.. Sands. Vorll<-tf>n ('i:57). Kingston. Ont.. .May 25, 1871. .S . Dutcher's Maid, Frenchman d dis), 3:0(;, 3:i:!. 2 :57. Joe Stone, b g (3 :36U), by Crane's Tom Kimball. Wallace Pierce, Chagrin Falls. O., Oct. 8, 1874, §300. hunrise, Sam Powers, Peculia.-, Sim stoc king, Fanchon (3 dis), Cadmus 0 dis), Crutcher Boy(l dis), 2:53?.i, 2:55'.i, 2:40Ki. Same day. .SSOO. Silk Stocking. Peculiar (2 dis), Dave (2 dls), 2:40'.i, 2:49. 2:56' 2. Sharon. Pa.. July 2, 1875. $400. Grand Central l, Major. Fred Fotte, Arthur Wild, 2:40, 2:40, 2:40, 2:40. Conneautville, Pa., July 15, 1875, S300. Joker 3, 4, Arthur Wild, Kinsman Boy, 2:404, 2:40, 2:43. 2:42;4, Erie. Pa.. July 22, 1875, S800. Kinsman Boy 3, Silver Cloud 4, Lady Hill. 2:3H'/o, 2:38',^, 2:40, 2:40^ , 2:41. Joe Stoner.chg (3:34). B. Gould, Guelph, Ont., Aug. 3, 1883, $175. "Charley Sweeden, Little Walter, Bob White, 2:34, 2 :37}4, 2:36. Joe Tanner (w), br g (3 :56 w). C. Brooks. Centreville. L. T.. Aug. .30, 1850, S30. War Eagle iw) 2, :Morgan (w) (3 dr), 2:.5t), 2:.53, 2:56. Joe rdell (Torreiice), bg(3:30). Ed. Brown, 0 rand Rapids. Mich., June 10, 1873, .■?2.000. Albert, Barney, . '3' .'"^■'^ }}: P '^'^^' Harry Howard (3 disi, Dan Brown (3 dis). Nettie Collius (.1 disi. Triphammer (l dis), June 12, 'l873, §1,500. Ada F. 1, James H., Albert, Ladv Ida (2 dis). Pilot (1 dis). 2:.39'i, 2:341/2, 2:.37,2:4l. Jackson, Mich.. June 17. 1873,$1,.500. James H. 2, Albert, Bertie, Bamey,Nick. Sir Cieorge. Billy I/unbert- son ^4 dis). Cordelia (I dis), 2:34'^,, 2:37>4,2:35'4, 2::',3\i. Easts aginaw, Jlich., June 24. 1873, §1,500. Nellv. Nick, Modesty, Russell. 2:33, 2:35'/i, 2:334. June 26, 1873. $2,000. Clementine, Little Longiellow, Nelly, Modesty, 2:30, 2:30'2, 2:32?i. Joe Warren, b s (3 :43»/j), E. J. Burton, Buffalo, N. Y., June 3, 1876, $ . Katy, Dan, Belle of T\Tone, Otis. 2:50,2:47,2:4514. June 24. 1876, §100. Katy 1, Shoco, F. A. Cook. 2:44, 2:46';., 2:42',J, 2:53. Jo© Waterman, dn g (3 :39i4). C. Shear, San Francisco, Cal., Juue 2, 1855, $600. Glencoe Chief, 5:32'/,, 5:36. Two miles. Joe "Woods, ch g (3 :53). C. Doyle, Jackson, Mich., Dec. 7, 1871. $50. Dan Callahan, Aiken's ch s. 2:53, 2:57»/i. Dec. 8, 1871, §50. Aiken's ch s, Payne's br m, 2:54, 2:54'.. Jo© Woolford, blk g (3:49), by St. Elmo, dam by Tom Haf. W. H. Wilson, Lexington, Ky., Aug. 2, 1873, S . Joe Goodman, 2:49, 2:51'i. Joe Wright, brg(3:36). W. H. Saunders, Lyons, N. Y. Aug. 5, 1858, $75. Frank Hayes l, 2, 2:34. 2;34'4, 2:37?4, 2:36. 2:36. Joe Young, blk s (3 :39'2), by Star of the West, dam Ladv Gregory, bv Green's Bashaw. C. E. Westbrook. Lawrence, Kan., Sent. 5, 1883, §400. Thistledown 2, Bliie Cloud. Georgia, Nonesuch, Sister Wilkes, Elmo Pilot, Coriander (4 dis), lona (2 dis). 2 :.32. 2 :;», 2 :31 , 2 :33. John, (w), bg, (3:4314 w). Hiram Woodruff. Centreville, L. I...Iune 15, 1857, $2,000. Honest David (w) l. 5 :19'/2, 5:27, n :26'4- Two miles. John, gr g (3 :49>. (ieo. Nugent, Philadelphia. Pa.. June 28, 185S. $500. Julia 1, 2:51, 2 .51, 2:49, 2:54. John bg (3:43). James Rockey, Cincinnati, ().. Julv2. 1803, §100. Bob Watts 2 (3 dis), Kittv (1 dis), 2:42, 2:51'/^, 2:53. John, bs (3:431^). Detroit, Mich., Nov. 8, 1866, §1.50. Dallas 2. May Queen, Smoker, Ladv Cainpan (l dis), 2:48, 2:44?.(, 2:441.0,2:40. ' Nov. 9, 1866. .§200. Dallas l (3 0), 2:45, 2:434, 2:48, . John, bg (3:43). W E. Kirtley, Terre Haute, Ind., July 5, 1867. $150. John C. Heenan, Billy (2 dis), Bob (2dis), 2:53. 2:51, 2:52. Joh".. KJ'g (3:37'/2). C. P. May, Springfield. Mass., Sept. 8, 1868, $200. Dutch Boy, Twang, 2:38, 2:374, •— — - Sent. 11. 1868, $150. Britain. Billy Pitcher, .James :\Iorg:;ii, 2:394, 2:44. John, blk g (3 :47). L. E. Dunhiim, Atiiverly, N. J.. Sept. 22, 1870. .$ . Losier's b s 1, Little Maud 2, 2:534. 2;5L2:.50, 2:47, 2:48'4, John (w), chg (3:49 w). J. Stimson, Chicago, 111,, Sept. 18, 1869. $ , Tom ov) 1. Dolly Spanker (w), 2:54. 2:49. 2;. 5.3. John, b g (3 :53). John Murphv, Fleetwood Park, N. Y., Oct. 25, 1870, §500. Summit. 2:.53, 2:.'i74, 2:54. John, ch g i3 :43). W. H. Doble, Philadelphia, Pa.. July 22. 1869, $.500. Rose. 2:.51, 2:42, 2:45. K. K. (Jalloway, Nyack, N. Y.. Sept. 7, 1871, §a5. Prince, Dillv. 2:.5.!. 2:57J4, 2:.55'4. Same diiy. Hard Times, Clav Cirl, 2:.->4^4. 2:.''>2^., 2:.'^4i4. FordJiam. N. Y., Sept. 10, 1871. .§500. Fox 3, P. Av. Haskius 1. Allen Hanimil, Mohawk (5 dr), Rock (2 dis), 2:39?.i, 2:.52'/2, 2:43»i, 2:44K.. 2:4,5?4'. John (w). 1) g (3 :50). Chas. E. Leland, Saratoga. Spa., N. Y., Sei)t. 5, 1k72, .§25. Sam (w), 3:05, 3:08, 3:07. Sej)t. 1, 1875, $50. Ada D. 1. 8. Kittv Lewis, Grab. Ben Watson (5 dn. Sampson (2 dr), 2:54. 2:50?4, 2:.51, 2:51,2:50. " John, blk s (3:584) J. B. Ford, Ballston, Spa.. N. Y., Sept. 12, 1872, $50. Fanny, Tom Hyer, Bumble Bee, 2:58i.<;, 3:M. . i- . . v John, b g (3 :50). J. P. Chinn, Danville, Kv., Sept. 25, 1872, .$12.5. Cloud 2, 3 (5 dis), 2:58'/,, 2:51»4, 2:56, 2:57k. 2:50. John, b g (3 :45i.,). Mr. Briggs, Jersey City, N. J., Nov. 26. 1871, $200. Maggie M, is), 3:2;5. 2 -M. Mr. Ivers, Plainlleld, N. J.. Nov. 3, 1875, §100. Emma 3, 4, Rosa, Blanch (4 dr). Contractor (4 dr). 2:52. 2:50»4, 2:45, 2:5014,2:46. John, b g (3 :404). Geo. Parker, Spring Valley N. Y., Sept. 30, 1875, $200. MartBa, Dandy Jim. Col. Camp, bell 1 (3 dis), 2:45>^, 2:434, 2:40',, 2:.59 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TIIOTTINC AND PACING UECORD. 359 John, b g (3:00). J. Cunningham. Suffolk Park, Phil.. Julv 1!). 187."). S200. Kate 1. 3:00, 3:02>4, 3:0:i?a 3:03Ji. Point Breeze Park, Phila.. .iug. 2.3. 187.5, $ . Lady Powell 1. Black Maria, 3:09, 3:00, 3;00. Johngrg(3:0i;2). J. A. Jolmstou, Beaver, Pa., Oct. 27, 1870, .Sao Nelly. Mike, May, Lady (iertrude,3:0G'4, 3:01'/2,3:04. • Sept. 20, 1877, $100. May 3, Lady Gertrude, 3:01'2, 3:03!2, 3:01, 3:02. John, b K (3 :03). Frank Alley. Lynii, Mass., Sept. 18, 1870. .$150. Spot 1, 2. Jim, 3:05>ii, 3:054, 3:02, 3:05, 3:04. John, blk g (3:00). L. P. Kiuley, Lamb Tavern, Pa., Sept. 28, 1870, )$-2M. Dave, Sally, Bella, Audy(3dr), 3:17, 3:10, 3:02. Oct. 3. 1870, .§100. Dave, 3:10. 3:00. 3:00. John, gr g (3 :5-z\t). Point Breeze Park, Pbila., Oct. 24, 1877, $ . Telegram l, Bertie, Coal Burner, Rose Belle. 2:52, 2:52i», 2:,M. John, cr g (3 :03). J. N. F. .Miller.Siskiyou Co., Cal., Oct. 3. 1878. .■!i7."). .John, Pete, Jenny (1 dis), 3:00. 3:03. John. 1) g (3 :33'i\ bv Mambrino Pilot. W. D. Rickard, Wilmington, Del., June 11, 1878, .S150. Belle of Phila- delphia, Viola. 2:48-^i, 2:45, 2:45. .June 14. 1S78. .S150. Belie of Philadelphia, Driver. Little Frank, 2:45^4, 2:42, 2:45. Terscv City. N. J., July 4. 1878. §100. Dan, 3:03, 3:02, 3:05'^. Westrlicstcr. Pa.. June lo. 1S80, .H145. Annie V., Ida, Susie Oak. 2:40, 2:40;;, 2:41^4- .tune 11. Hso. sun. Grecian :\Iai(l, Dolly, 2:46, 2:47, 2:44. New Hunting Park, Phila.. Sept. Iti, 1880, .'5200. Mambrino Charta, Neta Medium, Rob Roy, Theodore Fitler, 2:33' .. 2:31^. 2:34'/2. Oxford, Pa.. Oct. 1, 1880, .fl50. Republic, Mineola, Black Chief, 2:40, 2:44?.i, 2:43. John, gr g (3 :45). W. McVeigh, Wilmnigton, Del., Oct. 7, 1879, $75. Anni*; V. 1, Swamp, Star, Dexter (4 dr), 3:01, 2:40, 2:r)0, 2:4894- John, gr g (3 :48). W. H. French, Worton, Md , Sept. 15, 1880, $150. Reckless, Mary Jane, Daisy, 2:49, 2:48, 2:.51. John, b g (3 :58). H. Kugelman, Morrisania, N. Y., April 13, 1880, $200. Kate 1, (2 0), 3:02, 2:58, 3:03. 2:59. John, b g (3 :45). E.Moore. Louisville, Ky., Oct. 5, 1881, $50. Hattie Ross 2, Thomas K., Susan (2 dis),- Mvstcrv (2 dis), Silvertail (2 dis). Fairy Goldsmith (2 dis). 2:54, 2:47J4, 2:45. 2:48. John", l)ik g (3:45). T. A. Disbrow, Mineola, L. I., Sept. 29. 1881. .$45. Billy C., Sanimv Sands, 2:45, 2:47. John, (John N.), b g (3 :31i4\ by Daniel Lambert. S. Collins, New Hunting Park, Phila., Nov. 23, 1882, $ . Lady Norwood, 2:34Vi. A. Dunham, Jersey City. N. J.. June 15, 1882. $200. Little Dan 1, 2:44i^, 2:42';, 2:47, 2:40. J. Townsend, Aug. 17, 1882. $150. Harry Atwood 1 (5 dis). Belle 4 (5 dis), Billy C. (5 dis), Ladv Harmon (5dr\ Frank Sailor (3dis), 2:39^,2:34'^, 2:39^. 2:41U, 2:3.514- John A., br g (3 :46). S. James. Hamiltoii, Ont., June 30, 1870, .$250. Welling Girl 1, 2, Lady Rysdyk, Lillian ^5 dr), Scarboro Boy (3 dr), 2:48i.i, 2:48'2. , , 2:50' ». Tee.iwater, Ont., July 1, 1870. .•B70. Winghani Star, Brown George (3 dr). 3:15, 3:14, 3:19. Oshawa, Ont., July 6, 1S7G. $200. St. George 1, Avenue Boy, Charley (4 dr), Silas Rich (3 dr), Minnie Granger (3drl, 2:48'/4, 2:46, 2:46, 2:46' 2. John A, Kassou, blk s (3 :41), bv Mclvesson's Gray Eagle, dam by John the Baptist. A. C Shopshire. Knox- ville, la., Aug. 23, 1S83, $2.50. Oscar Wilde 3, Iowa Duroc, Dixie. 2:4494, 2:42, 2:40?i, 2:43. I.,eon. la., Oct. 3. 1883,$50. Ben Bolt, Henry St. Lawrence, 2:56, 2:58, 2:54. Stallions. John Akers, ch g (3 :46). W.Gregg, Oxford, Me., Sept. 29, 1SS0. .^i^o. Fanny 1, Cassandra, Phil Sheridan Jr., 2 (5 dr), Seth T. (5 dr). Major (5 dr), Morrill (4 dr), 2:54, 2:53. 2:5.5. 2:57, 2:57. Same day, $60. Topsy l, 2, Nelly, 2:45'o, 2:46i4, 2:46, 2:40'o. 2:51. John Allen, rn g (3 :37). John Lake, St. Paul. Minn., June 3, 1857..$30. Wild Irishman, 2:37, 2:51. 1. Perrin, June 13, 1857, $50. Young America, 3:08. 2:.56, 2:.52. G. E. Perriu. Oct. 31, 18.57, $ . Minnesota Maid, 5:40,6:38. Two miles. June 9, 1858, $100. Highland Boy 5. Little Belle (w). 2, 3, (5 dr), 2:51. 2:.50. 2:49, 2:48, 2:51, 2:47i^. John Allen, b g (3 :38). E. L. Norcross, Mystic Park, Boston, May 3. 1867. $500. Shiftv, 2:50'/^, 2:48,2:49. June IS. 1867. .^200. Len Rogers 3, 4, Carrie Floyd, 2:43';. 2:.39,'2.39. 2:40, 2:42'/2. .)uly 9. 1867, .$200. Rail Splitter 3, Lewiston Boy 4, 2:40, 2:38'4, 2:41, 2:41, 2:41. Julv 16, 1807, .^300. Carrie Floyd. 2:39, 2:41, 2:38. — July 24, 1867. $.J00. Lewiston Boy 1. Rail S|ilitter (w\ 2:41i4. 2:38i4, 2:38%, 2:41. John Alien, b g (3 :54\ H. Angeviiie. White Plains N. Y., Oct. 29, 1877. $200. Rattler (4 dis), 2:58, 3:01, 2:54, 3:10. John A. Logan, b g (3 :33) by Hiatoga. D. P. Bissell, St. Louis, Mo., Nov. — , 1864, $500 Dora, 2:41, 2:42, 2:4.3. Oct. 20, 1865, $600. Morrissev, Lady Leonard (1 dis), 5:10, .5:1414. Two miles. (w) June 7, 1866, .$.500. Ladv Leonard (w) (1 dis), Jim Rowcll (1 dis), 2:39. H. T. Dexter, Henderson, K\.. June 6, 1867, $100. Mac. Red Fox, 2:39V4, 2:36i4. '^■■55}/^. June 8, 1807. $200. Limber Jim 1, 2 (3 dis), 2:.39. 2:40, 2:33. Evansville, Ind.. Oct. 9, 1867, .$75. Ellen Douglass. 3:00i4, 2:,52i4. Oct. 12, 1867, .$200. Ellen Douglass, Shakespeare, Tanglefoot 2:36!/2, 2:375^;, 2:.33i4. John Anderson, gr g (3 :4l ). Chas. Carman, Beacon Course. N. J., Oct. 24, 1843, $50. Bob Logic, Tom Penton, 5:31,5:.31'/2, Two miles. (w), Centreville. L. I., May 5, 1845, $200. .James K. Polk, pacer, 5:58^4, 5 :57. Two miles. Sept. 8, 1845, $50. Trouble 1, 2, 2:42, 2:42' >,, 2:41W, 2:41, 2:44»;. C. S. Bartine, Beacon Course, N. J., Sept. 20, 1845, $ . Lady Washington, 5:35, 5:38. Two miles. John Antisdel, blk g (3 :43i4). H. McGregor, Detroit, Mich., -June 29, 1870, .$ . Ruby 1, 2. Molly 3 (5 dr), Phoebe (5 dr), 2:40^4. 2:.37'4, . 2:45"o, 2:4.314, 2:43^4. ^ John A. Pattie, chg(3:38), by Edward Everett J. Rhea Jr., Madison, Ind., Aug. 2, 1877, $ . Dr. .McLaughlin, 2:38, 2:42. , ^ „ „ ., John A. B., b s. W. Greeuway, Elkton, Md., Oct. 3, 1883, $75. Surprise, Sarah Jcwett, 1:36, l :34. Half-mile- heats. John A. Rawlins, ch s (3 :33i4), by Romulus, dam by Kirkwood. Colby &■ Brown, Boone, la., Sept. 16, 1882, $1.50. Black Bashaw, Idler, 2:37, 2:39, 2:38i4. ^ „ John IJ., b g (3 :37), bv Shakespeare. John W. Browning, Indianapolis, Ind., Aug. 26, 1874, $ . Ad Hereth, 2:48, 2:50'2, 2:51 14. Sept. 22, 1875. $1,500. Monarch Jr. 1, Marion, Billv Lambertson, Russell, 2:31'/j, 2:34, 2:34, 2:34V4. Terre Haute Ind., Oct. 14, 1875. $750. James L., Echo, 2:33, 2:32, 2:34. Columbus, O., July 19. 1876, $1,000. Lew Scott 1, Ladv H.. Jerry Postal, Albemarle. Lady Monroe, Mohawk Jr., Trio, Sam West '(2 dr). 2:2694, 2:28. 2:29';, 2:28i^. . , _ ^ „, , Cleveland, O., Sept. 15, 1876, .$700. Sleepy .John, Hylas. Frank, Silversides (3 dis). 2:2714, 2:27, 2:30'/2. E. Richardson, Indianapolis, Ind., July 16, 1879, .$i50. Nelly K., Lady McD., Headlight, 2:38'4, 2:40, 2:. 38'/,. John W. Browning, Aug. 29. 1879. .$300. Fred Douglass, Elsie Good, 2:^3^. 2:.30i.^, 2:33';- . _. , John B ch g (3 :46). Bacon & Francis, Barrie, Vt., Oct. 10, 1876, $200. Strafiford Boy 1, Kitty, Sunrise. Bich- mona, Jim Lane. Norman Reindeer, 2:52. 2:49, 2:46, 2:48. 360 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PA( INC RECORD. Jolin Baker, ch k (3:«"»- . .Sr.oo. Honest Kate ovi. :.'. 3, 2:41, 2:41, 2:42?4, 2:41?i "•42'» («)..!.. I llDwen, Oct. ."), lS(iO, .•>r.(Mi. Till Woodward (\vj, 2:43}^, 2 -43 248 ' ' '"■ -■ John IJell. 1)1- K (2:54'2). E. Brown, Davenport, la., Sei)t. -29, 1860, §40. Siiecess, Bootjack, Kittv Clover(2dr) 2:55, 2:.>4' _•. ■ \ / Joliii KeixltT. 1> tr (2:33). H. 15. Low, Fredonia, Kan., Sept. 2.5, 1874, ^^50. Archie Boy, Bark. 317 3-18 308 Same d:iv. .SlSo. Lady Alice 2, 3, Barli 1. Arcliie Boy, 3:00',i, 3:01, 2-.59'i "-.'.TJi •'•.57:', ■i-iy>'„ • > • • .1 Ep.stein. .St. Joseph. Mo.. .Sept. 8, 1875, *;500. Ned 3, 4, Dixie, Doia F., Whitewater c'lirefd dis), 2:42V4. 2:43'2. 2:45. 2:45, 2:45'/4. Kansiis City, Mo., Sept. 14. 1875, $250. Bill Patchen, Dixie. Best time 2:49U. LeaviMiwortli. Kau., Oct. 15. 1875. .S . Ned 1. Kansas Girl, 2:46. 2:45',. 2:4s. c. WdIi. Ottawa, Kan.. June 23. 1876, .'riioo. Lady Klli.s, John Price. Voiniir Alorrili. 2:45»i. 2-41 2-42'/2 J i;|Ktein, KansasiMty. Mo., .liily 4, 1877. 8250. H. w. Beecher. Hai)pv. Nelly Wliitnev, 2-4ni, 2-42 2-40 — —.!.•,• ^^"1^ Prophetstown, 111., Aug. 5, 1879, «!3oo. .Sterling, Aldine, Lady M., Bay Rattler. 2::«, 2:.;55^, iMendota. 111.. Aug. 12, 1879. .'?40n. Lady M. 1, 2, David H. 4, (iranger, Mambrino Hii)pv (5dr). Sterling (5 dr) 2:.{4. 2:34. 2:34'i,, 2:34, 2:;{5. 2:39. 1 1 .' v ^ s John iJerry. blk g ( 2 :40i^). K. Lindsay, St. Louis, Mo., May 31 , 1872, .?150. Flora Paff 2, Marv, Phil Lanlian. 2 :41>4. 2:41. 2:41, 2:40' j. ' .^ - t John Brigrht. 1) g (2 :39). N. Palmer, Le Roy, N. Y., Oct. 3, 187ii. .•j;200. Lady Mae. Boh Stewart. Billy Slieldon, 2:4.':{, 2:44, 2:46. Oet .5, 1S76. S200. Billy Sheldon (3 0), Minnie Allen (3 dis), Blackstone (3 dis). Bob Stewart (2 dis), 2:.52, 2:54'/2, 2:.5.5, 2:5.5. v , Attica. N. Y.. Oct. 18. l.*<76. $ . B. F. Bruce, Charley G., Uen. Tavlor (l dis), 2:41, 2:414, 2:39. Oet. 19. 1876. » . B. F. Bruce 2. John Miller, Nelly, Henrv Clay. 2:39, 2:.'J7(4. 2:413i. 2:429i. John IJiiUiaiit, i2:42i4). A. C. St. John. San Jose, Cai., Jime"l9, 1873, $ . Fox. Brilliant Allen (1 dis) 2:421.1.2:44.2:45. John Brown, dig (2:44). Dan Mace, "Worcester. Mass., Nov. 25, 1859. .•>!.000. Tom Hver. 2:46k, 2:44, 2:55'i. . -4. I John Brown, rng (2 :40i4). Wm. Bishop. Charlotte, Mich., Aug. 7, 1878. .'S200. Ned Norris. Drift. Tom Walton. Bluciier, Tim Sherman. Sam Tilden, Lima Boy, Blackbird, Riddle, 2:4014, 2:44'4, 2:44i^. John Bull, b g (2 :.51). Win. King, Philadelphia. Pa., Kov. 1. 18.58, §; . Contidence 1. 2:51K'. 2:51, 2:.52. John C, eh g (2 :39?.o. H. R. Bechtel, Rittersville, Pa., Oct. 21, 1874, $300. Honest Mack. Annie E., Gray Squirrel (3 dis), 2-39ii, 2:;{9?i, 2:41. Oct. 22 and 23. 1874, moo. Honest Mack, Weil Bov, Annie E., Thrill. 2:40^.^ 2:41. 2:4014. D. E.Boyer, Pottstown, Pa., Oct. 4, 1876. $175, Sleepy David, Birdsboro' Maid, Daisy, Alice, 2:41'/i,2:44, 2:40. Oct. 6and 7. 1876. $175. Bay Tom 2, Daisv, Birdsboro' Maid, 2:43, 2:43i4. 2:51, 2:4.5. JcUu C, b g (.2:42). J. Dinehart. Gt. Barrington. Mass., Aug. 2. 1877, $100. Lloyd 1, Oriole, Buckskin (4 dis), Jenny (4 dis), 2:40, 2:42, 2:45, 2:45. Rhinebeck, N. Y., Sept. 13, 1877, $1.50. Jim Murray, Young Dexter, Silas AVright (3 dr), 2:42i^, 2:43^, 2:47?4. John C. bg (3:431/2). G. Maxwell, Lawrenceburg, Ind , Sept. 28. 1877. $5o. Fox 1,2.2:45, 2:43. 2:434. 2:4.5, 2:46'/2. John C, ch g (2 :38). A. Maxwell, Worton, Md.. Sept. 19, 1878, $100. Hay, Frank, Cloud (2 dr), 2:47, 2:5114, Dover, Del., Sept. 24, 1878, $100. Tom. Frank. Driver. Polly Ann. Hunter. Ladv Wright, (iolddust. Rose OiDelaware(3dis), Mountain Boy (3 dr;, Chesapeake (3 dr), Louis Napoleon (2 dis), Annie Adams (2disi. Fanny (1 dis), 2:46i!.i, 2:42}^, 2:45. • • Sept. 27. 1878, $150. Clara Morgan, Ladv Mav. Clara B.. Mischief. 2:.}8'/2, 2:38, 2:40. Middletown, Del., Oct. 2, 1878, $1.50. Sleepy Dan 3, Frank, Rose of Delaware (1 dis), Gvpsy Queen '^ disi, 2 :44, 2 :40i^, 2 :46 1.1 , 2 :45?i . John Cady, ch g(2:.'-.0). Jas. McLean, M6bile, Ala., July 22, 1867, $800. Norma 2, 3, 2:52' 2, 2:.52. 2:49, 2:50, 2:54. John O. Calhoun, ch s (2 :41i4). Sort Warner, St. Louis. Mo., May 23. 1862, $50. Wagoner, Lady Wilter (l dis), 2:48!^, 2:4614, 2:41 14. John Chambers, b g (3 :324) by Candian Lion. R. M. Anderson, Union City, Ind., June 21. 1872, .$ . Gray Alex, Croton Oil (3 dr). No time. Nashville, Tenn., Oct. 8, 1872, .$(iO0. Little Mack. Lagoneer, Jim Snow. Bay Woodford (2 dis). 2;39i4, Oct 9, 1872, .$500. Delia (2 dis ). Annie (2 dis). Tobe Brown (1 dis). Gray Dick (I dis), Lee Belle (1 dis), 2:42^;, 2:. -16. Samuel Bryant, Louisville Ky.. July 11, 1873, .$.500. Jack Conn, 2:42i/2, 2:454, 2:47. Nashville, Teun., Oct. — . 187.3, $ . .tosephine, Ross. 2:324. 2:;i4. 2:.33i.i. Macon, Ga., Nov. 1, 1873, $650. Little Mack 2, Basil Duke l, Tom Fields 0 dis). 2:3714. 2:36i4. 2:36i4, 2:40, 2:37. South Bend, Ind.. June 16, 1875, .$7.50. Professor 1, AVait a Bit, Billv Si)eneer. 2:36. 2:35. 2:3.5, 2:.S7 — — — Goshen, Ind.. .Iun(^ 22, 1875. .$600. Duke, Price, 2:38, 2:3314. 2:.'53'4- John C. Heenan. di g (3 :59), bv Henry Clay, pacer. H. D. Rich. Watertown, N. Y., .lune 2, I860. $50. Ben Franklin (wj, 3:0.5, 2 :.59. John Clay, bg (2 :55i4),bv American Clav, dam bv Pilot Jr. G. W. Bover, Point Breeze Park. Phil., June 21, 1877. $75. ('liarcoal, Maggli^ T., 3:16,"3:07!/>, 3:04^'. /^T" ^''■'''^'■''''"F' '^y--A^uS-9. 1«",$100. Lneille, strange Bov, 3 :10?4, 3:13. 3:12. , . John Coghian, blk s (2:42). 8. Spern', San Francisco, Cal.. March 18, 1872. 3 . Lady St. Clair, 18:02. I< ive miles. — - .luiie 4, 1872, $100. Ladv Emm:i 1, 2:50, 2:46, 2:434,2:43. .lohn Coloinan (.lolmnv Coleman), b g(3:37'/2). T. McLellan. San Francisco, Cal.. April 19, 1871. $200. Prince .'t. .5, Kate 4. K;itc M;iv, 2:51i.,, 2:51^. 2:.50i^o, 2:.52, 2:534, 2:55. JohnConnt-ss (Conncss :md Fr.ank Rhodes), bg(2:30i'2). Mr. Shear, S.an Francisco, Cal., June 29, 2870, $250. Hiram Woodruin,. 3, Bracelet(5 dis), 2:414,2:41,2:41. 2:42'i. 2:40 John Croker, ch g(2:4r.). I). Keav. Beaver, Pa., Sept. 19. 1878. 8100' R. A. Blllv 3 (1 0), Sandy Bogus 2 (10), Black Dick .5,2 :.54, 2:.50, 2:,5.-{. 2:49. 2:49, 2:.50, 2:48. — — Sei)t. 20, 1878. $7.5. S;indy Bogus. Black Dick. 2:46, 2:45. 2:47V.. John i>., i)ik s, bv Blue Bull, A. B. (irove, Hartford, O., Sept. 8" 1881. $100. Telephone. Barnes' b s. No time. Throe year-olds. CHESTKK'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 361 John D.. b g (3:3014). J. W. Driscoll, Jersey City, N. J., Sept. G, 1883, $250. Sweet Brier 1,3, Maggie, Ash Queen, Aimie C, 2:37, 2:3714,. is-^a' 2. 2:36^4. 2:36i/2. Mr, Fountain, Sept. 14, 1883, $50. Rescue 1, Nibo, 2:47, 2:48, 2:40, 2:58'/j. , ^, ,, • „ ,«/ .. ,^- J. \V. Driscoll, Flemington, N. J., Sept. 26, 1883, $200. Geo Wilkes, Cyclone, Geu. twiug, 2:37J^, 2:3b, l;*^Doylestown, Pa., Oct 3, 1883, $250. Maud H., Maud Peacliin, Lady Poindexter, Handsome Lambert, HaiTV (3 dist, 2:39, 2:36'4,. 2:37. 2:38. ^ ^, ,, r^ „„ , „ .- Jolin Davis, gr gc3:36i^). J Haiiimill, Philadelphia, Pa.. Sept. 20, 1849, $100. George M.Dallas 3,2:47. 2:4><. 2:4.->'2. 2:51. Sept. 24, 1849. $200. 2:44i4. To beat 2:45. l?:ii;iniore, Md.. .lulv 5. 1850. $ . Contidence, 2 4, 2:40, 2:40ij, 2:41, 2:42, 2:41. .lulv T. 1S51. S400. Mendhaiu -Maid (3 dis), 2:36i/o. 2:37, 2:38. Hir' un Woodrutt", Union Course. L. L, Sept. 23, 18.52. $500. Mo.scow (w), 2:40, 2:.39li, 2:43'/2. John Deviue (3 :54' j\ Washington. D. C, Nov. 13, 1874. $100. Fanny 3. Mack, 2:54'.2, 2:.A\, 2:olk. 2:5^.. John Duauin;? s;r g (3 :33u;). M. Dunning, Humboldt, Kan., Oct. 6, 1876, $175. Lady Alice, Belton Maid, Hanuv 1 1 disJ.'^Sleepv Bilia dis). 2:50, 2:48, 2:47. ). Drew. Kansas Citv. Mo., July 7, 1877. $200. Ned S. 1. John Bender, 2 :36. 2 :40, 2:40 2 :40 Quinry. 111.. Sept. 4, is77, $.500. Lady Vesta 1, 2, Farmer's Maul. Shepherd Boy, rhoruton Boy (4 dr), l-'''M:'ielrmb,ilT.. Sept.'7, 1^7^ '$4ob'!" Alann,' Frank, Tuckahoe, Frontier Dick (1 dis), John Morgan (1 dis), John i>ve."c-hg (3 -.i^V,). L. Benham, Medina, N. Y.. May 23, 1874, $500. Lady Whitman, Lady Cooper, Dido 1 (4 dis), Ladv Hayseed (4 dis), Capt. Jack (3 dis), 2:40,2:47, 2:48. 2:44'/2. ,0 1 ^ r 1 n^r.r.^r.io • Lockport. N. Y.. June 26, 1874, $.500. Major Lambert 2, 3, Lady Whitman, Daisy (3 dr), Lady Cooper (2 dis), 2:.54,2:.55. 2:51, 2:51'o, 2:481,1. _^ ^ t • .. ir,, a„„«. "-" J. Epperson, Lexnigton, Ky., Sept. John K., rn g (3:383^), by Clark Chief, dam bv Alexander's Abdallah. J. Eppers 20. 1872, $G50. Kuklux, "Maggie Main (3 dis), Chamouni (1 dis), 2:47;'2, 2:49' 2, 2:45V2 Four-year-olds. n. J. Treaev. Oct. 25, 187.3. $400. W. O. No tmie. „ , j. > ^ , ,r-n .= i- x * ^n«« ( )i „^„ .,„... .„,..,„.,, „ . ., - -2:40. M\l^.Townsend."Vemphis,"fem Idol, 2:53>^, 2:.58^4. 2:57^- John F., b g (3 :55). Mr. Fickenger, Unionville, O., July 4, 1879, $55. Raymond, Ned Baker, Henry, 2:55, '^'59 2*55 John F..'ch g i3 :35). G. W. Nelson. Baltimore, Md., Dee. 12. I88I. .$400. Lydia 1, 2:51. 2:52, 2:48i/2, 2:57. Hel Air, Md., Mav 24, 1882, $90. Clipper, Prairie Lily, 2:48, 2:44, 2:42. Mav 26. 1S82, Sioo'. Prairie Lily 3. Clipper. 2:45, 2:43, 2:45. 2:42. B:il"tunore. Md., July 6, 1882, $' . Alice Oates, D. E. Bishop, 2:36. 2:4314, 2:44. ,.,.,„ ^„ „ ,„ . Aug. 24, 1882. $200. Blue Wing, Calico Maid (2 dis). Jerry Hardwick (1 dis), Clipper (1 dis), 2:38/2, 2:37' 2, 2 ■ 'i"> John Fero (Western Boy), brg (3:3714). .John Demass. Kalamazoo, Mich, Aug. 15. 1871 $1,. 500. Brother Jonathan l, 2. Ed. Foster 3, Gen. Howard Lady Fox, Kate Hazard (5 dr). Dictator (4 dis). Sorrel Frank (S dr), Lina (3 dr). Magnet (1 dis). ('-/.ette (1 dis), 2:32, 2:31, 2:29/,, 2:29?|, 2:32, 2:.35i4. . .,„,„„„„ m John Ferris, b g (3: 33). Mr. Vosburgh. Albany, N. Y., Sept. 21, 1865, $50. Billy Morris 3, 2:38, 2:35, 2:40, 2:41. ■ Sept. 23, 1865, $500. Up and Up, 2:41, 2:.37^, 2:32Lg. Geo. H. Bailey. Lowell, Mass., July 4. 1S67. $.500. Empress, 2:3714, 2:38, 2|38. .r. J. Bowen, Boston. Mass., July 9, 1867, $.350. Empress l (4 0), Gen. McClellan (4 dis), 2:32)^, 2:32, 2:34, 2:36.2:39. Hartford, Conn., Aug. 20, 18G7, $200. Breeze 1, 2:3814. 2:.37. 2:40, 2:42. Boston. Mass.. Sept. 2, ISG.s, $300. Ros;imond 3, Tom Manning 1 (2 dis), 2:33?4, 2:3(. 2:35?i, 2:3594, 2:36. John Forrest, wh g (3 :43i4). F. W. White. Walthani. Mass.. Aug. 23, 1876, $50. Frank Allen, Grocery Boy, Kitchen Girl, Stevie, Robert. Belfast Bov, Ratz, Hudson Boy (3 dr). Doctor (2 dis), 2:47, 2:45, 2;57. Aug. 24. 1876, $.50. Defiance 2, 3, Fraiik Allen, Ruinford Maid. 2:4314. 2:45, 2:42=';i', 2:49. 2:.51. ,^ , . ^ John Franklin. bs,M3:34'4), l)y Flying Eaton. S. Farmer, Portland, Me., Sept. 9, 1869, $300. Uncle Abe, Violetta, 2:.52, 2:49. Four-vear-olds. „ „ „ „..., ,, _... „,„„.„ — — C. E. Mosher. Plymouth, N. H.. Oct. 2. 1873, .$300. Frank Palmer, Belle Dean, Willy Martin, 2:43. 2:42, '- G. S. Locke, Lancaster, N. H., Julv-S, 1875, .$250. Fleetwing, Goodenongh, 2:34^,2:.39ii. 2:39. ( w). Lawrence, Mass., Aug. 26, 1875. $200. Lady Daggett 1, Lady Sherburn, 2:45. 2:37!^. 2:41, 2:38^. John G., (.John Goldsmith), br s (3 :38). by Volunteer, dam Ida. by Marlborough. J. W. Clark, Flemington, N. J., Sent. 26, 1877, .$ . Buffalo Dick. 3:04, 3:07. 2 :58M ^ „ o - • ■ t,t ^i 1 r. A. S, Hensiey, Cambridge, 111., Aug. 29, 1878, .$200. Prince, May Queen, Lucy S.,i^izzie Mac, Colonel B., 2-44 9'403^ 2 "38 ^Westchester, Pa., Oct. 2, 1882, $125. Helen Lexington, Kate T.. Kentucky John, Lady Blanche a dis), .Jumbo(ldis), 2:50, 2:47/2, 2:471^. ^ o „ o t^ o ,.0 o .o John Gilpin. chg,(3:40/2). T. S. Steer, MyTicks, Mass., Sept. 2.3.1865,.$ . Sally Come Down, 2:. 52, 2:49, 2 "4:9 '- W. S. Briggs, Taunton, Mass., Oct. 4, 1865, .$25. Dan Rogers, 2:44, 2:44. .„„,,„.„„.„„ ,„,, Oct. 5, 1865, $150. Jeff Davis 3, Lady Hayes 2 (5 dr) American Eagle (5 «r), 2 :42, 2 :44, 2 :40, 2 :43, 2 :40i/2. — S. S. Manchester. Myricks, Mass., Sept. 21, 1867,.$ . Butcher Boy. 2:50, 2:54, 2:49. Taunton, Mass., Sept. 20, 1868, .$ . Ypsilanti. 5..34, 5:30. Two miles. D. Wonlen, M-STicks, Mass.. Sept. 22. 1871, $100. Black J:ick, 2:.50, 2:.51, 2:46i4. ^ „ „ =„, . „ ,„,, John Gilpin, b g {%': 35). J. Sparks, East Brunswick, Me., .July 4. 187C, .$200. Sagadahoc Belle, 2 :,52^. 2:49»i, 2 '46 '■ g'. H. Gould, Lewiston, Me., Aug. i5. 1878, $200. Forest Girl, Somerset Knox, Honest John, Trouble- some. Richard. Napoleon (l dis), 2:35. 2:.35,2:38. Bath, Me., Aug. 21, 1878, .$200. Forest Girl, Fred, 2:.37"2. 2:.35. 2:.3.5. , /= , \ o ok „ oci Farmington, N. H. Oct. 22, 1878. .$200. Matilda 1,2, Belle Dean 3 (5 dis). Careless Boy 4 (5 dr), 2 :35, 2:3614, A. D. Hoiines"'Broc'tbn! Mass., Oct. 3, 1879, $60. Aileen, Ed. Woodman, Wonder (3 dr) 2:42, 2:38 Ji, John Grant, b g (3 :3.5V.;). Ed. Abrams, Ionia. Mich.. June 24. 1880, $700. Gray Dobbin, Gossip (3 dis). Lady Bates(2dis), Ned Forrest (2 dis), Milo (2 dis). 2:31ii. 2:2614, 2:.3.5. . .,„,,,.„,,,„.,. Grand Rai)ids. Mich.. June 29. issn, $900, Harry, Gray Dobbin. Milo, Fox, Gossip, 2:32,2:31/2, 2.34. Fort Wavne. Ind., July 5. 1880, $800. Donald, Joyce, Gray Dobbin, Katy D., Milo, Gossip, 2:43, 2:40, 2:40>o. w: Langdon, May 24, I88I, $100. Alice Taylor, Annie Lou, 2:35. 2:34. 2:33. 362 CHESTER'S COMIM.ETE IHOTTlNt; AND PAClNtJ KECOKIK John H., b K i2:20), by Bluniherc's Black Bashaw, dam bv . Morgan Hunter. Thus. P. Koacli, Chicago, 111 , Aug. jg, IS?.'. .SI, 500. 11. B. Eok-y 1, Edgar. .Maiiihriuo Temple, Kimbull. Lurcher, 2:a%, 2:34;!ii, 2:295*. 2:3.i'.i. riUsburg, Pa., Sept. 10. 1872. $1,000. John Chambers. Nelly, Major, Billy i2 dr), 2:37'i, 2:.ifl. 240. Sept. IJ. 1872, J!1,0(H). .lohn rhanibers. Wliitc Hawk, Slow Go, N'elly, Frbney (2 dis), 2:37?4. 2:50,3:00 J. 11. liatclitlor, Btloil. \\ is., Oet. 9. 1872,.'54U0. Tom Wonder 1, Lady Mack. Nick, Tornado, Lurcher Bay .lohii, Edwin Bootli i3. i-.UVi, 2:32' J, 2:37^, 2:40',.. E. o. Brown, Augusta. Ga., MarchSl, 1875. ijsSOO. Frank J. 3. Basil Hnke. 2:42, 2:38'-. 2:40' >, 2:40. J. U. Batclielor, Fleetwood Park, A. Y., June 16, 1875, ,f2.00o. jMusic 2, 4,EverettlUiy a dis ),2:24V?4, 2:28>4,2:27, 2:31&. 2:27^2. J. 11. Bachelor. Suffolk Park. Phihi., May 17, 1876. $1,800. Annie Collins 2, 5, Blanche l. Orient, Nettie Burlew (5 dis), 2:26'2, 2:28, 2:26, 2:26'2,2:31, 2:27. Belmont Park, Phila., Mav 30, 1876, $3,000. Bella 2 (l O), Huntress 4, Adelaide, Susie (5 dr), 2:24, 2:24, 2:22'^. 2:24-:'.,, 2:26'., 2:27?a. Fleetwood Park, N. Y., May3l and June 1, 1877. .?1,.500. Mattie 3. 4, .loker 5. 6, Hannah D. 1, May Bird. Proctor. Castk'Boy, 2:23, 2:22Ji, 2:24',i, 2:2394, 2:25, 2:26,2:26,2:24. W'ooiisocktt. K. I., Aug. 8. 1877. .*300. W. H. Allen, Tom Pink, Spotted Colt, 2:3.5, 2:.".3'i, 2:33'/i. Mystic I'ark, Boston. Sept. 5, 1877, $1,000. Prospero. Huntress. Ladv Siicll. 2:23, 2:21, 2:25. Beacon Park. Boston, Sept. 12, 1877, $1000. Huntress, Lady Sncll. 2:24. 2:24'-, 2:2,5. F'leetwoc J Park. N. V., Sept. 27, 1877. $1,500, Mav Bird 3. 4, Adelaide. B;iu(juo, White Stockings, Honest Harry 2:21. 2:23, 2:23'/i, 2:21. 2:24. Titusville, Pa.. July 4, 1878, $700. Silversides 2 (30), Kmg Philip. Versailles Girl, Hannah 1) , 2:30, 2:30'^. 2:31, 2:31'2. 2:33. Columbus. O.. Sept. 26, 1878, $800. Lew Scott, 2:27. 2 :28'4, 2 :2694. John Trout, Brockton, Mass., O^t. 6, 1881. $400. Tom B. Patchen 2 (4 dis). Argonaut (4 dis\ 2:38?4, 2:30»/i, 2:31, 2:31 J^. T. L. Holt, Morrisville, Vt.. Sept, 27, 1882. .$200. Vision. Castalar, 2:38, 2:,35, 2::33. John H., chg('^:4994,). John Hayes. Oregon, HI., Sept. 22, 1880, $100. Frank Gibbs. Merritt, Tom Wonder Jr. . 2 -.raU : 2 :49?4 , 2 :5'2U ■ John Hall, blk g(2 :25) by Gen. Howard. F. Hall. Kenosha. Wis., May 27, 1875, .$400. Puzzler. Billy Cushiug, Hartford Maul. Brown 'Nelly, Billv Wilkes, 2:42^4, 2:40',. 2:41':, Watertown, Wis., July 5, 187.5, $200. Cruiser 3. C;ipt. Jack. Bav Charley (4 dis). Longfellow (2 dis). Corn Planter d disi, 2:45'4, 2:43?4, 2:47';. 2:49, Cliicago. 111. Sept. 19and20, 1877, $400. Mambrino General 3, Shepherd Boy, Sarley K.. Blind Billy, 2:31. 2:31^4, 2:30. 2:34''4. John Hall. It g (!J :35'4) by Daniel Lambert, dam by American Ethan. A. Woodard, W'est Meriden, Conn., Jidv 5, I87S. $200. Modoc. Howe's Tommy. O. A.'Hickok d dis>. 2:,37. 2:36;'4, 2:36}^. I'larlford, Conn., July 10. 1878, $400. Oscar 1, Dio, Cora F., Croft", O. A. Hickok, W. H. Arnold, Modoc, Fitzgerald, 2:30'2, 2:30?4. 2;30'i, 2:28';. Providence. R. I., July 23 :ui(l 24, 1878, $400. Ladv Daggett 3, Phil l. Belle Oakley 2, Fanny Jefferson, Queechv Maid, Clara J. (4 dr), 2:25. 2:27. 2:26, 2:28, 2:27. 2:27. Hartford. Conn.. Aug. 21 and 22, 1878, $1,200. Hambletonian Mambrino 1, 2. Croxie 4, Lady Mills, Penelope, Lady Daggett, Annie G., Clara J., 2:2.3K'. 2:22'., , 2:271^. 2:2,5i.i, 2:29'/2. Lyons, N. Y.. June 16, 1880. .$400. ^mulus 3, Mars, Lady Star, Irene (1 dis), 2:29'4, 2:28'2. 2:30. 2:3i;i. (ieneva. N. Y.. June 23, 1880, .$400. Irene 3. .^nnilus, Liuly Star. 2:31'., 2:29?4', 2:28. 2:28'/2. W. A. Skinner. La Salle. 111., .lulv 30, 1880, $500. Big Soap, Josephus, Elsie Groff, Clara J., Minnie Max- field (1 dis), 2:26?4, 2:27»4 2 :2B'2. Prophetstown. 111., Aug. 4. 1880. $400. Clara .L 1. Champion Girl, 2:30, 2:30>4, 2:31. 2:28>/2. A. Woodard, Mendota. lil.. Aug. U. 1880, .$450. Clara J., Musette, Champion Girl, Mignon, 2:29»4. 2:30, 2:.30ii, Nor\vich. Conn., July 12. 1881, $.500, Arthur 1, Golden Girl 2. Blackwood Prince 3, (Jalatea, 2:31, 2:30Vt. 2:28, 2"303,' 2:34 2".35 Hartford Coini., Oct. 12, 1881, .$.500. Capitola 3. 4. Jimmy Stewart l. Lizzie M., Billy D.. Tom B,' Patchen. 2:25 2'2(';t 2"''5?i ''•22'/4 2'''0 "■''.5'4 T. Doiigrey, Hoosiok Falls, N. Y.. .luly 27, 1882, $300. Aulinda l, Nelly Irwin. Lady Lear. 2:329,1, 2:30, 2 '31*/ 2*'^^ Camb'ridge, N. Y., Aug. 3 and 5, 1882. .$300. Nelly Irwin 1. Aulind:i 3, Lady Lear (4 0), Kitty Ives, 2:30,:2.29?4. 2:30, 2:.30, 2:.3.'. 2:27'4. Greenwich N. Y.. Aug. 10. 1882, .$300. Kittv Ives, Nellv Irwin, Aulinda, 2:36'., 2:31>4, 2:32»4- Now Castle, Pa.. Sept. 16, 1882. .$.'^00. Champion Girl, Valiant, Stranger, Mistletoe. 2:30'4, 2:30, 3:28'/2. Akron. O., Oct. 7, 1882, .$3.50. .Valiant 2, :!, Mistletoe 4, Sunshine, Minnie D., Ben Starr (2 dis), 2:30, 2:30^, 2:2!)'4.2:.'t0''4. 2:.34>;i.2:.'!6';. ,. j. ., , L. W. Sinclair, Danville. 111., June 29. 1883, .$400. Will Cody 2, Ike Medium 3. Josephine (4 dis). I* rank L;mders n dis), 2:;«. 2:33. 2:38. 2:.'!3. 2:4.5. . .„ ,, John Ht-nrv. cb s f 3 :39^ ). bv Sir (ieorge Henry, dam bv ALirk Anthony. .las. W. Brannan, Ix)uisville, Ky., Sept. 27, !8,5«, $100. Black llawk, Wiishtenaw Chief, Lem Rogers, Messenger, 2:489^. Same (lav, $100. Washtenaw Chief. 2:43",;. . ^„ . ,...,,„ D. Heinsohn. Louisville. Kv., Sej)!. 10. 1859. $1..300. Bull of the Woods, Washtenaw ( liief (1 dis), 5:27, 5:24, Two miles. ' „ . . , ~ ,, John Henry rn g (2:r.o>i). W. Sherman. .Sturbridge, Mass.. Sept. i.5, 1876. .$90. Dorrity s ch g. Trouble. Belle of Wildwood. Nellv, 2:52, 2:.56, 2:.50».i. John Henry, br g (2:A!iVi). D. F. Nugent, W^iterford. N. Y.. Aug. 16, 1876, $100. Ada 1)., Hurricane. 2:55. 2:48';j.2:47. T. Vandekar, Albany. N. Y.. Sept. 16. 1876. $ . Fanehon 1. 2:509,,'. 2:49. 2 :.51. 2:46',,. John H. Oejir. br g (2 :4.3'',\ J. B. McArtbnr. IJncoln. Neb.. Mav 19. 1880, $150. Pilot. Hunter, Alarm. Lady Gibson. Luna. Dora Duke, 2:43',, 2:44, 2:45'.. Jo^in Houi;hton, b g (2 :42). P. R Paint'-r, Lancaster, Pa., June 16. 1882. .?300. Katy P, 2, 4, Juno, I'eanuts ^5dis), Turk d disV 2:43. 2:44, 2:42,2:40 2:4.5. John H. S., b g(2:40'/2). Oxford, Pa., June 14. 1879. $50. Viola 1.2:43. 2:41. 2:41'2, 2:40!4. ()HESTEK'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 363 John H. Starin, (Tom Oweus), ch g (8 :35), bv Burgher. D. B. Goff, Wiisliington Hollow, N. Y., Sept 24, 1879, .SIOO. Donald l. Belle, Fritz, Nora M., 2:40. 2:35, 2:36, 2:35. Sept. 25, 1879, $100. Belle 1. 2, Fritz 4, Deserter, Col. .lohn, Viroqua, 2:42'4, 2:40, 2:40, 2:39, 2:38, 2:36. John H. Welch, blk s (2 :40). A. Saiuner, Norwalk, O., Aug. 29, 1865, .$75. Joe Hooker, 2:41'/i, 2:48'2, 2:48. Stallions. John J. Cook, gr g (3 :39y2), by Star of the West, dam Fanny, a pacing mare. N. Fuller, Des Moines, la., July 24, 1S77, $100. Marion, Cliarlev Hayes, 2:48, 2:42i4,2:43. Five-year-olds. Dul)u9 '-(w)] May 28, 1870, $1,000. Black Pat 1, 4. Big Mack 5, 6, Mary Ann (4 dr), 2:53^^, 2:50%, 2:51'/2, 2:49i/», 2:5314,2 54, 2:.58i4. John Murpliv, Fleetwood Park, N. Y.. May 15, 1871, $1,000. Dandy, 2:49, 2:43'.^, 2:43'/4. Sept. 2. 18S1, .*1,000. Dandy, 2: 46?.i. 2:52, 2:51. June 19. 1872, .$500. Nelly (VV), 2:40, 2:53, 2 :44. July 1, 1ST2, .$.500. Betsy King (w) (1 dis), 2 :44. July 8, 1872. .$700. Nelly l, Betsy King (w), 2:44. 2:49, 2:55, 2:48. John Kemble Jackson, ch s (3 :45). C. Travis, Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 16, 1877, $200. Storm (2 dis). Beaumont (1 dis), 2:4.5, 2:4,5. — (w), J. L. Travis, July 4, 1878. $1,000. Storm, 2:4814, 2:47U, 2:46. Macon, Ga., Oct, 29, 1878, .$1.50. Snyder, Bob Adams. Belle (1 dis), 3:01i4, 2:48, 255. John King, b g(3:35i4). L. King, Punxsutawnev, Pa., Oct. 15, 1880, $100. North Point, .Johnson Boy, 2:41, 2:41, 2:37%. — — Scranton, Pa., May 31, 1881, $300. King Cetawayo 3, Chester F.. Sinbad. 2:35^. 2:351.1, , 2:40. L. Roi, Lebanon, Pa., June 2, 1882, $100. John Houghton, Billy Bashaw, Jack, 2:43, 2:41 "», 2:.36i4. John I>., ch g (3:40). by Blue Bull. J. L. Freck, Lancaster, Pa., July 18, 1877, $100. Silas, George, Lady Ells- worth, 2:43, 2:40, 2:42. July20, 1877, $l.'iO. Silas, George, 2:46^, 2:44i4, 2:46^1. John Ij. (John Love) bg;;3:38ii), by Billy Denton, dam Trusty, by Marlborough. D.Mahoney, Jersey City, N. J. Nov. 14, 1882, .$60. Lucy Pennv 4, Mary W. 1, Aberdeen, Rouse (5 dr), James C. (4 dr), 2:59, 2:51%,'2:54, 2:53, 2:.56. John Lambert b s (3:315^"), by Daniel Lambert. John Moulton, Framingham, Mass., Sept. 18, 1872, $200. Nightshade, Red Cloud, Starlight (2 dr), 2:461^, 2:48ii, 2-MU. J. N. Woodard, Barre, Mass., Oct. 1, 1872, .$85. Jenny Chandler 1, Rockey, 2:44iS, 2:46%. 2-Ae'i, 2:47. Portland, Me., June 12,1873, $300. Billy Bumpus 1, Aubiu-n Boy, StraiJ^er (3 dis). Lady Wen tworth. (1 dis), 2:42, 2:40%, 2:42, 2:44. Geo. H. Bailey, June 14, 1873, $100. Stranger 1, 2:50Vi, 2:4714. 2:49, 2:52. J. N. Woodard, Milford, Mass., Oct. 1, 1874, $250. Lady Daggett, Modoc Chief, Sir William Wallace, 2:42'/2,2:43'4, 2:4014. S. F. Twichell, Athol, Mass.. Oct. 7, 1874, $40. C. B. and Q. Charley. 2:58. 2:551^ 2:57. J. N. Woodard, Lawrence, Mass., June 3, 1875, $250. General, Lady Nell, Georgie B., Lady Daggett, 2 '38'/^ *^ "38 *^"38 '- Loweil, Mass., June 17, 1S75, $250. Lady Daggett, General, Lady Nell, Ned, 2:37, 2:37, 2:40. South Framingham, Mass., Sept. 21, 1875, .$300. Lady Nell, Belle. Kitty (2 dis), 2:43, 2:.39, 2:39. S. F. Twichell, Athol, Mass., ()ct. 6, 1875. $40. Bay Billy. 2 ;47. 2:44, 2 :46. Stallions. —J. N. Woodard, Woonsocket, R. I., Oct. 27, 1875, $200. Tom Pink 3. Joker. Crazy. 2:37, 2:40i4. 2:^9, 2 :38. Worcester, Mass., June l, 1877, $ . Nelly. Best time 2:3814. John temon. gr g (3:53). I. Shoenberger, Cincinnati, O., Julv 15, 1865. $300. Goose (w), 1, 3, 3:09, 3:02, 3:01,2:,53, 2:.56. John Letcher, b s (3 :39i4). L. A. Bridgland, Loders, Ind., June 25, 18.59, $1,000. Red Stocking (1 dis), 2:3914, John Linn (3:48i4). J. Farrell, San Francisco, Cal., (Jet. 17, 1874. $60. American Celt 2, John(w) (1 dis), 2:5114, 2 :54'4,2:48V^. John Love (John L.), b g (3:38'^). by Billy Denton dam Trusty, by Marlborough. D. Mahoney, Rutland, " Vt., Aug. 22. 1882, $200. Nickel, Vision. Cora B., St. Elmo, 2:40, 2:40, 2:40.' J. Love, Jersey City, N. J., May 30, 1883, $100. Charles Moulter 3, Lowland Mary, Kitty Clyde (3 dr), 2:42^4. 2:40, 2:41i4, 2:39%. Parkville. L. I.. June 6. 1883, .$500. Frank 6 (5 0), Frank R. 1, 3 (6 dis), L. S. (5 dis), 2:37'i, 2:38^, 2:36i/j, 2:5714, 2:.52, 2:49, 2:47. Providence, R. I. July 4, 1883, .$300. Vladimir 1, 3, Flora 4, Miller's Damsel, 2:33i4, 2::!2i4, 2:8314, 2:34^, 2:36, 2:34. Newport, R. I., July 11. 1SS3, .$250 Galanthis 2, 3, Miller's Damsel, Henry (3 dis\ 2:.;7' 2,2:35. 2:36, 2:32i-j, 2:34'4. Jersey City, N. J., Aug. 21, 1883, $100. Lowland Mary, 2:39. 2:36. 2:38. Prosnect Park, L. I., Nov. 15, 1883, $200, John D. 1, 3 (4 0), 2:.34i4, 2:28'.,, 2:.31i2, 2:30i/4, 2:301^. Un- finisheci. John M., gr g (3 :56M). J. F. Cowan, Gardiner, Me., .July 5, 1875. $100. Milier, Garnet, 2:56^4. 2:59, 2:.59i^. John M., b s. Mr. Logan, Columbia, S. C. Nov. 17, 1882. $ . Sea's b m, No time. John Mack, b s (3 :48). C. Horan, Snringfteld. 111.. Julv 15, 1866, .$200. Monarch, 2, 2:.50, 2:.52, 2:48. John Maffat (s), ch g (3 :38' .;). W. Whelpley, Centreville, L. I., Sept. 7, 1846, $30. Lady Moscow, (s), (1 dis), 2:44 John Martin, chg (3:57' o). Newburgh, N. Y.. June 11. 187.3, $ . Judge 1 (3 0), (5 0). 3:06i^, 3:02i4, 5:09^, 3:04'< 2:.57i.4, 2:i59ii. . John Martin, b g (3":4fi). by Jupiter Abdallah, dam by Mambrino ChieL W. Moore, Plainfleld, N. J., Oct. 8, 1879, $100. Ella, 3:46, 2:46. 2:48. John May, (w\ rn g (3 :39). Ceo. Spicer. Union Course. L. I., May 11, 1850, $1,000. Reindeer (w), 5:42, 6:03. Two miles. Centreville, L. I.. Oct. 25. 1850. $3,000. Pet, 5:20, 5:2.5. Two miles. .lames Hamlin, Philadelphia, Pa., Oct. 20, i.sr.i. $1,000. Tacony. 5:19, 5:18. Two miles. G. Nelson, May lu. 18,53, $1,000. John Vanderbilt (1 dis), 5:33. Two miles. John McCarthy, gr g (3 :50?4 ). H. M. Russell, Macomb. '111.. Sept. 3. 1873, .$100. John Morgan 2, (1 0), George Heminover (3 dis). Never Mind (3 dis), Sam Slick (2 dis), Kate (2 dis). 2:.54i4, 2:53, 2:50?4. 2:51, 2:51. John McDonald, br s (3:55), O. Farley, Mobile, Ala., April 28, 1875, $ . Hugo, Nelly M. (2 dis). Lady Bates(2dis), 2:58. 2:55. 3&1 . CHKSTEKS COMPLKTK TKOTTING AND PACING RECORD. Jolin MoDoujrall. h'^{2:'Z9). liv B;iv liillv, dam .lersev Maid, bv Andrew Jackson. Horace Hunt. Mead- ville. I'a.. Aun. '-"A 1X77. S.iW. Hattif, Cliarlev H. rd (lis), cliarles Wliitmore '1 dis), Daisy (1 di.si. No t.jnie Aiin. ^4. 1.S77, *;5()0. Daisy 2, HcndriclvS, Kiyinj; Cloud, Fitcli (1 dis), 3:00. 2:45. 2:,W. 2:.')0. Clarion. Pa.. Sept. 18. 1877, #400. Charley A.. MafTfiit' Klliot. Up and Up, .Jessie R., 2:40, 2:40. '>:40. Sept. 20, 1877. #400. .lessie R., Nelly -Morton, Up and U]). IMaj,'};ie Klliot (:j dis). 2:40, 2:40. 2:41. Dwego. N. Y., Oet. 17. 1877,8 . AlaRKic Miteliell 1, Croff, .Juno, Topsy, Black Harry (1 dis), Ladv Heethoyen . 2:2.0. — Cnlia. N. Y'.. Sept. 22. issi. S200. Lady Bei'kman. 1. (2 0), .lohiniy B., 2:.35, 2:41, 2:41. 2:.34".. 2:401^. John Men-ill (3:59'2). U. A. Hatch. Htclil)nr};h, -Mass., Sept. 27. 1871. .SKK). Clinton iMaid. Phil. . 3:00, 2:59'4, 3:00. John .'Vinier. ch. «. (U:43i. Geo. H. Bailey. Lewiston, Me,, Oct. 6, 1864, S50. Touch Me Not, Meddlesome, Laily Sc()tt.2:.>l. 2:43. 2:47 S:ic(> Me.. Oct. V.K 1864. .$50. \Yido\V ^Vel)ster, 2:.55, 2:.54, 2:49, (W). ScarlHiro. Me., Koy. 2, 1864, $75, Rockland Boy, (w), 1. 3, 2:,53, 2:.'>0»4, 2:51, 2:.-)0. ITnflnished. John Mills. I) g (S:43). Geo. H. Lovering. Mystic Park, Boston, June 29, 1874, $250. Hiram 1, Florence, Rakeafter, Whoa Kate. 3:02, 2:.'3G, 2:56. 2:50. Imie 10. I87(i, .S . Rakeafter 3. 2:50, 2:50, 2:49V'2, ^.:48. April 12, 1877. $30. Dan Crockett 1, 2, Jenny, 2:.57'i, 2:5G?i. 2:57M, 2:57K>. 2:56. Beacon Park, Boston. July — 1877, $~ . P. T. Barnum 1, 2 (4 0). 2-M^.i.2A5li, 2:43i/j, 2:42'/2, 2,42>^, 2:4fii/.. John Moore, gr s (2 :49). S. A. Moore, Wliltby, Out., Sept. 5, 1866, $100. Honest John. Black Ralph, 5:40, .'ii.l^. Two miles. John Moreran i Medoc), ch g (3:24),bv Pilot Jr., dam Croppy, by Medoc. J. Turner, Behidere, N. J., Oct. 10, 1861, .•?i7.->. Monnunith Co. Horse, filniira Pet, Camden Horse, 2:45i'2, 2:42>4, 2:30)^. Hartford. Conn.. Oct. 29, 1861, $300. Rockingham. 2:2712, 2:25>.i, 2:31. Jmie 3. 1864. .$5,000. Prince 2 (3 0), 2:31M, -':32. 2:30, 2:30"^, 2:28?i. Dan Mace, Boston, Ttlass., Aug. 1, 1805. $2,000. Feariuuight. 2:32, 2:32^. 2:32i4. Jim Ward, Hartford. Conn., Aug.29. 1865, $1,000. Ella Sherwoo'i l, 4. 2:.37'2, 2:.36. 2:.39. 2:38'2, 2:385^. John Morgan, gr g (8 :48). L. Keitley, St. Joseph, Mo., Sept. 28, 1871, $150. Pilot Boy 2, Phil Sheridan, Billy Weston (2 dis). 2:49, 2:48. 2:49, 2:50i4. John Morgan, ch s (2 :48?i). by Beautiful Boy. Tbos. Norton, Macomb, HI., July 3, 1872, $ino. Honest Jim 1, Stonewall .Jackson 3 (5 dr). Bessie Turner (5 r o), 2:ri7?.£, 2:.58,3:06, 3MH, 2:.59. Sept. 3, 1874, $ . Amboy 2. .3. George Luciis. 2:48'i, 2:421^. 2:48. 2:.58i4, 3:04!;. John Morgan, blk s (2 :51). Mark H. Huson, Macon, Ga., Oct. 27, 1873, .$300. Rip, Dick Turpiu. Bullet (3 r o), 2:54'/2. 2:.')8?i, 2:51, Oct. 29, 1873, $150. Bullet, Rayann.ab. Pounds Entry, 2:58, 2:54, 2:56. John Morgan, wbg (3:00). J. W. Jordan, Findlay, O., June 30, 1880, $100. Joe Morton, lirlgliam, 3:00, 3:01. John Morgan (2 :53). C. McGouldrick. Maebi.as. Me., Sept. 20, 1882. $ — . ]Maud, Black Dan. 2 :52, 2 :.->4. John Morrill, bg (2:34), by Morrill. John D. Bullock. Woon.sockct, R. I.. Aug. 18. 1876, $.50. Clipper 2. .3, File Cutter (4 0), Tip (5 dr) Providence Maid (3 dis). Black Crook (1 dis), 2:533^, 2:48'^. 2:51?4 2:50, 2:50, 2 '50. '- W. Clegg, Providence, R. I.. May 29, 1878, $200. Honest John 3, 5, MjTtle, W. H. 1, 2 (3 dr), 2:32, 2:,34, 2:34 2:38 2:3*) 2:35 2 "35. '- June 1', 1878, $200." ' o'shlega Belle 3, 5 (6 0), Dolly Davis 4 (6 0), Delight (5 r o). File Cutter (5 dr ), Jenny (5 dr), 2:34, 2:34, 2:36. 2:.37, 2:34J<;, 2:34'i, 2:34"2. Cumberland, Me., Sept. 2,5, 1878, $50. Drew Knox, Kopseah, 2:49, 2:50, 2:54. Sept. 26, 1878. .$50. Drew Knox, Hopeful. 2:.53. 2:54, 2:.55. (w) G. M. Horton North Attleboro, Mass., Sept. 22, 1880, $100. Fanny B. l, Sid. Lady Palmer, Prince, 2:.50, 2:48,2:4.5. „ . „ ^^ John Morrissey, h g (8:46?^). G. Lyon, Albany. N. Y., Sept. 7, 1871, $ . Known All Over. 3:03, 2:54, 2:50. R. Reamer, Aug. 21, 1872, $75. Long Girl 1, Mack, 2:52, 2:49»/2, 2:52'i. J. A. Forrest, Memphis, Tenn., Aug. 25, 1872, $400. Tennessee Boy, Major Shelby (3 dis), Bay Tom (2 dr), John Morrissey, ch s (2 :54) by Brick Pomeroy. Passmore & Chinn. Danville, Ky., July 1.5. 1P71, $90- Lady Davisl(2 r o), 2:,53'/2. 2:,54. Four-year-olds. , ..t .. •,, J. P. Chmn.Harrodsburgh, Ky., July 23, 1874, $ . Favorite, Billy Bowlegs. No tune. Four-yeai^ olds Nickel, Lib, Bob Stuart, Annie B.. Novelty. Oakwood Belle. 2:.S6'.,.2:33'c.2:.;6' ^. , „ ^r ., Y'onngstown, O.. Sept. 22, 1881, $260. Reveille, Nigger Doctor, Maud B.. Brandy Boy, Ned B., Ned — —Sharon, Pa., Sept. 28, 1881, ,$.300. Fortune Girl. Adele J., Bridget. Reveille. Bonosetter, 2:35, 2:34?4, 2:53'.;. W.' JI. Brown. Lancaster. Pa.. June 15 and 16. ias2. $.300. John H(>iighton, .Mishap. Ellwood, Yellow Dog, Charlotte ciisliman (3 dis), John King <2dr). 2:.32. 2:.35, 2:.^5. June k;, 18HL'. $400. Little Mary 1. Servia, Yellow Dog. 2:35 2:. 35. 2:35, 2:.3.5 ,,„.,,.. T. J. Middagli. Phillipsburgh.l'a.. Julv7, 1882.$200. William D.. LittleJMajor. 2:4.5.2:44. 2:44 , ^ ^. ^ J. C.rillin. Freehold. N. J.. Sept. 14, 1882. $.300. Billy Button. Farmer Boy, Agnes, Happy Jack (3 dis), Pondiett;i (2 dis). 2:.33. 2:40. 2:.36i;. T. J. Mi(ld;igh, York Pa., Oct! 5, 1883. ,$400. Bessie M. TTdisX 2:49'(, 2:4fiM. . John Nesbitt (.1. J. Bradley iuid Lrxikout). b g(3:25'4). Wm. Borst. Boston. Miiss.. Oct. 10, 1867. $150. De- tective 2. L:idy Walton. Mystic M;iid. l?en Butler 1, Ladv IHorence f2 dr). 2:35',. 2:.^5, 2:37'i,2:40. Oet. 14. 1867. $200 Ben Butler 1. Mvstic Maid. Ladv Bartlett (1 dis). 2:3!>'i. 2:m/,. 2:45. 2:41. T. B. Hainiltmi. Provid.'Hce. R. L. Oct. 23. 1867. $.500. Y'oung Jackson 1. 2. 2:38, 2::«. 2:.33, 2:.3.5V4, 2:.38. Johnny, ch g (3 :40). .Joseph lladley, Point Breeze Park. Phila., Oct. 18, 1863, $100. Lady Tompkins (1 dts), 6:30. Two nillci. CHESTEKS Ct)iMlM>ETE TROTllNd AND PACING RECORD. . 36E Johnny, (3 :54). H. Muiison, Minneapolis, Minn., June 2, 186G, $100. Roan Pat, Dan, 3:00, 2:,>1, 3:01. Johnny, gr g (3 -.45). Jas. Alexander, Columbus, O., Aug. 18, imi), $200. Frank. Daisy. 2:45, 2:4t>, 2:49. Johnny, brg (3:5314). Frank Ardrav, Altoona, Pa., Oct. 6, 1870, $300. Western Bov 1, Roan Mack 2, Watclimau, Coldwater Billy (i dis), 2:49. 2:47^^, 2:0214, 2:54?4:, 2:.5.\ Johnny, blk s (3:55). J. McAmbly, Oswego, N. Y., Sept. 14, 1871, $50. Lucy, Gen. Sheridan 2, 3, (5 dis), 3:10i2, 2:56'2, 3:0234, 2:55, — . Johnny, ell g (3:43), bvAndv. Johnson. D. Lanning, Auburn, N. Y., Aug. 29, 1873, $200. Brown Colt, Tom Wonder Jr., Lady Lowry (2 dis). 2:47,'2:43'2, 2:43. Johnny (Corinth Boy), br g (3 :35), by Young .Morrill. C. A. Sweetzer, Springfield, Mass., Oct. 4, 1873, $ . Calamity, Honest Tommy, 2 :52',4. 2 :52i/4, 2 :51i... Palmer, Mass, Sept. 2, 1874, $175. Capt. Hill 1, 3. Cleora Belle 5, 2:50';. 2:40, 2:51, 2:48, •■!:00, 2:51|2. Springtield, Mass., May 13, 1875, $150. Thorndyke, Dividend. Tenett, Sam Richards, Robin Adair (2 dis), 2:40,2:401^, 2:42. Raymond & Whitford, Creat Falls, N. H., June 10, 1875, $300. Daylight l (0), Alice (1 0), Flora, Bessie Shaw. Lady Sherburn, 2 :44, 2 :444, 2 :44i^, 2 :4554- ~ W. H. Raymond, Manchester, N. H., Sept 8, 1875, .?300. Col. Dean (3 0), Doctor, Lady Sherburn, Rose B., Goodnaiiglit, 2:39'i, 2:.S9'2. 2:3914. 2:3914. E. (i. Stratton, Oet. 5, 1875, $300. Eva, Lady Sherburn, Kitty, 2:38, 2:39, 2:40. Beacon Park, Boston, Oct. 26 and 27. 187.5, $100. Thorndyke 3, Lady Sheridan, Jerry (4 dr), 2:45, 2:4414, 2:14,2:43. B. I. Fiskc, May 3, 1876. $100. Lady Daggett I, Etfle, 2:40!/2, 2:39, 2:38i4, 2:38i^. Aug. 1, 1876, $300. Modoc Chief (2 dis), 2:45, 2::37. South Framiiigham, Mass., Sept. 20, 1876, $200. Goldftnder 5, 6, Carrie B. 1, 2, Thomas S., Lady Williams, Kitty (I dis), 2:41, 2:42. 2:41, 2:41',, 2:42'-, 2:40, 2:40',. C. A. Sweetser, Holyoke, Mass.. May 23, 1878, Siol). Neva3, Maggie, King George, 2::!9. 2:42, 2:38'/2, 2:39. Julv 2, 1878, $100. Mack 1, Neva 2 (.5 dr), 2:45, 2:39, 2:38, 2:40. 2:42. A. A. Whitney, Greenfield, .Mass., Julv 4, 1879, $150. Carrie 5, Bush 2, Mack 1 (6 dr), Captain West, Em- peror (5 (In, 2::i8'.i, 2:43^i, 2:,38, 2:.39i4, 2:.3's, 2-42. C. A. Sweetser, Springfield. Mass., July 4, 1^81,.$ . Little Marv. Pet 1 (I'dr ), 2:37, 2::39, 2:37'/2 2:37. Montpelier, Vt., Sept. 16. 1881, $300. Mark liny, Calvin Edson, Vision (2dr), 5:20, 5:20. Two miles. Holyoke, Mass., Sept. 28. 1881. $100. Wetherbee 1, 4, Dick Dample 5, Prince 3, 2:49'4, 2 :41i^, 2:40(4, 2:45, 2:41, 2:40, 2:39. Springfield, Mass., July 4, 1883, $100. Propeller, Emerald, Kate Harris, 2:36?4, 2:361,1. Johnny, br g (3:58). Mr. Sutor, LaCrosse, Wis., Oct. 22, 1874, $25. Billy 2, Belle of Lacrosse, Dan, Best time 2:58. Johnny, blk g (3:45). J. Bryant, Waterford, N. Y., Nov. 5, 1875, $100. Black Prince 3, Ada I)., Joe, 2 :58i/2, 2*.5.'5Vi 2 '59 "^4 2*59M. — Jlilv 3', 1876, .$100.' Modoc, Abe D., Lucy (1 dis\ 2:46, 2:4.5, 2:51. Johnny, b s (3:41). J. Carr, Ontario, Can., '.Tune 27, 1878, $100. Drennon 1, 4 (3 0), Denver l>an, Blue (1 dis), GvpsyMaid(ldis), 2:41,2:42, 2:41, 2:44, 2:43, 2:4494- , , Johnny, whg (3:38). C. W. Ryan, Uhrichsville, O., June 5, 1879, $200. Fancy R., Doctor Cash, Davy C, Lady Warren, Duck, , 2:38, 2 :.38. Johnny, b g (3 :30i4), l)y Auctioneer .Johnny. W. Bourke, Petaluma, Cal., Sept. 7, I880. .$250. .Mann 1, 2, Johnny Blue 3 (6 dis), 2:.52, 2:44i4, 2:46, 2:45, 2:47, 2:47. Aug. 31, 1882, .$500. Rowdy Boy 3. 6. Frank Moscow, Vanderlynn 1, 2 (5dis), 2:31}.^, 2:32i2, 2:.31i4, 2:30J4. 2:34, 2:35 "2, 2:35. W. P, Fine, Santa Rosa, Cal., Aug. 23, 1883, $300. Buck Foster 3, 5, Sid Sperry 4, Fanny Wilson, Nancy, 2:49, 2:46!4, 2:,50, 2:45. 2:47, 2:50!/2. — Aug. 30, 1883, .$200. Buck Foster 2, 3, Fanny Wilson, pacer, Pilot. 2:49, 2:46i,, 2:50, 2:47, 2:.51. ^ Petaluma, Cal.. Aug. 31 and Sept. 1, 1883, $300. Buck Foster 2, 3. Fanny Wilson pacer, 1, Sid Sperry, 2:47.2:45,2:481.1,2:43,2:43,2:41'^. ,, ^ , ^ , Johnny Allen, (3:45). H. Snyder, Little Falls, N. Y., Sept. 21, 1865, $60. Belle of Fraukford, 2:47, 2:55, 2:45. „ „ _. Johnny B., rn s (3:38), by Wood's Hambletonian, dam bv Green Mountain Morgan. S. Bunnell, Tioga, Pa., Sei)t. 12, 1876, $150. Steuben Chief l, Flying Cloud, Charles D. Fenton, Jenny, Charley K., 3:0214,3:01, 3:00, 3:00. Sept. 13, 1876, $100. Flying Cloud, Lambert Knox. No time. Stallions. Sept, 15, 1876, .$100. Flying Cloud 2, Cliarley K., Charles D. Fenton. No time. -. S. Clark, Meadviile, I'a., May 24. 1877, .$350. Lucv Hill, Doc. Henry, (ireeley, 2:51, 2:5li4. 2:52M. May 25, 1877, .$:350. Teaser 2! Stranger 1, Black Hawk. Billy E. (2 dis). Hotwater (2 dis). No time. Parlver(Mtv, P;i., .Tune 21, 1877, $.300. Lady Mack 1, 2, Billy Seward, Gray Eagle, 2:38. 2:39, 2:38,2:38 2:38. St. Petersl)urg, Pa., June 28, 1877, .$300. Fauiiv Alford, Adonis, 1 (2 dis), 2:38, 2:40, 2:53, 2:46. O. Whipple, llrailford. Pa., Sept. 16 and 17, 1879, .$400. W. O. No time. A. W. Smith, ( iiba, N. Y., Sept. 26, 1879, .$35. Young Columbus, 2:47, 2:42'4, 2:47. Stallions. Johnny B., gr g 1 3 :4(>' , ). A. Howar, Artist (1 dis), Nelly Smith (1 dis), 2:48, 2"4l 242 ^Worcester, Mass., July 3, 1874, $.300. Jenny, Sandv, Red Cloud, Black Dan. Lancewood, 2:42, 2:46'/i, 2 '4314 '■ July 4, 1874, $300. Seamstress, Lady Hale, African, Lady Stoneboat (2 dis), 2:40Ji, 2:4154, 2:40^. 366 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TliOTTINO ANIJ PACING RECORD. F. Downing, Keeiie, N. II., Oct. ir>. 1874. .S.-iOO. Lanplon. Nod, Shiimi.ate Com. Bainbridge, Pilot, Kitty, Barney Crossinan, lloiu-st Sam (3 tlis). l':4j. .i:MP^. 2:4(1'.;. Bethel, Vt., Oct. Jl, 1874, S550. Laiigilou 2, a, (leiieral 5, Schoolmaster 4. Dagger, Neliv Quickstep. Ned, Honesty 1, IS dis), .Shelburii Maid, (ien. Sherman (4 dr;, 2:40V4, 2:3812, 2:40;f4, 2:41'4, 2:-Wk, 2A2M, 2:41J4, .lohiiiiy <;or3. 2:.')3, 2:,'>0'o. 2:50. Five-year-olds. Will. Lewis, Attleboro, Mass,, Oct. 2. is7i). .S2(H). Lacliine Bov 1, Nelly Burke, Primella, John Howard, 1 HuillliUT Girl, 2:4.".' o, 2:40, 2:38, 2:41. Johnny Knox, s. \,i :5'it). by Gen. Ivno.\. G. W. Waldroii, Goldendale, W. T., Sept. 27, 1882, $ . Dick Morgan tl dis;, 2:,")9. Stallions. Johnny JLemonpeel, ch g (2:49). \Vm. Bridges, Centreville, L. L, July 12. 1S50. .?4no. Doughnuts, 5:47U, 5;.')3}^. Two miles. J. Somerindyke, .liilv 18, 1850 $400. Doughnuts, 2:49, 2:50. Johnny Li>,'htloot, gr g (2 :46;. \Vm. Scowtou, Monroeville, 0., Sept. 5, 1867, $40. Blackbird i, Blackhawk, 2:.52. 2:4(i, 2:4<;'2. Jolinny McGraw, b g (2 :35). C. F. Potter, Dundee, N. ¥., July 12, 18t.6, $200. Ladv Pumiikiiis (w) 2, Black Diamond, (iypsy Queen. 2:44, 2:44i>4, 2:5G;i, 2:,Wo, 2:,54. Johnny Moore, b g (2 :32i.i). P. T. Sheldon, Providence, R. I , Aug. 16, 1868, $750. Prince Albert 1, Belle Morrill 3. (4 0), Fanny Bayard. Gloster. Belle, Dutch Boy (1 dis), 2:32i2. 2:32'4. 2:35,2:34^4, 2:35>i,2:38, s. A. Moore. London, C. W., June 9, 1809. $150, Lady Russell, Capt. Tom, Lady Compo, Spring, Lady (Jray, 2:4!», 2:4(!. Hamilton, C . W., July 2. 1869, $300. Stavner Bov 2. 3, Lady Compo. Maitland. No time. J. W. Jacobs, Whitby. C. W., May 20, 1870. $200. Dutchman 3, 2:50'.^. 2:40i^4, 2:42. 2:4.".. C 2. Ray, London, C. W.. .lune 9, 1870, $175. Silvertail, Brown Bill, Lady Fillmore. Lady Grant (2 dls\ Little Angus (1 dis), 2:431^, 2:4(;' », 2 :45. Johnny Pell, ch g (2 :33?I). Ed Ellis. Fultonville, N. Y., Sept. 26, 1874, . SI 00, Ben, Tom Gay nor (2 dis), (iypsy :\Iaid (Jdisi, One Eye Dan (1 dis), (ien. Grant (l dis). 2:40i4, 2:4I'/2, 2:41?.,. C. Champlaiu, Troy, N. Y., Nov. 5, 1874, $300. Farmer Bain, Lida Picton, Berkshire Boy, 2:333ii, 2:34, 2:37. Johnny Keb, brg (2 :33'4). Wm. B. Smith, Norwalk, Conn., Nov. 10, 18C8, $600. Brooklyn Boy 3, Eastern Queen 2, John Heenan. Louisa (1 dis), 2:40?4. 2:41'2, 2:42K'. 2:38V.i, Thos. S. Cariicnter. Hartford, Conn., Sept. 21, 1870, $600. Belle of Toronto 3, (2 0), Josephine 4, Bay Beauty (5 dis), 2:37. 2:;!!t, 2:.'i7'.;, 2:!0, 2:42, 2:33;-. Will. B. Sinitli, New Haveii^ Conn., Nov. 10, is70. $ . Emperor, 9.:o9\i, 2:40'-, 2:41'4. Johnny Heed, (3:.52)^). E. R. Wheeler, Boston, Mass., July 15, 1870, $100. Maverick Boy 3, Rockland (3 dis), 2:'a;, 2:,57 •.,'. 2:,50i.i, 2:53i.i. Sept. 12, 1870, $200. Bob Rilev, 2:525^, 2:,52'», 2:,53. Johnny .Schnioker. ch s (2:4«). S. M. Foote, Rochester, N. Y., June 21, 1864, $100. Nellv Thurston, Lady Wright, Andy Johnson. 2:40, 2:44, 2:431... H, t'happell, Pontiac Mich., Juno 277 1860, $2.'->0. Billy Bowlegs, Dallas, 2:46. 2:47?4, 2:47!i. Detroit, Mich., July r,. IKCO, .^100. Dallas 2. 2:.52!i. 2:.52;», 2:47, 2:53J4. Dubunue, la., Sept. 8, ISco. .S . Young Iron Duke, 3:05, 2:57. Dclroit, Mich., Sept. G, iseo. .5200. May Queen 1,4(30), Dallas (5 dis), 2:48, 2:47V4, 2:51, 2:48^. 2 :50^, 2:49. .nine 11, 1867, $100. Dallas, Diamond, Lady West, 2:46i^, 2:45^4, 2:47, H. Knickerbocker, Flint, Mich., Oct. 14,1871, .$60. Little Mack, Blackingston's blkm,3:02?4. 2:59'/«,3:13. Johnny .Schmoker, l)r g (2:53i4). F. Wilson, Lincoln, Neb., Sept. 19, 1881, s^loo. Slocuiii, Jane Rice, Brown I'rinco. 3:03. 2:.">3i.i. Johnny Trouble, br g (2 :46»/>). F. W. Herr, Harrisburgh, Pa., Nov. 16, 1867, .$M0. Scroggins 1, 2, 3:01, 3:00, 2:.'V4, 2:.';s, 2:.'')9. Aug. 26. 1808, .$500. Kevstone 2, 3, Scroggins, 2:.50, 2:46, 2:.50, 2:46V.;, 2:.'-.0. Johnny Trouble, blk g (3 :33i4), by Marshall Chief. J. A. McCaull, Holston, Va., Oct. 1. 1874, $ . Dexter. 2:.")3. 2:.'i0. J. Van Dusen, Grand Havon, Mich., June 1,187.5, .$600, Minnie Maxfleld, Billy Cushing, Lady Kellogg, Gray Nelly (3dr), 2:44, 2:40, 2.46^4. B. C. Holly. Leadville. Col.,.Iulv 20, 1881, $300. Big Iko 2, Guide, 2:44Vo, 2:.S9'i, 2:3314, 2:41»4. Tulv 2,3, 1881, .$600. Elcho 2, Clifton B., Little Gypsv, 2:.{7',. 2:40i.i, 2:4.^'.,, 2:41. — - Holona. Mont.. Oct. .3. 1881, .$,500. Billy Grant. Maid of ("liicago i2(lis). 2:40'4, 2:.37'c. Johnny Van Marter, bg(3:15), bv Van Martor's Mohawk, dam liy I'Juo Bull. Dr. Brayton, Upper San- dusky, ()., Oct. 12, 1883, .ipso. Marlon. Tojisy T., Little Nollv. 3:18, 3:15. Throe-voar-olds. Johnny AValker, ch s (3 :46?i). C. M. Chase, San Francisco, C:il., Doc. 21. 1874, $200. Frank Brooks 3 (1 0) 2:.">0'2, 2:46?^, 2:.')0>i, 2:48V,, 2:,').5?^. Johnny Won.ler. blk g (2 :39^,). .Tohn May, Boston, Mass., May 24, 1872, $400. Boss Tweed, Palace King, Brown Nathan (1 dis). 2:41'i;. 2:,39-',', 2:42V4. .rime 1. 1872, .S.TOO. Alice Fern 1, 2 (5 0), 2:4.5''!;, 2:42'4, 2:42'/-, 2:42-:'.(, 2:40, 2:42. John O'ltrien, gr g (2 :60). Wm. Stuart, Watertown, N. Y., Sept. 1, 1866, $ . Canton Maid, 3:07, 3:00, 2 :.58. JohnP., chg (2:41). S.Burns. Fleetwood Park, N. Y., Nov. 7, 187,3, $150. Ledger Girl, Nuna, Highland (iirl, Jamos, (Jrav Kitty. Dan (1 dis), 2:44''.,. 2:42\, 2:42'.,. S. Parks, Scranton. t'a., So))!. 2.3, 1874, $.500. Sol, Empire, Silk Stocking. 2;43Vi, 2:42V<{, 2:44. John P., b g. J.W.Norman, Montgomery City, Mo., Sept. 30, 1882, $55 Cunninghanrs blk g. No time. Throo-vear-olds. John Paiil, ch g (2:31»4). A. G. Gilbert, Cincinnati, O., Aug. 22, 1863, $100. LittleMary. Brown Dick,2:40>4f 2:3.5?4.2:40. Warren Peabody, May 27, 1864, $100. Dayton Belle (s), Idaho (s) (2 dis), 2:4.5, 2:36i4. 2:395^. June 2, 1864, S106. Carrie 1,4, LibDimmicka, 2:293li,2:3m,2:33J4, 2:31, 2:363li, 2:38. \ CHESTER-S COJIPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 367 John P. Jenkins {vi), ch g (3 :35). W. Oakley, Fashion Course, L. I., Sept. 22, 1865, $200. Jim Hule (w) (1 0), 2:49, 2:51, 2:53, 2:55)^i. J. K. Leuvitt, Pliiladelpliia, Pa., Oct. 14, 1870, $500. Register, Honest Billy, Trafalgar, Lincoln (1 dis), 2:35&. 2:35, 2:37 !4. John Porter, br g (2 :43). Kittaning. Pa., Sept 14, 1881, $150. Verge 1, Lady Lear. Billy N., Bay George (1 dis). 2:46, 2:45, 2:45, 2:45'i. John K.. b g(3 :50). Jolui D. Bullocii, Woonsocket. R. I.. July 21, 1876, $ . Black Jack 2, Belle 3, Chelsea Boy (1 dis), Billy d dis) 3:05,2:.^)7, 3:01. 2:.58?i, 2:57'/2. Aug. 1. 1876. .$50. Lulu B. 2. 2:57' j. 2:53. 2:50, 2:57. John K., b g C-J :53'. J. Reliill, Somerville, N. J., Oct. :i, 1877, $ . Gray Pilot, 2:54, 2:54"2, 2:53. John K., brg (3:23), by Idol, dam Ladv lv;ite, bv Si)auiaiug"s Abdullah. A. J. McKinimia, Minneapolis, x\linn.,Sept. 2, 1879, §1,000. Frank Fisk, Cricket 1,2(5 dis), 2:44J£, 2:4194, 2 :30Ji, 2:31,2:32. Sept. .5, 1879, .Sl,000. Frank Fisk. Prioress. George B. Alley, 2:41i2,2:33''i, 2:364. Quincv. 111., Sept. 9, 1S79, $1,000. Don Quixote. Drift. Carrie Cozzeus (1 dis), 2:35, 2:38, 2:40. Sei3t. 11, 1879, .51,000. Drift, Carrie Cozzens (2 dis). 2:49- ;. 2 :43. 2:39. Chicago 111.. Sept. 18, 1879. .S1,000. Business 3, Abdallah Boy, Lady M., Surprise, Billy Boy (3 dr). Green Charley (3 dr), 2:2SU,2:28, 2:29'-, 2:31. Pittsburgh, Pa.. June 9, 1880, $150. Lyman, Hannah D., 2 :35, 2 :32. 2 :.38! 4. Bradford, Pa., June 16, 1880, $600. Nelly Irwin 1, 2, May 3, Lew Scott, Tom Keeler (5 dr), 2:30, 2:29,2:30, 2:28'i.,2:30. 2:30',,. June 17. 18S0, .§600. Clara J. 4, Fitzgerald 2, John McDougall, Sally Blunt, Honest Fred, 2 :32, 2 :32, 2:33>4 2:28='i,2:31V.,. Olean. N. v., June 2.5, 1880, $500. John McDougall, Nelly Irwin, Tom Keeler. Sallie Scott, 2:28, 2 :32?£, 2:30-1. Bradford, Pa., July 7, 1880, 400. John Hall 1, 2, Tom Keeler 4, Nelly Irwin, Clara J. (4 dr), 2:30, 2:29, 2:28, 2:28, 2:28, 2:30. Cliilicothe, O., Aug. 13, 1880. .$2.50. Fashion 1, Bay Dick 2, Charley T., Tom Brown, Black Frank, Robert Brown. 2:34'2, 2:34i.i, 2:36, 2:35, 2:34. Sabina, O., Aug.. 27. 1880, .$300. Lady Sampson 2, Tom Brown, Black Frank, 2:40, 2:43, 2:45, 2:,39. H. Simons, .Mt. Sterling, Ky., July 31, 1883, $500. France's Alexander, Judge Hawes. Post Boy 1 (4 dr), 2:31,2:33, 2::i4, 2;.3.5. JohnK.,grg(3:04'2). D. R. Speck, Lebanon, Pa.. Oct. 12, 1883, $300. Ben, Blue Bell, Harry, 3:"4'/2, 3:08, 3:10. John Ring, b g (3 :4:0]4). L. E. Wicker, Glen Falls, K. Y., July 28, 1881, .$1.50. Judge Davis, Fred Macy, Nel- ly, Cora Bell (2 dr), 2:40'2, 2:40^. 2:40'2. .lohn Robinson, b s (2 :56). J. M. Tierman, Woodstock, Vt., Sept. 27, 1877, $75. Sir Henry Buckskin. TuUa- ho Prince, 2:59, 2:.56, 3:00. John Rock, b g (3:49), by Whitman Horse. R. S. Johnson, San Joaquin, Cal., April 14, 1870, .$200. Solid Silver 1, 2, 2:50. 2:52, 2:541^, 2:573i, 3:0114. JohnS.,chg(3:.55). J. W. Swanboro. Waukegan. 111., Oct. 12. 1872, $100. Thunderbolt, Ike Cook (2 dis). 3:01'/2. 3:00, 2:55. John S., b s (3 :43). John S. Morgan, Westerly R. I., Oct. 24, 1876. $75. Little Annie. Andrew Allen, Jose- phine (1 dis). Dolly (l dis) 2:0214, 2 :.52i.i, 2:51. H. S. Porter, Bridgewater, Mass., Sept. 19, 1879. $ . Star of the East, Prunella, Jacob, Drummer Girl, 2:43. 2:4414, 2:43. John S. blk g (3 :38). S. R. Clark. Philadelphia, Pa.. Aug. 24, 1878, .$50. Lon B. 2, .3, Josie. Arlington (4 dis), Maggie W. (1 dis), Billy (l dis), 2:38, 2:42, 2:40. 2:40, 2:45. Jolin ,s., gr g (2 :3l). J. S. Foster, Hudson, Mich., Sept. 6, 1878. $150. Bella. Sam Patch, Volunteer, Black Kate, Balm of Oilead (2 dis), 2:40, 2:40, 2:10. John S., b g (2:41). P. Weber, Jersey City, N. J., July 20, 1882, $100. Doctor 1. 3:10i4, 3:05^,3:0314, 3:04. John.s. hg (w)(3:50'.; w). T. Shield, Point Breeze Park, Phila., Oct. 10, 1882,$ . Indian Chief (w) 2, Rambler (w). 2:51^4. 2:.->l. 2:.50i4. John S., b g (3:37?4), by Fisk's Mambrino Chief. C. Hanlon, Austin, Tex., Oct. 27, 1882, .$125. Galveston. Best time, 2:37?4. John .S., b g (3 :24), by Iowa Duroc. T. F. Gilliland, Knoxville, la., Aug. 22, 1883. $80. Capt. W., 3:28, 3:24. Three-year-olds. John S. (.3 :03). Peru, Ind., Sept. 13, 1883, $50. Lady Knox, Match'em. Othello. Equator, 3:12, 3:11. 3:10. Four- year-olds. Peru, Ind.. Sept. 15, 1883, .$50. Crusade, Plough Girl, Denver Girl. 3:12. 3:06. 3:0,5. John.S. Clark, chg (2:19^4), by Thomas Jefferson, dam Lady Moore, by Scotfs Hiatoga. D. S. Qumton, Point Breeze Park, Phila., Nov. 7 and 8, 1877. $200. John H. S. 1. 2, Gray Billy ^5 dis). Gen. Jackson (3 dr), 2:45'2, 2:41, 2:41, 2:45, 2:36. Suffolk Park. Phila., June6. 1879. .$300. Jessie Maud 1. Jenny L.. Sans Souci, 2:29. 2:,30. 2:32?4, 2:35. Wiishinirton, D. C. May 4, I88I. ,*800. Rosewood. J. W. Thonias. Orange Girl. Una. 2:31?i. 2:.30. 2:26. Suffolk i'ark. Phila., May 11, 1881,. $500. Clara J., Annie Page, Ellwood .Mediimi. Rosewood, Nigger Baby, Ladv Hlfssington, J. W. Thomas. 2:26-4, -':27i4, 2:28. Point Breeze Park, Phila., May 21, 1881, .15500. Clara J.. Ellwood, Medium. Lady Crossin, Lady Blessing- ton, Nigger Baby, Rosewood. Josephine S., Annie Page, 2:.30,2:27i4, 2:2894- , ., . M. (ioodin, Belmont Park, Pliila., May 25. 1881. $.500. Troubadour, Ellwood Medium, Clara J., Lady Crossin, Rosewood, Annie Page, Nigger Baby, Fitzgerald, 2 :26'4, 2:2714, 2:2814. Pittsburgh, Pa., .July 16, 1881, $1.. 500. Abdallah Boy 2, Sue Grundy 3, Belle Oakley, Almont Jr., Alta, Early Rose. Helene, 2:25'i, 2:2414. 2:25?4, 2:24'4, 2:27. Rochester, N. Y., Aug. 12, 1881, $1,500. Josephus, Abdallah Boy, Unolala, Florence, Fanny Witherspoon, 2'19^4. 2-22' », 2:22^4. John S. Heaid',' br g (2 :27i4), bv Wh.alebone Knox, dam bv Witherell Messenger. Lon Morris, Beacon Park, Boston, May 20. 187.5, .$200. Bianclie, Follv, Doctor (1 dis), 2:42'2, 2:39i4. 2;44'i. Lawrence. Mass., June 2, 187.5, .$200." Rosedale, Belle Jackson, Col. Dean, Rumford Maid, 2:44, 2:44 2:14. '- L'owell. Mass., June 16, 1875. .$200. Eva, Rosedale, Butcher Boy, 2:41. 2:42, 2:4212. Lynn. M;iss., July 14. 1875, .$500. Ned, Ladv Daggett. Lady Nell (1 dis),2t.37?4. 2:,38%£, 2:39. ■ M'yst ie Park, Boston, July 21 , 1875, .$.300. Tbpeka Belle. Ned, Lady Nell, 2 :.35, 2 :35. 2 -.S.'i'i. Beacon Park. Boston. Jiily 28, 1875, $300. Topeka Belle. Amelia D.. Lady Daggett. 2:41. 2:35J4, 2:33i/2. Norristown, Pa.. May 20. is76, .$.500. Modoc. Mattie Lyle. Lady Patterson, 2:.35, 2 35, 2:31W. Suffolk Park, Phil., June 30, 1876, .$800. Banquo 3, Dora, Lady Kildeer, Scotland, Bay Jack, 2:28'/,, 2:30, 2:.30, 2:.32'4. Absecom, N. J., July 20, 1876, $400. Mattie Lyle, Billy Barefoot, Sam French, Billy Watson, 2:3534, 2'36it 2'35^ii John .Shermkn, b g (2 :38i4). G. S. Perrin, Brunswick, Me., Oct. 11 and 15, 1877, $ . Hopeful 2, 3, Forest Girl. Morrill Boy, 2:.38'i. 2:50. 2:50, 2:401/-, 2:.39i^. John Sill, b g (2 :34). Henry Miller, Bethel, Vt., Aug. 25, 1875, $300. Laura Williams, St. Lawrence Boy, Rosa B., Jessie Templetori, 2:37}^, 2:38;4, 2:39. 368 CHESTEKS COMl'LETE TKOTIING AND I'ACINti RECORD. St. Albans, Vt., Sept. 3, 1875, »300. Col. Davies, John Ponieroy, Rosa B., 2:45, 2:48?i, 2:47. John .SiiupHuu (3:00). J. D. Hcrriman, Favutteville, N. C, Nov. 14, 1878, Sioo. Lizzie, Maggie B.. 3:00, 3:02. Joliiison'H Itlack Stallion (3 :44Vi^. Mr. .lohnsoii. Hartford, Conn., Aug. 15, 18ti3, .'?75. Jack Lewis (s) (1 0), Jolin Brown a. 2:l4i-o, 2:44'2,2:4y. 2:50l2, 2:50'2. JolinMun'8 Colt, li g ('i -.■Hi'^). F. Johnson, Union Course, L. L, May 13, 1850, §250. Arabv 1, 2:4!». 2:4GJ^, 2:60, 2:48. John .Spots. Mk g (3 :49). G. White. Lamb Tavern, Pa., June 29, 1874, S300. Gyp (3 cln. 3:15. 3:0U2. 4:01. \V. Ofid. II. I'hiladelphia, I'a., June 19, ISTti, s;200. Harry paeer. 2:51>/2, 2:49, 2:55. John Steiner,bg (3:41';i by Blaneo. J. W. Browning, Indianapolis, Ind., Jvdy 27, 1879. S . Victor, Gladys, VV. B., George B. No lime. July 29, 1^79, $mt. Victor, \V. B.. Gladys George B., 2:41U, 2:43. 2:43?^. Maltoozi, 111., Oct. 3, KHSO, SltiS. Comet Jr., Aurora iMaud, Bay Harry. Allie F.. 2:47}4. 2:46. John Stewart, b g (3 ::{(>i by Tom Wonder, dam bv Harris' Hamblelonian. John .Murphy, Boston, Mass., Od. 31, 18G7. .S2,0(Ki. C apt. MeGowaii, 2y:2!»',.. ten miles. Nov.s. i,si>7, S2,(), \m'. SIOO. .lessie Wales (wt. 11:37. Four miles. .loiiii Stewart, .luiie .'JO. 18()8, S!5,00(). 28:02'.i. To beat 28:08}^. Ten miles. (W) Hiram WoodrulT. I'"asliioii Course, L. 1., Seiit. 22. 18GH, $3,000. .59:23. To trot 20 miles in one hour. .loliii Stewart, Riverside I'ai-U, Boston. Oct. ;iO, isds. $2(K). ,59:23. To trot 2(i miles in oik liour. I'ortland, .Me., .May 2ii. lst)9. .si,(i(H). To trot 2(i miles in one hour. Lost. Time for 19': miles 1 h 1 ra 6^4 see. Boston, Mass.. Sept. 2G, 1870. 5:500. Abdallah Chief, 13:54' 2- Five miles. Oct. 17 and l^. 1871, .$500. (iyiisy 1, 2, Joe Brown, Fanny, Jack Foor (5 dr). Col. Mavnard (5 dn, 2:31 %,, 2:3;5. 2:33'o,i.':33i.i, 2:;«). — J. Cudnev, April 25, 1872, $ . Fanny, 2:43!/2, 2:40;4, 2:46'/2. — O. A. Hiekok. Oakland. Cal.. April 4, 1874. $3,000. Mattie Howard, 58:59 Tw enty miles. M. Canavan. Carson. Nev., Oct. 5. 1878, $iiO(). Governor Stanford, Dirigo. 14:00. l-ive miles. Johnst^>n lioy. ch g (3:40). by Alcalde. Barney Crossin, Washington, 1). C., Mav 1. 1><79, §200. Honest Moscow 1, 2, Molly K., Eola (1 dis), 2:50?4, 2:46.2:50, 2:44, 2:45. Mr. A/j, 2:29i^j, 2:38. John T., blk g (3: 36'/i). J. H. Bigelow, Danbury, Conn., Oct. 5, 1882, $200. Tom L., Osie (1 dis), 2:3614, 2:38, 2:40. John Taylor, b g (3:3.5). by .Shaw's St. Lawrence. J. Fountain, Elmira, N. Y., Sept. 22. 1876. §i500. Tom, Annie Page. Torrent, Tom Mallov, Barkis, 2:.37, 2:.35K', 2:38'i. Cuba, N. Y., Sept. 28, 1876. $350. Barkis, Belle of Flatbush, John McDougall, Lady Blossom 12 disi. 2:47, 2:38,2:40. Sept. 30, 1876, $400. Nancv Hackett. Colonel. Belle of Flatbush, 2:43, 2:41, 2:40i^. Brooklyn. N. Y., Oct. 20, 1876, $2.50. Chauncev M. Bedle 2, Tom Ryan (4 dis). Lady Howe. Fred Tyler (1 disi, 2::t5. 2:37.2:37!4, 2:.37. John T. Hofl^nan (w), blk g (3 :36i^ w). A. Patterson, Union Course. L. I., Oct. 22, 1866, $2,000. Kate O'Brien, 2:44Ki. 2:39.2:36'". John Thomas, b s (3:46). D. Cockey, Baltimore, Md., Oct. 10, 1872, $300. Joseph H. McGee, Harry Clay, Mary Washington, 2:5014, 2:49, 2:49. John "Tonlev, ch g (3 :37). Jas. Hanimill, Philadeliihia, Pa., July 20, 1852, $125. Baby Jumper 1, Mendham Maid (2 (lis), 2:42, 2:38, 2:39, 2:41. Henrv Graves, Chicago, HI.. Oct. 20. 1856. $150. Ladv Oliver, Selim. 2:37, 2:37. 2:46. John T. Russell, b s (3:30i»), by George M. Patchen. dam by Ole Bull. W..J. Pavne. Beacon Park, Boston, Sept. 5. 1x73. $2.50. Brom Keciiy. Brown Frank. Audv Johnson, Blue Bonnet (3 dr), 2:35, 2:36, 2:36. Haverhill. Mass., .Sept. 8. 1873. $200. American, Ginger. Tom Patchen, Col. Dean, 2:43, 2:43, 2:4.51^. ,vv). Beacon Park. Bo.ston, Oct. 12, 1875, $150. Maggie S. (W). 2, Blanche (W), 2:37i2, 2:40. 2::i8>-.i, 2:38. John Virgin (W), ch g (3 :3{)), by Dirigo. John FarrcU. Lcwiston, Me., Aug. 18, 1874, $2.50. Butcher Boy (w), 1, Androscoggin Bov (w), Cotton Tail (w). Life Invigorator (w), Mosely (w), Henry M. (w)(4 dr). Ranger (1 dis),2:43=!ii, 2:41, 2:42.2:42. Aug. 20, 1874, .$2.50. Androscoggin Boy, Cotton Tail, Stonewall Johnson, Life Invigorator, Bucktield Bov, Ruthven, 2:4.5. 2:46>/,. 2:4.5. Manchester. N. II., Aug. 26. 1874, .$.300. Ned 1, Hiram. Harry B. (I dis). 2:44. 2:40, 2:44. 2:42. Lowell. .Mass.. .lune 16. 1875. $ltX). Honest Tom, Lawrence Boy (1 dis), 2:;;(;. 2:37^, 2:37. Farrell& Fleming, Beacon Park, Boston, .lune 24, 1875, $1,000. J. (i. Blaine, Whirlwind, Carrollton, Francis (3 dr). Ladv Blanche (1 dis), Nelly (1 dis). 2:29.2:.30»4', 2:34. lohn Farrell, Lawrence. Mass., Oct. 26, 1876, $200. Lady Daggett 5, Joe S. l. Francis, Favorite 2 (3 dis>, Het (3 dr), 2:.T)'.,. 2:;i5,2:,'i6, 2:.37, , . John W.. i>r g (3 :3«). F. A. Mason. Newark. ()., Oct. 2, 1872, $ . Rocket Jr., Charley, 2 :.57, 2:49. 2:50. F. L. Grove, I'eoria, III., Sept. 16, 1873, $:J00. Magnolia, Molly, Iowa Girl <2 dis). Col. Ivnox (1 dis). Lou (1 disi. 2:4(1, 2:41,2:40. Newark, ().. Oct. 1. 1874. $ . Doctor Rush, Bay Bob, 2:38, 2:41. Columbus, ().. Oct. 7. 1S74, $150. Lady Crowder 4. Lady Barnes 1, Doctor Rush, 2:38, 2:38, 2 -42;;.., 2:42. 2:45. John \V..bg (3:44'.;), Kd Shepherd, Closter, N. J., Sept. .30, 1875, $100. Polly N., Fanny W., Idlewild (3 dr), 2 :44' -, 2 :45"2, 2:48. John Wade, b g(3 -.rtiU)- J- S. Wade, Franklin, Iiul., Aug, 6, 1870, $17.5. Moxley, Buck. Luna c; dn, 3:05'i, 3:00, 2:.5I',,. „,,,,.,. John Wallace, bg (3 :37ix;). John AVoods. P.arker City, Pa.. June 11. 1874, $200. Blanche. Maud (3 dr\ John ^\■anll"s, br g (3 :34). AVm. V/helan. Uiuon Course. I-. I., Oct. 20. 1863, $500. Black Jack. 5:27. 5:30. Two miles. (W), Nov. 10, 18.5.3, .$.500. Snowdrop (w) 2. 2:45, 2:49'4. 2:50, 2:47. (w), Sim Hoagland, Centreville. L. 1., Oct. 24. 18.54, $.500. Miller's Damsel (w),2:42»/2, 2:46, 2:45. D. Plifer, rnion Course. L. I.. Oct. 7. 18.56. $l.n;i0. Jack Poller 2, 2:34'^. 2:.38>-^. 2:34, 2:39';. M. Whipple, Rochester, N. Y., Aug. 18. 18.58. $200. Kniiik Hayes. 2:44, 2:44, 2:42. ,,,-,. John.W. Conley (Bep and Beppo), b g (3 :34), by Tom Wonder, dam by Abdallah. W. H. Crawford. I' leet- wood Park, N. Y..TM:iy 28. 1873. .$2,000. W. II. Allen, Huntress (3 dis). 2:26, 2:24. 2;24>'2. ^ ^ ^ John W. Hall, chg (3:351, liy Independence, dam bv Monarch. Chas. Kahn, Carthage, O., Sept. 2. 1874, $200. Cottage Girl, Fanny,' l:439i, 1 :43, 1 :42'/i. Two-thirds-of-a-mile heats. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AXD PACING RECORD. 369 M. B. Forbus, Davton, O., Sept 30, 1874, $800. Granville 1, Mary Taylor, Billy Larabertson, 2:38'/2. 2:37'4, • 2:35,2:31. Pi(iua. O., Oct. 14, 1874, S300. S. G. Burr, Roan Jack. Fairfield, Butcher Boy, Black Kate, Dan Howell, Rattler, Alice (3 dis). Grafton (2 dr), 2:3r)i.i, 2:37!i, 2;:i5»4. Toledo, O., Oct. 27. 1874. $300. Small Hopes, (iray Billy. Manibriuo Walker, Belle Fairfield. Dan Howell. Ladv McFatridge, Sue Monday, Col. E. D. Baker. Marv Tavior. Brown Kate, 2:36';, 2:.i.. •..':40. Buffalo, N. Y.. Aug. 9. U15, $2,.500. Sir VViUiani Wallace, Capt. Smith, Billy Pavor, Lady Johnston, Sophia Temple, Carlvle. Sam. Frank, 2:30';. 2:.'i3iJ4, 2::J0'4- Utioa, N. Y., Aug. 21. ls7o. .s2.ooo. Nerea 2, Unknown. Frank Munson. Tearaway, 2 :2.5, 2:25, 2:27, 2:.31. Chas. S. Green, Cincinnati. <)., Oct. 7, 1875, $-2,-)00. Tanner Bov 1. 3.(4 0), Kate ( ampbell (5 0), Tom Brown .5 r O), Sciota Belle (2 dis), 2::;9'2. 2:3(;. 2:381-0,2:411-.;, 2:40' ., — , 2:32-'.t. John Williams, 1) s(:i:.5.si, I. l)v tlieWinslow Horse. D. Steever. Baltimore, Md., Oct. 10, 1872, S250. Gen. Dix ;••. \ Coekv's blk ni 4, 2:.-..-,^.!. 2:r,r,, 2:r>3h. 2:.->7. 2;.'jli.a, 2;.').3i4. Joker, bg (3:;J3Viii, bv Farrish's Haml)letouian. dam by Andrus' Hambletonian. Jas. Dougrey, Goshen, N. Y. Oct. 10, 1872,'.? 1,000. Lady Backus, Columbia Chief, Castle Boy (l disj, Venus U dis), 2:3014, 2:31'/2, 2:33 Kingston, N. Y., Oct. 16, 1872, $300. St. James, Fred, Major King, Coroner K. 1 (4 dis), 2:31, 2:32, 2:33, 2:34!i. r.oston. Mass., June 4, 1873. .$1,500. Hall Terril 3, Young Bruno, Ben Starr, Lady Ross. Castle Boy, Joe Hooker, Factorv Girl (1 dis), 2:30'.^, 2:31'2. 2:28?4, 2:29. Prospect Park, L. I.. June 12, 1873, .$1,250. Fanny Sprague, Ben Starr, Coroner K., Constance, Mary A. Whitney, 2:28, 2:28, 2:31. ■ Philadelphia. Pa. Sept. 10, 1873, $ . Mary A. Whitney, Bruno, Ed. White, Clementine, Susie Parker, Lady Byron. 2:20'.-.. 2:.I0. 2:28. Simd'y Hill, N. Y.. Sept. 30, 1873, $4,000. Joe Brown 1, Parkis' Abdallah, 2:33. 2:31'e, 2:30?:^, 2:32i^. Prospect Park, L. I., Oct. 31, 1873, .$500. Charley Green, Barney Kelly, Lydia Thompson, 2:27?i, 2:28?i, 2:27. Goshen, N. Y., June 11, 1874, $1,000, Crown Prince 1, 2, Barney Kelly. 2:31'4. 2:.30?4', 2:3114, 2:.32, 2:32. W. W. Smith. Saratoga. Spa.. N. Y., July 28. 1875. .$250. George H. Mitchell (3 dis), Charley Green (3 dis). Lady Nellv il disi. Spotted Colt (1 dis), 2:38, 2:35'i. 2:37%. Jas. Dougrey. Springlield. Mass., Aug. 24, 1875, .$4,000. Gen. Garfield 1, Blanche, Moisey, George B. Daniels, Ainv. Coniinonwealth, Glengarry, 2:22'.., 2:23, 2:25, 2:2Gi.i. W. W. Sm'itii, Albany, N.Y., Julv 14, 1876, .$500. Idol 1, 2:29, 2:33, 2:26?i,2:28. Sept. 13, 1><76, .:?1.000. Slow Go 1, Annie Collins 3, 2:31, 2:2il4. 2:29. 2:26i4, 2:29M- Fleetwood Park. N. Y., Oct. 30 1876, $1,500. Tanner Boy. May Bird, Frank Reeves, Honest Harry, Bella, Hannah D.. Thomas Jefferson. Planter, Bonner, 2:24^^, 2:25'i, 2:25. Albany, \. Y., Sept. 12, 1877. $400. Joe Brown 1,~4, Lady Pritchard (2 dis), 2:26, 2:25%, 2:29k, 2:28>4, 2 :29^. Joker, b g (3 :40). W. B. Barnsdale, Titusville, Pa., July 3, 1875. $200. Lady Johnston 2. 4 (6 0), Jenny Lind 1, Charmer, 2:40, 2:37. 2:40, 2:38Vo. 2:43, 2:42, 2:43. (Jreenville, Pa., July 8, 1875, $400. Grand Central 1,2, Joe Stone, Kinsman Boy, A. S. McAllister, Arthur Wild. John P. (2 dis), 2:.38, 2:40'n. 2:415i, 2:43, 2:401.1. Titusville, Pa., Sei)t. 22, 1877, .$200. B. Willis. Best time. 2:49'/2. Joker, chg(3:47?4;). G. A. Kendall, Woonsocket, R. I., Aug. 19, 1875, $150. Belle Brandon, Dolly, Lady Sheridan, Dutchman, Alanianzor, Lady Childers (2 dr), 2:48, 2:4734. 2:49Lo. Joker, blk g (3 :54). G. Ticehurst, Babylon, L. I., June 13, 1877. $100. Lark 3, 4, Prince (4 dis), Nelly V. (3dr), 2:54, 2:.56, 2:. 53, 2:54 2:5.5. Joint, gr g (3 :44i'2). John Murijhy, Fleetwood, Park, N. Y., Aug. 2, 1873, .$500. Dan, 2:45^, 2:44)^, 2:46'/^, Jonathan, eh g (3:44). F. S. Palmer, Waterville, Me.. Oct. 13, 1864, $70. Gen. Grant 1, 2, 2:44, 2:41,2:44^ 2 :44, 2 :46. Jonathan, b g (3 :01). J. Bullock, Mansfield, Mass., Aug. 13, 1875, $100. Rosa 3, Minnie 4, Boston (5 dr), Prince (2 dis), 3:05, 3:03,3:02, 3:05. 3:08. Attleboro, Mass., Oct. 12, 1875, $80. Kitty Brown 1, 2, Lucy 3, Topsy Wolffinder, Daisy, Lady Alice (2 dr),. 2:56';. 3:04. 3:05, 3:01, 3:03, 3:02i2. Jonas, blk g (3 :49^i). A. C. Whitson, Union Course. L. I., Nov. 18, 1869, .$50. Big Jim, Harry, Kentucky (3 dr) 2:4914 2:49' 2 2"51V'2. Jones'(3 .-.541.^). ' Anibl'er Park, Pa., June 13, 1873. $ . Play Bov, Maid of the West. 2:.58i;, 2:.54i^, 2:55%. Jordan's Black 3Iare (3 :45%). A. P. Jordan, Worcester, Mass., Aug. 28, 1871, $ . Rose 2, 2:45%, 2:49Ji, 2:48?4,2:48. Joseph, b g (3 :39i4), by Blue Bull, dam by Davy Crockett. J. B. McVey, Sabina, O.. Aug. 25, 1880, $150. Lizzie B., Ladv Eveland, Venus, Dollv. S. B.. Annie B. 1 (4 dis), Molly Shin. 2:45, 2:40, 2:42. 2:45. Columbus, O., Sept. 2, 1880, .$300. Columbus 1, Luster Boy, Lady Richmond, Baby Boy, Rumps, Hector, Hiatoga, Jim Hawthorne, Verus, Fairy (3 dis), 2:30' 2, 2:.34, 2:36. 2:.35i4. Joseph A., bg (3:34). by Sackett's Hambletonian. L. J. Martin, Rittersville, Pa.. Sept. 1, 1875, $300. Sam French 2, Draper, Jupiter, Charley Jovce, Frank, Garth (4dr), Lexington (4 dr). Lady Chance (2 dis), Mary Jane (1 dis). Mary Harris (1 dis), 2:41, 2:45, 2:40i4. 2:40%. Coles & Miirtin, Syracuse, N. Y., June 13, 1877, $500. Sheridan 4, Harry B. 2, Tom Malloy, Billy Burr, Sunset, 2:3.5, 2:35, 2:34. 2:37, 2:40. Elmira, N. Y., June 20, 1877, $500. Tom Malloy, Black Harry, Ida L., Bashaw (1 dis), Harry B. (l dis). 2:35!^, 2: 36%, 2:371^ Hartford, Conn., Aug. 28. 1877, .$2,000. W. H. Arnold 1, Roman Chief, Little Gem, St. Remo (3 dis). 2:31 '4, 2::;(!'.;.2::;6. 2:271-1. Providence, R. I., Sept. 18, 1877, $1,000. Mode'jty, Lady Daggett, Belle Oakley. Neli, W.C. Derby, Frances, 2:27. 2:'-'8'i.2:27'2. — — KIniira, N. Y., Sept. 28 and 29, 1877, ,$1,000. Huntress 5, Blue Nose, Jenny Holton, Albermarle 1, 2 (3 dis), 2;24'.i, 2:241/2, 2:28' 2, 2:.33,2:27, 2:251-^. Deekertown. N. J., Oct. .30, 1877, .$200. George B. Daniels 1, 4. 2:.32, 2:.33. 2:32, 2:33. 2:34. Joseph Bell, bg (3 :43i-i). O. Partridge, Antwerp, N. Y., Sept. 3,1874,$ . Continental 3, Lady Dexter. 2;I7, 2:44,2:4;^, 2:43^. Joseph C. (3 :47). L. iTarris, Bat;vvia. N. Y.. Sept. 21, 18a3. .? . Fred. Norwich. 2:47. 2:.5.5, 2:.50i4. Josephine, br m (3:53i^). Frank Pierce, Massillon, O., Sept. 13. 1867. .$.3.5. Chuck, Pottsman (1 dis), 2:.58, 2. 5.5, 2:. 53 Josephine, ch m (3 :31). bv Witherell Morgan. AVm. Borst. Trov. N^ Y.. July 14. 1870. $l,0O0. Lady Emily 1, 4, Chip (iirl (4 dis), Fanny Lambert (3 dis), 2:.38. 2:3954, 2:.39';. 2:39. 2:.39. Binghamton, N. Y., July 27, 1870, .$300. Juliet, St. Lawrence Maid, Col. Hinman (1 dis), 2:43'/4, 2:43%, 2:43H. Julv 28, 1870, .$400. St. Law-rence Maid. l\r;ijnr Bnrt. Hope (2 di«>. 2:441,, 2:42. 2:42'-S. John Rogers, Fleetwood Park, N. Y., June 5. 1871, $1,000. Daisy Burns 1,2,(5 0), 2:46'^, 2:46i4,2:46i4» 2:44'/2, 2:45,2:46%. 24 370 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND lAl I.N<; RKCORn. H. Brock, Boston, Mass.. May 16, 1h72, SJ50. Royal Mike 1, Lady Morris J. Lottie, Rutland Girl. Nell (I .lis), 2:46. ■-':42, 2:44, 2:43. 2:43!.^. J. rudnev. June S, 1S72. *;100. Titan 3.2:50, 2:.S1, 2:51>0. South Boston 1-oy 2, Topsy 1. lolly, 2:48'5. 2:49. 2:41. 2:41'2 2 48}.o Jusfpliiiie. b ni (a:3a'2), by Etlian Allen. J. Browne, ISasliville, lenu.. May 24. l^Tf, S200. Tom Wilson, Jvirl)\ Sniitli (3dis), 2:52. 2:48V^, 2:45. i;.'H.)sle|)hiiio. b in (~:;?0), by Green's Bashaw, (lain by I'ierson's Anieriean Star. .J. L. Koder, Ireeimrt, 111. .\uv'. I, 1878. S5(io. INIifinon 2, .1. Silver Heels 1. Fred l)(nif,'las. Star Duroe, Alamo, Tony Ba.xter, T. J. Cook! Compeer, (ii;iv Eagle (5 dr), Jim Lane (4 dr), 2:34, 2:,i0. 2:30, 2:31. 2:31, 2:30. \x . J. Van Etla, Ti' Ion, la.. Sepl. 7, 188:5. S20(). Susie W. 2. NiKhtingalc, 2:41, 2:36. 2:35, 2:39. i;. Switzer. Museatine, la., Sept. 14, 18s3, §200. Omar, Robert Burns 1, (3 dr). 2:36'/2, 2:42».i, 2:47, 2:6214. Josephine, bm (3 :30). l)v Masterlode. dam by Magna-Charta. A. ('. Fisk, Coldwater, Mieh., May 14,1880, ■Sioo. Ilarvev 3, Yellow Hammer, Gertie T., Oddfellow, Plato, Mi.schi(!f. (iray Squirrel, Mother (ibose,3:20, 3:20.3:20,3:20. Fom--vear-olds. J >sephine S., blk m. (3:'^»V,), hv Guv Miller Jr., dam by Ethan Allen. L. S. Kingsbury. Roeliester, N. Y., June I, 1880, $400. (ieorge 11. 1, Bay Fearnaught, Honest Billy (4dr), Ste))h:inus(4 dr^. 2:31f,i, 2:2914, 2:29J4, 2:29»4. P. Weber. Seranton, Pa., Mav 31, 1881, $3(i(i. Jerry Hardwick 1, INIidge, 2:42, 2:37, 2:.35?4'. 2:.S5. W. Jlairiiertv, Great Bend, T'a., Aug. 8, 1883, $400. Billy ISad Eye 1, (2 0), Charley Hood 4. Juno, Gettys- l)urg, 2::'.2U. 2::f;;-:'4, 2::i3, 2:;!194, -2:35'/!., '2:30. Norwalk. Conn.. Sept. 13. 1883, .S20O. Emma C. 1, Nellv Bryant 2. , . 2:31, 2:34, 2:35. Joseph S.. b g (3:00^ \V. Priehett. Woodbury, N. J., April 11. 188;j, S . Frank A., Leo 1, 2, (5 dr), Billy Bowl'gs (4 dr). ;i:ni, .••,:03. 3:00, 3:00, 3:00. Juscphus. eh g (2 :19?i ). bv (irecu's Bashaw, dam the Simmons mare, by Cop))erbottom. Ott & Blanchard, Cedar l{ai)ids, la., Sept.' 18. 1S79, $000. Black Kate 1, 4. Stormer, Maggie Mitchell, 2:37^4, 2:37'/j, 2:35, 2:39, :'-:C)'... G. W. Saunders, Toledo, O., June 23. I88O. $800. Lizzie II, Peter, Adeline, Sadie A., Harry B., 2:29, 2:3. 2:.'i7%. Josh Billings, b g (2:41'/i). F. Will. Plymouth, N. H., Oct. 2, 1873, $75. Ashland Boy. Brown George, 2:55, 2 :58. 3 Ml. S. Haves, Beacon Park, Boston, Oct. 5, 1875, $12.5. Bal)y(5irl2, Eosa 1 (3 dis), Broadwav Belle i3 dis), Broadw:iv Flirt (3 dis), 3:00. 2:.".7. 2:1.3. 2:4,5, 2:51 U,. Alyslic I'ark, Boston. May 5. 1876. .«!7.5, Jim Fisk 2, Camors.Ir., 2:43. 2:42'i, 2:41Vo. 2:43, Josh iiilliiigs. (Mountaineer), ch g (3 :3994). by Independent, dam liy American Star, W. H, Carpenter, Tilnsville. Pa , June 8, 187.5. . 1300, Brown Frank 1, i,,ady Camp, Bay Fanny, Pale Face, Florence, (iypsy G irl ( 3 (]v), 2 :.50, .2 :5t, 2 :.50U. June 10. 1875, $300. (Jen, Lee, Ladv Camp, Netty Barnes, Harry Thome, Bay Fanny. Goldstone(2dr), 2:424. 2:41'/., 2:47. St. Petersburgh. Pa,, June 15, 1875. ,$300. Gen. Lee, Bay Fanny, Pale Face, Nettv Barnes, Brown Frank, Harrv Thome, John P. (l dis), 2:4.3. 2:43!4. 2:48!i. .lune 10, 187.5, $300. Neltv Barnes 1. Ladv Camp, A. S, McAllister, Mav, 2:45, 2:41, 2:42, 2:44?4. Sycamore, 111,. Sept, 9, 1875. ,«500. Modoe 2. AVnlford Z„ Jim Fisk (1 dis> 2:40, 2:41. 2:39-'4, 2:41, Kowlerville. Mich.. June 8. 1870, moo. Lady Williams. Monarch Jr,, 2::;s, 2:31, 2:35. .^Tuske'.con, IMieh,, June 7, 1K77, $300, Lady Monroe 1, Monarch Rule. 2:38'^, 2::!4K., 2:37, 2:36. Joshua OohUlust, (2 :49), by Golddust. L. L. Dorsey, Indianapolis, Ind.. Oct. 1, I8O8, .$40. Frank Cheatham (1 (lis), 2:49. Josiah Green, b g (3 :04). C, Webb, Malone, N. Y., Sept. 27, 1881, $100. IMiller Girl, Smokv Dan, Gray Eagle, 3:04, 3:09. ;i:(l8, Josie, ( w), blk m (3: 00 w), Jas, Laman, Lowell. Mass., Nov. 17, 1871, .$200, Ladv Grant, 3:05. .S:00. Josle. b ni i2:40'.,). E, Skinner. Oswego, N. Y,, Aug, 20, 1872, , $2.50. Ladv Eiiima, Jersey Boy Ladv Wood- ward. Sorrel Prince. Sunset (3 dr). 2:42!'., 2:40'^,, 2:42>/2. -Vug. 21, 1872. $2.50. Ladv Emma 1, 3, (Delia, Admiral, Sorrel Prince, Lady Woodward, LightfooL i3 dr), 2;4Ji.... 2 :10' i, 2:411/,, 2:44!.'.. 2:42, jDsie. b m (2:33?.i). J. H, Crook, Lancaster, O., Jime 4, 1873, $600. Red(^ak 1, Indian. DickSliter, Fashion, Paraxon (3 dis). Bonny (2 dis). 2:45",. 2:42!^, 2:43>/i. 2:4,5?,, .1, .\. Dean, I<:ivria, O,. Oct. 15, 1873, .$150. Tramp l, Ladv Clipper, Evelina, Yellowstone (4 dr), Cricket (2 (lis). 2:4.5, 2:44.2:44.2:44, Oct, 10, 1873, .$200. Dolly Varden 1, 'VTinnie Price, Tramp. 2:42'2, 2:41, 2:46K', 2:50. W. W. Abbott, Parkersburgh, W, Va., Sept, 25, 1874, $ , Red Oak 2, Snowstorm, 2:4U'4. 2:;», 2:35, 2:3t'i. Jo»i«', br m (2 :40), John Marvville, Windsor, Ont,, July 2, 1875, $200. Vanderbilt l (3 0), Kato Marshall,2:46, 2:41, ,2:44,2:48. Josle, b m (2-4«>, ). Silas Smith, llarrisburgh. Pa., Julys, 187.5. $300, Henrietta (1 dis), 2:46'4. Josie br m (2 ::?(>',). .lohu Calvin, Passaic, N, .)., July 5, 1875, $700. Miller 4, Alphas, Carrie, Bluestone Maid 1, (5dis),2:4P(, 2::if>.%, 2:.38"2. 2:40i/», 2:41,2:45. Dan Mace, Fleetwood Park. N. Y,, Nov. 25 and 27, 1875. 8150. Col, Campbell 2, 5 Judge Robertson 1. 4 (7 dr). 2:,53, 2:49, 2:.5,5, 2:19, 2:.53, 2:.55, 3:00. Josie b m (2 :30'i), by Night Hawk. (Jraves & Loomis, Chicago. 111., Aug. 4 and 5. 1876. $ . Plnkey 2 (3 or), 2:30}4, 2:34'A, . CHESTRirs flOMPLKTR TEOTTING AND PACING KECOKl). 371 . July 19 and 20, 1877, $«00. Callahau Maid 1, 2, Voluey 3. Molly, William D. (5 dr), Amboy (5 dis), Henry Blank U disi, Krccl i3 dv), 2:34'4. 2:y:i-^i, 2:3314, 2:30^2, 2:34, 2:43. Svcaiiiore, 111.. July 24. 1877. $600. Sheplierd Boy, Daa Vosburgh, Cant. Bunnell 1 (2 dis), Kingston Maid (2 dls), l-r;ink il diS), 2:37. 2:37, 2:40. 2:43. .July 2(j, 1.S77. §600. Logan B., Nelly Brown. Amboy. Rocbellc, Shoo Fly. Black Kate, Frank. Billy McClure. 2:4o. 2:39. 2:38. Josie, b nn 3 :Ol;. W. Hooix-r. Exeter, Out., July 2, 1877, $50. Gray Billy. I'hil Kiley, 3.03>a. 3:01, 3:01. Jusie. hlk ni (3:47). J. B. Barnaby, Providence, II. I., Sept. 27, I88I, Prize, silver. Ned, Phil Sheridan, 2 47, 2:48. •J:5:!. Josie, b Ml (3 :04). J. E. Capewell. Woodbury, fonn.. Oct. 14, 1S82, $.^. Susie. 3:13. 3:04. 3:0414. Josie 15., b Ml {'i :41'4), by Gage's Logan. P. O. Brady. Kiverside, 111., June 19, 1878, $ . Lady H.. Washer- woMiaii, Kansas Jack. Oyster Boy. 2:41L:,, 2. 42^2. 2:41-4. Josie H., I) ni (^* :33}4), by Crittenden. VV.~P. Maxwell, Wheeling, W. Va., June a, 1882, $400. Hoosier Girl I, Bol) Haves, Neshaniioek, Little Sam (3 drj, 2:35'.i, 2:44, 2:39. 2:4sKi. Youiigstowu, O., July 8, 1882, S;400. Lockport Jr., Sentinel. Hoosier Girl (2 dls), 2:3^, 2:34, 2:,'57i/.. — — Seville. ( ».. July 18. 18S2. -i^SOO. Walter3. 4 (6 Oi, Brunswick Boy 2. Lookout Jr., Nigger Doctor, Molly 11., Harry B. (5 dn. 2:3:;, 2;.», 2:3514, 2:36i;i. 2:4014. 2:40i4, 2:40'2. J. C. Curtis, Columbus, Ind., Aug. 31. 1882. .>! . Polly Wishard. Willis Woods, 2:59, 3:03, 3:07. Shelbyvdle, Ind., Sept. 9, 1S82, .1?loo. Jim Ervin, Shotover. Fanny W., Crittenden, 2:4114, 2:391.4, 2:,S9%. Josie Mansfield, gr m (3 :00). C. A. Duncan, Koehelle. 111.. Sept. 25. 1877. .-^loo. Prairie Queen 3, 5, Kittv S. 2, Major Davis. Sweet William. Letty (ami). Tornado. 3;(io. ;s;(il'4, 3:01, 3:00i/., 3:00'i, 3:00. Josie 3Iaiisfield, b m (3 :40!2), by Blue Bull. W. Carter, Newark, O., Oct. 5, l882, $150. Black Jug, Belle C. No time. Josie 3lay. blk m (3 :5Oi/0. Beacon Park, Boston. Sept. 3. 1877, $30. Kitty, Jack, 2:.".2i.i, 2:.51, 2:50^- Josie s., "r m, by Park's Volunteer. A. Cornell, Phoenix, N. Y., Oct. 5, 1883. $75. Sunset, Daniel, Lysander (Jirl. No time. Joy's Gray Gelding: (3:54;.,). H. N. Joy, Northampton. Mass., Oct. 8, 1878, .§150. Joker, Sankey, Bella (1 dis), Longfellow (1 dis). 2:.54'2, 2:5514, 2:58. J. P. Morris, br g (3:30i4), by K. R. Morris, dam by Billy. P. Mulligan, Fredericton, N. B., Oct. 11, 1878, $1.50. Lady Bright 3, 4, Lookout (3 dr). --, 3:00, 2:.50. 2:50, 2:50. Five-year-olds. L. A. Benoist. Springfield, Mass., Aug. 31, 1881, $1,000. Florence, Helene, Abdallah Boy, Galatea (1 dis), Wizz (1 dis), 2:20i2, 2:22, 2:22i4. G. Wilson, Mystic Park, Boston. Sept. 7 and 8, I88I. $800. Buzz Medium 2, Florence 3, Golden Girl, Ab- dallah Boy, 2:23. 2:23. 2:25. 2:2414, 2 :25''2. Newark. O., Oct. 5, 1882. .*150. Little Black .Tug. Belle C. No time. Point Breeze Park, Phila., May 16, I882. ^mi. Croxie. Humboldt, Bella, 2:26'/'2, 2:26i4, 2:26}^. Mystic Park, Boston, June 9, I882, .-J.^'jo. Paran;i, Kentucky Wilkes, 2:21^4. 2:21 ?4, 2:22?4. Beacon Park, Boston, June 16, ls82, .f.500. Kentucky Wilkes 4, Naiad Queen l, Goldfinder, 2:23'/4, 2:212i, 2:23,2:24'.,. 2:2414. Poughkeepsie, N. Y., June 30, 1882, .'if!500. Capt. Emmons, 2:27, 2:27. 2:26. Utica. N. Y., Aug. 18, 1882, $2,000. Fanny Witherspoon 2, Fred Douglass, Humboldt, Driver. 2:2214, 2:20, 2:23?4. 2.24'i. '- PouglTkeepsie, N. Y.. Aug. 23 and 24, 1882. $2,000. Clemmie G., 2. 4, 2:2GM, 2:2614, 2:241/2, 2:2214, 2:2l?.i. L. A. l^enoist. Springfield, Mass., Sept. 5, 1882. $800. Overman 1, 3, Clemmie G. 5, Driver, Forest Patchen, Humboldt. 2:2014, 2:2214, 2:22i4, 2:22, 2:24. 2:2.5i^. Beacon Park, Boston, Sept. 19 and 20, 1882, .$800. Driver 4, 5, Kentucky Wilkes, Forest Patchen, Parana 1 (4 dr) 2'20'4 2:23 2:25 2*24 2:24.4 2'24i'2. J. S.'(3:5o'i=4). c' Wilson. Ravenna, 0., Sept. 27, 1883, $80. Frank S., Bob Lee, George Fillingham, Frank Molly il dis), 2:.52i4, 2:54, 2:503£. J. S. Young:, b g (3 ■.^Q'i), by the Utley Horse, dam Topsy, by W'arwick. A. D. Carson, Des Moines, la., Oct. 10. 1868, .§ . Downing's ch s, Moro, 2:38, 2:34, 2:33. Mystic Park, Boston, July 15, 1S74, $250. Kate Gilbert 2. 4. Modoc Chief. 2:33k,2:36, 2:35, 2:.36. 2:38Yi, Beacon Park, Boston, .luiy 22, 1874, .'#250. Dot 1, Modoc Cliief, George Maynard, 2:34, 2:36, 2:38, 2:38. Lowell. .Mass., July 31, 1874, $500. Fanny, King William, Harriet Bailey, Frank Palmer, Joe Ripley, 2:36,2:38, 2 :40>'2. Beacon Park, Boston, Aug. 12. 1874. $250. Grace, Sam Curtis, Dustin Jim (3 dr). 2:34.2:37i», 2:37. J. T. Davis, ch g (,3 :36). F. Allen, Waterford, N. Y., June 1, 1876, $100. Johnny, Black Prince", Ada D., 2:43 2:48. 2:46. Troy, N. Y., June 27, 1876, $200. Maggie 2, Prince, Cambridge Girl, Hattie, Johnny, Miller Boy, Joe (4 dr), 2:36, 2:37^2. 2:40,2:39. SaratogaSpa, N. Y., July 31, 1876, .$ . Electro 1. 2, Erie, 2:42, 2:38, 2:41, 2:41, 2:41i4. Waterford. N. Y., Aug. 15, 1876, $200. Modoc, 2:47, 2:47, 2:47'.. Jnba (s). blk s (3 :51 s). P. Shannon, Terre Haute, Ind., .Aug. 11, 1854, $50. Blue Dick (1 dis). 2:51. Jube, b g (3 :49). J. A. McKelvey, Greensburgh. Pa., July 4, 1874, .$ . Rattling Jack 3. Bill K. Steel Bot- tom (l dis), Irish Lore (1 dis), SadieCrook (1 dis), 2:.58. 2:58^, 2:50. 2:49. Jubilee Lambert, b s(3 :35) by Daniel Lambert, dam by the Tafft Horse. J. A. Sawyer, Attleboro, Mass., Aug. 28, 1872, .S.500. Caoutchouc 3. Sweet Brier 2. John Lambert, Harry, Black Frank (5 dr), Louise (2 dis), Capt. Allen (1 dis), Mansfield Boy (l dis). Little Fraud (1 dis), 2:4.5, 2:4.5, 2:46, 2:45. 2:42. Aug. 29, 1872, .$600. M. W. Stimson, Norman, Sir William Wallace (Idis), Brown Bess (l dis), Mansfield Boy (1 dis), 2:.50, 2:55. 2:5614- — — Same day, .$600. Horace Greelev, Sweet Brier, Marshall, Frank Allen. Brown Ben, Deacon (2 dr), Air (2 dis), 2 :4.->, 2:4.5. 2:44. Mystic Park. Boston, Sept. 13. 1872, $1,000. Sam Curtis 1, Belle Brandon, Lady Emma. Lady Bi-adford, 2:3314, 2:36'/2, 2:37' 2, 2:39. M. Carroll, Lawrence, Mass., Oct. 22, 1873, .$225. King William 1. Belle Dean, 2:38^, 2:44, 2:43^, 2:38?4. — J. A. Sawyer, Boston, Mass.. Nov. 7, 1873. .$ . Flora Belle, 2:36i.i.2:38|i. M. Carroll, Lawrence, Mass., May 27, 1874, .$225. Dustin Jim 1, 2, Modoc, 2:38, 2:34i4. 2:38, 2:38. 2:44. — G. H. Hicks. Beaeoii Park, Bostoii, May 22, 1876, .$500. Col. Barnes, 2:31, 2:35i;i, 2:.33. Judge, bg (3:33), by Ethan Allen. Adam' Jaeger, Cornwall, N. Y., Sept. 16, 1873, $200. Pet Dan. 2:5714, 3:0014, 2;.57i4. W. E. Weeks. Poughkeepsie, N. Y.. June 27, 1876, $600. Sadie Howe. Harr^' Conklin, Irish ^Taid, Lime- stone. Lotla, Happy Jack. Sand Bank. J. M. Oaklev, Emma, Kentucky Gentleman, Creole (2 dis), Belle Helene (2 dis). Edwin Mur))hy (2 dis). 2:.34i/4, 2:32, 2:;i2i4. July 4. 1876. .$ . Ed. Smith, Modesty, 2:41, 2:41, 2::!7'4. Jad£:e, Be^.i . 'J :2i.', L':2'J'.i, 2:-J0]r.<. Kalamazoo. Miili, Ang.. 17, 1x71. Siio.ooo. Uncle 'Abe J, .i. .Indjre Fnllerton, George Sherwood (4dls), Lina (4 dist. •2-:2»u, ■,;:-'x5li, 2:30, 2:L'(i'j. 2;:in?4. Judgre Curtis, b g(2:35'.i). T. .1, Broderlek, .loliet, 111.. .Inlv 4, ixKJ. > . Kitty Long, 1, Hiram McCann, 2:4.S'2, 2:42, 2:40, 2:4:t. — La Salle. 111., Ang. 10, IK82. .■SiiOO. Dr. Slicpjiard. Kittv Long, HulLdo Hill (1 disi, 2 ::5.''.'., . 2:;j8",i, 2:37Vi. Judge Davis, b g iS :«! U), by .loe lirown. diini L;i(lv Slicniian. 1)V !\liliiinan"s Hellfounder. C. II. Haldwin, Providence. K. I., .June 5, I8s;i, ,ii;4(i(). Magic. Susie I)., i.oston IJov (.sdis), 2::i0, 2::!0?4, 2:2994- .June 7, I8s;;, i;4(K). Backnian Maid l, Muriel, Vladimir, Millers Damsel, Star, 2:32!., 2:29'/4, 2:31H, 2:32. Hartford, Conn., June 12, 1(<83, S'jOO. H. B. Winsbin v, Modoe, Magic, Bessie (4 dr), Kinple (2 dr), 2:23, 2:23, 2:23?.i.2:J5;'4. June 15, 1883, SiJOO. H. B. Winship, MeClure, Whirlwind d (lis), 2:22. 2:2.5>4, 2:25>^. P. Sullivan. Albany, N. Y., July 4, 1883, $000. Pearl, Frank G., Capt. Hunt. 2:25J4, 2:26, 2:35. C. 11. Baldwin, Beacon Park, Boston, July 24, 1883, $400. Kentucky Wilkes 4, Cornelia 1, Onawa. Don (5dis», 2:23'2, 2:23, 2:22'2. 2:2:!'". 2;21!.-... July 27, 18KJ. $M)0. Kentucky Wilkes 3, Cornelia 1. Forest Patchen, Iron Age, 2:2i:'4, 2:22Ui. 2:2.3J^, 2:23, 2:22 '.I • Judge FulU-rton (Bull Colt)..-li g (3:18), by Ed. Everett. Ben Mace, Buffalo. N. Y.. Aug. 8, 1S71. S">,000. James II. I'.urke 1. 2. Ohio Hoy. LeHlonde. Norwood, Joe Brown. Ida May, Gen. Howard. Ashland Pet, Denmark (.".(In. Cuyahoga Maid (4(lis>, Ladv Shotwell (4dis), Gen. Love (4 (fis), Billv Hotspur (3 dis), Lillv Schwartz (3 (lis), 2:-'T ',. 2:2!)-,. 2:26'.i. 2:2!t. 2:32'2. Dan .Mace, Kidamazoo. Mich, Aug. 18. 1871, $2,500. Lady Fox. Ohio Boy, Fanny. Bay Jim (2 dis), John Fero (3 (lis). Scalpel ^1 dis). 2:36':, 2:30}^i, 2:32 — Fleetwood Park, N. Y., Sep - - Sept. 21. 1871,$2,.'J00. J. J. Bradley. 2:28%, 2:27'i, 2.32. Oct. 30, 1S71, .S5,000. Sea Foam (2 dis), 2:27, 2:27i;i. May 22, 1872. $2,.'i00. Wm. H. Allen 2. Huntress, Sea Foam. Bvron (3 dr) 2:2.534. 2 :2.->i.i, 2:27, 2:29. Buffalo, N. Y., Aug. 9, 1872, $10,000. Lula, Derby, Nonesueli.Triumph,.Iames H. Burk(^(ldied), 2:25, 2:243^4, 2:23^ 1, ^'rti'ea, X. Y., Aug. 17. 1872. .$.').000. Derbv. Lula 1 (2 dis). 2:24 li. 2:2f4. 2:.31, 2::}0. Si)ringtield, Mass., Aug. 22, 1872. .S2,.i()0. Nonesuch. Maior Allen, Be|)po, 2:2.5i.i, 2:32'/^. 2:36i4. rhihulelphia. Pa., Sept. 26, 1872, $2,.500. Hotspur, William 11. Allen, Camors (1 dis), 2:23^, 2:27 2:25' 2. Wm. M. Humphreys, Fleetwood Park, N. Y'., Oct. 3, 1872, $4,000. Camors 1, William H. Allen. W, B. Whitman, 2:25?4, 2:21M, 2:24'2. 2:28. Boston, Mass., June C, 1873, $3.rM). Gazelle, Camors, 2:27. 2:2«)'.,. 2:23W. Fleetwood Park, N. Y.. June 27. 1873. S:i.rM). Gazelle, Huntress. 2:22. 2:22%, 2:23. Dan Mace, Erie. Pa.. .lulv 18. ls73, $3,200. .). (i. Brown 2, Sensation, 2:;^0. 2:31'2, 2:31'^,. 2:a5i/4. Cleveland, O., July .'iO. 1,873, .^S.-W). Camors. .lolin W. Coulevd disi. 2:23';;. 2:22%, 2:G5';. Utica, N. Y'..,Aug. 1."., 1873. $6,-100. Sensati(Ui 3. Camors, Liieille (Jolddust. 2:22. 2:2314, 2:23?i, 2:25^4. Beacon Park, Boston, Aug. 31, 1873. .$2,."i00. Camors 3, Sensation 1 (2 dis), 2:22>4, 2:19i.i, 2:26>^, 2:22, '- Sept. 6, 1873, .$3,300. Sensation. Camors, 2:28, 2:2.5, 2:24. Wm. M. Humphreys, Plainville. Conn., Sept. 11, 1873. $2,000. Huntress 1. St. James, American Girl, 2:27'j, 2:25, 2:27Vo. 2:20. Fleetwood Park, N. Y., Sei)t. 22, 1873. .«!2..500. Sensation. 2:27H, 2:25, 2:25U. Sandy Hill, N. Y.. Oct. 2. 1873. .$1,000. Huntress, .\merican Girl, Sensation (1 dis). 2:27, 2:28»4, 2:29. Goshen, N. Y., Oct. 10. 1873. $1,,500. Huntress, 2:27'-^, 2:26, 2:26!4. Prospe(_'t Park. L. I., Nov. 1. 1873. .$4,(ioo. American Girl 1. Camors, 2:25H. 2:21, 2:22^.,. 2:23'/2. Dan Mace, Fleetwood Park. N. Y,. Nov. 11. 1873, $1,000. American Ciirl (3 0), 2:24, 2:24,V2. 2:24.2:24. Mav 2i». 1874, $2,000. Americ^an Girl l, 2:25'-;'., 2:23M,2:22,2:23. O. A. Iliekok. Davton, O.. Oct. 2, 1874, $4,500."' Gloster, 2 :24Ji, 2:23. 2:2214. (w)San Fninciseo. Cal., Nov. 21. 1874. .S6.f)00. Sam Purdv fvv1. Occident (w), 2:20!2, 2:22i'4, 2:21H- Budd Dohle, Delroit. Mich., Julv 8. 187,5. .$2,.500. Ladv Maud 1, American Girl,-2:20,2:21>4. 2:22, 2:193l£. Chicago, 111. .Julv 2:5. 1,87.5, .»3,000. Lady Maud 1, Anuriciui Girl 4, 2:20, 2:21}^i,2:22, 2:25. 2:25. Cleveland, 0.,.lidy 28, 1875, .$6,000. Lady Maud. Nettie. 2:20'.,. 2:18, 2:19-'4. Wm. M. Humphreys, San Joaquin. Cal.." Sept. 27, 1878. $800. Occident, Nutwood, 2:18?.i, 2:19'.i, 2:19%. Santa Clara, Cal., 'Oct. 5. 1878, $1,000. Occi(lent, Nutwood, 2:18'4. 2:2o'.i. 2:19. San Francisco, Cal., Nov. 9, 1878. ,$1,000. Adelaide .3, Dotv (1 Ot, 2:2r'i, 2:23'4, 2:25, 2:25, 2:27. JudneGilman, b s(3:00'i)by Goshen. E. M. Pond, Meriden, Conn., Sept. 18, 1878, S . Hattie M. B., 3.05. 3:06' i, 3:0Oi/>. Four-y(>ar-olds. Judge Hawes, b g (3:34) bv Jim M(mroe, dam Laura, by .Ymerican Clay. Smith & Bros.. Lexington, Ky., Oet. 16, 1880. .$700. Bristol Girl 3. Lillian 4, Stranger (l dis), Yorick(l dis), 2:4714, 2:46J4, 2:50%, 2:50'/3, 2-.53'4. Smith & Coon. Mavsville. Ky. Sept. 22, 1882, $.500. Catchflv, Tucker, 2 :28i4, 2 :24i.i, 2:24. L. L. Smith. Lexington. Kv., July 4. 188.3, $ . McLeod. 2:2914, 2:29i4. Judge Kelly, (•hgi3:.'>:i'd. Phdadelphia, Pa., Oct. 24 and Nov. 7, 1877, $ . Andy 3. 4. Kate, HattiP, Hockdiile (4 dr». Koan Belle (4 dr), 2:5,5, 2:57, 2:.54'i.. 3:00, 2:.53i/2. Judge Mason, ch s (."J :01). (ieo. (i. Mason, Binghainton, N. Y., Sept. 10. 1874. .$80. Nelly, Pelham, Dexter, 3::j9, 3:45, 3:,50. Three-year-olds. Sept. 11, 1874, .f.50. American Boy 1. Colonel. 3:1.3, 3:1.S%, 3:11, 3:1.3i;. Stallions. Oneonta. N. Y., Jidv 2, 1875, $100. Carnochan, (i\n Hunter,3:04, 3:0i, 3:06:'4. Four-year-olds. Judge Mitehell, chg (3:41 ). W. H. Mitchell, Owego,' N. Y., June 12, 1S72. $1.50. Bob Kidlev, Kitty. Salon Boy (2 dis), 2:41, 2:4.3, 2:44. Ju). M. S. IMiller, Greene Co., N. Y., Sept. 30, 1882, $ . Wellington 2. Maud L., 2:45, 2:48'.,, 2:44U,, 2:34'i." Judge Parsons, b g (3:31i4), by Power's Hambletohian. dam Sweet Owen. J. R.. Parsons, Columbus, O., Sept. 4, 188.3, .$,300. Belle Ogle, Eleanor, Gift, Columbus Star. Whipple. Jr., 2:39. 2:41, 2:42. W. T. Brown, Toledo, O., Sept. 11, 188.3, .$400. (ilen Miller 3. Toi)sy B., Capt. Kowell, G. K. H. (2 dis). 2:31',,, 2:.33'.;, 2:.35U., 2:.3.5. Judge l>ollar(i,ch g(2:39!.<;), by Tom Crowder, S. Kahn. Pern, lud., June 1.5 and 16. 1877, $400. N.ellv Davis .3. 6. Lida Hassett 5. FrauK Miller 1, Gray Bashaw, 2, Bob Ridley, Frank Mvers (5 dis), Stonewall Jackson (5 dr), 2:.'«'i, — , 2:.31, 2:31. 2:.'W, 2:.30';, 2:.34ii, 2:36i;i. firand Rapids, Mich,, June 21,1877. .$800. Lady M. 1,2, Capt. Sellick, Cora, Highland Mary (3 dis), Little Wonder (3 dis), George (2 dis), Capt. Bunnell (1 dis), 2:.31U.. 2:31',, 2:29';, 2:.3.3, 2:.3.5. Terre Haute, Ind.. Sept. 12, 1878, .$.500. Echo 1, Nelly K., Reform Boy, 2:.39";. 2:.39i-i;. 2:.37'2, 2:40. Judge KobertAon, bg (3 -.SfiW by Sherman. M. Whipple, Amenia, N. Y., Julv 8, 1876. $400. Pondietta 1, 2, Limestone, Hillv I'.rigliton, Silas Rich, Lady Wheeler (5 dr), John B. (4 dr). Alley (3 dr). Lady Hunting (1 (dis), 2:37' 2, 2:38'. 2:39, 2:43!'2, 2:42'2, CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 373 July 9» 1875, $500. Alley, Eastern New York, .John B.. Geneva 1, 2 (3 dis),"Jane Eyre (3 (lis), Lady Rich* mond (I dis), 2:42, 2:42:'i,2:-l4?it, 2:451/2, 2:4614- v . j c:. Dickerman. Deerfoot Park, L. 1., Aug. 10 and 11, 187.\ #400. Dandelion 7, (3 0), (4 0). Silvertail 6, Kinsman Boy 5, Cluiuncey M. Bedle 1, Henry Miller. Fanny H., Black Bashaw (9 dr). Alpha (6 dr), Sarah .lane (5 dr) Privateer Maid (5dr), White Stockings (2 dr). 2:37'/2, 2:38'/., 2:38, 2:39, 2:32, 2:38, 2:39, 2:40, 2:40. A. Corneilson, Spring Valley, N. Y.. Aug. 24, 1875. $1.50. Kate Hughes 2, Harry Irving, Creednioor (3 dis), Bluestone Maid(3dis), Witch(3 dis), Lucy Penny (l dis), 2:41,2:38i'i.2:42,^, 2:42'j. .lersey City, X. J., Oct. 12, 1875, $1.50. St. George Dandelion, Kate Hughes 1 (4 dr), Minerva (2 dis), 2:43, 2:44, 2:4.5, 2 :.51. Oct. 23, 1875, $1.50. Silvertail 3, 4, Ellen Mary, Don. St. George, Pauline 1. 2 (5 dr), 2:41, 2:42,2:41,2:40. 2 :40. 2 :45. 2 :40. Sin-ing Valley, N. Y., Nov. 9, 187.5, $100. Modesty 1, 3, 2:45, 3:01, 2-A2%. 2:42'i, 2:39. Fleetwood Park, N. Y., Nov. 19 and 20, 1875. $125. Jersey John 3, Carrie N. 1, St. George, Kitty Allen, 2:47V4.-J:4(;'.;.2:i5io, 2:47, 2:42. , _ &. j m Deerioot Park. L. I., May 16. 1S7G, $200. Carrie N., St. George. Hard Road, 2:43 '/». 2:42, 2:36J4. Spring Valley. N. Y.. July 29, 1876, $1,50. Scotland Maid, 2 :38'2, 2 :40, 3 :.37. Aug. 23. 1876. .S200. Luther 2, W. K. Bleecker4, St. George, Nelly V. (5dr), 2:40, 2:38, 2:43,2:38, 2:41. — — Jersey City, N. .1.. Sept. 9, 1876, $200. Maurice Daly 1, Silvertail 3, Roanoke, Willy, St. George, 2:40, 2:.39,2:42, 2:4.S, 3:43. White Plains, N. v.. Aug. 30, 1877, $100. Dolly Dot 3, Sorrel Mare, Charley Young, 2:37, 2:40, 2:37, 2:35^1. New City,N. Y.,Sept. 27, 1877, $100. Cora J., Blacksmilh Boy, 2:39, 2:40i4. 2:40>4. Sept. 28. 1877, $200. Dean's Hanibletoniau, Black: Jack (1 dis), 2:36'/2, 2:40, 2:.39V4. Middletown, N. Y.. Oct. .3, 1877. $200. Lottie 4, Hanibletonian 1, Romulus, 2:.37, 2:375^. 2:35M,. 2:342i, 2.18?4. Bridgeport, Conn., Oct. 19, 1877. $150. Butcher Boy l, 2:47. 2:44, 2:41, 2:49. Meriden, Conn., Oct. 25, 1877, $150. Rowe's Tommy, Butcher Boy 2, 3 (4 0), (5 dis), 2:40k, 2:38k, 2:37, 2.38I4, 2:40^i.2:44. Judge Samuels, bg (3 :44i4), by Almont. M. Fields, Indianapolis, Ind., Sept. 27, 1882. .$200. Long Branch 1, 2. Smuggler .3, Messanger Golddust (5 dis), Kentucky Girl, Jr. (4 dr), 2:50, 2:48, 2:48i4, 2:45%, 2:44J4, 2:44^4. Judge Scott (Cloudman and James K. Polk), (s) ch g (3 :33). Geo. N. Ferguson, Fleetwood Park, N.Y., May 24, 1871, $1,000. Johnny Reb (3 dr), 2:34i2, 2:38, . Springfield. Mass., Aug. 22. 1871, $700. William H. Allen 1, Lida Picton, Hartford Belle (4 dis). Lady Alice (2 dis). Wm. Briggs (1 dis), 2:32k, 2:33;4, 2:.35. 2:35^1. Judge Trumbull, brs (3:33k), by Leviathan, dam by Royal George. B. T. Jones, Meriden. Conn.. Sept. 24, 1875, .$60. Kathrina 2, Bonfacy's entry, 3:00, 3:00. 2:.59k. Four-year-olds. R. B. Vining, Sept. 20, 1877, .$2.00. Lvman 3, 4, Dolphin. 2:41, 2:.39i^, 2:41, 2:44',", 2:42. Middletown, Conn., Sept. 27" 1877, $100. Gray Jim, Meriden Girl, 2:46k,, 2:46%, 2:48>4. Sept. 28, 1877. $100. Homer, Molly E. No time. Meriden. Conn., Sept. 20. 1878, .$260. Jenny, Music, Olive, Kathrina, Kitty Hills (3 dis), 2 :39'/2, 2:371/4, 2:40. Watertown. Conn., Sept. 25, 1878, $200. Juno, Jimmy Norton, 2:40, 2:41, 2:42k- Milford, Conn.. Sept. 11, 1879, .$150. O. A. Hickok, Irish Maid. 2:.37, 2:36, 2:35=4. Watertown. Conn., Sept. 27. 1879. .$200. O. A. Hickok, Walsh, Dick Loomer 2:36?^, 2:37ii, 2:37. Judge Waite, gr g (3 :35), by Bishop's Abdallah. .J. E. Kitzmiller, Cleveland, O.. Sei)t. 14, 1875, $300. Ahce, Alberta. (4eorge (2 dis), 2:.36'2, 2:.35i4, 2:37. Sept. 17, 1875, $500. Dan Bassett, Dick Harvey, Frank Bush, Flora D., Maggie Sharp (1 dis), 2:39. 2:40, 2:37. Akron, O., Sept. 28, 1875, $100. Fire Clay, 2:45,2:47, 2:50. Oct. 6, 1875, .$ . Flora D.. 2:53. 3:03. 2:57. Oct. 8, 1875, $.500. Bashaw Drury l. 4, Ohio (iirl, Hylas (2 dis), 2:39, 2:40, 2:41, 2:42, 2:35. Judge AVithy. b g (3:33 J4), by Magna Charta. dam by Vermont Hero. W. S. McLaughlin, Mendota, 111., Aug. 19, 1875, $400. Marion 2. Belle Brown. Wonder, McHenry, Bill Paxton (4 dis). Allen ^(3 dis), Hazen (1 dis). Chronicle (I dis), 2:.j.':!k. 2:^3'i. 2:36, 2:.321i. Aurora, 111., Sept. 1 and 2, 1875, .$600. Frank Mvers 3. 4, Daniel Boone. Weber 1,2,(3 dis), .Jesse G. Lindell (3 dis). Diadem (3 dis), Orient (3 dis). Credo (2 dis), Lady H. (2 dis), Saxon (1 dis), 2:34i^, 2:33,2:39, 2:41,2:41,2:37,2:361^. Sept. 3, 1875, $.3.50. Capt. Jack 1, 2. Allen, Sleepy Bill, Belle Brown. Monarch Rule, George (5 dr), 2:37, ^*38 2 •39-*j! 2 '39 2 'SS'li. — SycamoreVlll., Sept! 9, 1875, $300. Capt. Jack 3, Sleepy Bill 4, Belle Brown, Allen (4 dis), 2:4.5. 2 :.38k, 2:41, 2:44!/2, 2:40. G. W. Granger, Tiskilwa, 111., Aug. 8, 1877, $600. Ida 1, 4, Anna 2, Granger, Ellen C, Pine Leaf, Jim Fisk, Little Tom, George F., 2:30i/2, 2:34,2:33^, 2:38i/2, 2:34?i, 2:34%. Judge AVright, brs. P. Baunian, Lancaster, O., Oct. 12, 1882, .$ . Golden Girl. Charley Foster, Baker Boy, Charley. No time. Three-year-olds. Judgment, br g (3 :39), by Black Milo. D. R. Appleberry, Elmira, N. Y., June 24, 1879. $300. Lem 1, Emma, Polly (i.. .1. B. Sprague, Marietta, 2:34, 2:34, 2:351/2,2:34'. F, Haiglit. Mystic Park, Boston, Oct. 8 and 9, 1879, $300. Black Pilot 2, Morris. Billy 1).. Belle Dean, 2:31'/2, 2:30, 2:30,2:30. Judd's Mare, b m (3 :50). Mr. Judd, Hartford. Conn. , July 28, 1860, $290. Gypsy Boy, 2 :50, 2 :52, 2 :5l . July 31. 1860, .$200. Louisa Bills, pacer (2 dr), 3:53. Judith, grm (3 :48J^). C. R. Cornell, Absecom, N. J., July 19, 1876, $50. Timothy Burns, 3:12'2, 3:l2k, 2:4814. Judy, b m (3 :46). Mr. Taintor, Menominee, Mich., Sept. 26. 1876, $ . Sleepy Fred 3., Fleetfoot, St. Charles, John Wilkinson, 2:46, 2:48. 2:47, 2:46. Judy, b m (3 :49k). J. Clancy, Cornwall, N. Y., July 3, 1883, $100. Harry 2, 3, Ramapo i (4 dr), 2:42i4. 'i-MYt, 2:4414. 2:49"2. 2:.50i/2, 2:49k. Julia (3 :40). W. H. Potts, Cleveland, O., Sept. 6. 1860, $75. Bonny Kate 2, 3, May Queen. Cooper, 2:42, 2:40, 2:43,2:40. Incomplete. Julia, blk m (3:45k)- Chas. Dickerman. Keene, N. H., Sept. 24, 1873, $250. Seamstress, White Cloud, Honest Sam, Pilot, Middlebury, 2:48, 2:4.5k, 2-A5%. Julia, b m (3 :46). W. Feiiuor. Sinclairville, N. Y., Sept. 13, 1877, $100. Princess, Sinclair, 3:46»4, 3:45, 3 :.57?^. Three-year-olds. Julia Aldrich, ch m (3:46). Mr. Fanshaw, San Francisco, Cal., April 1. 18,57,$150. Preacher 3. 4, 2:52,2:67, 2:51,2:47,2:46. April 10, 1 8.57, $.300. Lady Rotan 3 3 :00. 2 :.52. 2 :57. 2 :.58. • June 13. 1857. $?00. Rhode Island 3, 2:.50. 2:48, 2:48, . J. M. Daniels. (Jet. 17, 18,57, .$2,000. Flora (w), 8:36, 8:3714. Three miles. 374 CHESTER'S COMPLETK Ti:t)'niN(; A.M> I'ACIM; IJKCOHl*. - June 15, ia')8,. $4,000. (Jloiicoc ('lik't"(sv). •it>:04',2. Ten miles. Nov. 2o, 1S58, S . Tom M;i^;imi' 1, -^-.Mu- I!:")!, 2:.0o, .'i.no. Julia It., b III (a:35'2) . 18S3, S5o. N. H., Lambert Prince, Wizz Me- dium. Uussell (3 dr), U:42, 2:3S. 2:3!S. Sept. -'7. 1«83, .^110. N. U., Wizz Medium. Molly, Ben Butler, Chardon (iir), 2:3714. ■i-.'Sn'i, 2:38. Attleboro, Mass., Oct. 3, 1883, .$J(H». Jocko. Lunette, Kstlier T., lUiiry Alnionl (3 dist. Mvra(l dis)2:4J'^. 2:42. 2:40' J. JTuliaii, brg (2:494). W. B. Smith. Mobile. Alii.. .May 4. IHSi. .Sl.->0. (leor^e Iloskins \. C.ilman, June Buii, 2:.->l,2:4y'c, i:.^, 2:57. Jnlia Ann Johnson, b lu (2 :45>4). l)y Andy Jolinson. 11. Boswell, Lexington. Ky., Oct. 20, 1871, *— . Eastey's ch m il (lisi. 2:4.">>.i. Two-year-olds. Jnlia <;hiiteau (^2 :4i>). B. W. Powell. Natchez. Miss.. Aug. IS. 1848,.$—. (Jreenhorn, Croton. Comet, 2:4(i. 2:4,5, 2:.'iO. (fnliaDean (wi. chm(2:51 vv). Union Course, ly. I.. Nov. 18, 185C, .$7.')(). lngoinai;f. Laura Keene c; dr), 2:52'i, 2:54, 2:.52. 2:51. tlulia Dean, b m (2:31 '.iiT. Oliver, Cincinnati, 0.,.lune 15. 1858,$ . Wagoner 2, Dandy il diss 5:42'5, 5:54 ?4, 5:.57'2. (W), July G. 18.">8. SIOO. Lady Gav (w) l. 5:49, .".:,">2' j, «:0«. Two miles. Julia 3. Five-year-olds. Julia Hayes, br m (2 :4G). (L W.Gregg, Mcriden. Conn.. Oct. 29. 1872, ^50. Clara Hudson, Capt., Wa.sp, 2:58, 2:.')5. 2:5.'j. H. W. Brown. Spriuglield, Mass.. July 4. 1873, $ir,o. Berkshire Belle. 1 (2 0), George, Jack Bnnsby d dis), 2:4.5. 2:46. 2:52, 2:4(i'2, 2:49. Julia Moscow, b m (2 :38>. Jas. Cowen. St. Louis. Mo.. July 5, 1858, .$7.5. Belle ol' the West, 2:.50. 2:ri», 2:51. .Inly 27. lsr,s, .siOO. Itobin. Bcilc of tlu^ West (3 disi. 2:44, 2:42, 2:45. Aug. 2.->. ISiS. .$1.">0. Robin. 2 :48, 2:44, 2:44. Julia Nifliols . J :42'.,). Bnflf:ilo. N. Y., June 29. 1866. ,$250. Lotta, 2:42^, 2:47, 2:47. Julia .Swe«-i>stiikes. ell in (2:33). by Sweepstakes. M. H. Whipple, New City. L. L, Oct. 2. 1878, §25. Sur- priS(!. Mai'tlia. ■_':.>2. 2:47^i, 2:51',i." Julia Wilkes, grm (2:431. Wcstlicld, Mass , Oct is. 1882.$ . Tommy. Richard. Baxter (1 disi. Hampden Boy (1 (lis). 2:4;{, 2:48. 2:47. Juliet, (w». ch m (3 :44). Wm. Woodruff. Boston, Mass.. May 12. 1866, $600. (iypsy Queen (w). 2:46'2, 2:48. .lune 9. 186(1, .«400. Gv)i,sv l^neen, 2, 2:44. 2:46, 2:49, 2:48. Julieti'e, l)r in (2 :49). W. IL Bell. New Orleans. La., May 15. 18.52. $25. Chicot, two others, 2:49, 2:51. Julius Caesar, gr s, by St. Elmo. G. W. Svvartz, Huntsvilie, Ala., Oct. 10, 1874, $10. Carrie. 2:00. Yearlings. Hall-mile heats. Julius Caesar, blkg (3:28 1-20). F.J. Hilton, Dover, N. H.. Mav 19, 1877, $.500. Kenoza Boy, ;M:401^. Ten miles. Julius H.. ch g (2:42). Peter Manee, Deckertown, N. J.. Sept. 28. 1876, $100. Sussex Boy 1, Colonel. Young Fullerton, Thomas, 2:50. 2:48. 2:J6. 2:48. Jumbo, ch g i2:.51). J. E. Morrill, f^owell, Mass.. .ii;ne 17. 1882, $50. St. .Jacob. Minnie C. 2:.'i3. 2:,51.2:.54'». .1. Oakes, Woonsocket, R. I., Oct. 20, 1883, ,$60. Charley, Don, Nelly (3 dis). Tom (2 drn Kate (l dis), 3:00, 2:51,2:.5.3. Jumbo bg i2:50). W. W. Smith, Dixfteld, Me., Oct. 18, 1882. ,$75. Tommy 3. Otis 4. Rear Guard, 5, Nemo. Best.Mazeppa. 2:50, 2:50'2. 2:50'4, 2:493^, 2:50. Uulinished. Jumbo (3:04). Fort Wayne, liid., Sept. 28, 1882,$ . .Jasper 1. 4, Keno. Barney O.. George K.. 3:04, 3:0.5, 3;iH'2. 3:054. 3:04. Jumbo, bg (2:40',, 1. by Marshal Ney. dam by St. Lawrence. W. Parks. Timonium. Md.. Sept. .5, 1883, $35. Osc:ir Willie 2. 2:r>9'4, 2-.')3 2:.'5,5, 2:,')5. Foiir-year-olds. Jumbo Jim. grg(2:.'>3), l)y Ethan Allen (?) J. N. Honeyman. Somerville. N. J., Oct. 5. 1882, ,$50. Kitty Tiiompson, Dick, 2:56. 2:56, 2:,53. Five-vcar-okls, Juniata Maid. ch. in. (2:.50). T. J. :viiil(laKli. Mifflin, Pa.. Sept. 22. 1876. .$ . Black Crook, Harry H.. Fancy, St. Lawrence, Philadelphia Maid. •-':5h, 2:.5,5, 2:.50. Junie,rn m (3:46), l)v Antenor. dam Ladv Jane. Clias. Little. Albany. N. Y.. Sept. 24, 1880. $100. Young Antciior 1, Antieiain. 3:,56. 3:48. 3:.3r). Junior Gohldust. ch s (3:0.';), by (iolddust .Ir. S. Horev, Richfield Spa, N. Y., Aug. 10, 1878. $50. Betsy B., 3:10'i, 3:05. 3:07. Fonr-vear-olds. Junius. I>lk 8 (3:08U), bv"Dict:itor. dam bv Post's Conductor. C. Taylor. Knoxvillc Pa., Aug. 23. 1882, $75. Competine, Fashion. ;(:12?i. 3:0814. Three-year-olds. Juno, b 111 (2 :41i.i). H. G. Rogers, Taunton, Mass., Oct. 7. 18(>s. .$30. Tom Patchen. Jr.. Emery. 2:44^. 2:46, 2:.50. J. W. Smith, Woonsocket, R. I.. Sept. 14. 1870. $2,50. Bay Beauty 4 (3 O). Brom Keeny. Sleepy David (6 dr), Commodore Nntt (5 dr), Frank Allen (2 dr). Blondine (2 dr). 2:11' t, 2:4394, 2:46'4, 2:46'2, 2:45/4. (w). Win. I). Smith, Myricks. Mass., Sept. 23, 1870. $.50. Butcher Boy, (w), Hanibietonian. (w), 2:47, 2:47, 2:, 50. Juno, b 111 (2:56>^), by Hanibietonian. dam Ladv Morrison. .1. ('. Stewiirt. Boston. Mass.. Oct. 11. 1870. S2.a50. Ned Maviiard, Cruiser, Wakefield. Wiiifield. 'Annie Allen, 2:.j6'i, 2:r)7'2. 2:.'>8. Tlircc-vc;ir-ol(ls. Juno, br m (2:30?4). Biidd Doble. Philadelphia. Pa.. Miiv 24. 1871. .$60i». Susie. Tralalg:ir. 2:,10?i, 2:.?,5Uj, 2:401,1. Fli^'twood Park. N. Y., .Fulv 15. 1871. $5,000. \V. O. i\o time. Juno, b 111 (2 :414). W. Kavaiiagh. Boston. Mass.. Oct. 25. 187.3. $200. Auctioneer 4 (3 0». (Miesapeake (4 dis), .lohii it dis), 3:50, 2:.55, 2:.54, 2:,54i4, 2:,59i4. D. W. B(!ckler. Mystic Park, Boston, July 31, 187.5, $800. .Fini Fisk iw). Mav Louise (w). John Mills, Don, 2:47. 2:1,5. 2:454. Bciicon Park, Boston, Aug. 14, 1875. ,$,50. Maggie S. 1, 2:53, 2:4.5, 2:41Ui, 2:42. Juno, b 111 i2:40). Chas. S. Green, Washington, D. C., .June 12, 1877, $2,50. Gilt Edge, Frank A.. Lady Elmer, Anne Arundfl Maid, 2:.50. 2:45'.i, 2:48"-|. June 14, 1877, .$250. Gilt Edge, Frank A.. Lady Alma. 2:40. 2: !2':'4, 2:4.39^. ,. „ Juno, b in (2:40). J. F. Haines, Lewiston. Me., Sept. 28. 1882, $200. Emma D., Miller's .Maid (2 dis», Hum- ming Bird d dis), 5:20. 5:201^. Two miles. Juno, rn m (2 :36), bv Fisk's \fanibrino Chief, (J. S. Tlnitcher. St. Alb:ins. Vt.. Sept. 13. 1R77. .$12.5. Jenny S. 2. Pastime 1. Fanny Street (5 dr). Clara B. (4 dr), Nelly (4 dr), 2.:!9, 2:39''2. 2:40, 2:40' .. 2:42. C. K. Abbott, Po'ttsdam, N. Y., Sept. 19, 1877. ,$200." Morley Girl 1. >rary Newton, Hercules, 2:38. 2:38, 2:.38, 2:40. Sept. 20. 1877. .$200. Hercules 1. 2. Mary New-ton 3, Morley Girl. 2:37. 2:41. 2:40. 2:.39, 2:40, 2:41. Syracuse. N. Y.. Nov. 5 and 7, 1877, .$2,50, Tom Mallov iz. 4 (3 0). Maggie Mitchell 1, 6, 2:39i',. 2:38, 2:38, 2:.39 ', , 2 ::i8i , , •_» .401,, . •_>:39, 2 :.18' ,. (ieo. s. Thatcher, Greenfield. Mass., .Tulv 24.1878. ,?2.V). Dolly. Maggie. KSTC Sloan, Dolly, 2:36, , 2:38'/». CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTINi; AND PACIN(i UKCORD. 375 Juno, b m (3 :31). T. Pawling. Jersey City. N. J., July 4, 1882, $150. Bessie B. :j, 5, Miller's Damsel 1, 2, John D.. Major (4 dr), Harness Boy (3 dr), 2:37, 2:40. 2:44. 2:43, 2:41, 2:4(i, 2:49. Junot, cii g (3 :45). J. T. .Mansoii. Beacon Park. Boston, Aug. 19. 187,5, §300. Early Rose 3, Nelly, Gentinella, (lypsv 2(4 dis), 2:45, 2:45. 2:44, 2:4.5. 2:47. J. Uphain, blk g(3:36). Ton: "' Jupiter, Pitt I 2:50. 2:4(1, 2:49, 2 :4.s. (). J. Brusif, (ireat Barrington, Mass., Aug. lo. 1872, $.50. Major Warfleld, Tiger, 3:00.300 2-58 Jupiter, bg (3:4014). Thos. Newman, Eastou, Pa., July 12, 1873, $50. Doctor Jackson 2, 3, 2:52U. 2:54?-f 3:0014.2:53,2:57. "' Jupiter, bg (3:181,^). W. H. Fish, White Plains, N. Y., Sept. 11. 1873, $100. Prime Minister, 3:18'/2, 3:24. Tliree-vear-olds. — Jupiter, ch s. Chas. Logan, Cohimbia, S. C, Nov. 10. 1874. $100. Jeff, Lucy. Gray Linnet, 2:22?4, 2:19, 2 14. Three-nuartcr-milc heats. Jupiter, ch g (3 ::5.>i. E. Hart, Suffolk. Park, Phila., July l, 1876, $500. Hanibletonian Mambrino 2, Bismarck. Milton M.'dium. Stiletto, Sparkle, Kitty Clyde, Sally S (4 dv), (iyp (2 dis), Transit (2 dr), 2;35, 2:32i/i, 3:35. 2:35. C. H. Smith. Gettysburg, Pa., July 27. 1870. $100. Bessie, Ned Buckley, Edna. Jenny, 2:43, 2-44, 2:4,3. Jupiter, br s (3:37i4). by Mountain Chief. J. Phillips, Rockford, 111., Sept. 15, 1881, $i50. Flora Bell 1.3. Gibl)s 3. Magic, 3:00, 2:.58'4, 2:.51, 2:51, 2:53, 2:51. Sept. 10, 18sl,$1.50. Gibbs, George C, Jenny B. 1, 2. (4 0) (5 dr), 2:54!,4, 2-54"j,2:53, 2:52, 2:.54l^, 2:54. D. and H. H. Carney. Belvidere. 111., Sept. 0. 1883, $100. Harold. My Geraldlne, 2:50, 2:57, 2:50". Kockford. 111., Sept. 14, 188:i. $400. Bav Charley. My Geraldine, 2:47, 2:40>/o,2:45. Oregon, 111., Sept. 21. 1883. $200. E. J.. Leland. Sancho, Ben White. 2:;»'4,'2:40'4, 2:41%. Jupiter Abdallali, ch g (3 :40), by Juj)iter, dam Gypsv. J. Covkendel. Medina. N. Y., Sept. 4, 1875, $2.'0. Col. Scattergood 4. Hulett 2, Venture 3, Lady Hayseed, Dannn, Lady Lulocker, Belle of Olcott (5 dr), Meadow Lark (1 dis), 2:40, 2:41i.i, 2:4.5. 2:43^4, 2:44'2, 2:441-0. Syracuse. N. Y., Sept. 9, 1875. .fOOO. Gen. Grant 1, 2, Homer Boy, Lysander Maid, Whirlwind (5 dis), Harry (1 dis). 2 :43, 2 :41i4, 2 :42, 2 :40, 2 :49. Jupiter. Jr., ch s (3 :46 w), by Jupiter, dam by Andrew Jackson. E. Wright, Westbury, L. I., Sept. 2, 1861, $25. Young Champion, 2 :.54. 2:5.5. — — T. Hall, Centreville. L. I., Sept. 14, 1861, $ . Young Champion, 2:47. 2:.5i;^. 2:47. (w), Win. Whelan, Sept. 19, 1861, $ . Young Champion (w). Tom Sayers (w) (3 dr). Rowdy (w) (1 dis), 2:46.2:48,2:54. Jupiter Norwood, b s (3 :40). by Norwood, dam Rosemary, by Jupiter. J. D. Willis, Albany, N. Y.. Sept. 7, 1880. $450. Ceylene (l 0). 2:56. 2:.55, 2 :38. Three-vear-olds. Alorrisania, N. Y , Oct. 4 and 5, 1881, $1,150. Solo l, 2. Clermont (1 dis). 2:429i, 2:42i4, 2.40, 2:43%, 2:43'/4. Ju.stice. b m(3:40). .L W. Harris, Milford, Mass., Sept. 25, 1878. S1.50. Empress, Grocery Boy, Tompey, Lady Mac. Cliarles N., 2:4114, 2:41, 2:40. Sept. 26, 1878, $100. Charles N., 2:48. 2:45, 2:47i4. Just Out, b m (3:40). H. W. Swaim, Attleboro, Mass., Sept. 30, 1879, $100. Lachlne Boy, Prunella, John Howard. Nelly Burke. Hector. Nina. 2:45, 2:45',, 2:40. Juvenile Knapp. b g (3 :50'2). R. Busteed, St. John. N. B.. Aug. 24, 1876, $100. Prince William 1, Pete Lee 3, Minnie Dav, Blonde (5 dr), 2:.55, 2:.5.5, 2:5.5, 2:.50'4, 2:53. J. AVliite, (2 -.56). J. White, Jamestown. N. Y., Oct. 24, 1868, $1.50. Sis, Wild Peters, 2:54U. 2:50, 2:531^, J. W. Thomas. (Borax), ch g (3 :37'4), by Scott's Thomas. S. C. Black. Nashville, Tenn., Oct. 5, 1879, $250. Fannv B.. Henry Buford (3 dis), Tennessee (3 dis), Sally B. (2 dis), 2:47. 2:46,2:42U. G. J. Fuller. Toledo, ()., June 25, 1880, $600. Executor, Mary Miller, Tom Hendricks, Jovce, Guilford, Adeline, Robert Brown, Gazetteer, Sadie A., Ciark S., Woodlake (3 dr), Mary Belmont, Emma Maxwell, 2:30' 2 2:. 31 2:32. ^ Grand Rapids. Mich., Sept. 22, 1880, $400. Gray Dobbin l. Mambrino Chief Jr., Fox, Grand Sentinel, 2:341/4 2:.34 2:33.2:33^. John Splan, Battle Creek, Mich., July 5, 1881, $600. Jessie Dixon 1, 4, Ethel Medium, Mattie Graham, Centella, 2:31 '/2, 2:35%, 2:341^, 2:34, 2:35. 37<5 CHESTEKS (JOMrLETJi TK01T1.N(J AND I'AClNCi UECOBD. Kailir, blk K (2 :35), by son of Hetzel's Hambletonian. dam by Volunteer. J. Moore, Providence, R. I., July ■-'.'>, 1HT8, $M)0. Democrat, Slioilv I'ouiitaiu, 2:^0, •Z::n;iti, 2:3(>. Kadir. blk Ki-iS^'-i). E. Adams, Sclioliarie, N. Y., Oct. 4, 1883, !3!7.5. Alplionso, Harry B., Lady Clifford, Bay Tom, Lucy, 2:.''>7'4. Neart'.st to.i:OU. Kanawha, ((.'attaraugus Chief), b g (« :^y), by llougli and Ready. Greenville, O., .Sept. 17. 1X79. $2.M). City (iirl 3, Belle Henry 2, Brown Filly, Emma Shoenburg. Trojan Belle (.'5 dr;, jMajor Vauglian (.4 dr), 2:35, 2:37, 2:37y2,2:;)6'2,2:3S'2. Kane IJoy, b g ^3 :;i«'2). A. Spencer, Erie, Pa., July 14, 1870, $ . Captain 3, SilverCloud. Josephine(3 dr), 2:38'/j, 2:41'.i, 2:38, 2:38's. Kane'.s Bay (ielclin;;, (3 :5«M). M. Kane. Fleetwood Park, N. Y., Oct. 14, 1872, §250. Diamond. 3:06, 2:56M, 2:,''.8 Kangaroo, blkg (3:38). S. M. Stowell, Mystic Park, Boston, July 10, 18GG, .§200. Boston, Lady Morrill, Masco (2 dis), 2:46^4. 2:46. 2:44K Boston. Mass., iScpt. 20, 1867, $ . Mocking Bird 2, Fanny Vignaux (4 dr), 2:38, 2:40. 2:43, 2:40. • J. .1. Bowcn, May G, 1873, S . Lady Morris, 2:4.5. Kangraroo, br g ci :47). G. Night, St. Loiiis, Mo., Aug. 5, 1873, $100. Honest Dave. 2:.'54',4, 2:53. 2:50. Kaii};aroo Dick, (.3 :43'/4). H. A. Eldred, Willits, Cal., Sept. 25, 1883, $150. Wild Bill, Terrapin, 2:52V4, 2:49H, Kankakee Maii.3.M(). Stewart Maloney. Kitty Wells, George B. Daniels. Amui, Susie Kurtz, Carrie, George H. Mitchell (3 dis), Vanity Fair (3 dr), 2:25, 2:24'/2, 2:20. - — Springfield, Miiss., Aug. 20, 1874, .>;5.ooo. Fleety Golddust 1, Stewart Maloney. Dinah, Ladv Dahlman, Smuggler (2 dis), (ieorge H. Mitclicll d dis), 2:25, 2:29, 2:25. 2:27. Mystic Park. I^ostoii, Sept. 4, 1874, $2,000. Fleety Golddust 2, Dustin Jim. Lady Dahlman, Honest Billy (3 dis), Sam Curtis (2 dis), 2:20, 2:20, 2:21!2, 2:24!i. Beacon Park, Boston. Sept. 11, 1874, $2,000. Dustin Jim, Lady Dahlman, Honest Billy, Sam Curtis, Cora F.. Arthur (2 dis). 2:29'», 2:29, 3:;}4'2. .John Splan, Fleetwood Park, N. Y., May 22, 1875. $3,000. Sensation 2, Hopeful, 2:25, 2:26'2, 2:29. 2:30. Washington, I). C, Oct. 21 and 22, 187.5, $1,000. Molly Morris 1. Joker, 2:32, 2:29'/2, 2:29, 2:29. Prospect Park, L. I., Oct. 28, 1875, $2,.500. Karus (2 0), Adelaide. 2:23, 2:27^4, 2:26i4, 2:27. I). Miickic, SiitTolk Park, Phila., May 15. 1876, $1,800. Adelaide. Karus, Clementine, 2:27, 2:26?i, 2:2754. May 18. IKTO. .S3.(H)0. Lady Maud, 2. 4, Nettie, 2:23. 2:2214. 2:27, 2:24. 2:27^4. Point Bree/e Park, I'hila., May 23, 1876. $2,000. Barns. Clementine. 2:2.51.4;, 2:29',4, 2:2654. Belmont I'ark, Phila., June 1. 1876, $2,000. Clementine, Henry, Barns (2 dr). 2:24, 2:22'.2. 2:22'/i. Fast Saginaw, Mich.. Jum^ 30. 1876, $1.,500. Bodine. Gen. Garfield, 2:24, 2:22'2, 2:2U.i. Simmons Bros.. Fleetwood Park, N. Y., Sei)t. 10, 1878, $.500. Lady Piitchard. 1, 2, King Philip, 2 :23H, 2:2,5. 2:22'.i. 2:J4?i, 2:25. Belmont l';uk. I'liila., Oct. 10, 1878, .$600. Powers, 2. 3. Jersey Boy, 2:24"2, 2:24'., 2:2,5. 2:2.5, 2:27. Hartford. Conn., Oct. 18 and 19. 1878, .$500. Dick Swiveller 1, 2, Thomas Jefferson. 2:23'2, 2:21Vj, 2:23V4, 2:26'/2, 2:30. Providence, K. L, Oct. 2.5, 1878, .$500. Trampoline 1, Po%vers, 2:23*4. 2:24. 2:22*^4, 2 22'4. Kansas Girl, l)lk m(3:3«). M. D. Field, Leayenwortli, Kan., Oct. 10. 187G. .$2.50. Little Wonder 2 (4 dis). Moonlight (1 0) (4 dis), Dave (4 dis), Kitty Conover (4 dis). 2:4.3, 2:46, 2:44. 2:44. Kansas .Jack, br g (3 :35). c. F. Predmore, Norwich, Conn.. July 12, I88I. $300. Lexington. Joe McCool, Miss Miller, Mary B.. lluth, 2:43M, 2:399i, 2:39»4. Hartford, Conn., July 4, 1882, $300. Joe McCool. 3, Green Mountain Bov, Surprise, Honest John Taylor (4 dis), 2:a5'/2, 2:.35, 2:,39V4, 2:44?^^. Kansas Maid, b m (3:34). Thomas Clark, Leavenworth, Kan., June 23, 1869, $300. Jack Morrow, Honest John (2 dr), 2:49'/2, 2:51?.i. Sept. 16, 1870, $600. Dan. Black Warrior (1 dis), Prairie Bov (1 dis), George Wilkes, Jr. (1 dis), 2:38?!£, 2:39 2:3794. ^ SI. ."lose'ph. Mo.. Sei)t. 28. 1869, .$400. Tom Osborn (2 dis\ Ned (2 dis). Brown Dick (2 dis), 2:40, 2:37. Kansas City, Mo., Nov. 20, 1870. $1,000. Wilkes' Spirit 3. 2:40. 2:40, 2:42 2:40. Kansas Maid, l)ni. (3:10). L. V. I'alnier, Prescott, Ariz.. Dec, 5, 1883, $2.50. Melvin's Dick 2, 3:20, 3:10. 3:16. Kansas Maid. 1) m (3 :3094). N. Schofleld, Pueblo, Col.. Oct. 20, 1883, $320. Maggie H. 3, Comanche Boy (2 dis), 2:.35, 2:.34''.r 2:42, 2:30%. Kansas Queen, 1) m (2 :37»4). B. F. Akers, Hornellsville, N. Y., Aug. 3, 1870, $750. Byron Chief. Fire Fly, Ashliind Pet (l dis), Andrew .lackson (1 dis), 2:46»i.2:50?:{, 2:48. Katarina, b m (3 :4«'/3). J. T. Berry, St. Louis, Mo., May 16, 1874. $40. Chicago Billy, Susie, Wright's b g ^ dis), 2:. 58. 2:49 '/r, CHESTER-.S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING l^.ECORD. 377 Kate, ch in (3 :48'e w). Horace .Tones, Union Course, L. I., June 12, 1852. .$500. Black Joke, 2:53V4, 2:49. (w;, Oct. a». isrc, S4:Chj. McMannis' br m 5:37. Two miles —{W), Capt. MilltT, May 12. ls.>t, Si'OO. Ratcatcher (w), (.3 0i, 2:52, 2:51, 2:.'54i4, 2:51U. (w). :May 31. 18.>4, §500. Gen. Pierce (\v) 1, 2, 2:52^4, 2:49, 2:57. 2:.06, .•!:08. Kate, b ni (2 -.53^). J. ¥. Purdy, Centreville, L, I., June 7, is.'A §;2,000. To trot one hundred miles in less than ten hours. 9li -lOm ?is. Mr. Williams, July 12, 1854, 15400. Limber Jim (w), 2:55»2, 2:53i;i. Kate (w), gr m (a :46 w). J. Whelpley, Centreville. L. I., Aug. 6, 18!55, $1,000. Annie 1, 3, 2:45, 2:46, 2:47. 2:48. 2:46. ^ Kate, b m i3 :40). Ge()rj;e Woodruff. Pliiiadelphia, Pa.. Oct. 20. 1858. .?200. Goorire 2, 2:40, 2:43. 2:45, 2:46. Kate, gr m (3 :41). 'Sly. Rol)insi)n, .Moiitiioniery, Ala., Dec, 20. I85i>. .§425. Cockni^y Dan. 2:51, 2:41, 2-,53. Kate, br m (2:54). Isaac WoodnitT. Harlem. N". Y., July H». I860. .S2no. Shans;liai.'2:.i4, 2:.".(;, 3:00. Kate, b ni (3 :48). Thomas McCounell, Suffolk Park, Phila., June 22, 1865, .■5200. Davey 2, Larry, 2:49, 2:5l?i, 2:48, 2:.52'». Kate, b m (3 :45). H. Clingingpeel, St. Louis. Mo., Kov. 3, 18C5, S200. Tom Best 3, Bay Jim 1, 5, 2:46M.. 2-47, 2:47,2:45,2:51. . •*. > Kate, l)r in ( 3 :44' 2). J. Fisher, Rockaway, N. J., July 4. 1866, §25. Bill Jackson, Confidence, Lady Tip (3 dr). 2:,-.9, 2:.54, 2:51. ' . j f v /. Frank AVagner. Belvidere, N. J.. Sept. 22, 1866, $175. Thief. Duke of "Wellington (3 dr). 2:,55, 2:59, 3:06. Easton, Pa.. Sept. 27, 1866, §20U. Tlnef 4 (20). Tom Allen (2 0). Best time. 2:'44i4. Kate, ch m (2 :38Ve, w). Mr. Hutchins, Poughkeepsie, N. Y., June 11, 1S67, .§150. Sharpsteen's horse 1, Jack (vv), 2 :45, 2 :43, 2 :48. 2 :45. (w), (i. Sharpsteen, June 20, 1867, $500.. Henrietta (w) 1, Prince (w) (3 0), 2:.i8i2, 2:4314, 2:39J4, 2:40J^, Kate, b m (3 :53i.,). Union Course. L. I., Nov. 28, 1867, .?200. Charlev (w)) l dis), 5 :45. Two miles. Kate (Belle of Brooklyn), b m (3 :31V4) by the Potter Horse. G. M. Delanev, Providence, R. I., Oct, 16. 1868. .§300. Climax 1, 3. 2:39. 2:31'2, 2:31, 2:35, 2:36i4. Kate, bm (3:39i,h). D. Bigley. Dover, N. H., Aug. 19, 1869, $250. Lady Wilkes, Berwick, 2 :44i4, 2 :42'/i, 2:39'/2. Boston. Mass., Aug. 31, 1869, $250. Sorrel John, Lady Wilkes, Jenny Spencer, Frank (2 dis), 2:44V4' 2:43»;i. 2:44. Haverhill, Mass., Sept. 16. 1809. $100. Arabian Girl. Fanny, 2:49, 2:51, 2:49!4. Boston, Mass., Nov. 2, 1869, f ■. Lady Wilkes. Sorrel John, 2:41 i/i, 2:43. :?:45i^. H. H. Barton, Lawrence, Mass., June 2, 1870, .§100. Snow Storm, 2:47, 2:48, 2:56. Kate ( 3 :46?i). Syracuse, N. Y., July 5, 1869, .$12.5. Factory Girl 1, 2, American Boy 3, 4, Princa Albert, 2:54'/i, 2:52',, 2:49^4, 2:521.1, 2:46^4, 2:50?4. 2:48. Kate, blk ni (3:39). Mr. Hatfield, Prospect Park, L. 1,, Oct. 25, 1869,$ . Harrv, Fisher Girl, Nelly, 2:44. 2:4.5, 2:42. L. S. Sammis, Nov. 4, 1870, $200. Emma Van Vandt, 2:40, 2:39. Kate (Mattie Howard), ch m (3 :34). Haywood. Cal., Oct. 30, 1869, $ . Roe Allen, Unknown, Dick Gough. I3:43?i. Five miles. G. W. Dickey, San Francisco, Cal., Jan. 21, 1871, $ . Priceless, 3:04, 3:06. Mr. Brown, San Francisco, Cal., March 5, 1871, .$ . Jeff, 3:06, 3:07. Mr. Burdette, March 12. 1871, $75. Buckskin, Hiram. 5:515^, 6:02U. Two miles. G. W. Dickey, April 1, 1871, $100. Buokskui 3, 4, 2:.58ii, 2:52, 2:523^. 2:51 14, 2:53. Sacramento, Cal., May 29, 1871, $ . Buckskin 1, 2:52'/2, 2:44, 2:42^4, 2:46. (w) May 31. 1871, $ . Rover, 2:39^^, 2:42i^, Mr. Burdette, San Francisco, Cal., June 10, 1871 $300. Alex. Benham 2, 3, Tracy (1 dis). 2:45, 2:48, 2:44. 2:40,2:4,5. Kate (w). br m (3 :44i4). Fleetwood Park, N. Y., Oct. 16, 1871. Prize, silver. Fuzzy (w) 2, Billy Bouton (w). 2:58, 3:01 U, 2:531^. John Murphy, May 18, 1872. $500. Star Henrv2, 3. 2:48^4. 2:47i2, 2:50i^, 2:5114,2:51^4. SejJt. .30. 1872, $150. Lady Brown, Tom Wond"er, 2:.50. 2:48. 2:48. Oct. 9, 1872, $ . Badger 3, Gertrude (4 dri. Star Henrv (3 dr), 2:44i/4, 2:44i4, 2:431/2. 2:44^. Ap. 22, 187.3. .'J200. Belle of Orange 1. 2:50, 2:4914, 2:49, 2:.50i4. Kate, gr m (3:43i2). W. Bowen, Fleetwood Park, N. Y., Oct. 14. 1872, .$500. Lyman, 2:45, 2:42}^. 2:49. H. W. Howe. Prospect Park. L. I., Aug. 5, 1873, .§200. Unexpected, 2:5.5, 2:52, 2:53. Kate, b m (3:46). A. T. Luther, Norfolk, Va., Oct. 8, 1873, $180. Jack Rome, Mount Holly, 2:48, 2:47, 2:46. Kate, blk m (3:38), by Cole's Lincoln. B. R. Brownell, Rome, N. Y.. Oct. 14, 1873, $ . Sweet Brier, Tow Boy, Fanny Gardner, Dan Kelly, Victor. 2:4314. 2:43^4, 2:45. F. G. Pellett, Oswego, N. Y., Mav 29, 1874, $8,50. Jericho 3. 4, Little Charlev 2, Gen. Custer, 1 (6 dis), Charles Havden, Ohio Girl, Nutwood. Deceiver (4 dr), 2:40, 2:40, 2:40, 2:40, 2:42, 2:41, 2:43. .1. MedbuVy. Wilkesbarre, Pa., June 3. 1874. .$400. Clothesline 1, Central New York 4, Stella. Lonisa, Roan Dick. John P. (2 dis). 2:i2U, 2:42. 2:42. 2:42'», 2:41. June 5, 1874, .§400. Jersey Bov, Stella. Clothesline. 2 :39. 2 :41, 2 :38. Kate, blk m (3:00). L. C. Smith. Clearfield. Pa., July 3, 1874, $225. Joe Saxon. Lady Chatham, Hannah Bradlev. Dolly Morgan (3 dr), 3:00, 3:02, 3:21. .Inly 4. 1874. $2.50. .Joe Saxon. Bay Frank, Hannah Bradlev, 3:00. 3:00''2, 3:01. Kate, ch m (3 :43). Joseph Miller, Memphis, Tenn.. July 31, 1874, $300. Tom Fields 4, Jack Coon 1, Sugar in the Gourd. 2:45, 2:451... 2:46, 2:45, 2:49. ■ Sept. 4, 1874, .$400. Sugar in the Gourd 3 (2 0). Tom Fields, Jack Coon, 2:45. 2:43. 2:44?i. 2:50, 2:47. Kate, gr m(3:4Gi,). Haverhill, Mass., June 15, 1874,$ — . Jim 3, 4(5 0)(6 0), Venture, Nancy, 2:5714, 3:01W 3:0lVi, 2:.^4. Unfinished. ^I. Carroll. Beacon Park. Boston. Sejit. 14. 1874. .$200. George. Crazv Jane (2 dis), 2:53, 2:52, 2:54. AuK- 4. Kate, h m ,'3 :43i4). H. Cole, Milwaukee, Wis., Oct. 3. 1874. $ . Fannv 1. 2:44, 2:42i4, 2:44i-4. 2:42^4. Kate (3 :58i. T. Allen, Suffolk P:irk. Phila., June 1. 1876. .$200. Ladv Fashion 3, 2:58, 2:59. 3:01. 3:02. Kate, b m (3 :41). G. Wasmer, Marvsville, Mo.. Oct. 5, 1877. $300. Lucy. Walker, 2:41, 2:43, 2:43. Oct. 6, 1877. 1.50. Lucv. Ben Lvon. 2 :43. 2:4.5, 2:43. Kate, gr m (3 :.->6). G. Dickey. Beacon Park, Boston. May 10, 1878, $20. Gertrude. General. 3:00, 2:58, 2:. 56. Waltham. Mass., Mav, 17. 1878, $.50. Ben. 3:01, 3:01. 3:00. Kat«, (3 :.59). L. C. Meyer. Chicago, 111.. Aug 3. 1878. $ . Billy, Bob, 3:02, 2:.59. Kate, blk m (ZtSOV*). J. W- Van Nostrand, Centreville, L. I., Dec. 2. 1879, $100. ElichO, 3:47, 4:(& 4:00. 378 CHESTER'S COMrLETK TK()TTIN<; AND I'AC INC KIX'OIiD. J. E. Jarvis, Parkville. L. I.. Nov. l, 18S0, Sioo. .liinc Looser. •>:'A)\i. 2:.'H. Jersey Citv, N. J., .)ulv '.'S. 18(sl'. SHJO. Yellow .Ia<-kel 1. •_':5i.".i,L':r)-J».i. 2:5(»'j, 3:01>4. J. Fooe, Jersey C'lly, S". J.. June l'8, 18KJ. *1oo. Marv VV.. l' .■^2^1. 2:53, 2:54»4. Kate (W). (Ml 111(3 :3G?4,. W. Van Valkeiiburg, Morrisania, N. Y., Sei)t. 29. 1K79, .■$12."). Oyster Girl (w», 2, 3, Cato (w I. AbiiiKdon Maid (w) (3 dn, l>ucv (w) (3 dr), 3:02, 3:03, 2:67. 2:.";;i, 2:5."). Moore & Wilson, Se|)t. 13. IHSO, .«200. Tiiscarora 1. 2,2:41,2:39?^, 2:40. 2:30^.2:47. Kate, ell iii('^:51^4}. Jer.seyville, ill., Oet. 15. 1880, §150. Dan Maec, John, Kiehard O. (3 dn. 2:51>.i, 3:05, 3 02. Kate. l)lk in (3 :01'i). C. Lebranz, New Citv, L. I., Sept. 29, 1«80, §30. Chief, Lucv Tallinan, llarrj- Howard, Dolly (2 dn, 3:01'2,3:04, 3:11. Katf, b in Ci :4»^j). J. L. Opdyke, Fleinington, N. J., Sept. 29, 1880, §«). Annie S., Starliy;ht, Iteveiiije. 2:52' . 2:.-.Pi,2:.10'.,. Kate, b ni ( 2 :55). E. F. Kaufman, Lancaster, Pa.. Oct. 8, 1881, .?100. Dave. Tom Seott. Sorrel Dick, 2 :.55. 3:00, :i -00. Kate, rn in (3:37?i). J. Hazlett. Pittsfleld, Mass., Sept. 14, 1881, S200. I'.ieeze Medium, :«ary V., Lady Seal- skin. Frank (Jilman, 2:40, 2:42, 2:43. Kate, b m. Mr. Jewell, Oxford, N. Y., Sept. 20, 1883, $100. Drnnimer Boy 1, 2. Tommy ^L, iharley Walker. No time. Kate, b m (3 :01), C. E. Mealv, Frederick City, Md.. Oct. 4. 1883. .S . Hhu-k Snake 2. 3:01. 2 .-.W. 3 :02. Kate, br m (3 :04). N. (J. Edelblnte, Clarion, Pa., Oct. n. 1883, §40. Stella Star 1. Duke, 3:02, 3:04, 3:U), 3:06. Four-year-olds. Kate IJeiinett. rn m(S:39i.i)- by IMne Bull, dam bvCicn. Taylor, .lames L. Wilson. Cambridge. Ind., June 12, 187.!. *2.4{X). Harry Todd i, Metairie Maid, Fasliion. J::;;*'," 2:33'.i. 2:41'.i, 2:L'y'.i. Buffalo. N. Y., Aug. 9, 1873, ,S1,.W0. Ned Wallace, Flcelv (iolddust. 2::;i •.,. 2:34}..>. 2:31?4'. Fiye-vear-olds. Utiea, N. Y'., Aug. 18, 1873. .§1,500. Fleety (iolddust, Ned Wallace. 2:;)3. 2:,3S. 2:41. Five-year-olds. linshville, Ind., .Sept. 11, 1873, § . I'.illy Lambcrtson. I'ociilioutas Bov, 2:39'4, 2:38?4. 2:38»^4. ■ Indianapolis, Ind., Oct. 2, 1873,$ . Cy Auger 2. Indiana 1, Kussell. Dairy Maid (4 dn. 2:38>^, , 2:364, ■ Kate Bovvers, b m (3:57). Joseph Fisher, F:astoii. Pa.. Aug. 20. 1865, $100. Gray Harrv, Stevedore, Gray Mack, 2:.^)7. 3:00. 2:!->9. Kate Bradley, rn ni (2:56U), Chris. Doyle, St. Louis. Mo.. July 18, 1863, §100. Duke of Welliiigtou, 2:57»4, 2 :.")(>■■,. Kate Campbell, br m (2 :25?4\ bv Scott's Hiatoga, dam bv Ethan Allen (?). Charles Magill, Cleveland, O., Sept. 17 and 18, 1874, .§700. Lady Mae 3, Belle Brastield 2, Tom Britton 1, Captain, Lewinski. Frank. 2:33, 2:30, 2:.33, 2:3014, 2:34^4, 2:36. Sandusky, O., Sept. 24, 1874. §1,000. Harrv Mitchell. Cozette, 2:.30'/i, 2:25?4, 2:27. Dayton, O., Oct. 3, 1874. .Sl.ooo, Harry Mitchell 1. IVIanibrino Star, 2:33',2, 2:31'», 2:30, 2:31. Lancaster, O., Oct. 15. 1874. .S . SiUersides 1. 2:36. 2:3.^.. 2:.39?.,, 2:3514. L. B. Harris, Fort Wayne. Ind., June 8. 1875. §1.100. Monarch Jr. 1, 3, 1 adv Patterson (2O1. Liltle Mack, 2:32^, 2:.36i.i, 2:35'2, 2::XiU, 2:34, 2:33;:. Cliff Porter, Jamestown. ()., Aug. — , 1875,$ . Billy Yeazell 1. Frank 2:;55, 2..35. , 2:37, . Massillon, O., Aug. 13, 1875, .§300. Tanner Boy 1, (3 0), Monroe (4 0), Lew Scott, Dolly. 2:33. 2:33',4, 2:33, 2 ::{."), 2:35. Delaware, O.. Aug. 19 and 20, 1875, $350. Red Oak 4. Hvlas 3. Jerry Postal, Billy Yeazell (4 dis), 2:49, 2:47'.,, 2:48i,», 2:4(). 2:39. Columbus, O., Sept. 10, 1875, .§3,50. Red Oak 1, Silversides 3, Lew Scott, Dr. Rush. Deception (4 dn. 2:37>^, 2.37'2, ,2:361.;. 2:36. Sandusky. O.. Sept. 23. 1875. .§800. Nelson. Dick Harvey, 2:38?4', 2:35?i. 2:36^. Kate Chitwood. b m (2 :57), by Mike, dam bv Paul Jones. 6. Sinilev, Portland. Or.. June 23. 1883, §75, May Wintler, 2:58^4, 2:.57. 3:01. Kate Clark, b in (2:48). John Burk. Louisville. Ky.. Sept. 9. 1860. §100. Honest Bill 2. Kit Carson (1 dis), 2:.".l'.., 2:47'4,2:49'2,2:48. Kate Daniels, grin (2 :36K'). A. J. Daniels, Louisville, Ky., June 20, 1860, $250. Lady Woodlawn. Capt, .Megowan (1 dis). 2:.39i4. 2:42'.i, 2:39. • Cincinnati, ()., Julv 10. I860. .§2.000. Tom Thumb 2. 4. 2:40";, 2:41, 2:40. 2:42';. 2:48. Aug. 2. 18tiO. .§400. "l-adv Utley (3 dis), 2:41'i. 2:30'i. 2:39. Kate I>arcy (w) blk m. (2:35). G. C. Gould, Huntington, L. I., Oct. 24, 1874, .§100, Sappho (w), 2:52, 2:463i, 2:46ij. Smitlitown, L. I., Sept. 4, 1875, §100. Lady .Tones (3 dis). 2■.S^H. 2:4514, 2:35. Kate Devenenough, gr m (2:42). E. Wade, Boston, Mass., June 14, 1855, §500. William L., 2:50, 2:49, 2:49' ». ^H.'B. Billings, Providence, R. I.. Sept. 5, 1855, §100. North Star 3, 4. Telemachus (1 dis). 2:42. 2:42i/2, 2:40!/,. 2:.35'.;, 2:42i'5. Kate l)ouK-la.ss, blkm (2:.51i/,). .L M. Hughes. Denver. Col., Sept. 22. 1874. $175. Jake 1, 2, Lady Bird, Boulder (1 dis) 2:.54'i, 2:54i4. 2:.')4, 2:,55, 2:,'-)7-:, . Boulder. Col.. Oct. 3, 1874. .§ . South Platte, Snip (1 dis).2:51U. 2:52ii, 2:53. Kate DouRlass, b m (2:4210 bv Holmes' Abdallah. S. A. Chamberlain, Watertown. Conn., Sept. 28 and 29, 1881. §1.10. .Toe McCool, Fred, 2:44'.;, 2:43, 2:4.'-). . Geneva, N. Y'., June 15. 1883, .S1.50. Telephone. Jessie, 2:50. 2:42i.i. 2:42?i. Kate Fisher, b m (2:43'4). Mr. Culverson. Geneva, 111., July 3, 1869, § . Genevieve. Brown Peggy. Sleepy .lobn Peggy 2".57 2 '.59 Kate Franklin, rn inVa :47ii). N. Holconib. Hartford. Conn.. Aug. 22, 1857. $ . Walker, 2:48, 3:00. Aug. 27. 18.->7. .«;400. AValker, 2:,55».i, 2:55'.;. 2:.'">4. T. Cumniings, Norwich, Conn., Aug. .'!, 18.^8. §100. Neptune (s) 2. 2:.')0, 2:.50i/2, 2:47'2, 2:51^. N. Holcomb. Hartford. Conn.. Oct. 19. 18.-.8. .§100. Bob Ridley. 2:.5.!. 2:51. Fniiik Cumniings. July 4. 1861. .§7.">. L:idv Dun, Adams' b m. 2:55. 2 :.'>4. 2:51. ^ ,, „_ Kate <;ilbert rJosie\ br m (2 :3.->) bv clianipion Black Hawk, dam by a son of Trustee Messenger. S. Hayes. Boston, Miiss., .luly 17. 1871. .§200.' Queen of the East 3. 2:40"2. 2:409.i, 2:44,2:41. Aug. 2, 1871, .§306. White Mountain Boy 2, 4. Queen of the East (1 dis), 2:40-14, 2:42?4, 2:42i4. 2:48. Vn- llnished. • Sept. 1, 1871. .§200. Ike Woodw.ard, Everett Boy. 2:.'i9'.;. 2:.39'2. •.>:.39?4. , „ ^^, , May 1, 1872, $1.50. Ladv Ellis 1, 4, Northern Chief 2. Mystic Boy (1 dis). 2:45,2:44, 2:4i.. 2:48, 2:45'/!,, 2'49-ii '- T. W. I'^enton. Concord. M.ass., Sept, 24. 1873. §2.50. Dictator 2, Green Mountain Maid. Flora. Silvia. 2 :42. ''■:i9W, 2 '41 '''42' 5 * Mystic Park. Boston, Oct. 15 and 16. 187.3. «300. Broin Keeuy 3. 4. Deacon 1, Modoc ,5. Pearl, (ineu Mountain Maid. Flora f5dr). 2:.33U. 2:.3,5. 2:37. 2:37'/-. 2:.38';. 2:.37. 2:.3n. av) .L J. Bowen. June 2. 1874. .'52fiO. IModoc (wH. 4 . 2:4.5, 2:4.5^4, , 2:50. 2:50, 2:50. CHESTEE'S COMPLETE TR()'iTIN(i AND PACING RECORD. 3T9 May 30, 1878, $200. Betsy Ann, I5urt, Fleet (1 dis). Molly Pitcher (l disj. Velveteen (1 dis) 2:50, 2:50, 2:50. ■ Adrian, Mich., June 4, 1878, $500. .Jenny, Govvanda, Convoy, Ida Shepherd c- dis;, 2:41'/2, 2:^, 2 :32, 3 :06-'4. Five-years-old. Kate Harris, b m (3:41io>. by Henry Harris. H. H. Carter, Suflield, Conn. Oct., 12, 1882, $ . Lizzie R. 1 . Ripple. Best time 2:41'2. Kate Hayes (w), ch m (3 :53 vv). .Mr. Joslyn, Hartford, Conn., Nov., 15, 1853, .$100. Deacon Dart, Gen. Scott (\v) 2:52, 2:.">4. 2:52. 1{. siierwood. New Haven. Conn.. Oct. 10. 1854, SIOO. Welch's gr g, 2:56, 3:00. Oct. 27. 1854. .$1:00. Paddy Gill, 3:00, 2:58. S une day. SKK). Major, 2 :.")8, 2 :.07. Kate Hazard". I) in ( 3 :3 1), by Hazard. H. H. Yates, Chicago. 111., July 17, 18C9, $400. Bay Jim. John Tonley, 2:3!>'i. 2::!Si>:40. La Salle, HI.. Sept. 8, 1870. $165. Tom Wonder, Norwegian Girl, Fanny, 2:.56, 2:56,2:59. Three Rivers, Mich., Oct. 7, 1870, $525. Dictator 2, Billy Hotspur, Brown Kate, Niglit Hawk, 2:43'2, 2:40. 2:40',, 2:421/3. ■ Charlotte, Mich., June 7, 1871, .1f700. Chestnut Dick, Dictator, West Dingmau, Lotty Clark, Billy Backer, C. M. Clay l (2 dis), Royal Magna (2 dis), 2:3514, 2:35Ji,2:37}/3. 2:40. Lansing, Mich., June 21, 1871, $ . Gen. Howard l, Dictator, Gray Billy, 2:38i/^, 235, 2:3614, 2:38. Earlville, III., Aug. 31, 1871, $400. Satinet 1, Tom Wonder, Bay Tom, 2:39, 2:38?i, 2:36, 2:39!2. Lowell, Mich.. June 3, 1873,$ . James H.. Joe Udell. Harry Howard, 2:47. 2:43?i, 2:46%. Jackson, Mich., June 18, 1873, $1,500. H.B.Foley 1, Vaughan, Young Princeton, Kitty G., Lagonier, 2:.35\i, 2:35:^,:, 2:33, 2:379i. East Saginaw. Mich., June 26, 1873, $l,.500. Young Princeton, Molly Newton, Vaughan, 2:34'/4, 2:34, 2:31. Earlville. 111., Aug. 18, 1873, .$600. Joe Shawhan 1 (4 0), Capitola, James Ridge l(2dis), 2:32'2, 2:35'/4, 2'3j^'o 2:351 ^' Peoria, III., Sept. 17 and 18, 1873, $1,000. Capitola 5, Albert, Lady Mack, Blue Ridge i2 0) (3 dis), 2:34, , 2 :32, 2 :35. 2 :34i/2, 2 :36'/2. Kate Henry, b m (3 :50). H. Couilliard, Winchester, N. H., Sept. 19, 1872, $100. Nelly, Sam, Montagu Jim, Aaron (3 dn. 2:50, 2:50, 2:51. Kate Higden, b m(3:50). Warren Peabody, Cincinnati, O., April 22, 1854, $200. Dolly Madison, 2:50, 2:51'.,. Kate Howard, b m (3 :38). M. Curtis. Rochester. Minn., Sept. 4. 1882, .$ . Little Queen, 2:38, 2-A^%. Kate Hughes, brm(3:38?i), by Honest Allen, dam by Vt. Hambletonian. J. J. Bovven. Mystic Park, Bos- ton, Oct. 19, 1874, .$300. Mountain Maid, Meddlesome. Lizzie Humes, 2:46, 2:45!2, 2:46. Beacon Park, Boston, Nov. 4, 1874, .$200. Folly, Index, 2:45'o, ii;42, 2:42. John Murphy, Spring Valley. N. Y., Aug. 25, 1875, $150. Witch 3, Frenchy, Dean's Hambletonian, Major S., Harrvlrving, 2:42, 2:42. 2:451^,2:44. , ,. ^^ , ,, ,. ^ A. Vanderbilt, Deerfoot Park, L. I., Oct. 18. 1875, $300. Judge Robertson, Dandelion, Hardroad (1 dis), Gauntlet (1 dis). 2:4214. 2:40, 2:41. Kate Kearney, br m (3 :37). Stacey Patchen, Beacon Course, N. J., Julys, 1839, .$50. Yankee Doodle, 5:48, 6:00. Two miles. William Whelan. Centreville, L. I., Oct. 22, 1846, $150. Washington, 2:39, 2:37. Kate Kearney, br m (3:50;. C. Douglass, Middletown, Conn., May 5, 18G4, .$50. Billy,3:01, 3:00,2:59. Kate Kearney, b ra (3:391^), by St. Lawrence Jr., dam Louisiana, by OleBull. Thomas Best, St. Louis, Mo., June 19, 1866, .«.50. Nick, Ladv Churchill (1 dis). Puss (1 dis), 2:44, 2:48. .(une 20, 1866, .$75. Nick, Lady Churchill, Puss (I dis).2:50, 2:461^, 2:44. .(une 26, 1866, $ . Hardbread 1,.3, 2.41, 2:40, 2:.39U. 2:42i4, 2:391/2. July 14. 1866, $100. Lady Alice 2. .lack Rossiter. Belle of St. Louis (4 dis), 2:41, 2:45, 2:44, 2:43. Kate Keller, blk m (3 :40). L. C Smith, Brookville, Pa., Oct. 21, 1874, $200. Philadelphia Boy 2, Raft (2 dr), 2:40%, 2:42. 2:43. Kate Lewis, bm 1.3:01). J. Winters. Mt. Pleasant, la., Sept. 21. 1882, $ , Flora Hawkeye (3 dis), 3:01, Kate Low, br m (3 :58). Dr. J. R. Mettler. Belvidere. N. J., Oct. 16. 1867, $1.5. Boy from Home. 3:00. 2:58. Kate Mann, br m (3:4014). Frank Wagner, Wilkesbarre, Pa., Sept.—, 1867, $ — . Cassius M.Clay 1, 2:45, 2:49!/j, 2*45 2:45. ' J.' Lovitt, Harrisburgh, Pa.. Sept. 30, 1868, .'S50. Billy Button, Sazarac, Nancy Till, 2:47, 2:49. P. C. Eckroth, Wilkesbarre, Pa., .July 17, 1875, .$200. Gertrude, 2:.56, 2:56, 2:.57. W. Wells, Oct. 23, 1876. .$100 Dennis (w). 2:43, 2 :40i/2, 2:42. Kate Marshall, blk m (3:47). H. G. Harkness, Lucan, Ont., May 23, 1879. .$100. Maud Edgerton 2, 3 (1 0) Little Dan, 2:48%, 2:46i/2. 2:.50,2:47, 2:47, 2:501/0. Kate May, blk m (3 :39). L. D. Roberts, Hartford, Conn., Oct. 29, 1861, .?50. Fanny Fern 1, 2:46, 2:47, 2:47. Frank Cummings, Middletown, Conn., Aug.— 1862, $150. Clarion 3, Butcher Boy (3 dis), 2:44, 2:44, 2:48,2:46. (w), Aug. 26, 1862, .$500. Butcher Boy, Clarion, 2:43. 2:45. 2:46. Aug. 4, 1862, .$75. Roan Jim 1, Brown Seward, Gray Dick(3dr), 2:43i.i, 2:44, 2:,39i4, 2:51}^. New Haven, Conn., Oct. 2, 1863, $ . Larder, Butcher Boy,2:.39, 2:41i/,, 2:41' Kate McCall, gr.m(3:33),tay Blue Bull, dam Flora Abdallah. by Alexander's Abdallah. E. McCall, Dayton, O. June 15. 1881 ,'.$2.50. Desdemoua, Eagle Plume. Little Jim, Lady M., Ramie. Bashaw Chief, Tucker (3 dis), Kate Snyder ( 1 dis), Hamilton (1 dis), 2:3.514. 2:40. 2:35. ,^ ^^. ^^ . Pittsburgh. Pa.. July 13. 1881, $l,.500. Dan Donaldson 2, 4, Unolala (3 0), Executor, Bay Chieftain, 2:26i4, 2:2514, 2:2514. 2:26, 2:2414, 2:2414. ^ . ^. • ..• T, Chicago, II!., July 25, 1881, $1„500. Geo. K., Mercutio, Lucrece. Logan B.. Sue Grundy, Cincinnati Boy. Danube, 2:25, 2:2.3W, 2:27. Bradford, Pa.. .lune 16, 1883, .$.500. Edwin A. 3, Sciola, 2:31%, 2:30. 2:28, 2:.32. „ , „ „ . , „, KateMcGowan, blk m(3:51). Capt. Learv. Harlem. N. Y.. Nov. 2. 1S69. .$500. Red Rover, 2:54, 2:53%, 2:51 Kate Medium, gr m (3 :4.5), by Happy Medium, dam Messenger Clara. H. McAnany, Mt. Holly, N. J., Oct. 10, 1882, $100. Lady Everett, Cracker Dust. Paddy Collins. Lady Aitkin, May S., Newtown, George S.. ^Oct.'ll,'l882?$loo.""Newtown2, 6. l^ady G. 4. Lady Everett I, Mortimer. Paddy Collins, Sleepy Chief, George S., Cracker Dust, Mav S.. Ladv Aitkin, 2:47, 2:46, 2:4.5, 2:46. 2:4.5. 2:47, 2:47. Kate Middleton, ch m (3:33), bv Mamhrino P;itclicii, dam Flora by Alexander's Abdallah. J. Rhea, Colum- bus, O., July 4, 1878, .«eoo. (^arry Berrvhill. Ladv Oeen, Black Cloud, Dan K., 2:.S.3. 2::i4. 2:33. Toledo, O., July 18, 1878, .$800.' Bill Findhiy 2, Honest Mary, Billy Green, 2,44, 2:45. 2:43U 2:42i4, (Cincinnati, O., July 3, 1879, $1.000. Big Soap 3. 4, Chance. Abdallali Boy, Warrior, Fashion, D. Monroe (5 dr), Charley Ford l, 2 (3 dis), 2:28i4, 2:29, 2:31, 2:30i/2,2:28i/2, 2:30, 2:31. 380 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TKOTTINC AM) I'ACINc; KKCOIMi Louisville, Ky.. July 9. isvi), S8(X). Charley Kord 1. lUd Line. Warrior, D. Monroe, Oku, Brigadier, Big iSoap, Chance, Hlundin rJ ilis). Lady I'auhcn il di.-.), 'j-.jb, -J-.-^V^. -:ii.J. 2:-Sitt. Colnnilnis, O.. July l(i, I87!>, «iti(X>. IJig Soap, Charley Ford, D. Monroe, Abdallah liov. Fashion. 2:;i4U, 2:21, -'.:i<;'s. - . 78. It. c. I'ate, Minneapolis, Minn., Sejjt. 5 and 0. 1879, ^l.ooo. Mazo-Manie 4, 5, Scott's Thomas 3. Lew Scott 1, Jt-'ti. •1:2:>, 2:L'7'-i, i':27. L'-27, 2:L't>, -J-.M^^. Kate .>lill«'r (w>. br in (a:3«',2)) Dan Mace, Provldenee, U. I., June 26, 1856, .«!150. Boston . 1h.-,(;. .s . Major Rogers (2 0;, 2:42, 2:41'i, 2:39. W. I!. Fish, liiion ('ours.'. I,. L. Oct. 29, 185«. ?!!5(H). Lady Cudnev 1, 2,2:43, 2:42, 2:42'/2, 2:42, 2:42. KuteO'lirieii, li ni y^i-AH). I'Inladelphia, I'a., Sept. 20, 1K4'J, $2".. Kitty Polk, 2:4«, 2:.50, 2:63. IS). .1. Sonierindyke, Harlem, N. Y., Dee. 16, 1S5.;. .S25(t. Emperor (s) 1, 2, Lady of the Lake (s) 3.4. Awfnl(s), (Jen. Cass (s), (3 dn 2:51, 2:,')2, 2:'>0i<., 2:51. 2:r>.3, 2:.'j.3, 2:.5:!. Kate O'Brien, bm(8:37i-4). John Crooks, Fashion Course, L. L, July 30, 18C7, .Ssoo. Lady Jones, 2:38U, 2:.'$9' c 2:41. Kate K.. h m (2:38'4). C. P. <;ilman. Young.stown, O., Sept. 21, 1881. .?240. Madeline, Bridget. Adele J. Kobert Kmniett. 2:39>.i 2:.J8U. 2:43'o. Pittsburgh, Pa.. Oct. 13, iwi, $MK). Twilight, (iazeteer, F. Sheridan. 2:.50^.,, 2:43ii, 2:42';. Kate ,s. (Lady rrimblc), b m C-i ;:{«'o). J. Spaulding, Fleetwood Park, N. Y.. Julv 17, 1875, .Sfoo. Jiiu i ^3 Oi, Modesty. Brilliant. Carrie X., Salety (6 dr), Lady S. (3 dr), 2:36. 2-:n;\>., 2:.3f!?4, 2:39, 2:.39»i. .lohn .Murphy, July 30, 187."i, .S.'iOO. Jolni B. (s) 1, 2:41iii, 2:.36'., 2:.38'4. .\ug. 20, 1x7.5, §.500. Vesta. 2:45'5, 2:39K>, 2::59. Kate s., gr 111 C'i :5«). J- J- McClay. Point Breeze Park, Pliila., Oct. 5, 1876, .*200. Greenwich Maid (w), 3:14. 2 :56. Kate .s., sp m (.3 :39i4). J. Paulding, \Vilmington. Del., October 7, 1879, .$12.5. Palmer Bov, Bvron, 2:43'., 2:42,2:42. Oct. 9, 1879, $100. Annie V.. Maud Medium. 2:43. 2:45. 2:47^4. Kate s., b in. J. Thomas. Macomb, 111., Aug. 26. 1880. .$75. Col. Waters, 3, Jessie Wilson, 1 :42. 1:40U, i :;«, l::iO. Half-mile heats. Three-year-olds. Kate Sands, br iii (3 :07!4). T. Paxton, Kichmond, Va., Oct. 30, 1878,$200. Weyanotte, Solitude, 9:35, 9:22'4. Three miles. Kate .Sloan, blk m (3:38). Washbiu-ii & Vaughn, Barre. Mass., Oct. 1, 1875, SHO. Bush Boy, 1, Lilly Tarbell. Toi)sv. 2:42H>. 2:43, 2:43?4, 2:42'». vV. Sherman, Worcester, Mass.. Aug. 21. 187s. $200. Jenny (2 0), 2:49'.2, 2:41, 2:49, 2:40. Kate Sprapue, br m (2:18), by (Governor Sprague, dam Fan, bv Lance. M. Jligbee, Chicago. III., Sept. 16, 1880, .<"0O. Donald l, Almo (2 dis). (Jraud Miserv (2 (lis>, 2:.32?i, 2:28'.., 2:26U,. 2:2'4. Kansas City, Mo., Sept. 21. 18H0, $rm. M^Ttle'2. .Matiie Graham, Wadi' Hampton. 2:29, 2:27. 2:28, 2:29. .Sept. 25,18K0, $.500. MattieGraham, Corbiu's Bashaw, 2-28, 2:29. 2:27'.i. Bloomiiigton, 111., July 2, 1881, .$600. Pilot R., Kittv Bates, Ross, 2:24. 2:23V.-;, 2:26';. Iligbee & Babcock, Cedar Eapids, la., September 23, 1881, $700. Mattie Graham, Gloster, 2:25^, 2:23^^, 2 :26',i . Kate Steward, blk m (2 :51?i). L. W. Moses, Indianapolis, Ind., Sept. 22, 1866, $30. Gypsy Queen 1, 3. Bay John 4. .5, 2:.549i, 2:51fi, 2:48?4'. 2:47V4, 2:49%. 2:52'/2, 2:51?4. Kate Taylor, b m (2 :23i/4), by Aberdeen, dam Emellne, by Henry B. Patchen. J. W. Hess. Newark. N. J., September 17, 1873, $150. Horace 1, Dilo. Dick (1 dis), l^ergusoh (l dis), Jenny (1 dis), 2:43>4, 2:41".. 2:44V4, 2 :40. E. W. Conover, Mt. Holly, N. J., Oct. 8, 1878, $85. Proctor, .liin Bell, Ladv Yerks, I'urity, 2:55>4, 2:58)4, 2:.5:ji4. New Hunting Park, Phila., Sept. 8, 1881, $250. Lady Crossln 1, Mambrino Charta, Nigger Baby, Charley C. (4 dis), 2:.%, 2:32i4, 2:35, 2:33'i, Ambler Park, Pa., Sept. 14. 1881. $250. Mambrino Charta 1, Wliitefield, R. P., Manibriuo Hassen, 2:34i*. 2::«, 2:36, 2:37J^. Dover, Del., Sejit. 28. 1881, $400. Nigger Babv, 4, Lady Crossin 1. Sherman Morgan, 2:34'/i, 2:33, 2:34'4, 2:34, 2:;«. Elktoii, Md., Oct. 5, 1881, $400. Lady Crossin. Whitefleld, Sherman Morgan. 2:34. 2:38, 2:34. Lebanon, Pa., October 21, 1881, .¥500. Lvdia S. l. Lady R., Mambrino Hassen, Post, 2:35?4, 2:35?i. 2:36^4, 2 :35. Youngstown O., Julv 7, 1882, .*6(H). Big Ike 1, Reveille, Bronze, Etfle G.. Mistletoe, Maud Monroe (3 dr), 2:29' 2. 2:29',. 2:30, 2:29'o. Kate Wesner (Sciola. Honest Trotter and Katv Did), b m (2 :23i4). by Iowa Tuckahoe. G.Wesner, Atlantic la., .luiic 2K, 1877, $100. Sleepy Jim i,, State of Maine, 2:52, 2:50*4, 2:50'/i, 2:52. Custer, la.. SepL 27, 1877, .. 2:19,2:18. Half-mile heats. Two- year-olds. Kathrina, blk m (2:421.^), by Ashland, dam Kittv W.. bv Young Bashaw. J. Moore, West Meridou. Conn., July 5. 187,5, $ . Governor English. Fourth of Julv. Sensation. 3:in, 3:14»-i,, 3:03';. .1. H. McDonald, Milford, Conn., Sept. 12, 1878, .$80." Starter .{, Ben .5. Blaelcsmith Maid, 2:43".^, 2:43. 2:4'.', 2:42' », 2:4.W,. Katy. I) in (2::{7t. Ed. Flamiery. Shrewsbiu-v. Mass., Aug. 21, 1877, $400. Ladv B:ilch 2. Richard B., Charles Ware. Honest Son, Richelieu, Laura Post, Buyer's Exciiangc (4 dis), 2:40, 2::!f., 2:37. 2:.!7. Katy, blk III (2 r.lS^, I. E. Dunn. Middletown. Conn., .Sept. 27, 1877, $,50. Ladv Allen, .Morrill Prince, Tillv S. (2 (lis), Gvjisv Nell (1 dis), 2 .^s',, 2:.52''.i', 2:.54',. .Sept. 28, 1877, $50. Lady .Saero 1, 4. Ladv Allen. Morrill Prince (1 dis). 2:.50, 2:.55, 2:.56, 2:.55, 2:.56. Katy.chm (2:43'4'). R. Sherwo(.d. Milford, Conn., Oct. 19, 1881, $.50. Neighbor Ui)s 3, 4, Dan. St. Elmo, High Rock (1 dis), Dandv (l dis), 2:46, 2:46}^, 2:4614, 2:44'». 2:4.3»i. Katy, b m (2:49'/j). R. Dunham, Jersey City, N. .L. Aug. 21, 1883, $V). Speedwell. 1, 2, 2:56>4. 2:63^, 2:5.5, (wl, R. St:ige, Jersey City, N. J., Sept. 19, 188,^, $200. Ned Cole (w), 3:13, 3:11, 3:05V4. P. Manee, .Sept. 21, 18S3. $.50. Ned Colo (w), 2:51, 2:.53, 2:56. H. Albers. Oct. 4, IHS.i, $20. Cricket, 2:.54, 2:58, 2:.54, 2:.57. Katy Allen, (2:.'>8i. G. Wright, Gloversville, N. Y., July 2, 1867, WO. Princess, Katy Sharp, Vermifuge, Nelly, 2 :.58, 3:01, 3:02. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PAClNCi RECORD. 381 Katy B., b m (3:34), by Legal Tender, (.lain l>v Copperbottom. PL Spinney, West Lebanon, Ind., Sept. 10, 1880, $UH). Little Hopes 1. .liiii Munson, ;5:62, 2:50, 2:51, 2:.50. J. Brannenbiirg. Newcastle. Ind., Sept. 22, 1883, « . Charley Paris. Sain Patch, Bay Horse, 2:34, 2:35, 2:35. Katy B., blk ni, bv Ben Phillips, dam Mary Phillips, by Mountain Chiel'. C. Brownlee, Dallas, Tex., May 24, 1881, .$150. .JiniWare. No time. Three-years-olds. Katy D., b in (SiOl'j). ,1. Stai)l('s. South Weymouth. Mass.. Sept. a, 1879, $300. Dan, 9Mii. Three miles. Katy D., ch m (3:30^.t), by Blue Bull, dam Little Gypsy. E. B. Hartley, Greenville, O., Sept. 22, 1880, $200. Belle G., .Vrab. Red Dick, 2:42'2, 2:;584. 2:38Ji. • George (;old, Pittsburgh, Pa., Sept. 29 and 30. 1881, $500. Clark S. 2. 3. Redwood 5, Mercutio, Ida H., Boston Davis, Klelio, George S., Ned B. (2 dis), West Side (1 dis). Big Ike (1 dis). Handicap (.1 dis), 2:34'/4, 2:32i4. 2 ::!•.'■,. 2::i4i4. 2:3P.i, 2:30='4. Katv D. (l>iiialii, rii m(3:48'i). Jersey City, N, J., Aug. 2.5, 1881, $100. Ashland Pet l (30), -i-ATA. 2-A914, 2:50^4, 2:48'., 2:50'2. KatyD., ch m fi:36i3), by Bob Cheatham, dam by Hermit. C. V. Dantzcr. Indianapolis, Ind., May id, 1882. $100. Westmont, pacer, Anna, pacer, 2:51, 2:.53. Katy Did, grin (3:53). Norristown, N. J., Oct. 8, 1806, $1,500. Drummer Boy, Lady Ostrauder, 2:59, 2:55, 2':.'53. Katv Did (Honest Trotter. K;itc Wesner and Sciola), b m (3:3314), by Iowa Tiickahoe. A. G. Westney, Sullivan 111.. .Iiilv .so. isTs. .$100. Vermillion Bov, Lady McD., Sam McCary, Billy K., Pilot Eagle, Pontiac, Lincoln Bov (1 disi, Sain Wonder (1 dls), Charles W. (1 dis). 2:47, 2:42. 2:4.3. Manslii'l'd. ()., Aug. s. 1878. .$250. ('arrie Berrvhill 3, 4, Willv Golddust 2, I'.jilm of Gilead 1, Citv Girl, Alex S., Kate Fisher i5 dn, .Tohii S. (4 dis), 2:40, 2:40U. 2:37. 2:37, 2::!7'2. 2:.37k. •■i:-i'>- Hilishoro. O., Aug. 2'.). 1S78, .$.3,^0. Red Bird. .loe Hooper. 2::!.3, 2::;i, 2:,31. Katv Did. chm(3:40'".). T. I). Marsh. Fariiiington. \. H.. .luiv 3. IsTii. -ti^oa. Belle Davis, White Cloud. 2:43, 2:4G',i, 2:43. Nashua, N. H., Aug. 20, 1879, .•;; . Sweet Milk 1. Torrent, Dick Daiiiplc, Toiiimv Rogers. 2:45, 2:4114, 2:42,2:4012. Katy Eastman, ch m (3 :43). by Enfield, dam by imp. Scvthian. A. .1. McKiiiiiiiin. Pittsburgh, Pa., June 12. 187!>, $.500. Kentucky Girl i, 3, Charley T. 2, 4, Cuyahoga ( iiief, Black Cloud, Blue Bird, FannvR. (5 dr), Rol) Rov (4 dn, 2:351^, 2:.36, 2:34,2:36, , , . Butler. Pa., June 20, 1879, $300. Lizzie II. 1, 2, Blue Bird, Little Mag, Sam Keyes, 2:42, 2:41, 2:46, 2:42,2:42. Katy Jackson, b m (3 :35?ii), by Almont, dam Fanny, by Iron's Cadmus. .1. Long, Frankfort, Ky., Sept. 6, 1879, § . Red Crook, Birdie, Zephyr, (2 dis), 2:49'.2, 2:53'2, 2A»U- Cynthiana, Ky., Oct. 25, 1877, $500. Andy Meshon, Alice Keller, Webster, 2:28' 2. 2:20, 2:2534- Four-year- olds'. . Katy Jones, wh m. G. Waters, Anamosa, la., Oct. 19, 1882, $100. Loafer, Taffv. No time. Katy Jordan, b m (3 :38i4). J. O'Neill. Parkville, L. I., Oct. 9, 1883, $300. Tom G. 1, Whirlwind. Emerald, Maggie George, J. I. T., Rose M. (t dr), Zuleika (3 disi. 2:4414, 2:.J.si4, 2:40, 2:39. Katy K., b ni (3:44i4), by George Wilkes. C. Bates, N. Vernon, Ind., Aug. 10. 1883. $ . Reuben 1, .Joe Jefferson, Bob Bowles, Jack Bond (3 dr). No time. Osgood, Ind., Aug. 16, 1883. $85. Blanche White, Fleetv, Dr. B. (2 dr), 2:.59V., 3:00, 3:01. Lawrenceburg, Ind., Aug. 22, 1883, .$ . Headlight 2, Capt. Rowell, Fleety, 2:r^9^i. 2:r,9^2, 3:01, 3:00. Kingstown, Ind,, Aug. 29, 1883,.$ . Mary, Col. Dick. Charley Paris, Coiiductor, Sundown, Katy S. (2 dis). No time. Fort Wayne, Ind., Sept. 11. 1883, $300. Tope, Harry Wickard, Ida R., Mabel Mambrino. Exchange, Col. Dick (3 dr), 2:4.5,2:4.5, 2:44';, G. Glidden, Sept. 12, 1883, $.300. Tope 3, 4, Harry Wickard 1, Ida R, Portage Boy (4 drV 2:45, 2:4414. 'i-MH, 2:4414, 2 :44?i. 2:4414. C. Bates, llicksville, ()., Sept. 19, 1883, $1.50. Nitrogen, Ida R., Col. Dick. 2:4.5. 2:46, 2:4414- Katy Lynch, b in (3 :45), by Miilimaii's Bellfounder. T. Lynch, Salem, Or.. Oct. 7. 1879, .$.500. Tempest 1, Sweet Home, 2:45, 2:48io, 2:48i;, 2:4834. Tlirec-vear-olds. Portland, Or., Oct. 9, 1879. .$.500. Tempest 1. Sweet Home, , 2:45, 2:48, 2:48. Three-year-olds. Katy Sheelian(w), mm (3:48 w). Warren Peabody, Union Course, L. I., May 26, 18.57, $200. Musty (w), 2:.51i4, 2:48. (w), Centreville, L. I., Sept. 28, 18.57, $500. Canadian Jim (w), 2:55. 2:48. 2:.50. Katy T..rn m (3:40), by Almont. E. F. Geer, Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 24. 1878, .$250. Billy King 3, White Cloud, John Keinble Jackson, 2:41. 2:41, 2:40.2:41. KatyTrick, b in (3:49io). C. Lusk, San Francisco, Cal., Aug. 20, 18(5.5, $125. Lady Maud 2, Kitty Clyde 1, Gen. Bank (4 r o), 9:01, 8:50, 9:02, 9:07. Three miles. Oct. 18, 1866, $200. Grant, Roe Allen, Flying Cloud (2 dis). Sam (2 dis). 11 :39. 11 -.^Vi. Four miles. Katy Wallace, gr m (3 :43), C. L. Kingsbury, Gardner, Mass., June 14, 1877, .$100. Jimmy, Dick, John Allen. Lady Knox (3 dr), 2:42, 2:40. 2:45. Katy Woodrufr, (w) b m (3 :45 w). D. Pflfer, Centreville, L. I., Sept. 12, 1855, $.500. ICinperor (s), 2 :45. 2:45, 2:47. (w) Union Course. L. I. Sept. 26, 1855, .$400. Murdock (w>. 5:.3(i. 5:40. Two miles. Kaw Jimmy, b g (3:50). S. Rain, Topeka, Kan., Mav 29, 187:3, $100. Sam Patch 1. 4, Humber (1 dis), 2A9Vi, 2:.50, 2:541^, 2:.58. 2:51. Kearney, gr g (3 :00). F. Humphrey, New Loudon, O., Oct. 16. 1878. .$.50. Faniiv, Elder Leonard. Slow and Easy, Fancy F. (1 dis), Gray Nettie (1 dis), 3:06, 3:00, 3:02. Keckley, ch g (3:34). M. Mack, Kalamazoo, Mich, June 8. 1876. $800. Ladv Vesta 1, Bacchus. Roanoke, Lady Grime, Advance, 2:.37, 2:.35i4, 2:34. 2:34i.;. Keen-.m, (Comet), grg (3:3714). O. W. Dimmick, Cincinnati, O., Nov. 7, 1865, $150. Mollv 1, Gentle Annie, Lilly Drown (3 dis), Truman Jones (2 dis), 5:15, 5:16i4, 5:20. Two miles. Keene Jim, rn g (3 :l9i4), by Lookout, dam Laura Fair, bv Morc;;in Rattler. D. V. Keene. Lexington, Ky., Oct. IS. 1876, $400. Waveland Chief 2, Komance 1. Cygnet, Centenella (1 dis), 2:.36, 2:.3.3, 2:35k, 2:3414, 2:341/2. Three-vear-olds. G. L'. Keene. Eminence Ky., Aug. 24, 1877, .$ . Pilot Mambrino 4, 5, Orphan Boy 1,(3 dr), 2:38. 2:42, 2:42, 2:40'.i, 2:4014. 2:44. Lexington, Ky., (Jet. 13, 1877, $400. Katy Jackson, Waveland Chief, Romanced dis), 2:26 1, 2: 241.2, 2:26' 2. Four-year-olds. ' .John Murphy, Morrisania, N. Y., Sept. 23. 1881, $2,.500. Charley Champlin, Hedgewood, Josephus, 2:19M, 2:19-4. 2:213i. Keewatin. .1. McCourt, Winnipeg, Manitoba, June 4, 1879, $ . Smuggler 1. Golddust, Brigham. No time. Kellingrton, b s (3:.53). J. M. Furnian, Bethel, Vt., Sept. 4, 1873, $100. Col. Fisk 2, Chesapeake, 2:.53. 2:55. 2:.5.5, 2:.58. KelloRg's Bay Mare, (3 ;.50i;i). R. S. Kellogg. Bath, N. Y., Oct. 29, 1868. $.50. Laning's blk m, 1, 3, Whit- comb mare, 2:.56, 2:571-^, 2:.57, 2:.53i4, 2:.50i4. Kelly's Home, (3 :51). E. Kelly, Wflliamsport, Pa., Sept. fr, 1882, $1,000. Malone's mare, 38:30. Ten miles. 382 CHESTKKS COMPLETE TRO'ITINC AND I'ACING KECOIM). Kemble Jackson, (w) ch s (2:34 \v». hy Kemblo Jai-kson, dam by Almack. (?V Ilirain Woodniff. Union (.'ouise, I-. I.. .Iiiiie 1, I8.J3, *4,(M)ii. o'lJU-iiiiis (vv>, Bosiou (Jirl (w), \\-i iw), lola (W), Hiniesl .John (w), 8:03. i<:04?i. Three miles. (u 1 C. ISroolis, ('ciitreville, 1.. 1., April 16, 1857, Sl.ooo. Atlantic Maid, 10:42'". 10:42. Three miles. K. H. Quick. Newton. N. J,. Oct. 9, 1»W), JS . Andrew .lack.son. 2:'Ai. 3:01. n-.tyj. KeiiiltU' -laikson. eh g (3:40 w). John E. Turner, Middlelowii, Conn.. Auk. 8, 1«60, $100. l.,ady Llehtfoot. Bmnail (.'oil. 2:4H. 2:.tO, 2:4!). — I w» Aii^'. 14. 18(;0, Sl. Kfiidall Heiir.v, blk g (« :42), by Naples Clay. M. Kendall, Watkiiis. \. Y., Sept. 11. 187:{. .<100. Major Gano L 2. (ajitain .lack. Charley, Henry .Jr., Kitty C;i.se, liij)ton, Bay Charley, George Compton. Jemima (4 dr). 3 ;(K). 2 :.")0. ?:51 , 2 :.->2, 2 :.'iO. Corning. N. V.. Oct. 9. 1873 ,? . Col. Malker .S, Hornet. MajorCano. 2:.')0i/.,. 2:.'30K>. 2:.-jO, 2:50. Batli. X. Y., June l«. 1874. .■>; . Kili);i1ri(k I. Col. Walker. .Iclf Davis. 2:.')0.' 2:47, 2:47. 2:48. Corning, X. Y., July 27, 1875, S:j2r). Xed 4, David Greer 2. Johnny, I'rince Arthur (3 dr), 2:4.5, 2:50, 2:50, 2:48'.,. 2:49. Kendall .Mar, b s (3 :5 7^4), by Blazing Star. J. Christy, Fredonia, X. Y., Sept. 23, 1874, .S200. Gypsy Belle, 1 :n.iVi. 1:04'4. Quarter-mile heats. Yearlings. L. S. Harrison, Sinclairville, N. Y., Se])t. 15, 1876, ,?i35.">. Laura Sinclair (1 dis), Steeprock (1 dis), 2:6714. Three-vear-olds. Kflnejfj's Bay CJeldinj;. (3 :31 '.;*). V. B. Kenegy. Clinton. la., Aug. 30, 1869, $.'500. Buckskin 3, Mace Eustls 1, chain Shot d dis). 2:349i, 2:3,'-., 2:;53. 2:38, 2:;;i>o. Short ttack. Kciineiiec. ch s fZ :47;, by W'itherell Messenger, dam bv Quicksilver. L. Peltou, Youngstown. O., June 25. 1S57, S'jo. Whalebone St. Lawrence, Black Fanny, 3:00, 2:.'">8, 3:0U. Jnlv 29, 18.'i9. .*25. Frosty (3 dr). 2:51. 2:58. (w I, Warreii, O., Aug. 27. IS.'iO, .•!;2r). Ii;.\eelsior, 2:51, 2:50. Havenna, O.. Oct. 1, IS.'-g. .?2()0 Eastman Morgan, 2:53, 2:53, 2:54. Stallions. (w). Orwell. ()., Oct. 7. 18."i9. .*2.>. Cuba, St. Lawrence Boy, 2:51, 2:50. Stallions (w), Warren. ().. Oct. 14, 18.".9. .f.'JO. Capt. Jones (st. 2:,50, 2:52. 2:51. Thomas Cone. Xorwalk. O., Oct. 29, 1864, .'550. Buckskin, White Mouse, John "Welch (2 dis). Sleepy Dau (Idis), 2:51,2:47, 2:49. (w). T. H. Head, I'errysburg, ().. June 1, 18()5, $75. Joe Hooker (w) (2 0), 2:57. 2:50. 2:51. Kennebec, br g (3 :51). W. B. Smith, Norwalk, ()., Oct. 1, 1874, $35. Brown Molly, Col. Taylor, Fanny Keni- ble. St. .I;imes, 2:.59, 2:51. 2:53. Kennebec Hoy, ch g (3 :36',2). E. K. Woodman. Gardiner, Me., Aug. 24, 1876, .'?200. Jim Farnuni, Victor. Logan Boy i3 dis). City Boy (2 dis). Lady Malcolm (1 dis).2:37i4,2:42. 2:37?i. Keno. 1) ni (3:50). George Edwards, Cambridge, Mass., Aug. 20, 1845, .liilOO. Music. 2 :.58'/i, 2:50. Keno, b g ( 3 :33' ;.), by Magic. J. K. Bascomb, Sharpsburgh, Ky., Aug. 4, 188C, $200. Winchester Maid, Rad- cliffe's b g, Edwin, 2:41'.:, 2:35'4,2:33?J. \V. H. Wilson, Detroit, Mich., June 7.1882, JfOOO. Highland Stranger 2, King William 3, May Thome, Kigolette. 2:25'2,2:28!2, 2:2614, 2:26?4, 2:28i4. Andy .McDowell. June 15, 1882. $400. Belle Mahone. Vasco, Ked Jacket c' dis), 2 :20'i, 2:28»^o, 2:29»4. W. H. Wilson, Suffolk Park. Phila.. May 10, 1883, .fsoo. Xeta Medium 2, 3, stonewall l, Cyclone, Glad- iator, Tom Kodgers i2 dr). 2:26'/,. 2:26, 2:27. 2:27''i, 2:28'i. 2:.30',2. Keno, br s (3:53i,..). W. H. Crandall, Beloit, Kan., Sept. 13, 1882. $30. Ben B. 2, Mourning Dave, 4:05Vi, 4:06, 3:.52'4,3:.5.5. Two-vear-olds. Kenoza Boy, (3 :43). Haverhill, Mass., Oct. 10, 1873, $ . Competitors not named. 2:52, 2:52^4, 2:54. Xewburyport, Mass.. Xov. 7. 187.!. .«125. Competitors not named. Best time, 2:59. Kensett. br s (3 :3«), by H:iml)letonian, dam Lad\ Welch, bv Jui)iter. J. H. Cartwright, Oregon, 111., Sept. 2.3. 1880. .^200. Raven l (2 O). .lohn IL. Tom Wonder Jr., 2:45. 2:44. 2:41'i. 2:36. 2:."{7>^. Kentuck, b g (3 i.-iO). R. Tnttle. Union Course. L. I., Sei)t. 30. 1849. $ . White Eagle, 2:.')0. (W). James Whelplev, Centreville. L. I., Sei)t. 10,1849, $30. Mount Morris (w) 1, 2:53. 2:52>4. 2:57. Kentnck, b m (3 :.56). Briggs & Marrow, Providence, R. 1., July 20, 1874, $100. Walter R. Proctor, 3, 5, Ma- ria Louise 4. 2:5S. 2:.')7>4, , , . 2:.'>fi. Kentuckian. ch s (3 :37'4>. bv Balsora, dam N(mesuch, by Brignolj. B. .J. Treacv, Lexington, Ky.. Oct. 10, 1877, .S400. E:igle Bov 1, 2, Claremont, Sunrised dis), 2:3314, 2::il. 2:.33.2:32'», 2:35';. Fonr-vear-olds. John E. Turner. Wasliinurton, D. (\. M:iv 7. 1881, $500." Whitofield 2, Fritz 1. Early Rose, J. F., Clara Morgan, Oranire Girl. Tim. Jerrv Hardwick" 2:3014, 2:30i4. 2:30'., 2:28',, 2:283,'. Point Breeze Park, Phil.. Mav 23. 1881, $400. Lem 2, Fritz 1, Flora F.. ]\l:iv Meidum. Early Rose, Kismet, Charley T., Reirulns Jr., Whitetield, Tish, J. F., 2:3014. 2;29'.>. 2:27'4. 2:;!o. 2::!0i4. 15elnioiit Pi'i k. Phil., Mav 26, 1881, $400. Fritz 1, 4, Flora F., Charley T,. .MavMedium, Earlv Rose, Olive, Lem. Brown Rillv, 2:27Vi, 2:28'^, 2:28'{,. 2:28'/2, 2:.309i. Kentu«-ky Belnioiit, b s (3:33), bv Bolrnont, dam Fannv Cloud, bv Flying Cloud. A. C. Fisk, Centreville, Mich.. Mav 17, 1882. .$50. William W. 2, Mona C. Davbreak. 3:.'«;. .3:22'.,, 3:22. Two-vear-olds. Kentucky Boy, ch g (3 :33?4). A. Howard, (Jouverneiir, N. Y., Sept. 1.5, 18(>5. $150. Crazy Jane 1. 2:35. 2:35, 2:35, 2:32?i. — Canton. N. Y., Sept. 21. 1865. .$2.50. Ladv Fr.inklin, White Stockings (2 dis). 2:41. 2:48. 2:47'4. O. Partridge, Watertow n, X. Y., Sept. 14, 186(>, $1,50. John O'Brien 3, Lady Franklin. 2 :50. 2:45}4, 2:60, 2:4.5. .June 27. 1867, .$200. George Palmer 2. 3 (4 dis). Tormentor 1 (4 dis). Rolling Stone (2 dis), , , , 2:40, 2::!6. 2:36. B. L. Schoonmaker, Wawarsing, N. Y.. 0:t. 31, 1874. $100. Red Bird 2. 4. 2;.52, 2:51. 2:.53, 2:.58»4, 2:50. Kent'icky Boy, (3:.5« 1-6). L. Patch. Biirre, Mass., Oct. 1, 1872, S.'^O. K<>bel, 8:48'... Three miles. Ken!u<-ky Boy, br g (3 :54'/2). B. Hawkins, Columbus, O., Sept. 21. 1875, $100. Cooney, Saw Log, Lady Stan- ley, 3:00,3:01,3:00. Delaware, O., June 1, 1876 $100. Sweet William, Bell Lewis. 3:00, 2:.54'4. 2:.5.5. Kentucky <"entral, ch m (3:3.5), bv B.ilsoni, dam Xonesuch. bv Brignoli. J. M. Pattcr.son, Harrodsburgh, Ky., .Inly 2.3, 1874. .$ . Jake Cassell. Forrest King, 3:1.^ 3:12»4, 3:12?4. Three-year-olds. Frankfort, Kv.. Oct. 5, 1875, $400. D. Monroe 1, 2, Parepa 3, George, Little Annii^ (1 dis), 2:34!4. , . , , 2:41. Oct. 9, 1875,.$ . Maud Mac V ,3, 4,(2 0), 2:36. 2 :.37K', 2 :.^5^, 2:.'!.5, 3 -37' 2, 2:.37i4. Kentucky Chief, brs (2 :39'i),bvM;imbrimo Chief, dam Sophv Woodford, bv Woodford. A. H. Brand, Louisville, Kv., Sept. 19, 18.59, $i,.500. OleBull (1 dis). Maid of Ashland (1 dis), 2:.50(2. Three-year-olds. June 18. 1860, .$2.50. Lewis' br in (2 dis), 3 :09''.i , 2:.59'i. Four-year-olds. Kentucky <;entleman, br s (3 :43K.), bv Conntrv Gentleman, dam Lelia, by Gill's Vermont. J. F. Wirans, Amenia, N. Y.. July 4. 1877. $1.50. ~ Driftnet. XHlv. Refugee. 2:40V4, 2:4?V6, 2:43?.i. Kentucky Oeorpre, ch g (3 :37U>). A. Tliorj), F'alls Village, Conn., Sept. 10, 1874, $140. Lady Black Hawk 3, Roadmaster. Prin<'e (1 dis), 2:;?7'4, 2:.3.0, 2:40. 2:44'i. Kentucky Girl, b m (3:3J)jii). by Edward (i.. dam by a thoroughbred. J.C. Karr.MeadviUe, Pa., June 6, 1879, $ . Blue Bird, Queer Cuss, Hinckley Boy, Piqiie, 2:60J4, 2:50, 2:51. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TKOTTING AND TACIXG IIECOKD. 383 -— Pittsburgh, Pa.,June 10, 1879, $500. Charley T., Elsie Grofl, Cayuga Chief, Fanny Blackwood, Little Mag, Fanny R., Frank B., Harry S. (2 dis). 2:38, 2:35i4, 2:36'4. Butler, Pa., June 17, 1879, $300. Charley T., Cayuga Chief, Black Cloud, Little Mag, Fanny Blackwood, Elsie (iroff (1 dis), Harry S. (1 rtis). 2:35i4,'"2:35,2:35. Juplin, Mo.. Oct. U, 1879, $175. BradlyFillis, Lady Alice, Maline. 2:46'4. 2:1.5, 2:4414- Emporia, Kan., May 18, 1880, $ . Wild Oats 1, Ada Paul 2, Little I'rank (5 dr), 2:32?4, 2:33, 2:34, i-.S^Vz, 2:35' 2. — ^ Brownsville, Mo.. Aug. 18,1880, $500. Gen. Custer 4, J. M. Steck, (3 0),Carrie F. (3 dis), Berkeley Boy (2 dis). Thunder (1 dis). 2:.35K'. 2:30, 2::Hi. . 2:3714. Manhattan, Kan., Sept. 29, 1880, $200. McLeod 2, Jenny, Gen. Matthews, Little Frank, 2:39?i,2:34}4, 2:35i4. 2:.3.">. Danyiiie. 111., June 23, 1881, $300. Jenny L., Commodore Jr., Bay Frank, Fanny B., Frank L., 2:36,2:36, 236. LaSalle. 111., July 27. 1881. $400. Lucy l. Fairmont. Indicator, Mattie Graham, Hidden Treasure, Sucker Maid, Darlington. Belle of Lexington. Princess, 2:l'914. 2:30^4. 2:29^4, 2:30. iSIendota, 111.. Aug. 12, 1881, $400. Fairmont, Annie Lou, Buisness, Mat Kirkwood, 2:35^4, 2:31'/2, 2:32. Oskaloosa, la.. Aug. 31. 1881, $200. Cupid l, Josephine. 2:37. 2:3714, 2:38k, 2:38. St. Joseph, Mo.. Sept. 9. 1881. .•$500. Etliel Medium, Pine Leaf, Prince, 2:38k, 2:3414, 2:39i-.i. Topeka, Kan., Sept. 17, 1881. $300. Molly Bell. Mary Miller. 2:31'2, 2:30, 2:33. Atchison. Kan., Sept. 27,1881, $250. Molly BeU. 2:40. 2 :.S4. 2::UK. Fort Scott, Kan., May 26, 1882, $250. Prarie Chief, (Iranby Maid. Ben Harper, Georgia, 2:39.2:38,2:37^. Fort Dodge, la., June 29, 1882, $400. Lucy. Clara Cleveland. 2 :29i4. 2 :33, 2 :33. Mar>sville, Mo., Aug. 29, 1882, $400. Brown Dick, Sam Patch, Gilbird's Sprague, 2:34, 2:35, 2:36. St. Joseph, Mo.. Sept. 7, 1882, $500. Gen. Custer, 2:38';. 2:39?4. 2:36. Topeka, Kan., Sept. r 1882. .$500. Dutch Girl, Mary Miller. Sam Patch (2 dis), 2:33'2,2:29f^.2:33»^. — ^ Lawrence, Kan., Sept 21, 1882, $500. Sam Patch, Sister Wilkes, Elmo Pilot (l dis), 2:33'4, 2:33. 2:31%. Fort Scott. Kan., Oct. 4, 1S82. $1.50. Fred Douglass 3, Mambrino Beamer (2 dis), 2:33, 2:31M,. 2:32, 2:35. Oct. 6, 1882, .$250. Fred Douglass, 2:31, 2 -.3^^, 2 :35. May 24. 1883, .?200. Maggie Fulton. Ida Erwin. 2:.36'.;, 2:33(^, 2:3214. Kentucky Hunter, ch s (3 :37i4). by Broken Legged Kentucky Hunter, dam by Hardin's Kentucky Hunter. James L. EofE, Sacramento, Cal., Sept. 30, 1862, $250. Fillmore 2. Honest Anse (w) (3 dr), 2:44,2:42, 2:43, 2:44. Oct. 2, 1862, $ . Fillmore (4 dr). Shot 1 (4 dr), 2:41i/i, 2:47i-2, 2:49, 2:48. Oct. 4. 1802, $ . Cassius M. Clay (l dis), 2:54. Kentucky Prince (3 :38i4). Greenyille. Pa., Aug. 20, 1874, $300. Sleepy Tom, Ashland, Zig Zag, Bay Jim, 2:4514, 2:45, 2:45. Kentucky Star (3 iSOk). B. Dickerson. Shelbvyille, Ind., Sept. 5. 1883. $60. Dutch Girl 1, 2. St. Dennis, Crazy Joe. Fanny M., Kip Van Winkle (4 dr). Pilot Jr. (4 dr), 2:5914. 3:00. 2:.59i4. 3:01,3:01. Kentucky Tom, m g (3 :00i'2). W. R. Byers. Chagrin Falls. O.. Aug. 27, 18S0. $140. Harry B. 1, Expectation 2, 3 (6 dis). (General Comet, Harry S., Belle Clark, 3:0014. 3:0i, 3:0li/;, 3:00'.,, 3:0114. 3:02. Kentucky Volunteer, b s (3 :33i-2). Huntley and Clark, Helena, :^Iont., Sept. .30, 1882. $200. Oyerland, Crazy Horse. 3:05. 2 :.55i 2, 2:5794. Butte City, Mont., Sept. 22 1883, $250. Happy Jack. Commodore Belmont (1 dis), 2 :32i.^, l' :42, 2 ■.iS}^^. Kentucky AVhip. brs (3 :47;/^). E. Hobb. St. Paiil. Minn.. July 3, 1873, $180. Brother Jonathan 1, 2, Miss Starlight (3 dis), Jimmy Norton (2 dr), 2:48'o, 2:501,4. 2:4814, 2:47J4, 2:.50i..; Kentucky Wilkes, brs (3 :30i4). by George Wilkes. damMinnaTby Red Jacket. .l.T. Shackelford, Har- rodsburg, Ky., June, 20, 1876, $250. Fanny Witherspoon (1 dis), Ashland Queen (1 dis, Maud Macy (1 dis), Beulabd dis), 3:13^4. Two-years-old. ■ y > Cynthiana, Ky., Aug. 24, 1877, $200. Ada, Comet Kilrush. Belle Megibben (2 dis), 2:42k, 2:41, 2:44. Three- year-olds. Lexington, Ky., Oct. 9, 1877. $400. Red Jim l, Humboldt (l dis), 2:31:4, 2:33k, 2:33}^, 2:30i/2. Three-year- olds. E. H. Brodhead, Minneapolis, Minn., Sept. 4 and 5, 1878, $500. Tekonsha, Buckthorn (1 dis), 2:3094, 2:34. Four-year-olds. Milwaukee. Wis., June 8, 1880, $1,000. Edwin B., Herod, Sable, Green Charley. 2:24k, 2:24ii, 2:25. June 10, 1880, $1,000. France's Alexander 3, Centella, Akbar, Calamus(2 dr), "2:223^, 2:2494, 2':21ii., 2; 24i/i, Albany. N. ¥., Sept. 8, isso, $1,125. Sir Walter. 2:28, 2:28k, 2:30. Stallion,;. J. Golden. Mystic Park. Boston, June 1, 1883, .$600. Josephus l, 3, Forest Patchen 2, Driver. 2:24. 2:22U. 2 :23, 2 :23i 2 . 2 : 2214. 2 :23i-o. • Providence. It. 1., June 5, 1883, $600. Dan Smith 1. 4 (3 0). W^alnut 2, Frank (4 dr). 2:23, 2:23. 2-23, 2:28, 2:26. 2:2694, 2 :30?4. Mystic Park, Boston, July 17, 1883, $400. Judge Davis 3, Onawa 5, Cornelia 1, 2:22k, 2:23, 2:25,2:23k. 2:24, 2:24. Beacon Park, Boston, Sept. 25, 1883. .$2,000. Maxev Cobb 2, 3, Onawa. Romero. 2:24U, 2:26ii;, 2:25k. 2:25. 2:251/2. ■ - - Providence, R. I., Oct. 10. 1883. .$500. King Almont 3, Onawa, Don, Handicap, Amelia C. 2:23y., 2:21Ji. 2:23!/2, 2:22'o. Kenyon's Bay Mare (3 :54). H. W. Kcnyon, Taunton. Mass., Sept. 26. 1872, $15. Gray Jolui. Hawk's blk s 2:56.2:.54. Kettlebale. b m {3 :36). by the Pollard Morgan, dam by Whalebone. G. B. Pompilly, Augusta, Me,, Sept. 28, 1859, $200. Laura Keene, 2:.39. 2:39, 2:43. .r. S Pompilly. Portland, Me.. Sept. 28, 1860, $100. Fanny Bradbury 1 (4 dr), Garibaldi, Benicia Boy, 2:47. 2:4.5,2:40,2:46. L. A. Hitchcock, AuRUSta. Me.. Oct. 11, 1860, $500. Lewiston Bovl (30\ 2:45i'», 2:44. 2-46, 2-47 2-49 Keystone, b s (.3 :33). Philadelphia, Pa., Aug. 9. 1863, $100. May Queen (w), Charcoal, Wild Rose, 2 :35, 2 :33. 2:35. A. Patterson, Providence, R. I.. June 17, 1808, $750. James Morgan 2, 5. M\Ton Perry 3, 4. Nelly Locke' Madavvaska Maid, Detective (3 dis), 2-.34':.. 2:35k, 2:37, 2:37. 2:.37'.u 2:3794, 2:4114. Keystone, b g (3 :4:4i4). John Forbes. Seville, O., July 18, 1883 $200. Ben Starr 4, 5, Bay Frank 2 (5dis). W. S.. 2:45, 2:45, 2:41'4, 2:44k, 2:44, 2:44k. Keystone (iirl (s), b m (3 :50 s). S. Magan. Burgett's, Pa., Oct. 8. 1874, $80. Crusader 3, Wild Tom, Lady Florence, Fred Douglass (3 dr), Dick (.2 dr), 2:.'')0. 2:5ii.i. 2:5,3k, • Keystone Patchen, b s (3:4894). W. A. Kennedv, Elkton, Md.. Oct. 1. 1873, $50. Frank Pierce (1 dis), 2:59. Stallions. r.liddletown, Del.. Sept. 25, 1874. $100. Hermon 1. 2:.50ii5,2:.51k. 2:48?,. 2:.50k. Stallions. Key West (Andrew), ch si3:38>;).bv Bashaw .Jackson, danrbv imp Tom Crib. O.J. Schoolcraft, Richmond. ■ Va., Oct. 31, 1876, $12.5. Capt. West. Frederick. 2:40i:,. 2:.3R'.V. 2:4014. Oct. SO, 1877, Capt. West. 3. 4. Gen. Love, 2:42i4. 2:.i6. 2:43k. 2:46. 2:44. Butler. Pa., May 23, 1878, $500. Duster 1. Lady McKinnev 2, Bay Fanny, Little Roan, Seneca Maid (3dr), 2:35.2:351/2,2:35,2:36,2:371/2. 884 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RKCf)R!>. Parker City, Pa., May 30, 1878, S500. Bav Fannv, l. 2, Little Roan, Ladv McKiimov, 2:n.V/,. 2:3554, 2:36. 2:36,2:35. IJelmont Park, Pliila., Oct. lo. 1878. S300. Nelly AVebster 1, \olunteer Maid 2, l<"ancy4<.«i dr}, May Medium (5dr), Frank P.(3dri,2:32, 2:29. 2:31'4. •2::wy,. •.>:32'2, 2:3.'-.. Rielimom', Va.. Nov. 1, 1878, $200. Tnimii, Gen. Love, 2:4<), 2:44' >. 2:4t;. Kihby C. (3:OJ . W. Martin, .Stillwater, Minn., .luly 4. 187!), .*!——. Monteznnia, Marshal Ney, 3:01, 3:03. KiboiK). brs (2 :!.>). U . VVliit.scl, Akron, O., Oct. 3, 1883, HW. Toronto Cbiel, ilandy Tonin'iy, Doc. Adams, 2:47, 2:.j0, 2:40. Orville, ().. Oct. 10, 1883, S . Tasso, Helle. Ella I).. 2:49, '2:m, 2:4(ii4. Kidnapper, br s (3 :01). A. L. Thomas, Flora, 111.. Sept. 25, 1S83, $ . Fanny D., .James 15. Alves. 3:03. 3 :02, 3:01. Kl Ki (Georjie W. Patterion), b g (3:38), by Henry R. Patchen. W. II. Hovt, Haverhill, Mass , .Inlv23. 1«73, .?2()0. Dnstin .lini. Col. Dean (2 dis). Flora <2 disi. Ginger c2 disi. 2:40. 2:4b'». i':!!. July 24. 1873. .S200. Dustiii .lim, Eva. 2:37. 2:42, 2:4.".. Claremont, N. H.. Aug. 7, 1873, $375. Frank Palmer 1, Fannv 2 (3 dis), Another Rov C! disi, 2:37»/j, 2:34, 2:37,2:40,2:42. M. Carroll, Reacon Park, Boston, Nov. l."), 1873. $200. Fanny 1, Frank Palmer, Col. Moulton. 2:M, 2:.34'/i, 2:34 '.1,2:34. J.L.Anderson. Prospect Park, L. I., Mav l.''>. 1874. i?200. Barney Kellev (w), .3. 2::J5'i, 2:34V^, 2:44i4- Thrce-venr-okls. Prospect Park, L. I., Oct. 20, 1874, $3,.550. Milton l^Iedium, Leda. <,)uartette (l dis), Gleurose (1 dis), Frank Ellis (l dis), 2:41'4. 2:44i4. Three-vear-olds. Sept. 21, 187.''), .$4,000. Mc(iregor. 2:40'.;, 2:41?.i. Kilmore, b s<3:47'/o). L. Rentz, Frederick, Md.. Oct. 11, 1881, $150. Linganore Chief 1, Rrown Billy, Big M;irv, 2.5(1' .1. 2:48, 2:47;4, 2:49. Kilpatiick, blk s (3 :.'>7). J. H. Whitson, Fashion Course, L. I.. Aug. 31. 1805. .$250. Ladv McClellau 1, Far- mer I'ilch, 2:.-.9.2:57, 2:.';8, 2:.58. Kimball (3 :59K>). Scranton, Pa., Julv 4. 1871, ,$ . Gypsv. Probably, 3:02. 2:.')9'c!. Kin. b g (3 :34). M. Carroll, Reacon Park. Boston, Nov. 15, 1873, $200. Fanny 1. Frank Palmer. Col. Moulton, 2 :.34. 2 :.34i/4, 2 :.'i4i.i, 2 :34. KinK. l)r g (3:4r4). P. Fiuerty, Leadville, Col., June i9 l.'SO, $2r.(). Clifton B., Walter Rockwell, 2:46V5, 2:44, 2:15'4. Kini; Almont, br s (3:31i4), bv Alniont. dam Jeniiv. bv Crockett's Arabian. C. M. Jackson, (ieneva, N. Y., .lune 16, 1881. .S2.50. Hattie Fisher 1, St. Cloud 2. Maggie Mitchell, 2:35. 2:36, 2:32. 2:30'.,, 2:31, K. Raker, Elmira. N. Y.. Sept. 1.3.1881, $700. Allegheny Rov, Alice Mcdiun*, Highland Gray, Sinbad Tom Hendricks (3 dr), 2 :.32M , 2 :31 , 2 :32. A. J. Feek, Cuba. N. Y.. Sept. 20,1882, $ . Lena. LadvR.. 2:47'.,. 2:47. 2:4,5. .Mbany, N. Y., Spi)t, 29, 1882, $800. Fwing 1, 2, St. (loud. Lrutus, 2:29'... 2:2.5V.s 2:26?a., 2:29,2:26Vs. Belmont Park, Phil., Oct. 4, 1882, $1,000. Gen. Reamish 1. Valley Roy, Crown Point Maid, Charlotte Cushman (2 dis). 2 :28i/,, 2 :26M . 2:28. 2:26Vi. — Beacon Park, Boston, Oct. 27 and 28, 1882, $ . J. W. Thomas l. 3, Arthur, Eve, 2:31, 2:27. 2:27H, 2:28'/i, 2:26f.>. Cortlandt, N. Y., June 20, 1883. $300. Clover, Lena, Josephine S., .John McDougall, 2:3l»«, 2:33, 2:34. ■ Hartford, Conn.. Sept. (>. 1883. .$1,000. Rarbai'a Patchen 3, Handicap 1, Index, Magic, Miiggie F„ Valley Roy, .lack Sailor, 2:24^, 2:22^i, 2:24"2, 2:23f». 2,23 Providence. It. I., Sept. 17. 1883, $1,500. Sleepy Joe 4, Stephen G. 2, Frank, Handiciip, Speedress (1 dis), 2:21 -^t, 2:23'4, 2:22'c, 2:23, 2:2:!. Beacon Park, Boston, Sept. 26, 1883, $2,000. Deucalion 1, Allegheny Rov, Lem, Hersey, Almonarch (1 disi. 2:25'i, 2:22. 2:2314, 2:23. Albany, N. Y., Oct. 5, 1883, $1,000. Index, Ella Doc, Frank, Don. Gypsy, Lucy Fleming. 2:221.,. 2:2i. 2:22. Reacoston, Oct. 16 and 17, 1883, $400. Don 2, Kentucky AVilkes 1, Amelia C, Onawii, Handicap, 2:20'4, 2:23, 2:22^, 2:23, 2:22. Mysti(r Park, Boston, Oct. 24, 1883, .$400. Amelia C, Don, On.awa, 2:20, 2:25, 2:2(i?4- KinK IJee, br g(2:40i4). N. Downes. Soutbold. L. T.. .hilv 11, 1>:7V, .^.50. Charley. 2:41 Uj. 2:40' t 2:45. Kinf; Cetawayo b g (3 :36). l)v Clark Chief. Robert Dcmi)Ster. Ileminirton. N. J., Sept. 29, 1880, .$150. Addie E. C. 1, 3, Gen. (duster. Careless. .lames Howell. Jr.. 2.42' .. 2:;wu,. 2:.39',. 2:.36i^i, 2:.39. Dovlestown. Pa.. Oct. 6. 1880. $100, Bol)bv Burns. Climax. Ella .May. Kate, Billv Kneadler, Caprice, 2:43, 2:41 U., 2:43. Scranton, Pa., June 2, 1881, $.300. Chester F, 3, 6, Jerry Il.ardwick John King 1, 4 (Gdis). 2:41, 2:39i4, 2:.'t9% 2:46, 2:.38'/4, 2:37. Unfinished. Kinc Charles brg (2:4314). Thomas Iliggius, Fleetwood Park, N. Y., June 22, 1870. Prize, silver. Cru- s;ider. Fannv, 2:43'.i, 2:42i/., 2:4.3. King <"lifton, irr s (;j:05),by Sir Bohind. E. C. Todd, ITnmllton, O., Sept. 27, 1882. .$60. Tom McGreevy, Lady Booker, Piloteer, Rocket (2 dis), 3:05, 3:05"2, 3:06. Three-year-olds. CHESTER'S COMI'LET?: TKOTTrXG AND PACING KECOUI). 3SS L'jlnuion, O., Sept. 19, 1883. $100, Zeiiobia. Maud s. Jr.. 3:10, 3:11, 3:07'4. Three-year-olds. Kin$^ .■€>le, (3:39). Charles Cole', Titusville, Ta., June U. 1873, $400. Orange Jiilly 1,4, .2:39, 2:40, , King John, br g (3:331/^). A. Nichols, Exeter. Out.. Sept. 1.5, 1875, $175. Lady Uextress. Juliet, Romance, J.ady Moscow, 2:59, 2:55, 2:.%. Sept. It), 1875, .S150. Lady Dextress 1, Juliet, Sorrel Dan, Lady Brandt, Lady Moscow. No time. Fergus, Ont.. Sept. 30, 1st."), .$10(i. SUirlle, (ieorge Brown. Arthur Boy (3 dr), 2:51, 2:68i^3, 2:58'/^. E. D. Pierce, Lowell, Mass., Aug. Ki, isTti, .§200. (iovernor l, 2, Nelly H. (5 disj, Messeliger Boy (4 dis). Spot (4 (lis). Lady Holt (4 r o), .Maxey (4 r o), Clara J. d dis), 2:42'4,, 2:424, 2:38. 2:38, 2:41'2. -Vug. 18. 1876, .$200. Governor 1, 3, J^ady Bonner, Clara J., Thomas S. (3 dis), 2:38i4, 2':42'/2, 2:41. 2:38i^, 2:40>-3. — Lawrence, Mass.. Aug. 23, 1876, .«200. Governor. Clara J.. Maxey. Nelly H., 2:34, 2:33'^. 2:37',". Aug. 2.5, 1876. $200. Governor. Clara J., Lady Bonner, Lady Sherburu, Bay George, "Thomas S. (2 dr), 2:35, 2:;!4'b. 2:36'c. 1*. Nichols, Miti-hell, Ont.. May 24, 1877. .9100. Sam Snowdrop. No time. King of Clubs. i'i:4.5). .James Setiuin, New Dorp, S. I., April U, 1872$ . Boston, 2:47,2:50,2:45. Kins: of Diamonds, blk g (3 :'^8^). by Mambrino Diamond. S E. Larahee, Helena, 'Mont., Sept. 28, 1802, $i50. Estelle. Dot. 3:38' 2. 3:41-4^. Two-year-olds. Sept. 4, 1883, $2.50. Lady Consul, 3:28i2, 3:30i4. Three-year-olds. Kine: of Trumps, gr g(3:49). Jesse R. Wood, Middletowii, N. Y., June 11, 1864, $ . Bell's gr m 3. Sally Higham 1, (3 dis), Hec (3 (Ir), 2:57, 2:49, 2:.54, 2:50, 2:51. July 23, 1864, $100. Butcher Boy. 3:02, 3:02, 2:,55}^. King: of the West, (3 :45). G. Carpenter, Worcester, Mass.. June 1, 1877, $ . Joe, General Mite. Best time 2 :45. King: Philip, b s (3:31). by Jay Gould, dam Factory Girl, by Hambletonian. J. P. Gilbert, Fleetwood Park, N. Y., Oct. 24, 1876. .S500.' Tom Malloy. Dan Smitii.Thonuis L., Carrie L., Bruno (3 dis), 2:39'4, 2::39'«>. 2:3li4. Oct. 26, 1876, $500. Y'oung Sentinel 4, Little Frank 1, Tom. Farragut. J D. (5 dr), Sadie t3dr), 2:30, 2:29Vo, 2:.i5, 2:35, 2::;4. Rochester, N. Y., Aug. 8, 1877, $3,500. Scotland, Dan Bryant, Dame Trot, Damon, Rose of Washington, Bateman, Nil Desperanduiu. Carrie N., West Liberty (3 dr). 2:25^4, 2:22^4, 2:23;4. King Philip • (,3 :40). Wm. .fepson. Bath, Me.. May 30, 1878. .$7,5. Fred, Forest Girl. 2:44, 2:40, 2:44. King: Richard, ch s (3:50). ('. H. Porter. Bowling Green, Kv., July 4. 1879. $ . Black Diamond (1 dis), 2:50. King:ston. b g (3:44) (3:38 s). Wm. Sherman, Boston, Mass., June 20, 1860, $200. Nimble Dick 2, 3, 2:44, 2:40i4, 2:43'4. 2:4.5l/o, 2:.50. (s) W. B. Smith, Woonsocket, R. I., Sept. 11, l,sr.7. $ino. Jack Lewis (s), 2:.58. 2:58, 2:.38. King:ston, b s, bv Lord Byron, (lain Chloe, by M;uul)rino Paymaster Jr. G. H. Nichols, Sandy Hill, N. Y., Sept. 18. 1879, $25. Lady F'ashion, 1:50. 1:51. Four-vear-olds. King:ston, b g(3:53). J. Lapiter, Raleigh, JN. C, Oct'. 16. 1883, $50. Maggie Mills 1, George B., McWllser, Flyaway (l dis). 2:54, 2:52, 2:.52. Kingston Girl, blk m (3 :53). D. McEvoy, St. Johns. N. B., May 24, 1877, $150. Can't Lose Me 1, Gentle Annie. Minnie Day, Honest Bob (4 ro), 2:.56, 2:.53, 2:53i2, 2:.53 King Willies, br s (3:33 Hiy George Wilkes, dam Missie, by Brignoli. J. Splan, Piftf3burgh, Pa., July 11, 1882, $1,500. Ruric Neville, Fanny Irwin, Mattie H.. Hotspur Chief 2 (4 dis), 2:26'4, 2:29, 2:26i/2. 2:28^. D. Mace. Utica,N.Y\. Aug. 22. 1883, $1,500. Frank. Index, Stranger, Stephen G., Handicap, Netty R. (2 dr), Modoc (1 dis), 2:23'.2, 2:23. 2:2414. King William, b s (3:31i4.) by Hampton, dam by Witherell Messenger. George H. Bailey, Portland, Me., Aug. 30, 1871, .$75. Prince Boy 3, John Gilpin l', Betsy, White stocking (1 dis ), Brewer Boy (l di.s), 2:49'i, 2:47"s, 2:48'i, 2:47, 2:5114. J. W. McDuffle, Lowell. Mass., Sept. 6, 1871. .$250. Lady Sherburn, Ice (3 dis). Pleasure Boy (3 dis). Sorrel Dan (l dis). Lady Chaniplin (1 dis), Vermont Boy d dis*. 2:40, 2:43i4. 2:42. George H. Bailey, Portland. Me., Sept. 28, 1871, .$250. Emperor 3, 4, John Gilpin, Silver Tail (2 dis), 2:49i/2j2:44i^, 2:4.3i^. 2:4614, 2:42%. J. W. McDuffie, June 10, 1873. $— . John Lambert 2, Grace, 2:40U, 2:4294. 2:42. 2:41'^. J. A. Dustin, Haverhill, Mass., July 23, 1873, $225. Little Dick. Brown Ben. Horace Greeley, 2AIV2, 2:40, 2:41'i. Julv25. 1873, $300. Little Dick 1, Ki Ki, Messenger Girl, Green Mountain Maid (1 dis), 2:36, 2:36, 2:3714, 2:.3«;'4. ■ (w) Lewiston, Me.. July 7, 1874, $200 Pomp (w), 2:40, 2:3Si;, 2:.35. a. a. Smith. Dover, N. H., Aug. 6. 1874. $2.50. Arthur. 2:.37.2:3(;. 2:37. J. W. McDuftie. St. John. N. B.. Oct. 1 and 2. 1R7;). $400. Honest Billv 2, Hattie 4, Shepherd Knapp Jr. 3, Andv Johnson, l::52!4. 2 :48i4, 2:50^2, 2:49, 2:49, 2:48. — S. F. Goldim;, Truro, N. S., Oct. 7, 1875, $250. Honest Billy 1, Gypsy Queen, B;ishaw Prince. Emily (3 dr), 2:44 2:4514, 2:51)' 1. '- J. W. McDuffle', St. John, N. B., Oct. 20, 1875, $400. Andy .Johnson 3, 4, Honest Billv, Hattie. 2:39, 2:,39'<'.. 2:40!^, 2-43, 2:42. ■ Truro, N. S., Oct. 11 and 12. 1876. .$ . Nelly Thorne 1. (iypsy Queen. Discount (4 dr). 2:W, 2:41, 2:42, 2:4214. Kentvllle. N. S.. Sept. 5, 1877, $1,000, Frank Allison 3 (40), 2:40, 2:45^4, 2:44^j'. 2:4034. 2:40i4. St. .John, N. B., Sept. 6, 1877. .$500. Frank Allison .3, 2:40.2:45,2:45,2:45,2:40. Sept. 20, 1877, .$250. Frank Allison 1, Honest Farmer, Princess3.4 (5 expi. 2:.39'U, 2:.39. 2:37, 2:.38. 2:39, 2:40. King William, b g (3 :35). T. Lupton, Oswego, N. Y.. Oct. 9. 1872, .$200. De(';'!ver. Lady Dalev (2 dis) Light- foot(2 dr).2:.50, 2:49, 2:51-'4. H. B. Miller, Pittsburir, Pa., JuneU, 187:}, $s00. Toledo Boy 2, Addie. H)*^ Punch, Perry (4(lis), 2:.38,2:44, 2-A}%, 2:41ii. < '.. Hobinson. July 15, 1875. .«!400. Young Toronto. 2:40, 2:ilii. 2:4t). Kimr William. It s; (3:51). V. vv. Hastings, Palmer. Mass., Oct. 22, 1873, $125. F. Mc. Fannv Green, Rob^'t. Lady Knox. 2 :.-.) . 2 :53''o, 2:.52 King AVillian (C'liarlev Howe. Thorndike and Rover), gr g (3:3.3). J. 'Heron, Loudon, Ont., Sept. 5, 1877, $17.5. BiL,' Fellow :;. 4. (Jolddust -J. 16 dn. 2:411.',, 2:42i4, , 2:50, 2:45i4, 2-50. Dundas, Ont., May 24, 1S78, .$.30. Woodrutf 2, Startle. No time. King William, blk g (3:303.£), by King William. J. M. Pettit, Point Breeze Park. Phila., Mavis, 1882, .'R400. Vivid C. 1, May Thorne. Augusta Schuyler, Frank Patchen, Charley Hood, Bertha Chandler, Lydia K., Daniel S.. Elwood R., Frank (3 dis), O'Connor (2 dis), 2:2814, 2:.30i'o, 2:.30. 2:.32. Scranton, Pa., May 26, 1882. ,$.500. Frank 1, 2, Mav Thorne, Lydia S., Sentinel (3 dis). Vivid C. (3 dis)- Fraiik Patchen (3 dis), 2:.32?4, 2:3314. 2:.30i4,2:.34, 2:.34i4. Toledo, O.. May 31, 1882, $800. Highlaud Straager;2, Rlgolette 1, May Thorne, Keno (l dis), 2:3414, 2:34i^ 2:3454,2:3024,2:34. o b . j v , 4, tv 386 CHESTEKS COMPLETE TROTTINCi AM) I'ACIXG KE(M>!{I). Kinsrwood bg (2:48), by Maiiibrino Pilot. C. W. Hetzel Mi-niiiiKton. \. .J., Sept. 2C, 1878. S!4o. Tonsy Kitty Wells, 3:05, 3 :lH'.i, ' ■" Doylestown, Ta., Oct., 2, 1878, Sioo. Little Flora, Motto. Itepiiblir, 2:484, •j-.'io. 2-48 Kinsuiaii Boy, blk s (2 :'-i8' 2), by Dave Hill, (lain Lailv Tiiiiiibiill. bv \ eniioiit Trotter. C. S. Case, Green- ville, I'a.. AiiK. i;t, ls74,5;.j(K). Kuik David, MahoiiiiiK Hoy. llanv JIill, Hemlock Maid 2 (4 dis), Sam Pow- ers (3 dls). While Fawn (2 tlis), '2SA)^^, 2:34, 2:52;.i, 2:50. ChaKiin Falls, ( )., Aug. 7, 1875, S400. Jilue Bull 1, A. C. Henry, Lady Gray, Lady Camp, Curbtsone (4 dr>. Basliaw Maid (1 (lis), 2:40i4. ^:-l-'>. 2:46, 2:47!/2. ■ ■> 1 \ .> Erie, Pa.. Oet. ti, 1x75, .sl'oo. Mav, (1 0), Fred Fette, 2:.->5i2, 2:45:'4, 2:47'o, 2:.')0. Oct. 8. 1H7,'), .*2(X). Fnd Fette. iMav, 2:4.5?4, 2:4t!'2, 2:47. Unionville. ().. Aui;. :il, 1870, ^-.m. Tib l, .{, Peeuliar, Jeremiah. Maybe, 2:39Vi, 2:39. 2:30, 2:38 Vi, 2:393!£. Cleveland, O.. Sej.t. I2,l87t;, $40(). Gusty 1, 2, Starliglit 4, Judge Wliite, Phil. .Sheridan. Abdallah l.oy (■-• dlS). 2:34'.i. 2:.!4, 2:.H, 2:30, 2:30'o,2:30i4. Unionville, ()., .July 4, 1877, .S200. Little Jake. Fretful, J-.m.-J-.-M^. 2:33. Somi^'slowii, ()., Sei)t. 28, 1877, Frank 2, Tom Medley. i;;;iO',. 2::!.i 2;u'i, 2-37'/2 Warren. ()., Oet. II, 1877, .§200. Peculiar 3, Duster. Phil Slieridjin. 2:;i6i.i, 2:39, 2:33. 2:3» Ihiionville, O.. July 4, 1878, $250. JJttle Jake 3, J'lanter, Maggie Fred., Peculiar, 2:33>3, :J:34'/2, 2:30a£, Jetferson, O., July 11, 1878, $300. Abdallah Boy 1, Mambrino General 4, Jim Schriber, Little Jake, Capt, Selliek (4 dr).2:32. 2:32, 2:30!2, 2:35. 2:34. —July 12, 1878, $300. Planter, Mambrino General. Gumball, Kip Kap l. 2(3 dis), 2:35,2:36, 2:3iy2. 2:36, ^ Erie, Pa., Aug. 21, 1878, $300. Sleepy Tom, B:iy Dick, Lady June, Lilly Prince. Peculiar, 2:32, 2:32>^, Younstowu, O.. July 3, I88O, $500. Sleepy Tom 4, .5, Els.e s. Twenty niil(>s. Kirkwood. br s (2 :;J4), by Greens' Bashaw, dam .Madain Kirwood, by Young (Jreen Mountain Morgan. G. C. Clark, Davenport, Li.. Sept. 5. l8G(i. .$100. Tom Hver, Red Fox, Bashaw Jr. (t dis), 2:30, 2:29, 2:29'/i. H. Compton. luirlington. la., Oct. 19, 1.806. .•:ti200. Bashaw Jr.. 2:34, 2::J0. 2:29. W. C. McAllister, Dubu'iue. la., Oct. 30, 18G6, $G00. McClellan 3 (1 0), (2 0), 2:43, 2:41. 2:41, 2:43, 2:40U, 2:4014. July 4. 1807. .■S800. Traveller, 2:32i/4, 2:29!2. 2:34. Itockl'ord. 111., Aug. 29. 1807. $ . Ploughboy, 2:41, 2:40, 2:42. Stallions. Hock Island. HI.. Sept. 4, 1807, $ . American Star. 2:;57i/2, 2:33Ji, 2:.33J^. H. S. Compton. St. Louis, Mo., Sept. 23, 1867, .$500. Pilot Temple 1, 4, GeorgeM. Patchen .Jr. (5dr),2:29V. ,$70. Blossom. Lady Wlielan, 2:51?4, 2:.50>i, 2:,52H. Sei)t. 21, 1870, .$90. ('harity, New Hamburgh Girl, William W. Tweed. Unknown, Colonel John, 2:47^, 2:46, 2:47 'a. W. H. Doble, Wilmington, Del., June 16, I88O, .$200. Modoc, Jenny Moore. 2:.52!4, 2:63. 3:03. lune 17, 1880, $125. Modoc. F'rank Bowers. Annie Y., 2:,54>/2, 2:48. 2:,50. Kismet (Dora), b m (2:38). F. B. Tracy, Susquehanna, Pa., July '23, 1880, $100. Jennv, Jenny. Topsy. Best time, '2:i0±i. July 24. 1880, ,$100. .Jenny 2, Topsy. Best time. 2:,'?8. Kit, b m (2 ::$8). A.J. Feek, Olyde, N.' Y., July 2. 1868. .$7.5. Haphazard. Ellen Tree, 2:.S9i4. 2:4;5Uj, 2:41. Kit liradley. bm (2:34' i). E." Babcock, Wilkesbarre. Pa., Oct. L'l. 1880. ,$200. Lady Me. 3, Hattie Fisher. Henry Clark, 2:39u, 2:39>/4. 2:36, 2:40"2. B T. Mctieer, Cortlandt, N. ¥., June 29, 1881, $200. Centella. Charley Monlter. Cricket, 2:35>6, 2:35Ji. 2:34%. June .-iO. 1881. .$250. Midge 3, Charley Monlter. Hattie Fisher, Henry Clark, Kosa B.. 2:35, 2:;i6, '2:Xi, 2:36. Oswego. N. Y., Aug. 23. 1881. .$200. Sentinel, Henrv Clark. Charley Monlter, 2:;}8, 2:34M, 2:3514. Kit Carson, gr g (2 :38). Win. Shear, San Francisco. Cal.. March 28. 1856, $250. Powder ((1 0) (3 0). 2:45^, 2:39'/2,2:4;!V.. 2:4314, 2:41'/2. (w).George N. Ferguson. Jan, 7, 1858, $ . Frank 2, 3:olV4. 2:53i/4, 2:55. Fell. 22. 1858, $400. Rhode Island (w) 1,2:49. 2:47. 2:.50. , . „, , , Kit Carson, bg (2 14914). Wm. Lewis, Lansing, Mich., July 10. 1868. $ . Waukau, Lady Cleaver, Andy Johnson, 2:,57, 2;.56i4, 2:49M. Kit Casey, b m (3:43). D. W. Page, Stanstead, Conn., Oct. 6,1857, $75. Jimmy, Industry. 2:46, 2:47, 2:47. Oet. 7, 18,57 ,$200. Industry. 2:45. 2:47. 2:47. • July 5, 18.58, $100. Ladv Stewart. Ladv Allen. Roeer (1 disl. 2:44. 2:45, 2:43. -—- Barton's Landing, Vt.,' Sept. 17, 1858, $100. Jimmy (2 0), 2:48, 2:48, 2:48. CHESTER'S COMPLETK TROTTINCi aND PACING RECORB. 387 Kite (w), b g(3 :47'2 w). C. Van Ciiren. Avon Spa, N. Y., Sept. 7, 1861, .?200. Northwind (w), 5:35, 5:40. Two miles. Kite (3:46). C.C.Nelson. Kalamazoo, Mich., Sept. 23, 1871, §250. Hillsdale, Black Buck, Shadow (1 dis), (iypsv (1 dis), 2;52'2. L':51, 2:40. Kit Hol'ton.l. Ill (3:451. by Ethan Allen. E. Curtin, Little Falls, N. Y., Oct. 12, 1877, $150. Isabel 2(10), Llbhy. iiiilv Fink Cl dis), 3:00, 3:00. 2:55, 2:55, 2:50. Kit .Saiif<>ri, 2:32'4, 2:32U. — - Dunkirk. N. Y., June 19, 1883. $500. Allegheny Boy, Empress, Minnie D., 2:30, 2:S3H, 2:29V4. June 23, 1S83, .$500. Mattie H.. Lilly J., Nora Temple, Hattie C. 1, 3 (4 dis). Very St. Just (4 dr), B. B. Lord(3dr). 2 ::;2'i. 2:32^4, 2:34. 2:29'.i. 2:.S2'o. Kit Small, br in {^ ■.:i:iK). Pliil Harter, Koine N. Y., Sept. 20, 1877. S200. Sleepv Bill, -Fannv, Jimmy Jones, Billy Edsrerton 1. 3 (2 0) (5 r o). Libby S. (2dis), Fannv Fern (1 disi, 2:33!o. 2:3C>6, 2:35, 2:333^, 2:41 'A, 2:45]^. Kit Small and Sleepv Hill, ruled out for being trained in same stable. Sept. 21. 1877, $1.W. Alexander. Dandy. Diike of Burr. Nelly Golddnst, 2:46, 2:47, 2:51. J. Wood, Little Falls. N. Y., June 13, 1878,$1.50. St. Patrick (1 0), , 2:39, 2:36^4, 2:36. D. Small, Sept. 10, ISTO. .? . Fennimore 1,2. Bessie Turner, 2:40. 2:40'4. 2:38j^, 2:37, 2-M^i. Kitty, (w), rn, m (2 :41 w). John T. Biggs. Cincinnati. 0.. July 4. 1864, $50. Dolly 1,~2:44. 2:41, 2:41?^, 2:45. Kitty, bm (3:491;^). L. C:. Lewis, Fond Du Lac, Wis., Aug. 27, 1864, .$50. Durocd dis). Handy (2dr), 2:4754, 2:.55. 2:,57. Kitty, b m (3 :50). H. A. Buskirk, Tiffin, O.. Oct. 13. 1806, .§30. Flora 1, 2:58, 2:56. 2:50. Kitty, 1) m (3:30';), by Andrew Jackson, dam by Stnbtail. A. J. Feek, Syracuse, N. Y., June 9, 1809, $ . Lady Taggart, 1, 2:41)/3. 2:38. 2:42, 2:43. Canastota. N. Y.. Sept. 12, 1869. $ . Ladv Burke, Oneida Maid, 2:41'/2, 2:45%, 2:41i4- Binghampton. N. Y., Sept. 15. 1869. .§600. Tvvang 3. Gray John. 2:30K>. 2:34%, 2:34!/2. 2:37!4. Aul)nrn. N. Y., Oct. 8, 1865, $300. Lady Taggart. Lizzie Fearless, 2:39" 2:41, 2:39}4- July 4, 1870. .§700. Tom Keeler, Joe Hooker. 2:35. 2::WU-',, 2:34'-;. Skaneateles. N. Y., Aug. 20. 1870, .$300. Chet Kelloirti;. Tete Matthews. Lady Allen, 2:39V2, 2:41, 2:39. Oswego, N. Y., Sept. 27. 1870. .$.350. Tete Matthpws. rliet Kellogg, Lady Lightfoot, 2:37i;, 2:40, 2:37i4. Thomas Walpole, Sept. 14, 1871, .$60. Clark Cowan. 2, 2:5S',, 2:.55i4, 2:.56'i.'2:54'/2. Kitty, blk m (3 :45). J. Stevens, Toledo, O., June 13, 1868, $— . Fearnaught 2, Charley, Carter's blk g, 3:01, 2:5.', 2:51^4. -- — June 20, 1868, $100, Fly, Charley. Dreadnaught, 2 :50. 2:45. Kitty, b m (3:45). Wm. S. McLaughlin, Battle Creek. Mich., Sept. 3, 1870, .$3.50, Peninsula Maid 2, Ben Cummings, Bav Charlev, Flora Bridge, 2:45. 2:47US, 2:47?4, 2:47. Kitty, ch m (3:36';), bv Gray Champion, dam by Alidallah. P. Kelly, Troy. N. Y., Sept. 6, 1871, .$.300. Lady Je-ssie 2, Lion. Jack "(l dis), 2:53'/.2, 2:47]^, 2:52K,, 2:55. Albany. N. Y.. Oct. 25, 1871, $50. Willy Taylor. (2 0), Belle of Saratoga 1, 3, (2 0), (6 dr), 2:41'/2, 2:41 14, - 2:42'4,2:43i4, 2:44, 2:41 1'4. Nov. 9, 1871, $ . Belle of Saratoga 2, 3 (4 dis). No time. May 14, 1872, $.50. Belle of Saratoga. 2 :43';, 2 :45. 2 :4.5»^. W. Haynes, Hamilton, N. Y., Mav 22, 1872, $100. Billy. Minnie, Eagle (2 r o), 2:47, 2:50. 2:.51. May 25, 1872, $100. Rubber, Kentuck, 2:45^4, 2:45)^. 2:42. P. Kelly, Albany, N. Y., July 4, 1873. $1.50. Tony Pastor, Delavan Peck, 2:49, 2:43»4, 2:42i4- — — Aug. 25 1873, $300. Modoc. 2:43, 2:40. 2:45. Troy, N. Y., Sept. 17, 1873, $100. Maggie, Miller Boy, Young Otsego (2 dis). No time. Sept. 25, 187.3. .$400. Ben Smith, 2:42, 2:40, 2:40. Albany, N. Y., June 2, 1874. $200. Mat Tanner, Confidence, Delia, 2:42. 2:43%, 2:40. Aug. 2, 1875. .$ . Lone 1, Draco, 2:38'4. 2:.36'^, 2:39H, 2:40';. Oct. 13, 1875, $ . Draco, Nelly Webster (1 dis), 2:38^ 2:40y,. 2:40i^. Troy, N. Y., Nov. 17. 1876, $100. Ada D. 1, 2. 2:46, 2:43, 2:46, 2:46, . Kitty, ch m (3 :55). J. Rawlev. Dover. N. H., Sept. 26, 1871, $150. Bradley, 4 (1 0), Lady Gage (1 0), Rosa NeU, Jenny (2 dis), 3:03, 2:5.5. 2:58. 2:59, 2:56. Kitty b ra (3 :46}^). W. S. Timmerman, Lake City, Minn., Oct. 18, 1871, .$37. Fanny 1, Rowdy, 3:02, 2:.57. 2:5714. S. Trussell, Faribault. Minn.. July 24, 1878, $125. Joe Summer, Brown Jack (l dis), Rob Roy (1 dis), Planter il dis), Jim Morton (1 dis). Black Harrv (l dis), 2-M}A, 2:.56%, 2:.51^4- Kitty, ch m (3:01), by Fisk's Mambrino ChieL" A. C. Fisk, 'Hillsdale, Mich., July 5,1872, $75. Robert Novice (1 dis). CountryGirl (1 dis). 3:02, 3:01, 3:09';. Five-year-olds. Saginaw City. Mich.. June 22. 1877, $30. Doctor 1. 2, Little Captain 3, O'Connor. Red Ribbon (4 dis), 3:07, 3:00. 3:07, 3:09, 3:15i4. 3:1.5. Kitty, b m (3 :38%). S. Althouse, Saratoga Spa. N. Y., Sept. 4. 1872, $50. Kipp's b s. Brewer, 3:16'/,, 3::U. 3 :27. Four-year-olds. Mav 19, 1876, $ . Congress Street 1. 2, Periwinkle, 2:57, 2:57, 2:57, 2:49, 3:00. June 30, 1876, $75. Ruth3, 4, Saratoga, 2:51%, 2:51, 2:50, 2:5014, 2:51%. Kitty, brm (3:50). J. Brickett, St. .John, N. B., Sept. 11, 1872, $200. Nelly 2, Dolly Varden (10), Nelly Eaton, Little Fraud (4 dr).2:.54i4, 2:.50, 2:,oH;, 2:.50, 2:52%. Sept. 12, 1872, .$200. Nellv, Little Fraud, Country Lass (l dis). Lord Horsed dis),2:.53'/2, 2:50, 2:51. Kitty. l)lk m(3:37i4). T. Van Valkenberg, Mechanicsville, N. Y., April 30, 1873, $75. Belle of Limekiln, Brick Jack. 2:.51, 2:561/2, 2:59. Jersey City, N. J.. Sept. 13, 1877, $100. Blind Boy (w). Fly, Dexter B., 2 :51. 2 :50, 2:53, A. E. Johnson. Athol. Mass.. Oct. 4, 1877. $ . ' Netty Fly, Nellv, Billy, Ed. Hunt, 3:09, 3:07^. Kitty, ch m (3 :47). J. Campbell, Jersey City, N.J., Aug. 6, 1874, $150. Tom Burgher, Patty, Forest Maid (3dr), 2:4914,2:51, 2:.50%. Kitty, br m (3 :36). W. H. Nelson, Norwalk, Conn., Aug. 21, 1874, $500. Phil O'Neill, Jr., Ned Forrest. Jasper, Princess, Molly Carew, 2:36. 2:36';. 2:38. Kitty. 1) m ( 3 :34). M. Riley, Laporte, Ind., Sept. 25, 1874, $300. Billy Gushing 1, Molly (1 dis). White Stock- ings (1 (lis), 2:.50. 2:48, 2:45, 2:45i4. Plvnionth, Ind., Oct. 2, 1874, $600. Gray John, Mary, 2:.55'4, 2:.55i/2, 2:50. Kitty, gr m (3 :41). J. S. Woodward, Milford, Mass., Sept. 30, 1874, $200. Shipmate 4 (2 0), Seamstress l, Lady Daggett (2 0), Sir William Wallace, 2:38^2, 2:43%, 2:44' 2, 2:40%, 2 41, 2:44^. Kitty (3 :41i4). Jackson, Miss., Oct. 30, 1874, $50. Sugar in the Gourd, Haymaker, 2:4H4. Kitty, du m (3 :35i. bv Blue Bull. James L. Wilson, Peru. Ind., May 20, 1.S75, $800. Maxwell 2, Trouble 4, Transfer, CreoleMaicl.Hnrmless(5dis), 2:52%, 2:51V^, 2:49%, 2:53%, 2:5214- , , ,, „ Pirpia, O., May 28, 1875, $800. Joe Hooper i, Denmark, Creole Maid, Stiletto, Harmeless(4 dr), Maxwell (4 dr), 2 :37, 2 :35. 2 :35. 2 :.35. 388 ('iiKsTKKs coMri.ini-: rHornNc and rA(iN(; kkcoim). Kitty, b m (3:38). James Wilson. (ialosl)iiiK. Ill, .liiii«' ;,o. 187.".. .S4no. Cliroiiiclf, Moiuin li Iliilc. Frontier liick. 2:3S. •_':4l.2:41. (apt. .MrAsav, Cliicauo. 111.. Aufi. :il, IsT.'^.. .?;{()0. Ueaiit.v. Fair Flay. 2:4S'j, L':,'i4. 2:.-)8Vi.. Oct. 24. 1>«7(J, $20(1. AbilalUill Maid. Kflitucky Hellc, Lady l,l, 2:.'>1'2, 2:."rt;'2. Mvslit' I'aiK, lioston, Sept. 7, 1X77. jS1,000. htluivler 3, Morris, Annie E., 2:34'-. 2:31, 2:30, 2:30. A." Tufts, May 29, 188(), SIOO. Quixlcr, 2:.\'5U,. 2:.'J7. 2:5(i. Kitty, fli Ml (3:0~). VV. Walsh. Mystic I'ark, Boston, Aug. 7, 1876. SM. Nellv T. (1 dis). 3:07. Kitty. 1> ni (3 :53'j). H. II. Fatten, Feoria, 111., Wept. 15, 1S7C, §150. Emma S., Bashaw (1 dis). Green's blk m il (lis). 2:52':., 2:54. Kittv. li in (2:401.4'. I. (J. F. Darling, Milford, Mass.. Sept. 27 and 28, I87(i, .SISO. Carrie 2, 5, Bay Oeorge .3, Crazy 1," Hamlet (5dr7. 2:4(1. 2:41 ',.2:42. 2:4(l'o. 2:44. 2:42'.i. . Hcadville, .Mass., Sept. 2t». 187(5, sHOO. Dclianee, Young Cloud, Kate Dennis (3 dr). Brilliant (2 dr), 2:49, 2:46U,. i.':48. Kittv (\v), (3:03>4 \v). K. Mclntosli, Salt Lake City, Utah. October 7, 1878. .*500. Nettie 1 (3 (list. 3:Ol>4.3:035ii, :f:03'.,. Kitty, br nu 3:48). Mystic Park, Boston, August 9, 1879. S75. Quick Sty 2 (4 0), Little Fliil. 2:.52. 2:50, 2:55. 2:4f>, 2: ■.2. Kittv, rii ill (3:37'i). iAloiitreal. F. (^K. .Inne 1(1, IS80. S . Sally. No time. Five miles. Kitty, br m (3 :38'5). C Esterlirook. Denver. Col.. Oct. 1. 1880. .«22.5. Boss, Flora i.i (list, 2:43'5. 2:39. 2:43. ^ .)..\V. Fage. -Mav 1«, 1881.S(»)0. Haphazard, Clifton B., Almo, McClintock. Little Frank 1.2 i5disi. Elelio, Big Ike. 2:.;93ii. 2::i9'... 2::is'„. 2:4.5. 2:43'.,. A. II. Swan, Cheyenne, \Vy. T., July 4, 1881, .?(i00. Clifton B. 4. (5 O). Klcho 3. 2:45. 2:42?4, 2:4.5. •_':44, , 2:41';.. Kitty, (w), eh m. E. Trowbridge, Franklin, Mass., Sept. 3,1881,.? . Nettie iwi 1. Hart's li m (w) (3 dr), 1 :33, 1 :33, 1 :.32. Half-mile heats. Kitty. 1) m (3 :01 ). J. House. Camden, N. J., Oct. 5, 1882. $ . Frince 1, Captain Jack Jr. (4 r o), Whitefoot (4 r o). .•?:12. 3:04. 3:OL3:04. Kitty, ell m i3 :r><>>. .\. iSIcArthur. .Mvstic ParK, Boston, Oct. 18. 188:i. ,?ioo. Cherokee. Abbey, (irav Dick, Can I See, Frank Shei)ard (3 dr), Kitty B. (3 dr*. John L. (2 dr). 2:'>CM. 2:56, 2:.59. Kitty gr ni i3 -iS',). Mr. Hatch. Ottuniwa, la.. Aug. 24. 1883, $.50. Bed Bill. 3:2.314, 3:24. Kitty A., blk m (3 -46). Wm. Harland, Beaver, Fa., Oct. 28, 187(!, .■t'225. Belle Fofter, Stranger. Dolly (1 dis), 2^52. 2:.50'».3:05'i. Kitty Allen. i)nn3;00). G. Williams, Pontiac, Mich., June 7, 1871, S300. Lothair, No Name. 3:03^4. 3:07. 3 loo. June 8. 1871, .S200. Buekleshaker, Willett's eh g. Bay Kitty. No time. Three miles. Kitty IJ., b m (3:43i4). N. Briggs, Amsterdam, N. V.. Sept. 13. 1878, $ , Blackjack, Black Harry Clay, 2:44, 2:43'.i,2:44'/2. Little Falls, N. Y., Sept. 9, 1879, $100. Belle Hynds, Mohawk Belle 3:01. 3:00^4. 3:on. Kitty B.. (3:03). hv Black Ranger. J. E. Booze. Sioux City, la., Sept. 12. 1882. S15(). Sleepy Tom. Westera Star. Robin. 3:04, 3:05. 3 :02' o, Kitty iJaker. eh m (3:3.5*), H. Ralton. Madison. Iiid., June 20, 1868, $50. Hoosier Cial l. 2. Billy Bright, 2:34'.,. 2:.S2. 2:25. 2:25. 2:32. Shorttrack. Kitty IJaker. br in (3:4li4). F'rank l^ddv, Auburn, N. Y.,Oct. 13, 1870. $175. Belle Brandon. .1. W. Ingalls, R"unt, Major. 2 :51, 2 :.52. 2 :49i4. Kitty Basset (3:45). J. Van Tilburg, Bucyrus. O, Sept. — , 1881, $ . Cloud, Frank IL. John H. Best tfme4:05. Two-vear-olds. Sei)t. — . 1881, $ . Maggie May. Bonner, Lady Black, Johnnv's Plug. Best time :i:45. Two-year- olds. Kitty Bates. 1) m ( 3 :36). W^ Clegg. Brocton, Mass., Oct. 3. 1877, $150. Midas, Col. Peabody. I'carless. Black Prince (3(lr). 2:44. 2:40. 2:40'.,. Providence. R. I., Mav 20. 1879, .$200. Steve Lewis. Ashland Maid. 2:42. 2:41'.;, 2:40. Kitty Bates, gr 111(3:19) by .lini Monroe, dam FoiK'oni. a pacing mare C. Frost. Indianapolis. Ind., Oct. 23, 1.S77, .«()00. Carrie K.. Edward (!., liideiieiuleiit. Hoosier Tom (1 dis). 2:44. 2:39. 2:39. Jaekscin, Mich., June 12. 1S7s. .§100. Jim Schribcr 1. 4. Ladv. .Moscow 2,3. Hermes, Lima Boy. Alexander. Josephine, Webster (3 dn. 2:3.3, 2:33?.,, 2:34, 2:32?4. 2:32. 2:32. 2:32. Macomb, 111., Aug. .31. 1878. ,$50fJ. Prince, Granger. Lady M.. 2:34'4. 2:34»4. 2:32. Newark. ().. Oct. 19, 1878. .$.500. Bay Fanny 1, Carrie K., Whipple. 2:.30i4, 2:.32i4. 2:.'^2'^. 2:.33. Bo( hester, N. Y.. .Vug. 1.5, 1879, $1..500. Iron Age 3. 4, (Jloster 5. .I^mulus, Lucy Fleming. Envoy, Convoy, Fred Doiighiss. 2:24!^. 2:23i.i, 2:25'.i. 2:2.5i4. 2:24i.,. 2:251... Yinceiincs. Ind.. i)ct. 17, 1879, .$17.5. Commodore 2, .3. Commodore Sweetser, Kanawha, Burlington, Wild Oats i5 disi. (Jlassford (2 dis), 2:28?£, 2:.31H, 2:^i't>, 2:3'2^i. 2:.32?4. S. L. Ranider. Fort Wavne. Ind., Julv 7, 1880. $800. Lucy, Piedmont, Kentucky Wilkes, Tommy Gates (3 dr), Kate Middletou 12 dis). 2:23^. 2:2.3i.,. 2:2f.i4. Lafayette, Ind., Sept. 2. I88O. $400. Will codv. Bay FYank, 2:41'i. 2:45. 2:4914. G. Glidden. Toledo, <).. Sept. 16. 1880. ,$.500. filack'Cloiid 3. Riciizi 2. 2:33, 2:29H, 2:3.3. 2:29M, 2:35. C. Frost, (Jrand Rapids. Mich., Sept. 24. 1880. $400. Ladv Turpm. Lizzie IL, 2:30''2, 2:27';. 2:29?4. J. Lacky, Indianapolis, Ind., Oct. 2, 1880, .$500. Big John 3, Jerome. Nelly K., Roger Hanson, highland Mary, 2:28';, 2::i4',, . 2:.38>.i. Hamilton. O., Oct. 7, 18K1. .$7.5. Charles W. Woolley, John B., 2:36'.;, 2:.30'c, 2:36'.;. Kitty Bell, ch in (3 :45). !•'. E. (iray, Kome, N. Y., Sept. 17. 1879. $45. Daisy. Prince, 3:45, 3:48. Three-year- Kittv Birch, ch m ('3:38), by George B. McClellan. dam Kittv Birch. C. S. W'yckoff, Mt. Holly. N. J., Oct. 12, isso. .<51.50. Lady R. l. (2 o), Bobby Burns, .lim ILirii (5 dn. Ella ISlay. Windsor. 2:4(!. •j-42. 2:K). 2:43. 2:40. Oct. 15. IS80. $l»5. Ladv R. 2, .lim Harp, A. W. Clement (4 dn. 2:,38'i. •_':41'.;. 2::J7i... :!:41. Waverly. N. J., Sept. 23, 1881, $300. Beaverw.ck 2, Brown Billy .5, True Love, Charley A. 1. (3 dis). Bullet. 2:.%3'i. 2:31'o, 2:.'{5, 2:a5'/j, 2:.35M. 2:.37!.«. Fb'niiugton. N. J., Sept. 27, 188.3, .$3.50. P.arolo 3. Star, 2:.31i.i, 2:32. 2:.31. 2:.30. Kitty BlHiieharrl. b m (3:45). (i. B. Blanchard, Weymouth, Mass., July 5, 1869. .$1(M). \\ eymouth Boy. 2:51, '*'4,5 ''*47'4 Kitty' Brower. bm (3:49). Joseph Fisher, Belvidere, N. J., Sept. 20, 1866, .$30. Lady Fields (1 O'. Mary Bodine(4dr),2:.50.2:49, 2:51,2:.50i4. „ „ , . ,- ^ * ,„ Kittv BHrffCNH, ch m i3:31), bv <^ray Diamond, dam hv Bald .Stocking. Hunt Bros., Lexington, Ivy., Oct. 18, 1S72. .4, 2:35k. July 22, 1874. $ . Toot Dillon, 2:38. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 389 Kitty C, brni (3:47). CavanaugbBros., Goffstowu, N. H., Oct. 6, 1882, $50. May Morning, Dick B. (1 dis), 2-48. 2:47,2:59. Oft. 5, 1882. .$50. Nelly S., Dick B.. 2:.5B. 2:55U, 2:59. Kitty Clark, b m (3:36). (). Siuilev. Sail Francisco, Cal., Nov. 25 and 27, 1876, $100. Gracie 3 (1 0),Ladv Emma, Gabe Smith, 2:37^4. 2:37. 2:37-?.t, 2:3G, 2:40. Kitty Clay, b m (3 iSTfa). by Slrader'.s C. M. Clay Jr., dam bv Gaines' Bellfounder. A. Miller, Reading, Pa., Sept. 10, 1874. $350. Topsy 1,3, Hannah D. 4, 2:38. 2:39, 2:40, 2:405i. 2:41. 2:45. Kitty Clinton, blk m (2 :53). W. A. Winne, Troy, N. Y., Sept. 5, 1871, S200. Lady Jessie 3, Leon, Trojan Box. .lack (2 dis). 2:55, 2:5.3. 2:5354., 2:.53. Kitty Cloud, br ui (3 :39'i). I. Woodruff. Hobokea. X. J., Oct. 30, 1865, $500. Ludlow's rn s 3, 2:39'/2, 2:4l', 2:42'.>.2:.39'2. .V. .Strauss, fashion Course, L. I.. Nov. 7, 1867, $300. Trouble 2, (iray Jerry 1, ;J:49, 2:38, 2:45, 2:44, 2:44. Kitty Clover, b m (3:5.3). George B. Efner, Cleveland, O., Aug. 28, 1850, $75. Jenny Lind, Kate Stains, 2:55, 2:.53, 3:06. ^ - Kitty Clover, b m (3 :39?4). Boston, Mass., Mav 20, 1872, $1,200. Evelyn. 2 :43i4,, 2:39^, 2:44. Kitty Clover, br m (3 :54U). K. F. (ialloway. Closter, N. J.. Sept. so. 1875. $100. ('elia. 3:01. 2:.58, 2:54V2. Kitty Cl«»ver, blk m (3:00), by Thomas Jefferson. J. B. Preston, Gouverncnir, N. Y., July 4, 1870, $20. Charley, Cray Eagle, 3:01. 3:00. Kittv Cly, rn m (3 :4:3i/o). J. G. Muirhead. Baptistown, N. J., Sept. 27, 1876. $100. Little Mac 3. Ella, Bella A., Trouble (4 dr), 2 :52, 2 :52i4. 2 -.mu, 2:49. Kitty Clyde protested. Protest sustained. Easton, Pa.. Oct. 12, 1876, $125. Colonel 1. 4. Sue 3, Little Dexter. Belle, Frank, T. S.. Bill Buniey (4 dis), Eu Green (2 dis). 2:51'.i, 2:47%, , 2:51i4, 2:50'o. W. F. Bartlett, W.iodbury, N. J.. Sept. 20 and 21, 1879, $200. (General 5, 6. Lady Hodge 1. 2. Chief 4, Billy McGoni.uk*. Dolly V., F'rank, Wihl Rover, 2:425!i, 2:42, 2:42;i, 2:45, 2:46k. 2:47?.t. 2:49, Kitty Clyde, b m (3 :56'/2). J. McDaniels. San Francisco, Cal.. Aug. 19, 1865, $125. Clay Bank 1.4, Cream Joe, Monte Diable, 3:01, 2:.56'/2, 3:02, 2:56, 2:57. Kitty Clyde ( w). gr m (3 :47). C. Carser, Union Course, L. I., Sept. 27, 1865, $300. Lady Pollion (w) 1, 2:51J^, 2:55, 2:54'.,. 2:58. Hudson. N. Y., June 16, 1866, .$50. Morrissey 2, Gentle May 1, Lady Mac, Best Horse, 2:.55, 2:51, 2:53, 2:50, 2 :52. E. A. Van Valkenberg. Copake, N. Y., Sept. 5, 1866, $750. Little Stranger 2, 3:17, 2:44. 2:47. 2:49. Kitty Clyde, eh in (3 :35'^). G. W. Ehle. Faribault. Minn.. July 24, 1.S73, .$30. Dan, Nelly (2dis), 3:35!'2, 3:38'/4. Four-year-olds. Kitty Clyde, ch m (3 :40). C. E. Cameron. Walcottville, Conn., Sept. 8. 1874, $300. Queen. Princess. Martha, Deputv Sheriff, Delia (3 dis), 2:42, 2:41, 2:42. Sept. 9, 1874. $300. Martha l , Sea Foam. Merriman. G. P. Carpenter. 2:46, 2 :4l. 2 :51. 2 :.52. Stamford. Conn., Sept. 12, 1874. $100 Martha, Laura, Fanny. 2:40, 2:40, 2:41^. Kittv Clyde, gr m (3 :51 ). TIios. Lawlor, St. John, N. B., May — , 1875, $100. Flora 1. Molly (4 dis), Kingston Girl (3dis). 2:51'2. 2:,52'.,, 2:.52, 2:52V^. Kitty Clyde, br m (3 :55i4). V/. N. Spurge. Smithtovvn, L. I., Oct. 14, 1876. $.50. Kate 1. Dolly, Sentinel (4dr), 3:02M, 3:06, 3:00ii, 3:02. Oct. 25, 1876. .*60. Kate 3. Hattie O'Neill, Flora Temple, 3 :0l?4. .300^i. 3 -mh. 3:oo. July 10, l,?77, $40. Kate, Belle, 3:02, 3:05, 3:02. Oct. 18, 1877, .$40. Fred, 2:57>/2, 2:55U, 2:.56i4- Aug. 28, 1878, $100. Lady O'Neill, 2:.59. 2 :58^, 2 :.59. Kittv Clvde, br m (3:39Vv). bv Kirkwood .Tr.. dam Molly. O. G. :M:idison. :\lassillon. o.. Oct. 24, 1878, $50. Capt. Smith. Maid of Erin. R. B. Hayes (3 dis), 3:42, 3:30, 3:30. Four-year-olds. W. M. Laird, Uhrichsville, O., June 6. 1879, .$200. Fancy R. 3. 6, Duck 2. Little Maid 1, Ben Montague, Kitty Fisher. Frank Sellick, Jessie B., Elsie (iroff (5 dr), 2:45. 2:4514, 2:46';. 2:43i^. 2:43, 2:50, 2:.50U. Chilicothe, O., Oct. 22, 1879, .$200. Ida Hayes 1, Harry B., Ike Marvin, Billy. Retiu-n. Thorn (4' dis). Ben Butler (2 dis). 2:47, 2:4.5V^, 2:45, 2:45. Conneaut, O., Aug. 19, 1880, $250. Goldstone 2. 3, M. D.. Napoleon (2 dis), 2:41)^, 2:45, 2:45, 2:45. 2:46. Youngstown, O., .Inly 2, 1881, $400. Belle of Lexington 3, 4. Topsy C, Flying Cloud, Lady Bell, Clipper, Maud H. (4 dis), Tom H. (4 dr), Latham Bashaw d dis), 2:3914, 2:36i<;, 2:3414, 2:36i4, 2:,36. J. I. Case, Janesville, Wis., Oct. 5, 1882, $300. Rosalind 2, 4, Nelly C. 5. W. F. Hayes (4 dr). Resolute (4 dr),2:29i4, 2:2914, 2:29i2. 2:2914, 2;29?4. 2:2914. Kitty Clyde, b m (3:45), by Bayard. F. W. Brant, New London. O., Sept. 17,1879, $1.50. Council 1, Molly Crowell, 2:52, 2:48'i. 2:45, 2:45. Kitty Clyde, b ni(3:34V^). H. Laflin. Kansas City, Mo.. Sept. 15, 1881, ,$400. Mountain Girl Maggie F., Livingston, Sleepy Bill, Increase, Tramp, Dublin Boy, 2:3414, 2:36, 2:36i^. Kitty Clyde, b m (3 :43i^). C. Smith, Jersey City, N. J., Aug. 25, 18S2, .$30. Charles Dreyfus 2, Captain J., 2:52. 2:.50, 2:49i4, 2:491.;. Kitty Conover, b m i3 :55i^). J. Conover, Leavenworth, Kan., Oct. 12, 1875, $2.50. Ben Lyon. Rolla, Katar- rina, Norwood (2 dis), 2:46, 2:5.5^, 2:,56'4. O. Smith. Oct. 12, 1876, .$75. Dave, Johnny, Katarina, 3:03, 3:04. Kitty Cook, b m ( 3 :36), by Abraham, dam by Ethan Allen. Thomas Bailey, Middleburv. Vt.. Oct. 2, 1873, $75. Fred Howard, Spruce, Maggie. Sister Johnson, 2:45, 2:46, 2:43i2. Five-year-olds. C. W. Bailey, Westfield, Vt., Sept. 3, 1874. $.300. Hope, Rowdy, 2:.38?4, 2:4.5,' 2:4314. Northfleld, Vt., Sept. 17, 1874, §175. Dagger, Dolly, 2:54, 2:50, 2:47. Woodstock, Vt., Oct. 1, 1874, .$.350. Cassius Prince, American Boy, 2:.39, 2:38, 2:34. Barre, Vt., Oct. 14 and 1,5. 1874. $.300. Young Rattler 2, Joe Ripley, 2:35, 2:33, 2 :40^, 2 :32i2. Burlington, Vt., Sept. 9, 187.5, .$22.5. Ned Forrest 2, 5, Gray Bill 1, 2:38i2, 2:38'4. 2:.38, 2:38i4, 2:39, 2:42. St. Johnsbiorv, Vt., Sept. 21, 1876, $500. Unknown. George H., Fanny, Bristol Bill. 2:33. 2:32. 2:33. — St. Paul., Minn.. Sept. 4, 1879. .$400. Susie, Hambletonian Chief. No time. Kitty i'ook, blk m(3:14). A. P. Skinner. Middletown. Conn.. Sept. 27, 1877, $20. Dan, Ladv Sorilla, 3:14, 3:14'2, 3:1614. Kitty Cooper, gr m (3 :50). E. M. Cooper, Jefferson, O., .Tune 11, 1878, $200. S. B. 1, (2 0). Bob Ingcrsoll (2 0), Dave Hill (2 0), 2:55, 2:52. 2:50, 2:50. 2:55. Erie, Pa., Sept. 26, 1878, $100. Goldstone 1, 2, Dorsev, Daniel. 3:00. 3:01. 3:0114, 3:02. 3:00. Kitty Crumb, br m (3:36%). B. Dewell. Trumansburg, N. Y., July 5, 1870, $140. Alpine Boy 3, 4. Dick, Lotta Temple (5 dr), 2:4514, 2:48i4. 2:41U, 2:43. 2:42. N. Taggart, Skaneateles, N. Y., Aug. 20, 1870. $200. Nelly Thurston I. Hunkidori, Dick, Lottie Temple, 2:42!/a, 2:44'4, 2:45i4. 2:45U. R. Mabbitt, Canandafgua, N. Y., Sept. 8, 1871, .$300. Draco Chief 2, Frank Phelps, Col. Fisk l. (5 dis), Black Doll (5 dr), 2:39, 2:38i/2, 2:41i4, 2:381^, 2:36?4. J. N. Sequin, New Dorp, S. I., Oct. 16, 1874, $300. Richmond, A. H. Wood, 2:41' i. 2 :4f;. 2:42. Kitty Crusoe. 1) m (3 :58i4). J, H. Stephenson, Versailles, Ky., May 10. 1873, $ . Sallv. Pat, 2:58i4, 3:00ii- Kitty D.,b in (3:361.1), by Tuckahoe. Major Monroe, Pittsbnrirh, Pa., Aug. 27. 1873. .5!!l. 500. Sky Lark, Bertie, Lady Gertrude, Belle Berkeley, Perry (2 dis), Patchen Maid (1 dis), 2:36, 2:36, 2:38%. 390 (HESTERS COMPLETE TKOTTINC AM) I'ACING RECORD. A. Faulk, Titusville, Pa., Sept. 23, 1873. §300. Planter 1, Oraii},'e Billy. Sleeper, Vanity Fair (1 dis),2:40Vi, 2:44, 2:41 '4, 2:42 '.J. Sept. 24, 1873, S500. Planter 1, 3, Kittv Hazel, Kinj; Cole, Vanitv Fair, 2:38, 2.38. 2:.{8' ... 2:.J8. 2:41k- Sept. 20, 1877. $450. Planter. King Cole (1 dis), 2:3«, 2:43, 2:36. JIartlurd, Conn., Aug. 26, 1874, $3,000. Fanny Otis 1, Bella, Koyal George, Ben Sniitli. Ladv Annie. 2:28^4, 2:271-2. 2;27, 2:2714. E. !)<•( kiMil>;i( k, Providence, H. 1., Sei)t. 17, 1H74. §2,000. Bella 1, Harrv, Reserve, Harry Spanker. Ranis, 2:30, 2:21;',, Ji-'C'i 2:2(i'4,. A. Falk. l'r<>si)eet Park, L. I., Sept. 24. 1874. $1,000. Mystic 2, .(. Coinee, Frank Ferguson. Fanner Bov. Annie Collins (.j div, 2:27, 2;J8^4. 2:27'2, 2:271*. 2:-27^ii. Kitty !>., I) ni(3:0ai. L. B. iJcnnian, Xorwalk, O., Oct. 2, 1874, $40. Cora Morris 2. 3, Quicksey, 3:02, 3:a5. 3:01 3:03 3:03. Five-vear-olds and under. Kitty Davis, hlkln (8:47?4). J. M. Bavard, Easton, Pa., Nov. 4, 1871, $50. Simeon. Nick Wliiffler. iiclle of Easton. 2:47^., . 2:48, 2:47?i. Sept. 2(1. 1872, $1.5. .Jupiter (2 0),2:.''>9, 2:53, 2:.'),'), 2:.55'4 .Mr. Newman. .Junct). 1873, $2(K). Waverley (\vi, 2:49?^. 2:rmi 2:49?4. Kitty Doiiiis, li n» Ci :44) by tieneral Lyon. H. oiiKla.ss, gr nu2:46). ,J. Rhodes, Ottawa, 111.. Sept. 15,1865,$ . Moro 3, 4, 2:51, 2:,52, 2..52, 2:5:1. 2M. Oct. 5, IK(;6..$80. Flying Dutchman, Lightning .Mm. 2:4(;, 2:49. 2;.")1'.,. Kitty Fisher (NellyC), br m C-i:'-})!'! ). by (ilcnn's Haml>lct(iuian, dam by Independence. G. 11. Montague, La Salle 111., .luly 28, 1880, .$.")0o. Executor, Dr. Sheidicrd. Carrie Z.. City Boy, Judge Curtis, Rough and Ready 1 1 disK 2:.{6'.i, 2:35'4, 2:3514. .lulv 29. isso. $500. Emma Maxwell 1, 4, Mattie (irahani. Bay Charley. 2..38I4, 2:334, 2:34^4, 2:37^, 2:40. Proplutstown, III.. Aug. 6. 1880, .$200. Dick .Jones 2. Mattie (4raliani, Peter, Porti%. 2:.tO. Kitty Gale. I) m (!J :48i4). D. O. Wilson. Ellicottville, N. Y., July 7. 1869. .$ . Silver Cloud 1. 3, Captain .Ieuks2 adisi,2:5H4. 2:.52'4, 2:51'^, 2:4814. 2:.53. 2:.53'4. Kitty (Javiii. b m (3 :39i/4). P. Gavin, Buffalo, N. Y., September 26, 1872, $400. Loi\g Branch, 2:3914, 2:42^4. 2*391 ^_ Kitty Ham Wett.blk m(3:43). Sam Messeroe, Lowell, Mass, .Julv 13, 18.59,.$ . Charley 1,2, 2:52,2:49, 2:42. 2:.52, .'iOO. Aug. 13, 1859. $ . Know Nothing 1, 2, 2 :52, 2 :54?4, 2 :.54?4 . 2 :,58. 2:56. Kitty Ha/.ard, b in (3 :01). A. Rogers, Mar.shfield, Mass., .July 4, 1883. $50. Jeannette 1, Ben Butler, Midget, 3:00,3:01. 3:0.3. Kittv Hitler, gr m (3 :4.5). Vincenncs. Ind., Oct. 15. 1879, $25. Polly Wishard, Bundy, Honest Frank (2 dis). Sleepy Dick (2 dis), Ed. (2 disi. :!;n5. 2:45, 2:4914. Kittv Hills, b m (3 :40). H. Burke. Willimantic, Conn., Sept. 2, 1874, $100. Royal George, (ilenwood Belle, Benny, 2:58. 2:.51i.i, 3:02i4. Sept. 3, 1874, $200. Royal George (3 dis). Little Romp (3 dis), 2:51V2, 2:51 14, 2:.54. Meriden, Conn., Sept. 26, 1874, $2.50. Duchess 2, Sea Foam, Lady Nash, Lady Washington, 2:50, 2:49. 2'.50 2 '50 ^ Norwich, Conn July .5, 1875, $150. Arthur, Lady Helen (4 dis), (Md Rattler (3 0) (4 dis), 3:02,2:54,3:01, 2*52. Meriden, Conn., Oct. 24, 1877, $150. Dolphin 2,3, T. C. 1. Butcher Boy 5, W. H. Rndd, Mountain Maid. 2:421.,. 2:41 ',. 2:42i4, 2:4.5, 2:43i4, 2:4.3Ji, 2:46. Julv .3, 1878. .$200. Olive, Nora M., Katberina. 2:40i^>, 2:40^.i, 2:40. Rockville, conn., Aug. 8, 1878, $1.50. Nelly Richardson, llattie. .Solitaire, Jenny Jefferson, W. H. Rudd. Willy. 2:42,2 421^, . Kitty IveH. gr m (3 :38i4), George H. Babcock, Lee, Mass.. Sept. 6, 1877, $180. Belmont, 2 :42 2:43, 2:3714. Greenfield, Mass., Jifly 23, 1878, .$2.50. Johnny 2.4, Dolly, Lady Snuth, Susie (3 dr), 2:37;-.j, 2:39, 2:36>^, 2:39, 2 :.«;'.,. '^ \ , Kecne.'N. H., .July 30 arid 31. 1879, $300. Annie Lou 2, 3, Arthur T. (4 6). Mack 1, Washington, Fanny A. Wood. .Johnny. CaF>t. VVest,2::^6i/», 2:37i.,, 2:37, 2:41, 2:3.5, 2:364. 2:37^4. 2:38 W. S. Stewart. Glens Falls, N. Y., July 28, 1881, $1.50. Fitzgerald 2, Dan l, Harry Long, 2:37, 2:34!4, 2:32. 2:.^3l/(;, 2:.34. Moiitpclier. Vt.. Sept. 14, 1881, $135. Kitty 1, Little Dick, Mark Ray, 2:.34, 2:32, 2:34, 2:35. Sept. Id. ISSI, S;;iK». Kittv. 2:34. 2;.;(i. 2:36. Pnltersville. N. Y.. Sept. .30. 18H1. $140. Idlewild, Bay Dan. Bay Harry. Best time, 2:31. Iloosick Falls. N. Y., Julv 25, 1S82. .$200. Independence 3, Ladv Lear. Oolong. 2:.32, 2:;«|i4, 2:.32, 2:33J4. Granville, N. Y., Aug. 17,' 1882, $300. Ladv Lear I. 2. Nellv Irwin. Aulinda, 2:0014. 2:2914. 2:30, 2:30, 2:31. Kulland. Vt., Aug. 22. 1882. .$2.''>0. Lady Lear 1. Klla Doe. lUack .Joliuny. 2:32, 2:.33. 2:3.!, 2:31. Aug. 24, 1882. $.500. Nelly Irwin, Ella l)oe. (Joldfiuder, Joiiu II., 2:32, 2:.30i2. 2:30';. Burlington. Vt.. Sept. 14", 1882, $.t.50. Ellen .3. Black Johnnv, Dan. Clara M. (4 dr), 2:36, 2:3414, 2 :42'/», 2:42. Sept. 1.5. 18S2. $300. Goldflnder2, .3, John II.. 2:.30. 2:28, 2:.30. 2:28"^, 2:.30. Oct. 12, iss'j, .$.500. Crown Poi:it Maid 1, Ella Doe. Fnmk, Rex Patcheii (1 dis), 2:31, 2:32. 2:32. 2:32. Mystic Park, Boston, Nov. 1, 1882. .«;«K). Happy Thought 1, Red BinI 3. Carrie B., 2:28ii, 2:28^^, 2:28i4. 2:28i4, 2:28i4,2:28i,i. G. H. Babcock, Pittsfleld, Mass., .June 22, 1883. $100. Sir (Jeorge 1. 3. .lenny 5, Major Lord, 2:3314, 2:32^, 2:3;i'4. 2::«K>, 2:3.514, 2.36. - Watertown, N. Y., .June 27 1883. .$400. Lookout 2. Carrie B., .Josephine S,,2:33',.,2::t5i4. 2:36, 2:35i/s. Hoosick Falls, N. Y., .July 26, I8S3. .$.100. (ieorge M.. Kmma ('..2:32, 2:2!ii4. 2::!0'4. Kitty Knox, bik m. W, Tompkins, WattTtown, Conn.. Oct. 12.'1876. $6(i. Fanny Morgan 2. \ oung Vulcan 1. (iencvievc. Farmer Girl (4 dis), Dick (2 dis). 1 ■:.i:\':,. i :.■«)',., 1:29. l:.'!!!,, 1:3l?i. Flalf-mile heats. Kitty I.ainhert, b m (3 :4.';), by Daniel LaiidxTt. F. W. (ireenwood. Mystic Park, Boston, Sept. 24, 1878, $50. Prince Lambert 2, .3, Demd.s Kearnev, Flageoletfo. Oswego Girl. 2:4,5. 2:46. 2:45, 2-46. 2:49. Kitty Lewis, rn m (3 :.'>0). E.J. lirowii, Rutland. Vt.. .Julv :!I. 1873, .$.50. Sister Johnson, 3:08, 3K)1, 3:04. Albany, N. v., Oct. 26, 1876, $ . Captain Jinks (wi, 2 :.53?.i, 2 :."«. 2:,50. Kitty LewiB, (3 :50). .John Lticas, Oslikosh. Wis., Oct. 2, 1873, $100. Wisconsin Maid, Prince Albert, Hero, Waupnn Belle, Lee,- 2:50, 2:50. 2:,50'.,. Kitty May, ch m(3:65). S. Lewis, Jersey City. N. J., Mov. 23, 1882, $200. Emmet, 2:65, 2:56, 2:663^. CHESTKK'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. m Kitty McClellan, blk in (3 :36'/j)., by Gen. McClellaii. (i. B. Ingraham, Belfast, Me.. Oct.4, 1883, $50. Knox. Chief. l.aClare, 2:40. 2:36'/2. 2:395^. Kitty Medium, b m (3 :43). S. W. Galog, Carniel, N. V., Sept. 20, 1883, $7.5. Charles Slosson 1, Farmer Jioy, Uecl Cloud, 2:.51. 2:42, 2:47, 2:47. Kitty Mills, b ni (3 :53i^). H. lUirke, Willimantic, Conn., July 4. 1879, .$100. Central Maid l. Gray Dick, Charley Lew, Glenwood Belle, I'rhiee, 2:55'2, 2:54, 2:.52'2. Kitty Moore, rn ni (3:40i. h. F. I'ati'ick, Janesville, Wis., Sept. 7, 186.5, .$ . Black Prince, Flying Mor- gan, Tliuiston's li III, Flviiig Chililers, Taitout's b g. Major, pacer, Dickey's mare, pacer, 2:42. Sept. 7. 18t)r>, .SloO. Flying Childers, Black Douglass 1 (3 dr), 2:.38, 2:42. 2:43, 2:49. Si-pt. 28 186.")..$ . Black Prince Flying Morgan, Major, pacer. 2:40. Kitty Morris. I) in (3:301, bv Lon Morris. \V. B. Nutter, Portland, Me., June 1, 1878, $130. Little Pete 1,2, Nelly Sherman ('> dr) Erastus (1 dis). Othello (1 dis). 2:37, 2:37, 2:40, 2:40, 2:40. Aiig. 7,7. 1878, .?200. Brighton Girl 2. Richard, Fagin. 2:40, 2:.38,2:40, 2:41J4. A. L. Pierce. Dover N. H., Sept. 19. 1879. Smi. Katy Did, 2:,33, 2:37'2. 2:.33^. Kittv Nathans, ch 111 ^3 :51), by the Potter Horse. A. J. Thomas, Sandwich, 111., June 29, 1873, $400. Royal Chief 2:51. 2;.52, 2:.53. Kitty C. 1) nil 3 :3 ~ ). by Flatbush Abdallah. dam Lady Ham (?). G. J. Worcester, Leominster, Mass., July 4, 1882, :;i20. Black Nell, Maggie May, Kate Murray, 2:37?4. 2:37^4, 2:37. Kitty Patclien. ch in (3 :33'4 ). by Jeb Stewart, dam Lady Jones, by Duff Green. E. W. Uhricli, Coshocton, O.. Oct. IS. issi, .•!!i,50. Bin-- Lewis 2, 3 Lucy Nichols l, 4, 3:01 i-.bO'i, 2:.52, 3:05, 3:01, 3:02, 3:01}^. W. Hill Columbus. O., Aug. 31. 1882, .$300. Sneak, Mohawk Gloster, Marv F.,2:34i4, 2:.38i4. 2:38M. Uhrichsville. O., Sept. 21, 1882, .$300. Tom B. 1, 4, Outlaws, Ollie, Col. Bannister, 2:38'/2, 2:36, 2:44. 2:34!4, 2:3f\,2:5r>. Newcomerstown O., Oct. 6, 1882, $400. Edwin A. 1 (3 0), Brownwood, 2:34, 2:3414. 2:34V^, 2:34, 2:38. • —Coshocton, O.. Oct. 13 18S2,$170. Edwin A. 1, 5, Kittv L. 4, 2:46, 2:46, 2:45"2 2:41, 2:40. 2:41i4. C. B. Harvey. Providence, R. I., Sept. 12, 1883, $1,500. Onward, Netty R., Commissioner, 2:25i4, 2:28, 2:23;2. - — - O. A. Hickok, Mystic Park, Boston, Sept. 19 1883, $1,000. Pearl, Ino, Fanny Irwin, Belle Shackett, 2:221-4, 2:24iA2:23U. Morse Yellow Dock Co., Taunton, Mass., Sept. 27, 1883, $250. Frank, Archie, Knox Boy, 2:31, 2:28, 2:28"/2. Kitty Pearl, bm (3:43)14. C. F. Predmore, Chittenden, Vt.. Sept. 15, 1873, $140. Billy Bowlegs 1, 2:43, 2:43, 2:44'.i. 2:421^. Kitty Pease (Ecru Maid), du m (3 :33). W. H. Chamberlain, Earlville. 111.. Aug. 23, 1878, .$400. Fred Douglass 3,4, Albion Bov. Gray Eagle. John ,1. Cook. Prince (1 dis), 2:34, 2:33.2:34, 2:353i, 2:.32. Kitty Reillv, ch m (3:39). Thomas Best, Springfield, 111., July 7. 1875, .$2,000. Black Swan 2,3,2:39,2:41, 2:.50, 3.05 2:48. Kitty Robinson, gr m (3 :40i4). E.G. Robinson. Springfield, Mass., July 4, 1870, $150. Buckskin, Black Bettv 2:4014,2:44,2:43. — 0(~t. 4, 1871, $130. Frank Rolfe. Tom Thumb, Joe Hooker. 2:42M, 2:45, 2:45. Kitty Kolfe, b m (3 :34ii), by Tom Rolfe. A. Schatz. Sabina, 0., Aug. 24, 1883, $1.50. James (l 0), Charm (1 0), Belle Ewing (1 0), Washington Jr., Lucy. Nettv M. (2 dis), 3:01, 2:.56. 2:.53. 2:54. Hartford, O., Aug. 29, 1883. $110. Springfield Belle. Darrall. Best time, 2:54. Greenville, O., Sept. 12, 1883, $300, Sweet William. Little Willy, Pascaral, Folly (3 dis), Conductor (3 dis), Suntiower (1 dis), 2:48i/2, 2:49^i 2:42'/2. Dayton, O., Sept. 26 1883, .$300. Judge Parsons, Pilot (2 dis), 2:49",, 2:3414, 2:36. Kitty S..' br m (3 :40), by son of Magna Charta. D. Carnev, Rochelle, 111., Sept. 24, 1878, $100. Prairie Queen. Idl3 Boy. Hattie, Gideon Welles, 3 :05. 3 :02, 3 :03. Oregon. III., Sept. 10, 1879, $100. Ida K. 2 (4 0), Illinois Bov, Major Davis. Monroe. No time. Rochelle, 111. Sept. 24, 1879, $1.50. Ida K. Fayette. Monroe, Capti'.in, 2:4.5, 2:41, 2:41. Sent. 25, 1879, .$200. Little Sam, Lantern. 2:41, 2:40, 2:409£. C. "A. Duncan, Sandwich, 111., Sept. 17, 1880. $ . Lantern 1. Sheridan Maid. 2:40. 2:42, 2:40, 2:44. Kitty S., ch m (3 :33'o), bv Lewiston Koy. G. J. Worcester, Laconia. N. IL.Sept 22, 1881, $150. Charley Knox, 1, 4, Trifle, Maud Aluller, Kit Carsoii (4 dr). Slim Jim (3 dr), 2:44. 2:45, 2:42, 2:40. 2:43. - ■ East Pepperell. ;Mass., July 22, 1882. .$12.5. Frank Hale 1, Maggie May. Charley B. (4 dr). No time. T. Dolan, Lowell. Mass., May 24, 1883, $2.50. Screwdriver 1, Belle Shackett (4 0), Frank D., 2:38, 2:39J4. 2:.38i4, 2:39, 2:411.3. Haverhill, Mass., May29, 1883, .$250. Honest Lyon, Emperor. Screwdriver, 2:3714, 2:39,2:381^. Kitty Sawyer, b in i3 :48i. bv Alexiimler. dam iiy Bnceph;vhis. T. Riggs. IVtaluma, Cal., May 29, 1883, $140- Sid Sperrv. Nettv Bennett. Faniiv Wilson, pacer, Fox (.1 dis). Countess U dis), 2:48,2:52, 2:54}^. Kitty Seward (3 :0"l). Akron, O., July 2.5, 1876, $ . Hiatoga Maid, Queen of »iamonds, 3:01, 3:02,3:01. Kivc-vfnr-olds Kitty SiiiitJi, b m" (3 :00). 0. Smith, Ballston Spa., N. Y., Sept. 13, 1S76, .$60. Ida Jane 4, Sleepy B., Shoo Fly 2V5dis). Lady Arnold (5 dr). 3:00, 3:00. 3:00, 3:03;'2, . ^ „ . „„„«,.„ Kittv Strader, b m (3 :45), by Strader, dam by Hoosier Boy. S. Giddings, Atlantic, la.. Sept. 19, 1883, $150. Sunlight 1, Billy 2, Anna 'P., Edwin K., Florence O., 2:43i4, 2:44'4, 2:45, 2:49i.t. 2:.51i4. Kittv Stratton, br m (3:3014), by Green's Bashaw. C. McAllister, Wilton, la., July 4, 1873, $ . Wapsi- pinicon, Cap. Walker, 3:003^, 3:00. ^ ,. ^ »..,„„.« Davenport, la.. Sept 3, 1873, $1.50. Wild Oats, Whalebone, Tom Paine, Ozias (4 dis). 2:50, 2:49, 2:49. Same clay $50. Sorrel George 1, Judge, 2 :.57, 2:54, 2 :.56, 2:58. _ . _. , ,.-, ^ „ , Wra. Gallagher, Clinton, la.. Ausr. 12, 1874, .$200. Golddust, Golddust. Alexis, Bismarck, Nat Baker, Cottonade,George Francis Train. Nebraska Granger, Susie Hendrickson, 2:56, 2:49, 2:4914 Aug. 13, 1874. .$225. Nebraska Granger. 2:4814, 2:48i/2, 2:49. „ ^ c cr. , n ,.«->.« ^ai Robert Porter, Davenport, la.. Sept. 11, 1874. .$200. Troublesome, Camden, Sam Sharpley, 2-A2%, 2-AOH, 2:41. Muscatine, la., Sept. 29, $.300. West Liberty, Fleta. Wild Oats (2 dis), 2:.30"2. 2:^5. 2:37. Cambridge. 111.. Aug. .30, 1877, .$300. Captain (30), Illinois Chief, Lady \esta, 2:.34H, - — , 2:35, 2:3.5y2. (w) C. A. Winship,, Minneapolis, Minn., July 5. 1882, $ . Colonel (w), Joe Hooker (w) (2 dis\ 2:48. 2 40 Kitty Temple, bni (3:40). J. Abrams, Hempstead, L. I.. Aug. 21,1881, $2-5. Black Diamond 1, Black Pete, 2 '45 2-44 ■'•40 2-4''V.i Kitty Thorn, b m (3 :35). J. N. Sawyer, Woodstock, Vt.. Sept. 26, 1872, .$,50. Hermit 1, 2-MU,2-A8%, 2:49!'2. ^ A.'H. Danforth. Rutland, Vt., Oct. 17, 1872. $100. Dan 1, 4, Wampaum, Honesty, Factory Boy (2 dis). 2:4Si4, 2:.50. 2:4.5.2:49%, 2:48ii. -Bethel. Vt.. July 4, 1873. $300. Ladv Gordon, American Boy, Sleepy Dick, 2:47'4, 2:48, 2-A9^ Rutland, Vt., July 30. 1873, $ . Warr Hulett, Sister Johnson (l dis\ 2:42, 2:46, 2 :4.5W. ,.,„,, Sept. 11. 1873, $175. Kitty Pearl 1, 2, Nelly, American Boy, Tarn O'Shanter (3 dr), Frank (2 dis), 2:44, 2 '431'., 2 "46 '' '47 '- Granville. N. *Y., Sept. — , 1873, $100. Belle of Pawlet 2, 3, (4 0), Royal Mike 1, (4 0), Col. Maynard (5 dr), Warr Hulett (3 dr), 2:41, 2:411/., 2:43, 2:40, 2:48, 2:40i4, 2:40%. 392 OIIKSTEKS COMPLKTK TltOTTlM; AND PACING KECOHD. Kutlaiul. Vt., Oct. 24, 1873, $60. Koyal Mike 2, 4, 2:45, 2 :44 2:44, 2:45, 2:44. .Miiiaic (iraiiville. Vt., May 29, 1874, S . Twinkli-. Santa (1 dis), 2:45'.,. 2:48, 2:,52!^. Clareiiioiit. N. H.. June 7, 1874, $200. Tom, Danger, Ferry ilenshaw, American Boy (1 dis„ 2:38?4, 2:39>^ 2:3054. Aug. 1,5, 1874, .?12.-.. Flora I.ee 2, 4, Bay Frank (2 disi. 2:40, 2:4,'J, 2:39, 2:44, 2:39. Manchester, N. II., .Vug. 20, 1874, §400. Blacksmitii Maid 2, Fleetwing, Doctor, Alton Boy. Georpe Peabody (4 dr), 2:38, 2::5ii, 2 :38, 2:39. Kutland, VS., Scjit. 1(», ls74, .S175. Honesty, (icneral (2 dr), 2:40, 2:48, 2:47'2. Kitty >aii, 1) ni i'/J -.'44 i, Itv Walker's Morrill, dam bv Magna Cluirta. K. Van ^■alkenl)urg, Ligonier, Ind., Oct. 19, liSH-', .s-.'.-.(i. Harold :(, Laura, .Michigan .Maid, Blue Bull, Kevnard. De AVitt (4 dr), 2:4(i, 2:39'o, 2:,39i4, 2:41, Hill.sdalc, .Mich.. .Iiilv3, 1S8.!, i<-2m. .Mambrino Sparkle, Belle F., 2:41, 2:42, 2:41. (lolunilius. (). Sci)t.:-,, lhK3, .•:?40(i. Kilty Kolf. .Mattie Hunter, Harvey, Harry B.. Blue Bull, Dell Evans (Jeorgi', .\llan1ic. .Mavllower, 2:32'i. J:.;'."-. 2:.i.j. Wheeling W. Va., Sept. 12, 1883, $300. iMaitie II. 1, Joe Hooper, Mandirino <.'Iav Ida H., 2:3.'i!'2. 2:32^. 2:.'i4^.,,2:3ii'i. Sei)t. U and 1.'), 1883, $3 0. Mambrino clay 1, Darlington 3, Otto 2, (C dr), Minnie Warren, 2:34i^, 2:33' 2, !:3.-|, 2:;J3, 2:;;3, 2:32'2. y V - Youngstown <)., Sei)t. 19, 1883, §400. Tom Cameron 1, Miome IT 4, Maud B.. Charlev West, Minnie Warren. Harry B., S. J Tildcn, 2:31i'4, 2:29! 2, 2:30, ,2:32. Pllts!)urgh. Pa., Sept. 25, 1883, S.'>00. Burns. Mattie H., Kolla 1 2, (3 dis), 2:41, 2:,36?4. 2:34'5, 2:.3-5U, 2.:«' j. Chicago. 111.. Oct. 9 and 11, 1883, $1,000. Ottawa Chief 1,5, Neva 2, Exception, Burns, 2:25, 2:23'/2. 2:24, 2:2fi'.2, 2:;«)'4, 2:.i0. Kitty W., br m (:i::J3). D. H. Walrath, Oneida, N. Y., Nov. 1, 1881, $100. Keuben Bav Billy 2. (4 dr). Chester ( 1 (In, 2;.".,"). 2:.-)2, 2:53, 2:38, I.. P. Stallord, Vernon, N. Y., Oct. 5, 1882, $10. Daisy Burns, Prince, 2:.')0, 2:42, 2:47. Kiity Wailsworth, b m (3:55). F. Shoemaker, Kocliester, N. Y., Sept. 22 1808, $50. Brickmaker 1. Lady Burns, 2, 2:.'i4. 2 :ii3, 2 :.5.'>. 2 :o6. Avon, N. v., June 9. 18()9, .liiSO. Christy's gr g, Beauregard, 2:.59'/2, 3:03, 3:01. Kitty Walker. J. H. Stout, Jerseyville. 111., Oct. 12. ls8l. STO. Etta May, Hattie (iolddust. Pilot, St. John, Itosie Y'ouug, Wooly Jim. l:27i.o, 1:27. 1:27. Half-mile ln'iits. Four-year-olds. Ki^.ty Warner, blk m"t 3 :50). Hfraui Adams, Preston, .Minn., Sept. 27, 1883, .$,'50. Nelly D., Silver Cloud 2:.50, 2:50, 2:.55'.i. Kitty Wells, di in (2 :33) by son of Royal George. Albert Wells. Jackson, Mich.. June 18. 1874, •Slj.'iOO. Fox 1, (Jranville, Kistori, .Jenny Strideaway, Plain Agnes (I dis). Little Jake (1 dis), Fred Si)rague ( 1 dis), 2:32i^, 2:32K>. 2:;i2?.i,2:;«'2. Komeo, Mich., July 1, 1874, $600. Fox 1, 15rown Dick. Frank J. (4 dis"), 2:37^4. 2:38, 2:43?i, 2:38i4 Wlieeling, W. Va., Oct. 23, 1874, iStOO, Frank 1, Silversides. Best time, 2:41. Woodstock, Ont., May 26, 1875, $300. Hornet, Dominion Boy, 2:.S7, 2:41, 2:,36"2. London, Ont., .lune 2 and 3. 1875, .$400. Dominion Boy 1, Y'ork State, Hornfet (1 disi, 2:38U. 2:36'/j, 2:375ii, 2:3G;4. at. Thomas, Ont., June 9, 187.5, $225. Y'ork State, Little Sam, 2:42, 2:37, 2:40. Kitty Wells, bun 3. -43). Mr. Burke, Stafford Springs, Conn., Oct. 10, 1874, $ . Joe Smith, 2, 2,42, 2:47, 2:48, 2:.50. Kitty Wliite. blk nr(3 :33). G. L. Blackmail, Port AUegheiiv, Pa., Oct. 11, 1881, .'?25. Mattie Moore, Koulette Bov, 3:49ixj, 3:33. Kitty Winlt, b in (3 :40i bv American Star, dam by Abdallah. H. Dater, Fashion Course. L. I.. JuneO. 1862, $1,000. Ladv Sutfolk, 5:"2x. 5:-.2'4. Two miles. Dan M;ice. July S,. ISG."), .Sl.ooO. Mac (1 dis), 2:40. Kitty Wirt ( I'artlienia) blk m 1 3 :31) by Scott's Hiatoga, dam by Herod's Tuckahoe. (i. Wirt. Fairview, O., Oct. 28, 1876, .$ . White Cloud, Wild Tom. No time. Kitty Withers, ch m (3:33) by Spring Boy. dam by an Indian ponv. S. M. Withers & Bro., Heading. Pa., Sept. 29, 1882. .*75. Edgar, Mischief, 3:22, ;!:29U. 3:44?i. Four-vear-olds. Kitty Wood, rn m (3:391.4) by Wood's Hambletonian. T. H. Arnold, Conncaut. O., Aug 17. 1«80, $200. Bruns- wick Boy 1, 2. Tom B. 3, Goldstone 4, lola (4 dr), Expectation (4 dr), M. D. (3 dr), .lim Fisk (3 dr). 2:.50i4, 2:.50, 2:.'50'4, 2:.50, 2:.50, 2:.'50, 2:50. Port Allegheny, N. Y., Se))t. 16, 1880, $225. Flying Cloud 2, Lady Wheeler. No time. .Sept. 17, 1880, .|;i2,5. Lady Wheeler, Dick Smith. No time. P. Schurtz. Cuba, JS. Y., Sept. 23, 1880, $2.50. Lady June, Lady Wheeler, Johnny B., 2:4414, 2 :44'/i, 2:44'. I. F. H. Arnold. Port Allegheny, N. Y., July 4, 1881. $1.50. Young Erin. C. E. Fenton, 2:40^4, 2:40i^, 2:40>4. Bradford, Pa., Sei)t,3, 1881, $.500. George S,, Ladv June, Alia. Herald, Marv 11.. 2:.i9?.i, i-.^idh. 2:39h- Cuba. N. v., Sept. 22, 1881, $200. Nickel, Hattie, lilind Timi. 2::iith. 2:35i,i, 2:,35i.i. — -Coudersport, P.u, Sept. 28, 18S.'J, $125. Fitcli, Bucephalus, 2:35Vi, 2::i6',.. 2:.«i'i. Kline, A. W., brg (3:35'^) A. Chase, .Schuylerville, N. Y., July 9, 1872. $'liX). Hurricane, Joker, Straight- edge (2 dr;, 2 :;i9, 2 :39, 2 :.38i4, Saratoga, Spa., N. Y., Sept. 4, 1872, .$,50. Sir .John. Black John, Parejia. 2:46. 2:48. 2:.51, Sent. 5, 1872, $100. Bellew's b m. Black .hdiii. Cole. 2:44 2:4094.2:44. Julv 1.5, 187,3, $ . Fanny Raymond, 2.:!5'i, 2:38, 2:39. Klinlv'8 Kay St.allion (3 :55'».' Mr. Klink. Columbus, Ga., Nov. 6, 1871, .$2,5. Jeff Davis. 2.58Si, 2:55»/2, Kniipp(w), bg (3:531/4 vv). I). Kelly, Fleetwood Park, N. Y., Nov. 2, 1874, .$200. Harry (2 0). 2:58%, 2:57)4, 2:58, 2:52 '-4. Zlnlckerboclter, blk g (3:64). D. Sunderland, Lowell, Mass., Sept.. 8, 1871, $1(M), Thunderbolt 2. 3, Lady Champlin, 2:.54'^, 2:51'4, 2:.54.2:.5.5. 2:.54. Know Nothing (i,ancet), blk g (3:37' ,1 (3:35s), l)v Vt. Black Hawk, dam Old Squaw, bv Lee Boo. J. M. Daniels, Boston, Mass , Oct. 6. 18.-,4, $.500. Black Ilawk Maid (w), 2:31. .iS.^oo. j'.lack Ilawk Maid, 2:38, 2:37. 2:.37. Oct. 14, 1854. S.',00. Black Hawk Maid (2 dr), 5:26 Two miles. (w), Reuben Titus, May 22. ls,55, .«;.500. Tib Hiiiman i w), 3, 2:41, 2:43'., 2:42'o, 2:49, Hiram Woodruff, Centreville. L. I., Dec. 11. ls.5fi, .•sj.ooo. Taconv.2:40, 2:,38, 2:43'/2. Sam McLaughlin, Union Course, L. L, Mav 20, 1K.56. .5 . Chicago Jack. 2:37.2:32. Know Nothinp, b g(3 :44^). Mr. Poole. Bost()n. .Mass., June 15. 18,59, .f . Wyoming Roy. 2:51, 2:44^^3. Knox, blk s (3 :5I ). Mr. Welcli, San Francisco. Cal.. March 27, 1872, ,$60, Susie llill 3, Billy Ketcham (1 dis), 2:51,2:52, 2:49'.,, 2:.51'2. Mr. Burdelt, A|.ril 12. 1872. $100. Susie Hill 1. 2.2:5.314, 2:.52. 2:51, 2:5.3U.2:55>s. Knox, blk g(3::i«^, ,. Portland, >Ie.. .Iiiiie 2i;. 1877. $ . Sudden 1. HlNvory Dick. Kitty Morris. .Johnny French, Pratt, Netty Carleton O disi, lyanhoe (1 dis), 2:,'i7, 2::i6^, 2:,37, 2:40. Knox Itoy, hr s (3:33', ), by Ocn. Knox, dam bv Lewiston Boy. H. Reed & Son, Bangor, Me., Sept. 18, 1872. $100. Bla(!k Pilot Young Buchitnan, Kenduskeog Bov(2dri, 2:,52"2, 2:49, 2:45. A. M. Pond. Lewiston, Me., Sept, 24 and 25, 1874, $300. Plymouth Rock 4, 5. (6 0), Dare 2, 7, Air, Mabel Gray (2 dr>, 2:35,2:36, 2:38, 2:38, 2:38, 2:34, 2:36, 2:37. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 393 E. K. Woodman. Ganliner, Me., Aug. 2;5, 187G, $rm. Maine Slasher 4 (2 0 , Emperor William, Lightfoot, ^oung Buclianan (3 dv). 2:35. 2:31J.'3, 2:33;!4, 2:36-j., 2:35. Stallions. Au^. 18, 187T. .ijisoo. Blaek Pilot 2, 4, Emperor William, Royal Knox. Young Buchanan, 2:33, 2:32Vs,2:34U, 2:36'.i.2:38. Stallions. 2- - S. A. Withain. Kairiiekl. Me.. July 4, 1879, .flOO. King Philip, 2:41, 2:37, 2:35V2. Proviilencc. K. I., ,lul.\ 23, 1S79, .f300. Kobert B. Thomas 1, Middlesex, Martha, Eufus, Tom Pink, 15illv D., Sand Hill, 2:20. 2:2(;'4. 2:28, 2:28. Keene.N. 11., July 29,1879, .ifSOO. Frank Munson 1, Lottie K., Bay View Maid, Noontide, 2:30'i, 2:27. 2:321.2,2:31. Portland, Me., Sept. 19, 1879, .$500. Tom B. Patchen, Ino, Coupon, Anodyne, Emperor William, 2:32. 2::!2i^, 2:32, 2:33. . . i W. B. Smith. Mystic Park, Boston, May 27, 1880, $200. Dick Taylor, Joe Ripley, Iron Age, Roland, 2:26, 2:25'-^, 2:25. Beacon Park, Boston'. June 9, 1880, $600. Annie Page. Robert Lee, Roland, 2:26'2, 2:2614, 2:29)4. Mystic Park, Boston, June 17,1880,1400. Kobert Lee, Annie Page, Ed. Getchell, Roland, "2:25, 2:28, 2:30U. ... H. F. Hawkes, Lewiston, Me., Sept. 10, 1881, $400. Tom B. Patchen 2, 4, Patch (l dis), 2:29%, 2:29%, 2:28'.i-2:.30,2:31:^4- . *' W. B. Smith, Attleboro, Mass., Oct. 8. 1881, .$200. Competitors not named. 2:28'/2. J. Golden, Haverhill, .Mass, July 4 and .5, 1883, $100. Arthur ,2, 4. Belle Shackett, Kitty S., Black Pilot (5 dr) 2:3214, 2:31, 2:32, 2.33^4, 2:31. Danvers, Mass., Sept. 11, 1883, $ . Dispatch. Sheridan. 2 :.3,5, 2:37, 2:33',2. Knox Boy, Jr., blk s (3 :479i), by Knox Boy. A. B. Gooden, (Joffstown, N. H., Sept. 25, 1879, .$.50. Ashland Ben, 3:1514, 3:17, 3:15. Four-year-olds. Knox Chief, b s (3 :41 1, by son of Gen. Knox. H. E. Haley, Belfast, Me.. Oct. 3, 1883, $50. Clinton Maid 1, VVatab. .Maud A., Kitty >;asli, Kitty McClellan i4 dis;, 2:-U}4, 2:42^4, 2:46^, 2:41. '^"'w-.r'""^-,V m(j::4:4:^^). A. B. Dunham Milford, Conn.. Sept. 11, 1879, $50. General 2. 3, James F. (5 dis), Wdly (1 dis) M;irion Maid (1 dis), 2-A6U>, 2 -AdH, 2:5ZV2. 2 ■.^%, 2 -AlV^. Knox Girl, ch m (3 :00). W. G. Morrill, Dexter, Me,, July 4, 1881, $100. Black Cloud. Gray Stranger. Best time 3:00. '^'*?o'^ ''?;■•' '"K^** (3:37). by Gen. Knox, dam by the Merrow Horse. A. W. Brackett, *angor. Me., July 14, 187,5, .$170. Togus Boy. Yankee .lim. Bay Dick. Bonner, Jack Shepherd Blondin. 2:.39i4, 2:37, 2:3714. J. Bennett. Mystic Park, Boston. July 10. 1876. -isiOO. Rena G. 1, 2. Lady Lawrence, 3, 2:46, 2:40. 2:44, 2:40 Knixte Tolbertson, gr g (2 :53). A. W. Dawson, Boone, la.. Sept. 15, 1882. $100. Essayed, 1, Gray Eagle, Dandy, Jenny R. (4 dr). 2:.56, 2:.56. 2:.'')5. 2:.53. ^^Q^:>^ik^o^A^*'"' Webster City, la.. July 5. 18S2. .$60. Bay Eagle 1. 4. Rambler, Tramp 0 dr). 3:02i/2, 2:55, Kokomo br g (3 :33i4). by Wapsie. W. H. Wilson. Lawrence. Kan.. Sept. 6, 1881, .$500. Georgie. Lady Alice, Elmo Pilot. Tendoy (2 dis), 2:.38. 2:32ii. 2:.38i/o. .... Beloit Kan Sept. .30. I88I. .$400. Georgia" 1, .Tessie C, Ben Harper. 2:3914, 2:40. 2-40, 2:40. Too.-^o ^i^^'f'- Dallas. Tex., Dec. 6. 1881, $150. Clarence H.. Anglin. Cow Bow. Flag of Truce. Mambrino, i :.j8^4. 2 :3i , 2 :3.5. '7}a^S\^' ^^^^' ^^^- A"gl'" -• ^- Clarence H.. Flag of Truce. Mambrino, Nora (4 dis). 2:.36. 2:39>4, 2:40, ■ Pierce City. Mo., Oct. 13. 1882, $1.50. Missouri Maid. Fear Not. 2:40, 2:40. Kossuth, gr g (3:12 2-5). J. M. Daniels, Boston. Mass.. Sept. 1.5. 18.54, $2,000. Alice. .32:04. Ten miles. Jio^uth br s (3 :.5li4), bv Long Island Black Hawk. Wm. Whelan, Union Course. L. I., Sept. l, 1855, $1,000. Ticonderoga. 5:4.3. 5:45. Two miles. Knss, rii g (2 :59i4). J. Tully, Wilmington, Del . May 24, 1882. $50. Ham, 2:.59i4, 3:02 2:.59i4. Ku Klux, rn g C3:.54), w. S. Widener. Nashville. Tenn., July 7, 1869, $75. Rachel Horton, 2:,54, 255. July 9, 1869. .$12.5. Eliza .Tane 1,2:.543<, 2:54^^, 2-.57. ^^^^l •!? F f 2 :3*). p. Cornell, Battle Creek, Mich., May 30. 1872, .$ . Wild Bill, Belle, Frank Blair (2 dis), Hillsdale a dis). 2:44, 2:42. 2:43. 394 CIIESTEKS COMI'LETK TKOTTING A>'D I'AC ING RECOKl'. I. L,abula, (2:46). Mr. Simpson, Burlington, la., Sept. 29, 1865, $ . Nabocklish, 2:48, 2:46. Lace Wealer, b s, by Smuggler, dam Tullahoma. C. S. Case, Burton, O.. Sept. 2(i. 1883, ^50. Molly Powell. Lizzii; S., 1 :49'2, 1 :49!2. Half-mile beats. Three-year-olds. Lacliiiie Boy. b s (3:35)1.1). H. (i. Svdleman, Isorwich, Conn.. Sept. 23, 187!», .S1.50. Thankful 1, Helen Mar. Lazy Bill, .Joe Shannon U dis). Just Out (1 dis), 2:45. 2:44, 2:4t;'/2, 2:42. E. D. Clark. Sept. 25, 187!i, $Hi). (leorge Adee 2, 3. George F., Helen Mar, 2;39>4, 2:39, 2:43, 2:47)^, 2:48?*. 1'. Marroii, Albany, N. V., JMay it;. bSKi, $200. Montgomery Boy, 2:50, 2:52,2:47. Lackey's Gray Mare, (2 :49). Mr. Laekey, Worcester, Mass., July 4, 18(J3, $75. Black Warrior. Best time, 2:4<». Lady, lilU m <3 :»8). E. C. Dodd, Dayton, O., June 27. 1807, $100. Jane Coombs. 2:50, 2:3^. 2:40. Lady, gr m (3 :0«), by Vermont Hero, dam by Kight Hawk. James Selby, I'eoria. 111.. June 17, 1874, $150. Ely, 3:0ti, 3:00. Four-vear-olds. Lady, cli m (3 -AG). L. W. Jerome Jr., Jersey City, N. J., July 2><, 1874, .'S150. Ellen Mary 2. I'nrdy 3, Patty (4 dr). Lady Wandlte (2 dis). East Side (2 dis), Frank (1 dis). Badger (l dis). Paul tl dis). hilly (i dis), 2:46. 2:45'.2,2:49, 2:47, 2:4714. Lady, b ni (3 :49i4). G. W. Hoyt, New Millord, Conn., Oct. 1, 1881, ijilOS. Stella 4 (3 0), Sleei)y Jack, Deceiver, Dexter, 2:55!.i, 3:01'.i, 2:55'2. 2:.=).^i^4. 2:54. Sept. 28, 1882, $7.5. Stella, SIcipv Jack. Whitestockings (2 dis). 2:50i/4, 2:51. 2:4914. Lady, cli m (.3:10). U. B. Fisk. llyaiiais, Mass.. July 7. 1883, $i . Charley, 3:10. 3:11. Lady A., b m (3:07). A. Ashuft, Philadelphia, I'a., MayO, 1878, $ . Clara 2. Harry. Katy Darling, 3:l2'/2, 3:07;-, 3:07. Lady A lilk m (2:35^2), bv George M. Patchen Jr. S. M. Anderson. Little Kock. ,\rk., Oct. 19, 1881, $500. Humi)v 2, 3, Maggie V., Lucy H., Bay Prince, 2:3oV2, 2:36U,2:38xi. 2:40, 2Al}o. Lady Ai|;er. b m(3:52!'4)- S. C, Cutting. Morrisville. Vt., July 4. 1871, $40. Nelly. Worcester Boy, Little . liurUiigtoli, Vt., Sept. 7, 1871, $100. Cien. Stanard 1, 2, (5 o), Jerry. Harry, Kob (4 dr). Silverheels (3 dr), 2:5714, 2:.56i4, 2:.'>6>'2, 2:52i4, 2:5514. S:06?4. Lady AHce. b m (2:371. Mat Colvin, St. Louis, Mo., Jmie 19, 1806. .$200. Ben Young, Tom Foster. 2:43V2. 2:42. 2:44' i. Chicago. 111., July 12. I8(i7..'?2.50. Buckeye Bill 2, 4, Bay Billy. Angeline. 2:42, 2:44^4, 2:41%i, 2:43'/2. I'n- July IH. 1H(>7, .$400. Lady Ella 2, 4. Buckeye Bill 2:39'2, 2:37'... 2:37. . Unfinished. Peciria, 111.. Sept. 1. 1867. $\r>(). \V, K, Tiionias, John Brady. 5:21, 5:33. Two miles. St. Louis, Mo., Sept. 29, 1867, $1.50. (iosheu Maid 1, Lady Ella, Bay Prince (3 dr), 5:20. 5:25, 5:28. Two VvVa. Forth, Evansville, Ind., Sept. 9, 1871, ,$150. Joe (20), Ked Hoosier, 2:49, 2:47-2 2:.50 2:52. Lady .\lice, ch ni (3:41). L Copp. Manchester, N. H., Sept. 6, 1870, $100. Tom Patchen, Black Riddle, Capt. Jinks. Ajax tl dis), Col. Knox (I dis). 2:.52, 2:51. 2:.57. ^ ,„ j- S(;pt. 8, 1870. $250. Ferry Haushaw. Black Itiddle. Minnie, Butter Ball. Fanny (3 dis). Saw Dust (3 dis). Quickstep (3 disi. Sea Foani (1 disi. Howard (1 (lisy. 2:46'/i., 2:41.2:42. ^ ^ ...... ,„ o Lady Alice br m (3 :38 '4). by Mambriuo Pilot, ilaui Barilla, by Lt. Bassuiger. E. Deulentach, Sharon, Pa.. Sept. 21, 1871, $100. Walter 3, 4, St. Vincent. Loafer (5dr>, John i3 dis). Lady Pierce (3 dis). Bill (1 dis), Bismark (Idis), Minnie(l dis), Sandy(l dis), I'eachblow (1 dis). Runaway a dis), 2:48. 2:48'/2, 2:48'/g, 2:45i/4, 2-45 Same day, .$200. Kitty 1, 4 (6 0), Mohawk Maid, Lady Pierce (3 dis). Bill (2 dis). Josephine (2 dis), Loafer (2 dis). 2:4i; 2:42'., 2:41'^, 2:44'i. 2:42?.i', 2:4I'i, 2:37%. F. Patterson. Frederick. Md., June rj. 1872. $ . Mary of Argyle. 2:44, 2:42'^, 2:46. ,. ,, , Lady Alice (Anna), ni m (3:33), by Mambrino. dam by Leviath:m ('.'). W. R. Goff. Portsmouth, O., Aug. 28, 1873, .$400. Dollv. Little Doubt, Toronto Patchen, Sciota Queen (1 dis), 2:41. 2:42'-, 2:40. Aug. 29, 1873. .iwo. Maria 1, Dolly. Grav Alex., Little Doubt, Bridget. Marksman. 2:4H4.2:48Hj. 2:43'/2, 2:39?4. Lexington. Ky., Oct. 21, 1873, .$,500. Josie 1. 2:39, 2:42iii, 2:38, 2:37'/2. Lady Alice. (3:34). N. Campbell, Bariboo, Wis.. Sept. 4. 1873, $1,000. Kate, 2:34. Lady Alice, b m (3 :4}>). Dinsmore & Co., Oswego, N. Y.. Sept. 16. 1873, $250. Casey s in 111. (ooper s rn in, Lad'v''Alic«'sbm'(3:45). J. Wilkins. So. We>7nouth, Mass.. Oct. 3. 187.5. .$50. Nelly. Princess. 2 :48'/i. 2:49. Lai,i). bvCiiib L. J. Dunn, .Milwaukee, Wis.. Aug. 2!). 1878. .$.500. Okee 3, •!, Orphan Girl 5. (irav Eagle. Punch, 2:32,"2:33. 2:3.5.2::t.5'i. 2 M. 2:;«.'v.. Mln'neai)<>lis, Minn.. Sept. 2, ls7s. Srm. Orphan Girl 2. John J. Cook,2::i3, 2:32' .j. 2:33?4, 2:3.5»4. Sept. 4. i87s,.'«.50O. IliglilaiKl Queen 2, 3. Chester. Charley C.. Gray Eagle. Pate s Sentinel (5 dr), Lady Rub(5dr), Okee (2 (lis), 2:291.1. 2:31. 2:3194, 2:.32i,.?:.S2^'.,. , „ , >, «* /= ^5=\ Kansas Citv, Mo., Sept. 21, Ihtk, .$.500. Flighlaud (^neeii 3. 4. Gray Eagle, (ireen Charley. Mary M. (6 dis). ()kee(3dis). Singular (I dis), 2::i5i4. 2::a',.2:.34' .J, 2::«?ii,2:.3.5. Qiiincy, Hi., Sept. 25, 1H7«, ,$400, Frank 3,4 (50), Carrie R. (2 dis). 2:5., 2:48^4. 2:49''.i. 2:43i.i, 2:43?4, 2 ■4''94 La.l.y Alice, ch in (3:17 ). .1. A. Livers. Sullivan. 111.. July 31. 1878, $20. Molly Brock d dis), Paddy (1 dis). Lady Alice.l)"m'(3 :34). J. (^.ornian. Providence. R. I., Sept. 1.5, 1882, $300. Jack 1. Gov. Plaisted. Henry S., Miller's Dani.sel (3 dr), 2:34, 2:.34, 2:37i'4. 2:37. CHESTERS COMPLETE TKOXTING A>'D PACING RECORD. 395 Lady Alice, m m (3 -.59^), by Edward Everett. G. W. Budd, Dundee, N. Y., Oct. 12, 1882, $60. Bushwhack- er 1, Little Eastern 3, Kipton (4 dis). 2:591ko, 2:59J4, 2:59^4, 2:59^, 2:59^. < )ct. 13, 1882, $50. Bushwhacker, Emma Montour, 2:5914. 2:0914, 2 :59'/2. Naples, N. Y., Oct. 27, 1882, §7.5. Will Liudsey 1, Lady O., Gypsy Girl, Little Daisy, Jake Deunis (3 dis), 3:00, 2:5914, 2:59;'.i, 3:01. Auburn, N. Y., June 7. 1883, SoOo. Addie, Nelly H.. Homer, Dinah, Arco. No time. Lady .4.11en, ch m ( 3 :45 14). Joseph WooUey, Sianstead, Can., Sept. 26, 1856, .f.^o. Jimmy, Chamberlain's br in, 2:53, 2:55, 2:.54. Oct. 29. 185G, .§.50. Vermont Lady, Black Jane d disi, Logan (1 dis), 3:00, 2:59. Dan Mace, Providence, K. I.. :\Iav 27, 1857, .'S20fl. Dandv Jim. 2:57, 3:00, 2:59. .1. ^V. Carleton, Concord. N. IL. Aug. 15. isfis, .S400. Lailv Wallace (\vi. 2:54, 2:.57, 2:56. Boston, Mass.. Sept., 13, l.-. 2:'>-J. Lwly Atkinson, ill un'i -.-.i-i). S. H. (lark, Philadt'lpliia. ra.,.June22, 1873- SI. 000. Dinali, 2:3.';, 2:36, 2:37. Jolin Oedeii, Norristowii, Pa., July 11, 187.i, .■?1,(KXI. Norwood 2. 2:.{7i.i. 2:40. 2:38'», 2:38»4. fSanmcI Hines, I'oint Breeze Park. I'liiL.Nov. 8, l.'!75. .Sloo. Old Man, 2 :.'')«, 2 :4.5. " lAdy Auburn, b 111(3 :40>. Haltiinore, Md., Nov. 7, l;i8;j, §100. Little Frank 1, Comet, 2:39' j, 2:40, 2:40)^ Lady Aui^usta, br m (3 ::JOi by Ibiiiibletonian. d:iiii bv Saltnini. John L. Dotv. Fashion Course. L. I., Mav 20, i.s7(i. Sl.ooo. Lady l''raiiklin. Tempest. Peiiohscot t hjel'. Ladv .Miiri)hv. 2:;if;'i. 2::«iv':i. 2:36'.,. Trenton, N. J.. May 2.^), 1870, §l.O(M». Itevemie, l,:idy Kiiiily, Isiiuv (iolddust, Kuthless, l.adv Collyer, 2::n;'„-, 2:41. 2:37'j. ■ j , ]?c:ieon Park. Boston. June 1.5. 1870, S2.000. Charley (Jreen 2. .'".. Itoberl Ponnor (2 (lis). Shawniut (1 dis). Dayli.L'htd dis). 2:.^6i.,. 2:."{2'4. 2:39. a:.^'... 2:3.5. Mystie Park, Boston, June IG. 1870, , $1,000. Charley Green, Billy Butler, liobert Bonner, 2:34'i, 2:;<4^. 3:32?4. June 20, 1S70. .?i,ooo. Robert Bonner, Lady Moscow. Daylight f3 dr\ Faiiev (iolddust CJ dr\ 2:31'.., 2:35'4, 2:35'.i. Providence, R. 1., June 23, 1870, §2,000. Charley Green, Lady Emily, l-'aiicy Golddust 1 1 dis). 2::j1, 2:30>4, S|.ringneld, Mass., Aug. 24, 1871, Sl.r)00. Tom Keelcr 3. Ben Starr, Dreadnaught. Shejiherd Knapp Jr, i2 (lis). Col. L;ikeiiiaii (1 (lis), Cajft. tiill (1 disi. 2::'.-" ., 2:.30'2, 2:31';, 2:.32';. L,aU. Snow Storm, 2:45, 2:43, . 2:42. L,ady II., b m (3 :33^ by Old Morg. A. W. Smith, Clyde, X. Y., Sept. 4, 1880. S400. Newsboy 1, Lib. Starlight, 2:40 2: 42 '2, 2:35. 2:3.5. Elmira, N. V..Sept. 12. 1880. $400. Billy Bcmlden 2. 3 (1 0), Lem 6, 7 (1 0). Drummer Boy. Lady Evans, George Brooks, Young Columbus Jr., 2::i3, 2:.'5.'5. 2:35'i,2:32, 2::i5V4. 2:.34^(. 2:.34V6, 2:3.3. J. Mcdbury. Bradford, Pa., June 19. 1880, $500. Honest Fred 3,Mambrino Chief, Lady .Mjic Ladv June. 2:;i.5. 2:35^4, 2:3C^i,2:36. A. \V. Siiijtli. Cuba. N.Y., Sept. 2.5, 1880. $200. Lilly Pierce 1. 3. Billy Bonlden. Youn;: Columbus, 2:33. 2:35. 2 :.34, 2:341,1.2:36. J. Medbiiry, \Vellsville, N. ¥.. July 5, 1881. $200. Sentinel. 2:.J9, 2:33. 2:;t"... L,ady Bacheller, rn m (3:04). S. Js. Brown, Lynn, Mass.. June 4, 1875, $"lOO. Eva, Nelly, 15:4014, Five miles, tady Biurkus. b m (2:31) by King's Champion Jr. C. F. Backus, Auburn, N. Y., Sept. 15,1870, $75. Gray Dick, P.hick George. 7:0914. Two and one-half miles. Caii:ui(laigii:i, N. Y., Oct. 7. 1870, $400. Lady Patchen, Ladv Kendall, Siren (2 disi, 2:42, 2:.^5'i, 2:41. Troy. N. Y., Oct. 13, 1870, $1..500. Topsy 1, 2, Joe Brown 3 i(i dis), Lady Saulspaugh, Mystery. Pownal Mare (5 dr), 2 :44, 2 :44, 2 :37M, 2 :40, 2:39?4. 2 :.35'/2. Owego, N. ¥., .June9, 1871. $350. Kitty Krum, Mary Barber, Gray Hawk, Louisa lloyt a dis). Dutch Boy (1 dis), 2:3614, 2:36J4, 2:37. Canandaigiia, N. ¥., June 27, 1871, $ . Lady Allen I.Norwood, Marv B;u-ber. Frank Phelps (3 dis). 2:34"2, 2:35, 2:34, 2:37. Fleetwood Park. N. Y , Sept. 18, 1871, $1,500. Joe Hooker, Belle Morrill, Hartford P.elle, Fanny Lam- bert, 2:32'/2, 2:31, 2:36. W. H. Borst, Lockport, N. Y.. July 5. 1872. $800. Columbia, Frank Shaw (3 dis\ 2::!7-'.,. 2:37>;, 2:35V4. Lady Bagnall, b m (3 :45). J. Dover, Kentville, N. S., Sept. 28, 1880. $130. Wormwood, Harry Baker. All Right. 2:45, 2 :46i4, 2:47. Lady Baker (2 :49i4). George P Smith, St. Paul. Minn., Sept. 27. 1871, $300. Star f3 o^, Ncllv. .Tobii lleiirv. 2:51'.i, 2:49';, 2:.52'/2, 2:54. Lady Ballard (2 :45), Owego, N. Y., Oct. 7 and 8, 1875, $ . Belle of Flatbush. Lark, .lenny Belle. Moscow 1, 2 (5dis), Hero(5dis), 2:53,2:51,2:57, 2:50, 2:.51. Lady Baltic, b m (2 :47i4). C. Picor, Providence. R. 1., Oct. 8, 1875, $200. Ben J.. Clipper, Susie, Ben Frank- lin, Ney (1 dis), 2:47V4, 2:47ii, 2:47^^. Lady Banker, b m (2 ; 23), by Hambletonian, dam bv Boston. J. S. Edsall. Goshen, N. Y.. Sept. 20, 1872, $150. Jupiter 1 (3 dis). Pete (3 dis), Lady Coleman d dis). Lady McClellan (1 dis), 2:48'i, 2:41i{.. 2:4;i. George N. Ferguson, Erie, Pa., July 17, 1873, $1,200. Ohio Bov 2, 5, Kate Campbell 1, Spotted Colt, Black Prince, Annie Collins, Denmark (2 dis). 2:36K'. 2:38, 2:::6, 2::!6K>, 2:38,2:41. W. Sargeant. Goshen, N. Y., Oct. 20, 1875, $500. Scotland Maid, 2:39?i, 2:3494, 2:31. Lady Barnes, br m (2 :.'>5). Wm. Bodlne, Montgomery, N. Y., June 9, 1870, S . Pollv Ann 1. George H., Crist, 3:37, 3:41. 3 :.56. Three-year-olds. Je.ssie Wood, Goshen, N. Y., Sept. 14. 1871, .$2.5. Lady Smith. 3:02. 2:55. 2:.55. I). Sayre, same day. .$25. Black Sfiuirni, 3:01%, 2:.57. Lady Barnes, gr m (2:3.5;-i). C. L. Barnes. Bucyrus, O., Aug-5, 1874, $350. Competilots not named, 2:4m, 2:36, 2:35' '2. Athens, 0., Sept. 18, 1874, $80. Snow Storm, Gus Ravmond, Silvertail, 2:41M, 2:4094, l':42K>. Marietta, O., Sei)t. 26, 1874, .$ . Moscow, 2:47'.., 2:47. Lady IJartlett, brm (2 :40). D. Bigley. Boston, Mass., Sept. 18, 1866, $ . Brignoli 1, 2 (3 dis), 2:.52. 2:50, 2:40, Lady Rates, b m. G. M. Lee, Webb's Mills, N. Y., June 20, 1878, $75. Daisy 3, 4 (2 0), Ned. Lizzie Clapp. No time. Oct. 1. 1878, $75. Dick Smith. Milo Pet. No time. Lady Baxter, b m (2 :47). Jacob Blinn, Chicago, III., July 6, 1858, $100. Joe Downing 1, lloncsl Auce (l dis), 2:46. 2:.54. 3:00, 2:47. Lady Bayard, cb m (2:42). D. Pfifer, Union Course, L. I., Sept. 7, lSfi4, $400. ANalkor's b ni. 2:42, 2:423^, 2:45. Lady Beaumont, b m (2:.'>0'j), by Sejircher. Baker Davis, Akron, O , Oct. 4, 1861, $50, Yellow Aim (1 0), (2 (Ir), Royal George (1 0), (2dr), Brown Kiitc il o), (2 dr), 2:51';, 2:50J.... Lady Beekman. brm (2 :34i.,), by Ned, diiiii l)y Flying Cloud. J. W. Odell, Bath, N. Y., June 7, 1876, $200. Bcrnjird 2, X Csipt. Fulton 1, Bfl'y W;igner, (iovernor Tilden (3 dri. 2:54, 2:51,2:50?.i , 2:55. 2r.50. 2:.54. Cuba. N. Y.. Sept. 2.5, 1878, .$100". Lady WiUis, Molly Darling, William, Billy Seward, Matilda, 2:40. 2:40^. 2 :40. Sept. 26. 1878. .$.300. Ladv Willis, Billv Seward, Mollv Darling, 2:40, 2:40';, 2:40='4. Sept. 27. 1878, .$L',5(i. Elliott 3, Lady \Vlllis, Fannv Van, 2:4i)' i, 2:4(), 2:40, 2:40',. Triimansburg, \. Y., July 17, 1879, $ . Pathfinder, Emniii, F'rince Alfred, 2:41, 2:40>4, 2:41. J. W. Covkeiulall, Wellsville. N. Y., Sept. 8, 1881, $200. George T. 1. Y(.ung Erin, Johnny B., 2:40, 2:.39, 2:37, 2:.3S. .1. C. V;ni Colder, Cuba. N. T., Sept. 23, 1881. .$200. Hattle 1. 4, Johnnv B. 5. Nickle. 2:.37'i, 2:.34'.4,2:38, 2:401/,, 2:39K2,2:39>4 (^HESTEKS COMPLETE TKOTTIXG AND PACING KECOKD. 397 r,ady Bell, b m (3 :38>. H. W. Hitchcock, Montgomery. Ala., Mav 11, l«58, $:i25. Nancy Dawson l (3 0), Kate Siosbabout 2 (3 0). 2:4-J,2:394, 2:40, 2:44, 2:48. J. H. Cottey. Nov. i.s. i.s.3t), $ . Kate Sloshabout, Knapp's b g U dis), 2:42, 2:38. Lady Bell, br m (3 :o9j. Charles Vincent, Kansas City, Mo., July U. 1873, «;T5. Philip 2. Highwines, 3:03. 3.03,2:59,3:01. Lady Bell, b m (3:36?i. by Gray Eagle. Winterset. la., Aug. 30, 1882, $ . Solitude 1, Bird Howaixl. 2:44, 2:36-1. 2:50^4. 2:50:;j,. Lady Bell, clini(3:39i4). C. K. Willett, Washington, D. C, July 4,1883, $300. K. B. Hayes 3, Flora H., fruni]), Red Dick (1 dis), 2:421.1. 2:41'2, 2:40, 2:\^^^. Lady Belle, blk m (3 :4:9). J. L. Alexander, Oakland, Ky., June 11, 1859, $100. Henry 2, 3 (4 0), (5 drj. Bob Kidley (3 dis). Lady Washington (1 dis), 2:53' 2, 2:55, 2:51, 2:49, 2.55. Lady Belle, b ni (2:3G?4). E. M. Skaggs, Sacramento, Cal., May 21, I868,$2fln. Peanuts. Honest John, 2:47?^, 2":50U. 2:46^4. Lady Belle (Dollv D.). b m ( 3 :37ii). W. J. Fenton, Pittsburgh. Pa., July 12, 1881. .$500. Lewis Dolphin, Bay Alex., 5:25, 5:301.1. Two miles. Lady Belle (3 :43i.<'), J. Toper, Santa Cruz, Cal., Feb. 24, 1883, .SIOO. Jersey Lilv. 2:53, 2i42'/i. 2:.52. Lady Beucli ley, cfi m {3:39i2). E. Dunham, Piainfield, N. J., Sept. 4. 18G7. .■?1.">0. Bay Dan, Brown Billy, 2:46, 2:46^i, 2:39' 2- Lady Berry, gr m (3 :39), by Rising Sun. F. W. Berry, Augusta, Me., Aug. 7, I8(i(;, .$50. Croton Oil, Cali- fornia Joe, Mount Vernon, 2::;9. 2:45. 2:46. Lady Bevins (3:37'2). Union Course. L. I., Nov, 6, 1848, .$200. 60:031;.. To beat 18 miles in one hour. Lost. Ladv Bevins herself was bet against 6200. Lady Bishop, b m (3:39i4>, by (ireen's Bashaw. A. J. Ingraham, Maipioketa, la., S^pt. 7, 1882, $200. Black Prince, Jeiinv B.. George X. Jr.. 2:40. 2:40'2, 2:40. Sept. 8, 1882, $200. Black Prince. Jenny B., George N. Jr., Amiss, Jenny P... Dick Jones (3 dr), 2:3914. 2:39'2,2;40. Anamosa. la., Oct. 19, 1882. $200. Clifden 2, 2:46, 2 :42Ji, 2 :43, 2 :42. Latly Black (3:,50). Aurora, 111.. Sept. 9, 1873, $150. Fanny. Black Crook. 2:51. 2:.52. 2:50. Lady Black, blk m (3 :37). H. Labelle, Ottawa, Ont., Oct. 13. 1874, .$100. Nelly. (Utawa Lady (1 dis), 2:571/2, 2:59='4, 2:.59-.i. Lady Blackhawk, blk m (3 :40). C. D. Sessions, Willimantic, Conn., July 4. 1>^T4, ^$200. Whitsonville 1, Roval (Jeorge, Terry Boy. 2:.54K>. 2:4G'c. 2:."i3'2. l>idy Blaine, br m (3 :59^2). bv Bavard Knox, dam by Gen. Knox. J.M.Floyd, Lewiston, Me.. Sept. 28. 1882, .^100. Maximilian 1 (3dis). lieauthina (3 dis). Dr. Maxwell (1 disi, 3:25'.;, 3:2.X 3:10i2. Two-year olds, L:idy Blake (3:40-o. Battle Creek, ]\Iich., Aug. 31. 1870, .$ . P'annv 2, Brown Charley. Little Giant (2 dis), 2:44, 2:43'.,, 2:40='i, 2:412^. Three Rivers, Mich.. Oct. 6, 1870, $1.50. Kittv Fisk. Billy Hotsi)nr. Douglass. 2:43i'2. 2:47. 2:441/^. Lady Blauchard, grill (3 :36i4), l)y Whipple's Hambletonian, dam Ladv Livingston, by Gen. Taylor, T. Mc- Clellan, San Francisco, Cal., Aug. 26. 1S72, .$750. Aurora. Addie Lee. "Stockton Jlaid (1 dis), 2:30i2. 2:314, 2:30'.i. San Jose. Cal.. Sept. 3. 1872, f.WO. Addie Lee, 2:36?4:. 2:38. 2:36. — Sept. 6, 1872, .$.500, Addie Lee, Countess. 2:43'2, 2:38?i, 2:40ii. S. B. Whipple, Sacramento, Cal., Sept. 19, 1872, .$750. Addie Lee, Charles F. Reed (l dis), 2:4114, 2:42, 2:. 39. Sept. 21, 1872. $7.50. Addie Lee (1 dis). Stockton Maul il dis), 2:26i4. Lady Blanchard, b m ( 3 :55). D. P. Wright, Antwerp, N. Y., Sept, 3, 1874, $ . J. Stearns Jr., A. Douglass, Country Maid. 2:.5<;. 2:.59. 2:56. (ieorge Coolidge, Sept. 1. 1875. $100. Bay Boston, 2:55.2:.57, 2:59. Lady Blanche, gr m (3 :43), bv Abdallah, dam an Indian mare. S. Hoagland, Union Course, L. I., May 11, 1853. $.50. Beppo 2, 2 :46, 2 :41, 2: 43, 2 :43. Ladv Blanche, b m (3 :34y). John Ferber. Incrersoll. C. W.. Nov. 3, 1869, .$200. Regulator 2, 3, Rattlesnake, 2:52, 2:49'4, 2:53, 2:48, 2:47, Mr. Cairn, Simcoe.C.W., Sept. 22, 1870. $225. Waterloo l. Bill Barnes. 2:37i.i, 2:45. 2:42, 2-M%. Lady Blanche, gr m (3:53). J. W. Johnson, Plainfleld, N. J., Oct. 16. 1873. Prize, silver. Maud Morgan, Emma V., 2:.53';, 2:52, 2:54. Lady Blanche, b m (3:38i.). by Mambrino :Messenger. (t. Jones. Deerfoot Park, L. I.. July 7, 1874, $300. Gussie 3, 4, Ellen Mary, George, Doubtful, Flora. Uncle Joe (3 dis), Mohawk Brother (2 dis), 2:45, 2:41, 2:45Ji, 2:4G5i,2:45. May 13 and 14, $1875, §300. Rescue a 0), Sarah Jane. Helen. Katy Hughes. 2:39. 2:44, 2:391^, 2:40. Lady Blessiugton (Jenny B.). b m (3:38), bv Middletown, dam Jeniiv ILiwkins. by American Star. D. Killian. Norristown. Pa., Mav 19. 1876, .$,300. Harriet P.. One Eve. Pb.iladelnbia :\I;'id. 2:44. 2:4.5?i. 2:48i4. Westchester. Pa., June 24, 1876, $3.50. Little Nell 3, 4. Gypsy Maid 5. Seneca Maid a dis), Tom (1 dis), 2:40, 2:41'i,2:44, 2:42, 2:42'i, 2:40?i. Suffolk Park. Phil. July 3, 1876, $700. Erie 1, 2. Billy Watson 4, Alonzo (4 dis), 2:34, 2:.35, 2:,S7, 2:42, 2:40, 2:44. Ambler Park, Pa., May 31. 1S77, .$250. Little Nell. Lady Sharp, Fanny G., Little Fellow (ldis),2:36, 2:,32^, 2:36'», 2:35' .. ^ Po'ttstown. Pa., June 9, 1877, $300. Morning. Little Nell, Jacob Lerian, Lola, Fanny G., 2:3.3, 2:31 2:,33' . Suffolk Park, Phil., July U. 1878, $250. Sam French. Sans Souci (2 dr). 2:31, 2:.51. 2:35. Westminster, Md., Aug, 2, 1878. $.500. Molly 1, 3, Lizzie Keller 4, Ambler (4 dis>, 2:34i^, 2:33, 2:34, 2:35, Lad'v liloomfield b m (3 :48). George Cooley, Meriden, Conn.. Oct. 27, 1870. $100. Insurance 1, Lucy Allen i3 (In, 2:48'.i. 2:48, 2:48Vrt, 2:48. ^ , ,,.,, Lady Blooniingrove ( w), gr m (3 :.56 w), W. Hunter. Turners, N, Y., Sept, 6, 1871, $15. Lady INIiller. Stam- ford ivv) (3 dr). Frenchman (w) (2 dr). 2:,56. 2:.58. 3:04. Ladv Bluff, ch m (3 :00). R. .lames, Whitby, Out.. May 24, 1871, .$1.50. Pat Carney, 3:00. 3:05, 3:15. LadV Bond iw). sp in (3 :36). H. WoodnifF.f'entreville. L. L. Anril 22. 18.52, $.50, Selim (w\ 2:5.5.2:48, 2:48. 1 w). R. Titus, Boston. Mass.. Sept. .3. 1852. .$200. Ladv Charmer (w), 2:41' 2:4.5';, 2:44. Lady Bonner, ch m (3 :37) by Robert Bonner. G. P. Carpenter. New Haven, Conn., MaySO, 1874, .$125. Clara Banks, Frank. No time G. Miller. Norwich. Conn,, Julv .5, 187.5, $2,5. Lady Lightfnot. 2:48i4. 2:r)2"2. Northam))ton, JIass.. Julv 8. 1875, $500. Emperor 1, 2. Lilly Romp, Shipmate, Kitty Hills, Gypsy Girl. Belle of Worcester (5 dis), XX. 3 (4 dis). 2:41. 2:41.2:4.5, 2:42'o, 2:44. 2:49"2. Sept. 9, 187.5, $400. Chalklime 1, 2. Bill Briggs, 2:43, 2:4.3, 2:42, 2:4.5, 2:44. Lady Bonton, bm (3:1814). Ellis Smith, Huntington, L. L, Oct. 23, 1873, $20. Black Jim, Lady Fez, 3:30, 3:21U, 3:1814, Foiir-vear-olds. Lady Booker,^ m f3:'07i/»), by Amber, dam bv Pilot. J. N. Kelly. Hnmilton. O., Oct. 4, 1882, $100, King Clifton 1. Tom McGreevv", Pi'loteer (1 dis). Bay Charley (1 dis\ 3:06U, 3:08. 3:07';, 3:09. Lady Boynton (3:57). Mr. Kief, Haverhill, Mass., .July 4, 1881, $ , Mill Boy, Joe, Daisy, 2:59!'2. 3:03, 2:,57 398 CIIKSTKHS COMri.ETK THOTTINCi AM) I'ACING UKCORD. L,are\v. J. Reed, Bangor, Me., Oct. 9, 1860, S500. Garl- lialtli -J, i;;4T. •2;4'i. 3:00, 2:45. Lady itransford. oli iim3 ::«8'2), by (iokldu.st. K.F.Greer, Nashville, Teiin., May 25, 1876, $500. Mattie .lackson 1. Lulu 4, t'luuiey 1'. 2., Littli- On«\ Mtdlv B. il di.si. 2:38, 2:38^, 2.41^... 2:41'.s, 2:47. Lady KiiKlit .Star (3:40). Calais, Me., Aug. 17, 1882, $150. Bavard Bright .i. 4, liouest Tom, 2:4.J, 2:40, 2:40. 2:44':. 2:.-.l. Lady IJri«:l>two€>d (w), b 111 (3:53 \v). P. Mehrlliig, Washington. D. C, June 29, ls6(i, $ . Gentle Annie (\\ ) 1. .!, Moscow (\v> 2. 4, 2:.57, 2.54, 2:.54V4, 2:54, 2:.W. 2:52. 2:.J2. Lady lirisl.iii. gr ni (3 :3:J). .las. .McKee, Fleetwood I'ark, N. Y., May 30,1871, §1,000. Keystone, Hickey, Tii'olidi'roga d dis), 2:3;'>, 2:.35, 2::!3. Latly Brooks, (\\ I. b in(3::J4), by .Mountain Bov. S. McLaugliliii, l^nion Course, L. I., Mav 4. 1&52, $300. George West (W), Lady Bond iwi. AVar Kagle (\v), (3 dis), 2:41'.. 2:.'{K';, 2:.S8K>. Ceiitreville, L. L. May 7, 18.".2, .S5(Kt. Lady Bond, George West. 2:.3(i. 2:34,~2:38'/4. (\v>. liiion Course. L. 1.. .Mav 13, 1852, S(!."'0. I'et (\v), 2:38%, 2:35, 2:'.W/i. Ceiitreville, L. I., May 24, is.vj, .SwK). Ladv Vernon (\ dis), 2:3C. Union ( 'ourse. L. I., May 28, 18;')2, $.")00. I'et 2. 3, 2:30'2, 2:42'/2, 2:31'/i, 2:36, 2:34. .June 8. 18.">.'. .i>.".(io. Boston (iirl (3 dr), 2:37, 2:37, . Mine 2.5, 1852. .S300. Lady SulTolk 2, Pelliani. 5:10, StlO'j, 5:13'i. Two miles. iwt, Ceiitreville. L. I.. April is, 1853. .$1,000. Green Mountain Maid (\v), 2, 2:36, 2:36, 2:37, 2:37. IL S. .Skinner. Rose Vallev. N. Y., .Iiino 8, 18.54. $75. Vienna Colt, 2:.58, 2:.59'/i. Lady Brooks i 'J :50). Saeo. .Me.. Oet. IS, 18(;4, .'$40. Ethan Allen, .Ir., 2:.54, 2:50, 2:51. Lady Brown iw), br m r^:5a wi. Union Course. L. I., Nov. 20, 1850, S!600. Kip (w). 2. Ned (wi. 3. Saratoga Maid (W>. (4 dr), 2:.")2, 2:,54. 2:.">;t, 2:.">2. 2:.")3. 1'. r. Brown, Palmer, Mass., .July 22. 18.57, $.50. Lady Buchanan, 2:rA, 2:54. 3:00. liHdy Itruwnell. b m (3 :35 'i), by Western Fearnaught, dam by Bigler's Bashaw. B. Stanley. Detroit, Mich., .lune X. ls,so, .$i,000. Gazeteer, llna. Fox. .John (irant (l dis), 2:32. 2:,S4. 2:32'/2. K. B. Banks. Pontiac. Mich., Jnne 15, 1880. $800. Kigolette, Gazeteer, Fox, Kitty Clyde, Seth T. Bane. Una, 2 :;». 2 ::55, 2 :.'MV., 2 :37. W. K, Ninis, Pittsburgh, Pa.,. July 12, 1881, $1,000. Harry Velox 3, 4. Valiant 5, .Jovee, Kobert Brown, I>uev It., 2:27U, 2 25',, , 2:28, 2:28H, 2:311^.. B. Stanley, Charlotte, Mich., Aug. 18, 1883, $300. Green Charley. Minnie Warren, Dr. Frank, 2:30%, 2 :31'a, 2:29^.1. .Jackson, Mich., Aug. 21, 1883. $300. Green Charley l, Dr. Frank, Rigolette, 2:27%, 2:30i4, 2:34>4. 2:30}4. Toledo, O., Sent. 14. 1883. $400. Ina G. 1, Burns, 3, 2:32. 2:34, 2:42, 2:35, 2:3.5. South P.end., Ind., Oct. 6, 1883. .f500. Dr. Frank 2, Freestone 3, Mambrino Sparkle, 2:;>4%, 2-.32, 2:31 Vi. 2:29'.'.. 2:."l'i. Lady Brnee. gr m (3 :50). J. Bruce, Boston, Mass., Oct. 6, 1873, $500. Frank, l, 2. (4 dis), 3:29>/i, 3:11^, 2:58, 2:. 50. rady Buchanan, bm (3:44). J. Reid. Greenfield, Mass., Sept. 1, 1857. .f200. Ladv Brown, 1 (3 dr), 2:.55'/4, 2:58, 2:,5.5. 2:49'.:. 2:54. A. Boilger. Bangor. Me.. Oct. 3, 18.57, $200. Competitors not named, 2:45, 2:44, 2:40. Mr. Fink, H:irtt'ord, Conn., May 5. 1858, .«i250. Wagner (w), 3:01. 2:,56, 2:53. Westport. Conn.. May 15. 18.58, $ . War Kagle. River, pacer, 5:44. Two miles. Lady Itnckstone, eh m (3 :55V2V James Rockev, Cincinnati, O.. May 15, i860, $200. Gray Tom, 1, 5:46, 5:57, 5:.")!). Two miles. Lady Bunker, ell m (3 :.54). R. Galloway, Stony Ford, N. Y.. Sept. 25, 1858, .Ifio. Frank Dickinson, 2:55, 2:54. Lady Burget. eh 111(3:33). F, Hopkins, S:dem, N. .1.. Sept. 28. 187.5. .$2.50. Lilly .Jackson, Jim, Invincible, Ladv Hlessington, Sis (1 dis), '^■A\^i, 2:43, 2:40. W. H. Burget, Titusville, Pa., July 4, 187G, $200. Ed Brown 3. Phil Sheridan, Dan (4 dis), 2:40, 2:46, 2:44%, 2:42 ',4. Waterloo. N. Y., Aug. 28. 1878, $200. Seneca Patchen, Lady Wonder, Country Bov (2 dis), 2:32, 2:37. 2:37Hj. Ambler Park. Phila.. Sept. 24. 1878, ,$000. l)rai)er, Nellv, Jim. Sam French. 2:40i2,2:38. 2:38. Liady BurnaiXw), bm (3:5:}'oW). bv son of imp. (ileiicoe. Mr. Burnap, Chicago, 111.. Aug. 28, 1866, $500, Stone Plover 1. Ladv Monroe, Illinois Charley, two others (1 dis), 2:55, 2:.54, 2:.53i^, 2:.59'4. Lady Burnham (3 :43). Winthroi), Me., Sept. 5, 1857, $.50. Ziniri, 2:4C, 2:42, 2:46. Lady Burr, b ni (3 :39i.-,). J. J. Webster, Troy. N. Y.. Aug. 29. 1876, .$200. Fanny August:!. Ariel, Bay Lam- bert, B. IL, ShepTappan (2dis), 2;42'/o, 2:40."2:39k. Lady Burk, eh m (3 :.'>1). Mr. Howard, Boston. Mass., June 24. 1859. $ . Lady Auburn. Gray Eddy, 2:56, 2:,5;5'i, 2:5L Lady Byron (3 :48). E. Hark, Doylestown, Pa., Aug. 24, 1855, $ . Bucks County Girl. Sorrel Ned, 2:48, 2:.52. Lady Byron, b m (3 :49). Tlios. Carpenter, Woonsocket. R. I.. Mav 5, 1860, $200. .Jocko 1. 2:.56, 2:55, 2:53, 2:49. lady Byron, hlk m f3:3«i. bv Roval George, dam bv Sir Lovell (?». Geo. R. Logan. Titusville, Pa., June 8, 1871. $ . Mat Smith l. C:itta"rangus Chief, CInra Ladv Garfu'ld (2 dis). 2:32>4.2:.S2'2, 2:33!2. ■2::i2%. IL Casey. Fleetwood Park. N. Y'., Sept. 23, 1872, .$100. Fanny 2. 3, Saratoga 5, Lady Brown. Magna Charta, 2:45, 2:46'., 2:42, 2:43, 2:43. 2:4.5. J. Ellis, Aurora. Out., June 20, 1873, $ . Halton Bov 2, Highlander, York State, Toronto Boy, 2:51, 2:49, 2:47%.2:48'4. Hamilton. Ont, June 25, 1873, $400. Little Nell, Prince Arthur, .Joe Miller, York State, Gertrude. 2:46.2:40.2:421/0. Barrie. Out., July 3. 1873, $450. Dread .i. Ladv Kate. Mazeppa. 2:29',i. 2:33',, 2:.33, . Iulv4. 187.!. .•S:j,50." J. T. Fulton, Tecums-h Bov, Shot (3 dis).2:.34i.,. 2::!6. 2:33^. catskill N. Y.. .July 25, 1873, $200. ( Iray Eddv (3 dis). 2::!0. 2::«!. 2 :.'io. Deerfoot Park, N. Y.. July .30. 1873, .$400. .I;iek Draper 1. 2. Marv A. "VMiitney, Grace Bertram, Lady Rose. Constitution (4 dis). 2:32, 2:31'.i. 2:31% 2:33'-. 2:37. Julv31. 1873. grm. Cliarlev Green, Mary A. Whitnev. Grace Bertram, 2:,32».i, 2:31>.6. 2:.30i.^. T. Shilterv, Piqua. ().. M:iv 28. 187.5, .$.500.' Kate Campbell. Harry Mitcliell, 2:28'/^. 2:28. 2:29. F/ifavette, Ind., Seiit. 1, 1875, .$800. Moss Rose, Billv Laniberston. 2-Mhi, 2:33, 2:3.3. Tern- Haute. Ind., Oct. 12, 1875, $7.50. Moss Rose l'. Tom Brown. 2:.31, 2:32, 2:82"2, 2:31%, Sullivan, 111., Aug. 0. i877, $.300. Henry, Little Frank, Gypsy Tom, London Belle, Frank, Nelly, Billy Hayes (1 dis), 2:40V4, 2:3fJ%, 2:.39. Lady i)., br m (3 :40i/,). c. Williams. Gettvsburg. Pa., July 29, 1S79. .$2,50. Eddy 2, .3, John M.. Silas (5 dis). Billy 1 (4 dis). Col. Haywood (.4 dis), Emma (4 dis), Anne Arundel (ounty Maid (2 dis), Longfellow (4 dis), Anna A. v2dis), 2:44^4, 2:411^0. 2:4«'4. 2:40%, 2:41%, 2:42}^. July .31, 187'), .$2.50. Bonanza 4. Pat.iiisco .Maid 1. Viola. Maud. 2:40. 2:40'«, 2:42. 2:44i.,, 2:44'^. tady C, ch m (3 :43). Dr. Converse, Urbana, ()., Aug. 29, 1883. .$.50. V. IL Ganstoii. Onago, Dick, 2:45, 2:46 2:431;,. Aug. .30, 1883, $175. Abdallah King 2, Deil Evans 1, 3 (4 dr). 2 :43H, 2:40. 2 :43!4, 2 :43. 2:44, 2 :4.5. Ijady Calvert, ch m (3: 53). Geo. A. Green, St. Louis, Mo., Dec. 11, 1857, $100. Seneca Chief, 2:55. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACINCi RECORD. 399 — May 1, 18.')^^. iSlOO. Julia Moscow l. 2,, Belle of the West 4, Mary Ann. Daniel Clasgow, 2:49, 2:49, 2:.53, 2:64, 2:56'/2. 2:55. Iiady Camp, b m (2:45). W. .1. .John. Pittsburgh, Pa., .lune 29, 1875, $5(K). West End 1. Hiatoga Chief (3 0), Fannv May (3 dis), 3:(«), 2:55, 2:.'J0, 2:47, 2:49. Wallace Pierce, Sharon, Pa., July .!. 1875, .WOO. Curbstone 3. Raft (1 0\ 2:45. 2:46, 2:45, 2:4.5i4, 2:47. Iiady Campfield, b m (3 rSOU). Steiihen Hathaway, Taunton, Mass., Aug. 14, l«66, $200. Gay Deceiver l, 2. 2:.'">7, 2:54, 2:.50'2, 2:53, 2:56. Lady Canada (3 :4,5). Taunton, Mass.. Mav 26, 1866. $ . Sorrel Billy. Sally Come Down. 2:45. 2:48, 2:45. I.ady Carsoe, b m (3 :03). J. H. l^athroj), Fleetwood Park, N. Y., Dee. 5, 1878, .f75. Idlewild, Lady Ti ustee, 3:10,3:02,3:03. Same dav, .S50. Honest George ( w ). ;: :07 ' ^ . Lady Carter, "br m (3:3614). C. N. Howland, Manchester, N. H., Sept. 16, 1868, iJlSO. Mountain Girl 1. Won- der, Fred Blondell (3 dr), 2:44, 2137^4, 2:41i.i, 2:38. Sept. 18, 1868, $150. Mountain Girl 3. 4, White Stockings, 2:4li4. 2:36^4, 2:.381i, 2:.39, 2:41^. Lady Case, bm (3: 43), by Bacon's Ethan Allen. Mexico, N. Y., Sept. is. 1S72, $200. Molly 3, 4. 2:54, 2:,54, 2 '55 2*57 2*55. '■ Jas. b! Buriew, Syracuse. N. Y . August 15, 1874, ,$200. Little Mac, Frank Rogers, Capitola. Sheriff, 2:44, 2:4334. 2:42. Lady CassUis, br m (3 :40). C. Taylor, Manchester, N. H., August 21, 1868, $150. Wonder 2. 2:40,2:40,2:40. 2:4t?i. Lady Castile, ch m (3 :54'). Charles Bissett. Taunton. Mass., Sept. 18, 1868. .?40. P,nt<*her Boy 2, Minnehaha, 2 :54, 2 :56, 2 :55, 2 :57. Five-year-olds. Lady Catherine (s), b m (3 :44 s). R. Creiu, Cincinnati, O., Oct. 1, 1838, $100. Dutiie (s') 1, Rolla Jr. (s), Lady Harrison (s), 2:54, 2:46, 2:44, 2:49. Lady Cavan ( w), b m (3 :53 w). Wm. Whelan, Union Course, L. I., April 19. 1858, .$200. Flint (w) (1 0), 2:.52, 2:56, 2:.54, 2:55. Lady Cecil (s). (3 -.SOVi s). James Whelpley, Baltimore, Md., Aug. 31, 1840, .'§200. Harrison (s), 5:41, 5:37. Two miles. Ladv Champion, bm (3:33 w). T. Carpenter, Washington, D. C, Nov. 10, 1863. ;ji50. Lady Shannon 3, 4, Wild Rose (3 dis), 2:46'2, 2:42i», 2:41^2, 2:41, 2:43i^. (w), Hoboken, N. J., June 28, 1865, $700. Up and Up (w), Abram's b g (w). Gen. INIeade (w), Volcano (w) (2 dis). 2:34, 2:32. 2:34. Lady Champlin, b ni (3:49i4). Betty & Mills, Readville, Mass., Sept. 22, 1871. $125. Martha Washington, Lady Columbus, Gen. Butler, 2 :51^, 2 :50k, 2 :49' 2. Lady Cliance, ch m(3:50). J. D. Sonberger, Reading, Pa., Sept. 15, 1875, $175. Rolla 2, Fanny Brown 1, Jacob P., SmilingTom, 2:511^,2:52, 2:40, 2:.n2, 2:52V2. Lady Cliapman, ch m (3 :34), by the Fames Horse. Mr. Heal. Rockland. Me., Oct. 2, 1808, $225. Black Wal- nut 4, Right Bower 1, 2:45, 2:34, 2:40, 2:41, 2:41. LadvCharmer (w), b m(3:43'2). E.Goodwin, Boston, Mass., May 21, 18.'i2, $ . Duchess (w), 2:52, 2:53, 2:i-.2. June 11, 1852, $ . Farmer Boy, 2:48' j. 2 :45i .. 2:4.3^. Ladv Charmer, blk m (3 :45). George Wood. Lvnii, Mass.. May 26. 1858. $ . Black John, 2:45, 2:45, 2:48. Ladv Charmer, br m (3 :38). D. Ridei', .Middlebuiv. Vt., Oct. 7. 1868, $200. John P. Rich, 2:38, 2:40. 2:39. ^ Burlington, Vt., .Sept. 17, 1869, $175. Gen. Graiit .3, 2:42, 2:40, 2:42, 2:43. Ladv Chester, b m (3 :40). (ieorge N. Stone. Cincinnati, 0.. Oct. 26, 187,5, $100. Cayote, 2:59, 3:0.5. 2:47?£. Oct. 26 and 27, 1875. $7.5. Dutch Fritz, Cavote, 2:41, 2:41^4, 2:45. June 7, 1876, $2.50. Blossom 1, 5:47 14, 5: 4114, 5:41 ?i. Two miles. July 7, 1876. .$250. Blossom. 8 :.53, d-Mh- Three miles. July 17, 1876, .$250. Blossom, 15:07i.i. Five miles. Oct. 26. 1876, .$300. Little Joe, Gray Bashaw (3 dis), 5:39, 5:34i^, 5:35. Two miles. Lady Childers. gr m (3 :51 ). B. F. Rav, Readville, Mass., Sept. 24, 1875. .$25. Live Oali. Fairmont Boy (1 (lis), (■hamplain (1 dis). Faithful (1 dis), Brown (1 dis), 2:51, 2:54. Ladv Clara, chm(3:39). E. Hurlburt. Winsted. Conn., Oct. 5. 1868, $55. Squire's grg, Frank, 2 :.S9, 2:45, 2:42. Oct. 6. 1868, .$85. Vining'sgr g, Kitterena l. 2 (3 dis), Judd's grg. Prince, 2:41,2:40, 2.41'.., 2:41. Lady Clarion, b m (3 :40). by Clarion Chief. S. Doremus, Jersey City, N. J., Aug. 1, 1S77, $100. Fanny K., 1. 2. Charley, Major. Newbridge (3 dis), 2:50, 2:.50, 2:50, 2:55, 2:53. Hudson. N. Y., Aug. 7, 1877, .$200. Nellv, Robert Young, P>rom. Newton, Neilson, Alice, Fancy, Lady Harmon. Eileen, Carrie B., Dolly Everett, Livery Boy, 2:40i4, 2:40'2, 3:00. Aug. 8, 1877, $200. Neilson, Nelly, Newton, lago. Fancy, Carrie B., Fitzgerald, Brom, Alice, Lady Harrison. 2:41, 2:41^i. 2:45. Lady Clark, blk m (3:45). Fleetwood Park, N. Y., Oct. 16. 1871. Prize, silver. XTtica, 2:544. 2:45. Lady Clark, m m (3 :3~), by Clark's Mohawk, Jr., dam by Kossuth. George E. Whitney, Columbus. O., Sept. 14, 1S78, $1.50. Ladv Richmond, Delaware Maid. Frolic. Clandine (1 dis), 2:47, 2:49. Four-year-olds. Lady Clay, b m (3:50). by American Clay (?). A. Havens, Deckertown, N. J.. July 4. 1879, $ ■. Lady Kinney 2, John Clark, Thor.. 2:53, 2:.50, 2:.52, 2:.50. Lady Clegg(3:48). W. L. Clegg, Myricks Mass., Sept. 21. 1865, .$20. Perry's Colt (2 0), Green's Colt 2:48, 2 :.52, •i:.54. Four-year-olds. Same day, $2o. Fanny 1, Irish's Horse (l dis) 2:50, 2:51. 2:.53, 2:.52. Sept. 2-2, 1865, .$2,5. Sheridan, 6:06. 5 :.5*. Two miles. ^ „ , , Lady Cliflord,grm (3:501^), P. Curran, Grand Rapids. Mich., July 1. 1869. .v_'75. Snip (1 0), Scalpel, 2:53, 2:50^'^ 2 :.55. Ladv Clifton (wj, b m (3 :35 w), by St. Lawrence. D. Pilfer. Union Course, L.I., May 19, 1864, $2,000. Village Maid 1.1 Oj,2:35, 2:35i'4, 2:40. 2:40!2. T. F. Ellis, Lockport. N. Y., Sept. 5, 1872, ./o,2:50, 2:,50V4, 2:46. Oct. 9, 1874, $400. Whirlwind 1, Advance 3, 2:51'4, 2:46i^, 2:.5T'i. 2 :49, 2 :46. Lady Clipper, b m (3 :46). New London, O., Sept. 18. 1879, $150. Molly Crowell 2, 5, Governor Bishop l, Consul, 2:50, 2:53. 2:50, 2:46, 2:50, 2:51. La'U llECOKD. Lady Call, blk m. B. Smith, Sussex Co., N. J.. July I.;, is;s. is — . CrciniPr Pov 1. 2(5 0), Patchon Fannv Slii)pery. No tinu'. . v i . .i mj, Lady Coleman, blk 111(8:47). John Nujjeiit, Wilmiii-jtou, Del., Setit. 19. !!*;«, S 125. Osceola, 2 52 2-50 2 -i: Lady Collins. 1. ill i --i :;$«). by SpauldiiiK's Abdallali. llir.iin Woodruff, Union Cour.si-, I,. I., Sent '12' lk\i .S125. Lady Kelic'f, 1.2. 2:4(;!2. 2:43, 2:39. 2:40, 2:47. ^I'l- ^, 100,1. — (w) Sept. It), I8ij3, «l.0O. Lady Kelief (w), (3dn, Wue Bird (wi, (2 dis), JX'iinis McCabe (w), (l dis), 2:41 Sept. 27, lHr)3, S7.5. Lady Relief, Dennis McCabe (1 dis), 2:40, 2 :43. 2:44. (\V). Oct. 14, IKW, 81,000. Ueindi-er (\v), 2:41, 2:43. 2:42. (w). May 8, \srA, .■S;JOO. .Joe linst<'d |\v), 2:39. 2:41. 2:41',. l\V). May 24. 1S54. .•S250. .lot' llnstcd (\vi. 2:41'4, 2:42. 2:42. (w; May L'9, is,i4, $:nx). .Miller's Damsel (W). 2:44, 2:45, 2:39»4. centrcvillf. L. L, .Inly «i. l.s;")4. !<\,um. Ladv Krankliii, 2:38, 2:36»4, 2:37'; Lady Colly«;r, in 111 (3::J7i, by Amos' C. -M. (lay. .Jr, John Muridiy, Deeifoot Park, 1,. L, Nov. 4 and 5 1874 f-Ti I }';■ *'Vr'lo'l -;. .liidKe HedleS. I'at Malloy, .Johnny (3 ((is;. Henry Miller. Jr. ,;: dis». Maud (2 dis. Little Nell (1 (Us). Addle (iolf d dl,;). 2:37, 2:41, 2:40. 2:42. 2-37}-i> ' Xov. (i, 1874, 8300. Henry .Miller, .Ir, (:! dis>, Maud ,'3 disi, 2:45K>. 2:44 2:37'., Lady Coiih-y. 1) m (3:41). .J. Q, A. Slieldou, Manhattan. Kan., o"et. 1, 1880, §150 Mary l, L.idv Kearns Little I )ieK. 2 :.iOi,i. 2:51, 2:501.4, 2:41. " ' Lady Cooper, br m (3:43). W. Skinner. Buffalo, N. Y.. June 4, 1879, 8100. Lady H.. Mateli (;irl, Ladv Taylor 2:.5ii. 2:13, 2:45. ' ■ j > La • • Lady Copp, l)lk m (3 :43W). I. Cojip. Boston, IMass.. May 2.5, 1805. igloo. Nelly Baker. 2:51, 2-43U, (W), Morrisania, \. v.. July 14. 1879, 850. Young Eddy, 1, 2:.50, 2:.50, 2:49. Lady Crisp, eh m (3 :r>.'5). T. Duffy. Deerloot Park. L. L. Sept. 12, 1873. §500. William (2 dis) 3:17 ''-55 Lady Crosby. i3:.58'i.). T. Carpenter, Pockville. Conn., Oct. (i, 1805. 8(X). Tom Looniis, Elder Morton (3 drt 3:01"», 2:.58'i. 3:03^2. ' '' Lady Crossin, 1) 111 (3:381, by the Lemon Horse, dam by Seaber's Morgan. T. .1. Middauh. Lewiston Pa Sent. 27. 1870. .•S1.50. Bay Tom. Black Bird. No time. i-^o", ra., M. ( loodiii. Belmont Park. Pliila.. May 25. 1878, .S200. Romulus, Silvertail. Billv liarefoot. Rose Medium Iron KIiih:. Sam French, 2::«). 2:29, 2:.31Vi. " ' Point Breeze I'ark, Pliila.. May .iO and .Tune 4. 1878. 8400. liillv P.arefoot ;!. Koniulus. Rose Medium Modoc, Colonel (2 dis). 2:.32io. 2::i8i'.i. 2:28'.. 2:30ii. Dover. Del.. Sept. 24, 1879, .'SSOO. Odd Fellow 3, 5, Star 4, Sherman Morgan, 1. 2:34, 2:.33 2-35 •'•37U', 2-36 Doylestown, Pa., Oct. 3, 1879. .'52,50. Cassius Prince. Sam Frencli. 2:32?i, 2:30. 2:31. Lady Crovvder, b m (3 :43). (3 :30*). by Tom Crowder E, J. Worrell. Uhrichsville, O., Oct. 21, 1869, $175 Duck Shiloli, Lady Miteliell. 2:.3ii. 2:30. 2::{5. Short track. Burton, ().. Aug. 19. 1870, .$225. Captain 1. Wild Turkey, Clarion. 2:4(i. 2:46i^. 2:48?i. 2:49. Canal Dover, O., Aug. 5, 1871. .8300. Mason 1, 2, Dick 3, Gray Jim (5 dis), Silversides (2 dis). 2:38U. 2 •38'« 2:45, 2:45, 2:49' 2, ^ '• '^2- -^^ ., Lady «uba. b in (3:57). by th(! Pen Smith Horse. S. Doremus, Cuba, N. Y., Sept. 25, 1874, •S.'JOO. American Boy, Alexander, Daniel Lee, Flora, Ma.ior, 2:57, 2:,59, 2:.59, Lady C'lidney, br m i3:39). Hiram Woodruff, Union Course, L. I., Mav 29. 1856, $250. Peter •'•59 •'•57. (w), Mav 10, 18.57. .81.000. Belle of Bo.ston (w) 2, 4,2:43, 2:47. 2:48, 2:48. 2:47. ' ' Centreville, L. I.. Oct. 14, 18.57, 81,000. Ho:cst Peter 3, 2:41i4. 2:43. 2:41,2:49. M. Rodeii, Fashion Course, L. I., Sept. lo. 1800. ,8500. Jay Smitli l. 4, 2:44, 2:45. 2:46, 2:4.5i4. 2:47. Lady Cunnninsrs. br in (3 :31fi), by Morgan Rattler. Frank Drake, Reno, Nev,, Sent. 12, 1876, $500. John (t. Kelly -2. ICate i3 dis), Translator (3 dr). 2:43?.i, 2:46i4. 2:38.2:37. Lady Custer, blk ill (3:439^. M. D. Purrington, Jamestown, N. ¥., Aug. 17. 1870. $200. Billv Pavor 3 (4 0), Charb^s Dickens, Maggie Denton, 2:47'.,.2:48i.i, , 2:47?i, 2:51. Titusville, P:i., June 0, 1871.. 8500. Arthur Boy 4, 5, Tramp 3, Billv Pavor, Hope (5 dr), Jube (4 dr), Jose- Iihine (3 dis). 2:4l'.i. 2:4;5';. 2:4,3i4,2:44. 2:44?.i 2:451^. Lady Custer, b m (•J:45). by Scott's Hiatoga. B. Custer. Cohimbus, O., Sept. 15, 1877. $200. Mavflower (1 dis). Flora U.{\ disi. Ste;mier's b m (1 disi. 2:4.5. Lady Dagsrett. gr III (3:3<>i. by the Lo.gne horse. D. Bigley, Brockton. Mass., Oct. 7. 1874. $300. Alice, Brockton, .Jasper. Kate Hughes, Bay (Jeorge, Flora Butts, .teniiv Thompson, Sir William Wallace (3 dis). 2:41^4;. 2:44'o, 2:40'.,. - i . \ /, Mystic Park, Boston, Nov. 13. 1874, $.300. Kate Huglies 4. j^Ieddlesome 3, Horace Oreeley (1 dis), 2:40U, 2:42, 2::!9'2.2:40K., 2:44. j v a tjs, T'ortland. Me., July 5. 1875, .$600. Lady Nell 1.3, Ned. Honest F'armer, John S. Heald (5 dr), 2:3.5%, 2:36, 2:.35, 2:37. 2:41. Lawrence. .Mass., .Iune2. 1876. 82.50. Eva, Falcon, f4eorgie M,. Christine. 2:.'?7'", 2:36>^. 2-3S!'( Lynn, .Mass.. .June 28, 1870. .8300. .Johnny 5. Lady Nell 3, 4, (f. dis), Warwick i5 dis). Sleepy David (1 dis). 2:341/^, 2::{2. 2:3.5, 2::}5, 2:37. 2:40. Lowell, Mass., Aug. 17, 187G, $250. Lady Nell 2, Sand Hill 4, General. Ed Chaiiin. 2:37"., 2:46, 2:41. 2:41»4. 2:41'4. Lawrence, Mass., Aug. 24. 1876, $250. General, Ladv Nell, Billy Marston (1 dis), 2:.34, 2:35. 2:36. Milford. Mass., Sept. 28, 1870, 8200. General 1, 2, John I>aiul)ert 5. Belle, 2:40,2:39. 2:;!5ii. 2:38'.,. 2:40.2:38. Mystic Park. Boston, Nov. 10 and 17, 1876, $'200. Clara J. 1, 3, Pilot, General, RhomVierg d dis). 2:32, 2:. 32. 2:33'2. , 2:.',h. June 8. 1S77, .8800. Lottie 3. Langdon. Delightful. Commodore Perrv, Sam Curtis, Fearnaught Jr., Ed Chapiii, Clara J. 1, 2. (5 dis). Charley (5 dr), Emperor (5 (Id. tineen (3 dn. 2:'J9, 2:30'2, 2:31. 2:3]"2, 2:32U. 2:.34. Beacon Park, Boston, July 18, 1877, .$400. William T. Allen 3. 4, John Lambert, Archie, Ed Chapin, Charlev. Iron Age i5 dr). Ladv N( 11 (4 dn, 2::;i''.,. 2:31, 2.32'i. 2:;i0^.i. 2:31';. Mvsti," P;irk, P.oston, Miiv 10. 1.878, .87.5. Sam Curtis. Colonel Barnes (3 dr), 2:32?i, 2:3.5, 2::«)J.^. Beacon I'ark. Boston. May '23. 1878. $200. Sam Curtis. 2:.32, 2:33'j, 2:;i3. Providence. R. I... June 1. 1878. .8200. Sj.iii Ciirlis. Sooner. 2:31, 2.;il. 2::)0. Dover. N. H.. (.ct. 1. 1S78. .8.300. Clara .1. 1. J'-illv Dow. Palmer Knox. 2:;;i. 2:31».,, 2:32'4. 2:.3(!. La. Sweetmeat, Chester, Phil O'Neil .Ir.. Comjieer. Nora M., Itosa Soiibiirgil dis). 2:3P.,, 2:."{5. 2:.35, 2:.36. June 4. 1871, .'^Odo. Phil O'.Neil Jr., Chester. .Lick Barrv. Uncle Dave. Black Bashaw. Nora M.. Rose May. Lizzie Arlains. (has. K. Cooney, Compeer. Cora H., Central Bov (3 dn, Walter L. (3 dr). 2:.32U,. 2:38, 2: as?;,'. Goshen. N. Y.. June 10. 1874. .8800. (Jcorge H. Mitchell 1. 2. Happv John. Cora F.. (1 dis). Frank Wood (1 dis), Jim Berrv(ldis). William Walsh (1 dis), Bella (1 dis), .Sweetlie;irt tl disi. 2:.T?. 2:;{8' j. 2:.<4. L':.38, 2 :37V,. - Fleetwood I'ark. N. Y.. Nov. 10, 1874, $500. Cora F., 2:47, 2:38>,<1, 2:331,4,. CHESTKKS COMPLETE TKOTTING AND PACING RECORD. 401 (s) Nov. 12. 1874, .$400. Tanner Bov (s) 2, Berkshire Boy (s), Cora F. (s) (1 dis),2:27?i, 2:29, 2:29, 2:29. Hartford, Couii.. June 8 aiul 9. l«7o, *1,500. Nelly Walton, Dustin Jim, Windermere, 2 :31J4, 2:36, 2:39'/i. Mystic Park, Boston, J mil' :iO, 1875, *l,500. Dustin Jim 2, 3, Heatberbloom, Lothair 1 (5 dis). Cataract (5dis). -':-'y-o, •^■:-n'-2.2:o-^^a, i;:ai:'o, li:li8, 1^:35^2. ( vv).lulv 3. 1875, .fci'O. Honest Billy t.vv),'-':.i4'o, •J:37, l':33. E H. Heard, Prosiiect Park, L. I., July _'(>, 18sO, .^:;00. .Major S. 1, 2:35, 2:40,2.39, 2:42. L,ady Daniels (Hattie Arnold), bni 1,2:3 <>• M. Uoodiu, .Sultolk Park, Plula., May 15, 1876, $1,000. frio 3, Lady"i)aiVve'rs,"rn"nr(3:'3'8V2). Dun Mace, Lynn, Mass., June 23, 1859, $1,000. Lady Planet 1, 2:40?4, 2:39, L,adv bitvls"" br m (3 :31i/i)bv Bourbon Chief, dam Madam Davis, by Gill's Vermont. Tip Bruce, Le.\ington, Ivy. on '2 1874, .•S275. J. iN- Coombs 'J, 4, Pousli (1 dis), 2:31^2, 2:381.^, 2-38',2, 2:38, 2:47. Pour-year-olds. Lady" iJean, ij m (3 :50). Woodstovvn, N. J., Sept. 15, 1880, $ . Prince U., Kaeno G., White Stockings, Jack, L,ady Dexter' ciim" 3 :3T J by Sir Henry, dam by Consul. B. Helmer, Avon, N. Y., Oct. 5. 1871,$ . Bay Bessie 1 •' ' Ladv Pier (4 dr), Winuegan's b g (i di-i, 2 :51, 2:48'i. i> :48. 2:49, 2 :50. Four-year-olds. Medina N Y Oct. 11, 1871, .§100. James Clark, Kickville Jack, 3:20, 3:10. Syracuse, N. Y., Sept. 17, 1873, .§400. Tower's blk s l, Compeer, Deceiver (3 dis), 2:38k, 2:41i!4, 2:42}4» 2:40"',i Aiftwerp, N. Y.. Sept. 2, 1875, $100. Happy John 1, 2, Lady Hastings (5 dr 1, 2 :40, 2:34, 2 :42'4, 2 :41. 2:43. Dansville, X. Y.. Oct. 14, 1875, $250. Redstone 3, George, Tom Moore, Merry Lass, Indian Belle, 2 :42, 2 :45, 2:40,2:41. .„ ,. , , ,, , -. ,- — Corning, N. Y.. Oct. 20, 1875, $ . Lady Ballard 1, George (30;, lorn Moore, Arkansaw, Bashaw. 2:4o, 2:40, 2:40,2:40,2:41. , „, , ... Oct. 22, 1875, $ . Barbara Knox 3, 4, Prince Clay (5 drj, 2:42i^, 2:40!2, 2:40^4, 2:36k, 2:43. Binghampton, N. Y., Oct. 27, 1875, $300. Barbara Knox 1, 3, George Cadmus, 2:43, 2:41k, 2:40, 2:42, 2 -4110 Hoi-ace Hunt, St. Petersburgh, Pa., Sept. 5, 1877, $500. Deck Wright, ,Capt. Sellick. Col. Scattergood, Johnny B.. 2:37, 2:;)7. 2:37k. . , , ., ■lom'erville. N. J., Oct. 3, 1877, $ . Lady Lee, Norton Patchen. Kitty, 2:48, 2;46k, 2:40,'4. Oct. 5 and 0.1877, $ . Carrie N. 1. Unknown, Dawn. 2:50, 2:3S, 2:44,2:41. Lady Dickenson, b m (3:53). Norris Holcomb, Hartford, Conn., Sept. 14, 18C4, $200. Sandy, Deacon, 2:53, 9 54 ■} -53 Lad"y Dolbeck. gr m ( 3 :00). R. Hall, Meriden. Conn.. Sept. 26, 1874, .$50. Kensington Maid, Calamity, Billy Wright (1 dis), Gvpsv Girl (Idis), Lady Dauntless (1 dis), 3:liy2, 3:06, 3:00. Lady Donovan, grin (.3:50). T. Lee, Fleetwood Park, N. Y., Oct. 23, 1871, $1,000. Yankee Dan 1, 2:52k, 2:.50, 2:514,2:.53!2. ^. , ,, _ L,ady Doolev, br m (3 :31^), by Black Hawk. J. L. Eofif. San Francisco, Cal., June 10, 1869, $400. Dick Goff, pacer, 3, Unknown, pacer (1 0) (3 dis), 5:25k, 5:23, 5:21k, 5:26. Two miles. June 17, 1S69, $400. Dick Goff, i)acer. Unknown, pacer, 8:291.4, 8:3214- Three miles. June 29, :869. .fi.SOO. Pride of the Bay. 2:4114, 2:41k, 2:45k. July 1, 1809, >!400. Dick Goff. pacer. 'Unknown, pacer (2 dis), 11 :05, 11 :08^. Four miles. Sacramento, Cal., Sept. 6, 1869. $300. F. F. Low 1, Plumas, Alicia Mandeville (3 dis), 2:38k, 2:.38V4, 2:39, 2:40k. ■ — Sept. 10. 1869, $400. Pride of the Bay, Regulator (2 dr), 5:33^, 5:26. Two miles. San Jose, Cal., Nov. 4, 1869."!|400. Regulator 3, 4, F. F. Low, May Queen (.w) (5 dis), 2:33, 2:3\%, 2:34}4, Lady Doi-genois. b m (3 :58). John Bietry, New Orleans, La., March 15, 1873, $300. Molly, Kate (1 dis). Lady Douglass, ch m (3:50). Boston, Mass., Aug. 24, 1860. $200. South Boston Maid 2, 4, Billy Brooks, 2:54,2:51.2:52,2:51,2:50. ^^ ,, ,, ., n „ .=, Lady Douglass, (s)( 3 :33 s). Titusville, Pa., June — , 1865, .$300. Lady Myers 1, Mecca Mare (4 dr), 2:51, 2:34,2:.39, 2:41. ,„ . Ladv Douglass, ch m (3 :36). C. S. Atkinson, Doylestown, Pa., Oct. 8, 1869, $70. Jack West, Prince George, Alice, 2:42, 2:41 1/2, 2:51. J. H. Carr, Flemington, N. J.. Sept. 28, 1870, .$200. Competitors not named, 2:41 1.^, 2:371/,, 2:3914. John Trout. Doylestown, Pa., Oct. 7, 1870^$175. Andalusia, Fanny, Fanny (3 dr), 2:45, 2:43k, 2:44. C.S.Atkinson, 'Newark, N. J., Sept. 2?, 1871, .$300. Competitors not named, 2:43^, 2:42,2:52,2:39, 2:401^. Doylestown, Pa., Oct. 5, 1871, $175. Monday, Lady Ella, Ladv Atkinson (4dis). 2:41?i, 2:42, 2:431^, 2:37. Wilmington, Del., Oct. 20, 1871. .$200. Ruby '3, Morrill, 2:41k. 2:41, 2:36?i, 2:40. Ladv Douglass, b m (3 :33i. bv Vermont Hero, dam Young Sal, bv Dickev'sSir Archy. James Van Ktta, Winona, Minn.. Sept. 21, 1869, $1,000. Star of the West, 2:43, 2:36, 2:37. Janesville, Wis., June 28, 1871. $ . Gen. Grant, pacer, 2 :47, 2:42, 2:32. Lady Douglass. ')lk m. Ben Mace, Bloomingdale, N. Y.. Mav 14, 1870, .$1,000. Salem, No time. Lady Douglass, (2 :36k)- Albany, N. Y., Aug. 16, 1871, $100. Richard Davis .1, Belle of Saratoga (4 dr), 2:.36i/2, 2:38'4, ,2:40. , „_ Lady Doyle, ch m (3 :56). F. Canfleld, White Plains, N. Y., July 17, 1874. .$500. Island Chief l. 4, 3:03k, 2:56, 3:01,3:00,3.03. Lady Drake, (3:57). Dover, N. H., Sept. 22, 1860, .$40. Ladv Franklin 2, Polly 2 :.57, 2:56, 3:02, 3:08. Lady Drew, gr m (3 :39). R. L. Flanders, Mvstic Park.^Bos'ton, Sept. 28, 1867, $200. Lotus 1, (2 dis), 2:58, 2AS- July 10, 1868, $500. Gen. Dick 2. 3, 2:51. 2:5.3-:'i, 2:.52?i;,.2:.59^, 2:5214. ,, ^ , ^-v Lady Dufferin, b m (3 :44?i). T. Bell, Brantford. Ont., June 13, 1873, $200. Hatton Boy 2, Little John (1 dis), 2:.50k, 2:45%, 2:48i'2. 2.50>^. June 14, 1873, .$200. Prince Arthur 5, 6. (3 0), Halton Bov 4, (3 0), 2:46.2:44k. 2:47'i. 2:47. 2:.W. 2:48k, 2:.52. W. Marden, Wingham, Ont., May 24, 1877, $110. Nilestown Maul (1 0), Bay Billy, Blind Tom 2:48. 2-A,h, Lady Dunbar, (2 :44). J. E. Maynard, Lowell, Mass., June — , 1857, $50. Granite State (w) 3, 2:49, 2:44, 2:46 2 45 Lady Dunmore, ch m (3 :46). G. F. Appleton, Olathe, Kan., Oct. 8, 1873. $110. Belle 1. 4, Vanderbilt, 2:48, 2:521/2,2:49,2:55.2:54. ^,„ . . , Lady Duroc, gr m (3:31k). D. Hill. Chatham, N. Y., Oct. 20, 1881, .$250. Flora 1 , Brutus, Dan O Brien Lady Garfield, Lady Sealskin, ,Tohn, Black Bess (2 dis), Vibbard (1 dis). Miss Haner (l dis). — ;• 2:42, 2:.38. 2:.38. W. Hill, Hoosick Falls, N. \^, July 27, 1882, .$200. Ellen 1. Harry East, Tom Meckley, Bessie B., 2:33k, '■ Cam'b'ridge, 'n.'y., Aug. 3 and .5, 1882, .$200. Ellen 2, 4, Tom Meckley 1, 3, Fred Mack, Bessie B., Nickel (4 dr) 2:341/2, 2:37?i, 2:.32Vi. 2:.36k. 2;33i-«;, 2 :.3.3k. 2:3,3k. Glen's Falls, N. Y., Sept. 16, 1882, $l750. Duroc. Lottie. Best time. 2:.33'.(. _ ^ ^, Pittsfield. Mass., Oct. 11 and 12. 1882. .$2.^0. Hersev 1. 6. (2 0) (3 0), Sir George (2 0) (3 0), Brutus, Oolong Fred Mack (4 dr), 2:37i/i, 2:34k, 2:3314, 2:3454, 2:33k, 2:35k, 2:33k. 26 402 CHESTEK'S COMPLETE TKorriN(i ANU I'AflNG RECORD. -J. Dougrey, Suffolk Park, Phila., May 9, 188.'{. Sooo. Brown Billy l, 2, Kittv Wood. Ladv Scud (3 dls) Polly B. C^ dis), Mary Ht'liiiout ^3 dis;, Kate Mi'diuiii \[i ills;, hulaii (3 dr), z:34»4, 2:.ir.L„, 2:.i\i^, ■^■Mr,, 2-3lid' Point Briezf, lark. I'liiia.. May l(i, lss,i, ^^.lOii. Juno 1. .J, Kitty Wood, Brown IMllv, Ladv Srud' Mary Hi'lniont, Lulan, luiiy liircli -J. (;") dis), Kale .Medium i.'> drj, 2:31'2, •JrSl'.i, :;:;jl'.i, i;:;ji.'.,. j-.;!'!, '.'-.iS ' Lady fcclio, li ni (a:4:ii. A. Furlincycr. Baliinntrc .Md.. July 18, 1S78, ;iiloo. .Mary Ann.'iniiianaCirl 0 dls^ 2:44',!, 2:-13. L':48,U. I.«dy Kc'lipse, blk m (8:61«^). John Russell, Plainfleld, N. J., Nov. 11, 1870, Sl.yi. Mount Holh ,'! "•iiu 2:55,2:58. 2:5;tJ4. • • - - '» Xiady Kdiili, lini ('^:40i4). Wni. S. McLaughlin, Ann Arbor, Mich., June 4, 187.5, S . Silver llavniaker (1 dis). Pilot (1 (lis), Royal Ccorgc 0 dis), 2:41)'.,, 2:55'2, 3:08. L.ady Khieii, ch ni (•'JiaT). C.Ryan, Norwalk, O., Aug. 15, 1878, §.100. Alex S., Loafer, Sunsliine DavT C Harry II., .Moliawk (iloster. Napoleon (3 ilr), 2:37, 2:.{8, 2:.{7. " ■> —^ Lady lOleaiior, ch ni (« :45-\,), by Ceo. M. J'atchen. dam Clara Colt, by Shadow. J. J. Hoiiih r Se •ulcus N J., Oct, 14, 1873, .t^KK). Bogt'H. S b Ui, Wilson's b m (3 dr^ 2:55'.i. 2:54, 2 :53S. '" " Lady l!:iKiii. l> lu (8 :4'^?4). I. & J. Gillespie, Hamilton, C. W., July 1, 1809, §150. Stavuer Hoy 1 Lniilv Pos ter, 2:4l'%. 2:t2-ij, 2:44. S. Holmes, CluUham, C. W.. May 24, 1870. .$50. Brown Kate, Cyjjsy Fan. Minnie (3 disi, 3:lti. 310, 30'j Lady KIgin, c^iSS). Salt Lake City, Utah, Kov. —, 1878,$ . Mormon Chief 2. 2 :5U,2:.57'- 2-55 Lady Klj,'"", ts) blk in CZutllA), (8:37',2 s). E. Ludwig, Ambler Park, Pa., Seiit. 27. 1878. .>"l5().' ciiarley Ross (s), Harry C. (s). Dew Hrop iS) (2 dis), Nelly (s) (1 dis), Jupiter (s) d dis). 2:37'., 2:38'i, 2-44U Reading. Pa., Oct. 5, 1S78. .^130. Ida, C^ol. .Miles, Little Brush, 2:51'.,. 2 :.'•.;!',." 2 :.'->4 '4 Lady Klgiii, 1) m y)i :;{<;■, ). liy Legal Tender, dam by Bine P.ull. W. A. Hanson, Indianapolis, Ind.. Sept. 28. 1882, $250. Polly Wisliard. Blanche H., 2:37;'.,, 2:;i.'i. 2:C.'')i4. ft Sept, 2!», 1882, .S40(). i'ollv Wishard 2, Jim Erwin, W. B., 2:38, 2:35, 2:39ii, 245 Hamilton, O., Oct. 5, 1882, $150. Col. Bannister, Kittv Clyde. Modie H.,2-43 2-35'4 ''-.S" J. W. Ro.ss, Springlield, ()., June 7, 1883, $700. Outlaw, Sleepv Joe, Zulu, Nanny Tail)Ol nil J. W. Ro.ss, Springlield, ()., June 7, 1883, $700. Outlaw, Sleepy .loe, Zulu, Nanny Talbot, OUie, Alcyone Stranger (,3 dis), 2:29>5, $1,000. Humming Bird 1, 2 (3 dis), 2 ::59, 2 :40K>. -M- w) D. Pliifer, Nov. 20 185.^). $500. Woodruff's b m (wi, 2:.'')0. 2"":48, 2:4!i. lirain Woodruff, Union Course, L. L, Oct. 7. ]8.")6. $2,000. Stranger. 2:42 -. 2:45, 2:40i.i. (w) Nov. 10, IS.'Mi. .$.500. Fanny Fern 1, 5:43. 5::!S. Two miles. Lady Klleii (s) br m (3 ■A'i^s-) ^l- Lewis, Ureenlield, Mass., Sept. 5. 18.57, $100. Ladv Pitts (s) 1. Blai-k Morgan (S). (3dr). 2:.56, 2:51, 2:52, 3:03. R. Poole, Worcester, Mass.. Oct. 29. 1802. $400. Magnolia. 2:58. 2:.53, 2:50. LadyKllen.br ni(3:04), by Robert Bonner, dam Young Sontag. bv Volunteer. J. G. Wood, Worcester, Mass., Sept. 17, 1874, $30. French Girl. 3:07. 3:08, 3:(J4. Five-year-olds, and under. Lady Ellen, b m (3:39i.£,i, by Carr'sMainbrino. dam by Owen Dale. " .1. Dehiney, .Monterey. Cal., Oct. 2. 1879, $150. May Queen ,1 , Billv "Boyce, Joe Dean. 2 :.52. 2 :42, 2 :45, 2 :47. D.J. Green. Sacramento." Cal.. Sept. 21.1880. $1,000. Venus, San Miiteo Belle, (.5 disi. Clay 2 (4 dr), Tommy Dodd 1 (3dr). Susie (1 dis). Ewing (1 disi. 2:24. 2:2S. 2:2i»' .. 2:31. •.;:.'!.■;. Sept. 24, 1880, $1,000. Venus. Mollv Drew, Tom Stout (3 dis). Bessie •(I dis), 5:04, 5:04J^i, 5:00. Two miles. San .Jose, Cal., Oct. 6, 1880, JSOOO. San Mateo Belle. Venus (3 dr), 2:32. 2:.'16'i, 2:33. Lady Klliott, b m. by Warwick Boy, D. (\ Marvin, Wollsboro, Pa., Sept. 22, 1883, , $00. Charley, General, Mercury No time. Lady KM is, br m 2:3.514. J. R. Tibbetts, Detroit. I\lich., Aug. 30. 1807, $1,000. Black Bashaw 1, 4, 2:4U4, 2 :30' , . v :44K,, 2 :41 9i . 2 :42. Milwiuikee, Wis.. Sept. 12. 1860. $100. Rose. .Meg. Louise, Prairie Bov (3 dr), 2:40i4, 2:4G'2, 2:43'2. Win. S. .McLaughlin, Pontiac. Mich., June 21. I8(i7, $1.50. Ladv Lexington (1 dis), 2:39?4. Kalamazoo, Mich.. Oct. 2,1807. .$200. Billv Merriman, Bonny Belle, Frank Brown (1 di.s), 2:38J4, 2:38, 2:37?.^ Ypsilanti, Mich., Nov. 1, 1867. .$.500. Grav Eagle 2. 2:48^4, 2:44, 2:45, 2:Uhi. Nov. 1.3. 1807, $300. r,adv Hurd, 13:59. Five miles. Nov. 14, 1867,. $100. Ladv Hurd, 14:04. Five miles. Ladv Ellis, br m (3 :43). S.S. Stowell, Boston, Mass., Nov. 25, 1870. $ . Shawmut, 2:42, 2:4C, 2:47. Ladv Ellis, br m (2 ■.^^]/A .fames Elliott, Lincoln, Neb., May 31, 1876. $350. Little Sam 1. 2, Ned S.. Trifle, John Dunning (1 dis)."2:.'?9"2,2:.-58. 2:4.';, 2:41. 2:44i;i. .,,.,.,■„ . „, ,., . DiibiKine. la .Tune 7. 1876. S.500. Harrv Hopkins 1. Lady Ryan, Addie \ ., Jim Raven, .Jenny Holt, West Union Cirl d dis), C.en, Stoughton (\ dis)'. Prairie Lily (1 dis), 2:37'.2. 2:40. 2:39i4, -'::57U Lady Elmer, ch m (3 :00), G. Jones, Washington, D. C, Oct. 26, 1876, $50. Mount Holly, Harry, 3:00, 3:00, 3:05. Lady Elmo, b m (3 :44). Charles McMeekin, Lexington, Ky., July 19, 1873. .$100. MiddU ton .3, Bmsfleld's blk g. 2:461^, 2:47U, 2:45. 2:44. . ^ Lav Jur)iter, dam Empress, bv Abdallah. Hiram Woodruff, I-ashion Course, L. I., May 2.3, 1862, .«1on. Jilt, .'-;:18, 5:20i/,. Two miles. (w). Jinn- .3, 1862. $100. Jilt (w), 1. 2:28"2, 2:29>.i,2::«), 2:31. Union Course. L. I.. June 1, 1864, .Sl,.300. May Queen, Dan Mace, 2:27^4. 2:27H. 2:29?i. , w .,■ ^ (w), Fa«1ii(m f 'nurse, !>. I., Sept. 28, 1864, .$2,500. Prince (w), John Morgan (w). Gen. Butler (wi (3 di."*), 2:27M, 2:26H. 2:26?:(. (W), June 15. 1866. «2.000. Gen. Butler (W) 3, 2 :29»^, 2 :29, 2 :28, 2 :31H. CHESTER'S COMrLETE TROTTINU AND PACING RECORD. 403 v\\ (. Union (onrse. L. I., June 20, 1865. .SS.OOO. George Wilkes (w) 1, (4 dr), 2:31i^. 2:28, 2:29!4, • (w), Fashion Course, L. I., Oct. lu, IstJd, Su,000. George Wilkes (W). 2:27, 2:27}^, 2:28(2. Lady Emma, b ui (3:53). J. Bessinger, -Milwaiikee.Wis., -May 20, 18U6, q?loo. Ned Forrest, Tom Hunt (1 dis), 2:53.2:54, 2:56. L,atly £muia, gr ni (3 :43). Wm. Riley, Chicago, 111 , June 14. 186G, $100. Selini 2, Stockbridge Chief (2 dis), 2:45, 2:43^i, 2:45}^. 2:45=i. Toledo. O., Aug. HI. 1S67. .?150. Frank 2. Billy, 2:42, 2:45'2, 2:42, 2:43. Lady Eiiiina (3 :5l?.£). liy Coleman's American Star, dam Cayuga Maid, by King's Champion, Jr., Moravia, N. Y., Oi-t. 5. 1868, .$ . Kitty llaee, Ciiampion, 2:57'2. 2:51:!i, 2:.54^i. Lady Kinuia, gr m (3 :;}9?i». Mr. Hamilton, Gilrov,Cal., Nov. 12, 1870..$ . Paul Pry l.Scipio (2 dis),2:46J^, 2.49. 2:.54. (w). Thos. McClellan, San Francisco, Cal., Jan. 16, 1872, $ . Susie Hill 1, 4, Sau Jose Belle, Eugene Casserlv(4 dis), :;:53. 2:.52. 2:51'i, 2:.51. 2:.5294. fan. 20. 1872, $ . Susie Hill 2, Democrat 1 (4 dis), Nelly Grattau (4 dr), 5:36, 5:.36V4, 5:37'/4, 5:40. Two miles. c. Arnold, Oct. .5, 1870, $150. Alameda Maid. Lady Grant, Taxpayer (1 dis), Jim McCord (1 dis), 2:42U, 2:44U. 2:48. VallL'jo, Cal . Oct. to, 1872, $150. Democrat 1, 2(4 dis), 2:53^, 2:42,2:44, , Sau Francisco, Cal.. ^larcli 17. 1873, .■jilOO. Nelly Grattan 1 (2 0), 5 SO'o, 5:38V2. 5:445^. Two miles. April 5 and 7. 1S73. .^loo. Democrat iw), 2, 3, 2:49^4. 2:50, 2:45, 2:48, 2:47. Aug. 1. 1874. .S250. Napa (^leeu, 1 (30), George (30i, 2:47?4,, 2:46i4, 2:46^4, 2:46, 2:4.5^ San Jose. Cal.. Oct. 6, 1875, .SJO. Billy Whitcomb 3, Billy Ross 1 (2 dis), 2:46'^, 2:48r2:50Vi, 2:46V4,2:49. Oct. 8 and 9, 1875. .^500. Billy Ross 2," 3 (4 dis). 2:44, 2:41}^, 2:47, 2:44. C. W. White, San Francisco', Cal.. Mav 17. 1876, .$200. Howell 1, 2, 2:40i4, 2:40, 2:41i^, 2:41, 2:43. C. Dubois. .July 8, 1876.,^ . J. D. Hull 2, (Jracie, Nancv, , 2:40, , 2:40. Sept. 6, 1876, .$200. Cracie 1, Lilly White, South Platte, Howell '9. dis), 5:25^4, 5:21, 5:261^. Two miles. T. Kennedy, March 15, 1877, $400. Pride of the Bay (w) 1, 2:45, 2:43, 2:42. Mav 24, 1877, $ . Rob Roy 2. Mountain Boy, 2:43'o. 2:37^.i. 2:^%. Aug. 17, 1877, $250. Taylor, Howell, Peerless, 5:29, 5:29. Two miles. Ladv £iuina, ch m (3:47H")- Mr. Jones, Portsmouth, N. H., Oct. 13, 1870, $200. Belle of Portsmouth, Rosa Bonheur, 2:474, 2:50, 2:48' i. Lady Kmma, ch m (.3:40). E. Sands, Lawrence, 111., Sept. 15, 1871, $30. Nelly, John Morgan, 2:40. Gluey, 111., Sept. 22, 1871. .$75. Nelly, Fritt's gr m, 2:57, Sept. 23, 1871, .$40. Nelly, Fritt's gr m, 2:41. Lady Kmma, (Molsey), b m(3 :3i;'4), by Whitesides Black Hawk, dam Moll, by Dallas. Macon, Ga., June 7, 1873, $ . Jack Chambers, 2:38(4, 2:35%, 2:37. Augusta, Ga., July 22, 1873, $ . Hickory .lack 3, 2:38i4, 2:351,4, 2:39;'4, 2:41^4. Lady Emma, ch m (3:38), by Poseora, dam by imp. Consternation. A. J. Feek, Catskill, N. Y.,July22, 1873, $1,200. Mystic 2, Constance, Berkshire lioy. Lady Knox, Marshal (4 dis), 2:38^^;;, 2:37, 2:38j::42'/^. ' Deerfoot Park, L. I„ Julv 31, 1873, $300. George 1, Lady Annie, Marshal, Mystic," Slippery Dick, Lady Plifer(3 dr), 2:38, 2:41,2:.37, 2:39. Goshen, N. Y.. Sept. 2, 1873. $1,000. Enigma 3, Music, George, Mystic, Molsey (2 dis). 2:33, 2:32, 2:34, 2:35J4. Newark. N. J., Sept. 17, 1873, .S300. Lady Gertrude, Waverly, Lady Shaw, Carrie White, Skeptic (2 dr), Fred Tyler (i disj, 2;o4, 2:38^4, ■J.-.Sal^^. >, Sept. 19, 1873, $325. Susie Clay, Waverly, Lady Shaw, Carrie White, Belle of Easton, Trustee (1 dis), 2:39'4. 2:40'o, 2:39}4. Prospect Park, L. I., Oct. 23 and 24, 1873, $600. Ed. Eaton 1, 3, Jack Draper, Daniel Boone (4 dr), 2 :30, 2 :28, 2:28.2:29^4,2:29'^. Lady Emma, b m (3:451^). Mr. Rook, Auburn, N. Y., July 3, 1874, $300. Jenny Wonder 1, 4, Little Mack 5, Royal Tom, 2:46V^, 2:48'4, 2:45!^, 2:45, 2:50, 2:47i4. Waterloo, N. Y., Aug. 20, 1874, .$300. Recluse Geo. Smith, Onondaga Boy, Judge Wallace, Frank Hill (2 dis), 2 :47^4, 2 :45i.^. 2 :47i^, 2 :48J4. Lady Emma (w), blk m (3 :40), Wm. R. Ricketson, Woonsocket, R. I., Sept. 9, 1874, $100. Kitty(w), Artist (w), Blackstone Belle ^(\v), Jack (w) (2 dr), Flora (w) (l dis), Fanny (w) (1 dis), |Walliug Pond Mare (w) d dis), 2;58'/2, 2:.59. Charles Dickerman, Catskill, N. v.. Aug. 8, 1876, $400. Dauntless 2(30), Newton, Kossuth Jr., Molly Miller. Anna. Flora, Victor, 2:40, 2:37, 2:40, 2:40, 2:40, Lady Emma (3 :31i4). N. F. Myers, Beading, Pa., Sept. 9, 1874, $250. Competitors not named, 2:43, 2:43, 2:46'4. Lady Emma, ch m (3 :33). '. McManus, Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. 1, 1876, $100. Vicious 1, 3:04'/^, 3:02'/2, C:00, 3:02. — Mav 6, 1878, $ . Lady Eschback, 3:04, 3:05. June 6, 1878, ,$75. Vicious 1, 2 (4 0), Crickett, 2:.50, 2:43, 2:53, , 2:53, 2:57. Lady Emma, br m {2 :3.5). J. E.Jones, Riugefleld, Conn., Sept. 28, 1877, $ . Aunt Mary 3, White Bird, Maximilian, 2:40, 2:42, 2:46, 2:36. Sept. 29, 1877, $ . Billy Dawes, Modoc, 2:35, 2:37(4, 2 :.35. Lady Emma, ch m. C. Opdyke, Somerville, N. J., Oct, 3, 1883. $35. Lady A., Fanny Howell, 1 :49, 1 :54. Three- year-olds. Half mile heats. Lady Emmett, br m (3:3114). San Francisco, Cal., Aug. 9, 1878, $ . Alonzo Hayward, Belle, Prophet, Goldfinder, 2:3U4, 2:38, 2:39. Aug. 39, 1878, $100. Nelly Patchen, Patchen Girl, 2:33?4. 2:34i4. 2:31V4. Lady Empire, b m (3 :49). T. D. Locke, Portland, Me., Aug. 15. 1868, $200. Bay .John, 2:49, 2:49. 2:51. Lady Enfield, b m (3 :40(4). F. P. Smith, North Adams, Mass., Sept. 24, 1873, $300. Ned Moore 2, Berkshire Belle, Little Fraud, Calico Maid (2 dis), Springfield Boy (2 dis), Adams Bov (1 dis), 2:43?i, 2:40, 2:42V<^, 2:40(4 Sept. 25, 1873, $3.50, Adams Boy, Little Fraud, Express, Maggie (2 dis). Belle of Berkshire (2 dis), 2:42, 2:42>/2, J-ASU. Lady Essler, b m (3 :47). Graves & Loomis, Kankakee, 111., Sept. 28, 1876, $50. St. La^vrence, Bay Jim Dexter, Madison. Xo time. Sept. 29. 1876, $100. Frank Leslie 2, Gen. Thomas, Dutch Girl. 6t. Lawrence (3 dr). Burchim Boy (3 dr). Lady Franklin (3 dr). 2 :.51, 2:49^4, 2:47. 2 :.50. . Lady Estep, br m 3:36'4). P. J. Woodmansee. Weston, W. Va., Sept. 25, 1877, $135. Gus, Raymonds, Tom Thumb, 2:36(4, 2:4394, 2:39^, 2:.39. Lady E. Swift, br m 3 :57(4). F. Shanebrook, Baltimore, Md., Oct. 9, 1840, $50. William H. Harrison, Quaker, 5:55, 6:0;i. Two miles. Lady Evelyn, ch m (3 :40i4). R. P. Walker. Fashion Course, L. I., July 7, 1865, $400. Bobbin's rn m, Sam mon's Mare(l dis), 2:4014. 2:41, 2:44. Nov. 7, 1S65, .$250. Sam Rawlev 2, 4, Black Jack, 2:.52, 2:44i4, 2:42, 2 -42, 2:44. M. La Due, Poughkeepsie, N. Y„ June 23, 1868, $ . Walrussia, 2 :59}^, 2 :49M, 2 -ABH,. 404 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. L,acly Everhard. 1) m (2 :39). Jolm Murphy. Morrisaiiiu. N. Y.. May 27. 1S79, S.WO. 2:46, 2:39. To bt-at 2,;o. Lady F.. oil 111 i'i:4:j'..;. l)v Tom Wondtr. Mr. liiojiliv. Spriiij; N'allf.v N. V., Aug. 22. 1H70. Sli'jO. No Name, Flora, Black IJi'ss, KaVt-ii, Dan, Rose -Mi'diiiiii, Dandy .Jim, .liilius 11.(3 d is.), .Jot; (,'orltelt (2 disj, 2:46, 2:4(>?4. 2:4l)'.i. ■ Aug. 23, 1876. $\bO. Black Bess 2, .Joe Corbett, Julius 11., Nightshade (2 dis;, Khedive (1 uisj, Sleepy Sam (1 dis), 2:49, 2:47'. J, 2: 47' 2, 2:52. — Au«. 24, 1S76, .<20(i. Lady llalleitv. Billy, Nelly V., 2:46?i, 2:47'.i, 2 :46i^i. Caauousburgli. l*a., Sept. 27. is?., .s . Bav Frank, Clara llo.ig, Frank B., 2:.'>4. 2:43'2, 2:54. W. Daw.son. I'ittsburgh. Pa., May 28, ls78, *100. Cricket, Bluebiid, Lottie. .Jerry. 2:4»;. 2:48».ij, 2:43V4. Lady F., b m (3 :00). A. Funk. Lebanon, I'a., Oct. 19, IHsl, $100. Lebanon .Maid 2, 3, .lay Gould, Jr. 1, 4, Lucy C., Han-v. George J., While cloud, 3:07'.j. 3.0(». 3:iK), , 3:00. .•i:00, 3:0414. Lady F.. gr ni (3:11). C. \V. Sleeper. Kochester, N. Y., Sept. 2(i, 1882, .s50. Major 2, Stanioes, 3:19, 3:124.3:12, :i:ll. Lady Fairfield, gr in (2:37}^), bv Rising Sun, dam, the Frank Wing mare. Hill & Emory, M'aterville, IMe., Aug. -M. 1870. .S200. Lailv lUu-leigh. 2 ::i7!..i, 2 :.i8, 2 -M'J. Lady Fairfield, b m (.2 :35;2). T. S. Woousocket, R. 1., Oct. 1, 1872, $100. Prince 1, Doctor Bruce, 2:54, 2:5t;V4, •'■."k'>'... :!:. 2:36, 2:37 11. itogers, Worcester, Mass.. Sept. 20, 1867, S175. Bene Strickland, 2:35*4. 2:33.2:35. Lady Fashion, b m (2 :45'i). G. W. Fitzwater, Point Breeze i';irk. Phila.. May 14. 1874. S200. Blonde 1,2, Daniel Tompkins, George Ilicks, Irishman, Highland Mary (,2 dis), Harry Morris (2 dis). Sweet William (1 (lis). Lady Allen (1 disi, 2:4li.i. '.i^l. 2:4r)'o, 2:l(i, 2:46i.i. Lady Faustina, bm(3:2S>'2). bv Xermont, dam by Leviathan. S. Montgomery, Salem. O., Oct. 10. 1876. «2.''>0. I'insmith. Major (3 disK 2:44'i, 2:4."), 2:44-'j. Mrs. Lu|)ers, Oct. 9, 1879, .$500. Bellfounder, Epb Maynard (3 dis). Blue Mountain Boy (2 dis), 2:38, 2:38}4. 2:39. Oct. 12. 1879, $500. Olympla Dick, 5:34. 5:45. Two miles. Baker City, Or., Oct. 1. I88O, $500. Bay Walter, Sweet Home, 2:35H, 2:30, l:3\\u Union City, Or,, Oct. 15, 1880, .'?700. Sweet Home 3, 4. Bay Walter, 2:3!. 2:313.,. 2:.35, 2:35, 2:30. „ Ij. Humes, Boise City, Idaho. Sept. 9, 1881, .$ . Maine Slasher. 2:42. 2:.3894, 2:.52i4. Lady Fearnaught, (2 :56). Palmer. Mass., Oct. 1.3, ISGG, $ . Amelia 1, Five others, 2:58, 2 :.'i6. 2:56, 3:01. Lady Fenner. 1) m (2:40). H. Esback, Doylestown, Pa., Oct. 3, 1878, $100. Kingvvood, Black (Jirl, Republic, Motto. Nellv .M. (1 dis). 2:45%, 2:48. 2:44. Ladv liehls. kv m (2:50). Dr. Bolbv. Newton. N. .T. INIav 19. 1866. $25. Vernon Boy. 2:55, 3:00. ^ U. Dempster, Easton, Pa., Oct. 20, 1866, $50. Kittv Brower, 2:.')6, 2:.53=2, 2:.51i4. Ladv Fillmore, gr m (2 :55). Mr. Bradlev. Louisville. Kv., Oct. 29, IK'id, $ . Sam. 2:.')6, 2:55. Lady Fisher, blk m (2 -.iSVi). Wm. McMahoii. Deerfoot Park. L. I., Aug. 27, 1873, $1,000. Lady Candor 2, 2:47. 2:46,2:51, 2:49. P. McQuimi. Sept. 8. 1875, .f500. Frank, 2:r,3^.>.2:r,6. 2:.')6'i. (W>, Will. McOlahon. Nov. 11. 1878. .S . Ladv Farrell 1. 1 :23. 1 :22'e. 1 :21'/c. Half mile heats. . Nov. 28. isTs, >;ioo. Turk (w). Vixen, Twilight, Emma, Frank, 3:00. 3:00'5, 3:00. • .lune 1. 1879. .■?_'O0. Harry, 2:.''>4, 2:58. Lady Flagner, c'.- m (2 :41 1. H. Brock, Boston, Mass., Sept. 28, 1865, $ . Buckskin (1 dis), 2:47>/i. (w). Same day. $ . Buckskin (w) (3 dr). 2:.54. 2:.^3, . Mystic Park.' Boston, Oct. 15, 1866, $ . Br:gnoli 1. Roanoke (2 dr), Mary Ann (2 dr),2:52, 2:51, 2:46, 2:51. Nov. 8, 1866, $100. Dandy (w), 2:41,2:47V2, 2:47. ( w), Julv 2, 1867, $150. Frank, Brown Dick (2 dr), 3 :06. 3:00, 3:03. • (w), W.'Mack, Oct. 2. 1807. $100. Dick Turpin 3, 2:.^)8. 2:59. 3:00, 2:.52. Julv 2.5, 1868, $.500. 14:,56'i. Five miles. To beat 15:00. Lady Flannery, br m (2:.5li4)- J. Flannery, Fishkill, N. Y., July 26, 1882, $ . Bob, Katy May, Indian .fack.Tliorn Apple, 2:52^2, 2:53. 2:.51i4. Lady Fleet, blk m )2 :49). A. J. Northrup, Fasliion Course, L. I., Nov. 27, 1868, $1,000. Ezra Walker, 2:49, 2 :.">! . 2 :.52. Lady Flora, br m (2 :43). O. "W. Dimmick, Cincinnati, O., June l. 1860, S . Lady Buckskin, Nelly, Ned Forrest, 2:4.3, 2:48, 2:47'j. Lady Fl<>ren<-e. br m (2 :32'i), bv Menel.aus. F. Mackoy, Stillwater, Minn., June 22, 1883, ,$225. Capitola 2, Lady Elliott 1. 2:.l8'i,2:35'4, 2:.32i4, 2:.39, 2:40. • Lady Forrest, blk m (2:50). Henry Brown, New Bedford, Mass., Oct. 30, 1872, $150. Ethan Allen 1, Mon- teith Bov. 2:,'57, 3:00, 2:,59, 3:01'i. , , ^ ,, Lady F<.rrest, b m (3 :20). H. G. West. Grand Haven, Mich., July 26. 1876, $150, Lady Agnes, Grand Haven Bov. Vesper Clav. 3:20, 3:27%. Four-vear-olds. Lady Forrest. b"ni (3 :03), by Joe Downing. D. C. Irish, Newcastle, Pa., Sept. 1". 1880. .?150. Rob Roy, Queen II, :::16>4, 3:0.5, 3:0:f. „ , , ,„ , Lady Fox, ch m (2 :30), by Drury's Ethan Allen, dam Lady Partington. Smith & Co.. Galesbnrg, 111., June — , 1S70, .'i;i.50. Nicodemus, 2:4.')'4, 2:42'j, 2:42'5. 1. Puffenborger. Keokuk, la., Aug. 31, 1871. $,350. Iow;i Chief. Ella Wright, 2:57, 2:56. 2:41%. Pekin. 111., Sept, 20, 1871, .ii!2.'>0. Chicago Belle, Thomas Wonder, 2:41'o,2:.38%, 2:38. ■ Cambridge. 111., Aug. 27, 1874, $200. Silas Rich 3, 3:00V,, 3:00, 2:.56%. 3:03V,. Lady Foxie, ch m (2:24%), bv Daniel Lambert, dam Foxie. by the Breed Horse. A. N. Iloff, Rutland. \ t. f^ei>t. 12, 1873,$1.50. Vermont Boy 1, 2, Cassius Prince 5, Vermont Belle 3 (6 dr), 2:47>4, 2:45'-,2:49'4, 2:46'j, 2:49%, 2:.55, 2:.52. Providence, R. I.. Oct. 21 and 22, 1874, $300. Belle of Hudson, Hamlet, AV. S. Briggs, Wolflninter. Sorrel Bov, File Cutter, 2:47, 2:40, 2:42%. Lawrence, Mass., Oct. "20, 1875,..$300. Cassius Prince 3, John Franklin. Lady Daggett, 2:,37, 2:40, 2:39, ^ A Woodard, Beacon Park, Boston, May 13, 1876, .SSOO. Cassius Prince, Rose Standish, Gray Dick, I..ady Daggett, Nellv, Ned,2:,35. 2:.37, 2:.35. ^ , . , Mvstie Park. Boston, Mav 17. 1876, $.300. Nelly 1, 2, Cassius Prince 4, Ned. Lady Daggett. (.r;iy Dick. Rose Stand ish (4 dr)..lanies"Fisk (3dr), 2:32, 2:3.3. 2:3.3, ,2:34, 2:35. (w) May 20, 1876, $,50. Ned (w), Nellv (w), 2:33, ? •■'.•<. 2 :3L Lvnn, Mass., Mav 2.3, 1876, $3ro. George H.. T,ady Dagcrett, 2S<), 2:.35, 2:36'4. May 24, 1876, $300. Charles It 2. General, Gcorgie M., 2:.35' . . 2:34, 2:33, 2:a3'i. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 405 — Beacon Park. P.ostoii. June 7, 187G, ,?l.ooo. Lady Daggett, Cassias Prince, George H., Golcinnder, Com- modore Perry, 2:oL'Vi. -Ji'-'IJ, -JiSO^. — Mystic Park. Boston, .lune 15, 1876, .?600, Maggie S. 1, Charles K.. King William, General, Lizzie Keeler. Honest Billy, Maine Slasher, Charley Mac (1 disi, 2:i;8i4, 2:28, 2:28,2:29. — Beacon Park. Boston, June 22, 187t;, .$1,000. Commodore Perry, Lady Daggett. Grace, George H.,Casslus Prince, Goldlinder, Jennv Tlionipson, Nellv, 2:30, 2:30'.>,2:3P4. — J. F. Merrow, May 15, 1877. .$200. Laura Williams 1, .Joe Ripley. Flora Belle, James G. Blaine (3 dis). 2:24'2, 2:30, 2:2514. 2:27'o. " ^ — Mystic Park, Boston, May 23, 1877. .5200. Joe Ripley, Flora Belle, Laui-a Williams (2 dis), James G. Blaiue (2 died), 2:25, 2:29'4. 2:283i. — June 8, 1877, .fSOO Bateman, Fa\ orite. Joe Ripley, Bin Follow, Faugh-a-Ballagli, Ben Morrill (i dis). 2:26, 2:274, 2:28. — J. J. Bowen, Danvers, Mass., Sept. 19, 1878, .$200. Belle Oaklev2, 3, Haviland, 2:33, 2:32'^, 2:»Hi, 2:35w 2:3m. ■ ' <~» — Mystic Park. Boston, Sept. 11, 1870. .¥500. Patchen, Noontide, CEmulus, 2 :25, 2:26. 2:27. Beacon Park, Boston, Jmie 11, 1880, .$600. Wild Lily, Wizz 1, 2 (5 dr), •.'■:2Z'/2, 2:24)^, 2:2.514, 2:26^, 2:301; • Albany, N. Y., Sept. 16, 1880, .$1,000. Steve Maxwell 1. 3, Florence, Pickard. Williain F. (5 dis), Belle Oakley (5 dis), 2:26, 2:2'7M, 2:26%, 2:2714, 2 :27?4. Mystic Park, Boston, Sept. 29, 1880, .$2,000. Golden Girl, 2:25}^, 2:28'4, 2:26i^. ■ South Wevmouth, Mass., Oct. 2. I880, .$.300. Frank Munson l, 2:33, 2:30, 2:3G, 2:35. Lady Frances, b 111 (3 :39?i). G. W. Craig. Shenandoah, la.. Sept. 16, 1882, $ . Rattler, .lohn C, pacer, 2:18. 2:50' 2, 2:44. Red Oak. la.. Sept. 22, 1882, $100. Lady Mac Little Press, 2:439i, 2:43, 2:39?4. O. M. Straight, Seward, Neb.. Septcnil.er 29. 1883. $2.50. Little Press 1, S. R. Lamont, 2:.50i4, 2:4714, 2:52. 2:4914. liady Franklin (Carrie), rn m (3:39?4), by Esty's Black Hawk. Hiram Woodruff, Union Course, L. I., April 21, 1854, .$2.50. Stranger. Pony. 2:421-4, 2:47, 2:47i^. (w), April 25, 1854, .$2.50. Stranger (w), 2:48J4. 2:51K^ 2:4934. May 1, 1854. .$250. Joe Husted, 2:38. 2:41, 2:43. May 15. 1854. .$250. Pony, 2 :46. 2:4^4, 2:43. J ulv 13, 1854, $1,000. Lady Collins 1. 5:23. 5:21. 5:30. Two miles. June 20, 18.55. .$21,000. Lantern, 2:40, 2:36, 2:3515. C'entreville, L. I., June 26, 18,55, $1,000. Belle of Saratoga, 2:31, 2:34%, Union Course, L, I., July 16, 18.55, .$2,000. Chicago Jack 1, 4, 2:32i/i, 2:3234, 2:32i/2, 2:32i4, 2:^9. (w) Centreville, L. I..July;30. is.5.5, .$4,000. Chicago Jack (w), 5:11, 5:11. Twomiles. ( w) Union Course, L. I., Aug. 28, 18.55, .$.500. Miller's Damsel, 2:3714, 2:38, 2:39. (w) Sept. 14, 18.55, $.500. Milfer's Damsel (w) 1, 2, 2:38, 2:40, 2:42i/2, 2:42i/2, 2:4214. Hartford. Conn., Sept. 2, 1857, .$50. Belle of Hartford. Walker. Billy, 2:54, 2:58. 2:55. Georne H. Bailey. Portlaiul, Me., .June 30, 18G6. $200. Petroleum 1. 3,2:56. 2:.55. 2:.55, 2:53. 2:55. I.ady Franklin, ch ni ^2::i3l4). A. Howard, Watertown, N. Y,, Oct. 28, 1863, $200. White Stockings l, 2:45, 2:39, 2:40, 2:40. Jesse Smith, Nov. 9, 1863, .$600. Elmore Evereett (w) 3, 2:.32'4, 2:36H, 2:48, 2:.36. — Aug, 30, 186.5, $.50. Gray Eagle, Lapite's b m. White Bird 1 <3 dr), 2:45, , . H, Fuller, Hartford, Conn,, Sept. 15, 1865, $120. Sorrel Jim 1, 2 Gertrude, Jack Liners, 2:40',, 2:a9'4, 2:38'/;, 2:38, 2:38 '4. H. Russell, Malone, N. Y., Oct. 2, 1866. $200. Malone Chief 3, 4, John O'Brien, 2:42, 2:42, 2:45, 2:48, 2:43, Watertown, N. Y., Aug. 16, 1867. $200. Malone Chief (30), Young Jackson, 2:44, 2:44, 2:42, 2:45. L,a^ . •J;0'J'ij, 2:41, •2:3ti-'4, 2:37. •2:36'/i. Lady Gertrude, gr ni Ci /S'l^i). W. JJrowii, SUxklou, Cal., Sept. Ki. 1879. $600. Dave, 2:3.5, 2:35, 2:.}4%. L.ady Oibney, gr ni i^a :•***)■ 1^- Biitley. Haverhill, .Mass., Aug, l'3. \xS.i. -siuO. Billy B. 5, G, Milton. Boss Fear- liaiiu'lit. liueen Anne 1, •-' (5 dri. I'rlnce (3 dr), 2:41. 2:42'j. , 2:.J8.'J:43'j.2:42'c. 2:42. La:.54Ui, 2:47',i, 2:47'4. Lad V Gloucester ('^:.>4 1. W. Field, Harrishurgh, Pa.. .Inly «, 1870. .'$200. Lady Sherman (10). 2:54V4. 2:.^7. 2":.>t, 2:.")9. Latly iiodwin, 1,3:15 4-5;. Frank Wurni.Springtieid, Mass., Oet. 7. l«7t;, .«:6ih), Paper Mills Boy, l(i:19. Two liiiU'S. Ladv tioodiu, hr m (2:39), by American Star, dam by May Day. . I. K. Leavitt. Philadelphia. Pa., June 18. 1874, S . Lizzie. No time. — Ambler Park, Pa.. June 8, 1875, S3n0. iModoe, D. P. S. Niehols. Ned Allen. Billy (1 dis), Walter B. () dis). 2:42'... 2:40. 2:43'i. Morrlstown. Pa., June 15. 1875. SIOO. Modoe, Elsie. Billv. 3:00, 2:50, 2:5(i. Lady Goshen, ell m (3 :50). VV. S. Brooks, JYospeet Park. L. 1.. July !), 188o. .^l.^o. Brokaw. Harry Mills, 2::"4, 2":.'i5, 2:,50. Lady (ioss, blk nW3 :39»^). H. Sargeant. Woonsorket. K.I., June 29, 1875, •Sl.^o. Honest Allen. Brown George. Ben G., Dolly, "Brown Prinee. Rose Thorndyke, Belle (2 dis). Penobseot Girl (2 dis>, Byron D. (1 dis), 2:47K'. 2:42'.,, 2:39'i. .Time .30, 1875, .SISO, Quarrvman l. Brown George. Walter R. Proetor, Dolly, Brown Prinee (4 dn.Alida E. (4dr), Ben J. (4 dr), Ernest'ine (2 dis), Byron D. (2 dis), 2:49. 2:44'.,. 2:46'/2. 2:42^4.. Lady Graham, grm (2:55). J. Goodall. Beacon Park. Boston, .inly 17. 1875. $."100. Lady Stone 1, Jo.seph. .leiuiy Knox. 3:01, 2:57, 2:,')5, 2:!j7. Lady Graham, br m (2 :42). Manning and Caliill. Washington Hollow . N. Y., Sejrf. 24. 1879. $100. Miss Van. .iohn. Queen Ray, Mabel, 2:47. 2:44. 2:^5. Lady <;raut, gr m (2:40>/i). O. A. Hiekok. San Francisco. Cal.. June 21, 1873. $1.50. Democrat. Lady Mjue. 2:47. 2:43. 2:46. Lady Grant, eh m (2:52). H. Hevman. Southold, L. L. July 11. 1874. .S25. Jackson. Hiram. 2:52. 'J-.w, 2:.56k. Ladv Graves, (2:4:6 Vj). Kalamazoo. Midi., July 4. 1873, $ . Black Hawk 2. 2:4fU.',. 2:4.5^, 2:47. Uniin- ished. Lady Gray (s), gr m (2 :53 w), (2 :50 s). A. Carpenter. Woonsocket. R. 1.. .Inly 23. IS.-9. ••^loo. Lola Montez (w). 2:.")b, 2:.50, 2:.o0. — (w). E. Dennis, Union Course, L. I.. Oct. 8, 1859. .¥200. Flora (w). 2:53, 2:53, 2:.55. Lady . 2:58, 2:54. Boston, idass., Sept. 5, 1866. $-100, Jimmy (w) 1 (2 dis), 2:.58. 2:47. (w). Oct. 16. 1860, $200) Lady Bowery 1, 2, (4 dis). 2:55, 2:,">8Li>- 2:5.5. 2:56. I). Ilertsford, Lowell, Mass., June 3, 1870, ,^20. Brunswick 1, 2. Broker 3:04, 3:01, 2:53. 2:.53!-o, 2:54k- Lady <;rav, gr m (2:56?i). P. H. Seltzer, Lebanon, Pa.. Sept. 21. 1870. .¥100. l^ince Albert l, 4, Nelly Gray (1 disi."2:45'.i, 2:.56%, 2:59. 2:57, 3:01. — — S. K Scllzcr, Avon, Pa.. June 7, 1871. $22.5. Mollv Hoi)kins. Speedwell, 3:llK',3:13i,i, 3:1.5iii. Lady Gray, gr in (2:43). G. H. Campbell. Earlville, 111.. Sept. 1, 1871. $1.50. Molly Stark 3, 4, Panic (5 dis). Sleepy "Sani (2 dis). Maggie Wells (1 dis). Dan Hector. (1 dis). (iray Henry ( 1 dis), 2:4.5i.i, 2:43.2:46'2. 2:46%, 2:.52'4. Lady Grav, gr m (g -AOKi), A. W. Blake. North Amherst, O., Aug. 27. 1875. .$175. Little Alex 1, Bella, Mary tavlor (3 (lis), 2:40"2, 2:40?4, 2:42, 2:40'4. Aug. 2s. 187.5. .$1.50. Dick Harvey 4, Forest Maid 1. Dan Bassett. Camden (2 dr). 2:43, 2:41. 2:41. 2:42!i. Ladv Gray, gr in (2:37), bv Black Dutchman, dam by Selim. D. S. Quiiiton. Doylestown, Pa.. Oct. 3, 1879. .$1.50. Lizzie McF'arland. Belle of Bethlehem, Strange Harrv. Belleview , Repuldic. Lizzie Martin, 2:385!i, 2:37. 2:40. Rittersville. Pa., Oct. 18. 1879, $100. Kate S. 2. Minnie B. 1. Lady Feiiner. 2:41. 2:40^.,. 2:.38ia, 2:42i^, 2:41Vi La«ly Greenwood, br in (2 :42>, bv Greenwood, dam Lady Cuba, by the Ben Smith horse. E. Harris. Wells- ville, N. Y., Oct. 6. 1880, $150. Honest Charley, Lizzie Burns. .No time. T. E. Hazard, Sept. 6. 1881, .$200. Minnie Mack. Col. Cross. Tom Slasher, Troublesome. Blind Tom. 2:42, 2:, 52, 2:54. » E. Harris. Angidica, N. Y.. Sei)t. 28, I88I, .$l(f). Ladv Beeknmn. Pet Edsell. 2:47. 2:481^2. 2:48. Ladv Greer, gr 111 (2:38), bv Joe Currv. dam bv Lexington. Nard Hariold, Plain City, O., July 22. 1875, $160. Major Bird, Bawiev Weaver, Dock (1 dis). 3:0.5. 3:07'.!, 3:U!i.i. C. Greer. Mt. Vernon, O., Oct. 8. 1875. $."0. Mohawk, Lengthy Mohawl<. 2:55,3:03, 2:.59. Wni. Major, Newark. O.. June 27. I87s. .<.5no. Hnmbrino 1. 7. Jake Underwood 6 (5 0i. Bay Bob (2 0). Enoch Arden. Coal Dealer, Lou Meyer, Sally Cust.-r i5 dr). Joe Little (3 dr), 2:40, 2:37, 2:.393... 2:40-... 2:40i.i, 2:42>a,2:42Vi, 2:4114. Nard Harrold. Akron, 0., July 3. 1879. $40n. Belle Powers I. 2, Harker 3, Minnie Maxfleld, 2:38, 2:40, 2::J8, 2:38, 2:42, 2:.'i9. Lady Grenville. ch in (2:40). •^V. Van Valkenbiirgli. Waddington. N. V.. .Sept. 3. 1878. $100. Barney Smith 1, 2, Nelly Grant, Helen Meigs (5 dr). Ladv Pierimiit (3 dr). 2:40. 2:4.5. 2:40. 2:43,2:43. Lady (iriswold, gr 111 (2 :2»), bv Red Buck. V. Ridficld, St. Paul, Minn.. .Inly 1. i875, $1,200. Princeton Boy 2, Herod I. Dan Brown, Selkirk, Rutland Girl (4 dr),2:29, 2:.S2k.;. 2:34. 2:29. 2:31. Montgonicrv Citv. Mo.. Sept. 24. 1S75. .^500. Ben Lyon. Bill Paxtoii. Meiirv Parker. 2: Id. 2:39';, 2:36. Flora. 111.. Sept. 30. 1875. .$.500. A. B. Barrett ZeiJaK.. Fearnaught. Haymaker 2::!1. 2:S4ix;, 2:.3.5y2. Latly GroesbecU.grm (2:25'i).bv Star of the West, dam Fanny, a pacer. .1.11. (Jroesbeck. Minnea])olis, Minn., Sept. .". 1877. .$2.50. Gray j>ick 2. Lisbon Girl 1, Grapevine. Prioress. Spdt. Portion. .^. L. Allen, 2:34, 2:38, 2:.36i4. 2::i8''2. 2:47^.,'. Preston, Minn., May 24. 1878. $140. Cupid. 2:40. 2::!9»4. 2:42. Mankato, Minn.. Juiie 11. 187s. .$400. Flora Belle 3. 5. Dread 1. 2. Granger. Fairnumt. Little Rube(2dis). 2:.36. 2:.33, 2:41. 2:.38U',, 2:.38, 2::i7' .. 2:39' -. June 20. 1S78. .$400. Richmond 2, 3. Billv Morgan. Alvin B., 2:44. 2:42'4, 2:39'2. 2:40%i. 2:;'.9>t.. Freeport. 111., .Iidv ,30, 1878, .$.500. David H. 3. Pattv Lath, Granger. R^ase's Dictator. 2:32. 2:.32V4, 2:.32'c. 2:329.(. (}uincy. Hl.„Sept. 26, 1878. ,$.500. Mambrino General :). 5. Richmond 1 (4 dis), 2:a5'... 2:.3lVi, 2:29Vi., 2:.30'i.. La..i, 2:41«4. Lady H., gr m (2 :27), l)v jManiliester Tuckahoe. J. L. Hunlon. Medina, N. Y., Sept. 12. 1873, *100. Lady T. Nelly, Ned (2 dis), 2:55, 2:.5,5, 2:57. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TKOTTIN(i AND PACING KKCOUD. 407 J. Murphy, Detroit, Mich., July 5, 1875, $800. Gen. Mack i. Gray Billy 3, Duko, Nerea, Chestnut Billy, 2:33?i, 2:41, '-':45, 2:37. 2:38. ■ J Uly .s. 187.5, $800. Mistress. 2 :51i^2. 2 :41ii,, 2 :3y U — Chagrin Falls, O., Ausr.C, 187.'), $400. Deception 2, Billv Spencer. Mary Taylor. Sleepy Tom, Lady M(; Fatri(li;e (3disi, 2:43, 2:46. 2:4.j'2. 2:47'2. Mendota. 111., Aujj. 1!», 1875, $600. Josh Billings 1. Kitty Stratton, Lady McFatridge, Woodpecker Golddust. Aldine, Jim Fisk, Modoc, Quickstep, Wolford Z., Stony Branch. Mazeppa (4 dis). Chesler Thomas (3 dri. ■^-M-'i, 2:32'-4. 2:3414, 2:32. Tiskilwa, 111., Sept. 24, ls7."., .*;i7f). Wolford Z., Allen, 2:39, 2:39'., 2:.33. (ialesburg, 111.. Oct, 14, 187.5, $700. Prince, Gen. Howard. 2:30, 2:30. 2:40. Parker Citv, Pa., June 21, 187U, .^00. Cattaraugus Chief, Sleepy Toui, Frank Shaw, 2:35, 2:34?i, 2:.32?X. St. Petersburg!!. Pa., June 28, 1876, $400. Cattaraugus Chief 4. Slee))v Tom 1. 2:39,2:37. 2:.3G, 2:39, 2:44. Svcamore, 111,, July 28,1876.6.500. Cattaraugus cliief, Fannv Kob'inson. Dan Brown. Phil Sherid;ui, Conio Chief, Ladv Mac (l dis). 2 :2!);u , 2 :l'9, 2 :.»i4 , Will, (iookert. Toledo, O., Sept. 28, 1877, .$1,000. Jack Draper 4, (3 0), Manibrino- Star, Dred. Uussell 2:35'/<;, 2:35Vi, 2::;!, 2:32, 2:3.3. Mr. Schoolcraft, Culpepper, Va., Oct. 16, 1879, $100. Bastine, Bill. 2:46?i, 2:45,2:44. T. Cook. Richmond, Va., Oct. 28, 1879, .$200. Kanawha, Tornado, 2:;>3?4, 2:32}4. I-ady H., b m ('i :53i.i). John Henderson, Davenport, la., Sept. 8, 1875. $.300. JiiirLaine, Ned, Pomerov, Caiv man. 2:.54Ai. 2:,5(ji.2, 2:57. Sejit. 10. 1875, $150. Topsy, Tom Dodge, Pomeroy, Slgoumev Maid (2 dis), 2:5814. 2:52i;4;, 2:o4'i.. Lady H., b m 1 3 : r,i ), liy Amos' C. M. Clay, Jr. H. Duryea, Closter, N. J.. .luly 4, 1876, .$50. Jenny L., Dai sy, ()ld Fashioned Tad. 2 :.56, 2:.52, 2 :53i.a- I.;ulv Hale, ch in (3:43). N. W. Mandell, Danielsonville, Conn., Sept. 7. i,S72. $125. M W. Stiinpsou, Norm:.n, 2:4;». 2:40i4. 2:49'^. N. S. Hale, Sturbridge. Mass., Sept. 14, 1872, $200. Pet 3, F, Allen, Kate, Countryman (3 dis), 2:48, 2: 12, , 2:4G. Worcester,Mass.,Sept. 20. 1872, $125. Jenny Chandler, Kockv. Kate. 2:49, 2:49^1, 2:47. Webster, Mass.. .lune 20, 1873, .$ ■. Captain Jack 2. Faiinv,"2:.52. 2:r,i;. 2:.55. Worcester. :Mass.. Jidy 4, 1873, .$200. African 3. 4, Modoc 1, (3 disi. 2:44'.,, 2:42i:i, 2:46, 2:44Ji, 2:47, 2:50'4. T. W. Carpenter, Sturbridge, Mass., Sept. 12, 1873, $150. Jack Poor 1, 2. Hartford Belle, 2:,57, 2:47, 2:48'2, 2:40, 2:46 N. S. Hale, Worcester. Mass., Sept. 20, 1873, $125. African l. Seamstress, Lancewood (1 dis), 2:44'A, 2:42,. 2:44. 2:44>,. P:iliiier. Mass., Oct. 23, 1873, .$17.5. Island Belle 1, St. Elmo, Factory Girl. Mansuay, 2:47. 2:42!>4, 2:42, 2:42. L,ady Hall, (w) (3:46»4\v). Wm. Strong. Paterson, N. J., July 4, 1864, $100. John the Baptist(3 dr), 2:.51, tady Hall, b m (3 :40i4). Joshua Hall, Newark. \. Y., July 11, 1870, .$200. Maggie Mitchell 5, Gvpsy Girl 3, Honest Bob 4. Sam. Sam J. Tilden. Cortlandt Boy, Buster, Henry Clark (4 dr), Tom Allen (4 dr;, Lady Decker (4 dn, Robert Allen (4 dn. Caroline (2 dr). Chance (3 disi, Newark Boy (1 disi, Alton Bov (I dis), Becker Bov (1 dis), 2 :49i/.i, 2:4314, 2:45>.,, 2:45iJ,2:4.5, 2:41i/!;. .luly 13, 1876. $200. Gypsy Girl 1, 2, Maggie Mitchell 4, (6 0). Dick Jones, Sam (5 dr), Robert Allen, Newark Boy (5 dr), Cortlandt Boy (4 dr), Gypsy (4 dr). Tom Allen (1 dis), 2:44, 2:44. 2:42, 2:41, 2:411%, 2-A{)!4, 2:40'... L,ady Hallett, b ni (3:53). J. O. Conkling, Rhinebeck. N. Y., Sept. 9, 1875, $ . Carrie 3. Madalin, Steve (1 disi. Country Girl (1 dis), 2:,52, 2:.57. , 2:53. L,ady Hamill, br m (3:57). C. A. &H. W. Pratt. Rome. N.Y., Sept. 21. 1881, .$.50. Independence, William Tell, Kitty Bell, John D. Kernan, 2:.57, 3:01. 2:58. Lady Haiiiiitoii, gr m (3 :30). by Royal George. Simon Jones, Buffalo, N. Y., Jxdv .30, 1868, .$700. Surprise 2. 4, (3 0). Gold Leaf, Blondin (2 dis), 2:30?i, 2:SV:-,, 2:.33'.;, 2:.34''i, 2:.37'i. Wallace Harris. Brantfort, Ont., Sept. 26. 1871, .$600. Mollv Morris 2, Columbia, Lady Kate, 2:.3li4, 2:33, 2:31,2:.33i'.^. Barrie, Out., Oct., 12, 1871, $300, Toronto Girl. Columbia. Sliylook (1 dis), 2:3914, 2-AOK, 2:41i4. L,ady Hamilton, (3:36), by Hambletonian. Peter Manee. Wavcrly. N. J., Nov. —, 1869, $200. Competitors not named. 2:36, 2:45, 2:37, Lady Hamilton (Columbia Maid), ch m (3 ■AS'-A). George Hamilton, San Jose. Cal.. Sept. 29, 1873, .$250. May Boy I, Frank 2, Quien Sabe, Minnie Fillmore. 2:47?.,. 2:44^. 2:43'.;. 2:4fi'/;, 2:44?^, Lady Hamlin, ch m (3:41L^), by Whalebone, d;im a Morgan mare, Washington, D. C, May 2, 1864,$ . Brandywine 1. Bill Steele. 2:43. 2:44'.,. 2:41i... l':44. Lady Harringfton, b m (3 :53=.i). J. E. Harrington, Middletown, Del.. Oct. 6, 1875, .$100. Black Douglass, 2 :.52?4, 2 ■M'^'2. Four-year-olds. Lady Harris. A. Morrill, Haverhill, Mass., Sept. 27,1881, $ . Forr'st Patchen, 1 :29, 1:28?-^. Half mile heats. Four-year-olds. Ladv Harris, br m (3 :45). Kansas City, Mo., July 4, 1882. $ , Lucy L., Charley G., Leo, 2:.55, 3:01, 2:45. Lady Harrison, b m (3 :57). James Whelplev, Baltimore, Md.. Oct. 8, 1840, $125. Nellv Webb. Ann Douglass, 5:.54. 5:.58. Two miles. Lady Harrison, b m (3:17). C. Goode, India:iapolis, Ind.. Aug. 26. 1879, $50. Rattler, President Hayes. McClain, 3:30i4, 3:17. Three-vear-olds. Lady Hasett, b m (3 :51). Mr. Baxter. Fashion Course, I-, I.. Sept. 12. 1868."*?00. .lohn 1 (3 0), Iron Maid, Black Eagle, 2 :58, 2 :54'2, 2:51, 2 :54. Unfinished. Lady Hastings, b m (3 :41i4). C. Partridge, Antwerp, N. Y., Sept. 3, 1874, .$ . Deck Wright 3, Willy Put 2, Valley Chief, 2:56,2:.51i^, ,2:51, 2:.51, Lady Hawes (w). b m (3 :54 w). B. F, Hawes, Brookline, Mass,, Oct. 26, 1881, $100. Forest Chief (w), Black Diamond (w), Jacob (w), 3:00, 2:.54, Lady Hayes (3:41). H. B. Billings, Providence. R. I., Sept. 1.5. 18G5, $100. Canada -Toe 2, 4, 2:48, 2:44, 2:41. 2:42,2:41. Lady Hayes, b m (3 :34'4), by Ericsson, dam Mehitabel. C. F, Case, Strathroy, Out., Oct. s, 1872, .$75. Senator 2, Longfellow, Piiot. Warrior. Canada Girl (3 dis). 3:03, 3:05, 3:11, 3:05. Oct. 4, 1872, $100. Honest Tom, Flora D., Maritana, Victor Hugo, Kneebow (1 dis), Kate Paine (l dis). 3:03,2:58, Grand Rapids, Mich., Sept. 17. 1873. $550. Ladv Hall 1, Maggie Gould. Billy Tyler, 2:.53V4. 2:.53H, 2:50, 2:. 52. F. R. Loomis, East Saginaw, Mich.. Sept. 17, 1874, $550. Billy Dunham 2, Ruff l, Jenny Helton, J. E. Allen. Gray Eddy (3 disi, 2:44, 2:46i4, 2:43, 2:4t, 2:40';. Sept. 18 and 19, 1874, .$.5.50. Mambrino Walker, Brown Dick, Fanny, J. E. Allen, Jim Fisk 1, 2 (4 dr). Lady Ilurd (2 dr). Harry R. (2 dr), Jenny Holton (1 dis), 2:.32. 2::nU. 2:34'/;, 2:36, 2:41. Ilayes Brothers, Sandusky, O., Sept. 24, 1874, .$20n. Sunrise, Kennebec, Honest Frank, 2:52, 2:,50. 2:48. Sept. 25,1874, .$250. Ohio Cirll. Tom Hunter, .Toe Hooker, 2:40, 2:40i4, 2:3ai.i, 3:40%. Ypsilanti, Mich,, Oct, 2. 1874. $ . Comiietitors not named, 2:.39?4, 2:.37i4, 2:.39?4'. Columbiana. O., Oct. 29, 1R74. $300. T,ew Scott 2 (3 0), Fred Fette (4 dis), Joe Stone (3 dis), Eugene (2 dr). Blue Bull (1 dis), 2:36, 2:38i4. 2:37, 2:.37i^. 2:3.5}^. 4W CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND TACING «ECORD. taa.v Hayes, b m (2 :4r>"5). C. E. Nutter, Great Falls. X. H., Sept. 2.'{. 187.'5. S40. Paul Breton 1. Hickory Jack (2 dls), i;:58. l.':58, 2:58. 2:57. Sipi. '24, is7;;, 500. wtubley Joe 2, Louisa, Ladv Knipire (4 dr), Daisy (3 dis). Hickory .lack (l dis;, 2:50, 2:.'il,2:50. 2:4G'/2. Sept. 25, 1873. S60. Stublev .loc. Honest .lohu. Hickorv Jack, 2:55. 2:51. 2:49. Lady Hector (2:50). H. Ballou, Saratotja Spa, N.'Y., Aufj. 1, 1«74, SKKt. Billy Smith 3. Skipper, 2:."0. 2:571^, 2:55, 2:54' 2. tady HeKreiiiHii. b in (3:46). Hiram Howe. I'arkville. L. L, Mav 29, 1K«). .520c. Dot 1,2. 2:43. 2:4(J. 2:4»;. 2:56, 2:47. L/i). R. Titus. Hartford, Conn., Sept. 12, I^W, §50. Mountaineer l (4 0», Weslfleld, 2:46. 2:47, 2:43'i, 2:3(il<-, 2:40. Sej)!. 13. 1«.5(;. .S50. I'Cittv Clvde. Hiickskin 1 (4 dis\ 2:.''..5, 2:.16. 2:.'->9, 2:59. Worcester. Mass., Sept. 2ti, 18.01), .Sioo. Kate Heron 3, 4, Tom Hyer 1, 2, 2:43, 2:.!!t. 2:39'o. 2:42. 2:4o, 2:40, 2 :39. Lady Hewitt, b m. W. P. Hewitt. Hubbardstown, Mich., Sept. 20. 1877, $8". Lady of Lyons, Hob Hunt, (!en. ( ustiT, Dick. No time. I.a, 2:42. Wm. Hill. Waterloo. Ont.. Aug. 29, 1876. $225. St. Patrick, Johnny (lOrdon, Cray Eddy. Dominion Boy, J. H. Bovlc, Tempest, 2:30. 2:.39'o. 2:43. Stratford, Out., Sept. 6. 1876, .$150. Johniiv Gordon l, 2. St. George, J. H. Boyle i5 dr), 2:.36?4. 2:39^. , ,2:3.5. Lady Hind, ch m (2 :45). bv Sayre's Henry Clay, Jackson, Mich.. July 14. 1806, .S2(X). I'Yank Moscow 3. 2:47, 2:40?.. 2:46, 2:45. Ladv Hines, b m (2 :36>4). C. Hines. Fleniington, N. J., Sept. 29, 1881, .$150. Polish 1, Elberon, 2:42k. 2:391.4, 2:45'i.2:52}4. Somerviire. N. J., Oct. 5, 1881, $1.50. Deucalion Jr.. Jim. 2:41i^,2:50i^. 2:43. Oct. 5, 1881, $120. 'Windbeam, Mary Ann, Deucalion Jr. (3 dis), Lucy (3 dis), Elberon (3 dis), 2:41?4,2:40i.i, 2:36i4. Ladv Hoag, b m, by Lexington Chief Jr. H. C. Hoag, Lansing, Mich., June 1, 1882. .$150. K:'.tf Rowell, Jim "Wilson. Daisy Cuvlcr (1 dis), Ida B. (1 dis), 1 :27, 1 :28. 1:28. Half inileheats. Grand liapiils. lMi4,). J. liradburn, Toronto, Ont., Sept. 12, 1877, $200. Mat "Whitbeck 1, Robert D., Jenny Hoitt. Whiteface. 2:43?4. 2:4.3, 2:43, 2:42'/». Sent. 1.3, 1877, $17,5. Mambrino Chief Jr. 1. Tempest 4,2:41i/2, 2:4094. 2:40?i, 2:39. 2.40?.,. Lady Hojjan, br in (2:40). J. 1). Parmeley, Peoria, 111., Sept. 12, 1883, $50. Logan i.oy 3. Little IMose, Gale (3 dr), 2:40, 2:40i4, 3:01 2:40'/2. Lady HolmeH, l)r m (2 :39). .lanesville, Wis., Aug. 12, 1882. $ . Susan, Frank S.. 2:41, 2:39. Lady Holt, br m (3 :34). by Volunteer. S. A. Holt, Hudson, Mass., Sept. 8, 18V7, $200. Topeka Belle 2. 4. Un- cle Dodd,2:4], 2:41K>. 2:44, 2:421/,. 2:43. Framingham, Mass., Sej)!. 19. 1877. $100. Carrie B. 3. Bay George, Dan, 2:46. 2:42. 2:42.2:45. Hudson, Mass.. Sept. 22. 1877. $400. Topeka Belle 1, (2 0). 2:42";, 2:42, 2:40, 2:40,2::«9. A. L. Billings, Worcester, Mass., June 1, 1878. $ . Thomas. Forest Chief. Harry Whitford. 2:40, 2:.".9i.,,2:.38. Hudson, Mass., Oct. 18, 1878. $ . Villairc Belle 1.2. Ladv Mack. 2:10i,. ._.:4o, •2:,s8. 2:40. 2:.39. H. Woodruff, Fitchburg. Mass., Sept. 20. 1882. $100. Dr. Weston 1, Ashland Maid. :Maud R. (4 dr). 2:41i/4, o.^O Q.41 f>-54 Ladv HontoTb m (2 :42). W. H. Cook. Milford. Mass.. Sept. 27. 1877. SlOO. I^IjTtle 1, 4, Kitty Lambert (2 dis) ^l:igic(2 dis). Regulator (1 dis), 2:43. 2:44. 2:42. 2:43. 2:47. Lady Hooks, b m (2 :45). B. Hooks. Hempstead, L. I., Aug. 3, 1857. .$20. Black Jake, Roanoke (2 dr).2:50. 2-48, 2:.57. Lady Hooper, b m (2:50). H. B. Hooper. Ann Arbor, Mich, June 13. 1867. .$ . Bully 2, Dick Dale, 2:50.2:.55, 2 '.50 '^'.55. ^ .Tohi'i Dale. Vi)silanti, Mich.. Nov. 14, 1867. .«3.5. Hunkidori (3 dr\ Fanny (1 dis\ 2:.")f. 2:.55, 2:.56 Lady Hopper (w), blk m (2:42 w). Theodore Wells, Stony Ford, N. Y..Jnne 2, 1860, .$100. Lady Hortou (\V). 2:12'.'., 2:42, 2:46. Lady Hort on, b m (2:341,,). bv Sweepstakes, dam bv Norton's Clay. G. Horton, Goshen, X. Y., June 18, 1880 .$100. Charley H. 2, Kate Hayes, 2:50, 2:46. 2:50. 2:49. Four-year-olds. Newton, N. J., Sept. 29, 1882, $125. Deacon Crankett 1, Katy Hayes, Major Brodhead. 2:.19';. 2:44, 2:46, 2:42',. LiMlv H.d water, b m (3:00). W. Hill, Uhrichsville, 0., Sept. 21, 1882, $100. John T., Daisy, Tuscarawas ('hicf. 3:20. 3:00, 3:02, ^ _ , ., ^ ^. ,^ Lady Howard, b m (2 :K0). Mr. Ramsev. Racine, Wis., June 5, 1872. $ . Escape 3, 4, Billy Gunn. White Stocking f5 dr\ 2:.50. 2:5.5. 2:.5nT,. 2:.52, o-.mti^, lAuty Howell, (2 :47). J. M. White, Lansing, Mich., June 26. 1868, $ . David Hill 1, 3.'20, 2:49",, 2:47. La4, "' Bii'ighampton.'N. Y., Oct. 18, 1870, .SSOO. Mary Barber, Tom Walter, Coquette, Tramp. Lady Brisman (I dis) 2 .•>">. 2:.;0^.., 2:38^, Oct -2 1870, ,•5800. "LadvSalspaugh. Rosa Lee, Ashland Pet. 2:39>4, 2:38,2:38. L,ady Hu'nt.'blk ni(3:05j. t. Utton, Morrisville. Vt., July 4, 1871, $.50. Dagger, Hardwick Boy, Billy, Z:\Q, ■LuAy Hun'ter?(tjY43)'. '^ C. Dickerman, New Haven, Conn., Sept. 28, 1866, $ . Billy Gray, Sorrel Bill (.2 dr), Lad"y Hunting, cr m (2 ■.-i^Vi). M. Carroll, Taunton, Mass., July 4, 1866, $m. Sally Come Down, 2:51, 2:49V2, Lady Hunting, b m(3:51). L. S. Goodrich, Lockport, N. Y., Sept. C, 18G6, $225. (iypsy 2, 4, Lady Pratt, Lady^Hunting.'bik in (3:4014). John Rowe, Amenia, N. Y'.. Sept. 8, 1876, $200. Rooster 1, Young Hindoo, ''•iVk ■'•44'i '^'4014 2:44. Lad'y Hurd, ch'm'(3 :43). J. Randall. Jackson, Mich., Oct. 24, 1867, $ . Elkhart l, 2 (5 dr). Fort Wayne (4 dr) Honest Ben (2 dr). 2:37. 2:41,2:48, 2:42. . ^ Mr Hurd, Ypsilanti, Mich., Nov. 2, 1867. .$400. Fort Wayne, 5:38. 5:42 1*. Two nnles. .). Randall. Jackson, Mich., Sept. 12. 1868, .¥200. Fort Wayne, 2:44, 2:441^, 2:44'2. Grand Rauids Mich., Julv 1. 1809. .$325. Dallas, Douglass, 14:12. l-48 2'48'o 2"49''t LadV Ironsides, griu (3: 49 Ji). J. Hughes, Harrisburgh, Pa., June 27, 1871, $200. Trotting Jack 3, 4, 2 :52, Lady Irwin, b m (3:45).' G. N Bell, Middletown, N. Y., June 15, 1870, $150. Dr. Kane (2 0), Gillett (1 dis), — Ellenville.'N. Y.f July 4,' 1870, Shanghai, Alice, Tom Jackson. 2:464, 2:50, 2:49V4. Lady J., b m (3 :00). A. S. Bennett, Jersey City, N. J.. Nov. 25. 1875. .«150 Frank. 3:01 3:00, 3:00 Lady Jackson (s), (3 :43/>i s). Philadelphia, Pa., June 3, 1801, $300. Columbus (s) 1, Cato (s), Whalebone (s). Lady Jacobs, b m (3 :43^). S. H. Jacobs, Skowhegan, Me., Nov. 3, 1866, $50. Tom Thumb 3, 2:47, 2:42>4, Lad^y*jiAe'(s), b m (3 :30). W. Graves, Chicago, 111., Sept. l . 1845, ,?200. Old Tom (s), (1 dis), Jim Lathrop (s), ^ H!Graves,^^pt?28ri847, .$300. Gen. Tavlor 3, Jack Rossiter l, 5:35, 5:32, 5:36, 5:40. Two miles. (s) Oct. 2, 1847, .$100. Jack Rossiter (s) (l 0), 5:22, 5:10. 5:20. Two nules. June 1. 1848, $1,000, Jack Rossiter, 5:22, 5 :24. Two miles. (s) June 2(;, 1S48, .$2.50. Jack Rossiter (s ) 2. 5 :25, 5:22, 5 :24. Two miles. Julv 1, IS IS, .$300 Chautauqua Chief, Jack Rossiter, 8:08, 8:18 fliree miles. , «, o « ., ^t Warren I'eabodv. Mobile, Ala.. Dec. 14. ls50, $100. Gray Eagle (2 dis), Queen (3 dis). 3:03,2:58, 2:47. New Orleans. L:i., .Ian. 15, 1851, .$200. O'Blennis, 5:39, 5:23. Two miles. March 11.18.51. .$400. Lady Suffolk 1, 2:38, 2:35, 2:331.4,2:34. J G. B;irton, Rochester, N. Y.. Sept. 18, 1851. $.300. Lady Suffolk, St. Lawrence, 2:32i/2, 2:3IV4. 2:3354- Louisville, Kv., June 21, 1852. .$200. Chautauqua Chief, 2 :4.3i4. 2:4.^2:43. „„„„. to„i.. ha=q,>«i. Warren Peabody, Union Course, L. I., Oct. 11, 1852, $1,250. Lady Brooks, Lady buflfolk, Jack Rossiter, 2:31J4,2::W,2:.32. Oct. 15. 1852, $1,550. Tacony 1, 5:14'2, 5:20, 5:19. Two niiles. o rn o 9;!i, o:0.i, 2:o6U, 2:57. " • ■• • Oct. 1, l.s7.i, .S175. Billv Wells 1, 2 (6 (lis), Stella .•j(4 dis), 2:55,2:53U, 2:.-)7'», 2:.57. 2:.57. :i-00?.i Lady Jane, 1) iin3:30i4). Hugh .Mills, Wayne Co., 111., Sept. 17, 1874, .§110. Ovpsy Uueeu, boctor •>:'0'^a 2:.")3'" 2:."j()'". .«.'-* > , . ». — Florai 111',' Oct. 3, 1874, .$90. Bay Bird 2, Bay Jim. Midiiight(4 dr), 2:5.'->, 2:47>4. 2:.-)i;'j. 2:57. La.i. Prev.oli. Out., Oct.Jt, 1874, .SLW. William D. 2, 3. Balky Bill, 2:59. 3:03,3:02, 2:58, 2:.09. Lady Jane, li ni (3:57'.i). J. Henderson, Centreville, L. I., June 21, 187G, .Sioo. Centennial, 3:07. :09 {\\) .IdIiii Murphy. Fleetwood Park, N. Y., March 28, ]87k. .«;ioo. Lady Elizabeth. 3:00, 2:.^7J^4, 2:5s. Lady Jane < 'i M-t). .1. A. Dustin. Milwaukee, Wis., Sept. 28. 1882, S.300. Annie Lou, 2:38. 2:37. 2::«. l-ady Jane, 1)111(3:33). Mr. lleiberger, E. Brooklyn, N. Y., -May 17, 1883, $100. Honest Jim 1,(2 0). Bot time •-':."•■-•. Lady Jane (iray (Lady Janei, gnu (3:47 1. M. C. Wilbur. Boulder, Col., Sept. 30, 1874. S . South Platte 1 Aroostook Bov (2 dis). 2:51 i, 2:48'., 2:.'>0'2. Denver. Col., Oct. 20. 1.S74, 4i200 K. C. Barker, South Platte, 2:53Ji, 2:57, 2:54^. June 2.5. 187.5, $.500. Prince, Raven, Quicksilver. 2:.54?i. 2:47. 2:5."?. La2U, 2:49. Lady Jeilerson. cli m (3 :50) bv Thomas Jefferson. S. Sangberry, Fleetwood Park. X. Y., June 23 1876 Sm^. Wliiti- Stocking (2 dis), TrojaiM- dis;, 2:57, 2:50. Lady Joeelyn. hlk III (3:44(4). S. White, liostoii, Mass., Oct. 20, 1859, $ . India lUibberl. 2 (T ,ir). Michael Maid 4 (0 (!is). Spotty (5 dis), Rocky Mountain (5 dis), Mayuard's eh m (l dis), Billy (l dis>, 2:45, 2:46, 2:44!j 2:45'-i, 2:49. Lady Johnson, b m (3:.'J5), by Manibrino Chief. A. Johnson, Penn Yan, N. Y., June 12, 1874, §300. Prince Clav. l'"red Johnson. Dolly v., Ida L.. Itecluse, 2:45, 2:47. 2:47. IJrookville, Pa., Oct. 26. 1874, .$300. Clothesline 1., Kate Keller, 2:35, 2:43. 2:36 Lady Jolly, b 111 (3 :46'i). M. A. Jones, Tentwater, Mich., June 27, 1878, gioo. Dolly 1, Grand SentineL .James Manibrino, Jessie, Frank, Bob IngersoU (2 dis), Lady Clifton (l dis), Black Billy (1 dis), 2:.50, 2:50^, June 28. 1878, .Sioo. Luetta I, Russ Ellis, Dolly, Jessie, James Mambrino (4 dr), Phil Sheridan (2 dis), 2:.50, 2:48, 2:471^, 2:46'o. Lady Jones, b 111 (3:35). W. McMahon, Fashion Course, L. I May 27. 1866. $300. Maid of the Mill. ^ •••52, 2:.5'2, 2:51.2:.51. July 17, 1867, $400. Kiite O'Brien, 2:43. 2.43*4, 2:40. Same day, .S400. Kate O'Brien (wi, d dis), 2:4114. (w), Julv 25, 1867. S;J00. Monalian Ranger 2, 3, 2:3914, 2:38V2, 2:421^, 2:40, 2:39'/s. S. S. Jones, Smithtown, L. I., Aug. 12, 1869, $50. Pat Malloy (w), 2, 4, (5 0), Canary Bird (w), 2:.52, 2:50. 2:52. 2:53, 2:.51.2:.5.3. Oct. 20, 1869, .'$50. Pat Mallov. 2:44. 2:46. 2:47. July 4. 1870, .'3!175. Laj)ear. 1, 2. 2:.52V*>, 2:4614, 2:47i4. 2:485i. 2:50'/-. (w) July 30, 1871. ijSSO. Minnie Warren .3. Ajax 4. 2:49, 2:46*4, 2:46", 2:48, 2:49. Aug. 9, 1871, $1,^. Minnie Warren 4, 5, Shrimp 1, 2, Ajax (6 dis). Dandy Jim (5 dr), 2:41, 2:44'2, 2:42i^, 2:43, 2:46'4. 2:45,2:4.5. (w), Jvine 1, 1873, §1,000. Piit Mallov (w), Minnie Warren (w). 2:42*^, 2:42%, 2:41^4. Aug. 12, 1874, .'$200. Jack, Minnie Warren, 2:42i4. 2:.S9. 2:44. Hiihtington. L. I., Aug. 21, 1874, .'»100. Sorrel Jake 2. Stranger. Minnie Warren, 2:42*4, 2:44. 2:43, 2:45. Sa.u ll;irbor, L. I., Sept. 8, ls74. ^S400. Black Bashaw 4. Shrimp. 2. 2:.'55. 2:36, 2:.38'v-. 2:38'.^, 2:37*,. — Sniilhtow n. L. I., June I'J, 1877, Sion. Eureka 1. Snowflnke, Woodbury Boy (4 dr), 2:35, 2:38 2:39?i, 2:40>^. .Inly t. 1S77, .'SlOO. Snowflake 2, :!, 2:41. 2:41?i, 2:43*4, 2:47'i, 2:43'i. Aug. 29. 1S77. .*100. Snowllake 1. (2 0). Nigger (2 0), 2:42, 2:42, 2:40V4, 2:39%, 2MH Aug. 27. 1878. .'*100. Bet Baker. No time. Lady June, (blk in (3:36). E. J. Burton, East Aurora, N. Y., July 5, 1880, $125. Herald 3, Allen Boy. No time. Attica. N. Y., Sept. 16. I88I. .15150. Damon. Herald. 2:o6. 2:37. 2:37*4. East Aurora. N. v.. Sei)t. 23. 18si. $\qo. Silver Cloud. Best time, 2:41. Lady Jupiter, ch m (3:37?4). C. H. Brush. Hudson. N. Y.. Sept. 26, 1879, $100. Bub, Dolly, Star Jupiter, Sylviii, Hindoo ('olt, l);iii, Shitepoke, 2:50. 2:47, 2:42'.;. Great Barrington, Mass., .Fune'25. 188], .isioo. Dan O'Brien. Ossie. Tna. 2:41»i'. 2:42'». 2:48. C. D. Golden, Mineola, L. I., Sept. 28, 1882, $ . Amber 1, Rhodes' b g, .lulia B., Brotzer (4 dis), , 2:42',;, 2:46*4, 2:43, Sept. 26, 1883, .$200. Hamnton Boy. Lurline, Riegel, Billy Burch, Lady Sealskin, Billy B., 2:37Ji, 2:40^, 2::!9. Lady K.. bm(3:39';'), bv Gen. Geo. H. Thomas. Dimmiek & Ducar. Cinchinati, O., JiUy 17, 1876, $1,000. Scott's Thomas, Frank Miller. Drive?-. Cloud. Little .lack (1 dis). 2:3.5. 2:29'4 2:30. Columbus. O.. July 21, 1876, .$700. Birdie Boissean, Jim Miller. Blue (ioose, Lucy Lewis, Lady Greer, 2:31, 2:.'J2, 2:31''.i. Lady K.. b m (3:03). W. N. TivA'. St. Louis. Mo.. Sept. 17. 1883. Prize, silver. Garfield. Fred Pohlman, Arthur. K;itv W., Monitor. JIni B., Queen, Lilv. Best time .T:02. Nearest to 3.00 Lady Kane, b in (3 :00). W. Livintrston, Towiinda, Pa.. Oct. 28. 1874. .'8200. Harry J. 2, Dan .!. Fr.Tiik 1 (5 dis), Stniiiger (5 dis), Hamlet (2 dis), 2:.50. .■?:02. 3:02. 3:00. 3:00*.i, 3:00. Lady Kate (w). br m f3:3i). E. G. Stall, Chicago, 111., May 12, 18,56. .$200. Chautaucpia Chief (w), (2 dis). Reindeer (w), (1 dis), 2:41i4. 2:48. -■ D<'troit, Mich., Sept. 17, Miryti. .$.500. Bl.ack Ralph, 2:.3.5. 2:33U, 2:37. Cineinuati, O., October 23. 1856, Si 00. William ^Vood 2. Kative American 1 (3 dr), 5:22*4, 5:23^4, .5:38H, 5:.38. Two miles. Oct. ■.'!), 18.56. $m). William Wood l (2 0). 2:42. 2:42. 2:43, 2:52. 2:42. (w), R. A. Champlin. Chic:igo, III., June 6. 18.57, .:ilcii Davis, George, Sherwood, Young I'rinceton, Silver^ides (3 dis). Gentle Annie 1 (3 r o), 2:35';.. 2::U'.:, i;:.;4?4. 2:35!o. Toledo, ()., July 2, ls72, §2,000. Fred, Indiana, Wade Hampton, Lottie, Joe Hooker, Young I'rniceton, 2:3(;L.,, 2:35, 2:38 ■_,. M.~ Powers, Brantford, Out., June 14, 1873, $500. Mazeppa 1. 2, Waterloo 5, 2:334. 2:34i4. 2:32, 2:.'i7i4, 2:37^4. . ^Milibrook, Ont., February 6, 1874, $150. Major King 2, 3, Harry Mitchell, Princess, Eva ^5 disj. No time. Feb. 12, 1874, $400. Mazeppa 2 (C 0;, Eva 1, Major King, Harry Mitcliell (4 disi, 2:40, 2:41. •_':35, 2:39, 2:39, 2:40. 2:4-'. Dundas. Ont.. June 18, 1874, $225. Dexter, Cattaraugus Cliief. 2::!3'4. 2:.35W, 2:35. St. Thomas, Ont., July IG, 1874, $300. Caledonia Chief 2 Little Angus, Hornet (2 dlsj. 2::i)Si4, 2:42, 2:42, 2 :42. rady Kate, b m ( 3 :43). W. P. Howard. P,;iltimore. Md., October 8, 1872, $350. John Thomas 3, Joseph H. Magee 1. 2:48'^. 2:44, 2:45, 2:44i2. 2:40. Oct. 9, 1872, $200. Joseph H. Magee, Butcher's Damsel (2 dis). 2:42, 2:43^4, 2:43i.'i. tady Kate, (3:50). VVilliamsport, Pa,, Oct. 23. 1873, $300. Frank Rahn 2, Zebra, S. W. Clark, 2:.M, 3:00,2:'!, 2 :.50. Latly Kavanagh, b m (3 :41i2). Wni. Udell. St. Louis, Mo., Oct. 5 and 12, 1878, $ . Mambrino Susie 1, 4, Susie, Belle Chambers, Charley (5 dr), 2:43W, 2:41ii,2:43i^4, '2:44, :>:i2}>^. tady Kay blk nn 3:36). T.J.Vernon, Lincoln, 111., Aug. 23,1877, $200. Vandalia Joe, Blackwood Maid, George M, Patchen, Dupage, 2:49:'.i, 2 :49^.i;. 2:52. Lady Kay protested. Protest sustained. Hoopeston, 111., Aug. 29, 1877, $300. Grav Eagle. Grace Anderson, 2:42,2:42!'o, 2:.36. Paxton, 111.. July 4, 1878, $250. Golddust 3, Mack 2:57, 2:.55, 2:49?4, 2:42. I,adv Keliier, b m (3 :4:8i4). GeOrge Whitney, Birmingham, O., Sept. 20, 1873, $25. Kitty Beman 1, 4, Ida May, 3:09. 3.03, 3:01, 3:00^4, 3:01. F. Bacon, Elyria O., Oct. 16, 1873, $80. Capt. Gill 2, Fanchon, Brown George, Parley (1 dis), 2:53, 2:52i/2, •^■S,2\4, 2:.55. I^ady Kelso (s). gr m (3 :394), (3 :39 s) by Belmont, dam by Pilot Jr. John Murphv, Fleetwood Park, N.Y., Nov. 16, 1877, .$100. Black Bashaw (s). Star (s). H. L. Davis (s), Old Bob . C". Uart, Uoehester, N. Y., Oct. J, 1839, S . Big ^Veste^n, Osceola, 5: 10. Two miles. Lady Kirk, h in (2:33). H. (). Smith. Manchester, N. IL, Aug. 10, 1870, S.'^.'i. MacU .t, Toronto Chief Jr .Minnie Enoch (I (lis)i;:4H4. 2A2h, '2:45,2:51. 0. Kollansl)ee. l.,o\vell, Miuss., Sept. 5, 1«71, $250. Ladv Allen, Alston cj. (lis). Northern Chief (2 dis\ South lio- 111) IJov (2 dis», 2:.>."), 2:35,2:42. W . ll.Woodruir, Boston, l^lass., Oct. 24, 1871. S — . Kate Gilbert 3. Lady C, 2:43, 2:40''2, 2:38i4,2:39'2. iWA .1. .1. Howen, Beacon I'ark, Boston, Aug. 1, 1874, $500. Shoemaker 1,2,3:01, 2:.")8, 2:5(;. 2:40, 2:49'A i\v), Aug. 28, 1S74, .S200. Alston 3, 4, 2:43, 2:42' >, 2:42, 2:4314, 2:46. (w), W. S. .Scollan. .lune 8, 1875, §1.00. Juiiot 1, Nickel (w), 2:51. 2:47Vj,, 2:43.2:44. Lady Kiiox,l)lk 111 (2:.!7), by Gen. Knox, dam Mountain Maid. L rawimg, Fleetwood Park. N.Y..5Iay24, 1873, $100. Lotta 1. Mollv, 2:.37 2:38Vi, 2:39',. 2:40. M. Carroll, J{eacoii Park, Boston. Aug. 19, 187.''>. S'M). Ned 1. Maggie S. 2, Frank Hull, Jenny (4 dr), Bayard (2 dis), 2:39^. 2:;!5'.i. 2:40, 2::58'.,. 2;:;7. Lady Knox, blk m ('i-.iB). C. Hill, Hudson, Mass., Juue 9, 1877,.85. Challenge 3, Little jMjrtune, Brown JohnnV, l^ady J>ightfool, Broker, 2:45. 2:49, 2:44, 2:49. 11. E. Brewster. Barton, Vt., Sept. 20, 1881, $80. Clippers, Fanny, Princess. Honest Ned, Moscow, 2:37W, 2::57'i. 2:40.2:30. W. H. Hinman, St. .lohnsbury, Vt., Sept. 22, 1881, $100. Ned Haulan 1, 2, Fanny, Lady Lightfoot. 2:46, 2:49,2:51,2:51,2:53. Lancaster, N. H., Oct. 0, issi $200 Anodyne, Hip Hip, Black Diamond. 2:;!9. 2:4fi, 2:45. Lady L., b m (2 :40). W. H. Brown,Owego, N. Y., Oct. 5, 1875, $300. Tillv, Lark, Moscow, Belle of Flatbush (2 dis), 2:42,2:41, 2:40. Lady Ladshaw,br in (2:42). James Kockev, Cincinnati, O., Oct. 22, 1864, $50. Dick. Jim McClellau (1 dis), 2:42.2:431.1,2:571.1. Lady Lancaster (Mauoiiai. b m (3 :44'2). P. Linear, NewOrl 'ans. La., Jan. 22, 18.55, $50. Old Stone Quaker. 5:41,5:37. Two miles. .). B. Hartley, May 15, 18,-i5, $$100. Dolly Smith 2, 3. 2:44';, 2:46, 2:48, 2:495;,2:.52. D. Tripp. Mobile.Ala.. Mav 8, 1856, $76. Doesticks 1, 2:561,2,2:52' j, 3:02. Mr. Davis. Nov. 5. ]S(r>, $200. Ingomar (S). 2:i'>4?.i, 2:52i^, 2:.54. Lady Lane (\v) br lu (3:35 w). Mr. Lane, Highlauds.N. Y., Aug. 16, 1880, $ . Lady De Groft" (wi 2. 3:40, 3:35. 3:36. Lady Lanjjley, grm (8 :41). J. M. Daniels, Boston, Mass., Aug. 17. 1854, $1,000. Lady Spur, 5:.S4. 5;41. Two miles. W. Woodruff, Manchester, N. H.. Julvl9, 1856, $3.50. Flying Dick, 2:41i2, 2:42' 2, 2:46^4. H. H. Smitli, Bangor, Me., Sept. 9. 18.57, $150. Kattler, 2:41, 2:44, 2:45. (w) Portland, Me.. Sept. 19, 1857, $200. Kattler (w), 2:45^, 2:47, 2:44. Lady Lannigan, (3 :43). L. W. Smith. Jackson. Mich., July 27, 1866. $100. Northern Light, 2:44, 2:43. Lady Lawrence, gr m (2 :43i4). Hiram Woodruff, Boston, Mass., Sept. 25. 1869, $50. Kate (w) (1 dis). Snow- storm (1 dis). 2:471.1. Lady Lawrence, ch m (2 :40'/i). H. G. Smith. Mystic Park. Boston, Oct 19, 1874, $200. Blacksmith 1, Dandy, Honest Nathan, Black Harry (3 dr), Kate (2 dis), 2:57U. 2:52,2:.52, 2:,59?4. Lady Lawrence, b in (2 :34i.4), by Dr. Franklin. Lease and Rogers. Tifflu, O., Juue 13, I8S2, $260. Topsy C, Dolly Due, Frank Forrester, 2:40, 2:40,2:41. Fort Wayne, Ind., Sept. 12, 1883, $.3no. Howard, Col. Dick, 2:45, 2:40, 2:40. Hicksville, O., Sept. 20. 1883. $30. Col. Dick, Howard, Nitrogen, 2:41, 2:41i.;, 2:42. Tillin, ()., Oct. 4, 1883. $80. Molly H. 2, 3, Nitrogen, Doc West, Ida R., 2:42i..,2:42. 2:41, 2:40, 2:40J6. Ottawa, ()., Oct. 13, 188;i, $260. Eutaw, Cinderella. 2:47, 2:^5. 3:30. Lady Lear (Rosa Lee), gnu (2 :25i/i). T.Atkinson, Oxford, Pa., Juue 11, 1881, ?7B. Tolu 1. Country Girl, 3:00,3:00, 2:m%„ 2:59'/2. J. F. Smith, Westminster, Md., July 19, 1881, $2.50. Myrtle 2,3, John F. 1, Ida H., Harry P., 2:40, 2:40J4, 2:39'4,2:40, 2:42' i, 2:4.5. .luly 21. 1881. $260. Ida H., Harry P., Myrtle, 2:44'i, 2-AV^, 2:43. Brookville, Pa., Sept. 22, 1881, $150. Verge, Webster Golddust (3 dr), 2:38i/s, 2:41, 2:40V4. Sept. 2.3, 1881, .$2.50. Irene 1, 4, Charley T., Verge, Thorndale Princess, 2:36'2, 2:41U, 2:41'... 2:42, 2:40. Punxsutawney, Pa., Sept. 29, 1881, $150. Verge 1, 2, Red Bank, Webster Golddust (4 dis). 2:43,2:43, 2:40, 2:44 2:49. '■ Sept. .30, 1881, $260. Verge 2, .3. Charley T.. Thorndale Princess. 2 :.'i7';, 2:4Ti, 2:.39, 2:39>.i, 2:41^. Phillipsburg, Pa., Oct. 18, 1881. $2,50. ' Verge 1, 5. Mishap 2, Maud B., John King (4 dr), 2:38,2:36,2:38, 2*35 '^'ST) 2 '35 ^Oct.20", 188l",.$.3,50. Chami)ion Girl 5. Ch:irlCvT. 1, 2 (0 dr). Verge. 2:.35i^i.2:.32. 2:33-!4. 2::{4,2:;i4, 2:34. H. G. Atkinson. Julv o. 1882. 8200. Lilth^ Major. John S., 2:52, 2:46, 2:43. July 8, 1882, $.300. Little Maiy3, Little Major, John S., 2:40, 2:;ii), 2:38, 2:.36. 1. Moore, Dover, Del., Sept. 7. 1882. $.300. Sherman ISIorgan, Socrates, Isaac, 2:.37. 2:40'2. 2::?8. .John Qninn. Dunkirk. N. Y.. June 22, 1883, $500. Nelly G. 5. 6. Bonny L. 4, Jack 1, (Jettysburg, Redwood, May Bird, 2:31. 2:29ii. 2:30. 2:.3]i4, 2:30?.,', 2:3.3, 3:36. Krie. I';i., .Mine 2k. 188:;. .$.500. Bonny L. 1. 2 (5 0), Nelly G., Gettysbm-g, Jack. 2:2914, 2:28M, 2:.3054, 2:2814, 2:20?i,2:32. .John Qninn. Youngstown. O.. Julv 6, 1883, $400, Mistletoe 3. Sweetness, Grey Dan, Lucy R. (3 dr). Little .lack 1 (3dr),2:34.2:.32'.,. 2:;tf), 2:31'4,"2:;H. G. Wilson. Mt. Holly. N. J., Oct 12, 1883, $400. Kitty Birch 2, 4, May, Dick Organ (5 dr), Socrates (5 dri, 2:.30, 2:32. 2:.31, 2:.30, 2:.31. Point Breeze Park. Phihi.. Oct. 17. 1883. .$3.50. Blanche Medium. Socrates, 2 :.32i.i, 2:3.5, 2:36''j. La«ly Lee (2 :3«' ,). L. K. Dunham. Newiirk. N. J., .Tulv .5. 1871. .$200. Lady Weller. Best time. 2:3814. Lady L« Vert (2 :48i. J. Lovett, Montgomery, Ala., Nov. 20, 1857,$ . Yankee Mary 1, Poll (I dis), Tom (1 dis), 3:02, 2:49, 2:48. Lady Leltrh, blk m (2 :40'/j). P. Cleyeland. Princeton. N. J., Oct. 18, 1877. $100. Clara Morris 1. Louisa. Drift, Abdallah Fatchen. 2:45, 2:4.3. 2:43, 2:47. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 413 I.ady Lemon, bm (3:37), by Knickerbocker, dam the Lemou Mare, by Paul Clifford. A. B. Post, Prospect Park, L. I., June 6, 1878, #300. Billy Greeu, Kate Thompson, Nelly "D., Kadir. Why Not, Lady Geoutehes, James, H. L. Davis, 2:35, 2:30, 2:33. John Miiri)liy, Moriisania. N. Y., May G, 1879, §200. William C. lierby, Lucca, James M. Oakley Jr., Fitzgerald, Dolly Everett (3 dis), Kate Gilbert (3 dis), Addie E. C. (2 dr;. 2:31, 2:31, 2:30',.2. Parkville. L. I., Mav 22. 1879, $200. J. H. Ferry 3, William C. Derby, James AI. Oakley Jr., Belle King, Fitzgerald, Tip Allen, 2:3.">J4, 2:3.5,2:33, 2:35Vj. A. H. Post. Newton, N. J.. Oct. 14, 1880, $200. Sussex, Happy Jack, 2:34, 2:34?i, 2:31. Oet If), 18S0. SMO. Happy Jack 3, Deucalion . 2 :30Va. 2:31U, 2:32, 2 :34;4. Lady Leonard iiiosheu .Maul . eh m (■J:3l^4), by American Star, dam Black Molly. P. Leonard, St. Lonis. Mo., June 25, 1S65, .$400. llijJtoii l, 3, Quaker Boy U dis), 2:42, 2:39, \i:o'J, 2:38'-:, 2':38. Lady Lightfoot, blk m (,3 :43). John Cudney, New Orleans, La., April 26, 1855," .•3:200. Black Thunder (2 dis), 2:43, 2Ai%. Lady Lightfoot, (w)ch m (3:541/2 w). Warren Peabody. Centreville, L. I., July 27. 1857, .$500. John (w), 2:5G?4, 2:54'.., 2:59. Lady Lightfoot, bni(3:44). H.Randall, Point Breeze Park, Phila., Dec. 16 and 23,' 18,-)9, $140. Gentle Annie 1, 2(3 0) Lilly, 2:4.s, 2:44i-o.2:4(;, 2:45. 2:44, 2:45. Lady Lightfoot, b m (3:48(2). A.P.Smith, Sacramento. CaL, Oct. 1, 1862, $20. Tartar iw) (1 0) (2 0), 2:55, 2:48'!., 2:49. Lady Liglitfooot, b m (2:361.^), by Gray Eagle. Samuel Reynolds, Watertovvn, N. Y., Oct 8. 1867. .$50. Harris' br ni. Mannis' b g. 2:58, 2:.50, 2:51. June 29, 1870. .S300. Phil Sheridan 2 (1 0). Pilot, Arab Jack, '2:3G^i, 2:3.5, 2:40, 2:42',. 2:40. Sept. 5. 1S6S, .-i2r»o. E;than Allen Jr. 2, D. M. Rice, 2:42. 2:42. 2:42'o, 2:4.5. Lady Ligrlitfoot. eli m (3:33i4), bv Alleghany Chief. J. M. Pettit, Lancaster, l^a., June t.5, 1869, $300. Tor- mentor, Seroggius, 2:.38, 2:38'o, 2:38. (w). Philadelphia, Pa., .Alay 7. 1870, ,^200. Ida(w) (2 0), 2:34, 2:,38iJit, 2:38, 2:36i4. — Williainsport, Pa., June 9, 1870, .'51,225. Ida, Jenny Hay (1 dis), 2:40, 2:40?^i,2:37'2. R. P. Stetson, Doylestow^n, Pa., Oct. 5, 1870, $70. Lady Douglass 3, Lady Whitman, 2:34''a, 2:33^, 2:36, 2:.37'/2. Oct. 6, 1870, $1,000. Fanny Allen, Snowflake, Lady Whitman, 2:349i, 2:35, 2:3>. Lady Lightfoot, ch m (3:51"2). H. Hazleton. Flint, Mich., Sept. 6, 1870, $200. Flora Jackson 2, Yankee. 3:03^,2:54. 2:53ai, 2:51'4. Lady LigUtfoot, br m (3 :00). M. T. Grattan, Waukon, la., June 22, 1872, $100. (i. W. Carale 1. 2, Queen 3 (6 dr). Hardware John (4 dr), 3:02, 3:06'4. 3:04, 3:00'... 3:00, 3:04-^. Lady Lightfoot. b m ( 3 :.>9). F. A. Birratt, Xorthlield. Vt.. Sept. 16, 1874, $ . Negro Baby 3, Hmnming Bird, Nettie, Tip, Diamond (4 dn. Uncle Eb (3 dr), 3:15, 3:12, 3:1.5,2:59. Lady Liglitfoot, blk m (3:10). C. Cook, Hudson, N. Y., Sept. 29, 1874, $.50. Buckskin Maid, Camon, Sleepy .Jack. 3:10, 3:15. Four-year-olds. Lady Lightfoot, b m (2:.50). W. Buchanan, Chester, Pa., Oct. 11, 1878, .§30. Frank l, David Baxter, 1:47'^, 1 :4.5, i :43a. Half-mile heats. G. Nelson, Belalr, Md., Oct. 12, 1881, .$50, 'Virginia Squirrel. Stridawav (1 dis), 2:,50, 2:50, 2:.50. Lady Liglitfoot, ch m (3 :08'4). E. M. Knight, Portland, Me., Sept. 16, 1879, $50. Gen. Sherman, Fred W., Slasher (1 dis), 3:14, 3:081/.^. Three-year-olds. Lady Lincoln, b m (3 :49). .1. Lincoln, Taunton, Mass., Sept. 30, 1874. $80. Wolf HunterS, 4, Bassett's b s (4 dr), Omaha (3 dr), 2:50, 2:49. 2:48, 2:.50, 2:53. Lady Litchfield, ch m (3 :33), by Vermont Black Hawk. Dan Mace, Boston, Mass., May 28, 1852, $ . Buck- skin 2, 2:45, 2:52, 2:49,2:46. G. Edwards, June 18, 1852. $ . Lady Charmer, 5 :33, 5 :30. Two miles. Sept. 17, 1852, $ . Farmer Boy (l dis). 2 :45. (w), Dan Mace, .Tune 28, 1853. Charmer (w), 2:47, 2:43. 2:49. Scarboro', Me.. Aug. 24, 1853, .$500. Lady Vernon (w) 2. 4 (5 dr). Best time, 2:39. Portland, Me., Aug. 31, 1853,.$ . Daniel Webster, pacer (1 0). 2:37, 2:36,2:38, 2:39. Providence, R. I., .lune 20, 18.54, $1.50. Hector, 2:48, 2:49, 2:43. June 23, 18.54, $1.50. Hector 2, 2:4.5, 2:40, 2:46, 2:45. Bangor, Me., July 4, 1855, .$200. Gray Stranger 3, 4 (6 0) (7 dr). Bay Morgan 2 (5 dr), 2:33. 2:31 '/i, 2:30, 2:33, 2 :.34 2:34 2:33. '■ Centreviile, L, I.. June29, 18.57. $1,000. Major Rogers, 2:34'4, 2:35i^, 2:34'4. July 7, 1857. .$1,000. Major Rogers. 5:1314, 5:15?4. Two miles. Oct. 5, 18.57, $500. Belle of Portland, 5:21, 5 :31. Two miles. Latly Litchfield, b m (3 :57'2). Mr. Farnum, Boston, Mass., Aug. 11. 18.59. $50. Famiy Drew, 3:11>4. 2:57'j. 2 :,58. Lady Lockwood, b m '3 :35), by Neave's Cassius M. Clay .Jr.. dam bv Alexander W. G. Russell, Union Course, L. I., Sept. 18, 1865, .$406. Gen. McClellan (l dis), 2:25. Lady Logan, b m (3 :30'i), bv Wineman's Logan, dam Flora, bv Drurv's Ethan Allen. P. Wineman, St. Louis, Mo,, Oct. 7, 1875, $ . Blood Chief. J. L. Stevens. Thornton, Leila K., Barnett, 2:V!%. 2-A7\u 2:44. Quinsy, 111., Sept. 5, 1877, .$600. Little Sam .3, John Dunning, Dakota Maid, Alfred, Col. E. D. Baker, 2:31, 2:31i4.2:33'4. 2:3314. Kansas City, Mo., Sept. 22, 1877. $400. Dakota Maid 2, Little Sam (l O). C. W. Woolley (1 0)* Volney, Stranger (4 dr). Lady Vesta (3 r o), , 2:29, 2:30U, 2:31, 2:32"2. Indianapolis, Ind., Oct. 25, 1877, $400. Belle of Fairfield, Salem, Little Wonder 2, (3 dis>. 2:44, 2:34. 2:34. 2 :.33. Lady Logue, (3 :43). S. McLaughlin, Centreville, L. I.. Sept. 6. 18,56. .$2,000. Wlielplevs br m (w), 2:49, 2:46, 2:42K>. Lady Lou, ch m (3 :38i4), bv Hadley's Fearnaught, dam Stiffv. J. A. McKenzie. Macomb, 111., Aug. 27, 1880, .$.300. Mattie (iraham, George Washington. Gentle Frank 1, (4 dis>, 2:;j8V.i. 2:.38i4. 2:421^. 2:40. Lady Lovel, ch in (3:50). F. D. Baldwin, New Haven, Conn., Oct. 17, 1865. .*60. Gray Eddy, Dandy Joe, Gray Dick, Jim Brannan (1 dis), Nelly Newcomb (1 dis), 2:53y2, 2:.50. Lady Lovell, (w) b m (3 :51i4 w). Wm. Lovell, Fashion Course, L. I., May 19, 1868, .*?1.000. Gilman Mare (w), 3:01, 2:.54'i, 2:.5.5l4. I w). May 20. 18~08, .$ . Gilman Mare. 1 |3 O, (4 dis"). 2;r-,1U. 2:.52'4, 2-MH, 3:00. Prospect Park, L. I , April 15. 1872, $100. Butcher Girl 1, 2, 2:55, 3:02^^, 2:.58i/2,3:08, 3:02>^. (W», Mav 15. 1872, $.500. Butcher Girl (w), 3:03. 3:02, 2:.55. Lady Lowe, ch m (3:28). A. Strauss, Deerfoot Park, L. I.. May 19, 1876, $150. Emily (x. 2, Harvey 1, Ed. Sills, J. M. Oaklev. Jennv .Jupiter (5 dr), Gideon (5 dr), 2:42, 2:42''j. 2:44, 2:4.3, 2:42. Jersey City, N. J.. Mav 24, 1876, $1.50. W. R. Roberts 1, Ellas Remsen, Major Lambert, Molly Barker. Emily G. 2. (4 r o), 2:4,3, 2:44, 2:48';, 2:48. Norwalk, Conn., June 14, 1876, $300. David 3, Isaac Dahlman, High Cloud, 1, 2 (4 dis), 2:43, 2:45»^, 2:44'4. 2:40, 2:.51'4, 2:.57>4. .\menia, N. Y" July 5, 1S76, .$400. Camon 1. 3, Clover, Delilah, Undine, 2:.3R. 2:.36, 2:36U. 2:36. 2:.37. Suffolk Park, Phila., July 14, 1876, .$.500. Fleetfoot 2, Billy Barefoot 3, Queen May, Hunter, Odd Stocking- (5 dr), Alonzo (2 dis), 2:33, 2:32, 2:.34, 2:34, 2:36. 414 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TKOTTING AND PACING RECORD. TVoy, N. Y., Aug. -^9. I87(i, S300. Favorite 3, J. T. Davis 1, George H. Mitclieil, Commodore Bainbrldge (2 dis), 2:30, •_':3tJ-'4. •J:35'i. 2:M'.,, 'Jr^K. M. J. Gallivaii, Meriduii. t'omi., .July 0, ls77, ^300. Walter, Fauuj Jefferson. Albiuo.Ci'leritv, Clotlu'.si)iii, Uoaii Jack, 2:30U. i.':3..Ai. 2:37. Cliiremuiii. N. 11.. .\iig. 7, 1x77. 5:44. Dau Rocket, Walter, Dio. 2:3C. 2:334. Dicriooi Park. L. I., Oct. 3. 1X77, .^300. W. C. Derby, l.ady Auuie, Daunlle.ss. .lenny L., 2:33, 2:33U.2:;{3. Lady Lu«as 1 Priueess;. ill m a :asi':;) by Trauq). by Greeu s liasbaw. James A. Dustiii, Milwaukee. Wis.. .Sf))t. 27, l.ssi;. S31K). Annie Loii. 2:38. 2:37, 2:34. Lady Liilock«T. blk m (a:41i.ni. Thomas Brown, Medina, N. Y., June 9 an9i. 2:32i.»j, 2::;4'c. 2:3C',i. Macy Bros.. Le.xington, Kv., .lune 24, 2s77, $400. The Jewess 1,3, Indian:ii)olis, Sophia Temple, Lilly Sliiclds, liill), .Magenta, 2:2(;'u, 2;2'.|i.i, 2:2S'.., 2:30'.i, 2:32. Lady Lvnii. blk m ('i :3»^ij. Orrin Dean. Chicago, 111., Aug. 4, 187C. iJl-W. Harry. Minnie Taylor, Sorrel Tom. Hl^'hland .Maid, Tommy, Milton T.. 2:39?^, 2:444. 2:44^4. La. 2:3t)'... Fremont. O.. Aug. 30. 1878, $300. Guui Ball. Mohawk Chief, 2:32, 2:31, 2:314. M. Higbie. S])ringfield, 111., June 10. 18so. .flt'O. Ella Earl. 2:37. 2:3:;. Lady >1., blk m (2 :34), by Mambrino Reliance, Chaiidier & Spauiding, Avon. 111., Sept. 28. 1877. S75. Prince 3:01, 3:02.3:03. Dallas. Tex., JNoy. 5, 1877. $125. Boisd" Arc 2. Morgan, 2:54. 2:534, 2:52. 2:.57. Prophetstown. 111., Aug. 7, 1878, $3(K). Royal Chief 2, Prince. Dolh, New hern (4 dr>, 2:37. , 2:30, 2:37. Lady >!., eh m (3:34^3)- W. B. McDonald, Al'toona, Pa,, Oct. 1, 1880.^400. M:inibrinoChief .Jr. Fritz. Day- light. Mountaineer, Mishap, 2:35. 2:35, 2:344- Lady >I., It 711 r^:48), by Almoiit, dam by Strader's C. M. Clay Jr. J. Bowerman, Hamilton, O., Oct. 5, 1881, .*150. Bel 3 Wilson, Ina G., Wild Boy, Alniont Morgan, Col. Bannister. Nanny Clay, Ada H., Eagle. l)ixie G., 2:48, 2:48,2:45'... Lady Mac. b m (2 :23), by Whirlwind. Robert Johnson. My.stic Park. Boston, June 19, 1S74, .?.500. King William 1, 4. Kate Gilbert 2. John Lambert, 2:331.:,, 2:331^, 2:32!'2, 2::;i\i, 2:304. 2::J4'... Be:ic(>ii P;irk. Boston, June 25, 1874. .S.500. Kate (iilbert 5. 0. Ben Smith 1.2, King William, Lady Anna, Georiic MaviKird. Tom O'Shaiiter (5 dis), 2:30. 2:.".."i. ii:.!7. 2:3.''i'... 2:.;5, 2::!9,2:41. SpriiigfK'ld. .M;iss., July 4, 1874, IJioOO. Hardscrabble. Fanny Otis, 2:40^4, 2:37''.i,;2:.38i/.. :Mystic Park. P.oston. Aug. 11, 1874. $;500. Little Mac 2. Molly Morris 1. 2:29. 2:29'.:. 2:32, 2:33K-. 2:.%»4. Beacon Park. Boston, Aug. 15 and 17, 1874. ,$2.50, Honest liilly (2 0). Dustin. Jim. Sam Curtis. 2:37, 2:31. 2:34, 2:.34. Cleyeland, O., Sept. 22. 1874. .S.350. Grace, Jerome. 2:30, 2:30K>, 2:38»4. Pittsburgh, Pa.,Oct. 9, 1874, $1,000. Jack Draper 1. 2, Ohio Boy, Cattaraugus Chief, Jerome. 2:31 >/«, 2:32H. 2:314, 2:32. 2:.34. Fort Wajne. Ind.. June 9. 1875, .?1,100. Billy 2. Basil Duke 3. Moss Rose 5, Professor, Prince (5 dr), AVait a Bit (5dr), Dolly {5 disi. Burlington (5 disi, 2::!4?4, 2:33?;i, 2::5:;.2:.S44. ■-■::;2'.j. 2:;;(i^4. South Bend, Ind., June 17. IK75. .Sl.OOO. Monarch Jr. 1. Kate Campbell. Ranis 2 (4 dr). 2:33»4, 2:34, 2::e%, 2:38. 2-35. Lexington. Kv.. Oct. 20. 1K76. .$000. Dick Taylor, Carrie, Tom Brown (3 dis). Monarch Jr. 1 (2 dis). 2:24Vi. 2:27, 2:25?4, 2:203,. Beacon Park, Boston, July 17. 1877. $400. Huntress 2, Joe Brown, John H., ISIartha Washington, 2:25V4 2:2.5,2:24,2:2.5':,. -Mvstic Park, Boston,. Tulv 24 and 25. 1877.. $400. John H. 1,6. Martha Washington 2, 3, Huntress, Joe Brown, 2:24. 2:24'". 2:24?i. 2:24. 2:25i.,. 2:29, 2:23. Providence. R. I., Aug. 2. 1877. $.500. Honest Harry 2, ,4, Charley Mac. Tom Pink. Sjtotted Colt (2 dis), 2 :2.3V.,, 2 :24, 2:24. 2:2014, 2:25. Lady 3Ia<-, eh m (,J:35),"by ,i. J. Williams. W. McClane. Philadelphia. I'a., Aug. 5, 1878, $ . Gypsy Boy 1, Republic, 3:0.;, 3:08, 3:10, W. B. ^McDonald, Bradford. Pa.. June 17, 1880. $50O. Ladv Jane. Nelly Bly, Mambrino Chief Jr., Bay Chief, Pclham (2, 2:42, 3:08Vi, 3:02'i,2:50'-, 2:42. Ladv Mace, b 'ill (2:424). G. W. Dickey. San Francisco. Cal.. Jan. 21 and 22. 1873, 200. Democrat l, 2:45, 2:42'.,. 2:45. 2:4.5. George Treat. June 7, 1873. .? . Sunrise 1, 5:29. 5:39'i. 5:42'5. Two miles. Lady Mack, b m (2 :36). J. Mcintosh. Chico.Cal., Sept, 29, 1871, $400. Princeton Girl, Drummer Boy (1 dis), Limerick (1 dis), 2:.58, 3:01, 2:.57. S. Robbins, Oakland, Cal., April 2, 1874. .$.500. Jerome, Nourmahal, 13:00, ?Mve miles. Frank Smith, San .lose, Cal., April 24. 1877, $ — . Nourmahal. John Stewart, 13:08'4. Five miles.' S. \. Hooper, Vallejo. Cal., Sept. 7. 1878, .$7.5. Fred, Lonesome. 2:51"5, 2:48^^, Lady Mack, b m (2:30). E. P. i:)ickey, Pekin, 111., Sept. 3, 1872, $275, Sam 2, Mambrino Temple, 2:39V6, 2:40'4, 2:42'». 2:44k Sept. 0, 1872, $1,000. Hattie 2, Tom Wonder 3, Kate (4 dis). Lyman Trumbull (1 dis).2:a5Li, 2:3654, 2:37)^, 2:40'/,, •..':.;o. Waukegan, 111., Octoberl2, 1872, .<520O. Wild Rosel. Dandv 4, .L-imes H.(5 dr),2:41'4,2:40'5,2:414, 2:42Mi, 2:43. Beloit, Wis., .Tulv 16, 1873. .«.500. Clementine. Capitola, .Toe I'dell, Roderick, ,2:32. 2:305!i, 2:30»4. July 17, 1873, $400. Capitola, Matchless, Lurcher (2 dis), 2:325Si, 2:32H. 2:36'/,. CHESTERS COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 416 Peoria, 111., Sept. 20, 1873, .$500. Ella Wright 3, Albert 1, Capitola, 2:37, 2:34, 2:36, i':.i7. 2:39. E. Beiitlev, Jaiiesville, Wis., Sept. tj, 1878, jfSOO. Resolute, Tempest, 2:;J0, 2:30!/2, 2:31. liady Mack, blk m (2 :45i,2). James McKean, Cambridge, ill., Oct. 13, 1874, $100. Gei>. Grant, Uncle Sam, Nat Baker, Frank, Col. Knox, Lictor, 2;47'/2,2:4.5'i, 2:50i^. I^ady Mack, b ni (3 :43), by Tom Rolfe. O. McFarlaud, St. Paul, Minn., Oct. 15, 1874, $200. Triphammer I, .iim Raven, Pat, Montana, Don, Jack, Minnie Sutton (2 dis), 2:47,2:45^4, 2:47, 2:4s. Oct. 16 and 17. 1874, .$250. Triphammers, Bird Catcher 1, Brother Baldwin 2, Honest .lohu, Don (4 dr), Nellv (2 dis\ 2:45'2. 2:4.5, 2:44. 2:1.5. 2:44, 2:43. Lady Mack, br m (3 :39). S. Willett, Hamburgh, N. Y., Sept. 13, 1870, $50. Mate. .limmy. Centennial. No time. D. W. Kendall, East Aurora, N. Y., June 30, 1881, Sioo. Warren. Julia, l.adv Fel), .\hibel A.. 2 :44i^. 2 :4.5, 2:4654. July 1, 1881. $150. Warren. Julia, 2:42, 2:40. 2:42. rady Mack, eh m (3:38). W. B. IMcDonald. Parker Citv, Pa., June 20. 1877. .$300. Adonis 1, 2. Lillv Pejin^e, Billy Seward (5 dis), Sorrel Fred (4 dr), T. M. Bayae (4 dr), 2:40, 2::!7, 2:38.2:38. 2,40. Lady Mack (Bell the Cat), ch m (3:46). W. F. Chute, Truro, N. S.. June 21, 1877, $110. Curiosity 1, Kitty Thorn, Donald (2 dis*. 2:47?^, 2:4794, 2:47, 2:49. Kentville. N. S., June 28, 1877, $ . Kingston Girl, Curiosity, 2:48, 2-49. 2:47',. Kingston, N. B.. July 10. 1877, $125. Curiosity 1. Jeff Davis, Belle Robbins. 2:,'',2, 2:,51. 2:.50, 2:.54. Lady Mack, b m (3:38J£). by General McClellan. W. Lincoln, Concord, Mass.. Sept. 27, 1878. $75. Dennis Kearney, 2:.50, 2:50, 2:51. Hudson, Mass., Oct. 19, 1878. $ . Gen. Patchen, Young St. Lawrence, 2:50, 2:50, 2:50. July 4, 1879, .$100. Aileen, Dutchman, Gen. Patchen, 2:45, 2:46. 2:45. Jul'v5, 1879. S . Aileen. Dutchman. Monadnock Boy. No time. E. C. Lincoln, Keene, N. H., July 30 and 31, 1879, $2.50. Young Columbus Jr. 4, 5, Argonaut 2, Dan C, Fanny, Volcano 1 (4 dis), ISclle Putney (4 dr), Loafer (3 dis), 2:38^^, 2:40i'4, 2:42, 2:42, 2:38, 2:40,2:38%. C. H. Ball, Leominster. Mass., July 4. 1883, $200. Sylph, Leo, Dandv, 2 :40?4,. 2 :40, 2:40. Lady Mack, br m. D. Toll, Clinton. la., Nov. 7, 1879. $40. Bailey's blk g. No time. Lady Mack, gr m. T. Jacobs, Lincoln, Neb., July 1, 1881, $50. Buck 2, 3, Florence 1)., Fanny Burr, Passable, 1 :22. 1 :20. 1 :23, 1:25, 1 :25. Half-mile heats. Lady Mack (Jersey Lilv), ch m. bv Hambletonian Downing. C. McCalla, Shelbyville. Ind., Sept. 8, 1882, $ . Bertha 2," 3, Martella G. 1, Y'oung Jim, Ecce (4 dr). 1 :25i.i. 1 :35, 1 :29. 1 :20, 1 :22. 1 :19. Half-mile heats. Lady Magiiire. bin ,3:50). P. Mclntyre. Burlington, Vt., Sept. 29, 1865, $70. Spaulding's blk s. Lady Lin- coln 1 iSdis), 2:.^0, ,2:55. Lady RIaria, gr m (3 :48). A. F. Lee, Avon. Spa.. N. Y., July 4, 1867, $75. Dutch Maids. 4, 2:48, 2:51, 2:52, 2..''>4, 2:.55. Lady Mallard, ch m ^3:46). L. M. Wray, Manchester, N. H., Sept. 10, 1869, $ . French's blk m, 3:00, 2'53 2*5191. '- Lowell, Mass.. June 3, 1870, $100. Lady Woods, 2:54, 2:56, 2:55. Lady Mansfield blk m ( 3 :43), by Howe's P.ismark. E. S. Crosby, Portland, Me., Oct. 8. 1875, $150. Nelly Sherman 2, Blackbird. Charley Miller, INIa.ior Knox. Small Hopes, 2:49, 2:51, 2:47, 2:51. Lady Marcelline, en m (3 :47UsV R. Anderson, Fashion Course, L. I., Mav 4, 1867, $200. Roan Eddv 6, 7 (1 0), Boy from Home 4 (l 0) (8 dis). Gray Eddy Jr. 2, 3 (8 dis), 2:46, 2:41i4. 2:47,2:49i4, 2:47'2, 2:53i^, 2:5(i'/3. Un- finished. Lady Mar.sliall, grm (3:55). I. Woodruff, Fashion Course, L. I., April 12, 186.5, .$500. Gen. McClellan 1, 3:00, 2:55, 2:56, 2:55. Lady Martin, ch m. Dutcher and Delaney, St. Paul, Minn., May 15 to 17, 1873, $500. 441i 40m. To trot 200 miles in 48 hours. Lady Martin, b m ( 3 :33). by Downing's Bay Messenger, dam a i)acer. J. Trout. Flemington, N. J., Sept. 25, 1879. .$150. Nelly. Nellv- ivate. Black Maria, 2:50. 2:50. 2:51, -i-A^i. J. E. Stewart, Mystic Park, Boston, Sept. 1, 1880, $500. Music in the Air, Una, Archie. Capitola, 2:29, 2:2914, 2: L'9' 2. Beacon Park, Boston, June 13, 1881, $.'i00. Mill Boy 1, Annie Page, Freeman (2 dis). 2:26. 2:26, 2:26,2:28'.;. Mystic Park. Boston. July 19 and 20. 1883. $400. Magic 1, 2(6 0), Speedress 4, 5, Arthur. Prince, Backmaii Maid (5 dr), 2:25^4, 2:2.5Vo, 2:2414. 2:2514, 2:25',, 2:25^4, 2:26k, 2:2G. Beacon Park, lioston. Julv 20. 1883, .$400. Ella Doe, Magic. Arthur, Prince. Speedress. 2:23. 2:24, 2:25. Lady Mary (3 -.^lU). T. B. Flagler, Nevi^ark, N. J., Sept. 22, 1871, §100. Competitors not named, 2:.58, 2:575l£, 3':0014, 3*02, 2:.37i4. Lady Maud, b ill (3:55). L. R. A., San Francisco, Cal., .July 12. 1865. $100. Buckskin Frank. 2:.57. 2:55. Lady Maud, br m (3 :18i4), bv Gen. Knox, dam Mocking Bird, bv Sabek. M. Goodin, Buffalo, N. Y\, Aug. 5, 1872, $l,.500. Zilcadie GoUfdust, Mary H., Rowe's Toinmv. Vanity Fair, 2;29"2, 2:293i, 2:27^4. Five-year- olds. Prospect Park. L, i,. Oct. 10, 1872, $5000. Lucille Goiddust, 2, 2:30U, 2:29'4, 2:22U, 2:22^. W. H. Doble. Rochester, N. Y., Aug. 11, 1875, .$4,,500. Judge Fullerton, Nettie, 2:18Ji. 2:19»/2, 2:185i. Utica, N. Y., Aug. 19, 1875, $5,000. Nettie, 2:2294, 2:3091, 2:2.5. Baltimore, Md., Sept. 21, 1875, $2,000. Adelaide, Rarus, 2:26i4, 2:27, 2:26. Point Breeze Park, Phila., Sept. 27, 1875, $2,000. Adelaide, Rarus, 2:2634, l-MU, 2:21%. Washington, D. C, Oct. 27, 1876, 2,000. Adelaide, Nettie, 2:26, 2:32i/2, 2:2494- J. A. Sawyer, North Attleboro, Mass., Sept. 23, 1880, .$200. Belle Dean, Peaceful, 2:31. 2:,30. 2:27. Lady Maud, b m (3 :40), by General Mott. dam by Mambrino Pilot. L. Burrows, Albany. N. Y., July 12, 1878, $ . Stockings. Prescott (2 dis). 3 :01. 3 ■m'^i, 3:0614- Sept. 20. 1875, $1.50. .Stockings 2, Lady Swift, 2:58, 3:03, 2:59i4, 3:02. Oct. 13, 187.5, $100. Stockings, 3 :01, 2 :57i/^, 3 :04%. Aug. 12, 1870, .$.50. Stockings, 2:.54, 3:02, 2:51. Aug. 19, 1876, .$50. Stocking 1, 2:.50, 2:.51, 2:.50'/;, 2:.54. Lady Maud, (3 :4~). M. Martineau, Montreal, P. Q., Sept. 3, 1879. $50. Black Diamond. Wait for Me, Butcher Bov, 2:47, 2:49, 2:.50. Lady Maud, gr m. 6. P. Young, Oxford, Me., Sept. 30,1880, $12. Charles Buck. Lady Ames, 1:53, i:.5l',4. Three-year-old. Lady Mav, b m (3 :38). Darius Tallman, Rochester, N. Y'., Sept. 25, 1850. $100. Joe Brady (1 dis), Sir George (1 dis),' 2:50'... Oct. 23, 1850, .$75. Queen of the West, Bluffer. 5 :37'i. 5 :43i4. Two miles. Lady May, br ni (3 :53). John Bennett, Cleveland, O., July 4, 1864, $100, Tom Thumb 1, 3. Silver Tail (-1 dr), Jenny (3 dr), 2:48'<;, 2:.52. 2:.52. 2:.5.3, . Suffolk Park, Phila., Aug. .31, ]S75, ,$l'00. Red Dick 2. 3, 2:59, 2:.56, 3:01, 2:,56, 2:,5e. Lady May, rn m (3:43>/„), by Cant. Winfieid, d.nm Lndy .Tane. A. Van Wyck, Washington Hollow, N. Y., Sept. 23, 1879, $90. Queen Ray 1, Frank, Garry Manning, Tornado Chief (4 dr), 2:49Vi, 2:44, 2:44, 2:43^. Fiv6 YBS^r olds Lady May, b m'(3:37). Edwin Thome, Poughkeepsie, N. Y., June 17,1880, $ . Belle Smith, 2:87X» 2:37. 416 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING liECOltl). I. Young Champion 4, I.amnliKlitor 1, hied Sprague, Undini' (I dr), 2:51^4, 2:rjOU.2:^>iU. -:49, 2:505!4- tady Mcl>. (sj, (Inn (a:37;by Co|)pcrlH)tt()m. AY. H. McDoel. Keokuk, la., June 5, ia72, Sr>o. .Johnson's bm (S). 3:20'2. 2:47',. Moses Leaviti. Lincoln, 111,, Sept. l!i, 1S7.3, ?.->o. (iueen, 2:55i4, 2:5.5?4. W. II. McDoel, West Lebanon, Ind., Sept. 1l'. 1877. Lady Patterson, Lida. David B., Thomas (iolddust, 3:00, , ■5:01, ;{:01',. ■ Burlington, la., Sept. 24, 1877, $4.50. Elder Pogue. Bav Billv, Corlsande. Best time 2:37. Monticello, 111., Aug. -"3, 1X78. a;i75. Roofer Jr., Kelly Davis, Bay Frank 1. 2 c3 dis). 2:40>,j, 2:41,2:4.0. 2:4!;'..., 2:.".l. Lal'ayetto, Ind., Sept. 4, 1>47.><, SL^O. Jessie Dixon, Dutch Girl. Gray Sam, 2:41^^. 2:42'2, 2:43, Coviiigton, Ind., Sept. 2(i, 2s7>i..S200. Lady K., 2:44,2:42, 2:42. Indianapolis. Ind., Oct. 3, 1878, §150. Roger Hanson, Jenny C. (3 dr), Nelly K. (2 drj. Lulu K. (2 dr;, 2:54, 2'47 . • '- »i. A. McDonald. Clinton. 111.. Aug. 22, 1879. $200. Friday, P.ob Burdett. Myrtle, Denmark. 2:44,2:42. • Monticello, 111., Aug. 2i>, 187".), $150. Lady K. 1,2, Little Mose 3, Doni Pedro (1 dis), Susie Ross (1 dis), 2:39, 2:40, 2:42, 2:42'. >. 2:42. 2:45. . West Lebanon. Ind., Sept. 12, 1.S79, $200. Headlight, Roadster. Col, E, 1). Baker (2 dr). 2:47, 2:44, 2:42. Covington. Ind., Sept. 2(!, 1879. .S200. lleadliL;! t 4, Loafer .S, Lida, 2:42U., 2:42, , 2:40U. 2:42. Indianapolis, In.i., Mav 21, 18so, $200. Dennuirk 1, Lady K.. 2:44, 2:41',,. 2:41, 2:40M:>. • Delphi, Ind., June 10, i.«(80. ,S200. Bay Chief l.Capt. Crapo, IMiner Boy, Frank Forrest, Joe Boots (2 dr), John A. i2 dr),2:41, 2:40'.,, 2:4^t. 2:40'.. .Monticello, 111.. Aug. 19, IHSO. ,§200. Shoo Fly 1, 2, Treu, Mohawk Jr. (1 dis). 2:40, 2:41, 2:40, 2:41, 2:40. Aug. 20, 1880, .S2OO. Charles W. 1,2 (4 0), Emma Coon, Pilot Golddust. 2:38, 2:39. 2:40>4, 2:40i/-, 2:40, 2:40J4. • Danville, 111,, Sept. 20, isso, .«300. Frank Myers 4, Rose Lee .3. Rosedale (4 dr). 2:40, 2:43. 2:41,2:45, 2 '45. ^ Cravvfordsville, Ind.. Sept. 7, l.sso, $2.50. Bay Frank 1,2, Frank Myers, Pollv Wishard, 2:35, 2:38,2:40, 2:41.2:40. West Lebanon, Ind,. Sept. 10, 1880, $250, Bill Bowen, Honest John. 2:40, 2:40, 2:41. Terre Haute, Ind.. Sejit. 17. l.'^.^o. .$.".00, Pollv Wishard 1, 2, Carrie K. 5, G, Bay Frank 4 (7 dn, Gilford (2 dis), 2:3fii.i, 2:3(;. 2:41',. 2:38'... 2:42'.:. 2::'.9. 2:39'.i, 2:40. Champagne, 111,. Sept. 23, 1 880, .'t!200. Friday! (30.i,(4 dis), General Golddust(3 0), (4 dis),2:42. 2:41, 2:40, ''■39'« — Covington, Ind.. Sept. 24. I88O. $250. Yellow Jack, Biut Oak Maid, 2:42, 2:41, 2:39?i. . Rockville, Ind., Oct. 15. 1H80, S'M). Snooks 1, General Golddust, 2:.56i^. :2:59i4, .■;:0l?i,2:.59>4. L.ady McFatridge. b m (8 :'JU). bv Woodfonl Mambrino. dam Bayadere, bv Bay Chief. D. R. Hosmer, Day- ton, O.. Sept. 29, 1874, .$ , Levi Ilonore .S. 2:40'.;, 2:42y2. 2:,39'.., 2A1'A- Pittsburgh, Pa., Oct. 6. 1874, $800. Charley (ireen 1 1(2 0), Nelse, Stranger, Nick, Butcher Boy (3 dr), 2::!S, 2:41 '.,.2:41 ?4, 2:4Gi4, 2:42',i. Oct, 7. 1S74, .S800. Nick 1, Nelse, Abbotsford (3 dis), George (3 dis). Lookout (2 dr). Butcher Boy (l dis), 2:44, 2:4S. 2:42, 2:50'^. Freeport, 111.. June 8. 1875. $700. Frank Allison 2, Gertrude, Hartford Maid, John Hall, Badge, William Clinton, Silky B,, Tommy Dodd (4 dr), 2:38, 2:37, 2:39i?4. 2:37. Erie, Pa., ."lulv 20. 1875. $800. Lady Hill 3 (6 0), Patterson Girl 2, Rowdy 1 (6 dis). Deception, Bashaw, Drurv (3 disi, 2:.'!9'", 2:38V<'>, 2:37^1, 2:39. 2:40i.i. 2:39i4, 2:40. B. Simpson, .lanesville, AVis.. Mav 25, 1878, $ . Fayette. Annie B., 2:32, 2:31ia. . Red Wing, Minn., Sept. 13, 1878, $600. Fearnaught 2, 3, Marian H., Flora Belle, Kitt^M'ook 1 (6 dis), 2:.35',i, 2:.3.3, 2:.31'o, 2:.')4l^. 2:.S4%. 2:35. tady McGregor, b m (3 :35). M. McGregor, Petrolia, Ont., June 14, 1882, $ — -. Tom Sheridan l, Lady G.. 2 '40 ''•44 2*39 2 ■44. Lady McKiniievri) m (« :35), bv Toronto Chief, C. C. Coyle. Pleasantville, Pa., Aug. 13, 1872, $5,000, Royal (ieorge 2,4. 2:'44. 2:44'i, 2:4(>'2. 2:44'2, 2:.54i^. John lleilmau, Titusville, Pa.. May 19. 1874, $50. Bobby Collins, 2:48, 2:42'i. 2:41^4. . A. N. Hul)bar(l, St. Petersburg, Pa., Oct. 7, 1875, .S300. Bav Fanny (2 dr), 2:43,3:16. Parker Citv, Pa., June 20, I87(i, .?400. Orange Billy 1, 2 (3 0), Sleepy Tom, George, Mexican Tom, Frank Shaw, Ihirrv,' .losie, 2::i6. 2:35i,i, 2:,35, 2:35i^, 2:351^, 2:35. .St. I'etcrshurfrli, Pa.. .lune 28, 1870. $400. Lady Burget 4, G. Ed Brown 2, 3, Phil Sheridan, Dan, Fanny (4dr). I)uster{2dr», 2:.39. 2:40, 2:40i.i, 2:41"2. 2:44, ,2:42. Titusville, Pa., July 21, 1877. .«17.5. Ed Brown 2, Joker (2 dr), 2:37>4, 2:41?4, 2:38;i, 2:39?i. Pleas;iutville, Pa., Aug. 4, 1877, $175, Ed Brown, Greeley (2 dr), 2:38^, 2 :39>i, 2:453a. Titusville, Pa,. Sept. 22, 1877, $;!00. Ed Brown, Best time 2:41?i. May Ki. 1878, .9300. Ed Brown 1, Phil Sheridan 3, 2:44, 2:40. 2:42, 2:39. O. St. .John, .June 3, 1879.$ . Little Roan l.l'.;iv Freddv 2. Beulah. 2:36. 2:35,2:38"5, 2:38W. 2:41. Latly Megonigle. b m (3 -.tH-li). M. Megonigle, Lani'aster, Pa., July 4, 1870. $200. Sally Swan. Frank Bach- elor, (ieorge, .Jim, Auburn George (I dis), 2:."4''.i. 2:.57?4, 2:.55H. Lady IVIexici), (3 t.'iO). Bucyrus, O,, Aug, .5, 1K74, .*10(i. Comix'titors not named, 3:02, 2:,59. 2:.595j. Lady IVIiddleton, ch m (2 ::i4>, ». ))v Bav Middleton, dam bvChampion .Jr. Henry Brown, Cedar Rapids, Ta., June 15, issi, .fi.iOO. Young Bashaw 3, I.:idy M., Mountain Girl, Comanche, Clifden, John J, Dora Duke. LutherChaIli^,2:41'4,2:,39U. 2:401^.2:41. , _, ^, , .^,, ^^ IiMie 17, i«si. s.ioo. Trapeze. WibI Irishman, Jim Crandall. Young Bashaw, Florence Clay. Little Sherni 1, ll(r;ilil. Western, 2::U',,2::i5, 2:39»4. „ ,,,„,. „ t> .\larsli:illlown, la,, .Jiuie 22, 18S1, .^.X). Mountain Girl, Trapeze, Comanche, John Rawhngs. Young Ba- shaw, (■ivtie,.Iim Crandell. Florence Clay, Baron, 2::!4i4, 2:,30',., 2:34'4. ,, , ,„„„„„.. Fort Dodge, la,, July 1. 188l,$:{00. Mountain Girl, Young Bashaw, Baron, Jim Crandell. 2:36. 2:34's. 2:35?i. .Inly 4, 1881. .$300, Mahoning Bov, Young Bashaw, Trapeze. 2 -.UH, 2:34?4', 2:40. Web.ster City, la., .lulv 7, 18sl. SiiOO. INlountain Chief, Herald, Clytie, 2:50!.i, 2:66»^, 2:50H. July 8, 1881, $300. Clifden. Mahoning Boy, Trapeze. 3;0;;?i, 3:04ii;, 3:02'^. Boone, la., Julv 14, I88I. $,300. Mountain Girl, Clytie, Trapeze, 2:45, 2:50, 2:50. July 16, 1K81,,$300. Clytie, Herald, 2 :42;'s, 2:47, 2:43, . ^ ,. . „,, , A. D. Helm, Dowagiac, Mich., Oct. 13. 1881, $100. II. M. Strong, Minnie Warren. Portage Girl, 2 "40 2"40'i '''41 La, 1S70, .§200. Harry Gilbert. Carrie N., Phil O'Neill .)r., Bav (;i dr), 2:.S6, 2:.34, 2:34. l'ouj;hkeci)sie, N. Y., Juue 21, 187G, $750. Carrie N., Delilah. Lady Lowe, Silas Rich, Driver,Nightingale, Ed Sills CS (lr\, 2:31 '4. 2:31, 2:34. Mav 22 and 23. 1877, $700. Sooner2, Moscow. Lottie, Joe Pettit, Camon, 2:29. 2:29'/2, 2:32, 2:29. lady Millspiiuifh. eh m (3 :46). Patersou. N. J.. May 30, 1879, $ . Little Jim, Roanoke (1 0). (2 0) (3 dr) 2:4ti. 2;.j(». 2:53, 2:52. 2:50. tadv Mist. 1) m (3 :38). John Cudnev. Baltimore. Md.. Oct. 2"), 1854, $500. Stranger, 2:38, 2:44. tad V 3litcliell. b m (3:38). Wlieeliujr, W. Va., Nov. 4, 1809, $150. Chestnut Gelding (1 dis), Maid of the Mist (1 dis), Ella Ell wood (1 disi. 2:.'i0u,. Rochester, N. Y., Sept. 30, 1871, $ — . Milo Boy 2, Strideaway. No time. Avon. N. Y., Oct. 3, 1871. .? . Grecian Girl 1, 2:48^-, 2:44';, 2:.-)l>/i, 2:.'>1. Medina, N. Y., Oct. 10, 1871, $300. Ben Flagler 2, 3, Jenny Lind 1, Grecian Girl, Gov. Seymour. 2:45, 2:46, 2:44 ?i, 2:41, 2:42, 2:49. A. Carpenter, Titusville, Pa., Sept. (), 1873, $ . Sleepy Jim 1, 3:00,2:55^, 2:54,2:51'2. £.ady Monroe, gr m {3 :36!4), by Jim Monroe, dam by Texas. J. F. Emerson, Richmond. Ind., Aug. 4, 1875, $800. Loafer 1, Gi'eenback, Judge Waite, Frank Harlan, Belle Moore, Sciota Belle, Salem, Nelly May, Portsmouth Girl, Bonner (.4 dis) Wild Doctor, (3 dis), Fanny B. P. (2 dis). Prince Albert (2tlis), Beulah (1 dis), 3:01,3:00, 2 :.58. 2:57ie. Cvnthiana, Ky., Aug.28, 1875, $400. Puss Thompson, Maxwell Maid,Nellv May, Mambrino Pilot Jr.,Long- woo'd (3 dr), 2 :33", 2 :31 ' 2, 2 :30' ., . Miller & Peters, Frankfort, Ky., Sept. 8, 1,S77, $300. Lady Prewitt, 2:50, 2:47, 2:42. Lady Monroe, b m (3 :53). J. Y^oiuig, Suffolk Park, Phil., May 31,1875, $200. Prince, Lady Tarrell, Lady Blanche, 2:.55, 2:54i4, 2:52. Lady Monroe, b m (3:06). C. Ellis, Taunton, Mass., Sept. 24, 1878, $20. Cow Boy, Robert Emmett, Allen, 3:06, .•5:10. Four-year-olds. Lady Monroe, b m (3 :39), by son of Reconstruction, dam by Stonewall Jackson. J. C. Cunningham, Oska- ibosa. la., Aug..30, 1882, $200. Joe Neff 3, 4, Jenny B., 2:40^, 2:39i^,2:38,2:38?4. 2:4H4. Des Moines. la., Sept. 6, 1882. .S300. John A. Kasson 1, Stony Ford, 2:41, 2:39, 2:43, 2:41»4. Lady Mont, b m (3 :40i2), by Egmont, dam St. Louis Maid, by Jay Gould. J. O. Balfour, Quincy, 111., June 20. 1883, $ . Gov. Wood, Atlas, Al)dallah Clay (3dr), 3:0H4. 3:17, 2:56. Four-year-olds. i\. Bruen, Ottawa, 111., Aug. 16, 1883, $200. Daisy Holmes, Longfellow, Morgan Grant, Alfawn, Maywood . Almax, 2:44';, 2:45, 2:46, Four-year-olds and under. Jacksonville, 111., Aug., 28. 1883, $225. Nora Lee 1, Small Hopes, Lady Leonard, , 2:49i^, 2-M>A, 2:.58. Four-year-olds. F. Bruen, Quincy, 111., Sept. 13, 1883, $150. Atlas. Belle, Bueno (1 dis). 2:55, 2:.53, 2:.54. Four-vear-olds. Bushnell, III., Oct. 3, 1883. $100. Emma M., Wildflower, Roxie Lee, Fred Coe (l dis), Nellv West (l dis) 2:40'4.2:41'2,2:40=!i. , Lady Moore, b m (3:35), by Peacemaker, dam Nelly Moore, by Westchester. F. B. Tracy, Susquehanna, Pa., July 23, 1880, $140. Midge, Rosamond, Trouble. Best time, 2:35;4. Lady Moose, b m (3 -.oiy^). Mr. St. Jean, Montreal, P. Q., Sept. 5, 18.S2, $40. Queen, Country Boy, Surety, Johnny, No time. Sept. 21, 1882, $75. Honest John 3, Girl. Lady Queen, Country Girl. No time. Lady Morgan, (w), b m (3 :51i/2 w). Hiram Woodruff, Union Course, L. I., April 27. 18.58, $300. Little Sam; (W), 2:52, 2:53, 2:51 '4. Lady Morgan, bm (3:5114). P.B.Bradley, Hartford, Conn., Sept. 21, 1872, $70. Gertrude 1, Tim (4 dis). Gypsy (1 dis), Captam Wasp (l dis), 2:51. 2:52, 2:5114. 2:52ii. Lady Morrill, b m (3:37). J. J. Bowen, Boston, Mass., Sept. 27, 1866, $1,000. Fleeting Moment, 2:39, 2:44^ 2:42-/2. J. V. W. Doty, Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Sept. 17, 1867, $150. Paul 1, 2, Tormentor (2 dis), 2:41,2:40, 2:.'59, 2'40 2:42. '- j! J. Bowen, Boston, Mass., Oct. 18.' 1867, .$2,000. Fleeting Moment 1, 2:39?£, 2 :37'/2, 2:41i4. 2:44?^. Cobleskill, N. Y., Aug. 22, 1868, $100.' Ella Coles (3 dr), 2:45, 2:37, . Ladv Morrill. (3 :43). A. F. Jackson, Rockland, Me., Oct. 22 and 23, 1874, $150. Bessie 1, 3. Eastern Queen, Ma,iar Sheriff (1 dis), 2:46, 2:49, 2:47, 2:47. 2:43. Lady Morris, (w)gr m (3 :44). Wm. Morris, Lowell, Mass.. July27. 1862, $175. Comet (3 dis), 2:47, 2:47, 2:50. Lady Morris, br m (3 :38). by BrandvAvine (?). D. W. Beckler, Boston, Mass., July 18. 1871, $150. George jMaynard 3. Northern Chief, Lady Wentworth, 2:44';. 2:41, 2:40i/2, 2:41'/2. .Julv 20, 1871. .$200. Dick (w) 1, 2:45'4, 2:46, 2:41. 2:4054. (w) Aug. 9. 1871, .$200. Ironsides, 2 :42%. 2 :40%, 2 :40'4. Hudson, Mass., Sept. 13, 1871, $500. Unknown, Marblehead, Lady Allen. Commodore Nutt. 2:44>^, 2:44» 2:44. Boston, Mass., Oct. 2, 1871, $150. South Boston Boy 2, Lady Alice, Little Nell, 2:41, 2:44, 2:42, 2:43. Nov. 9, 1871, $150. Dick (3 0), Careless Boy (3 dr). 2:48. 2 -ASU, 2:42?i, 2:44i^. B. Mershon, May 20, 1872. $150. Josephine 3, Titian, Fanny, Lady Allen. 2 :42, 2:38, 2:40. 2:4314. D. W. Beckler, May 30, 1872, $150. Mark Twain 2, Josephine 1, Titian, Lottie, Honest Brock, Rutland Girl (2 dr). 2:41. 2:45, 2:46;4, 2:45?i, 2:44. Oct. 1. 1872, $.500. Sam Curtis, 2:39, 2:43, 2:4094- Latly Morris, b m (2:46!4). C. L. Andrews, Dexter, Me., July 4, 1881, $150. Bal)yMine, Lady Lyons, Charley. Best time 3:00. Lady Morris, gr m (3:4934). A. Doughty, Chicago, 111., Sept. 19, 1881, $ . Danger 3, 2:4914, 2:50?i, 2:49, 2:5014- Lady Morris, b m (3:59J4). J. R. Stein, Greenfield, O., Oct. 10, 1883, $130. Nipper 4, Molly Allen 3, Lucy, 3:1.5, , 3:01, 3:00, 2:59J4. Lady Morrison, (w) ch m (3 ;36), J. Stewart, Boston, Mass., May 31, 1862, $125. Mountain Maid(w), Brewer Boy (w) (2 dis). 2:41'4, 2:39i4, 2:38i^. Wm. Woodruff. Fashion Course, L. I., May 12. 1863, $100. Shark, 5:15, 5:22. Two unles. Lady Morrison, b m(3:3 7'/4), by v^olunteer. dam Stella, by American Star. J. L. Eager, Warwick, N. y., Oct. 1, 1873, $300. Nellv Warwick 5, Dolly V. 1, Rescue 2. Barry, Idler (2 dis), Teller (1 dis), 2:48>6, 2:40, 2:49^, 2:46^4, 2:46?i;. 2:44. Goshen, N. Y., Oct. 8, 1873, $200. Nutwood 2, Cochecton Maid 1 Ed Smith (5 dis.i. Lumberman (3 dr), 2:45, 2 :45'/», 2 :42, 2 :43i/„ 2 :44. 27 «8 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTINU AND TACING RECORD. -Aldei) fioldsmiili. .lacksoii, iMicli.. June IG. 1874, $1,500. Belle, Yming Wilkes, Bonny Doon, Catskill Dick,l:iiiiisoii, .NovKf. i;« Ti ha, billy Lambertsoii.CaiJilola. Col. Barnes, Youiil' JYineetou (3 dis) Thoni-is (i. Slevfiis i.i disi, 2:11. ■.;;..;!. L':;i;»'.i. ""la. i^ip' '':,a^lP''.; ■V\''''l.'l:^'r''r,\.'''''''"'-^'*'' ^**"'*''*'''-'^^ CranviUe 1.-2. Little Sam. Russell, Vincent (4 dis>, J. il.CioiiiMiiitii,' Aiiilil.T Park. I'a., .June 10, 187;"), -Seoo. Andy Johnson .(, Lady Atkinson 2 R D i .Jenny Cooper, Litth" Mary. Mellenry, De Rosa (.5 dr;, Andrew il drj, Fanny Cilbert (-' dis), 2:33*4 2:34 2:3-i'. Aldeii (loldsniith. Oneonla, N. Y., .July 1, l«7.'-), $400. St. I'atriek 1. (4 O). Jack Potter. 2:40, 2:363i 2:41 Washington, D. C. May .'), 1876 SIOOO. Blue .Mare 3, John S. Ileald. Jacob Lcrian. 2::j:i. -j/M, 2:331-4, Ambler Park, Pa., .June l, 187G, $800. AUttie Lyle 5, Scotland 1. Billv Ray 2,3 (7 dr) .John S Heald •zvi 2:30. 2:30, 2:27's, 2:34,2:42, •J:37. " im ■ . riLaio, ^.jrrow, (3:34). Mr. Aiken. Henderson, N. C, Oct. 22, 18<)7, $ . Tar Heels. Silk Stockings, Major JLatly Morrow, b m (Z -AiiU). by Seneca Chief. J. H. Morrow, Gettysburgh, P:i.. .Fulv 23. 1H7k. $200 Bendieo 2, Castleman, Dan Allen (4 dis), James (.iordon (3 dis), 2:50, 2:48, 2:.'j0. 24734 ' ^ Baltimore, Md., Aug. 19. 1878, $100. Belle Nelson, Mary Ann, Cigarette, Lady Echo, 2:46»4. 2:47^, L,a4, 2:32. Union Course, L. I., Oct. r,. isio. .§300. Jack Rossiter. 5:10, 5:17V». Two miles. April 24. 1850. $200. Pclhaiil 1. 3 (4 0). 2:3i). 2:40. 2:40, 2:38. 240, 2:42. Centreville, L 1., May i:i. isr.d, .$300. Ladv Suffolk, 5:10, 5:09>4. Two miles. May 21. l.s.">ii. .s;.->(). Ladv Sull'olk. 7:44?4. 7:52'-. Three miles Gcorgr Vomiu. Baltiiuore. Md.. .July IJ, i8,-.()..*:!()0. Ladv Suffolk. 5:18, 5:10. Two miles. Philadcipliia. Pa.. .July 22. ls,->o. .fiioo. Ladv Suffolk 1. 5:1.5. 5:08, 5:0814. Two miles. Union Course, L. L, Sept. 5. lsr>o, $250. Tom Carnlev 1, 2:3.5. 2:32?i. 2:31"2, 2:34. Sept. 12, 18.50, . ¥300. Toiii Carnlev. 5:22'/2, 5:21. Two" miles. Sept. 20, 18r)0,.?3.5,l. Tom Carnlev, 8:01, 8:11'.,. Three miles. Phila(lelphi;i, Pa., Oct. ;i. 18,50, .$2.50. Zaeliiirv Tavlor (s) (1 0), 2:.'!2',2, 2:31. 2:34, 2:41. Baltimore, :\l(l., Oct. 22. 1 .S.5O, .$200. Capt. Walker (3 dr). 2:46. 2:.52. S. Mi'l.au-hliii, Union Course, L. I., Sejit. 1. ls.5.",. .$500. Vermont, 2 :a5, 2 :32i4, 2:32'4. • July 11, ls,-)4, .'SOOO. Ladv Collins 1, 2:38^, 2:35'.,, 2:38. 2::i4'.;. Saratog;i Spa, N. V., July 2.5, 18.54,$ i "Centreville. 2:33. 2:41,2:42. Union Course, L. L, July 4. is.55. .$3.50. Chicago Jack. Ladv Franklin. 2;37. 2:37, 2:38. July 30, 18.56, $1,000. .Jake Oaklev. 2:3,5, 2-31. 2-S4'i. Oct. 2, 1856. $1,000. Taconv 1, 2:.35»,, 2:30?,, 2:;55'/2,'2:419;. Oct. 15, 1856,.$2..500. Rocket, Lantern. 5:08?.;. 5:11'/s. Two miles. Boston, Mass., Oct. 21, 18.56. .Sl.50. Meddlesome, Telemachus. 2:40, 2:41. 2:39i.i. I,ady iMoscow, br m(a:37). S. Haves, Concord, N. H., Oct. 4, 1870. $200. ITnknown. Lexington, Fauchon, Forest Boy, 2:47, 2:48. 2 :.50. C. K. Cameron, Kitchl)urg. Mass.. Oct. 21, 1870. $600. Gen. Sherman 2, 3, Rose Stanilish 1. 2:4.3, 2:47',4, 2:47.2:48. Unfinislied. . -si IL Warner. Fleetwood I'ark. N. Y.. Ans. 22. 1871. $.500. Nameless, 2:44^4, 2:43Vi, 2:43. I.ady Moscow, bm (3::50i4), by Fisk's .Moscow. L. Harrow. (Ji-iuid Rapids, Mich., Sept. 12, 1876, $500. l*"rank A. Fisk, Sam Patch, Coldwiiter liov. P.illv ('o;ites. 2:t7'«. 2;46i4, •.•:45. ^yj^^-J'-}' '^"•''' *-''^- -losiP. Billy McLaughlin, "North Hawk, Chief. 2:40. 2:40i4. 2:40. VVmfleld and McLane, Hudson, Mich., May 31, 1878, $200. Chief 3. Mambrino Walker, Harrv J., Vel- veteen, 2:40, , 2:.'i9, . Battle Creek, Mich , Sept. 14. 1878. .$ . Fred Hooper. Gen. Sherman. 2:35. 2:32, 2:34. Angola. Lid. .Oct. 4, 1K78. .$200. Velveteen 1. 2 2-47 2:47 2-31. 2:.31, 2:34. Lady Moscow, b m (.3 :02), by the Hinsdale Horse. L. Reynolds, Gonvernor, N. Y., Sept. 0. 1883, «125. W. O. 3:02. Tliree-year-f)lds. Ludy MurpJiy I, ni (3:42) (3:3.'>ii s). bv Hall's St. Lawrence. John Mnrphy. Fashion Course, L. I., Nov. 12, 1,H69, ,$200. Village Girl (w), 2:4.5. 2:42,"2:53 I)ec. 1 1869. S.ioo. Village (^irl (w), 3, Red Rover, 2:49'4, 2:46, 2:47, 2:47. Alay 14, 1870. .$.500. Young Commodore, 2:44?i. 2:45>4, 2:47"". I'leetwood Park, N. Y., Aug. 7, 1871. .$7.50. Star Henrv. Hiekcv (w), 2:4954. 2:45»4, 2:43'2. ;— — (s) Aug. 16, 1871, .$.500. Fight Bells (s), 2 :40i',, o :.35' i. 2:36. Lady Mnrphy, b m (3 :44i4). by Hambletonian." Major Edsall, Middletown, N. Y., June 15, 1870, $100. Clara, 2:,54'/2,2:.53'.,, 2:,52i4. 7— r 9i''*l>''". N v., July 4, 1870, $ . George Gillet 1. Dclmonico, 2:r>2K>. 2:47!-^, 2:44V2, 2:48. Lady Myers, blk m (3:43%). Niagara, Ont., Oct. 27. 1882, $ . Ontario Maid. Stanton, Syndicate, Tom Brown (3 dr), 2:49, 2:43'.,', 2:48!U;. Larl!00. Gray Eagle. -J-.Sly^. 2:36, 2:36?i. Lady Norris, ell m (3 :56i4). H. Bradley. Uti.-iton, Mass., June 17, 1865. $300. Lady Cooper, 2:56^4, 3 lOUa Lady Noi ris, gr ni (3 :40). J. Norris, Mendota, 111., Sept. 5, 1882, $125. Rosa LeUnd, Lady Shepherd, Home Again (1 dis). 2:4114,2:45, 2:441.1. . .- *- , i^^ La • j Mr. Hutthinson, Junes. 1877, .$100. Nelly Walkers. 4. 2:53. 2:53?i, 2:50,2:.")2. 2:50. Lady Oak, ch nu;i:56j, by Vermont. B. J. Treaey. Lexington, Ky., July 1, 1870, .§100. V^eto, Lightfoot. No time. July 10, 1870. $100. Veto, Lightfoot d dis). 2:.56. 2:,57>2, 2:56. Lady Oakland, cr m (SiAl'/z). J. S. Crisholm, Hamilton, Ont., Oct. 19. 1864, $50. Cigar Boy Blackbird, Blackhawk, 2:46'e. 2:50a, 2:49i?.i. lune 30, 18(15. $75. Tom Sayres 4. 5 ',2 0). 2:41i.2, 2:42, 2:48^4, 2:43'2, 2:48, •2:i6\-2. Lady Ody, b in (3:55). W. S. Young, Sandusky. O.. Sept. 26, 1877, $15. Jaco, 3:55, 3:55}^. Three-year-olds. Lady of the Lake, (s) b ni (3 :49 s), by Hacris' Hambletonian. Mr. Reed, Cambridge, Mass., Aug. 8. 1838, .$50. Little John (s) 2, 3. Young Buckskin (s), Old Brown (s), 2:52, 2:53. 2:.52, 2:56. 2:49. Lady of the Lake, ch m (3:50i4). V.French. Jamestown, Pa., July 9, 1875. $200. Lucv Hill 1, Loafers, King David, Tom Wonder, 3:05, 3 :00. 3:02, 3:00. 3:05. Erie. Pa.. Oct. 6, 1875, $100. Paleface, Russell. Molly, 2:53i/^, 2:50Ki, 2:50i^i. Lady of the AVest b m (3:37), by Minnesota Chief. M. B. Scott, Nortiifleld, Minn., July 21, 1876, $250. Col. King 1, CharU'V Tavlnr (2dis). Farmer Bovi2 dr), 2:411;;, 2:40i4, 2:38?i,2.40'/o. T. Wilson, St. Paul, Minn.. Sept. 2, 1879. .$250. Sleepy Ned, Hambletonian Chief, 2:371*, 2:3714. Sept. 5, 1879. $150. Mambrino Eclipse 1, Hambletonian Oiief 2, Archer's Almont, 2:42i/2, 2:43, 2:4iU,. 2:40, 2:51. Zumbrota, Minn., Oct. 3, 1879, .$100. Charley Taylor 3, 4, Lina 1, Hambletonian Chief (3 dr), Mambrino Eclipse (3 dr), 2:3414, 2:3714, 2:38. 2:38, , . Lady Opdyke, b m^3:55i4). R. Dempster, Easton, Pa., Aug. 26, 1865, .$500. Bath Maul, 2:57. 2:55^4,2:30, 2:46. Lady Orange, br m (3 :46). C. Brooks, Centreville, L. I., May 31, 1883, $500. Roseof Michigan. 2:50i4, 3:53U, 2:46. Lady Osgood, b m (3:45). Charles McChesuey, Norwich, Conn., Oct. 6,1870, $2:40. Black Eliza. Charley Dickernian. 2:501^, 2:461^, 2:4594. Nov. 9. 1870, .$200. Charley Dickernian 2, 2:46>^, 2:40i4, 2:46, 2:45. Lady Oxnard, (w) b m (3 :53 w), by French Tffeer, dam by Lion Messenger. Z. Brownell, Boston. Mass., July 17. 1860, $100. Honest Abe (w) 1, 3. Hero, Wyoming Boy, 2:50, 2:53, 2:55, 2:57^4, 2:56. Lady P., b ni (3:43). E. Paige, Scranton, Pa., June 2, 1881, $200. Billy E. 2, Harry Wise, Harry Norwood, Queen. 2:46ii, 2:.50, 2:40i4, 2:46. Lady Palmer, ch m (3:33), by imp. Glencoe, dam by imp. Sarpedon (?). E. G. Stall, Chicago, 111., July 25, 1857, $1 ,000. Prairie Boy, 5 :33. 5 :28i/3. Two miles. ( w) s. Hoagland, Union Course, L. I., Sept. 30, 1857, $600. Sam Webster (2 0), 2:481-4, 2:42. 2:43, 2:41. iw) May 24, 1S58, .$100. Phil (W). Malta (W), 2:45, 2:45, 2:44. Providence, R. I., Julys, 1860, $500. Lady Sherman l, 2:401/2, 2:3714, 2:37^4, 2:38i/2. A. Carpenter, July 12, 1860, $500. Ladv Sherman, 2 :38i4, 2 :39i ■. , 2 :38. ( w). S. Hoagland, Union Course, L. I., Nov. 5, 1860, .$500. Columbia (w) 2, 2:33, 2:34i^. 2:35, 2:38. Lady Palmer, (3 :30 4-5). Saratoga Spa, N. Y., June 26, 1869. $ . Bismarck, 16:04. Five miles. Lady Palmer, ch m (3:46) (3:43i/2S). F.Taylor. Danbury, Conn., Oct. 6 and 7, 1875, $100. Boy 1, C. H. Storey, 2:47, 2:48. 2:46. 2:.50 Oct. 9. 187.5, $7.5. Boy, 2:54, 2:53, 2:54. Lady Parker, (3 :383£). E. G. Buck, Sandy Hill, N. Y., Sept. 15, 1865, $500. Delia Smith 1, 3:02i^, 2:52^,2:53, 2:51^. Lady Parker. (3 :33i4). Detroit. Mich., Sept. 15, 1865, $250. Traveller I, Lady Walker, 2:34, 2:321^, 2:34,2:38^. L:idy Patchen (3:33^). AVni. H. Doble, Chicago, IlL, Sept. 27, 1866, $300. Bay Dan, Strathmore, 2:3314. '2:o?t^i . 2:3514. Lady Patchen, (w), rn m (3:36^). Wm. Young, Manhattan, Kan., Oct. 3, 1873, $100. Frank Somers 1, Fritz (3 0), 2:5314, 2:.56, 3:00%, 3:20, 3:05. (w), George Wolfe, Topeka, Kan., Nov. 5, 1873, $100. Maggie Wall (w), 2:4194, 2:42}^. 2:42. Nov. 8, 1873, $100. Maggie Wall 1, 2, 2 :40i4, 2 Am, , 2:42, 2 :37i;. Same day, $400. Maggie Wall, 2 :42i4, 2:45, 2 :43. S. S. Jerome, Atchison, Kan., Aug. 27, 1874, $ . Prairie Boyd 0), Dan Collins. 2:.50i4, 2:53, 2:54, 2:54. Lady Patchen. ch m (3 :36i4). by ManiDrino Patchen. .John Anderson, Lexington. Kv., June 14. 1876, $650. Post Boy 1, Belle Hewitt, Belle Curtis. Woodford Chief (l dis), 2:32i4, 2:38i2, 2:361*, 2:38^. Foui-vear-olds, Lady Patchen, b m (3 :38). F. B. Elkington, Wilmington, Del., Oct. 10, 1876, $50. Belle Wildair, Harry Dun- lap, Thunder. Peter Pollard, Jocko (3 dis), Jim Mustapha (2 dis). Evening Star (1 dis), 2:5314, 2:50^, 2:. 52 14. W. H. Austin, Oct. 11, 1877, $1.50. Dexter, Mollie E., Maggie, General, 2:53?.i, 2:5014, 2 :.53'/2. Ambler Park, Pa., Sept. 25. 1879. $200. Garland, Bellevue, Republic, Irish Girl, 2:42. 2:40, 2:39. W. Thomnson. Mt. Holly, N. J., Sept. 13, 1881. $1.50. Black Chief, St. Julian Jr., 2:.50, 2:.-)2. 2:.=.o. Lady Pathfinder. (3 :55). A. Woodard, Hartford, Conn., Sept. 18. 1866, $ . George 1. Belle Moscow (1 dis). 2:.54i2, 2:.-)5. 2:55i/2. Ladv Patterson, dim (3:33), by Geo. M. Patchen. dam by Mayday. W. A. Ogden, Salem, N. J., July 4, 187.3, $100. Snowflake 1, 2:.5.5. 2:46, 2:45. 2:48. Wm. ('. Wood.Westchester. Pa.. Oct. 10, 1873, .$255. Dinah 1, Gray Chief, Theo Filler, 2:4394,2:431^, 2:451/2. 2:401 2, Winchester, Va., Sept. 21. 1874. $220. Arthur Wild, Latham (3 dis), 2:35, 2:37, 2:34. S. T. Brengle, Westminster. Md., Oct. 2, 1874, $.500. Moses, Flash, Fuzz, 2:40, 2:38i4. 2:4]i4. F. P:itterson. Hagerstown , Md., Oct. 15, 1874, $3.50. Topsy 1, 2, George Washington, 2:41^, 2:40, 2:38i/j, 2:39, 2:48. Richmond. Va.. Oct. 30, 1874, .$300. Orange Blossom, Dutchman (3 dis), 2:42V4. 2:42i4. 2:38^4. B. R. Perry, Wilmington, Del., Dec. 17,1874, $300. Molsey 2. 3, Quicksey, Shoo Fly (l dis), 2:42, 2:35, 2:.36. 2:41. 2;4.5i4. W. A. Ogden, Carlisle, Pa., Oct. 9, 1875, $300. Jack Rome, 2:38!'2, 2:40V4, 2:47. Lancaster, Pa., June 16, 1876, $600. Delaware 1,3, Simon 4, Andy Johnson, Lizzie Keeler (4 dr), 2:35, 2:34, 2:341/6, 2:431'", 2:45, 2:4,5. Relmon't Park. Phil.. Aug.. 8, 1876. $500. Buzz. Little Nell, Jenny R. (3 dis). Prince Charles (l dis), Butcher Boyd dis), 2:.37, 2:34, 2:.33. ,,,„,, Rockville. Md., Sept. 14, 1876. $3.50. Hunter 1 (4 0). Top (4 0), Ned Buckley, 2:40. 2:41, 2:39, 2:39V4, 2:39}4. Millersburg, Pa.. Sept. 29, 1876, $500. Mary Jane, Simon, Frank, Lady C. No time. 420 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TK()TTlN(i AND I'AClNd KECOIM). Leesburg, Va., Oct. 21, 1876, $175. HimtiT. Nod Buckley, •-•:43'o, 2:42, 2:44'i. L.aeiii;. Lady Pell (W), ch in ^a :54 w). Hiranrilowe, Prospect Park, L. I., Oct. .iO. 1873, $rm. Kuby (w) (2 dis), 3:03, 2:54. Lady Penny, b m (3:45) James Bertholf, Wavcrlv I'urk, N. J., June 26, 1«74, .SISO. E. Harrison 2, Ledger (lirl 1. Nnlwoood (3 dis), 2:41';, 2:42, 2:4.">, 2:46'4, 2:46. Lady IViitvr i 'i :4T,i. B. Saiiford, Davenport, la., Sept. 10, 1x63, §115. Flying ("loud, 5 :34, 5:50. Two miles. La«Iy I'liler. b in i-iiSU'^). Fred liaiglit, Deerfoot Park, L I.. Julv20, 187.3. §200. Summit 3, 5, Molly Smith 4. (at skill, Andrew i4 dis). Love (4 dr). School (iirl(4drj. Katarina (4dri, Pauline i.;dr). Gray Hawk (2 dis), Ben Morrill. .Ir. . 1 dis), 2:44-'4, 2:43'.i, 2:.'>4'.i, 2:55U. 2:58. 2:41',. L. L. Allen, Danlniry, t^onn., Oct. 10, 1874, $25." Black Prince 2, Belle of Bridgeport, 2:53, 2:5.5'/2, 2:53ii, .)ohn Murphy, Fleetwood Park. N. Y., July 12. 1875, SIOO. Kitty Allen.. lim. Carrie N.,Creedmoor, Carrie .Myers d dis). Hard Uoad(l disi, Adelle (1 dis), 2:38'-., 2:;«i?.i, 2:37. hily. .30, 1.S7.5, iirm. Lady Nash, 2:44!-, 2:42' -.2:41. Lady I'Huard ((Jerinan Girl), b 111(3:35). C. I'ieard, Buffalo, N. Y., July 2!i, 1868. S500. Oen. Scott 1 (2 dis), Itoyal (ieorge (1 dis). Forest JMav (1 dis), 2:3,^, 2:.35i4. .luneS. 1875..?100. Delmayl. Ward's Damsel. Otis, 2:.MVj. 2:47';;. 2:4l»'-. 2:51'". Lockport, N. Y., June 12, 1875, .$400. Liberal 2, James S. Townsend l.'Chestnut Die k.-':48k,2:44, 2:43'/j, 2:4(i'4,2:48?i. Lady !'ier«e (P.ctsy Baker), b m (3 :45). T. L. Baker, Chelsea, Mass., June 10, 1858. Um. Sea Horse 1, Kos- Slllll, 2:.->7. 2 :.'..">. 2:.^)2. (W). Boston, .Mass., Oct. 28, 18.58, $200. Mac (w). Uncle Sam (w), 2:47, 2:47. 2:46. Will. Woodruff, June 4, 1861, •S.^OO. Ladv Stewart, 2:.')0'/i, 2:49,2:48'o. T. Page. June 17, 1862, $500. Lady. 2:5()! 2:47, 2:45'4. Lady Planet, b in (3 :35i4). D. Pilfer, Providence, K. 1., Sept. 26, 1859. $400. Ladv Daiivers, 2:37W, 2:37!.4, 2:.38'i. . . ^w Boston, Mass., Aug. 3, I860, Sl.50. Lady Shaw 2. Meddlesome, 2:38, 2:37}^. 2:38, 2:4a. Oct. 10, I860, $200. Lady Sherman, Somerville. 2:39, 2:36, 2:3s;i. Aug. .3. 1860, .SIOO. Med"dlcsome, '2:UU, 2:42, 2:;!8'o. Dan Mace, Oct. 15, 1861, $125. Dan. 2:S7',n. 2:37. 2:36. Oct. 24, 1861, ,S250. Dan 2, St. l>avvreuce Maid (4 dri. 2:35U,, 3:39'o. 2:38, 2:41. Oct. 20, 1861, .5500. Belle of Portland (w), 2:37, 2:30. 2:36i'2. Lady Poindexter, ch m(3:35'4), by Mainbrino Patcheu, dam by Bald Stockings. L. Kedmond, Point Breeze Park, Phil., .Sept. 13, 188,3, §250. Fanny Bell, Daisy Queeii, Hosi)odar. Salem, Jim Brooks (1 dis), 2:35'4, 2:36^4, 2:36. Lady Post, br in (3 :47), by ]SLaiihattan. I?. Mabbitt, Amenia, N. Y.. Sept. 2. 1879. $50. Miss Haner 2, 5, Viro- quad 0), Fred Germond (5dr), 2:48, 2:45. 2:47. 2:47. 2:45. 2:52. Lady Powell, gr m (3 :00). L. Carpenter. AVhite Plains, N. Y., Sept. 11, 1873, $100. Black .'ack, Ziba Car- penter. 3:01 '2, 3:00. Four-year-olds. Lady I'owers, ch m (3 :53?i). J. L. Freck, Uarri.sburgh. Pa., June 18. 1874, $125. Jake Rome 1, 2, Gray Ned, 2:5714, 2:.54'.i, 2:52,3:021^, 3:02;i. Lady Powers, gr 111 (3 :53l J. T. Clough. Springlield, 111., Sept. 24. 1874, $1.50. Sleepy Bill. 3:01, 3:00!i. Sept. 21, 1875, $150. Minnie Weir l, Maxey. AVostern Girl, K. G. ])unlap, Black Prince ( l dis). Doc (1 dis), 2:.50, 2:52, 2:52'/2. Lady Pred, b m. E. Predmore, Kochester, N. H., Sept. 29, 1882, $ . Gray Frank, Keiio. No time. Lady Price, eh m (3 :59). J. Conklin, Springfield, L. I.. May 29. 1877, $100. " Yellow Girl. 3:17. 3:171^, 3:14. May 29. 1877. Prize, wine. Fourth of July Maid. 3 : 12, 3 :07. B. L. Hcudrickson, Nov. 8, 1878, .$25. Bill. 3:02,3:05. . Nov. 27, 1879, .$.-)0. Frank, 3:17. 3:02?.,'. 3:04;'j. Lady Pri«-e ( Little Gyjisy), b m (3 :33). by Tom Hal. .1. B. Osborn. Freehold. N. ,).. Sept. 16. 1882. $200. Lady Indei)eiul(!nce 1, John S.. Selim. Gen. Ewing. Nelly King (4 dr), 2:.31'). 2:38. 2:38;-... 2:37?.i. Kcd Bank, N. J., Sept. 21, 1882. $200. Lady Independence 1. John S.. Selim.Geh. Ewing. Nelly King (4 dr), 2 :,35, 2 :38, 2 :38;^, 2 :37?i . Fleminjjton, N. J., Sept. 27. 1882. .$400. Billy Button. King Cetawayo. Billy K.,2:41. 2:41. 2:38;4. Somerville, N. J., Oct. 4, 1882, $150. Mainbrino George, Blaze. Lady G.. Bernard, Carrie C, 2:35^, 2:39, 2:39 '4. Oct. 6, 1882, $120. Mambrino George. Bernard. Thomas K. (3 dr), 2:40. 2:40'.i, 2:41]Ui. 1). Bancns, Schagticoke, N. Y., Oct. 7 1882,.$ . Sylvia 4. Nelly S. .3. No time. Lady Pritchard (Jenny F.). ch m (3:31), bvGreen Mountain Banner, dam by Flying IMurgan.Charlcs Dicker- man, Pittslleld, Mass., Aug. 22, 1876, .poo.' Farmer Boy, Lady I>owe, Commodore Bainbridge. 2:35Ji, 2:36, 2:36',i. Troy, N. Y., Ang. 30. 1870. $300. Commodore Bainbridge. .3, Kaymond, J. T. Davis, Tommy. 2:36, 2:36, 2:34''.i.2:30K>- ■ Elniira, 5l. Y., Sept. 19, 1876, $800. Lysander Boy 3, 4, Factorv Bov. Anna. 2:35, 2:.35. 2:36>2, 2:36'j, 2:37'4. John Murphy, Rochester, N. Y^, Aug. 9, 1877. $2,000. Lvsander Boy. Sheridan. Driver, Versailles Girl, .fenny Ilotton, Hiram Woodruff, Calmar. Lady Logan, Belle Moore. 2:23'», 2:23i.i, 2:22',!. (w), Isaac Dahlman, Fleetwood Park, N. Y., .luly 11, 1878, $1.50. Modesty (w), Blanche. 2:29' J, 2:28. 2:.31. Lady Pumpkins, ch m (3:36). "W. McConnell, Dundee, N. Y'., Sept. 20. 1865, $ . Andy Johnson 3(20), 2:.38'2. 2:37. 2:44. 2:38K', 2:41. 1). Lanning, Avon, N. Y., June 8. 186C>. $250. Strathmore, Stonew.all .Tackson, 2:38, 2:37. 2:39. .r. Uaiialee. Bath, N. Y., Aug. 2, 1873. $100. Prince of Wales 1, Prince Clay, Unknown, Red Squirrel, 2:45, 2:39',;, 2:.39, 2::!9"o. Pcnn Yaii, N. Y.. Sept. 3, 1873. $400. Lady Thompson, Frank Phelps. Viola. 2::t8. 2::!8. 2:.3fi. Widkins, N. Y.. Sept. 10. 187.3. $a50. Violas. 6. Brutus l. 2. Ladv Thompson. Ilunkiilori (4 dis), 2:37H, 2:37, ■'■:.VM. 2::i7, 2:40. 2:38"™. 2:40. Lady Quickstep, brm (3 :55). IL A. Godsshalk, Dovlestown. Pa.. Oct. 2, 1872, $.50. Nabby Bean 2, 3, Sherman, * Maid of the West, 2:.5.5. 2:.57"., 2:,53, 2:.57, 2:.58. „ Lady R.. br m (3 :30i;i). D. W. Ridgewav, Mt. Hollv. N. J.. Oct. 13, 1880. $175. Brown Billy, Wind.sor, Jenny Grase, 2:47, 2:45''.i, 2:48. Waverly Park, N. J., Sept. 20, 1881, $100. Deucalion .Jr.. R;iboni. Lady Pilot. Elberon, 2:39U, 2:46!^, 2:44'i. Sept. 23, 1881, $250. Rover 2, Rapture, Irish Lad, Pneuma. Ladv Independence, Gracie, 2:34H. 2:34W, 2:30}i, 2:30k. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 421 FlemingtO!!, N. J., Sept. 28, 1881. $200. Brown Billy, Little Maid, 2:«, 2:36'4, 2:35V^. Mt. Holly, N. J., Oct. 11, 1><81, U50. Black Dun. Elizabeth Tiltuii, 2:50, 2:-l2'», 2:48. Oct. 14, 1S81, .$aOO. Brown Billy 1 . Kav (iould. Brown Tom, 2 -.o'J. 2 ;3(i' ., 2 :37,"2 :38'/2. Lady K., 1)11< m (3 iST'.), by (ireen's Bashaw, dam 1)y L. L Black Hawk (?). M. C. Ott, Iowa City, la., Sept. 1. 1882, .floO. Nightingale 1,2 (30), Stony Ford, Sleepy Liz{l dis), 2:40,2:40H, 2:41 !4 2:42,2:42'^, 2:43. . Burlington, la.. Sept. 20, 1882, .•§400. .lim Lane l. Harper, Lelia S., Lady Monroe, Skipper, 2:3754, 2 :37J^, 2:3T''i;, 2:41^4, Lady K., cli m (3 :57). C. Keuter. Rochester, N. Y., Oct. 8, 1883, .S75. Lady Baker 1, Bessy Turner 2, Old Hide. 3:04, 2:0914. ^:57, 3:03, 3:00. " j < , Lady Katterty, br in(3:41^ < '• Katt'erty, Patersou, N. .J., Nov. IG, 1871, $ . Hoxie's Gray Colt, 2:51, 2:49?4. E. Carpenter, May 17, 1875, .'pl.'iO. PYank 1, 4, Witch, Walnut, 2:50, 2:46i/,, 2:.50'/j, 2-45, 2:49. Lady Ralph, blk m (3 lOl'i,). M. Miller. Austin, Tex., Nov. , 1S77, f 100. Norman D., 3:015it, 3:01'/,. Lady Reese, b m (3 :23). F. B. Elkington, Salem, N. J., Sept. 11, 1872, $30. Prince 1, Lucy Elton, 3:28, 3:27. 3:22. Four-year-olds. Lady Relief, b nu3:41*4>- Janies Whelpley, Union Course, L. I., May 19, 1852, .$1,500. Black Maria Bed- ford, 2:46'4, 2:41i4. Lady Rheit, 1) m (3 :47». P. Burns. Owego, N, Y., July 2, 1875, $250. Johnny 1, Ned, Judge Brieas f4 dis) Ba.shaw(3dis), 2:42, 2:49, 2:47, 2:47. ^ sga v» u.«,. Lady Richmond (3 :48ii). F. Stevens, Kalamazoo, Mich., Oct. 3. 1866, $200. Flora Bridge 2. Ten others. 2:531.1, 2:50, _:49U>, 2:48iii.. Lady Richmond, Ij'ni (3:35^4), by Bonny Scotland. G. Scattergood. Warton, Md., Sept 12 188'' .$200 Alice Oates, Bay. Alic(( Medium (2 dis), Lankford (2 dis), John (2disj, 2:47, 2:45. 2:49. ' "' " ■ Sept. 13, 1882, $:mo. Cyclops 3, Jenny L. (4 dis). Kirby (4 dis), 2:41, 2:42, 2:46. 2-41 Middletown, Del., Sept. 21, 1882, .•?2t)0. Isaac, Kate, Nancy Hall, Delmont, Jenny L. (2 dis), 2:40?i, 2:42ii, 2;42''4. Lady Riggle (Lady Voorliees), ch n; (3 iSSii), by Tuckahoe. H. Riggle, Greenville, Pa., Aug. 29, 1876. 8100. Mattie, Lady Abbie, Kate Whipple, Crazy .Jane, Blind Kitty, H. Jones (2 dis), Dave (2 dis), Chenango Boy (2 dr) 2:5.5 2:5.5 2:53. '1 a "j Aug. 30,'l876,'.f26o. F'rank Marvin 2, 3, Lady Abbie, 2:46^, 2:50, 2:51, 2:45, 2:45 Cincinnati, 0.,Oct. 3, 1876. .$600. Frank Miller l. College Girl, Maud Williams, Bridget (2 dis). Dutch Girl (2 dis). Little Jack (2 dis), 2 -.Z^Vi, 2:35, 2 :32, 2 :35. ^ \ =h x^utou Lady Riley (w), m m (3 :45). D. Pflfer, Centreville, L. I., May 22, 1856, $.500. Trustee, 2:47, 2:52V6. 2-51i^. (w). June 4, 1856, .$500. Trustee, 8:58, 8 :33. Three miles. ' June 25, 1856, $1,000. Beeswing 2:47U, 2:46, 2 :49. Union Course, L. I., Sept. 4, 1856. $200. Whelpley's b m 2, 2 :46!4, 2 :47i4, 2:461*, 2 :48i» Same day, $200. Whelpley's b m, 2:46J^i, 2 :47i/2, 2:46. Centreville, L. I., Sept. 22, 1856, $3,000. Beeswing 2, 8:22, 8:42, 8:54. Three miles. Lady Riley, b m (3 :30i^). Wm. Riley, Adrian, Mich., Aug. 5, 1864, $500. Primus, 2:32U, 2:3034,2-32. Lady Roha, b m (3 :.5H4). G. W. Williams. Avon Spa, N. Y., June 3, 1868, .$.50. Slapiack, Brickmaker (3 dr). Black Tom (2 dis). Brown Dick (2 dis), 3 :08, 2:5li/», 2:53. ' — — June 4. 1868, $150. Autocrat, Lady Wright, 2 :48, 2 :47, 2 :45. Lady Rogers, gr m (3:48). Hiram Woodruff, Centreville, L. I., June 23, 1856, $1,000. Capt. Peters,2:53, 2:48. 2:49. I- , , .rv^ Lady Rogers, (3 :46). Taunton, Mass., Nov. 2, 1859, .$25. Annie Laurie (s) (1 dis), 2:46. Lady Rogers, blk m (3:53). H. Rogers, Newport, Vt., June 20,1865, $50. Lady Sherman, Dorman's br g. 3:02.2:58.2:59. ^ P. Mclntyre, July 4. 1865, $50. Black Nancy, 2:54, 2:53. Lady Rogers (Factory Girl), b m (3 :39V4), by Hambletonian. dam by Green's Bolivar. A. O. Greene, Bos- ton, Mass., Aug. 18, 1868, $500. Belle Morrill, No Name (2 dis), Tom Manning (2 dis), Tom (l dis), 2:32at, 2:31^, 2*:39l^. I-ady Rogers, ch m (3:48'2). D. C. Whittemore, Manchester, N. H.. .Tulv 5, 1875, $150. Ned, Jim, Dan Cos- tello (1 dis), 2:57, 2:55, 2:55. Lady Rolfe, (3:481^). Detroit, Mich., Sept. 18,1868, $ . Jack Shepherd, Black Billy, Charley Welch. 2:50. 2:48'2. Lady Rolfe, br m (3:33i4), byTom Rolfe, dam Nelly, by Montezuma (?). A. Moore. Sabina, O., Aug 26. 1880, $200. Robert Brown, "Shiloh, Billy ('..2:42, 2:40, 2:3.5. J. D. Steedom, Dayton, O., Sept. 15, 1880, .$400. I^ady Asher. Harry Patchen, Columbus (l dis). 2 3614 2:34V 2:32. ' '■ Sept. l6,'l8S0, .•*400. Chauncey H., Harry Patchen, 2:3414,, 2:3414, 2 :.37i4. Joseph Udell. Louisville, Ky., Oct. ^5, 1880. $800. Donald, J. W. Thomas, Troubadour, Sannie G., Mary Miller, Girl E. (^iifeii. Tola, Don Quixote (2 dis;, 2:2414, 2:22%, 2:23?4. S. C. Phillips. ( 'iiicinnati, O., Nov. 8, 1880. $1,000. Sanny G.. Molly Kistler, Business, Fashion (3dr), Tolu Maid (2 dis), 2:35, 2:3114, 2:29i-o. Lady Rollins, ch m(3:43). S. Haves, Great Falls, N. H., July 15, 1869, $150. Lady Lawrence 1, Reuben. Willis Eddy (4 dis). Belle Gibbs (1 dis), Sally (1 dis), 2:45. 2:45, 2:44, 2:47. Lady Ross, b m (3 :39Ji), by Vergennes' Black Hawk, dam by C. M. Clay, Jr. .J. Lovett, Fleetwood Park. N. Y., Nov. 24, 1870, .«300. Angeline 2 (4 0), Brown Dick, 3, 2 :45'/2, 2:451/^, 2 ;41 '/j, 2:46, 2 :44i:2, 2 :43. (w), Nov. 28, 1870, $500. Angeline 1 (2 0), 2:41, 2:.36i/2. 2:39'/2, 2:42i/^, 2:44. (w). Dec. 2, 1870, $400. Hiram (w). 2:36, 2:36i;i, 2:37i4. (w), Dec. 10, 1870, .$250. Johnny Reb (w), 1, 2, Hiram, 2:37, 2:38>4, 2:39, 2:40, 2:40}^. G. P. Carpenter, Springfleld, Mass., Aug. 22, 1871, $1,000. Clarence l, 3, Fanny Lambert, Huntress, Fanny, Joe Hooker (3 dis), Farragut (3 dis), 2:33, 2:29?4, 2:32, 2:311/2, 2:33. Aug. 21. 1871. $1,200. Huntress 1, Tom Keeler, G. W. Patterson, Dauntless. Tileston, Fanny (3 dis) White Fawn (3 dis), George Maynard (3 dr). 2:29K'. 2:31%, 2:31i4, 2:33. Attleboro. .Mass., Aug. 29, 1872, .$700. Ed. Foster 2, 2A\%, 2-AOU, 2:4314. 2:42^4. J. O. Conkling, Washington Hollow, N. Y., Sept. 23, 1873, .$250. Draco(^hiel', Stella, Rosebud, 2 :36U, 2 :37. 2:36'/2. I. Pawling, Fleniington, N. J., Sept. 26, 1873, .$200. Windsor, Waverlev, Bailey's gr g, 2:38^4, 2:38. 2:38%. Lady Ross (w), b m (3:47), by Iron Duke. A. R. Ladd, Point Breeze Park.Phila., Aug. 25, 1875, 1 . Prince. 2:53;4, 2:52,2:47. Sept. 7, 1875, .$.500. Hunter, 5:46'i. 5:35'/,. Two miles. Lady Rowe, blk m (3 :43). J. D. McPherson, Avon Spa, N. Y., June 8, 1866, $100. Royal George, Red Squirrel. Pat Burns (1 dis), 3:08, 2:491^. June 4, 1867, .$75. Bonny Belle, 2:54, 2:48, . June 5, 1867, $75. Bonny Belle 2, 4 (3 0), 2:42, 2:42, 2:43i/», 2:45, 2:44, 2:48. Lady Roxie. blk m (3:37\ by Tippoo. F. E.Gray, Gouverneur, N. Y.. Sept. 6, 1878, $150. Fanny L. 1, Mattie K. Fuller, 2:37, 2:38, 2:38. ■ Sept. 7, 1878, $1.50. Eulia, Mat Cameron, Victoria (2 dr), 2:37, 2:39. 2:45. Watertown, N. Y.. Sept. 25, 1878, $100. Mat Cameron, Ethan Allen, 2:38, 2 :39i4, 2;3^. 422 CHESTER'S COMI'LETK TKOTTINO AND I'ACINU lihXOKD. I«, •2Ai)\-2. l'.02. Charles V. Finch, Granville, >i. Y., Sept. — , IKTa. $100. Lady '1 hompson .i. r>, .Maggie 6, Colonel. Topsy 4{~ ^ir).■^■.MKi,2•.Mi^•^,^^^■^<'^^^^• , 2:61, L':.">0. . , , „ . , , , Lady KussfU. ia:50j. J. W. Kussell. Lansing, Mich., .June 20, IStiS, S — . Andy Johnson, 2:.'x). 2:50. L.atiy KussfH, b in («:54?4). A.,1. lliissell, Gardiner, Me., Oct. 18. 1S75. $00. Clara 1,3, Ellen 4, Major K., •'ijT ■IM-'i. 2:.")(), 2 :.">7, 2 :.">!J>2, 3:03. L,a, 2:40, 2:41, 2:42i4. 2:42. L.a0). Mr. (irillin. Buffalo, N. V., Oct. 10, 1873, $200. Lady Kirkover.i. Wiiltcr 1. Alodesty, bVck! Amber, .liiii While d dis), 2:36. 2:41. - — . 2:42?4. dv S b 111 c-i:">0). Mr. (irillin. Buffalo, N. V., Oct. 10, Ladv Franklin (3 dr), 2:.'i8, 2:59, 3:00, 2:50, 3:01. Ijady .s" (3:58). York Co. Me., Oct. 14, 1875, S . Maine Boy 1,2, Gen. Sheridan, (Jray Stiiinger, IVppenll ,5 dri,3;01, 2:.'').'>. 2:58, 3:03, 3:02. Lady S. 1) 111 i3 :4«'.i), by Spatz's llaiiibletonnin. D. Sp;itz. Beading, I'a., Oct. 3. 1883, $100. Drover, Bav Frank Bill Wellingtoiul dis),Capt. Hull il dist, Bay Frank d dis). 2:54'2,2:59'2, 2:.'i5'4. Oct. .5, 1883, $1.50. Harry B. 3, Frank 2, Seii)ent, Little Dan (2 disj, Susy D. (1 dis), 2:47ij, 2:44',^. 2:47, 2-47 2 -41)54. I^ady .Salisbury, (s), brni (3:44 s). by Abdallah. Horace Jones, Philadelphia, I'a., Oct. 17,1858. .*200. Andrew Ja<-kson (s), Harry Bluff (s), (2 dis). Polly SinalUry (s)(l dis), 5:29, 5:28. Two miles. Lady .Salspaugh, b m (3:41). J. Salsicuigli, Middletown, N. Y., Aug. 23,1870, $250. Nancy Fat 1, Chip Cole, Norwood, Orange Bov (1 dis», Cliaiiey 1 1 dis), 2:47?4. 2:44?.i, 2:41, 2:43. Chatham. N. Y'.. Sept. 16, 1870, .•jSOO. Blind Nell 4, Chip Cole 1, JSorth Shore (4 dr). 2:42.2:42^4. 2:45, 2-43^4, 2:47-^1. La4. 2:.S!l'i. 2:39'/2. Sept. -'2, 1881, $150. Nanny .lohnson. Moodv. Kate Douglass (2 dis). 2:35. 2:38'2, 2:36'«. New .Millord,Conn., Sept. 30. 1881. $1.50. Nanny .Fohnscm, Kate Dcmglass. Moody. Lady Sherman, 2 :38H, 2"4Hi 2'49 '- Daiibury, Conn.. Oct. 6, 1881, $1.50. Dan, Kate Douglass. Messenger Boy. 2:4,5. 2:48' i, 2:43. H. Pope, .Jersey City. N. .1., June 29. 1882, $2,50. Juno 1. 3: Nelly Banker. Lydia K., Deucalion Jr. (4 diS), 2:42'/2, 2:4'.', i?:45. 2":40, 2:.'?4i.i. W. C. Daly, Southingtoii. Conn., Oct. 18. 1882. $150. .lack. .Sorrel Top, Rover, 2:.39i4, 2:35i4. 2:391.4. Belmont Park. Pliila., May 23, 1883. $500. Brown Billy 4. Juno 3, Kitty Birch 1, Kitty Wood, Lulan, 2:28, 2'30'4 2 "31 2 '3014 2"''9V, ''•''gia ■ E. F. Ba'ss,'scranton."'i'a.rJuiie 1, 1883, .$.500. Juno 1. 4, lAilan. Kitty Wood, 2:34i4. 2:32i4, 2:30Ji, 2:32^, 2:35. Wilkesbarre, Pa., June 7. 1883. .$.500. Kitty Wood. Juno, Lulan. 2:aSH, 2:35. 2:43U. ■ I'arkviUc, L.'l., July 4, 1883. .$10o'. kffle G.' l. Man'lialtaii. Aulinda. Claremont (2 flis). 2:31?i, 2:33, 2:38i4, 2 '36}^ Lady Sealskin, blk ni (3:394). W. FL Gross. North Atlanis. Ma.ss.. Sept. 20. 1882, $200. Dick Jefferson. Madison Wilkes. Railroad Bin. l. cj disi, 2:43i.i. 2:42. 2:42. 2:.52'i. Lady .Sears, hr m (3 :35'b), by Hainliletonian. dam bv Tipnoo Sahib. John Miiri)hy. Fleetwood Park, N. Y., ./uly 11, 1870, $1.,500. Fanny Fern 1. Dew Drop. Grace Bertram (.*? dr). Butcher Boy (2 dr). 5:11%. 5:13^4. ': Two miles. Nov. 0. 1871 1400. David Bonner. 2:40, 2:43.3:02. Lady Siivey. brm (3:09). Lease and Rogers. Tiffin. O.. June 1.5. 1882. $7.5. Cliailis Foster. Mary F., 3:09. 3:11. F(mr-year-olds. Lady .Shakespeare, gr m (3 :5.'>). C. Koot. Lockport. N. Y.. Sept. 2.5, 1878. .».50. Kobiii. Kitty Dee, Niagara Bov, Ladv Crowder. Billy Koxv (3 dr) 3:00. 2:.55. 2:.5t;. Lady Sharp', bin (3:32»4). ' W. H. Sharp. Lamb Tiivern. Pa., June IC 1874, .«i2.50. Little Nell. 2:45'i. 2:47»,. 2:48'4. (w) Suffolk Park. Phila.. June 2.3, 1874. .$400. Star 2:4.5, 2:38. 2:49. (w) Point Ureeze Park, Phila.. Aug. .s. 1874, .$1,000. R. D. OV> 2, 3, (4 0), 2:49. 2:46, 2:50. 2:47. 2:47^, 2:4.55£. Oct. 12. 1K74. $200. Harrv. pacer 1. (2 dis), 2:47. 2:47i<.. (w) Suffolk Park. Phila.," Oct. 27, 1874, .$ . Golddust (w). (2 0), 2:49. 2:48, 2:49. 2:48. Lamb Tavern, Pa., Nov. 12, 1875, $200. Flimsv Dan (w(. 2:.58. 2:.58"j. 2:.54. Philadeli)hia. Pa., Julv 20, I87t;. 1.50. H;irriet J'.. Harry, pacer, 2:46, 2:45. 2:49M- Aug. 9, 1876. .$.390. Pete Maiiee 1, (4 0), Katv O. (4 dr), Wallace (3 dr). 2:47i4, 2:43^, 2Mh, 2:47!4, 2:4854. (w) May 18. 1877, $100. Annie Fox (w). Blinker (w), 2:49U, 2:43>4, 2:43>/j. July 24, 1877. $100. Hannah Clark (w), 2, Harry Vanderbilt, 2:46^i. 2:45, 2:46J4, 2:40. CHESTEirs COMIM.ETK illOTTING AND PACING UECORD. 123 Oct. 10, 1877, $50. HaniKih* Clark, Nelly BIy. 2:40. 2:42. Nov. 14. 1877, SilOO. Oyster Boy 1, 4, 2:3!). 2:41 ' .. 2 :40. 2 :47. 2:40. Lamb Tavern, Pa.. Jiine 7. 1878, S . Lady 'i'avlor2. Tlioo Filler, 2:40, 2:41, 2 :38'4, 2:38. Uoylestown, Pa., Oct. 3, 1878, $1,50. Music in the Air a -Mamie, Fanny, 2:35. 2:37, 2:38'/4, 2:32?i. (w). New Hunting Parii, Phil.. .Tunc 28, 1880, .S200. Alonzo, 2:58, 2:.53,3:00. Lady Shaw, b m (3 :35). W. W. Kelman, Boston, Mass., Nov. 1, 1859, .$400. Souiouque 1, 2:43?4, 2:40i4, 2:38, — June 22. 18t;o, .$400. Mary Taylor, 2:38, 2:40, 2:38. .1. MeCilue. Lynn. Mass.. Oct. 12, 18G0. $ . Somerville, 2:39'4, 2:39, 2:38. Boston. Mass.. Oct. 17, ISiiO. . Lady Sherman. Honest .John (1 (lis). 2:39'4, 2:37K>. '.i:3<>'4- Providence. K. 1., May 18. I8til, §500. Lady Sherman, 2:44, 2:40. 2 :.'i7K'- Win. Woodruflf, Boston, Mass., Sept. 20,1865, .f200. Palmer Girl, Ticonic, India Rubber, Benicia Bov. Leviathan (1 dis), 2:35. 2:36'^. 2:.35'2. \V. G. Shaw, Gratton Co.. X. H.. Sept. 29. 18G5. S . Danville Boy, Lady Allen (1 dis), 2:38, 2:37, 2:38. Concord. N. H., Oct. 4. Is6.'>. .'5200. Bower'sb m, Hotwater. 2:44,2:45, 2:38. Lady Shaw, gr m (3:38"i). P. P. Shaw, Newark, N. ■!., June 26, 1873, $200. Carrie White, Grand CentraL Ledger Girl. Lucy Penny, Village :\Iaid, 2:41, 2:41, 2:43'2. ■ Jnne 27. 1873, S2.")0. Mystic (2 0>. Lady Enuna, Lyma'n, Asa, Paterson Girl, Lucv Penny, Grand Central i4dr). Brandy (4 dr),2:38io, 2:41.2:39.1a. i;:40'/2. ' VVaverly Park, N. J., Sept. 16, 1879, $150. Belle Strideaway (^2 0), Lady Pilot, Jenny, 2:47, 2:48,2:50, 2:51. . . ,- . La250. Teaser 1, 2, 3:03, 2:56, 2:59, 2:51, 2:51?4. Lady Sherburne, b m (3 :3 ;), by Goodrich Morgan. G. H. Ellenwood, Manchester, N. H., Aug. 15, 1874, $50. Horace (ireeley, George Connor, Nat Head, Lightfoot. Varden. Edwin, Booth, 3:15. Nearest to 3:15. Dover, N. H., Aug. 31, 187,5, $400. Colonel Dean 1, Bessie Shaw. Lizzie Hume, 2:47, 2:47, 2:44, 2:47. Manchester, N. H., .luiv 4, 1876, 6125. Ruth, Meander, 2:43. 2:4,;U,. 2:43. Greenfield, N. H., Sept. 27, 1877, ,$300. Peterboro Boy 3, Gen. Lander, Katy Wallace, Lena (1 dis), 2:44, 2:44i4, 2:44 Ji, 2:38. Manchester, N. H., Sept. 6, 1878, $ . Nellv Collins 2, 4, 2:45, 2:47, 2:49, 2:45, 2:45. Sept. 14. 1878. !?.'i0. Nelly Collins, 2:44'/^, 2:44, 2:45. Greenfleld, X. H.. Sept. 18. 1878. .$2,50. Spot 3. Billy Brightvvood 2. Village Belle 1, Lady Holt, Katy Did, Nellv CoLvas. La.lv Maud, 2:45, 2:.36'i, ,2:37,2:37.2:37. Manchester. N. H., July 5. 1879, ,?25. Jupiter Abdallali. No time. Goffstown. N. H.. Sept. 25. 1879, $100. Ned Hastings 1. 2, Col. Dean (3 dr), 2:40, 2:4(;, 2:40,2:40, 2:45. Laconia. X. IL, Sept 22, 1880, .$90. Artliur, Moxev. Tiltoa Bov. 2:43. 2:41. 2:45. Goffstown, N. H.. Sept. 30, 1880, 175. Arc 1, French Bov. 2. 2:44, 2:.51. 2:46, 2:41'.;, 2:47'^. Lady Sheridan, 1) m (3 :38?4). New Haven, Conn., Se))t. 28. 1866. $ . Xellv, Blinker (1 dis), 'i-.ooli, 3:03'/4. J. Donovan, Hartford, Conn., Aug. 26, 1867, $150. Sorrel Hunter, Heleiie Smith, Brandywine, 2:42M. 2:421.,. 2:4214. (w), G. Carpenter, Providence. R. I., Sept. 4, 1869, $200. Hand)letonian (w)2, Helene Smith (w), Patcheu Chief (w^ (2dis), Narragansett Maid (w) (2 dr), 2:.36i4, 2:39'i, 2:399i, 2:40i.i. J. Donovan, Mystic Park. Boston, Sept. 18, 1867, ,$200. V/halebbne 3, Shifty (2 dis). Lady Bartlett (1 dis), 2:3514. 2-3314, 2:31. 2:.3,5. G. Cari'eiiter. Oct. 9, 1868, $150. Uxbridge 1, Berlin, Jack Lewis, 2:.39, 2:35»4, 2:8814, 2:36).^. J.Donovan, Providence, R. 1., .June 24, 1867, $l,.500. Jessie Wales, Indi~a Rubber Ben, Twang, 2:3', 2:28?a.2:.30. Wm. D. Grow, Watertown, Conn., July 4, 1870, $200. Berlin, New Haven Bov, 2:41?i, 2:45^, 2-AO^i. Wm. B. Smith, Palmer, Mass., Sept. l, 1870, $225. Capt. Lawrence, Travelia, Gen. McClellan (3dr), India Rubber Ben (3 dr), i::?9y, 2:37, 2:44. Wni. D. Grow, Burlington, Vt., Oct. 29, 1870, $500. Johnny Reb 1. Belle of Toronto, Red Dan, Ella Cole, 2:37i>,2:42, 2:40, 2:42. M. J. Galvin, Walcottville, Conn., Aug. 31, 1871, .$200. Captain Jinks, Belle of Toronto .5, 4 (5 dis), 2:41, 2:.39, 2:40. 2:411^, 2:42. Mat Dorsey, Hartford, Conn., Sept. 21. 1872, $12.5. Rowe's Tommy l. Hardserabble. Lady Shoemaker, Lady Miller (1 dis), 2:41io, 2 :40, 2:421^, 2:40. Lady Sherman, br m (3 :33) (3 :33*), by Sherman Black Hawk. H. B. Billings, Providence, R. I., Oct. 5, 1854, $100. Fashion, North Star, 2:,50, 2:48, 2:47. E. Wade, May 16. 18.55, $100. Lady Cora 3, (ireen Mountain Bov (5 dis), Providence Girl (5 dis), Fanny Jenks 1, 2 i3 disi, Albany (iirl (2 dis), 2:46. 2:44i2, 2:.50, 2:49. 2:57, 2:53i4. H. B. Billings, .June 6, 1855, $100. Telemachus, Albany Girl. Cigar Boy, (ireen Mountain Boy (2 dr), 2:40, 2:401^.2:431^. Aug. 21. 18.55, $100, Kate Devenough 4, Cigar Boy l, 2:4,5,2:45!", 2:45, 2:44, 2:44. (w), Oct. 10, 18.55, .$300. Marv Taylor ( w ) 2 :42' .; . 2 :44. 2 :46. Nov. 9, 1855, ,$100. Boston Girl 3, Rachel (1 dis). 2:44. 2:42, 2:41 54, 2:42. May 30, 18,50, $1,000. Kate Devenough. 2:41ii. 2:45, 2:44. Providence. R. I.. :Mav 22, 1857. $1.50. Meddlesome (w), Marv Taylor (w), 2:41, 2:40, 2:41. A. Carpenter. Portland, Me., Aug. 22, 18.57, $ . MaryTavIor, 2:52, 2:43. T. Carpenter, Providence, R. I., Oct. 20, 1857, $1,000. Nortli Star, 2:46, 2:45, 2:42, (.'. Ransom, l-'ashion Cour.se. L. I., July 24, I8(!5, -S.'iOO. Fasrier's rii ni l, 2, Comniodore NuttS, 6, Sininions' mare ^4dis), 2:44, 2:42. 2:;i", 2:43, 2:44,2:42. 2:49. Lh«I.v siuMiiiaii, 1) III r~:^«'4). H. Vandewater. i'li-donia. N. Y., Sept. 9, 1865, $ . Titus" h ml, Billy i;o\\k't;s. UtilliiooK's li s, 2:40, 2:37, 2:ax. ilv .Sherman (\vi. 1> ni 1^:40;. S. Stages, Cleveland, <) Latly .Sherman (\vi. 1> ni i~ :40;. S. Stages, Cleveland, <)., Oet. 22, 18.", ^'5. Lady Jane (w) 1, Lon^ John i\v) .")":2o, ."):2">. .'">:2«. Two mile.s. Lady Sheriiiaii.b m (a:45yj). W. \V. Hair, liarrisl)iiigli, Pa.. Aug. 2t;, 1W!9, $ . Lad\ Ironsides. 2:45i^, ::":56.2:.-.T. Oct. 24. 1870. S2C0. Ladv Ironsides. 2:.")7H>, 3:01 '4. 2:56. Janii's Miiirlies, JiiiieK, 1874, .<-'uo. Lady (irossS (4 O), 3:0(i!.i.2:r)8»4, 3:WH;. , 3:0«'.i. Lady .SherinHn, hr m ('i :41), K. .McComber. ^e\v Dorp, S. 1., June 23, 1870, $->uO. Nelly 1 i2 0), Brown Dick, 2':,''..'), 2:54. 2 57. 2:.0C, 2:.")8. Huntington, L. L. Aug. 8, 1H70. S300. Mechanic 1, Tiney, 2:42, 2:40. 2:4.5>^, 2:47. L.ady Sherman, b 111 (« :5a). J. C. Turner, Utica, N. Y., Oct. 3, 1872, $200. Eugene 3. 7, Cift 2, 4, Lena 1 (2 dis), 2:41)' .,. 2:52, 2:55. 3 00 2:.'>:!, 2:50(2, 2:51, 2:.52. L.a. by son of Phil Sheridan. Charles Wheeler, Ogdensburgli, N. Y., Sept. 26, 1876, >"l25. Hi'ttv Hump. :>:.59, 3:00. L.a«ly Sherman, b ni (« I'-JoJ^ji), by Gen. Sherman, diim by Darkey. J. J. Howcn.INorw icli. Conn.. ,Iulv 14, issi, .<:«X). Scnwtlriver 1. Little Mary, Lexington, Kutli. Mary P., Piilriciaii. 2:;!7'i, 2::;5'i, 2::!k, 2:.3s>.i. " Mystic I'ark. Poslon, July 22. issi, 4i300, Fanny Fern 1, Kuth, Zelda. Little Mary. Duke. Kitty. Oliye, Fraiik \V.. Patclien Star. 2:32',2, 2:3112, 2:33Ji, 2:32?4. Fitchbiirg, ,Ma.ss., July 23, l«8i, $300. Ned B., Eva, Screwdriver, .loliiiny. Echo. Seth, 2:4Luid 1). CJdn. 2:2s. 2::i0. 2.31'2. lady Sheryvood. b nM'J:."»0). S. D. Walbridge, Newark, N. Y., May .31, 1872. .'?100. Maze. Manibrino Maid Nelly L:iwrclice 2 i4 dis). 2:53, 2:54>^i, 2:50, 2:56. L,ady .shoemaker, gr nna:45>. Sam Curtis, Plainville. Conn., May 22, 1872. .1?200. Electro 1(2 0), 2:47V4 2:48?4, 2:48. 2:51 -'.i. 2:4S. Jvme 18, 1872. .«;2(K). Lady Spang. 2:46, 2:45»4, 2:48^4. West Meriden, Conn.. .Iuly30, 1872, $100. Lady Spang 3. Electro, Hardscrabble (3 dr), 2:52H, 2:49^ 2:52, 2:4!li4. \V:dliiigford. C^onn.. Aug. 3. 1872, $100. Lady Spang. Electro, 2:.5294, 2:52?4. 2:51?4. Plainyille, Conn., Sept. 12, 1872.$ — -. Lady Si)ang. Dick Parsons, 2 :46U, 2 :47H.. 2:45. West Meridfii. Conn.. Se))t. ,S0, 1H72. $100. Electro 1, 2. (ialstoii Hoy, 2.4!»U. 2:51, 2:51, 2:,51, 2:.50V^. Middlctowii.Coiiii.. Oct. .5. 1872, -SIOO. Marshal 1, 4. Arthur. 2:44^4,2:49. 2:47. 2:46. 2:.52. Lady Shot well, cli in {'i :34^4 >, by Careless. C. II. Smith. Baltimore, Md., May 30, 1871. $1,500. Bridget, Dun- derbcig. Dan (3 dis), 2:3.5, 2:36, 2:.37. Pnisiiect Park, L. I., June 28. 1872. .f.500. Rosa Lee, 2:39^4. 2:39'/2,2:37»^. Ilarvev Eck. Wilkesbarre. I'a.. Oct. 9. 1872, .$200. (ien. Love, 2:35, 2:36Ji. 2:37. L,ady siRnai,!) Ill (;e::J5'o), by Signal. John Morrison, Colusa, Cal., June 1.5, 1870. .$200. Shoo Fly, Spring Cliickcn, Belle. Kaiichon, Xelly Winkley, Y'onng Signal, l(i:42i4. Five miles. San Fnincisco, Cal.. Nov. 19, ls70. $ . Fanny 3, Pete 1, Captain Jinks, Mary Davis. Jerseyman, Prince (5 disi. Billy ILiyward (5 dr). Cassias M. (2 disi, 2:45, 2-Al%,2-A3%, , . Nov. 24. 1870, .•<2.000. Eily O'Connor, 2:43^4, 2:4294, 2:44. Mr. C;issi(lv. June 2. 1871, $ . The Maid (10), 2:3.5i^. 2:36'4, 2:36. 2:Z1U. Lady Slasher, h 111 {'i-MG^). A. Maillard, San Francisco." Cal., May 4, 1871, $1,000. Copperhead 1, 2, Johnny Coleman 5, Cli;irlPsSaxby, Cassius AL<4 dis). Ladv Thorne (1 dis), Maytiower (1 dis), 2:47'2, 2:4e!-j, 2:45V4, 2:45.2:491.^, 2:47' i. May o,""! 871, $600. Fred, .lohnnv Coleman. Breeze, Copperhead. Charles Saxby (2 dis). Lady Thorne (.1 dis), Abe (1 dis). Casslns M. (I dis)! 2:47, 2:43!4. 2:45'.^. Sacramento. Cal.. Sept. 22. ls71. $1,000. May Howard 1, 3. Peanuts. Coquette. Copiierhead ^5 disi. Hiram Woodruff (1 dis). 2:.36i;i, 2:.36H. 2:40. 2:.36'4. 2:.'?714- Lady .Slit/, (w), b m (3 :58i/2 w). T. Slitz. Union (^ourse, L. I., Aug. 18. 1870. $2.50. Lout(w) 3:10,3:04. Same day, $200. Ladv Waxy (w) 2, 2:.58i'2, 3:0.5, 3:06'.i , , ,, Lady Smith (3:37). John Cutter. Albanv. N. Y'., Sept., 8. 18,57. .$75. Lady Kattler 1. Flora, Lady May Ui dr). Rose of Montreal (2 dis), Ladv .Morgan" (1 dis), Fanny Ellsler (1 dis). Lady Seyne (1 dis). Lady Jane (1 dis), 2:40.2:42,2:41. Sept. 11,1857, $22.5. Lady Rattler 1, Oeorge Dawson, Flora (3dis), 2:.35V<>, 2:39, 2:,37. 2:40. , ^ ^ La „„=.. Hartford, Conn.. Sept. 1, 187.5, .$3,000. Nellv Walton. Honest HaiTy, Bateman. Unknown, Laily lurpm. ^ Mysric" Park. "Boston, Sept. 1.5. 1874, $2,000. Ben Smith 1. Tom Moore. Jean Ingelow, 2:28H, 2:27^ 2:27H,2:.30i4. Taunton, Mass., Sept. .30, 187.5. $600. Unknown 1. 2:31. 2:28Uj. 2:29. 2:29. Meriden. Conn., .rulv 6. 1876. .^SOO. Spotted Colt 1. Orient. 2:.35. 2:29>.,, 2:.30'2. 2:29. Spriiigli 'Id. Mass.. .tnlv 10 and 11. 1877, .$2..500. White .Stockings 1, 5, Honest Harry 2, Charley Mac 4 Powers. Amy B.. Mol, 2:24, 2:24, 2:25, 2:20' i. 2:271/.. 2:29. 2:24. , „„ „ „„ Providence. R. I., Oct. 18, 1878, .1>!.300. Casslns Prince 3. Hov.al Oeorge. 2:.31. 2 :27'/4. 2:30, 2-28, Lady .Snyder, bm (3:4514). C. H. Palmer. Port Jervis, N. Y., June .3. 187.3. $100. Jenny Hough 2, 2:65%, 2*46 3*08 .3*01 Wni. Bodine, Warwick. N. Y., .Tnly 4, 1873, .$.300. Rescue. Idler (2 dis). Dart (1 dis), 2:49'/2. 2:48'/t, 2:50y,. Middletown, N. Y.. Julv4, 1881,$ . Mary. Emilv Mav. Russell, 2:48. 2 :45>4. 2 :51»-;i. Lady Sontap (w). b m (3 :4«). irnlon Course, L. I., Aug. 29, 1859, $700. .livck Rossiter (w) 1, Uncle Sam (w)£. Lord McClelland (w) 4, 2:55, 2:54,2:54, 2:54, 2:53. CHESTKKS COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING KECOKl). ^5 liady Sontag. li iii ( «: 45). J. M. Ives, Daiiburv, Conn., Oct. 7, 1874, $30. Nellv. Black Jim (3 (lis), Charley (I dis)2:52, li:47,:2:45. Lad.y Spaug, blk ni ('4 :48). James E. Flower, Micldletowu, Conn., Sept. 6. l«7'-'. $200. Black Diamond (vv) 1, dis), Laily Shoemaker, 2:51'2, U:48^i. '2:5V/i, 2:52}^. ('. L. Houtth, Plaiuville. Conn., Aug. 9, 1873, $100. Robinson Crusoe, Lady Jackson, 2:54' 2,2:51, 2:.52. Lady Spanker, gr ni (a:50), B. D. Woodmansee, Dayton, O., June lO, 1803, $ . Mack, 2:r>T,2:50. Lady Spanker (Lady Gay Spanken, grm (3:41), by French Tiger, dam 1)V Cjuimby Messenger. Geo. H. Bailey, I'ortlaiul. Me.. Oct. imr,. .«.50. Ladv Franklin, Lady Webster, 2:.-).'!, 2:.'')2. Oct. 1.!. 18U5. moo. (Jray Eagle, 3:(K), 2 :oO, 2 :4ii. (W) Oct. 27, 1865, .$400. Toin Thumb. 2:47, 2:49. Boston, Mass.. Nov. 21), 1SG5, $400. Lady Wales (w), (1 0), 2:44. 2:42. 2:45. La«ly Spartan, b m i » :0*>edMell. h m (SilJOi.t). (!to. Youtz, Lancaster. Pa., June 8. 1871, $100. Nelly Evans. Jenny Myers, :;::'.ii'i, 3:38'e, 3:.58i.2. Three-veai-(ilds iiiid under. Lady Spur. \vh m (3:41 ?4.) D. PlilV r, Providenct-, R. L, Aug. 7. 1858, .$50. Old Ben. Lady Westley, 2:41i'i, 2.4.iio. 2:4.314. Dan Mace, Boston, Mass.. Oct. 19, 1859. $150. Belle of Boston. Buchanan. Souloucjue 1 (2 dis), Rocky Mountain (1 dis), Billy d dis), 2-ASM, 2:42. 2:46?.i. 2:44. Lady Star, bm(3:3!>'".') W. B. Snuth, Sanduskv, O.. Aug. 28, 1.^72. SIOO. Joe Hooker 2, L:idy Clyde, 2:50, 2:50. 2:.50, 2:.52. Raymond & Harrison, Aug. 5, 1874, $75. Long Mane, Black Bob, 2:4654, 2:43'/2, 2:50. Lady Star (( 'ai)itola). b m (3 :34), l)y Sir Henry. J. W. Henderson, Elmira, N. Y., Aug. 20, 1873, .$.350. Bi-owu Kate, Bilh li;i\ . Mary Brown, ('ream Gelding. Uno, 2:40. 2:41, 2:41)4. Aug. 2i', 1st:i, $.)50." Hornet, Brown Kate, Cream Gelding, Mary Brown, Cropsey, (ioldsmith Pet (.3 dr), Fvenzua Orplian d dis), 2:40, 2:40, 2:4414. Corning, N. Y.. Aug. 28. 1873, $.300. Uno. Luther, Nelly, Sir Henry, Fanny Howland. 2:44, 2:42. 2:40. Penn Yan. N. Y.. Sept. 2. 1S7.3, .$400. Brutus, Lady Pumpkins, Shorty Fountain, BillvPavor, Bonny Doon (3dr), 2:371/6, 2::«. 2:38. Dinidee. N. Y., Oct. 10, 1873. $ . Ladv Pumpkins, 2:.3m, 2:Z\V.. 2:.31'4. Unofficial time. Williamsport, Pa.. Oct. 25, 1873, .$300. Lady Patterson 2, Frank Phelps, I'ompey. Billy Pavor. 2:37, 2:39, 2:40, 2:40. O. Carroll, Penn Yan, N. Y.. June 12, 1874. .$400. Lew Ives, S. S. Ellsworth, Lady Thompson, Frank Phelps, 2:35. 2:33, 2:3313. C. Sherman. Bath, N. Y., June 17, 1874, $300. Ladv Thompson, 2:.38. 2:.37, 2:33. J, W. Henderson, Oneonta, N. Y., Jmie 24, 1874, $1,000. Bonny Doon, Jimmy Norton. Ren. 2:40'i. 2:.35>.i, 2 ::n],.,. 0~v. Knapp. Barrie, Ont., July 2, 1874, .$600. Ladv Kate, Hornet, 2:.33?4, 2:33'/i. 2:;i2. Knai>p& Henderson, Corning, N. Y.. Oct. 7. 1874, $1.50. Tom Keeler, 2::}49a, 2:33,2:33fi. J. W. Henderson, Penn Yan, N. Y.. Oct. 24. 1874, $ ■. Charley 3. S. S. Ellsworth, 2:38, 2:37, 2:40. 2:37. Frank Van Ness, Le Roy, N. Y., May 28, 1875. .$200. Prince Clay, Toppv, Elisha (2 dis), 2:38, 2:38i4, 2:38. J. w. Henderson, Penn Yan, N. Y., June 4, 1875, .$400. Lady Thompson 2, Lady Piunpkin, 2:34%i, 2:36, 2:,34, 2:42!». Frank Van Ness, Medina, N. Y., June 8, 1875, .$500. Jack Draper 2 (.1 0), Charles Robinson, 2:.33, 2:31, 2:3014, 2:31, 2:.33. East Saginaw, Mich., June 22, 1875, $1,500. Brown Dick l. Snovvi)all. Grafton, Gen. Garfield, Moss Rose, Lady Williams, Idol, Lady Mac, Huckleberry, Burlington (4 dr), Jeremiah (4 dr). 2:24/2. 2 :24i4, 2 :^ti4, 2 :26?4. Detroit, Mich., July 5. 1875, .$1,200. Cozette 2, 3, Brother Jonathan 5, Maud. Brown Dick, Fred. Hooper (4 dr),2:.33»4, 2:29. 2:2814, 2:2914, 2:.30, 2:28. Burlington, la.. Sept. 23, 1875. $ . Tanner Boy, Cozette, Lady Fox (3 dis), 2:29, 2:29i2, 2:28i4 P. Walter, Tiskilwa, 111., Aug. 11. 1870. .$1,000. Brother Jonathan 1, 2 :29'4, 2:2914, 2:283i, 2:30ii. Mendota, 111.. Aug. 18, 1876, $1,000. Brother Jonathan 1. Bertie (1 dis). 2:28'/2. 2:28>«. 2:34, 2:32}^. Earlville. 111.. Aug. 25, 1876, $1,000. Ladv Bvron 1, Brother. Jonathan. Observer, 2:30i.i, 2:31. 2:31M, 2:Zm,. Carroll& Henderson, Medina, N. Y., Junet, 1877. $200. S. S. Ellsworth, Cattaraugus Chief, 2:291/2,2:30^. 2:26. Elmira, N. Y.. June 22, 1877, $1,000. Frank, Lew Ives, 2:29, 2:30. 2:30. < "anandaigua, N. Y., Julv 12, 1877, $.300. Versailles Girl. S. W. Spink. 2:29, 2:27, 2:28»4. Newark. N. Y., July 20, 1877, $1,000. Stranger l. Blue Mare. 2:.30, 2:3294, 2:35?i, 2:30i^. P. Carroll. Dundee", N. Y., Oct. 14, 1880, .$200. Van Wormer's b m 3, Flying Cloud, Kit Sanford, 2:32,2:31, 2:34, 2:.30. Owego, N. Y'., Aug. 25, 1881, .$200. Tom Keeler 3. Daisy Brown. 2 :29, 2 :28, 2 :29, 2 :.'.o. Glean, N. Y.,Sept. 14. 1881, .$200. Kitty Wood, John McDougall, 2:3.3,2:33?4,2:33'4. Sept. 16, 1881, $300. .John McDougall 1, 2:451/2, 2:32i4. 2:.i4i ,. 2:351*. E. L. Wagner, Cuba, N. Y., Sept. 23, 1881, $300. John :\I(I)<)ugall. Fanny E.. 2:32, 2:32,2:32^^. P. Carroll, Dundee, N. Y.. Oct. 15, ISSI, $ . Lib, Poinier's b s. 2:30, 2:281^, 2:27. Naples. N. Y.. Oct. is, 1882, $180. Bal)V Wood, George H., 2:38i4, 2:.33i/2, 2:36. ,...„„ La*ly Stella, b m ( 3 :.38 u ). E. Root, Wilk'esbarre, Pa., ( )ct. 9, 1874, $ . Lady Throop 2, Jenny Leigh, 2:55, 2:48, 2:46. Dan Mace, Prospect Park, L.T... June 17, 1880, .$500. Frank Lane. 2:47?;£, 2:41i2, 2:3854. .. „ c, ^ Lady Stetson, b m (3 :47), by Mambrino Pilot, dam by Allegheny Chief. S. Smith, Harrisburgh, Pa., Sept. 14, 1875, $100. Ben. Gentieman Joe, Black Boy (1 dis), 3:00, 3:0i, 2:.5,5. „, ^ ^ Carlisle, Pa.. Oct. 7 and s, isT.-,, $-200. Lady Kate 1, 3 (2 0), Gilbert (6 0), Gypsy (2 0), Tom Thumb, One Eyed Hunter, 2:51i-.i,2:51i4, 2:r.(>'4. 2:4714. 2:.5,5, 2:47, 2:4914. ,, ,. , , Lady Stevenson, I) m (3:49). H. Clavk. Dubuque, la. . Oct. 21, 1866, $1.50. Comet 1 (2 0), Grampus (4 dr), Peavine (20). (3dis),2:.51i4, 2:48, 2:49, 3:04,3:01. , „ ., Lady St. Lawrence, gr m (3 :50i4 >. E. Rav. Adrian, Mich., July 19. 1873, $60. Long Branch 1 2, Canada Maid, Dan Mace 4, (fi dis). 2:5(!, 2:.50i.i, 2:.5.3. 2:.50i4, 2:5214, 2 :.51i^. ^ ., ,,..,. Lady Sto.^kton. ch in (3 :4.5). liy American Star. J. B. Collins. Mt. Holly, N. J., Oct. 6, 1874. $175. Joe Patchen, Patchen, Clond. 2:.50, 2:.'i2. 2:45. „ ,^., Ladv Stokes, b m(.3:00.. J.Brown. Brookline. Mass., April 6,1882, .$150. Forest Chief, Fred, Dutchman, Maud.. 304. 3:00. , . ., , ^ Lady Stone, blk m (3:5.5). .lolin Salanan. Beacon Park. Boston. Aug. 2. 187.5, .$2.50. .Joseph, Jack, Drew, 2:67, 2:57, 2:.5.5. , . . Lady .Stout, ch ni (3:39>. bv Mambrino Patchen. dam Puss Prall, by Mark Time. .John Stout, Lexington, Ky, Oct. 22. 1873. .$ . Klwalfs Filly, Patterson's Filly. 2:48i4. 2 :.54. Two-year-olds. R. Peni.stan, Oct. 1, 1874, $7.50. Blackwood .Ir. 1. Balsora (3 dis). Proteine (3 dis). Birdie Girl (3 dis). Girlie (1 dis) Maud Macey (1 dis). Brown Chief (l dis), Alethea (1 dis). 2:36i^. 2:.30i,, 2:29, 2:.32'4. Three- year-olds. ,^ .L T> nr^ll.. Lady Story, b m (3:4314). F. O. Worth, Bridgcliarapton, N. Y.. Aug. 21.1883, $75. Hampton Boy, MoUy Jackson. 2:4354, 2:449^. 2:4514- 42:\r>. ,'>:I7. Two miles. IS) l'liiladcl|>liia. Pa., Oct. 17, 1H3X. .Sioo. Polly Sniallfry (s), Madame Roval (si. d disi. .-.:18. r,:-2C. Two miles. (s). Hcacoii ( (turi-p, X. J., April 26, ls:!9,S100. .\i)ollo (s) (I dis), .'i:2I. Two miles. IS I. .lulv ;•.. lK.i, 1839. S20(). Lady Victory 2,5:38, 5:35, 5:40. Two miles. Beacon Course. N. .J., Oct. 3, 18.59, Sl.-)0. Henry I, Celeste, Cato (3 dis), 5:28, 5:28. 5:2«. Two miles. (s), Oct.. '3. 1839, S500. Don Juan (8), 5:14. 5:24. Two miles. (s), Boston, .Mass., Nov. \r,, \Xi9. S'200. Ellen Jewett, (s), 11 :22, 1 1 :34. Four miles! Centreville, L. L, Mav 14, I8I0, $200. Celeste, Napoleon, 5:2(i. 5::!3. 5:.S2. Two miles. (SI. .luiie .{0. 1840. S.-)00. Bonaparte (s). 11:1."), 11 :58. Pour miles. Beacon ('(rnrse, Sept. 21, 1840, SbOO. Aaron Burrl, 5:22,5:21, 5:a5. Two miles. Same dav .$2,000. \V. ().. Aaron Burr forfeited. Two miles. Centreville, L. I., Kept. 24. 1840, .S2(iO. Dutdiman. 4 :.".!». r>:()3i... Two miles. (s), Beacon Course, N. .J., Sept. 2".. isto, .$.500. \V. ().. Dutdiman forfeited. (s), Nov. :«i. 1.S40. S500. W. ().. Dan .luan forfeited. Two miles. Centreville. L. I., .M;iv 4. 1841, .S7.".0. Confidence. Wjishington (1 dis), 5:134, 5:214. Two miles. Philadelidiia. Pa..M:iv 10, 1841, .$200. Dutcliman 1. 5:21'^, 5:19i/>. 5:21. Two miles. (SI. Mav 15, 1841. .$2,000. Dutchman (si. 7:40'o. 7:.%. Three miles. (S), Beacon Course. N. .1.. .lulv :24. Two miles. Tulv 27. 1841. Sl.ooo. Oiu'ida Chief, pacer (1 disi. 5:0,5. Two miles. Centreville. L. I.. >Iay 0. 1.<42. S.SOO. Kipton, 5:10, 5:15. Tw'o miles. Cambriflirc. M:iss., Nov. 17. 1842, .$200. Independence (2 (\r). 5:37, 5:49. Two miles. (s). Beacon Course, N. J., July 4, 1843, .$100. Bepi>o (s), 3(2 0). Indeiiendence (s), 2:28V>. 2:2t(. 2:28, 2:29. 2:32. (s), July 12. 1843, S200. Bepix) (s), Oneida Chief, pacer, 2:26'i, 2:27, 2:27. (S), Julv 25, 1843, S200. BeppO (SK 2::«)'2, 2 -Ai^.^, 2:28. (s), Sep't. 4, 1843. .$300. Oneida Chief, pacer,2:29, 2:30,2:284. Sept. 1.3. 184:5, .$300. Conlidence. 2:38. 2:;i;>, 2:41. Baltimore, Md.. Nov. 2, 184,3. .$300. Dutchnian. Rifle. 5::i8, 5:3514. Two miles. Centreville. L. I.. May 1.5. 1844, .$,500. Duchess. Kiiiton, Washington (2 dis), 5:20, 5:24. Two miles Beacon Course, N. .1.. May 21, 1844. .$.5(K). Americus. Rii ton, 5:17, 5:19. 5:18. Two miles. Centreville. L. I...Iuiie 0. 18t4. .$400. Columlms. 7:51. 8;02. Three miles. Albany, N. Y.. Aug. 28. 1844 .$250. Washington. Moscow d dis), 2:40,2:341*, 2::58y.. Sept. 0, 1844, SIOO. (iovenior Dorr. p;i(cf (2 (lisi. 2:44, 2:20'... Beacon Course. N. .J.. Se))t. 9, 1844, .$25ii. Washington 1, Duchess, 2:38, 2:33'i. 2:34, 2:37. Oct 7. 1844, .$200. .John C. Calhoun, pacer, 1, 2, Fairy Queen, pacer. (4 disi, 2::39, 2:31, 2:28, 2:29, 2:30. Union Course. L. I., April 28, 1845, .$250. Columbus, Americus, 5:20, 5:29. Two miles. Centn'ville. L. I., Mav 5, 184.5. .$2,50. Americus 2, 5:09, 5:1(>. 5:12. Two miles. Pliiladclphi;i, Pa., .June :?, 1,845, $400. Americus 1, 8:02. stOT'.i, 8:17. Three miles. BeaeiiM Course. N. J., Oct. 13, 1845, $250. Moscow ;i, 4, 2:34. 2:29'i, 2:30, 2:34, 2:36. Union Course, L. I., Sept. 28. 184(!, .$2.50. Moscow, Americus, 2:374, 2:37, 2:35. Oct. 15, 184G. .$2,50. Americus l, (4 0), Moscow (4 0), 2:34, 2:344, 2:344, 2:35, 2:38W. (s), June 7, 1847, .$800. Hector isi, 7:.5(i, S:06K'- Three miles. (s), June 9. 1847. .$500. Hector (s), 5:1(1' ;, 5:24. Two miles, (s), Centreville, L. I., .hily 14, 1847, .$.300. .lames K. I'olk (w). (1 dis), 5:03. Two miles. Union Course, T>. I , .hilv 28, 1847, .$2.50. Moscow, 2:374, 2:43>^, 2:394. Centreville. L. 1., Oct. 1, 1847, $ . Roanoke (2 disi. 5:13, 5:124. Two miles. Union Course, L. I.. Oct. 28. 1847, $.500. Ladv Sutton. 5:10, 5:12. Two miles. Dec. 28. 1847, .$.500. Ripton, 5:18U, 5:25K.. Two miles. (w), Centerville. L I., .lune 7. 1848, .$.300. Lady i^loscow (w), (2 0), (3 0), Americus (w), (4 r o), 5:21, 6:18, 5:17,5:22. Two miles. (s), Julv 4, 1S48. s:m\ James K. Polk, pacer, (w), 5:12, 5:14. Two miles. July 17, 1848, $2.50. Liidv Sutton. 2:31, 2:32, 2:32. .lulv 22. 184s,.$200. .liimes K. Polk, pacer, (w), 2, (3 0), 5:22, 5:16, 5:17, 5:16. Two miles. Providence, R. I.. .Iiine 0, 1849. §200. (iray Eagle, Mac (2 dis), 2:354, 2:34 2:38U. June 7. Is4!t. .$300. Miic (1 disi. 5:20. Two miles. Union Course, L. L, June 2.5. 1849. .$2.50. Pelham (2 dis),,2:294, 2:33»^. Centreville, L. I., .Julv 2. 1849. $2.50. Pelham 3, 4, Jack Kossiter, 2:32, 2:324, 2:28, 2:294, 2:344, Aug. .3. 1849. .$.300. Lady Sutton :i, 4. (50). (C, 0). Pelham (3 dis), 2:294, 2:31, 2:30, 2:314, -':32. 2:31.2:38. Sept. 28, 1849, .$ . Ladv Sutton 1. 2::{2U, 2;.334, 2:.34, 2:36. Oct. 17, 1849, .$200. Trustee 1, Pelliiim (2 dr). 7:45io. 7:.52, 7:57. Three miles. (W), Oct. 24, 1849, $250. Bliick Hawk (w), 2:45. 2:40. 2:4.3. Union Course, L. I., Nov. 7. 1849. .$300. Trustee, 8:13. 8:1,5. Three miles. (s), Centreville, L. I.. Nov. 12. 1849, .$200. Dan Miller, pacer, (s), 1, 5:304, 5:12, 5:19. Two miles. Boston, M;iss., Nov. 22, 1849. $ , Trustee 5:57, 5:,34>o. Two miles. Dec. 12. lsl9. .« . f!r:iv Trouble, 5:.38, 5:,3(i. Two miles. Mav 7, ls.50. .$2.50. Lady >I()scow (1 dis), 2:3,3. Pliil;idelplii:i. I'ii., .liiue 12. 18.50, .$2.50. Lady Moscow (1 dis), 2:31. (w), .fune 13, 18,50. .$2.50. Ladv Moscow (w) 1, 2:31, 2:.33, 2:39, 2:33. June 19. 18.50, .$,3.50. I,a(lv MOSCOW, 7:.58i.^,, 7 .55. Three miles. Baltimore, Md.. July 1, is,50, .$ . Lady Moscow 2, 5:20, 5:11, 5:16. Two miles. Julv 8, 18.50, .$300. Liidv Moscow (1 dis). 2:31. Boston. Mass., Oct. 17, 18.50, .$ . James K. Polk, piicer (w), 2:374, 2:38, 2:40. Oct. 22. 18.50, S . Hector (si. 2:41, 2:45. 2:47. . Rochester, N. Y., Nov. ^. 2:37. 2:39. '^i ;_ 1 ^ ' ' I p^ 1 ",'■ w f^ J 1 ( o >* I h-i-' t3 J« ^ fl ill ol S 2 "1 m ^ ,■; *^^ OJ i^ "^ 1 1 s I^ V ^ 1) CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 427 ^^m ^^^"l^^Fi'u^^n.nlul -^ T'-r ^*="'' '\^'S ^'y -f ^^rsey Highlander. .T. Lovett, Fashion Course, L. I., July 10, 1860, ,VoO. Jnn Donnelly 3, 4, Tycoon 2, Bonev \ounjr. 2:45 2-45V, ''-iv, •>-4*)>, -i-Ti -'--Mt^ S Crook Fashion Course, L. 1.. May 7, l«tii. fcno. No\l)ur«^r2'44 2 ieC >-44>: " -^Hirani Wpodiiiff, Union Course, L. L. June U, ls»ji, .i^i.ooo. lielle Branclon,"'2:4oli, 2:40'i. 2:48. rT ^l>^'J\t^'''^'^''}>'''^%\^[ ^■•.^'-'■^ ^"i- '*'^'-' •^'••"'"- '^i"y Wink 3 ^4 0), 2:;i9'„ 2:40'. 2:41 '4, 2:40, 2-4114 B^or2^0^'^o''^'"2-1 2M' J^""''« '^'-"t, Big Uapids, Mich., Aug. 28, 1874 ,$100. Lady'HaH'l. Fox, Erie 2:49?i, 2:493l£, 7~T" •!:"^-«?lJ?'"f|*';^"- ^'-'^- ^'i^Q*l\*V'''"- Tranii) 2, Fanny C, Silver Heels (3 dis), 2:41>;, 2:45 2:42i4, 2:45 ''nnS°?i8":ff6(i^"lv^.?tVw\ir^^ (w), July 22, 1862, $2,000. Kattlesnake (w) 1, 2, 2:36. 2:37 2^34 "••» '•'■wi '^' ^^'^Jl^r^!'3^^ ^ee^^i^!^''^ ''""^'•^"'^- ^- '■' Oct- 3,"l8S2;- S3.. Kady Jane. Harry Clay. ;^ — — Oct. 5. 1883. .*3.5. Daisy P. (3 0), Chocolate, 3:08, 3:l7i4. 3:12>/s, 3:154. Fo;u--vear-olds ^'"'>'-'1"^f;fn^ ''n'\'V !'/ ^^ "[''?f.*'^V' ,<^.h in ('i:3;Ji'=), by Gen. Ilaveloek. J. P.. Hamm, St. j6hn, xN. B., Sept. il 18,2, .>inn. Bald Hornet, Git a di,s\3:I.->i{,. 3:04. Four-vear-olds. ' - i l.ady Sutton, br in t'i-.ZO). hy Morgan Eagle, dam a Morgan mare. James Whelplev, Union Course. L. f. Sept. 20, 1847, .it!2no. Philadelpliia Sal., (iray Eagle. 5-17, 5-21 " Sept. 27. 1847, $200. Philadelphia Sal. Gray Kagle, 5:22. 5:28. Two miles Centreyille L. I., May i:>. l.^l*^. s-OO. L;h1> Suftt.lk 3, 4, Lady Moscow 5, 2:33. 2:33, 2:35, 2:37, 2:38, 2-36 (w) Union Course, L. I.. May 31, 1848. .*!2.0uo. Black Hawk (wj, 2:46, 2 •42> 2 2:43 1 - . . A. Conklln, Union C^ourse. L. I., Oct. 30, 1848, .$250. Jack Kossitei- 1, 2, 2:33, 2:35i^, 2:38. 2:43 2-4" Isaac ^\ oodruff, Centreville, L. I., Oct. 8, 1849, $250. Lady Suffolk. Pelhani l (3 dr), 5:16, 5:17. .5-"o Two miles. V /, , ■ . . iYYw I-ady Sutton, b m (3 :55). Mr. Robin, St. Louis. Mo., June 19, 1866, $50. Lucy Long 3, Lady Baker 3:00 3:143.,, 3:18, 3:06. ' ' j - • , July 21, 1866. $ . Chftord 1, 3. Frank 5, 2:58, 2:56, 2:59, 2:58. 2:55, 3:01. — C. C. Ferris, Hillsdale, Mich,, July 17, 1867, $30. Magna Charta Jr. l, Lady Stevens, Blue Jav Ladv Moseow (3 dr), 3:03, 2:.37, 2:55. j. "j liady Swan, dim (3:40). E. Parmlee, Centreville, L. I., June 19,1840, $500. Duchess, Helen McGreeor Mingo. Leila. Sir William. 5:20, 5:23, 5:23. Two miles. Ticgui, S. J. Vinal, Cambridge, Mass. Sept. 26, 1842, .$400 Yankee, pacer, 1, 2:37, 2:45, 2:45. - • Wm. Whelan, Nov. 15, 1842, .$100. Greyhound, 2 :50. 2:36. tady Teazle, h m(3:45io). B. Russell, Webster, Mass., July 27, 1875, $150. Hone.st Alien LThorn Kate Sloan. Lady Anna d dis). Brown Prince (1 dis), Stranger (l dis"), 2:46'2, 2:45;i, 2:46 2-4714 — Jii'y -8, 1875. $150. Kitty Hill 1, 2, Honest Allen 3, Bell, Bush Boy, Kate Sloan (5 dr), Limber Jim (5 dr). Thorn (5 dr), 2:44, 2:48, 2:45,2:46, 2:46'/,, 2:47^. ^**2'4?'*'"^?"^-^'^'i' ^^^'f^'^^' ^^^1"0" Course, L. I., Aug. 15, 1862, $250. Gen. Halleck 1, 3, Lofty (4 dis), t-ady Thomas, wli m (V:47)/ A.J. Perley, Lynn, Mass., Sept. 1,1875, $200. Lady Norton l, 4. Charles R.. Josie, Ben Bolt (5 dr), John Mills (4 dis), Jake (3 dis). John Hayden (3 dis), 2:51, 2:48?i, 2:47, 2:48'o, 2:49U) iady Thompson, blk m (3:4.5). M. Goodin, Philadelphia, Pa., July 21, 1865, .$300. Sorrel Ned(w)3 Ladv Mace 1, Butcher Boy, 2:44, 2:4594,2:46, 2:45, 2 :50i4. ' I.a.:ly Thomp.son, hlkm i3:.35i, by Andy Johnson, dam by Black Hawk. D. Lanning, Canandaigua, N Y.. Oct. 17, 1872. .S400. Royal George 2, Miller Boy, Charley W.. Maje, Meg, 2 :47, 2:44, 2 :45?i, 2: 49. - — ; Penu Yan, N. Y., June 6, 1873, $300. Lookout 2, 3, Prince Clay, Lady ArneUl dis),2:40i4, 2 :42, 2 :42, 2 :42>ii, — Auburn, N, Y., Aug. -28, 1873, $200, Central New York (1 dis). Lookout (l dis). Lady AVoodward d dis), r N Thomi)son. Watkins, N. Y.. July 3, 1874, $140. Mountain Maid 1, 5, Idler 2, Nelly 3, Barbara Knox (7 dr), T. D. Hill (7 dr), Billy White Stockings (6 dr), Johnnv (6 dr), Georgiana (6 dr). Sir Henry (6 dr). St. Lawrence (5 dr), Beauregard (2 dis), 2:.52i.;, 2:50,2:.51, 2:50t.;, 2:501.,, 2:51, 2:.50. July 4, 1S74. $200. Lady Pumpkins. Ohio Girl, S. S. Ellsworth, 2:35, 2:.35, 2:35i-.;. Corning, N. Y., July 31, 1874, $400. Billy Favor, Bonny Doon, Lady Pumpkins, Deceiver, 2:48. 2:47'/^, 2:46 Penn Yan, N. Y„ June 3. 1875, $400. Ida L., Mountain Maid, Prince Clay, Toppv, 2:41, 2:40, 2.-41'/,. Dansville, N. Y., June 23, 1875. .$400. Clifton Boy. Prince Clay, Ashland Pet. Indian Belle, Lewi's , ,_ „ ., — , ...ewis (3 dr), 2:37, 2:36' 2, 2:40. ■ June 25, 1875, $400. Carrie 2, 4, Tom Walter 1. 2:33. 2:34',, 2:37, 2:37'.;, 2:36?4, 2:.37^. Owego, N. Y. July 2, 1875, $325. Lucy Penny 4, 7, St. Patrick 2, 3, Luther l, Onondaga Boy, 2:35, 2:37, 2:36, 2:35, 2:36, 2:39, 2:39'2, 2:42. o . rady Thompson ch m ( 3:41), by Rocket. A. H. Danforth, Salisbury, Vt., Aug. 28, 1873, $40. Parker's b m 1. Night Watcli, Lady of the Lake. Best time, 2:56. Aug. 29, 1873, $45. Sam Morrill,- Night Watch. 2 :54'4. Rutland, Vt., Oct. 2, 187.3. $100. ,lerry2 (1 Ot. SU'e])v David. Dan, 2:.'50, 2:51, 2:.50, 2:.50''2, 2:51?i. Middle (iranviile, Vt.. Aug. 15, 1874, .$50. Empress, Country Boy 1 (3 dis). Night Watch (3 dis). Lady Allen (2dr), 2:52. 2:.51, 2:50';,, 2:54. Barre, Vt., Oct. 13 and 14, 1874. $250. General 2, 3, Dagger 5. Black Diamond, Honesty. Bessie Shaw (5 dr), Robert Fulton (5 dis), 2:43'2, 2:43 2:44K>, 2:41, 2:44, 2:4.5. Oct. 14 and 15, 1874, .$200. Jolin Pomeroy 1,"2, Black Warrior 3, Harry 2:49'4, 2:45, 2:48, 2:42»4, 2:423i,2:43. Bethel, Vt., Oct. 21, 1874, ,$400. Jenny 2, Fanny Sollace', Black Warrior, Spot (1 dis), 2:461^, 2:4.5, 2:42, Lady Thorne, bm (3:1814), by Mambrino Chief, dam by Gano. Sam McLaughlin, Philadelphia, Pa.. Oct. 17,1 86.!, $100, Fran k, 2 : .51 , -2 :40, 2 : 30. Oct. 20, 1863. $100. Gilchrist's b m 3, John Henry, Johnny, 2:35, 2:38,2:38, 2:37'2. • Oct. 21, 1864. .$.500. Shark. 2:.32',4, 2 :24, 2 :34'-i . Union Course, L. I., June 1, 1865, 1865, $1,10''. Frank Vernon, Stonewall .lackson, 2:24?^, 2:24J<., 2:32>4. June 12, 1805, $2,000. Dexter 3, 2 :24, 2:261^. 2 .07, 2 :26i4 . Hol)Oken. N. J., June 16, IS6.5. .«!,57.5. Frank Vernon, Stouewrill .lackson, 2:27, 2:.34'i;, 2:27?.,'. ■ Dan Pfifer, Union Course, L. I.. Oct. .5, 1865. .$1,500. Gcor;,"' Wilkes, Lady Emma, 2:28»/i, 2:27'^, 2:27^. — - — Boston, Mass., July 5, 1866, ,$2,000. George Wilkes, 2:2iiVo, 2:31K>, 2:32'/,. ' July 17, 1866, $2,000. George Wilkes l, 5, )3 O), 2:29. 2:29, 2:2m, 2:33",. 2:.33i4. 2:34. «8 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. — — Fashion Course, L. I., Sept. 7. istJt;, §1,500. (Jeor^e Wilkes, 2:27i^, 2:27, 2:2C'.t. Hartford, Conn., Sept. 2i, 18t>G, •'jiToo. Dan liice, ;i:30'.i, T-'Jity^, 2:28. (w) Union Course, L. 1., Oct. 25, liStiO, Sl'.OUO. Laiiv Ivinnia (\vj, 3, 4, 2:27^4. 2:28i^.. 2:30Si, 2:27iSi, 2:2»)4. (W) Fashion Course, L. I., Nov. 1, IHiiU. .«i.',(K)0. K:idy Knuna (w), George \V ilkes (W), 2:20, 2:27, 2:88. Sprin^lickl, Mass., Aug. .'Jl, 1«*'.7, SI.(ki(i. Lucy 1, '^-'M, •J:;i();'4.2:32, 2:32. Providence, U. I., Sept. ti. isi;7, .$1.5(io. Hruiio 3. Luey, 2:2U.;4, 2:2G>4.2:'i9'2. 2:301i. Fashion Course, L. 1., Sept. 30, I8t>7, •:?i,u(X). Mountain Boy 2, Lucy, Bruno (l dis), 2:'J5U., 2:24',, a:'.it. 2:24. • (w), Provldenee. R. I., Oct. 22, 1867, §1,000. Old Put (w), 5:ll}!i, 5:12'/j. Two miles. ■ Nov. 4, l»li7, $2,000. Luey 1 i2 0( (4 dr), 2:30, 2:;i2, 2:i.'8, . Fashion Coursi-. L. I.. Oct. 22. 18t!7, $l.(X)0. Luev. (Jeorge Wilkes, Gen. Butler, 2:24'!>, 2:23. '2:2b. (w) .M;iy 28, 18ti8. si.iKio. (ieorge Wilkes (w). Lucy cw). (icii. lUitlcr (w). 2:24, 2:20. 2:25'.i. Providence, K. 1., June 17, ises. .»!l,,joo. Lucy. Rolla (Jolddust. .Mountain Hoy. Rhode Island (3 dr),2:25V4, Mystic Park, Boston, June 25, 1868, .^L.jOO. Lucy, Rolla GolddustU dis, 2:22'., 2:24f4. 2:25»4. ,luly 3, 18(W, S'j,(«JO. Mountain Boy 2,2:20'/2, 2:20?i, 2:22'2, 2:2014. riiioii Course, L. L, Julv 9. 1808, .•S2,000. Mouiilaiii Bov 2 (4 0), 2:23'-i, 2:21*4, 2:21, 2:2594. 2:25i>4. Pnividencc, K. I., .luly 15. 1808, .^1.,'^^). Geori;c Wilkes 3, 2:27;4, 2:27Li,. 2:29, 2:30. SulVolk r:irk. I'hil., Sept. 7, 1808, $ . Mouul:iin Hoy 1, 2:2.5, 2:22, 2:26. 2:29. -^ Provideiiic, K. L. Oct. 15, 1868, «2,500. Luey 1, 2. George Wilkes. Rhode Island. George Palmer, 2:2a'/4, 2:22!... 2:25, 2:24io, 2:25. Union Course, L. I., Sept. .30. 1808, $2,000. Mountain Boy, 2:24, 2:24^. 2:27?4. Fashion Course, L. 1., N'ov. 9, 1808, 2.(K)0. Lucv, 2:27, 2:25, 2:25. Mav 4, 18C.9, §2,000. American Girl (3 0). 2:20, 2:29';, 2:30^4, 2:29^4. . May lit, 1809, .$2,000. American Cirl. 2:30, 2:27. 2:29". Union Course. L. L, ,lulv 28. 1809. .«2.000. Goldsniilh Maid, 2:21?4, 2:20!^, 2:21'?i, .J. D. McMann. Prospect Park. L. I., Aug. 28, 1809.,?4,000. Goldsmith IMaid, American Girl, 2:205li, 2:20^4, 2:20'^. Sept. 3. 1809. S2,000. Mountain Bov, 2:2314, 2:21, 2:22'.. I'hihidelphia. Pa., Sept. 9, 1809. .•?2,500. American <4irl, (ioldsniith Maid, 2:21?4, 2:19%. 2:23ii. Prospect Park, L. 1., Sept, 18, 1809, .§3.000. George Palmer. Rhode Island. IMountain Boy, 2:22'/,, 2:28, — Boston. Mass., Oct. 1, 1809. .§3,.500. Goldsmitli Maid, George I'almer, American Girl, 2:201-4, 2:20i4, 2:20. I'rovidence, R. I., Oct. 8, 1869, §5,000. tJeorgc I'almer 3. (ioldsmith Maid. Lucy. American v Starlii;ld. R. L. McLaren, Moberlev, Mo., July :J. 1879, .§200. Kansas Bill 3, Sleepy Joe 2. 'Vandafui Joe 1. 4 (5 dis). Horace tireelev (5 dis), Lula M. (4 dr), Minnie Hamilton (2 dis), 2:4.5, 2:40Vi, 2:45, 2:47, 2:44, 2:44. 2:49. Lincoln, 111., Aug. 28, 1879, §250. Doctor Fred 3. Lantern 1, Bob Burdette (5 dis», 2:30, 2:.39, 2:40, 2:35, 2:39. Dul>ui|ue, la., June 16, 1880, $2.50. Maggie Mitchell 1, 4, Lonia, Granger, N. Mattison (3 dr), 2:38, 2:36ii, 2:39. 2:41, 2:;56'4. F'ort Dodge, la., July 7, 1880, $200. Charley Douglass 1, Little Sioux, Cricket, Alamo, Roofer Jr , Granger. 2 :33, 2 :34, 2 :32, 2,-32. La Salle, 111., July 28, 1880, .§500. Jessie Dixon 2. .3. Elsie Groff 4. Young Wilkes. Hai)iiv ift disi. Minnie Maxfleld (3 dis), 2::}5V^, 2:.32i4, 2:31, 2:.32i;. 2:30i.j, 2:,33i.i. Prophetstown, 111., Aug. C, I88O, $350. Captain Herod 1, Flsie (irotf. Yonnu Buchaiuni. Minnie Maxfleld (4 dis), 2:20',. 2:30i4. 2:291^, 2:29i?i. Mendota, IlL, Aug. 12, 1880, $450. Elsie Groff l. Little Sioux. Mary Miller, Billy Boy, 2 :29i4, 2:291-4, 2:29^ 2:2954. lady Thorne, gr in (2 :37). McGuire & O'Brien, Toronto, Ont, July 28. I88O. §200. Bellwood, "Welland Girl, Avenue Boy, Queen. 2:38, 2:41, 2:37. .Fuly 29. 1880, $150. Byron Cole. Yorkville Maid, Walter Jones, Little Dan. Frank 1!.. Shelburne, Bonus, Tom Allen (3 dr). 2:40. 2":40, 2:40. Lady Thorne. ch m (3:10). P. Dupins, Montreal, P. Q., Julv 21. 1880, $50. White Leg 3, Beldine, Sorrel Bov. Timekeeper. 3:20, 3:10, 3:1.5, 3:12. Lady Thorne. b m (3 :04). C. Tatro, Burlington, Vt., Sept. U, 1883, $75. Ned. MattielG.. 3:(H.S3:07V4, 3:07i^. Three-vear-olds. Ladv Thornedale, bm(3:00), by Thornedale. L. S. Sammis, Hempstead. L. I., May 1.5. 1879. $20. Hemy, 3:00, 3.06, 3:00. I.ady Thornton, (2 :53). R. Clayton, Wilmington, Del.. Nov. 14, 1873, §100. Tommy Dodd l.l.!. Lady Fashion 5, Flora Temple, Sorrel John (4 dis). Best time 2:55Vi. Hudson Co. N. J., Sept. 18, 1874. §90. St. Klmo 1. Isabel, 2:52?4,2:.53. 2:.57i-i, 2:59?4. Lady Thornton, b m (2:36i4), by Mai)es' Hainliletonian. E. Nash. South AVeymouth, Mass., July 5, 1880, $100. Crcola 3, 4, Jacob 1 (2 di'sl, L:i/iiiess. Black .lack, E. Flat. Bismuth, 2:4.5,2:48. 2:.53, 2:51. 2:.52'.i. 2:52. Sept. .30. 1881, .§17.5, St. Marv, Frank B., 2:41'.., 2:43i,i, 2:4494. Lady Thorpe, rnm(2:47';). Wni. Marshall. Pat erson, N. J., Nov. 27. 1802, $200. Lady Patchen 1. Rose of Washington (I dis), 2:48. 2:47'o. 2:,50. ,S;inie day. .§.50. Rose of Washington 1, 2:51, 2:54,2:.52. Lady Throop', b m (3:48). R. Terwilliger. Nicholscm, I'a., Oct. 1, 1874, $ . Moderator. Boy Birdie (I dis), Dick 1 1 disi, (Icn. Sherman (1 dis>, 2:49. 2:54. 2:4914. Lady TiRhe, br m (3:29), bv Feller's ILinibletonian. A. P. McDonald, Albimy. N. Y.. Oct. 1. 1879. $350. Nelly Blv, \ewsl)oy, Gavlord. Frank, Storm (3 dr\ Stella C. (2disK 2:30, 2:30, 2:32. Oct. 3.' 1879, $.'5,50.' Farmer Boy 3, 4, Newsbov, P.i'ttrace (4 dr). Storm (4 dr>, Stella C. (3 dr). 2 :30, 2 :30, 2:28, 2:.^3. 2:29. Oct. 24. 1879. $400. Nelly Rose, Ella Doe, Tom Malloy, Fitzgerald, Billy Burr, .lohn McDougall, Fury, Tom Mason, 2:29, 2:29, 2:29.' La m(2:60). J, Bumstead, Mystic Park, Boston, Aug. 1, 1876, $50. Dan, Dot, katy (1 dis), 2:54, 2:50, 2:51. Aug. 23, 1877, $50. Dan 1, 2, Maud, Troublesome (3 dr),2:62. 8:.57, 2:50, 2:68'/,, 2:51. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND J^ACINCJ RECORD. 429 Lady Tompkins (s), b m (3 :36). S. McLaughlin, Beacon Course, N. J.. Oct. 9, 1&13, $50. Sarah (s) 1. Stranger (S), 2:54. 2:53, 2:50, -2:49. . .w v ; , « gci (w). Oct. 11, 1843. $r>{). Lady Wiggin.s (w) 2, North Star (vv) (l dis). 2:53%, 2:58%, 2:54%, 2:55. Hiram Woodruff, Oct. 17. 1844. $100. Auiina 1, 2:37, 2:30, 2:39, 2:38. tady Tompkiiijs (w). b ni ( 'Z :31), by Alexanders Abdallah. T. Croucr, Fashion Course, L. I., May 11. 1864 $100. Ludy Collins ovi 1. 2:40',, 2:40'o, 2:43'5, 2:40. . > j . . • .JuneSo, 18i;i. §250. Wellswood 1, 2, (ioliah 4 (0 dr), 2:40}^, 2:3", 2-40, 2-42 2-40, •'•42 .1 Lovelt, Oct. 5, 1S64, .S)00. Jiuiniy Lynch 1,2:4.3, 2:40, 2:38, 2:46. ' ' • iryh. N. v.. Sej)t."u, 1806, $1.50. Burgher, 2: 39Ui. 2:31, A. (loldsmith, Ncwburyh, N. V.. Sept. 14, 1806, $1.50. Burgher, 2: 39U>. 2:31, 2-31%. Goshen, N. Y., Oct. 18, i8ii(), Prize, silver. Tormentor, 2:44, 2:41^, 2~32. S. C. Osgood, Norwich, Conn., Oct. 1, 1868, $'200. Columbus 3, 4 (50)," Mack (2 dr), 2:48, 2-MK, 2:445£, 2^45. 2:48. Unfinished. tady Totman. rn m ('i :56). John Edgill, (iouverneur, N. Y., Sept. 11 , 1872, Sl.TO. Young Mambrino. W. Mc- Lain, U:dvnown Boy, 2:56, 3:03, 2:57. tacly Town li m I'-J :48). M. Goodiu, Suffolli Parlt, Pa., Sept. 27, 18.59, $100. Sneak 2-50-i.i. 2^48 2-59 I.a< tady Tuck, brin i3:40). W. M?Fadden, Cadiz, ()., Oct. 25, 1870, .$60. Bay Dollv, \o N'ame, Bay Jim (3 dr). Bay Harry (3 ilr). 2:40, 2:41, 2:44. ^ ■ j v /, Lady Tucker, blk m ( 3 :30^i) by Clark's :\Iohawk .Ir. C. Dickerinan. New Haven. < 'onn.. Sept. 5, 1882, $200. Harry B., Prince Imperial. Sheridan, Carrie ( '. i:; dr). Briny (2 dis). My Lady il dis), 2:.S53^, 2:35'/2, 2:351/2. • — Norwich, Conn., Sept. 27, 1882, $200. Dick Dample 4, 5. Island Boy 1, Jack, 2:36, 2 :;!7'^4. 2:37, 2:36k, 2:39i4, .Morrisania, N. Y.,Nov. 16, 1882, Prize harness, Andy2, 2:.30?4. 2:36i4,'2:35i4. Lady Turner, l)lk m (3:35*). .Jas. Turner, Decatur, 111.,' Sept. 16, 1864,$500. Nabocklish 1, 2,2:30, 2:29'/2, 2^28 2:25, 2:27. Short track. W. T. Baird, Bloomington, 111., Oct. 22. 1867, $100. Fr:ink 1, 2. Lady White Eve, 3:00, 3:01. 2:55, 2:58. 2:59' 2. ^ . , , liady Turpin, blk in (3:33). by Bell Morgan, dam Nonesuch, by Brignoli. Patterson & Co., Danville, Ky,. Sept. 26, 1872, $7,5. Ben Bruce. 2:4414.2:45. Three year olds. J. M. Patterson. Lexington. Ky., Oct. 23. IS73. .$300. Hylas 3, 4, Puss Thompson (4 dis), Ben Bruce (4 dlS),2:.55'2, 3:01'». 2:.59i/8. 3:03, 3:19'i. John Crawford, Toledo, O. July 6, 1874, $500. Ruth 1, Ladv Gray, Snowstorm, Ohio Girl, Captain Jack. 2:41>2, 2:44, 2:44?i, 2:45. " S. A. Browne, (;rand Rapids, Mich., June 9, 1875, $1,000. Lady Kellogg 1, 2, Josie, Pilot Mambrino, Johnny Trouble. Black Diamond (3 dlsi. 2:45. 2:4-1^4. 2:36'2. 2:38i4, 2:40^4. — — Kalamazoo, Mich., July 1, 1875, $l,.50o. Richard 1, General Mac, Marion, Lady H., Calmar. 2:.35?i, 2:35'4. 2:.33, 2:3314. ■Rochester, N. Y., Aug. 11, 1875, .$3,000. Idol 3,4, Nelly Walton 5, Jeremiah. Honest Harry, Bateman, Proctor, Clifton Boy (5 dr), Carrollton (2dis), 2:23, 2:26, 2:23, •l:-^'y%, 2:263^, 2:2494. Avon, 111., Sept. 29,. 1876, ,$2.50. Janesville 2, 2:8314, 2:41, 2:38, 2:34?4. Freeport, 111., Aug. 2 and 3, 1878, .$800, Mazo-Manie 5, Loafer, Monroe Chief 1, 2 (3 dis), 2:26i4, 2:27i4, 2:^26, 2:27, 2:'29, 2:2614. Mendota, 111., Aug. 16,1878, $700. Cozette, Loafer, Modoc, Mazo-Manie, Barney Kelly (3 dis), 2:27*^. 2:29,2:28. Grand Rapids, Mich., Sept. 22, ISSO, ,$400. Lida Bassett, 2:32»4. 2:32'/2. 2:8114. Lady Tuthill, l)r in (3:44). J. H. Tuthill, Elleuville, N. Y., Aug. 7, 1875,$ . Bay George 1, 2:45, 2:44, 2:47. Lady Upton, blk m (3 :33i4). by Gen. Grant, dam ))y American Eagle. B Goold, Dundas, Ont., Aug. 14, 1877, ,$50. Little Billy 1, Spotted Colt. No time. Thorold, Out., Sept. 4, 1877, $100. Hiilett, Lady Clifton, Nelson Chief. No time. Homer, Out., Sept. 6, 1877, $70. Hiilett. Ladv Clifton. No time. Clifton. Onl., Sept. 8, 1877, $100. Hulett 2, Ladv Clifton. No time. Port Roliinson, Out., Oct. 5, 1877, $30. Duroc (2 0). No time. Homer, Out.. Mav 16, 1879, .$ . J. F.. 2:33?4. 2:33?4. Thorold, Ont.. ^Slay 26, 1879. ,$60. Douglass, Bob Ridley. No time. Lockport, N. Y.. .July 4, 1879, $100. Cuckoo 2, Ladv Mack, Toronto Chief. No time. .1. Medbury, Dunkirk, N. Y., Aug. 31, 1880. .$400. Kit Bradlev 5, Duke 3, 4 (6 dis), Irene, George S. (5 dr) 2 :35M, 2:35k, 2:3914. 2:3914, 2:36, 2:36. Sept. 2, 1880, $400. Kitty Wood, Flora A., Pliilip S. McAllister, Champion Prinre, Lady Cleveland (2 disi 2:3«!4, 2:38?i,2:41. Cuba, N. Y., Sent. '22, 1880, ,$2.50. Billy Burr 1, Jim Ash, 2:32. 2:35^. 2:35'4. 2:36. Wellsville, N. Y., Oct. 6. 1,^80. $1,50. Kitty Wood. Ladv Wheeler. No time. Yorkshire, N. Y., Aug. 31. 1883, .$.300. Lena 3. Georsre R. Ladv Mack (4 dis). 2:32i4, 2:32%, 2:32i4,2:33. Lady Van, (Nora M.), b ni (3 :40). R. Vandebogart. Hudson. N. Y.. .Inly 4, 1870, •$ . Sozodont, Sandy, Pulver's b m 2, (3 dis), Ladv Lawn 1 (3 dis), 2:.52, 2:,53i4. 2:46, 2:.50i4, 2:47. W. D. Halstead. Green Haven, N. Y , July 4, 1874, $100. Lady Chapman 4, 5. Harry Clay Jr. 2, License, Betsy (4 dr), 2 :.59,2:.58, 2:5.5,3:57, 3:02, 8:0.3. F, Van Wagener, Amenia. N. Y., Sept. 16, 1875, $100. Nelly Jones, Willv. Jane Eyre, Ladv Hulett. 2:45'.4, 2:44?i,2:46. ' ... Danbury, Conn., Oct. 6, 1876, .$200. Mary D. 4. Maximilian .3, Tidd. George, 2:.50, 2:49, 2:.5i,2:,5ni4, 2:.5.3. Danbury, Conn., Oct. 6, 1876, .$200. Mary D. 4. Maxi Vance, b m (3 :53?i). F. A. Hart, Ewingville, N. Lady V ance, b m (3 :53?i). F. A. Hart, Ewingville, N. J., Sept. 9, 1878. $ . Harry 1, Holly, Bifl Donelly. Mary, Magnet, 3:08, 2 :.59i4 , 2 :53?4 . 2 :.56i/2. Lady Vernon, gr m (3 :39'/i). Dan Pflfer, Union Course, L. I.. Oct. 5, 1852, $300. Shackleback, 2 :44. 2 :45i^. Centreville. L. I.. Oct. 13. 1852. .$200. Trifle 1, 2:48, 2:43, 2:42, 2:43. J. Somerindvke, Union Course, L. I., Oct. 27, 18.52, $1,100. Ladv Kelly, 8:10.51:12. Three miles. Dan Pflfer, Centreville, L. I., April 26. 18.53, $1.50. Kemble Jackson, 2:41, 2:,30, 2:41^. Union Course, L. I., Mav 3, 1853, $250. Lady Relief, 2MK, 2:.35. 2:39. Bo.ston. Mass., Julys, 1853, $ . ©'Biennis 2, 5:26 -^-U, 5:25. Two milas. 480 CHESTEKS COMPLETE TUOTTlNi; AND 1*A( INU KECOKD. (W), Jiilv 22. 1853, S . Lady Litchfield (\v)3, 2:38, •>:M. 2:40, 2:40. Aug. y, i»53, ji . liiuly LilclilK-ld. J-.Mi. :;:35, -J-.-H'. Union Coiirsi', I^. I., Sejit. •;. 1X53, #500. Si-lini, 2:3-.'. •.•;38. Unlliushed. Sept. 2-', 18o3, $SM. (in-fii .Moiiiitaiii Maid 3, Vernioiit, IVt, 2:J9)^, 2:30Hi, 2:28'/4, 2:32. Nov. lu, 1853, SIM. Laily .lant-. 2:4(>U„ :i:37, 2:37. Hiram NVoodriill, March li3. \x:a. S^oOO. Alvadora, 2:5ti, 3:00. N. Oli'an. WattTtowii, N. V., Oct. 2, 1858, SIOO. Lady Gray. 2:58, 2:5C, 2:57. lAdy Veruoii. gr ni (,s :31j. E. Fulloii, San Francisco, Cal., Ai)nl 9, 1x54, .S3,000. Lady Macli, pacer, (1 dis), 2:32' J. .Mav IH. l.s.^4, SJ.500. Daniel Webster, iiacer. Ladv Mack, i)aeer, 2:37, 2:33,2:35. Sacranieutii. Cal., .(une 19. 1H5'>, 5;2.fi(X). Ladv .lane (3 dn. 2:31. 2:37, . Lady Vei-iioii. I) ni i« :4»). Nornuui Sniitli, .Norwich, Conn., June 23, 1858, $200. Norwich Boy, 2:54, 2:53V4, 2:4"J. (\v». Henry Lathrop, ,Iulv 5, 1858. ,«!200. New York Bov (w) (30), 3:01. 3:03, 2:.'V>. 3:00. L.ady Vic, b ni (3 : 1 5i.,), l)y New York Hoy. .1. J. Cook. Denver, Col., .June 14, 1877, *200. Al Borak, Little .idscpli, Minnie Uoclieford. 3:li»^,3:15'4- Four-vear-olds. Lady Victory, ch ni (3 :4:Ji'.i.». Albert Conkling, Centreville, L. I., .luue 16, 1831, S . Paul Try a dis), 8:n. Tlin-f miles. lolm Brown, Philadelphia. Pa., .July 24, 1839. $200. Lady Suffolk 3, Lafayette 2.5:28, 5:31, 5:32, 5:40. Two miles. Lady Viola, gr m (2:.54>2). B. Snedeker. Prospect Park. L. I., Nov. 5. 1874, S500. Kuby 1. 2:.50, 2:56, 2:54'.4, 2:57. LAdy Vixen blk ni(3:43). ,1. H. Smith, Norwidi, Conn., Oct. 3, 187.i, .S75. D. (J. Whittingville tl dis), 2:42, 2:42. 2:.J2'j. Chiirles McCliesney. Oct. 1, 1874. $75. Lady Nash, Stocco Boy (2 dis). Unknown (2 dis), 2:.')5, 2:55, 2:53. Same ilav. .■^■.'75. Tom. Koyal tieorge. Pet, 2:4'.".i. 2:47, 2:45'.i. .1. II. Smith. Sei>t. 1.5. 1875,' 875. Farmer Bov, 2:513^, 2:5i:U, 2:56'o. Lady Voorliies (Ladv Rigfrlei. ch ni i3:33'2). G. W. Voorhies, Detroit, Mich., Oct. 25, 1870, S200. Vesta 2, Ladv (.ireiner. Ladv Hill. Louisa i3 dn. Craft (2 drj. No time. H. Y'. Norris. Kalamazoo. IMicli., .June 19, 1877, Siit. 18. 1877. ,'5.500. Belle Moore, Ellen C, Ladv Mac, 2:34, 2:32'.!, 2:30'/2. East S:iginaw, Mich., Sept. 2.5, 1877, .f500. Ellen C. 1, 2, Black Mack. 2:34, 2:a5V4. 3:30, 2:30, 2:30'.,. /(Irian, Mich., July 13. 1K78. si.50. Lady Moscow l, Joe Kellogg. Gen. Sherman, Gold Leaf (2 0':k Niltchez (2 dr), 2:31?^. 2:.32, 2:32. 2:31. Ladv W., ch m (8 :4G). L. W. .Ferome. .Fersev Citv, N. J., July 28, 1874, $250. Ellen;2, Purdy 3, Patty, East Side i2(li-;i. Ladv AV;iiidlei2 dis). 2:46. 2:45':,. 2:47, 2:47, 2:47}ii. Ladv w.. grill ('^:42?i). T. P. NYinston. Reno, Ne v.. Oct. 11, 1881,. $250. ^Voodburn .3, McClellan, Douglass, 2:451.1, 2 :42?.i. 2:47, 2:44 Latiy AV.,grni (3:571^). G.Mathers, Point Breeze Park, Phila., Oct. 10, 1882,.$ . Lady Bradley (1 dis), Jiick (1 dis», 2:.57'2. Ladv AVadsworth, ch m (2 :44). Mr. Wadsworth, Erie. Pa., Aug. 17,1869, $65. Lady Custer, Tormentor, Honest (ieorge, 2:44. 2:48, 2:48'/^. Lady Waaroner.rn m (3:35). by Wild Wagoner. Samuel Loughridge, Marietta, O., Sei)t. 9, 1675, .$155. Sweet William. Moscow, 2:4'.i,2:47i.i, 2:.54'.i. James Loughridge, M(CoiinelsvilIe,0., Sept. 21.1883, $105. Competitors not named. 2:40%, 2:46. 2:40. Lady Wales (3 :3~'i). Boston. .Mass., Sei)t. 14. 1865, $ . Lady Shaw (\\) 2, 2:40, 2:38'.i, 2:37(4, 2:40, 2:40. LadyWalker.br m (3:48). K.J. W:dker. Belvidere, N. J., Oct. 15. 1859. $70. Hudson Boy 2. Pittstown " Maid, .Viidrew Jackson, 2:.j0, 2:49, 2:.53, 2:48. Lady Walker iwi. b m (3:31). W. Patrick. St. Louis, Mo., June 20, 1865, ,$700. Lady Leonard, Nabocklish, 2:36' s 2:33, 2::$1. June 23, 18(!.5, $650. Ladv Leonard (w), Lilly Simpson (2 dr). 5:17, 5:1154. Two miles. Chicago, 111.. Sept. 5. I805, $200. Liuly .Moore (3 (lis), 2:47'», 2:49. 2:35!4. J. H. Morris, Poutiac. .Mich., Oct. 1, 1H68, $ . Sleepy John. Best time, 2:47. Lady W'alkill, b ni (3 :4.5). by Cjissius M. (lay, dam by Kockinghiun. Jas. W. Hoyt, Stony Ford, N. Y., June 20. IKlil. .$100. Whisky Bill. 2:46. 2:4.5. 2:46. Lady Wallace (w. ch lii (3:4«;'j w). Union Course, L. I., Nov. 24, 1864, .$100. Lady Warrentown (w), 2:47>4, 2":463.v. Lady w alton (Laily Franklin), b m (3 :33). A. Walton, f^ovidence, R. I.. Oct. 24, 1867, $500. Gen. Sherman, Ladv Bartlett (1 (lis). Thomas Jefferson (1 dis), Pegasus (l dis). 2:;j8, 2:37, 2.34?.i. 1." J. Bowen, Boston, Mass., November 20, 1867, $300. India Rubber 1, Whalebone (2 dr), 2:37J<^, 2:355li, 2:40. .Iillv 31. 18(;8, $300. Nellv Locke 1, 2:35, 2:35, 2:36?.i, 2:36. H. A Hall, Miinchester,' N. H.. Aug. 12. 1870, .$150. Fannv 1, Lilly, W. J. Paine, 2:3.5, 2:36, 2:3,3, 2:34. Taiinloii. Mass.. Oct. 7. ls7o, $20. Bridgesvater Boy, o:b\%, 6:03>/4. Two miles. Lady Waltim. gr m (3 :4.5), by tlie Allen Horse, dam by Witherell. S. H. Jacobs, I'ortliuid, Me., June 14, 187.3, .<52.50. Purity 1, (irace. .Selly (1 disi. -':4s. 2:1(1'.,. 2:4.5, 2:47?4. Lady WariiiR bm'(3:31). Win. E. Weeks. Morrisaniii, N. Y., June 19, 1879. $200. .Julia Sweepstakes 1, 2, Blanche .5. Gloster. Orphan Boy, 2:.33, ^MU, 2::i5. 2:3.514, 2:.S4, 2:35. Dover, N. H., Sept. 18, 1879, $300. Somerset Knox, Mathilda, Judgment, Forbidden Fruit ^i dis), 2:32, Ladv Warren, gr m (2 :35i;i), bv Hiram Drew. T. Cojip, Boston, Mass.. Dee. 1. 1864, $ . Bright(m, Dick 2:43'4,2:42. 2:42K'- (w), R. Sherwood, New Hiiven, Conn.. July 12, 186.5. $200. Baker Boy 1, 2, Memnoii (w), 2:43. 2:42, 2:42»4, 2:45,2:48. (w), Julv28. 1865. $200. Baker Boy 5, Belle of Middletown 1. 2 tc dis), Meninon (w), (2 dis). 2:42%, 2:42!/2, 2:42U. 2-425ii, 2-43?i ''-49 B. Giberson, Fashion Coiirs(!. L. I., Sept. 5, 1865. ,$2.50. Lady McClellan, Black Diiimond, Fearnot (2 dis), 2:434,2:42, 2:40>^. . Dan Miice, Sept. 19. 1865. .«1. 000. Ladv McCUMhm 1,2, 2:45. 2:45, 2:40^.i, 2:4.5V,. 2:43. J. Joslvii. I'.rattleboro, Vt.. Aug. 10, 1867. $100. Capt. Lawrence 1. Mambrino Chief (2 dr). Slate Rock (1 dis), 2:li;'i', 2:.54';i, 2:45H, 2-Ar,%. Nortli;impt(m, Miiss., October 4, 1867. $100. Robinson's b g 2, 4, Regulator 1, 2:40i.<;, 2:35'i, 2:35^4, 2:38'4, "•40 ""44 Lad~v Warren, b m (2:54). T. G. Hoyt, Glens Falls, N. Y., Oct. 17, 1873, «100. Red Ribbon 3, 2:.54'/s, 2:67, 2:59, 2:.54. Lady Warrenton, gr m (2 :39). Dan Pflfer, Union Course. L. I., Oct. 22. 1864, S . Red Jiicket, 2:39, 2:39, 2:41, Lady Warwick (Lizzie Warwick), b m (2 :353i). t'- Dimmick, Hamilton, C, Oct. 3, 1866, $150. Fanny, 3:0054, 2:53?4.2:55?4. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 431 (s), O. W. Dimmiek, Washington, D. C, Nov. 24, 186G, $200. Flyaway (s), 2:38i4, 2:37, 2:382i. Richmond, Va., Nov. 28, ima $ . Flvawav, 2:41, 2:40. 2:421-^. tMlj Washington (s), b ni (.a :48 s). Wm. Peters, Toronto Can., Nov. 18, 1841, $250. Sir John, Colbourne (s) 2:50,2:50,2:48. tady Washington, grm(iJ:48). S. McLaughlin, Union Course, L. L, June 3, ISrjO, $30. Emigrant, 2:57, '' ■56^4 2 '57 — BaUimo're, Md., July 9, 1850, $ . Wake, 2 :54i4 2:53, 2:49!^. (s). Union Course, L. I., Aug. 22, 1850, $30. Trojan (s). Uen. Scott (s), Ringgold (s), 2:50. 2:no. 2:48. liady Wasliingtou, ch m (3 :45). J. C. Cudney, New Orleans, La., Jan. 2ti. istiO, $100. Lady I'oker 3, Seven Cp (! dis), 2:47.2:48, 2:47, 2:45. March 15, 1860, $100, Lady Poker, 2 :54, 2 :52, 2::^^. tady Washington, gr m (3:44). Wallace Harris, Bufialo, N. Y., Aug. 15, 18G1, $50. Primus, 2:56, 2:55, 2 '53, I.ady Washington, b m (3 :35) by Whipple. E. L. Maybury, Los Angeles, Cal., Oct. 17, 1882, $300. Don Carlos, Hunter, Hattie Johnson, 2:36)4, 2:39, 2;S7iSi. Oct. 20, 1882, $200. Don Carlos, Hunter, Hattie Johnson (1 dis), 2:44!4, 2:40, 2:36)^. Oct. 10, 1883, $500. Bullet2,3,2:35,2:oa, 2:32^4, 2:40.2:37'2. ^. „ ^ Lady W^eathersby. b m (3 :37). C. St. John, Albany, N, Y. June 4, 1878, $100. Bay George, Livery, Rondo, Normey, Lady Blackington (2 dr\ 2:37i^i, 2:39, 2:39, 2.37'/2. June 6, 1878, $100. Bay George, Livery, Joe, Lady Blackington (3 dr), 2 :.37, 2:39, 2:39. .,r . .^ tady W^eller. blk m ( 3 :33). by Sayre's Harry Clay, dam by Canada Chief. A. J . Waters, Goshen, N. \ ., Sept I'l, 1867, $-— -. Lady Estram, 2:4914, 2:47V2. Mr..Kenzie, Fleetwood Park, N. Y., Nov. 28, 1870, $150. Louisa (2 dis), Hickey (2 dis). 2:41, 2:35, 2:33. . J. oonway, Newark, N. J., July 5, 1871. $200. Rosalie l, Young Thorn 2:38, 2 :38'/2, 2:42, 2 :38>^. Sept. 23, 1871, $500. W. H. Allen, Listener, 2:40'/2,2:44, 2:41. tady Wells, br m (3 :31). J. Lovett, Fashion Course, L. I., April 23, 1868, $100. Frank Morgan, Topsawyer Ben Wood, Maggie, Magee's brm (1 dis), 2:41)4, 2:40, 2:41. ,. , ,, ■ , „r-„ ..^ /« Anril 28, 1868, $150. Topsawyer (5 0), Frank Morgan, Maggie, Lady Drev/ 1, 3 (5 dis), Daniel WiUetts (2 dr), 2:39'i, 2:38'o,2:39, 2:38,2:38U, i-AVi. Wm. Lovell, Union Course, L. I., Aug. 21, 1868, $400. Jim 2, 2:43. 2 :43. 2 :41. (w), Hiram Howe. Fashion Course, L. I., Sept. 7, 1868, $500. Hickory Jack (w), 2:39, 2:35?*, 2:36k. (w), Sept. 29. 1868 $1,000. W. M. Tweed (w). 1. 2 (4 dis), 2:37)4, 2:36. 2:37, 2:42. Union Course L. I., May 23, 1870, $800. Finnegan, CoL Fiske. Lydia Thompson, Lady Sears, Butcher Bov(3dis>. .2:33.2:35. ^ . ^ . , ^. . ,- ^^ „r.,j l.a4). T. O'Connor, Falls Village, Conn., Sept. 13, 1870, $100. Buckskin Belle 8, Chip Cole 4. Prince, 2:45, 2:49, 2:51 2:42. 2:44i2. ^ ^ ^„ ,- t u »„« Lady Wheeler, bm (2:46%). James Campbell, Hall's Track, L. L, Aug. 1, 1872, $100. Mate, Lilly, Bay George (1 dis), 2:49)4, 2:48)4. 2:46%. C. Redevat. Ameiiia, N. Y., Oct. 4, 1875. $400. J. H. Weeks, Willy, 2:48ii, 2:5m, 2:47V^. Lady Wheeler, ch m (2 :38), by Flying Cloud, dam by a son of One-Eyed Kentucky Hunter (?) J. MedDnry, Bradford. Pa., .fune 16, 1880, $500. Brown Tom, Tim. Mabel, Mambrino, Daisy, Pearl, City Boy, Allegheny Ladv'*Wh1te,'''b 'm^3i36%), bv Garibiildi. M. H. Whipple, White Plains, N. Y., Aug. 1, 1874. $500. Rosa Son- burg :;. <;vpsv Maid 2. Ciirric N., Careless Girl, Flora Temple (5 dr), T. E. Gordon (4 dr). Step tp (2 dis), Silvertail" (2 dis), 2:40. 2:40. 2:44. 2:40, 2:40. ^, ,^„ „ ^ , „, 1 „ii /o ; Kingston, N. Y., Sept. 9, 1874, $300. Rescue, Lady Bonner, Fanny W., Ellen Mary, Lady Trumbull (2 -*Pros*pect Park!°L. I., Oct. 7 and 9, 1874, $600. May Bird 4. 5, Black Crook 1, William Walsh Phil O'Neil, Rosa Sonburg. Mansuay, Belle Cleveland (4 dr), Lottie (2 dis). 2:3414, 2 :32V4 2:32)4, 2:33%, -:36i'2. 2:33i,2. Poughkeepsie, N. Y.', Oct. 21, 1874, $1,600. Volunteer 31 aid, Rosa Sonburg, Lady Bonner, 2:41)4, 2.33, 2:35. White Plains, N. Y., Nov. 5, 1874, $.500. George F. Smith, 2:37%, 2:37)4. 2:.37)4. n«T.,.if Fleetwood Park, N, Y., June 21,. 1875, $1,000. Miss Miller 2, Mat Tanner, Lady Sears, Little uorni, White Plains, N. Y., July '20, 1875, $300. Effle Deans 3, Heatherbloom 1, Little Dorrit, 2:3514, 2:35)4, 2:34X. '- Fleetwood Park, N. Y., Sept. 30, 1875, $800. Ned Forrest, Zephyr, Ben Smith, 2:33, 2:31, 2:32>^. 4Si CHESTEUS CO.Mrj.KTfc; TKOTTING AND rAClNC ItK( UKI). .Uiiic 2t>, 1HT6, $mo. Hessie 1, Bii.sil Duke, l.adv Dahliiian, 2:37?^. 2:33?4,2:33, 2:33'4. LAdy Wliitlord, 1) iii (« :4G;. liy Taggart's AlKlallali. liaviiioml cS; Wbilford, Manchester, N. 11., July 3, l»75. $100. Frank D., •J:55, 2:5«, i;:5;'). .July 5. IST.j, S•>r>^). lloiie.'-t boy, Ward. Kiaiik I).. J:.').-.'.,. :^:.-)7. — Uutland \l.,.luly U. ls7r<, .•jil.jo. Hay hilly 1, Furiner Boy, Warwick, hiaiik, Dolly, Kitty Lewis, Ladv Tll()liiasUy Young Messenger Duroc. Alden lJo!dsniilli. Seneca Falls. N. V.. Aug. .';. l.s(W." j; . l.adv laggarl. 1. •J:3.'), L':a3'.i. 'i.'MKi, L':37",i. Syracuse, N. V., Aug. :;o. 1«68, $450. Kilty u'"). .leiiny" iJ 0», Gray Henry (2 0), Ui dr,), 2:41i.i, 2:37ai,2:36'/i, 2:35! 2. "JilJo. Seneca Falls. N. Y., Aug. •J5, 1868, $ . Jenny .Mav 1. J, .Maid o) < ' ly. Lady Taggart, Gen. Scott (1 dis). Best time. i;:3;. .|. Aug. l:7 l.siis. c! — . Spriugville Chief 1, _', Western New York, Jenny JMay, 2:35. 2:3(;. 2:34K>, 2;36Ji. 2:3()'.i. ). H. Sniith. Newburgli, N. Y., Sept. 4. 18(59, $100. Hanford, Belle of Orange. Agillis 1 CS dis). Col. Edsall (.L'dn. J::;;*. ■J:41.i;:41. Sept . .-.. 1S6!». $J00. Molly (3 dis), (ieorge Smith (2 dr), '_' :43i,.'., 2 :43, li :3L'. Faston. I'a., Sept. 11. 18«). .$150. Fannv Fislier, Warrior, Chance. Koyal Cliarlev (J dr>. 2:51, 2:52, 2:4.5. Sci>t. 17. isiili, ii,(M)0. Harrv I). 1. Fd. White, Dresden, Xelly, 2:34?4, 2:3.j, 2:34, 2:35. Koseiidide, N. Y., Aug. — , Ks70, $500. W. H. Tavlor 1. Ladv U'eller. 2:i2. 2:30. 2:32. 2:34. Goshen, X. Y., Aug. 30, 1870, $100. lluulress. ( ocliecton ^'.aid, 2:43. 2:3itK'- 2:42).^. S;ime d;iy, .•ii!200. Huntress. Coeheclon .Maid, 2:42. 2:40. 2 :42W. .Scnintoii, I'a.. Sept. 29, 1870. .S.">oo. Sorrell Dan, Greenwich Maid, 2:38, 2:35, 2:34. Tort Jervis. .\. Y.. Nov. 7. ls7o. .'joOO. .Morgan Fdsell. Ladv \\ Cller. 2:41, 2:3854, 2:46).:i. Lady Whitman, eh ni (!i:3r>'.,K (L F. Brock. Buffalo. N. "{"., Julv 4. 1874. .•syoo. Clifton 3. Ethan, Lady Cooper, .1. HaiiiiltoM (3dn, Clav (1 dis), 2:.37'... 2:44,2:40'.,. 2:42. Locl<))ort, N. Y., Sei»t. 20, 1S71, .•?200. Gargling Oil, Sani Townsend, Mattie (iolddust d dis), 2:35i^, 2:473£. 2; 40. I.ady Whitsou, gr m (« :46). J. H. Whitson, Fashion Course, L. I., Aug, 27,1866,500. Sid Nichols, 2:48, 2:47'... 2:46. Lady Whittemore, (a:45). Charles Whitteniore, Ellsworth, N. Y., Oct. 23, 1873, $ . Nameless 1, Conua- drum, 2;46. 2:46,2:47, 2:45. Lady AVijjgins. (2 :4~). Union Course, L. I., Aug 2, 1854. $200. Chestnut gelding. 2:47, 2:49'4. Lady Wilbur, (3:50>2). S. Hayes, Boston, Mass., .May 17, 1869, .'Si.'iO. Columbus, Boston Belle 2:50>^, 2:59M. 2'5.5'.i. Lady \v"il<-ox. ('4 :47). Mr. Sutton, Montgomery, Mo.. Sept. 13. 1873. .f300. Maid of Calloway, Brown Billy. 2:52, 2:47,2:51. Lady AVilcox, blk m (3 -.37). A. D. Carson, Beacon Park, Boston, Aug. 15 and 17. 1874. «200. .Jimmy Thomp- son 2, .S, Horace (ireelev 4. Chief 7. Belle flight (8 dr), Dodd (7 dr). Bessie HuntiOdn. Happy .lack (5 dr)^ Flirtella 1 (5 dr). Little ".lolinnv (5 dr), 2:42. 2:41 >/», 2:42, 2:40, 2:.52. 2:43'., 2:48, 2:37. Mr. Kane, June is, 1877, $200. Squirrel (1 0), (4 dr;, 2:41i'.,,2:44?4. 2:45. 2:43. Lady Wilkes, brni (3 :40ii), by George Wilkes. S. Hayes, Portsmouth, N. H., Aug. 4. I86'j. § . Jim, Stranger, •l-.'i'.i, 2:55, 2:52. Mitfdlesex. Mass.. Oct. 9, 1869. !5!20O. Komeo 2 (1 0). Billy Button (1 0). 2:45, 2:45. 2 :40»4, 2:47. 2:4854. Boston. Mass., Nov..5, 1869. .If.^o. Kate (w). Fanehon (w), 2:4H4. -:43, 2:4D4. Lady Wilkinson, (2 :49). J. J. Bowcn, Dover. N. H., Aug. 31, 1869. $125. Famiington (.irl, 2:49,2:53, 2:50. Oct. 1. 1870, .f 600. Humbird 1,2:51.2:51.2:52, 2:52. Ladv AVilliams. (3 :.'J.5*). Albion, N. Y.. Sept. 30, 1865, .5100. Dick, 2:36, 2:35. 2:36. Short track. Ladv Williams, ch m (3 :38U;). hv the Parsons Horse, dam by Paige's Logan. J. W. Wales, Lowell, Mass.,. Sei)t. 5. 1872, .*2.^)0. Black Kalph, Brown Ben, Hiram Allen (3 dis), Jenny Lind ^3 dis), Herniit(2 dis), Rosa Temple(2dis), I?radlev(l (lis), 2:42, 2:43. 2:49. ,^, ,. ^,^ , ,,■.,,, H. G. Smith. Lawn'nce, Mass., Oct. 23, 1873, $200. Pearl, Howard Snow (2 dis), Stanley (2 dis), Modoc ^oW'irt i'^ills, 'n.'h".'. Oct. 29, 1873, $200. Ned, Martin Luther, Goldfinder, America (2 dis), Alton Boy (1 (lis) '' 10'.> '''43 ''■49 I?caCon i'Tirk'. Bcrstoii. Nov. 14 and 15, 1873. $1.50. Jubilee Lambert 3, 4 (1 0), King William, Kate Lambert Flora Belle (5 dr). Little Fred (5 dr).2:39, 2:38 2:36. 2:37, 2:36, 2:37. ,.,,.„ .._ „ .,.,. „ o, LCopp. Nov. 9 and 10,1874, .$400. George B. 3, 5, W^iite Stockmg 2, LittleNed (3dr), 2:3(. 2:.5.^4, 2:37, 2 '3734 ''•■)9 '''.'59 K. Ariustroiig, Grand Kapids. Mich., June 8, 1875, $1,000. Little Angus3, 4, Gold Leaf 1, Little Sam, Idol (1 (list, (^lickstepil dis). Farmer Bov (1 dis), 2:33'-, 2:351.^, 2:34yj, 2:389i, 2:38!2,2:42?i. „ , . „ Lady Williams, gnu (3::{8). S. Haves, 15e;won Park, Boston. July 21, 1876. $200. Bay George 2, Lady Keenan 1. ArtiuirT., Bjil>vGirl(4 dis), 2:44')., 2:431,0. '-':38. 2:38, 2:40. „ „ , „ ■ „ ,• x La«ly Williston. 1) in (2 -.nO). J. H. AViishburn, Worcester, Mass., Sept. 22, 1871, $150. Ballard, Major (2 dis), Fib(2dis), Miscllief l(2dr), 2:.53',.2:50. 2:.5:{, 2:,54. Lady Wilmarth, b m (2 ::{.5V<;), Wm. Harrington, North Attleboro', Mass., June 30. 1880. $150. Jeanette, Liidv I'almer. Maud B.,2:42>4, 2:44. 2:41"j. , ,, r o ^,. .o„.^ »./«. . • «, Lady W indsor, b m (3 :44?4), by Windsor. T. G. Earl, Lambertville, N. J., Sept. 15, 1880, $100. Annie S. 1, LiKifer, Miivtlower. Kate, .John H. Spencer, Starliglit. 2:.50. 2:4.5, 2:40U,2:.50. ., ,r ., ak Sei)t. 16, 1880, .$75. Herdlc 1, Ella May. Jolin H. Spencer. Kate, Starlight, Rising Star, 2:Wi, 2:4.5. 2:45, 2'44''i Laxly WinHeld (w), cli m (3 :49 w). by Edward Everett, dam by L. 1. Black Hawk. W. Kilpatriek, Fiishion Course, L. I., Mav 18. 1871, .$ . Nelly (w) 1 (3 dis), Kebellion (W) (3 dr). 2:52, 2:49, 2:50. Lady WMnkler. b m (3 :45). J. E. Mooney. Chico, Cal., July 3, 1871. $7.5. Blac-k Maria, 3:26='4. 3:24^.3:19?i. Sept. 27. 1871.. «i:(00. Irish Girl (3 dis),' Joe Morrill(3 dis), 2:.58,2:.52K'. -':■'■>■?. ,. , „ ,. ^^,, James Mcintosh. .Marvsville, Cal.. Sept. 4, 1872,$ . American Maid 1, Anba Boy. '~r:--^\,rV San Jo;i(iuin, C:il., Sept. 12. 1872, .$.3.50. American Maid (4 dis). Yiibii lioy (4 "'8>-ri%Z~\r',V' I'l .'^ii;,„ Lady AVonder.grm (2:41). bv Tom Won.ler. F. C. Crane. Bebnont. N. \.. July 3, 18.8, $100. Moll> Darling, Charles Feiiton. Amanda, Fred Davis, Lizzie Barnes, 2:4S.2:49'i.2:49»4. » r^, wr i... .. in , it BradforiL Pa.. July 11, 1878, $600. Cricket 1, 2, Taylor. L:idy Jane, Andy Dill, SpartaGirl (5 di ), 2:40, 2.41, Lad^y*Wood ( wt b m (3 :46 w). F. Jones, San Francisco. Cal., May 16, 1858, $.300. Trade Wind (w), Julia Aldrich (\v) 2*47 '**40 '^"46 Lady AVood, b'm(3':4"3).' " Hiram W. Howe, Prospect Park, L. I., Oct. 31. 1873, $.500. Louise 1, 2:45, 2:43. 2:46, LacW Woodlawn,l)Ikm(3:31U), bvBIg Pilot, dam Black Hose, by Tom TeejnerC. Draper, Louisville. Kv.. .June 22. I860. $125. Flora, Dick Turpin (3 dr). Kate C. (1 dis), 2:31U, 2:.37-K, 2:44)^^. r»«t .>« Ladv Wnodrufl-, bm (3:39),bv W^asbington. dam by Gen. Coffee. Smith Burr, Centreville, L. I.. Oct. 28, 1856, $2,(H)0. Lady Suffolk. 8:23. Three miles. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 433: (w) Hiram Woodruff, Uiiion Course. L. I., Oct. 8, 1857. $300. Belle of Portland (w) l (4 0), Humming Bird (W) 2 (4 Ol (5 dis), •J:;.:;200. Ladv Ciulney (2 0). 2:38, 2:40, 2.43. 2:391,^. Hiram Woodruff. Mav 10. I.s5!i. .ii:2,0()0. Mountain Bov, 5:08'/2, 5:10'2. Two miles. Union Course. L. I., June 21, 18.59. .f800. Browu Dick 2 (.1 0), George M. Patchen 3, 2:30;4. 2:32%, 2:3954, 2:30^4. -':31 -.1.2:31 Lady Woodiuft; ell ni (2 :40). Mr. Woodruff, Newark. N. J., Oct. 25, 1873, .$ . Palmer's ch m, Kindness, 2:44'2, 2:10. L,ady AVoods brm (3:351^), by Napoleon. D. B. Goff. New Dorp, S. I.. July 25. 1874, .$125. Bessie B. 1, 2, Blossom. Little Billy (3 ro), Lena B. (3 ro), Thomas Jefferson l3ro), 2:01, 1:59, 1:56, l :.57}4, 2:02. Three- fourths of a nn'le lie;its. M. Frazer, Oct. 19. 1874, .$125. Cecilia (1 0), John P., 2:00, l:,'58, 1:57'^, 1:57' 2. Three-fourths of a mile heats. I) B. (ioff. Fleetwood Park. N. Y., July 19, 1875, .flOO, LadvPfifer. Jim, Emperor (exp), Phil O'Neill Jr. (exp), 2:40, 2::i8i4, 2:3SJ-4. Spring \allev, N. Y., Aug. 26, 1875, $250. Sherman 3, Joe Clark, Bluestone Maid (3 dis), Turnbull (2 dis), 2:42 '4, .2:42' 2, 2:40^. Deerfoot Park, L. I., Sept. 3 and 4, 1875. $200. Edith 2, 4, Lady A:inie 5, 6, Jim, Ellen Mary, Sherman, 2:39. 2:,38. 2:37^, 2:4054, 2:37, 2:40, 2:421^. Fleetwood Park, N. Y., Nov. 19. 1875, $200. Break o' Day, 2:47i^, 2:41, 2:45. tally Woodstock (3:07), by Woodstock. Downey and Jones, Newark, O., Oct. 7, 187.5, $200. 3:21,3:07, Three-vear-okls. tady Wo'rthlev. ch m (2:43). W. Hobkirk. Portage City, Wis , Sept. 3, 1856, §50. Locomotive, 2:.')3, 2:.59» 2:.-,0. tady Wright, ch m (3 :47). Thomas D. York. Rochester, N. Y.. July 29, 1865, $50 Throg's Neck (w) 1, 2:50, 2:48, 2:47. tady AVrisjlit, b m (3:39). J. R. Caulk. Dover, Del., Sept. 23, 1879, $100. Palmer Boy 3, 4, Gray Morgan (i dis). Prince (3dr), Modoc (2 dis). Mischief (1 dis). 2:45, 2:46, 2:42, 2:42, 2:41. Lady Wynn, b m (3:53 w). W.Wyetter. Gainesville, Texas, Dec. 13, 1882. .$100. Dan. John H.,2:5(i. 2:.-.2, 2:5754. Lady Yancey, blk m (3:46i4). J. J. Smith, St. Louis, Mo., May 15, 1871, $ . Tramp, John Dovle (1 dis), 2:4614, 2:46' 2, 2:58. Lady Young, blk m (3:3854). M. A. Skinner, Danvers, Mass., Aug. 8, 1878, $100. Emperor, 2:55, 2:57, 2:504. Lady Zulu, bm (3:00). E. Blih, Kentville, N. S., Sept. 30. 1880, §130. Nancy Sarsfield 3, Mattie, Buttercup (1 dis), ^. :04, 3:07' 2, 3:09, 3:00. Lafayette (w), gr g (3 :48). T. Duffy. Philadelphia. Pa., Julv 26, 18.39, .$200. Lady Suffolk (w), 2:.52, 2:50. Lager Beer, cr s (3 :40). J. Dearborn, Janesville. Wis.. June 24. I860, .$200. Irish Whiskey, 2:40, 2:50. Lagoneer. brg(3:38). G. J. Fuller, Nashville, Tenn., July 23, 1872. $100. Patchen 1,2, (30), Little Dave (5 r O), Business (3 r o), 2:4654, 2:50^4, 2:465.^, 2:46U, 2:4054. 2:.50. Lah-de-dah, b m (3:37) by Conductor. Dr. Foster, Baltimore, Md., July 22, 1882, $150. Kirby (2 0), Sherwood 1 (2 0) {3 dr), 2:37, 2:45, 2:425^, 2;41. Aug. 9, 1883, .$,500. O'Donnell's ch m, 2 :37, 2:41, 2:42. Laird'sFlora, grm (3:46). W. P. Laird. Wilmington, Del.. Oct. 21, 1874, $120. L. B. 1. Gypsy, Uncle Ike, Mysterious Pilgrim, S. M. Biddie, St. Elmo. Charley Green, Gray Jim, 2:51'^. 2:46, 2:4654. Lake Girl, ch m (3 :48). S. Williams, Albany, N. Y., Sept. 17, 1871, $ . Captain Smith 3, 4. Grandma (4 dr), 2 :56, 2 :5254, 2 :58, 2 :53?4 . 2 :58. Lake's Brown Mare (3 :53i/2). R. Lake, Terre Hante, Ind., Dec. 27, 1878, .$100. Cottrill's b s, 7:45. Two- miles. Lake Shore, gr g (3:40). H. D. Cilley, Laconia, N. H., Sept. 20, 1883, $125. Sophronia, Charlev D.. Fanny P., . Stargazer, Topsy, 2:40, 2:40'4, 2:4154. Lake Shore Belle, b m (3:3754). E. H. Keith, Ellicottville, N. Y., Sept. 17. 1.8(i8. .•5:70. Billy Pavor, Silver- Cloud, 2:52'.2, 2:.\5, 2:.53. A. W. Keith, Buffalo, N. Y., Oct. 6 and 7, 1868, $200. Tidv 1, 4. C. J. "Wells 2. Ladv Tartiir 3. Living.ston's br m. Golden Boy (5dr). 2:3854,2:38, 2:39?4, 2:40, 2:3714, 2:37?4,2:38='4. Lambert, br s (3:19). Henry Potter, (Tranville, N. Y., Sept. —, 1873. $25. Moselev Rogers, Artemus Ward, Abby, 3:19, 3:21. Three-v'ear-olds. Iiambert Knox, br s (3 :43). L. C. Smith, Clearfield, Pa., July 2, 1874. $1,50. Joe Saxon. F'rank (1 dis), Dolly Morgan (1 dis), 3 :00, 3 :01 , 3 :06. Osceola, Pa., July 8, 1874, $125. Hannah Bradley, White Swan, 3:10, 3:15. 3:20. Lambe's Brown Gelding (3:3554). J. Lambe, Chatham, Out., Oct. 12,1875. $50. Gen. Grant, 2:3754, 2:39M. 2:35J4. Lancaster, br 8(3:041/2). W. G. Lewis, Huntsville, Ala., Oct. 7. 1874, $75. Black Hawk (1 dis), Nelly Gray (1 dis), 3:071.^. Columbia, Tenn., Oct. 27. 1874, $80. Lee Belle, Genseng (2 dr) 3:0454. 3:14. Lancaster (Dan), ch g (3:35'.,i. Daniel Logan, Harrisburgh, Pa., Julv 7, 1875, $300. Iron Clad 2,4, Henrietta (1 dis), 2:40, 2:49, 2:45, 2:4394.2:4454. Lancaster Boy. gr g (3 :4454). G. M. Stevens, Lancaster. N. H., July 3, 1875, $75. Minnie Clay 3, Darkness, 3:09,3:01, 2:.55, 2:55. Lancaster Maid, br m (3 :4654). M. S. Keller, Lancaster, Pa.. June 16. 1869, .$.300. Prince. Black Hawk, 2:49, 2:52'i,2:4G'2. Lance, ch s (3 :4354) by Davis' Flying Morgan, dam by Joe Gales. A. D. Carson, Davenport, la., Sept. 9, 1868, .$80. Woodliff 1, Why Not (3 dis), 2:56?4, 2:4354, 2:45i/., 2:45. Lancet (Know Nothing) (s), blk g (3:3554) (3:35 s) by Vt. Black Hawk, dam Old Squaw, by Le Boo. Sam McLaughlin, Fashion Course, L. I., July 30, 1856, .$2,000. Flora Temple, 2:29. 2 :29, 2 :.30. (s). Centrevile, L. I.. Sept. 30. 1856, $2,000. Flora Temple, 2:28, 2:28, 2:25'^. Dec. 8, 1856, .$4,000. Brown Dick, 2 .33, 2 :38, 2 :34. July -28, 1857, $1,000. Brown Dick 1, 2:30, 2:2954, 2:2954, 2:27!'4. (w), Sept. 15, 1.8.57, Rose of Washington (w), 7:.5594, 8:08'c. Three miles. (s), Hartford, Conn., Oct. 10. 18.57, $1,000. Flora Temple 2. 2 :34'/2, 2:29, 2:25. 2:28. Philadelphia. Pa., Nov. 11, 18,57, $ . Brown Dick, 2:34. 2:32%, 2:38i-2. , Albany. N. Y., Aug. 24. 1858. .$.500. Gen. Darcy, 2:37, 2:36. (w). Fashion Course, L, L, Oct, 9, 18.58, .$2,000. Liintern (w) 2, 2:4194, 2:44, 2:43?4, 2:44. (s), Eclipse Course, L. I., Oct. 2.5, 1858, $1.50. Phil (s) (1 dis). 2:.37. (s). Wm. Woodruff, Philadelphia, Pa., Oct. 31, 18.59, $1,500. George M. Patchen (s), 2:2554, 2:26%, 2*. (s), Darius Tallman, Julv 17, i860, $250. Jim Porter (s) 2 (3 dis), 2:28'4, 2:28'2, 2:30. Centre.ville, L, I., Aug, 2, 1861, $1.000. Rockingham 3, 2:.32, 2:27>4. 2:.31, 2:30. Fashion Course, L. I., May 20, 1862, $.500. Frank Temple 3, 2:30, 2:33%. 2:3054, 2:33%. 434 CHESTEK'S COMPLETE TKOTTING AND PACING RECORD. Sam McLaughlin, Union Course, L. I., Sept. 28, 18<>2, .?450. Gen. McClellan, ■.':31'j. -d-.-il^. 2:33U. Lancet, blk s (« :5«;. .Junifs McKmney, Siicraiuento, Cul., iJec. •-'_'. 18»i<), *rjiH». MoiKan lialtler (1 (lis;, J:56. lancet, lj g (!i :r>T I. T. ii. Super, MarysvlUc, (Jal., Sept. 2r), 1874. ^iloo. ,)ini lieiry (3tli.sj. Bhiek Warrior (.{ills;, 3:0(t. . 2 :•">:. Lancet, rn gc-i:4 7 >. W. Co.stigan, Suffolk Park, Phila., Sept. 5, 1HT8, $ . Jerome l, 3. Lexington Chief. 2:50, 2:50, 2:48 ,.. 2:47, 2:47. Lanvewood, eli g (» :.55): C. O. Richardson, Barre, Mass., Oct. 1, 1875, $110. Fred B., Belle of Hartford, Ma. jor K.. Pat Lewis, Dan, 2:58, 2:.")7. 2:.%. Lancewootl. cli a rt-.-.H^A) U. Mealy, Woodljury, N. J., Sept. 17, 1878, $4.5, Molly Philpot. 1.50, 1:28. 1:26)^. Tlii-ee-viai-olds. Hall-mile heats. )ulv .".. iHso, .:*|(K). Sneak. Silk Stockings, Ladv Pierce, George K. Bailev, 2:44U, 2:.'>4, 2:51. iMiddlelowu. Del., Sept. 22, 1880. §225. Rocket 3, Elwood R.. Alice, Annie V. (4 dis). Mischief (4 dis), Jeniiv Grace (4 disi, 2:.lsi ,. 2 38. 2:3!»;4, 2:40;U. Sejit. 24. 1880, .i*2(K). Aliic Addison 3,4, Clara Morgan 2, Metz, Elwood R., Sleepy Dave (2 dis), 2:37^^, 2:3(>. 2:;!7V^., 2:;i7J'.., 2::i8. 2:^iii.,. Sept. 20 and 21. 1881, .Ti;;i()0. R. P. 3,4, Augusta Schuyler 5, 6, Star, Billy K. 1 (4 dis), 2:36^, 2:37, 2:37Ji. 2:36, 2:38, 2:40, 2:34»4, 2:;i6. Lancewood, 1) ni (3 :0«). V. M. Johiison, New Dorp, L. L, Aug. 9, 1883, $ . Ella Bodine (1 dis), 3:08. Four- vear-olds. l,an«ls«'er, I) s (3 :39), by Gen. Knox, dam Lady Phantom, bv the Eaton Horse. .1. S. Carr. Kalamazoo. Mich., Sei)t. r,, 1873. S200. Night Hawk, 2:42i^, 2:42M. 2:45. Stallions. T. H. I'ost, Montgonierv. N. Y., .lulv 4, 1878. S . Kdgar, St. Thomas. No time. Aug. !), 1878, .■?l.')0. Pickwick 2, ."i d O) (lidis). Maggie H. d O) i6 dis). No time. A. P.. Post, Goshen. N. V.. .lime 18. 1880. 3100. Harrv Moore. Sargcant's b g. 2:39. 2:41, 2:42. - — — .1. B. Gurnev, Middletown. N. Y.. July 4, issi, .? . Lady Horton. Kate Haves. 2:.52'4. 2:45»4. 2:51. Langdon, b g (3:33io). B. JVIershon, L. wreiice. .Mass., Aug. 9. 1872. $300. Ladv Hamilton 5. Black Ralph 2, Louisa .3, Little Jim 1 (4 dis), Auctioneer (.3 dis), Bob Sndth (3 dis), Black Dim a dis), 2:52>4, 2:50}^, 2:52^, 2:.')3, 2:,5G, 2:5.')V4, 2:5(i9.|. K. M. Wetherbee, Manchester, N. H.,Oct. 1. 1873, $250. George Peabody 2, Hiram, Anna Dickinson (1 dis), 2:43. 2:38, 2:45i>4, 2:45. S. W. Wetherbee. Bethel. Vt., Oct. 16. 1873, .«325. Black Knight 2, Fred Billings 3, Kitty Pearl (3 dis;, Hope (3 disi, American Boy (2 dis), Jim Averill (2 dis). Lady Warren (1 dis). Midnight (1 tlis), 2:41, 2:35'i, 2:40',i. 2:43, 2:42. F. M. Wetherbee Rutland. Vt.. Oct. 23. 1873, SIOO. Storm King 1. Dan i3dis), 2:4«, 2:4.'ii4, 2:45i4, 2:46^. Keen;', X. H.. Sept. k;. 1874. .S500. Lena Case 1. .lohn Lambert, Mouadnock Bov 3 c4 dis), Pilot (4 dr), Roverd disi. 2:38-i. •-':41i4. 2:40, 2:42, 2:41 Vd. Brattleboro', Vt., Aug. 31, 1874, $400. Henry Stone 2, r>, (Jiflford 3, Gypsy Girl, 2:3894, 2:38^6. 2:38. 2:38, 2*39 2:39. Lansinj^: <3 :38?4). R. McMurray, Grass Valley, Cal.. Sent. 7. 1883. .$300. Doncaster. Billv, 2:4C, 2:45%, 2:38?4. Lansing; IJov, br g C-J :3«), bv Western Fearnaught. A. Neil, Vincennes, Ind., May 10. 1883. $100. Amie King, Johniiv Mac. 2:.07. 2:.'>3>^ 2:52»4- Crawfordsville. Ind., May 25, 1883. .?150. Belle Ford 1, 2, Theodore, Honest Billy, Queen S. (2dr). Grand Duke (2 dr), Frank Gray (2 dr), 2:40K>. 2:37^4. 2:36, 2:42i^, 2:38. Mr. Weithoff, Detroit. Mich., ,luly 20. 1883, .Sl.OOO. Byron Cole. W. O. No time. Lantern, b g 13:33). by Black Bashaw, (Jeorge Spicer, Centreville, L. L. May 21. 1855, $1,000. Centreville. 5 :-'3K', 5 : 15. Two n'liles. 1 line 12. I8r)5, .'Jl.OOO. Mark Maguire, 2:3.-). 2:38»4, 2:36)^. Union Course, L. I.. Mav 0. 18.56. $10,000. Buzz (2 0). 2:35, 2:32>4, 2:32i^, 2:37. (w) Sept. 18, iH.-)(!. .$io.oo(i. Prince (w) 1. 5:17i4, 5:22J^, 5:23. Two mile.s. ■ Sept. 23. 1858. .$3,000. Pet. pacer. 2:38J^. Lantern, b g (3 :43). J. S. Rider. White Plains, N. ¥., Oct. 15, 1868, $50. Lady Lawrence 1, Rockingham, 3:13. 2:.''.7. 300. Lantern, b g (3 :07.) D. Mahonev, Avon. N- ^ •, Sept. 18, 1869. $35. Lady Clay 1 (3 dis), Laiigdon's eh m (1 dis), 3:20, 3:07, 3:08. Four-year-olds. Lantern, b g (3 -.55). E.'W. Twichell. Sturbridge, Mass.. Sept. 10 and 11, 187.5. .$90. Bay Tom ,5, 6, Jim 3, 4. Unknown 2, Nelly. 2:.55, 2:5.5. 2:.57. 2:54, 2:52, 2:.'i4, 2:56, 3:00. Lantern, blk g (3:34>4), bv Ben Butler, dam bv Revenge. J. L. Holmes, Aurora. 111.. .Iuly."l. 1879. $1.50. Billy H.. Hotfoot. 2:44M. 2:50". 2:48. Sandwich. 111., Sept. 16, 1880. $ . Graphic 2, Kitty S. 1, Sheridan Maid, Forest Jewel (4 dr), 2:42, 2:45, 2 :40. 2 :42, 2 :40. Mendota, 111., Sept. 6, 1882, $1.50. Rosa Leland, Frank Baker, Fanny Evans, Clara M., Legal Tender, 2:38, 2::«», 2:39. 1). Evans, Princeton, HI., Sept. 12, 1883, .$240. Emma Maxwell 2, Joe Beaton. 2:.34"4, 2:34V4, Lapland (Small Hopes, Lothairaud Westbrook). brg(3:36i^). bv Hamblelonian. J M. Rcber, Wilkesbarre, Pa., Oct. 1.3, 187.5. .$.500. Clifton Bov 4. r,. Charley l, Demus (4 dr), 2:.37. 2:.^5. 2:.35.2:.36, 2:35. 2:3;<. Washington, I). C. Oct. 20, 1,^75, $750. Jack Draper 1, C, Webber 2, Planter 5, 2:3014. ^:32i/', ^:33, 2:31, 2*37 '' 'tiO "''31^. Lapiaiid,"br g (3 :,, 2:.S6. Cviitlil:in:i. Ky.."Oct. 20. i880. $500. Judge HaweB, Sue (4rundy. Bristol Girl (1 dis). Molly Collins (1 dis), 2-3]' 2-30 2 '29 Lark (Charley B), b s (3-35), bv King's Champion Jr.. dam Old .lane by Zielley's Eclipse. D. Malt, Waverly Park, N. J., Sept. 19, 1879, $100. Kildare, Parole. Peter R., Monmouth Chief, Belle Brandon. Maggie H.. 2:39, 2 '41 2*43 '■ .1! n. liurlew. Morrisaiiia. N. Y., Oct. .30. 1879. .S.TOO. Claremont 4. RlllyC. 3, Quick. .limmy Stewart, Seneca Priuce, Tramp, Tommy Moore (6 dr). Hero (6 dr). Pastime ci ills), 2:32, 2:30, ,2:30, 2:26. o p' I > 1 ^ I td CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 435 —Ross luid Wood. Washington, D. C. Nov. 4, 1879. $800. Sally Scott, Legal Tender, Gilt Edge, 2:34, 2:32. — ^ -^j. V- Sargeaiit. Waverly Park, N. J., Sept. 22, 1881, $200. Glide, Hambl-roniau Gem, 2:.3l. 2:29, 2:28U Flaiufield, N. .).. Sept. 30. 1S82. .SoO. IMaiiihrino Gt-orge. 2-40 2-41U '>-4i ^*'Be"tt^me"'*3^0*'^^ ^'"*""^' ^^''"^"'" '^^'''"'^^''^' *-*'"•' «ept. 21. 1S76, $— -r Nilestovvu Maid, Kate Marshall. J- Keyes. Bjitavia. \. Y .lune 3, 1879 S-'WO. George, J F., Polly (i., Lady Moore. Lady Brooks, Major Priest, Lady cooper, .1 b. Sprague, Little Dick. Warren, Judgment, Captain Dan, 2:.-55^. 2:,33i/.. 2:34>6. -Lyoi^.Xv Y., June 10. 18.9. .^300. CcMieral B., (ieorge. Polly G.. .liidginent, Sinhadfj. F., Littlel)ick, Maior Priest, Maud, ropsy, J. B. Sprague, Captain Dan 2:34v;. 2-33 •^•.3;i, June 12. 1879, S300. (ienei-al 1'... Judgment. Littie Dick, Stephanus"^-33 •'•3'>»4 '>-.32U ^37T-3r2-3'5 I-'r/"'"' ^ '■ ^*^'^' *^*^°" ^^'^^°'' ^''^'^^^^ ^' ^^^'^^'^' •^- ^•' fieiieraiK Maud, Baby N., Judgment, J- June 19. iisf9. .;500, Capt. Hanford. Bellfounder (3dis), 2:35. 2:34, 2:34}^. .San Francisco, Cal.. Oct. .3, 1866. .$.500. Capt. Hanford 2, Eugene Casserley (1 dis), 2:40. 2:39i^, 2:42}^ 2:41^. m Fashion Course, L. I., July 24. 1867, $1,000. Ed. Ellis (1 dis), 2:3314. — — Charles Champlin. Syracuse, N. Y., Aug. 21, 1868. $400. Teeumseri. 2:34^, 2:35^, 2:3694. Newburgh, N. Y.. Sept. 15, 1868, $1,000. Mambrino Prince 2, 3, Hamlet 4,~Mike Norton (5 dis), 2 :42. 2 :40i^. 2 :35, 2 :37. 2 :34?4, 2 :36. S. Keyes, Pittsburgh, Pa., June 2.5, 1870, $200. Annie Watson 2, Meg. Oakland (1 dis), 2:40, 2:39i4, 2:37, • 2:40. Thomas Collins, Winchester, Va., Sept. 17, 1874. $35. Humboldt. No time. Latham (2 :51^), by Latham. S. Whitehead, San Francisco, Cal., July 24, 1872, $ . Fritz, Quaker Jake. r;rit 1 (4 dis). 2:5834, 2:5.314. 2:.54, 2:51'4. tailback's Dun Mare. A. Lauback, Belvidere, N. J., Sept. 12, 1877, $15. Newman's blk m, 1 :42, 1 :40. Half- mile heats. Three-year-olds. Laura b m (3 :36). L. L. Allen, Norwalk, Conn., Ang. 16, 1874, $500. Carrie N. 3, Lady Siel, Captain H., May Bird, Warsaw. Gen. Reno (4 dr), 2:44i^, 2:43=^, 2:43^, 2:42. Laura, br m (3:.51i^). D. Ramsay, Fleetwood Park, Oct. 2. 1874. $1,000. Black Diamond. 2:.53, 2:5iu. 2:56. Laura, brm (3:35). A. Wilson, Flora. 111., Sept. 26. 1876, .$75. Ladv Herzog 2, 3, Billy. Minnie. Knobby, SnowTflake (5 dis). Blood Chief (4 dis), Gray Fox (3 dis), Jim Griines (l dis). 2:4li4,2:42"2, 2:40i4, 2:41j:^. 2 :38/4,, Laura, br m (3:16i4). D. Spink, Kingston. R. I., Sept. 13, 1881. $.50. Mornv Dawn. 3:16^. 3:1714. Laura Belle, b m {3 :40i^), by Bashaw Drury. Davenport, la.. Sept. 7, 1881. .$300. Paula 1, Melzar, Billy Sherman, 2:47. 2:40}^, 2:41i^, 2:44. Laura Burr, blk m (3 :48). A. Rolf, Detroit, Mich., Sept. 28, 1871, $250. Brown Kate, May Casey, 2:49, 2:48, 2:49. . . . -. Laura C. b m (3:3'?). J. Caviness, Union, Or., Oct. 12, 1882. $100. An Revoir 2, Henry, 3:27, 3:28, 3:28. Two- vear-olds. Oct. 19. 1882. $ . Au Revoir 2. 3:28. 3:26, 3:28. Two-year-olds. Laura C, ch m (3 :36). R. Lindsay, Higginsville, Mo., Aug. 31, 1883, $175. Trouble, Lulu N., Pilot St. John (3dis). 2:40. 2:39?4, 2:41. Jackson, Miss., Nov. 1. 1883, .$200. Bessie, Roxie. Billy Rice, 2:44}^, 2:42^4, 2:39^. Laura Keene, ch m (3:34). John S. Stevenson. Fredonia, N. Y., Oct. 25. 1859, $100. Fanny 1 (2 0), J«nny (2 01 (3 dr) 2:41, , 2:46. 2:.34. 2:4.5. Laura Keene, bm (3:531^). S. Haves. Deerfoot Park, L, I., July 11, 187:3, $300. Mary Louise 2,4(50), Pauline, 2:59, 2:59, 2;55i^, 2:51.2:54, 2:53}^. Laura Keene. eh m. D. Carnev, Oregon. 111.. Sent. 12, 1879, $100. Blue Jeans, Konsett. No time. Laura M., b m (3 :40i^). m. Starin. Albany, N. Y., Julv 6, 1876, $100. Ethan. Rattler, 2:50}4, 2:55, 2:53. Aug. 8, 1876, $100. Ariel, Shep. Tappan, Oscar L. Hacv, 2:40}^, 2:44. 2:4li4. Herkimer, N. Y., Oct. 18, 1876. $150. Minnie Hicks. 2, Whirlwind, Toronto Chief. Woodcock (3 dr), 2:42}^, 2:45^5, 2:45, 2 :44'4. Laura M., b m (3 :37), bv Washington Jr., dam by Wliipple's Hambletonian. M. Rollins, Santa Rosa, Cal., Aug. 21. 1883. .$300. Pilot (2 dis). Buck (2 dr). 2:.50, 2:30. Aug. 23, 1883, $400. Nelly Bums 3,5, Huntress (4 0), Countryman (5dr), 2:3i?4, 2:34, 2:33?i,2:31, 2:31, 2:31. Petaluma, Cal., Sept. 1, 1883, $ . Huntress, Nelly Burns. 2:3.3, 2:31 Ji. 2:32. San Francisco, Cai.. Oct. 20 and 22, 1883, $.500. F"rank Moscow 4. 9. Nelly Burns 5. 8, Barney B. 7 (2 0), Lucilln 1. Sister. 2:29K'. 2:2714, 2:2714. 2:29, 2:.32, 2:2714, 2:27^. 2:27, 2:2714. 2:27. Oakland, Cal., Dec. 1.5. 1883, .$30. Frank Moscow. Nelly Burns, Countryman, 5:03, 5:031,^. Two miles. Laura AVilliains. gr m (3:34^), by Holabird's Kthan Allen, dam by tlie Bullock Horse. J. A. Williams, Claremont, N. H.. Aug. 17, 1875, $300. Night Hawk. Lady Vaughn, Warwick, E. C. Robinson, Farmer Boy, Billy (3 dr), Naked Truth (1 dis), 2:36^, 2:36^, 2:33M. 436 CHKSTKR'S ('OMPl.KTK TltOTTINC AM) l'A('l\(; IJKCOUl). Rotliel, A't.. AuR. H. 1875, .$300. John Sill 2, St. Lawrence IJov, dray Bill, Bruce fl dis). Unknown (1 dis), •2:34'/.. 2 :;i4, 2:40. 2:401.,. St. All): uis, Vt., AuR. 31 187.5, .?300. Grav Bill, St. Lawrence Boy. Lady Diamond, Clara B. (3 dr), Nelly (3 disi. Kitty (2,dis), 2:;iC>4. 2:38;U. 2::57V4. Sept. 1. 1.S7.''), S300. (iray Bill. St. Lawrence Boy, Kitty (3 dri, 2:42, 2:.38'i, 2:38. I'laltsbingli, N. V., Sept. 15. 187,'), Si>m. St. Lawrence Boy, 3, Kitty, Kosa B. (1 dis), 2:38Ji, 2:36J4, 2:41, 2:37. Sept. 18, 1875. 3500. Fanny. St. Lawrence T.oy. 2:40, 2:41. 2:;f8. — Burlington, Vt., Sept. 21, 187.5, ^?50o. Fainiy, (iray Bill. St. Lawrence Boy, Clara B. (3 dr), 2:49, 2:44^. 2 :45, Se|it. 22, 187.5, S,500. Fannv. (Jrav Bill. Kitty. St. Lawrence Boy. 2:41, 2:3i», 2:44. St Albans, \'t.. Sept. 13. 1877. .S3(K). Klla Doe, Village Poy, W. D. Hilton. 2:.30W, 2:33. 2:.^5',. SiurDridge, P. ()., .hnie 1.5. isxi. ;j!125. Amy 1, Little Dick. Anodyne (4 (In, 2:28K>. 2:29, 2:34^i, :>:32'/4. L,niu-e«ta, b m r~: ii'-J)- J- Pearson, I'ittsburgu, Pa., Sept. 6, 1876, .i?2(W. Annie E., Kitty K., Sprightly, 2:58, taviniii, ch lu (3 :43) P. Leonard. I'Meetwood Park, N. Y.. Dec. 2, 1875, .$50. .Jim (2 dr). 2:.52, . l^awrence. i3:44i^). Pinky Smith. Cincinnati. (>., Sept. 1, 1873, .S1,(»0. Ajax. 2:44'.i, 2:44'2, 2:45(4. Lawrence, brg i3:38J4 1, b.v Swcep.stake.s, dam by St. Lawrence. W. (i. Crane, Klmira, N. Y., .June 11, 1881, .$300. Straightedge 2. .s. Sinbad 4, Le Ciairl (5 div, Bashaw, Thoiu:is .Jcrterson .Jr., 2:3r.'4, 2:37'4, 2:383S4, 2:40'.i, 2:38>4. 2:39'^. 2;43'i. .luiie 14, 1881,. ^300. lno2, 4. Tngomar .3. .Liney Slir 1, 2:44M. 2:42W. 2.41>4. 2:40, 2:39^.1.2:44. 2:.50. tawreiice Maid, gr m (^3:51;. Frank .Jones, Portsmouth, N. H., Qcf. 18, 1870. ■J . Frank, Fearnaught, Belle, 2:58, 2:.5(i. 2:.51. tawrenceville Maid, ch m (3:50). C. F. Swartz, Pottstown, Pa., Sept. 14.1877, $100. Lottie 1, 3, Faster, Ladv Alien, Dolly (3 dr), .Jim (2dr^. 2:.53. 2:.54, 2:51, 2:53, 2:50. Liizarus. b g (3 -AO'.,). ,]. B. Wluclcr, ct. Barrington, Mass, Sept. 27, 1878, $90. RoUa, Ilderim, Dolly, 2:41'i, 2:401^,2:44. Lazy iJill, b s (3 :36), by the Tyson Horse. D. W. Woodniansee, St. Paul, Minn., July 4, 1874, $90. Against time. 2:36. Lazy IJill, b g (3 :46). L. P. Chapman, Westerly, K. I., Nov. 30, 1876, $50. Annie 3, Andrew Allen, Nelly. 3:04, 3:03, 3:04, 3:04. Washington Co., R. I., Sept. lO, 1878,$ . Andrew Allen, Madeline, Wni. A. Green, Bessie. No time. Kingston, R. I., Sept. 14, 1880. .«80. Whippo< 'will, 2:59, 2:49'/«, 3:00}^. Sept. It), 1880. .^10.5. Charles Allen (3 dis;, 2:..9J4, 2:513^. 2:50i^. Providence, It. I., Sept. 17 1880. Whippoorwill, 2:.59i^, 2:49>4,3:00^. Lazv Jim. (3:4114). V/ashington, 1). C, Sept. 1, 1876, $100. Jersey Boy, Trump, Lady Alma, Mt. Holly (1 dis), Little Pet (1 dis), 2:41^, 2:43K>. 2:47"4. Lazv John. (3 :56). Anamosa, la.. Oct. lO, 18(>8, $ . Young Iowa Chief l. 2, 3:05, 3:02, 3:05, 2:58, 2:.56. Lazy Lazarus, (3 :40). F. Crawford, Watseka, 111., Sept. 26, 1873, $100. Shoo Fly, Grant, Frank, Silver Heels (3dr), 2:.50. 2:.5.3, 2:.50. L. Burial (w), ch g (3 :43). E. White, Union Course, L. I., Oct. 31, 1857, $400. J. Hughes, pacer (w) 1 (3dr), 2:4;j, 2:46, . L. C. H., ch m (3 ;40ii). D. Shav, Woodsburg, N. Y., Aug. 7, 18f 3, $150. Little Jasper 2. Lucy, Glover, Jenny C, I Guess So (1 dis), 2:41'.i, 2:38';. 2:40'4, 2:42. Lea, grg. V. Dolan, East Pepperrell, iMass., .July 22, 1882, $75. Tom Dolan 1, 7. .Joker 4,5. Naughty Boy 3, Mav di ). No time. Leading Star, b g (3 :37). G. Davis, Elizabeth, \. J., Oct. S, 1870, .•JSOO. lUitcher Boy 1. 2:.58. 3:01, 2:57. Leanver, CoL, May 13, 1882, .•?.50(». Voiiiig Hiram, Brittle Silver, Lizzie Drew. Mila A., George Wolfe, Olnif'tead. Calamity (3 dr). Doc d disu Baby d dis), Sarah d dis). 2:44J4. 2:41, 2:44. Le;idville. Col., July 27, 1882, .$400. Almont Forrest, Black Swan, 2:4.5U, 2:42i4, 2 :43i^. hily 29, 1882, .$500. Lizzie Drew 1, 2, Comitrvman, Winship (2 dr),2:43'2, 2:39U. 2:41p^, 2:45's, 2:42^. Leander, gr g(3:33). Isaac Woodruff, Union Course, L. I., June 7 1853, $1,000. Roanoke (w) 1 (2 dis), 2:32, 2:37. Leander IJ.. I) s (3:01). T. W. Gilleni, Galesburg, 111., July 23, 187C, .$ . Norman D., Fearnaught (2 dr), 3:.'J5, 3:01. Stallions. Leather Hov, bg (3 :57?i). H. H. f^wvinnon, Reading, Pa., Sept. 28, 1882, $.50. Lady Overplus, Dutch Girl, Hatter Bov Ci dr). 2:,57^i, 2:.59, 2:58'/2. Leaven's <;ray Stallion (3 :.53i4). J. K. Leavens, Glenn's Falls, N. Y., Sept. 12, 1872, $.50. Billy Belden 1, Red Jiicket. 3:02.2:.55i4 2:5254. Le Blonde, b m (3:34(4) by Ethan Allen, dam hy Abdallah. O. W. Dimmick, Buffalo, X. V.. Aug. 14. 1866, $1,000. Dutchman .3, 4, Katv Grav, Union Jack (l dis), 2:39V^, 2:45i4, 2:41-'j, 2:49'/i.2:41^. Wallace H;irris, Oct. 2, 1807, .«250, Dutchman. Titus Mare, 2:38, 2:40'/s, 2:42. Oct. 3. 1867. .$300. Dutchman, Titus Mare. 2:.38. 2:3« 2:42. I):in Mace, Boston, Mass., Sept. 20, 1870, $1,000. Fannv Fern 3, Fanny, Sally, Prince Arthur. 2::i5. 2:,34U, 2:35, 2:.T). Bmghampton, N. Y., Oct. 19, 1870, $800. Fannv Fern, Fannv Lambert, Si)otted Colt, Maior Edsall. Lola Moiilez, Rosa Lee, Gen. Love, 2:a5'/2, 2:34'>.,,2:;i^. Le Clair, rn g (3:361^.). C. W. Jackson, Scranton, Pa., Oct. 12, 1880. .«350. Hatty Fisher. Henry Clark 1 (2 dis). No time. " , Le Clair Jr.. grs (3 :36'/2) bv Le Clair. E. P. Dorival, Rochester, Minn.. Sept. 2. 1882, $300. Blai-k .lim 1. Mambriiio Eclipse (3dr), 2:38. 2::«i";. 2:40, 2:3SM. Lecto, gr g (3 :49'/2). G. B. Rowe. New Haven, Conn.. June 17, 1873, $200. Marblehead 3, Lady Warren. 2:5ii4, 2:51'o.2:48'i,2:49'4. Leda. b m (3 :35',4) bv Aberdeen, dam Vattv"W., bvBrandvwine. A. .Johnson. Woonsocket, R. I., Aug. 27, 1K78. .$200. Ashland Maid 2. 3. Crazv 4, Nellv, 2:40. 2:3Si.i. 2:41. 2:40U. 2:;!8, 2:.J9. Taunton, Mass., Sept. 26. 1878, $180. Aslihiiid Maid. Helen. Fearless. 2:40.2:38. 2:.37. Brockton, Mass., Oct. 3, 1878, $200. Middlesex 1, Eileen, Thoniiis S. (1 dis). Argonaut (1 disi. 2:4fi, 2:36. 2::!7. 2:37. — — T. s. Foster. Prospect Park, L. I., June 11, 1879. .$400. Lottie K. 1. Pondietta. Martha. Anna IL, Florence, Phil Dwyer, Modoc, (ieorge Clark, Sam Briggs (4 dr). Cinderella (3 dis), .James M. Oakley (2 dr), 2:27, 2:25^. 2:29',, 2:29'4. Proviilence, Tl. I., June 18, 1879, $400. Middlesex, Ix)ttie K.. Robert B , Thomas, Wild Dandy, James M. Oakley, 2 :28. 2 :26V2, 2 :26'/4. Hartford, Conn., .June 26, 1879, $300. Lottie K., Pondietta, Robert B. Thomas, M:iy. AVilkes Spirit, Jim Briggs, 2 :26. 2 :2fi, 2 :26V^. Ledger, ch g (3 :48K>). by Shelby. A. L. Williams, Frankfort, Ky., Sept. 8. 1876. .$ . Almont Jr.. Johnson Boy. 2:48'/2, 2:48>i, 2:61. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTriNG AND PACING RECORD. 437 Iiedger Girl, br m (« :39). by Hambietoniaii, dam by a son of Barney Henry. J. Klotz, Fleetwood Park N Y., Nov 5. 1»73, $150. Sherman 3, Billy 4. Bessie B. 1. Prince, Wild American, Highland Girl, Brandy (5 dr),JohnP.(5dr), 2:42, 2-39, •j:>8, 2:391^4, 2:40. 2:3S. iciiiu> ^j tedo, bm(3:41). W. Mason, Taunton. Mass.. Sept. 20, 1882, $ . Mary Ann, 1:40, 1:42. Half-mile-heats Three-year-olds. Same day, $ . Mary Ann. Best time 2:41. Three-year-olds. Lee, (vv)hlic s (a:46Mw). J.Bond, Macon, Ga., Oct. 27,' l«80, $12.5. Betty Bell (w) 1, Hancock fw). Willv Clay (w). Slipper (w), 2:48^4, 2;46?i, 2.49 v / j Lee and Brown's Bay Gelding, (3:53;. Lee and Brown. Jonesville, Wis., Nov. 11, 1874, $100. Col. Fair " (3 dis), 2 :.''>6. 2 :.52. 2 :53, Leeds, ch g (3:43), by Orphan Boy. dam by the Allen Hor.- G. M. Delaney, Rockland, Me., Oct. 11, 1873. $ . Competitors not named. Best time 2-4214. Manchester, N. H., No.. 4, 1874, $200. Ned 1, Union, Topsy, Prince, Red Bird, (1 dis), 2:41, , , >f. Washburn, Barrie. Vt.. Oct. 10, 1876, $150. Addie R. 3, 5, Maggie Lee l, 6, Snow Drift. Josie L., Tur- pentine, 2:.50, 2:50. 2:,50, 2:53. 2;.''.3, 2.53, 2:53. ' ' . • E. C. Hooker, Montpolier, Vi. Sept.. 26, 1879. $50. Jim Lane 2, 3, Young Hunter 1, Billy. 2:55, 2:55, 2-50. 2:52,2:51,2:52. .1 , , , Lee's Bay Stallion, (3 :40). A F. Lee, Wli.tby, Ont., May 24, 1869, $50. Emily. Dexter (2 dr), Kate Fisher (2dr), 2:40, 2:44, 2:47. Lee W., (Sorghum, b g Ci-ZG^i), by Bourbon Blue, dam May Fly. J. Newbro, Ottawa, 111., Aug. 1,5, 1883, .$250. Lucy .•!. 2:293i, 2:28J£, 2:28i4. 2:30?4. Quincy, 111., Sept. 14, 1883. $im. Lucy, Bay William, Sam, Envov. 2:28i4. 2:'29}4,2:2»}4. .Sioux City, la., Sept. 28, 188.'?, .f300. Western 1, Elmwood Chief 3. 2:29, 2:26U, 2:28,2:26M, 2-29M L. W. Sinclair. Columbus, Iiid., Oct. 17. 1883, .$2.50. Commander, Oku, 2:40, 2:37. 2:39. Lefevre Jack. (3:39), by Tornado. J. 11. Bertholf, Goshen, N. Y., Sept. 14, 1871, $100. Goshen Maid, Lady Wi'ller, 2:421.1.2:40, 2:39. ' Legal R.. h g (3 :3l), by Legal Tender, dam by Frank. W. B. Homer, Terre Haute, Ind., June 1, 1882, $200. W. B.. AhnontM., Bob Lewis, Gilbird's Sprague. Nettie R.. Beaumont, 2:45, 2:41'2, 2:44. - — — Mattoon, 111., June 30, 1882, $1.50. Roscoe, Tony Newell, Jenny Wells (2 dis). Maud W. (1 dis), 2:35, 2:35, Indianapolis. Ind., July 11, 1882, .$400. Gilbird's Sprague 1, Tony Newell 5, Lady Elgin 3, (4 dis), Nettie R. (2 dis). 2:32. 2:3U4, 2:34^, ^-.^AU, 2:43, 2;.36. W. Reasoncr. La Salle, 111., Aug. 17, 1882, $400. Owen Farley, Lantern, Emma Maxwell, Grand Misery, 2:331.1, 2 :33'.i. 2:3314. Kansas City, Mo., Sept. 27, 1882, $500 Sleepy Joe 1, Lady R., Starlight, Dutch Girl. Danube. Gilbird's Sprague, Edina Boy. Mary Miller{4 dn, 2:3313, 2:36i^,2:31, 2:32i^. Legal Tender, blk s (3:5.5^). New Orleans, La., June 5, 1867, $500. Stella (w), 3, 4, 3:00'^, 2:5514, 2:59^4, 2:r,&-4,. -':59\. Legal Tender b g (3 :58). A. Howard, Watertowu, N. Y., June 11, 1867, .$75. Frank 3. 5, (4 0), Catfish Maid (2dis),3:01. 3:00, 2:57,2:59,3:01,2:58. gall — SI Jose 2:41? .1. F. Kinney, Creston, la., Sept. 26, 1877, .$300. Big Soap, Wapello Chief, Gen. Stoughton, 2:41, 2 :3.5, 2 :.'i5. H. Hymer, Danville, 111., Sept. 18, 1878, $300. Lady McD., Rosewood, Denmark, Black Frank, Sleepy Bill, Lady K.. David B. (3dr), Blanche Aniory (2 dr), 2:40, 2:40i4, 2:40. Legal Tender, b g (3 :37i4>. J. H. Phillips. Mt. Holly, N. J., Oct. 8, 1879, .$200. Spunky 1, 2. Viola. Johnson Boy. Leontine, Black Dan, Lizzie F., Lilly Mac. Mabel Pearl (5 dr). Brown Billy (3 dis), Augusta'Schuvler (3(lr), 2:44. 2:4414, 2:44. 2:42^4, 2:46. Legal Tender, bg(3:3»i4), by Legal Tender, dam Theresa G. M.White. Mendota. 111.. Sept. 7, 1882, $100. Lady Norris 1. Fanny Evans, Charm, 2:40, 2:44i/2, 2:43, 2:44. James Reedy. La Salle, 111.. July 4. 1883, $150. Leland 1, Kitty Kitterman,2:45, 2:43io, 2:45. 2:40Vi. Lehigh, b g (3 :40;. by Mambrino Patcheii. A. F. Phillips, Rochelle, 111., Sept. 22, 1875, .$200. Little Robby, Tucky Jane. Black Eagle, 2 :50i^, 2:50^. 2:50?4. • Freeport, 111., Sept. 28, 1875, $300. Harry Hopkins. Jim Lane, Fleecer, Bay Dan, Billy Scriber (3 dis), John (1 dis). Molly Casey (1 dis). 2:45. 2:40. 2:4,5)4. Marengo, 111., Oct. 7 and 8. 1875, $175. Puzzler 4, 5 (6 0), Manistee 1, 2 (8 r o), Farmer Boy (2 dis), Lilly (2 dis), 2:51, 2:.54, 2:54, 2:59, 2:47. 2:49, 2:45,2:46. WaukegaiL, 111., Oct. 5, 1876, .$2.50. Whalebone. Nelly S., J. C. Heenan, Lady Davis (2 dr), 2:46ii, 2:49, 2:49. Lela Blanche, gr m [2 :41i^). M. H. Whipple, White Plains, N. Y., Nov. 12. 1873, $300. Anna (l dis). James (1 dis). Eva (1 dis). Rosy (l dis). 2:4li4. Nov. 14, 1873, $150. Rosy. Dougherty (1 dis). 2:48J£, 2:51^. 2:57)4. LelaM., Ch m (3:53)^). J. H. Thayer. Augusta Ga., Jan. 14, 1883, $100. Easter Allen l, Sleepy Vic, 2:55, 2:5.% 2:531/2, 2:58. Leland, b s (3:37), by Somonauk. dan: by Revenge. R. A. Mead, La Salle, 111., July 4,1882. $1.50. Legal Tender 1, Gray Dick, 2.43, 2:46, 2:46, 2:4594. b g, Rochelle. 111., Sept. 6, 1883, $150. Ben Wild 1, Pullman 2, 2:44'4, 2:44, 2:43, 2:44, 2:45. Leland Stanford, (3:03). W. E. Peck, Santa Cruz, Cal., Aug. 16, 1882, $80. Soquel Jim 4, PajaroChiefl ( 5 dis), 3 :05, 3 :05, 3 :03, 3 :02, 3 :03i4. Lelia Kidd. b m (3 :00), by Honest Allen, dam Alnorma, bv Almont. J. A. Walker. New Orleans, La., April 18, 1880, .$25. Belle Ch;iml)ers, Shoo Fly. 3:02, 3:00, Lelia s., ch m (3:37), bv Sweepstakes, dain Silva. J. O. Balfour, Quincv, 111.. June 21.1883, $1,50. Lady Clyde 3, Roxie Lee, Vandalui Joe, Buffalo Bill (4 dri. 2:41, 2:42^, 2:43)4. 2:^9. Jacksonville. 111.. Aug. 30. 1883, ,$250. Little Joker, 2:39^, 2:.39)4, 2:39i-o. Lem. b s (3:3 7'.,), by Orange County, dam Clara. L. S. Kingsbury. Elmira, N. Y., June 26, 1879, .$.'!00. Judgment, Polly (i.. Marietta. Senator, 2:34. 2:.34, 2:3,5. Towanda, Pa., July 31, 1879, $50. Larkin l. (4 dr), 2 :33?i, 2:34, 2:34, . Major Hicks, Scran ton. Pa., Sept. 29. 1881. .$250. Josephine S. 3, Hattie Matthews, 2:29?i, 2:33, 2:.$2)4. 2:32)4. I.Cohnfeld. Parkville. L. L. June. 5, 1883, $,500. MaxeyCobb3, Mambrino George 1, Manhattan, I.-idy Tucker(2 dis), Fitzgerald (2 dis), 2:30, 2:27)^, 2:28).^, 2:28^4. 2:.10)4. Lemunt, (th s (3 :47)4). D. McAllister, Parker City, Oregon, Sept. 26, 1881, $150. Hector 1, Dolly, 2:55, 2:47i4, 2:48'^, 2:.54'2. Lena, bm (3 :33i4),bv Wood's Champion. S. P. Southard, Lyons, N. Y., June 30, 1881, $300. Yankee 2, Bonny L., Morocco. 2:.39i4". 2 :39>4. 2 :39. 2:40i4. Yorkshire. X. Y.. July 3, 1882, .$300. Warren i2 0). Herald. Dutchman. 2:39)4, 2:39'/5, 2:39)^, 2:39^. East Aurora, N. Y., Aug. 29, 1882, $1.50. Warren 1,2. Nettie R.. Caledonia Chief, Stouer Udr). 2:36?i, 2:36^4.2:39)4,2:39^8,2:40 488 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RErORI). Wcsl ClR'ster, Pa., Sei.t. 21, 1883. .iti-'OO. Maiul X.. Harrv. Manibrino Pilot Jr., 2:44K'. 2:44V6, 2:4.3?.i. Lojsraii. br s (3:03). T. V. Roberts. Sheldon, la., Sei)t. 21, 1882. $ ■ — . Red Cloud, I~riiiee,~o.(t7. :{:0.'^ Bradford, Pa., Sept. la and 14, .«1 882, $500. Allegbeny Boy 5, 7 (3 0), Crown Point Maid, Stepben S., Bouny L., 2,4 CtO^, (8 dis). 2:.{4'i, 2:34^;, 2:3(;, 2:34«r4, 2;.!G. 2:3ti. 2:34, 2:32>... Sept. ir>. I88J, .^400. Nelly (;. 1. 2, i;laiieli:tr(l. Steiilien S., Seliool Girl,"2:32»4, 2:3l). D. Young, Preeport, 111., June 5, 1874. $3(K). Little Nell. Paiiclmn. Dixie 2. (3 dn. 2:59V-, 2::.7. 2:."i8l... 3:03. June 12. 1875. S30(). Di.xie 1. Lilly B. (1 dis). Nelly Forrester (1 dis), 2:48, ■_':.')•., •_' :.'}5V.., 2.5.5. tenaCase. I) m (2:36>. W. C. Braisted, Rutland, Vt., Sept. 10.1874, $1.50. Harrv, Lady Thomson. 2:44^... 2:40^4,2:42. " " Sei)t. 11, 1874, S175. Lady Foxie. Claybrino. 2:42. 2:43"^, 2:41. G. 1). Harris. Kcene. N. H., Sept. 17, 1874 .?4.50. Pilot 2, Glen wood Belle. Jennv. Dan I5rv:int. Honest Sam. IliTod, Ameriean Boy (4 dr),2:42. 2:44. 2:41^.,. 2-40. lien .Maee, Fleetwood Park. N. Y., .luly 14. 1875, sioo. Emjieror .5. c. Fourth of Julv 1, Break o' ])n\ 2. (7 dr), Ladv ^Voods. Katv S., Vesta. Sherman, Deceiver (3 dis). 2:41 ',, 2:3!». 2:3!i, 2:.39^.,", 2::!9. 2:41, 2:.'59. White Plains, N. Y., Julv 19, 1875, .S250. Sleepv David 3, Josie. Unele Bill, Ladv Collier (4 dr), 2:10, 2:3f>. 2:40,2:40. L.ena Rivers, gr m (2 :3fi»4). W. Ix)see, Unionville, O.. Jnlv .3, 1877, .$100. Hope 2, 6, Nellv 1. 3, Maud, 3:17U, 3:12. 3:11J^, 305, 3:09, 3:14. 3:03»^. Chillieolhe, O., Aug. 17, 1883, .?150. Luey B., Nipper, Sneak. 2:;{6>4. 2:;«i»/,. 2:36^4. I 0), Brandywine (2 0). (4 dis). 2:42»4. 2:39. 2:38^.;, 2:38. 2:40U, 2:.39',i,'2:38i^. l,en Rose, grs (2:47)^). H. AI. Johnson, Sacramento, Cal., Sept. 11. Is79. .'?400. Phoceola. state of Maine. 2:511^. 2:471^. Two-year-olds. C.'A. Duffee, Stockton. Cal.. Sept. 19. 1879, iSlOO. Upright 1. 3m}4. 2:.53, 3:02. Two-year-olds. Leo, grg (2:44^). T. Dolan, K. Pepperell, Mass.. July 22. 1882. '$7.5. Tom Dolan 1. C, Joker 4. 0. Naughty Boy 3, May (Jueen 2, Ladv L., Joe Hooker (8 dis). (Jreeiilield Boy (7 dr), Kate Murrav lO dn. No time. Greenfield, N. H., Sept. 13. 1882. -^150. Stargazer, Mav Queen. Fanny S., 2:44'4, 2:'4(i. 2:4ti. Leo, bg (3:43 '4), by Bover, dam Lady Archer. J. Chalfant, Woodbury, N. J.. Julv 4. 188^, $1.50. Belle Alniont. Katydid. Brooks (3dr), 2:50. 2:54, 2:49»4- West Chester, Pa., Sei.t. 21, 1883. .•iti200. Maud : Leo Logran. l>r s (3:03). T. C. Roberts. Sheldon, la., Sept. 21, 1882. $ ■ — . Red Cloud, 'P~riiiee,~3.()7. 3:05, 3:03 Leon, b gi2:30) by Thunderbolt. A. Houghton, Dansville. N. Y.. Oct. 13, 187.5. .f200. Jerrv 1, Flonzell Maid. Whitford, Belle of Flatbush, Daisy Dean, Maggie (3 dr), 2:40, 2:.%, 2:3,5, 2:.37. J. M. Oleott, Lockport, N. Y.,Oct. 24, 1876, $300. Cattaraugus Chief (2 0), D:imon, Plienomenon. 2:30, 2:38?4. 2::«. 2:36. Leonard grg (2:51). P. C. Ecksott, ^Vvonling, Pa.. Oct. 1, 18G9, $2.5. Sorrel Sam. 3:14, 3:10, 3:10. G. C. Deerhurst. Worcester. Mass., Julv 20. 1872. $ . George 2. Richard, 2:54V.i. 2:51, 2:52Vi. 2:57'/i. Aug. 29. 1872. .i, 2::i5».,, 2:.T-'%, 2:33, 2:36. Jersey City, N. J., Nov. 8, 1883, .S75. Star, Lowland Marv, 2:3.5. 2:34'c, 2:34»i. Leonora, gr m (3:48). J. H. Wheeler, Pliiladeliiliia, l*a., Sept. 3. 1860, .■? . Lilly. Forest. 2:48. 2:48^. 2 48. Leontine, b in (2: 44)^). G. Wilde, Westcliester. I'a. < )ct. 3. 1879, .*1.50. Hanover .5. 6, Hermione 2, Alice Ad- dison ,3. Frank Bowen (4 dis), 2:47%, 2:45. 2:45. i;:t4'... 2:4.5. 2:45. 2:47^. Leontine, br m (2:33), by Hamlet. A. J. Hook. Meiidota. 111.. Aug. 10. l.^so. SMOO. Troubadour. Mattie, Graham. Blackstone d" disi. Conianclie (1 dis), Hanlied dis), liashaw Temi)leil dis), 2:25. 2:30, 2:31. Earlville, 111., Aug. 17, 1880, $300. Hardie, Troubadour. Mattie (Jraliam. Clara Cleveland. 2:32%, 2:345li. 2:34^. F. K. Marsh, Erie. Pa., June 22. 1882. $.500. Ina (;.. Unolala, I>adv Hrowiiell, 2:23^.. 2:23>4, 2:25(i. S. M. Po:ntz,Cynthiana, Ky.. Aug. 24. 188.3, .«i250. France's Alexander, Kiltv Silver, Judge Hawes(2dls). 2:26^,2:23)4.2:27. Leontin'e Fagand, (3:43Vii). O. M. Shaw. Lincoln. Me., June 15. 1875, $115. Major. Dolly BMlwell. .S*lly. W hlte Cloud. Winnifred (2 dis), Jenny Lind d dis), 2:45. 2:46. 2:45%. CHESTEK'S COMPLETE TKOTTING AND PACING KECORl). 439 tew Baker, ch g (2 :3»). Lew \'room;?ii, Saratoga. Spa., N. Y.. July 17, 1871. $1,000. Fanny Lambert 1, Lida Picton, 2:40. 2:36, 2:39. 2:40. Troy, N. Y., July — , 1871, S . Lida Picton, 2:39, 2:38, 2:37. Albany. N. Y., Nov. 9. 1871, $100. W. H. Taylor, 2:40, 2:3C. 2:36i4. June 27, 1872, $100. Kitty 3, 4. 2:39'2, 2:37, ,2:47^^,2:44. ,. .,, , , ,, I.ew Day. ch g (3 -.ST 2). F. Bovd, Kenosha, Wis., -May 27, 1875, .$300. David H. l, Gen. Mc Arthur. Lady Gay. .Jefferson Girl (3 dr), 2 :44'4, -.2:44, 2:44, 2:45. ^ „ , ,„ ,. • , May 's l.H7.i. .<3(K). Billv eusliing l, Brown Nelly, Billy Wasson, Ruby, Gen. Grant (4 dr), Jefferson Maid ,2dn.BelleB()y(i(2dis),2:44?4, 2:371^. 3:01,3:02. . ,, .. .,• t , ■**, . I^w GoUldust. br s (3 :45',). P. Baunian, Stuart, la., July 4, 1877, $ . Sultan, Dora, Alice J., Little Joe, ^icwinski, b 'g'ijiMsi^C'bv M:inibrino Messenger. D. W. Keltuer. Syracuse. N. Y., Sept. 2, 1874, $800, Franlc Klock 1, George F. Smith, Onondaga Boy (3 dis), Jim Waldron (1 dis), Capitola (1 dis;, 2:39, iJ:38!4, 2*37^4. ''"37 : Sept!" 4, 1874, $800. Belle Cleveland 3, Tornado Maid, Tom (5 disj, Frank Kloclc 1 (3,dis), 2:36, 2:36, 2:34!ii, '-- ('.^k'oimstead, Sharon, Pa.. Sept. 25 and 26, 1874, $400. Spotted Jim 2, 4, Young Toronto, Beulah, Joe Stone, xMahoning Boy (Idisj. 2:35, 2:351/4,2:35, 2 :33M.-':35. „ ^, „ „.„ ,, ^^,^.,^s Aii,.p/, Dayton, O., June 25, 1875, $700. J. W. Hall 3, 4, Katy, Dan Howell. Molly, Billy Yeazell (5 dr;. Alice (3 disK 2:32'4, 2:33?i. 2:3.5, 2:34?^, 2:39. . , . Cleveland, O., July 29 and 30, 1875, .$2,.500. Idol 1, 2, Lady Turpin 3, 4, Jeremiah, Anglo Saxon, Richara (4ar). 2:26^4, 2:26"2, 2:281.^. 2:26^, 2:27^, 2:27^4. '2:26^4.. John Crolter, Sept. 15, 1875, .$600, Magnolia 1, Kate Campbell, 2:27, 2:31i4„ 2:30, 2:29. Neil & Keltner. July 28, 1876, $2,500. M:izo-Manie 2. Elsie Good 4, Abe Edgmton 1, Bateman, Jack Draper, Frank, 2:2814, 2:27, 2:2694,2:2.514.2:27. 2:27?4,. .„ r. . i, > . .,^ o 0,1. ., ., „z M. tl. Neil, Zauesville, O., Sept. 18, 1877, $550. Deception 1, Larry Clay, Doctor Rush, 2:36, 2:3714, 2:32^4, 2 •■'!)'• 1 CH. Olmsteiid, Akron, O., June 21, 1878, $400. Hazor 1, Doctor Lewis 4, Daniel the Prophet, 2 :ay/4, ^^lansfiehlVo;. Aug.'sr, 1878, .$600. Silver.sides 2, 4, Lady M., Bay Dick, Tom Battery (1 dis), 2:28, 2:28i4, 2:289i, 2:2I)'2. 2:28'i. Norwalk. O., Aug. 16. 1878, $300. Silversides, Up and Up, 2:30,2:2914,2:26%. Neil & Keltner, Columbus, O.. July 17, 1879, .¥600. Alley 1, Dictator, Deck Wright, 2:2614. 2:26^, 2:26^, l"ivi. H. Neil. Aug. 28, 1879, $500. Belle Brasfield l, 2, C. W. Woolley, Red Line, 2:28i^, 2:25'/2, 2:28, 2:2514, 2*27 D. w. Keltner. Cleveland, O.. Sept. 4, 1879. .$400. Abdallah Boy, 2:32i4, 2 :28V2, 2 :28i^. C. H. Olmstead, Columbus, O., Oct. 23, 1879, $600. Sciola l, 2, Dick Taylor, Jessie Hayes, Gray balem, Abdallah Bov. 2:26, 2:2714, 2:26U. 2:27, 2:2614. ^ ^ „ „.„ ^„ „, .„ ., ,, Lewis, b g (3 :37 ). R. F. McGere, Skaneateies, N. Y., Aug. 27, 1874, $150. Brown Billy, Clara, Sheriff, Nelly, Bav Charley, Hiram (3 dr). No time. ^ ^ ,^ ^ , ,. .,,..,.„ Moravia, N. Y., June 4, 1875, $200. Col. Upton 2, 3, Jack Potter, Roscoe Conkling 1 (5 dis). Lady Emma (4 dr),-2y40';. 2:41,2:4114. 2:4114, 2:47^4, 2:5.0. . , . -^ ^ . Lewis' Brown Stallion, (3 :38?4), by Mambrino Chief. Enoch Lewis. Lexington, Ky., Oct. J3, 1860, $500. Idol, 2:49, 2:41. 2 :3*iJC. ^ „ ,.. „ LewisM., chg(3:35'4). J. Ramsey, Taunton, Mass., Sept. 28, 18«1. .?110. Storm, Emma, Hampshire Boy, 2:3914, 2 :.35i2, 2:38i4. Sept. 29, 1881, $120. Nat Otis, Starbright, 2 :39, 2:37. 2:37. Lewis Mare (w), (3:45 w). Mr. Lewis, Cincinnati, O., Sept. 12, 1882, .^5 . Bacon's Horse (w), 2:45, 2:37}^. Unfinislu'd. Lewiston Boy. rn s (3:36). bv Pollani Moriran. dam by (iuimbv Messenger. J. J. Bowen. Mystic Park, Bos- ton. July 3, 1866. .$200. Brewer Boy (1 0). Honest Abe, 2:36, 2:36^4. 2:4^4, 2:41. (W). S. Hayes, April 19, 1.S67, .$400. Washington (w), .John Bartiett (w), 2:54, 2:49}^. A. W. Worcester, Mauchester, N. H.. Ausj. IH, ihG8, $100. Young Draco 1. 2. 2:41, 2:43. 2:42>4, 2:44, 2:39. Lew Ives, b g (3 :38), bv Bacon's Ethan Alleu.^dam by Stubtail. Titus Ives. Watertown. N. Y., Oct. 9and 10. 1873. .§600. Viola 1. 612 0). Buzz 4. Fanny Fern. 2 :31, 2:28. 2:291. . 2:281.^, 2:291^, 2:31, 2:31. .1. L. Jenkins, Middle Granville, Vt., Nov. 7, 1874, $ . White Cloud 1, Fanny Leigh 2. 1-M. 2 :.37, 2:30, 2:31. 2:. 32. Titus Ives, Ogdensburg. N. Y., July .5, 1875, .$ . Frank Munson 2. 2:35, 2:38, 2:.34. — Redwood. N. Y., Aug. .30, 1876. $17,5. .Tack Draper. Best time, 2:.38. Ottawa, Can., Oct. 11 and 12, 1876, .$300. Prank 1, 3, Jack Draper 4. 5, Drummer Boy, Joe Brovn, 2:3314. . 2:31"2. 2:39, 2:28?4, , . H. Hodges. Coshocton, O., Oct. 18, I88I, $300. Billy Le\vis 5. Jerrv Hardwick. Red Line 2, 3 (5 dr), 2:38'/2, 2:37'2.2:39^. 2:40, 2:45. 2:46i'2. Lew Pettee, br g (3 :39), bv the Benson Horse. Hiram Woodruff. T^nion Course, L. I.. Oct. 31. 1866, $2,000. Bull Run (w) ( 1 (lis), 5 :08V|. Two miles. (s). Dan Pnfer, Providence, R. I., Auc l. 1867, $1,000. Lexington (s> 1, 2:29i4, 2:.32='i, 2:45>4,2:3^- Dan Mace, Fashion Course, L. T., Sei)t. 23. 1867, $1,000. Bull Run, 2:.'?.5, 2:38i4, 2:38i/6. Union Course, L. I., Oct. 14. 1867, $1,000. Dalsv Burns 3, 2:30i4, 2:341^, 2:34, 2:3.5i4- Fashion Course, L. I.. June 29, 1868. .SSOO. Dixie 1, 2. 2:30, 2:3(^, 2:29, 2:32, 2:34. Tuly 10, IXiW. SI, 000. Tackev 1. 2:28. 2:.30»4. 2:3.3i4, 2:3014. Providence, R. I., July 16. 1868. $1,000. Old Puts. Cora 4. Gen. McClellan (2dis). 2:34%. 2:.31?.{,2:34,2:33V4 2:32. Lew .Sayres, rn g (8 :38%). bv Neave's C. M. Clay Jr. J. B. Loder. Cincinnati, ().. June 22. 1870. ,$500. Billy. Figaro, Annie Hunter. 2:.38i4. 2:.37, 2:39. Dayton, O., July 7, 1870, ,$.350. P. Green, Sir Walter. Ladv Crowder. Dick Hilliard (2 dis), 2:.38i4. 2:39. 2:39'/2. Lew Scott, bg (3:33). bv Scotts Hiatoga. B. D. Downey. Columbiana. O., Oct. 27. 1874. .ff2.50. .Joe StouM. Kentucky Prince, Eugene, Maggie Smith. Frank l (3 dis). Blue Bull (3 disX Lida Pitch In (3 dis\ Fred Lit- tle (3 dr>. Limber Jim (3r o), 2:44, 2:44. 2:40. 2:43^. Oct. 28, 1874, $200. .Toe Stone, Kentucky Prince. White Cloud. Nelse (2 dis\ Blazing Star (1 disl 2:421^. 2:39,2:42%. C. B. Harvev. Columbus, O.. .July l. 187.5. $i.2on. Lewinski 2.3. .Tohn B.. Lady Hill, Molly, Dan Howell. Mary Tavlor, Joe Hooper. Indian. Alice. 2:34. 2:31. 2:3li,. 2:.30V.. 2:.30i.<;. Portsmouth, O.. July 8, 1875. $1,000. Fanchon. Jeremiah. J;ick Chsimbers. 2:31, 2:.32. 2:30. Sanduskv, O., Sept. 21, 1876, .$400. Cozette 2, Tom Britton, Silversides, Dick Harvey, Lady Mills (2 dis) 2:311^. 2:'29i^, 2:.32, 2:29, Pittsburgh. Pa., June 5. 1877. .$.500. Belle Brasfield. Lndv H.. Magnolia, 2:27. 2:2fi, 2:28. lackson, Mich , June 29 and 30, 1S77, $1,000. Tom Britton 5. 6, CaT)tain .Tack 1. 7, Tom Keeler 2, Scot- land, Lewinski. Allen (5dr), Jack Draper (4 dr).2:26, 2:28}^, 2:2714. 2 :26i4. 2:29?4, 2:30'/2, 2:30%. 2:31. 440 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TKOTTIXC AND PACING RECORD. Rochester, N. Y., Aug. lo, 1877. §2.500. Biukiuo li, IJlue Mare 1, Alley 5, Eicluird, Little Gypsy, 2:23. 'J-23. 2:2;j'/2. 2:24. 2:24'.i, 2::;GJtj. "^ St. IVlersliuigli, Pa.. Sept. C. 1877, S70(). Little Gypsy 2. a, 2:;Jl, 2:34, 2:3C, 2:j!), 2-40 Kdinliurgli. I'ii.. .Se|)t. i:i. 1S77, $700. Little (iypsy 1, 2:30, 2 :;it)Vo, 2: J6, 2:34. — - — Clarion. P:i.. ^el^t. 2U, 1877. .'<7ou. Lilllr (iypsy 2. 2:30, 2:32, 2-31 2 -'a -tineimi:ili.()..(t(i. 17 :m.l lb, 1877, .^1,000 Little Gypsy 2. KIsie Good 1, Badger Girl 3, Clifton Boy, .Marion. l)i>.j. 2:26W, 2:2CU. 2-28 2-26»4 2-''5k. VV. H. Ciawloid, ileadville, Pa.. .May 17, 1878, $400. Adelaide t3 0}, Sllver.sides 2, 2!28K,, 2:2854, 2:28, — -^"Butler. Pa.. May 23, 1878. §700. Adelaide 2, 3. Belle Brasfield. 2:27U, 2:25ii.2-27, 2-26?4, 2-25 -^-Milwaukee, Wis., June 5. 1»78. jil.Ooo. Calniar 1, 3, Badger (iiil, Herod, 2:23U, 2:25U. 2:25, 2:24&, 2:26^. Jackson, Midi., June 13, 1878, «l,000. Edwin Forrest 1, Mambrino Kate, Dictator. Slieridan, Calmar Llda Bassett, 2:20, 2 :27'.i, 2:20, 2 :27. ' Ciuciniiati, U., July, 3, 1878, S!1,000. Adelaide 1, 4, Little Gypsy. Deception ddis). 2:3P4, 2:31>i 2-28!-i. 2:29! 2, 2:3134- ' Columbus, O., July y, 1878, $800. Sheridan 3, Silversides 2, Ethel l. LoalVr cjilniar •■■'3', ••■■>•> 2-22U 2:2454. 2 :2.'i. 2:20. ' "" '' "•""• ■'■"tS, Pittsburgh, Pa.. Aug. ;jo. 1878, $ . John H. 2. Deck Wright t, Haimali 1>.. 2:28',, 2::«i. 2:.W/, 2:29, . '- Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 25, 1878, $1,000. John H. 1. Scott's Thomas 2:M'i, 2:,>o, 2:2!)'', 2->R • Macon, G;u. Nov. 1, 1878. $000. John H. 1, 3, Scotfs Thomas 2, Alice West. liiirrvB (3(lis) "-'7 •>;« 2 27, 2:20'", 2.30, 2 :;i4. • • , .-, -.«, Mobile. Ala., Dec. 7. 1878, $2.50. .Tohn IL. Scotch Chief. Spider. 2::i9h2. 2:4! 243 • — -Toledo, O., June 27. 1879. $800. Belle Braslield. Post Boy, Dictator, Monroe Chief. Elsie Good (1 dis) 2*23'a 2:20 2:24. ■ '- Minneapolis, Minn.. Sept. 2, 1871), $1,000. Kate Hall, Brigadier. 2:305!ii. 2:29U 2-;» — — Dubuqui'. la., Sept. 10, 1879, $700. Clittoii Boy, Monarch Kulc, 2:25'2, 2:26'/2~2-27ii Cediir Kapids, la., Sept. 17, 187'J, .§700. Kiite Hall 1, Clitton Boy, Monarch Rule, Kittv Bates Sciohi Fred Douglass (3 drj, 2:27'/2, 2:20'/2, 2:27. 2:27'2. Sept. 18, 1879, ijiBOO. Kitty Bates, Clifton Boy. Will Cody. Monarch Rule 2 -"7 •'•''8 2 •■'7'; Kansas City, Mo., Sept. 23. ist9, $1,000. Little tJypsy 2 (4 oj, Ada Paul, (Uoster. Po.s't Boy (4 dr) KittT Bates(4dr), 2:26,2:20,2:29. 2:20',, 2:27. •'^ ui;, n-itij Cincinnati. O., Oct. 9 and 10, 1879, $1,000. Deck Wright 3, 4, Gloster 5, Lucy. Dick Taylor. Lewinski (3 dr), Clifton Boy (1 dis), 2:2514, 2:23, 2:24, 2 :2G. 2 :28, 2:27. ^ Pittsburgh, Pa., Oct. 14,1879, $700. Little Gypsy, Wedgewood, Jessie Hayes, Elsie Groff. 2:,"?0, 2:29. 2:28>^. New Hunting Park, Phil., May 6, 1880, $200. Richard. Wild Lily. 2::j0^. 2:28K'- 2:28. ■ F. C. Burton. Pittsburgh, Pa., June 11, I880, $800. John H. 2,' 3, Huntress. *Belle Brasfleld, 2-28. 2-31 2:31. 2:3314. 2:3014. W. H. Crawford, Bradford Pa., June 19. 1880, $000. Mav. John INlcDougall, 2:29. 2-,'il, 2:28'... L«wTaninan, ch g(3:33^)^ by Aberdeen, Charles Doble, Norwalk. ( onn., Sej)!. 14. 18si.' $200. Dave Young 1. Patchen Maid, Ji-ansas Jack (4 dis;, Dandy (3 dis). Miller's Damsel (3 dr), Whv Not (l dis). 2:37, 2:3CJ4. 2:33J4. 2:36. Sept. 16, 1881, $150. Lady Rcu^, 2:3.5^, 2:3454, 2:3414. Oct. 7, 1881. .$2007 Lady Scud, Why Not, Dave Young, 2:34. 2:34?4, 2:34K'. tew Tally, br g r3 -.tiS). G. A. Mavbee, Jersey City. N. J., Sei)t. 20, 1882. $200, Carrie C, Frank A,. Lady G., LilliaC., Nortiifield Maid (1 dis\ Pilot (1 dis).,2:37i/i. 2:38^4 2:38. Y'ork, Pa., Oct. 5, 1882, $200. Maud, Brown Billy, Young Bashaw (2 dis), York Boy (2 dr). 2:44i«4, 2:36, 2:361.^. Oct. 6, 1882. $150. Brown Billv, Young Bashaw. 2:47^, 2:48?i. 2:40?4. Mt. Holly, N. J., Oct. 13, 1882, $1.50. l\Iambrino George. John Goldsmith, Eastern Medium, Addie G., Oliver F., Mineola, Deacon Cronkett (3 dr). Noontide (2 dr). 2:,"i9i-4 2:41, 2:40U. — Jersey City, N. J., Oct. 18,1882. .?;200. Bernard 1, 2, Daisy Evebright, Tilot, ?>ank A.. Orphan Girl, Montcl;iir. Tejiser. Lady (i. (5 dr). Lillia C. (4 dr). 2:4,5, 2:40U. 2:39,' 2:41';., 2:;'.9. L.exing:t<>ii, ( X. B. Palmerand Ben Starr), b g (2 -.SOW), (3 -.^Q^i s), by Lexington. M, Carroll, Providence, R. I., June 19, 1867, $ . Ca]>t. Megowan. .30:.57?,i. Ten miles. Augusta. Me., July 4, 1867. Belle of Augusta 1, 2, (4 dis), Charles O'Mally (4 dr\ 2:.50. 2:47. 2:40^, 2:41, 2:4.x A. R. Flannagan, Canton, N. Y.. .Sept. 23. 180S. ,'!!2no. Tete Matthews. Fanny Fern. 2:52?4, 2:54. 2:.53J£. M. Carroll. Haverhill, Mass.. Oct. 20. 1808. $125. Nelly Locke 1, 2:,S8. 2:37, 2:.35. 2:35'4. A. R, Flannagan, (iouverneur, N. Y.. Sept. 11. 1809. .«22,5. Tete JNIaithews 1, (20). Gov. Morgan (20), Frank Blair, Phil Sheridan. 2:421/., 2:43^. 2:4.Ui. 2:42. 2:42. Canton, N. \.. Sept. 16. I860, ,$250. Tete M;ittli«-ws, Draco Chief, 2:42. 2:42. 2:44. texlneton. b g (2:45%). Mr Benninger, Cincinnati, O.. July 5. 1809, $150. Day. Harkaway (2 dis), 2:48, 2:49K>. 2:4fi94. Aug. 5. 1809, .If: . Live Oak, Dolls. 2:47U, 2:45-'4. 2:47M. Lexington, br s (3:.36>/,). by Gen. Knox. R. L. Flanders. Middlesex, Mass., Oct. 9. isoo, $170. Cambridge Belle. 2:4014. 2:51. 2 :,52. Riifiis liaker. Concord. Mass.. Sept. 27. 1871. $200. Belle of Hudson, Shoo Fly, Nelly S.. Tioga, 2:4,7%, 2:45,2:46. .liunes A. Dustin. Mystic Park, Boston. May 13. 1R74, $150. Ned, Fleetwing. Pirate, Honest Je.ssle (3 dr) Country Boy (1 dis). 2-My,, 2 -.37. 2 :,39. rexinetnn Chief, b s (2:50?.(), by Kentucky Clay, dam Lady Warfleld, by Miimbrino Chief, A. C. Fisk, Coldwator, Mich., May—, 1877, .'fl25. Betsy Ann'. Molly Pitclier, Lady Beach. Fred Moscow. W. G., 2:61, 2:.51M,2:.50?4. W.C. Hoag, (Jrand Rapids. Mich.. Sept. 27. IR8I, $ , Pasacas. Homer. Tom Patchen. 2:41. 2:39)4. L,. H. Daniels, br g (2:.37). .L P. W^iser, Toronto. Ont.. Se])t. 12, 1877, $;!00. Gray Salem l,Gray Eddy, Northwood, Western Fearnaught, Governor, Hiram Woodruff (4 dis), 2:,3.5U. . . 2:37. Lib, b m (2 :34), by Andv Johnson. 0. H. Evarts. Seneca Falls, N. Y., June 25, 1878, $200. Goulder Girl 1, 2, Maggie. Toot Dintrutt (3dr). No time. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 441 Webb's Mills, N. Y., Oct. 2, 1878, $1'). Bashaw 2, Hattie Fisher, Shipmate. No time. Seneca Falls. N, Y., July 3, 1879. $140. Hattie Fisher 2 (5 0), Dick Jones 1. No time. 'rrimianslmrgli. N. Y.. July 17, 1879, $ . Newsboy 1, Spotted Jim, Marietta, Andy Johnson Jr., Patsy, Nelly Casey, 3:01. 2:51, 2:50, 2:50. )w.'^'o, N. Y.. Au}?. 24, 1881, sue. Lew Tallnian 2, 3. Lucy. Jacko. 2:50, 2:5014, 2:.-)0, 2:50, 2:50. S. H. Brown, Canastota, N, Y., Oct. 7, 1882. .•jilOO. Kitty \V. 1, Walkill, Cady (.4 dr;, 2:32, 2:35,2:34,2:34^. O. X. Bush, Hudson, N. Y., Oct. 25, 1882, ?!i200. Lady Horton l, Dan N., Garry Manning, Wassawra, Dau OBricMl (1 dis), 2:;)S)Vi, 2:;j9ii.. 2:37' i, 2:39. — - Oct. 26, 1882, .•ii200. Don N., Billy (l dis), Kitty (1 dis). Lady Harmon (1 dis). Lady Flannery (1 dis),2:37i4, 2:42, 2:40}^. P. (irover, Norwich, N. Y., Aug. 16, 1883, .$80. Black Jim 2, 3, Lotta (l 0), — -, 2:59>4, 2:59?i, 2:60, 2:61}^, 2 :59i4. Libbv. b m (3 :00. C.E.Perkins. Akron, O., June 21, 1877. Prize, whip. John F., Manibrino Boy (l dis), Fionid dis), 3:00, 3:03i.i. Libby, b m (3:46). F. Fletcher, Richmond, Va,^ Nov. 2, 1882, $150. Jim Kidd 1, Gloster Belle (3 dr), Mira (fdisi Belled dis), 2:51, 2:46. 2:46'2. Libbv. ch ni (3:18). Mr. Titcomb, Savannah, Ga., May 31, 1883. $ . Daisv I, Sadie (1 dis), SillVi, 3:19'/i, 3;"l9, 3:18. Libby Polly (3 :03). Malone. N. Y.. Sejjt. 28, 1883, $50. Philly Sheridan, 3:06, 3:09, 3:03. Three-year-olds. liicense. ch g (3 :26). E. L. Norcross. Mystic Park, Boston, May 8, 1860, $100. Gideon Welles, 2 :52j^, 2:48'/j, 2:49'2. May 1.5, 1866, .$100. Gideon Welles 1 (2 dis), 2:46. 2:43! 2. May 19, 1866. S^IOO. Gideon Welles 1 (4dr), 2:;?9, 2:38, 2:44. ( w)'May 29, 1866, .flOO. Lady Mace (w), Gideon Welles (w), 2:42'/4, 2:42, 2:44. lune 16. 1866, .15100. Nimble Dick 1, John Ferris, Gideon Welles, Kingston, White Stocking, 2:41?i, 2:37?i, 2:40. 2:37?4. (w) June 23, 1866, $100. Gideon Welles (w)3, 4, Rail Splitter (w), (3 dr), 2:37Ji. 2:36^i. 2:39i!4, 2:41. 2-A3^. July 3, 1866, .Ijiioo. Gideon Welles 1. 4. Matcliless, Gen. Sickles, Lady Park (2 dis), 2:38}^, 2:37i4, 2:35, 2:40, 2:37?£. Sept 17, 1866, $1,000. Gideon Welles, 2:40^4. 2:35, 2:3914. Dan Mace, June 28, 1867, $5,000. Booth. 2 :32, 2:34'.!, 2 :39i4. Aug. 30, 1867, $3,000. Ben Franklin, Col. .Maynard, Shepherd Knapp Jr. (1 dis), 2:3454, 2:30^2, 2:34. Sept. 17, 1867, $700. (ien. McClellan, India Rubber, 2:291/^, 2:32'/2, 2:31 '/i. Oct. 18, 1867, $1,900. Col. Mavnard, Shepherd Knapp. Jr., 2:28, 2:28'4, 2:31. 1). H. Blanchard, Nov. 12, 1867. .•#1.700. Shepherd Knapp, Jr., 2:33k, 2:3014, 2:31^. Fleetwood Park, N. x"., Sept. 22. 1870, $2,500. Charles E. Leow 2, 4, J. J. Bradley 3, Confidence, 2:26}^, 2:29, 2:27, 2:27, 2:28, 2:29. L,ict»r, br s (3:45). by Green's Bashaw, dam by Gage's Logan. J. L. Wilson. Stuart, la., Oct. 5, 1877, $200. Harry Clay 2, Farmer Boy, Honest John. .John D.. Orphan Bov (l dis), 2:46. 2:46>2, 2:45, 2:46. Lida, b m (3 :35). Dan Pfifer, Fashion Course. L. I., April, 27. 1866. $100. Sam, Peddler, Patterson's b g, George (1 dis), 2:41. 2:37, 2:39. . May 7, 1866, $.500. California, 2 :.S5, 2:.35i/2, 2:36. L,ida Bassett, br m (3:30'/2), bv Forrest King, dam by Alcalde. Wm. T. and V. Whitney, Toledo, O., Sept. 28. 1877, .$800. Dream, Belle of Fairfield, .lohnny Gordon (3 dis). 2:31i4, 2:30, 2:29. Columbus, O., Oct. 10, 1877, $600. Caliuar 3, Deck Wrisht, Lady Logan, Charley B.. Dream, Little Jake Belle of Fairfield, Johnny Gordon (1 dis), 2:26i4, 2:26. 2:24i'2. 2:25. Cincinnati. O., Oct. 17, 1877, $1,000. Calmar l, D. Monroe, Little Jake, Belle of Fairfield, Post Boy, Lady- Logan, Glendale, 2:27'2, 2:29»4, 2:291/2, 2:28i4. Indianapolis. Ind., Oct. 23, 1877, .$600. ilip Rap. Lewinski, Bay Charley, Belle Brasfield, Nancy Hackett, 2:36,2:32, 2:29. Dayton, O., June 7, 1878. $250. Dan Howell 1. 2, Nettie C. (1 dis).,2:31i/o, 2:3014, 2:34"2, 2:32i4, '2:^2M. Cleveland, O.. July 31, 1879, .$2,000. Charley Ford 1 (4 0), Rose of Washington, Red Line. Alley. 2:22, 2:2014, 2:21, 2:2014, 2:20i.i;. Rochester, N. Y., Aug. 14, 1879, $2,000. Deck Wright. Rose of Washington, Charley Ford, Tom Keeler, Harry Gilbert, Star, Gray Chief, 2:23?^, 2:2114. 2:21i4. 2:24*t. Liida Belle, b m (3:43'.;). Henry Bowen. Lafayette, Ind., Aug. 31, 1878, $150. Honest John 1, 4, Delphi Boy 3, T. A., George II., 2:48, 2:42i2, 2:4.5, 2:46. 2:4.5, 2:52i4. Lida Plcton. br m (3 :37i4). James Dougrey. Sandy~Hill. N. Y.. May 22, 1873. $600. Skater. Nelly Webster, A. W. Cline, Volunteer Belle, Fanny Ravmond, 2;'.39. 2:37, 2:41. Albany, N. Y., May .30, 1873, $500. Berkshire Boy. Abdallah, Nelly Webster, 2:34. 2:3nU, 2:36. Fleetwood Park. N. Y., June 25, 187.3, $1,000. Abdallah 1, 4, Constance, Brown Kittv (4 dr), Winslow (2 dr), 2:30, 2:.30'2, 2:.34i4, 2:.34i4, 2:.37. C^harles chaniplin. Troy, N. Y., Sept. 24. 1874, $1.50. Mat Tanner, Ben McClellan (1 dis), Minnie Ide (1 dis), 2:.39, 2:41, 2:.!7. G. H. Bernard. Fleetwood Park, N. Y.. Sept. 11, 1877, $100. Barnev Kelly (w), 2:39?£, 2:37, 2:35%. tide, b m (3:38i4). (;. W. Fitzwater. Dovlestown, Pa., Oct. 4, 1872, .$200. Flushing, Patchen Maid, George Blossom, 2:3814, 2:41. 2:41. G. Hornby. Lewiston, Pa.. Sent. 26, 1878. .$200. .Tames H.. David M. (3 dis). Stranger (2 dis), 3:25, 3:231^, 3:25'i. Lieutenant General, br g (3 :40), by Clarion. George Carpenter, Middletown, Conn., Sept. 21, 1865, $500. Belle of Middletown, 2:45^4, 2:.55. 2:40. T. W. Russell. Hartford, Conn., Sept. 12, 1865. .$90. Prince. 2:48. 2:42. Lightfoot. b g ( 3 :.53 ). W. H. Sturtevant. Ch:irlestown, N. H., Oct. 19, 1858. $200. Brattleboro Maid fw) 1. 3, 3:00, 2:5.5. 2:.59, 2:52, 2:56. Greenfield, Mass., Oct. 26. 18.58, $200. Brattiehoro Maid 2, 3. 2:.5fi. 2:.58, 3:01, 2:57. 2:.58. rightfoot, eh m (3:53), A. M. Smith. Yolo. Cal., Sept. 14. 1861, $1,000. Keokuk. 3:01i4, 2:55. 2:.53. tightfoot, b s (3:31), by Gen. Knox, dam an English thorougiibrcri mare. W. D. Atkinson, Bangor, Me., July 28. 1871. $1.50. Daniel Boone, .foe Hooker, 2 :38i4. 2 -.^mx. 2 :39. Blaisdell & Co.. Foxcroft, Me., Aug. 1.3, 187.3, $150. Bangor Pomp. Hattie Pollard, 2:.39. 2:41 ?4', 2-36i4. Lewiston. Me.,Aug. 28. $1873, $l.OO0. Phil Sheridan 1, 2. Maine Slasher (3 dis),2:.'^6i4. 2:.36H,2:.34, 2:37, 2:40. Gardiner. Me.. Sept. 10. 1873, ,$300. White Stockines 1. 2, Davlight 4, Buffalo Bill, Maine Slasher, Phil Sheridan (2 dis), Ludlow (2 dis), 2:43'4. 2:.36, 2:.34, 2.3S, 2:39. 2:40. Rockland, Me., Oct. 10, 1873. $ . Red Jacket. Kinu William. Honest Quaker, 2:.39, 2:.39. 2:37. A. C. Scribner, Portland, Me.. June 14. 1876. .$400. Nellv Thorne.Dave, Pagan, 2:31, 2:35. 2:32. June 1.5, 1876, $.300. Red Jacket 1, 2, 2 :33i.i, 2 :3] , 2:33, 2 :.34. 9 :.34. liightfoot, b g (3 :38i4). Patrick Burns, Owego, N. Y.. Oct. 8. 1872, .$2.50. Deceiver. Tom Poker, Fred Grant, Gohanna. 2:54i;, 2~54, 2:.50. Penn Yan, N. Y., Sept. 3, 1873, ,$400. Shorty Fountain 1, 2. Prince Clay. Deceiver, Bonnv Doon, Brown Kate, Royal George, Smoothbriar, Charley Howe (5 dr), Recluse (3dr), Ida L. (2 dr), 2:37, 2:3714, 2:38^, 2:39'/2.2:41. 441' (^HESTER'S COMPLETE TROTIINjU AND PACING KECOIJI). Lightfoot, b g (3:38), bv Slierinaii Black Hawk. T.Wallace. Modesto, Cal., Sept. i.'i, 1874. S150. Fanny Eoni 1, 2, (4 dr), Ariel \l disj, 2:.^!), 2 :;■)», , . 11. S. .lohiison, tsioiktou, Cal.. Scjit. 27 and 28. 1877, §200. Amanda 6, Jeuuy Hunter, (Jentleman George 1, 3, ^4dis^-':^J'.^,2:3yl.o,2:41^4,2:■10'J,2:42>a,2:■H. Sept. 29, 1^77, *2,">o. (k'Ulleiiiaii Cieoige, foni .Morgan, Amanda, r):19^i,r,:i^^,i. Two miles. San Francisco, »';il., Aug. 20, 1878. ;S100. Sliciiandoali (W) 1, Careless Boy, 2:43^6, 2:4.', 2:43, 2:40. Aug. 24, 1878, .•? . Shenandoah, 2:4S, 2:47U, 2:4y. L.iKlitt'oot, blk ni(a:41». T. Carev, Batavia, N. V., July 4, 1881, $300. Harry Hazleton, Lady Smith, .losi'ph C, 2:4:., 2:41.2:45. Light iiiuK, (w) b g (a:i>0 w). W. Oakley, Fashion Course, L. L, Aug. 20, 1865, $250. May Queen 1, 4. Black .lack (W) (2 dis), Fancy (3 dis), 2:58, 2:r)li^2- 2:50, 2:52}^. 2:53. LiKhtniuK, b g C-J :47). J. A. Decker, Newton. N. J., May 20, 1806, S25. Entree, 2:,52, 2:47. Lightning. («:;* J >. Air. Skillmau, Atlanta, (ia., Oct. 15, 1874,$ . Bebel. Annie Beal d dis;, liothschlld (1 disi. 2:41, 2:37. „ , Lightning, 0~:5«5i)- Mr. Kedniond, San Antonio, Te.\., Oct. 24, 1877,^250. Sleepy, Baldy, Butler (1 dis;, Hhick Hawk (1 dis),2:.56?4. 2:58, 3:20. , _ Lill. b in 1-4:5:$^). E. F. Gray. Auburn, N. Y., July 23, 1873, $175. Ida, Belle Everett, Deerfoot. Tom Wonder .jr.. Ashland Maid, Nelly, Clara. Best time 2:53,V8. Lillia McClellan, blk nu3:40). C.Sylvester, Skowhegan, Me., Aug. 7, 1878. S85. Trailer 3, Frank B., Whalebone, Knox ^3dr;, Young General (2 dr;, Peter (2 dr;, Cien. Sfark (2 dr;, ^■elly Stark (2 dr), 2:464, 2:40, 2:45, 2:41. Lillian, ch 111 (a:35). .laiiu's Wright. Peru. Iiul.. June 16, 1874, $1,200. trank Brown, Jim Fisk, McHenr>-, Kitty. Patrick, Lewinski. Uiiclc S:uii. Daiiici Boone, 2:;57'2, 2:3,5,2:35. luue 18, 1874, .S500. Frank Brown 2, Ned Allen, Pocahontas Boy, Black Frank, Valley City Maid, 2:35}*, 2:36' 1. 2:381-.., 2:40. Hiiiry Mitchell, Fort "Wayne, Iiid.. Sept. 8 and 9. 1874, $400. Mambrino Walker l, 3, (iypsy Tom 4,5. Lady Kellogg, Lizzie D., 2:43^4, 2:41. 2:42, 2:421.0, 2:4314. 2:42. Lillian, ch m («:»») Dy Alniont, dam Lilly Shields. Withers and Bostwick, Franklin, Ky., Sept. 17, 1880, $250. Nick 1, Owego, Lookout. 2:45i.o. 2:42'... 2:40i4, 2:40i/o. G. II. Withers, Louisville, Ky., Sept. 16, 1882, $400. Alexander 1, Deck Wright. 2:294, 2:23, 2 :26H, 2:25. Lillian, b in (3 :33). C. R. Taylor. Sedalia, Mo., Sei)t. s, 1883, .$15. (iet There, Sam H.. Ontioii, 3:19, 3:22. Lilly, (w)bin (2:45'/2). H. Woodruff Jr., Philadelphia, Pa., July 9.1860, $75. Handy Andy, Gray Snipe, 2:49K>, 2:.52. 2:5m. George Woodruff, Aug. 16, I860, $100. Forest, Butcher Boy (w), 1 (3 dr), 2:47, 2:45'/2,2:46, 2:47. James Jackson. Sept. 20. 1861, S75. Cientle Annie, Kate, John, 2-50i2. 2:49. W. Van Ostiii. Oct. 10, 1861, $100. Cientle Annie. 2:51, 2:48. (w), .lames .lackson, Nov. 4 1861, $90, Laura Keene (w) 2, (4 ar). 2:55, 2:54. 2:52. 2:r.0i4- Nov. 14. 1861, .S90. Laura Keene 2, 3, 2:50, 2 :49i4, 2 :48, 2:i50i^, 2 :47'/2. Nov. 21, I86l,.'i?l.=50. Garibaldi (w), Laura Keene (w), 2:4914, 2:4714. ,,.,„.,. j Liily.gr m (3:40). Isaa<' Copp, Great Falls, N. H., July 26, 1870, $250. Kate, Messenger Girl, Richmond Boy. Cracker Boy. Careless. 2:45, 2:44U, 2:45^. .liily 2s. 1870. .^200. Ray'stranger. Careless". Cracker Boy (2 dis). Beacon Light (2 dis), 2:44i/2. 2:47. 2:49i'4- (w), Boston. Mass., Aug. 4. 1870, .$200. Belle Foster 1, 2:46"2, 2:44?i, 2:4594, 2:47 , , t,, , •« , Lilly, chill (3:4.5). John Murphy, Fleetwood Park, N. Y., Oct. 5,1870, $200. Capt. Boyd 2, Blacksmith 1 (5 r o) 2-44, 2-45 2:45. 2-45." Lilly.bn'i (3:47). R. 1). Fletcher, Titusville, Pa., Jime 22, 1872. $ . RoanBilly 1,2, 2:45. 2:4714, ,2:50k, Liui>'''j)rin(3:46^). James Page. Prospect Park. L. I., Sept. 26, 1873, $500. Nelly Condor (3 dis). 2:46V6, 2:41 1 Lilly ( T^ Lavton, .lulv 29, 1878. .$400. Sand Bank. No time. (3 :3i)Ji). Mr.' Flyini. Brampton. Out.. May 27. 1874. $150. Woodruff, Gray Eddy, 2:444, 2:449a, 2:46. Woodstock, Ont., .Tune 4, 1874,. S.s.'-.O. Varcoe. Little Sam, 2:42i^. 2:39?*, 2:42. ch m (3 :47V.i. l)y Smith MorrllL O. F. Densmore, Bethel, Vt, Sept. 2, 18<4.$12,>. Limber Jim, El Lilly, ch 111 (3 :47V.i. by Smith Morrill. O. F. Densmore, Bethel, Vt, Sept. 2, 1874.$12,>. Limber Jim, Elder Kolsoin, Rose (2'(lisi, <^iebec Boy, (1 (lis), 2:.589i. 2:47'2.2:52?4. ,. „, ,„ .,. ,., .„,^ Lilly, I. m. .1. .1. Welch, Albany. Oregon. Oct. 6. 1874, $150. Kitty Clark 1 (2 dis\ Black Bess (2 dis),2:49U, . Lilly, ch in (3:45i. T. C. Hallsall, Henderson, Kv., Oct. 15. 1874. .$300. Billy Spencer 3, Prince 4, Mencriman, Valley City Maid 1 (4dis), Ripon Boy (4 dr>, Black Frank (2r o), Arlington (l dis), 2:4. 4, 2:45. 2:49, 2:43, Lilfy, (3 :3.'>i/j). P. Cleveland. Waverlv Park. N. J., Sept, 20. 1877. .$200. Nelly D.. Iron King. Martha. Kate, Fennimore, Tommy Dodd, (iray Jacket, Diamond (."? dr). Banker's Messenger (3iin. 2:_3.>4. 2:3., 2:3o5^ Lilly, ch m (3 :39), bya son of (ieii. Knox. J. Mead, Huntington, L. L, Oct. 25 and 26. 18.8. -K'OO. Nelly Web- ster4. Teasers, Modesty, 2:33'o,2:3l^j,2::{4. 2:3.%, 2:.37. ^ ^, ,.• ,„,>•,„«„„„ tfofo Lilly, b m (3 :41U). Charles Dickerman, Norwalk, Conn.. Sept. 24. 1879, $200. Farmer Girl 2, 1 inafore, Kate. Lilly Heile (FannVwood) (vv). b m (3 :38). J. Cormack, St. Paul, Minn.. Nov. 15, ia56. $2,000. John Alden. — — Frank Webb, St. Louis, Mo.. Sept. 28. 1858. $250. Julia Moscow 2. 3, Pile Driver (5 dr). 2:30. 2:38, 2:40, 2:41,2:41. Oct. 2, 18.58, .$2,50. Julia Moscow 2, 4, 2:.'?8, 2:41. 2:.39. 2:38, 2:.S9. .. „ t> ■ . 01^ . ,. ivjf«^„o„ Lilly Belle, b m (3 :58^). G. Fenn, \Vaterbury, Conn., Oct. 4, 1877, $ . Nelly Rushton 2. Fann> Morgan. Liliy"liiveiL eiinr(3^46).'' S. Hooper, Reno, Nev., Oct. 13. 1881, $300. lloiu-ylake Chief (3 0), Muggins, Doug- Liliri>al"«'.'hin(3:4»i^). W. F. Myrick. Chicago, 111., .July 30. 1857. $1,000. Ploughbov 2. 2:50. 2:46. 2:50. ''•49V Bell2.4, NclWC., BinyiderePriiice, (loldleaf, 2:.59i/.. 2:.59ki.,2:.59W.2:.59U. 2:.59V^. ,,„„_„ t, e„,..^h n c. W. .lackson. Yorkshire, N. Y., Aug. 30, 1883, ,$.300. Nelly R. 2, Wallace, Ada D., George R., Sarah B.. i- Brad'fiml'l'piu, Sept' 5, 1883, $300. Minnie Lambert, Jim Perry. Scotch Pi ince, Robert Burns, Nelly B.. 2:39ki,2:39V^. 2:3914. , , „. ,, . , - Point Breeze Park. Phil., Oct. 16. 1883. .$250. Younir Morrissev 1. Alien .\linont. Daisy Hartshorn. Si.st.T. Bertha. C:harley Lee. Turk, Kate Medium, Jewsharp i3 dr). 2:32^. 2::J2i4. 2:324. 2:.32'/j. I CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 44S Oct. 18, 1883, $2.50. Miimie Kiernan G, Tom :\Ieeklev 2. Sister -t, Rutland 1. Maud Pechin, Gen. Ewing (5 dr), Molly Jlack (4 dis). Blanche Medium (3 dr). FannV Bell (.3 dis), diaries Lee 1.2 dr), 2:,j4'4, 2:32M, 2:32}^, 2:331^, 2:.i2i4, 2:3314. 2:321.2. Suffolk Park, Pliila, Oct. 25, is,><3. .S250. Young Morrissey 2 Sister. Daisy Hartshorn, Alien Almont, Turk, Frank, Addie G. (2 dis), 2:3.5. 2:3414, 2:;52^, 2:33. Lilly Drown, b m c' :4aioi. W. D. I'eal)odv. Cinciinuiti, O., Nov. 6, 1865, i|100. Captain .Jlni, Truman Jones, Cloud 3(1 dis). Buckeye, d dis), MoUyd dis), 2:4414, 2:48"2,2:43. Edward K:i\vliu, Hamilton, O., Aug. 17, 18G6, ■'§25. Gen. Sherman 1, Pilot Jesse, Maria Erwiu (2 dr), 2:53, 2 :49l^,2:4S=>4, 2:47^4- Lilly J., blk m (3 :33i4) by Bayard. J. R. Pierson, Youngstown, O., July 7, 1883. §400. Nora Temple l, 2, May Bird, Minnie D., Samuel J. Tilden (3 dr), 2:291.1. 2:30';, 2:;J3'/2, 2:.33^4, 2:34. Lilly M., cli m (3:44i4). Jas. McCrea, Sabiiia. ()., Aug. 24, 1883, $150. Kitty Rolfe, Jenny R.. Little Joe, PoUv, Alice West, Roval Maid, Rex (2 dis). 2 :44i4. 2 :45i4, 2 :45'/o. Lilly .>iack (\vi. bm(3:39'4). C. B. McCrellis, Plaintield, N. J., Sept. 25, 1883, .S150. Selim iw). Lady Inde- pendence (\vi, 2:42^4, 2:43, 2:44. Lilly Mills, ell 111 i'J:53i'4) l)v Fearful, dam bv Iron Duke. C. W. Griswold. Prospect Park. L. I., Sept. 28, 187.5, SI, onn. Atlilena (1 dis). 2:.5.3?4. Thre'e-vear-olds. • Lilly Pearre, b ir. (3 :30^4) by Tro.ian. F. Tiioinpson & Co., Hamburgh. N. Y., Sept. 13, 1870, .SlOO. McAllister, Jim Moffatt, .)oe Miller, Ben Bolt (2 dr). No time. Detroit, Mich., July 4, 1878, .$800. Convov 4, 5, Betsy Ann 1. 2:40, 2:30, 2:36i.>. 2:33, 2:35, 2:35. Lilly Rogers (3 :4:9). Norwalk, O., Sept. 2.', 1882, $ — -. Bee Line 1. Daisy, Torn H., 2:56. 2:50, 2:54, 2:49. Lilly .s,, chin (3:45' 2), by Blue Bull. J. W. Harris, Dayton, O.. June 22. 1877. .¥75. Skylark (2 dis), 3:12, 3:01. Sept. 26, 1877, .$200. Gen. O'Brien, Silv;r Dust 2 (3 dis), Mambrino Cloud (3 dis). Col. Clvde d dis), 2:451/2, 2:4Gi4, ,2:531/2. Lilly Shields, ch m (3:394) by King's C;idr. us, dam bv Snowstorm. Cambridge Citv, Ind., Oct. 23, 1874, $800. Ripon Boy. .Molly, Bashaw. Butehei Bov. Col. E. D. Baker (2 dis), Henrv Tod (2 dis), Jenny (2 dis), JoeHoosier (2 dis), Elia Wood (2 dis), Blac -bird (1 dis), 2:36ii. 2:29V^. 2:36. Lilly Simpson (Jeaniiette). gr m (3 :31i4) by Edwin Forrest, d"am Gray Goose. James Conlisk, St. Louis, Mo., June 21, 1865, $700. Lady Walker. Jersey Bov, 5:0914. 5:06''2. T\vo miles. June 22, 180.5, $1,000. Bay Prince, Jersey Boy (2 dr), 7 -MU, 8 :02. Three miles. W. H. (iodfrey, Cliicago, 111., July 4, 1865, $300. Lady Walker 1, 3. Boston 4, 5, Nabocklish, 2:33i/2, 2:31^, 2:31 f/2, 2:33, 2:3.5, 2:36, 2:4014. Sam Crooks, June 8, 1869, $600. Queen of the West 2, 4, Transit (5 dis), 2:3714, 2:3414. 2 :36?4. 2:37, 2:39'/i. J. B. Lven, Sept. 18. 1869. $ . Satinet, 2:46, 2:47. Oct. 4, 1870, .$ . Satinet, 2 :,374^, 2 :32. Lilly Tarbell, b ni(3 :50), C. B. Pratt, Brookville, Mass., June 17, 1875, $100. Dick, Daisy Dean, 2:57. 2:54, 2:59. W. H. Beaman, Athol, Mass , Oct. 6. 187.5, $iio. Kitty Rood. Topsy, Laucewood, 2:52, 2:51. 2:50. Lilly White, b m (3:3014). Mr. Monroe, San Francisco, Cal., July 28, 1876, $500 Honest .John (2 dis), 3:02, 2:41. Sept. 1. 1876, .$.500. Index, 8:09=4. Three miles. (W) Aug. 25, 1877, $100. Billv Walker, Rattler 1, 2 (5 dis), 2:4314, 2:45, 2:43i4, 2:42i4, 2:42%. (w)Oct, 31 and Nov. 1. 1877, $ . Topsy 2, Lady Emma, Patchen Girl, Dick, 2:38i4, 2:37, 2:39^4, 2:37^. Lima IJoy, gr g(3 :00). Blake and Davis, Elkhart, Ind., July 4, 1878, $100. George B., John D., Myrtle, Josie D.. Tom S'>ott (3 dis), 3:01, 3:00, 3:00. Niles, Mich., May 28, 1880, .$75. Lady Niles 1. Ned Norris. No time. Limber Jim, blks (3:46i,4w). Lewis Rowell. Milwaukee. Wis., July 17, 1858, $200. Tom Trouble, 2:.50. 2:52. Limber Jim, b g (3 :50). A. D. Carson. Ottumwa. la., Oct. 16, 1868, $30. Wild Irishman, Gen. Grant (3 dr), 3:06, 2:.55. 3:10. Jacob West, Jackson, Mich., Oct. 5 and 6, 1871, $250. Northawk 4, 6, Belle 1, Mildness 3, Stonewall Jack- son, Lady Emma, Belle of Jackson (5 dr), 3:00, 3:00^, 3:05, 2:59, 2:55, 2:.53i'., 2:55}^. Omaha, Neb., Oct. 1.1872. $ . Anthony 8:0714, 2:5314. lames Zibble, Adrian, Mich., Aug. 29, 1874,$ . Long Branch 1, Canada Maid 3. Favorite 2 (4 dis), 2:,59M, 3:0054, 2:57%, 2:.53, 2:511-2, 2:50}^. M.Russell, Oshkosh, Wis., Oct. 23,1874, .$200. Waupon Belle 1, Ira Allen .Jr.. Spotted Colt, 2:52>i, 2:5114, 2:.50. Limber Jim, ch g (3 :43i4). John A. Shulty, Lancaster, Pa., June 27, 1873, $200. Tommy. 3 :00, 2:56. 2:.58. Same day, .$.50. Tommy. 2:.58. 2:59. Sept. 24. 1873, $250. Sal, Tommy, Pete Manee 1 (2 dis), 2:56, 2:58. 2:52, 2:54. Sept. 28, 1874, .$400. Iron Dick 1, Fanny Morrill, 2:53, 2:44i^, 2:43}^, 2:46. Sept. 29, 1874, .$500. Cricket l, Hannah K ., 2 :45. 2 :.52, 3 :02, 2 :49. Oct. 13, 1874, $1,000. Iron Dick, 2 :.50, 2 :43='4 , 2 :45i 2. Charles Syphon, Newi)ort, Ky., Nov. 5, 1874, $ . Old Ireland 1. 3, Sleeiiy Charley 1 1 dis). Rattler (1 dis). 3:12, 3:02, 3:04' 2, 3:02,2:59. Limber Jim, b g (3 :46). E. L. Woodward, Woodstock, Vt., Sept. 29. 1874, .$50. Sunrise, Flora Wood, 3:07>4, 3:06,3:0814. Five-year-olds and under. Sept. 30, 1874, .$.50. Sunrise. Quebec Boy, 3:10, 3:10, 3:02. Limber Jim gr g (3:50). l)y Belsliazzer, dam a Canadian mare. H. Green, Columbiana, O., Oct. 27, 1874, $100. Jim. Kitty O., White Cloud and nine others, 2:.52, 2:32, 2:.50. Limber Jim, grg. W. Harrison. Roekville, Ind., Aug. 13, 1881, .$25. Col. A. 1, Bay Minnie. No time. Limber Jim, b g(3 :58). H. Barton, Atlantic, la., Aug. 31, 1882, $40. Bay Belle 2, Chief, Little Dick (1 dis), 3:01!^, 3:05,3:01. 2:.58. Limber Jim, ch s (3:44). by Braiidywine. C. H. Bullock, Woodstock, Vt.. Oct 26, 1883. $1,50. Lookout, Little Diamond, Billy, Black Diamond. Little Tom (1 dis), 2:44, 2:47. 2:44. Oct. 27. 1883, $1.50. Lookout 1, Sophronia, Little Diamond. 2:45. 2:46, 2:47, 2:4tA6. Limerick Boy, b g (3 :34). A. Hartnev. Des Moines, la., June 3, 1879, $ . Fred J.. Lady Tilden. Brown (Jeorge. Sealskin (1 dis). 2:.34, 2:.38. 2:37U. Limp, br g (3 :43). E. White, Union Course, L. I., Oct. 2. 1855. $,500. Frank Hayes. 2:45, 2:42, 2 :43. Lina, grin (3 :31), by Capt. Beamont, Thomas P. Roach, Chicago. 111.. Aug. 23, 1871 , .$2,000. Virginia,Autocrat, 2:41i4, 244i.i, 2:43. Aug. 25. 1871. .$1..500. Sweet William, Virginia, 2:43i4. 2 :42?4 , 2 :4.5. W.W. Hamilton, Freeport, III., May .30, 1876, .$.500. Quarry Boy, Mambrino Chief Jr., Francis, Kitty Lewis, Lehigh. Susie Ross, Nat Baker". Calvin B.. 2:3.5, 2:a5ii, 2:39. Lincoln Boy (w),brg (3 :53U;w). S.S.Austin, Denver, Col., June 29. 1876, $150. Tempest Golddust (w), Rilfus{w"), 2:.52i4, 2:52''4. ' . ,r„ - ^ -^ -.^ Lincoln Boy (w), b g (3:47), bv Green's Bashaw. A. S. Guthrie, Lincoln, 111., Aug. 29, 1878. .$200. David D, Anna Young, Daw Marble, 2:51.2:47,2:47. ^ , .„„„ » „ ,. „r-, xt ,, Lincoln Boy,b g (3:36i4). A. A. Hastings, Des Moines. la., June 5. 1879, $ . Sultan, Wilmore. Nelly Siiaw. 2:40, 2:36?4, 2:40. 4U CHESTER'S COMPLETE TKOITING AND PACING RECORD. Lincolii'H Bay Mare (2:44?4). H. Lincoln, Rutland, VI., August 31, 1871, $400. Nelly King, 2:55, 2:51, 2:44^j. Lincoln's Kntry (2:53). B.F.Lincoln, Bradford, Vt., Sept. 25, 1879, $50. Dix, Lady Moore, Case Knife, Monroe Boy (3 dr). Best time. 2:53. LiuRunore . Sept. ;«*. 18(i!». .*!."<>, Martin Luther 1, Kosa, Rattler, Prince .John (3 dr), 2:40V1>. 2:45, 2:4694. •2:39^. Linton A., b g (3:01). .1. Walker, Montgomery, Ala., Nov. 8, 1881, $100. Fanny F. 3. Roscoe, Duncan 2 (4 dis), 3:01, 2:r)8U. 3:04, 3:o7. 3:01. Linwood. b g C-J :»8). 11. llaniilton. Catskill, N. Y., July 22 and 23, 1873, $.'500. Molscy l, 3, Vulcan 5, Liiey Parry, Ledger (iirl, 2:41U., 2:43'2, 2:;59'2, i;::». 2::{;;. 2:3K. LinwooVl, I) g C-i :5(>), bv .)oe Warren, dam Hattie Miller. F. W. Fisk. Manhattan, Kan., Sept. 20, 1883. $75. Cora Medium 2. Frank Eaton, (ieorge Wolle, 2:.')0'4, 2:49^, 2:50?4. 2:.-)0 Lion (2 :42). W. Steinmetz. Mt. Airy. Va., Jiil^ 10, 1H57, .'S500. Firetly 1. . , 2:42. Lion, b s (2:34). B. Kenilei'dine. Dovlestown. Pa.. Oct. 7. 1809, $30. No comi)etitors, 2:.'')4. Lion Boy, bg (2:. 59^4 1. H. Dvgert, Yorkshire. N. Y., Julv 3. 1882.$200. Captain Thad 2, 4, Grav (ieorge, Busy Girl, llamliletonian Jim, i-.hU^n, 2:r)9'j, 2:59?4,2:.'i9'2, 2:.^9i4. Lisbon Boy (:{ :0,5;. M. N. Howland. Plymouth, N. H., Sept. 28. 1880, $20. Sorrel Prince, Belle Dean, Nelly Weeks, 3:09. 3:05. Lisbon Girl (2;:J4). Minneapolis. Minn., .Sept. 4, 1877, $250. Charley Reed, Starlight, Prioress, Captain Jack Hambletonian Chief (1 dis), 2:40'2, 2:39, 2:.39. Llsgar, b g (2 :55). James E. Flewellin, St. John, N. B., Oct. 7, 1874. $1.50. Perhaps 1. 2. 2:.54, 2:58, 3:01, 2:.')6, 2:.58. Lisgar, ch s (2:50fi). Mr. Colquhoun. Winnepeg, Manitoba, .June 10, 1880,$ . Pojipet l, Pussy (Sdis) 2:57' 2, 2:54. 2:.i7. 2:.%. June 24 and 25. 1880, $ . Bay George 1, 4, Pussy, 2, 3 (7 dr), Keewatin. Best time, l:27yj. Half-mile heats. Listener, b g (2 :394). O. W. Dimmick, VVaverly Park, N. J., Sept. 20, 1870, $100. Giierin's ch m, Lozier's br S 2 :4(5 2 :4t>. 2 :42^. Listener,' b' g" ("2 :54). C. F. M. Starks, Concord, N. H., Sept. 30, 1875, $100. Leo, Billy Bowlegs, 2:57»/j, 3:01 2*54. Litei-ateur, b g (2 :58). W. Conlan. Hiills Track, L. I., Oct. 22, 1872. $— . Nellv. 3:02?4. 3:00, 2:58. Little Angus, brg (2:33). James Bushnell. Hamilton, Out., June 30, 1871, $400. Tramp 2, 3. Sam, 2:40, 2:42'. 2:42,2:39.2:42. Bradford, Out., May 14, 187.'i, .$200. Waterloo 2. Ladv Kate, York State, 2:35. 2:38^4. 2:4014, 2:39*i. Butfalo, N. Y.. July 12, 1873. $100. Waterloo, Regulator. Daniel Boone, 2:33, 2:35. 2:33?i. John Forbes. Woodstock, Ont., June 3, 1874, .$400. Lady Kate, Horton. Best time. 2:38. • Toronto, Ont.. Oct. 3, 1874, $500. Lady Kate, 2:38, 2:37?4 2 :39'/2. Pontiac, Mich., .June 1, 1875, $225. Little Williams 3, Mambrino Kate, Brown Dick. 2:39»^, 2:40^2, 2:39' 2. 2:40. '- Sandusky, O., July 20. 1875, SV20. Ladv Lexington l, 2, Defiance 3, London Belle, Dan Bassett, Rosedale (5dr). Bridge (4 dr). Buckskin (4 dr). Windy Burrs (3 dis), Fanchon (2dis), 2:4214. 2:45, 2:46. 2:43'i, 2:41. 2:45'/i. —^— July 22, 1875, $250. Dick Harvev. Flora D., Defiance, London Belle, McLaughlin. Dan Bassett, Frank Bush (3 dr). Midnight (l dis), Fanchon (l dis). 2:39^4. 2:42. 2.41'2. Barry Barnes, Urbanna, 0„ Aug. 4, 1875, $100. Vanderbilt l, Gray Bird, Lady Stewart, Tecuinseh Girl, Forest Maid, 2:36. 2:37'/2, 2:38. .lohn Forbes, Noj-th Amherst, 0.. Aug. 28, 1875, $185. Tom Burton (1 0), Mary Taylor (1 dis), 2:46. 2:43, 2 '4294, 2:4194. '- Toronto, bnt., Oct. 19, 1876, $250. Hornet, Varcoe, Geu. Benton 1. 3(4 dis), 2:34'.<. 2:3414. *2:3«. 2:38H, 2 "43. ^ Oct. 21. 1875, $300. Varcoe, Annie Wilkes, 13:45. Five miles. Little Beauty, b g (2:.53). J. C. Stone, Keeiie. N. H.. June 29. 1876, $50. Rosa Lee, 2:53. 2:!)3. 2:55. Little Belle, b m (2 :3894), by Ericsson, dam Belle Aiken, bv Dave Aiken. S. A Lewis. Richmond. Kv., Aug, 16, 1878, $17.5. Richmond Chief (l dis). General Duke d dis). 3:11. Carlvle & Tough, Leadville, Col., Aug. 26, 1879. $150. Julia. Luke. 2:49?.i. 2:.'")2, 2:49-'4. Little Ben ( w), b g 1 2 : 39 ' ., ). G. N. Morse, Watertown, Conn., Sept. 28, 1881, $20. Essex Maid (w) 2, Aldrich's b m. 2:54U 2:53';, 2:.">0!2. Plaiiivllle, Conn., Oct. 21. 1881, $40. Rover 1, 2. Joe McCool. Ruthvine, 2:42'.2, 2:40'/., 2:40i.i. 2:39;2, 2:40. Little Bill, bg (2 :43!i). Thomas Best, St. Louis. Mo., July 11, 1863, $ . Hickory 3. Whiskey (4 dr) 2:53, 2:49 2:46 '4, 2:45'^. '- (vv) Aug." 22, 1863, $100. Tom Best 1 (3 0), 2:35'4, 2:4894. 2:51'/2. 2:53, 2:52. Aug. 29, I8c:i, .*.50. Hickory 3. Tom Best, 2:44. 2:44. 2:43',, 2:43!/2. Dec. 12, 1863, $200. Buckeve, Gvpsv (Jirl (3 dr), Tom Best (1 dis), 2:46, 2:47. 2:4s. Dec. 14, 1863, .$.'-)()0. Tom Best. fiA\', 5:28. Two miles. Little Billy (Monitor), b s (2:31). by Clear Grit. I. Hodgins. London. Out., June 5, 1878, $2(K». Petalunia General Mac. Frank Kimball, 2:45^, 2:41)^, 2:45'/2. .lune 6, 1878, .$250. Welland Girl, Avenue Boy, J. P., Odd Fellow, King John, Lottie, Petalunia, 2:3914. 2:40. 2:40'/j. WoodstocK, Ont., June 19. 1880, $175. Hazor 1, Billv Woodruff, Crown Prince. Happy Abbott (3 dis), 2 :32. 2:33, 2:;i7. 2:40. Hamilton. Out., Julv 1. I88O, $150. Russian Si)v, Hazor, 2:33, 2:3294. 2:32. Picton, Ont. Oct. 9, IRKO, $150. Richard B. 2, Alwood 1, Camors (3 dr\ 2:.31. 2:34',, 2:33!;, 2:35, 2:39'/2. — ■ Toronto. Out.. Oct. 15, 1880, .$250. Russian Spv 2, Atwood, 2:31i.i, 2:33, 2:;UVi;.2:33i4. Briintford. Ont. Aug. 12. 1881, $.5,')0. Russian Spy 2, Fulton, Ladv Jane. Clara. I. (2 dis), St. Patrick (2 dr), 2:31 '4, 2:32, 2:31.2:32. St. Thomas, Out.. Sei)t. 30. I88I, $175. Gen. Beamish 2, Harry Lewis, 2:35' j, 2:35. 2:37. 2:.T.5. Petrolia,Ont., June 14, 1882, $ . Lucretia 1. 2, Tom Hendricks, Topsy T., pacer, .linimy O'Brien (2 dis), 2:3,5, 2:3,'{i4, 2:32, 2 ;«i. , Gueli)h, Out., Junes, 1883, $200. Gen. Beamish 3, 6, Lookont 4, Rus.sian Spy 7, 2:32, 2:33,2:33, 2:36, 2*34 2*39 2*38. Little Blue, b'lkg (2:42). S. Maynard, Sherbrook, P. Q., Oct. 13, 1874, $100. Belle Noble 3, Bellfounder. Rowdy, 2: 19, 2:4n'/2, , 2:49. S:inie d;iv, .$200. Ella Cole 3, Belle Noble, 2:49, 2:4.5, , 2:47. Little Brow nip. brm. G. Nailor. Hebron. Neb.. Oct. 7, 1880, $.10. Beeeher. Daisy C. No time. Little Brown .Juif (.J. H. n:iverlev), l>r g (2:57), bv IMontgomery Morgan, dam Asba. J. Fesler, Mt. Ster- ling, Ky., Aug. 1, 1876, $150. Ike, Stocking Chief, 2:57, 3:02, 3:06. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AXI) l'ACIN(; lilXOl!!) 446 I^ittle Captain, ch g (3:00). H. Coleman, East Saginaw, Mich., June 15, IH77, $20. Rose Shipnian, Doctor Deacon M., 3 :05Va, 3:00, 3:00' e. r . . Little Casino (2:47 'ii. Mr. Wliiting, Wasliington, D. C, July 4, 1879, $ . No Name, Henrietta 2-473i 2:49. 2: 5(!. tittle Charley, blk g (3 :40i.i), by Arabian Patchen. G. H. Camp, Owego, N. Y.. May 27 1874, $.300. Bonner Luther, Dolly V.. Nutwood 1 (2 clis), 2:40, 2:4.iU,, 2:40^4, 2:41. '^ " j . . •.. Little Claude, b s (3 :04V2), by Hiram Drew, (lam a Morrill mare. C.B.Wellington, Bangor, Me., Sept. 18. 1872, $25. Twilight, Black I'rincess, Bill Baker. 3:07}/^, 3:04' 2. Three-year-olds. Little Cossins, b m (3 :51). (x. Leininger. Macomb, HI.. Aug. 31, 1882, .it!300. Nelly Grant 1, Daniel P. 2 (3dis) Charley B. (1 dis), L(3gau (1 dis), 2:59, 2:.J9'», 2:58»-2, 2:54, 2:51. Little Crow, blk s (3:48), by Reconstruction. Allen and Brothers. Keokuk. la., Sept. 28, 4875, $50. Major McKesson, Rainbow, Mahaska, Wild 15ill, 3:17' i, 3:16. Stallions. Little Cupid, b m, by Cupid. Waukon, la., Sept. 20, 1882, $50. Nancy B., Lady Hufschmidt, Maud. No time. Little Daisy, blk m (3 :38i2). A. S. Doughty, CuHiberland, Me., Sept. 22, 1881. .SIOO. Little Nell, Roger D., Cashier, 2:.50, 2:.52, 2:51. Portland, Me., Oct. 19, 1881, $ . Flirt. Roger D., Little Nell, 2:47. 2:45, 2:4.3. Oct. 20, 1881, $100. Little Bess, John L., Susan, Harry Knox, Millers Maid. Red Wing, 2:40, 2:45. 2:45. Little Daisy, b m (3:59i4). C. P. Straight, Geneva, N. Y., June 15. 1883, .^2.50. Mary Auder.son I, 2:59U, 2:.59i4, 3:01. Little Dan, ch g (3 :44Ji), by Daniel Lambert, dam Lady Litchfield, by Vermont Black Hawk. Dan Mace, Providence, R. L. July 1.5, 1868. $350. Green Moimtain Maid 1, (4 dis), 2:49^.,, 2 :,-,!, 2:53'2, 2:44?^. Little Dan, b g (3 :49i4). N. B. Morrison, Tilsonburgli, Out.. June 23, 1880, $70. Spotted Colt. Carlton, Kittv Little Nell. Best time 2:49i.i. Little Dan. ch s (3:45M), by Dan Voorhees, dam the Taylor mare. C. Rodrigree, Salinas City, Cal. Oct. 13 1880, $100. Princess 4, Billy Bovce l, (2 dis), 2:,59, 2:45-^4, 2:h2U, 2:48'.;, 2:4(ii... Mr. Willoughby, Santa Cruz, Cal., Oct. 29, 1880, $100. Lalla Rookh 1,2. Billy J5ovce, Happv Ellen, 2:50%. 2 50', 2:53'i, 2:,51, 2:49i4- Little Dan, ch g (2 :36), by Shaffer Pony, dam by Billy Mu.stapha. C. Davidson. Jersey City, N. J., May 18, 1882, $100. Tobv. 2:51?.C,2:48, 2:49io. June 2, 1 882, $400. Toby, 2 :47 U ,~2 : 48, 2 :49. Mr. Stinebrook, Oct. 26, 1882, .$50. Captain J. 3, Spring Valley (w), 2:44i4, 2:4414. 2:4914, 2:46. Catch weights. (w) Nov. 23, 1882, $100. Lizzie B. (w) 1, 2, Gray Eagle (w). Whalebone (w), 2:51>^, 2:.50'/2, 2:54554, , 2:54?4. Little Darling, b m (3:41), by Wild Wagoner. W. S. Brooks, Fleetwood Park. N. Y., July 14, 1875, $500. Kitty. 2:50 2:53^4, 2 :57K Kalamazoo, Mich., June 7, 1876, $.300. Joe Cornell, Wonder, Fred Sprague, Hattie, 2:41, 2:41, 2:44?4. Little Dick, (Little Jim), b g (3:36). John L. Knight, Haverhill, Mass.. Sept. 17, 1869. .$.300. Little Prince 2, Faro. 2:46, 2:46'4. 2:49;'4, 2:46i». May 22, 1872, $100. Lady Peck, 2:45, 2:45, 2 :47. (w) Mr. Woodward, Mystic Park, Boston, Julv 18, 1874, $150. Flora 1, 2, Rosa Bonheui', 2:40iJi, 2:.52?4, 2:42' 2, 2:461^, 2:48. J. C. Dyer Woonsocket. R. I., Aug. 19. 1875. $2.50. Belle, Crazy, Nelly, 2:41i^ ''•42'2, 2:42. Readville, Mass., Oct. 1, 1875, $7.5. Pauline, Prince, 2:45, 2 :.5.^ 2:54. ' ~" ' Little Dick, b s (3 :38). W. H. Boyce, Steubenville, O., Aug. 13, 1873. $225 Belle Berkeley 1, King William (1 dis). Harry P., (1 dis\ Lucretia Borgia (1 dis). Paragon (1 dis), 2:38, 2:41, 2:4.3, 2-.38 Little Dick, bik g (3:40). G. W. Nelson, Baltimore, Md., Sept. 25, 1878, .$200.' Harrv Arlington, Rocket, Harry, Meadow Chief, Cloud (2 dis). 2:40, 2:44, 2:45. Little Dick, ch g (3 :33). Glenn's Falls, N. Y., May 21, 1879, $100. Farmer's Boy, Blind Tom, Clvmer, Ash- land Patchen, 2 :4oy, 2 :33'4, 2:3.3. J. A. Williams, Burlington, Vt., Sept. 13. 1883, $250. Gen, Geo. A. Ballard, Queen Mab, Brown Nelly, Jenny. Jenny I)., Mountain Boy, 2:35i'4. 2:3.5, 2:;?4. Little Dick, (w) b g (3:0414 w). H. G. Duborn, Westchester. Pa., June 10, 1S80, .$.50. Davy CopDerfield (w). Hob Ridley (w), Florence (w). Rose (w), 3:0414, 3:1114, 3:11. - n Little Doll, b m (3 :07). W. Thibodeau, Norway, Me., Sept. 28, 1881. ,$23. Lady Maud, Little Harvey 3-12 3:13.3:07. Four-yearolds. " ■' ' Litile Don. b s (3:40). A. C. Davenport. Stockton, Cal., Sept. 29, 1880. .$2,50. Tom Palmer 4 Ben Allen 1 Voung Hiram 2, Lieutenant (1 dis), Modesto Maid (1 dis). Belle McClellan (l dis), 2:.30. 2:39. 2:40, 2:42, 2:42' Little Dorritt, b m (3 :45), by St. Lawrence. Rochester, N. Y., June 10. 18.56, $2,ooo. Sleepv Bill, 5-30 5-.32V^. Two miles. Little Dorritt, ch m (3 :56). Charles Douglass, Middletown, Conn., Julv 19. l.sco, $200. Belle of Middletown 2, 3:04, 2 :.57, 2:. 56, 2:58. Little Dorritt, blk m (3 :33i^), by Wild Wagoner, dam Fannv. bv Black Bashaw. John W. {^onlev Zanes- ville, O., Sept. .30, 1870, .$300. Red Eagle. Sorrel Filly. Hiatoga, Bay Gelding, 3:34^,3:33. Three-vear-olds. S. H. Brasfleld, Florence. Ky.. Oct. 3, 1873. .$3,50. Conover, Sorrel Prince, Leahl, 2 (5 dis) Norma (5 disV 2:4514,2:42^4,2:4354,2:43,2:42.' , . /, T. P. Gilbert. Fleetwood Park. N. Y.. May 22, 187.5. $1,000. Simon 1. 2. Willi-ini Walsh .^ Katv Huirhes. Sleepy Mary. Rosle (5 dr). Geneva (5 dr). Prince (4 dr), Vesta (1 dis), 2:31 'i, 2:.33^, 2:31, 2:.32=2, 2::i4. Sept. 29, 1875, $.3.50. Steve Maxwell, l-ookont, Jericho (2 dr), 2:34, 2:.32'/2. 2:.35i4. Little Duke, ch g (3:53), by Manibrino (4ift. dam by Erie Abdallah. W. Hamilton. East Saginaw Mich S(!pt. :iO, IS8I. .$.50. Governor, .Jerome. Topgalbuit, Ozark, Billv Marshall. 2:.53'5, 2:52. Four-vear-o'lds ' Little Eastern (w), b g (3:39^4). .1. Hemerink. Newcastle. Pa.. Sept. 16. I.ss2, $2,50. Mischief Mohawk Vilos- ter l,2(4dis), Carlotta (4 dis), Joe Accident (4 dis), 2 :3H-'4, 2:40. 2:4.3, 2:40'.. 2:.39'4. Little Editor, b g (3:10). Joseph Hayes, Reaver, Pa., Sept. 18. 1877, .$50. Bessie Bramble 2 Black Pilot Mary C. (2 dis). Honest Michael (1 dis). 3:13'o, 3:10. 3:10. Oct. 2, 1877. .$45. Bessie Bramble, Black Pilot. 3:13i4, 3:10, 3:10. Little Emma, b m (3:38iii). J. F. Lockman, Knoxville. Tenn., Aug. 2,5, 1881. $1.50. Musketeer Lidv M Molly 1)., 2:4514, 2:49. 2:441^. ■ ' .' •• Little Ethan, ch g (3 :3.5). G. W. Peck, Rutland, Vt., Aug. 31, 1841, $.50. Tarn O'Shanter Macule Stranger (3dr), 3:03, 3:00, 2:5.5. (,!,.>, A. F. Lee, St. Thomas, Ont. May 19. 187.5, $125. Lizzie D. ,1 0). White Face Jacked dis). 2:4.5)/>. 2:40i4, Windsor, Ont.. May 24, 1875. $1.50. L:idv Miles 1, 2. Gray Billy, Josie. Marv H., Boldface (3 dis) Butcher Boy (3 dis), Bav Lillv (3dis). 2:46. 2:42'4, 2:40. 2:40it. 2:403,. Detroit, Mich., May 28, 187.5. $100. Wild Bill 3. Little Sam. Bashaw. 2:40U. 2:40. 2:40ii, 2-41 Toronto, Out., June 2, 1876, $500. Black Mack 1, Gray Eddv 3. Toronto Bov (4 dis), 2":35 2-41 2-40 2-381^ 2:36. , , • ^'Ts, Woodstock, Ont., June 8, 1876, $240. J. H. Boyle, Vanderbilt, Lady Hill, Black Mack, 2:37'4, 2:3^ 446 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. Goderich. Out.. Oct. lia, l«77, S150. Gray Edtlv, 2:45, 2:45'/2, 2:40. Oct. ■J4, 1877, ^?150. Gliiy Eddy. 2:40. L':;;y, •_'.4o. Wiimipct;, .Maiiitolni. July 2. IxSi), $-JOU. J'opelt, 2:41'i.2:40H. 2:15. Little I'ortuiie. ell >; («::${*), liy Daniel Lambert. J. Utloii, Barton, Vt., Sept. 20, 1881, $100. Lady Long- maid. .Ned llanloii, I'rincess v2 dr), 2:4!), 2:50, 2:49. St. .lolnisburv. \t., Sept. 21.'. ihSl, *1.50. Trump 3, 4, George Wilkes 1, Honest Reuben. Gambler (2 dr) .loluinv U. (2 dri, 2:41), •J:4U-?4. 2:51'2, 2:.").">, 2:5o, 2:4;». • ' .Moriisville. Vt.,Sei)t. 2S, l«81, .»ilOO. Fanny V. I.Mark Ray. No time. Slicrbrooke. J", y., June 22, 18«2, §200. \ision 1, 3, Conqueror 2, 2:40, 2:39!'2, 2:41^4, 2:39'-2, 2-40, 2-39'/2 Lyndouville, \t., July 4, 18.s2, a!200. Lady Russell, Castelar. 2:40, 2:39|/2, 2::i9'.i. St. Albans, \t., .SeiU. 1, 1^82, $150. Vision 4, Ned Jackman 3, Bellevue Boy, Sarah B., Concmeror 2-43!^. 2 :3!)'.4. 2 :31iK'. 2 :39' 2.2:41. L.ittlt> Frank, r~ :30). Anamosa, la., Oct. 10, 18G8, § . Wild Alex 1, 2:5i. 2:50, 2:53. tittle Frank, ell g (^::J«'.i). (Jeorge Stallord, Madison Co. N. Y., July 12,1871, $;300. Bird 4 Bay Dan (2 disi, 2:40, 2:47^4, 2:42, 2:41. July 13, 1871. -SKXi. Bird, Lady Mack, Red Ned (1 dis), 2:40, 2:47?i. 2:38i4. liittle Ki-ank, dig (,«:*<*). G. B. Coombs, Waukegan, 111., Oct. 6, 187 dri,2:49'o, 2:473..., 2:.'j0?4,2:4H'4, 2:40'.. " \. K. Phillips. Roekl'ord, 111., July 4, 1877, $125. John P.. Jessie. Best time 2:48. S. Drakeley, Madison. Wis., Sept. 12. 1878, .yjOO. Whitewater Belle. James Liipe. 2:4014. 2:401^, 2:41J4. I^ittle l<>ank, b g(a:4l'2). A. Cook, Talbot Co. iid., Nov. 2, 187G, $50. Grange (Jirl. Frank, I'rincess O dis) Nelly (1 dis. No time. Nov. 3. 1870. .ifdO. Nelly, Selim, Grange Girl. No time. J. A. Wilson, Wilmington, Del., June 11, 1878, $100. Mag, Driver, Rose of Delaware, Lewis (2 dis), 3-00, 2:5t;'4. 2:55)«. .luiie 12, 1878. $100. Driver, Rose of Delaware. Tommy Dodd (2 dis). Honest Dave (2 dis), 2-53, 2-59 3'03 Middletown, Del., Oct. 3, 1878, $200. Clara B., iMisehiel, Frank De-xter. 2:44. 2:41i/2,2:45. little Frank, eh g (a:;iO), by Pearsall? J. F'ountain, Brooklyn, L. I., Oct. 1!), 1870, $450. Sussex 3, Ix)ttle K., Dt-rby. .hidge Robertson C2 dis;, Carrie Myers (2 dr;,2:35, 2:;jgK>- 2:40. 2:40. tittle Frank. brg(3:3J>). H. M. Armstroii{f, Fergus, Out., May 24, 1879, $40. Blind Tom, Duffer (3 dis). Waterloo Boy U dis), Sorrel Nell (.1 dis). No time T. .McEwan, Aurora, Out., July 2, 1880, $100. Gen. Beamish, Welland Girl. Bob Moore. 2:42, 2-43 2:39 tittle Frank, chg(,3:39>4 1. I). Trow bridge, Joplin, Mo., July 2, 1880, $ioo. (iranby Maid, Um-zoo-ee, 2:45>4, tittle Frank, bg (3:20). W. Jenkinson, Jarvis, Ont., June I3, 188.3, $30. Smoky Hollow Bill, Major Raid. •Minnie B. Mario, 3:25, 3:20, 3:20. tittle Frank, bg (3 :45), by Young Rattler. S. K. Dow, Waukegan, 111., Sept. 29, 1880, $150. Abdallah Boy 1, 2, Willv D., 2 :50. 2:451^, 2 :40, 2 :45, 2 :-I6. c. r j N. (iiant, Yankton, Dak., Sept. 27,1883, $300. Hampton Girl, Alec Mitchell, Nebraska Boy. 2:49'/;. •>:42'o,2:3ii!/2. tittle Fraud, br g (8:43>4). A. Woodard, Boston, Mass., Oct. 22, 1872, $ . Sonierville Boy, 3:02, 2:57. 2:56»/4. Beacon Park, Boston. May 29, 1874, $,'500. Champion Light Weight, 2:48. 2:53, 2:43>4. M. Carroll, Oct. 22. 1874. $150. Col. Meacham 1, 2, Sorrel Dan, 2:56, 2:55, 2:50. 2:55, 2:53. E. R. Locke, Keene, N. 11., July 22. 187.'->. $100. Gypsy Bov, 2:54y2. 2:51i^, 2:,">0!.'2. July 31, 1875. $1(X). Pilot (W). 1, 3, 2:44'o, 2:46^4, 2:48' o, 2:49'4, 2:48'/2. tittle Fred, b g (3 :3694), by DJrigo. Asher Savage, Pitts"field, Me., July 4, 1866. $40. Province Boy, 1, 2:46, 2:45,2:46. Cs\ Amriista. Me.. Aug, 7. 18C6. $20. Young Drew (s), (4 dis), Snow Bird (s), (1 0), (2 dis), Mt. Vernon (2 dr). 2:.")n. 2:44'.,. 2:49. 2:48. O. M. Savage. Skowliegan. ]\Ie.. Sept. 5. 1806, $100 Johnny Sclimoker(2 dr), 2:39. . (s). Amriista. Me.. Oct. 26. 1866. $100. Alac (s). 1, 2. White Jack (s), U dis), 2:40, 2:41»4, 2:43, 2:40'/2, 2:38. Portland. Me., .Iiilv 4, ls67. .■^200. Gladiator, Fanny Drew, 2:37, 2:39, 2:40. I-ewiston, Me., .hiiy — . 1.'-(;7. Gladiator, 2:33. 2:31^i. 2:.i0. ~ • Portland. Me., Sept. 11, 1867. .$400. Bill Wellman, Lady Chapman (1 dis), 2 :38, 2 :38, 2:42. Se).t. 13. 1867. Srm. Lady I'alnier. Bill Wellman (2dr), Dan Mace (2 dis). 2:32. 2:36, 2:37. M. Roden. Prospect Park. L. I.. May 29, 1869, $ — . Needle Gun, Jessie Wales, Belle of Brooklyn, Old Put, Lady Whitman. 2:29, 2:28'2. 2:26'^. tittle Fred, b g (3 :4 1^). G. M. Delaney, Manchester, N. H., Oct. 28, 1873, $200. Competitors not named, 2:.52, 2:iJ2. 2:.'ilii>. Oct. 29. 1873,' $200. Red Bird. Sallv Come Up, Arab, Ada (3 dr), 2:50'4. 2:45, 2:48. Oct. .30, 1873, $200, Dollv Yard. 'ii, Sally Come Up. Fleetwiiig. Uneas, Quaker Jim (2 dis), 2:4H'2, 2:43 2:44. tittle Fred,b g t3:30), by Kastniiiii Morgan, dam Frederika, bv Simpson's Blackbird. Morrill Higbee, Galesbiirg, 111.. July 3. 1874, .«:400. Oniekstep 2, Illinois Chief. Nettie Circen, Frontier Dick. Rosa Belle (2 dis). 2:40'^.2:39.2:,3"«. 2:.38i4. • , , , , Dixon. 111., .Inly 9. 1874. .$500. Sterling 1, Little Jake, American Boy, ^lodoc, I" rank Allison (3 dis), Nat Baker (2 dis>. 2-M. 2:.'i6»4. 2:41, 2:41. Jnlv 10, 1874, $1.50. American Boy 1. Tnckev .Line (1 diR>, 2:.38'4, 2:39V^, 2:40i^, 2:47(4. Peoria. 111., Sept. 17, 1874, $700. Randall. Tom W^onder, Albert, 2:30-!4. 2:,30V4, 2:30>4. St. Lonis. Mo., Oct. 8, 1K74, .S2.000. Lady Fox. Aldine, (lentleman -Joe, 2:36, 2:353-4, 2 :36H. Chicago. 111., July 2.3. 187,5. $1.. 500. Lady Tnrpiii, York Stiite, Richard. L;idy Grisvvold, Prince, Mambrino Warner. Whalebone, J. W. Hall. Dan Brown, (iranville (2 i\v). 2:28',, 2:25. 2:27. Buffalo. N. Y'., Aug. 7. 187.'), $5,000. Albert 1. Eva 4, Lady Tnrpin. York State, Shanty, (General Mac, Ani;ic Collins. .Jean Ingelow, Caledonian Chief, Sam W^est, Gen. Picton (5 dis). Scoffs Chief (3 dis), 2:24%, 2'2fi'.i 2''6''4 2'28 2:29*^. '- Rochester, N. V!. Avig. 11, 1875, $4,500. Adelaide, Eva. Annie Collins, Lady White, Jean Ingelow, Effle Deans, Ben Smith. 2:2.5, 2:2.5, 2:25. Quinev, HI., Sept. 25, 1875. $1,000. Prince, Ladv Star, Tanner Boy, Lady Byron (2 dis), 2:27. 2:27, 2:26^4. F. Seliiilenberg, Cleveland. ()., Jnlv 25, 1876, .$2,500. Breeze, Carrie, May Bird, Belle Brasfield, Amy B., Sleepy .lohn. Little Gypsy, Richard, bine Mare, 2:21^,',2:2,'??4,2:21?i. ^ „, ,, , „ ,^ ^ ,, », „ — Buffalo, N. Y., Aug. 1, 1876, $2,500. Aniv B. 2, 3, May Bird 4, Richard, Blue Mare, Belle Bnisfield, Nelly Irwin, Breeze (3 dr), 2:23, , 2:24^, 2 :25U, 2:23^4, 2:26. Rochester, N. Y., Aug. 8, 1876, $2,500. filue Mare, Little Gypsy, May Bird, Amy B., Breeze (3 dr), 2:21, 2:22,2:21. Davenport, la., Sept. 7, 1876. $1,000. Badger Girl 3, Lady Star, 2:3.3U, 2:35».i, 2:3134, 2:32^- Burlington, la., Sept. 21, 1876, $1,500. Gen. Garfield 1, Badger Girl, Lady Tnrpin, 2:22>4. 2:245i, 2:2534, Higbee & Rchnlenberg, Jackson. Mich.. June.SO, 1877, $1,000. Slow Go 2, 3, Cozette I, Lady Maud, Nettle 2:25^, 2:25, 2:24?i, 2:24'/j, 2:24?i, 2:2634- CHESTEltS COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. m ■ Chirago, 111., July 3, 1877, $1,200. Bodine, Little Gypsy, Marion, 2:24, 2:2414, 2:23^. M. Higbee, Dubuque, la.. Sept. 13, 1878, $1,000. Adelaide 2 (5 o;, Lucille (4 0), Albemarle 3, 6 (7 dis), Great Eastern, 2 :25, 2:25, 2:27yj, 2:28'/i, 2:291^, 2:27Ki, 2:28-!ii, 2:30, . Jerseyville,Ill., Oct. 18, 1878, $IM)0. Mazo, Maiiie, Up and Up, G. T. Pilot, Blanche Pratt, 2:25^, 2:27, 2:26. Little Fred, b g (3 :37?^). J. W. Smith, Mansfield, Mass., July 31, 1875, $70. Raymond 2, Kate Dennis, Live Oak, Tornado, Katy Brown (4 dn, 3:"3, 3:00, 3:0l, ;j:oo. Taunton, Mass., Sept. 29 and ;», 187,'), igloO. White Face 3. 5. Kate I)euni.s 1, 2, Bildad (6 dr), Browu George (5 dr), Kitty (4 drj. Shore Boy (4 dr;, Ilocky (3 dr), Raymond (2 dr), 2:45, 2:45, 2:46, 2:45, 2:45, 2:43, 2:42. — — ^ Caleb Swan, Brockton, Mass., Oct. 9, 1875, $250. White Face, Raymond. Maid of Merit, 2:44, 2:44, 2:44^. '- J. W. Smith, Attleboro, Mass., Oct. 14, 1875, $150. Lady Smith a 0) (2 0). Two others, 2:47. 2:45, 2:46, 2:45 2:47. j'. Carpenter, Brockton, Mass., Oct. 7, 1881, S150. Consul 1, Storm c4 0), Molly Morrill, St. Mary (3 dis). Bob Geary (1 dis). 2:37i'4, 2:39'.^ 2:37'.i. 2:38'i. 2:40'i. Little Fred, bg (3:35), by Phil Sheridan. W. H. Irish, Portland, Me., Sept. 21, 1875, •§250. Forest King, Belie Smith, two others, 2:4(i\i, 2:38'.,, 2:35. Lewiston. .Me., Sept. 14, 1876, .■:?2(K). George. Best time, 2:4')'.,. Little Fred, bg (3:391.1). bv Ethan Allen. R. S. Taylor. Portland, Me., .June 27. 1877. .$1,50. Nettie 2,3, Ogdensburgh 4, 6, Nelly Sherman 5 (8 dr). Centennial Flora (4dr), 2:40, 2:40'2, 2:42, 2:44. 2:44!.'2, 2:43. 2:40, 2 :4094 . Little Fred (Butcher Bov), chg (3:34). R. Mabbitt, Danbury, Conn., Oct. 5, IH77, .SiiOO. Happy Jack 5, Judge Trumi)ull 3, Rowe's Tommy (l 0), 2:43, 2:40, 2:39, 2:39, 2:38, 2:4014. Little Fred, b g (3 :36). F. P. Dudgeon, Mineohi. L. I., Sept. 27, 1881, .#65. Maud 2 (5 0). Daisy 4 (5 0), Kitty Temple 1, Duryea's b g (5 dr), Woodnutt's br g (4 dr), Clark's b g (3 dr), 2:42i?4, 2:39iii,2:41,2:40, 2:37'A, 2:36, 0 .Qg Liitl'e Gem, ch g(3:39U5>, by Henry B. Patchen. Dr. Anderson. Shrewsbury, Mass., Aug. 23, 1877, $400. Lady Balch 1, Katy, Arthur T., Granger, Shepherd Boy, Fitchburg Boy (.4 dr;, Lady Williams i,4 dr), 2:36^4, 2:3.5, 2;34. 2:34ii. W. W. Larrabee, Providence, R. I., June 13 and 14, 1878, .$600. Oshlega Belle, Dolly Davis, Duroc, Hon- est .lolui. Morris d dis). 2:30, :>::iVi. 2:32M- F. Haight, Norwich. Conn., July 13, 1881, .$400. Walter 1, 4, Arthur 2, 3, Jenny W., Flirt, 2:32^4, 2:33, 2:31, 2:31,2:33?4. 2:34}^, 2:365^. Mystic Park, Boston,' July 20, 1881. $300. Patch 1, Rex Patchen, Flirt, Jenny W., Wade Hampton, Ar- thur. 2:31, 2:31 ?4. 2:3114. 2:36. Providence, R. I., Aug. 3, 1881. $400. George M., Little Maid, Jenny W., Duke (3 dr), 2:29i^4. 2;32^, 2:31'o. Little Gent, chg (3:35). Charles Howard Jr., Brockton, Mass., Oct- 8, 1875, $100. Little Lady, 2:40, 2:35 Little George (w), b g (3:37i4). Mr. Douglass, Nashville, Tenn., April 24, 1868, $ . Kinney's br m (w) 2 :57 2 : 54. C'. A. Wand, ,Iuly 8, 1869, .$125. George Spaulding, Ku Klux (1 dis), 2:46^4, 2:40, 2:4014. Little George, bg(3:48io). W. Thompson, Philadelphia, Pa., Aug. 29, 1876, .$250. Lady B., Duster, Dolly, Gray .lohn (2 dr), 3:0514, 3:08, 3:03. S. Nixon, New Hunting Park, Phihi., Nov. 23, 1882, .$75. Lady Fashion, 2:49. 2:52ii. 2:48i.;. Little George, bg (3:374). (i. E. Canrike, Mattoon, 111.. July 3, 1883, $1.50. Maggie M.'l, 3, Frank E. 2, Queen S., 2:39, 2:4114, 2:40, 2:40, 2:42, 2:40. Union City, Mich., Aug. 9, 1883, $100. Harvey 3, Burr Oak Chief, Lady Moscow. Ether, Nelly May, 2:41, 2:41'i,2:40, 2:40U. Little Giant, blk s (3 :48), by Vt. Black Hawk. M. Lampson, Buffalo, N. Y., Aug. 16, 1861, $100. Lady Wash- ington 2. Fred Whitbeck. Primus (3 dr), 2:52, 2:53, 2:51, 2:54. N. Scoville, Hornellsville, N. Y.. Aug. 14, 1863, $ . Gray Eagle, 2:.59, 2:.58. 2:56. Little Giant, blk s, by Little Giant. S. Willett, Warsaw. N. Y.', Sept. 2.5, 1878, $50. Young Erin 1. No time. Sept. 26. 1878, $100. Ida D., Allen Bov (2 dr'. No time. Little Glenn, b g (3 :09i4). F. A. Voorhees, St. Johns, Mich.. Oct. 7. 1874, $100. Gray Jim. Puss, Black Ned, 3:17, 3:09'2, 3:09^4. Four-year-olds. Little Granger, ch s (3 :40'^). W. L. Shoaf , Beaver. Pa., Sept. 20. 1877, $200. White Cloud 1. Willy Golddust, Joe Lytle, Honest George (2 dis). Purity (2 dis), 2:44i2, 2:40i2. 2:44, 2:40'i. Little Grant, b s (3 :43). S. Martin, Winchester, N. H.. Nov. 3, 1864, $ . Jimmy Lvnian. 2:45, 2:44, 2:42. Little Gypsy (Lady Price), bm (3:33), by Tom Hal. George Newgin, Cynthiana, Ky., Sept. 21, 1875, $500. Tom Brown 1, 2, Judge Waite, Banker, Lady Lumber, Alvermoht, Anna Bailey (4 dis), Cazi()ue (2 dis), Little Brown Jug (1 dis), Alamo (l dis). Proctor Knott (1 dis), Elma (1 dis). Little Star (1 dis), 2:.30, 2:27V4, 2:29, 2:31. 2::5414. Sept. 23, 1875, $500. Sciota Belle (1 0). Carlylo. Anna Bailey, Fanny Stoner (3 dr\ Alamo (1 dis), Ettie Jones (1 dis), Annie B. (1 dis), 2:28, 2:.30, 2:29io, 2:8014. Terre Haute. Ind., Oct. 14, 1875, $7.50, Frank Mvers, Loafer, Soiota Belle, 2:31',. 2:,33, 2:.32. L. S. Harris, Woodstock, Vt., Oct. 19, 1876, .$600. Joe Ripley 1, 2, Honest Harrv, Charley Mac, Unknown (4 dr). 2:.30. 2:31, 2:31, 2:.33, 2:.34. Mystic Park, Boston, Oct. 20, 1876, $400. Hannah D. 2, Annie Collins 1, Ned Wallace, 2:27i/i, 2:24(4, 2:2714, 2 .07 '» ■■>§ ^""w.'h. Crawford, Chicago. 111., June 15, 1877, .f.500. Frank Davis 2, Joe Pettlt, Stranger, 2:30>i, 2:29, 2:28i/2, 2 :.30. Cleveland, O., July 27. 1877, $2,500. Banquo 2, Captain Jack, Alley, Richard, Lew Scott, Adele Clark, Lewinski, The Jewess, Belle Brasfleld, 2:26M, 2:22ii. 2:2.314, 2:22. Parker City, Pa., Aug. 20, 1877, .$700. Lew Scott, Blackwood Jr., 2:26?4, 2:27, 2:27. D. Muckle,' Minneapolis, Minn., Sept. 6, 1879, .«:500. Dotv, Kate Hall, 2:28?4, 2:28»4, 2:27. L. L. Lawrence, (Juincv. 111., Sept. 10. 1879, $1,000. Monroe Chief, Kitty Bates, Kate Hall, Kate Middle- ton, 2:23''i, 2:24'.,, 2:24}^. Chicago, 111.. Sept. 18, 1879, .$1,000. Deck Wright 2, 3. Gray Salem, Post Boy. Jessie Hayes, Gloster,2:23V2 2:24\. 2:22';, 2:244, 2:27. D. Muckle, Point Breeze Park, Phila.,Oct. 27. 1«79. $600. Emma B.. 2:32. 2:26'/2. 2:23?i. L. L. Lawrence, Battle Creek, Mich., June 4, 1880. $700. Silverton 3, William H., 2:31i/4, 2:29, 2:27!4, 2:29. Prophetstown, 111., Aug. 6. 1880, $400. Nelly Irwin, John H., Emma B., Fred Douglass, William H. (2 dis), 2:2614, 2:26, 2:2714. Mcndota, 111., Aug. 13, 1880. .$600. Nelly Irwin, Pilot B., Josephus, John H., Convoy, 2:27J^, 2:2BX. 2:261/4. Dunkirk, N. Y., Sept. 3, 1880, $600. Robert McGregor l, Lucy, , 2:28, 2:30, 2:29^4. 448 (HESTER'S COMPLETE THOITING AND PACIN(; RECORD. Little Hannah (Lady M;iy ami Kiiinia), blk in ( a :34'o). by Columbus (?). M. Colvin, Aurora, 111., July 29, 187!), S450. Dunn li, .lolin Bender, Charley 1'., IJauner I5oy il (lis), 2:.H\4. 2:.iUJ..|, -Ji.iH, 2:37. Little Harry blk s(3:50'2). W. Simrock, Massilon, O., June la, 1878, $150. 8. H., Harry Campbell, Don .Juan. Wallace. 2:51!2, 2:52'2, 2:00hs. Little Harry \,-Z:4:l). Reading, Pa., Oct. 5, 187K, S200. Lydia S., Draper, Gail Hamilton, 2:41'4, 2:41, 2:411.1. Little Hiirrv, rii u' (2:36'^). R. Crovaii, Montreal. P. Q.. Oct. 4 and .% 1879, S150. Castleton 3, 4, Daniel Lam- bert .ir. 2". .Inpiter Star (4 disi. Bla'ckbird (2 dri, 2:4i). 2:.i8',i,2:4(i. 2:41)';.. 2:.'.6M.. 2:3»'.i. Little Hiirrv, li ^' {'i ::{«•-.>). S. A. (iillonl, New Bedford, Mass.. .Inly I'J, ls71l. $20. Tigue, 2:.">3, 2:52. Little llarrv, brn t'-i:.>l>T A. McDonald, Concord, N. H., Sept. lU, 1S82, 4.IOO. Little Ned 1, Bav Jim, Kitty W., Nat. D.. 3 :0!i, 3:00, 3:00, 3:02. (Walton. N. II., Seiil. 27, lss2. .S125. Star (iazer 1, Fanny P. 2, Dudley, 2:51, 2:50, 2:r)l'o. 2:50. 2:52. Little Henry b g, liv Major G:ino. S. Bradford. TioRa, Pa., Sept. 13, 1877. Robert 2, 3. Betsy H.. 1 :31, 1:29, 1:27, 1 :2'.i, 1:27. ILilf mile beats. Tliree-vear-olds. Little ,laeli, b tx I'-i :34). .1. Wadswortli, I'liloiiville, Ind., July 3, 1879, $ . Lady Brooks. Kinsman Boy 1 (2 dr>, 2:41',,2:41i4, 2:4t;, 2:48. July 4. 187',», S . Joe M., Ladv Brooks. Yankee Bill, 2:4314, 2:47'/2, 2:48. Erie. Pa.. July 24, 187!). .*4r>o. Bav Fred. 2 ■MT... 2:40W,. 2 :38. Little Jalte (Knist MS), rn gV4, -':34, 2:34, 2:35^4, 2:33i2. 2:;J5. 2:41. Little Jasper, brg(a:38'^2). H. T. Fox, Mineola, L. I., June 20, 1883, $30. Clover Boy (1 O), 2:45, 2:47,2:44,. 2:46. Little Jess, gr g (3 :40io). W. H. De Lancev. Massillon. O., Aug. 29. 1876, $300. Blue Bull 1,2, Lady Greer 3, Rosetta, Bav Jim (4 dist, 2:42i.i. 2:43, 2:44, 2:401^,2:43,2:4194- Little Jess, cli m (3 :05i.,). T. Caves. Lucan, Out., Mav 23. 1879, $40. Buffalo Maid 3, Cameronian (1 dis), Pollv\vog(l dis). Brown (Jeorge U dis), Lucy (1 dis). 3:08-'.,. 3:0514. 3:04i/i. 3:09. Little jet, blk g (3 :3«). W. Y. Darling, Creston, la.. July 11, 1878, $75. inghland, Myron H., 3:30Ji, 3:26. Four-vear-olds. Little Jim, gr s i'i :43). H. D. Leffert, Doylestown, Pa., Oct. 3, 1866, $60. Brown Dick, Fanny, Mingo, Tom (2dr), 2:42,2:47, 2:48- Little Jim (Little DU-k). br g (2 :3«). (Jeorge Jones, Norwich, Conn.. Oct. 22, 1873, $400. Lady Burubam 4, Black .lini 3. Se;imslress. Billv, Dora. Ira Brown, Eastern Prince. No time. Oct. 23. isT:;, .<4i)0. Liidv Black Hawk 3. 4, ]>adv Burnham, Green Mountain Maid, Prowess, Black Jim, Dora, Doctor Bruce, 2:42, 2:41 U, 2:43;'4. 2:43, 2:399i. A. Woodard, Mystic Park, Boston, Aug. 3, 1874, $200. Modoc Chief, 2, 3, 2:4714, 2:46'5, 2:46, 2:39, 2:401,. Little Joe, b g (3 :39 w). R. K. Bonham, New Orleans, La., Feb. 8, 1867, $50. Idol, Jim Parton, 2:44%, 2-4214 New Albany, Ind., May 29. 1867, $50. Roan Horse, Sorrel Dick. 2 :42. 2 :41?i, 2 :43i j. T. P. Roach, Louisville, Ky., June 13, 1867, $100. J. T. Miller. Sorrel Dick, Fanny Shaw (1 dis), 2:40^». 2:4094. Little Joe. b g (8 :389!i). R. C. Wheeler, Cincinnati, O., Aug. 21. 1875, $300. Alice West. 3:08, 3:02. 2:58 J. Knauber, July 27. 1876, $.300. Tuscarora 3, 4, Harry Clay (1 dis), 2 :45i/2, 2 :43^, 2 :48, 2 :45, 3 :03^. Aug. 28, 1876, §200. Brown Frank3, 4.2:42's, 2:42, 2:42!2, 2:40, 2:41i4. Oct. 16, 1876, S.")00. Ladv Chester2. 5:J2'.2, 5:20.5:171^. Two miles. J. T Biggs, July 20, 1877. $150. Tom Gardner 1, Sciota Belle, 2:39. 2 :41i^, 2:4494, 2:41. Aug. 28, 1877. .*200. Bay mare, 2:48, 2:42. 2:45. ^ , Little Joe.bg (3:4314). G. W. Ely, Robinson, 111., July 3. 1878, $100. Star Chief, Topsy 2, 4 (6 dis). Cairo (4 (lis). Tom McNeece ^2 dis). Grape Shot (1 dis). Fanny Forester (1 dis), 2:47, 2:4614, 2:46)>4, 2:47ij. 2:49. Little J«)e, 1) s (3 : 10^4) by Joe Hooker. E. Vogle. Siindusky, O., Sept. 20 1878, $20. Jaco 3, Quixy, Uncle Ned (3 dis), 3:109,. 3:1110.3:0614. 3:12iji. Five-year-olds. ^ , ^ t. •, v Little Joe. gr g (3 :56). G. Naylor, Hammonton, N. J., Oct. 15, 1879, $25. Charley, Frank, Fanny, Deviloli, *^ '50 3 "00 ''"SS Litfle Joe, br g (3 :36ii) bv Gilbert. J. Iliiven, Allegan, Mich., Sept. 30, 1880, $200. Henry Middleton, Ed. Johnson, Flora L.. Fanny Felter. No time. >.,„,.., ,. „„ Little Joe, ch s(3:48). A.IVIadison. Chic;igo, 111.. Aug. 24. 1868. .•!!75. Blue Dick 3, 2:.->0. 2:48, 2:53, 2:.'>3. Little Jolin (w), br g (3 :40'/2 w). W. Wheeler. Centreville, L. I.. Oct. 22, 1856. $.'-)00. Jim (w) (1 dis), 2:40>4. Little John (3 :.57). (ieorge Holden, <:ilr()v. Cal., April 14, 1871, $20. Fanny 2, 2:59, 2:57, 2 :,58K.. IJttle John (w) (3 :38 w). G. H. Pierce. Dover. N. II.. Aug. 19, 1871, $ . .lersey (3 dr), 2:38. 2:40. Little Jolin.bg (3 :.'>l). .lohn Pitisley. BramjUon. Out., .luiie 25, 1875. $100. Molly, Canadian Dexter, Kitty» Aubuni Horse (1 dis), 2:.55,2:.55, 2:51. „„„„„. Little John cli u (3 -.Or,). J. R. CLirke, Mill Plain, Conn., Mav 28, I88O. $100. Charles Smith, 3:06, 3:05. Little Jolin. bg(3:50). Indianapolis, Ind., Sept. 30, 1880, $150. Nancy M., Lady Fox. 2:5514. 2:.55, 2:50. Four Litt^le Jolln, b g (3 :ll»i). S. Armstrong, Hamilton, O., t>ct. 7. 1880, $100. Col. Neal 1, Radcliff, 3:13, 3:11J4, Little'.Toliii. i) g (3 :47). S A. Wilson, Beacon Park, Boston, Aug. 1, 1874, $ . Lady Stone 1 (2 dis). Pickle (2 (lis). Rumford Maid (2dis), 2:.57S.2:47. ,t o 1 o n. Little Jolin, ))r s (3 :.'>.'>). E. Pleuge. Chiirleston, S. C, July 4, 1883, $ . Henry Reeder. 3:01. July 12. 1883, .«!40 Henry K(!eder. 2 :.5.5, 2 :.'')ker, b g (3 :4Gi'4 ). L. M. Litchlield. Worcester, Mass., Sept. 20, 1873, $125. Dan, Molly Pitcher. Belle Savao'c ■'•.54'', 2'46^,', 2:48i». Little Joker bg'(3:4r>U). S. W. Jones. Rutland, Vt., Sept. 16, 1875. .$8.5. Gifford Boy. Anna, Canton Boy, Joker. L;dla Itookli. 21.54. 2:55, 2 :.50. Sept. 17, 187.5, $1.50. Anna 1, Landlord. Black Diamond. 2:.57. 3:00,2..52. 2:56. Little Joker, blk g (3 :.->l ), l)y son of Colddust, dam Alice Cariie;il. P. H. Dorsey, .lacksonviUe, 111., Aug. "4, 1882. S2.50. Mike Emeri('-k 1. Black Doiigliiss, 1). W. Pedne. Teleplume (4 dis), 2:.53. 2:.55, 2:57. 2:51. Little Knox (3:50). W. 1). (Jrass, Kutztown. P:i., .Sept. 18, 1878. .sloo. Lydia S., I>ottie. Whalebone, 2:50, '>-'\4 •>•-,'■, Little Lonfffellow, cb g (3 :39i4), by Young Flymg Morgiin. .L II. Hiirt. Utica. N. Y., Aug. 18. 1873, $3,000. Vanity Fiiir 1, Planter 3, Brown Bashaw, i'.ilcaadi Golddust, Kate (Jilbert, 2:3794, 2 :38'4, 2:3914, 2 :38i4. IL j, ii. NVoller, Sanduskv. O.. Nov. ,5, 187.3, .«400. Harry Mitchell 1. 2:42",. 2:329^, 2:'«;^, 2:3U4 Little Mae, gr g (3 :3{)). W. McRoberts, Phillipsburgb,X. .1. Sept. — , 18(i2. $200. Nick Whiffles 2 (4 0), 2:46i/j. 2:.51,2:52, 2:47i/>. Union Course, L. I., Nov. 16, isr>4. »rm. Irish Maid. 2:41^. 2:30. 2:.39. Little Mac. b s (3 :54'/t). John Cudney, Suffolk Park, Phil., July 18, 1866, $300. Dutchess, Mt. Vernon Maid,. 2:57, 2:5514, 2 :559ii. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 449 (w), July 21, 1865, .?20n. Pliil Sheridan (w) 3, 4, 2:56, 2:54}^, 2:53»^, 2:57, 2:57. Little Mac, 6h s (3 :38). 1'. Cuhill, Miltord. Mass., July 4. 1SG7, $150. Fireflv, Victory, 2:43^, 2:43, 2:49'.^. Mystic Park, Boston. Aug- 21, 1^67, $400. Brandywine (3 0), Fanny (3 dis), 2:38. 2:40, 2:43, 2:38. E. Hubbard. Jr.. Gt. Barilnnton, Mass., Sept. 27, 1867, .$60. Dawson Chief 1, 2 (5 0), 2:.55, 2:52, 2:55, 2:52, 2*55 2:58. • ^ J.' Lawless, Beacon Park, Boston, Aug. 1, 1874, .$500. Molly Scott 1, 2, Peacock, Honest Kate (2 dis), 3:07, 2:57, 3:011.1. 3:0.;. 3:00. ■ C. H. Palmer. Aug. 1, 1876, .$200. Henuy 1, Unknown (4 0), Billy, 2:,53, 2:53, 2:54:?^, 2:.=>5>4. 2:50. liittle Mac, b s(3:38^_i). P. Fai rell, S:ai Francisco, Cal., July 30, 1870, -$500. Maid of McClellan 1, Don't Bodder Me, Harvest Queen. 2:39, . 2:3Sit, 2:41k- tittle Mac, grg (3 :0:J). H. L. Looinis, VVinstead, Coun., Oct. 5, 1870, $ . No Name, Nelly (1 dis), 3:02, 3:05U- Four-year-olds. L.ittle Mac (3:49). Mr. Long. Charleston. S. C. Nov. .3, 1870, .$50. Short's b g 1. 2:.58,2:.57',2. 2:57. Owen Daly, Columbia, S. ('., Nov. 7, 1871- .$ . Billy 1. Charley Logan (I dis), 2:59. 2:.53. 2:49. tittle Mac, br s (3:38V-o), by Columbus, dam by Glencoe. W. H. Boyee, Nashvdle, Tenn., May 27, 1873, $300. Lagoneer 1. 2, 2:43',, 2:42i4, 2:42i4,. 2:44'.:. May 31, 1873. $3.50. Lagoneer l. 2:;!!)'.:. 2:37i.i, 2::i7i4, 2:.30Vj,. Chiigrin Falls, O.. Aug. 29. 1873, .$22.5. (\aiitain. Independence, Columbia Chief (3 dr), 2:36'/2, 237, 2:37, Cleveland, O., Oct. l, 1873, .$700. Chestnut Dick, Chestnut Billy, Frank Shaw, Capt. Vincent. 2 :33'/2, 2::34, 2:35. Columbus, O.. July 3, 1874, .$1,300. Stewart Malonev 3, Annie Collins 4, Ohio Boy (1 0), Kansas Cliief, Joe Shawhan, Slow Go. Eva (3 dis), 2:.30'2, 2:29J4. 2:29. 2::;0'.,, 2:31, 2:i:9:',. Chagrin Falls, ()., July lo. 1874, .$800 Thomas L. Young 2. Ohio Boy 1, Captain (5 dr). Independence (3 dis), 2:3114. -':32, 2:33i4, 2:32'.2. 2:35. Toledo, O., July. 16, 1874, $500. Molly 3, John H. 1, Harry Mitchell, Annie Collins, Ohio Boy, Gen. Sher- man, 2:34'i. 2:34?i, 2:35^4, 2:35'.;, 2:36. Mystic Park, Boston Aug. 3, 1874, $500. Lady Mac 1, 3, Col. Moulton, Hardscrabble, 2:31M, 2:29, 2:30"2, 2:.32-'i, 2:30^^. Little Mac, ch g (3 :55 7-8.) A. Johnson, Baltimore, Md., Oct. 9, 1873, $300. Joe McGee, Tom Scharf, 6:00^4, 5:51?i, Two miles. Little Mac grg (3 :40). .Tames Parks, Auburn, N. Y., Oct. 31, 1873, $8.5. Great Western, Thomson's br m, lola, 3:0.5, 2:55' -2, 2:5814- Corning, N. Y., July 30, 1874, $400. Young Wilkes Jr.. S. S. Ellsworth. Sir Henry, Thomas Moore, Blue Mare, Carrie N., Chaiincev M., Bedle, Kendal Harry. Fred, 2:45J4. 2:43'4. 2:l.3^i. Skaneateles, N. ¥., Aug. 27, 1874. $175. Lady Case 2, Sunset l, Pathfinder. In and Out (3 dis), 2 :44, 2 :46,'i, 2:45<4, 2:4.5M, 2:45. R. Mabbitt, Auburn, N. Y., Julv 8, 1875, $150. Lewis, Charley, Onondaga Boy, Tom Malloy, Lysander Bov, Tom Moore, 2:4014, 2:40, 2 :40»4. , ,. ,, ^ Little Mac, ch g. J. Card. Webb's Mills, N. Y., Oct. 2, 1878, $75. Telephone, Roscoe Conklmg, May Queen 3 (4 dr). No time. . „ , , Little Mac, b g (3 :51). H. Dobson, Fleetwood Park, N. Y., Dec. 11 and 12, 1878, $100. Charley Young 1, Lady Everett 3, Billv(2 dr), 3:00, 2:51. , 2:59. 2:.55. Little Mac. br g (3 :11J, by Columbus. A. Hein, New Orleans, La.. May 16, 1880, $25. Jenny, 3:11. 3:ll?4. Little Mack, blk s. W. S. Nims, Rochester, Mich., Sept. 28, 1882, $ . Black Belle 1, Bay Billy. No time. Little Mack, eh g (3:30i4), by Rockland. O, H. Atwood, Goshen, N. Y., Jiuie 5, 1883, .$250. Mary 1, Jolin, Lady Horton2:34M, 2:40.2:36^2. 2:36^. , ^ „ , . ^ , „ J. H. Baehr, Jersey City, N. J.. June 12, 1883, $200. Evia 1,4, Prince, Artist, Lady G., Handy (3 dr) Mag- nolia (2 dis), 2:365i, 2:37'/2, 2:39, 2:35^4, 2:40^4. Norwalk, Conn., Sept. 14, 1883, .$200. Shamrock 1, Louis Napoleon, 2:37, 2:36, 2:38, 2:35i4. Meriden. Conn., Sept. 19, 1883, $200. Charlev Ware. Dick Loonier, 2:.30i4, 2:32, 2:3254. Watertown, Conn., Sept. 26, 1S83, $200. Shamrock. Essex Maid. 2:42, 2:38i4, 2:38"2. Newton, N. J., Oct. 4, 1883, $300. Onward, Alice Blackwood, Queen. Ira C, 2:34?4. 2:309^. 2:301^. Little Maid, eh m (3 :01). J. H. Lewis, Norwalk, Conn., June 14, 1876, $100. Bay Charley, 3:06, 3:06. 3:01. Little Maid, gr m (8 :33), by Ethan Allen. M. Cone & Co., Frederickton, N.B., Oct. 9, 1878, $50. NellyThorn, Pocahontas, Panacea, 2 :36, 2:38, 2:35. Oct. 10, 1878, $150. Charley Slipp, French Sporter, Marquis of Lome, 2:35, 2:40, 2:361^. C. I^rose, Woonsocket, R. I., Sept. 17, 1880. $200. Dickard 3, 4, Tom Barton, 2:46, 2:39, 2:38^. 2:39, 2:42. Sept. 22, 1881. $200. Pomter Boy 2, Pickwick, Little Fred. Abbv P. (4 dr), 2:iVi, , 2:4114, 2:40i^. Providence. R. I.. Sept. 11, 1S82. $300. Vladimir. Jeremiah, Maud B., Dick Taylor, 2:38, 2:34, 2:35'2. T S. Foster, Attleboro, Mass., Oct. 4, 1882, $200. Dick Dample, Belle R., Speedress, Maud B., Brand, 2,-33, 2:3314. ^.„. C. La Rose', Providence, R. I., Sept. 25, 1883, $200. Jeremiah. William Otis, Fancv C. 2:37, 2:.33'4, 2:34' i'. Little Major, gr g (3:40). J. C. Townsend, Wilkesbarre, Pa., July 3, 1880, $7.5. Lady Pease, Brown Bet. No time. Leon King, Clearfield. Pa., Oct. 14, 1881, $100. Thornedale Princess 2, Billy N., Nelly Wliite, White Stockings, 2:45}^, 2:47, 2:45'4, 2:45y2. Phillipsburgh, N. J., Oct. 18, 1881, $250. Nelly Bank, Nelly White, Lizzie, Helen Lexington, Belmont, (3dr). 2:46, . 2:40. Little Maria, ch m (3 :35). S. Crook, Chicago, 111., July 14, 1866, $100. Brown Dick 2, Black Oak (3 dis), 2:431/4,2:42,2:48)^. 2:48. George Maynard, Mav 19, 1868, $500. Rosa Bonheur (s) 1, 2 :47. 2-A0V2, 2 :44, 2 :41. James Rockey, May 21, 1868, $200. Honest Charlev 1, Bay Jim, 2:41, 2:40;'4, 2:42, 2:42. Little Mary, ch m' (3:345^). O. W. Dimmick, Cincinnati, O., Sept. 25, 1863, $100. Brown Dick, Mountain .Tack. 1, 2, (3 dis), 2:3314, 2:3894. 2:34 i'j. 2:4014, 2:42. Little Mary, chm (3:35), by Billy Mustapha. Wm. Hughes. Hazleton. Pa., Aug. 26, 1874, $500. Messenger "" ' -■--■■ ~ ■ - - ■- -01^,2:421^. :394,2:40, Ironsides. Jerry Leigh, Little Mac, Champion Morrill. George Judd 1 , 2. (4 dr\ 2:45. 2 :37i^, 2 :40, 2:40i^, 2 :42i^. — Aug. 27, 1874, .$500. Filbert 2. Messenger Ironsides, .Terry Leigh, Little Mac (3dis), 2:41i^, 2: " " 2:40'.. Scranton. Pa., Sept. 24, 1874. $500. John P., Lather (1 dis\ Barney Knox a dis), 2 :42, 2 :45. 2 :40. RittersvUle, Pa.. June 17, 1875, $500. Bonny Doon 3. Silvertail, Dennis, Anodyne (2 dr). Honest Mack (1 dis), 2:381^, 2:36?4, 2:37%, 2:38ii. . . Billy Barefoot (4 dr), Honest Mack (1 dis), 2:.35. 2:32%, 2:.3:i. 2:3.51.^. Lewiston, Pa.. Oct. 8, 187.5, $350. Snow Flake 2, rx>ng Boy, 2:36. 2:.38, 2:39. 2:36. H. Schitler, Pottstown, Pa., June 8, 1876, .$700. John S. Heald, Alley, Delaware, Topsy (3 dis). 2:27, 2:27, 2:2814. Hazleton, Pa.. Aug. 18, 1876. .$.500. Susie Parker 1. Mattie Lyle, 2 :32, 2 :.32<4. 2:33, 2:.33. ■ Mifflin, Pa., Sept. 22, 1876, $ — . Billy Barefoot 1, Snowflake, Blackbird, 2:36i^, 2:35?4. 2:34)4, 2:34. 29 450 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TK()TT1N(4 AND l*A(r\(J RECORD. Suffolk Park, Phil,, Mav 15, 1877, $40O. Crav Chief, Haiinis, den. Howard, Barney Kollv, 2:25!/», 2:27, 2 :28. I'oiut Hreeze Park. Ptiil., .lune 15, lS7G,an(l May 22, 1877. Sl,000. Mattie Lyle 6, 7(4 0), Scotland 5, John S. Healda{4 0) (8dri. Harry Spanker. Bay .Ijick (4dr), Planter i3 di.sj. 2:25, 2:27, 2:27'^. 2:2i', 2:30, 2:31^4, 2:34, 2:. $5. Mifflin, Pa.. Sent. 28, 1877, $ . Lizzie Keller 1 (3 0), 2:36. 2:35. 2:34, 2:35. 2:35'i. A. B. DeHart, Newark, O., June 20, 187«, S700. Lewinski 1, dray Salem, Darbv, John B. (3 dis), Tom Keeler (2 dis), 2:27^4. 2:27'/2, 2:305l£, 2:32. L,ittle Mary, blk ni (a;41'/s). C. Hatlield, Palmer, Mass., Sept. 21, 1881,8 . Brown Johnny, Harry N., Klbire, 2:44'.,. 2:44';. 2:45Mi. Little Mattie, wli ni (•^■.30). VV. Canhvell, Lewisl)ur>;h, Pa , Oct. 4. 1879, .■? . Sorrel Girl, Susie F., 2:40, 2:4.'), 2:3!t. Little Maud, eh m (2:40). J. N. Wilson. Stillwater. Minn., Auii. 12. 1874, .?400. Electricity, Bird Catcher, (!eor;,'e ('anuk'n. Fly. Nellv, Kate Hoau (2 tlis), 2:43'", 2:40. 2:41. Little Maud. l)lk m (3:01). (;. E. llutton. Salina, Kail., July 8, 1881. i?7.5. Drover Boy 1. Gen. Hood, 3:04, ■•i:OI. .'i.C!, .•!:02. Little MuuiCe. I) m (3:40), W. II. Harrison, Mt. Pleasant. la.. Sept. 20, 1882, .S . Brown Dick, 3:40. 3:494. Tlirt'c-vcar-olds. Little May. 1> ni (2 :50). W. J. Fox. Lebanon, Ind., Autc. 23, 1882. .>115. .Minnie D., W. B., Ida May (1 dis), 3:iK). 2:r>0. 2:.^)1. Little May. dn m(3:20). F. Shaft. Aberdeen. Dak.. July 4, 1883. $(x>. Black Jack 1, Black Charley, 3:30, 3:20, 3:21. Little Mike. bfT (3:40.1,^). M. (ioodin. Woodbury. X. J., May 10, 1876, $400. Little Nell,- Grip, Portion, Prince, I'ncle Abe. Monarcli. •J:4(i'.,. 'J:."i5. 2:55. H. HodKc. Philadelphia, l';i.. July 13. 1877, .fioo. Susie 2, 4. Little May, Addie, Cecil (5 dr). 3:03^4, 3:03'/,, 3:08«4, 3:07>.i. 3:07. Little Mink, blk ni (3 :46>4). by King Herod, dam by Little Davy Crockett. Mr. Rathbone, Preston, Minn., Sept. 20, 1S77, .5!50. Youuf; LeClair. Yankee Bill, \ alley (ilrl. Jack of Spades c.i dr), j?:59, 2:.58J-4, 2:57^. M. T. Grattan, Mav 24. 1878. §90. Xettie V., Careless (3 dis), Billy Hutton c; dis), 2:.-).5i^, 2:56?,i, 2:54. Deeorah. la., June 27, 1878, $125. Little Queen 3 (2 0;, Darkness, Jack of Spades, Topsy, 2:50, 2:4614,2:45, 2:46«4. 2:52. Little :Miseliief, gr m (3 :50). R. H. Stodard, Portsmouth, N. H., Aug. 23, 1868, S . Jack of Trumps 1. 2 '5.5 2 "54. 2 55 2 :50. ^ Sept. 8,"l8C8, S80, Little John. Hampton. Maid. 2:56. 2:.56, 2:55. Little Miss, bm (2:3«'.,), by Goldsmith's Abdallali. (kun (Hd L:ulv, by ('apt. Walker. W. A. Jane. Marshall- town, la.. June 22. 1883, $500. Strathlan. Toronto T^Iiiid. Billy t'linker, Si)eculator(l dis), Idalrwin (1 dis), 2-2i>'i, 2:281^, 2:2()'... Little Moak, bs (3:40), by Clark's Moliawk Jr., dam Eliza Jane, bv Salle. Tower & Tibbitts. Knoxville. la., Aug. 24. 1882, .$200. Nelly Woodruff. Jenny B. (1 dis), Allertbn (l dis), L:idy Monroe (1 dis). Oscar Wilde (1 dis). 3:00. 2:46. 2:47. Little Molly, blk nu3:40j2). J. J. Welsh, Portland, Oregon, Sept. 18, 1875, $150. Eph Maynard, 2:40^, 2:41 i/i. Little More, eh m. J. H. Baehr. Cornwall, N. Y.. Mav 30, 1883, $50. Ramapo, Judy. No time. Little Ts'ed, ch g (3 :38?4). John T. Manson, Beacon Park, Lioston, Xov. 3, 1874. .$200. Flora, Independence. Ladv Loring. Lady Jim, Wild Oats (2 disj. Yoimg IR[()(1 dijn. New Englaiul Boy (1 dis). 2:t4,2:38?.i, 2:39'4. Nov. 5, 1874, .SSOb. Flora 2, Lady Loring, Minnie, ludependeuce, Index, Watertown. 2:43J^, 2:45, 2-Al\\, 2:43H. (ieorge n. Hicks, May 1, 1875. $90. Blanche 2, J. C. French, Rosedale, Andy Johnson (1 dis), 2:4.5^4. 2:429.1. 2:4()i.i.2:4n4. Mysti(' Park. Boston. Mav 12. 1875. $300. Ned 1, 2. Honest Tom, Bay Fearnaught, Meddlesome. Andv Johnson. 2:40, 2:4:j, 2:43, 2:.37?4, 2:381.:.. Beacon Park. Boston, May 22, 187.5, $200. Col. Barnes (w), 4 (l 0), 2:.39U, 2:41»/2, 2:41, 2:29. 2:35. Mav 28. I87r). .§150. Col. Barnes (w), l, Arthur. 2:359.^. 2:35, 2:35. 2::!6. Mystic Park, lioston, June .30. 187.5, .S200. Honest Tom 3, Grace. Prowess, 2:35'i. 2:32?j'. 2;37, 2:33. Little Ned, b g (3 :47' ■>). .1. Farris, Grand Rapids, Mich.. Aug. 24, 1881, $100. Rob Roy, Nino, White Cloud. Little Dot (2 dis), A. G. (1 dis). Startle O dis). 2:47'2, 2:.52, 2:54. Little Ned, b g (3:36). by Hotspur, Jr.. dam by Biu-kus. R. H. Nagle, Sandusky. O.. Sept. 20, 1882. Mattie B. 1, 2. Nelly Rogers, Sam Nims (5 dis). Flora (5 dis), 2:5294'. 2:47M, 2:44'i, 2:449.i. 2:55i^. Little Nell (sj^ b m (2 :33\ Wm. Woodruff, Boston, Mass., Aug. 30. 1848, $ . Black Ralph (s), 1, Chance (s), Corinthian Tom (s). (2 dr), 5:.34. 5:,31. 5:24u. Two miles. .July 7, 1854. $ . Stranger 1. Black H:iwk Maid. New Bedford, 2:47. 2:33. 2:36. 2:.35. Little Nell, ch m (3 :4r>"2). Plainfield, N. J., Oct. 13, 1870, $100. Lady Eclipse, Moiuit Holly, Delaney's rn g (1 dis). 2:51'/, 2:.5.5'/2, 2:.59. Little Nell bm(2:41'i). E. Cunningham. Boston, Mass., Sept. 22 and 23.1871. $150. Belle of Lexington 1. 4 (5 0), Lady Allen. Aroostook Hoy, Woodstock Boy 2 (dis). 2:44, 2:4,5. 2:44, 2:42',.., 2:41'.;, 2:42. Little Nell, b'm (3 :Soy,). John Murphv. Fleetwood Park. N. Y , Oct. 9. 1871, $200. Handy Andy, 2:,5.'-., 2:50i^.. Little Nell, ch m (2 :38';i'). !'■ Curran, Woodstock. Out.. June 12. Is73, $400, York State. Forest Maid. Senator, Gertrude, Lady Wentvvorth, 2:45, 2:48, 2:47. , Little Nell (3 :00). .1. A. McCall. Horton, Va.. Sept. 30, 1874, $ — . Abdallah, Nelly Trigg (2 dr), 3:00, 3:00. Little Nell, b m (3:39). A. B. Taliafero, St. Joseph, Mo., Sept. 9, 1875, $150. Dragoon, Legal Tender 1 (3dis). Frank Coulter (1 dis). 2:.39. 2:46. 2:48. , ^ . ,, „r-, ■ . ,^ , /^ * », ,o.r,. *<,^ Little Nell br m (3 :31). by (Jeopirc M. Patehen, Jr. G. A. Johnson, Wilmmgton. Del., Oct. 27, 1875, $200. Gypsy Maid 4. Prince .3, Lady Blcssington. 2:51, , 2:4."), 2:45. 2:48. Oct. 28. 1S75 .*200. Ladv Blcssington. four others, 2:48;;. 2:49'^;, 2:.50. Little Knox 2-55 2-!ir>''y 2 •56. Little Nell' bm'(3 :"43). P. Smith, Denver, Col.. July 5, 1879, $200. Biish.aw 2, Nero, 2:44'i, 2:44, 2:.->2, 2:42. Little Nell, (3 :01). G. Bull, Picton, Out., May 2,5, 1881,$ . Phil .Sheridan 2, Black Charles, (Jray George,. Little'Ve'll 'b m \^':*0\ T. Woodland, Taunton, Mass.. Sept. 29. 1881, $110. Lady S. 2, Kate Thorn 4, Jim Fisk .1 S. Dudlev. Telephone (4 dri.F'rank (4 dr). 2:46. 2:41.2:40. 2:45M.2:.50. Little Nip, br s (3 :40t/.). by American Clay. P. W. Dingnian. (>nthiana, Ky., .July 6, 1876, '576. Jack m the Bush Raven ('reek (3 dis), 2:42V^, 2:4fli.o I, bv Dubois' ILimbletouian. O. M. Straight. K?d Oak, la., Sept. 26. 1882, $180. Trampolier 1. S. 11. Lamonte, 3:00. 2:52. 2:54, 2:51. W. D. Gibbon, Washington, Kan., Sept. 12, 18S3. $loi). Elwood 2, Calamity, Neome, Amanda E., George 1). (2 dis), Daisy L. (2 dlS), 2:52. 2:49?4 2:50, 2:53. Little Queen, ch m (3:43 ,,), by King Herod. Decorah. la, Sept. 1. IS"."?, $ . Nig 1, 2, Darkness (3 dr). Gray Steel i2dr), 2:59, 2:53i-i, 2:5514. 2:57U, 3:06. M. T. Grattan, Prescott. Minn., June 2, 1881, SiOO. Jack of Spades. Peter Farley, 2:46, 2:45, 2.47. Waukou, la., Sept. 22. 1881, $-50. Peter Farley 3. State Line, 3:00, 2:45, 2:50. 2:47." Kochester, Minn., Sept. 8, 1882, .$200. Unroe, Paxie. Monroe Chief Jr., 2:44^4, 2:47, 2:47. Waukon, la.. Sept. 21, 1882, $50. LittleCupid. Brown Mare, Prince Elma, 2:45^. 2:4414,. 2:4.514. — — Owatonna, Minn., Sept. 6, 1883, .SIOO. Frank H.. Goldsmith Hambletonian Star, 2:47. 2:45. 2 :43'/i. Rochester, Minn., Sept. 15, 1883, $200. Kitty Warner, Star Mambrino, Prilla, 2:49, 2:499i, 2:50li. Preston, Minn.. Sept. 27. 1883, $100. Ladv Hrazell, 2:50. 2:47'-. Little Rachel, b m (3:46' 2), by Relf's Bellf'ounder. Wm. Roberts, Williamsport, Pa., Oct. 22,1873, $150, Berlin Boy 1. Country Bov. Prince. Chippewa. Captain, 3.04I4. 3:0014, 3:00, 3:00. Frank L. Herdic, Brookville, Pa., June 19, 1874, $300. Contraband 3, Joe Saxon. Friendless (4 dr), Dolly Morgan (2 dri. 2:.50. 2:50, 2:.50. 2:50it. Corning, N. Y., Oct. 7. 1874, $.300. George Cadmus 1, Nelly G., Cain, Ma.ior Gano, 2:50i4, 2:50, 2:50^, 2 :.50. Little Rat, b g (3 :46). P. Manee, Fashion Course, L. I.. May 15, 1868, ;$1.000. Quaker Boy l, 2, Stag (5 dr), 2:58, 2:49. 2:47, 2:55. 2:46. Little Rest. b!k g (3 :43 ). Seth Winch. Providence, R. I., June 21. 18.55, $1.50. William L., 2:45, 2 :53, 2 :53. C. F. Moore. Lowell. Mass.. July 4, IK57, $125. Major Kingley, Unknown. 2:51. 2:50. 2:49. Aug. 4. 1857. $100. Sebastopol l, Ladv Morris 4. Michael (2 df), 2:4.5, 2:45, 2:45)4, 2:44. 2:52. G. Going, Aug. 18, 1857, $.50. Monadhock Maid. 2:.54. 2:51. 2:51. J. E. Mavnard, Aug. 29. 1857. $300. Stranger, 9:00. Three miles. Little Roan, f n g (3 :35). D. W. Morehead, St. Petersburg. Pa., June 28. 1877. $400. Prince Clay, Lilly Pierce, Ed. Brown, 2.35, 2:3512, 2:35' 2. .Tune 28, 1877, $400. Orange Billy (3 0), Bay Fanny fs 0). Sleepy Tom. Duster, 2:.3.5. 2:3.51^,2:35. 2:a5. Edinburgli. Pa., Sept. U. 1877, $500. Sleepy Toni 5, 6 (.4 0;, Beulah l (4 0), Frank Miller, (40), (5 dis), 2:47, 2:4514,2:50.2:47 2:3614. 2:43 2:39. '■ J. ShirleVrButler, Pa., Septi 25. 1878, $200, G.ypsy Tom 3. Tom Bayne, Honest George (1 dis), 2:40. 2:40, 2:42.2:44. Little Romp, ch m (3 :479i '. A. Carpenter, Providence. R. I., Nov. 26, 1857, §100. Lady Allen. 2:47'i, 2:49'2, 2:48. Litue Romp, b m (3:39), by Ethan Allen. G. B. Hamlin. Mansfield. Conn., June l, 1872, $75. Farmer Boy J, 2:oG. 2:52, 2:56. Charles T. Kenyon. Willimantic, Conn., Aug. 28, 1873, $100. Captain Allen, Starlight, 2:55, 2:531/2, 2:52'/i. Sept. 2, 1874, $200. Ladv Vixen 1, 3, 2:51, 2:50, 2:48, 2:49i^, 2:.54. Springfield, Mass., July'5. 1875. $1.50. Thorndyke. Alice. 2:40. 2:43. 2:43. G. B. Hamlin, Norwich. Conn.. Sept. 15. 1875. $300. I-ady Vixen. Tliorn, Kitty Hills, 2:42, 2:43. 2:44. Charles T.. Kenyon. Brooklyn, Conn., Sept. 22, 1875, $60. Capt. Allen, .Slippery Elm, Charley Black Hawk, Ned Curtis. 2:45. 2:4214. 2:47. Sept. 23, 1875, $195. Thorn, Charley Dandy, MjTtle H., Lady Vixen, Frank Allen, Lady Blackhawk, Charles G., 2:43. 2:39. 2:41ii. Little Rose, bm (3:47 1. E. Pvle. Philadelphia, Pa. Sept 14, 1876, $200. Harriet P, Sneak, Philadelphia Maid, Annie F., Butcher Boy. 2:49. 2:47i4, 2:47. O. Schenck, New Hunting Park, Phila., May 23, 1882. $ . Hattie Ross, Lizzie Patchen, Tohy (2 dis), 3:13^. 2:58. Little Rube, b g (3:37), bv St. Lawrence Jr. M. L. Strong, Cedar Rapids, la., June i2. 1877. $500. Henry R., Senator. Trumpeter. Billy Boy, Shepherd Boy (3 dis). Colonel (3 dis), Ladv Esther (2 dis); 2:39, 2:.50, 2:.52?4. Owatonna. Minn.. July 5. 1877. .$200. Ladv of the West 3, Grav Dick. Hickory Jim. 2:41 14.2:.38, 2:37, 2:37. Little .Sam, (w), ch g (3:47). W. McRoberts, Centreville. L. I., August 31, 1857, $1,000. Fanny Fern (w), 2:53, 2:53. (w), Sept. 7, 1857. .5500. Nimrod (w), 2, 2 :55. 3 :01, 2 :50i/2, 2:50>^. (w). Same dav. $.500. Nimrod (w). 2:54. 2:.50. Little .Sam.bg(3:40). G. Battersbv, Hamilton. Ont.. Sept. —, 1872. $1 .000. Clear Grit. 2:43?i, 2:44' 2, 2:44. London. Ont, June 11, 1874. $.300. Varcoe (30». Bailiff. 2:45, 2:44i2, 2:44i2. 2:47. Dundas. Ont., June 17. 1874, $200. Varcoe, York State, Black Mack 1,(2 dis). 2:43, 2:46?^, 2:44'/4, 2:45)4. St. Thomas, Ont., May 18, 1875. $150. J. H. Boyle 1, Gen. Grant. Jessie. 2:41 ^.i, 2:40, 2:40?4. 2:40"2. A. Choulaud. Windsor, Out., May 24, 1875, $200. Wild Bill 3, Up and Go Constant, Holton Boy, 2:42)4, 2:4014, 2:40)4, 2:40i4. G. Battersby. Brompton, Ont.. June 25, 1875, $200. Varcoe 1, Toronto Boy, Quaker Boy, Gen. Grant, 2:46, 2:40'/j,2:4.3%i, 2:43. A. Porteous, Hamilton, Ont., June 30, 1875. $400. Woodruff. Quaker Bov, General Grant, 2:41, 2:41, 2:401/2. Little Sam. ch g (3 :30), by Marshall Chief, dam Kitty Bates. B. C. Holly, Berlin, Mich., October 8 and 9, 1873, $115. Scalpel 3, 4 (1 0), (6 0), Black Diamond 6, Lady Hall, Billy Cutler (2 dis), 2:50, 2:47, 2:45, 2:48, 2:46, 2:45H> 2:45,2:45^ 452 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TIt()TTIN(i AM) I'A( INC HK.roiU). Lima, O., July 30. 1874. $ . Black Mack 1. Lady Carfu-Ul. HUu-k Ivate. Warrior .liin. 2:47^4, 2:41 Vi, 2:43' •J:41 U- I'iiuUav, O., AUK.C, 1S74, SISO. Ohio Girl 1, 4, Orphan Hoy, I'.rowu Kale, 2:41'i. 2:41'4. 2:42. 2:41, 2:40>.i. (irainrilaven. Mich., Aug. IK, 1874, '5700. Eaunv 2, 4, Scali'id. i-rauk I'alnier, Ironsides (2 dis;, 2:40, 2:4svTom. No time. Austin, Minn., .luly 2, lxir>. i:n)0. Brother Baldwin a. Hilly Morgan 2, Billy Wood, 2:48, 2:47. 2:47'i,2-4m, 2.43. Wm. Tavlor. Lincoln. Neb.. May 31. 187(5. ^m). Ned S.. Ladv Ellis. Iowa Maid (1 dis), 2:41). 2:40. 2:38. B.C. Holly (iraiid Haven. Mich., July 2G, 187G. .'5300. Lady IJyan, Suri)rise, Gen. McArthur, F'rlday, Bruiser d dis), 2,.i.5, 2:.i(;, 2::i.'>^.i. Muskegon. Mich.. Aug. 3, 187(i, .$400. Vanderl)ilt. Richmond. Sue Monday. 2:39. 2:35, 2:35i-4 Lafayette, Ind., Sept. 1, 1876, ?300. Belle I.ee, Easter Maid, Lady Herzog. Frank Myers, 2:3C'/i, 2:40ii, 2 :.■«). l)aveni>ort, Li., Sept. 7, 1870, .S.^OO. Kirkwood, Doctor Hush. Gen. Grant, Carrie. 2:13. 2:4.3. 2:43. Grand Rapids, Mich., Sept. 16. 1876,$ . MamlJiino Warner, .Nellv Moore, Bashaw Jr., 2 :.3«5S£, 2:35, 2 :;«)>.,. Eaton, O., Sept. 28, 1X7(;, .•ii!200. Black Frank. Gypsy Queen, 2::w, 2:3.')'4 .2:.i8. San Antonio, Tex.. March 9. 1877. .SIOO. Carman. Lightwing, Baldv (2 dr». 2:4.5. 2:41. Meadville, I'a.. May 23, 1877, .l!i32r). Sleepy Tom 1, Kinsman Boy. Fanny. Judge Withy (4 dis). 2:36, 2:35?i, 2:36. 2:.-«94. Elkhart. Ind., July 3, 1877, .'$200. Lady Vestal. Chief, Little Tom. Sue Monday, Silversides, 2:39, 2:i\}4. 2:37,2:40. M. Maloney. Oregon, 111., Sc|>t. l.X 1879, .S200. Kitty S. 1. Ida K.. Illinois Boy. No time. Little Sam, h g Ci :40^ T. Barium. Detroit, .Mich., June 9, 1880, .*300. Little Ben 2. Rattler, 2:45. 2:37K>. 2:40. 2:41'2. I, 2:42. 2:46>». 2:44, 2:.')6. Cedar Rapids, la., June 23, I88O, .§300. Cricket, Alamo. Fanny F'ern. Prince Orloff. I'anny Parvin, Fleet (2 dis», 2::J5. 2:34' 2, 2:3nU- Des Moines. la., July l , 1880, .§300. Alamo l. 2, Doubtful Girl, Cricket, Sutton, Topeka Bell (5 dri, Dick Jiiniison (5 dr). t'row (2 dr). . 2:344, 2:.S.5, 2:3.5,2:36. Marsh;illto\vn, la., July 14, 1880, $300. Cricket, Alamo, Jessie, Roofer Jr., 2:.33'i.2:.34. 2:3.5. La Salle, 111.. July 29. 1880, igoOO. Allegheny Boy 1. 4 (.3 0), Carrie Z. 2 a dr', Mambrino Chief Jr., Thomas S., Surprise. Nigger Doctor, Jessie (.5 rtn. 2:.34i.i. 2:36i'o. 2:34Vi. 2::H»<., 2.30. l':31'c.. 2:39. Prophctstown, 111., Aug. 3, 1880, .«;.34. Sulliviin, I'll.. Aug. li. 18S2. .$2.50. Sciola 1, 2. Kentucky (4irl. 2:31. 2:29. 2:28'2, 2:31i4, 2:34^1. Omaha, Neb., Sept. 14, 1882, .S420. Lucy 3, 1, Fleta, 2:J9^4, 2:_'7. 2 :26;'., , 2:27^, 2:30i4. Council Bluffs. la., Sept. 20. 1SS2, .$600. Clara Cleveland, Fmcka, 2:32, 2:29, 2:30. C. B. Wilson. Jacksonville, 111.. Aug. 28, 1883, .$2.50. Buffalo Bill, 2:41'-. 2:46. 2:4.5. Si.riMglic'ld, 111., Sept. 1.3, 188.3, ,¥2,50. Mambrino B., Belle Brown. 2:29<4. 2:271.,, 2:31. • I'.iirliiigton, la., Sept. 20, 1883, $700. Gray Henry, Freestone. Ensign, Bay William, 2:29, 2:33?i, 2:29. Council Blutts, la.. Nov. 10, 1883. .$2(W). Lorent^. 2:.'i.3i/>. 2::u. 2:31i2. Little .Sister. (3:.55). E. F. Geer. Montgomery, Ala., t)ct. 27, 1876, $200. Fanny 2. 3. Sweet William 1, Lucy (5 dis), Edinburgh (1 dis), 2:.54, 2:.52, 3:0f). 2:56, 2:.5.'.,3:00. Little Stub (3 :47'o). Haverhill. Mass., .lune 17, 1882, $ . Robert the Devil 2. .5, Lady Tassel 1, 4 (6 dr), 2:4614,2:44'.,. 2:47'4,2:47>'4. 2:48. 2:51, 2:.56. Little .Sunshine, ch in (3 :45'i,i by Steven's Garibaldi. A. B. White, Taunton, Mass.. Oct. 2. 1873, $140. Cas- sius. Hiram 2:45'-. 2:48>4. 2:49. LittleThnnder.bg (3:09). Mr. Stearns, Chariton, la., Sept. 12, 1883. $50. Ben Franklin, Hambletonian Star. 3:09, 3:11. 3:12. Little Tom, b g (3 :»!>). R. Nixon, West Troy, N. Y.. Sept. 26, 187.3, $.300. Ahby 2, 3. Josephine, ,2:45, , 2::i9. Little Tom (3:40). Cambridge City, Ind., Aug. 19. 1874.$ . Cy Mull 1. Lizzie Swim. 2:45, 2;42,2:41?i. 2 '44 Little Tom. h g (3 :44). E. F. Parker, Coldwater, Mich., May — , 1877, $200. Gen. Sherman (3 dr), Nelson 1 (2 dis) *''39 '^•44 ''*.58 Little T«Jm,'l)'g '(3'::$7) by Clark Chief. James H. Creighton, Des Moines, la,. Sent. 2, 1879, $350. Little Tommy 5, c. Marshal Nev 1. 2 (3 0) (6 dis). Prince Orloff. Molly Lvnch, Charles G. Hayes U dis), Tom Col- lins (3 dr). Van Buren (2 dis). 2:37, 2:37^, 2::n, 2:39. 2::wi.<;. 2:49, 2:44, 2:49. Little Ton>, b g (3 :40'/j). A. B. l)e Hart, Iteading, Pa., Sept. 29, 1881, $150. Gray Bashaw, Short Mountain BOV, 2:401^, 2 :42Kj. 2:60. ^ ,, ,„ Little Tommy, l)rg (3:35). H. S. Schiiltz, Brownsville, Mo., Aug. 24, 1883, $17,5. Doc 1,2, Trouble. Meance (3 dis), 2:36. 2:37^, 2::«)»^. 2:.35. 2;.37i.,. (.^uincy. 111., Sept. 11, lt<«.3. .«;2.50. Roxie Lee, Bonus, Big Medicine, 2:41. 2:36i4. 2:.36?i. Burlington. la., Sept. 19. 18K3, $100. Bertie S.. Bruen, 2:54.2:51. 2:.56. Little Trouble, bg (3 :3r>i. E. N. Gilnian, Montpelier. Vt.. July 4. 1876. $200. Drover Boy. Lady Morrill. Honest .loe (3 dis), Ladv Dcnn (1 dis), R(>d Hot (1 dis), 2:4.t'-, 2:39. 2:.3.5. Little Walter, br g (3:30) by Clarion Chief. E. Hor.in. (iuelph. Out., June 7, 1883. $1.50. Mink 1. 2, Ch.arley Sweden (3 dis). Dan (2 dis" J. K. Leslie (2 dis), George Briggs (2 dis), Pioneer (2 dis). Sir John (2 dr), 2:3.5, 2:40,2:38,2:40,2:44. (CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 453 Picton, Ont., Julv20, 1883. $100. Johnny B., Jim White (3 dis), 2:39, 2:37, 2:45. I^, 2:49, 2:49^, 2:50. Aug. 9. I,s83. .?;75. Brown Thresher, Trump. Lucy Jr., 2:44i4. 2:44^, 2:43. Little Wonder, bs (3:30) by Tom Wonder, dam Oy May Day. C. Mix, Ithaca, N. Y., Sept. 18, 1875, $ . J. B. Sprague. Best time2:4(;. Cooperstown, N. Y.. Oct. 3. 187C, 875. Vindicator, Young Drew (3 dr). 3:00, 2:56, 2:4.5. Stallions. Richfield Spa, N. Y., Aug. 8 and 9, 1878. .?100. Cricket 1. Nelly Sherwood (3 dis), Locust (2 dr», 2:44, 2:42, 2:3714.2:37. Sharon Si)a. N. Y.. Aug. 10, 1878. $20. Fenniniore 1. Bessie Turner, St. Renio. No. time. Canton. N. Y., Sei)t. 17^ ls7s, ,*300. Joe Brown 3, Hercules, 2:37, 2:.37,2:40,2:37U- Stallions. W. E. Darrow. Hartford, (^mn., Oct. 16. 1878, .$300. Undine, Delight, 2:32'i, 2:33, 2:33i^. Oct. 18, I87S, $300. Judge Trumbull 5, Jim Brigt? (5 lis). Shadow 1, 2 (4 dis), 2:30i4, 2:28. 2:30!4, 2:31}4, 2:32^4 2 :332£. '- Providence, R. I., Oct. 23, 1878, $300. Volunteer Maidl, 3, Archv. Jim Briggs. Frank, Peabody, 2:32, 2:39, 2:34, 2:34,2:31. .Mix Brothers, Cortland, N. Y., June 11, 1879. $200. Nelly Rose, Croff. 2:32,2:43?i, 2:3G^. Little Wonder, b g (.8 :4:6). R. Paul, St. Joseph, Mo., Sept. 29, 187G, .Sioo. Dave, Nelly Brown, Rose, 2:54, 2:52, 2:52. LivelyB., br m (3:54). L. Hopkins, Deerfoot Park, L. I., July 7, 1876, $200. Sarah Jane (w), 2:54, 2:57'/4, 2:5.5. Live Oak (w). ch g (3:5 1^ w), bv Eclipse, dam by Abdallah. A. J. Downing, Hamilton, O., Aug. 30,1866, $300. Frank (w) 1. Country Bob, 3:12, 2:,54, 2.51'/2, 2:5794. Live Oak, rn s (3 :47i^). Geo. H. Bailey, Bangor, Me., Aug. 29, 1866, $50. Frank Berry 2. Brewer Girl 1, 2:52, 2:50, 2:50, 2:47' ",2:48. Live Oak, gr s (3 :45i/2). T. Connor, Fleetwood Park, N. Y., July 13, 1872, $300. Tom Wonder (1 0), Lady Maud (2 dis), 2:57, 2:50. 2:45^, 3:09. Live Oak. ch s (3 :51). E. Ballard, Sturbrid^^, Mass., Sept. 9, 1875, $90. Gray Cloud, Purcham (2 dr), 2:55, 2:54, 2:5414. Live Oak, blk g (3 :36). W. S. Chase, Beacon Park, Boston, Nov. 9, 1875. $200. Maid of Merit l. Prize, (Jentinella, George Brooks (2 dis). Independence (2 dis), Champlain (2 dis), 2:38, 2:36, 2:38^, 2:37U. Live Oak, b 8(3:40' 2), by Clay Pilot, dam by American Star (?). M. McGuirk, Helena, Mont., Sept. 26, 1877, $150. Live'Oak 2, Belinout, M. L. Cummings (1 dis). Gen. Knox (1 dis), 2:45^4, 2:46, 2:50. Stallions. T. A. May, Butte City. Mont., Oct. 9, 1878, $ . Billy Grant, Deer Lodge Maid, 2:50. 2:40'/i, 2:47. Oct. 14. 1878. $ . Biilv Grant, Montana Boy. 2:43, 2:4914, 2:49'4. — — T. Stuart, Helena. Mont.. Oct. 9. 1882, $2.50. Ranchero (3 disi. 2:42?4, 2:4414, . Livermore, bg(3:56'/2). D. Livermore, Toledo, O., June 23, 1874, $100 Captain, Ida W., 2:56}^, 2:57?4. 2:57?i. Livery Boy, b g. J. Penfleld, Dundas, Ont. , July 2, 1877, $;35. Bay Billy 2. Forest Girl (3 dis). No time. July — , 1877. $30. Bay Billv, Brown Dick (1 dis), Forest Girl (1 dis). Limerick (1 dis). No time. Livery Boy, chg (3:40). J. McLaren, Picton, Ont., Mav 25, 1880, $100. Gen. Thomas 4, Flora F. 3, Nell O'Connell (3 dr), Lady Kirk (3 dr), 2:42'/2. 2:40, 2:4214, 2:42'2. . H. W. Brown, Lyons, N. Y., June 28, 1881, $300. Bonny L., Lena, Kit Sanford 3 (4 dis), Morocco (3 dis), Danforth Maid (3 dis), 2:40, 2:40. 2:39, 2:41i4. W H. Yerkes, Rochester, N. Y., May 30, 1883. Prize silver. Jake 1, Binder 2, Unknown (2 dr). 2 :58. 2:40, 2:42,2:40. Livingston, b s (3 :36i4), by Messenger Duroc, dam Agues, bvConklin's American Star. J. Clispy, Mont- gomery, Ala,. Nov. 10. 1880. $125. Pilot Eagle, Fred Tyler. B'ill M(.ody, Georgie Golddust (3 dis) 2:472i, 2:50, 2:51. E. F. Geer. Nov. 11 1880, $1.50. Burlington, Pilot Eagle, 2:48?4, 2:45';, 2:464. Stallions. May 19, 1881, .$200. Burlington, Pilot Eagle, Maria Stewart, Pumpkin R., 2:41, 2:40. 2:40'^. May 20, 1881, $400. McCurdv's Hambletonian 1, Owen Farley, Ross, Burlington, 2:40, 2:39M, 2:39i4, 2:40. Sedalia, Mo, Sept. 23, 1881, .*!125. Sam Patch 1, 2. Lady Kerns. 2:40';. 2:3.514. 2:3S?4, 2:40, 2:41. J. A. Lossee, Eufala, Ala., Nov. 16. 1883, $ . Lady Mac 1. Whalebone Best time. 2:47. Montgomery, Ala., Dec. 5, 1883, .$200. Joe Davis 1, 4, Trifling. 2:35, 2:38ki. 2:38. 2:3714, 2:38. Lizzie. chm(3:3G?i). A. Howard, Watertown, N. Y., Aug. 20. 1865. $120. Harris' grg, 2:52,2:55,2:53. June 28, 1866, $125. Billy Boy, 2:433^, 2 :43, 2 :45',4. J. Haight. Syracuse, N. Y., Aug. 28, 1867, $1.50. Prince 5, Young Columbus 3, Tom Morgan 1,2(5 dr). Duchess, 2:4.3^i. 2:43'^, 2:46, 2:401/2, 2:42, 2:44, 2:47^. J. Clark. Washington, D. C, Nov. 8, 1867, .$300. Frank 1,3, Lady Eleanor (4 dr), 2:49, 2:42?i, 2:48, 2:42%. Lizzie, b m (3 :41). A. D. Jacquith, Boston, Mass., Oct. 19, 1869, $ . Island Belle 2, 3, "VVliite Nose, Nip (4 dis). 2:49, 2:.52i4, 2:50Vi, 2:4714, 2 :49i4. June 8, 1871, $100. Colonel Knox 1, 2, Bismarck, Nelly May (3 dr). Victory (3 dis), 2:48, 2:48, 2:43Ji, 2:431/2,2:4.5. May 28. 1873, $150. Ladv Thought, 2:5634, 2:55M, 2:53»4. Mystic Park, Boston, Mav l, 1874, $100. Stranger 1, Lady Thought (1 dis), 2 -.my,, 2 :48, 2 r.52, 2:52'/4. Oct. 26. 187G, $150. Rena G. 4, (Jen. Butler 3, 2:41, 2:42, 2:44, 2:46, 2:47. Lizzie, blk m (3 :45). S. Duini, Saratoga Spa, N. Y., June 12, 1872, $100. A. W. Kline 2, Sleepy Dick, George W. Mitchell (3 dr), 2:48, 2:49, 2:46, 2:46)^. Sept. 2, 1874, $100. American Ethan, 2:49, 2:47. 2:45. Lizzie, b m (3 :48). Philadelphia, Pa., May 7, 1874. $ — -. McAllister's b c, Moscow. Cook's ch g, 2:48, 2:48. Lizzie, gr m (3 :439i). G. Lyons, Fleetwood Park, N. Y., Aug. 19, 1874, $100. Gertrude 2, Alexis, Joe Morris (3 dis),Lady Rattler (1 dis), LittleFrank (1 dis). General (l dis), 2:.51i4.2:48»4, 2:44,2:44i;. Lizzie, rn m (3:50). L.J. Brackett, Halifax, N. S., July 1.1874, $100. Flora 1. Derby Lass, Specie (2 dis). Country Lass(l dis). Tommy Large (1 dis), 2:511.=;, 2:50. 2:.50. 2:52. Lizzie, ch m (3:35). A. Perrin, Kenosha, Wis. .Julv2, 1875, $300. Manistee, Tony, Germania, Nelly S., Mollv Bawn. Dan (1 dis), Jack Stiles (1 dis), 2:40. 2:.394, 2:3.5. Sept. 1, 1875. $.300. (Urniaiiia 1, Weasel, Whalebone, Ruby, Lady Gay, Dan, George M. Patchen (3 dr). Peerless Boy (l dis). 2:44. 2:44, 2:4214, 2:44"". Lizzie, ch m (3:43). D. M. Cobhran, Middletown, Del., Oct. 7, 1875, $50. Duster (2 0), Bob, 3:06J^. 3:0li4. 2:59, 2 "59 ^ Oct. 8, 1875. .«.50. Marydel, Jenny Moore (1 dis), Ned (1 dis). Arab (1 dis), Rockland Boy (1 dis), 2:59, 3:0614. Lizzie, ch m (3 :49i^). S. C. Bljick, Franklin Ky., Sept. 13, 1879. $260. Chieftain 1, 2 (6 dis), Owego 3 (6 dis), W, T. Link. 2;.50, 2:5^, 2:.55, 2.52. 3:03, 2:49)^. 4M (HKSTKHS fOMl'LETK TlCOlTINCi AM) 1*A( IMi IMXOKO. I^izzie, (3:58K.». J. P. Cumlv, (ireenwood. Pa.. Oft. 10, 1879, S'Jf). Minnie, Daisy, Kelly,. 1:074, 3:02K Oct. 11, l574, $40. Daisy, Dandy. Aniirican Hoy, i;c'ii. J:iH. :i:58jKa. Lizzie, rn in (« :31'o i. \V. Sniitli, Owego, N. Y., Sept. (J, 1883. $;i()0. 'I'roublesonie 3, Fianli Patcheu, .lenny \ (.'-> dr). 2:29'4, 2:31';, •.':31'2, 2::!2':;, 2:.i::'c. Lizzie AdaniK. cli ni {'■i-.So). \V. S. lirooks, (.'ornwall, N. Y., .Inly 9. ls74. §300. Hamilton Avenue. Wnale- bone. 2:40. 2:4.jl.j. 2:.'>1. .Jersey C'itv. :^. .1.. Aug. 13. 1874. SIOO. Phil (J'Neill Jr. (1 (i), JNlolIvCarew (I oi. T. K. Cordon i4dr), Tom Wonder"(4 dn, 2:45. 2:4:!i.i, 2:43i..,, •.':42'2. Jolm II. iMosl. Aug. 15. 1874. Sioo. Mael<3, T. E. Gordon, Jim Cole (1 dis), 2:42'o, 2:489a, 2:44'-, 2:43';. \V. S. Brooks, Kingston, N. Y , Sei)!. 8 and 9, 1874, ?<8oo. Lady Sill, Phil O'Neil .Ir., Kosa Sonbnrgli, May Bird 0 (lis), .1. M. .Mansuay (1 disj, Mag Tammany (1 dis), 2:3.5, 2:36, 2:35. . loliM 11. Frost, .Icrscy City, N. J., Oct. 2s. 1874, S750. Prince. 2:42J4. 2:40i.i. 2:4494. Lizzio A linoiit, ( '^ :4 1 ' ^ i. i>v Almont. K. Dfmi)ster, Kaston, Pa.. Sept. 13. 1882, $ . Ben 3. I )e*icon Crockett (5 0). Lady Kelso 1. (3 dr;, 2:43i.., 2:4.5, 2:44 •2:41-'.,, 2:46. 2:,56. Lizzie H.. 1> m (2 :32' j), by Milwaukee, B. l-elt, Milwaukee, Wis., June 9, 1880. $mK Kigolctte 1 Lady Cray. Arthur B.. 2:a5. 2:32^4. -':36i.i, 2:34^. T. .1. Dunbar. Webster Citv. la., Oct. 7. 1880. $300. Granger, Darlington. Sterling. 2:34. 2:32»*, 2:35. Lizzie it., cli m ^a :44?4). ,f. E. Jarvis. .i< rsey City, M. J., Aug. 4. 1882. S4.5. Annie K. i. Doctor C.,'2:49. 2:49!^, 2:.52'.i.2:4!l. Aug. 17, 1882. .? I. 50. Victor .3, 4. Charlev K. 1,2. (4 dr), 2:491*, 2;48,Vo, 2:47'2, 2:51,2:49. 2:.5.'-,. L. E. Dunham. Sept. 7, 18.s2, .•?.5(). James O. 2, 4, 2:55, 2:50i4, 2:50, 2:49, 2:51. Oct. 3, 1882. $m). Formosa 1. 2:47'2. 2:45'4.2 45^4, 2:50. G. Broughton. June 28. 18s3. .^lou. Montgomery. 2 :47k>. 2:4894, '-':47. Lizzie Ca.se, b m ('i :55). M. \Vhii)i)le, Koeliester, N. Y., July 15. 1858, .« . Honesty 3. Slasher (4 dis). 2:.')5, 2:.57. 3:(K), 2:.")9. Lizzie Collins, b m. H. A. Hieks, Coyington, Ky., Sept. 17, 1874, $175. Silversmith Maid. No time. Four- vcar-olds. Lizzie <'r«>ssin. blk m (2 :30>4). B. Crossin. Mt. Holly. N. Y.. Oct. 11, 1877. $140. Clara Morris 3. Oyster Boy, Spiiiky. Lady Star. Parolet, Susie (i.. Uaplin, 2:461^, 2:4.5. 2:4«. 2:48. Point Breeze Park. Phlla.. October 17. 1877. •|!200. Oyster Boy 1. Princess Medium. Transit. 2::J0i4. 2 35'». 2:38>4. Lizzie I)., ch lu (« :39). John Deu.as, Milwaukee, AVis., Aug. 20. 1872, .*l.ooo. Lady Franklin. Cliance. i«idy Dodge. 2:39. 2:42'2, 2:42. Saginaw, .Midi.. Sept. 4, IS72. .liiSOO. Gus 1, Toledo. Molly Nestor. Burdett (3 dr), 2:45. 2:47, 2:48. 2:47. Lizzie I)., b m(3:30!i), by Koyal Kevenge, dam Lizzie, by Simjison's Blackbiril. W. Powell. Voungstown, ().. July 4, 1883. .§400. Jet 1. Hiram Miller .3. Keynard (3dr), 2:33!i.2:30'2, , 2:37'2, 2:34. — Erie. Pa., Sept. 28, 1883. .S . Jet 2, Lady Wheeler. 2:42, 2:41. 2:42'., 2:42. Lizzie I)., br m (3 :34), bv Brandywine. W. Wallace. Bennington, Vt., July 11. 1883, -SSOO. Berkshire (Jirl. Katv K., Knox. 2:.i9>ii. 2:40, 2:.J9',. .Iiilv 12, 1883. .■J.JOO. Rutliiud 1. Blue Bell, Victor Clav. Cora B., 2:3G^, 2:36's. Unfinished. Hoosick Falls, N. \'.. July 24. 1883. ,$300. Lady G. 1, Blue Bell, Theresa Sprague, Col. M., Xyloi>liag(uis. Victor Clay. 2:40i,i, 2::i9J4. 2:.3r,. 2:36'2. .lulv 25. 1883, .S.300. Blue P.ell 1 . 2. Henry K.. Knox, 2 :39>4. 2 :39»4, 2 :34, 2 :39^. 2-38'^2. Lizzie iVavis. b m (2:38\ bv M;irslinll Chief, dam by Flying Cloud. Lewis I'ike. Mason. Mich., July 2, l«74. .$200. Habbit, May Miller. Polly Hopkins. 2:4094, 2":45'2. July 3. 1874, .S— ^. No competitors. 2:42, 2:41}<'., 2:43»4. Same day, .$500. Frank Rosewood. Kui>ert, Billy Dunham. Lizzie D.. Ella R.. Hunky, Honest Tom, 2:38. 2:40,2:40. July 4, 1874, $ . Hunkv. Rough. Dolly G.. Ploughboy, 2:43, 2:49U,, 2:.50»,i. East Saginaw, Mich., Sept. 18, 1875, .$.550. Chestnut Billy, Capt. Selliek, (iray Ida. Mambrino Chief, Jr.. 2:46 2:46, 2:45'i. D. B. ilibbard. .lackson. Mich.. Sept. 29. 1875, $ . White (. louu 1, 0. Frank Rosewood 2, Buit. 2:11^4 2:41U. 2:40, 2:40'4, 2:41, . . Sept. ,3, 1870, .* . White Cloud 1. Xorthhawk 2, Ben Noring, Julia. 2:40i.i, 2:44. 2:42'.. 2:46. • .r. C. Blake. Hudson, Mich.. June 1, 1877, .'?200. Lady Moscow 1. Sue Monday 2. Joe Kellogg. Morrill, 2:40, 2::«;'4, 2:41, 2:40. 2:40, Lizzie Dralie. ch m (3:59'i). Whitinore & P.lake, Athol, .Mass.. Aug. 7. 1«T4, .$.50. Yankee, Mike. Spike. 3:0.5. 3:00, 3:00. M. Goldin. Fitchburg. Mass., April 30. ls80.i5(;o. Dolly 2.2:.-9in. 3:09, 3:01, 3:(i5. Lizzie I>re\v. wh m (2 :34^4». B. C. Holly, Salt Lake, Utah, June 17, 18S2, .$100. Zij), Couiitrviuau 2, 3 i5 r o). Dick Turi>in (4 dis), 2:,37';,2:.S59,. 2:.34i^. 2:34'.i. 2:.38. Lizzie F., ch m (2 -.Sn^), by Windsor, dam liv St. Charles. .1. F. Fritz. Alt. Hollv. N. J.. Oct. 9. 1877, «!38. Eob Roy (2 0), Fiss & Dayis' ch c, Nettie T., Duster. Mary .Alorrill, Susie Wilkes, Alary K.. 1:31. 1:35, 1:31. Half- mile heats. Three-year-olds. D. S. Quinton, Ambler Park, Pa., Sei't. 25, 1878. $50. Joe Pierson. 2:.58, 3:0i. Four-year.olds. J. F. Fritz. Mt. Holly, N. J., Oct. 14. 1880, .$200. Brown Billv i. Black Dan, Jenny Grace. 2:48.2:42. 2:42'4. 2:44. Lizzie F.. b m (2 :47). C. Bell, St. Johns. N. B., July l. isso. .$ioo. Boxer. Little Maud. New Brunswick Boy. 2:47. 2:53'4,2:.50. Lizzie O.. b m (2 :.58\ J. Grundv. Chester, Pa.. April 30. 1880. Prize, harness. Ked Cloud. Brandy Boy, Noiah. Happy Medium. BlackNelh , 2:.58. 3:00, 2:.59. Lizzie HumeK. t) m (2:431, >■ G. S. Itobiii. Haverhill. Mass.. Aug. 7, 1874. .■*2fM». Eastern Prince. Ventnre, Ma.ior (2 disi, Bessie Holbrook (2 disV 2:44. 2:1.3<4. 2:43».i. I\I. Kanavan, Beacon Park, Boston. Nov. 7. 1S74. .$200. Ben Butler 2. 2:,50, 2:46'4. 2:.50. 2:48. Lizzie Jacl^Hoii. b m (2 :37). by Stonewall Jackson. \V. (iallagher. Cairibridge. III.. Aug. 28. 1879, $200. Blue Cloud 2. A\'estern Belle, Singular, Aland C.. CU-ntella. Norman D.. Princess. Alay Queen. Richard B., 2-45^. 2:. 50 2 50. 2 '4.5. Lizzie iieeier. ch ni (2 :309i). T. S. Carpenter, Beacon Park, Boston, Sept. 21. 1875, .$1,000. Ilderim, Colonel, Hero, Prize (3 dr), 2:37>,, 2::MV^. 2:41';, Sept. 2.{ and 24, 1874, .$1,.500. Gen. Hood 2. 3. Colonel 4, Topeka Belle. Langdon (5 r o\ Banqiio, 1 (3 dial, 2:.'iOV>, '* '.n' ; 2*.32iii, 2'3.3Vi» 2'.'14i.i. 2:.34 2:.36. ^ Proviilciice, if. I., Oet.llO. 1875." §300. " Colonel, Belle Brandon d dNi. 2:.32ic. 2:.3.5. 2:37^. Aug. 21, 187.5, .$.300. Colonel. 2:.32,2:41, 2;.35. Julv 13. 187(;. .$.1.50. Tom Pink, Colonel. Belle. 2:.3.5i/j. 2:36. 2:37>.,. C. v. Keeler. July 19. 1877. ,$2,000. Fannv. 2;.303{, 2:.33!/.. 2:.36. Lizzie Keller, brm (2:30), by Tom Moore, dam Belle Keller. W. H. Ooble. Williamsimrt. Pa.. Oct. 19 and 20. 1869. $1,000. Reamer's ch g. 1. 2, Twilight. Fanny Fern, Squire. Revenue (3 dis\ Belle (3 dis), Moses (3 dis), six others, 2 :40, 2 :.38i/,. 2 :35, 2:i?6>., , 2 :38. Oct. 21. 18.!9, $1,000. Fanny Fern. Lady Garfield. Annie AA'atson. Lady frwin. 2^42. 2:44. 2:44. Trenton, N. J., May 24, 1870, $1,000. Johnny Reb, Rosalie (2 dis), 2:3(59^, 2:44i^. 2:42U,. CHESTER'S COMI'I.E'IK TKOTTIMi AND J'ACING KECOKI). 455 Philadelphia. Pa., Sept. 6, 1870, f i.OOO. Unknown 3. Laclv Emilv, Josephine. Fanny Lambert, I'orest R. P. Spencer, Lancaster, Pa., June 7, 1871, .?l,ono. Vosburgh, 2:37, 2:35i4, 2:37. Silas Wriglit, June U, 1872, S!.500. Topsv. 2:3t;}.4, 2:41, 2:37'4. Westchester. .Pa., June 6. 1874, $.350. E"ffle 1, Lady Dexter (3 dis), 2-A\]A, 2:41, 2:38, 2:38. Lancaster, Pa.. August 11, 1874. .'Ssoo. Topsv. 2:33'2, 2:33. 2:,50. Lebanon, Pa., Sept. 25. 1874. ;S500. Topsv. Hannah D., 2:38, 2:37, 2:32'2. Lancaster, Pa.. Sept. 29. 1874, $1,000. Siisie Kurtz 2. Star (l disi. 2:35, 2-41U, 2:40, 2:42. ■ York. Pa.. Oct. 9. 1874. $200. Susie Kurtz 3. R. D., Toby (3 dr), 2:41 '/i, 2:38^4, 2:39'/^, 2:39^4. I.ancaster, Pa.. Oct. 25, 1876, .$200. Sorrel Tom, 2:41, 2:51, 2:46»4. Oct. 2 1877, .$300. Morning, O. A. Hickok, 2:3014, 2:30, 2:32U. ■ A. C. f'umniings. Chambersburg. Pa., Oct. 11, 1878. $2,50. Logan 1, 2, Little Nell. No time. - - Hagerstown, Md., Oct. 17, 1878, $250. Patapsco Maid 1. 2, Jersey Boy, Gray Eagle, 2:41, 2:41, 2:30, 2:32'/4, 2:36. C. Davidson, Jersey City, N. J., Nov. 25, 1881. $150. Lizzie R. 1. Talisman (3 dr), 2:57y., 2:54, 2:45, 2:48. Lizzie titchfield, blk ni (3:44^). J. E. Turner, Boston, Mass., Sept. 12, 1866, $ . Captain Chance, 2:46. 2:4.5V;.2:44U. . f . . - f > . Newcastle. Del.. Oct. 16. 1867. $100. Frank, 5:46, 5:40i4. Two miles. Lizzie Lit4. 2:31. 2:31. 'J > v /. 78, J. Raemer. .Mystic Park, Boston, Oct. 20 and 21. 1881. $400. Frank F. 2, J. W. Thomas 1, Arthur. Moni- tor, Toin B. Patchen (5 dr), 2:2754. 2:28i4, 2 :27i/4, 2:271^. 2:28. Beacon Park. Boston, Oct. 22, 1881, $100. Morris, ~Joe Ripley, 2:29V2, 2:31i/4, 2:30. Providence, R. I., Oct. 25 and 26, 1881, .S400. Frank F. 2. 4, iioldfinder 1, Wild Lily, Joe Ripley, Golden Girl, Billv D. (4 dr), 2:27'2. 2:2814, 2:31, 2:2914, 2:.34, 2:31. . Oct. 26, 1881, S40(J. Dave Young, Morris. 2:34in, 2:33!^^. 2:2714. G. Scattergood. Worton, Md., Sept. 14 1882, .$4(10. Stonewall 1, .Sherman Morgan, 2:37, 2:3314,2:35, 2:36 ■ Middletown, Del., Sept. 21, 1882, $350. Sherman Morgan 2,3, Socrates, Nigger Baby, 2:32i^, 2;34, 2:36. 2:3514, 2:34. Dover, Del.. Sept. 29, 1882. .$350. Col. Dickey, pacer, v •.'. Estella, pacer. Jack Sailor (l dis). Nigger Babv (lais).2:27'.2, 2:28, 2:29. 2:2714. 2:30. v ^- sfo . Elkton. Md..Oct. 4, 1882. $350. Sherman Morgan Jr., Jack Sailor (1 (lis).2:35i4, 2-3514, •2:31]4. Oct. 5. 1882, .$400. Sherman Morgan Jr., Stonewall, 2:29, 2:31, 2-31 Oct. 6, 18.82, $100. 2:27?4.2:27'2,2:.S2. Against time. ^^ G- Scattergood, Belmont Park, Phil., :\Iay 21, 1883. .$2,000. Scotland 3, 4:66, 5:03, i:55]4. i-.&A. Two mile heats. ;.Eriej^Pa^.June26, 1883, .$500. Edwin A. 1.2. Handicap, Kinsman Boy, Molly Kistler (3 dis), 2:30^, 2:29. Youngstown, Pa". Julys, 18a3,. $400. Bonny L. 1. Molly Kistler 2, Mistletoe, Kinsman Boy (4 dr). 2:28. 2:28^4. 2:31. 2:.30. 2:31. Lizzie M., bm (3 ;40) P. Greely, Beacon Park, Boston. June 18. 188.3. $1.50. Harmony. MetropoUtan (3 dri. 2i40, 2:41, 2:44, ■ July 8, 1883, $100. Jack Barry, 2:47^. 2:41. Lizzie Mac, ch m (3 :00). C. Nev.eU. Clinton. la.. Oct. 2, 1879, ,$50. Jenny B. 2, 3, Bay Doll, Littie Maggie. Maquoketa. la., Sept. 9. 1880, $W0. Richard D., Maggie. 3:01 3 00. Lizzie O'Brien, ch ra (3 :33;2.>. F. Emerick. Hudson, N. Y.. Sept. 17, 1880, $120. Lady Jupiter, 2:.38, 2:41 14. ~^Ia^z(KMaS g dS!'™^^^^ Clover. M. R.. Aulinda, Beaverwyck. Fitzgerald (2 dis), HiuLso^i. N. Y., Oct. 26,~188i, .$300. Clover 2, Fitzgerald. M. R., Aulinda. 2:30, 2-3114 2-34 9.32 Oct. 10, 1882, $250. Nelly Irwin. 2:36, 2 :36''4. 2 :.35. "' '"• • ■ J, W. Essex, Pittsfield, Mass. ■ Oct. 12, 1882. $250. Nelly Irwin 3. Village Boy. 2:.3: L. Snyder, Pittsfield, Mass., Aug. 23, 1883, $300. Fanny Irwin. Village Boy, Prince, Jenny (3 dr), 2:30i*. -F. M. Dodge, Falls Village, Conn., Sept. 12, 1883, .$300. Clover, Capt. Emmons, Flora Jefferson, Kitty Great Barrington, Mass.. Sept. 28, 1883, .$200. Village Bov, Frank Oilman, 2-3614 2Z2U, ''•-33 Albany, N. Y., Oct. 3, 1883. $1,000. Fides 3, 4, Pearl 5, Lulu F., Earl, Alleghenv Boy, iiigomar Kittv Ives, 2 :26J^. 2:2514. 2:'28i4, 2:271^. — -, 2:26J^. b . i, fouiiKw, n.in,> Providence, R. I., Oct. 11, 1883, .$400. Earl 1, 2, Robert H.. Kittv Ives, Ingomar, Westmont Archie Blue Bell. LuluH.(3dr).2:-27, 2:26.2:2814, 2 :26J4, 2:29. «oi"ai, vvesunoni, Arcnie. Lizzie Packer, b m (3:40), by North Morrill, Troy, N. Y.. July 1, 1869, .$600. Ode kirk's bg2 .John A (iriswold 1, Reamer's ch g (4 dr), Park's Golddust (2 dis). four others (1 dis>, 2:.39 2-.3914 2-40 '>-4o' '>-44i m (3 :43V by Wild Wagoner. F. A.Porter. Parker«burgh. W. Va .Tune 17 1875 $125 Joe Hooker. Arthur Wild 1,2, (3 dis). Belle the Blonde (3 disi. Joe Little (i dis). Lulu il dis» 2-44'^ 2-4614 3:021^.3:1.5.3:1.5. '" " "t- ■'-*'7B> 456 CHESTEll'S COMl'LETE TKOITINO AND I'Al 1N(; KEC OKU. C. H. Bouton, Lancaster, O., May 25,1876,8250. AVild Tom, Labrador, Lady (irecr (.Jdis;, 2:43, 2 :433li l.izKie Warwick, b 111 (3 :34f^). bv Adolplius. dam l)V Amcrieaii Boy. (). W. Diiiuiiick, Fasliioii Course L. 1., iMay o. 1><67, lilW. .Mace's gr g j, Rapid. Lady Kendall i3 dn, Lady Allen (;; dr^ 2:37;'4, i':34^, 2:;v4Vil 2 :45. Union Coui-se, L. I., May 27. IHM, S150. Lady Close 3, 4, Kate O'Brien 2, Black Bess l ta dii. Uobiu (3 disi •-•:37i4,2:3«'.i, -i/Mhi, 2:375ii, 2:40'.i. 2:42. 2:45'j. '' L.U>.vd, grg (a:40). George Kussell, Lee, Mass., July 4, 1877, $50. Oriole, Forest Maid. Duelie.ss. 2-51 ''-47 2:48. • . -. , — ^ I'lttslield, .Miuss., July 14, 1877, $100. Ben 2, Oriole, Duchess, Drover's Maid, I'robablv (3dis), 2:45 •'■^g 2.47;2, 2:4(i. " < • • toafer, bg (3:3;>%i). D. I'. Bissell, Toledo, O.. Aug. 12, I8t;8, $100. Phil Sheridan. J.ailv Kolfe. Frank, John C. Heenan, Sandusky Chief, 2:42»^. 2-A-J^a. 2:40. Aug. l.i, 186«. $l2.j. Enmk Howard .i, Frank Rolfe (4 dr), Joe Hooker (4 dr;, I'liil Slieridan (2 dis), Ladv Kennedy (1 dis), 2:3.">%, 2:;;:i'.i. L':32i,,, 2:401^. ' Detroit, Mich., Aug.. i.'"), 1.h(;s, sjdo. Black Diamond 1, CassiusM, ("lay Jr. 4, George Nelson 2. 3(5 dIs) Lady Kolfe, John S. Gill U dis), Saginaw Chief (1 dis), F'rauk Ncvin (1 dis),2:36'.i, 2:3()'4. 2:37U, 2:36^a. 2-37' 2:40, 2:39. ' ' I.oaier ell g (3 :40), by Green's Bashaw. Mr. Wa))es. Davenport, la., Sept. 17, 18G8, $50. Koan Jack 3 (4 dis) .Naomi 1. 2 (3 dis), John A. Logan U dis). 2:35, 2:3N 2:40, 2:40. L.aatf r. br g (2 :4G). John Woods, 15oston, Mass.. May 18, 1870, $400. Unknown, 2:46, 2:.'i2K>. 2:54'.. ■ July 13, 1870. $200. Kattler l (.2 dis). 2:51, 2:51. — W. IL Woodnitt'. Dec. 2, 1870, $ . Konico, Shoo Flv, 2:55, 2:55, 2:54. Loafer, rn g(3:34i,o), by Myrick's C'opperbottom. Mr. siewart. Detroit, Mich.. Sept. 2, 1874, .>< . I'hll Sheridan 2. Best time 3:02. ■ T. M. Ilateli, (Juiiicy, 111., Sept. 21, 1875, $300. .(eff 1, B. M. Ross, Billv Stone. 2:42, 2:43, 2:42^, 2:40. Terre Haute, Ind., Oct. 12, 1875, $750. Frank ]\lyers, Sciota Belle. Little Gvpsv (3 dis), Toni Adams (2 dis), 2:32, 2:3:;. 2:34. . • . /. v* G. & I'. Wolfe, Dubuque, la.. June 0, 1876, $.500. I'hii Sheridan 6. Kittv Stratton 4, Amy B. 1, Lady Mack 2:30>4, 2:32^4, 2:30^,2:3234, 2:3i;s, 2:30. ■ Decorali, la., June 16, 1876, $500. Huckleberry 1. 1'liil Sheridan, White Stockings f3 dr). 2:42. 2:43. 2:48, 2 :45. Stillwater, Minn., June 28, 1876, $700. Princeton Boy (3 0), Gen. Lee, Lady Mack (2 disi. 2:30Ji, 2-29 2:3534,2:325(4. St. Paul, Minn., July 4, 1876, $1,000. Princeton Boy 2 a 0), Ladv MacK, Brother Baldwin. 2:28, 2:28V6, 2 :33'/j, 2:31.2:2!*. ■ Sycamore, 111., Jnly 26. 1876. $600. Lady Bvron 1, Captain Jack 2, Monroe. Ladv \\ illianis, Bertie (4 disi, ( Uiplain (4 dr), 2 :36, 2 :35'4 , 2 :37i^. 2 :33' - , 2 :32>^. • Leavenworth, Kan., Oct. 14. 1876, $1,000. Little Fred 1, 2, Pilot Temple. G. T. Pilot, Stranger (l dis). 2 :38, 2 :37,4, 2 : 35<4. 2 :33i4 , 2 :33. J. F. Smith, F'reeport, HI., May 29, 1877, $800. Allen, Stranger, Jack Draper. Rochelle (l disi, 2 :31, 2 :31 ( j, 2:32Mi. ■ Cedar Rapids, la., June 15, 1877. $600. West Liberty 2, 4, Mountain Quail 1, Ann B.. l^adv MeFatridge. 2:291^, 2:28^, 2:28, 2:29. 2:3034. -:^9- M. F. Winters, Freeport. 111., May 29, 1878, $800. Modoc 4, Deck Wright 2, Wolford Z, (5 O), Mountain Quail, Monarch Rule, Rose of Washington (5 dr), Ellen C. (4 dn. 2:28, 2:2734, 2;27, 2:29, 2:27, 2:24}4. • Davenport, la.. June 20, 1878, $800. Mountain Quail 2, 3, Barnev Kelly, Badger Girl. Deck Wright, Lady Turpin. Neome, 2:32, 2:30, 2:31, 2:30, 2:30. Columbus, O., Sept. 18, 1878, $150. Jerry Hardwick 2, 3, Lady Clark 1, Dan K., Black Cloud. Ohio Girl (2 dis), 2:43. 2:;tt, 2:37i'2, 2:36, 2:37. 2:40. - — J. Winters, Red Oak, la., June 26, 1880, $350. Frances 2, Maggie Fred 1, Honest Mac (3 dr), 2:38J4, 2:3834, 2:343^, 2:35, 2:37. A. M Hawes, Plattsmouth, Neb., Sept. 23, 1880. $1,000. 'W^ill Cody 1, 4, Charley Douglass. 2:26, 2:25'/», 2:27, 2:27, 2:31. M. F. W'inters, Red Oak, la., Oct. 1, 1880, $350. Careless, Fairmont, 2:3534, 2:33?4, 2:32, 2:3434. A. M. Hawes, Des Moines, la., June 30, 1881, $600. Sciola 1, 3, Farmer Boy. Envoy, 2:32, 2:28Ji, 2:31, 2:29^,2:41. Fort Dodge, Li., July 4. 1881, .$400. Sciola, Sucker Maid, Farmer Boy, Envoy 1, (4 dis), 2:28>4, 2:27}4, 2:2734, 2:28K'- Webster citv. la.. July 9. 18R1, $400. Envoy, Sucker Maid. Sciola, 3:0434, 2 :.54Vi4. Mason Citv, la., July 11, 1882, .$400. J>ittle Sioux 3. Captiiiii Herod. 2:.;o':, 2::;u?4. 2:33. 2:2!i54. Marysville. Mo,. Sept. 2. 18H2. $.500. Sciola 1, 2. Clara Cleveland 2:29:'i, 2:28. 2:2914,2:3134. 2:313*. St. .Toseph. Mo., Sept. 5. 1882. .$600. Sciola 1, Clara Cleveland .i. 2:27 '4, 2:2794, 2:43. 2:27"2. 2:283!i. Lawrence, Kan., Sept. 19. 1882, $800. Sciola 1, 2, 2 ;27-'4 . 2:31 , 2 :32, 2:2834, 2 :29. Sept. 22, 1882, Sciola 1, 2, 2:29'i, 2:30, 2:26, 2:27'4, 2:28^4. J. Winters, AHantic, N. J.. Mav 31, 188.!. $175. Little Sioux 1, Maggie F. 4. 2;3Gi4, 2:3.3. 2:3094, 2:32, 2:38. Loafer, b g (3:50). L. (ieer, Danville, 111., Aug. 31, 1880, $175. Black Cloiidl, ,5. Burr Oak Maid 1, 2:.50, 2:51, 2:5114,2:.'^^, 2:51, 2:.''>0. l>oafer, dig (.3:01). J. B. Granger Lvnn, Mass., Nov. 14, 1878 .$.50. William Que. 3:09. 3:10. 3:08. Loafer br s (3:589i). J. 1). Prentice, Morchead, Minn., June 22, 1881, $100. Charlemagne, t'aptain Tom, Etta II.. Kitty Hill, 3:0.5, 2:.589i. Loan (.l;iek'son)ch g(3:409i). J. W. Groff, Watertown, N. Y., Sept. 5, 1868. $160. Phil Sheridan 3, Ethan Allen Jr. 1. Nimrod, Sammv, D. M. Rice (1 dis). 2:42, 2:43, 2:44. 2:40?4, 2:41. Lol>Kt<>r, eh ill (3 :53). F. S. Palmer, Portland, Me., Sejit, 8, 1866. .$25. Dreadnaught, John Brent, 2:.57, 2:65, 2:.'i.3. Locket, 1) g (3 :03) bv Don Giovanni, dam Lady Lockwood, by Neave's 0. IM. Clav .Ir. J. A. "Williams, St. Albans, Vt., Aiig.31, 1881. .$.50. Billy Roberts, Island (iirl, 3:03, 3:03, 3:03. F'oiii-vear-olds. Lockwoi>cl, 1) s (2:47!/») bv Aberdeen, dam L;idv Lockwood, bv Neave's C.M.Clay Jr. IVIoulton Bros., Woodstock, Vt., Sept. l', 1879, $76. Eclaire, Perkinsville Maid", Red Cloud, Harris. .loe Call, 2:.5iai, 2:47)4 2:48. Sept. 29, 1881, $40. Gold Hunter, Challenge. Hermit, 2:.50, 2:,59, 2:48 Stallions. Locomotive (s), chs (3:36 s). A. Conklln, Mobile, Ala., April 12, 1839, $.350. Sailor Boy ,s), 6:05, 5:63. Two miles. Locust (Major Allen), ch g (2 :84H)bv Frank Allen. Dan Mace, Providence, K. I., Jmie 23, 1869, $1,600. Reed's b g 1, 2:46)^, 2:444,2:4634, 2:44Si. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECOUD. 457 June 24, 1809. $1,500. Dots, Reed's bg (2 (lis), 2 :.S2. 2:37, 2:34, 2:30. Troy, N. Y., June 30. I8G9. .:i8t)0. Fred, John A. (Jriswold, George, Lizzie Packer, Fanny Fern (2 dis), 2:52,2:56.2:51. ,,,.,,,.,- ^ W. Potter. Danville, Conn.. Oct. 29, 1870. .S250. Black Walnut 1, 4, Bay Beauty 3, Frank Allen (4 dis), Locust, 'brg CJ-iiV)*' C. E^Neviu.Beloit, Kan., Oct. 1, 1880. $500. Carrie Z. 1, Maggie Free, 2:39}^, 2:38%, liodi, ell g Vi-.i*}4). J. Mooney. Boston, Mass., Sept. 23. 1865, $50. Buck 1, Mabel, Baby, 2:50, 2:49, 2:47, ''•51 "- Nov 28, 1865, $500. Henry Co)uinbus 1, 4. Baby. .Tohn Bartlett (3 dr), 2:46, 2:45, 2:46. 2:46, 2:44i4. Wni. Woodruff. June 21. lS66,:?l,ouo. I'hil Sheridan. 2:40'.,. 2:42, 2:409:i. ^ ^, ^ Lofty b ni (3:11V4>, bv Algdna, dam by Gen. Taylor. J. N. Ayres, Visalia, Cal., Oct. 18, 1883, $ . Fly 1, Queen (2 dis). 3:21. 3:13)^. 3:1114. Three-year-olds. ,.. . . • « 11 ^a a^^ Logan, !) ni (2 :54) D. W. Page, Stanstead, Can., Oct. 30, 185G, $.30. Black Jane 1, Mississiquoi Belle (4dr), 2 '58 ■' • ")4 2 ■ 57 '' '.57 Logan,' b'g (3 ■S'l)'' H- S. Taylor, Portland, Me.. July 4, 1867, .$50. Scotty, Jenny, Phil Sheridan, 2:37, 2:51, "'■49 Logan 'ch s (3:28). bv Wadleighs Logan. C. Drurv. Des Moines la.. Oct. 2. 1868, $115. Nicodemus, J. S. Young. Black Ralph. Fairneld Horse i2 dr), 2:37, 2:40,2:38. Jollvvillc. la.. Aug. 27. 1870. .$ . Lady Fox, 2:40. 2:42. (Wtoii. 111.. Oct. 13, 1870. $650. Jenny Perry 1, 2:27^, 2:3014. 2:33^. 2:31. . , , „ G A Mc \rtluir, Davenport. la., Sept. 7, 1871, .f 1,000. Homely Jim 3, Lady Fox, Brother Jonathan, Bar- nev(2dis). Vi)lunteer (2 dis). 2:23^.2:33. 2:31^4,2:3314. rracksonville. III.. Sept. 22. 1871. SOaO. Volunteer 1, Barney 3. Ella Wright, 2:33. 2:33. 2:32, 2:33M, 2:34. Rock Island. 111., Nov. 2. 1871, .$2,000. Lady Fox 3, 2:30. 2:34 2:331^. 2:33. Parker Wineman. Joliet, 111., June 18, 1872, $500. Bay Billy, Sterling, Blackbird a dis) l:41V^, 2:42, 2:41U- ,J une 21 . 1872, .$330. Billy Tonner, 2 :43^, 2 :44^4, 2 :40i4. Sept. 13, 1872, .5500 Hattie, 2:41, 2:39M, 2:40i4. .,-,,, ^- ^ „ or: o o.,/ Omaha. Neb., Oct. 25, 1872. .$375. Bouny 1, John Morgan, Daniel Boone, Gypsy Girl a dis), 2:35,2:34^, ^■".Kick'son, Mich., June 19, 1873, $1,500. Mila Caldwell, Lady Lightfoot, Hattie, Hope, Lotta (2 dis), Edgar Jol'iet. ill.'. Jiily"il,^'l873, $1,200. Lady Fox t, Kate Hazard, Country Boy, Topsy,2:30i4, 2:30, 2:30, " Davenport, la.. Sept. 5, 1873. $700. Pilot Temple l, Mila Caldwell 2, Lady Mack, 2:291^, 2:281^, 2:30?4, ^^CuiiifsCity. Mo., Sept. 18, 1,S73. .§3,000. Joe Green l. 2, Pilot Temple, 2:3214, 2:31^, 2:36i4, 2:37Ji, ^"sedalia. Mo., Sept. 26. 1873, $1,000. Kansas Dan l, 3. Pilot Temple, 2 :.3l 14, 2 :32}4. 2:333^,2:301.^, 2:36. St. Joseph, Mo., Oct. 3, 1873, $1,000. PilotTemple, Joe Green, Dan. 2:31, 2:30, 2:30'^. „ j- . „ „„ (Cambridge City. Ind., June 3, 1874, $1,000. Dolly 2. Proffessor 1. Little Mack, Josephine (3 dis), 2:32, 2 :30'i, 2:3114, 2:30,2:33%. Peru. Ind., June 19, 1874, $500. Harry Mitchell, 2:31',. 2:301*, 2:32. , „ ^ ^, „ ,^, . „ „„. Massillon, O., Aug. 7, 1874, iJSOO. Ohio Boy, Captain, Kate Campbell, Gen. Sherman, 2:32}^, 2:33^, ll' Eminence, Ky., Aug. 14. 1874, $ . Strange Bov 2. Harrodsburgh Boy 1, Glencoe Golddust, Mark An- thonv (4 dis), Vi'dette Jr. (3 dis), Richmnud (2 dis). 2:3.5. . 2:.3-1^4, 2:37, 2:38. Florence, Kv., Aug. 25. 1874, $350. Bovverman. Clement. Bonner (1 dis), 2:43, 2:45, 2:44i/S. Aug. 29. 1874", $ . Bowerman. Bonner, 2 :4(;i4, 2:44. „ .,..„„„.,,. „, Louisville, Ky., Sept. 1, 1874, $ . Hiirrodsburgh Boy, Telegraph (3 dis), Ernest (3 dis), 2:36'/2, 2:35, 2-34^4. Stallions. Sept. 2. 1874, .$500. Strange Boy, Harrodsburgh Boy, CaptainJack, 2:349., 2 :,35, 2:37. Logan, ch g (3:40',). J.J. Smith, Lexington, Ky., July 4,1870. $150. Little Mack, Dolly, 2:43, 2:431/2, 2 '40V^ Logan rir s (3:4514). John Snvder. White Plains, N. Y., Sept. 1.5, 1870, $200. Angeline, Mohawk 1, (4 dis), .r:\ckThe Barber (3 dr), Toronto Chief Jr. (3 dr), ?:48i4, 2:46%, 2:45i4, 2:48%. . ^ ,. ^ ^ ^ Logan, grg (3:58). Hugh Mills, Olney 111., Sept. 23, 1871, .$.50. Great Britain, Brigham Young, Tom Crowder. Loga'n.'b s (2 iSTKi), by Drennon. W. S. HoUoway, Evansville. Ind., July 4, 1873, $100. Bay Billy. Henrj', 3:071.^, 3:08. 3:0914. Aug. 26, 1876, $ . Y'ankeeSain. 2:3714. 2:3?. 2:3914. ^ ^ ^ ^ ., , t,t n Logan, cfi g (3:40). W. McRoberts. Deerfoot Park, L. I., Nov. 6 and 7, 1874, $200. T. E. Gordon 1, Willy, Logan "br" g' (s'iso), bv Dreliuoii Jr.. dam a thoroughbred mare. D. Logan. Carlisle, Pa., Oct. 2, 1878, $300. Lizzie Keller 1, 4. Eastern Shore Bov 2, Little Nell (5 dr), 2:32. 2:33, 2:35. 2:36, 2:40. Oct 3, 1878. $200. Eastern Shore Bov 1, Ethel Medium. Longfellow, 2:40, 2:39. 2:36, 2:3i. Chambersburg. Pa., Oct. 10. 1878. .$2.50. Little Nell 4. Andy Dill 3. 2:32^. 2 :34. 2:301^. 2:31, 2:30. Lancaster, Pa., Oct. — , 1878. .$2.50. Woodchuck. Little Nell, Andy Dill, Silas, 2:35, 2:34, 2:36. Oct. —, 1878, $.300. Woodchuck 1, Dora. 2:30, 2:30' i, 2:32, 2:31 '4. „„ „ „„.„,. , „, o «,v Logan Chief, blk s (3 :49i4). W. S. Bruen, Flora, 111., Sept. 27, 1883, $ -. Belle Bowen 2, 2:5914. 2 :o9' .,, 3:00, Lola?'gr m (3 :51). F. McKinzie, Bethel, Y^t., Sept. 29, 1882, $50. Surprise, Nelly M., St. Julian, So-So. Jeremiah, •^■54 *^*'51 *^'53 Lola Mon'tez'. blk m (3:41). E. Goodwin, Boston, Mass., Sept. 28, 1852, $ . Ossian Dodge 1. 2:50. 2:45>^, '>'43 2-41 1 ( w) C. B. Pratt, Worcester, Mass., July 5, 18.58, $100. Gypsy Maid (w), 2:47, 2:50, 2:49. Providence. R. I.. Nov. 2, 18(>0, .5,50. Lady Hayes 2, 4. 2:431.1, 2:42^, 2:43. 2:46, 2:45U. Lola Montez. b m (3 :35). bv Harkawav. dam Lola Montez. A. J. Feek, Syracuse, N. Y.. Sept. 8, 1869, $350. Kellv Horse 1, Rosa, Fearless, two others distiuiced. 2:41, 2:4214, 2:41. 2:.393i. Auburn, N. Y.. Oct. 9. 1869, $ . Fearless 2. Oiieid;i Maid d dis). 2:.36. 2:37%, 2:41%, . E. J. Kline, Oswego. N. Y'., Sept. 14, 1871. $1.50. Bird. Cray Eagle, 2:54, 2:51,2:48U. Phoenix, N. Y., Oct. 15, 1873. .$2.50. Billy Roe. L;uly Putuaiu. Lady Dexter, 2:361^, 2:38i4, 2:42. -Oct. 16, 1873. .$.300. Faiinv Fern, Lookout. Notihie. ^ „ ^ ™, ^^ -nn.;. tola iviontez, gr m (3:40). C. Wagner, Ogdensburgh. N. Y., Sept. 27, 1876, $200. Queen, Ella Doe, White Rose 2"47V6 ''■48 2-48 Sept '29 187(1 $1.50. AV. H. C. Hiram Woodruff (1 dis). Yarrow (1 dis), 2:571^. 3:08, 3:12. Brockviile, Ont., Oct. 19, 1876. $100. Nelly Thorn, Moscow. Maggie B., 2:40^, 2:42, 2:43. Oct. 20, 1876. $ . Moscow, Nelly Thorn. Best tiine2:4li4. 458 CIIKSTEKS ('OMl'LKTK TUOTTlNCi ANlJ 1*A(IN(; KK( (flti.. <)gdeiisl)iirKli. N. Y., Sept. 9, 1880, $250. Welluiul Uii I I, a, (U 0), Victor -i. 2:i\. .'rU.'. 2:45, ■-•:40, 2:42, 2-41U. • 2:4:i. Lola I'., ni III ci :3«kti. <5.(". Potter, Syraeuse. N. Y., Mav 25, 1880,$ . Major I'rk'st.3. Ingomar, Danfortli .Maiti. iMaKiiio .Milclu'll (2 dn, 2:40, 2:42^^. 2:42^, 2:4:i^4. OswtTo Kails. N. v.. .Si-pt. 27, 1883, $UK). .Mm Sargent. Sunset, Daniei. 2:a8'.i, 2::«i. 2:3S^. I.OII. ell g (~ :•»<»). A. Sumter, W'oonsoeket, It. I., .June 2(i, 1878, $luo. Charley 1, 2, What Now 3, Tomiiey. I^dv VVild, Hfgiilator i3 (lls).2:.''»4, 2:50, 2:.'-)0, 2:46, 2:50, 2::.7. Luua (Juttin. It m i 'i ■.•i.i}^, l)y Uliie Hull, dam by fete (JiiHin. A. B. Crove. Hartford, ()., Sept. t), 1881, $200. l!av Tom. riikliiiwn. 2:42, 2:45.;2:.W. (!. W . cnivc. Krie. I'a. .luiie 29. l«82. .S.IOO. Oolong, Fanny Irwin, Bonny L., Lena, Mattie W., Josie H., Tonsy <".. Aii,i;ust;i Scliiiyler (.•{ ills', 2:43^^, 2:30i/,, 2:32. Voiintrsttiw 11. ( ).. .Inly 4. lss2. s.iiH). Allele Goiild. .Josie H., Mistletoe, Keveille, Lookout .Jr., Hotspur Chief. Seiitliifl. .Madeline, Hoosier(ilrl (2 dis), 2:33. 2:.3f»'.., 2:31. Indianapolis. Ind., .luly 14, 1882, .$400. Tony Newell. Blanche H., Chestnut Bov (3 disi, Nettie R. (l dis). 2:4.m.2:;!oU. 2:;J2. K. 1). Bennett. Raleigh, N. C., Get. 19, 1883, .S2,')0. To lieat,2:;i.'5. 2:43^, 2:;H. London, ell g (2:20i^j). by Maiiibrino I'atehen. dam by Kdwin Forrest. A. Bash ford. Sliarpsburgh. Ky ■ Aug. Jl, 1881. $200. Bunko, Eva, Woodbridge Girl, Consolation (2 dis), Michael (2 dis), Verbena (2 (lis), 2-41 2:40, 2:40' 2. Aug. 5, 1X81, .'i?400. Kva, Woodbridge Girl, Consolation, Mieliael (3 dis). 2:43>^, 2:43ii. 2:43',. (ynlliiaiia. Ky.. Aug. 27, issi. Si.5G(i. Rachel B.. Stranger. Lulu. Hawthorne, 2:31, 2::», 2:3:j. Kniinenee, Ky., .Sept. 21, 1S81. $1.')0. runiiikin. Ida. 2:45, 2:.')(>'!., 2:.w. Sept. 23, 1881, $ . Alice Stoner 1, 2, Ida, Fanny B. (4 dr),' Barney (3 dis), 2:.3C',i, 2:37U, 2:.i8'i, 2:;i;V6, 2:36. Cleveland. O.. .July 26. 1882, $1,500. Overman 4. .5. Kate Taylor 3, Willis Woods. Big Ike. Dick Organ. Largesse (4 dr), 2:201^, 2:21?i, 2:23;^4. 2:241^, 2:25, 2:27?i. I.oncKonie, ell in (3 :45). Peoria, 111., June 23, 18.W. $50. .Jenny Clark, 2:49, 2:45. I.one Star, bs {.'i :r>!)). T. Gruinaer, Port .leivis. N. Y., Nov. 20', 1857, .$50. Two others (1 dis), 2:,^>9. Lone .suir (Z li'Z). Washington, D. C, Nov. 19, 18G3, $200. Belle Stevens 2, Lady Hamlin, 2:44'i, 2:51. 2:471^, 2:42. LtoncStar. eh 8(3:361^). .1. B. Woodbury, Lewiston, Me., .July 4. 1882, $100. Rocket, Alsie T., Emms D. (3 dis), 2:3(ii^, 2:.37i4. 2:37';- H. .1. Reed, .Stafford Springs, Conn., Oct. 6, 1882. .$.50, Ben 1. Willy. .Julia Wilkes, 2:44, 2:48. 2:44, 2:44. Lon F.. b g (3:43<.,). bv Fisk's Mambrino Chief. C. H. Varrell. Oregon, 111., .July 5. 188.3, $200. Jenny Over- street 1. Ben Wilde, Sancho. Linwood (4 dr), 2:41Vo. 2:4434, 2:45^4. 2:48. Sullivan. 111., Aug. 10. 18S3, $11.0. Frank Gray, Dun Sam, 2:47'/2, 2:47',2, 2:43'/-. r.onf; a Coming:, ell g (2 :50). W. L. Challis. Kansas City, Mo., Nov. 8, 1873, $ . Vanderbilt. 2:55, 2:56. 3:00. Atchison, Kan., Nov. 14, 187.3, .$75. Gray Eagle, Vanderbilt, 2 :.52, 2:.53'4, 2:50. Long Boy, b gj 3 liO]/,). .lames Turner, Lewiston, I'a.. Oct. 6, 1875, $175. I^yde 1, 2:49^6, 2:44, 2:41, 2:45. Long: IJranch. b g CJ ::J8), by Cripi)le, dam Lady Dunn, by L:inibda. Sam sbmerville, Buffalo, N. Y., July 25, 1S72. $40. Glendale3, Prince Albeit c; dis). 2:48. 2:49. •.':4t;i... 2:53. C. I'icard. Adrian. Mich., Oct. 24. I.STI.SIOO. Canada Mafd. 2. 4. 2:54. 2:50^, 2:.50, 2:51, 2:51K>. Buffalo, \. v.. .May 27. 187.5, $l<)(i. :Mary Barber. Prince Cliarles, Mollv, 2:40' 2, 2:39'.i, 2:;;8. Mine II), 1.S75, $-M). Woodstock 1, 2:4.ii^. 2:38U, 2:40, 2:.39^. )ns:fellow. gr g (3 :51J4). J. T. Clark, Omaha, Neb., Aug. 2T 1873, $ — . Ge Longfellow, gr g (3 :51J4). .1. T. Clark, Omaha, Neb., Aug. 2, 1873, $ — . George Francis Train. 2:.52, 2:5C, Aug. 16, 1.S73, $17.5. Ruthiiid Bov, Dave, 2:51^. 2:55, 2:541.^. Longfellow cli g (3 :37»4^. 11. S. Howe, Watertown, N. Y., Oct. 9, 1883, $200. N.J. Fuller. Cunard, 1, 2 (5 dis). 2:40, 2:.37'i. 2:.37'.i. 2:.38'.i. 2:40. Longfellow Whip, blk s (3 : 3314), by Kentucky Whip Jr. W. J. Martin, New Ross, Ind.. Aug. 14, 1883, $ . Keasoner's b 111. Best time 2:."i6. Aug. 15, 1HS3, $ . W. 15.. Yellow Jacket. Red Rose, Bob Davis, Pasclie. Zula, 2:34>4, 2:34' j, 2:34'4. Ami, 17. I8S3, .$.300. Willis Wood 4, Hell Wilson (2 0), Florence M., 2:24, 2:24'4, 2:24',2, 2:27. 2:23J4. Lafavette. Ind.. Sept. .">, 1883. .$.300. Belle Wilson (1 0), 2:31'4, 2:309i, 2:31'2. 2:28i.<5. Long Island (.Jackson), ch s (2 :5': 1. T. E. Hunt. Hunterdon Co., N. J., Sept. 26. 1860, $25. Wild Arab, Star Basil;! w. .\v:il;iiiclie, 3:00, 2:.57. Four-vcar-old stallions. Long Island M.iu\, b m (3:49). C. Douglass, .Aliddletown. N. Y.. Nov. .5, 1879, $200. Blue Dick, 2:52, 2:49, 2 l.OO. Long John, ch g (3:32), M. Smiley, San Francisco. Cal., March 6, 1875, $50. Competitors not named. 2:44?4, 2:45'», 2.46. April 3. 187.5. .$100. .lohnny Coghlan 1. 3. Hope 2, Democrat, 2:331^. 2;36'i, 2:32)^, 2:36'4, 2:35'/2. 2:37. April 10. 187.0, $100. Hope, Marvsville (^ueeii, 2:.32»4. 2:33^4, 2:33%. S. W. Edson. S;icraiiiento, Cal., .June 7 and 8. 1876, $(>00. l.ou AVhijiple 2, 4 (3 0), John Chambers (3 0), American Maid, Profes.sor (5 dis), 2:32'2. 2:,34, 2:;i5. 2:34, 2:38, 2:35. M. H. McManus, I'ortland, Or., August 12, 1883. $ . Mt. Vernon 1, 2 (3 0), Johnnv Blue (3 O), Siincoe, pacer (5 (lis), 2:.38, 2:.36, 2:37, 2::«!'o, 2:36. 2-.36. Long .lohn, ch g (3 :3.ni). James Hood, Whitby, Ont.. June 18, 1875, $1.50. Toronto Boy, 2:48. 2:48. 2-AZ%. C. R;iv. Osluiwa, Out., May 24. 1879, $55. Raviiier's bg3, Morrissey. Best tinic 1 :l!). Half-mile heats. Long .lohii, 1) g i3:40i. .(. B. Siiiilli , Hiawatha. Kan.. Sept. 27, 188l', .$8.5. Fisher. Ben Tavlor. 3:01, 2:56. 2:51. Sept. .30. 18S1, $100. Clara, Nodowav. 2:53. 2:.52. 2:49. Clyde, Kan., Sept. 6, 1882, $100. Clara 2. Barnes 1, Amanda E.. Little Dick (5 drt, 2:19M., 2:44'2, 2:46^. 2:44^.,-. 2:4.5'/,. O. M. Headlev, Springfield, Mo., Oct. 27, 1882, $150. Gen. Grant l. .John Agnew. Kitty B., 3:02'/,, 3:01^, .1:0,534. 3 :05H. Long .Tohn. cli g (3:36). J. A. Seaman, Truro, N. S., Oct. 4, 1882, $l.">(i. Maud Mac d 01, Kitty Clyde. Peabody (2 dr). 2:45. 2:16'... 2:4.5, 2:47'j. Long .>lane(.lohii iL Welch and i'-v.n. Wasliingloii). blk s (3:40i. by Sanimis" Washington, dam by Michigan Diiroe. .1. .\l. Ilarkiiess. SandusUv. « »., Aug. 5. 1874. $100. Black' liob. Ladv Star, 2:443^, 2:48, 2:46^.. Norwalk. ().. Oct. 1. 1874, .$40. Honest Fnink, 2:.56. 2:45. 2:47. Long Mai-y, blk m i3:4Hi. II. (!. Morse. Fitclibiirg. Mass., Oct. 3. 1.^74. $1.50. Honest Bov 1, 2, Clara 3, Fannv, 3:01, 3:02. 3:(K). :i:0(). 3:01. 3:00. D. L Whipple. Lawrence., Mass. July 4. 1877. $100. Gloucester 2. 3, Dick, Lizzie (1 dis), 2:48, 2:52. 2:C0, 2:48',, 2:49. Long Taw (wt. brg (3:48 w). J. Mitchelltrce. St Thomas, OnL, Sept. 29, 1881. $7.5. Silverstein (w) I.Sam Slick (w), M:ijor Hunter (w), 2:.50,2:49. 2:51. 2:48. Long Tom. — s (3 :424s). Mr. Spriiigsteed. Saratoga Spa.. N. Y.. Oct. 25. 18.54, $ . Centreville, Fashion, 5:25. 5:.36. Two miles. Lnngworth (3 :50i4 \. Niles. Mich.. Oct. 2. 1875, .?— . Chief 1. 2. Fannv Dodge. Frank. 2-.50U; ' .oo';, 2:51 O r:? CHESTER'S COMPLETK TKOTTINCi AND PACIN(i KECOBD. 458 Iiookout, b g (3:33). O. Sackett Jr., Avon, N. Y., June 5, 1867. .f60. Lonesome (3 0), 2:'>4, 2;.55, 2:56. 2:50. July 4. 1867, S75. Bonny Belle, Polly (1 dis), ."):31. 5:29. Two miles. Waterloo, N. Y., Sept. 5, 18G7, ii>400. Amber 1, Whalebone 2, 3, Triumph, Springville Chief (4 drt, 2:35^i, 2:38, 2:341^, 2:33, , . Avon. N. Y., Sept. 11. iS67, $110. Springville Chief 2, 2:38. 2:.37, 2:36, 2:41. Sept. 11. 1867, .$27-.. Siiriufiville Chief, Henry B. Patchcu. -Z-.m;^^, 2;39, 2:39;2. George Moore. White I'lahis. N. Y., Sept. 11 and 12, 187.J, .^ir.uo. Break o' Day 2, 3, Isabella, Carrie, Lady Wood, Shiloli. Charley M. (o dls), Ked Bird (.2 dis), lona (2 dis). Little Fraud (1 disj, 2:38?i, 2:36. 2:37i^, 2:37, 2:37. M. H. Whip|)le, Oct. 14. 1873, .$2,000. Carrie 2 (4 0), 2:41. 2 :37i4, 2:37i4. 2::J4'/^. 2:34'/2. H. Bluelield. Auburn, N. Y., Julv 3, 1874. .*300. Bonner. Frank. 2:41'4, 2:40, 2:41^4. K. Mabbitt, Skaneateles, N. Y., Aug. 28 and 29, 1875, .'$200. Lola Montez 2, 3 (5 0), (H dr), Rough and Ready. 9.Q'7 '> .39 2 '39 2 '39 — 3:03. Liookout,' blkgc-Jioi). C. C. Sanborn. Potsdam. N. Y., Sept. 27, 1872. Sl.'iO. Fanny Wait 1(3 0). 2:54,2:51, 2:.54. 2:53. 2:51. Lookout (Ben Harper), ch g (!J :31 ), by Abraham, dam by I'arrish's Colonel. JNI. II. Whipple, Pougiikeopsie, N. Y.. Scot. 21. 187,=., .*4oo. Steve Maxwell 4, 5, (2 0), Martha Washington 1, (2 0), NiglUingale, Nelly .Jones. Lady Winfleld. Baron Luff (6 dis), Rosa Bell (5 dr), Kittv Allen (3 dis), Benhadad (1 dis), 2:34, 2:35>/2, 2-34. 2 :.S8,' 2 :36^4 , 2 : .35, 2 :38?i . Lookout, brg (3:4814). C. C. Wood, Lincoln, 111 , Aug. 27, 1875, $60. Bella Lee. Four others. 2:4814,2:52!.^ Lookout (w), blk g (3:33). R. James, Toronto, Out., Aug. 4, 1876. $55. Silas Rich 1, Lady Morgan (wi2 2:.54V2. 2:52, 3:00. 3:00, 3:01'-. C. Westeott. St. .John. N". B., Sept. 10, 1879, .$200. Bright 2, 3, Argyle 1, Jenny, Lady Jane (5 dr) 2:42, 2-40 2:42K', 2:42'4,2:45, 2;46'i. A. Laiigevin. .Montreal, P. Q., Sept. 5, 1S82. .$1.50. Startle 2, Montreal Girl (3 dr). No time. Ottawa, Ont., Sept. 28, 1882, $ . Conqueror 1. Quebec Boy, 2:39^, 2:40, 2:42. 2:41. Lookout, b g (3 :48) G. Baxter, Moncton, N. B., Oct. 15, 1881, $150. Honest Tom 3, Jessie, Queen, 3:00, 2:50, 2:53*11 2 '5.5. Juiie 27.1883, .$200. Ton Collins, 2:53, 2:.53, 2:52. S. W. Rand. Moncton. N. B., July 2, 1883, .$ . Kitty Clyde 2, 4, Maud Morgan, 2:48, 2:51, 2:52, 2:53 2-.'50 Lookoiit. Jr. lir s I'JtSO'^), by Nelson's Lookout. H. Dawes, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Aug. 3, 1882, .$300. Molly Middleton l, Walter, Flirt, Frank Forrester, Lady Kern, Billy I., Brown Dick (2 dr), 2-A6U,. 2-42i4 '>-39i/ 2:3914- ■ Aberdeen, Miss.. Oct. 25, 1883, .$200. Dr. Shepherd l. Woodford, 2:46. 2:46'2, 2:.50, 2:.53. Lop Ear, b g (3:44). J.S.Whitman, Smithtown, L. I., June 2, 1870, .$2.5. Union, Shrimp (3 dr), 2:.56. 2:50 2:52. " ' ' Aug. 1, 1870. $100. Lady Jones, 1, 2:44, 2:48i^, 2:46. Loraine. ch s (3 :36^), by Blue Bull. L. D. Capron, Sanduskv, O., Sept. 22, 1881, $400. Little Ned, Little Jim Diek ILirvey (1 dis), Ruth (1 dis), 2:361^, 2:394, 2:42. Lord Byron (w), b s (3:51 w) by the Winslow Horse, dam Nellv, by L. I. Black Hawk. Daniel Spencer Providence, R. I., Oct. 8. 1875, $550. William B. Smith (w). Gen. Hobbs (w), Hambletonian (vv), (1 dis) 2-51' 2:.55, 3:06. '• • . Lord Duftei-in, bg (3:431/2). S. Colbeck, Cairo, Mich., June 10, 1875. $120. .Jim B. 2, Saginaw Girl 3 Billv Slow, Kitty H.. 3:0514, 3:0214,3:01,3:04, 2:5814. ' ^ June 11, 1875, $60. Jim B., .Jessie Snell, Congress, Watchout. 3 :0li4, 3 :04i j 3-07U W. A. Colbeck, Saginaw City, Mich., .July 14, 1877, $50. Gray Dlek, .Jessie Snell. 3-ooi 1.2 -.51'; Unfinished Loree (3:3114). Peoria. 111., Aug. 25, 1868, $200. Tom Brady 1, Brown Kitty, Bav Belle Jennv Rhineheart" 2:4314,2:341^,2:34,2:3114. ' ' ^""""^"''<*''- Lorelle, blk m (3 :44i4), by Almont Rattler, dam Puss Strader. by Alexander's Norman. J. Haves. Mauuoketa. la., Sept. 30, 1880, $55. Faultless, 1:39, l:38?i. 1:3514. Half-mile heats. Two-year-olds -^ ' ' "* Same day, .$40. Harlequin, 1:,51, 1:43. Half-mile heats, Two-year-olds. W. S. Hayes, Muscatine. la., Sept. 14, 1881. $2.50. Harlequin, Sunshine, Jenny O (3 dr) (irace Tramn (3 dr). 2 :,55i4, 2:5614, 2:5414. Three-vear-olds. J. F. Seeber, Albany, 111.. Aug. 23, 1882. $80. Silver Seal 1, 2, Idle Kit, 2:491/4, 2:52,2-51 2-.55 ''-so Four- year-olds. C. E. Kennedy, Maquoketa, la.. Sept. 8, 1882, $.50. Brown Frank, Frank Morris 2-,55 ''-51 "•5'>i4. J. S. Seeber, Muscatine. la., Sept. 13, 1882, $208. Col. Crockett, Hermit (1 dis). Colonel C "(l^dis) •'•45 2:50,2:4414. Four-year-olds. ' • -• » Clinton, la., Oct. 19, 1882, $75. Nimble Dick, Bid Gage. 2:4S. 2:48. 2:481 Lorena. ch m (3:43). W. H. Hughes, Rochester, N. Y'., Aug. 30, 1876. $175. Billy, Newark Bov Reform 1 /<> dis), Siim (2dis), 2:46"2,2:42. 2:46. 2:44'i. " •' ' ^""" ' ^-' Lorene, blk m (3 :30i4), by Col. West, dam bv Joe Downing. Wade Cary, Red Oak, Ta Aug "9 1883 $120 Pioneer. Paulina Jackson, 2:54, 2 :43!'2, 2:47, ' ' " ' • •»" • Sioux Citv. la., Sept. 25, 188.3, ,$'200. George H., Hank, 2:4'2J4. 2:45' 2, 2:40. Sept. 26, 1883, $500. Molly B. 2, Charles U. Hayes, 2:32, 2:30, 2:3394, 2:3014. Sept. 27, 1883, $400. Gen. Lee, Charles G. Hayes, 2:.34, 2:3114, 2:33. Lorna, bm (3:33). A. F. Wild, Hartford, Conn., June 23, 1880, .$400. Keney 1, Music " Whv Not (4 dis) 2:291/2, 2:291a. 2:3214. 2:33f4. 2:32. ' •> > i. (,•* ui»;, Lothair, blk s (3:39'2), by Gilbert Knox, dam the Bunker mare, bv the Eaton Horse Wrieht & Norero<5 Be;icon Park, Boston, .Tune, 2.3. 187.5. $1,500. Lady Dahlman .5, 6. Dustin Jim 4 Col Barnes 1 "(8 dis) Heatherblooni, Arthur. Cataract (3 dis), 2:'28'2, 2:.31. 2:29>i, 2::i2, 2:33^:i, 2:30i{. 2:.3.5, 2^3.5^ ' " ' — W. R. Nuns, Eaton Rapids, Mich., Aug. 27, 1880, .$2,50. George V., .Jessie Dixon. T^'lirt, 2:33, 2:3314, Fovt Wayne, Ind., Sept. 8. I88O. $.500. Lady Brownell. Cincinnati Bov, Capt. Crapo 2 -39 "•361^ 2-35 Lothair (Small Hopes, Lapland and AVestbrook). brg (3:36' ji.bv Hambletonian. dam bv Flying Cloud J S McKelliui. Dubuque, la., Sept. 7, 1875. .$300. Fanny Parvin. Hazen, Irene, Lady Montrose, Lady Blenner- hasset, Wild Irishman, George Lucas. Harry Hoiikins (3 dis). Brown John (1 dis). Lady Alice (1 dis), 2:40?^ 2:43}^, 2:41. ' ' ' ■ Sept. 9, 1875. $400. Addle V., Echo. Irene, Billy Britten. Backus (2 dis). Henry B. (1 dis). .Tack Hoover (1 dis), Loafer(ldis), 2:40'/i, 2:39J4,2:42J4, " * USD CllK.-iTKK'S COMIM-ETE TKOTTlNCi AND PACING KECOKU. Omaha, Neb., Sept. 23, 1875, S40<). Little Sam .5, Hlack Hanger 1, GranRer, Bell (3dr). 2:3C>.4, , 2-^H, •J:;>.")^.. ■J::«?4. Scpl. L'4. 1«7.-). Sl.lOO. Kaiulall, Pilot Tomplc. (Jiaiigcr (3 (lis ). 2:28'.,. 'I.'Hihj, 2:.'«. Ki'olxiil;. la., Sept. .SO. 187r>, $175. Lady Fox, Bariii'.v. Iowa Maid. 2:59'.i. 2:")6'j, ■i:Or>. Lotta (•^:4«i. f. Picard. liullalo, N- Y.. .Inly l!i, 1S(;;». Sioo. Sorrel Dan. (u-ii. Sliciidan, 2 :4i;, 2:48^, 2:48',. Lutta, li iiM"'i:4i>), G. Paher. New Heilford. .Mass.. .Inlv lU. lM7!t. .S4(>. Loaler, Lady I'aswell, 2:47, 2:52, 2:4.'>. LottH. 1) III [-i :r>»?4). G. K. Andrews. Norwich, N. V., Ann. 15. 1883, .S80. loiisy 1, 2, Tommy, IJay Dan, 2:59^, 2 :()()' 4. 2:.-)!»'4. 2:»a)'.i, o:iH). L.ott«'ry. nr K (~ :*'J~i, hy llainliletoniaii. dam .liiiie Alurray. Daniel Pnler, Pleeiwood I'ark, N. Y., Sept. 22, 1871', .s2.(HH). (iray Jack l, J. (lima.x, Danntless, Fleetwood, Clarence, Topsy (\ disj, 2:28^4. 2:29, 2:29^4, 2 :.iO, 2:;il'i. Providence. ]{. I.. Sept. 2!». 1871. .«3.000. Frank Palmerl. Joe Hrown (3 0), G. W. Patterson. Hickory Jack. Joe Hooker, Hoheit Homier. Denmark (,2 (lis), George \V. Hall (1 dis), 2:32'5, 2:33'/2, 2:35, 2:3,{',, 2;i.^^4. "Fleetwood Park. N V., Oct. 31, 1871, SI.OOO. Lady Kose, Dreadnaught, J. H. t'oleman. Lady Wheeler, 2:31'j. 2:o2> 1.2:30. totterv. li K C- ::<« ■ Capt. Lowell. Waverlv Park, N. J., July 22. 1874. 81.000. Princess. 2::W. 2:41. 2:.38. Lottie," l)r 111 ri.'iSK li\ ll;iiiililetoiii:in. dam Molly, by L. L Blackbawk. A. Goldsmith, Fleetwood Park,X. Y., .Iillle »;. l!<7.;. .S")0(i. Ladv Alillii' iw I 1.. L';4(l. 2:42^4. 2:43. 2:46;'i. .1. ll.(;oldsniith, riiatham Village, N. V., Sept. 18,1874, $500. t:aptain Jenks .{, 4, Uav Ben, Mohawk .lolin, 2:40'j. 2:41-'4. 2:30i, 2:34'i, 2:;«'2. A. (ioldsinith, Pottstown, Pa. JuneT, 1876, $375. Harriet P., ■William B.. Galliis Mike, 2:44J/4. 2:3.5, 2:35!'.. 2:M. Lottie i3:50?i). U. Fartell, UiiliiiiniKl. Va.. Oct. 29. 1874 .¥100. Morgeana (1 dis), 3:fiOJ.i. Tliree-year.s-old. Lottie, bm (--4:50). W. K. (lark, Newark, N. Y.. Oct. 10, 1874, $100. Arcadia Maid (3dis), Clara ^2 dis), .Minnie H. d dis). Flora B. (1 dis), 2:5.'i, 2:50, 2:.'')5. Lottie, eh in (2 :41>^). .1. Vanderburgh, Clinton, Ont.. May 23, 1878. .$100. J. P., Carlotta, 2:42)4, -=42, 2:42>4. - -M. Hunt. Exeter. Out.. July 2, 1879, .$1.50. Johnny Gordon. 2:45. 2:46, '2:ii\i. tie (Lady H.), b m (3:30». K. i. , 2:3714, .\orth Adams, ISIass., Aug. 16, 1883, $250. .L D. Ellison 2, Harry East, Frank Oilman, Lady Sealskin, City Boy (2 dn. 2:3714. 2 :37'/2, 2:43, 2:3714. F. Sniith. Allnuiv, N. Y., Nov, 8, 1883, $100. Capt, Jake, 2:36)^. 2:31?.,. 2:33. Lottie, (3 :08). Savannah. Ga., March 17, 1882, $ . Chieftain 2. 4. 3:15. 3:15, 3:17. 3:16. 3:08. Lottie B., b m (2 :45). Uniontown. Pa., May 31, 1881. $ . Stranger, Bay Mare, 3:00. 2:45, 2:45. — — .Mine 1, 1881. $200. Stranger, Bay Belle, 2:49ii, 2:.51i4. 2:52)4. Lottie B. b ni. W^ W. Marantette, Schoolcraft, Mich., May 25, 1883, $30. Jack Pot (2 dis). No time. Two- year-olfls. Lottie Carpenter, blk m (^-AOyA J. Halstead, New Cit^% N. Y., July 4, 1879. $100. Addie E. C. 2, Warsaw, Annie Darling. Charles N. (1 cTis). 2:4.5, 2:45'/2, 2:40"2. 2:47. Lottie Clark, (Cciith' Annie), blk m (2:33)4). John Demas, Wilwaukee, Wis., Sejit. 30. 1869. $2.50. Minne- sota Belle (3 0), 2:40 ',. 2:40?i, 2:89?;i, 2:47. Chicago, 111.. Oct. 14. 1869, .$300. Naomi, Sea Foam, 2:39^, 2:34, 2:3,5. P.Cunan, Hamilton, Out, June 29, 1871, $500. Kitty Fisk 3.6, Captain Tom 4. 7. Lady Blanche 1.2, 2:38%, 2:40, 2:40, 2:419.,, 2:44'.,. 2:;j7'/s, 2:39%, 2:421/2, 2:43. Lottie Green, blk m (3 :41). J. Green. Mystic Park, Boston, Nov. 10. 1877, $200. Belvidere. 2:43, 2:41, 2:42. Lottie H., 1) III (3 :31). A. E. Hathaway. Myricks, Mass., Sept. 17, 1874, $40. Old Maid, Fire Fly (2 dis). Jim F'isk (2 dis), 4:00,3:31. Four-year-olils. Lottie K., b m (3:87) bv American Kniperor Jr., dam Fashion, by Florida. Price &: Ivilpatrick, Deckertowa, N. J., Sept. 29, 1876, .*':!00. L'evelige 1.2, L;idv F.. 2:4.5. 2:4.5,2:42,2:43.2:42. C. II. Palmer, Sjtring Aallev. N. Y.. June 5, 1877. .$2.50. Dick Crocker 1, 3. Angle (3 dr). 2:4414, 2:40>4, 2:39, 2:40, 2:W.i. June s, 1877. .$200. No Name 2. Archie. 2:40%. 2:47ii, 2:4.3. 2:44ii. — D. Frear St. Albans, Vt.. Aug. 27, 1879. $ . Ella Doe 2, Frank H., 2:33, 2:32i.i. 2:35)4, 2:29)4. Canton, N. Y., Sept. 16, 1879. S200. Ella Doe 1. John Hall, Clara .1., 2:;55, 2:35. 3:33, 2:31. Malone, N. Y., Sept. 30, 1879, $200. Cl;ira J. 1, Klla Doe 2. Pelhani. 2:.34, 2:33'i, 2:33)4, 2:31. 2::58. Montreal. P. Q.. Oct. 4 and 5, 1879. .$.iOO, Ella Doe 3, Ben Morrill 1(4 0) (6 dis\ Clara J., Hapjiy Abbott (5 dis), 2:27'4, 2:27, 2:29, 2:271/.. 2:28, 2:29. Lottie Lee, b m (3:40) by Herman 1). Patchen, dam Ida Howard. Davenport, la., Sept. .3. 1879. $200. Western Belle 5. Lady IJ. 1, 3 (4 (lis). Lulu Mack, Bobby Newcomb. Little :\Iac. Centella. Maud B., 2:40, 2:42. 2 :40, 2 :40, 2 :45. 2 :41li4). Mr. Loder, Dayton. ()., June9, 1869, $120. Dayton Belle l, Billy Crawford, 2:35%. 2:41)4, 2:4014. .Line 11, 1869, $200. Gleiuroe. Billy Crawford. 2:.37. 2:40. 2::ioH. Lou, b m (3 :43%). Mr. Birch, Albany. N. Y.. July 8. 1876. $400. Drover's Maid. 2:47. 2:42%, 2:47. Lou.br m, bv Wagner's Bashaw, dam" Ladv Ainsworth. J. S. Wagner. Knoxvilie, Tenn.. Aug. 27, 1881, $25. Dutchman, Scotch Boy. 1 ::!3"o, 1:39. 1 :3Si4. ILilf-mile heats. Tlireeyear-olds. Lou t^rtsey. b in(3:4R). "('(.11 Moran. Jacksonville, 111., Sept. 19. 1871, .fSO. Blind Fanny, Bed Bird, Don Juan (2 dis),'Prince (1 dis). 2:40%. 2:47'4, 2:4.5. Louella, blk m, bv('hickainawga, dam by Trojan. W. O. Bl.iisdell, Macomb, III., Aug. 28. 1878, $50. Alice Gray, Col. Johnson, Lucy Pryce, 1:30)4, 1 =27)4,. Half-mile heats. Three-year-olds. (HESTER'S COMPLETE TKOTTING AND PACING KECOIJD. 461 All}?. _'8, 1879, Sioo. Solitude, Maud B., 1:25, 1:24', 2, Half-mile heats. Four-vear-olds. Avon. 111.. Oct. J, 1879, .$100. Maud B., 1 :,57, 1 :M. Half-mile heats. Four-year-olds. Ijou Gibbs. cti rnC'i:!!'-'. W. M. (iibbs, Tioga, Pa., Sept. 13 and 14, 187(;, ^200. Nancy Hackett 2, 5, Kil- patrlcli I. Kiee Graves, 2:5:?, 2:4G, 2:414. 2:42i^, 2:46, 2:47} a. Sept. 1."), 187G, $300. Barbara Knox 2, Kice Graves. No time. Liouisa, gr nn3:01J^). George Robinson, Augusta, Me., Sept. 18, 1868, $80. Little Nell 1 (2 0) (4 dr), 2:59, 3:01!,2.3:04. Louisa, blk m (3 :58). J. Smith, Halifax, N S., June 22, 187.5, Sl20. Nelson, Prince. Blaekl)ird, 2:58, 3:10'/2. Louisa, 1) m (3 :3~). B. Tolman, Rockland, Me., Sept. 26, 1876, $240. Ogdensburgli 2, Uncle Ben 1, Black Bess, Jim Farnuin, Fearless (5 dr), 2:41, 2:4^4., 2:41'.i. 2:43, 2:43i/4. Sept. 28, 1876, $290. Kennebec Boy 2, 3, Granite Boy, Honest Farmer, Jim Farnum, Uncle Ben. 2:38, 2:41, 2:36!2, 2:37. 2:40. Louisa Hoyt (3 :39). A. Bertholf. Vernon, N. Y , Oct. 15, 1868, $15. Plow Bov 2, Pochuck Maid 1, Mountain Maid (3dis), 2:39, 2:38, 2:46, 2:50. Louis w., b g (.3 :34%). L. Duncan, Sacramento, Gal., Sept. II, 1882. $1,000. Manon l. Big Lize, Vanderlynu, Rowdy Boy, Marin. 2:25. 2:24'u 2:24 -'4, 2:2.5)^. Louise (w), oh m (3 :33^4). B. I^aniels, Fashion Course, L. I., June 4, 1867, $250, Rhode Island 2, Roden's gr g (4 dr), 2:57, 2:5.5, 2:49, 2:52'2. July 17, 1867, $300. Doble's b m 1, 2, Nancy Fat, 2:44'4. 2:47, 2:45?4, 2:465ii, 2:45. .luly 22, 1867, $.300. Smith Mare (w). 2, Borst's blk m (4 dr), 2:41, 2:41, 2:40, 2:43. Nov. 27, 186S, .$200. Nancy Fat, 2 :45, 2 :43, 2 :42. (W), J. Murphv. July 24. 1869. $500. Little Frank 3, 2:41, 2:37, 2:4354. 2:40. luly 30, 1869, $300. Pet 4 (50), Twilight 3, (5 dr), 2:36, 2:36, 2:36^, 2:37k, , 2:40}^. Oct. 25, 1869, .*f.500. Burgher 1, 2 (3 dr), 2 :34, 2:3714, 2 :38?4. Nov. 6, 1869, $200. Topsv, 2 :3.5, 2 : 329.1 , 2 :34>4. (w), Peter Manee, Fleetwood Park, N. Y. Dec. 3, 1870, $200. Brown Dick 3. 2:42. 2:44V2, 2:43, 2:43. H. McGrath, Prospect Park. L. 1., Aug. 31, 1871, $400. Mystery, 5:22U, 5 :26' .3. Two miles. John Murphv, Fleetwood Park, N. Y., Nov. 29, 1873. $300. Sorrel Jake l (3 O), Billy Lynch, 2:50}^, 2:45^» 2:45,2:47)^, 2:44'i. Louise, bin (,3=40). A. J. Feek, Clvde, N. Y., Sept. 30, 1869, $200. Ned Jones. Harry Clay Jr., 2:41, 2:40, 2:42. Louise, ch m (3:45). Ed. Brown, Geneva, 111., Sept. 22, 1871, $200. Fanny Greenman, Maggie Brown, 2:46, 2:45.2:46. Louise, b m (3 :59). E. W. Barry, Boston, Mass., Oct. 11, 1872, $100. Dolly 1. 2:57. 2:.59, 2:.59, 3:01. Louise, blk m (3 :31',2)- J. E. McKenzie. Boston, Mass., April 29. 1873, $50. Dexter Jr. 1, 4, Jack Dyer (4 dr), Night Shade (4 dr), Frank Kimball (3 dr), 2:55. 2:.56, 2:52, 2:.55, 2:51. May 8. 1873, .$75. Wlio Thought It l, Dolly Varden. No Name, 3:00, 2-M. 2:54. May 13, 1873, $100. Dandy 3, Rescue. Topsy, Jim Fisk, Little Fraud (2 dis), Braman (2 dis), Peter Simple (2 dr), 2:48, 2:46V2, 2:49. 2:51. (w). May 20, 1873, .$200. Orphan Bov. Josie, 2:.59, 2:5m, 2:50. July 3, 1873, $200. Plow Boy 3, Josephine 2, South Boston Boy, Ironsides (4 dr). Sir William Wallace (3 dr), 2 :46, 2 :46i4. 2:46, 2:48, 2 :49. (w) .luly 11. 1873. $150. Topsy l, 3, South Boston Boy2, 2:451^, 2:45i/o, 2:45, 2:45.2:43. (w) Beacon Park, Boston, AjH'il 28, 1874, .$100. Country Boy (w), 3, Roval Charley (w), (1 dis). Honest Billv (Wi a disi, 2:47, 2:461^, 2:49, 2<53. E. Hurlburt, Falls Village, Conn.. Sept. 11, 1879, $150. Donald, Highland Win, Conistock, Silas Wright (5 dr), Pickwick 1, 2, (4 dis), 2:35, 2:;34, 2:35, 2:35, 2:40. NnrMi Adam'=;. M:iss., Si^nt. 1^. 1879. $200. Fanner Bov 3, Faniiv, Villai:e Belle. .Jcnuv. 2:.!G,2:36. 2 :39.2:33^ (it. l'.;irrington, Mass., Sept. 25. 1879. $1.50. Jenny, Fleet. No time. M. E. Myers, Norwich, Conn., Sept. 25, 1883, .$250. Dick Loonier (2 0), Lowland Mary, Nelly Bryant, Dick Dainple, Frank D., (3 dis). 2:34, 2:36^. 2:34. 2:31i4. .Stafford, Conn.. Oct. 10, 1883. $250. George W. 2. 4, Star 3, 5, 2:40. 2:36, 2:39^. 2:.36. 2:361^, 2:39. 2:3914. Louise. I1 m (3 :3y}4). by Volunteer, dam by Ethan Allen (?). G. E. Boyce, Cliatham Village, N. Y., Sept. 4, 187.5, $.50. Frank Allen. No Name, 3:00, 3:00. 3:01. Louise, ch m(3:01U). J. Dulinage, Wingham, Out., May 24. 1877, $100. John A., Nilestown Maid, Comet, Snowflake (2 dr). (3ypsv Lass (2 dr). Bay Billv (2 dr), 3:0iu, 3:03, 3:03. Louise, b m (3:34). T. J. Paine, Princeton, N. J.. Oct. 17 and 18, 1877, .$200. Lady Leigh 3 Clara Morris 1,, Abdallah Patchen, Spunky (5 dr), Hunter (4 dr), Norton Patchen (3 dr), Black (iirl (3 dr), 2:46, 2:42, •2;i0]4, 2:41,2:43. Pottstown, Pa., Oct., 23, 1877, $200. Clara Morris, Rosa Dartle. Sailor Boy, Molly E., John L. Hill, Zero, Banker, 2:43, 2:37, 2 ■:S714. Louise, b ni (3:45). George Nelson, Jamaica L. I., July 21, 1881, .$50. Patrician 1. 2, Barney B., Breeze, Syracuse, Black Pete, Comet. 2:44, 2:455^, 2:45, 2:46, 2:45. Louise N., b m (3 -.30^4,), by Alpine. J. B. Newland, Hoosick Falls. IST. Y., Julv 25, 1882. .$200'. Franklin 2, 3. Tom .Mfckley 1, Harry East. Molly W., Cora B., Selim, Nickel (4 dis), Professor (4 dr), Rutland (3 dr), B. B, {2diS), 2:3914, 2:37, 2:3514, 2:3.5, 2:38, 2:42'.;. Cambridge, N. Y.. Aug. 1, 1882, .$200. Nickel, Rutland, Tom Meckley, Cora B., Franklin, Selim, Pro- fessor, Dan, Harry East (3 dis). Molly W. (2 dis), 2:38. 2:40, 2:37. Greenwicn, N. Y., Aug. 8. 1882, $2(J0. Amelia C, Franklin, Tom Mecklev, Cora B.. Professor, Rutland, 2:3934,2:41'2, 2:39?4, 2:269i, 2-28?4 J. Dougrey, Jr.. Bennington. Vt., July 10, 1883 $300. Parole, Kitty Ives. Daniel Webster, Sam, 2-28, 2-28. 2:28. J. B. Newland, Greenwich, N. Y., Julv 18. 1883, $300. Parole 1, Clara M. 2. Kitty Ives, Daniel Webster, John McDougall (3 dr), 2:3014, 2:31, 2:31l/... 2:32ii, 2:3614. Louisiana Belie (W) (3:51i4 w). H. Rogers. Lexington, Ky., Aug. 29. 1878. ,$2,5. Canadian Boy (w), Cecil Dreeiiie, Belle of the Springs, Mediator (3 dr). Banker, (3 dr), 3:031^, 2:.59, 2:.51k. Louis J., b s (3 :36). L. E. Judkins. Lewiston, Me.. Sept 18, 1883, $100. Mischievous Jack, Jane (1 dis), Hia- watha (1 dis), Orlando (1 dis», 2:50, 2:46. Three-year-olds and under. Bangor, Me , Seiit. 25, 1883, $50. Jane, Daisy Knox, 1 :.38, 1 :39' 2. Three-year-olds. Half-mile-heats. Louis Napoleon, br s (3 :39). Walter Brown, Nashville, Teiin., Sept. 7, 1860, $200. Flying Morrill, Buzz (1 diS), 2:51, 2:51, 2:5I?i. Col McNairy, April 22, 1861, $100. 2:39. To beat 2 :4,5. Louis Napoleon, b g (3 :33), by Clark Chief. J. H. Lewis, New Haven Conn.. Sept. 7, 1882, $200. Harry Pel- ham 4, 5, Neighbor Ups 1, 2, (6 dis), Sheridan (4 dr). 2:38, 2:38^. 2:35, 2:38, 2:37;4, 2:40, 2:35. 4ffi ClIESTEKS COAU'LETE TUOTTING AND I'ACINO llECOKD. New Milfortl. Conn.. Sept. JO, 1«83, $200. Essex Maid, 2A3}4, 2:42V4, 2A\]4. Loai8 Surrelte, gr j,' {•^-.-ir,). \. \\ . Worcester, ('oiicoril. Mass., Sept. 28, 1876. SIOO. Frank Alley, Hillv . Dawes, Auburn Boy, Kobi it !>.. I'cte (lerritl, Uobcrl. Sam, •J:4»i2, •j;47, 2:49. Sept. 2y, 187t; jl-T). Huiiifonl .Maid 1, liilly Dawes, Vaslili, Eraiik Alley, liobcrt D., Robert (4 dr), 2:48, 2:4.'>, 2Mii,2-A7U- Liou ftloore, eh iiM''J:4«'4)- W. II. Hulkeley, Hartford, Conn., Sept. 2-' ls74, S500. AVarrantee 1, Geo. P. Carpeiitfr. I'annv, liristol Boy. 2:48'/s, 2:46»4,2:47i4. Lou Myer, gr ni Ci :3«), bv Uasil Duke. H. ('. Graves and Uros., Dayton. O., Sept. 27, 1K7(;. .S3(»0. Billy L. 3, .lohnnv M.. Sally. Louise. Nankeeh. 2:44, 2:41, 2:40, 2:41)4. L.ounK»*r,"b sr'i:57i. J. B. l'ni)pen, Detroit, Mich., Aug. 11, 1860, S . Loafer (1 0), ;!:0l. 2:57. Stallions, four-vear-olds. « Lou K«»BerH, iilk g (2 :40?.t). A. 'I'lirockniorton, Louisville, Ky., Sept. 8, 1860, .S^O'K). Edward Everett 1, (2 dis), 2:4;;'.,, 2:40J4. Lou .Sprague, b m (8:4914). 1". Sheplierd, I'rineeton, 111., Sept. 13, 1883, S70. Daisy C, Sleepy Ned, 2:69^, 3 :(Ht, 3 :03. Sept. 14, 1883, .S10.5. Mamma 2. 4. Daisy C, 2:r,li._,. 2 49^;. 2:49»4, 2:.')0;.:i, 2:49',. Lou W. [-i-.o'Zl^). by Wagners Bashaw, dam Lady .Viiiswortli. .1. S. Wagner. Burlington, la., Sept. 20, 1882, .S()0. .Moore, Laily B., 2:,V2's. 3:0OK., 2:57 'i. Four-year-olds. Lou Whipple, br m (•-J:2«i!itJ, by Whipple's Jlandiletouian. L N. Killip, San Juan, Cal., Jan. 24, 1874, S200. Ladv (iranl 1. 1:22, 1:22^4., 1:20, 1:24. Halt mile heats. siiu Franelseo, Cal.. May 30, is76, $250. Dirigo, American Maid, Alameda Maid, .John Chambers (3 dis), Ella Lewis (3 dis), 2:35'/2, , 2:37. June 18, 187f), §1,000. American Maid l, H;irrv. Muggins, Ella Lewis, Alameda Maid, 2:34>/i, 2:36}4, 2:37, 2:37. .lulv 27, 187G, S400. Professor, Alexander, Ameiiean Maid, Nelly I'atchen, Governor Stanford, Alameda Maid, 'John Chambers (2 disi. 2::;.', 2:2si.:, 2:28. Iulv:.'9. is7(i. SiOO. Professor 1, 2, (iovernor Stanford 3. Dirigo, St. Helena (4 dis), 2:29>.^, 2:27?4, 2:27)^, 2:27,2:2SK>. 2:;Ui.). Saerameiito, Cal., Sept. 23. ls"f>, $800. Governor Stiuiford 1, Professor. 2 :;«'.,, 2:.S0i4, 2:30Ji, 2:32?^. Lovetw), bnu3:45>4 w). K. Fletcher, Prospect Park, L. I., June 10, 1874, $400. JMvstery (w), 2:47,2:4^, 2:47?4. (w), Mr. Koche, Deerfoot Park, L. L. July 5, 1875. $200. Defiance 2, Charley Williams, Lady Kenny, 3:00)4, 3:04)^,3:01,3:00. (w), N. S.~Thorn, Aug. 31, 1875, .«1.50. Elizabeth (w) 1, 4, 3:00. 2:.W.;. 2:48?4, 2:.'i2)^, 2:58. Lovely B.. br m (« :43), by Young (;uv Miller. Thomas Butler, Deerfoot Park, L. L. May 19, 1874, $200. Architect, Ella 1). (1 dis)". Granger (1 (lis). 2:. 52)4. 2:47)4, 2:48'2. May 23, 1874. $200. Phil 0']N'eiI Jr. l, 4. Ilandv Andy3.5, C. E. Cooney(2 dis), Ella D. d dis), 2:47, 2:43, 2:48, 2:48.2:48, 2:47'o, 2:49. \Vm. Mc.Mahon, June 1. 1874, .$7.50. Hamilton Avenue 1,4, 2:44'2. 2:45'i, 2:48, 2:49. 2:49. E. H. Heard, June 15, 1875. $500. Country Bov 2. 2:56i4, 2:55K', 2:56)4, 2:49)4. .InlV 5. 1875, S2.50. Safety 2, -J-.m}/,. 2 :50)^j, 2 :46, 2 :45. Love's Biiy stalliou i3 :31). T. Love, Montreal, P. Q., July 26, 1883, $100. St. Jacobs, White Bird, Kockroy Girl. Canal Boy. Best time, 3:31. Lovell's Brown .Stallion (2 :i52), by Hanibletonian. J. Lovett, Fashion Course, L. I. Oct. 1, 1864, $1,000. Burr's ch s (1 dis), 2:.52. Lowell Belle, blk m (3 :40U). C. Callaghan. Lawrence, IMass.. Sept. 25, 1874. $500. Belle of Worcester 3, Belle Hudson. Belle Jackson, Herod, Orient (3 dr), L:idy Van Clief (3 dr), 2:42i2.2:40U,. 2:43. 2:42. Lowell's Entry (,3:41). IL Lowell, Lexington, Ky., Sept. 14. 1872, $ . IS'utler's Entry, 2:41, 2:58)4. Tliree- vear-olds. Lowery Matthews, eh g (2 :38i4). B. Kice, San Francisco, Cal., March 8, 1806, $2,000. Kose Livingston 2 (3 0), 2::, by Golddust, dam Ijy Bald Hornet. Ch:irles S. (Jreen. Providence, R. I., Sept. 26, 1S71. .«2,000. Jerry Drew 2, Camors, Stuyvesant, Castle Boy, .loe (l dis), Ed Eaton (1 dis), 2:31^4, 2:32 2:34' 2 2:3114. Sept- 28. 1871, $'2,000. Joe 2, 3, stuyvesant, Jerry Drew, Castle Boy (3 dis), Jack Poor (3 di.s). 2:31%, 2:315!i, 2*29 *^*30 2 "32^-1 (s),"'Prospect Park, L. I., May 31, 1872, $750. J. J. Bradley (s), 2, George W. Patterson (s) (2 dis), 2:2654, 2:29 2:27 2:26 U- '- (s), Sept. 21, 1872, $1,000. Sea Foam (s), George W. Patterson (l dis), 2:25'i. 2:24i4, 2:29'^. (s). May 22, 1874, $1,000. Copperljottom. pacer (s), 2:27i4, 2:20, 2:2114. Buffalo, N. Y.. Aug. 5, 1874, $7,500. Stewart Maloney, Spotted Colt, Cozette, John H. (3 dis). 2:25'L 2:26, 2*25. '- Utica, N. Y.. Aug. 13, ls74. $5,000. Commodore 2. Thomas L. Young, (Jrace (3 dis). Buzz (3 dis), 2:25, 2:25, 2:221^,2:22' 2. My.stic Park. Boston, Sept. 2 1874. .«3.000. Smuggler 3. Conuiiodore. Everett Ray. Music. Phil Sheridan, Fraiik Ferguson, Ladv Mac. .lolin H. (2dis),2:25i4. 2:2214. 2:22, 2:2.3. Buffalo, N. Y., Aug. 7 and 9. 1S75. $4,000. Bella. Lady Star, Thomas L. Young, Sea Foam, Grafton, 2:21U ^"Rochester, N. Y., Aug. 12, 1875, $4,500. Sensation, Bella, Sea Foam. Thomas L. Young, Grafton (1 dis), 2:19'i, 2:20i»,2:2194. Utica, N. Y., Aug. 20, 1875, $4,000. Sensation, John H.. Thomas Jefferson, Thomas L. Young, Bella (1 dis), 2:2014, 2:24, 2:24. Albanv, N. Y., Sept. 21. 1875. $ . American Girl. 2:241^, 2:23'.;, 2:25. N. Palmer. Rochester, N. Y., Oct. 14, 1875, $1,500. Thomas L. Young 1. 2:22. 2:21. 2:21';, 2:22'/;. Cliarles S. (ireen, Mystic Paik. Boston, July 6, 1877. .S750. Martha Washington, 2:25, 2:23, 2:23'4. Rochester. X. Y.. Aiig. 10 1877, .?3,ono. Nettie, 2:21. 2:16i4, 2:2214. Utica, N. Y.. Aug. 17. 1877, .$3,000. Hopeful, Nettie, 2:17';. 2:18?i, 2:18^4. Lucinda, gr m (3 :5.3). Danvers, Mass.. July 4, 1874, .$100. Eldridge 1. 3, Reuben (5 dis), Lady Spiller (1 dis), 2:52, 2:.53V^, 2:,53, 2:.54, 2:.53. Lucine, ch m (3:30). by Green's Hambletonian, dam bv Matchless. H. Rogers. Myricks, Mass., Sept. 15, 1875. $i>o. John Walker (3 dis), Jonathan (2 dis). Curiosity (1 dis), Jim Fisk (1 dis), 2:50, 2:50, 2:50. Five year-olds. Luck, ch m ( 3 :53i4). John L. Doty, Prospect Park, L. I., Sept. 26, 1874. .$200. Emma. 2:53^. 2:5714, 2:5Gi4. Luckless (Brutus), br g (2 :50). Isaac Hoyt, Goshen. N. Y.. Jiilv 5. 1809, .$50. Prarie Hen 2. Ladv Pop, Fanny Clay, Sam, 2:.53, 2:51. 2:50, 2:5.3. LucknoTp, blkg(3:38). Stephen White, Boston, Mass., Oct. 30, 1860, $ . Rocky Mountain (2 dis), 2:45, 2:40?ii. Nov. 16. 1860. .$200. Lady Shaw. Rocky Mountain, 2:42, 2:38. Lucky Look, grg (3:53). J. H. Rawlev, Newport, R. I., Sept. 5, 1876, $100. Sampson 2, 3 (1 0). Best time, 2 '52. Lucreee, b m i3:33i4), by Robert Whalley. M. Burlinghame, Bangor, Mich., May 25, 1880, $150. Shadow, Mollv McCiill, 2:46, 2:4m. 2:40. W. J. Walsworth. Cedar Rapids, la., Sept. 20, 1881. $300. Mountain Girl 3, Riette, Frank Baker, 2:35, ^ Sept. 22. 188'i',''.$3ob. Kitty Clvde, Mountain Girl, Riette, Colorado, 2 :34. 2 :34i^, 2 :33. M. Hopkins. Cincinnati, O., Oct. 14 and 15, 1881, $1,000. Rosa Wilkes 1, 4(6 0), Mattie Graham 3, Rachel B. 2. Elfle G., Landon, Tom Brown, Bliss, 2:30, 2:28^, 2:.30, 2:30!/2, 2:29>4. 2:32i^. 2:26H, 2:27i^. W. J. Walsworth, Buffalo, N. Y., Aug. 1, 1882, $2,000. Jewelt 1, Flora F. 4, Unolala, R. P., 2:22}^, 2:2^, 2:2.5, 2:29. 2:30. —. Lansing, Mich., June 1, 1883. $500. Ladv Brownell 2, Green Charley, Molly Middleton. Jim Early (3 dis), 2:31'/2, 2:30, 2:3014, 2:3014. — Cedar Rapids, la., June 15, 1883, $500. Little Sioux 1, Jewett, Maggie F., Lillian, 2:25?i. 2:2714, 2:26J4, 2 •28'^j' OsKaloosa, la.. June 26, 1883, $37,5. Big Soap l. 2:32'^2. 2:29';. 2:31 »i, 2:34. Lucreee, b m (3 :59). J. Burns. Steubenville, O., July 4, 1883, .$200. Unknown 1, 2, Judge Hance, Bess, 2:5954 2:59'.i, 2:59%i, 2:5914. 2:59. Lucretia Borgia, b m" (3 :4o'). J. AV. Sliger, Newark, O., June 5, 1872, $800. Minnie, Gray Steel, Ida May, 2: to. 2:42.2:46. Wlieeling, W. Va., Oct. 21. 1874. $300. Honest Joe 1, 2, Revenge (3 dr). Best tima 2-4ti/2. Lucy, b m (2:.54i4). H. Kennedy. Philadelphia. Pa., Oct. 5 1858. .$50. Fanny, 3:f)0. 2:.54K,. Lucy, b m f3:l8i4>, bv Geo. M. Patchen, dam by May Day. L. A. Holcomb, Rockville, Conn., Oct. 6, 1865, $300. stonewall Jackson. Osgood's b m i3 dr). 2:44. 2:44, 2:43i.i. Norris Holcomb, Xew Haven. Conn., Oct. 19, 1865. $225. Volcano. Gray Mare (2 dis), 2:40, 2:39, 2:.39. (w). Fashion Course, L. I.. Nov. 4. 1865, $1,000. Honest John, 2:47. 2:4.5, 2:45. T. S. Carpenter, July 10, 1866. $l,900. Amber, Daisv Burns, Zenobia, Olinda (2 dis). Smoke (1 dis), 2:33, 2:30, 2:.32^. — — (s), Boston, Mass., Sept. 11, 1866. $100. Fanny Allen( s). Leviathan (s). 2:30, 2:28?4, 2:30. — — Fashion Course. li. I.. Sept. 28. 1866. $800. Rosamond ,3, Cora, 2:30, 2:30J4, 2:31 V^, 2:28. T. J. Vail, Palmer. Mass.. Oct. 12. 1866. .$200. Old Put (2 dis), 2:3.5, 2:32. Norris Holcomb. Providence. R. I., Aug. 1, 1867. $1,500. Col. Maynard, Bruno, 2:27, 2:27, 2:28. — Aug. 5, 18u7, ,$.3,.500. General I'.utler, Bruno, 2-28»4, 2:27. 2:26';. — New Haven, Conn,, Oct. 3. 1867, .$500. Dan Rice 2, Old Put. 2:.33'4, 2:32^, 2:.32i/2, 2;.34;4. Budd Doble, Providence, R, I., Oct. 24, 1867, $1,250. Lady Thome 1, Bruno, Dan Rice, 2:2714, 2:28 2:26J<, 2:251^. 464 CHESTEK'S COMPLETE TItOTTING AND PACING RECOKD. ■ (s). Fashion Course. L. I., .lune .•!. ikcs, .SL'.r.oo. Oen. Hutlor (s), 2:25'i. 2:2C, 2:22}^. (s), Boston, Mass.. Jnly 2. isf^s. .■jj-j.ooo. UdIIu Colddust is), 2:37^, 2:2.">'/s, 2:23^. Albany, N. Y., July 17, \x(», .r^l.T.Mi. (ioldsniitli Maid. Kicd I'cnci-, 2:28, 2:29. 2:2^. Buffalo, N. Y.. Julv^l, lf«ix, .. 2:2Gi.i. 8aratO{:a Sj>a, N. Y.. Aug. ir>, 1S70, -Sl.OOO. George Wilkes. 2:-3>, 2:27'«, 2:27'... W. 11. 1)oble, Eleetwood I'ark. N. Y., Sept. 23, 1S70, §2,500. George Wilkes 2, Ileniy. 2:2.'>U;, , 2:24'/i, 2:25. rrovidenee. U. I.. .lune 10, 1871, S2..'>00, George Palmer, 2:2r)'j. 2:2.'5. 2:24. O. A. Iliekok. Buffalo, N. Y.,Aug.9, 1872, .•i!;iO,000. American Girl 2, Goldsniitii Maid, Henry, 2:1854, 2:17i.,,2:lltJi,L':22. San Kraneiseo, C'al.. Ort. 30, 1S72. .?7,.'')00. Oeeident (2 dis\ 2:25V,. 2:20. Cleveland, (».. Aug. 2. is73. .*(;,ooo. American Girl, (ioldsniitli inlaid. 2 :21?a, 2:2.S?.i, 2:24'4. liucy. bik m cZ ■.•i»}'.,). Wm. Woodruff, Boston, Mass., Nov. 22, 1 800, S . Uucle Dudlev 1, 2:44ir<;, 2:4154, 2:38'. lucy, bik in (3:56). .lames Ralston, Macon, (ia., Sept. 22, 1871, $ . Bullet 2, Tom Reese (l dis) Bob Utlisl. 3:00. 3:01,3:00. 2:r,t;. lucy, b m (3 :47 i. Boston. Mass.. Oct. 20, 1871, S200. Fanny 3, 2:47. 2:47'.i, 2:40i4. 2:48>4. tuey. 1) ni rZ:4.~>). F. 1!. Elkiiigton. Salem, N. J., Sept. 11, 1872, $100. Lady Patterson 1, 3, Jersey Boy, Lin- coin. Ladv Brook (4 dr». •_':4_".>,2:4r., 2:50\i, 2:52J4, 2:47'o. Sept. IL', ls72,Sioo. Mc( Icllan. Gen. Grant. Lady Brook, Alack, Jersey Boy (3 dr). 2:5]i.t, 2:.V2'5. 2:49>/4. Luev. gr m (2:55(;). .1. Bartleson, Point Breeze Park, Phila., April 1:5. 1874. ig . Frank, 2:55'... 2:57'4. (w). .lune 2.".. 1874. S . Prince 2. 3, 2:.">7^.,;, 2:.o6=.i, 2:.''>4^.i, 2:,5.")'j, 2:.57. Lucy, bni (3:35). A. D. Helm, Fort Wayne, Ind., July 27, 1874, .§200. Little Sam, Anthony Wayne (3 dr), 2:38'., 2:35?4,2:36. Sept. 8. 1874, S300. Brown Billy 1, Lucy .fr.. Flora (1 dis), 2:37'2, 2:40i/>, 2:4S, 2:.^5^. Norwalk, ()., Aug. 24, 1877, .*325. Jay Bird 1, Frank Shaw (4 0), Abclallah Boy, fioekey, Hinckley Boy, Fearless, IJrown Nelly. Black Kate. Roan Jack, 2:38, 2:40, 2:35, 2:40, 2:3794, Lucy, bm(3:50i4i. F. Bnrrell Jr., Newark, O., Aug. 21, 1880. !S50. Jack, 2 :53?4', 2:50^4. Lucy, b m (3:40i. J. Mar, Atlanta, (!a.. Oct. 27, 1874, $500. Crawford's grs, Spider. 2:40. 2:40. 2:41''2. Lucy, ch m (3:50). T. Vaudecar, Sand v Hill, N. Y., Sept. 11, 1875,$ . Lambert Knox 3, 5, (4 0), Fred Lee (4 0>, Mike Taylor, Nindde Dick. J:r,(), 2:,50, 2:50, 2:51.2:.''i4, 2:,54. Lucy, b m (3 :53). G. M. Horton, Manstield, Mass.. June 9. 1876, $ . Medford Boy 3, 3:05. 3:00, , 3:01. Woousocket. R. I.. June 28. 1876. .¥100. Stranger 2, 3, Cora 1, Commodore Packard, Sam .Morrill, Black Crook (1 dis). 2:48, 2:.52>4.2:52, 2."'1, 2:52?4,2:.'")4. Lucy, b ni (3:53i.oj. J. Ca.sey, St. Louis, Mo., Aug. 25, 1877, $40. Clara 2, Kaiser, Lady Thorn, 2 :.'>4, 2:53, 2:.52i^, 2:53f^. Lucy, b in (3 :36^), by Felter's Hambletonian. Robert Porter, Davenport, la., Sept. 5, 1877, $100. Queen of Diamonds (2 dis). Transit (1 dis i, 3:10, 3:00. Genesco, HI.. .lune 28, 1878, .sioo. Newbern 1, 4, Puss Thorn 3, John Jr., George Purdy, 2:02, 2:09, 2:06, 2:07. 2:02, 2:01, 'o. Three-fourths of amile heats. Cedar R;ipids, la., June 10, 1879, .1i;300. Woodbui-y Chief, Limerick Boy 1 (3 dis), Rockwell (1 dis), 2:40, 2:43,2:43,2:4!). Macomb, 111., Aug. 2G. 1880. $300. Y'oung Buchanan 2, Bill Boy, Charley Douglass, 2:30?^, 2:29'/2, 2:3054, 2:323', ^ Rock Island. 111., May 26, 1882, $300. Mountain Girl, Frank Baker, 2:42}^. 2:40'4, 2:3754- M. E. McHenry, Quincy, 111., June 3, 188-', .$400. Corbin's Bashaw, Clara Cleveland, Ben Harper, 2:40, 2 *37 2 '375-^. ^c'edar falls, la., July 6, 1882, $500. Hardwood, Kentucky Girl, Captain Herod, Billy Boy ^2 dis;, 2:29, 2:31,2:33. R. Porter, La Salle, 111., Aug. 18, 1882, $.500. Don Quixote, Blackstone, Qnickstej). Richmond, 2:28. 2:30H, 2:32!i. Quincy, III., Aug. 25, 1882, $500. Corbin's Bashaw, Brown Dick, Tony Newell, Lookout Jr., Don Quixote, 2:28K', 2:34?i.2:34'2. M. E. McHenry, Cambridge 111., Sept. 7, 1882, .$225. Slipper. Toronto Maid, 2:35?4, 2:395i£, 2:31. R. Porter, Council Bluffs, la., Sept. 22, 1882. $600. Fletao, Dutch Girl, 2:29'2, 2:31. 2:295^. 2:28?4. Kansas City, Mo., Sept. 27, 1882, $500. Willis Woods 3, Dom Pedro, Biily Boy (4 dis), 2:40! 2, 2:3854, » 2:37'/2. La Salle. 111.. July 28. 1883. .$400. Waverlv, Prince, Neva, 2:27J4. 2 :28'4, 2 :2854. . Davenport, la., .fuly 31, 1883. .$300. .lohn Hall, Fleta, Westmont, Betsv Ann (2 dis), 2:3054, 2:26'^, 2:30^. Peoriii, 111.. Sei)t. 10, 1883, $2.50. Little Sioux 1. Netty M., 2:M. 2:;«'., 2M}^, 2:3,5J^. . Quincy, III., Sept. 12, 1883, $300 Bay William 2, Freestone, Howard, Gray Henry, 2:30. 2:2754, 2:2^ 2:295ii. Lucy, blk in (3 :06';v J. N. Perdue, CarroUton, 111., July 4, 1878, s$ . Lady Thorn 1, 2. Nina Grier, Riga- doon, 3:15, 3:04, 3:10. 3:061/,. 3:08. Lucy (3 :50). Warren, O., Sept. 20, 1878, $100. Kentucky Clay Jr.. Frank West, Flash, Tom Jones, 2:."i0.2:53, 2:.54. Lucy, br m. H. Tenhardt, Ambler Park, Pa., Sept. 23, 1878, $M. S. R., Old Hope. Well Digger, l :45. l -.M. l :38. Half-mile heats. Tliret-year-olds. Lucy blk m (3:3054). bv Koval Revenge, dam by imp. Harkaway. E. K. P.-Umer, Parker City, Pa., Oct. 1, 1878. .«!22.5. Drift. Diiiiiiol)!!, Colonel, 2:41, 2:42, 2:40',i Lyons, N. Y., Oct. 8, 1878, .■f . Frank Clark 2, Maud, Polly G., Eulia, Johnny B.. Laurelloii (3 dr), 2:36, 2:40,2:3,5.2:36. Oct. 10, 1878, 8 . Eulia. Pollv G., Frank Cl.ark, 2:.37?4, 2:.38, 2:'i8i4- Palmer and Wells, Battle Creek, Mich., June 5, 1879, $400. Russ Ellis, Parana, Diamond. Kate Hall, 2*31' i 2"31 2'.3'"" '- Ea'stSaKi'iiaw.' Mich.. .lune 18, 1879, $500. Kate Hall, Red Line, Billy Yeazell, Little Hannah, Will Cody, Parana, Banner Bov. Surprise, 2:26. 2:26. 2:23'i. Columbus, O Scpt.:M). 1879. .foon. ILiinbrino. Lewinski. Gray Salem, Ethel. 2:24.2:2,5, 2:25. Oct. ' Adr •iiiiiiitu:^, . ». . .Ti-j n . .,.'. i ..1.7. .;.',,... .. ■ 11, III. .1 111,., ■..•..>•..•«■. -,. ■ ,.., ......^ ....v.. ....... — ^., .- ...u. t. .3, 1879. .SKOO, Little Ovpsv 3 (4 0). Sciohl 1, 2:26^4, 2:25'i, 2:26>4. 2:28. 2:31»4, 2:31';. Irian, Mich., .lime 4, 1880. $1,000. Elsie Good (\ o». Will Cody, Lady Turpin, Belle H.(3 dis). 2:28, 2:26i4, 2:27';i, 2:2854. Grand Rapids ^Mich.. July 2, 1880, $900. Kentucky Wilkes 3, Kitty Bates, Kate Mlddleton, Tommy Gates. Ladv Turpin (4 dis) 2:29'4. 2:30. 2:29. 2:27. • Salamanca. N. Y., Sept. 10, 1880. .1|!500. Tom Keeler 1. Cl.ara J., Little Gypsy, 2:27, 2:2<). 2:25, 2:26. Cuba N. Y., Sept. 24, 1880, $300. Argonaut 4, Timothy 1, Tom Keeler, 2:265',, 2:22, 2:24>4, 2:26)4, 2:2454, CHESTER'S COMPLETE TliOTTlNd AND FACING KECOIM). 465 Altooiia. Pa.. Sept. 30, 1880. .$500. Little Gvpsv, Tom Keeler, Alley, Big Fellow (2 dis), 2:29. 2:30, 2:.%. Lewiston. Pa.. Oct. 7, l8so. .$400. Clover, Tom Keeler, Little Gypsy (1 uis). 2:2CJ4, 2:27'/4,2:28i)i. Columbus. O., June 2y. 18Sl, ^WO. So So. Ireue, Powers, 2:2354, 2:22^4. 2:23. I,ucy, b m ri :30i4). W. (i;r)laghei-. Prophetslown, 111., Aug. 3, 1880. $250. Kitty Fisher 3, Sleepy Ned, Clara Cleveland, Trumpeter ^■t dri. 2:35'4, 2:32ki, 2:3034, 2:34i.i. Iiucy, «r m (3:07). Mr. Lee, Woodstock, N. B., July 1, 1881, .§100. Nelly Brown 1, Orphan Girl, , 3:07, 3:07. Four-year-olds. r,iicy (w). gr m Ci :53 w). Mr. Beiiliani. Woodsburg, N. Y., Aug. 8. 18».3, $100. Ben. 2:.53'i. 2:52, 2:56i4. tucy. b m (« :51J^). J. Palmer. Troy. N. Y., Aug. 27, 1883, .Sloo. Sam 2. J. Lee. Harlow. Best time. 2:51',^. Lucy Ann, bm (3:50). G. Woodruff, Philadelphia, Pa., Sept. 9, 1857, $ . Little Willy 2, William Peiia (2 dr). 2:.50. 2:.51. 2:48. 2:50. tucy B., br m (3:30J4). A. L. Cumniings, Council Bluffs, la., Sept. 11. 1883, .?400. Kocky Mountaui Tom, Toronto Maid, Lorene, Glenwood 1. (4 dr), 2:27^^ 2:30'/2, 2:30'/^, 2:31^. Sei)t. l.i. I8s:!, .S400. Toronto Maid, Lorene, Bav Mac, 2:38]4,2:3'j]4, 2:34^. Lucy Barr, b m (3:51). H. Clingfleld. Lincoln, HI.. Aug. 30, 1879, .^60. Bob Williams, Henry (3 dis), Nelly I2disi, 3:00, 2:57, 3:00. Lucy Bell, b m (3:45). Mr. Cott'ev. Montgomerv, Ala., Dec. 20, 18.59, SIOO. Cockney Dan, 2:45.2:47, 2:.")2. Lucy C.,b m (3:40). C. B. Crosby, Rome, N. Y., Sept. 20. 1878, .i?l.50. Castleton 1, Frank Clark, Fanny. Ebenezer. Duke of Burr, Oceana, Honest Charley, Bay Chailey. 2:40, 2:40, 2:41. 2:40. Lucy C, ch m (3 -.SOI, by Hotspur, dam Lady Clara, by Marshal Ney. J. Call, Oil City, P;i., July 9, 1879, .•$400. (3harley T., T. i\XR&yne 3, (4 dis), Jake Underwood (4 dis), 2.41. 2:37, 2:40. 2:37. Columbus, (^ Oe\ 1, and 2, 1879. .§600. Jim Schriber 3, li. Business 1. Jerry Hardwick .">, Outlaw (4 dis,), 2:30, 2:37^, 2:3014, i:™^ , 2:30'4, 2:33. Lucy D., b m (3 :34|^), by facing Davy. S. F. & K. J. Day, F'ort Wayne, Ind., Sept. 16, 1879, .$400. Belle Drury, Betsy Baker, Henrv G., Koadmaster, 2:4.5i^. 2:45i.i, 2:46. Lucv Fleming:, ch 111(3:3414), by Peavine, dam by Brlnker's Drennou. Macy Bros., Lexington, Ky.. June 24. 1877, .§400. Orange Girl 1. Villacerce (3 dis), Mark (3 dis), Altaric (2 dis;, Webster (2 dis), Paddy (2 dis), Alice White (l dis), 2:28V2, 2:2914. 2:29, 2:35^. Cincinnati. O.. July 2, 1877. .$1,000. Orange Girl 2, Dr. Bonaparte, Dream, Caesar, Nelly Morton, Dou Juan, Webster, Kobiist Hazard, 2:3314. 2:30. 2:30i4. 2:3214. H;irrodsburgh. Ky.. July 27, 1877. $250. Fanny Stoner. Red Crook, Tom Stamps. 2:3294. 2:32Ji, 2:32^. Eminence, Kv., Aug. 22," 1877, .$ . Orphan Boy, Eudora, 2:42, 2 :41, 2:41. • Same day. $ . Orphan Boy. Black Sal, 244. 2:48, 2:4514. Madison,' Ind., Oct. 31. 1877. $500. Dan Howell 1, Proteine 4, Salem, Bay Charley,2:30, 2:29^4,2:29, 2:2914, 2:29. J. H. Phillips, Utica, N. Y., Aug. 22, 1879, $1,500. ^nuilus 2, (4 0), (5 0), 2:28, 2:25, 2:24i4, 2:28?4', 2:27}^, 2:2714. Lucy Gernent. b m (3 :33i4), bv Warwick Boy, dam by Bay Billy. W. B. Boylan. Morrisania. N. Y., Oct. 7, 1882, .•?345. Humbert, Sir Charles (1 dis), liirline Bov (1 dis), 2:32i4, 2:34^^. 2:33^2. Four-year-olds. Lucy Hazel, b ni (2 :44). A. S. Dorsey, Waslihigtoh. D. C, May 2. 1878. $150. Lady Morrow, Castleman, Potomac Maid (l dis). Flora Temple (1 dis). 2:44. 2:45?4. 2:45?£. Lucy Hill, b m (3 :44i4) by Dave Hill. C. S. Case, Erie, Pa., Oct. 8, 1875, .$200. Paleface, Bonny Bell, L. I., 3:10, 3:00.3:00. Lucy Long, b m (3 :48). Wm. H. Saunders, SjTacuse. N. Y., .Julv 9, 1858, $50. Storm (2 dr), 2:52. . Lucy Long, ch m (3:461,^). W. T. Burch, Savannah, Ga.. Oct. 8. 1868. $250. Brick Pomeroy 1, Mattie, 2:61, 2:48,2:463^,2:48. I.ucyM.,grm(3:55Ji). T. E. Morris, Freehold, N. J., Sept. 16, 1875, $80. Wright's b m, 3:03%, 2:55?i, 2:56. Five-year-olds. Lucy M^Kinney, bm (3:5510. J. W. West. Canal Dover. O.. Aug. 2, 1871, $50. Sorrel Grim (1 dis). Red Stocking (1 dis), Sandstone Tom(l dis). Jack Bunnell(l dis). 2:5514. Lucy Monahan (3 :35i4) by a son of George Wilkes, dam by Flying.Cloud. L. Herr, Lexington, Ky.. Oct. 10, 1883, $400. Boss Monroe, Lucy Blackwood, 2:393^, 2:37, 2:35>4. Lucy N., b m (3 :31?i) by Sailor Bov. G. P. Smith, Red Wing, Minn,, June 7. 1882. $200. Black Prince 1, 2, Josie Clayton, 2:38i4, 2:4034, 2:38'}.^, 2:38?4, 2:3934. J. McKenny. Rochester, Minn,, Sept. 5, 1882, $300. Baybrino3, 6, Clumsy Fred 1, 2, Sam H.. Portion, Frank Hall. 2:3314. 2:31%, 2:31, 2:Si%, 2:33%, 2:35. 2:363^. Lucy Nichols, b m (3 :003^). J. Doyle, Coshocton, O., Oct. 18, 1881, $100. John T. 1, Eagle Woodstock. 3:01, 3:02,3:0014,3:00^. . F. Nichols. Oct. 11, 1882, $65. Lookout 3, Charley Tipton, John T.. 3:02, 3:01, 3:03, 3:0134. Lucy Penny, b m (3 :35) by Iron Duke, dam by Tippoo Sahib. J. N. Bertholf, Wawarsing, N. \., Sept. 12, 1873, $200. Jenny Carroll 2, Harry Bassett 3,Barnev. Roan Spangle, Island Chief, Doctor King (4 dis), 2:51, 2:48, 2:52.2:54.2:5234. Warwick, N. Y., Sept. 30, 1873, $300. Ed. Smith l. Tornado (1 dis), Delmonico (1 dis), 2:40%, 2:45. 2:41%. 2:4314. Goshen, N. Y., July 4 and 6, 1874, $200. Ben Butler 1, Ed. Smith, Tom Wonder, Pelhatn. Modoc, 2 :44i2, 2:5334,2:373.^,2:383^. J. H. Penny. Spring Valley, N. Y., Jmie 16, 1875, .$200. George Ray 2, Kate Hughes, 2:4.33^, 2 :42?4, 2:44, 2:38%. June 17, 1875, $3.50. Turnbull 1, 2, Kate Hughes 4, Scotland Maid, 2:40, 2:39i5, 2:40, 2:413^. 2:40. 2:40. Lucy R., br raX3 :33i^). S. E. Gallagher, Youngstown, O., July 6, 1881, $400. Little Jim 1, 2, Mohawk Maiden. Keystone, Fanny Wilkes, 2:3234, 2:36. 2:3234. 2:.34, 2:36. Lucy .Smith, br m(3 :47). L. Whitford, Kansas City, Mo., July 3, 1878. $200. Sam Patch, Billy Monroe. S :02. 2 '53% 2:.52. Lucy Walter', br m (3 :0934) by Sir Walter, P. Webber, Freehold, N. J., Sept. 13, 1882, $80. Nelly, Delmonico, 3:12. 3:0914. Three-year-olds or under. Lucy White (3:46). J. B. Burlew, Auburn, N. Y.,Sept. 15, 1870, $100. Tony Pastor, Gray Eagle, Nelly Lawrence, 2:5234. 2:46, 2:53. Lucy Young, b m (3 :405;^), by Bellringer. Isaac Hoyt. Lexington, Ky., Oct. 16, 1872. $150. Vidette, John Clay. Pat Malloy, Black Prince. iSlolly Brown (2 dis), Annie Bailev (1 dis), 2:41, 2:40U. 2:43. Ludlow, ch g (3 :33i4), by Young 'Ethan. J. W. Withee, Gardiner, Me., Sept. 12. 1873. .$500. Lothair 1, Buf- falo Bill, White Stockings. Daylight (2 dis), 2:37, 2:36, 2:38, 2:38. Bangor, Me., Oct. 3,1874, $450. Charley MorriU 1, Arthur, Fred Logan (4 dr), 2 :38, 2 :3834, 2:33J4, 2:.34'4. — Oct. 15, 1874, .$300. Phil Sheridan, Dare 1 (2 dis). 2:37, 2:.34, 2:35, 2:35. Lnella (Lady Mac), dn ni (3 :37). S. W. Wheeloek. Davenport, la.. Sept. 4, 1873, $.300. Troublesome l. Kitty Shotters," Billy, Red Cloud, Sexton (4 dis). 2:47, 2:41, 2:40, 2:39, 2:41. Cambridge, 111., Aug. 27, 1875, $150. Slickfellow 2, 3 (4 0), Gen. Grant, Alexis, 2:4034. 2:40, 2:4534„2:45, 2:47,2:481'.. Lugo, bg(3:54H). T. D. Mott, San Diego, Cal., Oct. 31, 1871, $400. Beau Clay 1, 3, Hercules (l dis), 2:53, 2:5434, 2:57, 3:00, 3:01. Four-year-olds. 30 468 CHESTEUS COMPLETE TltO'lTINC AM) l'A( INCJ llECOUl). tula, (3:38*i). Hamilton, Out., Sept. 28, 1871, $200. Repeater 1. 2, Pilot, 2:46, 2:41, 2:38»4. 2:39, 2.41. l,ulii(.Ieniiy Peiry), 1) m {'Z:ir>),b\ Alexaiider's Norman, dam Kate Croclvett, by imp. llootoii. Joseph llarker, l*rospeft I'ark, L. 1., Sept. 23, 1873, $2.(i0ii. Crown Prinue 2, Susie. Thomas .knersvm. Ben Flagler 2:2.">, 2:2.'iHi. 2:24^4. 2:26. Charles S. Green, Cleveland, 0.,.hily 28, 1874. .So,000. Bodine 1, Triumph, Castle Hoy, Badger (iirl, Derby, Brother .lonalhan u' ilr), 2:2."4. 2:20!^, 2;23'.i, 2:24?i. Itochesler, N. V., Aug. 11, 1874, S4,oO0. Derby, Triumph, George (l dis). Badger Girl (I dis;, 2:21, 2:24^, 2:lC^a. Buffalo, X. Y., Aug. 10, 1875, $4000. Nettle. 2.22. 2:18U,. 2:15. Uoehester, N. v., Aug. 14, 1875, $4,500. Goldsmitli Maid I, American Girl. Nettie, 2:15'j,2:16Vi,2:15'/ii •'- iJavton. O., Oct. 4, 187.">. $2,750. l.ueille Golddust, 2:21, 2:22'j. 2:21';. Uocbester. N. Y.. Oct. 4, 1875, $2,000. 2:lGi4, 2:14^^, 2:16. To beat, 2:14. Lost. .lost-nil liarl4, 2:16i4, 2:17^. To beat 2:14. Lost. Koi'li.stfr. N. Y., Aug. ;•, 1870, $1,000. 2:22, 2:16'2, 2:19%. To beat 2:14. Lost. Clica. N. Y.. Aug. U>, l,s76. $1,000. 2:26?i, 2:29, . To beat 2:14. Lost. P.)Uglikeei)sie, N. V.. Aug. 23. 1876, $1,000. 2:25U, 2:22».i. 2:20Ki. Tobeat2:14. Lost. . \V:islilngton. D. C, .June 15, 1877, $1,500. Great Eastern, 2:22, 2:26, 2:21'4, $1,000, to beat 2:18'/i, $600 tO beat -Ml. Lost. Mvst if Park, Boston, .Julys, 1877, $500. 2:18>4, 2:16?i, 2:19i^. To beat 2:14. Lost. Toledo, O., .July 16, 1878,$ . 2:22, 2:22, 2:21'4. To beat 2:14. Lost. St. Paul. .Minn., Sept. 6. 1S78, .$1,500. Eoxie Y., 2:26?.i, 2:27J^, 2:36'/2. Srpt 17, 187S, $1,000. 2:24,2:201/2,2:21. Exhibition. Quiiuv, HI , Sept. 26, 1878, .3 . 2:23, 2:20\i, 2:21/2. To beat 2.19%. Lost. Lula Hainbletouian. b m (!J:35>4), by McCurdy's Hambletoniau. E S. McCurdy, Macon, Ga., Oct. 28, 1880. .^1,^,0 Georgia Wilkes 1, Xello. 3:00}^, 3:03, 3:08. Three-year olds. ^- Monlgomerv, Ala., Nov. 8. 1880, $100. l^eggy 2. May (1 dis), Black Cloud (1 dis). .John Splan (1 dis), 2:55, 2:.57i2. 3:01. 3:1.5. Three-year-olds. Nov. 11, 1880, .$75. Georgia Wilkes 1. Nello2. 3:01!;2, 3:01, 3:08, 2:59.Three-year-olds. Nov. 15, 18S2, $ . Sally li. a O), Pilot Eagle 2:42. 2:39i4. 2:36^4, 2:3.5i.<^. Nov. IS. 1S82. .$200. Sallv K. 1.3. Duncan (2 dis), 2:40. 2:3514, 2:39>4, 2:4.5, 2:4.5. Lulan gi- m c-J :3«%). by Blue Bull. (i. Seattergood, Worton, Md., Sept. 13, 1882, $100. Alice Gates, Fan W., Frank -M., Mollv F. a dis». 2:42'2, 2:47. 2:47. Sept. 14. 1H82. $1.50. Alice Oates 3. Frank M., Fan AV. (2 dis), Alice Mediimi (2 dis), Molly F. (2dls), John (2 dis), Bav (1 dis), 2:45'2. 2:43, 2:45. 2:41'2. Dover, l)el., Sept. 21, 1882. $150. Tempest, Alice Medium, Oliver F., Fan AV., Delmont, May S. (2 dr), 2:44'o. 2:4, Lady ll.(2dis). Maggie M.' (2 disi. 3:1614. 3:11. Two-year-olds Vni-intP Cr-ua'-^ Lulu.Ja<-k«on.grm (3:1.5). bv Tom Hunter. J. Hunter, Angola, Ind.. Oct. 1. 18.8, $100. voianie, craig s b m. Aleck. 3:15. 3:15, 3:15. Fonr-vear-olds. ,, , , . , n ♦..,..„ tu:.,,. e<»,>f q Lulu .lu.Ul. blk m ('J:33-',). bv Hovaf (ieorge. dam Mohawk Belle. John Archer, Owatonna, Mmn., Sept. 3, 1S83, .$200. Viator. Prilla, 2:42U. 2:44%. 2:43i.i. Sept.7, 1883. .?200. Yiator. Pfilla, 2:44. 2:4.5i4. 2:42',. .,„„., y 00 Hastings. Mmn.. Sept. 12, 1883, .?200. Black Jim 1. (20). David R.. Butcher Jim. 2:3 LuluK., b m (3 :31), bv Blue Bull. J. Wilson. Battle Creek, Mich., June 6, 1879, $300. Dollv. Kate Smith. 2:41. 2:40, 2:40. . „^ ^ t> 1 11 . /q .i-a ...q., o.^i o.r< Riishville Ind Sent. 11. 1879. .« . J m Trv ng, Effle G., Roxey Allen (3 dr), 2.32. 2:31, 2.3.J. Lulu Mack, ch^n (''lis') R. S. McKeon. Cambridge. HI., Sept. 1. 18H1, $200. Frank Baker, Melzar, Paula. Little Tom. Sam Cox,2:44i.i, 2:44>.i. 2:45. :.35i4, , 2:33(i,2:3i3li, B. Palma, Ned Harris. Stinger, Rose Allen. 2:.38. 2:.37, 2:30, 2:.38''i. „ „. „ o-, - o ^7 0.11 St'pt 19 1879 .«;i.50. F.innvl. (irattan. Duke of Burr, 2:36, 2:.37'.. 2:37,2:37. xr„ m„,^ .1 V. SfoddaKl. Watertowu, N. Y.. Sept. 8, I88O, ,$loo. Mary Newton Georp Ernest. N^^^ T. I). Penlleld, Rome, N. Y., Sept. 22, 1881, $200. Tom Jones, Glenn, Eureka, Lady Jui>iter, 2.36!-,, 2,37/4. Liumb I.u^b]:Hei;rbS(y:o;f,:'V h: i>orsly? Weit^. W. Va.. Oct. 2, 1874, $15. Lowthers b g.Gaylor's chg, 4:10, 4:05. Three-year-olds. (CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 467 Lumps, brs (2:31). by Geo. Wilkes, dam by Pearsall. S.Price, Cynthiana, Ky., Aug. -je, 1881, $!500. Rosa Wilkes, Leoutine, Mystery, Judge Havves.-J:30'2. ii:28. 2:2714,. Z. E. [•:ininioiis, Ciueiuiiati, O., October 12, ls81, $1,000. Elsie Groft" 1, Ethel Medium, Executor, Abdallah Boy, Joe Bunker, 2:29! 2, 2:2t;i4, 2:2y'2, 2:27i.u. Cyiithiaua, Ky., Aug. 22, 1882, $'dm. Post~Boy 1, 2, London, Keno, 2:2CK>. 2:2694, 2:23S. 2:22M, 2-22'2. Louisville, Ky., Sept. U and 15, 1882, .fiSOO. Deck Wright 2, 3, Fanny Robinson 5, Scott's Thomas, 2:21%. 2:23'i. 2:2411. 2:23. 2:28, 2:24. ' ' *» Sept, n;, 1^82, $-J->0. Deck Wright, Lillian. 2:2514. Luna, b m (3 ilJlM, ). by Almont, dam by Alexander's Abdallah. \V. Gallagher, Cambridge, 111., Seiit. 2, 1881. S250. Frank liaker. Blue Cloud, 2:40, 2:491... 2:.'-..5. i . . Col. Crockett, Davenport, la., Sept. 8, 1881, jiaoo. Frank Baker 1, Bay Charley, Lady B., 2:38, , 2:39^, Wj^ Gallagher, Jerseyville, 111., October 14, 1881, .fl75. Mary H., Lady Low, Maud S. (3 dr), 2:42i4, 2:40, Luiikoy (3:49). J. O. Conklin, Washington Hollow, N. Y., Sept. 19, 1873. $70. Captain Jack, Billy Moraille, .larky. Belle, Lady Ilardenburgh. Gypsy Maid (2 dr), 2:50, 2:50'/2, 2:49. Lunkhead, b s CJ :00i. A. F. Lee, Dubuque, la., July 6. 1858, $100'. Bay Pete, Iowa "John, 6:00, 6:00>4. Two miles. Luroc. b m, by Iowa Duroc, dam by son of Green's Bashaw. A. J. Briggs, Knoxville, la., Aug. 23, 1882, $75. Lady Duroc, (iifford's Tramp, 1 :54i2. 1 :54'/... Two. year-olds. Aug. 24. 1882. $ . W. (). Two-vear-olds. Luster Boy, bg (3 :33). Dennison, O.. Sept. 23, 1880, $ . Ollie, Mohawk Kate, Dandy. Best time 2 :36. -- - — - Urichsville, O., Sept. 24, 1880 .$ . Hunter 3, Ambassador, Blue Goose. Best tinle 2:32. L. L. Scott, Urichsville, O., Sept. 27, 1883, $100. Jim Bodine, John T., West's Almont, 2:59U, 2:59M, 2:59. Lute, bg (2:31 >i). E. R. Smith, Easton, Pa., Oct. 26, 1869, $800. One of Two 2, 6, Lady Hamilton, Patclien Chiefs. 4 (7 dis), 2:36^, 2:365.i, 2:.37i4, 2:37, 2:44, 2:40, 2:38, 2:39V^. Edwin Scott, Williamsport, Pa , Oct. 22. 1809, .$2,000. N.B. Palmer 4, 5, Henrietta l (6 dis). Mary, Hop (5dr), Lady Whitman (5 dr), Anthony Wayne (4dr), two others (1 dis), 2:33?4, 2:32?*, 2:31U, 2:31 li, 2:33, 2:35. LuTeal, (Glancus), (w) ch g (3:47 w). James Cowan, St. Louis, Mo., Sept. 25, 1858, $50. Gray Harry, Belle of the West, 2 :49, 2 :49, 2 :47. Luther, erg (3:35), by Harker. A. D. Thompson, Newark, N. Y., July 10, 1874, $40n. West Eaton Girl 1. Little Mack, Sunset, Bay Doll, Golden Gate. Bertie Holmes, Capitola (3 dis), Montour Maid (l dis), 2:40, 2:4.314,2:4214 2:43?i. Hamilton,' N. Y.,' Aug. 5, 1874, $200. Billy Mix 1, 3 (4 0), Delight 2 (4 0), Black Frank (5 dr), 2:45i/i;, 2:41, 2 : 40 ' ; , 2 :40, 2 :39, 2 :40, 2 :41. W. Morgan, Warwick, N. Y., Aug. 16, 1876. $400. Silver Tail 1, 6, Roanoke 4 (50;, Sussex, Judge Robert- sou, W. H. Beede, St. George, 2:36W. 2:39, 2:37, 2:35, 2:35,2:37,2:421^. Lyde. b m (2:3.5). T. J. Mlddagh, Mifflin, Pa., Sept. —, 1875, $ . Snow Flake l. Jingle (2 dr), 2:46,2:41^, 2:4014. 2 :42'i. Harrisburgh, Pa., Sept. 16, 1875, $ . Charles C, Juniata Maid. 2:46, 2:44. D. Cummings, Lewiston, Pa., June 16, 1876, $150. Lady Crossin, Black Crook, 2:43, 2:47i/», 2:46. Suffolk Park, Phila.. July 13, 1876, .$300. Rosebud 2, 3, Morning, Arthur Wild, Minnie Medium 1 (3 dis), 2:40. 2:37,2:37. 2:36, 2:37, 2:35, Absecom, N. J., July 20, 1876, .$200. Sally S.. Carl Burr, 2:54^4, 2:48^4, 2 :42i.i. —Mifflin, Pa., Sept. 22, 1876,$ . Country Girl (1 dis), Frank (1 dis), Harry (l dis), Black Crook (1 dis), Lydia D., b m (3 :36i4). A B. Cummings, Lebanon, Pa., Oct. 20, 1881, .$300. Mambrino Hassen l, Augusta Schuvler, 2:40, 2 :.38, 2 :36!4, 2:36i4. Lydia Hodges, b m (3 :00). W. T. Coville. New Bedford, Mass., Nov. 10, 1873, $25. Stare Mare (2 0), Captain Jack (2 0). 3:09, 3:06.3:01, 3:00. Lydia Jans, ch m (3 :16). A. Lasker, Ballston Spa, N. Y., Sept. 7, 1875. $.50. Fred, 3:27J^, 3:23>4, 3:16. Four- vear-olds. Lydia K., gr m (3 :3.5). L. R. Redmond. Middletown, Del,, Sept. 21„1881, $200. Elwood R. 1, Idlewild. Sleepy Dave, Virginia Squirrel, Keystone Maid, 2:.39i4, 2:40?4. 2:41ii. 2:41M- Mt. Holly, N. J., Aug. 12. 1881, $200. Lady Independence, May Flower, Jim Harp, Breeze Medium, Hainbletonian Gem, 2:35, 2:36, 2:37i^. J. Reamer, Jersey City, N. J., July 7, 1882, .$200. Alice Lane 1, 2 :4.3, 2 :.39i^, 2 :38i^, 2:39. Lydia M.,blkm (3:3.3i'3). by Tom Patchen. J. B. Woodbury, Lewiston, Me., Oct. 21, 1880,$ . Morrill Knox, Boxer, Lonesome Phoebe. Von Moltke Jr., 2:40, 2:44, 2:43. / W. J. R. Merriman, Sept. 7, 1881, $300. Dr. Franklin .2, Watchmaker, George Maynard, Belle of Wild- / wood (5 dis). Black Ranger (4 dr). Detective Patcheiy(i dis). Lone Star (1 dis), 2:31'4, 2:31, 2:34, 2:34, ' 2:.3S'4. / \ Norway, Me., Sept. 30, 1881, $100. Lone Star 1, Black Swan, C. H. Gould. . 2:3414. 2:34U, 2:3414. Portland, Me., Oct. 20, 1881, $1.50. Black Arthur 4. Aroostook Bov 3, 2:.38. 2:35, 2 :38, 2 :4l, 2 :.35. Lydia vS., br m (2:35i4). P. E. Lynn, Nev,' Hunting Park, Phil., Sept. 6, 1881, $200. Brandy Boy 3, 4, Lydia K.. Mabel. Thomas Carlyle. Frank L., (3 dis). Wash Moore (2 di.s), 2:38i4, 2:38' 4, 2:3714, 2:42, 2:37. Sept. 8, 1881. .$200. Lydia K., Brandy Boy, Elwood R., Belle of Trenton, Gray John, Republic, Senator Stockton. Tliomas Carlvle -I-Mki. 2:37, 2:40. W. H. Hiller, Ambler Park, Pa., Sept. 14, 1881, .$200. Lydia K , Thomas Carlvle, Senator Stockton, 2:38, 2::i6i4, 2:39:'4. Lydia Thompson, b m (2 :26i4), by Wild Wagoner, dam by Saladin. Dan Mace, Prospect Park, L. I., May 25, 1869. $.500. Pflfer's b m. Lady Ell, Trenton. 2:.39, 2:37"2, 2:40%. Union Course, L. I., June 3. 1869, $500. Pet 2. 3, Lady Sayres l, Twist (5 r o), Eight Bells (2 dr), 2:36, 2:33, 2:3394.2:36, 2:3414. 2:41. — Fashion Course, L. I., Mav 19, 1870, $1,000. Lady Sayres, Flnnigan, Col. Fisk, Butcher Boy, Tom Keeler 1, 2.(4, dis), 2:32^4, 2:33'4, 2:3.3i^, 2:37,2:39. Providence, R. I.. Oct. 8, 1870, $1,.500. New Berlin Girl 2, Enigma, Prince Arthur, Fanny Fern, Fanny, St. Elmo, Belle of Clyde, Lightfoot (4 dr), Lady Emilv (4 dr), 2:33}^. 2:32. 2:3214, 2:32. Fleetwood Park N. Y., Nov. 2, 1870, $1,000. ' Topsy 1, 2:41%, 2:42%, 2:37, 2:38. Nov. 11. 1870, $1,000. New Berlin Girl 1, 2:38, 2:.33, 2:3314. J. L. Doty. Deerfoot Park, L. I., Oct. 2, 1873. $600. Ed White 2, Charley Green. Barney Kelly, 2:30i/4, 2:33, 2:35, 2:29%. Lyman, (w) b g (3 :45). Mr. Hanson, Fleetwood Park, N. Y., Aug. 1, 1872, $200. Armstrong, 3 :07, 3 :05, 3:05. Aug. 13, 1872, $.500. Butcher Girl, 2 :.59, 2:58, 2 :.54. Wm. Thorn. Deerfoot Park. L. I., June 17, 1873, $100. Prince Harry 1 (4 dis). Andrew (4 dis). Kip (3 dis) 2:46'-'2, 2:46,2:46,2:45. July 4, 1873, $100. Eastern Star, Russ, Unexpected, 2:45, 2:4694. 2:45. Lyman, b g (3:38. C. E. Mosher, Lynn, Mass., June 27, 1876, $100. Willis, P. W., Hornet, 2:46, 2:46»4, 2:481^. 4(W niKSTKJiS ('()MIM,KTK TUorriNC AND I'ACINC KKCOllD. Lyman Biihvell, Beacon Taik, Boston, Any. SX 1877. .*40. Latly Williams 1. Bay (ieorge, S(iuirrel, 2:41!-j. — Meriden.CoTiu!, Sept. 21, 1877, J'JOO. .Juilf,'f Trumbull 1, Kathriua, Experimenl, Ben, 2:42H, 2:42, 2:45, •.':48. Kodielle, Conn.. Sei)t.2(i. 1877. S7.'>. Kitty Hills 3. \Villy,2:41. 2:41'4, 2:44i^, 2:43'/2. Sept. 27. 1877. .Sl.W. Kitty Hills I. .MarfUK'o. W. H. lludd. Willy. 2:41.»/'. 2:4Bi, 2:42>4, 2:4494. Mvstio I'ark. Boston. Nov. 20 and -M. ls77. S . Hattic 3 (4 0». Maud. 2:44. 2:40^4. 2:42. . 2:42. Lyiuaii' (Yellow Cloud), tin e (3:35i..i, liv Bay ( liief. dam l>y Canadian Ued Buck. L. K. Redmond, Middle- town, Del.. Oct. 2. 1878. $2{)0. (iuide. Little Frank. ■_':4r.i.i. j.l.i. 2:4:ii-ij. Oct. 4, 1878, S150. John C. 3, 5, Clara B. J. Sleepy Dave, Frank 1 1 disi, Miscliief (1 dis). 2:40',. 2:4.3>4, 2:46, 2:42'/4, 2:44. 2:41. Mt. Holly. N. J., Oct. 8. 1878, $150. Bol) Scott 4, Little Frank l. Manil)ri:io Blackluiwk, I>ady Elgin, Dora, 2:42, 2:42'i, 2:43. 2:46>^. 2:43. Oct 8 and 9. 1878, S12.^. KatvTavlor. IStambrino Blaekli;i\vk. Praetor. l.,ady Yerkes, 2:49. 2:47, 2:49. Oct. 8, 1878. .?200. Dolly v., Bob' Scott, Tonnny Bates, Little Frank, Molly Kin^s dr), Lizzie F. (1 dis), 2.42U, 2:42.2:4titi. Wilmiiifiton. Del., Oct. U>. 1878, •Sl.'iO. Lizzie, Little Frank. Bohemian Girl (3dr). 2:45, 2:48,2:49. Oct 17. 1S78, Sl.W. Henrv Ford, Little Frank. Lizzie r^ dn. .Molly F (1 dis).2::i7, 2:45, 2:40. S. L. Craig. New lluntiu}? Park, Phil., Sept. Ki, IsT'j, .SJUO. Star 3, Baywood. Viola (3 dis), F'rank (1 dis). 2:39.2:35. 2:36, 2:37;-4. Dover, Del., Si'i)t. 2C,, 1879, •^-'.'jO. Nigger Baby 3. Jenny Moore, Fanny l'"ern (4 <\r). Johnston Boy (4 dr), Felton (3 dr), 2:34, 2:30, 2:;io, 2:33. L 1! Kedmond, Westchester. I'a.. Oct. 3. 1879, .$2.50, Jenny Moore 2(4dis), 2:44. 2:40J^, 2:37. 2:301^4 Oct. 4, 1S79, S2-a. Dora 1. C. M. Bedle, 2:33'2. 2::}2^4, 2:32^.i, 2:3'.'!'.j. Belmont I'ark, I'hila., Oct. 2J. 1879, .$300. Kdgar, John S. Clark. Odd F'ellow, Lady Patchen, Star, 2:30, 2::«), 2::50. S L.Craig, Washington, I). C. Nov. C and 7, 1879, $800. Kdgar 1, 2, Stonewall, Peralto, Don Quixote, Fitzgerald, Hanibletonian Bashaw. Sweetness. Pilot R. (2 dr), 2:35. 2:30, 2:30, 2:30H, 2:30. Newcastle, Pa., June 17, 1880, .$400. Brother Jonathan l, Silversides, Ancient Order Boy (2 dis). 2:30, 2:29. 2:3l'i, 2:32U. L. R. Retfmond, Lambertville, N. J., Sept. Ki. 1880, $300. Peralto 3. 4. Star 1,2, Carbolic, Clara, Winfleld. Star, Sciola, 2:32'», 2::}41A 2:31, 2:30>4, 2:34, 2:30»^, 2:29. Lyman, b g (2 :43). J. Caster, Syracuse, N. Y^. Aug. 2. 1881, $150. Homer, Sarah Bernhardt, Henry White, Danforth Maid, Victor (1 dis), 2:43. 2:51, 2:49. Lyman Trumbull, b g (2:3«'»). F. Low, Farlville, 111.. Aug. 29. 1872. $300. Lady Mac 2, Panic, General, Silkv B. (4 dis), Charley B. (1 dis). AnnaCorley (Idis), 2:.V2'i. 2:.50. 2:48, 2::i8i;. yon, eh g (.3:49^). Z. Simpson. Cambridge, Mass.. June 12. 1841. .$1,000. Lyon, eh g (.3:49^). Z'. Simpson. Cambridge, Mass.. June 12. 1841. .$1,000. Greyhound 1, 2:46H, 2:49'4, .>.CQ Lyoii, ch s (3 :405!4). J. F. Clement, Unity, Me.. Oct. 9, 1875, .$100. Uncle Shube l, 2, Maine Slasher, 2:45, 2'44'4 2-40Ji 2*44 2'44'i. Lyon Slasher, br's ('3:46). J. Hobson, W'oodstock, Vt., Sept. 25. 1878. $100. Volunteer Girl, Jessie, Adam, Wild Indian (5 dis), 2:48'4, 2:46, 2:.')0'4. Lysander IJoy.ch g(3:30?4), bv Lvs;inder, dam by AVinecreek Black Hawk. A.J. Feek. Newark, N. Y., July 15, 187.5, .$300. Maggie Mitchell, Minnie Allen. Mate. 2:47, 2:48, 2:45. Syracuse, N. Y., June 23. 1876, .$600. Butcher Boy 1, 3. Maggie Mitchell. Billy (iray. 2:43'i. 2:.38>4, 2:34, 2:36'.i,2:.3(>. Auburn, N. Y., July 4, 1876, $ . S. S. Ellsworth l. 3. Billy, Mountain Maid, Geneva (4 dr), 2:.S5, 2:36, — Syr'aeuse.'N. Y., Sept, 12. 1876, .$900. Lady Pritchard. Factory Boy. Tommy Ryan, Butcliei* Boy, North- wood, Silver (1 dis). 2:32, 2:32%, 2:34M- „ , . Sept. 15, 1876. $800. Lady Pritchard. Clover. Damon, \ cnus. Redstone, 2::i5. 2::i2. 2:32i.i. Malloy and Prendergast, Lyons, N. Y., July 4. 1877, $.500. Versailles Girl 2. Damon, 2:.Jl"j. 2:30. 2,30. - — PoVhkeepsie. N. Y., Aug. 23, 1877. .$2,000. Calmar, Sister (1 dis), 2:28^4, 2:28, 2:29'.. Hartford, Ccnn.. Aug. 30, 1877, .$2,000. Jose])h A. 1. Calmar, Dick Moore, 2:30'2. 2:29i.i. 2:2514, 2:24. Mystic Park. Boston, Sept. 4, 1877, $1,000. Hazor. Bateman, Sam Curtis, Flora Belle. Result, (iueechy Al'iidddis) ''-''4 "•'>6'i 2"''6'^ ^ Sept. 6,187?!' $l"6ooi 'George H., Modesty, Cassius Prince, Sooner, Trampoline, Delightful, Bill Ed., ''•27'4 2 -28^4, 2-27. '■ Proviilence, R. I., Sept. 20, 1877, $1,000. Trampoline, Modesty, George H., Bill Ed., Sooner (3 dis), 2:23, 2'''6'i 2'24''4 -'Fleetwood Park, N. Y., Sept. 25. 1877. $1,000. Dan Bryant, Planter, 2 :27^i, 2 :26U. -' :27. Syracuse, N. Y'.. Oct. 3 and 5. 1877, $400. Drover 2. 4, Blue Mare (5 dr). Lady Star (3 dis), 2:28",, 2:28V4, 2:29'4. 2:33"., 2:.31U. A. .y Feck. Watertown. N. Y.. .Imic 13. 1878. .$75. Deceit, Harry. 2:314. 2:284, 2:23>'2. Sodus. N. Y., June 28. 1878, .$:i2.5, Tom Malloy, Teaser, 2:3.5, 2:26, 2:33. q„, ,„„^, Buffalo N Y' , July 31, 1878. ,$2.ooo. Lady Pritchard 2, Mattie 3, Lew Scott, Silversides, Dick Swlveller, Ethel (4 dis), 2:20^4, 2 :21 , 2:224, 2:25, 2 :254. , „ , „ „„. ^ Plainville, Conn., Aug. .30, is78. $700. Edward, Powers, Amy, 2:21?.i, 2:21='4. 2:2,3V4_. Bochester N. Y'., Sept. 20, 1878. .$400. George B. Daniels, St. Cloud, Jessie. No time. I'rosnoct Park. L. I., Oct. 17, 1878, $.500. (Jeorge B. Daniels, Henry, Powers. 2:24V^. 2:25. 2:25. LyHunder -Uaid, gr ni t:4:'*0). by Lysander. Mr. Preudergast, Oswego, M. Y., Sept. 30, 1875, $100. Mort W right. Nelly Parks, Dandy, Henry. Ko time. Lysancier Maid, b m (3 :50), by Lysander. R. Dempster, Easton, Pa., Sept. 26, 1879. $75. Herdic 1, 4, Joseph L., Frank, Bay Charley, 2:5iJi,'2:52, 2:50, , 2:51^. OHESTKK S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. Mabbitt's Chestnut Gelding: (w), (3 :45). D. Mabbitt, Washington Hollow, N. Y., Sept. 16, 1869. Ferris' blk g (W), Sharpsteen's b g (w) (2 dr). 2:45, 2:55, 2:57. Mal>bittsville Ponv (w), (.a :4.5». Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Oct. 7, 1866, $400. Old Man's Mare (vv). Best time 2:45. Mabel, bm (3:40). James Murphy, Baltimore, Md., Oct. 7, 1874, $200. Mount Carmel 2, 3, 3:01, 2:43, 2:41, 2:42,2:40. Mabel, b m (3 :45). A. W. Gillman, Galesburgh, 111., July 23, 1876, $ . Big Girl, Juanita, 2:50, 2:50. Mabel, ch m (.3 :47i4). W. Lockwood, East Aurora, N. Y., July 3, 1877, $1.50. Knapsack 1, 2, Robert Fulton, Black Allen, Ed (l dis), 2:53='4. 2:.51, 2:47i.i, 2:48y2, 2:51'4. Mabel, (3:101. Wm. Weise, National. la., Sept. 12, 1883, .$50. Silvertail, Sleepy Jim, 4:00, 3:30, 3:10. Mabel, gr m (3 :30). W. L. Beitler, Huntington, N. Y., July 4, 1883, $ . Belle Hart 1, Colonel (2 dr), 3:35, 3:21^, 3:21M, 3:20. Mabel Ford, b m (3 :33?i). W. R. Ford, Denver, Col., June 7, 1873, $100. Jack Langrisbe. Johnny Melvin (1 dis), 4:09'o, 3:32?ii. Three-year-olds. Sept. 30, 1873, 1120. Jack Langrisbe, Jack Hughes (l dis), 3:43. 3:.32i^. Mabel Gray, gr m (3 :40). F. Hessleton, Levviston, Me., Aug. 21, 1874, $250. Copperbottoni, Buckfleld Boy, Frank H., Little Chestnut, 2:42, 2:40, 2:43. Mac, (3 :38) (3 :37 s), by Morgan Post Boy, dam bv Bush Messenger. John McArdle, Centreville, L. I., Oct. 6, 1848, $75. Telegraph, Honest John, 5:30, 5:35. 5:26. Two miles. Albany, N. Y., Nov. 1, 1848, $100. Jenny Lind 1, 3, (5 dr), 2:39, 2:38, 2:42, 2:42, . -(s) Jaii. 24. 1849, Doughnuts (s),5:14, 5:14,5:17. Two miles. May 16, 1849, $250. Lady Moscow 3, Jack Rossiter l, 5:14'2, 5:10, 5:10, 5:14. Two miles. (s) Mav 23. 1849, $300. Moscow (s), 2 :49, 2 :42, 2 :49. (s) Providence, R. I., June 5, 1849. $300. Lady Suffolk (s), Gray Eagle (s). Trouble (s) (1 dis), 2:29ys, 2:32, 2 '31 is) Boston. Mass., June 14, 1849, $ . Lady Suffolk (s) 2, Gray Eagle (2 dr), 2:31, 2 :26, 2 :27, 2:29. (s) Union Course, L. L,July9, 1849, $500. Lady Suffolk (s) 1, 2:28, 2:30, 2:31. 2:30. (s) July 10, 1849, $500. Jack Rossiter (s). Lady Suffolk (s) (2 dr), 6:09, 5:18. Two miles. (s) Gil Crane, Philadelphia, Pa.. July 18, 1849, $500. Zachary Taylor, 2:31, 2:30, 2:;55. Oct. 13. 1851, $300. Tacony. St. Lawrence, Rhode Island, 5:15, 5:16. Two miles. (S) Oct. 16, 1851, $300. Stranger (S), 2:35, 2:29, 2:28. Union Course. L. L, Oct. 23, 1861, $.500. Boston Girl, Jack Rossiter, Lady Suffolk, 5:09, 5:10^4. Two miles. H, Woodruff. Aug. 16. 18.52, $400. War Eagle, 8:19Vj, 8:01 '4, 8:16. Three miles. James Ward, Philadelphia, Pa., May 12, 1853, $2,000. Tacony, 2:30, 2:31%, 2:38. iW) May 20, 1853, $1,.500. Tacony (w)! 2:33, 2:39, 2:37'5. Horace Jones, Nov. 2, 18.53, $2,000. Tacony. 2:32,2:35, 2:35. (s). Nov. 12, 1853, $3,700. General Scott (s), 2:29, 2:29, 2:32. (s). Union Course, L. I., Oct, 27, 18.54, $2,000. Tacony (s) 1 (3 dis), 2:32, 2:27, 2:36. J. M. Daniels, Boston, Mass., Nov. io. 1854, Know Nothing (2 dis), 2:35, 2:32. Nov. 16, 18.54. Know Nothiui;. 2:38, 2:34. Mac, (3 :50 1-5). J. Joslvn, New Haven, Conn., Oct. 25, 1864. Prince, 14:11. Five miles. Mac, b g (3 :37 s). George H. Bailey, Portland, Me., Oct. 11, 1866. $150. Lady Cushnoc (s) (2 dis), 2:57, 2:37. Mac, gr g (w) (3 :07). H. Dungan. New Hunting Park, Philadelphia, Nov. 8, 1879. Jerry, 3:10, 3:07, 3:10. Macbeth, gr g (3 :48'4). J. Lamont. Lee, Mass., June 23, 1875, $300 Ghent Boy 1, 2, Patience, 2:49i/2, 2:511^, 2:48'4, 2:5.3, 2:5414. Macedonian, b s (3:45i4), bv Hambletonian, dam Quakeress, by Young Emperor. Springfield, Mass., July 5, 1875, $100. Lvman.High Tall, 2 :45i^, 2 :.50, 2:48U. Mace Eustis, b s (3 :349^). A. A. Gates. Clinton, la., Jufy 3, 1869, .$500. Queen of the West l, 3, Chain Shot, 2 :.35, 2 :.34^i, 2:35, 2:42'^, 2:36'4. Short track. Dubuque, la., July 31, 1879, .$300. Buckskin 1,4. 2:42, 2:37!4, 2:38^, 2:36%, 2-34?a. Mace's Bay .Stallion, (3:43). Dan Mace, Fashion Course, L. 1., Oct. 3,1865. $1,000. Andy Johnson (2dr), 8:09. Three miles. Mace's Gray Gelding, (3:331^). Dan Mace, Fashion Course, L. I., April 26, 1867, $100. Raid, Belle of Rockland, Lady Kendall, Income (2 dr), 2:41%, 2:3714, 2:37. Mack. — s (3:45). (}. M. Se\'mom-, St. Paul. Minn., Sept. 30, 1866, $1,000. Ole Olseu. Minnesota Chief. 2:46, 2:45.2:47. Mack, bg(3:5li4). Andrew Daniels. Chicago, 111., Oct. 14. 1865, $.500. (ieneral Harrison 3, 2:59, 2:55%. 2:51"j. 2:51>i. Mack, b g (3 :47). Henry Brunn. New Bedford. Mass., July 27, 1867, Lady Lightfoot 3. 2:.50, 2:48i4, 2:52, 2:56. (w), Taunton, Mass'.. Sept. 20. 1868, $60. Nell Gwvnne (w), 2:47, 2:51, 2:.53. Ma 1X68, $150. Hob 1, Wasp (W), Ulaelv (rook (wj, 2:50, 2:45^4, 2:45^4- A. A. Gates, .Minneapolis. Minn., Sei)t. 17. 1870, *100. Ui;uk lilot. paeer, 2:3'J, 2:3.'i. 2:37'/j. Mack, i;r a C-J :5!4^ Mr. Goidrieli, Union Gour.se, L. 1., May 21, istiit. >_ou. Kale, 2:52, 2:64. Mack (!J:43|j). S. Anderson, -Milwaukee, Wis., July 10, isou, ^il.ooo. White Stoekings, 6:27, 0:35. Two Mack, blk g (2:43). Titusville, I'a., .July 4, 1870, $300. Fuller Brown, Dickens, Lady Gay, 2:441.i, 2:44io. 2 :43. .July 4, 1870. $300. Fuller Brown, Uunkidori. 2:49(j, 2:44, 2:47'.,. Mack, br s (2 ::ii>iA). Hiram W. Howe, Trosiiecl I'ark, L. I., July 20, 1871. $.-)00. Tapioca, Stella (1 dis), 2 :39:'.,. 2:42'«. 2:4.x Mack, b L'(3:00). P. McCarthy Albany, N. Y.. May 21, 1872, $100. Mohawk Maid 2. 3:09. 3:01, 3:00. Mack blk t; r~:3'J?i). C. H. Shear, San Francisco, Cal., Aug. 2s, 1872. $7."i(t. Hosedale 4, Jim Cook 2. Hiram Woodruff 1, Coquette 3, ('> dis). Highland Mary, Horace Greeley (2 dis), 2:38^;. 2:38J4, 2:37'e. 2:3<;l.i, 2:37?4. 2:40, i!:41'2. cal.. Aug. 4, 1876. $ . Accident 2, Charley d dis), 3:0i, 2:55. 2:47. Mack, ch g (a:44'2). M. McNamara. Fleetwood I'ark, N. Y., Aug. 7, 1874, $100. Alexis, CoUuicl. Bayside, I'ecunious, (iertrude, 2:47';, 2:4li, 2:47. Mack, lilk g (2:35). W. 1*. Mallory, Fottstown, Pa., Oct. 26, 1875, $350. Jacob V. 2. I'.elle of Flatbush, five others. 2:39, 2:40?4;, 2:44, 2:40?4. Oct. 27, 187.5, .$350. Hettie Y 1, 4, Jacob P., New Brunswick Boy (4 dr^ (ieorge Moore (2 disi, 2:38, 'i:Vi%, 2:3(!'.i, 2.37, 2:35. Mack, ch g <2:53». H. Keeue, Salem, N. J., Sept. 29 and 30, 1875. $150. Lady Brook. 2. 3. (4 Oi, Waverley .5, (4 01. Dick. 2;.56'2, 2:.58, 2:581/., 2:.->S. •J;.V2. 2:,54i4. Mack, ch g (2:31). Drew 6c Willijims, Dover, N, H., Julv 6. 1870, .$600. King William, Miiggie S.. (ieneral. Honest Billy (1 dis), 2:32, 2:31. 2:32. Mack, b g (2 :50). 1). It. Hosnier, Akron. O.. June 20. 1877. I'rize, harness. Fred. Kate. 2:.50, 2:55. Mack, bg (2:44). C. Bird, Fleniington, N. J., Sept. 26, 1877, $100. Joe Morgan, Ella, Tommy, 2:44,2:4614, 2:.-)2. 1. B. Opdyke, Sept. 25. 1879. $loo. Careless, Bav Charlev. Nellv, 2:46. 2.47. 2:48. Mack, b g (2:35). J. N. I'rew, Holyoke, Mass., Mav 25, 1878. .$50. 'I'opsv, Argyle, Harry Leonard, 2:4.5, 2 :4r, 2:45' J. Greenfield, Mass., .July 25, 1878, ,$200. Kocks, Addison Bov. Daw ('., Dick DaniiOe, Jenny Jefferson, Mountain Maid (2 dis), 2:3h, 2:40, 2:40i^. . Loc. Mass.. Sept. 4, 1878, .$ . Tom Mason 2, Jessie 5, Kitty Ives. Maggie 1 (5 dr), 2:3;^';, 2:34^, 2:36^4, 2:36'.,. 2:39. 2:40?i. Grcenlicld. -Mass., Sept. 28, 1878, S'-'50. Lady Holt 4, 5, Johnny 3, Neva. .Imio. .lennv (5 dr). Honest Allen ( 1 dis I. 2 :35, 2 :35. 2:37, 2:40, 2 :34, 2:37i'4. Ma<-k. lilk s. J. Flamer, Chester, Pa., Oct. 11,1878. $50. Beauty, Belle Flower. Dolly, V.ZZK 1:33, 1:3314 Half-mile lieats. Mack, bg (2:37). St. Paul, Minn., Sept. 1.1879, .$250. Nettie K., Careless, I'eerless. Ladv Hess, Smoker (2 dis). 2:37,2.40,2:401/'. Sei)l. 3, 1879, $200. Preston St.ir 3 (2 0), Peerless. Careless. Ladv Hess, 2:46. 2:46. 2:14. 2:4314. 2:47. Mack, ch g (3:20). A. Alderman, Titusville, J'a., May 17, 1879..$ . Champion 3(1 0). l>ady M. (4 rO), 3:31, 3 :30. 3 :22, 3 :20. Mack, b g (2 :42). A. D. Carson, Marysville, Mo., Aug. 31, 1882, $300. Santa Fe, J. A. Perley, Irish (Jirl, 2:67, 2 .53 2:4914. ^Lawrence, Kan., Sept. 4. 1883, $300. Cliffwood l. 2, Bert, Bed Cloud, Duster (2 dr). 2:41?4. 2:37?4. 2:44»^, 2:42,2:44. Mack, gr g. p. Barnes, Dundas, Ont., Nov. 1, 1882. $60 KingT(mi3. No time. Mack, ch g (3 :01i4. J. H. Freeborn, Yorkshire Centre, N. Y., July 4, 1883. $100. Grade B.. Young. Sanford, Mack, l/g (3:00). by Commodore. J.Fisher, Johnstown. N. Y.. Sept. 4. 188;5. .$1,50. Snip, Lottie Wilkes, Cassius. 3:01,3:00,3:02. Mack .Tolmson (3 :05>.i\ Mt. Sterling. Ky., Aug. 8. 1877. $100. Arlington 2, Lick Bishop. 3:12. 3:19. 3:0.5^. Maclure, blk g (2 :30). liv Messenger Duroc. dam Nelly AVilmartli. by Baven. Carll S. P.urr. Fleetwood Park, N. Y., Sept. 7. 1S74. .$700. Maria (1 dis). 2:45. ,. ,. \V. C. Trimble. Providence. B. I., Julv 2, 1883. S300. Little Maid. Lady Alice. \ ladimir. Eastern Boy, William Otis. 2:31, 2:;50, 2:.'53. Madam Justice. 1) m (2 :45) M. Dollcn. Worcester, Mass., Sei)t, 20, 1867. $.50, P.eiiic;i Boy, 2:45, 2:49. 2:46}4. Madam Sensation, b m. J. V. N. Willis. Freehold, N. J., Sept. 13, 1876. $80. Edwin Forrest, 1:33,1:3^, 1 ::«). Half-mile heats. Three-vear-olds. , „, „ Madalon, bm. D. Mahoney, Rochester, N. Y., Sept. 9, 1878. $2,50. Charley ^^ . 1. Minnie Allen 2, Woolley. No time. Madawaska Maid, ch ni (2:29'/i), bv an English liorse, dam :i Canada mare. .1. J. Bowen. Boston, Mass., Mav 5, 1868, $500. Lady Cassius, Boston. Billv Pitcher, Fort Fisher (2 dis). Col. Dick (2 dis), 2:43?4, 2:46! j, 2:44. Madden, grg (2:46). .Tonas Lefevere, Rosedale, N. Y'., Aug. 16. 1871. $100. Senator Mitchell 2 (4 dis). Post Bov 3 (4 dis), .Jewell's ]5ay lMare(4 dr). Farmer Boy (4 dr). Frank Lyon (2 dis). Chii) 'Jammany (2 dis), Gray Dick (2 dis). No time. Fnionville, N. Y., Sept. 6. 1871. $200. (ioshen (!irl. American Emperor (3 dis). 2:47, 2:46. 2:.5.5. Madeleine, b m r2:23i4). bv Hambletoniaii. dam Nancv Whitman, by American Star. M.H.Henderson, Siiaron, I'a., Sept. .TO, I881". .$.300. John N. 2, Adele J., Reveille, Fortune Ciirl, Brandy Boy. Bonesetter (2 dr), 2::i4i,4. 2:31%, 2:32i4. 2:.32i/. Wheeling W. Va., Sept. 12. 1K82. .?400. Tom B. 3, Ida H., Neshannoek, 2:.32, 2:.'ili/., 2:33';. 2:.^3ys. Madeline, ch m (2 :56). N. M. Ward, Closter. N. J., May 20. 1R76, $.'">0. Dan Smith. Tommy. 3:02, 2:56. Madeline, sp ni (2:55). T. A. Carpenter, Washington Co. R. I., Sept. 12, 1h7h, Bay Prince 2, Alma,Beecher (1 dis). 2:,55, 3:00,2:5.5. MadKe, gr 111 (2 :49>/,). A. C. Whitson. Fleetwood Park. N. Y., Julv 12, 1876, $100. Uncle .Toe. 2:.50, 2:51'/,. July 21. 1«78. .${,50. Doctor S, l?lind Bov (1 dis"), 2:.50, 2:.50, 2:.59. 2:,54. Jersey Citv. N. J.. Aug. 12. 1876. $250. ' Blind Bov 1. Bess 2. H. B., Culver Boy. 2:.58. 2:.54.2:53K>- 2:49>^. Ma<1ee. b m (2:'40). Peter Manee, Secaucus, N. J., Julv —1878, $50. Carrie White 2. Erie, 2:48, 2:40V'2, 2:40, 2 :40. Madison, blk g (2 :44 st. V. W. Bender, Philadelphia, Pa., June 9. 1840, $400. Stetson's Bay Gelding 1, Paul Clifford.2:47. 2:45. 2:44. 2:47. , . „, . „. ^,, MadiNon Wilke», li s (Z:'A^U>.h\ (Jeorge Wilkes, dam Minna, by Red Jacket. J. J, Webster, Pittsfleld. Mass., June 21. 1883. $100. Briitns 1. 4 ;5n). ■J:.35'i. 2:38. 2:.37. 2:.%, 2:.'?.5. 2:39. ^— Aug. 22, 18R3, $200. Fanny Irwin, Sir (ieorije, Louise, Jenny, 2:32'4, 2:32>^, 2:33^.i. Vag, (3:021^). Gilroy, Cal., July 7. 1876, $100. Beauregard, Julia, 3:10Vi. 3:10H1, 3:024. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AJfD PACING RECORD. 471 Maedalene. bm(2:43), by Peerless. D. Vischer, Stockton, Oal., Sept. 21, 1882, $800. Alpheus. Almoone, Baby Mine. 2:45, 2:4.). Two-year-olds. Magdailah. eh in (3 :a4?.i), by I'riiiuis, (lam Maud, by Manibrino Rattier. Harrison & Learned, Stockton, Cai., Sept. 21), isTT. 5;2(»o. Lieutenant, Flash, Kama d dis), 2:.55J4. 2:.58, 2:.58'4. Four-year-olds. ' .1. M. Leanietl, Sept. 25, 1878, $300. Henry H.. John Rock, Castorla, Lieutenant, 2:43. 2:37V2, 2:37. Oakland, Cal., Sept. l, 1879, $800. Gus l, Echora, Gov. Stanford, Belle H., Dirigo, St. Helena, Gold Note, 2:29, 2:29'2. 2:29^, 2:27' j. ■ Sacramento, Cal., Sept. 9, 1879, $1,500. Commodore 1 (3 0), Tommy Gates 5, 2:23, 2:25, 2:25i^, 2:26J4, 2:28, ^"sjinta Clara, Cal., Sept. 22, 1879, s«!600. Volney, Mountaineer (3 dis), Crown Point (3 dis), 2:24?^, 2:27J4, 2:25'4. Sept. 25, 187!), .S(!00. Volney 1, 2, Dirigo, Gold Note (5 dis), 2:26'2, 2:25. 2:2614. 2:.30. 2:27. P. Farrell, Sacramento, Cal., Sept. 10, 1883, §1,200. Poscora Hay ward l, 2, Del Sur,2:23V4, 2:27U,2:25'a. 2:2G'o.2:27V.i. Magenta, h ni (3 :23i4). by Woodford IMambrino, dam Madge, bv Alexander's Abdalkih. H. C. McDowell, Cvnthiana. Ky., July 4. 1870, .9500. Elmwood 1, 3, I.ongwood (5 dis) '2::ii}4„ 2:30. 2:.33, 2::nu, 2:31>^. Julv 7. 187G, .§500. Bay Billy, Gray Bashaw, Alvermont. Tearawav, 2:34K', 2:.'?4?4,2::54M. Fninkfort, Ky., Sept. 17, 1877, §400. Lady Monroe, Billy, Keene Jim, Lady Prewitt (2 dis), 2:28, 2:2714, 2:27^4. Lexington, Kv., Sept. 1.3, 1877. Dick Taylor 3, 4, Billy (3 dis). No time. Oct. 9. 1877, .Stioo. Glendale, Lucy Fleming, Kentucky Central, Bay Charley, Ashland Kate (2 dis), Edwin Forrest (1 dis). 2:2514, 2:24'2. 2:25?^, Magenta, bm (3 :36i2). D. Myers, Meriden, Conn., July 4, 1876, $400. Carpenter Boy, Sand Bank, Mike Jefferson, Buckingham. Hattie Jefferson, Vermont, Meriden Girl ( 1 dis), 2:37,2:361^. 2:39. July 5, 1876, $400. Blue Bull 2, Fannv Jefferson, Nibbins (3 dis), Tom Daly (l dis), 2:43!4, 2:40Ji, 2:38io, 2:40. July 6. 1876. .$400. Sand Bank 1, Mike Jefferson 2, Carpenter Boy, Hattie Jefferson, Vermont (4 dis), Meriden Girl i4 dis), 2:37, 2:38, 2:37M,2:37, 2:37. Maggie, b m (3 :50). H. K. Baker, Hillsdale, IVIieh.. A.ug. 2, 1866. .920. Three others (1 dis). 2:.50. Maggie (Mary Jane), b m (3:34'4), by Black Squirrel. Wm. H. Doble, Cape Mav. N. J.. Julv 29, 1867, $ . Lizzie Litt'lefield, Bill, 2:35, 2:391/2, 2:39?i. Maggie, blk m (3 :58). Junius Ballinger, Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. 9, 1870, $100. Red Cloud, Annie, Gipsy, Leidv. 3:01?i, 3:05,3:08. J. Shoemaker, Nov. 12. 1870, .$ . Red Cloud, 2:.58. 2:.58'2. Maggie, b m (3 :39). H. S. Bailev. Rutland, Vt., June 15. 1871. $25. AVhalebone (2dr), 3:20. . J. McLaughlin. Bethel. Vt., Julv 4, 1873, $.50. Black Warrior 4, G. Lady Morrill 3, 8. Young Cassius 1, 2 (7 dr). Sam, Lady Thompson, Eclipse. Skvlight, Lucy, 2:56, 2:.53i2, 2:52i^. 2:54, 3:03?4. 3:04 3:043i, 3:02it, 3:02';. A. H. Danforth, Rutland. Vt.. Julv29. 1873. $ . Colonel, Kitty Lewis (3 dr\ Modoc Girl (i dis), Bl Jack a dis), Maggie Whalebone (1 dist, 2:53, 2:53'.;, 2:52iv,. W. B. Wright, Middleburv. Vt., Sept. 8. 1875, $100. Nellv Height 2, Landlord, 2:52J£, 2:50. 2:50, 2:51. Kent Wright, Sept. 9, 187.5, $1.50. Blackbird, Annie, 2:.57?i. 3:00. 2:.50. Rutland, Vt., Sept. 17, 1875. $175. Bay Billv, Gifford Bov. 2:.58, 2:.56. 2:56. H. O. Peabody, Chester, Vt., Sept. 23. 1875. $165. Little Joker 1, 2, Anna. Chestnut Billy (4 dr), 2:49, 2:451-3, 2:45M. 2:4814, 2:47'/^. (i. SV. Huntley. Middlebury, Vt., Sept. 29, 1876, $1,50. Harry L. 2, Susan, 2:39, 2:42. 2:45. 2:50. Maggie I iNIinnie Newton and Flora Grimes), bm (3:35). Wni. Hunt. Svracuse. N. Y.. Sept. 10, 1872, .$400. Target. Rochester, Valley Bov, Clara B., Bird (3 dis). Gus Tanner (3 dis), Nelly Gray (2 dis), Liberal (1 dis), 2:4lVg.2:.37?4, 2:38. Oswego, N. Y., June 26, 1873, $250. Billv Pavor. Factory Bov. Lauy Pumpkins, Central New York, 2:35, 2:.38, 2:.36. Maggie, ch m (3 :03). John Penning, Pittsburgh. Pa.. June 16. 1874. $750. Brigham Young Wild Tom (5 dr;. Lookout 1. 2. (3 dis). Rattler a dis), Hiatoga Chief d disi. Straiurer (1 dis). 2:4.5, 2:47, 3:03, 3:08, 3:14i/.. Maggie, blk m (3:83), by the Joslin Horse. Wm. Sawyer. Waitsfield, Vt., Sept. 2, 1874, $50. Red Hoi, Rob- inson Crusoe, Nelly Beach, 3:24. 3:22. Three-year-olds. Maggie, b m (3:3414). James Y'oung, Lancaster, Pa., Sept. 28. 187,5, $110. Climax, Indiana, African Girl, 2:3414.2:40. 2:39. Maggie, brm (3:351^). D. France, Garrattsville, N. \\, May 28, 187.5, $.50. Flora Belle, Grapevine (3 dis), 2:. 51. 2:.50, 2:51. Wm. Sweet, Trov, N. Y.. June 28. 1876. $200, Felix 2, (1 0), George H. Mitchell 5, Night Hawk, 2:3714, 2:3714. 2:37?i, 2:38, 2:41'4, 2:35' 2. Maggie, b m (3 :55^). H, Pope, Ottawa, Can., May 24, 1877, $60. Molly 2, Dutch Boy, 3:03, 2:56, 2:55i^, 2:57. Seven-eighths of a mile heats. Maggie, blk m (3 :38). John Murphy, Fleetwood Park, N. Y'.. Sept. 29, 1877, $100. Charley Ross 1, 2:42, 2:41i^, 2:.38'4, 2:39. W. Van Valkenburg. Julv 15. 1878, ,$150. Charley 2. 5, (4 0), 2:45, 2:38i^, 2:40, 2:44'2, 2-41, 2:42. E. Jones, Crown Point, N. Y., June 2, 1880, $100. Lottie 2. 5, Little Dick 3, George Sherman, 2:45, 2:43, 2:43, 2:41, 2:41 '4. 2:42. Maggie, bm (3:06). H. B. Ackley. Warren, O.. Aug. 23, 1878. $.50. Topsv. Maggie G.. 3:14. 3:06, 3:11. A. B. De Hart, Reading. Pa., June 23. I8S0, $100. Grav Dick, Bella. Bay Harrv, 3:07, 3:08. 3:06. Maggie, (w) br m(3 :41 w). .L T. Lester, Chicaco, 111.. Sept. 25. 1880. .$1,000. Sonny (w). 2:42i4, 2:41, 2:41V4. Maggie (w) b m. Syracuse. N. Y., July 5, 1880. $25. Ballston Boy (w), 3. 4, Sugar Candy (w), Danforth Prince CwX No time. Maggie, blk in (3 :00). C. J. Hamilton, Muskegon, Mich.. July 5, 1881, $200. Nelly 1, 2, Fort Stearns 3, Russ Kills. Charley Cash. 2:.59M. 2:.59i4. 2:59i.i. 3:00. 3:00. 3:02. Maggie, b m (3 :46'^). R. Malihett, Washington Hollow, N. Y., Sept. 2C. 1882. .$100. Rasper 3. Daisy C., Lady Perkins. 2:.52i/2. 2:.55, 2:49. 2:46i/2. ■ J. D. Howard, Sept. 21, 1882, $60. Lady Perkins 1. Daisy C, 2:54. 2:.t6. 2:,53. 2:53. Maggie, b m (3 :43^). H. G. Smith, Jersey City. N. J., June 14, 1883. $1,5. Billy C, Whirlwind 1, (3 dr). 2:58, 2:51, 2:4914, 2:,51, Julv 4, 188.3, $100. Relapse. Montgomerv. Captain J.. .Speedwell. Fritzd dis). 2:42i^, 2:44'/,, 2,'45, Maggie, b m f3:34). H. 1). Falks. Chariton. la.. Sept. 1.3, isss, .$1.5. Nip. Dollv. 3:34, 3:44. 3:46. " Maggie Allen, (w). b m (3:45). AV. H. De I-ong, Middlebury, Vt., Sept. 8, 187,5. ,$30. Blackbird (w), Gray Nelly (w). Little Lucv (w), Addison Boy (w). De Long (w). Banner (w). (2 dis), 3:07, 3:0.5. J. H. Hero, Worcester, Mass., Sept. 24, 1875, $75. Limber Jim 3, Live Oak. 1, Red Cloud (5 dis), 2:51.2:45, 2:48,2:47, . Maggie Arnold, b m (3 :35). bv Alniont Mambrino, dam Alice Dr;ike. by Alexander's Nonnan. J. Beach, Hillsboro. Or., July 3, 1882. $300. Stranger 1, 2, General Crook. Hector, 2:39%. 2:.39'/«, 2:37, 2:39, 2:4014. Salem, Dr., Sept. 18. 1882. $500. General Crook, Hector. Forest Queen (l dis). 2:39. 2:38'2. 2:38. 472 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TUO'lTlNCi AM) I'A('IN(; KKCOKD. Yreka, Cal., Oct. 18, 18«2,S100. Nelly 1, 2:46?.i, 2 .3(j'j, 2:.i5. 2:37'i. Maffgio It., b III (2:4014^ Wash Smith, NVjiddiiiKtoii, N. Y., Sept. U, 1873. Young Phil, l.adv Vincent, 2 02 2:50,2:,-.-'. . . . .J, Smith, Malone, N'. Y., Sent, 28. 1876. $100. Foundrv Hov, Honest George, Nelly, 2:40'2, 2:4.i, 2-43ii MHKTKrie IJ., eh ni {'i :34). A. Doyle, Goshen, X. Y., Oct. 21. 187.'i, SIOO. Willy 2, 1'olly anil two others, 2:48, 2-45 2:42,2:4.1. T. Bull, I'oiinlikeepsie, N. Y., .July 4, 1877, $300. Fitzgerald, Tommy K., Limestone, 2:35'i. 2:.%, 2:36. MHtfgie IJ.
  • 4). W. Bishop, Petrolia, Out., .June 13, 18»2, '5 . Uiiigwood 3, 4, Rattling Dan 2, (Jeorge Dolman ( I dis), 2:."4. 2;.57, 2:57, 2:hX, ■J-Jy.'). 3:05. MMsrgie JteHch I -J :4 1 1 2). H. li. Barke, Adrian. Mich., Jmie 27, 18C7, $100. Bonnv Bell, Lady Fillmore l (2 dis). I'.allcv ( 1 disi. •.■:4f)'.,, 2:41';, ^ArM. 2:4,,. P. V. .fohnston, Kal:imazoo, Mich., June 8, 1872, .S.-JOO. Kyrat. Scalpel, .Joe ConnelU2 dis), 2:41, 2:4314, 2:41U. - S. T. Deeny, Toledo, ()., May 19. 1877, $ . Brown Kate, Bovine, Gardner's Entrv,2:48ii. 2:45. Maggie Crossin, ch m (2 :38). B. Crossin, Prospect Park, L. L, Oct. 15 and 16. 1878, $300. Flatbush Boy 2, 3, .John S., .lessie Maud, Star, .Fosie (5 dr), James 1 (2dis), 2:35, 2:40, 2:40, 2:42, 2:38.2:40. Maggie Doyle, I) m 1 2 :3«). R. Ferris, Carmel, N. Y., Aug. 14, 1878, $75, Rosebud 4 (3 0) (5 0), Norah M. (50), Snowtlake (4 dr), L':4t;'.i, 2:4(;H, 2:47, 2:45, 2:47. Unfinished. - —A. Hopkhis. I'icrmont, X. Y., Sept. 22, 1881. $100. Patchen Maid, Neighbor Ups, 2:40,2:42, 2:42 Sept. 2:!. issi. $1.50. Dan, Young Moose, 2:38, 2:42. 2:42. Maggie Klliott( Ella Clay and Fanny P.), bm (2:27'. 1. J. Elgin, Parker City, Pa., Aug. 28, 1877, $400. Charley A., John McDougall, Virginia, Blackwood Queen, Convert, Handsome Frank, Lotus, 2 :3t;, 2:37, 2:33'/.. Aug. .'JO, 187.7, .$400. Col. Scattergood, T. A. Hendrick, Nelly Morton, Up and Up, Daisy (1 dis). Convert (1 dis I. 2:34l/', 2:.3.3, 2:33, ^ - St. Petershurgh, Pa., Sept. 4. 1877, .$400. John McDougall, Blackwood Queen, Charley A.. Up and Up, Virginia (1 dis), 2:41, 2:34W, 2:339ii. Sept. 0, 1877. $400. Up and Up 2, 4. Nelly Morton, 2:43, 2:41, 2:42. 2:44. 2:45. Maggie F.. ch m (2 :50!i). T. J. Svdner. Lexington, Kv., August 27, 1879, $2,50. Bill Duncan, Tucker (2 dis), Alcyone (2 dis), Archv Cuvler (2 dis ., Talbot's Gray Gelding (1 dis), 2:57^. 2:li0^>. Two-vear-olds, M.iggie F,, b m (2 :26),'b>; ?sewry. 1). Anderson, St. Josei>li, Mo., Sept. C 18S2, $500. Molly Bell 1, 2, Star- light, Dutch (iirl, Maggie Fulton, Dr. Shepi)ard, Anglin (5 dis). Magnet (.3 dis). Lady Low (2 dis), 2:30, 2:34, 2::i0'4, 2:34. 2:33. - — McDonald & Co., Dallas, Texas, Nov. 13, 1882. $400. Dick Shain, Charley F.. Mambrino. 2:34, 2:36i4, 2'3,'^ '- D. Anderson, Council Bluffs, la.. May 22, 1883, $500. Western 3, Kitty Fisher. Dutch Girl, 2:31'2, 2:31, 2:34' J, 2:31! • Atlantic. la., Nov. 29, I8a{, $300. Western, Kitty Fisher, Dutch Girl, '2:50, 2:38. 2:41. Cedar Rapids, la., June 13, 1883, $500. Western 1 (20), Waverly (2 0), Mountain Girl, Golden Girl, Grji TIeiirv (5 (list, Danube (1 dis), 2:27?4. 2:31, 2:29?4, 2:34, 2:31M. "13, wa ray Maislialltown, la., .June 21, 1883, $500. Western 3, waverly, Molly Bell, Kentucky Girl, Gray Henry, Moiiiitniii Cirl, Dutch Girl, 2:31'/2, 2:295ii, 2:30^4, 2:30';. - — Oskaloosa, la., June 27, 1883, .$500. Kentuckv Girl 1. 3, Waverly 4, Western, (iolden (Jirl (5 dr). Gray Henry i.S dr). Mountain Girl (2dr), 2:28»i, 2:29'.i, 2:30'.,, 2:31. 2:32, 2:35. Maggie Fred (Mag Harris), b m (2 :33), by Raven, dam Peggy Danford, by Cottrill Morgan. G. W. Baldwin, Mt, (Jilead, O., Sept. 20, 1876, $15. Folly, 3:,30, 3:21. Three-year-olds. Unionville, O., .July 3, 1878. $150. Beautiful George, St. I,;iwreiice. Dan. Stranger. 2:40, 2-AOy,. 2:40J4- .Icfferson, O., July 10, $1878, $2.50. Harker 1, 2, Dan Donaldson .5. Beautiful (ieorge 3, 2:3,5, 2:3.5. 2:40,2:37, 2 '38 2*37 '''37 '- s! Easterbrook, Pittsburgh. Pa., June 11, 1879, $700. Willy Golddust, Tom Medley, Harker, Charley C, Lizzie II., T, M. Bayne, Davy (2 dis), Annie Bennett (2 dis), 2:30, 2:3,5, 2::53. Butler, Pa., June 18. 1879,$.300. Harker, Lizzie II., Annie Bennett, Charley T.. Loafer, T. M. Bayne, Charley C. 2:.«, 2:.33, 2:;i4. Truniansburgh, N. Y., July 18, 1879, $ . Nelly Ro.se. Lib, 2:33>^, 2:33, 2:33. Maggie Free, b m (2 :33). J) Andarson, Marysville, Kan., July 3, 1880, .$200. Ceorge Dee 1, 4, (iolden Girl, Lad's Security, 2:40V,, 2:48»4, 2:44 2:45"j. 2:.5:i34'. St. .Joseph, "Mo., Sept. 7, 1881, $3.50, Livingston 1, Billy Bashaw. Lucrece, Sleepy Billy. Kitty Clyde, 2:37'-i, 2:38, 2:.!6. 2:40. Atchison. Kan., Sept. 27, 1881. .?200. Lady Kern, Golden Girl. Boxer. 2:40, 2:,{6^, 2:40. Maggie Fulton, ch m (2:35i.i >. F, M. Malone, Mason City, la.. ,Iuly 11, ls82, $400. Scott Parker. Orinda. I.ongfell(nv,2:47',4, 2:51',^, 2:47»/'. Quincv, 111 , Aug. 24, 1882. .$.500. Kitty Long, Dutch (Jirl, 2:,'f5'.., 2:,'t5^4, 2:3.5>4. Geo. Ingram, Springfield, Mo., June 7, 1883, .$200, Thistledown l, 2, Nappa 4, 5, Ida Ervin, I'ear Not (t dis). 2:,"W4, 2:3,5,2:36'4, 2:.36, 2:30'/2, 2:39, 2:41. Maggie |,\ by Iron Duke, dam by Stonewall. B.Johnson, Denver, Col., July 25, 1883, «00a Is:i:ic E.-uis 1, Budd Ddbl.'", Gniv Bird, Col. Ellsworth, 2:.38, 2:.36'4, 2:42i^, 2:43. Topeka, Kan.. Sei.t. 14. isx3,'.«400. Echo Chief 4, 5, Joe Y'oung 1, 2 (7 dis), Harry I*ulllng, Smith O'Brien, Billy Douglass, Thistledown (5 dr). Elmo Pilot (3 dr), 2:.31, 2:30'„2:31'i,2:,^3'i, 2:32»i. 2:.3,3, 2:ar,^i. P. V, Johnston, Salina, Kan,, Sept, 28, 1883, $200. Napper 2, Harry Fulling, Cliffwood, 2:,30, 2:,34, 2:3,5. 2:31 V4. CHKSTKUS COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING KECOKD 473 Denver, Col., Oct. It), 1883, .*;!00. Kansas Maid 1 (2 0), Sir Gibbie, Magnet (2 0), Molly Long (5 di.s), 2:31, 2:32'/2, 2:29^.1, 2:31'4. 2:32^4- Maggie Hughes, eh m (3:OOi. H. S. Slniltz, Mobile. Ala., May 8, 1880, $75. Mary Chief 2, Good Friday, e^ief (4 dis). Ida Davis (3 dis). No time. Hughes & Powell, Montgomery, Ala., June 16, 1880, $125. Mamie, Punch and Judy, Howler (l dis), 3:00, 3:00ii,3:01. J. I). Adams, Montgomery, Ala.. Nov. 9, 1881. $125. Fanny F. 3, John Splau, Mattie Grant, 3:12%, 3:10, 3'13 3*10 Magjsrie K., blk m (3 :40i4), by Manibrino Prince. I. Brown, Hart, Mich., Sept. 21, 1881. King David, Mara- brino. 4. 2:41, 2:40'4. Maggie Kevin, h m (3 :37), bv Star o6 the West. D. P. Smith, Owatouna, Minn., Sept. 4, 1883, $250. Silas Wright, Zisi, Fashion (2 dls). 2:3-^i. 2:37, 2:38'/j. Sept. 6, 1^883. $200. Black Jnn. t'apitola. Theresa Scott, Fashion (l dis), Le Claire Jr. (1 dis), 2:37^4, 2:40, 2:39?i. Maggie Kimberley, b m (3 :41). F. Kimberley, Cleveland, O., October 4, 1871, $ . • Evelina, Sontag, Joe Cathcart. Tom Moore. No time. ^ . , ^, , , . , , , ^ ,. ». ,.» Pittsburgh. I'a.. Aug. 21, 1877, SIOO. Jake Underwood l, 2, Belle Boyd (4 0\ Blonde, Jenny Froelich (2 dis), 2:47'». 2:44 ■'4, 2:41. 2:42, 2:441^. 2:43. Maggie Knox, ch m (3:.59i.i). by Oceana Chief. C. H. Daney, Mt. Pleasant, Mich., Sept. 11. 1883, .?250. Netty Gilbert 2, Lady H., George R., 2:59i/i, 2:59V^, 2:59?^. 2:59k. Maggie Lee, br m(3:43i^). G. C. Brewer, Tompkins' Park. Ky., Oct. 18, 1875, $100. LouMack,3:14i^,3:13?i, 3:15. A. Hatchings, Oct. 18, 1875, $100. Maud Goodie. 2:45'4, 2:43'/j. Maggie Lee. blk m (2 :50). VV. M. Sawyer, Montpelier, Vt., Sept. 27, 1876, $100. Lady Mack, Philip, 3:12, 3:0S, ?,:\0. Maggie Lee. blk m (3 :04). E. Deuell. Saratoga Spa, N. Y., Sept. 9. 1880, $25. General Custer 2, Lillie V., Lady Snvder (2 drt, :{:12'/^, 3:04, 3:11, 3:04. Maggie Linn, br m (3 i.-.-J^)- Berea, O., July 4, 1879, .$100. Ladv M., Senator, Jim, 2:.'>4, 2:.52i4, 2:55. Maggie M., blk m (3:3 7 '2), by Patrick Henrv, dam bv Prince Moscow, J. McHugh. Westcliester, Pa., Sept. 9, 1875, $300. Lilly Jackson, T. A., Sam French, Lady Burget, Sand Bank, Lady Alice (.1 dis), 2 -AOVi, 2-A3}4, 2:43i4- Sept. 11, 1875, $400. Gypsy Maid 2, Sand Bank, Midway, Little Nell, Jim, Nelly (2 dis), Wllsey Boy (2 dis), 2:4214, 2:4714, 2:4314, 2:451.^. Woodbury, N. J., July 5, 1877. $300. Morning, Jersey Boy. Frank, Little Mike (3 dis), 2:.32, 2:35, 2:36»4. ■ Suffolk Park, Phila., July 12. 1877. .$500. Sorrel Tom. Morning, 2:35^4, 2:35'^, 2:.34'2- Mi. Holly, N. J., Oct. 11, 1877, $.340. Star, Grace, Lady Allen, Penelope, Sam French. Juno, Lilly, Flora Windsor (3 dr), 2:38. 2 :38. 2:36 Westchester, Pa., Sept. 21, 1878, $400. Hose Medium 2, David Wallace, 2:335ti, 2:,'?4-'4. '2:32%, 2:35?4. Maggie M., b m (3:39). J, R. Brewer. Shclbvville, 111.. Julv «. 1883. .1i!7.5. Frank (iray. Gossip, 3:00, 3:00 2:401,1. .hilv 20. 1883, $175. Frank Gray, Joe Logan, 2:3914, 2:44, 2:40. Maggie Maney, gr m (3 :38 4-5), by Edward Everett. T. Taggart, Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Sept. 25. 1875, $80t). Ulster Maid, 34:48U. Ten miles. Maggie May, br in (3 :47). J. M. Sponslep, Springfield, 111,. July 27, 18G6. $.500. George Beman, 2:37, 2:47V2, 2: 48. Decatur, 111.. Aug. 1, 1866. Dr. Breniian. 2:47^. 2:48, 2:47}^. Maggie May. cli in (3 :41). G. S. Worcester. Worcester, Mass., Sept. 5 and 6, 1878, $200. Mattie 1, 4, Belle of Wildwood 5 ;6 ills), Mav Queen, N. S. B., Empress, Grocery Bov, R.Bonner Jr., Fearless Jim, Louise (5 dn, Jennv (5 dr). Caprice (3 dr), 2:44, 2:43'2, 2:43'4. 2:42, 2:44, 2:4Y. Maggie May, b ni( 3:06 J4). J. Mitchelltree, Lucan, Ont., May 24. 1879, $60. Billy Button, Brown George, 3:15'2- 3:1.5, 3:06='4. Maggie Miller, b m (3 -ASYz). W. Miller, Jefferson, O., Aug. 2, 1877, $100. Hornet 3, Daisy, Y^ankee Bill (3 dis). Ice Girl (1 dis), Lydia (1 dis), -":44i^, 2:43'2, 2:40, 2:4.5. R. Arthurs Jr., Clarion, Pa., Sept. 26, 1879, $50. Webster Golddust 4, 5, Red Bank 3, Dora Duke. 2:51^, 2:4(514, 2 :50. 2 :48, 2 :48, 2 :51 . Maggie Mitchell, cli m (3:55). A. S. Newman, Avon Spa, N. Y., Oct. 11, 1867, $ . Dick Drake 1. 2:52, 2:55, 2:.56, 2:.57. Maggie Mitchell, gr m (3:43). W. S. Oliver, Lawrence, Kan., Oct. —, 1872, $100. Bob Newton, 3:01>^, 2:51U, 2:51. George Floyd, Little Rock, Ark., Oct. 19, 1873, $100. Prince, 2:44, 2:45, 2:43. Pine Bluff, Ark., Nov. 12, 1873, $100. Bob Newton. 2:44, 2:45, 2:46. Maggie Mitchell (3: 59). W. Vandebogart, Batavia, N. Y., Sept. 18, 1873, .$100. Flaxtail 1, Gray Mack, 3:03, 3:03, 2:.59. 2:.59. Maggie Mitchell, ch m (3:5314). General Page, San Francisco, Cal., Feb. 26, 1875, $200. Edgar, Yellow Jacket, 2:.53i4,2:.55'.i. Maggie Mitcliell, b m (3 :33i4), by Spartan. A. J. Feek, Lyons, N. Y., June 4, 1878, $300. (4ray Eddy, Lady Jane, Annie B., Loreiia, Marniibn i3 dr), 2:38, 2:38, 2:3i)i4. Sodus, N. Y., June 27, 1878. $175. Jessie Holte 1, Ada, Don (2 dis), 2:40 2:39, 2:46. 2:374. ProsiJect Park. L. I., Oct, 16, 1878, $300. Star 1, Volunteer Maid, Stiletto, Mamie, Norwood Chief, Gene- ral Norcross (4dr), Addie E. C. (4 dr). 2:34. 2:34, 2:34, 2:3414. A. Walrath. Lyons, N. Y., June 29, 1881, $300. Ingomar4, 5, Ino 1, Straightedge, 23714. 2:34J4. 2:35%, 2:3714.2:3714, 2:34. Maggie Mitchell, blk m (3 :36). J. B. Cramer, Dubuque, la., Sept. 11, 1879, $500. Black Kate 2, 3, Stormer, Prince Orloff (3 dis), 2:40^4, •J:39i4, 2:39, 2:36, 2:37 '4. Maggie Monroe, ch m (3 :50' 2). Thomas Newman, Easton, Pa., Aug. 31, 1869, $50. American Boy, 3:28, 3:21' o, 3:1,51^. Three-vear-olds. Sept. — , 1869, .S.50. Plough Boy (2 0), 3:17. 3:19, 3:11. Three-year-olds. Wm Dempster, Scraiiton, Pa., June 15, 1870. $100. Jerry Leigh, 2:.58',i. 2:.53'2. 2:,54. R. Dempster. Waverley, N. J., Sept. 20. 1870, $75. Clinton Maid. Higliland Mary, Gypsy (3dr), 3:04>4, 2:50'4, 3:10. Four-vear-olds. MaggieMoo.se hlk in (3 :45i4). D. France, Garratsville, N. Y., May 27, 1875. .$.50. Heck Pellet. Winslow's Chestnut Gelding. Fleming's Brown Gelding, 2:52, 2:511^, 2:47, H. Dale, Onconta, N. Y., June 30, 1875, .$200. New Berlin Boy 1, Heck Pellet, Harry Powell (2 dls), 2:48, 2 '47 2 "51 2 "52 '■ J). France, Otsego, N. Y., July 5, 1875. $1(X). Belle of Otsego(l 0), Victory, 2:47, 2:46, 2:4514. H. Dele, Scoharie. N. Y.. Oct. 13, 187.5. $7.5, Captain Sweeny 1, 2, two others. 2:47i^, 2:4.5i/4, 2:45'/4, 2:45-'4. 2;45'i. Maggie Morrill, ch m (3 :39i4). l)v Charley B., dam Maggie Lee. M. Hoag, Potsdam, N. Y., Sept. 20, 1883, $200. Pickwick, Blanche 1. Kittv A. (3 dis), 2:.32, 2:.30, 2:2914,2:32. 474 CHESTER'S COMI'LKTE TKOTTINCJ AM) PACING KKCOIM* Malonc, N. Y., Sept. 27, 1883. Sl50. Irish Kooster, Jolumv Lapaii. Lambert. Sam S.. l':40, •.':41. 2:40. W. I'ratt. Mouln al, 1". y.,()ct. ti, issa, S.0OO. While Oak 1, Fearnaughl, Dotty Golddust, Alice, Minnie B. lU-st limeJ:a7J-a. Oct. 9, Itiss. if-^M. White Oak. Col. I'ateheii Jr.. hailv Moose, 2:36?^, 2:39. 2:40. Masrgrie Mveis, b m (2 -..Hi). W. II. Mvers. ( orllaiiilt. N. V., .luiie 21. lH77.sS300. Annie H. 1. 2, J Upham ;!, .'j. Tony Mae, Jenny, Cortlandl Boy, Maud Mahaii, liallie Fisher t,2 dr>, 2:40, 2:37',s, 2:37:'4, 2:39, 2::f7, 2:.*ffl'',. 2:40. Mageie N., b m (a :34}^,». C J. Spavnc, Sabina, O.. Aug. 24, 1883. §150. Honest Jim, Hector, Mohawk Gloster. Honest Joe. P. J. Pursefl, Ennnett H.. Ladv Eveland, 2;48'i, 2:47. 2.48}«j. Ma^Krie Tatelieii (•-J:45). P. McCiough, N. Altl. boro, Mass., Aug. 9, 18H3. Sloo. (ieorgie, 3:00?4, 2:51' 2. 2:4.0. Maggie .s.. blk m (■-i:*'i«'j). Scallan andCar.soii. licacon Park, Boston, July 27, 1875, S200. George A. Aver 2, 3, Mingo4, Nira Belle, Farmer Boy, Cliam|ilain 11; dis;i, 2:38!2, 2:34,2:34, 2:;j7, 2:38, 2:38. (w) A. S. Canson, Sept. 9, 1875, §125. Hone.st Bill t\v> 2, Lady Daggett (w), Nira Belle (w) (2di.s). 2:48, 2:49'», 2:49U.. 2:48. .Scallan and Carson, Sej)t. 22, 1875, 81.50. Billv, 2. Nelly 3, 2:37. 2:38, 2:3.5, 2:37. 2:37. .1. J. Bowen, Mystic Park, Boston, Oct. 19, 1875, §400. John T. Uussell 1, Georgie B.. Nira Belle. Ladv Annie. 2 :.!()' o, 2:.t4, 2:32' 2, 2:34, Beacon I'ark, Boston, Nov. 6, 1875, $150. John H. 2, 3, Colonel Barnes (3 dr). 2:;{2. 2:.!0. 2::j2'i;, 2:36U. 2:33'o. Mystic Park, Boston, Nov. 18 and 19, 1875, $200. Belle Dean 1,4, Flora Belle 5. 2:;u»^, 2:32. 2:31, 2:3:5, 2:;i4. 2:.J4. Beacon Park, Boston. June 23, 187C, $1,000. Charley Mack 3, 4, Joe lJii)lev .5, Charles K. 1, Lizzie Keeler, (k'lieral, 2:303^, 2:29, 2:29»4, 2:29'j, 2:30, 2:30, 2:32. Maggie S., gr m (!i:31-'4). G. W. Cannon, Davenport, la., Sept. 6, 1876, $300. Mountain Quail 1, Ned. Klnora, Carman, Brown .lug (4 dis). Swindle (3 dis). Fannv Mack (1 dis), 3:02i^o, . 2:57. . lUiilinglon, la.. Sept. 21. 1S70, $200. Eldci- I'duiic. Carman, Iron Duke, 2:4t>, 2:49. 2:43. Miisc;itiiu', la., Sept. 2;), 1.^7<>. .•?240. Carrie Berrvliill. Tony Baxter. 2:47, 2:42,2:44. S. Crook. Chicago. HI., June 30, 1877, $500. Lady Mc 1, Volney, David H., Sam Kirk\vood(3dis), Francis, (2 dis), 2 :32i.4, 2:32J4, 2 Mh, 2 :35. Julv 4, 1S77, $ . Lady Mc 1, Echo, Sarlev K., George F., 2:31' j, 2:31?4. 2:32^. 2:34. Maggie .Sliarp, br m (^ :50). J. ,1. Greenbrier, North Amherst. O.. Aug. 26. 187.5, $.50. Frank Bush, Roselle, Nonpareil, (iranger Girl, Lady Holm. Lady Trapp, Windv Burrs, Lucy P., Big Leg (1 dis), Bay Dick (1 disi. 2:.')0, 2:.53, 2:58' 2. Maggie Sinitli, b rm (3:35), by King's Cli;impion. dam bv Bertram. Jacob Freeman, Minerva, O.. Sept. 30, 1874. $1.50. Bav Jim 3, George, Blue Bull, .Judge AYaitc. I'.rown Nelly. Davy Crockett, Kitty A. No time. Oct. 1, 1874, $200. Judge Waite, Hiatoga Chief. Lillian. 2:4Vi..,. 2:48^.,, 2:50'2. D. W. Thomas, Chagrin F'alls, ().. ,Iune 30. I87G, .$275. Kinsman Bov 2, 4. George (3 dis), Maggie Kimber- lev (1 dis). Curbstone (1 dis), llarrv Tbornc 0 dis). Blue Bull a disi, 2:38'4, 2:41i.i, 2:36, 2:40',, 2:35>.i. — — "Canton, O., Oct. 8, 1876, $130. Judge Waite, 1 (3 0), Kitty A., George W. S. (.4 dis), 2:38, 2:38, 2:40. 2:39, 2:37. Akron, O., June 21. is77, .S400. Deceptiim. Peculiar (3 dis). Magnolia (3 dis), 2:36Vs, 2:35'/^, 2:35. Oct. 4, 1877, $200. lied Buck 1. Bashaw Chief, Brown Nelly, 2:43i^, 2:38^4, 2:39. 2:3834. Maggie Stewart, ch m (2:47). J. K. Kramer, Easton, Pa., Sept. 22, 1881, $ . May Day 3, 5, Bay Jim 1, 2:4.5, 2:47, 2:51.2:53. 2:54>4, . , _ „ „ . Maggie Voorhees, gr m (3:58'4), by Dan Voorhees. P. F. Dean, Salinas, Cal.. Oct. 14, 1880, $75. Bodine, Balcigh. 2:.58U. Three-year-olds. Maggie W„ l)ll< in (3::J7i..). W. Weeks. Philadelphia, Pa., May 18. 1877. $100. Lady Thompson, 1, 4. 2:46(!. 2 :42!4. 2 :44' 1 . 2 :4,SK'- - -'i^' 2. Maggie VV. CiiOl). A. Eldridge, Woodstock. 111., Sept. 14,1882, $100. Bay Henry 2, Nero, 3:01, 3:02. 3:0.5,3:02. Four-year-olds. George Eldridge. Sept. 13, 1883,$100. Nero 1, Puzzler 3. Maud B. 2, 3:01, 3:00»4, 3:02'2, 3:04, 3:05. 3:06. Maggie IVall, ch m (3:40i.i). M. D. Fields. St. Josepli, .Mo.. Sept. :iO. 188:3. $500. Omaha Belle, Molly Gray- den, Highlander (3 dr). Kentucky Chief il disi, Annie Moore (1 dis>. . 2:44.2:47. Ohdhe. Kan.. Oct. 10, 1873, .*l.i.5. <;rav K:igle. Silas King. Lady Dunmore (2 dis), 2:44, 2:444, 2:46. Maggie AVoolley ( Flora and Lib I )iiiniiick'i. cli in {'i M»). O. W. Dimmick, Cincinnati, O., May 20, 1804, $100. Burr Oak. Brown Dick. 2::is, 2:oS'.i, 2:40. Mag Harris (Maggie Fr.d 1. 1> m 1 3 ::5:5). J. P.. Harris, Lincoln. Neb., May 6, 1879, $300. Black Dan 1, Pilot 2. Charley Douglass (3 o). .Molly M;ic (6 (lis). Little Frank ((; dis), Carrie 1". (5 dr). Boston Davis (2 dis). Nelly Shaw (2 .lis), Bronclio .lim ci dis). Trouble d dis). Otoe .M:ud (1 dis), 2:40, 2:30, 2:37, 2:30, 2:;i7».i. 2::«i''4- Magic, b s Ci::?:?) by Am^'rican Cl;iv. dam Lualaba. bv Berkeley's Edwin Forrest. A. G. Peters. Lexington, Ky., Oct. 19, 1872.' $1.50. SonhiaTemi)le3,2::«, 2:3.3. 2:3.5. 2:.37i4. , , , . Mr. Macev. I'rankfort, Ky., Oct. 9, 1875, $.500. Proctor Knott 1, 2, Sherw ood. Little Annie, Annie Bailey. 2:43'2, 2:45'". 2:41^4. 2:44i.i, 2:43i.i. Magic, blk g (2 :a.'>iii) bv Vermont .Morrill. .L.I. Bowen, Providence, R. I., June 2S, iKs.s. $1,000. Backman Maid 1, -Tohn Love, Madure, Feniicr. Hocus Pocus (2 dr). Victor Clay (1 dis), 2:25>4. 2:251/., 2:28'2, 2:29. - Providence, R. I., .Inly ;i, 188.3. .S:!4). R. (i. Hart. Zanesville, O., June 12, 1873, $500. Captain Jack, Billy, Paiiigon. 2:43i4. MagiiaCiiarta. b 8(2:31) bv Morgan Eagle, dam Ophelia, by Gray Eagle (V). C. Wright. Utica, Mich., June 29.1859,.$ . 2:37';. Stallion competition. S. M. Seelv. Michigan State Fair, Sept. 6. 1859, $ . Othello. Selim, 2:47 .,,.,„ , . ,, F. V. Smith, Kalaniiizoo, Mich., Oct. 14, 18.59, $1.50. Prince Charles, Marshall Chief. Moscow (3 dr). 2:41, 2:.53, 2::i3. Detroit. Mich., Aug. 11. 1800, .$ . St. Lawrence (2 dr), 2:36, 2:35. Sept. '20, 1.S02, .$ . 2::i!), 2:;!7, 2:32. 1. Predmore, Chicago, III., .Inly 28, i860, .$200. Plough Boy, Daniel Boone. 2:364, 2:3.. 2::{8. (i. Dntcber. Julv4, 1807, $2,000. Cooley :!, 2:33' .2,2 :33>s, 2:34. ..„,., Coldw:iter. Mich.. Sei)t. 3, 1.^68. $ . Gray Eagle. Belmont. Mambrino CliieL2:.{.'i. -I/.kthi. 2:36 W. Grcfii. Detroit. Mich., Sept. 15. I8(>8.$ — . Eagle Eye, 2:42';. 2:4:3. K. W. Newhall, Kalamazoo, Mich., Sept. 22. 1871, .$2.50. Ben Cummings, Henry ( lay. Stonewall Jackson, Landseer, 2 ::{7i/,, 2:38,2:40. ..,..., , .,., .. , Magna Charta, bs(:$:00;. Evan .lames, Reading. Pa.. Oct. 1, 1880, .$70. Live Oak Patchen. Little Dandy, Ludwig's Colt, 3:00. 3:01",,. 3 :08U. , , „ ,„ ,. . .-. ... , MagneK2 ::*«'»). Mr. S.nier.s, Chicago. 111., Aug. 29. 1874..$ . Old Halligan. (Upper I (3 drt. Kate bisher ('* dr) 2*44 2'30'; '''.59 Magnet,'b s (2l40U.'i bv Magnolia, dam Mischief, bv AlexiMider's Abdallah. A. II. GilbiTt. Hartford, Conn., Sept. 14. 1878. Jewell. No Name. 2:.55. 2:.52'.i. Three-year-olds. Prospect Park. L. I.. Sept. u;. 1879, S:i60. Hellone.Stratagem (I dis). 2:4li'4'. 2:40''i. 2:42. IT. »Iagaet, bnM-'J:33i4)by Stratliniore. U. W. Brennenian, Cedar Rapids, la., June 13, 1882, .'j;4()0. John A. Rawlins 4. Trapeze l. (iolden How 1. 2, Mabel H., St. Cloiul. (ierinan Boy (,'5 dr), K. K. Fox (4 Ur), Grace S. ^2 dis), Ramie (2 dis), 2-M}/4.--i--i-ih, 2:3314, 2:33>4, 2:36i.i. June 16, 1882, .•iti300 Golden Bow l. 2, Little Joe 3, Maggie Fulton, Grace S., Maud R. (4 dr). Belle of Cold- water (3 dr), 2:3214, 2::52i^, 2:35^4. 2:3.5,2:37i4, 2:43. • Cedar Falls, la., July 4, 1882, $om. Polka Dot 2, Golden Rule, German Boy, Maggie Fulton, Little Joe, Marsh Vouny (3 dis), 2:34'/2, 2:3Gi4. 2:3.31-4. 2:33?i. Magnet, blkg (3:3814). A. Johnson, Taunton, Mass., Sept. 27. 1883, .$110. Lady Russell, Jocko, Belmont, Kmiiia Pt., 2:3yj.4, 2:39i4. 2:40. Brockton, Mass., Oct. 4, 1883, $250. Belmont, Oweenee, Princess, Don, Rubber Boy-, Emma R.. 2:3914, 2:.i!), 2:40. Magnolia br s (3 :5G), by American Star, dam Jenny Lind, by Bay Richmond. Goshen, N. Y., Oct. 9, 1862, $ . Vernon Boy, 2:58, 2:56. Magnolia, gr g CZ :36J4)> by Magnolia. Abner Rush, Erie, Pa., July 22, 1874, $2,250. Lewinski, Condit Smith, Joe Stone (1 dis), Blanche C, Arthur d dis), Fred a dis), 2-37'.2,2:38i4, 2:37. .luly 24, 1874, $2,750. Lady Hill, Lady Turpin, Lady Hayes, Gray Dick (1 dis), Ashland Pet (1 dis), 2:32?i, 2:35' 2'. 2:35. Buffalo, N. Y.. Aug. 6, 1874, .'$3,000. Kitty Cook 1, Frank Wood, Bella, Mambrino Kate, Belle Brasfleld, George Judd. Roval George, J. D. Benton, Lady Hayes, Frank, Kitty, Tearawav, H. C.Hill (4 dri, 2:29'/2, 2:27.2:2614- ^"28. W. J. Johns, Titusville, Pa., June 10, 1875, .$300. Sleepy Tom, May, 2:34, 2:36, 2:381^. Abner Rush, Greenville, Pa., Aug. 31, 1876, $300. Bay Fanny, Charmer, Mexican Tom, Sleepy Tom, 2:3314, 2:3114. 2:3314. E, Odell, New Orleans, La., July 4, 1881, $75. Little Star, Silent Friend, Peacock. 2:52',i, 2:48.. Magnolia, ch g(3:49j;i.). S.R.Clark, Jr., Westchester, Pa., Sept. 24, 1S81, fi2,o. Wash, Aioore, 3, 4 (5 dis), Sleepv Bob, Lady Blanche, 2:51i2, 2 :49?i, 2:4594, 2:51, 2:51>4- Mag Tammany, b m (2:45). C. Keator, Kingston, N. Y., Oct. 24, 1873, $300. Lady Emma 1, Sorrel Dan 3, Harry, 2:50, 2:49, 2:50%, 2:52. 2:51. Rosedale. N. Y., Aug. 18, 1874, $150. Ada Belle, Lady Emma, 2:45, 2:49. 2:59. Aug. 19. 1874, $150. Dan 1, Lady Emma, Onward, William (2 dr), 2:51, 2:50, 2:48, 2:471^. aiaguire's Bay Gelding, bg(3:43). Henry Bradley, Portland, Me., Oct. 20, 1858, $200. Zimri 1, 2:46, 2-45 2:46, 2:43. Maliala, br m (3:40). by Alcalde, dam by Alexander's Abdallah (?). Terry & Corey, Denver, Col., July 3, 1879, .$200. Nero, Toiii Collins, Ollie, Harry (1 dis), 2:40, 2:421^, 2;43'2. July 4, 1879, $200. Ensign 1 . Alamo. 2 :40, 2 :40, 2 :44, 2 :46. Mahan's Kntry (3 :45%). G. Mahan, Lawreuceburg, Ind.. Sept. 27.1877, .$50. Hayes' Entry 3, Maxwell's Entry, 2:46)4, 2:45?£. 2:46, 2:49(4. Mahoney's Bay Gelding, (3 :40). D. Mahoney, Avon, N. Y., June 8, 1870, $60. Captain Smith 2, 3, Tom Walter (2 dr), 2:45i/i, 2:42, 2:41. 2:40, 2:40. Mahoning Boy, b g (3:34i4), by Goldflnch, dam by Guilford. W. Dclancev, Marshalltown, la.. June 24, 1881, .»;:300. Jiin Crandall 4, Young Bashaw 2, Lady Midcileton, 2:3514, 2:3694. 2:34^4. 2:30. Unfinished. Maid ( 3 :4G). BaldwinsviUe, N. Y., July 1. 186.3, .$75. Deceiver I (4 dr), 2:49, 2:46, 2 :48, 3:35. Mai. Mai<: of Boston (3 :47). L. Hitchcock, Boston. Mass., Oct. 23. 1857, .$ . Provideifce Boy. 2:.50. 2:47. Maid of Chicago, b m (3:49)4), bv Ethan Allen. I). Churchill. Helena, Mont., Sept. 29, 1881, $300. Fanny Patchen 2, St. Thomas (2 dis), 2:52. 2:50, 2:4914, 2:52. Maid of Monti, b m (3 :38), by Comet. J. P. Cramer, Waverly. la., Sept. 22. 1876, $150. Billy Cooper. Fanny Fern, 2:51, 2:51 14. 2:5114. P. Babcock, Mendota, HI., Aug. 14, 1879, $350. Elsie Groff l, 2, Clipper, Roofer Jr. (4 dis). Shoo Flv (3 dr) 2::M,2:.32, 2:33, 2:33, 2:33. .v /, W. E. Hoag, Galesburg, Ind., Sept. 4, 1879, $500. William H., Calamus. Sucker Maid, Big Foot 2-30. 2:30' 2. 2:28. & . • , Bu'shnell. Ind., Sept. 27, 1879, $300. Centella, 2:39, 2:36, 2:.37. Maid of Munster, brm (3:57;4). A. J. McMorris, Louisville, Ky., .luly 0. 1865, $ . Up and Up (3 dis) 5-,55 5:.52. 6:02. Two miles. " " 1 v '• ■ , Maid of Quebec, b m (3 :.')3). J. V. Schenck, St. Louis, Mo.. Mav 29. I860, $200. Lancet. 2:53, 2-.549i. 2-,57 Maid of tlie Valley, gr m (3 -.33%). Daniel Connolly, Norwalk, Conn., Sept. 10, 1878, $40. Kitty Gray 3-25. 3:23^4. .' .T - Maid of the West, ch m (3 :47). B. McGee, Point Breeze Park, Phila., Aug. 10, 1874, .$500. Lady Wells 1, 3-09. 3:00.2:5994.3:01)4. ' Suffolk Park, Phila,, Oct. 16, 1874, .$200. Dolly Varden, 2:.58^, 2:55?4. 2:.52i4. J. K. Leavitt. Oct. 30, 1874, .$300. Red Cloud, Dolly Varden, 2:54, 2:51, 2:51. .May 30. 1875. $500. Dolly Varden 3. 4, 2:,55, 2:57, 2:49, 2:54, 2:57. Maillard's Bay Mai-e. (3:43i4). Mr. Maillard, San Francisco, Cal.. Mav 4, 1871. $1,000. Copperhead 1, 2, Johnny Coleman .5, Charles Saxby, Cassius M. (4 dis). Lady Thome (i dis), May Flower (l clis), 2:47i4. 2:46)4, 2:45}4, 2:49'2, 2-4714. May 6, 1871. .$0<»0. Fred, Johnny Coleman, Breeze, Copperhead, Ladv Thorne (1 dis), Abe (l dis), Cassius M,(l dis), 2:47, 2:4.3^, 2:45'2. Mail Boy, b g (3 :.5«). W. Burr, Rhinebeck, N. Y., Oct. 13, 1875, .$50. Steve Pax (l 0), Clinton Maid, 3:04. 2 -56, 3:04, 3:00. Maine Centi-al(3:00). E. H. Woodman. Farmington, Me., Oct. 11. 1882, $ . Nelly Dow, Thrasher Pet the Hero, Sally Waters. 3:01. 3:02. 3:00. r C. Henderson, Oct. 11, 18.^2, .$ . Nemo, Tommy. Mazepi)a, Midnight. Honest Jennv, 3:01. 3:00, 3-00. Maine Girl, b m (3 :39), by Dirigo. E. H. McKenny, Great Falls, N. H., Julv27, 1870, $200. Peabodv. Beacon LiLclit. Rosa Bonheur, Lady Franklin, 2:51,2:53. 2:52. Manrliester. N. IL. Sei)t. 7, 1870, .$250. Micawber, Wild Eddv, Gentle Aimie, .Jenny Locke, Henrv Hill, Ice, Sawdust (2 dis). 2:.39. 2:40)4. 2:44. L. J. Brackett, Portland, Me.. June 13, 1873, $300. Meddlesome, Ladv Wentworth, Gentle Annie. Caoutchouc (1 dis), 5:31. 5:31. Two miles. Maine Jeffer.son. lilk s (3 :43). l)v Bret Harte. dam .Tnno by Field's Horse. S D. .Jordan, Portland, Me., Sent. 17. 1879. .$100. Nettie Franklin (3 dis), Kate (3 dis), 2:5.'5, 2:45, 2:43. Four-year-olds. Maine .Slasher, \< s ,3::jl'/,,. by (ien. Knox, dam Juno, bv tiie Crawlord Horse. W.S. Xilton, Waterville. Me., July 28. 1874, $200. Honest Bill. Gentle Annie. 2i40, 2:36. 2:3714. 476 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING A\D PACING RECORD. I'ortlaiul. Mo.. Aug. 2r<. 1875. .Si.ioo. I,othair l. Youmr Buchanan, Messenger Knox, King William Phil Snenilanc.'dis). (it-n. Lightfoot f2clis), L':.S2, 2:323.,. 2:32?4. Stallions. — Lewi.ston. Mc, Sej)!. I. IST.S, $(m. Messenger Knox, Young Buchanan, Phil Sheridan. Geu. Lightfoot. Trounlesonic. Ijnperor, 2:.v>. 2:.32i.n. 2:.{4^ .Stallions. -(iarfliner. Me.. Sept. 11. 187.5. .?300. Blanche I. Charley Morrill, Jim Fisk (4 dis), 2:405s£, 2:35'/», 2:40, Portland. Me.. Sept. 24. iST.-s. .S.noo. Shepherd Knapp. Aver, •^■.xi'i. 2-34. 2-36. Aug. 8. 187r.. .?225. Phil Sheridan l. 2. C! O). King Williani. 2:33, 2:35, , 2:35, 2:36, 2:4i;4. Majolica, 1) g (3:17), by Startle, dam Jes.sie Kirk, li.v Clark Chief. J. Murjdiy, Morrisania, N. Y.. June 22 1S83, *1,(KW. Judge Davis, Pliallas. Frank (J., Pearl (3 dr),2:22'», 2:20^,2:17 .«u.ic ^<5, — Albany, N.Y., June 27, ls83,S3,ooo. Pliallas 1, 11. B. Winshii), Judge Davis, Frank G., Pearl (4 dr), 2:21 V4, '- \V:"i.shington D. C, July 3, 1883, i!l,200. i'hallas, Ike Schultz. Black Prince, Mambrino Sotham (3 dis). 2:23' 2, 2:24, 2:23).^. Major, gr g (3 :45;. William Stewart, Albany, N. Y., Aug. 21, 1S5S, $200. Buckskin, 2:5y, 2:.50. Cornwall, Conn., Sc-pt. 8, 1858, §140. (irav Eagle, 2:.'")1. 2:4.'), 2:47. Major, (,w) dig (3:57). P. Reynolds, Fashion' Course, L. 1., Aug. 1, 18C4, $500. Sam (w) 1, 2:54(4, 2:57, 2:58'i. Major, (3:54). T. King, Middletovvn, N. Y., Sept. 7,1865, $25. Mary Temple 2, "VVidow Thome Ladv Weller(3dr), 2:56'2, 2:58, 2:58. •' Ma,jor, gr g (.3 :48). James Ludlow, Hoboken, N. J., Aug. 1, 1867. $100. Jersey Boy, Printer (l dis), 2:48,4, Ma^jor, eh g (3 :38). Hiram W. Howe, Union Course, L. 1., Nov. 24, 1870, $500. Venture (w), 2. 5:48, 5:52, 5:r>\. Two miles. (w), Prospect Park, L. 1., May 17, 1871, $500, Little Tom 2(1 0). 2:58, 2:52, 2:56, 2:55, 2:58fi. Deerfoot Park, L I., May 22,1874, $250. Pollock 1, 2, Bayard, Rose May, Ladv Rafferty (5 dr). C. E Coonev (1 dis), 2:38?4, 2:;i7^4, 2:42'/i, 2:45, 2:45. Major, gr g (3 :54'2). A. K. Osborn, Oshkosh, Wis., Aug. 8, 187.3, $ . Duke Alexis 2, Brown Harry. Nellv (irav. Black Dick, Phil Sheridan, 2 :.')9, 2 :.">7, 2:.54(2, 2:,55M- Ma.jor,gr g (3:55). P. ('. Wiggins, Biddeford, Me., Oct. 1, 1873, Competitors not named. Best time 2:59. A. Gunian. Great Falls, N. H., Oct. 29, 1873, $175. Doctor 1. Col. Dean, Daisy, Major, Ethan, 2-51»4 2-55 2:,55, 2:58>i. ' ' ' Ma.jor, br s (3 :54). G. Conover, Mt. Holly, N. .L.Oct. 5,1875, $105. Frank 1, Ladv Cramer. Dolly, Lizzie, (leorge. Star (4 dr). Little Charles (4 dr), Fleetwood (4 dr). Lady of the Lake (3 dr), Dolly Mav Dav (3 dr) Henrv(2dr), 2:53, 2:.')4, 2:.'i4^4. 2:,'->8. " •' ' Major, bV s (3 :45), N. Hubbard. Waterford, N. Y'., Aug. 18, 1876, $10f Driver's Maid 2, Joe 1. Norma, Lucy (3 (lis), 2 :50, 2 :50, 2 :4.'>. 2 46, 2 :461<>. Major, bg (3:56). H.Miller, Hammoutou, N. J., Sept. 21, 1876, $100. Harriet P. 3, Andrew H., Don, 3:00, 3:01), 3:02, 2:56. Major, gr g (3 :45). C. Durflfe, Los Angeles, Cal.. Oct. 26, 1876, $ . Pluck. Pilot Chief. 2:45. 2:46, 2:4.5. Ma^Jor, ch g (3 :00). J. Brewster, Newburgh, N, Y., July 16, 1878. $ . Opt; 2 (3 0), 3:02, 3:00, 3:00, 3:01, 3:01»^, 3:00. Major. ■bg(3:40). D. A. Brown, Readville. Mass., Oct. 19, 1878, $25. Benl, Defiance, Mystery, Harry B. (2 dr) 2 :.55 2:56 2*55 2:5.5. Major, b'lkg('3:43)r P."Wood. New Havcn. Conn., Oct. 17, 1883, $200. Professor, Medium. Stranger, Won- der, Vermont Black Hawk (1 dis), Jim (l dis), Samuel C. (1 dis), 2:44, 2:,5.3^^, 2:4.5. F.Robinson, Milford, Conn., Oct. 22, 1883, $100. Belle of "Waterbury, Daisy Trumbull, Young Toronto Chief 2:42, 2:43*4,2:42. Major A lick, grg (3:46). McClay & Co., Mansfield, 0.,Aug. 19, 1879. .$200. Pinafore 2, Nelly Gray, Barney Dodd. Major Crowell, 2:51, 2:52, 2:51, 2:46. Major Allen (Locust) en g (3 :34J4), bv Frank Allen. T. S. Carpenter, Buffalo. N Y'., Aug. 8 and 9,1871, $10,000. Harry Harlev, Western Girl, Bvron, Medoe. Mohawk Jr., McMann (3 dis), 2:283^, 2:25'i, 2:24)4. J. Monahan, New llaven, Conn., Oct. 19, 1871, $1,200. Major Perry 1, 4, Lady Sheridan (3 dis), 2:36V4, 2'37% 2'^''4 2:.3.5^ 2:43. '- Dan Mace, Norw'alk, Conn., Sept. 18. 1875, $.300. Spotted Colt 2, George B. Daniels, 2:34?4. 2:33^4, 2:34, 2:36. Charles Dickernian, Danbury, Conn.. Oct. 9, 1875. $100. Spotted Colt, 2:.36. 2:38'o. 2:41. Barnev Brown, Woonsocket, R. I., Aug. 17, 1876, $250. Belle, Tom Pink (1 dis), Emi)eror (1 dis). 2:37HS, 2:36'.i.2:.375ii. Ma^lor Allen, br s (3 :06). .John H. Durgin, Lowell, Mass., Mav H. 1^76, $ . Dudd (1 0), , 3:08, 3:06. Major Anderson, gr g (3:49). Thos. P. Roach, Wyoming, Pa.. July 6. 1861. $.50. Star Queen, Kingston Maid (1 dis). 2:49"j,2:.52. 2:49. Ma^jor Anderson, b s (3 :15), Levi Ballon. Woonsocket, R. I., Sept. 13, 1870, .«75. Tom Allen, 3:52, 3:21, 3:1.5. Major Iteeswax. ch g (3:60). A. D. Farnhani, Manchester, N. IL, Oct. 31, 1867. $200. Wonder i, 2:57»4, 2:52, 2:.50, 2:5]>',. Ma,jor Rrodheacl ara CX br g (3 :51). by Stillson. J. H. Perry, Newton, N. .L. Oct. .5, 1881, $75. Frank Phil- lips i. 2:.56. 2:51, 2:.59. 3:12. Four-vear-olds. ^ . „ „ ^ ,^, , Major Brown, h g (2 :54). W. Welch, Woonsocket, R. I.. July 8, 1876. $75. Topsy 1, 2, Honest Charley, 3:00, 2-r>Ct ''-58 2 '56 ''•.54 Major ifrown ni'g (3 -SOU), by Wood's H.amhletonian. A. D. Brown. Wellsville. N. Y^, Sept. 8, 1881, $1.50. Blind Tom. Hattie. Col. Cross. 2 :3n>'2. 2:48. 2:47. , ^ ^. , ^, .,„,.,„„„„ Major Biiford br g (3 :57). W. H. Bovce, Columbia, S. C, March 14. 1874. .$500. Rum of Man. .J :05, 3:02. 2:.57. Maljor iJurt. ch g (2:44^). Clark Covvan, Auburn, N. Y.. July 4, 1870, .$300. Oneida Maid 1, Irout, 2:46»4. '•■41'i ''•48'i 2-44^4 Ma,ior Christie" br g (3 :44i^). J. W. f'atton. Boston. Mass., Oct, 8, 1864. $400. Lady Mack, 2:54, 2:48, 2:47. J. J. Bowen. Mav 18. 1865, $900. Young Ben. 3:011....'2:513.,'. 2 :.52. Wmijiin Woodruff, .rune 29. 1865,. •«,5nO. AInose, 2:47''{, '.":4.5i4. 2:47 , , r, tii /w Ma,ior Davis, b s (3 :46V, bv Brown Dick, d:im Maggie, l)y Tippoo Sahib, E. Chamberiam. Oregon, III., Oct. 14.187.5,.'? . Farmer's Maid 1,2:.59. 2:.52. 2:46. „ . . ,,„ ,. .> „^ i .„ „ M^jor Dearborn, b g (3 :47). S. J. M, Weston, Fitchburgh, Mass., Sept. 27. 1865. $.50. 1-anny (.! 0), Lilly (3 dr>. 2:491... 2:48, 2:48, 2:47. Ma.ior DiaiiK.iid. b s fStOl'i). T. Marr(uette. Sheldon. Vt., Sept. 10, 1875. .$,5. \oung Whalebone 2, Str:iii<.'.r. Colnnibiis (2 dr).. 3:03. 3:00. 3:04'.,', 3:01'.;. Stallions. . ,._,,.,„ ^ u Major Kdsall, b s (1 :3!»), bv Alexander's Abdallah. dam by Hams' Hambletouian. J. S. Kd.sall, Goshen, N v.. Sept. n. 1867. .* — '-. Loafer, Gov. Banks. Sussex Boy, 2:.54. 2:.5n. Six-year-old Stallions r. H. Bertholf, Newburgh. N. Y., June 9. 1869. $1.50. Bingham Colt, Jeff Davis, Wilkes Colt, 2:43, 2:40. 2-37 '■ Binchampton. N. Y'.. Julv 28. 1869. a:ion. Lizzie 2. George Smith. 2:40. 2::Wi, 2:.3.5i^. 2::U. Middletown. N. Y., Aug.' 26, 1869. .$150. Honesty 3. Guv Miller 4. 2:43, 2:44^, 2:44.2:44, 2:46. Newburgh, N. Y.. Sept. 4, 1869. $160. Guy Miller, Fillingham Jr., 2:43, 2:42, 2:42'4. Goshen, N. Y., Sept. 1, 1870, $100. Fillingham 2, EdsalPs Horse, 2:39'/,, 2:43;^, 2:36, 2:40H. w w 00 CHESTEllS COMFLKTE TROTTING AND PACING KECORD. 477 Middletovvn, N. Y., Nrv. 17, 1870, $1,000. Lady Whitman 1, 2 (3 0), 2:38'e, 2:38,2:;{9, 2:36, 2:39. 2:41. ■ Owego, N. Y., June 7, isi71, $450. Joe Hooker 1, 2, Cliet Kellogg 3, C, Tom Keeler (6dis;, Gray Hawk (1 dis), 2:37}/.i, 2:3714, 2:38(4, 'i:39, 2:40. 2:40, 2:33i;i. Palmyra, N. Y., June 23, 1871, $450. diet Kellogg, Joe Hooker, 2 :3Gi.i, 2 :35U, 2:33^4- Rosedale, N. Y.. Aug. 18,1871, $400. Lew Baker 2, Lady Whitman. Major Kmg, 2:365^.2:37,2:37,2:3614. ■ Unionville, N. Y., Sept. 7, 1871, $200. Lady Whitman 3, Mystic, Lady Wheeler (2 dis\ 2:36, 2:37, 2:37, 2:363^. . W. C. Trimble. Rhinebeck, N. Y., Oct. 24, 1871, $300. Ed White 3. Major King. Lady Whitman, Burgher (4 dis), 2:35, 2:311.1, :i::n\i. 2:34. J. H. Clark, Elmira. N. ¥., Aug. 22. 1873, $450. Tom Walter 1, 2, Pollv 3, Fanny (.4 dis), Frank Phelps (4 dr). 2:31, 2:33. 2:;«i. 2:31?4, 2:3414, 2:32?i. ■ L. B. Bartholomew. Auburn, N. Y,, Aug. 29, 1873, $500. Clarence 1, 2:3714, 2:37?4, 2:3414, 2:33. Penn Yan, N. \^, Sept. 4, 1873, $300. Tom Walters 1, Frank Phelps, Clarence, 2:41, 2:38i4,.2:36. 2:34. Major Graves, blk g (3 :35). Mr. Mavnard, Millwaukee, Wis., June '2b, 1868, $ino. Mohawk Chief 3, Forest Maid (1 7. $100. Chicago Jack 1. 2:45, 2:42 2:46, 2:40. Dan Pnfer. Providence, R. I., July 5. 1858, .$500. North Star, 2:37. 2:41, 2:40. Boston, Mass., Aug. 13, 1858, $ . South End Belle, 2 :54, 2:50, 2 :48. (w) George R. Wesson. Worcester, Mass., Oct. 7, 18.58, $.50. Flying Cloud (vf). 2:53. 2:.52, 2:48_. Major S., b g (3 :39). E. A. Sweet, Hudson, N. Y., Sept. 30 and Oct, 1, 1875, $1.50. Flora Lee 2, Lizzie O'Brien 1, None Such, Frank Wonder (5 dr). Sleepy John (5 dr), 2:54, 2:51^, 2:.50. 2:50, 2:50. Amenia. N. Y.. July 4, 1877. $200. Riga Russ. Little Mac, Wild Oats. Lady Hunting, 2 :40i4. 2:42, 2:41. Albany, N. Y., Sept. 13, 1877, $300. Velox 2, 3, Tom, W. H. Arnold, Chieftain. Kitty (5 dr), 2 :29, 2:30i4, 2:32, 2:325^,2:3714. . . Major S., b g (3:51%). J. E. Jarvis, Jersey City, N. J., May 27, 1882, $150. Victim 1, 3,2:58, 3:04, 2:52^, 2:5514, 2 '59 ^ L. Snell. June 28. 1883. $50. Billy C, Hotspur, 2:51%, 2:52, 2:54J4. _, ^ „ „ . . Major Tourtellotte, br s (3 :35%), by Rhode Island, dam Pudgy, a Morgan mare. J. W. McFayden, Vallejo Cal.. Sept. 17. 1879. .$2.50. Wicklow Rancrer. Lizzie. ,Tuno (2 dis), 2:44V,. 2:41i. . 2:41%. Sept.19. 1870 .$2.50. Sonoma Bov3, Dixon Chief, Wicklow Ranger, 2:39, 2:41. 2:43, 2:40. Ma,ior Van Osrtell (s), ch g (3 :38 s). ' Coleman's Ala.. Feb. 4. 18.54. .$2,000. ^Sultan (s), 2 :.38. „,,„„,„,/ Major Wallinff, br s (3 :53). J, H. Bertholf, Goshen, N. Y., Sept. 14. 1871. $25. Hambletoniaa Jr., 2:52, 2:52^. PivG-vfiir-olfis Major Wanden.'(w), b g (3 :57 w). Jesse Wandell, Centreville, L. I., Sept. 5, 1856, $300. Lady Phillips (w). Ben Bolt (w), 2:58, 2:57. 478 CHESTEKS COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. M^Oor Warfield. b g (« :4:J'2 1. O. J. Hrusie, (it. lJurringtou, Mass., Oct. 1, 1874, S180. Auburn Maid 3, Gleiicoe MaiU, •J:43;t.. •.':4.5, •.':44. 2:47. — ()i-t. J. 1S74, siw. (ilcncof Maiii. Auburn Maid, 2:47, 2:48-!i, 3:01. Oct. .!. 1877, .r^HH). Oriole. Belmont, 2:40. 2:4t;. 2:47 Major WliitifUl, bs (3:47) by IlanibleLonian, (lain by imp. Margrave. Goshen, N. Y., Sept. 8, 1864, §20. Wolul. Ii;iri'v C'lav, Abe Lincoln. Ilcnrv, 2:47. .Maloin-t liief, i,'rgi3:4a;. Mr. .Selleck, Ogdensburgh, N. Y., Oct. 2,"., 1867, S . DraeoChief 1,2, Yankee (.-. (In, 2:4.-.. 2:l.s, 2:46, 2:44, 2:44. Malum- ratclu'u, blk g («:;JU'2) bv I'atciicn Jr. A, .McD(mald, Ogdensburg, N. Y., Oct. 4, 1883, 5!300. Island M;ii(l 2. I'.urdcll Prince, I'liil Sbcridan.lr.. 2:39W2:4.;, 2:46, 2:42. Maloiif's Bi-owii Stallion, i'i-.-ll). .1. .Malone, roiii,'hkeepsie, N. Y., May 28, 18C8, •■t'lOO. Walrussla, Lady .M(irg:in, 2:50, 2:4!». 2:1!1. Alahmey's Itay Male, (3:12^4). J. Maloney, Indianapolis, lud., .Iune4, 1881, .§200. Good's b m (3 dr), 3:12?i,3:14. . Maltu i\v), brg (3:46 w). D. Pilfer, Union Course, L. I., Aug. 22. 1858, $50. Lady Charlotte (w), 2:50^, 2 46, 2 :4t;. Malta, b m (3 iSGV^). H. B. Eire, Norwich, Conn., Oct. 1, 1880. $200. Dan Wood 2. 3, Bonny Doon. 2:36?4,2:36J4, 2::;6, 2:30'.i,2:37. Malta. l)g (3:37). Mr. Hill, Calais, Me . July 4, 1882, * . Zulu. Best time. 2:37. Malvina. b m (3 -.24^4 ), by Fearnaught Sj.y, dam a Morgan mare. N. Bclland. Cambridge, 111., Aug. 29, 1879, ■?.iOO. Western Belle, Molly B., Singular. Kitty D.. Colonel B., Lady B.. I^ldcr I'ogue. 2:45. 2:40)^, 2:43. .1. Smith, Davenport, la., Sept. 4, 1879, §250. Nat Baker 2, Lizzie Jackson l, Charles Clayton, 2:38. 2:40, 2:40, 2:41,2:40. J. F. Miller. La Salle, Ind.. July 26, 1883, .?400. Reel, Miller's Damsel, Frank (iray, Legal Tender, Leland, Amie King. 2::{5l^, 2:36»4, 2:37. Davenport. la., Aug. 1, 1883, $300. Molly Harris. 4 (3 0), Birdie Clay, Glenwood, Blue Bull Pilot, 2:3^, 2:33?4. 2:34'.,. 2:34M. 2:37)^. Cedar Rapids, la., Aug. 11, 1883, $400. Glenwood, Exception, Orinda, Marsh Young (3 dr), Will Her (2 dis), 2::}4, 2:;iJ, 2:35. Ottawa, 111., Aug. It, 1883, $400. Nelly Grant, Netty M., Lantern, Emma Maxwell (3 dls), 2:32^i, 2:33^ 2:31^4- Geneseo, 111., Aug. 21, 1883, $400. Tom Kirkwood, Skipper, Dutch Girl (3 dis). Gray Henry (3 dis). Flora P. (3 dis), 2:36'4, 2:;55?4, 2:31?4. Davenport, la., Aug. 31, 1883, $400. Lee W., Gray Henry. Freestone, Skipper. 2:29i4, 2:.30J4, 2:31. M. E. McHenry, Des Moines, la., Sept. 3, 1883, $5o0. (iilbird Sprague, Dutch Girl, Nelly Woodruff, 2:29'.i,2t26i.t, 2:2414. .r. T. Miller, Sept. 7. 1883, $'^0. Western, Freestone. Ensign. 2:.'53}^. 2:34. 2:.34»4. Mambaret. br s(3:49i4), by Manibrino Pilot, (bun by Pilot, Jr. C. W. Hetzel, F'lemington, N. J., Sept. 27, 1877, .S . Lady Barton, Kate Cameron, Careless Harrv. 3:10, 3:14, 3:1.'). Sept. 26, 1878, !S70. Budd Doblc 3. Malcolm 4, Kcd Bird, 2:52!i. 3:00, 2:52i2, , 2:.55}4. Sept. L'4, 1879, .§70, r.iuld Doblc, 2, 2:52, 2:.52, 2:54, 2:57»4. Stallions. Sei)t. .'SO, 1880, .§.')."). Uc'VcM.ui'. ,5:12. 2:.''>6. 3:08. Stallions. Mamhrino |3 :4(;i/.), by Manibrino Chief, dam by Davy Crockett, K. C. Barker, Detroit, Mich.. June 11. 1862, S . W. II. Ferris l. Diamond Ci dis), Billv Duncan (1 disi, 2:52, 2:51'/i, 2:47'2, 2:46ii. F(mr-years-olds. Mainbriuo, b g (3 :57 U). E. S. Harris. Watertown, N. Y., June 28, 1870, $150. Lady Jackson 1, Lady Gay (2 (lis), 2 :.")8 '.1 . 3 :044, 2 :.-)7?i, 3 :00. Four-year-olds. Manibrino. b s (3:43?^). .1. C. Devo, Gnuid Rapids, Mich., Sept. 19, 1873, $550. Landseer, George Sherwood, Onward, Stonewall Jjickson, (Jreenvvood, Magna (^liarla. Hero, 2:44i.i, 2:43?i. Four-year-olds. Stallions. Manibrino Archy, br s (3 :4.'i), l)v :\I:uiil>rino Bov, dam by John Dillon, L, M. Bingham, Upper Sandusky, ()., Oct. 11, 1883, $100. Archie Colddiist, I'addv Whack, 2:48, 2:4.5, 2:45W. Manibrino IJ., b s (3 :40). S. K. ( iglesby, Peoria, 111., Sept. 6, 1883, $350. Kentucky Rocket, Manibrino Startle, 2:40, ■_':42. 2:40Vsi. Four-ve;ir-olds. Stallions. Maniliriiio IJashaw, (3 :53V..i, by Maml)riiio Abd:dlali, dam Blue Bells, by Bashaw. Jr. W. W. Aldrich, Des .Moines. la., Sept. 8, isso. .?4.".. ' Rattler, Young Godolphin,2:55i'4, 2:53V2. Fonr-year-olds. Stallions. Manibrino IJeanier, b s (3:431.;). W. Harper, Sedalia, Mo„ Sept. 8, i882, $100. Woodford Knox 1, Joe .Martin. Sedalia I'.oy. 2:42, 2:42'c, 2:43?i. Manibrino Billy, gr g (3 -A^H). ,]. Eggler, Ypsilanti, Mich., Sept. 27, 1877. $150. Orphan Girl, Hunkidori, < lav I'.ov. P.liick Aic, Spotted Billv, Jake (1 (lis). 2:46^4, 2:45';. 2:4,5M. MainbVino" lJla^, 2:42K.. Stallions. Manibrino <'harta, ch s (3;3{)'.i ), bv F.sk's Manibrino Chief, dam by Magna Charta. J. Fitzpatrick, St. .John, N. B.. Sept. 19, 1877, .$20(i. Lady Dunsmore 1 6. Morgan Knox 4, Gypsy Queen 2, Nelly Thorn (4 dr), 2:40(2, 2:44, 2:10'.;, 2:41. 2:41, 2:38W, 2:40. Oct. 18. 1778. ,$200. Discount, Pendhiton's Panacea, French Sjiorter, 2:38, 2:38, 2:38. W. II. Doble, Dover, Del., Sept. 30 and Oct. U, 1880. .$,300. Tom Bayard 1, xS^eta Medium, Rocket, Billy Bouldeii (1 (lis), 2:3314, 2:31' o,2:32Vs. 2:32. Mt. Holly. N. J.. Oct. 15. 1880. $.300. Star 1. Phil Dwyer, Sam French, 2;.37'i:., 2:.36U. 2:38'2, 2:,3.5?.,', Belmont' Park. Phil., Oct. 19, 1880, $300. Billv Burr 2. Whitelield, J. F., Doris (< dis). Rocket, Tom Hen- dricks, 2:.301<1. 2:.30',i, 2:.".3i,, 2:32. New Hiinfing Park, Phil., Sept. 7, 1881. .$200. Whitelield 1, Augusta Schuyler. 2:40. 2:37«4, 2:36'/2, 2:38^. Dover. DcLSeiit. 29,1881, .$400, Whitelield, Star. Ray Gould. 2:34. 2:3294, 2:31=".,. Manibrino Chief, bs (3:35). A. M.Harris, Watertown, N. Y., Aug. 19, 1865, $200. Simon, 2:47J4, 2:40^, 2A2U. Aug. 19. 186.5, $ . Crazy Jane 1. 2:44?^. , . Aug. 21, 186.5, $7.5. True John, 2:.51, 2:42, 2:43. Stallions. riu'iton, N. Y., Sept. 2. 186,5, $ . Cruzy Jane 1, 2:44^4, 2:35, 2: :40i4, 2:37. , Watertown. N. Y., Sept. 8, 186.5. $(». True John. 2:51. 2:42, 2:44. Canton. N. Y., Sept. 20, 1865, $7,5. Mulholland Pony (30). 2:46?4. 2:43'i,2:42>^. 2:45. Stallions. Manibrino Chief, 1) s (3 :31U) (3:29Us), by Manibrino Chief, dam by Birminghjim. A. C. Fisk, Adrian, Mich., Sept. 21, 186,5. $76. Flora Bridge. Young Hero, Ches;ipoake (I (list, 2:19. •J:40'.,.. Sept. 22, 1866, .$ — -. GeiK^ral Sheridan 2, Laura Keeiie, L:idy Douglass (1 (lis), 2:45i^, 2:46}^, 2:42. Coldwater. Mich.. July 5, t8fi7, $100. Belmont 3, Frank Moscow. 2:40, 2:41V4,2:44, 2:40*4, Three Rivers. Mich.. Oct. 10, 1SC.8. $ . Niirlil TLiwk. 2:4.5^, 2:46, 2:41, (3) Bronson, Mich., July 5, 1809, $100. Belmont, Lady Fillmore, 2:29^, 2 :42. ^s^^ o -^ f 'HESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 479 Hambrino Chief Jr., bs (!S:34U), by Fisk's Mambrino Chief, dam Black Sal. R. Armstrong, Jackson, Mich.. Sept. L'3. 1S70. $175. rolitwater Billy, Pilot, Lottie (1 (lis), 3:10! 2, 3:07. Tbree-vear-olds. Three Rivecs. Mich.. 0';t. c. 1x70, 560. Coldwatcr I'.illy. Ladv I'eck. 3:09'o, 3:04. Three-year-olds. • Oct. 7, 1870, -StiO. Uexter Jr., Lady Peck, Coldwater Billv, 3:"03K. -:55. Tlirce-vear:olds. — E. V. Walker & Co.. Poatiac, Mich., May 28, lh7y, §200. Bill McLaughlin, Red 'Oak, Hardie, Jenny June, Lucille D.ivis. William H., 2:47 L'.i5, 2:45'2. Olean, N. Y,, June 24, 1!S80, $.V)0 Bav chief l, 2. Ladv Mac. Daisy, 2::i7i4, 2:37i4, 2:38, 2:37'S, 2:37Ji. Salamanca, N. Y., July 3, 188G. $500. Bay Chief 1, 2 Lady Mac, Nelly Bly, 2:3714, 2:38?4, 2:8814, 2:38Ji, 2:38. Earlville, 111., Aug. 20, 1880, $400. Minnie Warren (1 0), Sam Patch (1 0), Troubadour, Cricket. 2:35J4, 2::.38. 2:3tj, 2:36'.^. Macomb. 111., Aug., 27, 1880, .?350. Sam Patch, Jesse G. Lindell (3 dis), 2:38K'. 2:38. 2:41^. Caiiioridge, 111., Sept. 1, 1880, ijfo^vi. Emma Maxwell, Clara Cleveland, Lady "Low, Nat Baker (2 dr)2:37'4. 2:37';. 2:38'4. Lewiston, Pa., Oct. 8, 1880, $40(i. Lr. ly Mac 1. Mishap (3 0). Mountaineer (5 dr), Whitefield (4 dr), 2:3514. 2:34-4.2:37'.!. 2:3414, 2:35. <'i'ntreville, Mich.. Mav20. 1881, $200. Tekonsha. H. M. Strong 1 (3dis). . 2:39, 2:37, 2:35. Litchflpld, ;Micli., Oct. 12, 1881, .$150. Resolute, Alambrino George, Brown Billy, 2:41, 2:40, 2:37U. Oct. i:^. 1881. Sioo. Resolute, Judge Witlicy, 2:41, 2:40.2:48. Uitheringtoii & McGuigan, Ridgetown, Out., July 1, 1882, $120. John Moore, Miller Boy, 2:40, 2:40'/i, 2:38. Chatham, Ont., July 3, 1882, .$150. Gen. Mack, Caledonia Chief, Topsy T., pacer, Chatham Boy, Alice, 2:35!^, 2:40'^, 2:371/2. Mambrino Chorister, gr s (3:53). bv Mambrino Chief, dam by Chorister. Thomas Marshall, Newcastle, Pa., Sept. 28, 1870, $75. Hunter Bov 3, 4, 3:00, 2:59, 3:00. 2:5*;. 2:.53. Mambrino Clay, br s ('3 :46i4). Wallace Seabey, Norwalk, O., Aug. 24, 1877, $100. Bald Chief 1 (3 dis), 2:50, 2:52, 2:i6i4. 3Iainbrino Clay, blk s (3:34i4). A. M. Spellman, Fort Wayne, Ind., May 24, 1881. $400. Willis Woods, Theresa Scott. Toledo, Rachel, Mary H.. Lucy N. (3 dis), Captain Bogardus (2 dis), Florence M. (1 dis), Highland Stranger d dis), 2:3514, 2:36. 2:;i5i4. John Splau. Elktoa, Md., October 6, 1881, $250. Alice Addison, Augu.sta Schuyler, Ripton, 2:41, 2:38, 2:36?4. Oct. 7, 1882, $300. Whitefleld 3. Star, Ray (iould, 2:.38i4, 2:35}4, 2:37, 2:.37. Mambrino Clond, Jr.. blk s (3 :00i^). G. B. Shawhan, Mobile, Ala., April 28, 1870, $70. Athelstan, Country Boy, 1:36^4. 1:36i4. 1:33. Stallions. Half-mile heats. Mambrino Diamond, blk s {'i :30), bv Mambriuo I'atchen, dam Lucy, by Strader's C. M. Clav, Jr. Harvey Bros.. Helena, Mont.. Oct. 3. 1881, .$400. Clark Chief Jr. 1, 2:36i'4:, 2:30, 2:34, 2:.34. Mambrino Dick (3:50). H. Hackenbury, Bradford. Vt., Sept. 29, 1881, $ . Geo. Wilkes Jr. 1, Red Cloud, Vermont Girl, Lady Velmer, 2:4.5. 2:.50, 2:.50, 2:50. Mambrino Dick (3:ioi4». by Mambrino Time, dam bv Bonny Scotland. Springfield, 111., Sept. 23, 1882, .$300. Pilot Mambrino. Pearlie .M.. Smoky Boy. S:!!^, 3:n;'4. 3:1014. Mambrino Druid, br s ('3:431^), by Marshal Xey. W. F. Johnson, Timonium. Md., September 4, 1883, .$100. Pocket 1, Comet, Nelly Hoyt a dis), Dan (l dis), Kingsville Chief (Idis), Gardez(l dis ).2:45io, 2:451.2,2:44^4, 2:46V.^. Sept. 7, 1883. .$8.5. Pocket 1. 3. Comet, Bonnie :\Iuir ll dis). 2:46. 2:47, 2:40. 2:43>2. 2:46. Mambrino Dudlev. b s 1 3 :33 ), bv Woodford Mambriuo, dam Sue Dudley, by Edwin Forrest. J. R. Graham, Rockland, Mass., Sei)t. 25, 1879, $2.5. Belle Gilbert .i, 4, Engineer. 2:51,"2:.54, 2:47, 2:47. 2:40. J. Wilkins, Broctou, xMass., Oct. 2. 1879. $100. Faber l, 2, Mystery, O. G., Wonder, Billv R. (3 dis), 2:40, 2:40. 2:.36. 2:.38'4, 2:40. C. P. Doble, Great Bend. Pa., Oct. 5, 1882, $ . 2:2814. 2:2494. To beat 2:28. P.. F. Tracv, Owego, N. Y., Sept. 7, 1883, $ . 2:'23V3. 2:22^. To beat 2:24?i. Mambrino Eagle, gr s (3:571/^), bv Sacramento. W. M. Hanalan, Wheeling, W. Ya.. June 9. 1882, $100. Belle .3, Jim ( 1 dis;, 2:.57i^, 3:05, 3:161-3, 3:15'2. Mambrino Eclipse, b s (3 :34i, by Alhambra, dam Minnesota Belle, bv son of Black Hawk. H. .Johnson, FairibauU, Minn.. July 4, 1879, .$100, Lady of the West 1, William A. NVheeler, 2:40. 2:41^4, 2:42, . Mambrino General, b g (3 :'J5'2). by Fisk's Mambriuo Chief, dam Black Sal. E. C. Walker & Co., Muske- uoii. Alich.. Au','. 1. 1876. .'^2(0. Disraeli, Red Oak, Kirtland, Jiash, Cray Charley, Bay Fred (3 dr). Lady Forrest (,2 dis), Maggie M. ( 2 dr), 2 :40, 2 :4.!, 2 :4G. Charlotte, Mich., Aug. 25, 1876, $200. Ladv Moscow, Roadmaster, Cook, W. G., Blue Buck, Chief. 2:43, 2:44i;,2:42. Fort Wayne, Ind., Sept. 12, 1876, $600. Black Doc 1, 2, Gen. McArthur, Henry Todd, Roadmaster, Henry G.. Kosciusko, 2:45. 2:41^4. 2:40, 2:42. 2:42. Sept. 15, 1876, .$.500. Black Doc, Gen. :\Ic Arthur. Roadmaster. Dan Bassett, 2:47. 2:46. 2:44. Hillsdale, Mich.. Mav 2i, 1877, .$200. Joe Kellogg 1. Lady Moscow, Maml)rino Walker, Balm of Gilead (3 dis), 2:40'4,. 2:41, 2:41, 2:40i4. — - — Coldwater, Mich,, May — , 1877, $200. Mambrino Walker, Balm of Gilead, Lady Moscow, Lizzie Davis, Joe Kellogg, Stranger, ironsides, 2:4054, 2:42, 2:41. ■ Hillsdale, Mich., Sept. 1, 1877, $ . Senator 1, Lady Moscow, Black Cloud. Mambrino Walker, 2:40i4, 2:40.2:40,2:40. Sept. 3, 1877, $ . Lady Voorhees 3, Lady Moscow, Maud Revnolds, Dominion Boy, 2:40, 2:40i^, 2:40, 2:4014. ■ Milwaukee, Wis., Sept. 11, 1877, $400. Tempest 1, John Hall, Frank G., Maggie G., Punch (4 dr), Rochelle (4 dr)„2:40^. 2:32, 2:33, 2:.34i4. ■ Sept. 13, 1877, $400. John Hall 2, 5, Dom Pedro 3, Sarley K., Punch, Roofer Jr. (2 dis), 2:32, 2:29. , 2:33,2:2914,2:30. Chicago, 111.. Sept. 18, 1877, .$400. John Hall 2, Dan Voorhees, Quaker Girl, Frank G., Tempest, Jack Carter 2*31^4 2*32 2 •3**1.'.^ 2'3li;. East Saginaw.'AHcliV. Sept. 2"5, 1877, $400. Tempest l. Dan Voorhees, Flora C, 2:32}^, 2:34, 2:36, 2:35. ■ Ypsilanti. Mich.. Sept. 28, 1877, .$3.50. Brown Dick 1, Barney H., 2:32,2:30,2:33, 2:31. ■ Plymouth, iud., Oct. 2, 1877, $300. Competitors not uamed, 2:34J.4, 2:3414, 2:SbU. C N Howland. Charlotte, Mich., Aug, 9, 1878, $250, Betsey Ann 1, Brown Dick, Lady Moscow, Black Kate. 2:3.514. 2 :.34»4. 2:36, 2 :.33i4. ,. . , „..,, t ,• .., ,• ^ t>- ,, Milwaukee. Wis. Aug. 30. 1878. $600. Dom Pedro 1, 2, Kentucky \A ilkes, .Josephine (3 dis), Richwood U dlsi 2-."nUi, 2:27. 2:25^. 2:29, 2:3L Aliiniiapolis. Minn.. §ept, 3. 1878, $500. Lady Groesbeck 2, Frank 1, Lady McFatridge, Richwood, Dom Pedro(3di8). 2:28. 2:26^, 2:26M, 2:2914. 2:2814. .„„... ^ ^. Dubuque, la.. Sei)t. 12. 1878, $500. Lady (iroesbeck 1, 2. Frank, Albion Boy, Richwood (l di8), 2:31, 2:29Ji, Manibrino George,' b s (3 :30), by Fisk's Mambrino Chief, dam a Royal George mare (?). A. L. Smith, Litch- field. Mich., Oct. 13,1881, $75. Belle of Coldwater, Brown Billy, Thatcher's Hambletouian, 3:00, 2:59J4, 3:001^. 480 Iauibrfn(> , •-':2;i^, . Hiillalo, N. Y.. Aug..".. ls7:i. .>;|.()00. Barney Kelly 2, Stewart Maloney, Manibrino .Star. Zileadie Gold- dnst. Caledonia Chief. Kate (iilhert. Bav llenrv. Manliatlan, Planter (2 dis), 2:2(i'.i, 2:2ti'-i. 2:2794, 2:30. Sonth Bend. IncL-Sept. 2.S. 187.3. $ri6. (ireei'iwood, Barney (1 disi, 2:.1."ii/.'., 2:48}^. Stallions. Sept. Jtj. 1.H73. .S — -. Bodine2. 3, Molly Morris 4, Fred Homier i3 dr), 2T3.")i4. 2r31'o. 2 :32K>. 2 :.'«), 2:38, 2:41. Nve and Foster, Konieo, Mich., Julv 1. 1874. •■*1.2iK). Fred Hoojier. Molly Morris. 2 :.'.(||». 2:31, 2:30'2. Itoehester, N. Y., Aug. 13. 1874, $6,000. Tani'er Boy, .loe Brown. .Joker, Fred Jlooner (3 dis), Barney Kellv (2 dis), 2:21.2:20,2:23. - —-.Mystic Park, Boston, Sept. 3. 1874, S;3.(J00. Ired Jloojier, Lady Banker, .loker, IL W. Cenet, Conimon- \ve:illh. 2:20^.1, 2:22'<;. 2:2.5. Flint, Mich.. Sept. — , 1874. S . Belle (2 0), J. E. Alden. 2:40}4, 2:37Mj, 2:39'/i. 2:37. Mainiiiiiio fiirl. sr m (3:32U), by Brown Chief. South Bend, liid.. Sent. lO, 187.5, S40. Lady Granger, 3:.54, :;:2.'U,, 3:30. Tliree-yoar-olds. .Mainbifno GoUldust. br s (:5:',i5;, hv Lexington (Jolddust, dam by Manibrino Patchen. S. C. Hill, Sahina, • ).. \iitr. 22. issj. .•|!t7.5. Pilotppr 2, Norrls 1. Italtler, :i:;!2, 3:29»;i. 3 ;■.'.">. .".;2."). Three-vear-olds. MuiiiiM-iiio 4>.i, 2:57^, 2:52. 2:52, 2:,53'i. Mambrino Hassen. 1) s (2 :34'.i). bv Manibriuo Pilot, dam by Hassen. J. B. Serrill. Ambler Park, Pa., Sept, 23, 187H. .S1.50. Max L.. Harrv C, Joe (3 dis), 2:44, 2:45, 2:47. J. t'. Beyer, Sept. 24, 1879, .S200. I^ady Patchen 2, 3, Viola (1 0), Helen R. (1 0), Kepublic i2dis), 2:42, 2:40, 2:38. 2:.38. 2:.38K', 2:40. Sept, 2.5, 1K79', .§2.50, Sam Frenches 0), 2:40, 2:39'/2, 2:40, 2:42. Avon. Pa.. Sept. 8, I880, ,$200. Mishap, Grecian Maid. .John King. Charlev Ross, 2:37}^, 2:3714. 2:.37i^. Ambler Park, Pa.,' Sept. 21,1880, .■$300. Alvev2, Nita Medium, Bay Chief, Charley Ross. Mishap, J. B. (3 dr). l)udlev(3 dr), .John (2dr), 2:34i^, 2:33, 2:34i.i, '.':.37. ])ovlest(>wn,'l'a., Oct. 6, 1880, SIOO. Itob Rov 1,2, 2 :.39, 2 :.35''4, 2:3414, 2:351^, 2:371^. StallionS. Anil)ler Park, Pa., Sept. 16, 1881, .$100. Charley Ross, Bav Chief, Chester, 2:36'2, 2:37?ii, 2:38. Westchester, Pa., Sep . 23, 1881, .1i!240. Bertha Chandler, Rei)nblic. 2:45, 2:46)4, 2:47»^. Sei)t 24 1^81, $260. Charlev Ross 1, Bertha Chandler, Bav Chief. 2 :,%>4. 2 :,37i4. 2:38' i, 2 :40H. Doylestown, I'a., Oct. 6,1881, .*250. Socrates 2, 4 (30), Bertha Chandler, Brown Dick, 2:37'., 2:3714, 2:36, 2:30,2:37, 2;3(;>^. Oct. 5, i.s«i',.t;2.50. BillvK.2. Hidden Treasure, 2:38, 2:37, 2:37'/2, 2:3414. Westchester, Pa., Oct. 15, 1882, $250. Pawnee Sijuaw 1,2, Alice Addison, Ike Shultz, Purity, 2:41, , 2:42V6, 2:;wK'. 2:37'4. Mambrfno Hfppy. br s (2:32?.i), bv Garrard Chief. T. Bruce, Lexington, Ky., June 20, 1878, $300. Humboldt, Mickey Dowd ("l dis), 2:39V4, 2:37}4, '2:S6. Four-year-olds. .lun'e 21. 1«78, .^300. Borak, Sannie G., Fanny, Lady Alice (3 dis), 2:3,3>4. 2:32?4'. 2:334. Monmouth, 111., Sept. 12, 1879, $150. Centella, Mamie Lee, Monarch Bashaw, Mary Queen, 2:45,2:40, 2:40. Mambrino Kate, grm (2:34). by Mambrino Patchen. dam 1)v State of Maine. L. Herr, Lexington, Ky., Sent. 20, 1872, $825. Ella Clay. Baron Jtothsehild (2 dis). Bob Macy (1 dis), 2:43>s, 2:44'2. Three-year- Nyt' i>i)d Foster, Cleveland, O., .July 25, 187(i, .$2,,500. Irene 2(4 0), Charmer, Rose, Kinsman Boy (2 dis), 2:31,'2:J:)^.;, 2:2:i'.i. •J:2 Mambrino Maid, b m (•J:.'>0). W. H. Mitchell, Canandaigua, N. Y., May 24, 1872, $250. DundeeMaid, Fred Woodward. Ashland Maid. 2:50,2:51?4,2:.5.5'4. .„,.,, ,,...„„ . . ,. ,, t Mambrino Monarch, gr s(2 :41i..$1.2.50. 2:27'2. To beat 2:.30, „.,,., Mambrino Pilot .Ir , bik s i2 :4«)'. ) by Mambrino Pilot, dam by Gr.iy Eagle. James Pollock, ilarrodsburgn, Kv., .Inlv25. lH7:i..$ . Black irinee 1. 2:49, 2:49U.. 2:.5.3, 2:.53'2. Mambrin«>'l'rince(BriKnorn, br s (2:29^4) by Mambrino Chief, dam Sally Woodford, by Woodford. Lexing- ton. Kv Sept 2". 1H(;7, $ — . American Clay and anotlier, 2:291,. Winner trotted as Brignoli. \V li Woodruff. Providence, R. 1.. June 26, 1869,. $2,000. Cray John 1. Old Put, Darkness. Cora, Lew Petlee. i„ady Whitman, Western New York, W. H. Taylor. N. B. Palmer, 2:33, 2:31>i, 2:.32. 2::«. Mambrino ITiiice. bc(2:39ij). Horace Pratt, St. Paul, Minn., Sept. 5,1878, $600. William A. Wheeler, Ma«L'ie (i. il (lis), 2:391^,2:4-4, 2:41?4. Mambrino Kawleigh, bIk 8(2 :52!4) by Bald Chief. Butman & Tappen, Sandusky, O.. Sept. 2.'5, 18.8, $20. Kearney, Hooker, Dolly, 3:17, 3:18i4, 3:06K. CHESTER'S COMTLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 481 — Sept. 26, 1879, $65. Billv F. 1. 3, Star, Black Hawk, 3:03?^, 2:57, 2:55, 2 ;57, 2:53. Sept. 24, 1880. .§100. Little .lim. Star.o:!,"). 2:58, 2:5214. Mambriuo Sam, b g(3 :08). VV. Roberts, Wilkesbarre, Pa., May 20, 1877, $ . Joe, George Quinn, 3:10, 3;09, 3:08. Mambrino Sotham, blk s (iJ -.^iiU) by Mambrino Gift. A. Lewis, Louisville, Ky., May 8, 1883, $700. Maud R. Little Miss, Grand Duke, Fiivoiiius (I (lis), 2:29'/i,2:29>.;, 2:29',^. May 12. 1883, $700. Castinara, Ed lluy;hes. Pancoast, Henderson, Minnie Wilkes, Railey (1 dis), 2:30, 2:30, 2:30^. Mavsville. Ky., May 15, 1883. $,500. Maud K.. William T., Emma Strathmore, 2:,55, 2:32, 2:33^. May 18, 1883, §500. Castinara, Reynard, Tom Coons, Minnie Wilkes lionnie Wilkes (3 dis), 2:3114, 2:31, 2:26^4. Cincinnati. O., May 24, 1883, «1,000. Maud R., Jlinnie Wilkes. Emma Strathmore, 2:35'/2, 2:36. 2:32i/>, Dayton. O.. May 29, 1883, .•ii700. Maud R., Black Jug 1 (4 disi. William T. cJ dis), Henry Clay (2 dis), 2:35, 2:31. 2:34,2:3.5. .hme 1. 188;;, .S700. Almont M.. Reynard. Minnie Wilkes (2 disi. 2:35, 2:31, 2:;i3. Mambrino Sparkle, b m (a:''J9^) by Fisk's Mambrino Chief, dam by Sparkle. J. B. Peters, Centreville, Mich.. Mav 18, 1x82, .S1.">0. Matilda J ane 1, Belle F.,2:49'4, 2-AS', 2:46. 245 Marshall. Mich., Aug. 1, 1883, $300. Polka Dot, Little George.'Nell O'Connell. Kitty Van, Lady Lawrence, Razor B.. Snowflake. Teaser D., Reynard, Ather (3 dr), Elmore (1 dis) 2:3()"u , 2:30, 2:30. Eaton Rapids, Mich., Aug. 11. 1883, .S300. Polka Dot 2, Little Joe, Loraine (5 dis). Lady Lawrence l (3 dis), Kirtv Van (3 dis). Teaser D. (3 dis), 2:.34i4, 2:3314, 2:30, 2:3G'4, 2:37. C!i;irlotte, Mich., Aug. 18, 1883, SiSOO. Polka Dot, Little Joe, Lady Lawrence, Loraine (3 dr), Norris Bash;i\v (3 dr), 2:29U, 2:30, 2:30. Flint, Mich., Aug. 29, 1883. .$300. Polka Dot 1, Billv C, Norwood, 2:32, 2:.33, 2:34i/2, 2:32?^. Goshen, Ind., Oct. 12, 1883, .$150. Harvey, Tramp .Jr., Princeton Boy, 2:.J6, 2:34^2, 2 :33'/2. Mambrino Star, b s (3:38'i). by Mambrino Chief, dam Lady Fairfiel'd, by Red Buck. Charles Leggett, Cincinnati, O., June 21, 1870, $500. Ladv Smith l. Josh Billings, Fleetfoot, 2:45, 2:44, 2:47, 2:45i4. S. H. Perry, Muscatine. la,, Sept. 18, 1872, $15. Wilton, Capl. Walker. 2:,50. 2:47. Charles Leggett, Grand Rapids, Mich., June 10, 1874, Sl,ooo. Little Sam 1, Diamond, Maginnis, Mam- brino Walker. Brown Jack, Sterling. Rescue, Deceiver, 2:40, 2:43, 2:4."), 2:48. Jackson, Mich., June 19, 1874. Sl,500. MaggieCasey 1, Bertha (4 O), Thomas G. Stevens, Lottie, Small Hopes, Alfred, Diamond. General Grant (5 dr), Russell (4 dr). Joe Wolford (3 dr), 2:35^. 2:34'/4, 2:32%i, 2:33, 2:36i4. E. Saginaw, Mich., June 23, 1874, !$l,500. Randall, Lady Hays, Norma, Joe Wolford, Lady Turpin, Res- cue, Diamond (3 dr), 2:31, 2:28'i, 2:41. Carthage, 0., Sept. 3, 1874, .'giso. General Thomas. 1 -AXU. l :4n, l :40i4. Two-thirds of a mile. Stallions. Sept. 4, 1874. .$1.50. John W. Hall. 1:41'.;, 1 :4194, 1 -.iO'i- Two-thirds of a mile. Mambrino Susie, b m (3:43^). J. H. Hayward. St. Louis, Mo., Aug. 24, 1878, $ • Charley, Fanny Kem- ble, Tom Thumb. No time. 3E!»Tnbrino "Walker (Billy and P.illv Hotspur), b g (2:40i.i), by Fisk's ?iIaniljrino Chief. Ames Clapj). Toledo. O., July 16, 1ST4, S.jOO. Frank Rosewood 1, Burr, Inchworm, Dan Buck. Kentucky Clay, Discount. Favorite (3 dis), Sue Monday (1 disi. Dick Harvey (1 dis), 2:46, 2:48!4, 2:55?i, 2:4.j34. July 18. 1874, $500. Frank Rosewood, Inchworm, Kentucky Clay, Burr (3 dr). Hoosier Boy (2 dis), 2:44^. 2:47^, 2:42?4. James Clapp, St. Johns, Mich., Oct. 9, 1874, .$500. Gen. Sherman 1, 2, Independence 3, Small Hopes, Belle. Best time2:38?i. Mambrino AVarner, (Dan Buck), br g (3:31i4). Ray Warner, Grand Rapids, Mich.. June 8, 187.5, $1,000. Clifton 3, Mazo-Manie 1. (2 dis), Lady H. (1 dis), Cliief (1 dis), Jesse G. Lindell (l dis), 2:32?^, 2:41 Ji, 2:40, 2:35'i, 2:Z6\4. E. Saginaw, Mich.. June 22, 1875, $2,000 Clifton 2, General Mac, Chester Thomas Jr., Daniel Boone 1, (4 dis), (iumball, (4dis), Jesse G. Lindell (4 dis). Nelson (4 dr). Nerea (l dis). 2:28^4, 2:31^4, 2:34, 2:31 '/i, 2:34. Toledo, O., July 13, 1875, .$800. Ladv H. l. General Mac. 2:34^, 2:3614, 2:36. Fowlersville, Mich., Aug. 24, 1875, .$300. Lady Williams (l 0), Small Hopes, Lizzie Davis, 2:34, 2:38, 2:37, 2 :35. Aug. 25, 1875, $300. Small Hopes 2, Pilot Mambrino. Lizzie Davis, 2:36i^, 2:.S8, 2:35'/2, 2:38'/2. Aug. 26, 1875, .$400. Magnolia 1. 4, Small Hopes, Ladv Williams. 2:32, 2:33, 2:32'^, 2:32)^, 2:32. Battle Creek, Mich., Sept. 1, 1875, .$.500. Lillian, Frank H., Pilot Mambrino, 2:38?4, 2:35i^, 2:33. Mambrionette, b m(3:35J4), by Mambrino Gift. Bradford, Pa., June 14, 1883, $500. Commissioner, Lizzie D., Theresa Sprague, 2:35'4. 2:38, 2:36. Mamie, ch m (2 :47i^). D. S. Quinton, Wilmington, Del., June 13, 1878, $200. Robin Hood 3, 4, Annie, Black Douglass, 2 :47i^, 2:48?4, 2:45, 2:45>4, 2:47^. Mamie, b m (3 :15i4). W. Vanderhurst, Salinas City, Cal., Oct. 12, 1881, $100. Gen. Jackson 1, Bay Dick, 3:32, 3:181/2, 3:1514. Three-year-olds. Mamie, b m (3 :21i4), by Blue Bull, dam Silverella. C. B. Kennedy, Dayton, O.. June 17, 1881, $250. Flying Cloud 2, Desdemona, Lady M., Bashaw Chief, Hamilton (1 dis), 2:42?4, 2:40, 2:38>4, 2:40%. Pittsburgh, Pa., Sept. 15, 1881, $1,000. Frank Ross, Katv D., Redwood, Ned B., 2;27M, 2:28:'i, 2:2714. C. S. Green, Mystic Park, Boston, Sept. 15 and 16. 1882, $800. Onawa 2, Ethel Medium 1, Camors, Jennie L.. 2:29}^. 2:26!^, 2:231/2, 2:24%, 2:2514. Mamie B., b m (3 :44), by Darlbay, da'm by Lexington. Kobinson & Dobbins, Lexington, Ky., Aug. 30, 1882, $.50. Lee 1, Lula R., Laura Crickett, Motto, Billy (3 dr). Brown Kate (3 dr), 2:4534, 2:44, 2:4634. Mamie D.,b m (,3:3914). A. Doughtv, Crawfordsville, Ind., Sept. 12, 1882, $125. Homemade 1, Amie King, Fleety (3 dis;, Judire Samuels (1 dis), 2:3934, 2:3914,2:3914, 2:3914. Mamie Johnson, b m (3 :44). H. Keugler, Jersey City, N. J., Oct. 27, 1881, $100. Deucalion Jr„ 2:45, 2:45%, 2:44. Mamie Kiernan, bm (3:33i4). H. C, Hess, Middletown, Del.. Sept. 19, 1883. .$2.50. Alice Addison, Molly Mack, Mambrino Hassen, Charlev Carroll, Idlewild, Owena (2 dr), 2-.36V^, 2:34'", 2:. 39?^. M. McNamara, Dover, Del., Sept. 27, 1883, $200. Young Smuggler 3, Oliver F. 1, Maud, Beryl, 2:36'/2, 2:3514, 2:40, 2:.3734. 2:39'/2. Sept. 28, 1883, $200. Charley L. 2, 3, Oliver F. (4 dis). Jack Rapid (1 dis), Frank (1 dis), 2:3434, 2:34>^, 2:33' i, 2:40i;, 2:43%. Elkton, Md.. Oct. 2, 1883, .$2.50. Young Smuggler, Delaware Bov, Ladv Cecil 2(3 dr), Delmont (3 dis). Hero (2 dis). Blossom (1 dis). Rachael (l dis). Rocliester (l dis). 2:36i4, 2:37, 2:38i/2, 2:.39i;. October 5, 1883, $250. Charley L., Gilt Edge, Maud, Ladv Aitkin, Hambrino Druid, Frolic (3 dr), 2:363^, 2:3454, 2 :.35U. Mamie L,ee, b m (3 :33). E. A. Casey, Monmouth, 111., Sept. 10, 1879, $250. Rescue, Skipper, Singular. George Washington. Nelly R., Luella. Maud B., 2:4m, 2:43, 2:4334. Sterling, 111.. October 7, 1879, .$400. Black Kate, 1, Lizzie Jackson, 2, Jenny B., 2:35, 2:37, 2:33, i-MYi, 2:.32: Mamie, M., br m (2:3634), by Critteftden, dam Lady Marshall, by Daniel Boone. W. P. Maxwell, Mendota, 111., Aug. 12, 1880, $175. verbena, Mike Emerick, Fairy Gift (i dis), 2 :35, 2 :3334. Four-year-olds. 31 •82 CHESTER'S COMI'LETK TIlOrriNC AND PACINC UK(X)RD. Earlville, 111., August 19, 1880, S150. Verbena 1, Mike Enierick (.uId, ^MU,, 2:37, 2:41. Four-year- olds. Ti>lt'(lo, <)., .lune 23. 1S81, S800. Executor l, 2, Alice Mediuin, Bay Dick. Sleepy Tom, Bliss, Kitty Fisher Lailv Tlioriie, Ellie G.. 2:31)4, 2:31,2:31'5. 2:30.2:31^i. ' Columbus, O , September 2, 1881, «j4oo. Kilty Fisher 2. Frank Koss, Flying Cloud, 2:30, 2:29'-i, 2-29}i 2:2'J'». ' ^"I'lttsburgh, Fa., October 13 1881, StiOO. Onawa 1, Ned H., Walter, 2:3l. T. 18.S3, S6W. i51anclii' White, St. Denis, .Jersey Citv. 2:35r2:31, 2:31. Manabitus (s>. b s (3:36 s>. Ed. Koseb^rry, Easton, Fa., Sept. IG, 18U9, .§75. Maggie Monroe 1, Sue Patchen, 3:42,3:26,3.40. Man Kater, (3:63). Fort Wayne, Ind„ Oct. 8, 1872, $ , Brown Billv 2, Koan Pony, 3:01'i, 2:54!4, 2:,55V4, 2:,53. Maneless. oh g (3 :40?i). Wm. McCuigan. Big Kaplds, Mich., May 26, 187.'j, 8500. Lady Suffolk 3, Charley. Canada (iiri. Bay Dick, Limber .Jim (2 drt. 2:,'jO, 2:48'4. 2:4li2, 2:43. .M;iv 28, 1S7.J, .?4(t0. Bay Dick 3, Gray Nelly, Canada Girl, 3:08, 3:11>2, 3:07i.j. 3:12^. Manhattan, br s (3 :33'i), bv Haml)letohian, dam Dolly, by Cairn's Hector. D. Tallman, Goshen, N. Y,, Sept. 11, 1807, a . Guy .Miller, 2:.V2, 2:51. A. Patterson, Union Cour.se, L. 1., June 4, 18(;9. .sGOO. Lydia Thompson, Twist, Trenton (l dis), 2:34'/4, 2:3G, 2:37;^i. Amenia, N. Y., June 23, 1874, .§600. Capt. .Jenks 1, Gray Dan, Corner Bov, Harry Gilbert (l dis), 2:30'4. 2:;}3'5, 2:40, 2:37. Manhattan, b s (3:01}4V Mr. King, Council Bluffs, la.. .July 4, 1877, $100. Snowdrop 3, Bob Ingersoll, Nelly, 3:1.5,3:14,3:06, . Atlantic. la., Sept. 26. 1877, S . Ripton, 3:02, 3:01 J4. Manhattsin, b g(3:30i^). by Manhattan, dam by American Star. H. Mabbitt, Amenia, N. Y., Sept. 9, 1880, S150. Dolly 2, 3, .Mauil 1, Dan O'Brien (5 dr). Maggie J. (5 dr), Warsawer (5 dr;, Ruth (4 dis). Colonel John (4 dr). Miss Van i4 dis), 2:41'.i, 2:40, 2:41?.i, 2:4:i, 2:46^4, 2:47'4, Falls Village, Conn., Jept. 10, 1880, .$150. Ethel, Maggie .1.. Colonel John. 2:41. 2:.38i;, 2:36. Geo. W. Cook. New Milford, Conn., Sept. 30, 1880. Kate 2, Dixie 1, Lady Sherman, 2:42 2:42, 2:44,2:4314. 2:41 14. Oct. 1, 1880, .?200. Lady Sherman. Jeremiah, Dixie. Patchen Maid, 2 37^, 2;37i^, 2:36?i. Danbury, Coini., Oct. 8, 18S0, $150. Kate 1, Willard, 2:40^, 2:40. 2:40y2, 2:42'/2. Same dav, 8200. Dixie 1. .leremiah, Patchen Maid. 2:35'»T2:.ff. 2:35, 2:36. Amenia, X. Y.. Sept. 7, 1882, S200. Lady Garfield 1. Young Lambert, 2:3.5'/«, 2:36, 2:.36, 2:34i^. T. .Mabbitt, Jersey City, N. J.. June 28, 1883, .$150. Effle G. 2. 4, Evia 3, 2:40'/2, 2:39^, 2:a5J4, 2:41)!;, 2:35, 2:,3,3. Manhattan Maid(w),bm (3:33 w). F. B. Johnson, Centreville, L. L, July 9, 1857, ©1,000. Gray Jim (w), 2:56, 2:.53K>, 2:.52. Mania ]>!. (3 :50i^). T. Martin, Princeton, 111., Sept. 20, 1882, $ . Williiini K., Breezer, 2:56'.4 2:59>4, 3:0,3^. Sept. 22. 18S2, .S . Lou Sprague 2, Ottawa Chief 1, Amy Bell, Lottie P., Jackson Gr«en (3dis), 2:57>4, 2:.5f;'i, 2:.^i2'.,. 2:.50U, 2:.5.5i.,. Manistee, bik g(3:4.5'4)- Wm. Mavo. Waukeegan, 111., Oct. l, 1875, S250. Prince, Elnora, Lady Truesdell (2 dis). Howard (1 dis\ 2:4hi^, 2:45?i, 2:4.si^. Manitoba, b m (3 :37). .1. 1^. McCoy, Des Moines. Ta.. Sept. 9, 1880, $350. Bay Eagle, Western Boy, Nelliy B., Modoc, Belle R., Lady Nell (1 dis), 2:47'.. 2:46'.,. 2:47'.;. Se))t. 10. 1880. .$350. Riette 1, 2, Nellv B.. Bav Eagle. Modoc, 2:43, 2:42?i, 2:37, 2:40. 2:4;i. Mann«»litto. br s (3:47>, by TTetzel's Ilanihletoiiiini. dam by KoS'suth. J. McCaull, Richmond, A a., Oct. •.0. 1879, .$l."ii). Nigger Boy, Scout, 3:18, 3:03'2. Three-year-olds. Oct 30, 1879. .$150. White Sulphur, Carrie, Libbie. 2:52^,2:47. Four-year-olds and under. Manon, bm (3:33K>), byNtitwood, dam Addie, l)y Hamblctoiiian Chief. Peter Coiitts. Oakland, Cal., Sei*. 4 and 5, 1882, .$600. ~ Loiiis D. 3, San Mateo Belle, :\larin. Vanderlynn, Big Lize, Frank Moscow. Edwin For- rest (4 dr). Freestone (2 dis), 2:26, 2:27, 2:27}4, 2:24. C. Van Buren, San Jose, Cal., Sept. 25, 1882,8500. Vanderlynn, Frank Moscow, Big Lize (3 dis). 2:25M, 2:26. 2:2.' — ■ — Palo Alto stock Farm, San Francisco, Cal., Aug. 22, 18S3, $800, Magdallah, Poseora Hayward. Del Siir. Maggie ('. f2 (lis\ 2:27. 2:26iA 2:22i-4, 2:27'4, 2:24'5,2:2.5'2. Manona, (Ladv Lancaster), (w) bIk m(3:44^). Phil Liner. New Orleans, La., May 2, l.'^SS,. $250. Ben Bolt (w I. 2. 5:46, 5:50, 5:51. Two miles. ManKfieUL ch s (3 :47\ by Messenger Duroc, dam Green Mountain Maid, by Harry Clay. Charles Backman, Prospect Park, L. I. S'cpt. 18, I879. $l.9.")0. Netty Parks, 2:.50, i>:47. Three-year-olds. MansfU-iii Boy, gr s (3 :50). G. F. Apiileton, Ottawa, Kan., .luiie 23, 1876, $75. Butcher Boy, Eastman Maid, Lindsay, Enipire Morgan. Maggie Lee (3 dr), 3:00. .'5:02,3:02. Sept. 30. 1876. $180. Bill Temple 3, Mollv Gravden. John Price, 2:.53. 2:50M. 2:48, 2:50. Mapes' Ilamhletonian. b s (3:51), bv Hambletonian. dam by Boanerges. John Mapes, Middletown, N. Y., Aug. 2."!. 1S6;), $ . Haman's b s. Chosroes. 3:04. 2:51. Foiir-vear-olds, Newburgh, N. Y.. Sent. 4, 1869, $50. Homan's b s. Chosroes. 2:.''.2, 2:56«4. Four-year-olds. Maplo. 1) III ri:40%). J. H. Moore. West Huntington Park, Phila., July 31, 1879, $ . Caprica 2, 3, Delaware (5 dr), Ladv Morgan (3 dr), 3:01^^, 3:00. 2:56, 2:.55. 2:.55. Aug. 8. 1S79. .$.50. Fritz, p:icer 4, Billv, pacer 1, Irish Girl, Rink, pacer (5 dis). Cricket (5 dr), Delaware (4 i\r), Vicioiisf4 ilr). High Cloud (3 dr), 2:4G\, 2:4i;i/,, 2:.52, 2:4S. 2:40-',. Mapio Street,!) m. .1. F. Parmenter. S. Framingham, Mass.. Sept. 20, 1870, .$75. Faithful, trank Lambert, Saxonville Bov, 1:43, l:,36. Half mile heats. ,„ , ^ , . „ Maj>l«wood.blk sf3:40). by New York, dam Starlight, bv American Star. H. P. Wade, Falmouth, Ky., Sept. 11. l,ss.3, .$.;oo. Isaac l, Hamilton, Tom Bagbv, 2:44ii. 2:44'4. 2:42'4, 2:40. Marathon. I.Ik s (3:44), by Rocky Hill. J. A. Brockton. Pittsfield, Mass., July 7. 1877, $.50. Drover's Maid 3 Philip (1 dis). 2:14. 2:45',, 2:.50i^, 2:49. July 14, 1877, .$.50. Philip (l o). Oriole. 2:.59, 2:,58, 3:00. 3:0.3. Marblohcad, gr g (3:40), S. Hayes, Fitchbiirgh, Mass.. Oct. 20, Isto, $400. Reb, Starlight, 2:.52"s. 2:54, 2:.-.0';, Oct. 21, 1870. .$400. Reb, .Tennv Wilniore (3 dis). Starlight (3 dn. Sir William (1 dis). 2:51U, 2:56, 2:52, Boston, Mass.. Mav 19. 1871, .$100. Ironsides 3, Gen. Gage.Curlv (3 dr). 2:40.2:44. . 2:4,3i^. MarcMiero, br g (3 :40). G. R. Dobsou, White Plains, N. Y., Aug. 29, 1877, $100. Rosebud 3, Harry, Sorrel Mare (2 dis), 2:45, 2:43,2:45,2:42. CHESTKKS COMPLKTK TROTTINC; AND PACING RECORD. 483 :>"L,\vCitv. X.Y.. Sept. 12. ls77..?100. Rosebud 3, 4 Lady Tompkins, 2:47, 2:46, 2:49,2:50, 2:46. Norvvirii. N. V.. Sopt. VJ. 1877. .•^•-■ui). Kitiy Hill 1, (iray Jim, Sauie. Hay Colt, 2:44',2, 2:50'.2, 2:50, 2:45. Seiit. 20. 1877. .-^Uo. ^Sadu•. I'liil, .Music, Bay Colt, Gray Jim, 2:4J. 2:44'o, 2:41»4. Marijuerite. b 111 ('J:'^0), by Hamblfloulau, dam Kato Smiili. II. G. Dobsou, Plainvrlle, Conu., June 7, 1878, .:S3U0. Sweetness, Billy Dow, Lyman. X. X., Oliver, Colonel Peal)odv. Doliv, 2:^7' 2. 2:27At, 2:36i4. Maria, bile in (3 :54). Lon Dav, Portland. Me,. June 17, 1868, .$200. Gray Eddy, 2:54. 2:.56, 2:57. Gro. H. Bailev. Aug. 22. 18G8. .siiou. Peddler ( 1 uis), 2:56. Aug. 22. 1868. S200. Lady iMatlic ws 2, 4, o :0;5, 2 :55, 2 :58. 3 :55, 2 :54. Maria, blk m c^-.iO). T. M. Lynn, chiliiotlie. O., Oct. 10, 187.1, S500. Harry P. 2, Lady Alice 3, Dairy Maid, r.clle. Red Oak (3 dis), Jerry Postal t.:i disi. 2:40, 2::59'2, 2:.'Wi4, 2:41, 2:52. Maria Ev-n-in bin (3 :46 s ). William DoUswortli, Hamilton, O., June 17,1866, $ . Lady Elgin (3 dis), Kate (w), (3 dis), 2:53. 2:54, 2::;0. Maria aionk, b m(3:51). (J. \V. Young, Philadelphia, Pa., Jmie 15, 1848, $200. Lady Woods (3dr), 3:01, 2 :.">!. Marian, blk m (3:3.5). J. E. Flynn, Canton. N. ¥., Sept 19, 1879, $200. {ieii.Tliomas, Miss Legacy, liillv Grimes, Miles Standish. .Mollv. Belle Wilson, 2:43, 2-42, 2:414. Marian H., b m (3 :30), l)y Kentucky Whip. T. J. Dunbar, Dubuque, la., June 6, 1877, $500. Henry It. 1, Dan Bassett, Jenny Holton", Senator, (irav Dick, Little Frank, London Belle, Lady Ryan, Little Wonder (3 dr), 2:37, 2:, 35, 2:3.5, 2:35. Cedar Rapids, la., June 12. 1877, $500. West Union Girl, Jim Raven, Rochelle, Billy Wasson, Chief 2 (3 dis). Lady Baxter (3 dis), Little Fraud i3 dis), V^iveteen (2 dis), 2:34V4, 2:49!;4, ,2:52. .rune 13. 1877, .$.500. Grav Dick, Ladv Blennerl'.asset, Minnie, Lady Baxter, 2:42, 2:42, 2:42. St. Paul. Minn., Sept. 6, 1878, ,$600. Fearnaught 1, Billy Morgan (l dis), 2:31'2, 2:33, 2:311^, 2:331^. Marie, br m (3:31'i), by Morrison, dam bv Revenue. CM. McCallister, Denver, Col., Sept. 22, 1874, $120. Charley Baldwin 1, Rocket (1 dis), 3:26, 3:2,5, 3:2m. Marie, (3 iOS). J. C. Hoges, St. Clairsville, O., Sept. 5, 1883, $ . Dr. Davis 1, 3. Tom, 3:021/2. 3:05, 3:03, 3 :06, 3 :06i^. Marie Louise,, b m (3 :49). A. Bourrett, Fleetwood Park, N. Y., Sept. 5 1873, $400. Long Branch 3 (4 0), Kitty Clyde (4 dr), Joe Cooper (l dis). 2:.50, 2:50, 2:."i2. , 2:49. Marie Medium, b m (3 -.31^^, bv Happy Medium, dam by Yankee Tricks. Robert Steel, Prospect Park, L. I., Sept. 14, 1880. $3,000. Nutbourne, Hebe, Jupiter Norwood (2 dis), Quantrell d dis), Nelly Norwood (1 dis), 2:42i4,2:40V^, 2:3714. Three-year-olds. Marion, eh g ( 3 :33i4), by Tom Crowder. H. E. Saires, Peru, Ind., Oct. 3, 1874, $50. Tecumseh, John Adams, 2:46, 2:47. 2;48i.;. Enoch Norman, Indianapolis, Ind.. Sept. 24, 1875, $500. Russel, Betty Mitchell, 2:40, 2:39}^, 2:37k- Sept. 30, 1875. $200. Dutch Girl, Baldy, Ladv Richardson (2 dis), 2:45, 2:46, 2:47. Terre Haute. Ind.. Oct. 13, 1875, $750. Capt. Jack 1,4, Sciota Belle, Tom Gardner (3 dis), 2 :34i^, 2 :33, ^*33 2 "3'^*^^ 2 *33V^ — li. P.'Bissell. Madison, Ind, May 30, 1R76. .$600. Sophia Temple 1, 4(5 0), Ed. Wilder, Belle Lee, Ashland Kate (2dis), 2:.33>^.. 2:3114, 2:33, 2:33,2:.36, 2:3714. Kalamazoo, Mich., .lune 6, 1876, .$800. Calmar, Fridav. Kate Hazard, 2:34. 2:31}^, 2:34='4. (irand Rapids, Mich., .Inly 12, 1876, $700. Monarch Rule, Little Sam, Calmar, Kate Hazard, Mambrino Warner, Little Jake, 2:31. 2:32, 2:30. Chicago, 111., Julv 21, 1876, $1,2.50. White Stockings 1, Neome 2, Allen, Webber, Monarch Rule, Calmar, Banquo, Phil Shericlan, Kitty Stratton, Kate Hazard (5 dr), S. W. McD. (3 dis), Wolford Z. (2 dis), 2:27, 2:27, 2:28i4, 2:28'2,2:.32. Kansas Citv, Mo., Sept. 20. 1876. $1,000. Lady Star 3, Pilot Temple, 2-38, 2:35, 2:.37, 2:36^. St. Joseph," Mo., Sept, 28, 1876, $800. Lady Star 3, Pilot Temple, Joe Green (3 dr), Ned S. (2 dr). 2:31, 2:2814, 2:27, 2:29. Marion,~ch g (3:39), bv Harold (?). G. Brumbaugh, Upper Sandusky, O., Oct. 19, 1882, .$300, Billv Ford 1, Stranger 2, Minnie D., Josie Mansfield (4 dr), 2:35}.^, 2:36K>, 2:3514, 2:3314. 2:29>4. Oct. 21, 1882, .$500. Edwin A. 2, 4, Jenny Curtis (1 dis). Lady Lawrence (1 dis), 2:3014, 2:31}4, 2 :29ii, 2:2914, 2:34. S. C. Phillips. Lancaster, O., Oct. 11, 1883, $300. Joe Hooper, Judge Parsons, Robert Brown, Outlaw, 2:2914,2:30,2:33. Mark, ch g (3 :40i4). J. Haines, Easton. Pa., June 23, 1870, $350. Topsv. Andrew Jackson, Brick. Bay View, 2:4014.2:451^,2:4414, „„ . Mark, b g ^3 :39), by son of Mambrino Chief. T. Bruce, Harrodsburg. Ky., July 26, 1877, $2.50. Kate White 1, 4. 2:44, 2:4414. 2:41, 2:37J4. 2:.39. Mark Antliony, br g (3:36). R. Ward Macey, V ersailles, Kv., Julv 9. 1874, $200. Annie W^ekh. Gray Jim, Lulie Morton, 2:36}^, 2:36, 2:,37, Frankfort, Kv., Oct. 7, 1874, $100. Frank Miller. Bay Chief (1 dis). Lucy (1 dis), 2:46, 2:46, 2:45. Market Boy, ch g (3 :45i^). L. Sammis, Fleetwood Park, N. Y., June 12, 1872, $500. Eddy (w) 1, 4, 2 ;49, 2 :45K, 2 :49, 2 :53, 2 :51i4. Mark Lexington, b g (3 :13i^). J. F. Howard, Kent Co., Md., Sept. 25, 1877, $50. Pilot Bov, 3:41, 4:04. Four year olds. Mark McGuire, (Putnam), gr g (3:371^). H. Woodruff, Union Course, L. I., July 17, 1854, $1,000. Huguenot 2, 4. 2:42, 2:4014, 2:41?i, 2:40, 2:40. W. Peabody, Mav 17, 185.5. $1,000. Angeline (s), 2:43i^,2:37}4, 2:42^4. Marksman. l>lk' s (3":43), by Frank Forrester. Mr. Mussett, Springfield, O., Sept. 28. 1871. $100. Col. Ells- worth 1, Whip Clay, Ohio Hero (2 dis), 2:49i'2, 2:47, 2:49. Lancaster, O., Oct. 16. 1874, $ . Competitors not named, 2:43, 2:45. Marksman, b s, by Thorndale, dam Lady Patriot, by Young Patriot. Edwin Thorne, Albany, N. Y., Sept. 7, 1875, Sl.07.5. W. O. Three-vear-olds. ^ , ,^. Mark Taylor, chg (3:411.). A. M. Harris, Watertown, N. Y'., .June 27. 1872, $250. Modesty 1, Lady Finn, (1 dis), 2:45'.;, 2:50. 2:45, 2:42'4. !•:. L. Harris, (Jouverncur, NVY., Sept. 13, 1872. $250. Buzz. Lady Dexter, 2:43. 2:4,5, 2:49. . E. A. Wilkinson. Newark. N. J., June 25, 1873, $200. Lady Shaw 2. Brandy. Cash (2 dr), Dolly ^ lute (1 dis), 2:4414. 2-44, 2-4114, 2:4314. Mark Twain,~ch g (3:.39). J. N. Bickford, Readville, Mass., Sept. 22, 1871, $25. Bismarck. Dexter, Shake- speare. Lady Norfolk. Athenian (1 dis), Nelly (1 dis). 3:00^, 2:.58i^. E. H. Cunningham. Boston, Mass., May 27, 1872. $150. Gideon 1, 3, Slippery Sal 2, Victor, Col. Knox, 2:45^i, 2:46, 2:4714, 2:4.5i4. 2:47, 2:.^)0i4. June 28, 1872. .§200. Myra Sliaw. Athenian, Rosa Temple, 2:4.3i4, 2:.39?4, ^-MM. (w) Readville, Mass . Aug. 3. 1872. .$1.50. Morrill Prince 2, Trifle (4dr),2:46i4, 2:4914. 2:48, 2:.52i^. Mark Twain.bg (3:37i4), bvMillimans Bellfounder. L. Lindsey, Portland, Or., Oct. 3, 1874, $ . Dick Turpin, 1 :27. 1 :26. 1 :28?4. Hall-inile heats. Walla Walla, Vv'. T.. July 5, 1875, $300. Bellflower 3, 5 (4 0), Mystery (1 dis). Bashaw (1 dis), 2:3714, 2:38}^, 2:39i/>. bv son of Erii'sson, dam by son of Downing's Messenper, Madison, Wis., Sept 10, IxTlt. s\m. (;ol(U-iiili;irk-v. ( ii(H>fi lioy. Dolly \V;idP, Nelly CutU-r (2 dr;. ■J:4\U.2:U}4, 2::Shi- MarkTwain, b g (3:0«), by Milliniaii s Uflllouudcr. F. Ia-wIs. Uaker City, Or . .Iii1> 11. isw, j:— ^. Slei.'py GeorKf 1. Li/zK-, :i uj. 3:ot;';. .t:!)*;. Mark Twain, blk « {'Z :4«). U. .1. .loncs, Mineola. L. 1.. Sept. -"J. IHSti, .?45. Keth WanuT 2. a. Prince, Eureka Honis 1.-. ill), DiKiiitv(4 (In. Kollintr .Motion (4 dr). Willis" b g (3 dn, i.':-Ki. 2:4."), L>:-J6. L':4w, 2:53. Murk Twain, b s (3:45M4). bv Moonsione. S. .Scolt. Hijmllord, Onl., .May 24, ls«3, §125. Dunville Maid 1, 151:u-k : >i:iinon(l (2 disi. 2:.".y4, 2:4Ul4. 2:.">9K>, 2;5i)'.i. — — Hamilton. Ont,, Sei>t. it). 1S83. S3oO. Stella 1,2, Comet, Frank Mack, AViilie B., Paeitic Diek, Warrior Chief, (Joldllake (5 dn. 2:r>M>4,3:00'.,, 2:,'i2^.,, 2:.^4, ?:.'.2?4. Mark W., gr g (3 :30i, A. -M. I'liillips, Newcastle, I'a.. Get. 1, l(S79. $50. Ladv Lawrence, Roan Doctor, Black I'riiicc. 3:31, 3:30, 3:,!0. lM)iir-ye:ir-ol(ls. Marlet, b g (2 :59i , », bv Eleetioiieer. dam by Whipple's llanibU'tonian. L. Stanford. San Jose. Cal.. Oct. 3, 1(<«1, SI70. Dandv, 3:13'.i, 2..VJ^4. Marniion (w), ch g (2 ■.38}4.). Union Course, L. I.. Nov. 24, 1S64, $ . riover (w) 1 (3 0), 2:54;4. 2:555Si, 2:56. 2:.').s'.. Marniion. b g (2 :35K)). W, A'aiidebogert. Buflalo. N. Y., .lune 14, 1876, 1*250. Mattie (Jolddust, Katy. F. A. CcioU (3 (lis), .loe Warren (3 dn. 2:4J. 2:43'i. 2:41. Marquis of Lome, brg (2:40i. .lames (. air. Woodstock, Ont.. Jnlv 1. l.sT.".. .S . John Bright 1 (2 dr), 2:4ti. . St. .Stephen, N. T... Aug. -'5. 1H7.5, •Si.'iO. Hattie 3, Olive Logan. Hlaek Bess, Honest Farmer. 2:40, 2:41, 2:40,2:44. Mars, ell s (2:291.1), by (!en. Slierni::!!. dam .leniiv. by Superb. W. Van X'alkenberg. Ogdensburgh, N. Y., Sept. U>.4. 2:.">2. Tliree-vear-olds. CanUm. N. V., Sept. 11, 1!ST7. sioo. Billy Orav. 1 :33. 1 :34. 1:30. ifalf-mile heats. Sei>t. 17, 1878, $2C0. I'liyllis 1, Robert Dalzell. St. Lawrence Belle, 2:4o, 2:42K'. 2:39?4. 2:37^. Four-year- ohls. Sept. 17, 1879. S225. Deceit, I'elham, Morley (iiii (3 dr). (ieorge Ernest d (lis). 2:.38. 2:37?i, 2:354. Malone, N. Y., Oct, 2. 1S79. .*200. Valley Chief. Betsev Bump, iieorge Ernest. 2:.!0'... 2:.'?0. 2:30>^. (Jeneva, N. Y., June 22, 1880, .'SuOO. Dora 1,2, Dickard. Tavlor, Chaniinon Girl, 2:_'9i^, 2:27'/j. 2:30}i, 2:29^i,2:33'4. H. W. Brown, June 2. 1882, $300. Sentinel (l 0), Dan, Cunard, Marv H., Hattie Fisher,2:35, 2:34U,2:34^, 2:34'.i. '- Lvc)ns, N. Y., June 9, 1882, .'SSOO. Cunard, St. Patrick. Effle G. (1 dis). 2:32».,. 2:&5^. 2:3G. ISradford, Pa., .lime 16, 1882. .^600. Guess Not, Ladv Lear. Kate Tavlor, Big Ike, 2:319i, 2:31, 2:29^4. Olean, N. Y., June 22, 1882, $500. Guess Kot 1, 3, Kate Taylor. Effie (i.. Big Ike, 2:29'4, 2:29'., 2:304, 2:2U^4.2;29'ii. Erie, Pa., June 29, 1882, §500. Kate Tavlor 5, Big Ike 1. Lady Lear, Ingomar (5 dis), 2:33, 2:30, 2:30, 2:31^.2:3134. 2:31^4. Marsliall, gr g (2:34). by Tom W'onder, dam Jessie Fremont, bv Naugatuck. Geo. P. Carpenter, Hartford» Conn.. Sept. 25.,18G9. $ . Cunningliam's l> m 1 (2 0) (3 0) (5 iln. 2:41?^. 2:42, 2:49. 2:45. 2:.52. North Adams, Mass., Sept. 20, 1872, $300. Berkshire Boy 1, Brown Jack, Springfield Boy (3 dis\ 2:46'/4, 2:41,2:44,2:50. Hartford, Conn., June 13. 1873, .S200. Ladv Miller, Belle of Waterford, 2:39'j- 2:42'J. 2:45. Warwick, N. Y.. July 4, •'?187.3, $800. Constance. Onee. Corneha, Pump Horse, 2:40^4, 2:36, 2:39. Catskill, N. Y., July'2,5, 1873. .$200. Lady Kno.\. 2:45»4, 2 :42?i. 2:46. Marshall, 1) g (3 :40';), ny .Marslial Ney. (lam by Modoc. G.W.Nelson, Baltimore, Md., .lulv 6, 1882. $ . Ashland Kate. Gloster. 2:40'i, 2:40^, ,2:41. Marshall Chief, ch s (2 :53». by the Kilbnrn Horse. S. C. Goodrich, Jackson, Mich., July .5. ls59. $100. Cap- itola 4, Tat (30) (5 r o). Bellf^ of .lackson (3 dn, 2:.-i5. 2:.-)4. 2:53, 2:5,5, 2:.'54. Marshal Nev. blk s (2:37), bv St()iie\v:ill .lackson. dam bv Flying Cadmus. J. Dilatnsh, I )es Moines, la., Sept. 5. 1879. S.3.')0. Belle, Wild Iiishman, Judge Drury, Prince Orloff (2 dis), Billy Trumpet (2 dis). Van Biu-en (1 dis>. 2:43';.. 2:44^4, 2:.5.5^. Marshall o.,bg (2:40). C. Benson, S. Weymouth, Mass., July 4. 1883. .?85. Fanny T. 2. Kitty, 2:40. 2:48. 2:45. 2:. 53. Marsh Young, ch s(2:37). T. M. Hunt, Manchester, la., Sept. 13, 1883, S300. Fearnaught. cricket, 2:37';, 2:37, 2*38 Itidependence, la., Sept. 27, 1883. $\rA. Nelly L.. Jenny G., John Jr.. 2:37. 2:40, 2:40. Sept. 28. 18S,3, ,$200. Cricket. John Jr., 2:.3734. 2:39?4. 2:.38. Martha, b m (2:30). by Prosper. B. Cole, Spring Valley. N. Y.. June 16. 1875. .$1.50. P"lora 3, Raven. Jim Decker, Celia, Tom Payne, 2:.50yj, 2:.50. 2:47. 2:50>4. J. D. Cole, Clifton, N. J., May 26, 1877. $1.50. William. Chance. 2 :50i.i . 2 :r)0^i, 2 :.53. New City. L, I., Oct. 3, 1878, $100. Flora 1, May, Sin-prise, Phil l»ean. Cora C. (3 dis). Black Elmer (2 dis), 2:41 h, 2 :42i/-.. 2:42. 2 :43J^. White Plains. N. Y., Oct. 9 and 10, 1878, $200. Driver 2, 4. Lizzie R. 3, Lulu AV.. Dandy, May 1 (3 dr). Night Hawk (1 dis), 2:36, 2:4m,2:4.3>i. 2:43?i, 2:42, 2::!9, 2:41. Clifton. N. J., Oct. 16 and 17. is78. 1.50. Phil Dwver 1. 2. Carbolic, Dnnedin. Little Dan. Henry Hill (5 dr), Mary (3 dn, Nashua M:iid (4 dn. 2:40, 2:41'o, 2:42. 2:45';. 2:40. Norwalk. Conn.. Sept. 2.5, 1879, .$200. Modoc. Mary W.. Irish Maid, Ellen, 2:37. 2:36. 2:36'/j. J. Driscoll. Morrisania. N. Y., May 14, 1880, $400. Blanche 3, Stella C. 4, Lady Waring, Fred. Iron King, (5 dr), Emma C. (5 dr). 2:.30, 2:31, 2:;i4, 2:33, 2:32. I. Pawling, .July 7, IK8O. $175. Blanche, Duchess Boy (4 dr), 2:.30. 2:.32. 2:.32. 2::?oU. Martha <;., ch m. by Blue Bull, dam Jennv Curtis, by Morgan Messenger. Elkhart. Ind.. .M:iy 19, 1880. $ , Tr:iiiip .Jr.. Ncllv Pojie. (Jrath, Colonel Trucker. No time. Tliree-vear-olds. MarthaOibbK.gr m (2:.'>6). .James Oakes, Cambridge, Mass.. Aug. 21. ls.38. $1,000. 2:.56. Against lime. Martha AVashinclon, ch m (2 :37). by Black Bashaw. William King. Philadelphia, Pa., June 22. 18.59. $100. Uncle .Sam. 2:".9.2:39'/i, 2:45'/2. . Oct 3. 1K,%9. $ . Planet. 5:14, 5 :19U. Twomiles. Martha WaHhingtnn.ch m (2:20>4). bv Young BluchcT, dam bv Anieric:tn Star (?). Mason & Travis. All>any. N. Y., Sept. 12 and 13, 1876, .$400. Favorite 5, 6, Columbia Ohief 7 (1 o». Lady White 2, Geo. H. Mitchell, Mohawk Prince, Ladv Lowe, 2:29'™, 2:31 >/,, 2 31"».2:29>^, 2 :32, 2 ::Wi4 , 2 :.'?2W.. 2:.S.T T. N. Averv. Beacon Park, Boston, June 14, 1877, $800. Driver, Banquo (3 dis). Lady Kildeer (3 dis), (ieorge A. Aver (1 dis), Nira Belle (1 dis), 2:21 »i, 2:25='4'. 2:20^. Dover. N. IL, June 21, 1877, $800. Banquo, Driver, Belle Dean (2 dr), Lady Kildeer (1 dis), George A. Aver (1 dis), 2 :26, 2 :29!^, 2 :30i;i. Martin I.uther, b g (2:40), by St. La\vrence. G. F. Nutter, Manchester. N. IL. July 31, 1869, $800. Rosa, 2:42^.2:40,2:40. . DcJver, N. H.. Aug. 18, 1869, $1.50. Rosa, No Name (\ dis), Ladv Wilkinson (1 dis). 2:41, 2:41'i, 2:48. Manchester, N. H., Oct. 1, 18R9, Stoo. Mountain Girl. No time. L. B. Legg, Dover, N. H., Sept. 15, 1870, $ . Fanny l, Rosa, Dick (4 dr). 2:47, 2:48, 2:46, 2:49. CHESTEUS COMPLETE TKOTTING AND PACING RECORD. 486 8. Haves, July 20, 1871. $600. Lady Wilkinson (2 dis), 2 :49, 2 :44'^. L. B. Lefe'g, Great I'ulls, N. H., Oct. 31, 1871. $200. Blaclv Kalpli, Messenger Girl, Elder (2 dr), Jenav Liiul (1 dis), 2:45, 2:47, 2:47. ' fiilv 3, 1872, $125. Black Ralph, 2: 19, 2:46. 2:48. Haverhill, Mass.. Aug. 20. 1872. .'$4()0. Little Dick. 2:42, 2:40i^, 2:41»4. (irt'Mt Falls. N. H., Sept. 20. 1873, .■#7,5. Young Draco. Best time, 2:46. Martin McLellan, chg (a:37i. G. J. Shavve, Dexter, Me., June 24, 1880, $65. Heloise 1, 2, Belle Sherman 2 :42, -1 ::«. J :40, 2 :39, 2:41. July 5. 1880, $m. Heloise 2. 3. Yellow Dog, 2:3754, 2:38, 2:38, 2:37, 2:37. Martin's IJay .Stallion (,3:45). Latour .Martin. Keene, N. H.. Oct. 29, 1801, $15. Cheever's b in, 2:45. Marvel, bg (,3:3414), by Manibrino Pilot Jr., dam Katy O'Brien. B. Smalley, Flemington, N. J., Sept. 28. 1882. $200. Bessie H., Jumbo Jim, 2:52'.i, 2:48' o. 2:51. Somerville, N. .1.. Oct. 6, 1882. $100. Mortimer, Lady G., 2:41^^., 2:45S, 2:49'/2. B. Smalley, Flemington, N. J., Sept. 27, 1883, $150. Geo. Wilkes, Gen. Ewing, Easter Medium, 2:36>i. 2:3414,2:331.1. W. H. Smalley, SonuM-ville, N. J., Oct. 3, 1883, $50. l>olly Varden. Kitty Thompson, Silver Dun, 2:o8, 2:53,2:43. Five-year-olds. Oct. 5. 1883. $75. Harvey. Kitty Thompson, Dolly Varden. 2:53}^, 2:48, 2:42Vi. Mary (Big Mary\ b in i "J :-.J.st, by Geo. M. I'atciicn, dam by Saladiii. G. W. Filzwater, Point Breeze Piirk, Phila., July 25, 1808, ^^1,000. Fanny Allen (3 OJ, 2:34i;j,, 2:32i4, 2:31J-4, 2:36. — ; — Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. 9, 1808. .^l.ooo. Harry D. 2:3814, 2:3914, 2:37. J. M. Miller, Sept. 8, 1870, $l,,500. Colonel Uussel 1, Lady Augusta4, Charley Green, Edna, Harrv D.. Topsy, Garibaldi (4 dr). 2 :30. 2 ■:.mi. 2 :.30, 2 :30, 2 :.32?i . Fleetwood Park, N. Y., Sept. 21, 1870, $2,000. Charley Green, Capt. Gill, Lady Whitman, Hickory Jack. 2*32 2*32 2 "30 '- S.' McLaughlin, Sept. 25, 1876, $1,000. Charley Green 2, 2:28?.i, 2:29, 2:28. J. M. Miller, Doylestowu. Pa., Oct. 5. 1871, $800. Huntress. Dot, 2:34i,<^, 2:34%, 2:33i!4. Gettysburgh, Pa., July 20, 1872, $1,200. Congedee, , 2:34!,2, — -. Mary. (3 :55^). Mr. Burclett, San Francisco, Cal., July 13, 1872, $100. Napa Queen 2, 3, 3:02i4, 2:57U 2*575!i 2 :55'i, 2:58^4. " Mary, b m (3 :31?i), by Godfrey's Patchen. C. H. Evans, Beacon Park, Boston, Nov. 11, 1875, $200 Amelia D 3, Lady Sherburne, Lady Kecnan, Lady Sheridan, 2M]4, 2:42"^^, 2:43. 2:37i,2. Mystic Park, Boston, Nov. 18, 1875, $200. Live Oak, Maid of Merit, Hawthorne. Lady Keenan Susie (i dis), 2:3414, 2::i2,2:31?i. Nov. 20. 1875, $200. Lady Keenan. Hawthorne, 2:41, 2 :46, 3:00. Mary, chm (2:55). J. Burtou, Koiue, N. Y.. Sept. 21, 1876, $70. Rysdyk Maid 1, Nelly Gohldust Belle of Rome, 2:59, 2:55,2:561/4, 2:56}^. Four-vear-olds. Mary, b m (3 :33), by Sweepstakes. A. B. Post, Middletown, N. Y., Sept. 10, 1881, $100. Lady Horton Ladv Snyder, 2:43, 2:42, 2:40. ' ' Mary, bm (3:361^). L. Broekway, E. Saginaw, Mich., Sept. 30. 1881, $300. Jenny Wells, Smuggler Maid Creeper (2dis), 2:38:^4^. 2:3(%, 2:36'/2. ' Mary A., b ra (3:00). by Red Eagle, dam a Trustee mare. A. Patterson, Mansfield, O., Aug. 20, IS79 $75 Jim Crow2, 3, Fanny S., J. Patterson, Mary 1 (3 dis), 3:04?4, 3:01, 3:00, 3:00, 3:00. 3:00. Mary Anderson, b m (3 :43). J. Knowlton, Morrisville, Vt., Sept. 26, 1883, $100. Beecher, Edith 2-4'> 2-44. 2:46. — ' '^ Mary Ann, b ni (3 :54). Geo. Edwards, Bainbridge. Mass., Oct. 1, 1846, $400. Euclid, 2:,59, 2:56. 2:54. Mary Ann. b n (3 :56), G. Hall, St. Louis, Mo., Oct. 24, 1857, $500. Lady Calvert, Lady Elvvood, Peoria, XAAiy, Five miles. Mary Ann (w ), b m (3 :46 w). H. Woodi-uflf, Union Course, L. L. Dec. 3, 1859, $200. Visit3 (2 0). Maria 2-46 2:47,2:48,2:47,2:47. ' ' ' Mary Ann (Duchess and Grand Duchess) br m (3 :36i^). bv Hanley's Hiatoga. John Watson, Columbus O. An g.iG, 1865, $200. Yankee Tom, Sorrel Bashaw, 2 :39?i, 2 :41ii, 2 :44. — S. Keyes, Wheeling, W. Va., Oct. 14, 1865, $300. American Star 1, 2:38?4, 2:36%, 2:35^, 2:38 .lohn Watson, Oct. 4, 1867, $500. Honest David, John W.. 2:35}^, 2:37%, 2:37%. — .1. Kelly, Oil City, Pa., June 17, 1869, $300. Frank, Harry, Black Jack, Racketty Jack (1 dis), 2 :33, 2 :36i/4, 2 :34. Mary Ann (3 :55). W. Kelmer, Chatham Village, N. Y., Sept. 17, 1875, $50. Grit 2, Spencer Boy, Frank Allen Louise, 2:.-)9'4, 2 :57. 2 :57, 2 :55. ' Mary Ann b m (3 :49). (i. Nelson. Jr., Baltimore, Md., Dec, 4. 1878, $50. Belle 2:54, 2:49, 2:52% Dec. 5. 1878, $100. Belle, 2:53, 3 :00. 2:55. Mary Ann McL,anglilin,bm (3:56). Mr. Goodison, Morrisania, N. Y., Sept. 1, 1880, $100. Storage 3-10 2:56. 3:00. & , • . Mary A. Whitney b m (3 :38), by Voluneer, dam Peggy Slender. Morris W. Bacon, Boston, Mass., June 18. 1872, $1,000. Czar 3, Comee, Abdallah (3 dr), 2 :32%. 2:3314, 2:Z1]4, 2 :34i/2. * Montreal. P. Q., Aug. 23, 1872, $600. Defiance 2, Jessie (3 dis), Sir George (2 dis), Nelly (2 dis) Blue Bonnet (2 dis) 2:371^, 2:3% 2:36%. 2:35. ■ Peter .Manee, Middletown, N. Y., Aug. 28, 1873, $1,500. Lady Byron 1, 2, Tom Keeler 3. Commodore Ohio Boy 2:.30i4, 2:31, 2:301^. 2:30,2:311^, 2:34. * Philadelphia, Pa., Sept. 9, 1873, $2,000. Ed. Eaton 1, 2, Winthrop Morrill Jr., Honest Billy, Nelly Star Jack Draper (4 dr), 2:30, 2:30%, 2:30, 2:3214, 2:31. Norwalk, Conn., Aug. 16, 1874, $800. Annie Collins, Lady Worthington, Berkshire Boy, Molsev Billv Davis, Turnbull. Jimmy Norton. 2:3314, 2 :30i4 2:321 i. • •' Morris W. Bacon, Goshen, N. Y., Sept. 3, 1874, $1,000. Lady Byron, Annie Collins, Geo. B. Daniels 1 (4 dis) Berkshire Boy (3 dr), 2:29^, 2:30%, 2:31, 2:33. ' Peter Manee, White Plains, N. Y., Sept. 23. 1874. $1,000. Annie Collins 3, 4, Lady Worthington, Berk- shire Boy. 2 M, 2:31, 2 :30, 2 :32, 2:32. Deerfoot Park, L. I., Oct. 13, 1874, $600. Lady Worthington 1, Annie Collins 4, Vanity Fair, 2 -.34 2-3.3^ 2:.35. 2:321^, 2:3,5. New Dorp. S. I., Oct, 17, 1874, .$.500. Frank Wood 1. Annie Collins, 2:32, 2:,30%. 2:30i^, 2:,30M Spring Valley. N. Y., Oct. 29. 1874, $150. Scotland Maid 1. 2:364, 2:40. 2:38%, 2:36. Mary u., rn III (3 :"44). R. W. May, Flora, 111., Oct. 1, 1874, $125. Charley 3, Lady Jane, Doctor, 2-44 2-45. 2:48%.2:47'4. Mary IJ.,1) m (3 :47). J. Shaver, Buffalo, N. Y., Oct. 12, 1876, $200. Katy 1, F. A. Cook, Chestnut D., 2:53 2-50 2:47, 2:49. Mary Itarber. b m (3 :38). H. Hunt, Canandaigua. N. Y., Oct. 8, 1870, $370. George Lapham, Kitty Baker, Sterling, Y'oung Roval George, Chestnut Dick. Ed. Higgins, 2:38, 2:40, 2:42i/4. Mary IJarden, br m (3:34'4). by Hobkirk's Sir Henry Jr. S.Anderson, Oshkosh, Wis., June 26, 1871, $75, Billy Mason 2, Honest Tom Wall. Kitty Ferris. 2:47. 2:46, 2:4.5, 2:4414. O. A. Hickok, Milwaukee. Wis., Aug. 22. 1872, $1,000. Koby Golddust, Peavine, Lizzie D., Minnesota Chief (3 dis),2:37^. 2:36, 2:34'.^. 486 ( IIESTEKS COMPLETE TROTTING AND T'AriNG RECORD. Mary Bt'liiiont. oil in (2:33'.,\ by Bi'liiioii',. 11. Bugher, Huniiltun, U., Sept. 2G, 18X2, .$50. Kilty Clyde, King. Wild l'.ov,2:;fH, 2:37, 2:31. „ . ., Mary ltu>"lu*«««. '• ni (•'i.:V4i. L. Shnltz. Clvde. N. Y., Sept. 3. lj>7a, S3oO. Bay Tnuce, Bessie, Liiiniu. Lulu 1'., I'oUy (!.. H:ibv N. (2 dis). 2:43'.,., 2:41';, 2:3x. Attica. N. Y„ Sept. 11. 1879. .■^l.".ll. IV's.sie, T.av Prince, 2:32,2:3:!, 2:32. Mary C, gr m (3:3.'i). Ijy Kthan Allen. M. Colvin, Gale.-,burg, 111., .July 27, 187(i. .*1.(;(K). .luanita, .lanesville. Pine Leal, 2:40, 2:37, 2:41' j. .^ UuliUMue, la., Sept. u>, 187C, ?.wo. Kansas Girl 3, 4, Dixie 2, Albino 1, Wild Irisliinan, Chief, A\ alter J. (5 disi, 2:41, 2:45, 2:4:.' ■, 2:4(>^j. 2.35. 2:39V4, 2:.i'J. I'riiphetstown. 111.. Sept. »;. I87t!. S2.'')0. George. Ellen. King I'liilip (3dist, Billy Seribner (3 dis>. 4. Mary V. eh in (3 :00,>. E. tarpenter, (ileus Falls, N. Y.. Oct. 21, 1882, $.00, Billy Deiibleday 1, Hone.''.t Dan 4 lie^t time, 3:00. Mary Chief, gr in (2 :49). S. S. Pickens, Cniontown, Ala.. Oet. 20, 1880, $500. Fred Tyler 2. .Jack the Barber. ^Oct. 22, 1880, SIOO. Georgie Golddiist f. 3. Fred Tvler, 2:4!t, 2.52' j. 2:bi'i. 2:.50, 2.53. Mary Clark, ch m(3:36Vi). Council Bluffs. la., .luly 7, i883, * . Comanche Boy 3, Caledonia Chief .Jr., Mary Coinstock, b nT'(!J :4lV. D Barro, Providence, R. I., Sept. 9. 1879, $150. Just Out, Peerless, 2:45, 2:45, - ("■ Kimball AVooiisoeket. R. L. Sept. 17, 1879. .'57.5. Lucy liell. Fanner Boy, 2:51. 2:47},a, 2:47'^. Marv Davis b in C^: 2«'.i), by Young Rattler, dam Lady Routaii. E. M. Skaggs, Sail Francisco, CaL, May 26, ls71 ,*l (HKi Copiierhead !. Ladv Slasher. Coleman, Breeze. Cassius M., F'red. 2.45i^, 2:41 'j, 2:44V. 2:4(;i2. Sacramento, (al., May 30. isf 1. SSOO. Copperhead 2, Mayflower 1,4 (6 dis), 2::J4^, 2:35i'4, 2::U^, 2 3714, 2 -3514 '*'37' 1 1 .June 1. 1S71, .«l,ooo. Copperhead 3. Mayflower, 2:.35i^, 2::i-'>4, '2::irM, 2:.35. O. A. lliekok, San Francisco, Cal., Dec. 20, 1872, $300. Lady Mace, I>einocrat, 5:1G';, 5:19';. Two ^'ll^Sl. Skaggs, Sacramento, Cal., May 0, 1874. .•=<40C. Jerome. 2:32. 2:29»/o, 2:27i.i. C. Shears. San Francisco, Cal., May 29. 1874, $-Z.mo. California Dexter 4, 5 (2 0). 2:371,1. 2:.0f.' J, 2:Uh, 2:35, ^■^e'^'m'? Skaggs, Sept. 10, 1874, $1,000. Blackbird 2, 4, Ella Lewis (5 dis), Vaughn (1 dis), 2 :2Ci.i ,,2:27^4, 2:27^, : (w^'Sacriuuento Cal., June 2. 187.5, $500. Belle IVIcNair, American Maid,2:34i^, 2 :35?.i . 2 :.34>4. Mary Kliza. ch in (3 :61). Jl. Gates, Cincinnati. ()., July 18, 1839, $10o. Stranger (1 dis), Buckeye (1 dis). 5:42, aiary^Klli'sf b in (3 :53). G. Ellis, Vallejo, Cal., Sept. 4, 1878, $250. Rockwell. Linnett (2 dis), 2:53, 3:00, 3:04. Marv Ellswortli'i) in (3 :43). D. Henderson. Westminster, Md., Oct. is, 1877, 200. Rosewood. Santagonlan, Mary Ma rv F ^^b"mf3"44'4)."'1:^?Frost; Upper Sandusky, O.. Or^t. 19. lsK2. $200. Minnie May 2, Harry B.. Ida May, Brow:iwood1,3(4ro), Daisy. 2:44.;. 3:00. 2:42'., .2 :49Vo.2:49'.i.2:44«4. ,„..>,, o i« ry O.. b m. J. T. Guiiey, Martinsville, Ind., Oct. 10, 1879, 4il5. Ro: 11 Lilly, Jenny A ictor, 2:23, 2:17, 2:18. Mary H"."bm.'(3:4i'4). H. H. Harvey, Ypsilanti, Mich.. Sept.-, 1,S5, $250. Bay Lilly 1, Julia, Bologna Mal^t'H.'rl :^0).' Mn'UeiikTe, Elkhart, Ind., July 4, 1883. $100. Kentucky Fl.v, Jones" b m. Colonel A., Ilattie H. Mary HilLI) m (3 :.'-.3M). W. Hill, Saratoga Spa, N. Y.. July 31 , 1876, .SIOO. Charley McManus (l dis), 2:53|4. Mary Hoyt (Widow M:ichree), ch ni (3 :39) by American Star, dam by Messenger Diiroc. J. M. Hoyt. Stony Ford N. Y.. Mav 2s, 18.58, $100. Sussex Maid. 2:43, 2:40, 2:41. Ocf 11 18fi8 .«'-.00 Georire Coolev. 2. 3, 2:.32. 2:42, 2:38, 2:36, ■.■:38, 2:38. Mary Irving (wo; br ill (3:37). D. Kelioe, Union (.ourse, L. I., Sept. 14, 1859, $1,000. Milkmaid (vv) 3. 2:51. Mary Jane!gr'm(3:.55). T. Renshaw, Wilkesbarre, Pa., Aug. 25. 1875. $ . Sam French. Golddust. Mary Mary Jane\'Maggt?V"'l)''"i (3 :34';) by lilack Squirrel. M. Floyd. Pittsburgh, I'a., Sept. 21, 1875. $.500. Patter- son Girl. Lady Patterson. 2:39',. ^j:^«. ^ :^;=^^, _^^„^,,^^,^ .,^ ,^^,.,^. ,,„^^^^^_ ,^,,_ ,.^,,_ ,._,^^ 2:37^=. son Wilmington. l>eI.,Oct. 28. isT."). *.iim). Anoy .loiiiisoii _-, i.anj r.iiif;cii. -.■»■. -.or. -...«, i.. (w) \V. A. Ogden, Lamb Tavern, Pa., Dec. 2. 1875, .^loo. Warrior, 2:48;'4, 2:49, 2:48. ff^„„„„ HclMumt Park, Phiia., Aug. 8, 187G, $300. Washington Irving (2 dis), Jenny (2 dis' Adam Jefferson ii j'*'sn^i'. ilittersville. Pa., Oct. 2fi, 1878, .$.300. Lady Sharp 1. 2:40, 2:.-.7?i. 2:37'^., 2:40. Mary .Jaiie.gi- III (3:4.'5). E. L. Mayberry, Los Angeles, Cal., Oct. 19. 1882, 5=150. Debonnaire, Draper, 2:47. Marvllenirson blk m (3:56"„),1iv Thos. Jefferson, dam Black Mary. W. B. Smith. Hartford. Conn., Sept. Mary I.ainb, (!• riskv Jane), b in v3::?0), by \-oluiiteer. G. H. Harnard, .lersey (. ity, .ludge Rohertsoii". Silvertail, Fanny H., Susie, Don, 2:;!K, 2:40, 2:40'... Fleetwood PaiK, N. Y.. Nov. 17, 1877. .S1.50. Tom ^t'P'VT,- ■'■'••'*'•..- •i'',V*'wn- „, t Peter Manee, New City, N. Y., July 4, 1879, $100. Red (Yook 2, Nelly, W^illiam L^ ewis (2 ilis\2:.39'4, 2:36, 2:42.2:.5:5. MaryTarHi"'hr m (3:40). Wm. Corderv, Ba.liiuore, Md., Sept. 10, ls.r,.s, ,^1,000. Hiram Temple (w), 2:48. 2:44. lune 9. ls.-,9. .«(i(»o. Jane, 5:.32. 5:20. Tvvo miles. ,_ „ ,„ (w).Iiinei.5, lsr,(). .«!— . !?av Jim (w),Henry Clay (w),2:4f.\, 2:4. 2:48. , , „ r-j o,„i ,, i:„\ Mary Lani. b m (3:43., A. A. Gates, St.Paul, Minn., Sept.25, 1873. $rm. Charley Mack 1. 2. Ed Still (1 dis). :^%7pt"'"" wrslwr^Rubv: Minena,*i;:uly Bashaw, M.-ick Jr., Flora...Ierry. Ed Still f^ dr) 2:4r., 2:42, 2:42 inZ Fail Ci'iire Wis Sept. s." 1873. .'5200. l?lllv Mason (I 0). Jack Stiles (1 0). 2:5f:, 2:49, 2:.52ii, 2:49. Mankato. Minn., June 19. ir74,.'*.30O. Young Flora. 2:.51M. 2:.51U.2:49?i. Mary Long, br m (3 :53). .1. Fawci-tt, Raleigh, N. C, Oct. 13, 1874, $ , Billy Bowlegs, Tulula, , 2:52. CHESTER'S COMPJ-ETE TH(iTTIN(; AND PACING KECOKD. 487 Mary Louise, rn m (3 :57). J. H. Wliitson, Fashion Course, L. I., Nov. 29. 1860, §175. Saco (w) 2, Richard 4 3;01,2:r,8, .'iST, li:58, 2:57. »Iary Louise, b 111 (3:45). C. H. Hadley, Boston. Mass.. Jlav 21, 1872, .§150. Lady Maud 1, Kelly, O.xfoi-d Belle (1 dis). Baker Boy d dis), .losie u dis). issy,. 2:5(;i^, 2:5G'o, 3:02. A. Bownell. Fleetwood I'ark, N. Y., .lune 2h. 18'73, S2od. Little Nelly, 2:45, 2:50, 2:4.5. Mary M.. iw) b m (3:44',). W. G. Meyer, St. Louis, Mo., Aug. 25, 1883, $ . Honest John (\v)3, 1:20, 1:22. l:2_"... 1:22. Half-mile-heats. Sept. 23, 1883, .?,}5. Blaek Bess, Monitor, 2:4n, 2:44i4. Mary Mack, blk ni (3 :45). James McKean, Cainbridjie~ 111., Oct. 13, 1874, $100. Gen. Grant, Uncle Sam, Nat Baker. Frank, Colonel Knox, Lector. 2:47, 2:45i^, 2:oOU. M:iry Millard, eh ni ci.'iS''^). Mr. Kirkman, Naslfville, fenn., Aug. 8, 1852, .SIOO. Dolly Smith, 2:49, 2:5314. (i. Fletcher, June is, 1853, ^I'tO. Dolly Smith. 2:38^4, 2:39. Mary Miller, br m (3 :33), by (iuy Miller, (i. W. Saunders, .(ackson, IMicli.. June 10, 1880. ,3;soo Chauncev H. 1. 2, Wilbur F. 3. 4, Prince. .1. W. Thomas, (ieorj^e V., Marv Belmont. 2:35, i/MU. 2:353..S. 2:3(i, 2:37,2:jy ■'■.:;o Cincinnati. O., .July 8, 188;i, .>il.000. Mainbriiio Chief Jr., Tom llendi-icks, J. W. Thomas, .Mary Belmoul (1 disi, 2:;«, 2:32, 2:34. Mary Newton (s), b ni (3:50). Buffalo Dan, Saratoga Spa, N. Y., July 29, 1858, .S200. Ellen Blaine 1, I'eter Story, 2 :.54, 2 :.50, 2 :50. 2 :51 . Mary Newton, ch m ( 3 :36), by Logan. G. Coolidge, Gouverneur, N. Y., Aug. i9, 1877, .$125. Robert D., .Mary Burtis. 2:58. 2 57' j, 2:55. Aug. 31, 1S77, 6125. Camors 1, 3, Lady Grenville. 2:43i4. 2:45, 2:43. 2:43?^. 2:43. — Potsdam, N. ¥., Sept. 18, 1877, .$200. Fred Casey, Pastime, 2:47, 2:41. 2:45. Antwerp. N. Y., June 28, 1879, $ . George Ernest, 2:4U. 2:48. 2:47. H. Church, Picton, Out., May 24. 1880, Sl50. General Thomas, .Jack. Lady Kirk (2 dr), 2 :38'i; 2-38U Mary Oueen, br m (3:3314), by George Wilkes. P. Kelly. Spring Valley, N. Y.. Sept. 12, 1878,' $35. 'Torn" Deucalion, S-MM, S•.33^,. Four-year-olds. Mary iteamer, b m (3 :4li^>, by Sweepstakes. J. Lattlman, Parkville, L. I., August 2, 1880, SIOO Lady Bliss Sleepy (ieorge 2. 3 (5 dis). Master (3 dis), 2 :.")0, 2:48i.i, 2:46. 2:48. 2 :.-8. Mary Russell, wh m (3 :33i^), by Joe Brown, dam by Milliinan's Bellfounder. J. Carpenter, Providence R. I., May 29, 187.'"), $100. Russ Fenner l, George Brown, Adelaide Andrews, Roxy (3 dis), 2 :49, 2 :-Hi'4„ 2:4834,' 2:4714. J. L. Russell, Beacon Park, Boston. July 20, 1877. S400. J. H. Ferry, Harry, Thomas S.. Billy Dow Ladv Van, ArthurT., Black Bess, Bay Fearnaught, 2:31, 2:3114. 2:32. Mystic Park, Boston, .July 27, 1877. $400. J. H. Ferry 2, 3, Morris, Billy Dow, Thomas S., Harry, Black Bess, Arthur T. (5 dr), 2 ;30''i, 2 :36. 2 :34. 2 :33. 2 :35. — Keene, N. IL, July 31, 1877, .$200. Katy Did, .Morris, Kitty Downs, Dan, Mattie, Fearless. Dick (3 dr) Jim Stafford (2 dr). 2:35, 2:37, 2. -.36. Rutland, Vt., Aug. 2, 1877, .$350. Ladv Clarion 1, Juno, Kitty Ives, John B. (1 dis), Lady Dean (1 dis) 2-40 2:41,2:421-4,2:42. ' . / , D. Jenkins, Syracuse, N. Y., June 19, 1S78. $400. Tom Mallov (4 0), Cooloo (4 0), St. Patrick (i O) 2 -.34 2:311/2,2:33, 2:37. 2:36,14. " v ;, ■ . Poughkeepsie, N. Y., September 7, 1878, $500. Newbrook, Grace, Camon, George Henry, 2:30, 2:30^4, .Maione, N. Y., Sept. 25, 1878, .$275. Moose. Viliage Boy. 2:30, 2:.30, 2:31. Plainville, Conn., Oct. 10 and 11, 1878, .$400. yEmulus 4, Duroc 2, Chestnut Hill, Annie G., Shadow (5 dr) 2:3214, 2:32'2, 2:30, 2:36"o, 2:30. ^' Hartford, Conn., Oct. 17, 1878. $400. Capt. Emmons 3, 4, .Emulus, Annie G., J. G. Morrill, Chestnut Hill (5 dis). Shepherd Knapp (4 dr). 2:234, 2:24, 2:23'^, 2:25, 2:27. Providence, R. I.. October 24, 1878', .$400. Chestnut Hill 1, Capt. Emmons. Iron Age, Cassius Prince ^mulus (4 dr), 2:2714, 2:24, 2:231/2, 2:26U. A. P. McDonald, Bradford, Pa., Sept. 19, 1879, $500. W. O. No time. Mary ,S., b m (3 :04). F. Terbush, Salina, Kan.. July 9. 1881, $75. Flora, Maud H.. 3:05, 3:04, 305. Mary .Sayres (3:5114). Mv. Sayres, Fashion Course. L. I., Aug. 28, 1868, .$2.50. Charley 1, 2, D. K. Prescott, Naughataugh (3 dis), 2:.o2'.2, 2:53J^, 2:51i4, 2:51i2. 2:.5.5. Mary Sprague, blk m (3:45), by Governor Siirague. dam by Goldsmith's Abdallah. J. I. Case, Milwaukee, Wis., June 12, 1883, $2.50. First Call, Jane R.. Little <4irl (1 disi. 2-A-^h- 2:4">. Four-year-olds. Mary Stewai't (w), ch m (3:56i4,). Dan Mace, Lynn, Mass., Aug. 9, 1860. .•^."jUO. Hero."2:.57i4. 2:58, 2:5614. Mary Stuart, (w) ch m (3:44i^). Mystic Park, Boston, Aug. 10,1875, .$300. Jim Fisk (w), Juno (w). 2:4414, 2:44i2, 2:47'i. . Marysville Queen, gr m (3:311^). by Signal. 0. W. Moulthrop, Sacramento, Cal., Sept. 10, 1869,.$ Alexander 3, 2:42?i,2:40, 2:45?i, 2:45." (w), A. F. Smith, Oakland, Cal., May 22. 1874, $ . Mattie Howard 2, Lady Emma 4, 2:38, 2:35, 2:37. 2:48.2:42. .June 27, 1874, $ . Charleyl. 4 i20). Mattie Howard 3(2 0), (6 r o), l :.55i2, 1:53J4. 1:5214, l:53i^, 1:55}^. 1:.>5, 1:54H. Three-fourths of a mile heats. San Jose, Cal., Oct. 7, 1874, $400. Lou Whipple. Berklev Bov, Billy Havward. 2:31?/t. 2:31J4, 2:32?4. Oakland, Cal., Jan. 10, 1875, $100. Billy Hayward 2, 3. Joe l,'2:.38i4. 2:36"i4, 2:37i4. 2:S6^S. 2;.36. Feb. 6. 1875, $100. Billy Hayward 1, Sam Grant, 2-MU. 2:.33^, 2:3394, 2:.35. (w), Feb. 12, 187.5, .$12.5. Henry (10), Billy Havward, Grant, 2:35,2:36, 2:37-:'4, 2:33. Mary Taylor, blk m (3 :37). Z. G. Brownell, Boston, Mass., May 6, 1852, $200. Little Nelly 2, 2:43. 2:52, 2:44, 2:45. (W), May 20, 1852, .$200. Little Nell (w) 3. 2 :.^614. 2 :.57, 2:.59, 2:.55ii. S. White. Providence, R. I., Oct. 5, 185.5, $600. Lady Sherman 2 (40), 2:38, 2:41, 2:42, 2:42, 2:44. tw), Z. (J. Brownell, Julv25, 18,56, $100. Ladv Sherman 1, 2:46, 2:45, 2:42}4, 2:46. Worcester. ^Jass., June 5, 1857. .$ . Tom Hyer, 2:39J^, 2-AOU, 2:4134. June 9. 1857, $;500. Tom Hyer. 2:38. 2 :39, 2 :42i4. Providence, R. I., Jmie 12, 1857, $150. Ladv SJ.erman 1. Meddlesome, 2:39, 2:37, 2:41, 2:38. Chelsea, Mass., June 3, 18.58. $100. .Jessie Fremont, 2 :.50, 2 :5n, 2 :52. Worcester, Mass., .Julv 5, 1858, $ . Tom Hver, 2:.50. 2 :49, 2:44. Portland, Me., Aug. 2, 1861, $400. Fanny Bra(lbnrv.2:43, 2:47. 2:46. Mary Taylor, br m (3:35). by Tough. Dan Hughes. Pittstield, Mass., Oct. 8, 1874, $800. Chas. Howe 1, 3, IMiiladelphia Bov, Chas. Green, Billv Collins, Happv John (3 dis). 2:35, 2:.37. 2::38, 2:35. 2:37U. I'iqua, O., Oct. 16, 1874, $300. Gypsy Queen 1, 2, Grafton 4, St. Lawrence, Rattler, Roan ,yack, Capt. Daw- son (5 dr), 2:32. 2:36U. 2:3734, 2 :36i'4, 2:3634, 2:41. Fred Gerker, Philadelphia, Pa., Aug. L 1S76. $1.50. Little Nell. Lady Sharp, 2:41, 2:4314, 2:42. Sept. 28, 1876, .$.300. Audv Johnson 2, Modoc. 2:42i4. 2:44. 2:43. 2:45. Mary w., (w) b m (3:573.^). J. Hazlett, Jersey City, N. ~J., May 18, 1882, $75. Oracle L. (w), Doctor K. (w) 3:2.5.3:1,5. Jersev Citv. N. J., Nov. 1.5, 1883, $200. Romeo, 3:12, .3:0434, 3:005..^, Nov. 29, 1883, $50. Lady Cooper 1, 3:073.2, 3:04,3:07. 48« CHESTER'S COMIM-KTE rKUTTlN(; AND lACl-Nc; KKCOKD Mary Warren, (s) 1) in (2:471^). Hiram Woodruff, Union Course, L. I., Oct. 12, 1853, $400. Col. Johnson (s^ 8:54)^, 8-53. Tliree miles. (w), Oet. 20, 1853, S400. Col. Johnson (Wi (1 (lis). 2:47!/j. (w), Centrt'villc, i-. I., Jlav ^4, lb54. SI .4.2:56;'j. (w), Julv 5, 1854. i;i;,ooo. 14:42. To iH'ut 15:00. l-'ivo mih's. Union course. L. 1., Oct. '.'5, 18,59. S25(i. Andv Mulligan. Cayuga Maid, Mary Ann. 2:48. l':48. Mascotte, cli g ('■i :3»'4). A. Johnston, Bridgewatcr, Mass.. Sept. .'2, 1882, S55. Frank, Kitty, City Boy, Fred D., .luinbo^adr). 2:44>^, 2:47, 2:48. „ .. , , , Taunton, Mass., Sept. 27. 1882. S . Blanche DouKlas, Henry S. (1 dis). 2:.i9'.i. 2:42. 2:40. Sept. 28. 18S2, * . Vladimir, Brunette, Queer Girl (2 dr». 2:43. 2:42. 2:42. Newport, U. 1., Oct. 13, 1882, ,^150. Gov. I'laistcd. Jim Fisk. Brunette, MHler's Damsel (l dis), Cieo (1 dls) 2 "40 ""42 "•4"' Ma.son''s Kio« ii'(i«'l«iiiiK c3:40^i. V. A. :«ason, Newark, O., June 5, 1872, S200. Silvertail, Jack Burrill (1 Mason"\V.,^rik"gC^l51). ' F. Gibson, Woodstock, Vt., Sept. 28, 1870, $12,5. Young (iloster. Maggie Allen, Master'iMa"iiioiul"(s*),'ch g (3:45 si. John Horton. Philadelphia, I'a., May 7, I84o,i?loo. Bibo(s). Rob Walton (S) Mother Goose (s). Two others, 5:30. 5:34. Two miles. Mat b s (3 :40). J. C. Cudnev, New Orleans, La., April 1, 1800, $1,000. Lady Calvert, 2:46, 2:40. Matchless, bm(3:47). U. Brock, Saugus. Mass.. Sept. 27, 1860, $75. Fleet.viug 1, Brignoli, 2:45, 2:48, 2:.M, Matchless b g (3 :35?0, by Vohiiitier, dam by Wildair. A. Goldsmith, Newburgh, N. Y.. .June 9, 18«-i9. $100. White Gelding. Cochectou .Maiil. .laek JNIalone, 2:47, 2:44 2:44Si. . H c Goodrich, Chicago, 111,. July 10, 1870, $ . .lanuette, 2:35?4, 2:40'.i. Oshkosh, Wis., July 24, l.s73, .•c!22,5, Frineeton Boy. Darkness, 2:41^4. 2:411^, 2:40. Mate blkg(3:46). I). B. Goft. Hall's Track, L. L. Sept. 14, 1872, $1.50. Butterfly 2, Belle of Orange. George Glllett (2 dis), 2:50, 2:45'i, •_":-18J-.., 2:40. Mate, b g (3 :47). John Trout, Beacon I'ark, Boston, May 1, 1875, $85. Rumiord Maid, Timid, Gertie, Oregon (I'dis) 2-47, 2 :48'->, 2:481.1. Mate to Lady Clifden, b m (2:38'/2). Dan I'flfer, Union Course, L. I., Oct. 28. 18G3. $1,000. Fanny Allen (w), 1 2 (3 dis), 2:34'2, 2:35i4. 2:38^2. Matil.la ch m ('-J :58K>). V. Brown. Gnelph. Out.. Sept. 18, 1871. $170. Mule 1. Duke. 3:05, 2:58U, 3:03, 3:0C. Matilda! bik m (3:35)": C. W. Davis. Bath, Me., Aug. 29, 1877, $200. Lady Young. Kitty Morris, 2:42. 2:44^, 2 '44 '. AuL' 31 1877, 4200. Coupon, Morrill Bov. Kitty Morris, Gray Frince, 2:42. 2:44, 2:42»/2. Matthew's (3 :40). Jamestown, N Y.. Aug. 25. 1809, .$200. Gray tlawk, 1, 3, 2 :42, 2 :50, 2 :45, 2 :40. 2 :47li. Matthews, b s (3 :03H>). H. M. Matthews. New Haven, Conn., Nov. 3, 1871, $200. 3.02'e. 3:05. 3:04V2. Against Mattlie'w Smith, b g (3 :36' ,\ Thomas P. Roach, Cincinnati, O., Oct. 13, 1809, ,?400. Anuie Hunter 1, 2, Bay i' 0^t."ll'V8G9r$'4lJof'"'AiVnie^lunte^^ Ella Elwood (4 dr). 2:33!/2, 2:36}^, 2:3694, 2:4.5. Detroit Mich.. June 29, 1870, .$ . Pat Ring 2, 2 :36. 2:3554. 2:37M, 2:.50. Charlotte, Mich., July 20, 1870, $650. Mambrino Chief l, Sir Walter, Red Hot (died\2:3li^, 2:36, 2:36, ^^w\ Bronson, Mich., Sept. 8, 1870, $ . Dictator (w). Chestnut Dick (w). Bay Henry (wt 1 (2 dis), Queen -— ^VoJdSr!Mich'!,'seiS.^1876,'$^^ Chestnut Dick, Dictator, Byron Cliief, Bay Henry, 2:40, 2:37'i, = li^S:o::Ocft'?8S''$S S.ei;deu;^ ctjahoga MaiC, Bay Henry, Diek Hilliard, 2:36^, ^ andanati, O.. Nov. 3. 1870. ,$600. Dick Jamison. Annie Huntj (3 dis), 2:40,2:3Pa^ 2:34. Corry, Pa., June 15, 1871 , $400. Byron 3 (4 o). Clara. 2:33^^2 -.ii 2:.i^^, 2 33' 2 2. 34 '4. Flint Mich., June 28, 1871, .«700. Cozette, Cat Ring, Jphn^. t ero, 2 :34, 2 :33, 2 :.J2k.- Buffalo, nK Aug. 9, 1871, $10,000. Susie, John U. Fero, Volunteer, Tennessee. Lady Hamilton. Ripou Boy, Ladv Fiskrindependenee(3dis). 2:27,2:2(;'e.2:2r?4;, „ oai Slew Orleans La.. April 29, 1873, $;500. Shawhan's ch g, Lotta, 2:44'/2, 2:41^., 2:,39Vij. , „ , • Mattie, iTm (3 !43). N. B. Emerson, Buffalo, N. Y., Aug. 3, 1872, $100. Prince Albert, Long Branch, Mocking MatuS b!k m\V:5l^i'^ H^'ch^^^^ Watertown, N. Y.. May 20, 1874, $200. George 1, 2 (3 0), 2:51ii, 2:50!'2, , MatUe'nwiWs'm" F. H. Bacon, Sandusky. O., Aug. 5. 1879, $20. Young Black Hawk, Charley Bell (2 dis). Lady Ray a dis), 3:18. 3:1(;. Four-year-olds and under. Sanie (lav, -$15. La"L.''i., .Iidv 22. 1882, $150. George 1, Setli W^arner. 2 :32?4, 2:27^4. 2:29V,. 2:27^^. Mattie,' bin (3 :4i). J. Alton, M6nl|.elier, Vt., Aug. 21, 1877, $200. Nornmn Reindeer. Ben, \ illage Boy 1 (2 MaUie' b nl (3'-43)^<\ w: White. Framingham, Mass.. Sept. 18, 1877.$100. Charles 1. 2. Myrtle. Kitty Lambert. Sam(5dr),"LadyMac(4dr), Lizzie Burr (4 dr), .lohn (2 dn, 2:51. 2:.'-k), 2:51, 2:.5iU. 2:.54. t,-*„,.„,. _G If Draper. Woonsocket, R. I.. Sept. 19, 1878, $1.50. (iypsy 2, .lustice, NiHly Banks. Cream Pitcher, rhnrles N Ladv Mack, Tige (3 dr), 2:43, 2:44, 2 :48, 2:.50, . ,.. . ■ r^- , , ^ Mattie l» (s),'br m (3 '55 s). T". Cook, Richmond. Va.. Oct. 29, 1879. $150. Kate Sands (s). Virginia Girl (s), I'riinrose'cs). RosaMeadows (s) (dis). 8:4.5. Three miles. „ . , ^ .- j:.> Mattie B:,clim (3 :43). R. H. Itogers, Sandusky, O., Sept. 19. 1882. S'.'iO. I'l<"a. Topsy, Brighton (3 dis), ^■'Trffl?i.^V)''''se»t''28 'l88^^T^ Pedro 4, Mattie Mav. Molly 11. 2. 3 (5 dr). Best time. 2:43.2:43. 2:.50. >i:;rieai!.us';'Vun '3 :4«). by Golddust. dam by Pilot Jr. A. C, Hayes BuffaK., N. Y., May 27. 1875. $100. Shamrock2, 3. Otis, Abbv(4dr), A. V. Smitln3ilr), 2:46, 2:4(, 2:44'4,2:48'4.2:.->2. »„..., ,, , - MattieSlsinitll, 1) m (3 :55'4). K. Tliomas. Sharpsl.urgli, l(y., Aug 7, 1879, .?90. Eva West 2. 3. Carlisle 5, MatVieoi^llham^i^n S31''r^\^V Ha^^^ ChWi. J. A. Bachelder. Lawrence, Kan., Sept. 17 1880 .i, 2:37%. !!• i-u-ks*,, Mirh ,lum" 8. 1881, .$700. Troubadour 1, 2, (ieorge V., J.V. Thomas, Annie Lou, Ethel Medium, Resohite,Tekonsha,LitlleSionx(5dr),2:319i2:31'/2 2:31'',. 2:;«'/2. 2:3,3. Kansas Cltv Mo., Sept. 16, 1881, $600. Red Cross 1, Prince. S:im Patch, 2:.'?4, 2.32. 2:.36, 2^2. ,„ ,, . HH Cedli!^ Rajiids la., s!>pt. 21, i88i;$400. Red Cross, Clara clevelaud. Hidden Treiisure, Colorado (3 dls). Princess (3 dis), 2:37^, 2:31)^, 2:33^. CHKSTKK'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING KECOllD. 489 8av;uuiah, Ga., Jan. 2. 1882,$300. Kosa Wilkes L'. Smith O'Brien. 2:44V^, 2:44, 2:48, 2:42. Jackson. Mich., June 13, 1882. $800. Jerome Eddy, L)un Donaldson, Aldine, Forest Patchen, Overman, Mamie 2:lv. 2:i;(;i.^. 2:2G1.i. June lii. 1882. .$800. Kins? William 1, Bliss, Dick Organ, Dr. Norman. 2:27. 2:;iO. 2:32, 2:33i^. Grand Rapids. Mich., June 27. 1882, $100. Rosa Wilkes 2, 4, Aldiue, Dan Donaldson, Forest Patchen (4 (lis), 2:23, 2:2.5^4 2:295^, 2:27^4. 2:27 Chk'ago.Tll.'.Tiilv 18, ls.^2. .S2.boo. Bliss 3, InaG., Red Cross, Catchfly, 2:211^, 2:21^4, 2:21 14, 2:23»4. Cleveland, o., aept. (i, is82. $ir,o. Pilot R. 3, Fred Douglass 2, Red Cross, Fashion, Novelty (.2 dr), 2:24^, 2:241^, 2:231^, 2:2514, 2:25^- Cincinnati, O., Sept. 28. 1882. .?(iOO. Fanny Robmson 1. 2:.33?4;, 2:30, 3:31U, 2:31>i. Mattie H.. grm (3:3914). b\- Blue Bull, diuu by Daw Crockett. E. McCalC Pittsburgh, Pa., June 1, 1883, $.")()0. iSIorocco, Martha W.. Samuel J. Tilden. 2:41. 2::i9i.j, 2:39^4. Julv 2."), 1883, .$1,000. Brick, Hawthorne, Alien Almont, Bay George (1 dis), Sandy (1 dis), 2:30, 2:34, 2 :-'!>'... Matti«- Howard (Katei, di m (8 :34). G. W. Dickey, San Francisco, Cal.. Dec. 7, 1871, $6,000. 5S):30J4. To trot twv'utv miles in one hour on half mile track. A. Lewis. Di'c. 2;-), 1873, .$1,000. Lady Mack, John Stewart, Tule Duck, Henrietta. 29:13J4. Ten miles. George Treat, May 30, 1874. .$ . Charley 2, 2:39i;i, 2:39i^,2:;»Ji, 2:42?^. C. Kane. Oakland, Cal., June G, 1874, $ . Charley 2, 3, Marysville Queen (.5 0), 2 :35Ji, 2 :40, 2 :36}i, 2 :34, 2:ai, 2:3514- W. Welch, Vallejo, Cal.. Sept. 12, 1874. .$100. 5:211^1. Two miles. To beat 5:20. Lost. Mattie Hunter, b m (3 :59i/2). A. Sillinum, Hartford, O., Sept. 13, 1883, $4.''). Madge C. 1, 2, Jess Lambert, 3:00, 2:59,2:591/2,3:00,3:00. Shelbv, O., Sept. 21, 1883. $90. Madge C, Zilla Gold, Springville Chief, 3:00, 3:02. 3:04. Mattie Jackson, b m (3:38), by Chieftain, dam by Clifton. A. J. McKinnnin, Columbia, Tenn., July 4, 1874, flOO. Annie K.,2:53, 2:51, 2:48. Mattie K. Fuller, ch m (3 :3.5). J. D. A. Shell, Gouverneur, N. Y., Sept. 6. 1876. $125, L. H. Daniels2, Elaine, W. H. C, Ben (4 dis). Foundry Boy (1 dis), Morley Girl (1 dis), 2 :44, , 2:42, 2 :41. June 0, 1878, .$200. Drumnier Boy, Captain Smith, 2:35, 2:3514. 2:35. Mattie l>yle, br m (3 :38), by Young Morrill (?). J. M. Pettit, Wilmington, Del., Oct. 20, 1871, $150. Lady Ella, Sleepy Dave, Dolly J., Lucy, 2:46'2, 2:49, 2:46i^. J. E. Tui-ner, Philadelphia, Pa., May 2S, 1873, .$500. Lyde, Hermit (3 dis), 2:39M. 2:39J4. 2:42. — Wilmington, Del.. June 5, 187.'!, $175. Ellen, Billy ISIustapha. 2:41i/«, 2:39i4, 2:40U. Ambler Park, Pa., .Tune 11. 187.3, $300. Lyde, Sallv, 2:40, 2:40, 2:42." Salem N. J., Aug. 27, 1873. .$200. Pilot 2, Hermit. 2:45M. 2:42i4, 2:48;i. Doylostown. Pa., Oct. 9. 1873, .$2.')0. Daniel Webster. Dot, 2:38i/2, 2:37J4, 2:37^. Lancaster, O., Jiuie27, 1874, .$500. Minerva, Dolly, Rocket. Belle Berkley, 2:38i4, 2:35, 2:43'/4. C'olumbus, O.. July 4, 1874, $1,000. Catskill 1, 2, Jean Jngelow 4. Joe Wolforff. Rocket, Major (5 dr), Blonde (3 dr), Russell (3 dis). Red Oak (2 dis). Mohawk Jackson (1 dis), 2:34. 2:35, 2:36, 2:35. 2:.3<), 2:37. Ambler Park. Pa., Sept. 23, 1874, $600. Lady Atkinson l. Bonny Doon, Mary Jane, Kitty Clay, Gray Chief (4 dis), 2:36, 2:3814.2:371^, 2:40. ' • .. j Lancaster, Pa., Sept. 28, 1874, $600. Hannah D., Bonny Doon, 2:.36. 2:33, 2:34^4. Salem. N. J., Oct. 1, 1874, $300. Perkins' Morrill, Sunbeam, Fanny Filbert, 2:41i4. 2:37Ji, 2:45«4. Delaware Co., Pa., Nov. 11, 1874, .$400. Sunbeam 1, Hannah D., General Love, 2:'d6}. 2:.34, 2:34^, 2:39. Prophetstown, 111., Aug, 6, 1878, $300. Lady Alice, Clipper, Abdamed Allen, Pompey 1. 2, (4 died), Bobby Newcomb (3 dis), 2:37, 2:30, 2:31 '4, 2::34, 2:42. Mendota, 111., Aug. 16, 1878, $400. Carrie K. 4. 5, Blossom 2. Sleepy Bill, Kitty S.. Clipper, Fred EejTioIds (5 dr). Hazlitt Queen (4 dr), 2:33. 2:33)4. 2:33, 2:33l4. 2:31 14, 2:31. Galesburg, 111.. Sept. 4, 1878, $400. Roofer Jr., Clipper. 2:40. 2:35'2, 2:36i4 Sept. 6. 1878, .$350. Carrie K., Roofer Jr., Sleepy Bill, 2:32, 2:32, 2:33 Winona, 111., Oct. 3, 1878. $225. Friday, Ella Earl. Compeer, Tnrreiice. 2:36)4, 2:36. 2:36)4. Dubuque, la., Sept. 13. 1879, $ . Maid of Monti, Billy Boy, J^ittle Hannah. 2 :.34. 2:31. :\Iilwauki'o. Wis.. Sept. l'4, InT;), .?.-.(io. Kiclianl :;. Hickory Abdallah, Carrie K., Dictator 1, 2 (4 dis), Jenny C. (3 dis). Lady Mack (.2 dis;, 2:30, 2:27, 2:27, 2:30, 2:30>-3, 2:31jii. Sterling, 111., Oct., 8, 1879, .$400. Little Sam 1, 2, Fairmont (30), Lady M., Maid ot Monti, 2:30, 2:34, 2:36}^, 2:31 2:38 2:34. — Belvidere. ill., Sept. 10, I880, .$200. Belvidere Girl, Jupiter, 2:36)^. 2:37, 2:35. Matt Patricli. brs (3:381/4). Ed. Tenery, Omaha, Neb., Aug. 15. 1874. $1.50. Denmark, Lady Fisk, 1:22)^, 1:24,1:23'.;. Half-mile heats. A. Patrick, June 6, 1876, $400. Tom McCormick 1, Get Away, Sorrel Colt, Nebraska Boy (2 dis). Brown Mack (2 dis), 2:49. 2:.56i4. •I-.ftCy^. Lincoln, Neb., Oct. — , 1876, $ . Lulu M. 3, Billy Stone (3 dis), Yankee Boy (1 dis), Denmark (1 dis), 2:42"2, 2:4.3)4, 2:43"2, 2:41^. Matt Tanner, ch g (3 :31), by Gooding's Champion, dam bv Morgan Tiger. Matt Tanner, Albany, N. Y., May 14, 1872, $100. Fanny Lambert (w) 2, 2 :33, 2 :.38, 2 :37' i, 2:46. C. Winnie. Oct. 3, 1872. $500. Farmer Bain 3, 2:38. 2:.38)^, 2:42, 2:39. .lune 25. 1873, $1.50. Twang, Tony Pastor, 2:43, 2:42. 2A214. July 17. 1873, $1.50. Kitty, Twang, 2 :43)4, 2:41,2:39. .John Murphy, Fleetwood Park, N. Y., Mav 21, I87.'i. $1,500. Ned Forrest 3, Hannah D. 2, Fred Tyler, Lady Whitman, Zephyr (6 dr), Dan Brvant (6 dr). Pauline (6 dr). Catskill (5 dr), Rosa Sonburgh (4 dis), Lena Case (3 dr^ Effie Deans 1 (2 di.s). Prince (2 dis), 2:30?i.2:27U, 2:30. 2:31?i, 2:35. 2:,35. Matt Whitbeck, eh s (3 :40i4). Mr. M., Buffalo, N. Y., May 25, 18,53. $500. 2 :40i4. To beat 2 :,50. Maud, ch m (3 :37M w). Wm. Woodruff, Boston, Mass., May 23, 1862, $50. Hector, 2:43}^, 2:45ii, 2:47)4. 490 CHESTKlfS COMI'LETE TROTllNG AND l'A( INC i;i:< (»i;i>. (W) June 10, 1862, S™. Hector (w), 2:424, 2:40>4, 2:.37)4. MauV Haiiibletonlan, flam Starlight, by American Star. Dan Mace, Beacon I'arl^ Boston June 22, 1875, §1,000. T. B. Ereueii, I rance.s 1 (2 O) ^j di.s;. Sleepy Joe u'O) (5 dis;, i::o4, 2:w 2:J4U ■'•a-".' 2:35)4. ■ "" "■ " *' Maud b m (S :59'4). C. W. Kennedy, Savannah, (Ja.. Sept. 24, 1875, SIOO. Queen 2, Wild Ducl< 1 1 dis) Mother Hubbard il dis), Lottie May (1 dis), J)aniel (1 diSK ;5:07, 3:04, ;i:04, 3:0.'). Oct. 8, IST.'). SKM). Queen (1 dis). Vixen (1 dis), Lottie May (1 dis>, 2:.')9'2. Maud, bile nici:4:j?.i). J. S. Dubois, Woodstown, N. J., Sept. 6, 1875,;$- . Sally S..j,4. Joseuhine Fler-finp K;iv. L;idy Duroe, I'eacoclv, 2:51, 2:4;), 2:40, 2:49. 2:4H(/j. ' "-""^ i:. .M. Terry, VVashingtdn. D. C, June 13, IsT". 4i26U. Mount Holly, Frank A., Anne Arundel Maid •'■i4=>i 2:44.2:43:'.i. • -■ ^-i Maud, blk m (3:301^). M. Sulzbach, Ciettysburgh, Fa., Sept. 26, 1878, $150. Mary Jane, Longfellow Santa- goniaii, 2:4.5?i, 2:47, 2:48. Sept. 2.-), 1879, §150. Emma Dick,2:43.2:42>,i, 2:445^. Mau Maud, blk m (3 ::jo>4) by Independent, dam Maud, by I'erkins Morrill. f.A. J)aMnand. Little lUn^ Ark Nov. 22, 1878, .SGOO. Sophia Temple 2. 3(5 0M60), Midway Belle, 2:,i2''4, 2:27: 2.30.2:35,2:33,2-30'. 2-30'4 ' Nov. 29, 1878..«500. Sophia Temple 2, 2:43'2, 2:40, 2:30. Maud, blk m (3 :40). W. N. Barnes, Waterloo, N. Y., June 25, i879, $175. Golden Girl. Sinbad. Johnson Bov '.3dis), Farmer Boy (3 dis), 2:42, 2:40. 2:40. Seneca Falls, N. Y., Julv 2, 1.879. $140. Emma, Coleman. Spotted Jim, Canoga Chief. No time. Maud, brm (3:45). E. G. Powers, Manchester. N. PL, Oct. 30. 1879, .$150. Scronnev 1, 2, Jenny W., Nelly (5 dr), French Bov (5dr), Dick (5dr). 2:50.2:4.5, 2:45, 2:47, 2:50. Maud, b m (3:47). S. S. Jordan, Damariscotta, Me., Aug. 17. l^^SO. $60. Moose Bov, Slijjpery Dick. Little ]SIattie, Quaker, Molly Drew, 2:.50, 2:50. 2:50'i. Topsham. Me., Oct. 14. Lsso, ,? . Competitors not named. 2:47. Maud, brm (3:3~i4). ,j. IL Disbrow, Amenia. N. V.. Se})i. 8. 1880. .§150. Dolly 2, 4, Warsawer, Manhiittan, JSlolly Looiiiis (5 dr). Frank W. (3 dr), Fred Mack (2 dis). 2:40'/.. 2 :4.3^., , 2 :44^.i . 2:44, 2:45. F;ills Village. Conn , Sejjt. l.">, \^W. .*1.50. Manhattan 1. Oss~ic.2:40'.;. 2:.38, 2:40'/», 2:45. T. .\. Disbrow, .laniaica. L. I., May 23. issi, Sioo. Charlev Hood, Dan P., Prince. 2 :4m, 2::f8. 2:37>.i. Springlield. L. I.. Aug. 2.3, 1881, $1.'^0. Brown Dick 1. 2.CiiHlereIla, 2:.'!8?4. 2:.33i.,, 2:;!7i4, 2:.39?ii. 2:45. Pittstield. Mass.. Sept. 15, 1881, $250. Dolly 1, Kate 2, Sim Watson 4, Madison Wilkes (4 dr), 2 :35?i 2:3794,2:38,2:41'.,, 2:40'i, . Maud, eh m. L:inc:ist4. Maud, bm(3:38'4). G. W. Hammond. Oxford. Pa.. Sept. 27, 1883. .$150. Nelly 1, Delaware Bov, Hero, Ken- tucky John, Rochester, 2:4014, 2:41.2:4l'». 2:.38i4. Maud A. (3:04). L. J. Hawkuis, Portland Me., Sept. 12. ls83, $100. Daisy B., Daisy, American Boy, 3:10. 3:12, 3:04. Four-vear-olds. Maud Alniont. b m (3:4714) bv Almont. dam bv Brown Chief, T. H. Smith, Waverlev Park, N. J., May 22, isso. .$ . Fred. Prince. 2:48?j, 2:47',. M.iu.l IJ,, br m (3:34?4). C. L. Brown. Providence, R. I., Oct. 19, 1880, $150. Jim Jackson 2, Farmer Boy, 2:4s, 2:49'.,, 2:48'4, 2:45. H. Healy, Sept. 29, 1881. $.300. .1. S., Emma Mav, Ned, 2:41, 2:,36f'2. 2:45. Maud IJ., brm (3:44). T. H. Bver, Newcastle, Pa., Sept. 15, 1881. .$250. Beaumont, Susie Powers. Honest (icorge, 2:44, 2:UW, 2:46. Maud Bronx, b m (3 :43). W. E. Milton. Louisville, Kv.. June 10. 18G4, $300. Fannv Burke 3, (2 0), Big Black (1 dis), 2:45. 2:52, 2:.52^'.i. 2:.''>0'.C, 2:4014. (w), S. Disbrow, Jidy 1, I8(;r), $1,000. Bettv fw). 5:40, 5:24. Two miles. Mau.. br m (3 :33»4). C. S. Keyes, Concord, N. H., July 4, 1881, $100. Eddy Lambert, Astoria, Trifle, 2:41. 2:42, 2:.38. . H. (J. Smith, South WcyTnouth, INIass., Oct. 1, 1881, $300. Archie l, 2, Homer. Bruiser. 2:38J^, 2:39, 2:3~h, 2:36)4, 2 :.iK. G. S. Locke, Concord, N. IL. Sept. 20. 1882. $200. Joe, Honest Lyon, 2:.36»4. 2:.3G'2, 2:36k. Maud D., bm (3:57J4). M. Kimball, Haverhill, Mass., Sept. 2(i, 1882, $200. King's Own, Lena AL, 2:.'i8)4, 2:.57'4. Maud Kdffprton, blk m (3:46i;x by Odell's Warrior. D. Pike, Strathroy, Ont., May 24, 1878, $100. Big Fellow, 1, 3:0:{, 3:01, 2:.">6. 2:.5K. Maud (iiildsniith, b m (3:4«j, by Goldsmith's Al)dallah. J. Frisconi, New Orleans, La., May 16, 1881, $ . Leila Kidil. Alniont Archie, I'oppoitch's ch m, 2:.")5'i, 2:49. M:iu), hy Uichmoiid Bov. Council Bluffs, la., July 4, 1883, $400. Lorene 3. Glenwood. Slow Jacob (I dis), 2:.30'i, 2:41, 2:.".0, 2:41. Maud II., ch 111 (3:39). Hazelton & Curtis, Hartford, O., Sept. 12, 1883, $30. Fanny, Larry, Dora B., 3:29, 3:291;, 3:31 "2. Maud Knox, ch m. G. W. Waldron, Goldendale, W. T., Sept. 26, 1882, $ . Black Prince, Dan. 3:17»4,3:21^. Tliri'e-vear-olds. Maud L.,"l)lk m (3:44'; >. W. F. Heiidee, Washington. Kan., Julv 4, 1882, $l.')0. Calamity, Midnight, Star llanililetonian, (3 dr), Capt. IJiillard (2 dn. 2:4S. 2:511.-, 2:4t'2. Maud Mac, blk m (3:4,'i). ,1. H. .McKav, Truro. N. S., Oct. 5. 1882, $150. Eastern Boy ,3, G. P. Thomas (4 dri. 2 :.")8, 3:02, 3:00, 2 :,'•/). Maud Macey, ch ni (3;37?i), bv .Toe Hooker, dam by Star Denmark. .L B. Shockenev, Eminence. Kv.. Aug. 1.3, 1874. $100. Wildwood 2, Lalla Rookh (1 dis), Vluette, Jr. (1 disi. George (1 dis), 2:44. 2:49, 2:45?i. Three- year-olds. '— Maev Bros., TIarrodsburgh, Kv., July 9. 1875. $400. Proteine. Kentuckv Central, Proctor Knott, Girlie (2 dis), Kittv Watkins (1 dis), 2:3(j'4, 2:34'4. '2::WKi. Four-year-olds. Georgetown, Ky., Aug. 19, 1875, $300. Alethea, I'roteine, Wildwood. 2-34, 2:34, 2:.33';. Four-year-olds. Cyr.tlilana, Ky., Aug. 27, 1875. $2.50. Alethea 2. Kentuckv Central 1, Lady Lumber. Freshman (1 dis). Gleiidale (1 dis), 2:31. 2:.31, 2:31, 2:32Vi, 2:3.3. Four-vear-olds. Maud :)rahan. b m (3 :3t>' ;). W. H. Clark, Rome, N, Y., Sei)t. 24, I880. $1.50. Tom Henry 1, 2, Eureka, Franklin. liattler. 2:46. 2:41, 2.41. 2:,39';. 2:42. Maud MacDonald, b m (3 :34';). J. Laplter, Raleigh, N. C, Aug. 14, 1879, $75. Henry Clay, School Girl, 2:51, 2 :.'■.«;. ■ Oct. IK. 188.3, ,S1."0. Maggie Miller, 2:49, 2:49, 2:.52. • Oct. 19, 1883, $260. To beat 2:35. 2 :37, 2 :36, 3 :34>ig. s - -a ' ' o CHESTEKS C().MI'LETE TUOTTIXG AND PACING KECORIX 491 Maud Miller, b m (3 :50). E. H. Heard. Now Dorp, S. l., June 24, 187(i. $200. Unknown .3. 4, Ada Clifton 1 '>. [i-.ifj -. -:r,2. i.':5:ii4.i;:5;i}^, 2:53, 2:.-)5, 2:5(1. Maud aioi-fjan, 1) ni i;i:50}^). J. II. Plait. I'laniUeld, N. J., May 'Jf^, ixTt. Prize, silver. Snowflake 1. 3 (4 0), Old Dan, -.^.'w'j, 2:50;^, 2:5514. 2:r>.35i, 2:.^)4. 2:rjs;.i. Maud Muller, j?r ni c- :'l:l'.i). H. C. Kankin, Kocliester, N. U,, Sept. 27, 1883, §100. William F. 1, Juno, John K., ■_':4y'.i„ 2:41'.2, 2:411.1. 2:41i2. Mand >'ix<>ii, b m (a:53). J. L. Schoolcraft, IMchmond, Ya.. June IG, 187C, S . PLichmond, 2:50, 2:.53 3:00. Maud O. (Rose Standish). b m (3:30), by Corbean. J. P. Woodlmrv, Colebrook, N. H.,Jiilv4, 1881, $145. Anodyne. Trump, Flora B., 2:37, 2:39. 2:38. D. i'.i.irley, Nnrwicn. Conn,, ^ept. 27. 1S8I, .«! . Billv P.. Osprev.JJonnv Lassie, 2:47i^, 2:42'4, 2:44'i. S'^pt. I'll, i^si, si'do. riolcn :Mar, General Butler, Billv - Maud Pechin, b m (3:41i,i). G. A. Deterline, West Chester, Pa., Sept. 22, 1883, S1."0." Leo, Nelly, Daisy Queen, Hoehester, Swallow (1 dis), 2:4!i4, 2:4l'i, 2:42U;. Maud K., b ni (3:34ii), by Gooding's Chanii)ion. dam Lady Koss. by Vfrgennes Black H wk. J. A. Dustin, Marshall. Mich., July 31, 1883. S300, Prince Middleton 5. Netty 'Gilbert, Col. Gould. Miss Magna, Harry Holt. Ulind Tom 1, 2 (6 dr), 2:3514. 2:35^i, 2:36, 2:36?i, 2:36. 2:42^. Eaton Rapids, Mich., Aug, 8, 1883. S300. Robin 3, Netty Golcldust, Hunter, Blind Tom, Col. Gould, Harry Holt, L;idy H, (4 dr), Daniel H. (2 dis), 2:35i4, 2:38J-i, 2:36. 2:3414. Maud S,, ch in (3 :10i4), by Harold, dam Miss liussell, by Pilot Jr. Geo. N. Stone, Cincinnati, ()., July 6, 1880. .§1.000, Josejihus, Lizzie IL, Outlaw, 2:25. 2:30, 2:28. Cliicatro, 111., July 24, 1880, $1,000. Trinket, 2:19, 2:21i4. 2:13'i. Ck-vciand, O., July 28, 1880, §2,000. Driver, Charley Ford. Hannis, 2:24, 2:18, 2:31 . Buffalo. N. Y., Aug. 4, 1880, §2.000, Charley Ford 1, Hannis, Driver, 2:17, 2:15J4, 2:16?4, 2:16i/2. Rochester. N. Y., Aug. I'.'. 1880, .§2.000. 2:li?4, 2:20^. To beat 2:12?:t. Springfield, Mass., Aug, 19, 1880. §1,.500, 2:29, 2:20M, 2:19. To beat 2:11?£. Lost. Chic:mo, 111., Sept. 16, 1880, ,§2,500. 2:26'i, 2:111/2. To beat 2:11}4, Lost. Sept. IX. 1880, §l,ono. 2:10?i. To beat 2:ir-4. Columbus. O., June 30, 1881, §2,.500. 2:1.-??^. To beat 2:1714. Detroit. Mich., July 4, 1881. § . 2:22i<;. 2:13:14. Exhibition. W. W, Bair. Pittsburgh. Pa.. July 13. 1881, ,§2„500. 2:10i/o. To beat 2:10Ji. July 10. 1881, .*2,.500. 2:1.5. To beat 2:1014. Lost. Chica.ii:o. 111., July 23. 1881, .§2,500. 2:2lii;.''2:lli4, 2:11. To beat 2:10ii. Lost. Geo. N. Stone, Belmont Park. Phila., July 29, 1881, $2..50O. 2:12. 2:1314. 2:121,. To beat 2:14. Buffalo, N. Y., Aug. 4, 1881, .§2..500. 2:15, 2:10%. Special purse, Rochester, N. Y,, Aug, 11, is.si, .§3..500. 2:1014. To beat 2:10i;. Maud S. (3 :54). Smithfield. O., Sept. 23, 1880, § . Dick 1, Mark Twain, Gracie "White, Spotted Ned (3dr). Best time 2:.54. Maud T., li m (3:36), bvHamlin's Almont Jr. J. T. Odom, Toledo. O,, May .30. 1882, .•=;soo. Dr, Norman 1. 2. Comnmnder 3, Golden Rule 1, Harry B. (2 dis), Barrett (2 dis), Nettie P. (1 dis), 2;32!2, 2 :3l"4, 2:3394, 2:35, 2:3.5,2:4014, Detroit, Mich,. June 9, 1882, $600. Florence M, 2, 6, Walnut 3, 5, Wade Hampton, Toledo, 2:30i4, 2:2814, 2:281-2, 2:31, 2:29:14. 2 :.36, 2:37i4. Maud W., ch m (3 :39^4), by Wildair, dam by Cortlandt Star. H. W. Wheeler, Great Bend. Pa.. Aug.3, 1882, §200. Earl 3, 4, Shamrockl, 2;36?4, 2:39?i, 2:44?4, 2:42ki. 2:45. 2:42'"4. Maud "W., b in (3 :44). S. J. Fleming, Mattoon, 111., July 1, 1882, $150. Joe Davis. Lark, Gray Eagle, Dan, pacer. Red .Toe, 2:50,2:521;;. 2:48. Charleston, 111., Aug, 3, 1882, §100. Joe Davis, Belie Bowen, 2:49. 2:44. 2:51. Mand AV'illlams, b m (3 :37), by a son of Hiawatha. R. M. Anderson, Cincinnati. O., Oct. 5, 1876, .§600. Glen- dale 2. Frank Miller. Joe Lawrence, Monteville, Little Joe, Lady Chester, Little Alfred, Brown Tommy, 5 :17, 5 : 14=14, 5 :14. Two miles, 3Iaud X., b m(3:39). B. C. Guerin, Point Breeze Park. Phila,, Oct, 15, 1,883, §2.50. Hospodar, Pilot Boy. Knox, Nelly Tavlor (1 dis). Champion Wilkes (1 disi. 2:4lio, 2:41'. .,2:41, Suffolk Park, Phila., Oct. 22. 1883, §2.'')0. Little Billv. Paddy Collins. Nannie Buhler. Pilot Boy. Champion Boy, 2:,39'i, 2;39i4,2:40. . Maurice Daly, gr g (3:34i4) W. S. Thorns, Parkville, L, I., Oct, 13, 1874. §500. Jlarv Lamb 1, Alexis. Com- peer, Gilt Edee (3 dis). Lady Richmond (1 dis), Ladv Emma (1 dis). 2:.39, 2:,39?4, 2:39' 2, 2:4.31-4. Oct. 15, 1874, §200. IModestv, Cora F., Pollock. Farmer Boy, 2:4.3, 2:40. 2:40ii. Jersey City, N. ,1., Oct. 20, 18V4, ,§400. T. E. Gordon, Judge Bedle, Hudson Girl, Hope, Drummer Girl, Carter, .Jenny B. (3 dis). Miss Drew (2 dis). 2:49. 2:43?4, 2:46. Patcrson, N. J., Oct. 23 and 24, 1874, $700. Andrew 2, 5, Frank 4 (6 dis), Fanny W., Trustee (2 dr), 2:42i.ig, 2:4114, 2:42^1, 2:4,5, 2:44, 2:.3;;i.;, DVerfoot Park, L. I., Noy."'4 and 5, 1874, .§300. Lady Annie 1, Lady Scars (2 dn. 2:,3S?4, 2:41%, 2:.39i^, 2:41. Jersey City, N., June 15, 1877, §1.50. Dick Croker. Fanny IL. 2 :42. 2 :40, 2:42. E. W.Conkling, Huntington, L. I., Oct. 22 and 25. 1878, $200. Annie Crossin 3, 4, Addle E. C. 5, Harry Bassett. 2:38?4- 2:34i4, 2:.34. 2:38, . 2:38?4. Maurice Dooley, ch g (3 :49i.;). Mr. Hank, San Francisco, Cal., July 27. 1871, §225 Rose 1 i3 dis). Wray's b g (3 dis), 3:011/2, 2:.50i4 2:4914. Max, b s (3 :41i4), by Echo, dam Daisy. C. A. Page, Los Angeles, Cal.. April 4. 1883, §100. Kate Bender l, 2:4;j!4, 2:41 J4, 2:4214, 2:4.5. April 8, 1883, .§200. Democrat 2. 2:59, 2:39,'2:4214. 2:43%. Ma.vey, br m (3:40ii). G. A. Smith, Lincoln. Neb , July 4, 1879, §75. Black Bess, Kate Kevser, Luna, Silas Garbcr, 3:04U, 3:04. 3:06i.i. Maxey <'obb, b s (3 :30i.O. by Ilappv Medium, dam Ladv Jenkins, by Jupiter. E. Pyle, Lincoln. Neb., Sept. 1.3. 18 u, $300. Golden Rule. :\niaC.. Dexter D.. i\.IcMahon. Robby Dunbar. 2:42. 2:38:'i, 2:.39\ . ■- S -pt. 16, 1881. §,300. JNIila C.. Yellow Jacket. Dexter D.. Clara H., Robby Dunbar, 2:48, 2:44, 2:43. Hamburgh, la.. Sept. 21. I88I, .§120. McMahon. Little John, 2:46?4, 2:44. 2:39i^, S. 'lit. 23, 1,881, §125. McMahon. Farmer Boy. 2 :48. 2 :46, 2 :34i .;. Red Oak, la., Sept. 28. i.ssi. §120. Flora. Contraband, 2:.56i4, 3:0.31^, 3:05^. Sept, 29, 1881, §155, Luna, Trape>:e, 2.49, 2:47i.,, 2:48. Sei)t, ,30, ISRl, $100 Blaior Edsall Jr.. Sunshine, 2:.57i4, 8:0514, 2:42i4, Pi. S. Maloney, Jr,. Des' Moines, la., Sept. 8, 1882. §400. Teaser, Don Quixote, John A. Rawlins. Tom Kirk wood, 2:.32.'2:30i4, 2:30. Omaha, Neb., Sepf. 15, 1882, $375. Duster, Rocky Mountain Tom. Dave's Mount. 2:35, 2:33, 2:3110. 492 CHESTEKS COMPLETE TKOITING AND PACING RECOllI). E. Annan, Cleveland. O.,. July 31. 1883, Sl,500. George V. I.Allegheny Boy, Felix, Maggie F., Brown Wilkes, Lady Lear. Mattie 11.. Manilirino Clay, Tom Cameron. Billy Bad Eye, -'::.'l>.i, 2:20'.!, 2:23,2:21'i. .J, W. J'age. Biillalo, N. Y.. Aug. 7. 18S3, .■?l,ri(K). Zoe B., George \ .. Kilty I'atelien, (ien. Brock, Allegheny Boy. Freestone. Breeze .Medinni, Netty 11.(6 dr), Loi.a Guttin iL' dis), J:.'!, -Jijl'. -Jiiju'.i. Hartford, Conn., Sei»t. 5, 1883, Sl,fXX). George V., Breeze Medium, Lona (iuflin, Modoc, Fiiles, 2:22, 2:23, Maxim "ii s (3:41 i.j), by Belmont. S. A. Larabee, Helena, Mont., Sept. 4. 1883, S200. Ben Lomond Jr. 3, 4, .Smokv. tlrcat Western il (lis), Conway 1 1 disi. Overland (1 dis), 2:4T^.i. 2:4:.', L^.jaij, 2:41'/i, 2:47?4. Maxiiiiiliiin. ( li g (•i:45i. W. K. Danii. DanLiury, Conn.. Oet. 5, 187(), •jluO. Tidd 4, C, Clara A. 2, 3, Three Trees 1. .Morrill u> dn. Lady Van., Billy Boyce, Mary D., Philosopher (2 dr;, 2:48, 2:48%, '^-AlVt, 2:4C, 2:48, ^ Kidgelield, Conn., .Se|)t. 28, 1877. S . Honest John. Aunt Mary, 2:.51, 2:4«, 2:45'/i. Maximilian, eh s (;$:l~i, bv Fearnaught Jr. E. i... Norcross, Portland, Me., Sept. 20, 1882.5345. Lady Blaine U (lis). Dr. E. Maxwell (1 disi. Beauthinad dis), 3:17. Two-year-olds. Max L hr g ri :;J7K'i- \V. 1>. Kiek:ird, New Hunting Park, Phila., May ti. 187!), S20,). Viola, 2:42, 2:43, 2:42U. Westelie.ster, Pa., ^, ,2:41. Aug, 1.3, 187,5, .?200! Frank Harlan, Kosette, Clilf K., Flora P., Bay George, Fanny Bixby (.3 dr), Davy Crockett (2 dis), George W. S. (1 dis). Frank (1 dis). 2:41. 2:45.2:46. Florence. Ky., .Sept. 2. 187,-). .S400. Hattit- Fawcctt, Belle Maud, one other, 2:38, 2:42. 2:42>^. (W), Sept. 4, 1875. .? . Belle Maud (\\). Best time 2:48. May. b m (3 :49). J, Green, Erie, P;i., Nov. 4. 1«74. .§300. Minnie. ISIolly. 2:58. 2:.''i6, 2:49. '— Oct. 7, 1875, S150. Lady of the Lake l, 3, Pale Face, Florence, Kussell (4 dis;, 2:50';., 2:50Ji, 2:50Vi., 2:51, 2 :52K'- May, gr m (3 :4;{). L. Mason, E. Saginaw. Mich.. Aug. 25, 1876, .?I8. Charley Bates, Everett Boy, Charley, Billy, I'onv Tom (2 dis), 2:52'2, 2:43. May, gf m (3 :53»4). J. W Hawkins, Beaver, Pa., Sept. 27. 1876, .§175. Gen. Lee 3, 4, Gypsy Boy 5, Roanoke 2, 2:55"2, 2:5594. 2:56, 2:55^4, 2:55, 2:52i^4, 2:52?*. May. blK m (3:57). C. H. Dodge, Danvers. Mass.. July 6, 1877, 100. Frank l, 3, Lady, 2:58, 2:.58, 3:02, 2:57, 2 • .59. May ch m (,3:36), by Young Moscow, dam Belle Windflower, by Windflower. R. .1. Morrison, Middletown, Del.. Oct. 3. 1877, $100. Mark Lexington (2 0), Frank Lightfoot, Cant. Long (l dis), 3:07i^, 3:13'/2, 3:10.'4. Westchester, Pa., Sept. 20, 1878, $200. Max L. l, 2, Dew Drop 4, Little Frank, Tommy Dodd, 2:43.2:46-ii, 2:43'4, 2:44»4, 2:43'/2, 2:50. Sept. 21, 1878. $200. Charley 1. 2(3 0), Guide. Charley P.. 2:40?4.2:41i^. 2-40. 2:43.2:43'2, 2:44?.i. Dover, Del., Sept. 25, 1878, $200. Fanny Fern 2, Charley Gray 1. Annie V.. Palmer Boy (4 dr), 2:40'/2, 2:39, 2:36'/2, 2:40, 2:40. Sept. 27, 1878, $250. Hallie 4, Gen. Korcross 3, Fanny Fern 2, Lady Sharp 1 (6 dr). Charley Gray. Top (5 dis). 2:37. 2:37. 2:40, 2:35'4. 2:35, 2:36, 2:37'^. Middletown, Del., Oct. 3. 1S78, $300. Sherman Morgan, Top, 2:37i4, 2:37!i, 2:37. Oxford, Pa.. .June 14, 1879, $200. Chief, Lvman. 2:36. 2:35)^. 2:3,5)^. Morrisania, N. Y., June 18. 1879, $300. Martha 1, 2, Phil Dwyer, Modoc, Pondietta, Red Cook, Gray Friar (3 dr), 2:31 ,2:30. , 2:31, 2:30}^. June 19. 1879, $400. M. R., Nelly. Jenny L., Jessie Maude, W. C. Derby (2 dr), Kate Gilbert. (1 dis), 2:28^. 2:32, 2:28. Plainville, Conn., July 3,1879, $300. Robert B.Thomas l,4^2 0). "Wild Dandy. Pondietta (5dr), 2:30, 2:27'/i. 2:27 }4. 2:32. 2:30, 2:31%. Middletown, Dal., Oct. 2, 1879, $400. Sherman Morgan 1, 2 Star. 2:31i^, 2:29, 2:.T0, 2:,30, 2:2954. Westchester, Pa., June 11, 1880, $200. Belle of Betliehem, Ella May, 2:41, 2:41K>, 2:39. Dover, Del., Julv 4, 1881, $400. Chester Jack, 2:28'., 2:28'2,2:29. U J. Morrison, Oxford, Pa.. Sept. 28, 1883, .$400. .luno 1, Socrates, Maud. 2:36, 2:33ii, 2:30J4, 2:32^2. - - - ■ — ■■ " ~ ' ' • '^=-'- " r.....:... r... (2dis),2:3' " Suffolk Park, Phila., Oct. 24,1883, $2.50. Lady Lear 3. 4, Dick Organ, O.ssian Pet (2 dis), 2:31, 2:30^, ''•''7^4 ''31 ''-3' May.'b ni (3:36)". by Bacon's Ethan Allen. H. Somers. White Plains, N. Y.. Oct. 8, 1878, $100. Driver 2, Lulu W., Lizzie R.,Big Chief (2 disi. Night Hawk (l dis). Hattio (1 dis). 2:39, 2:36"., 2:36i^. 2:41%. May B., blk m (3:41i4). S. Lantz, Chagrin P\ills, O. June .30, 1876, $32.5. Constant 2. Nigger Doctor. Orwell Bov, I>ucv Hill (2dis), Cape May (2 dis), 2:44'.;, 2:42'/2. 2:42%, 2:41>.i. l)aytoh, O.. July 3, 1876, $300. Betsv, J. R. Hazard, Trojan Belle (2 dis). Charley Moore C2 dis). Chestnut Prince (I dis), 2:44. 2:43,4,2:49. „ ,„ r. , , ^, , „„ , Maybe, grg (3:.'>4). E. D. Berry, Danbnry, Conn., Oct. 9. 187.5, $50. Randall 2. 3. Donald. Charley, 3:06'/i, 3:09,2:56,2:54,3:08. ^ r j .. . , ,. , , • May Bee, brm (3:33). T. S. Carpenter, New Haven, Conn., Oct. 13, 1874, $l,0(X). Lady Dahlman, Berkshire Boy, Molsev, Othello (3 dr). 2 :;J4>^ 2:34, 2:43. ,, „ ,. . . E. J. Cusick, Hartford. Conn., July 17, 1S7.5. $ . Celerity, Hartford Belle. Best time 2:34. Rutland, Vt.. Aug. 25. 187.5, .S.'iOO. 'fam O'Shanter, Flora Lee, Little Gent, 2:41, 2:37. 2:38. Aug. 26, 1.S75. .$400. Tam O'Shanter, Flora Lee, 2::i9'.,. 2:,S9%, 2:38. May Bird, blk ni. (3:31) (3:19% s), bv George Wilkes, dam Julia Macliree, by Americ:iii Star. Gerry Walker, Norwalk, Conn.. Aug. 20. 1874, $.500. Carrie N. 1, Laura 2, Lady Traverse, Kitty Hills, Mohawk John, (4dr)CapiaiiiH.,( 3 dr.) 2:44'2, 2:43, 2:4.5, 2:40';. Goshen, N. Y.,.Sept. 2, 1874, .$800. Black Crook 1. 2, L:uly Bonner .5. Phil. O'Neil, .Ir., Ed. Smith, Rival, Lady White. Rescue. Passaic (3 dis). Rosa Sonburgh (1 dis. ). 2:;5»!. 2:.'!6%. 2:39, 2:40. 2:42, 2:39. _ -__. .ranies Piitterson. White Phiins. N. Y., Sept. 21, 1874, $500. T. E. Gordon, Roadmaster, Carrie N., I)esdem(ma( 1 dis.) 2:41%, 2:41»i, 2:39. _ .„„,,,,.., ^ , j. . t , . S(M)t. 23. 1874. .«;.500. Windermere 2. Adeline 3, T. E. Gordon, Nelly Rutherford, Midget (2 dls.) Island Chief (2 dis.i 2:37, 2::i2%, 2:.36, 2:3,5, 2:.36!4. - • Gerrv Walker. Prospect Park. L. I.. Nov. 17, 1874. SIOO. Catskill (iiii. llariis, 2 30%, 2:30U. 2:29U. • Suffiilk I'ark. Phil.. May 16. 1876. .?1200. Hannah D.. Bateman. Joe Brown. Royal George, Nellie Walton, Abe Edgiiitou. (Irav Chief, Barnev Kellv, 2:24io. 2:26. 2:26. Belmont P:irk. Pliil., May 31, 1876. $2noo. Abe Edginton, Gray Chief Bateman, 2:24, 2:25',. 2:24. Utica. N Y.. Aug. 15 and 16. 1876. .si2..50n. Aniv B. 2. Breeze 3. Little Fred 1. 4. (6 dis). Blue Mare. Annie Collins. Belle Bnistteld. Little Gvpsey. Fr:ink' Reeves. 2 :22Vi. , 2:24, 2:26, 2:27',, 2:.!0Uj, 2:29^. Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Aug. 22, 1876, $2,500. Little Fred 3, Frank Reeves, Amy B., Belle Braslield, White Cloud. Annie CqIUus, 2:23^, 2:22^, 2:22^, 2:24Kt. C.IESTEUS COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 493 Springfield. Mass., Sept. ,5, 1876. $2500. Carrie, Annie Collins, Honest Harrv, Commonwealth, Belle Bra.s(lelil, 2:27' i, 2 r.'-l' 2. 2:_'6U',. Mystic Park, Bost(»ii. Se|)l. 12 and 13, 1876, $1,500. Sensation 2, 4, Nettie Buiiew 1, 6, Bella 5, (6dr), Com- monwealth, Lady Snell.l':24, 2:L';i?4,, 2:26, 2:24?£, 2:25'i, 2:24J4, 2:26, 2:26. Dover, N. H., SejU. 20, ISTO, si.ooo. Bella, Annie C'ollins,~Sensation, 2:2Si4.2:27, 2:2914. Beacon Park, Boston, Sept. 30, 1876, $1,500. Bella l, Annie Collins 3, Nettie Burlew, 2:27, 2:25!4, 2:262i. 2:251^,2:27. Fleetwood Park, N. Y., Nov. 1. 1876, $150. Bonner l, 5. Hannah D. 2, 2-26K', 2:23, 2:28, 2:2554, 2:26, 2-28 (s), Nov. 3. 1876. $200. TannerBov(s) 1,4,2:22,2:201^. 2:19if4„ 2:2314, 2:26'i. ' ■ (s), Nov. 11. 187C. $.iOO. Tanner Bov (s) 1, 2:23!4, 2:22. 2:22, 2:22i^ • Poughkeei)sie, N. Y., May 24, 1877. $900. Huntress l, 4 (5 0), May'yueen, George B. Daniels, Orient, 2:24'/4. 2:251.3.2:25,2:25.2:31,2:311.2. .> . s ». Beacon Park, Boston, June 29, 1877, $100. Honest Harry 4. 5, Hannah D. 1,2, John H.,2:23?4 2:23?4,2:24M. 2:2.5.2:244.2:251.1,2:29. Mystic Park, Boston. July 6. 1877, $150. Hannah i). 1, John H. (1 disl, 2:27, 2:25'4, 2;22J4, 2:27%. Springfield, Mass.. July 12. 1877, .S2,.500. Adelaide 4, Hannah D. 1. Joker, John H.. Cgmee, 2:33, 2:25. 2:25, 2:2.", 2:25. :\Ilddletown, N. Y., Oct. 6, 1877, $500. Joseph A. 4, Everett Ray 2, George B. Daniels, 2:30K', 2:26, 2:29i^, 2:27^i, 2:294. ■ Mystic Park, Boston, Oct. 16. 1877, $400. Honest Harry, Commonwealtli. John H., 2:27%, 2:27'4, 2:2414. Providence, R. I.. Oct. 30 and 31. 1877, .$400. John H. 1, 5 (4 0), Honest Harrv (4 0), King Philip, 2:24, 2:22'.i, 2:21, 2:24.2:22,2:22. ^'Nov. 2, 1877,'$io0. John H.. 2:28^^. 2:27, 2:27^. Mystic Park, Boston, Nov. 7, 1877, .$200. John H. 1, 4. Honest Harry S.Clifton Boy 2:24, 2:25,2:243i, •2:24%,, 2:25,2:2 (W), Nov. 15. 1877, $200, Honest Hirry 1, 5 (3 0), 2:29'", 2:26, 2:241^, 2:"'8, 2-26K'. 2:28. (W), Nov. 21, 1S77, $100. John H., 2 ;.30, 2:30,2:28. May Bird, b m (3 :30), by Blue Bull, dam by Pilot Jr, R. W. Davis, Youngstowii, O.. Julv 6, 1882, $500. Ruric Neville, Ravmond, Keystone, Nora Temple, Lvdia Goltldust (2 dis), 2:.35i4, 2:3G.2M%. Julv 7. 1S82. $500. Bridget, Lilly J., Harrv B., Kevstone. Topsv C, 2:35>4. 2:34'.,. 2:;?44. • L.J Gearhty, Erie, Pa. June 26, 1883, $500. AUeghenv Boy 2, 3, Minnie I)., Empress, Nora Temple, 2:3114, 2:3iy, 2:28'/», 2:.31, 2:31J4. ■ J. Bridgeinan, Columbus, O., Sept. 6, 1883, $400. Almont M. l, .5, Billy Ford 2. Modie H., Jim Hill, 2:31, 2:30, 2:30^, 2:3014, 2:30, 2:30U. ■ Greenville, Pa~., Oct. 24, 1883, $100. Fred Hill. St. Johns. 2:46, 2:44, 2:48'.;. May Bird, b m (3 :36^), by Jimmy, dam Kate Swift. B. Doble, Chicago, Ill.,~Sept. 29, 1883, .$.500. Misfortune, G. W. Howe, 2:30M, 2:31i'2. 2:30. B. Piansome, Chicago, 111., Oct. 6, 1883, $1,000. Misfortune, Martha Washington, Ike Sheppard (2 dis), 2:3414, 2:26^, 2 :28J4. Oct. 11, 1883. $1,000. St. Denis. G. W. Howe, Rosedale. 2:.'12. 2:3.5. 2:32. May Boy, blk s (3 :39i4). L. Dean, Reno, Nev., Oct. 4, 1875, $600. Dick 2, Brown Kitty (2dis). 2:42, 2:36i^, 2:4214, 2 :,39'- May Burrill. blk m (3:33). J. H. Hersom, Portland, Me., Sept. 19, 1878, $200. John (Jilpin, Ino, Kittv Morris. Little Pete, Dr. Franklin, Royal Knox,2::}4?;i', 2:30, 2:.33. May Clark (Bird), ch m (3:3.5). S. M. Beardsley, Lincoln, Neb., June 30,1881, $150. Infelice, Jessie C. Colorado, Silas Garber,2:.37i4, 2:.35. 2:37, 2:45. ■Council Bluffs. la., June 7, 188.3, .$.300. Comanche Boy 3, Caledonian riiicf ,Tr., 2:40J4, 2:354, 2:35U, 2:36^. Day (w), br ni (3 :41u w). by Simpson's Bhickbird, (lain bv Youii<,' .Magnum Bonum (?). W. H. Godfrey, liicago. 111., June 6, 1865, .$235. Honest I'liarley (w). 1, 2 (4dis), Black Warrior (2 dr), 2:41i4, 2:43, 2:45, May Day i Chi ■_ 2:4114. May Day, b m (3 :48i4). J. C. Sayer, Canandaigua, N. Y., Oct. 7. 1870, .$400. Little Bill l, 2, Pilot Belle, Honest George. 2:52,2:47, 2:52, 2:.5.3ii. 2 :51i2. May Day, b m (3 :30). C. Ballard. Woodstock, Vt., Sept. 26. l!>77, $120. Luther. Clara H. Wild Lily (1 dis). 2:49, 2:42,2:43. ' ' Providence, R. I., July 23 and 24, 1878, $.300. Robert B. Thomas, Democrat, Kate, Jeremiah, Jim Briggs Pointer Boy, Fearless. Lady Honto, 2:.34 2:30, 2:.32. May Day, blk m (3 :59). by Eugene Casserly, dam by Toronto Chief. G. C. Fountain, Petaluma, Cal., Sept. 1. 1882, .$300. Ideall.3:03^, 3:02, 2:5914. Two-year-olds. May Florence, b m (3:455£). Jersey City. N. J.. Nov. 6, 1883. .$90. Sunrise. 2:51, 2:47. May Flower, (s) (3 :57), (3 :47 s). Geo. Wood, Buffalo, N. Y.. Juue 19, 1850, $100. Recorder (s), 5:43^, 5:34. Two miles. Mr. Huft, .June 20, 1850, $100. Montreal. 5:.54, 5 :59. Two miles. May Flower, b m (3:50). J. Clark, New Orleans, La., May 19, 18.55, $50. Black Angel. St. Bernard (2 dis), 2:56, 2:.50, 2:.56. May Flower, b m (3:3010, by St. Clair. A. F, Smith. San Francisco, Cal., May 25, 1S71, .$300. Countess (1 dis), Patchen Queen (1 dis), Julia Collins (1 dis). 2:40. — — May 7, 1872, $!,.5ft0. Mattie Howard, Hii-ain Woodruff, 2:.3n. 2:.35. 2:.30i^. San Jose, Cal.. Sept. 7, 1872, $500. Ajax 4. 5(6 0), Black Swan 1 (6 0), 2:31?4, 2:31U, 2:3214, 2 :.35i/o, 2:36K ,2:4114. /^ . .. -. May Flower, b ni (3 :00), by Humburg's Abdallah. H. A. Hicks, Florence, Kv., Sept. 2, 1876, $ . Bob Lee .3, Capt. Stone (1 dis), 3:09'., 3:0334. 3:0414, 3:00. May Flower, Dr m (3:30i4). bv MainDrino Pilot. H. C. Wright Mt. Holly, N. J.. Oct. 11. 1881, $1.50. Ridge- wood 3, Hambletonian Gem'l, 2:45. 2:40. 2:42. 2:40, 2:42. Oct. 14, 1881, $125. Ridgpwood, Lady E., 2 :43i4, 2 :45. 2:45i4. S. Kennedy. Point Breeze Park. Phil.. Oct. 15, 1883. $2m. Alice Blackwood 3. MollvMaek. Frank Patchen, Tom Meekly, Mamie Kiernan. Brown Bill, Juno, Maud Pechin, Rutland. EmmaC. (4 dr), Blanche Medium (2 dis), 2:.30i4, 2:.30i4, 2:31M.2:31i4. May Flower, b ni (3 lijOVO. J. A. D. Snell, Watertown, N. Y., Oct. 9, 18x3, $90. Nelly Abbott 1, Jack Reed, Gen. Allen, 2 :59i/4, 2 :59i4, 2 :59'/2. 2 :5934. May Fly, b s (3 :40). L. B., Boston, Mass., Aug. 21, 18.50. $ . All Spots, 2:50. 2:45. 2:46'4 Aug. 28, 1850, . Waterloo, Trojan, 2 :42i, . 2 :40. 2 :42. L. McQuivey. Centreville, L. I., Sept. 30, 18,50, $2,50. Cardinal, Black Hawk Jr., Sharpshooter (1 dis) 2:4614.2:4614,2:46. " May Fly. rng (~3 :43). Mr. Goodell, Centreville. L. f.. Nov. 9, I8.54. .$200. Lily Dale 2, 2:.50, 2-47 •>-.50 I. Woodruff, Union Course, L. I., April 19, 18.5.5, $50. Union 2, AngeUne (l dis), Jiiii (l (fk» '2-44 246 2:42,2:42. May Fly, b m (3:3010. bv St. Clair. A. F. Smith. Sacramento, Cal., Sept. 12, 1870. .$800. Baltimore Belle (2 dis), Alex. Benham (2 dis). Clipper (1 dis).2:.39. 2:.37ii, 2:.39'4. San Francisco. C il. May 27, 1871, $1,000. Ajax 1, Fanny Fern, Lady Signal (4 dis), Baltimore BellelO dis). 2:37Ji.2:38, 2:37, 2:38l4. 4»4 CIIESTEKS COMPl-ETE TROrriNG AND PACING KECORP. E. H. Miller, Saoramonto. Cal., Sept. 20, 1871. SI.OOO. Jerome l, Frank Rhotk's, Regulator, California Dexter, Comn-rlieatl U dis), .Marv Davis (1 dis>, a:3a, 2:34. 2:33Va. 2:3:;Ji. A. Smith. Cliico, Cal., Sept. 30. 1871. .<100. Jerome. 2:37?4, 2:41, 2:32?*. San Francisco, Cal., Oct. 28. l.s'l. .S4o(i. Frank Kliodes 1, California De.\ter, 2:35, 2:32?.i, 2:35V4, 2:33. Mav 10. 1S72, .■Sl.WO. Hiram Woodrnlf, Jerome. 2:;!J. i^ao^a. 2:30>^. May Fly". t;r nM:i:44';). J. IJatelien. S:uramento, Cal., May 10, 1883. §150. Dan 2, 3, Unknown, Golddust (5 dlSl, 2:44'-4. 2:42M>, 2:42, 2:46'». 2;49. May H., b mr-J :4G>. C. C. Robinson, Ionia, Midi., JnlvS, 1882, $500. Minnie Warren 1, Wilson, 2:35, 2:47, 2-46, 2:40. May M., ch m (2:36>i) by Cliirago Volunteer, dam by Plough Hoy. D. Martin, Adelphi, O., Sept. I.*?, 1883, S150. Fenie. I'ellv. Lucy, John 1). ti; dis). Helje Ewing (2 dis). Florence M. (2 dis). 2:40;.. 2:40',i, 2:47'4. Sept. 14. 1S83, .■SiiCHi. Sneak Nipper, .\imee. Ji.igi^, 2:40}^, 2:40. B. .Martin. Leb:'.;iou, O., Sept. 21, 1S.S3, ^ijoo. Sneak 1, Kitty Clvde 4, M:iry IJelmont, 2:46. 2:42, 2:42, 2:30.2:43. .Marion, O., Oct. 4, 18S3. S150. Utah, Lady (irier, Prospect. 2:45. 2:.")0. 2:50. May Harris. 3h m i :$ :00>. Wm. Hugiies, Ilazlelo.i, Pa., Sept. 24. 1875, SIOO. Modesty 1 (2 0\ IJiUy (2 0), 2:52'i 3:00,3:00,3:00,3:00. May Howard, gr m (» :34). by I'addv Magee, dam the MeCormiek mare. D. Dcnnison, San Francisco, Cal., Aug. 22, ls71.Sl,00O. Fred 3, Highland Mary 4, Traveller, Forest (.2 dis). Chieftain ddis), Enuna (1 dis), 2:43 2:43. 2:46^4. 2:44'/2. 2:44^i. Aug. 24. isTl. .$1,000. Sisson Girl l, 2, Highland Mary, Fred,Traveller, Scipio, Forest (2 dis), 2:42'4, 2:4214, 2:40'.i. 2:4(»i'... ■J:43. .John Bt)g)is, Sacramento, Cal., Sept. 18, 1871. S1,000. Highland Mary (l 0), Forest (2 dis), 2:36i^, 2:34, 2:36>4 2:3034. Sept. 20, 1871, .Sl,000. Highland Marv 2. Sisson Girl. Forest (1 dis), 2:37'e, 2:.'?r,».i. 2:39^^, 2:39>4. Vallejo, Cal., Oct. 16, 1872, 86(H). Caliloniia Dexter 1, 2 2:31, 2:35'/2, 2:34, 2:35. 2:.'i8' >. Sacramento, Cal., Nov. 7, 1872. 83.0o<). Mary Davis (1 0), George Treat, Westfield, .Jim Cook (l dis), Fanny (1 dis), 2:29}4, 2:29Ji. 2:29?4, 2:3194- D. Dennison, Chico, Cal., Sept. 20, 1873, .?400. George Treat 3, 2:34'/4, 2:31>/2. 2:34,2:421^. San Jose, Cal., Oct. 2. 1S73. SOOO. Sam Purdv3, 2:31. 2:28^. 2:29'2. 2:31. Geo. F. Jacobs, Sacramento, Cal., ISlay 8, 1874, $500. St. James (w), 1, Molly Morris, 2:30',j, 2:29, 2:29, 2:29' ». "Alex. Lewis, June 3, 1874, $500. Marv Davis. California Dexte'-, 2:27^, 2:27'i. 2:27K>. Geo. F. Jacobs, Denver, Col., July 4, 1874, $2,000. Kino 2, 4 il 0). Dan, Tom Morgan (3 dis), 2:43, 2:41, 2:39K'. 2:37^. 2:41».i, 2:42!'2. siiaron, Pa., Sept. 26, 1874, $700. Magnolia 2, 4, Captain 5, Ohio Boy l, Grace, 2:31J4, 2:32?i,2:335i,2:34?i, 2:36, 2:34 J4. H. C'. Trainer, Sacramento, CaL, Sept. 21, 1875, $1,000. \ an Yoorhees, Chicago (2 dr), Mary Davis (1 dis), 2:28?i.2:29, 2:31. G. F. Jacobs, Reno, Nev., Oct. 9, 1875, $2,000. George Treat, Gold Note, Defiance (3dis), 2:31, 2:32»/i, 2 '35' « ■ Marvsville, Cal., Oct. 13, 1875. Sl.ooo. Hope, George Treat, 2:2714. 2 :289i, 2:28. Siicramento. Cal.. Sept. 19. 1876. $1,200. St. James 5, 6, George Treat 1, 2, Gold Note (3 dis), 2:31, 2:2Syt, 0.0:^1; '>*'*S '*'*^8 ''"'9 2:31^. ^"sept"' 23.' fs76,' sr.250.' Professor. Gold Note. Jerome (2 dis), 5 :05i^, 5:0914. Two miles. (;. F. Jacobs, San Francisco, Cal., Oct. 13, 1877, i;7oo. St. James, Coquette, George Treat, Professor, ^"OcLsfand Nov. 1, 1877, $7.50. St. James 3,4, Tommy Gates 5, George Treat, St. Helena, 2 :27J4, 2:26, •'••'ol.., •'•20 2:.30, 2-27^. May' .Jefferson blk m (3 :.38' , ). hv Tliom:is .lefferson. dam by Flying Cloud. "W. B. Smith. Meriden, Conn., Sept. 18, 1883, .■5'200. Senator Eaton 2, India Rubber Jacque, Jack (3 dis). Toe W eight (1 dis), 2:38^4, 2:i59i, i Waterto'wn. Conn.. Sei)t. 27. 1883. .S200. Senator Eaton 1 Fred 2:42?^, 2:443.,'. 2:4.5'^,240S. Mav Medium gr m (3:34), by Hanpv Medium, d;im by son of imi>. Arabian Caliph. R. Steel. Suffolk Park, ■phila.. May 16, 1878. .S'200. Sorrel Top, Bob Scott, Harry K.. Little Dan, Gen. Custer, Brother to Alley (2 dr), '^VLPhVlii^pl'wifslii'nWo Hallie. 2:38, 2:41, 2:373i. w .» 1 Mav 3IorninK. bin (3:30), by Daniel Lambert, (lam May Queen, by Ethan Allen. J.Forbes, \\oodstock. Out M-iv''7 1879 .^''00 f;'old Digger, Lizzie D. No time. Toli'(io. O.'. June 21, 1881.. $600. KateMcCall 1, Mambrino Rattler, Little Jim, Lottie Temple (1 dis), 2:28! J, li^Jime24ri881,$600. Mamie, Highland Stranger, Mambrino Rattler. Mambrino Rawleigh. 2:34^, 2:3CVi, MayMorninff. br g (3:50). J. Collins, Concord, N. H., Sept. 19, 1882, $100. Ottawa 3, Mary J., Nelly H., MaJnlVd'T)V"sT3:05?4Vbv Young Morrill. S. Hayes, Boston, Mass.. June 2!). 1870. $1,000. Juno 2, 3:06^.., MaJ='Svi^S\'fm';3Sr|o:'';^ New Orleans, La., Feb. 23. 1854. $200. Dr. Elliott 2, Reindeer ^March2!'l8.4?$2ol"'*l)r;Elliott. Reindeer. 5:27^^ Two miles. , , , „ , r ^ /. or,,/ May Oueen. br m (3 :47). A. Cutler, Cincinnati, ()., June 27, 1857, $-22o. Roanoke (w> 3, 4, Lady Gay, 2:5m, -^\i W^ Woodniaiisee. Louisville. Ky., Sept. 27. 1858. $75. Ranger's mare, Ticknor's mare, 2:52^. I'Black Cleveland O,, Oct. 8. 1800, $100. Roval Oak .3, 4. 2:47. 2:48. 2:49, 2:.-)5,2:58. May Oueen (iS.tty (;reen\ b m (3 :3fl), by May Day. D. Bodiue, Point Breeze Park, Phila.. May 9. 1860, $500. - .Vnh^TT^X^S'.Uadel^ 15. 1863. .$300. Keystone 2 (3 0, (4 dr), 2:.30>i, 2:32. 2:31. Oct. 17. 180.3. $'200. Point Breeze, 2:.35"j,2:.'«)U, 2:30. „ Ti .. . T r. o, o o«. . .T. B. Gallar, San Francisco, Cal., Deo. 7, 1805. .f 1,2.50. Gentleman George, Geo. M. Patchen Jr., 2:34,2:36, ^'Dec. 23, 186.5, .?!2,ooo. Geo. M. Patchen .Tr., 5:0,5i.,. 5:07^. Two miles. Sjicramento, Cal., Sept. 12, 1866, $400. Young America, Capt. Hauford. Lightning, Unknown (1 dis), 2:34J4 I'Buff^llo'N Y Aug 17, 1807, .$400. Keystone. Crazy Jane. Gr;iy Eagle (1 dis). 2:32. •2:.'m4. 2 :a3^''4'. .T Dougrey, Somerville, N. J., Sept. 27, 1867, $.500. Gen. McClellan. Mountain Maid, Panic, 2:28^, 2:30, i'^l' Turner Dovlestown Pa.. Oct. 3. 1807, .$.500. Mary Patchen, Fitzw.iter's br s. 2:21, 2:263,>, 0.31. V R fr.,ii.',r S'lcrimento Cal Sept. 17. 1808. .$.300. Downey. Paddy Magee (1 dis), 2:29, 2 :29. 2:.31. = JwrBf^nel Rice S 8 W^^^^ R.-gubdor 2. 4. Padd/Magee (2 dis), 2:.32-^.(, 2:.3.5V^, 2:34, 2:37. 2:38i<. San Jose,'Cal.,Oct. 8, 18G9, $250. Lady Dooley, Regulator. Princess, 2:33^^,2:35, 2:36. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 495 San Francisco, Cal., Nov. 18, 1860, S .. Ladj- Dooley 1, 2, 2:3C><;, 2:34%, 2:35. 2 :35, 2 :3Ci/>. Mav Qneen, bm'3:48). Mr. Hoffman. Bedford, O., Sept. 29, 1805. •■^iTx Lookout (3dr),2:.50 2' 48 2-49 May 0"een (3:4*3i. Detroit, Mk'li.. Sept. 28, 18G6, S . Dallas L';5s-'.i, 2:.50'o. May Queen, b m(3:59>. E. Doran, Canton, N. Y., Sept. 14, 1809, ■•iUm. :.linnie 1, Tib, 3:04'4, 3: 00, 3:00?i, 2:. 59. May Queen (Nashville Girl),b m(3:30), by Alexander's Norman, d:iin Jenn v. by Crockett's Arabian Charles S. Green. Butt'alo, N Y., Aug. 5, 1875. S4,.50U. Gen. Garfield, .Molsey, Lady Star. Music, Sea Foam, Monarch Jr.. Frank Wood (Idis), 2:2214, •J:2l>4,2:23'2. , — — Utica, N. Y., Aug. 17, 1875, .■S4.oi)0. Gen. Garfield 3, Molsey, Joker, Music. Blanche, Clementine, Yanitv Fair, Frank J. (3 dis). 2 :21. 2:21, 2:21.2:20. ' Joseph Harker, Cleveland. O.. July 28. 1876. .S3.000. Rarus, Gen. Garfield. 2:2G'i, 2:25i^, 2->7'. May Queen, ch m(3:4:7>. A. J. Fellemyers. Baltimore, Md., Aug. 31, 1870, .§150. Cigarette V 3 Fritz "-54 2:51,2:52.2:47,2:50. ' '-• > May Queen, b m (3:44U,), by Tupper's Mambrino. L. Gowdv. Minneapolis. Minn., Sept 6 1877 .«!"50 Brown Nelly 3. 4. Charles Freeman 1, 2, Fritz {5 (lis), ("apt. Herod (2 rO). 2:48. L':48. i?-45 ■>-.50 "•50 ''-"lO '>-48 A. A. .Afatthews, Zumbrota, Minn., Sept. 27. 1878, S . Clay Bank 4, Brutus Clay LRed Cloud (5 dr). 2:451^.2:45.2:54.2:5014. . ' " La~ke Citv. Minn., Oct. 1. 1881. S . Startle.''., Buckthorn. Stocking Joe. 2-47ii 2-44U '>-.50ii '>-48% May Queen, b m (3 :47). by Tom Rolfe. C. Beachy. Hillsboro, O.. Aug. 29. 1878. .§150. Eiina Earfe 3 Sara. Belle of Brookville, Cloud, Minnie. Lady Eveland (3 dis). 2:48i4. 2:47, . "•47i/„ May Queen, bm (3:10). J. Daly, Strathroy, Out., May 24. 1878, $7.i. Granger Y, Betsv (3ro\ 3 10 S-^O 3:22, . • • . May Queen. \vh m <2 -.4:2' i). Rvers & Gleason. Quincy, Cal., Sept. 24. 1883, $225. Plumas, Senator, Red Cloud (3 dis). BhK'k Bess (1 dis), Slickensd dist. 2:50, 2:58, 3:00. Sept. 2it. \>m. .$100. Setting Sun. 2:49'.2. 2:49. May Thoi-ne i Lady May), b m (3 :34 =^), by Thorndale. J. E. Turner, Poughkeepsle, N. Y., Aug. 21 1882 SI 000 Manhattan. \ViryJim. Bertha Clay, 2:28, 2:2^1^.2:29. & i . t, ^i, ^oo., si>i,uuu Springfield, Mass., Sept. 5. 1882, .SSOO. Ezra' L. 2, 4, Amelia C. 5, Eva. 2:281-^, 2:2.5i4, 2-''5i4 2-27 2-'^V, 2:31. " '--.>• 7.J, • , .- /» l?e;icon Park, Boston, Sept. 19, 1882, $800. Ezra L. l, 2, Amelia C, Eva, Geeser "•ST'f '>-'>e 2-27 2-24?i 2:26 ■■.. » - 1 • . ■ -at Belmont Park, Phil., Oct. 6. 1882, $1,000. Amber 2, 5. Ethel Medium 1, J, W. Thomas Nigger Babv 2:251.^.2:2.514,2:28.2:2614,2:2514.2:20. ' oh ^ y, Mazeppa, ch g (3:33ii). S. R. McElroy. Hamilton, Ont., Julv 29, 186.5, $600. Billy Button 2-40 2-^9% 2:44'.. " . • , • /z. :\Iav 25. 1866. $200. Melton 2, Lady Ellis (3 dr). 5:1914, S-.lSVi, 5:21'4. Two miles K. Jiunes. Whitby, Ont., Mav 25, 1809. $150. Rockingham 1, 2:38, 2:33i4, 2:34. 2:37. Strathroy. Out., Sept. 18. 1873, .$200. Eva, Tecumseh Boy. 2:4714, 2:'J9U, 2:40i4. Toronto, Out.. Oct. 25, 1873. .§ . Lady Kate, 2:41. 2:.52.' 2:5114. Mazeppa, b s (3:471.^), by Hambletonian. .LA. Powers. Greenville, Pa., Oct. 3, ,1872, $110. Black Frank Clarence. Fronev, Black Maria (2 dis 1, 2 :48, 2 :514. 2 :50. Oct. .5, 1872. S200. Gray Dan i3 0j. Sandy, Warrior. Fronev, 2:48.2:49'^, 2:47i2, 2:49. Mazeppa, b g (3 :43i4). N. C. White, Maqudketa, la., Oct. — , 1876, $50. Bay John 2, Little Fraud, 2:47, 2:47, Mazo-Manie. ch g (3:3014). by Kurtz Horse, dam bv Brown's Bellfounder. E. H. Brodhead Grand Rapids Mich., June 10. 187.5, $1,000. Lady H. (2 dis;, Clifton (2 dis), Miraculous (2 dis), Ladv Duncan (2 dis), Yan- kee Sam (1 dis). 2:33. 2:27J4. Jackson, Mich., June 15.1875, $1,500. Clifton. Charley, Duke, Jlambrino Warner, Gum Ball Chester innitis.TT- C^ fiwi nonofjl Al'jp C9 flrl "-"(li, '>:S1l^ -'-M ' June 17, 1875. $i.,500. Frank Reeves. Transfer, Alberta, Chester Thomas Jr., Clifton (3 dis) Daniel (1 dis\ Miraculous (1 dis), 2:;?9. 2:3iy. 2:.30\. Thomjis Jr. (3 dis). General Mac (2^dr). 2:29J^4. 2:311*, 2:29 June 17, 187.5. $1..500. Boone (2 dis). Marv Miller Kalamazoo, Mich.. June 30. 1875, $1,500. Mambrino Warner, Clifton. Frank Reeves, Jesse G. Lindell Chester Thomas Jr., Gumball (3 dr), 2:314. 2:.32i4. 2:29^^. Julv 2. 1875. $l..5no. Transfer, Duke, Daniel Hoone. Clifton. Alberta, Miraculous. 2-.3114, 2-^9 2-3'"a Freeport, 111., May 31. 1877, $1,000. Little Fred, Amy B., Molly Morris, :Marion. Little'Gvpsv 2-n''^-27 2:23'!. ■ .i. ..-,-. , Kalamazoo. Mich., June 1.5, 1877, .$soo. Cozette 1. Little Fred. 2:24'>£. 2:2.5, 2:25. 2:_'6'i. Grand Rapids. Mich., June 20, 1877. .$800. Little Gypsy 2, Silvei'sides, Marion. Tlanter, Lady Turpin Monarch Jr.. 2:25, 2:26?i. 2:26i^. 2:26. Jackson, Mich., June 28, 1877, $1,000. Silversides, Little G\-psy, Planter, Lady Turpin, Marion, Brown Dick. 2:28, 2:2614, 2:26^4. Chicago. 111., Julv 18 and 19. 1877, $1.800. Marion 3, 5. Planter 4, Little Gypsv, Adele Clark, 2:243^, 2:24i/2, 2:2814,2:2714,2:31,2:29. Cleveland, O., July 24, 1877, $2,,500. White Stockings l. Powers, Amv B.. Silversides. Ladv Snell, 2:21M. 2:24.2:2214.2:2014. Pittsburgh. Pa.. August 24 and 25. 1877, $1,000. Little Gvpsy 1, Lew Scott 2. Elsie Good, Bella, Belle Brasfield (5 dr), 2:26'.;, 2:27, 2:29, 2:20. 2:28. Milwaukee. Wis., Sept. 14, 1877, $1,000. Badger Girl. 2:26'c. 2:23, 2:22i4. W. H. Wilson, Springfield, 111.. Sept. 27, 1878.^$.300. Cozette 2. (3, 0), 2:27. 2:26, 2:25. 2:29, 2:.30. Chicago. 111., Oct. 11 and 12, 1878, $1,000. Dame Trot 1. Calmar, Belle Brasfield, Scott's Thomas, 2:23}4, 2:22'.;. 2:21ii. 2:23. Virginia. 111.. Oct. 24, 1878. $400. G. T. Pilot. Sleepv Bill. Little Fred 1 (dis). 2:2894. 2:28. 2:26^4. 2:27. E. E. Rood Milwaukee, Wis., Sept. 25, 1879, $600. Cozette 1, Doty. Gray Salem. Kentucky Wilkes, 2:2314, 2:2314, 2:25'rino Chief. F. F. Geer. Jackson, Mich., June 10. 1879. $800. Palm:i. Effie (i.. Stranger, Albert F., Sam Tilden, Sut Lovingood, Charley A., Tekon- sha. Lulu K. (2 dr). 2:31i4. 2:30i4, 2:3114- 496 CHESTKlfS COMPI.KTE TUOTTING AM) PACING KECOni). — K. SiiKinaw, Mich., June 17, 1879, 'J800. I'alma, Siit Lovingoocl, Eflle G. Jessie Dixon, Alliert F., Strancer 2:41. 2 :;«).•-':.«). — Toledo, Juiii! 24, 1879, §800. Sut Lovingood, Palina, Jessie Dixon, Albert F., 2:33^. 2:29'/., 2;28>«i 2:.i2. — t'oluiiil)iis. ().. Jiilv 15. 1870, .?r)00. Efflc (J.. Jossic Dixon, Jiidgnu'iit, Albert F., Sut Lovingood, Ken- tucky (iiri. Manil)riii() rliicf d dis), 2:i'6i^, 2:l'8',4, 2:l'7. — Quiucy. III., .Sepl. 11, 1879, §1,000. Warrior, niampion Girl, Auibov, t'onvov, Uiobwood 12 dis), 2:26'; 2:28'j, 2:27. * — E. S. .McCurdv, Macon, Ga., Oct. 30. 1879. .S400. Koss, 2:.!5'o, •_>::«!, 2:3."). — MontKoincrv. Ala., .Nov. 13, 1879. .?150. Fred Tvlcr, Pilot Eagle. 2:48?.i, 2:43. 2:40'.i. Stallions. — Nov. 1."). 1S79. .S4(M». .lo(! K'.ica 1 Ned M. J::!,")';. 2::&i. 2:;«. 2::{9!4. Nov. 10. I8S1. Sl.'iO. Livingston l. Pilot Eagle. 2:45. 2:47, 2:42, 2:40'.. Stallions. Oct. 12. 18SL'. S . Wilde Hampton I. Lookout. .Jr., Jim Mack. 2:.S3. 2:.T!, 2:28V<'. 2:2!>i-C>. Meridian. Miss.. Nov. 2, 1S82. .* . Carrie K. 3, 4, Georgi' Jolmston (h r o). 2:.'W'i, 2:.i7,"'2:37i/,. 2::n«^>, 2:36. McCuniy's ltr<>\vn Mare t'.i-.'i'.Hi). E. S. McCurdv. Montgomerv. Ala.. Nov. 25, 1869, §2,5. Kate Whitney 3, (2 0). Kolduson's eh m, 3:23'.i. .•<:2314. 3:23'.{, 3:24. Four-vear-olds. McDaniel, eh g (2:40). Wm. Roberts, Ambler P:irk, Pa., Sept. 2.3, 1874, §200. De Rosa 1, 2, Jenny Leigh, Kov:il M;ick, Clara 1)., :\like, 2:42M, 2:44. 2:40, 2:44. 2:47. McKvoy. b g (« :5.5). Mr. Courtney. Morrisiinia, N. Y., July 14, 1879, .SIOO. Leopard, 2:.58. 3:06, 2:5.5. McKec. Mr. ;\Iiirrav. Sarnia. Out. I ^lav 24, 1883. .S . Toin Wonder 1, (!rev P.en. No time. McGee's Chestnut iColt (S::??',). K. '['. McGee. Towauda, Pa.. Oct. 27. 1874! .S200, Barbara Knox 1, Luther. Tom Moore. Little Chiirley. Silk Stocking (3 dis). 2:4.5. 2:44. 2::i7y. 2:38'i. Me4, 3:04'i. Three-year-olds. Oregon, 111.. Sept. IS. 18.'*3. .■34(>. Black Diamond, Jumbo. 3:0.5»4. 3:05. Tl'iree-vear-olds. McGiiirk. blk s (3:04,. W. J. Palmer. Deer Lodge, Mont., Julv 6, 1882, SCO. Mountain Tiger 3. (2 0\ (4 0), Black Joe (3 dr). 3:(18'.,. 3:06'4. . 3:04'^. 3:04. McHenry. b g CJ ::?.5 ', ). bv Legal Tender. Dr. Van Tlumniell, Cambridge Citv. Ind.. .fune 4. 1874. S800. (^eo. Reed, Uncle Sam, MollV, Alice Baker, Daniel Boone (5 dis), T. B. French (4'dr), .John B. 1. 2 (3 disi. Fanny Bixbv(3 dis), Sam (\ dis), Kittv (1 dis). Fosco (1 dis). Colonel (1 dis). 2::!S3i, 2:38. 2:35?^, 2:3914, 2:41 '/i. Wheaton, III.. July 10. 187.5,'.? . Hartford Miiid. David IL. 2:4.5^ 2:4.51^. 2:45. McLiiughlin, b g (3 :46). B. Landon, Orrville. O., Oct. 9, 1.879, $200. Tom B., Deceiver, Bill Harrv, Loehinvar (3 dis), Jessie B. (3 dis). 2:50, 2:.50i.i. 2:.50'i. Oct. 11. 1879, .§200. Handy Tommv 2. Bill TIarrv. Deceiver. 2:.50'',,'. 2:.50. 2:50. 2:.51. McLaughlin, brs (2:3414). E. Reillv, Newcastle. Pa., Sept. 16. 1881,. .'52.50. Bishop, Bridget, Fancy Dav. Bonesetter, Crook, Bay Alex. 2::Uii. 2:39. 2:40. McLeod. br s (2:34i4), bv Iron Diiki'. ilaiii Naiiev ■^liitiicm, 1)V AuK^rican St;u". E. Carrigan. St. Josepli.Mo . Sejit. 11, 1880, .S100. Gen. M;ittliews 2. Mattie Gniliam, Golden Girl, 2:40. 2:41. 2:40',. 2:40. McLeod. b g (3 :2.5i4i. bv Hemphill's P;itclien. dam by John Dillard. J. H. Brvan, Lexington, Ky., Oct. 6. 1881. .■Ji.joo. Clemmie G. 1. Director. 2:28^4'. 2:25i4,"2:26»;^, 2:25'i. Four-vear-olds. McMahon, br s (2 :27), by Administrator, dam Mattie West, bv Almont. A. S. HolIid;iv. Knoxville, la., Aug. 24. 1883. .?2.50. Gen. Lee l, Ohio Maid, Maori, Bruen (2 dis), "Florence O. (2 dis), Dixie Boy (2 dis), 2:38^, 2:.35'/j,2::j8^,',2:40K'. Teeumseh. Neb., Sept. 29. 1883. § . Young Bashaw 3. Josh Billings. Little Tom, 2:42, 2:43i4,2:42,2:40U. Omaha. Neb.. Nov. 3. 188.3, .? . .Tosh Billimrs. 1. 2:46. 2:3014. 2:.39. McManev's Bav Geldins:. (2:47?iC). P. McMan(?y, Jamestown, N. Y., Oct. 14, 1869. .•^loo. Billv Pavor4, Silver Cloud 1 , 2 :45, 2:173i, 2 :.50, 2 :49. 2:.50. M. C. Ojjclell.chg (2:4.5i.«). H. W. Howe, Deerfoot Park, L. L, Julv 31, 1874, $100. Hattie, Midland Maid, .Ferrv (1 dis), Ella B. (1 dis). Chieftain (1 dis). 2:,51'X. 2:4.514. 2:47'4. McK«»»)ert«, ch g (2 :40"j). C. Matthews, Jersey City, N. J., May 4, 1882, .? — . Doctor C Tramp, 2:49'4r 2 :47i/,. W. S. Brooks, June 8, 1882, $100. Harness Boy l (2 0), Doctor C. (4 dr), Tramp (2 dr), 2:41, 2:42, 2:42. 2:40i4 2:40?i. McVeigh, bs (2:.57^). bv Conductor. J. E. Durham, Pacheco, Cat., Oct. .3, 1883, .$ . Pinole Jr., Oscar Sti'inwav 1 (2dis), 2:.59'4. 2:.57>4. 2:.59^;i. McWhirter. br g (3 :00). H. Wick;ird. Hudson, ^lich., June 13, I88:?, $100. Topsy B. 3, George R.. Hunter, Valley (iirl, Bessie Gav, 3:01. 3:02. ;!:0I^. 3:02. Hillsdale, Mich., July 4, 1883, .f200. Harry, Cora, Donna D., Kate Smith, Kitty Pathfinder, 3:00, 3:00, 3:04. Mea. 2:39. 2:.39, 2:.39, 2:40,2:41. (w). S. Emerson. Boston. Alass., Sept. 30, 18.58. S200. Hawthorne, 2:40, 2:38. .lulv 14. 1859. .151.000. Ladv Planet l (3 0). 2:42V<;. 2:41?.i, 2:45, 2:47, 2:46. Aug. 11. IK.59. .S200. Liidv Danvers, 2:44V.. 2:46i4, 2:44^. (w). Dan M:i(e. Portliin(t,Me.. Oct. 2.5. 18.59. $.500. Henrv Clay 1 (4 dls\ 2:42, 2:43)4, 2:44J4. 2:47. Oct. 2S, 18.59, .'?.50n. Rats 1. 2:40, 2:41, 2:4.3^. 2:4m. . Wm. Woodruff. Sept. 29, 1860, $200. St. Liiwrence 2 (4 0). Garibaldi. Wliiit Is It (4 dr), 2:48, 2:46, 2:46. 2 :45, 2:51. (w), H. Averill. Watertown, N. Y.. .Tune 28. 1864. $100. Ladv Kempville (w), Sam (w). 2:.54. 2:46. 2:46. MecIdleHome. gr g (2 :39). Lou Morris, Boston, Mass., Oct. 2, 1873, .'5200, Bay George 1, Quiiker Jim. 2:44'4, 2:42,2:42,2:43. Beacon Park, Boston, Mav 19. 1874, $120. Grace 1, 2, Arthur Boy, George, Louise, Country Boy (1 dis). Folly (1 dis), 2-40. 2:;!9. 2:39^. 2:.39. 2:4.3. J.J. Bowen. Mystic Park, Boston, Jime 2, 1874, $150. Bay George 1, Andy .Tohnson 4, 2:40^, 2:41Vi, 2:41 ?.i, 2:.39r(.2:40. I^n Morris. Lawrence. Mass., Nov. 17, 1874, $200. Ladv Daggett 2 3, Horace Greelev. Folly, Fleetwinjr, Nelly (4 dis), 2:40, 2:40, 2:40. CHKSTKirS COMPLKTE TROTTING AND PACING UECOIJI). 49T (w), J. Raiiisev, Mystic Park, Boston. Oct. 2 and 4,1875, $100. Jim Fiskl,4, Mary Louise (w) 2 (5 dr), 2:49,2:48,2:45,2:54,2:47,2:484. (W), Oct. 25 and 26, 1875, § . Mary Louise (W) 1, 2,2:53, 2:53',i, 2 :57, 2 :.57, 3 :01 U, Medford G.. chg(3:l~). S. W. Stublw, Grefuville, 0.,f)ept 24, isso, $60. Joe Greenl, 2.Bay Fanny, 3:17U, 3:14^2, ,'5:19' 2, 3:17, 3:l!)='4. Medina Girl, b ni (3 :00). V. S. lloag. Medina, X. Y., June 20, 1872. S.50. Honest Jim, Fauuv. 3 :00, 3:05. Medley, (\v)grg (3:49 \v). Dan Mace, Providence, K. I.. July 1.5. 185G, S500. Bullet (2 dis), 2:493^. 2:49. Meduc, (Jolni Morgan), di g (.•^:34). by Pilot. Jr.. dam Croi)i).v. by Medoc. Messrs Hrar,. Dan Mace. Fashion Course. L. I.. July 5. 1870, .5300. Ed. White 2, Jessie Wales 1, Dreadnaught 3. Locust 4, W. H. Taylor, Western New York, Sliepherd Knapp (5 dr), Carroll (2 disj, 2:30'/2, 2:28, 2:30(4, , 2-31 '4. 2 :31 U 2 :34. ' Sprinviliild, Mass., Oct. 13, 1870, .$1,,500. Thomas Jefferson 1, N. B. Palmer 3, Shepherd Knapp. Emperor, 2:2:t U. 2._>!iii. . 2:304, 2:304. Binghaiupton, N. Y., Oct. 21, 1870, $ir,00. Derby 1, Prince 2 (i dis). Nonesuch (2 dis), , 2:30?4, 2:34^4, . 2:34. Fleetwood Park, N. Y., Aug. 26, 1870. .?1000. Prince l. 3, W. H. Taylor, David Bonner (2 dis), 2:31, 2:3L 2:314, 2:32,2:3.5. Medoc, ch. g. (3 :43J4). Mr Brown, Louisville, Ky., ,fune 22, 1871, $ — -, Nelly Bryant 3 (5 0), Josephine 2, 4 (5 0), Jelt (2 dis), 2:42}4, 2:.38i4. -*:46, 2:43. 2:45i/2, 2:.^7. Unfinislied. Medoc, b. g(3:40;2), by C(miet, dam by Illinois Medoc. (i. Carroll, Milwaukee. Wis.. Sept. 8, 1875. $ , Golden Farmer 3, 4, Fanny, Calvin 1 (4 disi Puzzle (3 dr), Galatea (3 dr), Richland Maid (1 dis), . 2:4234. 2:42, 2:40,2:4034, 2:43. E. McElrov, Marengo, m.. Oct. 31, 1879, $125. Illinois Boy 2, 3, Kitty S., Stranger (4dr), Uncle Tom (4 dr), 2:45, 2:45>^, 2:45. 2:45 2:45. Medora, ch m (3:3334), by Whipples' Hanililetonian. Loutit and Johnson, Stockton, Cal.. Sept. 27, 1878, $250. Nephew 1,3. Schiedam (1 dis). 2:36, 2:34, 2:.364, 2:35=4. 2:3314. Four year olds. 3Ieerscliaum, cr g (3 :58.) Geo. H. Bailev. Scarboro, Me., Aug. —, 1867, .§100. Andy Mulligan (w) 5, 6 (30), Lady Florence 4, 3:01. 3:02, 2:58. 3:10. 3:io. 3:07, 3:07. Meg. b m (3;36?^.) E. D. Rood. Milwaukee, Wis., Sept. 13, 186G. .$600. Gypsy Maid, Rose, 2:4114, 2:36=4, 2:38. Nov. 9. 1870, $100. Long Branch 1, Madge, Black Diamond (2 dr), 2:57 2:56. Incomplete. O. A. Hickok, Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. 13, 1871, $200. Dunderberg 2:43. 2:41, 24134. Megr Merriles, b m (3:5~.) Mr. McQuivey, Pittsburgh, Pa., June 7, 1870, $150. Sand Lifter, Billy (3 dr), 2:57, 3:05?4, 3:05. Melein br g (3 :00.) C. Stoddard, Beloit, Wis., Aug. 6, 1873, $100. Gildersleeve, Billy B., Red Fox (3 dis), 3:01=^.301.3:00. Melrose, b m (3:47.) W. E. Weeks. Fleetwood Park, N. Y., May 8, 1872, $500. Blarney Stone 2, 2:56. 2:52, 2:47, 2:49. Melton, grg(3 :33), by Wagner Joe, dam by im]i. Sir Tatton Sykes (?). Simon James, Buffalo. N. Y., Aug. 15, 1866. $1000. Gray fiagle 1, Niagara, Heart of Oaks, Strathinore, Mary Ann, Lady Patchen (3 dis), Mazep- pa (2 dis), 2:38, 2:35, 2:3734, 2:36. Hamilton, ()nt.. Aug. 29, 1S66. $500. Mazeppa. Young St. Lawrence. 5:\5}4, 5:12. Two miles. (w), S, Robbius. Ann Arbor, Mich., June 18, 1867, $100. Lady Ellis (w), Gypsy Queen (w), 5:18, 5:22. Two miles. Buffalo, N. Y., Aug. 13. 1867. $l,.350. Mav Queen 1. 7. Gen. McClellan 5, 6, Crazy Jane 3, 4 (6 dis), Confi deuce. Keystone, St. Lawrence. Molly. Grav E igle. 2:;}0i4. 2:3314. 2:.34=i. 2 :.35i4. 2:3534,2:34^,2:3014, 2:^3, 2:32. Detroit.' Mich, Sept. 12, 18!;7. $400. ' Ladv' Ellis. 1. (irav Eagle, Heart of Oak. 2:35i|, 2:38}:^, 2:38}^, 2:44=^. S. Anderson. Mav 28. 1868, $1,000. George Palmer, 2 :44. 2 :37. 2 :;!73^. P. Curran. Corun'na. Mich.. Mav 13, 1869. .$ . Vulcan. Ladv Hurd. 2:.374, 2:38. Galesburg, Mich.. June 12. 1869. $ . Gray Eagle. 2:3714, 2:32. 2:3314. 2:.34. Melvin, grg (3:36^). by Young C. M. Clay. H. G.Smith, Lancaster, N. H., Sept. 13. 1877. .$150. Patchen Star. Minnie Eaton. 2:.50. 2:5234. 2:,5334. Memento, b m (3 :3334), by Admin istrafor, dam Keepsake, by Alexander's Al)dallah. R. S. Strader. Lexing- ton. Ky., Oct. 10, 1877, .$4.50. Pertinax, Administratrix, A'drairation. Gray Jim. Chancellor, 1:38, 1:303^. Half niile heats. Y'earlings. Aug. 28, 1878, .$250. Furv, Maggie V., 2:51Ji, 2:51. Two-year-olds. Oct. 15, 1878. $ . Adrhiration 1, 2:5.5, 2:51. 2:333^. Meinnon, blkg (3:35). D. Tallmau, Fashion Course, L. I., .July 11, 1862, .$100. Lady Sherman. 2:36. 2 ::!■:. 2:35. James McKee, Aug. 24, 1864, $500. Irish Maid, 2:42, 2:.36?i, 2:40. (Ireene. N. Y., Oct. 5. 1864. $100. Lady McGraw 1. Lady Fanny (2 dis), 2:52, 2:51, 2:43, 2:48. New Haven, Conn., July 19, 186.5. $150. Baker Bov 2. 2:44'^, 2:434, 2:42, 2:44. Memphis Refugee, (3 :50i^'). C. Gallino. Nasliville, Tenn, Oct. 2, 1879,$ — -. Dexter 2, Fleetwood, Brown AVilkes (2 (lis). Bob Lee (2 dis), Rob Roy (2 dis). 2:503^. — — , 2:!>5. Mendham Maid, br m i3:43i^), \^y Underliill's Bellfounder. D. Stevenson, Centreville. L. I.. .June 17, 18.".o. $ . John. Henry Clay, Morgan, Centreville (1 dis). 2:.5534. 2:.56, 2,56}^. (w), June 19, 1850, .$40(j. Arab (w) (1 dis), 5:36. Two miles. Mr. Wiielan, June 27, 1850, $400. Stranger 1, 5:293^, 5:.34. 5:46. (w), Union Course, L. I.. July 30, 1850. $ . Sorrel Hiram (w), 2:49. 2:51. (w), D. Stevenson, Centreville, L. I., Oct. 10, 1850, .$400. Anna Bolena (w). 5:47,5:.55. Two miles. Winner drew two men. Oct 16. 18.50, .$200. Tom Buck, pacer, 3:0334. 2:463^. 2:48. Philadelphia. Pa.. June 29. 18.52. .$200. Baby Jumper 1, 5:,30. 5:25, 6:40. Two miles. Mendota(3:56»4). Detroit, Mich., Aug. 22, 1866, $100. Gentle Jenny, Ladv Gravfoot, Tom Cooper. 3:03=4, 2:.-.634, 2:.57. Mercer, grg (3:3114), bv Alexander's Abdallah. E. Dugdale, Trenton, N. J., Sept. 20, 1867, .$75. Quinton's gr m 2 (1 0). Bailev's gr m i4 dis), 2:484, 2:48';, 2:.51. 2:49. 2:.50. E. Ward, Prospect Park. L. I., May 27, 1869, $500. Lydia Thompson, Agillis, Mike Norton. Lady Frank- lin, 2:3.V4, 2:334,2:35. Union Course, L. I.. June 3, 1869, $750. Star of the West 1, 3, Dresden (4 dis), lionise (2 dr), 2 :35, 2:3154, 2:354, 2 :.34, 2:35. Peter Manee, Great Barrington, Mass., Oct. 2, 1869, $1.50. W. H. Taylor 2, 4, Briton, Comet, 2::53. 2 :.37,2 :3534, 2:34, 2:35. 32 498 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RKCOIII). Mr. King, Fleetwood Purk, N. Y., April 26, 1872, S500. Topsv, 2:33J.o 2-35 '-ag'i May 3, 1«72, •■5;'>00. T()1)SV 2, 1<"0X l, 2:37is, 2:;J7-^, 2:34)^, 2:a7'2' 2:37!-...' Mercutio, I) g ia:30i.i), hy Iitol. (lam Lady Manibriuo, by Alaiiibriiio C'irief. P. Hrown, Pittsburgh, Pa.. Sent. 13, 1881,.S1.0(Ht. .Mary II. 1, Fortune Girl. Ike Shiiltz, Lewis D()li)liiii (2 dr), 2:.it>. 2::a)ii. 2:3."). 2-37. Meritleii Chief, blk s rZ:4H^j,). A. F. Austin. Miriden. Conn., .S('j)t. 20, 1870, .■^100. Meriilen Girl 1, 3, Cliin- (^uapin2. Katrina,15ob .McCauIey (2 dis), 2:48. 2:."H4, 2:48'... 2 :;">!. 2:-18-'4, •>:M. Mei-iden {. Merry Lass, b m (3 :40), by Hambletonian. S. Willett, Hamburgh. N. Y.. Sei)!. 15, 1875. Sioo. Lillie Pierce. Clara D. No time. Cuba, N. Y., Sept. 24, 1875. $600. Gray Elliott 1,3, Cadmus, A. S. MeAllister, 2:40>4, 2:40, 2:40, 2:40, 2:40. Messenger, — s (2:55). George Zielly, Massillon. O., July 9, 1861. $'^0. Cuba. 2:r..iU. 2:55. Messenjjer. gr g y2 :59). Joseph Miller. Pittsburgh. Pa.. Aug. 15, 1866, .S50. L.idv Martin, Kittv Wells. 3.021.^. 2:.")9-i, 2:.'')9. Messeiiffer, gr g (2 :44). Bob Linsey, St. Louis, Mo., July 22, 1870, .'?75. Bostons. Haymaker, Ben Sanford, 2:.')2. 2:47'/4. 2:48>/i. 2:44. Messenger u:r s (3 :40\ J. Martin. Fleetwood Park. N. Y., Dec. ."?, 1870, $250. Iliekey 4, .">, Belle of Orange 1, Sorrel .lake (5 dn. 2:41, 2:42, 2:42'/i, 2:39?i, 2:381^, 2:40. Messenger, li g (3 :37i4). A. J. Feek, Elmira, N. Y., Oct. 4, 1872, $ . Eva. Alaggie. Ladv Kendall, Hunki- dori. 2:;{7i.v, 2:39?i, 2:39'2. Messenger 1 3 :."»ov^). Columbia, S. C, Nov. 16, 1883. S . Mambrino Hippy, 2:.50?.,, 2:50' -i. Me.ssenger Boy, gr g(3:33'.,) bv Andrew Jackson. A. Clough, Canastota. N. Y.. Sept. 4. l>-69. .flOO. Belle of Oneida. Temiieranee Girl. 2:47'i. 2:43':. 2:44. Syracuse, N. Y.. Sei)t. 7. 1809. iSiSOO. Haley's br in 2. Hosmer's br m 4. Shadow, Linds.ay's b g. Fearless 1 (3dis), 2:45>.i. 2:40^1.2:44. 2:46.2:44, 2:47'.i. J. l).(;illott. White Plains, N. v.. .Inly .30. 1.S74. $800. Brown Prince, Ladv Ansie. Ladv Woods, Uncle Bill. Phil O'Neil Jr., William Walsh, Morton. Lizzie Patchen, Harrv Gilbert, Zephyr, .Sweetmeat, Ned Forrest. Fourth of July, Jefferson (2dr), 2:37^4. 2:.35. 2:36. Norwalk. Conn.. Aug. 20. 1874. $soo. Jimniv Norton 1, 2. Ladv Angle, Jean Ingelow, Lady Woods, Ned Forrest (3 dr). Ben (3 dn. Princess (3 dr). 2:.'!.-.. 2:.3r,. 2::(7^4. 2:36. 2:;'.9. Potsdam. N. Y.. Sent. 28, 1874. .$200. Capt. Smith. White Cloud. 2:36H. 2:,%. 2:,37. Khinebeck. N. Y., Oct. 27, 1874. $800. Bonner. Mountaineer, Roadmaster. Le Fevre Jack. Commodore Baiiibridge, Bay Ben, 2:35'4, 2:32U. 2:.36 Messenger IJoy. gr g (3 :44). H. L. iNIorrison, Danvers, IVIass., June 17. 1876,8200. George A. P., Wava, Gilbreth, Anna (2 dis). Lumber (2 disi. Nelly (1 dis). Palace King (1 dis>. 2:51. 2:.".3, 2:."i3'2. Lynn, Mass., .lime 28, 1876. .$200. Lvman 1, P. W., W., Slippery Dan. Daniel, George A. P. (3 dis), Quaker Bov (3 (lis), 2 :45, 2 :45, 2 :45' .. 2 :4.5. Brockton. Mass.. .luly 4, 1876, .S.3,'')0. Ladv ^Villianls 4. F'lora Brett, Whiteface 1, Ned, Abdallah, Nelly Allen, Allie B., Pm-ity (1 dis), 2:45. 2:44, 2 45. 2:45. 2:4.5, 2:45i2. Danvers. Mass., Aug. 26, 1876, $100. Alice, 2:46. 1M6, 2:44. Lvnn, iMass., Sept. 18, 1S76. $100. Modoc Chief. 2:.-.6'... 2 :.54, 2:50;^i. Sci)t. — 1876. $ . Gen. Sanders 3. 2 :40V, . 2 :47. 2 -.49. 2 :43. Messenger Chief, blk s (3:34). H. V. D. Voorhees, Avon, 111., Sept. 26. 1877, $40. .Toker 1, 3:35,3:24, 3:36, 3:27. Messenger Drew, ch g (3:46). A. J. Perham. Lynn, Mass., June 18, 1877, $200. Lady Norton, 2:50, 2:50»^, 2 : .52. ^ .\ng. 22. 1877, ."iioo. Frank, Jim, General. No time. Messenger Duroc Colt, bg (3:43'.,) by Messenger Duroc. Charles Backman. Morrisania. N. Y., Sept. 17, 1883. .«.30O. Sargent's b f (1 dis). 2:44''.i. Three-vear-olds. Hartford. Conn. Oct. 3, 1883. $1..34.5. West Biefney (1 dis), 2:44'4. Three-vear-olds. Oct. 4, 18»3, $87.5. Clem. Minnie P. (2 dis). 2:46'2. 2:43^. Three-year-olds. Messenger Girl, gr m (3 :37). W. B. Smith. New Haven, Conn., Oct. 19, 1865, .$75. Katy Shorin 1, 2:58, 2:63, 2 :53. IT. G. Haves, Manchester, N. H., Sept. 15, 1868. $1.50. Cassias, Nellv, Kearsage, 2 :54, 2:434. 2:44. Litllctown. N. H.. Sept. 24. 18r>8, ,$7.5. Gen. Knox .Jr., Black Dan, 2:37, 2:45.2:48. Concord. N. IL. Oct. 8, 1868. $12.5. Danville Boy, 2:41, 2:45. 2:44'4. W^ G. Shaw, Sept. 27. 1872. $1'25. Arthabaska 4. Ladv Rogers 1 . 2 :48, 2:47. 2 :46'/s, 2 :47, 2 :43i/s. Messenger Girl, gr m (3 :33). B. F. Kendig, York, Pa., Oct. 3, 1883. .$60. Crazy Jane, Kate. 3:40M, 3:.37, 3:.33. Foin'-yc;ir-olds. Messenger Golddust.chs (3 :39>bv Crolddust. S. P. Dorsey. Lowell, Mich., June 20, 1872, ? . Henry G()ldd)ist.3:24U. 3:17. Three-vear-olds. T. W. Brant' Montgomery fUtv. Mo., Sept. 22, 1875. $75. Dora F. 1. Ben Lyon (3 dr). lorn (3 dis). 2:.55, 2 '49 '4 2 '4.5 ^ V. il.Ddrsev. Carlinville. 111.. Oct. 1. 187.5, .$70. Minnie Weir. 2:4Si4, 2.3->.i. 2:4S»4. T. W. Brant". Montgomery City. Mo., Sept. 21. 1880. $30. Bashaw Temple. No time Stallions. Messenger Knox, gr s f3::?0). by Gen. Knox, dam bv Prince. L. J. Brackett, Gardiner, Me., Sept. 10, 1673, $K»0. Ladv Braclford, Twilight. Leeds. Stonewall, .tiickson. 2:46, 2:46. 2:46»/>. Sept. 11.' 187,3, $100. Leeds. Whitdirld :\laid. 2:,52V,i. Dover. N. H., Aug. 6, 1874. $17.5. Greenland. Jenny Thompson. Young Hir.im, 2:42, 2:44, 2:41. Lewiston. Me., Ang. 18, 1874, $350. Pomp, Fleetwing, Dare (2(lis). Anson Belle (2 dis). Little Fred (2 dis), 2 '.37 2 •.34 '' '.37 ^Aug.' 'l9."l874, $1,000. Maine Slasher, John T. Russell. King William. Knox Boy (3 dis). 2-34.2:35. 2 :.35. Gardiner. Mc. Aug. 26. 1874, $500. Maine Slasher. King William, 2:32, 2:33^, 2:.3254'. Stallions. Anu'. 28. 1874. .«!-'00. Ch;>rcoal, Little Fred. 2:41. 2:42. 2:.3a. Lewiston. Me.. Sept. 2.3, 1874. $.300. King William. Phil Sheridan. 2:.37'/,,2:36. 2:.%5. Stidlions. Sept. 24. 1874. Prize, belt. Bismarck (3 dr). 2:37. 2,36, 2:65. Stallions, CIIKSTKKS COMI'LKTK TKQTTIXG AND PACING KKCORl). 499 Sept. 25, 1874, §450. Kinjr William, Phil Sheridan, Charley INForrill (2 dis), 2:34, 2:33}^, 2:35. G. & L. P, Warren. I'ortland, Mc, Sept. 24, 1875. Prize, belt. Youiif; Buchanan, Phil Sheridan, Gen. Lightt'oot, 2:.3(>, 2:3tjj.i. 2:34 "j . Stullions. Oct. i;, 1,ST5, .^500. I'liil olicri, by Cai)Oul. W. H. Owen, Middletowi), Del., Sei)t. 2:5, 1880, $200. John 1.2. Potato Bug, Mountain Bov. Little .Mac. Blind Tom. Ladv Morris, 2:45i.,, 2:45. 2:44' ,. 2:43i», 2:45. W. H. Bunting, Elkion, Md., Oct. 15. 1880. .$150. Country Boy, Grecian Maid, Little Mac, Judge (2 dis), 2:39'2,2:39'.i.2:40. Mexican Tom, ch g (3 :33), by Tom Hal. L. S. Shattuck. Cleveland. O., Sept. 10, 1874. .$500. Jeremiah 1, Lady McFatridge, Chalkline, Bessie, Lady Bashaw. Modoc Jack (2 dis). Hiatoga Chief (1 dis), 2:38?£, 2:399*, 2:4114,2:46. — -- TitusviUe Pa., Sept. SOand Oct. 2, I875..f300. Gray Billy, i. 2, Sleepy Tom 3 (C dis), 2:40';;, 2:40)4, 2:41, 2:41,2:40.2:41. ' " - - Parker City. Pa., Oct. 12, 1875. .Woo. Sleepy Tom 4, GravBilIy,3, 2:40. 2:41,2:41,2:39.2:42. M. H. In.sley, b. g. (3 :33W). by St. Nicholas. M. D. Fields, Manhattan, Kan., Sept, 27, 1878, $100. Kentucky Chief, Belle Temple (2 dis), 2:45=.t, 2:50, 2:4,5. Sept. 28, 1878 .$100. Border King, Startler, Kentucky Chief, Drover Boy, 2:43, 2-A2U, 2:45. M. H. Insley protested. Protest sustained. Salina, Kan.. Oct. 5. ls78, $200. lona. Barney, 2:40';;, 2:41. 2:40. F. Pearson. Lincoln. Neb., Julv 1. Is8l. .$200. Alarm 1. Jennie C, 2:40, 2:40, 2:39, 2:39i4. Michael Gray (3 :56). Dr. Kimball. Danvers. Mass.. June 25. 1874, $ . No Name 1, 3:04, 2:.57, 2:56)4, 2:56. Michael Strogoft", ch g (3 :51?4,). W.Bent, Framinghani. Mass.. Sept. 19. 1883, .$100. Duet, Province Boy, Lucy a.. 2:519i, 2:59, 2:.50. Micliisan Boy (3 :50(2). .Muir, Mich.. Oct. 1, 1875, .f . Dan H.. Essex Maid. 2:.52. 2:,52, 2:54. Michigan Maid, b m (2 :40^i). by St. Lawrence, dam by Black Hawk. S. Kline. Flint, Mich., Sept. 30, 1880, $ . Koxy. Berty Clay, John. No time. Oct. — . 1880. .$ Mambrino Foster, Molly Middleton. No time. O. Holburn, Dowagiac. Mich.. Oct. 15, 1882, $150. Razor B., Arabella, 2:44!^. 2:40=';£, 2:44M. Miclty Dowd (3:3l''4) .by Cazique. H. C. McDowell, Lexington, Kv.,'Aug. 29, 1878. .$300. Little Belle, Bessie, Puss Hamlet (1 dis), May d dis), 2:37^4, 2:36. 2:38)4. Micky Free (w) (.3 :48 w). Centreville, L. I.. Aug. 25, 1857, $1,000. Jack 'o Lantern (w) 3, (1 0) (4 dr), 2:50, 2:48, 2:49, Micky Free, rn g (3 :389.i). J. J. Bowen, Boston, Mass., June 16, 1865, $500. Andy Mulligan. 2:45, 2-AZ%, 2:38ii. Micky Free, blk g (3:54). J. P. Gilbert, Berea, O.. Oct. 17, 1871. $30. Prairie Bov, Hatch's gr m, Nelly, Busy. Frank. 2:55, 2:54. Micky Free, bg (3:44). O. G. Gorter, Baltimore, Md., June 1, 1874, $300. Bob Hayes 2 (10), Sam, Nelly Hammond, Bridget (3 dis), 2:46, 2:45)4, "■^'^^ 2:48, 2:44. Geo. W. Nelson. Julv 10. 1874. .$200. John Thomas 3. No time. Midas, grg (3:35). E. Whitehead, Providence, R. I., May 21, 1879, .$200. Steve Lewis 1, 2, George Patchen, Jr., Rescue (4 dr). 2:41, 2:41, 2:40, 2:40. 2:41. New Bedford, Mass., Oct. 16, 1873, $ . Unknown l, 2, 2:49V2, 2:43)^. 2:41?4, 2:47. 2:40i.2. Middlesex, ch g 13 ^4>. by Seneca Chief, dam by Greyhound. J. Ryan. Mystic Park. Boston, June 7.1879. $300. Robert B.Thomas, Robert Bonner, Harry Brown, Annie Lou. Kitty Bates, Kittv Jones (3 dis), 2:31, 2:31,2:31. Middlesex Maid, br ni (3 :00). W. Bishop, Jersey City, N. J., July!2, 1877, $100. Arkansas, Somersetshire Maid. 3:04. 3:01, 3:00. Middleton, gr g (3 :45). \V. H. Wil^son. Lexington. Ky., July 4, 1873, $100. Spencer 1. Offut's blk g (4 dr), 2:54, 2:49. 2:.5.5?i, 2:581^. Middleton, bg (3 :46).4). C. A. Ashton, Doylestown. Pa.. Oct. 7, 1875, $100. Golddust, Belle A., Dolly Varden, (1 dis), 2:54^, 2:55,2:53. Oct. 8, 187.5, $100. Belle A. 4 (30). Iowa Girl, Spunky (2 dr). 2:50. 2:4614, 2:51. 2:51. 2:52=4. Point Breeze Park, Phil., Nov. 8. 1875. .$200. Eliza Jane 1. 2:.58. 2:55'2, 2:57, 2:56;2. Middletown Jr., ch s (2 :3~ ), by Middletown. N. B. Mann. "Watertown. N. Y., Aug. 31. 1883, $200. Phil Sheri- dan 1, Gen. Garfleld, BerdellPrince, Black Prince 2 (4 dis), 2:38, 2:40i4. 2:38)4, 2:38)4, 2:37. Stallions. Middy, gr m (2 :41i'2). Leonard McOmber, Taunton, Mass., Sept. 29 and Oct. 1, 1874, $ioo. Wolf Hunter 2. 3, Captain K. (5 0), Alexis, Stranger, Young Sport, Duke. Kentuck (4 dr), 2:4714. 2:.52, 2:45U, 2:47, 2:50, 2:48. Mrs. Leonard McConiber, Mansfield, Mass., July 31, 1875. $50. Billy Patterson 1, Rosa. 3:05. 3:00. 3:02)4, 2:58. Ladv drivers. Middy Morgan, b m. M.H.Sutherland, Ogdensburgh, N. Y.. Oct. 4, 1871. $65. Parrot (2 dis). No time. Three-year-olds. Midge, b m (3 :'i~%), by W'ilkie Collins. J. A. Mabee, Susquehanna, Pa.. July 24, l.'<80, f^\bn. Lady Moore, Rosamond, Best tinie, 2 :3.5)4. W. Morgan. Oswego. N. Y.. Aug. 24, 1881, .$200. Kit Bradlev, Sentinel, Daisy Brown. 2:30. 2:29, 2:30. H. McGi-ath. Fitchl)urg. Mass., Sept. 20. 1882. $200. Belle R., Wild Lilv, 2:45,'2:40, 2:44. Midge. 1) III (2 :50). J. Mc(Uie. Jersey City, N. J.. Aug. 23, 1883, .$7.5. Nellv. George. 2:.56';. 2:,52)4. 2:52';. Midget, br m (3 :34). Ben Mace, Jersey City, N. J., June 15. 1874. .$.300. Shoe Strings 1, Melissa 4. Surprise, Port Jervis (4dis). J. Drew (4 dis), Delight (1 dis\ Newbridge Boy (1 dis). 2:49)4. 2;.51, 2:.54, 2:.51, 2:51)^. Fleetwood Park. N. Y., Sept. 28, 1874, $800. Roval George 3, 4, W. Walsh, Pauline, J. N. Mansuay, Rosa Sonburg 1 (3 dis). Arthur (1 dis),2 :35, 2 :.34, 2:33'4, 2:38,2:40. Midget, wh m (3:42). W. J. Haskell, Greenfield, Mass.. Julys, 1879, $150. Nelly. Sadie, Carl. Lord Bantam (.3dr), 2:42, 2:48, 2:.53. Midget, blk m (2:47). W. S. Johnson, Brooklyn, Conn., Sept. 22, 1882, $ . Fred S. 2, Flora 2:47, 2:50, 2:48; 2:50. Midland, ch g (2 :3694). Russell Loomis. W.ntertown. N. Y.. Oct. 7. 1873, $400. Polly Todd 4, Lady Putman 3, t (s). lir 111 (3 :40 s). ti. K. Wesson, Worcester, Mass . Sept. 22, 1865, $25. Copperhead is), 2. 4. 2-42U, 2:;«lU..J:4(i. 2:4(1. 2:4|i^. /. . • 7«. MidiiiKlit. l)lk n rZ-Mn^). Henry Jones, Potsdam, N. Y., July 12. 1872, 35«0. Whitel'loud 2, llaut Boy, lleaits- (•;ise. .Iiide i.idis). Hurricane (2ilis.». 2:3V^y 2::i.i, 2:32. 2:31'i. MidiiiR:Iit(Si)fcd\vcll), ch s(!J:4l '., )• U. Siiiitli, SI. Louis, Mo.. Aug. 24, 1875, S500. Ella 1, Helle of Cleveland 2:4.^'.,, 2:4j:'.,. 2:44',. 2:41v.,, Midnifjlit, lir III (•^:4!»!2). Air. Mason. Montreal. Canada. Aug. 24. 1K49. SIOO. Bower's blk s 2:52'2 2-49i; Midiiiulit. blk s (•J:4'-e). N. T. Dessault, Si. .loliiisburv, Vt.. Sept. 24. 1S74, .$200. Belle Xoble 2, 5 Rowdv 4 St;irligllt (2 dr). 2:42, 2:44'4, 2:4.;. 2:4(i. 2:47. 2:4!). ' ' Slanste;id I'laiiis, 1*. Q., Aug. lit. l.><7.".. j^ioo. Little Blue .'J. Belle Noble, Moore. 2:42U, 2:42, 2:42. 2:43 (i. C. Cooper, Montreal, 1'. t^.. t)ct. 2. 1877. SiKlO. Coiupieror 2. ;>, Richelieu 1. SoreL Black Diamond (1 (lis). No time. Stallions. MidniKlit blk s ci :39). Joe Blaiul, Nashville, Tenn., April 27, 1878, §50, Rusty Shilling 1. Lady Braiisford 2:4.;',. 2:40, 2:43, 2:39. ' o . . MUIiiiKlit- I) nil'-i::}?). C. II. Wheeler, Newark. N. J., Sept. 17. 1878, .?200. Dan TAfer 1, 4. Rescue, Flora JelTersou (3 (lis). Madge(3 dis», i'bil Dean (2 dis», Frank (1 . 2:.39. 2:;!7. 2:37, 2:40, 2:37'... Sept. lit. 187S, .?20u. Flora Jell'ersou. Bob Scott, Little Dan. Lady Nillson, Kescne, Sussex Boy, Kitty Tlioinpsoii (2 dis), 2:38, 2:3MU,. 2:.37i.i. Midnight, blk g (3:18>.i), by I'eacemaker. dam by the Drew Horse. Charles M. Reed, Newark, O.. June 25. I87K, .■-;7(K». Sheridan 1. Deception. 2:31'2, 2:.i4'i;, 2:33'2, 2:o2!a. Voungstowii, ()., July 5. 1878. .'reoo. Hip Kap i, Hazor, Daniel the Prophet (2 dis). Magnolia (2 dis), 2:29 2:271,. 2:28'.i, 2:-J9'i. D;ui Mace, Ambler Park. Pa.. May 2:^, 1879. ^hiH). Haiiuis, 2. 2:35, 2:.!1. 2:26, 2:25i^. Pittsburgh. Pa., .luue 13. 1^7!i. .iiHOO. Gray Salem. Kicliard. Scott's Thomas, Deception, 2:26?4, 2:29' j, 2-28 Butler. Pa.. .Iiiiie 19, 1879. ■■i-et'c. Richard. Scott's Tlutmas. Decejition. 2:28. 2:26, 2:26. ^■(•ullgst()Wll, ().. July 5, 1X79. .•:i!700. Silversides. Deception, Hannah D., 2:22'i, 2:22. 2:24. .1. SliiUiiighiw. Klmira, N. Y.. .luue l.'i. 1881. .i?(;oo. Moose. Driver. Patchcn, 2:27?i, 2:255!i, 2:23yi. Toledo. ().. .luue 23. 18S1. SI.(KK». Parana, Driver, lliuiuis t2(lis). 2:J3i4, 2:24, 2:22^;. Columbus. ().. .luly 1. 1881..•^800. Driver. Parana (3(lr). 2:21'... 2:22'o, 2:21. Vouugstown. ()., .July 6. 1S81. •S.'iOO. Driver 3, Palcheii, Lucy. 2:20>.i, 2:25, 2:24, 2:22'/-. Piltslmrgh, Pa., July 15, 1881, ij2,000. Driver 1, AVedgewood^ Trinket, Bonesetter, Pjitchen, 2 :20>^, 2:19^4, — iiutVaio. N. Y., Aug. 5. 1881, $3,000. Charley Ford 3. Hopeful, Robert McGregor, So So 1 (2 dis), 2 :20y., 2 19. 2:20.2:20.2:21. Midnight, b g (3:40). E. B. Wilde, Haverhill. Mass., Sept. 28. 1881, $-2ryO. George Mann 1, 2, Butcher Boy. 2 ;.!li, 2:41J/., 2:40, 2:40, 2:58. Midsummer, ch g (3:38',2). T. B. Rowe. Lancaster, Pa., June 19. 1874. .$225. Competitors not named. 2:55^4, 2:55, 2:.'>3i4. June 20, 1874, § . Scientific Maid. 3. 2:51, 2:,58, 2:51. 2:.'')2. Mr. McGonigle, June 15. 1876. .$350. Si)arkle 4, Ladv Kavmond (3 0), Fanny (i., Jane, Philadelphia Maid, Harriet P. (4 dr), 2:38'2, 2:39. 2:44U. 2:45. 2:42'o. Midway, b g (3:34). by Keif's Bellriuger. J. B. Serrill. Ambler Park, Pa., Sept. 17, 1873, $175. Mack 2, Liz McF.. 2:.'>2J^. 2:49' 1. 2A5y>, 2:.'i4. Pottstown, Pa.. .June (;. 1.^76. .«4.W. Nellv, George :M. Patchen, Portion. Little Nell, 2:36. 2:35, 2:.'i5. June 9, 1S70. Sir^. Draper 1. Rockv Hill. Tlieo. Filler (4 dis). 2:34?^, 2:34, 2:37, 2:40. Oct. 6 and 7, 187(;, $300. Sorrel Tom 1, Spitfire. 2:38i.i. 2:36»4, 2:34'i, 2:;i6'2. Midway Uelle.bm, (3:3.5). by Bourbon Chief, dam bv Edwin Forrest. E. P. Bishop, Little Rock. Ark.. Nov. 19, 1878, $112.50. Bob Newton (1 dis). Tanglefoot (1 disl. Bay Prince (1 dis). 2:41. Miction, b m (3:37M. by Sentinel, dam Sally ^^ arwick bv Toronto. W. A. Sanborn, Geneseo, HI., June 27, 187H, .$1.50. Deronda, Oconto, Lucy S„ Ella Earle (3 dri, 2:45. 2:42. 2:46. June 29, 1878. .$200. Little Maid, Deronda. Centella. Third .Michigan (2 dis), 2:41. 2:37. 2:.37. Prophetstown, 111.. Aug. 8, 1878, .$3(in. Albion Bov .!. .lim Lane 2. Fred Douglass^ Grav Eagle, Kitty Pease, Silver Heels (2 dis), .John J. Cook (2 dis). 2:38, 2:.'i6, 2:33, 2:31 'o, 2:32. ■ Geo. B. Haves, Sterling. 111.. Sept. 21. isso, .«; . Loiia. .lenny B." 2:33.2:31. 2:27?.i. Oregon. III.. Sept. 24. 1880, .$200. M;itt Kiikwood 1. 2:4D4. 2:41'2. 2:42K>. 2:S9^. Mike, br g (3 :3S'4 ). by P.eecher, dam bv Cliff oil Pilot. E. L. Muir, Lexington, Kv.. Sept. 2, 1882, $500. San- ford Keith, P.oiinv Wilkes, 2:35i.,. 2:28>.,, 2:.is>_j. E. S. .Muir, l''almouth. Ky.. Sept. 13. 188.3, .$300. Defender, Alcvone. Mvsterv. 2:39. 2:33'i, 2:33V4. Maysville, Kv.. Sejit. 21. 1883, .$350. Kitty Silver, Nannie Talbot, Tucker, Mvsterv, Zulu. Alcyone (3 dr), 2:32'4.2::{5^. 2:37'i. Mike, b g. G. Terwilliger, Poughkeepsie. N. Y'., Oct. 14. 1882. $100. Fanny 2, 4, Gyjisy Girl, Sleepy Jersey, I$utclier Bov. No time. Mike eh g (3 :1 1 ). Henrv Page, Burlington Kan.. Sept. 20, 1883. .$.-)0. Kiftv. Daisv. 3:11. 3:19. 3:20. Mike Goodwin, ch g (2^.34\^. P. L. Rust. Pitfsburgli, Pa., Oct. 18, 1866, $100. Annie Louise, (ieneral Thom- as (2 disi. Little (iporge (2 dis). 2:40'.i. 2:.37. 2:.').">'i. Warren. ().. .Mine 1.3. 1868, $100. Rusk. Honest .L'lne, 2:40'i. 2:.39, 2:4.'i. Youngstown. ().. Aug. 27, 1868. .$,300. St;irlight, Alarm, 2:.3.'), 2:37'4. 2:38'.!. Aug. 29, 1868, $iryO. Kinney, pacer. John Filer, pacer. General Williams 1 (4 dis), 2:374. 2:;i4>4, 2:37!i, 2::ia. Titusvillc, Pa., Sept. 9, 1868, .$1.2.50. General Williams. Sorrel Frank. 2:4.3, 2:47, 2:.i9. M Ike >'orton, blk s (3 :36i4). A. Patterson, Fashion Course. L. L, July 7, 1868. $1,(kk). Lady Wells. 5:26, 5:27. T\\'o miles. Mike Sheldon. (3 :40'',). G. Grimes. Mexico. Mo.. Sept. 19. 1883. $ . Doctor l. 2:42. 2:42'i. 2:41. 2:40»i. Mike Wilkes, b g (3 :3fi^. bv (icorge Wilkes, (him byCurtlev's Patchen. (Jeo. W. A'oorhees, E. Saginaw, Mich., Sept. 28, 1881, $300! .lenny Wells, Big Mary, Smuggler Maid, Chalkline, Ed Smith, Strathmore. 2:,36, 2:39>^, 2:.3H"». MilaC, br 111 (3:33"2). Budd Dohle, Suffolk Park, Phila., May 27, 1874, $500. Susie Kurtz, Ladv P.atterson. 2:.33"2, 2:.36»^, 2:.36. Mila Caldwell (Mila C.). ch m (3 :3CV■». 1873. $3,000. Logan 1, Country Boy, Red Wing, Ladv Fox. Black Prince, Topsy, Hattie. 2 :28, 2 :27. 2 :"27'.( . 2 :31 4. ('. Myers, Lincoln, 111., Sept. 11, 1873, $450. Joe Sbawban, George Fawcett, Tom Wonder, Ella Wright. 2:33'/j,2:31Ji,2:28»4. CHESTEirs CO^.ITM.ETK TU()TTI\(i AND PACING RECORD. 501 Hannibal, Mo., Oct. 2, 1873. .§.500. Silas Rioli. Belle flolddust, Trojana, Burger, 2:40, 2:.39. Dubuque, la., Oct. 10, 1«73. Ssoo. Whalebone, Bonny Doon (.2 dis), Black Ranger (1 dis), 2 :30?i, 2:34^4, 2:51. .>Iila G., ch m (3:39), by Blue Bull. J. Patterson, Jr.. Denver, Col., Mav IG. 1882. $500. Young Hiram 2, i Lizzie Drew, Olnistead, Little Silver (.5 dis ), Sarah (4 drj. Gen. Wolfe (3 dis). 2:47, 2:45!4, 2:45, 2:46, 2:47. A. H. Swan, Salt Lake Citv, Utah, June 28. 1882.1400. Ethel 2, Maggie C. 1, i-ula, Zip, 2:44'/>, 2 :37^, 2 :.{3^, 2:401/0, 2:40 'i. Council BlulTs. la., Sept. 21. 1882, .?250. Flora P. 2. 3 Tom Kirkwood l, Claude R., 2:48, 2:395!i, 2:.38ii, 2:43'i.2:.;9. 2:.-)!'.;. Mildew. 1)1U u i;J:.*>'i4). J. K. Richards. Sandusky, O., Sept. 2G, 1878, §75. Buckskin 2, Jay Cooke l, Frank Srlllck, .Mdllv Crowell. 2:.52i2. 2:5614. 2:52i/2, 2:55. 2:56i4. iMiUl.w, rn g ( 'i :54>4 >. G. E. Piatt, Milford, Conn.. Aug. 16, 1877, $.50. Prince 5, Shorty 3 (6 dr), Ezra Patchen i4 dr). East Side 2 (3 dis), 3:00. 3:00. 2:5514. 2:,59. 2:.%, 2:54J4. Mile Eiul Boy. b g (.3:03i4,). .1. Hogue. Montreal. P. Q., Oct. 5, 1883. .i?50. .Joe Beef 1, Dandy. Marquis of Loriie. Montcalm Bov. Black Strap. Mary Ann. 3:0n, 3:05. 3:04i^,, 3:03>4. Mill's O'Reilly, brs (3:44). Geo. Ingall. Port Henry, N. Y.. Sept. 20, 1867, $1.50. Charmer 3, Rattler, 2 :51, 2 :.')(). 'J AX. C. C. Shout, Saratoga Spa. X. Y.. Oct. IG, 1867. .§500. Charmer l (4 0), 2:48, 2:44. 2:47, 2:46, 2:.54. Mile.s standish. b g (3 :36). F. Folger, Kingston. Out., May 30. 1879. .$125. French Boy 1, Gen. Thomas 2, Yarrah, .Jerry :Merrick (3 dr). 2:32. 2:34. 2:3G. 2:39, 2:36. Short track. Milk Boy. b sr(3:5iy. Mr. Giflford, San Diego. Cal.. April 18.1871, .Sl.OOO. Kate, 3:04i4. 2:.58'i>. John Donolioe. April, 18. 1871, $400. Belle 2. Longfellow (2 dr), 2:54';, 2:.50^.i, 2:.5.3. 2:51. — E. B. Gifford. Dec. 14, 1873. .'fi200. Harrv, Dirigo. Belle (3 dis), 2:.55, 2:.54Vi. 2:.59. MilUmaid, br m(3:.53). .John S.Stephenson, Buffalo. X. Y., Sept. 27. 1849. .§50. Mayflower 3. Goldhunter, 2 ■.52. 2 -.53. 2:.52. 2:.5:i. Milkmaid ^Belle of Middletown). b m (3 :44\ D. Blodgett, Boston, Mass., Aug. 6, 18.58, S — . Lady Pierce, Lady Strafford. i>:48. 2:48. (W) J. MeManiis. ILirlem, N. Y., April 6, 1858, .?500. Lonesome Phoebe (w), 2:52i^. 2:52, 2:47. C. Smith. Middli'town. Conn., May 17, 1864, $200. Maud 2, 3, 3:02, 2:.58i^,3:01. 3:02, 3:01. Milkmaid, br m (^3:59). G. H. Pitcher, Rockland, Me.. Aug. 10, 1872. .§50. I.,adv Martin, \Vidow Morse. 2:59, 3:01. 3:02. Milkmaid (3 :00). Lamb Tavern, Pa., Oct. 1. 1875. $ . Xed, 3:00, 3:02. 3:0.5. Mill Boy, bg (3:43). G. P. Coolidge, Gouverneur, N. Y.. Sept. 7, 187.5. .§1.50. t'roff. Lady Blanchard, 2:58, 2:53, 2:53. Same day. §100. Maud M.. Duster. No time. Potsdam' N. \'.. Sept. 23, 1875. .§ . 2:4.5.2:43.2:44. Competitors not named. Mill Boy. brg (3:36) by Jav Gould, dam Doleey, bv the Shaffer Pony. J.H.Phillips, Suffolk Park, Phila., Mav 10, 1881. §400. ,J. H. Gould. Rachel. 2:35, 2:2914. 2:32}/!;. Mav 13. 1881, .§400. Billy K., Ladv Upton, Aulinda, Kismet, Rachel. Princess. C. H. Smith, I{^itty Wood, 2:2814.2:2714,2:2814. Point Breeze Park, Phila., May 23, 1881, $400. Aulinda. EfBe, Kitty Wood. Billy K.. Lady Upton. C. H. Smith. Princess, 2:28'2, 2:27i4, 2:29. Belmont Park, Phila., May 27, 1881. $400. Kitty Wood, Kismet, Aulmda. Lady Upton, Princess. 2:27J4, 2:26';, 2:3114. Millbrobk Girl b m (3 :49). P. IL Barrett. Danburv. Conn., Oct. 7, 1874. .§50. J. H. Weeks l. Yoimg Meeker (4dis^, 2-M}4. 2:49, 2:.51. 2:50. Oct. 9, 1874, $100. J. H. Weeks 3, Black Prince, Black Dan, 2:491^, 2:51. 2:52, 2:51. Miller Boy, gr g (3 .•4410). D. M. Young. Morristown, X. J., July 4, 1867, $1,000. Careless. .Madison Boy, Lizzie Crow (3 dr), ISIimic d dis). 2:45=4, 2:47. 2:U}4. Miller Colt (3 :43i4). E. Bradbury, Copake, X. Y.. June 7, 1867. $ , General Hunt. Ladv Mac, 2:43, 2:44, 2:42'.4. Miller's Damsel (w).ch m (3 :38ii>bv Jackson, dam by Little Dnroc. C Carll, Centreville. L. I., Sept. 21, 1853,.$.500. Jennv Lind (vv» 2. 2:49.2:52i2, 2:46,2:47. (W) Oct. 19. 1853. $.500. Ladv Havnes (w). 2:43, 2:47. 2:49. (w), Union Course, L. I., MaV 30, 1854. $500. Jvate (w), 3:03, 3:08, 2:58. Wm. Whelan. Mav 17. 18.55. $.500. John Wands (w) (1 dis), 2:36. C. Carll. Huntington, L. I.. Oct. 4. 18.55. $25. I>ady Sontag, 2:52, 2:48. Rochester, X Y'., June 10. 1856. .§300. Tib Hinman 2 (3 0), Frank Hayes (3 dr), , 2:.36K 2:36i^, 2:37, 2:37 June 20. 1856. $600. George Dawson. 2:44. 2:47i2. 2:371/2. Union Course, L. L, May 26. 18.57. §800. General Darcy 3(40), Lady Woodruff. Stella 1 (5 dr>, 2:31'/4, 2:311^, 2:32. 2:32. 2:36, 2:.32. ^ (w), Centreville. L. I., Sept. 22. 18.57. $700. Lady Woodruff (vv). 2:3^.i, 2:37J4. (w). Nov. 26. 18.57, $300. Belle of Flatbush (w) 1. 2:45, 2:44. 2:44. 2:41i4. (w). Dec. 10. 18,57, .§500. Taconv (w), 2:41i^. 2 :43, 2:43. X. W. Durvea, Rochester, n! Y., June 16. 1858. $1.50. Red Bird 2 (4 dr). Jack Rossiter (4 dr), 2:33, 2:30, 2:33'/2 . — .riiiie 18.' 1858. $200. Jack Rossiter. Red Bird (2 dis), 5 :13i4. 5:27?^. Two miles. C. Carll. Waterloo. X. Y.. .luly 3. 18.58. $250. Tacony 1. 2:43, 2:45. 2:441.^, 2:41. Syracuse. X. \".. Jnlv 9. is,58. .§200. Jack Rossiter, 2:4014. 2:41 14. 2:4014. Elmira. X. Y., Sept. 29, 1858, $100. Belle of Saratoga, 5:14. Two miles. Syracuse, X. Y.. (^)ct. 6. 18.58. §300. Belle of Saratoga 2, 3. 2:28}^, 2:29. 2:30^i, 2:31, 2:35. Oct. 8, 18.58, .§50. Belle of Saratoga 1, 2:32^4. 2:31, 2:.32. 2:38. Eclipse Course, L. I.. Oct. 25. 18.58. ,§200. Andrew (1 dis). 5:32. Two miles. Providence, R. I.. Aug. 19. 1859. §1.000. Pilot 3, 2:29. 2:.329i, 2:31i4. 2:31i4. Boston. Mass.. Aug. 23. 18.59. .§.500. Pilot 3. 4. 2:42^. 2:.30.2:36, 2:.35, 2:35. Woonsocket. R. I.. Sept. 16. 1859. $.500. Pilot. 2:36. 2:32, 2:331^. Boston. Mass.. Oct. 11, 18.59. .§750. Pilot 1 (2 0) (5 dr), 2:.32. 2:.31. 2:32. 2:31. . X. W. Durvea. Rochester, X. Y.. Xov. 4. 18.59. •§ . Ike Cook 1. 2:.32i;. 2:33. 2:35]4. 2:35. E. Beebee. Moliile. Ala., Jan. 26. 1860. $1.50. Tom Hyer 2 (3 dis), 5:42!^. 5 :41. 5:16U. Two miles. X. W. Durvea. Xew Orleans. La.. Feb 2, 1860, $250. Joe Dimick, 2:29, 2:30, 2:291,^. Feb. 19. ISC'O. .§200. .loe Diniiek (2 0), 2:.36i;i, 2:.32^. 2:.34'2, 2:.36'i. St. Louis, Mo.. April 19, I860. .§1.000. .Joe Dimick, 2:33, 2:33, 2:34. Ai»ril 20. I860, §1,000. Joe Dimick, 2:31. 2:32, 2:.34. Hitler's Damsel, ch m (3:00). A. Miller, Easton. Pa.. Oct. .31, 1868, $50. Gray Harry 2. 4, 3-M%, 3:0314, .3:00. 3:02. 3:031.-,. •Vliller's Damsel, b m (3 :37). bv Yomitr Morrill (?). W. E. Weeks. Morrisania, N. Y.. .Tiilv29. 1880. $100. Billy- Barefoot (w) 2, 2:391^.2:.3.5,2:.39U, 2::;9i4. G. Tappiu. Sent. 21. 1880. $100. Henrv. 1 :14' j. Half-iuile lieats. 802 CHKSTEK'S (•(tMl'I.KrK IIJOT'I IN(; AM) l'A( lN»i UKCOltU. C. Davidson, Jersey City, N. J., J mil' 8, 1SS2. §150. Daisy l'eius;ill, JJessle, B., liuKardless. 2-i'2'A 'i.Vi 2 :4a' J. ' ■ ' Miller's Damsel, br in (3:40), by St. Elmo, iliini Jane Veto, by Veto. W. S. Covlll, HridKewater Mass Sept. 22, 1S81. a.iO. Dclle, Arbiter, Moonliglit (2 dn. 1:31. 1:2'J. Ilalt-niile lieat.s. Four-year-olds \). C. .Miller, Tainitoii. .Ma.ss., Sept. 2G, 1S82, S . (ireen(iirl. 3:00, 2:57. Four-year-olds. W. S. ("ovill. Broiklou, .Mass., ()et. 6, 1882, :?150. -Empress, I'ennaeook, Fred D.. Kittv Snrinirbrook Boy, Playful (2 dis). 2:43. 2:40'2, 2:41. •• i h f. La Itose, Woonsoeket, K. I., Sept. 18, 188;!. SJ.W. William Otis 2, Jeremiah. Walter 1 (4 dis) Maud B (2dis). 2:41,2:40. 2:40. 2:42!s, 2:42. Millers Damsel, ell m (~:*0'-i). W. Darling. Kalamazoo, Mieh.. .lulv 4, 188,3, S . John Tlioma.<« Harrv D.. 2:44'.,. 2:41, 2:40'4. " . - j Miller's .Maid b m ('^ :53). .J. \V. Miller, Hudson, N. V., Sept. 30 and t»et. 1. 1875, §100. Kittv Clyde Frank Wonder (3 r 01. 2:55, 2:59H. 3:00. • *^ ' Mills Mare b m ('-J :3»), by Darry Clay. Jesse K. Wood, tiosheii. N. V., Sei)t. 2, 18*)8. §75. Sis Kosa Bonheur 3:00. 2:5(>>.4, 2:58. ' i^liddletown. N, Y., June 23, 1809. S . lirutiis. 2:,'>0y., 2:49V>. 2:50W.. Aug. 25. 180!», § . Kose, Abe Lineoln (2 dis). Fanny (lay (2 dis). fiidge Boy (i dis). 2:47. 2-39 2-42 Newburgli, N. Y.. Sept. 4, 18(ii»..S— . Smith's b g. Lady Irwin. Cochecton .Alaid, 2:46, 2:45 2-50 MIddlctown, N. Y'.. Xov. 12, 1869, § . Lady Irwiu 1, 5 U, 0), (ioldsmith Mare, 2:4.5' 2-49 2-47>4 2:4l». 2:47. ■ Montgomery, X.Y., June 24, 1870, S150. Cochectou Maid 2. Lady Irwni 3.2 :.50. 2-48 •«46 0.465a 2-49 MIddl.town, N. Y., Aug. 24, 1870, §200. liiee (iraves 3, 4. Lasher. Lady Irwin (1 (fis>~2 4bi/,' 2-42 2-44% 2:4.^1' >. 2:41',. ' *••'•'»' ■ Goshfli, N. Y., Aug. 27, 1870, §400. Belle Orange, 2:3!», 2:46. 2:47. Milly b m y'i :57). Jas. lioekey, Hamilton. O., July 17, 1867. .*7."). .Me(;uan's b ni. Spruce Beer (1 dis), 3:01 >/j. 2:57. Mllo b g (3:41). E. (J. Goding, Dixfield, Me., Jnne 17, I81.5, § . Veto, Copperbottom, Hannah M Tarr Ladv Marrill, 2:48',. 2:4754. 2:481.;;. Milo b s (2 :3«>i. l)v Miiwaukee. dam Minnie B.. by Bay iSLambrino. T. (i. Dunbar. Chicago. HI.. Sept 12, 1881, .§500. Highland Stranger, (iraiid Misery, Mambrino Stranger, Byron M., Cassius, Horsemoiint Bov 2-34''; 2 :29^, 2 :34''.i . Sept. 14, 1881, §.500. Konieo. 2:3f)J.£, 2:.31ls. 2:33?a. Stallions. Pittsburgh, i'a., Oct. 4, 1881, .•PSOO. Mamie .AI. 3, Etlie G. 2, Walter 4. Alleghanv Boy (5 dis) Harrv H ( 1 dis). 2:.!2. 2:.!2»4. 2:30, 2:33, 2:30, 2:34i4. ■ ^ . j c. T. Hradlev, Janesville, Wis., June 6,1883, .§300. Betsey Ann, Rosalind. Don Quixote (2 dis) Tom Keno (1 (lis). 2:2()'4. 2:27' o, 2:30. E. E. Rood. .Milwaukee. Wis., June 12, 1883. .§,3on. Betsy Ann. Annie Lou. 2:27, 2:26. 2:28. Milton, ch g (3:47). Cambridge. Mass., July tj. 1846, § , Dan Tucker (w). 2:53'. j, 2:47. Milton, b g (3:38U..) B. (i. Kimball. Lowell. Mass., Sept. 25, 1883, §75. Billy D., Barber Boy, Acsah M. , May (iueen (3 dis), Foxhall (3 dis), 2 ;r,!, 2:.06, 2:56. Sept. 26. 1883, §7.5. Temi)est 1. Billy D.. Robert B., Star of the West (3 dis), 2:49'4. 2:44, 2:47, 2:51 Milton B. blk g (3:44^.) Mr. Bidlack, Red Oak, la., Sept. 1, 1880, §105. Black Tom. Bogardus. 2:,5,5. 2:44'4. 2:51?4. Milton Medium, bs (3 :3.5'<;), by Happy Medium, dam by Hackett's Mambrino. Robert Steel, Suftolk Park, Phil.. .Fuly 12, 1876, §500. Sandbank 2, Carll Burr, Jenny. Bianca, Marshal Key (4 dis), Strife (3 dis), *^ '37 2*38 *^'36 2*37 ^h! Smiiey', Portland, Or., July 22, 1882, §800. Dexter. Dirigo d dis) 2:29'2, 2;27%, 2:25'i. Dr. Clowe, Helena, Mont., Sept. 8, 1883, § . Ranchero, Black Diamond (1 dis), 2:;J0. 2:39^, 2:30'^. Stallions. L. B. Lindsay. Salem, Or., Sept. 21. 1883, $- — . 2:34, 2:30. To beat 2:25'.2. Lost. Milwaukee Maid, blk m (3 :36). Smith & Davis, Milwaukee, Wis., Mav 24, 1879. § . Seven Up, Wampum I'.cllc Susie, Miniska (3 dr), Fanny Pardee (2 dr), 2:36, 2:.38i4, 2:39. Mina Link, brill (3:33) by Delmonico. W. T, Link, Nashville. Tenn., May 25 and 26, 1876, §500. Logan. Fanny Robinson, Diana, Carlisle (1 dis), 2:34, 2:37, 2:33. Mineola", b m (3:47). C. Smith. Hempstead, L. I., Aug. 2, 1859, §1.5. Butcher 2. 3. 2:.56. 2:55. 2:45, 2:49, 2:47. Mineola, bm (3:45). D. Walters, Dovlestown, Pa., Oct. 1, 1879. § . Ida 4, 5, Black Maria 1, Kate, Hiram C, American Bov, Herdic d dis), Kol)in fl dis). 2:42'4, 2:45?.^ 2:45, 2:.51»4. 2:48, 2:.52. Minerva K.,grm (3:591 j), by M;imbrino Boy. H. L. Stont, Manchester, la.. Sept. 13, 1883, §75. David S., 2:.59'/2. 2:59M. Three-year-olds. Independence, la.. Sept. 28, 1883. $ . Georgiana, Alpha. 2:.'")9U'.. 2:.59M. Mingo, eh g (3:44). T. Biggs, Centreville. I . I., .June 12, 1840. .§350. Bonaparte. (4>uaker. Sir William. 8;22, 8:23. Three miles. , J. Mc(5ee, Nov, 24, 1840, §150. Ellen Tree, Cato, 5:48. 5:49i/,. Two miles. (s), J. Moore, Beacon Course. N. J.. Nov. .'50, 1840. §100. Boston Grav (s) 1, 2. Lady Clinton (s) 3. 6, Ver- mont Maid (s) 4, 2 :49"o . 2 :48, 2 :47. 2 ;44»^, 2 :47. 2 :40, 2 :5I . 2 :.54. J. Conkiin, Centreville. L. I.. Sept. 8, 1845. §.500. Medoc 1. 2. 2:46Vi'. 2:47'i. 2:44. 2:46. 2:46' i. Mingo, blk g (3 :33). G, W. Brigham. Mystic Park. Boston. July 21. 1875. .§200. Blanche 1. Nelly. Doctor, Com- bination. 2:41K'. 2:37. 2:39. 2:33. 2:;!6i.$. Minneapolis, brg (3:31'i I. by Tuckahoe. dam by Green's Bashaw. Rochester, Minn., Sept. 7, 1882. $300. White Stockings, Monroe. I). S. Tavhir. 2:44, 2:4.5K>. 2:40. .1. W. Wliltconib. Winnipeg, Man., Oct. 5, 1882. .§400. Honest Quaker 1. 2, Jidla F. (2 dis), Jenny K. (1 dis), 3:27, 2:.54. 2:,54'4 2:59>^, 2:59. W. J . Iliiimau, Winnipeg, Man.. Sept. 11. 188.3. ,$.500. Petaluma 3. 5(6 0) (7 0). Gen. Sarstield l (6 0) (7 0), Sleepy .lim, Sciilskin .Joe, 2:34. 2:.31'4. 2:.32';. 2:.'{4' j. 2:.37. 2:.38K'. . 2:.39';. Minnehaha, b m (3:56). John (Jreen, New Bedford, Mass., Oct, 28. 1869. §200. Mameluke (3 0), 3:04, 2:58J^, Minnehaha, blk m(3:41i^). W. Laird. Fremont. ()., Aug. 1.3, 1879, §250. Mambrino Oceanic. 1. 2, SamTllden, liii-d. Dizzy. Ladv Emerson. 2:47. 2;,50, 2:45. IMV,. 2:41".. Minnesotariiief, bg(3:38). S. Deshoii. St. I'aul. -Minn.. July 4, 1871. §200. Dan Sutton, (2 0), Lady Baker. Amanda (1 dis), 2:42i4. . 2:401^. 2:43%. Octn. 1872..S:tOO. Champion. Sir Richard R. 1 (3 dis). 2:48. 2:42, 2 :41. 2:41. Minneaiiolis, Minn., Oct. 2.3, 1872, §5,50. Champion 2. 2:.38",. 2:.38»4. 2:38, 2:40. St. I'.iul.Minii.. Julv 3. 1873, $ . Sir Richard R. 1. Prince. 2:41»^, 2:38. 2.41"«, 2:40»4. H. (J. liixby, Nashua, N. H., July 4, 1877, §1,000. Colonel Sellers 1, 2 (4 0), 2:40, 2:39, 2:43V^, 2:46. 2:46. 2:.50. Minnie, ch in (3:40%). Wm. Woodruff. Fashion Course, L. I., May 29, 1863, $200. Patchen Coll, 2:55»i. •lXiA^\ 2:51 Dan Mace, Julv 21. 186.3, §l,ono. Pulaski .3. 4. 2:43. 2:42'4. 2:42Ki, 2:40, 2:42^. Hiram Woodriifl. Union Cdiirse.L. I., May 19. 18114. .§1.000. Young Lady Litchfield, 5:2U4, 5:23. lw<' miles. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 503 S. McLaughlin, Fashion Course, L. I., May 27, 1864, $1,000. Young Lady Litchfield 2, 4, 2:45, 2:41i4, 2:42, 2:46.2:13. Dan Mace, Union Course, L. I., June 27, 1864, $1,000. Cardinal 1, 2:47^i, 2:46i4, 2:40k, 2:47. July 7. 1864,$ . Molly Pitcher 1. 4, 2 :46ij, 2:44^4, 2:45' 2, 2:47, 2:49}^. Minnie, b m (3 :41). Win. H. Doble, Suffolk Park, Phila., Aug. 1, 1865, $200. Bay Stranger, Lady Thompson, 2:42^^.2:42^4,2:41. Minnie, bm(.3 :50). L. H. Titus, Lawrence, Midi., Sept. 29. 1865, $200. Fanny Lee 2, 2:.'35, 2:54, 2:50, . Minnie, eh nu3:4(>). J. H. Chandler, Eastoii, Pa., July 25, 1867, $750. Idol 1, Butcher Bov, 2:56, 2:50, 2:52, 2:.53. Minnie, br m (2:58). J. Cudney, Fashion Course, L. I., Aug. 16, 1869, $500. George, 3:10. 2:58, 3:01. Minnie brni f^:4:8). L. McOniber, Tauuton, Mass., Sept. 25, 1872, $10. Acushiiet Girl 1 (4 0) Kitty 5, Stranger (2 dr), 3:0,^), 3:0.5, 3:00, 3:06!.2, 3:07';, 3:Ui.'i4. Oct. 1, 1873, $40. Alexis, Dick Leary, Mack, Ira Brown, Chelsea Boy, Fall River Girl (3dr), Bob (3 dr>, 2:52, 2:56, 2:52. Same dav, $50. Starlight 2. Troublesome, 2:5i. 2:54, 2:50, 2:.5(). - Henry Vborhees, Beacon Park, Boston, July 13, 1874, $50. Frank (2 dis). 3:00, 3:08.- J. S. McOmber, Attleboro, Mass., Oct. 12, 1875, $100. Belle Oakley. Prince H., Alexis, Belle, Manibrino Maid, 2:.52, 2:50?i.2:54. Oct. 13, 1.S75, $125. Lady Smith, 3, 4, Belle Oakley, Quarryman, Clipper. Nelly Allen, Alexis (5 dr), Kate Dennis (3 dr), 2.5194, 2:48, 2-52 2:46, 2:51. Minnie b ni (3:39), George Stafford, Moravia, N. Y., June 13.1873, $125. Lookout 1, Solon Boy, Deceiver, 2:3!>io, 2:42^4, 2:39.2:41. Minnie 1>3:47';). Hillsdale, Mich., Aug. 20, 1874, $• . Lizzie D. 1, Henry K.. George Norman. Inehvvorm, Partey. PonV Chief (3 dis), Nelly Gray (2 dis), Jim Crow, 1 dis). Brown Colt (1 dis). Young Norman U disi, Charli'V K. (l disi. Billy C. (1 dis), 2:.54'.., 2:52, 2:47}^, 2:49i2. Minnie blk ni (,3 :38). O. Stetson. Rome, N. Y., Sept. 24, 1874, $200. Tornado Maid, Henry, 2:42, 2:38, 2:40. Minnie (3 :4:3). Kenosha. Wis., Sept. 23. 1875, $150. Lady Gray, Patchen, 2:43, 2:45U,, ii:45. Minnie, b m (.3 :53). T. C. D;iyis, Brazil, Ind., Sept. 16,.1876, $100. Snowflake, Bay Booger, 2:56. 2:59. 2:53. Minnie, ch m C2:.'^T\ bvKiivjs' Champion Jr., dam Gondola, by ITiimliletnnian. M. Raines, Lyons, N. Y.. July 4. 1^77. .S400. Tdiii M;illoy, Lysauder Maid. Blinuie (inuigei-. Torrent, 2:40, 2:4o;'4. 2:40. C. ]<:. Tuttle. Waterloo, N. Y.. Aiig. 29. 1878, $225. Clipper 1, 2, Hattie Fisher, Lady Decker, Billy (Jolden, Dick Jones (5 disi. 2:.35. 2:36i^. 2:39. 2:.'?7, . Minnie, ch m d :39i. W. P. Johnson, Des Moines. la., .fuly 25. 1877. $250. BayBilly2, 3, Snowdrift 1, Henry- Tod. Sultan (.T dr), Dora (2 dis). 2:40i^, 2:.38U, 2:38. 2:43. 2:40, 2:;!9. Minnie, blk m (3 :5iU), by Young Dexter. W. H. INIason, Norwich, Conn., Sept. 17, 1878, $32. Pneuma 1, 2, Joe SlKinnon (1 dis), 2:53. 2:,50i2. 2:5414. 2:55, 3:01. Minnie, ch m, by Mapina. H. S. Schultz, Mobile, Ala., May 4, 1882, $500. Wm. Welch, 2, 4, Fleecy, De Soto, .Tack George (1 dis). Best time. .3.14. Three-year-olds. Minnie ch m (3:51). H. Trafferii, Trenton. N. J., Oct. 3. 1882, .'5!75, Rysdj'k Maid. Nettle, 2:52, 2:59. 2:51. Minnie, grm (3:48). M. Murphy, Great Barrington, Mass., Sept. 28, 1883, $90. D, D.. Doctor, Adirondack (3dr), 2:.51. 2:48, 2:48. Minnie Allen, ch m (3 :54). D. Culross, Avon Si)a, N. Y., Oct. 7. 1874, $100. Dolly Allison 3, 5, Andy 2. 4. Dun Mare (7 dr), Kitty Wadsworth (6 dr). Hattie Lovejoy (5 dr). Daisy (5 dr). Brown George (4 dr), Dan Gates (2 dis). No Name (2 dis), 3:00,3:02, 3:01. 3:0i, 3:01, 3:04. . G. M. Mann, July 19, 1876, $100. Gloster 1 (4 0), May Milton 3, Scrub Oak (4 dr\ 2:50, 2:54, 2:50)^, 2:54, 2:54, 3:00. Minnie B., ch m (3 iSGYo), by Edward Everett, dam by American Star. J. H. Rollins, New Hunting Park, Phila., Sept. 16, 1879, .$200. Fnink Bowers, American Boy, Ida, Flora, Annie E., George, Choi-tank Chief (3 dr), Grecian Maid (l dis), 2:50. 2:54, 2:52. Ambler Park, Pa., Sept. 26, 1879, $100. Viola 2. Blacksmith Dan, Happv Gift, Annie E. (3 dis). Belle of Bethelehem 1 (2 dis). 2:48, 2:50. 2:44, 2:42, 2:47. VV. R, Reese, Greenwood, Pa., Oct. 11, 1879, $100. Blacksmith Dan, Thad Stevens, 2:54%, 2:51, 2:49^4. Minnie B. . ch m (3 :59U). A. Pratt, Dover, Del., Sept. 27. 1882, $100. Billy 1, Speal's bg. Susie S., Conklin, Lady Walkover, Dandy B. (4 dr), 3:03"o, 3:01'/2, 2:59J.b. 3:02;.. ( w), Sept. 29, 1882, .$.50. Mac (w), Speal's b g (w), Billy (w), 2 :58, 2 ;.58. 2 :.58. Minnie C, b m (3 :39i4), by Jack Shepherd. .1. H. Dempsey, Lowell, Mass., July 6, 1882. $400. Bayard, 2:57, 2:53,2:52. P. Cummiskey, Lowell, Mass.. July 4, 1883, $200. Queen Anne, Prince, Roberts., Hastings, 2:43, 2:46, 2 :47. Dover, N. H., Sept. 14, 1883. $300. Billy M. 3. Boss Fearnaught. Frank W., Prospect, Blue Nose, William F..2:39'.i-2::i9i4,2:40, 2:42. Lowell. Mass., Sept. 26, 1883, $100. Gleam 2, Queen Anne, Blue Nose. 2:44, 2:46. 2:44>4, 2:46. Minnie Callin, b m (3 :41). P. Davey, Aurora, Out.. July 8, 1870, $100. Agitator, Black Warrior, 2 .50, 2:50. 2 :57. C. Boyle, Guelph, Out., Sept. 8, 1870, .$3.50. Middleton, Clear Grit, Long Branch, White Rose (1 dis), 2:41. 2:4294. 2": 43. Minnie D., b m (3:30), by Alexander, dam Roving Nelly. J. E. Penny, Sandusky, O., Sept. 21, 1881. $60. Pedro, Hotspur Girl. Little .loe. H. W. Beecher. 2:.53i4. 2:5094. 2:.5l. W. C. Driver, Frankfort Ind., Aug. 31. 1882. $ . W. B. 1, Ida Mav- Best time, 2:46^. Sandusky, O., Sept. 21, 1882. .S3on. IMountaineer 2, Sneak Ben Starr. 2:4li4, 2:4194, 2:4114- 2:46. Norwalk, O., Sept. 28, 1882, $300. Ben Starr 1, Mountaineer, Little Ned. Nettie, 2:35. 2:35)/2, 2:3&».2, 2:35. Akron. O., Oct. 5, 1882, $225. May Bird 1, 2, Mambrino Clay Jr. 3, 4, Expectation, Prince Edward, Abbie Darling (5 dr), 2:3814. 2:35, 2:.35, 2:3414, 2:3414, 2 :.3694, 2:39. Minnie D., b in (3: 39'n), by Nonpareil (?). D. Johnson, Bennington. Vt., July 10, 1883, $300. Victor Clay 1, Bluebell ('5 dr). Clothesline (1 dis), 2:40i^, 2:40^. 2:40, 2:39J4. 2:.39'2. 2:3994. M. C. Delano. Pittsburgh. Pa., Sept. 26, 1883. .$500. Tom Cameron 2, Minnie Lambert, Mambrino Clay, Charley West (3 dis). Otto K. (3 dr). 2:32,2:31, 2:30, 2:30'^. Minnie Fillmore, bm (3:11). by Whipple's Hambletonian, dam by St. Lawrence. J. P. Sargeant, Gilrov, Cal., April 12, 1871, .$.50. Lilly, Ned Ketcham, Walk Along John, 3:16, 3:18, 3:15. Four-year-olds. San .luan, Cal., April 27, 1871, .$ . Shrimp, Ned Ketcham, 3:15, 3:14, 3:11. Four-year-olds. (w> C. Dubois, Oct. .30, 1872. $20. Plough Boy, 3:27}^, 3:26i4. Minnie H., rn m (3 :43). J. Henian, St. Louis, Mo., Sept. 8, 1883. $1,000. Bruno 1, 4. 2:44i4, 2:4294. 2:42, 2:45. 2:46. Sept. 15. 1883, $ Handsome, Honest John, Bruno Monitor. Topsy. 2:4314, 2:44, Minnie H.. ch m (3:05). R. Morrey, Washington Hollow, N. Y., Sept. 20. 1883,$ . Enlita. Ressell. 3:05, 3 :08. 3 :07. Fi ve-year-olds. Minnie Jackson, b m (3 :00). O. A. Collins, Salt Lake City, Utah, May 9. 1873, $100. Lady Hamilton (w) 2, 3:00, 3:03i4, 3:12. 5(»J CIIESTEK'S COMl'LKTE TKOTTlNCi AND rAClNU liliCOiaJ. Miniiif Lainlii-rt, bin (2:36), by Daniel Lambert. Win. Hollister, Manchester. N. 11. . I niie 9. 1875, $500. L;ulf^itiit 1, :i. Henry Chase 3, George Banrrott, Lady Whitford, Nelly, Ed. (.liapin, WilKin Hoy i5 dis), Nira belle i3 dis), 2:36, 2:M, 2:JS, •J:38, 2:3i», 2:44. . .lune U. is?.'). §500. Ed. chapin, c:olonel Dean, Little Geut, Nira Belle, Nelly, George Bancroft (3 dis), Ladv Whitford <1 dis). '2:3U, 2:;«»>4, -■''i'i, Miiiiiif I.amiteit. hr ni (3 ::$«). T. E. Bailey, Youngstowu, O., Sept. 20, 1883, S300. Hiram Miller 2, 4, Colonel 2:45, 2-42';. 2:43'.i, 2:44. 2:43. Minnie Luiuiy ^•/J:57'2). George Emery, Cheyenne, W. T., July 4, 1873, $25. While Deeds (1 dis), 2:57Vi, 2:.->!t?4. Minnie Loft v. I) in(2:40i,i). A. B. Brown, .lersey City, N. J., May 31 and .June l, 1877, S125. (Jraee 1, Tommy ..loore. Kraiili, .Martlia. Henrv Miller. McNaniara's b m (4 drj, Charley Hill U dr), William (4 dr), Jim MolLil i4 iln, 2:4<)'.i. 2:40'2. 2;4i?4. 2:41 '4. Minnie M.. lilk nu;J:45;. John .Murphy, Fleetwood Tark, N. Y., July 22, 1K74, SIOO. Westside 2, Gypsy Maul, l!;iysi(le. Dan Keeves, Shiner, J. 11., Washington Jackson, Ithaca, Koaiioke (3 dr), 2:45. 2:45, 2:47, 2 :4r,i^j. Minnie M.. l)lk ni Ci iSS'^l. F. Fougeres, Peru. lud.. July 7, 1882, Sl.W. Dell T., 3:20. 3:0.'), 2:58. Minnie M. hr miC^:40). bv Gem nil Kno.\. I'ortlaiul, Me., Oct. 25, 1882, §200. Dan Wilkes S, 4. Nelly H., Fannv .M.. Wonder, lluniuiing Bird (5 dr), 2:41. 2:42. 2:38, 2:41.2:42. Minnie M.. b in {-i-.-Hi^.j, by lUue Bull. George E. Whitney, Norvvalk, O., Sept. 10. 188;!, $.50. Hotspur Jr., .losepliilie, I'ropelh-r. 2 :o2, 2 :.")4, 2 :53. Minnie M:itk. bnM:»:00;i. L. W. White, Tarport, Pa.. May 25, 1878, §300. Billy Seward l. Charles Fent, 3:12. Minnie Maxlielcl, b m (3 :28?.i), by Charley. Chase & Duncan, Grand Haven. Mich.. Aug. 18. 1874.8250. Limber Jim 1. 2, Ilattie lleckson, Michigan Girl, Kitty, Honest John (4 dis), Billy 13 dis), Dolly i3 dis), 2:58, 2:5S!o, 2:53, 2:52, 2:.')0>a- June :5, 187.5, §000. F'rank 11. 1, Charley, Lew Day, Billy Cushing, Frank, Josie. David H.. 2 :.'». 2:38, 2:37, 2:.'58?i. s. L. (iiton, Norwalk, O., July9, 1879, §300. Charley C, llarker, Bijdev Bov. Dick Harvey, Jessie Dix- on, 2:33':. 2 ::!2-'.,, 2 :32K>. Charlotte. Midi., Aug. 8, 1879. S300. Dunn, Capt. Crapo, Buffalo Bill. Jessie Dixon, 2:32'4. 2:39, '1:3m. Fort Wayne, lud., Sept. 20, 1879, §400. Capt. t rapo 1, 3. Belle ol F'airlield 4. 2:34J4, 2:3«i4, 2:3(>J4, 2:39(4, 2:38?4. Uniinished. , Oct. -.19. 187!), § . Jessie Di.xon, 2:35, 2:35i^, 2:359i. DubiKiue, la., June 18, 1880, .§250. Jessie Di.xon, Fairmont, Matt Kirkwood. Little Sam. Billy Boy. 2:31 '/4, 2:3:!. 2::!0'.;. Ced:ir H;ii>ids, la., June 24, 1880, $300. F'airmont, Lady Thorne, Betsy Ann, (Granger, Granger, Jessie Dixon. Lona. Charlev Douglass (3 dr), 2:33J4, 2:30?4, 2:32M. June 25, 1880, .§300. Jessie Dixon, Fairmont, Matt Kirkwood, Maid of Monti, Ensign (2dis), 2:29, 2:29, 2 "30'^ 1 lies Moines, la., July 2, 1880, .§350. Jessie Dixon, Ladv Thorne, Granger (2 dr). 2:31, 2:.33. 2:33^4. F'oit Dodge, la.. July C, 1880, §300. F'airmont, Jessie Dixon, Betsy Ann, Matt Kirkwood, Jessie, Billy Boy (2 dr), 2:30. 2:29'/^, 2:30. July 16, 1S80, §300. Jessie Dixon. Fairmont, Maid of Monti (:! dis), 2:31»4. 2:30?ii, 2:30. Marshalltown. la., Julv 1.5. 1880, §300. F'airmont. (Jraiiger, Lady Thorne, Jessie Dixon, Charles Doug- lass. Betsy .\nn 2:28i4- 2:31, 2:.30. Minnie Mott. gr in (3:47). A. T. Covill. Taunton, Mass.. Oct. 5. 1865, § . North Star. 1. 2 :.>4, 2:51, 3:00, 2:54. Mav 31, 1807, § . Eastern Girl. Belle of Randolph (2 dr), 2:47. 2:54. 2:.51. Minnie Moulton, blk m (3:3614), by Lambert Chief. J. L. Keene, Lowell, Jlass., May 24. 1883, §250. Sir John, Theresa Sprague, Ginger, Louise. 2:421^. 2:40, 2:42>;. Haverhill, Mass., May 29, 1883, $2b0. Billy B., Theresa Sprague, Eddie (2 dis). Pilot \'ictor (2 dis), 2:381-4, '. Ma'y.il. 1883, §250. Billy B., Eddie, Y'oung Genet, F'earnaught, Dan H., Louise. Prospect, Tom. John L., 2:38V-i'. 2:41. 2:.'58. 1. 'Goodwin, Taunton, Mass.. Sept. 27. 1883. §180. Capt. Ben. Harry D.. 2:.36^. 2:37. 2:.36U. Minnie R., b m (3 :19). by J. C. Breckenridge, dam by Excheiiuer. Charles A. Forth, Milwaukee. Wis.. Juno 10, I8S0. §800. F'rank f'isk 1. Ticonie, Troubadour, Doubtful Girl, Milo (2 dis\ 2:29, 2:29'.3, 2:27, 2:27i-4. Poiitiiie. Mich., June 17. 1880. §800. Ilnss Ellis ,S, F'ox (3 dis). 2:32, 2:36, 2:30, 2:30. Carmi, 111., Sept. 10, 1880, §300. Jenny L. 3, Commodore, Flaxy, Kaiser. Glassford, i':37?4, 2:34, 2:341/4, 2:32'/2. Cynthiana, Ky., Oct. 21, 1880, §500. Lumps, Fanny Witherspoon. Post Boy, Mambrino Belle, 2:28V4. 2:27, 0.04' ^'Carmi. HI.. Sept. 9. 1881. .§300, Dick Organ 3. Charles H.. 2:3414, 2:32i.i. 2:30)/,. 2:.30i.6. Montgomery, Ala., Nov. 11, 1K81, .§300. Deck Wright 1. 3, Mattie Graham. Red Cross. 2:34. 2:35. 2:31, 2:34, 2:35. Nov. 18. 1881, §12.5. Deck Wright 1,4, 2:25U. 2:25. 2:27'5,2:.30, . , ..^^ „,,.,„„ .. . o.>, W. H. McCarthy, Grand F'orks, D. T., June 28, 1882. § . Riehwood. Dictator. Selkirk, 2 :.'?5. 2:34. 2 :32^. Chicago. 111.. Jiily 17, 1882, §2,.500. Tariff 2, XTnoIala. Buzz Medium. 2:19. 2:20?4. 2: I9U. 2:20. IX M. Woodmansee. Hartford. Conn.. Sept. 1. 1882, .S2.000. Pickar<12.3. WiUiamH. 1. Driver, Ilumooklt. 2:21, 2:211.1, 2:209:t. 2:20. 2:2P4. 2:23. Minnie Hose (3 :48). Jackson, Miss.. Oct. .31, 188.3, §1.50. Laura C. 1. Gilmore. 2:.30. 2:48. 2:51. Minnie s.. b m. E. Kipp. Peekskill. N. Y., June 13. 1879. §.50. George 3. 4. Diamond, Charley (3 dn. No time. Iiilv 2,5. 1879, .§.50. Diamond, 2, 3(5 0). No time. „. ^ „.^^ , , Minnie Taylor, br 111 (3 :40). W. Hodges. Waukegan. 111.. Oct. 4. 1877. .§200. Mambrino Prince 2. Kitty Lewis, Silver l)uke, Abdallah Boy (2 dis), .Tack Carter (2 dis), 2:40. 2:,50, 2:45. 2:44. (w). Chicago. III., Oct. 24, 1877, .§300. Susie (w), 1. 2. Mary (w), 2:51, 2:.52i4, 2:.54, 2:49li. '-':.52'o Minnie Warren, gr III (3:43). B. B. Newton. Smithtown, L. I., July 4. 1871, §100. Ajax 4, Lady Jones 3, 2:46, 2:47, 2:4454, 2:49. 2:48'4. Nov. 0. 1873, §,50. Pat Malloy 1, King Bee 3. Kate Darcy (3dr\ 2:49",. 2:47. 2:4.5. 2:.51, 2:48i4. Mnv27. 1K74, §12.5. Ladv Jones, Shrimp, 1 (2 dis), ?:43i;, 2:4.3, 2:4.5. 2:4.5. , , „ Minnie AVarren b m (3:55). by Pearsall. N. Stanton. Avon Spa. N. V., .Inly 19. 1870. S . Monarch, Jr. 2, Coiinlrv (iirl 1, Joe Grand (.3dr),2:.54>',,2:.53'i,2:.5.5.2:.5.5.2:,58';. » „„ r. Minnie Warren, ch m (2:37i.i), by Night Hawk. A. L. Fitch, Charlotte, Mich., .)uly 'i9, 1882. §.300. Green Charley 2. 3, H.-irry Velox 1. Lady Kern. Bonner Boy. Clara J.. 2:31",. 2:3l'i, 2::nt<,. 2:.'U?'^. 2:33'2. 2:.37i^. Graiid Hapids. Mich.. Sept. 27, 1882. .« 100. H. M. Strong, Molly Middleton, Billy I., 3 (4 dis), Waiting (4 dr), Iiidic:itor(2dis), 2:31%. 2:321^. 2:.32. 2:.33';. ,, ,, ^, , „„„„„,,. „ ,c, G. Clark, Dowagiac, Mich., Oct. 12, 1882, $260. Molly Middleton 2, 3, H. M. Strong. 1, 2:.33. 2:35H. 2:.36'». 2:34,2:38,2:371^. (HKSTKKS COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING KECOKD. 505 E. L. Fitcli, Marshall, Mioli.. July 31, 1883, S300. Ladv Brovvnell 1, 2, Harry Velox 4, Green Charley, l>r. Frank, Win S. (4 dn, .UoUv .Middh-lon (2 dr), 2:30. 2:31, 2:31i..>, 2:33, 2:32'i, 2:37. 1). C. Haskell. Akron, O., Oct. 4, 1883, $22.% Hoosier Girl 1, Hilly Golddust, Billy D., Kibono, Belle, Doctor C. .leniiv M. (3 (lis), 2:38',, 2:.37'/2. 2-:Hi}4,. 2:38. Minnie Warren (Floreuce Herbert), eh ni (3:56i4), bv Attorney. Frank Warfield, Tiptou, la., Sept. 7, 1882, .■jKr). .Iiuliie Hayes, 3:09. 3:11. Two-year-olds. Minnie AVeir, eh m (3:45^4). L.J. Brown, Virginia, 111., Sept. 4. 1874, S150. Little Brown, Western Girl, Lvnian Ti unilmll, Diinlaj) (3 dr), 2:50, 2 4r,i.;, 2:45^4- ^ T. KiKsby. Iiillsljoro, ill.. .Inly 23. 1870, $100. Golddust Messenger, Charley, 2:,')1, 2:.w. 2:52. Minnie Wilkt-s, b ni c^ :35i, l)y Geo. Wilkes, dam Einina, by Legal Tender. J. Triscom, New Orleans, La., Sept. 20, issi. S400. Silent Friend, 2:40io, 2:39, 2:44. Minnie Wilson (3:55) Newbury, Out., -May 24, 1870, $25. Chatham Boy 1, Gray Kate. Best time,2:.55. MiraculoHs, b g (3:35), by Blackbird. Mosher and Chidestei'. Grand Kai)ids, Mich., July 13, 1876, §700 John Barney 1, 5, Betsy' Baker 3. 4, Josie. Janesville (4 dr). Transfer (2dr), 2:40;^, 2:38>4, 2:40'/j, 2:4214, , 2:40.2:35. Miracnlons Tom, gr g f 3 :40). Marengo, 111., Oct. 30, 1S<79, $100. Carrie Z., Stranger, Tommy Kellogg, Jack, Downing, 2:41, 2:41. 2:40. Miranda, gr m i3:50 w). Geo. H. Bailey, Portland, Me., July 4, 1868, $100. Sally Come Up (3 dis), Brown Dick (3 dr). 2 :57?4, 2:.")9, 2:.51. (W), Julv 11, 1868, $200. Lady Emma (1 0\ 2:57, 2 :50, 2:52. 2:58. Miranda, cli in (3:33), by Messenger Duroc, dam (Jreen Mountain Maid, by Harry Clay, Charles Backmaa, Fleetwooil Park, N. Y., Sept. 11, 1875, $800. Adriana. 2:42';, 2:42?£. Three-year-olds. Albany, N. Y., Oct. 8, 1875, $700. Montezuma l. Chieftain, Weskora, 2:41J^, 2:44, 2 :42'/i. Three-year- olds. Minnie (3:00). Little Falls. N. Y., Aug. 30, 1S82, $60. Daisy Carlton. Maggie, 3:00, 3:01, 3:01. Mischief, b m (,3:53). D. S. Greentield. Oswego, N. Y., Oct. 20, 18,i4, 2:53, 2:571^,2:56. Mischief, ell m (3:48'2\ by Alexander's Abdallah, dam by Boliyar (?). S.Clark, Goshen, N. Y., Sept. 6, 1865, .$75. Uncle Sani, Bagzi, Wild Irishman, Port Roval. 5:38, 5:37. Two miles. Mischief, b m (3 :51). J. Magee. Worcester, Mass., Oct. 30, 1872. $400. Ben Svyift 2. 3, Lizzie Douglass, 2:58, 2*~)8 S'OO 3*0'"! Misciii'ef.'b in (3 •3814). by Haml)letonian. J. C. McCoy. Dover, Del., Sept. 26, 1879, $150. Lady Wrights, 4, Lizzie 1, Belle Wildair, 2 42. 2;44. 2:43,2:4.5, 2:46, 2:441^. Middletown, Del., Oct. 1, 1879, $.50. Reckless, Goitfdust, Buckskin (2 dr), 2:55'/2, 2:.54 Oct. 2, 1879, $1.50. Palmer Bov .3, Black Chief (2 O). Modoc, 2:46, 2:40, 2:41. 2:41, 2:4114. Mischief (3 :33i4). F. Smith, Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Sept. 11, 1880, $ . Gerry, Commodore, Blue Bell, 2:42, 2:.3.-), 2:331^0. Mischief, b m (3:56), by Regulus. S. Brewster, Riverhead, L. L, Oct. 5, 1881, $50. Jack Davitt. 3:00,2:56. Four-year-olds. Mischief, b g (3 :35), by Forest King. T.J. Middagh, Westminster, Md., July 29, 1880, .$300. John S. (3 0), ("lay Chief, Zephyr, Nelly Evans (4dr). J. H. (3 dr), Emma (3 dr), 2:40, 2:40, , 2:38i4. Mishap, grs (3:56). B. Lud wig. Reading, Pa., Oct. 3, 1880, .$50. Jim 1,2, Flora M. (3 dls) Capt. Hull (3 dis), 2 :59J4, 3 :00^ 2 :56. 2:561^, 2 :56. Four-vear-olds. .lersey Shore, Pa., Sept. 29, 1881, $100. .)ohn King 2. Turkl, 2:39. 2:43, 2:44, 2:39. Miss Bisliop (3:00). Morrill and Gibbs, Dexter. Me., Sept. 1, 1882, $30. Priscilla, Belle Brandon. Best time, 3:00. Miss Drew, br m(3:43). H. Peterson, Fleetwood Park, N. Y., May 31, 1875, $200. Butcher Gin, Clara. 3:03, 3:0.3.3:01. R. Mabie, June 29, 1875, $150. Pet l. 2, Fly 5. 3:0114, 2:54, 2:.57i^, 2:58M, 2:5554, 2:.57. W. Hanson, Julv 9. 1875, $200. Panic (w) (1 dis), 2:42. Same day, $100. Panic 3, 2:5414,2:57, 3:00, 2:55;o. H. Peterson, Dec. 7. 1874, $200.' Henrietta 2, 3:1.5, 3:064, 3:05. Miss Godfrey, ch m (3 :43). H. H. Smith, Scarboro, Me.. Oct. 12. 18.55. $200. Young Flora Temple. 2:45, 2 :42. Miss Haner, b m (3:431^). H. Rigenberg, Hudson. N. Y^, .Sept. 28, 1881, $100. Wassawea 1, Lady Garfield, 2:51-i,2:47. 2:46, 2:4% Mississippi, t) g (3 :50i4). C. S. Ellis, St. Louis, Mo., Nov. 9, 1849, .$200. Sir Peter Teazle, 5:49, 5:41. Two miles. MissLssipplTiger, chg (3:31). Robert Cave, Milwaukee, Wis., July 4. 1866,$ . Mendham Maid, 2:31, 2:34,2:3214. Mississiqiioi Belle, 1) m (3 :46). A. J. Merrill, Vergennes, Vt., Sept. 30, 1858, .$45. Nelly Gray l. Flora 2, 2:53, 2:.52. 2:.-)2. 2:.53. Miss Julia, b m (3:00). Geo. Walbridge. Rochester, N. Y., Oct. 24, 1859, $1,000. Bnckskin 1,3,3:12, 3:02.2:66, 3:00, 3:02. Miss Legacy, b m (3:35). H. W. Brown. Ogdensburgh, N. Y.. Sept. 10, 1879, $300. Marion 1, Orange Bios- som, .letferson Maid. Mollv. (Jen. Thomas (4 dr). 2:38. 2:39, 2:40, 2:43. Potsdam, N. Y'., Sept. 26. 1879, $300. Miles Standish, Marion, Gen. Thomas, Billy Grimes, 2:36, 2:35, 2:35. Miss Mahel, blk m (3:57!4), bv Adminstrator. dam :Madam Headley. B. J. Treacy. Sharpsburg, Ky., Aug. 2, 1881, .$5.5. Callie S., 3:26, 3:25. Four-vear-olds. Lexington, Ky.. Oct. 4, 1881, $930. Endvniion, Stella (1 dis), 2:59, 2:57(2. Two-year-olds. .Missouri Boy. br g (3 :41). R. F. Lewis. I'aterson. N. J., Oct. 12 and 13, 1875, $250. Fanny W., Lavinia, Belle of Aberdeen. Norman, Herbert L. (3 dr>. Don (3 dr), 2:46J4, 2:44. 2:45. .Mr. Clark, Jersey City, N. J., Oct. 25 and 26, 1875, $200. Break o'Day 2, Hard Koad (1 dis). 2:52, 2.50, 2:46, 2:.''>l F. Davidson, Fleetwood Park, N. Y., Nov. 2.5, 187.5. $1.50. Lavinia 1, Lvde (3 dr\ 2:,54, 2:.51, 2:52, 2:.54. Missouri Maid, rn m (3:46) F. G. Chase, New Orleans, La.. March 2, 1845. $55. Dolly, Paddy, 2:46,2:56. Miss Tartar, gr m (3 :45i4). J. Cairn, Hamilton, Out., Oct. 7. 1867, $100. Cooley, Stuther's gr pony, Whale- bone, Lai>idist, Socks,2:45'2, 2:4.'>'... •J:!.''.',- Oct. 8. 18G7, $100. Prince Charles. Koval Revenge, 2:47, 2:47>4, 2:47. Miss Walker, gi- m (3 :43). J. C. Sharp. Higginsville, Mo.. Aug. 30, 1883, $75. BenS. 1, Atlas, Mayview (3 dr) 3:02. 3:01, 3:00, 3:01. Four-vear-olds. Mexico, Mo., Sept. 18, 1883, $ . Lula N.. .toe Stanhope. 2:43, 2:45, 2:45. Miss Walshe, b m (3:50). Henrv Fry, Whitby. Ont., June 4, 1862, $50. Fanny Foster, 2:54'/2, 2:50, 2 :53. Mist, brm (3:43), 2:41 s). Geo. Young, Philadelphia, Pa., Oct. 3, 1850, $50. Sorrel Ned 2, Harry, Rough and Ready (3 dis), 2:.52, 2:47, 2:45, 2:46. Baltimore, Md., Oct. 24. 18,50, .S400. Eutaw, 2:43, 2:48, 2:48. (s). J. Conklin, Philadelphia. Pa.. Nov. 7, 18.50. .$.50. May Fly 1. 2:4.3, 2:43. 2:41. Mist, blk m (3:39). G. C. Hopkins, Prospect Park, L. I.. May 13, 1874, .$.500. Plumber Boy (w) (1 dis), 2:39. Mistake, br s (3 :48). J. H. Wise, Pleasonton, Cal., Mav 8, 1880, $100. May Boy 2, 3, Sam Patch, Pussy (3 dis) Don Pedro (1 dis), Bav Billy (1 dis), 2:50, 2:45, 2:46, 2:48, 2:49. 606 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND VACING RECORD. Mistletoe, br m (iJ :30), by Mainbrino Patclien, dam by (ion. Geo. H. Thomas. I). VV. Tlioinjus, Columbus, O. Au«. :;8, isVu, *aoo. (iood .Morning, .Morey Hellf, Sam Tilden, Fanny Patclien, Lucy Nichols (3 dr),-J:2:i. •_'::i4'o. ■s:m. Toledo, O., Sept. IT, Ittsu, .■j?4(»0. Helle G. 1, Hunter, Outlaw, Rocky, Tekonsha, 5:(i»;.i., 6:lliSi, 5:15^ . Two miles. Youiiystown, O., Sept. 23, 1882, $250. Reveille 2, 3, Bonnie L., Alleghany IJov. Madeline, May Bird, 2;t2' .,. 2:2!»J4, -':.il, 2::iO. •-':32'4. 2:33. Akron. <).. <»ct. 5, \H&i, ifSr-i). Sunshine, Blanche H., Rienzl (1 dis), 2:32>4, -j-.-.ijii,,,. 2:M. MitttriKi, b g (;J:04). W. C. Braisted. Rutland, Vt., July 15, 1S75, S50. Annie Lou. ;;:'lO, 3:01,3:(J6. Foiir-vear- olds. Mistress, b in ri lao'a). by Clark Chief, dam by Strader's C. M. Clav Jr. W. H. Wilson, Toledo, O., July 14 1S75. .«; . Joe. Julia B.. 3:10. 3:U5, .•1:13. Mitehell's Dun Mare (,« :58;. Geo. H. Mitchell, Saratoga Spa, N. Y., iMay 21, 1872, SlO(). Whaley's br s i, 2 :,■>(;, 2:,W, 2 ;.''/), 3:03. M. J. 1>. C^:5:J'.iI. M. J. Di.Kon. Jersey City. N. .(.. June 8. 1881, S . Jake, Lowland Mary, 3:02, 2:5». June 16, 1881. Prize ineilal. Jake, Dillie, Lowland -Mary. 2:.")7. 2:53^.i. M. K. (:j :40). by Knickerbocker. J. E. Harring, New^ City, X' V., Sept. 27. 1877. «;35. George 1, 3:44, 3:40, 3:42. Threc-vear-olds. Mobile, lilk g (•-J:48). James McLean, Mobile. Ala., March 9. 18,58. §250. Billv Button. 2:4»'i. 2:18. •'•50}4 Mobile, ch g (« :4»'2). S. Bryant, Louisville, Ky., June 19, 1872, $125. Jack B., .lohii Buck. Mourner (1 disi. 2:.'-)lK., 2:51'.., 2:491^. Mocliiiiir Itird. ch g (3 :49). Wni. Sherman, Worcester, Mass.. ./uly 4. 18GI, jilod. Stranger 2. 2:.'>0. 2:.")0. 2-49. Mocking liiril ^v), b g (2 :40). l)y Young Kol)iii, dam a French mare. A. iMaiining. M\sti<> Park, Boston. Oct. 2. 1867. •■Sl.W. White Stocking (W) 2, 4 (5, O). Midnight (W) d disi.2:44. 2:41' .. 2;4l' .. JMo-^i. 2:4oi/j,. MociiiiiK IJii«i br m (!i:31). J. II. Colley, Indianapolis, Ind., Oct. 21. 1871. .S4(Ki. Thunder Cloud, pacer Sur- prise, pacer (2 ilis;. Rob Roy (2 disi, 2:3li2, 2:31. Mockiiiji; l$ird. b m (3:41)). A. McLeod, Goderich, Out., May 25, 1872. #100. Nettie Moore. Poison (1 dis). Honest Hillv. No time. F. Brown". Bullalo. N. Y., Sept. 2, 1872. $100. Lady Orr. Bridget, Orphan (iirl, Yankee Girl. Kentucky Maid (3 (lis). No lime. Sei)t. 2G, 1872. t2W. Capt. Sheridan 2, 2:50?.,, 2:56ai, 2-49, 2:50. Mocking Bird, ch in (3 iSS's). by Priam, dam Western Gin, by Chieftain. L. U. Shippee, Stockton, Cal., Sept. 20, 1882, .$;500. Mt. Vernon. 3.03. Yearlings. Nov. 14. 1883, ,$20. 2:;j8'2. To beat 2:47. Two-vear-olds. Modesty :21. Two miles. ■ (s). Harlem. N. Y'.. April 24. 1837, .$ . Columbus (s) 1. 5:20, 5:20, 5:24'i. Two miles. — (s), Philadelpliia. Pa.. May 9, 1837. $200. Apology ,si, 5:23, 5:31. Two miles. Modesty, blk m (3:39). J. Whelpley, Union Cour.se, L. I., June 15, 1848. $1,000. Gray Harrv (3dr), 2:47, 2:39, . C. Burke, May 22. 1849. $400. Confidence, 5:27. 5:25';. Two miles. Modesty, b m (3 :44), by Volunteer (?). I. Wood. Jr., Newburgh, N. Y., June 15, 1866, $30. Major King, Mary Temple. 2:51. 2:52. Mr. Brown, (ioshen, N. W. Oct. 18, 18(;6. $ . Talmadge's br m. 3:00. 2:57. Modesty, b m '3 :3«i4). S. Reviiolds, Jackson, Mich., June 18. 1873, $1.29;i. Russell, Albert. Lady Ida, Ada F., Pilot (3 dis), Tom Brittoii (2 dri. 2:.38J^, 2:40%i, 2:36'4. Modesty.!) m(3:36'o), by Tom Wonder, (lam Wells' Star, by American Star. John Wood, Springfield Centre. N. Y., .luly 4. 1873, .$70. Young Victor, Cherry Valley, Fort Plain. Belle of Richfield. 3:011,4,3:02. 3-02K>. A. Patterson. White Plains, N. Y., Sept. 9, 1875, $200. Billv Erven 2. 3, Alonzo 1, Lookout. Revenge. 2:40, 2:40, 2:39.2:40,2:41,2:44. E. IL Doty, Oct. 11 1876. $350. Dolly Dot 3, 4, Factory Boy 1. Judge Robertson. Rosa, 2:35H. 2:37'/2, 2:37'/i, 2:39 2:37 2*34 G. E. Arinitage, Prospect Park. X, Y., May 8, 1878, $300. Teaser 2, Grace. Sister, Shorty Fountain, 2:31}^, 2:30^^.2:33, 2:32'.;. J. Driscoll, Morristown, N. Y^. Aug. 9, 1878, $1,')0. Blanche 1 (2 0), Y'inewood (5 dr), 2:34, 2:30i^, 2:32, 2:33. 2 :36. Modesty, ch m (3:51). A. Miller. Mazleton, Pa., Sept. 23, 187,5, $100. Billv, Birdie. Slippery Bill. Pet. 2:51. 2:. 52. 2:.53i4. Modie H.. ch g(3:34>.i), bv Bavard, dam by Foster's Clay. C. Beachey, Hamilton, O.. Oct. 5, 1882, $^00. Kitty Clyde, Emma Booker, Col. Banni.ster. 2:38. 2:35. 2:37. J. W. Vail. Si)ringfleld. O., .Time 5, 1883. .$700. Revnard 3, Alcyone 4, Molly Harris, Blanche H. (4 dis). 2 :41 Vs. 2 :.38V^, 2 :.37 ' i , 2 :38^. 2 :40. S. C. Phillips. Greenville. ().. Sept. 13. 1883. .$,500. Belle Wilson 1, Billv Ford, Almont M., Emma Booker. Little W(mder 13 dis). 2::i4i4. 2:,34',2. 2:;!4K., 2:;!4''«. Davlon, ().. Sept. 28. 1883. $200. Marion. James Halfpennv. Belle Ogle.2:34>.i. 2:35. 2:34H. • Hamilton, O.. Oct. 4. 1883, $225. W. B.. Captain Rowell.Kitty Rolf. Booker Boy (3 dr). 2:35^, 2:.35k, 2:.37U. ■ Oct. .5, 188,3. .$325. Belle Wilson. Marion. 2:47'.;, 2:45'^. 2:47';. Cincinnati. O., Oct. 20. 1883, $1,000. Tom Coons. Maggie S.. Kitty Clyde, Bessie G. (2 dis), 2:45, 2:40, 2:40. Modoc, 1) g (3 :40). ^\. Wright, M'chster, Mass., June 26, 1873, $ . Darkness. Flyaway (3 dis), 3:30, 2:.57. 2:40. Modo<-. dig (3:34), bvWiiithrop Morrill. H. O. Smith. Boston. Mass.. July '3, 1873, $150. Grand Central. Flora. Dollv Vanh-n. Blacksmith Miiid. (^iimtrv Bov (1 dis). 2:39i4. 2:40. 2:42'.,. Providence. R. 1. Nov. 5, 1873. .$.500. Ben Smith, t.ady Foster. King William. 2:34, 2:34';. 2.37. Modoc, br g (3:36). Geo. Haner. Albany, \. Y.. May28. 1873. .$.'!00. Fred 2. 2:44. 2:44?4. 2:46. 2:47. (w) Trov N. Y., Sept. 18. 1873. $100." Miller Boy(w) 1, 2, Little One (w), American Lady (W), 2:47^, 2:50, 2:49, 2:51, 2:.51. Sept. 24, 1874, .$100. Miller Bov, Daisv. Brick .Tac-k. 2:49. 2:49"-. Modoc, bgC?:35'4). N. E. I'ennington. Kent Co.. Md.. Sept. .30, 1873, $100. Talleyrand, Kate. 3:02, 3:10, 3:1.3>4. Middletown. Del.. Sept. 2.3. 1874, $140. Marydell (3 dis). Billv Boulden (3 dis) McClellan (3 dis), Julia Morg:in (1 (lis). 2:.52, 2:.52>/^. 2:15. Wilmington. Del.. Oct.'2'.*. 1874. $200. Gvpsv. Uncle Ike. Flora. Mvsterious Pilgrim (3 dr i. 2:46. 2:4C. 2:45. Lancaster. Pa., .lulv 13. I.s75. .$300. Nellv. Grecian Bend. Arlingt(in, Scientific Maid, 2:43. 2:4,5. 2:40. July 1.5. 1875, .$.300. Phil:i(lclpliia P.ov 2. Lancaster 1. Star. Ironclad (5 dis\2:35'2. 2:40. 2:40.2:40,2:43, 2-41. Kent Co.. Md..Sept. 20,1877. $1.50 (Irav Eagle 1 (4 0>.M;nid (1 dis). .2:43Uj, ■J:4,3. 2:43, 2:42'4. Sept. 27. 1877. $1.50. C,r;iv .lohn. Black Harrv, 3:06, 3:0.3. •2::<9Vi. Washington, D. C, Nov. 1.3, 1877. $200. Jersev Bov 2. Gilt Edge. 2:46. 2:45';. 2:45»4. 2:46 Modoc, br g (3 :33X Charles H. Smith, Ambler Park, ta., June 9, 1875, $350. D. P. S. Nichols 1, Nelly (1 dis), 2:42, 2 :.39'i, 2:44^.2:41. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACINI TiECORD. 507 — Salem, N. J., June 23, 1875, $250. D. P. S. Nichols 2, Nelly (1 dis), .Stouebenge (l rtis), Ella J. U dis), 2:411^, 2:43' 2, l':!!'^, 2:46. — HarrisburKh, Pa., July 7, 1875, $300. Tom, Fanny May, Frank, Harriet Lane, Jacob P., Black Shark (2 dr), 2:Ui, 2:47. 2:43. — July 8, 1.S75. $300. Frank, Fanny Mav. Jinsle (3 dr) 2:^0'4, 2:44, 2:441^ — JulVo. 1875, SoOO. Fanny May 2. Tom. Frank (3 dis), 2:4254, 2:4(i. 2:41.2:45 ■ Gettysburgh. Pa., July 31, 1875, .$200. Tom, (Jrecian Bend, -Midsuiiinier (2 dr), Henry d dis;, t'laybank (1 (lis), Faunv Mav (Idis), 2:41, 2:4514. 3:44. Ambler Park. Pa,, Sept. 23. 1S7.5. STuO. Fleetfoot. 2:38, 2:39, 2:3iii.i. I'oint Breeze Park, Phil., Nov. 3, 1875. .S300. I'erknis Morrill 3, Sally Bodine. 2:38 2:38, 2:39. 2:37'4. O.xford. Pa., Junes, 1876, $300. Lady Biirget 2, 3, Sorrel Tom, Buckwheat (4 dr), 2:37'/2, 2:40Vi, 2:41i^ 2 : 10 'i. 2:42. June 9, \i<16. .S.350. Ladv Biirget 1, Andy Johnson, 2:41, 2:36 2:37, 2:3.'). W. Kendall. Phdadelphia, I'a., June 26, 187s, SiiOO. James R.. 2, 3, 2:38. 2:.30?i. 2:37';. 2:37^i. 2:38. Modoc (ch g). (3:35). bv Klv's Tornado Jr.. dam by Power's Morgan Rattler. A.J.Elder, Freeport. 111., June 8 and 10. 1875. .iooo. " (ieorgc F., 1, Charlev 5. Sam Sharplev (4 0), Billv Wasson (4-o), Alexis, Bismark (4 dr\ Wonder (4 dr). .1. J. Cook (4 dr), Flvinji Cloud a (In. Rubv (3 dr).2:3G, 2:40. 2:35, 2:40, 2:39. 2:38. Dixon. 111., July 2, 1875. .?.-?00. Bismark, B;i(lt;er. Oak (irove Girl. 2:42-4^, 2:41, 2:47i^. Earlville. 111., Aug. 26, 1875, ?S.500. Wolford Z., Lady McFatridge, Kitty Slratton, Stony Branch, Aldine (1 dis). 2:301.,. L':31i.i, 2:3314- Aurora. 111., Sept. 3, 1875, S . Josh Billings 2, 3, Frank Reeves, James L., Western Fearuaught, Lady .MeKatridge, Kitty Stratton, Badger (5 dis), 2:36?4. 2:3514. ,2:34;2, 2:32. 2:37^4. lloehelle. 111., Sept. 21, 1875, .$100. Lehigh, Tucky Jane, Whalebone, Asbton Boy. Brown Dick (3 dr) Roan Dick (3 dr). 2:43'.,. 2 44. 2:42^^. Sept. 23. 187.5, .S300. Amy B., 2:32, 2:31^. 2:31i4. Freeport. 111.. Sept. 29, 1875. §700. Lady H., 1.2. Amy B., 4, General Howard 3, Lady Byron, Prince, 2:.30'.i, 2::'.0. 2::\2^i.:l:32, 2:.33'.4, 2:33?4, 2:33'.'. May 31. 1.S77. .$700. West Liberty 2, Calmar, Janesville, Stranger, Tornado. Belle, Moose, Clifton, 2:3014, 2:28, 2:29, 2:29. Dubuque, I;i.. .lune 5, 1877, $500. Calmar l. Stranger, Clifton, Tornado, Joe Pettit, West Liberty, Janesville, 2:3.5, 2:34. 2:32, 2:33';. Cedar Rapids, la.. June 13, 1877, ,$500. Loafer 2, 3, West Liberty, Calmar. Wild Oats. Dixie (3 dr), Janesville (l dis), 2:35, 2:31?^, 2:3% 2:31^, 2:oOi4. Roehelle, 111., Jidv 4, 1877, $200. Kingston Maid, Major Davis, Little Hobby. 2:41. 2::iS%i, 2.30)4. Tiskilwa, 111.. Aug. 10, 1877, .S600. Billv O'Neill 3, 4, James Fisk, Janesville, Gray Charley 2 (3 dis). Wild Oats 1 (2 dis), 2:33, 2:35)4, 2:34»4, 2:.33)4. 2:.33i4, 2:36^4, 2:36^4- Mendota, 111., Aug. 17, 1877, .•?000. Billv O'Neill 2. 3. Jacksonville Boy, Charles W. Wooley 4, Janesville, Gray Charlev, Callahan's Maid (1 dis). 2:28, 2:.30, 2:;30. 2::i0, 2:28, 2:27, 2:27. — : — Rockford.'lll., Sept. 14, 1877, .$500. Frank Palmer, Tornado, Lady Mac, Bay Dan, 2:31. 2:30, 2:3214. Roehelle, 111.. Sept, 27, 1877. $200. Badger 1. Black Weasel, Bay Dan, 2:32'i, 2:28'4, 2:339^, 2:28'/2. Cedar Rapids, la,, June 11, 1878, $500. Mountain Quail 2, Yankee Sam. Deck Wright. Neome, Granville, G. T. Piliit. 2:31'.;, ,2:3194, 2:32%. June 14, 1.S78. .S600. Badg:er Girl 4, Loafer, Lady Turpin, Barney Kellv 2 (4 dis). 2:31, 2:29. 2:29, 2:30, 2:29. Davenport, la.. June 18, 1878, $.500. Mountain Quail, 2, Wolford Z. 1,3(6 dis), Yankee Sam, Deck Wright, (i. T. Pilot (5 dis). 2:29, 2:28, 2:27, 2:25, 2:26, 2:27. Dahville, 111.. Sept. 2o, 1878, $750. C. W. Wooley, Alfred. No time. L. Glenn, Benton Harbor, Mich., May 2S, 1881, $250, Big Soap. Billy Bashaw, Molly Lvnch, 2:35,2:40, 2:35. J. Winter. Agency City, la., Oct. 7. 1882, $200. Ottumwa Maid. Stony Ford, 2:36, 2:37. 2:40. Modoc, br g (3 :35'2). R. Brett. Waterford, N. Y., July 13, 1876, .$200. Johnnv, 2:40, 2:43, 2:40. Modoc b g (3 :38), by a son of the Crawford Horse, (i. W. Baglev, Newport, R. I.. June 1, 1876. .$100. Patty Cannon, Robert Emmet, Ola, Hazel Eye (3 dis), 2:41 14, 2:47, 2:43. lune 2, 1876, $75. Fearless. Hazel Eye. 2 :42W, 2 :38, 2 :44 Rockland. Me., June 8. 1876, $125. Jim Farnum, Centennial, Ralph, Fearless, Fannv (?, dr), 2:45, 2:40)4, 2:41^4. Modoc, b g (3:34). L. H. Hurd, Danlmry, Conn., Oct. 5. 1877, .$200. Newton, Butcher Bov, Happy Medium. Jr., Red (loud Jr.. Grant Bov. Meriden Girl (2 dis), 2:42. 2:37. 2:37)4. Carmel, N. Y., Sept. 19, 1879. .$1.50. Irish .Maid 1, Flora. 2:.37'2.2:39. 2:40, 2:41. Danbury, Conn., Oct. 10, lsV9, .$250. Olive. Ellen, 2:35'., 2::U'i, 2::54. Modoc, grg (3:35), bv Y'oung Madison Hunter, dam a Tuckahoe mare. Geo. Scattergoo;, 2:37)4, 2:38^. 2:37. H. Shulling, Jersev City, N. J., July 2. 1883. $1,000. Harry Mills 2, 2:.32)4, 2:27)4 2:.32).-2, 2:33)4. L.H.Broome, Springfield. Mass., Aug. 31, 188.3, $1,000. Ino 2, Fides. Breeze Medium .Rifleman, Lona Guffin3, 4 (6 dis), Gulliver, Pearl, Boston Bov (4dr), .John Love (4 dr), Netty R. (4 disi, 2:22?4, 2:21)4, 2:23)^, 2:26, 2:25'/2. 2:28'2. Jesse Yearance, Mystic Park, Bo.ston. Sept. 18. 1883, $1,500. Deucalion 1, Index-, Hersey, King Almont. 2:22'/2, 2:20M, 2:19';, 2:20'i, Sept. 20, 1883. $1,000. George A., Fides, Lulu F., Allegheny Boy, 2:22. 2:2314, 2:21. L. H. Broome, Mt. Hollv. N. J., Oct. 11. 1883, .$.500. Billy Button, Brandy Boy, 2:26, 2:26. 2:2.3)4. Modoc, whg (3:11). C. Sherman, (^'hico, Cal., May 11, 1883, .$ . Chico 2. 3:11. 3:10, 3:11. Modoc Chief, gr g (3:39^). 1). Bigley, Lawrence, Mass., Oct. 22, 1873, $200. Doctor, Capt. .lack, Minnie, Col. Dean i3 dr), A'enture (3 dr), 2:48)^^, 2:.50, 2:4894. Beacon Park, Boston, Nov. 1.5, , 1873, $150. Louise 3(4 0), Unknown (4 0) (5 dr), 2:53, 2:48, 2:41, ,2:4.3)^, Mystic Park, Boston, May 8,1874, $100. Grace 1,4, Meddlesome 3, Lady Mack, 2:42, 2:41, 2:40, 2:4114, 2:399i,2:4.5. J. Thompson, Readville, Mass., Sept. 25, 1874, $90. Prince. Dick Leary, Charley, Bessie, Faithfui (2 dr), 2:51, 2:48. George Goodfellow, Beacon Park. Boston, June 14, 187.5. $150. Uuknown, Bay Jim (2 dis). 2:46i4, 2:4.5)4, 2:42'/». Mod Puryear, (w) b g (8 :44)4). O. W. Dimmick, New Orleans, La., March 24, 1858, $500. Manona(w) 2:52, 2*52. Moffatt's Chestnut Pony, ch g (3 :3~ ). Mr. Moffatt, Nashville, Tenn., Dec. 2, 1865, $150. McQuivey's eh m • (2 dis), Gunkle's ch m"(l dis), 3:00,2:37. 50« CHKSTKHJ* COMIM.KTK TROTTIXd AND PACING RKCOKl). Moh;i\rk, (s) l)r \n'i :3» s), by Vcrinoiil Blaik Hawk. b'. W. Barkus, Detroit. Mkli., June 2, 1852, $50. Billy <.si. CiudtTulla (S), 2:50. 2:45, 2:^1). Mohitwk, (w) cli g (3 :3G w). Geo. Jenkins, Union Course, L. I., April 26, 1858, $50. Bostou 2, George Wush- intrton (2 dis).2:.«i,2:3C?4. 2::i6'», 2:40. (W), Mav 12, 18r.8, S75. Lady Jane iwt. Boston (w), 2:4.3^,2:4,^ 2:42. Mav :M. 18.'')S, SKX)- I'liil twi. Milkmaid i\v) d dis). Malta i\v) il disi, 2:39.2:40, 2:40. Mohuwk. ell gri:4r.'»). I'liiladi-lpliia. I'a.. Sept. 2.i, I87.i. S4:k», (Quinine, (iolddust. 2:.")0.2:48. 2:48^.,. Mohuwk. ni s (!i:4{)i. A. McFcc. NiNvport. Ky., Oft. 9. 1874. i^lOO. .lini .Smith. Weaver (2 disi. Buteher Boy (1 (lisi. I-ilil)V Tilton (.1 disi, 2:.'>4i4, 2:.'Hi, 2:.">5. Mohawk, ill ^T'Jj'lSiii. L. II. Hurd, Carniel, X. Y., Sept. a.'i, 1878, ■? . Mary Keiinedv, Kd Katon, Minnie S.. 2:48, 2:49. 2:48. Sei)t. 2(>, 1878, $ . Marv Kenned v, Kd Eaton, 2:48, •.>:5<). 2:49. Mohawk, l)s (2 :46'/s'> by Clark's .Mohawk . I r. .1. I), (lark, .SprinKlield, <).. Oct. 1.5, 1878. S.5(). .Manil>rino, Deei'ption (2dis), 2:50, 2:">0^. 2:40' j. Five-year-olds. Mohawk Chief (« :47'4). K. Uood, IMihvaukee, Wis., June 24, 18(is, .?ioo. Lady Abdallah, Lew Kowell, Gib- son's 1) (I, 2:.")1, 2 :54, 2 :.'V>. Mohawk Cliief, cli s Ci ::»0) liv Hall's Moliawk .Ir.. (him Marv I'.ostwick, l>v New York Black Hawk. W. H, Siniond, Newark. O..Oct. 2. 1872, ••?- — . Frank Forrester I. •J;49. 2:51. 2:.>4. .1. Lee Hi-ook. Oct. 1. 1874. S . Marksman, .J;imes Swearingen (1 dis>. 2:36. 2:.')0. Stallions. W. B. Hall & Co.. ColiinibMs. ().. July 12 and 13, 1877, .fooo. Doctor Uusli 3, 4; Daisy 5, U, Belle Lawrence, Dread. Daniel the l'roi)lKt. Tom .Medlev (7 dri. Blue Wing (0 drl, Dick Harvey (5 dr). Ancient Order Boy (4 drl. Granger .lack (3 dr). 2:30. 2 :.«)' o. •_' :.'53J4. 2:.33. 2:34' J, 2:;«, 2:.32!2. ,Sei)t. 13, 1877. .SI25. Joe Hooper 1, 2, Stranger. Mohawk Jr., Peerless, Dick Sliter (2 dis), 2:37',^, 2:321-4, 2:32. 2:33?i,2:a3).2. Sept. 14. 1878, $150. Mohawk Jackson. Magic, Banker (1 disi, 2:34^, 2-32'.i, 2:3.5. Stallions. Mohawk Chief. grs(3:49^.,* bv Hall's Mohawk Jr.. dam Mollv Stamps' bv Henrv Clav. K. V. Hall. London, <).. Aug. s. IS83. SIOO. McCrei's b m. Charm, Minnie Gaflield (2 disi.Charlcv S. (2 dis), 2:.">0. 2:.")1?4, 2:19''^. Mohawk Gift, b sC3:39i.i)bv Hall's .Mohawk Jr. Yonngstown. <).. Julv4. I8,s;5, .•s.joo. Lizzie I),, Honest Sam, Cajit. Thad (2 tlisi, Harry B i2 disi. Martha W. ci disi. 2:.37. 2:31';, 2:44. Mohawk Jackson, b s (3:37';i by Mohawk, dam bv Andrew Jackson. Whipple & Tost, Mt. Gilead, O., Sept. •jl. 187t>, •*.!0. Ethan Allen Jr., Y'oung .Vlulallah. Silvertail (I dis). Best time 2:38. Mohawk Jr., b s (3:3.5) by Moh;iwk. dam Moselle, bv Itohinson's Bellfounder. James D. Clark, Springlield, ()., Sept. 8. I870..S.300. Tom Kolf.' i20i. 2:44',, 2:44.2:44!4. Cleveland, O., Oct. 7, 1870, .S500. Mambrino Star. Erie Abdallah, Y'oung American (1 dis), 2:44}^, 2:41, 2:41. Stallions. Oct. 8, 1870, $1,000. Bav Jim, Hoiie. Marv Tavlor. Denmark, Peninsular Maid. Brown Betty (2 dis), 2:37. 2:37}^, 2:36 '4. Sanduskv, O.. .Tulv 10, 1871, .'S400. J. H. Welch. Ladv Sontag. 2:32J4, 2:;«, 2:34. Springfield, O., Sept. 22 1871. $1.50. Cleveland, Sam Kolfe. 2:41, 2:41, 2:40. Sept. 29, 1871. $300. Drift 2, Ohie Girl. Charlev. Ladv Sontag. 2 :35''2, 2:34^, 2:35ii'2:33^. Newark, O., June 6, 1872, .$700. Silversides 3. Annie VVatson, Frank Shaw(l dis),2:31>.^,2:.36, 2:38V4.2:34>-4. Toledo. O., July 3, 1872, $1,500. Derby l. Western Bov, Ripon Bov. Rattler, Tennessee. 2:.303i. 2:3l>4, 2:31i4,2:34K'. Cleveland. O., Sept. 14, 1872. .$500. Bvron 3. Denmark. Ladv Garfield (1 dis), 2:26»4, 2:29}^. , 2:;Wi4. Sanduskv, O. . Sept. 26. 1 872, $500. Bvron 1 . 2 :20. 2 :2(;i.i , 2 :29, 2 :32. Columbus, O., .lulv 4, 1873. $1,200. Annie Collins .'i. Ked Cloud, Red Dick (4 dr), Kate Campbell (3 dr), IJlack Frank (1 dis), "Natchez (l dis). 2:.S5. 2::'.2',, 2:.!2i/., 2:35. Mohawk Jr., b s (3 :36) by IMohawk. dam l.adv \\'e;ivei-, by Virginia Whip. J. 'NV. Hall. Mansfield, O., Sept. 5. 1873. .$350. Silversides 1. Ohio (4irl, Mountain Maid. Lady (iray. Bay George, Hermit, Whirlwind, Bayard (4dri. 2:411^, 2:37%, 2:3914. 2:39. .Mt. Vernon, O., Oct. 10, 1874, .$ . Harrv Mitchell, Kate Campbell. 2:34?4, 2:34. 2:32. Lancaster, O., Oct. 15, 1874, .$ . Hvlas, Dick Sliter. 2:40i/,. 2:40. 2:4834. Stallions. Mt. Vernon. O.. Oct. 8 and 9. 1875, $300. Joe Hooper 3, 4, ISIajor Bird (4 r o), Mohawk Jackson (4 dr), 2 :37, 2:.'.4. 2:40. 2:3.5. 2:31. Londonville, ()., .July 4, 1877, $200. Ladv Clipper, Chestnut Dick. 2:3,-..2:3r. 2:26. Mohriwk .Tr.. b s f3:40). C. Pr.itt. 'Monmouth, TU.. Sepl. fi. l.s.s-j. .Sl.W. Hiu'h Tid(\ IVmto, 2:42U. 2:44, 2:45'2. Mohawk Kate, b m (3:3«',). bv Clark's Mohawk .Ir. A. F:iscman, Wheeling. W. Va., Oct. 14, 1881, $300. Brownwood 3. Blue Jeans, Desdemona. Lady Warren (3 dr). 2:48. 2:4,3X.. 2:39'.i. 2:42. Athens. O., Oct. 6, 1882. $ . Ida H. 3. Outlaw, Ladv Wagoner. Honest Jim. 2:26?i, 2:30. 2:;50. 2:.32. Moliawk Kiiia. ch s (3 :45). S. F. Vose, Wincomac. Ind.. Sept. 16. 1882. .$40. Lady Sarah, two others. No time. Francevllle, Ind., Oct. 9, 1882, $ . Mambrino Creeper 1. Billy Wonder. No time. Oct. 12. 1882, $ . Billv Wonder, Miimbrino Creeiier. No time. Mohawk Maid, b m ,'3:33i. ' W. Moore, Hurstvillc, N. Y.. Sept. 13. 1870. .$200. Hank 1, 2:.'>4'5, 2:5t). 2:57, 2:.59. Mohawk .>lai.. Oct. 9. 1874, $ . Joe Hooker, L.idv Curry, Charlev, 2:.54. 2:.55. 2:.5.3. . W^ooster. <■).. Oct! 27. 1874, .^lijo. Joe Hooper Doctor Rush, Lady Greer, Forest Girl, Rufus. \ankee Sullivan (3 dr),2:.55,2:.53,2:.53. , , ^ , ^^ Mohawk Maid (Yellow Dock and M. Y. D.>. ch m (3 :30 ', ). l)y Clark's Mohawk Jr.. dam by C opperbottoni. W Yeasell. Cleveland ()., Sept. (i, I88I. .$400. Stejiheii M. 1, 2, Harrv B., Desdemona. Ollie (3 disi. Expecta- tion (3 dis\ Maria (2 dis). Blue .leans (t dis). 2:32. 2:28U, 2:29'i, 2:."?0. 2::!1. Toledo. ()., Sept 13. 1881, .$400. Harrv B., Ruth, Expectation. Day Break (1 dis). 2.:i3'i, 2:37. 2:.3.5. Mohawk Maid, bm (3:44';). G. W. Wells. Attica. N. "V., Sept. 14. 1881, $50. Joseph C. 1, Semiramls. Best Batavia N. Y.. Oct. 21, 1881, .^. Mohawk I'ilot. gr g (3 :4!>). C. B. Coventrv. Auburn, N. Y., July 31. 1872, $200. Shot 1, ,3, Billy 2, Ncll> (!ray (2 dis). 2:.50i». 2:44>^. 2:49'A, 2:49, 2:49'o. 2:.->9. Mohawk I'rinoe. b g (3 :38). bv I'he Commodore, dam by Jackson. J. H. Starin. Albany. N. \ ., June 2.3, 1876, .$2.50. Vnlciin. Kittv, W. H. Bleecker, 2:3S",.2:37'».2:.3S'o. Sej.t. 15. 1K76. $400. Moscow 1, King Philip, Dolly Dot. Kitty. W. R. BleecUer (1 disV 2:34'J. 2:.32, 2:31!4, 2;:!5. Herkimer, N. Y., Oct. 2. 1870, .$200. Bessie Turner, 2:40^4, 2:41»4. 2:42!4- .,..,,„.„ ,, ,,, ,, „, , E. K. Woodman, Mvstic Park, Boston, Sept. 10, 1879, .$400. Rufus 1, Black Pilot, Billy D., Stella Blake (3 (lis). Newbrook (1 .lis). C:imors(l dis), 2:29. 2:29. 2:28, 2:.30. , . ^ ^ Mohawk Queen, b UK 3:33 1. P Curran, St. Thomas, Ont., Sept. 29, 1881, $17,5. Canada Southern, Canada Girl. .liiii Lane, Prince Arthur, 2:40. 2:41'i, 2:42. • Se)>t. SO. 1881, $175. Chestnut Sam 2, 4, Canada Southern .5, Pctaluma. 2 :,32. 2:331i, 2:.37Mj, 2:;K). 2:.38?i. Unlinished. CIIESTKKS COMl'LETE TROTTING AND FACING IJKCOKD. 609 • Woodstock, Out., Oct. 4, 1881, S300. Canada Southern -J, Thomas Scott 1, 2:36, 2:38, 2:42, 2:37. 2:3714. Mohawk Slasher, b s (3 :19), by Halls Mohawk, Jr. Geo. S. Hall, Mt. Vernon, O., Oct. 5, 1875, $2.5. Maggie Moore, Moliiiwk (iirl, 3:21, 3:19. Three-vear.olds. Molasses Hollow IJoy. l)lk g C~ :4«). B. Hanna, Bath, Pa., Oct. 19, 187.5. $\~)0. Kockey 3, 4, Modesly (5 dis), 2:59. 2:.')7. 2:06, 2:55, 2:.57. Mole Hunter, gr g (S:47). J. M. Harris, Harrodsburgh, Ky.. July 20, 1872, ai75. Jim Buckskin l,^2dis), Rice's b m i2 dis), Dotv"s gr m (2 disi. Jessamine (2 dist. 2:51. 2:47. Molly, br m (3:48). (ieorge Earl, Hartford, Conn., June 15, 1854, $100. Lily 1, Crazy Jaue, 2:54, 2:52, 2:53, 2:50. i\Ir. Montague. Middletown, Conn., Sept. 30, 1854, $50. Webb's b m, pacer (1, 0), (4, 0), (5dr), 2:52, 2:54, 2:50.2:48, . 1. Jocelvn, New Haven. Conn., Oct. 16, 18.54. .§75. Frank Morgan 2, 2:,56, 2:.55, 2:51V2, 2:51. Oct. 27. 1854, $200. Spanker. 2 :57. 2:56, 2;.54. Molly, rn m (.3 :58). H. Long, New Albany, lud., Aug. 25, 1866, $75. Frank Armstrong 2, Morgan. 2:58, 3:03i^, 3:<)2='4. Molly, b m (3 :37'.;\ by Dolphus. dam by Abdallah (?;. T. T. Oliver, Bultalo, N. Y., Aug. 17, 1867, $500. Crazy Jane 2, 4, 2:3^K, 2:34^2. 2:35i.2. 2:35i4- 2:36'o. Chicago. 111., Sept. 4, 1867, $400. Rodney. Angeline (l dis), 2:32U, 2 -MdU, - :47' 2. J. Fredmore, Aug. 15, 18G8, $200. C. G.. 2 :41i2, 2:38. 2 :38'/2. Molly, b m (3 :48), (.3 :37s*). T. Gallagher, Monroeville, O., Sept. 6, 1867, .$50. Honest (Jeorge, 3:02, 2:57^-^, 2"54 '■ (s), Plymouth, O., Oct. 11, 1867, $25. Blackbird (s), 2:27. 2:31. Short track Molly (3 :47). D. Seaman, Parkersburgh, W. Va., Oct. 7, 1868, $75. Honest John 2, 3, Henry Clay, 2:58, 2:5\%„ 2:48, 2:47, 2:47'2. Molly, blk m (3 :54i^). J. C. Clark, Chicago, 111., July 16, 1870. $ . Wild INIadge 1, Bassett Colt, 3:10,3:03/2, 2: 54 'A. Molly (w), ch m (3:37). Thomas P. Roche, Bronsou, Mich., Sept. 8. 1870, $ . Gay Boy (w). Scalpel (w), Bine Eagle (w). (2 dis), 2:45, 2:4.5. Zaupsville O.. Sept. 28, 1870, $250. Drift 1, Fuzz, Ditto, Patsey (4 dis), Billy Emerson (4 dis), 2:46'/4, 2:45!4, 2:42, 2:37. Cincinnati. O., Oct. 21, 1870. .$400. Billy Crawford (l, 0), Dick Grapevine (4 dis). 2:43/2, 2:41)4, 2:41.^, 2:41'2- lohn Hawkins. New Orleans, La., June 20, 1871, $ . Walter, 5:47. Two miles. Molly bm (3:37), by Magna Charta, dam by Young Florizel? J. Rockev. Buffalo, N. Y., Aug. 2. 1S71. $200. Lady Hamilton 3,'Medoc (4. 0), Tennessee, 2:30, 2:28?^, 2:30, 2:299i, 2:31'4. S! Eldridge, Peoria. 111., Sept. 17, 1873, $500. Magnolia, Frontier Dick, Uncle Sam t2 dis). 2:42. 2:394, 2:3614. Sept. 18 and 19. 1873, .$500. Whitcomb 1, 2, Chickamauga 3, John W.. Hattie a dis). Russell (4 dri. North Star (4 dr), 2:37. 2:37, 2:35, 2:35, 2:.34, 2:34. R. Warner, Freeport, 111. Oct. 15, 1873, $1,000. Capitola 1, 3, Lady Mack 2.4. Roderick (5 dr), 2:35)4, 2:33W, 2:35, 2:31, 2:31 2:3014, 2:30)^. John Demas, Romeo, Mich., June 30, 1874, $1,000. Gen. Sherman (1 dis), John H. il dis), Kitty Wells (1 dis). No time. Molly, b m (3 :50). ,1. Call, Williamsport, I'a., Oct. 24, 1873. $300. Poinpey, Lady Kate. 2:.50, 2:50U, 2:.50. Molly, gr m (3 :37). J. Randall, Buffalo, N. Y.. May 29, 1874. $100. Lady Cooper, Lady Emma, Little Fraud (3 dis), 2:4.5, 2:40)4, -':38)4. Nov. 7, 1874, $150. (xeorge Pitts, 2:45, 2:.37. 2 :46. Molly, b m (3:37^), bv Whirlwind. R. Lindsay. St. Louis, Mo., Oct. 7,1874. $1,000. Col. E. D. Baker 3, 5, Lady Griswold 1. Liicy Smith. Annie, Alice d dis), Minnie (4 dis). 2:44. 2:44M, 2:43i.i. 2:46i4, 2:45. 2:46. Molly, 'b m (3:43 U). Mr. Patrick, Salt Lake Citv, Utah. Oct. 21, 1874, $75 (ien. Lasher 1.2. Quaker Lad (4 dr). Lady Hamilton (3 dr). 2:4iP^, 2:44, 2:44>4, 2:43?4.2:44. Molly, eh in (3 -AOy^). John Fleming, Coldwater. Mich., Sept. 10, 1875, $190. George B., W. G., Maggie Smith (2ro), 2:44, 2:46)4, 2:49'i. John Burke, Lansing, Mich., Sept. 22 and 23, 1875. .$400. George B. 2, 3, Tom l. Julia, Black Bashaw, Jr., 2:4.5, 2:44)4, 2:44, 2:42'o, 2:42, 2:41'2. Sept. 24. 1875, $365. Judge Douglas 1,4, Julia, Florence, Tom (4 dis), May Miiller i2 dr), 2:42"4, 2:44)4. 2:40, 2:41 ;'4. Molly (3 :50' J). Watertown, Wis., July 6, 1875, $175. Grin 2, Plato, David J., Corn Planter. Stone Cutter (5 dr), Dora (3 dr), Ned 1 (2 dis), 2:50V.,, 2:54, 2:50}.£, 2:52. 2:.52'2. Molly, b m (3:33'., ), by Sussex Chief. J. Walters, Suffolk Park, Phil., May 14. 1877. .$200. J. J. Rowland, James Wood, Annie Bennett, Bay Harry (2 dis), Sans Souci (2 dis), Homer (l dis) Robin Hood (1 dis), 2:40)4, 2:42. 2:41. May 15, 1877, .$200. Wave 2, Libby, Princess Medium, 2:43, 2:42. 2:4i:'4. 2:42)4. May 17, 1877, .$200. Chief, Sans Sbuci, J. J. Rowland (2 dis), 2:38)4, 2:.3.3^. 2:42'4. Molly, b'm (3:00). H. H. Brown, Freehold. N. J., Sept. 13, 1877. .$80. Lady Star. 3:01, 3:00. Molly, bni( 3:58). L.H. Bennett, Ypsilanti, Mich., Sept. 28, 1877, $150. Mambrino, Bay Billy (l dis), 2:58, 3:00. 3:00. Molly, bm (3:46), bv Clark Chief. J. W. Spencer, Mt. Sterling, Ky.. Aug. 8. 1877, $100. John Clay 2, 3, Forest Chief, Molly Deering (2 dis), Beecher (2 dis), 2:5914, 2:5514. , 2:,53'2. 3:00. Spencer Bros., Richmond, Ky., Aug. 16, 1878, $ . Walker. John Clay (3 dis), 3:19, 3:21. 3:20. Lexington, Ky., Aug. 31. 1878, .$ . Midway Belle 2, 3, Edith, Myrtle, Bower's Colt (2 dis). 2:50, 2-M%, 2:47, 2:49>i, 2:46.' Five-vear-olds. Frankfort, ICy., Nov.'o is78. Fleetwood, Jr. 1, Dundas, Maggie Mitchell (4 dis), 3:05, 2:.58'/^, 2:.59i.^. 3.00. Molly, b m (3 :35).' J. A Jay. New Bedford, Mass., June 27, 1878. .$50. Tripp's gr g (w). 2:57. 2:55, 2:.55. Molly, b m (3 :30>4). by Sweepstakes. T. Cahill, Montgomery, N. Y., July 4, 1878, $ — -. Optic I.Luther Lilly Irwin. No tinie. Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Sept. 6, 1878, $300. Sir Walter. Florence, Queen Ray(2 dr). 2:35. 2:37. 2:30)4. Five- year-olds. Mi>ily. Vy. Nelson. K;atonah, N. Y'., Oct. 12, 1878, $ . Minnie S., Night Hawk. Lady Travis. No time. Molly, ch m (3:3714) bvICing's Champion .Jr. (?). W. H. Doble. Belmont Park. Phila., May 22, 1878, $150. Sorrel Top. .fohn. Little Dan, Rocket, 2:36,2:38^,2:40. May 24, 1878, $200. Bob Scott, May Medium, Little Dan, Sorrel Top, Tommy Dodd. John (3 dr), 2 :.37. 2 :35, 2:.38. Point Breeze Park, Phila., May 28, 1878, $300. Blossom, Sorrel Top, .John, Music in the Air, May. Bessie Knox, Little Dan, Brotlierto Alley (3 dr). Belle of Philadelphia (2 dr), 2:33i4. 2:33)4, 2:33?i. June 4, 1878. $400. Silvertail 1. Rosa Dartle 5, James R., David Wallace, lago. Fancy (6 dr), Oddfellow (6 dr). Chance (5 dr), Iron King (4 dis), John S. Clark (3 dis), Oscar (3 dr), 2:32i4, 2:.33, 2:31i/2, l-.SVi, 2:31 9i, 2 '.33 — Wilmington, Del., June 13, 1878, $2,50. Lady Blessington 1, Sorrel Top, James R., Modoc, 2:36)4. 2:36, 2:35)4, 2:36. 510 cuESTiiusi c'o.Mi'i.ini: tkotting and pacing kecoud. Woo(ll)urv, N. J.. July 5, 1878. S;iOO. Saiu l-rciicli, Lady Ulessiiigtoii, Sans Soiirl. 2:a4'.i, 2:33'4, 2:33^. Sci)t. 1«, 187H, §300. Glide, Sam Itoikii, .liiiin-s U ood, .Modoc, lU-lle ol I'liiladelpliia (L' di). 2:;U>^, 2:32^4, 2 -.'.a. DovtT. Del.. Sept. 2,0. 1878, S300. Sorrel Top, 2:40,2:0.';, 2:.'tGU. r.iint Ureezi- I'ark. I'liila.. Oct. 4. IS7S, .«;,mi(). ,i. (;. Morrill 4. Glide ;;. Ma^'iiii- M . IMora Wiiid.sor. IteU (rook. C'liaiincev M. Bedle, .lames Wood, George Henry (3 dr), Nelly Webster (3 dr), 2:29}4, 2:27}^, 2:27>^ 2:}9. 2:31K>. Klttersville, Pa., Oct. 25. 187s. .?.'»0. Twilight l„l{ose Medium, Dora (4 dr), 2:.'57?i, 2:38. 2::?f.. 2:34^. Molly, b m (;J:17!si, Joseph Hank, lUishnell, Hid.. Sept. 25, 187u, .*;40. Old John 3, Sleepv Dave, 3:20, 3:17U, 3:12U. .•i:l!1U,. Molly. iTm r.i -.-iTU)- E. M. Sherman, Yorkshire Centre, N. Y., July 4. 1883, S50. Dexter, Tojjsy, Flora Belle, 3;27'4, .•!:2;i^i. Molly i\\ 1. 1) 111 (3:474 w). Geo. H. Polhemus. San Jose, Cal.. Sept. 28, 1883, .$250. Nomne (\\) 2, Tulare Dick (\vi, Ncllv S. (W). \\hisper (w) (4 dis). Holeta 1!. (W) a dis), 2:47^a. 2:4C, 2;48^;i, 2:,51. Molly Athluue, b m ('i :5;{) ('i M* s). T. (iallagher, Norwalk, O., Sept. IG, 1868. S300. Joe 2, 2:.'')4. 2.53, 2:53 "(SI I'lVilioutll. O., Oct. 13, IStlH, .<25. .lack (S), 2:47. 2::54. Molly ii.ri :">"i. J- J- Maeklin, I'eti-rsbiirg. Va.. July 4, 18,07, .S . Fanny, 2:50. M«>iry 1$.. ^'r m {'i :4«i/.i. John Morrissey Jr.. Saratoga Spa, N. Y., Feb. 28,' 1874. §50. Frank, Lady Althouse, Maggie, Hrown's b m. Capen"s bav pueer i2 dr;. No time. March 7, 1874. .$I(J0. Frank 1, 3, 1 :20. 1 :is>,i. 1 :21, 1 :20, 1 :20. Half-mile heats. JulvSand 4, 187G, $75. Kuth 1,4, Tommy 2, Little Dan 3, Congress Street, Fanny B., 2:50, 2:48'/j, 2::.0, 2:50, 2:.")0. 2:.06. 2:49. Molly li.. brm ;J:4«-^4). K- Mabbitt, Khiiiebeek, N. Y., Sept. 11, 1877. S150. Donald, Janey W., New Ham- burgh ( : irl, 2 MU, 2 :47, 2 :4(>-'., . Molly 15.. b Ml I -i MO) by (ien. VVildair, dam by Copperbottoni. Wm. Farker, Io\ya Citv, la., Sept. 2, 1882, $(W. Minnie W. 1, 3:00, 2:.")9'4. 2:5.5. Tipton. la.. Sept. 8. 1882, S7.">. Susie Drinkwater, Little Dan, Hermit, 2:55, 2:.->2, 2:.50. Fargo. D. T.,Sept. 2o. 1882, $500. Uoyal (ieorge, Mnineapolis, Annie West (1 dis). Lady of (irand Forks (1 (list, 2::5:{-o, 2:31'2, 2:33l4. Sept. 22. 1882. S.500. Sam H. 1. 2. Minneapolis. Chijipawa Chief (3 dis\ 2:.30i.i. 2:3n.i. 2:3.''>. 2:32',i. 2:37. Valley City. D. T., Sept. 28. 1882, $200. Smith's grg, Alniont Boy. Black Jim. Minneapolis, 2:52. 2:47, 2 •44i/>. '■ Yankton. Dak.. Sept. 2s, 1883, S400. Granger B. 1, Gray Sam. Hampton Girl. 2:."i9, 2:.37, 2::53ii. Molly Barker, b m (3 :43 \y). Mr. Ellsworth, Madalin. N. V., July 15, 1871. .?300. Eastern New \''ork, 2:.W, 2:47.2:45. J. E. .laryis. Huntington, L. L, Oct. 21, 1874, $200. William. Lady Arthur. Sapi>ho, General (2 dr). 2:43, 2:44. 2:44 ■'4. Molly Ba\yu, ch 111. W. McWilliam, Pentwater, Mich. May 2.'!, 1879. Prize, saddle. (Gardner's Pride, Earns. \"o tiiiic. Molly Hell, br m (3 :30). by Consternation. C. Leland Jr., St. Joseph, Mo.. Sept. C, 1880, .?300. Gen. Matthews, Alcyone. 2:.!7. 2::'..5K'. 2:.3.5K>. P. Hutchinson. Marvsyille. Kan., Sept. 22. 1880. $1.00 (ien. Matthews, Locust, 2:40, 2:42, 2:,39. F. Windish, Topeka. Kan.. Sept. 1.5, 18S1. .S500. Billy Bashaw 2. Mary Miller. Sleepy Joe, 2:33>4. 2:3l>4, 2:33>.i.2:34:>,. C. Leland, Jr.. Atcheson, Kan.. Sept. 29. 18S1. .?400. Pine Leaf l. Kentucky Girl, Maggie F., 2:3^, 2:34J^, 2 '3f< 2 •.'{7V<> '- Marvs\n'lle. Mo.. Aug. 30. I8S2, $400. Maggie F. 2. 4. Starlight, Magnet. 2:35. 2:40, 2:36. 2:,^5^. 2:36%. Topeka, Kan., Sept. 12. 1882, .§.500. Maggie F. 3. Starlight, Tramp, Maggie Fulton. 2:31 9i, 2:31^, 2:30, 2:32W Lawrence. Kan.. Sept. 20, 1882, .$500. Tramp. Starlight. Maggie F. (1 dis), 2:.^n',4. 2::!0'i. 2:.'?li4,2:30^. Molly Itertrand. b m i2 :47'o). O. A. Hickok. Milwaukee. Wis., Aug. 16, 1860. iSSOO. Dan Andrews 1, Flora (1 dis), 2:.50?4, 2:47-'4, 2:48i^, 2:473^. Molly Braxton, blk m (2 :40). M. Houston, Paoli. lud., Sept. 29, 1874, $ . Riley, Belle Lee, Lady Herzog (2'disi. Notime. Worthington. Ind.. Oct. 16, 1874. $ . Riley. Belle Lee. 2:40»/>. 2:31. 2:40. Molly Br<»oks. b m (3:38), by Sir Thomas Jr. Andrew Mellon, Nashville, Tenn., Aug. 2. 186.5. $100. Rodney, Betty, 2:47Ai. 2:47'.,. , , , Molly Biukiier. br ill (3 :30i^). J. (i. Bailv, Louisville, Ky., May 22, 18C7, .$250. W. K. Thomas, Bob John- ston I (2 dis), 2:38K>, 2 :36'i, 2:34^4, 2:38. Thomas P. Koacli, May 2, 4, 1867, $200. Betty. 8:05. 8:17. Three miles. Indianapolis. Ind.. .Tuivll, 1867. $300. C; 2*.37 '''37 2'iV) ^Clucagoini.," June 16, 1868. $6.50. Tom Brady. Lady Allse. Little INlaria, Rodney, Queen of the West. Honest Charley. 2:371-1. 2:37. 2:.'!6>4. Aug. 15, 1868. .$750. Fanny Lee, R. A. Alexander. 2:.34i4. 2:37Vi. 2:37, 2:40. Aug. 21, 1868, .$200. R. A. Alexander .3. Queen of the West 1. Tom Brady, 2:.35. 2:3.5. 2:35V^, 2:364, 2:381^. G.'C. Shadbnrn. Louisville. Ky.. June 17. 1870. .$,500. Dick. Kate 13 dr), Rob Roy(1 dis). 2:40W. 2:39M, 2:43. Molly Carew, b m (3 :40i, by Mambletoiiian. dam by American St;ir. Wm. McRoberts, Catskill. N. Y'., July 14', 1871. .*8iio. Flora Lee. Rosa Sonburgh, Cheston, Uncle Bill. Bay Ben. Gyjisy Maid, Biiteman. 2:41, 2:41'.<;. 2:40. Molly ('"lark, bm (3:34). Lew Dunn, Wilkesbarre. Pa., Aug. 22, 1873. .$500. Cliester, Sir Knight. Eddy, Stella, Asa rj (lis). Ladv Patterson. (2 dis). Grav .Mm (2 dr), 2:.37V4, 2:,3n, 2:34. Molly Clark, b m (3 :31>4). .1. A. Williams, Montpelier, Vt., Sept. 16, 1880. .$85. Limberlegs. Pony. Fanny P., Dick Preble. Pathfinder, 2:.52. 2:.5.5. 2:52. .M. Kavanaiigh, Albany. N. \'...Fune 14. 1883. $1,000. Columbia .3. 4. 2-31>4. 2:.'52, 2:36.2:43.2:4.5. G. Uaiior. Scliic'ticokcj. N. Y.. .fulv 4. 188:i, $100. Franklin. 2:51U, 2:.38'/s, 2:4.3. Molly C..11I11.H. b m (3 :48). W. H. Wilson, Falmouth, Ky., Oct. 7, 1880. $ . Hoosier Girl 3. Mooney Wes, Lainonte. Kitty Silver. Best time. 2:48. Molly Crowell. b m (2 ■.r>0\ G. W. Crowell. S.induskv. O.. Sept. 27. 1878, $20. Nettie E. ,3. Billy Hiatoga, Star 1 (5 (lis). 3:02!4. 3:n2K'. 3:0,5»4. 3:07. 2:.56. Five-year-olds. Molly iteMhon, b m (3 :38M). S. Deshon, Dnbu(iue, la., July 3, 1867, $150. Lady Stevenson (2 dis), Alice Gray (I'dis). 2:42. 2:40^. July 5, 1867, $250. Sleepy John (1 dis), 2:58^. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 5U Milwaukee, Wis., Sept. 4. 18C7, $450. Williams' rii m, 2 :40K>, -' :41i^, 2:3s?i. Molly Drew, cli m (3 :27), by Wiutliroj>, dam Fanny Fein. L. E. \ aiT-s. Stuekton, Cal., Sept. 29. 1876, .$175, Lieutenant d dis), Priam M ills), Susie Parker il dis), Camors U disi, Fred (1 dis), 2:55. Tliree-> ear-olds. San Framiseo, Cal., Nov. 3. 1876, SIOO. Billy llalston, Havward (iray. 2:57, 3:00. Three-Year-olds. ,1. I'riee, Stockton, Cal., Sept. 28, 1880, $700. Lady Ellen 2, 3, Clay 1, Venus, 2::52'2, i:31, 2:30, 2:31M. 2:30,2:27. Molly DuiM-an (w), ch m (3 :40-!ii). E. Robbing, Louisville, Ky., Sept. 28, 1859, .? . Capitola (w), Canada Sam 1 \v '. .". :21^, 5:23. Two mile lieats. Molly E.. br in iii:35%), by Roliert Bonner. C. S^ Dunham, Greenville. I'a., July 3, 1873, $200. Captain, Dela- ware chief. 2:35'2, 2:361/.,, ■j:;^(j. hilv4. 1.S73. iif-AOO. Delaware Chief, Cai)tain. 2:36^, 2:39.2:37. Molly K., brm (3:47'.;). J. B. Cresvvell, Wilmintjton. Del., Oct. 10, 1877, $150. Christine Davis 4 (2 0), Dexter, Alexis, Maggie, Little Ned (5 dr). 2:50, 2:4!), 2:48, 2:47. 2:53. W. H. Huddleston, Wortou. Md., Sept. 18. 1878. $200. Clara B. 3. Annie V.. Mountain Boy, Rosenfeld Maid(4dr\ Beeswing il disi, 2:47';. 2:49. 2:50. 2:49. Molly F., gr m (3:33), by ]Madison Hunter. .). Sperry, Middletown, Del., Sept. 19, 1882, .S1.50. Lady Armstrong, Fan W. (1 (lis). Lankford a dis). 2:52, 3:06, 3:08. Molly Gilflllan. eh m 1 3:44^4). .lonii Gilfillan. Marietta, O., Oct. 14, 1867. $75. Ditto 2, 4, Mother Goose, 2 :50!/2 , 2 :47^4 . 2 :48i4, 2 :4t;i 4. 2 :4914. Molly Grolddust, eh m (3:47!i;). ,). S. Stevenson, Buffalo, N. Y., June 17, 1.S67, •$ . Gen. Love (w), 2:52, 2:51.2:50'». — — Aug. 16, 1867, $500. Smith's Colt, Curran's Colt, Frank Harpist, 2:49i^, 2:473i, 2:47^2. Four-year-olds. Molly Gnlddust (\v 1, eh m (3 :54 w). by Golddus*:. W. Nelson, Union Course, L. I., July 15, 1869, $7.50. Mazeppa, Lady Kurd. 2::..sii, 2:.54. Molly Graliam. h in. W. S. Spillman, Booneville, Ind., Oct.3, 1874, $15. Good's b m, Allen's b m, Lady B., 1:15,1:49. Half-mile-heats. Three-year-olds. Molly Graydon, eh m (3 :43), by Green's Bashaw, dam Kate McGrew, by Ladd's Champion Blackhawk. E. Corrigau. Kansas City, Mo.. July 4, 1874, $125. Hawthorn Queen 2, 3:10, 3:16i4, 3:05ai, 3:021>i. Distance one mile one hundred and twenty yards. .luiy 6. 1874. $75. Hawthorn Queen, Tip, 3;07?i, 3:08. 3:08V2. Distance one mile one hundred and twenty yards. Lincoln, Neb., Mav 31. 1876, $250. Black Dock, Getaway, Happy (1 dis), Otoe County Maid (l dis), 2:4514, 2:46, 2 :.50. Kansas City, Mo.. July 14, 1877, $ — . Black Cloud, La Cygne. Best time 2:48?i. Molly H., brm (3:34'o). by Mambrino Patchen. dam bv Manibrino Whalebone. E. G. Boles, Adelphi, O., May ,31, 1882, $1.50. Honest Jim, Hector, Little Gus, Aimee, William R., 2:44, 2:56,2:44}4. .fune 1, 1882. $200. Honest Jim l. Little Gus. Hector. Notime. — Wheeling, W. Va.. June 7, 1882, .$400. King Wilkes, Lady Patchen, Kitty Patchen, Maud Monroe, Look- out Jr., Ruric Neville, Tourist, Marcus (3 dr), 2:37, 2:34u, 2 -.38. Molly H.. b m (3:59i^). C. N. Oilman. Lowell, Mass., Sep't. 11, 1883, .$35. Ellen 1, Jim Butler, Jenny. Dick. Flora, Kitty B., 3:10, 3:06. 2:59'.,. 2:.59i^. -T.Croghan, Tiffin, O., Oct. 5. 1883, $100. Dr. West2,Mollv Harris, 2:41, 2:47, 2:42V2, 2:44. Molly Harris, blk m (3:3414,). bv Crouch's Bashaw. 0. Hughes. E. Saginaw, Mich.. Sept. 27, 1882, $300. Michigan Maid, Norwood. Alfaretta, Carrie H.. Salina Bov (2 dis), Flory A., (2 dis), 2:44, 2:35, 2:35^4. Sept. 29, 1882, .$200. Carrie H., Alferetta, Belie Hardingi Little Duke. Myrtle (3 dr), 2:39, 2:381^, 2:39'/2. -^ Win. Sullivan, Mansfield, O.. Sept. 7,1883, .$400. Minnnie Warren 2, Kitty Clyde, 2:37, 2:37Ji, 2:379i, 2:36. Vassar, Mich., Oct. 25 and 20, 1883, $200. p-lirt 2, 4, Little Fred, Jim Early, Dan Bassett (2 dis). Scribbler (3 dis), 2:45, 2:43, 2:44, 2:45, 2:42. Molly Hooper, b m (3:36i4). H. Darlington. Pittsburgh, Pa., Aug. 30, 1883, .$200. Joe, 2:36i4, 2:4034, 2:40. Molly Jackson, ch m (3 :05). V. D. Conover, Trenton, N. J., Sept. 20, 1«70, $75. Limber Jim, Rittenhouse's ch m 3:05, 3:10J4. Three-year-olds. Molly Kistler. b m (3:373^). by Blue Bull. Davis and Bridgeman. Meadville. Pa., Mav 28. 1880 .$200. Min- nehaha, Kentucky Tom (3 dis), 3:01, 3:00, 3:00. Pittsburgh, Pa., June 11, 1880. $400. Robert Brown, A. Peck, Mattie Graham, Sam Keys, 2:.34. 2:34. 2:.35, Newcastle, Pa., June 18. 1880, $300. Mattie Graham. Alice Medium, Rocket. Iaicv R. (3 dis), Due Bill i3 dis), 2:34, 2:37}4, 2:35. Akron, O. June 23, 1880, $300. Mattie Graham. A. Peck. Rocket, Alice Medium. Abbie Darling, 2:35?i, 2:371^,2:4114. — — Youngstown, O., .Julys, 1880, $500. Alice Medium, Mattie Graham. A. Peck, Whirlwind, Rocket, Due Bill (1 dis). 2:351^, 2:31^, 2:3514, J, Call, Chicago, 111., Sept. 16, 1880, $700. Myrtle 1. 2. Troubadour, Rigolette (2 dis), 2:27, 2 :26»/4, 2:28'/2, 2:2814,2:28. Kansas City, Mo., Sept. 23. 1880, .$500. Sam Patch. 2:42, 2:48. 2:53. Olean, N. Y., June 20, 1882, .$,500. Phvllis, Sleepy Tom, Clara J., Kate Taylor. 2:27?i,2:27'4. 2:27%. Erie, Pa., June 27, 1882, $.500. Clara J. 1, Phvllis (3 0), Valiant (3 0), Kate Taylor, 2-281/4. 2:28^4, 2:30i^i, 2:28.2:30. " . , 4, Molly Lang:, br m. Brownsville, Mo.. Aug. 19, 1879,$ . Cyclone 2, Ada, Gumbo, Minnie, Molly B., Hattie L., Boss, Kate Martin, 1 :25, 1 :24, 1 :28, 1 :27?.i. Half-mile-heats. Three-year-olds. Molly Dong:, bm (3:3314). bv Mambrino Champion. G. H. Brasfield, Lexington, Ky., Oct. 18, 1872, $150. Queen Lyde, :\I;iggie Main. 2 :.333i, 2 :33M, 2:3314. Four-year-olds. Molly tons?, I)r m ( 3 :35), by Manibrino Champion, dam a Hiatoga mare. H, Hitchcock, Denver, Col., .Tuly 2,5, 1883, $600, Magnet 2, Black Tom, Clifton B., Maud L., Maud, Van Buren, Greenback. 2:35, 2:33, 2:38, 2 :39. Moiiv T.ooniis. h 111 ,3:48i;\ J C. PToasr. Falls Villaarc. Conn.. S-it. 16. 1880, .$50. Kittv Bradley, Comer Boy, Crazy Jane, Fred (2 dis). Wandering G\ps\- a dis), 2:55, 2:56i^, 2:55. Molly L,yneh. bm (3:3614). bv Benedict. 6. W.Park, Des Moines, la., Sept. 10. 1880, ,$350. CharlesG. Haves, Primo, 2:.53'.,,2:47J«, 2:43^1. Molly 3lac, b m (3 :34i4). E. Kauffman, Woodbury, N. J., Julv4, 1883, $200. Owena. Addie G., Clark Pettlt, Newtown (3 dis). Keystone (3 dis). South Jersey P.atchen (1 dis), 2:40, 2:40. 2:40. W. H. Sharp, Rittersville, Pa.. Aug. 17. 1883.'$2.50. Charley M., Edward F,, Alice Addison, 2:3414, 2:35'^, 2:.-Ui,. Molly Mack, gr m (3 :41i.t). O. K. Downs, E. Saginaw. Mich,, May 26, 1870, $ — . Frank l, American Dick, Marv, Betsey, Ned, Big Ed, 3:10,3:06, 3:04, 3:01. Flint, Mich.. June2s. 1871, $ . Mag Storm 3, 4, Fannv 2, Capt. Owen l. Princess, Lady Walker (3dis), 2:42. 2:41 »4. 2:43. 2:43U. 2:41M. 2:45, 2:45'o. Molly Mack, chin (3 :33), by Champ Ferguson, dam Lady Thome ,Tr., bv William's Mambrino. J. Mc Donald, Sharnsburg, Ky., Aug. 9, 1883. $300. Nobby, Cuckoo, 3:08"'i. 3:02?^, 3:03}^. Molly McGuire, (3:48). G. F. Fisher. Harmonv, Pa. Sept. 12, 1883, $50. Ramsey, Lizzie S., Brown Dlck, Bessie Bramble, Pottersville Girl, Annie C. 2:591/2, 2:48, 2:55. or.' CIIKSTKR'S COMPLKTE TROTTING AND PACING KKCOKD. Molly Middleton, bm(3:39io). by Hay Middleloii, ilam by Kinf,'s Clianipion .Ir. (;.(;. Robins, F.aton Rapiils. Mich., July L'it. l^si. S.kmi. David t;. 4, G, Hilly I. 1, 2, C'ady. HiKblaiid Stranger. William .s kiiie Nt-ro. Mainlirino Rattler. (Jov Tildeii, 2:35, 'J:3S. i;:38W,. 2:401,2. 2:39. 2:38. 2:3UK'- " ■ Grand Rapids, Muli.. Sept. 27, 1881, S400. Day Break, Ben Huxton, MaggicA., Little Ned, 2:45 238 Sept. 28. 18><1, 6HK). Billy I., Rob Rov. Fox, 2:42|2, 2:34, 2:41. G. (iildersleeve. Bangor, Mich., J line 10, 1882, S150. Sorrel .liin 1,3. George R. 2, Little Rot, 2-39'i» 2:4»;?4, 2:45, 2:42, 2:40'2. 2:41. "■ G. G. Robins. Caiitou, O., Aug. 31, 1S82, §300. Kitty L. 1, Lady II. 4, Maud B., St. Louis, Jack (5 dr), 2-3'> 2::;4, 2 3,'-,.2:.'!0. 2: :2'2. ' ' ' I'.enion Harbor, iMieb., Oct. .5, 1882, §300. Minnie Warren 2,11. M. Strong, Prince, 2:33^,2:32^^.2:37, Oe't. (■>. 18S2, S400. 11. M. Strong 1,2, Miiinie Warren, Prince (5 r o ). 2:36^4. 2 :3H4, 2:33'.i. 2::m. 2 -33^ G. II. Gildersloevo, Bangor, Midi., Oct. 20, 1HS2. .§150. Robert Whalev. Nelly Mav. 2 :34V<'., 2 :.T2=!.i 237 (i. G. Robins, Hudson, .Mich.. June 13. ls8;i. .Sioo. Flirt .X Boyd P.. XVIlliamS.. 2:38, 2:40' ...2:41 2-39 .luiic 1.-). I8s;;. Sl.">ii. (ireeii ("haiiev, Williaiu S.. McWhirter. 2:3ft. 2:.f7. 2:33. Muskegon, Mich.. July IT, 188;i, §200, Stratlilan 1, 2. May U. 4, LIUle Billv (3dis), 2:31, 2:29«4, 2:30 2-29>d 2:30, 2:32K>- " " •» 74, St. Louis, Mo., Sept. li, 1883, $300. Ladv Brownell (3 d (4 0). Doctor Frank 5, Walter Jones (2 dis), 2-39« 2 :32'i . 2 :31 K>, 2 :31 ?4 . 2 :32}.). J. Wilkins, Weymouth, Mass., Sept. 27, 1878, §35. Brown Dick 1, Royal Ben vEtlia. .•;:00. 2:.")2, 2 :,53'4. 2:5t Sept 2s, 1878. §75. Puzzle. Little Nell, Jim, Rocket. 2:.50. 2:47. 2:4.5>5, 2:.-Ki, 2 :,''/». lu'v .-.. l.sso. a&K Milo Maid, I-edo, 2:.')0. 2:50, 2:.50. C.liewitt, Haverhill, Mass., Sept. 27,1882, §50. Emperor, Lawrence Bov. Butcher Boy, 2 :40V4, 2:41 >4, 2 :40. Molly Morris, fKittv Fisk) ch in (3:23). by French pacing pony. W. R. Armstrong, Barrie, Out., .luiie 13, 1872, §4011. F'aniiv Lambert. Cattaraugus Chief. 2:32K>. 2:32i/o,2:3(;. I >etroit, :\lich.; Oct. 21. 1872, .*700. Cozette, 2:3:;. 2:3:5. 2:34. N.T. Ciinipbell. Grand Raiiids. Mich.. June 11. 1873. ,$2,000. Countrv Boy. Logan. 2:38M, 2:34'i. 2:34'/2. K. Saginaw. Mich.. .lune 2t!, 1873, §1..500. Natchez 1, Mila Caldwell, Cozette, Logan, Edgar, Lady Light- foot. Lottie. 2:3(1- ■j:2!). 2::!03.,. 2:31. Flint.Micli., July3. isi.i. .s.-ion. Cozette, Gen. Sherman. Ladv Lightfoot. Lottie. 2:31V2, 2:32?4. 2:31)^. .Inly 4. 187:!. ■■S+oo. Gen. Sliermaii 1. Jeannette 2, Little Longfellow, 2:31. 2:37. 2:30, 2:30J4, 2:31. W. R. Armstrong, La Peer. Mich., Julys, 1873, §300. Gen. Sherman, Annie Collins (3 dis). 2:34, 2:32"2, 2:301^. Detroit, Mich.. Julv 24. 187.3, .$1500. Pilot Temple 3, Gen. Sherman l, Harrv Mitchell. John H.. Fred Hooper (2 (lis). 2:2894. 2:3i). 2:31^. 2:32Ui, 2:30ii. July 25, 187.3. §1,400, John H. 3, GenT Sherman 1, Pilot Temple. Harry Mitchell (4 dr). 2:33. 2:3D4. 2:32, 2:391^, 2:38. Boston. iMass.. Aug. 27, 187.3, §1.500. Grace Bertram, Fanny, John Stewart. 2:32, 2:29. 2:31. W. S. McLaughlin. l>eeport. 111., Oct. 16. 1873, $1500. Mila Caldwell 1, Brother Jonathan 4, Badger Girl, Lady Mack (2 ilis). -^/JU. 2:29. 2:30. 2:29, 2:32i.i. O. A. Hickok, S;in Franci.sco. Cal.. Feb. 7. 1874, f 500. Ladv Mack. Ella Lewis, 2 :33'4. 2:35. 2 :.34'4. Geo. W. Bingham, Lewiston. Me., Aug. .21, 1874, §500. king William, Ludlow. Sheiiherd Knap p, Jr., Gentle Annie. 2:40, 2:.37.2..3.-). Gardiner, Me., Aug. 25. 1874. .S.iso. Shepherd Knapp, Jr., 2, Anodyne, Gentle Annie, White Stockings,. Ludlow (1 dis). 2:3,5, 2:.37. 2:3(;, 2:.12^4. Aug. 28, 1874. §,500. Slieplicnl Knapp, Jr.. King AVilliam, Anodyne. 2:3li^. 2:30. 2:.33?i. Keene. N. H. Sept. 17, 1.^74. .«:G(»0. Young Rattler 1, 2, Jean Ingelow, .Alonadnock Bov (2 dis) 2:34>4, 2:303^, 2:33'i, 2:,31i.,, 2:32. Bangor. Me., Oct. 5. 1874. §700. Shepherd Knapp, Jr., Ludlow, Charley Morrill, Anodyne (1 dis), 2:32J4^ 2:33'i. 2:.30i4. B. S. Wright Keene, N. IL, Oct. 16.1874, .§700. Jean Ingelow. Ladv Williams, Lew Ives, Flora. 2:36, U:365!i,2:40. James Golden, Bethel,Vt., Oct, 31, 1874, $1000. Young Rattler, Joe Ripley, Lew Ives. Kitty Cook (2 dis), 2:33, 2:30?4,2:o3i'4. — B. S. Wright, Mystic Park, Boston, Nov. 13, 1874, $350. Frank Palmer 2, 3. Sir William Wallace. Honest Billy ai dr), 2:;i2'/4, 2:,32»4 2:31%, 2:3214, 2:32. G. W, Bingham, St. .John, N. B., Oct. 8. 1874, $400. Tod, Spotted Colt. 2:44i^. 2:34, 2:40'2. \V. S. .McLaughlin, i'ontiac, Mich.. June 3,1875, §.5,50. Ladv Williams 2. Maiiibriiu Kate. 2:42. 2:40'i, a:41,2:40'4. \V. R. Armstrong, (Jrand Rapids. Mich., June 0. 187.5. $1,200. Gen Grant 3. 4. Molsev5. (ireenville, Ladv livroii, .MoHv (4 dis), Rarus (3 dis), Harry Mitchell (2 dis). 2:.32'2. 2::!2'2, 2:30, 2:33, 2:34. 2:3194. Bull':ilo, N. v.. Aug. 10, 1875, .§5.000. Carrie,' Rarus. Melle Brasfield. Eva. Bertie (3dr). 2:22, 2:24^j .2:241.4. Aurora. 111.. Sept. 3. 187.5, .«!l.(H)(i. |{;in(l;ill, F'red Hooper, Phil Sheridan, Amy B.,2:29. 2:31>4 2:34. Sycamore, 111., Sept. 10, 1875, .si.OOO. Observer 1, ,3. Amv B., Fred Hooper, 2:31. 2:30, 2:3D/s, 2:31, 2:33. Oskaloosa, la., July 4, 1876, $x(H>. Kitty Stratton. Big Soap 2:45. 2:45. 2:33. Sycamore, 111., July 28. 1876, §1.000. Lady Star Brothe Jonathan. Observer. 2:28. 2:27. 2:30. Freeport, 111., Aug. 4, 1876, §1,000. Ladv Star 3,4, Brother Jonathan. Lady Byron. Observer (4 disV 2:26!^, 2:25'4, 2 :25' 2, 2 :25i4, 2:25' -. Lincoln. 111., Aug. 24, 1876, .SfiOO. Loafer. Lady Guest, 2:34. 2:28. 2:40. Molly Morris (3:3 7). Maiislleld, O., Sept. 27. 1883, $400. Minnie Warren 2 Kitty Clyde, 2:40, 2:36, 2-37, 2:37''4. Molly .Murphy, b m (3 :46^). S. Beebee, Carrollton, 111., Julv 4. 1878, § . Honest Ben. Unknown, Lady (i.. L:i(lv ThoniJis, 2:49, 2:47^, 2:46'4. Molly N.-u ton, l)rnn3:34i^). L. H. Titus, Buffalo, N. Y., June 9. 1866. $ . John O'Brien. Tom Brady, Frank Root. Toronto Bov, 2:41'.*,. 2:46'i. 2:45. Aiironi, N V.. June 1,3. 1866. .§200. Tom Brady. Heart of Oak (2 Oi (3 disi, 2:4.5, 2:41,2:44'2. 2:45. BnlTalo. N V.. .lulv 12, 1867.$ . White I'.inU (2 01, Little Ciant. 2:40';, 2:41. 2:37",. 2:40>;, 2:40. St. Cjitbcrines, Oni., Oct. 2.3. 1867, §1.50. Billv Button. Toronto Chief. 5:21'i. 5:29^^. Two miles. EllicottviUe. N. Y.. Oct. 3. 1X67. §160. Cattaraugus Chief 1. Stranger, 2:40, 2:37, 2:.3,5, 2:.34>4. John Demas, Pontiac, Mich., June 9. 1870, §400. Hart's b s. Bob Elliott. Nelly Nerve, 14 :57?i. Five miles. W. S. McLaughlin, Port Hiuon, Mich., Jidy 4, 1870, $225. Black Diamond, l, 5:59, 5:48, 5:49. Two miles. CHESTEllS COMl'LETE TROTTIXC AND PACING RECORD. olj ^**"ho?"ily ™c iSL^ifiv^^^Mii^^^^ "^°^'*'^' "'■' '^"'^' ^°' ^^'^^' ^^'°*- ^''^' "^^""i' °-' ^- S.:cooper (2 dis). Pekiii. II!., Sept. n'.'lST.S. .i<.3od. ciiickumaiiRa, Belle, 2:39, 2:41, l':38. — VV. Dowumg, reona, 111., June liO, 1874, ^MO. Fauclier, Lady Griswold, Capt. Jack (3 dis), 2:51!/,, 2:40 Molly Pitcher bm (3 :463i'), by Hambletonian. Hiram Woodruff, Fashion Course, L.I. Mav 13 l»«3 Sioo Jessie, 1 (2 (lis), 2:53'4„ 2:,>4',2. Eour-yeur-olds. ' i ■»■ • Molly Pitcher (Belle of Easlou), ch m (•i:41 ). Joseph Fisher, Belvidere, N. Y., June 10. 1871, $50. Portland Molly Pitcher (Sally Scott), b in (3:3814), by Magna Charta. dam by Ilair.Mclcnian. C. N. Hcv.land, bar- ren. O., June 29. 187S, .■i200. Nelly, Essex Maid, Togue, Starlight, Roanoke, Little Harry, (iood Mornine (3dis), 2:40, 2:38, 2:-tl. ** Molly Pitcher, ch m (3:38' 2). E. D. Adams, Prattsville, N. Y., Sept. 12, 1883, S . Alfonzo, Don N Bav Tom, I i3 dis). 2:431^. 2:4114,2:46^. 2:381-0. , , ay H. B. Demarest, Alilford, Conn.. Sept. 19, 18S3, .$100. Isoline, David Crockett, Mary Pond (3 dr) 2-3914 2:48'.., 2:48. ' '*" Molly Poppie, b m (3:53). Bagby Farm, Norwalk, O., Aug. 31, 186.'i, $7;j. Madge (2 dr); 2:52, . Molly Scott (3:16). Vallejo Cal., Aug. 21. 1880, 782.."j0. Placida 2, Engineer E., Magnoha, Young Nancv Belle Thompson, 3:10. 3:iy, 3:17. '' Molly .Sharpley. b m (3 :5l>. VV. Woodruff, Philadelphia, Pa., May 20, 1858, $50. Frenchman, Harrv (1 dis) 2;.54, 2:.j8. 3:00. •' ^ ' June 24, 1858, .«50. Cornet 3, 4. Bouvier's blk m, 2:55, 2:51, 2:52^, 2:53. 2:54. W. Knox. Nov. 8. 1859, $500. Ashman's ch g, 2, 2:58, 3:28, 2:55. Molly Smith, b 111 (3 :33i4), by Hambletonian. J. O. Smith, Kingston, N. Y., Aug. 23, 1873, .$300. Roan Spangle. Billy, (iray Hawk, 2:451^, 2:45:'4, 2:42?ji. Molly Trussel, brni (3:59). J. P. Sargeant. Gilroy, Cal.. Nov. 19. 1SC9, §500. San Jose Belle, 3:09, 3:05, 3:03. April 20, 1870, .$100. San Jose Belle, .lolm Brown, Golddnst (3 di"), 3 :07, 3 :04]/.i, 3:0514. April 27, 1870, ,$50. San Jose Belle 3, GokUlust (1 dis), 2:59, 3:00, 3:04'», 3:02-li. San Jose, Cal., July 16, 1870, .$200. San Jose Belle. 6:13, 6:23. Two miles. Molly W,, br m (3 :39i^), by Volunteer. J. J. Perkins, Cambridge, N. Y., Aug. 25, 1880. .$150. Billy 1, 3, Boston Bill, H.T., 2 (5 dr), 2:44, 2:46, 2:49, 2:.50, 2:50, 2:.50. C. E. McMurray. Troy, N. Y., Sept. 7, 1882, .$66. Don Carlos, F. Grattan. Colonel M., 2:41. 2:47. 2-39^. Molly Welch, br m (3 :36). M. O. Lounsdale, Portland, Or., July 0, 1876, $1,000. Olympia Dick (3 dlsj, Par- rott (2 dis), 2:38, 2:36. 2:3714. Molly White Cloud, gr ra (3 :-l:0i4). G. W. Hess, York, Pa., Oct. 4. 1872, $100. Cleaner 1, 2, Lady Fashion (2 dis), 2:5114. 2:.51'i, 2:401^. 2:.'"j9, 2:521^. Molsey, b m (3:3l3i), by Whiteside's'Black Hawk, dam Moll, bv Dallas. John A. Chambers, Fleetwood, Park. N. Y., Aug. 6, 1873, $200. Lady Angie, Sorrell Jake, TourWonder, Mazeppa, Lady Annie (l dis), 2:37, 2:3914,2:4214. Kingston. N. Y., Aug. 20, 1873. $350. Rockland 3, 4, Lottie, VViltwyck, Berkshire Boy, Emma Russell, Susie Clay. Diadem (4 dr), 2:404,2-383^, 2:39=i, 2:421.^, 2:4014. Parkville, L. I., July 8, 1874, $300. Constitution l~ 2, Ladv Sowers, Ladv Annie (4 dr), 2:39, 2:3T/i, 2:34W, 2:39'/":,2:35'4. White Plains, N. Y., July 31. 1874. $800. Berkshire Boy 4 5 (0 0), William Turnbull (3 0), (7 dr), Carrie, Susie Kurtz, Constitution (i dr). Messenger Boy (3 dis), Billy Dawes (2 dis). Belle of Vermont (1 dis), 2:32, 2:3114, 2:3314. 2:31. 2:32=4, 2:32'/2. 2:,32?4. , Savannah. Ga., Jan. 2. 1875, $500. Basil Duke 2, 4, Lady Patterson. 2:48, 2:46, 2-A3%, 2:46, 2:48J4. Augusta, Ga., April 12, ls75, $2,000. Basil Duke, 2:3414, 2:37U, 2:35!i. April 14, 187,5. .$2,000. Basil Duke '2, 2:;!8i4. 2:' 0, 2:36?4. 2:36^- Piqua, ()., May 27, 1.875, .S800. Lady Patterson. Grafton, Dolly, Fancher. Jeremiah, 2:2814, 2:30^, 2:29. Ed. Brown. Grand Haven, Mich , June 2,1875,6800. Little Sam, Granville, Jeremian, Farmer Boy, 2:.33, 2:35,2:3Gi4. John A. Chambers, Jackson, Mich., June 17, 1875. $1,500. Mollv Morris 1, Lady Star, Idol. Tanner Boy, Ladv Byron, Molly. Harrv Mitchell. Gen. Grant, 2:27Ji, 2:2714, 2:-2'7';. 2:-27i4. Kalamazoo. Mich., July 2. 187.5. $l..500. Clementine 1, 2, Molly Morris, Gen. (irant. Tanner Boy, Lady Byron. Lady Star, 2:-26i4. 2:28, 2:25'2, 2:26i4, 2:26. Rochester, N. Y., Aug. 10, 1875, .$4,.50o. Clementine 2, 3, Joker 4. Gen. Garfield 1, Music, Lady Star, Blanche. Vanity Fair (1 dis), 2:22?4, 2:21, 2:2214, 2:22i4, 2:2314, 2:-j414, 2:26'2. Monadnock Boy, chg(3:46). Lyman Patch. Keeiie, N. H., Julv'a, 187.5. .$300. Noovicity 1, Frank Hall, Pilot, Honest Sam (4 dr).2:40i^, 2:40i», 2:i\U, 2:44}^, Bethel, Vt., Aug., 26, 1875, .$400. Col. Dr.vies 1. Amelia D. (4 dis), Jane (4 dis). 2:41, 2:44%. 2:46, 2:44. S. Framingham, Mass., Sept. 22, 1875, .$300, Kate Sloan, Lady Van, Green Mountain Maid, Kitty, Belle, Handy Andy (3 dr). 2:41 14. 2:4454, 2:42^4. Monadnock Maid, ch m (3 : 48). J. E. Maynard, Lowell, Mass., July 28, 1857, $50. Kate Belch 2-48, 2:58. 2:.58. Monahan Ranger, b g (3 :38^). Fashion Course, L. I.. July 1, 1867, $300. Maid of the Mill, Sorrel Dan. 2:.53, 2:.5.5. 2:.^)4'2. Monarch, blk s (3 :43). Charles Church. Amherst N. H.. July 11. I860. $200. Jim Jack l, 2:45. 2:52, 2:53. 2-43. Monarch, blk g ( 3 :36'i). Isaac Copp, Philadelphia. Pa.. July 28, 186:!. $1.000. Teaser 4 (3 0\ 2:3914 2-38i4. 2:.36'4, 2:.37i4 2:38. Monarch, br s73 :38i4), by Woodburn, dam Victress, bv Californi;i Bolmont. J. Gordon. San Jose, Cal., Oct. 9, 1874, .$.300. Fred Brooks 1, San Jose Belle. 5:30i/o. 5:.3'l. 5:37K Two miles. M. IMcCallom. Salinas. Cal,. Oct. 9, 1S7.'<, $100. Muggins l,~Zero. 2:40i.',, 2-4-^, 2:40, 2-42. San Benito. Cal., Oct. 17, 1878, $1,50. Bickford 1, Muggins (4dis), 2:34'i,2:.38. 2:.34ii. 2:31i4. Oct. 18, 1878, $75. Bickford 2. Muggins. 2:.34ii. 2:32, 2:36. 2:.35'i;. Gilroy. Cal., Oct. 23, 1878. $100. Bickford 1, IMuggins, 2:39. 2:.36i.4. 2:36i4. .San Francisco, Cal., Nov. 7. 1878. $.300. Prophet. Barnev. Joe Chambers. Alice Garrett. 2:.33. 2:31, 2 -.30^4. Monarch, Jr., rn s (3 :34i4), by Strawn's Monarch. W. J. Walworth, Peru, Ind.. .Tune 17. 1874. .$.'500. Lilian, Jim Fisk, Transfer. Inchworm. Gushing (2 dis). 2:41. 2:.3,5. 2:.36i4. La Porte, Tnd., June 24. 1874. .$400. Young Princeton. Lilian. .Tennv B.. 2:39. 2:41'^. 2:41. Erie, Pa., July 23, 1874. .$2,000, Lola Montez 3, Effle, Billy Pavor,"Anna. Waterloo (4 dis). 2:.34'S, 2:36, 2:40.2:3614. Cleveland, ().. July 28. 1874, .«!2..500. Ben Smith, Kitty D.. Jean Ingelow. Effle Dean, Tom Britton, Lady Alif'c, Frank. Jerrv' Postal. Clark Chi'^*'. 2:2894, 2 :28?4, 2:.30J4. Buffalo. N. Y.. Aug. 4. 1874. .$3,000. Kitty D., Ben Smith, White Cloud. Tom Britton. H. C. Hill, Jean Ingelow, Clark Chief. 2:271^.2:2914. 2 :28»4. lltica, N. Y., Aug. 11. 1874. .«!3.ooo. Reserve, Frank, Kittv D., Commodore Perry. Ladv Woods, Ladv Annie, Jean Ingelow, 2 :27, 2 :25i4, 2:26J4. J. M. Leech & Co., Cambridge (Mty, Ind., June 5, 187.5, $1,200. Lady Byron 2. Lady Mack. Harry Mitchell, Kate Campbell. 2:34, 2:.32, 2:32, 2:31. Indianapolis, Ind., Sept. 28, 1875. $200. Rival, Robert Emmet, 2:47, 2:43, 2:41. Stallions. 514 CHESTER'S COMl'LETE TKOTTlNCi AND I'ACING RECOliD. W. J. Wiilworth, Graiul Rapids. Midi.. July 28, 187G. $300. Tom Britton 3, Little .Take. Little Sam, Gen. Sherniaii.llarrv Mitcliell. 2:-8!'o, 2 ::i7' 2,2 :.»(..., l.':2»'2. ^lu^skt•gon. .Micli.. Aug. 4. l»7;>, §50. V aiitferbilt 1. Uarrv Mitclull 4. Little .Jake d dis), 2:35k. 2:27'., 2:37,2:41^1,2:40. LoL'aiispoit. Ind., Sept. 6. 1876, $ . Dan Howell, John B.. Bob Ridley, 2:27^, 2:28, 2:29. ,}. M. Leech & Co., Fort Wayne, Ind., Sept. l.'^i, 1«77, $400. Belle of Kairlield. iMarion (2 dr), 2:37, 2:36}4, _ VVT .1. AVahvorth, Elkhart. lud.. .Inly 4, 1878, S:iOO. Joe Kellogg. Belle of Fairfleld, Chief. Lizzie Davis, Little loin (2 dr). 2:3.;'..., 2:35. 2:32>4. Monart'h Kiile. I) in (« :aii.i >, by Slrawns' Monarch, dam Yonng Bob Rule, by St. Lawrence. L. (ilenii Men- dot:!. 111.. .\iig. 21. 187,'-). !<-J(jo. Dan Aosbnrg. Di;idcm, Lady Allen, Elenora". Rose (3dri, Tucky Jane i3 dr). .Minuiiloii^ il (lis). 2:41'j, 2:48, 2:50^.,. v y, j ... Vicksbnig, Miss., Nov. 22. 187;"). $75. Charley T. 1. Almont Jr. No time. New Orleans, La., March 0, 1876, $,'>00. Hattie Fawcett 1,2, Nellie May, Walter. 2:38Vi. 2:,39. 2:43V4,2:4l?4. 2:32'4. Kalaniiizoo, Mich.. June 9, 1876, $800. Neonie 1, George Randall. Lady Mills, Emerald. 2:;U' 2, 2:;i7La. 2:3t)^.i. 2 :33^.i. Freejioit 111., Aug. 2. 1S76, $600. Sophia Temple 5. Billy O'Neill 6. Ed. Wilder 7. Sooner 3 (8 dis), G. T. I'ilot (8 dis). Sleepy Bill 2 (7 dis). Lina 1 (7 dr), Netty G. i7 dr), Ciranger (5 dr). Dan Costello (3 dr), Gayo (2 dr». 2:31. 2:29,U,. 2:32, 2:29, 2:;«), , 2:3014. 2:34, 2:31U, 2:.«K>. Kalamazoo. Mich., June 13, 1877. S600. Rose of Washington 3, 4, Josh Billings 1. Ladv Logan, Kinsman Bov. Lewis, Ladv Monroe. 2:2994. 2:28'.;, 2:32. 2:31»4, 2:30, 2-28. Krei'port. 111., Aug. 1, 1877, $800. G. T. Pilot 1. 3, Granville. Allen, 2:28. 2:.S0, 2:28, 2:29, 2:28. ()iiin< y. 111.. Sept. 6, 1877. $700. G. T. Pilot 1, 2, C. W. Woolley 5, Ladv H., Billy (rNeill, Ainboy, 2:30, 2:'J9' i.2:29'», 2:30!4, , 2:29?4. ( oliiinbus, o.. Oct. 11. 1877. .$600. Lady H. l. Jack Draper. Dread. 2:;«)?4, 2:31, 2:29, 2:31. ( ineinnati. ()., Oct. 18. 1877. $1,000. Bay Charley 1. 2. Flora Belle, West Lil)ertY, Lucy Fleming (3 dis), Jack Drajier i2 dr). Dread (1 dis), 2:282a, 2:28K-. 2:27, 2:27»i, 2:31. Geo. U . Voorhees, Detroit, Mich., June 11," 1878, $300. Brown Dick 1, Scott's Thomas, Cozette, 2:26k, 2:28?4, 2:29, 2:29";. W. H. Crawford, Columbus, O., July 18, 1879, $600. D. Monroe 1, Tom B Patchen. Convoy, Jessie Hayes. Daniel the Prophet, 2-28?4. 2:28Ji. 2:29^. 2:28)^. W. Cole, Cleveland, O.. July 30, 1879, $1500. Brigadier, Dictator 2, Hambrino 1. (iray Salem, Taylor, Russian Spy (4 dr), 2:24, 2:22i.i. 2:24!4. 2:26. 2:2.'). 2:2.')i^. li<^- Jewett & Co., Hamburgh, K. Y., Sept. 28. 1883. $300. Kentuckian 1, Nellie B., 2:29}^, 2:30, 2:si, 2:3.3'.!, Monday, bg (2:40). E. K. Conklin. Doylestown. Pa.. Oct. 4. 1871. .«;75 Stewart Malonev (1 dis). Monsieur Bov (1 dis). Eva Bradley (1 dis). Leslie d dis). Honest (Quaker (1 dis). 2:40. Monitor, blk s (3 :45;. C. Babcock, New Haven, Coun., Sept. 28, 1806, $ . Tom Carpenter 2, Clarion, 2:4.5, 2:61',",2:45'/2, 2:51'/2. Penii Yan, N. Y.. Sept. 17, 1868. .?75. Red Squirrel 2, Andv II., Black Mare. 2:51 ?4, 2:50J4, 2:48i4, 2:48. L;incaster, Pa., June 17, 1869, S\W). (ieii. Geary. K:ite (2 dr), 2:46. 2:4Gi.i, 2:48. Monitor, gr g (2:33). J. Kerrick, Chicago. 111., Aug. 7, 1876, $500. Archer Belle. 2:35, 2:35'™. 2:33. Monitor, gr g (2:29k). by Strathmore. dam Martha Mvers, by (!rav Dioiiied. O. A. Gilmaii, Lexington. Kv., Aug. 31, 1880. $300. Bristol Girl, Buflalo Bill (2 dis), Lady Rothschild (2 dis). Barnev (l dis). 2:.^5, 2:3r='i, 2:46%. Monitor (w), blk s. by Merchant, d;im Troiana. by Trojan, C. D. Colnian. St. Louis, Mo., Sept. 8, 188,3. Prize. silver. Gov. Payne (w), 1:26'4, 1:27. 1:32. H:ilf-mile heats. Monlt Boy. grg (2:40). J. Bradliurn, Toronto. Ont., June 1. 1877. $200. Queen 1.5(4 0), Lady Kimball (4 0), .Jenny Vincent, Bay Tom (5 dis). Anioler (2 dr). 2:429i. . 2:40, '.':44i4, . 2:45. Oshawa, Ont., .rune6. 1877, $150. Lilian (1 0), Avenue Boy 3 (l 0) (6 dis), Jenny Vincent 2 (6 dis), Qeeen (5 dis), Cool Burgess (5 dis),-2:4.5, , , 2:43. 2:40, 2:40. Buffalo, N. Y., June 28. 1877, $100. Joe Miller 2, 4, Rockey 1. 3, Katy (1 dis), 2:38k. -':37. 2:.38. 2:39^. 2:41. 2:45.2.48k. A. C. Metcalf, Le Roy, N. Y.. Mav 29. 1878, $40. Bay Dick, 2:44, 2:4.5. 2:44';. Sept, 2,5, 1878. .$200. P. L. Eastman 2. Jim White, 2:42J4, 2:41. 2:43, 2:44}4. Monnioiitli blk g (2:57). J. Headley, Doylestown, Pa., Oct. 2, 1872, $75. Whitefoot 2, Sherman, 2:59, 2.57, 2:.58, 2:.59. Monmouth Chief, b s (2:39^"), by Bismarck. C. Wolbert. Newark, N. J , Sept. 17, 1878, $100. Judge Cobb 1, Henrietta, Peggv Tyson. Music, Ladv Etta, 3;2(). 3:16. 3:17»4- Three-vear-olds. Plainfield, N. ,J., Sept. 29 and ?A 1880. $100. Lulu W. 1, 2, Miss Mary L., 2:42'2, 2:41%. 2:40k, 2:44fi, 2:40. Monona, bm (2:45). P. Liver, New Orleans, Pa., May 8, 1857, $100. John Cassidy. Queen (2 dr). 2:51, 2:4."?>4. 2:4R. Monona Kill, blk s (2:39). Larkin Green, Pottsville, 111., July 24, 187.5, $155. Jess. Sorrel Dan. 2:49. 2:45, 2:45 Oct. — . 1877. $100. Sleepv N>d. Little Mink. 2:39. 2:46. 2:51. National, la.. Sept. 21. ISS.TSIOO. Dick Hassctt, Whitefool. 2:47. Monroe, blk g (2 :44). Frank ITaskell, Bangor, Me., Aug. 29, 1866. $.50. Mountain Maid 1, 4, White .lack, j :42, 2:44.2:46, 2 :47'4. 2:45. Monroe, b g (2:571/.). N. "W. Monroe. Burlington, Vt., Sept. 11. 1868,$ . I^nknown 2. Green Mountain Maid. Maggie. M'essenger Maid. 2:.57J/.. 2:52, 2:.58. Monroe, ch s (2:27). bv Iron Duke. dam'Young Saline, bv Guv Miller. Prairie Dell Farm. Denver, Col., .Inly 2, 1874, i,2::i3>/.',. 2:3m. E. SagiTiaw. Mich., June 2t and 25. 1875, .«!1.f^oo. Rival 1, 2, Mambrino Kate. Nerea, Gen. Hood,;Mary H., Ladv H. (5dr). Mountonr :\laid (5 dr). Sweetser (2 (lis). 2:.30?4, 2::!0, 2:29, 2:28'4. 2:30'/2. Kalamazoo. Mich., Jnlv 3. 1875, i«l.500. Nerca. Ladv McFartridge, Gen. Hood. Rival, Sweetser (2 dis), 2:39'/-..2:.35k.2::U'4. (w) Chicago. III., Julv 13, 187.5, .$200. Prince (w) 1. .3. Huckleberry (w). Moss Rose (w). 2:35k. 2.34, 2:33'4, 2:34. 2:.34. Mendola. 111., Aug. 17, 1X7.5. .$400. Captain. Hickorv Ahdallah, 2:31';, 2:32, 2:,32%. Stallions. Earlville, 111., Aug. 24. 1875, .^.SOO. Captain 2, Western Fearn.aught 1, 2 ::«'/„ 2:34k. 2 :3;{, 2:3Ik- Stal- lions. Grand Rapids, Mich.. June 16, 1876. $1,000. Tom Britton 1. Calmar, Tom Brown, Lady Byron, 2:47k, 2:.50",, 2:489.i,2:48. CHESTEli'S COMPLETE TKOTXING AND PACING KECORD. o:5 :Meii, 2:3G. Earlville. 111., Auj;. 22, l»7G. ji3()u. West Liberty, Daniel Brown, 2:32, 2:341^, 2:34W Stallions. Monroe Chief, br s (3 :18V4), by Jim Monroe, dam Madam Towell, by Bay Chief. S." S. Ottutt. Cynthiana, Ky., Aug. 27, 187:., ,^4(10. Mistress 1, iMidway Belle, lied Bird, Ashland Maid (-i disn Ilderim (1 dis), TuUlcr, Jr. (1 dis), 2:36^1, 2:37. 2:38^,2:3S'c. Frankfort, Ky., Sept. 7. 1876, .§400. Darby 3, Ashland Kate 1, (ieorge Judd, Chieftain. Tearaway (5 dis), 2:30, 2:35, 2:36^4, 2:36, ■2:3ii'-A. A. W. Longley, Muskegon, Mieh., June .">, 1877, $400. D. Monroe 1, Little Tom. Brilliant (2 dis), 2:3m 2 :32ii, 2:33, 2:3914. Kalamazoo. Mieh., June 12, 1877, $600. Belle Moore, D. Monroe. Edward, Tab, Lady Vesta, Little Tom, 2-29, 2:29''4', 2:30^4. Grand Kiipids, INIieh.. June 22. 1877. «800. Belle Moore 1, Edward, D. Monroe, Little Sam, Hannis, Lady Voorhees. Time, 2:.32k. ^:30M. 2:29,4. 2:33i.i. , „ . , Jackson, Mich.. June 30, 1877, $1,000. Edward 3, Ilaunis, D. Monroe, Belle Moore, Lizzie Davis, 2:29. 2:30, '- Detroit." Mich., July 6, 1877, $800. Hannis, Belle Moore, D. Monroe, Lady Voorlrees (2 dis), 2:32, 2:34, 2-3114. Chicago, 111., July 18, 1877, $1,200. Scotland 2, 3, Modoc. Rip Rap, Deception. Crockett, Lady Mac, Nil ]:)csii(Tandum i5 dr\ Jenny Holtou (5 dr), Euierald v4 dn, Janesvillc ^3 disi, C. W. Woolley (3 dis). Little Wonder c; dis), 2:25. 2 :27M, 2:24, 2:27, 2:26. Svcamore, 111., July 25, 1877, $700. Modoc. Granville, Monarch Rule, Teaser (3 dr), 2:31^4, 2:34i/o 2-33 I'rophetstown, 111.', Aug. 8, 1877, $600. Monarch Rule. G. T. Pilot, 2:29^, 2:30, 2:32?i. Aug. 9, 1878, $500. Mako-Manie (.10), Lady Turpin, Loafer, Modoc, Barney Kelly, 2:29, 2:2714, 2:27J4, 2:281',. Galesburg, 111.. Sept. 5. 1879, $500. Kitty Bates, Ella Earl, G. T. Pilot, 2:37^, 2:35, 2:27i.;. Chicago, 111., Sept. 16, 1879, $l,oor). McCurdy's Hambletonian 1,2, Champion Girl, Billy Yeazell, Ada Paul, Warrior (3 dr), 2:34i4, 2:2814 2:27i4, 2:29, 2:29io. K. Green, Peoria, 111., Sept. 24, 1879, $1,000. Ella Earl 3, Warrior 1, Fannny Robinson 4, 2:337^, 2:.'!2i^, 2:3214, 2:31, 2:.37J4. A. VV. l.onglev, Detroit, Mich., June 11, 1880, $1,000. Lucy, Belle H., Lady Turpin, Elsie Good (3 dr), 2:22^4, 2:2314, 2:24?4. L. L. Lawrence, E. Saginaw. Mich.; June 17, 1880, $800. Lucy 1, Emma B., Silverton, Wedgewood, Little Gvpsv. Kitty Bates, Young Wilkes, 2:2014, 2:21»^, 2:22^. 2:2514. A. W. Lohgley, Columbus, O., July l, 1880, $800. William H. 2, Hambletonian Bashaw 3, George 1 Big Soap, 2:24^, 2:25, 2:27, 2:27, 2:25M, 2:2814. P. V. Johnston, Fort Wayne, Ind., July 6, I88O, $800. Lucy 1, Ettie Jones, 2:2354. 2:2314. 2:2714. 2;27i/4 A. W. Longlev, Chicago, "111., July 20, 1880, $1,900. Hannis 1, 2, Wedgewood. Bouesetter (4 dr), 2:2414 2:21 i/L 2:21M. 2:20i4, 2:20i'2. Julv 24, 1880, !S2.800. William H., Dream. 2:19' 2. 2:211-4. 2:18i4. Buffalo. N. Y., Aug. 3, 1880, $2,000. Capt. Emmons 1, Moose, Voltaire, Lucy, 2:20. 2:21. 2:22;i. 2:22i/4. Rochester, N. Y.. Aug. 10, 1880, $2,000. Moose 1, Voltaire (4 0), Capt. Emriions, Sheridan, Iaicv, 2:19i^, 2:20, 2:2114.2:21. 2:21 i?4. Springfteld. Mass., Aug. 17, 1880, $2,000. Moose 2, Sheridan, Voltaire, Capt. Emmons. 2:2114, 2:21, 2-22, 2:231/2. Hartford. Conn., Aug. 24. 1880, $2,000. Voltaire. Capt. Emmons, Sheridan. Moose. 2:18^4, 2:21^. 2:2054. Minneapolis, Minn., Sept. 7, 1880, $1,000. Voltaire 2, Hannis, Capt. Herod, 2:24:14, 2:26, 2:2414, 2:24J4. Stallions. Budd Doble, Sept. 8. 1882. $ . So So, 2:25, 2:2014, 2:24i4. Chicago, 111., Sept. 22, 1882, $2000. Black Cloud 2, J. B. Thomas, 2:20, 2:21, 2:22, 2:2214. Stallions. • White & Doble, Lexington, Ky., Oct. 16, 1882, $400. Rosa Wilkes, 2, 3 (4 0), 2:1914, 2:1914, 2:1994, 2-20. 2:21 ;'4. Budd Doble, Oct. 21, 1882. Prize, silver. 4:46. To beat 4:48i4. Two miles. Janesville, Wis,, June 8, 1883, $500. Foxie V. l, Ticonic. Milo (4 r o), 2:23?i. 2:2454. 2:28. 2:37. Buffalo, N. Y.. Aug. 10, 1883, $2,000. Adele Gould 1, William H., J. B. Thomas, Minnie R., Santa Claus (4dr), 2:19, 2:19 2. 2:21, 2:19. — '■ — Madison, Wis., Sept. 14, 1883. $500. Black Cloud, Foxie V., 2:3314, 2:28, 2:25}^. Chicago, 111., Sept. 26, 1883, $500. France's Alexander, Black Cloud, 2:285ii£, 2':27i2, 2:21i'4. Oct. 13. 1883. $1,000. Zoe B., Sleepy Joe, 2:22, 2:2354, 2:2214. Oct. 23. 1883. $1,000. Wilson 1. 3, Fanny Withgrspoon. 2:2314. 2:23?4. 2:22. 2:27^4. 2 :24i/4. J. A. Goldsmith, Oakland, Cal., Dec, 1, 1883, $500. Vanderlynn, Allen Rov, 2:24, 2:23i2, 2:21?4. Monroe Medium, b g (3:50), by Happy Medium. V. D. Konover, Ambler Park, Pa.. May 31. 1877, $50. May Medium. 2:.55, 2:50. Four-year-olds. Monsieur Chief, br s (3 :58i4), (3:53*). J. Ascough, Doylestown, Pa., Oct. 4, 18G6. $.30. Jackson Black Hawk Jr. (2 0), 2:57, 2:55, 2:52. Short track. Monsieur Chief Jr., b s (3 :53). James Jackson, Easton. Pa., Sept. 17, 1873. $100. Barbara l, Frank, Kate (1 dis), 2:.52, 2:531/^, 2:54J/^, 2:.5.3. Sept. 18, 1873, $150. Kate 2, Frank Frankinfield, 2:53?f, 2:53U.,2:.53i4. 2:54. Montague, ch g (.3:00). W. Sharp. Muskegon, Mich., July 17 1883, $200' Oceana Queen 3, Solene, Minnie Mack, 3:00, 3:00,3:01, 3:01i^. Montana Boy, blk g (3 :49i4'). J. M. Travis, Helena. M. T., Oct. 1. 1875. $200. Warsaw Belle (2 dis), , 2:4914. Montauk, dn s(3 :50), by Cassius M. Clay, dam Fanny Esler. W. H. Potts, Cleveland, ()., Oct. 5 and 6, 1860, $15. Sherman, Black Hawk 2. Ben Franklin, Wassaehnsetts Black Hawk. 2:.50, 2:52. 2:50, . Montezuma (3:03). Stillwater, MinUi, Jidy 4, 1878, $7.5. Maud, 3:23. 3:03. 3:0554. Montgomery, rn g (3:55). W. L. Numalee, Mobile, Ala., Feb. 27, 18.52. $1,000. Romeo. Nero. 2:.5.5. 2:.58, 2:59. Montgomery, b g (3 :47). D. Pfifer, Union Course, L. I., April 18,1867, $ . Kitty Clyde 2, Farmer 2:48, 2:.50i4. 2:5114, 2:53. (w), May 2, 1867, $.50, Kitty Clyde (w) 2, 4, Farmer (w). 2:47. 2:.52i^, 2:50, 2:.52. 2:51ii. Montgomery, b s (3 :36). E. M. John, Doylestown, Pa.. Oct. 3, 18677 $9. Avalanche, 3:43, 3:36. Three-year- olds. Montgomery, b s (3:54). G. A. Young, Mendota. III., Sept. 7, 1882, $100. Lulu Spray, .lack on the Creen, 2:54, 3:01,2:.54 Montgomery, b g (3 :375^), by Volcano, dam by Hambletonian. H. Pope, Jersey City, N. .!., April 10, 1883, $50. King 1, Andy Blair, Plumber Boy (2dis). 2:.57. 2:54. 2:.54i4, 3:0014. J. O'Neil, May 24, 188.3, .$25, Billy R. 1. Whirlwind. Smuggler Jr., Lizzie (1 dis), 2:.53, 2:54, 2:52>4, 2:50. July 2, 1883. .$30, Harness Boy 3, Frank, 2-A9%. 2:50, 2:nz,2:52V«. W. S. Brooks, Parkville. L. I., July 18, 1883, $7.5. Lizzie B. 2. 3, Harness Boy, 2:3754, 2:4554, 2:443£, 2:44'/2.2:47. J. O'Neil, Jersey City, N. J.. Aug. 17, 1883, $100. Etta B., 2:49, 2:50, 2:5234. 516 CHESTEKS COMPLETE TH()rriN(; AND PACINti RECORD. Sept. 19, 1883. $200. Lachino Boy.2:48>^. 2:«'i. 2:51. New 'Mty.L. I., Oft. 4. iSKi. §.">(). Cyrus MilkT a. Noil Cole, 2:53>4, 2:52'i, 2:50K2:55ii. Oct. 25, \HXi, 4:200. Ned role 1, 4, -'•.4.'>Uj,L':4(i>,o, 2:47, •J:4!t. i;:4"J'2. Nov. 8, 1883, SJIK). l.ai-hilie liov 2. :i:4U, 2:45'4, 2:4ti'U. 2:50. Nov. 2. 2:4u. 2:42, 2:41. Montreal, brs (3:43). Hiram WoodruH, Union Course, L. I., Sept. 13, 1S55, $1,000. Henry 2,3, 2-45. 2-47 2:4«i-.j, 2:46'4, 2:47. Montreal, b g (3 :37). S. L. Daniels. Marvsville, Cal., Sept. 27, 1878, $450. Monarch 3, 4, .Jim Hunter, Terra- pin, Proctor (1 dis), 2:40,4, 2:4<»i.4. 2:431-4, 2:424, 2:40';. ^w)('hico, Cal.. Nov. 22, ls7s, $ . Elcho, IJavmalier. 2;39, 2:37. 2:37K>. Montreal Boy r~ :•>'•>>. -Mr. St. .Ie:in. Montreal. P. O..Oct. 4,1881, $ . Little I'ortune. P.lackbird, Black B. i2 disi, .lohn Bett (2 disi, John it. i2 dis), 2:r,9':. 2:.59':'4. 2:50. Montreal Boy, 1) g c~ :38). 1". Pierce, Barton, Vt., Oct. 5, 1882. $125. Lady Knox 3, BrovMi Nelly, Mary Ander- son, 2 :39' 5 , 2 :39. 2 :3y4. 2 :;i8. Montreal Girl, b ni i.3:«8'ji, by Tiger. C. Quintal. Ogdensburgh. N. Y.. Sept. 7. 1881, .S350. Victor. Morley Girl. Fred Clark. Bonny L., Solo, 2:30, 2:30i/>, 2::i3. Potsdam, N. Y., Sent. 21, 1881. $300. Straight Edge 2, Moriey Girl. Redeemer. 2:32. 2:.38. 2:.'!.3. 2:.S35!4. D. .larvis. .Malone. N. Y., Sept. 29, 1881. $2:.o. \ictor 4. .Startle 1. 2:31. 2:28' ,2:20. 2:.'!4\. 2:.37'4. Montreal Telegraph, blk s (3:59). K. Sylvester, Whitbv. Out.. Sept. 4, 18(56. $150. Gray Eaglo, Hawthorne Chief. .Moig;in, 3:07. 3:(K). 2:,5.3. Monument Girl, rn m (,3:54i4). L. W. Elliott. AVoonsocket, K. I., Aug. 27. 187.3, $100. Ida 1. 3:02. 2:55. 3:03, 3:01. (;eo. E. Perrin, Jr.. July 17. 1875. $.50. Clambake. 3:O05ii, 2:59, 3:00}4. Sept. 14 and 15. 1875. $70. Lelia C. I. 2. Ira (^)ok (3 dis). 2:,5G. 2:57'i, 2:.5r.. 2:54i.t, 3:00. Moonligrht, b g (343). G. Wolf. Ottawa, Kun., June 24, 1H76, $70. Young Alorrill. Little .left. Billy Preston, 2:50, 2:.50, 2:.")2>4. Moonshine grg (3:51). Isaac Woodrull, New Orleans. La., April 2G. 1838. .$ . Bird (1 dis). 5:42. Two mih's. Moonshine, br g (3:44Vi). ,f. Caldwell. Nashville, Tenn., April 22, 1875, .$ . W. T. Linck 1, 4, Country Boy, Coon (2 dis), Nashville Belle (2 disi, 2:49>4, 2:4.5. 2:44^. 2:.50i.i, 2:48. Moonstone, (3:48). Ottawa. Out., Aug. 1. 1S74. $400. Major Mason 2. Best time. 2:48. Moore's Black Gelding (.3 :4G). Moore and Frazier, Lair's Station, Ky., May 25, 1872, $1.,500. McGee's b m, 2:48^1.2:46,2:48'". Moore's Chestnut Mare (3 :3.">Vi>). Moore and Frazier. T>exington. Ky.. Sept. 16.1871. $3,50. Boyce'sgrgl, Ferguson's b s2:.34V4, 2:24!4. Hartford. Conn. Aug. 26, 1879, $1,500. Ettie Jones 3, Gloster. Argonaut. Hector, Boston, Gray Friar. 2 :22' .J, ■_• :22, 2 :20^.i 2 :214. Ogdensburgh, N. Y., Sept. 11,1879..? . 2:27.2:22.2:23';. To heat 2:24. ISIaloiie. N. Y.. Oct. 2, 1879. .$400. 2:22',, 2:23V;. To beat 2:23. Mohtreal. P. Q., Oct. 6. 1879, .$400. 2:21'-;, 2:2014. To beat 2:21. Hochester, N. Y., .lune 4. 1880, $600. Clara J.. Castleton, Dictator, 2:2,5. 2:24"».2:25i.i. Batavia, X. Y.. June 11. isso, $600. Dictator. Clara J., Castleton. John Hall. 2:27'o. 2:27!'2, 2:26. Lyons, N. Y.. June 18. 18wt..$6nn. Castleton. 1. Dictator, 2:.304. 2:24='.i, 2.'lAh. 2:24i-4. Geneva, N. Y., June 25. 1880. $600. Castleton, Dictator. 2:35, 2:.31';, 2:.30'.,. Albany, N. Y.. July 5. ISRO. .$800. Capt. Emmons. Irene, Castleton. 2:21':. 2:21»4, 2:21>^. Bradford, Pa., .Inhe 18. 18st. $600. Driver. 2:2/^1, 2:28"2, 2:3H4. Sabimanca, N. V.. .fnly 4. Ihhi. $ . 2:35. 2:20';. 2:21. Against time. M:iloiie. N. Y., Sept. 30. 18k1. $600. Phyllis. Russian Spy. 2:27. 2:'.'74, 2:28. Watertown. N. Y.. Sept. 1. 18S.!. ,$300. George M.. Billv Sheridan. ;.':25. 2:26=4'. 2:24. Canton. N. Y.. Sept. 13. 18S3, .$400. George M.. Flora B., 2:30'». 2:i84. 2:.30. Potsdam, N. Y.. .Sept. 20. 1SK3, $600. George M, 3, Flora B,. Billy Sheridan, 2:2.54. 2:244. 2:26. 2:27%. Morjr, blkg(3:445i). W. H. H. Colby, Dubii<|iie. lii. Oct. 7. 1K7.3. $1.50, Wapsie Bashaw 4(1 0). Gray Billy, Old Jack, License. Daisy, Lady Elgin, Maggie Mitchell, Dutch Boy. Fanny. Prairie King, 2:.58' 2, 2:44?i, 2:514, 2:.52. 2:.51i',. ' " „ ,. Oct. 8, 1873, ,$200. Old Jack 1, Gray Billy. Wapsie Bashaw. Daisy (1 dis). Dutch Boy (1 dis), Ozias (1 dis), 2:,53, 2 :50ri , 2 :.54. 2 :.50. Morgan, b s (3 :44). H. Drew. Bangor. Mc. July 4. 1854, $.50. Tonilinson's ch m. 2:44. 2:44. Morgan, 1) g (3:00). S. (!. Be.an, Mystic Park, Boston, Oct. 23, 1874, $100. Don (w) .3, 4, Robin, Nelly (w) (& dr), 3:00, 3:02, 3:00, 3:02. 3:00. Morgan, ch g (3 :43?4). T. Clark. Dallas. Tex., June 4, 1877, $250. Carman 2. Burn's 1) m (4 drl. 2:5D4. 2:90^4. 2:46'/i, 2:431^. Morgan Chief (Ericsson), br s (2 :30i/,). bv Mambrino Chief. R. Underwood. Padncah, Ky., Oct. 26. 18f*, .«20fl, Kentucky Chief 1. 2:.39U. 2:.34«'.4). Pontiiic,. Mich., Sept. 29, 1870, $ . Bob Hunter. 2:.5,5. 2:53'4. 2:^%. Morgran Chief, (3 :56). Salt Lake City. Utali. Nov. 23, 1873, $ . Lady Elgin, 2:56. 3:01. 3:05, Morgan Chief, ch g C-JilOJ^a)- VV. Leiijh, 8kaneateles, >•'. V., " ' CHESTEKS COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING IlECORD. .51T — . Lady Elgin, 2:56. 3.01. 3:05. Aug. 19, 18T6, $120. Tom Malloy, Delilah, 2 ■.40}4, 2 :45J4 2 :45. Morgan knox (Royal Knox), blk s (3 :35). A. W. Haines, Truro, N. S., Sept. 25, 1877, $175. Lady Diusmore, Gypsy Queen, Tiger, 2::i8, 2;i0. 2:41. Morley Girl, b ni (8:33), by Common wealth, dam by Duroc. W. Scanlin, Watertown, N. Y., June 30, 1883, $■100. Ira 2, 3, Binghamptoii Girl. Canard Udr), 2:33, 2:30' 2, 2:35J.i, 2:34, 2:33K>- Morning:, gr m (3:30), by Mambrino. Pilot, dam Granite, by John Ploughni;vn. ~H. P. Cormell. Ambler Park, Pa., Sept. 21 and 22, 1876. *:50u. l- anny 4, 5, G. B I'atchen 3, Molly, Jersey Boy, Koila (5 dr). Sneak (3 dD, 2:41, 2:40, 2:36. 2:38. 2:4l.2:38'4. Middletown. Del., Oct. 4, 1876, $200. Jenny Moore, Fanny Fern, Stonewall, Darning Needle, David Wallace. Rob Kov, Belle (2dis), Harriet P. 12 dis) 2:44, 2 :3t). 2:42. Oct. 6, 1870. $300. Jenny Moore (3 0), Lilly Jackson (3 oj, Sam French, Gypsy Maid,''Stonewall, Lady Harrington, Lady Thornton (3 dr;, 2:39, 2:40. , 2:39. Belmont Park, I'hil., Nov. 14 and 17, 1870, $150. Queen May, Billy Barefoot 3 (4 dis). Little Nell (4 dr), 2:3714, 2:37'/^, 2.3714, 2:40'/2. W. H. Doble, .Ir., Lancaster, Pa., July 18, 1877, $200. Sam French 2, Sorrel Tom (4 0), James R.. Rossell (1 dis), 2:35. 2:38,2:34, 2:36,2:36. Pottstovvn, Pa., Sept. 12 and 13, 1877, $350. O. A. Hickok 3. 4, Lola 1, 2, Glide, Little Nell, Sorrel Tom (5 dis), Theo. Fitler (5 dr), Jim Moflfatt (3 dis), 2:33, 2:30, 2:32, 2:.!3i^. 2:3414. 2:3CK., 2:35. Sept. 15, 1877, $400. Moscow 1, 2. H. Mambrino 3, Lola, Little Nell, Glide, Bfack Frank. Sorrel Tom, Jim Moftatt (3 diS). , 2:.31i^. 2:30,2:30. 2:3914,, -':■«). Woodbury, N. J., Sept. 20 and 21, 1877. $300. Maggie M. 4(3 0), Hambletonian Bashaw 2, Sam Blench, Glide. 2:10, 2:3.5, 2:331^, 2:34i4, 2:34, 2:30. Westchester, Pa., Sept. 22. 1877, $400. Lizzie Keller (2 0), Little Nell, Moscow. Nellv, 2:33>4, 2:3214, 2:34J4, — Anibler Park, Pa., Sept. 26. 1877, $250. Star, Maggie M.. Sam French, Sorrel Tom, 2:33. 2:32, 2:33^. Sept. 29, 1877, $250. Little Nell, Sorrel Tom.O. A. Hickok, Glide, Star, Draner. 2:36,2:33^, 2:34. Middletown, Del., Oct. 6, 1877, $450. Dora, Moscow, Glide, 2:34,2:34, 2:3014.' Chi'ster, Pa., Oct. 13. 1877, $200. Scotland. 2 :32, 2 :30i4, 2 :33. Point Breeze Park, Phila., Oct. 15, 1877, $2m. O. A. Hickok 1, Maggie M. 2, Moscow (5 dr), liizzie Keller, (4 dr), Biilv Barefoot (4 dr), 2:31, 2:30, 2:30, 2:30, 2:30'4. Lancaster. Pa.. Nov. 13, 1877, $ ■. O. A, Hickok 2, Lizzie Keller 1, 2:43, 2:42. 2:39, 2:39, 2:40. Morning, b g (3 :03). .1. Hopkins, Dakota Co., Minn., Sept. 25. 1879, §100. Joe Hopkins, N. \V., Xellv. Prince, 3:0.5,3:07.3:03. 3Iorning .Star. (3 :38?^). Aniasa Sprague, Providence, R. I., Sept. 6, 1867, $100. Britain. Dixie (l disi, Frank (1 dis). 2:40'2, 2:.i0, 2:.38?i. Morning Star, br g (3 :07). T. Lane, Woodbury, N. J., July 4. 1883. $50. Sam 2, MoUv (3 dr), Bert (2 dr). 3 :07, 3:10. 3:10, 3:09. Morocco, b g (3 :30). by James R. Reese, dam by Patchen. W. H. Saunders, Lenox, N Y.. Oct. 10, 1882, .? . Daisy Burns. Kittv W.. Cadv. No time. Oneida, N. Y., Oct. 11, 1882. $100. Daisy Burns, Kitty W., Cady, Lola L.,3:00, 3:00, 3:00. Morosa. b m (3 :34' i ), by Autocrat, uam Idlewild, bv Idol. W. Mc(iuigan Jr. . Hubbardstown. Mich., July 3, 1878, .=;ioo. Ned Norris, Dan Reduio:id, Sadie H. (3 dis). Flora Belle (l dis). 2:45, 2:.55. 2:45. July 4, 1878. S2.50. Farmer, Ned Norris, Fleet (3 dis) 2 :40, 2 :37i/2, 2 :39. Morrill, ch s (3 :43i2), by Young Morrill. J. Wood, Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. 18, 1870. Sluo. Hermit 3, 4 (1 0), American .Jackson 5 H 0). 2:40i<;, 2:42i4, 2:4,'i, 2:44, 2:42' «, 2:44, 2:43. Morrill, blk s (3 :57). A. Sant'ord'. Danbury. Conn., Oct. 6, 1875, $50. Randall. Charley (2 dis). 3:00. 2:57, 3:00. R. Ferris. Oct. 8. 187.5, .$70. Clipper. Hill's entry, Ketchum's blk s (3 dr), 3:07. 3:03. 3:00. Morrill Boy, br g (3 :39). C. T. Tucker, Kalamazoo, Mich., Sept. 14, 1860, $150. Black Weasel. St. Lawrence, Blackbird, 2:39. 2:44. Morrill Boy, — s (3 :53i2i, A. T. Stevens, Athol, Mass., Oct. 4, 1883, $40. Young Mambrino. 3:02. 2:53\i,2:53}4. Stallions. Morrill Prince, br s (3 :45), by Young Morrill, dam by Flint Morgan. C. T\I. Buchanan, Manchester. N. H., Sept. 28, istjO, $150. Gen. Hancock 1, 3, Nellv 2, Ladv Mallard, Cora Belle, Black Prince. Plymouth Boy (5 r 0), Pickering (4dr), 2:4714. 2:4714, 2:47,2:46, 2:46, 2:46. Morris, grg (3:05). Mr. Worthington, Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. 1, 1876. $100. Fanny 3, 3:10, 3:0714, 3 :08J4, 3:05, Morris, brg (3:39), by Sherman Horse, dam a pacer. T. McLaughlin. Beacon Park. Boston,. Tune 21. 1878. $600. Billv Dow 1. Volunteer Girl. Sweetness, Don Giovanni, Ladv Lemon, J. G. Morrill (2 dis), Judgineat (2 dis), 2:.31^, 2:301^, 2:3054, 2:29. MorrLssey, ch g (3 :36i/g), by Black Warrior. J. Conlisk, Chicago, 111., Sept. 28, 1866, $200. Boston, Medoc 1 (4 dr) 2*33 2 "31 2:33 2 "43. New brieans'. La.' March 4. 18(57, $250. W. K. Thomas (3 dr). Ferry Henshaw (1 dis), 2:29, 2:.30, 2 :29, Detroit, Mich., Aug. 26, I868, .$ . Dallas, Nellv Nerve, Mollv Newton, Silas Rich, 13:08' ». Two miles Chicago, 111., July 24, 1869, .$500. St. Elmo, Kate Hazard, F'anny Leel (4 dr), 2:335!4, 2:34, 2:37, 2:.38i2. .lulv 2G, 1869, $.500. Fannv Lee 1, Kate Hazard, Hacock's ch s. 2:335^, 2:34, 2:37, 2:38'4. .(allies Rockev, July 31, 1869, .S.wo. Angeline 1, 4, Fanny Lee, 2:30, 2:34,2:32^,2:32, 2:3414. Thomas P. Roach. Cincinnati. <).. Oct. 13. 1869. .$60n. Molly 1, Strideaway. Clara, 2:32, 2:29^, 2:30, 2:8114. Oct. 16. 1869, $500. Strideawav 4,5, Mollv l, Clara, Volunteer (2 dis), 2:30?i, 2:S0„2:28^, 2:2814,2:3194, 2:32. Memphis. Tenn., Oct. 30. 1869. $.500. Pilot Temple 1 (30), Frank, 2:36!'.{, 2:32''2, 2:325ii, 2:29, 2:3214. New Orleans, La.. April 4. 1870, .$2.50. Volunteer, Davlight, 2:37i4. '■^-S^h, 2:32. April 15, 1870, $.500. 2:45, 2:43, 2:39'2. Terre Haute, Ind., May 25. 1870, .$ . Ilarkaway, John Baker, 5:2594, 5:28J4. Two miles. New Orleans, I>a.. Jan. 3, 1871, $.'jOO. Clara 1, Anthonv Wayne. No time. Jan. 6. 1871, $200. Clara, 5:23^1. 5 :27i4. Two miles. Guelph, Out., Sept. — , 1871. $800. Lady Hamilton l. Lady Kate, Columbia, Cozette, 2:37^*, 2:37i^, 2:38^. 2:42. Macon, Ga.,Oct. 30.1871, $250. Rattler i. Surprise, Tennessee, 2:33,2:3294, 2:34J4, 2:33i^. New Orleans, La., Nov. 23, 1871, $ . Ohio Boy 1, Barney (3 dis), 2:36i4, 2:341^, 2:321^. 2:37. April 26, 1872, .$250. Lotta, 5:09, 5:13i4. Two miles. April 30, 1872, $300. Lotta, 2-45'i. 2:,3714. 2:38. Morrison's Bav Oelding, (3:.55>. H. L. Slorrison. Lvnn, Mass., June 12, 1875. $200. Rebecca 1.2:54. 2 :.55, 2:.57'i. 3:02. Morrison's Clu-stnnt Mire. (3 :50). W. C. Morrison, Harrodsburgh, Ky.. June 19, 1869. $100. Smith's blk ra (1 dis). 2:50. Foui-vcar-olds. Morrow's Spotted Gelding. (3 :35). R. Morrow, New Bedford, Mass., Sept. 15, 1876. $250. Helen l, Tom Pink, CassiUS, 2:,3814, 2:36. 2:3694, 2:38. Mortimier, ch g (3 •A^]^). John L. Dotv. Fleetwood Park, N. Y., May 26. 1873. $ . Col. Roberts 2. Lady Snokes I (5 drv Basil'd dis), 2:3794, 2:44%, 2:47}^, 2:48i4, 2:49. 618 CHESTERli ( OMl'I.K'l i: IKOITINC; AND rAt'ING IJECOIU). Mortimer, blk g (3 :44'5), by Young Mi'ssciiKt-r. A. V. Sjirneaiit, Mt. HoUv \. .I.,()ft. 12. 1882. S125. Ladv K. 1, Lady Everett, Newtown. Mary Anderson, Lady Aitken, George S., Tmk. Mav S., Delniont (adis) Gleu Isle (2dls),J:47'o, 2:46. 2:44'2.i;:H'j. ' '' M. Bent, Franiingliani, Mass.. Sei»t. li», 1883. .« . Diamond, Kapids. No time, Morton, eh s (3 :3G), by Koyal George, ilam the Twitcliell mare. Charles Diekerman, Owego. N. Y., .June 27 1873, .S30(). Lady Thomiison 3, Billy I'avor, Soirel Kilty, Central New York, I'atelien, Tom Murpliv, 2-37 2:36, 2:38, 2:.;7'j. i . • . James Campbell, Spring Valley. N. Y.. .Inly 4, 1874, S400. Bessie B.. Doxy, Lady Travis. Blaek Diamond Stella, Billy Button. Surprise. 2:.f7. -l-AW^, 2;4ii'4. Mort AVright, eli g (:J:OOi. C. Babcock, Oswego lalls, N. Y.. Sept. '.'4. 1875, $50. Candy 1, IJlack.Jini, Harry Flora i3dr). 3:(Ht, 3:01. 3:00.3:01. Moscow, b g (3 :30). General Dunham, Alltauy. N. Y., July 4, 1844. .«50. Fashion. Tritle. Polly Roe (3 dr). 2-46 2:40,2:44. ' Cambridge, Mass.. July 24. 1815, SUM). Ladv Swan. Daniel Webster, I'lum Bob, 2:4(i. 2:41, 2:45. (s). July 2!), 1845, jilOO. Euclid (s), ])aniel Webster (si. (iov. l>orr (S),2:41. 2:41. 2:45. Alb;iiiv, N. Y , Sept. 3, 1845. j^KKi. Oiu' Eyed Kiley. Indian Queen, Forest .Maid, 2:44. 2:40, 2:40. (s(. Beaeoii Course, N. .L, Oet. <;. 184.j, §1,400. Beality (s), 2:39i/>,'^:44. Oct. b;. 1845, $250. Ladv Suttolk 2, 2::«1^.. l':31H>, 2:40. 2:3.5. — — Centreville, L. I.^'ov. 1, ls45. .5200. Duchess (1 dis;. 2:42!^. O. W. Dimmick, Detroit. Mich., .lune 4. ls.52. .S550. Fanny (lorham, two others, 2:47, 2:45 2 47 Louisville, Ky.. June 24. 1s."j2.S!1(KI. Khode Island. 2 :43}d, 2:44. Columbus, O., Jnlv 12, IS.f. ^\m. Murdock :{, 2:44, 2:;}7^, 2:38. 2:42U. (St, July 21, 18.52. .-s'lOn. Murdock is) 1, 4. 2:44. 2:41. 2:3!)i^, 2:.3nK'. 2::!9. (w), Uiiion Course. L. I., Sei)t. J. ls.52. $,500. Shackleback (W).*2:44, 2:44Jii,2:48. (w), Sept. (;, 18.52,5:400. John Davis, 2:30. 2:41. 2:38 ■''.,. Moscow, br s \-i-A%\i). A. C. Fisk, Coldwater, Mich., Mav 8. 1858. $15. Col. Glenn 1. Straneer. 2-46. 2:51,2:51. Detroit. Mich., Oct. 1, 1858, $ . Macomb Chief. Vermont Hero, 2:42"2. Michigan State Fair, Sept. C, 1859, .* . liilly Downs. Bay Bashaw, 2:47»2. Moscow, ch s (3:40). \V. McBride. ITiiladelphia, I'a., June 19. 1S70. $1.5. Hattie 2, :Maior 1. Bocket (3 dis), 2 : 47, 2 :4C>. 2 :40, 2 : 53. 2 :.53. Moscow, blk g (3:'i8i'.i). Lute Oalds. Sacniniento, Cal.. Seitt. 11, 18C7. $150. Bracket 2. Boe Allen (4 dis), D C Broderick (3 dis). 2:51,2:45',. 2:4(;io. 2:49?,. Thomas McClellau, Sau Jose, -Cal., Se)). 4, 1872, $500. George Treat (1 0"). Baltimore Belle f3 dis), a.-.'JeJi, 2:34,2:35. 2:.35i.i. S. B. Whipple, Sacramento. Cal., Sept. 23, 1872, $750. Kosedale, Addie Lee, Jim Cook (2 dis). Broom Corn (1 (lis), 2:34^. 2:34"», 2:34. Se|)t. 27, 1872, $750. Black Swan 3, 5, May Howard 4. California Dexter, (George Tre;it. Marv Davis (4 dis). Gen. Keno (1 dis), 2:30, 2:28?4, 2:32, 2:32, 2:32. 2:32^4. -':32. Moscow (.(im Fisk), ch g (3 :3l), by Alexander's Abdallah. J. R. Cridling. Parkershurg, W. Va., Sept. 17, 1874. $140. Lady W:igoner 1. 2, Lady Lancaster (2 dis), 2:48, 2:47'.t, 2:.50. 2:45, 2:4514. S. A. Cox, Cumberland, >ld., Oct. 20, 1874, $100. Crusder 2, Gray Eagle. Joe Temperance, 2:47ii, 2:53i4, lower, Weston, W. Va., Sept. 22, 1875, $135. Billv the Blonde, Joe. 2:40?i . 2 :,52. Matt Tanner, Albany, N. Y., Sept. 14, 1870, $200. .Eniulus, 1-aura M.. 2:30. 2:::4'o, 2:.3iy2. Jersey City, N. J., Oct. 18 and 19, 1876. $7.5. St. George 1. DoUv Dot, 2:47^.,. 2;39?.j. 2:37}^. 2:S8. Plainfleld, N. J., Nov. 11, 1876, .$2.50. St. George 2. Silvertail 1. 2:43, 2:43.2:35. 2:40?4. 2:39. Jersey City. N. J., Nov. 14, 187C. .$200. Silvertail. 2:43, 2:40. 2:38>4- (w) Peter ftlanee. May 18, 1877, 2.50. Vermont Maid (w; 3 (4 0 (50), 2:44^2, 2:43, 2:55, 2:48, 2:48, 2:46. June 13, 1877, .$200. Lady Emma, 2:42, 2 :38K'. 2:3454. Clifton, N. J.. June 20, 1877, $000. Carrie N.~ Baniev Kellv. 2:37. 2:34, 2:31. Jersey City, N. J., June 25, 1877, .$300. Barney Kellv, Carrie N., 2:331/2, 2;34. 2:33. (w) July 2. 1877, $300. Barney Kellv. Carrie N\. 2:34V.. 2 :32. 2 :32. Clifton, N. J., July 5, 1877, .$200. Lady Annie. Iron King. 2 :36' ■;. 2 :35'2, 2 :.«. (w) Deerfoot Park, L. I., July 11, 1877, $1.50. Lady Emma. Billy Daws. 2:.30. 2:.S4^, 1:?n. H. F. Coleman, Brockville, Ont., Sept. 25. 1877. $100. Roxborough, Juno. 2:30.2:37. 2:35. Moscow, brg (3: 46). W. F. Osborne, Piermont, N. Y., Sept. 23. 1881. $100. Young Toronto Chief, Dandy, Kitty Lambert, (colonel 1 (3 dis), Bingi, (3 dis). 2:.52i,v Moscow, daiu Ladv Fraukliu. Lee Shaner, Oakland, CaL, Dec. 16, 1883, .?.3O0. Countryman, Nellv Burns. Laura M., 5:0.v>:03'i. Two miles. (w) W. H. Creigliton, Dec. 19. 1883, $1,000. Nellv Burns 1. 2:30. 2:30Vi. 2:28)^. 2::!0. Moses, b g(3 :36';). J. D. Pflter. Baltimore, Md., Oct. 27. I809. .$ . Warsaw 1 (30), 2:44, 2:40, 2:40?i, 2:42)4 A- W. Fiiwcett, Oct. 28, 18f,9. .$200. No Name 1, Becky d dis\ 2:46''o. 2:42'i, 2:40?4. J. D. Pfifer, Nov. 9, 1809. $1,000. Goshen 2, 5. Arion 3. 6. 2:36'.;. 2::59, 2:41. 2:42. 2:.37U, 2:38'4. 2:38. Moses, blk g (3 :.'i6^). 0. Maguire, Mystic Park, Boston, Jnlv 28, I882. $.50. Tom P:itchen. Robert Thorndale, Robert H.. 3:01.2:.56».i, 2:.57'.. Moses T.,b g (3:15). Mr. Poihton, Troy, N. Y., Sept. 6, 1882, ,$1.5. Grace, Kitty K., 3:2o. 3:15.3:16. Four-year- olds. Moses Taylor, blk g (3 :3«). .lacob Oaklev. Eclipse Course. L. L. Oet. 28. ia58. $150. Kale Smith 1, 2, Frank Temple, Mocking Bird, Brunimv (4 dr), 2:38, 2:38. 2:40. 2:;i6. 2::{0. Moss Rose, b in (3:31) bv Anthony Wavne. diim Y'aukee. bv B:irtram. 1). P. Bissell, Indianapolis, IncL, July 7, 1874, $1,000. Lottie. White Rose, Kitty, Squire. T;il'niadge. 2:.3!>i.o, 2:.'^8U. 2:41. fivansville, Ind.,Sept. 25. 1874. $1,000. BilJv Britton. Logan, 2::!9'^. 2:41. 2:40. • Henderson, Ky., Oct. 13, 1874 $.500. Jennv B., Fearnanght. I'.illv Britton, Frenchman. Scott's Chief (1 dis), John S. Oliiu d dis), Merrinuicd dis). Gen. Forrest (1 disi. 5:.32. 5:,i,5U,. Two miles. Peru, Ind., May 20. Ih75,,'$600. Prince 2, <^uick>^tpp. Basil Duke. 2:36?.,, 2:.35',. 2:31='.,. 2:329i. Logiiusport. Ind., Sept. 9, 1875, ,$5fiO. Dutch fJirl 2. Professor. Buckskin. 2:.37. 2:43. 2:41, 2:38. Mossy, b g (3 :01 ). Henry (Jimber, Pittsburgh. Pa., .lulv O, 1870, ,$200. Maggie ILiyes. 3:04L;i:01. 3:03. Mother Ann Lee. br m (3 :54). H. W. T. Midi. North Adiinis, Mass.. Sept. 24. 1873. $46. Flying Cloud 3, 4, Columbus 2, Poscara, Townsend's bm (3 dIs), 'i.fA.lM^fi, 2:,56U. 2:,5fi»i.2:.59, 2:,56. Motion, ch s (3:39) by Daniel Lambert, tl:im bv :i son of Young Moscow. J. Battel], Bethel, Vt.. Sept. 21, issi. $100. Red Cloud, Ch:dlenge Vermont Bov. 2:43. 2:40. 2:42. MotCs Brown Gelding (8:44). .Tohn Mott, Canton, N. Y„ Sept. 24, 1868. .S12!5. Canton Maid 2. 4, Lady Cotd- ter, 2:,50, 2:61, 2:,52, 2:50, 2:53?:£. ^, ^, „ , , _,„ „ Moulthrop. gr g (3 :33%). J. W. Thompson. Marysville, Cal., Sept. 9, 1868. $200. Columbia Maid, Billy Poor- man, Algerlne l (4 dis), 2:46. 2:47,2:^, 2:39>4- Sept. 12, 18r,8, ,$3,50. Robert Burns, .lersey Maid, Columbia Maid. 13:,53. Five mdes. S.acramento, Cjil., Sept. 17, 1808. .^.-^oo. Regul.itor, Jim d dis), 2:41^2, 2:37, 2:32?4. ,. , . „ Monnt. gr g (3 :41K>)- Mr. Stevens. P.iiltimon". Md.. Oct. 27, 18«9. «20O. No N^mOhJ, No ,Name, M. Louise (8 dr). 2:43.2:411^, 2";43!4. C'HESTERS COMPJ.ETE TROTTING AND PACING IlECOKD. 51<> Mountain Boy, rn s (3 :38). Boston, Mass., Oet. 24, 1856, $150. Portlieous, Vermont Boy, Bill Berry, Know Nothing, 2 -.as, 2:38. J. .1. Beviiis, Eclipse Course, L. I., Oct. 20, 18.58, .■?400. Quaker Jim (1 (lis), 5:19, 5:1G. Twoniiles. Mountain Boy, br g (.WM3 i-i'*)- Warren Peabody, Centreville, J>. I., July 15, 1858, $100. Little John (wi 2:41H, 2:41-2. W. H. Strong, Philadelphia, Pa., Oct. 20, 1858, §50. Brown Tom, Belle of Allentown (S dis), 2:30, 2-34 2:37. ' '- Nov. 11. 1858, $160. Fanny Fern 1, Jenny Lind. 5:25, o:2S]4, 5:35. Two miles. Warren Peabodv. Eclipse Course, L. 1., Juno 15. is.39, $7,007 Prince. 5:2(5, 5:29. Two miles. Mountain Boy, b s. Stockton, Cal., Aug. 31, 1860, §50. Rattler 1 i2 dis). 2:50, . Mountain Boy. b g (3 -.'iOU), by Edward Everett, dam by Gridley's Roebuck. Alex Patterson, Paterson, N. J.. Nov 16, 1865, . Belle of Baltimore, 2:45, 2:44^j. ProvidiMice, R. I., Sept. 4. 1867. $im. Cora, Old Put, 2:30. 2:30'^, 2:3594. Union Course, L. I., Oct. 7, 1867, $-2,mo. Lady Thome, 2:2014, 2':29, 2:29. S. .M(L;iaj,'liliii, Richmond, S. I., Aug. 3, 1868, $2,000. Lady Tborne l, 1 :49'/i, 1:4914, 1 :50'/2, 1 :48i4. Three- fourths mile licats. Point Breeze Park, Phil.. Sept. 16, 1868, $2,000. Lady Thome. 2:24i4, 2:24}^, 2:24. • Alex. Patterson, Albanv, N. Y., Sept., 21, 1868, $l,50(i. Ladv Thome (3 0),2:27, 2:25, 2-25 2-26 Waverlev, N. J.. Oct. 29, 1868, .$2,000. Lady Thorne. 2:30. 2:28';, 2:27. S. McLaughlin, Newbur^h, N. Y., June 11, 1869. $2,000. Lady Thorne, 2:28, 2:33?^, 2:28. Saratoga, Spa., N. Y., Aug. 23, 1860, $3,000. Lady Thorne, 2:27, 2:24^4, 2:25U. .1. 1). McManu, Prospect Park. L. I., Isov. 4, 1870, $500. (ieorge Wilkes (2 (lis), 2:27, 2:253i Haltiniore, Md.. June 3, 1871, $2,000. jMyrcm Perry 2, 3, 2:26i2, 2:24'o, 2:28, 2:23'2, 2:231-4. Mountain Boy, 1) g (3 :49). P. Farrell, San Francisco, Cal., April 18, 1871, $150. Countess, Copperhead, Kate Mav, Billv Hamiltfm (2 dr), 2:52, 2:50, 2:51^4. Mountain Boy, 0 g (3:58i^). J. S. Slioat, Albany, N. Y., Nov. 2.3, 1871, .$80. Climax (W), 2:.59'4, 2:59%, 2:58Y,, Mountain Boy, gr s (3:46), by Black Hawk, dam by Tankerville. S. Hill, Elkton. Ind., Sept. 27, 1877, $100. Live Oak 3, Cheerful Billy, Stonewall, Beggar (2 dr), 2:o4'2, 2:58i4, 2:57. 3:15. Mountain Boy, ch g (3:41). P. Cleveland, .Morristown, JS. J., Aug. 31. 1881, $150. Kate 3, Barney B., Jim. 2:41, 2:42'2. 2:4314, 2:41. Mountain Boy, br s (3 :39^), by Daniel Lambert. H. Westcott, Woodstock, Vt., Sept. 26, 1883, .$125. Ernest L 3, Soi)hronia, Limber Jim, Daisy Dean. 2:40. 2:39' 2. 2:41H. 2:40. Mountaineer cjosh Billings), ch g (3:39-4). hv Independenf. dam by War Dance. Thorn Dean, Catskill N. Y., July 25. 1873, $150. Andrew, Lady Suftolk, Molly Smith (1 dis), 2:52, 2:51. 2:54U. W. C. Trimble, Fleetwood Park, N. Y., June 19. 1874, .'5300. Cheston, Careless Girl, Jim Coyle, W. H Burr, IJzzie Adams (1 dis), Toronto (1 dis), 2:40. 2:37, 2:36i4. W. H. Mase. Kingston. N. Y., Sept. 8 and 9. 1874. $800. May Bird 1, 4, Rosa Burch 5, William Walch 3. Lottie. Adelaide (3 dri. 2:36, 2:35, 2:39, 2:36, 2:38. 2:3."), 2:36. Mountaineer, blk g (3 :31'2). H. Rogers. Bridgewate.r, Mass., Sept. 21, 1877, $100. Fearless, Nelly Logan. Kitty Wells, M. D. (3 dr), Lady Emma (2 dr). 2:43. 2:42, 2:4312. F. Sheldon, Taunton, Mass., Sept. 25, 1878, $300. Croft, Leda, Village Girl, John Merrill, 2:32'4, 2:33, 2:3314. Mountaineer, chg (3:3714). H. Tuthill, Middletown, N. Y., Sept. 2, 1880, $150. Fritz 3, Benton, 2:40, 2:40, 2:40i4, 2:41. Mountaineer, bg (3:34?^). C. E. Warren, Sandusky, O., Sept. 22, 1882, $250. Billy Ford, Ben Star, Flora Temple. 2:49u. 2A5U, 2:4414. Mountain Girl, ch m (3:35). W. O. Hopkins, Concord, N. H., Sept. 30, 1868, $ . Lady Carter, 3, 4, 2:40. 2:42, 2:40,2:39, 2:411^. Brattleboro, Vt.. Aug. 19. 1869. .$200. Sjiot, Hannah, Slate Rock (1 dis). 2:35, 2:40, 2:42. Mountain Girl, b m (3:33^). Mr. Keyes, Manchester, N. H.. July 5, 1869, .$1.50. Messenger Gid, 2:49, 2:41, . Mount:4in Girl, blk in (3:51i4). Johii Bavard, Easton, Pa., Mav 8, 1871, $2.5. Molly Pitcher, 1, 3:04, 3:03Ui, 3 :02, 3 :03. May 20, 1871, $100. Molly Pitcher, 2:54, 2:0114. 2:53. Mountain Girl, b m (3 :39). James Turner. Osceola, Pa., July 8. 1874, .$200. Lyde 1, Raft, Clothesline, 2:40i/4, 2:40,2:39,2:39'/^. Mountain Girl, b m (3 :37i4), by Niger. Mr. Tierney, Reno, Nev., Sept. 30, 1S80, $ . Salem, May Bird, 3:52' 2. 3:37' ». Three-year-olds. Mountain Girl, b m (3 :38), by Widgeon. H. Barnes, Prophetstown. 111., Aug. 2, 1881, .$200. Clark S., Flora Belle. Lady Hopeful, 2:49i4,' 2:42}^, 2:47^^. Cedar Falls, Li., Sept. 27, ISSl, $300. Luerece, Brown Wilkes, Riette. 2:39, 2:39, 2:39?4. Lawrence, Kan., Sept. 10. 1881, $500. Georgia, Coriander, Elmo Pilot, Golden Girl, , 2:39>4, 2:38M. St. Joseph, Mo.. Sept. 8, 1882, $400. Abner F., 4 (1 01, Dutch Girl 3, Golden Girl (1 0), Lady Lou (3 dis). Tramp (2 dis). 2:31i4, 2:30),^, 2:3114. 2:32i4. 2:.'.3i4. 2::«i4. Lawrence, Kan., Sept. 22. 1882, .$400. Golden (iirl 1. Tramp, Coriander, 2:33,2:3014, 2:33, 2:30. Kansas City, Mo., Sept. 27, 1882, $400. Maggie F. 3, Dutch Girl (2 dis), Annie Allen (2 dis), 2:39, 2:33, 2:37,2:3614. Ottawa, 111., Aug. 14, 1883, $400. Ottawa Chief 1, Dutch Girl, Flora P., Hattie M., Don (Miixotc (3 dis), Lantern y2 dis), 2:30U, 2:2914, 2:311-4, 2:33?4. Minneapolis, Minn., Aug. 29, 1883, $500. Dutch Girl 3. 4 (5 0), Elmwood Chief 1,6, Flora Belle. Baybrino, Capitola, Molly B., Stormer (3 dr), 2:28i4, 2:28. 2:27?4, 2:32, 2:30, 2:30, 2:30. 2:28i4. Mountain Jack (w), rn g (3 :33i4). E. A. Smith, Cincinnati, O., Aug. 29, 1863. $75. Rock (w) 2, 3, Punch (w), Levi (W), 2:,50'''2, 2:52, 2:.53, 2:,53, 2:49. W. D. Peabody, May 19, 1864, $100. Rodnev, Ten Pin Johnny (1 dis). 2:.30^4, 2:43, 2:44. Mountain Maid, gr m (3 :49i^). Pittsburgh. Pa., Serft. 1, 1859, $100. Sam Keyes 1, 2:50, 2:49}^, 2:50. Movmtain Maid (w), ch m (3 :48i4 w). D. Blanchard, Boston, Mass., Oct. 17. is.-)9. v$200. Romeo (2 0), 2:59i/4, 2 :.55, 2 "59 2 :.59i'2 . s'anie day, -$200. Romeo. 2 :.579i. (w), Chelsea. Mass.. Nov. 16, 18.59, $.309. Salem Bov (w). 3:01. 2:58?4. 3:01. (w). Dan Mace, Boston, Mass:, April 31, i860. $200. Wyoming Boy (w) l, Lady Oxnard (w), 2:49i/4, 2:51. 2 :49, 2:49^. ;-,v) .iulv :i, 1860, $17.".. Honest Abe (W;, (3 U), Wyoming Boy (W). 2:55, 2:.">5, 2:55, 2:52i4. (w). Providence, R. I.. Oct. 4, 1860, .$400. Lady Oxnard (w). 2:48^, 2:.53, 2:53. Mount:tin Mnlrt (Lady Norcross), br m (3 :26%y(2 -.94:%*), by Morrill. W. Clark, Louisville, Kv., Oct. 4, 1866. $100. Ned i3 dis). Belle Chalfant 1 (3 ro), 2:44, 2:50. 2:44. Kudd Doble. Oct. 6. 1.s65, $20o. Comet, 3\Iike Hardev, Stranger. 2:35U. 2:35*4. 2:8614. S. R. Clark, Norristown, Pa., Nov. 20, 1865, .$400. Jenny Lind, S. A. Douglass. Best time 2:26%. Budd Doble. Hartford, Conn., July 9. 1866. .$2.ono. Daii Mace, 2:.33i-^, 2:34, 2:35»4. S. R. Clark, Boston, Mass., July 31, 1866, $500. Dan Mace. Old Put, Raid. Leviathan, 2:29%, 2:29i^.2:27X. New Haven, Conn.. Aug. 18. 1866, $ . Fanny Allen. John Morgan, 2:34i4. 2:31i/2. 2-37i^. — — r. E. Turner, Bo.st/in. Masii.. Sept. 15, 1866, $1,000. Fearless l. 3, Lucy, 2:33. 2:3314, 2:33%, 2:34?<, 2:33. 520 C'llKSTElfS COMl'LinK TKOTTING AND 1'AC1N<; RECOUl). S. R. Clark, Kastoii, Pa., Sept. 27, 18G6, S300. Fannv Allen. Kate i3 clr), 2:42, 2:39, 2:41. Auburn, N. Y . June iti, I»t)7, S4iH). Crazy Jaiie.2:a3'5. 2:;j0'4, 2:29K-. KochesU'r, N. Y., Aug. G, 18t;7, .^1,500. May Queen 1, ranic, 2: 33 '4 ."2:36, 2:35'/i, 2:32. Uuflulo, N. Y., AuK- 17. 1867. i^tiOO. lioUy Lewis, (ieo. M. Patclicn Jr.. 2:32. 2:34i.i, 2:34. Syracuse, N. \ ., Aug. 30, lfe67, §1,000. >lay Queen 4, Crazy .Jane l, 5 (O ilis), 2:35?4, 2:33, 2:34U, 2:33V6, 2:34. 2:36. C. Stokes, Belvidere, N. J., Oct. 17, 1867, S250. S. A. Douglass. Bill .laekson. 2:37, 2:37. 2:35. Trenton, N. .1., Oct. 24, 1867. i'liM. Mary. Fanny Allen, ■.':.f.^.i.... 2:34, 2:2ii?i. Washington, 1). ('., Nov. «. 1867. S1,(H»0. Silas fjicli 1, .Mav Queen, .Miirv (5 ilr), 2:30, 2:31?4. 2:295li, 2:3254. (J. Zeilley. Akron, O., .July 4, 1868. .SUK). Union .Jack, 2:;i6'4, 2::i.'i5U, 2 :42'.i. Same daV. $2i'>0. .Joe (Jodwin, .'i:.j5, ,'):28'4. Two miles. S. It. ( hiik, NViiterloo, N. Y., Aug. 27, 1868, S4.0()o. Fannv Allen. Crazv Janed dis), 2.39'i, 2:34. 2:33. .Jiimeslown. N. Y.. Oct. 26. I8(i8. 5!400. Belle of I'atterson 1''.. R. llilliard 4. 2:34, 2:37. 2 :.39, 2:39, 2:39, 2:54. Titusvillc, I'a., Oct. .iO, 1868, .S.«tO. R. llilliard 2, 4. .J. White, 2:36^4, 2:;i6',i. 2:3r)i/,. 2:349,, 2:35. Washiii^'lon. D. C, May — . 1869. $1.0(M». .star of the West 2(1 0), , 2:30"j, 2:.30i^, 2:29i(. 2:UM. N. Clark, .'tiilwaukee. Wis., Aug. 7, 1k69, .•?;">00. Cl;ir;i 1. 3. 2:,S0?,. 2:3114. 2::«»4. 2:3n3iC. •J:.32. S. R. (lark, St. Catherines, Ont.. Aug. 20, 1869, .$400. Western New York, R. Hilliard 1, 2 *3 dis), 2:35 2.32'4. 2:41. . . Clyde, N. Y., Oct. 1, 1869, •S.'iOO. AVesterii Now York, 2:35'i, 2:31'.. 2:S;5. - Auburn. N. Y.. Oct. 9, 1869, S800. Gray.Maek d 0). Byron (1 0). NVestern New York. 2:359*, 2:3.'i?i, 2:3414, 2:33',i. Mountain Maid, eh m (3:32). H. C. OdcU, Toughkeepsie, N. Y., Oct. 9, 1867, .$150. Hunter, Sorrel Oeorge, Niiubl.' Dick (1 ills*, 2:38'2. 2:41, 2:41. J. II. Bertholf, Oct. 10, 1867, Siooo. Tommy 1, Montford's b m, Stockbridge Chief, Learv's gr ni (2 dis), .Man' (1 dis), Billy (l dis), Don Quixote (l dis), 2:47, 2;40, 2:42. 2:46. tl. C. Odell. Peekskill, N. Y., Oct. 23, 1867, .5200. J'auic, Stranger (2 dis), 2:34i^, 2:34»4, 2:34'/i. Poughkeepsie. N. Y., Nov. 7 1867, .S200. J.adv Morrill, Newburgh i2 dr). 2:39, 2:32. 2:35. A. H. Dore, Taunton, .Mass., Oct. 7. 1870. SU)6. Juno 1, 2, 2:4514, 2:44K>. 2:44'/i, 2:44}^, 2:42i^. II. Woodruff, Boston. Mass,, May 8, 1871, #200. Vixen (1 dis), 2:41'/i. ~ Mountain M:;i(l, i)r m (8:53). by Keokuk. John Neilson, Colusa, Cal., June 15, 1870. .$300. Loafer 1 (2 dis). •Marv.sville (,)ueen c' dis). 2:54. 2:53. Y'reka, Cal..Mav5, 1871. S500. Red Maria 1,2 (4 0), Frank Hurd, , , ,3:09,3:09.3:09. ■ Oct. 19. 1871, $250. Black Satin 2, Tip Ward 1 (3dis), 3:01, 2:.57, 2:.55, 2:5.5, 2:.57'i, 2:57. Mountain Maid, hr ni (2 :43i/2). T. Beard, Columbus, 0., June 16, 1870, $150. Charlev 1, Tom Thumb, Jessie, 2:559i, 2:481.,. 2:52K', 2:49''.i. June 21, 1870, .S . Lady Mc(iarr, 2:49, 2:49, 2:58. Mountain Maid, b m (2:43 U). by Coleman's Ainerican Star, dam IMary Tracy, by R;ittler. G. W.. Woodruff, Waterloo, N. Y., Aug. 19,1874,.'? . ('cmi)etitors not named. 2:4294. 2:45?i."2:4t;>.4. Dundee, N. Y'., Oct. 14, 1874. $40. S. W. Spink 2, Recluse. 2:43. 2:47, 2:49. 2:4.5. Mountain Maid, gr m (2 :35). .1. Blynn, Waverly Park, N. J., Sept. 15, 1874, $200. Modesty 1. Phantom, Kitty Annie E.. Flora (2 dis), 2:3714. 2:36, 2:38, 2:38?^. A. v., Sargeaut, Flemingtop, N. J., Sept. 24, 1874. S600. Rosa l, Tom Wonder a dis), — -. 2:44. 2:45>4. 2:46',4. Charles Byer, Somerville. N. J., Sept. 30, 1874, $75. Jaekade, Abdallah Champion. Harry (2 dr), 2:47J4, 2:4694,2:481.;. fcl. 2, 1874,.$.300. Neil Bov 1, Dollv AVhite, Jaekade. Rosa (3 dr), 2:419i, 2:4194. 2:4094. 2:42. E. Harrison, Newark, N. J.. Sept. 20 and 21. 1878. $180. Cinderella 1, 2, Fanny Osborn. 2:34. 2:34. •!:36, 2:33. 2:331^. Mountain Maid, b m (3:40). O. H. Rislev, Rockville. Conn.. Sept. 27, 1877. SIOO. Prince. Dollv. Dollv. Belle of Vernon. Blackbird, Phil, Carev Brothers' b ni, 2:47. 2:47i/,, 2:48. J. Sanderson, Willimantic, Conn., April 26, 1878, $150. Lottv Lee 3 (4 0), 3:02. 2:57, 2:.54, 2:.56, 2:57. Rockville, Conn., Sept. 26. 1878, $100. Norwood. Shadv. Jininiv Stewart, 2:40, 2:45. 2:43. Mauntain Maid, br m (3 :00). J. W. Craven, West Sand Lake, N. Y'., Mav -. 1878. $ . Ada Rogers. 3:11, 3:07, 3:00. Mountain yuail. b m (2:25U), bv Widgeon. Taylor Brothers. D:ivenport, la., Sept. 6, 1876, .?300. Lady H., Maggie S., West Union Girl. Ned. Elnora, King Pliilii), Sherman, J. J.. Jim Lane, 2:47'2. 2:4994. 2:46)^. Waverly. la., Sept. 22, 1876. .?120. Clara B.. Comet. 2:4.'->'... 2:4,^ii. 2:4594. West Union. la.. Sept. 27. 1876, $50. West Union (Mrl, 2:4,^). 2:15'i, 2:46. Sept. 28, 1876. $300. W'est Union Girl 2. Sleepy Ned. 2:4514, 2:45'i, 2:49, 2:46. St. Paul, Minn., Oct. 4, 1870, $ . Susie. Fearnaught, Flora Belle, Granger. George, Black Prince, 2:37, 2:40,2:37}^. Freeport, 111., May 29 and .30. 1877. .$.500. Rose of W' ashington 2, Henry R., Ladv McFatridge. Bill Wasson. (Jranger, .Jim R:iven. Susie Ross (1 dis). 2:35, 2:31. 2:30. 2:,32. Winona, Minn., June 22, 1877, $.500. Lady McFatridge r2 o). Herod, 2:33V^, 2:33, 2:35, 2:35^. Marshalltown, la., June 28,. 1877, $,500. Lady McFatridge, Gray Charlev, Granville, Janesville, 2:30^ 2:29,2:29. Ottumvva. la., July 13, 1877, $400. Sorrel Ned. Gnmville, (i, T. Pilot. No time. DubiKiiie. la., July 19, 1877. .$400. Billy O'Neill, 2:.32, 2:.34. 2:3.5. Davenimrt, la.. Sept. 6, 1877. $1,000. Kitty Stratton, Jacksonville Bov, John Gordon, George Judd (8 dis), 2:28, 2:28. 2:33>4. Sf'i.t. 7. 1877, $.500. Kittv Stratton, Cai)tain. Illinois Chief, 2:.32. 2:3.3, 2:.3.3K>. Dubuque, la., Sej)t. 14. 1.'<77, .$2,50. Rlllv O'Neill 2. l.;idv II.. 2::{0. 2:29!^. 2:31, 2:30. Burlington, la.. Sept 24. 1877, $1,200. Kitty Stratton. I?est tinie,2:34i4. Piilinor and Taylor, (Jeneseo. 111., .June 29. 1878. .$270. Badger Girl, 2:30, 2:32, 2:28. Freeport. 111.. .)nly 31. 1878. .$700, Rose of W^ishington l. Doctor Lewis, (i. T. Pilot. Ancient Order Boy, Neoine (2 (lis). 2:26'i. 2:27. 2:28'.., 2:28. Prophetstown, HI.. Aug. 7. 1878. $500. Doctor Lewis. Rose of Washington. Neonie. G. T. Pilot, Ancient Order Bov (1 dis), 2:28, 2:28. 2:28>2. Daveni)ort. la.. Sept. 5, 1878. $1,000. Cozette, Bashaw. 2:.30. 2..30. 2:.30. Burlington. la., Sept. 26, 1878, $1,000. Bay Billv. B;ibv. Elder Pogue, 2:.39. 2:40, 2 :36^. Palmer and Smith, Reil Wing, Minn., June 27, 1879. $200. Ladv Groesbeck 2(3 0), Dakota Maid (30), 2:.32. 2::{5U;, 2::50i4, 2:34V5, 2:.3.5'c. St. I'jiiir, Minn., July 4, 1879. $ . Kittv Cook, Dakota Maid 2:27K.. 2:.32i4, 2:32% Minneapolis, Minn.. July 11, 1879. .$200. Kittv Cook, 2:29, 2:2694, 2:30'. I). I). Palmer, Stillwater, Minn., July 18, 1879, .$200, Dakota Maid 1. Kitty Cook (3 dr), 2:32, 2:28i4. 2:30, 2::i.3. Mountain .»<.vlph. hr ni (2:451^). Oeorge Edwards, Cambridge, Mass., Aug. 22, 1839. $100. Victoria 1.2, Martini Gibhs, 2:.57, 2:54, 2:.56. 2:55, 2:52. W. C. (ilenn, Kingsbury, Md-, Oct. 23, 1841, $50. Hardware l. Lady Jane Grey, 5:.32. 5:31. 5:31. Two miles. CHK.S'iKKS COMJ'LEXK TROTTING AND PACING RKCOIU). 521 Mount Carmel. rii g (2:40i4). A. Spicer, Cartersville.Md., July 4, 18VG,$50. Roval George. 2 ■.40?4. 2:41' . 2:4n'4. Mount Holly (w), blk g (3:52 w). J. Kussell, Plaiiifield, N. J.. June 17. l!^ti«. 5: . Zeke Davis 3, 4, :i:01, 2:5.51,^.2:55,2:53.2:52. July 4, 1870, $150. Ned Forrest, No Name. 2:59, 3:00. 2:.''k^. Mount Molly, bs (3:43,). F. Carter. Wasliiiiglon, D C, .May 29. 1877, $ . Tramp. Lady Elmer, 2:52, 2:45,2:45. (\v),June 15, 1877, $200. Frank A. 2.3 2:43,2:44?i.2:46. 2:47'.,, 2:47. M ount Vernon, b g (3 -ASU, by Nutwood, dam Daisv bv I'liieftiiiu. T. A. McCloud, Stockton, Cal., Sept. 20, 18S3. S . Cora 2. Vouclier. Sisterto Honesty. Dawii. Cheviilipr. Nisilithawk (1 dis), 2:47%, 2:4434, 2:43%. Mount Veruou, oil s (3:33) bv Cbnmpion Knox. il;iiii bv IvilcIc liinl. MoLieboom & Jenkins. Portland, Or., Oct. 5 188.3. .$300. .A.ltumont 3 Dexleriw* (2 (lis). Milton .Medium (W) i2 disi. 2:4;j. 2:47, 2:47, 2:47Ki. Salem. Or.. Sept. 19, 1S83. .f:;oo. Florence F. Hillv Kced (2 disK 2:3554,2:35. 2:3."). Mouse, br g (3 :5G). John L. Cassidy New Orleans La., Feb. :;. I8,i8. ,$ . Cliff Kennedy, 3:00, 2:.59, 2:56. Moxie, gr m (3 -40). H. (L Smilli, L:uvrence, Mass.. Aug. 24. ls75, .S2.50. George Bancroft, Nelly Star, Uncle Dudd. Rock, Mary. 2 :44. 2 :44' 2, 2:451^. Claremont, N. H. Seitt. 7. 187G,'.$150. Governess Bessie Shaw, Glide, Royal Prince, Jessie. Jerry. No time. Oscar Pitman Laeonia, N. H.. Oct. 4. 1^77, S150. Richmond Girl l. Josephine, 2:44. 2:44. 2:441^, 2:45. E. H. Gilman, Sept. 11, 1878. .$70. Spot. Topsv J., 2:4.3^. 2:4(i^. 2:,53i/.',. Grafton, N. H., Sept. 24, 1878, .$ . Spot. Yomig riitfifiuderTNcllv Collins, 2:49. 2:48, 2:49. -i Manchester. N. H., Oct. 11,1878 $150. Riclimoml Ciil. Clara 11., 2;46. 2:44. 2:40. Farmington. N. H.. Oct. 2,5, 1878, $150. Young Pathtinder. Comet. Eastern Queen, 2:45, 2:42%, 2:44. C. H. French. Rochester, N H. Sept, 2G 18S2. .'Sioo M;uid MuUer 1, ,5. Black I)i:iniond 2, Honest Allen, Golddust, Fanny H., Col. Allen (3 dn, 2:44. 2:42. 2:45. 2:41. 2:4.5. Moxley, chg(3:37). J J. Catfee Indianapolis, Ind., July 27, 1.S70. $100. Canada Dan. Rip Van Winkle, 3:07^, 3:0«. 3:03. W. F. Archer. Cleveland O., June 21. 1871. $.500. Kitty. Red Oak, Dick Nevins, Steer, Three White Heels (1 dis). Doctor Bonaparte (l dis), 2:37U,, 2:37 2:41. Oct. 4, 1871, .$ . Joe Cathcart, No time. Two miles. Moxley br s (3 :36) bv Strader's C. ISI. Clav, Jr. W, P. Maxwell. Florence, Ky.. Sept. 1, 1876. .$400. Midway Belle 1 Salvador. Lizzie H., Blue Boy, Susie L. i2 dis), Mambrino Pilot Jr. (1 dis), 3:01, 2:,57J^, 2:.58. 2:55'/2. Mozenia, ";r m, by Joe Downing. Edgar and Chowning, Lincoln. 111.. Aug. 27. 1878, $ . Flora Gillett, MohawK. No time. Three-vear-olds. >I. P.. blkm (3:53i.i W). J. F. Ailing, Norvvalk, Conn. Sept. 13.1878, ,$2,5. EmmaK., Harry, 2 :56H, 3:04 !4. 2:.54^4. MR., bg (3:38) bv Jupiter, dam bv Mambrino Black Hawk. L. H. Hurd. West Meriden, Conn., Julv 5, 1878. $200. Col. Peabodv, Shorty* Fountain Livery, W. H. Rudd. Major Snow (I dis), Dover a dis), 2:36'2, 2:37.2:4014, Hartford. Conn. Julv 9 and 10, 1878, $300. Tommy Norwood 1. Volunteer Girl, Kadir, Shorty Fjuntain, Bill Green. Democrat. Robert Bonner Jr. (4 dr). Col. Peabodv (4 dr). 2:32'^, 2:32%. 2:30, 2:32"2. — - - Plainville, Conn., July 16. 1878, $300. Tonnnv Norwood, Robert Bonner Jr., Kadir, Prince Albert, Shorty Fountain. Volunteer Girl, 2:3.514, 2:3.5^o. 2:.38M>. Carmel. N. ¥., Aug. 15, 1878, $125. Vivandiere 1, Grey Jack (3 dis). 2:32i4. 2:36, 2:,33%. 2:.33';. — — Norwalk, Conn.. Sept. 12 1878, $200. Chauncey M. Bedle, Lookout (3 dis). Harry (3 dis), 2:3314, 2:421^, Danburv. Conn.. Oct. 4, 1878 .$.500. .Emnlus Camon. 2:33. 2 :32V2. 2:3214. ^— Chatham Nillage. N. Y. Sept. 19, 1879, $200. Camon 1, 4, Tom Mason, Comstock, 2:32. 2:30i4, 2:32, 2:34}^, 2 :33. Hudson. N. Y.. Seirt. 25, 1879, $200. Camon Pickwick. 2:30"2. 2:301^, 2:33. Danburv, Conn.. Oct. 9, 1879. $100. Thomas L. Young. 2:31, 2-28.2:35. Wilkesbarre, Pa. Oct. 16, 1879. .$200, Thomas L, Younsr 1 (4 dr). (>. A. Hickok, 2:34, 2:34. 2:28. 2:36. Amenia, N. Y., Sept. 9 1880, .$200. Louise, 2:31%. 2:32:U. 2:34. Falls Village. Conn., Sept. 16 1880. .$200, Louise. St. Charles 1 (4 dr). 2:29'-. 2:.30i4, 2:33ii, 2:33. Pouglikeepsie, N. Y'. Oct. 13, 1S80. $;!00. Chauncev M. Bedle, Major S,, 2:;;T. 2::;:!. 2:34%. Norwalk. Conn. Sept. 15. I881. ,$200. Daisy Browiil, Alice Lane, Ziltheua (2dis), Jack (2 dis), 2:35%, , 2:,33%,2:33'i. Danburv, Conn., Oct. 7, 1881, $200. Highland Win. Olive. Daisy Brown, Zilthena, 2:34, 2:31, 2:32. Carmel' N. Y,. Sept. 21, 1883, $300. W. T. Allen. 2:41,2:42i/2> 2:42. Ml-. E.. blk g (3:5914) by Warwick. J. Witherell. Cambridge, 111,. Aug. 31, 1881, $45. Rambler l, George Purdv, Butterfly, 2:594 2:5914, 2:5914. 3;00. Mrs. E. R. Tilton, b m (3 :37%). M. S. Miller, Rome. N. ¥., Sept. 22, 1875, $45. Lucy, 3:37%, 3:38i4. Three- year-olds. Mrs, Winslow, b m. George H. Bailey. Portland. Me. Oct. 14 1871, .$2,000. .59:58}4. To trot 18 miles in one hour. Muggins (Bay Stranger), b g (3 :38%). A. L. Walker. Mystic Park. Boston, May 1, 1873, $100. Ella Ellwood ( W). 3, 4, Auburn Bov 6. 7 (5 0). 2:41^, 2:43. 2:44, 2:43. 2:45, 2:46, 2:48. 2:42, Muigs:ins,,br g (3 :3l). " P. Farrell. San Francisco, Cal.. Dec. 27. 1873. .$500. Topsy 1, Columbia Maid (3 dis), 2:44.2:43%. 2:46.2:44. 1). Dennison, Sacramento. Cal.. June 2. 1874. $2,000. Fanny Maloiie 3, 2:41, 2:37!2, 2:37, 2:39. - — \V. II, Shear, .lune 8. 1876, .$400. Nelly Grattan 3, James Lick, Flora (1 dis), Ben Wade (1 dis), Clark (1 dis). Oregon Jake (1 dis), 2:31, 2:35. 2::fl).'2:424- San Francisco. Cal.. June 24, 1876, $200. Flora 1 1 dis), 2:.50;4. Julv20. 1876. $100. Billy Walker 4. 5, Nelly Grattan 1, Nancy, Lady Emma(2 dis), 2:36i4,'2:»l. 2:37,2:38^, 2:38^ . Re~no. Nev„ Oct. 16, 1877. $600. Lulu 1. Jewess, Honevlake Chief, 2:47%. 2:49%. 2:46%, 2:44y2. — J. Taylor. Portland, Or., May 21. 1879, .$200. Mvstery, 2:41, 2:41. Mukwau. b g (3 :53i4). O. A. Hickock. Milwaukee, Wis., Sept. 12 1867. $200. Forest Maid 2, Storm, 2:57, 2:48%, 2:52' i. Four-vear-olds. Muley (3:41i4). Mr. Rosan. New Orleans. La.. April 22. 18.58, $300. Mod Puryear (3 0), Sakinkas (3 dis), 2:41i4, 2:4714,2:4414, 2:43%. MuIhoUand Pony, b g (3:43i/»). G. W. White. Watertown, N. Y.,Sept. 8, 1865, $200. Commodore Nutt 1, 2:.51, 2:4914, 2r,50i^, 2:48i4. ^ ^ . Mullin's Bay Mare (3 :45U). W. Muljins. Greenville. Miss.. May 29, 1880, $125. Hams' blk m 1, Netty G., Maria Black, (ieorge Bell. Alexander, Prince. 2:48, 2:451^,2:45%. Muntjer Colt, brg (3:49), M, Munger, Canandaigua, N. Y.. Sept. 8, 1870, ,$220, Gypsy, Little Bill, McPher- son's gr m d dis), 2:.50U;. 2A9)4, 2:49. Four-year-olds. Murat, eh g (3 :46). Mr. (ireen. Boston. Mass.. June 11, 18,59, $ . Unknown, 2-A9.U. 2:481^, 2:46. -Hlurdoc (s). gr g (3 :35) (3 :30 s). Wm. Cottrill, New Orleans, La., May 5, 1852. $200. Rhode Island (s), 2:39* 2:;J7i4, 2:43. Mav 14, 1852, $200. Rhode Island 1, 2:39, 2:42, 2:37, 2:41 re.' (HESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. — - (S) May IG, 185L', SJOd. Rhode Island (Sl l, 4, 2:37, 2:394, ■^:38, 2:38, 2:.«>'i. James L.EolT. C'iiiciiiiiiiri. ().. .July.}. ls,'-)2, S . Moscow 1, 3, 2:41^2, 2":45}^, 2:41'/j, 2:41|2, 2:43f4 July 5, lHr>2, $2m. Lady .Jane, r.i'.'K, :,-:m\. Two miles. IS) lliii lion Course. L. I.. Sept. 2L is.'ij, .S5iK). Blaek Ralpli (s) 1, 2:31, 2:32'/,,2:33><., 2:37. (s)()el G. ls;VJ, 85(>0. Hlaek Ralph (si 1 <2dis). 5:13'2, .S:12. Two miles. Murphy's Kay MareCJ :34). .lohn .Murphy. Providence. R. I., .lulv 14, 1868, $500. Brown Prince 3, Ella 1, .loliu T. Kicli, Kosa (4 dr), .Minerva C! disi. .)im i.f disl, IJghtfoot "(1 dis), 2:,S7^, 2:.18. 2:.'V1, 2:.'tt), 2:38. Miirphy'H Hay Mare (3:10). John Murphy. Fashion Course, L. I., Nov! 5, 1869, §200. McManus' b c, 3:17, .■{:1(). Three-year-olds. Mui-pliv's Gray .Mare ("-4 :51>.i). .John Murphv Syracuse, N. Y., Jiiue 15, 1S67, $25. (Jrandmother, 2-54, i-HlVi Musette. 1) m (a:29i4) by Alinont, dam Mag Coojier, by Ashland. E. A. Smith, Kaiisa.s City, Mo., July 6. 18,'"0,,S.MK). Wild Oats 1, Gen. Custer, 2:34',, 2:32>4. 2::KiU, 2:'M. A. 1>. Carson, St. Joseph, Mo., Sept. 10, 1880, §500. S.ieker Maid 1, U.Charley Douglass 4. 5. Manibriiio Hippy (5 dis). 2:29)4. -':30, 2:29V4, 2:32, 2:30, 2:30^4. 2:37. .1. Kainniond. St. Clairsville, O., Sept. 7. 1n8;j, S . Billy I?. 1.2. Snowflake. Darlington Starlight. 2:36, 2:36,U. 2;29;, 2:32H. -':30i^. Music, ch m (a :31'-) by Middletown. dam by Fiddler. W. C. Trimble, Rosendale, N. Y., Aug 17, 1871, $75. Hurricane 1, Bad Wl'iiskey (I dis).L':45. 2:44. 2:44' ». Four-year-olds. \V:irwick, N. Y.. July 3, 1873, $(«)0. (Joldie, I'unij) Horse, .lennv Carroll, Lena B. 2:39>4, 2:38'.,2:42'i S:iiiilv Hill. N. Y., Oct. 1, 1H7;}, $2.()i>i). (Jeorge 11. .Mitclicll, llamiUou, Nellv Webster. Brown I'rincf. Brown Bashaw (3 dis). Molscv (3 dis). Rol)ert Bonner d disi. J:.!;!'.!, 2::iii;;.j, 2:;!3. Dovlestown, Pa.. Oct. l», 1873, $1,000. Star 2, Stewart Maloney, Susie Parker, Lad v Ross, 2 :32U, 2-30, 2:34'o,2:.S2. Catskill, N. \'., Oct. 15 and 16, 1873, $1,000. Ed. Eaton 3, Lady Emma 4, Everett Ray. Molly Smith, Heath- erblooin, 2::i2, 2:-'9, l':.30'«,2:29';, 2:29. Fleetwood Park, \. \'.. May 28, 1874. $1,000. Carroll, Ki Ki, Berkshire Boy, Belle of Toronto, Miss Miller. Sir Knight, Damon (3 dis), 2:31'.i, 2:29, 2:29. White Plains. N. Y., Aug. 1, 1874, $800. Lady Worthington 1, Ki Ki 2, Ladv Bvron, Buzz, Scotland Maid, Berlin (Url. Viola. 2:35. 2:30'.2, 2:31^4. 2:29'=. 2:32. Fleetwood Park, N. \'., Oct. 24 and 26, $1874, Sl„'30O. Everett Ray 2. 3. Barney Kellv 4 d 0», Kitty D., Comee (5 dis». Joker (5 dis). 2:27i/2. 2:26'2. 2:25, 2:27. 2:2.5. 2:26V2, 2:25. Nov. 14, 1874. $500. Barney Kelly, 2:30?4.2:28'/2, 2:29^4- May 21 and 22. 1875, .«2,000. Vanity Fair 5, 7 (2 0), Tanner Boy 4. 6, Mystic (2 0), tieorge B. Daniels, Ever- ett Rav, Crown Prince, (;eorge(2 dr), 2:26. 2:2414, 2:2.5?4. 2:27. 2:27, 2:32?4. 2:32. 2:28!.>. Hartford. Conn., Sejit. 2. 187,5, $4,000. Maud 3. St. James, Blanche, Gen. Garfield, Thomas Jefferson. John H.,.Iim Irving (1 (lis), 2:2:514, 2 :22;>4, 2:22.2:21i^. Music, ch s i'Z -.nrt). J. Knssell, Oxford, Me, Oct. 6. 187.5. $ . Midget 1. Buckskin Maid. 2:.50. 2:,5.5, 2:55,2:.55. Music, b g (2 :39i^), bv S\vee|)stakes (?). G. F. Uhler, Roekville, Conn., Sept. 26. 1878, S175. Kitty Hill 3, Billy Stevens, l)ick,"Wiily i2 dis), 2:40'i, 2:40, 2:48.2:45. Music, b m (3:56), by Happy Medium. G. W. Smalley, Plainficld N. J.. Oct. 8. 1870, $35. Tattler, Frank (2 dr). 3:46K>. 3:29'4. Three-vear-olds. Oct. 1, 1880. .$,50. Freeholder. 3:10, 2:.56. Four-year-olds. Music, b m (3:10). G. Burcli, Carthage, O., Aug. 29. 1883, $50. Gray Jim 1, Anna Dickinson, Ladv S., Mamie C. ,3:17.3:13.3:10. Music in tlie Air, b iiu3 :36), by Sweepstakes. R. Dempster, Belmont Park, Phila., May 23. 1S78, $200. Buzz .Media in. Little Dan, Harry K., May Blos.som (1 dis). 2:40. 2:39. 2:39. Ambler Park, Pa.. Sept. 27. 1878, $100. Lizzie F.. 2:50'/2, 2:48. 2:46i/4. Five-yearolds. Musty (w), 1) nii3:4« w). Hiram WoodrulT, Union Course, L. I., June 10, 1857, $500. Bowery Bov ovi, 2:53. (W), Centreville, L. I., June 29. 1857. .'jilOOO. Bowery Bov (wi X 2:591^. 2:55, 2:53. 2:52;i. M. VVa rreii. b nn 3:3.5). S. Hunt, Syracuse. N. ¥., June 22, 1876, .$400. Charmer 1. 2, John Holmes Jr. 5, Dick Jones, Carrie B., AVhirhvind, Crook, 2:39i4,2:40?4, 2:41. 2:42?4, 2:40Ji, 2:46i4. Newark. N. Y.. July 13, 1876. $300. Ida L., Star, Harvey, Strideaway (3 dis), Jim (3 dis), Billy Gray (.< dis), 2:41,2:,3.5,2:.38i.i. M. "W. stimpson, gr j; (3 :41). M. Carroll. Beacon Park, Boston, Oct. 15, 1874, $200. Brown Harry 1, Prince, George, Ladv Loring. Lazy .lim. Oeneral P'earnaught, 2:43'i:, 2:44i^i. 2:41. 2:44^;.. M. Y. I). Colt, ch 111 (3 ■Mr^Ki). ' Morse's Y. I). Co., Meriden, Conn., Sept. 21, 1883, $200. May Jefferson, Daisv Trunilmll, New England Bov. 2:409i, 2:.'t99i 2:41?.i. Norwich, Conn., Sept. 25. 1883, $150. Oakwood Belle, Esther T., Empire 2, 3 (5 dr), 2:.37, 2:40, 2:41 Vj. 2:3,5^ 2:38K>. Sept. 27. 1883. $200. Star, Ino, Helen Mar (3 t. 26 I87s,".$ — . Alnionarch, 1:28. 1 :27'o. 1 :29. Half-mile heats. Three-year-olds. Mvr«»n i'errv. I)g(3:84'.,), bv Young Cobiinbus, dam by Hopkin's Abdallali. M. Roden. Albany, N. Y., ' .Inly to, 1868, .?700. Sir .lohn, Nellv Locke, Hunter. 2:29'i, 2:31, 2::iO. Buralo. N. v.. July 28, 1868, $1,000. Henry. Billv Barr, Sir John. Sjiringville Chief. Skinnewalia (2dis), 4. Catskill, N. Y., Sept. 12, 1868. .S.5(K(. Carpenter's b m, W. H. Taylor. Lady Whitman. 2:31, 2:32, 2:31. Hudson, N. Y., Sept. 28, 1868, .$400. Bcmes. Burger, 2:40, 2:38K'. 2:37K I'rovidence. R. I.. Oct. 14, 1868, $2,000. Hotspur 3, 4 (5 0) (60), Cora, Clara (3 dis), 2:28H, 2:27>/!, 2:26J4, 2:28'^, 2:27^4. 2:31, 2:25';. Boston, .Mass., June 10. 1869. $1..500. Mountain Alaid 1,4, Hotspur, 2 :3U'4', 2:34, 2:34''», 2:35. 2:36. lulv 7, 1869. .$2,000. Hotspur. 2:27, 2 :.'10. 2:29V,. Philadelphia, Pa., July 20, 1869, $1,000. Hots'pur, 2::n. 2:29, 2:33. W. H. Burst, Watertown, N. Y., June 23, 1871. .$1,000. Lady Lightfoot (3 dis), Pilot (3 dr\ 2:48,2:43, 2:27^4. Rochester, N. Y.. Aug.'!, 1871, $ . George AVilkes (30). 2:.30, 2:29. 2:26^4, 2:28. Elmira, N. Y., Aug. 31. 1871, $500. George Wilkes 1. 2:38, 2:37>^. 2:38' i. 2::i7J.^. W. M. Huniphrev. Providence, R. I.. Sei)t. 26,1871, $3,600. Draco Prince 1, 2, John J. Bradley 3, 2:'i!». 2:28K>. 2:.30, 2:31, 2::<.5U. 2:31. Myrtie Thompson (Idol), b m (3 :23), bv Stephen A. Dougl.iss. dam bv L. I. Blackliawk. W. S. Cook, Dalliis. Tex., June 9, I88I, ,$ — -. T(mi Moore .!, 5, Clarence H. 4. Dick Shain (1 dis). No time. D. Dennison, Corsic:iiia. Tex.. April 27, 1882. .$200. Manibrino, Kokonio. 2:35, 2:.30, 2:.35. Myrtle, bm (3:3r.'„),bv King's Champion .Ir.. dam Old Jane. l)y Zeillev's Eclipse. R. S. Bent, Framingham. Mass., Sept. 19, 1877, $100. Mattie .1. Lady Maud. Clharles, Kittv Lanibert. Vashti. 2:48. 2:51, 2:48. 2:48. CHESTKR'S COMI'LpyrE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 528 Milford, Mass., Sept. 26, 1877, S;i50. Lady Honto (2 0). Vasliti (1 dis), Kitty Lambert d dis), Regulator (1 dis), 2:43'i, 2:-K;i4, 2:46>^, 2:43. Broctoii Mass., Oct. 5. 1877, $150. Gen. Landers. Fearless, Kingston Maid (3 dis), (iazelle (3 dis), Midius (3 dr), lied Cloud (1 dis), 2:42, 2:38, 2:38'j. Hudson, Mass., Oct. 19, 1877, $200. Henry l, Lady Holt, Johnny, R. B. Thomas, Mattie (3dr), 2:39, 2:38, ^ Dover, N.H.. Julys, 1878, $400. Oshlega Belle, Katy Did, Dolly Davis, Palmer Boy (2 dr ). 2:31, 2:31, 2 ;.>3 f 4 . • July 5, 1878, .$400. Katy Did, Volunteer Girl. Robert Bonner. 2:.%, 2 :.■»'/», 2 :34?4. Hartford Conu., July 10, \xix, .■S400. Ne\vbrook3, May Day, Harry. Juno, Dolly, Katy Did (4 dri, Jeremiah (4 dr), Olive (1 dis, 2:30Vi, 2:;52. 2:30. 2.31J/4. — — Plainville Conn , July is. 1878, :if400. Butcher Boy 4, 6. Black Diamond 3, 7, Dauntless 5, Nelly Rose, Oshlega Belle (.5 dr), 2:33, 2:;{3,2:33, 2:30, 2:37. 2:36'2. 2:37. 2:33'2. Providence, R. L, July 23 and 24, 1878. $400. Dio, Oscar. Tonmiv Norwood. 2:30, 2:30, 2:30'2. ■Ceene. N. IL. Aug. l', 1878. $300. Belle Oakley 3, O, Lady Daggett 1, 5 Clara J., 2:31, 2:32i4, 2:32'4. 2:32M. 2:33V4.2:33'2,2:3G. Mystic Park, Boston, June 5, 1879, .?30O. Dio. Iron Age. Ben Fratiklin (2 dr), 2:29, 2:33, 2:31irs. Prospect Park. L. I.. June 10, 1879, $4(K). M. R., Lottie K.. Lady Linion, Nelly, Belle Smith, '^and Hill, J. H. Ferrv, S. S., Ellsworth. Jessie Maud, Tommy Norwood, 2:2,".'c. 2:2fii/a. 2:27. Providence, R. I., June 17, 1879, $400. Lottie K., Dio, 2 :28i^4, 2 :3l, 2 :;«). G. Meister, Timonium, Md., Sept. 9. 1881, $200. Billy Badeye, Stonewall, Clara Morgan (3 (lis), 2:35>4, 2 :3.5?i;, 2:3414. . . . ^ , , Myrtle, rn m i3 :36-'2\ by Flying Cloud, datn Lottie Moore, by Toronto Chief. J. \ ork, Ligonier, Ind„ June 7, 1878, $80. Tom Scott 2, 3, .losie D., Haw Patch (5 dr). 2:50. 2:57. 2:.52, 2:52, 2:50. ■ A. D. Helm, Coldwater, Mich., May 21 1879, $300. Lulu K. 1, 2. Tekonsha, Belle Smith, Bay Prince (5 dis). Highland Golddust (4 dis),2:50Vi, 2:.52, 2:50'4, 2:51, 2:50)4. May 22, 1879, $300. Will Cody, Kate Hall, Parana, Velveteen, Little Tom, 2:50 >4, 2:51, 2:.50. Fremont, O., Aug. 14, 1879, $250. Sam Tilden, Pinky, Molly Crowell. 2:41, 2:41i4, 2:42. W. Emniett. Minneapolis, Minn., Sept. 10,1880, $500. Troubadour 4, Sheldon 1, George K., Highland S'?al Hattie B.. 2:33«. 2:30^. 2:33, 2:3U4, 2:31. Mystery, ch s (3 :53). W. M. Duncan, Marysville, Cal., Sept. 4, 1860, $150. John Nelson 2. 3:05, 3:08, 3:11, 3:08, Stallions. Samuel Hvatt. Sacramento, Cal., Oct. 3. 1862, $20. David Hill. 2:53. Mystery, blk s (3 :.51). C. W. Bell, Holtou, Me., July 4. 1868. $50. Pennington. 2:51.2:,51, 3:05. Mystery, ch m (3:30?i£). G. G. Sharpstein, Winsted, Conn., Oct. 6, 1868, $105. Gen. Sherman, Belle Britam, 2:37, 2:37'i, 2:30»i. , ^ . Mystery, b g (3 :41!4). (3 :38 s). by Hambletoi\ian. Thomas Jackson, Prospect Park, L. I., June 18, 1870. Prize, silver. Addie Webb 2, Jack (3 dis), 2:4254, 2:45,2:411/4.2:4514. June 20, 1872, $1,000. Howe's ch g. 1 (3 0), .5:29, 5:241/2, 5:31, 5:.30y2. Two miles. Hall's Track. L. I., Aug. 2, 1872, $500. Constitution **,-/.. x t 0,1, Mystic Maid, b m (3 :37?i). S. Hayes, Mystic Park, Boston, JiUy 24. 1868, $150. Boston Rattler (w), Ladj Flagner (l dis), 2:38, 2:372i, 2:38i^. CHESTEK'S COMPLRTK TROTTINC ANO I'ACINC. KKCORD H Nabocklish, br g (2 :39^), (2 :28*\ by Rising Sun. J. C. Simpson, Chicago, 111., Aug. 2G, 18C3, S^20^^. Jersey Boy 2, 3, Davy. 2:40. 2:37, 2:40. 2:.J7:'4, 2:39. IJavfiiport, la., Sept. 11, l»G3, $175. Scalpel 1, Tom, Flying Cloud, Luily P'enton. 2:29. 2:28, 2:30. 2:32. Short track. Decatur. 111., Oct. 1, 1863, $200. Jim Rowell 1, 2:38'j, 2:3694, 2:33>*. St. Louis. Mo.. Nov. 23. 1863. $500. Harry Neal, .li-iscy Boy, 2:.S9V4. 2:41K>. 2:44. J. C. Kelly. Chicago. 111., .lulv 8. iscjl, Srm. Lib biniuiick. 2:47, 2:42, 2:31'. James Conlisk, June ,'>. 186.'). $800. Lady W alker l i2 O), Lady Leonard, 2:34, 2:34^4, 2:36, 2:42, 2:41^. St. Louis. .Mo., Oct. 4, 186;"), ••§ . lientlc Annie, Quaker Bov, 2:3414, 2:36. 2::ni^a. Oct. 10, 1865, $1,300, I'iiot Temple l, .lohn A, Logan 3, 2:31'2", 2:34(2, 2 :33i.i , 2 :32J^, 2:301^. Cincinnati. O.. Nov. 9, 1865, $200. Kcenan (2 dis;. Gentle Annie (1 dis). Traveler (l dis), 2:.32i4. 2:32. Nashville, Tenn.. Nov. 21, 186.'), $550, Quaker Boy (2 dis). Ten Pin Johnny (2 dis), Jim i2 dis ), 2:4.3. 2:33^. Chicago, 111.. Sept. 26, 1866, $1(K). Plough Boy, Little Maria. 2 :37, 2 :35, 2 :36. Naiad oueeii, b m (3 :20i4), by (ioodings Champion, dam Tackev, by Pilot Jr. J. C. Brown, Elmira, N. Y., June 15. iJvsi, .S3(m;. llciiry Clark, Rosa B,, 2:,j5i;4, 2:^.")'4, -j-Au^.i,. Jersey Shore, Pa.. Sept. 30, 1881, $200. John King. Alish;ii>, 2:33, 2:3.5, 2:32. A. Davidson, l.cwisburgh, Pa„ Oct. 7, 1880, $160. Turk, La. 2:29»^, 2:28. 2:2794- Beacon Park, Boston. Sept. 7. I88O, .«;i.OOO. Parole. Zilthena, Sinclair, Lady Kelso (2 dis), Tom Hendricks (1 ds), 2:27%, 2:2714, 2:26;4. Albany, N. V,, Sept, 18, 1880. $1,000. Tommy Norwood, Duroc, (Jlondale, I'uolala, Larkm, Champion Oirl. Fleming (iirl. 2 :27'4, 2:25^4 o,'25u,. Beacon Park. Boston, Sept, 05, 1880. $500, Wilbur V- Lady INIartin, Golden (iirl (3 dis). 2:24}.^, 2 :23^, Nancy,' ch m(3:00(. G. Snow, Oneida. N. Y.. July 28. 1882, $100. Bay Billy 1 2:53. 3 :W), 3:01. 3:02. Nancy Bas««'*t- '' "'■ -'o'"' «• H*""!''' Portland, Me., Sept. 19, 1878, $70. Chilian. 1 :.';8, 1 :52. 1 wo-year-olds. Nan"'y nobson'lw;, b m <2 :52 w). William Whelan, Union Course, L, I., J:in. .«), 1S5h. .*.m L nde Sam (w), Nancy Fat! h^m^(2':"41i/2). C. Simmons, Fashion Course, L. I., July 22. 1868. $250. Louisa 1, 2 (4disi, 2:45^, NancvHacke«,^rn'm (3:20), by Wood's Han>hletmiian dani the Hackctt V:'''V;..,,]^y- k " '{'lll^V.ryrfri' Cleveland O Oct 4, 1877, $600. Frank Kernan 1 (3 0), Joe Kellogg. Nettie ( .. ( arrie K.. t ottage Girt, -^^^^^TY'^^V^:^:''^^^Z:f!t Bonesetter, Steve Maxwell. Lady Voorliees. Gold- nnder. B:ite^an, Monarch Rule, 2:24'/,, 2:2.3M, 2:224, 2:2;< S-.llv Nancy Hall.b m ih-AlH). H.C kess, Oxford, Pa., Sept. 29. 1882. $12.5. Helen LcMngton. H:ittic Ross, Sally I5!'iek (•' dr) "'4'^'^ 2"45'i' 2-48. Elkton, Md.', Oct. 4, 1882. .$175. Delmont. Frolic. May «•.-'*% -•i^'..rV'^^*- Oct r. 1889 S175 Kate Medium 1, Delmont. 2:42'". 2:4114, 2:4%), 2:4ii?.i. Nancy Shank, lilkm (2 :37V>). Hume .^ Kendall, Leckport, f Y -ruly 6. 1871. S350. Garibaldi, Joe Simpson. Na,S^^;;^:^7h -^7^ :^"T'^"^n!el?lK ^^ lillia S-sS^rim, $100. Alexls. Judge Drnry. Na^^;^f ;n\l':^/^'j:'}l^'ph^pl'^^^^^^^ sept. 1«. 18n7,S50, Jerry Peck 1 (4 dr). 2:56. i'''sei)t*\5 1867 $.300. Dutch Boy 1. Malone Chief. Lady Franklin (3 dis), 2:45. 2 :44 2 :46'2, 2:50, NankeXbrm 2:38''2). S, Dixon, Rittersville, Pa., Oct. 2.5, 1876. .$2.50 Jenny Moore l.^^iln'-^r •'^r.^ey Boy Tom Scott, P. S. Vincent, Little Nell, Revenge, Burnloist (2 dis), Gypsy Belle (2 dis), tanny G, (2 dis>. 2:391/2,2:39,2:381^. 2:42. o ^ *^ Q td CO ►^ VJ 1 — I o CHESTKKS COMPLETE TROTTING AND I'ACING RECORD. 526 Nanny B,, Dm (3:491^), by Darlbay. Robinson & Dobyn, Richmond, Ky., Aug. 8, 188:;. $40. Victor, Emma Clay, 3:15, 3:04>4. Aug. 0, ISS'J. .SlTjO. Katy Mac 1, 2 iSS'i, 2 :49'/2. 2 :i9\i. Nanny Johnson, b ni (3 -.Si'i). G. A. Fiske, VVatertown, Coun., Sept. 28, l»8i. $150. Moody 2, 3, Fred, Fred Howard, Kate Douglass (4 dis), Billv (1 dis1. 2:39^^. 2 :42Ji, 2:44^4, 2:47, 2:44K'. Danbury, Conn., Oct. 7, 1881, .$150. Moody 2, Lady Sherman, Daisy Pearsall, Kate Douglass, 2 :37>4, 2:37^4,2:424,2:41. Nanny Talbot, bm(3:39i4V by Stratlimore, dam by Joe Downing. K. Thomas, Maysville, Ky., Sept. 23, 1882, §400. Stranger2. 4. Jim Hill 1. Bonn\ Wilkes, 2:32W,2:28. 2:ii9'4. 2:29^ 2:."iO,2:;iK. Naoine, dn in (3:35). Mat Colvin. Torre Haute, Ind., May 14, 1870, .$75. Billy Barr Jr., Grit (2 dis), 2:46M, 2:45^, 2; 47':. Napa Boy, grs (3:33'., >. Mr. Dexter, Vallejo, Cal., Sept. 10. 1874. .$.50. Danger 1, Jersey (2 dis), 3:43, 3:43, 3:33>,. Three vear-olds. Napoleon, b g (3:4 1). George Spieer, Beacon Course, N. J., May 10, isas. .$100. Daniel Webster 1, Blinker, Mail C;irrier. Medora, 6:14, 6:02, 5:51. Two miles. Oct 16. 1838, .$100. Cato 1, Lady Suffolk, Ion. 5:42K', 5:.38. 5:39. Two miles. Wm. Whelan, Centreville, L. I., June 5, 1840, $100. Lady Swan, Alice Darvill«^ Cato, 5:22,5:26. Two miles. (w), Sept. 15, 1840, $250. Mingo (w), Aaron Burr (w), 2:45, 2:45. 2:47. Napoleon, — s (3 :43V2 s). Simon Wicke, Baltimore,Md., Oct. 2, 1860, $ . Blawk Hawk, Montreal, 2:42H. Stallions. Napoleon, b g (3 :43?i). J. H. Phillips. Watertown, N. Y., Oct. 9, 1867, $75. Nelly Gray 6 (3 0), Lady Lightfoot- 1 (20) (4 dr), 2:.")0, l':.52, 2:46 2:48, 2:51. 2:48, 2:42?4. Napoleon, gr g (3 :35). P. B. Saur, Norwalk. O., Aug. 13, 1878. $300. Lucv C 1, Jack 2, Lady Elden, Mohawk Gloster, LucvrJ dis), Jav Cook (2 dis), Humpnose (1 dis), 2:37, 2::'.6, 2:35.2:3.51/'. 2::!6. Tremont, O., Aug. 28, 1878, .$200. Lady June 2, Betsy Ann, Alex S., Loafer. Balm of Gilead, 2:40^, 2:50, 2:.38. 2:35. Aug. 30, 1878. $300. Alex S (3 0) Lady Beach, Betsy Ann, Abdallah Bov, Ladv .June (3 dr), John S. (4 dr), 2:.35, 2:35, ,2:35. New London, O., Oct. 15, 1878, $200. Gray Dan, Tommy Dodd, Maggie Fretl. 2::!9, 2:39, 2:3794. Napoleon, b g (3 :45). Lord & Ennis, Buffalo, N. Y., July 3, 1880, $.500. Lady P. 2. 4. 2 :4.")i4. 2:43, 2 :46, 2;43i4, 2:4.5. Napoleon, ch g f3:34ii). R. Dempster, Waverly, N. J., Sept. 19, 1882, $150. Montclair. Hardware, Bessie Hall (3dr), 2:43^4, 2:U%, 2:51. K. Dempster, Rittersville, Pa., July 4, 1883, .$75. Brown Jim 1. George Brooks, 2:43. 2:424. 2:34'4, 2:35. Napoleon (3 :50) J. L. Cox, Kentvijle, N. S., Sept. 29, 1882, $ . Charley 1, 2, Sammy, Barbara, Nelly (4dis), May Belle (2 dis), Nelly Nelson (1 dis), 2:54, 2:.52, 2:51, 2:.50. 2 50. Napoleon II.. grg(s) (3:46 s). Mr. Reed, Cambridge, Mass., June 2, 1h38, $100. Lexingtons 1, Young Buckskin s, 2:49, 2:46, 2:46.2:47. Napper, b g(3:37), by One Eye. G. A. Emory, Atlantic, la,, June 7, 1882, $250. Georgia 4, 5, Duster 1, Bot:iny Bav (2 disl, 2:414, 2:474, 2:42^, i:43i4, 2:40, 2:41. P. Sanford, Salina, Kan., Sept. 29, 1882, $125. Georgie 1, 4, 2:42'4, 2:37, 2:40, 2:40, 2:37. Narraffansett, br s(3:40). A. C. Arnold, Kingston, R. 1., Sept. 14, 1880, $50. Highland Maid, Plough Boy, 3:01 14, 3:01ij..2:.59Vii. Sept. 15, 1880, $65. Charles Allen, Kingston, Abdallah Star (2 dis), 3:04!.^. 3:03, 3:07i4. Stallions. Sept. 16, 1880. $70. Fred, Cora Jefferson, Abdallah Star (1 dis), Tom (1 dis), 3:03}^, 3:05'4, 3:12^. Providence, R, I., Sept. 17, 1880, $50. Highland Maid, Plough Boy (2 dis), 3:0014, 3:01^.2:591^. Kingston, R. I., Sept. 13, 1881, $80. Fred l. Highland Maid 2, Laura. Andrew Allen, 2:50?4, 2:51, 2:50Si, 2:514- Sept. 14, 1881, $65, Charley Allen, Abdallah Star, 3:144. 3:10?i. Stallions. Narrow Gauge, grg (3:38). N. Li ttlefield, Mvstic Park, Boston, July 17, 1876, $100. Charley M. 3, Lulu B. 1, Kate (1 dis), 3:01, 2:484, 2:49'4.2:4(;, 2:47. Julv 21, 1876, $ . Thomas S. 3, Lady Sinclair 1 (4 dr),2:5iys, 2:41, 2:45, 2:38. 2:48. Narrow Gauge, b g. Capt. Martin, Dallas, Tex., Dec. 7, 1881, $125. Arilla, l.,illy Dale. No time. Two-vear- olds. Nasbv, rn g(3:5l). John Peabody, Indianapolis, Ind. Nov. 5, 1868, $ . Dan (2 0). Ten Spot, Flora, 2:57, •2:r>i\i, 2:52.2:51. Nashua Maid, wh m (3 :40). S. A. Hull, Meriden, Conn., Sept., 21, 1876, $200. Meriden Girl, Pixie, Niantic Bov. 2:;.0i.,. 2:t9V4, 2:3<;, (\v) Boston. Mass., Nov. 2, 1870. s:34. ^ Neal's IJay Mare (« :67), by Ashland Chiel, dam by Tranby. B. II. >eal, Lexington, Ky., Oct. 18, 1876, $300 PrcwitCsblk s. 3:00, 2:57. Two year-olds. , , „ ,,,.., NealTriie, brs(:5:04). True and Caldwell. Harrodsburg, Ky., July 21, 1871, $ . Stoddard Johnston (Idis), r.acon Moore (1 dis. 3:05. Three-year-olds. K 11 Dotv. July •_'(). 1873. S75. Whirlwind (1 dis), 3:04. 1- our-year-olds. Nebo chgi8-4«). bv ManibriiH) Rattler, dam by a sou of Volunteer. S. B. Bartholomew, Port Allegheny, l"a.. .Inly 4. l!<8l. SlbO. Taniierv Girl. Hallie, Harry L.. 2:50,2:495-2, 2:51. lulv 5, 18«1, SI.")!!. Ilaltie. Tannery Girl, 2:50, 2:49'.^, 2:51. . Iidy6. 1shi,.t;150. Tannery (Url, C. K. Fenton, 2:51, 2:50, 2:.50'/2. „ ,,,^. , . , II i'oi)(. .lersevCitv N J Aug. 31, 1HH3. .'JIOO. Katie 1, Speedwell, Whirlwind, 2:50, 2:53, 2:48.2:53. Nebraska Bill. ch g(3 :44'o). W. Nelse, Newark, O., Nov. 3, 1859, $75. Joe Gordon 1, 5 (3 0). Beauty, Flora, 2"49 ■'■44'» 2"48 ''•49, 2:.59. 2;49'j. Nebraska Graiiger gr g (3 :45U.). J. K. Ish, Omaha, Neb., Sept. 30. 1874, $400. Lucy Smith G (5 0), Roan Henry 1,2(3 dis>, Wild Bill (2'dis), 2:42'..2, 2:44V2, 2:50. 2:541^, , 2:47, 2:45ix;. Nebraska Maid, b m («::$«). W. Patrick, St. Louis, Mo., June 19, 1865, $100. Chicago Rose, Toin tester, June 20. l86,o.".k'(K)" Ben Young. Tom Foster, Clifford (2 dis), 2:38. 2:38, 2:36. Ned, ch g (3 :48). R. Demi.slor. BeTvidere, N. J., Aug. 11, 18.59. $.50. Old Joe, 2 :48Ji. 2 :,52, 2 :48. Ned] ch g (3 :39). D. C. Livcrinore, Adrian, Mich., June 22, 1865. $ . Black Oak 2, Lady Lanergau (1 dis), l^Johiriv 'Turner, Sufrolk7'ark, Phila, Aug. 8, 1805, $100. Butcher Boy (2 0), Keystone 1 (5 dr), 2:40^^, 2:46, 2 '45*4 '* '4''! ** '46 ^ (W).' Will.' Van Osten, Sept '27, 1865, $300. Moll (W). Bill, 2:49. 2:44. 2«43. E Hall I'errvsville, Pa., June'20, 18G7,$300. Shoemaker, 3:02, 2:54, 2:56. Ned. b g ^3:49). J. Joslyn. New Haven, Conn., Oct. 1, 1867,$75. Brown Jack, Dandy. Hill's bm, 2:49, 2:49!^. Ned,'b'g(3:47'.,). A. W. Small, New Castle, Del., Oct. 16, 1867,$75. Abe, Gen. McCall. 2:47U 2:49. Ned(\erm()nt lioy), rn g (8 ::J5>. L. Sargeant, Leavenworth, Kan., July 5, 1869. * . I-rank Mann 1, Honest John (2dis). Kate Wasson(2dis).2:4G?.i, 2:42, 2:42. ,„„„.„„ t>, . t> h. j t • 1^ Ned gr g 1 2 ■.-.Mt). George A. Aver, Boston. Mass., June 28, 1873, $200. Plough Boy, Modoc, Louise, Fanny, South Boston iiov. Jim Fish, I'etd dis). •::44 ^4. 2:46^. 2:44 , , ^ , . , „ ,,; o ,<= o .- o ,.ni/ Great Falls, N. H.. Oct. M, 1873. $175. Hiiam 2. IMack Ralph, Lady Noyes. 2:45. 2:48 2:4< 2:49^. , Jjinies Golden Haverhill. Mass., Aug. G. 1874, $200. Seamstress, Milkmaid (1 dis), 2:45,2:45J4, 2:44i4. ■ Fitehi)iirgh, Mass.. Oct. 3. 1874, $300. Nelly, Belle of Worcester 2 '.44^;, 2:45. 2:46'^. . ,„ ^, > ., „ Cicat Falls. N. IL. Oct. 28. 1874, $350. Honest Tom 3, Jerry, Black Ralph, Dan Bryant (2 dis), 2:41, '*'43'n ''•!!' > "•4''i'.. li (ieorge H" Hicks,' Mystic Park, Boston, May 5, 1875, $50. Kosedale, Fearnaught, Blanche, Andy Johnson, ^'*Georw A*''Avers. Brockton. Mass.. Oct. 9. 1875. $75. Eosa 1. 3. Middy.2:48, 2:40. 2:42K>, 2:50. 2:39. James (iolden. Waltliani. .M;iss., June 3, 1876. .?250 I^ve Oak 2.2:39. 2:43 2:51, 2:40. _, ^ ^ ^^ , ,„ Ned (w), gr g (8 :50 w). E. .lones. Fl.'etwood Park, N. Y., Nov. 18. 1874, $100. Monarch (w). .i:00. 2:56 3:12. Ned. b g (2 :41). T. M. Plaisted, SI. Stephen, N. B., Aug. 25, 1875. $175. Kingston Girl, Occident (1 dis), 2:45, ^' Woixlstock. Out, Sept. 1. 1875. $120. Bonner. Mattie Williams, Duke of Wellington, 2:51, 2:48,2:43. Ned. ch g (3 :4894 1. George K. Swope. T^inib Tavern, Pa., July 12. 1875. $100. l)on 3. 2:.5()i4. 2:48?4, 2:49%. 2:52. Ned, blk g (8 :55). W. H (ihid.liiii. Providence. R. L, Oct. 6. 1875. $.325. A\ ickford Belle 2. l-anny Gray , Clipper, John (3 dr), Frank (3 dis). Neal (2 dis). Dandy (1 dis), Mary (1 dis 1. Joe looker a dis), 2:53, 2:54, Ned,''b's'(3'^06'l!''' G. A. Johnson, Sandusky, O., Sept. 25, 1878, $15. Fairy Cloud 2, Quixy, Mohawk (2dr), 3:16, -,'^hg.^%).'NTmt? Sandusky, O., Sept. 24, 1879, $20. Minnie D. 1, H. W.Beecher, Flat foot Hunter, 3:07, Ned.'ni *g'(3':40M)y Donnyi)'r()()k. C. Perry, Machias, Me., July 5, 1880, $50. Lady Hamilton, Senator, 2:52. fop'sham. Me., Oct. 11. 1882. $.35. Fred l, 2, Brunswick Boy 3:00. 2:.59, 3:04 3:01, .•?:02. Ned, blk g (2:r,3%). J. Jennings. Jersey City. N. J., June IG, 1881. Prize, medal, Brokaw 1, Kate 3, 3:01, 2:58, "■49'i 2"')3'i Ned'blk's/S'Oi) F SavaL'e Waukon, la., Sept. 22. 1881, .S50. Kate B.. Nance. 3:02, 3 :ni. 3:04. Nld;bs(3:45U^,yOverl:m Cal.. Aug. 24, 1882, $m Debby Mott. Warwick. :45i^). by iick Foster Ladv Starr 2:.'i9. 2:50'.i, 2:.54^.i. 1 nree-vear-ouis. _, P^ dm : 'c 1 Aug «>: 1882. $.350 Debbv. Mott, Sister, 2:.54, 2:47K^ 2:45',. Three-year-olds, Ned,l.g(8:44','i).l'.vthe^ihafTe W. D.'Ciross, Reading, Pa., Sept. 29, 1882, $1.50. Purity, Pawnee Ned^,Th s :I':VI).' b>^KU'al 'g.''^"a. L. McCrea, Gouverneur, N. Y., Sept. 4, 1883. $10. Young Flying Cloud, 3:16, Ne«l?b 'g iTr 8 I'll)!''' F^'lLCozzens, Carmel. N. Y., Sept. 12. 1883, $.50. Nelly Coulter. .3:21 >.., 3:21^, 3:25. Ned, bg(:J:(M!i;) Geo. Pike, Rochester. N. H., Sept. 26, 1883. $50. Daisy Dean, Major, Kitty Gray, Rose, Necl.'b*'g(8;44l!^?^' J. R. Minaker, Pacheco, Cal., Oct. 3, 1883. $150. Phelan 1, Sobrante. Bonner Jr., 2:60, 2:44'i, 2:4.3?.i,2:4G'c. Ned I Ned Job Ned Ned'Airen"'^grg (3:39';), by Wapsie, dam bv Brignoli. O. Teller, Nashville, Tenn.. May 27, 1873. $160. Gray Eddy 3, Chuck, Lizzie B. Red Cloud (1 dis). Bob Ford (1 dis), 2:47J4, 2:47, 2:61, 2:54. CHKSTRH'S COMPLKTP: trotting and pacing ItECOUI). 527 Indianapolis, Ind., July 8, 1S74, Sl.OOO. Lottie E. l, 4, lYamp, Daniel Boone, Mohawk (i dis), Blaclv Frank Udis) ,2:36^,2:39^, 2:41. . (w) William A. Owen, Detroit, Micli., .Julys, 1.S75, $300, r.ill Mchaughliu (w) 1, Cant. R. (w) IJelle (w) (1 diS)^ 2 :.oO, 2:49,2:49, 2 :46ii. e. v / . i y >, Ned B. (^e^l). grg (3:36). A. W. HracU.'tt. Portland. Me., Sept. ?i. 2:.".7. Oct. 20, 1880,$ . Fanny M. 3,4, Boxer, Belle H.. Nettv Thurston (5dr) 2:53*4, 2:47'.;, 2:47. 2:47'; 2:48'2- " - t i< Ned Buckley, bg (3:36). A. T. Whiting, Washington, D. (". June 12, 1877, $2.-)0. .Jersey Boy, Mount Hollv. Gen. McArthur, 2:39, 2:tlii. 2:41. ' ' Nov. 15, 1877, $250. Jers. V Boy. Modoc, Gilt Edge (3 dis) 2:UH. 2:4.3, 2:40' .;. Xed Buntlin ch s (3:56\ D. Hart, Huntington, L. 1., July 27, 1859, .§10. Nobody Knows, 3, 4, Brown Jake. 2:59. 2:56, 2:.57, 2:54, 2:58. Ned Buntlin, rn g (2:56). George Hawkins, Riverhead, L, I., Oct. 8, 1869, .«.50. Griffin's blk g, 3:02?^ 2-56 3:10. ^' John Southard, Sniithtown, L. I., July 22, 1871. $:o. Oyster Boy, Lady Alice, Ladv Brewster, 3:00. 2-57. 2:57. Ned Butler, ru g (3:39>4). D. M. Ogden, Stouey Ford, N. Y.,.)une 27,186.3, $100. Skid, 1, 4,2:44'/^, 2:42^,2:39'4, 2 :44. 2 :46J^. Ned Cole (Haviland), l)r g (3 :39'4), by Mountain Chief, dam l)y Bundy Morgan. L. Snell, Jersey City, N. J June 14, 1883, $50. Kitty Clyde. 2:56=,. 2:53. 2:46, C. Davidson, July 4. i8S3. $90. Jerry Lee, Harry A.. 2:43. 2:44, 2:44. Aug. 17, 1883. $30. Maggie, Phil Dwver. 2:40?4, 2:40. 2:41. C. Heims. Nov. 29, 1883, $100. Hero 2, Harness Bov, May Florence, 2:42'/, 2:42, 2:39J^, 2:43?^. Ned Cromwell, blk s (3 :00). H. W. Lovejov, Lowell, Mass., Sept. 22, 1883. $200, Achsa M. 3, Nelly S Billy Allen, 3:00. 3:02, 303' 2, 3:0214. " '' Neddy (s), b g (3 :49 s). L. Herr, Louisville, Ky., Oct. 23. 1849. $200. Stranger, two others, 11 :16, 11:35. Four miles. Ned Forrest, br s (3 :35), Sim Hoagland, Fashion Course, L. I., Sept. 11, 1865, $500. Abdallali Chief (1 disi, 3:35. Four-year-olds. Ned Forrest (Henry B. PatchenX b s (3 :33io), by George M. Patchen, dam by May Day. Ben. Daniels, Kala- mazoo, Mich., Oct. 4, isiic. $175. Fr:ink Moscow, Gray Eagle, 2:40, 2:38?i. Monroeville, O., Oct. 16, 1866, $i:;0. Joe Curry. 2:43'2, 2:38^. Fashion Course, L. I.. July 23. 1867, $800. Jack Lewis, Carpenter'sgr g, 2:36, 2:33, 2:34. Ned Forrest, b g (3 :36). S. T. Lea, Baltimore. Md., Nov. 13, 1866, $250. Hector, Belle of Baltimore. Marv- l;ind(2dis) Warrior (2 disl. 2:30i4, 2:36. 2:36i4. Ned Forrest, blk g (3 :38'.,i, ]>}' Keene's Brandywine. S. Hayes, Boston, Mass., Aug. 4, 1871, $200. Bowen's b m. Gray Dick, Black Bess. Blackstone Boy (2 dis1. 2:53U, 2:49=i. 2:51%. W. W. Cameron, White Plains. N. Y., Axig. 1. ls74, $10(7. Morton, 2 :39i4, 2:42, 2:41. Wolcottville, Conn., Sept. 8. 1874. $250. Jimmy Norton 1, Arthur, 2:42, 2 ::!9, 2:43, 2:43. Beacon Park, Boston, Nov. 6. 1874, $200. Franlc Hall 1, 4, George B., Prowess, John T. Eussell (5 disi, Jenny (4 dr). Don't Know (4 dis), 2:35, 2:34, 2:3.5, 2:.3.5, 2:37. Mystic Park, Boston, Nov. 12. 1874. $300. Belle Dean 3. 5, Effie 4, Sir William Wallace. John T. Russell Frank Hall, Lady Foxie (3 dr). 2 :35i o, 2 .34_ 2 :35i4, 2 :35, 2 :34, 2 :."4. James Golden, Beacon Park, Boston. May l, 1875, $100. Honest Harry, Ladv Whitman, Frank Hal. Effle, 2:38, 2:.35'i.2:35'4. Mystic Park, Boston, Mav 6, 1875, $100. Effle, Frank Hall, 2:.>6V.^. 2:3014, 2:36i.i. M;iv 11, 1875, $400, Belle Dean, Arthur, Frank Hall, John T. Russell (1 dis), Ludlow Boy (1 dis). 2 -.37, 2:3*4; 2:35'^. a. W. Bi-igham. Montreal, P. Q., July 14, 1875, $400. White Cloud, Capt. Smith, 2:34}^, 2:35, 2:38. •- July 16. 1875, $000. White Cloud I.Charley Green 2, Ben Smith. Ko time. James Golden. Mystic Park, Boston, Aug. 13, 1875, $400. Flora Bell 4, Frank Palmer 2, 2:39'/2, 2:31'/^, 2:31. 2:.31U. 2:31. W. W., Cameron. Bethel, Vt., Aug. 26, 1875, $600. Frank Palmer, White Cloud, Kitty Cook 1 (3 dis), 2:.35i^, 2:35, 2:36, 2:38. Rutland, Vt., Sept. 18, 1875, $100. Maggie 1. 2:54,2:38, 2:40, 2:413^. Norwalk, Conn., Sept. 16, 1876, .$200, M:ijor 1, 3:21, 2:49. 2:51, 2:52. Ned Forrest, ch s (3 :01). R. Dempster. Easton. Pa.. Sept. 30, 1874, $200. Black Rock, Barney, 3:01, 3:03, 3:04. Ned Forrest, ch s (3 :50iii), by George Sherwood. J. Wimble, Hubbardstown, Mich., July 4, is78, $100. Nelly Cutter, Bay Molly (1 dis). Beauty (l dis), Clav (1 dis), 3:02'4. 2:.-7, 3:02. Four-year-olds.' Coldwater. Mich., May 11, 1880, $300. Wilbur F., Transit. Chief Jr., 2:50'2, 2:51. 2:50^^. Ned Foster, grg (3:44). G. B. Morse, Sandusky, O., Sept. 22, 1880, $80. Little Jim, Harry B., Mambrino Rawleigh. Jay Cook, 2-44. 2 :45. 2:46'o. Ned Green, b g (3 :.56). H. West, Easton. Pa.. June 18, 1873, $150. Sue, Frankinfield, Drover Boy, Nelly G., Barney (Idis). Key West Maid (1 dis), 3:004, 3:00, 2:.58i4. June 20. 1873, $100. Ella 2, 3, Sue, Dolly Varden (4 dis). Drover Boy (l dis), Barney (l dis), 2:57}i, 2:53, 3:00, 2:.59, 2:50. Ned Hastings, 1) s (3 :33V^\ by Taggart's Abdallah. dam Lady Kendall, by Guy Miller. O. A. Mudgett, Golf*, town, N. H., Oct. 2, 1878, S75. Nelly roUins 1, River Girl, Tommy Rogers. No time. Greenfield. N. H.. Sept. 10. 1879, $2."0. Torrent, Hattie, Lady Sherburne. No time. C. E. Mosher, Boston, Mass., May 27, 1880, $150. Katy Eastman, George, Patchen Star, 2:32J^, 2:34, 2:. 'if)'.,. X.Vjenkins. Manchester. N. H., Oct. 16, 18R3. $100. Charley K. 1. 2, Cai)t. Sellick, Fanny P., 2:3li^, 2:32, 2:.33. 2 ::!6V4, 2:3614,. Ned .Jackson, br g (3:39',2), bv Gen. Knox. P.Gorman, Brockton, Mass., Oct. 16,1881, $100. Ned. Jim Fisk, Ciilumbus Maid (2 dis), '2-A3U. 2:39'.2, 2:42^. Oct. 7, 18S1. S150. Ned, Starl)right. Columbus Maid, 2:42,2:42, 2:41i4. H. Brock, St. Albaus, Vt.Aug. 30,1882, $100. Nelly Bly 1,4, Creeping Lucy, Nannette, Daisy Dean (2 dis). Buckshot Bill (2 dis). 2:44. 2:43, 2:42, 2:43, 2:43. Ned Jones, ch g (3 :374). G. H. Burke, Syrd,cuse, Is. Y., Sept. 7, 1869, $300. Lady Burke, Kelly Horse, 2:37J^, 2:45 '2. 2:41%. Ned »I., b g (3 :31i4). G. R. Drake, Macon, Ga.. Oct. 31. 1879. $200. F. B., Trouble, 2:40, 2:42, 2:52. Eufaula, Ala., Noy.5, 1879, $ . Zona, Duster. Keuible Jackson. 2:45. 2:43,2:44. Ned Moore, gr s (3 :41'4). G. B. Bryan, St. Joseph, Wis., July 4, 1870, $ . PaH Mall, Joe Bowers. Slier- man. Ewert (1 dis), 2:414, 2:46. Ned Norris, blk s (3 :00), by Conn's Black Bashaw Jr., dam bv Gen. Thomas. J. Wimble, Coldwater. Mich.. May 23, 1879, $300. Lena Belle, Effle G., Buffalo Bill, Black Cloud, 3:01, 3:00i^, 3:00. 628 CHESXERS COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACI>G RECOIM*. Niles, Minh., May 27, iwo, §75. Niles 1, 4, Otto Wheeler, Sleepy Jaek, Ohio Boy (^ dr. No lime Ned S., (I'at) l)r^la:3ol, by Vouiig Morgan. C. Irviii, Omaha, N'el),, June 10, 1»"'5, $iJOO. RullundUirl;^ Denmark t;j dis), 2:40, 2:4g, 2:43, 2:45. Ua.stings. Minn., Sept. 17. 187.''), S . Josie, Brown Nelly. 2:44J^, 2:38'2, 2:43?4. E. C'orrigan, Kansas City, Mo., Sept. 20, 1870, $400. John Dmunng 1. 4, Col. K. D. Baker Noilawav (5 (lis), 2:40. 2:38, 2:3S, 2:40, •.':3,';. Leavenworth, Kan., Oet. 11, 1876, $400. Neil 1, Border Eagle, 2:;s.'5, 2:40. 2:41'4, 2:43'4. Topeka, Kan., July lO, ls78, $2,00. John Bender, Charles \Vestl)roQk,2:3."). 2:35U., i!:36 July 11, 1878. .•54(tO. MonVoe, liandall, T. E. Oakes. •J/.io, 2:35>4, 2:35. Kansa.s Citv, .Mo., July 4, 1882, S . Te.vana, 2:3S'i. Ned Sutt.i. Four-year- olds. ■ James Oolden, Portland, Me., July 9, 187.''), $750. Jean Ingelow, Col. I'.arnes, jMinnie Lambert. Dare. 2.31U 2:3l'4, 2:;{4. Lvnn. Mass., July 13, 1875, $500. Jean Ingelow 1, Belle Dean, George IMaynard (1 dis). Col. Barnes ( 1 dis). 2:.3(IW. 2:31J4."2:34, 2:34'... lulv 15. 1875. $1,000. Billy Platter 2, 3, Col. Barnes, 2:,35, 2:32'/o, 2:33'4, 2:,32. 2:34. Beacon Park, Boston, Sept. 22, 1875, $2,C00. Ben Smith 4, Lady Snell 3, Jean Ingelow, Flora Bell, Tom Moore (3 dr).2:30'4. 2:29'^, 2:.31, 2:30K., 2:30. oore \,i (ir;, .j:,juvi. v::.".i'j, j:.ii, z;.«»v-», z:.«i. (Jreat Falls, N. IL, Oct. 2, 1875, $010. Young Rattler 1. Belle Dean, 2:3f>, 2:3r>U, 2::i5^, 2:35';. Lynn. .Mass., Nov. 5, 1875, $.500. Belle Dean 1, 3, I5abv Boy. Lady Amiie (3 disi. Flora Belle (2 dis). 2:3ti. 2:37, 2:40, 2:35, 2:36. Beacon Park, Boston, Nov. 9. 10 and 11, 1875, $200 Belle Dean 5, 6, Flora Belie 3, 4, Georgie B., Baby Bov (5 (Id. Magacie S. (3 dis). 2:,31, 2:29, 2::i0' :,, 2:.30'i, 2:31. 2:30, 2:30^4, 2:31. Nlvstic Park, Boston, .hme 13. 1876, $700. Kitty Cook 1, 2, Charley Mack 4. Bullv Brooks, Baby Bov, King William (4 (Ir). 2:28, 2:26, 2:261^, 2:28' j, 2 29, 2:.31'/j. Beacon Park, Boston, .lune 15, 1876, $1,500. Flora Belle, Kitty Cook, Belle Dean, Dusty (3dr», 2:26, 2 •2,5, 2:28*4. ^"Hartford, Conn., June 28, 1876, $1,000. Charlev Mac, 2:25Vi, 2:29, 2:25K'. Marshficld. .Mass., Oct. .5. 1876. $175. Little Gv'psy, Tom Pink, iNellv Walton, 2:27'o, 2:31, 2:29. E. C. Wallace, Dover, N. H., .lune 22, 1877, $800. Honest Harry, Charley Mac, T. A., Little JSIary, 2:-(; .. . 2:27. 2:l:9 Ned ■Whirlwind, bg(3:3.'>i;') by Whirlwind. P, L. Rush, Beaver, Pa., Sept. 14, 1880, $200. Prince, Mam- brino (lav, Kati; Forrest, Due Bill, (i. D. Prentice, 2:4314, 2:44, 2:43'2. Sept. 17, 1S80, $200. INIamlirino Clay, Due Bill, Starlight, Gov. Hartranft, 2:48, 2:45, 2:46. Sharon, Pa., Sept. 30, 1880, $200. Lorain, Goldstone, 2:351/5, 2:42, 'Z-.SS'z. S. E. Gallagher, Beaver, Pa., Oct. 6, 1881, $225. TopsyC. 1, Brownwood, Sleepy Dan, 1:M>U. 2:39^;. 2:.39";. 2: 39 '4. Needle ciun, b s (3 -.STK). George M. Ferguson, Greensburg, N. Y., Oct. 14, 18U8,$200. Unknown, 2:45, 2:45, 2*45. Neighbor Ups, b s (3 :38) bv Thornedale, dam St. La\vrence Maid. W. F. Osborn, New Haven, Conn., Oct. 6, 1880, $50. James B. l. Toothpick, 2:49' .:, 2:54, 2:.55, 2:59>i. • Neil, b g (3 -AH). C. Brooks, Centreville, L. I.. Oct. 9, l.<*54, .$500. Jim, 2:48}^^, 2:45, 2:45'2- Neilson, grm(3:31';). J. H. Goldsmith, Elmira, N. Y., Sept. 25, 1877, $300. Shorty Fount:iin. Remorse. Captain, Laurelton, Champion Girl, Dolly, J. B. Sprague, Mercury, Diamond Crown i2 dr), 2:40, 2:39' •>. 2 *38 ^ Sept. 27, 1877, $.'500. Dolly, Champion Girl, Captain, Laurelton, Shorty Fountain, Remorse, 2:38H, 2:37, 2:39^2. Syracuse, N. Y., Oct. 2, 1877. .$200. Zero, Mountain Girl, Livery, Shorty Fountain, Lawrence, Nora (3 dr), 2:40, 2:381.^, 2:38. Oct. 3, 1877, $200. Nelly Rose, Livery, Major Priest, Champion (iirl. Zero, Avalanche, 2:39?*. 2 :4.')»4. 2:44U- Beacon Park, lioston, Oct. 10 and 11, 1877, $400. Billy D. 1, 4, Notfield 5, Ruff, Virandiere. Johnny, Fanny P., Peter (0 dr). Nigger Baby (0 dr), Jeremiah (5 dr), Harry Robinson (5 dr), Dolly Davis (5 dr), Morris (5 dr), Pauline (5dn. Anni(! Bdleyn (I dis). 2:.i3>^, 2:34, 2:33, 2:31, 2:,32. 2:34. Oct. 1)5, 1877, .$400. Walter 4, Billy Moscow 2, Little Dandy, Dan Rocket. Cora F., Eva, Wizz. 2:31V&, 2:.'J2^, 2 :32?., . 2 :31 ' .>, 2 -.-.ah- W? G. Lewis, Flemington, N. J., Sept. 27, 1878, $50. Adeline R., 2:38, 2:35. 2:47. Nell, b m (3 :37), bv Thomas Jefferson, dam Rose Terry, by Hand)letonian. T. S. Carpenter, Providence, K I., Oct. 4. I87f;, i. Black Duff (2 dis), 3:12, 3:08, 3:04 3:07. P. Smith, Quincy, 111., Sept. .5, 1877, .$.500. Hero 2. 5 (4 0), Charley Hall. Alice, Clara Cleveland (1 dis). Corisamh^ (1 dis), 2:3.5U,, 2:40. 2:.38'',i, 2:.38i/,. 2:37. 2:42 ',. St. Joseph, Mo.. Sepl. 14, 1877. .'?400. Dim 3. J. L. Stevens (4 dis), 2:41',, 2:47^, 2:47i4,2f38^. Manlwittan, Kan., ()ct. 5. 1377, $125. Maior Wiiisbip, Fmprcss. Black Cloud, 2:.54, 2:48. 2:51i^. Lincoln, 111.. Oct. 26. I877. .S.'«)0. Walter I,.. Vandalia .loc, Bessie (2 dis), 2:46, 2:47i.i, 2:48i.i. I), w. Brenneman, Cedar Rapids, la., .hme 14, 1878, $rA)o. Marion B., (iranger, Ellen C , Gentle J im, Phyl- lis (1 dis) 2 *.35 2".3.5ii 2*39Vi '■ Daven'port.'la., .lune 10, i878,.$.'500. Gentle Jim 1, 3, Marion H. 2, Jim Lane, Ellen C. (3dr), Friday (1 dis) 2:.32, 2:34. 2:32, 2:.35. 2:.36. 2.37. , , . Cincinnati, O., July ft. 1878, .«il,0O0. Gr.ay Salem, Up and Up. Dan Bassett, Du.ster, Chira Cleveland (3 dis), Ladv Guest (3 dis). Tom Hendricks (1 disi, 2:29'/s. 2:263.,, 2:27. Columbus, O., July 12, 1878, $600. Ancient Order Boy l. Up and Up, Hermes, Alfred, Wildair. 2:1:9. 2:29. 2::{0, 2:29. CHESTEirs CU)MPI,ETE THOFilNCi AND TACING KEl'OltD. 529 — Kansas City, Mo., Sept. is, 1878, .«700. Dakota :Mald 2, IMoiiroe, Trouble, 2:27>4, 2:2C,\, 2:27i^, 2:30. — Qnincy, 111., Sept. 24, 1S78, .?50(). Dakota Maiil, Aiubov. 2:29^, 2:;ilU, 2:2914. — Charles S. Green, JMiddli-town, N. Y., Au};. i:}, 1879, .$300. Planter. S. S. Ellsworth (2 dr), 2:28. 2:29, 2:28%. — B. H. Demarest, Cortlandt. N. Y., June l, 1882. .i;4oo. Hattie, Clover, Flora F.,2:329i, 2:33*,, 2:31. — W. H. Snyder, Wilkesbarre, Pa., .June 8, 1883, §500. Lizzie M. 4, Cyclone 1, Dora, Clover, Ladv Lear, 2:29'4, 2:29, 2 28, 2:27i4. 2:281^. — E. Page, Great Bend, Pa., Aug., 9, 1883, $400. . Walnut 3 (4 0), Clover (4 0), Bonnie L., 2:2854, 2:29^, 2:.'», 2:30,2:31. — Cornwall, N. Y.. Sept. 29. 1883, .?250. Josephine S. 1. Emmp C, Young Sentinel. 2:35?4, 2:35'2, 2:3.'). 2:.38. Parkville, L. I.. Oct. 11, 18K;i, s . Manibrino George 2 (0 0), Parole 3, Clover l. Tea Boy (4 dis;, Little Mack (3dis), 2:32'4. , 2:29'4, 2:32U, 2:34, 2:30, 2:37 W. H. Snvder, Jcrsev Citv, N. .!., Oct. 17 and 18, 1883, .$300. Parole 1, 4, Ossian Pet, Star, Little Mack (2 dr), 2:32?;£, 2:31'2, 2:32'... 2:30, 2:33'2. Nell, blk m (3 :54io. S. .1. Wood, Avon Spa, N. Y., Oct. 10, 1874, $150. Billy White 2, Meadow Lark, Smug- gler, 2:54'o, 2:,53'i, 2:5.5. 3:02. Nell, b m (3 :45). G. W. Stout. South Ambov, N. J.. May 17. 1879, $ . Kate, Flash, Dan, Kitty. 3:04, 2:5&M. June20. 1879, S . Hotwater 1. (ien. Grant, 2:50. 2:51'». 2:45, 2:,56. Nell, blk m (% :3»'4). G. H. Ellinwood, (ioffstown, N. H., yei)t. 29, 1880, $75. French Boy 1.3 0), Black Jack,. 2:58, 2:.52. 2:50, 2:50. — - — L. Eobinson, Woodstock, Vt., Sept. 28, 1881. .$100. Lambert Knox, French Boy, Challenge, Rockwood, 2:4(5,2:40, 2:42. (t. H. Ellinwood, Mvstic Park, Boston, Julv 27. 1882, $250. Previous, Zelda, Belle R., Emma D„ Sontag (3 dr), 2:32i4, 2:2914, 2:"29i4. L. P. Woodbury, Lewiston. Me., Aug. 9, 1883, $300. Boston Boy, Drummer Girl. Black Ranger (3 dis), 2:304, 2:2914,3:3014. Portland, Me., Sept. 14, 1883, $300. Watchmaker (1 0), 2:37, 2:38, 2:38. -2:37. West Cumberland, Me., Sept. 27, 1883, $170. Camors, 2:44, 2:40 2:31. Nell Briordy, b m (3 :4 1). Mr. Brady, Santa Cruz, Cal., Oct. 28, 1880, $120. Joe Dean 1, Brown Charley 2, Bay George. 2':40i2, 2:44. 2:41, 2:42, 2:42. • 1. \V. Gordon. Salinas Citv, Cal., Oct. 14, 1881, $150. Sarpedon 1. 4 (5 dis), 2:46'4, 2:4914, 2:42?£, 2:51k, 2:43. ■ E. J. Swift, Santa Cruz, Ciil.. Aug. 1,5, 1382, $175. Joe Dea:i 1, 2:45'«. 2:43i/j, 2:4.5, 2:44i4. Nell Crockett, blk m Ci :33i4>. W. Smith. Los Angeles, Cal., Nov. 13, 1876, $400. Pilot Chief 1. Barnes' Idol, Major (1 dis), Gladstone il dis). 2:34, 2:39, 2:38V2. Nov. 15. 1876, .$400. .Maggie Mitchell, Barnes' Idol, 2:35i4. 2:41, 2:41. .J. McCord, San Francisco, Cal., May 9, 1878, $150. Belle Flower 1.4. Prophet, 2:38. 2 :34i^, 2:3C,2:38,2:37'/4. Nell Gwynne (s), ch m (3 :47 s). I. Woodruff, Harlem, N. Y., July 13, 1848, $50. Telegraph (s) l. Lady Ran- dolph (s), 2:44, 2:47, 2:. 50, 2:49. Neliv, grm (3:38'2). Mr. Parrish, Detroit, Mich., Aug. 28. 18.52, $200. Golddust, 2:42, 2:38i/2. Nelly, br m (8 :48). D. W. McElwain, Greenfield, Mass., Sept. 2, 18.57, $200. Berkshire Boy 1, 2:54, 2:50, 2:50, 2:5.5. • George Edwards, Sept. 9, 1858. $100. Glastonbury Bov (1 0) (2 dr). 2:54. 2:48. Nelly, b m (3 :50). John Wallace, Fulton, N. Y., Sept. 25, 18.58, $ . Tom Benton 3, 2:50. 2:.53, 2:57, 2:53. ^ O. S. Dorman, Barton Landing, Vt.. July 4. 18.59, .$50. Paddy, Little F^ea. 2:51,2:54. 2:53. Nelly, ch m (3 :54). O. Dodge, Cincinnati, O., July 24, 1860, $50. Lady Buckstone 4, Ned Forrest l, 3, 2:57, 2:56. 2:4914, 2:5.5!.^, 2:54, 2:56. Nelly, b m (3 -AS^). J. J. Lyon. New Haven, Conn., Oct. 17, 1865, $100. Nancy 3, 2:529i, 2:51}^, 2:50, 2:48M. Nelly, blk m (3 :54), by Vt. Hambletonian, dam by the Hyde Horse (?i. N. G. Root, Bennington, Vt., June 13 1866, .$50. Major Putnam, 2:.5C. 2:54. (w), June 18, 1866, $25. Major Putnam (w), 2:55. Nellv. b m (3:491^). E. C. Robinson, Springfield, Mass., Oct. 3. 1866, $100. Calamity 1. 2:.5li4. 2:,5l, 2:50. 2:49'/2. Nelly, br m (3:45). /ohn H. Thompson, Goshen, N. Y., Oct. 7, 1868, $100. Big Foot, Larry, Pippin, 2:mi, 2 "50 2 "45. Nelly, gr'm"(3 :43i^). Hiram W. Howe, Fashion Course, L. I., May 10, 1870, $1,000. Pleasure Boy 1, 2:50'/2, 2:4314.2:47,2:561^. Nellv, b m (3 :35?i). James McKee. Patterson, N. J., June 6, 1870, $ . Star, 2:41, 2:35fi, Nelly, bm (3:5614). Mr. Baker, Waterbury, Conn., Aug. 9, 1870, $1,000. Stonewall 1, 2:58, 2:5714, 2:58, 2^561^ . Nelly, blk m (3:40). James Dougrev, Jr., Stillwater, N. Y., Aug. 20, 1870, $100. Saratoga 2 (3 dr), 2:50, 2:40. 2:55. W. Van Tassell, Chatham, N. Y., Sept. 15. 1st6, $100. North Shore, Ghent, 2:43i^, 2:46, 2:47. Nelly, blk m (3:43i4). Boston, Mass.. Oct. 19, 1870, $100. Gray Stranger. Nelly, Topsy, 2:42%, 2:46^, 2:42^. Oct. 13, 1871, $500, Island Belle (w\ 2 :47, 2:44i. 2:48^. Nelly, b m (3 :43), William Moore, Hurstville, N. Y., Sept. 13. 1870, $100. Black Diamond 1, 2, W. H. Taylor (5 dr), 2:401/2,2:411^, 2:42, 2:43, 2:43. „„ .„ . (w), P. Flynn. Albany, N. Y., June 16, 1871, $J.50. Moor's ch g (w),X. X. (w), Belle of Saratoga (w), 2:49U, 2:47^; 2:49. W. Springsted, June 22, 1871, $ . X. X. 2,2 :4714, 3:01, 2:52. Nellv, Ch m (2 :40). C. Whipple, Woonsocket, R. I., Sept. 13, 1870, $100. Kentucky Boy 2, 3, Hill. Peerless, Mountain Rose, 3:03, 2:56, 2:55, 2:.56, 2:48. Sept. 14, 1870, 850. MountainRose, Murphy's mare. Pink, Black Dandy, 3:03, 3:0.5, 3:10. M. Mason, Providence, R. I., Nov. 6 and 7. 1873, .$250. Dolly 4. 5, Black Jim 3. Ben Follet l (4 dis), Ira Brown (4 dis), Adams Carpenter (3 dis), Ketwah (3 dis), 2:43%, 2:41i^. 2:42, 2:3714. 2:41, 2:43%, 2:40. A Johnson, May 26. 187.5. $100. Vic 3, Wolfhunter 1, Fearless, 2 :4.5V^, 2:41.2:441-^. 2:4.5, 2:41. Woonsocket, R.' I., June 29, 187.5. $200. Crazy, Vic, Wolfhunter, Fanny Phipps, 2:48%, 2:4.5, 2:46. June 30, 1875, $250. Gray Dick 3, 4, John Lambert 1, 2, Honest Allen (3 dr), 2:40, 2:41, 2:43, 2:40, 2:41%, 2 "41 2 •4'* Nelly, gr in" (3 :51). .L Bennett. Cleveland. O., Oct. 7. 1870. $100. Warriors, 5, Archie, Ohio Girl, Three White Heels4, (5dis), 2:.55. 2:.51. 2:.52i4. 2:.52%,2:.5.5, 2:58M- ^ ^ , t> . ,c „ Nellv, chmf3:54i^). T. Alfield. Uniontown, Pa., Oct. 8, 1870, $100. William 1,2, Jersey Buck, Pat Malloy, No Name, 2:.57. 2:.52, 2:.54'i, 2 :.55, . Nelly, b m i3 :.56). J. Morrissey, Cumberland, Md., Oct. 17, 1871, $75. Hiatoga, 3:15, 2:56, 2:58. James Collins, Oct. 19, 1871. .$7,5. Hiatoga. 2:5814, 3:011/4. C)ct 2'* 1874 $'*5 Clutterback .3*.34i4, ,3*571 «, Nellv, b m Tt :58U)'. Fred Abbott, Worcester, Mass., Aug. 10, 1872, $ . George, 3:06, 2:59y,3:05'. Nellv. gr in (3 :50V4). George Crane, Moravia, N. Y., June 13, 1873, $105. Recluse 2, Jim 1, Clara, Hattie (4 dr) 2:48i;, 2-48%, 2:50i4, 2:54, 2:52. Nelly, bm (3:20). Thomas Newman. Easton, Pa., June 19, 1873, $100. Kentucky Boy, 3:28}^, 3:29i^i, 3:20. Kour-vcEtr-olds Nelly, ch m (3 :33i/2). W. H. Crawford, Chicago, lU., Jiily2, 1873, $1,000. Albert 2, 3, Quicksilver, Fox,2:33Ki, 2:35,2:36,2:35^4, 2:35H. 34 roo. <). A. Hickok 1. stoiu'wall 4, Jericho, Black Frank, Orlando (4 dis), Dan T. .1 dis). 2:41. -^i;!. 2:43, 2:4:.', 1!:45. Nelly, b ni C^ :3.-)'i). A. 1"". l.iilher, Norfolk, \ a., July 26, 1873, *1,000. Sam 3, 2:46, 2:37J<^, 2:48, 2:4.'-.. ■ ,llllv31, l«7.i. *- . .llll)itfr, John (1 dis), 2:424, 2:3.5^, 2:42. Joliii A. McCall, Kak'iKli. N. C., Oi-t. 22, 1873, *8(K). rriiiri' of Wales, 2:48, 2:37, 2:38^2. Nell V, 1) iim2 ::?!)'"). lU'iirv Nute, Mcnitpi'lier, \t., Aug. 21, 1873, 5!20O. iStoriu King, Hlack Kiiiul .. ("olonel, (ianibler, Ladv'Conloii, .Sootti'd Jim, lihu-k Mack (2 dn. Maggie d disj, 2:42W, 2:41i>-4, 2:42. .S. VV. .loncs, Kutlaiiii. Vt., Sept. 12, 1873, $500. Kitty Tliorn, Royal Mike, Frank (3 drj, Tarn O'Slianter ^3dn, 2:41'8,2:4294,2:44>.4. , ^ . Nelly, ell ni {2 -AOU)- J- il- I'liiHips, Deerfoot Park, L. I., Sept. 26, 1873, $200. Houest Abe 3, Flora, 2:56, 3:01V.., ^-JiTK 2:.''>3'.i. Philip Duffv, April 2. 1804, S200. Barney 3, 2:53, 2:54, 2:r,r>, 2:51?^. .lune 11. 1874, §400. Orav Kate 2, Barney i3di.s(. Lot l.ot(3 dis), 3:06'4, 3:00, 2:54, 2:54. E. II. ll-ard. Aug 31. 1874, S300. Capt, Jinks, 2:48, 2:47. Nelly (« :51 ). S. D. Wiggins, Ellsworth. N. Y., Oct. 23, 1873, $ . Gen. Davis 2, 3:00, 3:03, 3:04, 3:02. Nelly, b ni ri iSO'-.it. !•'. M. Swan, Doylestown, Pa., Oct. 8, 1873, $100. Maid of the West, Mary, W. H. Force, Peuu.^grove, Camden d dis), 2:.")P4, 2:."j1^.i.2:50'.i. Nelly. ell m fi :"»«). J. C. Baeli. New Orleans, La., May 31, 1874. Prize, cup. Billy. 2:.'')7. 2:56. Nelly, b m C-i :49). D. Lancaster, Rockland, Me., Oct. 8, 1874, §140. Flying Fox 2, Plough Boy 3, Fred Gumey, Prince Albert (4 dr». 2:52, 2:53, 3:02, 2:,'-.6, 2:55. Nellv. b m I a :46!4). C. B. Muriav, Fleetwood Park. N. Y., July 17. 1874. SIOO. Jim Coyle 1, West Side. W. H. B'mr. Ithara. 'rimmiv Moori' (2 dis). Lady Cross (2 dis). 2:44, 2:50. 2:49,2:46i.j. Nellv, blk ni (« :5a?a ', •>y liic .locelyn Horse. A. E. Lovejoy, Waitslleld, Vt., Sept. 2, 1874, S75. White Mountain Maid 3. 4, Ginger 2. 15etty Hayes (5 dis). 3:00}^, 2:58^. 2:53, 2:54, 2:55, 2:.52?4. Four-year-olds. (;. F. Sollaee, Barre. Vt., Oct. 13, 1874. $100. Kit, Fanny Sollace, Ginger (3dis), 2:54, 2:.W, 2:54. Nelly, gr m (a:38). M. I>onovan, Fitchburgh, Mass., Oct. 1, 1874, §2,50. Rollstone Boy 3, George R., Jimmy, Black Prince, Belle (4 dn, Harry Knox (2 dr). Tomahawk d disi, 2:4S»/,. 2;4!t';, 2:48. 2:47. Williiim Wek-h, Manchester, N. H.. Nov. 4, 1874, §200. (icorge Pcabody 1, 2, Lady Daggett, General, .Schoolmaster, George P., Flcetwing (3 dr), Lady Sherlmrne U dis), 2:36, 2:36, 2:38, 2:40, . Nellv 1-^:47). G. Larriinore, Newark, O., Oct. 1, 1874, § . Lady Barnes, 2:47, 2:49. Nellv, ch ni {'3 :48). ,1. G. Mead lldrnellsville, N. Y.. Aug. 2o, 1874. .¥(100. Elliot 1. 2. Thomas Moore, Maggie Mitchell, Bay .Hmmv. .lohn E. Ellis, Kitty Keller (1 dis), Fred (1 dis), 2:.50. 2:51. 2:,")(). 2:51.2:50J^, — Aug. 21, 1874. §250. Carrie. John E. Ellis, Lilly Pierce, George (\ dis), American Boy (1 disj is), 2:61, 2:50. 2 "51 '- J. W. Ingalls. Skaneateles. N. Y.. Aug. 28. 1874, §150. .lim Waldron. Brown Billy. 2:48. 2:49K>. 2:49. Nelly, b m i'^ :.50). J. 11. Bro»vn, Lynn, Mass.. Jniu' 4. 187.-). .«;ion. Jnno, Edwin, 2:.')0, 2:54, 2:,55i.i. Nelly, I) m (2 MS). J. Carter. Beacon I'ark. Boston. July 28, 1875. §200. Blanche 2. 3, Doctor, Combination, 2:36'/2, 2 :38, 2 :34V2, 2 :.35, 2 :3!)kl. Oct. 8, 1875, §75. Dexter 1. Taconv, 2:57, 2:55. 2:5.5, 2:55. Nelly, b m (S:4 7). J. G. (Junu. Sturbridge. Mass., Sept. 10, 1875. §100. Bush Boy, Limber Jim, Lvnian, Stranger, Nelly, C. B. and Q. Charley, 2:51, 2:47, 2:50. Nelly, br m (3 •.•'>1\2)- Henry S. Hall, Worcester, Mass., Sept. 24, 1875, §125. Fanny Waiker 4, Frolic, Lance- wood, Midnight, 3 (5 dis), 2:57. 2:.'i6, 2:51, 2:50i.i, 2:51)^. Nelly b m (3:32), by North Star .Mahmrino. A. Tnlts, Mystic Park, Boston, July 31, 1875, §300. Mingo 3. B'eii Flagler (w), ■2:371:. 2:3.">io. ■^■■^h, 2:37 May 1, 1876, .§50. Florence 2. Ned. Lady Foxie, Stimson (3 dr), 2:37^, 2:38i^. 2:38. 2:3854. Nelly (3:431/2). Mr. Butler. Dei.ver, Col., Nov. 8, 187.5. §,"00. Dollv, 37:14V.. Ten miles. Nellv. gr m (3 -.SO'i). Eli Wells, Dixon. 111., Sept. 17, 1875. §300. Jesse G. Llndell. Quarry Boy, Daniel Booone, Alexis (3 dr). Creator Golddnst <1 dr). 2:40. 2:."9'2, 2:40. Tiskihva. 111., Sept. 21, 187.''>. 400. Monarch Rule, Lady Mack, 2:39M, 2:40»4, 2:38. • Se|)t. 2.i, 1875. §400. Quarry Boy. Ladv .Mack, 2:44, 2:44, 2:44^. Se|)t. 24, 187.5, .§400. Alexis, Frances, Poitngee, 2:40'i, 2:40>o,2:41>.i. Freeport, 111., Sept. 28, 1875, .§.500. Lady Logan, Badger, Medoc, Nat Baker, West Liberty, Geo. Lucas (1 (lis). 2:30?4. 2:31, 2:3:^^4.. Nellv. 1> 111 (3:43). Daniel McFee. Port Huron, Mich.. Oct. 11, 1875, $ . Golddust, Ned, Ilardroad, 2:47!,, 2 :42. Nellv, 1) 111 (3 :31). John E. Turner, Sutfolk Park, Phil., Mav 15, 1876, $1,000. Florence. Fleetwood, Faugh-a- ballagh. David. Alonzo. Modoc. Hall McAllister. 2:31. 2:31, 2:32. AiDlder Park, Pa., May 30, 1876, .§500. Mlddletown (l dis), Gallus Mike (1 dis), Midway (l dis). Little Nell i1 dis). 2:32. Doylestown. Pa., Oct. 4, 1876, $.500. Little Mike, Venus (2 dis), , , 2:39»4. Point Breeze Park, Phil., May3,1878, $150. Lady Daniels, Maggie M. (2dr). 2:40, 2:34.2:34. Nelly, blk m (3:01U). Ed Somers. Beaver, Pa.. Sept. 28. 1876, $30. Gen. Lee, Jack, Tuckahoe, Star, Long Reach, Farmer Kimble, 3:0.3J4, 3:01 '4. Nelly lir m (3 :39). I). L. Hewitt. D;iyton, O.. Oct. 9. 1876. §400. Johnny M. 4. 0, Silver Dust, Col. Clyde, J. R. Hazard, Picpia Belle, Hannah 1, 2 (6 dis), Mambrino Cloud, Mat Burns (5 dr).2:44i^. 2:45, 2:46J4, 2:44?4, 2:44, 2:40, 2:44. E. B. Bavliss, Warren, O., June 27. 1878, $250. Sunshine, Davy C. Beautiful George. Robust Hazard, Good Moriiing, Duroc (1 dis). 2:.S9, 2:42,2:40. Nelly, br m (3 :00). A. H. White. Seneca Falls. N. Y., Oct, 18, 1876, $150. Lady Dexter, Owego, Ida H., 3:01, 3 '00, 3:02. Nelly, ch m (3 :50). AV. H. Brav, Belmont Park, Phil., Nov. 2 and 3. 1876. $7.5. Lucille 2. .*?, Tom Chandler 4. Nellv Earl, Helen R. (4 dr),Harry (4 dr), Gray Pony (4 dr), Atlas (3 dr), Athlone (2 dis), Eliza King (2 dis). Black .lohn (2 dr), 2:.50, 2:51, 2:51, 2:49?.i, 2:.50V4, 3:12. Nelly, b m (3 :48). J. Hobsoii, Woodstock, Yt„ Sept. 27, 1876, $100. Mary 2, John B.. Snowdrift, Linda, 2:50, 2:.5(), 2:48, 2:51. Nelly (w), b III (3:48). E. L. W:idsworth, Mystic Park, Boston, Oct. 25, 1876, .§100. Eastern Prince, Honest Nathan, Thunderliolt, 3:02V2, 3:02, 2:.^8. ^ ,, Nelly (3:5314). II. Hathaway, Springlield, 111., Sept. —, 1876, $150. Gen. Singleton, Col. Knox, Pilot Gold- dust, Springfield, 2 :54V4, 2 -.n.^Mj- „ ., „ Nelly (3 :00). Sims & Son, Jersevville, III., Oct, 10, 1877. $30. Mambrino Pet (2 0). Great Western, Sally B. (3 dis), Freddv C2 dis). 3:10. 3:07. .'':00. Four-year-olds. Nelly, chm (3:5'8Vi). W. T. Birch, .Savannah, G a., March 7 and 8, 1877, §200. Robin Hood 1,2:54^, 2:59^4, 2:.58'/,,2:.59?4, March 8 and 9, 1877, $200. Robin Hood 2. 3, 3:03»,, 3:08. 3:06^, 3:04»^. 2:,58H. Nelly, b m (3 :4«), .1. Johnson. Westerly, R. I., Oct. 2.5, 1877, §150. Lazy Bill, Tip, Providence Maid, Fred C. (2dls), 2:49, 2:49U,'2:.50. Nelly (3:49). A. HT Baker. Omaha Neb., Oct. 16, 1878, $ . Little Prince, Great Western, Frank, Brown Prince (2 dr). 2:4!t, 2:53',. 2:55. Nellv. 1) 111 (3 :30), by (Jreen's Haiubletonlan, dam by Y'oung Morrill. J. F. Matthews. Fleetwood Park, N. Y., May 8. 1879, §100. Belle of Aberdeen, Avondale. (ieorge Clark, Newbrook (2 dis), 2 MH, 2:35. 2:37. ( JIKSTKKS COMPLETE TUOTTIXO AND PACING RECORD. 531 Snirolk Park, Phila., May 13. 1879, «i300. Jessie Maud 1, 3, Judgment, Little Dick, Athelstan d dia), Col. McDailiel d dis), 2:3'.', :;:30, 2:34, •_*:32, 2:34. Nelly. Ill III ( i :4Gi..i). J. N. Houeyiuaii, Lambertville. N. J., Sept. 9, 1879, $100. William K. 3, 4, Kate, May- flower. \Viiidsor~Il., Delaware, Black Maria, Western 'iirl (.5 dis), 2:50,2:48, 2:52, 2:53, 2:54. Sl'pI. 10. 1879, ;iflOO. Spunky, .MavHower, .loliu .1.. 2:53^3, 2 :54',2. 2:o\\4- — Somerville, N. J., Oct. 7, 1880, $75. Kitty Thonipsoii 2, 4 (5 0), Patcbeu, Midget, 2:46^, 2:50, 2.47»/i, 2:52/,, 2:48,2:-19?4. Nelly, I) in. R. A. Feagle, Lockport, N. v.. June 12, 1880, $200. Brown's blk m. No time. Nelly, ch m(!}:44^). J. Hard. New Hayen, Conn., Oct. 6, 1880. $100. Kate Lambert, Spot, 2 ;46}^, 2 :44i4, Nelly, brm (3:36i4,). by Mike. C. W. Kabler, Yreka, Cal.. Oct. 12, 18S1,.S200. Lady Clyde, Maggie Arnold, Siskiyou Girl, 2:41?i,'2:40, 2:.36M. Oct. 15, 18S1, .ssoo. Maggie Arnold, Lady Clyde. 5 :38, 5:25i^. T\yo miles. Nelly, blk mi3:49'.,). O. F. Perry. Simsbury, Conn., Oct. 12, 1881. $20. Baby B. 2, Snow Flake, Billy R., Dut-liMiaii'. 2:.J1'2. -:o3, l':491.o. 2:.">2. Nelly, b 111 (3 tSOi^). e. J. Miner. Norwicb, Conn., Sept. 26. 1882, $25. Red Cloud. 3:02, 2:55, 3:03. C. W. Cliapiiiaii, Woodbury. Conn., Oct. 14, 1882, $75. St. Elmo, Snowdrift. 2:r,oi4, 2:rA]4,, 2:55. Nelly (w) b m (3:53w). D. Lancaster, Belfast. Me.. Oct. 2. 1882.$ . Saiiuw). Coombs ch m ^w), 2:,57, 2:53. Nelly, b 111. D. A. McCbesney. Herkimer, N. Y.. Sept. 13, 1882, .$30. Worthless. Flora Green, 1 :361/2, 1:40. 1:31. Half mile heats. Three-year-olds. Nelly, br m (3:41). E. Pulver, Hudson, N. Y., Sept. 27, 1882, .$100. Bay Leu. Dun O'Brian, Rasper, 2:46J£, 2:44'/2, 2:461^. Nelly, b m (3:46i/2), H. G. Smith, Jersey City, N. J., May 30, 1883, $20. Formosa 1. Montgomery, Frank (3 dis). 2:52, 2:47'.2, 2:57'.;. 2:4G}/s. Nelly b 111 (2 :54'o). H. Oleson, Rochester, Minn., July 3, 1883. $— . Bay Billy. Maggie, Duke (3 dr), 3:05iii, ■' ■543£ ■' '545^ Nelly b in (3 :15), by Grav Patcheii. J. Hart, Jersey City, N. J., July 31, 1883, $100. Cormick, 3:15, 3:17, 3:15. Nelly (3 :53iJ£). J. "McGrath, N. Attleboro, Mass. Aug. 9,1883,$ , Annie E., Tom C. (1 dis), 2:56/2, 2:54, 2:539i. Nelly, ch m (3:59). W. J. Wilson, Burlington, Kau., Sept. 18, 1883, $100. Howard, Kitty, Mike, 2:59, 3:00, 3':00. _ Nelly, ch m (3 :51). W. Trueblood. Newcastle, Ind., Sept. 18, 1883, $ . Tax. Bob, 2:51, 2:52, 2;.51V4. Nelly, br m (3:40i4,), by son of Tecumseh ? W. Smith, West Chester. [Pa., Sept. 21, 188.3, $140. Rochester, Daisy Queen. Maud Pechin, Kentucky John, Minor (3 dis), Sandy (.1 dis), Mary Messenger (l dis), 2:46i4, 2:47, 2: 44. Nelly Allen, b m (.3 :46i4). Dan Pftfer, Proyidence, E. L, May 29, 1875, $50. Countess 4 (1 0), Kichardson's Entry (1 0). 2:52, 2:471^, 2;47i^, 2:46i4, 2:47. Nelly Allen. • Dr. Allen, Brighton, Out., July 2, 1883, $ . Little Sam, Minnie S., Nell, Postmaster. No time, Nelly B. gr m (3 :33"2). by Pochahontas Boy, dam by Blue Bull. N. C. Bus\vell, Earlyllle, 111., Aug. 30, 1872, $.50. Alferetta 2, 3 :23'/2. 3:181-4, 3:23^4. Three-year-olds. Nelly B.(w) (3:441^ w). C. Albertson, Waverley Park, N. J., May 12, 1883. Prize, silver. Elite (w), Annie Mav(w), 2:47, 2:44/2. Nelly B. 3:10). Toledo, O., Oct. 4, 1883, $ . Sleepy Bill. Flying Girl 3:10.3:11. 3im. Nelly Baker, b m (3:44?4), by Biggart's Rattler, dam by Harris's Hambletonian. Mr. Dobson, New Haven, Conn., July 8, 1861. $1,000. "Kate May, 2:49> j, 2 :4tJ' 2. 2 :44=4. C. Langwortny, Fashion Course, L. I., Nov. 29. 186G, $500. Brown Bill 1 (4 dr), 2:45, 2:46M,2:46, 3:03. Nelly Baker, b m'(3:43). W. Tarwell. Morrisville, Vt., July 4, 1871, $100. Bismarck 3, Quickstep (4 dr) Shamrock (3 diS), 2:44, 2:43, 2:41, 2:43. Nelly Bank, brm (3:51). by Artemas, dam Stella Bank. N. G. Edelblute, Brookville, Pa., Oct. 9, 1879. $25. Harrier, 3 :30i ^, 3 :27. Three-year-olds. Punxsutawney, Pa., Oct. 13, 1880, $80. Vienna Golddust, 2:56, 3:00, 3:01. Brookville, Pa., Sept. 20, 1882, $150. Little Billy. 2:52'2, 2:53i4,2:51. Nellv Banker, blk m (3:4714). by Banker. J, H. Powers, Prospect Park, L. I., July 9, 1880, $400. Lizzie Irwin, 2:49^4, 2:4714,2:4814. Nelly Bly ( 3 :56). Saginaw, Mich., Aug. 17, 18(56, $50. Campau Mare, Nelly, 3:00, 2 -M. Nelly Bly, b m (3 :43). Absecom. N. J., Oct. 30. 1877. $1.50. Glide (3 0). Parolet (3 0), 2:43, 2:45, 2:45, 2:45. Nelly Bly, b m (3:36^.i). by Thorndale. C. BrinckerhofE, Peekskill, N. ¥., May 30, 1879, $50. Flora 1., Brooks gr g, P. H. (3 dr). No time. Cornwall, N. Y., June 14, 1879, $— . Clara Morris, Sarah C. (2 dis), Lady W. (2 dis). No time. J. Hazlett. Bradford, Pa.. July 7, 1880, ,$400. City Boy 1,3, Parole 2, Warren, 2:40, 2:40^4,2:41,2:40^, 2:401/^,2:40. July 9, 1880, .$400. City Boy l, 2, Parole 3, Busv Boy, Bay Jim, 2:40. 2:40, 2:40^:^, 2:40M, 2:41'4. 2:40. C. A. Marsh, Des Moines, la.. June 28. 1881, $300. Vermillion Boy, 4 5. (60), Molly Lynch 2, 3 (6 0), Doctor Shephard, Luna, 2:36%. 2:36i4, 2:36^, 2:36i4. 2:37, 2:41^, 2:.39i4. 2:39?4. Nelly Bouton (3 :5l). Columbus, O., Oct. 6, 1874, $50. Fearnaught, McGregor, White Cloud, Couldock, 3:31, 3:31. Three-year-olds. ,^ Nelly Brooks, b m (3:45). C. E. Mosher. Farmington, Me., Oct. 15, 1879, $100. Jenny W. 1, Purity, Eepublic, Thomas T. Tierney. 2:.54. 2:50. 2:48, 2:45. Nelly Brown, b m (3 :45). W. Never. Calais, Me., July 4, 1882, $ . Iron Clad. Best time, 2:46, - Woodstock. N. B.. June 30, 1883. $100. Lady Bright 2, Annie Athol,2:4G, 2:45. 2:45, 2:46. Nelly Bryant, b m (3 :30'o). by Palmer's Normain. B. F. Green, Sandy Hill. N. Y., Sept. 18, 1879, $100. Lazy Bill, Young Columbus. 2':42. 2:41S. 2:41. _ _ ,. „ - Benjamin Dennis, Woonsocket, R. I., Sept. 16, 1880. $100. Faber, Henry, Hampshire Boy, 2:3^, 2:38/2, Proyidence, R. I., Sept. 21, 1880, $150. Henry S., N. S. B.. Hampshire Boy, 2:41, 2:3714, 2:35>^. Sept. 23, 1880. .$250. Little Maid. Steve Lewis, Annie E.. 1 (2 dr), 2:45, 2:.36, 2:35i^, 2:.39/2. Nelly Bush, b m (3 :45). John Horter. White's Corners, N. Y., May 27, 1869. $75. Old Royal, WeydonMare, Black Crook (l dis), 2:50, 2:58%, 2:54»4. George P. White, Oswego, N. Y., Sept. 26. 1871, $175. Lady Dexter (1 0), Wicked vVill, Johnny, 2:4514, 2:46. 2 :46!4. 2:4.5. Nelly Burns, 1) m (3:37), liy Milliman's Bellfounder. R. E. Burns, San Francisco, Cal., Aug. 17, 1883. $200. Buck, Bennett's b g. 2:3.5. 2:34. 2:34ii. Pacheco. Cal.. Oct. 5, 1883. $200. Kitty Thorne 1, Frank (l dis), 2:35, 2:35, 2:35, 2:39. San Francisco. Cal., Nov. 2. 1883, .$.500'. Laura M., 3, 2:.33, 2:30, 2:29i.i, 2:32/2. Nov. 1.5, 188.3. $1,000. Sister. 2, 2:27%, 2:2914. 2:30>4- 2:29. Oakland. Cal.. Dec. 8. 1S83. .$2,000. Laura M., 3, 2:30, 2:2714, 2:27, 2:27. M. Burns. Dec. 19. 1883. .$500. Frank Moscowl. 2:;i0. 2:3014, 2:28i/i, 2:30. ^ „. . Nelly €., b m (3 :40). W. Carpenter, Providence. R. I., Oct. 15, 1879, $70. Nina (30), Hector (3 0), Queer Girl (3 0), (4 dr), Rosa (2 dis), Molly (2 dis), Fanny (1 dis), 2:49, 2:42, 2:40, 2:41. 53l' CHKSTEK !S fOMPLKTE TKO'ITIM; AM) l'A(.I.\(; IiK( DUD. W. Campbell, Woodstock, Vt., Sept. 27, 1882, SIOO. riekwiek. Surprise, 2:U\. ..':44',, .lAG]^. Nelly Clav. b 111 C-ii^O'i I. 1)V KeiitiRkyClay .Jr., chilli by Tmkahoe. P. KimberlfV. (levelaiul. ().. Sept. 8, 1S8J. *75o. olliea.^usbv 2, William G., George, Nora Temple, Billy Ford, 1 o2 di.>;, 2:Mi^, 2:,ilii, -':34, •_';;iO»l, 2:44. E. G. Stratlon. Maiieliesler. N. 11.. Aug. 'M, 1878. s . iMeaiider. 2:.")I, 2:47, 2:4,-j. Nelly Condor iw), b m (a:44i. .J. W. llaight. Prospect Park, L. I., Uel. 10, 1871, S4()0. .Maek (wi. a, 4, Annie I{. (W). 2:.51. 2:4.5'o. 2:47. 2:4t;?4. 2:4494- .1 B. Carroll, Halls Track, I.. I., Uct. 11. 1872, $-M0. Eisherinan s Daughter, 2 :4!», 2:49, 2:57. Heerfoot Park, L. 1.. Sent. 17. 1873. $rMO. Village Alaid VJ dis^ 2:44, 2:4."). (w). Sept. 4, 187,'>, :S20(). Love (Wl, 3. 3:04|2, 2:54^, 2:55, 2:52i)4. Nov. 2.'), 1875, S200. Nelly (1 disi. 2:54>2. Same dav. §20(i. Nelly. 2:."i5. 2::>;y, Nellv Crawford. I) in ci ::!.'> i. liv Swigcrt. H. S. Woodruff, Janesville, Wis., Oct. 4, 1883, S!200. Arnus, Dan- bine. Pocket. Tom ritciur. Lady ('..2 :;fti>.. gr m i;J:i>«'2i, by Tiiornlon's AlHlallali. ('. R. ('. H.ve, Pi(iiia,0., May 2."). 187.'"). S7(X). Little Kobin, liarry Ueed, Topeka .lohn. Tippecanoe. Lolly (rider. G. M. Hoover (1 dis), PTora (1 disi. 2:579;i,2:.'>6i4. 2:157. Nelly D" chnu;J:42). S. Dennis, Hoosiek Palls, N. Y., July 2, 1881, $150. .Joe Gale 2, 3, Frank, Colonel i5 dr). 2:43. 2:42, 2:44, 2:43»^. 2:42. Nelly Davis. 1) m I'-J ::JOi.,>, by Kleiner's Kainbow. J. A. Cosneli. Shelbyville, Ind.. Sept. 5, 1874, S . Ben Butler. xNellV. 2:301^2,2:3254, 2:37. 1). B. Canady. Madison. Ind., .June 20, 1877, $400. Lida Bassett 3. 4, Kilbuck Tom 1, 2 (7 dis), Nelly Mor- toiMi;dr). Sut Lovingood (3dis). Clav Bacchus (3 dr). Kale Hays (2 disi. Doc MeFarlin (2 dis), Billy F. (2 r () ». Wade Hampton (1 dis), 2:;i7'i, 2:31,2:20'.i, 2:30.2:;{2V.,, 2:33,2:38. Nelly l)e Maconk, b m (2 :4H. New London, Conn.. Oct. 0, ls70, .§ . Nelly. 2:41, 2:44. 3:07. Nelly Katon. eh in (3:40W). James Hill. Calias, Me., Oct. 12, 1872. SC.OO. Hattie I'oUard. 2:4(;, 2:4254, 2:45, 2:45. S. B. Hill, Foxcrolt, Me., Aug. 12, 1873, $150. Pomp 1, Hattie Pollard, Charcoal, Ethan (1 dis), 2:425^, 2:41?4. 2:421.1. Frcdericton. N. B.. Oct. 11, 1873, $\50. Lady West 1, 2,2:423.,. 2 :4(;i/o. ■_>:^^^^, 2:45Vs. 2:44. C. H. Eaton, St. Stephens, N. B., Oct. 21. Is73, $130. Nelly Largr. Lady Flora. 2:48, 2:48. 2:47. P('mi)rok(', Me., Sept. 27, 1877, $ . 2:40i0. 2:51. , „ „ , o v. . Nelly G., bm (3:21'2). bv Brentham. C.W.Jackson, Bradford, Pa.. Sept. 13. 1882. $400. Judge Davis, .School Girl, 2 :.i4V-a. ■-':3:'4. 2:3.„ „■%>,. I K Outowaitc, E. Saginaw. Mich., Julv 5, 1883, $700. Sleepy Joe, Brown M ilkes. Molly .Middleton. Walter Jones, Lady Lucas (2 dr). 2 :2(%, 2:25',, 2 :24'/2. ,. . , , ^,, • . . ,• ,, ^ .. .• . Kalamazoo. Mich., .July 12, 1883, $700. Brown Wilkes, Polka Dot, Lady Elgin 1 (.i disi. (.rand Sentinel (3 NelVv'Vinbert.'ch in (3:52)7' G. Gilbert, Whitby, Ont., June 21, 18C5, $25. Black Tom (s), Kitty Armstrong. Nellv' )', bv John Love, dam bv Boston. Scott and Lail, Covington. K'y.. Seiit. 17. 1874,l.'5;^00. Driftwood, Belle Maucl Kitty Clay (3 dis). Queen Ann (3 disi. Kate Seely (2 disi, 2:4.%.2:4l'.:. 2:39, Sept. 19, 1874, $250. Bourbon Girl2, Conover, Howard (3 dis), Lightning 0 dis), Kitty ( lay (1 dis). 2:40i4, Nelly 'g rant, blk m (3 :48?i). O. Smilev. San Francisco. Cal., June 9. 1877. $100. Czar. Nelly C, tincen. Butcher Bovd dis), 2:48?i. 2:49-5,2:5114. , ,. , , „. ,, „ ,. x- u » , ,o- Nellv Grant, gr m (3 :3O'/0, by Joe Brown, dam by Vt. Blackhawvk. .1.1 Kiissell. Keeiie. N H. Aug. 1, 18. , $200. Juiio 3, Morris, John Morrill. Billv D., Belle, Nelly S., Polly, Peterboro Boy. IMatilda (4 dr), Pisgah Mai(H2dr),2:45, 2:39. 2:38. 2:40. , , ^ „ ,. . .,o .. .o, .. .,.., Rutland. Vt., Aug. 21, 1877. $350. Lady Clarion. Juno. Lady Dean, Zerlina. 2:,«, 2 :43?4. 2:42^4. Aug. 22, 1877. $.350, Susie 1 4, Chieftain 5. Zerlina. Island Chi(>L 2:40';. 2:40, 2:41»-i, 2:40. 2:41.2:44. Trov, N. Y.,Sept. 9, 1881,$150. Welcome. 2:44. 2:41, 2 :42i4, „, . ,, k i^ i.. Nelly Grant I , ch m(3:.'i4i4), bv Major (Jraiit. dam bv Fnink Pierce Jr. AV. H. Robertson, ( ambridge. III., Sei>v. fi. 1882, $200. Flora P., Temple. Nelly Grant IL. B:isbaw B.. 2:41, 2:4(1?.;, 2:41 C. Warren, Sept. 8, 1882. $300. Ti'mi)le. r.ash;iw B.. Mc(;regor Chief. 2:.S7'-, 2:41i.;j. 2:3f,',. Peoria, HI., S(;pt. 11, 1883, $400. Tipsico 1, Chestnut Boy. Legal lender Jr. (2 dn. 2:.J()?4. 2:363i, 2:34H. "•34 '4 Nelly Grattan, br m (3:36^). H. R. Covey, San Francisco, Cal., Nov. 16 and 17, 1871. .«200. Lady Emma .5. Thomas Jefferson (5 dis), Charley 1, 2 (4 dis), 2:53>4, 2:50, 2:50, 2:.52'2,2:.-)5?4.^:-''854. ^, ,. ^ ^ .„ ^ „, . . . , Barney Rich, Dec. 1, 1871. $200., Lady Emma 1, Thomas .Jefferson (3 dis). Blanche (1 dis), 5:37, 5:37 '4, >:42. Two miles. Wni. Burdett, Dec. 9, 1871. $500. Ladv Emma 1, 3, 2:52, 2:47, 2:44^1, 2:49U, 2:52. Mr Kane. April 13. 1K72. $100. Susie Hill, Lady Emma, 2:52, 2:.'>0?i, 2:.52M5. O. A. Hickok, Nov. 8, 187.3, $200. Romeo (1 dis), 5:.32'/2. Tvvo miles. Nov. 8. 187.t, .? . Romeo (1 dis), 5:37. Two miles. ^ ^ ^ /. ^, ^ o « o ^01^ o *-. Nov. 20 and 21, 1873, $ . Topsy 2, 3, Muggins 4, 5, Ragpicker, Lady Emma (4 dis), 2:46, 2:42J^, 2:43^ 2*43% 2*40 '''41 '4 ''•44^i 1 Mr.' Mc(;reg()r,'Mav 2(), 1870, $100. Mack 1, 3, Harry, Lady Emma, Ned (2 dis). Rose (2 died). Puss (1 dis), 2:40'/4, 2:37'i,2:.39'4.'.'':40;4, 2:43'i. „, ,„.,.„,.,..,„ .„ Nelly Gray, grm (2:53). E. Goodwin, Boston, Ma.ss., July 2.3. 1^58, $ . Black Bird 2, 2:5o. 2:,5l 2:;,3. Nelly Gray (w), ch m (2 :54 w). J. T. Black, Stony Ford, N. ¥.. Aug. 25. i860, $50. Charley (w) 1, Hero (w), 2:57, 2:55, 2:54,2:67. (HKSTHR'S COMPI.ETE TKomNG AND PACING RECORD 533 Nelly tiraj . ^r "i i~ :**»)• James Dougrey. Rochester, N. Y., July 27, 1865, $300. Alexander, «:-15, 8:45. Three miles. Mr. Kelsey. Aug. 31, 18G5, SlOO. Lady Oakley, 14:04. Five miles. Ben Helmer. Watertovvn, N. Y., t)ct. 12. 18ti(>. $200. Dau 2 (4 0) (5 0), 2:58, 2:52, 2:50^4. 2 :54, 2:501^, 2:57. Nelly Gray, cz :56i.^). D. L. France, St. Paul, Minn., June 25, ISCO, $25. Royal George, Pompey, Bay Fanny, 3:07, 3:04, 3:00. Mr. Deshon, Minneapolis. Minn., July 5. 18G!) $no. Archer's Colt. No time. Mr. Brown, Mankato, Minn.. ,lune 18, 1874, .$250. Blaze 1, 2, 2:64, , 3:01, 2:riG}4,2:5S., Sept. 15, 1870, $100. I'atsy 2, 2:45, 2:40, 2;o3. Nelly Gray, gr nn 3:51 U). J. Sillock, Fleetwood Park. N. Y., July 1, 1871, $150. Lady Homer 2, Mohawk, •2:.")4, 2:57'.i, 2:51 '.1, 2:55. Nellv Gray, gr m (3 :54). S. Smith, Mystic Park. Boston, May 28, 1873, S2.50. Grace 4, 5, Nelly Simpson 3, Abby ( 1 dis), 3:00 3:02''i, 2:.57>^, '2:r>9U, 3:01, 2:.54. Nelly Gray (Jessie), gr m (3:37}4). Ambler Park, Pa., Sept. 16, 1873, $ — -. Punchinello 1, 4, 3:08U, 3:02, 3:06 2:45',^. 3:044. E. H. Moore, Sharon, Pa., Sept. 25, 1875, $600. Ella 2, Bay Dick. Lilly Pierce, Phil Sheridan, Charmer, 2:40.2:38,2:41.2:48. T. Joyce. Washington, D. C, May 5, 1876, $ . George A. Ayer 3, 2:41, 2:37M, 2:47, 2:44. Nelly Gray, gr m (2 ;35}. H. Brock. St. Johusbury. Vt., Sept. 20, i882, $45. Hip Hip 3, Brown Nelly, 2:46, •j:46,2:44. 2:42. Sept. 21, 1882, $100. Lady Russell 2 (5 0), Ned Jackman l. Lady French. Hambletonian Chief (5 dr), 2:41, 2:39'/2, 2:39'i, 2:441/0, 2:43, 2:44'.2. Sept. 21, 1882, $12.5. Lady Knox, Gypsy. Josie, 2:46, 2:50}^. 2:48. Morrisville, Vt., Sept. 27, 1882, $100 Castellar 1, 2, Montgomery Boy, May Anderson, 2:41, 2:41, 2:42, 2:47,2:44. T. Utton, Sherbrooke, P. Q.. Oct. 3, 1882, $175. Montreal Boy I, Alice, Stanbridge Boy, John F. Phelps Jr. 1^2 dn. Best time 2 :40. H. Brock, June 30, 1883, $1.50. Jenny 1, 3, Montreal Boy. Best tinie2:.3.5. St. .lohnsbury, Vt., Sept. 19, 1883, $170. Dottle Golddust, Brown Nelly. 2:45. 2:43, 2:42. Nelly Gray, br m (3 :51). .J. Tallington. Norfolk, Va., Sept. 14. 1883. $100. .Maud 1. 3:01, 2:53. 2:61. 2:.53. Nelly H.. br m (3:59V4). W. Hill, Biddeford, Me., Nov. 4, 1882, $ . Little Fred 2, Ladv Goodwin. Bob. Bessie Q. (4 dr), 2:.59'4, 2:594, 2:593^. 2:59^4,. Nelly H., b m. M. T. Reynolds, Phoenix, N. Y., Oct. 18 and 19, 1883, $100. .losie S.. Arclio, Rav Priuce,Wm. Kernev, Henry Clay, Gip, Little Volunteer. No time. Oct."l9 1883, .$100. Van Buren Girl 3, 4, Bay Prince, Archo, Sunset. No time. Nelly Hale br m vi -.SlU), bv Abraham. C. H. Baldwin, Mystic Park, Boston, July 17, 1883, $400. George W. l, 4, Rosebud 2, Ben Franklin, Chardon Girl (4 dr). Lady Gibney (4 dr>, St. Leno (3 dis), Henry Almont (1 dis> 2:3114. 2:34J4, 2:3314, 2:34V|, 2:35, 2:32. July 20, 1883, $400. Boston Boy 1, 2, George W., L. L. D., Upstart, Geeser (4 dis), Chardon Girl (4 dr), 2:30i4;2:30>4, 2:3134, 2:314, 2:33ii. Nelly Hinds, blk m. Mr. Swan, Richfield Spa., N. Y., July 19, 1879, $100. No Name, Kit Holton (3dr). No time. Nelly Holcomb, gr m (3 :38». by Adam's American, dam by Harris" Hambletonian. Norris Holcomb, Hart- ford, Conn.. Oct. 2. 18.58. $100. Ivate Franklin. 2:.5.5. 2:56, 2:51. (w) Middletown. Conn.. Oct. 9, 1858, $100. Lady Vernon (w), 3:07, 2:54, 3:08. Hartford. Conn., Oct. l, 18.')9. .$400. Telemachus 1. 3, 2:421^, 2:39, 2:41, 2:42, 2:36. June 16, 1860, $100. Brown Seward, White Mare, Rifle Boy, 2:45, 2:44, 2:45. ^w) July 6, 1860, $50. Brown Seward (,w), 2:53, 2:5694, 3:00. Nelly Hoyt, b m (3:47), by John W. Hoyt. dam Nelly Warwick. J. Ridgely, Timonium, Md., Sept. 7, 1883, Sino. Timonium, Marshall (2 dis). 2:.54, 2:47. Nelly Irwin, b m (3:35), by Middletown. dam by Bay Abdallah. A. Bovce. Norwich. N. Y., Mav 21, 1874, $.500. Lola Montez, Honest Dick, Celia, Frank Phelps (1 dis), 2:42, 2:42, 2:44. May 22, 1874. .f800. Spotted Colt 1. 2, Lew Ives (2 dis), 2:33, 2:34?4. 2:33, 2:34?4. 2:39. Oswego, N. Y.. M:iy 28, 1874. .$350. J. D. Benton, Lady Parkins, Lady Thompson, Deceiver, Frank Phelps, Celia, 2:33}^, 2:34 2: 334 ■ May 29. 1874, .$,350. Lew Ives 4, Spotted C^olt 1, Fanny, 2 :3l, 2 :32, 2 :36, 2 :33i^. 2 :35. Thomas White, Newark, N. Y., July 15, 1874. $500. Lola Montez 3. Bonny Doon, Deceiver, 2:.374, 2:36!'2. 2:38?4, 2:3814. July 17. 1874, $800. Lew Ives 2, 3, Cattaraugus Chief, Lola Montez, 2:.33-'4, 2:34U, 2 :36i4 , 2 :37, A. Bovce, Rochester. N. Y., Aug. 14. 1874, $4000. James Howell Jr. 3, Lady Star. Dinah, Lady Dahlman(4 dis). Gulnare (4 dis) 2:25.2:27.2:264, 2:29. Stratford, Ont., Sept. 10, 1874. .$ . Derby 2, Ladv Kate, 2:30. 2:32'4. 2:34i'o, 2:34»4- Scranton, Pa., Sept. 25, 1874. ,$800. Eva 1. Bolly Lewis. Billy Ray. 2:364. 2:31"o. 2:30>4, 2:35^- Garratsville, N. Y., May 28, 187.5, $150. Col. Upton, Black Fred (3 dis), 2:39. 2:36. 2:.34. J. Medbury, Sharon, Pa., .fuly 3, 1875, $800. Annie Collins 3 (4 dis). Magnolia (4 dis), Cattaraugus Chief (4 dis ), 2 :35V2, 2 :30, 2 :.30, 2 :291^. Greenville, Pa., July 8, 1875, $550. Annie Collins 1, 3, Magnolia, 2 :29K'. 2:30, 2 :33, 2 :29, 2 :30. Herkimer, N. Y.. Sept. 16, 1875, $350. Bonner, Clarence, 2:30^4. 2:28, 2:30. Utiea, N. Y.. Oct. 5, 1875. $500. Great Eastern 1, 4, 2:30i4. 2:28V2, 2:321^, 2:29, 2:314. D. S. Mann. Schoharie, N. Y., Oct. 13. 1875. $260. Berkshire Bov, 2:354, 2:344, 2:35V4. Albany, N. Y., Oct. 26, 187,5, $ . Idol 2, 2:28?i, 2 :28^, 2:31, 2:34. William Bovce, Nov. 9, 187.5, ,$ . Idol l, 2 (50), 2:31, 2:28V2, 2:30, 2:31, 2:264, 2:27^- A. Boyee. Nov. 1.3, 1875. $ , Idol. 2:27i'^. Pittsburgh, Pa., May 30. 1876, $900. Lady H. 1. Belle Brasfleld, 2:30. 2:28V4, 2:27)^, Courtland, N. Y., June 15. 1876, .$400. S. S. Ellsworth. Prince Clay, 2:30J^. 2:31. 2:31. Parker City. Pa., June 22, 1876, .$500. Blue Mare 2, White Cloud, Cattaraugus Chief, Lady H., 2:25>^, 2:271^, 2:281^, 2:28. St. Peterslnirgh. Pa., June 29, 1876, .$.500. .Toe Brown 2. White Cloud I, Blue Mare, 2:32, 2:29,2:28,2:27,2:26. Cincinnati, O.. .Iidv 11, 1876. $1,400. ,Joe Brown .3. Silversides 1, White Cloud. 2:27. 2 :27Vi. 2:29^4, 2:29. 2::^0. A. J. Russell, Princeton. N. J.. May .30, 1878, .$250. Teaser. S|).)tted Colt. 2:.3.5. 2:40. Prospect Park, L. I.. July 4, 1878. $'3.50. Fannv Jefferson 1. Spotted Colt. 2:29. 2:27, 2:29. 2:27'/4. Bradford, Pa., Sept. 4, 1878, ,$700. Grav Salem 4. Tom Malloy 2, 2:.31, , 2:30. 2:29, 2:31. Flemington, N. .1., Sept. 27, 1878, $400. J. H. Ferry 1, Star, Mountain Maid. Nigger, 2:34, 2,34?4, 2. 3s, 2:34. Albany, N. Y., July 10, 1879. $— . White Cloud, Timothy. 2 -.mi. 2 :32'/„ 2:,31 '4. Bradford, Pa., Sept. 16 and 17, 1879, $500. May 1, 5, Tom Keeler 2, Marv Russell (3 drX 2:30»i. 2:27'4, 2:30J£,2:32, 2:32, 2:303i. 534 ("HESTERS COMI'LKTE TUOTriNC AND l'A(IN<; KECOlM). Cuba N Y., Sept. i;6,lS7!t, $300. John McDougiill. Tom Keeler, Mary Russell. 2 ;27)ij, 2:28514, 2:20!,2. I'itlsbiu-gh I'a. Oct. !», l«7y, SUOO. Duroc 3. Fiizgerald, St. t'hark-s,'loni Mason, 2:33, 2:36,2:31,2:33. Vlbanv N 'Y. Oct. 2.">, 1870, -S . Huntress, I'bil, C'hauiicy .M. Ucdle, 2:i;8,2:31, 2:30. Mornsa'nia, n'. V., Oct. 31 and Nov. 1, ls7!i,.*4.V). Noontide 4. r>, Steve Maxwell 1. VVizz 3, Harry (4 dr), 2-28 2-27 2-'7'. 2:27,2:27. 2:29, 2:2f>!». ^Olean, N. Y., June 2:5. 1880, $500. Tom Keeler 2, Warrior. John McDougall. .May, 2:28?i, 2:27^, 2:28, ■'•26''i 11 Middl'-town, N. Y., Sept. 1, 1880, ?2n0. Tommy Norwood 3, RIr Fellow, St. Charies, 2:31, 2:31, 2:31, 2:30. home. N. v.. Sejit. 23, 1881, S::00. St. I'atriek, Lulu 1'., 2:34, 2:31'.j. 2:31'.i. .lobnstown, N. V., Sept. 7. 1882. .« . Toronto Chief .Ir., Nelly, t'apt. Lnunons 2:31, 2:32L2,2:32'i. Nelly iHham. cli m i3:37'j». A. Howard, NVatertown, N. Y., Jime20, 18t>6. S.">0. Dick, Jjick, Trifle (2 dis;. 3*:00'4, 2 :">-'. Kour-vear-olds. ,1 li. iMiillips, Jiine J.5. 1867. §200. Burlinytou Chief 1, Jim (1 dis), 2:.')3, 3:00, 2:.'>4, 2:.W. Nelly K., b nM*^:'i!»i. P. Wallers, .lersevville. 111. Oct. 10. 1877. S;i0. Susan H. (1 dis). Patchen Jr. (1 dis). Uichard O. (1 .i, 2:45'/2, 2:45. Indianapolis, Ind.. June 23, 1880, .■? . John Stelner. Mitchell's ch s, 2::i7?4, 2:32^i, 2:29. Hloduinifiton. 111., July ;<, 1880. .«400. Kosevvood 2, .3, Lady McDonald, Countersign, Bnrdell, Elbert 1 (2 dis), 2:3.'>'..,2;;;oU, 2:;?8, 2':32'.>,2:."1V<>, 2:.'«)'2. Kockvifle, Ind., Aug. 12, 1880. $ . Rosa Lee, Guilford, liob Lee, Bay Frank, 2:35, 2:33, 2::ii>%.. Danville, 111., Oct. 2o. I.s80, §400. Indicator 2, Polly AVislianl 1, .Matt ie Graham. Rosewood. 2:373a, 2:36 2 '39 2 ''^> '^*38^ Nelly k., "cli m (3:55). D. Keown, Butler. Pa., Sept. 25, 1878, .'glOO. Kitty M.. Valley Queen Dexter (1 dis), 2:.''>."), 3:00, 3:00. Sept. 27, 1878, S7.5. Kitty >I. 3. Vallev Queen. 3:03, 2:55, 3:01. 3:01. Nelly K., blk ni. .1. E. Eldred, Trenton, N. J., Sept. 15, 1881, » . (ieorge R. 1, 2, Little AVoiuier, Whitesboro Cliief.' No time. Four-year-olds. Nellv Kean br m. J. Wilson. Osliawa. Out., Oct. 20. 1880, $40. Pickle's b f 1. 2. Werry s ch f 3. 4. Story's br ir"(4 dr) 1 -44, 141,1 :4()U',, 1 :38, 1 :;i8^. 1 :38Vi. 1 :39. Winner two years old. Hall-mile heats. NeUy King,' b 1)1 Ci-An.j'- C- Dance'r, Freehold. N. Y.. «ept. j5^ 1870. $130,^ ^ Hoftmaus br m 1 2. Henry T.. mont. 2.2:39, 2J.i5'». 2:44."^ Unfinished. Oet. 18. 1867. S.')00. (ivpsv Boy. 2:38, 2:39, 2:37. „,..,, ,. William Woodruff. Mystic Bark, Boston, June 26. 1868, $300. Lady Walton. Gideon W ells (3 dr). 2::i2}^, 2-31'.., 2-32. '- WTlli:nn Locke, Haverhill, Mass.. Sept. 17, 1869, $500. Black Harry 2, Topsy 1 (5dr). 2:30, 2:45?a. 2:36'/a. 2-30'-, 2:.'57. RoY-klaud, Me., Oct. 6, 1869, .1i!150. Topsy, Tempest, Lady Chapman. 2:31 2:40 2:34. Nelly L.»cke, gr m (3 :5!J). J. Smith, Burlington, Vt., Sept. 12, 1882, $ . Zola, Reb, 2 :.52. 2 :,54, 2:54. Four- V€^'lt*"Ol(ls Nelly M. (3:59V4). A. H. Smith, Mobile, Ala., May 3, 1875, $25. Katy, Duke, Harry (2 dis). Jeff (1 dis), 3:02!,, Nelly ivf.'. ch m (2 :.'53> W. A. Mercer, Terre Haute. Ind.. Sept. 15. 1880. $100. Gray George (1 dis). Lizzie Elmo (1 (lis). Idol (iirl (1 dis). May Queend dis). 2:53. ,„,,,,-,,„. o, ,„>... Nelly Madden, ch m (3:36), bv Honest John, dam Kate, by (iazan. J. Madden, Lincoln. 111.. Aug. 31. 1882. .$250. Mike Emeriek2, ZellaL. 3, Little .loker. Jenny Wells (5 dr), Nettie B. (4 dn. Shadow (1 dis), 2:J9. Nelly Mami»rinoJi m (3 :34U>. R. B. Wallace, Southington. Conn, ,luly 4, 1882. $100. Yankee Boy 1. Clinton Girl 2, Sheridan. Slow Go. .lack. Snowdrift <4dr), 2:52. 2:49>.,. 2:44i.,. 2:42».i. 2:43i.,.. ,„„•.. Oct 11 1883, .«2(M). Harry B. 1, 3. Westchester Girl 5. Indi:i Rubber Jaciiiu-. Black Bess. Lancaster Boy (5 dr'. Ned W. f2 dis). Topsvd dis), Belle (1 dis). 2:34»i, 2-M^. 2:.36, 2:.3(!^. 2:4()».i. 2:38.>,. Nelly Martin, br m (3 :53). D. W. Baicheldcr. Milford. Mass.. Sept. 26, 1871. $- - . lorn. Betsy Jane, 2:52'/,, NeUy "ittatteson. b m (3 tSGH). S. A. Baird, Springfield Centre. N. Y., Oct. to. 1877. $50. Fenimore 1, Andy. NellyMavfb n^'(^'^":i^>'.'bv Woful, dam Topsy. Hugo Redevitz, Mobile. Alit. .Vi)ril 2ti. 1876, $ Nelly T. 2. John M., Nubbin Ridge. Dick Abrams. 1 :23i;i. 1 :24»^, 1 :24',5. Hall-mile heaths. Anril 28 1876, $7,5. Blind Toin 1. Jeaimette. Dick Abrams ,'2 dis), 2:49'/„, 2:47',, 2:.i0. Nelly May, cii m (\s:3AH), by Night Hawk. W. G. Knight, South Bend, ind., Oct. 4. 1882. .$300. Riette, Free stone.Quickstep. Best time 2:34*4- '» „ .. ^ .. Oct. 6, 1882. .$400. Flora. Razor B.. James R. Best time 2:34 /,. i .^^ Mi,i,n^ H W Williams, Dowagiac, Mich.. Oct. 12. 1882. .$.300. Mambrino Sparkle, Michigan Maid, Lady Middle- ton. Robert WhauV. Ooffer, Bay Prince, 2 ::!9. 2 ::{9'.,. 2 :;kVi,. ^„ o ir ., ,1 .,.A^ Nellv McCann. (3:41). J. .McCann, Lowell, Miiss., Sept. 21, 1874, $1,000. Treasurer. 2:45. ':U, 2.41. Nelly McClellan, br m (3:30V4). G. Faith. Sonoma. Cal.. Sept. 27, 1878. .$250. FamlKm, bonoma. 2:47,2:43^6. Nelly N'erve. gr m (2:63). William Lockwood. Port Huron. Mich., .Inly 5, 1870, $400. Molly Newton, 14:25. Nelly^N^?r« o<>d. b m (3:04). S. Condit. New Haven, Cnn.. Oct. 7. 1880, ,$ . Duplicity, Dah()m(>y, 3:(H. NeiVy"V4, 2:40 . „, » o, , , « ,,« «„.. Nellyl'atchen.chm(3:37W. bv Alexander, dam .Fenny, by California Belrawit „^«'l»he'-(> & Co., Smi Francisco. Cal." Oct. .30. 187.3. $ . Ida Howe. James Monroe il dis\ Oliver (1 dis). Freeport (1 dis), 2r44Vi. 2:47%. Three-ye;ir-olds C'HESTKK-S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 535 ■ Mizner Bros., May 25, 1877, $700. Dirigo .'5, 6. Bnisliy John 3, Venture 1, Sweet Brier, Alameda Maid (5 dis), Hope (1 dis), 2:-.K'o, 2:29, 2:29'4, 2:27'/2. 2:29Vi3, -'::i9, 2:29»4. July 4, 1877, $700. Brushy John 2 (l 0), Sweetbrier 3 (i 0), Dirigo, Gor Staiiford,2:31, 2:29, 2:31, 2:28. 2:31?4 2:32iJA. Sonoma, Cal., Sent. 2t;. 1877, $300. Barnev 2, Washington, 2:.33;.i, 2:32'4, 2:32?i, 2:35. St. Marys, Cal., Oct. 2. 1878, $400. Flora Shepherd 1, Rustic, 2:34'2, 2:36, 2::i.5U,2:33U. Portland, Oregon, May 24, 1879, $300. Lady Faustina. 2:.-54. 2:33. June 3, 1879, $250. Parrott 2 ( 1 0), Muggins (2 dis ), 2 :29='j , 2 :3i 14, 2 :33''4 . 2:3214, 2 ■.:^2H. Hillsboro, Oregon, July 4. 1879,$ . Parrott 3, 4. Ladv Faustina 1, 2 (6d"is), 2:34}4,2:33U, 2:31i^, 2::;4. 2:3m, 2:36'/2. 2::J714. Portland, Oregon, Oct. 16. 1879, S.S00. Parrott 4, 7, L:vdy Faustina 1,3, Bolleflower2. 8. 2:29'/,, 2:31}^. 2:311^, 2:.34, 2:33'?,. 2:34. 2:26.2:2814.2:30. Nelly Porter, b ni (3 :30). J. A. Porter, Hillsboro, Or., Sept. 23, 1879, $70. Mac. Fly (1 dis), 3:24, 3:30. Three- ycjir-olds. Nell V Post, ch m (3:00). J. H. Powers, Union Course, L. I.. April 28, 1869, $2.5. Phil Sheridan, Bob, Lady Weaver 3. i4 dis). Jim (3 dr), 3:03, 3:00, 3:03, 3:0i. ' . Nelly K.. b m (3 :53). c. Ross, Albany, N. Y., June6, 1872, .$ . (apt. Fariiham 1, Western Girl, Hiram (4 dis), 3:10, 3:09, 3:07, 3:01. .] un e 24, 1 872, $200. Cora 2, 2 : 58, 2 : 52V^ , 2 :52, 2 :.52. Nelly K., b ni i3 :40). A. C. Redfield, Cambridge, 111., Sept. 3. 1880, $300. Ilardie, Molly B., Princess, 3:02".^, 2:59i-4.2:.".9'2. Nelly K.. ch m (3 :19'2), by Gen. McClellan Jr., dam Susie Rose. S. Sperrv. San Jose, Cal.. Sept. 27,1882, $400 Sweetness 1 . 2, 2 :24, 2:24. 2 :22?4, 2 :29, 2 :34. , S. CniiHhill, IVtaluiiia, C;d., Aug. 29. 1883,. S . Albert W., 2:2714, 2:29, 2 :24Vl. S. Sperrv. Oakhuid, Cal., Sept. 8. 188;!, $1,200. Albert W.. Vanderlynn, 2:22. 2:23, 2:21'/2. J. and W. S. Fritch, Sacramento, C;il . Sept. 15, 1883, $1,200. Manoii, Vanderlynn, 2:22'/2, 2:21>/«. 2:2154. Stockton, Cal . Sept. 21, lS8:i. $1,000. Brigadier, Vanderlvnn, 2:21, 2:27i.i, 2:20. San Jose, Cal., Sei>t. 27, 188.!, .$750. Allen Roy 1, Manon (1 dis), Starr King (1 dis), 2:25?i, 2:20. 2-2.3, 2:23, Nelly Randall, ch m (3:41i. D.Carney, Rockford, 111., July 4, 1877, $125. Swimmer, Laura Keene, 2:13, 2:421^, 2:42. Nelly Richardson, b m (3 :4l). Gray Brothers, Rockville, Conn., Sei)t. 26, 1879, $100. Willy 1, 4, Forrest Maid 2, Shady 2:41. 2:42. 2:47, 2:44, 2:41. 2:44. Ncny Robinson, I) m (3:00). ,F. H. Pake, Jersey City, N. J.. July 7. 1882. $100. Gracie S.. 3:08}4, 3:08,3:00. Nelly Rose, b m (3 :30), by Henry B. Patchen. James B. Burlew. Syracuse, N. Y., Oct. 5, 1877, .$200. Neilson 1, 2, Champion (jirl. Mountain Girl, Zero, Nora, Liverv (5 dr), Lawrence (5dr), Shortv Fountain (4dr), 2:38 2:37, 2:37, 2:.37i4,2:;W. Oct. 6. 1877. .$200. Gypsy (iirl. Major Priest, Avalanche. Shortv Fountain. Victor. 2:42, 2:41i4, 2:42. Seneca Falls, N. Y., Oct. 9, 1877, $100. Champion Girl. Remorse, Zero, Blacksmith Boy ('2 dis), 2 ;41, 2:43, 2:.38'2. Oct. 10, 1877, $150. Remorse, Johnny Mack. Lib, Hattie F., 2:47, 2:.39, 2:38"o. Lvons. N. Y., June 5, 1878, $300. Maggie Mitchell 1, Bav Dick (3 dis). Monk Boy (.3 dis), Hattie Fisher (2 dis), Annie B. (2 dis), Lorena (1 dis), 2:.37. 2:40. 2:37. 2:.37. Cortland, N. Y., June 13, 1878, $290. Billy Burr, Venango Chief. JohnuA- Mac, Gypsy Boy (3dr), Hattie Fisher (2 dis), 2:38, 2:3814. 2 :4l?i. Providence, R. I., July 25, 1878, $400. Col. Peabody, Kate. File Cutter, Pointer Boy (2 dr), 2:33, 2:.3.3, 2:32. Auburn, N. Y., Aug. 17, 1878, $12.5. Tom Malloy 1, Charley B., Hattie Fisliei-. Best time, 2:35. ■Batavia, N. Y., Sept. 17, 1878, .$300. George F. Smith, William D., St. Cioiul. Bav Dick. Tommy Norwood, James Ash. 2:3214, 2:30i.i, 2:30i - — Ithaca, N. Y., July 4, 1879, $200. Larkin, Maggie Fred, 2:33^, 2:33^j. 2 :33'/2. Poughkeepsie, N.'Y.. Oct. 15, 1879, .$.300. Chauncy M. Bedle 1, Fitzgerald, Alice Lane, Edgar, Gaylord, Jenny L. (4 dr), 2:30, 2:30, 2:30i4, 2:30i4. Nelly Rutherford, b m ( 3 :35). James McKee. Suffolk Park, Phila,. May 16, 1877, $250. Fancy, Jersey Boy, Odd Stocking, Blaze Medium, Little Fellow (2 dis), Sndling Tom il dis), 2:35, 2:39, 2:3794. Nelly S., b ni (3 :38). H. M. Rogers, Claremont, N. J.. Aug. 7, 1877, $200. Katy Did, Billy D., John B., Dick, Fearless (2 dis\ 2:38, 2:40, 2:44^2- Nelly S.,chm (3:34). J. Stuart, Rockville, Ind.. Aug. 10, 1881. $75. Katy B., Almont (1 dis). Black Cloud (1 dis), 2:414, 2:42'^, 2:i3. Aug. 11, 1881, $1.50. Careless l, Katy B., 2:3.5, 2:36, 2:37, 2:37'.2. Nelly II., b m (3 :46*). C, D. Holmes, Barton, Vt., Sept. 8, 1871, $50. Midnight 2, Morgan Chief, Nelly, 2:49, 2:45, 2. .51. Short track. Nelly Sherman, brm (3:37). J. E. Noyes, West Cumberland, Me., Sept. 26, ls76, $100. Molly 2, Brighton G"irl l.Tliurlow Knox, 2:52, 2:52. 2:52,2:51'2. Sept. 19, 1877, $50. Black Diamond, Presumpscot Girl, Topsy, Centennial, Thuilow Knox, Lady Went- VYOrth, 2:44, 2:42, 2:43. Portland, Me., Sept. 25, 1877, .$12.5. Kitty Morris. Black Rose 1 (2 dr), 2:39'^, 2:46»4, 2:45, 2:44i^. Sept. 27, 1877, $100. Lady Wentworth, Thurlow Knox, Presumpscot Girl, Centennial, Tosv(3dr), 2:40, 2;.$9, 2:37. Nelly Stout, bm (3:08). W. B. Hilbreth, Falmouth, Ky.. Sept. 13, 1882. $1.50. Daniel Boone, Stonewall, 3:10, 3:08. Two-year-olds. Nelly T. (2 :46i4). G. B. Fordnev, Mobile. Aiii.. May 6, 1874, .$.50. Lucy. Duchess, 3:11, 3:13. • May 6, 1874, $150. .John McDon;ild. Fleta. 2 :57' 2, 2:.57. Nelly Taggart, b m(3:03). G. D. Joslyn, Greenfield, Mass., May 28. 1879, $1.50. C. G. Delano, Gen. Knox (1 dis). 3:03. 3:08. Nelly Taylor, gr m (3 :58'2). J. M. Taylor, Providence, R. I., Oct. 11. 1865. $.50. Fred. Ben Butler, 3:05, 2:68'/j. Four-year-olds. Nelly Thorne, blk m (3 :36). C. W. Bell, St John, N. B., Sept. 28, 1875, $1.50. Sunrise 3, Rose, Kingston Girl (1 dis), 2:47, 2:48, 2:47, 2:461^. Sept. 29. 1875. $1:50. Emily. Sunrise, Flora, Kingston Girl, Vanity. Isljind Maid (2 r o), 2:46'2, 2:44Vi, 2:48. Dr. Southwick, May 24, 1876, $200. Ned 3. Gvpsv Queen 1, :>v'.ker Boy (4 dri, Hattie (3 dis), 2:41, 2:43, 2:41. 2:40, 2:4314. Ottawa, Ont., Oct. 13 and 16, 1876, $12.5. Lola, Montez 2, 3, American Girl(5 dr), 2:43V4, 2:40*4, 2:40V4- Ogden'sburgh, N. Y., Sept. 29. 1876, .$2.50. Happv John 1. White Rose, 2:.53i4, 3:00'4, 3:05, 2:.59H. A. L. Slipp. St. John.N. B., Mav 24, 1877, $200. Gypsy Queen, Manpiisof Lome, 2:421^, 2:42,2:41. Fredricton, N. B., Sept. 12, 1877, $200. Morgan Knox 3. Gyp.sy Queen, May Queen, Pocahontas (4 dis), 2:36'/2, 2:.37i^. 2:36, 2-37, . Halifax, N. S.. Oct. 3, 1879. .$10i). Columbus. Billv. No time. Nelly Thurston, br m (3:43i4). Irondequoit, N. Y . July 14. IS65. .$200. Lady Wright, 2:.52, 2:46, 2:51. Nelly Toole, gr m. J. A. Toole, Jr., Ringtown, Pa., Sept. 13. 188.3, $100. Clear>''s Hambletonlau, Gov. Crapo^ Harry D. No time. 5ot; CUKSTKIIS tOMI'LKTK THUTTING AM) I'AClNCi KECOKI) Sept. la, 1883, SI 50. Billy Monroe A 3, Elanibletoiiiau Chief 4. s, ("learvs Hanibleioiiian (iov crann No time. " ' *^ Nelly v., ch in (2:41'i). James Vau, Pelt, Newark, N. J.,;june 2I, 1873, $ . Fanny, Billy, Tom Eiiimett Blllv Sabine, 2:4!t's, 2:51'4, 'J:5194. ' D. S. guinton, Kreeliold, N. J.. Sept. 15, 1875, S150. Wjusiiington Jackson, John, 2:505i£, 2-50>i "•5oy Peter MaiKH'. Jersey City, N. J., June k. 187C, Sj.h). Llllv 1. Harry,2:.->G^, 2:1.5, 2-52 2-50. ' VVavcrly I'ark, N. J., June 1.!, 1876, *18»i. Top.shaiii, Me., Oct. 11, 1882, $ . iMat'nolia 1, 4, Kentuclty Belle (3 dis). .iio. 3-n 3:09.3:10. Unlinished. • • m Nelly >V., Ii ni i-i::il 'ji. L. K. Wicker, I'rovldence, R. I., June 21, 18K1, $300. Patch 1. Georjie A l.adv TJnton Cen. Ciist.T. ,1. II. (louid. \la(liniir(3dr), 2:32'2,2:31i^j, 2:32^, 2:36"2. f. m j kj^vkji,, Nelly Wade (•i:4«ii. I,;insiiij:. Midi.. June 21, ls71, S . Pat Mollov, Brown Frank d disi ■>-46 •'•.52>4 Nelly \Valtoii. b mi (*^:'J<>Io1. by .lulcs .luigeiisen. Ben Mace, Sandy llili, X. V..Sci)i. ;«», ik;:! siw'k) tieore-e if. Milcli.ll J. Lady Knlicld. Bay Abbv. Isabella (2 disi. 2:37^, 2:.S2, 2:37. 2:38^,. George Oct. 1, [873. 51.000. . Isabella 1. Wiifte Cloud, Lady Eiilleld. Dave, Flora Lee. Dawn. Dave, 2:."!7, 2:41>a. 2:31i-'.i. 2:37^1. Warwick. N. V., Aug. '27,1874, *500. Kd Smith 1, Harry (iilbert. Ladv Kafferty, Ben Butler Kose Burch Lady I'eiiiiy, Flora Lee, Itescue 2:.35, 2:;J0:f.t. 2:38, 2:40. (losbeii. N. v., Sept. 1, 1874, mm. Mountaineer 1, Lady Angle. Ed Smitli. Adelaide, Lottie (3 dis» Dixon (2 disi. Belle Nornnilit (2 dis), 2:37>.j, 2:33'j, 2:31'4, 2:36. - White Plains, N. V., .Sept. 22, 1874, §1,250. Lady Angie. Brown Prince. Brown Kitty, Lady Woods. 2:35 2:34'.4, 2:.'i5'4. ' Fleetwood Park, N. V- Sept. .30. 1874, §1,000. Molsey 2, 3, Ladv Dalilmaii 1, Heatherbloom. 2-31 2-31 2:34'2.2::i2, 2:34>.„2:34-'4 " •■> . ^.oi, - Goshen, N. Y., Oct. 13, 1874. §1,000. Bonner. 2 3 (40), Carrie, William Turiibull (2 dis), 2:37'i, 2-3''i^ 2-31 2:32. 2:;J2, 2:32. . • tb. • o. Poughkeepsle, X Y., Oct. 21, 1874. Sl,250. Molsev. Mountaineer, Berkshire Bov, 2:33, 2:35, 233 - -Khinebeck, X. Y., Oct. 28, 1874, .$1,000. Bonner 2, Berkshire Boy, Molsev, Bav Ben, Win. Turnbull 2-32 2:32, 2:.i4. 2:34k>. " " • • ^. Passaic, N. .").. July 7, 1875. .$900. Lady VVeller I.Jericho, Wm. Turnbull, Edith. Lady Sears (4 dr) Joe Clark .4 dr). Kvcllne i3 dri. Lady Woods (3 dr), 2:33i/2 Nelly AValker. b in (3 :59]4). (i. Bates. O.vford, N. Y., Sept. 18. 1883, §100. Kate, Starlight, Tom Collins. No time. Xorwicli, X. Y.. Sept. 26, 1883, S50. C. G. 2, Starlight. No time. Sherburne, .\. Y., Oct. 9, 1883. .§,50. C. G.. 3:00, 2:.59i^, 3:01. Nelly AVarren. rii m (2:,50). Mr, Young, Topeka. Kan., Sept. 13. 1871. §3.500. Eagle 1.2:03. 2:50, 2-51 Nelly Warwick, br in(2:40). G. W. Bell, Rittersville, Pa., June 19, 1875, §500. .Jerry Leigli 1, Phoebe Sev- erance, Fniiik. 2:-1.5, 2:42'4, 2:45^. 2:ilKi. Hazleton, Pa.. .June 23, 1875, §500. Jerry Leigh. Phoebe Severance, Barber Jack. Susy T.. Ladv Allen (l dis), 2:41'i, 2:42. 2:40. - — J. J. McNally. Ellenville, N. Y., .July 31. 1875, .§ . Kentucky Boy (1 Oi. Best time 2 :40. N.-lly Warwick, br m (3 :,5.5). J. Hines, Timonium, Md., Oct. 3. 1882. §35. Timonium. Gentle Harrv, tlie RidKley Filly. 3:00, 2:.56, 2:,55. Nelly Washington, blk in (StOOi^), by Happy Medium (?). J. R. Mills, Vincennes. Ind., Oct. 3 and 8, 1881. §7,5. Fannv K. 4. Harrv.3. Sleepv Dick, 3:10'4, 3:00i4, 3:01^, 3:06, 3:0,5U,. Nelly Webster, lir ni (3 :2894:), l)v American Ethan, dam by Biggarfs Rattler. Fd Buck. Albany. X. Y.. Oct. 6, 1875. §150. Kitty, Draco, 2:40, 2:39, 2:40. J. Hazlett. Bradford, Pa., Sept. 4, 1878, $700. Pathfinder, Fancy, Phil Sheridan. Minnie. X«'ttv, Wonder, Elliott, 2:37, 2:.37'4.2:,37. Nelly White, gr in (3:57). E. L. Harris, Watertown, N. Y., June 1, 1867, §75. Linda l. 2. Cattish Maid (3 dis). 3:01, 3:00, 2:.57, 3:0114, 2:59. Nelly Whitefoot (w). blK m (3:5.51^ w). Thomas Edsall, W\arwick, N. Y.. Oct. 20, 1874. sr-,0. Xellv D. (w) 1. William (Jwen (w>. 3:00, 2:,55'/2, 2:.56'.i, 2:.56. Nelly Windsor, br m (3 :37'/i) J. Buck, Cambridge, N. \'., July 5, 1875. ,§200. Modoc 1. 2:44'.i, 2:37'i, 2:37'o. 2:38. ■ ■ " " Nelly Woodruft". gr m (3:33»4). by Rooker, dam bv Mohawk. E. B. Woodruff, Knoxville. la., Aug. 24, 1882. $200. Bashaw B., John A. Kasson, Hawkeve Girl, 2:42i4, 2:429.C, 2:42. Oskaloosa, la.. Aug. 30. 1882, §300. John A. Rawlins, Little Moak, 2:.S9>^. 2:39'4. 2:39'4. Aug. 31, 1882, .$200. Idler 4 (2 0), .Jenny B.. 2:38, 2:38. , , 2-38^2. J>es Moines. la., Sept. 5, 1882, .§400. Little Moak, Jenny B., Harry Clay (l dis). Kitty Strader (l disi, 2:3fii4. 2:34 V4, 2:40 »4. Knoxville, la., Aug. 23, 1883. .§250. .Toe Xeff. Pioneer. 2:.W4. 2:36ii. 2:38^^. Maringo, Ta., Sept. 21, iss.s, § . .John A. Kasson d O), Richard E., 2::i,5^., .2:37. 2:38. 2:39. Osceola, La., Sept. 28, 188,3, .$200. Channcev H. 1. John A. Kasson, 2:,36i.,. 2:3.5,2:44. 2:39^.,. Leon, Ind., Oct. 20, 188.-?, .$200. .John A. Kasson 2, Ben Bolt 3, Sunlight (5dr), 2:44, . . 2:37, 'J-M. Nelse. bK(3:44). A. Blume, Pittsburgh. Pa., July 10, 1870, §loo. Jenny Froelich, Loretta, Canton (3dr), 2:4.5,2:4.5.2:46. Nelson, ch g (3 :33), by Blue Bull. .lohn Forbes, Toledo, O., June 24. 1875. ,§85. Starlight, Quack. Jimmy (4 dr), 3:07,3:10,3:16. J. T. Dewey, Cleveland, O , Sept. 18, 187,5. $.500. Peculiar 2 (3 0), Forest Maid, 2:.'V.i4. 2:.34. 2:34. 2:35>4. 2:36'4, '- .J. Pickett, Kalamazoo. Mich., June 8, 1870, ,§800. Young Wilkes 3, Princeton, Maggie Casey, 2:35, 2:33, 2 '36 2'34'4 Nelson', air s (3 :15), by Woodbrook. A. Bell, Woodstock. N. B., July 2, 1883, $70. Tom Thumb 3, 6 Cool Bur- gess 2. 4. 3:1.5, 3:10, 3:05, 3:13. 3:05. 3:19. 3:1.5. Four-year-olds. Nelson (3:43). Jas. Henry, Johnstown, N. Y., Aug. 3, 18a"5, §100. Daisy. .Joe Brown Jr., Alphonso, 2:46, 2:43, 2 :43. Ainr. 4. 1883. §100. Daisy, Aiphonso. Jimmy Gloverson (2 dri. 2:49. 2:44, 2 :42. Nelson Colt, blk g (3 :44). G. Nelson, Centrcville, L. I., Sept. 11. 1849. ,§400. Kentuck, 2:.51»'2, 2:68H. Mav 23. 18,->0, .$400. Scliin (2 dis), 2:48. 2 :44. "Nelson's Gray Gelding (3:43). G. Nelson, Chicago. 111., Aug. 21, 1868, §160. Little Joe, Badger, 2:47, 2:48, 2:4.3W. Nemo, b g t3 :43), bv Black Pilot. B. A Swasev. F:iriningtoii, INIe., June, 14, 1883, $80. Harry 3, 4. Headlight, Harrv B. Knox. ,'=!nowbird. Milkmaid (3 dr). 2:.50. 2:42. 2:41?4, 2:45, 2:.50. Neome. br g (3:34). by Post Bov Frank, dam Fannv Snvder, bv Dave. E. L. Fitcli. Kallamazoo. Mich.. .June 6, 1876, §800. LadyVesta 1, Uandall, H. L., Bacchus." Fan, 2:34, 2:37, 2:^4.^, 2:3$)^. i^. ; . I ^ CHESTEK'S COMPLETE TKOTTING AND I'At^ING KKCOUI). ,-;j7 — - B. F. Case, Milwaukee. Wis.. Aug. 29, 1878, $700. Bonesetter, Woodford Manibrino, Dakota M:iu\. Foxie v., Darby, 2:21, 2:2t>i4, 2:ii4. Nephew b s C3:3tij., by Haiubriiio, dam Trotting Sister, by Alexander's Abdallah. F. Arnold, San .loaciuiu, Cal., Sept. 24, 18.8, *.300. Peerless, Western Boy, Kehance (1 dis). 2:39, 2 -371^ 2 -ST^i Neptune iw) b g C-i :43i=4,>. by Buciiuighani. W. C. Doolittle, Sotitliiugton. Conn., Oct. 16, 1882, $50. Kitty (w) 1,2. Black Fanny (w) 3, -Molly B. ivv), 3:05V^a, 3:08. 3:059i,3:0.^K', 304 304 — —.June 26, 1883. .$150. May Jefferson 2, Blaek Bess, Lookout (3 Uis),' Jack (3 dr), 2:43?i, 2:49i.o, 2:45V2, Nerea eh m (3:33' j), by John Nelson, dam by Oen. Taylor. W. H. Doble, Chicago, 111., July 22. 187.'), ^1,000. Duke, Pilot Maml)rino, G. J. Fuller. 2:39U. 2:45',2, 2:41>4. " , •. , . ■ ' w .$300. .Jillard, Kusliland Maid, Altamont, 2:47, 2:42U, 2:44. Nero, blk s (3:31), by Startle. K. Dempster. VVaverly, N. J., Sept. 19. 1882, Sioo. Bayonne Prince, Risine Sun, Bergen Belle (1 dis), DelmonicoU dis), 2:56^2, 3:02. Three-year-olds Plainlield, N. S., Sept. 27. 1882. $50. Bayonne Prince. Gvpsy.'2:50i!4. 3:01. Three-vear-olds Nerve, i Pat) blk g (3 :40!4). H. J. Ritter, Titusville, Pa., Aug. 9, 1873, .$250. Orange Billy 3. Bay Billy, Sleeper. 2:4014, 2:4014. 2:401/^, 2 :40M,. J J J. i . I'Yanklin, Pa., Sept. 17, 1873, $500. Orange Billy l, 2 f4 0). Bay Billy 3, Blue Pills, Black Frank, Sleeper (2 dis), Evelina(2 dis), 2.44, 2:43':., 2:42i.., 2:44, 2:45,2:4G>o, 2-47 ' i- Titusville. Pa., Sept. 24, 1S73, .$,350. Blue Pills, Gray Billy, 2:43';. 2:43i4, 2-41. Neshannock, bg(3:34). VV. E. Reis. Mercer, Pa.. Sept. 8,' 1880, .$100. (ioodnight. Due Bill. Maud B., 2:55, 2:48?4, 2:45. Newcastle, Pa., Sept. 16, 1880, $1,50. Beaumont 3, MaudB., Goodnight, Fred Orr, 2:42';., 2:42, 2:3914. Sharon, Pa., Sept. 30, 1880, .$225. Sunshine 2. 3, Beaumont (3 dr), 2::J6^., 2-38^., 2:i3=>4; ''•35 ''-36 Pittsourgh, Pa., Oct. 9, I88O. ,$300. Tom B.. Maud B., T. M. Bavne d dis)' 2-34'i 2-34 2-34. A. Walters. Wheeling, W. Va.. Oct. 17. I88I. .$.300. Mohawk Kate J. 5. Blue Jeans 1, Brownwood, Desde- mona, 2:41 14. ■2:37h, 2:36V4, 2:38, 2:42. 2:42. Neshominy, chg(3:47Ji). W.W.Griffith, Doylestown, Pa., Oct. 6, 1880. .$150. Mav-flower 2. .3.2:.")114.3-07'a 2:53,2:51,3:02. ■ ^^' '*' Oct. 7, 1880. $100. Bobby Burns. Ella May, J. H. Spencer. Maj-flower. Kate. BiliyKueadler, Starlight (3dr),2:47?4., 2:49. 2:49^4. ^ Nestor, b s (3:00). S. Richards, Northampton, Mass., Oct. 8, 1875, $75. Bay Billy. Raven, 3:00,301 3-00 Stallions. " " . , . • Nestor's Gray Mare, (3 -AS^}. Patrick Nestor, East Saginaw, Mich., Aug. 3, 1871. $100. 2-AH}^. To beat 2-50 Net Medium, dn m (3:57), by Happy Medium. A. A. Wright, Waverly Park, N. .1.. SeptT 21, i8so $100 Bella Medium l, Polly Hopkins, Easter Medium, 2:57y2, 2:,59;4, 2:.57. Three-year-olds. Neta Medium, b m (3 :33i^), by Happy .Medium, dam by Yankee Tricks. R. Steel, Point Breeze Park Phila. May 17, 1882, $400. Douglass, Lady Storv. Scven-Tweutv. Tom Lilv. The King. 2:33'i, 2.,35, 2:,35. Chicago, ni. July 20, 1882, $2,000. Lillian 3, Golden Rule. Douglass, Florance M., Logan B, a dis). 2 :223a;. 2:22"2, 2:2414, 2:26M. Morrisania, N. Y.. Oct. 3. 1882, .$6,50. Barbara Patcheii. Western Girl, Dolly Everett (3 dr), 2:25?4, 2:25'/», 2:26?4. Nettie, gr m (3:471^). J, C. Brightmau Fall River, Mass . Sept 30, 1,878, , $400. Molly Maguire 3 (1 0) (2 0). 2:47i|, 2:.52, 2:48, 2:51, 2:54'/2, 2:51. ■ o Nettle, b m (3:.5694). R. M. Richardson, Rome, N. Y., Sei)t. 21, 1881. $45. Little Dan, Sheridan, 3:01, 3:12 Three-year-olds. R. Itnapp, Herkimer, N. Y.. Sept. 3, 1882. ,$40. Mattie R.. Rip Van Winkle, 3:26, 3:23, 3:10. Four-year- olds. R. M. Richardson, Rome, N. Y., Sept. 21. 1882, .$70. Young Sheridan, Daniel Lambert, 3:03, 2:.56^4, 2:57. Four-year-olds. Nettletop, rn m. T. K. Scoville, Brockville, Out., Sept, 25, 1877. $50. Nelly Thome 3, Western. White Bird (2 dr). No time, W. F. Gallagher, Kingston, Ont., Sept. — . 1879, $150. Plainville Boy, Minnie Granger, French Boy, Tom Burke, Y'arrow, Honest John, Gen. Thomas, Little Harry. No time. Netty, b m (3 :18). by Hambletonian, dam bv American Star. John E. Turner Pittsburgh, Pa., .June 18, 1873, $1,000. Ifate Campbell 1. Ohio Boy 2, Gentle Annie (4 ills), 2:,32. 2:35'2, 2:32, 2:35, 2:.36?i. — Erie, Pa., .lulv 16. 1873, $3.,500. .7. G. Brown. Crown Prince, Joker (3 dr), 2:32, 2:34. 2:32. Cleveland, O.. .July 29, 1873 .$3,000. Blanche l, Molly Morris, Thomas L. Young. John H., Red Dick (4 dr), Coinee (2 dis), 2:27,2:24U. 2:241/3, 2:27}^. Aug. 1, 1873, .$5,000. Mohawk Jr., Crown Prince, Red Cloud, Derby. Chicago, Major Allen, Ben Flagler, 2:24^,2:2414, 2 :259i. ■ Buffalo, N. Y., Aug. 5, 1873, $10,000. J. G. Brown, Blanche, Thomas L. Young, Parkis' Abdallah, Comee, 2:20,2:22^4,2:2494. Columbus, O., July 4, 1874, $1,.500. Red Cloud 1, 4, Huntress 3. 2:28^, 2:24. 2:24'j. 2:24'4, 2:2514, 2:27. Cleveland, O., July 31, 1874, .$6,000. Gloster 1. Red Cloud 2. Sensation, St. James (4 dr). Gazelle (1 dis), Camors (1 dis). 2:20i^, 2:20. 2:2114. 2:25'4, 2:2514. Utica, N. Y., Aug. 14, 1874, .$.5,000. Castle Boy 1. 2, Thomas Jefferson. Huntress, 2:21, 2:22^4, 2:24'2, 2:22, 2:22. • Beacon Park. Boston, Sept. 11. 1874, .$5,000. Gloster 2, Red Cloud l. Camors, Sensation, 2:22?4, 2:1914, 2:18, 2:19^4, 2:22'2. Fle'^twood Park, N. Y., June 1. 1877. $2,000. Judge Fullerton 2, Lady Maud 1, Great Eastern, Lula, 2:2294, 2:20;'4, 2:19!4, 2:21'i. 2:24U. Point Breeze Park, Phila., June It, 1.S77, $1,2.50. .Judge Fullerton 2, Lady Maud, 2:24}4, 2:2694, 2:2314, 2:24, 2:2694. Cleveland, O., July 27, 1877, ,$3.000. Lula. Judge Fullerton, 2:25>i. 2:22';, 2:221^. Point Breeze Park, PhiL, June 4, 1878, $800. Huntress. Scotland, John H. (3 dis), 2:23. 2:2,5, 2:26i4. Fleetwood Park, N. Y., June 15, 1878, $1,000. Richard. Result, Huntress, 2:22J4. 2:27, 2:26^. Netty, blk m (3 :43'i). Boston, Mass.. Nov. 9, 1870, .$300. Jim, 2 (4 0), John (4 dr), 3:09!4, 3:10, 3:14. 3:14'/4, 3:12. F. B. Brown, Mystic P.ark, Boston, May 24, 1875, ,$200. Hattie, 2 (1 0), 2:49, 2:47, 2:46, 2:49)4, 2:48'2. June 7, 1875. .$1.50. Hattie, 2 (3 dis), Horace Greeley (w). (1 dis), 2:46'i. 2:46. 2:48, 2:42'4. Netty (3 :5,5). Mr. Slaton, Sullivan, HI., Oct. 13, 1875, $55. Billy Frank, Gray Dick, Bessie Turner, Lady Gray, Fannv(2dr). 3:02, 255. Netty, bf m (3:40i4). J. M. Milliken, Portland, Me.. June 14, 1876, $200. Nelly Sherman, Thurlow Knox, Buck- skin Maid, Charley Miller, Dan Trull (1 dis), 2:43, 2:44H, 2:43. .lohn F. Haines,' Mystic Park, Boston, Nov. 16. 1876, $150. Keformer, 3:20, 2: .59, 3:02. 638 CHESTER'S COMl'LETE TU0TT1N(; AND I'ACINU KEfOHlJ. Netty, chm (3:33'^). W. K. Mercer, Terre Haute, Ind., Sept. li, 1878, Sioo. Helle. Josephiis. Roekweli'sur m (1 (lis), :i:lia'/i, 2:3ti?4, 3:2U. " Netty, b iii, by ClearGrit. J. B. Mathers, Clinton, Ont.. May 24, 1881, ^Jioo. Kuby 1, llai'dware Billy, Muid A George. 2:02. 1:49, 1:54, liM). Thiee-year-okis. Hall-mile heats. Netty, b ni(3:40| J ). by Hotspur Jr. D. B. Nuns, San. 2:46,2:40. June 15. 1882, S200. Lady Lawrence 1, 3, Bill MeLaughlin, W. S. (2 dis), 2:43, 2 :40, 2 :42, 2 :45, 2.44. — - J. B. Coit. Uavenna, O., Sept. 27, 1883, S15o. Deeeivtr 2. 3. 3:05'2, 2:49'/2, 2:48, 2:48^, 2:4;j'.i. Netty, b tn (3:56?4), by iManil)rino Gift. K. U. Richardson, Rome, X. V., Sept. 21, 1882, $70. Young Sheridan. Daniel Lambert, 3:03'4, 2:56?i, 2:5.'. Four-year-olds. Netty H., blk m (Sas;;). .S. S. Hildreth, All)any, N. Y.,Oet. 18, 1868. $100. Factory Bov, 3:l5'i, 3:21"2. 3:l7i/4- Netty llanies. b m (3 :44?4». by Western Chief. A. L. Riciiards, .Mason, Mich, July l", 1875, $300. Jerome. Brown Mary, Lord Dutterin.Dan H., Vassar Boy U (lis), 2:51. 2:47;'.i, 2:5li2. July 3, 1ST5, .S500. Strytigcr 4. Lord Dufferin 3, Jerome, 2:48'2. 2:.'>0, 2:,")0>4, 2:.'iO»4, 2:44Ji. Netty Hryaiit, b nu3:.54>^7 Sam Bryant, Mashvilie, Teun., May 25, 1871, $100. George 1, Dave Ma.son 3:04'.i,2:.'")S», 3:00. 2:54'j. Netty Itjirlew, b m (3:24) by Kings < hampion Jr., dam Nipper, by (ieo. M. I'atchen. U. S. Bent, Prospect l'ark,^>. L. June 1, 1875, $1,000. Maud 1, Efhe Dean. Ben Bruce. Tornado Maid. Cijuipecr, T. B. F'reneh. Hampton, Dan Ford (3 dr), Yesta (2 dis), 2:2i»?i, 2:25'", 2:30;2, 2:29i;4. Hartford, t'onn.. June 8, 187,"), .Sl,ooo. Maud 1. Tornado Maid.T. B. French, felerity, Queen, Vesta, Fear- less, Herbert, U dis). Geneva (2 dn, 2:34'2. 2:31. 2:3iy>, 2;3.')Ui. Providence, R. I., June 15. 1875, $1,000. Maud l.T-'B. French. Vesta. 2:;J5i^j, 2:32J..,, 2:37' i, 2:33' i. Barrie, Mass., Oct. 1, 1875, $300. Lady Annie 1, Cleora Belle, Belle of VYorcester ("4 dr), '2:.'!7, 2*36, 2:35. 2 ::«. Athol. Mass., Oct. 6, 187,5, $300. Lady Annie 3. Frank J., 2:34, 2:35, 2:3G, 2:39. R. Bride. Mvsllc Park, Boston, July 18, 1879, $400. Commonwealth 1, 2, Wizz. Bancjuo. Harry (Jilbert, NYlld Lilv, Tlionias L. Young. Martha, 2:26'2, 2:24';, 2:20, 2:26, 2:27i2- Netty C. iTolu Maid), br m (3:831.1) by son of Red Bird. C. C. Lawhead. Dayton, O., Sejtt. 27, 187.5. $300. Cadiz 1 (4 0), .Mambrino Thome (5 dis), Jessie Fremont (1 dis). 2:47, 2:51. 2:4:i. 2:43. 2:41. Cynthiana, Ky.. Oct. 24. 1877, $500. Romance 1, Ettie Jones 3, Whipple 2. Blanche Amory, 2:29>4. 2 :41. Chilicothe, O., Sept. G. 1878, $.500. Deception l,2:30i4, 2:3214. 2:32'.i. 2:32?4. Toledo, O., Sept. 18. 1878, $800. Convoy, Lady Monroe, Lucy Fleming, Kate Middletou 1 (3 dr), 2:30,2:28, 2:31,2-30. Columbus, O.. Sept. 26, 1878, $800. Giimball, Convoy. Envoy, Lady Monroe d dis). Lucy Fleming (1 dis), 2:30 2:29 2:30. ilettv C.,'b m (3 iss'^). G. Chew, Milford, ]\Iass.. Sept. 25, 1878, $.50. Patchen 2, 3. Carlotta 1, Belle of Mil- ford (5 dr), Hoxie (3 dis), Hayden Row Bov (3 dis), 2:55, 2:55, 2:54, 2:55i^, 3:03',i, 3:02. Netty G., b m (3:39'2). C. E. Tuttlc. Geneva, N. Y., May 31, 1882, $200. Canoga Chief, Morocco, Danforth Maid, Russie Hill. Lady Alice (3 dri, 2:40. 2:39';, 2:40. June 1, 1882, $200. Danforth Maid 2, Morocco, Bushwhacker, 2:44, 2:40. 2:40. 2:40. Naples, .\. Y., Oct. 27, 1882. $120. John Love 3. Baby Wood. Daisy B., Telephone, 2:40i4.2:;59«4. 2:39»4, 2:40. Netty G., b m (3 -.35^). E. A. Barker. Minneapolis, Minn., Aug. 28, 1883, $G0O. Lulu Judd (3 01. Orinda, Via- tor, Prilla. Volunteer Jr., 2:37?4, 2:35?^, 2:38U, 2:10. Netty Gilbert, b m (3 :37>4), by Hiatoga. C. H. Collar. St. Louis, Mich., Sept. 4, 1883, $300. Maggie Knox, George R.. Lady II., Ned Hamlin. Belle Pierce, 2:43. 2:37i.i.2::j8. ■ Sejit. 5. I8s;5, .$300. Maggie Knox, Lady H., Ned Hamlin, 2:39i^4, 2:39'/2. 2:39^. Mt. Pleasant. Mich.. Sept. 14, 1883, .$2.'';o. Lady H. 1. 3, Laura 2. 2;59J4. 2.40, 2:59»4, 2:40, 2:41, 2:40K>- Netty Green, blk m (3:51 '4), by Green's Bashaw, dam by Count Piper. VVyman & Bennett. Cambridge. 111.. Oct. 14, 1874, .$130. Kitty Stratton 1.2, Uncle Sam 5, Sli(^kfellow, Lady Mack, Black Camden. New Windsor (1 dis), 2:419i, 2:47, 2:51%, 2:.51i.i, , 2:,53. Davenport, la.. Oct. 22, 1874, .$.350. Kitty Stratton, (Jeorge Lucas, Holbrook, Joe Golddust, Sorrel George. Brigham Y'onng. Lady Logan (1 dis)'. Region (1 dis), 2:35?4, 2:4054, 2:.37!2. Netty Hayes, b m (3 :43). AV. W. Brir, Cincinnati, O.. Julv 17, 1883, .$ . Phipp's d g 1. 2:47>4- 2:4.5, 2:47. Carthage, O., Aug. 30, 1883, $200. S F. D., Sid A. Kent. 2:46^, 2:51i^, 2:4.3. Netty L., gr m (3 :43i4). Dr. LefHer. Dallas. Texas, Oct. 4, 1878, .$20. Sleepy Baldwin. (Jypsy Queen. Barney 0.,2:51^, 2:54>4. 2:43K'- Netty M.. (-lim (3 :33'o).~by Honest Allen, dam by Tom Crowder. D. P. Bissell, Crawfordsville, Ind., Sept. 8, 1881, $12.5. Toledo. Billy Ross, William Z. Dun' Frank. 2:4G"2, 2:45, 2:46. G. (Jrimes. Mattoon, 111., July 4, 1883, $.100. Ike Medium. Joe Davis, Little George, Frank Landers (2 (lis), 2:38 '0,2 : 46. 2:40. ■Paris, 111., .Inly 28, 188.3, $ . Flaxie, W. B., 2:39, 2:40. Netty Moore, b m (3 :47>4). Mr. Fisher, Aurora, Ont. Sept. 12. 1871, $125. Charley Moore. Legal Tender. Brockton (iirl. 2:48%, 2:49. 2:47i.i. (Juelph, Ont., Sept. 7, 1876, $100. Texas Billv. Dominion, Telegraph, Dolly R. (2 dis), Gen. Steinmetz U dis), 2:.56';,2:52. Netty Morris, b m (3 :30y). Lon Morris, Fleetwood Park. N. Y., May 24, 1872. $1,000. Coroner K., Top, Frank, .1. Ellis. Edwin Booth, Loliie Pate, 2:.37, 2:3,5V^, -J-.'-nH. Netty R. 1> m (3 :36>. T. L. Davis. Waverly. la., Sept. 17. 1879. $ . Clumsy Fred, Little Queeen. No time. F. Shoemaker, Dewitt, la., Sept. 24, 1879, $200 Lucv 3, John Randolph, Richard D., 2:40, 2:40'2, 2:43^4. 2 :40. Clinton. la., Oct. 2. 1879, $100. Nat Baker, Charles Lavlon. Best time 2:36. Netty K., bm (3:35), by Accidental, dam Nelly, by Thunderbolt. J. Hevnolds, Layfayetle. Ind., June 22, 1882. $1.50. Gilbirds Sprague 4, Roscoe 3. W. B.' 1 (6 dis). Red Dick. Nelly Bowed. Jennie Wells (3 dr). 2:43%. 2 :43. 2 :45, 2 :42' » . 2 :40. 2 :;i9 Netty .s.. ch m (3 :53i4). .1. H. Snvder. Wankegan. 111.. Sept. 30. 1874. $50. Rockland Maid 2, 3. Frank, Sam (5 dr), 2:.54'4, 2:.57. 2 :.55. 2:.53>.<;, 2:.55'2. Netty Ward, ch m i3:39V<;(, by Peavine, dam bvSir Wallace. S. Bryant. Lexington, Ky., Oct. 10. 1877. $6(Xi. Romance, Whipple, Ettle, Jones, Kate Jackson, Blanche Amory, tiallie. Belle Clay, Birdie Girl, 2:31% 2:31. 2:29^ (J.'Wilson, Robinson, lU., July 4, 1878. .«.3eo. Gen. Mack. Kangaroo, Bay Frank (3 dis), Burlington (3 dr), 2;.36. 2:.!Ii/,. 2::!7K>. W. A. MarUnv, Fremont, Neb.. Sept. 17. 1880. ,$ . Marv Clark 3. Black Dan. 2:37. 2:34'i, 2:41, 2:36'-. Netty Wonder, gr m (3:41). B. F. De.m. Bradford, Pa., Julv 9. 1878, 8600. Cricket. Taylor, Lady W'(mder. Sparta<;irl. Belle, 2:41. 2:42.2:41. Netty Wonder protested. Protest sustained. Neva, cii m i3 :38';). C, B. Davis. Northampton, Mass., Sept. 8, 1875, $300. Palmer Boy, Dick Farrell, Jenny. Madge (3 dis). Susie (1 dis), 2 :42J^, 2:45, 2:41. CHESTEKS COMl^LETE TKDTTING AND PACING KECOKD. 539 HolyoKc, Mass., July 4, 1877, $75. X. X.. Tommy Dot, Bessie Turner, 2-A\,2A0}4, 2:40. Neva, b 111 (a:33'o), by Struder's Huinbletoiiiau. W. Conrad. Hillsboro, O., Oct. 6, 1882, $ . Nipperl, Morganza, Forest Chief (4dr;, 2:5y'.i, , 3:00. 2:59}^. Oct. 7, 18S2, S . Kipper 1. Mary Allen, 2:59;2, 2 ;.5'9V3. 2:595ii, 2:59>/2. D. Bailey, Columbus, O., June 12. 1883, $1W. Blacl<^ Jug 1, 2, Urbana Belle 3, Cresco, Almont Gift. Mo- rocco (3 disi, 2:2,S'2, 2:27'i, 2:30J^, 2:2yi4, 2:33J>3, 2:34>o. Wheeling, W. Va., Sept. 13 and 14, 1883, fso'o. Kofla 1, 3 (2 0), Lewinski i.5 dr), 2:35, 2:32^4,2:30^, 2:;jOi4. 2:35,2:34. Pittsburgh, Pa., Sept. 28. 1883, S500. Kitty Van, Champion Girl, (ieorge 1). Sherman, Onward (l dis), 2:;58i;, 2:.3o}4, 2:35. Cincinnati O., Oct. 2G, 1883, .$300. Billy Ford 1. Mike 2, Marion. 2:44, 2:39' », 2:40 2:38, 2:41. Nevada, b g (3 :45;i). G. K. Lawrence, Bangor, Me., Oct. 12, 18G7, $50. Brookside, Lady Hamilton, 2:45}.^, 2:48,2:4614. Nevada, ch s (3:069.i). Arnott and McHenry, Cambridge, 111., Sept. 1,1880, .$45. George Purdy, Fay. Rambler, Wynian. 3:08>4, 3:08. 3:0G'4. Neversink Maid, ch in (3:01i.i). Alex. Brown, Port Jervis, N. Y., Oct. 5, 1871. $100. Ben 2, Tom. Kosa, Lady Wyker (3 dis), 3:02U, 2:.58?4, 3:01i4, 3:0G. Neville (3:43). O. P. Kiptoh, Pittsburgh, Pa., Oct. 3. I87(), .?200. Billy Butler 3, Belle Boyd 1, Idle, 2:49, 2:4.5.2:50.2:43,2:51. # New Berlin Girl, ch m (3 :39'i). C. Langworthy, Skaneateles, Jf. V., Aug. 20, 1870, .$150. Hunter Boy l. Fly, Loren, Kittv Baker (4 dis). 2:46?i, 2:4ii?4, 2:45. 2:45. Auburn. S'. Y., Aug. 24, 1870, .$250. Hunter Boy, Fly, 2:43, 2:44'o. 2:47i/4. Aug. 25, 1870, .^300. Hunkidori, Kitty Crumb. Nelly Thurston, 2:43, 2:5G'.i, 3:00. M. Koden, Philadelphia, Pa., Sept. 9 and 10, 1870, .$l,ooo. Jeiinv 3, 4 (5 0). Fanny Lambert 6 (5 0), Snow Flake (7dr), Oneida (5 dr), Vosburgh (5 dr). Two White Heels (2dr), Quaker Girl (2dr), 2:33, 2:.35J4, 2:35J4, 2::io%. , .2:34U. Willianisport, Pa.. Sept. 16, 1870, .$1,000. Jenny, Quaker Girl. 2:43, 2:45, 2:42. Fleetwood Park, N.Y., Sept. 20, 1870, §1,000. Lady Hughes, Enigma, Fanny Lambert, Bashaw- Maid, tlole- man (2 dis),2:29'j, 2:32^, 2:321-2. John Lovett, Nov. 19^ 1870, Sl.OOO. Kitty 1, 2 :37i4, 2:36, 2 :37k, 2 :37?i. Newbern, b g (3 :41, by Little Logan, dam by Sutton's Hiatoga. Waugli & Sanders, Cambridge, 111., Aug. 30, 1878, $300. Baby3, 4, Tim, Almore, May Queen Jenny B., Baby C, Milo Belle (.5 clr), Herschel (2 dis), 2:41, 2r41M, 2:50, 2:44. 2:41. Davenport, la,, Sept. 4, 1878, $500. Baby 1, Hannis, Lizzie, 2:42, 2:43, 2:44, 2:44. Newbridge, ch g (3 :34?4). T. Cole, Morristown. N. J., Sept. 1, 1880, $150. Harry Mills, Gen. Garfield, Nelly (1 dis), Maggie Quinn (1 dis), 2:37, 2:46i4„ 2:46Vi. Sept. 2, 1880, $1.50. Bobby Burns, Lady Antrim, Maud, Wind Beam, Rising Sun (l dis), 2:37, 2:37, 2:34%. New Britain (3 :40i. E. A. Squire. Meriden, Conn,, Sept. 29, 1868, $45. .Johnny Keb, 2:40. 2:42. Newbrook, blkg (3 :30\ by Wilson's Henry Clay. M. H. Whipple, White Plains, N. Y., Oct. 13.1876, $250. Black Bess, Dolly (3 dis), 2:40, 2:43. 2:40. (s). Fleetwood Park. N. Y.. Nov. 30, 1866, .$200. Sorrel Jake (s), 2:46, 2:48. (s). Barney Spaulding, Nov. 12, 1877, $100. Aleck (s), Mary Lamb (s), Black Bashaw (s), St. George (s), 2:33, 2:3314,, 2 :32>6. Drennon and Spaulding, White Plains, N. Y., Oct. 8, 1878, $300. Modoc, Marlboro l (2 dis). 2:33. 2:32, 2::Ui4, 2:351-^. Oct. 10 and 11, 1878, .$300. M. R. 3, 6 (2 0), Modesty 4, 5(2 0), Viola. 2:33)4. 2:33, 2:31 '4, 2:3414.2:37, 2.32W, 2:33, 2:34'4 B. Cooley. Danbury. Conn,. Oct. 6. 1882, .$200. Manhattan 1, Olive, 2:33. 2:34?4, 2:37. 2:351^. Newburgh (s). blkg(3:38 s). H. Jones. Beacon Course, N. J., Sept. 22. 1845, $3o. Tom Moore, Ephraim Smooth, 2:53, 2:56'2, 2:48'2. (s), H. Woodruff, Union Course, L. I., Nov. 17, 1845. $200. Fashion (s) (1 dis). 2:39. (s) H. Jones, Centreville. L. I.. I\lay 4, 1846, $500. John Mafiitt is) 1, 3, 2:46, 2:42, 2:38'i. 2:40. 2:38. (w) July22,1846, .$1,000. New England (w), 5:41, 5:43. Two miles. Newbiirgli, ch g (3 :38), by American Star. J. R. Smith, Middletown, N. Y., Oct. 10. 1866. '$60. Skowhegan, Strideaway,2:44. 2:42'.;, 2:41. Poughkeepsie. N. Y.. Oct. 10. 1867, $125. Nimble Dick, Kate, 2:31. 2:36. 2:.38. Catskill. N. Y..Oct. 23. 1867. .$ . Breeze 1. Nimble Dick, 2:40^^2, 2:37^4. 2:40?i,2:39. New Dorp, b g (3 :45), by Gray Eagle. D. B. Goff, New Dorp. S. I.. Nov. 7. 1.S74. $200. Tommy Moore 4. Priva- teer Maid 1 (2 dis), 2:.5:3^, 2-:50'/2, 2:.Wi. 2:48. 2:.50i2. . Stamford, Conn., Nov. 17, 1874, .$200. Flora Temple 3 (2 0), Honest John (5 0), Fanny, Bridget (2 dr), 2:4714, 2:48?i, 2:46, 2:45. 2:4.5, 2:46U. New Dorp, S. I., Nov. 28, 1874, $100. Ellen Mary, 2:53. 2:53%. New JSngland (s), b g (3:38). G. R. Wesson, Worcester, Mass., Sept. 8, 1858. ,$400. Major Rogers (w). 2:38, 2:38.2:42. (w)H. Bradley. Boston. Mass.. Aug. 4, 1867. .$750. Fioral, Nelly (3dr). 2:.51.2:4734,2:47ii, 2:51. New England, bs"( 3:43). W. H. Woodruff, Boston, Mass., July 23, 1870, .$ . Robinson Crusoe. Dick (1 dis). Starlight (1 dis), 2:44. 2:43. 2:4.5. New Hainpsliire Boy, gr g (3 :46). F. Briggs. Boston, Mass., June 27, 1860. $100. Belmont. Starke. 2:48. 2:46.2:47. New Hampton Girl, b m (3:53U). by a son of Widgeon. J. L. Lee, Waverly. la,, Sept. 19. 1879. $ . Billy Goocher 1. Homelv .lim. Little "Mink. No time. H. Sullivan, Hampton, la.. June 9. 1881. .$200. Jenny G. 1, Isabelle. 2:.U 2:.W. 2:53i^. 2:.5.S%. New Haven Boy, gr g (3:41). L. C. Ryerson. New Haven, Conn., July 13, 1870, $ . Lady Warren 1, 2. 2:4.5}^, 2:49"2, 2:4.5, 2:44%. 2:45. Aug. 5, 1870, $1,000. Lady Warren (3 dis), 2:.5nu. 2:42, 2:41. New Jersey, ch g (3:48i2. S. Hoagland. Union Course, L. I., June 23, 1853, $1,000. Paddy Miles. 5:43. 5:37. Two miles. New Jersey Star, ch s (3 :.53). Mr. Wiiliiims. Newark. N. J.. Sept. 16, 1859. .$50. Y'ankee Trick. Gillespie's b s, 2:.52,'2:.56. Stallions. News Boy, ch s (3 :49i4). R. Woodfin, Nashville, Tenn.. July 18, 1870. $ . Rachael Horton 3, 5, Orphan Boy 4, 2:5114. 2:52. 2:.52. 2:.5.3'4, 2:.54U. . Sept. 29, 1870. $.500. Lizzie Craig 1. 2:53, 2:b2>A, 2:53' i- Nov. 2. 1870. .$.50. No Name 1. 3, 2:.50>4. 2:57, 2:53%, 2:54%. 3:00. Mobile. Al:i., June 26. 1872. .$- — . Cowbov. Telegraph. 2 :49i4, 2:53. 2:,56. G. McKernon. (ialveston. Tex., Oct. 20. 1873. Prize, silver. Baldv. Butcher. 3:03. 3:04%. Newton, (w) b g (3 :57i,4 w). Mr. Saxon. Union Course, L. I.. Deo. 5, 1857. $500. Revolt (w). 2:.58y2, 2:57%. Newton, b g (3 :40H). C. C. Jones, Plainfield, N. J., July 30, 1871, $125. Little Nell 2. Elsie (3 dr), Fanny (1 dis), 2:42. 2:4.5K 2:41, 2:4.5. • Peter Manee, Morristnwn. N. J., .Tulv 24, 1871, .$400. Fanny 1,2:43)4, 2:42^, 2:441^, 2:40i4. TT Sept. 27. 1871, $21. Lady Mary,.2:54,2:46?4. 2:50. 5411 ClIKSIKKS COiMl'I.Kil-: THOTTING AND I'ACING KECOKU. Newton Booth, (2:41^^). San Jose. Cal., Sept. 2, 1871, S . Young America, 2:52. 2:41U. Newtou's U»y Mare, (3 :3»). A. Newton, Watertown, Conn., Sept. 29, 1870, ■jir). Crane sbrni, Major, 3:39 3:4sHs. Three-year-olds. * New York, b ^ (3 :3a'2). T. K. Hattelle, San Francisco, Cal.. June 26. 1H52, Sl.OOO. Marysville. No time Sept. 23, l».'i2, S4.(K)0. (nciitT, ])accr, 9:28, 10:01. Three miles. Dec. 12. 1852, $300. Doniiiiick Hcniictt, pacer. 8:39, 8:41. Three miles. May 8, 1S.-.3, S5U0. Doininick Bennett, pacer 1 (2 o). Creeper, pacer, 5:27, 5:35, 5:39V;i, ::56, 5:31. 5:;!1. Two miles. Sept. 10. 18r4,.?2.'J0. Cliarley Shear, pacer, Ned McGowan. pacer. Creeper, pacer, 2:42, 2:44^4,2:43^4. Oct. 8. 1S54, $lb(). Charlcv Shear. i)accr 3, 4, 2:42. 2:41. 2:40, 2:41'/^, 2:43. George N. Kerguson, .lulv 27, is.'..'"), Sl.OOO. Lady Vernon (w). 5:16, 5:15. Two miles. A^ril 26, \XX. $1,000. Kliode Island 2, 2 :37. 2 :42. 2: .'t9. 2:40i^. Nov. 14. 18.-)7, 1.600. Khode Island 1. 2.'<.. Two miles. S. Card. .Marysville, Cal.. Aug. 15, 1858, $1,000. I'rincess (vv) 1, 2:37, 2:38'i;, 2:36'.2. 2:38. New York, bg(3:.50). Union Course, L. 1., Sept. 22, 1858, $500. 2:55, 2:.50. To trot in 2:50. New York, Mkg (3:33 ». W.Gallagher, Prospect Park. L. 1., July 2,1878, $2,50. .lohnB. 3, Sam, George Henry, Lilly, Pondietia, Kosa Sonhnrg, 2:.".'. 2:32y«, 2:;36, 2:.35. New York Jim, gr g (3 :43i4). .lames Kvans. \Voo(n>ury, N. .)., Oct. 23, 1874, ■«!200. Ambler 1. Lady Jackson, '?ss. Mary Dell, Belle of Philadelidiia, Dan, Harrv Stuart (4 dr). Bones i;'.dr), Ad:>m(2 dis). Lucy Allen (2 dis), 2:4914, 2:44',^, 2:44, 2:42i4. N. H., blkg (3 :3G!4). G. M. Horton, Attleboro, Mass., Oct. 5, 188.3, $200. Jocko. Julia B., Esther T., Dandy, 2::i8i4, 2:38, 2:;i7'4. Niagara (w), br g (3 :349i). L. E. Carpenter. Lyons. N. Y.. July 5. 18.59. $70. Turk (w), 2:47K'. 2:47)4, 2:48'/,. W. H. Saunders, Syracuse. N. Y.. Sei)t. 23, 1859. $2,50. George Dawson, 2:42, 2:409i. 2:i6%. J. Wright, Mount :Nlorris, N. Y.. Sej)!. 13. 186.5. $100. Taggart. 2:40i4. 2:42'o. 2:.38. Niagara Boy, b s. T. Ashford, Lockport, N. Y., Sept. 25, 1879, $45. Red Eye 1, 1 :25, 1:22, 1:20. Stallions. Half-mile-heats. Nicholas, blk g (3 :43 w). Richard Sears, Stony Ford, N. Y., Aug. 10, 1861, $50. Eeppo 3, Charlev, 2:46, 2:48, 2:48"j,2:50. Sept. 7, 1861, $100. Beppo, 2:474, 2:48K', 2:47. Nick, dig (2:53). C. Predniore, Youngstowui, O.. Aug. 27. 1868, $1.50. Dave Hill Jr. 1, Bay Bill, 2:5.5, 2:52'i, 2:.54'.i. 2:.52. Nick (ll'iUy Barefoot), blk g (2 :28;s), bv King Herod, dam by son of Green Mountain Morgan, (ius Glidden, Cambridge. Ind., June 13, 1873, .$2,400. Russell, Clementine 1 (6 dis), Billy Lambertson, Hamp Mattock 2, 4 (5 dis), 2 :3914, 2 :37, 2:421^, 2 :X>}4, 2:40i.i, 2 :41 Vi. Jackson, Mich., June 19, 1873, $1,500. Vaughn 1. 3, Lady Faueett, Hunter, Maggie Casy, Frank Palmer (4 dr), 2 :35i4. 2 :39^.i , 2 :,39, 2 :41, 2 -AOU- Nick, ch g (3 :40). Ed. Moore, Franklin. Ky., Sept. 11. 1879, $.50. Fannv, W. T. Linek. 2:57i^j,2:48. Sept. 12, 1879, $.'«)0. Denver, S. W. Thomas, Chieftain, 2:52, 3:10. 3:02. J.A. Bland, Tallahassee, Fla., Jan. 18. 1881, $ . George 2. Wade Hampton. Burlington, 2:40, 2:40's,2:41. Nickle, brg(2:47). J. S. Lvon, Concord, Mass., Sept. 27. 1871. $100. American Clipi)er. Col Rnssell. 2:474, 2:56k. (w). S. Hayes, Beacon Park, Boston, June 4, 1875. $300. Bay Billy (w) 1. 3, San, my High 2, 2:.50. 2:.54, 2:51 2*50 2*47 2*47 -■ (w),'h.' Brock,' July 29. 1875. $200. I'aul Revere 1. 2:rA^^. 2:51. 2:58. 3:00. Nickle, b g (3 :2l). by (iak Hill. G. H. Rislev, Port Alleghany, N. Y., Sept. 8, 1881, $250. Tannery Girl.She- maii,2:.59'4, 2:.59^4, 2:59?4. B. Perry. Danbury.Conn.. Oct. 6. 1882. $200. L. C. Mary Kennedy, 2:33, 2:32^, 2:35%i. Oct. 7. 1H82, $200. Mary Kennedy, L. C. (2 dis), 2:3.314, 2:35>2, 2:39. II. Ellsworth, Providence, K. I.. Oct. 20 and 21, 1882. $200. Lady Thornton 1, 2, Carrie B , Gov. Plaisted, Ked Bird. Little Maid (4 dr), Dick Dample (4 dr). Fannv C. (4 dr), 2:32, 2:31'/2, 2:32, 2:314, 2:3114. Beacon Park, Boston, Oct. 25 and 26, 1882, $ , Happv Thought 1, Kitty Ives 4, George A., Speedress, Oolong (5 dr). Dick l)aiiii)le(5dr), Morris (1 dis), 2:2k14, 2:2514, 2:2,5M, 2:28^. 2:2514. Mystic Park, Boston, Oct. 31, 1882, $300. Lady Thornton 1, Ellen, Carrie B., Fondling. Alice (1 dis), 2:26)4, •2:2(i%, 2:2614, 2:2HK. B. Perry, Jersey Citv. N. J., Nov. 16, 1882. $200. Billy Button 2, Gen. Beamish .3. Toronto Chief Jr. 1, 2:294, 2:29?i, 2::«), 2:31,'2:31?.i, 2:29,1^. Nickle Plate, ch g (3:15), by Star Hambletouian. dam bv Prince Charles. L. J. Williams, Sandusky, O., Sept. 19, 1S82, .$.30. Minnie D., Belle S. (1 dis), 2:.35, 2:3.'%, 2:37. Two-year-olds. Nick of the Woods, br g (3 :49). F. Briggs, Boston. Mass., Oct. .31. 18n9. .«200. Unknown. 2:.50. 2:494. 2 :49. Nick AVhiffles, bg (2:364). Joseph Fisher, Guthsville. Pa., Sept. 8. p-eo. $100. Ike Sadler 1, 2:55, 2:52, 2:521^, 2:.56. Colts. Beividere, N. J., Oct. 9, 1861, $25. Harry Bluff, Bobbv Burns. Patclien Colt. Kate Penrose. 3:03, 2:,56. 2:58. Guthsville, Pa., Aug. 8, 1863. $100. Dugal 1,2. 2:,52. 2:48. 2:4,5. 2:,50. 2:48. Stroudsburg, Pa., Oct. 2. 1S63, $100. Lady Seip 1. .3. Torpedo. 2:.50. 2:47. 2:.54. 2:49. 2:48. Beividere, N. J., Oct. 7, 1863, $100. Sorrel Ned. Salt Pounder. 2:494. 2:46. 2:40. Guthsville. Pa.. Oct. 15. 1863, $25. Black Mare. 2:.50, 2:49, 2:44. Easton, Pa., May 27, 1864, $.50. Sorrel Ned, 2:4.5, 2:45, 2:44. Philadelphia, Pa., June 15, rR66, .$2,000. Stephen A. Douglass, 2:.36i.»j. 2:.38. 2:38. Kaston, Pa., June 16, 1870, $1.V>. (Jreenwich Maid 1, Charley Davis, 2:-l9, 2:49, 2:48, 2:53. Phillii>sburg, N..I., July 4, 1870, $100. Greenwich Maid .3, 2:44, 2:45, 2:454, 2:44. Easton. Pa.. July .30, 1870, $100. Greenwich Maid 1. 2:53,2:63, 2:53, 2:52. April 1.3. 1871, $.50. Tom Craig, 2:58,2:,56, 2:,5.3. April 21. 1871, .?;.50. Tom Craig 2, 4, 2:51, 2:48, 2:48, 2:50^, 2-AS}4. May 13. 1871. .$,50. Tom Craig, 2:.57, 2:.55i.,. 2:54. Kittersville, Pa., May 29. 1H71, .$,50. Dnn Kichiirds. 2:.59i.,, 2:.564. 2:51V4. Beividere, N. J., June 10, 1871, .$100. Tom Craig, 2-.52. 2:50. 2:49. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 541 Kastnti, Pa., July i. 1871. .51.50. Tom Crii.g 1, .':47. 2:4.3, 2:4C, 2:441^. Auu. ■:!. -[><71, $50. Tom Cnug ), 2. Kitty l^avis. Simon. Dan Kicliards. 2:491^2. 2:53, 2:54. 2:48»4, 2:53. Sept. -'l. 1H71, $ . Tom Craig 1. 2 (3 0). L';.^, 2:.")0, Ji.^a, 2:50, 2:54. 2:54. Stronilsburg, Pa., Sept. 29, 1871, .f 150. Kate Mann (i 0), Belle of Easton (3 r 0), 2;46'-, 2:43. 2:45, 2:49 R. \V. Fisher. Easton. Pa., Aug. 10, 1872. .^50. EfUly 1, Bill Draney,-^. 3:01'.,. 2:.'-)8. Xicodemu.s (Sorrel Dick), eh g 1.3:581^,). Dr. Downing, Macomb, 111., July 4, 1871, .$150. Brigham Young 2:581.0.3:01,3:02. Nicodeinus. chg (.3:481. S. Soniby, San Francisco, Cal.. June 26, 1875, .Sioo. Blanche. Tom Thumb d dlsi 2:50, 2:49. 2:48. Nichols' Kntry, (3:33). D. Nichols, Mineola, L. L, Sept. 29. 1880, $ . Brush's entry 1, Allen "sentrv. Dur- yea's cntrv. Wellerfs entry, 3:3.">, 3:22, 3:30. Three-vcar-olds. Nicotine, b s (3:36i4), by Clark Chief, clam by New York Beauty. Edwin Thome, Fleetwood Park, N. Y., -30pt. 30, 1870, .¥1,650. Lucille Golddust, Bryant's Colt, Liberty (1 dis). 2:4014, 2;36i4. Four-year-oldc;. Nig. blk g (3 :55). Charles Aurend. Clyde. N. Y., July 2, 1868, $25. Puss'. Lucy Weed. 3:03';. 2:58>4, 2:55. Ni'<, l)lkg(3:489i), C. F. Dunbar, Erie, Pa., Sept. is, 1872, .$100. Gray Dan, Black Maria, Hoosier Boy, 3:02?.i. 3:144.3:12. Nifj, blk g. C. E. Parsons, Tarport, Pa., ilay 25. 1878, §200. Sleepy Jim, Dick Smith, Kate, Billy, l -.33^, 1 :32. 1 :.«. Half-mile heats. .June 6. 1878, $250. Billy Seward 1 (2 0), Minnie Mack. Charles Fenton, Billy ^Sdn. No time. NiKT, !)lk g 1 3 :5:5t4). Decorah, La.. Sept. l, 1873. .$ . David, 2:561^1. 2:55, 2:.t31.i. Nig iw!. Idk g (3 :.55 w). J. D. Roberts. San Jose. Cal., Sept. 29, 1883, «<100. Nelly S. 1. 2. J51ack Ralph (2 disK 2:54, 2:.")2. 2:.55i4. 2:55. 2:5(i. Niggrer (w), blk s (.3:47'/2 w). J. M. Hamniil. Camden, N. J., Feb. 4. 1858, $1,000. Haphazard (W), 5:35. Two miles. Nigger, blk g (3 :43). G. jNIackey. Port Washington, N. Y., Aug. 31. 1876. $100. Jciuiy 1. 4. Frank Masters, Chester Girl (4 dis). Nightshade (3 dis). Brown Dick (3 dis), Sam (2 dis), Gertrude (l (lis),2:46K',2:43, 2:43H 2:46.2:44. J. Brown. Smithtown, L. I.. June 13, 1877, .'5.50. Kitty Clyde, Suffolk Girl. 2:.57M. 2:571^. 2:5514.: Julv 4. 1877. .$50. Jiin Fuller 2 c; dis). Black Harry (3 dr). I'romenade (2 dr). 2:44'2, 2:43, . July 18, 1878. SlOO. Last Rose of Suimiicr. 2;."iO''.i, 2:48^, 2:.589a. Nigger, blk g (3:36). D. Strauss, Belmont Paik, N.Y., June 19,1879,$ . Lady K., Sweepstakes, Lulan, Josephine, Victor, Frank, 2:42, 2:40. June 10. 1880, .$ . Lew Ives. Tidal Wave. Bill Arp. 2:36, 2:419.4. Nigger iJaby (Cuba), blk s (3 :36). by Pilot. John Bayliss, New Orleans, La.. Feb. 27, 1842, $200, 2:36. To beat 2:4.5. Nigger Kaby, blk g (3 -.^T^^,), by Yankee Bill, dam by Hiram Drew. i. A. Whitney, Barre. Vt.. July 5, 1875, $150. Norman Reindeer 4, 5, Bob Rilev 2, 3, Maggie Lee, Lady ^ tkins. Dick Palmer, Torment ( 1 dis), 2:501^. 2:54. 2:.55y2, 2:57',, 2:55, 2:55. 3:06. C. E. Mosher, Meriden, Conn., July 5, 1877, $200, Jenny. Buckingham. Nelly Richardson, Butcher Boy (2 dis). 2:40, 2:38^4, 2:41?£. Claremoiit. N. H., Aug. 9, 1877, $250. Katy Did, Honest Lyon, John Morrell. Peter, Nelly S., Annie Lou, 2:41, 2:.38. 2:39. Lawrence. Mass., Oct. 4. 1877. .$200. Johnny, Peter, Alice. Mattie (1 dis). 2:39'2, 2:41. 2:39. Oct. 5. 1.877, .5200. Peter I. John Virgin. 2 :4'3, 2 :38, 2 :39. 2 :42. J. J. Bowen, Danvers. Mass., Nov. 1, 1878. $100. Sproustous, Annie E., Price. 2:42i2. 2:42. 2:41. W. H. Doble, Dover, Del., Sept. 23. 1879. .$2.50. Lyman, Star, Felton, Jenny Moore, Sherman Morgan (3 dis). George Brooks (2 dis), John C. (1 dis), 2:34. 2:30. 2:32. Point Breeze Park, Phila., Sept. 30. 1879, $500. Nelly Rose. Lvman. Odd Fellow, Ambler. 2:28. 2:28. 2:29. Oct. 1, 1879. $400. Lark. .Judgment, (ieorge Brooks. 2:2915, 2:33, 2:29k Wilmington, Del., June 17. 1880. .$ . Shennan Morgan. Molly. 2:38. 2:38. 2:36. Doylestown, Pa.. Oct. 8, 1880, .$.300. Star. Mambrino Hassen. Star, Sadie Howe, 2:32<2, 2:3394. 2:31. Belmont Park. Phila., Oct. 21, 1880, $400. Parole, Legal Tender. Clara .L.2:31. 2:28. 2:2714. Nigger Doctor, blk s (3 :33'i), by Dave Hill. J. J. Truesdell. Chagrin Falls. O.. .June 28. 1876. .S325. Constant 1, 2, Willv Golddust 5, Nelly, Harry B. (3 dis). 2:4514, 2:451.1. 2 :.-iO, -.-liUo. 2:48'2. . J. nines, Meadville, Pa.,*May 25, 1880, $300, Valiant 1. Jack, Little Roan. 2:37ii, 2:38, 2:389i. 2:38. Nigger Joe, brg (3 :57V^), D. Aukeny, Marshalltown, la.. Sept. 6, 1872, $75. Gen. Jackson l, Sleepy Dan, Dark'iess 3:02^4.2:59^4 2:59J4, 2:57^- Night, blk g (3 :44)! L. J.'Martiii, Newton. N. J., Oct. 12. 1880, $75. Charley, 2:44. 2:46. 2 :.55. Foiu--year-o]ds. Oct. 1.3. 1880. .$.3.5. Major Miller. Bob Johnson. Tha, 2:45, 2;47'4, 2:46i/^. Night Hawk, blk g (3:39). William King, Philadelphia, Pa., June 16, 18,51. .$50. John Davis 1,2:42,2:41, 2:39. 2:39. Hiram Woodruff, Union Course. L. I.. .Tune 23. 1853. $1,000. Stranger (1 dis). 2:45. Night Hawk (Champion). ch s (3 :36), by (Jrinnell's Champion, dam by Sherman's Young Eclipse. P. F. Sapp, Lawrence, Mich.. .June—, 1868. $ . Quaker 1. Washtenaw Chief. 2:57. 2:43, 2:45. 2:4:i. Night Hawk, blk g (3:40i2). C. G. Burtis, Syracuse, N. Y.. Sept. 8, 1870. $150. Kitty Baker. Black (Jeorge, Counsellor, 2:475^. 2 :.50. 2:47 Oswego. N. Y., Sept. 1.5, 1S70. $1.50. Little Fan 1. 4. Belle Mahone. 2:4314. 2:42. 2:48. . 2:40i'2. Night Hawk, bs (3:37). P. B. Rammel. Rutland. Vt., Aug. 26. 187.5, $2.50. Little May 1.3, Hattie 4, Canton Bov(5 dr). Naked Truth (1 dis). 2:309i. 2:40i4. 2:4.3^. 2:40, 2:4.3. 2:4.5. William Kinder, Brattleboro, Vt.. Aug. 3\. 1875, $300. Hattie 1, Joker, Naked Truth, 2:38V4 2:40, 2:42i2, 2:40. Nightingale, br m (3:40), by Hodson's Bashaw. Dr. Darner, Tipton, la.. Sept. 7. I.s82. $100. Bay Henry. 2 :46, 2 :45, 2 :42. Nil Desperanduin. b s (2:24). bv Belmont, dam Ladv McKinnev. R. Penistan. Suffolk Park, Phila.. May 16. 1877, $300. Lady Emma 1. 2. Lady Blessiugton. Maggie M., Sorrel Top (2 dn. 2:33. 2:.32.2:.32. 2:29. 2:31. Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Aug. 22,1877. $2..500. West Liberty (3 0). Y'oung Wilkes. Lady iMills, 2:261.4, 2:28'i 2:30U, 2:281.4. Hartford, Conn., Aug. 29, 1877. .$2,500. Young Wilkes, West Liberty. Clara J., 2:2714. 2:27?i, 2:28. Se|)t. 18. 1877, $800. W. O. No time. ^ ^^ ,, „ „ ,„ „, tt , .Tohn E. Turner. Prospect Park. L. L. Sept. 19 and 20. 1878. .$500. Steve Maxwell. 2 (3 0). \ ulcan 1, Modestv Lillv. 2-27, 2:27. 2:27. 2:241 'o. 2:26^.,. 2:24. Nimble Dick, ch g (3 :39). W. Sanders, Fashion Course, L. I., May 15. 1862, $100. Lady Lincoln, 8:26'2, 8:30. Thr6e milps (W). Horace F. .Tones. May 23, 1868. $1,000. Tycoon (w). 2. 2:41. 2:45. 2:4.5. 2:42. ,,,,,,,,,,. ♦ T. Fenton. Boston, Mass.. Sept. 8, 1866. $200. Careless (w), 2, 3 (6 dr). Tip Woodward (w). 4 (6 dr). Juliet (^3 dr) 2*40 "'.39 ''■43 ''•44 ''•44 . L Ma'v 11. 1867, $l00." Col." TIandley 2. Gypsy Boy, 3 (5 dis). Bay Benuty (3 dis). 2:44. '2:40i4 2:44^, 2:43, 2:42 Nimble Dick, b s f2:49H), by Virgil, dam a Copperbottom mare. Dr. Austin. Muscatine, la., Sept. 14, 1881, $175. Trump, Como Maid.'2..?i4, 2:51,2:50. r^:.. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RKCORI). Clinton, la.. Oct. JO. 1W2. ST.'). Brown Frank 3. Hid (lapc, 2:49»4. 2:50. 2:49!4, 2:51. Niiiiro7, •*i:V)(i. I.ittlo Sam. 1, 2. •2:r>0'i, 2:47. 2:48. 2:4«;'i, 2:.".2. (WM Hiram UoodriitY. Auj;. 2'J. IX.'.T. .S')(H). Little Sam iw>, 1. 2, 2:r)0-s, 2:47. 2:4K, 2:.53. 2:,tO. Ninette, ill m c~ :*•* 'a '. ''.v .K'lltrsoii I'riiicc. E. L. Harris. W atertown, N. Y., Oct. 10, 18«3, s^lOO. Mary Burns, (ioldcn Sliliner, 2:47'.i. 2:44 '.j, 2:4.")'«. Nim» bKC-:'''!- Harvey & Uigbv. Denver. Col., .lune .«), 1874, S900. Monroe, Denver Girl (3 dis), Dan(l dis), Ei'iKle Bird < 1 dis). SweetDrier t'\ dis), 2:.{4>4. 2:.38. 2:32'.i. X M Sewell .lulv 1. 1874. .'SI,(MH». Dan, Tom Morgan. Monroe, 2:36. 2:39' j, 2:39. lulv 4 1S74 .^.'.(XKi. M:iv Howard (1 Oi. Dan. Tom Morgan (3 disi. 2:43. 2:41, 2:39Uj. St Louis. Mo.. Nov. 4. rs74. ,?l.(H»(i. I'ilot Te]iii)le. 1. 2:32. 2:29?.,. 2:31i.i. 2:30. C. II. Harvey, Lineolii, 111., Aug. 29, 1879. $iw. Dakota Maid, iMonroe Chief, Denmark (3dis). 2:27, 2:30^, 1 G."W. ILirvey, Lafayette, Hid , Sept. 6, 1879, $400. John B. 1, Rosewood, Lady Thorne,2:31J^, 2:30, 2:28^, 11 c il Ilarvev. Danville. 111., Sept. 19. 1879. »:'m. Pilot R.. (ieorge. JUirlington, 2:.37, 2:;?,-), 2:34'/i. Nino "v 111 Ci MO), bv Deucalion. .1. H. (ioldsiiiitb. Pawling. N. Y.. Sept. 14. 1883, S200. Queen. Rosy Thorne, AiinieC. Rubv Brooks. Wild Ike il disi. 2::!G'.,, 2:41i2. 2:39. Nipper, b m (2-A'r>\4). .lames B. Burlew. Trumansburg, N. \., July 4. 1870, $125. Lotta Temple 1.2, Champion, Wllitefoot, 2:42'2. 2:43, 2:47 ',. 2;4(;. 2:48. Nipper br g (3 :".«•/.). ('apt. ILiiiimer. Nashville. Tenn., June 12. 1871, $ . Case's gr g. Molly Woodfin (1 dis). Flight (1 disT, 3:02';., 3:0.-.'.,. 3:04i;i. \V. T. Linck. Aug. 28. 1872. .Sioo. Maggie Coleman. 1, 2, 3:03, -Ji-^Ku '2:Xy2. 3:03'j, 3:03H. Nipper, cli g (3:59), by Cadmus. D. V. Grace, ChiUieothe, O. Aug. 15, 1883, $150. Tom, Edward L.,2:59?^, 2:59'i, 2:.59'.i. Adelplii O., Sept. 12, 1883, .§ . Sneak. Aimee, Hector. Golden Gate. Lilly M.. Tonie, 3:00, 3:01, 3:00. (ireeiilield. O., Oct. 11. 1883, $180 Molly Allen, Lady Morris, Fanny. 3:02. 2:59. 3:01. Ni ' " " '" ^' " Mystic Park, Boston, June 1, 1870, $100. General l, Nelly 2, Honest Billy. 2:34. 2 :32i^, 2:33i^. 2:33>-4, 2 :.3.'.. Bethel. Vt.. Oct. 17 and 18. 1876. .$400. Fanny 1, 4, Belle Dean, Young Rattler, 2:38',i, 2:37, 2:35M, 2:38«4, 2:59'i. Hartford, Conn., Nov. 1, 1876, $250. Geo. H, Mitchell 1, 5, Joe Pettit 4, Wallace (5 dr),2:37, 2:30>-4, 2:32, 2:32Ui, ,2:31. Mystic Park, Boston, Nov. 14 and 15, 1876, $200. Everett 2, 3, Lady Daggett 5, Belle Dean, Joe S., Havi- land'(4 dr), 2:.39, 2:30>4. 2:30, 2:30. 2:32.2:30. Nixis. rn g i3:58). Tarboro. N. C, April 7. 1874, $100. Dexter 1, 2, Star (3dis), 3:07.3:09.3:02,2:58, . Winner, four years old. , ,, „ N. .J. Fuller, br s (2 :31;, by the Hinsdale Horse N. J. Fuller. Gouverneur, N. \ ., Sept. 3, 1880, $200. Harry B.. Fred Clark, 2:45. Race Unflnisheil. K L Harris, Picton. Ont., .luly 21. 1883, $200. Little Walter 2. Lookout. 2:32. 2:30. 2:.3.5. 2:31. Nobby, b m (3 :48). C. .leiiiiv. New Bedford. Mass.. Sept. 15, isro, $70. Nelly Logan 3. Light Lizzie, McClos- keVs b m. David (3dr). 2:48. 2:49'i, 2:50. 2:48V^. Nobby Jr.. br g i3:3.5'/.). bv Nobbv. dam bv Sue Wallace. W. A. Russell. Mt. Sterling. Ky, Aug. 2, 1883, S:m. .liick Splan. The King, 2:37. 2:36M. 2:.36. Sh:irpsburg. Ky.. Aug. 7. 1883. .S:iOO. Jack Splan I.Molly Mack. 2:32.2:33. 2:32;4. 2:35. Lexini,'t()n. Ky.. Aug. 29, 1883 .S500. Fla.sh 1. 4. Jack Splan. Gray Prince, Lucy Pope (2 dis), 2:27?i, 2:29'i. 2:-.'9U;, 2:30' 2, 2:301^. Seiit. 1, 1883. .$500. Cuckoo. The Banker. Flash (2 dis). 2:31».i, 2:26, 2:31. , ^. . . , , ^. Bourl)on, Ky., Sept. 4. iss3. .S3.50. Mvsterv. Nannie Talbott, Zulu (1 dis;. Tucker (1 dis), Alcyone (1 dis). Defender (1 dis), 2:31U. 2:33, 2:.«i,i. ^ ,„ ^ „ . „.„ -^t n t Noble, ch g (2::J9'»). f. Puffenberger. Pekin. 111.. Sept 19, 1871. $175. Tom Wonders, 4, Billy, Nelly. Long Alex (3 dis). Belle ( 1 dis), Ladv Gray (1 disi. 2 :i:M. 2 :39^, 2 :41. 2:43'.,. 2:40. ...,., t Noble, ch g (3 :40i.i), by R. R. Morris, dam the Haekett mare. .1. P. Burnhani. Danuiriscotta, Me., June 14, 1881, $100. Gen. Gniiit, Achilles, Lotta. Clavmont. Pet 1 (3 dr), 2:41»^. 2:40i4- 2:42i/s. Portland. Me... Iiilv 4, 1881, .$100. Lotta. 2:44. 2 :45i4. 2:48. „.,„.„ Noble's Gray Stallion, (3 :43). IL I). Nolde. Rutland. Vt.. Oct. 1. 1868. $60. Lincoln s b s. 2:43, 2:48. Nobody, gr g (2 :.54^). W. Sherman. Springlield, Mass., Oct. 7. 1868. .$75. D:ivis gr m 1, Coffee Grinder, 2:55, Nodaway Jim,' hg (3 :57'i). H. B. Everett, Red Oak, la.. Aug. 31. 188.!. $100. Paulina Jackson 1. Little Nell 2, 2:.59Vi, 3:00, 2:58'.i, 2:58, 2:.57?;C. ^ „ .n,, , o o 4 • i Nodine. blk g (3:41V6). G. W. Gould. Norwich, Conn., Oct. 11, 187,5. $1.50. Harry, Charles S., Benjamin J., Mingo C (lis) 2 47Vi> 2*44 2 -46' 4 Oct. 14 and' 15, 1875. $1.50. Lady Bonner 3, Joker, Capt. Allen (4 dis). Lady Black Hawk. (3 dis). Thorn c'^ McClieVney, New London, Conn., Sept. 20. 1876. $140. Sadie (2 0). George H., Mango (1 dis), 2:43»4. 0.39 '>.44 2 "42 Nodi"ne''» Brown Mare, (3 :36?4). Dan Pflfer, Union Course, L. L, May 15, 1868, $150. Doll 3. Frank (2 dis), "•39'i 2'.36'^i ''■405Si 2'41 Fashion Course, "l.I.! May 26, 1868. $400. Topsawyer, Lady Wells, Atalanta 1 (3 dis), Patterson's blk 3 (3 dis) ''■39 '''43 '''44 2 '44 1 (w) 'f.' ,1". Nod'ine, Prospect P.nrk, L. I., Oct. 24. 1868. Prize, silver. .Tackson's br g (w). Withy's b m (w\ Fletelier'sriig(w), 2:491^, 2:49. 2:46. . , ^ ., r^ Nolavvasaga Hoy bg (3:53). A. Hlaek. Barrie. Ont., July :n, 1873. .«100. White Bird (1 ^; ^ ,„„ .,„ Nomad, b g (3:4"l>.(), bv Almont. dam M:irv Coleman, by (Jrav's Mambrlno. Aurora. 111.. Sept. 6. 187.. $.0. Earl. VoiiiigGreenman. Fanny Brown, Dolly Varden, Woodbine (3 dr). 2:48. 2:41^4.2:4.5 ^ r. o no Nomad, b s (3V40K by Almont. T. 1). Craig, Gainesville, Tex., April 10, 1883. $150. Ralph 1. Maud B., 3:03, No N'aine,"ch'g"(3 :'4(5>.^). H. II. Snow. New Haven, Conn., Oct. 2. 1867, $.'?0. Prince 2, 4. Dandy (4 dis), Light- foot <3 dis), Nellv Joslyn (1 dis), L. Buckingham (1 disK 2:48^. 2:43».,. 2:46H. 2:4,3;:,. 2:49. No Name, gr m (3:47). D. Bigler, Dedham, Mass., Sept. 23. 1869, $100. Drew. Record s b g. 2:59^. 2:.58^, 2 "5.5 '- E C. Robinson. Springfield. Mass., Nov. 11. 1869. .$75. Black Betty, Tom Thumb, 2:48, 2:47, 2:47i4- Nov. 12, 1869, $100. Black Betty 3, 2:53, 2:5m, 2:56, 2:,52. ,^„ „ _ , .. „ , No Name, grm (3: 55). Lyman Briisle, Great Barriugton, Mass., Sept. 26, 1873. «50. Tommy Traddles 1, Major Warttcld, 3:05, 2:56i^, 2:55, 2:59. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 543 No Name, blk m (3 :40Ji). B. Doinarest, Closter, N. J., May 20, 1876. .S50. Sally, 2:50, 2:57. 3:03. May 30, 1877, S75. Frank, Rosebud, Rose Aiecliiiiii, Martha, John, l.ady H., Daiiclv Jim, Celia, Red Cloud (3dr), 2:45, 2:45, 2:45}/4. Spring Valley, N. i'., June 9, 1877, Sioo. Archie, Tom I'aine, 2:4.5^, 2:48?.;, 2:4t). New City, N. Y., Aug. 22, 1877, *100. Rose jSiedium, Princeton Girl, Alarenj;o, Whirlwind, 2:45J4, 2:43, 2:45'/2. Aug. 23, 1877, $100. Rose Medium, Dean's Hamblelonian, Princeton Girl, Charley Yomig, Stella, 2:403i, 2:41, 2. -41 '3. Nonesuch, ch in (3 tSSU), by Daniel Lambert, dam Jenny, by the Kigelow Horse. F. \V. Burnliam, Boston, Mass., Oct. 1, 1809, $500. Drift (1 disi, Wvnian's gr g (l dis;, 2:28'.. Thomas Carpenter. Providence, R. I.. Oct. 8, 1809, $1000. Ogle's b g, Snowball (1 dis), 2:36^4, 2:38?^, 2:33. Woonsocket, R. I.. Sept. 15i, 1870, .$500. Black Walnut, Bay I'.cauty, 2:40, 2:38, 2:45. F. W. Buruham. Hartford Conn., Sept. 28, 1870, $1500. Idol 1, Lady Sheridan, 2:33, 2:3C, 2:32^1,2:35. Troy, N. Y., Oct 13. 1870, .§2000. W. H. Taylor. Prince. Western New York, 2::5294, 2:33, 2:34^. Binghamptou, N. Y., Oct. 19, 1870, $1600. Western (iirl 3, Harry Harley, Ed. White (4 dis). Prince (3 dr), 2:30)4, 2:30^4, 2:3013. 2:29. Thomas Carpenter, Fleetwood Park, N. Y.. May 18, 1865, $1500. Belle Strickland, Idol. 2:31, 2:31, 2:27. W. B. Smith Philadelphia, Pa., May 25, 1871, $2000. Belle Strickland, Ed. White, Idol t4 dis), 2:273^, 2:30(4, 2:28i'4. Thomas Carpenter, Boston, Mass., June 20, 1871. .$2000. J. J. Bradley. H. W. Genet, Belle Strickland, Ed. White. 2:20' o, 2:27i-2, 2:28' 2. June 27, 1871, $1500. J. J. Bradley, Belle Strickland, 2:27V2, 2:27, 2:26. E. Hubbard. Albany, N. Y.. May 30, 1873. .$800. Gloster, Hall Tyrrell. 2:27V'2, 2:27. 2:3214. Nonesuch, wh m (2:53). Geo. A. Allen, Gorham. Me., Oct. 13, 1875, $50. Tom B. Patchen, Jack Merrill (3 dr), Modoc (3 dr), 2:52, 2:53' 3, 2:55-/3. Nonesuch, br g (3 :59i;). Dr. Andrews, Toronto, Ont., July 7, 1880, $70. George Wilkes 4, 5, Mystery 1, Ned, Blacl-.bird, Ladv Kate, Adelaide, 3:00, 2:59'2, , 2:55, . . Nonesuch, b g (3 :38^4). H. S. Taylor, Topeka, Kan., Sept, 14, 1882. $400. Sister Wilkes 4, Sir Gibbie 2, Annie Allen 1, Billy Jones (1 dis), 2:36^4, 2:39, 2:389i, 2:4014, 2:.31i4. 2:391,4. Nonie, ch m (3 :39%). J. E. Green, Louisville, Ky., Oct. 1, 1881, $— . Dillingham's b g. Bowman's br g, Ben- son, 2:44. 2:39?i. Nonpariel, b s (3 :59), by Cassius M. Clay, dam Gypsy, hy Almack. James F. Thorndyke, Worcester, Mass., Oct. 2, I860. $25. Gray Empire, 2:59, 3:00, 3:00. Noontide, gr m (3 iSO'iJ, by Harold, dam by Pilot, Jr. F. B. Hoadley, Keene. N. H., Sept. 25, 1878, $200. Dick Dample 2. Doctor Weston, Pilot, Volcano, Torrent, 2:40. 2:4^4, 2:41?4. 2:40. Hartford, Conn., Oct. 17. 1878, $300. Victoria, Bertrace, Emma B., Wild Dandy, Judgment, Alice Lane, Music. Harry Brown. Richmond, 2:281^. 2:2914. 2:30J4. Providence, R. I., Oct. 24, 1878, $300. Richmond 2. 3, Emma. Judgment, Aileeii (5 dis;, Weskora (4 dis), Democrat (3 dis), Ashland M:iid (3 dis). 2:28'c. 2:20';, 2:27. 2:29, 2:26. H. G. .Smith, Worcester, Mass., Sept. 5. 1879, §500. Wild Lilv 1. 2, F'rank Munsou 3, Joe Ripley, Middle- sex, 2:28 1,4,2:2914 2:2914, 2:29'2,2:29, 2:29'o. Dover, H. H., Sept. 18, 1879, $400. Iron Age .EmuUis. Robert B. Thomas (1 dis), 2:28'4, 2:27i/i, 2:28. Providence, R. I., Sept. 25, 1S79, .$.500. Patchen. Iron Age, Robert B. Thomas, ^mulus, 2:24, 2:25, 2:25. Attleboro, Mass., Sept. .30, 1S79, .$.300. Robert B. Thomas (1 0). Iron Age, 2:2714, 2:27ii. 2:28, 2:251^2. Mystic Park, Boston, .June 18, 1880, $500. Capt. Emmons, Robert B. Thomas, Lady Foxie, Wild Lilly 2:2614, 2:2314. 2 :25'4. Hartford, Conn., June 23. 1880, $500. Knox Boy, Robert B. Thomas, Frank Munson, Phil, 2:20),^, 2:22^, 2:221^. Nora, br m(3:513i), W. Johnston, Ewingville, N. J., Sept. 9, 1878, $70. Nelly l, Nelly M., Marion, 3:00i/i, 2:.-)8'2,2:53, 2:.51^4. Norah. gr m (3 :00j. P. Healey, St. Catharines, Ont., Sept. 26, 1882, $— . Little Maid 5 (3 0), Lady Valleta 1 (3 0). Billy Mason, Startle, •Ji'oo. 3:00, 3:00, 3:00. 3:00, 3:01. Three-year-olds. Nora M, (Lady Van) b m (3:40). G. E. Marshall, White Plains, N." Y., Aug. 8, 1878, .S500. Black Bess, 2:40, 2:4:5, 2:40. carmel, N. Y., Aug. 15, 1878, $75. Black Bess 1, Rosebud, Lady Tompkins, 2:49. 2:47, 2:46, 2:47^^. Nora M., br m (3:00). A. Mevers, Dunlap, la., Sept. 13, 1883, $100. Baffle 2. 3, Ida M.. Happy Jack, 3:01. 3:00, 3:01,3:00,3:02. Nora McNeil, br m (3 :41i^). p. Farrell. Alameda, Cal., April 16, 1870, $300. Alice May. 3, The Maid, Don't Bodder Me, Toronto Jim. Gen. Grant (4 dis), 2:50, 2:48, 2:47'2, 2:46)^. April 23, 1870, $2.50. Toronto Jim 1. 2 (4 0), Don't Bodder Me, 2:46i4. 2:44?4, 2:49. 2:4S'i. 2:49'2. 2:.53^4- Nora Perry, r n m (3 :57^) M. C. Delano, Skowhegan, Me., Aug. 25, 1880, $50. Little Ned. Skowhegan Girl, Red .Jacket. 3:03, 3:12, 3:011^. Four-vear-olds. Lewiston, Me., Sept. 22, 1880, $100. John Lambert. Allie Brooks, 2:.59, 2:^7U. 2:.58. Four :year-olds. Nora Temple, b m (3 :39i4), by Belmont, dam Blond Temple, bv Lexington. G, E. Whitney. Akron, O., Aug. 17, 1882, $200. Little Ned, Bob Ingersoll S. J. Tilden, Lochinvar, Abbie Darling (3 dr), 2:45, 2:42, 2:42. Youngstown, O., Julys, 1883, .$400. Lillie J. 2,5, Gray Dan 4. Verv St. Just (2 dis),'2:38, 2:3314, 2:34, 2:30, 2 :.33i4, 2 ^3314. Norfolk, chg(3:50). L. W. Nash, South Weymouth, Mass., Oct. l, 1880, $50. Royal Ben 2, Craftsman, Laziness, Buster (3 dr), 2:50, 2:50' 2, 2 :,50, 2 -.K^^/i. Norma, gr m (3:3814) by Edwin Forrest, dam Gray Goose. R A. Alexander, Louisville, Ky., Oct. 22, 1863 $100. Belle Chaplin (1 dis). 2:.38i4. Norma, rn m (3:45i. John McDonald, Mobile, Ala.. June 24, 1869. $100. Mary E. Shawhan (2 dis). Prince (1 dis ). 2:45, 2:481/.,. Norma, gr m {2 -.ssy,). (ius (Hidden, Jackson, Mich., June 17, 1874, $l,500. Mambrino Star 3, 4, Joe Walford (3 dis), Ironsides ("2 dis). Diamond (2 dis). Brown Jack (2 dis). Rescue (1 dis), Lady Turpin (l dis), Charles Langworthy (l dis), 2:3714, 2:3414, 2:35^, 2:3294, 2:3314, Norma, br g (3 :50). Mr. Cook, Troy, N. Y., July 30, 1880, .$100. Ella 4, 5 (2 0), Jessie Gray, Prince (5 dr), 2:.')0, 2 '5i 2 '50 2 *52 2 *54 2 *53. Norman (s),'ch g (3 :56's).' Wm. Harris, Toronto, Ont, July 1,18,58, $70. Canada Bill. 2:,59. 2:.58, 2:.56. Norman, blkg (3 :49). E. F. Geer. Huntsville, Ala., Oct 12, 1881, .$40. Ginger, Emma G., Taliafero, Jim- bone, Boss Tweed, 2:50, 2:.50. Norman, bg (3 :339i). V. Willis, Mineola, L. I., June 8, 1881, $25. Chance 1, George, 3:30, 3:35i4, 3:339i. Three-year-olds. Norman D., b s (3 :40i4) l)y Alexander's Norman, dam by Washington Denmark. W ilham Pontifex, Bush- nell, HI., Sept 26, 1879, $200. MalvinaS, Skipper, 2:51i4. 2:.53, 2:4214, 2:40^. Norman John, bg (3:35). R. A. Mayar, Norwich, Conn., Sept. 28, 1880, .$25. Joe Shannon, 2:51i4, 2:53, 2:50^. Norman's Gray .Stallion (4:10). Ellis Norman, Weston, W. Va.. Sept. 24, 1875, $12. 4:10. Yearling. Norman Temple, b s (3 :40) by Alexander's Norman, dam Madam Temple. R. A. Alexander, Louisville, Ky., Oct 19, 1863, $300. Edvvard Everett (1 dis), 2 :40. Foiu'-year-olds. 644 CHKSTEKS COMPLETE TROTTIN(i AND PACING KECOKD. PJorris l^ashaw, blk s (3:34) by Kirkwood, (lam l)y Ericsson. W. Love, Saiuliiskv, ().. .lime J«, 187C, §110. Brulfjft, Kobiu. Uosediile i.i 4. Northauiptou r-i :•*-)■ Doylesiown, I'a., Oct. 5, 1882, iiloo. Molly B. 2, 4, Bayonne Prince, 2:50J^, 2:50, 2:48, 2:52,2:42. Four-vear-olds. North Kn. IKflii, S.''jOO. Keystone. 2:5.5, 2:45'5,2:41. Northern Mjfht. br in (3:51i^) («:34>.i*i. A. C. Smith, ( hicago. 111., Sept. 5, 1807, S^oOO. Infant, Marlon (1 (lis). 2:.'4'i, 2:.'>.3'.i, 2:.'W4. lour-year-olds. Davi'Miiort, la., Sept. 11. 1870, $400. B. F. Allen, Early Bird (1 dis), 2:55»4, 2:51V.. 2:.'>.'j5!i. Northern l.i«:ht, rn ni (3:50). .1. W. Flack, Oshkosh, Wis., Sept. 28. 1877, {-joo. Black Frank 3, 5. Galatea 1, Tonsv (5 dr). Cheljovgan Boy (4 dr), 2:48, 2:.50'2. 2:51, 2:52. 2:51hj, 2:51. Waukegan, 111.. Oct. 3. 1877, §200. Silver Duke 1, 2, Minnie Tavlor. Lizzie. Gov Haves, Major Howard, 2 :40, 2 :40'/4. 2 :.50, 2 :50, 2 :.50. Oct. 5, 1877. .$ , Kosa Bell, Lizzie. 2 :.')4. 2:.53, 2:.'i7. Northern .Spy. b g (3 :34). F. Springer, (iardner. Me., Aug. 2.5, 1870. $250. John Gilpin 1, Triumph. Jenny Charley B., G. E. (2 dis), Caiiess Hoy (2 dis), Jefferson Belle (1 dis). 2::58'4, 2:35, 2:40'", 2:43. Pittslield, Me., Sept. 13. ls70. .»;20(>. Purity. Little I'red, Granite Boy, 2:34, 2:30. 2:36^. Northern Spy, b g (3 :00). Charles .M. Keed, Erie, Pa.. Sept. 25, 1878. .ijloo. Goldstone 2, Annie Golddust, Big Fellow. Doisey, 3:05, 3:02, 3:01. 3:00. North Hawk, blk s (2:38), bv Sherman Black Hawk, dam by Bergamy. M. McGregor, Keesevile. N. Y., Sept. 1, 1H5.S. S30. Wild Indian. 3:03'j, 3:02. 2:47^.,. Three-year-olds. North Morrill, blk s (3:4.5), bv Slieriiuui Bhick Hawk, dam Stella, bv Morrill. Samuel Archer, Blount Holly, N. J., Oct. 1 and 2, I8OI. $9. "Henrv B. PatclicM (si, Ileiii-v Washiiig"ton, 2:48. 2:4.".. North Point, b g (3 :41i^). Aaron Nell, Broukville, Pa., (ict. 8. lS7y. §50. Mik' \ Stephen (J.. 3:07. 3:09.3:03V4. Oct. 10, 1870, S12.5. Adoni.s, 1,3, Clay, 2:45, 2:43, 2:47, 2.40, 2:46. J. M, McClellan. Sept. 23. 1880, ,«il25. John J'orter, 2, 4 (7 0), Johnston Bov 3, 5, Webster (Jolddust, 2:45''i, 2 :45, 2 :45?.i . 2 :40i^. 2 :43, 2 :4,3)4, 2:43. 2 :,50. Aaron Xeil, Puiiksutawnev, Pa., Oct. 15, 1880, $225. John King 1, Kevstone, Johnston Bov, 2:42, 2:41'4, 2:41^.2:41'/-. North .Shore, blk g (2 :43i^). Wm. Kilmer, Chatham, N. Y., Sept. 13, 1870, $100. Farmer Bain, Farrell (1 dis), 2 :49 2 :49 2 :40. '- Sept. 15, 1870, .$100. Fleetwood, Grant 1 (2 dis). Factory diirl (l dis), 2:53, 2:,50, 2:53, 2:5C'/j. Sept. 10, 1870. .$ . Lady Salspaugh l. 4. Chip Cole. Kelly (4 (ir>. 2:45, 2:4;<>^. 2:41%. North Star, blk f,' (3 :3.5U). A. Carpenter, Providence, K. I., Oct. 12. 1854. $100. Lady Sherman 1, 2 (3 0) (5 disK (ireeii Mountain Boy 4 (30) (5 dis), 2:47, 2:50, 2:.50. 2:52. 2:57. (w). Thomas Keltoii. Aug. 10, 185,5, $100. Cigar Boy (w) 1.3. Kate Devenaugh (1 dis), 2:45,2:47,2:43, 2:45, 2:47. Wm. Woodruff. Sept. 26, 18.55, $1,000. Ladv Sherman. 2 :3914, 2 :43, 2 :43. (w) Dan Mace, Nov. 3, 1857, $1,000. Ladv ^>herman (w) 1, 2:42, 2:45, 2:46. 2:43. Nov. 17. 1857. .■S400. Ladv Sherman. Man Tavlor, 2:40, 2:41, 2:40. (w) II. B. Billings, Dec. 17, 18.57. $1,000. llittle'Romi) (w), 5:44Ji, 5:42^4. Two miles. Dan Mace, Oct. 18, 185S, . 2:42, 2:37»4, 2:.39Ui.2:40?.i. S.li, Larncd, Watertown, N. Y., June 24, 1875, $700. American Bov, Young Wilkes, William H. (2 dis) 2:39'.,. 2:39'.,. 2:40. ■ Newark, N. Y., .Inlv 13. 1875, .$.300. a. S. Ellsworth 2. 3, Ladv Thompson 1. Clifton Boy 4, St. Patrick, Charley, Sunset (4 dis). Albion Bov (3 dis), 2:39, 2:,36, 2 ,39, 2:.39. 2:.39.2:43. 2:42. W. B. Fasig, (^anal Dover. O., Sept. 15. 1ksi. .«; . Hattie AV., Elvria, William S.. 2..57i5. 3:03,2:.57»4. Norton, b g (3:.5t''.,). Mr. Norton. IMartlia's Vineyard. Aug. 9. 1873, .$200. Gray Eugle. 2:.51-',, 2:.54^4. 2:52V4. Norvill, 1) g (3:431/.). William Sherman, Hillsdale, Mich.. Aug. 13. 187.5. $100. Silvertail 1, 2. Robert Bon- ner 5 (6 (lis), Billv C. Stevens, Gray Frank. John Norman (5 dis\ 2:4.5«4, 2:43'i 2:.5.3U.. 2:.52?4.2:.53='4. 2:51'/,. Norway l»«»v, gr g (3 :.';0). U. Crewe,Toronto. Ont.. Aug. 11. 1877, $100. Capt. Mac 5. St. Lawrence 3, Little Liz, Leslieville (iirl 2 (5 dis), 2:.''-1>/j. 2:.58U',. 2:.50. 2:5414, 2:54, 2:.50. Norway Knox, blk s (3 :18). A. F. Jackson, Norway, Me., Sept. 28, 1881, $12. Fearless Knox. Knox I'atch- en, 1 :4.5, 1 :40. Half-mile-heats. Three-vear-olds. Oxford, Co.. Me.. Oct. 3, 1882. $ . Knox Patchen. .Toe, 3:40, 3:18. Four-vear-olds. Norwich, (3 :49'4). W. H. Powell, B.atavia, N. Y., Sept. 22, 1883, $ . Fred 3, Scattergood, Fanny. 2:49\4. 2:491/., 2:483.(. 2:.59'.C. Norwicfi «oy (w), b g (3:501^ w). Wm. Sherman, Norwich. Conn., .Tune 7, 1859, $100. Rome Chief (w), 2:68Vs, 2:.'>4 2:.50'i, ^ .r'lin'e 14,18,59, $1,000. Rome Chief. 3:.58i5. 2:54",. 2;.5ni;. (w), Portland. Conn., June 17. 1859, $ . Rome Chief (w), 2:.5.5. 2:53. 2:.50^. ^i ¥ -mi >» u o ^ , ej- ,1^? «^; CHESTER'S COMl'LETi: TKOTTINO AMD i'AClNU HEr<>KiJ. 645 Charles Baker. Norwich, Conn.. Oct. 26, 18G1, $50. Bob Hardy 4 (2 0), 2:57, 2:44!i, , 2:54, 2:55. Norwood (Drift), br g (3:30'4,), by Hanibletonian, dam Jenny, by Saltram. A. Goldsmith, Gosheu, N. Y., Sept. 1, li<70, .^loo. Cocliocton Maid, Alice, Harvest U dis^ 2:44, 2:41' j, 2:45. O Cleveland. Kochester, .\. Y., Sept. 21, ISTO,?? . .Snip, Gen. Mitchel. No time. A.ubm-n, N. Y.. Oct. Ui 1«70, .^200. Messenger, Night Hawk, 2:421.1, 2:42'.i, 2.42Ji. N. s. Burlew. Palmyra, N. Y., Jnne 22, 1871, ■SS.'K). Lady Allen, 2 :3S^i, 2:38,4, 2:36. J B Serrill, Westchester, Pa., Oct. 11. 1873, 4'320. Susie Kurtz, Gray Chiel, Dinah, 2:37V2, 2:37, 2:37'/^. Norwood, ch s i i :4:0i^), jjy Blue Bull. W. S. McLaughlin, Lansing, Mich., May 31, 1883, if'MO. Billy C, Sam- uel, George U., 2:42S, 2:40"2, 2:42. Notable br s, by Chosroes, dam Fanny Kirk, by Harry Clay. M.Martin, Hubbardstown. Mich.. Sept. 27. 1877 850. H.'ciaj, Bosswood, No time. Three-year-olds. Notliiug b S C3 :-40); E. (i. Allen, Greenfleld, Mass., Aug. 13, 1857, §200. St. Amaud. 2:48>^, 2:45!4, 2:4(;. Sept. 1, 1857, $100. Edwards' ch s 1, 2:51, 2:40, 2:4U. Nothing ch g c3 :55). Plattsburgh, N. Y., Oct. — , 1871. $100. Black Jeff, Black John, 2:55. Nouriuaiial rn ni (3 :30' 2), hy Simpson's Blackbird, dam by Kattler. J. G. Simpson, Chicago. 111., .luly 4, 1872 $so(). Nelly Ward 2, Ida, Lady Lawrence, 2:42U, 2:48i4, 2:39}^, 2:42%. Nov. 5. 187:5, $1,000. Lady Mack, 13:39. Five miles. Nova rscotia lioy, b g (3 :45). Thomas Carpenter, Taunton, Mass., Nov. 14, 18t>0, .$25. Mace s gr g, Gi:iy Eagle 1 . 2 (5 dr). 2 A514, 2 :4t5, 2 :46, 2 :47, 2 :4.-., 2 :5G. , , ., , . . .. , Novelty, brg (3 :50'/2^. J. W. Myers, Toledo. O., Junel, 1872, $2,500. Jack, I. 2:2.5^,2:30^,2:2314. , „ „„,, Oct. 4, 1877, $750. Tommy Gates 2, 3, Confidence, Professor, George Treat. 2:25^. 2:25, 2:2ok, 2:2694. 2:2694. San Francisco. Cal., Oct. 9, 1877, $1,000. Dirigo 2, Gov. Stanford, Nelly Patchen, St. Helena, Sisson Gi."l. 2:291^, 2:28%,. 2:2614, 2:27^4- Nov. 10, 1877. $600. St. James. 2:2514. 2:2534.2:251.^. J. W. Knox, Sept. 11. 1878, $1,800. Tommy Gates. Doty, Dirigo. 2:25. 2:24. 2:23. San Francisco, Cal., Sept. 18, 1878, $1,000. Tommy Gates 3, 4, Doty. Pat Hunt (1 dis), 2:24, 2:241/2, 2:2794, "sept. 'l3,''i879, $1,500. Graves .3, Occident 1, Tommy Gates, St. Julien (3 dis), 2:23, 2:20M, 2:23i4, 2:24'/», 2:26. — Oakland. Cal., Oct. 25. 1879. .$2.50. 2:19. 2:191^. Tobeat2:15M. Lost. — Stockton, Cal., Nov. 27, 1879, $.5.50. 2 :2194, 2:21%, 2:18%. To beat 2:18. — Oct. 1. 1880, $200. 2:19. To beat 2:18%. Lost. .'IS 546 CUESTEliS COMI'LETK TKOTTING AND I'AClMi KECOKD O. A Hickok, b g (3 :30) by a son of Ethan Allen, dam by Gohanna. W. W. Bair, "Willlamsport, Pa.. July 9, 1873, S400. Stonewall l, KShorty Fountuiii, Limber Jim, Kxijre.ss, 2:42^4, 2;4U'4.2:43. 2:4i'. P. F. Gallagher. Suffolk I'ark, Pa., Aug. 'M, 1875, .■^300. Star (w) 1, McHeiiry. 2:40, L':40, 2:40M. 2:45»4. W H. Doble Jr., July 1, 187G, $300. Kosebud, Washii.gtou Irving, Arthur Wild, Belle of Philadelphia, Utile ll;'u-hi!l, .Morning, Minerva, Coal Mine i,ii dr). 2:41, :i:41, 2:41. 1'. F (iallaglier. Gettysburgh, Pa,, July 25, 1877, $250. llossel, Top, James K. (2 dis), 2:41. 2:4C, 2:47. Westminster. .Md., Aug. 1, 1877, *350. Fancv 3, James K., Top, Lady Hodge, Stonewall, Lady Harrington, iModociKlisi, 2:40, 2:39,2:413*. 2:41^4. .. , ,. I'oint r.rcfze i'ark, Phil.. Aug. 15, 1877, $200. Sorrel Tom, Little Nell, Gray Jim, 2:38, 2:3854, 2:35. Westeliester, Pa., Sept. 21, 1877, $350. Little Nell, Jupiter, Vermont Maid, Jim Moffat (.2 dis), 2:39, 2:39' i, 2:40. Point Breeze Park, Phil., Oct. 17, 1877, $3.50. Maggie M. 2. 3, Moscow. Lizzie Keller, 2:31?^. 2:32^4, 2:33, •Z-M, 2:36. Pottstown, Pa.. Oct. 24. 1877. $300. Black Frank 2, Modoc, Little Nell, 2:35, 2:32, 2::54. 2:34}^. Point Breeze Park, Phil., Nov. 5 and 7, 1877, $250. Sans Souci 1,4. Black Frank 3, Hose Medium. 2:33. 2:32'/.. 2:3i;, 2:32. 2:31, 2:31)^. J Joslvn, Keene, N. U., July 30. 1878, $200, May Day 1. Jun;\ Lady Maud (4 dis), 2:30. 2:40, 2:.39. 2:41. J. H. Lewis, New Haven, Conn., Oct. 3, 1879, $100. Fanny Jefferson, Goshen Maid (3 dis), 2:39, 2:41, 2 :3GK>- J. L. Lyon. Watertown, Conn., Sept. 30, 1880. $200. Claremont. Jenny B., 2:.36'2. 2:37, 2:34. Oakes Ames (« :54). Kutland, \t , July 31, 1873, .$50. Black Jack 1, Maggie Whalebone. Modoc Girl (3 dis). Young Whalebone (3dis),2:57i^. •^■.5^)^^ 2:54, 3:00. Oak Grove Girl, ell m (2 :35) bv Lexicon. A. P. Fisk, Cambridge, 111., Aug. 2f!. 187.\ $200. Slickfellow (3 dis), Luella (3 dis). Molly O. (3 disi. 2:36, 2.47, 2:44. - - Davenport, la., Sept. 10, is75, $1,000. Kitty Stratton 2, Lady Logan. Dan Webster, 2:37} s. 2 :38».i, 2:36'/4, 0.35 Oakland b ir (3-4.51/,) c. W. Kennedy. Louisville, Ky., June 19. 18.52, .$100. Sorrel Billy, 2:47. 2:45i^. 3:00. Oakland b s (3 :3«) by Hanlev's Hiatoga. Mr. King, Detroit, Mich., Sept. 25, 1861, $K50. Primus 2 (3 dis), Sam Houston (1 dis>.Seely'sblkm(l dis), 2:39i;4.2:34'i, 3:05. .. ^. ^ „ ,„ ,.,0 .^ oa . J s Butler Pittsburgh, Pa., Oct. 15. 1863, $100. Gray Hawk, St. Chur (1 dis), 2:40. 2:38, 2:38 «■ Keves. Oct. 20, 1SC3, $2.50. Soft Soap3. 4. Shamrock (1 dis). 2:46. 2:45.2:38. 2:40, 2:46. Oakland; 1) g (3 :56). E. S. Thurber. Woonsocket. R. I., Sept. 15. 1875, $75. Belle Brandon 3. Billy (1 dis), 2:56, Oakland \2":39).' W. K. Ward. Kingston, Out., Oct. 11, 1876, $175, Croff I, 2, White Kose, 2:42, 2:41, 2:39, 2:42, —"-Oct. 12, 187fi, .$27.5. White Cloud, 2. 4. H. Walters 3, White Rose (2 dr). No time. Oakland Girl, ch m (3:45). Mr. Hazel, Oakland. Cal., July 18. 1874, $ . George Palmer. Lady Annie, ^^- a'^kaiie.'san Francisco. Cal., Aug.. 21, 1874, $ . Ronieo (3 r 0). Billy \\'hitcoinb (3jlr', 2:48?4. 2:50,— . C. Raynor, Aug. 7. 1875, $100. Rattling Jack 3, Susie Lee, Goldflnder, Brown Jim. 2:;.l\, 2:48»4, 2:49)^, ^^Aug. 21, 1875, $ . Ooldflnder 1. 2. Netty White 4. Lady Bismarck (1 dis), 2:.54>4. 2:54. 2:60, 2:49, 3:00, Oakland Maid, gr m f3 :23). i)v Speculation, dam Liidy Vernon. J. ^''':?'?,''f.: ^)Aw.^:'!'l;,l;i'XiJ«'''' '"'"' ^^^'" $1,000. Keutuckv Queen 1, Terminus. Transhitor.AV:ilsh's.brc 3:10 ;!:<'■;>••'• ;«; i) V, nnd .1 d isV VlO rio San Francisco; Cal., Oct. 5, 1871, $1,500. Katty Mills, Miss Dighton. ^ oung Diamond (1 dis). 3.10, 3.10. Three-year-olds. Sept " " ■" ■ "^ Sacra Sept. Sept. San 1 San Francisco. Cal.. Nov. 6. 1875. $1,000. San Bruno 1. Mary Davis (i oisi, YiZ\"/ tV,-\''"~f;ii'"T'}».u. J. CroDks. Oct. 14. 1876. $1,20(1. ]\rav Howard 1. Dan Voorliees. St. James 2:26^, 2 20^4. _-.-<^,, 2.^8)^. Nov. 4, 1.H70. $1,200. May Howard h St. James 3. (ieorge Trc:it 4. 2:24',. 2:27>.,.2:-4 V.-Jv AVormWi-'mk Oakley, b g (2:30U,). P. B. Pollard. Westminster. Md., Aug. 1. 1878. $250. Bendig<> 2. .i. Lad> ]\lorrow. I'lank, Maud, Driver. '[."ady Wright (3 dis), 2:.39'^,2:46. 2:47, 2:46)4 2:45. r-,„i,.eivT -i-nn ■\m -i-ORi' Oakley's Itav Gelding (3 :. O). D. Oaklev. Amsterdam. ^S\, Oct. 21. 1876 f^-^^^^^^^^Jll^U^^^ Oakwood. ch g (3 rfiOM, by Belmont. M. Cronk, Owego, N. Y.. Sept. 6. 1883. $200. lannery Girl. C harley Lee, Dick, 2:,59V,, 3:01.3:01"». „ ^ Sept. 7. 1H,S3. $1.50. Tannery Girl. LlllieM . Sunshine. 2 :.59'.4', 3:01 3:00. p,,„_i„„ Ro^um-ui Island Oberon bs (3:47). by Messenger Du roc. dam Kitty Ilarker. by Ethan Allen. .^^j'^^'^'j^'^.T^f ^'l^^^^^^^ Park, Albany, Sept. ,5, 187f;. $7.50. Hnmbletonian Prince High huul Win 2:48M, 2.4L Jl "r^^jV '»»--olf'«- Fleet%vood Park. N. Y., Sent. 8, 1876. .S , Hugh McLaughlin, 2:.5l. 2:49i4. Threo-> e.ir-ohls. ©•Biennis, bg (3 :30), by Abdallah. P. Martin. Mobile, Ala., Dec. 12, 1850, $1,200. Lady Jane, 7.56, ».u»- Three miles. ^ ., St. Louis. Mo., .Tune 18, 1851. .$300. Lady Suffolk. 5:28,5:2.3. Two miles. G. Abrams. Toronto, Ont.. July 1, 18.52, $200. Porter, 8. .5.3 Three niiles. Union Course, L. I., Oct. 21, 1852. $1,300. Boston Girl (1 dis), 8:17. Three miles. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TUOTTING AND PACING UECOKD. 547 Oct. 28, 1852, $500. Kemble Jackson, Lady JSrooks, Pclliain (2 Uis), 7:52. 7 :53. Three miles. (vv) .May 26, 1853, .'!!."),50. i>acly Kcliof (w), 5:5-1, 5:52. Two miles. Saratoga Spa. N. Y.. Sept. 22, 18.")3. S2r)0. Ceiitreville, Lady Jane (1 dis), 5:14, 5:11. Two miles. Se!)t. 2;j. 1853. $250. Centrevil]e5 (4 O), Ladv Jane 1, 2 (4 0) ^ti dr), 2:3.% 2:34i^. 2:34!/j, 2:34, 2:33'/», 2:36, 2:33. (w) Centrevilk', L. I.. Oct. 10. 185:3. *l'50. Frank Pierce 1, 2, 2:4U, 2:43''4, 2:41, 2.43, 2:47. New Orleans. La.. Jan. 25, 1854, .■?250. Rhode Island, Lady Moscow, 2:39)4, 2:40, 2:40. Feb. 1. 18.54, .^250. Rhode Island 1. 3. Ladv Moscow (4 dr;.2:35, 2:34, 2:38, 2:3.3!^, 2:37. (w) P. Martin, Chicago. 111., June 11. 185.5. .S500. Tom Hyer (w), 6:24, 6:17. Two miles. June IS, !8>.-., .^3()(). Ladv Kate 3. Black Ualpli, 1 (3 dis). 2:483i, 2:44^, 2:43^^, 2:40'/j, 2:39}^. Oct. 9. 1855, •'51 2.50. Reindeer 2, Chautamiua Chief (3 dis). 2:38. 2:3.5)4. 2:.37, 2::35. \V. (i. Abraliams, May 21, 1856, $400. Black Ralph, Reindeer, Lady Kate, Youug St. Lawrence (1 dis), 2:35, 2;57?i, 2:;54. A. Bedford, Jacksftn. Mich., June 6, i860. .S125. James K. Polk. 2:47, 2:49, 2:44. J. Odell, Meiiipliis. Tenn., Oct. 10. 18G0, $100. Putnam, Arkansas. Black Jack. 2:53. 2:46. Observer, ch K (•i:'i4i4), bv Revenge, dam a pacing mare. \Vm. Cody, Earlsville, 111.. Aug. 27, 1873, $300. Gen. (iruit. Long .John; 1 (4 dis). Iowa Boy (4 dis), 2:45>4, 2:48, , 2:41. AuLc. 30. 1873. .i?27.5. Bov Jordan, Dan Brown. Sorrel Frank, Lady Howson, Marion (2 dr). Iowa Boy (1 dis). Ladv .Mack (1 dis), 2:38?i, 2:41 14, 2:44. John McCormick. Pekin. 111., Oct. 9, 1873, .§ . Shoo Fly 3, Jim Sharp, Frontier Dick. Gen. Grant, Rose Belle (4 dr). On. Henderson <1 dis). Uncle Sam (1 dis). Lady Bird (1 dis), 2:46. 2:40. 2:47. 2:45-4. .L W. Jacobs. Dixon, 111., July 10, 1874, $500, Tom Wonder 2, 3, Gold Leaf l. Tornado. 2:34, 2:32Hi,2:28i4, 2:29W, 2:3.5. 2:29. J. W. .Jacobs. Earlville, 111., Aug. 28, 1874, $1,000. Pilot Temple, 2, 4 (3 0), Sam Houston (1 dis), 2:28y,, 2:29u, 2:30. 2:31^.i, 2:32i4, 2:31i4. Caml)ridge. Ill,, Oct, 15, 1874, .§300. Tom Wonder, 1, 2:34. 2:311^, 2:36i4, 2:32. Fort Wavue, Ind., Oct. 28. 1874. $700. Kate Campbell 1, Quickstep, Ohio Boy, Tom Wonder, Little Fred, John H. (1 tils), 2:3Bi, 2:.30?4, 2:32?4,, 2:30. Chicago, 111., Nov. 7. 1874. $1,000. Badger Girl, John H.. Ohio Boy, 2:3m. 2:341/2, 2:27. Freeport, 111., June 8 and 10, 1875, $1,200. Phil Sheridan, Biulger (iirl, Amy B., 2 :32i4,, 2:32^4, 2:U%. Marengo, 111., June 18. 1875. .$2,000. Whalebone, Amy B., Badger Girl, Charley Westbrook, 2:.32'4, 2:28;4, 2:29%. Mendota, 111., Aug. 20, 1875. $1,000. Fred Hooper 1, Cozette, Molly Jlorris, Randall, Monroe, Daniel Boone (2 dis). 2:26, 2:26, 2:28. 2:26Ki. Earlville. 111., Aug. 27, 1875. $1,000. Molly Jlorris 2, 5, Randall 4, Fred Hooper (2 dr), Cozette (1 dis), 2:24i.i. 2:27, 2:28^4. 2:2814, 2:28, 2:2914- East Saginaw, Mich., Sept. 18, 1875, $1,200. Moily Morris, Lady Turpin, F"red Hooper, Brown Dick, Gen. Shernum (2 dr). 2:37. 2:.36, 2:35^. Dayton. O., Oct. 4. 1875, .$1„500. MoHv Morris 3, 4, Fred Hooper. 2:33, 2:30'2, 2:29. 2:32, 2:271^. Cincinnati. 0„ Oct. 8, 1875, $3,000. Molly Morris l, Thos. L. Young, Lady Star, Fred Hooper, Bella, 2:30. 2:30, 2:301/,. 2:33. Washington, D. C. Oct. 21 and 22, 1875. .$500. Joe Brown 3. 4, Lady Star, 2:30?4. 2:28'2. 2:.32^. 2:30, 2:29. Occident, br g (3 :16?4), by Doc. Leland Stanford, Sacramento, Cal., Sept. 17, 1873. Prize, silver. 2:16^4. To beat 2:1714. San Francisco, Cal., Oct. 31, 1874, $3,.500. Judge FuUei-ton, l, 2:19, 2:18, 2:22-;^. Nov. — . 1874. .$6,000. Judge FuUerton, 2:19, 2:25, 2:2034. — April 14, 1877, .$2,000. Oakland Maid 3, 2:25, 2:27)4. 2:27)4, 2:29. Sacramento, Cal., Oct. 20, 1878, $1,500. Judge Fullerton, Pat Hunt (2 dis). 2:23. 2:23)4, 2:22. Oce:ma Chief, ell s (3 :33). by Aldrich Colt. J. Boyne, Grand Haven, Mich.. July 20, 1876, .$300. Frank Reed 3. Black Doc, Roadmaster, Staver, Disraeli (3 dis), H. L. (l dis), 2:40, 2:40i2. 2:38, 2:4m. Cliarles Nichols, Pentwater,' Mich., June 29, 1878, $100. Russ Ellis 2, Scrabbler. Lady Jolly, Little Dan. No time. Dayton. O., Sept. 27, 1878. $400. Lady Sampson, Major Vaughan, Lou Myer, Cincinnati Boy U dis), Mohawk Gloster (1 dis), 2:32, 2:33, 2:371.;. Cincinnati, O., Oct. 1, 1878, $800. Lady Sampson 1, Gen. Lee, Hero, Sannie G., Mountaineer, Tola, Webster. 2:2894. 2:28i4, 2:30, 2:28'i. Newark, O.. Oct. 16. 1878 .$500. Joe Kellogg, Hero, 2:38i4, 2:36i4. 2:38. Adrian, Mich., Oct. 19, 1878, $250. Schuyler 3, Gen. Sherman, Lady Moscow, Joe Kellogg. Black Kate, 2:3.3)4,2:3.5.2:3.3.2:36. ^. ,„.„ Frank Van Ness. Battle Creek, Mich, June 4, 1879, .$400. Jessie Hayes 1, 2, Jim Schriber (3 dis). Will Codv,.Ladv Moscow (3 dis). 2:32, 2 :29i4, 2:28)4, 2:30^4. 2:30. Charles'Nicliols, East Saginaw. Mich., June 17, 1879, $800. Jessie Hayes 1, Alice West, Brigadier, Mon- arch Rule, Conrov, Up and Up (4dr), Lady Alice (2 dis). Tola(2dis), 2:24, 2:23, 2:24^, 2:23. Louisville, Ky., July 11, 1879, $800. Monarch Rule 4, Lady Monroe 1, 2 (6 dis). Convoy, Lady K. (2 dr), Romance (2 dr), 2:2712, 2:26)^4. 2:2414, 2:26, 2:23"2, 2:28, Octoroon, blks (3 :-l:3). R. P, Madison, Nashville, Tenn., Sept. 25, 1873, .$— . Jenny B.. Edinburgh, 2:42, 2:4714. 2:4914. Ort. 4. 1873, .«— . Delia 2. .3. Charlev. Blucher. 2:.50, 2:47)4, 2:48i4, 2:48, 2:.50. Henderson, Ky,. Oct. 11. 1873. $60, Twvnian ■Maid, Paddv Burton, Ncllv. 2:49)4, Oddfellow, b s (3:35). by Vindex, dam bv Brinker's Drenrion, Neal and Trainor, Lexington, Ky.. Sept. 28. 1875. $350 Woomosa, Sut Lovingood, Keene .Tim a dis), Mattie Price O dis), 2:44i4. 24994. Two-year- Olds. „, Trainor and French. Harrodsburgh. Kv,, .June 1, 1876, .$90. Keene Jim, 2:48. 2:.59' 2. Three-year-olds. Oddfellow, gr g (3 :31i. G. Webb. Exeter, Ont.. lulv 2, 1877, $1.50. Huron Chief 3. 4. Stupid John 1, Niles- town iMaid, Louise, 2 :42i4. 2 :42^, 2 :42)4, 2 :41, 2 :42i4. 2 :43. — London. Out.. Sept. 6 and 7. 1877. $175. Little Sam 1. Tempest 4. Gray Messenger. 2:44,2:42,2:4412. 2:45, . Clinton. Ont,, May 24, 1878^ $100, Avenue Boy, Plow Boy 1, J, F,. Eden (Tolddnst. .2:42^. 2:45i4. '■ Exeter, (fnt.. July 1, 1878. $125. Lottie 2, Plough Boy, Eden Golddust, Billy Walker d dis), 2:41, 2: 12 2 "42 2*43 Odd Stockiuff.'b m (3:45). by Happv Medium, dam bv American Star, R, F. Galloway, Spring Vallej', N, Y., Julv 4, 1874, .$175, Col, ■Campbell, Prince, Tom Paine (2 dis), Roxy .2 dr). 2:51i/4, 2:49i2, 2:46)4. Warwick. N. Y„ Aug. 26. 1874, $2.50. Sussex. Saul, 2:4Si4. 2:45. 2:49'4- Four-year-olds, Waverlv Park. N. J., Sept. 22, 1874, $1.50. Emma B.. Flora (1 dis), 3:024, 3:05, 3:02>i. Four-year-olds, Odekirk's Bay Gelding (3:39i/2), J. Odekirk. Reading, Pa.. Sept. 15, 1869, $400. Hess' ch m, South Star Topsy. Anthracite (2 dis), Doctor Jackson (1 dis). 2:3914, 2:40, 2 :40M. ^ „. . „,.„ „ „ .„ OdelPs Spotted Gelding (3 :10). E. Odell, New Orleans, La., Aug. 9, 1880, $200. Minme Wilkes 1, 3:20, 3:10. Odessk, b g (3 :S3). E. H. Thoma.s, Kent Co., Md., Sept. 28, 1876, $100. Bohemia Girl 3. Gray Eagle. Cheerful Billy (1 dis). Fashion, Jr. (1 dis), Rocket (1 dis), Little Chief (l dis), 2:52, 2:53, 2:53, 2:53)4. Ui cHKSTKKs coMiM-inr: tkoitinc and tacinc; in:<()Ki). O. F. C, b s (3 :02Va), hv Onward, tlaiii l).v Hhukwood. Mat-y liros., Cyntliiana, Ky., Aui,. 21, 1883. S . Vashti, Klioiles SmiUi, a:OL'U, 3:o;;. Two-year-Dhls. OKdeiisburgli, ch g (,«:54). ifiraiii Wooilrul!, (.'aiiibridgc, Mass., Ai)rii !), IHitj, $—. Cracker Boy, '2:58, 2:S6. •J: -4. OKi>t. 1.!. 1K7C., .'JIOO. KiiiR Pliilii) 2, Koyal Knox, I-ady Knox (4 (^i.s), Litlle Nell (4 disi, Honest .lolm u> disi. Joe Conanl (o G0. Kate Hayes, Butcher Boy, i.':66. — .Tune 2C. 18.".7, S-'5. Coley 3 (4 dis). Falcon 2 (4 dis), Canada il dis), 3:20, 2:.59, 3:02. 2:48. • I'ittsiiurgh, Pa., Sept. is, 18.">7. SIOO. Dick '1 urpin. Ida May, Fanny, Gyi)sv (3dr), 2:46. 2:4.';. 2:.fH. Ohio lt<»v (HenrvflKise). b g (3:a75Si). .1. T. Biggs, Kalamazoo. Mich.. Aug. 17, 1K71. .fiL-Wt. Arthur Boy, Tom llunter, Ed. Foster (3 dis), (ien. Sherman (I dis), Scali)el (1 dis). .lack Cade (1 dis). Princess (1 dis). 2:.!P.i. L^.tL'!^. 2:33^4. ■ Cleveland. <>.. Sept. 14, 1871, $1,200. Gen. Howard, Chestnut Dick, Pat King 1. 3 (.'i dis). Sorrel Frank (5 dis), William (1 dis), 2:31'i. 2:;J.3. 2:34, 2:32'/2, 2:31'2. N'iik'-liurg. Mi.'^s.. Dec. 14, ls71, S200. Joe Woods, 5:50, 5:29. Two miles. Dee. 15, 1871. .■?l.''.o. .loc Wo(.ds, 2:45, 2:36, 2:38. Dec. 2G, 1871, .?lo«. lleiirv Smoky, 5:50. Two miles. Dei'. 27. 1S71. .?1ady. 2:40. 2 :43M- ,, . ,„ , ^. ,. , ,r , ,. • „ x.- ■ X >| itunyon Mansfleld, O.. Sept. 4. 1873, $150. Mat Blower (3 0), l-rank Harlan. Panic, Brown Dick, Frank.I'.lack Tom, Mountiiin Maid. 2:44)^^.2:50, —.2:40i4. ,..,.,, J B Titman Rittersville, Pa.,Oct. 22and 23, 1874, .$300. Simon 3. 4, Bnindy 2, hrank, Liltlc Lucy (3dis) Ohio Anii'rican B()V(3 dn. 2:41i/., 2:44, 2:41. 2:40V^, 2:40i4. 2:40. io Maid, br in (3:41 ',). by Orr's Flying Cloud, dam by Ohio Bellfounder. Winterset, la.. Aug. 29. 1882, 5 . Mohawk. Capt. Stewart, 3:24, 3:2.5,3:26. ^ ,.„.,, „ J. II. Funk, Osceola, la., Sept. 27, 1883, .$120. Sunshinel. Weldon Boy 2. 2:43, 2:4.314, 2:43'4.2:42'2. 2:4l>^, 2:42' . Oko. lilk g (3 :35). O. E. Blackington, Rockland. Me., June 7, 1876. $150. Bessie 2. lijilph, Sagadahock Belle, Kettie(ldis), 2:4014,2:44, 2:4.5, 2:48M. r, , t « „ „ r , . ■ . -n S. S.Jordan, Damariscotta. Me., Aug. 6,1879. $140. Fred 1. Jefferson Belle. Lady Anderson, Lilly McOlellan, 2:43. 2:44, 2:43, 2:4»'2. Sept. .3,1 H79, $200. Fred3.2:4GM, 2:4414. 2:43. 2:441^. ^ ^, ^ „ ,„,,.,• , ,. , ,. Oku. ch g(3:3.'>),bv Hambrino. W. H. Wilson, Dubmpie, la.. Sept. 10, 18,8,.S')00. L;idy Alice 2, Irank. Mary M., Singular, 2 :.3'9, 2 :.37i^, 2:,36'i, 2:38. Rochester N. Y., Oct. 2. 1878, $ . W. 0.,2:4fi"2. Old Abe, br s (3 :03). John Tavlor, Boise City, Idalio, Oct. 27. 1809. .$200. Kph. Maynard 2. P.ost time. 3:02. Old Kailey, blk g(3 :33*). G. W. Walworth, Barton. Vt., Sept. 8, 1871. SUK). Ued Colonel 1, 4. Morrill Prince, 2:.3G, 2:36, 2:.3.3, 2:33, 2:3G. Short track. , , ., ...,,„.,.„ Old Hen, grg (3:47). A. A. Winch, Providence R. I., July 16, 1858, $50. Lady Spur 3, 4, Lady Westley 1, 2 (3dis), 2:43?.,'. 2:46,2:45.2:46,2:47, 2:48. 2:55. ,., „ ,. ,.. , „„ „ ,„ Old Hen ch c(3:00). Charles Smith. Boston, Mass., MaylO,187l. $ . New Hampshire (.irl. 3:00, 3:00. Old Chal-ley ch g (3 :.'>4). J. Fowler. Saco, Me.. Oct. 27, 1860, $200. Wait a While, 3:00, 2:58, 2:.-;8. II. H. Smith, Nov. 7, 1860, .$200. Wait a While, 2:54, 2:,54, 2:5.5. ,„.„„,,,..„,. Old Doll, b in (2 :44i/5). W. Gardiner, Huntington, L. I., July 4, 18.55, $50. Lady bontag 1. 2 :49, 2 :44' i, 2.44'/,. Old CJray, gr g (3 :54U). L. Martin, Newton, N. J., May 17, 1862, $ . Wllilt Not 2, 2:54U:'. 2:58, 2:.55. Oldllide, sp g (3:00'I». .Toe Enri.^h, Rochester, N. Y.. Sept. 5, 1881. .$100. sfieei)skin 1. Spare Rib. Charley B., Dutch Kate, Butcher Fred, Lady Cutlet, Lady Baker 3 (4 r o), I'orter House. Cross Rib, 3:05, 3:00?4, 3:08'. j, Old .Wne. b m (3 :.'-.l). Fred Pratt, Lee, Mass.. .Tnly 4, 1871, $50. Countess l, Rockwell, 2:52, 2:.'>1. 2:.53.2:54. Old .Tim, blk g (3 :39). Harry Jones, Union Course, L. I., May 2G. 1851. .$1,000. Cambridge (iirl 1, 2 (3 dis). ''•44 2"43^ ''■,39 Old'.JIm.b g (3:45). A. Mellon, Nashville, Tenn., July 24, 18G.5, $100. Ten Pin .lohnny (l disj. 2:.37, 2:45, — -. Old Jim. ch g (3:38). E. W. Marble, Worcester, Mass., Aug. 27, 1867, $150. Benicia Boy 1. 2:4<. 2:42, 2:45. 2:46. Sept. 20. 1867, $.50. King (1 dis), 2:.38. , „ .0 o ro ., r. o ro Old JoeV(3 :48). J. Fisher, Scranton. Pa., Sept. 17, 1858. »150. Vernon Boy 1, 2:48, 2:.5.3, 2:.51, 2:.53. Old.Tohn, bg(3:30i^V G. Bennett. Springfield, L. I.. July 5, 1880. $100. Joe. 3:26, 3:20Uj „ „ , , Old Maid, br m (3 :36'4), bv Monogram, dam by Ethan Allen. PompiUy & Ryerson, Lewlston, Me.. Sept^ 7. 1881. $MV). Grav Nose, Slocum, Tiny B. l (3 dis), Frank F. (3 dis), Ranger (3 dis), Lena M. (3 dis), 2:37H, 2:.3!)'i, 2:4P.J. 2:!1. CHESTEK'.S COMPLETE TKOTTING AND PACING RECORD. 549 Sept. 9, 1881, $150. Black Crook, Lanil)ert Morrill, Frank F., Ichabod (3 dis), Garfield (2 dis), 2:45, 2:39, Old Man, rn g (3 :48?i). P. Gilbert. Zanesville, O., Oct. 26, 1866, $200. Pretty Boy 6, 6 (20). Western Bill 4 (2 0), 2 :48?4, 2 :48?4, 2:52, 2:521^, 2 :4«i4. :i :47 Old Man's 3lare, (Ninette), bm(3:3«'2), by Young Andrew Jackson. N orris Holcomb, Hartford Conn.. May30, 1861, *100. Robin 1, 2:5;!, 2:51, 2:5014, 2:52. T. Carpenter, June 22, 1861, $200. William Tell (w), 2:47, 2:49, 2:49. A. Carpenter, Palmer, Conn., Oct. 22, 1863, $10C. Belle of Portlai: :'. Lady Shannon (3 dis), 2:38. 2:37. 2:39, 2:36Hj. T. Carpenter, New Haven, Conn.. Oct. 2, 1863, .§ . Lady Mack, 14 Oi>. Five miles. Hartford, Conn., Sept. 10, 1864, $150. Rapid, 15:43. Five miles. Old Mortality, cli g (2:48). D. K. iMarvel, Amherst, N. H., Aug. 10, 1859, $25. Lady Florence 1, X lo tion. 2 :.5l). 2:52. 2:50, 2:48. ' Old Put, (Richard Neavols), brg (2 :30). by Chirion, diiin Kate Fay, by Mambrino Messenger. F. W. Russell Hartford, Conn., Sept. 15, 1864, .'S45. Fanny 1, 15:iy .lojifrer (1 (lis), 2:5214, 3:04J4, 2:50. — - Woodbury. i:onn„ Oct. 5, 1865. .^150. lirown ilare, Lady Warner (3dis), Oneida Chief (3 dr), 2:41, 2-42. 2:36'... Providence, R. I., Oct. 10. 186i>, $150. Canada Joe, Mace's ch g, 2:40'/2, '2-A\i4, 2:40>/2. New H:iven, Conn., Oct. 20, 1865. $120. Lodi. 2:48V2, 2:42'/2, 2:40'/2. (w), George Carpenter. Boston, Mass., June 22, 1866, $100. Railsplltter (w) (30), 2:37K',2:37, 2:38!4,2:39k. June 26, 1866, $300. Mountain .Maid 1, 2 (3 0) (5 dis). Raid (3 0) (5 dis), 2:32;!4' 2:33, 2:35, 2 :34at, 2:43^6. Aug. 7, 1866, $150. Leviathan, 2:33, 2:32, 2:32. W. B. Smith, Hartford. Conn., Sept. 24, 1866, $100. Jack Lewis, Gray Eagle, 2:37, 2::m>, 2:36. Springfield, Mass., Aug. 28, 1867, .$150. Jack Lewis 1, John Farri's, George Washington, 2 :38»/4. 2:38. 2:40>4, 2:40. A. Hamilton. Watertown, N. Y., Sept. 18. 1867, $120. Fred 2, Dickerman's ch g. 2:50'/2. 2:43>4, 2 .42. l^an M:ice. Pittsfleld, Mass.. Aug. 20, 1S68. $1,000. W. H. Taylor, Capt. (Jill, 2:37^, 2:32}4, 2:33J4. ■ New Haven, C^onn., Sept. 2. 1868, $750. Mack, Reliance, 2 48J^, 2:45, 2:49. — Sept. 3, 1868, $500. Lady Sheridan 1, 2, John, Fannv Sprague. Jack Lewis (3 dis), Latham (1 dis), 2:38'^, 2::!5?i, 2:36'4, 2:37?i, 2:39. Fashion Course, L. I.. Nov. 7, 1868, $1,000. Clara l, J. J. Bradley (w), 3, 4 (5 dis), 2:36, 2:31?4, 2:33J4, 2:33, 2:34, 2:3.5?4. Wm. H. Borst, July 19, 1869, $400. No Name l. 2. AV. H. Tavlor, Locust, 2:34. 2:33?i, 2:33, 2:34';. 2:34i^. — — Boston. Mass., Sept. 3, 1869, .$500. Jessie Wales 1, 3, General McClellan 4. 2:30, 2:34'4„ 2:30i^, 2:34, 2:30, 2:32' i. ' Prospect Park, L. I., Sept. 24, 1869, $1,375. Capt. Gill, 5:19. 5:18^. Two miles. Old Koan. rn g (3 :38i8). Lyman B. Britton, Boston, Mass., May 29, 1855, $2,000. 58:50, drawing 414 lbs. Six- teen miles. Old Roofer (w), ch g (2 :51 w). .Tohn Ford, Chicago, 111., April 28. 1874, $ . Bay Jim (w), 2:51. Old Scraps, ch g (3 -.Slyi). Wm. Wlielan, Union Course, L. I., June 26. 18.55, $1,000. Active, 2:55. 2:51'/^. Old .Slivers (w), (2 :56'/^w). E. Jones, Hornellsville, N. Y., Oct. 15, 1864, $400. Gray Squirrel (w) 1, 3:00,2:56»4, 2 '58, 2 "59. Old .Sport, b g (3 :59). P. Whitlev, W^eldon. N. C, Oct. 23, 1879, .$35. Ethan Allen. Netty, 3:01, 2:59. Old Tom. (2 :50). D. L. Downs, Woodstock, 111., Sept. 13. 1882, $100. Farmer Girl, Bay (xeorge, Hebron Girl, Little Fraud (2 dr), 2:50. 2 :52. 2:55. Old Tobe. b s (3 : 13). J. R. Emery, Brookville, Pa., Sept. 22, 1880, $75. Addie Bank, Ohio Volunteer, Kildeer, 3:1.5.3:12. Three-year-olds' Old Witch (w), (3:53 w). H. R. Covey, Sacramento, Cal., March l, 1861. $300. Dan Willets (w). Bob Cole(w) (1 dis), 2:53, . 2:,54. Ole Bull, gr g (3 :.5l ). E. Keenan, Baltimore, Md., June 9. 1853, $50. Dolly, 2:55, 2:52, 2:51. Ole Bull b g (3 :37'2- H. Alexander, New Harmony lud., June 7, 1867. $100. Lightning l. Chuck a Luck (1 dis), 2:42'4,2:37i..V2:49i4 2:411/4- Oleander, bg (3:47). A. Benham Le Roy, N. Y., July 5, 187.5, $200. Lady Allen, Bay Milton. Sancho, Red .racket (1 dis), 2:50, 2:48^4, 2:47. July 5. 1875, $175. Dutchman, Sancho. 2:50^4, 2:54, 2:.56. Olin (3 :50i^). T. McCue, Petaluma, Cal., Sept. 13. 1872, $150. Johnny Schmoker, Daniel, Billy Blossom (2 dis), 3:01, 2:59!4, 2:55?|. San Francisco, Cal., Dec. 12. 1872, .$ . Gray Ned, 2:54, 2:58^, 2-56. -.Jan,25and27 1873,$ . Billy Blossom l. 4, Ethan Allen 2. Best time, 2:50^. Olinda, br m (3:.'j0), J. Mariner, Avon Spa, N. Y., Aug. 20, 1867, $8.5. English 's"b g. (Jeorge Allen, Dutch Maid, 2:.54, 2.50. Olive, ch m (3 :57i4). Marrin and Mitchell, Kansas City, Mo., Sept. 17. 1874. $350. Avoca Girl. Young Morrill ( 1 dis), Olive Logan (1 dis), 2 :57' .;, 3 :03. Olive, chm (3:331 ;), by Suttle's Hambletonian, dam Flora, by .Jupiter. H. C. VVoodnutt. Milford. Conn., June 12. 1878, .$100. Copake Maid Major Snow. Ike Lee, Lucilla, Blacksmith Maid. 2:47^4. 2:42^4. 2:42''2. New Haven, Conn., June 17, 1878. $100. Meriden Girl, Blacksmith Maid, Butcher Boy (2 dis), 2:42. 2:46'/4, 2 :43. Oct. 11, 1878, .$100. Belle of Putney, Meriden Girl, Butciier Boy, Kathrina, M. P., (3 dr). 2:34'/^, 2:43, 2:41M. J. H. Lewis, Milford. Conn., June 19, 1879, $100. Lizzie R.. Butcher Boy (2 dis), 2:51J4, 2:45^4. 2:44i^. Sept. 10, 1879, $100. Kittv Hills. Gteneral. Ladv Goldsmith, 2:42}^, 2:42, 2:41?4. • Norwalk, Conn.. Sept. 26, 1S79, $200, Helen 2, 3, Farmer Girl, Mary W., Pinafore, 2:39U, 2:39, 2:36, 2:37. 2:.38. — Milford, Conn.. Sept. 8, 1880, .$200. Fanny, Carrie Allen, Dixie, Bay George, Fanny Jefferson, 2 :35>4, 2:.36^, 2:.37i2. New Milford, Conn., Sept. 30, 1880, $100. Bav George, 2:38. 2 :36i^, 2 :42. New Haven. Conn., Sept. 4 1882, $200. Sorrel Top. Lady Scud, 2:.36'.;, 2:.35i;,2:33i4. Watertown, Conn., Sept. 27. 18S2. .$200. Ladv Scud. 2:41," 2:;»i^, 2:39j|. Olive L,og:an, b m (3 :40). Seward Hill, Houlton. Me.. Oct. 17, 1874, $100. Abdallah 4, Lady West 3, Aroostook Bov, L;ulv Nell (5dr), 2:44, 2:45.2:4.3, 2:43, 2:45. Oct. 19. 1874, .$125. Lady Nell, Baker Bov (1 dis). 2:45, 2:4.5. 2:42. .Mr. Muschie, Woodstock, Ont., Sept. 1,1875, $180. Hattie 1. 2, Baker Bov 5, 7, Black Bess 3, 2:40, 2:40, 2:41,2:40,2:43,2:44,2:47,2:47. Oliver, bg (3:531^). H. Slifer. Lamb Tavern, Pa., July 22, 1874, $200. Bill Fieldsl(40). 3:0.5. 3:03>4,3:0m, 3:0.5, 3:06. (w), Point Breeze Park, Phila.. .Tuly 28. 1874. .$20n. Bill Fields, (2 0). 3:11J4, 3:14, 3:1014, 3:09. (w), Suffolk Park, Phila., July .'n, 1874, $200. Bill Fields 1, 3:10, 3:01J^, 3:07, 3:05. (w), Aug. 21, 1874, $.".00. Daisy (W) (2 0), 3:07, 3:<16, 2:.''>7, 2:.59. Oliver, b 3(3:371/2), lyTimoleon, dam by California Belmont. T. McClellan, San Francisco, Cal., Sept. 19, 1874, $1 ,000, Ida Howe, Nelly Patchen, 2 :40, 2 :41i^, 2 :46»4. Foiu--year-olds. 650 CHESTEKS COMrLETK TROTTING AND I'ACING REC(JRD. Crego and Bowley. Sacramento, Cal., Sept. 24, 1874, $750. Haywood Chief, Nelly Patches (l dis), 2:37!.a, 2:46, 2A7W Four-year-olds. OUver F., b g ci/Hi't). C. A. Smith. Middletovvii, Del., Sept. 19. l8t-3. §200. All)ort 1-ranee 3, Miuuie B. l, Leo, Florence Mac, 2:41»i, 2:38Ji,2:39'4, 2:42. 2;40'4, Oliver K., b g 13:11). V. Shank, Wellington, O.. Aug. 29, 1883, $30. Lottie. No time. Three-year-olds or under. ... „, • Medina, O., Sept. 12, 1883, S40. Eva K. 1. Big Jim, 3 :18, 3:11, . Three-year-olds. Olivette, br ni (2 -.'•H^i), by Whipple's llanibletouian. A. C. Deitz, Stockton, Cal., Sept. 20, 1883. $200. Aiitco 2. Telegraph, ■'):20, 5:06,5:09. JTwo miles. Ollie, blk m (a:50>. M. Hackney, Denver, Col., July 4, 1879., §200. Gossip 1, 2 ^4 0), May Norwood i4 disi. 2:58U., 2:50, 2:,'i0, 2:50, 2:5.5, .2:53. Ollie. ('biin •-J:37'2), by Scott's Hiatoga. Uhrichsville, O., Sept. 24. 1880, S— .' Mohiiwk Kate, Sleepy John. Best time, 2:37'/,. Fairview O., Sept. 29, 1880, $— . Lady (i. 1, 2:42, 2:44, 2:42, 2:45. Xenia, O.. Aug.:3. 1882, S200. Modie H. 3, 4. Coupon, 1, 2, Red Dick, Honest Jim, Irish (;irl, Harry O. (5 dn, ['. .1. I'urcell (3 dis). -l-.-M'^, 2:30, 2:48. 2:45',j, 2:45V2, 2:45'.2, 2:00. Ollie Kay, b m ('^:39?4), bv Reliance, dam Mary islanc, by Signal. .1. M. Learned, Stockton. Cal.. Sept. 30. 1881, S400. Revolution, Billy Woodson. Schiedam (3 disi, Twilight (2 disj, Duigo (1 . 2:43^, 2:40'., 2:41. Omaha, bg r-iT.^Hi). R. Barnes, Salt Lake City, Utah, Aug. 15, 1874, $100. Blind (lirll.j. Rowdy (3 dis). Lady Elgin (1 dis), 2:52';. 2:53, 2:5.';, 2:.'")3'2, 2:55. ■ Aug. 28, 1874, SZoO. Blind (Jirl 1, 2:51^j., 2:51'i, 2:54. 2:.>t. Omaha Itelle, rn m (« -AS^^ i. Thomas (Jrav, St. Joseph, Mo.. Ser)t. 29. 1873, S.'iOO. Maggie Wall, Highlander, Spot, Yankee Dan, Mendelssohn, Steamboat, Lucy Smith, (iov. liutler, 2:46K'. 2:45,2:43'.:. Thomas Evers. Chicago, 111., Sept. 21. 1877, «2(K). Billy Curtis 1, 2 :.54i;4, 2:4314, 2:50?4. 2:47 Omar Fasha. gr s (2:53). George Nugent, Philadelphia. Pa. June 9, IS.OS, $50. -Molly Sharply 2, Tom Sharply (1 dis), 2:.'55, 2:55, 2:5:!'2, 2:53. , . . . , „,., .,-, „ ,, x. Onawa, blk s ('^ :33i4) by Goodwin Hambletonian, dam Bessie, by Sam Wiley, (.ilman Aj Mooney, Dover. N. H., Oct. 1, 1878, $150. Fourth of July Boy, Gray Dick, Joe Dyer, Gcii. liutlcr, -ja::. •lir,. 2:45. . . Oct. 2. 1878, $ir>0. Comet, Belle Davis, Colonel, Gen, Butler, Fourtli of .luly Boy d disi. 2:42, 2:40, 2:40. C. E. Mosher, Farmington. N. H., June5, 1879, $l.'jo. Alice l. Comet, Black Diamond, Annie E. (3 dis), 2:40.2:40,2:40,2:44. „,. . „, Concord, Mass., June 18, 1879, $150, Alice 1, 3, Belle Davis, Moxy, White Cloud, 2:37?^. 2:40, 2:37, 2:37, 2:37. jSIanchester, N. H., June 24, 1879, SLM). Careless Boy 3, Belle Dean l. Oshlega Belle, Jlatilda, 2:36, 2:37. '**37 2 "37 2 '37, — June 25/1879, $150. Alice, Belle Davis, Katydid, Tom Rogers. 2::57. 2::!6. 2:38. Farmington, N. H., July 4. 1879, $200, Honest Lyon 1, 3, Arthur T, 2 (3 dis), 2:40V'2, 2:37, 2:38, 2:36, 2:40'/,, 2:38'.i. Nashua, N. H., Aug. 30, 1879, .? , Arthur T. 2, Matilda, Lady Sherburne, 2:42' i, , 2:4.5' i, 2:42. Worcestei-. Mass., Sept, 3, 1879, $300. Capt, Darcy 2, 3, Belle Dean, Tom Pink, Belle of Worcester, 2:35!/,, " Sept, 4, '1879, $250. Washington, Steve Lewis. Oshlega Belle, Slioplierd Boy, Capt. West, 2:39. 2:40, 2:38. Taunton, Mass., Sept, 25, 1S7!I .Siso. Argonaut, Lottie. Columbus Ilambletonian, Ashland Maid, Steve Lewis (3 dn. Capt. Darcy (3 (In, Midas (3 dr), 2:30, 2:37, 2:;{7, _ ,. ^., , „ „„„„„„,„„ Farmington, 3Ie., Oct, 15, 1879, $125. l>ittle Pete 3, Arthur T., Matilda, Coupon, 2:3G, 2:37, 2:34, 2:35. Manchester, N. H.,Oct. 29. 1879. $700. Bristol Bill. Len W., 2:38, 2:40i^, 2:40. Oct. 30. 1879, .$1.50. Ladv Sherburne, Emma E. 0 dis). Moxeyd dis), 2:35, 2:38, 2:42 Norwich. Conn., July 21, 1880, $300. Annie Lou. Tommy Norwood, Martha, Undine, Little Maid, Phil Dwver (3 dr).2:.30?4, 2:29%, 2:29"o, lieene, N, H,. Aug, 6, 1880, $3(iO, Lottie, Jenny W., 2:36. 2:33, 2:32J^. Aug. 7, 1880. $100, Freeman 2, Knox Bov. 2:.'52, 2:2<|i.:. 2:31'4. 2:32'o. Portland, Me.. Sept. 17, I8HO, $400, Pickpocket, Ino, Arthur T.. 2:;i0, 2:38, 2:38, Altoona, Pa.. Sept. 29. 1880. $000. Whiti-ficld. Daylight. Ethel Medium. 2:32, 2:32, 2:33. Albany N. Y., Oct. 27 and 28. 1880, $300. Toniniy Norwood 1,2, Billy Burr 4, Jenny W., Happy Jack, Fitzgerald (5 dr). Scth Warner (5 dr),2:.31. 2:31. 2::;ii.j, 2:29'.,, 2:J!t'i,'j::w. Oct, 29. 1880, .$400. llelene 1. Marlboro, Duroc. 'loniiuy Norwood, I'Juma.E,, 2:2i. 2:29',,, 2:29^, 2:29>4. Norwich, Conn., July 14, 1881, ,$,500. Wizz 1. Wild Lily. 2:;iOJJ, 2:2!»J/4.2:3lV^,2::!;{. „,„„.,. burgh. Pa., Sept. 14, 1881. .$1,000. Naiad Queen (1 0). Effle G.. Bliss, Slaniie .M., 2:27h, 2:27J^, 2:26'/4, Pittsburgh, Pa., Sept. '- G'5s. Oilman, Youngstown. O., Sept, 23. 1881, $300. Elsie (iroff. Executor, (hampion Girl, Ella Doe, 2:27. ^ C, ErMosYier, Wheeling, W. Va., Oct. 20. 1881. $500, Lucy 1. Calmar, Clara J„ 2:27, 2:27, 2:27, 2:28. Haverhill, M:iss.. July4, 1882, $400. Gypsy 1. Goldflnder2. 2:28i;i, 2:29. 2-28'o. 2:29. Poughkcc I)^i(', N. Y.. Aug. 14, 1882, $1,500, Cornelia 3, Phyllis 1, Amber, John Hall. King Wdkes (2 dr), ^^Sprh)gn!ld," Mass'., Se"pt.' 7,' I882', $800.* " Mamie I.John Hall. Ethel Medium, .lennie L,, 2:21U, 2:25^6, 2:22' 2, 2:_'2'5, Concord. N, H., Oct, 18, 1882. .$4.50, 2:2r,U, 2:25>4. To beat 2 :28i^, Haverhill, Mass., Aug 22. 1883. .$1.50. Prmcess, p.acer 1. 3. Rol)ert H., 2:31. 2:29^, 2:28, 2:32J^, 2:3L Dover, N. H.. Sept, 13, 1883, $400, Capt, Hen, Lady Thornton. 2::i8, 2:33'/'»,2:.32. Lewiston. Me.. Sept, 21, 1S83, $1,000. Nell, Camors. Centurion. 2:28i4, 2:26^. 2:28^. Concord N. FL, Oct. 31. 1883. $300. Forest Patchen 2, 3 1 :31, 1 :32, 1:31, 1:30?^, 1 :28^. Half-mile heats. Nov. 1, 188,3.$ . Forest Patchen, 2:31, 2:30U.2:->8i„. c„ *, .0 1 xw. ,/, ^i-x Onee, br m 'J ::?3i4). F. J. Smith, Goshen. N. Y., .lulv 24. 1872. $1,000, Nelly, Shot. Lady Banker. Netty (3 dis). Harry B:issett (3 dis). Lady Coleman (3 di,s),2:,33'.,,2:.38»/4,2:41"o ,,, ^ „ ,,^ .„.^ „ f^^r.r..ra One Eye, ch m (3:51=0. by North Morrill. C, T. Maloney, Woodstown, N. J„ Sept. 15, I816. $ , George Rambo, Roxa, Waverly,3:04. 3:03, 3:00. 01 „ o r,3' o k-j Woodbury, N. J„ May 9, 1876, $150. Lizzie Bodine 3, 4, Roxa, Belle of Bangor, Dan Rice. 2:.5l?4. 2:53, Onl-]Kf^d^jfm.bgl2:36), George Futcher, Nashville. Tenn.. Aug. 18, 18.55, $f.n. White Clond, 2:36,2:46%.: One-Eyed llilev, grg(3:00). Dr. Shuck, Titusville, Pa„ Aug. 21. 1873. $— . Mora, 3:22, 3:14. J. Fleming, .luly 4. 1874, $75. Sleepy Jim 1, 2. 3:04'-, 3:06. 3 :(iO. 3:06, 3:02. D„„, o/K One-Eyed Riley, b s (2 :50). .1, L. Nothaf, Franklin, Kv., Aug. .30. 1883, $150, Billy Walton, Dixie Boy 1, 2 (6 dis). Toothbrush (5 dis), 2:.5,5>^,2:.57, 2:53'/,, 2:51'*, 2..50. „ ..^ „ «„ o .iQiy Oneida, br g(2 :43 l-0>. R. K. Bonham, New Orleans, La.. Dec. 26, 18.59, $2,000. Ranger, 2:46, 2:51'/4. 2:43J^. Jan. 18, 1860, $2,000. Ranger 1 dis), 8:004. Three miles. «„„,., <-, ... .0 Hi=, Oneida, ch g(2:55). R. V. Jackson, Parkersburgh, W. Va., Sept. 16, 1874. $75. ■ Charley. Cora Lee (2 d!s». Green Mountain (1 dis), 2:58, 2:55. CHESTEK'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 55t (s) Sept. 18. 1874. 835. Messenger (s). O'Bannon (s). Kanibler (s), (1 (lis). 3:00?^, 2:56?i. OneidaChief (s), (3:43?3), (SiS-liii s). Henry Severance, lieacou Course, N. J., June 19, 1838, $200. Mis» Saratoga (s), 5:14, 5:09' 2. Two miles. June 17, 1840, $500. Awful 8:17, 8-20^. Three miles. Oneida Girl gr m ()J :44). D. C. Gibson, Fort Plains, N. Y., Oct. 9, 1875, .$200. Gypsy Maid, 2, 3, 2:50, 2:45, 2:43. 2:44.2:49. Onondaga Boy, b g (3 :45), by Rough and Ready. E. Pulver. Hudson, N. Y., May 30, 1874, S50. Germantown Boy 1. 4. Wabash, 2, 2:.52i^. 2:52i^, 2:.53, 2:.52, 2:51,2:.5.5. E. W. Pulver, Penn Yan, N. Y., Aug. 27, 1874, $300. Thomas Moore 3, Capitola 1. Zeppo (5 dis), Nelly G. (4 dn. 2:46, 2:4.'). 2:46, 2:45, 2:45. Ontario >Iaid. gr ni. E. Gregory, St. Catharines. Out., Nov. 4. 1881. $nO. Billy Button, 2. No time. Onward, eh s 3:36). H. W. Scales, San Francisco, Cal., Sept. 24, 186U, .S800. Sam I'atch, Teddy McGee, 3:02}^, 3:06. Tliree-vear-olds. June 9. 1870, S200. California :Maid (w), 3, 4, Fanny, Lady Stocliton, 2:50, 2:48"2, 2:47, 2:48',2, 2:48»^. Onward, b s (3 :44). K. G. Hart, Zainosville, O., June 11. 1873, .$400. Belle 4, 5, Capt. Vincent 1, 3 (7 dis), Par- agon, Ladv Conley (4dis). 2:45.Lo, 2:45M, 2:46»4. 2:41'4, 2:4394, 2:46'j, 2:44. Onward, ch g(3:50). E. Ulrich, Massillon, O., Oct. 16, 1877, .§100. Birdie Campbell, My Colt, Flora D. (1 dis) 2 "55 2 '.56 2:55. '■ Oct. 17', 1877, $100. Birdie Campbell 2, Little Harrv, Convert, My Colt (4 dis), En Garde (3 dis), 2:55, 2:55, 2:. 50, 2:50. Onward, b s(3:35i4), by George Willies, dam Dolly, by Manibrino Chief. R. P. Pepper, Louisville, Ky., Oct. 1, 1881, $800. Enchantress, Lillian, Ida, Sally Brass, Kaiser, Pumpkin, Huiupty (3 dr>, Zoo Zoo (' 1 dis), 2:26.2:2514,2:28. Lexington, Ky., Oct. 4, 1881. $500. Russie Hill, Wiegehets, Barney, Jessamine, Carlvle (Idls), 2:332i, 2:35U 2:351^. - - Oct. 7, 1881, $.500. Jessamine, Wiek, Ed Kimball. Russie Hill. Ed Powell. Nanny Talbot, 2 :36M, 2:33^4, 2:33. Onward, br g (3 ■.S^'^^) bv Knickerbocker, flam by Reserve. J. B. Gurney, Goshen, N. Y.. June 6, 1883, $200. Harrv Moore, Fortunatus, Orphan Girl. 2:46, 2:4294, 2 :38?.i. Waverly, N. J., Sept. 19, 1883, $300. Rocket, Leon Boy, John D., Gen. Ewing, Napoleon, Frank B. (3 dr), 2*33 2'32'o 2:32^4. p'lainfteld". N. J.. Sept. 26, 1883, $300. Lady Independence. Lady Poindexter, Napoleon, 2:33, 2:33, 2:36. Goshen, N. Y., Oct. 10, 1883, .$2.^0. King Cetawayo. 2:32'.i, 2:39, 2:33}.o. Onyx, h g (3:05^4^), by Winthrop. dam Fanny Fern. L. E. Y^ates, Stockton, Cal., Sept., 6. 1875, $150. Gold "Run, Winthrop Maid, Dinks Holden (2 dis), Fanny D. (2 dis), 3:11, 3:05?4. Three-year-olds. Oolong, br m (3:33i4). J. T. Lyons, Buffalo, N. Y.. Oct. 21, 1881, .$300. Annie K. 1. 2, Winnie Wick, Chestnut Sam, Molly Bawn. Capt. Thad, Ahnonarch (5dri, Pinafore (3 dr), 2:38i4. 2:.37i4, 2:3714,2:37^, 2:37Ui. Opliir, (2 :35). D. Dennison. Sacramento, Cal., April 18, 1877, .$400. lilclio. Shady (3 dis), Dave Hill Jr. (l dis) J. C. Heenan (1 dis), 2:39. 2:.37''2. 2:35. Optima, ch m (3:54). by Trouble, dam by Rattler. Dr. J. T. Thompson, Nashville, Tenn, Oct. 10, 1883, .$200. .let. Johnson's b m, 3:10, 2:.54. Two-year-olds. Orange Billy, dn g (3 :34), bv Field's Royal George. Mr. Lee, Simcoe. Ont., Sept. 22. 1870, $— . Lady Monk, 3. .5, Dolly Dutton (5 dis). Black George 1 (5 dis), 2:51, 3:02i2, 2:.58. 2:54'i, 3:02';., 3:00. C. Caldwell, Titusville, Pa., July 4, 1871, .$450. Jenny Lind, Frank Forest, Lilly, Enterprise Maid, Grant. (2 dr). 2:.50, 2:.54, 2:.58i/^. C. F. Cole, Titusville, Pa., Nov. 11, 1871, .$1,000. Lady Custer 1,2, 2:52i^, 2:49?4, 2:49, 2:49, 2:52. Frank Fowler, Meadville, Pa., June 13, 1872, $300. Honest Harrv, 2:4294, 2:45, 2:42?4. Titusville, Pa., June 26, 1872, .$2.50. Honest Harrv 2, 4, 2:45U;, 2-M\4, 2:45'!;, 2:44H. 2:4314. Julv 4. 1872, .$.300. Honest Harry 1, 4, Lady McKinney, Billy Wilson 2 (3 dr), 2:42, 2:47^, 2:43'/^. 2:45'/2. 2:45i'4', 2:401^. Greenville, Pa., July.4, 1873, .$200. Orlando, Bay Billy, 2:40, 2:42, 2:42. Titusville, Pa., Aug. 18, 1873, $100. Fib, 2:444, 2:45'/2, 2:44. Aug. 23, 1873, .$200. Nerve, Tib, Bay Billy, 2:41, 241, 2:42. Sharon, Pa., Sept. 27, 1873, $500. Roan iBilly2, Maggie Kimberley, Sleeper, Sleepy Joe (2 dis), 2:41 '2, 2:40. 2:40>i.2:42. Pittsburgh, Pa., Oct. 8. 1873, $1,250. Hiram 2, 3, Major. Toledo Boy, Tom Percey, East End, Sir George, 2*37 2'37 2*38 2"39'n. ■ Parker c'itv.'Pa., June 9, 1874, $300. Tib, .Toker, 2 :4G. 2 :44. 2 :40. .Tune 11, 1874, $500. Tib 2. 2 :46. 2 :44. Brookville. Pa., June 19. 1874, .$300. John Wallace l. 8 i9 0). Clothesline 5, 6. Bay Billy 4 (90), Lyde I.Tib. 2:40U, 2:.37i^, 2:40i4.2:40. 2:40, 2:42, 2:43. 2:45, 2:40.2:41'.2. (ifeenburg. Pa., July 4, 1874, $ . Fashion l. East End, 2:39. 2:42, 2:37^4, 2:41 J^. Greenville, Pa.. Aug. 19, 1874. $.300. Idle Boy 1, 3 (2 0), Billv Collins (2 0), Sleepy Tom, Joker (3 dis), 2:42^, 2:42M, 2:41^, 2:41^4, 2:40, 2:39. Charles Homewood, St. Petersburgh, Pa., June 16, 1875, $400. Rate, Star, Lady Johnson, Sleepy Tom, Dcci-ption, .Joe Stone, 2:40, 2:43'/2, 2:409^. \V. J. John, Pittsburgh, Pa., June 12, 1877. .$400. Sleepv Tom 1. Snowflake (4 dis), Beulah (2 dis), 2:41?4, 2:.3(;i4, 2:34^,2:37^4 Orange Billy, ch g (3 :33 1-10). T. Murphy. Parkville, L. I., May 30, 1879, $500. Jack Stewart, 33:41. Ten miles. Orange Blossom, b s (3 :36i^), bv Middletown, dam Nelly Post, by American Star. John A. McCall, Nor- folk, Va., Oct. 7. 1873. $105. Nellv, Don Juan, 3:05. 3:00. Raleigh, N. C, Oct. 2.3. 1873, $150. Mardigras, Roanoke, 3:01. 2:59. Winchester, Va., Sept. 17. 1874, $385. Lady Patterson 1. Latham, Top. 2:3514, 2:3454, 2:30, 2:30^. ■ Bristol, Tenn., Sept., 25, 1874, $ . Gavo 3, Black Frank (2 dis), 2:43, 2:38, 2:51, 2:40'/2. Holston. Va.. Oct. 2. 1874. .$ , Gayo 1. 2:37H, 2:44, 2:43. Lynehburgh, Va., Oct. 21, 1874, $300. Gavo 1. 4. Toodles (1 dis). B. T. Johnson, (1 dis), 2:47, 2:37, 2:43% 2:45M,2:44)^. Oct. 23, 1874, $500. Gavo 1. Toodles. B. T. Johnson, Top. 2:4714. 2:43^2, 2:42, 2:45. Norfolk. Va.. Nov. 26. 1*^74. $1,000. Ladv Patterson. Best time, 2:37'/2. Staunton. Va., Oct. 15. 1874, .$400. Top, Ladv Clvde, 2 :51. 2:42, 2 :40. H. B. Holton, Baltimore, Md.. Sept. 26, 1878. $.500. Patapsco Maid. Nelly Warwick, 2:44, 2,48i^. 2:40. Orange Blossom, erg (3:33). W. Van Valkenburgh. Potsdam, N. Y.. Sept. 23, 1879, $300. Marion 3, Zid. Miss Legacv. 2:a5, 2:.35, 2:3.5. 2:34. Malone. N. Y.. Sepi. .30, 1879,$K50. Betsy Bump. Deceit. Miles Standish, Deceiver, 2:32, 2:32'/^, 2:3294. Oct. 2, 1879, .$1.50. Deceiver, Deceit (3 dr), 2:.36. 2:35U. 2:37. Montreal, P. Q., Oct. 5, 1879, $1.50. Little Harry, Daniel Lambert Jr., Blainville Boy, Blackbird, 2:38, 2:36?4,2:.35i4. „ ,„ Orange Boy, (3 tST). W. J. Diggs, Norfolk, Va., May 16, 1X8:5. .$600. Sorrel Harry 3, 3:00. 2:59, 3:00. 2:.57. Orange Boy, bg (3:3514). J. H. Phillips. Point Breeze Park. Phila., Oct. 17, 1883, $250. Sauveur, Cham- pion Wilkes, Little Billy, Knox, Pilot Boy (2 dis), 2:39i^. 2:3914, 2:40. 7,52 CHESTKKS COiMl'LKTE riiOTTlNG AND TACING HKCdIM). Orange Chief. (3 ;00). J. Krainer. Willianisport, Pa., Nov. 10, 1871. S — . Andrew .Jackson, 3: 12'4,3;l03ii, 3:0114. llughsville. Pa., Oct. 1. 1872, S — . Sorrel .Jenny 1, Bull of the Woods (2 disj.3:r.'?i. 3:00, 3:00, 3:01. Orange Clay, b s (« :5«;. Mr. Doty. Mitldletown, >. Y., Sept. G, 18G5, ^30. Young llarry Clay '2. (3 dr), 3:16, 3:22,3:18. Four-year-ol(Js. Mr. llaggerty, Goshen, N. Y., Oct. 18, 18C6, § . Young Fillingham, 3:04.2:56. Five-year-olds. Stallions. Orange County, br s ("J :46), by Ilanibletonian, dam the Moffitt mare. L. Kingsley, Wilkesbarre, Pa., Sept. 13, 1871, .•S2.")0. Tom. Knilik, 2:46, 2:4t;V6.2:48. Orange County 31aiU, cli m Vi ;58'2). M. Mercy, Waverly, N. J., Sept. 22, 1874, $150. Joe Earl, Mi.ss Lottie, :i:oo?4. 3:00!i, 2:58K'. Neare.st to 3:00. Orangt" Girl, b m (3 :r>o?4}. 11. M. Clark, Mineral Spa, Ont., May 25, 1871 . S . Dallas, Bob Elliot (2 dis), 2:51^4. 2:.-.l?4,2:.'i0^.i. Orange <;irl, 1> m (3 :30), bv IIaml)letonian, dam Dolly Mills, by American Star. Kichard West. Lexington, Kv., June 19, 1877. S4()0. Lucv Fleming 3, Wclister. Kate White, Mark (1 dis), 2:47^i, 2:41 ?i, 2:41^4, 2:41. — "G. 11. Brasfield, Cvnthiana. Ky., Aug. 24, 1878. ^■<300. Ked Jim, liomance, 2:32',2, 2:27. 2:2814. — Lexington, Ky., Oct. 8. 1878, $500. lied Jim. Glcndalc. Fanny liohinson. 2:2334. 2:23^4, 1-:>^/a. — - K. S. Strader, Louisville, Ky., July 9 and 10, ls79. .'$800, Hclle Mrasfield 3. Lew Scott 4. Post Boy, Deck Wright, Dick Taylor. Monroe Chief (.5 dr), 1-ida Basset (4 dr), Calmar (3dr), Dictator ^3 dr), Romance CUlr), 2:22W, 2:23. 2:22>^. 2:2;fl4. 2:22. Buffalo. 5<. Y.. Aug. 5 and i>. 1879, §3,000. Belle Brasfield 1,2, Voltaire 4 (o 0), Kate Middleton (4 dis), 2:20, 2:20, 2:20'2. 2:23. 2:24'2. 2:25, 2:22i4. — - Cvnthiana, Kv., Aug. 23, 1879, $.{00. Dick Taylor, John E., 2 :33}^, 2:30, 2 :35. — - PUuimont, Va., Oct. 12, 1880. $100. Smith's ch ml. Black Maria, Chance, Sleepy Ball 2:38, 2:39'.^. 2:41, 2:41. - Oct. 1.!, 1880, $100. Black Maria 1, Molly C, 2:41'/2, 2:41'/2, 2:43, '2A2]4. Orange .Alaid , br in (3 :53i8). Theodore Wells, Stony F'ord, N. Y., Nov. 1, 1862, $100. Charley, 5:4G'J, 5:46>i. Two miles. Oreutt, gr cr'i:59). Dr. Bristol. Cliatham, N. Y., Sept. 16. 1870, $50. Black Pete 1, 3:17 2:59,3:10. Oregon, bg (2:46 w). W. J. Paine, Beacon Park, Boston, July 26, 1875, $50. Jerry{w) 1,3(50), 2:56,2:58, 2:51. 2 :.")(», 2:52. 2:53. Oregon Jake, rug(3:38?i), by Luniiiiax. J. H. Breed, Carson. Cal.,Oct. 28, 1873, $300. .lim Cook, 5:21, 5:26. Two miles. . — - Petaluma, Cal., Sept. 18, 1874, $250. Mattie Howard 3, 2:43'4, 2:40, 2:40"2. 2:40'i. C. D. Lusk, San Francisco, Cal., March 17, 1875, $ . Katy Clark, Koe Allen. 5:23, 5:23»4. Two miles. Orient, b s (2 :58). H. C. Drew. Lowell, Mass., Aug. 3, 1874. $200. Colonel K. Best lime, 2:58. Orient, b g (2 :24). by Smith's Patchen. dam Kate, pacer. H. W.Brown. Potsdam, N. Y., Sept. 28, 1874, $150. Brown Dan. Willy Put, 2-ASh, 2.45, 2:4.5. _ _ .Sept. 30, 1874. $ir.O. Brown Dan, Willy Put, 2:43'.2, 2:41>4, 2:40i/2. Prescott, Out., Oct. 7. 1874, $100. Balky Bill (1 dis), French Boy (1 dis), Kitty (l dis), 2:.')0. Oct. 8, 1874. $125. Balky Bill, Hercules. French Boy, 2 :4G, 2 :49, 3 :00. — — Uochester. N. Y., Aug. 10, 1875, $1,500. Hattie R., Preston, Calmar, Queen, Charley, Carlisle , J. D. Benton, 2:25' 2, 2:25. 2:265i. Utica, N. Y.,Aug. 20, 1875, $3,000. Honest Harry 1, Lewinski, Lady Turpin,Nelly Walton, Jeremiah (4 dr) 2:2,5. 2:28?4, 2:2,5. 2:26. , .SjningJieUl, Mass.. Aug. 25, 1875. $3,000. Lady Turpin 1, Nelly Walton. Honest Harry. Ned Wallace, Bateman, Mat Tanner, 2:25, 2:26^. 2:25^2, 2:26?i. „, ,. „ „ Hartford. Conn.. Sei)t. 3, 1875. $3,000. Dan Bryant, Unknown, John W. Hall, Frank ^Unison, Voltaire, Nerea (2 dist. 2:24, 2:24, 2:25'^. — A. W. Richmonil. St. Paul, Minn., July 3 and 4, 1876, $1,000. Quarry Boy 3. 4 (1 0), Jett C. 6, 6, Mambrino Chief Jr., Lady Mack. Portigue. Hickory (4dr), 2:38, 2:34J^,2:36, 2:351^,2:36, 2:3994, 2:35'4,2:35. Orient(2:46i<;), IJy Excelsior. St. Paul, Minn., Oct. 13, 1874, $100. Pat, Nigger Baby (2 dis), Dakota Lion (I dis> N'ellyFish (1 dis). 2:46U, 2:46i4, 2:47. Orient eh n'l (2 :30), by Cuvler, dam Eden Lassie, by Golddust, Charles H. Kerner, Prospect Park, L. I., Sept. 18,1 S79, $375, AV, O. , 2 :30 Oriental, br s, by Dixon. I). J. Gardner, Riverhead, L. I., Oct. 6, 1881, $50. Chieftain, Lotos (2 dr). 1:30. 1:25. Stallions. Half mile beats. , , Orilla v, 1) g (2 :38). Derbv Bros., Adrian, Mich., Sept. 5, 1873, $100. Qumcy Prince, Canada Maid, Joe, Sir CJeorge CJdr), Kentucky (2 dis), 2:.53, 2:.50, 2:511.^. ,, . , Sept. 6, 1873, $100. Canada Maid 2, Sir George, Maggie Mitchell, Qumcy Prince (2 dr), 2:46i/2, 2:6114, 2 :,5nU, 2 :53i4. H. Zibble, Battle Creek, Mich., Oct, 16. 1873, .f.'JOO. Gray Nelly, Maggie Gould, Fred Sprague, Kate Swift, Lady McCaldough (3 dis), Ruff (3 dis), Stranger (3 dis), Ida W. (3 dr), 2:43, 2:50, 2:45^. Toledo, O., June 23. 1874. $100. Brown Kate, Belle. 2:47, 2:46'i, 2:47^^. Julv4, 1874, $.iO. Ruth, Belle, 2 :54>^, 2 :ry2. '.1,2:47. ^ „,,.,. , „, Adrian, Mich., Oct. 1. 1875. $ — . Joe, George E. Farley, St. Lawrence (3 dr), Blackfoot (3 dr), 1- lorence 1 (2 dis ), , 2 : 45, 2 :46, 2 :4.'',^. — Monroe, Mich., Oct. 7, 1875, $ . Monarch, Tommy Golddust, 2:46, 2:47, 2:44. Oct. 8, 187.5, $ . Tommy Golddust l, 2:,')6. 2:.58, 2:.57. Creston, la., July 12, 1878," $100. Pilot 1, 5. Lucv. Kate Wesner 2 (0 dr), 2:40V ^ai Orphan lioy, blk s (StOG'a), by Joe Hooker, dam by Stillson. Vogel Bros., Sandusky, 0., Sept. 2,5, 1883, $30. Bertha a. Eva R.. 3:111^.3:1112, 3:00',;. 3:06'2. Three-year-olds. Orphan Girl, h m (3 :48i/2). by West Wind, dam by Hanibletonian. Denver, Col., June 12, 1873, $100. Prince. 3:04,2:4814.2:521... ' Orphan Girl. I) nu 3:39). R. T. Abell, Dayville. Conn., Aug. 7. 1875, $40. Ned Curtiss 1, Charley Black- hawk. W. B. Kno.x (4 dr), 3:00. 2:53, 2:52}4, 2:51. E. Corell.Wt)onsocket, R. 1., June 20, 1876, $100. Lucy 1, John Morrill.Thorn, Honest John, Lizzie (2 dis), Irene (2 dis). 2:52. 2:4(i?4. 2:49, 2:47'.2. Orphia. b m (3 :4:1), by Alniont Rattler, dam Orphan Ladv. by Mambrino Boy. J. S. Seeber, Maquoketa, la., Sept. 7. 1882, $80 Halca, 1:35, 1:30, 1:3054. Hall-mile heats. Two-year-olds. Muscatine, la., Sept. 13. 18S2, $155. Florence Herbert, Minnie Tramp 0 dis), Gen. Hancock (1 dis). Star (1 dis), ;!:04'/2, 3:00. Two-year-olds — — Rochester, Minu., July 3, 1883. $250. Theta, Ida R., 3:10, 3:00;/2. 2:54i4. Four-year-olds or under. Des Moines, la., Sept. 7, 1883, $165. Florence Herbert. David S., 2:47, 2:43k. Three-year-olds. Muscatine, la., Sept. 13. 1883, $162.50. Florence Herbert. 2:41, 2:46'o, 2:48i4. Orwell Boy (Patchen),chg(3:18?4), Yale Rice, Warren, ()., Oct. 13, 1877, $225. Willy Golddust 1, Imogene. Hinckley Boy. Nigger Doctor, Sorrel Dick, Kitty M. (i dis). Belle Porter (2 dis). Goose Neck (2 dis), 2:41M. 2:4l'/2. 2:43, 2:44. Oscar, br g (3 :30), by Reserve, dam bv Hector. A. Goldsmith, Washington, D. C, May 2, 1876, $1,000. Haget'sb in. Boston Pilot, Gen. Mc Arthur. Ladv Chatham, Dorry, C. W. Kellogg, Belle oi'Flatbush v3dis). Picket (2 ds), Annie Belle (2 dis) 2:40li, 2:;i9, 2:39. Oscar, br g (3:43'4). W^ H. Sharp, -Mt. Holly. N. J., Oct. 7. 1879, $85. Lady R., Mary McKinney. Alice Ad- dison, Jefferson Girl, Lady Dean, Jim, Harry G., Ellie K.. Fanny B. (1 dis) Mineola(l dis), 2:465ii, 2:U%i, Oct. 8, 1879, $100. Alice Addison. Mary McKenney, Jersey Girl, Frank Bowers, Jim Ross, Lady Dean, Neshomiuy (3 dr),2:14'2, 2:48, 2:4714. Oct. 10, 1879, $125. Alice Addison, Lady Dean, Ashland Queen, Frank Bowers, Ella K., Harry G., 2:46, 2:45^i, 2:44. New Hunting Park, Phila.. Oct 1, 1880, $ . Caprice. Bella P., 2:47}^, 2:47?4, 2:43>4. Oscar, gr g (3 :44), by Gen. McClellan. Petaluma, Cal., Aug. 29, 1883, $ . Buck Foster 3, Fanny Wilson, pacer. Sid Sperry (4 dis), 2:48, 2:46i4, 2:51, 2:44 Oscar Wilde, gr g (3 :40?4). c. H. Colby, Des Moines, la., July i, 1883, $50. Florence O., Train Boy (2 dis), 3:07. 2:54, 2:461^. Oscar Wilde, br g, by Fox Horse, dam Lady Bright. J. D. Lamb, Woodstock, N. B., July 12, 1883. $60. Brighton Maid, Lady Dreadnaught 1:47,1:43. Three-year-olds. Half-mile heats. Osceola, 3:49i^). Albany, N. Y., Sept. 21.1857,$ . Factory Girl, 2:51, 2:53?i, 2:49"2. Osceola, b g (3:53). W. J. John, Brookville, Pa., Sept. 22, 1880, .Ijioo. Nelly Bank, Lady B., Flora Mclvor, 2:52, 2:52, 2:52'/2. Osgood Maid. (3 :45). Mr. Hogeboom, Walla Walla, Wash. T., Sept, 24, 1880, $ . Roan Dick l, 4, Hector, De.Kter, Jr., 2:52, 2:45, 2:46i4, 2:51, . Oshlega Belle, ch m (3:34'/,). James Golden, Mystic Park, Boston. .May. 29, 1877, $200. Annie E., Billy Dow. Woodstock. 2:36, 2:37, 2:35. James A. Dustin, May 16, 1878, $200. Dolly Davis 1, Lady Humphrey, 2:38i4, 2:36V4,2:359i, 2:35. Osprey, b g (3 :53). C. B. Bailey, Norwich, Conn., Sept. 29, 1881, .$65. Doctor, Bouny Lassie (3 dis), 2:55, 2:52, 2:53. Ossawatomie Brown, ch g (3 :44). Dan Mace, Worcester, Mass., JSov. 24, 18.59, $l,ooo. Tom Hyer, 2:463^, 2:44,2:45. Ossian Pet, b sr (3 :39k). by a St. Lawrence horse. M. N. Matterson, Jersey City, N J., Aug. 8 and 9, 1883, ■f 200. Lady G. 3, 4 (5 0), Carrie C. 1. 2, Prince, Revenge, Anna C, John D., Nelly Banker (5 dis). 2 -.36, 2 :3.5i^, 2:3514, 2:35, 2 :38U, 2:36;'2, 2:39, 2:38i2. W. Allen, Suffolk Park, Phil., Oct. 22. 1883, $250. Brown Billy, May Flower, Juno, Frank Patchen, Alice Blackwood, Tom Meckley, Mamie Kiernau, John D., 2:30. 2:31, 2:32. Osweg:o (3 :43). Capt. Wiclener, Nashville, Tenn.. June 30, 1875, $100. Storm, St. Patrick. O'Connor vl dis), 2:51,2:42,2:4614. Oswego Chief, bg (3:44). O. Bort, Watertown, N. Y., Sept. 21, 1861, $75. Simon (1 dis). Buckskin Tom (1 dis), 2:44. Otego Chief, gr s (3 :40), by Snip, dam bv Abdallah. J. W. Ingalls, Rochester, N. Y.. Oct. 22, 1874, $200. Gargling Oil Maid 3, Carlotta S., Kitty W'adsworth, Lady A. (2 dis), 2:45, 2:45, 2:43, 2:40. Othello, blk s (3 :43ai). A. C. Fisk, Detroit, Mich., Sept. 24,' 1861, $100. Baron, Golden Wing, Bay Bashaw (2 dis), Abdallah (2 dis), 5 :27'4, 5:25V2. Two miles. Othello, blk s (3 :55). J. L. Rogers. Concord, N. H., Oct. 7. 1868, $ . Julietta 1, 2:521^, 2:5614, 2:55, 2:57. Othello (w), blk g (3 :51'o). P. Farrell, San Francisco, CaL, Oct. 1, 1870, .1?20O. Prince (w). Stranger (w), 2:58(4,2:52. Oct. 1, 1870, $50. Prince, 2:5li4. 2:55. (w) E. Nathan, Dec. 17, 1870, .$100. Jersvman (w\ Frank (w), Prince (w), 5:46, 5:47. Two miles. I W) Dec. 21, 1870, $400. Buckskin, 2 :.52, 2:55, 2:53. „ Othello (Black Crook), blk g (3 :3li4). G. W. Smalley, Boston, Mass., June 30, 1871, $1,000. Fanny, Lady Ellis, Gypsy (1 dis). 2:32, 2 :32M. 2:321/3. _ , ^ ,. ,., ,. — .J. Campbell, Newark, N. .1., June 7, 1872, $325 Lady Wilbur, Stephen A. Douglass, Rosalie, Felix, 2:.'B'i, 2::58^4. 2:.39. Prospect P:irk, L. I., June 24, 1872, $ . Fanny Fern, Hank. 2:.33, 2:.'Ui4, 2:33^. Sept. o, 1872. .$200. Coroner K. 3, 4, Fanny Fern .5, 2:. 31 ?4. 2:.32, 2:30-:!4. 2:30M, , 2:.31i4. ,. Otis Forrester, b s (3 :04). Garry Marshall, Buffalo, N. Y., Aug. 1. 1874, $80. Lady Emma 2. Little Fraud 3, 3:04, 3:04, 3:07'.,, 3:0614.3:07. ^ _ Otsego Chief, ch g (3 :38>. O. Bort, Watertown, N. Y., Oct. 4, 1859, $ . George Dawson. 2:44, 2:50, 2:28. Bellinger & Co., Little Falls, N. Y., Oct. 22, 1859, $100. George Dawson (3 dr), 2:31, 2:35. . Otsego Chief (3 -.SOYi). George Carpenter, Hartford, Conn., July 10, 1869, $75. Lady Shirley, 3, Marsliall, 2 :50^4 . 2 :,50"2 , 2 :50V^, 2 : 51 . , _ Otsego Maid ( 3 :44). H. F. Brooks, Utica, N. Y., July 8, 18.53. $1 .000. Joe Tanner, 2 :47, 2 :44. Ottawa, ch s (3 :44). Middletown, N. Y., Sept. — . 1863, $ . Woful, 2:44. Abecook, Orange Lake. N.Y.. Oct. 7. 187.3, $ . r,:uly Edsall 1, 3:OSi.4, 3:01 3:00, 2:.56. Ottawa Chief, ch s (3 :35) by Byron, dam by Schamyl. W. J. Neely. Ottawa, 111., Oct. 28, 1882, $ . (Jeorge H. Low, 2:44. ' ,, , .. J. Reddy, Marseilles, 111., Nov. 3. 1882, $ . George H. Low,2:29JiS. ?. L'6. 18Gf), $200. Silver Cloud, Leopard, Hilly ravor. (iray Billy, 2:5L'i^, 2:51^, 2 -.ra. raco. dam Iodine, by tiills Veiiiiont. C. II. Oliiisttad. Coliinibus. ~0., Aug. 27, e Bird 2, Ike Marvel, Davy C, Lady Kichuiond, Dexter Jr. (2dis), 2:35, 2-36,2:35, 554 CHEHTKUS COMPLETE TUOTTINti AM) rA(IN(; liECOUl). \V. J.Ncely, La Salle, 111., July 20, 1883. .«4(X). Clifford 3, Blue Bull, Kitty Kittennan. 2:44».„ 2:4.5^, 2:435^, *" Jul'v 28. 18S3, .S200. Blue Bull, 2:57?4, 2:4314, 2:45. Davenport, la.. July 31, 1883, §300. Orinda, VV'apsie Boy, Tipsico, Molly Harris, Sultana (2 dis), Bessie (1 dl.St, 2:34'4, 2:32^, 2:32^4. Aug. 3. 18X3, *;«)0. Will Her. Harold, Birdie Clay, 2:36'2, 2:39Vtt, 2:34. Madison. Wis.. Sept. 14. 1883. .■s!300. Minnehaha", Buffalo Boy (3 dis). 2:33'2, 2:3l'j, 2:29J4. Oregon. 111.. Sejit. 19. I88.i. ^.m). Gen. Lee, Kensett, 2:44«4, 2:40^*, 2:40. Otto K., bj? (•3:331^) by Blue Bull, dam Queen, by Sir Henry. J. H. Bebout. New Lebanon, Ind.. Auir 24, 1X81. Sll.-). Xancv M., Toledo, 2:38, 2:35' j, 2:36. Shelbwille, Ind., Sept. 7, 1881, jflOO. Ina U., Hamilton, 2:,'i9W;, 2:59J,, 2:.'j9?4. • Haniiitoii, ().. Oct. 7, 1881, 11.00. Kitty Clyde 2, Ina G., Hetty-C, Ennna Booker. Ladv M.. Jim Lonu. Babv Bov. 2:41, 2:3G'i, 2:38, 2:38. E". Me('all, Pittsburgh, I'a., May 24, 1882, S200. Little Sam, Bishop. 2:381^. 2:3.'), 2:39^. O. «J. A., bg (3:45). Peter Manee, Washington Hollow, N. Y., Sept. 19, 18T~8, S150. Quartette, Jim. Dan O'Brien. Jim Murray, 2:49, 2:45. 2:471/4. Secaueus N. J., Sept. 24, 1878, S . Eric. Sorrel Jim, 2:48. 2:4C, 2:45. Our Mary. grm(3:40?i). S. Kideout, Houlton, Me.. July 3, 1869. .'S200. Black Diamond l. Arlcmus Ward 2:45, 2:4314, 2:41i4, 2:403ii. Out and Out. br g (3 :46.) Warren Peabody, Milwaukee, Wis., July 27. 18(i9, $200. Silver Cloud. Nelly Bush 2:46K>, 2:50K 2:45. Janiestown. N. Y., Aug. 26. 18G9, $200. Outlaw, brg (3:30K^)by Dra ' " 1879, $400. Donk 1, 3, Blue 2:3:>,2:,«5,2:36. H. 1). Dean. Cincinnati. 0., Oct. 8. 1879. $1,000. Peddler, Lou Mayer, Kitty Clay. 5:48i4. 5:4.'"). Two miles J.Clifford. Lancaster, O., Oct. 12, 1882, $ . Stranger, Ida H. Lilly' Ford. Modie H.. Ollie. Koan Charley. Best time 2:;i0i4. Curtis & Hazlett, Zanesville, O.. Sept. 14, 1883. $150. Competitors not named. 2:49, 2:38, 2:33k- Newark. O.. June 20. 1883. $350. Black Jug 1, Modie H. Ollie, 2:33. 2:35?.i, 2:371^,2:36. Ovation, ch s (.3 :54) by Backman's Idol, dam Lady Overton, by Abdallah. J. Hogan, Goshen, N. Y., Oct. 21, 1875, $425. Brutus. Bertie. 2:.54, 2:.w. Three-year-olds. .1. M. Bayard, Easton, Pa., Oct. 11. 1876, $100. Hawthorne Blossom, Arabian Pilot, Captain. 3:09,3:085^. Four-year-olds. Overtake, br g (3 :34>4). L. B. Cannon, Burlington, Yt.. Sept. 12, 1883, $150. (ieorge C.. T. P. Clarke, W. N staves. 2:371^. 2:36. 2:.34i4. Overman, ch g (3 :l9i4) by Elmo. O. A. Hickok, San Francisco, Cal„ Aug. 22, 1878, $400. Sultan, 2:47i,. 2:40:u.2:43^. Sept. 7, 1878, $1720. Sultan, Medora (1 dis), 2-MH, 2:39i^. Nov. .'50. 1878, §1,000. A. Hose, 2:33, 2:33}-j, 2:33. Three :year-olds. Detroit, Mich. . July 4, 1882, $ . Dick Organ 2, 3, Maud T. (4 , 2:241..,. Rochester. N. Y.. Aug, 9. 1882, Sl-Ooo. Abe Downing 1, 4, Yellow Dock. Kigolette. Little Billy, Kate Tavlor. London, Rolla (5 dn, Big Ike (4 dr), 2:21 ^i^. 2:23, 2:2,^'.,, 2:27^^, 2:27>«. Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Aug. 23, 1882, $1,500. Independence 1, 4 (2 0), Kigolette, Manhattan. 2:25?,. 2:2314, 2:21?i, 2:27^, 2:241^, 2:.?0K'- Hartford Conn., Aug. 30, 1882, $1,500. Yellow Dock, Kigolette, Independence, Dave Young (1 Ais), 2:2m. 2:23'»,2:22'4. Belmont I'ark, Pnila., Oct 5. 1882. $l,,'500. Brandy Bov. 2:2214. 2:26?i, 2:26, Morrissania. N. Y., Nov. 1, 1882. !3;4.000. Helene 1. 2:2.i. 2:21, 2:2214, 2:2354. San Francisco, Cal., Dec. 16, 18s2, $400. Komeio, 2:24. 2:25, 2:23. Columbus, ()., June 12, 18S.!, .S700. Deck Wright, Alta. Hamblctonian Bashaw, 2:2,5i^, 2:21^, 2:23^. Detroit, Mich., June 29, 1883, .•i?7oO. Deck Wright. In(le])endence. 2:2694. 2:28}^. 2:2694. Kalamazoo, Mich., July 12, 1883, $700. Deck Wright, llambletonian Bashaw, Kate McCall. 2;23i^, 2:23^, 2:251 '- Chicago, 111.. July 18. 1883. $2.500. Clemmie G.. Wilson. Joe Bunker, Buzz Medium. 2:1914, 2:20. 2:19?4. Rochester, N. Y., Aug. 16, 1883, $2,000. Clemmie G. 1. 4, Billy Button, Deck Wright, 2:19, 2:195S£. 2:19J4, 2:20, 2:2214. Overture, ch s (3 :10X J. N. Willis. Waverley. N. J.. Sept. 18. 1879. .? . Freeholder, 3:14, 3:10. Owasso. br s (3:46), by Administrator. Wm. E. Weeks, Poughkeepsie, N. Y^, Nov. 12, 1875, $260. Undine and Aldine. to pole," 2:48, 2:47, 2:46. Owen Farley ((Jeorge Haskins). gr g (3:33), by George Haskins. H. S. Shultz, Montgomery, Ala., May 18. 1881, $150 Georgie (iolddust. Scramble, 2:4.5. 2:47, 2:44' 0. .Mobile, Ala.. May 5. 1882. .$200. Minnie Link 3. 4. Best time. 2:40. — Quincv. 111.. Aug. 24. 1882. .$.500. Legal R. 1 2 (3 0), Judge Curtis. Magnet (3 0), (4 dis), Ladv Lou (3 dis\ Milftie Price (2 dr), 2:31V^, 2:.32»,', 2:3.3^, 2:a3, 2:36*^, 2:35i4. Owen IVlald (3 :41'i). B. C. Guerin. Waverlev. N. J.. Sept. 18. 1872. .$200. Nelly 2, Belle of Eaton. H. W. C. (2 dr). Chorus (2 dr), Brady (2 dr), Lady P:ilmer(l dis). Ciirrie White (1 dis), 2:41^, 2:43V>, 2:44, 2:44. Owen's Colt (3 :.53). John Owens, Cjimden. N. J.. Oct. r,. IH66, $400. Minnehaha, 2:.59, 2:53. Four-year-olds. Oxnioor. h s (3:33). by Princeps, dam Lindora. by Hanililctonian. c. P. Doble. Great Bend, Pa., Aug. 2. 1882, $200. Lacly TTp'town 3, Lady Beekiuan, Oakw-ood, 2:.S5i4, 2:.34i4, 2:32i4, 2:36i4. Aug. .3. 1882, isoo. Lady Beekman, Oakwood, 2:.33, 2:36ij. 2:361^4. Oxvffen, b g (3:47). J. H. Phillips, Reading, Pa., Nov. 3, 1880, $ . Jenny Grace, Billy Allen 1. 2 (3 dr), "2:46, 2:47, 2-48. 2:47. 2:48. OvHter Hoy. bg(3:30i4). J. B. Conklin. Decrfoot Park, L. I., June 6. 1876. $im). Western Boy 1, Flora, Richmond (Jirl (4 dr), Robin (4 dr), Billy (2 dis). Bill Cock (1 dis), 2:45. 2.4IV4. 2:45, 2:44?i. Time 9, 1876, $1.50. Ed. Sills 2 (1 0), Flora 5, Western Boy (1 0), Jenny, Annie R., Richmond Girl (2 dr), 2:42, 2:42i4, 2:41,2:409^. 2:42, 2:44' i. New Hunting Park. Pliila.. M;iv 23. 1882, $ . Billy D.. Marv M.. 2:.56, 2:434. OzlaH, b s (3:47' O, by Green's Bjishaw. dam Betsy, by Young Green Mountain Morgan. John Kline, Wilton, la., Aug. 21, 1873, $00. Capt..Walker 3. 5(4 0), (6 6), Wapsinouoc (6 0), Wilton (2 dr), 3:02, 2.55,2:625Si, , 2:55, ,2*6. CHESTEKS COMl'LETE TKOTTINC AND PACING RECORD. 666 Pace's Chestnut Stallion (3:33). E. M. Pace, Lynchburg, Va., May 28, 1879. Prize, cup. Pace's br m, Fortune's b m, 3:49, 3:33. Pacific, gr g (3 :44Ji). Mr. Moultbrop, Sau Francisco, Cal., Nov. 2, 1869, $250. Democrat, Koe Allen, Hiram ^Vt)Odrlln:■, 13:51. Five miles. J. C. Morrison, March 3, 1873, 5;200. Rag Picker, Ethan Allen, Belle (1 dis), 2:51'/2, 2:48'/2, 2:45V2. P. Farrell, March 12, 1873. :gl50. Ethan Allen, 1 (3 0), Granger, 2:4714, 2:44;;4, 2:45?i, 2:47, 2:49k- Paddler, b g 3 ■Ati)^,}. N. Herbert, Point Breeze Park, Phil., Oct. 19, 1874, iif200. Sally 1, Oliver, 3:02, 2:59, 2:59, 2:59. Philadelphia, Pa., Aug. 15, 1876, $ . Warrior 1, Lookout (3 dr) 3:0714, 3:0214, 3 :04i^, 3:05. Paddy, grg (2:51). S. Bryant, Louisville, Ky., June 18, 1872, $150. Lottie Farris, Lady Emma. 2:56, 2 :553£, 2:51. Paddy blk g (3:43i^), by Morgan Paddy, dam Fan. J. M. Porter, Foxcroft, Me., Aug 12, 1873, $100. American Boy, Fred Oliver, Bay Dan (3 dis), i-AdU, 2:45^4, 2:.54i^^i. ■ Aug. 13, 1873, Sioo. Brigham Voung, Bav George, Fred Logan, 2:43}^, 2:45'/i, 2:45. B. W. Blanchard, Bangor, Me., Sept. 18. 1873, $150. Bay Dick, Cliarcoal, 2:49'-j, 2:49, 2:41. Owen Dugan, Nov. 4 and 5, 1873, $60. Tip l, 2, Louise W., 3, 2:52'/2, 2:49, 2:47. 2:55, 2:51, 2:M. Paddy, br s (3 :499.£). James Clav, Lexington, Ky., June 21, 1877. $400. Fanny Stoner 3, Red Crook, Hubert, Elmer, Alvermont (Idis), ^none (1 dis), 2-A9U, 2:olib„ 2:48^,, 2:51. Paddy Carey, ch g (3:31). Andrew Race, Cortlandt, N. Y.. June 15, 1867, $250. Fanny Gray, White Lark, 2:4051,2:40^4,. 2:42. Paddy Carey, br s ^3 :40). Mr. Brown, Strathroy, Out., Oct. 3, 1872, $115. Brown Dick, Honest Tom, 3:01J4, 2:57, 3:00. T. S. Sturgis, Port Huron, Mich., July 4, 1873. $150. Annie Wilkes 1, Black Diamond, 2:41';, 2:40. 2:40,2:40. Paddy Carey (Ben Smith), gr g (3 :27). W. Freemyer, Scoharie, N. Y., Sept. 20, 1882, $ . Lady Clififord 1 White Cloud, 2:32^2, 2:33, 2:34, 2:32. Paddy on the Canal (3:57). John McNulty, Wilkesbarre, Pa., Sept. 9, 1867,$ . Freedman's Bureau 300, 2:58,2:57. Painter Boy (3 ■.4:^M). Boston, Mass., June 9, 1865, $ . Comet. 1, 2:55M. 2-A9U, 2:47^- Sept. 21, 186.5, $50. Buck. 1, 2 (5 r o). Belle ol Merrimac. 3, 4 (5 r o), 2:4714, 2:47i/2, ^:5.3. 2:.^)3, . Painter Boy, ch s (3 :40). Ed. Richardson, Indianapolis, Ind., May 31, 1873, $150. McCool, Sam's br g (2 dry, 2:40, 2:41. Palace King, ch g(3:41i.0. S. Hayes, Beacon Park, Boston, July 10, 1876, .$200. Chief (w). 1,.3. 2:37i''2. 2:4lU 2:471/2,2:4714.2:49. Paleface, b m (3 :50i4). J. Stafford. Erie, Pa., Sept. 27, 1877, $15. Hendricks. Bonniele, 2:59K', 3:00. 2:,5.5. Palnia. ch g (3 :33?4;), by Matchless, dam by the Beal's Horse. A. McDowell, Elkhart, Ind., Alay 30, 1879, $— . Russ Ellis, Effle G., Belle Smith, Ned Norris, Roadmaster, 2:50,2:51,2:50. H. P. .Merrill. Aurora, 111., Aug. 1, 1879, $350. John R., Flirt, Sucker Maid, Kittv Long, Great Western (2 dis). Bog Oak (2 dis). Singular (l dis). 2:50, 2:51, 2 50. Proiiiietstown, 111., Aug. 5, 1879, $250. William H. , Sucker Maid, Fairmont. Clipper, Bob Ames, Mam brino Bruce, 2:32. 2:33'4, 2:35'4.. Aug. 8, 1879, $200. Sucker .Maid, Fairmont, John R., Malvina. 2:31, 2:33. 2:31. Mendota, 111., Aug. 14, 1879, $300. Fairmont. Carrie Cozzens, Calamus, Bobby Newcomb, 2:315^, 2:33 2 :36. Battle Creek. Mich., June 4, 1880. .?i700. Grav Cloud, Sucker Maid. Josephus. 2:33i4. 2:33, 2:34U. A. McDowell. Cincinnati. O.. July 9,1880, $1,000. France's Alexander 3, Young Wilkes, Fanny, Gray Cloud, Don Quixote, John McDougali. Abdallah Boy, George (3 dis), 2:25i4, 2:26^, .i:26i^, 2:30. Flint. Mich.. Oct. 2, 1880, $-. Mambrino Foster. Molly Middleton. No time. Palmer Boy, b g (3:36>. M. W. Gould, Northampton. Mass.. Sept. 11. 1875. $300. Neva. Dick Farrell, Chalk- line. Madge (3dis). 2:42, 2:41. 2:41. VVestfield, Mass., Sept. 17, 1875, $300. Neva, Tim Moonev (3 dis), 2-A2M. 2:41, 2:43. P. Mclntyre, Norwich, Conn., Oct. 11, 1875, $200. Lady Bonner, Thorn, Lady Hale, Captain Allen, Honest Allen (3 dr). 2 :42i^. 2:4314, 2:43. Palmer Boy, bg (3:33). E. Foster, Medina, N. Y., June 6, 1R76. $300. Lillv Pierce, Frank Martin. Gray Salem, Marmion, Lady Chatham, Lady Mac. Volante (2 dis), 2:37, 2:37i^. 2:.39. Buffalo, N. Y., June 15, 1876, $200. Frank Martin 2. 5, Marmion l, 4, Tom Allen. . 2:35. 2:33. 2:.'?.5U. 2:3.51/0.2:3614,2:41. Palmer Boy, rn g (3:41). F. H. Pinkerton, Dover, Del., Sept. 24, 1879, $150. Ladv Wright 2. Modoc. Grav Mor g;in. Mischief, 2:41. 2:39. 2:42, 2:43. Middletown, Del., Sept. 30, 1879, .$1.59. Modoc. Mischief. Gray Morgan (1 disX 2:48i^, 2:48, 2:44. Palmer Knox, blk s (3:31). by Gen. Knox, dam by the Robinson Horse. E. H. McKenney. Bangor, Me., Sept. 16, 1873. .$200. Pequawket 1. Garibaldi, Geii. Lee, Air. Tom Paine. St. Elmo, Bay Sam. Dan Godfrey, Nelly Gray (2 dis), 2;42ii. 2:40, 2:42. ■ Sept. 17, 1873, $180. Air 3, 4, Pequawket 1, Prize, St. Elmo, Jimmy Carr (5 dr). Pretty (4 dr), 2:38!^. 2:38»/^, 2:38«4. 2:39?i, 2:4014, 2:40. Portland, Me., Sept. 25, 1873. $200. Twilight. Blue Bonnet, Leeds. 2:46, 2:46. 2:43',4. • Sept. 26, 1873,, $200. Twilight, Blue Bonnet, ]Mollv Smoker (2 dis), Leeds (2 dis). Little Fred (1 dis), 2:45, 2:44.2:44. Biddeford Me., Nov. 8, 1877, .$— . Emery Fearnaught 1. 2:.37. 2:41, 2:.39, 2:37. T. D. Marsh. Beacon Park. Boston. June 24 and 25, 1878. $600. Dolly Davis 2, 4, Duroc 5, 6, Oshlega Belle, Carrie Allen, John Morrill (4 di's). Charles Gerrish (4 dr), 2:.34. 2:31, 2:3ir2:32, 2:35, i-.SHVi. 2:37. 556 CHESTEU'S ('OMl'LKTE TKOTTING AND PACING KECOKD. Palmyra Girt, ch m (2 :43^), Kobert Brott, Saratoga Spa. N. Y., Sept. :i, 1814, $M. Molly B. 2. 3, 2:X%.. 2:53, aifMi-'i, 2:515i. -:55 Troy, N. Y., Sept, 21, 1874, $100. Frank, Joe, Gyasticutus, Sorrel Sam, Momsou's gr c (2 dis), 2:43'/i, ■J -44 '4, 2:47. Paiicoast. b s (3 :25?i'), hv Woodford Mambrino, dam Bii-ara, by Harold. J. C. McFerran & Co., Louisville, Ivy., Sept. 21, 1HS3, $400. Mollv Mack. 2:32. 2:27, 2:2.0^4. (.'hicuKo, HI.. Sept. 27, lx8;i, ■Sr.oo. liulfpeiuli'iice, lliglilaud Chief (2 dis), 2:33, 2:32»4, 2:27)*. Stallions. Sept. 2!t, 1S8:!. S.WO. BIk Soap 1, Waiting, 2:28, 2:28. 2:26. Pauio (Frank \ irnon), b g («:28; (2:2~ s), by Sbennan Blaek Hawk, dam by Harris' Hanibletoniau. Darius Tailnian. Inion Course. L. I., April 15, 1858, $50. lloagland's b c 1, 3, Lady Cliarlotte '2:401.i, 2:46, 2:43, 2:41, 2:43)^. .Mav 5, IKVJ, $75. I.:i(iv I'alnior;). Frank Tenii)le,2:35, 2:33. 2 SC. 2:38. (s),Fred Holt, Rliddieiown, Conn., .Inly IC. I8C0, a . 2:38. To beat 2:40. lU'U Mace, I'rovidiMice, K. L, Oet. 12. 1805, S . Stonewall Jackson. 2:.37. 2:381^, 2:35. — - Providence, K. 1., Oct. 15, 18«.5, .•5:1,000. Stonewall Jiukson, 2;:;(i. 2;:!1,',4. 2:31K>' New H;iven. Conn., Oct, 20, 1865, S800. Up and Uj), Aineri<;in EiiiiiiTor, 2:34%, 2:3894, 2:41«4. - -— lJnff:iU), N. Y., .Vug. 16, 18t>6, Sl.OOO. Sila.s Kich. Capt. Tailnian, Nabocklisb. 2:335ii, 2:30J4, 2:31'/4. Cleveland, O., .Vug. 27, 1866, $1,000. (ieii. Butler. 2:35, 2:35, 2:34?4. Milwaukee. Wis.. Sept. 14, 1866, §1.000. Silas Hidi, 2:33'/i, 2:34, 2:33. Adrian, Mich., Sept. 22. 1866, .•?400. Ned Forrest, 2:44, 2:42'/2, 2:32. Kakiinazoo, Mich.. Oct. 3. 1866. SIOO. Lady Ellis, 2:A9\i, 2:;i7fj, 2:33'/i. 1). Seain:ui, Zanesville, O., Oct. 25, 1866, $300. Mike Goodwin, Weston Bill, Old Man (2 dis), BucKeye (1 dis). 2:.37, 2:37?4:.2:32'/2. Oct. 27, 1866, S.50. 2::U. Tobeat2:.30. Lost. Ben Mace, Fashion Course, L. I., June l.i, 1867, .S7.50. Gen. Butler 4 (50) (7 dis), Lucy 1, 2 (7 dr), 2:32,2:31H, 2-30'/>, 2:27, 2:28, 2:3214, . I'anic distanced in seventh heat. '- Avon Spa, N. Y.. Aug.20, 1867, S Century. Gen. MiClclkui, 2:34, 2:29. 2:37. S Field. Waverly. N. J., July 1, 1868, $300. Lady lUnclilev. Careless. Onibuson's mare, 2:40, 2:38, 2:37. Norristown, N. J., Sept. 11. 18(8, $250. Dutch Girl (1 (D, li;ihway, 2:36. 2:37'/2, 2:36!4, 2:31%. Waverly \. J., Nov. 17, 1868, *400. t areless, with running mate 1, 3. 2::59^, 2:39. 2:36J^, 2:38, 2:37. H P Warner, Little Falls, Mass., Sept. 30. 1870, $225. Captain Gill, Lobster (1 dis), 2:37, 2:38. 2:36. Woodbury, Conn.. Sept 14, 1870, $ . (irey. 2:45. 2:48, . Mr. .McDowell, Selnia. Ala., Nov. 10. 1870, $300. .Jeff Davis. Black Hawk, 2:47. 2:45^, 2:46yj. Panic br s (3 :47), by Ethan Allen, dam Dollv ISIerriani by the North Horse. J. W. Jacobs, Joliet, III., Sept. 5 187' .<:i00. Kaiikakee Maid. Credo, Topsv (2 dis), Grace Patten (1 dis). 2:47, 2:48, 2:54. Panic, b g (3 ASU). John Murphy, Fleetwood Park. N. Y.. Miiy 28, 1875, $200. Dan (1 dis), 3:06. P. Chicken, June 11, 1875, $2.50. BUndBoy 3, 4, Pet 1, Fly, Butcher Girl (5 dr), 2:52}4, 2:49%, 2:49>^, 2:47»/», •2:55'/2, 2:.53. Isaac Woodruff, Aug. 9. 1875, $100. Jim Bowers 1, 4, 3:02, 2:49, 2:48?4, 2:58, 2:55. J.Casey, Sept. 29. 1876. $50. Miss Drew l, 2:52, 2:51, 3:01'/2, 2:58. Panic, b g. W.J. -Middleton, Brampton, Ont., May 24, 1878, $45. Bolton Boy, Sporting Boy. Brittania Boy, Derry, Prentice Bov. No time. Pansy bnu3:04'4). F. Warren. Brookville. Pa., Sept. 18, 1879,$ . Fanny Patchen, Conklin, Ridgeway, Tonv 11., Lady F., 3:10, 3 :01i-^, 3 :0.5»4- Pansy Patclien. N. M. Brockwav, Punxutawney, Pa., Oct. 13, 1880, $35. Old Tobe, Volunteer, Lady Sykes, Wild Lilv. 1 :40, 1:35, 1 .34. Half-mile heats. Parana, b lii (3:19i4), by Mambrino Hambletonian, dam Belle of Cayuga, by Hambletonian Prince. C. F. Emory, Buffalo, N. Y., July 31. 1877, $1,000. Noontide, Mars, Barbara Patchen. 2:39)^,2:3,5. Three-year- (V. E. Whitney Youngstown, O., July 3, 1878, $1.50. Ohio Almont 1, 2, Diamond. Lucy R., 2:47, 2:46.2:40, 2:42,2:45. Four-year-olds. Chicago,Ill.,./uly 24. 1880, $1,850. Pilot R., 3,4, Hambletonian Bashaw 2. Palma, 2:25,2:2154,2:22';, 2 "23/4 2'22U> 2 2.5^. 1 Q_ Forbes! cTeveiand, O.. July 29. 1880, $1,000. Calamus. Edwin Thome, Centella. Diamond, Rosewood (1 dis) '^•25 2*23 2*24% — Buffalo, N.Y.', Aug. '5. 1880, $1,000. John S. Clark. Edwin Thorne, Orange Blossom, Centella, 2:21 ?4. '- Roc'hesteri N. Y., Aug. 12, 1880, $1,000. Hector 1, Edwin Thorne. Calamijs, Orange Blossom, 2:23, 2:23«^, 2 "31% ''•2\M, ^Springfield, Mass., Aug. 19, 1880. $1,000. Edwin Thorne. Lady Martin. Hector, Marlboro, Freeman (3 dis), .Johns. Clark (2 dis), Bilf Ed ri dis), 2:25%, 2:2,514. 2-25%. „-.,i-, ,. • t. Hartford, Conn., Aug. 27, 1S80, $1,000. Edwin Thorne, Jimmy Stewart. Marlboro, Bill Ed., Gossip, Free- man, Hector, Lady Martin. 2:24^, 2:25. 2:2.5. C. F. Emerv, Mystic Park. Boston, Aug. 31, 1880. $1,000. Emma B.. Jersey Boy. 2:22",, 2:24, 2:28._ Beacon Park, Boston, Sept. 7 and 8, 1880, .$2,000. J'atchen l. 3, Emma B., Jersey Boy, Lady I-oxie, 2:22, 2*20 ''■24 2'1!)'4 ''"''3 ' G."e. Whitney, Albany, N. Y.. Sept. 18, 1880, $1,.500. Sheridan. Dan Smith. Jersey Boy, Kentucky Wilkes, Castleton,WilbiirF (3 (Ir), Indianapolis f3dr). 2:21%. 2:20^4. 2:20'.;. ,„,,.,,.,, ,, • ,, ,. s J J. Bowen. Providence. R. I., June 3. 1882, $.500. .). P. MorrisS (201. llumlioldt (1 dis), Mazo-Manie (1 dis), 2:20, 2:201.^, 2:22. 2 :23y2, 2:2214. „ „„ „. ., Parepa. chm(3:4!)). Hurstville, N. Y.. Sept. 6, 1870. .$500. Mazeppa. 15:38. 1m venules. Parepa, blk m(2 :3.'i%). C. E. Mosher, Norwich, Conn., July 22. 1880, $200. Steve Lewis. Helen Mar, Orphf.n Bov (3 dis), Pedro (3 dis), Nelly Richardson (3 dis), 2:38'4, 2:42'.,, 2:35%. Parepa Kosa (3 :53M). Mr. Louiislmrv, Salt Lake City, Utah. Oct. 20, 1874, $75. Holly, 2:56, 2:55^4. F F Mallov, July 24. 187.5. .*.-.o. (;r;iv M;ick 2. 2:.59. 3:00, 2:.5n'.,. 2:.52».i. Paris 1) g (3 :37>i), by Pacing Alxlallali. diim l)v Dick Tiirpin. D. Tlionuis, CjTithiana. Ivy., Aug. 26, 1881,$200. Sallv Bniss 3. Susy Bronston, Clark Chief. Alice, 2::i8. 2:37M, 2:39'.,. 2:40. „ . ,rnN m 1 1 /^ I'arker b g (3 :41»4). T. F. Ellis. Woodstock. Out.. June 2. 1881. $175. Burt Sheldon 3, 4 (5 0), Mohawk Queen f5dls). Carleton (6dr), Sedam (2 dis), Brown Prince (2dis), Harry P. (2 dis). 2:45, 2:42, 2:42, 2:41>4. , ''•41 'i — St. Catherines, Ont., Sept. 20, 1881, $120. Harry Lewis l, 2, Mohawk Queen 3, Theresa Scott, Starlight. Par'kis' Abflallah (Dauntless), b s (3 :36%. by Taggart's Abdallah. dam by Morrill. John S. Parkis, Woon- socket. R. 1., Sept. 16, 1873, .$7,5. Red Hawk (1 dis), 2:40. Stallion.s. Sept. 18, 1873, .$600. St. Elmo. 2 :42. 2 :40. 2 :43. Providence, R. I.. Julv 2.5, 1874. $.500. Vermont Abdallah. 2:26%, 2:28'i,2:28';. „ u Parole, blk g (3:3«JU), bv Feamaught Prince, dam Counless. by (Jeorge Washington, Thomas Pyncheon, Cambridge, N. v., Aug" 27. 1880. $1.50. Vinewood. Billy. Molly W.. 2:4o;4.2:40. 2:40. ,„ ., , r^ Mystic Park. Boston. Sept. .3, 1880, $.500. Belle of Fitchburg 3, Lady Kelso, Railroad Boy (2 dis), Tom Hendricks (2 dis). Lady Sheridan (1 dis), 2:27, 2:28!^, 2:30, 2:31. CHESTEK'S COMPLETE TKOTTlN(; AM> l'AriN(; UECOKI). 557 — Waverly Park, N. J., Sept. 23 and 24, 1880, $500. Satlie Howe 2, 4, Star, Carbolif. Sciola (2 dls), 2:27M. 2:283^, 2:26!^, 2:291^, 2:29J^^. — Mount Holly, JS'. J., Oct. 13, 1880, $350. Dora 1, 2, Star. Phil Dwyt-r. Nigger Babv. 2:.36. 2:34'i, 2::^6^4„ 2-35, 2:41'/j. — C. W. Driscoll, Jersey City, N. J., July 20, 1882, $.500. Harry .Mills, 2:36, 2:36hj, 2:30. Parkville, L. I., June 7, 18S3, a;200. Black Prince, Fitzgeraril.2:3r., 2:34. 2:37. Aug. 3 and 4, 1883, sjoo. Modoc 5, U 0) (4 o;, Harry Mills, 2 (1 0) (40), Black Prince, John McDougall ^3 dr). 2:38, 2:35, 2:32Vi. 2:32i2 2:32^4, 2:34, 2:34if4^. Jersey City, N. J.. Aug. 8, 1883, !g300. Harry .Mil's, Effie G., John Love. 2:31, 2:31, 2:32'-i. ■ Parkville, L. I., Aug, 30 and 31, 1883, «;300. Bonny L. 3, Leni 1, Jewell 2 14 dis), 2:29i^, 2:30'2. 2:M, 2:29J^ 2:37, 2:34}4. Jersey Ciity, N. J.. Sept. 6, 1883, $300. We.stover. Lowland INIary. 2:35, 2:;}7. 2:3514. Doylestown, Pa., Oct. 4, 1883, $300. Maud Peaeliin, Socrates, Manihrino Hasscn, Maud X., 2:31, 2:32,2:36. Parolet, grs (2:37). D. Walters, Mount Holly, N. J., Oct. 10. 1877, $105. Ladv Mott 3. 4. Hvuiter 1, 2, Netty, Jr., Cortlandt Boy, Belle Forrest (5 dr), Harry P. (5dr}, Lady Star (4 dr). St range Harry (:; dr), Ladv Hatii- ilton (2 dr;, 2:45, 2:461^, 2:481.0.. 2:479i, 2:47i4, 2:47V2, 2:49. • Point Breeze Park, Phila., Oct. 15, 1S77. $200. Oyster Boy 1, Cortlaiult Bov. Ladv Mount (4 dr;. Princess Medium (4 dr), Susie G., (4 dr), J. L. Hill (3 dis). Prince Charles (2 dis). 2:;!8.'2::i7, 2':3y, 2:37. Parrott b g (3 :36), by Vermont. L. B. Lindsey, Portland, Oregon, July 8, 187G, .^590. Bashaw, Mystery, 2.43, 2:44'/j,2:43i.3. Salem, Oregon. Oct. 13, 1876, $250. Olyiujiia Dick, 2:38, 2:39, 2:38. ■ Sau Francisco, CaL.Mch. 15, 1877, $150. E. H. Miller 1, Billy Hay ward, Billv Lucas (4 dis). Prophet (2 dis), 2:32'4,, , 2:32?.i, 2:32V2. April 28, 1877, $250. St. Helenal. 4, Red Cross (4 dis), 2:33i4, 2:373i. 2:34';; 2:37, 2:37V.i. Riverside, Oregon. Oct. 20, 1878, $1,000. Nellv Patchen 3. 4,~2:42. 2:42, 2:42^, 2:48. 2:40. (w) Portland. Oregon, Aug. 30, 1879, $200. Nelly PatcluMi (W) 1, 2:33 '4,2:341.,. 2:34)4. Salem, Oregon, Oct. 3, 1879, .$250. Nelly Patchen 2, J.ady F"austina 4, BelUoinider. 2:.;iU, 2:3514, 2:34'/J, 2:32'/" 2:34. Po'rtland, Oregon, Oct. 4 and G, 1879, $300. Nelly Patchen 2, L;uly Faustina 3. Dexter, 2:31,2:35, 2:33, 2:34,2:35. S. G. Reed, Salem, Oregon, Oct. 8, 1879, $.500. Nelly Patchen 2, Lady Faustina ( l dis), 5 :34, 5:39,. 5:39. Two miles. • L. B. Liudsey, Portland, Oregon, Oct. 9,1879, $500. Nelly Patchen 2 (3 0), Lady Faustina (2 dis). No time. Pasacas, b s (3:4:3), by Alniont, dam Glory, bv Jackson's Western Star. S. R. Noble, Massillon, O. Oct. 22, 1878, $1.50. Doc Cash 1, Kitty Clyde, Gypsy, Elsie Groff, Bird, Lady G., 2:47. 2:43. 2:45. 2:,50. Pascal, b g (3 :51). R. Patterson, Mansfield, Pa., Oct. 18, 1882. $150. Deacon. Maggie C, 2:.53, 2:51, 2:53)4. Pascaral. blk g(3:41?4) by Almont, dam by Administrator. C. \V. Bruce, Frankfort, Iiid. Aug. 28, 1883, $100. Yellow Jacltet, Ida B., 2:49, 2:47, 2:.51. Lafayette, Ind., Sept. 6, 1883, $300. Ladv Lawrence, Yellow Jacket, 2:4414, 2:41'^. 2:45. Passaic, (Wm. H. Ripleyi, blk s. (3 :33). A. Carpenter, Cuba, N. Y., Sept. 24, 1874, $1 .(lOO. Charley Howe, Ash- land Pet. 2:34K'. 2:32. 2:.35. Passaic. (3 :06). M. Dixon, Jersey City, N. J.. May 17, 1883, $100. Nelly Robinson, 1. 4, 3:06i'2, 3:07, 3:06, 3:11, 3:071^,. Passumpsic Boy. gr g (3:54). W. E. Peck. St. Johnsbiu-y. Vt., Sept. 19, 1883, .|50. Major C, Rush's b m, Rhoda, 2:54, 3:00. Pastime, b g (3 :40). John Eckert, Lancaster, Pa., July 4, 1877, $50. Silas, Grape, Peabody, King ,Iolm (l dis), 2:50. 2:.55. 2:,54. Pat (Nerve), blk g (3 :40)4). A. B. DeHart. Avon, Pa., Sept. 22, 1871, $150. LadyTrouble, Belle, Lady Gray, 2:48'4,2:50?4, 2:50. Pat, ch g (3 :36). Major Pomp, Brownsville, .Mo., June 20, 1879, $160. Kate Brown 2, Carrie S., Careno, (2 dis). Rattler (1 dis), 3:0i, 3:04, 3:00, 3:011/2. Aug. 21, 1879. .$450. Brunkoo Bill 2, 3, Orphan Girl, J. N. Steck, J. M. Potts, 2:36. 2:3714, 2:39, 2:.38. 2:37'-4, Aug. 22, 1879. $2.50. Alivest, Prince Albert, Ned Forrest, 2:41. 2:42, 2:4lH. Patapsco Maid, b m (3:40). C. R. Thompson, Westminster, Md.. Oct. 18, 1877, $150. Rough and Ready 1, Harry, Clinton, 2:46, 2:43^4, 2:42)^, 2:43i/2. Pat Byrnes, 1) g (3 :41i/i), by Star Henry. Pat Byrnes, Elmira. N. ¥.. .Tune 3. 1874. $400. Little Charley 1, Charmer, Tom Wonder Jr., 2:53, 2:.53. 2:.52. 2:.52i.^. Penu Yan, N. Y.. June 10, 1874, $300. Telegram l, 2, Central Bov 3. Charmer i2 dis), 2:42, 2:40i4, 2:45, 2:42, 2:41 1/2.2:47. June 11, 1874, $300. Kendall Henry, Red Jacket, C. M. Bedle (2 dis). Central Boy (1 dis), 2:47i2, 2:51Ja, 2:.545^. Patch, br g (3:5714). J. S. Gordon, Smithtown, L. I., July 21. 1877, $150. Fred. Tell, 3:06'^, 2 :.58i4, 2 :.57i4. Patchen, blk s (3:4594,). M. C. Wilbur, Omaha, Neb. July 1, 1865, $100. Laplander 1. Cricket, pacer (s), 2. 2:48, 2:51, 2:48, 2:452i. Patchen (3:57). Dr. Mettler, Newton. N. J., Aug. 28, 1866, $25. Patchen II., 2:57, 2:57, 3:00. Patchen gr s (3 :39). Kingsbury & Solomon, Williamsport, Pa., July 10, 1873, $200. Mary Brown, Clothesline, Williamsport Belle^ Express (l dis), 2:41, 2:43, 2:39. Patchen b g (3 :45). L. Philips, Providence, R. I., Aug. 7, 1878, $200. Henry S. 1, Edith, T. S., 2:47, 2:45. 2:48, 2:.50. Patchen (Orwell Boy), ch g (3 :18='i), by Kentucky Hunter, dam by Scott's Hiatoga. John Murphy, Plainville, Conn., July 3, 1879, $400. Neli, Rufus, Neilson, Dio, 2:29i4, 2:30'2, 2:30, Prospect Park, L, I., June 3, 1880, $500. Wizz, Lew Scott, Marv Russell, 2:2514. 2 :23'4, 2:23. — Albany, N. Y., Sept. 16, 1880, $1,500. Iron Age, Charley Champlin, 1 (3 dis). 2:25)t. 2:27, 2:27M, 2:29]4. J. M. French, Olean, N. Y., June 24, 1881, $500. Moose l, Damon (4 dis), 2:24'i. 2:24i/j, 2:28i4, 2:2914. Patchen, b s (3 :59). R. M. Gibson, Newark, Del., Sept. 17, 1881, $20. Nelly Bruce 1, 4, Flora Swing, Kitten, 2:58, 2:59, 2:.59'2, 2:52, . Patchen. b g (3:45). by Patchen. dam bv Excelsior. W. Peck. SalinaCity. Cal.. Oct. 12, 1881, $150. Happy Ellen, 4 (2 0). Lucy, i (2 0), Josie, 3:00. 2:55. 2:51. 2:48?i. 2:45. 2:.51i4. Patchen blk s (3 :59)4). Mr. Hougliton. Bennington, Vt., Sept. 25, 1883, $50. Cyclone 1, Lon Morris 3, Butcher Boy, Lydia Ann, 3:01, 3:04, 2:,59)4, 2:0914, 2:.59'/2. Patchen Chief (Charles E. Loew). blk s (3:351^), by George M. Patchen, dam l)y Dutchman. John L. Doty, Fashion Course, L. I„ Oct. 8, 1866, $1,000. Abdallah Chief. 2:52, 2:39?4. 2:42. • James D. McMann, Providence R. 1., Sept. 6, 1867, $200. Columbus Navigator 3, Helene, Pegasus, Uncle Ben. 2:379^, 2:37, 2:381^, 2:41 ?4 J. Odekirk, Reading. Pa., Sept. 14, 1869, $800. Lady Whitman, George M. Patchen Jr., Victor Patchen (1 dis), 2:3414, 2:38, 2:37?i. Sept. 15, 1869, .$500. Hess' ch m, Andalusian, Tormentor, 2:441^. 2:47, 2:40'/2. Trenton, N. J., May 25, 1870, $1,000. Col. Russell, Ed. White. 2:3l9i, 2:31, 2:31%. 558 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTINCJ AND PAiMNd RECORD. Prosport Park, L. I., June ■_', 1870, 31,500. Prince, Carroll, Topsy, Eastern Queen, Rosa c;oldaust, Kep (1 (lisi,-.':'.'7, L>:2H, •2:30?4- J>at<-heii Chief Jr.. blk s (2 :38>. .1. C. Sanford, Mount Holly. N. J., Oct. 7. 1874, 8175. Merion, Katy Wil- liams. Ladv I'alniiT. Lonjrfellow , 3:05, 3:00! j. I'our-year-oUls. - l'ri-t'hol(i, N. .1., Sept. 12, 1877, •JKK). Carrie White 2, Billy 1, Lady Star. 2:41'j, , 2:.'i3, 2:5.3, 2:52. I'atclieii G«-«rKe, 1) s(a:51ii). ('. Dubois, Salinas, Cal., Oct. 26, 187t;, $50. Prince, 3:10, 3:03, 3:03'4. - Z. Herbert, Oet. l.\ 1881, $100. Mozart. Ripton. 2:.51?4, 2:55. 3:003^. PatcluMi Girl, br m (2 :34»4). .1. Williams, San Francisco, Cal., Dec. 6, 1877, S . Amanda (2 0), Unknown, Hillv Tavlor (1 dis), 2:42, 2:42, 2:42, 2:42'... Dec. 12, 1877. .S75. Sorrel Dick 1. lYide of the Bav.2:37?4, 2:3694, 2:.35K>. T. Kennedy. Reno, Nev.. Oet. 9. 187!), $2(X). William Tell 2, Star Proctor, 2:41, 2:;;7, 2:38!i, 2:42. ,1. W. Wilson, Sacramento, Cal., June 4. 1880, §210- Jimmy (2 0), Siskivou Girl, Claremont, 2:42»4, 2:4lJi 2::i8'i.2:4l»i. I'atchen Jr.. cli k (2:43>4). S. Somerville, RufTalo, N. V., Nov. 3, 1870, .?100. Butcher Cirl, 2:.")0, 2:50?4, 2:42^. Pateh«-ii Jr.. (3 ■.Oi)]^). Rochester, Minn., Sei)t. 7. 1x82, $100. Little Max 1. 3:19, 3:12. 3.09U,. PatcluMi Maul, ch in (3:391^), by Henrv H. Patchen. R. Ferris, Milfon I, Conn., June 19, 1879, S7.5. Kate Lambert 4 (.">0;, Luck, Sam 1 (5dr), 2:49, 2:4h-'4,2:47?4, 2:45^, 2:4C»4, 2:47Ji. .1. H. Lewis, Sei)t. 8. I8sl, SJOO. Pixie, Ben. 2:39'2, 2:42,2:40. Huntington. Conn., Sei)t.22, 1881, $100. MaKJiie Dovle. Neifrhbor ITps, 2 :40, 2:42,2:42. Milfonl, Conn., Oct 19, 1881, $50. Young Moose. Moscow. 2:49, 2:44. 2:44'o. New Haven, Conn., Sept. 6, 1882,$200. Jack, Flora Jefferson, Katy, Daisy Pearsall (1 dis;, 2:35, 2:35?4, ^Norwalk, Conn., Sept. 13, 1882. $200. Tom L., Governor. Katy (1 dis), 2.38H,2:.38, 2:36'2. Patchen Oueen, b m (2 :48'.,). \\ . llendrickson, San Francisco, Cal., May 25, 1871, $50. Countess 1, 2, Julia Collins ,3 dis), 2:58i4, 2:.>4, 2:48'2, 2:51'4. 2:56^4- Patchen .Star, chg(2:.'>Oi. l)y Patchen Star. J. L. Rogers, Plymouth, N. H., Sept. 28, 1876, $25. Competitors not named. 3:03. 3:04.3:O4. (irafton, N. H., Sept. 24, 1878, $12.5. Young Shakespeare, Hattie Tyler, Meander, Topsy, 2:50.2:50, 2:50^. Pat Dulan, b g (2 :49), by Godrcy Patchen. J. Rhea Jr., Madison, Ind., Aug. 2, 1877, $ . Tom Tarpic 3, 4. Maud, Puss, Long Branch (4dr), Harrison's br ni(4 dn. Anderson's br ni (3dn. 2:.52, 2:49. 2:53. 2:55, 2:52. Pathfinder, chs(2:48), bv Benedict's Pathfinder. W. G. Buell, Middletown. Conn., Oct. 17,1860.31,000. Clarion (1 0). 2:.10. 2:49K.,2:48lo,2:48. Oct. 25, 1860, $l,(X)0. Clarion. 5:31. 5:36. Two miles. Pathfinder, rn s (2:42',), bv Benedict's Pathfinder. R. S. Buell. Syracuse, N. Y.. Sept. 12, 1872, $400. Bird Hank, Maze, Mohawk Pilot, Henrv Clews, Admiral. Yalley Boy. 2.44K'. '-:43. 2:42'c. Pathfinder.hr s(2:35). A. P. West, Grand Haven. Mich.. July 25, 1876. $300. Richmond, Kelly Moore, Orphan Boy, Ladv Rvan. Re-iand. Mambrino Walker. Bruiser (1 dis), 2:35. 2:38'c, 2:3.5. .Sluskegon, Mich., Aug. 1, 1876, $400. Little Sam, Surprise, Gen. McArthur. Bruiser 1 (2 dis), 2:35, 2:35, 2:35, 2:39. C. M. Blivin. Blnghamton, X. Y.. Oct. 24, 1877, $ . Tom Eyan 1, Maggie Mitchell, 2:35i^, 2:36, 2:36!'s, 2:38'/s. St. Pctcrsburgh. Pa.. .Tune 6, 1S78, $500, Bay Fanny 1, 2, Key West 5, 6 (7 dis), Little Roan, Lady Mc- Kinney, Little Nell (4 dn. 2:;}.5, 2:37, 2:35, 2:35?4, 2:35''i, 2:39, 2:41. Oil City, Pa., June 27. 1878, $.500. Little Roan, Lady McKiiiney, Miss Tartar, Little Nell, Bay Fanny, Annie Bennett, Volunteer INIaid (3 dis), 2:35. 2::56. 2:35, Titusville. Pa., .Iulv4 and 5, 1«78, $500. Bav Fanny 5, 6. Volunteer Maid 2 (3 0), Little Roan, Lady Mc- Kim .-y, Annie Bennett, INliss Tartar (4 dis), 2-3.5, 2:a5, 2:35. 2:36. 2:3.5, 2:36.2:35. Bradford. Pa., .Inly 9, 1h78, $i;oo. Charlev Ford Frank, .lohn McDougall, Lady McKinney, Annie Ben- nett. Volunteer Maid, James Ash. Dick Crokcr (2 dr), 2:35. 2:35, 2:35,4. — Richfield .Spa, N. Y.. Aug. 10. 1878, $200. Billv Edgerton 1, St. Patrick, 2:41, 2:35, 2:35, 2:36. ParkerCity, Pa., Oct. 1, is78, $27.0. Little Roan 2, 3, Tom Paine 1. No time. - - Hhac:i, N. Y.. July 3, 1879. $200. Henrv Clark 1, ISilly Boulden, , 2:37;;, 2:40, 2:40?4. July 5, 1879. .$250. Proctor l, 2 (3 0), I^arkin (3 0), ]\Iaggie Fred, 2:31, 2:.3.3, 2:35, 2:35. 2:36, 2:37. Pathfinder. (2:43), W. H. Martin, Bradford, Vt., Sept. 2.5, 1879. $50. Richmond Girl 3. Tanner, Mark Twain, 2:51. 2 :.50. 2:4,5, 2:43. Pathfinder Jr., blk s (2:30), by West's Pathfinder, dam bv Golddust. A. S. Perrin. Centreville. Mich., May 20. 18H1, $100. Home Maid 1.' Martha C., Tom Miller, 2. .59U. 3:00. 3:01, 3:02. Grand Rapids. .Mich., Sei)t. 27, 1882, .$400. (George R.. Mambrino Sparkle. Boyd P.. 2:39^4, 2:.39?i, 2:39V4. Pat Henry, ell g (2 :.50), O, Briggs, Taiinton, Mass., Sept. 25. 1878. $110, Riley, Narragansett. John Howard. Crusoe, Star, Emma, Nettle, 2:.50, 2:51, 2:.50, Pat Hunt, ch g (2 :25 w), by Tecuniseh, dam bv Doc. A, F. Smith, Chico. Cal,, Aug. 30. 1877. $400. Coquette, Nemo, Clark, Startled (lis). Alonzo Hjivward (1 dis), Gladstone (1 dis). Granger (1 dis), 2:32. 2:32, 2:33. Marysville. Cal.. Sept. 13, 1877. $100. "Nemo, Clark. 2:29^.^, 2:39. 2:.35. Sacramento. Cal., Sept. 18, 1877, $600. Startle 1, Doty,(;oquette, Dutchman, Cairo (3 dis), E. H. Miller (1 dis), Nell Crockett (1 dis), 2:26'i, 2:20';.2:26?i, 2:26'i, Stockton. Cal., Sept. 2,5, 1877, $,3,50. Startle. Eclio (w), Elcho (2 dis), Tom Morgan (2 dis), Alice Garrett (2 dis), W. A. Bickford (2 dif,), 2:31'.;, 2:27K 2:.30. San Francisco, Cal.. Nov. 20, 1877, $200. Dirigo 1. Confidence, 2:31, 2:26=2, 2:27^. 2:28J^. (w). Dec. 8, 1877, .$200. Sweetbrier (w) 3. Co(|uette (w). 2:30, 2:29'2. 2:32»4. 2:32?4. (w). Dec. 15. 1877. $1,000. Nutwood (W). 2:25, 2:25Vs. 2:25. Patience, blk m (2:54), Charles Cutting. Gt, Barrington, Mass,, June 2, 1870. .?,50. Tips. Lady Morrill, 2:.56, 2:51, 2:.54V^. Lee, Mass., July 6, ls72, .«7.5, Rockwell .3, 2:.57'.(, 2:58'4, 2:.59, 2:,56>'',. Pat I.ennon. b g (2 :,^2), P, H, Lennon. Vallejo, Cal., Sept. 3, 1878, ,$260. Eudora 2, Boss, Cricket, Hous:itonic (2dis), Fanny MeCracken (2 dis), 3:00. 2:.5.5. Three-year.olds. Pat Mallov. b s (3 :33). H. Kdelblute, Manhattan, Kan., Sept, 29. 1876, $200. Dan Duncan 2, Lacona (2 dis), Billv I':itchen(2dis). 3:411/'. 3::«, 3:33. „^ , , Pat MeCann. blk g (2 :28i.{). bv Sir (Jeorge. P. McCann, Kingston, N, Y., Sept. 12, 1876, $400. Chance, Lady Everett, C:irrie Bain (1 dis), Nelly Jones (1 dis), 2:a5, 2:.36, 2:35. Sept. 13. 187(1, .$400. Compeer i. Gen. Hayes, W, C. Derby, Dolly (3 dis), Nelly Jones (3 dis>. Young Sen- tinel (2 dis), 2:38, — , . . Sept. 14, 1876, .^400. Chance, Ladv Everett, Dolly, 2:35, 2:.38ii 2:34. Fleetwooil Park, N. Y., Sept. 19. iw76. .$,500. ^nmlus. Nil Desperanduni, Chance, Bismarck, Pickwick, Utica, Ladv Everett (3 dis), Hattie Wood (2 dis), 2:311^. 2:.33!.4 2:29. , „, . - Sei>t. 21 and 22. 1876. $r.oo. Nil Desperandum 4, 5, Moscow .3, ^mulus. W. H. Derby, Sussex, King Phdlip, (Jen. Hayes (5 dr). Tommv Moore (5 dr), 2:28'i, 2:.30, 2:.31. 2:32. 2:36, 2:30!4. Sept. 27, 1870, .$500. Liidv Everett 1. 3, Pickwick. George Henrv (2 dis), 2:,38. 2:33. 2:.36'i, 2:34»i, 2:335i. Pat Powers, gr s (2 :47"2), R, 1", Madison, Pivdneah, Ky., Oct. 9. 1880, $80. Kaiser 2, Lulu, 2:47K'. 2:46M, 2:49. Patrician, b s (2 :3»). liy Thomas .lefferson, dam Svlph. by Dumbarton. E. V. Willis, Baldwin, N. Y., Aug. 1, 1881, $50. Nonsense, Black Diamond, 2:40, 2:39, 2:46. CIIESTKU'S COMl'LETK Ti;OTTIN(; AND TAC'ING KECOUD. 559 Patrick, bg (2:37). by Young Fox Hunter. L. Jewett, La Porte, Ind., June 24, 1874, $350. Mambrino Walker 1, Fred Sprague, Jenny Holton. West Liberty c3 dis). Tom Brown (li dis), Buffalo Bill (2 dis;, 2:38i4, 2:.S7. 2:39. Patrick Henry b g (3:59i4). Mr. Wateson, Fashion Course, L. I., April 20, 18C4, $1,000. Martin's rn m 3:02, 2: 59} 4. Pat Ring, bg(3:38). Mat Colvin, Terre Haute, Ind., May 26, 1870, $400. Mat Smith, John Baker, 2:371^,2:37, 2:30^4. Lansing, Mich., Aug. 24, 1870. $—. Mat Smith, Queen of the West, jS'ight Hawk (2 dis), Koyal Magna (2dr), 2:32, 2:35, 2:34. Battle Creek, Mich., Sept. 2, 1870, $1,000. Mat Smith, Bay Henrv, Night Hawk (1 dis), 2:36^/2, 2:35, 2:345ii. P. Lindell, St. Louis, Mo., May 28, 1872, $1,200. Gentle Annie 2, 3, Barney 1, 4, Lottie, Dew Drop, 2:3114, 2:36?4, 2:36?a, 2:34, 2:33i^. 2:37'2. 2;39?4.. W. T. Dickson, Jackson, Mich., Julie 27, 1872. $1,500. Kipon Boy 4 i3 0), Lady Blake, Gen. Howard (4ro), George M. Patcheu, Jr. (2 dis), Barney (2 dis), 2:36k, 2:;i0?i, 2:28, 2:31, 2:33?i. Pittsburgh, Pa., July 26, 1872, $500. Kipon Boy 2, 3, Jessie 1, Annie Collins (,5 dis), Nelly (5 dis), 2:42^4, 2:39. 2:39'4, 2:39, 2:40, 2:37. Thomas P. Roach, Selma, Ala., Nov. 14, 1872, $250. Josephine, Frosty. 2:51, 2:46?4. 2:49'/4. Nov. 16. 1872 $300. Bedford, Taco, 2:41='4, 2:40, 2:4594- .Montgomery, Ala., Nov. 21, 1872. .$500. Emma 2, Bedford. Frosty (3 dr), 2:41, 2:41i4, 2:38?4, 2:39J4. Pat .Shannon (John C. Keenan), b g (.2 :35). S. P. Tucker, Indianapolis, Ind., Oct. 1, 1868. $ . Kose Gold- dust. 2:.;5. Toledo, O., Oct. 15, 1868, $350. Loafer. Dallas, 5:243.4, 5:27. Two miles. Patsy, b m (3:57). R. Sherwood, Hartford, Conn., Oct. 16, 1862, .$45. Frank Wonder, Gen. Washington, Fanny Temple (1 dis). Gov. Hicks (1 dis). Litile Rest(l dis), 2:57, 2:57. Patsy, b g (3 :00). I<. B. Bartholomew, Belmont, N. Y., Oct. 1, 1874, $150, Johnny 1, 2, Major, Gen. Sherman, American Boy (5 dr), 3:02. 3:29, , — , 3:00 Patsy Bolivar (w), br g (2 :46 w). B. Wilson. Fleetwood Park, N. Y., May 2, 1874, $200. Humpty Dumpty (w). Butcher Girl (w). Pet, 3:00, 3:01, 3:01. (w) May 7, 1874, .$450. Humptv Dumpty 2, Butcher Girl, 2:54, 2:46, 2:46i^, 2:46. (w) June 1. 1874, $400. Humi)'tv Dumpty (w) 1, 2 (30), 2:4314, 2:44}^, 2:48. 2:48, 2:47, 2:50. Patterson, b g (3:48). Wni. Whelan, Centreyille, L. I., May 26. 1852, $200. Lady Sparks, 2:52, 2:48, 2:51. Patterson, b s (3:.50?4) by Harold. F. J. Gibbs, Phillipsburgh. N. J., Sept. 13, 1883, $200. Bessie M. 4, Mam- brino Pilot Jr. 3, Little Billy. 3:0194. 2:5094, 2:.543i, 2:46i^, 2:5214. Patterson's Black Geldinsf (w) (3 iSiMI. A.Patterson, Fashion Course, L. I., Oct. 1, 1867, $.500. Kate O'Brien, 2:34^4, 2:37i^, 2:39. luue 3, 1868. Srm. Ben Wood l. 2, 2:4lK'. ^-.iVA. 2:40i/2, 2:38, 2:38'/o. Patterson's Brown 3Iare (3:57). A. Patterson, Fashion Course, L. I., June 4, 1868, $500. Murphy's cli m 3 :00, 2 :57. Patty Green (May Qneen), b m (2 :36). John E. Turner, Cincinnati, O., Oct. 28, 1864, $100. Lady Sherman, Belle Dayton, 2 :38i 2 , 2 :33, 2 :30^'4 . Paul ch s (2 :36 w).Dr. Barton. Poughkeepsie, N. Y., June 18, 1867, $ . Lady Parker (2 0), 2:42, 2:3894, 2:41}^, 2:.39. Amenia, N. Y.. Aug. 23. 1867. $100. Major King 1. 2, Union, 2:39i^, 2:3714, 2:40i;. 2:42, 2:46. Middletown, N. Y.. Sept. 5, 1867. $70. Major Edsall 1, Stockbridge Chie'fT Loafer. 2:45, 2:409i. 2:.38. Paul, ch g(3:51>3). M. Farrant, Prospect Park, L. I.. Oct. 13, 1873, .«1,000. Rapp's brg, 8:34, 8:41, 8:39. Three miles. W. Slyfer. Closter. N. J., Nov. 26, 1874, .$ . Tommy. 10:11, 9:41. Three miles. Paul Breton, bg (3:37). Jolin Wiggins, (ireat Falls. N. H., June 17, 187.5, .$300. Carrie Palmer, Highland Maid, Greenland, Royal Prince, 2:41, 2:iCM, 2:4.5. — -June 21, 1875,.1?,3no. Billy 1, 2. Little Gent, Greenland (4 dr), Jim (2 dr), 2:36Vg, 2:40i2, 2:43, 2:40i^, 2:43i/2. Bow Lake, N. H., July ,5, 1875, .$85. Flora, 2 :44, 2; 43. 2 :47. G. E. Foote, Dover. N. H., Sept. 1, 1875, $400. Johnny 3, Fleetwing, Tally Ho, Jim (1 dis), 2:39, 2:40 2:391^,2:42. .Fohn Wiggins, Portland, Me., June 15. 1876, .$300. Nelly Thorne 3. 6 (7 0), Fagan 1, Black Rose 2 (7 dis), 2:37i/a,2:.36. 2:41, 2:37. 2:.38. 2:42. 2:43,2:49. Paul Clifford (s), bg (3:53 s). J. Somerindyke. Harlem. N. Y., Oct. 29. 18.57. .$500. Charleston (s). Bill (s), 2:.5:i, 2:.52. 2:54. Paul Hacke, gr s (3:58i^), l)y Strathniore, dam by Idol. J. C. Collins. Uhrlchsville, O., Sept. 28. 1883, $150. Starliglit 1, Jim Bodine, Luster Boy, John T., 2:.59i2, 2:5914, 2:58ii, 2:.59. Pauline, gr m (3 :40i4). G. Nugent. Philadelphia, Pa., June 4, 1857, $ . Kathleen, 3:00, 2:50, 2:58. Pauline, b m (3:35) A. C. Whitson, Fleetwood Park. N. Y., Aug. 6, 1874, $400. Mary Louise 3, 2:40}^, 2-A8V2, 2:47i2- Deerfoot Park, L, I., Nov. 6 and 7, 1874. $300. Phil O'Neill Jr. 2, 4 (6 0), (7 0), Nelly (5 dr), Lena Case 1, (4 dis), Molly Carew (4 dr), Molly Barker (l dis), Sara Jane (1 dis), 2:35, 2:35U, 2:36, 2:39, 2:39, 2:369i, 2:38. 2:.38. Cr. Y.. Whitson, Fleetwood Park, N. Y., Nov. 11, 1874. $500. Lena Case, Cheston, Mansuay, Lady Trimble (3 dis), T J. Stevens (3 dr), 2:3614, 2:35, 2:3,5. Pauline (3 :50). Beacon Park, Boston, Sept. 6. 1875, $200. Broadway Flirt 3, Bessie 1, Rosa. Black Harry (5 dn. 2:50, 2:.50. 2:.52. 2:58. 2:50. Pauline (3:49), by Naubuc. W. J. Welch, Los Angeles, Cal., May 7, 1875, $ . Rubber Boy, Los Angeles Maid (3 dis), 2:.55, 2:55, 2:49. Pauline Lucca b m (3:41). M. Vandenhore, Fleetwood Park, N. Y.. May 14, 1S75, .$200. Genuine (3 0), 2:53i^. 2:49>2, 2:49. 2:45. H. Kelley. MaySl, 187.5. $ . Gertrudes. Genuine. 2:41, 2:42, 2:45io, 2:42W. Paul Kirkwood, ch s (3:45i4). Mr. De Noyer. Minneapolis, Minn.. .July 4.' f 877, $100. Billy Boy, Young Flora. Bess (1 dis), 2 :.52, 2:4714, 2:4,514. Pauline S., l)lk m 1 3 :59i4). by Cuyler, dam by Mambrino P.atchen. P. L. Fowler, Osceola, la., Sept. 25, 1883, .$40. Hod P., Blackl)ird, 2:5914, 3:02. 3:00. Paul Pry isi, b g (3 :19), by Mount Holly, dam by Bishop's Hambletonian. W. McLeod, Union Course, L. I.. Nov. 8, 1833, S . .5S:.52. Seventeen and three quarter miles. Paul Revere, br g (3:50), by Ethan Allen. George Kendall, Beacon Park Boston,. June 26, 1875, $200. Minnie, 3:07, 3:04. 3:13. Aug. 2, 1875. .S5(). Nickle 2(1 0), 2:54, 2:,56,2:55, 2:.50,2:54. Paul's Bay Gelding (2 :58i,4). Mr. Paul, Prospect Park, L. I., Sept. 26, 1874, .$100. Barney's b g 1, 2,''3:42U, 3:1714.3:07,2:5914. 2:58i4. Pawling's Bay Gelding (3 :54y2). I. Pawling, Middletown. .N. Y., Sept. 6. 1865, $100. Abram's blk g. Tall- mage (2 dr;, 5:49. 6:08. Two mile.s. Pawnee, grg (3:55). Mr. Brownlee, Vnllejo Cal., June 24, 1869, $100. Two competitors. No time. June 24, 1869. $100. Shear's ch m d dis), 2:55. Pawnee Squaw, b m (3 :37i4). Mr. Hoover, Westchester, Pa.. Oct. 10, 1873, .$35. Lady Magic , 3:02,2:54. B, Glide (.3 dis), Tom (3 disj.Tip (3dr),Cirocer d dis). Black Crook (Idis). TAU, 2:48,2:42. , 2:4()'/4. •Aug. 17. 187G. Si&ii. Abbyl*. 1,2, Mouutain Kose 3, Tip, File Cutter, Scud (4 dn. Elcnora (3 dr), John Morrill u' dr), I'rovideiice -Maid (2 dr), Clipper C2 dr), 2:50^4, — , 2:55. 2:54»4. 2:.'J5. 2:42>4. Providence, K. I.. Aug. 24, 1876, S150. Carpenter Boy 3,4, James JMorrill, Orphan Girl, Uose Thorndyke, Joe, Dolly, John Howard (4 dis), Bourbon Chief (2 dis), 2 :4U.,, 2:39*4, 2:37, 2::j(), 2:38',. Paymaster, b g C-J :38i^). J. Farney, Toledo, O., Sept. 29, 1877, 820. H. Woodrufl 2. M;irv. 2 :38K'. '-i:-15. 2:43'/2. Payne's Gray Alare (3 :58Ji). \V.J. Fayiie, Memphis, Teun., Aug. 18, 1871, $ — . Henrv'sb h 1, 2~(5 dis),Maior 3 (5dis), 2:5Hj. 2:53, 2:5!)!2, 3:08?4. 2:58;'4. Peabody Hoy, blk g ('^ .4«3^j). s. Hayes, Great Falls. N. H.,July 26, 1870, $175. Maine Girl (1 0), Humming Bird I'eter liosa Bonlieur, 2:54?4,2:53'o, 2:55'™, 2:."jG?.i. Concord, Mass., Sept. 25, 1872, $125. Brilliant 1, 2, Nelly, Gen. Grant. Nickle, Kitty (2 dr), 2:48, 2:45, 2:47'2,2:4tJ!2,2:52'/j. Peabody's Urowii Gelding: (w)(iJ:41'2 w). Warren Feabodv. Union Course. L.I., June 22, 1858, $500. Annie Laurie ov), 2:43, 2:41 U. Pea4. Peacock,!) gc^:50). K. Titus. Cambridge. Mass., March 29, 1846, $50. Peacemaker, Veto (! dis), 2:53, 2*54 2 '.5^^ Peacock"." bg (3:48). W. Whelan, Centreville, L. I., Aug. 14, 1855, $500. Young Suffolk 1 (4 dr). 2:50«/„ 2:.')0. 2:48. Peacock, b g (3 :56). ]M. Koach. Philadelphia, Pa„ Aug. 7, 1875, $ . Jim Brown, Buckskin Jake (3 dr), Harry Stewart, 1 (2 dr), 2:49, 'l-.m. 2:o6'4. Peacock, br s. C. B. Ashwist, iiod Bluff, Cal.. Jan. 1, 1883. $ . Ephraim. Cromwell's blk m. No time. Peanuts, l)rs (3:36). F. Finnegan. San Francisco, Cal.. JuneT, 1870, $1000. Harvest Queen. 3, 2:40>^, 2:39V4, 2: 41' 2, 2:40. J. L. Eoff, Nov. 12, 1870, $300. Baltimore Belle 1, Ajax. Billy Russell, Bracelet, 2:39'i, 2:38>-4, 2:3994. 2:393^. S. Gamble, July .■), 1876, $100. .Muggins. Liuly Enuna, Joe. James J,ick, 2:38'/4, 2:38i4, 2:37. Peanuts, eh g (3:40), by Jupiter, dam banny Allen. J. B. Waller, Timonium, Md., Sept. 5. 1883, $250. Frank. John F., Pilot Boy (1 clis). 2:41'2, 2:42. 2:45. Pearl, b g (3 :.51 ). IJ. F. Haviland, St. Johnsbury, Vt., Sept. 25, 1867, $35. Julietta 2, McFarland's b g, Faunv, Ephraim. J. Hill (1 dis), 2:52, 2:52, 2:151. 2:51. Pearl, gr m (3 -36^ ). W. Locke, Sherbrooke, P. Q., Sept. 3, 1873, $150. Arthabaska Girl. D:inville Hov, Fear- less, Indian Point Chief (2 dr*. 2:41, 2:42, 2:40. Sept. 4, 187.3. S250. Danville Boy, Fearless, 2:43, 2:44. 2:40. . Stanstead P. Q , Sept. 11. 1873. $150. Flora 4, 5, Belle Noble 1, Fearless. 2:45. 2:42. 2:41. 2:42, 2:44. 2:41. C. Locke Plymouth. N. H.. Oct. 1. 1873, $125. Hiram. Col. Dean, 2:48, 2:47. 2:46. (; s. Locke.IMystic Park. I?oston,Oct. 17, 1873, $300. Deacon l. Green Mountain Maid. Flora, Bay George, Folly, 2 ::{5?4. 2 :38. 2 :3G?4, 2 :.39. Manchester, N. H., Oct. 28. 1873. $2.50. Stanley, 2:51, 2:44, 2:39U. G. S. Locke & Co., Lancaster, N. IL, Sept. 17, 1874, $225. Belle Noble, Midnight, Rowdy, Gray Eagle, 2 46' : 2-45 ''■4G Pearl, cli ni (sTsO), by Gentle Breeze, dam by Gill's Vermont. Barney Crossin. Suffolk Park, Phil.. May 14, 1879, .1300. Phil Dwyer, Don Cameron, pacer, Jenny, Buzz Medium, Change, pacer. Music in the Air, Bay- wood, Belmont, pacer (2 dis), 2:31, 2:31, 2:30. ,,, J. „ „. , May Ifi, 1879 $300 Athelstan. Phil Dwyer, Judgment, Duke Medium. Maud Medium, Senator Stockton. Lizzie Martin. "Bliicksmith Dan (1 dis), 2:36, 2:301^, 2:35. „ . , Pearl, bm (3::vi ;,). Ity Keguhis. W. Sargeant, Parkville. L. I., July 31, 1883, .$250. Fanny, Frankie B., Major, Daisv Kyebright, Rocket. Fortunatns. Ossian Pet, Broker. S. G. (1 dis), 2:37t^, 2:37, 2:34!2. Aug. 1. 1883, .siw. Bayonue Prince, 4 (1 0), Prince, Josie D., Elsie H., Anna C, Carrie C, John (1 dis) '>'Qoi/ S''?'? 2 "'{7 2 *'16 2*38 PeaVsaiil 1) s (3:33»,i. by Jupiter, dam Empress, by Abdallah. Dan Pilfer, Providence, R. I.. Oct. 16, 18t>8, .$400. Good One. Sha'wmnt, 2:.34Vi, 2:.3G!4 2:37».i. F;ishion Course. L. I., Oct. 27 and 28, 18G8. .$250. Bayard 1. Soubrette, 2:31?4, 2:33^, 2:.'W, 2:32%. Pease Colt (Gen MeClcllan), b s (3 :39), (3 :2«*), bv the Drew Horse, dam by Shark. Hiram Drew, Bangor. .Me., .Seiit. 17. 18G1, S.'U). Penobscot Boy, 2 :3G. 2:38, 2:40. Nat. Peaso, Oct. 3. 18G1, $100. Penobscot Boy, 2:40, 2:.38, 2:35. Peavlne, 1) s (3 :35i^), bv Rattler, dam by Wagner (?). C. T. Lamson, Dubuque. la., Sept. 30, 1865, $50. Kitty Wink, 3:'^0. " „, „. „,. . . - Anamosa. la., Sept. 24, 1867, .$250. Hard Tack 2, 2:46, 2:45, 2:48' a, 2:48. Stallions. Short track. Sept. 24. 18G7, .$1.50. Joe Hooker 3, 4, Ristori (2 dr». 2 :43»^. 2.38, 2 :3.3, 2 :44, 2:42. Short track. J. Torrence, Wankegan, III,, July 4, 1871, $ . Capitola 2. No time. -Sept. 29. 1871, ,$12.1. Billy Utlev.2:47. 2:43^a. 2:43»^. , ,. . t, , G. M. Morse, Gnind Haven. Mich., Aug. 20. 1874. .$350. Little Sam 3. 5, Quicksten 1.1" rank Palmer. Fanny, Ironsides (5 dr). Lillian ,'3 dis). 2:42, 2:.'!8. 2:41, 2:38. 2:38. 2:.37'.,. Wooster O., Oct. 28. 1874. .$400. Ladv Clipper. George Reed, Deception (2 dis), 2:.37'i, 2:37'4. 2:36. F. Brown. Stilhv:iter, Minn., June 2G." 1875, $1,000, Darkness 1. Lady Griswold, Bay Charley, Little Sam, St. L:iwrence. 2::iGi,. 2:.3.5U,2:37, 2:.'57'4 . Peavine Filly b m (3:35?^). E. W. Powell. Lexington, Kv., Oct. 23. 187.3. $200. .loe Hooker Ully, 3:.35?...3:4.S. Peculiar, b g'(3 :34K bv Granite State. E. Wilbur, Akron, O., Oct. .5, 1876, $300. Maggie Smith 1, 2, .Judge Waite, Ladv M., 2:15V,, 2:44U, 2:43, 2:44^^, 2:4,3. S. S. V.'ilbnr. Oct. 5 and 6, 1877, % . Gray Bashaw 3. 4, Red Buck 1, Maggie Smith, 2:40. 2:37^4, 2:40. 2:39?4.2:37'2,2:37>^. CHESTER'S COMPLKTE TKOTTINC AND TACING LECORD. 561 Warren. O., Oct. 13, 1877, .S300. Kinsman Boy il 0), Duster, Magnolia, Frank (1 dis), 2:36, -j-.M, 2:36, 2 :3o. Pe«ller (w). b g (3 :49 w). J. Sonierliulyke, Union Course, L. I., May 9, 1866, $50. Laura Temple l, 2:45, , 2:50, 2:49. Fashion Course, L. I.. Sept. 24, 1860, SIOO. Red Kover. 2:50)4, 2:mi, 2:51. Pedro, blk g (3 :41»4), by Snow Storm. L. B. Lindsev, Portland, Oregon, Oct. 17, 1879. SloO. Kelly 2, Mystery, 2:41'4,2:44='4.2:43^. .July 8. 1880, .S40O. VV. O. 5:44U, 5:27. Two miles. Hilisboro, Oregon, July a, 1882, $300. Maggie Arnold 1, Tempest, 2:37?.i. 2:35. -i-.XiU, 2:33?4. Pedro, br g (3 :41). C. W. Kichardson, Alpena, Mich., Sept. o, 1882, $ . Mollie Harris, Coleman, Sandy F., Bay Cloud (2 dis), 2:45, 2:41, 2:43. Pedro, gr g(3:35^i. by Roonev's Hambletonian. dam by Paddock's Black Hawk. J". C. PlUsbury, Hastings, Minn., .June 13, 1882, .$250. Lucy N. 3. Blue Jeans 4, Jessie Dayton, 2:33. 2:36. 2:33' 2, 2:34)^, 2:34. Minneapolis. Minn., July 3. 1882, .$500. Prince Arthur, Nettie G. Mollie B. (1 dis), 2:30'/i, 2:40i2, '2:31^. Julv 4. 1S8L', $r>no. Flora Belle, Sannie G.. Richvvood, 2:253^, 2:27, 2:32. — .Inl'v .->, 18S2, $.500. Lucy N., 2:.':iO-U, 2:2514, 2 :.30i4. Sei)t. 8, 1882, .$500. Sannie G. Flora Belle. 2:26^4, 2:29, 2:27^. — Far;;o. D. T., Sept. 19. 1882. .$500. Dictator. Captain Herod, 2:33?.i, 2:30'2, 2:32. — Rociiester. Minn., Sept. 14, 1882. $300. Baybrino 3, 4, Captain Herod l, 2:;'8»4. 2:29?£, 2:29?£, 2:31, 2:3114, 2:31'2. p. Smith, Stillwater, Minn.. Sept. 25, 1883, .$225. Captain Herod l, 2,Baybrino3,2:30J4,2:30,2:30}^,2:30, 2:28'?, 2:30. Sept. 26, 1883, .$225. Captain Herod, Bay brino, 2:25y2. 2:27, 2:30. Peek-a-boo, b g (3 :05). J. Law, Jersey City, N. J., Aug. 31, 1883, .$50. Sorrel Dan. 3:05. 3:11. SillVj. Peerless, blk s (3 -AQ^Ji), bv Vt. Black Hawk, dam by St. Lawrence. John C. Cudney, New Orleans, La., Feb. 1, 1860, $10,000. Flying Cloud, 2:51'o, 2:53H, 2:49i.i. Stallions. Peerless, br s(3 :44'.7), by Dick Hambletonian, dam Silver Cloud, by Orr's Flynig Cloud. H. J. Starr, San- dusky, O., June 29, 1876, $130. Lady Greer, Gray Tom, Fanny Kemble (2 dis), Kennebec (2 dis), 2:48J4, 2:44^4 2:4-4'4. Pegasus,"grg(3:38). D.C.Whitman, Manchester, N. H.. Aug. 19, 1868, $75. Amoskeag (2 0), 2 :3854, 2 :39, 2*38 2 '4'M'O. Pegasus, br g. by Eichwood. dam by Tom Crowder. P. Fatnum, Media, Pa.. May 21, 1881, $ Septima 1, Jenny (2 dr). No time. Half-mile heats. Peggy, ch m (3:49i,^). P. Warner, St. Louis, Mo., July 13, 1860, $125. Larny Wessells, Doctor, 2:54}^, 2:50, 2:49! 4. (w) Aug. 18. 1860,$200. Tom Thumb, pacer, 2 :51i^. 2:56. Peggy, br m (3 :43i4). W. C. Trimble, Rosedale, N. Y., Aug. 17, 1871, $100. Madden, Senator Mitchell (1 0), (3 dr>, Pilot (2 dis), Dandy (3 dis). Lady Cooper (1 dis), 2:45, 2:43Vi, 2:44, 2:53. Peggy, rn m (3:37?i). .F. M. Allen, Auburn, N. Y., Sept. 3, 1871, $250. Amos 3, Charles Hayden, 2:3914, 2:3794,2:4014,2:41)^. F. B Harvey, Canandaigua, N. Y., Sept. 7, 1871, $300. Jack the Barber. Drummer Boy 1 (5 dis). Little Mack r4 0), (5 dis). Green Mountain Boy (2 dis), 2:46''2, 2:4394, 2:44. 2:4214, 2:4494- Peggy {3 :40i2). W. Hazelton, Frveburg, Me., Oct. 12, 1881, $ . Alice E. 1, Tramp Judge (3 dr), Katy (3 dr), 2:47,2:43,2:4.5.2:48. Peggy, ch m (3 :56). Aberdeen. Miss., Oct. 27, 1883. $50. Bonlta2, Sam D. 1, 2:59. 2:57, 2:56. 2:.57, 2:58. Pelham b g. Joseph Alton, Charleston. S. C. March 1, 1837, $1,000. .58:25. To trot 16 miles in one hour. Pelham (Charley Abel), b g (3 :38). Wm. Whelan, Harlem, N. Y., June 17, 1849, $400. Modesty (1 dis), 5:16. Two miles. Centreville, L. I.. April 29, 1850, $150. Confidence 2, 5 :24, 5:26, 5:30. Two miles. (w) J. Somerindyke. June 26, 18.50, $500. Mendham Maid (w), 5:27, 5:37. Two miles. Sam McLaughlin, May 21, 1851, $250. Fanny, Selim, 8:0514, 8:12. Three miles. May 26, 1851, .$250. Black Harry (2 0). Hone'st John. Selim(3 dr), 5:1.5, 5:16, 5:17. Two miles. Pelliain. b g (3:38) by Volunteer, dam Misfortune, by Plow Boy. A. Goldsmith, Rhinebeck, N. Y., May 17, 1877, $2.50. Newton, Maggie B., Billy Brighton, Jini Murray, Fitzgerald, Lady Hunting, 2 :38>4, 2 :38. 2 :39. Pelham Tartar, b s (3 :4 7) by Toronto Chief. London, Ont., June —, 186,5, $150. Ida. Black Rattler. 2:51, 2:50, 2:47. Pemberton, br g (3 :39'^) by Fearnanght Jr., dam by Dirigo. H. C. Nevius, Haverhill, Mass., Sept. 28, 1882, $.50. Robert the Devil, Emperor. Little Stub (2dr),2:48, 2:43. Nov. 9, 1882. $100. Honest Lvon. 2:41i4, 2:3594, 2:38. Pendleton's Panacea, gr m (3 :43). C. W. Bill, St. John, N. B., May 24, 1878, $ . French Sporter 2, Col. Taylor, 2:47, 2:43, 2:55, 2:46. Penelope, blue m (3:37) by Young Kemble .Jackson. C. H. Bonwav, Point Breeze Park. Phil., Oct. 16, 1877, i _ $250. Sans Souci, Kose Medium, Little Nell, Sam French, Sorrel Tom, James R., Fanny G., Jupiter (3 dr), Annie Bennet (3 dr), 2:30, 2:29, 2:30. Providence, R. I., Sept. 9 and 10, 1878, $500. .(Emulus 2, 3 (5 0), Clifton Boy, Myrtle, Bill Ed, Shadow (3 dis), 2:27, 2:29. 2:29.2:29, 2:30)4, 2:28. Elmira, N. Y., Sept. 13 and 14, 1878, $500. Tom Malloy 5, 6, Nelly Rose 2,4, Sleepy Tom 3, S. S. Ellsworth, 2:33!4, 2:34, 2:32, 2:34i4, 2:34)4, 2:36'i, 2:3294, 2:35. Batavia, N. Y., Sept. 18, 1878, $400. St. Cloud, S. S. Ellsworth, Mambrino Nell, Sparta Girl, 2:30'/2, 2:28)^,2:3114- Dover, Del., Sept. 26, 1878, $500. Rose Mediums, Mollv, 2:31, 2:34, 2:33.2:321/2. Rittersville, Pa., Oct. 26, 1878, $750. Scotland, Twilight. 2:3414, 2:36, 2 :32. Peninsula Maid, b m (3 -ASM). D. B. Hibbard, Cleveland, O., Oct. 7. 1870, $200. Tramp 3, 4, Shiloh 1, 2 (6 dis). Dock (5 r o). Contest^* dis). Foggy Dew (3 dr), 2:4394, 2:43, 2:43. 2:4594, 2 :4.5i4, 2:4694, 2:47. Pennacook (3 :53)4). C. Yapp, Waltham, Mass., Sept. 14, 1882, $75. Osceola 3, Dexter, Little Johnny, Nelly, 2:.54, 2 :.56, 2:511/2, 2: 531/2. Pennis Manor, ch s (3 :4894). M. Roden, Fashion Course, L. I., Sept. 3. 1866, $200, Marceline (1 dis), 2:489£. Penobscot Boy (3 :50). Damariscotta, Me., July 5, 1880, $60. Big Thunder 2, Little Mattie (3 dis), 2:50, 2:50, 2*50 2 '.52 Penobscot"chief, b s (3:4094), by Gen. McClellan. O. M. Shaw, Bangor, Me., Oct 12,1867,$ . Gen. Sher- man, 2:4094, 2:5.5, 2:57)4. Pepper, (s) b g (3 :40)^ s). S. P. Bartleson, Media, Pa., May 20, 1880, $ . Jerome (s), 2:40'4, 2:42. Peppermint, rn s (3 :38M). C. Blizzard, Boise City, Idaho, Oct. 15, 1874. $200. Rocky Mountain Dexter 1, 3*03 2 *.50 2*55 2:38"*i. Peqiiot Chi'efi b's (3 :5iM). Cliff Brothers, New London, Conn., Sept. 21, 1876, ? . Black Boy (1 dis), 3:12. Stallions. Norwich, Conn., Sept. 19. 1877, $ . Hickory Jack Black Oak. No time. Sept. 20, 1877, $20. Hickory Jack 1 (2 dis), Black Oak (l dis), 2:619i. 2:57. 36 562 CHESTEK'S COMPI.KTK TKOlTINli AND TACINt; i;i:( t )i;i i. I'eralto, oh g (3:36!^). G. Smith, Point Breeze I'ark. I'hila.. Sept. 30, 1879, S400. Lady Morton l, Athelstan. blossom. Katy S., Byron, Queen Victoria, Josepu ^4 dr) Ella K. (3 dr), George T. Leonard (2 dis), J:35. 2:31, )rton. Blossom. Soi)hia Scott, Byron, 2:34^!. i;:39. 2:32>^. , lisso. Sjoo. I'lUl invyer. Martha. Diitclicss Boy. '.'iSO^i, 2:,33. 2:35?.i. (80, $300. Fitzgerald" 1, Tommy Norwood. I'liil Dwyer, Star. Martha, Jers€ ,2:31, 2:32, 2:;J2'4- 1880, $250. riiil Dwver 1. J. F. 4. Jersey (.'i dr), 2:H]4, 2:37, 2:34'i. 2:40, 2:31. 1, S300. CharlevT. 1. Larkin. King Cetawayo, 2:34'i, 2:33U.2:.'«, 2:a';H. . 2:30. Flomington, N. .).. Sept. 29, 1881. SJ.W. Ladv K., Billv Button. 2:39'2. 2:35, 2:30^. L. i:. Dunham. Jersey fitv, N. J.. June 15. 18is2. .$400. Harry .Mills, 2:31, 2:31'.i. 2:30^. June -'9, 1882. $:?00. Parole, Marry Mills. Stewart l\Ialoney, 2:;«j, 2:31, 2:.'{.5. G.Smith.. Freehold. N. J.. Sept. 13. 1882, $250. Valley Chief,John N. I.i4dis), Happv Jack i 4 disi. Pondietta (4(lisi. J :.^3, 2 ::i2, 2:32%. 2:31. 1. Stearn, Frederick. Md.. Oct. 13. 1882, S400. Sweetness 2, Douglass. Kay (iould, Lizzie M., 2:455^,2:45^, 2:40,2:46. G. Smith. Waverlv Park, X. J., May 30, 1883, S,500. Irish Lad 3. 2:.!2>^. 2:34, 2:30>i. . Peril, ch g (2 :35), by Victor. S. A. Baird, Springfield Centre, N. Y., Sept. 4, 1874. S75. Ed. Allen, Faith Derrick. No time. Waverly, N. .J., Sept. 21 and 22, 1875. S200. (Jeorge 4, 5, Carter 1, Belle of Aberdeen. Gray Squirrel,, Re- venge. Tom Scott (2 nis), Flory (2dis). (iray Kover (.1 dis), 2:45"4, 2:41. 2:41. 2:42i^, 2:45^5,2:42 Sept. 23. 1875. .?200. Martha. Belle of Aberdeen, Ked Cloud, Beecher. Ned. ^ennv(3 dn. Carter (Sdis), Abdallah Champion (2 dn. •.•:43»i. 2:41'4, 2:39}/;. J. Bronner. Springfield Centre, N. Y., July 5, 1876, $150. Col. Upton 1. Belle of Otsego. Little Wonder, 2 :40'/4, 2 :40, 2:41,2:41. S. A. Baird, Waverly.N. J., Sept. 19 and 20. 1877, $300. Jenny L. 2, 4. Judge Robertson 5. Silver Tail 3, 2 :.%, 2 :35. 2 :35, 2 :35. 2 :35. 2 :35, 2 :35. J. Bronner, Richfield Spa.N. Y., Aug. 7, 1878. $100. Pathfinder. St. Patrick. 2 ;37>-. 2:36.2:35. Oct. 8. 1.S78. .Sioo. Little Archv. Toronto Chief, Ebenezer (l dis). 2:;«U. 2:.30. 2:41»4. Perkins Morrill, ch s (2:34:^^). Wm. C. Wood. Salem. JS. J., Sept. 11. 1872. .Sl.W. Mattie Lyle 1, Harrv B. 2;47'.i. 2:.3SV<,. 2:37'i,2:38. Hudson Co., N. J., Sept. 19, 1874, $200. Kate. St. Elmo, Is.ibel. Ambler. 2:,'-)l, 2:.51K>. 2:49i.i. Middlctown, Del.. Sept. 25. 1874, $400. Andy Johnson 1. Fanny (4 dis), Towhead (^'dis). Marydell (4 dn. 2:3)^. 2 :;i7'4. 2:38. 2:341-4. PerkiiLsville Maid, gr m (2:43). J. C. Mclntvre, Woodstock. <)nt.,Oct. 2. 1K79. .Siioo, John Robinson. Tommy 1, 2 (3 0) (4 dr), 2:48. 2:44. 2:43, 2:.55, 2:46.2:48. Perley, b g (.3:54). T. Shoemaker, Marvsville, :Mo.. Aug. 30, 1883. $300. Lou M. 1. Advocate. 2:,")6i4. 2:59',... 2:.>1, 2:58. Perry, (3 :35). H. B. Miller, Pirtsburgh, Pa., June 30. 1875, $500. Young Toronto. West End (1 dis), Hattie (1 dis), 2:37?4,2:37. 2:.S8>4. Pescara, b g (3 :.55». Ilerirv Jones. Cambridge. Mass.. Aug. 20. IR.'iO. .$200. Pizarro. 2:.'j5. 2:.V). 2:.59. Pet. b g (3:314). J- D. Bell, Torre ilaute. Ind., Sept. 29. 1851. .$70. Ethan Allen Jr. 1. Granite State, 2:47, 2 :4,3. 2 :40. (w), Hiran. Woodruff, Union Course. L. L. Oct. 14. 1853. $2,-0. Lady Suffolk (w> 1. 2:40?4, 2:36>4, 2:38;^, 2:40. (w). Oet. 17. 18.-)3. $1,000. Boston Girl (w>, 8:03. 8:01. Three '.uiles. E. Kelly. Worcester. Mass.. Aug. 1.5. 1860. $100. Benicia Boy (2 0). 2:44. 2:46. 2:47.2:.50'... J. 1). Bell. Terre Haute. Ind., Sept. 28, 1861. $100. Sangamar Maid. Lucy. Dodd's rn s, 2:42. Sept. 29, 1861. $ . Ethan Allen Jr. 1. Granite State, 2:47, 2:43. 2:40. O. Fuller. .Nov. 2. 1861, $400. Davy Crockett, pacer, 2:47, 2:42, 2:46. . Mr. Morehead, In(lianai)olis. Ind. "July 15, 186:^, .$150. Confidence 1, Clmck-aluek. 2:53?^, 2:52y», 2:56>4. Pet, rn m, (3 -.rySU). Wm. Woodruft'. Union Course, L. I., Sept. 10, 1863. $.500. (iyasticutus 1, 2:54. 2:53Vs, 2:54. Pet, (3:431. A. .1. Landman. Wheeling. W. Va.. Oct. 4, 1867, $70. Mike Goodwin 2, 3 (5 dr), Frank (4 dr), Rusk (3 dn. 2:4.3. 2:43^. 2:.39.l2:46?.,. 2:46^^- Pet ch g ( w) ( 3 :31). Ralph Ogle. Fashion Course. L. I., April, 26, 1869, $500. Big Jim (w) (2, 0), 2:46, 2:46V4, 2:4.31/'. 2:44. Poughkeepsie, N. Y.. July 5. 1869. 300. Jim Libbv. 2:43, 2:40, 2:37. (w) Fashion Course, L. I.." July 16. 18t?9. $.50. Big Jim. (w) 2:49. 3:05?4, 3:04i^i. Nov. 12, 1809. .$.300. Big Jim 1. Capt. Smith. 2:49.>>:43, 2:43"», 2:45. Nov. 16, 1869. .$200. Messenger Bov. Star. 2:44, 2:48, 2:44. Pet. b g (3 :.'>3). J. Chickering. Fleetwood Park. X. Y., Nov. 3, 1873. $400. Ice Cream. Nett, 3:18. 3:05. e:07. Nov. 15. 1873, .$400. Ice Cream, 3:01'.;. 3:01. 3:00. Gerry Walker. Dec. 8, 1874. $100. Butclier tiirl .3,4, 3:11. 3:11. 3:12. 3:08. 3tl2. T. J. Valentine, Springfield, L. I., Oct. 10, 1877. $ . Balesticks l. Switcher. Rule. Lilly (4 dr) 3.01. 3:02, 3:04,3:0.5. Oct. 25, 1877, $ . Deceiver 1, Emma 2 (5 dr). Switcher (5 dn, Netty (3 dr), 3:01, 2:55, 2:52. 2:55, . Miiv 21. 1878. .5100. Frenchman (1 0) ,2:59,3:02,3:1.5. ^ , Pet, b m '3 :30i4). by (iodfrev Patchen. I'eter Lynch, Worcester. Mass., July 5. 1875. $400. .luna, Dan, Bnsh Boy, Mi(lnlglit,thmider,"Chamblv, Nelly, 2:42'4,2:41'4.2:4.3ii. A Tufts, Keene, N. H., Oct. 2, 1875, $400. Landon, Pilot, Henny Stone, Florence. Monadnock Boy (2 dis), 2:37'.i. 2:.38V^, 2:. 37. Petch m (2:56'i). J. T. Bennett, Mv.stic Park, Boston Sept. 20. 1875. $100. Belle, Abby, Legal Tender, Prince. Daniel Boone, Winthroi) Bov. Leo, Dandy Ci dr), 2:.58. \!:r,(\';., 2:,58io, Pet (3 :49). E. J. Neill, Cumberland, Md., Oct. 28, 1878. $80. Careless Boy, Flora, 2:,51, 2:49. 2:51. Pet, b m (3:55H). H. H. Nichols, Southington, Conn., July 4. 1882, $70. Kiity, Netty, Black Dan, 3:01, 2:.5.-.V4.3:01. . ^ , Petalunm, ch g (2:32>. G. Richardson. Chatham. Ont., July 13, and 14. 1875, $100. Minnie 1. 3, Crazy Jane. Bill. (3 dis). 3:11. 3:01Vi. 3:00%. 2:.56'5, 2:56. Wardsville. Out., May 23, 1879 .$,55. Minnie Wilson. Cliatliam Boy. Best time 2:.52. F. W. Hensbeck, Winnipeg. Man.. Sept. 17, 1«8.3. $1.50. Maud H.. 2:.32. 2:34. 2:.32i4. Petalnma yueeii. 12:58). Mr. Franklin. San Franci.sco, Cal.) Dec. 2, 1874, $.500. Sally Come Up i. Best time 2:.58. Pete, blk g (3:49). A. Hendrickson, Centreville. L. I.. Sept. 20. 1877. $200. Lotta. Stella. 2:.5.3';. 2;.51. 2:49. Pete.bg (3 :03). R. Johnson. Belmont Piirk. Phila.. Oct. 27. 1876, .$40. Haddington M:iid 1. Kate, Peacock Dollv, Chief (-1 dr), Fannv (4 dr), Dick (4 dr), 2:68, 3:06, 3:0.3, 3:04. ,. ,^,^^ Pete, br g (3 :40i.i). G. B. ^loore. l'>ie. P,a.. Sept. 25,1877, $225, Imogene, Northern Spy, Tow:inda Jim, Kitty Johnson (3 dr), Bourny (2 dr), 2 :46%, 2:46, 2 :46. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TK(»TT1NG AND PACING KECORD. 563 Pete, blkg (3:07). P. Smith, Woodside, L. I., July 1-', 1883, $75. Nelly, Mattie, Chance (3 drt. 307. 3:08, 3:10. Pete Uaiu, ch g(3:43). Enuik RwltieUl, St. Louis, Mo., July 4, 1866, $200. Billy Carter 1, 2:47, 2:46. 2:4.i. Pete L,ee, chg (3:53). A. L. Slipp, St. .John, N. B., May 24, 1878, $100. Jenny 3, 4, Rebel Chlet 1, 2, Gray Eagle, Drunnner Boy, General U dis), 2:57' 2. 3:01, 2:5;j, 2:54, 2:56, 2:57, 2:52. Pete Manee, blk g (.3 ■.iSh)- B. Root. Lancaster, Fa., Sept. 25, 1873. $200, Midnight (1 dis), Clianipion Maid (1 (lis), 2:44. G. Scattergood. Salem, N. J., Oct. 1, 1874, $200. Mac, Lady Allen, St. Elmo, Nelly, Isabel, 2:47'4, 2:47ixi, 2:4.5. N. Herbert. Philadelphia, Pa., Aug. 18, 1876, $100. Lady .Sharp, 2:45, 2 :43!ii, 2:47. Aug. 31, 1876, $100. Lady Sharp 1,3 (2 0), 2.45, 2:46^2, 2:46. 2:44, 2:46,2:47. Pete Moore (3 :.*>6>o). Martin Moore, Barrie, Out., Oct. 4, 1872, $2()0. La:05, 3:02. 3:00. Peter, b g (3:36i4). J. McConnell, Prophetstown, 111.. Aug. 4. 1880, $200. Mattie Graham, Dick Jones, Bashaw Temple. Peter F'arley, Comanche, Ellington Boy (1 dis), 2:36'4. 2:37'o, 2:36i^. Peter, ch g (3: 3414). C. L. Lathroi). Lafayette. Ind., Aug. 31, 1880, $150. Katy, Cincinnati Boy, Belle Bowen Little .Jewel (1 dis), Rosedale (l dis), 2::;8io. 2:411^4, 2:42';. Sept. 1, 1880, $200. Katy D. 1, Willis Woods, Alta, Snooks, 2:.36'2, 2:34«4, 2:3514, 2:38. Peterboro iJoy, ch g (3:44^4). M. V. Cheeyer, Greenfield, N. H., Sept. 26, 1877, $100. Loren K., Katy W., Iceljerg. Teinperance Bov, 2:54, 2:59, 3:01. Peter Cline, br g (3 lOB'ii). ' A. E. Snodgrass, Springfield, O., Aug. 30, 1883, $60. Dick Weddle, Lagonda Boy, Colvin's blk g. 3:06?i, 3:08. 3:13, Peter »., gr g (3 :50V4). L. Dunham, Jersey City, N. J., July 26, 1883, $90. Katie 2, S. G.,2:h0}4, 2:49'/2, 2:52, 2:57. Peter Frame, b g(3:53'2). C. McGuire, Boston, Mass., Oct. 3, 1882, $ . Henry Thornedale 4, Amy F. 1, Tom P. Smith (5 dr), 2:.55, 2:52V^, 2:.55?ii, 2:5r.i4. 2:56. Peter Jefferson (3:1614). W. B. Smith, Nevyark, N. J., Sept. 16, 1873, $100. Mary Jefferson, 3:27,3:16k. Three-year-olds. Peter Peck, b g (3:41^). Dr. R. Wood. Lowell, Mass., June9., 1869, $100. Black .Toe, 2:49i4, 2:.50, 2:44. Peter .Simple, b g (3 :50). James Golden, Mystic Park, Bostc.i:, May 1, 1876, $30. Camors' 3, Eagle (2 dis), 2:51}^, 2:.50. 2:50, 2:53. Peter Smith (s), b g (3 :45 s). T. McKeon, Beacon Course. N. J., Oct. 6, 1845, $40. Arab (s), Fanny Wright (s), 2:49, 2:47,2:47. is) A. Conklin, Oct. 15, 1845. $30. John Maffitt (s), Ephraim Smooth is). 2:56, 2:47. 2:46, 2:45, 2:52. PetreKw), br g (3:53 w). M. Pettus, Prospect Park, L. I., May 20, 1872, $40. Hippy 1, Gildersleeve (w), Butcher Boy (3 dr), 3:01'.i. 2:57, 2:52. Petroleum, gr g (3:35). A. J. Brown. Ayon, X. Y., July 4, 1867, $350. (ieorge Palmer (1 dis). Lady Eowe (I dis), 2:.35. Pettit (3 :46?i). Mr. Disbrow, Mineola, L. I., Sept. 29, 1880, $110. Oakill, 2:51, 2:46?*. Phalanx, b m (3 -ASy^). C. W. Hungerford, Coldwater. Mich.. Sept. 12, 1870, $200. Sickle's Gray Mare 2, Billy Hedges l. Undine, Onward, Nelly Berry (3 dr), Charles (2 dis), Moscow (1 dis), 2;48i4, 2:51^4,. 2:48^^, 2:491^, 2:52'/2. Phallas, b s (3:1514), by Dictator, dam Betsy Trotwood, by Clark Chief. Woodstock. 111., Sept. 17, 1881. $100. Dixie Sprague, Maggie W., Adam, 1:30, 1:31, 1:35. Half-mile-heats. — — E. D. Bituers, Cleyeland, 0., June 5 and 6, 1883, $700. Index 1, 2, Mambrino Clay, May Bird (5 dis). Hot- spur Girl (3 dis), Netty R. (1 dis), 2:32' 2, 2:2914, 2:29M, 2:23V^, 2: 1314. J. I. Case, Chicago, 111., July 14, 1883. $3,000. Adelaide, Index (1 dis), 2:22i/2, 2:23, 2:213.4. July 19, 1883, $3,000. Majolica, 1, 2, Felix, Index, 2:17, 3:41, 2:16'/2, 2:20, 2:2114. Cleyeland, O., Aug. 1, 1883, $2,000. Duquesne 1, index, 2:\9U,2:15}4, 2:2VA, 2:\1V2. Buffalo. N. Y., Aug. 8, 1883, $3,000. Index 2. Gerald, 2:2314, 2:33,2:2414,2:27. Utica, N. Y., Aug. 21, 1883, .$2,500. George V. 2, St. Cloud, Tony Newell, Sleepy Joe, 2:21'/^, 2:22i^, 2:20, 2:20. Chicago, 111., Oct. 9, 1883, $1,000. Monroe Chief 1, 2, Maxey Cobb, 2:20, 2:20, 2:18. 2:19. 2:23. Stallions. Phantom b m (3 :4l ). by Hambletonian, dam Lady Post, by a son of L. I. Black Hawk. J. W. Hess, Waverley, N. J., Sept. 21, 1874. $1.50. Miss Lottie, Roan Colt, Lady Leyi, Nelly Lynch (3 disi, 2:53^4, 2:57, 2:55. R. W. Stewart, Catskill, N. Y., July 18, 1876. $400. H. D. Laflin 4. 6. May B., 2 (5 Oi. Sarah 3. Maid of Erin, Com. Black (5 dr), Highland Girl (3 dr). Lady Maud, 1 (2 dis), 2:44.2:47, 2:43;.4, 2:43, 2:411^,2:43}^, 2:4134, 2:42, 2:43. P. h1 Baker, b s (3 :41), by INIagna Charta. dam by Vermc:;! Hero. C. I'almiter, Fort Wayne, Ina., Sept, 9, 1874, $300. Gray Dan, Bay Billy, Rooster, 2:46, 2:44, 2:40u. Five-year-olds. Goshen, Ind.", June 27, 1876, $250. Tamwortn 2, 7, J. Kellogg 1, 8, Richmond 5, 6, Dan Britton, Little Tom, Lucy D.. Bay Jim (3 dr), .John S. (2 dis), 2:41'4, 2:4234, 2:42, 2:41, 2:4234, 2:43'.^. 2:42, 2:42. 2:41}/,. Fhelan (3:37}^). H. Pope, Montreal, P. Q.. Sept. 2, 1879, $115. Sir George, 1,2.2:3014, 2:.38'A,2:4.3~i4. 2:40.2:37}4. Phenomenon,~ch s (3 :35), by Niagara Chief, dam by Gray Norman. Hyde & Root. Lock])ort, N. Y.. Sept. 29, 1871, $25. Mill's b g, Ashford's ch g, Knox's ch g 1 :33i4, 1 :22, 1 :21. Four-v ear-olds. Half-mile-heats. C. Root, Sept. 24, 1874, $3.5. Dominion Boy 1, Gov. Seymoui- (4 dis), 1:18%, 1:17?4, 1:17%, 1:1814. Half- mile-heats. Wm. H. Hyde, Le Roy, N. Y., May 30, 1876, $225. Lillie Pierce, Gray Salem, Frank Martin, P.almer Boy, Marion, Tenipest. Volante (1 dis), Wait-a-Minute (1 dis), Gloster Jr. (1 dis), Tom Allen (l dis), 2:35, 2:37, 2:40. June 1, 1876. $225. Palmer Boy, Frank Martin, Gray Salem, Lillie Fierce, Dacia, Tvlinnie Allen, William W. (2 dr), 2:42}^. 2:39. 2:41}4. Lockport, N. Y., Oct. 1.3, 1876, $50. Jupiter Abdallah, Royal George (1 dis), Hyperion Golddust (1 dis), 2:4634,2:4.5,2:45. Phil, b g (3 :34'/»). Hiram Woodruff, Union Course. L. I , J'lne 16, 1857, $1,000. Sir Walter. 2:43, 2 :45}4, 2 :4-l. Phil, b g (s), (3 :46 s). S. (iuss, Westchester, Fa., Sept. .30, I866, $ . L's b m, (w), 2:53'/2, 2:49. 2:46. Phil, b g (3 :48^4), by the Spray Horse. O. W. Loeser, Rochester, N. Y., July 4, 1876, $300. Robert Allen, Charley F. (3 dis), Andv (3 dr), Delver (1 dis), 2:48%, 2:51. 2:50i/2. Phil, b g (3 :33i4). E. D. Clark, Norwich, Conn., Sept. 19, 1877, $65. Thomas B. 3, BeUe Horton, Justice. Helfu Mar, Music (3 dis). Constitution (3 dis). Surprise (1 dis), 2:50, 2:50'/2, 2-AT,Vv l> a CZ-AO). M. Goodin, Pittsburgh, Fa., June 18, 1874, 1*750. Belle of Oakland 1, Forest Maid, George, llernilt (2 dis). •2:43)<{, 2:43. 2:46' j, 2:47&. • .lune lu, 1874, $400. Hermit, 2:4p4, '-i:45. ,]. K. Perry. Eagle Track, Fa., Nov. 11, 1874. .'54no. Pete Manee, Theotlore Fitler, Pawnee Squaw, 2:44, 2:47, 2:4(i'j. Philaclelphia Maid, b m (2:48 w). Fashion Course. L. I., t)ct. 25, 1865, i — . 2:56. To beat 3:00. ( w ). 2 :48. To beat 2 :50. Philadelphia :Mai<•. (iviisv 1. Passenger, 2:4o. 2:;o. 2::{S). 2:44. CtntrcviU'c. L. I., May 18, 1h4s. .*1(Ki. Jeiinv l.iiul, Modesty. 5:27>^, 5:25. Two miles. Pliil:i(lcli)iii;i, Pa., Nov. :«). Is48, .<100. Woodpecker. 5:i's. .'>:;i0. Two miles. " Billy rtion Phil Uuu;;hertv. ell t; Ci :««). bv Frank Pierce. Jr. T. \V. Martin, Woodliury, N. J., May 9, 1876. $350. Boulden 1. 3, Ft;nik Kiiton 2. 6, Frank Burlev. 2:46, 2:47'i, 2:48!,i, 2:45, 2:45, 2:43. 2:45. Point Breeze Park. I'liil.. .lune 14, 1876, .So'oo. Stiletto 1, 4, Rip Rap, Jupiter. Little Mike (5 disi, Poi (5 . 2::i.'i John K. 'furner, Ambler Park, i'a., Mav 29, 1877, $200. Lady Blessinfiton 2. Little Nell, Draper, 2 :a'), 2:34'i,2:34»4, 2:35. I'oughkeepsie. N. Y.. Sept. 6. 1878, $.'".00. Annie G., Grace, Even John, George Henry. Lady Lemon. 2:30, 2:27. Fleetwood Park, N. Y., Sept. 11, 1878, $500. Grace 1, Newbrook.PatMcCann, George Henry (2 dr). 2:30. 2:27'.., 2:31. 2:31|>i. Ailibl'-r Park, Pa.. Sept. 2C., 1878. $400. Twilight, Glide, Sam French, David Wallace, 2:33^, 2:385's, 2:30. Belmont Park, Phil., Oct. 8 and 9. 1878. $400. Capt. Emmons 2, 3, Rose Medium 5, 6, Twilight 1, Iron Age. Penelope, (irace, David Wallace. Volunteer Maid (7 dr) 2:29, 2:25, 2:27»/2, 2:28. 2:27, 2:29, 2:32, 2:27. Dover. Del.. Sept. 25. 1879. $500. Moliv, Belle Oaklev. May. 2:31, 2:29Vi, 2:3194. ■ Point Breeze Park, Phil., Oct. 1, 1879, $400. Belle Oakley, Dora, Molly, Sir William Wallace, 2:26, 2:26, 2:27. -Mount Holly, N. J., Oct. 10, 1879, $450. Nigger Boy 3, Star 2, Lyman, Glide, Irene (4 dr), 2:30. 2:33, 2:31. 2:32)^, 2:.3;5. Point Breeze Park, Phil.. IMav 3, 1880. $ . Envoy. 2:.36, 2:39. Phil Uwyer, bg (3 :39»4). bv Island Chief, dam I'eerless, bv Defiance. W. McMahon, Ambler Park, Pa., May 20, 1879, $300. Lizzie Martin 1. Senator Stockton. Sneak (1 dis), Joe (1 (lis). 2:.".o, 2;48. 2:42, 2:45. New Hunting Park, Phil.. ]\lav 4, 1880, $200. Gail Hamilton 1, Legal Tender 3, Chester, Sally Scott, Spunkv (5 dr). Republic (4 dr), Dudlev (3 dr), 2:35, 2:32, 2:34i4. 2:32, 2:.35. Suffolk Park, Phil.. Mav 13, is8(). $400. Ripton. Birdie C, Unolala, John, Legal Tender. Brown Jim. Larry, Gail Hamilton, Riiigwood (1 dis), 2:30, 2:30. 2:31^4. ■ L. Finn, Jersey City. N. J.. Nov. 21 and 22, 1882. $45. Fourth of July, Sunrise. 2:50;'4. 2:47'/2. July 12. 1883, $50. Billy Barefoot 1, 2:48>^, 2:48. 2:50, 2:48>4. ■ July 19, 1883, $100. Happv Jack 1,2:56554,2:45, 2:40^4, 2:57'/2. Philip Allen, brs (3:53), by Vt. Black Hawk, dam Lady Morgan, by Bulrush Morgan. C. Van Buren, Mt. Morris, N. Y., Aug. 20, 1861. $ . 2:53. Against time. „ . ,. PhilO'NeilJr., bg(w)(3:36). by Superb. W. S. Thorns, Jersev City, N. J.. June 18. 1874,.f,-)00. Fairy Queen 2,3, Mary M.,W. H. Force (3 dis), 2:44V4,2:4.3i4,2:42'/2,2:45?i, 2:46^4. ,..„,. Parkville, L. I., July 8, 1874, $300. Lady Blackhawk (1 0), Lady Trimble, W . 11. !• orce. Sweetm»"at (1 dis), 2"41'i 2"4')9^ '^^O 2 "45 ^ Oct. lH,' lH74""$2bo.' George Reav, LadvTrimble, Sorrel Boy, Gilt Edge l (3 dis), Lady n;ill u'i dis), Thomas Jefferson(2died), 2:37"^, 2:43. 2:401^, 2 :42i4. _ , ^ ,,,.«■. T^ , t. Patterson, N. J., Oct. 22, 1874. $700. George Reay 2, John P. (1 0), Cheston, Lady Rafferty, Dean's Ham- larry Irving ,2:44>4. - ("w") MayViO, 1870, .$200; E'd'Sill.s, WrR.~Roberts, 2:52, 2:47>4,2:46>4-. ^ ^ „., , , tt ., ^ r. Philosopher, b s, by Messenger Duroc, dam Judv Curry, by Hambletonian. G. C. Hitchcock. Hartford, Conn.. Oct. 1:5, 187.5, .S400. W. O. No time. Four-year-olds. „, „ .„ Phil Rogers, bg (3 :46). Otto Holstein, Springfield, Mo., Nov. 23, 1870, $.:<)0. Molly IL 1. I ndine 2, 3:07, 3:10, 2*'"t0 2'5't 2*46 Phil'sheridaA, ch g (3:56). George W. Jones, Watertown, N. Y'., June 3, 1865, $100. Harris' ch m, 2:57,2:36. 3:01. ■ Mr. Hutchinson, Oct. 16, 18G5 $40. Frank Smith 1, 3:17,3:0814, 2:.'-.9. Phil Sheridan, bg (3:4514), by Brandy Wine. E. L. Norcross, Boston, Mass., May 31, 1806, $500. sorrel Dick 2'45'i ""533^ -: F.'S." Palmer, Portland, Me., June 22, 1867. $50. Midnight Maid (2 dis). Lady Emma (1 dis). Frank Has- kell (1 dis). 2:46 . Phil Sheridan also distanced in second heat. ..,„■<■,„ Phil .Sheridan br g (3 :45). G. A. Sweet. Warsaw, N. Y., Sept. 24, 1867, .S70. Green Mountain ( hief, 1, 2, Dutch Maid, .3, 4, Honest John, 2:46, 2:45, 2:46, 2:44, 3:00. 2:46, 2:45. E. C. Pnrcell, Avon Spa, N. Y., Sept. 17, 1870, .S40, Carrie Brown, 1, 2:50, 2:51, 2 :54?i. '^-ilO. Phil Sheridan ci-AOVi). Hudson. Mich., Oct. 10. 1868, $ LadyCanada.2:.'>l 2:.50 2:49',. Phil Sheridan ch g (3 :41). Mr. Simmons, Macomb Valley, N. H., Oct. 21, 1870, $35. Lady W arren. No Name, ?)^'!*^wiiUt"eTWe', Dover, N.H. Sept. 27, 1871, $200. Jenny Lind 3. St. /.awrenee Maid. Lady Gordon. Alton Boy, White Card (1 dis^ 2:43, 2:45, . 2:4.5. Sept. 28, 1871, $200. Belle Dean, Lady Sherburn, 2:41. 2:43, 2:49. „ . . r»oi n x-„.„ Phil Sheridan br s ( 3 :26yi), by Young Columbus, dam Black Fly. by a son of Tippoo, Ro.xil D.alzell. New Lancaster, Ont., Sept. 20, 1870, $150. Draco Chief, Lnheck, 2:45, 2:41, 2:40. ,„, i, «„;„„„ W. S. Sargent, Boston! Mass., June 4, 1872, $400. Bristol Bill, Fanny, Royal Mike, AUston, Black Prince June 21, '1872! $1,500". St.' Elmo 1. John A. Hall. Czar, Allston. Helen, Black Prince. Fanny, Lady Ellis (6 dr) Greenwich Maid (1 dis) 2:2914. 2:28>4. 2:291^. ^ , , ^ ., r ,> t^ ^ „ ivi^ t™-. Rochester. N. Y., July 29. 1872. $1,200, St. Elmo, Lady Allen, Fred, Lady Kendall. No time. July 31. 1872, $1,200. St. Elmo 1. 2:.35}^, 2:M, 2:.32Vj, 2:34»4. Potsdam, N. Y., Sept. 27, 1872, $300. Lady Lightfoot, Kitty Buck, 2.40, 2 :3«, 2:33. CHESTEKS COMPLETE TKOTTING AND PACING KECOKD. -^ Dalzell and Wiser, Preseott, Oat.. Oct. 5, 1876, $ . Ciipt. Smith, Deceit. Best time 2:41. Ottawa. Out., June 28, 1877, $400. Woodstocli. Capt. Sinitli, Proctor, 2:ao, 2:30;2, 2:29. Preseott, Out., July 2, 1«77, .■gaoo. Frank -Muiisou, (apt. Smith, Woodstock, 2:34>'s, 2:36, 2:30. Oswego, N. Y., Sept. 6. 1877. .$ , (iypsy Queen, btst time 2:55. Phil isheridan blk s (3 :3194), by (ien. Kuox. P. M. Thurlow , Lewiston, ile., August 28, 1872, $1 000. King William. '2:iil4, 2A3U, 2:r>i^4, Sept. 3, 1872, S . Mumm 1, 2, Gentle Annie 4. No time. Bangor, Me., Sept. 21, l,s7i;, $200. Uncle Shube. King William. Abdallah, 2:36,2:41,2:41. Lewiston, Me., Oct. 9. 1872. §1,000. King William, 2:42, 2:39Ji, 2:40. H. G. Thurlow, Bangor, Me., Sept. 17, 1873, .*<300. Ked Jacket 3. Lady Kemp, 2:38?4, 2:40?.i, 2:88, 2:39. Valentine C. Hall, N. Windham. Me.. M:iv2s. 1874, $125. Telegraph. Best time 2:42. Groat Falls, N. H., June 3. 1874, §200. Dollv Varden 3, Belle Dean, 2:39, 2:37^, 2:40, 2:3594,. Manchester. N. H., June 10. 1874, $250. Belle Dean 1. 2. 2:36'2, 2:.35, 2:37,2:38, 2:35. Gardiner. Me., Oct. 13, 1874, $200. Air l, 3, Charley Morrill, 2:36, 2:35^4., 2:36, 2:35, 2:38. Bangor. Me., June 24, 1875, $250. Bangor. Charley Morrill, Andv Johnson, 2:33>4; 2:33i4, 2:315^. Lewiston, Me., Julv 1, 1875, $250. Little Fred 1, Bashaw Maid. 2:-KiU,, •_':38. 2:39i2. 2:38. Gardiner, Me., Sept. 6. 1875. $2.50. Air 1. 2, Dare, Charley Morrill (2 disi, 2:38J^, 2:35, 2:40, 2:34, 2:36yj. \V. H. Irish, Portland. M.-., June 11, 1877, -SIOO. Lady Williams, Little Fred, 2 :36Ji, 2:45, 2:34, 2:34. Julv 25. 1.S77, .i?6(iO. Mt'sscnger Knox 2. 2:34'... 2:35, 2:34, 2:43. Phil Sheridan. rng(3:50iii. Thomas Chirk. Kansas City. Mo., July 25, 1873 $100. Gray Eagle 1, Philip, pacer 3, 2:5594, 2:54i4. 2:51i4. 2:53, 2:.51i4. J. D. Dunn, Boise City. Idaho. Oct. 17. 1874. $100. Casino 2, Bocky Mountain Dexter. 2:52, 2:49, 2:50^, 2:50'4. Phil Sheridan, gr g (3:36'/2). by Illinois Creeper. Chas. H. Brown. Waukesha. Wis., Ocj, 9 and 10, 1873, $ . Gen. Howard 2, (40), Buckskin. 2:34?4. '2:34^, 2:38, 2.36. 2:34?4. Peoria, 111., June 18. 1874. .$500. Tom Wonder 3, Dan 1. 2 (3 dis), 2:37, 2:33, 2:35, 2:35, 2:38, 2:42. C. B. Myers, Dubuque. la., Aug. 27. 1874. $200. Fox, 2:35. 2:.S5. — — Stephen Bull, Kenosha, Wis., May 26, 1875. $400. Lady Mack 3, Fox 2, Independence, 2:34J4, 2:31J4, 2:33, 2:3414,2:36. Mav 28, 1875,1500. Badger Girl (2 dis). Lady Mack (2 dis), 2:46, 2:46. Marengo. III.. June 16, 1875. $1,000. Aniv B. l. Fleety, Kitty Stratton, 2:30, 2:33^,2:3414, 2:32'/2. Charles M. Brown, Earlville, 111., Aug. 25. 1875. $60o.' Amy B. 2, 3, Whaleboiie.5, 6, Lady Griswold, Lady McFatridge, Wild Oats 1. (5 dr). Young Magna (1 dis). 2:2914. 2 :30i2, 2:3094, 2:3314, 2:30, 2:32^2. 2:321,4, 2:31. Stephen Bull, Aurora, 111., Sept. 1 and 2. 1875, $600. Prince 2, Amy B., Lady Ciriswold. Whalebone, Young Magna, 2:30. 2:37U, 2:39. 2:.33. Charles M. Brown, Milwaukee, Wis.. Sept., 9, 1875, $700. Badger Girl 1, 3. Ladv Mack (2 dis). Pete (2 dis), 2 :28. 2 :30. 2 :26i4, 2 :30i.^, 2 :30. Stephen Bull, Kenosha. Wis., Sept. 23. 1875, $ . Tony, Lizzie. 2:37, 2:36i/2, 2:40. Waukegan. 111.. Julv 4. 1876. .$500. MilaC. Kate Hazard. 2:.3.3i4, 2:33, 2:34. — ■ Oct. 7, 1876, .§.500. Kate Hazard, Young Wilkes, 2:39i4, 2:3894. 2:37J^. Cedar Kapids, la.. June 12, 1878, $500. Foxie V. 3, 4, Amboy 5, 6, Dakota Maid (3 disj, Big Soap ( 3 dis), Dom Pedro a dis), 2:31 9^, 2:3014. 2:29, 2:30i2. 2:30. 2:,31"o. Waukegan. 111., Oct. 2. 1880, .$2.50. Edwin B., Abdallah Boy, 2:^3, 2:32. 2:30. Beloit. Wis., Sei)t. 9, 1881, $ . George K., Doubtful Girl, 2:31, 2:26i/^. 2:29V6. Phil .Sheridan. ( 3 :.53 ), by Phil Sheridan. E. Kenyon, Watertown, N. Y.. Sept. l"8. 1874. $7.5. Ivorvs's ch s 3, Emigrant. Kobin Hood. 2 :.55, 2 :53. 2 :.53, 2 :.5.5. Phil Sheridan, b g (3 :35». J. S. Porter, Sharon. Pa.. June 10. 1876. $175. GravMag 2, 3. Bushwacker 4, Curb- stone, George (.5 dr), 2 :42, 2 :43^i. 2 :43, 2:52, 2 :43, 2:43. Parker City, Pa., June 21, 1876, .$.350. Boy Fanny 3. 7 (1 O), Ladv Burgett 2. (1 0) Ladv McFinnev 4, Prince Clay, Frank Kernan, Ed Brown, Dan, Nelse (l dis), 2:3.5,2:36, 2:3514, 2:.35. 2:3.5, 2:3,5, 2:.3.5.2-.35 Ed. Galavin, Edinburgh, Pa., Sept. 14, 1877. .$250. Little Jake 1. 2. Orange Billy. Charley A.. 2:32%i. 2:35. 2:3514, 2:38.2:38. " . ' Erie, Pa., Sept. 24, 1878. $150. Henrv Clew,s, Silver Cloud, Loafer, Transit. 2:40, 2:4114 2:41i4 Sept. 25, 1878, $160. Henry Clews. Transit. Loafer, 2:43, 2:40. 2:40. Phil Sheridan, b g (3 :55). J. Crall. Marysville, Kan.. Sept. 26.1883. .§6.5. Headlight. Cliarles Lewis, 3:01 2:57,2:55. Phil Sheridan .Jr.,b s (3:411^), by Phil Sheridan. L. R. Joslvn, Montpelier, Vt., Sept. 25, 1879. .$40. Little Kate, Lindsay Maid, Mountain Boy (l dis), 3:15, 3:07, 3:04. Four-year-olds. Northfleld. Vt., Oct. 5. 1881, $55. Freshet, Ben Mudgett, Litlle'Kate. 2:.52. 2:56, 2:.57. Oct. 6,1881, $75. Freshet .3. Hard Tack 4, Ohio Boy, 2:52, 2:50. 2:.54. 2:.5l, 2:51. Malone, N. Y.. Sept. 28, 1883, .$20. Malone Patcheh, Tony Lambert. Lambert. 2:44}^, 2:44i^, 2:41'.;. Phil Thompson gr g, (3 :31), bv Eed Wilkes, dam bv John Dillard. Charles H. Raymond. Chicago, 111., July 26, 1881, $2,300. Director, Clemmie G. , Mamie. Tucker, 2:25. 2:24Ji, 2:21. Four-year-olds and under. Win- ner three years old, Lexington, Ky.. Oct.5,1881. $1,210. Jay Bird, Maggie Preseott, 2:4214, 2:42^, 2:44^. Tliree-year-olds. Chicago. 111.. July 19, 1882. .$1.000. ,2:36=4.2:2314. To beat2:l7'i. Lost. Phippin Horse, br s (3 :58). R. Phippin. Canton, N. \^., Sept. 29, 1859, $25. Y'oung America 1, 2:.56, 2:59, 2:58, 3:00. Stallions Phoebe (s), ch m (3 :45 w). Centreviile. L. I.. July 25, 1857, .'§400. Peabody's gr m (w). Manhattan Maid (w), (3 dis). Lady Smith 1 w), a dis). 2:45, 2:50, 2:.54. (s) Harlem, N. Y., October 9. 18.57, $600. Stephen (s). Sylvan Shore ^s). Hardstone isi. (3 dr), 2:58i4, 2:.51, 2:53. Phoebe, b m (3:4J.i4). John Demas. Detroit. Mich.. June 28. 1870. .$ . Rubv 1. Mollv, 2:429*, 2:42, 2:42?£. ^Charlotte, Mich., Julv 19. 1R70. .$200. Bonita. Red Hot, Molly. Fanny, Undine. Little Giant (3 dis). Ever (2 dr), 2:42^, 2:411^,2:429^. Flint, Mich., Sept. 8, 1870, .S300. Carrie Lockwood. Kitty, Molly, Mack. 2:46>4. 2:48Wi, 2:4014. Phoebe (3 :59). Elkton. Md., Oct. 4. 1882. $75. Flora Swing, Lucky, Warner, Dot, Kitten (1 dist. 3:00, 2:59. Phoebe C, ch m (3:36). bv Blue Bull. D. P. Shawhan, Columbus, O., July 3, 187.5, $1,000. Capt. Jack, Thorn- ton, Belle Moore, Doctor Rush, 2:.19"2. 2:37ii, 2:36. P. H. P„ b g. J. T. Bryant, Glens Falls, N. Y., July 12, 1883, $100. Joseph, Charley Gilbert. Topsy, Gypsy Queen, .Tumbo, Nelly C. No time. Phyllis, b m (3: 3514). S. W. Roberts, Dubuque, la., Sept. 12, 1877, $500. Fearnaught 4, Lady Groesbeek 3, Gay Lad (3 dis). 2:^514, 2 :3614, 2:3,51.^. 2:363^, 2:379^. Phyllis, blk m (3 :17'i), by Phil Sheridan, dam by Tom Sayers. Charles Wagner. Potsdam, N. Y.. Sept. 18, 1877, $150. Bob Dalzeir2, Honest John. Joe Bump, Billy Gray. 1 :30, 1 :32, 1 :29, l :27. Three-year-olds. Half- mile heats. AVaddington, N. \'.. Sept. 3. 1878, $75. Mars 2. 3, Bob Dalzell, St, Lawrence Belle (.! dis), 2:40, 2:40,2:36, 2 ■ 30 2 ' 38 '- Potsdam. N. Y.. Sept. — , 1878, ,$300. Bob Dalzell, Honest John 2:51, 2:55, 2:48. Four-year-olds. CHKSTEK'S rOMIM.irrK lltOTTlNC AND l'A('IN(J l!K(()i;i). — Malone, N. Y., Sept. 20. 1878, $i:00. Mars 2, Bob Dalzell (2 ilis). Joe Biiiiip ii disi. 2:4o, j-.u^.^, 2:35, 2:40 Foiir-ycar-olds. — liouverneur, N. Y., Sept. 2, im), S300. St. Cloud, Orange lUossoni. .losh Billiiins, Tid (2 dr) 2:?2 2:33,2:35. — Canton. N. Y.. Sept. 14, 1880. .?J0O. Cora 1, 2, Ellen. Rosalind, 2:40, 2:40, 2:32^, 2:33?4, 2:36. Sept. Ki. issi), S:«Ki. Vallev Cliicf, (ieorge H., 2:30, 2:33, 2:3'. \v ■ C. Waencr, Bradford, Pa., June 13. 1882. S6()0. Valiant 1, Moliv Kistler 3. Clara .1., Sleepy Tom Tavlor, rna(4 dr», Stella C. (3 dis), 2:33, 2:2!»',j2:29i4, 2:31>^. 2:3.'i;4. ■ Youngstown, O., July 4. 1882. «(.oo. Molly Kistler, Clara J., Kate Tavlor. Viiliiuit. 2:28'4. 2:27?iJ 2:2! ■ R. Taylor, Toronto, Ont., Aug. 14, 1882, ■ST.'JO. Russian Spy, Gen. Beamish. Nelia. Tarker, 2:27Vc.. 2 J. \V. .McDiiwill, rotsdaiii, N. V.. Sept. 22, 18H0, $3rA). George H., Daisv Brown, Dietator, 2:-M. 2:« 2-.'52. — Sept. 22, 1880. S400. \allev Cliiel l.T) i4.0). Dictator. 2:29,2:291.1,2:29'., 2:2y>4. 2:31'4. 2:30Hj. — Cliarles Wagner, Ogdensburg. N. V.. Sept. 6. 1881, .$400. Bellwood, Mars.. 2:32, 2.32, 2:.^'j. — Canton, N. V.. Sept. 13, 1881, $200. Russian Spy, Bellwood. 2::J0'4, 2:.j2, 2::;6. — Potsdam. N. V.. Sept. 20, 1881, §300. Valley Chief 4 (.">. 0), Russian Spv 3, Moose (5, 0), ,Ioe S. (5 dr). 2-26V. 2 :28>^, 2:31, 2 ::!1. 2 :,30, 2 :33. — Sept. 22, 1881, SGOO. Russian Si)y 1, 2, Valley Chief, Moose. 2:30^. 2:35»,i, 2:33. 2:33. 2:32. — Montreal. P. Q., Oct. 4, 1881, $ , .lim. Black Johnny d dis), 2:33'2, 2 ::«>';. 2:33»^. — Oct. C, 1S81,.? . Jim 2, Montreal*; ill. Frank Russell (4 dis) 2:30^, 2:28. 2:29,2:30. — Burlington, Vt., Oct. 14. 1881, $22."). iilack Johnny, Kilty Ives. Jim,*'2:32i.i. \V. Slack. Lyons, N. Y., June 9, ls82, .SiOO. Valle^Chiel. Clara .l..2:37?j 2:y0. Russian Spr, Nelia, (Jen. Beamish, 2:29. 2::il%t. 2:31?4. (;. Wagner, Ogdensburg. N ' ,Sept. 8, 1882, .fOOO. Barbara I'atehen 1, Kittv Ives. Victor. 2:28'i, 2:27, 2:28,2:28. Potsdam. N. Y., Sept. 22. 1882. S400. Deceiver. Kitty Ives, 2 :42, 2:43, 2:46. Malone, N. Y.. Sei)t. 26. 18S2.?20(). Kitty Ives 3, 2:38, 2:30, 2:28^, 2:335.1. Sept. 28, 1882, .WOO. Deceiver, 2::!1. 2:;i3^4. 2:33'2. Burlington, Vt., Oct. 13. 1882. .'^lioo. Onsiwa 1. EllaDoe. Crown Point Maid, 2:29i.>. 2:2.")>.i. 2' 9 '■2.5. Watertown. N. Y., .fuiie 3(t, 1 s><3. .S400. Moose, Alley, 2 :26?4, 2 :26;4, 2 :24?i. Ogdeiishurg. N. Y.. Julv 4. ls><:;. .s")00. Moose 1, Kitty Ives, 2:38, 2:39, 2:42i.i. 2:43'4. . Belleville, Ont., July n, 188.!. .i:30o. Moose 3, Russian Spy, Gen. Beamish, Lookout (4 dr>, Cunard i4 dr) 2:28. 2:27}4, 2:27, 2:3m. Pittsburg, Pa.. July 27, 1883, Sl.uOO. Buzz Medium 1. Overman (2, o\ Brandy Bov, 2:20>4. 2:20i4, 2:20>4, 2:22'i, 2:2114,. Buffalo, N. Y., Aug. 9, 1883, $2,000. Overman 2 (^3, 0), Billy Button, Deck Wright. Romero, 2:l8'/s, 2:195Si, 2:20, 2:20' i, 2:21. Mystic Park, Boston, Sept. 19. iss3, $5,000. Clemniie G. 2, Wilson, Director, Amelia C, 2:20. 2:17, 2:185^, 2.17J^. Albany, N.Y.,Oct. 3, 1883, $1,000. Clemmie G 2, (.3, 0). Santa Clans (4 dr;. 2:24';. 2:23. 2:20)^,2:24».i,-2:23. Montreal, P. Q., Oct. 10. 1883. $750. Moose 1, 2:33^. 2:35. 2:32}.^. Pickard, b g (3:18i4). by Abdallah Pilot, dam by Bourbon Chief. W. E. ^Veeks, Beacon Park. Boston, June 9. 1880, S400. Ned Hastings, Eve, Lottie, Pick|)oeket. Dan Wood, Kittv Eastman. Ladv Wilmarth, Nelly (Idis), 2:28, 2:25?4,2:28i4. ■ Mystic Park. Boston, June 15. 1880, $300. Riley i. Golden Giri 3, Eve, ( ien. Custer. Augusta u dr), Nelly (2dr), 2:.30,2:2G?4, 2:28, 2:30^,2:31. • J. S. Ferguson, Hartford. Conn., Aug. 2fi and 27, 1881. .Sl,500. Josephus 1. 2. John S. Clark 3. Helene. John Hall, Florence (2 dis). 2:19^4, 2:20, 2:21M, 2:25K». 2:26i4. 2:23. . J. Murphy, June 20. 1882, $500. Tariff. Goldflnder, 2:24U, 2:18J4, 2:21. . (w) J. H. McCoon, Morrisania, N.Y.. Nov. 16. 1882, $50. 2:25^ To beat 2:27'/2. Pickering, b s (8 :42i.6). Hiram Woodruff. Manchester. N. H.. Sept. 30, 1869. $150. Lady Mallard il. 0). Mor- rill Prince, Walker's gr g, Plvmouth Boy, Ladv Hulbert (2 dr). New Hampshire Boy (i dis), 2:46, 2:46^, 2:45' i, 2:421^. Pickering liov, rn g (Z:5Z]4). by Waltham. Daniel Smith. Lee, Mass., Sept. 5, 1877. $190. Patrick I, Belair (2, 0), Ladv Franklin (4 dr), 2:.5'lM, 2:.52>4. 2:5.5, 2:,55i/'. - :54»:j. Pickett, ch s (2 :.53), by Aberdeen. H. W'aln .Ir.. Mount Holly, N. J.. Oct. 8, I87s. $55. Lancewood 1, Gen. Haves, Denver, Lockwood, 1 .26, 1 :28i4, 1 :29!^. Half mile heats, three-year-olds. Waverlv, N. .!., Sept. 18, 1879, $150. Ifenrietta, Ladv S|)artan, Monmouth Chief, Ray Gould, Judge Cobb, 2 :."■).■!,■ 2-.54, 2:.54. Mount Holly. N. J., Oct. 7, 1879. $100. Ashland Queen. Billy Barefoot. Lady Miignet. Charles A. Norton ri dis), 3:03. 3:07, 3:03»i. Four-vear-olds. Pickles, gr g (3 i.'iO). E. E. Manlin. Trenton, N. J., Sept. 14. 1881. .«.50. IMack 2. Comet. Best time 3:00. Sept. 1."), I8SI. $100. Ethan Dan. Hector. Lady Ilamniill. Roman ChieL Best time 2:50. Pickpocket, 1) s (2:33), bv Perpiawket. J.F.Haines, Porthiud, Me., Sept. 16, 1879, $150. Slippery Dick, Ralph. Watchmaker. Walter B.. 2:4.'-.. 2:40, 2:41';,. Mystic Park, Boston. July 17. 1880, $,300. Bav Lambert 1. .lennv W.. Lady Sheridan. Steve Lewis, Enuna D. , 2':33!4, 2 :32. 2 :.32, 2 :.33. Pickpocket, b s (3 iSOVi). bv Capt. Tough, d:iiu Blanche Vail. J. E. Carmalt. (ireat Bend. Pa., Oct. 5, 1883. $100. Rosa B. 2. Lucv, 2:."i9'4. 2:59\. .■!:03. 2:.'>9'.j. Pickwick, br g(3 :39i^), bv Ii:ickiii;iii's Idol, dam L;idv Brown, by American Star. AV. H. Hilton. Kingston, N. Y., Oct. 10. 1876, #.300.' Tom Mi\llov, Emma, Thomas L., Black Prince. W. M. Tweed. 2:.",8. 2:38, 2:38i4. J. O. Smith, Poughkeepsie. N. Y.. Oct. 12, 1878. .^l.-iO. Boston Boy, Donald. 2:.38. 2:"8. 2:.38J^. C.E. Bowman, Amenia. N. Y., Se])!. 3, 1879, $l.no. Donald, C.aylord. Addle E. C Cora B., Nora M., Comstock, 2:.35'i, 2:36, 2:.36'.4. Chatham Village, N. Y., Sept. 18, 1879, $150. Lizzie O'Brien. Garland, Donald, Comstock, Young Dex- ter, 2:38, 2 :.3fi, 2 :.38. Hudson. N. Y.. Sept. 23, 1879, SI.W. Donald, Young Dexter. Garhind, Comstock. 2:33U, 2:.36. 2::i8W. - ' ' ' • ■• ■■■ well, H( J. F. Woo(lw;ird, North Attleboro, Mass.. Sept. 21. 1880, .«200. Kittv B:»tes. Archie, Cromwell, Honest .loh n , 2 :35M , 2 :.'{4 ' 2 , 2 :.37. Woonsocket, R. 1., Sept. — , 1882. $2.''>0. Henry S. 4, Jeremiah 1, Robert, Vladimir (5 dr), 2:38, 2:39i.t. 2:.39V1. 2:42M,2:42';. Pickwick, brg (3:3414), J.B.Parker, Bethel. Vt.. Sept. 20, 1882, $100. Susan P., Gold Hunter, Black Johnnv. 2:49V4), by Almont, dam Mag Ferguson, bvMambrlno Chief. Palmer & Morgan, Hartford, Conn,, Oct. 13. 1876, $850. Nell, Philosopher (1 dis), 2 :32ii, 2 :34i/s, 2 :30^4. Four-year-olds. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 567 P. v. Johnston, Adrian, Mich., June 4, 1880, $1,000. Kitty Barium 1, Indicator, Cute, Don Quixote, Billv Jennv L. (4 disi. Centella (4 dr). ,2:30i4,-2:29'.. 2:31 Ji. Detroit, Mich., June 11. iwO, #1,000. Black Cloud, Indicator, Cute, Kitty Barium, Ike Marvel (2 dis) Diamond (1 dist, l':j;j'4. 2:_>4i.i, 2:24'4. Columbus, 0., June m, istiO, fsoo. Atdallah Boy, Gray Cloud, Pilot R., Young Wilkes, John McDougall, Fashion. 2:26, 2:2."). 2:26, S.J. Morgan. Chicago, 111.. July 21, 1880, .? . Ilamhletonian Ba.shavv, Amber, Kentucky Wilkes. Black Cloud. Cray Cloud, 2:22, 2:21^, 2 :23J4. P. V. Johnston, Minneapolis, Mnin., Sept. 8, 1880, $l,O0O. Hanibletonian Bashaw 1, Bonesetter, 2:27^4, t> .oQi ' o '241 . *' '"'S ^-""s. J.'Morg'an', Chicago, 111., Sept. 14. 1880, .151,000. Voltaire, Lida Bassett, 2:2314, 2:2394, 2;2l?j. P. V. Johnston. St. Louis, Mo.. Sept. 29, 1880, .fl.ooo. France's Alexander, Silverton, Convoy, Hanible- tonian Bashaw, 2:22'», 2:2214. 2:24i.i. Louisville. Ky , Oct. 7, l.'^SO. *8oii. Voltaire, Von Arnim, Lida Bassett (1 dis), 2:24, 2 :245!i, 2:253^. ■ Cincinnati, O., Nov. 9. isso. .si.ooo. Silverton, Little Gvpsy. Voltaire, 2:28^1, 2:27. 2:27iJ4. S. J. Morgan, Chicago, 111., July 19, l88l,$t;,ooo. Robert McGregor 1, 3, Santa Claus- 2, Hannls, Wedge- wood, Monroe Chief, 2:18, 2:17;2, 2:18'o, 2:17i.i, 2:19)^, 2:21. Stallicms. July 26. 1881, .f!3,ooo. Lucy, France's Alexander (3 dis), 2:18, 2:\9U, 2:19. P. V. Johnston, Buffalo, N. Y., Aug. 4, 1831, §2,000. Lucj, Voltaire, Hambletonian Manibrino, 2:20^, 2 :22 2 :22. - - Rociiester, N. Y., Aug. 11, 1881, S2 000. Lucy, Hambletonian Manibrino. Dan Smith 2:20Vo, 2:19'4. 2:17='i. Utica, N, Y., Aug. 18. 1881, .$2,000. Voltaire, Lucy, Hambletonian Manibrino, Dan Snnth (3 dis), 2:"1, 2:23M, -*:19i2- riffeon (3 :iO). R. F. Galloway. Newburgh, N. Y., Oct. — , 1867, .? . Capt. Taggart (2 0), 2:44, 2:40, 2:41. Pi«rec>n, b g i3:45). S. M. Crockett, Rockland, Me., June 1, 1878. SIOO. Tom. Best time, 2:45. Pile Driver, gr y (2 :43). Jerry Millspaugh, St. Louis, Mo., Sept. 4, l?58, SIOO. Yankee Bov, Robin, 2:48, 2-43. 2:46. Pile Driver (H :44). V. Guerrero, Half Moon Bay, Cal., .fune 5. 1875, .SSOO. Stockton, 2:45, 2:44. Pilgrim, b g (3 :43i^). r. Barnes, Salt Lake City, Utah, July 13, 1877, .$100. Countryman 2, Purity, 2:45, 2-40', 2:43'4.2:44. Pilgrrim, b g (3 :33}4), by the Round's Horse. L. E. Wicker, Elmira, N. Y., Sept. 13, 1881, $600. Handicap 3 Noveltv, Rockv, Hattie Fisher, Fi-ank Patchen (4 dis), 2:37'2, 2:35i^, 2:33^, 2:3314. Pill Peddler, ch g (3:50). O. A. Clark, Moberly, Mo., June 3, 1880, $150. Flower-in-the-Garden l, 2, Little Maid, 3:01. 2:.56, 2:50, 2:.i4, 2:.50. Pilot, blk g (3 :38%), bv Pilot Jr (?) Dan Mace, Boston, Mass., Nov. 9, 1858, $500. Major Rogers (2 0). 2:46''a. 2:411^,2:37,2:41. Union Course. L. I., Mav 23. 1859, .$5.50. Miller's Damsel, Cora d'Estelle, 2:32i/j, 2:33M, 2:29J4. (w), Mav 27, 1859, .$.550. Miller's Dam.sel (w), 2:35, 2:3.3, 2:34. Chelsea, Mass., Aug. 30, 1859, .$500. Miller's Damsel (3 0), 2:3594, 2:30, 2:339£, 2:321^. Providence, R. I., Sept. 7, 1S59. $1,000. Miller's Damsel, 2:32'4, 2:31, 2:2894. Boston, Mass., July 2, 1860, .$400. Henry Graves, 2:40, 2:37i^, 2:32. Providence, R. I., July 4, 18C0. .$300. Henry (iraves, 2:31, 2:.S3, 2:33. Pilot, gr g (2 :43), O. W. Dimick, Chicago, 111., June 2, 1866, .$400. Ladv Wait, ?.-A2%, 2:42. 2:43^. Pilot, ch g (3 :18). Battle Creek, Mich., Sept. 1, 1870, $ . Lady Freeniyer, Wild Dash, Penfleld, 3:24^^, 3:18. Three-year-olds. Pilot, ch g (3 -AGU). Patrick Powers, Rliinebeck, N. Y., Julv 4, 1871, §40. Chip Tammany, Dean's b m. Lazy Girl (1 dis), 2:529*, 2:469i, 2:50. Pilot, gr g (3:46). Charles Martin, Mexico, N. Y''., Sept. 13, 1872, $250. Lady Woodward, Johnny, 2:56.2:51, 2:53 Hudson, N. Y., Sept. 25, 1872, $50. Utica, Black Damon. 2:52, 2:47, 2:481^. Pilot, brg(3:40ii). Mr. Nolan, Hamilton. Out., June 25, 1873, $100. Flora Temple 2,3(10), Tom Kemble (4 dis), Pierce d dis), 3:01, 3:0194. 2:589i, 3:0014,3:0094, 3:00. F. A. Ashb:iugh, June 30 and July 1, 1875, $200. Snowstorm 1, 5 (4 0), Tempest (4 0), Josh, Thorn, Minnie Mac (5 dis), Lady Hamilton (3 dis), 2:43, 2:.50i^, 2:47"^, 2:459i, 2:43, 2:42i^. Chatham, Out., July 15, 1875. $250. Gray Billy l, 4, Capt. R., Butcher Boy, Jim Elastic (5 dis), 2:45. 2:409i, 2:41i4, ,2:4014. " " Pilot, bg(3:43i4). F. Woodnut, Salem. N. J., Julv 4, 1873, $70. Ladv Brook, Lady Paterson. Snow Flake. 2:54J^. 2:4Gi4, 2:51. - — F. B. Fithian, Nov. 7, 1874, .$2.50. Ladv Thonrnton l. 2:.55i4, 3:04, 2:36''4, 2:54^4. Pilot, blk g (3 :40). C. F. Holton, Keene, N. H., Sept. 23, 1873, $60. Jack 1, Honest Jack, 3:03, 3:02,3:123^, 3:1294. Sameday, .$200. Honest Fred 1, Belle, Savage, Spotted Jim, Middlebury, 2:.50, 2:50, 2:54}^, 2:509i. July 4, 1874, .$250. Honest Sam, Orient. Montague Jim. Lady Campbell, 2:50, 2:.50Vo, 2:52'/2. C. L. Kingsbury, Aug. 28. 187.>, $ . Honest Sam, Little Fraud, 2:44' 2, 2:44, 2:44i4T .June 7, 1876, $56. Katy Wallace, Honest Sam, Rosa Ree, Jim (2 dis). 2:47, 2:50, 2:49 .July 4, 187G, .$100. Katy Wallace, Honest Sam, 2:44, 2:44, 2:45. Cliester, Vt., Aug. 30, 1876, $165. Nigger Baby 1, Bessie Shaw, Glide, Honest Sam, Frank Fox (L dr), 2:49, 2:46, 2:46,2:471/2. H. M. Slate, Greenfield. Mass., Sept 28, 1878, $50. Enoch Arden, Fannv. 2:45. 2:49. Pilot (3 :40). C. Dubois, Salinas, Cal., Oct. 27, 1876 $100. Ladv Lisjhtfoot 1. Barnev. 2:4614. 2:43, 2:43'4, 2:40. Pilot, bg(3:38). D. Powers, Geneseo, 111., Aug. 14, 1877, $200. Wichita 1,3, Brown Fanny 2, Delia, Rock River, Blackwood Maid, Flora P., Dick Jones, 2:48. 2:45, 2:48, 2:4.5, 2:4.5, 2:.S8. Aug. 1.5, 1877, .$200. Cub 1. Billy Monroe, Bid Gage, John RandoIi)h, Vallisca Maid (3dr), Philip (2 dr). Lady Bentley (1 dis), 2:45, 2:45, 2:41, 2:40. S. Kinney, Lincoln, Neb., May 9. 1879, $300, Little Frank 1, Granger, Broncho Jim, Charley Douglass, 5:221^, 5:2t''2, 5:22. Two miles. Pilot, b s (3 :40). E. Pyle, Red Oak, la., June 2,5. 1880, $90. John .Tr.. Flora S.. Lioness, 3:00, 3:08, 2:,59'!;. Pilot, dn g(3 :36). J. Crall, Denver, Col., May 18, 1882, $1,000. Spinella 2, Teaser, Lizzie Drew, Little Frank. 2:36, 2:38/2, 2:4214,2:4.3. Pilot, bg(3:40M). G. Martin, Jersey City, N. J., June 12, 1883, .$200. Belle 1. Ned Allen. Handy, Maggie George (1 dis), 2:41, 2:41, 2:46, 2:40^i. Pilot, bll< g (3 :5.5). Mr. Pregnall, Charleston, S. C Julv 4, 1883, $ . Don 2, 2:55, 2:55. 2:59. -July 16. 1883, .$ . Little John. 2 :.57i^ 2 :55. Pilot Boy, br g (3 :%":%), by Kilniore. dam~by Wade H.nmpton. W^ A. Kennedy, Kent Co,, Md., Sept. 26, 1876, $50. (^ueen Esther, Bob, Herringborn Patchen, 3:41^2, 3:43. Three-vear-olds. — - — E. Baity, Washington, D. C, Oct. 8, 1880, $400. Chester 3, Lady Sargeant 1, Ladv Golddust (2 dis). Blue Dick (1 dis), 2:2714, 2:2794.2:29. 2:29»4, 2:30i/2. Pilot Boy (3:349£). A. Davidson, Suffolk Park, Phila.. Oct, 24. 1883, $2.50. Orange Bov 3, 4, Champion W'ilkes 2, Little Billy. Paddy Collins(4 dis). Nannie Buhler (2 dis), 2::i494, 2:36'4, 2:40Vi, 2:35i'4, 2:35, 2:.36i^. Pilot Chief, br s, by Clark Chief. John T. Jones, Lexington, Ky., Oct. 3, 1874, $1,200. W. O. No time. Three- year-olds. 50^ CHESTER'S COMPLETE TU()TTIN(i AND l'A(IN<; UKCOltl) Pilot Ragle, (2:44V4), br s bv Mambrino Pilot Jr., clam by SpanldiiiKs Abtlallab .Ir. G. W. Stom-, Ocvalur, 111.. Aiii:. 'Jfi. isTii, sioo. Molly 15. •_'. lU'sl time 3:.W. Thice-year-<»!:ton. J. Castidy, St. Loui.s, Mo., Oot. 2. 1874, S3(K). Ircd Kofiors. Emma ]'. (1 disj. East St, Loiiisd dis). 2:53. 2:57, 2:53. Oct. 10, 1S74. .S3(K). Jlarry Parker 1,2. Diiiilap (4 dis), 2:43.2:43, 2:40?i,2:43. 2:41. Pilot Jr., b s (3:44'.,). Win. A. Cleaver, i;iitii>ville, Pa., Aug. 17, 1883, .?260. Clay 1 v4 0), Billy 1>. (5 dr;, Maggie Stewart (4 dis). 2:42>4. 2:48, 2:45, 2:llhi. 2Ar,h- Pilot Knox, br s (3 :'-J4>/j), bv Black Pilot, J U. .May. Mystic Park, Boston. Sei)t. 21. 18S.3, Sl.noo. (ilamis. Trifle. I'loualihov. Benone,"2:27, 2:2(;>4, 2:29>4. BeacDii I'.irk. Boston, S(fpt. 25, 18h:s, .■?1.0(K). Mi'ldletown .Ir.,2:35'4.2:32'2, 2:30»4. Sei)t. 27. 1SS3, jil.cdo. Challenge, Middlelown .Ir.. 2:29';, 2:35'j. 2:32'4. J. .1. Bowen, All);inv, N. V.. Oct. 1. 1x8.1. .«l.o()0. Ossian Pctl, (ieorge R., Little Mack, Lilly Dale, Win- nie Wick, Kenner, W. R., Minnii- I).. Miss Legacv, Bessie (4 dr), 2:29'4, 2:28'/i,2:27'.:, 2.27^.. J. 11. Mav. Providence, 1{. 1.. Oct. !i, l8S3..*4(io. (Jcorge A. 1, Allegheny Boy. West over, (iypsy. Horsey, Sppedress. l.adv Thornton, Columlius Ilambletonian <2 dis), 2:25?i, 2:24^4, 2:2(;. 2:2s. .1. .1. IJowen, Beacon Park, Boston. Oct. 1.'^. 18KJ. $400. Lady Thornton. Allegheny Boy. Ceorge A., .\rthur. (!v))sv, Ilersev, 2:27. 2:25'j, 2:25. — — .Mvstic Park, Boston. Oct. 23. 1883, $400. Allegheny Boy, Valley Boy, George A.. Arthur Hersey. Lady Thornton t2 dn. 2:24'.i, 2:25. 2:2.'). Pilot MHinbriiio, brs ( 'i ::?5i, bv Pilot Jr., dain Indiana, by Mambrino Chief. S.Anderson, Chicago. III., .Iuly20, is7."i. .-^^^OO. ,loe. Monarch Pule, Belle Brown. Cruiser. Miniculons, 2::^'^. 2:.'!5';. 2:.35?.i. ().(;. Houghtaling, llubbardstown, Mich.. Oct. 1, 1875. .? . Kuff 3, Flora Belle, 2:41?4. 2:41>.,.2:40>4, 2 :42. S. Anderson, (irand Rai)ids, Mich., Oct. 22 and 23, 1875, $200. Salem 3, Kuff 4, Strangers. Lady Suffolk 1. 2:43'2, 2:41, 2:42, 2:44K.. 2:43'.i, 2 :,"8. 2 -.'JOJ^, C. N. Rosseil, Mount Vernon, O., July — , 1879, $100. Lady Green 3, Blue Bird, Charley C. (3 dr), 2:45, 2'45'2 2:45 2*46. H. Simmons, Nashville. Tenn., Oct. 1. 1879, $250. Gray Cloud, Matt Gardner. Lizzie II. (2dis), Bav Fisherman (l dis), 2:;«, 2:37}^, 2:35'.. _ Oct. 4, 1879. $250. Ivanhoe. Fanny B., 2:40'.,. 2:40*4. 2:39i^. Pilot R., b g (3:31?4), bv Black Knigfit. dam by Joe Davis. W. H. Rudy, Marshall. 111.. July 4.1879,3200. Nelly K., Lotta H., 2:,55,2:.56'o, 2:47, ■ July 5, 1879, $200. Idol Girl. Gvp.sv Girl. Lotta H., Selim, 2:49, 2:51, 2:50. • J. Myer, Lafayette. Ind., Sept. 4,1879. $200. Minnie M.. Rosewood, Billy King. Harry G., Nelly K. (2 dis), 2:50'4, 2:46, 2:4.5^4. T. Fithian, Danville, 111., Sept. 17, 1879, $200. Rosewood, Doctor Fred, Nelly K., Lady Mel)., Billy Kine C^ (\v) *^''i^ ^'"^4^ 2*36 W.'P. Siyer, Peoilra. 111., Sept. 26, 1S79, $rM. Don Quixote (3 0), Black Kate, Mamie Lee, 2:32,2:31^^, 2:32^i, 2:32io. W E Fithian. Cincinnati. O., Oct. 9, 1879, $1,000. William H., Robert McGregor, Sannie G.. Forest Golddnst, Strader's Hambletonian, Largesse (3 dis). Lulu R. (2 dis), Asherd dis). 2:30. 2:.30, 2:31'!. Fitliian & Mver.Catlin. 111., Sept. 4, 1880, $400. Black George. 2:.32^, 2:35. 2:28. • Brown & White, Kockville, Ind., June 11, 1S81, $250. Modoc 3, Commodore Jr. 1. Kitty Bates. Jenny L. (4 dis). Highland Marv (1 disi, 2:,33, 2:31Ji, 2:34Va, 2:38^. Danville, 111., June 21, 188l.$30(). Kate Sprague. Modoc. Ross. Jenny L.. 2:339... 2:29. 2:32i4. .Tune 24, 1881, $500. Kate Sprague 2, Big Soap. Ross, Ilighiaiul Mary, 2:28^, 2:31 5i, 2:32, 2:.30^. - — W. E. Fithian, Cleveland, O., July 26 and 27,1881. $1,500. Kate Sprague 1,2. Edwin Thorne, Jewe.tt 2:21?i, 2:2,3. 2:27, 2:23'i, 2:2.3. , ^ ..,,,. _ — Myers & White, Beacon Park, Boston, Sept. 13 and 14, 1881, $1,000. Lucy 1. Dan Smith 3, Voltaire 4, Irene 2. Emma B.. Noontide (4 dr), 2:22»^, 2:2.39i, 2:221^, 2:24^, 2:22, 2:21 ?4. 2:2.^. White Brothens, Pittsburgh, Pa., Oct. 5, 1881, $800. Lucy 1, Driver. Deck Wright 2 :25U,, 2:25, 2:25k. 2 •24^4 _ _: "vv/p. Myers, Danville, 111., July 6, 1882, $ . Big Soap (3 0"), Deck Wright, Sciola, Will Cody, 2:30,2:28. 2*20 2 *30'4 ' ■ Wyatt'& Brocken, Indianapolis, Ind., July 12, 18S2. $800. Big Soap 3, Sciola. Florence M., Mamie (1 dis), —— ^ G.''w. Voorhe'es,' Toledo, O., Sept. 13, 1882, $500. Tom Rogers, Fred Douglass, Mattie Graham, 2:265,, 2'28i4 2 "29 ICm'cago,' 111., Sept. 18, 18R2, $1,000. Mattie Graham. Fred Douglass, Red Cross, 2:22, 2:23?4. 2:23U- Pilot Temple, b s (2 :24'/i), by Pilot Jr., dam Madam Temple, by Spotted Arabian. James Rutherford, St. Louis .Mo., June 19, 1H65, $i,100. Lady Walker, Nabocklish (3 dis), Jim Kowell (2 dis). 2:29, 2:27. 2:30. Aug. 15, 18G5. .$2,000. Dixie, 2:3414. 2 :33»/., 2 :36'/2. . ■,, ■ . ., Bloomington, 111., Aug. 21. 1867, $l.'-)0. Hickory Boy, American Union 2:42, 2:41 Mat Colvin, Chicago, 111., Oct. 22, 1868, $200. Kirkwood 1, Angeline, Mornssey, champagne (3 dis). 2:32, 2:31, 2:33, 2:.'53. St. Louis, Mo., Nov. 5, 1868, $.500. Dixie, 2:32'/j. 2:31, 2:3.5*4. 35. 29, 2:30?ii.2:31. .Ijickson, Mich.. June 17, 1870, $ . Morrlssev, Gray Easrle. Volunteer (2 (lis), 2:32, 2:339i, 2:36>4. Indianapolis, Ind.. Sept. 10. 1870, $1,400. Silas Rich 1, Lou Loder, 2:,32'4, 2:33?i,', -:33J^i • Atlanta, Ga.. Oct. 25, 1870, $2,500. Panic. Clara. W, K. Thomas, 2:33';,, 2:28J^, 2:28><^. •Cincinnati, O., Nov. 4.1870..$ . C. M. Clay Jr., 2:329.{, 2:.303,. • P. Linden, St. Louis. Mo.. May 13, 1871. $2,000. Cottonpickcr. pacer u3 <"«'• 2-25=>4 2:24', .!:4<. W. T. Dickson, Flint Mich., June 29, 1871, $600. Cozette 1. John A. F"ero, Silas Rich, Billy Hosklns (8 dis), Tackev (3 dis), 2:32, 2:29''.,. 2:.30^.,, 2:,32, — Toledo, 0.,.TnIy 7, 1871.$ --■■" ■ — Montreal, V. Q.. .Iiilv 19. (2 dis). 2:29>4, 2:31'5. 2:37'4. Toledo; (■).; July 7, 1871. $l'.O0O."""Matt''sinith, .Tohn A. Fero, Sil:is Rich, Morrissey. 2:291^, 2:29, 2:29^. Montreal, P. Q.. .July 19. 1871, $1,000. Snowflake. Shepherd Knapi) Jr. (3 dis), (Joverness (2 (lis). Emperor Cleveland, O., Sept. 12, 1871, $500. Byron, Captain, Cleveland (3 dis). 2:^5,2:28', 2:28. Sept. 15. 1871. $1,000. Byron 2, 4, Matt Smith, Queen of the West, 2:34, 2:33, 2:.3,3U 2:.m 2:3 Peter Lindell, St. Louis, Mo., Mav 30, 1870. $1,250. Morrissey, 2 (1 0), (4 0), Rattler, 2:.30, 2: 34. ^ 264.2:82'^, o -29 2 '30 " '.32 — ' W. T. Dickson, Lowell, Mich., June 21, 1872, $1,960. Ripon Boy. Tennesee, Western Boy,2:349i. 2:33,2:35. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING KECOPtD. 5(>9 hickson, Mich., June 2k, 1872, $ . Western Boy 4, 5, Ked Cloud, 3 (6 dr), Sliilt Smith (2 dis), George M. I'atchen Jr. (2 dis), 2:29^4^. 2:26'4, , 2:27'2, 2:28, , Toledo, O., July 5 and G, 1872, $1,700. Red Cloud 2, 4, ISlohawk Jr., 3, Western Boy (4 dis), Wade Hampton . 1 dis), Tennesee U dis), 2:3;)i.i, 2:30'/2. 2:29i^, 2:29?i. 2:28'4, 2:30'4. /anes\Mlle. O., Aug. 17. Is72, $1,000. Mohawk Jr., Tamer, 'Z-.as^, 2:361-4, 2:34'/2. .laekson, Mich., June 2(), ls73, .f . Byron, 2:29Vo. 2:31^.4, 2:31)4. 1. G. Lindell, Galesburgh, 111., July 1, 1874, $500. Chickamaugua, Lady McD., Rattler (2 dis), 2:30^, 2:36, 2 :39. Dixon, III., July 10. 1S74, sil>oo. Dan. Bodine (1 dis), 2:29. 2:2914, . Jnlv II, 1874, $800. Bodine 2. Dau, 2 -.'iBU, 2 ■■■■i8}4, 2:30!^. 2:28'2 Mendota, 111., Aug. 21, 1874, $1,000. Tom Woncfer, Amy 15., Professor, Silas Rich (3 dis), Columbia Chief (3dr). 2:309i,2:31,2:31'.2. Sycamore, III., Sept. 5. 1874. $1,000. Amy B., 2:36. 2:39, 2:29^4. Kansas Citv, Mo., Sept. 17, 1874. $1,000. Aldine. Monroe. Star of the West, 2:33, 2:32M, 2:32>4. Hock Island, 111., Sept. 1. 187.5, .$100. Captain, West Liberty (1 dis), 2:35>4. 2:35. Stallions. Ed .Tones, Dallas. Tex., Oct. 28. 1870. $125. Crockett 1 (3 0). 2:38, 2:37'.i, 2~35i-4,2:40,'2:40i/>. Pilot Victor, ch s (3:40), bv Woodman's Pilot. J. H. Charles, Haverhill, Mass., July 4 a~nd 5, 1883, $ . Rangely Belle 1, 2, Dan 11. (4 dr), 2:47, 2:49, 2-A6U, 2:49,2:40. Pinafore, br g (3 :40). Charles Falkard, Norwalk, Conn., Sept. 14, 1880, §80. Sadie Belle 2, 3, Flora Jefferson, Netty W.,2:52, 2:.50M, 2:50. 2:.'33>2. 2:.53. Pinafore, b m (3:49^), by Hero of Thorndale. C. F. Dunbar, East Aurora, N. Y., Aug. 29, 1882, $100. Maud A. 1, Ida S., Jennie Norton, 2:.59'o, 2:49!4. 2:499i, 2:49)^. Pinafore, b m (3 :33i4). A. Griffiths, Homer, Out., Nov. 3, 1882, $75. Charley Gibson, Fulton. No time. Pincliin's Black .Stallion (\v) (3 :45 w). C. F. Plnchin, Ticonderoga, N. Y., Sept. 20, 1871. $75. Pinchin's b s, (\v», 2 :.52, 2:48, 2:4.5. Pine Leaf, br m (3:33), bv John M. Clay, dam by Zero. W. S. Tough, St. .Joseph, Mo., Sept. 26, 1876, $300. Aker's Pet 2, Moonlight, Wild Bill, Whitewater Chief (3 dis), 2-37'i, 2:42. 2:35. 2:41. Leavenworth, Kan., Oct. 12, 1876, $300. Little Wonder, Dave, Dick Lewis (,3 dis), 2:43^4, 2:42^4, 2:43U. Oct. 1.3. 1876, .$350. Ned S.. Kitty Conover (2 dr), 3:02, 3:02'/o, 3:033^ Manhattan, Kan., Oct. 26, 1876, $150. JSled S., Wild Bill, Belle Temple, John Dunning (2dis),2:36M,2:35ii. 2 :.37. Oct. — , 1876, $300. John Dunning 1, Ned S., Wild Bill (2 dr), 2.40I4, 2:37',!;. 2:37, 2:41. A. D. Carson, Kansas City, Mo., July 2, 1881, $150. Sam Patch, Sleepy Bill, 2:37i2, 2:36ir^. 2:44)^. Julv 4, 1881, $100. Sam Patch, 2 :35, 2:39, 2 :46. St. "Joseph, Mo., Sept. 8, 1881. $.500. Cyrus, Orphan Boy, Business. 2:38, 2:38'/i;, 2:40. Sedalia, Mo., Sept. 21, 1881, .$400. Fred Douglas. 1, 2:1694. 2:36, 2:36' a, 2:40. Pinery Boy, blk s (3 :43'2). J. S. Tufts, Oshkosh. Wis.. Oct. 6, 1876, $200. IshoemingBov, Delaware, Ira Allen, 3:10.3:131^,3:20. Pinole Patchen, blk m (3:36), by Liberty Patchen, dam by Morgan Tucker. J. H. Tennant. San Francisco, Cal., Nov. 9, 1877, $300. Indian Girl, Don Frank, Amanda Murray, Hambletonian d dis), 2:38, 2:39, 2:36. S. J. Tennant, Contra Costa, Cal., Oct. 2, 1879, .$1.50. Gvpsy Huiitington 1, Gold Hill (3 dis), Barry Baldwin (1 dis), 2:42, 2:371^, 2:3794. 2:46. Oct. 3. 1879. $1.50. Gold Hill 1, Overland (2 dis). 2 :48i,^, 2 :44, 3:0714. 2:44. Pinwick. blk s (3 :54). .Joseph Chandler. Waverlev, N. J.. June 19. 1880, $ . Robert Ridlev, 2:54, 2:54?4. Pisgah Maid, gr m (3 :53). F. T. Colony, Keene. N. H., Jnlv 4, 1877, ,$200. Shepherd Boy 1, 4, Pilgrim, Mattie, t^iarley T. , 2 :50, 2 :54, 2 :52, 2 :563^, 3 :06. Pittsbnrgh, bm(3:41i4). Samuel Keves, Suffolk Park, Phil., June 15, 1865, $1,500. Lady Thompson, Dan (1 dis), 2:45, 2:45!^, 2:41^. Pixie, brg (3 :43U). Joseph Morse, Meriden, Conn., Sept. 20, 1877, $100. Gray Eagle 2, Doctor, Go Slow, Ned, Selah A., 3:0114, 3:00, 2:53]^. (w) Sept. 18, 1879, $ . ~ Switzer (w) 3, Pleasant Bov(w), 2:.55, 2-Am, 2:51, 2:52)4. (w) Sept. 21, 1880, $33. Little Ben (w) 1,3. Harry B., Pleasant Boy (2 dr), 2:49)^, 2:45)4,2:4794, Z-My., 2:4994. Pizarro, brg (3:35), by Morgan Caesar. J. Read, Cambridge, Mass., Sept. 8, 1840. $100. Pocahontas Dying Sargeant, 2:.50, 2:52. ^ Sept. 9. 1840. $100. Pocahontas, Pilot. 2:46. 247. Two miles. Sept. 11, 1840, $150. Wild Rose, Independence, .Tager, 2:47, 2:49. 2:.51. Boston, Mass., Sept. 29. 1843, $100. Greyhound, Forest Maid, Lady Swan (3 dr), 2-35 '>-39)4 '>-37ii Oct. 6, 184.3, $100. Greyhound, 2:45, 2:37. " . ■ - • t-.. -. -.• P.J. Purcell(Purcell), b s (3:3114), by Strader's Hambletonian, dam bvMambrino Chief. D Bailey Colum- bus, O.. June 14, 1883. $700. Maud R., George, Raymond, Lady Lawrence. Secret, 2-3414 2-33yj 2-3li4 Planchette, b m (3 :45). F. W. Russell, Middlesex Co., Conn., Oct. 9, 1868, $100. General^ fen Knots 2:56^;. 2:.52i^, 2:51%,2:.53. "* Planet (w). ch g (3:37 w). John L. Doty, Philadelphia, Pa., Sept. 27, 1859, $200. Martha Washington (w). George (w). 2:4194, 2:37, 2:37'2. Planta ch s (3 :54). J. Stage, Austin. Minn.. July 3, 1875, $100. Jim Rover, Wild Frank, Topsv, Austin Pete. 2:.56, 2:.55,2:54. » t- j' t Planter, ch g (3 ■.Z't'/z). by Red Bird. G. Hayt, Le Roy, N. Y., Oct. 2 and 3, 1R73, $ . Tom Collins 1. 2. Prince Charles. Topsy (1 dis), 2:41. 2:46, , , 2:45. J. G. Wriglit, Attica, N. Y., Oct. 8, 1874, $240. Prince Charles, Molly, Condit Smith, Jack Pitts, 2 :47. 2 -47. 2:48. ... G. Hayt, Penn Yan, N. Y.. Sept. 18, 1875, $400. Young Wilkes. Lady Johnson, Otsego Chief, 2:36i/^, 2:39, Owego, N. Y., Oct. 6, 187.5, .$400. Bateman, Frank Munson, Frank. Charley, 2:.?1 2-.30'4 ''•31 J. Mc Andrews Jr., Utica, N. Y., Aug. 16. 1876, $2,500. Marion 2(3 0), Mattie (3 0),' Trio, 2:2494, 2:23V4. 2'24. 2:25,2:2.5. /!>•'■'. Hartford. Conn., Aug. 30, 1876, $2,500. Trio 2, 2:27)^, 2:24i4, 2:26. 2:27. Springfield, Mass.. Sept. 6, 1876, $2..50O. Bay 2, (Jray Bill l, Martha W.ashington, Trio (3 dr), 2-30. 2-27U 2:27'4,2:28i'o,2:25'4. " ^ '. . • tb. B. H. Demarest, Prospect Park, L. I., May 16, 1879, $150. Mambrino General, The Jewess. 2-31. 2-32W 2:29. ' J. McAndrews: Jr., Springfield, L. I., Sept. lo, 1879, $150. Mambrino General, .Sand Hill, Martha. Lllv (3 dr). Pride (3 dis), 2:,32. 2:32, 2:.34. Plaster Boy b g (3 :50). Lowell. Mass., Sept. 26. 1873. .$7.5. Roofer 1. Dolly, 2-.58 2-53, 2-.53 2-.50 Plato, blk s (3 :38), by Vt. Bhickhawk, dam by Sir Charles. D. A. Bennett, Albany, N. Y..'Sept. 10 1857 .$75. St. Clair (1 dis). Black Hawk (1 dis), 2:47. -^ , 1 u v, Platogrs (3:3114), by Gen Knox, dam by the Allen Horse. O. O. Crosby, Portland, Me., Sept. 9, 1869. .$500. Lonesome Reuben, Kosa, Beauregard, 2:46, 2:46.2:.50. F. S. Palmer. Providence. R. I., Sept. 27, 1871, $2,000. Ed Eaton, John Stewart. Netty Morris. Charley Allen (1 dis). Dan Morrilld dis), 2:3214, 2:33?4. 2:31M- 6V0 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING KE( (»i;i). Play Boy, brg(3:48»4). E. Weston, Doylcstown, Pa.. Oct. 4, 1871.559. Sally 1 ^3 0), Kenibk- Jackson (2 dls). Nelly Gray U ilis), Boston (I dis), Rock (1 disj, 3:03, 3:04, o-.itti. 3:00. Thomas Powers, Oct. 8, and 13, 1874, $->iJO. Honest John 5, G, Viola 3, 4, •2:48'4, 2:52'-i, 2:53, 2:54iii, 2:55. 2 54, 2;48W. PUymato. b ni (2 :53ii). R. W. Anderson, Nashville, Tenn., Oct. 8, 1872, $^,rm. Annie K. Delia, Toby Rowe (1 dis), 2:57;'4. 2:52?4. P. L. itlHiid, br s ci-.S^Vi) by Young Revenue. W. G. Bennett, Weston, W. Va.. Sent. 19, 1878, $100. Quick- beat (s) 1. Musgrove's.gr ni (s), 3:2S'4. 3:ll!j,3:12'j, 3:10. Sept. 20, 1^78, §2". Danube. 3:03'... 3:01(.4. br g W. Allen, Uniontown, Pa., sI-iil. — , iss3, S . Bay Sam. I'olka Dot. 3:00. 3:01, 2:.Vji^. PleaMuit Itoj- (W), b g ('i :48w;. Jl. W. Skinner. Aleriden, Conn.. Sept. 17. l^79. tso. Curtis (w), Lucifer ( W), William K. {W), Kay (\v), Fanny S. (\vi,2:48, 2:509^. Pleasure, b g (,2:41). F. Learned. Norlli Adams, Mass. Sept. 20, 1882. S75. Stein Windi-r. Ashtabula, Berk- shire Girl, Biddy Brick 1 (.4 dis;, Sawmill Boy (3 dis;, Molly Dean (3 dis), Dick (2 dis). Kittv Clark (1 dis), 2:47, 2:41'4. 2:42, 2:41. Pleasure Boy gr g (H-AT/i). R. Anderson, Union Course, L. 1.. Dec. 17. 1870, $500. ( lanibake, 2:55i4. 2:56, 2:58' '' E. Clarkson, Prospect Park, L. I., Aug. 24, 1871. §200. Clambake 1, 2:.'>4. 2:48^, 2:48. 2;-17K>- *ure Boy, br g (2 :53). S. Hayes, Lowell, Mass., Sept. 7, 1871, $75. Jenny Lind, Lady Norf Pleasure Boy, br g (2 :53). S. Hayes, Lowell, Mass., Sept. 7, 1871, $75. Jenny Lind, Lady Norfolk, Stranger (2 disi, 2:54. 2:53, 2:55. Plough Hoy ( w), ch g (3 :36). (8 :30*), by L. I. Black Hawk, dam by Almaek. Hiram Woodruff, Centreville, L. 1., Sept. 29, lSbt>, $200. Prairie Maid (w), 2:53: 2:53, 2:49. Nov. 11, ]>^m. ■'i?200. Fanny Fern, 2:41, 2:41, 2:45. Union Course. L. I., May 20, 18.57. $2:000. Lady Fillmore, 2:51'/i, 2:51'/i, 2:53. (i. \V. Bidwell, Chicago, 111., Sept. 8, 1857, $200. Chicago Chief 1, 2:53, 2:49, 2:43. 2:48. N. Aldrich, Woonsocket. K. L. July 15, 1859, $600. Lola Montez 1, 2, 2:44, 2:43, V:44, 2:45, 2-44. Dan Pilfer, Sept, 8, 1859, $200. ' Wonderful, 4 (1 O), 2:48K'. -:'t2, 2:44. 2:43, 2:40. Sept. 27, 1859, .'ir500. Millers Damsel 1. (2 0), (4 dis), 2:45,"2:40. 2:42, 2:44. L. S. Sammis, Albany. N. Y., Oct. 7, 1859, $500. Jack Potter 2, Ca))ilola. 2:51, 2:43, 2:39. Avon. N. Y.. Nov. 9. 1859, $ . Tom Wilson 3. 2:30, 2:35, 2:30. 2:30!». Short track. William Sliernian, Milford, Mass., June 23, 1860, $500. Tom Ilyer, 2:43,2:4l'«, 2:40. W orctslcr, iMiiss., .luly 23, 1860. $200, Tom Hver (2 dis), 2:4,3L4. 2:49!2. 2:49.2:48^1.2:4924. • J. Boyle, June 15, 1866, $100, Minnesota, Granite State, (2 dis). Stockbridge Chief (2 dis), 2:50^, 2:44'4, 2:44. '- Mr. Van Etta, Aug. 18, 1866, $100. Lady Mack, Barney Nellis (2 dls), 2:40i^. 2:39}^. 2:38. J. Boyle. Milwaukee, Wis., Sept. 12, i866, $175. J. C. Lewis l, Ned Forresl. 2:42Vi, 2:41V4, 2:45. Dubuque. la., Oct. 24, 1866, $200. Buckskin (2 dis), Blackbird (l dis), 2:37, 2:36. Nov. 2, 1866. $500. Sam Kirkwood, 2:.S8. 2:39. (s), H. H. Yates, Chicago, 111., June 11, 1867, $200. Ladv Foster (s), Little Maria (s\ 2:46J^, 2-A5^, 2:46^4. June 24, 1867, .$200, Lady Foster (.s), 2 :45, 2 :48. 2 :42. Plougrh Boy, br g (2:45). E. Gregory, St. Catherines, Ont.. Aug. 18, 1860, $100. Stranger, 1, 2, 2:53, 2:51, 2:52, 2:51W, 2:52 Thomas Brown, Brantford. Ont.. Sept. 26, I860. $84. Primrose 1. 5 :48, 5:30, 5 :34. Two miles. — — J. Brown. St. Catherines, Out., Nov. 8. 1860. .$50. Stranger. Niagara. 2:49, 2:50, 2:54. James Pace, Whitby, Ont., June 6, 1862. $100. Crazv Jane 2, 3, Roanoke. 2:45, 2:43, 2:42. 2:45. 2:45. Plough Boy. b s (2:52). N. C. Tabor. White River Junction. Vt., Sept. 15, 1865, $60. Pelham 2, Lightfoot, 2:52, 2:57, 2:52. Plouf^h Boy, br g (2 :43), George H. Bailey, Portland, Me., Oct. 10, 1866, $100. Nelly Plummer, Dan Web- ster, Billy (2dr), 2:50. 2:57. 2:49, Oct. 11, 1866, $7,5. Ladv Jacobs, Unknown 1 (4 dis), Nelly Phimmcr (3 dis). Black Eagle (2 dis), 2:47, 2:45, 2 :45, 2 :46. Oct. 25, 1800, $.50. Charley O'Mallev, Belle of Augusta, Lady Jacobs, Ida May (l dis). 2:43^. 2:43, 2:45^.. IMough Boy. b g(2:37i. Mr. Colby. Erie, Pa.. Aug. 18. 18G9. $100. Gray Hawk 3. 2:.)7. 2:39';. 2:39. . I'lough Boy, b g (2:4394). George Kendall, Boston, Mass., July 12, 1872, $150. Major, Doctor, 2:46, 2:50. 2:53 ',2. Beacon Park. Boston. July 16, 1872, $250. Major 1. 2, Blanche. 2:48, 2:52, 2:54. 2:54, 2:53. July 19. 1872, $1.50. Modesty 2, 4, Honest BrotOi, 2:44. 2:44?4, 2:435Si, 2:45'.j. 2:445ii. July 30, 1872. $200. Modesty 1, 5:41, 5:47, 5:43. Two miles. Plough Boy, I) g (2:47io). Peter Pirchus, Westchester, Pa., Oct. 10, 1873, $140. Sleepy Tom, Cayuga, 2:52. 2:47'2, 2:51. Oct. 11, 187;j, $160. Flora 1, Clitf, Hornellsville Maid, Sleepy Tom, Cavuga. 2:53, 2:51. 2:52U. 2:52W. Plough Boy, (2 :57 1. Sparta. N. J., Julv 1. 1874. $ . Snsie Clav 3. 4. Victor Hugo, Ben Butler. Grace Bi> gart, Emma L. (2 dis), 3:00. 2:57, 3:01. 3:02, 3:05. IMouKh Boy.bg (2:581^). G. W. Harris, Clinton, la.. July 11, 1874, $125. Topsy, Echo. Midnight. Ed Butcher 1 (2 dis). 2:.59, 2:58!o, 3:01, 3:02. Ploujfh Boy, eh g (2 :38k.). H. C. White, Fitchburgh, Mass.. Oct. 4. 1876, $300. Edward 2, .5. Nelly D. 1, 2:43,2:41, 2:38i4, 2:40, 2:41, 2:39. Plough Boy, br g (2 :46!/.). J. Hallock, Wingham, Ont., Way 25, 1877, $90. Gypsy Lass 1, 3. John A., Little Lottie, , 2:.58, . 2:.58, 2:.54?4. (ioderich. Out., Oct. 23, 1877, $120. Comet 1. 2 (3 dr), Happy Harry (1 dis). Lady Moscow (l dis). Best time, 2:.50'i. Oct. 24, 1877. .$120. Amber 2. 3, Comet, 2:51, 2:.'iOUi. 2:.50. 2:.M, 2:52. Fergus, Out., Oct. 3, 1878, $125. Comet 4, Bendigo 1, 2 (6 dis), Garafraxa (3 dr), 2:47?4, 2:47?4. 2:46',2, , 2:52, 2:51 >4. Plough Boy, b g (3 :04). W. Stanley. Albany. N. Y.. June 14. 1878 SIOO. Milk Maid, 3:04, 3:07, 3:05. Plough Boy, grg (3:02). J. W. Stanton, Norwich, Conn.. Sept. 23. 1879, $32. Nelly M., Lottie May, 3:13, 3:02,3:04. Plough Boy, b g (2:.56ii). A. Dunliam, Jersey City, N. J.. Aug. 25, 1882, «50. West Side Pet. pacer. 2. 2:56>'4, 3:11,2:.57. Plough Boy, blk 8 (3:47). J. W. Woodbury, Portland, Me., Sept. 19. 1882, $300. Gen. Knox, Melbourne King. Eclaire 1. 3(4 dis), (2-4.594), 2:48. 2:47. 2:49, 2:49. Plough Boy, ell g (2 :32U;,). A. J. Feck, Providence, R. I.. Sept. 25, 1883. $300. Fanny 1. 3. Frank W., Koan Johnnv. 2:.W9ii. 2::MU. 2:.37V4, 2:32'/,, 2:34«/,. A. (Jornell, Phoenix. N. Y., Oct. 19, 1883, $200. PrimusS, 4 (2 0). (fiO). (7 dr). Frank Behm I (6 0). (7 dr). Lola P. No time. (TESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 671 Pluck (3 :53'4). R. Van Duzen, San Francisco, Cal., Oct. 10, 1873, $150. Prince Denmark, George Palmer (2 dis). 3:01, 2:53!4, 3:00. Pluck (Huckleberry, Dictator, Brown Jack and John F.), blk g (2 :32^4), by Comet. Ed Ryan, Dallas, Tex., Oct. 25, I87e;, S2(X). Daylight 1, 3, «am. i-^SSj-o, 2:391.1, 2:59, 2:m2, 2:39. Oct. 26.;i8T6, S500. Loafer 3, Crockett, Pilot Temple, 2:29J4, 2:29}4, 2:30'/2, 2:32i4. Plumas, b s (3 -AO^), by Werner's Rattler, dam Rose 'Ihompson. Mr. Daniels, San Francisco, Cal., Oct. 16, 1870,8400. Auction Johnny 1, 6:01. 5:49, 5:53. Two miles. Plumber Boy (w), br g (3 -Ai}/^}. Hiram Woodrult, Union Course, L. I., Aug. 4, 1864, $500. Gen. Corcoran, 2:59, 3:00, 2:58}^. Prospect Park, L. I.. Sent. 30, 1872, $500. Eastern Boy 1 (3 0), 2:58, 2:48i4, 2:47, 2:48}4, 2:48>«. (Wi, .Tune 5, 18T3, $500. KinaUlo (W; 2. 3. 2:52, 'Z-.rAh, 2:541-2, 2:,50i4, 2:5514. Plum Hob (3:46). J. B. Olcott & Co , Middletown, Conn., Sept. 8. 1849, $200. Wood's Brown Pony, 2:i->2, 2:46. JMym«ut!i Boy, br g (3:33). A. W. Brackett, Le\yiston, Me., Sept. 23, 1874, .S-.;0O. Emery Fearnaiight 4, 'Kuox Boy 3. Little Fred, Gen. Lee, Androscoggin Boy, Copperbottom, Modoc (2 dis), Mabel Gray (i dis), Milo (1 (lis). 2:33, 2:35, 2:381^, 2:37^4, 2:0)^34. I'lymouth Kock. b s (3:45Ui). Geo. T. Hoadley, Hartford, Conn., Oct. 29, 1861, $ . Tom Carpenter, Brown John (2dri, 2:49, 2:49. Oct. 17, 1862, .§50. Clarion. 2:53, 2:56. Stallions. Oct. 18, 1SG2. .$7.5. Cassius M. Clay .Ir., Cloud, 2o0, 2:45'-i. D. E. Derby, Watertovvn, N. Y., Sept. 18, 1867, $40. JMambrino Patchen 1, 2:52'4, 2:53, 2:52%, Plymouth Rock, gr g (3:44). Van Matteson, Milwaukee, Wis., Sept. 29, 1866, $2,000. Buckeye Bill (w), 2:44, 2:45. Plymouth Kock.bg (3:33), by Black Sultan. C. Butman, Bangor, Me., June 26, 1873, $175. Louise W. 4,5, Tip 1, 3, Rosalie, St. Elmo (1 dis). Sorrel Tom (1 dis), 2:44>4, 2:46'2, 2:44, 2:44, 2:47, 2:481^. A. W. Brackett, Monroe, Me., Oct. 15, 1874. .$80. American Lady, Lady Cross. Best time. 2:34. Rockland, Me,, Oct. 22, 1874, $300. Grace, Sir William Wallace, Brown George, Jenny Thompson, 2:37, 2:37' 2, 2:36. Unity, Me., Oct. 9, 1875, $200, Ayer 1, 2, Joe Hooker, Granite Boy, 2:325^, 2:8414, 2:34^,, 2:34, 2:3914, Portland, Me., Aug, 29. 1876, $500. Ayer 2, 4, Knox Boy l. King William, 2:33, , 2:33Ji, 2:34, 2:34,2:40U. Sept. 1, 1876, $500, Billy Platter, Ayer l, 2 (3 dis), 2 :31, 2:31, 2 :32, 2 :33, 2:37. Rockland, Me.. Sept. 27, 1876, .$400. Ayer 2, Knox Boy 1, 2:34»/i, 2:3714, 2:36, 2:3714, 2:38i4. Plympton, blk g (3 -.SiU), by Mambrino Chief. W. S. Briggs, Woonsocket, R. I., Sept. 24, 1868, $100. Uxbridge, 2:46?i, 2:46'o. 2:343^. J. J. Hornbeck, Gt. Barrington, Mass.. Sept. 14, 1876, $175. William J. 1, 4, Lady Hunting, 2:45, 2:44, 2:421/2,2:44,2:441^. Pocahontas, ch m (3:49). George Edwards, Cambridge, Mass., Sept. 28, 1840, .$.50. Pilot, 2:53,2:54, 2:52, C, Carll, Centreyille, L. L, May 13. 1842, $.50. John Anderson, 2:50i2,2:49, 2.501 ». Pocahontas, bm (3 :3G34), by Ethan Allen, dam Pocahontas, by Iron's Cadmus, Dan Mace, Mystic Park, Boston, July 24, 18()6, $3,500. Blackstone Belle, 2:29, 2:26?i, 2:3114. Pocahontas, blk m (3 :33). by Lownsbury Horse. P. McKenna. Fredrickton, N. B., Sept. 13, 1877, $200, Saco Boy, Lady Dinsmore, Molly jNIartin. 2:36. 2:34, 2:37. — — Sept. 4, ir79, $200. Protection, Mambrino Monarch, Abdallah, 2:40, 2:39, 2:33. Pocahontas, ch m (3 :03). (i. Yoiuz, Lancaster, Pa„ Oct. 2, 1877, $100. Lancaster 1, Lizzie, Lady Whitestock- ing (3 dis), 3:0914, 3:03, 3:08, 3:0914. Pocahontas, ch m (3:47). D. Biglev. Beacon Park, Boston, Sept. 29, 1877, $30. Smoke 2, Rip Van Winkle, 2:47, 2:47, 2:48. Pocahontas Boy, b s (3 :31), by Tom Rolfe, dam Fanny Benson, by Jerry. James Wilson. Indianapolis, Ind., Sept. 30, 1808, .$ . Sam Patchen, John Blaine. 2:58. Stallions. Cambridge, Ind., June 1, 1871, $100. Silas Rich Jr., Fred Douglass, Buckskin (2 dis), 2:43i4, 2:4754, 2:54. June 2, 1871, $135. Gen. Ogden. Silas Rich Jr., 2:48Ji. 2:4794, 2:48?^. Indianapolis, Ind., Sept. 27, 1871. $300. Honest John 1, 2 (3 0). 2:441^, 2:4314, 2:471;;, 2:40%. 2:42, 2:44. Cambridge City, Ind., June 4, 1874, $1,000. Little Alfred, Black Frank, Ned Allen (2 dr). Onward (1 dis). 2:35, 2:31,2:361^. Point Breeze (w), b g (3 :38i^). M. Goodin, Philadelphia, Pa., Oct. 14. 1863, .$.5p. .Johnny (w). 2:44, 2:39. (w), J. Cromwell, East Saginaw, Mich., June 10, 1870, $25. Fowler, Big Ed. 3:11, 3:12. Pointer, ch s (3 :48), by Sherman Black Hawk. S. Boynton, Plattsburgh, N. Y., Sept. 8. 1860, .$200. Limber Jim, 2, 4 (1 0), 2:.58. 2:56, 2:54, 2:52, 2:48, 2:,50. Ogdensburgh, N, Y,, Sept. 28, 1860,$ — . Black Tiger, Young St, Lawrence, 3:19, 3:16, 3:08. Four- year-olds. Pointer Boy, ch s (3 :36). M. Doucet, Woonsocket, R. I., June 26, 1878, .$200. Betsy Best 1, Kate, Ella G.. Lady Honto, Gray Eddy (3 dis), 2:42. 2:42. 2:44, 2:41. June 27, 1878, $150. Grocery Boy, What Now, Charley (2 dis). Tip (2 dis), 2:47, 2:48. 2:44, Hudson, Mass,, Aug. 28, 1878, $ . Robert Bonner, Lady Mack, Lady Holt (2 dr). 2:43';, 2:41i^, 2:41i2, Polish, brm (3:4114), T. King, Flemington, N. J., Sept. 28. 1881, $100. Elberon, Jenny, Windsor" (2 dis), Dutch Girl (2 dis). Starlight (2 dis), 2 :44ii, 2:44i4, 2:4214. Doylestown, Pa.. Oct. 6, I88I, $100. Jenny, Harry B., Little Mike (1 dis), 2:49?|. 2:48. 2:48ii. Polka Dot, ch m (3:38), by Pocahontas Boy, dam by Blue Bull. A. D. Helm, Cedar Rapids, la., June 14, 1882, $.300. Little Joe 1, Reel, Maggie Fulton, Little Joe Fry, Scott Parker (1 dis). 2:35U;. 2:.37i4. 2:.-?8. 2:,37Vo. Fort Dodge, la.. .lune 30, 1882. $400. Maggie Fulton, Little Joe, John A. Rawlins 2 (3 dis), Scott Parker. 2:.36'/2,2:39i^, 2:42, 2:40. Mason City, la., July 13, 1882. $400. Mabel H. 4 (5 0), Maggie Fulton 1 (5 dis), Clumsy Fred (5 dis). 2:45, 2:47, 2:.39i4, ,2:3914. W. Hotop, Jackson, Mich., Aug. 22, 1883, $300. Mambrino Sparkle 1, 2, Kitty Van, Little Joe, Nelly O'Connell, Lady Lawrence, Teazer D., Lord Bantry (2 dis), 2:29!^, 2:31%, 2:28, 2:3ii/i, 2:31%. Ada. O.. Sept. 21, 1883, $100. 2:31%. To beat 2:31. Lost. Pollock, gr g (3 :35i4). Thomas Evans, Goshen, N. Y.. Sept. 2, 1873. $1,000. Wild American 2. Frank Klock. Diadem, Lucy Penny (4 dis), Modoc (1 dis). 2:43^, 2:49, 2:41^, 2:404. Wm, McMahon, Deerfoot Park, L. I., Sept. 12, 1873, $500, Slippery Dick 1, 2:44%, 2:44U, 2:4414, 2:44. Polly, blk m (3:56*). J. Michener, Doylestown, Pa,, Oct. 3,1866, $12. Lady Reckless, W'eizel's b s, 2:56, 2 :.58. Short track. Polly (Tackey), grm (3:36), by Pilot Jr. J. Clark, Williamsport, Pa., July 10. 1873, $1,000. Spotted Colt. Frank Phelps. Susy Kurtz, St. Elmo. 2:32i4, 2:.30, 2:29. Aug. 29, 1873, $500. Clothesline, Dinah, 2:30. 2:4214, 2:4114. Wellsboro, Pa., Sept. 13, 1873, $500. Frank Phelps, Planter, Fanny. 2:40, 2:38, 2:34. Polly, chm (3:45), F. Brock, Taunton, Mass., Oct. 2, 1873, .$140. Nelly 1, Bisniark, Nelly, Starlight, Ira Brown, Chelsea Boy (3 dr). Fashion (3 dr). Troublesome (2 dr), 2:4514, 2:45, 2:48, 2:46%. P-olly. b m (3 :58i4 vy). T. W. Reynolds, Hartford, Conn.. Noy. 5 and 6, 1874, $100. Blind Tom (w) 1, 2, Fanny (w). Lady Kelsey (w) (1 dis), 3:'oi. 3:0l. 2.58'4, 2:5914. 3:00. Polly, b m (3:14). T. Moran, Beacon Park, Boston, Mass.. Aug. 19.1882. $90. Pepper Eye 1, Emma, Fanny (3 dr), Charley (3 dr). Sauce (3 dr), Tom (3 dr), 3 :2l, 3 :21, 3 :16, 3 :14, 672 CHESTEKS COMPLETE TROrriNG AND PACING IlECOKD. Polly Ann, b ni (3:38i^). K. Uuiiliain. Fitchburgh. Mass., Aug. ", 1875, $400. Sarah L. d 0). Ed I'hapiu' Ludy Vaughn, Farmer lioy, Kate Sloan, Banciuo ladrj, Jenny Cleveland (3dr), 2/M'/t,2M, '-iM}^, 2:41. Polly Ann, dn m (w) ^3 :01 vv). G. White, I'hilaJelphia, I'a., June 21, 1877, $300. Star (w), Blinker (,vv) 3:01,3:00, 3": 07. Polly B.. br m (3:32). 1). Pilfer, Tarkville, L. I., Aug. l, 1883, $250. John l, 5, Lady G. 2. Garry Manning, May S. (5 di), Louis Napoleon (.3 dis), John D. (3 dis), Black Prince (3 dr), Brie a Brae (2 dr), Israel (1 dis), 2:;«. 2:34?4, 2:.i5, 2:35, 2:.S7, 2:40. (i. Nelson, Aug. 29, l«8:5, .5300. Ossian Pet, Shamrock, Strathmore, Lady G. (4 dr). Little Mark (4 dis), Frank K. i3 dis), Garry Manning (3 dr). Hhick. Prince 1 (2 dr), Little Mack (1 iiis), 2:36'/,, 2:35, 2:32, 2:36^i. Amenia. N. Y., Sept. 5, 1883, $150. Prince, Spice, 2:40'j, 2:36>.^, 2:40. F'alls Village, Conn.. Sept. 11, 1883, $200. Prince, Weasel, Patrician, 2:39, 2:42, 2:42. J. Temple, Huntington, L. I., Oct. I'J, 1883, $150. Jerry W., Frcdonia Boy, Uno. Fred (3 dr), 2:36, 2:35, 2:33. Polly G. bm. (2:1C). A.J. Feek, Newark, N. \., Aug. 27, 1871), $2.50. Emma, Newsboy, Jim, 2:45, 2:46, 2:45?4. Aug. 29. 1879, $250. Richard B., Lib. No time, Polly Hopkins (s), b m (3:47 s). iiiram Woodruff, Centreville, L. I.. Aug. 5, 1839. $50. Unknown d dis), •lolin Hancock (1 dis), Yankee Maid (l dis). 2:47. PoUv Hopkins, b m (3 :36). Cumberland, Md., Oct. 21, 1874. $75. Billy, Gray Dan. 2:384, 2:36. Poliyticks, b m (3:54), by Young Woful. J. K. Wood, Goshen. N. Y., Sept. 19, 1872. $150. Joim Bright 1., Fleetwood, Lady Evans (2 dis.), 3:00, 2:55, 2:55, 2:54. F'our-y ear- olds. Polly AVishard. ch m, (3:33). W. li. Wishard, Martinsville. Ind, Oct. 8, 1879, $1.'). Emma Snyder. Best time. 3:10. Oct. 10. 1879. .S30. Lady Franklin. 2:50. 2:49?4, 3:16. B. Davis, 1-afayette, Ind., Sept. 3, 1880, $300. Rosewood, Bay Frank, Cincinnati Boy (1 dis), 2:35%, 2:38>4, 2:33''2. Terre Haute, Ind., Sept. 16, 1880, $200. Carrie, K. 1., Lady McD., Bay Frank, Gifford (2 dis), 2:38, 2:37^, 2:37, 2:,33. W. U. Wishard, Indianapolis, Ind., Sept. 30, 1880, $300. Snooks, Big John, Lady McD., Eossa, Sealskin. No time. B. Davis, .Martinsville, Ind.. Oct 10, 1880. $ . Nelly K., Snooks, Lady McD., 2:34, 2:35, 2:36. Pollywog i3 :53). D. Haines, Waterville, Me., Oct. 13, 1864, $80. Ned Davis, Try Me, John Miller (2 dr),2:65, 2 :52 2 :.53. Pollywog (3:451^). J. B. Cable, Waukesha. Wis., Oct. 9, 1873, $ . Chippewa, Hall's blk g, 2:53, 2:4,5V^, 2:51. Pomeroy (3 :45i^). Yreka, Cal., Oct. 2. 1873, $250. Pompey. Tip "Ward, Mountain Boy (2 dis), 2:45Ji|, 2:48^4. 2:45K'- Pomp gr g (3 :41), bv the Beatty Horse. W. W. Smith, Livermore Falls, Me., Nov. 8, 1V73, $100. Copperbot- tom 2.4.. Billv Bun'ipus. 2:44, 2:45, 2:43. 2:46. 2:41. Pomp, brg(3:39). S. T. Golding, St. John, N. B.. Aug. 19, 1874, $150. Hattie Pollard, Lady West. Fn d Oliver (3 dr). No time. Aug. 21, 1874, .$125. Bismarck, Country Lass, 2:46, 2 :50, 2:50. Same dav. $200. Lady West 3, 4, Hattie Pollard, Bismarck, 2:43, 2.46, 2:47, . 2:50. Fredericton, N. B., Oct. 5, 1874, .$300. Aroostook Boy l, Abdallah, 2:41, 2:39>^. 2:39. St. .lohns. N. B., Oct. 7, 1874, $250. Joe, 2:49, 2:46. 2:44»/2. Pompeii, b K (3:40). Hiram Woodruff. Centreville, L. L, Oct. 10, 1837, J$50. Betsy 1, Lady Marlborough, Dewitt Clinton, 2:47, 2:40, 2:44J^, 2:48. Ponipev. ehg (3:40). James H.Otis, Williamsport, Pa,, Oct. 23, 1873, $300. Molly, Toby, David Greer, Gokldust, 2:42V4, 2:40, 2:40Ji. Pompev,(3:54). J. Winegar, Yreka. Cal., Oct. 8, 1874, $150. Tip Ward, 3:01, 2:57. 2-M. Pompey, b g (3 :46). L. Matthews, Lake City, Minn., July 4. 1877, $100. Jolmny, Tom. 3:01?4, 3:00>/2, 3:01, Pompey D., (3 :56). Portland, Me., Oct. 22, 1883, $75, and gate money. Pond Cove Boy 1, 2, Spurwink Boy 4, 2 '55 ''•5,'i 2 "57 ''•5'' 2 '56 ''"56 Pondi'etta. ch nu's :34),' bv"superb, dam by M'ashington. D. P. Wheeler, Poughkeepsie. N. Y., Ju|y 5, 1875, $:j.->0. Silas Rich 4, 6, Lady Wheeler 5,7, Lady Richmond 3, Billy Brighton, Sam Hunting (3 dis), Baby (1 dis),2:39,2:41,2:39»4, 2:431/2,2:45, 2:48, 2:47, 2:47. „ ^ ... Pontiac. gr g (3 :43). Mr. Crofut, Toledo, O., Oct. 15. 1858, $ . Canada Sam, 2:42. 2 :42. 2:4.5. DetroitTMich., Aug. 8, 1860, $150. Ten Broeck 2, 3, .fames K. Polk, 2:41, 2:44. 2:49, 2:44, 2:48. Ponto, chg (3:50). C. Gordon, Mt. Sterling, IlL, July 4, 1881, $50. Darby. Fearnauglit Spy, 2:.')0, 2:50)ii, Ponv. bg (3 :55). Capt. Ravnor. Smithtown, L. L, May 19, 1877..f50. Kitty Clyde, Fred. 3:02, 2:.'-)5, 3:01'/2. Pop Goes the Weasel, 1) g (3 :50). Union Course, L. t., Sept. 13, 1858, $500. Nunrod 1, 2. 3 :00. 3:00, 2:52, 2 :51, 2 ".50 Portage Boy, br s (2 :49U), by Hambletonian Star. L. C. Field, Centreville, Mich., Aug. 19, 1882, $75. Lady Hoag, Rosette, Belle Anderson, Billy Hayes, 3:22?4, 3:17^.. 3:12. Three-vear-olds Oct. 5, 1882, -$75. Brickbat, King George, Victor, Morning Star. Lady Hoag l(3dr), 2:51, 2:49'2, 2:.55. Three-year-olds. . . ^ , , May 18, 1883, .$120. Billv Haves, Young Novice, 3:03, 3:0,5. 3:12W. .rour-year-olds. „_„,„, ^ Schoolcraft. Mich., May 24, 1883, $100. Billy Hayes, Young Novice, Brickbat, 3:02!/j, 3:00, 2:58! j. Four- VGiir-olds or uiiclcr Poftage oirl, b m (3":49'4), by Royal George. J. C. Blake, Dowagiac, Mich., Oct. 14, 1881, $100. Henry K. 3, Sorrel Jim, Honey Bee, 2:49'/,, 2 :.')4' 2,2 :.')4V^, 2:54. , , .,. „ , «,„„„ „ . „ r., Portchester, gr g (3:53). Hiram Woodruff, Union Course, L. I., Dec. 14,1853, $600. Commodore, 2:52, Porter'Leonarel, (Patchen) b s (3 :34!4), Porter Leonard, Sedalia. Mo., Sept. 7. 1880, $250. Fred Douglass 1, 2, Graiibv Maid, 2:.39'4, 2::«^, 2:34''.,. 2;.'?4'4, 2:341^. _ ^ ... . Porter's Bay" Filly, by Skiiiklc's Ilamblctonian. K. Porter, Davenport, la., May 14, 1878, ^ao. Shnmbergers rn f. 1 :30. "l :30. Four-vear-olds, Half-mile he.ats. Same dav. $.50. Bal)v, 1 :2,5. l :25. Half-mile heats ,, t>- * o» i !»,« «-»„o-.« Portia, ch m (3-35). Rochester. Minn., Sept. 1, 1880, $ . Dyer 2. Hattie V., Preston St:ir. Little Queen, .Iulietta(l(iis\2:38. 2:40. 2:38'i. 2:.18. „,,,„.„„ „o n ,«i - Sept. 2, 1880. $ . J. G. Walker 1. (^.olden Star, Mambnno Eclipse, 2:42^ 2:.« 2:38. 2:.?9V6 Portia, ch m (3:39U), by Startle, dam Lady Petteo, bv a son of Toronto Chief .1. H. May. Mystic Park, Boston, June 14. issi.ii.soo. Nelly W.. J. H. Gould, Vladimir, George A., Patch. Gen. Custer. Boss Fear- ii;ui;,'hl, .Mary 15. iJdD, 2:31^, 2:33iii, 2:32?4. ' , „ „„ ^ .^^ _, ^ Portigne. br m (3:45).' by Old Joe. P. Smith, Decorah. Ta.. June 14 1876, $100. Clara B., Pilot of the West, Daisy Dean (2 dis). Mamhrino Cornet (1 dis). Breezed dis). 2:45,2:46'/,, 3:04. , „ . Portland Boy. b g (3 :43). J. Russell, Portland. Me., July 4, 1866, $250. Andy Mulligan, Billy Morris, Croton. 2:42,2:44, 2:42. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 573 Portland Girl (3 :00). C. E. Stevens, Portland, Me., July*. 1870, $ . Fanny, Mack. Best time, 3:00. Port Royal, b g (3 :40i^), by Hanibletoniiin, dam Jenny, by Saltnini. Dan I'liter. Fashion Course, L. I., June 30, 1863, $L',000. Jessie 2, 2:41V^o, 2:40, 2:-10'2, 2:41. ■ —John Miuchin, Goshen, N. Y., Sept. 7, 1864, .?!75. Memuon, Sally Highani. Stranger, 5:31,5:45. Two miles. (s) J. S. Edsall. Sept. 7, 1865, $15. Competitors not named. 2-AS14, 2:50. W. I. Underbill, Newburgh, N. Y., June 14, 1866, $75. Hasbrouck's gr m. Idler, 5:29, . Two miles. Port Washington, ch g (3 :38?i). J. Rogers, Falls Village, Conn., Sept. 1, 1873, $60. Lady Newton l, Stone- cliffe, Kitty Burns (2 dr), 2:41, 2:45,2:46i^, 2:48. Sept. 12. 1873, $175. Wiltwick, 2:52, 2:46, 2:46'4. W. G. Gilbert, New Haven, Conn., Oct. 15, 1873. $800. Miss Burke 2. Albert, Dolly Varden, Yankee Girl (2 dis), X X (1 dis), 2;,3894. 2:38i4, 2:4014, 2:41}^. Poscora, rn g (3 :51). E. L. Harris, Watertowi, N. Y., June 30. 1866, $20. Frank Smith 3 {.i 0), 2:51, 2:56, 2:57, 2 :47, 2 :55. Poscora Hayward, gr s (3:33' i), by Billy Hayward, dam Lady Poscora J.Buckley. San Francisco, Cal., Aug. 17. 1877, .•J300. Belle Davis (2 0), Gracie D.. 2:44, 2:43. 2:42(2, 2:42?^. Three-year-okls. A. Newland, Sept. lo, 1878, $600. Belle Davis, Gypsy Huntington, Bessie (l disj, 2:34, 2:35, 2:38. Four- year-olds. Sacramento, Cal., Sept. 18, 1878, $600. Belle Davis. Bessie (3 dis), 2:37 2:39. 2:39'2. Four-year-olds. W. D. Hammond. Santa Cruz, Cal.,. Aug. 19, 1882. $500. Frank Moscow, Blackmore, 2:31, 2:28}^, 2:29?4. Newland & Pumyea, Aug. l, 1883, $500. Frank Moscow, 2:30, 2:31, 2:29*^ Aug. 4, 1883, $500. Starr King 2, 4, 2:34-'i. 2:3014. 2:30%, 2:29'2, 3:34'2. Oakland. Cal., Sept. 5, 1883. $750. Magdallah 2, 5 (30), Del Sur 1 (3 dis), 2:25'^, 2:26'4, 2:27, 2:28}^. 2:29 2:27'/2, 2:25. Post, chg (3 :38). D. Post, Lebanon, Pa., Aug. 19, 1881, $300. Hambletonian Chief 2. Billy Button Little Knox, Cortland Boy, Lady PathflndiM-. 2:41,2:43. 2:41. 2:40. Oct. 20,1881, $2.50. Billy Button. Lady Pathfinder, Little Knox. Hambletonian Chief, 2:41, 2:,38, 2:39?^. Postal Card, b g (3 :00). Pullman Brothers, Olean, N. Y., Oct. 1, 1879, $25. Brown Nelly 1, Bay Billy, 2:59, 3:00, 3:05'.2. Post Boy, b g (3:40\ George Edwards, Boston, Mass., Oct. 23, 1843, .$400. Dying Sargeant 1, 2:49, 2:40, 2:44,2:45. Nov. 1 , 1843, $500. Forest Maid, 2 :45, 2 :43, 2: 41. Post Boy (3:49). O. W. Dimmick, Chicago, 111., July 30, 1858, $100. Stranger 3, Chicago Chief. 2:50. 2:54, 2:,59 Post Boy, b g (3 :31Viw). Hiram Woodruff, Union Course, L. I., Oct. 5, 1859, $.500. Mary Irving 1, 4, 2:41'/2, 2:42, 2:39, 2:37,2:38. Post Boy. b g (3:37). R. Elting, Orange, N. J., Aug 3, 1867. $ . Brown Jack 1, Tom Wonder, 2:34, 2:37 2:44, 2:44. Port Jervis, N. Y., Oct. 4, 1871, $200. Frank Pago 1, 2, Bob Ridley, Major Smith, Senator Mitchell, 2:47' 2, 2:48'4 2:44 2:44?4. 2:56. Post BoKblk s (3 :53).' F. Cole, Niles, Mich., Sept. 23, 1868,.$ . Jack Shepherd, Black Prince,i!:02, 2:57, 2:55. Stallions. Buchanan, Mich. Oct. 3, 1868, .$25. Billy Hatch, 2:58, 3:07. Post Boy, grg (3 :54J4). S. B. Woodman, Beacon Park. Boston. Oct. 30 and .31, 1873, .$300. Brown Jack 4, (5 0), (6 0), Royal Charley (5 0), (6 0), Commonwe.alth 3, (5 dis). Smuggler (3 dr), 2:54^4, 2:.54'2, 2:.58. 2:59. 3:01, 3:0O» 2:56. May 5, 1874. .$200. Smuggler (1 dis), 3 :0l. Post Boy, ch s (3 :33i4), by Magic, dam Ned, bv Berkeley's Edwin Forest. L. T. Lewis & Co., Georgetowu, Ky., Aug. 20, 1875, $200. Consol 2, 3 (4 0). Croxie, Tom Stamps (1 dis), 2 :44, 2:43"2, 2:39. 2:47^, 2:45?i, 2:51J^. Three-year-olds. Dingman & Snyder, Cynthiana. Ky., July 5, 187G. .$500. Belle Curtis 1 (4 dis). Ladv Patchen (4 dis), 2:33?i, 2:34^, 2: .37, 2:46' 2. Four-year-olds. \VT H. Wilson, Cincinnati, O., July 4. 1877, $1,000. Little Wonder 2. 3. Keene Jim 4. 5, Romance, Belle Curtis (5 dis), Martha Hilton, (5 dis), 2:.31i/s, 2:31, 2:30. 2:30. 2:31. 2:.3,''). 2:47. Fivp-vear-olds. Hartford, Conn., Sept. 19 and 20, 1877, $750. Chieftain l, 5 (6 0), Happy Thought 2 (4 dr). 2:29''4,2:.3l5^, 2:3114, 2:313^,3:31 '4. 2:.32"2, 2:.'',254- Five-year-olds. Macy Brothers, Lexington Ky., June 19, 1878, $500. Orange Girl. Romance. Fannv Robinson. 2:24^4, 2:271^,2:29. Oct 12, 1878, .$500. Glendale 2, 4 (5 0), Orange Girl, (4 dr). 2:3314, 2:31. 2:33".. 2:31'i. 2:.36. 2:.38'<;. Oct. 16 andl7, 1879, $700. Von Arnim 1, 2, Deck Wright 5. Dick Tavlor 4. John E.. 2:23,2:2314, 2:23^4, , 2:29, 2:24 'i,2:24!4. Frankfort, Ky., Sept. 23, 1880, $250. Blanche Amorv, Largesse. 2:29, 2:27. 2:25. Louisville, Ky., Oct. 8 and 9, 1880, $800. Alcantara 1, 5( 60\ Silverton 2. So So 4. Convov, Leontine, William H., (4 dr). Lumps (4 dri, 2:23, 2:23M, 2:2314, 2:24. 2:24'/2, 2:26i4, 2:2314. 2:24. Lexington, ity., Oct. 14, 1880, $700. Robert McGregor 3 4, Minnie R., Lumps, Hambrino Belle (4 dr ). 2 :40, 2:41,2:3.51^ 2:34%, 2:38. Cleveland, O., July 28, 1881, $1,000. Amber 3, Calmar 1, Una (4 dis). Mistletoe (4 dis). Granger Pete (4 dis). Rip Rap, (2dis), 4:.52'4.4:52^, 4:56i/2, 4:56. Two miles. Utica, N. Y.. Aug. 18, 1881, $1,000. Amber 2 (3 0), Gray Chief, Una, Wizz, 4:57, 4:56^, 4:55, 4:54. Twa miles. Lexington, Ky., Oct. 7, 1881, $500. Lumps 1, Blanche Amory, Magenta (4 di.s), Wait a Bit (3 dis), 2:26i4, 2 '27 2 "29 2 "27. — Falinoutii. Kv., July 4. 1882, $ . Keno, 2:39. 2:37?i, 2:2,51^. ■ — — Richmond, Ky., Aug. 8, 18s2, $100. Catchfly, 2:.37?i, 2:37'2. 2:49'4. Falmouth, Kv., Sept. 1.5, 1882, $200. Judge" Hawes 1, 2:29, 2:29. 2:28. 2:30i4- Post's Chestnut Mare, (3 :40). J. E. Post. Middletown, N. Y., Sept. 7. 1865. $40. Grav Bill, 2 :40, 2 :43. Post's Gray Gelding, (3:40'4). J. E. Post, Cortland, N. Y., June 25. 1863, .$300. Lady Douglass, Belle of Portland 1 (3 dis), 2:33"2, , 2:40'/2. Potomac, b s (3: 57). Huvck & Veazie. Alexandria, Va., June 11, 1864, $ . Lookout 2 (3 0), Burgundy, 4. 5 (3 0), Ridlev (1 dis), 2:58, 2:.52, 2:57. 2:58. 2:54, 2:58. Unfinished. Potts' Bay Stallion (3:56i4). E. B. Potts, Freehold, N. J., Sept. 15, 1875. $80. Corneal's b m. Ely's b m Ranger's b m (2 dr), 3:1.5, 3:00, 2:.56i^. Potts' Gray Stallion (3:34^). W. Potts, Orville, O., Oct. 11. 1883. $200, Sunshine 2. Hoosier Girl. 2:37, 2:.32i^, 2:35. 2:.34i4. Potter's Bay Stallion (3:39). C. T. Potter. Bath, N. Y., Oct. 30. 1868. $150. Livingston Mare, Lady Jane, 2:461^,2:47.2:4614. Poughkeepsie, br g (3 :47). Mr. Miller, Poughkeepsie, N. Y.. June 5. 1857. .$ . Sorrel Yorker, 2:5i. 2:48.. 2 :47. Poujfhkeepsie Bov (3 :43). Newburgh. N. Y.. July 8. 186R, $1.'>0. American Hny (3 dr). 2:42. 2:48. Poupore's RrownMare (3:10). Mr. Poupore, Pembroke, Can., Aug. 2, 188,3. .$ . Dacre, Billy M.ick. White's br c (2 dr). Best time, 3:10. 574 CHESTEKS COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. Powder (w) br g (2 .-43^). J. Crook, Siiu Francisco, Cal., March 3, 1857, $400. Glencoe Chief 3. Trade Wind' 2 :50. 2 AG, 2 :4.')Vs, 2 :50. ' "»"""'"«> George N, Ferguson, July l'2, is.';;, S-'.UX). Julia Aldrlcli. 1, 2:48, 2:47'/4, 2:46, 2:43Ji. (w) J. Crooic, Jan. 2.'f. 1858. SI.(KH). Kit Carson. Flora, .'j:J9' j, 5:31Vady Emma (4 dr), CapL Emmons (4 dr), Sidney Breeze (2 dn. Chester il disi "sau, 2-''qi/i 2:'J9-'.i. ■.•:.J0. ' " 72'^-^74. Mystic Park, Boston, June 10, 1877, $800. Queechy Maid, John Mebougall. Frank A. Belle of Worcester Annie E., .\aron, Ainanda, Arthur T., 2:'J9. 2::;o. 2:.32. ' Beacon Park, liostou, June \r>. is::, $800. Arthur T., Belle of Worcest^'r, Iron Age Frank A John McDougall (.3 dis), 2:30i;4, 2:30;'4. 2:29. ' Dover. N. H., June 22, 1877, $800. Queechy Maid, Belle of "Worcester, John IMcDougall, Annie E. (1 dis) 2:33j^, 2:34'2, 2:33}4- ' Poughkeepsie, N. Y., July 3, 1877, $300. Young Sentinel 1, W. H. Arnold. Silas Rich (4 dri. 2:325^, 2:30^, Utica, N. Y., Aug. 14 and 15, 1877, $2,500. White stockings 1, 2. Idol 4, Lady Snell, IMazo-Manie, Planter Amy B. (5 dr». 2:21, 2:22, 2:27'.>. 2:20. 2:21i4. 2:24. ' " * Mystic Park, Boston, June 2.3, 1878, $000. Richard 2, 4, Commonwealth, Result. 2 :24U. 2:24?4, 2:23^,2:25^, 2:26^.1. Dover, X. IL, July 2. 1878. S4no. Commonwealth 1, Banquo, 2:24=':£, 2-25, 2:30, 2-33. Hartford, Conn., July 12 and 13. 1878, S4oo. Banquo, Fanny Jefferson, Amy, 1 (3 dis), 2:22'2, 2-22'i 2-27W. 1:21Vz. >•/■-» —■ Plainville, Conn.. July 19, 1878. .S400. Result, Banquo. Amy (2 dis), 2:30i4, 2:2691, 2-29>4. Rochester, N. Y.. Aug. 9 and 10, 1878. $2,000. Adelaide 4, John H. l. Banqno 2, May Queen, 3 (6 dis). King Phillip. Lew Scott, Richard. Albemarle (2 dis), 2:249i, 2:22}^, 2:239ii, 2:22 2-22, 2-22 2-34^ Utica, N. Y., Aug. 17. 1878. .$2,000. Adelaide 2, 5, Richard 1, Lew Scott, John H., King Philip, Banquo {4dr). .May Queen (4 dr), 2:21.2:21 2:21, 2:21i4,2:23'n. 2:221^. Power's Chestnut Mare (2:46). J. H. Powers, Huntington, L. I., Oct. 20,1866. $200. Carpenter's b m 2:4f;. 2:47. 2:48 Pownell Mare, br m (2:32'i) John Rogers. Fleetwood Park, N., Y., Nov. 1, 1870, $500. St. Elmo, Eiuht Balls. Angeline. 2:38^. 2:35. 2:.35Vi. Dan Mace. Xov. 17, 1870. $2,000. Josephine, 2:34»/2, 2:38'4, 2:39^. Nov. 18, 1870, $1 .000. Jose|)hi'.ie ?, 2 :.34i4, 2 :31 . 2 :32V,, 2 :36. P. P. (w). rn g(2:53'i w). Wni. King, Philadelphia. Pa., Sept. 30, 1858, $50. P. T. Banmm 1,2, Gray Twi- light. Harry (w) (3 dis), Young Defiance (3 dis). Best time. 2:52^. Prairie Bird, b m f2 :34). Dr. Hicks. Keokuk, la.. Sept. 1, 1871, $100. Des Moines, Blind Tom (2 dr), 3:025^, 2:36. Davenport. la.. Sept. 8. 1S71. $120. Advent. 2:35. 2:34, . E. N. Fancher. .facksonville. 111.. Sept. 20. ]87t, $1,50. Ion (1 dis). Honest John d dis\ 2:3.5}^. J. L. D. Evcleslieimer. Milwaukee. Wis., June 12, 1875,$ . Black Ralph 1, Maggie G., Kitty R.. Lantern (3 dr). 2:47»4. 2:46.2:l7'i. 2:48K'- C, M. Cottrell. Sept. I2. Istt. $400. Dictator (2 dis), 2:40i4, 2:.5iu. Prairie Boy. ch g (2:34;,^). S. Anderson, Chicago, 111., July 11, 1857, $400. Ladv Palmer 2. 2:44V4, 2:45V4,2:49, 2A(iK. Sent. 10. 18-7. .?8.-)0. Young Ripton 3 f4 dis). 2:48. 2:39. 2:38. 2:42, Oct. 10. 1857. .S.500. Chieftain (3 0\ 2.;57i.i, 'ZA\'>:i. 2:41i4. 2:41. fw) Oct 26, 1857. .?600. Y;ilil4. Sept. 7, 1S60, $100. Coy)perhead, pacer. Best time, 2:43. Kalamazoo. Mich. .Sept. 12. 1860. .$.50. Ben Fr.anklin. Pomps Jenny. 2:40. 2:39Vi. Prairie Bov (2 :43). C. M. Harnev, Sjiringfleld. 111., Sept. 26, 1878, $200. Clipper, Emma Coons. Black Bes3, KatvT.."Linkum Boy (2 dis(. Gr'e:it Western (1 dis). 2:43. 2:43 Sept. 28. 1878. .$200. Sleepv Bill. Crumb f3 dis). 2:4.5. 2:43. 2:43. Prairie Buclt. b g (2 :41^). Col. Wanless, Denver. Col.. Feb. 20. 1869, $1,000. Wasp. 2:5954. (Wi Oct. 2.-!. 1869. $1..50O. Col. Webster iwl 3 (4 0). 2:48. 2:524, 2:48, , 2:45. Oct. 29. isr.o. .$.500. Ship Timber, 2:41 ■■'4. 2:4m. 2:43?i. Prairie Chief (Executor), b s (2 :26). by Administrator. S. W\ Strell, Montgomery City. Mo.. Sept. 29, 1882, $200. Carrie K.. 2:44.2:31. 2-Af>%. Prairiellen. bm (3:15). H. B. Haley. Auburn, N. Y., Sept. 28, 1866, $.30. Fire Clay 1. 3:16. 3:23^, 3:15. Three-ve;ir-olds. Pr,Tirie Hen, b m (2 :50i4). H. C. Bishop. Goshen. N. Y.. Jidv 5, 1869, $25. Luckless (2 0) (3 dr). 2:50;4.2:54^, 2:.-6. Prairie Maid, rn m d :52^). T. Dnvis. Centreville, L. I., June 1,5. 18,53. $200. Cream Pony. 2:.55. 2:.52V4, Prairie Maid, ch m (2 :.'>8i.^). J. C:i:rn Simpson. Chicago, 111., July 1. 1864, $700. Boston (1 dis). 2:.58V^. Prairie Maid, ch m (2 :56K.). J. Young, Louisville, Ky.. Aug. 14, 1866, $100. Molly Mitchell 1 (2 dis), 3:03, 2:.5fii; Prairie yiieen, br m r2:4«\ Messenger and Beltrer. Collinsville, Conn., Sept. 26, 1883, $100. Majorl.Nattie Bunco. Nellv B.. Firetown Girl. 2:51 9i(, 2:52. 2:53K. 2:,503(. Southington, Conn., October 10, 1883, $200. Belle of Bristol, Fanny, Charley Baxter (1 dis), 2:61^, 2:4«, 2:51. _ Preacher, ch g (2 :47). Geo. N. Ferguson, San Francisco, Cal.. Nov. 16, 1855, $260. Black Knight 1, Whale- bone, 2 :57, 2 :54, 2 :51. 2 :54. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING IiECORD. 575 Prescott (2:461^). H. W. Brown, Ogdensburgh, N. Y., Sept. 30, 1874, $125. Ladv Jane, 2:47, 2:46'/2, 2:47. Presidentt^s), bg(2:44i^) (3:48Vi s). C. Davidson, Jersey City. N. J., July, 15, 1882, $100. Victor, 2:42/2, 2:501^,2:421/2. Preston, dn g (3:381^), by Geo. Washington, dam by Yellow Jacket. W. H. Doble, Pouglikeepsie. N. Y., Aug. 4. 1875. $1,500. Proctor, Amelia U., Tom Moore. Drummer Boy, Kate Hughes, I Guess So, Chauncey M. Bedle, George H., Willy, Lumberman (2 dr), 2:32, 2:32, 2:28V2. Preston Star, b s (3:44), by Star of the West, dam a lAIorgan mare. J. O'Brien, Preston, Minn., May 23, ISTS. Sioo. Emma G., Kit. Night Hawk. Sam Jolly (3 dr), 3:09, 3:04^, 3:05. June 24, 1879, $ . Little Mink. 2:45, 2:44. 2:48:'4. Tune 1, 1881, $100. Jack of Spades 2, Cap Capron 3, Elmer, Invincible Frank, 3:02, 3:15, 3:15>c, 3:00,3:00, Preston Wilkes, blk g (3 :34'2), by Wilkes' Spirit, dam Glencoe Maid. E Hurlbert, Lee, Mass., Sept. 13, in^o $ . Jenny Grav .'?, 4, Jersey Bov, Minnie (1 dis), 2:40, 2:40. 2:44, 2:41, 2:43. Great Barrington, Mass., Sept. 27, 18S3. $155. Dexter H. 3, Frank Gilman, 2:38. 2:34}/', '^'M. 2:Z9h- Pretty Boy, br s ("3:40), by Pataskala, d;im Flory Morgan, bv Vt. Blackhawk. Samuel Barton, Staten Island, N. Y., July — , 1871, $.500. Ellis' b m. 2 :40. 2:40. Priceless (w), b m(3:56 w). Mr. Price, San Francisco, Cal., Feb. 11, 1871, $400. Kate (w) 1, 3:15'/2, 3:04, 3:04'4. 2:56. Pride, brm (3:3314), by Buccaneer, dam Lightfoot. by Tinsley's FlaxtaiL M. W. Hicks, San Francisco, Cal , Nov. 13, 1882, $- — . Neluska 2. Lilly Nutwood, 2:43'?, 2:35^4, 2:33i4. Two-year-olds. Pride of the Bay. dn g(3 :3314)- P- A. Finnegan. Sacramento, Cal., May 26, 1869, $300. Regulator 1, 2:31, 2:331/2,2:3514,2:3714. Prinio ch s (3-45). E. B. Mason, Des Moines, la., July l, 1880, $300. Charles G. Hayes 4, G, Fox 1, 2, Kitty Davis, Manitoba, 2:48'/2, 2:53i4. 2:45, 2:50,2:45, 2:45. Primrose. (3:50). Dr. Morton, Holland Landing, Can.. Oct. 26, 1858, $30. Black Tom, (iray Eagle, 2:56,2:58, 3:10. Oct. 27, 1858. .$ . Billy Roe, 2:.50, 2:58, 3:15. Primrose, br m (3 :33i4). F. Smith, Monroe, Wis., Sept. 30, 1876, $ — . Silverheels 2, Lady Dodge, Lex (2 dr). 2:.39^, 2:45, 2:40, "2:42. Primus, b s i3:34U). bv Marshall Chief, dam bv a son of Young Messenger. Dr. Hayes, Detroit, Mich., June 20, 1863, $2,000. ' Dollv Dutton, 2:45i2. 2:45, 2:44. Primus, b g (3 :39i4). A. J. Peek. Phffiuix, N. Y., Oct. 4, 1883, $100. Kitefoot 2 (3 0), Frank Behm. No time. Prince, ch g (3:3614 w). by Woodpecker. R,Ten Broeck, Ceutreville, L. I., Nov 1, 18.53, $10,000. Hero, naeer, 35:18. Ten miles. — Hiram Woodruff, Union Course, L. I., Nov. 11, 18.53, $6,000. Hero, pacer, 20:08"2. Ten miles. (w), James D. McMann. Sept. 15, 18.57, v$5.000. Lantern (w), 7:, 531^, 7:,55. Three miles. (w). Sept. 22, 1857, $5,000. Lantern (w). 5:121^, 5:14. Two miles. Prince, gr g ("3 :54). C. R. Cole. St. Paul, :Minn.. June 7, 1858, .$.50. Ladv Jane, 2:.59, 2:58, 2:.54. Prince, wh g {2:55U). J. C. Cudnev. New Orleans, La., Feb. 18, 1860. $150. Grav Eagle. Long John, Chal- lenge, Vic. 11 :44i4, 11 :42i4. Four miles. Prince, blk s (3:43). A. C. Fisk. Detroit, Mich.. Aug. 11. 1860. $ . Royal Oak, 2:45, 2:13. Stallions. Prince, b g (3:53). D. M. Ogden, Middletown, Conn.. Julv 28, 1860, $ . Charley, 3:02, 2:56. 2:52. Prince, b g (3:34ii), by L. I. Black Hawk. John S. Stevenson, Cleveland, 0„ Sept. 6, 1860, $100. Stephen A. Douglass 3 (6 df), Yankee Tom 1. 2 (5 dr), 2:.38. 2:.36, 2:39, 2:40. 2:45, 3:10. Albion, N. Y., May 16, isei, $100. Red Bird l, 3 (5 0) (6 dr), Belle of Saratoga (3 dr), 2:.38i/2, 2:36.2:36,2:38, 2:.37'o,— . Buffalo, N. Y., Aug. 17, 1861. $1.50. Royal George 4, 5, Belle of Saratoga l (3 dis), 2:32, 2:33, 2:32, 2:32, 2:32, 2:. 35. Aug. 28, 1861, $100. Royal George, 2 :34i/2, 2:35?4. 2 -M^. Sep. 20, 1861, $100. Royal George, Belle of Saratoga (3 dr), 2:39^, 2:30, 2:30. Detroit. Mich.. Sep. 25, 1861. .$200, Harrv Neal (2.0). Bolly Lewis. 2:30. 2:28, 2:31, 2:31^- Buffalo, N. Y., June 27, 1862. .$200. Royal (Jeorge 1 (2.0) (3 dis), 2:30, 2 :34, . Hartford, Conn., Oct. 18, 1862, .$300. Lancet, Draco 1 (2 dis), 2:30, 2:,31. 2:3114, 2 :29J£. Paterson, N. J., Oct. 31, 1862. $150. Native American. 2:34, 2:36i^, 2:3414. Norris Holcomb, Westfield, Mass.. June 9, 1863, $50. Chicopee, Brignoli. 2:51. 1:r,2\4. H. C. Beckwith, Hartford, Conn., Sep. 10, 1863, $300. Lady Sheehan, Nelly Holcomb, 2:33^, 2:32, 2:32. Sep. 16. 1864, $1,000. Sorrel. Dan, 2:41%, 2:4054, 2:39?4. Dan Mace, Fashion Course, L. I., Sep. 21, 1864, $2,500. Gen. Butler 1, 2, Lady Emma, John Morgan (4 dis), 2:27i2. 2:27, 2:28'., 2:30!4, 2:30^. H. C. Beckwith, Providence, R. I., Oct. 5, 1864, $1,000. Lady Emma, 2:31, 2:32. 2:30J4. R. Toby, Springfield. Mass.. Aug. 30, 1865, $ . Le Fleur's Entry, 2:47%, 2:4754, 2:47. Palmer, Mass., Oct. 11, 1865, $ . Fearnought, 14:34. Five miles. Mr. Whitehouse, Pouglikeepsie, N. Y., May 28, 1867, $ . Kate, 5:16?4, 5:19. Two miles. T. Dean, Pittsfleld, Mass., Aug. 22, 1868, .$400. Johnny Reb. Moscow Boy, Plympton, 2:4514, 2:385/5. 2:3854. Prince b s (3 :53). Mr. Mendenhall, San Francisco, Cal., Dec. 16, 1862, $900. Young Signal 1, Young Vernon 2, 2:.54, 2:.59. 2:.57. 2:.55. 2:.53. Prince b g (3 :48). H. Brew. Nashville, Tenn., July 26, 1865, $1,000. Flynn's Entry 1 (2 dis), 2:4554. 2:48. Prince br g (3 :50i4). G. Wilson, Hamilton. C. W., Aug. 29. 1866, $50. Maid of Guelpb, Dan Pierce, Prince Charley, Black Ralph (2 dis). Lady Miner (l dis). 2:5314, 2:.5054. 2:.52i'2. Prince (3 ;43i4). New Haven, Conn., Sep. 28, 1866. $ . Jim Larue (3 dis), 3:02. 2:59. 3:00. Prince b g (3:41). A. E. Covill, Taunton, Mass., Sep. 17, 1868, $45. Dore's ch g, Nell Gwynne, Butcher Boy, Dean's b m (2 dr), Hiram (2 dr), 2:47. 2:47, 2:49. M. Carroll. Springfield, Mass., Aug. 24, 1869. $500. Authentic, Fanny Fern, Palmyra Maid, Dexter Girl, Stowell's br m. Reamer's ch g, Paul Pry, Nelly (t dis), 2:42, 2:43, 2:41. Boston, Mass., Aug. 30, 1870. $100. Rosa, Butcher Girl. Bobby, 2:51. 2:51%, 2:54^4. Prince (w) ch g (3 :3 7), bv Jupiter Abdallah, dam by imp. Trustee (?). Hiram Woodruff, Union Course, L. I., Sep. 19, 1864, $1,000. Doul)le Team (1 dis). 2:43. M. Roden. Troy, N, Y.. Oct. 28, 1869, $1,200. Lydia Thompson I, 2, Lola Montez, Twilight, Ella Cole, (1 dis), 2:36, 2;3714, 2:38, 2:38' 0, 2:34. Fashion Course, L. I., Nov. 22, 1869, $500. One of Two 2 (4 dis), 2:52i4, 2:51%, 2:43i4, . Union Course. L. I., May 3, 1870, $.500. Eastern Queen (w), 2:38i4, 2:.39%. J. L. Doty, Boston, Mass.. May 9, 1870. $2,000. Hickory Jack 1, Patchen Chief, Dot, Fanny, Cuyahoga Maid, Tom Keeler, Dew Drop, 2:33, 2:3354, 2:35,2:35. M. Roden, Providence, R. I., June 24, 1870. $2,500. Dew Drop 1, Hickory Jack 4, White Fawn, Dot, Patchen Chief (5 dr). 2:3114, 2 :32i^, 2:3414. , 2:.3.3i-i. Fleetwood Park. N. Y., June 29, 1870, ,$2,000. Dreadnaught 1, White Fawn, Hickory Jack, Moody (3 dis), Col. Fisk (3 dis), 4:59U. 5:05, 5:04. Two miles. Troy, N. Y. July is", 1870. $2,000. Belle Strickland 1. 2, Ed White 6 (5 0). Western New York, Dread- naught. Fanny Lee, Lady Sheridan (5 dr), Tete Mathews (5 dr), Byron (3 dis), 2:32, 2:.3l%. 2:31}^, 2:31,2:30J^, 2:305^,2:32. ^ , „ Prince, ch g (3 :45i/2). Moses Dolan, Hartford, Conn., Sept. 14, 1864, $60. Lady Noe, 2 :45J^, 2 :46i4. 676 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TRCJTTING AND PACING RECORD. Prince, gr g (3 :37'i). Dan Mace, Fashion Course, L. I., July 23, 1870, S500. Butciior Roy 1, 2 (4 dr^ 2 37'/4 2:46^. i;:371t8, 2:41. ."o./,. Prince, bg (2:60;. H. Zibble, Monroe, Mich. July 2, 1870, § . Moscow, Ken.Me Jackson Eliza Jane 3:0«, 2:56. ' ' Prince, blk g (3:36>.i). Ren Mershon, Hosloii, Mass., Sept. 30. 1870, $4 2:,'i2. 2:471/., 2:19, 2:.M.2:.")2. ' " J' - ^ "lo;, Priii'.-c. b g (3:54). R. ('. Hill. AVoonsockel. K. L. Oct. 2, 1872, .'545. Ida, Frank. Nedard d dis), 258 2-59 L. Hrawley,NewRedl()nl. .Mass.. Oct. 30. 1872, SIOO. Draco, Firing Dutchman, 3:22. 3:01^,2 •58>4 Prince, bg (3 :41',4). J. II. Phillii)s. Newark. N, J., June 2.'), 1873, SI. -)0. (irand Central 3,% H. G. Cook liluestone Maid. Ledger (iirl, Billv, Ladv Pfifer (3 dn. Harry (2 disl, 2:41U. 2:4.">?4. 2:4.M.<. 2-46?i 2-45 I'rince, gr g i3 :.58). A. W. lirackett. Rangor. Me., Sept. IS. 1873. $100. Float 2. Tom PaTne, 3:00, 2'-54 2:58 Prince, grg i3:4.5). J. lialdwin. Orrville, O.. Oct. 16, 1874, $,50. George 3, Kate 1, Prince, No Name Ladv Lightfoot(ldis), 2:47, 2:4.-,, 2:45j/4. 2:49. 2:4auy Prince, SI) g (3:37^.1 ). by Black Prince. James Hazelton, Laport, Ind., June 23, 1874. $300. Fred Snracue West Lil)erty, Riiffalo Bill. One Eved Riley 1 (4 dis\ 2:43'i, 2:40, 2:40, 2:43?4. t»'«P"';. 0. J. Fuller, Nashville, Tenn.. feept. 17, 1874, $200. Altainont (3 dis). Octoroon (2 dis), fBav Woodford (1 dis), 2:.i8'c. 2:42i4, -':.;7. R. M. Anderson. Ev;iiisville, Ind., Sept. 24, 1874. .$300. Tom Gardner, Arlington. Ernest, Tom Dver (Idis). 2:42, 2:39, 2:441-.,. Camliridge City, Ind.. Oct. 21. 1874. Sl.ooo. ,Iohii W. Hall 1. 4, Mambrino Walker, James L., St. Law- rence, Rattler. Kitty, ^'alley Maid, Mary Taylor, Hudson (1 dis), Nelly Grant (1 dis). Ella Clay (l dis), 2-36 2:33»^, 2:;;4. 2:37';, 2:341.1. G. A. Nash. Indianapolis, Ind., Nov. 4. 1874, $100. Moss Rose, John B.. 2:41, 2:.S9''i. 2:38^. • G. J. Fuller, Chic:igo, 111.. July .5, 1875, $1,000. Huckleberry 1, 3, Phil Sheridan. 'Fleta, Independence 2:28^:£, 2:.30i4. 2:2C'.i, 2:299^, 2:.31K.. Aug. 14, 187.5, $400. Phil. Sheridan, Ladv Griswold, Ladv Rvron, Young Magna. 2:2914. 2:28. 2:29»4. Mendota, 111., Aug. 18, 1875, $700. Phil Sheridan 1, Lady H. 2, Amy B., Lady Griswold, Scotland, Wild Oats (4 dis I, Young Magna (2 dis), 2:.30, 2:30. 2:28, 2:301^, 2:31.' — Aug. 21. 187.5, $300. Tanner Rov2, Lady Star, 2:.S4. 2:.30i4, 2:29, 2:28«^. (w), A. R. Cross, Fleetwood Park. N. Y*., Nov. 3, 187G, .$200. W. H. Derby (w) 1, 2:421^. 2:^5. 2:.33, 2:36. Prince, blk g (2 :45). Harry Sargeant, Brockton, Mass., Oct. 7, 1874, $150. George R., George, Farmer Bov. Billvd dis), 2:45,2:4614. 2:4(;K,. >= t, j, H. Marston, Barnstable, Mass.. Sept. 22, 1875. .'55,5. Sea Foam 3, Admiral, Dandy (4 disl. Best time 2:47. Sept. 19, 1877, $50. Dick 3 :01. 2 :4.514, 2:4814- Prince, b g (3 :48i4). William Brvan. Jersey Citv, N. J., Aug. 21, 1874, $100. Whetstone 5. Tom Berger 1, Silver Tail, Boy 2^3 dis). Four others. 2:51. 2":57'/2, 2:48^4, 2:51 '/a. 2:5514, 2:55. Prince, ch g (3 :54?.0. W. Carson, Point Breeze Park. Phila., Sept. 25, 1874, $ . Lucv. 2:58. 3 :04. 2 :,58V4. W^)odi)nry, N. J., Jnnel, 1875, .$100. OneEye, Sally, 2 :,59ii. 3:00. 3:01. Nearest to three minutes. • Point Breeze Pr.rk, Phila.. Julv 5. 1875, $200: Lillv. 3:02, 2:56'/2, 2:,5714. Prince, blk g (3:43'it. Charles Oliver, Little Rock, Ark., Oct. 17, 1874, $" — . Prince (l 0', Henrv, Ruck (1 0\ (4 dis), 2:47^.,, 2:42'-. 2:43. 2:47?il. Prince, b g (3 :.-.!). Mvstic Park, Boston, Oct. 21, 1874, $500. Jeff 1. Billy, Buckskin (4 dis), Lady Sinclair (3 dis), 2:.50. 2:41, 2:41. 2:52('^. Trince, b g (3:34). S. J. Hollinger, Deerfoot Park, L. I., Oct. 14, 1874, $150. Snowflake, Eastern Boy, Ladly I'owell, 2:46'-., 2:44'., 2:46. H. W. Howe, Nov; 4, 1874, .$,300. Matt Tanner 4, 6(5 0\ Pollock (1 o\ (5 0). Phil O'Neill Jr., Lena Case» 2:.'!6, 2:.34, 2:37, 2:36'., —,2:40, 2:3.514. D. Vanderberg.Amenia, N.Y., Sept. 16, 1875, $175. New Berlin Girl 1, Lady Wood. 2:36J4, 2:36?4, 2:37Ji, 2 :31\4. J'rince, ch g (2:.'il]/4,). G. W. Trainor, Los Angeles, Cal., Nov. 26, 1875, $400. Temecula Boy 1 (3 dis), Enter- prise (2 dis), 2:r>K. 2:511/4, 2:52. Prince. blkg(3:5l). C. Davidson, Jersey City, N. J., Sept. 18 and 20, 1875, $7,5. Harry W. 1. Lilly. Doctor, No Name, 2:.58, 2:.53, 2:51,2:.57. Prince, bg (3:43). T. Clifford, W.iukegan, 111., Sept. 30, 1875. .$2.50. Elnora 2, Lady Lynn, Mani.stee (3 dr), Frank (1 dis). Flora (1 dis). 2:46. 3:()0?4, 2:.58, 3:06. Prince, blk g(3:3«'2). Mr. Cavanagli. Albanv. N. Y.. Oct. 21. 187.5, $200. Lena (3 0). 2:46, 2-49, , 2:46^. G. Harner, .Inlv 7, 1876, $100. Johnny 3. Ada D. l, William H., Lucv (2 dis), Ariel il dis), 2:40".. 2:39'/,, 2:42^, 2:431.,, 2:44.' Prince, gr g (3 :45i4). E. J. Simpson. Sandy Hill, N. Y., Oct. 13, 1877. $7.5. Fred Lee 4. Minnie Lambert, War Eagle, Ladv McCorniack 1 (2 dis). Xo time. Milford.'Conn., Sept. 12. 1878. .$50. Ladv Goldsmith, 2:4.514. 2:491^, 2:.59. Prince, b g (3 :47>4). J. R. Judd, New Haven. Conn., Oct. 11, 1878, $75. Toothpick, Blacksmith Maid, 2:49'4, 2:49,2:47',. Prince, ch g (3:12). Mr. Hall. Bridgeville, Del.. Aug. 22. 1878, $ . D.an Martin. Pilot Bov. Frank (2dr),3:15, 3:12,3:1.3. " , Prince, bg (2:. "iO). H. Smith, Danvers. Mass., Aug. 8. 1878,8126. Belle Maud, Hiram Drew, Frank (3 dr), 2:60,2:51, 2:.5n. Prince, br g (3:OOi. R. Latham. Lincoln. III.. Aug. 30. 1878. .$90. No Go. Ed Mayo, Dick. 3:07. 3:00, 3:01. Prince, bg. Oil City, Pa., Julv 12, 1879. .$400. Kitty B. 1, 2 (3 0), Mike, O'Rlennis, Billy Sands (2 dr). No time. Prince, blk g (2 :Jj6). Petaluma, Cal., October 2, 1879, $ . Warwick I, Jim (2 dis), 6:2714, 5:,56, 5:.-0. Twa miles. ' Prince (Hay Prince), bg (9:r>l). P. H. Daniels, St. Johns, Mich., Oct. 11, 1879, $250. Young Buchanan 3, Lady Smith, Prairie Lily, , -^ — , 2:31. . Prince, b g (2 :4fl). A. Freeman, Waverlv, N. J., July 3, 1880, .$ . Deucalion. 2:47. 2:46. Prince, b g (3:4914). G. F. Stiles, lyowell. Mass., Oct. 28, I88I, $100. Henrv 1, 2, Baby Puzzle, Daisv Dean, J'^anny Prescott, Barber Boy, Ranger, Billv Allen. 2:52, 2:52, 2:53, 2:54, 2:50. CHKSTEK'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. OTI June 17. 1S82, $ . Babv, Dexter, 3:01, 3:04, 3:o2. July 6, 188L'. $50. Tempest 1, 5 (i 0), Barber Boy G (i clr\ Hastings, St. Jacob (4 dr), 2:49^. 2:4954, 2:64i-^ 2:49?4, 2:49i. 2:52^4. 2:54>.,. Prince, ell g (.3 :06). T. F. Midilleton, New Hunting Park, Phil., May 1, 1882, S . Blaciistone 1, 3:08, 3:06' 3:08. Prince, cli g (3 :00). C. H. Haven, Brookline, Mass., May 1, 1882. S50. Don 2. Dutcliman, 3:00. 3:02, 3:00, 3:00. Prince, br g (« :49'/2). J. Wetmore, Jersey City, N. J., June 8, 1882, .$100. Anuie G., 3:09, 3:02i^i, 2:59^4- C. Davidson, Aug. 31. 1882, § . Janes O. 1, Rosie (3 dri, 2:59J^, 2:49'/2, 2:55. 2:5!)'2. Prince, br g (3:00). G. Wakelle, Huntington, L. I., Sept. 28, 1882, $ — . Snowdrift, 2 (30),3:00i^, '2-M14, , 3:00. Prince, blk g(3:28), bv Royal Revenge, dam Ladv. G. F. Bucher, Oregon, III., Sept. 28, 1882, $300. Richwood 1, Resolute. W. F. Hayes, 2:43"^, 2:37i^, 2:38^.i, 2:43. Cedar Rapids, la., June 14, 1883, S;500. Tom Kirkwood 1, Freestone, Caledonia Chief Jr., Marsh Young, Flora P., Lady R.. Comanche Boy, 2:324, 2:31i4. 2:30^4, 2:32. Marshalltown, la.. June 21, 1883, $;500. Freestone, Tom Kirkwood, Flora P., IMarsh Voung, Conianelie Boy (3 dis), 2:284. 2:28^, 2:28\|. Oregon, 111., July 4, 1883, S600. Logan B. 1, Don Quixote, John Murphy. 2:3514, 2:40?i, 2:39, 2:37%. Davenport, la., Aug. 1, 1883, .$300. Waverley 1, 3, Mountain (iirl 4, Westuiont, Dr. Shepherd (3 dis), 2:31'2. 2:29'4, 2:30^4. 2:32"2, 2:32?4, 2:3334. M:ii|U()keta, la., Sept. 14, 1883, $350. Flora Belle 3, Widow Bedott, Stormer, 2:38%, 2:37. 2:38?i, 2:36. Oregon, 111., Sei)t. 19, 1883, $300. Flora llelle, Frank Baker. Kensett, 2;359i, 2:35y2, 2:359^. Cincinnati, O., Oct. 24, 1883, $1,000. Alarion 1, Index, iiike, Belle Wilson, Lew VV., Judge Parsons, Billy Ford, Commander, 2:29, 2:28, 2:281^, 2:28',. Prince, bgi3:3Gi;,). R. T. Mabbitt, Washington Hollow, N. Y., Sept. 19, 1883, .$ . Maggie, Lady Ham- mond, 2:49, 2:44i/i, 2:45, Sei)t. 20 and 21, 1883, $ . Modoc 5, 7, Frank B. 1, Queen Ray, 2, 4 (6 dr), 2:41, 2:40, 2:40, 2:40, 2:35'/2, 2:41, 2:40,2:40. Hudson. N. Y„ Sept. 2.5, 1883, $2.')0. Mollv Pitcher (2 0), Nixon, Dexter H., 2:50, 2:47i^, 2:47, 2:44. Cornwall, N. Y., Sept. 29, 1883, $200. TomG., Sweetbriar, Billy, Ben Franklin. Molly Pitcher, 2:40,2:3914, 2:3914. A. T. Booth, Danbury, Conn., Oct. 4, 1883, $200. Fenner 1, 2, Dr. Smith, Isoline, Breeze, Brown Jack, Gould, Topsy (l dis), Harry B. (1 dis), 2:;i2, 2:3794, 2:.37'o, 2:37^, 2:38. R. T. Mabbitt, Oct. .5, 1883, $200. Neighbor Ups 2, Dr. Smith, Bessie B., Hero, 2:.3Gi2. 2:39, 2:39, Prince, b g (3 :36). H. A. Davis, Hartford, Conn., June 13, 1883, $500. Backman Maid 1, Earl, Onward, Per- fection, Flora Jeffersou d dis), 2:26^i. 2:26, 2:28, 2:29. Prince, br g (3 :57). B. Dakiii, Newton, N. J., Oct. 3, 1883, $25. Sally Sweepstakes (1 dis), 2:57. Three-year- olds. Prince, blk g (3 :3l). F. Haight, Willimantic, Conn., Oct. 4, 1883, $250. Highland Win, 3, 2:33, 2::y5)4, 2:32?i, 2:31. Prince Alarm, br s, by Alarm, dam Lady Rogers, by Hambletonian. John J. Redick, Plattsmouth, Neb., Sept. 24, 1880, $25. Sharswood, Happy'Traveller, Duke Alarm, 1:40. Yearlings. Prince Albert, ch g (3 :50.) George Edwards, Cambridge, Mass., Sept. 11, 1840 $ . Richelieu, 3:01, 2:59, 2:50. Prince Albert, ch g (3 :33i4). A. P. Morrison, Providence, R. I., Oct. 13, 1868. $500. Belle 1, 2, Pearsall 4, , Starlight (3 dis), 2:34!4, 2:31J£, 2:34, 2:35i/g, 2:36ii. 2:37. Worcester, Mass., Oct. 28, 1868, $600. Black Harrv. Belle Merrill, John T. Rich, 2:3914, 2:41, 2:38. Prince Albert, (3:081^). J. Johnson, Galesburg, Mich.. June 10, 1870, .$ . Lady Champion (1 dis), Ben Doble (1 dis), Andy Johnson (l dis), 3:08i<.. Four-vear-olds. Prince Albert. A. A. Bolton, Barre, Mass., Sept. .30,'l870, .$ , Mandell's colt, Goodell's colt, 1:42}^, 1:48. Half-mile heats. Three-year-olds. Prince Albert, ch s (3:55%). H. D. Svdleman, Nor-wieh, Conn., Sept. 17, 1878, $35. Helen Mar, Black Bess, Planter, Gray Eagle (1 dis), 2:55%, 2:561^4, 2:56i'2. Prince Albert, ch s, by Royal Revenge, dam the Jim Hill mare. A. S. McKinley, Clinton, la., Oct. 2, 1879, $ . Jerry, 1. No time. Prince Albert, ch s, by Black Hawk. J. A. Wunder, Salt Lake City, Utah, Oct. 4, 1881, $ . Kehosh, Belle of Deseret. 2:0414, 1:45?4. Half-mile heats. Two-year-olds. Prince Albert, ch s (3 :00), by Al West. B. Swaggard, Brownsville, Mo., Aug. 20, 1883. .$175. Ben Swaggard, Midberry, 3:05, 3:00, 3:10. Prince Alfred, b s (3 :45). C. A. Bush, Cortlandt, N. Y., June 10, 1879, $150. Harris, Mary, Lady Sperry, Joe White, 2:45, 2:50, 2 :.50. Ithaca, N. Y., July 5, 1879, $200. Newsboy, Senator, Andy Johnson, Mary, 2:45, 2:45, 2:45. Prince Allen, ch s (3:361/2), by Honest Allen, "dam by Green Mountain Eagle. Wm. Sherman, Worcester, Mass., Nov. 1, 1865, $200. Jack Shepherd, 2:53, 2:46, 2:44. C. N. Howland, Sept. 22, 1870, $75. Black Diamond, 2:38, 2:47, 2:51. Milford, Mass., Sept. 26. 1871, $ . Jenny, Sleeny David, John Allen, 2:41 ?£, 2:.37?i. 2:4li^. Boston, Mass., May 17, 1873, $150. John Lambert 1, Honest Brock, Highland Maid, Louise, Lady Went- worth, 2:4014, 2:32, 2:3954, 2:39. May 21, 1873, $150. Lady Morris, Royal Mike, Mark Twain, Auburn Boy, Lady Wentworth, Dictator (3 dr), 2:361^, 2:34%, 2:35%. Natick. Mass., June 18, 1873, $150. .Jewell, 2:.53, 2:51i4, 2:56. Great Falls, N. H., June 20, 1873, $200. Belle Dean 2, Faunv. Frank Palmer, 2:36, 2:38. 2:405^, 2:43.' Boston, Mass., June 26, 1873, $500. Blanche 1, 2, Royal Mike (4 dis), Carthage Boy (2 dis), Sam Curtis (2 dis), 2:30i4, 2:27. 2:29, 2:261^. 2:29U. Amenia, N. Y., July 4, 1873, $1,500. Fanny Fern 5, Penobscot 1, 3 (6 dis), Abdallah (5 dr). White Fawn (4 dr), 2:;36i4, 2:35. 2:36i4, 2:41, 2:44, 2:.'?6%. Natick, Mass., Aug. 2, 1873, $100. Belle Brandon, 2:36, 2:37, 2:32. Aug. 15, 1873, .$250. Ben Starr 1, Fanny. No time. Prince Allen, b g (3 :37), by Ethan Allen Jr. D.J.Green, Sacramento, Cal., Sept. 16, 18T5, $600. Lon Whipple, St. Helena, Jupiter, Gus, Red Cross, 2:30, 2:30ii, 2:29i4. „ A. W. Gates, Sept. 18, 1875, $750. Lou Whipple, Sorrel Frank, American Maid, The Moor, Tom Morgan (2 dis). St. Helena (2 dr), 2 '291^, 2:30^, 2:.30. D. J. Green, San Jose, Cal., Oct. 7, 187.5, $500. Lou Whipple 1, 2, Fisher, Red Cross, Thomas H. (2 dr), .Jupiter (2 dr), 2:.33"2. 2:375^, 2:40^, 2:34^4, 2:38. San Francisco, Cal., May 25, 1876, $1,200. George Treat 1, Gold Note, Henry (4 dis). 2 :30, 3 :.32, 2:27, 2:30. Prince Arthur, blk g (3 :50). G, Martin, Montpelier, Vt., Sept. 18, 1877, $50. Maggie L. 1, Nelly, 3:05, 2:50, 2:54,2:50. Four-year-olds. • Prince Arthur, b g (3 :39), by Volunteer, dam a pacer. H.M.Hastings, Red Wing, Minn., June 6, 1882, •?2.50. Fleming Girl, Almont Boy, Frank Hull. 2:,39io, 2:41, 2:36U. Hastings, Minn., June 13, 1882, $250. Fleming Girl, Flora Befie, Frank Hull (3 dr), Almont Boy (2 dxs), 2:33, 2:29li,2:29. 37 fT8 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. June 14, 1882, $200. John Tliomas (3 0), Topsy, Black Prince, Sam H. (2 dr), Unro (2 dr), 2:3">4, 2:36^, 2:37, L':*!:'^. Grand Forks, D. T., June 27, 1882, $ . Flora Belle, John Thomas, Fleming Girl, Almont Boy, Capt. Tom (I disi. 2:34. 2:35ii, 2:J914. .June 2H, l««j, .* . John Thomas 1, Topsy, Capt. Tom, Black Prince (2 dis), 2:36?4, 2:33'i. 2:35, 2:37^. Minneapolis, Minn., July 3, issj. jjjOO. t lora Belle. John Tliomas, Almont Boy, 2:34i^, 2:333i, 2:30. July 4, 1882, $ . Topsy 3, John Thonuis (4 dr), 2:33, 2:34! 2, 2:30, 2:31 '/j. UochesliT, Minn., Sei>t. 4. I882, §200. Clumsy Fred. 2:32, 2:33. Prince Arthur, b l' (« :37'/2), by Western Fearnauglit. E. A. Parker, Minuftapolis, Minn., Sept. 5, 1882, $500. Hardie 3, Molly B., Lady Floren^'c. 2:30K>. 2:34'", 2:3.59i, 2:32'/2. Sept. 7, 1882, S500. Brown Wilkes. Molly B.. Borneo (1 dis), 2:27i4. 2:27'2, 2:29'/i. Prln-je Charles, ch g (« :38). Mr. Wilson, Hamilton, Ont., October 3, ISCU, $ . Maid of Honor 1,2:49, 2:5:'., 2:10. S. Willet, Attica. N. Y.. Sept. '23, 1874. S160. Harry Cl;iv. Tom Plunkelt, 2:4r), 2:40, 2:40. I). Kirkover, Buffalo. N. Y.. June 3. 1H7."., Sioo. .loi- .Miik-r. ,1. Hamilton, Gypsy Maid, 2:43?4, 2:42Ji, 2:42. .July .') and 8, 1875, $200. Mamhrino Nell .i, Biiy Jinimv. 2:39. 2:43, 2:39!^. 2:38. Prince Clay, b s (2 :37). by Andy Johnson. Charles Sherman. Cjinandalgua, N. Y., October 16, 1872, S.'iOO. Miller Boy l, 2, Lady Gray 3. Royal George, Nelly Myrtle, Charley W., K:ite PenJield, Ashland Maid (5 dr), 2:52, 2:51, 2:49"s, 2:49, 2:5.'-., 2:48. Corning. N, Y., Aug. 28, 1873, S200. Crazy Kate. Ladv Tnthill. Kensua Orphan, 2:47. 2:46(4, 2:4Gi^. O. Snooks, Bath, N. Y., June 16, 1874, S . Ohio (lirl 1, Fred Johnson, C. Havdcn. 2:45, 2:46, 2:46, 2:47. June 17. 1874. $200, Fred Johnson, Dolly V., Lady Tulhill. 2:4.5, 2:46, 2:4,5. VVatkins. N. Y., Julv4, 1874, $140. Col. Walker, Recluse, Kendall Henry, Norval, Dolly V., David Greer d dis). 2:42, 2:40, 2:40'i.. J. W. Odell, Towanda, Pa., Oct. 29, 1874, $275. Billy Pavor 1., Magee's ch. c , 2. 2:36. 2:37i4, 2:38}4, 2:38V4, ''E.'b. Galavin, Stoneboro, Pa., Aug. 17, 1876, $100. Kate ^Vhipple (3 dr), Kate Birch (2 dis), 3:03, 2:52, 2 :50. Greenville, Pa., Aug. 30, 1S76. $200. Ed. Brown, Joker, 2:50. 2:46U, 2:4.5. Parker Citv, Pa., June 19. 1877. $400. Little Roan 4, Fanny Alford 2, 3, 2:37, 2:38, 2:37, 2:40, 2:37, 2:4S.J Prince Kdward. blk g(2 :4694). H. T. Top, Auburn, N. Y., June 15, 1S70, $150. Gray Dick, Rubber, Snip, 2:49, 2:ir,U, 2:4814. Prince Edward (3:51). R. B. Lawrence, St. Johns, N, B., Oct. 7, 1874, $100. Flora, Maggie Wallace, 2:55, 2:51. Priace Edward, br s (3 :41'.;), bv William Welch. J. McConner, Ravenna, O., Sept. 27. 1883, $150. Bob In- gersoll. Toronto Chief, Doc. Ailams. Billy P. (3 dis). Netty (3 dr), 2:41'/j, 2:42i4. 2:45. Prince Elma, b s (3:.>8), bv Stenlien A. Douglas. Wankon. la., Sept. 22, 1882, $50. Ladv Hufschmidt, 1, 2, Nancy B., Ladv Brazell, Maud, 2:.08, 2:58';, 2:58, 2:59'o, 3:00 Prince George, ch s (3 -AO}^). E. K. Conklin. Doylestown, Pa., Oct. 7. 1870, $ . Boston Girl, No Name (2 dis), 2:40 K'. 2:41^, 2:41. Prince Hal, ch s, (3 :4:3), by Diamond. A. C. Scribner, Bangor, Me., June 25. 1873, $150. St. Elmo, 2:43, 2:46>4. 2:49. Prince Imperial (3:68). P. Martin, Farmington, Minn., Sept. 21, 1882,,$ . Kit, Belle Cook, Gray Prince, 3:()0, 3:00,2:58!^. Prince Imperial, b s (3:41%), by TTm. Welch, dam Flora Temple, bv One-Eved Ky. Huuter. W. F. Os- borne, Huntington. Conn.. Sept 2s, 1882, $1,50. Snowdrift. Prince, 3:00, 3:01, 3:05. .J. H. Lewis, Sept. 21 , 1883, $100. Wonder, Medium (.2 dis), Toronto Maid (2 dis), Samuel C. (2 dis), 2:445ii, 2:41^4', 2:44. Prince Jolin (w), gr g (3:31>4 w), by Bathgate's Norman. Dan Pfifer, Union Course, L. L, Nov. 26. 1856, $1,000. Maud (W), 2:394, 2:39. 2:37}^. Horace F. .Tones, .4.pril 12, I80O. $100. Post Bov, Sam Webster (2 dr), 2:39, 2:39, 2:36^4. (w). Mav 8, I8GO, $1,000. Post Bov(w), 2:31H. 2:33, 2:31i4. Phihulelphia, I'a., May 15, 1860, .$300. Po-st Boy, 2:33J^, 2:33?4', 2:38. .Mav 17. 1860, $400. Post Boy, Buzz. 2 :36'/2, 2 :35, 2:35'2. Union Course, L. I., Aug. .'iO, isao, $2,000. Native American 1 (4 dr). 2:39}^. 2:37. 2:33»4- Prince John brg(3:50%). F.M.Dodge, Palmer, Mass., Oct. 23, 1873, $12,5. Little Romp 1, Mizpah J, Molly PitPher, Nelly, Bassett. 2:50^4. , 2:r>0U, 2:51. 2:5114. Prince Kelly (3:41J^). P.Kelly, Albany, N. ¥., Oct. 26, 1882. $ . Ironsides 2, Lady Holt, 2:45, 2:.S9, 2:41'/i. Prince Lambert, bs (3:45). by Daniel Lambert. J. O. Fabvan. Mystic Park, Boston, Oct. 10. 1878, $50. Flageolet, Kitty Lambert. Dennis Kearnev, King Ethan, Kitty (3 (In, 2:45. 2:45. 2:45. Prince Middlet<.n, b g (3 :36) by Bay Mlddleton. H. Brown, Mar.shall, Mich.. Aug. 3, 1883, $300, Tramp Jr., 1, Mary C. 3, Anglin. Robin. Little Duke, Col. Gould, Harry Holt (5 dr), 2::;6, 2:36, 2:37, 2:37, 2:37. Flint, Mich., Aug. 31, 188.!, $300. Little Duke, Norris Bashaw, 2:40, 2:40?.{, 2:.39. Prince of Wales, Jr. br s f'J :48), W. A. Kendall, Sheldon, Vt., Sept. 8, 1875. $ . Butcher Boy 2. 3, Kitty 1, George, 3:10, 3:05, 3:00. 2:58. 3:00. 3:0,5. , ^. , Prince Royal (3:54). H. (i. Smith. Concord, N. H.. Sept. 24, 1872, $100. Much Ado 1, Yellow Girl. Avery Bov, 2 :.52, 2 :.54, 2 -.rAVi . 2 :57. Princess, b m (3:30), by Andris' Hambletonian. A. J. Daniels, San Francisco, CaL, June 15, 18.58, $2,000. New York, 2:32, 2:30; 2:31. J, L. Eoff. Jan. 3. 18.59, .^LOOO. Jim Barton, 5:17'i. 5:17. Two miles. (w) March 2, 18.59, $.36,500. Glencoe Chief (w), 29:109.i- Ten miles. March 3. I8.59. .$,5,000. Glencoe Chief, 29:16''t. Ten miles. Eclipse Course. L. I., June 23. 18.59, $.5000. Flora Temple, 5:02, 5:05. Twomiles. Princess, b m (3:37M). John Warren, Vallejo, Cal., June 25, 1869, $200. Alicia Mandeville l, 3, 2:40V4, 2:42 2'3714 ''"44 2'44''2 ^"S:in Francisco,' Cal., Sept. 21, 1869, $200. Lady Lancaster, Trim 1. 2(5dr),Tliree others (1 dis),2:39V4, 2:39U, 2:4014, 2:42»/,, 2:45. Nov. 24. 1869. .'^100. Calhoun 1. 4. Hiram Woodruff (3 dis). 2:41, 2:41 ?i, 2:37?4, 2:39?i, 2:43. T. J. Edmonson. Jidy 19, 1871, $10,000. Mountain Boy 1,2:49,2:41,2:42,2:44.1.^. , ^,„ ,. , „ .,, „ ,„, San FraTicisco, Cal., Oct. 26, 1871, $300. Peanuts 1, Hiram W oodruff. Black Ralph (3 dis), 2:41'4. 2:41V4, 2:.39. 2:40. Nov. 6,1871, $400. Kate 2, Peanuts 1, 2:4m, 2:.38'4, 2:41'4. 2:39?.i, 2:41. T.J. Edmonson, Feb. 5, 1872, $1,000. Mountain Boy 2, 2:47"2, 2:.55ii, 2:41'4, 2:43. ^ ^ . Princess. l)rm (3 :50), by Colftiler. D. Atherton, Bangor, Me., Sept. 17, 1873,100. Prince Henry, Lady of Lvons(2dr), 2:54, 2:.50. Four-year-olds. „.„ „ „„„,„,, ^ .... Princess, ch m (3:43J4). E. Spaulding, Portland, Me., Sept. 26, 1873. S300. Buffalo Bill 2.2:47>2,2-48U,2:45:!4, 2:4314. CHESTEIl'S COMPLETE TKOTTINt; AND FACIN(i RECOIID. 5T9 Princess, b m (3 :35), by Clarion, dam Queen, by Dick Keynolds. P. W. Hudson. Hartford, Conn.. Oct. 9. 1873, $200. Prince 1, Polly, Minnie. Sea Foam, Koau Tom, Uertrude. Butcher Boy, Honest Joliutldis), 2:55. L':.^:5, 2:54 '/2. Providence, R. I., Sept. 2. 1874,$2,iO. Fearless. Billy Stevens, \Vm. S. Briggs. Vick. 2:.39=j. 2:43,2:42!4. ■ Sept. 3, 1874, $200. Proctor, Harry Wbitford, Qtiarrynian, Jenny Andrews, Providence Maid (fdis), 2:47.2:471^,2:35. Hartford, Conn., Sept. 2.5, 1874. $.500. Addie Jefferson 2. Lady Bonner (l dis), 2:37'4,2:41, 2:40?i, 2:36i^. West Meriden, Conn., Sept. 23, 1874, $100. Jimmy Norton l, Sam Jettery, Sea Foam, 2:52, 2:53, 2 :53J4, 2:50. Rockville, Conn., Oct. 1, 1874. $50. Kittv Hills. (Jertrude, 2:41, 2:43, 2:41 J£. Sept. 30. 1875, S200. Kitty Hills. Little Romp, 2:39,4, 2:43, 2:4U. Pri-»ce.ss. (Fanny Raymond), bm (3 :aO). by American Etlian, dam by Long's Tornado. C. G. Frazer, Fred- irickton, N. B", Sept. 12, 1877, fl50. Lady Dinsniore 3, 4 (5 Oj, (.U dis;, Saco Boy, Flying Dutclimaii, 2:32,2:36, 2:37,2:34.2:30,2:35. Princess, blk m (3:484). Mr. Nash, San Benito, Cal., Oct. 16,1878, $50. Red Bird 3, 4, Clipper 2 (4 dis), 3:011/,, , S-.nU, 3:03, 2;59?4. 3:02. PrincesT*. (Lady Lucas) ch m (3:39"2), by Green's Bashaw. Armitt & McHenrv, Davenport, la., Sept. 9, 1880. :joo. Ham ble 2, Doctor Shepherd 1, May Queen, Luna, Nightingale, CoL B. (5 dr). Sultana (5 dr). Trumpeter Golddust (3 dr). 2:46. 2:45'S, 2:42, 2:41^o, 2:41i^. Princess, blk m (3 :39). by Dictator. John E. Turner, Point Breeze Park, Phila., May 17, 1881, $400. Effle 1. J. H. Gould, NellvW.,'2:3;i'2.2:34, 2:30, 2:29. Princeton, b g (3 ;34i.i), by Honest Alien, dam by Tornado. L. Haner, Oregon, 111., July 3, 1883. $200. Lou , F., Linwood, Sancho, Henry S. (2 dis), 2:43, 2-A2h, 2:46. iMr. Ballard, Woodstock, 111., Sept. 13, 1883. $200. Harold 2, Shepherd O., 2:41, 2:44?i. 2:42'^, 2-M%. Mr. Bellman, Goshen, Ind., Oct. 10. 18S3, $150. Harvey l, Aristos Jr., 2:37^4. 2:36, 2:34',e. 2:3414- Princeton Bov, (Billy (Graham), ch g (3 :38). by Vermont Hero. G. W. Loomis, Oshkosh, Wis.. Oct. 3, 1873. $150. Ladv'Franklin, Billv Mason. Flora (3 dis), 2:51. 2:57. 2 :48'/j. C. Looniis, Ripon, Wis.,' July 4, 1874. $ . Tommy Dodd. 2:46. 2:47, 2:47. Printer, b g (3 :43i4). S. Norton, Sinclairville, N. Y., Sept. 15, 1876, $150. Belle Martin 1, Jenny Lind, Sligo (4 dr). 2:44, 2:4'?»4, 2:44»'2. 2:45?i. Printer Boy. ch s (3:39). L. W. Hasselman, Indianapolis, Ind., Sept. 29, 1871, $500. Medoc, Chicago Belle, Cy Auger, Gentle Annie, 2:40, 2:41, 2:39. Pviscilla, b m (3:40i4). H.L.Williams, Topsham, Me., Oct. 12. 1882, $150. Fanny C, Fanny M., 2:40J4, 2:4314. 2:45?i. Privateer, b s (3 :055^), by Buccaneer. M. W. Hicks, Oakland, Cal., Sept. 17, 1881, $50. 3:11. To beat 3:17i2. Yearlings. San Francisco, Cal., Oct. 22, 1881. $ . 3:05Ji. To beat 3:11. Yearlings. Prize, b g (3:35). H. Woodruff, Mystic Park, Boston. July 12. 1876, $800. Jenny 1, Ashton Boy, Gentinella, Kate Sloan, Queen. Chief (4 dr), 2:361.*. 2-3.3. 2:36. 2:?.9. Beacon Park, Boston, July 20, 1876. $200. Jessie Templeton. Tartar. 2:36, 2:35?i. 2:3714. Proctor, b g (3 :33), by Mambrmo Chief Jr.. dam by Stubtail. E. B. Graham, Utica, N. Y., June 8, 1877, $1,000. Bonner 1. Mattie, 2':34*i, 2:31J4, 2:301^, 2:33. Richfield Spa, N. Y., July 4 and 5, 1878, .$200. St. Patrick! (4 0^, 2:42. 2:3rM. 2:40. 2:.36?i, 2:391-6. Proctor, brg (3:351/2). G. Cook, Marysville, Cal., Sept. 18. 1879, $500. Mulddon, Bessie, Maggie A., Belle Si)encer(2dis). 2:43, 2:42, 2:4114. Sept. 20, 1879, $600. Zero 2. Roanoke, Muldoon, Tule Duck. Bessie, 2:.%i4. 2:38, 2:42. 2:37i^. Susanville, Cal., Oct. 27, 1879, .$250. Belle Spencer, 2. Best time. 2 14314. Produce, b g (3 :00). E. Farman, Parker City, Pa., May 29, 1878, $400. Lottie 1. Vallev Queen (2 dis). Chance (2 dr), 3:00, 3:00, 3:01, 3:0114. Professor, ch g (3: 36'4), by Black Hawk Morgan. C. Blizzard. Chicago, 111., Oct. 2. 1873, $1,000. Marion, Netty Collins, Amy B. 2 (3 dis), Ida (2 dis), 2:3214. 2:35. 2:34. 2:38}^. G. W. Smith. Minerva, O., Oct. 2. 1874, $500. Silversides 1, 3, Hvlas, 2:39, 2:38i^, 2:38, 2:40, 2:36i^. Burgettstown, Pa, Oct. 7, 1874, $265. Lucretia Borgia, Frank Shaw, Gypsy Tom, Perry, 2:46%t, 2:45)^, 2:43'4. San Francisco, Cal., Aug. 5, 1876, $ . Dirigo, Billy Lucas, 5:05}4, 5:05}^. Two miles. Professor, b g (3:30?i). A. Johnson, Newport. R. I , July 10, 1883, $250. Ripple 2, 3, Frank W., Green Girl, Fanny D. (1 dis), 2:34, 2:38ii, 2:38i4. 2;.37. 2:.35"2. Bridgewater, Mass., Sept; 21, 1883. $250. Belle 1. 3, Galanthis. Eastern Boy, 2:39, 2:37. 2:.39. 2:.36?4. 2:39. Brockton, Mass., Oct. 6, 1883, $300 Fanny Irwin, 1, 2, Minnie Moulton, Galanthis (4 dr), 2:381^, 2:34, 2:34, 2:32Vi. 2:33. Professor Medium, b g (3:53). J. Hard. Norwalk, Conn., Sept. 11. 1883. $50. Lady Finch, Toronto Maid, 2:53 2:.55 2 "5.5 Promise, b'm (3':31Vi). G. W. Whittemore, Greenfield, N. H., Sept, 10, 1879. $ino. Dan l. Jenny W.. Prince, Little Mack (1 dis), 2:41 '-2. 2:41. 2:40, 2:40. A. Walton, Mystic Park, Boston, Oct. 15. 1880, $300. Watchmaker, Arthur, Detective Patchen, Prince, Ilka, Grocery Boy, Lady Sheridan. 2:31^;. 2:.33i4. 2:33H. Providence, R. I., Oct. 22, 1880, $300. Watchmaker 1, 4, Detective Patchen 3. Prince, 2:38, 2:37i4, 2:35, 2:3514,2:3814,2:39. Prompter,' b s' (3 :izii) by Blue Bull. M. W. Hicks, '^hico. Cal., Aug. 28, 1883. .$400. Tilton Almont 1, 2 (5 dis). Revolution, Challenge (3 dis). 2:39^4, 2:36i^, 2:33i4. 2:,37. 2:.37. Pronay, blk m (3 :50). A. Sprague, Norfolk, Va., Nov. 25, 1875, $200. Belle Boyd 3, 4, Nelly, 2:.55, 2:50. 2:.50^. 2:.51,2:.50. Propeller. (3 :01). S. Richards, Suffleld. Conn., Oct. 12. 1882. $ . Julia Wilkes. Twinkle. Best time 3:01. Prophet, hr g (3:33^^). D. (xannon. San Francisco, Cal., Jan. 4, 1877, $200. Bill Lucas 2, 5. Daisv 1,6, Frank, E. H. Miller, Gracie. ?:37i4, 2:36?i. 2:38i4, 2:37^. 2:.^9. . 2:38M. March 17. 1877, $150. E. H. Miller 2 (3 0), Billy Walker 1, Billy Hayward, Capt. Jinks (3 dis), 5:14i4, 5:10!4, 5:12, 5:15, 5:.37. Two miles. J. Cudnev. June 14, 1878. $ — . Eelle. Controller, Lightfoot (1 dis), 5:18?i. 5:16U. Two miles. Aug. 10, 1878, .? . Lilly White, 2:38. 2:.35i4. Aug. 23. 1878. .$100. Goldfinder2, 3, Havward Chief. 2:.37i/o, 2:.36i/o, 2:3.5?4, 2:.35. 2:.38i<<. Proserpine, b m (3 :00:. C, A. Denton, Springfield. L. I., Nov. 8, 1878. $ . Bedford Bov, 3:04, 3:00. 3:00. Prospect, b g r3 :33iO. D. W. Gillet. Dubuque. la.. June 7, 1878, $500. Lena Belle, Third Michigan, Kelly Davis 1 (3 dis). Deronda (1 dis), 2:46. 2:.53, 2:52. 2:.5n. Mineral Point, Wis., Sept. 4, 1S79. $ . Molly B.. Fanny O.. Lady O., 2:.50. 2:52, 2:51. W. R. Denton. Delaware, O., Sept. 7, 1881, $250. Flying Cloud, Elsie I., Tom Adams 1, 2 (3 dis), 2:33, 2 : 3414. 2 :32V4 2 :3r,i/j , 2 :.35. Prcspect, b s. R. Vaufehn. Chicago, 111.. Aug. 17. 1882, $200. Prospect. Baby Logan. No time. Prospect, b g (3 :40t. Bowling Green. O.. Oct. 5. i««2. $ . Nitrogen 4, Gayo 5, Ladv Lawrence 2 (5 dr). Slipper (3 dr). 2:40, 2 :.36L^». ■ Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Aug. 23, 1877, $2,500. May Bird 4, Frank l, Haiinis, Lady Pritchard. Lady Snell (4 dn, 2:20, 2:21!2, 2:20, 2:22V2, 2:22. — — I'rovidence, K. 1., Sept. 19, 1877, $1,000. John H. 2. Huntress 1, Lady Snell, Banquo (3 dis), 2:23k.2:21}i, 2:23'/2,'.J:27?i, 2:241/4. Protest, ch g (3 :52?i). J. H. Hacliett, Worcester, Mass.. Julv 3, 1874, $ . Reliance, Arabian Girl. Jim, 2:55^, 2:5294,2:57)^. Proteine, br m (2:18), by Blackwood, dam Sally Chorister, by ISlambrino Chorister. J. Steele. Lexington. Ky., Oct. 9, 1877, $(>0(). Pompey, Bushwhacker, Alice Keller. .Juggler, Administrator (1 dis), Lizzie H. U dis), 2 :32'/i, 2:29. 2:321^. Oct. 11, 1877. $600. Andy Mershon, Pompey, Drift (1 dis), Moily (1 dis), Lizzie H. (1 dis), Fanny G. (1 dis) 2:24, 2:2414, 2 :25?4 - Oct. 12. 1877, $600. Blanche Amory, Altaric, Red Crook, Birdie Boisseau, Bushwhacker, Fanny Stoner, Borak, 2:29V6, 2:26i;4, 2:28'2. Biggs & Oliver, Hudson, Mich., May 31, 1878, $250. Dictator 2, Alfred, Brown Dick (1 dis), 2:29H, 2:27?i, 2 :25 '.1 . 2 :27. Jackson, Mich., Juue 14, 1878, $1,000. Adelaide, Cozette, Mazo-Manie, Little Gypsy;(2 dis), Hopeful (1 dis), 2:31, 2:25,2:26»/4. Grand Riii)i(ls. Mich.. June 20, 1878. $900. Edwin Forrest 3. Mambrino Kate l. Lew Scott, Clifton Boy (4 dr), Calmar (3 dis), Sheridan (2dis). 2:28, 2:26, 2:26'/2, 2:25, 2:28)^. Cincinnati, O., July 4, 1878, $1,000. Lewinksi (1 0), Tom Keeler (1 0), Loafer, Magenta (4 dis), 2:29Vi, 2:27 2:28, 2:29^. ■ .luly 6, 1878, $1,000. Lew Scott, Calmar, Deception, Little Gypsy, Magenta (4 dr), 2:25>4, 2:2754, 2 '26^4 2 '27. ^ corumbus, O., July 12, 1878, $1,000. Midnight l, 2, Deception, John H., Adelaide {5 dis). Badger Girl (4 dr),2:20^, 2:24)^, 2:22, 2:24, 2:27. Toledo. 6., July 19 and 20, 1878, $1,800. John H. (\ 0), May Queen, Adelaide, Mazo-Manie, 2:22J£, 2:21, 2:21%, 2:21'/2 Buffalo, N. Y., Aug. 3, 1878, $2,000. Adelaide 2, Midnight 1, Richard, Carrie, King Philip, May Queen, Powers (5 dr). Albemarle (4 dn, 2 :18M,2:19?4. 2 :21W, 2 :20'/2, 2:1914. ,^ ,,,,..,., ,., „ ,. ... Rochester.'N. Y., Aug. 6, 1878, $2,000. Dick Swiveller 1, LysanderBoy, Lady Pritchard, Blue Mare, Mattie, Clifton Boy, 2:201^, 2:20i^. 2:22^. 2:21i4. Toledo, ■()., Sept. 21, 1878. .'i!l,000. John H. 2, 3, Lew Scott, 2:32ii, 2:32^, 2 :29, 2 :29. 2 :29. Cincinnati. O.. Oct. 2. 1878, *800. John H. 2, Lew Scott, 2:28^2, 2:2.5Vg, 2:25W, 2:24U. Chicago, 111. Oct. 11 and 12, 1878, $1,,500. Bonesetter 1 4 (5 0), Little Fred 2, Adelaide, Joliii H., Lew Scott, Lula(ldis), 2:20, 2:221^.2:201^. 2:22, 2:2.3, 2:22'4. 2:23. . ,.„„.,. J. Kahley & Co.. Jackson, Mich., June 12, 1879, $800, Hannis, Cozette. Col. Lewis, 2:23)4, 2:26U.2:3\^. East Saginaw, Mich., June 19, 1879, $800. Hannis, Adelaide, Cozette, 2:18^4, 2:18, 2:2814. Toledo. O., June 27, 1879, $1,000. H.annis, 2:21U, 2:21';. 2:21?4. „, ,, . Providence, 1) g (3 :43). B. F. Akers, Lawrence Kan., Sept. 7, 1871, $200. Black Maria 1 2. Phil. 2:50'.;. 2:43. 2:46.2:43,2:45. Topeka. Kan., Sept. 15, 1871, $400. Prairie Boy 1. 1. S. Kallocb 3, 2:521^, 2:59. 2:54. 2:55. W. S. Wells, St. Joseph, Mo., Sejit. 29, 1871. .$200. Phil Sheridan, Duroc, 3:00, 2:50, 2:.57. Providence Girl, b m (3: 46). A. Winch, Providence. R, I.. October 1. 1863, $50. Nerol. Pilot. 2:55, 2:64, Pro'vldenceMaid, rn m (8 :52). J. Dovle, Providence. R. I.. Sejit. 17. 1876, $200. Ma.ior 1. 3:01, — , 3:00, liVIIIl, mass., IVIHV -I, ini'>, flpii"'. VTrwifi^r ji., i,i ... i 1.-.W11 o .j f^, _.7i.- .1. _ .,^. _ -.«. Prudence (s), (2 :47 s). Bangor, Me., Oct. 12, 1867, $30. Bobby (s), 2:53, 2:47, 3:02. „ * Pruie K. b m (2:3G) F. Havden, Mystic Park, Boston, Oct. 7, 1879, $200. Gen. Custer, ISIy.stery, Honest Ned. Volunteer Girl 2.(3 di's). Ren. F. (1 dis) 2:38 2:38,2:391/2 2:42^. ,.^.->or,c Beacon I'ark. Boston, Oct. 9, 1879, $200. Volunteer Girl 1, Major, Ben F.. Wisdom, Wonder (i dr). 2:36. Prunella'. U m'(2 :40). W. H. Briggs. Providence, R. I.. Oct. 23 and 24. 1879. $200. George M. Patchen 1. 2. Major .5, Frank Hall, Endurance (5 dr), Nellv Burke, (2 dis), 2:4.5, 2:40, 2:40. 2:40. 2:40. 2:40^'. Puck,'b g (3 :41). A. F. Luther. Norfolk, Va.,'Dec. 6, 1882. $100. Snowball, Rob Roy, 2:44. 2:-t2',. -:41. Pulaski, b g (2 -.39^^). Dan Pfifer, Fashion Course, L. I.. Mav20, 1803. $2,50. Hamletoinaii (1 dis). 2 :4.<'2. (w) Julv 2«, 186,3, $1,000. Minnie (w) 2. 2:39^.2:431/2, 2:44?i,2:42U. f ,i,„ Aiwt Pumpkin U'., dn tr (2 :42). A. J. McKimmin. Columbia, Tenn., July 9. 187.5, $ . Diana, Maul of tlie Mist. 1 Ed' Moore; Montgomery, Ala., June 16, 1880, $125. Pilot Eagle 3, Mamie. Black Charley, 2:47^^, 2:49, 2 '4414 2'4.3i" o \ /. j (w) J. Cottrill, Sept. 9. 1871, $^. Charley (w). Old Bird (wi. No time. Puss (3 :43,i4). S. (Jamble, San Francisco, Cal., June 3, 1876. $ . Black Prince 1, Careless Boy (1 dis). Yel- low Jacket (1 dis). 2:4354, 2:43!'2, 2:44. J v /. Puss Thompson, br m (3:34!4), by American Clay, dam by Mambrino Chief. B. .L Treacv, Georgetown, Ky., Aug. 20, 1875, .$300. Ilderim 2, 3 (4 dis), Mistress (4 dis). Banker (2 dis), Fanny Stoner ^2dis), Longwood (Idis), Lilly Star (1 dis), 2:43. 2:38^, 2:45, 2:3414. ^' & Cynthiana, Ky., Aug. 25, 1875, $500. Mistress, Nelly May, Longwood, Red Bint, Tattler Jr., Ilderim (1 dis), 2:34!4,2:,37'i, 2:3914. Put, ch g (3 :39i4). R- Read. Jersey City, N. J., Oct. 11, 1881, $200. Columbus Jr. 1, Vivid C, Hujsibert, Bertha Clay, Talisman. Daniel S., Archie. Little Dan, Peter, 2:381^, 2:39^4. 2:40. 2:40. Oct. 14, 1881, $200. Humbert 1, Bertha Clay, Helen Mar, Cleopatra, Regardless, Vivid C, 2-41U 2-39li. 2:39'/4, 2:41. , • 7S. /-», Putnam, b g (2 :47i^. J. Whelpley, Union Course, L. I., Oct. 30, 1850, $100. Stranger 1. 4, 2:46'/i, 2:47U. 2:51. 2:.51H, 2:53. & . . /2. ts. . Putnam, b g (2:32ii). Henry Felter, Fashion Course, L. I., Oct. 25. 1860. $500. Tartar 1, Belle Brandon.2:36. 2 :33Ui. 2:3214, 2:38. ' Putnam (3 :49i/2). George H. Hoy t, Haverhill, Mass., Aug. 22, 1866, $250. Gen, Sickles 4 (2 0), 2:49'/4. 2:52 2:501^,2:504, 2:55. Puzzle,"b m (3 :36'4). A. W. Moulton, So. Weymouth, Mass., Oct. 1, 1880, $125. Olive Logan 2. 3. E. Flat. 2:43. 2:401^, 2:44J4, 2:40, 2:36. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TKOTTING AND FACING RliCORD. Q Quaker, rng (8:39). C. Weeks, Beacon Course. N. J., Sept. 21, 1841, $600. William Tell, 5:29,6:33. Tvr» miles. • Sept. 29, 1841, S75. Spangle. Post Boy, 5:36. 5:43. Two miles. Quaker(s), br g (« 33 .s), by Andrew Jackson. S. Walton, St. Louis, Mo., Oct. 23. 184G, S50. Gray Eagle (8) 1. 2 33 2*33 2*33 2*37 Quaker (w),'bg (3:43' i w). O. W. Dimmick, Cincinnati, O., June 20, 1855, $400. Tom Oliver (w) 2, Cream Pet, 2:44i4, 2:45, 2:48, 2*43^. Quaker, b g (3-38), by Oouklin's Rattler. L. E, Carpenter, Lyons, N. Y., July 4, 1859, $50. Maulius Mare, 2:57, 2:50!,2, 2:45»4. Joseph Wriglit, Auburn, N. Y., Sept. 16, 1859. .SIOO. Niagara. Old Tom. 2:39, 2:40}^, 2:42. J. Barnev, Sangerfield. N. Y., Julv 4, 1860, $100. Fanny White, 2:40. 2:40, 2:41. J Medburv, Norwich, N Y., July 15, 1865, $200. Drummer Boy 2, 2:38, 2:40, 2:41. 2:44. Oct. 18. 18(5."), $100. DoftorKane, 2*43, 2:42, 2:40. June 20, 18G0, .'S200. Toronto Chief, 2:49, 2 :40, 2 :41. Utica, N. Y., Aug. 30, 1866, $,->00. Slem Day, 2:41. 2:40'/4. . Dan Mace, Fashion Course. L, I., Sept. 15, 1806, $5,000. Bull Run (w), 5:22, 5:22^4. Two miles. Mr. Pellet, Delhi, N. Y., Oct. 10, 1868 $bO. Bay Gelding. 2:52, 2:50, 2:49. Quaker, bg (3-57). Mr. Paul, Toronto, Ont., May '22, 187.5, $60. Avenue Girl, Woodbridge Maid, LiTzle G. v2dis), 3*01,3:00 Mav24, 1875, .$120. Avenue Girl, Woodbridge Maid (l dis), 2:57, 2:57i/o. 3:01. Quaker, b g (3 :33). D. D. B. Kavanagli, Miidisoii, O., Oct. 13, 1877, $300. Henry 1, 2:36, 2:35>4, 2:32, 2:32V4. Quaker, b s (3 :4.5). J. Treadwell, Springlield, L. 1., May 21, 1878, $ . Milk (3 dr), Balestick (3dr), Emma Gale (2 (Ir), 3:20. 3.19, . C. Smitli, Hempstead, L. I., Aug. 19. 1879 Prize, harness. Snedecor's (?r m 1. Roslvn, 3:01, 3:02, 3-.00. Quaker Boy (.lack Martin), br g (3 :38?4), by Biggart's Rattler (?). P. McGivney, St. Louis, Mo., June 1, 1860, $400. Charlev 1, 2:49]^, 2.40. 2:43, 2:47. May 18, 1860, $400. Charlev, Rockey (1 dis), 2:50, 2:46. 2:47. P. Warner, Sept. 22, i860, $100 Tom Foster (3 0). 2 44. 2:41, 2:39, 2:47. W. B. Carr, June 13. 1862. .$150 Butcher Boy, pacer, Gen. Utley, 2;37, 2:40, 2:40. June 21, 1862, $250. Butcher Boy, pacer (1 0), 2 :36, 2 36, 2 :.36, 2 :37. July 26, 1862. $150. Butcher Boy, pacer 1, 2:37'/2, 2.37, 2*38>4, 2:39. Aug, .5. 1862, $100. Polly Ann, pacer 1. 3 (4 dis), Hlinois Chief, pacer (2 dis\ 2:36}*, 2:37, 2:3C?i, 2:39. (w), May 20, 1863, $1,000. Harry Neal (2 dis), 2:36'/4, 2.37. July 30, 1863.$ . Honest Allen, 2:37J^, 2:39, 2:41. (w), O. W. Dimmick, Cincinnati, O., May 21, 1864, $100. Dick Turpin (w), Carrie (w), 2:33. 2:30'/4, 2:3414, Juno 6, 1864, $400. Brown Dick, Carrie, 2 •.26%. 2 :32, 2 :29%. (w), W. D. Peabody. Chicago, 111., July 9. 1864, $1,350, Harry Clay (w) l (2, 0). Jim Rowell (w), 2:35^ 2:29,2:43, 2:45'/i. 2:4114. (w), O. W. DlinmicTc. Julv 16, 1864, $300. Jim Rowell (w) 3, (5dis), Harry Clay (w) (5 dis). Princess (w) 1, (3 (lis), 2:.35. 2::}4'4, 2:39/2, 2:3714, 2:39k. James Conlisk, .June 8, 1865, $ , Prairie Maid, Diamond 1, (3 dr), 2:36. , . . Aug. 3, 1865, .¥500. Boston, Carrie, Gen. Grant, 2:3514, 2 •.3514, 2:37 ?i. (w) John Fisk, Nashville, Tenn., Nov. 24, 186,5. .$200. Naboclclish (w) 3, Brown John (w) (3dis), 2:36^, 2:35, 2:.'«i4, 2:36V^. O. W. Dimmick, Fashion Course, L. I., Mav 27. 1867, $1,000. Capt. Gill 3, 2:.%, 2 38i^, 2:.37^, 2:.38. Quaker Boy, br g (3 :54i/>) James Dougrey, Troy. N. Y., Mav 8, 1872, $200. Capt. Farnham 1 (4 dis). Fac- tory Girl (1 dis), 3:02 2:54'/2, 2:.58, 2 .5714. Quaker Bey, b g (3 :37). G. EUss, Dundas, Ont., June 18. 1875. $175. Johnny Moore, Shylock (1 dis), Maggie (1 dis). 2:51?i, 2:,565^, 2:.58J£, Quaker Girl (3:53). W. H. Birch, Buffalo, N, Y. June 21, 1865, .$ . Yankee 3, Morgan, 2:52, 2:52, 2:61, 2:53. Quaker Girl br m (3*49). by Henrv Clav. Lon Shippen, Stockton, Cal., Sept. 26, 1876, $1.50. Capt, Lewis, WinthropMaid 2 (4 dis), Putnam (4 disi Miles Rutter (3 dis), Gold Run (1 dis), 2:50, 2:53'/,, 2:49^, 2:49. Four-year-olds. Sep .30, 1876, .$50. Berkshire Girl 2, Rosette, 2 :.5.5, 2:SlUi, 2-MU,. Quaker Girl, ohm (3:36). W. Darling, Chicago, HI., June 13, 1877, $150. Bacchus, Spot, Frank G, 2:41. 2:40. 2:41M. Aug. 11, 1877, $— . Deronda 1, Jack Carter 2. 2 :.36. 2:36, 2:.3ft>('., 2:375i. Quaker Girl, b m (3 :37). D. Haskell. Delaware, O., Sept. 6, 1881, $225. Billy Ford, Highland Maid, Honest and Right, Melrose, Topsy C, 2:41' 5. 2:.37, 2:,37. Quaker Jim, blk g (3*45',4), A. Woodard, Boston, Mass,, May 8. 1873, $100. Peter Simple, Topsy, Brlghtoi Boy, Jack, Joe (3 dr), 2:49, 2:47%, 2-Mli. July — , 1873, $ , Pirate, 2:48, 2:.50"». 2:,5.3. Lowell. Mass., Oct. 10, 1873, $.300. May Flower (w). Col. R. (w), 2:50, 2:52, 2:45>^. Quaker Lad, bg(3:0l). J. H. Goodman, Rutland, Vt., May 24, 1867, $100. Sweepstakes 1. Christopher Columbus (3dr), Little John (3 dr), 2:58. 3:02, 3:01. Quaker T.ad, ch g (2 :47). S. S. Walker, Salt Lake City. Utah, June 29. 18Z2, $100. Honest Charley (w), Dolly Vardeu (w) (1 dis), 2:66, 2:66, 2:58. ^ CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 589 O. A. Collins. Oct. 10, 1872. $1,000. Honest Cliarley (w) 1 , 2 •AH]4, 2 :51, 2:52, 2 :50J4. ^ _ „ ^, S. S. Walker, Oct. 20, 1»74, Prize,, silver. Dolly Vardeii, iVicKimniiu's Staliiou, Joaqmn 3:00. Nearest Qnaklr^om, ch g(3 :37i^). A. Eiseman, Fairview, O., October 5, 1877, « . Blackwood Prince, George Buieroft LadvThorue, a:03, 3:00, 3:00. Oaanto b a: (3 :00). R. Vensel. Parker City, Pa.. Sept. 4, 1875, $50. Flora 1, Gloster 3:05. 3:03Ji,. 3:00. Quarry uSy, b g (3 :33!,i). by Black Douglass. Chas. Wilson, Dixon, 111., Sept. 16, 1875,^?300. Diadem, Tucky Jane, J. J.' Cook (3 drK Nora (1 dis), 2:45. 2:45. 2:54. . Quebec iioy, rn g (3 :439.£). C. Belauger, Montreal, P. Q., July 20, 1883, $50. Dennis, Gentle. Black Diamond, Quiblc^cai-i! rn'^nua'lss?' M.^Swift, Sweetsburgh, P. Q., Sept. 28, 1883, $100. Ira White, Lady Bicks, 2 -.M, ^ Sent ''9 1883, $200. Goldfinder, Col. Patchen, 2:40, 2:401/2. 2:40. Montreal, P. Q.. Oct. 4, 1883. $100. Lady Moore 3, While Bird, Col. Patchen, L'Onent, Lucy, 2:50, 2:51, ^*0(^t. If f883, $150. John F. Phelps Jr., Fearnaught, 2 :37'/2, 2 :35, 2 :38. Oot fi 1SS3 $250 Nelly Gray. Dottv Golddust, ii:45, 2:45, 2:41. Oct ?6, 1883. $75a Pickwick 3, 4. J6hn A.. Goldlinder (5 dr), 2:42^, 2:37^, 2:42'/., 2:^, 2:45. Quebec Street; brg (3 :13}. O. Alexander, Guelph. Out., June 8, 1883, $50. Faugh-a-Ballagh, Sleepy Sam, ii-l^i'.v' TWaidtRoseV 1) m (3 :35). by Ballard's C. M. Clay, dam by the Morse Horse. C. Ballard, Spring- ^^ FLC^ Smith, Prb'vidence, R. I.', June is,' 1879,'$400. Noontide l, George H., Fanny, Ed. Getchell, Peaceful Dover, X. H., Sept. 17. 1879, .$400. Stella Blake 2, 2:35, 2:31, 2:33V4, 2:..5?4. Detroit Mich., July 4, 1881, $ . Fleet 3, Bill McLaughlin (4drj. 2:08^4, 2 :3iyj, 2:34'4, 2:34i^. Queen brm(3:51). Horace Joiies, Beacon Course, N. J., May 22, 1843, ^zW. Thomas Jelterson, 5:48, 5:42. QuS""gr^m (3 :50) (3 :43 s). William Cottrill, Mobile, Ala., Nov. 11, \&^1, $1,000. Telggrapii (sX 8:15, 8:38. Three miles. ,. „ April 23. 1852, $80. Trifle (1 dis), Duchess (1 dis). 2:50. ,,,,., ^, , ^. ^ May 6 I8.".r. S5.->0. Queen of the South (1 dis), Lady Lancaster (1 dis), Old Stone (1 (Us), 5:5114. Two miles. Ma'rcli 18. 18.-.7. .$600. Cottrell's b m H dis), 5:46. Two miles. May 27. 18.57, $.50. John Cassidy 3, Diggory, 2:51'2, 2:50, 2:56, ^:54^2- Queen, b m (2:5314). M. Culp, Colusa, Cal„ Jan. 16, 1870, $50. Lady Belle, Princeton Boy l (3 dis), 3:19, 3;2l, 3 '13 '■ Mr. Woodward. Petaluma, Cal.. Sept. 29, 1871, .$ . Alice Da"i^!p 2, 2:57;2. 2:55^4, 2:5314, 2 :55V4. Queen, b m (3:54). F. Downing, Cambridge. 111.. Sept. 12, 1872, $1.50- -l^righani Young 3, Nelly Hector, Blind Billy (3 dr), Illinois .Maid (3 dis). Rock (1 dis), 2:55, 2:54, 2:50, 2:58. ^ ^ , , . Queen; b m (3 :43i4). S. T. Golding, Fredericton, N. B., October 8, 1873, $150. Gypsy Queen 2. Lady Sussex 1, Nelly Large, 2 :45, 2:4314, 2 ■.U^.i, 2 :43 -4 , 2 :44. Queen, "rn m (.3 :.53). John Wilcox, Delaware, O.. Oct. 1. 1874, $30. Spitfire, Graceful, 3:04, 3:01, 2:55. Queen, blk m (3 :43i4). W. C. Marshall, Rocldaud, Me., Oct. 21, 1874, $150. American Lady, Flying Cloud, Lady Mofrill. Fagan (3 dis), Twilight (-3 dr), 2:45, 2:48, 2:4214. Queen, br m. C. Russell, Rockford, 111 , Sept. 16, 1876, .§55. Jupiter. Kit. No time. Four-year-olds Queen, blk m (3:33i^). A. H. Periue, Point Breeze Park, Phila., Dec. 5, 1876, .$600. 71:10. To trot tvyenty miies In 80 minutes. Queen, gr m (3:43). H. W. Brown, Preseott. Out., Oct. 4. 1876,$ Jerry Manic, Lady Grenville. Best time, 2:45. C. Ray, Oshawa, Ont., Oct. 20, 1880. $1,35. Fearless fl 0). (4 dis). 2:44. 2:42. 2 :46V^. 2:46. Queen, ch in (3:431.^), by Dixie, dam Queen. H. H. Back, Reno, Nev., Oct. 1. 1882. $400. Wm. Crabb, Silver Tail, 2:44, 2:42i^. Queen, br m (3 :34i4). by Hambletonian. D. Mace, Pawling, N. Y., Sept. 15. 1883, $250. Nina, Dora F., Annie C. Prince, Dr. Smith, 2:37, 2:3614, 2:.39i4. B. iMace, New Haven, Conn., Oct. 17. 1883, .$400. Jessie C, Brilliant, Cora B., Essex Maid, Railroad Boy (1 dis), Frank (1 dis), 2:3514, 2:34)4, 2:35'/2. Queen City, b m (3 :55). George Metzger, Buffalo, N. Y., May 28, 18.50, .$2.5. Mount Vernon, Lady Llghtfoot, Lady Teazle, 2 :.59, 2:57, 2:55. Queen Dido, ch m (3 :39), by Cones Bacchus. Hiram Woodruff. Union Course, L. I.. Nov. 5, 1856, $500. Lady Fillmore 2,2:48^4. 2:44, 2:47, 2:49. (w) April 7, 1857..$.50. Harry Bluff 3, Benny McGowan, O'Blennis, 2 :54;^, 2:55 2:51.2:6914. (w) May 12, 18.57. .$.500. Jerry (w), (1 dis), 2:40. (W) Juiie 22, 1857, .$7.5. Deception fw) 3, 2 :40'i. 2 :41, 2:.39. 2 :39. Queen Esther, b m (3 :4334). T. B. Tuthill, Newburgh, N. ¥., June 8,1878, .$ . Jim Merrit, Optic, 3:01, 2:.54, 2:52. Queen May, b m (3:34). A. F. Fawcett, Baltimore, Md.. Sept. 15, 1875, .$400, Hero, Temperance, Rushland Maid (2 dis). Elaine (2 dis). Doctor Hays (2 dis), Renaud (2 dr). Moke (2 dr). 2:40, 2:42. 2:41. W. H. Doble. Ambler Park, Pa., Sept. 22, 1S76, $300. Fanny G. 2, Little Nell, Tom Scott, Iron Clad, Pete Manee, Harry Sipp, Spitfire, 2:40 2:.39. 2:40, 2:.39i'2. Washington. D. C, Oct. 27, 187G, $1,000. Jacob Larian 2, 3, Morning 4, Hunter 1, Mc Arthur. Washington Jr., 2 :.35, 2 :37'/2 , 2 ::i9. 2 :36, 2 :35. 2 :.34, 2 :.36?4. Queen of Diamonds, b m (3:3014), by Phil Sheridan. R. Rutherford. Canton, N. Y., Sept. 14, 1880. $50. Belle of Potsdam. Lee Morse (1 dis), 3:00, 3:08, 3:00. Ogdensburgh, N. Y., Sept. 6, 1881, $200. St. Lawrence Belle, Maggie M., Nell O'Connell, Daisy, Tricotine. Easy Billy, 2:35, 2:35'/2, 2:37. Canton, N. Y., Sept. 15, 1881, $200. Easy Billy 1, 2, Cobden. St. Lawrence Belle, Clara M., 2:33i^, 2:33?4. 2:3.314, 2 :.34, 2:39. Potsdam. N. Y., Sept. 22. 1R81, .$200. EasyBillv, St. Lawrence Belle, Tricotine, 2:46. 2:40, 2:38. H. W. Brown, Geneva. N. Y., June 1„1S82, .$.306. Dan 1. Ingomar, Sentinel, Hattie Fisher, Frank Patchei>. Cunard, 2:36, 2:.3.5, 2:35. 2:.35. Lyons, N. Y., June 8. 1882. $2.50. Insromar. Cnnard, St. Pptrick (3 dis). Schuvball (3 dis\ 2 :.35. 2:.3.3i4. 2 :.33M- Bradford, Pa., June 13, 1882, .$600. Lady Lear 3, Kitty Wood. Ingomar, Adele Gould, Reveille, 2:.^3l4. 2:3214,2:3.3^, 2 :33>4. Erie, Pa., June 27. 1882. $500. Reveille, Big Ike. Empress. KIttv Wood Ingomar, Adele Gould. Made- line, 2:.32i4. 2:.30i4, 2:31. Queen of Fairies, ch m (3 .^S). bv Call's Cbainnion. D. S. Sprowl, Elmira, N. Y., Sept. 12. 1878, $300. Taylor, Judgment, Molly Darling (l dis), 2:36, 2:36, 2:33. 584 (HKSTEKS COMTLETE TKOmNG AND PACING KECOKD. Queen of Sheba (3:30). L, CJ. Delano, Columbus, O., Sept, 17, 1873, SIOO. Maggie. Pretty Boy (1 dis;, Bay B'll (1 disi, 3::;o, 3:20. Three-jear-olUs. Queeu of the "West, ell in (2 :a4*>. J. Itanderson, Cleveland, O., July 27, 1866, $700. Sir Walter (w) 3, 2:44, 2:41,2:43>a. i-':-l3!^2. Monroeville, O., Oct. 19, 1866. $200. Joe Curry 1, 2, 2:40?4, 2:39. 2:42, 2:41>4, 2:37»4. Short track. June — , ISCT, Sioo. Lady Woodward 1, May Queeu, 2:42, 2:44, 2:43>^, 2:45. Short track. "June —,1807, *7,o. Siuicy Sal 1, Lady Woodman, 2:40, 2:34, 2 :36?4. Short track. Queen of the West (w). gr m c-irSeSi), by Pilot Jr., dam Nelly, by Young Turk. James Kockey, Chicago. 111., Mav 20, 1868, 5;400. Pauny King (W) 1, 2:4«i'.i, 2:45, 2:39!2, 2:44}^. (W), May 26, 1.S68, :#1.500. Little Marias, 4. 2:36. 2:36',i, 2:35. 2:45 2:424. (s), June 18. 1868. .■J200. Little Maria (s). Honest Charley (s), Bay Jim {s)(\ dis), 2:30'i, 2:32, 2:343i. Aug. 26. 1868, SI. 000. Major (iraves, 2:36'4,2:34?4. Oct. 21, 1868, $;">()0. W;il\sa\v 2, 2:3894, 2 :;«)ii, 2:40, 2:38f.i. Nov. 5, 1H(;8, $4(H). Murrissey, Sleepy John, 2:34. 2:33'4, 2:35K'- . Nov. 7, 18ii8. $20(». iMorrissev 1. 2:34. 2:33i^, 2:33?4, 2:31. A. ( arson. Auk. 1^. l«6li, .■f;4(H). Molly BrooKs. Tom Brady, 2:37, 2:35'/4, 2:38?a. • George Nelson, \N ;isliin.-t()n. 1). C June 13. 1870. $500. Patchen Jr., Aaron. 2:37. 2:365^. 2MU. John Williams, Canihi idjio, hid., .lune .'5. 1871, $350. Silas Kich 1, Lou Loder, 2:S5. 2:30'-, 2:37, 2:314. — Craves & Loomis, Kalamazoo. Mich.. July 4, 1871, $1,000. J. D. McMann, Night Hawk. 2:36»7j. 2:34='4, 2:34. Chicago, i!., July 18. 1871. $1,000. ,]. 1). McMann. Morrissey, 2:32, 2:29"2, 2:34u. Queen of the AVest, gr in (3 :00) A. Lovvery, Jaiiesville, Wis.. Oct. 28, 1874, $100. Duster. 3:03, 3:00. Queen Kay. rn m (3:34^4). by Bismark. Charles Kedevat, I'oughkeepsie, N. Y., Sept. 21, 1881. $ , Lady liobinsoii. Prank, James M., 2:45, 2:49. 2:45. Sei)t. 22, 1881, $ . Ladv Pobinson 1, James M., 2:43V4, 2:43. 2:48, 2:49. Carniel, N. Y., Sept. 15, 188.i, .«60. Brown Jack. 2 :43. 2:3994, 2 :41. Queen S., b m (2 :37U), by Ashland Chief, dam Long Girl. W H. Shetler, Terre Haute, Ind , June 15. 1883, 6200. Aniie King. Brown Thrasher. Theodore, 2:45. 2:42»4, 2:41. Reading, I'a., Oct. 3. 188;i. $175. Purity 1, 2. Harry B., Fanny (5 dr), 2:45k, 2:42M, 2:4!M, 2:44U, 2:43i^. Lebanon, Pa., Oct. 10. 188.J, $400. J. H., Sister, George Wilkes. 2:41, 2:44i4, 2:44, Queen Vie, grm (3:4114), by Arabian Caliph, dam Fanny Kcnible, by Jupiter. S. Kennedy. Dovlestown. Pa., Oct. 10. 1873. $120. Lady HalU3 disj. Play Boy 1 (2dis), 2:50i2, , . Queen Victoria, ch m (2:47). K. Dempster, Easton, I'a., Sept. 25. 1879, $100. Herdic, Frank, Joseph L., 2:47,2.47,2:47. Queer Girl, ch ni (3 :40). G. C. Goo'lmm, Ne^ Bedford, Mass., June 27, 1878, $50. Loafer 2, 3:01, 3:01, 3:02, 3:02. Quick Beat, gr g (3:30), bv Doswell. E. Ralston, Weston, W. Va., Sept. 18, 1878, $12. Dufton's gr m, Low- ther's gr g, McCutcheon's gr m, 3:25, 3:20?4. Sei)t. 20, 1878, $20. Price's dn g. 3:30, 3:20. Quickie, blk g^(3:31). T. Cone, Sandusky, O.. Sept. 23. 1874, $16. Charley Winton, Lady Champ, Morrill, 3:33,3:31. Three-vear-olds. Quickstep, (BavJiiiiand Stewart), b g (3 :33i^), bv Alhambra, dam Matron, by Trouble. James Morrow, Fort Wayne", Ind., Sept. 8 and 9, 1874, $500. James L. 2, Lady Kellogg 1, Gypsy Tom (5 dr), Little Sam (5 dr), Iowa Maid (5 drl Mambrino Warner (4 dr). Lizzie D. (3 dr\ 2:415^.2:35^, 2:3b, 2:38'/2, . Sept. 10, 1874, $400. Little Alfred. Novice, Mambrino Warner, Lillian, 2:38, 2 :38i^, 2 :38)i. La Grange, Ind., Nov. 5, 1874, $100. Little Sam, Koan Jack. 2:43'/4, 2:51»/2,2:415i£. Nov. 6, 1874, $200. Little Sam, Gen. Sherman. 2:37. 2:369^, 2:40. C. S. Dole, Chicago. 111., Oct. 21, 1880, $200. Oddfellow, P. D. Q , Robby, 2:36M.2:32«^, 2:34. Woodstock, HI., Sept. 17, 1881, $500. Silver Duke 2,3, Kirkwood Jim l. Bashaw 4.2:38,2:39, 2:4^ 2:44''i 2:44,2:44 2'.50. Quickstep,' blk m (3 :'46vi). Utton Bros., Barrie, Vt., Julv 2. 1874, $150. Lady Holbrook, In and Out, Good- enough. Gifford Boy, Dolly (3 dis), Lilly (2 dr), Dick Palmer (2 dr), Rose (l disi. Silver Maid (ldis).2:53, 2:571^, 3:00. Morristown, Vt., Aug. 12. 1874, $200. Little Blue 2, 5 (7 dis), Charley Mack, Dagger. Rowdy 1. 3 (5 dis), Sure (2 dis). Black Warrior (2 dr). Harry (2 dr). Dart (2 dr),2:43'/s, 2:49, 2:48, 2:47, 2:49. 2:52. 2:50. Waitsfield, Vt., Sept. 3, 1874, $200. Dagger 2, Harry, Scratch Gravel (2 dis), 2:40U, 2 :40»^, 2:40J^. 2:42. Quickstep, br m (2 :57). P. Burns, Deerfoot Park, L. I., Sept. 3, 1874, $1,000. Virginia Boy (2 dis), 2:58. 2:57. Quien Sabe. br s (3:57i^). by Hercules. T. Andrews. San Luis Obispo, Cal., May 17, 1883, $ . Altoona, 3:00, 2:.''>99!i,2:57U. Quimbv, br g (2 :.'>2). J. J. Brown, Nashua. N. H., Sept. 12. 1867, $200. Titian l. 2:50M. 2:.W, 2:.';2. 2:.5.'?»i Qnlnine, bg(3:45), L.R.Redmond, Philadelphia, Pa., Oct. 16, 1873, $1,000. Mohawk (3 0), 2:45. 2:45, 2 :45H, 2:4.5. Qalnn'gOrayGeldine:, (2:51M). Mr. Quinn, Gettysburgh, Pa., Sept, 25,1868, $100. McFadden's br g.l, Myer's b g 1, Smithes b g (3 dr), Rilev's b g (2 dis), 2:48, 2:,50, 2:51^, 2:51'4, 2:.53. Qolnion's Bay Mare, (2 :44). D. S. Quinton, Newark, N. J., Sept. 20, 1873, $150. Fleetfoot, Edwin Forrest, Jr., Good Templar (l dis), 2 :44, 2 :53M, 2 :65. Four-year-olds. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 585 Raboni, ch. g. (3 :39V4). A. D. Coj'kendall, Waverly, N. J., Sept. 23, 1881, $150. Deucalion, Jr., 1, Ida 4, Robert K., 2:39!4, 2:39^,2:41, 2:41 ?ii, 2:44. R. A, Billy, b. g. 1 3 :53). H. Darruli, Beaver, Pa., Sept. 18, 1878, $90. Gray John, Inchworm, 2:58, 2:59, 2:55. Rachel, b. m. (3:51^). J. D. Taylor. Fleetwood Park, N. Y.. June 29, 1871, .$250, Ben, 2:5114. Rachel, C. ch. m. (2 :41). W. S. Thorns, Deerloot Park, L. I., Oct. 21 and 22, 1875, $200. Lavinia. 2:3, J. H., Rip. Snowflake. 1, (3 dis). 2:45. 2:43, 2:444, 2:45, 2:48, 2:453^. J. Lambert, Oct. 18, 1876, .i!!400. Dollv 1, Farragut, Grace, Annie, Kaven, 2:44, 2:44, 2:41, 2:42. Rachel Horton blk. ni. 3 :45?i). George Butcher, Nashville, Tenn., July 8, 1809, $ . Rattier, Bob Ridley, (1 dis), 2:.58, 2:591^, 2:.54^4. John Browne, Aug. 29, 1872, .§ . Gypsy Maid, 2:52, 2:0514, 2-A5U Rachel M., b. m. (3:47). I). Stevens, Baltimore. Md., Oct. 31. 1882, .$200. Lady Morrow. 2:48, 2:47, 2:50. Radclift'e.b. s. (3:18) bv Strader's Hambletonian. R-F. German, Hamilton, O., Oct. 6, 1881, $100. Gertie B., Doc. R, Katv Hooker, 3:21, 3:18, 3:18. Four-year-olds. Raft., (Monday). 1). g. (3 :45), by Volunteer, dam. by Conkliu's American Star. N. G. Edelblute, Brookville, Pa., July 25, 1873, .$ . Lvde Roan Mack, 2:51. 2:50, 2:.53. July 26, 1873, $ . Lyde, King Cole, 2:55, 2:58, 2:45. .John N. Garrison, Clearfield, Pa.. July 3. 1874. .?300. Clothesline, Lyde, 2:50, 2:45, 2:45. J. Spaulding, Berea, O., Sept. 25. 1878, §80, Major B.. Avalanche. 2:47. 2:48, 2:48. Rahway, cli. g. (3 :37?ii. Plaintteld, N. J., July 15, 18G7, $ . J. M. McPherson, 1, Skowhegan (4 dr), Care- less."2:39i^. 2:.39. 2:37?ii. 2:40. Aug. 21, 1867. $70. Chicago Jack. (3 dr). Toronto Cliief, Jr., (3 dr), 2:39^, 2:39. 3:10. Raid, b. g. (3:37V'2). George Nelson, Doylestown, Pa., Oct. 5, 1865, $200. Lady Taylor, Bay John, 2:47, 2:37, 2 :39i^. Paterson, N. J.. Nov. 15, 186.5, $ . Ploughboy. (1 dis), 2:52!^. Nov. 16, 1865, $ . Abdallah Chief, 2:41. 2:40, 2:384, Richmond, S. I., Nov., 25, 1865, $1,000, Newburgh, 2:45, 2:44, 2:42. Railley, b. g. (3 :46), by Ericsson, dam by Joe Downing. Falmouth, Ky., July 7, 1882, $800. Yazoo. Lady Raymond. VVilford, Charley Carroll, 2:48, 2:47, 2:46. Railroad, blk. s. (3 :433i). T. Newton. New Orleans, La., June 2, 1881. $75, Minnie Wilkes Peacock, 2:43%. Railroad Boy, b g(3:31i4). by Drake. J. Stallman. Amenia. N. Y.. Sept. 3, 1879. $100. Charley K. 1, Lady Post, Lady .Jupiter, Pinafore. Viroqua (4 dr). Thom;is R.. 2:44. 2:424, 2:421.6, 2:424, 2:42. Falls River, Conn.. Sept. to, 1S79. $ . Pinafore, Miss Haner, 2:59, 2:41. 2:42. L. H. Hurd, Amenia, N. Y., Sept. 8, 1880, $150, Lady Jupiter 1, Highland Win, Brown Dick, Boulton (4 dis). Col. John (4 dr). 2:41W. 2:40, 2:38, 2:334. 2:36. E. Towne. Bennington, Vt., Sept. 2.5, 1883. $100. Brookside Flora. Bay Tom, I,eo. 2:40. 2:41. 2:40. Railroad Boy. l)r g(3 :39>4>. G. Northrop, Granville, Ky., Aug. 16, 1882, $150. Rutland, Leona, John Love, Mack Taylor. 2:39>4. 2:39^4 2:39^. , „ Railsplitter, br g (3 :33?4). G. P. Floyd, Boston, Mass., June 4, 1867, $500. Joan Bartlett (w) 3, John Allen 1, 2:44. 2:42. 2:43, 2:40^, 2:41. Rainbow ( w), b g (3 :41w). John Crooks, San Francisco, Cal., .Jan. 16, 1858, $ . Kit Carson fw), 2:41, 2:4314 . 2:41'i. Rake, ch g (3 :40). H. R. Stebbins. Penn Yan, N. Y., Sept, 15, 1875. $300. George 4, Redstone 3. .John T., Lady L.. I..ady Declcer, Maggie Stewart, Tom, Bessie Turner (5 dr). Queen Fay (5 dr), Billy Seward (4 dr), Cora S. (3 dr), Nelly Gray (3 dr), Lotta K. (1 dis). O. C Knapp (1 dis\ 2:41, 2:42%. 2:414. 2:40i4, 2:40. Rakeafter, blk g (3:47). S. W. Fowler. Mystic Park, Boston, Nov. l, 1875. $100. Bunker Hill Boy 1, John Mills, 2:58, 2: .50, 2:51, 2:.50. H. B. Miller. Auk- 7. 1876. $100. Ned Farlow 1. 3:05. 2:57. 2:53. 3:07. Paul Prisser. Beacon Park. Boston, July 18, 1877, $ . Doubtlul 1 (2 dis), 2:52, 2:47. Ralph (Stephen W), blk g (3:38). C. B. Wellington, Unity, Me., Sept. 29, 1876, .$90. Ogdensburgh 2, Anson, Belle 3, 2-Al%, 2:43. 2:45^i. 2:47, 2:47. Ralph ch g (3 :00). R. Brown, Gainesville. Texas Dec. 12, 1882. $100. Enterprise 3, Texas Sittings, 3:00. 3:02 3:01. 3.03. Ralph B., (3 :38). R. Burrell, London. Ont., .Tune 6, 1882. $200, Ladv McGregor 3, Mcintosh, Chestnut George, Red Cloud, Victor, King .loseph. 2:50, 2:44, 2:44%, 2:4.5. Ralph Bugbee (3 :39). T. D. Felt, Rehnerville. Cal.. Sept. 19. 1883. $ . Bruno, 2:59, 2:57i^. ( w) Sept. 21. 18.'<3. $100. Cadmus (w) 2 a 0), 2 :42. 2 :41. 2 :39. 2 :42V4. Ralph Cuinmings, b s (3 :49). Moses Whipple, Rochester, N. Y., May 15, 1858, $100, Brighton Flirt 3. 2:53, 2:56. 2:50, 2:49. Raraapo, b g (3 :43^), bv ft son of Happv Medium. C. Bowman, West Cornwall, N. Y., .Tune 14, 1883, $ . Juda. Nina, Fashion. 2:49'4. 2:47'i, 2:4«. Rambler, gr g (3 :59i j ). bv AVhite Cloud. Menominee, Wis.. Oct. 4. 1878. $250. St. Charles 2, St. Paul, Pal- mer, 3:031^. 3:044. 3:04.'3:00i4. Ramsey B. gr s (3 :00). Greenville, Pa., Oct. 24, 1883, $50. Frank P. 2. 3 (1 0), Fanny M. 4, Peddler, D. Gold- dust. . 3:01, 3:00, 2:.59!^, 3:01, 3:00, 3:01. Rancbero b s (3:13). Mr. Ryan, Stockton Cal., Aug. 25. 1860, $300. American Hunter, Stockton Chief (1 dis), 3:12.3:14. Stallions. Rancbero, ch s (3 :34%) bv Clark Chief Jr.. dam Marv Eagle by American Clay. S. Scott, Butte City. Mont., Aug. 18, 1882, $200. Live Oak, Superior (1 dis), 2:414, 2:41}^. . 58c CHESTEllS COMI'LKTE TKOTlINt; AND I'ACINC; KKC'ORI). S. Scott. Butte City, Mont., Sept. 23, 1883, S50n, Black Diamond l. 2, Ben Lomond .Ir., Pat Hunt (5 dis) 2:33!4, 2:344, J-.M^i, 2:36'4, 2:37'4. Ranilall, ch g ('4 :4!J). Frank iuindall, Peun Yan, N. Y., Oct. 2, 1873, 350. Charley, Olive, Lilla, 2:43 2:47, 2:45. Randall, cli g (3:24'i), by James T. Brady. J. L. Peck, Mendota, 111., Aug. 18, 1874, $400. James L., Jack short. Archy, Amboy, Tramp (3 dr), Kitty Nathans (l dis), VVm. Clinton Jr.,cl disj, Lady Mack (i dis), 2:40, 2:40, 2 :.'!-). 2:38. Aug. 19, 1874. S500. Cen. Knox, Modoc, Lady Tcmi)le, George Lucas (3 dis), Susie Hendrickson (3dis), Tom V. (2 (lis), Brown Sam (2 dis), Fanny Bi.\by (2 dis;, Frances (2 dr;, Lady Powers (1 dis), Charley {i dis), Tuckv Jane )l dis). 2:40, 2:38)^, 2:35iy. J. 'r. Clark. Earlville, 111., Aug. 25, 1874. $400. Bertie 1, Bob Kidley, Dred, Dick. Bay Ben. Silky B. (4dr), Theresa (i.. Dunlap (1 dis), 2:35, 2:30?4. 2:;j:i^4, 2:37 u. Aug. 2(;. 1874. :i^(iOO. Bertie, Nell, Badger, Hannah, Jack Short, Little Brown. Charley Duroc, 2:38, 2:34'.i. 2:;!5. Syc:uii()re. III. Sept. 3. 1874. S600. Little Fred.Peavine. Young Wilkes (2 dis), 2:.34, 2:28i^, 2:37. Aurora. HI.. Sept. 8, 1874, $M0. Col. Barnes. Duke, Young Niagara. '2:36%, 2:34Ji, 2:36. Sept. 10, IST4, si,ooo. Little Fred, Columbia chief, 2:a-'»4. 2:.'!3i4, 2:34;4. Peck and Chirk. Omaha. Neb., Oct. 1, 1874, •SDOU. Monroe. Brown Jack (3 dis), 2:2f>U.2:24'j,2:l:9'i. J. P. Peck, (ialcsburgh. 111., Oct. 10, 1874,.«!500. Observer 2. Brown Jack 4, Tom Wonder, Whalebone. 2:291^. 2:28, 2:27, 2:291.2, 2:32 1. T. Clark, ()mah:i. Neb., June II, 1875, $ . Huckleberry. 2:3.5i^, 2:.%, 2:32. Kulimond, Ind.. Aug. 7, 1875,,S800. Kate Campbell, Huckleberry, Harry Mitchell, Tanner Boy, Gray Jack. 2:a5, 2:34, 2:3.3. Dubuque. la., Sept. 11. 1875, S1.500. Granger, Herod, 2:30'4, 2:29'4, 2:27!'2, Waterloo, la., Sept. 17, I87r). *90O. Black Ranger, 2:32?i, 2:374, 2:33. J. P. Peck, Lincoln, Neb., Sept, 29, Iblii, $900. Dakota Maid, J. M, Botts Jr. (3dis), Lulu M. (l dis), 2:34k, 2:34J^, 2:40. Omaha. Neb.. Oct. 21. 1876. §200. Legal Tender, Matt Patrick. 2:48. 2:46. 2:44. Council Bluffs, la.. Nov. II, 1876. S3o0. West Liberty, Legal Tciulcr, 2:3", 2:39. 2:39i^. Stuart. la., July 4. 1877, $— . Selkirk (3 0), Grapevine. Kate Campbell. 2:36, 2:35, 2:32, 2:.30. Des Moines, la., July 26, 1877, $400. Trampoline 1, Little Sam, Henry, Selkirk, Sorrel Ned (4 dr), 2:32, 2 : 35 2 :34 2 :-34. '- Stuart.' ia., Oct. 6. 1877. $400. Selkirk 2. Convoy, Jim Lane, 2 :.34V'-. 2 :33. 2 :3494 . 2 -.35%. S. Jerome. Kansas Citv. Mo., June 29, 1878, $300. J :-hii Bender, Georgie B., Slcepv Bill, 2:47. 2:39. 2:43. Randall, b g (2:49 1-5). William McGuigan, Chatham, Out., Nov, 19, 1876, $70. Butcher Boy, Hard Koad, 14:06. Five miles. Randle's Brown Mare. A. J. Randle, Coshocton, O.. Oct. 11, 1882, $30. Parkhill's ch m, Tingle's bm, Adam's b g (2 dr), 1 :.54, 1:48. Tliree-year-olds. Half-mile heats. Rangeley Belle, rn m (2:47). Chick and Ramsey, Haverhill. Mass., Sept. 26, 1882, $C0. Lawrence Boy, Sweet Apple, Daisy, Nina C. (2 dis), Topsy (2 dis), 2:49J4. 2:49'.^. 2:.'j0. Ranger, b g (3 :49). Warren Peabody, New Orleans, La., December 1, 1859, $550. Oneida, 5:38, 5:39. Two miles. Ransom, b g (3: OO). James B. Burlew, Auburn, N. Y., Aug., 15, 1878, $50. Osborne. Best time, 3:00. Rochester. N. Y., Sei)t. 20, 1878, $110. Blue Grass, Fremont. No time. Three-vear-okls. Rapid (s), blkg (2:35) (2 :2714 s), by Toronto Chief. Budd Doble, Union Course, L. I., May 9, 1867, «100. Washington Irving (s). Belle Whelan(s) 2:37?^. 2:34}^. 2::'.3i4. (S), William Borst. Fashion Course, L. I.. June 'J9. 1867. $.^00. Toronto Chief Jr.. 2:35. 2:37, 2:.38U. Ed. Ellis, Amsterdam, N. Y., Oct. 2, 1867, $200. Raid, 4.5 (6 0), Capt. Tallinan, 2. 3(4 dis;, 2:36,2:36,2:37'/,, 2:39, 2:37, 2:37i.;, 2:,36V2. 2:37';. O. Bort, Schenectady, N. Y., Nov. 9, 1807, $500. Amber, 2:38, 2:.S6'/2, 2:35. (s), William Borst, Fashion Course. L. I., June 4, 1868, $rm. 2:27k. To be.it 2:30. Rapid, b g (2 :45). E. Farnham, Parker City, Pa., May 29, 1878, $ . Lottie l, Chance (2 dis), Vallev Queen (1 dis), 3:00, 3:00, 3:01, 3:01'i. Rapture, gr g (2 :.37) by Backman's Idol, dam by American Star. J. A. Sherman, Freehold, N. J., Sept. 13, 1877, .$80. Monmouth Chief 1 . 2, Jersey Girl, 3, 3 :0l, , 3 :05, 3 :00, . Five-year-olds. Waverly, N. J„ Sept. 21, 1S81, .§150. Rocket, Annie K.. Beulah, 2:38^, 2:.37, 2:37. Rarus, b g (2:13M), by Conklin's Abdallah, dam Nancv, bv Telegraph. James G. Mead, Hornellsville, N. Y.. Aug. 21, 1874, .$600. Barl ;ira Knox 1, Kilpatrick, Willy Golddust, Kitty Kecler (3 dis), Ethan c dis), B:iy Jimmy (2 dis). 2:47 2:40 L':45'.4, 2:46i/>. Mead & Page, Prospect Park, L. L, Oct. 12 and 13, 1874, $600. Adelaide 4, 5, Falmouth Boy 2. 3, Road- master, '>'olunteer Maid, T. J. Stevens (."> dis). Compeer (5 dis), EEtie Dean (5 dr). Lady Trimble (5 dr ), Carrie While (1 dis), 2:.32M, 2:34, 2:34. 2:30'.,. 2:.32. 2:.30. 2:30?i. Oct. 28 and 29, 1874. $600. May Bird 1, 4. Arthur, Phil O'Neill Jr. (5 dr), Pauline (5 dr). Rosa Sonburgh (1 dis), 2 :27. 2 :30. 2 :2SW. 2:32. 2 :36i4. Oct. 30. 1874. $(Mio. Mav Bird 1, 2, Falmouth Bov, Catskill Girl, Arthur, Pauline, Eflie Deans, Compeer, T. J. Stevens, Lizzie Adams, Mansuay, 2:31'.!, 2:30, 2:32?.i. 2:32'2. 2:;i5. James W. Page, Sandusky, O., JulV 22, 1875, $800. Lady Mack 4, Kate Campbell 2, Belle, 2:31, 2:32ai. 2:33',i,2:32'2,2:.32. Cleveland, O., July 30, 1,^75, $3,.500. Mollv Morris 1. 2, (Carrie 3, Eva, Belle Brasfleld, Mazo-Manie, Snow- ball (3 dr), Bertie (1 dis), 2 :22?i, 2:2.5^ , 2 :24'"4, 2:244, 2 :23>^, 2 :26i/4. R. B. Conklin, Rochester, N. Y.. Aug. 12 and 14. l87,'->, .'8;4,.500. Molly Morris 2. Eva 4, Carrie, Ella Madden. Belle Brasfleld (5 dr), Bertie (4 dn. Fnmk Ferguson (3 dis), 2:23^, 2:244. 2:26, 2:.32' j, 2:22, Utica, N. Y., Aug. 21, 1875, $4,000. Bertie 2, Bonner 1, Ella Madden, Carrie, Eva. Belle Brasfleld, 2:23, . 2:25. 2:23, 2:23. Hartford, Conn., Sent. 1, 1875, $2,000. Frank J. 1, Parkls' Abdallah, Crown Prince, Triumph (2 dis), 2 :233.( . 2 :20% . 2 :25^, 2 :22?i . Sept. 3, 187.5. $4,000. Annie Collins. Little Fred, Adelaide, Bonner, 2:2U4, 2:22!'2, 2:24?4. Prospect Park, L. I., Oct. 9, 1875. $21)00. Kansas Chief, Joker. 2:25^4. 2:24>4. 2:25. Buffalo. N. Y.. Aug. 4. 1876. $3,000. Carrie .3, Gen; Garfleld. Mav Queen (1 dis). 2:24»4,2:25H, 2:24»4,2:24i4. Rochester, N. Y'., Aug. 11. 1876, .Iri.OOO. Gen. Garfield, 2 :27='.i, 2:22i.i. 2:24^.1. Utica, N. Y., Aug. 18, 1876, $3,000. Clementine, Gen. Garfield, C:»rri(\ 2:22'i, 2:21 '/j, 2:23. Poimhkeepsie, N. Y., Aug. 2.5, 1876. .$3,000. Clementine. 1. 2:26'c, 2:24, 2:25%t, 2:29V6. Hartford Cenn., Sept. 1, 1876, $3,000. Carrie, Adelaide, 2:23>4, 2:22U, 2:2.3V^. Springflold, Mass.. Sept. 7. 1876. $3,000. Adelaide, Carrie, 2:26, 2:26'/4, 2:2.5. (w), Fleetwood Park, N. Y., Sept. 15, 1876, $1,000. Sam Purdy (w), 1, 2:.31i(, 2-27V4. 2:31",, 2:29U. Cincinnati, O., Oct. 6, 1876, $1,500. Silversides, Bodine, Cozette, Elsie Good. Monarch Jr.. 2:25>-4, 2:24. 2:25'i. Fleetwood Park, N. Y., Oct. 26 and 27, 1876, $3,000. Great Eastern 2, Judge Fullerton I, Lucille (iold- diist. Fri;nk Reeves, Sniuggler(4 dis). 2:22. 2:?0i4. 2:21^^. 2:23. 2:20. (w), Siiii Francisco, Cal.. Jan. 14. 1877, .^1 i.oni. Sam Purdv(vv), 2:31iiS, 2:27H. 2:26^. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TMOTTING AND PACING ItECORD. 6gl (w), Feb. 10, 1877, $ . St. James 1, May Howard, - — , 2:26J4, 2:26V4, 2:29. March 24, 1877, $ . Bodine, 2:23. 2:20}^, 2:2:^1.2 • May 26, 187", Si'.OOO. Gold-smlth .Maid l, 2:26, 2:1914, 2:19?£, 2:20. Grand Kapids, Mich., June i;.', ls77. $800. Cozetle 1,2, Little Fred, Slow Go, Lady Maud (5 dr), Nettie (5 dr), 2:21'/2. 2:21V2, 2:2H.i, 2:1^4^4, -':L'3fi. Detroit, Mich., July 6, 1877, $2,000. Nettie 2, Lady Maud 1, Slow Go, Cozette (1 dis), 2:2l?4, 2:2254, 2:22M. 2:2.-5, 2:231^. Chicago, III., Julv 19 and 20, 1877. $2,000. Nettie 1, 2 -.24^, 2 :23i4, 2 -.23%, 2 :25K'. Clevehind. O., July 25, 1877, .S3,000. Lucille Gokklust, Cozette, Albemarle, 2:'l8i4, 2:18, 2:i8?i. Huffalo. N. Y., Aug. 1, 1877. $3,000. Lucille (4olddust, Cozettt-, Albenuirle, 2:24, 2:20, 2:'.9?4. Auj;. 3, 1S77, $3,000. Lucille Golddust, Nettie, 2. 19?4, 2 -.IS. 2 ABU- Rochester, N. Y., Aug. S, 1877. $3,000. Lucille Golddust, Cozette, 2:17'/o, 2:17'/2, 2:16. Utica. N. Y., Aug. 15, 1877, .*3,000. Lucille Golddust, Great Eastern, 2:19, 2:20, 2:17. Hartford. Conn., Aug. 31, 1877, $3,000. Hopeful 2^ Nettie, Great Eastern, 2:21. 2:19, 2:19k. 2-22. J>ong Branch, N. J., Sept. 15, 1877, $2,000. Nettie, Hopeful, 2 ::i5K', 2:25U,2:22?4. Fleetwood Park, N. ¥., Sept. 22, 1877, $1,000. Great Eastern (s)2, 3 (4 0), 2:33, 2:18, 2:155i. 2:18?i, 3:21 2:27'/2. Sept. 28. 1877, $1,000. Hopeful, 2:17}^, 2:16';, 2:19?i. Cleveland, O., Oct, 5, 1877, $1.50f). Great Eas tern (s) 1, 2, Hopeful, 2:19^4,2:1714, 2:21k, 2:21, 2:22. Columbus, O., Oct. 11, 1877, $1,000. Great Eastern (s) (3 dr), 2:23. 2:l7K>i 2:21. Cincinnati, O., Oct. 16, 1877, $700. Great Eastern (s) l, 2:23V4, 2:I8. 2:25~,, 2:21>4. I'Mttsburgh, Pa., May 31, 1878, $1,000. 2:24, 2:21(4, 2:25. To beat 2:18. Lost. lackson, Mich.. June 12, 1878, $750. 2 :25, 2:21?i, 2:203ii. Exhibition. East Saginaw, Mich., June 26, 1878, $1,000. 2:1714. 2:16, 2:l6k. Exhibition, Cincinnati, O.. July 4, 1878, $1,000. 2:219i. 2:17. To trot In 2:17. Toledo O.. Julv 19 and 20, 1878, $1,000. 2:19,2:1714, 2:16. Tobeat2:17k. (Meveland, O., Julv 27, 1878, $1,000. 2 :14',4. 2:15. 2:14. To average better than 2:18, Buffalo, N. Y., Aug. 3. 1878, $500. 2:17i4, 2:50,2:13k. To beat 2:14. Rochester, N. Y., Aug. 9 and 10, 1878, $ . 2:18, 2:19, 2:17%. To average better than 2:18. Lost. Urica, N. Y., Aug. 16, 1878, $1,000. 2:15, 2:151^,2:1714. Exhibition. Hartford, Conn., Aug. 23, 1878, $1,500. 2:15, 2:13K 2:13?i. To average better than 2:18. St. Paul, Minn.. Sept. 4, 1878, $1,000. 2:20, 2:16, 2:16!-^. Exhibition. Minneapolis, Minn., Sept. 6, 1878, $1,000. 2:15i4, 2:15k, 2:14;/2. Exhibition. Kansas City. Mo., Sept. 19, 1878, $1,000. 2:22?i, 2:17, 2:18. To beat 2:17k. St. Louis, Mo.. Sept. 26. 1878, $1,000. 2:20, 2:15»/2, 2:17k. Exhibition. Marvsville, Cai., Nov. 28, 1878, $ . Sweetser, pacer, 2:22, 2:17. 2:22. San Francisco, Cal.. Dec. 21, 1878, $ . 2:14,2:14^. To beat 2:13k- Lost. lohn Splan, J:ickson, Mich., Juue 12. 1879, $ . 2:22k. 2:20i4. Exhibition. Toledo, O., June 25, 1879. $1,500. 2:'J2i4, 2:20. To beat 2:16. Lost. Des Moines, la., Julv 4, 1879. $1,000. 2:21, 2:20?i. To beat 2:20. Lost. Chicago. 111., Julv 24, 1879, $5,000. Hopeful, 2:17JC, 2:21, 2:18. Clevehind, O., July 31. 1879, .$3,000. Hopeful, 2:18. 2:19?i, 2:15. Buffalo, N. Y., Aug. 8, 1879, $ . ,2:18,2:1494. To beat 2:13k. Lost. R. B. Conklin, Rochester, N. Y., Aug. 14, 1879, $1,500. 2:17%, 2:16. 2:13^. To beat 2:13k. Lost. ■ John.Splan, Utica, N. Y , Aug. 21, 1879, $3,000. Hopeful. 2:1734, 2:lGi4, 2:16. Karus Jr. (2 :46). J. J. Ryerson, Newark, N. J., Sept. 18 and 19, 1878, $150. Little Mack 1, Alice Blackwood, Danville. Blackbird (3 dr), 2:50, 2:48, 2:46, 2:46k. Four-year-olds. Rat, b g (3:53). A. Bhinamore, Keeseville, N. Y., Sept. 2, 1858, $25. Golden Eagle (1 0). Sorrel Billy (l 0) (4 dr), 3:01, 2:,58, 2:53, 2:55'/2. Rats, blk m (3 :40). George H. Bailey, Scarboro, Me., Aug. 11, 18.57, $400. Eastern Belle, 2:58, 3:00, 2:54. Aug. 26. 1857, S1,000. Wake Up Jake, 2:51 2:46,2:51. H. Ling, Portland, Me., Aug. 20, 1858, $200. Settler, 2:.55, 2:50, 2:54. H. Bradlev. Sept. 18, i860, $200. Honest Lawyer, 2:48, 2:48^. Rattler (s), b g (3:36% s), by Bishop's Hamblctonian (?). Hiram Woodruff, Philadelphia, Pa., May 11, 1837, $300. Ladv Warrenton (s), 8:35, 8:.33. Three miles. (s), H. Vandewater, Beacon Course, N. J., May 8, 1838, $300. Jim Oaks (s) (1 dis), 5:39i^. Two miles. (s), Julv 4. 18.38, $100. Ladv Suffolk (s) 1 (3 dis), 5:i:9, 5:17, 5:40. Two miles. (s), Oct. 1, 1838, .$200. Dutchman (s1. Lady Suffolk (s) d dis), 5:17. 5:1.3V6. Two miles. (s), Oct. 18, 1838, $300. Lady Victoria (s). Lady Suffolk (s). Ben Franklin (s). 8:11. 8:17. Three miles. (s). William Wheian, Centreville, L. I., May 18, 1841, $100. Earl (s), Betsy Baker (s). Postmaster (s) (3 dr). 5:31, 5:34. Two miles. Rattler, ch g (3 :45) (3:434 s). T. Page. Boston, Mass., June 1. 1853, $ . Ladv Ada, 5 :32, 5 :3S. Two miles. (s). D;in M;ice, June 22, 1853, $- — . Old Hector (s), 2:43i4, 2:42>2. 2:49. J. M. Daniels, Sept. 12, 1854, $ . Blue Morgan 1, (2 0),"2:44, 2:45. 2:46, 2:48. T. Page. Lowell. Mass.. July 22, 18.56, $100. Lady Dunbar 3 (20) (4 0), 2:48, 2:45, 2:46. 2:46, 2:46;/o, 2:47, Rattler, b g (2 :33). :\Ir. Bradley, Union Course, L. t., Aug. 11, 1856. $500. Union, 2:53, 2:57, 2:58. Sept. 14. 1859. $1,000. Andy Mulligan 2. 8:42;^, 8:40, 9:00. Three miles. Rattler, b s (3:35), bv Blggart's Rattler, dam bv Mars. Fred Werner, Sacramento, Cal., Nov. 13 and 14. 18.58, $1,.300. St. Clair, pacer, 4, 5 (1 0), 2:41^;. 2:39, 2:40, 2:41, 2:44, 2:37. J. L. Eoff, San Francisco, Cal., Dec. 30, 1858. $.500. Glencoe Chief (w), 2:48, 2:40, 2:43. Fred Werner, Marysvill^, Cal., Sept. 6. 1860. $ . 2:,35, against time. (w), San Francisco, Cal.. Oct. 9, 1S60, $.500. Vermont 1 (4 dr\ 2:51, 2:51. 2:47. Stallions. Ratller, gr g (3 :47). F. Weldon, Boston, Mass.. Oct. 31, 1864, $200. Henrv Columbus, 2:47. 2:47. 2:50. Rattler, rn g (3 :39k). T. McGihan. Hamilton, O., Oct. 4. 1866, $300. J. \V. (2 0), Grapevine, 2:43i^, 2:53H, 2:39 k. Rattler, hr g (3 ■.50}4). D. Jackson, Macomb, 111., July 2, 1870, $100. Jibbo 2. Nigger Boy, 2:501^, 2:53V2. Un- finished. Rattler, b g (3 :45k w). P. Giblin, Boston, Mass., Aug. 4. 1870. .$.300. Romeo 3, Loafer, 2:58, 2:59, 2:54%, 2:6J. D. Bigley, Sept. 14, 1870, .$.300. Princes (1 0), 2:50, 2:49. 2:48. 2:49. 2. -.53. Oct. 26, 1870, $ . Loafer 2, Romeo (4 dr). Dexter Jr. (2 dis). 3:00%, 2:5n%, 2:,54y„. 2:54. B. Mershon, Nov. 25, 1870, $ . Townsend Girl (2 dis), Romeo (2 dis), Slioo Fly (w) (2 dis), 2:51, . J.J. Bowen, Lowell, Mass., Dec, 1. 1870, .$600. Townsend Girl 2, 3, 2:54, 3 00. 2:49. 2:.50. 2:52'i. Boston. Mass., Dec. 3, 1870, $50. Townsend Girl 2, 3 (5 0), 3:16, 2:.55. 2:.52, 2:56. 2:.57, 2:53. M. T. Thompson, May 8, 1871, $100. Romeo 3 (1 0), 2:59. 3:01'/2, 3:(X). 2:.58'/j. Rattler (Basil Duke), rng (3 :38V4) (3:37*), by Hippy. R. K. Morgan, Nashville, Tenn., May 25, 1871, $600. Dart, 2:3.51^, 2:30%,2:28'i. Cohimbus, Ga.. Nov. 7, 1871, $750. Tennessee 1. 4. Spider (3 dr). 2:40, 2:.33. 2:35. 2:.36, 2:36. Matt Colvin, Council Bluffs, la., Sept. 20. 1872, $800. Logan I, Chicago, 2:.33U. 2:.31',i, 2:33?^, 2:.30%. Kansas Citv, Mo., Sept. 26, 1872. $l,500. Chicago 5, Pat Ring 1, 2 (4 dis), Rhode Island (4 dr). Black War- rior (1 dis), 2:33. 2:31H, 2:31'/a, 2:35i4,2:35V^., 2:35%. ■588 CHESTEUS COMrLETE TliOTTlxNG AND I'ACINU liECOltD. Burlington. la., Oct. .'s. 1872, $1,000. Locan 3, Lady Fox, Chicago, 2:27, 2:28, 2:30, 2:29. Short track Memphis, Tenu., Oct. -^4, 1872, Si, 000. I'al King ;i, 4, Byron 1 (0 dis), 2:31. L'::<2?4, i.':36. 2:30"/.,2:37iii,2-38H Rattler, b g (a :;»5'2)- ^\ . Johnson, Ti tusville, I'a., Aug. 23, 1871, SGOO. Orange Billy. Truiuu Evelina Ed Higgins. Kane Bov, 2:38, '.':;!«, 2:35^. ' I. J. McCort, Sept. 23, I87.f. S300. Billy Collins 1. Ed Brown, Lloyd, 2:54, 2:50J^, 2-51 2-45 Battler, blk g (.a :55). U. VV. liani(T, Napa \alley, Cal., Sept. lo, 1873, 8250. Bill 2, 3, Osceola 1 (4 dis), SleeDT John (4 dlS), 3:01'4, 2:r)7, 3:00, 2:.55, 2:55'4, 2:58}4. .ttler. b s (^3 :05). W. 11, Eorce, Fleming Rattler, b s ( 3 :05). W. 11, Force, Flemingtoii, JN. J., Sept. 24, 1873, » — . Hann's stallion, Butler Patchen Kemble Jackson, 3:05, 3:08, 3:08'2. Stallions. Rattler, bs (2:60). W. B. Fish, Westport, Conn., Sept. 25, 1873. « . Gray Boston Boy (2 tlr) 2-58'/4 2-50 Stallions. . • /i, . 1). Si)ink, Washington Co., R. I., Sept. 11, 1878, $ . Abdullah Star (3 dis), Hickory Jack (2 dis), 3:09. 2:57, L':,')8. Stallions. Rattler, b g (3 :40). W. I". Iliserodt, Des Moines, la.. May 29, .S1874, S500. Troublesome i, 2 (4 dr). No time. Oct. 15, 1875, S . Little Crow, Monarch, ("hronicle (3 dr), 2:41, 2:40, 2:41^. Rattler, br g (3:381.^). Capt. Dixon, St. Louis, Mo., June 4, 1874. $ . Itedlord's b m, Bob Hunter, 2:45, 2 :4J, 2:.")l?.i. Xenia. ()., Oct. 9, 1874, Sl.'K). Gypsy Queen 1, 2:41, 2:41K 2:41%, 2:42j^. J. (i. Lindell, Canton. 111., July 3, i87.'>, $ . Bob Hun'ter 1, Harry Logan. 2:43. 2:48, 2:51. H. W. Blake, North Amherst, O., Oct. 25, 1870, $100. Maggie Kimberley l r.'O), Little Aleck. Bella 2:4614. 2:49,2:50,2:48,2:4894. Rattler, br g (3 :36). A. H. Hall, Sycamore, 111., July 25, 1876, $300. Primrose 3, 4. Vira, Janesville, Dixie, Little Tom, Happy, Frank, Fern Leaf (4 dr). Lady Lynn (4 dis), 2:42. 2:42'.i, 2:39'". 2:33'/i, 2:40. July 27, IH76, $G00. Primrose 3, 4, Little Tom, Elk-n c, Sam Kirkwood. Maggie Davis. Fern Leaf (5 dr). .John Duiiiiiug (2 dis), 2:30, 2:30. 2:40, 2:41, 2:41. Battler protested and expelled. Rattler, rn g (.3 :0a! j). 11. Davison, Middletown Del., Oct. 4, 1877, $50. Goldust, Elisha Hiller (1 dis), 3:03yj, Rattler\3:44»4). H. J. Milligan, Chicago, 111., June 15, 1878, $ . Box 1. Advance, 2-44S 2-44U Rattler, ch 3 (2:37!j). C. Kowley, Bed Oak, la., Sept. 1, 1880, $75. Trapeze 1. Breeze, Henry, 3:05, 2:55,2:54H, 3:(M). Three-year-olds. Stillwater, Minn., Aug. 25, 1882, $100. Lucy 2, Victor, One Eyed Riley. 2:55U. 2:,52;/j, 2:53?i, 2:52^. — Atlantic, la,, Aug. 31, 1882, $135. Bay Mack, Botany Bay, 2:48, 2:47, 2:48. Sept. !, 1.SS2, .$300. Lady Francis, Dan Brown, 2:39}^, 2:42'/;. 2:45''i. Sept. 20, 1883. $1.50) Barney B., Florence O., 2:46, 2:41, 2:41^. Rattler, b g (3 :.50). L. F. Delaiid, Rome, N. Y., Sept. 22, 1880, $50. LoriettH Dandy, Independence, Su.sy R.. 2:52, 2:.-)3, 2:.-)0. " ' J . Rattler, blk g (3:26«^). J. L. Hallett, Portland, Or., October 3. 1883, $50. Lou, Kate. Hopeful, Bob. 3:40. 3:2C^. Rattlesnake (w), br g (3:33 w). Dan Pflfor, Centreville, L. I., June li, i860, $2,000. Red Jacket (w). 2:35 2:3.5^.2:38. Union Course, L. I., June 15, 1861. .$4,000. Tartar 3, 2:36, 2:34, 2:44, 2:42?ii. (w) Fashion Course, L. I., June 19, 1803, $125. Honest Peter (w), Woodruff's br m (w), Tallman's ch e (W), 2:30 '/2, 2:39,2:371^. Rattlesnake (3 :40^). .L Cairnes, St. Catherines, Ont., June 18, 1867, $100. James' grm, Brown's b g 1, 2 (3 dis), 2:45.2:47^4, , , . Buffalo, N. Y., July 15, 1869, $300. Lady Blanche 2, 4, 2:414, 2:39?i, 2-A2H., 2:40, 2:40Ji. Rattling Bill, bs (3:44). C. Seal, Macomb, 111., Sept. 11, 1875, $150. Orphan Girl, G.T. Pilot, Vallisca Maid, Madge, Thomas Kelly (1 dis), Norton's b g (1 dis), Thos. (^onklln (1 dis), 2:44, 2:46, 2:.50. Rattling Jim, b g (3 :40). ,1. S. Campbell, New Harmony, Ind.. Sept. 14, 1875, $ . Betsy Jane (1 dis), John (1 dis). Morgan (1 dis), 2:47. Sept. 16, 1875, $150. Eliza Jane 1, 5, Pompev Jones 3, Badger Boy, Molly Crowder (1 dis), 2:4314, 2:40. 2:39, 2:43>4, 2:46, 2:4414. & j. •> Rau Tucker (3:19). L. P. Shaner, Lynchburgh, Va., Oct. 12,1881, $50. Buckshot. Black Warrior. Little (ieorge, 3:19, 3:21. Raven, blk s (3:05). Boston, Mass., Nov. 14, 1871, $100. Yankee, pacer, Fanny (3 dr). 3:10. 3:08, 3 05. Raven, blk g (3 :469i). J. Peabody. Denver. Col., Sept. 27. 1876, $160. Jake 3. Miller's Maid 1, 2 (5 dis). Lady Morrill (3 dis), Ann Eliza(2 dis). 2:54, 2:5194, 2:48, 2:46^4, 2:51, 2:.')0. Raven, blk g (3 :43. C. Fifleld, Woonsocket, R. I., Oct. 18, 1876, $100. Sarah Gould 3. Silvermine 4, Eva (5 dr), Blanche (3 dr), .Joe (3 dr), 2:44, 2:43. 2:429i. 2:47, 2:42. Raven, blk m (3 :00). A. J. Elder, Kockford, 111., Sej)t. 16, 1880, $150. Blue Jeans. George C, 3:01. 3:00, 3:00. Ravensvfuod, br s (3 :4794), bv Blackwood Jr., dam Norma, by Norman Jr. J. W. Sweeney. Nashville, Tenn., Oct. 1, 1879, $150. Rosewood l. Riddle. Harwood, Bob Davis (3 dis). Wade Hampton (3 dis). Little Jim (3 dis), 2 :52, 2 :47?4, 2 :48, 2 :,57. Four-year-olds. Ray(w), bg (3:.50i^w). G. VV. Morse, New Haven, Conn., Oct. 2, 1879. $18. Pixie (vv) 1, Bangor Boy(w), 2:,58''4,2:56^, 2:.5814. Ray l-Janiel (3:03i4), by Blue Danube. .L Van De Bogart, Batavia, N. Y., Sept. 21, 1883. $ . Molly G. 1, Berthura, 3:09, 3:03K., 3:02^. Three-year-olds. Ray Gould, b m (3:30'/j), by Jay Gould, dam Emeline, by Henrv B. Patchen. G. W. Conover, Waverly. N. J., Sept. 21, 1880, .$200. Godfrey,Lady Scud. Flora Cleveland, Bobv Burns, Hiinibletonian Gem, Flaxy, Adel- aide, Bessie, Gypsy Girl (3dr), Redwood (2 dis), 2:,'?6, 2:a5'4, 2:,37U'.. New Hunting Park, Phila., Sept. 6, 1X81, $200. Billy K., Brown Billy, Charley Ross, Monmouth Chief, Bay Chief, Billy Bolden, 2:35H, 2:34, 2:32. Lebanon Pa., Oct. 5, 1882, $500. John N. 3, Toronto Chief Jr., Ike Medium, Martha Washington, Neshannock, 2:29'/,, 2:35»4,2:32'4. 2:30^. Kay's b m. L. McCarty, Woodside, 111., Oct. 11. 1882, $ . Boss 1. Patsy Bolivar, Black Mare. No time. Razor B.,bg(3:43i^), bv Robert Whalev. E. Cable. Bangor, Me., Oct. 20, 1882, $12.'5. Bay Prince (3 0), Gopher, Odd Fellow, Harry Mlddleton (2 dis), 2:43, 2:425^, 2.42'4, 2:42^. R. C. Anderson. bs(3:Ol). G. Bowerman, Hamilton O., Oct. 8, 1879, $100. Sandy 3, Pearight. 3 :04, 3 :01, 3:00'/,. 3:06,. Three-year-olds. R.IJi.,hlkg(3:33i4). R. D. Cummings, Willlamsport, Pa.. Aug. 28.1873. $300. Delaware 1, Brutus 2, Mary Brown ((5 dr), Stonewall (4 dr). Shot (1 di.s), 2:40, 2:40, 2:3914, 2:39^4. 2:41. R. D. .Steel, gr g(3:50). Slnnott and Dick, Padiicah, Ky., Nov. 2, 1872. .$100. Velox 1, Lady Payne (2 dis), 2:44'/,, 2:.'>1,2:.50. Readfleld, b g(3:39). G. Wood, Bangor. Me.. .Tulv 7, 1855, $100. Gvpsy, 2:42, 2:42, 2. ."9. Reality, br m (3:45 s). J. D. McMann, Beacon Course, N. J., Aug. 4, 1845, $750. Lady Tompkins, (9), Tip, 5:.30, 5:31. Two miles. Reality, br s(3:56). P. Conover, Catskill, N. Y., Sept. 17.1874,$ . Abdallah. 4 (2 0). Chauncey 1, (2 0), 3:02, 2:69'4, 2:66, 2:68, 2:60, 2:68. CHESTER'S COMrLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 689 Reamer's Chestnut Gelding, (2:35). R. Reamer, Ringhamtoii, N. Y, Sept. 16, 1869, 5^00. Brown Kitty 1, Edgill'sb a, Tumniv Dodtl, (2 dr), 2:^714, 2:36, -J/iiU. 2;36. WiUiainspoit, I'a., Oct. 22, lsG9, $500. Squire 2, 3, Fanny Fern, Twiliglit, Qu:ikerGirl. .)eff Davis (3 (lis), 2:37, 2:37^^,2:3(5,14. 2:35, 2:3714. Keaper, (3:15). J. Holdridge, Coldvvater, Midi., May 16, 1878, S . Nelly Buckman 1, Volante, Stella Paddock (1 dis), W. T. Bislum a dis). 3:15, 3:15. 3:15^4^. Three-year-olds. Keba, b. ni. (3:17). G. W. Stafford, Norwich, N. Y., May 21, 1S74, ^200. Competitors not named. 3:17, 3:21. Four-year-olds. Rebecca, eh ni (2 :54). C. H. Pinkham, Boston, Mass. July 21, 1873, $200. Lady Batchelder 2, 3:0l'/2, 3,04, 3:00, 3:03. Danvers, Mass., June 5, 1875. .?150. Ibex, Edwin, Timid, 2:.56i^, 2:57, 2:55. Rebecca, b m (3 :36). 11. Sherwood, Milford, Conn., Oct. 4, 1877, §100. Annie G , Kensington Maid, 2:37, 2:36, 2:40. Rebecca, b m (3 :44'.4). J. Maney, Chatham Village, N. Y.. Sept. 17, 1S79, $55. Rondo, Lady Jupiter, Dolly, Bub, 2:45, 2:441^. 2:4.5. Rebel, eh g (3:45). W. M. Mandel, Worcester, Mass., July 4, 1871, $150. Auctioneer 3, .4, Navigator (4 dr), , 2 :48, 2 :46, 2 :45, 2 :45. (w) Aug. 6. 1872, $ . Leonard. Brown l>ick, 5:5ii4, 5:55%. Two miles. Fitchburgh, Mass., May, 2S. 1873. .S600. Kentucky Boy. 8:50. Three miles. Worcester, Mass., June, 7, 1873. 8600. Kentuckv Bov, S-.'.ilhj- Three miles. Reckless (3 :39i. Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Aug. 25, is(;5. S75. Bessie d 0). 2:49, 2:55, 2:46. 2:39. Reckless, ch g (3:38). Reese Calvert, Phihidelphia, Pa., Nov. 5, 1873,$ ■ i.izzieLittlelieldl, 3, Marv Jane 2, 2:45. 2:439i. 2:41.2:39, 2:38. 2:42. Reckless, ch s (3 :03), by a son of Hojuer, dam by St. Charles. H. C. Hess, Middletown. Del.. Sept. 30, 1879, $100. Mollv F., 3:14,3:02. Four-vcar-olds. Reckless IJill, 1) g (3:50). ,1. Vandei'havden, Proplietstown, 111., Aug. 10, 1S77, S.:50. King Philip 3, Mowry 1, Nelly Fly i2 dis). Colonel (2 dis). 2:51, 2:51. 2:50, 2:.52, 2:50. Reconstruction, b s (3:3494;), by Vermont Boy. .1. Torrance, Bloomfleld, la., Sept. 30, 1871, $1.50. Honesty 1,2 (3 0) (4 (Ir). 2:26. 2:27. , , , . Short track. rouncil Bluffs, la., Oct. — . 1S71, .? . Honesty. 2:48. 2-41. 2:43. Oskaloosa. la., July 4. 1872. .«80o. Flora. Marv. 2:51, 2:48. 2:38. Oltumwa, la., Aug. 23, 1872, $175. Frank Palmer 0, 7 (5 0), Sorrel Dick l, 4 (5 0), 2:40, 2:37, 2:35, 2:40, 2:42, 2:4-', 2:42. 2:42. Marshalltown, la., Sept. 6, 1872, $150. Daniel Boone 3, 4 (2 0), 2:3814. 2:39<4, 2:41?*, 2:42i^, 2:39'^, 2:46i^. Des Moines. la.. July 4, 18^3, .$200. Honest John, Butelier Bov (2 dis). 2:47. 2:43M. Recorder, gr g (3 :50), (3 :48 s). (Jeorge Wood. Buffalo, N. Y., Sept. 25, 1849, $50. May Flower. 2:55, 2:55, 2:50. '- (s). Sept. 26, 1849. .$50. Sky Rocket (s) (l dis), 2:48. Record's Bay Gelding (3 :50). C. Record. Dedham, Mass., Sept. 18. 1868, $.50. Gay's b g, Alice (2 dr), 2:50, 2:,55. Bed Bank, gr g (3:44'4), bv Iron Dnk". dam Bridget, bv Wild Irishman. J.E.Russell, Brook, ille. Pa., Sept. 18, 1879, .$ . MeFSOn;-;er (U Iddist, Gypsy, Flora Mclvor, Schnver, 2:52, 2:54, 2:49. N. G. Edelblute, Oct. 9, KlO. .$iOi). Clav, Alpine, Stephen (i. (2 dr), 2:55, 3:01, 3:00. Stallions. W. J. Jolm, Clearfield, Pa., Oct. 17, 1879, $100. Maggie Miller, Sunshine, 2:51. 2:51. 2:.52. N. a. Edelblute. Brookfleld, Pa., Sept. 21. 1881, $125. Billy N, Flora Melvor, 2 :,-)0, 2:441^, 2:5014. Sept. 11, 18S2. $100. 2:40i4, 2:3«''4. To beat 2:40. Red Bird, b s (3 :37), by Nottinghaurs Norman. Mr. Grattan, Montreal, Canada, Aug. 31, 18.54, .S . Laeole Black Hawk. Grav Maria, 5:.38, 5:. 34. Two miles. Bowassa and Grattan, Cornwall, Can., Oct. 13, 1854, $100. Black Hawk 1, Tom :Moore. Queen. (2 dis)3:06, 2:37, 2:.59i^, 2:.50. Red Bird, b g (3:30), by Red Bird. Mr.Van Norman. Han)ilton. Can,. May 7, 1857. $1,000. Bones, 2:41, 2:45, 2:48. Toronto, Ont., Oct. 13. 1858. $225. Bob Edwin. Royal George. 2:56, 2:57. 2:57. — Clnirles B. Hill, Philadelphia, Pa., Julv 29, 1859. $ . Sally Lewis (1 dis), 2:43. Red Bird, bg(3:43). Charles Picard, Hamburgii, N. Y., June 4, 1868, $150. Clark's ch m 3. Best time, 2:43^4. Red Bird, b g (3 :43). A. Gokev, Plattsburg. N. Y„ Aug. 24. 1.870, $ . Jeff, 2:47. 2:.52, 2:,52U. Red Bird, bg(3:49?4). Godfrey Messier, Manchester, N. H., July 4, 1874, .§20C. Capt. WiUiams. Henry, 2:49'.i, 2..50. 2:,50. Red Bird, b s (3:54). G. W. Gillet, Erie, Pa., Julv 5. 1876, $.50. Gen. Wayne 3, 4, Dave Hill. 3:05. 3:02, 3:00, 3 :02, 3 00. Red Bird, b m (3 :35), by Alexander's Norman, dam bv Woodpecker. W. P. Maxwell. Cyiithiana. Ky.. Aug. 24, 1876, .$400. Annie Welch. Frank Miller, Pilot Hiilchinson. Eclipse Clay, Fanny Sto'ner, Glond;ile. Wild- wood, Harrv Clay 1 (3 dis). Red Crook (3 dis^, Rasselas (2 dis), Dextress (1 dis). 2:33':. 2:.5.5Ui, 2:491^. 2:48. Auir. 26. 1876, .$400. Allie 2. 3. Romance. Billy Hutchinson (5 dis), Salvador (5 dis), Ike Marvel (5 dis), Little Brown Jug(5dis), Lizzie H. (4 dis), 2:.36'<.. 2:.S7ii. 2:34i.i. 2:37i/i. 2:.36H. Florence, Ky., Aug. 30, 1876, $(;oo. Harvev H., Midway Belle, Ohio Volunteer (2 dis), Lizzie H. (1 dis), Miss Alice (1 dis), 2:4.3, 2:39'X>, 2:42. Parker Citv.- Pa., Sept. 26 and 27, 1876. .$400. Versailles Girl 3.7. Sleepv Tom 4, 5, Maggie Smith 2, Charmer, Lady McKinnev, Tib r5dr). 2:35, 2:35. 2:3.5,2:35,2:36, 2:.3,5i.^. 2:.35. 2:3.5i4. Red Bird, b g (3 :00). J. Furney, Toledo, O., Sept. 27, 1876. .$— . Beaver l. Ever True, Wood's blk g (l dis), 3:0114,3:00,3:01. Red Bird, b g. J. Rousseau, Sherbrooke, P. Q.. Oct. 3 and 4. 18^2. $1,50. Lady Russell 3. 4, Three Rivers Boy, Cfpsar, DottvGolddust, Jolinnv B.. Billy the Painter. No time. Red Bird, b g ('3:37ii), bv Chenerv's Grav Eagle. E. A. Newburv. Beacon Park. Boston. Oct. 27 and 28. 1882, $ . Carrie B. 1, 3. Ladv Tlioruton 2', Oolong. Fondling. Ellen, Lady Alice, Eastern Bov, Kate Harris, Honest Lyon (5 dr), 2:.30. 2:27i;t. 2:28M. 2:27H, 2:29'',, 2:.30. Red Buck, ch g (3:40), bv Red Buck. J. H. Dawson. Akron. O., Julv 19. 1877. $20O. Mont 3. 5, Bay Dick 4, Fretful. Little Phil. Davy C. Little Granger (5 dis), Star (5dr). Fannv Palmer (4 dis). Belle Caldwell (4 dis), Kate Fisher (2 dis). Dorsey (2dr), 2:41^. 2:49'(, 2:38i^. 2:.38'',i. 2:43. 2:43^. Red Buck(s), ch g (3:52'<. s). J. M, Lewis. Medi;). Pa, May 21. 1881, $ . Pepper (s). 2:52' i, 2:54. Red Buck, chg (3:00). Mr. Hillock, Joliet, Til.. Julv 4, 1882. $ . Big Sorrel. 3:00. 2 :.50. 3:10. Red Cloud, b g (3:18), bv Legal Tender. J. S. Wade. Jackson. Mich., .Tune 14, 1871. $1..5O0. Indiana 1, 2, Ed Foster (2 dis), Moxlev (1 dis). Fuzz (1 dis), Three White Heels (1 dis), Dick Weevil (1 dis). Bob Elliott (1 dis), 2:37'4, 2:.37>4, 2:39i4, 2:41U, 2:47%. Toledo, O., July 4. 1871, $750. Ed Foster, William, Arthur Boy, Kane Boy, Silversides (3 dis), 2:34^, 2:.35. 2:.34. July 7, 1871, $.500. John rero2. West Dingman. 2:32%, 2:30. 2:36, 2:30M. Kalamazoo, Mich., Aug. 18. 1871. .$2.oon. Arthur Boy. Kentuckv Girl, Tanner (1 dis), 2:34}4, 2:33%, 2:32^. Indianapolis, Ind., Sept. 29, 1871, $1,000. Pat Ring, Arthur Boy, 2:344, 2.29, 2:33;i. 690 CHESTEK'S COMPLETE TKOITIXG AND PACING RECORD. Cambridge, Ind., Jiiiic 7, 1872, §1,000. Pilot Temple 1, Morrissey, Queen of the West (4 dis). Uodiue (2 dis). 2:28, 2:27 U, 2:2.s'.i, 2:33:^4. Iiidiuiiiipolis, liid .June 12. 1872, SI.OOO. Morrissey, Barney. Mohawk .)r.. Kattler, 2:41,2:43^, 2:42;i. Piltsburgb. I'a., Sept. It), 1872, $2.(iuo. Pilot Temple, .Jenny, 2-27',2, 2:27. 2:31. Sept. 14, 1872. .'J2,(KK). .lenny, I'al King, 2.30. 2:31hi. 2:29J4. Grand Kapids. Mich.. Sept. 21, 1872, *1.800. Kilburn Jim (3 0), Hrother Jonathan, Clara G. (1 dis), Den- mark 1 1 dis), Jeiinv (1 dis), Wesiern Hov (1 dis), 2:28, 2:3'., 2:28, 2:2y?4. Dayton, ()., Oct. 11, ls72, Sl.WJO. Mohawk Jr.. Natchez, 2:34?4. 2:3l'i, 2:325U'. Julv 1.".. IS73. $.".00. Black l"'rank l. 2, black Charley. 2:35, 2:381.^, 2:35J^, 2:38,2:38. Kichnuind. Ind.. Julv I'J, 1873. $:m. lllack Frank. 2:,'$0, 2:.'i4, 2:3Ci. Fori Wavne. Ind.. Aug. 15, 1873, •:? . K.'d Dick, 2:28',^, 2:2i», 2:27'^. Kill h ilJc. 111.. .\ng. .iO, 1873. Sl.ooo. Miln C;ild\vi'll. Harry Mitchell. Kate Hazard. 2:26^, 2:29, 2:32'/». Divon. 111., Sci)t. ."i, 1873. .S4O0. Bertie. Nicodennis. 2:;U'2. 2:33>4, 2:;i7>4. Ev;insville, Ind., Se|)t. 25 1873. $;i,0(H). Molly Morris, .lohn H.. 2:2.5. 2:20,2:26'/.. Cliicago, 111., Oct 1, 1873, f;3,0()0. '1 bonias i.. Young. Tom Boche. 2:3.'), 2:3214. 2:32. Indianapolis. Ind., Oct. 9, 1873, $350. llussell, Indiana. iMUy Lambertson, Cy. Auger, Kate Bennett (3dr>, 2:.'.8'4, 2:37,2:37'... .lackson, Mich., June 19, 1874. SL.OOO. Mambrino Gift, St. James, Molly Morris. Huntress. Pilot Temple, Fred Hooper. Thomas L. Young, 2:27' 2, 2:2.".3.^, 2:25''2. i:ast Saginaw, Mich., June 2ii. 1874. .$2.0(io. St. James, Mambrino Gift, Brother Johnatlian, Hnutress, Thomas I.. Young (1 dis>. 2:22>4. 2:22.2:22^. liulianai)olis, lini.. Julv 8. 1874, $2,000. St. James, Nettie. 2::}0. 2:2G. 2:23. Chicago, III.. Julv 24. 1874. .S2.r.()0. (iloster, Nettie. St. James. 2:20. 2:24, 2:21>;. BulT;ilo, N. Y., Aug. 7. 1874, $7,500. Caniors 1, 2, Gloster, Nettie. Sensation, St. James, 2:20!4, 2:19'/2, 2:18, 2:18'o, 2:21. -^ — — Lavlavctte. Ind.. .\ug. 30, 187G, $500. Monarch Jr. 1, 2. Brother Jonathan, John B., Lady Byron, Bob Uidli-V. 2":2i;,2;29'4. 2:32. 2:4G>„. 2:44. Slielbvville, Ind., Sept. 8. I87(i, $ . Busscll. Tom Hendricks, 2:33, 2:33';. 2:33. Fort \Vayne. Ind.. Sept. 14. 1870. $600. Tom IJritton. George Judd.2:4.''). 2:43. 2:41. Bed Cloud, h s (3:43). E. 1*. Dickey, Wankcgan, 111., Sept. 29. 1871, $100. Kacine Boy, Belle of Wankegan 1 (2 dn. No time. W. s. I.ockwood. Denver. Col.. July 4. 1873. $G00. Hiram Woodruff 1, Sweet Brier (4 dis), Billy (4 dis), Billy Wliitcomb a dis), Stella (1 dis, 2:435i, 2:43. 2:46?4. 2:.50K'. Red Cloud ch s (3 :4l). s. D. Widner, Nashville, Tenn.. May 26. 1874, $100. Annie K. 1, 2, Whiskey, Lady Clay. Hatlie Hrown (2 dis), 2:4G, 2.40. 2:41, 2:4514, 2:44 ?,{. June 4, 1874. .S . Annie K. 1. Whiskev, 2:.53. 2:47?.i, 2:.50, 2:.5n34. Red Cloud, eh s ['i:4^U,). Suffolk Park. Phil.. Oct. 6. 1874, $.500. Maid of the West. 2:.53. 3:02'/2, 2:54'4. Red Cloud, ch g (3 :40). John George, Fleetwood Park, N. Y., Nov. 2, 1874, $200. Lady Kate 2, 3:06, 2:65}^, 2.543 '- ,f. Deerv. June 3, 1876. $100. St. George 1. 3:23'4. 3:13, 3:03, 2:59. .Imie 4. '1.87G. .$.500. St. George (2 0). 3:0Gi^. 2:57, 2:58, 2:59. June G. 187G, $100. St. (ieorge 3. 3:01. 2:.57. 2:48. 2:M. Trov N Y., Oct. 20, 1876, $100. J. T. Davis 1. .3. Kittv. Ada D.. Joe, 2:42i4. 2:40?4. 2:4.5>4, 2:40, 2M%. T. Vandecar, Sandy Hill. N. Y., Nov. 4. 1876. $7.5. Duroc 3. Ada D.. 2:44. 2:43, 2:45, 2:42i4. Red Cloud, bg (3:54). 'Samuel Andrews. Detroit. Mich., July 9, 1875, $500. Gray Alice 3, 4, Gray Frank 1, 2, Fred Stevens. BillvC, Gentle Jennv (3 dis). 2:.52. 2:.55^, 2:56. 2:,54, 2:54, 2:5G, 2:54,4. Red Cloud, d :47). ' \\. F. Cross, Zumb.-ota. Minn.. Sept. 2G. 1878, $ . Claybauk 2, 4 (5 0), Deception, Jeff navis(5dr), 3:02^,2 :.58. 2:54, .2:18.2:47. , , , Red Cloud, ch g (3:45). G. Bennett, Dunnville, Out., Aug. 16, 1881. $ . Spotted (nit 2, Lady Myers, 2:50, 2:.52. 2:4.5. 2:49. Aug. 17, 1881, $ . Spotted Colt 2. 3. Bay Diamond. 2:45. 2:40, 2:41, 2:45, 2:49. Red Cloud, b s (3 :50'4), bv Sir .lohn Franklin, dam Kate, by Billy Potter. A. R. Post. Norwich, Conn., Sept. 28. 1881 . ,«!.30. Joe Shant'ion, 2 :.55. 2:,58. 2 :.'>8. Sept. 28, 1882. $35. Gen. Thomas, Jefferson Boy. 3:0114, 2:58'/s, 2:.58'.2. Sept. 26. 1883, $13. Gen. Thomas. 2:.50'.i.2:.53!4, 2:52. „ ^. Red Cloud, ch s (3:43). .1. Barlow. Carmel, N. Y., Sept. 12, 1883 $75. Maggie G., Doctor B., Daisy C. (1 diS;, .Icssied dis), 2:43, 2:4G. 2:.51. .. , ^ ,.. , ^ ^ Red Crook . b g (3 :33 Ji). bv Garr.ird Chief. T. Bruce, Cynthiana. Ky., Aug. 22, 1877. $300. Micky Dowd 1. 3, Donald. 2:.'!4,2:a5i4.2:31?4,2:3:'.'4. 2:36'',. ^ ,.,.„,.,.,...,„. „ Red Crook, ch g (3:34^). R. Unsh. Pittsburgh, Pa., Oct. 12, 1881, $150. Daylight. Twilight. Lizzie B. 1, 2, (4 dn, 2:49^4. 2:50';, 2:47, 2:44. 2:51i'o. , „ . Red Cross, br g (3:30-',). bv Night Hawk. Samuel Robbins, Sacramento, Cal., Sept. 23, 1875, $1,000. Pete, American Boy, Pilot. 5:13''... 5:in!/>. Twomiies. ., j. . ,> . .„ , ^, „„„.x Siin Jose, Cal., Oct. .5, 187.5, $500. Lou Whipple 1, 2, Gus, Fisher (5 dis), Prince Allen (2 dr), 2:33^, ''■37'4 ''•40'4 ''■3414 ''"38 ^ J. Mcintyre, San Francisco, Cal., Oct. 14, 1876, $750. St. Helena 5,6, Sweet brier 1, 2, Alameda Maid, 2:30. 2::i4, 2:29, 2:31.2:34 2:.32';. 2:28^6. , _ D. Dennison, March 24, 1877. .Sl.ooo. Parrott 1, 5:06'o. 5:09, 5:22K>- Two miles. April7. 1877, $1,000. K. Tl. Miller 2. Prophet. 5:10.5:13^^, 5:13'c. , . ., ' „ ..-.«., .1. Mclntvre, July 12, 1878, $100. Lilly White 2, Alice Garret, Belle, Prophet, Alonzo Hayward, 2:34V4, 2:33',i, 2:.32. 2:34. Aug, 10, 1878, $2,000. Lillv White (1 dis\ 2:28. Same day, $400. Nelly Patchcn (4 0), Lou Wliipple, Brushy John 1, 3 (5 dis), 2 :29, 2:30, 2 :30i4, 2 :.31Vj, 2:34, 2-33. Reno. Nev., Oct. 12, T878. .$1,200. Gov. Stanford 2. John Stewart. 7 :.54. 7:41ivi. 7:54'4. Threemiles. S C Corrv Marvsville Cal., Oct. 19. 1879. .^noo. Dirigo. Gold Note, St. Helena. 5:09. 5 :(.9K'. Twomiies. J. Mclntvre. Santa Clara. Cal., Sept. 24. 1879, .S4,50. Mountaineer. Gold Note. Dirigo. 2 :.'«):'4 . 2 :2C94 . 2 :28. J. McCofd, Ueno. Nev., Oct. 8, 1879, .$.500. Gov. Stanford 1, Gold Note, Dirigo, Tommy Gates (2 dis), Frank (1 dis). John Stewartd dis). 7:48. 7:.574.8:n6. Threemiles. ^ x ,, ,. to,.,,,.. Red Cross, ch s (3 :31U\ by Brigand, dam Fanny, by Young M;)gna Charta. G. J. Fuller, La Salle, HI., July 27. 1 SSI . $ 100. Spinella. Lnna, Doctor Shepherd, Hamble, 2 :.3g'.,. 2 ::?G*i, 2:3894. — — Mendota. 111.. Aug. 11. 1881, » . Lantern 3, Lady Mack 2, Frank (3 dr), 2:40^. 2:.36. 2:40. 2:40"., 2:.T5}4, Montgomery. Ala.. Nov. 17. 1881. «200. Mattie Graham 1. Sticker Maid (20), 2:31, 2:.30i*. 2:.SS. 2:29H.2:30. Maysvillp. Ky., May 17, issj, $800. Novelty, Mattie (.rahain, Kate D., Bliss, Belle ot Kings, Zulu, Moni- Columf)us", 6r,'MaV- 24.*'i8R2. «boo. Novelty 3. Mattie Graham, Waverly, Ina G., Keno, Rigolette, Katy D., Belle of Kings "(2disi, 2;21U;, 2:26«4. 2:23"., 2:24. Toledo. O.. May 30, 1882. $800. Mattie (.raham 1, Ina G., Wayerly, Novelty, Dick Organ. KatyD. (3dis) 2*.'V1 2:28 2:29 2:281-.^. ^ Albany.N. Y., Sept. 29, 1882, $1,000. Prospect Maid, Clemmie G., 2:26, 2 :27, 2 :2ihs CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 591 E. Buck, Morrisania, N. Y., Oct. .3, 1882, S800. St. Gothard. 2:28, 2:27>i, 2:24^. Bed I>au, b g (2:43%). O. H. Siitluoil. Plaltsburg. K. Y., Aug. 2J. 1870, ^,i>. b..y Klttv,2:47, 2:46, 2:45?i. Bed Dick, (2:46'/^). Newark, O., Oct. 1, lSo8, .»^— . Canada Sam (w;, 2, (ii 0), 5:3u, 5:o9. 5:^1, 6:1-'. Two miles. Bed I>ick, b g (3 :44!4). Fleetwood Park, N. ¥., Nov. 24, 1870, $200. George, t, Sleepy Davy (1 dis\2:52, 2:52i/o, 2:54',2,2:44'2 Bed l>ick. eh g(2:88), by the Kurtz Horse, dam by OldTogue. Philip IJauman, Zaiiesville, O..Oct. 17, 1871, $250. St. Vincent, 2, hucrelia, I'sishiou, 2:5o;!a, 'J:r>3u, 's.-k). 2:53^4. Pittsburgh, Pa., Oct. 25, 1871, !>fiM). St \ uiceiit. Lady Alice. 1. 2, (.5dis;, Kittv(2 dis). Nigger Hoy, (2 dis). Mohawk Maid (1 dis). King William (1 dis), 2:-i7'.i, 2:4;j, 2:45, 2:4Si,i. 2:4;!. Indianapolis, Ind., Oct. 1, 1872, $2,00y. Billy Tonner, St. Vincent, Natehoz, Printer Boy, Alvina, 2:342i, 2"*'8 2 "33. ^"Newark, O., June 20, 1873, $400. Annie Collins, 1, Little Jlmmv, Gray Billy, 2:31, 2:'^9, 2:28'», 2-:9'/i. Cumberland, Md., Sei). 18, l!S73. .$600. Ladv Alice, 2:40, 2:34, 2:3'J. Sandusky, O., Oct. 9, 1873, .$1,000. Harry Mitchell l, 4, Little Longfellow 5. 2:3,5, 2:3.j'/i, 2:33^, 2:32, 2:30. 2:31 ',4. Bed Dick, chg (3:56). Suffolk Park, Phil., Aug. 25. 1875, $200. Lady May 2,3, (50), 3:10, 3:0\y,,2:5'M, 3:03,,"-(J0, 3 -.02. Bed Dick, b g (2:4194)- A. B. Thornton, York. Pa., Oct. 4, 1883 $100. Gardcz.Col. Matthews (3dis), 2:545i,2:59>4. 3:189.i. Bedeemcr, chg(3:36). C. Gates, Woousocket. R. I., Aug. 27,1878, $150. Fanny Forest, Harry N., Grace. Caloric, Ladv Palnier(l dis), 2:41i/,, 2:40, 2:40. Aug. 28, 1S78, $150. Caloric 1.2, Grace, 2,47. 2:40, 2:48i.i. 2:40, 2:41. J. M. Morgan, Pembroke. Ont., Aug. 3, 1883. $ . Money M;iker. Little Trump, 2:3814, 2:404, 2:47'4. Bed Fox, ch g (3 :38). William Payne, Evansville, Ind., Oct. 17, 18CG, $175. Billy Barr, Flora May, 2:41, . 2 *38 Bed Hawk, ch s (3 :31), by Toot Dillon. E, P. Bishop, Little Eock, Ark., Nov. 18, 1878, $100. Joe Turner, Bay Dirk, 3-21, 3:23, 3:21. Bed Hot, (3:40141. Northlield, Vt., Sept. 16, 1874, .$ . Robinson Crusoe, Sanshear, 3:14, 3:.33. Three- year-olds. Bed Jacket, b s (3:33?^), by Hiram Drew, dam a Morgan mare. Charles Burkctt, Koekland, Me., July 4, 1872, $100. Jessie Ames 1. Mountain Boy (2 dr), 2:44, 2:51. 2:51'/2, 2:48. Aug. 10, 1872, .$75. Honest Quaker 2, 3, 2:46^4 2:45. 2:45, 2:46%i, 2:47^4. China, Me., Aug. 20, 1S72, .$70. Daylight 1, 2. (3 0), (4 dr), 2:35i4, 2 :40, 2:40, . lielfast. Me., Oct. 15. 1S73, .$ . E. S. King, American Ladv,2:47, 2:48^., 2:4514. Rockland, Me., Oct. 22 and 2.3, 1874, .•?50. Honest Quaker 3. 4, 2:41J4, 2:W/'. 2:38, 2:39, 2:37. Bangor, Me., July 15, 1875, .$200. Fred Logan 3, Togus Boy, Bay IJick. Ilouc; t Farmer, 2:36}/.i, 2:32M. 2:38, 2:381^. Red Jacket, (w),bg (3:5094). G. M. Smith, Middletown, Conn., Sept. 27, 18G7, $20. Belle of VYaterford (w), Emma(w), Black Hawk (w), 3:0794, 311?4, 3:ll-ii. Sept. 28,1876, $50. Pixie, Carrie T. d dis). Katy (l disi. 2:r,0H. 2:51. 2:.5394. Sept. 29. 1876. $50. Pixie 1, Katy, Carrie T., 2:.52i4. 2:.-,0-', . 2:.7:'i.,. 2:.52'... Bed Jacket, ch g (3:54). J. Riopel, Ottawa, Ont., Oct. 5 and 10,1876, .$$100. Ottawa Chief 1, Carriboo, Miner's .Maid, 3:20, 2:54, 2:.57'2, 2:.54. J. Bonchette, Montreal, P. Q., Oct. 3, 1877. $1.50. La Prairie Girl, Jack Diaper, Winnifred. Capt. De- mers. Belle of Ottawa, City (Jirl. No lime. C. B. Wright. Ottawa. Ont., September 21, 1882, $ . Fly, Honest John, Telephone (dis), 15:09('2. Five miles. Bed Jim, b s (3:30), by Abdallah Pilot, dam by a son of Alexander's Norman. T. Bruce Lexington, Ky., Sept. 13, 1877, $ . KenUickv Wilkes, Wiry Jim, Buford, 2:.'J0=4', 2:30, 2:30!i. Three-vear-olds. M. Tanner. Hur.stville, N. Y., May 30, lf83. .?200. Caj)t:iin 1, JV.lmer. Bert lime. 2:369^. Red John Jackson, b g (3:45). William Whelan, Union Course, L. I., .July 2J, 1857, viJUO. Dau Marble, 2:48=4, 2:489a. 2:48J4- June 10. 1858, $1,000. Fanny Fern (w) 2, 2:45, 2:.51. 2:46'4, 2:51. Red John Jackson, gr g (3 :43), l)y Vermoni Black Hawk. S. Baker. Greenfield. Mass., Sept. 2, 1857, .$200. Craiidall'sch g 1, 2, Buckskin, 5, 6, 7, Nothing (3 dr), 2:3GJ^, 2:40. 2:43, 2:45, 2:44, 2:48, 2:40, 2:40, 2:44, 2:49. Irregular. Oct. 1 1, 1857, .$2,000. Duchess. 30:20. Ten miles. Red Line (.lim Fisher and Tom Scott), b g (3 :35ivi ), by Svu-prise. Georrre PiiThtmire, Canton, O., Julv 1, 187.5, $150. Raven, Country Girl, Maggie Nelson, Gleaner, Eebecca, Akron Jack (l dis). Forester 0 dis), 3:08, 3:06^(, 3:05)^. July 3. 1875, $150. Kitty A. l. Lady Greer, Flora P., David Crockett, Eaven, Akron Jack (1 dis), Frank (1 dis), 2:479:£. 2:4514. 2:46^, 2:.50. Delaware. O., Aug. 18, 1875. $275. Major Bird, Dick Harvey, Frank Harlan, Lady Gray, Judge Waite, Bay George (2 dis), 2:5l>^, 2 :r;6. 2:4994. Mt. Y'ernoii, O., Aug. is, 1S77, $17,5. Bay Frank 3. Deception. 2:48i'n, 2:40i;. 2:4si'„. 2:rh. Jackson, Mich., June 11, 1879, $800. Parana 3, Lucy, Kate Hall, Billy Y'eazell, Will Cody, Surprise, Bonner Boy, 2:32'^, 2:28^, 2:31. 2 :359i. Toledo. O.. June 25, 1879. $800. liUey 1. Little Hannah, Bonner Boy, Kate Hall, Parana, Billy Yeazell, Hero, Judge Hawes d dis), 2:289.i. 2:26i4, 2:28i/', 2:27i4. Columbus, O., July 18. 1879, $600. Will Codv, Billy Yeazell, Edgar, Bonner Boy. 2:25'4, 2:27, 2:2.5\4. Xftiiia, O., July 23, 1879, .$.500. Foxie V., Dick Taylor, 2:.34ii, 2:32i4, 2:33. Bed Mare, b m (3:03). J. Barrette, Montreal, P. Q.,'June 15, 1879, $ . Rosy, Sportsman, Black Walnut. No time. Bed Oak. eh g (3 :30) by Paul Jones, dam Flora, by Madison Bellfounder. E. M. Strode, Zanesville, O., Aug. 17, 1872. $400. Ida May 3, John W. (4 dis), 2:49W,' 2:479i. 2:46i<,, 2:451-. Lancaster, O., Oct. 18. 1873, .S135, Gray Sam.*Fanny Brown. 2:.529.(. 2:.53%. 2:47'.. June 26, 1874, .$600. Dick Slater. Belle Brasfield, Maggie Kimberlv, Josie, Blonde, Forest Maid, Belle Burkley, Silver .Maid. 2:41H, 2:41^, 2:41i'<;. Pliilip Bauman. Parkersburgh, W, Xa,., Sept. 18, 1874, .$.350. Josie (2 0), Moscow (4 dis),2:.3.5, 2:36, 2:33^i. 2:35 9i. E. M. Strode, Plain City, O., July 21, 1875, $200. Joe Hooper, Doctor Rush, Jerry Postal (3 dr), 2.59,3:02^^ 3:04. July 22. 1875, $300. Joe Hooper 1. Doctor Rush. 3:05ii, 3:03. 3:0794, 3:on4. Westerville, O., Sept. 17. 1.ioha\\k U ilis), Cen- tral Ohio (1 dis;, 2 :40, 2:41, 2 :40i,4. Hudson. Mich., Sept. 5, l«7.s. 6150. Little Mag, John Brown, Belle Smith, Molly H., Peninsula Maid, Badger Boy, Huron Boy (2 dis;, 2:45, 2:4o'/i, 2:45. Bed Kobin {s), bgC-i:".-,* s). Spicer and Anderson, Beacon Course. N. J., Aug. 1, 1839, $200. Catoi, Tom Jones, Eminess, two others. 5:44, 5:47, 5:47; j. Two miles, Ked Kover (\\), b g (a :4a). llalph Ogle, Fashion Course, L. I.. Aug. 18, 1868, §500. HolJowback, Patterson's rn ni. Doble's b ni. Temptress (,w), 2:47'4. 2:51U. 2:49J4. A|iril 2ii. 1809, *750. Ladv Lovell. 2:5S. 2:.j3, 255. (w), .lohn Murphy. Mav 2. ist;9, iilM. Ladv Lovell (w). Nora O'Neil. 5:43. 5:4o',2. Two miles. Ralph Ogle. Mav 20. isb9 $G0O. Vouiig ('(Jnimodore, Nora O'Neil 1 (3 disi. 2:40'2. 2:43';, 2:48. 2:55. John Murphy, Cnion Course, L. L, JiUy 15. iwii). S200. Young I'oinmodore :5, 2:42'2, 2:4.5, 2:44,4. 2:48. (w), July 2.S. 18GU, .S.')00. Young Commodore ov». 2:50!o. 2:49, 2:51. (w), Kalph Ogle, Fashion Course, L. L, July 30, 1809, S)500. Young Commodore (w), 5:35J^, 5:49«^. Two miles. Aug. 2, 1869. Srm. Birdcatcher, 5:4:!U. Two miles. Same (l:iv, .<500. 151ack Dan, lluzlett s gr g 2 :49, 2:44, 2:44. Oct. 2, 1809, 5^800. Gray Messenger, 2 (.3 0), (5 dis). Black Dan (5 dis), Willy Kinney (5 dis), 2:47, 2:40V4, 7W, 2:49. , b s (3 :40), by Geo. Wilkes, dam Queen Dido, by Manibrino Chief. Crit Davis. Lexington, Ky., 878, $300. Triiiket (3 dr), Annie T. (2 dis), Bessie (i dis), 2:42'^. 2:40, . Four-year-oUls. 2:44, 2;44'/2,2:42. Nov. 22, 1869, $150. Gray Messenger. Anna. 2 :48, 2 :48, 2 -Asy,. Union Course, L. L, Nov. 25, 1809, 4i750. Soger 2, 4, Kate McGowan, 2:51'/4, 2:53^, 2:54?ii, 2:52>^, 2:51. Fashion Course, L. L. Dec. 3, 1869. .S300. Anna 1, Original Jacobs (w), (3 dr), 2:.55, 2:53i^, 2:54, 2:56'/!. April 23, 1870, 8300. Ella 2, 0 v50). Nathan. 1, 2:.54, 2:54W. 2:.56ii, 2:.57 2:.50, 2:54, 2:57. Bed .Squirrel, eh m (.2 :50'i). S. W. Spink, Trumansburgh, >f. Y., Sept. 26, 1808, $ . Haphazard 4, White- foot 1. Lady Patchen, Brown Horse, 2:58, 2:54, 2:56, 2:.55, 2:.53. Bed Stone, b g i2 :33). C. E. Tuttle, Leroy, N. Y., May 31, 1876, $200. Versailles Girl. Billy. Bay Dick, Sunset (1 dis). 2:;50?i, 2:37 "4, 2:38. Mlilwav, N. \'., June 7, 1S76, $300. Versailles Girl, Billy (3 dis), Jim Murray (3 dis). Sunset (3 dis). Bay Dick (3 dis), 2:41, 2:3014, 2 :;i3. Beavis, Newcastle, I'a., June 17, 1880, $300. Mattie Graham. A. Peck, Alice :\ledium. Kocket, Neshannock, Daylight, 2:37, 2:3414, 2:35. ^ .,,,.,,,.,,,. Akron, O., June 24. 1880, $300. A. Peck 1 (3 0), Mattie Graham, Alice Medium. Mambrino Clay Jr. (l dis), 2:a5, 2:3414, 2:3.5K'. 2:;57i2, 2:35}^. Youngstown, f)., July 1, 1880, $400. A. Peck 1, 4, Lena, Mattie Graham, Daylight, Ahce Medium, 2:34'2. 2:41.2:42,2:38,2:38. J. Call, July 4. 1881. $400. Blanche H., Flying Cloud, Kobert Brown, ivitty Clyde, Lady Bell, Peddler, Ladv Clark 13 dis), 2:35, 2:3414, 2:341/4. ^ ^ ,, . „ Beed'sBay Gelding (3 :09). Jiicob Reed. Chatham, N. Y., Sept. 14, 1870, $.35. AN illiam s b m. Sagendorph's bg, 3:09. 3:12io, 3:15. Three-year-olds. ^ ^ „,,„,,„, Beed's l»ay Mare (w) (3 :49V^ w). S. =, 2:41"», 2:43. Becse, by James K. Keese. W. Saunders, Clyde, N. Y., Sept. 21. 1883, $ . Chipmunk, Dan Davis. Dora Steele. No time. ^ , , ,, , ^ ^ , Beeve's Bay .Stallion (3 :34). Mr. Reeves. Ithaca, N. Y., Sept. 28, 1865,$ . Freese s blk s, Alwater's lilk s, 2:48. 2 :.-)!, 2:43'- .1. Tnunansburg, N.Y.. Oct. 11. 180.5, $00. Freese's blk s 2. 4. 2:44, 2:42, 2:39. 2:.3,5 2:34. Bef<»rni, b g i3 :35;',), by Messenger Duroc. dam Ladv Cardinal, by Harry Clay. Shepherd Knapp, I rospect Park, L. L, Oct. 23, 1873. $1,.500. Topgallant, 2:35?4, 2:40. Three-year-olds. Beforni. ell g (3:.'>0). C. M. Wyvel, Cuba. N. Y., Sept. 25, 1879. $1.50. Louis Napoleon. Dick Smith, lanny Fllsler ■'■50'4 '''50 ""SO . BefuK.'e, h"g (3:46^ )". by ilamlet. dam Puss, by John Blount. D. Winans, Amenia. N. Y'., Oct. 8, 1875, $30. I>oafcr. Crazy Girl, 3:01»i, 3-0114. 3:011^. , , ,, , ,• Peter Pratt. Rhinebeck. N. Y.. Sept. 12, 1877. $1.50. Robert Young 2, 3, Boston Boy, Donald, Columbian Eepardless. ch g (3 :4ii'4'),"'bv Daniel fiambert, dam by Bishop's Hambletonian (?). H. T. Rolfe, Middlebury, Vt., Sept. ,3, 1874. $100. Waif. Lady Foote, 3:09, 3:07,3:00. Beeardless, b g (3 :43i0. P. Boyle, S'orwioh, Conn., Sept. 28, 1881, $200. Maud B.. 2:43i,. 2:49, •-':50 Bejrent, bgi3:41U), by Bashaw .Fr. William Simpson, Cedar Rapids. la.. Oct. 1.5. 1874, $200. Silky B. 4, Whalebone l. MVmarch West Liberty, Highland Mary, Bay Robby (5 dr). Bashaw .fim (4 dr), 2:43,^, 2:41Vi, 2 "461/4 2 '45 '''49 Begl'na, h m ("3V33U). Iw Wood's Hambletonian. dam Mary Ann, by Magnolia. T. S. Flood, Morrisanla, N. Y., Oct. 6, 188l.!!;9.50.' DSgmard dis). Biieth (Idis). 2:.32>4. ^ , . ,„ „. „ .„,, BeRiRter. blk g (3 :39!'2), by Marshal Ney. A. Palmer.Hudson. N. Y., Nov. 3, 1883, $200. Lady Phyllis, 2 :42V4, BeRiKteV lioy~\) p (3 :43), by Veto. P. S. Pulver, Chatham Village, N. Y., Sept. 16, 1874, $150. Onondaga Boy, '"r'onaWe.'^^''! June 12, 1875, $115.' Eastern New York (2 0), Billy Brighton, Nelly, Riga Buss, Black Dan, Slipiiery, 2:45, 2;45ii, 2:45,2:44. CHKSTKRS COMPLKTE TU()TTIN(i AND PACING LECOltD. 5J» (ii-t'ut lUirriiigton. Mass.. June 10. 187.J, §300. Jenny Ide 1, i!, Nelly B., Macbeth. 2:42, 2:41i^, 2:45, 2:46'/s, ' iihiuebeck, N. Y., September 10, 1875, .«150. Prince 3. New Berlin Girl, Clover (4 clr), 2:45, 2:4314, 2:43/i, 2 *4i3 Regulator, blk g (2:30?i). by Ti-ottiug Ciiiltlers. I. Copp, Mystic Park, Boston, Sept. 19, 1867, $200. Mystic Maul Surprise (2 tlisi. Tom Heatbwood c' dis), likHidelle (lidis), :i:4;ij^, 2:305ii, 2:37. K. T. Nortlieiid, Portsmoutli, N. H., Oct. 1807, ^pl.oou. Gen. .AicClellau 2, 3 (b dis;, Empress 1 (3 dr), 2:36, 2:35?i, 2:30}4, 2:3634, 2::Hi^«. Exeter, N. H., Oct. 9. 1807. .51.50. Honest Kate, 2:45, 2:46, 2:41»4. Oct 10, 1867, $1.")0. Honest Kate, Bradford Boy, 2:45, 2:43, 2:40. Dover, N. H., Nov. 2, 1867. .*400. Nelly Locke 1, 2:43. 2:33. 2:38J4, 2:38. 0, by Sigel. John Daniels, Sacramento, Cal., Sept. 18, 1868, $300. Moulthrop 1. 2, Jim Keguliitor, b g (a :30;'4), by Sigel. John L a dis), 2:41^, 2:37, 2:32^.1, 2,359*. 2:33)4. S. Whitehead, San Francisco, Cal., J June 19, 1809, $200. Lady Dooley, Pride of the Bay (1 dis), 2:34!^, 2:35. 2:39!4. — • July 31, 1869, .|!2,00(). Moulthrop. 2:.j3V2. 2:41l4. 2:39. — Haywood. Cal., Oct, 28, l.s69, .$200. Onward 1. Lady Dooley, Dick Gough. Pacific, 2:36, 2:34^, 2:34}^. — A. F. Smith, Sacramento, Cal., May 27, 1870. $250. Conness 1, ShooFly,2:37, 2:3S!'4.2:36i4, 2:36^. — W. Hazel, San Francisco. Cal.. June 8, 1870, $300. Shoo Fly. May Queen, 2:34i-4, 2:35. 2:32^- — Colusa, Cal., .luiie 17, 1870, .5300. Marysville Queen, 2:58, 2:56, 2:30. — B. E. Hanis, San Francisco, Cal., July 1, 1870, $ . Conness. Mny Queen, 2:34i4. 2:37^^, 2:35J4. — J. Eckert. .Marysville, Cal., Sept. 7, 1870. S . Jerome. Marysville Queeu Honest Anse (2 dis), Tom Carr (1 dis), 2:43j'4. 2:48, 2:47. — B. E. Harris, Sacramento, Cal., Sept. 14, 1870, .S600. Shoo Flv 1, 2, 2:39^4, 2:31V2, 2:30?4 2:32J4, 2:31. — San Francisco. Cal., Sept. 26, 1870, $600. California Dexter, Shoo Fly, 2:30, 2:35, 2:33. — Petaluma. Cal., June 15, 1871, .$2.50. Copperhead. Ladv Langlin (1 dis), 2:45^, 2:44, 2:41. -Stockton, Cal., Sept. 12. 1872. $500. George Treiit, Black Swan. 2:41J4, 2:40k, 2:44k- Regulator (3 :38K George Weller. Goderich, Out.. May, 25, 1872, $ , "^'aterloo, 2:39, 2:39, 2:38. Regulator, b s (2:40), by Mape's Hambletonian, dam Fanny i\l apes, by Alexander's Abdallah. George B. Baker, Adrian, Mich., October 1 and 2, 1874, $ . Gray Billy, Sorrel Ned, Jim Crow, Gvpsy Girl, 3:01, 2:57%. Oct. 18, 1878, .$250. Velveteen 2, 3, Little Tom l, Sam Patch, Molly Pitcher, 2:40i4, 2:40, 2:41, , 2:4154 2:40. Regulus Jr.. b s (3:32k>, by Kegulus. W. McMahon, Plalnfleld, N. J., Sept. 30, 1880, $200. Lady Antrim, Augusta Schuyler, Dudley, 2:34' 2, 2:33k, 2:37. Reho, ch s (3 :03). S. H. Phillips, St. Albans, Vt., Sept. 11, 1877, $50. Pebble, Prince Bismark, Anna Lang 5:11, 3:03, 3:05. Reindeer, ch g (3 :35). C. S. Bartine. Centreville. L. I., Sept, 10, 1849, $25. Paul Jones, 2:56'/2, 2:48»^. James Whelpley. Nov. 22, 1849, .$1,000. Johnson Colt, 2 :44, 2 :42, 2 :44, 2 :47, 2 -AIM. C. S. Bartine, June 25, 1850, $200. Fanny (w), 2:45, 2:44, 2:38. L Woodruff, July 8, 1851, $500. Boston Girl l (2 dis), 2:35^, 2:35. (w). Union Course, L. I., Dec. 2, 18.53, $500. Brimstone (w), 2:50»2, 2:47. Mr. Smith. Centreville, L. I., Oct. 19, 1854, $200. Tom Thumb, 2:48. 2:39. Reindeer, blk g (3:39). George Bidwell, St. Louis, Mo., Nov. 1, 1853, $200. Torn Benton, Chestnut Stallion, 2:45 2:45. '■ George Hulnie, Chicago, 111.. Aug. 15, 1855, $200. F'anny Wood, 2:45, 2:45, 2:45. — George Bidwell, Sept. 5, 185.5, $400. Fanny Wood 1, 4, 2:43k, 2:48i^, 2:39, 2:41, 2:41}^. (w), June 30, 1856, .$200. Lady Kate 4, 5, Black Ralph 2,3 (6 dis). Fashion (1 dis), 2:36?i. 2:3914, i-AVA, 2:41, 2:43?i, 2:46, 2:47' 2 July 3, 1856, $200. Black Ralph (1 0), Selim (1 0), Ladv Kate, Fashion (1 dis), 2:34, 2:34, 2:34, 2:35. (w), July 17, 1856, $1,000. Lady Kate (w), 2:3914, 2:38>ii, 2:36)4. July 3, 1857. .$250. Ladv Kate, Selim, Tom Hyer, 5:11, 5:123^. Two miles. Oct. 31, 1857, $200. Topsv 1. 4, 2:41, 2:36, 2:37. 2:39, 2:38. O. W. Dimmick, July 9, 1858, .$400. ©'Biennis, Ike Cook, Lady Kate (3 dis), 2:34, 2:33k, 2:35'/2. Sept, 17, 1858, .$ . Ike Cook (3), 2:34, 2:35, 2:32. 2:34. St. Louis, Mo., Nov. 25, 1858, $1,000. Flora Temple l ^2 dis), 2:34, 2:35. R. Champlin, May 31 1859, $1,000. Irish Tommy, pacer, 2 37, 2:42)^, 2:?». June 7, 1859, $200. Irish Tommy, pacer (2 dis), Missouri Chief (I dis), 2:31)^. 2:34. Mr. Moore, Detroit, Mich.. Oct. 18, 18.59, $2,000. Belle of Saratoga 1, 3 (5 dr), 2:38, 2:36k. 2:32, 2:38»4. D. Heinshop, Louisville, Ky., June 21, 1800, .$3.50. Bolly Lewis, Abby Woods (1 dis), 4:58. 5:09. Two milPs. E. Russell, Cleveland, O., June 18. i860, .$400. May Qiieen 3, 4, 2:53,2:49, 2:48,2:48, 2:47^. T. McClain. Oct. 5. 1860, .$25. Lady Franklin 2, Stranger. Kitty (4 dr), 2:39. 2:40, 2:45, 2:40. J. Cudnev, Cincinnati, O., Oct. 10, I860. §.300. Bolly Lewis, Ike Cook. 2:30, 2:29, 2:29k. Reindeer, blk s (3:55). Blood & Gilman, Charlestown. N. H., Sept. 22, 1858, $10. Pathflnderl, 2:57, 2:55, 3:00. Stallions. Reindeer, b g (3:40). Mr. Darbj', Denver, Col., May 10, 1864, $1,000. Gray Eagle, 2:48, 2:45Ji. J. E. Herney, Dec. 1, 1865, $2,000. Gray Eagle. 2:51. 2:45%. Reindeer, b g (3:331^). New Orleans, La.. July 16. 1865, $500. Little Joe 1, 2:40, 2:40, 2:39, 2:39}^. Oct. 18, 1865. $ . Tobe Drum 1, Unknown (1 dis) 2:41. 2:42. 2:45. May 22, 1866, $1,500. John Martin, Nelly (l dis). 2:37!4. 2:379:C, 2:43%. Reindeer, b g (3 :50) W. P. Ricketson, Myricks, Mass., Sept. 22, 1871, $65. Lady Stevens 1, 3, McCormick's b g, 2 :50, 2 :.50, 2 :5214, 2 :53 2 :54. Reindeer, b g. J. O. Engle, Goffstown, N. H.. Oct. 2, 1878, $50. French Bov. No time. R. E. Lee, ch g (3 :40), by Tempest, Jr. W. A. Holland, Brownstown, Ind'., Aug. 29. 1879, $85. Tom Hall, S. M. .Strader, Kitty Higler, Idlewild, 2:47%, 2:45, 2:44. R. E. liee. rn s (3 :i5). W. M. Carter, Joplin, Mo., Sept. 28, 1880, $20. Mountain Boy 2, Fox, Black Harry, 3*1. 5 3'11 3"18 Reliable,' ch g (3 :44). A. Howard, "Watertown. N. T., Oct. 9, 1866, $25, Dan, Emigrant, Nelly Gray (2 dis), Fanny Hatch (l dis), Kate Lerov (l dis), 2:.53, 2:48, 2:49. Reliance, br g (3 :37i^). Hiram Woodruff, Union Course, L. I., April 18, 18.59, $50. Senator 2, Ladv Finne- gan (1 dis), 2:37'/2, 2:45,2:39;'2, 2:42^ Fashion Course. L. I., June 26, 1862, $375, Minnie (l dis) 2:38i4. Reliance, blk s (3 :01). H. G. Smith, Manchester, N. H.. Oct. 8, 1878, .fflOO. Goodwin's Hambletonian l. I^ady Clay, David, Gray Pony, Pete. Joe, Nelly Allen, Pegsry (3 dr), 3:02, 3:01, 3:0l. Reliance, b s (3 :33i4), by Alexander, dam Maud, by Mambrino Rattler. J. N. Learired, Stockton, Cal., Sept. 19, 1879, .$400. Daisy d" drVFrank (1 dis), 2:25. Relief, gr g (3 :30). L. Spear. Mercer, Pa.. Sept. 8, isso, .$50. Little Willie, Nigger Doctor, Lillie June. Flying Hair, Daring Boy, 3:20, 3:28, 3:22. Remorse. brg(3:6o). W.M.Wright, Seneca Falls, N. Y., Oct. 13,1877. .?150. Johnnv Mack, Jim Brlggs. 3:00,3:01,3:12. 38 594 CHESTKirs OOMl'LKTK TUOTTIN(; AM) I'ACl.NCJ KKCOKD. Rena G., ch m (8 :46). George Frances, Mystic Park, Boston, Oct. l, 1875. .?100. Gen. Warren 2, 3, Doctor 1 Tom Collins, Nelly (4 dr>, l':-48, 2:51. 2:ii>. •.':50',2. 2:ali^. JcuO, Itena o., blk ni (aioOS). W. McBride, I'oiut Breeze I'ark, Ta., July 4. I8«l, $um. Sleeuv Bob Minnie Pierce, Doctor .s., 3:00, 2:59?i, 2 :.'J9!^. i j . ic Reuaud, cli g ^a:3«v4). c. li. Crofoot, Sandusky, O., .June 28, 1876, $180. Dick Harvey, Lady (;reer Roan Jark (2 dis), 2:45^4, 2:40, 2:39',2. ./ j ■ June 29, )87ti, S300. Maggie Casey 1, Joe Hooi)or2, Dick Harvev. 2:38'». 2:.39, 2:40i^, 2:38^4, 2:38M. Renegade, b g ( i :40), by King Kene. A. L. Thomas, Sullivan, 111., Aug. 9, 188J, $100. Kockel 1, Dun Sam (4 0). Pete Wagner, 2:52'i. 2:48, 2:46, 2:50, 2:.'>4. 2:49. Carmi, III., .Sept. 6, 1883, Sl.50. Gallatin Maid. 2.44i/',2:45, 2:44?4. Flora, 111., St-iil. L'C, 1883, S . JNlolly S.. Belle Bowen, 2:44' 2, 2:44'i. 2:46. Sei)t. 28, 1»8:;„;> . Logan Chief. Longfellow, 2 -.Wi^, , 2:40. Reno, c^ :37). .1. i\ Mcintosh, Kcno, Nev. Sept. 14, 187G, S . Alice 2, Sweetbrier, John Chambers 1 (4 dis). 2:40,2:38,2:37,1^,2:37. Reno, 1) ni (3 :5!4). J. T. Mcintosh, Chico, Cal., Oct. 8, 1880, SIOO. Lucy 2. 3, 2:56, 3:00, 3:02. 2:52. 3-00 Renown, br s (3:56). J. Millsi)aiigh, St, Louis, Mo., .Tulv 13. 1850, $r>0. Pevtona. 3:02, 2:."j(!, 2:."j6. Repeater, gr g (3 :41). C. Quintal, .Montreal, P. Q., June 0, 1872, $600. Hurricane 1. 2:.50. 2:47, 2:43, 2:44. Repeater, h g (3:38). W. H. Colby, Denver, Col., Oct. 6, 1877, $100. Lorimer, Kough and Ready. John Dee (3dJs), 2:51'^, 2:51»-i, 2:52»4. Republic, b g (3 :45). G. W. Haman. Rittersville, Pa., Sept. 2, 1879, §300. Queen Victoria, Rattler, Birdie. Jolly Roger, Roljcrt Lee (3 dis), 2:49, 2:47>4, 2:45. (w). New Hunting Park, Plnl., Nov. 3, 1879, S . Hannah C. 1, 2:5). 2:46. 2:46'.!, 2:47?4. Westi'lu'stcr, Pa., Sept. 24, 1880, $250. Lizzie McFarland 3, 4, Mincola, 2:481^, 2:49}4, 2:5ll4,2-A9U,2:50^i. Rescue, ch g (3:4;{'2). E. Faunee, Dover. N. H., Oct. 2, 1878, .?:;()(>. Annie E., CottonlHil, 2:43'!i, 2:43'/2. 2:46'.;. Rescue, I) s (3 :50). A. L. Goodbar, Monmouth, 111., Sept. 11, 1879, $300. Maud C. Kittv I)., J. A. McKenzie, 2:50, 2:.')3, 2:50. Resolute, b g (3:39). James Graves, Louisville, Kv.. Julv 20. 1S74, $ . .lack B. 1, 4 (20). Fair Maid, 2:47, 2:43, 2 :.i9. 2:43, 2:41, . Resolute, b g (3 :41'.i). J). W, Worthington, Pottstown, Pa., Oct. 12 and 13, 1877, $250. Addie E. C, Charlev Ross, .lack Krost, Robin Hood, Inkernian (1 4, 2:S4}4. 2:349i, 2:32. Marengo, 111.. Oct. 30, 1879, $125. Matt Kirkwood 3, Little Sam 1. Modoc (4 dn, 2:30, 2:30, 2:30, 2:30, 2:30. Willi;ini Mayo, Davenport, la.. Sept. 8. 1881, $1,000. Lucy 3, Skipper, 2:34-4. 2 :32?4, 2:30'2, 2:27Ji. Sept. 9, 1881, .?.^)00. Lucv, 2:33, 2 :35, 2 :32. Marengo, 111.. Oct. 1, 1881, .?200. Silver Duke, Young Bashaw, Kirkwood Jr., 2:35%. 2:35K>. 2:34. J. L. (ioodrich, Woodstock, 111., Sept. 14, 1882, $400. W. F. Hayes l, 3, Billy Logan, Fulton iMaid (4 dn. 2:46, 2:38, 2:46i4, 2:31»4, 2:40. Resolute, b g (3:56), by Wood's Hanibletonian. E. E. Taylor, Lynchburgh. Va.. Oct. 11, 1881, $250. Black Maria l, 3, Surprise (l dis), 3:0l, 3:01'., 3:rili4, 2:.56. 2:58. Restle8.s, ch m (3 :44i. M. W. Gibbs, Monlgoinery. Ala., Nov. 11, 1879, $100. Pilot Eagle 2, Jack the Barber 1. 2 :50i.^, 2 ■A9}4, 2 :.iO, 2 :47, 2 :44. Result, b s (3:35), by Jupiter Abdalhih, dam Compromise, by Hanibletonian. E. Ilurlbert", Chatham Village. N. \ ., August 15, 1876, $200. Lad3 Kiniiia. Lady Burr, Riga Kuss, Newton (3 dis), Anna (I dis), 2:37, 2:40. 2:41. ■ stockbridge, Mass., Aug. 19, 1876, $125. Rooster 1, Duchess (3 dis), Figgetts (2 dis), Matilda (2 disi, 2:52, 2 :.!T^i;, 2:34, 2:42. Pittsficld. Mass., Aug 22, 1876, $200. Ladv Emma 4, Ladv Burr 3. 2:41, 2:41, 2 :39J4, 2 :39, 2 :39. Kingston, N. Y., Sept. 12 and 13, 1876, $500. Joe Pettit 1, 2, Harrv (Albert 3, 4, Phil Dougherty, Ladv Emma. Irish Maid, Camoii, J. D., 2:35, 2:."!.". 2 :.•;.">. 2::;6, 2:.%, 2:34, 2:.".T ■ ^'••rth Adams, Mass., Sept. 22, 187C, $ . Flora 2,3, Mack, Lady Burr (4 dr), 2:»4)^, 2:37>.i, 2:37, Kingston, N, Y., Oct. 10, 1876, $400. Camon l, J. D., Irish Maid, Lady Everett, Mack (2 dis), 2:35, 2:.%, 2 :34, 2 :33. Fleetwood Park, N. Y., Oct. 30, 1876, S9no. Charmer 1, Nira Pielle, Moscow. Lvsander Boy, Ladv Lowe. Chauncy M.. Bedle, John Taylor, ^niulus, Fanny Atwood, W'. H. Beede. 2:31. 2. -ho. 2:28';, 2.29. Jersey City, N. J.. Nov. 1 and 2, 1870, .•$300. Tommy Rvan 1, 4. Moscow 2, Tom, Lady Pritchard, Driver. W. H. Beede, 2 :36, 2 :34, 2 :39. 2 :06, 2: 31 , 2 :.32. H. (i, Dob.son, Brooklyn, N. Y., Oct. 4, 1877, $350. Ned Forrest 2, Harrv Gilbert 1, Gray Eddv, 2:.'i4i.i 2:34'4, 2:.32, 2:,34, 2:40'i. Fleetwood Park, N. Y.,Oct. 16. 1S77, $2,500. Ml Desperandum 1, 2, King Philip. Champion Jr., Monte- zuma (2 dr),2:24!2. 2:26?4, 2:26, 2:27. 2:27. W. S. Brooks, Poiighkcepsie. N. Y., Sept. 7, 1878, $500. Nil Desperandum 2. Steve Maxwell (l 0), Cham- pion Jr., 2:27>4, 2:2051^. 2:'J5i.i, 2:26, 2:25. Norwich, Conn., Sept. 19, 1878, $400. C4oldfinder, Sliephard Kiiapp Jr . Lady Daggett, 2:32, 2:33, 2:341^.^ Rochester, N. Y., Oct. 1. 1878, .$ . W. O.. 3:02. Rettie, gr m l\Ir. Shaw, St. Thomas, Ont., Aug. 18 and 19, 1880, $80. Gen. Mac 4, 5, Petaluina 3, 6, Spangle 2, Simcoe (Jirl, Sedan, Ingomar, George Blackwood, Katy Messenger, Poor Boy, Minnie Wilson, Brown Prince. No time. Reuben, b s (3 :57). W. Hosmer. Union Course, L. I., Nov. 16, 1858, $1,000. Black Fox, 2:.57, 2:.58»/2- Reuben, b g (3:45). F. Swain. Great Falls, N. H.. Julv 10, 1869, $17."j. Ladv Rollins 2, 4, Lady LawTence 1, Belle Gibbs, Lady Emma, Wild Eddy (I dis). Ladv Wilkinson ( 1 dis». 2:48, 2:43, 2:46 2:46, 2:45, 2:49. Reuben (w ), b g (3: 41'/2). Henry Lucas, Stockton, Cal., Aug. 21, 1809, $500. Village Boy (w), (2 dis). No time. S;in Francisco, Cal., March 1R, 1872, $ — . Knox, Qu.aker Jane (2 dis), 2:47, 2:48, 2:5,3. Oakland, Cal.. Ai)ril 27, 1872. .$.50. JohnCoghlan 1, 2, Susy Hill (5 dr), 2::.o, 2:45'^., 2:42, 2:45, 2:47. Reuben (Ruby). bg(3:34). J. B. Burlew, Newark, N. V., July 13, 1875, S;iOO. LysanderBoy, Ma-igie Mitchell, Mate, .ludge Briggs, Countrv Boy, 2:46, 2:48, 2:47. Auburn, N. Y., Sent. 16, 1875. $ . Filbert, Careless. 3:05',4, 2:.57i.i, 3:0r,V{. Rochester. X. Y., Sept. 23, 187.5, $475. Montour ISIaid 2, J. S. Townsend (1 dis). Gray Eddy (1 dis), 2:35, 2:.3.5. 2:;{5,2:36?.i. A. Biiell, Utica, N. Y.. Julv 7. 1876, $200. Henrv, Ho^n Jack (3 dis). 2:.34, 2:37, 2:.%W. Reveille, b s (3:37^). by New York, dam Fleet, bv Kearsaige. Volney French, Erie, Pa., Sep;, u, 1881, $200, Pinafore, Laura P;iviie. Mardi Gras, Glen Miller, Conneaut Girl, 2:45, 2:4.5, 2:4,5. Sept. 16. 1881. .f200. Albert B., 1, Ollle, Mardi Gras, Conneaut Girl, Harm Miller, 2:45'/i, 2:38'/j, 2:37, 2:3514. H. P. Wade, New Castle, Pa., Sept. 1,5, 1882, $.;^s), George Young, Beacon Course, N. J.. Sept. 28, 1841, $75. Orplian Boy, Virginia (2 dis). 5:44, 5:59.~ Two miles. (s). Same dav. $ir,. Minerva (s), Orplian 15oy Cs), 5:43, 5:55. Two miles. -, „ .„ o ,.0 ^ .« « -,. Bevense, oh g (3 :5Gl. Joseph Fisher, Easton. Pa.. June 18. 1870, S200. .)im Fisk, Jr.. 2, 2:.59, 2:58, 3:00, 2:o6, Reveii-e b g i357). M. H. Dorsev. Weston, W. Va., Oct. 2, 1874, .S140. Virginia Wag ner.l, 3:01 2:.-i7, 2:57. ReveiiSe bg(3:43). Peter Manee. Passaic. N. J.. July 7, 1875, .?150. Came N., Lady Presby, lazzie M.. Harrv, Boxer, Norman. 2:58, 2:591,1. Nearest to 3:00 ,,..,, t, „ ,„ T.'Xewuian, Belmont Park, Phil., Nov. 11,- 1876, §150. Sleepy "David, Frank, Prince, ^^ ild Rover, 2:43 2:45' 2, 2:4614. Bath, Pa., Aug. 2, 1877, .SIOO. Colonel. Frank, 2 :44, 2 :45' ;. 2 :494. Belvidere. N. J., Sept., 12, 1877, S15. Tonimv Dodd. Fr;uik, 2:45. 2:43. Sept. 13, 1877, .$40. Frank 1. Ov:ition. Tommy Dodd. Barl>:ini. 2:47, 2:43. 2:44. 2:43. ,. , ^ , Reveuiie, l)g (3:3714). V. A. liyan, Reading, Pa., May 13, 1870, .$400. Hetty 3, Stranger Girl, C3 di8\ Lady Wilifli-ld (2 dis). 2:42,2:4214, . 2:3714. Kevenue, ch g (3:50). L. Devoe, Fleetwood Park, N. Y., May 15, 1872, $300. Star l. Ice Cream, 3:06. 2:58. 3:04, 3:.57 (w), June 12, 1872. .?400. Ladv O'Hare (w), 2 :50. 2 :54, 2 :51. ( w), Charles Pearsall, Cornwall, N. Y.. June 3, 1874, $ , Lady Decker, 2, 3:03. 2:53, 3:07. 3:02. Kevenue. (DelbertT.),grg (3:06). W. Laird, Mansfield. O., Sept. 29, 1881, $ . John B., Highland Mary, John Sherman 1,(4 dis). TopsyC. (3di-). 2:401^, 3:06.3:091;, 3:10. „, c, ^ „o .» .. a>o«n -d 1 Revolution, blk s (3 :41), by Prince of Orange. G. W. Trahern, Stockton, Cal., Sept. 28, 18S1, $.300. Peerless 2 3 Western Bov, Upright. Young Hir.am t (3 dr). Frank Hunter (1 dis) 2:43?4, 2:4.3,2:40.2:41,2:44.2:46. - (', W.Dudley,' Grass Valley, Cal., Sep, 8, 1883. .S400. Almont 1, 2, Prompter(2 dis), 2:45, 2:39, 2:43'/5, 2:43i Rex," lil"k s, by Champion. S. J. Acker. Charlotte. Mich.. Aug. 9, 1878, .$50. Wild Gib, Black Colonel, Colonel, V;intram,'2:0G-i, 2:03U. Half mile heats. Three-year-olds. ^ , Rex Patchen, br s (3 :30), by Godfrey Patchen. J. H. Webber, Concord, Mass., Sept. 25, 1872, $50. Brandy- wine 1 3 ''-53 2-47io, 3:00, 2:51, 2:.50. I. K. Mettler, Boston. Mass., Aug. 31, 1873, .i?l,OO0. Andy Johnson 3. 4. Flora, Grand Central, Princess (4dr) ''■37 '''38 2'39 ''^O 238 — Beacon'Park, Bo"ston,'Oct. 10, 1873, $300. CoL Moulton l,KiKi. Dustin Jim, John Franklin, Rowe's Tommy (4 dis), 2:35, 2:32i^. 2. .34, 2:34. MvsticPark.Boston.Oct. 17. 187.3, ,f. 500. Col. Moulton, 2:32V4. 2:30. 2: 34i<^. Reynard bg (3:37i^,). bv Louis Napoleon. Bav Citv, Mich., July 4. 1882, $150. Little Fred;'. Billy Mack 1, Alarv C. 5, Brown Jim"; 2:42 ■(, 2:4414, 2:44. 2:44:',, 2:44. 2:47. . , ., . ^ , Aipena, Mich., Sept. 6, 1882, $ . Canada Boy, Nelly O'Connell, Mary C, Gray Bird, N orris Bashaw, 2 --10 ''^l 2 4(i Beynoid's Chestnut Stallion, (3 :41). Reynolds & Co., Wheeling, W. Va., Oct. 9, 1869. $ . Trim 1. 2:45, 2 '41 ''■48 2 '46 B. Hiliiard (tliiion Jack), b g (3:301^). H. Brown, Buffalo, N. Y.,Oct. 7, 18G8, $50n. Mountain Maid 2, 3, Gen. Love (4dr).2:32i4, 2:31^, 2:29?^. 2:33!^, 2:.31i4. Oct. 10, 1868, $500. Dan O'Connell, 2:3714, 2:3014, 2:3.314. tt ■ ^ t t Rhode Island, ch g (3 :35), by Burr's Napoleon, dam by Sir Henry. Wm. Whelan, Union Course, L. x., May 11. 1850, $50. Trojan (1 dis). 2:49. ^■s) Providence, R. I.. June l, 1850. $400. Hector (s), 2 :35, 2:36i/2, 2 39. (s) Same dav, .$150. Stub and Twist (s) (l dis), 2:58. „ . „ _^ , m -a * ^i, „ /, r > o ,-i E. S. Ellis, Rochester, N. Y., Sept. 16, 1851, $150. Lady May 2, 4, Porter 1, Trifle, two others (1 dis), 2:43, 2-38 '>'43 2'44 '^•44 2'45 I's'ept 17, '1 8.51, "$''00. Trifle (1 dis). Pauline (1 dis). Queen of the West (1 dis), 5:17. Two miles. Centreville, L. I., Oct. 31. 18,^.1. .$300. St. Lawrence. 5:12. 5:l2i^. Two miles. „„„„,„„., Providence. R. I., Nov..ll,lS51, $200. Chautauqua Chiefl,3,St. Lawrence 4, 5, 2:421,2, 2:3i, 2:40, 2:41 2:40. 2:42'/:;, 2:441 ». ' ^ Nov. 1.3,~1851, $ . Chautauqua Chief, St. Lawrence. 5:13. 5:18. Two miles. (S) Mobile, Ala., March 17.18.52, $400. Murdock (s),2:59^.2:5l. 2:44, 2:45i/i. April 21, 18,52. $125. Queen, three others. 5:47, 5:42i2. Two miles. Louisville Ky , June 25. 1852, $150. Murdock 1, Stranger. 5:25. 5:30, 5:33. Two miles. (s) St Louis, Mo., Oct. 20. 1852. $200. Frank Hayes, Tom Benton. 2:48, 2:53, 2:50. Mobile, Ala., Dec. 21, 18.52. $3,50. Frank Hayes (l dis). 2:54. St. Louis, Mo., May 25. 1853. $150. Frank Hayes, 2:48, 2:46, 2:44. , DetT.iit Mich., June 25, 18,53, $400. Frank Hayes 2, 5:20, 5:36. 5:27. Two miles. (w) Rochester, N. Y., Sept. 8, 1853, .$250. Silvertail (w). 2:54, 2:46. 2:43. Detroit, Mich., Sept. 28, 18.53. .$400. Silvertail. 5:44, 5:45. Two miles. „„„..,,„ Monroeville,0.,Oct. 10. 18,53, ,$5,50. Black Ralph 3. Chautauqua Chief 2. 2:36, 2:44, 2:38,2:38, 2:40. Oct. 11,1853. .$.500, CnautauquaChief. Black Ralph. 5:22,5:20. Two mdes. „„„„„ o 19 San Francisco, Cal., April, 23, 18.54, ,$300. Lady; Mac, pacer 1, New York, Fred .McGowan, pacer, 2:43 2:42.2:434.2:44. May 28. 1854. ,$,500. New York. 5 :27. 5:31 , Two mdes. Tune 25. 1854. .$7,50. New York. 8:32. Three miles. Aug. 6, 18,54, .$250. Fred McGow;m, pacer. 2:46. 2:46. 2:.52. Dec. 25, 18.55. ,$600. Barnev Williams (wi 1. Trade Wind (w) 2, 2:44, 2:44, 2:35, 2:44, 2:43. .Jan. 1,18,56, ,$200. RoderickDhu. 2:46, 2:47, 2:,54. , w., .• X „ .<, <, .01/ c An- (w) Jan 13. 1856. $200. Barney Williams (\v). Honest John (w) (3 dis), 2:43, 2:42}^. 2:45k. March. 27, 1870, .$.300. Kit Carson, 2. 3, 2:.38i4, 2:37^j, 2:.38U, 2:39, 2:43. Mav "3, 18,57, ,« . Glencop Chief, 5:.59, 5:26i:i. Two miles. Ma'rvsville. Cal.. Mav 25, 1857. $400. Jack Waters. Kit Carson, 2:50, 2:46^, 2:43%. ^ (w)T, D. C. Olmstead, San Fnanclsco, Cal., April 22,18.58, 3 . Flora (w) 1, 2, 2:52, 2:50i/», 2.52>§, 2 '55 '*'f>% ' MV^'Pansher, Stockton, Cal., Aug. 25. 1861.. $25, Kitty Dobson. 3:26. 2;55 , ^^ T^ iv/r tw„ch<. Rhode Island (Dan Rice), (2:9^). by Whiteh;ill, dam Mag Taylor. .^y^I^avy Crockett. Dan Mace, Mystic Park Boston June 24, 1868. ,'P1„'-.00. Mambrino Prince, George M. Patchen Jr.. 2:32^4, 2:34, 2:35. Waverlv, N. J.. Aug. 12, 1868. $800. M'STOn Perry. Panic, 2: .3214. 2 :.34. ?;.35. -Vew Haven, Conn., Sept. l. 1S68, ,«1..50C. George M. Patchen Jr.. 2:33J4. 2:35?i, 2:43. Providence, E. L, June 23, 1SC9, ,$2,000. Bashaw Jr., 2:30, 2:29, 2:28^ 596 THESTEKS COMPLETE TROTTINC AND PACING RECORD. 15. F. Akers, Lawici c>'. Kan.. Sept. 8; ls7l, $c.O). St. Elmo, Unknown, 2 :31>^, 2:31^, 2:27 Aichi^on, Kan., Oi-t. u. lisTl, $ . 'loin-'ka liulle J. St. l-liiio (l' il\>,>. J:>."), _'T46. 2:4.j. Sedalia, AIo., Sept. 21, 1«7'J, S>*00. J)aM, Hlai-k Uanior, Wilkes, John, Sli-cpy Joe, 2:37, 2 :.'i3>^, '_' :3C'/4 Denver, Col.. .Juno 11. 187.i, *3tH). Tom Morgan 1, 2:3U, 2:40'.:. 2:40, I':40i2. Ki«-ar«io, eh g c^ :5 1 ). Y. Hunter. Union Courst-. L. 1.. Nov. 3(). 1855, $.")()0. Eagle 1, 2:48. 2:.".l. 2;o3, 2:.">7. nice Graves, gr s CiilJSi, liy Hay Chief, dam by LeCompton. A. II. Taylor, (io.shen, >'. Y., Sept. 1, 1><70, .<. E. H. C uniiingliam, Deerioot Park. L I., Sept. ."i. 1873, §300. Capt. Jeuks 1, 2, Red Dick t4 dr), 2;5L 2:50. ,T:06. 2:.-.0. 2:4!». Rlcha d grgv^:45!4. .lames I toward, New Orleans.;La., May 15, 18.".2. .$50. Y^psilanti. Honest .Jim, 2:45^, 2:.'')0. 2; 69 '4, 2:4(;i.,. Richard, h g (2 :;i6'. William Roberts, Pittsburgh, Pa., Sept. 17, 1874. .Sioo. Perry (3 dis), White Cloud (3 dis). Lookout (3 dis), 2:4r,, 2:43Hi. 2::;8i.i. Ambler Park, Pa.. Sei)l. 22. Is74, S4.^)0. Fantiy (iilbi-rt 1. Hall MeAIIister. Harry Sipp, Fanuv Brown, Mac, <'li:imi)ion .Morrill, IJeorge Hicks, Fashion i4 disi. 2;47!,ii, 2:4,'j, 2:4.">14, 2:43. Si'i>t.j:!. 1871, .«;.".."0. Twilight, .lenny Cooper, Fanny Gilbert, Ambler" George Hicks, Play Boy, Edwin l'"orn'st, FiUinv Brown, 2:37'o. •.':3(>. 2:.'i6. Sci)l. 25, 1S74, .*(.■.(). Hall AieAllister 1, 2. Pete Manee, Black Cloud. B;irnevCrossin. C.oldduFt, Thecdoro Fitler, Abdcl Kadir. , by Blue Bull, dam by Sir Leslie. K. Penistan, Fort Wavne. Ind.. June 10, 1875. $80'^. Chester Thomas .Jr. l.Cen. .Mack. Duke. Tninsfer (4 dis), Charley (4 dis), Greenback (4 dis>. Gum Ball (4 dis), Koadmaster (2 dis). Shoo Fly 1 1 dis), 2::U. 2:32^ii. 2:.34i.,, 2:34. ' .Jackson, .Mi-h.. .hme 10. IsT.'i. >-\.~>W. Posewood, Calniar, Ladv Turpiu, 2:.'$3, 2:34="^, 2:33. East Siiginaw. Mieli., June 2.!, 187.">, $1,500. LadyTurpin, Ladv IL, Cahnar. (;re('nl)ack. 2:.33. 2:31, 2:31. June .30. 1S7I-. .SI 2r>0. Silversides 1, Capt. .lack. Tom Brown, toni r.ritton, 2:27. 2:25. 2:2."'". 2:25. S. Foster Dewey. Springtield. Mass., .Iidy 13. 1877. $2,600. Ladv Foxie 5, Charley Mac 3, T. A. 1 (6 dis), Ned Wallace, Banqi"' <3 dis). 2:26, 2:24. 2:2(:^, 2:28, 2:.34, 2:3,5. Buffalo, N. Y., Atigust 3 and 4, 1877. .S2,.500. Allev 3, 5, Little Gvpsv 1 (20). Lew Scott. Blue Mare. Capt. .lack. Banquo (20), (4 dis), Adele Chirk (6 dr). The Jewess (6 dr), I'liil Sheridan (4 dr). 2:23',i. 2:25, 2:26. 2:26, 2:24, 2:23-'4. 2:2.3. Piainville, Conn., .lune 4, 1878. .9. 3:00. Ricliard 111.(2:44). A. F., Cleveland, O., Nov. .30. 18,59, $.50. Honest John. 2:.59, 2:51. 2:50. Richard III., br s (2 :39), bv Cassius M. Clay. William Orr, Lawrenceberg, Ind., Sept. 29, 1805. $100. Laffer Bill. SmalIevColt(2 dr), four others, 2:42, 2:39. (Iporce Davidson. Denver, Col., Sept. 27. 1872. $100. Kiowa. 3:02, 3:04. 3:00. Richard VVheelock. ch s (2:29), bv Romulus. C. II. Dass & Sons. "VVatseka. 111., Aug. 15. issi, $ — . Com- ♦ I)etitors not named. 2:.31. 2 :.10. 2:29. Stallions. Richelieu, (2:38). C. Dumais, Rouse's Point, N. Y., March 17. 18,53, $75. Topsy ;;, Tom Jefferson Jr., 2:40, 2:.39, 2:39. 2:.38. Richland Girl. bm. C. C. W^^rd, Waverley, la., Sept. 17, 1879. $ — . Little Dick 1. 2, Hidden Treasure, Mambrino Maid (5 dr). No time. Richmond, b s (2:42) (2:3.1*), by Mambrino Pilot. J. Neal, Gennantown, Ky., Sept. 24, 1871. $100. Bow- man's blk g, L:idy Diilton. Boli (1 dis). 2:.35. 2 :.39^, 2:41. Short track. W. IT. Dudley, Harrodsburg, Ky., .Inly 24, 1874, $1,50. Rolling F'ork l, John Morrissey (3 dis), 2:.50, 2:49, 2:42, 2:.51ii. Ricliniond. blk g (2:26'"), by Gen. Lyon, dam the Smith mare. H.G.Smith, Concord. N. H., Oct. 2.1878. $100. Rocket, Yoimg Smuggler. Topsy J.. 2:4:{, 2:47, 2:40. Oct. .3. 1878. $100. Richmond Girl. Moxie. Spot. 2:42'^.. 2:40,2:4014. Manchestfr. N. H.. Oct. 9. 1878, $200. Yonng Pathfinder, Reindeer. Dick, 2:.52. 2-50, 2:481^. Oct. 10, 1878. .$200. Spot, Bliick Joe. Shakespeare. Colonel. Clara II. . George Wilkes Jr. Dick (1 dis),2:.!9, 2:40. 2:12. Hartford, Conn., Oct. 1.5, 1878. $300. Beatrice, Wild Dandy, AVeskora, Judgment, Arabian Mag., Music, Glenair, Democrat, 2:3.3, 2:."5.3, 2:31%. ^, . Providence. R. I.. Oct. 22, 1878. .$,300. Judgment, Wild Dandy, Democrat, Weskora. Aileen, Chatham Girl. Nellv Burked dis), 2:31, 2:.30.2:31'/o. ...,.., Richmond, gr g (2 :4.''.i,^). S. Hughes, Farmington. Minn., Sept. 23, 1880, $ . George A. Allen, (.oldsmith, 2:.55'i, 2:4814. 2:.52. Richmond bs (2:37'^.), by "Vermont Morgan. C.IX. Ellsworth, Worcester, Ma.ss., Sept. 7, 1882. $200. Gov. Plaisted. Cbarlev, tempest, Ichabod, B:irbrr Boy, Fred. 2:.37'/2, 2:41. 2:41. Richmond's Hay Geldini? (2 :42i^), A. W. Richmond, Clinton, la., Jidy 1, 1869, « . Joppa, 2:42'/j, 2:44. Richmond Boy, b g (2 :40). A. Savage, Augusta, Me., Sept. 17, 1868, .$200. Gen. Sherman 1 , Penobscot Chief, 2:43, 2:44U, 2:41^, 2:40. A. W. Worcester, Boston, Mass., Aug. 20. 1870, $150. Lily (w) (3 0). East Boston Boy (1 dis). 2:42'/,, ?-:43, 2 '41 ''•45'i Richmond Chief, blk 8 (2:39^). by Garrard ChleL S. S. Pickering, Unionstown, Ala., Oct, 26, 1882, »126. Tennle K. 1, 2. 2:41, 2:39, 2:41, 2:39V4, 2:41, CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 597 Oct. 27. 1882. $125. Tennie K., 3:00,3:07, 3:00. Bichmond Girl, b in (3:43). H. G. Smith. Miinchester. N. H.,-June U, 1874, $150. Reply 3, John Virgiu, Kitty. Ned Morse. Heaiitv (3 dis;, Bill (o disj. Prince (3 dis). No time. A. C. Sanboni. Concord, N. H., Sept. 25, 1«74. .§150. hittle Kate, 3, 2:45. 2:50. 2:45, 2:51. Lancaster, X. H., .Inly 3, 1875. $10(i. J^an Snell 1, Gray Eaton, 2:50. 2:46, 2:49?i, 2:48^. H. G. Smith, Portsmouth, N. H., July 21, 1875, §300. Nelly, Jim, Morrill Morgan, Silvertail, Dutchniiui, (3dr), 2:.52, 2:47'2. 2;50. A. C. Sanborn. Nashua. N. H., Aug. 8, 187G, .^100. Spot, Nelly R.. Maxey, Uncle Dudd, 2:45, 2:45'/4. 2:45>j^. Manchester. N. H., Oct. 4, 1876, $200. Nelly Collins, Meander, Kitty S., Royal Prince (2 dis), 2:47, 2:42, 2:44. Richmond Girl, hr m (3:41i, by Royal George Jr.. dam by Paige's Logan. E. Hill, Barton, Vt., Sept. 16, 1875, S75. Trojan, iMountain Rose, Baby Boy, Turpentine. C. P. Allen. 2:50, 2:51, 2:.5l. St. Johusbury. Vt., Oct. 11, 1879, $150. Cornelia 4, 5, Hard Times 3, Pathfinder. 2:42. 2:41}^, 2:45, 2:4i;2, 2:42,2:41. Kiohwood, br g (3 :27). by Vermont Morgan. W. G. Mosier, Boscobel, Wis., Oct. 5, 18<6, $100. Bismark, Gray Nelly (2 d'S>, Mc Co B(n' (l dis), Prospector (I dis), 2:50, 2:55, 2:54. J. V. Van Shaiek, i^Iilwaukee. Wis., June 4. 1878, $800. Highland Queen, Kitty S., Frank, Flora Gates, Gloster, Lizzie B., Rockwell. 2:33';. 2:30. 2:23^. Oct. 26. 1878. $ . Pnneli 1. 2:33, 2:31 lit, 2:34i4, Bidge Boy (3:51). J. H. Bertholf, Montgomery, N. Y., June 9, 1870, $50. Hetty, Lady Jackson, Blanche, 2:61 '». 2:55,2:5314. June 17, 1870, $40. Florence 2, Cochecton Maid (1 r o), 2:56. , 2:57, 2:57. Ridtfeway, eh g (3:4314). P. Hrennan. Delphos, O., Sept. 24. 1875, $175. Fanny Bigsby, Robby Crider, Col. DeCou'rsev. Sally Putnam (1 dis). 2:54' 2, 2:59. 2:58. L. Brewster, Coshocton. O., Oct. — , 1875, $ . Dr. Rush 1, Minnie Pierce, Alice B. (4 dr), Country Girl (4ro), 2:39. -, 2 :47'i, 2:4514. Rid. 5:31, 5:50, Two miles. (s). J. Whelpley, Baltimore, Md,, Oct. :J0, 1843, $100. Fourth of July (s), Ajax (s), 5:32,5:26. Two miles. Rifleman, b s (3 :40?i).-l)y Hamlet, dam Jenny, by Saltram. Edwin Thorne. Amenia, N. Y., Oct. 9, 1873. $200. Mystery 1. Jocky. Amenia Maid, Ladv Knickerbocker (2 dis), 2-.54, 2:511^, 2:52, 2:52, Cedar Rapids. la.. Oct. 15, 1874, $200. Waukeshah, Sleepy BUicher, Monarch, Robby Golddust (3 dr), Rocky .Mountain (3 dr), 2:41U, 2:40?^. 2:43. Rifleman, b g (3 :39i4), by Rifleman, dam by George M. Patchen. A. Trull. Oshawa, Ont.. Aug. 24, 1882, $150. Kearn Rothschild, Leiiore, Nelly Kean. Duchess. No time. F. Martin, Toronto. Ont., July 2, 1883, $400. James Halfpenny 3. .foe Stoner, Maiden, Red Cloud (4 dr), 2:.34!4. 2:31i4. 2:30. 2:,34i/2. Belleville, Out.. July 10, 1883, $200. Little Walter 1, 2, Island Maid (5 dis), George Stewart (3 dr), Jim White (1 dis), 2:391^. 2:,34. 2:3.5. 2:.SG. 2:.31i4. Riga Buss, ch m (3 :43). C. H. Birch, Gt. Barrington, Mass., Sept. 12, 1876, $70. Whistling Jack 3, Newton, Billy Brighton, 2:.51'4. 2:.53'4. 2:.5.5. 2:46. .\ug. 1. 1877. $100. Lloyd, Jenny. Billy Brighton. Berkshire. 2:42^4. 2:42. 2:46. Bight Bower, rn g (2 :37). .T. B. P. W^heeldon. Bangor, Me., July 5, 1869. $300, Raid 1, 2, Gen. Sherman 4, 2:.3434, 2:33^4. 2:37, 2:37, 2:3«. 2:38'4, Bigolette, b m (3:3914), by Exchequer, dam Belle Gentry. R. C. Pate, Jackson, Mich,, June 14, 1882, $800. May Thorne, Billy I., Toledo, Boneset (2 dis). 2:50%, 2:50, 2:50. East Saginaw. Mich., June 21, 1882, $800 May Thorne. Gladiator. Lucy M., Mike Wilkes (l dis). 2:311^, 2:3014, 2:2914, '- lon'ia.Mich.. July 8, 1882. .$.500. Wade Hampton 2, 3, May Thome, 2:32, 2:32, 2:,3l?ii. 2:32ii. 2:34. Riley, b g (3:43). (i. Allen, Union Course, L, I,, Nov. 13, 1869. $200. Hannah 1 (2 0), 2:53,2:52, 2:54, 2:53.2:53. Nov. IS, 1869. $400, Hannah 1 , 3 :00, 2 :56, 2:.55i4. June 17, 1870, $.'500. Lady Sherman 1. 4, Lady Wright (5 dr), Rockawav Dick (2 dis), 2:.51, 2:47L^. 2:43, 2:41, 2:45. Riley (w). (3 :53 w). R. Smale, Chicago. 111.. July 4, 1878. $ . Lucy 1, Dolly 2. Dick, Jenny M. (3 dr), , 2 '58 2*53 2*55 Riley, b g (3 :30). by Enoch. A. Johnson. South We\Tnoutb, Mass., July 5. 1880. $125. Mambrino Dudley, Nelly, 2:39, 2:38,2:.35. Rinaldo (w). b g (3 :53!4 w). Prospect Park, L, I,, Oct. 9, 1872, $500, Major (\\). Monogram (w). Dandy (w), 2:.5.3i4, 2:54 2:.56'4, Rinki'e. ch g ('3 :'47)." A. B. Pettit, Springfield, L. L, May 31, 1879, $75. Sport (w) 5, 6 (2 0) (8 0). Lump fw). 1. 3 (2 0) (8 0). 3:00. 3:00, 3:02, 3:01. , ,2:50.2:52,2:52. July 26, 1879, .$5 0. First Attempt (a dr), 3:02. 3 00, Hempstead, L. I ., Aug. 19. 1879, $100. Lady Thornedale. 2:.50 2,49, 2:47. Bip.gr g(3:51). Jas.VanNort. Goshen. N. V.. June 27. 1868. $.50. Wood's brml. Bell's b m. 2:53. 2:54,2:51 2:.5C. Ripley's Bay Gelding: (3 :59). Mr. Riplev. Morrisania, N. Y., July 31, 1879, $200. Deerv's ch m, 3:00, 3:0l, 2:59 Rlpon Boy (Tete Matthews), b s (3 :35). by Ira Allen, dam by Wiley's Blucher. John Mott. Oshkosh, Wis., June 26, 1871, $100. Charley Westbrook. 2:46?i,2:45. 2:44, Beaver Dam, Wis,, Julv 4. I87i, $1.50, Charley Westbrook, 2:3951^, 2:39, 2:3814. G W Van Bnmt. Lowell. Mich., June 20. 1872. $1,000. Gentle Annie, Gen, Howard. Ladv Blake. Pat Ring (2 disi, 2:,32,2:.32i4, 2:37»4. ■2:?,eH. Milwaukee. Wis.. Aug. 22 and 23. 1872, $1..5no. James D. McMann 1. 2, Western Bov, 2 :,35. 2-. 333:^,2:28, 2:32, 2:29''i, Joliet. 111., July 8, 187.3. $1,200. John H. 3, Logan. Joker, 2:30. 2:30^. 2:31, 2:28. Oshkosh, Wis.". July 24, 1873, $650. Badger Girl. Capitola. Lady Mack (2 dis). 2:28k, 2:29. 2:.30, teS CHESTER'S (OMn.KTE TKOTTINii AM) l'A( 1N(; UKCOlID. Fon du Lac, Wis., Aug. 2, 1873, $.500. Lady Mack 1. .0, BadKcr Girl, -— ,2:03. . 2:V,2h. 2:.S2'/i. Kipon Boy, bg(2:40). V . T. HisseU, HeiKli'isiiii. Ky.. Ort. U, ibTl. SiAiO. Yankee .Sain. Tom Gardner Woliurn, Logan 1,2 (.'> dis), Lilly (2 dis), .Si)enc.,,2:33, 2:32><;. St. Petersburgh, Pa.. June 27, 1.877, .'?400. Cattaraugus Chief, Ella 1<"., 2:.32, 2:36, 2:45. Parker City, Pa., Aug. 29, 1877. $.500. Jack Draper 1, Little Jake (,4 0j, 2:.30, 2:32, 2:35, 2:.30, ^:32>^. Madison. Ind., Nov. 1. 1877, $rm. Deck Wright 2. 3 (1 0), Kancy Hackett 5, 6, Jack Draper, Flora Belle 2:.3fi. 2:3i;>4. 2:47, 2:38, 2:38. 2:.38i.j, 2::i0, 2:31. Rip Rap, lilk g ('Z-A5). J. Drew, St. Johnsbury, Vt.. Sept 19, 1883, .¥55. Hip Hip, Fanny E., Mary, 2:57,2:49. 2 :4.5. Ripton(s1. br g (2:33- 2:49'.i. 2:.55. . . Ripton, gr g (3:50i^). G. W. Hussev. Savannah, Ga'., Aug. 27, 1875. $1.50. Irish Girl. Phoenix, 2:50',4, 2:52, 2 ;,53V4. Ripton.br sf-'irOl'^). Mr. Barnwell. Atlantic, Ta.. Sept. 27. 1877. $85. Atlantic Pet 2. CapL Walker, Bob IngersoU, .3: 02. 3 :00^. 3:01 ' ;. Ripton, b g(3 :42), by-Blackbird, George Wapple, Man'sville, Cal., Oct. 16. 1875, $2.50. Black Prince 1, Joe Morrill (1 dis), 3:02\4. 2:.53'<;, 2:.''>9, 3-02. Marvsville.Oal., Sept. 1.5,' 1877. $175. Ben Wade 1. 4. 1-adv Clark. Friday. McCracken (5 dr), 2:51, 2:44J4. 2:48^.2:47,2:42. Ripton, b g (2 :29'.-i\ bv American Bov. dam by American Star. L. S. Kingsbury. New limiting Park. Phila., May 4. 1880. $100. Price 1, Ilarrv G. n dis). 'Caprice (1 dis). 2:40. 2:40i.i, 2:41-:'^, 2:43i.i. May 6, 1880. .$200. Ellen 1. Price. 2:31'!;. 2:34!4, 2:36, 2:42. Bat;ivia. N. Y., .Tune 11, 1880. $400. Billy Burr, George Brooks, Florence, Lady l\Iack. J. F., Lady June. Lady Eleanor (2 dr), 2:.30»4, 2:.WV<'.. 2:.30M. John Murpbv. Jersev Citv. N.^I.. Oct. 13. 1881. .$.300. Birdi<- C. 1. 2. Billy Barefoot, Dolly Everett, Happy Ja.-k, 2:.39'4, 2:40'^-. 2:.39K>. 2'::)6. 2:.37. (w)C. H. Rayinond.-Morrisania, N. Y., Mav 27, 1882, $200. Cora Belmont (w). Warwick Maid (w), 2::!6. 2:.3,5. Mineola, L. L, Sept. 29. 1882. .$250. Clover. Kate Temiile. Tanner Boy, 2:41i^, 2:3S'4, 2:.38, Ripton, br g (2:4.3>4) W.J.Marshall. Cbestertown, Md.. Sept. 14. 1881. $loO. David Copperfleld. Sleepy Dave. Eugene K., Butcher Bov. Delaware, Bav State, 2:46, 2:50, 2:50. Sept. 15. 1881, $1.50. Gamble Maid, David Copperfleld, Frank, Sleepy Dave, Thomas Scarf, 2:4«, 2:46,2:47. Rip Vnn Winkle, ch s (2 -.nn). bv Billv Sherman. R. Mavnard. De Witt, la., Sept. 20, 1882, $100. George W. 2, Prince Albert. 2:.55. 2:.57. . 2:57. Montjiomerv City, Mo., Sept. 27 1882, $30. Mambrlno Bob. RoUa B., Lazarus, Joe Palmer, Little Maud. Selim, Jesse iJarper. No time. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 890 Rising: Star, oh s (Z :59). S. Pettlt, Mineola, L. I.. Sept. 29, !88l, Srs. Spriugfielil Boy, 2:59, 3:05. Stallions. Kisturi. I) ni c^ :43), by Miunbriuo Chief. W. Darling, Detroit, ^Jich.. June M. l^C«, ^bOO. Geu. Salem, -i-A:-- . :!:4SJ4, 2:43^4. Sept. 17, iscs. .S Black Bill, 2:4S, 2:44. lune 8. 1.SC9. .•i?,50n. Ballv. 2:44i.>. 2:43. 2:44?:i. Jack Mc(iill. Buffalo, N. Y., Aug. 3. 18T1. $n)0. Antagonist, White ilawk. 2:444, 2:451/2, 2:45>4. Kistori, b m (3 :31^4 ). bv \'olunteer, uani bv Manibrino Chief ^?). A. (iolUsniiili. doshen, N. Y., Sept. 4, 1869. $70. Zelipha. Lady Slipper, 3:(i5'.2, 3:0.5. Jackson, Midi.. June 16, 1874. .^1.5110. Granville (2 0), Fox, Little Jake. Kitty Wells, Ricliard. Ge()rge Reed, Fanny .Miller, Cottage Girl (3 dis;, Frank Rosewood (2 dis), Lizzie Davis (2 dis;, 2:39!;4, 2:o9>4, 2:i,9-ii, 2:381,. — East Saginaw, Mich.. June 2.5, 1874, .Sl,500. Foxl, Randall, Little Jake, 2:31, 2:32, 2:32'/2, 2:315!i. Rival, b s (3:36i. bv Middletow-n. dam ]\Iarv Hulse, by American Star. 'Ihomas iWorton, Fleetwood Park, N. Y., Oct, 8, 1873, .$2..5oo. Evelina 1, :>■.'<). 2:.53io,2:53. 2:44, Four-yearolds. b g. R. James. Warwick, N. Y'. Aug. js. 1874, S450. Flora Lee 1. 2. liickoiy Boy 4. Rescue 5, Lady Bonner (odis). Nellv Kutherford (4 disi, Dolly White (4 dr), Wicklow Witch ^4 dr), Lena B. (4 drj, Passaic (2 dis), Emilie C. (2dis). 2:40l.4 2:37, 2:3834, 2:37. 2:40, 2:3U. 2:39. Rival, b s (3:44). bv T. S. Lang. R.Gibson. Fairfield, Me., July 5, 1875, Sioo. Bradley 2, Minnehaha, Lady KnoxO dn, Wizz i3 dri. Henry M. (2 dr) 2:48, 2:.33Vo, 2:44. 2:49. Rival gr s (3:30). by Whiteside's Black Hawk, dam by Consternation. G. H. Brvce, Detroit, Mich., Aug. 25. 1875, .S200. Wild Bill, Mary H., •-':;jl», 2:39?4:, 2:37?4. E. Richardsi>n, Peru, In I., .fuue 14, 1876, $500. Ed. Wilder 1 3. Josephine, Little Gypsy (3 dis), S. W Mc D. (3 dr), 2:44. 2:40»,i, 2:42, 2:44, 2:4,5. Dayton. O.. July .5, 1876, .^500. Ed. Wilder, Josephine, Archy Alexander, 2 :39!'2, 2 :37i/2, 2:3894. E. i\I. Emerick. Elkhart. Ind., July 4, 1877, $ . Ida 5. Little Tom 1. Little Sam 2, 3 (6 dis), Neomc, Doctor Lewis. Friday. 2:40, 2:38i^, 2:3914, 2:39J4. 2:39, 2:38, 2:;.9. BloomiagtOM, 111.. Sept. 4, 1877, .§100. Little Mose 2, Pilot Golddust, Defiance, 2:41, 2:44, 2:43. Stallions. Sept. 9, 1877, .S2.50. Little Mose 2. Pilot Golddust. Little Barefoot. 2:48. 2:42. 2:44, 2 :41. Riverdale. b g (3 :48i4). E. Leary, Beacon Park, Boston, June28, 1875, $100. Royal Charley 2, 3, Lady Lam- bert, Blueberry (I dis). 2:54. 2:.53'4, 2:.53i.,. 2:481/4, 2:51. Sept. 11, 1875, .$100. Timid I. Royal Charley 2. Plug Uglv, 2:56, 2:51)^, 2:54, 2:49, 2:49. James Golden, Readville. Mass., Sept. 22, 187.5. .'rilOO. Charlev 1. Dick. 2:53. 2:56, 2:50. 2:5.3. ( w' E. Leary, Beacon P;irk. Boston, Oct. 2, 1S75, 5200. Plug Cglv. Timid, Dusty Boy, 2:55, 2:.50, 2:52. River Girl, bm (3:40), by Taggirfs .vbdallah. T. Nolan, Lowell. Mass., May 25, 1882, §200. Previous 4, Muriel 2. Fred 3, Fanny M., Klla (.5 dr». 2:40, 2:42, 2:47. 2:44, 2:40, 2:49. Riverton Knox, ch s (3:55). H.A.Webb. Portland. Me., Aug. 30, 1870, $150. Nelly H., Capitola, Kittv Morris, 2:.56, 2:56. 2:55. Roadinxster (w), ch g (3 :40i4 w). Dr. Cook, White Plains, N. Y., Jnly 21. 1869, $500. Panic (w) 1, Strange, (w) (2 dr),2:46ii, 2:4014, 2:4314. Roadinaster, br g (3:35). bv Hainbletoniaii. dam bv American Star. O. Bort. Copake, N. Y., Aug. 21, 1874, $150. Major WinfleldS. Slippery, Refugee, James Ham (1 0) (5 dis). 2:494, 2:45, 2:534, 2:48k, 2:45. Roadmaster, bg(3:40>.. bv Anthony Wayne. J. W. Pierce, Muskegon, Mich., Aug. 2, 1876, $300. Flossy 2, Black Dock. Stayer, Red Oak, Grand Charley (4 dr), Oceana Chief (3 dis), Frank Reed (2 dis), 2:40, 2:44, 2:42 '4. 2:44. Roadinaster, b g (3 :41i4). J. B. Walker, Massillon, O., June 12, 1877, $200. Davy C, Maggie Miller, Fanny Palmer, Birdie Campbell d dis), 2:47. 2:48. 2:40>i. Roan Hoy. (3:5!>i4). Frankfort, Ind.. Aug. 31. 1882, .$ . Dick Dinimick, Little Jet, 2:59i4, 3:01. 3:011/2. Roan Charley, rng (3:53). W. H. Pott, Cleveland, O., .Tune 3, 18.59, $ . May Queen, 2:.56, 2:.54, 2:.53. Roan Dick rn g(3:454). R. Sherwood, Watertowu, Conn., Oct. 14, 1868, $75. Belle Britain, Reliance (Idis), 2:1.5)4. 2:49,2:48^. Mr. Wilson, Union Course, L I., Sept. 20. IS09. ,$.500. Eva (w) .3. 2:.'-,0. 2:514. 2:.51i^. 2:48. Roan Franli, rn g (3 -.31%). H. C. Chapin, Denver, Col., June 15. 1877. .$400. John Dunning 1. 2, Providence. Tempest Golddust, Blue Dick (2 dr), Hurlton Boy (I dis), 2:40.2:40 2:374. 2:37?4. 2:41i4. Roan Frank, (w) rn g (3:03 w). M. Ponder, Indianapolis, Ind., Oct. 27, 1879, $60. Lucy McKee 2, Skipper. Flora Bell, Billy D., Dun Charley, 3:02, 3:02, 3:02. Roan Frank, rns(3:17i. E. Ja'ues, Reading, Pa.. Sept. 30, 1881, .$30. Lady Lillv. Lady K., 3:17. 3:285i, 3:20'/2. Roan Geldinjf (3:47). Fashion Course, L, I., Julv 25. 1867, .$5no. Crook's b m (w), 2:50. 2:50. 2:47. Roan Jack, rn g(3:51). La Grange, Ind., Nov. 5] 1874. $50. Ned 1. Joker. Hero. Glendale, 2:5.5, 2:584, 2:5.5, — Nov. 6. 1874, $100. Chief 1. Lady Kellogg, Blue Buck. Lady Fremont (3 dr), 2:51. 2:51i/o, 2:.52. Roan Jack, rn g (3:384). by Washtenaw Chief. O. G. SI etson. Syracuse, N. Y.. June 17, 1874. $800. Bay Ben. Brown Kate, Geneva, Bonner, Ladv Case. 2:42. 2:39ii. 2:.3fi^. Roan Jack, rn g (3 :31). H. Slayton, Kankakee. 111.. Sept. 29. 1876.'.$2W. Princeton. F. B., 2:4Z^'.. 2:43, 2:45. J. Harrison, Sandusky, O., Sept. 26, 1877, $150. Carson, Gray Charley, Bridget (2 dis), Joe Hooker (2 dis) 2:48.2:431^,2:4514. — — H. Harris. Lincoln, 111., Aug. 31. 1878. .«S200. Roofer Jr.. 1, 2:39. 2:40, 2:46. Taylorville, 111., Sept. 19. 1878. .$ . Black Mare. No time. W. C. Blodgett. Bryan. O.. Oct. — . 1881. .S150. Billv. Alice Ward. 2:36. 2:35. 2:.35. Oct. -, 1881. .$2,50. Billv, Belle Baker, 2:34. 2:,';2. 2:31. Oct. — , 1881. $400. Hotspur Chief 3. 4. Morsa. 2. Slipper 1. Billv. 2:34, 2:32i<;. 2:35, 2:35, 2:34, 2:33.2:.33. Roan Nelly, rn m (3 :49). W. xV. Smith, lola, Kansas, Julv 1. 1875. $50. Lady Alice 2, 3, Archie Boy 1, George (5 dr). Billy Preston (4 dr), , . . 2:.54, 2:.56. 2:.53^ July 3, 1875, $75. Lady Alice, Archie Bov. 2:.5'6. 2:.57. 2:49. Roanoke, rn s (w), (3 :49 w). T. Oliver, Cincinnati. O.. June 11. 18.57. $ . Ladv Gav, Nellv Bly (1 dis), 2:.50. 2:49,2:54. . . • . .r v Roanoke, rn g (3 :434). R. Orloppa. St. Louis. Mo.. .Tune 5. 1869. $40. F'leetfoot 1. 2. Lady Morris, 3 (5 dis) Bailey (5 dis). 2:13'-. 2-46. 2:,50, 2:4.31^,. 2:48. 2:481^ Roanoke, brg (3:434), by Draco. CT W. Bailev.'Barrie. Vt, .Tuly 1. 1874. .$200. Honestv. Quickstep, Black \N arrior, Modestv (1 disi. Black Cloud (1 dis).'2-463i, 2:45. 2:42. Bethel, Vt.. July 4, 1874, .$2no. Black Warrior. Modesty. 2;42U. 2:46",. ?-46. Roanoke, rn g (3 :48;4). Pat Kelly, Augusta, Ga., March 30; 1875. $100. Gilt Edge 1, 2, Black Dick, Ross (2dis>. 3:0314, 2:.58, 2:571,'. 2:56J4, 2:.59. April 1.5. 187.5. .$200. Ro dr), Cora i3 dr), Ladv Phelps (2 dis;. •.•:38. i;:;j8, L':37;j, 2:41'/i. 2:41. Clernioiii Hros., CeutreviUe, Mich., May 19, 1881, SldO. Badger Boy, Raven, Nelly Bucknian, Kushville, 2:41, 2:43, 2:45. Koaiioke, ch sc^:4l). H. H. Carrow, Weldon, N. C, Oct. 13, 1880, ■jiioo. Ethan Allen 2, 4, Chauncey, 2:46, 2:45, 2:47, 2 ;4s, -:4(;. Raleigh. N. C. Oct. 22, 1880, S2uo. Alniont Mambnno 1, Shot, Maud McDonald, Chauncey, 2:46>4, 2:48, 2:604, 2:4i>U.. BuHiioke, rn g (2:S8>2). C. D. Coward, Sacramento, Cal., Mav I'J, lxs3, $150. Catalina 3, .lim Tavlor, 2:44, 2:45,2:42,2:39. C. Sherman, Chico. Cal.. Sept. 1, 1S83, .S75. Skylark. 2:.')1. 2:4(i. Marysville, Cal.. Sept. (;, isKS, .<2.")0. Setting sini, (ien. Sherman, Unknown (2 dis), 2:42?4. 2:43, 2:41. Roanoke .>liiid, rn m t i :;JO), hy Poscora, dam bv rii)poo. Schenectady, N. V., Aug. :;9. 18G5, §100. Highland Maid. 2:;;4, 2:;iO, 2:313:,. Roan Spanjile, rug (3:53 >. Mr. (iallagher, Kingston. N. Y.. Aug. 22. 187.!, -SKM). Billy 1, 2:5.5. 2:.55>4, 2:52, 2:.52'". Roan Tom, ru g (3:40). H. \V. Brown. Springfield, Mass., .July 3, 1873, .$1,50. .Johnny (2 0), Blackbird. 2:47, 2:.")0, 2:4(i. 2:.5(). -— F. Cummings, Springfield, Mass.. .Julv 4, 1874. .?3no. Celerity, Little Dan, 2:4.3, 2:41?j, 2:4:iJ^^. Roan Tom (w), rn g(3:4l» w). J. W. Helling, I^amb Taveru, Pa.. Dec. 3, 1875, §20. Lady Sharp, 2:49. 2:.57, 2 ;.50. Roan Tom, rn g (2:53!2). W. Hutton, Hoosick Palls, N. Y., June 23, 1883, $100. Ilattie 2, Moses T., Croeer Bov, 2:.5.5. 3:05, 2:53'2, 2:54'2. Roan Tom. rn g (3 :54). .J. M. Mead. Newport. R. I.. Sept. 27, 1883, SIOO. Charley Flint, 1. 2:57, 2:.58, 2:54. Rob, ch g (3:4:i). Root & Middler, East Saginaw, Mich., Aug. 4, 1876, .§50. Charley Bates 3, ^Vhite I'igeou, 3:00, 2:5.5^,, 3:03, 2:55. Sept. 28T \^'6. $55. Lord Dufferin. Flora C. 2:51k. 2:50, 2:.59. Bob Colt, ch g (3 :55). R. .lohnson, Woodlawn, Ky„ July 10, 1866, §500. Jack Sanders (w), 2, 5:50. 5:47, 6:00. Two miles. Bobby Golddust, b s (3:40), by Golddust. \V, C. Bryant, Mechanicsville, la., July 4, 1871, .Sioo. Tom Hyer, Joe Narl)er (3 dis), 2:54. 2:.53. 2:51. Cedar Itapids, la.. Julv 27, 1871, $250, Bonny Doon. 2 (4 0), Harry Noble, Black Tom (2 dis), Charley (1 dis). 2;41, 2:42, 2:40, , 2:40. Mechanicsville. la.. Sept. — , 1871, .?190. Camden, Tom Hver, 2:47, 2:48, 2:41. Council lilufls, la., .July 3, 1872. $.300. Frank Palmer. Nabbv (1 dis). '1:U%. 2:41',, 2:4.5. Clinton, la., Aug. 14, 1874, .S27.5. Charley, Sam Sharplev, 2:42i4, 2:41'., 2:429i. Stnlllons. Robert, eh g (3:45), bv Warwick Boy. T. J. Berry, Tioga, Pa., July 2, 1877, $ — . Col. Doty. Little Henry, 1 :32. 1 :28, 1 :30 Half-mile heats. D. U. .leriauld, Lockport, N. Y., Sept. 25. 1878, $110. Leo. Lady. Nelly Sherman, Antia (3 dr), 2:50. 2:47, 2:4,5. Robert, l)s(3:5«). J. M. Joselyn, Morrisville, Vt., Sept. 26, 1882, $50. Gray Dan, Maud. Josic. 3:13, 314. Four-year-olds. — — St. Albans. Vt.. Sept. 5, 1883, $50. Toney. Jasper, Belle of Maquam, Mountain Boy, ;;:oo, 3:05, 2:59. Four- year-oUls. Robert B., b g (3 :50). H. A. Browu, Lowell, Mass., Sept. 10, 1883, $35. Dan, Tempest, 3:oi, 3:01J4. ZMVi- Sei>t. 11. 1.S83, S35. Tempest, Dan. 3:01, 3:0m, 3:04'2- Sept. 25, 188:j, $50. Tempest 3, 4, Molly H., Billy ISkKeon, Ned Cromwell, Tempest (3 dr). Prince Edward (Idis), 2:51'4. 2:51, 2:56. 2:.50. . Robert Konner, b s (3:33). 1) y Hambletonian. E. L. Norcross, Providence, R. I., June 22, 1870. $2,000. Light- foot. 1 (4 dis). Little Dan (3'dis). Ida (3 dis), 2:41, 2:3694. 2 .341^2, 2 :o3. — H. L. Freeniiin, Saratoga Spa, N. Y., Aug. 19. 1872, .$200. Lew Baker, Woodstock Prince, 2:42Lij, 2:46Ji, 2:48. W. J. Mallory, Pittsfield. Mass., Oct. 3, 1872. $45. Gray Lion, Dawson Chief, 2:54. 3:00. H. L. FreeMan, Saratoga Spa, N. Y., July 21, 1873, $100. Clapper 2, Woodstock Prince. Billy (3 dis), 2:46, 2:40'/o. 2:431/.. 2:40. Aug. 8, 1873, .«1,50. Clipper 1. Woodstock Prince (2 dis). 2:44?^. 2:46. 2:46. 2:45. Aug. 1.3, 1873. $100. .Sleepv Dick 3. Woodstock Prince (1 dis). 2:51'.i.2:4S'.:. 2:461^. 2:44U. W. J. Mallory, Pittsfield, Mass., Oct. 9, 1873. $225. Barriugton Boy l. Sir William (3 dr), 2::J9;4. 2:40>^, 2 "39 2 :42. Robert Bonner, gr s (3 :53). Hymas & Snyder, Greenville, O., Sept. 21, 1876, $100. Johnny :m.. Bay Stallion, 5:46. Two miles. Robert Bonner, ch s (3 :35i4). T. Russell. Mystic Park, Boston, June 5. 1879. $300. Kittv Jones l. 3, Flyuig Cloud. it(>l:iii(l. Svphon (5 dr). Resolute (1 disi, 2:.35. 2:.'?5i.,, 0:351^, l':,3,51/o. 2:37 Robert Brown, b g(3:33^), by son of Imp. Bonny Scotland. W. S. McKay, Findlav. O.. June 29. 1880, $200. Minnie Warren. Diz/.v, Mollv'H., Big Wonder. Fairy. Lulu Aikens. Ella K.. 2:51.2:50, 2:47. Uniontown. Pa.. Julv22, 1880, $150. Prince 1,4, J. F. (2 dr). Sheriff Johnson (2 dri. 2:39, 2::9'.i, 2:.!6}^, 2:40, 2:. W.i. Julv 23, 1880, $17.5. Prince, Citadel. Sheriff .lohnson, J. F..2:.39i.,.2:4iu.2:41?4' ,„ , , Sabina, O., Aug. 27, 1880. Joseph, Harry Ilill, Mary Belmont, Billy C. (3 dr>. Red Hawk (2 dr), 2:45, 2:44, 2:4.5. Uniontown. Pa., June 1, 1881, » . Sam Keves, Lillv, Kate McCall, 2:37. 2:.37, 2:.3C. A. Smith, Wheeling. W. Va., Oct. 20, 1881. .?300. King 1. Neshannock (3 dis). 2:37, 2:4834. 2:.37. 2:3f »4;. Robert Bruce, b 3(3:45 "2). Mr. Beecher, Topeka, Kan., Sept. 12. 1882. $150. Ed., Captain, 2:45! j. Three- year-olds Robert B. Thomas, ob g f3 :35'), bv Prince Allen. I,. E. Batty, Hudson. Mass.. Sept. 7. 1877. $200. .Jimmy 2. Tom. Uncle Dudd. Ladv Holt, Ladv Maud, Odd Fellow (4 dis\ .Julie (4 (\r\ 2:42'2. 2:4.5 2:42'i,2:46>2. Howe Brothers. Worcester. M.i'ss.. Aug. 21. 1878. .$200. Shepherd Boy, \ illage Belle, Fitchburgh Boy, Hattie, Ashland Maid. Ladv Honto, 2:44.2:453^,2:40. , ^ „ . t..., , , „ ,. Hudson. Mass.. Aug. 27, 1878. %oo Shepherd Boy 1, Mabel Gray, Lady Honto. Fitchburg Bo> . hmpress (4 dr).Hattie f4dr), 2:40. 2:40. 2:40. 2:40. ^,^ „ t . tt . ci k„>j Marlboro. M.-.ss.. Aug. 28. 1878, $ . Angela 1, Empress. Hattle, Fitchburg Boy. Lady Honto. Shepherd Boy ''•40 2"43''( "•40}4 Dover.' N. H.." .Tune 11. 1879. $1.50. Arthur T. 1, Honest Lyon. Ben Butler, 2S35. 2:.34. 2:36>,j, 2:.S8. Mystic Park, Boston. July 16 and 17. 1879. .$.300. Middlesex 2 (4 0). Knox Boy (4 0), Rufus, Tom PlnK, BillvD.. Martha f3disV 2:27. 2:26, 2:29. 2:28' i. 2:29. t, 11 t- oooioh .July 18, 1879, $.300. Alice, Arthur T., Lady Waring, Wild Dandy. Oshlega Belle, Belle Knox, 2:29'/j.2:3l, 2 "31 '■ Providence, R. T., Julv 25, 1879, $300. Dlckard 2, 3, Pondietta, Arthur T., Alice, Lady Waring, 2:29^, 2:27, 2:29,2:27, »:285!i. CHKSTKH'S COMPr.ETE TROTTING AND l'ACIN(i KECORD. 601 D. Biglev. Keene, N. H. July 31, 1879, $400. Frank Munson, Lottie K., Commonwealth, Queeehy Maid, 2:31, •.':.i 1,2 :'o.!. C. Howe, JNIvstic Park, Boston, Oct. 7, 8 and 9, 1879, $300. George H 5, 8, Ricliniond l, 6, Queecliy Maifi 2, 3, Iron Age, "^inulus, Neli, Roland (5 dr). 2:27, 2:25. 2:25i^. 2 :25. 2:2.'), 2:27, 2:30, 2:3o, 2:26?4. Robert Burns, ell s (2 :37(4). by Green's Bashaw dam by town Chief. F. Warfleld, Iowa City, la., Sept. j 1882, S2IX). Marshal JSIev, Niylitiiigale. Tom Kirl, 2:38. 2:37'2. Portland, Me., Sept. 13, 18s3, .S200. Fanny M. l. Little Daisy 2, Tiny B., Nat Otis, 2:3714, 2:38l2, 2:35'a, 2:,3Gi;.2:42. Robert Dixou (w), ch t: [2 -.iS^^w). D. Dunlevy, Prospect Park, L. I., July 11, 1872, $200. Joe Morgan (W) 2:48, 2:4G»4. W July IS, IST2. 11,000. Joe Morgan 1, 2:45. 2:44V^, 2:43»4, 2:45. July 3," 1873, .1200. Mystery 1. 2. 2:.53?i, 2:.57i4, 2:48. 2:46, 2:404. Robert Eddy, grg (^3: 50>. Thomas Carpenter, Hartford, Conn., Oct. 16, 1862, $60. Berlin Boy, Folly, Jim Cook, Beppo, 2:.52. 2:50. Robert Emmett 1 2 :53). Patrick O'Neill. Trenton. N. J., Aug. 13. 1874, $200. Hack Boy, 2:53. Robert FiHiiisjham (George Wilkes), br s (2 :23), by Ilambletonian, dam Dolly Spanker, by Henry Clav. Horace Jones, Fashion Course, L. I.. Aug. 1. 1861," §450. Bellfounder 2, Alidallah Chief (1 dis), 2:33, 2:34^4, 2:33!4. 2:G4^j. Sept. 10. 1S62, $10,000. Ethan Allen, 2:24Ji, 2:25^, 2:31. .liine 2, 1803, .■?2,000. Roekingliain 1 (4 dr). 2:28?*. 2:27'i, 2:28k, . Hiram Woodruff, June 9, 1863, .§2.000. Rockingham (s). 2:24'2, 2:27%, 2:32}^. Boston, Mass., Aug. 19, 1863, .Sl.OOO. Gen, P.utler 3, 2:32. 2:29, 2:28i/2, 2:3094. Dan Pflfer, Point Breeze Park, Pliil., Oct. 19, 18C::!. $ . Lancet (2 dis), 2:2514, 2:24. (w). Sam McLauirlilin, Fashion Course, L. I., June 22, 1864, .§1,750. Gen. Butler (wj, 2:26^, 2:31, 2:27',4. Robert Fulton, ch s (2 :36), by Dominion, dam by L. I. Logan. George F. Dayis, Barrie, Vt., Aug. 27, 1874, .$.300. Charley Mac, Regardless, Claybrino, Bay Jim (3 (lis). 2:46U, 2:469.t, 2:45. A. H. Danforth, Rutland, Vt., Sept. 16. 1875. $175. Sam Page, Gypsy Girl, Gen. Sherman, Honesty, 2:43, 2:41. 2:41. Keene. N. H., Aug. 1, 1876, s^SOO. Goldfinder 1, Neva 2, Lady Smith. Falcon, Pilot (5 dr). 2:37'/2, 2:40i4, 2:;;79i. 2:37ii, 2:40. Aug. 3, 1876, .S300. Lady Bonner, Lady Sherburne, Bessie Shaw. Annie, Arctic Maid (1 dis), 2:40, 2:37;4, 2 :39. Clermont, N. H., Aug. 9, 1876, $300. Falcon 3, Goldfinder 1, Lady Smith 2. Painter (4 dr). 2:40}^, 2:37, 2:.38. 2:38, 2:41, 2:36. Aug. 10, 1876, $300. Painters, Ladv Bonner .5, Governess 2, Lady Sherburne. Bessie Sliaw, Brighton, Car|)eiiter Boy (4 dr). 2:38. 2:40. 2:38, 2:38^4. 2:37. 2:37. George Davis, Worcester, Mass., Sept. .5, 1878, $250. Kate l. Shepherd Boy 2, Col. Dean, 2:40, 2:38, 2:40, 2:41. 2 :41^. Sept. 7, 1878. .1.300. Dan Rocket, Spartan, Fearless. 2:38'/2. 2:38^4. 2:36. Robert H., ch g (2 :40). J. Kerrick. Dayville, Conn., July 4, 1878, $150. Kate (3 0), Belle of Wildwood, Nim- rod. Harry N. i4 dr), 2:42i^, 2:40, 2:40. 2:40U. Robert H., b' g (2 :29i4). G. S. Locke, Concord, N. H.. Sept. 20, 1882, $200. Lyon Slasher, Black Jack, P'anny P.,2:44'i. 2:40, 2:41. Beacon Park, Boston. Oct. 28, 1882, $ . Vladimir, Vision, Mambrino George, Playful. St. Mary, Muriel. Frank S, 2:.32, 2:2914, 2:302^. C. E. Mosher. Rochester, N. H.. Sept. 26, 18S3, $200. Fanny Irwin, Screwdriver, 2:36, 2:.34i^, 2:34. Robert J., l)lk g (2 -.51%). R. Cunningham, Lowell, Mass., Nov. 9, 1874, $75. Diamond 1, 2, George, Jet Knov/ (3 dis). Jack (1 dis), Oliver S. (1 dis), Dolly Gibbons 1I dis), 3:00, 2:,59, 2:58, 2:57'2, 2:59. Nov. 11. 1874, $75. Diamond, Dandy, George, Mary, Snowflake, Good Bye, Lady Lawrence (2 dr), 2:58, 2:.59, 3:01. Robert I-ee, blk g (2:3314), by Ridley Horse, dam Kitty, by the Post horse. H. G. Smith, Waverly, N. J., Sept. 17, 1879, $200. Emma C, Lark, Brown Billy, seven others. 2:32. 2:31, 2:32. Same day, $300. Jersey 1, Midnight, Carbolic. Phil Dwver. 2:34. 2:33, 2:32i^, 2:32. Sept. 19, 1879, $200. Emma C, Laura B.. Bogota, Ladv Tucker. Brigliton. Darlington, 2:3.'i, 2:37, 2:.38. James Golden, Hartford, Conn., June 22, 1880, $400. Birdie C, Judgment, Annie Lou, Roland, Emma, 2:281/2, 2 :2.')14. 2:26. Mystic Park, Boston, Oct. 19 and 20, 1881. $500. Knox Boy 1, Rachel 3, Billy D. 2 (6 dis), Goldfinder, Wild Lily. 2:26%, 2:261^. 2:26^_,, 2:27%, 2:2(^14, 2:29»4. Robert liockwood. (3 :4i). Crawfordsville. Ind., Sept. 11, 1883, $ . YellowJJacket, Bessie W., Lexington Chief, 2:41,2:47, 2 :.50% Robert McGregor, ch s (2:17'2). by Major Edsall, dam Nancv Whitman, by American Star. R. J. Lee, Kansas tUty. Mo., Sept. 1.5. 1874, $17.5. Faun Bronaugh, Dan Wade, Reno Belle (1 dis), Maggie K. (1 dis), Windsor (1 dis), 3:10% 3:14. Three-year-olds and under. Ed Corrigan. Sept. 23. 1879. $1,000. France's Alexander 1, 6 (2 0), Musette 4, Duck, Drift, 2:33!4, 2:32, 2:.32 2 ".30 2 '.32 2'32'.t 2*35. SepL. 26. 'l879, $r,(K)0. France's Alexander 1. T. J. Potter (1 dis). Drift d dis"). 2;.3ni^,. 2-30 '>-'>8 ■'-.^o H. H. Gilnian. St, Louis. Mo.. Oct. 1, 1879, $1,000. Largesse. Josephus. Fred Douglass France's' Alex- ander, Don Quixote, W. H. Holly, Mary M., Elmer F. (1 dis). 2:27. 2-27 2-28 Dunkirk, N. Y., Sept. l. isso. ,i.500. Clover, Argonaut, Johnny Gordon a dis),2:25V, 2:'>R% '>-27i^ Sedalia. Mo.. Sept. 11, 1880. .$.500. Centella, Porter Leonard. 2:.37. 2 :.30%. 2-.34. " Lawrence, lv;in., Sept. is. I88O. $1,000. Monroe, John H., Iowa 1 (3 dis), 2-.34M, 2:32?< 2-.^'>i^ •>-41^^ St. Louis. Mo., Oct. 1, 1880. $1,000. Minnie R.. Lady Thorne, Centella, William H.. Dream" Bisr'SoaD 2:23%, 2:25. 2:29%. «caiii. r>i}, isuap, Cincinnati, O., Nov. 3 and 8. 1880. Leontine 1, 2, Minnie R. 5. Wililam H., Post Boy, Hambrina Belle Dream.2:29. 2:241,,, 2:26'/., 2:2714, 2:2914,2:2814. •"' «.'"">iii« oeiie, W.H.Crawford. Wasiiinsrton. D. C. May 9. 1881. $800. Edwin Thorne Fred'Casev ''•'>8U '>-'>7 2-23^ Detroit, Mich.. .Inne 1. issi. $i.noo. Wedcrewood. Monroe Chief. Tlannis. 2:'>3H 2-'>4 '2"'>4 "Stallion's H. H. Oilman, East Saginaw, Mich.. June 18, 1881. $1,000. Monroe Chief. Hannis, 2":19iii, 2:19%, 2:19?^. otRllions. W. H. Crawford, Toledo, O.. June 22, I88I . $800. Lucv,Powers, So So (1 dis), 2:26, 2-26ii '>-24 H. H. Oilman. Topeka, Kan.. Sept. 12, I88.3. $.500. 2:25. To beat 2-'?6i4. ' Emporia. Knii.. Se]>t. 28. 1S83, .$400. Executor, Westmont, 2:9i. 2~^h\ 2-''6 0. W. Ingraham. Independence, Kan., Oct. 29, 1883, $350. Will Cody," 2: 26J4. 2:25}4, 2:21^. (H)2 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TUOmXCi AND PACING UECOUD U. I. Loc. (iainesville. Tex., Nov. 16, 1883, SCOO. Sleepy Joe 2, 3, St. Cloud, France's Alexander (4 dr\ 2:24, -1:12, •l-.'UVi. -':-'3'2. 2:iyi.y. Kort Worth, Tex., Nov. 23, 1883, $700. St. Cloud. France's Alexander, Sleepy .loe 1 (4 dis), 2:20'i. 2:l'0M,. 2:17(2. 2:1'.1. Robert Kidley. br s (2:50). T. C. Swan, Louisville. Ky., June 25, 1859, SIOO. Kate Kay, Poison (2 dr), 2:03. 2:5."). 2 :.">(». South Bend. Ind.. Oct. .^ 1882, $400. Charles L.. Keynard. Alhanihra Maid. I?est time 2:;t4>.,. Robert Whal«'v, br s Ci :;{4'i), by Night Jlavvlt. S. Higeiow, IJangor, .Mich.. Oct. 21, 188::. .•?li:5. Hay Prince 1. 2, (!rav Kllic. Cophcr (4 dis). •_':3it'/4,2:.iS, •J.-.X. 2:3(;'.,. -J:.!!). Robin, br i; I'-J :45ii.). W. S. Abrains, St. Louis, Mo., .Sept. 19, 1857, S300. Young Hainblctonian 2. Marv Ann 2:47. •.':4i;i-.,, •J:51. '.':45',i. .1. V. Si^icnclv, Oct. 2(;, 185S. «!'joo. Yanlvee Boy. 5:52. 5:.%. Two miles. Robin. 1) s ia:38). B. Thompson, Lowell. .Mass.. July 4, 1857, *1(KJ. (iranite State, 2:38. 2:39. 2:41. Rol>in.(hg (3:48). Franlv Burnhani, llaittord, Conu., June ii9, 1861, $75. Kate Franklin 3, Lady Dunn. 2. "ill. 2:48. 2.49, 2:51. New Haven. Conn., June 17, 1S65. $ . Dash. 2:54, 3:00, 2 :.">(;. Rubin, rn g (3:37'j). by lirandywine. Robert Fletcher. Prospect Park, L. L. Oct. 11, 1870. .S . Prize, silver. Hilvcrtail I. Nelly Condord dis),2:33!2, 2:41, 2:.'f«. 2:37i'4. Robin, eh g i3:44'4). 11. (i. Brown, l\Iyricks. Mass., Sept. 12, 187;!, •iJ.'iO. Little Fred 3. Middleboro Maid, MiiiTiie, Fall River Girl, Gray Eagle (4 dr). Honest John i3 dr), \Vhii)po(irwili C; dr). 2:44».i.2:44',c, 2:53,2:50 Robin. 1) g (3::i7'o). (!. P. Carpenter. New Haven, Conn., May 19, 1874. .S200. Nell.i;:.5»J4. 2:49, 2:53?4- Sanie day, SIOO. Nell. 2:49. Plainville. Conn., May 2;i, 1874, $100. Frank 1, Capt. Argyle, Lady Spang (3 dn. 2:54. 2:.n5K>, 2:57, 2:57',j. Robin, ch g i;J:55). G. .M. Hoover, Sandusky, O., June 29, 1870, S70. Lucv. Ladv Holm, (ieorge (3 dr). Bay Dick (1 dis). 2:.''.7'4. 2:57?i. 2:5,5. Robin, eh s. J. T. Stevens, Peru. Ind., Sept. 9, 1881, $ . Lady Bashaw, Augur's b m, John R. No time. Three-vear-olds. Robin, grg (3 :36V^), by Enfield, dam Mary Weaver, by Vt. Black Hawk Jr. G. J. Fuller. Marshall, Mich., Aug. 2, 18K3..S.300. Maud R. 1,2, George K., Mary C, Banker Rothschilds, Lida (5 dis). Blind Tom (4dr), 2:3fi'i, 2:3(1. 2:3G'4, 2:33i;4, 2:30. Eaton Rapids, Mich., Aug. 10, 1883, $300. Banker Rothschilds 2, George R., Prince Middleton. Blind Tom (2 dr-, 2:.''.4''i, 2:38, 2:36i.i, 2:40. Clnirlotte. .Mich., Aug. 15. 1883, .$300. Maud R. 1, Bob, Prince Middleton, Netty Gilbert, Harry Holt, T. C. (3 dr), 'l:\VoKx, 2:37.2:34^, 2:. 30. Aug. 17, 1883, $:«)0. Maud K. l, George E., Bob, Prince Middleton. Harry Holt (3 dr), 2:34^4, 2:33, 2:33'/i, 2:32K>. .lackson, Mich., Aug. 21, 1883, .$300. Maud R., Prince Middleton, Netty Gilbert, Betsy, 2:33»4, 2:32?4, 2*3*'''i ^ Aug.23. 1883, $300. Maud R., Fred Pond, George R.. Betsv. 2::i7. 2:31, 2:35^i. Flint. Mich.. Aug. 28. 18S3. .'¥300. Maud R.. Nettv (Tilbert, Prince ISliddleton. Alfretta, 2::J0, 2:30^, 2:29>4. Aug. 30, 1ss:j. .«;3(M). Maud R. 1, 2, George R. Alfretta. 2:38>.i. 2:3.--'4. 2:;i2, 2:34?a. 2:3.5. Mailison. Wis.. Sept. 12. 188.3, .'S300. William S., Minnehaha. Ottawa Chief (3 dis), 2.2C'/4, , 2:30. Sept. 13, 1883. .^JOO. German Hoy, Billv R.. Hav Prince, 2:33. 2:.32'o. l':32. Benton Harbor. Mich., Oct. 3, 1883, .f.'OO. Mollv Middleton, Maj-'gie Knox, 2:32i^, 2:37, 2:31}^. 0<'t. 5. 1883. .■iii300. Maggie Knox, Mollv Middleton, 2:35'/i, 2:32. 2:28i^i. Robin Hood, gr g(3 :45). P. Somers, Savannah, Ga., April 8, 187.5, $ino. ~Lady Augusta, Irish Girl, Thunder- bolt. 2:.58, 2:.')8, 2:57. .lulv 29. 1K75. .S300. Faug'i-a-ballagh 1. 2, Ripton. Thunderbolt {3 r o), 2:47'^, 2:47^, 2:.50.f2:52, 2:64. M:irch 0. 1K77. .?100. Nellv 1, 2. Roanoke (3 dr). 2:.59. 3:00, 3:00.3:06, 3-M>%. Robin Hood, I) g v3:Oi *). .l.L. Daly, Riclimond, S. I.. Oct. 4, 1882, .S . Whitehall Boy 1, Northfiekl Maid, Sleepy .loe, Nellv H. (3 dr>. 2:01, 2:04, 2:04, 2:0114. Three quarters of a mile. Robin K«'dbreastj)g (3:40). bv H.ilshazzar. 0.1<\ Gibson, Lyons, N. Y., July 3, 1877, $300. Hatty Fisher2, 3. Eunice Ann, Walkill Maid.' Zero, Topsy E., Maggie, Shorty Fountain (5 dis), Polly G. (5 dis). Lady Dexter (2(lr). 2:4.5, 2:42,2:43. 2:45, 2:46 J ulv 5. 1877, .$300. Tom Malloy, Hattie Fisher. Dauntless, Ganarqua (2 dis), Minnie Granger 0 dis). Zero (1 dis), 2:40, 2:40. 2:44y5. Newark, N. Y., .lulv 19. 1877. .$200. Croff, Charley W.. Gvpsy (!irl. 2:40, 2:42, 2:40. Robinson, dn g (3 :46). ' D. B. Hibbard. Kalamazoo, Mich.. June 5, 1872, $175. West End (1 dis), Butler (l dis). Young Champion (1 dis). .Tcnny O dis), 2:46. Fonr-vear-olds. Hillsdale, Mich., July 3, 1872. .$75. Alcyone, Western Girl (2 dis), Capt. Sellick (1 dis), 3:04,2:52. Four- year-olds. ^ r^ •,, n Robinson's Ray stallion. (3:48). Major Eobinson, Montgomery, Ala., May 20, 1870, $50. Tom Hiirrell, Robinson's Browii Mare,"(3 :47^). E. C. Robinson, Springfield. Mass., Sept. 8. 1868, $150. Oen. Sheridan '* Oil '1111 1 tv '^•4Q ^ 'H' ' 9 '4RVA, 2:44, 2:42. .„,„„.„.,„ r^ i- o ,« o ,a Robinson^s Gray .Stallion (3 :08). R. D. Robinson, Amenia, N. Y., Sept. 3, 1872, $150. Cavalier, 3:10, 3:10, Robinson's Hanibletonian, b sf3:43M). by Alexanders' Abdallah. E.C.Robinson, New Haven, Conn., A ng. 6, I860, .$200. Charlev. 2:42>;,. 2:46, 2:44i.i. ^ , ^„„ Rob Roy (s) (3 :47 s). Dan I\I:iee. Boston. Mass.. .Tune 6. 18.54. .?100. 2:47. To beat 2:.50. Rob Roy, ch g a :.50). F. V. Snuth. Jackson, Mich.. .Tune 6. 1860. .$75. Golden A\ ing {1 dis), Louis D Or (1 (lis). Rob Rov. br g (i-AQ). hv Naugatuck. dam by Highlander. A. J. Holt, :Middleto\vn. Conn., July 6. 1860, Stoa Little Dorritt. 2:53. 2:49. 2:5.3. „ , . o„»n* ij„„- Rol> Rov, bg (3:43). W. M. Roberts. Fashion Course, L. I., Aug. 27, 1S70. .$200. Harry, Lady Pettit. Kose d (lis), Sir Peter O dis). 2:42, 2:44,2:48. ,, ,„ ,, ,o^/ o.aa3^ o-ii. Rob Roy, ch gf3:40W. W. M. Mandell, Worcester. Mass.. .Tuly 4. 1871, $1.50. John Allen, J:48i4,2.44>6,^-44- GcWge;R. Spurrr Sept. 22. 1871, $1.50. .Tohn Allen, 2:4.5, 2:42, 2:41. M„iH /o n\ i n,iv H.G. sinithi Concord, N. H.. Sept. 29. 1871, .■S'.iOO. Ladv Sherburne 1, St. Lawrence Maid (2 0). Lady Rogers CI 0). •.':42'.,. L'i45i,,, 2:42, 2:45'.,. 2:4(!. ,, „ ,„,, C. B. Pr;nt, Worcester. Mass., July 20. 1872.$ . Fannv Chapman (wV 2:45%, 2:43^. W. M. Mandell, Aug. 29, 1872. $ — '-. Dollv Varden (20). 2:4.r ,. 2:.51 /, ^i„x i.^„„,i Tw..ur Rob Rov. b g, (3 :.59X J. IMcNeill, Lowell, Mass.. Sept. 5, 1871, $100. Milkmaid. Hector (3 dis), I'red noug- lass (3dis». 3:05. 3:02. 2;.59. ^ . ,„ „x t;.,ii„4.« o nn o-ni Rob Roy b g(3:r>8). Mr. Collier, Indianapolis. Tnd.. July .5. 1871.$ — . Emma 1,(3 0), Elliott, 3:00. .i.oi. t?obR«">y ('w), ch g f3379,0. San Francisco. Cal.. April. 5. 187(5. $1.2.50 l^elle (wU2 f''!Ji-3:25, 2:47M. Rob R<.y. blk s (2 :3,'>i,). W. A. Twiliey. Talbot Co, Md., Nov. 1, 1876. $76. Little Frank 4, (3 0), 1- rank. Lady Stewjirt. No time. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROITING AND PACING RECORD. e03 Nov. 2, 1«76,$ . Trov, Royal George Jr.. Howard. No time. A. K. Ladd. Mt. HoUv, N. J.. Oct. 1-', isso. $2.50. Bay Chief 1, Lizzie F., Alia, 2:40, 2:40, 2:42, 2:45. Bob Koy, b g (3:59i4), bv Magna Cliarla. R. \V. Haines, Mt. l'lea.sant, Mich. Sept. 13, 1««3, -ipluo. George R., Ocean Queen, 3 :05, 2 :5'9i.4. 3 :01. KocheUe, b g (« :40j. Thomas ("lifford, Freeport, 111., May 31, 1876, $400. Prairie Lily, Lady Esther, Harry Hoplcins a disi, 2:42,2:41, 2:40. Rochelle, b g. Harlan. la.. Sept. 23, 1881, SIOO. Young Godolphin 2, Garfield, Lady Graves, 1:39,1:31,1:33. Half-mile heats. Ilochester, ch s (« :43Vo), bv Aberdeen, dam Bonny Lassie, by C. J. Wells. H. C. Jevvett. Buffalo, N. Y.. Oct. 13. 1876, .« . Kenduli Star (2 dis), Daeiana (1 dis), 2:5034, 2:42'/2- Three-year-olds. Rochester, b s (3:56). by Ale.\ander J. Siuiond, St. Paul, Miuu., Sept. 4, 1878, .■#7uO. Fly, Wiusome, Auth- oress, 2:59?i. 2:56. Tl'iree-year-olds. Kochestcr Girl, gr m ri :'>3). .]. Audcrson, Boston, Mass., Sept. 2, 1853, $ . Rochester Boy, 2:53, 2:53. Kock, bs (3:39). Hirani Woodrutf, Union Course, L. I., Nov. 11,1859,11,000. Lady Suft'oUi (w), 2:39, 2:40, •_' ;40'4. Kockaivav. br g (3 :41). W. Peabody, Union Course, L. I., ,Tune 8, 18,58, .'S500. Annie Laurie, 2:42, 2:41. Kock Cod. b g (3:53). Miles McKenna, Boston, Mass., October 22,1872,$ . Red Bug (w), 3:00, 2:56i4, 2:56. i5eacon Park. Boston, October 20. 1874, $ . Blue Jacket 1, 3:40, 3:31, 3:23, 3:20. (w). .June 8, 1875, Sioo. Eastern Prince 1, 3:40, 3:35. 3:43:'i. Kocket, ch g (3 iSl^i). Hiram Woodruff, Uuion Course, L. I., June 20, 1856. $10,0(K). Brown Dick 1, 2:3l5i, 2:31-4, 2:34^. Rocket v3 :54>i). E. W. Sargeaut, Lowell, Mass., July 4, 1859, $ . Kitty Hamlet, Kale Sargeaut, 2 :54'/i, 2:54)^, 3:00. Rocket, b g (3 :41). John Turner, Philadelphia, Pa., Sept. 30, 1861, $ — . George Magee, 3, 4, 2:43'/j, 2:41, 2 "43 2 "41. '- Nov'. 18, 1861, $ . American Star 4, 5 (2 0), Brother Jonathan 3 (2 0), (4 dis), 2:41 '4, 2:40, 2:44, 2:42J4, 2:431^,2:4.5. Rocket (3:53). George R. Wesson, Barre, Mass., Sept. 29, 1865, S60. Black Fly, Skate, 2:,52. 2:58, 2:.57. Rocket, bg (3: 48?4). Mr. Aldrich, Milwaukee, Wis., June 20, 1866, $150. Ned Forrest, Star of the West (Idis), 2:48Si,3:01. . , ^ Rocket (3 :43). M. Carroll, Mystic Park, Boston, Aug. 9, 1867, $ . Lady Flagner (w) 3. Dick Turpin (3 dr), 2;44t^. 2:421^,2:43, 2:49. Rocket (w), b g (2:55 w). W. Bennett, Union Course, L. I., Nov. 17, 1868, $200. Goliah (w), Hannah (w), 2:66, 2 *55 Rocket, ch s (3 :41i^). Hall & Poterin. Mt. Vernon, O., Sept. 2, 1869, .$500. Abdallah 2, 4 (l Oj (6 Oi, 2:45, 2:405i 2:44, 2:40Ji,2:425i£. 2:411/2. Unfinished. Rocket, br g (3:45'/^). L. B. Brown, Providence, R. I., Sept. 19, 1872, $300. Lady ioster, Doctor Bruce, 2:45'/^, 2:52, 2A5U. Same day, $175. Doctor Bruce 3. Ladv Foster. No time. Rocket, b s (3 :43). T. McConnell, Point Breeze Park, Phila., July 9, 1874, $200. Ben Uharp 1, 2:414, 2 :48, 2:43. 2 :44. Rocket, ch s (3:35). P. T. N, Gerard, Mechanicsburg, O,, Sept. 3, 1874, $350. Mohawk Jackson (2 0), Red Hawk,. Mohawk Jackson, 2 :48i^, , 2 :54. Stallions. Delaware. O.. May 31. 1876, $100. Lizzie Wagoner, Lady Greer. 2:35, 2:36^i, 2 -361^. Rocket, brg (3:3514), bv Mambrino Pilot (?). .1. H. Phillips, Woodbury, N. J., Oct.~l9, 1875, .$400, Melissa, Uncle Ike, Shelly t^opperbottoni, Dick Ellis (2 dis), 2:45, 2:44. 2:49. — — Oct. 22, 1875, $500. Melissa 1, 2, Sam French, Little Nell, Tom Scott (1 dis), 2:37, 2:.38i4, 2:37M, 2:3S>.;, 2:41. Middletown. Del., Sept. 24, 1880, $250. Spunky 3, Rob Roy, 2:37i4, 2:38' i, 2:41 '4, 2:35i4. Rocket, brs (3:53!^). E. Curry, Fleetwood Park. N. Y.. Nov 3. 187.5'. $100. 2:53J^. To beat. 3:00 Rocket, b g(3:03"2). J. N. Garrison, BrooAville, Pa., Oct. 10, 1879, .$2.5. Jenny Dean, Flora Mclvor, Flora E. (3 dr), 3:0214, 3:07.3:0.5. Rocket, chg (3 :53). W. A. Washburn, Attica, N. Y., Sept. 10, 1879, .$.50. J. H., Young Erin. Lady Richards, 2:53,2:56. Rocket, ch g (3:33). W. T, Green, Concord. N. H., Sept. 12, 1879, $ . Lew W.. Eva., Honest Billy, Black Jack, 2:45,2:42, 2:45. July 29. 1880, $100. Eva, Maggie May, Shakespeare, Joe, Zella, 2:40, 2:40. 2:40Vi;. . Nov. 5, 1881, $100. Frank D. 3, Maud D., Nell, Astoria (3 dr). 2:.36, 2:36, 2:41, 2:.39. Rocket, gr g. J.Call, Cleveland, O., May 6, 1880. .$500. Arthur ( w) 2. No time, 's of a mile. Rocket, ch s 3:39), by Rocket. G. M. Parks, Lewiston, Me.. Sept. 22, 1880. .?!200. Von Moltke, Troublesome. Gray Dan, Wanderer, Black Diamond, Wellington, Detective Patchen, 2:40'.,, 2:4214. 2:4H4. Stallions. Sept. 23, 1880, $200. Gray Dan, Lydia M., Little Daisv, J. P. Morris, Elderene, Brandywine, 2:41i^, 2:42'o.2:41. Dixtield, Me., June 8, 1881, .$.50. Gen. Custer 1,4(5 0), (6 dr), 2:42 2:.39U, 2:40. 2:42i^. 2:40,2:40. Norway, Me., Sept. 30, 1881, $60. Troulblesome, Harry Knox, 2:4114, 2':40, 2:40^. Stallions. Lewiston, Me., Sept. 27, 1882, .$.'?00. Plough Boy, Thackainbau, Black Crook, 2:421.^, 2:39?i, 2:42i^. Dixfield. Me.. Oct. 18. 1882. .$20. Col. L:iiig 1, 2:4.3, 2:43i4, 2:44'<;, 2:46. E. Getchel, Bangor. Me., Sept. 28. 1883, $100. Ladv Bright 2, Nat Otis, 2:4.5U.2:47, 2:41. 2:41. Rockey, b s (3 :49). P, Warner, St. Louis, Mo., May 11, 1860, $50. Lancet 1. Wfialebone, Benicia Boy (4 dr), 2:.52, 2:49, 2:491^, 2:49. Rockey, gr g (3 :48U). W, M. Mandell, Worcester. Mass., July 4. 1871, $150. Kate, Leinster Bov, 2 :51, 2:48}^, 2:.51^. Rockey, bg (3:46). Charles Hewitt, Mvricks, Mass,, Sept. 28, 1875, $90. Kate Dennis 1, Little Fred, Ray- mond. KUtV (3 dis), 2:46, 2:48. 2:46, 2:461-4. Rockey. br g (3 :38), by Hamlin's Patchen. C. J. Hamlin, East Aurora. N. Y.. July 4. 1877, $150. Joe Miller. Bay Dick, 3:05'.;, 2:46. 2:5414. Rockingham, grg (3:3514), (3:3314 s), bv the Smith Colt. George Kohl, Philadelphia, Pa.. May 24, 1859, $1,000. Transcript 1, 3 (50), 2:47, 2:4.3, 2-A^9£, 2:.3794, 2:40?4, 2:38".. (w), W. H. Doble. Mav22, I860. .$.300. Post Bov (w), 3, 7, (2 0), Goshen Maid (wl, 1,6. MayQueen (w),2:.'?4. 2:3114, 2:332i. 2:3.3,2:.36?^, 2:.37, 2:3.51/,, 2:.34. J. Joselyn. Baltimore, Md., Oct. 2, I860, $.300. Gen. Dunham 3. Napoleon (3 dr). Tom Booker (2 dr), 2:29. 2:36i/i, 2:.3.5. 2:40. (w), W. H. Doble, Nov. 21. 1860..$ . Belle of Ballimore (w), 2:.37i.<;. 2:.36, 2:37. (s). Centreville, L. I., Julv 26. IR6I, $1,000. Lancet (s). 2:24'4, 2:28. 2:2514. (s).Hartford. Conn., Oct. .30. lS(;i. .$200. Lancet (s). 2:3,3. 2:24"M, 2:.33. .John Morrissey, Fashion Cour.se, L. I., Oct. 24 and 2.5, 1862, $1,000. Gen. Butler 2. 4, 2:27, 2:27i4, 2:2.5^. 2:27Vi,2:2.5V^. (s), Budd Doble. Oct. .31. 1862. .$1.noo. Gen. Butler (si. 3, 2:26'4. 2:'^^. 2:24'i. 2:231:;. Rockingham, (3 :59). Peter W. Haskins. White Plains, N. Y., Oct. 15, 1868, $20. Lady Williams 1 But.fiber Boy, 3:26, 2:.59. 3:15. 604 CHESTKHS COM I'l-KTK TKOTTINU AND PACING KECOKD. Kockin^ham, gr s (3:37). H. Wilson, I'tica, N. Y., June ir>, 1869, 5^100. Lone, :.':41' j, '.':-»r>, 2:40'4. Wfst VViufleld, N. Y., Sepl. «, IsTo.sHOO. Amber 2, 4, liookt-r, Eone u' «isj, L':4t;. 2:41, '.^afi, 2:38.2:37. i;4K-klaiul (w;, bg (,3:33 \v>. G. wood, boston, Mass.. .)une C, 1856, 4HOO. Gov. Seward, 5:4tj. 6:40!',. Two miles. Ko«kliiiicl Hoy, bg(3:50!,2). It. Walters, Easliion Course, L. I., June 7, 18GG. S400. Lady Jones, 5:41. 5:43. Tui) miles. Koeklaiid Hoy. (3 :59!o). H. A. Baker, Marslilield. Mass., .luly 4. 1S8,!. §75. Ben Butler. Tom. No time. T. CuUey. Sep. 13, ls8.!, j^Ji. Buhber B()y, Arbiter, Ben Builer, Dan (3 dr;, 2:,"!)^.i, 3:00, 2:.".au,. Koektou, b g'(:5:3:{>. 11. W. Candor, Komj, .N. V., Sep. IS, ls;8, jiiu. Dexter, Asylum Girl, Terry. 3 :23. 3 :23. Tliree-vear-olds. Kockton, b g i3:3.'>'„), by Highland Beauty, dam bv Washtenaw Chief. II. AY. Evans. Jackson, Mich., June H. iHsi, §000. Forest I'atchen 2. 4. Kachel 1. Toledo, W illis \\ oods. Highland Stranger (5 dri, rriuce Albert ,:: dn, 2:39?4, 2:3G'4, 2:38, 2:32, 2:.39, 2:38!2. Ko«-k«ell, bg (3:5»j. J. StuUiuan, Bittslleld, Mass.. Oct. 9, 1873, §75. Bonner 2. Lady Mook, 3:00, 3 01, 3:(i4'..,. 3:01)^., Kockwell, br g (3 :43), by ■\Viuthrop Morrill. XL O. llussell, Belfast, Me., June 21, 1877, §100. Fanny, Rover, Skip. Yankee Jim. 2:43, 2:4;>Va. 2:45ya. Koeky. l)lk g (3 :5:i'.,). Charles Seagraves, Bath, Pa., Oct. 21, 1875, §100. Colonel, Frank, Tommy Dodd, John H..2:.-.3'.j. 2 :,>:'.!. 2 :.')5. Ko€;ky Hill, br s (3 :3!)), by Young Abdallah, dam Gypsy. R. Dempster, Doylestovvn. Pa., Oct. 8, 1875, S250. Little Nell. Fleetfoot (2 dr), •'■.r.ii^. 2:46'4, 2.50Ji. Lancaster. I'a.. .lane 14, 1S7(;.. §350. Tom 1, Midsummer, Lady Blesshigton, Jake Rowe, Limber Jim (1 dls;, 2:4(1. 2:.i9. 2:40, 2:40. Easti>n. I'a., .July 4, 1870. $100. Clothesline, 2:39, 2:39^4. 2:.'i9»i. Bocky Hill (3 :4;}\ Austin, Tex. Feb. 8, 1876, § . Lady Ralph. 2:43. 2:43. 2:49. Bockv Mountain, rn g (3 :37?i). J. H. Bickford, Bo.ston. Mass., May 30, 18G2, $75. Maud 2, Fanny Brad- bin-V. 2:43. 2 :42i 0, 2 :39, 2 -.SS^. E. L. Norcross, Aug. 18, 18G,5, s^200. Gvpsv Queen 1, 2:47, 2:42'i, 2:37^, 2:45^. Oct. 10, 18G5, § . Henry Columbus (2 dr), 2:.5G, . Nov. 8. 18G5, .§200. Benicia Boy, 2:-16'4. 2:44, 2:45. (W) Nov. 24, 18G5, .§.500. Honest Kate (\v) 1, 4, 2:.53k, 2:49, 2:.")6, 2:50, 2:49. Rocky Mountain, b g (3 :49). Jeff Lee, (Cameron, Mo., Oct. — 18G9, §100. Buck l, 2, 3:00, 3:01. 2:58, 2:59. 3:01. St. .Joseph, Mo., July 4, 1870, §100. No Name 2: 2:.53, 2:49. 2:53'4. Kocky Mountain Tom, gr g (3 :37). J. Sheedy, Omaha, Neb., Sept. 14, 1883. §500. Kittv Strader, Pilot Mam- brino, Little Queen, 2:42, 2:40!'j, 2:41. B. S. Streeter, Denver., Col., Oct. 9, 1883. §G00. Gray Bird 3. Gossip. 2:3914, 2:39?4, 2:34. 2:37'/s. Oct. IG, 1883, $600. Molly Lang 1, Black Tom 3, 2:40, 2:37, 2:3G, 2:37%. 2:38)4. RodaB., bg (3:59i4). R. Brassel, Deerfoot Park, L. I., Aug. 27, 1874, $50. Liniment, Paul, Summit, Lady Victory, Frank Moulton, Scratch. Gentle Annie, Bottom. 3:02^2, 2:,59i4. Nearest to 3:00. Roderick, b g (3 :36ii). John Nichols. I'leasantville. Pa., Aug. 13. 1S72,§200. Charley, 3:06, 2:50, 2:51^. Jesse Dunn. Danville, Ky., Sept. 25, 1872, §100. Pat. Rolling Fork (2 dis), 2:.52. 2:49. W. H. Wilson. Lexington, Ky., July 4. 1873, $ . Treacy's b s 2, 2:.5G>4. 2:43J4, . L. Kyle. Beloit. Wis., Aug. 6, 1873, §150. Amy B., Lurcher, 2 36^^.2:37. 2:38i^. Rede's Horse (3 :37V J. B, Rodes, Lexington, Ky., July 15, 18G5. $ . Grave's horse 2, Downing's horse, Sherett's horse, 2:27»4, 2:42, 2:27. Roden's Roan Mare (3 :44^). M. Roden. Hoboken, N. J.. July 4, 1865. $400. Pawling's b g 2:,'539i, 2:47, 2:44>i. Rodney (McPherson and Scalpel), ch g (3:34'^). by Golddust, J. W. Shockency, AVoocilawn, Ky., Oct. 20, 1864, §1.50. Biddv (1 dis), Bay Chief U dis). 2:40?4. K. Dorsev. Louisville. Ky., July 1. 18G5 §200. Daniel Boone 1 (2 dr). 5:18, 5:10. Two miles. Wmi:im Brown, Nashville, Tenn., Aug. 10, 1865, $130. Gentle Aiuiie 1, Ten Pin Johnny (2 dis), 2:46Jii, 2:44';, 2:39';. Aug. 11, 186.5, .$195. Gentle Annie. Whirlwind (1 dis), 5:31, 5:26Ji. Two miles. B. Ormsbv, Louisville, Ky., Sept. 13, 18G5, §75. Betty, 2:48. Sept. 22, 186.5, $ . Rockingham l. (Gentle Annie, 2:45. 2:44, 2-48?i, 2:413,'. \Vm. Brown, Oct. 4, 18G5, §2,50. (Jrav Eagle. Stephen A. Douglass. 8:00. Three miles. Oct. 7,186.5, ,$250, Stephen A. Douglass 1, Boston, 5:21 Vi, 5 17, 5:18. Two miles. New Albany, Ind., Oct. 12, 18G.5, $25. Belle Collins. William Remolds, Jessie Harding, 2:45, 2:44^, W. H, Potts, Cleveland, O.. Julv 1«, 18fi6, §1.000, Sir Walter, 2:3614. 2:34''.. 2:36i.i. William Brown, Aug. 24. 1866, $800. American Star 3. 4, Jannett 1. Gray Eagle (3 dis), 2:42, 2:41,2:39?i, 2:43,2:44.2:42. Rodney, b g (3 :43). John AVeston. Kansas City. Mo., June 18. 1870. §1,000. Shy (2 dis), 2:42. 2:.'S.5. S. O. Jerome. St, Joseph, Mo.. Julv 5, 1870,' .$300. Billy Weston. Billy Platter 1 (2 dr), George Wilkes Jr. (2 dis), 5:25, 5:44. G:02. Two miles. Rodney, wh g (3 :3»). J. Downs, Portland, Me., .luly 5, 1876, $200. Fanny 1. Presunipscot Girl, Centennial. Cashier (2 dis), 2:4.3, 2:.50. 2:42, 2:43. lulv 4, 1876, $200. F'annv 1. Presnmpscot Girl, 2:43, 2:39. 2:42. 2:4,X Roe Allen, b s (3:43). Barnev Rice, San Jose. Cal., Oct. .5, 1867. $600. Dick Gongh. Lowery Mathews, Lady Don (dis). 13:.56^. Five niiles. John McCne. Marvsville, Cal., Se])t. 25. 1874. $ . Genevieve. 13:22'... Five miles. G. Leigh, San Francisco. Cal.. March 11, 1875, $ . I'etaluma Queen (3 dis), Bridget (1 dis), 2:51, 2:52, 2:42. Roebuck (s) (3 :48 s), bv Ethan Allen, dam bv Vt. Black Hawk (?). W. Bodmers, Newburg, N. Y., June 14, ISRG. §15. Jett' (S), 2:52';, 2 :48. Rooden's (;rav Stallion (3 :33). John Roeden, Trenton, N. .!., June 11, 18G7. §200. Ironsides, Ned Forrest, Americ;in Star. .lohn Hunt. Rockv Hill. 2:35'2, 2:,35ii,. 2:.S3. Rojfer. b g (3 -.nsy,). W. H. Dyer, Scarboro, Me., Sept. 30. 1880, $45. Hiram 1 (2 0) (3 0) (5 dr). Brandy Knox n (lisi. Best tfme. 2:.58i;. Roper Hanson, gr s (3 :38V<'>), bv Alta, dam Luahiba. bv Berkeley's Edwin Forrest. S. E. Fairley, Detroit, Mich.. June 10, 1880, §1,000, Una 2. Russ Ellis, Seth'T. Bane, Fox (3 dis). 2:,35'5 2:.1,5. 2:3.3, 2:33. East Saginaw. Mich.. Juno 17. i8so, .$800. Chaimcv H. I. 2. J. W. Thomas, Mary Miller, W. H. Holly (4 dis), Mary Belmont (4 dis). Harry B. (2 dis). 2:,31, 2:27U'., 2:29-^. 2:28i^. 2:31. Ninevah, Ind.. Sept. 1. 1880, §125. Commodore. H. Shuline, 2:,3.5. 2::!8, 2:.39''4. Ropers' Bay Gelding (3 :46), .John Rogers, Union Course. L. I., July 20, 18G8. $1,000. Ploughboy Mare.2:48, 2:47. 2:46. Ropers' Chestnut Stallion (3:13), by Major Anderson. John Rogers. Union Course. L. I., Oct. 4, 1862, «400. McManuis' ch m, 3:20, 3:12. Two-year-olds. CHESTEKS COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING IIECOKIJ. 605 Roger Wade, blk g (2 :53). C. Kimball, Woonsocket, R. I.. Sept. 18, 1878, S75. Farmer Boy, Charles N.,2:52, 2 :55, 2 too. Roger Williams, bg (3:45i^). H. Woodruff, Cambridge, Mass.. .July 19. ISIS, .S . Alice 2, 2:46, 2:40, 2:45' 2. Roland, grg (3:48). E. Ludwig, Reading, Pa., Sept. 7, 1876, .$125. Daisy 1, IJirdsboro .Maid, 2:50li, 2:48, 2:62, 2-o't., Roland.~br s (3 :38), by Crowu Chief, dam the Strauss mare. A. Tufts. Dover, N. H., Sept. 16, 1879, $300. Volunteer Girl, Carrabassett, Judge Russell. 2:34, 2:3.5, 2:33. Rolla, gr g (3 illJa). Isaac Woodruff. Harlem, N. Y., June 16, 1835, $1,000. Columbus 1, 8:13, 8:05, 8:07. Three miles. F G Chase, Mobile. Ala., April 12, 1839, §200. 8:46. Three miles. Competitors not named. Rolla, gr g (3 :OOK E. Tavlor, Atcliison. ICan., Nov. 27. 1873, §— . Lightl'oot 1, 2, Hard Tack (2 dr), Little Blue (2'dr), 3:(K), 3:01, 3:05, 3:01,3:00. Rolla, ch g ri:-iT^i)A)y Shelby Chief. Peter Schatz, Belmont Park, Phila., -May 24, 1881. $400. Nelly W.. Princess. 2:;;7'.i, 2:3312, 2:321^2. Detroit, Mich.. j\lay .'.l. issi. SGOO. Toledo, Eockton, Theresa Scott, Lucrece, Rachel, Hue Grundy, Iligh- land Stranger, Nelly Sopcr. M:inibrino Clav, .Alambrino Rattler. Prince .Vlbert. 2:28^. 2:30)^, 2:29i^. Iiickson, Mich. .June lo. issi, $600. Forest Patchen, Humpy, Fi-inge, Waverley. Spin ella, Theresa Scott, Lucrece, 2:33, 2:;»'4. 2:20-^4 . Newark, N. Y., Aug. .30. I8s2, $200. Gen. Beamish 1. 2, Bonny L (4 dr). Lady Beekman, George H (2 dr), 2:31)4, 2:3414, 2 :.34i/,, 2:35. 2:.3.5. Sept. 1, I8S2, .^200. Neli:i. Schuvball, George H (3 dr), 2:28i4. 2:31, 2:31^4. J. Hounstean. Bradford, Pa.. Sept. 14, 1882, $500. Ella Doe 4, King Almont 2, 2:;j2i^, 2:31i^, 2:30}^, 2:32, 2:30U. Yonngstown, ().. Sept. 21. 18s2. .?2.50. Valiant, Champion (iirl. Kinsman Bo.w Clara J., 2:33. 2:35, 2:35. P. Sch;ilz, Crawfordsville, hid.. May 24, 1883, $300. Florence M., Waverly. Frank Landers, 2:34i^, 2:30, 2;2S^. ' Inclianapolis, Ind., May 30 and 31, 1883, $350. Frank Landers 1, Waverly, .lolin Hall, 2:27Ji. 2:.34'4, 2:31 V4, 2:30. Cedar Rapids, la., June 14, 1883, .$.500. Molly Bell. Fearuiiuglit, Dutch Girl (I dis). 2:285^, 2:331^,. 2:32=(i .Alarshalltown, la.. June 23, 18S3, •*500. Golden Girl, Dutch Girl, 2:.'!2'o. 2:27>,i. 2:2914. Oskaloosa. la.. June 2S, 1883, .S500. Dutcli Girl. Molly Cell. Lucv. 2:l'0'i, 2;:!01i. 2:.30i„. Mason City, la.. July 5. 1883, .$.500. Lucy 3. Western. 2:2S. 2:2.sii, 2:2.';i4, 2:2sii. Pittsburgh, Pa., Sept. 26, 1883, $600. Fashion, Champion Girl. Hamliletoiiian Bashaw. 2:30'4. 2:31i^, 2:31. Rolla Golddiist, ch g (3:35) (3:31 s), by Golddust, dam by Moliawk Chief. L. L. Dorsey, Louisville, Ky., June 8, 1S64, -$.500. Jerry Morgan d dis), 2:39Vo. Oct. 2, 1865, $100. Carrie 2. 3. 2:3.5, 2:37. 2:39. 2:43, 2:49)^. Indianapolis, Ind., Oct. 5. 1867, $ . Rosa Golddust. 2:37i4- St. Louis. Mo.. Oct. IS. 1867, $1,000. Tackev (1 dis), 2:25. (w), Greenland, Ky., Oct. 30. 1867, .$ . Molly Buckner (w), 5:16. 5:10%. Two miles. I.ouisville, Kv., Nov. 10. 1867, .$50. Champagne. 2:.33^j:, 2:30%, 2:29%. (s), Albany, N. Y., July is. 1868. $1,000. Billy Bovce, pacer, 2:47, 2:21, 2:28y2. Watertown, N. Y., June 2.5, 1869, $1,000. Jim Sniith l, 2, 2:.31i4, ^:31. 2:28, 2:31M, 2:.31. Utica. N. Y., Aug. 20. 1869. $ . J. J. Bradley 2, 2:.35, 2:40, 2:42, 2:40. (s), Louisville, Kv., June 20, 1873. $ . Storm, 2:25. (S). July 1, 187.3, .$500. 2:29'4, 2:26)4. 2:28'.;. To beat 2:23. Lost. Rolla Mills; ch g (3:38)4). G. C. Clark, St. Pr.ul. IMinn.. July 5, 1872. $300. Minnesota Chief 4, Yankee Girl 1 (3 dis). Flying Paul (2 dis). 2:4.5V^, 2:44%, 2:41. 2-AS^, 2:.3Sii. Rollin, br s (3:59). C. Rovvley, Atlantic, la., August 30, 1882. $100. Limber Jim, Botany Bay. Bay Belle, St. Charles, 2 :.59, 3:01,3:01. Romance, blk m (3:39';), by Princeps, dam Roma, bv Golddust. H. C. McDowell. Cynthiana. Ky.. Aug. 24, 1876, $2(10. Aldine 1, Woomoosa, Keene Jim (2 dis), Kentucky Star (l dis), 2:3714. 2:37'2, 3:00. 2:53J^. Three- ve;ir-olds. '— Lexington, Ky.. June 21, 1877. $400. AltaricS, KeeueJini (4 dis). Enchantress Medium (2 dis), Kate T. (2 dis). Cygnet (l dis). 2:42, 2:46. 2:45'/2, 2:47. (s), .June 21. 1878. .$300. Red Bird (s), D. Monroe (s) (3 dis), Mambrino IMlot Jr. (s) (1 dis). Blanche Amorv (s) il dis), 2:3114. 2:32%. 2:32i..;. Roman Chief, br s (3:30i4). by Walkill Chief, dam Peg^^ offlnp'ton. by Benedict's Pathfinder. W. J. P. KiuL'slev. Rome. N. Y.. Sept! 22. 1876. $l(iO. Minnie Hicks. Jack. 2:40%. 2:421,, 2:47!4. .lulv 3. 1S77. .$.500. Minnie. J. Upham, Torrent (3 dis). 2:.35. 2:.3.5i;. 2:3.5. Sept. 19. 1879. .$200. Security, Frank Clark. Bessie Turner. 2:32Vh. 2:31. 2:34. Roman Chief. Jr., br s (3 :10). liy Roman ChieL A. D. Williams, Rome, N. Y.. Sept. 19. 1877. .$45. Richard- son's blk s. Bonny Phelps. .'!:tl, 3:11. Three-vear-olds, Romeo, gr s (3 :46).' Chester Pike, Chestertowh. N. H., Sept. 22, 18,58, $15. Gray flawk (1 dis). 3:00. Saiiie day. .¥2.5. Telegr.aph, Woodbury. 2:,58. 2:.53. Romeo, rn g (3 :53). J. K. Wheeler, Philadelphia, Pa.. Nov. 18, 1858, .$200. Bone Cracker, 2:52. 2:59. Romeo, b g (3:43)4). Samuel Jones. Huntington. L. I.. Oct. 6. 1858. .$1,5. Lady Smith 1, 3, 2:47, 2:44, 2:46. 2:44, 2:4.5. Hempstead. L. I., Aug. 1. 18.59. .$15. (4ay's gr m (1 O). Duryea's gr g (3 dr). 2:44, 2:421;. 2:42)4. Romeo, rn s (3 :45). B. Thurston, Lowell. Mass.. Sept. 27. 1865. $35. Bay Dick. 2:51. 2:52. Romeo, (3 :45). Brattleboro.Vt., Aug. 21, 1868. .$75. Prince Allen. Horatio (3 dr), Dan (1 dis), 2:48, 2:45. 2:46. Romeo, b s (3 :00) A. F. Weigel, Doylestown, Pa., Oct. 6, 1869. $25. Frankenfield's rn s. Green's b s (2 dr), 7:5,5.7:07. Two mlle,s. Oct. 6, 1870, .$30. Dolly Dempster. Honest George. 3:05. 3:00. Romeo (w). dii g (3:41)^). J. Black, Fleetwood Park. N. Y., Dec. 5. 1870. $1.50. Honest Tom, Lady Carroll, 2:48. 2:47';, 2:45'4. W. McRoberts. July 13. 1871. .$,5,000. Lady Carroll. 2:43. 2:41%. 2:41'/,. Romeo, gr g (3 :46i 4 ). jMr. Nathan, San Fraiicisco, Cal., Dec. 24. 1870. $100. Jerseyman (s) 1, Billy Hayward 2, 2.54U, 2:.50. 2:49i.i, 2:50, 2:46'4. T. McClellan. Oct. 24. 1873. ,$ . Cassius M.. Lucv, 14:24?:^ . Five miles. J. Seaward. Marysville, Cal.. July 4. 1875, $20. Ben Wade (1 dis), 2:47U- Romeo, ch g (3:53). ' James B. Blackburn. Warren. O.. Aug. 10. 1877, $75. Ned Mitchell 3. Nora Demas 4, Mambrino, Nelly. Sleepy Dick. Silvia (1 dis). 2:.5,5. 2:53. 2:.53. 2:51i/4, 2;.54. Romeo, b s (3 :39i4), by Menelaus, dam Dolly Martin, by Defiance. H. Doughty, Chicago, 111., Sept. 21, 1878, $ . Quickstep 1, Jessie. Billv Bashaw, 2:42i4. 2:42. 2:.36i/,. Lebanon, Ind.. Aug. 25, 18S2. $200. Little Sibux. Polly Wishard, Little May. 2:.33. 2:.31. 2:.3ni/,. Crown Point. Ind., Oct. 9, 1882. .$.500. Don Quixote 1, 4, Maggie G. (3 dr), 2:,34U. 2:.30. 2:.30. 2:31H,2:29»4. Romen. ch g (3:5214). Capt. Scanning, Danvers, Mass., July 27, 1882, $275. Jerry 2, 3 Emmal, Keuo, Dan (1 dis). Best time, 2;52!4. 606 t'HKSTEK'S COMI'LKTE TKOTTINU AND I'ACING RECOKD. Roiueo, Jr.. ni g (1i-A9\). D. Bigley, Boston. Mass., July 7, 1870, $300. Rattler, Loafer, 2:53, 2:65, 2-51 (w). E. \y. Barry, Nov. 17, 1870, S . Rattler (w) 3, 4, Loafer 1 (2 (lis), 2:58, 2:49i4, 2:4554, 2:50, 2:.'i6^ 2:54. June 17, 1873, 550. Billy (2 disi, 2:58, 2:57. Koineru. gr s(a :1«'2), by A. W. icicliniond, (lain (in-tclien. by Manibrino Pilot. J. A. (ioldsmith, Oakland Cal., Sept. 15, 18«1, S75(). Belle Lclio 2, 3, Ale.x. l.ullon, Honesty, Annie Laurie, 2:27, 2:23'4, 2-26 2-22",' 2:24io. I'our-year-olds. • < ■ i, stwckion, Cal., Sept. .w, issi, SSOO. Honesty 2, Sweetheart 3, Alex. Button. 2 :2C>4, 2:259.i, 2:22)4, 2-28 2-27 I'"our-V( ar-olds and under. ' Sau .)()>e, Cal., Oct. 7. issi, 8400. Belle Echo, 2:_'5!^, 2:23, 2:223ii. Four-vcar-olds. San I'rancisco, Cal., Oct. 22, l(S81. s-750. B(.'lle Echo, 2:22!i, 2::;5i2, 2:24. Four-year-olds. S'.ockton, Cal., Sept. 22. I8.s2. Sl.500. Brigiidicr, Starr iving, 2:20. 2:19)^, 2:22. " HomuUis. bs(a:31J.;i- ]). 1!. Irwin, Clifton, N. J., July 4, lb77, $150. Charley Hill 1, 2. Billy Edwards 5 Iron King, 2:431^. 2:41, 2:42'2, 2:42. ,2:40. > ' ) a ua o. Long Branch. N. J., SepL 14. 1877, $800. Mary Lamb 2, Grace l, David Wallace 4. Iron King. Tom Bird C.i dis). (iirlie (1 dis), 2:37, 2:;{C, 2:38. 2:38, 2:3U;i4, 2:40. Kooster. ch g (,3:43), by Honest Alien. W. H. Barnum, Anienia, N. Y.. Sept. 9, 187G, .f 150. Billy Brighton ivisnict, Amos, Whistling .lack (3 dis), 2:50!2, 2:52^4. 2:52(i;. ' 1. J. llornbcck, (it. Barringt(m, Mass.; Sept. 13, 1876,ail40. Billy Brighton 1. Col. John, Newton (1 disi 2 :4.">^4. 2:4.534, 2:4XK'. 2:50. Rope, s Itluck GeUling: i3:.'>9). H. lloper, Centralia, 111., June 16, 1877, $ . Davis' b g 1, Warren's b s 2 3 (G (Id. 2:,")l>, 2:.38, 2:57. 2:59, 3:01, 3:05. * Kory O'.Moie, gr g (2:43'2). T. il. Rockwell. Kansas City, Mo., Sept. 18. 1876, $400. Henry Ward BeccluT I, .5, liay Rocket 2, 6, Moonliglit 7. Surprise, Norfolk (3 dis), Archie Bov (2 dis;. Wild Bill' (1 dis) Little Coleman (1 dis), John Dunning (,1 dis), St. Joe (1 dis), 2.40, 2:43^4, 2:42V4i. -i^e'^, 2-45 '-diji 2-4C'i 2:52. ~ •.-•«.- i> Rosa (s). gr m (3:30 s). M. Stay, Sandusky. O.. Oct. 16, 1858, $r)0. ]"nink Granger, 2:55 3-or,. 2-50 Rosa, b m (i ::{1). O. F. Beard, Lexington, Ky., Sept. 10, 1859, $100. Elbert's gr s 1 (2 di.s), John Davis (1 dis). 2:46'.i, 2:31. " Rosa ( w ). ch m (3:56 w). B. Crusei', Long Branch, N. J., July 29, 18C5. S500. Lady Davis (w> 2 2',")6 Rosa, b m (3 :47). H. A. Hall. Flyniouth Co., Mass.. Oct. C. 1865. §100. Sally Coiiie Down. 2:50 2:.54 Rosa, ru m (3:47). W. K. R. Hoitt, Dover, N. H., Sept. 24. uts, $70. Liliie John 1, Johnny Bull, Gen. Han- cock, 2 :56, 2:47, 2 :50, 2 :.')2. Rosa, blk m (3 :.5G). 1. Pawling, Union Course, L. I., Nov. 13. 1868. $1,000. Ned, 2:57i4, 2:57^4. 2-.")6. Rosa bm (3:58i4). Mr. 15;itcnian. San Francisco, Cal., Karch 26, 1871, $60. Harokl\ b g2, Liviiiger (2 dis) 6:00'2. 6.09. 5:57. Two nules. Rosa, b m (3:.54). D. Babcock, Fleetwood Park. N. Y., May 15, 1873, $200. "Wesley Baine (w) 1, 3, Annie (w) Dundcrherg (w), ^4 dis), 2:.58'4, 2:.54, 2:5,'ii4. 2:58, 2:-,r>. Ro.sa. ch in t2;4l». Jenny Twicliell, Milford, Mass., Sept. 30, 1876, $ . Belle Martin, Fanny Phii)ps, Fasliion. 2:57, 2:.07. Lady Drivers. George Kendall. Boston. Mass.. Oct. 6. 187.'{, .S500. Church Bov 1. 3:11.3:09, 3:03. 3:03?i. Beacon Park, Boston, May 28,1875, $75. Black Harry 1, 5, Brigham Young 2, 3 :04i4, 3:1554. 3:00,3:02, 3:tX). 3:0,'!. .linic 4, 1875, $75. Taconv 1, Black Harry, CiOSVi, 6:05. 6:16. Two miles. Mvstic Park, Boston. Aug. 30. 1875, $1.'")0. Broadway Flirt. Bhick Hiirry 2 (4dis), 2:54, 2:56, 2:57, 2:58. Beacon Park. Boston, Sept. 3. 1875, .$50. .Johnny 1, 3:06. 3:00, 3:10. 3:05. Sept. 11, 1875, $75. Billv 3, 4, Fabvan. 2:51. 2:,5.-., 3:01. 2:,'-.9, 2:.-9. Rosa, b m(3:31). M.Churcliill. Plainlicld, N. J., July 5. 187,''., $ino. Kate. 2:.51. 2:,51i4. 2:54. Rosa, gr m (3:33). H. A. Hill, Bridgewater. Mass., Sept. 23, 1874, $30. Jim 3, Buck Him One, Nelly, Kitty, 2 :52 2 : 59 2 * 5.5 '^ ■ .53 '- Sei)t. 25, 1874"$60. Mac 1, Maud 2, Alexis, Stranger, Middy (4 dr). 2:47. 2:44, 2:45, 2:50. 2:19. J. W. Sniltli. Providence, R. L, Aug. l, 1877, .¥300. J. H. Fctry l. Cora, Jenny, Delight. Capt. Allen, Twinkle, Sand. Ernestine, Doctor. :.':3t. 2:33, 2:32. 2:34i4- Rosa, b 1:1 1 3:4.5). B. H. Shepherd, Saratoga Spa, N. Y., Sept. 7.1876, $50. Kitty Lewis 1, Quaker Boy, 3:12, 2:49,2:49, 2:4.5,2:45. Rosa, blk m (3 :.'>0). A. A. Bowers, Hoosick Falls, N. Y., Oct. 4, 1882, $100. Don Pedro 2, Cunning, Tommy, G rocf-r Boy, 2 :53. 2 :55, 2 :',■>]/,. 2 :.50. Rosa Allen, ell m (3 :45). W. H. Cooke, Norristown, Pa., Oct. 16, 1874, $-— . Lady Croton, 2:r^c,H, 2:45. Rosa .Anderson, h m (3:38). H. W. Moore. Prospect Park, L. I., Aug. 21, 1871. $1000. Nellv, l':4(;.2:38. 2:4.5K Rosa IJ.. 1) m (3 :33i4, bv H. W^ (Jenet. 6. W. Raymond. Danvers, Mass., July 5, 1875. $'M0 Stephen W. 3. 4, L:i(lv Sheridan. Brad'ford (2 dis). Jesse Patchen (2 dis). T:itters (1 disl 2:42. 2:43?4. 2:5li^, 2:45. 2:46?.,'. littoii Brothers, Montpelier, Vt.. Aug. 15, 1876, $400. Dagger 1, Robert Fulton, Lady Smith, Lady Sher- burne, 2:40, 2:.38, 38, 2:36. Aug. 16. 1876. .$400. Ladv Sherburne 2, Billy Maynard 1, Dagger. Annie, Ella Doe (1 dis), Joe Morrill (1 (lis). 2:40, 2::58. 2:.'!8i/3. 2:.39. 2:39'4. ■ C. M. Smith, Woonsoeket, R. I., June 27, 1878, $250. Delight, Honest John, Nelly H. (1 dis). Gray Eddy (1 dls). 2:39. 2:40. 2:35k. .Inly :!t. 1878. .$250. Delight 2, Kate 5. Col. Peabodv 4, Gracie, Pointer Boy (5 dr), Honest John (3 dr), 2:;i8, 2::!9, 2:.38'i, 2:40. 2:40. 2:.34. Brooklyn. Conn.. Sept. 26. 1878. $17.5. Little Romp. Abdallah, 2:41'/,, 2:42, 2:34'^. Willimantic, Conn. Oct. 16. 1878, $ . Billy Stevens 2, 3, Mountain Maid 4, .lohnny, Dick, l (4 dr), May D. (4 dr), Hattie (2 dis). No time. Rosa IJ.. b m (3:39), by Warwick. Sol Bunnell, Wellsville, N. Y., July 4, 1881, .$200. Blind Tom, Fanny E.. 2:44 14,2:44';, 2:45. Rosa IJ., b ni (3:59?;i), C. L. Crook. Great BenrL Pa., Oct. 3, 1883, $50. Lucy 1, 5, Belle H. 4, Frank, Roxie (3 dr). 3:0494. 3:01'4. 3:0.5».,'. 3:06i4. 3:04H. 2:.5994. Rosa IJ«1I. gr m (3 :50). John (iregorv, Sanduskv. O., Oct. 22, 1858, .$100. Humming Bird, l. 3, 3:00, 2:57, 3:05, 3:00, 2:. 50. Rosa IJonlieur. b m (3 :48V4). J. N. Stimpson, Portland, Oregon, Sept. 28, 1860. .$50. Brandywine, 2:55, 2:43. Four-vear-olds. Saco. Me., Oct. 11, I860. $ . Willekin's ch m. Lane's rn m, Willekin's b m, Blacl; Hawk, Marshall's rn g, Knimerson's gr g 2:58, 2:.5(). Oct. 12. I860, $15. Ladv of Lvons, 3:04, 2;,57, 2:49. Rosa iJoiitienr. gr m (2 :43). R. Mason, Ellsworth, Me., Sept. 12, 1865, $ . Blanco, 2. 2:43, 2:42, 2:46, 2:48. Sept. 28, 1865, $.50. Blanco, 2:4.5. 2:4.3, 2:42. Rosa IJoiilieiir, (s^cb m(3;38M). George E. Hall, Chicago, 111.. Aug. 28, 1867, $100. Little Maria (s), 2, Handy Andy (s). Brown Bill (sK (3 dis), 2:48, 2:43'o, 2:4nV6. 2:42»4. Rosa iJohheur. cli ni (3 :48i4). William Locke. Manchester. N. H., Aug. 11, 1870, $150. Amy Stone, 1, 2 (7 0), Ned .3, 4. Minnie, 2:46. 2:4.3K'. 2:45U;. i;:4.5. 2:48>4, 2:.52, , . Rosa IJonlieur, gr m (3 :55). Lon Morris, Boston, Mass., May 1, 1873, $100. Sorrel Dan (w), Nelly, 2:57i^, 2:58J^, 2:5b. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 607 (w). Mystic Park, Boston, July 9, 1874, •■Jioo. Echo (w;, 2, 3 (4 dis), 3:00?i, 3:02, 2:58, 2:.%. . „ „ , Bosa IJonheur, b m (« ■.o'i')^). E. T. Nortlieud, Aiiit'sbury, Mass., Oct. 8, isTs, ;;? . Buicher Boy, 2 2:o7, Bosa Bu'rcii. ell 111 (3:35}.^, by Jupiter. Zenas Burcli, Hudson, N. Y., Sept. 20, 1872, $50. James Ham 2, 3, Ulica. Fanny Thompson (4 dis), 2:50. 2:51, 2:53, 2:40, 2:52. ., ■ i 0 H. Burch, Copake, N. Y.. July 0. 1S74, $100. Rtsister Boy, Prince, 2:40}^, 2:38, 2 :4o^2- ^ ^ Zenas 3urch, Great Barrington, Jlass., June 17, 1875, $350. Eiora 3, 4, Gypsy Ciirl 2. Register Boy, Major Warfli'ld 2:35'i, 2:41, 2:36, 2:41, 2:38' 2, 2:40. Bosa Dartle, b iii Ci :31?.i), by Middletown. E. H. Allen, Pottstowu, Pa., Oct. 25, 1877, $200. Louise 1, 4, £.'oc\'^''6''lS77^^''00? ^Clani Mm-ris? Loiil set Zero r3dis), John L. Hill (3dis), Banker (2 dr), 2:38, 2:35, 2:37. Point Breeze" Park, Pliila., Oct. 20, 1X77, $150. John H. S. 1, Gray Billy. Best time 2:30^. Nov 8 1877, •'«!200. Jolui H. S., John L. Hill, 2:o0'2, 2:37, 2:38. Bosa GoUldust. ch ni (3 ::5;3), by Golddust. L, L. Dorsey, New Albany, Ind., Oct. 12, 18bu, $ . Alexan- der's blk m, Kennedy's ch ni (2 dr), 2:39, 2:38 Oct. 14, 1865, $100. Mohawk, 5 :27}/o. Two miles, ~ Pougbkeepsie, N. Y., June 5, 1869, $1,000.' George M. Patcheu Jr., Capt. Gill, Old Put, Topsy, 2:32, 2:32, -Troy, N. Y., June 29, 1869, $900 Topsy, Nelly Isham, Ben Wood, Agillis, Fred a dis), 2:3314, 2:33^4, 2:32 M.g! Thompson, Babylon, L. I., Aug. 29, 1871, $250. Grace Bertram, Jim tisk 12 dis), 2:3b>4, 2:oi/, Rosa^K.Vb m i3 :00L4). A. H. Kretz. Reading, Pa., Oct. 4, 1883, $80. Edgar 3, Bill Wellington, Daisy, Lady nJ.Tel%'i%':3n ^&S^w:Bli^'jl&n, Mich., July 29, 1859, $200. Belle of Jackson 1, 3, 2:47. 2:51,2:52, 2:.51. Incomplete. .^ , „ , r , , „ ,o r, .< o ^1 .1 ," .. o, July 30, 1859, $200. James K. Polk, pacer 3, 4 (5 0), Capitola, Belle ol Jackson, 2:43, 2:44,2:44, 2:4,., 2:37, 2:44. Mr. Marshall. Adrian, Mich.. July 28. i860, .SSOO, Richard III. 1, 2 (3 dis), 2:50, 2:47'2, 2:44. Rosa Lee, ch m i3 :401i). B. 0. Gueri'n, AVaverlv, N. J., Sept. 30, 1S68, $ . Moonstone, 2:43, 2:4o. Oct. 17, i8o8, $250. McPlierson, Careless, Brown Mare, Gen. Lyon, H. J. Clark (2 dis), 2:42^2, 2:40?it, 2:44. Sept. 25, 1869, .$ . Competitors not n;imed, 2:4514, 2:53'/2, 2:44'2. . ^ „ , ,-.,■,' ^ An. Easton, Pa., Oct. 26. 1869, $1.50. Bill Jackson, Ned, Doctor Jackson (1 dis), Joe Hooker (1 dis), 2:49, 2'51'4 ■'•40' i '- Oct. 28. 1869, $275. Brown Gelding, Star, Sorrel George (2 dis). L;idy Whitney (2 dis). 2:42]^, 2:44, 2:46>^. E. Dunham, Waverlv, N. J., Sept. 20, 1870, ,$ . Don Juan. Sailor Boy, Lylee,2:40'.:. 2:54. _ , ^ ,, .. , Peter Manee, Fleetwood Park, N. Y., Nov. 19, 1870, $250. Rob Roy, Jack cs) (.1 dis), Gaslight (s) (l dis), 2:56, 2:52?£, 2:43?4. Nov. 21, 1870, $300. Hiram (W) 1, 4, Snowbird. 2:41. 2:42V'2, 2:43»4, 2:4254, 2:42. Rosa Lee, (Lady Lear), gr m (3 :35i .,). J. Ayres, Petersburgh, Ind., Oct. 5, 1878. .$ . P'rank 2, Bob Glass- ford, 2:46, 2:53.2:41, 2:42 Vinceniies, Ind., Oct. 19. 1S78, .$ . Burlington, Fanny S., Headlight, 2:395!a, 2:40, 2:39?*. Oct. 18, 1879, $40. Bundy. Dutcliy, 2:44?4, 2:.50'4. 2:4!. Rosa Lee, (\v) b m (3 :08 w). T. Trimble, Morrisania, N. Y., Nov. 10, 1882, $.500. Kate (w). 6:28, 6:16. Two miles. Carrying two men. Bosaleen, brm (3 :53M). B. Smith, Newton, N. .J., Sept. 27, 1882, $50. Prince Albert, 2:5834, 3-01i4, 2:535^ Sept. 28, 1882, $50. Major Morton, 3:03, 3:04, 2:54'e. Rosalie (w), ch m (3 :50w). ' .1. A. Murphy, B;iltimore, Md., Aug. 7, 1857, $ . Nelson's ch s, 3:00, 2:52, 2:50. Rosalie, ch m (3:57), by Manibrino Champion. J. N.Williams, Jr., Frankfort, Ky., Nov. 9, 1878, $ . Barlow, Slippery .Jini. 2:58, 2r59, 2:57. Rosalind, b m (3:31i'4), by Alexander's Abdallah. dam by Brown Pilot. W. H. Doble, Boston, Mass., June 19, 1872. $1,000. Netty Morris 1, Coroner K, Maybee 4 (5 dis), R. R. Stnyvesant (l dis), Honest Brock (1 dis), 2:30ii, 2:311^, 2:3.51^, 2:33U. 2:33. Cleveland, O., July 17, 1.872, $2..50O. Mohawk, Jr., Phil Sheridan, Derbv, Denmark, Western Bov, Gen. Shi'riiian. Sleepy .John 2 (5 dis), Ited Cloud 1 (5 r o), 2:2Si4, 2:29';, 2:20. 2:26, 2:20i4, Rosalind, br m (3:37). J. \V. Swan, Norwalk, Conn., Sept. 12. 1S78 .fori Solitaire 1, Ike Lee, Farmer Girl, May, Warsaw. Maggie Doyle, Mary D.. Lucille (4 dr), Harrv (4 dr) "-43 . 2:.?9V^, 2:37. Rosaliud. gr m (3 :35). S. E. Lincoln, Potsdam, N. Y., Sept. 23, 1880,'$l'50.' Fred Clark 1, Walter Jones, Lola Moutcz, 2-40. 2:35. 2:37!2, 2:37. Rosalind, gr m (3 -.^Oki). T. J. Dunbar, Milwaukee. Wis., Sept. 26. 1882, $300 Maud R Fulton Maid, David 'A.. Bessie, Harold (1 dis). County Meandy (1 disi, 2:8214, 2-32V^ ''■.33h' ' Sept. 27, 1882, .S300. Fulton Maid 4, Ilomem.ade 3. W. F. Hn VP~s 2 -.^iM 2-32'i 2-34'<; 2:3i^,2:HU- -hme 10, 1883. $.300. Black Cat. pacer, I. Eureka (1 dis\ 2 :.')2 2:34 2-34U ''^•.S'>' "' Rosa Livingston, b m (3 rS.^i.,), by Ethan .\llen. dam Ladv' siitt'on. by MorcaVEacle J- Livingston, San Fnincisco. C;il.. Mch. 16. 1865, $1,000. Wm. H. Seward, 2:41, 2-42H .1. L. Eoff, Nov. 4, 1865, $400. Genoa Maid, Downpy,'2:414. 2:45. 2-40 Nov. II, 1865, $250. I,owry Matthews, Genoa Mnid'.Downev. 2-36%. '>-a7i', 0.375/ .1. B. Gallar, Oct. 19, 1866, .$300. Alicia Mandeville, Sorrel Charley (3 dis),' Jenny' Noves (2 dis). 2:41, 2:36, 2:.'55''2. Rosamond, ch m (3 :30?4), by Columbus, dam Dolly, bv the Drew Horse Hiram Woodruff. Fashion Conrse, L. I.. April 20. 1866 $100. Sam 1, Peddler (1 dis). Lady Sherwood (1 dis), Marceline (1 dis), Cassius M. Clay, Jr. (1 dis). 2:.39i4, 2:40it. 2:39'.;, 2:.38. May 4, 18G6, $100. Artenius Ward 2. Amber (4 dr). 2:.'18, 2:35, 2:35, 2:3.^/^. (w), May 10, 1866, $100. Artemus Ward (w). 2:.37i4, 2:.38. 2:36. ^I;iy I'i, 1866, $100. Mambrino Pilor 3, Daisv Buriis, 2:30?i, 2:34, 2:34M. 2:36. May 19. 1866. $100. Amber. 2:48. 2:34i^, 2:.33i^. (w). May 24. 1866. $ . Dais'^ Burns~(w^, , , 2:31 , .May 25. 1860, .$100. Daisv Burns, Amber, 2-35'4, 2-,34^(. 2-.31M. Rosamond (3:471^). B. S. Wright, Pontiac, Mich., Oct. 28, 1870, $4.50. Flora, Henry Clay, Gray Mare, 2:48'i, 2:471^, 2:.'53%. j j. j Rosamond, b m. M. Cronk. Maine Village, N. Y.. Aug. 3, 1878. $100. Kit. Tom McGraw. No time. Rosa Nell, gr m (3 :53). S. W. Moses, Indianapolis, tnd., Sept. 27, 1873, .$100. Topeka .John. George (1 dis). 2:56.14.3:0.3.2:59. Rosa Sonburgh, rn m (3 :34). by Roval George. H. Casev, WTiite 'Pliins. N. Y.. .Tuly .30, 1874. .«!.50O. Lady White 4. 5. Careless Girl. New Dorp, Gvpsv Maid. T. F. Gordon. William H. 1. 2 ("6 dis). Flora Temnle (7dr), Cheston (2 dis), Silvertail (l dis), Russell (1 dis). Step Up (l dis),2:40'/»,2:44^. 2:4m, 2:45, 2:45, 2:4254. 2:44?i. Sept. 22, 1874. $1,000. Ladv Wbite. L;idv Bonner. J. N. Mansnay. 2:37, 2-.^5. 2:34. Rosa Temple, b m (3:49',:). Dr. Mittler, Boston, Mass.. Sept. 15. 1871, .1200. Brown Fillv, Eastern Girl(ld!s>, 2:52, 2:52?a.2:54ki. 608 I IIESTliKS COMl'LETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. Sept. 22. 1871, SliOO. John Froiner, •>, 3. 2:55, 2:40'.2, L':4U'2, 2;53U, •>-,'iO»i Oct. 9, 1871, ;>> 150. Jolui FroilliT, 2:61,2:4lCo, 2:u2. June 1, 1872, j;200. Jolni Fn)liH'r(\V). 2:;Vji,a, 2:58. 2:53?4. Auy. 1, 1872, *loo. C'oniiu-ntois not Uiiiiifir, 2:5y:;4. .Nearest to 3 00. K"\'\. '^ ','*'•'*■".""•'• IJi'Ma:;*}*) liv Dan Underwood. J. D. Carlisle, Harrodshurg, Ky., Sept. 21 1871 S- - Midnlgiit. I'orrest, 3:29. Two-vrar-olds. j . vku . lo, . .. **"^'^^Vl'-^'''*;.''"V,■'^=^•**H^'*>■''^■'''■»*^>V''^*'**• ''"•'' ''>'^''''''^''ino ratcLen. A. B. Cook. Macon, Ga., Oct 2(j, 1880. .■?2(Mi. Munue Kosel, Scramble, 2:58'.. 2:46, 2:4:-4. 2:40. Augusta. (;a., Nov. 20, 1880. i;i7.''.. l.ivinKslon, lio.ss, 2 :.-)4, 2 :52, 2:51. Same day. .•jiW.'i. Wade Hampton, Billy. Best time, 2:47. .SliarpsliurK'l). Ky„ Aug. 4. 1881, $200. Bunko (2 Oj, Tucker. Eva. Bonesctter, 2:41i;4. 2:;s 2-39 "-42' :," -• ^*- '"'^"^■"''"'■''•^^'*'""""^' Ky-.Aug. o time. • Feb. 25, 1882, $400. .Mattie Graham. Deck W riglit. 2:40. 2.3094. 2:35. .Maysville, Ky., Jlay 18, 1882, $800. .Mamir. Una, Lady Brownell, St. Kemo. London 2-25 "-24 2-25W t'olumlm.s. ().. May25, 1882, $800. BigJohn. Unolala, iMiddlese.\ (l dis). 2:'9 2-''8i/.> -'-W ' ' .Jackson. .Mich., June IC. 1882, $800. Keno, Dan Donaldson, Xoveltv (1 disi, 2:26U~2- 9 •'•■'8k — ~^'., 1 '*'' ^"o'"''^^' -^I'cli- June 21, 1882, $800. lorrest I'atchen, Akiine, I>an Donaldson, Novelty,2:22, 2:2^.^, lona. Mich.. July 7, 1882. $500. Forrest I'atchen, Dan Donaldson. Koveltv (" dis) 2-.% "-"S "-"g Chicago 111., .Inly 18, 1880, $2,000. Forrest I'atchen. ICarly Rose, Big Soap. Abdallah Bov. j'cie Bunker. 2:20^4, 2:lS,.i. 2:20^4. Cleveland, (» .inly 2H. 1882, .$2,000. .1. P. Morris. Fanny Witherspoon, William H.. Earlv Rose, Anine W.. Driver. J'orrest I'atchen, Calmar (2 disj, 2:18,4, 2:l8-j, 2:1814. ^ ' • V La .Salic, 111., Aug. is. 1882, .*ii00. W ill Cody, Mattie Graham, Little Gypsy, 2:26, 2:26. 2:28. .lacksonvi e, 111., Aug. 25, 1882, .S750. Mattie (iraham, Sciola, Gray Henry, 2:39V... 2:40U, 2:41. Lincoln. 111.. Sep. 1, 1882, .WOO. Little Sioux, Mattie Graham, 2-25 2-27, 2-30 Cleveland. O., Sep. 7, 1882. $750. Scotfs Thomas, J.B. Thomas, 2:21U, 2:21, 2:20U. Cincinnati, O., Sep, 20. 1882, $800. Deck Wright l, Bliss, 2:23K 2:2414, 2:2494. 2-26'^'. Roscoe.bg (2 :39V6). A. Hulse, Smithtovvn, L, L, Oct. 18, 1877,~$100. Tom Suffolk 2, Snowflake I.Harry Bassett, Lady .lones, 2:431,^. 2:4054, 2::;9!^, 2:42.2:39%. Boscoe, b s ( 3 :35) by Rescue, dam Roane.vT dam of Frank Landers. M. F. MeHaffle. Terre Haute, Ind, May 30. 1882, $200. Calamity, V\ilham Z., Hampton, Bob Lewis, Dun Frank, Moonstone d dis). 2:41. 2:42'/j, 2:40. —Rockville, Ind., 8, 1882, $75. Cephas l, Legal K., Theresa Scott, Jenny Wells, 2:39>^, 2:36)^, 2:40, — Crawfordsville. Ind.. June 15. 1882. $125. Cephas 2. AA^ B.. 4. Alniont M.. Jenny Wells. Red Dick, (iil- bird's Sprague (5 dr.). Theresa Scott (4 dr), Beaumont (4 dr), Little Ned (2 dis), Nettie R. (2 dis). 2:39'.. 2:37U, 2:39'4, .2:42. v ^ . , ,, Vincennes. Ind.. 17. 1883. .$200. Netty M.. l. Netty R.. 2, Felix, Aniie King, 2:40. 2:36.2::«, 2:40. 2:.37. J. I'- Stiiard, Columbus, Ind , June 6, 1883, $300. Rosewood 2, 3. Dr. Shcphard. Rea Crittenden. 2:36»/4, 2:;!4'.,, 2::WK>.2.465^, 2:45 Roscoebr g CiilO'.,). R. Stage. .Jersey City. N. J., Ang. 9, 1883. $200. Clvde City, 3:10';, 3:12. Koscoe Conkling, b s. B, L. Learnecl, Whitney's Point, N. Y., Sep. 5, 1878.$50. Kit. Tom McGraw. No time. Webb's Mills. N. Y.. Oct. 3. 1877. $75. Flora 1. No Name, Tops. No time. Rose, b m (2 :40>i). J. Williams, Milwaukee, Wis., June 24, 1868, $100. White .Stocking 1, (4 0). 2:38>4, 2:40'/i, 2:40'.i, 2:40%. 2:401^, Rose ch ni (2 :4D. W. C. Trimble, Middletown. N. Y., Aug. 26, 1869, $150. Lobdell's b g. Fred. Fillingham, Jr., (4 dis), 2:51. 2:47. 2:51, 2:51. Goshen. N. Y., Sep. —, 1869 ,$100. Fillingham Jr.. Ladv Irwin, Sanford's gr m. Reamer's b s. Lady Salmon (1 ais). Champagne Charley d dis). 2.451;. 2:47?4, 2:47«^. C. Van Waggoner. Paterson. N. J.. .June 6. 1870, .$ — . McKee's bg, 2:.55. 2:41. Rose.b m (2:.'>0i4). James Reed. Springfield. Mass., Sep. 25. 1869. $75. Belle of Moscow 1, 2. Robin. Tiger ('3 dr), Lady Viall r2dis), 2:.52. 2:.50. 2:.'i0i.',, 2:51i,i. 2:.51ii. 2:.52>4. Rose rn m (3 :44). Austin Moore, Huntington. L. I., Aug. 21, 1874. $200. Snap 3, Lady Collier, 2:52. 2:44, 2:47. 2:46. Rose, b m (2:4814). .Mr. Rockwell, Fleetwood Park, N. Y.. July 12, 1876, .$200. Scratch (2 dis), 2:.'>2. 2:48'/4 Rose (2:34). J. Wall, I'ortiand, Me., Aug. 31. 1876, $.300. Emperor William, Honest Farmer, Purity, 2:35, 2:.'?4,2:361'2. Rosebm (2:37?.0, bvDiomed. W. F. and V. Wliltnev, Dayton, O., June 6,1878. $350. Dubois' Catlmus 1. Len Myer, Empire. 2:;«i4. 2:.37'4. 2:40U, 2::i8'-. S' p.24. 1878. .$1.50. Dick, Slow Go, .John R.J Joe Downing .Jr.. 2:nX 2:.559i, 2:.'i9. Rose, ch m by Mambrino (Cift. dam Kilty Stoner. J. W^. Foster, Flint., Mich., Sept. 30, 1880,$ . Little Duke 1, Mambrino Sonnv, Gov. Cmpo. No time. Four-vear-olds. Rose Archer, cli m (2:52). H. Uogers, N. Bridgewater, Alass., Oct. 30, 1860, .$2,000. Young Webster 2. 3, 2 :.5r>. 2 :58. 2 : .59. 2 :.52. 2 :.55. W. Clegg. Taunton. Mass.. Aug. 25. 1865. .$.50. Carrier's Entrv 1. 2:.59. 3:03, 3:07, 3:00. Rose It., b m (3:10). P. Pickle. Sweetsburgh, P. Q., Sei)t. 2». 1883, $40. Uno 3. 4. Maggie (1 dis). 3:15, 3:124. 3:12.3:09,3:10. Four-vcar-oIds. Roseberry, b g (2:41 ), by Norwood. E. V. Willis. Mincola. L. L, Sept. 27, 1.882, .$6.5. H. F. Jones. Bonner Boy. Rockaway, Dandv Pat. Sk^T0cket(3 dr). 2:55, 2:.M, 2:49. Sept. 28. 1882, .$45. Chip. Julia B.. 2:4.5. 2 4.5. RoseJuKl.b g(2:46V5). Harry A. Conant, Monroe, Mich.. .July 2, 1870..$ . Prince. Nelly Stewart. 2:.58, 2:46'.. Oct. 8. 1870, $ . Moscow. Oorbeau, 3:07, 2:.59. Rosebud. l)lk m (2 :50i4>. C. B. Pratt, Worcester, Mass., July 4, 1873. $150. Capt. Jack 2. Fun, Joe Goldsmith, Searcher Star (2 dr), 2:50''^, 2:.53''5, 2:.52i4. '>:!y3^. Rosebud (2:38). H. Briggs, Washington Hollow. N. Y., Sept. 17, 1873. $175. Stella 1, Eastern New York, Lady Newton (4 dr). Sooner (3 dr), 2:40, 2:.38, 2:.39. 2:39. Rosebud, b m (2 :35), by M.ambriuo Pilot. .J. H. Swan, Sprinc Valley. N. Y., .hine 9. 1877. $200. Bay Tom. I{o«e Medium. Cora J., Dandv .Tim, .lersey Girl, 2:.50'.4, 2:51, 2:.50%. Rosebud, br m (2:37%). Dlsbrbw Budd, New Milford, Conn., Oct. 1. 1880, $200. Bay (rcorge. Emma 1 (3 dis*. 2:38!,i, 2:37%, 2:39, 2:42. CHESTEK'S COMrLETE TROTTINd AND PACINc; KEfOUD. 609 Kosebud, tor m (»:49), by Harry Wise, dam liy rotter's Clay. Dr. Haggerlv, Scranton, Pa., Sept. 26, 1882, $100. Lady Clialliam 2, a, ^^lajor, I'ickpocket, .Miiuiie (3 died), 2:53, 2:50, 2:49, 2:49, 2:49'/2. Sept. 28, 1882. » . Lady Cliathani. billy E.. 2:4'Ji^, 2:57, 2:57. Rosedale, cb m (3 :35?£). .J . s. \\ oods, Sacramento, Cal., May 17, 1869, $150. Ned F'-y 1, 2, Lady Washington (3 dis), 2:53, 2:4S>^, 2:48U, 2;-i;t'.i. 2:50J4. B. C. Harris, Sept. 16, l.sTo, .tsi50. Alameda Maid ?.. Algerine, 2:50, 2:47?^, 2:47'o. 2:48^4. Mr. Hanks, San Franci.sco,Cal., April i;i, 1872, .^^luo. Abe I, Quaker Jalvo (,2disi, 2:56,2:54, 2:55(4, 2:55. J. Eekert, Aug. 31, 1872, $rM>. Addie Ia-v 2. liroom Corn, Jim Cook (3 dri, 2:.J5-4. 2:36'4, 2:37'/2. 2:38J4. S:ic:r.;..ento, Cal., bept, 24. 1.S72, .•ii;750. ,Jini Crow. Higliland .Mary, Broom Corn H dis). . 2:36, 2:37J4. ' Rosedale. cli m ( 2:43). by Daniel Lambert. E. D. Loring, Lawrence, .Mass.. June 1, 1875, $200. (ieorge IL 5. 0, iJillv Marston 3, Ingomar 1, Little Gent, Dick Moore, Henry Chase (1 dis>, 2:43, 2:42, 2:43ii, 2:4">. 2-50, 2:50,2:49. BosKina. ch m (3 :53J4), by Young America, dam Kosa Bonhcur, by Vt. Black Hawk. W. M. Parks, Trospcct Park, L. L. July 25. 1870, .§2.000. Viola. 2:52J4, 2:56, 3:00. Rose M;>y. b nu3:4T). Mr. iSrannagau, DeerldOt I'ark, L. L. May 5, 1874, $100. Major 1, 3, l.,ove, Sheriff (3 dis>. ClKirlcs E. Cooney (1 dis), 2:51, 2:.")4, 2:51. 2:47, 2:50. Rose aiediuiii. bill (3 iSGU), by Happy ^ledium, tlam Clara Jones, by Mambrino Chief.. W. A. Allen. Sjiriug N'alley, X. Y., July 29, 1876, $30. Tom I'aine 4, Shorty 2, 2:55;-4. 2:.j9, 2:55, 3:01, 2:55i/2. New City, N. Y., Sept. 5, 1876, $150. Caroline, Shorty, 2:58, 2:55. 2:55. Spring Valley, N. Y.. Sept. 29, 1876, $100. Dan, Dandy Jim, Tom Paine, 2:53, 2:5154, 2:5352, 2:.57. A. I5edell, June 8, 1877, $100. Bay Tom, Tom I'aine, Dandy Jim, 2:47, 2:47'/2. 2:48^4. New Citv. N. Y., Aug. 1, 1877, $100. No Name l, 2, Itosebud, Black Jack, Cora J. (3 dis), Dhicksniith Boy (3 dis). 2:43'!i, 2:45, 2:43:'4. 2:45'4,2:46. Westcliest.er. Pa.. Sept. 20, ls77. $.350. James K., Fancy, Jim Moffiatt, Pawnee Squaw, Andy H., Strife Spitfire C! dis). Silas (3 dis), 2:4.5, 2:39'/2, 2:40;4. Ambler I'ark, Pa., Sept. 26.1877, $200. George Brooks, Hannah Clark, Charley Prince, Cecil, Wava, Andv H.. 2:40, 2:42, 2:42 Sept. 28. 1877, $200. Chief 1, AndvH., Charley Prince, Kitty <"'ly, Nehy lily, Tommy Dodd, Lady Hodge, Billy .Megonigle. Glide, 2:41, 2:43'2, 2:40, 2:41. Middletown. Del., Oct. 3, 1877. $25. Penelope 1, Black Douglass (1 dis), Careless Boy (1 dis), Joe Baxter (1 dis), Molly E. (1 dis). Allen Golddust (1 disi. 2:35'-,, 2:37. 2:.35i.,, 2:36. Oct. 4. 1877, $3.50. Star, Sam French, Little Nell. Glide, Jujiiter. Gvpsv Maid (2 dr), 2:351^, 2:3694, 2:35}^. Oct. 6. 1K77, $300. Fancy, Black Douglass, Molly E., Ladv Thornton. 2:36, 2.42. 2:38J^. Point Breeze P;irk, Phihi.. Oct. 29. 1877, $200. Fancy, Modoc, 2:51. 2:.3.5, 2:35. Chester, Pa., Nov. 17, 1877, $ . Moscow 2, Billy Megonigle 1 (3 dr). 2:39, 2:10, •.':42, 2:39, 2:43. P. Pawnell, Clifton. N. J., Aug. 27 and 28, 1878, .|i200. J H. Ferry 1, 5, Mountain Maid (;. vigilant 3, Jenny L., Turk, Addie E. C. (6 dr). Tommy (6 dr), "Whirlwind (5drj, Blackwood Queen (i dr), Kadlr (3 dr)i 2:35, 2:.37, 2:40. 2:37, 2:35, 2:.35, 2:.S9. Dover. Del., Sept. 24. 1878, $2,50. Hallie. Lady Sharp, Annie V. (2 dr), 2:37'2, 2:39. 2:4o. Point Breeze Park, Phila.. Oct. 2 and 3, 1878, $800. (ieorge Henry 4, 5. Iron Age 7, Maggie M. 1, Capt. Emmons 2, Grace 3. Annie G., David Wallace, Sussex (6 dr), Ked Crook (5 dr), 2 :273/a 2:2.5. 2 :27. 2 :27, 2 :29'/2, 2:31, 2:28'2,2.2(%, 2 28 Rose N., b m (4:0.5). D. Nims, Sandusky, O.. Sept. 24. 1880, $25. Billy, Dick N., Capt. D., Robert H.. 4:12,4:05. Rose of Lelaiul, (3:4394), bv (ireen's Bashaw. J. W. Blood, Princeton, 111,. Sept. 20, 1882, $ . Fanny Evans, St. Joe. Kate Shepard, 2:5014, 2 :45»4. 2:43^4. Sept. 20. 1882, $ — -. Shoo Fly, Clara M.. Kate Shepard. 2:42?i. 2-43, 2:45. Peru, 111,. Oct. 18, 1882, $20. LottaP. 1, En:maBell. Best time 3:10. Rose of, Washington, b m (3 rSO^^) (3 :30 s), bv Burr's Washington, dam by Gen. Coffee. Union Course, L. L, April 27, 1852. $200. American Eagle, 2:56". 2:54. (s), I. Woodruff, April 20, 1855. $200. John Hunt, pacer (s), 2:41. 2:45. — H. Woodruff, Centreville, L. I., May 31, 18.55. .$500. Belle of S.aratoga, 1:1514 1 :163i. Half-mile heats. Union Course, L. I.. Aug. 21, 1855, $500, Blue Morgan. 2 :.37, 2:36. ' July 8. 1856, $1,000. L;idy Moscow 2, 2 :3714, 2:3614, 2:.34'4, 2:.39. (W) Julv 15, 1856, .$1,000. Ladv Moscow (w) 2. 3. 2:43, 2:.36. 2:35. 2-35 2-38 Centreville, L. I., June 8. 1S57. .$2,000. O'Blenuis, 5:11, 5:10. Two miles. (s) W. Peabody, June 18, 1857, $2,000. Tacony (s), 2:.30, 2:31. Hiram Woodruff, July 8, 18.57, $1,000. Flora Temple (w). 2:309i, 2:39, 2:.37i^ (s) Union Course, L. I., July 13, 18.57, $2,000. Belle of Portland. 5:12. 5:13. ~Two miles. Rose of Wasliington, gr m (3 :31%), by Green's Bashaw, dam Ladv McNair. Samuel Crooks, Chicago, HI., Julv21, 1874, .$1,000. Mambrino Walker. Lady McD., Medoc (1 dis), 2:3514, 2:3614, 2-.35 W. Sinsabaugh. Jackson, Mich., June 27. 1877, ,$500. Ladv Logan 2. Belle-Qf Fairfield, Frank Davis. Nutwood, Monarch Rule. Lady Monroe, Kinsman Boy, Josh Billings (4 dr). 2:32 2:349-4; 2:.33,2:,30. Detroit, Mich., July 3, 1877, $1 000. Nutwood 3, Monarch Rule, Frank Davis, Lady Monroe, Belle of Fair- field, 2:28, 2:28, 2:2714, 2:27. Pittsburgh, Pa,, Aug. 21, 1877, $700. Jack Draper. 2;32i4, 2:. 35. 2:36. Chic;igo, 111., Sept. 19 and 20. 1877. .$600. Lady H. 2. 5 (3 0). 2:28U, 2:31, 2:29?4. 2:303(. 2:309f. 2:30J4. Cedar Ranids, la., June 13, 1879. $600. Fred Dougla-is, Mountain Quail Dakota Maid. 2:24, 2!25?4. 2:25VJ. Eugene Rood, Milwaukee, Wis., June 11, 1880, $800. Doty 1, Mazo-Manie (2 dis), 2:21, 2:2714, 2:2Zii, 2:26W WT Sinsabaugh, Sterling. 111., July 16, I88O. ,$600. John H., Convoy. 2:29'^, 2:32. 2:3iu. Rose's Bay Mare (3 :06ii), by Sultan. L. J. Rose, Sacramento, Cal., Sept. 15, 1883, $300. Cannon Ball, 3:06'4. Yearlings. Rose's Bay Stallion, (3:03), by Bald Chief. L. J. Rose, Los Angeles. Cal.. July 4, is7l. $100. Babcock's b s, 3:09. 3:03. Rose's Bay .Stallion (3 :04<'j), by Sultan. L. J. Rose, Sacramento, Cal., Sept. 12, 1882, $300. Chevalier, Rose Abbott, Mount Vernon, Park's ch f, 3:04';. Yearlings. Rose's Black Gelding (3 :.53i/6), by Del Sur. L.J.Rose, Los Angelos, Cal., Oct. 11,188.3. ,$250. Queen of America 2, 2:.53i4. 2:.51, 2:52>4. Two-year-olds. Rose standish (Maud O) br m (3 :39), by Corbean. W. Sargeant, Waltham, Mass, June 3, 1876, $100. Kitty, 2:33,2:43, 2:48. Rose Thompson (3:31i^), C. Cochran, Reno. Nev., Oct. 13, 1881, $300. Willy Graham 2, Winnemucca, 3:24'4, 3:23'4. 3:211^. Three-year-olds. Rosewood, br m (3:37), by Blackwood, dam by Frazer's Mambrino. R' Downing, Lexington. Kv , Sept. 28, 1875. .$700. Tom Brown, Fanny Robinson, Annie Bailey, John Clay (2 dis), Charley Moore (2'dis), Circe (1 dis), George (1 dis), 2::«?i, 2 :289i, 2:27. Sept. 30, 1875, .$700. Carlisle, George, Harrv Hopper, Alvermont, Cazique, Parepa, FannyStoner, John Dillard. .John Clav. Annie Bailey. Nicholas Girl (2 dis). 2:3714, 2:329i£. 2:34i4 Rosewood, b g (3:4714). B. Stetson, Pottstown, Pa., June 11. 1877, $200. Allen Golddust, Cora, Inkerman, 2:47V4,2:45?i, 2:475-4. «10 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PA(IN(i RECORD. Bosewood, b s (2 :88! i), by Creole, dam Rosa Swader. by Cardners Roebuck. W. Davis. Lafavetto, Ind., Sept. 3, 1878, $125. Jessie Dixoii 3, Tommy Golddusl 1, I'loieiueC'lay (5 dr^, Mike K. (4 di,i,2:48. •j":4«. '^:bl',i,2:i»ii', ^ Bloomington, 111., July G, 1880. S500. Nelly K. 4, 5, Maggie I'red y. Fridav, Belle Brown (5dri. Emma Carey (4 dr), 2:a0, l.':^':, 2:34, 2:35, 2:34, 2:30. Crawfordsville, lad.. May 2u, 1883, §400. Gilbird's Sprague, Young lUiclianau, 2:28'/i, 2:28',i. 2:31J4. Stallions. Indianapolis, Ind., June 1, 1883. §350. Dr. Shepherd, Roseoe, Young Buchanan 2, 3 (5 dis), \V. B. (2 dis) 2:33^4, 2:31h>, 2:30}^. 2:32>j.. 2:32^4. Kosewood (3 :a7), by Blackwood. D. Mattock, Peru, Ind., Oct. 18, 1882, S350. Maywood, Blackwood, Kind- lingwood, 3:39, 3:27, 3:34!-. Three-year-ohls. Ko8e\vuo(l, 1) s c3 .•5<>?4), bv Norwood, dam Rosemary. J. D. Willis, Morrisania, N. Y., October 5, 1882, §1,085. Thalia, 2 :5- Danvers, Mass., Nov. 1. 1878, $100. Henry Morrill 1, Lady Monroe, Emma, Emperor, Cliromo, fottontail a dis), 2:4y, 2:42, 2:48,2:47. Rosoy, b m. J. Mayes, Jersey City, N. J., August 3 and 4, 1882, $160. Bay George 2, 3, Roan Dick 1, Prince (3 or;. 1 :30. 1 :23. 1 :26, 1 :27, 1 :25, 1 :27. Hall-mile heats. Rosey Hopkins, br m (3:52). G. U. Black, Doylesiown, Pa., Oct. 13, 1874, $150. Brown Billv (3 dis), Telford F;irmer ^2 dis), 3:15. 3:00, 2:52 Rosy Th«»riie, ch m (2 :44). F. Howell, Danburv, Conn.. Oct. 4. 1883. .?150. West Chester Girl 4, 5, Maggie 1 2. Katonah Maid, Lady Finch a disi, 2:44'.i, 2:44. 2:44, 2:47:'4, 2:42, 2:44, 2:44. Ross, spg (2:29?4). J. \V. Ewbank, Nashville. Teim.. Sept. L'5 and 20. 1873. $ . Scott's Chief 1, 4. Delia (4 dis), Nashville Girl (1 dis), Playmate (.1 dis), 2:33'4, 2:33. 2:41?i. 2:;;G. 2:29Si. Sept. 2G, 1873. $ . Jennv B., Wolturn, Plavniate. 2:32^^, 2:40?^, 2:46?i. Oct. 3, 1873. S500. Wait a Bit. Lucille, 2:4(»>4."2:36. 2:41 '.i. Bowling Green, Ky., Oct. 1. 1875, $500. Lilly Shields 2, 3 (4 0), Almont Jr., Blossom. Red Cloud (1 dis). 2:45^4, 2:43, 2:41, 2:40. 2:48, 2:.")0. .Jackson, .Miss., Nov. 11, 1875. $100. Charley T 1. Diana, Almont Jr., 3K)9. 3:0.5. 3:04. Nov. 15. 1875. $125. Charley T 1 (2 0), Monarch Rule (2 0) (4 dr), 2:54'/i, , . 3:00. J. A. Bland, Montgomery, Ala., Nov. 12, 1880, 5^200. Joe Rhea 3, 4, Burlington. 2:4l'i, 2:42, 2:36, 2:37. 2:32. Franklin, Ky., May 14, 1881, $200 Nick 2, Wade Hampton (3 dis), 3:C8. 2:47. 2:Uy.^. 2:45^4. Kossell, b g (2:36). C. N. Rossell, Wilmington, Del.. June 13, 1877, $150. Rainbow 1, Sorrel Top, Jillette (1 (lis). 2:47. 2:50, 2:54. 2:53i/>. Woodbury. N. J.. July 5, 1877, $20o. Sa"s Souei 1, 2, Lady Hodge 3, Irene, Jack Frost (1 dis), 2:41, 2:40, 2:41,2:4214,2:41, . Rossell's Bay Geldinj; (2:37?>4). J. Rossell, Plainfield, N. J., August 21, 1867, $125. Ida 1, 2:40!i, 2:37^. 2:40'.. 2:59. Rosy Keen (.2:51). Mr. Keen. Rockland, Me., Oct. 2, 1868. .S75. Rockport 2. 2:51, 2:47, 2:.^. Rothschild, b g(2:534). Mr. Higgins, Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 8. l.s74,$100. AunieBeaU2, Lady Beall, Glory Ann (Idis), 2:56,2:51?!. 2:5.3^. Rougrh, (3 :40). II. Smith. Greenville. Mich.. Oct. 5, 1875. .S:i00. Ladv Kellogg, Bay Nelly, 2:42, 2:40»^. 2:40. Oct. 9, 1875. $3,50. Frank H. l, 2, Ladv Kellogg, Red Oak. No time. Rough and Ready, ch g(2:53). K. Snnnibus, Albanv, N. Y.. May 1.5. 1848. .S.50. Cashier 1, 3:02. 2:53. 2:54. 2:56. Rough and Ready, rii g (2:48). G. R. Wesson, Worcester. Mass., Sept. 8, 1857,$150. Topsy, 2:52}^, 2:52, 2:52. Bangor. Me.. Oct. 7, 185S. $ . Settler 3 (1 0). ,2:.'-)l, 2:56. 2:54. 2:.-i3. Dan Mace, Providence. R. I.. Sept. 20. 18,^)9, $l,ono, Topsy, 2:54, 2:49. 2:48. Bough and Ready, (w) b g (2 :.'>l w). S. Sinin)ons, Union Course. L. I., Sept. 3, 1866, $300. Penobscot (w) 1, 2. Fanner iw) i3 dis). 2:5.5. 2:.'-)6, 2:.58, 2:.51. 2-M14. Rough and Ready, b s (2:37). bv Ford's Archy. John Peabody. Denver, Col, Sept. 22, 1875, $120. Col. Hooker. 3 :27-', ."3:1814. Three-year-olds. Sei)t. 27. 1876. .S150. Boulder Boy. 3:38. 3:43. Four-year-olds. A. Lewis, .hiiie 18. 1S80. $1,000 Alino. Happy. Silkv B. Best time 2:37. July 1, 1880, .S400. Grav Steel, Kagle Bird. Clifton B.. Happy (1 dis), 2:40>j, 2 ,43, 2:44»/2. J. A. Bell, Oct. 3. 1882, .?200. Almont Forrest, Henry V.. Mambiiiio Bashaw, Jim Flnley, 2:48J^, 2:49 2 :49. Rough and Ready, gr g (3 :1.5\ C. Rolston. Pottstown, Pa., Oet. 5, 1878. $30. Jim Slates 1, 4, Black Cap- tain, Dick Logan, Richard 111. (5 dr), 3:1.5. 3:16. 3:15. 3:22, 3:15. Rover <2:57). Mr Welton. Sullivan, III.. Oct. 13. 187.5. .$60. Sorrel Charley. Best time. 2:57. Rover, ch g (2 -.55). by Wires' Horse. H. Reynolds, Unity, Me.. July 4, 1876. $55. Joseph R., Conant, Lady G., 2:55, 2:.55';, 2:,''i5. Rover, brg (2:40'^). W. H. Cummings. Meriden, Conn., Sept. 22, 1880. $33. Garfield, General, 2 :52i^, 2:.'i6. 2:.5li^. Rover, gr g (2:41). A. A. Whitney. Springfield, Mass., July 5, 1880, $100. Lizzie M., Canada Jack, Nana (l dis), Roxvd dis), 2:41.2:48, 2:45^, ^ „t ^. „ Rover (Thorndike, King William and Charley Howe), gr g (2:33>. L. A. Phillips, Newport. R. I., Oct. 12. 1880. $100. J. H.. Moilv Russell, .loe Shannon. 2:481^. 2:37'2. 2:43'2. Oct. 1.3. 1880, .■?124. 0. C.Castlrbar. J. R.. 2:.39. 2:39'4. 2:38U. Rover, b g (2:341 i). t)v Wintlirop Morrill, p. w. Fleming. Waverlv. N. J.. Sept. 22. 1881, $200. Pneuma, Sachem, Kingwood.'Hamblctoiiian's Last. 2:34U. 2:37. 2:.38. RowiiUen. rn g (2:50). Mr. Coleman. St. Louis. Mo., July 4. 1866. .'?400. Nick. 2:.50. 2:52, 2:52. Rowdy, brg (2:40). .Tolin Gilmer. Salt Lake City. Utah, May 7. ls73, .?200. Bay (liarley (1 dis), 2:46. R.nvdV Boy. bg (3:021.1 ). .lolin E. Jarvis. Jersey City, N. J., Sept. 15. 1881. $100. Know Nothing, 3:02^, 3:0614. 3:10. Rowdy ?;iil. W. Lyons. Brighton. Out., July 2, 188.3, $ . Frank. Laura. No time. Rowdy ,loe, b s (2 :4{>). C. Ranison. Union Course. L. I., June 7, 18,52, $.500. Congo. 2:49. 3:00, 2:51. Rowe's Tommy (Thomas Jefferson .Ir.), blk s (2:31'^o), by Thomas Jefferson. H. W. Brown, Hartford, Conn., Sept. 22. 1S72, .$ . Buckingham, Clarion, Jr.. 2:51. 2:46. 2 ."iS. A. II. Rowe. Plainville, Conn., Sept. 10, 1873, $1,000. Hamilton 2, Capt. Jinks 1, Hartford Belle, 2:35,2:38, 2 : .^5 • , , 2 ::!514, 2:37. , „ , ■ Fleetwood Park, N. Y., Sept. 18, 1873, $1,000. Molly Smith 1, 4, Clothespin, Joe Clark, Monroe. Lady Aniiio. Bon Smith (4 dr\ Wallace (1 dis), 2:.36. 2:.33V<;. 2:31';. 2:.35i<,. 2:35. Ilartfnni, ''onn., Julv 4. 1872. $100. .lohnnv. Cadmus. S))ottod Prince, Flora Jefferson, 2:36. 2;:i5. 2:35. Roxhorough. ch g (2 :39i.' J. 0. MacRae. Rossville. Out.. Sept. 24, 1877, $100. Juuo 1, 2, Newton, French Boy, Ladv Granville. Dominion Girl 2:44. 2:40. 2:40. 2:39. 2:41. Roxey, ch g ^2 :38). W. Clark, Memphis, Tenn., Nov. 24, 1882, $100. Pauline, 2:42'/,, 2 :40JiJ, 2:38. CHESTI-:K'S complete trotting and pacing record. 611 Roxie E.,blk m (3:00). J. L. Loveriug, Lacouia, N. H., Sept. 18, 1883, $100. Lady F., Archie, Arthur F., Maggie, 3 :03, 3 :00, 3 :00. Koxle Lee dn 111(3:43' 2). A. Leininger, Quiiicv, 111., June 2i;, 1883, $100. Katy S., 1 (1 0), Lulu M., Honesty, Nellv West, Billy Cober (5 dr), 2:44'.2, -':-12i~j, -Jiiai-j, 2:5l', 3:00. Royal B., b g (3 :19'/2), by Flax Tail, dam Dolly Lee. N. S. Buiice, Mt, Sterling, 111., Aug. 30, 1883, $50. Gov St. .John, Rival (2 dis), 3:iy).a, 3:20. Three-year-olds. Royal Charley, eh g (3 :43 ! 2 ) Dan Mace, Fashion Course, L. I., Aug. 21, 1862, $200. Billy Wilkins 2, Victor (4dr), 2:4.i, ii:42'2 2:48';.2:42'o. Royal Charley, rn g (3 -.50)4,). M. H. Sullivan, Mystic Park Boston, July 15, 1874, $300. Chief 3, Jock (l dis), 3:30, 3:01,3:00, 3:00. Beacon Park, Boston, Nov. 6, 1874, $200. Everett Boy 1, Sorrel Dan. College Boy(4dr), Lady Shingle (1 dis), 2 :58' 3, 3 :00. 2 :55. 2:.07'.i. Nov. 14, 1874, S50. Hilly 3, Sorrel Dan, College Boy (1 dis), 2:51, 2:55, 2:5454, 2:56'/^. H. Woodruff, Readvillc!^ Mass., Aug. 28, 1S75,$250. Riverdale 1, Timid 2, Plug Ugly (5 dr), 3:053i, 2:57, 3:00. 3:00, 3:00. (w) M. Russell. Beacon Park, Boston. Oct. ?6 and 27, 1875, SIOO. Riverdale (3 dr), 2:55,2:50^4, . Royal Chief, eh s (3:33), by Niagara Chief. G. Haight, Milwaukee, Wis-, Aug. 27, 1S78, SuOO. Jessie, Daisy- dale, Ladv Alice, Whitewater Belle, Pate's Sentinel, Lizzie B., James J.,upe, Wiliiiore (3 dr). Charley C. (3 dri. Highland Queen (,2 dis), 2 :3J' 2. 2 :3:j, 2::J2 Royal George, b g (3:47). W. Webb, iiuttalo, N. Y., Aug. 30. 1855, $250. State of Maine 1,2:52, 2:53, 2:49, 2:47. Royal George, chs(3:39), (3:351-^*), by Royal George, dam the Erin mare, by Erin. William Fields, "Lyons, N. V., July 4, lh;61, $ . Gen. McClellan, 2:32 2:26, 2:25i/2. Short track. '■ Buffalo, N. Y.,Sept. — , 1861. $ . Prince, Ten Broeck, 2:29, 2:29, 2:29]^. Auburn, N. ¥., Oct. 1, lSt>3, $100. Tow Boy. 2:35.^2, 2:36, 2:35i/o. Royal George, b s (3 :4.'>i4), by Royal George, dam by Flag of Truce. B. Hersliey, Rock Island, 111., Sept. 8, 1869, $ . Roach's b g, Sammy, 2:55?^. 2:55, 2:,')2. Muscatine, la.. May 3, 1870. $ . Muscatine (1 dis). King Charles (1 dis), 2:54. May 4, 1870, $ . Wilton l (2 dis). 3:03=.i. 2:4514. Royal George, b g (3:55). E. Beckwith, Norwich, Conn., Sept. 19, 1872, $85. Joe Godwin 1. Gray Eagle, Black Dick. Black Nellv (4 dr). 3:019i.3:01i4, 2:58%. 2:55. Royal George, (Wickford Light), gr g (3:26i4), by Black Eagle. Isaac Woodruff, Fleetwood Park, N. Y., Sept. 28 and .30. 1874, $soo. Midget 2, 5, William Walsh, Pauline, J. N. Mansuay, Rosa Sonburgh l (3 dis), Arthur (1 dis), 2:35, 2:34, 2:33i^6, 2:38, 2:40, 2:3714. Point Breeze Park. Phila., May 4, 1874, $1,000. Annie Collins 2, Snow Ball, Arthur, Lizzie Keller, Ade- laide, 2:26'4. 2:31,2:301/0, 2:30. Dan Mace, Springfield, Mass., July 4, 1876, $600. Nelly Walton 1, Batenian, Basil Duke, Prince, 2:303!£, 2:31, 2:27,2:28 Point Breeze Park, Phila., June 11, 1877, $600. Gen. Howard l, Hannis, 2:3114, 2:31%, 2:32, 2:27%. Fleetwood Park, N. Y.. June 27,1877, $1,000. Young Sentinel 3,4, Richard 2, 5, Gray Chief, 2;27i/i, 2:261 1. 2:26, 2:26, 2:29, 2:28, 2:30. T. s. Carpenter, Woonsocket, R. I., Sept. 19, 1878, $250. Delight 1, 2, Pointer Boy, Redeemer, Rosa B., Kate (3 dr), 2:35, 2:36. 2:35. 2:37i/2, 2:33i/2. G. Beverly, Taunton, Mass., Sept. 26, 1878, $400. Belle Oakley 3, 4, Fanny Forrest. Village Girl. 2:3414, 2:36, 2:33,2:351/2, 2:35. Royal George, rn g (3:05i4). P. Casey, Morrisania, N. Y., Sept. 8, 1879, $60. Lady Bower 2, 3, 3:08, 3:01, 3:06, 3:051^,3:06. Royal George, ch s. by Ashford's Royal George. E. Andrews, Yorkshire Center, N. Y., July 4, 1879, $ . Yorkshire 3, Lady Jet, Lady Burr. No time. Royal George, (3:36). Captain Hunter, Rochester. Minn., Sept. 4,1882, $300. Maggie Kevin 1, Belle 3, White Stockings, Hambletonian Star, 2:45, 2:40, 2:42, 2:38. 2:36. Royal George, ch s (3 :31?4). J. C. Wilson, Petrolia, Out., Oct. 3, 1883, $250. Toby Tyler 3, Peacemaker 1, Carrie H.. Kitty Creel (2 dis), 2:46, 2:43, 2:39^^. 2:3914, 2:43. Oct. 4, 1883, $2.50. Toby Tyler 2. 5. Mambrino Chief 1, 2:46, 2:40, 2:.S9, 2:43U, 2:42i4, 2:39. Royal George Jr., bs (3:43), by Field's Royal George. J. W. Husted, Palmyra, N. Y., June 23, 1871, $600. Ned 1. George Laphani, Vindicator, Clothespin, 2 :49i|, 2:4514, 2:45, 2:43. 1). Mahoney, Avon, N. Y., Oct. 4, 1871, $150. Wicked Will, Honest William, Flora, Henry Clay, 2-Ae%, 2:47^i, 2:47 Royal George Jr., (3 :00), by Royal George. Mr. Grand, Toronto, Ont., Oct. 24. 1873, $120. Gen. Lee, Frank Irving (3 dr). 3:03, 3:00i4, 3:00 Royal Jim. (3:10;. Mr. Johnson, Paisley, Ont.. May24, 1883, $100. Humming Bird. , , 3:10. RoyalJohn, gr g (3 :36i4), by Wooilstock, dam by Putnam Morgan. J. J. Bowen, Lawrence, Mass., Oct. 12, 1869, $175. Vermont Boy. Arab, Green One (3 cfr). Black Jim (1 dis), 2:44, 2:45^, 2:49. Boston, Mass., June 28, 1870, $2,000. Empress 1. 2:30%, 2:32, 2:36, 2:40. New Haven, Conn., Sept. 14, 1870, $1,000. Emperor, Old Put, Tivelia, Topsv, 2:40, 2:38,2:39. P.oston. Mass., Sept. 29, 1870, $2,000. Lvdia Thompson 3, St. Elmo, Col. Lakeman, Sally, New Berlin Girl. Prince Arthur, 2:3314, 2:.32i4, 2:31 'J, 2 32. Prospect Park, L. I., .rune9. 1871, $1,700. Charlev Green 2. Harry D., St. Elmo, Belle of Toronto, Lady Wells, Rosa Golddust, Climax, J. H. Coleman, Lydia Thompson, Dew Drop, Topsy. 2:28. 2:28^, 2:3H4, 2:311/^. Providence, R. I.. June 14, 1871, $2,000. Medoc, Thomas Jefferson, Col. Lakeman. 2:2712, '2:27]4, 2:1&}i. Boston, Mass., June 28, 1871, $1,000. Bay Whalebone 2. Lydia Thompson (4 0), Charley Green, Belle of Toronto, Dew Drop (3 dr). C(j1. Lakeman (i dis), 2:281^4, 2 :26i4, 2:28i4, 2:271/2, 2:29. William Scallan. Beacon Park. Boston, Oct. 12. 1875. $600. Flora Belle (w), 2:35. 2 :34i4. 2 :34}4. A. D. Carson, Mystic Park, Boston. July 14, 1876, $400. Kitty Cook 3, Henry Chase, Winthrop Morrill Jr., 2:28',4, 2:28i4, 2:32, 2:32. Royal Knox (Morgan Knox), blk s (3 :35). by General Knox. S. A. Nye, Portland, Me., June 27. 1877, $ . Sudden 3, Hickory Dick. Nelly Sherman, 'rhurlow Knox. Presumpscot Girl (1 dis), Rlverton Knox (1 dis), 2:35. 2:3814,2:36,2:3914. Royal Magna, ch g (3 :34ii4). by Msgna Charta. D. A. Whittaker, Bronson, Mich., July 5, 1869. .$ . Jenny Moore 1. 2:4.5, 2:4.5, 2 :.50. (Jalesburgh, Mich., Julv 11. 1870, .$ . Frank Spencer, Flora, 2:48%, 2:45%, 2:,50%. July 11, 1870, $1.50. Elkhart 1, Brown Charley, (iav Deceiver, 5:36%, 5:.37i2. 5:38'2. Two miles. Charlotte, Mich., July 20, 1870, $600. Tennessee 2, 4, Molly, Naomie 1 (5 dr), 2:40, 2:40, , 2:40i4, 2:40'4, 2:401^. Lansing, Mich., Aug. 24, ]870. $ . Diamond 2 (5 0), Phoebe 1, Gay Deceiver (5 r o). Young Champion (3 dis), 2:43%, 2:44, 2:4114. 2:4014, 2:37, 2:35. Flint, Mich., Sept. 8, 1870, $500. Byron Chief 1, Bay Mambrino 2, John Antisdel, three others, 2-M%,, 2:40, 2:4014,2:40, 2 :4014. Sept. 10, 1870, $900. Kitty Fish 1, 2, Diamond, 2:42%. 2:431^, 2:42. 2:44%, 2:38. Saginaw, Mich., Sept. 11, 1872, $300, Gen. Howard. Lizzie D., 2:34}4. 2:37)^, 2:43. 612 CllKSTEUS eOiMPLKTK TltOTTINd AND PACING ItKroUD. Royal Mike (Nimrod). dn g (2 :33). M. Carroll, Boston, Mass., April 20, 1872. $400. Mainl)rino Pet 3. Little Nell, Slippery Sal, Little Fraiiil (5 dr>, Dick a (lis), 3:03, 3:00, 3:00. 2:.^)8. (s), .loiiii A. SawyiT, AVril 25, 1872. .■? . Major (juild (s), Allston (s). Shoo Fly (S), 2:.")6, 2:,>5'/j. • April 25, 1872. .Sioo. Nameless 1. No time. May 9, 1872, §250. Josephine 4, 5, Lottie 2, llutlaiul Girl, Hercules (l dis). Elastic (1 ilisi. 2:44'/2, 2:44, 2:39. 2:39. 2:44 •'4. 2:47'4. — May 24."is72. S250. Josei)llilie 1. 2:42, 2:42?a, 2:42, 2.4534. .Ullie 1."), 1872, .SJOO. Allsloil 1, 4, 2:;:G>.i, 2:41>4, 2:43>4, 2:43»i, 2:37?i. IL Wcroilrufr, .Inlv 1, 1872, S . New Berlin Girl 1. Allston 2 (4 dr), 2:39>4, 2:37k. 2:42Si, 2:40, 2:40. A. 1). \Vlietler. Mav l.j, 187;i, S200. Marli Twain 3, 2:43, 2:51, 2:39. 2.41'4. (\v>, .Tulv 22, 1873, ^?25(). Flora Belle 2, 4, Fanner Slocum, 2:37, 2:37i-o, 2:39, 2:43, 2:38. AiiK- 1. IST.i. *im). Ki Ki 2, S;iiM ('nrlis4. L':33, 2:34, 2:;«, 2:3C?i, 2:41U. W. B, Wright, Mid(llel)urv, M., Oct. 2. 187::, S200. Vermont Boy, Bt-lle of I'awiet, 2:49. 2:."8. 2:41^. Kssex .liinction. Vt.. .lulv 4. 1874. .^ . ('oh)iiel. 2:4,5,2:38, 2:47. Royal rriiie*', {;r j; |2 :40i. (i. Brown. Woodstock, \t.. Sept. 27, 1876, Sl.50. Killington, 2:.57, 2:52. 2:61. Royal Itoveiifje. 1) s. bv Toronto Cliief. Bard iS: Co.. Maquoketa, la., Sept. IT, 1875, $50. Sir George, 1 :36, "1 :22. Il:iif-niile-hea'ts. .Stallions. Royal Toin, l)rt;(a::J8). "W. Moodnilf, Hudson, Mass.. Aug. 28. 1878. $1.W. Village Belle, Mattie, Maggie 'iMa\', (irocerv Bov, Puzzle, Toronto Maid. Young Mc(!lellan (2 dis). Tommy (2 dr), 2::J8, 2:38J'4, 2:38. Rovlstoii, gr s (.3:10). A. ( rajis. f, Flint. Mich., .lune 2. 1881.$ . Koval, 3:10, 3:24. 3:10',-. R. i'., 1) g(,3:33'.i), l)v Happy Medium. K. P. Stetson. Dover. Del., Sept. 27, 1881. $300. Mandirino Clay, Mvrtle, Alice Addison, Lancewodd, Augusta Sehu\ler, 2;3L''(io. Dick Organ 3. 4. Clara .1.. Mollv Kistler, Belle of Lexington, Tola (5 dr). Sue Grundy (3 dr), 2:2.i'4, 2:24>4, 2:25;:i. 2:26, 2:25. R. P. Flower, cli g (3:34'.i, bv .leller.son Prince. E. L. Harris, Ogdensburgh, N. Y.. Sept. 5. 1882, $250. Jennv 2, 3, M:donc Patclii!!!. MiU-sh Chirk. Pringle (4 dis), 2:41, 2:.S9, 2:42, 2:38, 2:40. Caidon, N. Y., Sept. 14. is,<«j, .S . Zadoc. Malonc Patchen, 2:47, 2:42. 2:45i^. Sept. 1.5, 18S2. .^ . .leimv 2, Bysdyk .Maid. 2:35. 2 :42. 2:.52. 2:49. Malone, N. Y., Sept. 26, ls8'2, $150. Zadoc 1, Malone Patchen, Billy (2 dis), Geo. R. Sherman (1 dis). 2:38^. 2:3.si4, '2:42, 2:40lo. Sept. 28, 1882. i^'zm. Rvsdvk Maid, Zadoc, 2:39'2, 2:41, 2:4li.i. ^Vatertown, N. Y,, .July 4, 1883, $1.50. Gypsy Queen, Binghampton Girl, 2:40?i, 2:40, 2:38. Oct. 10, 1883, $150. Theresa Sjirague. Middleton Jr., Ira, 2:3714, 2:34i.<., 2:.i4'4. Potsdam. N. Y^, Oct. 20, 188,5. $2.50. Ajax 2, :',, Ira, Morley Girl, 2:3414, 2:34'e, 2:.'J4i.i, 2:,'UV^, 2:35. R. R. Stuvvesant(s), grg(3:40) (3:34>^ S), Dan Pfifer, Fashion Course, L. 1., June 16, 1806, $2,000, Sam, 2:35K>. 2:.34i... 2:30. S. 1", Twichell, New Haven. Conn., Oct. 17, 1871, $600. Tnibie's nuire. Jennv Martin. Belle Clinton (1 dis>. Lady Bvron (1 dis), 2:45, 2:50. 2:40. Oct. 19. 1871. .$700. May Bee 1, Jennv Martin. Gracie (3 dis). Jimmy Norton (l dis). 2:41. 2:44Vo, 2:42. 2:4,5. Rubber, ell g (3:38'/j*). C. \V. Phillips. Clinton, la.. Aug. 27, 1809, $100. Billy Hamilton 2. Joe Bennett, Rich- mond's b g (1 dis), 2:38'/2. 2:43'i, 2:43i>4. 2:44. Short track. Rubber Koy, b g (3 :00). H. A. Barker, Marshfield, Mass., Sept. 14, 1883, $15. Claymont, John, Midget, 3:01. 3:00. Rubv, b g (3 :34). (i.W. Voorhecs. Detroit, Mich., Mav 18, 1871, $ . Kate. Capt. Tom. 2:40'/2. 2:38Ji, 2:39. Sent. 27, 1872, $150. Gen. Howard 1. 2 (4 0), Harry G,, pacer. 2:3714. 2:36^4 . 2:35. 2:38, 2:40, 2:37. Ruby, cl'i ni (3 :36). H. D. Hansc.IMiddletown, N. \., Sept. 29, 1871, $500. Gray Dick l, White .Heels, Long Mary, Chip Girl, Drummer (4 dis). Most Probably (4 dis), Baltimore (2 dis), Jewess (1 dis). 2:46, 2:4li4, 2:45, 2:37',. Sept. 30, 1871, $5C0. Frank Page. White Heels. Tanner Bov. Dick (1 dis), 2:36, 2:4034, 2:40. J. McClusker, Philadelphia, Pa., Oct. 12. 1871, .«1,000. Iteubeu. 2:46',. 2:46'2. 2:41. Wilmington, Del., Oct. 21, 1871, $1.50. Lady Douglass. 2:-l4i.i, 2:4414. 2:39-'.,. Ruby, !) m (3:38), by by the Everett Horse. B. Woodmausce. Stillwater, Minn.. June 22. 1875, $500. J.N. Stock 1, P;it. liendell. Richard R., Billy Wood, Ben Lvon (4 dis). I'ete (4 dr). Countess (3 dis). Cosmos (3dis), 2 :39 Ji . 2 :40, 2 :39U'.. 2 :40K>. .June 23. 1875, .*600 ,}. N. Steck, Puzzler, Countess, Cosmos, Burdell. Belle Brown, Galatea, Pete (2 dr), 2:3814,2:4014,2:40. Ruby, cL ni (3 :43i4). J. C. Parker, Woodstock, Vt., Sept. 27, 1877, .'SICO. May Day 1, 2, Clara H.. Wallace M. (2 dis). Sir Henry Buckskin (2 dis), 2;.5n. 2:44, 2:40, 2:42i/i, 2:46. ; L. Barrow, Sep. 1. 1879, $125. Mark Twain, Josle L.,2:.58'2. 2:51, 2:42».4. Ruby, blk m i3 :4I ). R. Mabbitt. Meriden, Conn., Oct. 24, 1877, $l.'-)0. Jenny 2. 3. Jane Eyre 4, 5, Kensington Maid 7. (iallup, Fred Drew (8 dr), Nelly Richardson (6 dr). Harry Brown (4 dr). Blacksmith Maid (4 dr). Katy (1 dis), 2:44>4, 2:47, 2:42, 2:45'2, 2':44V/2. Ruby, 1) m. by Hambletonian Prince. J. L. Russell, Glens Falls, N. Y., Sep. 15, 1882, $50. ITonest Dan, Joe Brown, Jr. No time. Sep. 16. 1882, $.30. Mary, Joe Brown, Jr. No time. Rubv. b ni(3:37i4). O. W. Blood, Lawrence, Kan., Sep. 6, 1883, $400. Bert, Red Cloud. Hesperion (2 dis), C'liffwood (2 dis), 2:4014, 2:3714, 2:45'/j. Ruby Itrooks, ch m(3:40). W. B. Provost, Milford, Conn., Sep. 18, 1883, $50, Belle of Waterbury. Daisy Pearsall, 2:42"2, 2:41, 2:40. Rubv straiRlit, br m (3 :rt3), by Warwick Boy. J. B. Carr, Troy. Pa., Sep. 28, 1883, $30. Ruby Mason 2. 5, liero .'!, 4, Col. Douglass, 2:.58, 3:01, 2:.58. 2:.57. 3:00, 2:.52.2:54. Ruev R., bm (3:44). by l>aniel Lambert, H. S. Pelham, Montpelier, Vt.. Sep. 11. 1879, $85. Fred. Molly Clark, Susy L., Silver Nell, Phil. Sheridan Jr., (2 dr), 2:44, 2:45, 2:48. Four-year-olds. Rufus, br g (3 :39). 1)V Bacon's Ethan Allen, dam Lady Fulton, by St\d)tnil. AV. E. Weeks, Fleetwood Park. N. Y„ Sep. 11, 187h', ,$.500. Nelly Webster, Belle Mac, Jenny L., Stillcto, Kadir, Shorty Fountain (3 dis). 2:32, 2 :.30 2 "33 ■ Ma*"y 8, 1879. .$2,50. Big Fellow 1, Baron Luff, Volunteer Maid. Dread, 2:31'». 2:3.3J^, 2:.30ii, 2:30. Decrfoot Park, L. L, Mav 23, 1879, $200, Belle Smith, Harry (Jilbert, Big Fellow. The Jewess, Lilly. Baron Luff. 2:30U, 2:34' i, 2:31, , , ^„ RufuH, b g (3 :32), by Sir Henry. James Rodgers, Chilicothe, O., Aug. 6. 1882. $350. Billy Ford, Sneak, Nip- per, Neva, 2: to, 2 :40, 2 :32, Aug. 18, 1882,.$ . MnggieN. 3, 4, Honest .Toe 5, Honest Jim, Sneak, P. J. Piircell, Tourist (4 dr). Sorrel Dick (4 dr), 2:.33. 2:.37, 2 :,34H;, 2 :,38, 2:4.5, 2:.35. Warren. O., .Sep. 1.3, 18R3, $100. S, J, Tilden, Laura Williams, 2:.51. 2:53, 2:.52. RufuH OerrlHh, by Young McClellan, dam by Hiram Drew. A. S. Billings, Concord, Mass., Sep. 26, 1879, $30. Scamp 1. Bob Patchen, Frank, 1 :40. 1 :44, 1 :41 . Half-mile heats. Three-year-olds. Rumford Maid, br m (3 :48). S. E. Smith, Waltham, Mass., May 18, 1878, $.50. Jessie, 2 :.55, 2 :fi4, 2 -.f^. CHE.STEU'S COMPLETE TllOTTING AXD PACING RECORD. . g13 May 28. 1878. $25. Troublesome (1 0), l :24, 1 :24, 1:24. Half-mile heats. sey Co" _ our-ye: Rupert, br Ruuisey Colt, b g (3 -.04:^4). J. s. Edsall, Goshen, iN. Y., Sep. 13, 1871, $75. ' Highland, Modena. 3:04M, 305>4 Four-year-olds. ^ ' * ipert, br g (3 :44i4). B. M. Murdock, Cha-^iriu Falls, O., July 8, 1874, $300. Lottie 1, Fanny Brown Con- stant, Kentucky Clay .Jr., Silver Maid, Ju.ge Gliddeu, Ruin of Man, Boxer, Advance (3 dis). Fanchon (1 dis). 2:47. 2:47, 2:44^4, 2:46' 2- Rush Co Maid (2:331^*). 1. B. Loder, Connersville, lud., Nov. 3, 1866, $100. Lady Gay, Tom. 2-34, 2-33V4 Short track. . ■ /» Ru.sUville Maid, b m (2 :43). E. H. Breiigall, Gettysburg, Pa., July 25, 1876. $100. Sunbeam l, 2, James R , Lady C, Hermit, Lady Emma (4 dr). Latly B (l disi. Snow Drop (l dis), 2-45, 2:39'^ 2-45 ii-44^ 2-isQ,. George Nelson, Baltimore, Md., June 19, 1877, $200. Roan M 2, Golddust Jim (2 disj, 2:42, 2:41^, 2:46, '- :43. Rusk Reuben, blkg (3:39). C. Wilson, Akron, O., Julys, 1SG8. $150. Jewess, Honest Jane (2 dis). Little Johnny (1 dis), 2:42, 2:44^4, 2:39. Rusk Robin b g (3 :03). w. R. Dunn, Harrodsburg. Ky., July 21, 1871, $ . Morrison 2, Maggie Lee (1 dis^ 3:05.3:00,3:02. Four-year-olds. - && v /t Russ, blk m (3 :4:5=>X). D. Leeman. Zanesville, O.. Aug. 17, 1861, $100. Buckey John, 2:51, 2-4714, 2:45Ji Ru.ssell (Andy Dill), gr g (3 :36), by Blut- Bull, dam by Lexington (?). J. H. Bebout, Earlville, 111., Aug. 27. 1873, .$400. Peavine 2, North Star 1, Lurclier, ^Nlolly O., Noiirniahal, 2-A->%. 2:40, 2:40, 2:43, 2-44'/4. Dixon, IlL, Sept. 2, 1873, $100. Deception 3. Bisinark, yueen U disi, 2:41, 2:56, 2:45i4 2-47 Aurora, 111., Sept. 14, 1873. $800. Autocrat, Hattie Fawcetl, Magnolia. 2:42, 2:56'<., 2:44U.' Rushville. Ind., Sept. 11. 1^74, $500. Indiana 3. Kitty, I'hoebe C.. 2:40, 2:40'/4, 2:32 2-41 ~ Indianapolis, Ind., October 1, 1874, $200. Phoebe 0., Mattie Sturgeon, St. Lawrence (3 dr), 2 :38i4, 2:41, East Saginaw. Mich.. June 27, 1876, $1,250. Archie Alexander, Girlie, Young Wilkes, Judge Waite Grav Salem, 2:26, 2:27 M. 2:30. 'fa . j • Dayton, O., July 5, 1876, $400. Doctor Rush, Blue Wing, George. Alice, Little Roan, Black Charlev, 2:39!^. 2:36,2:37. j' 7j. Cincinnati, O., July 14, 1876, $1,000. Bay Charley, Gray Bashaw, Doctor Rush, Banker, Lizzie Davis (2 dis). Oscar (2 dis). Bay Billy (l djs), 2:35. 2:35, 2:36. Kussell, br g (3:59^). J. C. Howland, Middletown, N. Y., Sept. 9, 1881, $50. Lady Crandall, Lilly Norwood Roxy, 3:00%, 2:59?£, 3:0214. Nearest to 3 :00. Russ Ellis, b g (3:37ii), by Bacon's Ethan Allen, dam by a son of Ethan Allen. G. G. Robins, Coldwater, Mich., May 23, 1879, $ . Lulu K. 3, 4, Sut Lovingood 2, Tekonsha, Mambrino Jr., Jessie Dixon, Governor Tilden, Clipper, Kentucky Girl (4 dr), 2:50W. 3:00, 2:51, 2:50, 2:.52, 2:.51. Ionia, Mich., June 23, 1880, $800. Alfred, Com. Sweetser, Carrie Z., Western Belle (1 dis), Kitty Clvde (Idis), 2:32, 2:32^, 2:30%. • Grand Rapids, Mich., June 30, 1880, $900. Boston 2, Black Cloud, Minnie R. (2 dis), 2:30ki, 2:30%. 2:27i4. 2:30H- V . /4. * *, July 3, 1880, $900. Alfred, Gray Dobbin, Una, Carrie Z., Western Belle, 2:31'/2, 2:29^, 2:31. Russ Ellis, Fort Wayne, Ind., July G, 1880, $s00. Orange Blossom, Elsie GrofE, Cute, Roger Hanson, Lizzie B., Com. Sweetser, 2:30, 2:3.3, 2:29. July 8, 1880, $800. Centella, Alfred, Joyce, Gray Dobbin (3 dr), Akbar (3 dr), Lizzie B. (3 dr). Nigger Doctor (3 dr), 2 :32%, 2:33i4, 2 :32i4. B. C. Holly, Denver, Col., May 23, 1881, $1,000. Elcho, Happy, Ada Paul, Little Gypsy, Teaser, 2:31, 2:34, Russian Spy, b g (3 :36i4, by Murphy's Royal George, dam an imp Mare. G. Whitney, Woopstock, Out., Aug. 9. 1877, $200. Duroc 2. Lady Rysdyk, Zora Boy, Aldorf (1 dis), Nilestown Maid (1 dis). Poor Boy (1 dis). Charley Morgan (1 dis;, Jim White (1 dis), 2:38, 2:411/4, 2:42. 2:44. Waterloo, Ont., Aug. 23, 1877, $150. Little Billy, King William, Lotta. Grav George, Jim White (3 dis), 2:45, 2:45. 2:441^. Aug. 23 and 24. 1877, $1.50. Lady Rysdyk. Gray George. Oxford, 2:37i^, 2:39. 2:423^. Fergus, Ont., Sept. 12, 1877, $125, Gray George, Little Billy, Bendigo. No time. London, Out.. June 6. 1878, .$250. J. ll. Bovle. Little Ethan. 2:55, 2:37. 2:371^. Exeter, Ont., July 2, 1878, $1.50. Lottie, Odd Fellow, 2:37}^, 2:35'2, 2:40. P. Curran, Chicago. 111., Oct. 10, 1878, $1,000. Surprise, Sterling, Capt. Sellick, Roofer Jr., CharlevC, Okn. Gray Eagle. 2:26V2, 2:2914, 2:31. Bradford, Pa., June 26. 1879. $700. Gray Salem l. ^mulus, 2:30%, 2:3114, 2:3514. 2:29. D. Lambert, London, Ont., Aug. 26, 1880, $200. Little Billy 1, Crown Prince, 2:37i^, 2:36W, 2:3214. 2:38. W. Kennedy, Ogdeusburgh, N. Y., Sept. 7, 1880, $400. Orange Blossom, George H., Phyllis, 2:31i^, 2:33, 2:33^, Sept. 10. 1880, .$600. Phyllis, Dictator, Orange Blossom, Valley Chief, 2:29. 2:30, 2:30. Salamanca, N. Y., .July l, 1881, $400. Clara .!., Stephanus, Valiant, 2:26%, 2:271^.2:27^. Ogdensburgh. N. Y., Sept. 8, 1881, $600. Valley Chief 2, Moose l, Phyllis, 2:32, 2:29, 2:30, 2:32, 2:32. Oshawa, Out., Aug. 24, 1882. .$250. Nelia 2. Gen. Beamish, 2:3114, 2:3314, 2:331/2, 2:33. W. Grant, Montreal, P. Q., July21, 1883, $300. Rifleman 3, Goldfinder, John H.. Vision, 2:28%, 2:29, 2:2954. 2:27. J. Fleming, Brantford. Out., Aug. 31. 1R83, .^2.50. Joe Stoner, Dundas. 2:,36i^. 2:.33i^. 2:32^. W. Grant, Ailsa Craig, Out.. Sept. 4, 1883, .«300. Gen. Brocks, 4, Fulton(l dis),2:32%.2:32, 2:33,2:37,2:3;',2. Oshawa, Ont., Oct. 10, 1883, $175, Lookout l 3, Berlin, Capt. Webb, 2:33, 2:.32i^. 2::«. 2:32, 2:311^. Rust, rug (3:46). .John Minchin, Goshea, X. Y., Oct. 8, 1868. .$35. Perry 2. Hunter's br g. 2:54, 2:50, 2:46. Ru.stic gr s (3 :30). bv Whipple's Hambletonian. dam by California Belniont. J. McM'Shafter, Sonoma, CaL, Sept. 29. 1877, $500. Alexander 1, Edwin Booth. Vohintcer (3 disi, 2:42. 2:3652. 2:35. 2:37i^. Rusty Shilling, blk g (3 :34^), by Mars. A. J. McKinmin. .Nashville Tenn.. June 24. 1875, $1C0. Col. Taylor 1, Big Sugar. Maid of the Mist. Bob Hill, Tom O'Connor (3 dis), 2:49. 2:."i2, 2:52.2:52';. Mr. Rust, Mav, 25 and 26, 1876, $250. Lady Ciav 2,3, Telegraph, Black Cloud. Capt. Jinks (5 dr), 2:46, 2:46^^,2:44,2:4.5,2:42. L. Dodge, Oct. 2, 1879, $250. Ivanhoe 2. Fannv B.. Kate Eastman (4 dis). Henry Buford (3 dis) Hoosier Girl (2 dis), Nick (1 dis), , 2:41i.i, 2:40, 2:45. W. H. Wilson, Cynthiana, Ky., Aug. 27, 1880. $.50. Billy Emerson 1. Lulu Moore, (1 dis), 2 :37»^, 2:41i^, 2:38U. Ruth (Ella Millard and Eva), b m (3 :33U). B. Cole, White Plains, N. Y., Oct. 14. 1873. $200. Celia (1 dis), 2:52"2. Secancus, N. J.. Nov. 6. 1873, .$200. Lady Eleanor 3 (4 0), 2:55. 2:524, 2:52i4, 2:50i4, 2:47. Ruth, b m (3 :40%). William Ferguson. New:irk, O., July 8, 1874, $300. Ohio Girl 1, George Reed, Sue Munday, Nelly, Tom Collins, Bay George (4 dr). Bob (1 dis). 2:45%, 2:42V^, 2:40%, 2:44%. Ruth, b m (3 :36',4), bv Magna Charta. Upper SandusKv, O., Oct. 19, 1881. 200. Frank Forester, Kitty Patchen, Blinky, Lady Lawrence, George, White Stockings, Idle Boy, 2:45, 2:46, 2:45. Oct. 20, 1881, $200. Frank Forester 3, Blinky, Billy M. (3 dis). Mambrino Rawleigh (2 dis\ 2 :45, 2 :46. — 2:45. 614 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND I'ACINCi HKCOUIX Rutland, b g (2 :32>4), l)v Waldo, (lam by McsseiiRer I )uroc. .1. BoRart, Hoosick Falls, N. Y., July :»i. 18K2 «150. Railroad Bov, .John Love, 15. H. (2 dis), l':43U, 2:41 'i, 2:38'2. Cambridge. >;. V^., Aug. 2, m-i2, s;)r>0. .John Love, Alaek Taylor, Ed Skinner, 2:.'J7»4,2:37'4, 2:37',4. Greenwich. N. Y., Aug. 9. 1882. S1.")0. .John Love, Mack Taylor, 2:43, 2:4L 2:43i^. Rutland, Vt.. Aug. 24. 1882. •'?2.")0. Vision, Ned .Jackniaii, ■.!:.i7i.4,2:37!i. 2:39. A. J. Russell, Greensvich, N. Y., July 20, 1K83, S300. Hocus i'ocus \, Borax, Blue Belle, Victor (lav Harry Kast, 2:;«)'4. 2:."59^4. 2:40. 2:40'j. Hoosick Falls. N. V., .July 26, 1883, S300. Victor Clay, Railroad Boy, 2::{7'j, 2:37U. -:3«. .J. Bogert. New City, L. L, Oct. 3, 1883, $100. Honest Mack, Uno, Monigomery, Ned Cole. 2:40'i, 2:42K>i 2-44^ '- Oct. 4. 1883, S300. Honest Mack, Uno, 2:38, 2:38, 2:38i4. Rutland Boy, ch g (2 :50U). G. W. Conover, Council Bluffs, la., Oct. IG, 1873, Sl'iO. Hatcher l. Belle Husha, Sorrel Bill, Bashaw (2 dn, 3:02'/j, 2:57^, 3:05'i, 3:02. Omaha, Neb.. Nov. 4, 187.3, $ . Gray Billy l, 3, Sorrel Frank, Far West (2 dis), 2:52'2, 2:,'>0>4. 2:.W4, 2:51,2:.^.0»4. Rutland Girl, b m (3:43). Mitchell & Co., fopeka, Kan., Sept. 26. 1873, $12,5. Ben Wade, No Name, 2:.'i7"j, 2:58. 2. 58' J. Marvin & Mitchell, Kansas City, Mo., .June 2, 1875. .?500. Ned S. l. Di.xie, INIoUy Gravdon, Billv Paxton, 2:.'50, 2:46.2:44, 2:48. Rutland Girl, b m( 3:03). Al Vardotte, Rutland, Vt., Sept. 17, 187.5. .S45. While Lips, Addison Boy, Cora, 3:0.5,3:02. Four-year-olds. Rutled^e, b g (2 :36), by Conqueror, dam by Tassius l\I, Clay. M. Roden, Goshen. N. Y'., Oct. 13. 1874, $1,000. (ieorge F. Smith. Chester. Andrew. Prowess. J::;!). •2:3r>^i. 2:.33. Oct. 1.5, 1874. .Sl.OOO. (ieorge F. Smith 2, Wiiidermcre. Agnes. Wild Oats. 2:34. 2:33?4. 2:.{3>.j. 2:37^. Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Oct. 21. 1874, .«600. (Jeorge F. Smith .5, 6, Catskill Girl. 2, 3 (6 dis), Lottie (1 dis), 2:30. 2:31'i, 2:28',, 2:32>4. 2:32'i. 2:34. 2:47. VV. s. Sergeant. Fleetwood Park, N. Y'., Oct. 23 and 24, is74, S800. T. E. Gordon. Gilt Edge, Mary Lamb, Little Dan (2 dis), 2:30, 2:33'2. 2:3(>. Oct. 2(5, 1874, $.500. T. E. Gordon, Privateer Maid, Alexis, Melissa (2 dis), 2:33, 2:.35. 2:38. Rysdyk. b s, hv Hambletonian, dam Lady Duke, bv Lexington. .1. P. Wiser, Prescott, Out., Oct. 7, 1874, 850. Hercules. William B. Smith. Kattler. 1:22. Half-mile dash. Rysdyk Maid, b m (3:.59'2), bv Hambletonian. dam Flora, bv Benedict's Pathtinder. O. A. Howard, Oneida, K. Y., Oct. 13, 1882, $150. Kitty W., William C, Commodore, 2 :59i^, 3:00, 3:00. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTIXG A>"D PACING RECORD. 61& Sable, blk m (3 :33%), by Dictator. H. Diinker, Cynthiana, Ky., Oct. 21. 1878. $250. Judge Hawes, May, Major Downing. Borak, Bessie Neill. 2:37'4, 2:00-4,, 2:38. Aug. 23, 1S78, 5p300. Borak, Judge Huwes, May, Lizzie Smith, Major Downing, 2:3514, 2 :369i, 2:32%. Lexington, Kv., Aug. 30, 1878. .$300. Blondine 1, Borak, Red Oak, Lizzie Smith. 2:46, 2:54V2, 2:57ii, 2:57. SacamlaChief, chs(3:07'/2). C. Osborn, Broadalbiu, X. Y., Sept. U, 1875, $25. VV. R. Berry, 3:15'/a, 3:17, 3:07^. I'our-year-olds. Sachem, b.s(3:53). E. Van Valkenburgh, Detroit, Mich., Sept. 24, 1861, $150. Lily Solus, Victor (l dis). Diamond (1 dis;, 3:03, 3:03. Three-year-olds. b g, Hillsdale. Mich., Oct. 5, 18U6, $1,350. Skedaddle, Washtenaw Chief, 2:.58, 2:57. Saco, ch g (3:49j. Asa Whitson. Fashion Course, L. I., Oct. 27, 1866, $300. Mary Louise, Lady Culvert, 2:55, 2:53, 2:54. Saco Boy, b g (2 :40i^). A. M. Haynes, St. John, N. B. , Sept. 19, 1877, $150. Molly Newton, Gen. Griffin, Honest Charley (3 dr). Bell (2 dis), 2:44'2, 2:4oi^, 2:46ii. Sept. 20. 1877, $200. French Sporter, Gen. Griffin, 2:46, 2:44^, 2:45. Truro, N. S., Sept. 25. 1877, .S150. Gen. Griffin, Belle, Honest Charley, 2:41M, 2:47'/2, 2:44. .Sacramento (3 :46). E. S Ellis, Sacramento, Cal., April 2, 1855, $500. Roderick Dhu l, 2, Joe Waterman, 2:46. 2:42, 2:43, 2:47,2:46. Saclia, blk m (3 :36). J. B. Hall, Nashua, N. H, Sept. 12, 1876, $100. Col. Sellers, Dominion Girl, Nimble Nanib, Flying Aggie, Security (3 dr), 2:48, 2:37, 2:36. Greenfield, N. H., Sept. 15, 1876, $3oo. Pilot l, Kate Wallace, Lady Sherburne, Moonlight, Charley, 2:40, 2:42, 2:42,2:43. Sadia A., b m (3 :38!4), by Gen. Knox. William McGuigan, Jr., St. Johns, Mich., Oct. 9, 1879, $150. Gray Fox 2, Lady Middleton. No time. Sadie, b m (3:36). O. A. Hickok, San Francisco, Cal., Feb. 22 and 23. 1883$ . Chicago (w), 4, 6(50), Johnny, 1, 2:39, 2:36i4, 2:37^4, 2:31 14, 2:39, 2:3814. 2:36. Sadie, ch m 03:39). H. D. Sydleai.ui, Norwich. Conn., Aug. 3. 1876, $1,000. Vixen, 1, 2:43?i, 2:42 2:4194, 2:40yj. Sept. 13, 1876, $300. Nodine, 2 (3 0). 2:40^^. 2:4134, 2:42'/2, 2:43^, 2:45. Sadie B., ch m (3 :39i4). S. Wright, Oxford, Pa., June 7, 1883, $200. Belle, George M., 2:41^, 2:45, 2:46^. June 8, 1883, $150. Daw, George M., Rochester, 2:41i/2, 2 :39f 4, 2 :41 ?i. Same day, $ . George M., Daw, 2:48, 2:51'2, 2:44?4. (w), G. R. Ash, Elkton, Md., Oct. 2, 1883, $75. Charles Carroll (w), l, Florence Mac (w), (1 dis), 2:51, 2:57, 2:59. Sadie Bell, ch m (3 :34), by Capt. West, dam Mollv. bv Sehastopol. T. JlcConnell. Lancaster, Pa., Sept. 5 and 6, 1876, $200. George P. l, Fanny 2, Fanny (i.. Chance (4 dr), Jim (4 dr). Old Maid (4 dr). Lady C. (4 dr), 2:40, 2:44, 2:43, 2:39, 2:39^4. Sept. 7, 1876, $200. G. B. Patchen, Fanny G., Fanny, Burnloist (3 dis), Billy Thompson (2 dis), 2:42!/„ 2:37J4, 2:40. Point Breeze Park, Phila.. Sept. 13, 1876, $200. Nil Desperandum, Queen May, Little Nell, Billy Jackson, 2:32^2:32,2:33 Suffolk Park. Phila., Sent. 29. 1876. $2,500. Woodford Chief 3. Montezuma, Mambrino Patchen, Decorah, Post Boy, Girl E. Queen, 2:34. 2:34'2. 2:30»4, 2:,'54. Four-vear-olds. Middletown, Del., Oct. 4, 1876, $100. Starlight Bess, Mary Wilson, 3:09, 3:01U. Four-year-olds. Oct. 6, 1876, $500. Start, Maggie M., 2:42. 2:40, 2:39. Norfolk, Va., April 5, 1877, $1,000. Carrollton. 2:48, 2:45. 2:46. Ambler Park, Pa., June l, 1S77, $100. David Wallace 2, Helen E. l, 2:42, 2:38,2:341/2, 2:36, 2:36. Wilmington, Del,, June 13, 1877, .$300. Delaware 4, 5, Andy Johnson, Lizzie Keller l (5 dr), 2:34U, 2:334, 2:.36'4. 2:3414, 2 :3314, . '' Pottstown, Pa., Sept, 14, 1877, $500. Moscow, Baron Luff, Black Frank, Little Mary. 2-30. 2-28, 2-27Vi Ambler Park, Pa.. Sept. 27, 1877, .$300. Delaware 5, 7 (O 0), Jersey Boy l. 4 (6 0), Frank, 2:31^?^, 2:32U. 2:32, 2:30'2, 2:30-2, 2:291.^, 2:31'^, 2:2714. Belmont Park, Phila., May 24, 1878, .$.300. Bateman, Grace, Lew Ives, Jersey Boy, 2:30»4, 2-27, 2:27. Lamb Tavern, Pa.. June 7, 1878. $ . Wildair, 2:35. 2:27. Wilmington, Del., June 13 and 14, 1878. $300. Ladv Kildeer 2, Gen. Howard, Ladv Daniels (1 dis), 2:35'.,, 2:331/2,2:34,2:30. ' " Watertown, N. Y., Sept. 27, 1878, $200. Little Wonder, Billv Moscow, 2:42i4, 2:32. 2-251^ Sadie Ewingr, ch m (3 :10'2). by Almont Rattler, dam Lady Ellis, by Vosburgh. J. S. Seeber, Rochester, Minn., July 4, 1883, $150. Token. J. W. B., Lady Vivian, 3:40, 3:355^. Two-vear-olds. Muscatine, la., Sept. 12, 1883. .Slio. Oscar Adv, 3:16, 3:10i^. Two-year-olds. Sadie Howe, b m (3:30), by Manibrunello, dam bv Mambrino Chief. H. W. Howe, Prospect Park L. I.. June 12, 1879, $400. Gray Friar, Phil Dwyer. Anna H.. Lady Waring, Defendum. Jersev, 2-.30 2-"9 2:30. Providence, R. I., June 19, 1879, .$400. Emma B., Annie Lou, Kitty Bates (3 dis), Steve Lewis (3 dis). Midas (2 dis), Gypsy (2 dis), 2:28. 2:27, 2:26. W. McMahon, Doylestown, Pa., Oct. 7, 1880, $500. Parole 4, John S. Clark (30), Nigger Babv(5 dr), 2:28'-, 2:30,2:30,2:30.2:33. " && jv Mt. Holly, N. J., Oct. 14, 1880, $400. Nigger Babv (1 0). Star, Phil Dwver, 2:37i4, 2:40, 2:38, 2-40. Safety, b m (3:43). C. E. Whalen, New Dorp, S. I., June 2.5, 1875, $250. Henry Miller 3, Carrie N.. Livelv B., Judge Bedle (1 dis), Dan Ford (l dis). 2:4.3, 2:46i;, 2:4.5, 2:46. July 24, 1875, $100. Bessie B. 2, 4. Henry Mac (4 dis), 2:4.3. 2:,53. 2:43. 2:49. 2:4.5. Sagadahoc, gr g (3 :56). Ike Eaton, Portland, Me., Aug. 29, 1857, «200. Jim, 2 :56, 2:56. ClU CHESTER'S COMPLETE TKOITINC AM) rACINC KECOKl). Saf^ndahoc Belle (3 :47»4). Kockville, Me., Oct. 8, 18(;9, Sioo. Red Bird. Orav Bird, -^-A-U, ■^•.i'h< 2:49. i!>iiK>"it«v fJIrl, blk nu2:35i^). Smith & Lail, Cairo. Mich., .Jiiiio u, 1875, s^LOO. Frank 2, Jim B. (3 dis), Vassar Boy U' dr), 2:5»!s. 3:00'^. 2:56i^j, 2:5Tf4- Sailor Boy (»), cli {: (» :58 w), (3 :46 s), J. B. Todd, New Orleans, La., May 12, 1838, S200. Sciuirrel ,s), 6:04, 5:i>i. Two miles. (s) Isaac Woodruff, Mobile, Ala., April 15, 1839, SIOO. Lazarus (s), 2:.52, 2:51. (,w) A. Club, Orleans, La., Sent. 23, 1841. $500. Euuny (w». Best liiiie, 2:58. (S) .Marcii VJ. 1842, .'JL'SO. Bird (s), 2:49, 2:4C. Sailor Boy. b ti rZ-.-iH). K. Zeilley, West Granville, Pa., Oct. 18, 1858, $15. Power's ch s, 2:50,2:49, 2:56. Warren. ().. Oct. 27. 1858, •'SSti. Orphan Boy 1 (2 dr>, Alcoi n Cray, Cream John, Excelsior ^'5 dr), 2:56'^, 3:0(5' J, 2:,">S, 2;.:i6. Sailor Boy. b a ( 3 :58). Eilwin Patrick. Omaha, Neb.. Aug. 20, 18G5. SCO. Old Mac, .Joe, 2:59K>, 2:59!4, 2:58. Sailor Bov, bg(3:4r>). W. M. Mandell, Worcester, Mass., Sept. 20, 1873, i!>250. Nelly Jiosebud, Leonard, Early Hose. Belle Martin, 2:50. 2:.%, 2:4G. .Monroe Needhain, Athol, Mass.. Aut;. 8, 1874, §125. Sam Kichards. Belle, 2:4.">, 2:.')0, 2:48. Sailor Boy, br g i3:03i. Mystic Park, Boston, Aug. 5, 1879, $50. Widovv2, 4. Major, 3:05, 3:08, 3:04, 3:07V4, 3:12. Sailor Boy, b g (3 -.SSU). W. L. Boss, Lynchburg, Va., Oct. 13, 1881, §700. Lydia S. 1, Clara Jlorgan, 2:.'59?i, 2:;J8?a,2:41Ki, 2:4;iK'. Sailor Boy, rn g (3 ilTi. W. Miles, Aurora, 111.. Sept. 28, 1882, $100. Ben Hill, Honest Molly, Alk, St. Comis, Mambrino Frank, Charley (3 dr), 2:47, 2:49, 2:51. Saint, b s (3 iSOij), by St. Lawrence, J. C. Deyo, Jackson, Mich., Oct. 4, 1871, $45. Northhawk, Little Dan. L';r>()i..,, 2:,56. Sakiinpka c'':46'4). Mr. Trepagnier, New Orleans, La., March 31. 1859. $ . Billv McC'racken (.2 0), Big iMason a, 5 dr), 2:49, 2:46}^, 2:5l, 2:56. 2:.52. Sal (Pliiladil))hia Sal), b m (3:31)). by Saladin. dam by Prizefighter. William King, Union Course. L. I.. Oct. 27. 1S47. s:>ii. Uypsey 1. Passenger, 2:40, 2:39. 2:39, 2:44. Sal, gr m i3:50). Mr. .Megonigle, Lancaster, Pa.. June IC, 1870 $200. George (2 dis;, Juliet (2 dis). 3:03VJ, 2 :.'J0. Saladin. gr s (3 :39^,by Young Bashaw. George Young, Eagle Course, N. J., June 16, 1842, .SlfK). Lucy Long 1. 2. Pickpocket, Sam Patdl. 2:55, 2:54, 2:.'-)2, 2:53, 2:51. June 17. 1842, .■<5<). Bevenge, Sam Patch 1 (3 dis), Indian Tom. 2:39, 2:42, 2:41. Saleratus, blk g(3:56). W. W. Kellman, Boston, Mass., Nov. 18, 1859, §50. Humming Birdi4 0), Sleepy D.-lvid 1.3:01, 2:57ii, 2:.06. 2:59, 2:r>9'2. Salima, b ni (3 :58). T. McKean, Harlem, N. Y., Nov. 23, 1857, $500. Martha (l Oi, 2:58, 3:02. 3:04. 3:07. Sally, b m (3 :49). H. Lewis, Philadelphia, Pa., Oct. 11, 18.58, §50. Barbarous l, 2:59, 2:55»a,. 2:51i^. Wm. King, Oct. 25, 1858, $50. Sorrel Henry, Lightning, 2:49, 2:51, 2:54. Sally, b m (3 :34'4). J. Mooney, Manchester. N.H., Aug. 10, 18G9, $300. Fannv. Haves' b m. Lady Emma, Bay Beauty, four others (1 dis). 2:39, 2:41K>, 2:42. Aug. 12, 1869, §300. Bav Beautv. JVfartin Luther, two others (l dis). 2:38, 2:38Vi. 2:40. • Dover, N. H., Aug. 18, i869. $200. Lady Wilkes, Farniiugtou Girl, Tontiue Belle (1 dis), 2:47, 2:43^, 2:44. Aug. 19. 18G9. $ . Portland Girl. Sheridan, 2-Ml4,2:Z7%, 2:37. Sally, ch m (3 :37). A. N. AVilson, Cleveland, O., Sept. 14, 1871, §500. Victor, Maggie Casey, Dan Rice (2 dr), 2:42, 2:42?;i.2:49. Sharon, Pa., Sept. 22, 187i §3oO. Evelina, Little Mac, Annie Collins, Sorrel Dan, Ed Higgins (1 dis), 2:37, 2:40%, 2:41', i. Niles, O., Sept. .30, 1871, .9200. Dictator 3, Captain, Gray John, 2:40. 2:41, 2:41. 2:40. Sally, b m (3:37). James McKee, Saratoga Spa, N. Y., July 13, 1872, §500. Topsy (w), Young Thorne (2 dis, 2:43 2:37 2:37 Sally, rn in (3i44i^). J. Ogden. Easton. Pa., Sept. 19, 1872. $225. Flushing, Jaco (t dis), 2:45^, 2:44W. Sally, b m (3 :50). T. M. Ogden, Philadelphia. Pa., Aug. 5, 1878, $50. Little Dave l. 2. Lancet (2 dis), Lex- ington Chief (2 dis), Ladv'Mac (2 disi. i;c)>ublic (2 dis), Gypsy Boy (2 dis), 2:58, 2:.'")0. 2:.")0. 2:.^, 2:.')0. Sally, b m (3:46i^). Mt. Jackson, \\. \ix., Aug. 12, 1879, $100. Maximilian 1, Surprise, Frederic (3 dr),2:51Va, 2:4CK', -':49, 2:48. Sally, b m (3 :00). J. Langevin, Montreal, P. Q.. June Ifi, 1R80. $rx). Kitly 2. Butcher Bov. 3:00, 3:05. 3:00, 3:03. Sally Bell, b m (3 :40), by Koval (ieorge. J. L. Nothaf, Franklin, Ky., Aug. .31. 1883. §150. Black .lack 3, Billy Walton (4 dis), Mollv Mundav (3disi, 2:439.i, 2:40. 2:41i4- 2:45. Sally Itenton, gr m (3:30, by General Benton, dam Sontag MobaAvk, bv Mohawk Chief. Palo Alto Farm, Sacramento. Cal., Sept. is! 1883. .§400. Lucilla 1 (3 0). Centaur (3 0), 2:28»4, 2:31V2. 2:29»^o. 2:30. 2:30i.i. Three- year-olds. San Francisco. Cal., Oct. 20. 1883, $1,700. W. O. Oakland, Cal., Nov. 3, 1883. $ . Tennent's b ni, 2:43. 2:44''4. i■i^^■ Three-year-olds. Sally C, blk m (3:46^4). S. White. Mystic Park. Boston. Oct. 12, 1874, §100. Bay John. Sailor Boy, tiolddust 1 (4 dis). Bay Kate (4 dr), 3:0.5^, 2:5814, 2:489,. 2:4f;M. Sally Come Down, ch m (3:43'/j). W.S. Briggs, Union Course, L. I., May l(i, 1864, §300. Lady Keeper, 2:64, 2:51, 2:51. Myricks, Mass., Sspt. 22, 1865. Prize, silver. Svlvia 1 3 (2 0), 2:48, 2:49, 2:49, 2:48, 2:473li, 2:r)0. Taunton, Mass., July 2.5, 1866, .'5!.50. Lady Himting 1 (2 0), 2:44. 2:43"", 2:44,2:41.2:44. Sally Come Up, br m (3:41'/„), by Rising Sun. Hiram Woodruff, Union Course, L. I., April 14. 1864, $50. Cardinal 2, 2:51, 2:.51K'. 2:r,2^:u 2:52'4. April 20. 1864. .§50. "Cardinal 1.3 (20). Wonderful (4 dis), 2:41^, 2:42, 2:42V8, 2:44, 2:46. 2:48!i. May 7, 1864, §200. HattliTig Maid. 2:44^, 2:41';. 2:4.3»4. June II, 1864, $600. Irish Maid 1. 2:41. 2:46, 2:46. 2:45? Sally Co«»per. b m (3:571.;). \l. Sniitli. Rittersville, P.^.May 20.1875. $200. Bessie Turner 3. Gray Eagle, Little Mac i4 (lis), 3:0.5, 3:011/., 3:00'/s, 2:57-7.i. .Sally Hunter (s), rn m (3:45J4). J. Darrell, Leesburg, Va., Oct. 16. 1877. $ . Fanny (s) 3(4 0). Dexter (s), 3:00. 2:. ''.51.4, 3:08^, , . Wasliin.gton, f). C. Nov. 17. 1880, § . Belle, Mollv. White Cloud (3 dis» 2:46. 2:45^, 2:45i4. Sally Lewis, brm (3:5714) (3 :4«s). W. Woodruff, Philadelphia. Pa., .lulv 19, 18.59, .§2.5. Red Bird (s) 3, 4, (Ieorge Baker (s) (3 dr), 2 :53, 2 :.54, 2:48, 2:47, 2 :46. Sally Mark, brm (3:40i4). A. Hopkins, Deerfoot Park, L. 1.. .Inly 4, 1876, §1.50. Maud Miller 1, Flora, 2:50, 2-A2M.2-A2%. ' ^ „ Sally Miller (s), b m (3 :37), bvTippoo Saib. Mr. Vanderhilt. Philadelphia. Pa., October 20. 1831, $200. Top- gallant (s 1. Bull f 'alf (s). Terry (s). 5 :26, 5:25. Two miles. Trenton. N. .1.. Nov. 13, 1834, .§200. Columbus (2 0), Screwdriver (1 dis). No time. Two miles. Philadelphia. Pa., Nov. 21, 18.34, $100. Gvpsv 4. Lady Hope 3, 2:.37U. 2:,37. 2:40, 2:42, 2:44. Baltimore, ,Md.. .lulv 4. 1840. $ . FireKihg 1, 5:35. 5:34. 5:.34. Two miles. Sally Miller (w). b m (3:40). G. S.ammis. Ceuterville. L. I., S(i>t. 5. 18.56. .?200. Reindeer, 2:57, 2:58, 3:01. (w), S. Weart, Hempstead, L. I., Sept. 13, 18,56, $200. Freeporl Girl, 2 :67'/s, 3:06. 3:00. Sept. 13, 1856. «225. Baker Boy, 2:56, 2:64, 2:55. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 61T G. Sammis, Oct. 26. 1850, S500. Lady Sontag, 2:45, 2:40, 2:44. (vv). Andrew Sheelian, Union Course, L. I., July 24, 1857, S200. Charles Riley (w), 2:55!4, 2:55, 2:59. S. Sammis. Hempstead. L. I.. Aug. 6. 1880, $ . Romeo, 2:45, 2:43, 2:46. Sally Monroe, br m ( 3 :.50Vj i. c. Kane, San Francisco, Cal., June 10, 1874, siSO. Joliu 2, 3, Shellbark l, Prince (2 dis). 2:55,2:48. 2:60^4. •-':4(;'o. 2:5:!ii, 2:53. Sallv K.. gr m (3 :39^). J. Siinlair. Montgomery, Ala., Nov. 14. 1882, $50. Veny P. 1, 2:52, 2-AGU,.2:b2X^. Sallv Rue. grin (3:431^). (1. Wriglit, St. Louis, Mo., Nov. 6 1875. S500. PloughDoy, Roan Jack,~2:47, 2'43U. Sallv Soott i>I()llv Pitcher^ b ni (3:38i4\ bv Magna Charta. dam Molly Pnelier. bv Uambletonian. C. G. McGill. Ccttysburgh, Pa., July 29, 1879, $250. Alvey, Maud, Baldy (1 dis), Lizzie Martin (1 dis), 2:3Gi4. 2:4f)'j. 2:401,. Julv 30. 1ST9, .■5250. Eddy 1. Senator Stockton. Anna A., John M.. Emma, 2:42^i, 2-Ar>}4. 2:44, 2:43i4. T. T. Hughes. SutYolk Park. Pliila., May 12, 1880, .1^400. Valley Chief 1, Phil Dwyer 2,"'St. Remo, cSiarley C, Tom Bavard (3 dn, , 2:29'/o, 2:33. 2:31'.,, 2:32i,i. Point Breeze Park, Phila., May 20, 1880, $-100. St. Remo 1, Phil Dwyer, Brookside Flora, 2:2814, 2:29iit 2:30';. ■?:32. Pittsburgh, Pa.. .Tune 10. 1880, $ . Larkin 1, Hannah D. (2 dr\ 2:36, 2:35. 2:.35. 2:37. Sallv Slouch, b ni (3:.'>4). John Bush, Milwaukee, Wis., June 21, 1850, $125. Col. Johnson (s) 1, Bungalow (s) 2:5.5. 2:.->4. 2:.T>. 2:.-.5. Sallv .'Jinith, hm (3:47), C. H. Smith. Woodstown, N. J., Sept. 6, 1876. .$ . Rambo 2. Sleepy Kate, Roxa, CamdP'i. 2;."il. 2:.50, 2:49. 2:51. Si'pt. 7. 1876. $ . Maud. Sleepy Kate, Fleeting Rav. Ladv Duroc. 2:47, 2:47, 2:49'i. Sept. 8. 1876, $ . Jimmy Moore, Roxa, One Eye (3 dr)," Sleepy Kate (2 dr), Camden (2 dr), 2:45, 2:50, 2:47. Sally Smith. I> m (3:.54). R. Brathwait, Belmont Park, Phila., June 29. 1882, $ . Gray Billy (w) i, Ella(w) 3 (5 (lr>. Wissaliickon (w) 2 (4 dr), John Condon (w) (,5 dr), Lady K. (\v) {i dr), Jet (.w) (4 dr), Rena G. (w) (4 dr\ 2:55, 2:53. , 2:54. 2:.^>.'>. Salvador. I> s (3:53'.;). C. Kirtlev. Florence, Kv.. Sept. 2, 1875, .•S50. Alinont Jr., .lames C, 2:.59, 2:53'i.2:54M. Sam, (3 :45). Mr. Doty. Detroit. Mich., June 8, 1853, $125. Billy (s) 3, 4 (5 dr), Mohawk (s) (5 dr), 2:47, 2:45, Sam"(w).Vh g (3 :43). E. Shilling, New Orleans, La.. May 9. 1857, $ . Grav Harrv (w) 1, 3:03, 2:54, 3:02, 2:58. .r. Buriiott. Nov. 25. 18.57. $.->0. Ida Gray 2. Cliff Kennedv. 2 :43. 2:50, 2:49Ui. 2:48'.. S. L. Clavton, Montgomery, Ala., Dec. 12, 1857, $7.5. Yankee Mary 4 (3 0), 2:46?^, 2:5114, 2:53i4, 2:593i, 2:541^. J. Burnett. New Orleans, La., Mav 4, 1859, $500. Lady Calvert, 5:41, 5:39?i. Two miles. Mr. T.. Sept. 1. 1859, $200. Paul Mornhy 2, Stranger, 2:56, 2:50. 2:47, 2:iS]4. Sam iw). gr g (3:51 w). John Crook, Fashion Course, L. I., Mav 9, 1864, $500. Billy (w) (3 0). 2:51, 2:.514, 2:55. 2:52. Sam, l)r s (3 :38). Cincinnati, O., June 16. 1864. $200. Jane Coombs 3, Lady Ladshaw, 2:49. 2:48J4,2:5l. 2:45}^. Oct. 25. 1864. $100. Aleck 1, 2, Punch 3. 4. Ladv Ladshaw. 2:43^. 2:40, 2:40i^, 2:40, 2:-12i2, 2:42'/2, 2:41. Sam. b 2: ("3:39), by Hambletonian. Dan Mace, Fashion Course, L. I., April 30, 1866, SIOO. Patterson's bg 1, 6(2 0) (5 0). Lida7 (2 0) (5 dis). Peddler (l dis). George (l dis), 2:.37, 2:.37%, 2:4O'i,2:.S0, 2:40, 2:.39i^».2:41.2:42. Sam. cli g 1 3 :56). George F. Cheever, Concord, N. H., Sept. 28, 1870, $30. Bay Dick 2. Beauty 1. 2:59. 3:04. 3:04. 3:02. 2:.58. - — — Keene, N. H., Sept. 27, 1871. .$ . Nellv 2, Lightfoot, 2:57. 2:.56. 2:.".6. Sam. b g (3 :553_i). E. Jones, Tiffin, O., June 7. 1871. .$ . Ladv Star. Billy Wales. 2:,55?a. 2:58. ^am, br g (3 :57). Samuel Jerome, Kansas City, Mo., .July 11, 1872, $75. John Dav, Erie, Fox (3 dr), 2:57, 3:011^,3:0614. Sam, 1) g ( 3 :40). L. J. Bartholomew, Pekin, 111., Sept. 3, 1872, $2.50. Kate 1, 4, Lyman Trumbull (1 dis), Dutch Mary (1 dis), 2:36M, 2:42. 2:40, 2:42!^, 2:44';. iSam, 1) g (3 :40). .). S. Lamb, Troy, N. Y., Sept. 17, 1873. $100. Belle Marston 3, 4, Daisy, 2:541/, 2:56, 2:51, 2:55. 2:51 '2. C. J, Newton, Ballston Spa, N. Y., Sept. 8, 1875. $50. Johnny l, Lucy, 2:48, 2:50,2:51. 2:52. Sept. 9, 1875, $100. Johnny 1, Lucy 2:51. 2:50. 2:.50, 2:51. Sept. 10. 1875, $7.5. Pickles 1, 2, Dave 3. 2:45, 2:47, 2:41i;, 2:45. 2:47, 2:47. Mr. Devo, Saratoga Spa, N. Y.. Julv 26, 1876, $100. Marv Hill. Charley McManus. Electro, 2:46. 2:44, 2:43. T. Gavnor. Albany. N. Y., Aug. 4, 1876, $100. Ada D.; .Johnny, William H. 1, 2 (4 dis), Modoc (5 dis), 2:36, 2:361^, 2:40, 2:40. 2 :43M. Sam, b g :3:3G'2). H. L. White, San Francisco, Cal., Aug. 6,1874, $ . Napa Queen 1, George, 2:.53!^, 2:42ii 2:46U, 2:48'i. .Mr. Holmes, Dec. 22. 1874, $.500. Fritz. 2:47, 2 :43U, 2:36';. Sam, grg (3:53). W. H. Perley, Lynn, Mass.. July 5, 1875, $100. Ned Fowler 2, 4, Edgar. A. Toto,2:52.2:55'/4, 2:.59, 2:59, 2:52}^. Sam, b g(3:39Mi). J. W. Bradshaw. Martinslnirgh. W. Va . Sept. 10, 1875, $ . Oskatosh, George Washing- ton. Nellv Gray, 2:39'i, 2:45. 2:4_\ Sam, cli g(3:37). M. Merrill, Dallas, Texas, Oct. 27. 1876, .$250. Daylight 2, 5, Tom Ochiltree 1. 2:47';, 2:m\i, 2:43'^. 2:44%, 3:05, 2:37. Sam, b g (3 :33J4). J. L. Dodge. Sharon, Pa.. .June 9. 1876, $250. Alex Wonder, Jack Grav, Mag, .Jenny Lind (2dis), Gildersleeved dis), 2:.333i. 2::;7,2:.38^i. Sam,rhg (3:33i4), by Perkins' Morrill, dam One Eye. J. "W. Mead, Jersey City. N. J., .July .31. 1877. .$100. Lady Clarion. Rosine. ^Major, Fanny, Carrie White, H. L. Davis, Marv Reamer, Rapid Transit (1 dis). Bay Jake (1 dis), 2:41. 2:42V . Kaly Al., Sally. Joe, Lady M. rauUne, (ieorge, Lizzie B.. 2:45, :i:;VJ',2. "' Sam, eh s(3:4.')>. .). 8tine. I'ainesville, O., Sept. 11,1883, $90. Lady (Jolddust 1, 2, Lazy Ned, Netty (4 drt . , 2 :4G. 2 :47' J . 2 45. Burton, O., Sept. 20. i.sf<3. .?200. Itufns, Abby Darling, 3:03' 2:58. 2:54. Sam Ii«-ll,(3:04). (i. L. IMadding. Kicb Square. N. C. Nov. 19, 1878, 5100. Cally, Fancy, 3:10, 3:16. Nov. 2C, 1878. 880. Fancy. Callv. 3:04, 3.09. 3;22. Sam Black (3:.'>3'.ii. H \Vo6d(iii. "Vasliville, Tenn., May 26. 1970, $ . Tattler. 2:,'-)3'4. 2:,'>3i^, 2:.'>1. Sam toop (s). b g (3:50 s). James Wbelpley, Centreville, L. I., Oct. 22, isjo, S200. Ned is) i. l'. 2:.">4 2-54 2:50. •.':.">l. 2:.M ' Sam Curtis, bg (2 :38>, by Wintlirop Morrill, dam by the Eaton Horse. A. \V. Worcester, Portland Me AuR. •-'.!. 1872. S4M. Mumni 1. .Meddlesome. Billy Bumuus. 2:41.2:41^.1. 2:42?i, 2:43?i. " '' Boston, Mass.. .Sei)t. 12, 1872, Si. 000. ^^ alter. Sweet urier, Lady Emma, Lady Wentworth, Jubilee Lam- bert. Ladv Bradloril, C'aoulcliouc (2dr\2:.i3;4, 2:34, 2:.'!4. Sept. 23", 1872, Sl.^O, Ladv Wentworth, Wagrani. 2:40?i, 2:43. 2:40^. lulv 11. 1873. ,«!100. Ladv Willtwortll. Koyal Mike. 2:37'2, 2:3,"), L':34='4. 1). Bigley. .Ir.. Beacon I'ark, Boston. July 19 and 20. 1877, S400. Clara J. ,,5, Cassius Prince 2, George H Nira Belle. Queeehy Maui 1 (2 dis». ■J:27. 2:34, 2:;j0, 2:30, 2:31}^, 2:.32. 2:28. "' Shrewsbury. Miiss., Aug. 21, 1877, §400. Cassius Prince 3,4, Clara J. l (2 0), Cora F., Ki Ki. 2:30?4'.2-32'4 2:33U. 2:33, 2:32, 2 :.30, 2:31 ?4- ' ' Sam Dorman. gr » (3 :ol). M. C. Dorman, St. Albans, Vt., Aug. 30, 1882, S75. Bradley Barlow 1, Nelly, Flora (2 disi, 2:.')!)'-. 2:51, 2:52.3:03. Four-year-olds. Ssm Frenrh. b g (2 :3l). D. Walters, Abseeom, N. J., July 19, 1876, S150. Carl Burr, Lyde, Little Nell Pete Manee. 2:43. 2:43, 2:44K Woodbury, N. J., Oct. 17 and 18, 187G, $200. Queen May 4, 5, Litile Nell 3. Fanny Gilbert. Lilly Jackson Jim (1 dis). 2:.36, 2:35-2. 2:37. 2:389i. 2:40U, . Oct. 19, 1876. S250. Little Nell 1, Phil Dougherty (4 0), Queen Mav, Billy Watson, Fanny (ldis\2-.W4 2:381.1, 2:.'iSi.i, 2:3854. 2:40. Westminster, Md., July 31, 1877, $400. Tom 2(4 0), Top, Burnloist, Modoc (1 dis), Fanny Fern (l dis), o.oc '^■'iji^ 'J'SS^") *' '37 2*40 '- \voodl')urv.'N.'J.. Sept.' 20 and 21, 1877. $250. Glide, David Wallace, Lady Sharp, 2:36>/2, 2:36H, 2:38. Abse>'()m,' X. J., Oct. 31, 1877, $150. Glide, Nelly Bly. 2:47.2:48. - — Suffolk Park. Phil.. Mav 14, 1878, .$250. llonmlus i, 2, Chance, Rose Medium', Silvertail, Fancv, Oscar (5 dr). James U. (4 dr). Key West (4 dr), Iron Age (4 dr), 2:32, 2:314, 2:.S1. 2:33>4, 2:34'.. Sam H.,grg(3:3li/.i\ bv Guide, dam bv Ned Sullivan. George P. Smith, Red Wing, Minn.. Sept. 27. 1881, $100. Buekthorne. Black Prince, Cruiser. 2 :39'4, 2:40. 2:43U. Hastings. Minn.. Oct. 21. 1881. $125. Black Prince, Bavbnno, Startle. 2:42'4. 2:45. 2:41. Fargo, D. T., Sept. 23, 1882, $500. One Hundred Dollar Bill, Black Jim, Clumsy Fred, Minneapolis. 2:32. 2:34.2:34. Winnipeg, Man.. Oct. 25, 1882. $400. Bavbrino. Gen. Sarsfield. Sir .Fohn (1 dis\ 2:40. 2:41>'!;. 2:43. Sam H. (w). ch g (3 :30'; w). S. L. Highlevriian. Sedalia. Mo.. Sept. 6. 1883, $1.'5. John S. (w) 2, Steve Lupe (w) 1. Snii>. Ben Swaggard. Louise P.. 3:18. 3:21.3:-'0i5, 3:24,3:2.'';^. Sam Huston, gr g (3 :36»4). bv Fthan Alien. W. A. Forth, Evansvilie. Ind., July 4, 1874, $500. Arlington 2, Poc;ihontas Bov, Jim Fisk. l51ack Swan, Tom Brown. 2:36=4, 2:40. 2:41. 2:40. Sam Keves. b s (3:40). J. D Verner, Pittsburg. Pa., Sept. 1. 1859. $10. Sorrel Bill 2, 3:12, 2:54, 2:59,2.:59i^. S. Keves, Aug. C, 1861, .$200. Gray Hawk 2, 3. 2:40. 2:45, 2:42, 2:44, 2:41. Aug. 14. 1861. .$200. Grav Hawk (w) 2, 3. 2:40, 2:45, 2:42. 2:53, 2:48. Sam Lew. blk s (3:,'>3'j). L. B. Fordnev, Mobile, Ala.. May 2, 1877, $125. Nubbin Ridge (1 0), Dan Robin- son. Dick Abrams. Ladv Bales (3dis), 3:00. 2:59. 2:.';9. 2:57. Samniis' Chestnut OeUling:. (3 :44?4). L. S. Sammis, Halls Track, L. I., Aug. 30, 1872, $150. Richfield (2 0), Fred (1 dis). 2:47. 2:48. 2:4C^, 2:4.5. Sep. 11, 1872. $l.')0. Fanny Osborne 3. Lady Annie 1, 2:50, 2:47. 2:46. ?:44Ji, 2:49. Sam Patch, (3:491^). Mr. Burnham. Milwaukee, Wis., Oct. 28, 1859, $100. Simon 1, (2 0), (3 dr), 2:55,2:52, 2:.50. 2:.52. 2:49^,. Sam Patch, b g (3:47). H. W. Howe, Halls Track, L. I.. Oct. 22. 1872. $125. Topsy 3. 4,Cai)t. Allen, Sorrel Boy, Brooklyn Boy (1 dis), Boston Boy(l dis), Sea Knig (l dis), Winfleld Anderson (1 dis), 2:47,2:49^2, 2:49, 2:52, 2:.52'i. Sam Patch.bg (3:3514). W. P. Hewett, Hubbardstown, Mich., Sept. 27, 1877, $225. Burns, Daylight, Red Oak, 2:51. 2:47. 2:.52. A. D. Carson, St. Joseph, Mo., Sep. 7, 1880, .$400. Carrie F. 3, Emma Maxwell 4, Gen. Custer, Ladv Alice, 2:40, 2:41, 2:40, '2:3.5^. 2:41i/.'. Lawrence Kan, Sej). 15. r880, .$500. Carrie Z. 4, T. F. Oaks 2, 2:371^, 2 :44. 2:41?j'. 2:4114, 2:44^4. Joplin, Mo.. Sep. 30, 1880 $300. Mattie Graham 3, Carrie Cozzens, Prince Albert, Granby Maid, 2:401^, 2:40i4,2:4.'{, 2:43'2. Sam Patchen. — s (2:57"). Hamilton Jackson, Tndiananolis, Ind., Sep. .30, 1R68. $ . John Blaln, 2:.'>7, Sampson, (2 :44). W. H. AValker, Brattleboro, Vt.. .Sep.*7. 1866. $100. Mazeppa. 2:44. Sampson, bg(3:44?i). P. Flinn, Albany, N. Y., Julvl9, 1875, $100. Prince 1.2. Weasel 5. Frank (3 dis), 2:49V4, 2 :46, ,2 -MW; 2 :4i5, 2 :44?4 . Sampson b g (3 :0O). W. A. Baker. Middletown. Conn., May 31, 1876, .$50. Sam 2, 5, (4 0), Brown Ben (5 dr), 3:10. 3:05, 3:fi0, 3:00, 3:00, 3:11. Sampson, b s (S:n%). L. C. Callis, St. Joseph, Mo.. Aug. .31. 1876 $2,500. Taylor's ch c .3:21. 3:201/2, S-MU- Four-year-olds. Sam Puftly. b s (2 :20i9, bv George M. P.ntchen Jr., dam Whiskey Jane, by Illinois Medoc. Roe Allen, San Fnincisco, Cal., June 1.3,1873. $1,000. Black Swan 1, Regulator, California Dexter, George Treat (3 dis), Miivflower (1 dis\ 2:28i2, 2:30K>, 2:32^6, 2 31. tames Helm. San Jose, CalT, June"21, 1873, $ . Black Swan. Mav Flower. 2:34f^. 2:321., 2:30. Roe Allen. Sacramento. Cal., June .30, 1873. 750. Frank Chapman. 2:41?4,2:38'^, 2:365li. Jidv 3, 1873. .$7.50. Marvsville Queen, Cotiuette (1 dis), 2:.37, 2:40U, 2:.37. • James Helm, San Francisco. Cal.. Julv 19. 1873, $10,000. Ella Lewis (1 dis). 2:.39. T McClellan, Sacramento, Cal., Sep. 15 and 16, 1873, $1,000. May Howard l, Westfleld (47. — . Sam Kavmond, cU g (3:40). Stephen Jerome, Deerfoot Park, L. I., Oct. 21 and 22, 187.5, $200. Lavinia, St. George, Major Pulse. Nelly (i dis), 2:40U, 2:40, 2:42. Sam Reed, blk g (3:47 Ji). C. W. Kennedy, Columbus, Ga., Oct. 2i, 1872, $150. Homestring, Bullet, 2:54>4, 2:5114,2:51, .Montgomery, Ala., Nov. 23, 1872, $200. Hattie Favvcett, Gypsy, Messenger Golddust, Sir Arthur (3 dis), 2:47^4, •J:51, 2:48. Sam Rice (s), gr g (3 :43 s). S. F. Rice, Mobile, Ala., Jan. 27, 1860, $400. Jake Oakley, Miller's Damsel (w), (1 dis), 2:43, 2:42, 2:43?i. Sam Richards, b g (3:44). C. A. Svveetser, Palmer, Mass., Sept. 2, 1874, $150. Bush Boy l, Jenny, Prince John, Charley M.. Thornedyke, Galway Boy (2 dis), 2:52V2, 2:44, 2:48, 2:47. Sam s., ch g {'i-A9%). Mr. Van Vranken, Johnstown, N. Y„ Aug. 3, 1883, $50. Cassius 2, Mac, Kitty, 3:00, 3:00, 3:05, 3:04. lohn Tvo, Malone. N. ¥., Sept. 26, 1S83. .'!!7.5. Tansy 3, Woodman (2 dr), 8 :20, 3:01 Vi, 2:51 '^, 2 -.m/t. Sam Sharplev, ch s (3:34), by Bashaw .h:. dam a Morgan mare. W. Starr, Marengo, 111.. June 17, 1875, $600. Billy Wasson, Countless, Billy Cushing. (ieorge F.. Gen. McArthur. 2:4014,2:36, 2:37. Marion, la., July 12, 1875, .S500. Rocky :Mountain 1, 2:53, 2:57'/5, 2:57. Sam Slick (s), gr g (3 :45i4 s). S. F. Rice, Mobile. Ala., Jan. 25, 1860. $50. Frank Xorris (s). 2:4.5J4, 2:48?^. Sam Slick, blk g (3 :00). H. Clark, Woodstock. Out., June 2, 1881, $100. Brooklyn Boy, Prmce Tony, Darby, Gray Frank, Sorrel Tom. 3:01, 3:00, 3:02. Sam Thompson, chg (3:54). C. J. Picket, New Haven, Conn., May 19, 1869, $100. Mike Peck, Lady Doble, Belle. L':.5R%, 2:54,3:02. Samuel J. Tildeii. ch s (3 :45). C. St. John, Waterford, N. Y., Sept. 6, 1876, $100. Fanny Augusta, Drover's Maid. Deacon, SileTappan (2 dis), 2:49. 2:45, 2:48i4. Sam AVebster (w), b g (3:40). Hiram Woodruff, Union Course, L. I., Sept. 1, 1857, $2,000. Julia Dean, 2:48, 2:46. 2:47. June 9, 1858, $2,000. Lady Cudney, 2:41'^, 2:42),^. 2:40. • (w) June 19, 1858, .$2,000. Lady Cudney (w), 2 :42. 2 -A-iVn, 2 :40i4. Sam AVeller (w) rn g (3:59 w). J. Harrison, Beacon Course, N. J., July 2, 1838, $150. Locust, Rhinoceros, 3:01, 2:59. Sam AVeller, b s (2:50f4). Doctor Smith, Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 3, 1875, $150. Charley, First Chance, Billy, 2:50^4, 2 '.53 2 *54. Samivelier (w)gr g (3:47?^ w). T. W. Wetmore, Brockton, Mass., Oct. 6, 1880, $50. Northern Light (w), Phil Sheridan (w). 2:51. 2:47:'4. Sam West, b g(3:39), by Davy Crockett. C. H. Olmstead, Lancaster, O., June 24, 1874, $600. Sue Mundy, Lady Wagner, Alice Baker. Maggie, Lady Spartan (2 dis), Butcher Boy (2 dis 1, 2:47'/2. 2:47, 2 :47. Cleveland, O., Sept. 22, 1874, $500. Rattler 3, Lady McFatridge, Maggie Kimberley, Mohawk Jackson (2 dis), Willy Golddust (1 dis), 2;.36?i, 2:33, 2:38)^, 2:341^. Cambridge City, Ind., June 4, 1875, $1,000. Prince 3, 4, Basil Duke. Billy Lambertson, Quickstep, Lew Scott, Norma, Idol 1, 2 (4 dis), James L. (4 dr), 2:36, 2:32;2,.2:3i;4, •2:.36, 2:35'». 2:43, 2:46. Fort Wayne, Ind., June 11, 1875, $1,000. Prince, Billy Lambertson, Basil Duke, Norma, Gray Alex (3 dis), 2:32 2:31 2:29. '- D. A. keftner. Syracuse, N. Y., Sept. 8, 1875, $1,000. Jack Draper 1, 2, Lady Mack, Effle Dean, George H. Mitchell 2:32, 2:29, 2:31'/2, 2:31 14, 2:36. Sam Woods, b g (3:39i4), by Wood's Hambletonian. J. S. Johnson. New Castle, Pa., Sept. 16, 1881, $150. Rob Royl. Lady McKinlev, 2:51, 2:.t01^, 2:53, 2:50. .^ Cotton, Sept. 16. 1882. $300. Hiram Miller, Fire Fly, Ginger (3 dis), Kitty Forkee (3 dis), 2:39'4, 2:40, 2 ;39i4. San Bruno, b g (3 ■.^5}4), by George M. Patchen Jr.. dam bv Gen. Taylor. W. Hendrickson, San F>ancisco, Cal., Nov. 26, 1874, .$500. Berkley Boy 1, 5:37, 5:26, 5:21. Two miles. Same day, $150. Billy Hayward, Joe, Dan Voorhees 2 (3 dr), Marysville Queen (1 dis), 2:36i4, 2:3314, 2:37, 2:3.3^. Dec. 3, 1874, $300. Billy Havward4 (1 0), Berkley Boy (5 dis), 2:,?9V4, 2:38^. 2:38^. 2:3914, 2:43. Sacramento, Cal.. Sept. 18. i875. .$7.50. Dan Voorhees, (3 0). Mary Davis (2 dis). 2:31&, 2:31, 2:32, 2:31. San Diego, br s (3 :54). H. M. Johnson, Los Angeles, Cal.. Nov. 14 and 15, 1876, $150. Becky Sharp 3, Dom- bev 2, M' Liss (5 dr), 2 :55i4, 2 :.54, 2 :50, 2 :.58. Three-vear-okls. Sand JHill, gr g (3 :31), by Pacing Abdallah. J. W. Crawford, Charlotte, N. C, Nov. 5, 1874. $200. Russell, Washington (2 dis), 2:4894. 2:40, 2:43. Columbia, S. C Nov. 11. 1874, $75. Jupiter, 2 :08, 2 :04. Three-quarters of a mile. Piqua. O., May 26, 1875, .$1,000. Molly 4, Alice 2, Pat, Gen. Hood 1 (4 dis). Earnest Boy (2 dis), 2:41% 2:37'i, 2:40. 2:.37i/2, 2:38. 2:38. Cambridge City. Ind., June 1, 1875. $1,000. Kitty 1. 2, Echo .3, 4, James L.. Frank Reeves, Lady Hill (5 di"). Florence (5 dis), Richmond (3 dr), 2:34, 2:3414, 2:38'/2, 2:55, 2:54i/2, 2:.55. 2:.58'i. Tol-(lo,0., .July 14, 1875, $ . Anglo Saxon 2, Dan Howell 1, Frank. 2:39, 2:38^. 2:3894, 2:40. 2:43%. Cambridge City, Ind., Sept. 22, 1875, $ . Humming Bird 2, Joe Hoosier, Henry Todd, 2:50, 2:46, 2 :50i^, 2:51i;. Savannah, Ga., Nov. 18, 1875. $250. Robin Hood 2, 3 (4 dis), Sleepy Joe (4 dis), David Crockett (4 dis), Maud (4 dis), Faugh-a-ballagh (2 dis), 2:51}^. 2.57'-;, 2:52, 2:42. (i. Nelson, Deerfoot Park, L I., Nov. 27. 1879. $50. Nelly 1, 2:50, 2:50. 2:4214. B. Snedecor. Mineola, L. I., .June 14, 1878. $40 James M. Oakley 2, 3 (5 0), Gray Messenger (5 dr"), Mara- thon (3 dr), 2:44, 2:401/2. 2:37i4, 2:41, , 2:43. Sandy (w) b g (3:55 w). Hiram Woodruff, Union Course, L. I., Aug. 4, 1860, $ . Hoagland's blk s (w), Walker's entry (w). Fink's entry (w) (3 dr), 2:.5.5, 2:58, 3:02. Sandy ch g (3 ■.56}^). E. Struble, Greenville, Pa,, Oct. 4, 1872. $260. Sam C. 5, 6 (4 0). Mazeppa 1, 2. Froney, Douglass, Dick Hill, Black Maria, Keystone Girl (4 dr), 2:m^. 2:48. 2:m}4, 2:.51 2:.50, 2:,55i4, 2:51, 2:.52. Sandy, ch g (3 :35i4). Charles Dickerman; Catskill. N. Y.. Oct., 3, 1874, .$500. Catskill Girl, (2 0), Boy, Logan (3 dis). Gen. Benton (3 dis). New Dorp (3 dis). Lady Sill (3 dr). 2:.38, 2:38'/2, 2:35i4, 2:.36^. Oct. 5. 1874. $.500. Catskill Girl, Lady White, Onondaga Boy (2 dis) Carrie N (2 dr), 2:36, 2:3,514. 2:36. New Haven, Conn., Oct. 13, 1874, $l,6oo. Catskill Girl, High Cloud, Lady Sill. Lizzie Keeler, T. E. Gor- don, 2:36' 2, 2:361/2. 2:SS]4. Sandy, ch g(3:35'/o). S. D Houghton, Worcester, Mass.. .July [4, 1874, $200. Black .Tim, Topsy, Shipmate (2 dis), Mary (l dis). Lady Daisy (l dis), 2:4014. 2:42, 2:41%. July 15. 1874. .$300 Johnny Cranston, Seamstress, Sailor Boy, Lady Hale, Black Jim (l dis), Rob Roy (1 dis;'. 2:401^. 2:37, 2:.38i2. 2:.38i4. ^ S. W. Bemis. La\\TPncf. Massx Aug. 4, 1874, $250, Grace. '.', 4. J. S. Young 5, Blacksmith Maid 3, 2:35'/4, 2:37. 2:38, 2:39, 2:371^. 2:37';, 2:38'4. «20 CHKiSTKlfS COMPLETK TKOTTING AND PACING RECORD, S. D. Uougbton, Haverhill, Mass., Aug. 7, l»74, i.iW). Joe liipley2,3, Grace l, John Lambert, 2:3j, 2:36ii. 2:37, 2:36(j, 2:^6,2:36^4. Saiidv, cligc-iciO). T. Marvin, Daabury, Coiui.. Oct. 3, 1878, $150. Mohawk l, Cornwall Boy, Brown Dick (o ilr^ 2:43:^4, 2:40, 2:43}^, 2:45. Sauily ch g (3:0a>4). W. J. Kfllogg, New Milford, Gonn., Oct. ?, 1880, S105. Lady Deerwocd 2. .Jerry, Polly .loins. George i4dis). Mountain iJoy 1, ^3dis). Daisy (.3 dis;, Commodore (.2 dis), I'emnest Girl r2disK Prince (2 dis), 3:0.->, 3: liS*, , 3:02,'4. 3:03. Sandy Koku^. ') g (!* :4u). 1- 11. Uyer. Newcastle. Pa.. Oct. 3, 1879, SIOO. J)ixie Boy 1, John Porter 2, Beau- mi.nt. Sorrel Dick, Clay (4 dis;, 2:40, 2:4G'c, 2:4.1, 2;4j, 2:4.% Sandy C«>on ■ w i. blU g ^2 :44^ w;. 1. \\ oodruff. Union Course, L. I., Nov. 3. 1855, Sl.ooo. Lady Hill (w) (1 dis), 5:29. Two miles. Sandy F.. rn g. W. Heattie, Birmingliani. O.. Sejit. 18. 1882, S . J. O. B. 1. Bashaw Chief. No time. Sandy Lake, chg r'J:-*0>.i)- \\. 11. Bonner, Greenville, Pa.. July 3, 1873, S200. Black Prank 1.3(40). Clara C. 2, I'uss (o uis). Keystone Girl (i dis). Idle Boy (1 dis,', Kitty Clyde (1 dis), 2:o0?4, 2:4(J?4, 2:46?4, 2:46, 2:40i4. 2:41, 2:4;!. Sandy Morris, ch s (3:47), by U. R. Morris. L. P. Ferris, Woodstock, N. B., July 1, 1881, $100. Ironclad. 3:01,2:47. ^ Sant'ord Keith, ch g (2 :33'2). by Cuyler. dam Lady (Iregory. l)y Corbeau. T. Bruce, Richmond. Kv., August 8, 18H2. s!32.".. \\ ick 2. .Michael. Jessamine U dis). Pulcnim (3 dis), 2:44i/.. 2:42. 2:39^4. 2:39W. Lexnigton, Ky., Aug. 31, 1882, $500. Wick 1, 2. Jim Hill, Lena (2 dist.'Nannie Talbot (2 dis),2:34'4,2:36'4. 2:32'/j,2:32'.2. 2:;J4>t. San Jose Belle, blk ni (3:54>a). J. Larook, San Jose, Cal., July 24, 1809. .S2,000. Fillingham (2 dis), 3:17, 3.15. Sept. 1. 1871,82.5. Fannv l. 2, 2:.57'2, 2:57. 2:57Vi. 2:.'>4'^j, 3:02. San Juan IJelle (240Ji). \V. \\ oods, Santa Clara, Cal., Oct. 1 and 2, 1877, .«:150. Wabbler l. Lady Farmer 4, Zero, 2:43. 2:47?4.2:40V.i. 2:46K>. '-i:-H- San .Mateo Maid, ch m (2 :.51). bv Whipple's Hambletonian. Mr. Hule, San Francisco, Cal.. Oct. 28, 1870, $1,000. Wiiipple .3. Lady Babcock 1, 2:.')7, 2:.55. 2:54, 2:51. Three-year-olds. Sannie , 2:41'e. 2:41'4. 2:44|2, 2:4.5i4- J. H. Penman Xenia. O.. July 23, 1879, «300. Belle Henry 1, 2 (3 0), Elsie Groff 5 (3 0), Outlaw, 2:40. 2:43, 2 :40. 2 :44. 2 :44, 2 :47. 2 :45. W. II. Wilson. New London. O., Sei)t. 16, 1879, $1.50. Blue Bird (3 0). Kitty Clvde, 2:40, 2:40>i, 2:40, 2:41. Dayton, O., Sept. 20, 1879, $400. Lon Mayer 1 (3 0;, Minerva (3 dis), MarV Beimont (2 dis), 2:38><^, 2:331^, 2:36, 2:.35. 2:37. Albany, N. Y.. Sept, 7. 1880, .1i;450. Miranda 1, 2, Floretta. 2:34. 2:32, 2:31. 2:30^. 2:32)^. Lexington, Kv.. Oct. 15, 1880, $700. Donald, Wait-a-Bit, Marv Miller, Effie (i., Forrest Golddust, Don QuiX0te,'2:47i^. 2:45-'4, 2:46?4. Cynthiana, Kv.. Oct. 21 and 22. $1880, $300. Jerome 2, 3, Tolii Maid l, Alta, Molly Kistler, John E. (4 dr), 2:24J.o, 2:25%, 2:26^1. 2:27' 2, 2:31 '4, 2:30V6. SanH Souci, b m (2:32). by Happy Medium, dam by Sherman Black Hawk. J. H. "Whipple, Woodbury, N. J., July 4, 1877, .?17.5. Irene, Cora, Lady Monroe, Snowden. 2:47. 2:48^, 2:45. Wilmington, Del., July 13, 1877, $200. Lady Hodge, Sorrel Top, Frank, Rossell, Jack Frost, Mav (3 dr), 2:4,5. 2:44, 2; 1.5. Woodbnrv, N. J.. Sept. 20 and 21, 1877, $200. (ieorge Brooks l. Lilly Jackson, Hannah Clark. Frank, Wava, General. Lady Hodge. Little Fellow, 2 :43?4, 2:43U, 2:42, 2:40^. Doylestown, Pa.. Oct. 4 and 5. 1877. $200. James Wood 2, 3, George Brooks 1, Ladv Leigh. Robin Hood LadyHodge (6 dr). Kittv Cly (6 dr). Patchen Chief Jr, (4 dr), Tommy Dodd (4 dr), Hannah Clark (2 dr), 2:42',, 2:.H), 2:41^4. 2:40, 2:4i)'/2, 2:42}^. Wilmington, Del.. Oct 9, 1877, $200. James Wood 1, Lady Thornton, Allen Golddust, Lady Patchen Chief, Maggie, Addie E.G. (3 dr), 2:46, 2:44, 2:46?.,. 2:47. ' Point Breeze Park. Phila., Oct. 18, 1877, $200. Addie E. C, Cortlandt Boy, Lilly Jackson, James R., Little Fellow, Chief. Lumber Boy (2 dis), 2:33, 2:.36. 2:33i^. Pottstown, Phil., Oct. 24, 1877, $200. Tommy Moore, Addie E.G., Ironclad, Ladv Leigh, Transit, 2:35,2:34, 2:34. Santa Anna (s), b g (2 :54 s). J. E. Simmons. Cambridge. Mass., Nov. 13, 1839, $50. Prospect. Lady Sherman, 2:54 2 '56 Santa Anna, blk g (3:0fi). W. Wentworth, Rochester, N. H., Oct. 4. 1877. $30. Fantush, Nelly Martin, 3:15, 3:06,3:09. Four-year-olds. ^ „ Santa Anna, b g (2 :58). P. Ohls. Plalnfield. N. J., Aug. 7. 1875,$50. Tom Scott. Bella A., 2:.58, 3MU, 2:58^4. Santa Claus (2:48). Lorenzo Decker, Coi)ake, N. Y.. Ang.23, 1862. $100. Gilbert's b m 1. 2:48J^. 2:48, 2:50. Santa Claus (Count Kilrtish), b s(2:17'.;i. by Strathmore, dam Lady Thorne .Ir., by W illiams' Mambrino. P. A. Finigan. Oakland, Cal.. Sept. 2. 1879. .$750, Empress. Crown Point. Lady Sherman. Lady Gertrude, Fanny Forest. Dick Tiirpin. 2:28. 2:20'., 2:27. Winner Ave years old. Sept. 6. 1S79. .^800. Poscora Havward. Volunteer. Reliance d dis), 2:2.5. 2:.'?0. 2:2fit«. Stallions. Sacramento. Cal., Sept. 9. 1879.'$l.ono. Crown Point, Lady fJertrude. Dick Turpin. Fanny Forest (3 dis), Roanoke (3 dis). Dave (1 dis), Ladv Slierman il dis). 2:28. 2:;t0i.... 2;L'fii.,.. Sept. 11. 1879. $1,200. Belle H.,'Moinitalneer. Volnev. Keliora. Dave. Tamarack. 2:18. 2:22. 2:24. Stockton, c.-d.. Sept. 18. 1879, .$800. Magdallah. Tommy Stout (2 dis). Crown Point (l dis). Lady Gertrude (1 ilis\ Dave (1 dis). 2:22. 2:20. 2:21. „^ „. I'etalimia. Cal., Oct. 4, 1879, .« . Volunteer, Milton Meduim, 2:38, 2:3294, 2:37. Stallions. Oakland, Cal., Sept, 18, 1880. .?;7.50. Nutwood. 2:22. 2:24, 2:28. Sacramento, Cal.. Sept. 25. isso. $1,000. Nutwood, 1, 3, 2:22. 2:19%i, 2:24'5. 2:21 iU. 2:21. San Francisco. Cal.. Noy, 1.3, I88O. .S7.5n, Elaine, 1. 3. 2:20, 2:18 2:20';, 2:18U. 2:20. O, A. Hickok. P.eacon Park. Boston, Sept. 1.5, 1881. $10,000. Piedmont 2, ^^ edgewood. 2:17?4, 2:20^4, 2: 18. 2:19. Stallions. , , „ . „, „. Morrisania V V., Sept, 21. 1881. $5,000, Wedgewood, \ oltnire. H.^nnis. 2:20ii, 2:19?4. 2:21. Stallions. Rochester, N. Y,, Aug. 17. 18«2, .$4.000. Black Cloud 1. Jerome Eddy. 2:21^4, 2:2.5, 2:19, 2:20',. — — Poughkeepsie. N. Y.. Aug. 25, 1882, ,$3,000, Edwin Thoriii> 1, Minnie R.. 2:18?4, 2:21'4, 2:23, 2:20. Hartford, Conn.. Sept. 1. 1882. ,$3,000, Fannv Witbers|)Oon, 2:171,. 2:1994, 2:21».i. J. E. Turner. Cleveland, ().. Aug. 3, 1883. $2,000. William 11. , Adele Gould, J. B. Thomas, Minnie R., - — ^"Rochester, N.^".. Aug. IT. 1883. $2,000, J. B. Thomas 2, Minnie R., William H.. Adele Gould, 2:21, 2 :21>^, 2:23, 2:21 '4. Sappho, blk m (2:,'50). .Garrv Eaton. Huntington, L. I., Oct, 23, 1873. 350. Lady Arthur. Kate Darcy, 2:.50, 2:.55, 2:.54, July 5. 1875. .9100 Ladv Arthur, Bloody Man*. 2:.50, 2:,51. 2:.5?, Sarah (s)', b m (2:40 s), Ilir.ini Woodrufl. Beacon Course, N, J,, Oct. 11. 184.3, $75. William Tell (S). John Anderson (s) 2 (3 dis). Stranger (s) (1 dis), 5:41, 5:37. 5:39. Two miles. CHESTElt'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 621 Sarah (Viola and Hattie^.br in (2:38), by Morgan Prince. J. 'oaO. Black Jim 1, Nelly C., Burton.' Frank BellMi, Ivitty W., 2:48, 2:45, 2:40, 2:481^. ' Sarah, b ni (;J:"40'i). D. M. Ponieroy. Denyer, Col., Oct. .5. 1882, $225. Lady Truesdale 1 Mollv Lone II LeadvilleGirl, Almont Forrest (4 dr), 2:403^, 2:40',^, 2:4oM, 2:45;;^. luesu^ie 1, moiij i.ong, 11,. SarahB.. ch ni (a:41), by Holabird',s Etban Allen. J. Bacon, St. Albans, Vt., Sept. I, 1882 .SlOO Bcllevue Boy, Creeping Lucy, Nanette, Hpi-Hip, 2:48, 2:47ii, 2:481,1. . • • .^vuo Sarah Bernhar I iftlp Fraud, Sport, Careless Boy, 2:.37'2, 2:48i^, 2:48}^. 2:43'.^. Inconiple. ' "' ® Sarah Gould, blk m (342). Leander Peck, VVoonsocket, R. 1. Oct. 19, 187G, |150. Mountain Rose 5 6 (8 0) Silver Mine 3.4 (8 0), Eva. Blanche (3 dr). Raven 1 (2dis), 2:40, 2:47. 2:4914, 2:.iB4, 2:53>^, 2:57'/2', 2:4514! Westerly, R. I., Oct. 24. 1876. .§17.5. Lady Balch, Dexter Boy, Joe Shannon, 2:56',2,2-.54i4 2-52?i. Oct. 25. 1876. .$125. John S., Lady Balch, Joe Shannon, Little Annie, Dandy ( 1 dis), Helen 4(1 disi 9 ■i'^ui 2:48^,2:48^4:. ' ^^^h^.^o}^, George A. Grant. North Attleboro, Mass.. Sept. 22, I88O, $150. Melvin, Maud B., Little Wonder 2:42 2 :42, 2 :42i 2. Sarah Jane, gr nM3 :43). A. L. Rogers. Union Course, L. I., May 19, 1860, .$500. Agnes 1, Lady Mace (1 dis). 2:48^2. 2:42, 2:4.3i2* Sarah Jane, b m (3:3914). Hiram W. Howe, Prospect Park, L. I., May 10, 1871. .$ . Nelly Grant, 2:401^ 2:40^2, 2: 409.1 ■ * * R. Tuttle, Deerfoot Park, L. I., Aug. 26, 1874, S400. Lizzie Adams 2 (l 0), Ellen Mary. Mack Ladv Rl-ick- havvk (3 dr), Tom Wonder (1 dis), Lizzie (1 dis), 2:42, 2:40, 2:41. 2:41'2, 2:39>4. ' •* "'"^'^ Fleetwood Park, N. Y., May. 23. 1877, .§200. Lovely B. 3, 2:47, 2:48'.i, 2:44, 2:45l.', May 25. 1877, $200. Lovely B.. 2:43. 2:40'/2. 2:42'2. Sarah Palmer, b m (3:47?i). G. Palmer. Toronto. Ont., May 31, 1877, $100. Glo,ster Norwav Rov T p<»hAr ville Girl, Capt. Mack, 2:48,4, 2:48!,'4. 2:47?^. " i>"iw » -• » .May 0, 1873. $:oo. Crazy Jane, Belle of Orange, 2:434, 2:42!4, 2:41 i/i. Saratoga Spa. N. Y.. July 10, 1875, .$200 Pickles 1, 4, Mary Lamb, 2:49, 2:43i;. 2-46 "-46 '>-50 Saratoga, chm (3:41). G. Wells. Wheeling, W. Va.. Oct. 21, li874, $100. Flirt. Restless '2 (4 (lis) Kentucky Jim (3 dis), Biddy Lynch (1 dis), 2:50, 2:42. 2:41,2:4314. n^cui,ui,R.y Saratoga Hoy, b g (3:45). M. McNamara, Fleetwood Park, N. Y., June 9, 1874, .$ . Gertrude 1 2:49i£ 2:bl%,, 2:4.5, 2:464. ' " Saratoga Prince, br g. Ed. Patrick, Plattsmouth, Neb., Sept. 23, 1880, $25. Gail Hamilton 206\ 1-05V^ Three-year-olds. Half-mile Heats. ' > • --• Sardine, b g (3:00). F. S. Palmer, Portland, Me., Nov. 3, 1866, $25. Graham Boy 3. 4, 3:01, 3:00. 2:.58, 3:00, Sarley K., chg(3:35). L Waixel, Chicago, III., Aug. 16,1876, $150. Milton T. 3, Minnie Tavlor Hiehland Maid, Lucy Normal (1 dis), 2:40'2.2:4G;4;- 2:.50. 2:46. ' »" ^"^ " June 13, 1877, .$50. Iowa Boy 1. 2, 2:40'2. 2:39ii, 2:35, 2:39'2. 2:391/4. Sarpedon, b s (3:49). S. C. and W. L., Hopi)ock, Hunterdon Co., N. J„ Sept. 26, i860 $40 Lens Island Jackson, Bellow's bs, (Jray S:iladin, 2:504. 2:49. Stallions. u g loiaim Sept. 24, 1863, .$40. Wild Arab 1. Bellow's b s. 6:00,6:08, 6:12. Two miles. Sarpedon. br g (3:40). P. Kilborn. Salinas, Cal.. Oct. 6. 1883, $1.50. Joe. Sorrel Ben. 2:41U. 2-40 2-43 Sarsaparilla. ch s (3:38). Hiram Woodruff. Union Course. L. I., Oct. 17, 1854 .$3 000 Empire '"-39 ''•38 Sim Hoagland, June 20. iS.'iT. $2,000. Plough Boy. 2:;57'2, 2:.38. 2:40. ' ' ,-..-.. Satinet, b s(3:39). P. Wadsworth, Chicago, 111., June 19, 1808, $100. Plough Boy l, 2 (4 dis), 2:44, 2:42 Satinet, gr m (3 :38^). J. H. Gallagher, Earlville, 111., Sept. 1, 1871, $200. Fanny Greenman 4 Amelia'? (xray Bill, Hot Foot (5 dr), Tom Wonder (3 dr), 2:42'/2. 2:41 14. 2:42]^, 2:4494. 2:41i/2.' Sati Sati .$400. Sunlight, jiambrino Belle. 2 :47. Endicott, Neb., Oct. 6, 1883. $ . Cwlone, Brown .lim. 2:44, 2:46. 2:22. Saucy Kate (w), l)rm (3:45 w). E. T.Ashley, Unadilla, N. Y., Sept. 12, 1857, .8 . G''n)sv 3 (4 dis") 2-'5.>> 2:494.3:14,2:45. jy^y o ynii^;,^.oo. Saucy Sal. br m (3 :38). Wiley and White, Monroeville. O., June — , 1867, ,$50. Lady Woodman Bradv Mare (2 dis). Honest Goerge (2 dis), 2:.57. 2:43. ' ' Saul, (3:55). San Francisco, Cal.. March 4, 1872. .$60. Brown Dick 2, Belle. :!:07u;, 2 :.55 •'>:.55 3-01'2. Saul, bg (3:411^), by Administrator, dam by Tornado. G. G. Sharpstein. Pouglikeepsie, N. Y Sep. 23 1875 .$.300. Camon. Undine 1, (4 dis). 2:421^.2:424. 2:48'^o,2:41V^. Five-vear-olds. i . "1 Saulsbury, bg (3 :57). .M. E. Colder, Chico, Cal., Oct. 2, 1872, $.300. Revenue 2.3. (4 dis) Tyler (4 dis) Comet (4 dis), .fohn (1 dis). 3:04. .3,03, 2:57'2.2:.57. Saunder's Bay Stallion, (3:47). Win. H. Saunders. Afaulus. N. Y.. Sept. 2.5, 1861. $ — -. Turk, True John 2:47. 2:.54, 2:.54. « ' Savage's Bay Gelding, (3:45?4). A. M. Savage. Augusta, Me., Sept. 25, 1866, $ . Charley O'Malley, 2:4654 2:4554. 2:.50. ' ' ' Scalpel (Rodney McPherson), ch g (3 :34'/4), (3 :39*). J. Black, Davenport, la.. Sept. 10, 1803, $115. Tom Hyer, 2 .38, 2:35. William Patrick, Kalamazoo, Mich., Sept. 24, 1863, $300. Silas Rich 4, Magna Charta 1 2 (5 r o) 2-31 2:31,2:3.5,2:35 2:37.2:38'.. " • - Galesburgh, Mich.. Oct. 15, 1870. $120. Perry, 3:01i/j, 2:59, 2:56!4. r June 2, 1871. $120. Blue Eagle, Undine. 2:49. 2:48, 2:46. Scandinavian, br g (3:37). by Vermont Black Hiwk'Jr. P. V. Johnston. Santa Cruz. Cal.. Aug 3 1883 $400. Frank Moscow. Rowdy Bov2. (4 died), 2:33. 2:.3054. 2:29, 2:27. J. W. Donathan, Sacramento, Cal., Sept. 1.5, 1883, $1,000. Hazel Kirke 3, Barney R. 1, Le Grange, Sister 2:.32. 2:.30, 2:33. 2:.32'4. 2:.33i4. Scar Face Charley, blk g (3:431, \ P. Dwver. Prospect Park, L. I., May 28. 1874. $1(K). Jersey John 1 5 (2 0), Lady .Joe (5 dr), 2:.504. 2:4714, 2M\4', 2:48'/o. 2:49. 2:4214. Schelia, blk m (3 :43). G. W. Flowers, Kingston, Ont., Oct. 11. 1882, $100. Farlev D., Ed Hanlan. 3:10, 3:08, 3:10. 622 OUKSTEK'S COMl'LETE TROTTING AXD PACING RECORD. ——A. Carson Picton, Out... July 20, 1883. S70. .St. Lawrence Belle l, Barney, 3:00, 2:55, 2:50, 2-50 hcholiurie (^ :i>3j. J. lowiiSLiiil, W ilkesbane, I'a., June 12, issu, $W. Spurt u clisj. 3:0.j. 2-53 !»clioii.niii. clima:44;. S. AioiitgonKiy, I'orilaiid, Oregon, Oct. 1, 1874, jjiiw. Shoo Fly, 5:34, 5:28. Two ^*'.V."7 V.^i'^J-.H^'" ^" =***^- ^^^- ^'""''^'■' liiileigh. N. C, Aug. U, 1879, S35. Henry Clay 1, Jenny Morgan (2 dr), School Girl (biackwood Belle), br in (3:30^4), by Blackwood, dam Victoria, by Abdallali. G B ririch , 7hM i'.'.^' li'x^T,- ,"*; ^' 'i'^.V- -•^'''■" A""""t, Little Billy, Nelly Bank, Elora Mclvor, VinnieGoiddust — — .Sept. 21, l(>><2. S;ioO. Alien AIniont. Lewis Dolphin, Red Bank (2 dr). 2:47?^, 2:4t>>4,2:49 School .Uaster, I) g (3:39>4). E. Hubbard Jr. Keene, N. H., Oct. 15, 1874, 4=300. DeanToeorgeR Marv Nellv ., ••;.,^"'^"''.Mi""^"^"^"""'^--'^""">' i^i''«i-eiir, LncleBilU2dis), Little ilidget i2 d is;, Helen \l dis/, 2-40. ^4^''/''4''l^'''Vu*''^^^^^^^ Black Jack 2, 3, Regardless 1, Gifford Boy (4 dis), 2:41^, **''" """Ts 3(«"^ '^*'*"' ^'^ ^^^^' ^' ^ ^'=^'""»»^''^''' «oslien, N. Y., Aug. 26, 18C9, $ — . Zelipha, Hoyfs b g. ^•'''.5*.*['='.'^!ig""^ ^""^ ^ ^ ^''^■^^ '■'''> ^- ^reder. Hall's Track, L. I., Aug. i, 1872, $1,000. Pleasure Boy (w) 2, 3:04^, ®*''t 'Vm'r.^'' W'^^\ ,^I- !?• '^'ri'^sdell, Aas.sar, Mich., Oct. 24, l»83, S150. Bay Stale 2, Alferetta, William 1., l.ulle .Jew, _':4i, 2:r>0. 2:o0, 2:4a. ^•''*."-^ !'*!/' '^fe'/-;.'*^''-'), by Gooding's Chan)pion, dam by Andy Johnson. C. E. Tuttle. Geneva. N. Y.. May 31, 18»_'. ?J0u Bonny i>.. Carrie B.. Lena, loiii Mecklev. Bob Stewart(3dn 2-3t:W„ •'■345i "-33^ 7..JS "^^' 1882, «;:;00. Mora 1, Canoga Chief , Tom Me'ckley, Russie Hill, Bob Stewart, 2:39'/,, 2 :36'/t, 2:38 -— \V. Slack, Albany, N. Y., June 20, 1883. Sl,000. Stephen G. 1, George D. Sherman, Fanny Irwin, Jenny, — Mystic Park, Boston Sept. 5 and 6. 1877. $1,000. Pratt 1, 2 (7 0), Neilson. Morris, Little Gem, Juno. Glenair. Richard B. (5 dr), Annie E. (4 dri, 2:30. 2:31>/2, 2:31^. 2:30. 2:3014, 2:30i.i. ' — Beacon 1 ark IJoston, Sept. 12 and 13. 1877. $1,000. Pratt 1,2, Ed. Getchell 3, Neilson, Morris, Lady D.. Glenair (1 (lis). 2:29, 2:28, 2:27,2-29'/o ''•31»i 2''G j ■^•> Sept. 14, 1877. -ilJi.ooo. Kitty, Little Gem, Morris (1 dis), Dio (1 dis), 2:28, 2:28?^. 2-2854'. ^o|(i7^^,".',9"'"^' ' '^ept. 19, 1877, $1,000. Pratt U4 0), Morris, Little Gem, Neilson, 2:28, 2:26, 2:31 5!i, Sept. 21 1877, $1,000. Pratt 2. 3. Little Gem. Morris, 2:31. 2:29. 2:3514. 2:31^4. 2:31U. -—-Seneca l'i'J'«- N- J.. Juik- 27. 1878, $200. C harley B. 1. 3, Lady Star 2, 4 (7 dr), Blue'Mare. No time. Aug. 2. lb. 9, .$200. lorn heeler, 2:285^. 2:30. 2:2814. Schuyler Boy. (3:46 1. Utica, N. Y.. July .5, 1869, $ . Billy Seward 2, 3, 2:47, 2:45^, 2:50. 2:50, 2:46. 3"lV5*'"'^55'3-o*'i '" *~'^^^- ^"'- Hiinchberger, Lancaster. Pa., July 5, 1875, $ .' Louise, Bessie Turner, Sciola, (Kate Wesner, Floiiest Trotter and Katyd id), b m (2 :23i4 ). bv the Hanshaw Horse. B. J. Johnson. o o«"., ..o'o l,' ^"^- ^^' ^^'^- *^°°- ^'"'«' '^""'' '^Vagner's Bashaw, Fanny Robinson, Silky B., Indicator. -Earlville 111., Aug. 21, 1879. $500. Elsie Groff 1, Silky B., Indicator, David H., Little Sam, Granger. Mambniio Hippy (2dis). 2;;i3,2:.3.i, 2:3,3i/>. -':32?4. , '- laugci, ;^^AuS- '-2-'. 1S79. $500. Convoy, Wagner's Bashaw, Foxie V., Dakota Maid, Fanny Robinson. 2:28, 2:29^. D(~s Moinos, la., Sept. 3, 1R79. $1,000. W'ill Codv 1, Nettie Ward, 2:.'?2. 2:29.2:32. 2:;n. Kaiis;isCity, Mo.. Sept. 2,5. 1879,81,000. Harry 2, McCurdy's Hambletonian, Convov, Champion Girl Ada Paul. 2:28, 2:26, 2:27;.,. 2:28. Cincinnati, O., Oct. 10. 1879. .^51.000. Wedgewood 2. 3, Champion Girl, McCurdy's Hambletonian, Aldine Convoy, Fashion, Ike Marvel d dis). 2:2.5. 2:23ii.2:26'». 2:26?4. 2:28. Lexington. Ky.. Oct. 14 and 1.5. 1879, $700. Convoy 1,4, So So 3, John E.. Coaster, 2:-23l4,2:23U •>'>4 2:23'.i. 2:24K., 2:27y. > ^-jt "741 — 1« ciiilieotire, O,. ()ct. 23 and 24, 1879. .8225. Kilbuck Tom, pacer 4. 5, Tom Brown. Ancient Order Bov Ohio Maid, pacer 1 (5dis), BlackFrank. 2:.'«,2:32, 2:31. 2:30».o. 2:31. 3:00. .1. W. Johnson. Morristown, N. J., Sept. 2, 1880, $250. Peralto 1, 2. Carbolic 5, Phil Dwyer (5 dis), 2-29»i. 2:2914. 2:30, 2:.''4i<>. 2:.'!3. 2:.';6"2. .' v /. • -*, ( w) Plainnehl, N. .1., .Sept. 29. 1880. $100. Ladv Pilot (w).3:0.'«i4. 2:.59i4, 2:54. 15, J. .Johnson, Marshailtown. la.. June 24, 18"81, $400. Loafer 1, Farmer Boy, Envoy 2:27?i, 2:26U, 2-29. Unrinislied. Boone. la.. .Tuly 10. 18S1, .?4no. Sucker Maid. Loafer, 2:.35, 2:34. 2:35>i. Mendota. HI.. Aug. 12. 18.><1. .? . Big Soap. Clover. Gloster. 2;2h?4, 2:2C?4. 2:28=^. Lawrence, Kan., Sei)t. 7. I8KI. .$1,000. Loafer 1. Lady Thorne. 2:31?.i, 2:27^4. 2:28. 2:30. A. MeDowell. Sept. 8, 1881. .$.500. Mattie Graham, Loafer, Fairmont, 2:,S3i4. 2:27ii. 2:285li. B. J. Johnson. Cliarleston. 111., Aug. 5. 1882. $140. Kentucky Girl l. Gray Henry. Fancy Day, NettleR. (2(lis), 2:29-'4',2:29. 2:26. 2:31K>. Toi)eka, Kan.. Sept 1.5. 1882, .ffiOO. Loafer. Will Codv, 2:28. 2:27. 2:C8'i. Kansas Citv. Mo.. Sept. 20, 1882, ,?800. Lucy 3, Loafer 4, Little Sioux, Billy Bov (1 dis), 2:30. 2:31. 2:28U, 2:291/.. -^ Dallas, Tex.. Nov. 8, 1882. $500. Big Soap. Executor. 2:27K'. 2:2514. 2:24ii. .1. ".. Osborne, Soinerville. N. J., Oct. 4, 1883. $120. Star, ^lanhattan, 2:33»i, 2:.^3';. 2:;!6'i. Sciota Hell*", br rn (3:38). by Nigger Baby, dam a Morgan Mare. W.B.Leonard, Florence, Ky,Aug. 31, 1875. .WOO. Nellv Mav 3. Mistress 1. six others. 2:47, 2:43''4'. 2:43. 2:42. 2:42. Sept. 1. 187,5. .$2.50. " Mistress. Nellv Mav, five others. 2:4.T 2:43',. 2:4.3. C. B. Hunt. Cynthiana, Ky., Sept. 22. 187.5. $rM. Rosewood 2, 4. Gnmball. Ed. M.Wright, .John Clay (4 dr). George (3 dis). Mat Brewer (3 dis). Nelly Mav (2 dis). Bianea(2 dis), Crice d dis), Parepa (1 dis), 2:29W, 2:32^. 2:.32, 2:.35»4. 2:,34?4'. Sclpio. b K f 3 :3fl>. Henry Seale, San Jose, Cal.. Oct. 1. 1873. $300. Dan Voorliees. Brilliant. Ladv Hamilton. 2 :,3f.. 2 :.?6. 2 :.38. SclHHors. b m (3 -.nii). by Monogram, dam Snide, by the Knight Horse. B. F. Maxinn, Readfleld. Me., Oct. 3, 1883, $2.3. Fairbank's chg. Sylvester's br m, Jennv P., Herrick's Entry, Wooster's Entry (2 dr), 2:55, 2:55, 2:,55. Scot.<-h Chief, b g (3 :4«). E. F. C.eers. Mobile. Ala,, Dec. 4, 1878, $175. Spiderl, 3, Emma, George Johnson, Fred Tyler (3 dr), 2:42'/^, 2:46. 2:44, 2:46f4, 2:50. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TKOTTING AND PACING RECORD. 623 Scotchman gr g (2:38). O. Hort, Centreville, L. I., May 3, 1861, .$50. Honest Peters, 2:47, 2:43i4,2.41'/i,2:38. Saneei-fleUl N. Y., July 4, 18G1, $luo. Jack Potter i3dr^ 2:44,2:54, . Scotland blk g ri :a3'"), by"Boiiiiy Scotland, ilani Wateiwitch. by Pilot Jr. J. C. Foster, Coliuiibus, O., July 2, IST.-i' $13. Stony Branch 1, George Johnson 2, Netty Ward 4, Doctor Rush v,2 disj, Mayor Bn-d (.2 dis;, 2'"35 '''34 "SO's, 2:.3G'-o, 2:35Kv 2:31). 1 liiiv'ton, O.. June 22, 18T5T fli.soo. George Johnson 4, Lady Maud 1, Stony Branch, Cora (5 dr). Belle Philims (.o'dri. Red Line (4 dis), German Girl (4 dis), 2:4U'2, 2:42^^, •_':44?i, 2:40:'^, 2:4l'o. .Imie •>4 1875, .^Soo. George Johnson 3, Frank Davis, Bill Collins. 2:oSi/o, 2:42, 2:39, 2:38?4. ^V. H. Doble, Ambler Park, Pa., Sept. 21, 1870, ■•^400. Delaware 2, 4, Mattie Lyle, 2:34, L':34Vi, 2:.36, 2:30, 2*30 1 Woodbury, N. J., Oct. 17 and 18, 1876, $350. Mattie Lyle 4, 5, Maggie M. l, Venus, Fanny Atwood. 2:34, 2-3514,, 2:'33. 2:34'». 2:35, 2:34?a. . f Q Foster, Cleveland, O.. July 25 and 26, 1877, $2,500. Rose of Washington 5, 6, Damon 2, Deception 8, Kill" Philip 1, George 7, Carrie Ni, Dred (9 dr), Dan Bryant (,6 dr). Nil Desperanduin (0 dr;. Rip lup t6dr), Thoninson i4 'dn,2:21, 2:23J£, 2:23^4, 2:22'2, 2:27, 2:28'2.2:32, -:25, 2:27 '2. Utica, X. Y., August 15, 1877. 4;2.5(X). Dan Bryant 1, Dame Trot, Rose of Washington, Knig Philip, Nil Despenuulum.'Bateman, West Liberty, 2:24. 2:i;4, 2:251^, 2:24. Dovlestown Pa., Oct. 5, 1877, $700. Hannah D., Deluv/are, 2:29J^, 2:30, 2:33J4. yiX' Hollv X J.. Oct. 10, 1877, .S500. Ladv Kildeer 1, Hannah D., 2:33, 2:32. 2:36, 2:36. "w.'h. Doble. Suffolk Park, Phila., May 13, 1879, $500. Henry, Richard, Kansas Chief (1 dis), 2:25J4, 2:26, — ^Belmont Park. Phila.. May 27, 1879, .$500. Richard, Gray Salem, Henry, 2:25^, 2:23'/4. 2:26^. Dover Del.. Sept. 26, 1879, $1,000. May 1, 2, Jersev Boy, Irene, 2:28, 2:27%, 2:2514, 2:20, 2:31. Mt Holly, N. .1., Oct. 9. 1879, .$6(M). Hannis 1, Envoy (3'dr). 2:33}^, 2:31, 2:3i;'4„ 2:31 (w), R. Cunningham. Belmont Park, Phila., June 29. 1882, $ . Lady Crossin (w) 1. 2:34, 2:32, 2:30i4. Scotland Maid (Georgie M.), b m (,» :38i4), bv Hambletonian, dam Tiusty, by Marlborough. D. Cook, White Plains, N. Y., Nov. 8. 1871. .$300. Capt. Bovd l. Fox (w), 2:47»4, 2:48. 2:46i:i, 2:47'o. John Denton, Prospect Park. L. 1., Sept. 10, 1872, $100. Carrie White, Fanny Osborn, Ida Fulton (1 dis), 2:3tPi. 2:.36, 2:4:j. Sept. 12, 1.872. .$100. Belle of Vermont 2, Butterfly (1 dis), George Gillett a dis). Belle of Hartford (1 dis), 2:34io. 2:35. 2:39'2, 2:43';. Decrfoot Park. L. I., .lulv 4, 1873. .$200. Slippery Dick 1. Ladv Woods. 2 :42^, 2:41, 2:40, 2:38. 1. E. Herrnig. White Plains, N. Y., Oct. 9, 1873, .$200. Emma Russell, 2:37'.;, 2:38i4,.2:409i. X. Herring. Prospect Park, L. I., Oct, 25. 1873. $1,000. Dixon 1. 2, 2::if^'i. 2:38'2, 2:35. 2:36i4. 2:42. K. Fletcher, May 30, 1874. $800. Mystic 1. 3. Ben Smith 5, Lady Brisban (3 dis), 2:29. 2:28"2, 2:271^, 2:30, 2*34 2 '33^4,. '- j! E. Herring. Spring Valley, N. Y.. Sept. 29. 1875, $100. Judge Robertson, Col. Campbell. 2 41, 2:35>4, 2::?f;i.-. Scott Parker, ch s ■ '3 :.50i, bv Blue Bull, dam Marv. H. S. Shultz, Monmouth. 111., Sept. 7, 1882, $175. Lady Milli-r. Sum Cox. 2:51'2, 2:.".0. 2:.i0. Scott's Chief, b g i'3:'33), bv Fisher's Edwin Forrest, dam Ladv Rice, bv ^Vhitehall, R. ^I. Anderson. Nash- ville, Tenn.. Sent. 25, 1873, $150. Octoroon 1, Jenny B., Edinburgh, Woburn, Frank Crawford (1 dis), 2:43, 2:4014, 2:42^4. 2:"4214. Oct. 9. 1.87.;, $.500. Frank Craw^ford, Ross, Delia (1 dis), 2:.30'^4, 2:36'2. 2:40. S. C. Black. East Saginaw. ?.Iich.. June 19, 1879, $800. Big Soap 4, Brigadier 1, Chance, Abdallah Boy, Kate Middletou. 2:2(;, 2:2;i, 2:24. 2:2714. 2:24. Scott's Hambletonian. l)r s (3 :01?i), by St;ir Hambletonian. A. D. Scott, Sandusky. O.. Sept. 23, 1879, $20. Fred, Px'ince, John H., Brown Jenny, Fleetfoot Hunter, Charles Miller, Plough Girl. Alice, 3:03, 3 :029i, 3:01?4. Scott's Thomas, b s (2 :21). bv Gen. George ?T. Thomas, dam Lady Rice, bv Whitehall. H. Douglas. Dayton, O., July 3, 1876. .$400. L. V. Caldwell, Matt Brewer, Dayton Maid (1 dis). Dock (1 dis), Sweet William (Idis), 2:3614 2:39, 2:41. 0.v), Thos. O'Connor, Atlanta, Ga.. March 5, 1878, $ . Minnie Tavlor 2, 4, 2:42^6, 2:40, 2:42i.^, 2:42i^. 2 :40. Toledo. O., Julv 18 and 19. 1878, $1,000. Ancient Order Bov 2. 3 (id). S. S.,Ellsworth 5 (4 0). Bay Dick, Charles W. WooUev, Col. Dawes. Indianapolis (2 dis). 2:34. 2:.3'l. 2:27, 2:29.2:29, 2:33, 2:31. Cleveland. O., Julv 25, 1.878, $1,000. Indianapolis, 2, 4. Charles W. Woolley 3, Col. Dawes, Bay Dick, Up and Up, Gum Ball i3 dr). 2:22?^, 2:21. 2:l'.^>i-.,. 2:21, 2:21ii, 2:241*. Utica, N. Y.. August 15 and ic. 1878. $1,000. CoL Dawes 5, 6. Pliil l, 2. Charles W. Woollev 3, Newbrook, 2:26i4, 2:2314. 2:25^. 2:24. 2:24%. 2:28^4'. 2:24, 2:2414. Hartford, t^onn., Ausrust 22, 1878, $1,000. Charles W. "Woollev. Indiananolis. .Emulus. Volunteer Maid, Phil (1 dis). 2 :25. 2 :24. 2^23. A. J. McKlmmin. Prophetstown, 111., August 9 and 11, 1879, S400. Will Codv 1, 2, Ella Earl 4, 5, Cozette, John H..2:2594. 2:26. 2:28i4, 2:29, 2:271^, 2:25',, 2:271*. .Scow IJov. br g (3 :4«). Jesse R. Wood, Goshen. N. Y.. Sept. 8, 1864. $ . Chestnut Gelding. SallvHigham, 2:46.2:51. Scrabbler, ch g (3 :5l \ Jones & Pearsall, Bay City. Mich.. Mav 23, 1878, $100. Saginaw Girl, Lady Jolly, 2:52. 2:.51'/2,2:.53. Pentwater, Mich.. June 27, 1878, $100. Stop, Lady Truesdell, Lady Clifton, Little Dan (2 dr). 2:54. 2:54, 2 :51. Scramble (3:4314). F. M. Andrews, Burlington, la.. July 4, 1882, $ . Golden Gate, Spotted Fawn, CoL West, Sallv C. 2:48. 2:48. 2:49. J. D. Alger, Minneapolis. Minn., Sept. 6, 1882, $250. Prioress 1, 2. Gold Seal 3, 6, David R., 2:49, 2:46, 2:43^, 2:43'^, 2:44, 2:45, 2:46. .Scratch, b g (3 :47 ). Phillip Duffv, Deerfoot Park. L. I.. Sept. .3. 1874, .$.'50. Liniment 1 (2 dis), 3:09. 2:47. J. Farrell. Sept. 9. 1874. $200. Lot Lot. Victorv. Pacer. 2:.52i4, 2:.53, 2:.51. J. Turner, Nov. G and 7. 1874, $.500. Charlev. Milkmaid. Black Colt. Diamond (3 dr), Dick Goodwin (3dr), Grav Dick (3 dr), S-.om. 2 :49. 2 :.50. .Screw I>river (si, ch g (3 :52!i w). (3:402,,' s), by American Comnninder. dam by I\It. Holly, Jamaica. L. L, Mav 16. 1826. .$200. Screws ("s), Betsy Baker (s), 5:36, 5:38. Two miles. fsi. Philadeh)liia, Pa., May 15, 1828, .Saoo. Betsv Baker (s). Topgallant (s), 8:02, 8:10. Three miles. (w), C. Voornees, Beacon rourse. X'. J.. Julv 12. 1841. $100. Mmgo (w). 2:,55, 2:.52>o. Screw Driver, ch g (3:57i. A. G. Parker. Pohtiac. Mich., .Time 6, 1871. $100. Bav Kittv, Lapwing (3 dis), (;rav Fox (2 dis). 2:.57. 3:0.3. 2:.57. Screw Driver, rn g f2 :37), bv Tibbett's Patchen. J. H. Fifield. Laconia, N. H.. Sept. 21, 1880, $40. Topsy Jr., Doctor Tanner, Topsy, 2:.56. 2:53, 2:.52. Sept. 21, 1881. $1.50. Honest Lvon. Fannv Irwin. Moxv. Tommv Rogers. Topsv D.. 2:38, 2:.37. 2:38. Rochester, N. H.. Sept. 27. 1882, .$200. Zelda 3. 4, Maud Mnller, 2:40, 2:.36i4, 2:.38i4, 2:35. 2:36i^. Scrogffins (Frank Mason), ch g ( 3 :3 1 1. Dr. Searight, Harrisburgh, Pa., June 22, 1869, $200. Sasarack 2, 2:46( 2:47!4. 2:4214, 2:46. Lancaster, Pa., June 14, 1869, $100. Sasarack, Auburn George, 3:01, 2:47J4, 2:48^. 624 ( HK.VIKKS COMri.ETE TUU'ITING AND PACING KECOKU. Asa Wilson, (.•uinlnTland, Md., Oct. 4, 1870, §75. lliatoga, Mouulaiiieer, 3:10. 3:01, 2:.51. O. W. Willisoii, isaliiiuore, Md., June 2, 1871, $l,:;&u. W liilc iMouiitaia 1 (3 di j, Elleu Davis (1 dls) 2-ai 2:3o. 3:08. ' ' ' Zanesville, ()., .linn' 7, 1871, ■'M.'OO. Uiown 'Joni. SilversiUes (3 lUs), Fuzz i2 dis), 'J:52, 2:44i,», 2-351-4 .June 8, 1871, j.too. Brown 'loni 4, r.. l' \:::/. 1, MlVfisUU-s i4 dis), 2:45, 2:ilU. 2:44}..., 2:45'j, 2-4y 2^40 Frank Mason, Nuwark, O., Ocl. 0, Ks-.l, 5^1.^0. Kockt-t. 2:41, 2:311,2:30. " ' > • • StToiiiiev, b g va:45). C. E. Mosln r. .MaiKliu>.UT. N. 11., Oct. 2i), 1870, *150. Erencli Uov. Bhu-k Diamond Dick Nl'Uv. Jupiter AbdallalM-' dn, iJiilv 15oy c2 ilisj, 2:..o, 2:02, 2:6U. 8«a KoV, b j{ (•■i-''i'>hii- ti.Gilinaii. l-ccnoot lark. J.. 1., .Seiit. 25, 1880,^200. lirown Diek. 2:37, 2-3(j'i ■'•a5', .Sea Urvi:'£e,gv li C-i-'i-i-hi). Kobi-rl 1.. Ual. l;i< linioiid, \ a., Nov. 30, 1858, *1, 100. Eaimv \\ itkliam'i.ady Gray. Sijuaw, 31 :.">5. I'cn niili-s. Sea IJreeze, cli ni (« :48j. li. Deinpsli-r, Easloii, I'a., Si'i'l- 17, 1SU9, :^35. Drovur 4, 5, Itoyai ( liarley 1 Awful Lady Frost (4 dr), 3.(»6, 3:02, 3:08, 3:001-2,^:14. 3:07. ■ ' • Nazareth, I'a.. (>cl. 8. 1800, .SIOO. Fanny Fisher 2, \\ arrior, 2:55, 2:52. 2:48. 2:."j2. Si'ii I'oam. eh ni (« :50i. G. D. JSliikr, J'orllaud, Me., May -5 and \.tj, 1865. *I00. Susan, 2:.-o 2-51 2-53 o\ 1 Se:irlion), iMe., June 21, l). T. J. llolley, t'hicat^o. 111., June 11, IKiiO. j.,j(i('. Tom I'.rady, •^-.Wiiy,. 2:43U, 2:45 .1. Carver, .lune is, 1800, ij225. Bay Tom. Tom 'loniey, Kate iia/.;ird, 14, 2:31-'4,2:30i!a. ' ^ ^ - , June 29, 1871, §1,000, Eastern Boy 1, Andy Johnson, Helen, Ella Elhvood (4 dri, 2-32y 2-.'« 2-37 2:3.5;^. Prospect Park, L, I., Oct, 18, 1871, §1,200. Susie 2, Charles E. Loew, Harry Harley. 2:30. 2:26Si 2-28 2:29'j. Fleetwood Park, N. V.. Oct. 23, 1871. .?2.000. American Girl (w) 3, 2:30'2, 2:29^, 2:30. 2:32^. .lohn Trout. Point liret ze Park, I'liila., May 26. 1875, .*1..")00. lilanclie. ( lemeiitine Ed. W hite. IMay Bird, Barnev KcUv. Susie P;irkei-. Major Koot, Koyal (ieorge, 2:24}^, 2:25' «. 2:25. Prosi/ect Park, L. 1.. .luue 1. 1875, Sl..''.(iO. Blanche 2, Jubilee Lambert. Clementine. Charley (ireen Koyal <;eori;e. Mav Bird. Barney Kelly. Kitty D. (4 dr), 2:26' 2. 2:25, 2:25. 2:25^4. iJeacon Park, Boston. June 24, 1875. S;i,5(iO. Coniee 3. 6. Vanity Fair 5, SjJOtted Colt l.Toni Keeler, John H. (5 dis). Georjie (4 dis). 2:2(1^4, 2:26. 2:20. 2:27,2:28. 2:3014.2:301/4. Sealskin, hr in Ci -.'Mil Eli Smitli, Oskaloosa, la.. July 4, 1K72. $100. Babe. John Baptist. 2:39, 2:30, 2:37. Seaman's liiack Gehling^r. (3 :50;. P.. II. Seaman, JMineola, L. L, Sept. LO. 1880, ft40 Sanimis' b g. Simon- soiTs rn g, 2:.5H. 2:.">5. 2:55'.;. .Seamstress, ch m (8:.38(j). W. M. Maudell, Barre, Mass.. Sept. 25, 1874, .«500. Edna 1. 2:44. 2:42i/i, 2:41. 2:52^4. .Sebastnpol. eh s (3:.53). Pliiladeliihia, Pa., June 24, 1857, $ . Buckskin, 2:.58. 2:54. •^■.iA%. Oct. 31, 18,57, §100. .lenny l.ind 1, 4 (5 0), 2:59}^., 2:54i/2, 2:52, 2:50i/2. 2:,52'.o, 2:55. Secret, b ni ri-M'iW. bv Strathmore, dam Amanda. S. L. Caton, Toledo, O., June 20. 1883. .?600. Urbana Belle 3 r-' 0). Neva (2 O), Morocco, Maud B., AAilhani T., Alniont Gilt, Jeff D., Henrv t lav. Zoe B. (4 4. 2:32, 2;i2l4. 2::i2i4. 2:33' 2. Sefton, b g (2:47i. W. J. Marshall, Dover, Del.. July 4. 1881, $100. Mollv F., Golddust, IMambrino Morgan, Honest Jolm. 2:47. 2:.51'i, 2:.52K'. Selden. ch g Ci ::$4). G. Wilson. Alt. llollv. N. J.. Oct. 11. 1882.$200. HamMetonian's Last. Lew Tallev, Addie (;.,Shaugliriin, Oliver F., Deacon Cran'kctt. lMiueola,2:38. 2:38i4, 2:40}4. Selim (J. M. Wliite) (w), cli g (S :;J2';), bv Abdallah. ii. Kaynor, Centreville, L. I.. Sept. 11, 18.50, 350. Fanny (\v) 3, 4 (501, Stranger 1. 2 (5 Oi. 2:48. 2:48. 2:.52. 2:51. 2:53. 2:.'';0, 2:48, 2:52. Centreville. L. I., Mav 15. 1851. $.50. Diiich Charley 1, Shackleback 2. 3(4dis),2:41i/2, 2:42,2:40,2:441/2, 2:45. April 28, 18.52. .S50. Lady Elizabetii (1 dis), 2:41. • July 15. isry2, .*100. lioston Girl 3, Bipton a dis). 2:P,r>. 2:34}^, 2:37,2:32^2. Isaac Woodruff, Aug. 30. ]8.5;3. $2,000. Young Dulcliman d dis). 2:3G. (s), (.Inion Course. L. I.. Oct. 1, 1853, $.500. Dutch Charley (s), 2.38, 2:38. .J. C. Kelly. St. Louis, Mo.. Sejit. 17, 18.')6. $225. Bobiu 1, Pile Driver, Belle of the West. P.dlinger (1 dis). Marv Ann (1 dlsi, 2:51. 2:44. 2:49, 2:49. K. A. Chami)Iin, Chicago. III., .lulv iX 18.57. $400. Reindeer (w) 1. 2, 2:43, 2:42. 2:42, 2:39. 2:41. Selim. b g (3 :;;4i. .lohn Stewart. Canibridge, 111., Sejit. 13, 1872, $50. Kelly Hector 1, Frank, Molly Cranz, Fly2(3dis>. Hock d dis),2:50. 2:51.3:01.3:001^. 2 :.'"9V. by Hole in the Day. D. B. Woodmansee, St. Cloud, Minn, Sept. 27, 1872, $150. Lady ."., Bay Tommy 1. 3:1.5, 3:05. 3:08i4, 3.07U. Oct. 9, 1S73, $1 .000. Farmer Boy, 2 :53. 2 :48, 2 :47i.i . N. Fancher. ciuc;i>ro. 111.. July 18, 1876. $1.2.50. L;idy Logan (\ 0). Wonder, Advance, (ivpsv Tom. Arkan- sas Bol), Josie (4 (lis), Zella K. (4 dis), Nodaway (4 dis'). Border Eagle (4 dis), David IL (2 d'is), Maud Wil- liamsd disi. Boxy (1 dis),2:33i4. 2:29V''o. Charles Skinner, Dundee. N. Y., Nov. 9. 1860. $200. Elniira Pet 1, 2 (3 0) (4 dis), 2:.37'4', 2:.37, . - — . Senalor, b s Ci-.liiyi). S. Goldenberg. Fleetwood Park. N. Y.. .tunc 29. 1.S71. $;;00. Charley. 3:24. 3;19'/2. Senator, b g (2:4014). C. E. Gray, Tiskilwa, 111.. Aug. 9.1877, $6(K). Roofer .Ir. 1, Lictor, McBride, M. H.. InsLey (1 dis). 2-"?V4. 2:4il-i, 2:45^, 2:469ii. ('HESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 625 — — Hillsdale, Mich.. Au;;. 3, and Sept. l, 1877, -S- — . Warrior Chief 2, Bent 4, Harry Miller, Lima Bov, Betsy Ami, Maiiibriuo Captain i4 dis^ John S. (idi), Limber Jim {3 dr), W. McLaughlm (3 dr), 2:50, 2:50, 2:50, ^ o'. W. Stoner. Chicago. 111.. Ang. 17. 1H78, $ . Clara D. Best time 2:54. Senator. l» g (3 :53>, by Colonel Walter. Aildison, X. Y., Oct. 20, l,s78, 'SlOO. Robert 2, Allegheny Hoy 1. No time. Four-vear-olds. 15. S. Learned. Trov, Pa.. Sept. 27, 1883, S95. Dick Smith 1, Canton Girl, 2:55. 2:55, 2:52, 2:55. Senator, gr g (3:03). B. Smith. Newton, N. J., Oct. 4, 1881. 4^45. Lady Rockland 3, Prince Albert, Thunder- bolt i2 dis), 3:03^. .S:0.-,Ui. 3:00. 3:03. Senator, bile .s (3:01), bv Hotspur, dam by Honesty. Gait, CaL, July 4, 1882. S . Bird 1. 2:58. , 3.01. Senator IJradley. 1) g (3:40i4). Hiram \\oodruit. Union Couise, L. I., Aug. 22. 18C2, §100. Puff Puff, Joe Crocheron,2:4i', 2:41'.2, 2:40i4. Senator Katon. I) s (3:43^i). by Homer, dam bv Boston Boy. A, C. Ware, Hartford, Conn., Sept. 10, 1878» ,S . Sweet Sal. 3:.",3i.., 3:10. Two-ye;ir-olds. Oct. 10. 1879, $50. :\Ia'y .leftVr.son. 2:54.V^, ^..^O'^. Three-year-olds. New Haven. Conn.. Oct. 8. 1880. S . "Rainbow, Alice Golddust, 2-M}4. 2:52*^, 2:.52. Senator's 3Iald, ch m (3 :0;i ). M. Scheeley, Webster City, la., July 5, 1882, $00. Thundel-bolt 1, 2, Sailor Boy, 3:02K>. 3:08, 3:02i2. 3:04, 3:02. Senator .Sprague (3:51) G. Charter, Rome. N. Y., Sept. 19, 1883, $50. Molly B.. Sherburne Boy, Dr. Kingsley, Lady (omstock, Fenimore (3 dr), 2:.")5. 2:51. 2:i52. Senator Stockton, ch g i3 :47i^). A. Cook. New Hunting Park. Phila., May 3. 1881, .S200. Gray Louis 1, 2, Charlev C., Echo, Caprice, Cliester C. 2:46^4.. 2 :48i^, 2:4752, 2:47'2, 2:55. May 6. ISSl. .'«200. Cliarl^a. 2:49}4, 2:48i^. Seneca Chief (s) b s (3:58 s). C. Yates, Toronto, Ont., Oct. 9, 1856. .$500. Black Tom (s), 3:01, 2:59, 2:58. Seneca Chief, b s (3:50). by Hamblctonian. dam Ladv Jordan, by Young Hector. T. Coleman, Seneca Falls, N. Y., Oct. 19, 1876. .1i!i20." (iolddust 3. 4. Lady Lowrv 1, Nelly 2, George Martin (5 dis), FredBruster, Hattie Fisher. 2:51, 3:00, 3:00. 3:03. 2:.-)5. 2:50, 2:51. Seneca Maid, br m 1 3 :1G). L. Johnson, West View, O., June 14, 1878, $300. Lady Lamplighter 2, 3, Diamond, 3:16, 3:163/0, 3:16, 3:1C.?i. 3:lGi4. Seneca Patchen, ch s (3:38). bv George M. Patchen. J. C. Crook, Rochester, N. Y., Sept. 29. 1880, $100. Sterling. Bonny L., Bay Ben."2:4194. 2:39'i, 2:38. Seneca .Star, b s (3 :463i). bv Seneca Chief dam Lady Hill, by American Star. A. Cornell, Syracuse, N. Y., July 4, 1881, $100. Franklin d 0). Maggie. Jessie B., Victor, Frank Behni. 2A'ih. 2:47i/2. 2:.56, 2:469i. Sensation, b g (3 :33i4). Dy Di.\on"s Ethan Allen, dam by Indian Chief. J. L. Doty. Buffalo. N. Y.. Aug. 8, 1872, $2,000. Grace, Continental, Gloster, Frank J. (2 dis). Glendair (1 dis). 2:25, 2:27, 2:.32i^ J. V. Willis. I'rospect Park, L. I., Oct. 15, 1S72, $1,500. Susie, Gray Eddy, Crown Prince, Gray Mack, Nonesuch, Dauntless. Lottery, Sea Foam (3 dr), Lady Maud (l dis), 2:2414, 2:2314, 2:2414. Ben Mace. Deerfoot Park.'L. I., May 26, 1873, $ — '■. Castle Boy, Ed White, 2:35, 2:33, 2:36?ii. FleetAvood Park, N. Y.. June 18, 1873, $2,000. Crown Prince, William B. Whitman, William H. Allen, 2:27.2:28, 2:29. Chic:i!;(). 111., July 7, 1873 $4,000. American Girl (w), l, Harry Todd, John W. Conley (1 dis), 2 :29, 2 :26M, 2:25' o. 2:28. Buffalo. N. Y , Aug. 6, 1873, .$20,000. Camors 1, 2, Judge Fullerton, Gloster, Jim Irving (1 dis), 2:20^, 2:21?4, 2:24, 2:2(i?4, ■ Springfield, Mass., Aug. 20. 1873, $6,000. Camors 2, Judge Fullerton (1 dis), 2:23'/J, 2:25V2, 2:25, 2:23i4. Prospect Park, L. I., Oct. 30, 1874, $2,000. Fleety Golddust 1, Huntress, 2:23'2, 2:23i.i, 2:25^, 2:28^. Hartford. Conn., June 9 and 10, 1875, $2,500. Thomas .Fefterson, 2, 2 :29, 2:28i,4, 2 :26, 2 -.^oH. Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Aug. 6, 1875, $4,000. Huntress, George B. Daniels. John H., Lady Banker, Thomas Jefferson. 2:24i'2, 2:23'/2, 2:24'^. Springfield, Mass., Aug. 26, 1875, $5,000. Jim Irving 3. 5, St. James 2, Bella, Huntress, Sea Foam, 2:24, , 2:23. 2:25, 2:26}^. 2:29. Point Breeze Park, Phila., Oct. 12, 1875, $2,500. Kansas Chief 1, 2, Rams, Nerea, 2:23, 2:24, 2:25"^, 2:24i4, 2:26^. Dan Mace, Fleetwood Park, N. Y., Oct. 22, 1875, $2,000. Thomas L. Young. 1 (2 o), (3 dis>, 2:19i^ 2:2214, . L Daly. St. Louis, Mo., Aug. 11, 1883. Prize, harness. Marv M. 1, Honest John, Black Bess, l :22, 1 :21i^, 1 :l9'/2, 1 :20i^. Half-mile heats. Sentinel, b s (3 :39J4:). bv Hambletonian,- dam Lady Patriot, by Y'^oung Patriot. Edwin Thome, Prospect Park, L. I., Oct. 17, 1871, $500. Eveline, Gray Charley, H. W."Howe, Tom Wonder Jr.. Lady Emma (3 dis), 2:37, 2:. 35)4. 2:364. Dr. S. Pierce. Eminence. Kv-. Aug. 13, 1872. $500. Lottie 1, Morrissey, Burger (2 dis), 2:33y, 2:34, 2:.34?^. Lexington, Ky., Sept. 14, 1872, $250. American Clay, Burger, Bradley's b g, Peters' b m (l dis), 2:32i4, 2:35'/2. Oct. 16, 1872, $200. Magic, American Clay, Curtis' Clav, 2:31}^, 2:29?^. Sentinel (3:00). A. Doyle, Montgomery, N. Y., Sept. 27, 1874, $50. Buckskin 2, 3. Sol, 1, 3:121^, 3:01, 3:00, 3:00, 3:01'2. 3:01^2. Sentinel (Edwin A.), br g (3:39i^), by Gooding's Champion. C. E. Tuttle. Newark, N. Y.. Aug. 22, 1878, .$300. Clipper, Newark Girl, Mate (2 dis), E. C. Crane (2dis), Flying Cloud (2 dis), Walter (2 dr), 2:45. 2:40^, 2 :40V'2. S. Bunnell, Elniira, N. Y.. Sept. 15, 1881, «(J00. Sinbad 5, 6, Handicap 3, 4, Pilgrim 1, George Brooks, Lady Mack, Charley Hood, Hattie Matthews. 2:.33i4. 2:.36l4, 2:.34»i, 2:."M. 2:.35»,'. 2:34, 2:.34i4, 2:36i4- J. Moran, Youngstown, O., July 4, 1882, $.500. Adele Gould. LonaGuffln, Lookout Jr., Mistletoe, Reveille, Hotspur Chief. xM:ideline, Hoosier Girl (2 dis), 2;.33, 2:.30i4i, 2:.31. Sergeant Horse (3:36). Mr. Sergeant, Belfast. Me., July 15, 1865. $.50. Kaler. 2:36. . . Servia, b m (2:31). G. Brown, Lancaster. Pa., June 15 and 16. 1SS2. $ . Katv P. 3, 5, Peanuts 1, Juno (5 dis), Maud X. (3 dis), Turk (2 dis). Magnolia (l dis), 2:40. 2:42, 2:40. 2:43. 2:35. 2:.37. Seth. b g (3 :4l), by Magna Charta. A. Smith, Sandusky, O., Sept. 21. 1881. $80. Lottie 2, Mambrino Rawleigh, 2:42>/2, 2:42' 2,2:41,2:4214. , „ Seth T. Bane, 1) g (3 :34K>), by Magna Charta. C. E. Abbett, Adrian. Mich.. June 1 , 1880. $1,000. Lady Brownell. Wilbur F.. Rigolette, Belle Baker, Fox. Gazetteer. 2:3414, 2:34?*, 2:.37M Seth Warner, ch g (3:31), by Ethan Allen, dam Sontag. by Harris' Hambletonian. .Jerome Tabor, Barre, Vt., Oct. 1.3, 1875, .$200. Jessie Templeton, Tommy i2 disi. Diamond (1 & Southworth, 15;itavia, N. Y., Sept. 17, 1873, S75. Ilurrv Clay 'i, (iray Jack 1 :.';47, l.':49, 2:4U>4, 2:48. Stallions. " ' S. G.. nr K 13:07*;. Jersey ^'ity, N- .1., July 19, 18«3. S20. Annie. .■!:12, 3:l(;, .•i:0-. t'atchweigbts. &hac-kleba('k {?»• g (2 iSUij w;. William Wlielan, C'entrevllle, L. 1., June 10, 1851, §6(i. .Susan, Selim (l dis) 2:40,2:41,2:411^. (w ), I'liion Course. L. 1.. Aug. 19, \KA, §50. Reindeer (w), Niglitliawk (\\), Mount Morris (w), (3 dis), Orphan Uov (W). d (ii.s), 2:39'», 2:42, 2:43!s. .lames I'aee. Wliitbv, <. an., .Mav 2X. IstiO. S . Hlack Tom, 3:00, 2:.')5, 2:49. Shadow. Ii K i'i:.'>4l-o). ,1. Campbell, I'lainlield, N. J., July 4, 1S7I, .•jji.iOO. .loe I'latt, Mt. Holly, 3:00, 2:58. 2:,'>4'i. Shaker, cli s (a:-*:JU.t. New Haven, Conn., Oet. 2, 1867, i^iu. Clarion 3, (iray Sherman, 2, 5 (6 dr), 2:46, 2:43 2:45.2:17. 2:49. 2:431s. Shake.siu-are. Idle g (a:45). Edward Kernan. Dundee, N. Y., Nov. jg, 18.59, S26. Pet. Henrv Clay. 2:4.5. 2:49 Shakespeare, br s (a:30), by Honest Allen. K. Smith, Manchester. N. H., Sept. 28, 1869, $50. Bully Uov, 318 3:19.3:19. Lowell, Mass., Sept. 8, 1871, S150. Blae Jacket 1 (3 dis;. Young Draco (3 dis), Sam Curtis (1 dIs), 2:43. 2:41K 2:4.5. Dover, N. H., Sept. 29, 1871, $100. Young Draco, 2:43}^, 2:4354, 2:44. H. (i. Smith. Lowell, Mass., Aug. 28. 1873, 5:300. Grace. Dictator, 2:.S9. 2:40, '2-A214. Moston. Mass., Sept. 6. 1873, S.500. Klora, Princess. Modoc. 2::i6'o, 2:40, 2:39. Haverhill. INIass., Sent. 9, 187,3, $275. Brown Ben, Kate Gilbert, Horace Greelev, Brom Keeney (2cU8), Deacon (2 dis), 2:37'2, 2:39':, 2:37. Hillsboro, N. H., Sept. is. 1873, 8400. Snowflake. Ned AVallace. McMahon. 2:.30. 2:31'5. 2:.31»i. P. H. Welbine. Concord, N. H., May 1, 187,5, §00. ( aesar 1, Tilton, Piowney, Charles Morrill, 3:12U. 3 ;iJ9'.i. 3:0.51-0, 3 (I9^j. Shakespeare, br s (2 :44^,). T. L. Denny. Indianapolis, Ind..Sept. P, 1870. $200. Bundy 1, 4, Bonner 2 (Odls), Sam Houston (4 dr). Moxley d dis). 2:42'., 2:44. 2:44 ?.i. 2:42'-, 2:40^4,2:47. Sept. 7, 1870. 5:225. Arlington, Fleetloot. J'ocaliontas 15ov (1 dis); 2:44^4, 2:46?4, 2:.50!/2. Stallions. E H. Schall, Chicago, 111., .Iulv24. 1871. SlOd. Jim Brown d dis>. 2:4C. Shakespeare, ch g i2 :44). H. II. Gilbert. Amenia, N. Y., Sept. 23, 1874, $150. Nelly B., Willie, Jessie. Miller Bov. Gray Pete (.! dis), 2:.5li4. 2:47-:'4. 2:45. Sept. 24. 1874. §150. Nelly B., Lady Wheeler, .lessie (1 disl. Nine Pin (1 dis. 2:44, 2:,53. 2:.50. Shakespeare. I) s (2 :60). by Snakespeare. II. B. Smith, Lancaster, N. H., Sept. 13. 1877, $100. Josephine Moore. 2 :">0. 2 :.50i4. 2 :,5l . Laconia, N. H.rOct. 4. 1877. .?1.50. Patchen Star 1, Young Smuggler. Belle. I'ollv, 2:."5i.i. 2:50, 2:50, 2:50. J. H. Welcome, Plymouth, N. H., Sept. 28. 1882, $100. Stargazer. Golden Kite, Major Mav. 2:46,2:444, 2:45'... Shamrock (wt, grg (3:39). Samuel Keves, I'itt.sburgh, Pa., July 4, 1863, $1,000. Soft Soap (w) 2, 5:31, 5:13, 5:23. Two miles. Shamrock, b s (3 :08). James Grant, New Orleans, La., Miw 23, 1874. $150. Dounybrook. 3:08. 3:11. Shamrock, grg (3 :28Kbv Sampson, dam Bessie Maitland. bv Tom Wonder. W. S. .Sargeant. Springfield, Mass., Aug. 30. issi. $rm. Arthur, Ladv Kelso, (ieorgeB., Belle Dorr. Kansas Jack. Marvel, Miss Jliller, Little IMarv, Sam Watson. George (1 disi. 2:2914, 2:29^4, 2:29. Shamrock, b g (2:369X). by Gavo. dam bv Potter's Clay. Dr. Haggertv. Scranton Pa.. Sept. 27, 1882, $200. Earl, I). H. 2 (4 dis). 2:37'/j.2:38. 2:39, 2:42V2. Shanghai. bs(2:53i4). George Dickey, Milwaukee. Wis., Sept. 19. 18.5«. .5 Countryman 2. 5:47, 5:.52, 5:.'l. Two miles. Shancrhai. b g (2 :51i, by Revenge. Faukle and Fee. ^Varren, O., Aug. 13, 18,59,.? . Beaver Boy (3 dr, Excelsior (3 dri, Hiirlilaiid Lass (.". dr), 2:.53. 2:51. Shanghai, bg (3 :40i,i». S. P. Brocknev, St. Catharines. Out., Oct. 22, 1867. $l5o. Billv Button 1. 4, 2:45?i, 2:42. 2:40'4. 2:40, 2:4314. Shantv. gr g (3 :30U). bv Selim. Pnrnell anrt Jeffries. Lexington. Ky., Sept. 30, 1874, $700. Maggie Briggs 1, 3. Vmewood (1 dfs). 2:27. 2:34i4. 2:31 = i . 2::ni.t. 2:.34i/.. Five-year-olds. Shark. I) g(3 :30i/,) (2:37?i s). bv Hanibletoniaii, dani. the ]\icKinslry Mare. Dan Mace. Fashion Course, L. I.. May 19. 1803. .'$200. Frank Templ(>. 7 :47'.i. 7 :.52K>. Three miles. (w), A. Carpenter, Fashion Course, L. I.. June 3, ~1864, $500. Hambletonian, Dexter (2 dr), 2:36, 2:39?4, 2:42. (s), Dan Dfifer, Union Course, L. I., May 30, 1866, $2,000. Lady Emma (s) 3, 4. 2 :28?4'. 2 .30, 2:285!i. 2:26^, 2:.'?6. (s). June 27. 1806. .c2.nno. Ladv Emma (s> 5:001/,. 5:01K>. Two miles. ^s), fashion Course, L. I., July 1.". 1800, S.SOO. Dan Mace (si (3 dr), 2:27?4, 2:30, . 8haron.bg (2:51). (L and J. Campbell, Providence, R. I., Oct. 3, 1867, $100. Cider Boy 2,3. Coliuuliia Maiden, 2:51. 2:.52'.i. 2:53';. 2:.53. 2:.5.3. Sharswood, brs (2 :.55). by Brentwood, dam Bessie Bruce, bv Green's Bashaw. G. W. E. Dorsey, Lincoln, Neb..Se))t. 15. 1881. $106. Prince Alarm. 1:42,1:30. Half-mile beats. Two-year-olds. Oniali:i, Neb.. Sept. 14. 1883. .Sioo. Olive 1, Prince Alarm. 2:.50Vy l)li( s (3 :.'-.9), by Richelieu, dam Old Sal. by Bnmswick. W. O. Harvey, Memphis. Tenn., July 11, 1872. $.500. George 2. 4. 3:0414, 3:r,4'i, 3:05. 3:05. 2:.59. Sheldon (?.:X 1'.(i. by TTonevl;d3). M. Stevens. Middle Fork, Ind., Sept. 16, 1872. S150. Marble Ctitfer, May Day, Jenny Howard. Ned (3 dr), 2:.53. 2:.52 2:.58. Shellev Clay, b s (3 :.'!3). J. H. Bertholf 4, Vernon. N. Y., Oct. 14. 1869, $ . .Jersey Boy, 2:5.5. 2:.52. ShelleV Oopperhottom. rn g (3 :47>. W. F. Taylor, Woodbury, N. J.. Oct. 20, 1875, $300. Belle Brandon (2 dis), Lizzie Bodlne (2 dis). 2:65'/,, 2:50, CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 627 Oct. 21. IS-.'i. $300. Phil. Doughertv, 3:12>4. 3:07, 2:47. Shelly Williiiin, b g (2 :55). Capt. Haiiinier, Nashville, Tenn., Sept. 6, 18G0, $ . Kit Carson, Bonny Bess, 2:56. 2:."i5,2;..0. SlieniuuloaU, chg (3:4134), by Keiitiiciiy Hunter. William Wilson, Stockton, Cal., Sept. 28, 1877, $200. Nellv, J. A. Shepherd, Venus, Truekee, Henry H., JNloiiesto Maid, Berkshire (1 dis), Capt. Lewis (1 dis), 2:m.i.-J:n-'4..2-AV->^. Shepher;! Boy. I) g (3:35). Henry M. (iale, Worcester, Mass., Sept. 23, 1075, $35. Sleepy Kitty, 2:53, 2:53?i, 2 :.')3' 1. l''()ur-vear-oids. Sei)t. 22. 1870. $150. Nelly 4, Pilot l, Jinimv. Twilljiht. Lancewood, 2:48, 2:49. 2:44, 2:48. 2:50. W. Woodruff, Sept. 4, 1S7S, 41250. Kate 2, 4, Empress, Fearless, Middlesex, Robert B. Thomas (3 dis), 2:37, 2:38. 2:;57, 2:42, 2:40i,;i. Sept. 5, 1879. .«!100. Woodcluiok. Mattie Folsoni, Cute, 2:38, 2:37, 2:27. Concord, Mass.. Sept. 26, 1879. $200. Emma K., Cream Pitcher, Ned Adams, 2:35, 2:36, 2:37. Shepherd Bo v. gr j; (3:33'2), by Woodward's Kltiau Allen. W. L. Beck, Oskaioosa, la, July 2,1877, $300. Lucv,'Lictor, Fred J., Mai-ion, Silvertail, Buckeye (3 dr;. Whirlwind (3 dr), Deceiver (1 dis), 2:57)^, 2:4fi,2:.jO. ' July 4, 1877, .$400. Liuly Alice 3, Logan Boy. Lictor, Fred J., Marion ^3 dr), 2 :45, 2:45V2, , 2:45. Pro"phet.sCown, 111., Aug. 8, 1877, $600. Dan Vosburgh, Bid Gage (3 dis), Lizzie (Jrockett (2 dis), 2:37, 2:45, 2 :?.<). Toledo, O., Sept. 26, 1877. $700. Dan Bassett 2, Salem, Bay Dick, Harry J.. Iowa Maid, Judge Waite, Jim Schriber, 2:3.-). 2:34. 2:34, 2:39. Cleveland. O.. Oct. 3, 1877, .$700. Deck Wright, Gray Salem, Ethel. Dan Basset, Iowa Maid, Tom Medley, Bay Dick, Jim Schriber, Harry J., Little Joe (3 dr), 2:23'2. 2:2.0!i, 2:27. H. Byrnes, Chicago, 111., Oct. 12 and 15, 1883, $300. Grey Eagle l, 2, Ed. Hughes. Brown Dick, Monarch Rex (3 dr), 2:43. 2 :42i/2, 2 :48. 2 :52i^, 2 :49. Shephertless (w). grnu3:47}4 w). H. Woodruff, Union Course, L. I., June 1, I860, $1,000. Charter Oak (w) (2 dis. 2:47';, 2:49. ShepherdF. Knapp. ch s (3:41), by the Eaton Horse, dam by Whalebone. H. Woodruff, Fashion Course, 1-. I., .Iune.'">, 1861. •■ii7(i0. Jessie 1, 2, 2:46,2:40, 2:41, 2:47, 2:43'/2. Three: year-olds. Shepherd Knapp. b g (3:39). Dr. Page, Worcester, Mass., Sept. 6, 1878, $200. Middlesex, N. S. B., Black ■loe. Royal Tom l. 2 (5 dis), Magyie May (4dr), 2:38, 2:38, 2:40, 2:39,2:42. Shepherd Kuapp Jr.. I) g (3:37 ?4), by Shepherd F. Knapp, dam by Royal Oak. George H. Bailey, Port- laiui. Me., Oct. 25, 1866, ,?250, Johnny Schmoker, Emperor d 0) (2 dr), 2:39M, 2:38, 2:44'2, 2:48. Boston, Mass., Nov. 1, 1866, .$250. Draco Prince, John Stewart (.2 dis), 2:33i^, 2:33, 2:36. Portland, Me., June 5, 1867, $1,250. Little Fred. Gladiator (2 dis), 2:4214. 2:36. 2:40V'2. (V.) Boston. Mass., June 21, 1867, .S400. John Ferris (w) Ben Franklin (w), 2:35, 2:37J^, 2:34}^. .lane 2.5, 1867, .$500. Empress, 2:30^4, 2:30i4. W. Woodruff. Prospect Park, L. I., May 27, 1869, $3,000. Old Put, Darkness, Com. Nutt, Western New York, Surprise (1 dis), 2:.30, 2:.30H, 2:34. Boston, Mass., June V, 1869, .$2,000. Darkness, 2:33, 2:30}^, 2:29^. B. Mershon, Hudson, Mass., Sept. 15, 187:. $700. Eastern Boy 2, lilla Elwood 1, Jenny, 2:37'i, 2:36,2:35'/S, " George H. Bailey, Lewiston. Me., Aug. 30, 1873, $500. Buffalo Bill, 2:34, 2:.33Vo, 2:32. Bangor, Me., Sei)t. 19, 1873, $.500. Andy .lohnson 1, 2, General Lightfoot. 2:41, 2:35, 2:35, 2:37. 2:441,^. Portland, Me., Sept. 25, 1863, .MOO. Buffalo Bill. 2:38, 2:42i;4, 2:36. Taunton. Mass., Oct. 2, 1873, .$700. Billy Platter 2, 2:33'4,. 2:34'.>. 2::'A%. 2:36. Beacon Park, Boston. Oct. 11. 1873, $300. Fanny, Bristol Bill, Joe Hooker, 2:31, 2:32i4, 2:31?£. Lawrence, Mass., Oct. 24. 1873, .$300. Frank Palmer 2, Ki Ki l, Fannv, Bristol Bill (5 dr), 2:35?i, 2:38Ji, 2:34 '/a, 2:3.514. Manchester. N. H., Oct. 30, 1873, .$400. Frank Palmer 2, Hi Ki 1, Bristol Bill, Ned Wallace, 2:.335i, 2:37, 2*39^ '^'38 2 '39 Beacon Park, Boston, May 23, 1874, $400. Colonel Mouiton 1, Frank Palmer, Fanny, 2:31i4, 2;31, 2:30, 2:30. Halifax, N. S., July 2, 1874, $500. Andy Johnson l. Honest Bill, 2:38i/2, 2:37?£, 2:39, 2:39. St. .lohns, N.|B., Sept. 2.5. 1874. Pomp, Abdallah, 2:4414, 2:42%i, 2:43. Mystic Park. Boston, Sept. 4, 1875, $200. John S. Heald 2, 3, Honest Billy, General (w) 1 (5 dis), 2:33i^i, 2:32, 2:341/2, 2:33'2. 2:35?4, 2:36 Sheppard O., gr g (3 :.59i4), by Young Gray Eagle, dam by Green's Bashaw. J. Y. Sherman. Woodstock, III., Sept. 15. 1883, $100. Rocket 1, 5, 1. A. Daniels 3, Bloomfield. 2:59U. 2:5914, 2:,59i4, 2:59^4, 3:00, 2:.59ii. Sheridan (3 :43). Mr. Hall, Rochester, N. \"., June 12, 1875, .$300. Buffalo Bdl. 2:46Vi, 2 43. 2:42. Sheridan, b g (3 :30i4), by Edward Everett, dam the Boyer Mare, by Eureka. Sheridan Shook, Utica. N. Y., June 5, 1877. $400. Captain Emmons, Minnie, Maggie Myers, Jack Barry. George Brooks, O. T. A., Indigo, 2:42'i.2:40, 2:,38i4. June 7, 1S77. $400. Thompson, Lysander Maid, Maggie flyers. Jack Barry. Indigo, 2:38. 2:38, 2:40. Elmira. N. Y., June 19, 1877, .$400. Jack Barry, Black Hiirry, Lysander Maid, IMinnie, George Brooks, Daisy, Indigo (l dis), 2:39:'4, 2:,379i, 2:.37. June 22. Is77. $400. Jack Barrv, Black Harry, Minnie. 2:36, 2:37i4, 2:3.5>4. Springgeld, Mass., July. 10, 1877. .$2,000. John Murphy Jr., Jack Barry, Dan Bassett, W. H. Arnold, Frank Sailor (1 dis), 2:25, 2:29, 2:26'4. S. Foster Dewey. Newark. O., June 28. 1878, $700. Deception 2, Tom Keeler, 2:.31, 2:31'i, 2:32i'o, 2:33. Sheriff, 1) s (3 :31), by Kisber. Olympia, W. T., Aug. 31. 1882, $150. General, Olympia Maid, l :57, 1 :44. Half- mile heats. Three-year-olds. Sherman, b g (3 :4.5). Mr. McGill. St. Joseph. Mo., July 6, 1870, $ . Mountain Boy 1, 2:.58, 2:56, 2:45. R. W. Lndington, Ottawa. Kan., Sept. 28, 1871.$ . Harry,' Frank, Morgan, 3:24, 2:.55. Sept. 29, 1871. $100. Bhick Maria 2, 3:04, 2 :.52, 2:51. Sherman, b g(3:34). Dan Mace. Fleetwood Park, N. Y., Nov. 15, 1873, $100. Betsy 1, 3, Sorrel Jake,Ledger Girl (3 dr), Dick Yates (2dr), 2:40,2:4.3. 2:39, 2:39i4, 2:41. — J. Lynch, Dec. 2, 1874, $400. Willie, Lady Trimble. Sorrel Jake, 2:41. 2:42. 2:42. J. Hazlett, Dec. 5 and 8, 1874, .$300. Willy 1 (2 0), (3 0), i50). Lady Trimble, 2:42, 2:42, 2:39, 2:43, 2:40, 2:42, 2:46,2:42. (s), Deerfoot Park, L. I., May 12, 1875, $200. Cheston (s). Volunteer (iirl (s), (3 dr). 2:59, 2 :49ii, 2:.52. Fleetwood Park, N. Y., June 11. 1875, $300. T. J. Stevens 1, 2, 2:.39, 2:.39's 2:40, 2:.38i.^, 2:415^. Springfield, Mass.. Aug. 26, 1875. $1.50. St. George 3. 6, Major S. 2, Kitty 1, Eachael, Jenny (3 dis), Kate Palmer i3 dis). 2:45, 2:47)^, 2:45, 2:4694. 2:49, 2:4914, 2:49»4. Deerfoot Park, L. I., Sept. 4, 187.5. $.300. Lady Annie (w) 2 (3 dis"), Jim (w) 1 (3 dis). 2:45, 2:48, 2:3,59^. Sherman, br s (3:231.^), by George Wilkes, dam Lady Belmont, by Belmont. Jewett Stock Farm, Chicago, 111., Oct. 25, 1882, $500. Maud R.. 2:331^, 2:29',4. 2:.32i4. Rochester, N. Y'., Sept. 20. 1883, $ . 2:24?i, 2:2.3^4. To beat, 2:29^. Cleveland, O., Oct. 10, 1883. $ . 2:25, 2:27i/j. To beat 2:23}^. 628 CHESTEKS COMl'LETK TKOTTINiJ AND I'AC'INC RKCOKH. Sherman Black Hawk (2:46), byVt. Black Hawk, dam by Young Hambletoniaii. L. North, Burlincton Vt., Sept. 1-', is"*. S-'OO. Hani Koad 1. ;i (■tot, •i:-i4. -z-Ai}. ■.':49, •2::^., 2:48'2. Dover. Del.. Sept. 24, 1878, if-zm. Judgment, I'almcr Boy, Laily May' Lyman, Clara Morgan (1 dis), rilot (1 dis) 2:;t», 2:;{S, 2:39'.2. Sept. 20. 187S, S300. Judgment, Tom Lyman. Pilot, Clara B. (3 dr), Mischief (3 dr), Polly Ann (2 dis). 2:35, 2::i<;'.. 2:40. Middhtosvn. Del., Oct. 4, 1K78. .?2.'M. May 2 (3 0), Fanny F'ern. 2:37, 2:35>/.i, 2:.>7' j, 2:38V4. Wharton, .Md., Sept. 17. 1879, S400. Fellon, Whitelield. 2:38'.., 2:38. 2:40." Middletown, Del., Oct. 1, 187"J, S300. Star, Fanny Fern, Fefton u dis), John (1 dis), F'rank P. (1 dis). 2:34;4, 2:.r>, 2:34. Dover. Del., July 4, 1881. $3()0. Bay Chieftain l, 3, Charley T. 2. Belle of Bethlehem, 2:34. 2:31'., 2:32V4. 2:32. 2:3:%. 2:39' I. Middle! )wa, Del.. Sept. 21, 1881. S300. Whitefleld, Mambrino Charta, Ray Gould (2 dr), 2:33%, 'i-Mii, 2:3;. Sept. 22 and 23, 1881, $400. Mambrino charta 2, 4, Kate Taylor 5, Lartv Crossin (4 dr). R. P. (1 dis). 2:31»K. 2:31^.1, 2:34'j.2:3lhj,2:34', •.':.i7. Dover, Del., Sept. 30, 18HI, $400. Kale Taylor, Mambrino Charta, Mambrino Clay. Whitefleld, 2:32ii. 2:;;3'4, ■-':.». ^' Brlair. Md.. Oct. 15, 1881. $100. Ripton, Clipper 2:39, 2:29)^,2:46. 2:37^. Middletown. Del.. Sept. 20, 1882, $3U0. Isaac 3, Mayflower. 2:37^, 2:38. 2:3R'4. 2:39!,i. KlUton. Md.. Oct. 6, 1882, *30O. Alice Addison, Lady Kiehanls, 2:,52, 2:o9'4, 2:37. Sherwood, eh g (.2:39' 2), by Fleetwood. D. S. McF'arland, F'raukfort, Ky., Oct. 8. 1874, $110. Long Island Patclien, Lucy, King (i dis), 2:.-)8K.. 2:54'.;, •i-.b.l. Oct. 7, 1875, $200. Post Boy (3 0), Little Annie (2 Ot. Proctor Knott (2 0), 2:.50i^, 2:52, 2:.'>4. 2:5IK 2:52U. Sept. 6, 1876, 9400. Rasselas 5, ", Wildwood 2, 3, Annie M eleli 1, Tom Stamps. 2:40',o. 2:37k, 2':41, 2:4lk. 2:401-2, 2:42'2. 2:41. 2:39',2. Shitty, (w) ch g (2 :47Si w). New Orleans, La., May 22, 1866, $1,500. Beauregard, (iray F:agle.5:37>^i, 5:35^. Two miles. (vv)June 14, I8(i6. S . (5reat Western (w) l (2 dis). 2:51K. 2:57?4. Shiloh. b s(3:43). M. O. Cermver, Sabina, 0., Aug. 23, 1880, $100. Red Hawk. Blennerhasset, Fleetwood, Dick Turpin, 2:.';o. 2:4."?, 2:54. Shippee's IJay Mare. (2 :46). L. U. Sliipnee, Stockton, Cal.. Sept. 20 and 21, 1882. $800. Silver Threads 1. 2. 2:l.j'2. , 2:4(5. , — . Two-year-olds. Shipmate, ch g (3 Mii). A. F". Stowe. Worcester, Mass., July 15. 1874, $200. Lancewood, Topsy, Nellv, Red Cloud, Fairfield Maid (2 disi, 2:48i... •_.:4i, i>:44M- \V. M. Mandeli, Sept. 21. 1874. $200. Leonard, Protest. Kelly (l dis). 5:40J/..5:5,'). Two miles. Washburn & Vaughn. Hartford. Conn., Nov. 4, 1874. $350. Jasper, Lady Bonner, Dutchess, Joe Clark, F. McC. Ladv Black Hawk, Brunette. 2 :40U;. 2:;w. 2:39. Worcester. Mass.. Nov. 14, 1874, $200. J.adv Hale. 2:50, 2:43. 2:42i^. F. Warner, Northampton. Mass., Oct. 8, 187.'), $250. Palmer Boy, Chalkline. Neva (2 dn. 2:42'2.2:40H, 2:42. Shiptimber. (vv) br g (2 :33^), by Hambletonian. Hiram Woodruff. Union Course, L. I., April 18, 18G5, $126. Gibo (Wl. 2:44,2:42',2, 2:39'». Fashion Course. L. L, April 22, 1865. $M0. Cregan's gr g. Gibo, Grace (2 dis), 2:371^,2:421.^, 2:.'i9»4. Saratoga Spa, N. Y., July 14. 1865. $.')00. Harry Clay (w) 2, Rattlesnake (w) 1, 2:32, 2:32^,2:331^, 2:33)4, 2 :35. • A. Sagendorf. Denver, Col., Nov. 21, 1868, $200. Black Crook, 2:57'/2, 2:4.')J-4. W. R. Ford, Se|)t. 24. 1869,.$40. Wasp 1, 2:59. 2:.%, 3:02'4. 3:02. Oct. 9, 18fi9. .S2.'i0. R;unbow 2, Wasp. 2:46U, 2:48'o. 2:48'/». 2:49'/j. Shireland, b s (3 :00). W. A. Dawsou, Harmony. Pa , Sept. 1.3. 1883. $100. Ramsev 2, 3.00. 3:01. 3:00. 3:00, Shoddy, brg (2:47). A. C. Peck. Woonsocket; R. L, Sept. 18. 1883, $100. Roan .lohnny 2, 3, Little Bessy, Liidv Strideuwav, Kitty Garfield (4 dis\ 2:4914, 2:49i/'.2:48i^, 2:47, 2:.50',. Shoemiiker. ch g(2:.51'^). James Golden, Boston, Mass., Julv 21, 1873, $200. Mabel Gray. 2:.M'2.2:,51^.2:53. Shoemaker, rn s (2:49). E. M. Sargeant. Nashu;i. N. H.. Sei)t. 10. 1860. $ . Lady Caligh. 2:5.5. 2:49, 2:53. Shoemaker iJov. 2:.'i9'/s). Belleville, Out., July 9, 1874, $20. Canailian Boy 2, C!ieslnut Molly l, Irish Bluff, 2:.57, 2:58,2:59';. 3:01. Shoemaker Colt, br s (3:00). E.Curtis. Springfield Center, N. Y'.. Sept. 3, 1874, $75. Pioneer 2, Belle of Otsego, Snip .Ir.. Biddy O'Raffertv, 3:00';, 3:01>.,, 3:00. 3:02. Shoemaker'H Bay Gelding, (2:59). V. Shoemaker. Avon, N. Y., June 9. 1868, $50. F'rank Palmer (2 dis), 3:0.'')';, 2:.'')9. Shoo Fly, (J;unes D. McMann ). b g (2 :28'4'). bv George M. Patchen Jr. W. Hendrickson, Alameda, Cal.. April 30, 1870, $300. Peanuts. Harvest Queen. 2 :.^6V6. 2 :40U;, 2 -AWi- .J. L. Eotf, Sacramento, Cal., May 23, 1870, $2.50. Lady Belle 2, 6, Princess 1 (5 dr), 2:42J4, 2:42%, 2:41>4 2:42U,2:.'50'4, 2:50^. S;in Francisco, Ol., June c, 1870, $250. California Dexter 2, Plumas (2 dr), Pride of the Bay (1 dis), 2:38'', , 2:.37-^i. 2::)7!'o, 2:41 "2. August 6. isTo, $:i0o. California Dexter, Alex. P.enham, 2:3.514. 2:.'!7. 2:.'?7i4. W. Hendrickson. San Jose. Cal.. Oct. 7, 1870. $ . Alexander 1. 2. 2:;i7. 2:;i9^4. 2:37, 2:39. 2:42. Shoo Flv (2 :r,«i. Jauu>s Welch. Vreka, CAl., Oct. 11. 1870, .Sl.OOO. Lancet 1, 3:02(2, 2:56^4, 2:57, 2:.-.0'4. Porlla:i(l, ( )rcgon, Oct. 27, 1870. $.50. Mohawk. Sally. 2:57. 2 :56. Shoo Fly, gr g (2 :39). Wm. B. Smith, Palmer. Mass., August 30, 1870, $100. Hattle 1, Lady Kellogg, Annie, Southern Chief (3 dr), Fnink (1 dis), 2:51, 2:.50, 2:,56,4, 2:.54'.i. Sept. 1. 1870, .$12.5. Annie. Springfield Boy, L:idv Kellogg. Californiii Joe, 2:49';, 2:r)0, 2:,52. Thom:is Foster, New Haven, Conn., Sept. 13, 1870, .$400. Flora Dav 1. 2, Belle of Watertown, Ned (2 dis), 2;4.5K., 2:4.3>4. 2:44. 2:46'^, 2:47. Shoo Fly, b g (2 :48r(). K. W. Barrv. Boston. Mass., Dec. 3, 1870. $.50. Ladv Swan 2, 2:58. 3:00, 2:56, 2:59. - — . E. Hayes, M;iv 10, 1871, .f200. Billy l. 2:.539i, 2:.52, 2:.'i0?:,', 2:48',. Shoo Fly. ch g (2 :41). C. Racicot, Montreal, P. Q., August 5. 1871. $100. Dranine, Dick (1 dis), 2:46Hb, , 2:64'/,. Longoenll. P. Q., Sept. 6, 1871. $75. Fnx 2, John Bull 1. 2:40. 2:44, 2:44. 2:41. 2:42. Shoo Fly, brg (2:47'/,). W. W. Bair, Harrisburgh. Pa.. June 19, 1873, ,^200. Lady Lafayette. Mary Bishop, Sis, Brown Ned. Lady Cross. Possum, Miiximilian, (Gilbert, 2:47';,2:,54';. 2:.57'4. Shoo Fly, brg (2:61%), J. Henry, Providence, K. I., July 6, 1875, $150. Ellen, Gypsy, 2:54, 2:59, 2:61%. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 029 Shoo Fly, ch g (3:40). H. McNulty, Chicago, 111., June 13, 1877, $500. Minnie Taylor, Jack Carter, 2-43?a. '2:43Vo 2:44^. Horn & bunlevy, Geneseo, III., June 27, 1878, .?200. Prospect, Centella, Little Maid, 2:43, 2:40, 2-41 J. H. Duulevy, Cambridge, 111., August 29, 1879, $250. Bobby Newcoiub, Mary Queen, Bob Ames, Nomuin D., 2:40V... 2:43, 2 :41'/i. Manhattan, Kan.. Oct. 9, 1879. $100. Lud. Ivaiihoe, 2:46'.i'. 2:i8}4. 2:47%. Sullivan, 111., August 12, 18so, §100. Doctor Fred. Blue Clothes, "Lady Bell, 2:48. 2:45. 2:46. Shootiiiu' Star (3:44). Boston. Mass.. June 20, 1854. .§ . Granite State, Swiss Boy, 2:47. 2:46, 2-44 Shootins: (Star, b g (2 :50). Schoharie, N. Y., Oct. 9, 1862, $— . Baldwin Lewis (l 0), Lady Lightfoot (2 dr), 2:54, 2:r)0, 2:52, 2:52. Shorts folt, bg (3:31i4). D. A. Short, Augusta, Ga., Nov. 3, 1871, $1,000. Hickory Jack (1 dis). Old Put (1 (lis), 2::17'.. Shorty, b g (3 :50). R. W. Milbiu-n, Spring Valley, N. Y., Sept. — , 1876, $100. Dandy Jim 2, 2:50, 2:58, 2:57'4. 2:52'/^. Shorty Fountain, b g (3 :37). J-acob Fountain. Corning, N. Y., July 2, 1873, $400. Ida L., Blue Mare.Luthei? (1 dis). 2:55. 2:48?^,. 2:51'4- July 4, 1873. $450. Blue Mare. Ida L., Bonner, 2:43, 2:449*, 2:^2. Keene, N. H„ July 30, 1878, $200, Volcano l, 3 (i 0), Addison Boy, Dan C, 2:40, 2:45J4, 'i:i6li, 2:42, 2:474. 2 : 4 1 "'4 • Shot, ch g (3 :39?i). John Crooks, SacrauK^nto. Cal.. Sept. 19, 1859, $300. Powder, 2:42, 2:40,2:43Vi. (w), San Francisco, Cal., Jan. 21, i860, $5uo, Tiellinger (w), 2:44, 2:441,2, 2:o9?4. S. B. Whipple, Oct. 6. I860, $500. Snowstorm, 2:59>a,2:55, 2:49. Oct. 10, 1860, $200. Rattier. 5:32, 5:30. Two miles. (w) J. Crook. Nov. 6, 1862. $200. Kentucky Hunter (v,-), 3:47' ;, 2:48i^i. Shot (w) ch g (3:37). T. Cregan. Union Course, L. I.. Sept. 7, 1864, $170. General (w) 1 (4 dis), 2:39, 2:40^4, 2:3«. . Shot, blkg(3:37). G. W. Dickey, Prospect ParK, L. L, Oct. 10, 1872, $300. Dick, Fisherman's Daughter. 2:40i4.2:38lo. 2:37. Frank Van Ness. Barre, Out., JulvS, 1873, $300. Little Nell 1. J. T. Fulton 2, Woodville Maid (4 dr), York State (4 dr). Toronto Bov, 2:0814, 2:42, 2:39!4, 2:39, 2:4494. Shot, chg (3:48). C. H. Dazier, Raleigh, N. C, Oct. 20, 1880, $100. Maud McDonald, Chauncey, 2:55, , Oct. 21, 1880, $150. Henrj^ Clay. Maud McDonald. Ethan Allen, 2:55»^, 2:48, 2:51}^. Shraughran (3:40). Dovlestown, Pa., Oct. 4, 1882, $200. Owena 1, 2:40}4, 2:40. 2:41, 2:45. Shrimp, b g (3 :36). B. H. Jones, Sn)ithtown. L. I., July 20, 1870, $1C3. Lady Jones 1, 2:41, 2:42, 2 :45 2:50. Kiverhead, L. I., Oct. 7. 1870. .SIOO. Conkling's br g 2, Mead (3 dr), 2:41, 2:41"2, 2:42, 2:42. Shuiuway, blk m (3 :53)). R. B. Grover, Martha's Vineyard, R. I , Aug. — , 1873, $ . Grav Eagle, Rhoda, Henrv. 2:52?4, 2:57. 2:52. Shy. gr g (3 :47). J. II. Estabrook. Denver. Col., Oct. 10, 1867. $ . Brown Bill 3, George Bancroft (2 dis), 2:.'>7i.i, 2:59.2:58, 2:52 '4. Shvlock. gr s (3 :46?i). George B. Bostwick, Amenia, N. Y., 10, 1875, $45. Colonel John. John Kase Jr., 2:50, 2:4914. 2 :.50i4. Sibyl, b m (3 14334). P. Brandon, San Francisce. Cal., Oct. 16, 1875, $100. Gracie 3. 2:.56i4, 2:.-)6. 2:43'2, 2:43^. Sigr, b g (3 :40), by Sheridan. S. M. Signor, Troy, N. Y., Aug. 22. 1S74. $400. Sunset 1. 2:50, 2:50. 2:.50'^, 2:54. J. B. Burlew. Rochester. N. Y., Sept. 22, 1875, $150. George Ryan, Charles F. Green Mountain Boy, Lady Blossom. Tom Weishell (1 dis), 2:40, 2:45, 2:4.5^. Silas, grg (3:31). S.Wright, Gettysburg, Pa., July 24, 1877, $100. Pastime, Maria Stuart. Colonel (2 dis), 2:4.5.2:45,2:48'/^. Westminster. Md, July 31, 1877, $300, MountHol]y,Al Watsonl3(2 0) (.sdis), Selim (2 dis). Fearless (2 dis), 2:43,2:40. 2:45';, 2:45, 2:46"2,2:31. Mifflin Co., Pa., Sept. 26, 1877. $ . Harry, Lizzie, 2:55, 2:52, 2:58. Berkley, Co.. W. Va., Sept. 12. ISTi, $300. Billy Frederick 3. Rattler 2. Annie, Top. 2:45, 2:46, 2:46, 2:44, 2:40. Westchester. Pa., Sept 19, 1878, $250. Bay Chief, Guide, May, Sis, Dew Drop (l dis), 2:44, 2:45, 2:43. Silas Garber, b s(3:50i. by Seneca Chief , dam Nell, by Young Eclipse. F. Allison, Friendville, Neb., July 4, 1881. .$100. Bay Dick 2, 2:50. 2:57, 2:.52i^. 2:50. Silas King, b g (3:45). M. D. Field, Olathe. Kan., Oct. 8. 1873, $100. Lady Dunmore l. Gray Eagle. Belle (3dr), 2:46, 2:4."., 2:47^^, 2:49. Silas Kich (George Fawcett 1, ch g (3 :3494). by Young Priam D. Thompson, Chicago. III.. Aug. 15. 1863, $300, Scalpel 2, ,3, Prairie Bov, Abe Lincoln, 2:.S8i.o, 2:36'2, 2:36, 2:3.5i/i, 2:39. Simon Anderson, De Kalb. 111., Sept. 27, 1863. $100. Gen. Grant. 2:42. 2:43. 2:39. Sandwich, 111., Sept. 28. 1863. $100. Black Douglass (3 0), Gen. Grant (3 dr), 2:41. 2:43. 2:43. 2:38. Chicago. 111.. .lulv 7. 1864, $150. Carrie. 1, Glencoe, 8:09, 8:09, 8:48. Three miles. O. W. Dimmick. Buffalo. N. Y., Aug. 17, 1866, $500. Strathmore 1 4, Morrissey, Heart of Oak. 2:343li, 2:34. 2 '34'; 2 '37 2 '32. cievelahcCo.', Aug. 22, 1S60. .$800. Sir Walter 1. Morrissey, Commodore (1 dis), 5:19, 5:12, 5:16. Two miles. Aug. 25, 1866, $400. Bav Blllv, 2:48. 2:39k. 2:38',i. Chicago. 111.. Sept. 3. 1866, .§300. Boston 1, Modoc. 2:31, 2:309i, 2:31U. 2:29>4. Sept. 6, 1866. $600. Morrissey George JI. Patcheu Jr. (l dis), 2:34, 2:31»/4, 2:31. (J. .Jones, Louisville, Kv.. Oct. 9, 1866, $300. Sir Walter 2. Black Maria, (1 dis), 2:439i, 2:43, 2:36,3:18. o. W. Dimmick, Baltimore, Md., Nov. 15, 1866, $2,000. George M. Patchen Jr., Dan, 7:57, 8:02. Three miles. Fashion Course. L. I., Julv 17, 1867, .$800. Quicksilver, 5:06'2. 5:16M. Two miles. — — Buffalo. N. Y.. Aug. 15. 1867, $1,000. Fearless, Gen. Butler, 5:10, 5:07i4. Two miles. Ciiicagi), 111.. Sept. 9, 1867. $1,000. Gcn. Butler, Fearless. 5:04. 5:04i4. Two miles. Milwaukee, Wis,, Sept. 14. 1867, .$72.5. Angeline 1, Meg. 2:29^^, 2:30i4. 2:31^4, 2:30]4. Indianapolis. Ind.. Oct. 5. 1867, .$1,000. John A. Logan, 2:.15. New Orleans. La., June — . 1868, $500. J. W. Pav-ne 2 (3 0), Molly Buckner, Morrisey (1 0), (4 dr), 5:19, 5:16 5:15,5:17. Two miles. Feb, 14. 186><, $1,000. Mollv Buckner. Morrissev. J. W. Pavne (2 dr\ 5:21' j, 5:22^4. Two miles. St. Louis, Mo.. June 4, 1868, .•=!.50O. Pilot Temple, Idol. Jaiinette. 2:3314. 2:32, 2:33^. .fnne 6 1868. $.500. Morrissev. Mollv Buckner, 5-A0]4. 5:10. Two miles. f hicago. 111., June 19. 1868. *1,000. Pilot Temple, Kirkwood, Bashaw Jr., George Palmer, 2:24^, 2:26, 2:2714. M. Cavanangh, Indianapolis, Ind., Oct. 2. 1868, $1,250. Billv Barr l, Point Breeze. Rolla Golddust, 2:31V4, 2:.30'i. 2:29. 2:;5214. O. A. Hickok. 'Grand Rapids, Mich., Julv 9. 1869. $ . Idol 3, 2;48>i, 2:38. 2 :39».., 2:36. M. Cavanangh. Cincinnati, O., June 21, 1870. .$2.50. Molly 1, 2:36J4, 2:33Ji, 2:32?i,~2:40. June 25. 1870. .$100. Hoosier Tom, pacer, l. 2, 2:31J^, 2:27i^, 2:28'/,, 2:28, 2:31i^. C30 CHESTER'S CO.Ml'LETE TUOTTINU A-ND I'ACINU UECOltD. O. W. Dimmick, Dayton, O., July 7, 1870, fsoo. Anthony Wayne l. Lew Sayres, R. riil.lara, Pea Green (3di8), •.>:37, L':37. Caniln-idge. liul., .Inly 30, 1K70. Siioo. Lew Loiler 1, Bay .Jim i;:3i, i.'ai-'.i, '.'tSl. M. ('avanaiit;li. Indianapolis. Inil.. Ud. 7, l8T(i, if.ioo. Lew Locler, Anllionv Wayne, 2:S\)^. 2:30. Thomas Kramer, .laeksonville, ill. ..Inly 4, 1874. S . Dunlap. Little Brown. i-^OO, l':49.I':47. SIlaH Rich, eh g ri ::{">». B. Cunningham, Amenta, N. Y., Oct. 8, 187.>, 4^100. Clover 2 (1 0), Nelly .Jones, L':4s. 2:44'2. 2Aiiy.. •2:47J J, •J:44'.i. Catskill,\. V-Jiilv I'J, 1876, $400. Lady Maud l, Delilah, W H. Arnold, Irish Maid, Nelly V.. Flora. Phil (3 dr), 2:40, •J:4L 2:40, 2:40. Trov, N. Y., Aug. 31, 1870, $300. Tommy L 4, W. H.Arnold, David. Lady Burr, Johnny, Sam, Upton (5 dr)."Ada 1>. <3 dis', 2:3,'). 2:37, 2:36, 2:36, 2:36(2. Washini,'toa Hollow, N. Y., Sept. 21, 1876, $175. Pondietta 2, I'limpton 1, 3 (5 dis>, 2:39'/4, 2:42',i, 2:40?4, 2:40^.,. J:;;)!.., 2:4.;.^4. K. \V. Bailev, I'ittstield, Mass., .June 5, 1877, $300. Mack 2, 3, Albino 1, Com. Bainbridge, 2:38, 2:42, 2:41. 2::i.">, 2:48. 2:4SUj. Silas Wright, eh s (3:40). C. H. ^■an Xess., Utiea., N. Y., July 5. 1853, $100, Eiitaw, Hector. 2:40. 3:00, 2:46. Sila-s Wright, b s (3 :40,li.». Robert Lowe, Khinebeck, N. Y., Sept. 12, 1872, $70. Amerieus 3. 1'atchen Jr. 2, Cen. (Jiant 1, 2:55, 2:5G'4. -:iJ''>. ■.2:'")3)^, 2:.">6, 2:51. Stallions. Sept. 12, 1873, $.')0. I'nion 1, Young Dexter. Duplex (2 dis\ Kossuth Jr (1 dis>. Gen. (irant (l dis), 2:45Vi, 2:1(1'.., 2:45, 2:4r>'-. Stallions. . \Vasliingt(m liollow. N. Y.. Sept. 23,1873. Prize, sUver. Rocket 1. 2 (5 dis). 2:4.'5. 2:44. 2:44, 3:05. . Silas Wright, I) s i '^ :'i8'.i i, by Alexaniler, dam bv (iov. Wright. Simond & Clongh. Rochester, Minn., July 3, is8.i, ■=;-'(ii). Lc Claire, Little Koek (2 dis), 2:4294. 2:454. 2:429.i. .Iiilv .">, 18S3. $20(1 Little tiueeii, Volunteer Maid, Cap. Capron, 2:3t>W, 2:41, 2:42. Minneapolis. Minn., Aug. 31, 1883, .ijiSOO. John Thomas, Black Jim. Lulu Judd, Maud H., Maggie Kevin, Zig. Fashion. Netty G. (3 dr), 2:33, 2::!3, 2:33J.i. Koebester. Minn., Sept. 14, 1883, $100. Zig, 2:30?.i, 2:28»4. Silent Friend, br g (;i:45). 15. F. Einmett, New Orleans, La., Mav n;, 1881, S! . Little Star, Minnie Wilkes, 2:45, 2:47. Silk Stocking, blk m (3:46). T. Golley, Morrison, HI., Aug. n, I860. .«200. Kiswaukee Chief, 2:51.2:40. 2:49. SilkStucking. b g (3:43). Mr. McAllister, ]>avenport la.. Oct. 27. 1800.,'JOO. MislKjuaki 1,3:06, 2:57, 2:58. K. Bird, Nov 8, 1800, .§100. Misbciuaki 1, 2:44. 2:43, 2:4;i. Silk .Stockings, ch m (3:50), bv Beausire. J. Bell, Corning, N. Y., Oct. 0, 1874, $300. Ned, Georgaina, H. S. Nichols, White Bird, .Johnny, Clothespin d dis), 2:.50, 2:50, 2:.50. Silky B., eh g (3 ::{0). by Torna'do .Jr., dam bv Kentucky Hunter. M. C. Wilbur, Denver. Col.. June 28, 1876; $400. Aroostook Boy 1,2, Sir Walter, 2:389i, 2:38, 2:38?4, 2:40, 2:44'2. June 29. 1876. $400. (ieorge Luciis, Bav Tom, Miller's Maid U dis), 2:42!i. 2:42?.i, 2:44. Sept. 27, 1870. .S220. Aroostook Boy 1, hannah. Bay Tom (1 dis). 2:37. 2:38, 2:40, 2:38J4. . Sept. 28, 1870, .?200. Aroostook Bov, Hannah. 5:29, 5:31^. Twomiles. Sept. 30, 1870, .$200. Aroostook Boy 2, Bay Tom (3 dr),2:41. 'Z-A-JU, 2:41»a, 2:42';. Will)ur & Mayuard, June 13, 1877, $050. Bay Rattler, John Dunning, Hannah, Aroostook Boy (1 dis), 2:37, 2:38V.i, 2:38. June 16, 1877, $800. Bay Rattler, Aroostook Boy, Nicodemus (1 dis), John Dunning (.Ulis), 2:34, 2:36, 2:30''' '- .I."s. Mayuard, Red Wing. Minn., June 26, 1879, $200. Matt Kirkwood, John J. Cook, 2::i6, 2:30, 2:37!4. ■ St. Paul'., Minn., .July 2 and 3, 1879. $ . Indicator 2, Ella Earl, Charley Cliamj), Emma Coon (4 dis), Col. King (3 dr), 2:32, 2':.)0'2, 2:32i^, 2:33. Minneapolis, Minn.. .July lo, 1879, $200. John J. Cook 1. Matt Kirkwood, 2:32!4, 2:30i4, 2:34i4, 2:34. Stillwater, Minn.. .July 17, 1879. .$200. John J. Cook 3, Matt Kirkwood, 2:30'2, 2:3l',2, 2:31, 2:32',2. Burlington, la., Sept. 10, 1879 .S400. Blue Cloud. Josephine. Highland Queen (l dis), 2:3l>^. 2:30, 2:34. Silver, bg (3:50). George Futeher, Nashville, Tenn., Aug. 5, 1865. $200. Black Dan 2, 2 :50, 2 :49J^, 2 :50'/„ 2 :.').!' 2. Theo. Hamner, Aug, 31, 1805, «loo. Blackhawk 2, 2:.52. 2:55'», 2:.50, 2:53. SilverCloml, chg (3:37), by Caledonia Cliief. A. W. Brown, Jamestown, N. Y., Oct. 15, 1879, $100. Billy Waite, 2:511^, 2:511i, 2:51. William Moore, Erie, Pa., .June 1, 1870, .$200. George, Lady McKinuey, Fred Fette, Chestnut Dan, 2:45, 2:43, 2:42. Simrlairville, N. Y"., Sept. 3, 1870. .$200. Frank Martin,* Chestnut Dan, Printer, 2:44»4, 2:40, 2:39%. Erie, I':i.. Sept. 27, 1877, $2;-30. Minnie Lee 3. Phil Sheridan, Hattie. 2:42, 2:38?4, 2:38, 2:37. Silver Cloml, wh m (3:45). R. B. Perry, Washington, D. C, June 1, 1874, $ . Fenian Boy 1, Belle of Gettysburg, Charlotte Hall (2dis), 2:54, 2:45, 2:.50,2:52. Silver i)uUe. gr s (3 :38'0. by Iron Duke, dam Dandy, by Young Engineer. J. Wadsworth. Waukegan, HL, (). I'"ive I'niles. . ., _,., „ , ^ ,^ (w) W. H. Burditt, March 4. 1872, $1,000. Tule St. Clair, 18:09».^. Five miles. Stiver Heels drew. 400 lbs. (w). Same day, $1,000. Tule St. Clair, 17:47. Five miles. Silver Heels drew 800 lbs. J. McCue. Dec. 12. 1872. $ — . Taxpayer. 14:28. Five miles. ^, . „ „ , ^_ ^,.... Silver Heels. (SMO'i). Ca)>tain Bromlev, f4tlllwater. Miun., Sept. 17, 1873. $60. Harry, India Rubber, Gift, 3::!0i„. 3:31. Four- .ear-oUls. , , ^ ., .^. , . Sliver Heels, gr g (3 :'40). by Old Silver, .f. P. Savers, Grand Rapids. Mich., July 12, 1876, $400. Bay Dick 2. .lennv L.. Crav .Jim. 2:47. 2-4.5V^,2:.50. 2:48. , „ „^, Silver Heels, b g"(3:45). J. (Jregg, Ca, by Chester Lion, dam by Hassen. W. Stewart, Cleveland, ()., June 20, 1871, $500- Kittv, Blaekthonie, Titusville, St. Vincent (2 dist. Tom Moore ,Ir. (1 dis), Novelty (l dis), Ginnneirs br g (1 dis), Kitty d dis). Doctor Bonaparte (1 dis), Hilly Cusliiu!:; (l dis), George (1 dis), 2:37S-'2, 2:35, •2:3»;!4,. Jolin Hiiies, Canal Dover, ()., Aug. 3. 1871, §50. Coinijeiitors not named. 2:5(;. Nearest to 3:00. Massillon. C., Oct. 17, 1872. §2r.O. Nelly, Ladv McKinuey, Whirlwindd dis), 2:44'2. 2:i2'.2, 2:44^4. Sleul)enville, O., August IG. 1873, $500. King William, Annie Collins, Little Mack, Slow Go, Kate Camp- belle (2 dis). 2:36W. 2:;;5!2. 2:36}^. Massillon. O.. Oct. t). 1873, Sl.W. George Reed. Whirlwind. 2:4.5^, 2:45i^, 2:47i4. Cambridge City, Ind.. June 2. 1874, §1,000. Dolly, Tom Wonder, Rival, Black Frank (2 dis). William H. (2 dis). Jennv (2 dis). Little Alfred (1 dis). Gray Aleck d J 2:30'c, 2:3114,2:3.5. John Hines. Detroit. Mich., July 4. 1877, §1.000. Planter, Lady Turpin, 2:29. 2:26. 2:29. Beaver, Pa,. Sept. 21. 1877. $400. Belle Brastield, G^ypsy Tom, 2:32, 2:32J42:34. Toledo, O., Sept. 25, 1877, $1,000, Elsie Good 3, Little Gypsy, Monarch Jr , Badger Girl, 3:30, 2:20, 2:27, 2:27. St. Petersburgh, Pa., June 6. 1878, $700. Deception 3, Versailles Girl, John H., Hannah D.. 2:30i4, 2:33, 2:.31i^, 2:31. Oil City, Pa., June 27. 1S78. $700. John H. 1. Hannah D.. Versailles Girl. 2:31, 2:31. 2:29Vs 2:28>4. Sabina, O.. Aug. 22, 187s. .§400. Deception 1. Hazor. Red Line, Nettie C, 2:30, 2:32'/i, 2:31, 2:30i4. Hillsboro, O., Aug. 30, 1878, §.500. Nettie C, Deception. 2:31, 23m, 2:28Ji. — • — Columbus. O.. Sept. 18, 1.^78, §110. Billv Yeazell, Deception, Uip Rap, 2:27'2 2:26V2, 2:22?4. Oil City. Pa., Julv 10, 1879, .§400. Brother Jonathan, Deception, Clifton Boy. 2:33, 2..S2, 2.8214. J. Ackelson, Aurora. 111., Aug. 1, 1879, .S6OO. .John IL. Scott's Thomas, Cozette, 2:31, 2,29,2:28. Silver Star. (vv). b g ;3:37i^ w). J. H. Bergen. Waverl»v Park, N. .1 ., Sep*^. 21, 1880, $150. Daisy Stride- awav, (w). Miss Mary L., iw), (3dr), 2:37'i, 2:3914. 2:424 Silvertail, (3:51). Manchester, N.H., July 4. 1860, .§200. Buchanan. 1, 2:.5.5. 2:.54, 2:51. Silvertail, (3 :55). Troy, N. Y. Sept. 8. 180.5, .§.50. Can't Tell 3. 3:00, 3:02. 2:.58, 2:55. Silvertail, ch s (3 :56Ui)'. O. Burton, Newark, O., Oct. 4, 1871, $.50. P'inkbones b s, 2:.56io, 2:.n8. Silvertail, blk g(3:43'). R. H. Atkins, Deerfoot Park. L. L. June 10, 1875, §200. Safety 2, Jim. Sam Hunting, Hardroad, Carter (3 dis), Dick Goodwin (3 dr), Harry B. (2 dis), Mack (2 dis), Annie Palmer (2 dis). Country Boy (2 dis) 2:43, 2:4.3, 2:43, 2:43. Silvertail. eh g (3:33i4). by a son of St. Lawrence H. C. Eck, Rittersville, Pa., June 18. 1875, .$.500. Anodyne, Chauncey M. Bedle, Nelly Warwick, 2:41i4. 2:40, 2:40?4. Wilkesbarre, Pa.. July 1, 1875, .$500. Chauncey M. Bedle, 2 3, Gypsv Bill, Nichols (2 dis), 2:40, 2:38. 2:.38i.i, 2:38^,2:38 B. C. Guerin, Jersey City, N. J., Sept. 16. 1875, $ . Ellen Mary l. 3. Fred Tyler. Willie. Cheston.Break- O'day (2dis). 2:.50. 2:44 i'4. 2:41, 2:46, 2:47. Oct. 25 and 26, 1875, .§.500. Don 2, 4, Judge Robertson 3. Lavinia, St. George, Ellen Mary, 2:42,2:44,2:43, 2:38,2:40,2:11. Nov. 1. 1875, $1.50. Don 1, Carrie N., Lavinia, Ellen Marv. (4 dr>. 2:49. 2:42i/2, 2:43,2:43. — — W. L. Tompkins, Waverly Park, N. J.,—, 1876. .§.300. .ludge Robertson. St. George. 2:35%, 2:37i!4, 2:37. Aug. 8, 1877, .$100. Judge Robertson 1, 3, Fanny G., Fannv H.. Clay Boy (3 dr), 2:.;7?4;, 2:35. 2:.36?i, 2:36i4, 2:.35'4. Warwick. N. Y., Aug. 16, 1877. .§2.50. Grace 1, Romulus, Pick Quick, Mary Lamb, Sussex, Don, 2:38,2:37, ' Flei'nington. N. J., Sept. 28, 1877, $500. Hannah D. 3, Carrie N. 4. Lady Leigh, 2:37, 2:35^,2:311/2, 2:.34',.i, . Jersey Citv. N. J., Nov. 22. 1877, $100. Fanny G. 1, Carrie White 3. Shoo Fly, 2:45, 2:46. 2:52. Silvertail, b g (3:58). Mystic Park, Boston, Oct. 16, 1878, $70. Ben Fcauklin, Lady Warren (w), Bessie, Stranger (3 dis), 2:5914. 2:.58. 2:.59. Silvertail, b m (3:33',). J. Baine, Gilroy, Cal., Oct. 22. 1879, $ . P. Connelly, Wm. Cnllen, F. Johnson, Dolly P.. 3:.34, 3:24, 3:22'i. Silverton. bg(3:30i4), by Blue Bull, dam Silverella. Charles Meyers. Cincinnati. O., Oct. 7. 1879. $1,000. Robert McGregor. Don Quixote. Largesse. EffieG.. Duck, Chauncey H., Leontine, Erin Chief (2 dr), 2:271^2. 2:2914,2:29%. Lexington. Ky.. Oct. 14. 1879. $700. Fanny Witherspoon, Don Quixote, Leontine, Lumps, Largesse, Gen. Wavne, 2:2.5i.^, 2:22'.,, 2:22^4. ()ct. 18. 1879. $200. Sciola. Dick Taylor. Deck Wright. 2:24. 2:23i.<;, 2:26. W. H. Mcrarthy, Fort Wavne. Ind., May 26. 1881, $500. John Grant. Alta, William H., Elsie Groff, Minnie R. i2 dis), 2:29V^, 2:27, 2:26 Jackson, :Mich.. June 7, I88I. .§900. Minnie R., Florence, Edwin Thome, Clover, Pickard, Alta. 2:34. 2:32, 2:30. East Saginaw, Mich., June 18, 1881, $800. Florence. Edwin Thome, Minnie R.,Alta, Pickard, 2:24, 2 :23J4, 2:201,1. Grand Rapids, Mich., June 24. I88I. $1,000. Trinket, Voltaire, Will Cody, Charley Ford, 2:23, 2:2114, 2:21%. lona. Mich., June 28. 1881, $600. Edwin Thorne 2, Minnie R., Florence, Pickard, Alta (2 dis), 2:27}^. 2:26i.i. 2:?7i.i. 2:26i4. .Julyl, 1881, $1,000. Trinket, Charley Ford, Will Codv, 2:21"2, 2:21ii. 2:21%. Battle Creek, Mich.. July 6, 1881. $7()0. Edwin Thorne, Florence, Pickard, Alta, Minnie R., 2 :26^, 2 :26!4, 2:26%. July 8, 1881, $900. Trinket 1, Charley Ford, Will Cody, 2 :2.3'/2. 2:23Ji, 2:24, 2:2514. ^ CHE.STLK'S CO.Ml'l.KTE lUOTTlNU A>'U TACl^IU UECOliL). - Pittsburgh, Pa.. July 14, 1881. .S2.000. Voltaire 2. Irene, Powers, 2:20J4, 2:23H, 2:24J^, 2:23H. X. W. Kittson, Minneapolis, Minn.. Sept. (J, 1882, SjOO. Pedro 2, 2:28. 2:26'4, 2:26?4. 2:30. Silvey, wli nu'-i:-*.!). 1). A fSnell, ProviiliMire, K. I., Oct. 10, 1805, * . Mace's br m 4,5, Geu. Sherman 2 (4 Or), Hosa ,4 (lr\ Kockcl (3 dri. 2:4,j,2:44.V2, 2:52»i, 2 :5u1^, 2 : 4l»»4. 2:50M- Simcoe Girl, b ni i3:(»0). K. Porteous, TilsonburKh, Out. July 2, 1877, SoO. Pious George, Kitty Wells, Bay Prince, :i M. ;t :()l u,, 3 :02. Sanu! dav. S'i>. Victor Hugo (3 0), Sorrel Tom, 3:0l, 3:00, . 3.02. Simon, b g (S :45',2). O. W. Diiniuick, New Orleans, La., Jan. 17, 1855, 800. Black Angel. Henry Clay, 2:46^, 2:51. 2:50' J. E. Shilling. July 31. 1857, .^.-iOO. Little John (w) (1 dis„ 2:453^. Slinun, b g (« :4Gt. Charles Bernard, WaterLown, N. Y., Sept. 21, 1861, S25. Buckskin 1. 2:.5C, 2:.W, 3:00. lohn W.ikelield. Adams, i^. v., September 14, 1864, $40. White's blk s Mambrino Chief (w), Edgill's gr g, ":46. Simon, c. g \ a :30>. by a son of Ethan Allen. Uobert Dempster, Trenton, N. J., Sept. — , l«71, S450. Gray Dick 3, Daisv \'crn()n 4, 2:4.")V«, 2:46. 2:46, 2:52. 2-45';. Kaston, I'a., .Sept. 18. 1872. .'«200. I'.lack Prince 1, 2 (5 dis). Doctor Jackson vl dis), 2:47^,, 2:.';2. 2:48,2:52>i 2:50?.i. Thomas Newman, Sept.. 19, 1872, '5200. Kitty Davis, Marj- Flagloy, Black Prince (2 dr). 2:49'*!, 2:.'i0!4, ^ Bobert Dempster, May 29. 1873, S . "Waverley, 2 :46, 2:48}^, 2 :52. lune 18. 1873. $17.'>. Ella, Doctor Jackson, Kcctifler (I dis), 2:.V2'2, 2:50''2, 2:53. .Sept. 17 and 18, 1873. .:ii, 2:4(»'o,2:41. .1. L. rreck, Gettysburgh. Pa., July 27,, 1876, .?G0O, Little Mary. Billy Britton, Lady Patterson, 2:35, 2:.T2>.i. 2:3.x Simon, c^ :.>«'4). Mr. Doyle, London, Out.. Sept. 9, 1875. Prize, sulky. Juliet 2, Romance, Flying Morgan, Tempest, Detlance (4 dr). 2:58,2:5594, 2:5Gi4. '2 •'■*}'a- Simon, li g a M-.i). Simon Stafford, Paris, 111.. July 27, 1883, .fioo. Rocket 1. Little Tommy. Dun Sam. Shep- herd t ».. 2:.W. 2:4,5. 2:40. 2:40. C, i.aihrop. Remington, Ind.. Aug, 30. 1883. »100. Billy Wonder. Sana G., 2:!)2. 2:44. 2:46. J. Atkinson. Plymouth, Ind., Sept. 27, 1883, .fl.oO. Capi. Bogardus, Maud M., Consolation. Frank B. (3 dis). 2:45. 2:41^, 2:4.5. Sintot Belle, ch m (3 :54). T. Scott. Ontario. Ont.. June 29, 1878, .$450. Prmcess Mary, 2:54, 2:56, 2:54. Simpson's Cliestnut (ieldinu. 1 2:4'^). H. Sinij)son. Rochester, N. Y., Sept. 19. 1879. .S50. Milkmaid 1, 3, (50), l,ottie. BallantvniT's b <;. Lottie (Iray ('-''dv). 2:56. 2:44. 2:49. 2:42,2:42'2. I'nfinished. Sim Watson, blk s (« :'iO'4,>, b\ Savre's Harry Clay, dam Julia, by New York Black Hawk. F. M. Learned, Pittsfield, Mass., Oct. 9, 1879. .91(10. Jerry 1, Stella, Dolly, 2:43, 2:40^, 2:40'e. 2:42. Sinbad, b g (3:."i4). by Jersey Star. E.W.Ross, Geneva, N. Y., June 15, 1881. $200. Kit Sanford, Hattie Fisher. Baby N.. .Johnny tl.. 2:37i4. 2:37. 2:3754. June 17, 1881. .S150, Henry Clark 2. Charley D. 1, Hattie Fisher. Lena, 2:37, 2:37h. 2:.3Pi4. i-"9Ki. 2:42. Syracuse. N. Y., July 14. 1881. $200. Maggie Mitchell, Ingomar 1, 2 (4 dr), 2:30,^, 2;32>.^, 2:37. 2:.38. 2:39^. Siplion, ch g (3 :45). J. Goddard, Stafford Springs, Conn., Oct. 5, 1882, $100. My Lady, Surprise, Hickory Dick, Lottie, 2:45, 2:51, 2:46. Sir Albert, b s. (i. Joiu'S, Monckton. N. B., Julv 21, 1883, $.50. Garfield. 1 :28, 1 :30, 1 :30. Half-mile heats. Sir Andrew, b g (2 :47'; s). J. Yoimg. Centreville, L. I., Sept. 22, 1840, $100. Ellen Tree (s; 1, Mingo (s) 2, Suffolk Maid. 5::?6, 5:35J4, 5:37, 5:38. Two miles. .Sii- George, bg (3 :39'/j). J. H. Williams, Bli.ssfleld. Mich., Sept. 13, 1873, $50. Favorite, Kitty, Tom. No time. (Meveland, 0„ Sept. .30, 1873. .$.500. Forrest Maid 1, 3. Lady Conley 2, Judge Glidden, Stranger, Ida \\ .. Kentucky Girl (2 dis), 2:47^', 2:45'4. 2:45. 1^:42' j. 2-48. 2:4.5. Oct. 2,1873, $500. Cricket 1, Brown Fanny, Lady Conley. Ida W.. Lady McFatridge. 2:41, 2:39';, 2:44, 2:40. Sir Georse. (Gavlord), br g (2:33'4), bv Manhattan. G. Northrop, Bennington. \ t., .Tuly 11, 1883, $300. Sam 1, Little Mack 2. Evia. Franklin. 2:36. 2 :38K>. 2:33%, 2:35. 2:. 38. Sir Gerry, b g (3 :45). Hiram Woodruff, Cambridge, Mass., June 12, 1848, $ . Daniel ^\ ebster, 2 :52. 2:53, 2:49'4. June 16. 1848, $ — . Daniel Webster, (irav Hector (2 dr), 5:,34. 5:39. Two miles. J. Somerindvke, Union Course. L, L. Oct. 9. 1848, .M.^O. Jenny Lind 1.3 (4 0). 2:47, 2:47. 2:.'i0. 2:.')2, 2:47,2:45, Sir Gibbie. ch g ("3:339i), l)v Corbeaii, dam by Tecunseh. J. H. Eastebrook. St. Joseph, Mo., Sept. 9, 1882. $.'500. Nonsuch, Mack. Westmont.2:35i;. 2:.38, 2:42. Sir Guv. b g (3 :38i/.), by The ]\Ioor. dam Madam Ferguson, by Stormy John. W. Obei. Vallejo, Col., Sept. 16. 1879. .?2.50. Andy .Johnson 1. Ceres, 3:0.T 2 :.54, 2 -.nr,. Three-year-olds. Petaluma. Cal„"Oct. l, 1879. $250. Sunbeam 1, 3. Ceres, Marin (1 dis i. Jiiml dis). 2:46, 2:49, 2:49, 2:69, 2:.52. Three-.year-olds. , , ^ 1. W. Donathan, Oakland, Cal., Sept. 17, 1880, $500. Fawn 1, Lady Ellen. Molly Drew, Lady Gertruds C3dis). 2::i0'i, 2:29>4, 2:28'2,2:2Si/g. ^ . ,. Sir Henrv, ch g (3 :37), by Billv Deuton. Dennis Mahoney, Le Roy, N. \ ., July 4, 1877, $200. Dacla, Georga M.. WUinarth (1 dis), 2':.38i/,.'2:.S7. 2:41^. , „ r , ,. G. W Kcyes, Olean, N. Y., Oct. 2. 1879, .$75. Kitty Wood, Postal Card. George M. Jacobs (2dis), 2:50, 2:50',, 2:46. Sir Joliii, (w) br s (3 :3«'i w>. P. W. Smith, Watertown, N. Y., June 27, 1866, $100. Dan (w) 1, Poscora (w), 3:05';, 3:00V<;, 2:.54, 2:.'i9. Burlington, Vt. Oct. 3, 1867, .$200. Whalebone. A'oung Ethan. 2:.389i, 2:;!9. 2:.{9. Charles Dickerman. Danburv. Conn., Sept. 3, 1870, $175. W.betiick 2, Black Sam, 2:44i4, 2:40, 2:41 3:01Vi. SlrKniffht. brg(3:3l(, by Wm. tl. Ripley. Peter Manee. Philadelphia. Pa.. Sept. 10. 1873, $2,ooo. Capt. .Lick. Snowball 1. 2 (4 dis). Harry (1 dis). Gen. Grant n dis), 2^-2^i, 2:.31,2:33, 2:38, 2A0^. Siroc, br g (3 :.''.0), by the Knox Horse. R. Stephenson, Woodstock. N. B., Sept. 19. 1883. $80. Dominion Boy (2 0), Tom Morris, Don;ild Morris, Hodgden (iirl, Maior Anderson. 2 :.58, 2:50, 2:.'>4,2:.'>4. Sir Ricliard U., dn g (3 :38). A. Corklns, St Paul, Minn., Sept. 20. 1872, $50. Roan Dick, Tearaway, 2:41H, 2:38, 2:381^. Sir Walter, b g (« :37), hv .\bdallah, dam bv King's Bellfounder. D. Tallman, Union Coiu-se. L. I., Dec. S, 18.57. $1,000. Black Prince .3. 2:49. 2:49, 2:49, 2:47. Goshen, N. Y., Oct. 8. I8f.2. .? . Tom Quick (w). Skid. 2:4.5, 2:42. .John Kirmer, Sept. 9. 1864, $1.50. Memnon 2. 3. 2:,51, 2:4,5. 2:4.5,2:44,2:45. James McKee, Greene, N. Y., Oct. 6, 1864. $.300. Memnon 1, 2f4 dr), 2:54, 2:54, 2:40, 2:38, 2:39. Titusville, Pa., August 1, 1865, $200. Lady Douglass (s), 2:29, 2 :29, 2:27. (HESTEKS COMrLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. G33 (w), August 10, 1865, §200. Eady Douglass (S\ l. 2:33. 2:30, 2:29%, 2:30. Oil City. I'd.. August iti, 186."., Ji^uOO. Wild Warreu 1. 2:37, 2:37. 2:34, 2:39. Meadville, I'a., August 22, iSGo, $ . Waters br s 1, , 2:45, 2:44, 2:43. Glenwood. I'a., Hept. 22, iMio. .S300. Mack 2. Black Oak 3, 2:31, 2:.32, 2:.35. 2:34, 2:33. Owego, N. Y., Sept. 26, 1865. §150. Dobson's b in, l, 3, Paddy ou the Canal (4 dr), 2:36, 2:35, 2:38, 2:36, 2:38. Sept. 27. 1865, $150. Crank's blk s, Paddy on the Canal. 2:35, 2:36. 2:34. Same dav. ■'S75. Paddv ou the Canal. St. Lawrence, 2:38, 2:39, 2:41. A. U. Hubbard, Monroeville, ()., June 8, 1866. $000. Sorrel Ned 3, 2:43, 2:43, 2:38"^, 2:37'/2. Fredonia, N. Y.. .lune 14, 1866, .flOO. Molly Newton. Nelly White, 2:381^, -J-Mu, 2:34?i. Short track. -William Hrown, Cleveland, O., August 25, 1866, $200. Nabocklish 2, 3, Pilot (4 drj, 2:37;)4., 2:42,2:39?^, 2:38J-4. 2:.J8?^. — A. .Mellon. Louisville, Ky., Sept. 28, 1866. •'J600. Bollv Lewis. American Star, 2:Z1%, 2:34, 2:33. A. Ulynn, Oct. 13. 1866, * . Bolly Lewis 1. 2:43, 2:3694. 2:42. — — William Brown, Evansville, lud., Oct. 19, 1866. .|500. Billy Barr, Red Fox, American Star(3dr), Stranger, 2:35, 2:.S3, 2:34. Indi.anapolis. Ind., Oct. 5, 1867, $1,000. I-izzie Warwick 2:41. Louisville, Ky., Nov. 4, 1867, .* . Chamjiaign 1, 2 (3 dis), .John Elmore (2 dis), 2:33*^, 2:38, 2:36^4. Nov. 9, 1867. .f.m W. K. Thomas (3 dis), .)ohn Elmore (1 dis). Champaign (1 dis), 2:36, 2:38?i£, 2:40i/2. Dr. Leet. Scranlon, Pa., August 28, 1869, .$ . Skillman's br s d 0). 3:13 3:1.3, . Wheeling. W. Va., Nov. 5, 1869, .S200. Brown Gelding 3. Wild Wagoner, 2:43, 2:41, 2:43. 2:4194. Sir AValter, blk s (3 :38'2). L. H. Dubois, Denver, Col., June 27, 1876, .$400. Prince (l dis), Jim Smiley (1 dis). Miller's Maul (1 dis). 2:38^. G. Stevenson. Yreka, Cal., Oct. 13, 1880. .$150. Maggie Arnold, Bones a dis), 2:40i.^, 2:41, 2:40. Oct. 16, 1880, .$150. Bones 2, Maggie Arnold, 5:3814, 5:28. 5:.37. Two miles. Sir Walter, ch s (3 :35i/o), by Aberdeen, dam Ladv Winfleld. by Edward Everett. Isaiah Rynders, Fleet- wood Park, X. Y., Oct. 18, 1877, $1,000. Col. Peabody, Tommy Norwood, Norman Chief, Hannibal, 2:32'i, 2:34^4. F'our-year-olds. W. E. Weei. M. Herbert, New Hunting Park, Phila., April 20, 1881, $ . Brown Jug 1, Caprice, Bella P. l3 dr), 3:01. 3:02. 2:50. Sir Willlain, ch g i3 :5l) (3 :43 s). George Spicer, Philadelphia, Pa., May 5, 1840, $1,000. Master Diamond, Bob Walton, 5:52, 5:48. Two miles. May 6. 1840, .$100. Lafayette l. 5:.50, 5:42, 5:47. Two miles. (s), Beacon Course, N. J.. Oct. 8, 1844, $500. Aiax (s) 1, Jersey Blue (s) (3 dis), 8:04' i, 8:09, 8:06'2. Three miles. (s), Oct. 31, 1844, $2,000. Hector (s), 5:26, 5:27. Two miles. (s), Philadelphia. Oct. 28, 1845, $200. Trenton (s), 5:33, 5:26, 5:32. Two miles. Sir William (3 :40). J. T. Colby, Springtield, I^Iass., Aug. 29, 1867, $75. Hunter 1. Lady Pathfinder, Dawson Chief, Fly. Lathrop. Capt. Bowers (1 dis), 2:46, 2:439;,:, 2:45. J. Greenman, Albany, N. Y., Sept. 2, 1868. $200. Kitty Gibson, Donna Belle, 2:47, 2:4.5, 2:52. Sir 'VVilliam AVallace, b's (3:371^), by the Robinson Horse, dam by Quicksilver (?) Adam Thompson Woonsocket. R. I., Sept. 14, 1870. $40. Lady Lincoln, 3:08. 3:04. Four-year-olds. Brockton, Mass., Oct. 8, 1874. $75. Rosa, Jasper, Josliua, F'rank, Caoutchouc '3 dr), 2:4614, 2:46, 2:50. — Beacon Park, Boston, Nov. 5. 1874, $300. White Stockings l, Kate Gilbert, Cataract 2 (3 df), 2-36}^, 2:32U. 2:371^,2:37,2:35. Brockton, Mass., July 5, 1875, $300. Little Gent 1, 4. Deacon 2, Casslus (5 dr), 2:41, 2:43, 2:38, 2:36, 2:43U. 2:371.1- John Trout, Beacon Park, Boston. Sept. 25, 1875, .$600. Defiance, Maggie S., Cassius Prince, John T. Russell, Blanche (2 dr), Ladv Knox (1 dis), 2:31, 2:30, 2:31. Keene, N. H., Sept. 30, 1875. .$500. Pet 1, Bessie. Henrv Stone, 2:35i4, 2:35, 2:36i4. 2:3514. Oct. 2, 1875. $1,000. Joe Kipley 1. 2, John H., 2:3.5^. 2:3594, 2:3414, 2:36}^. 2:35'.. Prospect Park, L. I., Oct. 8, ls75, $400. Pauline 2, Clifton 1, Tip Allen, Marshall (3 dis), Fanny Sprague (Idis), 2:3314. 2:.35^4,2:35;'4, 2:3494.2:3594. Oct. 26 and 27, 1875, $400. Clifton, Pauline, Tip Allen, 2:37^i. 2:3214, 2:30'4. Fleetwood Park, N. Y., Nov. 3. 1.875, .$500. Barney Kelly, 2:29. 2:28}^^, 2:31. Flemington, N. J., Sent. 25. 1879, $300. Augustus, Grocer, Peralto, 2:39, 2:36. 2:40. Sis, b m (3 :40). L. B. Bartholomew, Ellicottville, N. Y., Sept. 18, 1868, $80. Macey's Entry 2, Gray Souirrel. 2:4214,2:41.2:4194,2:42. -^ j j -i 1 Sis, b m (3 :4li4), by Ethan Allen. W. D. Clayton, Salem, N. J., Sept. 29 and 30. 1875, $300. Lilly Jackson 2, 3, Jim 1, Isabel, Lady Blessington (5 dr), Billy Boulden (5 dr), 2:.39'2, 2:43i4, 2:41i^, 2:431^, 2:41i2, 2:4194. Middletown, Del., Oct. 7, 1875, $150. Daisy, Billy Boulden. Rob Roy, John, Arab, 2:481-4, 2-53, 2:52i^ Siskiyou Girl. I)r m (3 :4~), by Gladiator. Samuel Magaffey, Yreka, Cal., May 8, 1875, $ . Young Nancv. Buzz, 3:09. 3:02. ' & j. C. D. Coward, Plaeerville, Cal., Sept. 15. 1880. $150. Dot (4 dis), Oakleaf 1,2 (3 dis), 2:49i/o, 2:56, 2:50 2:51!'2. Sept. 16. 1880, $200. Oakleaf 1, 2 (4 0). Dot (4 dis), 2:50'/2, 2:51, 2:52i4, 2:53, 2;48, 2:47, Chico, Cal., Oct. 9, 18,S0, .$75. Reno 1, 2:58, 2:.57, 2:58. 2:52. Siss4), by McCracken's Black H;'.wk. San Jose, Cal., Sept. 1. I8VI, $1,000. Traveller Breeze, Humming Bird, Highland Mary, Scipio (3 dis). Forest (3 dis). Black Ralph (2 dis), 2:39]/^. 2:371/2, O. A. Hickok, San Francisco, Cal., Nov. 23, 1872, $1.50. Lady Grant 1. Democrat, 2:404, 2:,36 2:3714 2-40 Dec. 12, 1874, $1,000. San Bruno, 1, 2:281^, 2:2994, 2:33. 2 :.33. ■ . z. ■ Dec. 19. 1.H74. $1,000. San Bruno, 1, 2:2714, 2:281^, 2:32i,. 2:3014. April 23. 187.5, .$.500. Ajax. San Bruno, George Treat, 2:30i.;, 2-299I4, 2:31i^. May 12, 187.5. $1,000. Aiax. George Treat, Defiance, 1 (2 disl. 2:2614, 2:2814, 2:2914, 2:31. May 15, 187.5, $1,200. Marv Davis 2, May Howard 1, Ajax, 2:30, 2:26ii, 2:29"'i4, 2:29i'2, 2:31K Sister, br m (3 :33i^). T. A. Hummell, Carlisle, Pa., Oct. 9, 1873, $300. Gilbert (2 0), Toby (2~0), 2:46>4, 2:47, Sister, b m (3 :30i4), by Volunteer, dam Ladv Sears, by American Star. Alden Goldsmith, Syracuse N Y Sept. 8, 187.5, .$800. Unknown 1.4, Lady Dexter, Charley, Montour Maid, Otego Chief, 2:3494. 2-3oV 2-35 2:3114, 2:.3.3. ^« • » Sister, b m (3:89i.i). by Admiral, dam Black Flora, by Black Prince. S. S. Drake, Petaluma, Cal , Aue 28 1883,.$ . Fanny 1, Uiiclp True, Joe Dnke (3 dis)," 2:41V6, 2:38, 2:42, 2:42'.. Aug. 31. 188.;. .$400. Uncle Tom, Robert Enmiett. Joe Dake (2 dr), 2:46i4, 2:46'4. 2-4414 Sister Hope, b m {2:53.^^). by .Fackson's Flving Cloud. H. W. T. Mali. North Adams, Mass., Sept. 19 1872. $200. Lady Wallace 2. Midnight, Follet's Billy, 2:58, 2:5634, 2:53%, 2:53Ji. b34 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TUOTTING AND PACINC; UEC(Jlil). Sister to Post Boy, ch m(3 :08!4), by Magic. T.J. Sydncr, Sliarpsburg, Ky., Aug. 5, 1870, §85. Tn.-kcr l. Bill Duiifuii, (ieorge Owen, Secret (1 disi, Se(iiiel (1 .liis), 3:02',,, 3:08'4, 3:15j4^. .Sister Wilkes, ni ill ciilJl), by (Jeoige \\ likes, than C'lieiukee (iirl. E. A. Smith, ]>a\vreii(e. Kan., Sejit i:.. 1.S82, $-40(1. Sir Gibbie J. Nonesuch. Strallibin. 'JiJU's. iJrSij'j, 2:36Vt, -:3.'). Sept. 7, ls«3, $400. Joe Yoiiug, Abiier 1'., Tramp, blue (loud, Georgia, 2:33, 2:32. 2:31. S. J. Tilden, bg(.2:49Jij. G. N. l-uriiisli, Visalia, C'al.. Oct. 17, 1883, Sir*. Barney Hall, Geo. Ellis, Z:.^",. 2:4'J-'j, 3:(i(». .Sk«'pti«', ell III (« :38»4). J. W. Hess, Newark, N. J.. Sept. IG and 17, 1S73. §200. Waverley (3 oj, Deans Hani- bletuiiiaii, Kul v. Brandy, (Jen. Grant U dis), Gray Hawk ^2 dis), Horace U tlisj, Pateheii Maid (I dis) 2:385ii, 2:-ll'4,2:41,io. 2:3U'4. Skid, bv g Ci A-zy,). W. H. Quackenbush, Stony Ford, N. Y.. Aug. IC, 18G2. §50. Tom (^liek, 1 (4 dis), 2:48, 2:45. 2:42'c, 2:13. Sept. 29, 1862. SlOO. I.adv Skinner, pacer (w). 2:441^, 2:44>2, 2:4.5. Jesse Iv. Wood, -Middletown, N. Y., Aug. — . 1863, .^100. Tom Quick (w), 2, 4. 2:44, 2:42, 2:4.'>, 2:45, 2:44'... Skinkle's Hainbletoiiian, b s ('i:'^, 2:3314. 2:37. — - .lulv 26, 1K72, S . Star of the West, 2, 3, 2 :28?4. 2:30?4 , 2:28?4, 2 :;i4^4 . 2:35. Eaii Claire, Wis., Oct. 9, 1873, $V>0. Lady Grav, Albert, Bay Cliarley, 2:bl%, 2:62. 2:51. Skinnewaha br m (U:;{«!^*. M. W. Black, Kochester, N. Y., June 21, 1866, $100. Monitor, 4 (5 dr). Brown Dick. 2 (4 dis), Genesee Maid (1 disi, 2:43, 2:40, 2:44. 3:02, 3:17. Mr. Wadsworth, Buffalo, N. Y., Aug. 17, 1866, $500, Byron I, Belle (Mifton, Spnngville Chief, Com. Niilt (3 dis), 2:40'4, 2:43, 2:38'2, 2:41'.,. Skipper, cli g (2:413^1. B. C. Holly, Grand Haven, Mich., Aug. 20, 1874, S2flO. Billv Duiiliam, Stranger, Josie, Dido. Fox, Jack West C-2 dis). Messenger (1 dis), Chestnut Hover (l dis). Honest John U dis). 2:43, 2:44'i, 2 :44}4. Skipper, blk g (.3:02 ). G. H. Ellenwood. Goffstowu, N, H., Sept. 30, 1880, $50. Maud D. 2. 3, Honest Billy, 3:0.5, 3:01. ;t:00, 3:03,3:03. Skipper, lir g (2 :3.3i^l. J. M. Smith, Avon, 111., Oct. 1, 1880, $300. Wild Oats, 3 (2 0), Danube. Nellv K.. 2;:!8Ui, 2:38, 2:40, 2 :39'4. 2:39)4. .1. B. Cliaiuller, Sept. 12, 188.3. $100. Dandy 2, Briien, 2:40)4, 2:41';., 2:40, 2:435£. Seiit. 14, isas, $22,5. Daniel K., Daiidv, iirueii, 2:38?4, 2:37^4, 2.40'.2. Alldo. HI.. Sept. 20, 1S8.3, .§1.50. C. M. C, Billy B.. 2:42, 2:46, 2:46. Skylark ov), b s (3:05' i w),bv .Missseiiger Chief, dam by Foxhunter. Mr. Van Ben Schoeten, Clinton, la. , Julv 1, 1869. $100. Lady Butler, Charmer, Kate Kerr, 9:14?i. Three miles. Skylark, b g (2 :;59). I). McCarthy, San Francisco, Cal.. Oct. 26. 1877, $125. Indian (iirl, Amanda Murray, Louisa H.d dis). Bag Picker U dis), 2:41?.i, 2:43?4, 2:43'o. P. Farrel. Jan. 5, ls78, $75. Careless Boy, Billy Taylor a dis). 2:43, 2:43?i, 2:47. Sky Kocket (s), b g (2:57 s). A. Revere, Columbus, 0.,Oct. 30, 1850, $100. Duster (s) l, 5:49, 5:54, 5:55. Two miles. Sky Rocket, b g (2 :.37), J. Turner, Danbury, Conn., Sept. 27. 1860, $ . Smith's gr s, 2:43, 2:39)^, 2:38. Mr. Bishop, Westport, Conn., Oct. 2. 1860, $50. (jnickstep, 2:40, 2:39)^. Oct. 3, I860, $1(K). Gray Stranger. 2:38, 2:37. J. Turner, Danbury, conn.. Oct. 5, I860, $100. Sarsaparilla (l dis), Green Mare il dis), 2:42. .Skyrocket. Huntington, L. I., June 1, 18S3, $ . Hetty 1, 2 (5 dr), Lucv (4 dr). No time. Slaslier(w), bg (2:5t w). J. Predmore, Fashion Cour.se, L. I., July 21, 1863, $1,000. Hiram Temple tw) 1, 5:59',», 5:42, 5:4.3. Two miles. Slate Rock, b g(2:50). L. Putnam, Brattleboro. Vt., Aug. 14, 1868. $100. Jimmv, Reliance, 2:54, 2:52, 2 :.50. Sleepy, br m (2:.'50?4). ,1. Woods, Jr., Abseconi, N. J., July 19, 1876, $150. Sally S., Nelly. Pinckney (1 dis). Sleepv Kated dis), 2:.5034. 2:.54!/>, 2:52. Sleepy, br g (2 :,->8). Sniaill & Mason, Coshocton, O., Oct. 23, 1877, $100. Ben Fisher, Lady, 3:05, 3:07, 2:58. Sleepv Hill, b g(2;49). Mr. Harris, Toronto, Out., Nov. 17, 1855, $1,000. Satania 1 (40), 2:59, 2:52, 2:49, 2:.54, 2:55. Sleepy itill (2 :,52). G. (irav, (iuelph, Ont., Sept. 8. 1870, .$200. Wellington Boy, 3:00, 2:59)4. 2:53'-^. Sleepy Bill, blk g (2 :26). B. Watson, Meudota. III., Aug. 20, 1875, $400. t^uarry Boy, Rose, Little Joe. Hickory. Rip Rap 0 dis). Harry B. (1 dis). 2:40, 2:38)^, 2:43. ■ Springfield. III., Sei)t. 24. 1875. $500. Jack Jr., Honest John. 2 :37V5, 2:38i.4- P. Walters. Davenport. la., Sept. 8. 1876. $700. Kitty Stratton 1, Janesville 2, Whalebone. West Liberty, OrivV Charley (5 dis). 2:39. , 2 :36, 2 :.'!6i^, 2:36'i. Kansas Citv. Mo., Sept. 20, 1876, $400. "Ned S\ 3, Charley Westbrook, J. M. Botts. Jr., 1 (4 dis), Charley 2, (3 dis), Dakota Maid (2 dis), 2:42, 2:40, 2:43, 2:41, 2:40, 2:41i/2. Humbolt. Kail., Oct. 4, 1876, .$50. Bully Allen 3, Bay Cliarlev, Bay Dan (4 dis), 3:05, 3:01, 3:00, 3:02. Sleepy Bill, b g (2:42^), by Ethan Allen. M. Shoemaker, Richfleld Spa, N. Y., Aug. 7, 1878, $100. George, Nelly Sherwood (2 dis), .luiiior Golddiist (1 disK Kitty (irace (1 dis), 2:48, 2:46?.i. 2:46's. Aug. 8 and 9, 187s, $100. (ieorge 3, Fanny (iolddust (3 dis), Indiana Boy (3 dis), 2 :4.5V;. 2:4914, 2:45)^, 2:43'4. Sleepy Bill, b g (2 :51-i.o. H. W. Howe, Prospect Park, Park, L. L, Sept. 29, 1873. $100. Tom, 2:5.3J4. 2:61*i, 2 : .53-'., . .Sleepy itill, I) g (2 :.36i/,). A. A. Boiiibeck, Moberlv. Mo., Julv 4, 1879, $250. Hiram Woodnitr. William C. Stakeholder. Forrest Pilot, George G. Vest, 2:.S7?,i:, 2:.37^. 2:40-'4. Kansas Citv, Mo.. Julv4, 1S81, .$100. Ladv Kern, MarvRavner. 2:42, 2:49, 2:51^4. Sedalia, Mo., Sept. 22. 1881, $200. Livingston 3. Dublin l?ov. Tramp. 2:.36'i, 2:39, 2:36^, 2:42. Kansas Citv, Mo., .hily 4. 1882. .? . Wonder, 2:.5.5, 2:4.5, 2:.'W)4. .Sleepy Bluclier," blk s (2:r.r>). liv Bliiclier. F. .1. McL(uighlin, Cedar Rapids, la.. Oct. 1.5, 1874, $7.5. Rosalie, Frank IJglitfoot, Lady McMa'un (2 dr), 2:.55, 2:55, 2:56. Sleepy Cliief.bg (2 :42>4), by Hambletonian, dam Diamond. J. Stout, Doylestwn, Pa„ Oct, 4, 1883, $100. Reuben, Warwick (Jirl. 2:4.3, 2:48'4. 2:42^. .Sleepy Dave, br g (2 ::n^). J. Gould. Wilmington, Del.. Oct. 19. 1871, $150. Dolly .1., Dauntless, Don Caesar, 2:51, 2:.58>i, 2:.5:i. 2:50'^. Philadelithia. Pa., Nov. 3. 1871. $.500. Red Rover. 2:37'/i, 2:.i8^, 2:39. Sleepy Dave bg (2 :563.£). Mr. Leavv, Chicago, HI., May 28, 1874, $150. Sorrel Dan 1, Horace Greeley tw) (4 dr), 3:00^4, 2:.56^.,, 3:01, 2:.58i,i. Sleepy I>ave, b g Ci :.-il). J. L. Law, Denver. Col., Oct. 4, 1882, $275. Cliestnut. Belle Low, 3:31, 3:3?. Four- year-olds or under. Sleepy David, b g (2:.'i2). S. A. Bailey, Woon.sockct, R. I., Oct. 18, 1865, «50, Poole's br g,, Jenny (I dis), 3:0914. 2:.->.3. 2:.52. - — May 5, 1866, $100. Sorrel Billy, 2:52%,2:56,2:SSii, CHESTEK'S COMPLETE TltOTTINU A^"D I'At'ING KECOKD. 635 Sleepy David, b g (3 :40). c. O. Stone, Daiivers, Mass., Oct. 31, 1874, $200. Bessie Holbrook, S. B. Mitchell, Burlington, Farmer Boy (2 dis), Fred (2 disi. Troublesome U dis, 2:4^^, 2:i«!-i, 2:49. H. t'orneilsoii, Spring Valley, N. Y.. .Inly 5, 1875,5200. Snider, Witcli, Flora (2 disj,2;41, 2:43.2:40. C. O. Stone. Lynn, Mass., July 30, 1875, Jf^OO. Steplien \V., Jim, Hercules, t'liarley, Husky Bov (3 disj, 2:4.^,2:43.2:42^2. C. H. Uody:e. JXinvers, Mass., June 17, 1873. $200. Bayard, Meander, 2 Alii, 2:4214, 2:42;^. Aug. 17. 1.S77, $lb'. Henry ^lorrill, Jesse Fatchen. 2:58, 2:56, 2:47'4. Sleepy David, blk g (3:431, by Gen. Sliernuui. S. S. Jauey, Kitlersville, Pa., Oct. 25, 1876, $lOu. iiuraey l, (ieorge IL, Lady K., Mike, 2:53, 2:r,lU, 2:55, 2:,5234. Belmont Park. Phila.. Nov. 23, 1876. .§100. Kevenge, Smiling Tom, Frank, 2:43. 2:42, 2:47^. Nov. 2.5. 1876, $400. Frank 1,3,2:471^, 2:451.0, 2:46}^, 2:47'2. 2:48. Sleepy Davy, b g (3:36). Joseph Fisher. Guthesville, Pa.. Sept. 5, 1863 $100. Fancy. 2.45. 2:46. - — ■ — b. E. Steevcr, Baltimore, Md.. Nov. 13. 1806, .$200, Lady Warwick 1, Flyaway, 2:38' 2, 2:38'.^, 2:38, 2:37. Nov. 17, 1.S66. $200. Lady Warwick 2. 4(30). Flyaway (30). 2:3914, 2:35?4.. 2::3r., 2:.!Si„, 2:40,2:39M- Sleepy Dick, b g (3 :44). Ed. Baldwin, Lancaster, N. H., Sept. 19, 1872, $75. Arthabaska, Butler, 2 :.50, 2:53,2:54. D. clunis, Saratoga Spa., N. Y., July 25, 1^73, $100. Dave, Silvertail, Warr Hulett. Fran-k Page (2 dis), Aliby (2dis). 2:44, 2:45^.2 :-t7' 2. Sleepy Doll, b m (3 :50^). F. E. Brown, Lewisburgh, Pa., Oct. 3, 1879, $40. Turk 2, 3, Flora (4 dr), 2:53, 2:51, 2:54, 2:51, 2:50iU. Sleepy Fred, ch g (3 :50), by Jay Gould. J. Westphal, Preston, :Minu., May 29, 1879, $110. Jack of Spades, Trample, .Maid of Erin, Frank Stowe, Silvertail. 2:58'-, 3:05,3:05. Mav30, 1879, $80. Hattie V.. Jack of spades. Nettie Moore, Preston Star, 2:50, 2:50. 2:53' 2. Sleepj' George, bg i3:46). J. Dunn, Jani;iica, L. 1.. Nov. 17, 1880, $100. Maud 1, (2 0), Sport (2 0», Bobby Burns. Alpha (3dr).2:49, 2:48, . Unlinishe:!. .Sleepy George. Mr. Knox, Seaforth, Out.. Sept. 12, 1882. $125. Mohawk Chief 1, Dan Forrest. No time. Sleepy George, ch g(3:39). Stone and Waslibiu-n, Goldendale, W. T.. Sept. 29, 1882,$ . Maud Knox, 2 :29, , ^— . Sleepy Jack, bg (3:49). Oscar Pott. Khinebeck, N. Y., Sept. 15, 1874, $45. Pitcher's ch g, Nell (2 dr), 3:25, 3 ;24. Four-year-olds. I w) J. Van Olt, Centreville, L. 1.. Sept. 23, 1875, $400. Slippery Jim, 2:52, 2:49, 2:52. Sleepy Jack, b g(3:.53'J). .Tames Kelly. Mason, Mich.. July 2, 1875, $200. Jenny, Silver Foot (3 disj, Sher- nuin (3 dis). Gold Fish (1 dis), Sam Houston (I disi. Kate Fish (1 dis). 2:56, 2.56, 2:53;4. .Sleepy Jake, b g (3 :.5G). W. (iallaghcr, Fleetwood Park. X. Y., April 24, 1877, .$200. Frank, 3 :i:'., 2:.5G, 2:58'/4. Sleepy Jerry, b g (3:34). H. Livingston. Northampton. Mass., Sept. 8, 1875, $400. Com. Baiubridge, Ship- mate, Bessie, Susan, Cleora Belle, 2:34;'.i, 2:3414, 2:35?i. Sept. 9, 1875. S500. Com. Baiubridge, Susan.~Jimmv Norton. Flora(3 dis), Bessie (3 dr). 2:.34, 2:34,2:35V2. Sleepy Jim. b g (3 :50), by Honesty. Mr. Taylor, Owatonna, Minn., July 5, 1877, $100. Peerless. Mambrino, Mollv, 3:13^4. 3:1214. Atlantic, la., Sept. 27, 1877, $125. Honest John, Lucy, Manhattan, 2:50, 2:51, 2..50V&. Sept. 28. 1877, $165, Honest John, Harry Noi)le. 2:50, 2:5014. 2:51. Sleepy Jim, b g (3 -.ST^i) by St. Lawrence, dam by Ked Bird. K. Simmons, Winnipeg, Man., June 28, 1883, .$300. Julia F., 3, Windsor, Pussy, 2:4114, 2:43. 2:421^, 2:43. J. J. Johnson, June 30, 188:3. Prize, silver. Nelly, London Boy (1 dis). Blue Girl, (l disj, Inspector d dis), 2:47^.2:55. Sept. 12. 1883, .$500. Minneapolis l, Sealskin .Toe, Petaluma, Julia F., Lady Elliot (l , dis), 2,38, 2;;;x, 2:;37}^, 2:3.s. Sept. 14, 1883. .$400. John l. Julia F.. Gerald, Windsor, 2:43'^. 2:SSU, 2:411.3, 2:39'2. Sleepy Joe, eh s (3:00). S. Sickler, Balston, Spa., N. Y., Oct. 27, 1874, $75. Little Dan, Michigan Maid, 3:01M, 3:00, 3;09<4. Sleepy Joe, br g (3 :19'4), by .Toe Thompson. G. H. Conklin, Marshall, Mich., Aug. 10, 1882, $.300. Flirts, Tom B., Frank Forrester, 2:.34V3, 2:361^, 2:.36i-4. 2:37. .\. W. Campbell, Dayton, O., May 30. 1883, $700. Modie H. 3, 4. Minnie Wilkes (3 dis), Alcyone (2 dis), MoUv Harris (2 dis), 2:46^, 2:44, 2:46C^. 2:4.5, 2:45, To"ledo, O., June 21, 1883, $600. .Stranger l. Brown V/ilkes, Sweetness, Mountaineer, 2 :30V4, 2:311^, 2:30',4, 2:;i2. Pittsburgh, Pa,, July 26. 1883. Si. 000. Ladv Lear 1. 6. Brown Wilkes 4, Maggie F. 2. Kittv Patchen, Mo- hawk Gift, Billy Bad Eye, Outlaw, Tom Cameron, (5 dr), :Mercutio (4 dr), 2:"25;2. 2:26. 2:25J4. 2:26J4, 2:25^4 2:27'4, 2:26i4. Cleveland, O.. .Inly 31, 1883, $1,.500. Nellie G. 2, Bronze 1, St. Cloud, Louise N., Edwin A., InaG. (5dr), Lucrece (4 dr). 2:21'4. 2:21'/^, 2:21^4, 2:191.1, 2:201^. Buffalo. N. Y., Aug. 7, 1883, .$1,500. Louise N. 1, St. Cloud. Barbara Patchen, 2:20^, 2:20. 2:21, 2:203^. Kochester, N. Y., Aug. 17, 1883, $1.,500. Stephen G., King Wilkes, Frank, Maggie F., Ahnonarch, Gen. Brock, Handicap, Stranger, 2:22, 2:2314, 2:22. Hartford, Conn., Sept. 6 and 7, 1883, $2,000. Louise N. 1. Don 4, Stephen G., Stranger, Stonewa'l, Boss H. (3 dis), 2:2214, 2:22'4, 2:2.5, 2:22^, 2:239i. — — Dallas, Tex., Nov. 8, 9, 1883, $500. Kobert McGreeor 4, 5, (3. 0). St. Cloud 1, France's Alexander, BigSoap (5dr). 2:2414, 2:21, 2: 10-:'i, 2:21,2,21, 2:1914, 2:1914. Sleepy John, b g (3 :34'4). H. C. Goodrich, Pontiac, Mich., June 20,1867, $150. Johnny Schmoker (I, O), Bob Hunter, Dallas. 2:4.514, 2:47%, 2:4.5, 2:46'^,. H. Clark, Dubuque, la., July 3. 1867, •'52.50. Ristori, 2:39. 2:37i.i 2:44. G. W. Clark. Oct. 9, 1868. $250. Buckskin, Chnmplon Maid. Chain Shot, 2:35. 2:33i/2, 2:37. Chicago, 111., Oct. 23, 1868, $100. Iviuisas Maid 2. 3. 2;,'!6V», 2:37^4, 2:3.5, 2:37. 2:37i4. Oct. 20, 1868, $300. Queen of the West 1. ICansas Maid 47 Alexander fl dis), 2:37, 2:345i, 2:.33^, 2:34, 2:36. , C. .Mc.VlHster, Dubuque, la., June 1, 1870. .$ . All>atross 2:41, 2:41!», 2:42. June9. 1870. $ . Albatross 2:43' i. 2:42. 2:41 (ialesl)urg. 111., .Tune 24. 1870. .S300. Logan l. 2:36, 2:.37, 2:.38i4. Macomb, 111., Julv 4, 1870. .S.-iOO. IHora Belle 1, 2, 2:35. 2:39, 2~36. 2:36. 2:.39. Davenport. la.. Sept. 8. 1S70. $1,000. Jeimy Perry 1. 4. Albatross 2, 2:35,2:39, 2:52, 2:59, 2:57, 3:02. Dubuque, la., Oct. 7, 1870. .$6.50. Boston 2-A2}4. 2*:43i4. 2:4014. Clinton, la., Oct. I4, 1870, $lon. Honest Abe 1.-2, Boston (4 dis), 2:34%, 2:36U, 2:31i/2, 2:32?4, 2:31%. Charles City. la., Oct. 27. 1870. ,$700. Homely Jim. 2:41. 2:42li. 2:42. A. H. Trask, Cedar Rapids, la., July 28. i87i, $250. Homely Jim, Joe Hooker, Honest Abe, Buckskin, 2:32 2:.34. 2:35 — Kalamazoo. Mich., Aug. 16, 1871. .$3,000. Tennessee, Volunteer, Cozette, Mat Smith, Lady Fisk (2 dis). Queen of the West (2 dis), 2:30'i, 2:.30}4. 2:?8i4. Chicago, 111., A»ig. 2.3, 1871, .$3,000. Queen~of the West 1, Tennessee 2, Volunteer," 2 :26^, 2:27, 2:28'/2, 2:271^, 2:28K>. — Dan Mace. Buffalo. N. Y., Aug, 6. 1872, $10,000. Flora Belle, Dauntless, George, Grand Duchess, Red Cloud, J. H. Burke, Dennis, North Star Mambrino, Lula (3 dis), 2:25, 2:25. 2:25}4. 636 CHESTKkS COMPLETE TKOTTING AND I'ACING KECUKD. Springfield, Mass.. Aug. .'0 i«72. .S'J,"''"". I.ydia Tliompson r>. Grand Duciioss 2, H. W. Genet 3, (G dr), Dauntless, Charley Green, Clarence (b dr), Gray Eddy i,i> dr). Sea Foam (,a disj, 2:255i, 2:26>^, 2:i;C}/8, 2:24>^, 2:26'.j,2:28. Anienia. N. Y., Sept. 3. 187J, §7{K). Cjistle Koy. Enignui. Onee (2 dis), 2:38'.i, 2;3C^.,. 2:3.'. Sleepy .John, b g i3:0a). Charles Townsend, Lockporl, M. Y., Oct. 5, 1872, $50. Kol' 1 i2 dis. TownsiMid's 1) Ml il (lis I. 2 ::>!». 3:02. Sleepy John. I) s r-i'.l^Ji). -'ohn Downing, Ann Arbor, Mich., June 4, $1873, S . Triphaninier. Green- wo'od. 2:44'4. 2:4.5, 2:45^. Sleepy John. Ur s {2 -.alh)- Phil Bowman, Marietta, <).. Sept. 8, 1875, .*60. Pink, W. C. Kews (.3 di;, 2:.')8?4, "•5"'i "•"il'.i Sleepv John. b"gi3::i8». (i. Laffertv. Wiliningtim, Del.. Oct. JT and 2h, 187.5,8 . Butcher 3, Maria 1, Be'lle, -Mary M., Oliver (-i dr), Kocklimd Boy (3ilr), Big Eraidi (3 dr). Little Frank (2 dr), 3:00, .•. :05, 3 :03, 2 :58, 2 ••59. ' 1 Hciinont Park, Phila., July 27, 1876, .>!2j0. Dundy .lini, G. W. Freas, Lady Tyson, Roauoke. 3:03'i, 2:f>8>4, 2 :.5li. Oct. 10. 1870. 8200. Prince Charles. Lady Tyson. Dandy Jiin,3.oi',i. 2:.57?.i, 2:58. Philadelphia. Pa., June 25, 1877. S22.5. Colddust. Bay Harry, 2:41.2:4:% 2:46. Sleepy Maff^ie. ui- ni (.3 :50' »). Mr. Kinley, Harlem, N. \ ., Nov. 20, 1863, S20. Jenkins' eh g, Brooklyn Dau •'•57 2-54, 2:.50'... Sleepy Mary, gr ni (3 :39). C. Eice. North Adams, Mass.. Sept. 24, 1873, .S50. Honest John, Berkshire Boy (1 dis^.3:0;!34, 3:00.3:084. Four-yoar-olds. ,. i , , , lolin Dougrcy, Albany, N. Y., July 5, 1875, S600. Kitty, Fanny Atwood, Draco, Mohawk Johu, 2:.«<, 2:42' 0,2:40. T 'Barden, Chatham Village. N. Y.. Sept. 4, 1875. S300. Flora. Lady Kane. 2:42. 2:41, 2:40: •Sleepy Morgan, br g (3 :56). A. Eslack. Doylcstown. Pa.. Oct. 4. Is72. $35. Jim Sateni. 2:.5(;. 2:59, 3:04. Sleepy Moses, b g (3:53). William DiMinis. Charles City. la., Oct. 27, 1870, Hf . Shell Pock Maid, Star. Tempest. Black Tiger. Gypsy. \\e;isel, 2:52. 2:r)4i..j, 2 :.'")4 Sleepy Ned, lir g (3 :33i-2), by Jesse Stuwe. .1. C. Kathan. Preston, Minn., Sept. 20, 1877, $75. Iceberg, Care less. 2 :50," 2 :52'4, 2 :52;^ ~ Alay 23. 1878, §80. Iceberg. Clumsv Frank. 2:52Vj. 2:.51, 2:.57io Decorah, la.. June 20. 1878. .'5125. Little Mink. Iceberg, 2 45, 2:45, 2:46. Preston. Minn., May 30, 1879, $110. Fairmont, Careless, Billy Goocher, Little Mink, Topsy. 2:43, 2:4«;2, 2:48. June 21. 1870. $ . Little Queen. 2:41, 2:44. Ked Wing. Minn., Sept. 13, 1879, $200. Careless, J. T. Walker, iloniing. I'rioress, Smoker (2 dis), 2:42>/i,, ■':44 2-45. Mendota, 111 \ug. 13, 1880, $200. Cricket 1. Mambrino Chief Jr., Troubadour, Malvina, Minnie Warren, Doctor Shepherd, Fanny Fern, 2:33»4, 2:34)^, 2:32}4, 2:30. Kochester, Minn., Sept. 1, 1880, $ . Jim Wilson. Hambletonian Chief. John J. Cook, 2:33, 2:34^1, Sleepy Ned, b g (3 :33ii). T. Martin, Princeton, 111., Sept. 12, 1883, $.50. Silver, Flora, Kocket. 3:28'4, 3:23'/i, 3 "23^ .Sleepy Sam, b g (3 cSS^i). Dr. Rank. Lycoming Co., Pa., Sept. 22. 1870, $100. I>ady Clay. "VVild Mary 1 (4 dr). ^'00 '^'SHl^A 3 "05 3*02 Sleepy Sam, bg (3 :i7^). H. Fackeuburgh, Salinas City. Cal., Oct. 15, 1880, .$(>((. Raleigli.Brown Lucy,3:17>^, 3 '21 .3 '29 Sleepy' Simon, b g (3 •A7). W. Loker, Worcester, Mass., Sept. 24, 1857, $40. Bendigo, Lightfoot, 2 :58, 2 :47, '^ '48 Sleepy Tom, b g (3 :38'/^), hy Blazing Star, dam by imp. Champion. E. D. Gallivan, Chagrin Falls, 0.,Oct. 8, 1874. .$225. Maggie Kimberlv, Stranger. 2 :47'i, 2 :46'2, 2 :45i4. John Heard, Parker City,"Pa., Oct. 16, 1874, $190. Little Kocket 1, Florence, Bay Fanny, 2:494, 2:42, 2 '4214 2 '42 1 E. b. (Jallivan, Erie, Pa., Nov. 5, 1874. $200. Kentucky Prince 1, 5, Joe Stone 2, 3, Gen. Lee, 2:41, 2:45, 2'41?i '''43 2"38W 2"39'4 1 Sharon 'vii July'2 1875, .¥400. Anglo Saxon, Gray Billy. Mary Jane, Deception (1 dis), 2:35, 2:34, 2:34. lamestown. Pa., July 9, 1875, $ . Mary Jane, Kentucky Prince, 2 :36. 2 :39. 2 :35. St. Petersbnrgh, Pa., Oct. C. 1875, $400. Lady McKinney l, 2. Davy, 2:42. 2:40, 2:40. 2:38 2:40. June 27, 1870. $400. Frank Kernan 5, 7, Lady McKinney 4, 6, Orange Bdly 3. Mexican Toin, 2:37H, 2:35, ''■.3"i 2'3r)'4 ''•40 ''■39'i 2*4'' 2*45 ll'TitiisvilieVPa., July'4, 1876, $200. Lady McKinney 5, Mexican Tom 2. Orange Billy. 2:35V4, 2:41, 2:41,2:36, 2:37'4. Stoneboro. Pa., Aug. 17. 1870. $170. Bay Fanny. Nigger Doctor. 2:.55. 2:43. 2:41. Aug. 18. 1876. .$200. Ray F:iiinv 2. 4, Prince Clay. 2:40. 2:4.5, 2:.39>4. 2:44k<, 2:43. Parker City, Pa.. June'21, 1877, .$400. Orange Billy 2. Duster 4, Little Roan. 2:35, 2:3.5, 2:35.2:35, 2:34'/i.. .Tofferson, ()„ Aug. 2. 1877. $1.50. Stranger. Valiant, Duster. 2:344, 2:34^. 2:37's. Meadville. Pa.. Aug. 22, 1877, .?300. Bay Fanny. Deck ^\ riglit.2:35, 2:,35. 2:35. Aug. 24. 1877, $.3.50, Little Jake I. Hip Kap, Ed White. 2::;i. 2:;54. 2:.35, 2:36. St. Petersburg. Pa.. Sept. 4, 1877. $.500. Little Roan Phil Sheridan 1 rank Mil er. 2 :.». 2:33 2:33 Me:idville, Pii!, May lO, 1878. $300. Doctor Lewis 3. Kinsman Boy, Giimball, I'eculiar, 2:33, 2:33J4. 2:33, 2*34 Edinburgh, Pa., June 14. 1878, $.500. S. S. Ellsworth 1, 4, Happy Jack (1 dis\ 2:.34«4, 2;.32i/,. 2:.37. 2:33^, 2:.32. Erie. Pa.. Sept. 26, 1878. $1,50. Phil Sheridan. 2:40. 2:,37. 2:37. Oil City. I'a., Julv. 8. is79. $400. Little Roan. 2:a5»4. 2:.333,. 2:34K>- Tulv 12. 1879,3.500'. Hrother .lonatlian 1.2. Deception. 2::i2'i.2:;!3.2:.31'.i.2:.34'4, 2:31. , ,. , „ Bradford, Pa.. July 8, 1880. .«i4.T0. Clover 3. Clara J. 1. Larkiii, Sally Scott. Champion Girl (2 dis). Brown Conne.iut, 6..'Aiig."l7. 1 88o'."$300.' "(Mover 1. Kinsman Boy. Loafer. 2:31'4. -' :33^. ^ :^^}2. 2 :3't. ■ Dunkirk. N. Y.. Aug. 31, iRsn. .S.500. (ieorue Brooks. Alleghany Boy. Jim Ash. 2:35V4. 2:3114. 2 :33Vi. Pittsburg, Pa.. Sept. 24, 1S80. $400. Beuiiili 2. T. M. Bayne. Duster. Tola, 2:33^.,. 'I.^lh. 2:31^, 2:32. Sept. 29. 1880. ,$300. Beulah 2. 3, Ladv Asher 1. Valiant. 2:.i4. 2:36. 2:.{.5. 2:.32».,. 2::$4, 2:31'/2. Oct. 2. 1880, .$400. Chauncv H.. Valiant. Cliampion Girl. 2:;t2i ,. 2:.3l?.,. 2:304. Oct. 6, I8S0, .«!400. Valiant 1, Brother Jonathan, Ch:imi)ion Girl, 2:.31%,2:32H. 2:33. 2::i2U- Oct. 8, 1880. $100. Topsy 1, 2:30!^, 2:281^,2 :29'',, 2 2!ii.,. ^Unionlown. Pa., June 1,1881, $2.50. Kate McCall, J:.!.!'.,. 2:33V^, 2:31. „ ^, , „. , , „ ,r „...,, Sleepy Tom, bg (3:44). .L Keys, Lewiston. Me., July 4, 1881, .$ . John \ . Scuton, Chubb, 2:45, 2.44',, Sllckfellow, brg (3:40). C. M. H:dl, Avon 111., Sept. 29, 187.5. $100. Yankee Boy. Frontier Dick, 2:52^,2:47, 2 '47 '- Cambridge, 111., Aug. 31. 1877. $120. Frances. Lictor, Brown Jug, Lucy S.. Cub. 2 :42. :':44, 2 :41. CHESTEirS COMrLETE TROTTING AND PAClN(i RECOUD. 6;:r Sligo, b g (3 :30), by Honest Dan. (leorge Haner, Providence, K. 1., June IT, is-g, $oOO. Harry Conklin 2, 3, SlimS:Sf C3'?5^).'^"George iS^^^ 7, 1873, $100, Slingard Rock, to pole (2 dr),3:15, Slim^Jim, br g (2:41), by the Tyler horse. A. G. Bechtell, Reno. Nev.. Oct. 9, 1882, $500. Woodburn 1, 4, Slippery Dick.' b'g"(3':'3 7 ^^t^' W.'^'s! ' Tholnt Hail's Track, L. I., June 20, 1872, $250. Thomas Jefferson Jr., 5 Hmim W.^Howe, Prospect Park, L. I., Sept. 3, 1872, 8150. Joe Morgan 1. 2 (4 dls). Little Fred (1 dis), 2:42, __^^\vf S.^Thom. Deerfoot Park. L. I., May 27, 1873. $ . Sam Nolan l, Washburn Maid, Butterfly, 2:46, "'"Xewarlc'N'j ' June 26, 1873. .?400. Lady Emma (1 0). Lady Annie, Lady Shotwell. Li-stner (2 dis), Lena B.(2 dis). Happy John "(I'dis). 2:40, 2:3S'2. 2:39),o, a^aOk- Prospect Parle, L. I., Aug. 29, 1873, $rm. Lady Annie, 2 :42, 2 :40, 2:40J4. Sent 2. 1873. •S200. Ladv AlUiie, 2 :4i , 2 :42, 2:43*1. Slinnerv Jliii b «' ( 3 -30) 'Piltsbuig, Pa., Aug. 5, 1843, §1,000. Little Saddler, 2:36, 2 :36J^. I ppery J m' b g 3 :48) Mr folliu;, Union Course. L. L, May 5 1854. $400 Kate. 2:48. 2:48. Slippery Jim (3 :53). W. Mattler, Mysuc Park, Boston, Oct. 25 and 26, 1875, $ . Columbus 1, Fanny (3dr;, 2*55^ o '* '^3"^! '''53 SloHcii,'br 'm (3 :bo;/2), Henry M. Thomas, Warren, O., Sept. 13, 1883, $75. Muncy, Ingersoll, Jack, Golddust. J .'''a Rogers, Burton, 0.,Sept. 20. 1883, $100. Muncy 1, 3, Toronto Oliief, Kitty Burug, Lydia Golddust. Slow*^ci^me^^RTgf3:4o4^' E^^E.^and F. ^ Me., June -, 1876, $130. A-"uerican Lady 5 (2 0), Ralph 4 (2 0) Oueen (1 dis), 2:40?i, 2:46, 2:44?^. 2:47. 2:45i4, 2:45i;4^. Slow Go, rn g (3:184), by Young Sluirata(_;k. T. Kestner^. Pittsburg, Pa.,^Juiie 20, 1873, .$1,500. Kate Camp- ondit Smith, 2:36, 2:33. -,J."m. Pettit, Norristown. Pa.. Sept. 16. 1875. .$800. Little Mary. Delaware. Susy Kurtz, Billy Barefoot, Sherman(2dr),2:329i, 2:3.514, 2:34. , or ., 00, o oo,/ Sept. 17, 1875. .SI.OOO. White Cloud 1, Filbert(2 0), Dot (2 0),2:35i.i, 2:S.,y,. 2:3.5, 2:3214. 2:.33'4. Ambler Park, Pa., Sept. 22. 1875. $soo. Delaware, Little Mary. Billy Barefoot, 2 :33, 2:32, 2:32J^. Sept. 24, 1875, $1,000. Annie Collins. Filbert. 2:311^, 2:364, 2:3614,. Salem, N. J., Sept. 29 and 30, 1875, S450. Delaware. Mountain Girl, 2:33i4. 2:341/?, 2:33^- ^^ ^, ^ , Suffolk Park, Phila.,May 18, 1876, $1,200. White Cloud l, Prince, Gen. Howard. Lady Dahlman, Look- out ■'■25'4 2:27'2 2"''9'i. 2'27i4. Point Breeze Park, Piiria., May 24, 1876, $l..500. Effle Deans 2. Billy Ray 1, Richard. Blue Mare, John S. Heald, Gen. Howard, Planter, George H. Mitchell, Lookout (2 dis). Sand Hill (2 dis),2:23i'4, 2:254, 2:27. ''•281.1 2 ■3'' — Belmont Park, Pliila.. May 30, 1876, $2,000. Billy Ray 1. 2, Richard 5, Blue Mare 3. Effte Deans. Bryant,. Gen. Howard, Planter, 2:25.2:2.5. 2:25. 2:25. 2:26. 2:27%, 2:28. , ^„ , „„„,^ June 7, 1876, $2,000. White Cloud, Billy Lambertson, Prince, Gen. Howard, Faugh-a-ballagh, 2:22^,. 2*25 2*25 " Pbughkeepsie, N. Y., Aug. 23 and 24, 1876, $3,000. Sensation 3. 4 (1 0), Adelaide 5, 6, Joe Brown, Blanche, Idol,2:26V4„ 2:2514, 2:25%, 2:24i4, 2:28. 2:24%. 2:24i4. 2:25'o. — John Noble, Pittsburgh, Pa., May 30, 1877, $250. Belle Brasfield. Lady H., Orance Billy. 2:30i2, 2:33i^, 2.341/ , — Juiie 12, 1877, $800. Silversides 1, Belle Brastteld, Brother Jonathan (3 dis). 2:24'o. 2:29' 2. 2:2734, 2:27%. — Chicago, 111.. July 17, 1877. $1,800. Little Fred l. Badger Girl, 2:25, 2:244, 2:234, 2:22. _ Cleveland, O., Julv 26, 1877, $2,.500. Little Fred 1, 2, Prospero. Adelaide. Mattie, Tanner Boy, May Bird, Haumxh D.. Bella, 2:20, 2:201*. 2:18'4, 2:20'2, 2:-. ^ . ^ „ Buffalo, N. Y.,Aug. 2,1877, .$2„500. Adelaide 1, Hannah D. 2, Mav Bird. Tanner Boy. Frank, Bella, M;Ulie (5 dr). Little Fred (3 dr), 2:234. 2:22'4, 2:234, 2-24. 2:22Vo. Slow Poke, grg (3 :03%). D. Javne, Setauket, L. I.. July 27. 1878. $.50. Dick. Lady Hunt. 3:11, 3:08, 3:03%. Small Hope, cli g (3:04). L. H. Mann, Cvnthiana. Kv., Oct. 21, 1880. $100. Mary. 3:04. Small Hopes, (Lothair. Lapland and Westbrook). br g (3 :264),liv Hambletonian, dam by Flying Cloud. J. C. Deyo, Grand Rapids, Mich., Sept. 19. 1873. .$5.50. Wild Bill 3. Valley City ]\Iaid. .Maggie Casey, Nelly Stevens, Billv Hotspur (3 dis). Diamond (2 dis). 2:474. 2:421.1. 2:43i2. 2:434 .Mason, Mich., July 4, 1874, $2.50. Sherwood 4. Novice 2, 2:4314, ;>:42i4. 2:401;^. 2:42. F. Deyo. Toledo. O., Oct. 28, 1874, $300. Tom Britton 1, 4. Kitty Wells 3, Gen. Sherman 2, Harry Mitchell (4 dr). 2:37, 2:37, 2:414, 2:3S. 2:40i4. 2:40i4. Oct. 29, 1874. $400. Tom Britton 2. Gen. Sherman 1. Harry Mitchell. 2:371/2, 2 ;39V^. 2:41^4. 2:42, 2:41i4- Oct. 30. 1874, $275. John W. Hall l. Tom Britton 2, Kitty Wells, Butcher Bov (2 dis), 2:4014, 2:41,2:45. 2:44,2:431^. Kalamazoo, Mich., Oct. 1, 1874, $175, Landseer, 2:45, 2:42. 2 :49. Floyd Deyo. Mason, Mich.. .Inly 1, 1875, $.300. Harrv Mitchell. Frank H., 2:42. 2:414. 2 :41i4. Small Hopes, b s (3 :464), by Mambrino Autocrat, dam Maggie Golddust, by Golddust. P. S. Dorsey. Jack- sonville, 111., Aug. 24. 1882. $1,50. Mambrino Dick. Pearlie M., Pilot Mambrino, Little Jewell. 1 :45, 1 :46, 1 :40. Three-year-olds or under. Springfield, 111.. Sept. 11, 1883. $1.50. Norah Lee 1. Ladv Leonard. 2:.50. 2:4fii.;.2:.55. Smiling Tom. l)r s (3 :46i;). s. S. Jdnny. Belmont Park,' Phila., Nov. 11. 1876. $100. Brown George, Abe, Atlilone, BabyBov (1 dis). 2:.50i4, 2:.52. 2:54'i. Xov. 24 and 25, 1876. $100. Brown John 3^5, Helen 11., 2 (6 0), Annie F., Prince Charles. Lucille (S^dr). 2:474,2:464. 2:474. 2:524, 2:484, 2:46Vi, 2:49. Nov. 30, 1876. .$200. Prince Albert. 2:,56. 2:48%. 3:01. Smith O'Brien, b s (3 :39i4), bv Sweepstakes, dam by Columbus. E. F. Geer, MarA'ville, Mo., Ang. 28, 1883, $300. Cow Boy. Baby Mine, Budd Doble. Ruby. Jenny C, Gracie D.. Crowder (1 dis>. 2:404, 2:.37i-4, 2-Mh. Smith's Bay Geldinsr (3:46). William M. Smith, Stillwater, N. Y., Aug. 30, 1870, $50. No Name 2, 4, No Name 1. Ploughlwy (3 dr), 2:5.5, 2:51. 2:46, 2:.'i0, 2:.51. Smith's Bay Stallion (3:.59), by Tom Hyer. Erastus Smith, Norwalk. O., Oct. 31, 1863. .$25. Irwm's b h 3, StUcirt's l>r H \ (4 dis) 3*04 2*59 2'f>S 3 "00 Smith's Bay stallion (3:38)'. Thomas Smith, Fashion Course. L. I.. Aug. 30. 1865. $200. Clifford 1, 2:44%, 2:41%, 2 :.38. 2:4614. ^ ^ ^ Smith's Bay Mare (3:47). Richmond Smith. Manchester, N. H., Sept. 16, 1868, $90. Blucher 1, Lady Gore (4 dis), Lou (2 dr), Leon (1 dis). 2:51, 2:47, 2:53, 2:524. ftis (HKSTER-S COMl'LETE TROTTING AND TACINC; RKCORI). Smith's lirowii <'.eldliigr(\v), (3:17 1-6 w). T. A. Smith, Poiitlac, Midi.. June 17, 1869, $ . Frank (w) Auliurii llorsf \.\\), Ri-a Rover (w), 9:5l'/s. Three miles. Siuith'H C'liestiiut Colt (3:01J. Mr. Smith, Norfollv, \'a., Sept. 10, 1883, S600. Savage's blk s. 3:01, 3:03, 3-0'J ■JMJ' . ' Sniitli's (lifstiiut Mare i3:00). J. Smith, W asliiii}?tou Hollow, N. Y., Sept. 15, 1869. S . Sutton's br m Cliapiiwiii's I) ui, ( aiming '.s blk ni, .iMio. :i:U>. ' .SmltliN Knlrj- (•-i:4»>a)- Isaac Smith, Lexington, Ky, Sept. 14, 1872, S . Grave's Entry, 2 :49"j. Tliree- yt'iir-olils. Smith's tw), br K r~ ::58i- O. Diinniick, centreville, L. I., Sejit. 17. 18.50, S.W. Selini (w). 2:50'-. 2-47, 2-45 •SmoUe. I>K r'i:34U). II. L. John.son, ( olumbus, O.. duly 18, 1876, .>700. Birdie Roisseau, i'iqua Rell'e, Don .Iiian (1 ilis), nine Goose (1 tlis), 2:34',j, 2:34'», 2:;i(),U.. Sm<>l«-. gr g. A. (iritlith. Thorold, Ont . Ulay 26, 1879, $r^. Little Maud 2, (iypsv l. No time. .Smokor. gr g ('i :4~). E. Getrhell, Waterville, Me., Maj 14, 1876, $ . Sally Jenkins 2. 3, Watervllle Harrv 4, L' :47. 2 :'>0, 2 :46, 2 :50. 2 :48. 2:49. Smootlil>ri«'r. ell g (aiSS). William McDonald, Rome, N. Y., Sept. 24,1874, $100. Tom Coy 3, Arthur St Lawrence Maid, Gen. Grant. Kitty Green (4 r o), 2:35, 2:38, 2:40, 2:42. Sherburne, N. V., Oct. 4, 1S74. S27.'>. Rlack Fred 1, .lohn 1'.. 2:44. 2:42?i. 2:42>^, 2:44 Nov. r>, 1874. ;i?27o. IJlaek Trcd 1, 2, John 1'.. 2:44;2, 2:43, 2:3«, 2:o5!,2, 2:409^. . Nov. 6. Is74, *500. Midland, 2:36. 2:3,'). 2:37i<.. SmugKU-r, 1) K i3:50). E. (ioodfellow, lioslon, Mass., Oct. 10. 1872, S.JOO. Dollv, Butcher Hoy, 2:&i, 2:50, 2:49. SmuKKh-r. 1) s Ciiir,^^), by Blanco, dam by Herod's Tuckahoe. II. S. RusSeli. Si)ringfleld." Mass., Aug 18 18.4, .*4,(tiio. WcUesley Boy 1. .1, H. V. llill. Unknown, Kitty D.. Haniillon, Hardserabble, Com. Perry, White Cloud, Mac, Jean Ingelow (2 dis), 2:20?4, 2:27, 2:31ii, 2:31, 2:.il. Beacon I'ark. lioston, Sej)!. 10. ls74. $2,000. Young Rattler 1, Essex, Arthur. (irace.Ben Smith, Arthur. Cora K.. Ladv Woods. JiSlU. "-:-«• •■i:27'/2, 2 27, .Mvstie Tarli, Boston, Sei)t. lo, 1874, Si0,0(X). Phil Sheridan, H. \V. Genet, Commonwealth, Mambriuo Gift,' Vermont Abdallah (i dis), 2:23. 2:2.3, 2:20. Aug. 28, ls7r), .§2.000. 2:21. To beat 2:14. Sept. 4. 1875. .•?2,000. Netties, 2:29i-o. 2:28i^, 2:22J4, 2:25'/2. Hartford, Conn., Sept. 10, 187."), .S1.500. Sensation, 2:22'^, 2:21^4, 2:22. Beacon Park, Boston, Sei)t. 30. 1S75, $2,mo. Thomas .Jefferson (3 dr). 2 25!i. 2:28, 2:40. Belmont Park, Phila., July 15, 1876, $2,000. Judge Fullerton <2 0). 2:17K'. 2:18, 2:17, 2:20. Cleveland. ().. .July 27, 1870, $4,000. Goldsmith Maid 1, 2, Lucille GoUrdust, Judge Fullerton, Bodine. 2:15'", 2:17'4. 2:1614, 2:19?4, 2:17' = . Rochester. N. V.. Aug. 10, 1870. «i4.000. Judge Fullerton. Lucille Golddust. Bodine. 2:l62i, 2:18, 2:19M. Mvstie Park, Boston, Oct. 2. 1876, .91,000. Judge Fullerton 3. 2:203^, 2:2H4, 2:25;4, 2:21J4, Dov<-r. N. H.. Oct. 10, 1876, $1,000. Judt'e Fullerton. 2:27. 2:21. 2:24V4. Beacon Park, Boston, June 29. 1877, .Sl.ooo. Great Eastern 1, 2:22!4, 2:21, 2:1914. 2:23H. Smuggler, br g (•J:46). by Prince Hal, dam Dallas Maid. J. Kitelien. Shelbvville, Ind., Sept. 6, 1882, $60. Reuben. Wilson's ch g. Fanny W.. 2:r.9'i, 3:0114, 3:02i/'. Sept. 7, 1S82, $1000. Shotover 1. Daisv Blackwood. Fanny W., 2:49?4, 3:01, 2:b9'.i. 3:01. G. Sandusky, Danville. 111.. Sep. 14, 1882. $100. Kate B. 3. Smuggler, 2:46, 2:48. 2:.'J8. 2:46i4. Smuggler Girl, b m c',J:31). J. F. Martin, Albany, 111., Aug. 25. 1882, $100. Jenny B., Amis, Adolph (3 dr), 2*41 2 'SS *' *38 '- J)'e Witt, la., Sept. 22, 1.882. $200. Ladv Bishop, Bashaw B.. Brown Frank. 2:39. 2:41, 2:33i^. Smuggler Jr., ch g (3 :5.'}), bv Smuggler. L. Snell, Jersey City, N. J„ Oct. 21, 1882, $200. Grace L. 2. Frank Ilusted, Mary W., 3:0.3?i. 2:50, 2 :.58, 3 :00i^. (w) Oct. 26. 1882, $.50. INIarv W. 1, 2. 3:0.31/,. 2:.5714, 3 :00, 3 :03, 3 :02. Dr. Boone, Jersey City, N. J., Aug. 23, 1883, $75. Despatch 3. Annie O'Neill, Bav Bill v, 3:03, 2M, 2:.'J7K.. 2:.5.5. .Smuggler's Daughter, b m CJ :!J9ici), bv Smuggler, dam Mollv D., bv Mambrino Patchen. H. C. Woodnutt, Mineola, L. 1.. Sepf 26, lss;!.$50. Eva D.. Helen Jefferson. Topsv, 2:50, 2:51, 2:45. Hartford, Conn.. Oct. 3. I8s:3. $100. 2:29i^. W. O. (ioshen, N. Y., Oct. 9, 1883, $150. Frank M., W. S., Jay Gee See, Fortunatus. Slim Jim. Estelle (2 dis), 2:38'.,2:36»4,2:.32?j. Snaffle (s), gr g (3:37 s). John Kase, Centreville, L. I., Oct. 23, 1840, $75. Doughnuts (s), 5:39'/j. 5:38J6. Two miles. (S) Wm. S. Reed, Beacon Course, N. J., Oct, 17, 1842, $100. Brooklyn Maid (s). Hector (s), 5:14, 5:20^. Two miles. (s) Mav 16. 1844. $100. Rifle fs>, Tom Benton (s), Sorrel Billy (s), (2 dis), 5:23;2. 5:20. Two miles. (s) Albert Conklin, Centreville. L. I., June 4. 1H4. $'00. Rifle (s), 5:31, 5:22. Two miles. IS) W. S. Reed, Union Course, L. I.. .lulv 30, 1849. $1,000. Shnte's eh g (s), 2:45, 2:43'j. Snaffle, ch g (3 :51). James Howard, Baltim'nre, Md., Julv 2.T 18.^>n. $100. Kate O'Brien, 2:.->9. 2:,'i7. 2:51. Snap, ch ni (3:30i,i), bv Red Bird. Eugene Root, Wilkesbarre, i>a., June 3, 1874, $200. Jerry Leigh, Fanny, Lottie, King Cole (1 dis), 2:42. 2:43, 2:42. June 4, 1874. .$300. Jerrv Leigh. Fannv. Ladv Langsord. 2:i'2U. 2:45. 2:15. Hazleton, Pa., June 11, 1874, $500. Hannah D. 1, 3. E'ashion. Lady Powell (4 dis). Fanny (l dis), 2:40, 2:42, 2:37'4, 2::!9. 2:429^. Syracuse, N. Y., .fune 18, 1874. $900 Jericho. "White Cloud. Catskill Girl. Bullet. Mav Lambert, Bonner, Ell:i Madden. Ladv Dexter. Lndv .lohnston. Billv Rowe C? dis). Poll Todd (3 dis). 2:;i6?4, 2:S0h. 2:41. Sneak, ch g (3:4-21/,).' c. Whitson,' Suffolk Park, Phila., Sept. 19, 1859. $200. Sally Lewis 2, Sorrel Henry, 2:57, 2:57Vi, 2:.56U;, 2:.57'4. Sneak, (3 :46). N. Berrv. Boston. Mass., Sent. 21, 1865, S . Babv. 2:40. SneuU 1 Whirlwind Jr.). br g c^ :'.i7i.<;), bv Zilcadie Colddust. d;ini by Uoniiy Scotland. G. W. Haight, Sa6ina, O.. Aug. '23, 1882, $150. Del Evans, Nipper. Neva (2 dis), Theodore (I dis), 2:5814, 2:65%, 3;02. J. W. Russell, London. C, Aug. 9, 1883, $150. Awful 3. Annie B., Bald Chief, Utah 1, 2 (6 dis), 2:44^, 2:.')7, 2:.''>9, 3:00, 3:06, 3:00. <;. W. Haight, Lancaster, O., Oct. 12, 1883. .$.300. Blue Bull, Starlight. Anne. 2:40, 2:391.1, 2:39J4. Snip (Victor), b s (3 :49), by Cassius W. Clav. F. Shoemaker, Avon, N. Y., Jime 8, 1870, $ . Henry Clay l, Raven (3 dis), Henrv Clav(2 di«-.), 2:,51, 2:55, 2:.''.7. 2:51. Rochester, N. Y., Sept. 9. 1870, ,$100. Ladv Hart 2. Gen. Mitchell 1. No time. Sept, 2.3. 1870. .? . Coleman's Mare. Gen. Mitchell No time. Snip, b ni (3 :3.'>»4 1, bv Iron Duke. K. M. Davis, (ioshen, N. Y., Oct, 9, 1883, $90. Harry W., Ben Franklin, 2:.15»4, 2:30';. 2:.'?0. Snip Printer, b s (•i:3«). S. Hardestv, Newark. O., Julv 4, 18.57, $200. Butcher, 2:36. Snooks, bp (3 :3B\ bv Lumps, dam bvHambletonian. M. Richardson, Crawfordsvllle, Ind., Sept. 9. I880. $ . Frank L.. Rosedale, 2:51, 2:40,2:40. Frankfort, Ind., Aug. 24, 1881, $ . Katy D.. Sugar Foot. 2:36, 2:39, 2:41. ft : a ^ o o s I— ^ CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 639 G. Woolfe, Emporia, Kan., Sept. 29, 1882, §275. Billy Jones 1, Oaho Chief 2, Billy Douglas, Capt. Bill- iard, 2:38, 2:39^4, 2:38f2, 2:361/2, 2:37',.2- . , .,. Snorter, bg (3:11 17-20). J. Hannah, Springlield, Mass., July 27, 1874, $300. Lady Patchen. 15:59^. live Snow, grg (3:43)) E. Skilling, Mobile, Ala., May 26. 1857, $ . Queen 1, 3, John Cassidyi2dis). 2:52, 2:4914, 2:53W, 2:53>^. W. Havden, June 4, 1857. $75. Little Giant, 2:44!/2, 2:43, 2:45. Same day, iii75. Little Gianl 1 (2 dis), 3:00. 2:58. Snowball, f;r g (3:37'/2). Wm. Sheldon. Providence, R. I., June 15, 1869, $200. Young Ben 2, 2:55, 2:59?i, 3 '02 3 '0'^ '- L. Bracket t, Portland, Me., Oct. 5, 1870. S . I'ortland Girl (3 dis). 3:00, 3:03, 3:UG. Forest Citv, Me., Nov. ,5, 1870. S . Gray Jack d dis), 2:48'2. James t. Parker, I'hiladelphia, Pa., Sept. 9, is73, 5^2,000. George Miller, Sir Knight, Nelly Walton, 2:33'^, 2:3U4, 2:35 W. H. Doble, Ambler Park, Pa., Sept. 18, 1873, §300. Prince. Dot. 2:4(1. 2:44. 2:40. Tames C. Parker, Philadelphia, Pa., Sept. 25. 1873.$500. Honest Billy 1, Noily.2:3lU. 2:33^4, 2:33?i,2:33, Jersey City, N. J., June 19. 1874. $600. Lady Patterson l, 4, Cora P., Molsey, 2:493i£, 2:45i;4, 2:41J4, 2:43/2. 2:43}4. W7h. Doble, Suffolk Park, Phila., July 4. 1874, .'?300. Lady Patterson. 2:349^, 2:40. 2:40. Wilkesbarre. Pa., Aug. 20, 1874. $800. Delaware 1, 2, Susy Kurtz, Norwood, Eva (l dis), 2:31, 2:3^4, 2:34?i, 2 :34?i, 2:371,4. Point Breeze Park, Phila., Sept. 10, 1874, $450. Delaware, Dinah, Dot, 2:3414, 2 :36i4, 2:33/2. Ambler Park, Phihv. Sept 24. 1874, ,§600. Effie, Susy Kurtz, Dot, Norwood, Pilbert. 2:30, 2:33M, 2:32. James C. Parker, Mt. Holly, N. J., Oct. 7, 1874, $525. Mattie Lyle, Lady Kikleer, Flora Windsor (2 dr), 2*39V4 '*'37 '* "33 '■ W. h! Doble,' Norristown Pa., Oct. 17, 1874. $ . Effle 2, 2:32, 2:34y2. 2:41i2. 2:36i^. Woodbury, N. J., Oct. 22, 1874, $1,000. Mattie Lyle, Annie Collins, Sunbeam, Dinah, De Rosa, 2:3214, 2:341/2 2:35V^. ' Eagle Track, Pa.. Nov. 12. 1874. $1,500. Effie. No time. (w), Woodbury, N. J., Nov. 28, 1874, $300. Clothesline, Hannah D., 2:46, 2:43, 2:43}4. • June 3, 1875, $500. Twilight, Mattie Lyle, Andy Johnson, Susy Kurtz, Lizzie Patchen, Delawa iware, 2:34^, 2:31, 2:301^. Ambler Park. Pa., June 10, 1875. $600. Dot, Filbert, Elhe Deans, 2:31=4, 2:31?i, 2:3214. June 11, 1875, $700. Lottie 3. Twiliglit, Susy Kurtz, Dot, Lizzie Patchen, 2:2714. 2:31, 2:3114. 2:30. M. Goodin, Woodbury, N. J., Sept. 20 and 21, 1877, $350. Delaware, Baron Luff, Jersey Boy, 2:35J4, 2:35, o.3;-,i; Snowball, blk g (2 :54). Fred. Whittemore, Nashua, N. H., Sept. 21, 1875, 100. Jenny 3, Railroad, Lightning Roil. Old Dtck, 2:54, 3:03, 3:08, 3:07. Snowball, gr g (3 :09). H. Williams, Elizabeth City, N. C, Nov. 21, 1878, $100. Nelly, Zadi, Bucephalus, Pat, 3:16.3:09. Snow Bird (sj, wh m (3:50 s). Samuel Jacobs. Pittsfield, Me., July 4, 1866, $20. Clinton Belle (s), Get Out (s), 2-53, 2:.52. Snow Drift, gr g (3 -.51^^). J. Cudnev, Philadelphia, Pa., Aug. 19, 1858, $25. Hardroad 2, Vixen (4 dr), Gray Twiliglit (4 dr), 2:54, 2:53. 2:.53'2, 2:51?4. Snow Drift, gr g (3 :40). c. Nevins, Des Moines, la., July 26, 1877, $250. Minnie, London Belle, Henry Todd, Clouil. 2:40, 2:40, 2:42 Snow Drop (3:49>. G. Wood, Boston, Mass., Nov. 24, 1857, $50. Hector, Farmer Boy, 2:49, 2:53. Snow Flake, gr m (3 :50). Wm. Sherman, Woonsocl.")0. i-ncille. Nicotine. Hobby tJolddust. J'ortuiie (2 dis), Maggie Monroe (1 disj, EtTie Deans il dis), 2:34'4, 2 :;)(!, 2:40i.<,. l-oiir-year-okls. Socrates, rn g (3 :5J7ii). 1)V Socrates. W. Jf. I)ol)le Ambler Park, Pa., Sept. l.i, 1881, $200. Lvdia K., Thomas (arlvle. .May S., Newport. 2:37ki. 2:37^4. 2:.".H. Mitldletown, Del., Sept. 20, 1!<81, 4il7,"). Lvdia K., Jim Ilarp, Keystone Maid, llipton, (iilt Edge, (janible Maid, Calico .Maid (2 dis), 2:381^, 2:364, -':■**'• Dovir, Del.. Sept. 30, isst, fjoo. Jim Harp, llipton, Clipper, Gamble Maid, Molly P., r.iiwnc P.. Prank, 2:40^4.2:37. 2:.ir.'4. . \V. H. Brown. iMiddletown, Del., Sept. 19, 1882. $2rM. Ladv Kichniond .3, Jim liarn, Addie G. (3 dis), 2:36^4. 2:34, 2:35J4, 2:.59H.. G. Wilson, Dover, Del., Sept. 27, 1882, $250. Jim Harp 1, Isaac, Idolwyld U dis;, John (1 dis), Nelly (1 dis). 2:33, 2:34>4, 2:34:'.i. 2:34>.i. Belmont Park, I'hila., Jidy 19. 1883, $100. Lady Classon. 2:34, 2:40. Soft Soap, gr m ^8:34). Sam Puss, Pittsburgh, P:i.. Oct. — , 18G2, $ . Oakland, 2 :36, 2:34. V. Latfert V, Oct. 16, 1863, §400. Shamrock (1 dis), White Chief (1 dis), 2:37. Nov. 3, 186.!, §400. Slianirock 1, .3, 2:46, 2:40, 2:39, 2:.3«, 2:40. Soldier Hob, dig (2:38;. Horace F. Jones, Beacon Course, N. J., Oct. 18. 1842, $200. Spangle 5, Cayuga Chief 1, 4 (6 dis). Awful (1 dis), 2:3r>!.o.2:38, 2:39'o, 2:41, 2:46, 2:47. Soldier IJov. b g (3 :55). E. Patrick, Omaha, Neb., Nov. 16. 1867, $50. Lady Palmer l, 2, Bay Billv (w) 4, Freeze Out(3 dr), 2:5"i4, 2:.'i8, 2:,'')5, 2:50,2:59, 3:01. Solid .silver, b g (3:37), by Kentucky Hunter. Thomas George, Stockton, Cal.. Nov. 30, 1876, .?200. Daisy, 2:37, 2:;i8. 2:43. Solitaire, dn g (3:43). W. Peckhani, Watertown, Conn., Sept. 26. 1878, $150. Kathrina 2, Lucille, Hannah Dustin,2:46'/4, 2:46, 3:02, 3:03. Solitude, ch s (3:03). Norman Bros., Stanton. Va., Oct, 14, 1874, $125. Alice. Patrick Henry Jr., Whortle- borrv. 3:03,3:05, 3:09. Solitude, ch s. J. W. Flack. Macomb. III., Aug. 27. 1879. $ . Chickamauga Jr. 1 (2 0), Callie J., 1:5214, 1:51, l:;i0^.i, 1 :29^4. Half-mile heats. Two-vear-olds. Solitude, blk g (3:44), by Evans' Morgan. Winterset, la., Aug. 30, 1882, $ . Ohio Maid, Black Hero, 2:53, 2:55, 2:50. Solo, b m (3 :38?i), bv Strathmore, dam Abbess, bv Albion. W. Van Valkenburg. Ogdensburg, N. Y., Sept. 5, 1882, $2,50. Morley (iirl 1. Gypsv Queen, Chestnut Sam (1 dis), 2:37, 2:36i4„ 2:38. 2:42. Somerset, ch g (3:37). AUiert conklin, Cincinnati, 0., July 17, 1839, $50. Davy Crockett, Tom Putherford, (ieorge Washington, 2:37. 2:38, 2:41. Somerset Maid, ch m (3:33i.i). J. Davis, South Bend, Ind., Oct. 4,1883, $250. Speculator. JefT Davis, James K. (3dr), 2:37'a, 2:35'2, 2:33'4. ^ ,, ^, J. Odcll, Dowagiac, Midi., Oct. 12, 1883, $125. Razor B., George P., Glasgow, John Thomas (1 dis), 2:4114, 2:40, 2:40. Somerset Knox br s (3:33'i), by Gen. Knox. Sharer and Burrill. Portland. Me.. Sept. 18, 1878, $200. Forest Girl 1.3. Kitty Morris, King Philip, Martin McClellan, Franklin, Eastern Queen (5 dri. 2:30, 2:40, 2::j7.2:45'», 2:,'i6V>. W. p.. .s'mitli. Attleboro, Mass., Oct. l, 1879, $200. Archie, Columbus Hambletonian. Kitty B;ites. Drover Bov, Steve Lewis. Pointer Bov. Honest Lyon, 2:37i^.2:36;«. 2:36'.i. Mvstif- T'ark. Boston, Oct. 8. 1^79, $200. Oshlega Belle. Ben F.. 2:33. 2:.3.'S. 2:3354- Somerv'ille grg(3:38). S. C. Oliver, Jioslon, Mass., Oct. 2. 1857. § . Balcom. 2:57. 2:49. .1 II I'oore, Augusta Me .. Sept. 28. 18.59. $200. :Meddlesome. 2:38k. 2:39. 2:38. W. W. Kellman. Lowell, TMass., Sejit. 15, 1860, $100. Fanny Fern, Red Leg, 2:47. Sept. 17, I860, ,9200. Romeo, 2:4.5, 2:46, 2:46. I.^ Dean W;ishington Hollow. N. Y., Aug. 19. 186.5, $ . Belden's Horse. Doty Mare, 2:41. 2:43. Somerville Ij'oy. b g (3:53). C. Magnire, Mystic Park, Boston, Oct. 3 and 4, 1882, $50. Black Dick 3. 4. 2:53, Son'olf Malta, chgVsIno). Mr. Merchant. Painesville. O.. Aug. 29. 1859. $10. Honest John 1. 2:42. 2:50, 2:57, Sonora, b m (3 :20-'i), liv Grand Sentinel. (l;im Lucv. bv Night Hawk. H. P. Kelly, Hart, Mich., Sept. 22, 181 $ . Forest Queen. Selene. 3 :.36, 3 :209i, 3 22. Four-vear-olds and under. ^, . „ .. , Sontaj;, gr m (3:31), bv Harris' Hambletonian, dam by a circus horse. Wm. Whelan, Union Course, L. 1., Auff. 23, 1854, $.500. Whalebone. 2:.51,2:45. Oct. 19. 18.54, $1,000. John W:inds. 2:43. 2:.39 2:42. (w). Oct. .30. 1K54. $500. Tecnmseh, pacer (w). 5:31'?, 5:43>^. Two miles. Nov 1.5, 18.54..«!.500. Lndv (\)llins (w), 2:43. 2:38^, 2:44^4. (w), Mav 7, 1S55. .$2,000. Florii Temple (w), 2 :3l . 2:.33, 2 :35. (w), Mav 16. IS.55. .?2.000. Centreville. 2:.35»^, 2:37. ., „ no o ro o no (w), J. Carll, Huntington. I>. I., .Tulv4. 18.57, $.30. Woodpecker, Mary .Lane. 3:02 2:,53, 3:02. Aug, 1, 1857. .S20. Black Joke 2, (3 0). Ladv Suffolk (2dr), 2:57. 2:48, 2:47, 3:02, 2:. 51. Sooner, b g (3 :48). (ieorize Wright, Lamb T;ivr>rn. Pa., June 10. 1874, $150. Paddler. 2:58, 3:05, 2.633i. June 24, 1874. .$200. Don 1. (2 0), 3:04>4. 2:52'i, 2:49, 2:48. 2:.50i.i;. July 6. 1874, .$ . Tom. No time. , , ^ w . v 11 i o .^t 00 fiooner. b g (2 :24), bv Hambletonian Battler, dam bv Cayuca Chief. N. .T. Pettijohn. J^''okuk. la^^ Sept. 29, l«7.r,. .s . Vallisca Maid 1. 2, Ladv Blennerhassett, Billy Stone, Western Girl, Mahaska Boy (5 dr) 2:51>/>. 2:.50. 2:46",. 2:47^., . 2:48. Sept. 30, 1875, S150. BillvStone. Vallisca Maid. 3:14. 3:09'.i. 3:1.3. , ^so, i>,w„ Galesbnrgh, 111.. Oct. 13. 1875, $.300. Yankee Boy, Orphan Girl, Vallisca Maid, Jim Lane d dis). Rose (1 dis) 2'41'i 2'44 '''40 / Oct. 14. 1H75. h'.mt. 'Yankee Boy 2, 4, Frances 3, Addie N., Rose (1 dis). Vallisca Maid (l dis). 2:42, 2:38', 2*40*^ 2 *39 '* '37 ^'ii '**3R ■ ^A.'V."smith,"sr."paul, Minn.. .Tulv .5, 1876, $1,000. Gayo, General Lee. Bay Charley. Lady Mac, Quarry Boy, Brother Baldwin 1, 2 (4 dis), Mambrino Chief Jr. (3 dis). Bay Brig d dis), 2:3o, 2:33. 2..<4 ,, 2*37 '**.37 ^Me'iidota, III., Aug. 16, 1876, $400. Sleepv Bill. Sophia Temple, Monarch fRule, Neomc, G. T. Pilot. Doctor Rush, Bay Rattler (3 dis), Frank Kernan (3 dr), 2:34, 2:33, 2:31. 1881, CHESTKRS COMPLETli TliOTTIXCi AN"1> TACING KECOUD. WJ — Karlville. 111.. Aug. 2.3, 1870. $500. Ed. AVilder 1, 2, Sophia Temple 3, Monarch Rule, G. T. Pilot, Sleepy Hiil.:j(lisi. 2:;j(). 2;:;2, 2:c1G'4. 2:32'4,2:34Ui,2:;i4!2. — I'ort VVaviie, liid.. Sent. 13. l»76, ftioOO. Kussell 1, G, Daii Howell 2, 3, Walker's Morrill, George Judd, Surprise, 2::i3l/.. 2:;;6. 2:34. 2:37, 2:37,2:37'2, 2:41. — A. T. Hrittou, VVashiugtoii. U. c. Oct. 25 aud 26. 187C, §1,000. Scotland 4, CarroUton 1, Mattie Lyle, Nelly Nutwooil. Wiuis, 2:.'>:i'o. 2:olUj,2:32, 2:30. 2:31'2- — Richuioiul. \a.. Nov. ti. 1ST6, S500. Alicu Lane, Hunter, Lady Patterson, 2:31^. 2:31, 2:31?4. ._ sniilh & Co., I'l-uvidence. K. I., June 12 and 13. l.^i.s, ^600. Dick Moore 3. Lady Daggett, Belle Oakley, Batt-nian. Colonel (3 dis). Sain Curtis (,3 (In, 2:25, 2:25, 2:20, 2:25. — Win<'liesler. Va.. Get, 17. iKLS, .^,"60. Eastern Shore Hoy, Hallie. Careless Boy. 2:39, 2:40. 2:35. F. Brown, liiehinond, Va., Oct. 29. 1878. §200. Bateinan, Lizzie Keller, Tom Brown, Doble, Key West (2 drl, 2:29. 2:29, 2 ::!0. (w) Washington, D. C, Nov. 15. 1878, .'S200. Eastern Shore Boy, 2:37?i.2:42, 2:37^4. Sophia, b m I'i -MS). T. Smith, Woodbury. N. J. Oct. 21 and 22, I8t4, §400. Lady Ilachael, Nelly, Mary Halsey, Mac, Isahel. Clara I).. l);in Tompkins. Geor.go, Kate (2 dis). Bones (2dr), 2:38, 2:39}4. 2:41i/,. Sophia .Scott, br m ci-AO^). Robert Dempster, Belvidere, 2«. J.. Sept. 11, 1878,$ — . Curling's b g. No time. ■ Dovlestown, Pa.. Oct. 4, 1878, .§100. Mamhrino Snap 1, 2, Black Girl, Motto, Mambaret(3dr), 2:42, 2:45'.j, 2:4114- -:-"J''4.2:49'2. Easton. I'a.. .July 12. 1879. §100. Colonel 2. 2:4314, , 2:41i4, 2:45. Sophia Temple, br ni (3 :37 ), by Rattler, dam Lute Rogers, by a son of Cannon's Whip. Crit Davis, Harrods- burgh, Kv.. July 22, 1871. §100. Lady Woodford, 3:40, 3:05. Three-year-olds. July 19, 1872, §75. William Martin l, Dudley (2 dr). Queen Lyde (1 dis), . 2:.56. 2:.57, 2:58'2. Four- year-olds. — Danville, Ky., Sept. 25, 1872. $100. Queen Lyde, 2:42, 2:40'/2, 2:39. Sept 26, 1872, §225. Roderick, Burger (1 dis). 2:42'2, 2:.')5. Harrodsburgh. Kv.. July 24, 1873, §125. Mambrino Walker (1 dis). Roan Miller (1 dis). 2:40. Danville, Ky., July 16. 1874, §175. Sam I'atcli t, John Doty (2 dis), 2:48, 2:44, 2:491-1, 2:46i^. Harrodsburgh. Kv., July 24, 1874, .§200. Early 1. 2 (:-', disi, Sam Patch (3 dis;. No time. Lexington. Ky., Oct. 1, 1875, §600. Doble 1, 2, John S. Cain (3 dis), Fanny Miller (3 dis). Belle Maud (1 dis), Monroe Chief (l dis), 2:41^, 2:4014, 2:391.1, 2:40, 2:4014. Harrodsburgh. Kv.. July 25, 1877, .§2.50. Ella Clay 1, Wildwood, 2:31, 2:31i4. 2:34i4, 2:32i/2. Lexington. Ky., Oct 11 ;ind 12, 1877, §600. Edwin Forrest 2, 3, Glendale 1, 6, D. Monroe, Kentucky Central, Keene Jim. 2;27'4. 2:2514, 2:-'5'2, 2:2914, 2:31. 2:28.2:29. D. P. Uphain, Fort Smith, Ark., Oct. 5, 1881. §15. Tom Crowder (1 dis), 2:47. Sophronia, b in (3:48). A. Carpenter, Woonsocket, R. L, Aug. 23, 1860, $50. Lady 'Jones, Jocko, 2:51, 2:54 2 "52. — Aug. 24, 1860, §75. Lady Allen, Lady Byron, 2:50, 2 :51, 2 :48. Sophronia ch m (3 :49i4). A. J. RoUin, Concord, N. H., Aug. 17, 1883, $ . Baby Boy, Charley B., Harvcv, Marv ,L, Buttercup, Ladv Suffolk (3 dri, 2:49'2, 2:50, 2:4914. Laconia, N. H., Sept. 18, 1883, §100. Baby Bov, Bartlett, 2:50, 2:50, 2:49'^. Sorghum (Lee W.), b g (3 :36i4), bv Bourbon Bhie. dam Mav Flv. T. \V. Foster, Columbus. Ind , June 7, 1883, .§250. W. B., Ike Medium. Theodore (3 dis), Fanny W.. (1 dis). 2 :37. 2 :.39, 2 :33?4. Terre Haute, Ind., June 14, 1883, .§250. Ike Medium, Roscoe, Josephine, Anglin, Netty M., W. B., Katv B. (1 dis), 2 :33i^, 2:34, 2:34. L. W. Sinclair, Detroit, Mich., .June 27, 1883, §700. Frank Patclien, Polka Dot, Almont M., Alcyone, Modie H., Marv C, Netty R., Henderson, Kitty Wood, 2:30?4,2:29?i, 2:29?4. Sorrel, ch m (3 :46i;). Mr. "Blanchard, Albanv, N. Y.. Sept. 14, 18.57. § . Duke, 2:46'/i, 2:50, 2:49. .Sorrel Ben, ch g (3 :40). A. J. Gillett, Santa Cru/, Cal., July 31, 1883, §150. Ella T„ Bay Dan Pajaro Chief (1 dis), 2:49'4, 2:47, 2:40'.,. E. J. Swift, Nov. 29, 1883, §100. Chicago, 2:40U, 2:40, 2:41i^. Sorrel Charley, ch g (3:39J4). Mr. Ferguson, Petaluma, Cal., June 9, 1864, §1,000. Lost Diamond, 2:47, 2:46^,2:47. C. Lusk. San Francisco. Cal.. June 4, 1806, §200. Eugene Casserly 2. 2:46, 2:45, 2:45, 2:46. Sorrel Charley, ch g (3:54). J. P. White, New Bedford, Mass., July 30, 1874, §100. Stern Mare, 3:00, 2:.54.2:55. Sorrel Charley, ch g (3 :43). J. .Jones, Youngstown, O.. Sept. 25, 1879, §150. Dixie Boy, Sandy Bogus, Lucy, Frank West, General Comet, Robert Emmett. 2:43 2:42, 2:44. Sorrel Dan (Dan Mace), chg (3:30), (3:38 s), by Magna Charta. Dan Mace, Union Course, L. I., Sept. 11, 1803, .§2,000. Lady Morrison (2 0), 2:38i4. 2:35,2:.3.5, 2:37. Fashion Course, L. I., Sept. 2.5, 1863, .§2,000. Harry Clay (3 dr), 2:32i/2, 2:38i/i. . W. Mead, New Haven, Conn., Oct. 2, 1863, § . Stonewall Jackson 1, Prince, 2:3314. 2:335i, 2:32, 2:34. fames Turner, Springfield, Mass., Aug. 26, 1865, .§800. Volcano 2, 3, Black Diamond, 2:40, 2:40. 2:38, 2:39, 2:40. (s), Boston, Mass., Sept. 1, 1865, $2,000.. Frank Vernon (s) 2, 2:28, 2:27. 2 28, 2:31. (w), Bangor, Me., Oct. 18, 1865, $ . Ticonic 1. 2. 2:38. 2:37, 2:37ii, 2:38, 2:40i4. Hoston. Mass., Nov. 23, 1865, .§500. Blackstone Belle 2 (3 0), 2:38i4, 2:3914, 2:38'2, 2:39>/2, '2:3&V2. (s) George H. Bailey, Nov. 24, 1865. §100. Fearnaught (s) (1 0) (3 dr), 2:34, 2:37, . Dan Mace, Somerville, N. J., Sept. 13, 1866, §500. volcano 2, George M. Patchen Jr. 1 (5dr), 2:33!4, 2:37, 2 :;i3!^, 2:381^, 2:3394. H. Brock, Boston, Mass., .June 15. 1868. §1 ,000. Empress 1 (4 0). 2:34, 2:34. 2:34i.i, 2:36, 2:.?7i4. Sorrel Dan, ch s (3:48). Charles Martin, Hudson, N. Y., .lune 26, 1869. §60. Betsy Baker 1, 3. Old Mack. 3:00, 2:57. 3:03, 2:56, 2:,58. Sorrel Dan. ch g(3 -.-.iSU,). bv Ethan Allen. W. H. Crawford. Titusville, Pa.. June 6. 1871, §4,50. Lady Hill 3, King William 2, Titusville. Jennv Lind. Mattie (2 dis). Mack (2 dis). 2:45';. 2:41 V... 2:47V{i, 2:48, 2:43. Zanesville. O.. Oct. 18, 1871. §300. Ed Higgins 4, Charley Everich l, Walter, Fuzzy (l dis), 2:50i4, 2:5314. 2:.50'i, 2:52, 2:50. Pittsburg, Pa., Oct. 28, 1871, ,§R00. Annie Collins 1, Lnlly. Tramp, 2:.36i^. 2:39U. 2::'.B'i, 2:39^'-:. Sorrel Dan, ch g (3 :10'^). F. Restrick, Strathroy, Ont.. May 24, 1878, .§80. Dominion Girl, Capt. .John, May Queen, 3:11, 3:10',, 3:12. Sorrel Dan. ch g (3 :43',i). E. Johnson, Jersey City, N. J., June 8, 1881, $ . Billy Dow 1, Ned, Charley K., 2:44%, 2:43^, 2:49>^. Sorrel Dan, ch g (3 :00?ii). J. P. .Johnson, Quincy, 111., June 1, 1882, .§30. Fred T.. Lacrosse, Gyp, 3:05. 3:01^, 3:00^4. Sorrel Dan. ch g (3:03). W. C. Threskeld, Falmouth, Ky., Sept. 14, 1882, .$60. Le Roi 2. Highland Chief. Satinet (3 dr). 3:02, 3:01. 3:03, 3:0.5. Sorrel Dan, ch g (3 :00). P. J. Hilleman, Emporia, Kan., Sept. 26, 1882. § . Almo. Lady Powell. Best time. 3:00. Sorrel Dapper (Auburn Horse), ch g (3:381.^). by King's Champion Jr. J. T. Parsons, Auburn, N. Y., Aug. 19. 1805. §200. stonewall Jackson. Haight's rh m (3 dr), 2:34, 2:35i/8. 2:28J^. 4! 642 CHESTElfS COMTLETK TliOTTlNG AND PACING KECORD. Seneca Falls, N. Y., Sei)t. 21, 1875, $ . Niagara l, 2:35, 2:34, 2:33. Auburn, N. Y., Oct. 7, 186.% « . Crazy Jane, Niagara, I'anic(2 dr), 2:33J4, 2:38, . jjorrel Dick, ch {j (3 :45!2). Mr. Archer, iMinncapolis, .Miini., Aug. 10, 1870, §50. SilverGray 2. 3, Green Tom (.'J dr), 2:48, 2:48, 2:46, 1^:47. 2:45^. Sorrel Dick (Nicodenuis), cli n ('Z;36y^). J. B. T. lliclire, Des Moiues, la., July 18, 1872. S . Frank Faimer (10), ,2:48, 2 :47U, 2:431^. i)r. Downing, Oskaloosa, la., Aug. 3, 1872, $300. Keoonstniction, Frank Palmer, 2:37, 2:40, 2:40. Aug. 31, 1872, S . Keconstruction 2 (4 0). 2:a7>. Sau Francisco, Cal., May 4, 1878, .?150. Skylark 2, 3, Nemo. 2:41. 2:39, . 2:39J£. . Sorrel Uick ch g (2:55). G. A. Adrian, Minneapolis, Minn., June 17, 1879, $ — . Diamond, 1.2 :58JiB, 2:50. 2:55. Sorrel Dick, ch g(3:47>^). S. A. Hughes, Savannah, Ga., June 7, 1883, S4oo. yuicksilver, 2:47'/j, 2:475li, 2:49'j. Sorrel Fanny (w), ch m (2:47Ji^ w). J. E. Doty, Alexandria, Va., Aug. 10, 1853, $ — . Kcntuck (w), 2:47V6, 2:5«. Sorrel Frank, ch g (3 :36). James Rutherford, St. Louis, Mo., Oct. 10, 18C5, $275. Tom Hyer, Bay Prince, 2:39^4, 2:38?4, 2:35. Sorrel Frank, ch g (3 :33V^). by Tuckahoe. E. K. Wormlev, Peoria, HI., June 17. 1874, $400. Capt. Jack 2, 3, Fancher 4, Netty Greene (3 dr), 2:42V4, 2:4:j. 2:42'/2, 2:45. 2:46, 2:49. Sept. 17, 1874, $300. ViiUey City Maid 2, Hannah (4 dis). Gertrude (1 dis), 2:38, 2:43, 2:36. 2:42'/i. Sept. 18, 1874, $350. Bay Ben 2, 3, John ^V. 1, Molly O. (5 dis), Gertrude (5 dis), 2:40, 2:39^, 2:39!4, 2:43, 2:41?. 2:.f8. 2:3.5. 2:35 • J. M. McCord, San Francisco, ('al. Oct. 28, 1875, $500. Bay Henry 1. Long John, Dirigo, St. Helena, Dutchman (4 dis), 2:33, 2:31'.i, 2:;30'4, 2:31 14. Sorrel Frank, ch g (2:43). W. Williams. Washington Hollow, N. Y., Sept. 20, 1882, $100. Ensign, Koan Frank, 2:43' 2, 2:43'/2, 2:43. Sorrel George, ch g (3:40i^). A. Goldsmith, Middietown, N. Y., Oct. 9, 1866, $100. Tormentor 2, Wild Irish- man (4 dis), 2:41'A. 2:43, 2:43'i. 2:404. ■ Pounhlceepsie, N. Y., Oct. 15. 1866, $200. Caroline, 2:41, 2:41^, 2:42. Goshen, N. Y., Oct. 18, 186(;, .$35. Mountain Maid. Hunter's b s, Jenny McCoy, 2:41, 2:42, 2:4154. Sorrel George, ch g (3:37). William Smith, Plymouth, O., Oct. 7. 1869, $ . Honest John, Jenny Lind, Honest Joe, Lightning, 2:37, 2:38. Sorrel George, ch g (3 :53i4). G. M. Foster, Lowell, Mass., July 5, 1876, $50. Snowflake 1, 4, Butcher Boy, 2:50, 2:52k, 3:00, 2:5554. 2:53. .Sorrel George, ch g (3:44'^). T. G. Fish. Waukegan, 111., Sept. 28, 1881, $150. Bob Logan 2, Gov. Hayes 3, Governor, 2:45. 2:44i^, 2:4C?4', 2:44!'2, 2:449:i. Sept. 29, 1881, $150. Bob Logan, Keel, 2:4.5. 2:44'i, 2:48. Sorrel Girl, ch m (3:56). ,1. (jnevremont, Montreal, P. Q., Aug. 5, 1878, $25. City Girl 2, Coeur de Leon, Sorrel Bov (4 dr), 2:,59. 2:be.. 2:.5(!. 2:.'-)6. Sorrel Hiram, ch g (3:41), (3 :40 s), by Crook Neck. John Cudney, Boston, Mass., Aug. 4, 1852, $ . Bay Star, 2:.52, 2:46, 2:51. Aug. 10, 1852. $500. Bay Star (s), 3. 4, 2:40. 2:41, 2:40. 2:40. Unfinished. Sorrel .Jake, chg (3:39). Benjamin Bol en, Fleetwood Park, N. Y.. Nov. 24, 1870, $200. Honest Tom 1, 2, Faiiiiv. 2:.55'2, 2:48. ?:47, 2:44, 2:45. lolin Murphy. June 21. 1871, $1,000. Honest Tom, Gray Eagle, Sorrel Dan, Black Hawk, 2:50, 2:48H, 2:5;%. T. Conlin. June 29. 1873, $200. Alice Gray. -ZSjO, 2.43, 2:39. Jolin Murphy, Aug. 2, 1873, $1,000. Tom Wonder, 1, 4, 2:44, 2:42, 2:45}^, 2:48, 2:48. Prospect Park, L. I.. Aug. 29, 1873, $500. Alice Gray, 2:43, 2:44, 2:44. Fleetwood Park, N. Y., May 20. 1874, $1,000. Kose May, 2:47'/2, 2:47, 2:47^. June 9, 1874. .S400. Shiner, 2:52i^, 2:49J/o, 2:455-2. .lune 2.'!. 1874, $200. W. O. No time. .June 6, 1874, $.500. Brown George 3. 2:475^2, 2:47, 2:45, 2:52. Oct. 2. 1874, $.'i0(). Maria 2, 4. Ladv Trimble, 2:39, 2 :37i^, 2:39, 2:42Vi, 2:43H. Nov. 20, 1H74, $.S00. Judge Bedle,'2:44, 2:49, 2:43i^. May 29, 187.5. .$200. Even Kate, 2:42?.i, 2:4."', 2:43. J. Spaulding, .Fniv 20, 1H75, .$300. Harry I)., 2:48i^, 2-M'A. 2:46%. T.Trimble, Deerfoot Park, L. I., June 7, 1876, $150. Culver Boy 2, 3, Jerry 1, 2:53V4, 2:50)4.2:61,2:64, 2:52j^, 2:51^- \V. E. Weeks, Fleetwood Park, N. Y., Nov. .30. 1876. $200. W, O. 3:00. J. Hart, Julv 14, 1879, $100. Lady Pearsall. 2:52, 2:.52, 2:49. Sorrel Jim, ch g (3 :48). S. Smith, Scarboro', Me , Aug. 9, 1859, $100. Price Mare 4 (3 0), 2:64, 2:64, 2:51, 2:62, 2 :48. Sorrel Jim, ch g (3 :39'4). H. A. Davis, Hartford. Conn., Sept. 14, 1864. $40. Orphan Boy, 2:53V4, 2:46J4. (w), Springfield. Mass., Aug. 6. 18G5, $ . Prince (2 0), 2:52?4. 2:.50^, 2:49"2, 2:49Ji. Sorrel Jolin, ch g (3:43^). H. Bradlev, Boston, Mass., May 39, 1865, $100. Major Riley 1, Mac 3, 2:4954, 2:43M. 2:4.5, 2:42»4, 2:45>4. • (w), D. W. Beckler, June 1, 1869, $1.50. Jenny Spencer 2, 4 (1 0), (5 0), 2:51, 2:53, 2:61JiJ, 2:64?i, 2:62, 2:62i4, 2:61H- Julv 30. 1869. $200. Jenny Spencer, 2:439^, 2 :44?4. 2 :48^. (w). Sci)t. 16, 1870. $200. CitvPoint2. 2:52. 2:.52, 2:51,2:52. ^ ^ „, Sorrel John, ch g (3 :5l). O. S. Hibbard, Danbury, Conn., July 4, 1870, $150. Gray Harry, Lady Warren, Tom ,'2dr). 2:.51, 2:51. 3:04%. „, ,, ^ ., , ^„ „ , Sorrel John, ch g (3:52). P. Burrows, Montreal. P. Q., July 15, 1875, $300. Flora, Undertaker, Ella Cole, 14* 19'i I'^iVB niil6S Sorrel Johnny, ch g (2 :51). J. Jerome, Greenville, N. Y., June 19, 1875, $50. Lady Arthur, Parkway, 2 :51, 2:.5.5. Sorrel Jonathan, ch g (2 :42). Asher Savace. PIttsfleld, Me., July 4, 1866. $75. Dolly Dunton, 2:42, 2:44. Sorrel Kate, ch m. Greenfield, liid., Sept. 19. 1878. $ . Bay Frank, Tarn O'Shanter, Hird- No time. Sorrelle. b g (2 :4854). A. Bourette, Fashion Course, L. I., July 24, 1800, $250. Fair Oaks, January (2 dis), Uncle Joe (2 dis), Sallv (1 dis), 2:.55, 2:48'/,. , „ r ., ^, ,..,,/ Sorrel Maggie, chm (2:51^). Williainsport, Pa.. July 23, 1870. $150 Wild Mary 1,3, Lady Clay, 3:02,2:61 '4. Sorrel Ned." eh g (3 :38), by Morgan Eagle, George W. Young, Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. 17, 1849, 81,000. Wood pecker, 2:40. 2:45. 2:40. June 10, 1850, $1,000. John Davis l, 3, 2:40J4. 2:48, 2:43, 2:42, 2:43. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 643 Sept. 4, 1850, $50. Fanny d 0), Selim, 2:423^, 2:41, 2:42, 2:41. Oct. II. ixno. .S2(t0. Smoke 3. Kipton 1, 2:40, 2:39, 2:38, 2:43, 2:47. William King. Aug. 7, 1858, §2.000. Honest John, 2:45, 2:48, 2:40^4. (w;, George Nugent, Sept. 9, 1808, $75. Poole Horse (w) (1 0), Billy Penn (w) (4 dis), 2:50, 2:49}^, 2:50Vi, 2:.o.'). — William King, Leighton, Pa., June 15. 1859, $50. Honest John, 2:41, 2:45. 2:38. R. Denii)ster, Scranlon, Pa.. July 4, 1859, $50. Belle of Providence, Ivy Green, 2:58, 2:58, 2:43. Easton, Pa., .lulv 3U. 1859, *50. Old Joe,2:53, 2:.52. Sept. 30, 1859. .<;2()0. Plutarch l. 2:49'i, 2:53, 2:461/0, 2:50. Guthsville. Pa., Sept. 8. 1860. .Sl'O. Belle Brandon, 2:53, 2:51. 2:49. Joseph Fisher, Nov. 13, 18G0, .Ifioo. (iray Stranger, 2:56, 2:50. Nov. 13, I860, ,S100. (irav Stranger, 2:48, 2:46, 2:49. .lune 22, 1861, .*100. Fanny Morgan, pacer. 1, 3, 2:44}4, 2:39, 2 :38i^. 2 :40, 2:41. R. Dempster, Belvidenf- N. J.. Aug. 29, 1863. $200. iJugal. 2:55, 2:57'/2, 2:59. Easton, Pa., Sept. 25, 1863, .«40. Lady Snip, 2:.56. 2:.58. 2:56. Belvidere, N. J.. Oct. 8, 1863, .$25. Salt Powder, 2:51, 2:.57, 2:.54. Sorrel Ned \vr^. ch g (3 :38' i). D. O. Livermore, Norwalk, O., Sept. 1, 1865, $100. Kennebec (w), May Queen (w) (2 disi. 2:41, 2:41. Mo iroeville, O., June r^, 1866, $15n. .lohn M. Welch (2 0).2:40M. 2:44, 2:41. Sorrel Ned, ch g {'i-A5%). A. F. Smith, Sacramento, Cal., Nov. 2, 1870, $400. Brown Mack, Clipper (.3 dis), Bidlv Bov (3 dis). Rag Picker (1 dis), 2:45?4, 2:46'/2, . Sorrel Ned, chg(3:44i4). Fort Wavne, Ind., June 6, 1874. $400. Sleepy Frank 1, 2:481.^, 2:49^4, 2:48^2,3:13. Aug. 28, 1874, .$200. Sleepy ]'>ailk l, 2:43, 2:44^, 2:46, 2:46. Sorrel Ned, chg (2 :55'/j). N. Tuoiney, Philadelphia, Pa., Ang. 9,1876, $300. John K., Ned(3dr), 2:55i/2,2:58J4, 2:.W. Sorrel Ned, ch g (3 :35), by Widgeon. R. R. Brown, Winona, Minn., June 22, 1877, -$300. London Belle, Alvin B., Winona Belle. Gray Dick, Bay Billy Lady Groesbeck (3 dr>. 2:38i^, 2:3.5, 2:361^. Marshalltown, la., jnne 28, 1877, $300. Waukousah l, Tuckahoe, West Union Girl (5 dis), 2:46 'A, 2:37}^, 2 :40H, 2:37(4. Oskaloosa. la.. July 3. 1877, .$300. Dixie 2. 3(5 0), Bay Rattler, West Union Girl (5 dr). Gov. Morton (5 dr). Gentle Jim (5dr),"2:35, 2:3^4, 2:32, 2:32. 2:32, 2:36. Sorrel Ned, ch g (2 :54). Chas. Jones, Watsonville, Cal., July 4, 1883, $100. Bay Daw, Pajaro Chief, 2:54, 2:56, 3:01. Sorrel Nettie (s), ch m (3:579^8). I. Case, Warwick Co., Ind.. Oct. 16, 1873, $— . Shakespeare (s), Tom Winter (s), Dolly Varden (s), Blue Cloud (s), 2:5794, 2:58. Sorrel Pete (Col. Barnes), ch g (3:38i/i), by King's Champion Jr., dam by Henry Clay. I). Young, Barton, Vt., Oct. 5, 1882, $85. Nelly Gray l, Moscow, John C. B., Castelar (4 dr). 2:361/^,2:36, 2:.39Vj. 2:39. Sorrel Prince, ch g (3 :53). E. B. Draper, Boston, Mass., Nov. 11. 1864, $:00. Daniel Webster 1, 3:01, 2:53, 2:52. 2:.52'4. Sorrel Prince, ch g (2:40^). S. Gilbert, Wheeling, W. Va., Oct. 14, 1865, $70. Hada, Sorrel Bashaw, 2:429£, 2:42, 2:4014. Sorrel Prince, ch g (3:501^). Geo. Riddell. Toledo, O., Oct. 29, 1874, $300. Bashaw 1, 4(2 0), Mambrino Warner Chalkline 2'42, 2:50/4 2"52 2:.53 2:51 2:504^. Sorrel Tom, ch g (3 :55). Pete Davis.BangoV, Me., Sept. 2. 1873, $300. New Hampshire Boy 1, 2 :55, 2 :55, 3:02, 3:05. Sorrel Tom, ch g (3 -.SSVz). T. Neely, York, Pa., Oct. 9, 1874, $150. Gray Dan, Peach Blossom, 2:50'/2, 2:55'/^, 2:5514. Silas Wright, Oxford, Pa., June 8, 1876, $275. Billy Bolden 2, Midsummer, Flora, Gypsy Maid (3dr), 2:41, 2:46, 2:46, 2:44. ■ Gettysburg, Pa., July 26, 1876, $400. Jupiter 2, Gen. Hunton 1, Top, Midsummer, Rocky Hill (3 dr), 2:40, 2:40^, 2:36. 2:42i/2, 2:4134. Lancaster, Pa., Sept. 5 and 6, 1876, $2.50. Rip Kap l, 3, Billy Britton 2. Honest Mac 5, Phil Dougherty, Gray Salem, Mary Jane, Billy Watson (4 dr), 2:3394, 2:.38i4, 2:37^. 2:35^, 2:3.5, 2:3694, 2:36. Sorrel Tom, ch g (3 :53). W. McMurray, Woodstock, Ont., June 4. 1881, $50. Tony Boy, Brooklyn Boy, Prince, 2:52, 2:55,2:59. Sorrel Tom, ch g (3 :48). P. Gardner, Owensboro, Ky., Oct. 10, 1883, $100. Lamasco Maid 2, 3, Black Duke, 3:1194, 3:101/2. 3:11%, 2:57, 2:51^. Oct. 11. 1883, $100. Melrose, Black Duke, Miller Boy 1 (4 dr), Bessie B. (2 dis), Lamasco Maid (1 dis), 2 :47, 2:48,2:501^,2:551/2. Sorrel Top, ch g (3 :34%). J. H. Phillips, Woodbury, N. Y., July 3, 1878, $200. Hard Pan. Joe D., Lizzie F., Frank P., Billy, 2:43, 2:43^. 2 :41U. July 4, 1878. .$200. Hard Pan, Viola, Joe D., Frank P., Lady Emma. Billy, 2:40, 2:41, 2:41. Suffolk Park, Philadelphia, July 10 and 11, 1878, $150. Ambler 3, Dudley. Frank P. (4 dr), 2:35, 2:35, 2:43, 2:363^. Belmont Park, Phila., July 17. 1878, $1.50. Ambler 3. Dudley, 2 :35?4. 2:3714. 2:33. 2:3894. F. W. Reynolds. New Haven. Conn., Sept. 6. 1882, $200. Rainbow 1, Ossie, Berkshire (2 dr), 2:40^4, 2:40J£, 2: 34%, 2:3714. So So, bm (3:1734), by George Wilkes, dam Little Ida, by Edwin Forrest. H. M. Bowman, Harrodsburgh, Ky., July 24. 1877, $ . Mattie Golddust (1 dis), Lucy Lumber (1 dis), Bill Taylor (l dis), 2:5.3Ji. Two- year-olds. • Lexington, Ky., Sept. 12, 1877, $— . Orient, Rosa Wilkes, Nelly Gaines (1 dis), 2:34, 2:3834. Two- year-olds. Oct. 12, 1877, $ . Orient 1. Alice Stouer (2 dis), 2:38, 2:,313^, 2:31. Two-year-olds. Nashville Tenn., Sept. 12, 1878. $250. Lookout Jr. (1 dis), Rosewood (1 dis), Jenny (1 dis), Annie W. (1 dis), 2:3934. Three-year-olds. ' Sept. 13, 1878. $ . Creed, Trifle, 2:37i4, 2:.38. 2:41. Four-vear-olds and under. Bair & Phipps, Pittsburgh, Pa., July 12, 1881, $1,500, Florence, Edwin Tliorne, Minnie R., 2:2234,2:253^, 2:18i'4. W. W. Bair. Chicago. 111., July 10, 1881. $3,000. Edwin Thorne 3, Pilot R., Jewett, Kate Sprague, Minnie R., 2:19, 2:2034. 2:1994.2:23. 1). W. Woodmansee. Minneapolis, Minn., July 4, 1882. .$500. Silverton. 2:26, i-Af^y-,. Soubrette, blk m (3 :31i^), by Toronto Chief. Alex. Patterson, Troy, N. Y., Oct, 28, 1869, $800. Lady Wheeler, Maid of Honor, Fanny Fern, Lady Putnam, 2:4594. 2:46'i, — . Soulouque, br g(3:43). Mr. Weston, Dover. N. H., Sept. 24,1858, $ . Belle of Boston (2 0), 2:45,2:45, 2:46, 2:46. L. L. Waite, Oct. 8, 1858, $30. Belle of Boston 1 2:45. 2:43. 2:44. South Boston Boy, ch g (3: 42). M. T. Downing, Boston, Mass., November 10, 1870, $500. Rattler, 2 :473!i, 2:47%. 2:4.5. S. Hayes, Dec. 2, 1870, $500. Unknown 1, 2:61, 2:46, 2:45, 2:42. 644 CHESTER'S COMPI.ETi: TK()niN<; ANU I'AllNG KECOKD. f^outh IJoston Maid, 1) m (3:47). S. KnuTSOii, nostou, Mass., April 01, l^GO, ^\w. Tom Howiint; i, 4, i!:49, •J;:>J. •-':47.-J:4!Ha. •-•:.M-.i. South IOikI Hfllf, l> in T'*::*'''). •'- (ioinhvin, Hostoii, Mass., Aiipitst i!, I8.")8, S . Kpliraini Smooth, 2:44,2:40. I), llolialt. Allj:. 10. 1858, * , l-adv Micrmali -J. 2:.;^':, l;:40. •J:40, 2:37. Soiitlu-riKT, eh s {-^'Ai'.,). T. W. Joins, I'oi isnioiitli, >;. Jl.. Sept. 18, 1S72, §300. Kentucky ( liicf 1. 2,2:49, •2A:>, l':.^, •J:44'.,.2:53. Koelu'ster, N. II., Sei)t. 25. 1&72, ■St.'iO. Lady Enii)irc. loin lliumlj, Daisy t4dr). \»>unK I)ra<-o (2 dis). l.adv CliariiuT rj dis>, 2:r)4. 2:.'>4, 2:r)6'2. 2:.'«3. SpaiiK'**. '■" t! r-i :-'»«) s). John Horter, I'liihidelpliia I'a., Oit. li, 1841, .§200. Cayuga Chief I, 5:24, 6:31, 5:.37. Two miles. (ieoiKe Yomi},'. June 1, 1842. Sioo. CavuL'Ji ( liief 2, Kate Hawu (l dis), 2:.i7)^. 2:.39. 2:30'2, 2:39. SpiiiiKltv in }i <■- :-'5^ I. ('. S. r.:irtine, Centreville, L. 1., Sejit. 10, ls4U, ^30. Aggy Down, paeer, 2:35. 2:34. tw) 1. Woo.lnill. Union Course. L. 1., Oct. 15, 1855, Sl.OOO. 3:.W:04. To b«at 4 hours, lifty miles, wagou and driver. 40() pounds. SpanKle, rn g ri:r>l). W. (Jallagher. Fleetwood I'ark. K. \.. Sept. 4, 1872, $100. Mode.sty 2, Central Boy 4. Ladv Jane, 2:."d. 2:4H. 2:57, 2:.>t, 2:53. SpaiiKle, grs r-i ::<'<). YorKCo.. Me.. Oet. 14, 1R7.">. S . Island Hoy. 3:28. 3 :2.'5, 3:11. Four-year-filds. .Spaiit,'l«-. .Mr. Earing. Woodstoek. 111.. Seiil. 14. is.s;;, .'5-—. Daisy 11. .1:04, 1:38. Two-year-olds. .Spartan, h s (3 ::5«'., i. liv Et/iaii .Vllen, dam hv Vt. llamhietouian. J.Campbell. Newark, X. .1., .lune 6, 1872. 5?joo. David Cieer. Tom Kinil-idl. t lotlispin. Wieked Will, 2:40i.i, 2:44^4,2:419.1. .lune 8. i,s72. S150. Neilv Hiaiidy, P.ostoii Hilly, Frank Morgan (3 dr*. Honest Abe (.3 dr), Lyman (3 dr), 2::j9, 2:.'f!)i... 2:41. Speckled Trout, eh g (3:44). Mr. Anderson, Chicago, 111., Oct. 8, 18.'^8. §100. Gyp.sy Queen, I'rince. 2:49. 2:4.'>, 2:44. Speedress. h m ('i:^5^^), bv King Philip, dam by Star. 15. C. Borden, Newport. K. I.. Sept. 23, 1880, $110. Dan Palmer. Erie. Maud (2 diS'. 2:50. 2:48. 2:49. Sept. 0. lS81,.i«150. Flatbush 3, Hampshire P.oy, Tommy Dodd. Maud B.. Tom i4 dis;, 2:41i.o. 2:41»4, 2:43^4, 2:40. Bridgewater, Mass.. Sept. 22, issi. §125. Storm, Lulu, 2::}5i/>. •^■•i^. 2:36. Providence, K. 1., Sept. <4, 18^2, §300. Archie 2. Hf^rsey. Maud 13., Jessie, Brand (3 dr), 2.32»a, 2::!1V5. 2:31'o. 2:31'4. Tannt(m. Mass., Siept. 27, 1882. § . Little Maid 1. 4 Gov. Plaisted.Kover, Pickwick (5 dn. 2:33,2:32, 2:34'/>, 2:;54'.,, 2:33. Se~pt. 28, 1882, § . Archie 1, Argonaut. 2:35, 2:31, 2:31^, 2:33. Newport. K. L^ Oct. 13. 1882, .§250. "Archie. JInsic, 2:35. 2:32f.i. 2:3254^ Beacon Park, IJoston, June 20, 1883, §400. IJobert H. 1, ' George A., Belle Shacketl, Flora, 2:29}o, 2:27k. _.J.'>'4. 2:28. T.S.Foster, Providence, 11. I., Sept. 28, 1883, §400. Eva 1, Argonaut. Dick Taylor. 2:33Jv. 2:i7, 2:27'/i. Speedwen.bg (3:48). H. G. Smith, Jersey City, N. J.. Sept. 14, 1883, .§,-)0. Harness Boy. Smuggler Jr. Spencei'sCliestimt Stallion, (3 :.53). llenrv Spencer. Pontiac, ISlich., Oct. 28. 1870. §175. Clara Lookwood •J. .-), Bav Fillv 1, Maid of Uomeo. .lohn, Kitty Allen, No Name. 2:.i3. 2:53, 2:.55, 3:01 1,, 2:.52ki.2:.">5ia. Spice, rn 111(3 :41(oi. C. \V AVhitbeck, Hudson. N. Y., Sept. 27. 1881. §100. Lady (iarfteld. Bub, Bay Mes- senger, Star .lupiter, 2:411^, 2:44'o. 2:43>s- Sept. 2S. 1H81. §100. Bub, NiskaviUKi, 2:44'2, 2:45, 2:50. C H Burch Amenia N.Y., Sept. .">. 1882, §150. Breeze Medium 4. \oi:iig Lambert. Hocus Pocus. Cora B. 1 (3 dn, Jersey Boy (3 dis), 2:38i4, 2:37, 2:37. 2:42. 2:45. Sept. 6, 1882. §i50. Breeze Medium 4, Hocus Pocus, Jersey Boy (3 dis). Cora B. l Co dr). 2:38^4, 2:37, 2:37, 2:42,2:37. Spider, b s (3:43). Dan Mace, Fashion Course, L. L, July G, 18G8, §500. Nancy lat 2. 3, 2:4(;i;4. 2:4314. 2:41J^, 2'4G!4 2 '43 Spider,b g'(3':30). by Whitesides Black Hawk (?). H. Mo.seley, Columbus, Ga., Kov. 0,1871, §150. McDoiigalPs bm. Norma, 2:49. 2:52^. J. D. O'lam. Atlanta. Ga., June 18, 1878, §125. Mmnie laylor. Beaumont, 2:49, 2:48, 2:45. June 18. 1878. §200. Miimie Tavlor. Beaumont, 2:44, 2:44. 2:41?4^. Oct. 2.;. 1878, §,'i()0. Chieftain, SVhite Cloud il dis). 2:37'.i. 2::;6. 2:45. ■ Montgomery. Ala.. Dec. 19, 1878, §100. Billy King. Scotch CliieL '2:4?>]4, 2-A3Vi, 2-41'/:. Spier's Cream Gelding. ^V. E. Spiers. Glens Falls, N. Y., Sept. 14, 1882, § . Laphain's blk g. No time. Spile Driver. (;i :49U) Mr Adams, Aurora. N. Y., June 12, 18GG. §.50. Three others. Best time 2:49Vi. Spinella, hrm (3:.-?0), by Louis Nanoleon, dam Scotia, by Marshall ChieL S. A. Browne, Benton Harbor, Midi., Oct. 7. IS80, §].';o. Frank. Ben Hill. Notime. ^ , .^ . ,. Danville. III.. Oct 19. 1880, .§200. Caddy. Bay Eattler. Bay Henry, (ien. Golddust (3 dis), 2:47, 2:50, 2:46. H. P. Kelly. Hart. Mich., Sept 23. 1881.' §150. Maggie K.. St. Lawrence. Butler. 2:44 2:46.2:47. East Saginaw, Mich., Sept. 28, 1881, §300. Buflalo Bill. "Ircmont, Manibriuo lurk (3 dr), 2:35, 2:33'/4, 2:33'/2. Sept. 29. 18S1..?300. Tremont 2. Golden Bow, Mambrino Foster (2 dis). 2:.?2Vi. 2:30. 2:31».,.2:30. C. Norris. Denver. Col.. IMav 15 and 16. 1882. .§800. Major Winship 2. 5 (1 O), Teaser 3 (l 0), Little 1* rank. Nanper, 2:38. 2:39. 2:45»,. 2:44. 2:44'i. 2:.'')4. D. D. Streeter, East Saginaw. Mich., Sept. 27, 1883. §2.50. Flirt 1. Indicator (3 dr). 2:S0. 2:.sii4. 2:35. Spirit of the Times, b s (3 :.50). T. Gregan. Albany, N. Y.. Oct. 26. 18.'-)9. § . Lady Suffolk. 2:. 54, 2:50. 2:52. Spitfire, b in is) (3 :48s). William Martin, Cincinnati. O.. .lidv 18. is.39. §7.^.. I'nmpeii (s). 2:42.2:48.2:44. Spitfire, b s (3 :41), Mr. Lynch. Pottstown. Pa.. Oct. 26. 1875. ,§4.50. Mabel (3 dis). 2:.53>4. 2:41- 2:53. Sport, b g (3 :37). W. H. Risdorf. Amenia. N. Y.. Sept. G, 1881. .§.50. Prince (1 0) (2 0). Dick Dashaway (1 dis), Nelly B. (1 dis). 2:47. 2:47. 2:4,5?.i. 2:4.5V<;. 2:461.,. Spot. (Ten Pin Johnny), rn g (3 :34). Wm. Hubbard. Indianapolis. Ind.. Aug. .5. wv.',. .*.500. Bob \\ atts. 2:.53, 2 :55. Spot, grg (3:53U). Wm.McMahon, Fashion Course. L. L. Mav 1.5. l8tB.S400. New York. 2:r.9. 2:.53^4, 2:.52'/i. Spot, bg (3 :50i,,)'. Y.. Hall. Aulmrn. N. Y.. June 12, 18G9..«:200. Prairie Hen. 2:53. 2:.52. 2:.50'm. Spot, ch g (3 :49). Mr. Colgan, Boston, Mass , Oct. 12, 1871, §200. Sooner l. Rosette (2 dis), 2:.54. 2:r>0H. 2:49. 2:, 50. Spot, ch g (3 :.'>3). Wm. Nelson, Prospect Park, L. I., .Tulv 14. 1873. .§.500. Yenture. 3:00';. 2:.57. 3:03 II. \V. Howe, July 28. I873. .§.500. Venture (2 0), 2:.57 2:.55. 2:.52. 2:56. Spot, ch g (3:50). L. .1. Crocker, Augusta, Me., Aug. 23. 1873. .§200. Portland Fancy, 2:.5a. 2:.59. 2:5, Spot, spm (3:57 >. J. E. Stearns. Afanchestcr. N. IL,Oct.21, 1873. §100. Jocko 1, Wild Bill, Indian Boy. Blucher (4 dr), Edwin Booth (3 dr). 3:04. 2:.58. 2:58. 2:57. Spot, ch g (3 :44). C. W. Loomls. AVausau, Wis., Oct. -. 1874. §100. Dan, Charley, 3:l2'j. 3:08. Stillwater, Minn., Jan, 26, 1875. .§500. Rose. Red Wing Maid. (;eorge.2:47M, 2:46^4. 2:49. Eau Claire, Wis., Sept. 28, 187.5, §1.50. Bav George, two others, 2:48. 2:48. 2:49'4. Spot spg(»:38). J. L. Lovering, Nashua, N. H., Sept. B, 1877, $ . Domiuion Girl, Bill, 2:50»4. 2:47^. 2:51. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AM) PACING RECORD. 645 Manchester, N. H.. Opt. 9, 1878, $200. Comet 1, Annie Lou, Empress. Richmond Girl, Torrent, Middle- sex, George \Mlkes Jr., Moxie. Alarm (3 dr) i;:40, . L':.;8, i'::;s. Spots, sp K (3:48). Hiram Woodruff, Union Course, L. I., Nov. n, 1855, $.500. Orange B. 1 (2 0), 2:46, 2:48, Spottecl Colt, sp K (3:35' 2). Otis Bort, Syracuse, N. Y., Sept. 8, 1870, .1275. Billy Golden (3 0), Joe Hooker, (3 0), 2:3,"), 2:3014, 2:.34J4, 2:.37'e. Walertown. N. Y.. ,lune 21, 1871. $500. Dublin Dan, 2:4.-), 2:34^^. 2:36i.'.. L. .f. Sutton, Warwick, N. Y., Oct. 17, 1872, $300. Lady Whitman 1, Belle of Easton, 2:42M, 2:38, 2:39i4, (harles M. Blivens. Hiunilton, N. Y., Mav 21. 1873, $175. Amber, Celia, H;ittie, 2:38. 2:38, 2:36^. Lockport. N. Y., .June i;;. 1873 $500. Tom Walter. Celia, Lola ]Monte/., •.!:33';., 2:35, 2-3314. — -Medina, X. Y.. .luneis, i,>^73, $800. Mazeppa, Tom Walter, Lady Allen. Lola Montez, Celia, Caledonia Chief. 2:33^4,2:37, 2:30. Owego. N. \'., Juno27. 188.3, .$350. Tom Keeler, 2:31i^, 2:3i2i4. 2:31. Charles Diokerman, Corning. N. Y., July 4. 1873, S5.50~ Frank I'helps, Tom Keeler. 2:33, 2:33, 2:33i^. Walcottville, Conn., Aug. 27, 1873. .S600. Rowe's Tommy 2. 4(3 0), Britain c, (3 0), Capt. Jinks. (5dis), Penobscot (4 dri, 2::;6, 2:.38. 2:40, 2:;;s, 2:40. 2:41, 2:43. Fulls Yillago, Conn.. Scjil. 11. l.srs. S.500. Harrv Gilbert, M;ijor King. 2:32i.i. 2:.'55i4, 2:3094. Cli;is. M. Blivens, White Plains, N. Y., Sept. 13, 1873, $1,000. White Fawn, 3, Lottie (2 dr), 2:34, 2:,31i4 2:33,2:321/4. Lee. Mass., Oct. 2, 1873. $350. Capt. Jinks. Robert Bonner 2:33>/2, 2:34i4, 2:.3.5. Danburv, Conn., Oct. 10,1873, $200. Kitty 2:36, 2:37ii, 2:41. Deerfoot Park. L. I., Oct. 30 and 31, 1873, iJ400. Mary A. Whitney 3. Jack Draper, Clothespin, Heatiier- bloom, 2-:mi, 2:31U. 2:.n4, 2:2GV2. Fleetwood Park, N. Y., Nov. 2(i, 1873. .§300. Jack Drajier, Carroll, Berkshire^oy, Grace Bertram, jNlad- awaskaMaid (3 dr), (ieorge Miller (3dr), Fred (3 dr), 2:31, 2:;;o, 2:30. Wilkesbarre, Pa., June 5, 1874, $(;00. Susie Kurtz, Lady Weller, 2:3034. 2:30'4, 2:38. Goshen, N. Y.. June lO, 1874, $l.ono. Commodore, Jack Draper. Miss Miller, Ki Ki, 2:29^, 2:2914, 2:32. Amenla, N. Y., June 25, 1874, $700. Buzz l (4 dis). Lady Hughes (4 dis), Viola (4 dis), 2:.33i4, 2 :.32,~2 :33i4, 2:.31i4- tlopake, N. Y.. July 6, 1874. $600. Ki Ki,Corner Bov, 2:30U, 2:30J4. 2:32. Deerfoot Park. L. 1.. July 9, 1874, $400. Ki Ki, Jack Draper, 2:33i4, 2:30^4, 2:3o. Lee, IMass., Sept. 3, 1874. .*.Vi0. Capt. Jinks. INlack. 2:Sn. 2:.35, . Charles Dickermau. White Plains, N. Y., July 22. 1S75, $600. John H. 1, Crown Prince, .Vajor Allen, 2:30. 2:31U,2:.32. 2:35. William S. Brooks, Spring Valley, N. Y.. Sept. 30, 1875. $150. Harry Gilbert, 2:48. 2:373^, 2:3514. H. Warner, Danbury, Conn., Oct. 8, 1875. $300. Major Allen. Limestone;, 2:39, 2:38, 2:38. Charles Dickermau,' Fleetwood Park, N. Y., June 9, 1876, $150. Charley Green, Crown Prince, 2:32, 2:30. 2::M14. Norwalk, Conn.. June 15, 1876, $400. Lady Dablnuvn. Nellv AValton. 2:3694, 2:36, 2:3694. Woonsocket, B. I., Sept. 21, 1876, $400. Emperor, Belle (1 dis). 2:39,.2:39, 2:41'J. Oct. 19, 1876, .S2.50. W. H. Allen 2, Major Allen, Capt. Allen, 2:35V2, 2 :3694, 2:39, 2:3694. Providence, R. I., Nov. 2, 1 <7G, .15250. Gray Bill 1, 2, W. H. Allen, 2:33M, 2:303^, 2:30. 2:31, 2:27. Spotted Colt, dn g (3 :47). C. L. Sxunner, Manhattan, Kan., Sept. 27, 1876. $50. fiudd. White Mountain Boy, Major Winsbip, Western Girl (1 dis). 2:.54, 2:501^,2:5314. Sept. 29, 1876, $100. Budd, 2:.51, 2:50, 2:4994. Spotted Colt, sp g (3:40). D. Friedenbuig, Elmira. N. Y., Aug. 27, 1880, $100. Bay Diamond2, 3, TomBurke 1. No time. Spotted Dick, blk g (2 :56i4). H. K. Bechtel. Reading, Pa., Sept. 29, 1870, .$200. Albert Kimliall (2 0), Spread Eagle (1 dis), 2:58, 2:.56i.4, 2:57. 2:57. Spotted Jim, spg(3:33i4). W. B. Wright, Sharon, Pa., Sept. 24, 1874, $500. Lewinski, Joe Stone, Young Toronto. Beuhih, Ladv Cainp, IMahoning Bov, 2:40. 2:39, 2:39. Toronto. Out., Oct. 1, 1874, $500. Black Dan 2, Colburn, Village Girl (1 dis), Judge Lane (1 dis), 2:35?i, 2:.39i4. 2:39. 2:404. .Spottswood, sp g (3:43), bv Blackwood Jr., dam Norma, by Norman Jr. B. F. Stafford. Las Vegas. N. Mex., June 21. 1883. $100. Miss ^^■atson 2. 3:05, 3:02. 3:10, 3:08. June 22, 1883. $150. Miss Watson. 3 :06. 3 :07. 3:08. Pueblo, Col., Oct. 24, 1883, $300. Gray Bill l. Belle 3 (4 dis>. 2:b2H, 2:48, 2:57'o, . 2:52. Spotty, chg (3:461.9. S.Emerson, Boston, Mass.. Oct. 4.1859, $50. Rocky Mountain 3, Midnighi. 2:46'4, 2:47.2:49,2:48. Nov. 2, is.i9, $100. Fanny Smith, Billv. 5:35, 5:34. Two miles. Springfield Belle, ch m (3 :49i4), by Manibrino Gift. F. C. Gillette, London, 0„ JiUv 4, 1883. $100. Folly 4, Bald Chief l. .fuuie B., W. R. (4 dr). Ch:irley S. (2 dis), Jim Mac (2 dis). Pearl Leffel (1 dis), Lady Dakin (1 dis), 2:49^4. 2:50, 2:4914, 2:49l4, 2:49W. Sprinsfleld Boy, ch g f3 :43i^). M. H. King, Springfield, Mass., July 4, 1870, $100. Lady Franklin 1, Black Marin. 2:4.5, 2:54, 2:.5:3, 2:.50. Palmer. Mass., Sept. 15, 1871, $150. Kittv Robinson, Frank Wolf, 2:43'i, 2:44. 2:44. Springhalt, gr g (3 :36). Hiram Woodruff, Cnion Course, L. I., July 17, 1855, $150. .Folm Ferris, Katy Dar- ling. Tom Thumb (1 dis), 2:36, 2:38, 2:.39. Spring, Valley, brg (3:43}.^), E. A. Palmer, Jersey City, N. J., Sept. 16.1882, $100. Bobby S. 1, 2. 2:59%, 2:.53i4. 2:.53i4. 2:.52, 2:56. Oct. 20. 1882, .$30. Captain J. 2, 4. 2 :473i, 2 :45?i, 2:43?i£, 2:50, 2:44. .Springville Chief, b s (3 :33'i), by Royal George, dam bv Rob Rov. Wallace Harris, Buffalo. N. Y., .Inly 11, 18G8. $400. Dutchman 2, 4, Gen. Love. :Mo11v Newton, BjTon, Cattaraugus Chief, fuyahoga Maid (5'dr), Le I'.londe (2 dis). 2:.32'.;, 2:37U, 2:.36, 2:36' i. 2:3.594- Waterloo, N. Y., Aug. 26, 1868, $ . Black Jennv, Hunter. Honest George. Best time2::37i4. Sprite, b m (3 :41i'2). by Garibaldi. A. Patterson, Hudson, N. Y., Sept. 23, 1879, $100. Pinafore 1, Dolly, Nellv, Viroquad dis), 2:47. 2:41 y», 2:42. 2:43. .Sprostous, b g (3 :40). C. E. Mosher, Danvers, Mass.. Sept. 19, 1878. $150. Annie E. 2. Thomas, Prince (2 dis), 2:40. ; 2:40';, 2:44. .Spunky, b g (3 :36"„). W. H. Grant. New Hunting Park. Phil., Sept. 17. 1879 $200. Lizzie Martin 3, Frank Bowers, Happv (4ift. Hannah V.. Ida, An)erican Bov, Caprice (4 dr), 2:50, 2:48, 2:4,5, 2:4.5. Sept. IS and 19. 1879. $200. Ladv Patchen 4 (3 0), Viola 1, Helen R. 2, Christiana Davis (3 0) (6 r o). Frank, Johnson Bov, Gvpsy (2 dr). Philadelphia Bov (2 dr). 2:42, 2:43, 2:42, 2:38, 2:41. 2:40, 2:40. Dover. Del., Sept. 20, 1879, $300. Brown Tom, Athelstan, Gray Morgan. 2:41, 2:44, 2:40. B. F. Gallagher, Westminster, Md., Julv 28. 1880, $350, Whitefleld 4, 5, Little Nell l, 2. Theodore Fitler, Sorrel Tom, 2:.38. 2:,393.i, 2:39. 2:41, 2:.39, 2:41. 2:46. Doylestown, Pa., Oct. 7, 1880, $200. Bay Chief, Charley Ross, Alia. King Cetawayo, Climax, Republic, 2:37ii,2:.36i/2, 2:383/2. Spurwink Boy. br g (3:53). J. S. Gordon, Portland, Me., Julv 4. 1883, $1,50. Ladv Allen 4. Al Q. 3, Appren- tice Boy, Little Kate, 3 :01, 3:02»4, 3 :00, 3 :00. Unfinished. 646 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AMD I'ACIMG RECOttlX Squaw (3:45). Buffalo, N. Y., Oct. 8, 18r)0. $.50. Bluffer, Independence, Queen of tlio West, William Hart 2 (3 dr). Sir George (-2 dis). •J:49, 2:49, 2:5-', i;:4.-). Squaw, blk ni (» :*5). A. Uauket, Fleetwood I'ark, N. Y., Nov. 7, 1870, $250. Rob Rov 3, 4, Lady I'ellet, 2:46>4. 2:49^^, 2:48^4, 2:40^4, 2:45. Squeezer, gr g (2 :45;, G. Shipnian, Morrisania, N. Y., May 21. 1879. S200. Carrie, 2:4."), 2:47. Squire, bg ('4:5-Z). W. K. Burchinoll, Leadville, Col., July 19, 18S1, .>;250. Celia, Li-adville Boy, 2:58»4, 2:.V2, 2 :.->,■> '4. Squire Bripliam (Mountain Boy), b g (^:"0U), by Edward Everett. James H. Young, Newburgh, N. Y., Oct. — , 18«5. S . Idler, 2 :40, 2 :o9. Squire Talmage (Strader's Hanibletonian), h s (2:39>4), by Hambletonian, dam Lady Talmago. by American Star. NVilliaiii Bodine, Warwick, N. Y., Oct. IG, 1872, $100. I'eter Clearwater, Lady Clay, Warwick Maid, 2:59, 2:57' 2, 3:02. J. Strader, Florence, Ky., Aug. 28, 1874, $ . Logan, Gen. George H, Thomas, Lookout (1 dis), 2:39^, 2:41. Stallions. Squirrel (3 :33). F"ort Wayne, Ind., Aug. 15, 1873, $ . Nettie, Gray Frank (2 dis). Flora )2 dis), 2:45, 2:33. 2:38'i. Squirrel, gr g (2 :41). L. Whittaker, Beacon Park, Boston, Aug. 13, 1877, $ — . Dutch (Jirl 1, Timid, Canada Belle (2 dr), 2:53, 2:49, 2:51. Sept. 12, 1877, $30. Jim Fisk, John Miller (3 dr), 2:45, 2:41, 2:40. S. K. Caitti>nt, bs (3:00'4), by HiuuUli'tonian Prince. D. D. Johnson, Seward, Neb., Sept. 28, 1883, $100. Jockcv, Lady May, Clay, 3:01, 3:00'.i, 3:01. S. S. Ellsworth, ch g (3:29), by Andy Johnson. N. Poyner, Corning, N. Y., July 30, 1874, .$300. Barbara Knox 1, Young Wilkes Jr., Blue Mare, In and Out, Maggie Mitchell. Sir Henry v4 dr), F"red Dounce (4 dr), Johnny (4 dr), St. Nicholas cldisi, Fred (I dis), Kate Case (1 dis), 2:47. 2:43, 2:44';. 2:44?i. July 31, 1874, $350. Silver cloud, Charley, F'rank Keenan, Central Boy, Kinzua Orphan, Sunset (2 dis). 2*51 2'"51 2:52 ^ Frank' Randall, Le Roy, N. Y., July 5. 1875. $200. Prince Clay 1, Henry R., Dacia, 2:40, 2:38, 2:38i^, 2:38. July 5, 1875. S . Prince Clay. Henry R., 1:-UiU, 2:49. 2:53. Sept. 30, 1875, $200. Henry R., Fanny B., Billy, Billy Pavor, 2:41. 2:42, 2:40. Dansville, N. Y., October 13 and 14, 1875, $250. Henry 2, 3, Fanuy l, Barbara Knox, Lady Dexter, Billy Pavor. Albert (2 dr), 2:.38, 2:37, 2:35, 2:38, 2:30, 2:371^. Bath, N. Y., June 7, 1876, $300. Barbara Knox 2, 4, Luther 1, .3, Prince Clay, Charley, Lady Thompson (5 dr). 2:.37. 2:35, 2:44, 2:35, 2:35, 2:35'4. 2:35. Cortlandt, N. Y., June 14, 1876, $400. Geneva, Tommy Ryan, Tom Malloy, Prince Clay, Captain (3 dr). Bay George (3 dr), 2:40'/2, 2:38, 2:40. Newark, N. Y., July 11, 1876, $300. Tommy Ryan 4, Luther 1, Lysander Bov 5, Charley, Mountain Maid (4 dr), Henrv R. (4 dis), 2:37^.i, 2:35' 2. 2:35, 2:35, 2:36, 2:36. Inly 12. 1876. $300. Charley. M. Warren, Luther, Mountain Maid, Tommy Ryan. 2:35. 2 :35»4, 2 :37i4. Le Koy, N. Y., May 30, 1877, $200. Versailles Girl 3. Mountain Maid, Billy Pavor. 2:35, 2:35, 2:35, 2:37. Medina, N. Y., June 5, 1877, $200. Versailles Girl, Palmer Boy, Billy Pavor (2 dis), Julia (2 dis), 2:50, . -^ — ^ June 6. 187T. $300. Versailles Girl, Annie, Billy Pavor, Sir Henry. 2:32io, 2:35'i, 2:33. Elinira, N. Y., Juue 19, 1877, $600. Modesty 1, 2, Versailles Girl, Tommy Ryan, Sussex (4dr), 2:36J4, 2:31. 2 '31 2 '3'' 2 '.35 '■ June 20. 1877, $600. Damon 2. Lysander Boy, Tommy Ryan, 2:31^, 2:31?i, 2:31 Vi, 2:34>^. Seneca Falls, N. Y., Oct. 13, 1877, $150. Belle, Gypsy Girl, 2:37, 2:39, 2:32Ji. Parker City, Pa., May 28, 1878. $500. Sleepy Tom, 3 (4 0), (5 dis), Lady H., 1, 2 (4 dis), 2:32, 2:30, 2 :32, 2:34^, 2:32? Oil City, Pa., June 26, 1878. $500. Sleepy Tom, Happy Jack, Elmwood (3 dis), 2:33^, 2:33, 2:32. ■" " " " " " ■ ~ II 2. Elniwood, Happy Jack, 2:34, 2:33'/2.2:— ' "" Titusville, Pa., July 3, 1878, $500. Sleepy Tom 2. Elmwood, Happy Jack, 2:34, 2:33'/2. 2:35. 2:30. Clifton, N. J., Aug. 28 and 29. 1878, $300. Grace 1, Lady Blessington, W. T. Allen, Chauncey M. Bedle, 2:37, 2:35',4, 2:35'4, 2:3,3. Stacev, ch g (3 :40'^), by Peavine, dam by Mambrino Chief. G. S. Heron, Minneapolis, Minn., June 17, 1879. $ . Molly Bassett 2, Telegraph (3 dr), 2 :46»4. 2 :46, 2 :40'/2. Stakeholder (3:37). Thomas Livwigston, Ottawa, Kan., Sept. 29, 1876. $80. Tom 2, 5, Empire Morgan, 1, 4 (6dis), 3:0.51^. 3:08'.i, 3:04'.,. 3:06, 3:09. 3:01, 3:05. ,, , ,. s ■^■, , ^ , „ a- . Moberly, Mo., .luly 5, 1879, $300. Denmark 2, 4, John M. Botts. George G. Vest (3 dis). Black Eagle (l dis), 2::{8. 2:40. 2:38, 2:39, 2:;J8. ^ 3 „ u. Stamps, ch g (3 :37). L. W. Wiley, Nashville, Tenn., May 13. 1880, $.500. Norman, Boss Tweed. Pueblo (3 dis). Jenny Campbell (3 dis), 2:43'i, 2:40, 2:41}^. ' . ,^ . , .. „^ t,... Staneliff, blk g (3:30). T. H. Rockwood, St. Louis, Mo., Oct. 27, 1877. Prize, silver. Trig, 3, 5 (4 0). Billy Strobridge 1, Hismark. 2:.37. 2:36, 2:41, 2:37. 2:39'.4, 2:40. 2:39. R. R Foster. May 11. 1878. Prize, silver. Denmark, 2:39, .2:40. v *„ «„„, Stanley, ch g (2 :39). C. E. Mosier, Haverhill. Mass., Sept. 20, 1872. $300. Gypsy, Peabody, Betty, Kate, Mary, Flossy (3 dis). Black Jack (2 disi. Belle Jackson (1 dis). Nora Noland il dis),2:46J4, 2;4<;4. 2:4(>4. Kochester, N. Y., Sept. 25, 1872, $250. Kittv, Black Ralph. 2:48. 2:48''.i. 2:40?4. Haverhill. Mass.. May 19, 187.3. $500. Martin Luther. 1. 2:46. 2:46'-. 2:51. 2:46. Great Falls. N. H.. June 18, 187.3. $22.5. Grace, Buff.alo Bill. 2:44. 2:44, 2:46 ■„ T>ni,«»n Beacon Park. Boston, Oct. 9, 1873, $200. Pearl 3, Flora, Grace, Maid, Meddlesome, Polly. Carrie Palmer (2dis), 2:411^, 2:41.2:40, 2:.39. ,, . • xt Stanley, brs (3:48). bv Colon. Crutcher Bros., Dallas. Texas, Nov. 5. 1877. $60. Mambrino Norman, 3:53. 3:48. Four-year-olds. .., ^.- . t j »» Stanstead. blk g (3 :50';). C. H. Thompson. Portsmouth. N. H., Sept. 21. 1875, SIM. Nettie 1, Lady Morgan. (iertnide, Nellie. 2:51 '4, 2:.52. 2:53iii, 2:.51iii. „ ,, ». Stanton Jr. B. Gould. Niagara Falls. N. Y.. Sept. -, 1882. .$150. Barnev 1. 2. Tom Brown. No time Star(s), bK(3:3»si. I. Woodruff. Centreville. L. L.Aug. 4. 18.51. .Sl.oon.' Goliath. 2 (3 dis). 2:42, 2:4.. 2:39. Star, bg (3:43). Whit Oaklev. Fashion Course, L. L. Nov. 9. 1866, $2.50. Saco 2. Gen. Beauregard. Mary liOUise. 2:48';. 2:49. 2:47. 2:.50'2. Sept. 12. 1868. .$.300. Baine's blk g 2. Rocket. 2:4.3. 2:48. 2:44, 2:4,3. t ». ir ^ miH^iflt««,n Star, ch g (8 :30). by Conklin's American Star, dam May Dav. bv Sterling's Eclipse. J. McKee, Mlddletown. N. Y., Aug. 26. 1869. $200. George Smith. Mollv. 2:39. 2:40. 2:41. Fashion Course. 1-. I.. Nov. 26. 1869. .t, -s..J6>4, 2:34«^. V /. . Oct, 17,1872, $.500. Sunbeam, 2-MM.2-MH. 2:.33'/,. J. K. Leavitt, Lancaster, Pa. June 12, 1873. .$.300. Susie Kurtz. Dot. 2:S5.*;36. 2.:37i^. iiti,i»..«»^ G. W. Fitzwater. Wilkesbarre, Pa.. Aug. 21. 1873. $800. Spotted Colt 1, Norwood 2, Mary A. wnitney, Topay, Prince (2 dr), 2:33'/i, 2:36, 2:33!4, 2-34,2:38. CHESTEll'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 64T J. K. Leavitt, Pliiladelphia, Pa., Sept. 10 and 11, 1873. S2.000. Lady Emma, Stewart Malonev, Kitty D., Mystic, George Millers, 4(5 disi. Bay Henry (."idis), Ben Smith i5 dri, 2:o;;. -J-Mi. •2:i.2\i, l':3.j. -j-.'-Wj,. ■ .I.E. Turner, Doylestowu, Pa., Oct. 8, 1873, $500. buowball, ytewart Maloney, Coumiodore, Daniel Webster, 2:3414, 2:3r>, 2:35' i. J. K. Leavilt, Frederick Citv, Md., Oct. Ifi, 1873, $450. Mattie Lyle, Moses,2:42^4, 2:40'4, 2:38'4. Point Breeze Park, Pliila., Aug. 30, 1875, i;300. O. A. Hickok, 2:3t),2:32^.i, 2:42. ■ Suffolk Park, Pliila.. Nov. 18, 187.0. $4o0. McHeurv, 2:50, 2:47. W. H. Grant, Mt. Holly. N. J., Oct. 4 and 6, 187U, $800. Rip Rap 4, Flora Windsor 1, Lady Kildeer, Dora. Nelly King, 2:38^,2:37:'4,2:37'i,2:36>4, Easton, Pa., Oct. 12, 1870, $125. Clothesline, Marshall, Honest Mac, 2:3914, 2:40J£, 2:40i^. Doylestown, Pa., Oct. 4, 1878, S200. .John S. Clark 1, 2, Sam Freuch, 2:.34, 2:35, 2:3814, 2:35, 2:38, Mt, Holly, N. J., Oct. 8 and 9. 1878, $325. Glide 1, Sam French. Iron King, John S. Clark, Dudlev (3 dr). 2 '27^^ 2 '38 2*38'n 2*38 '- Lai'iibertviile, N. J., Sept. 10. 1879, .?500. Cassius Prince, Garl:ind. 2:.36, 2:35?^, 2:34. Rittersville, Pa., Oct. 10, 1879, §250. George Brooks l, Lvdia ,S., Minnie B. (4 dr), Lady Gray (2 dis), John H. Starin 1 1 dis), 2:37' i, 2:3414, 2:30, 2:42. Lambertville, N. Y , Sept. 18, 1880, §125. King Cetawavo, Lilly Mac, Dudlev, 2:39, 2:44, 2:40i4. Flemington, N. J.. Sept. 30, 1880, $300. Phil Dwyer, Lady Kildeer, 2 ::!3i;i„ 2 ?33. 2:34. Star, b s (3 :4G). F. Mackelman, Philadelphia, Pa., Aug. 28. 1873, $100. Flora, Frank, 3:00, 2:53, 2:45. Star, bg (2:46). S. Wagganian, Titusville, Pa., July 4, 1874, .$200. Sammy 4, ZigZag3, Fred, 2:51, 2:52, . 2 :52, 2 :46. Star, gr g (',3 :49). H. G. Smith, Plymouth, N. H., Sept. 23, 1874, $ . Belle Fowler, Barnum, Josh Billings. No time. Manchester, N. H., Sept. 29, 1874, §125. Morrill Morgan, Little Ben, Spy (1 dis). Black Gypsy (l dis). 2:51. 2:49,2:50. Star (Waterloo), b g CSiST'.). Albert Pierce, Parker City, Pa., Oct. 14, 1874, $300. Lady McFatridge, Jo© Stone, Young Toronto, Florence, Little Rachael, St. Paul (2 dis), 2:38, 2:Ziy>, 2:38^. Star, ch g (3:34). W. H. Dunyau, Doylestown, Pa., Oct. 13, 1874, .Si 00. Flora, Black Prince, 2:46!-^, 2-47'o 2:53'2. Wllmmgton, Del., Oct. 21, 1874, $200. Buckwheat, Bay Chief. Golddust. No time. H.B.Phillips, Hazleton, Pa., June 25, 1875, $500. Silvertail 2, 3, Luther 1, Cora 5 (6 dr), Chauncy M. Bedle, Anodyne, 2:40. 2:40, 2:40. 2:40. 2:40^4, 2:40, 2:40. Westchester, Pa., Sept. 9, 1875, $500. Princess, O. A. Hickok, Modoc (3 dis). Lady Sharp (1 dis(. Iron Clad (1 dis). 2:38, 2:41'4. 2:5314. Morristown, Pa., Sept, 16, 187.5. $800. Modocl, Fleetfoot, Princess, O. A. Hickok (4 dr), Lady Sharp (1 dis). 2:38^, 2:36i4, 2:37%, 2:40. Ambler Park. Pa., Sept. 22, 1875, $600. Joe Pettit 2, Fleetwood, Theodore Filler, 2:39. 2:37M. 2:35, 2:34. Salem, N. J., Sept. 29, 1875, $400. Nellv, Bay Modoc, 2:.35,2:34, 2:.35';. Star, brg (3:4114). A. Drake, Bath, N. Y., June 8, 1876, $200. William W. 2, 3. Lady Bath 1. Nelly G. 5, Prince Arthur, Coin, Billv Seward. Queen Fay. Maggie Stewart. 2:.50, 2;45 2:45. 2:42, , 2:47, . Star, b g (3 :15 ). by Major Edsall. J. H. Clark, Belmont, N. Y., July 4, 1878, $50. J. B. Stannard 1, 3 :.54. 3:15, 3:15. Four.vear-okls. Star, bg(3:34). J. Evans, Pottstown, Pa., Oct. .5, 1878, $8. Kate, Prince, Chester Springs Maid, 3-24 3-41 3:50. Star, b m (3 :40i4). W. A. Cade, Marysville. Cal., Sept. If, 1879, $350. Lady Sherman 1 3, Roanoke 2, Sheriff Gen. Bidwell, Buccaneer (2 dis), Edwin Booth .(2 dr), Maggie (1 dis), 2:35, 2:39. 2;:39V^, 2:41, 2:40i4, 2:50. * Star, b g (3:35J4), by Aberdeen, dam Stella,, by Cari)eiiter's American Star. W. E. Weeks, Prospect Park, L. I., June 10, 1879, $300. Sligo 1, 4, Anna H., Emma C, Carbolic, Lady Rheil, Seneca Prince (2 dis). Corn- stock (Idis), 2:31, 2:.33, 2:3.3, 2:30, 2:.32. .Tune 13, 1879, $.3oO. Carbolic 1, Lady Rhiel, John Phelps Jr., Emma C. (4 dr), Comstock (2 dis), Seneca Chief (2 diS), 2:36, 2:31, 2:30'/2, 2:.30^. ■ Morrisania. X. Y.. June 17, 1879, $250. Defendum, Phil Dwyer, Tam O'Shanter, Julia Sweepstakes. Blackwood Queen, Lady Kelso, 2:33, 2:3.3, 2:30. June. 20. 1879, $200. Lady Kelso, LiUie, Jerome, Queen Victoria, Prince Joe, 2:34. 2:31, 2:32V<>. Hartford, Conn., June 24. 1879, $300. Harry Conklin 1, Jerome, Bertrace, Lady Kelso, Jimrny Stewart Sligo, Pemberton (4 dr), 2:27!4, 2:25i.i, 2:28, 2:28. June 27, 1879, $300. Harry Conklin 1, Bertrace, General B., Gloster (5 dis), Jerome (4 dr), Pemberton 2 (3 dis). Lady Kelso (2 dr), 2:26, 2:29^^, 2:28'.;, 2:269i£, 2:2814. Star, bg (2:36). G.E.Gordon, Stafford Springs, Conn., Oct. 6, 1882, $150. Joe Jefferson, Deceit, Surprise, 2:42,2:44,2:49. Star (2 :34'/2 ). Mr. Boyd, Ogdensbnrgh, N. Y., Oct. 5 and 6, 1883. $300. Kitty A. 3, 4, Ninette 5 (6 dr), Chandos, Malone Patchen, Irish Rooster (5 dr), 2:SiV>, 2:36, 2:38, 2:39, 2:44. 2:42. Starch,grg(3:41). .Tames Harper. Rittersville, Pa.. Oct. 24, 1873. ,$200 Bellringer 1, 4, Gypsy Bill. Major, Maggie Qulnn (2 dis). Jupiter (1 dis). Andy Johnson (1 dis), 2:41, 2:41, 2:42,2:3914, 2:41, Easton, Pa.. Oct. 31, 1873. $300. Bonny Doon (3 0) (4 0), Lady Shotwell, 2:42;-:;, 2:44, 2-M%, 2-My,, 2:45. Star Chief, br s (3:43). by Bald Chief. W. T. Moffard and Brothers, Robinson. 111., July 5, 1878, $125. Topsy 1 2. Little Joe 5, Lady Kavanagh (5 dis), 2:46';. 2:43^, 2:4.5.2:43, 2:42}.^. Unfinished. Star Duroc. b s (3 :3l\4), bv .Messenger Duroc. dam by American Star. Palmer and Morgan, Fleetwood Park, N. Y., Sept. 11, 1877, $1,700. Elwood Medium, Frank Medium. 2 :42i4. 2:43. Three-vear-olds 6. F. Jones. Mineola, L. I., June 20, 1883, $40. George l, Dan O. (3 dr), 2:33, 2:3l'/4, 2:32'/, 2:34. Stal- lions. Star Ethan, b s (2 :45J4), by Daniel Lambert, dam by the Churchill horse. Edward Hines, St. Albans Vt Sept. 12, 1876, .?30. Bushby's b g. Brown Dick, Brown Dick, Big (iirl, Henry Allen, Fred Lambert, 3-23 3:12. Three-year-olds. M. C. Dorman, Sept. 11, 1877, $85. Nellv 1. Maggie L., Maggie (3 dr), 2:4.5J^, 2:47, 2:49. Four-year-olds. Stargazer, (2 :46). E. G. Powers. Concord, N. H., Oct. 18, 1882, $100. Owenee. Fanny P.. 2:46, 2-46Ji,2-48i/4 Star Henry, ch g (3 :39i4). W. E. Weeks, Fleetwood Park, N. Y., July 21, 1871, $6,0()0. Teaser 2, 2 :48, 2 :49k, 2:47, 2:47. Aug. 12, 1871, $100. Relialile, 2:55, 2:53i^, 2:.51%. (w) Oct. 9, 1871, $300. Chicago Ned, 2:57. 2:.^8, 2:48. H. Kellv,April 25. 1873. $250. Basil. 2 :59. 2 :57. May 26, 1873, $ . (iertrude. 2:47i4, 2:43'i, 2:45. Mr. Oatman, Junes, 187.3, $.500. Gertrude2, 2:46,2:49, 2:44, 2:49. A.S. Odell, May 31, 1875, $ . Belle Ray 1, s. Whirlwind 2, Saratoga Boy, Mortimer, 2:41U, 2:39, 2 :.39i^. 2:41, 2:42'/;. 2:42. ' '^' June 14, 1876. $ . Gertrude 2. Bessie 1, Lucca. Carrie Myers, 2:4.3, Z:^^U, 2:39^. 2:39^,2:40. Stark Boy, ch g (2 :50). H. Snyder, Little Falls, N. Y., Sept. 21, 1865, $40. Billy Allen, 2 :50, 3:00, 2:56. Four. year-olds. Starlight, grm (2:56). Horace Brovfu, Cleveland, 0., May — , 1867, $50. Lizzie, Ned Baker, 3:02, 2:56,3:04. *Ai> ClIESTEK'S COMl'hKTE TWnTlNC AM) I'AClNd RECORD. StarliRht, l)lkg(2:37). F. ChaiHiian, Audovi-r, ()., Aug. 9, 18i!7, §175. Tartar. Queen of the West, 2:4^6, 2:S9. '2:4-1;.. (w) William Fee, Akron, O.. July X IRC.8. §200. Mike Goodwin (w), 2:40, i;:39?4. 2:4&?4. Starligrht, eh g (S:37h4). 11. Kogers, 'lauulon, Mass., Oct. 7. iwis, .■iiioo. J'rinee Allen, Uisniark, Lady Alice. '_':47, '_':44, 2:44. Oct. s.'lKGS, .?r,0. June 2, Vj)silauti 1 (4 dr), 2:47. 2:45, 2:48. 2:r,i\:.. 2.40. J. N. Woodward, liarre, Mjiss., Oct. 1, 1872, S.'i.">. Cant. Hill 3. (ieorKe.Toni (Joodinan (4 dr). 2:46,2:50. 2:49,2:47. N'atick, Mass., Aug. 2, 1873. .SlOO. Dictator 3. 4. Eancewood, Clifford (4 dr),2:.V2, 2:.'>3, 2:52. 2:48, 2:50. Nov. 1. lS7.i. SlOO. No Name. Fanny l'liillii>s. 2:."i5, 2:.",2, 2:.".0. .stailigrht. (Captain Eawrciuei. b g (;j :35). D. I'fifer, Fleetwood I'ark, X. Y., :\Iay 10, 1872, $ . Kate 1, Star Henry, 2:47. 2:4;{i,... 2.4f,i.,. 2:47' 2. .Starlight. 1) g c-ir^iw*, I'y OunviUc. C. K. Page, Morrisvillc. Vt.. Sept. 20, 187.'?. .Sino. Fanner Boy, Charley, .•;:0."), .•!:lo. W. .s. Cheney, Sei)t. 17, 1874. §30. Pleasant ]5oy, 3:05. 3:00, 3:05. Uttou 15ros.. St. Alliaiis, Vt.. Sept. 13, 1877, §95. Island Koy, St. George. 1 »an, Fannv. Abbv ]\I. (3 dr), J. A. (••! (In, 2:40, 2:39' o, 2:;39. StarliKlit. gr in (3::i9i/'>. E.T.Monroe. Bangor, Me., June 16, 1874, .'?125. Honest Fanner. Cray Jacket, Corinth J'.ov (1 dis). Sneeie (I disi. Major (1 dis>. 2:39K>. 2:.'')1'.., 2:4.3. .Starligrht. h g (3 :45). F. Mawhinuev. Point Breeze Park, Phila., Aug. 27, 1874, §200. Rosy Hopkins. 3:M), 2:57-',.2:.'-.4ie. Starlight. 1) g cZ: 3.51^). Whipple & Sehenck, Providence, R. T.. .Tuly 11. 187r,. S150. Berlin 2, Scud, Charley Ross, Stranger. EiTcv, H. D.. Irene (3 dis;. Dandy (,3 dis;. Black Crow (3 dis>. \Mieel Tire (1 dis), 2:4t;, 2:48. 2:41,2:431... July 13. 1876. §150. Lady Balch. John Morrill, Berlin. Thorn, Fanny P.. Nelly Logan. Rose Thorndyke, Nelly Allen, Lizzie (1 diss Charley Ross (1 dis), 2:35'/s, 2:.39Vi, 2:38ii. Fitchljurg, Ma.ss., July 25. lS7(i, .S300. Willis, Anne, Governess, George Mann. Minnie D., I.ady Gold- dust, Berna, Jinnny Gray (3 dn. 2:40K', 2:411.1. 2:4.5. Mt. Gilead. O.. Sej)t. 21. 1870, S35. Red ^Ving, Jenny Lind. Sorrel Tom d dis). Coon Foot (1 disi, Wright's b m (1 dis), 2:42, 2:40' 2, 2:36. Sept. 22. 187t;. .Slio. Mohawk .lackson 3, Gray Dick, Stranger. .Tenny Lind (4 dis). P.est time 2:46. Starlight. 1) g (3:47i. Vincenues. Ind., July 4, 1878, §200. Yandalia Joe, Lady McD., Kentucky Bill. Allen- dale, 2:47, 2:47. 2:57. Starliglit. 1) g (3 :45). A. J. Feek. New^ark, N. Y., Aug. 28, 1879. §300. Newsboy, Lib. Eunice Ann. Jim (3dr), Joe White (1 dis), 2:45, 2:45. 2:45^. Starlight, ch s. Mr. Ritchie. Bridgewater, N. S. Auu:. 18. 1880, §50. Wh:ilebone, Daisy. No time. .Starlight (3 -A^U)- Hastings, Minn., October 8, I88O, §75. Black Prince, Rob Roy. Susie (1 dis\ 2:42?^, 2:43, 2:47K'. Starlight, ch m (3:3.5). Sam Mathena. Carmi. 111., Sept. 8, 1881. §150. Carmi, Carrie Long, 2:45?4. 2:41. 2:.51. Sept. 6, 1883, §150. Renegade, Dr. Shepherd, Gallatin Maid, 2:41, 2:43}4, 2:44^. Sept. 7, 18S3, .§.325. Renegade, Dr. Shepherd, 2:41. 2:43'-. 2:44K>. New Harmony, Ind.. Sept. 14, 18S3, .§,'500. Buck Thorn. Charles H., 2:35. 2:.37, 2:40. Albion, 111.. Oct. 5. 1883, §100. Gen. Gano, Castro's b g. No time. Starlight, b m (3:39i4). .1. Ault, Alliance. O.. Se])!. 20, 1882. §100. Bob IngersoU 4 (5 0). Brown Dick 3 (6 0), Nora D. (5 dr), Nettie Morris (2 dr ). Best time 2 :44. Lancaster O., October 12. 1883, §300. Mary Bell 4. Madge C. (2 0), (Jolden Gate, 2 :39i.i. 2:39^,2 :40U>, 2:'A^%, . * '- Carlton.'o.. Nov. 1, 1883, .§ . Jim Bowden 3. Bob IngersoU, Hoosier Bov. 2:45. 2:44''2, 2:49, 2:55. Starliglit, ch g (3:57;4). M. Dickenson, Mineola, L. L, Sept. 27. 188.3, .§.35. Superb. Endless, 2:57k, 2:59. Five-year-oUls. Starliglit iJess. ch m (3 :l4'/5). G. Peck, Kent Co., Md., Sept. 27, 1876, §50. Dexter, Rosy Lee, 3:14»/2, 3:17. Four-year-olds. Starlin.f) m (3:331. by Masterlode. B. Short, Centreville, Mich., May 16. iss.'i, §105. Lottie B., Josh Whit- comb, Brad K.. 3:23, 3:24' i. Two-vear-olds. Starling, b s (3 :46?4). Crockett Bros., Shenandoah, la., Sept. 12, 1882, $100. Major Edsall Jr. l. Itcx-k and Rve, Peddler Boy (1 dis\ 2:47i.,, 2:4894. 2:5014, 2:4C?i. Star Maid, b ni (3 :40), by Star of the Union. Daniel Green, Providence, R. I., Sept. 4. 1878. .S500. I.ottie l, 2:40,2:4.5, 2:45.2:40. St. Ariiaud, br s (3 :34). hv Cuvler. dam bv 'Mambrino Patchen. H. M. Little, Canandaigii;i. N. Y.. Sept. 27, 18-!:!, .§70. Herbert N., White Legs. P.est time 2:40)^. .star of the AVest, blk s (3 :36'2), by Jackson's Flying Cloud, dam Gray Fanny. l)y Eurekii. John Bullen, Polo, Minn . Jnlv 4. 1st;:;. .§:;0(i. Stephen A. Douglass 1 (2 0). (3 dr). 2:43. 3:(ifl, 3:00. 2:,50, 2:46. S. Bobbins, Rixhesler. Minn., July 4, 18G8, §.%0. Mack (1 dis). Owatonna Belle (1 dis). 2:36^4. - D. Heanv, Minneapolis. :\Iinn., Oct. 2. 18GS, § . Badger, 2:40, 2:43';. 2:49. II. V. Beinis, Chicago, 111., Aug. 14, 1869, §1,000. Daw Crockett 1, Prince. 3:_'0. 3:04, 3:12^2, 3:06!... George Nelson, Dubuque, la., Oct. 1.5, 1869. §4.50. Hamilton's b g '2, Albatross, Lady Douglass. 2:33?4. 2:37, 2::;4. 2:.'?2. .1. W. (iucrs, Fairibault, Minn., Julv 25. 1873. .§200. Columbus. Black Hawk, Buffalo Bill, 2:40'.,, 2:31k. 2:41',. St. Paul, Minn., July 4, 1874. §.5no. Billv Morgan 1, Dan Sutton (4 dis). 2.;i5'.;. 2:34. 2:.'j9'i, 2:3251^. MinneajKilis, Minn , Sept. 9. 1877. §.5(Ki. Old Mack, 2:.52!2, 2:.52. - — N. Fuller, Rochester, Minn., Sept. 7, 1881, §.500. Almont Boy 3, Mambrino Eclipse '2. I'.u.'Uthorne, 2:36>..j, 2:34, 2:;;4i<'., 2::i5, 2:.'Ui?i. Stallions. Z. liicker. Red Wing, Mimi., Oct. 22. 1881, $ . Almont Boy 3, Mambrino Ec.ipsc- 2. r.nckthorne,2:.36'i. 2:34, 2:34K>, 2:.35, 2:341... Stallions. .Star I'atchen. b s (3 :47'i 1 ). by Delaware Chief. J. Michner. Doylestown, Pa., Oct. 13, 1874, §.30. Billy Ava- lanche (2 dis). 4:1]'4. 3:47»4.' Fonr-.veiir-old stallions. Star Pilot, gr s (3 :44}^). J. F. Carter, Culpepper, Va., Oct. 17. 1879, §50. Bill 1, Col. Haywood, 2:47'4, 2:49^, 2:44';. Starr King, dn g (3:23), by George M. Patchen Jr., dam .M:iry Wonder. C. W Welby, Sacramento. Cal., Sei)t. 20, 1881, §1.000. Empress 2, Tom Stout, Susie, Blaekmore (2 dis), William Tell (2 dis), Hancock (1 dis), 2:29' ». 2:'28i.i, 2 :30. 2 :31 Vz- P."F!irrell, S;m Jose. Cal.. Oct. 6. 1881, .§400. Bullet .3, Tr:ule Wind,2:.33i^, 2:33i.i,2:39, 2:34. Oct. 7. 1881, ,§300. Kmpress 2, 4, Bismarck, 2:32, 2:30?^, 2:.'!0, 2:27!^, 2:27. C. W. Welby, Salinas City, Cal., Oct. 13, issi, §500. Hancock 4,5, Clay 1, 2:34, 2:.30, 2:32J6i 2:33, 2:.3.5>4, 2:.3.5. San Francisco, Cal . Aug. 12, 1882, $400. Crown Points, Cairo, Ashley. 2:22, 2.'23'i, 2:27. 2:27. W. Donathan, S;in Jose. Cal., Sept. 29. 30 and Oct. 2, 1882, §300. Cairo 2, 2:27. 2:41'2, 2:'25';, 2:25?i. .Starter, chg (3:41 1^), bv Daniel Lambert. E. T. .Simpson. Meridcn, Conn., Sei)t. 20, 1,S78. .§'200. Dick 2.3, Mary I).. Fanny Duget, Jim Stewart. Harrv Brown, Walcott, Greelev, Style, George M. (^4 dr), Lucille (4dr), IM. P. (1 (lis), Inod dis), 2:41V4. 2:41'/,, 2:44',, ,2:ib\. CHESTEKS (JOMPLETE TKOTTING AND l'ACIN(i liECOKD. 349 Startle, b s (3 :37), by Hainbletoniaii, clani Lizzie Walker, by American Star. Carll S. Burr. FleetwoofI Pariv, N. Y., Sept. 1, 187U, if^.ow. J.utliair a dis), 2:37. Three-year-olils. Startle, br g (3:55). T. Gollcy, Kockt'orcl, 111., Sejit. 1-"), 1875, $70. Dick 1, Queen. George K., Jessie (4 dis), Ritty S . (4 dis). 2:5o'.i 2:5114, -:■'>•''. ^^OO. Startle, br t; (•i:.'54'>^). H. Cooper, Hamilton, Ont., Sept. 21, 1875, $100. Henrietta, Hookey (1 dis), Locksmith (I dis), 2:r)i->.i> 2:.-.8i4, 2:55i''2- Startle, blk s (:J :-i(>Ui), by tlie Andrews Horse, dam Magj^ie, by Witherell Messenger. A. C. Maston, Santa Clara, Cal., Oct. 3, 1877. Seoo. Beautiful Bells 3, Doty 1, Cairo, Gen. Keno. Hay ward Chief (4 dis), 2:29, •-'•28>o. 2:30'4, 2:32?.,, 2:32. Startle, b g 1 3 :34). G. W. Leiliy, E. Portland, Oregon, .July 15, 1880, $50. J. C. Kelly, 2:4.^, 2:3414, 2:34. .startle, b g (3:03). S. Stark. Wilkesbarre, Pa., June 12. 1880, SUM). Frank, 3:03, 3:07,3:03. Startle, chg (3:31). d;tni by Danii'l Lambert. Jesse Smith, Canton, N. Y., Sept, 14, 1881, $250. Victor 1, 2, IMoniitiiin (iirl. Fied Clark. Carrie B.. Morley Girl. 2:31, 2:30. 2:32, 2:32, 2:36. Startle, I) m (3:43). P. A. .lolinson. ^'e^vl)()rt, R. I., Sept. 0, 1881. §70. Sweetheart 2. Brunette 3. E.xie (3 dis), 2 :.50, 2: 47, 2 :45J4, 2 :46, 2 :43. Startle, gr g (3 :40i ,). H. Y. Brothers. Red Wing, Minn.. Sept. 2«, 1881, $140. Fanny C. 3, 4, New Berlin Girl. St. .lames, 2:50. 2:4652, 2:.50, 2:51, 2:.->2. Startled Fawn, dn m (3 :38). .M. (ioodin, Point Breeze Park, Phila., May 24, ISfi'), $ . Young Defiance 2, 3, 2 :.".3. 2 : 54, 2 : 52, 2 :50. 2 :47. Philadelphia, Pa.. Sei)t. 19, 1865. $.350. Mary Ann. 2:43^4, 2:38V8. Four-year-olds. State Rights, b s (3:41). Dr. Oakley. Johnstown, N. Y., Sept. 12. 1875, $50. Gov. Banks, George W'.lkos Jr., 2:.j0^4, 2:,")5'.,. 2:45?^. ■ Broiulalbin. N. Y., Sept. 14. 187.'5. $50. Com. Xutt 1. Dutch Farmer. 2:48'.;, 2:4Gi,i. 2:45. 2:47'o Johnstown, N. Y., Sept. 16, 1875. .$50. Otsego, Gov. Banks. 2:50, 2:40li. 2:41. Stallions. Stay buck. (3 :.58). W. W. Plato, Batavia, N. Y., Sept. 15, 1875, $70. Tom Lightfoot. Jim, JS'elly, Men-j Boy, 2:58'», 2:.">8, 3:02. Sept. 18, 1875, $bO. Merrv Bov, Jim, Nelly, 3:02, 3:0454, 3:02?4. stayner Boy, (3 :38;. Bradford, Out., Mav 24, 1809, .$ . Orillia Queen, 2:43, 2:3s. stayner Girl, b m ( 3 :48). J. Firstbrooke, Shelburne, Ont., May 24, 1877, $22. Eoyal Eevenge 1, Gray N ",'•. No time. Half-mile heats. Owen Sound, Out., June 18, 1877, $100. Tcm Scott 3. 2:48, 2:.52. 2:58, 3;05. fit. Charles, — s (3 :44). T. McConnell, Suffolk Park, Fhila., Nov. 12. 1865. $ . Startled Fayvn (w) 3, ^ed- 2:46,2:44,2:411^,2:4,5. St. Charles, sp g (3:36). by Gray Eagle, dam by Dandy Jim. George Dean, Pittsfleld, Mass., June 5, 18^7 $200. Dolphin. Jim Murray, Onota, Harry, Peter F (I lUs}- 2:."5, 2:35, 2:39V2- hme 9, 1877, $200. Major Lord 1, Calico Maid. Dolphin, Kitty (2 dis), Jim Murray (2 dis), Onota (l dis). 2:38'2, 2:37U, 2:40, 2:42. O. Marsh, Middletown, N. Y., Sept. 3, 1880, $250. Thomar. L. Young 2, Huntress, Big Fellow. 2:30, 2:29. 2:28,2:29. St. Cloud, bs (3:31), by Conklin's American Star, dam by Bay Eiciiircnrt. E. N. Gault. Sodus, N. Y., July 10, 1877, $200. Dick Jones, Shorty Fountain, Eunice Ann, Maggie, Lady Biadlcy, AValter (1 dis), 2:45. 2:45, 2:45(i. Seneca Falls, N. Y., June 26. 1878, $175. Lib, Dick Jones, Rattle Fisher, Lady Rhett, Lady Decker, George Cadmus (3 dr). No time. Batavia, N. Y., July 3, 1878, $450. Lady June, Frank Ross, John McDougall, Monk Boy, Amber (3 dis), 2:33^, 2:36' 2, 2:3314. Le Roy, N. Y., Sept. 24 and 25, 1878, $200. William D. 1, 5, Jim White 3, 6, Tommy Norwood, Dacia, Bay Dick, Jim Ash (5dr), 2:.33, 2:35V4, 2:;»,2:33, 2:32, 2:33)^, 2:.34i/;. Rochester, N. Y., Oct. 1 1878, $ . Glenair, Norwood Cliief, 2:.31ii. 2:30?4, 2:31. B. L. SheUlon, May 27, 1879. $ . Taylor l, Maggie Mitchell, Fraiik Ross, Tom Mallov, 2:29, 2:29, 2:28. bg, H. Ellsworth, Suffolk Park, Phila., May 11. 1883, .$500. Lady Lear, Amelia C.,Biilv Bad Eye, Tempest, Howard Jav 1 2 dis), 2:25i,i. 2:2514. 2:26=4. Point i5reeze Park. Phil., May 18. 1883, $500. Lady Lear, Amelia C. Billy Bad Eye, Howard Jay (2 dis), Mayflower (2 dis), 2 :24i.i , 2 -.S-ili, 2 :28! 2. Belmont Park, Phil., Mav 2.5, 1883. .$.500. Billy Bad Eve. Howard Jay. 2:33i;, 2:30=4', 2:29i.i. Scrantou. Pa., May 29. 1883, $r>00. Ladv Lear, Billy Bad Eve. Josephine S., 2:27. 2:.32'.., 2:32?4. Wilki'sliarre, Pa., June .5, 1883. .$500. Lady Lear, Josephine S.. Billy Bad Eve, 2:L'Gi.i, 2:2714, 2:27. DimkirK, X. Y., June 21, 1883, .Sao."). Ina G. 1, Abdalkxh Boy. GeoT-ge'M., Sciola,2:2r,';, 2:26, 2:28i^,2:29if II. Sheldon, Newport, R. I., July 12, 1883, $400. Capt. Emmons, Forrest Patchen. Harry Pelham, Speedress (2 dis). Prince (1 dis), 2:24, 2:27, 2:27. G. Slieldon. Rochester, N. Y., Aug. 4, 1883, $1,500. Sleepy Joe 4, Louise N. 1, Barbara Patchen. Valley Boy. 2 ;2:!'4. 2:21. 2:21,2:2194,2:22. .Niarvville. Mo., Sept. 1, 1883, .$400. Lillian, 2:37i/2, 2:37?i, 2:33. St. Josepli, Mo., Sept. 6, 1883, $500. Bronze 3. 4. Lillian, 2, 2:3014, 2:32, 2iZ'&4,2-.ZQ%, 2:28, 2:301^. K:uis;is City, Mo., Sept. 21, 1883, $800. Will Cody 1, 6, Big Soap, 4, 5 (7 dis), 2:27M, 2:27^2, 2:2"7i^, 2:31M, 2:40, 2 :.".i;U. 2:361^. Sidina. Kan., Sei)t. 27, 1883. $800. Will Benham 1. Will Cody. 2:31, 2:2914, 2:25ii. 2:26. Pueblo, Col., Oct. 2C. 1883, .«;,500. Happy, 2:29. 2:28?i, 2:28. St. I>enis. b g (3 :39ii,). Harry Bradley. Barre, Vt., Oct. 22, 1873, .$200. Black Knight, Jim Ayerill, American Boy, Columbus Navigator, Nelly. 1, 2 (4 dis). Midnight (2 dis), 2:47, 2:39}^, 2:3914, 2:43, 2:45. Steam's Chestnut Stallion (3:51). Mr. Stearns, .lamestown, O.. Aug. -, 1875, $ — . McCloskey's b s, Young's l)r s. Best time, 2:51. Steel Dust, gr s (3:31?4). by Capt. Jack. T. E. White, Springfield, 111., Sept. 24, 1878, $130. Kit, Substitute (1 dis), 3:21?i, 3:25. Three-year-olds. Steel's liay Stallion. (3 :.54Vai, by Hiipjiy Medium, Robert Steel, Freehold, N. J., Sept. 15, 1875, $80. John's ch c, Norton's b c, 3:02, 2:.54'.2. Three-year-olds, Steeplepicker, br g (3:4.5). I;. S. Sannnis, Hempstead, L. T., Aug, 2, 1858. $15. Milk Round 1, 2, Frank Pierce. Gray Suffolk, 2:45, 2:49, 2:48, 2:45, 2:49. 650 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. Babvlon. L. I.. Aug. 27, 1858. $25, Dandy, 1, .T:00, 3:00, 2:56, 3:02. Henipstcaa, L. I.. Sept. 7, lh5s, S20<). Westburv Girl, 1. 2 (3 dis), 2:50, 2:54, 2:51. Steiiiway, l)rg (2:'-45?;ii, l)v Stratlmiorc, (l:im Abbess, bv Albion. W. S. Bucltucr, Lexington. Ky., Oct. 8,,1878, S . Memento 1, Jewett c^ dis;, Admiration (I disj, -Mystery (I dis), Verbena U dis), 2:39J^, 2;32'4, '2:31%. Tliree-vear-olds. „ , , , „, Buckner & Stoner, Sharpsburgh. Kv., Aug. 8, 1879, S300. Bushwhacker 3. Blackwood Jr., 2:37',i, 2:38, 2:37U. 2.38. U. G. Stoner, Lexington. Kv.. Aug. 28, 1879. S250. .Jewett 2, 3. Mystery. 1 (3 dis), Fury (3 dis), Catch Fly (3 dis). Monitor {3 dr;. 2:3.s'.i. •J::i7K>. 2:30. 2:2.->»i. 2:31';. 2:.31' j. Three-year-olds. Stelecta, blk m <2:40). \V. II. Borst, Watertown, N. Y., June 20, 1871, §250. Central New York 1, Fanny Waite. 2 :.'-.2. 2 ■A8}4, 2:53Vi, 2 :52. June 21. 1871, .?.100. Fanny Waite, Fanny, Sandv (3 dis), 2:40. 2:45, 2:47U. Stella, (w), b in ^3 :31i^). Darius Talliuau, Union Course, L. 1., June 3, 1857, $000. Gen. Darcy (w), 2:30, 2:.j:j. 2:3,5. Philadelphia, Pa. June 16. 18.57. S . (ien. Darcy, 1 (4 0). 2:43>^. 2:.39, 2:30. 2:38, 2:42. (w). June 20. 1867, $ . (ien. Darcy (w). 2:40!5, 2:4P.i. 2:45. St«lla. gr m {'i :40). R. Johnson, New Orleans, La., April 20, 1870, «200. Roacirs b g, l, 4, 2:43J^, 2:i3U, 2:44^4, 2 :4i:'4. 2:44^4. April 27, 1870, $ . Gray Gelding. Constant. 3:07'i, 3:08, 3:05. Fleetwood Park. N. Y., Aug. lit. 1871. S4(K) Uickey, 5:,J4?i, 5:27;4. Two miles. Sept. 2, 1871, $7.50. Hickev, 3 (i U). Billv Bird. 2:43'c, 2:45, 2:43!>4. 2:4:i!o, 2:40i^. li. Casey, Oct. 17. 1873, $200. Fourth of July 1, 2, Husky Boy, Pauline, Dinah, Cocliocton Maitl (2 dis), Dick Yates (1 dis). 2:45. 2:38'2, 2:40, 2:43. 2:48. P. Dougherty, Secaucus. N. J., Nov. 17, 1873, .5.50. Rulh, Unknown, 2:52U, 2:54. 2:.>ii2- Stella, b nua :49). E. Culver, Albany, N. Y , Sept. 16, 1873, S200. Molly Miller, Honest John, 2:50«^, 2:49, 2 :.50'^. J. Vissher, Ballston. Spa., N. Y., Sept. 12, 1877, S50. St. Nicholas. Stella, 3:02, 2:5234. 2:51. Stella (2 :55). Omaha, Neb., Oct. 19, 1870, $200. Little Giant, Selim, Jim Wheeler, Bay Charley (1 dis). 3:00, 3:00, 2:.').5. Stella lilake. br m (3 iismi), bv Pequawket. dam by Morgan Trotter. S. Durgin. Dover, N. H.. June 10, 1979, $1.50. Sweet Milk. Honest Allen. 2:40. 2:40i^, 2:41. June 12, 1879. $150. Sweet Milk 3. Honest Allen, Robert Bonner, Gen Butler, 2:36, 2:39, 2:41. 2:40^. (Jreenlield. Mass., Aug. 0, 1879, $200. Annie Lou 2, Kitty Ives .5, Mack 1, Arthur T., Washintrton, Capt. West, Joluinv. 2:35'4, 2:3234', 2:31'o, 2:35'/2, 2:32i/j, 2:30. Stella C, ch m (■3:!J7»4), by Aberdeen, dam Maud, by One-Eycd Kentucky Hnnter. C. A. Marsh, Marshall- town, la., .June 22, 1881, $200. Fleta 2, 3, Billy Boy 1, 4, Lucy, ISIatt Klrkwood, Little Sioux (5 dn, 2:26»4, 2:29(4. 2:28»i, 2:28 3i, 2:.31'2, 2:.34>4,2:299i. ■ Des Moines, la., June 28, 1881, .$400. Fairmont 4, Lucy, Little Sioux, Annie Lou, Sucker Maid, Fleta 1, (4 drl, 2:28, 2:2714, 2:3114,2:291^, 2:34»^. Fort Dodge, la.. July 1, 1881, $300. Little Sioux 1, 2, Matt Kirkwood 3, 2:32, 2:29>4, 2:2914, 2:323!i, 2:32, 2:361.^. A. J. Feek, Bradford, Pa., Sept. 1, 1881, $500. Clara J. 1, 2. Sleepy Tom, Peralto 3 ^5 dis), 2:32i^, 2:3234', 2:30^. 2:3414, 2:35. 2:3514. C.TvicAUister, Maquoketa. la., Sept. 7, 1882, Sl.'iO. 2:35, 2:29'i, 2:32. To beat 2:30. Marsh Bros., Burhngton, la., Sept. 22, 1882, $000. Danube 2, Skipper 1, Don Quixote, 2:33'/i,2:34, 2:3314, C:34'.(,2:.3.5. Stella D.. br m (3:30?iV F. Pierson, Topcka. Kan.. Sept. 13,1881, $•''.00. Brown Dick, Forrest Pilot, Little Maud, Coriander, Klniira Boy, Echo Chief, Young Hiram, Annie Allen, 2:;5034. 2:31, 2:31^4. Stella .Star, blk m (3 :01), by cbnklin, dam Stella Bank. I). F. Edelblute. Brookville, Pa., Oct. 4. 1883, $50. Time Medium 2 (3 0), Kate Wood. P. .1. Eilsell, 3:05. 3:04^.i, 3:05, 3:05, 3:01. Four-year-olds, or under. Same day. $70. Almoiit Connnander 1. 3:l4i^, 3:08y, 3:12. Three-year-olds. St. Elmo, br s(3:30), bv Alexander's Abdalhili, dam, a Bellfounder mare. D. Swigert, Louisville, Ky.. Oct. 29, 1808, $150. Josh Golddust, McClcllan (3 dn. 2:30, 2:33)4. 2:33. B. F. Akers, Leavenworth, Kan., Sept. 14. 1872, $:;00. Barney. Sky Lark (2 dis), 2:38i'4, 2:38i/i. H. Rogers, Myricks, Mass., Sept. 10. 187.5. $85. Ethan Allen Jr., Archie, 2 :.38V^, 2 :.39, 2:3534- St. Elmo (Elmo), ch s (3 :30), by Mohawk, dam bv Sir Richard O. A. Hickok. Fleetwood Park. N. Y.. July 7, 1870, $1,000. Tempest (3 0). Fanny Fern 1, 4(3 0) (6 dis), Clarence. Lady Franklin (5 dr). Village Girl (3 dis), 2:.3,5, 2:371^, 2:4.51^, 2:47. 2:481^, 2:42. Troy, N. Y., July 13, 1870, $l,.500. Belle of Toronto, George Taffe, Drew Chief, Billy, Waltzing Dan, Vil- lage Girl (2 dis), 2:.'Hi4, 2:.37^, 2:37U. — I.ong Branch, N. J., Aug. 27. 1870, $2,500. Thomas Jefferson 3 (6 0). Lady Wells. Lady Lambert, G. W. Patterson, Molly Morril, Unknown 1 (5 dis), Lizzie Keller 2 (4 dr), 2:31, 2:3234, 2:33, 2:8414. 2:3514. 2:35i^, 2'36* 2 '- Pliiladelphia, Pa., May 25, 1871, $1,.500. Le Blonde, Belle of Toronto, Dew Drop, Comet (3 dr), 2:31, 2:30, 2 "3214 St. xiimo, gr K (2 :29i4), by Brown Harry, dam by French Tiger. Peter Manee, Fleetwood Park, N. Y., May 25, 1872. .$.500. George L. Fox (3 0), Eight Bells, 2:35, 2:3434. 2:34i4. 2:30. , ^. Morris W. Bacon, Amenia, N. Y., June 12, 1872, $ . Jack Draper 2, Castle Boy, Enigma (4 dis). 2:33V4, 2: .36. 2:3.5, 2:46J4. Norwich, Conn., Sept. 17. 1872, $7.5. Roval George. .Toe Godwin. Best lime, 2:41. Sept. 19. 1872. .$.310. Roval (ieorge, Joe Godwin, 2:.55, 2:51, 2:47. Peter .Manec, Fleetwood Park. N. Y.. Scjit. 30. 1872. $2.50. Tonsy (1 0), 2:36, 2:.37, 2:38 2:44. H. II. Rockwell, Woonsocket, R. I., Sept. 18, 1873, $600. H. W. (ienet, Parkis' Abdallah 1, 3(4 dis), 2:42, 2 '40 ''•4.3 2 "43 ''•47 E. C. Robin'son.'North Adams, Mass., Sept. 25, 1873, $1,000. Robert Bonner 2, Ned Moore, 2:36^, 2:36, 2 '38 ^ *4''{V0). D. Clayton, Wilmington, Del., Oct. 22, 1874, $125. S. M. Biddie, Dexter, Arab (2 dr). Flora (2 dr), 2:52^4. 2:54, 2:.52. R. T. Clavton.Salem. N. J.,Nov. 7, 1874.$ . Isabel 1, 2, 2:501*, 2:50. 2:50i4, 2:50, 2:.50. St. Elmo, bg(3:00), l)y MagnaCharta. G. Fitch, Dowagiac, Mich.. Oct. 12, 1881, $60. Sorrel Jim 3, Alaric, 3:011.,, 3 :05i'4, 3:00, 3:00. , , ., „ ,, . . t, St. Elmo, b g (3:34). W. C. Bristed, Burlington, Vt., Sept. 13, 1882. $136. Little Fortune 2, Mountain Boy, Fnnklin ''"."VJi/i "•.39'4 ''■.34 2'36'i Sept. iHr '1882, $1.3.5. Beile'vue Boy, 1,2, Ned Jackman, Molly Clark, Sarah B., Mountain Boy. Clipper, 2:39, 2:39, 2:.38»^, 2:3.-, 2:.37. ' . ..„,„• ,^ , Stemwimler.bg (3:08'/,). H, H. Gifford. Woodbury, N. J., April 11. 1883. $ Rock 1, Miss Delancy, Wiiidsiilittcr (4 dr). 3:10, 3:0H!^. 3:12, 3:09^. ^ ^ ,..„,„ , ,„ ^. n Stemwin 18. 1871, $200. 2:38^. To beat 2:40. W. Madden, Boston, Mass., Oct. 30, 1871. $300. Fanny 1, 4, Chicago Jack, 3:00, 2:r>VM, 2:55'/4, 3;0C, 2:57 '-2. John Stallman, Lee, Mass., July 6, 1872, $225. Flora, 2:49, 2:3714. 2:38}^. L. L. Allen, Prospect Park, L. I., Sept. 24, 1872, $400. Baker Boy, Alice, 2:40?i, 2:3854, 2:37?4. Stephen A. ,Dougla.ss, b s(3:33*). Mr. Hamilton, Clinton, la., July 3, 1868, $400. W. K. Thomas 3 (1 0), Chain Shot, , 2:32, 2:32%. 2:3914, 2:33'3. Short track. July 4, 1808, .$500. Jack Horter 1, 5 (7 dis), W. K. Thomas 3, 4 (7 dis), 2:34, 2:35M, 2:43?£, 2:45, 2:57}^, 2:51VJ, 3:00. 'Short track. Stephen G., b g (3 :33i^), by Knickerbocker, dam by Volunteer. N. Hubbard, Pittsfleld, Mass., Oct. 10, 1882, $250. Onward (3 0), Frank Gilman, Ashtabula (4 dis) 2 :37i4, 2 :37',2, 2 :39, 2 :38. Oct. 12, 1882, $2.50. Onward 1 (3 0), Pleasure, 2:3714. 2:3fii^. 2:39^, 2:39'/i, 2:42^. C. W. Preston, Jersey City, N. J., Oct. 19, 1882, .$250. Agnes 2, Tempest 1, Western Girl, Lib, Regardless, Irish Lad, Frank A., Lady Mapes, Lady Horton (5 dis), Helen Mar (4 dr). Eastern Medium (3 dr) 2:37, 2:39 2:42 2:39 2:43. I.' B. Gurnev,, Newton, N. J., Oct. 5, 1883, $400. Nelia 1, 2, Lady Lear, Florence ( 5 dn, 2:29?4, 2:30J4, 2:28?4, 2:32, 2:31i4. Goshen, N. Y., Oct. 11, 1883, $400. Cornelia 4 (3 0). Walnut 1 (3 0), 2:28, 2:29, 2:.TO, 2:28, 2:27'A,2:28. Stephen M., b g (3 :38i^). L. F. Harrison, Bradford, Pa., Aug. 30, 1881, $400. Easy Billy l, Morocco, Libby J., 2:39!4, 2:39}4, 2:409i, 2:41i4- Sept. 1, 1881, &.400. Easy Billy, Morocco, 2:.394, 2:41 14, 2:43. Erie. Pa., Sept. 16. 1881, $350. Jim Burns, Pinafore, Harry, 2:40?4. 2:40'/^, 2:375!ii. Stephen S., ch g (3 :40). C. H. Baldwin, Glens Falls, N. Y., July 27, 1881. $150. Lady Duroc 4, Kitty Thorns. Roan Kate, Henry, Silver Nell (5 dr), 2:40, 2:40, 2:40i^, 2:40, . July 29, 1881, $150, Judge Davis 3, Lady Duroc 4, Kitty Thorn, 2:40i.i,2:41, . , 2:40. Stephen W. (Ralph), blk g (3:38). H.S.Morrison, Lawrence, Mass., October 21 and 22, 1875, $.300. Kate Sloan 3, 5, Lady Sherburne4. 6. Monadnock Boy, Beard (3 dis). 2:40, 2:38, 2:44, 2:42, 2:43!4, 2:42, 2:44. Step Up, grg (3:40). E. Howard, Canton, N. Y., Sept. 15, 1875, $225. Lady Hastings 1, Gen. Benton, 2:41i4, 2:4tM.2:40, 2:40. Sterling, ch g (3:33), by Taggart's Abdallah. Charles Pratt, Prospect Park, L. I., Oct. 4, 1873, $500. Effie Deans. Farmer Boy, Phil O'Neill Jr., Love, Dawn, Silvertail (2 dis), 2:33, 2:35, 2:36'/2. Deerfoot Park L. I., Oct. 28, 1873, $200. Farmer Boy, Joe Pratt, Phil O'Neill Jr. (1 dis), Tommy Moore, 2:43?i. 2:4414, 2:44%. Sterling b s (3 :37). Fred Knight, Portland, Me., July 5, 1875, $350. George A. Ayer 2, T. B. French, Little Fred, Mingo (2 dr), Johanna (1 dis), 2:4m, 2:40, 2:46?4, 2:39. July 9, 1875, .$350. T. B. French, Little Fred, George A. Ayer, 2:37, 2:404. 2:.39. Lynn, Mass., July 13, 1875, $500. Maggie S., Juno, George A. Ayer, Laurel Maid, Butcher Boy (1 dis), 2:43,2:4.31^,2:44. July 15, 1875, $500. Maggie S., Jim, George A. Aver, Nelly, .Juno, 2:42, 2:.39V'2, 2:42%. Sterling, b s (3 :35), by Patchen Boy, dam Lizzie. Thompson & Bailey, Dubuque, la., Sept. 12, 1877, $500. Cap- tain, Dixie, Stormer, 2:37, 2:40i4, 2:36i4. Stallions. Cambridge, 111., Aug. 28, 1878, $300. Col. E. D. Baker 4, Ella Earl 3, Warwick (4 dr), Centella (3dis), 2:36i4, 2:38, 2!35?i, 2:38, 2:38'/2. Davenport, la., Sept. 4, 1878, $500. Lady Blennerhassett. Jim I>ane, Alamo, 2:36,2:36, 2:36. ■Sept. 8, 1880, $300. Mambrino Chief Jr., Blue Cloud, Fanny Fern, Clara Cleveland (3 dis), 2:35, 2:36, 2:37. '- Waterloo, la., Sept. 23, 1880, $200. Lady M., Darlington. Billy Boy 1, 4 (5dr), 2:32}^, 2:36%, 2:36, 2:35%, 2:39,4. Sterling, gr s (3 :45), by Kingwood Pilot. C. W. Hetzel, Flemington, N. J., Sept. 26, 1883, $100. Gen. Knox Jr., 2:45%, 2:48%, 2:45. Stallions. Steve, br g (3 :55)^,. Beacon Park, Boston, Aug. 24, 1876, $100. Topsy 1, Flirt 3, Richard (4 dr), Framingham Boy(3 dr), 3:01^4. 2:55i/4, 3:01, 3:00, 3:02^. Steve Lewis, b g (3:38). T. S. Foster, Woonsocket, R. I., Sept. 17, 1879, $200. Mary Comstock 2, 3, Printer Boy, Ashland Maid, 2:41, 2:41. 2:41, 2:40, 2:42. E. F. Bass, Keene, N. H., Aug. 6, 1880, $2,50. Dick Dample 1, 2, Harris, Tom Barton, Dr. Weston (5 dis), Belle of Fitchburg (3 dis). Pathfinder (4r o), 2:.36i4. 2:.38.2:38, 2:40, 2:45. Steve Maxwell, grg (3:3lv^), by Ole Bull Jr., dam the Weaver mare.by Matchless Whale. Thomas McKeon, Poiighkeepsie, N. Y.. Sept. 23, 1875. .$400. Martha Washington, Delilah, Limestone, Lady Whinfield, Kitty Allen, Whalebone, 2:38i4. 2:.34, 2:.34;^. (s) John Murphy, Fleetwood Park, N. Y., May .30, 1877, $.500. Mary Lamb (s), 2:32%, 2:27i^, 2:30i^. Long Branch, N. J., Sept. 13, 1877, .$800. Lady Lowe 1, Lady Annie, Mary Lamb, Elevator, 2:35, 2:34, 2:35>4, 2:36^. Fleetwood Park, N. Y., Sept. 26,1877, .$800. Lady Lowe 1, 2, W. C. Derby, Lady Anna, Mary Lamb (5 dr), Tom(4 dr), 2:28, 2:29%, 2:29. 2:31%, 2:.'{1i/,. June 14, 1878,1400. Hanibletonian Mambrino, Lottie, Alcides, Phil Dougherty, W. T. Allen, 2 :26J4, 2:27%. 2:27. Cleveland, O., July 27. 1878. $1,. 500. Wolford Z. 3, Nelia 2. Lady Voorhees, Nancy Hackett, Monarch Rule, Goldfinder Scliuyler, Boaesetter (5 dis), 2:24%, 2:26, 2:23, 2:24%, 2:25%. 652 CHESTKRS COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORI>. Morrisailia, N. V., .Iiiiu'iio, isrg, sr,m. Harry Cilbert 2, ■2:2r>'i, 2:25, 2:29'i, 2:25J£, Roehestfr, N. Y., Aii^. 1". 1 8 w). §1.000. Unolala, Tekonshii. tiray tjiief, bream, Anna II t2 dr) 448>4 4:ril. Two mill's. ' ' ' SiiriuKlii'ld. Mass.. Au}?. 17, 18H0, Sl.ooo. Unolala, Gray Chief, 4:57, 4:58?i. Two miles Ifartfonl. Conn.. Aii^'. 21, IKSO, .Sl.oiK). Gray Chief, Vnolala. Anna II., 4:.'i2i ^ 4..^3. Two miles .vufi. 27 and -jx, 1K80, ■Sl.r.oo. John S. Chirk, Lady loxic, Charley Chaniplin, Robert Lee. Dan Smith Ilamlili'tonian ll.ishaw. Neiia (.3 dr).2:22'.i, 2:2a'.i. 2:21'2. .Myslic I'arU lloston, Sej)!. 1, 1880. i^iiOO. Dick Moore 1, Wilhur F., Iron Ace, Knox Boy, Wild Lllv John Hail u! dn. 2:224. •..':22Vi. 2:2;ii4, 2:20'.i. " ^^Heacon I'ark. lloston, Sept. 9,1880, ?20(). Iron Age, Knox Boy, Wild Lily, Argonaut, •2:25}4, 2:2«^4, Hartford, C'onn., .Juno 29, IBHl. $500. Nancy (1 0), Wizz, Jersey Boy (3 dr). 2 :23k 2 :22}i. 2'23?i 2-24i; Inly 4. 1881,. '5200. 4:51fi, 4:51i4. To beat 4:48'.. Lost. Stevie .s.. h k ( :J :45). 15. K. Skinner, I'rovidenee, J{. I., Oct. 18, 1882, $100. Henry, Benny Baker, Blue Dick Kitty fiiu lii'ld, Patience, 2:4(i. 2:4."). 2:45. " ' Stewart t.lolin Stewart), b y (•^:;{0). by Tom Wondei-, dam l)y Harris' Hambletonian. D, Dennison Carson Ncv., .Inly II. 1878. .$400. Morgan (2 dr.', .linU'ook (I dis). 2:3;5, 2:39?j.. ' Stewart >Ialoney, I) g (3 :;J7 I. Iiy Charles E. Loew. .1. Peters, Doylestowu, Pa., Oct. 5, 1871, S150 Daisy Vernon4 (1 oi. Lady Alice (t Oi, Grav .liin. i-.'t.i^i. 2:47Vj, 2:47, 2:47, 2:4s. M. Goodin, Oct. 2. 1872. St>0(i. Othello 1, Sunbeam, I>ot (4 dr), Mercer 2 (4 disi, 2:37, 2:;i7, •2-43, 2-39 ■>39 Utica. N. Y., Aug. 12, 1873, §4.000. Barney Kelly 1, Bay Henry, Brown Bashaw, Idol Girl," Zilcadie Viold- dust, Manhattan (2 dis), 2:.S2';. 2:.34, 2:33?4, 2:37. ;- Pittsburgh, Pa., June 20, 1874, §1,250. Slow Go, Lady Alice, Joe Shawhan, Minerva, Eva (l dis), 2:31J4, Lancaster, 0., June 25, 1874, $800. :Mattie Lyle. Joe Shawhan, Billy Golden, Dolly (1 dis). 2:37',4, 2:40?4, 2:40. Erie, Pa., July 23, 1874, $2,000. Captain 1 (4 0) (6 0), Nelly Irwin 3 i4 0), Lady Dahlman, Cozette. Gov- ernor. 2:,33'4, 2:34?i, 2:32?i. 2:3.5^^, 2:33?4. 2:35?4, 2:3.'>»i. Springfield. Mass., Aug. 19. 1874. S5,000. Cozette 1, 6, Everett Kay 3, 4, Spotted Colt 5. Music. 2:23U,, 2:284. 2:2,'-., 2:27. 2:28, 2:28,2:31, 2:27. • " — 1. Co]))). Dover, N. IL, June 17, 1881, $.500. Unknown 1. 2:30'i, 2:38i4. 2:.39V, $140. Thalberg 3, Camon, 2:55i.i. 2:53, 3:01. 2:50. Watford, Ont,. Sept. 20. 1876. $ . Annie Wilkes. Gray Bird. Best time. 2:40^4. Sept. 21, 1875, $ . Gray Bird. Best time, 2:41}4. W. B. Darling. Chicago, ill., June 15. 1877 $500. Emerald 1, 3 (5 0), Maggie S. (5 0). David H. (5 0). 2-30',. 2:32i;i. 2:31, 2:31, 2:32, 2:.344. St. Germain, b s (3:3734>. N. P. Wilbur. Lockport, N. Y., June 12, 1873, $600. Factory Boy, J. T. Fulton. G. W.. Liberal. Lady (3 dis). Frank ( l dis), 2:40, 2:39lv, 2:37^4. St. Giles, blkg (2:34U). 11. H. Powers. Jersev Citv, N. J.. Sei)t. 5, 1883, $200. Tonv T. 3. 4, Brilliant 1, 2, Etta A., George B. Sauford, Sleepy Jack. Handsome Lambert, Margarette (4 dr), 2:45, 2:39'0i.n. 2:54 '4 StinK. brs (3:43). Ben Daniels. Greenburg. N. Y., Oct. "4. 1868, $75. Lantern 1, 2(5 dr), Billv Wallace, Unknown, Lady (1 dis). 2:4.3. 2:43. 2:42, 2:44. 2:42, •Stintj. 1) g (3:3ft';). M. Q. Townsend, Pine Bluff. Ark.. Aug. 6, 1873. $200. Toot Dillon (wX Billy Boy, pacer La. 2:43'™. St. Jacob, 1) g (3 :r.»Ui. bv Minim Drew. 7l. S. Snow. Montreal, P. Q., Oct. 4, 1883, $50. Ottawa Girl 1, White Rose, Dennis. Bayard. Dandy. Piirant's Chief (4 dr), 3:00, 2:59'i, 3:01, 3:0,5. St. .lames (Bay Billvt b g i3:33'.i), byGooding's Champion, da)u bv an Indiiin Pony. Frank Van Ness, Penn Yan. N. Y.. Aug. 29. ih72. .$.300. Hank. Deceiver. Dundee Maid. Liidv Thomp.son.Celia. 2:39'2, 2:419i, 2:4m.. Syracuse, N. Y.. Sept. 11. 1872, $.500. Julia 1, Messenger Boy. Tom Walter, George F, Celia. Henry Clay (2 dis). 2:34)^, 2:34'4, 2:,3.5^. 2:.37'4. Rochester, N. Y., Sept. 26, 1872, $165. Lady Allen, Judge Mitchell. Ladv Sherwood .t dii. 2:.3;!ij.2:35'/», 2..3«. >f >^ g < cS ^ dJ O aj >^ ,a PC o s 3 w 3 O nu OHESTEliS COMrLETE TKOTTIXG AND l*ACIN(i KECORD. 653 Klmira, X. Y.. Oct. 1, 1ST2, $500. Lady Allen 1. Frank Phelps, Lady Kendall. Best time, 2:46V4. — ( >\vego.' X. Y., Ocl. 9, 187:.;, .$300. Cattaraugus Cliief, Ed. Foster, Major Eilsall, 2:32, 2:315^, 2:31^. — i'euii Yau, N. Y., June 6, 1873, §400. Tom Keeler 1, 2, Erauk Elicips, i'olly, 2:3i, 2:33^4, 2:30^, 2i3Z^i, 2 Mo. — Hamilton, Out., .Tune 26, 1S73, $400. Harry Mitchell, Waterloo, IMazeppa, 2:37i4, 2:41, 2:40. r.arrie, Ont.. Julv 4, 187.!, S800. Dread 1, 2, Harry Mitchell, Lady Kate (."> dr), 2:30, 2:27%, 2:31 ?i, 2:.32. 2:34. — Buffalo, N. Y., Aug. 8, 1873, §10,000. Lady Banker 3, Castle Boy, Annie Collins, Cozette, Star, 2:27 Ji;i;26?i, 2:26'o. 2:23'2 Utica, N. Y., Aug. 16, 1873, §6,000. Brother Jonathan, Castle Boy, Lady Banker, Heatherbloom. 2:25?4, 2:2.T'i, 2:30. Springfield, ^rass., Aug. 19, 1873, .$5,000. Blanche 3. Young Bruno, I'arkis' Abdallah, Lucille Golddust, .T. (; I'.rown. Ben Flagler (4 dr). Prince Allen (4 dr), Confidence (3 dr;, 2:26i'4,2:27, 2:26, 2:27. — Vu' v, 1S7:: >;-t,()iii). Lady Banker 4. Brother .Jonathan 2, .loe Brown, Molly Morris, Grace Bertram, Hillv Platter. .lolin H., Castle Boy i4 dr.). 2:26' -i, 2:27J,o, 2:25ii, 2:27, 2:29. Waleottville, Conn., A.ug. 2S. 187;;. .'51.200. Thomas .iett'erson 1,2:^5, 2:35. 2:33y[, 2:34. — Sau Franciseo, Cal., Nov 8, l.'<73, .Sl.OOO. Ella Lewis 1, May Howard, 2:.i3. 2:32^, 2:33'i, 2:35. — Nov. 12, 1S7:!, .^1.000. Ella Lewis 1. May Howard, 2:31'2. 2:30?i, 2:31i/^, 2:30. — \ov 22 and 24, 1S7.S, .'52.000. Sam Purdy 2, 3. 2:29, 2:30, 2:28':, 2:29'e, 2:29. — (wt. Sacramento, Cal., May 9, 1874, §500. Mary Davis 3, May Howard(w) 1, Lady .Mack, 2:29, 2:30Vi, 2:28, '' "'9 'i — Roineo. Mich., .luly 2. 1874. .'51.250. Fred Hooper 1, Molly Jlorris, Molly, 2:29?4. i :2S^. 2:31, 2:30. Penn Yan, N. Y., Aug. 27, 1874, §500. Lady Star, Cattaraugus Chief, Nelly Irwin, Tom Walter, Slow Go (1 dis), 2:28^^. 2:31,2:27. Rochester, N. Y., Sept. 18, 1874. S600. Slow Go 3. Nellv Irwin, Derby, 2:23}^, 2:23>^, 2:23M. Toronto, Out.. Oct. 2, 1874, .'$1,000. Fred Hooper 1, .lack Draper. 2:28-4. 2:.30i.,, 2:80i-^, 2:29. Avon, N. Y., Oct. 10, 1874, §2.50. Planter, Toppy, Tom Walter, 2:42, 2:41'.2, 2:36. Budd Doble, Quincy, 111., Sept. 23, 1875, §1.000. Beitie 1, Prince, Lady Byron, . 2:28^, 2:30'/^, 2:27. E. .J Baldwin. San Francisco, Cal.. .Jan. 26, 1877, .^1,000. May Howard, 2:31, 2:34i^^, 2:33. Chico, Cial., Aug. 31, 1877, $S00. May Howard 2. George Treat. 2 :.30, '>:r,o}i, 2:27' j, 2:26. San Francisco, Cal. Sept. 22 1877. .'S800. May Howard, George Treat, Chicago, 2:26' ;, 2:28, 2:26. Santa Clara, Cal., October 6, 1877, §.500. May Howard l, St. Helena, Chicago (4 dri, 2:29?i, 2:24M, 2:27^4, 2:27. ■• Los Angeles, Cal., Oct. 13, 1883, §3.50. Major. 2 :40, 2 35, 2:35. • San Bernardino, Cal.. Nov. .5. 1883, .'5 . Bay Jim 2:37'.. 2:38'o. '2:40. ivateer Maid, Sister (3 clis), 2::jn. 2::jo, 2:2u;4, 2:o0:'4. Tom Jtloore 3, Unknown, Frank Munson, Great Eastern. Lena Case, Dan Bryant, ista. Queen, I Guess So, Kate S. (3 dr), Willy (1 dis). 2:26;i;, 2:29, 2:28, 2:26?^. ig 24, 1875, §4,000. Sister, Queen, Great Eastern, Ed. Chapin, Calmar,Goldfinder, St. Joe, blk s (3 :50). .L Hetherington, Fergus, Ont., Sept. 30, 1876, §125. King John 2, 3, Blind Tom 5, George Brown, 2:50. 2:49, 2:51, 2:50, , 2:.5L St. John, ch g (3:35). Thomas Patterson, Auburn, N. Y.. Aug. 27, 1873, $200. Frank 2, Brown Kate, Fanny Luker, Idaho, Country Bov, Norville (3 dis), Deerioot(2 dis), Nettie (2 dis), Smoothbrier i2dis), LadyLovvry (1 dis), Jack (1 dis),2:42,2:40M, 2:r,8-:i. 2:389i. T. Ostiam. Ontario, Ont., July 1, 1874. §.300. Judge Lane, Honest Mack, Nelly Please (3dr), PenvilleBoy (1 dis), Adjala Prince U dis), 2:.37>4. 2:.3.5, 2:4.5. Barre, Out., July 3, 1874, §500. Bailiff, Charlev, Toronto Boy. 2:37J4, 2:35i'4. St. Julieu, b g (3 :lli4), by Volunteer, dam Flora, l)v Harry Clay. W. S. Sargeant. Ponghkeepsie, N. Y., Aug. 4, 1875, §1,500. Great Eastern 1, D:in Bryant, Lady Goodin, Northwood, Ehie. Celerity, W. H. Beede, Queen, Kitty Allen, Privateer Maid, Sister (3 dis),^::30. 2:.30, 2:26!4, 2:3011. Aug. 7, 1875, §2,.500. Tom" - - . , ,, _ .- .„_,.. Frank, Uncle Dave, Vest;i Spruigfield, Mass., Aug Pet, Bay Fearnaught, 2:29^,2:28, 2:29. , ^^ Aug.'27, 1875, §3,000. Nerea 1, Jolin W. Hall, Sir William Wallace, Frank Munson, Unknown 2 (5 dis), Queen (4 dr). Lady Morrison (4 dr), 2:23'2, 2:23, 2:221^, 2:26'a, 2:27. Hartford, Conn., Aug. 31. 1875, .§3,000. Great Eastern, Goldflnder, Dan Bryant, Queen, Voltaire, Sister,. Calmar, Ladv Bonner, 2:28;.2, 2:26>.4, 2:26'i. Sept. 2, 1875. .§3.000. Sister, Great Eastern, Goldflnder, 2:25?*, 2:2354, 2:24i^. O. A. Hickok. San Francisco, Cal., Sept. 2, 1876, §10,000. Dan Voorhees l, 2:26V2, 2:25ii. 2:30}4,2:29^. Stockton, Cal., Sept. 20, 1879, §800. Graves 2, Nutwood, 2;17, 2:19, 2:18'o, 2:24. Oakland, Cal., Oct. 25, 1879, .$850. 2:12?i, 2:15i/2. To beat 2:13k. Detroit. Mich., June 10, 1880, S750. 2:27^4, 2:17>.|. Exhibition. loiia, Mich., June 24, 1880, .§ . 2:18'^. To beat 2:20. Detroit. Mich., Julv 5, 1880, .§ . 2:1614, 2:16i^. Exhibition. Chic go, 111., July 22, 1880. .§.500. Darby, Hopeful, 2:17-4. 2:lSi4. 2:16'4, Cleveland, O., July 29, 1880, §3,000. Darby, Hopeful, Great Eastern Trinket, 2:15M, 2:185i, 2:17}^. Buffalo, N. Y.. Aug. 5, 1880, .§3.000. Darby. Hopeful. Great Eastern. 2:16?4, 2:16?i, 2:15}4- / /_-.. Rochester. N. Y., Aug. 12, if9W, .§1,700. 2:13?4. 2:11^4, 2 :24'o. To beat 2:1294. 1^'rZ^ Springfield, Mass., Aug. 19, 1880, §3,000. Darby, Hopeful, 2:1914. 2:1914, 2:15. '-■ Hartford, Conn., Aug.'27, 1880, .§2,500. 2:24, 2-ili4- To beat 2:1194. .Minneapolis, Minn., Sept. 11, 1880, .§5,000. 2:22';, 2:13. To beat 2:11M- Lost. Beacon Park. Boston, Sept. 25, I8S0, ,§2,500. 2:2414, 2:1314. 2:16. To beat 2:lli4- Lost. Washington, D. C, Oct. 8, 1880, .§2„50O. 2:19^1, 2:13='4- To beat 2:lli4. Lost, Prospect Park, L. I., Oct. 15, 1880, .§2,500. 2:23, 2:1294. To reat 2:lli4. Lost. Morrisiana, N. Y., Oct. 15, 1881, .§,5,000. Trinket, 2:141^2, 2:1714, 2:16. Point Breeze Park, Phila., Oct. 2'2, 1881, § — . Trinket, 2:17, 2:17,2:20. Cleveland, O., June 7, 1S83. .§700. Fanny Witherspoon, 2:18%, 2:19i'i. 2:21. Buffalo, N. Y., Aug. 9, 1883, .§5,000. Edwin Thorne 1, Fanny Witherspoon, Trinket, 2:n-X, 2d2, 2;17i^„ 2:1914. Rochester, N. Y., Aug. 16. 1883, §5.000. Fanny Witherspoon. Edwin Thorne, 2:1694, 2:17, 2:18. Springfield, Mass., Aug. 30, 1883, .§2..500. Trinket, 2:22, 2:171^, 2:21U. St. Lambert, ch s(3:01). by Bay Star, dam bv Bourbon ChieL C. E. Leonard, Lawrence, Kan., Sept. 5, 1881, .§325. Buford (2 disi. Woodbine Boy (2 dis), 3:18. 3:0714. Two-year-olds. St. Joseph, Mo., Sept. 7. 1882, §1.50. Jack Welch, 3:07. 3:01, 3:04»i. Three-year-olds. A. F. Carson, Topeka, Kan., Sept. 13, 1><82, $200. Jack Welch, Woodbine Boy 3 (4 dis), Billy Clinker (1 dis), 3:011^, 3:08, 3:0912, 3:02. Three-year-olds. O. E. Leonard, Kansas City, Mo., Sept. 25, 1882, $200. Billy Clinker 2, 3, Jack Welch, 3:0314, SrOl"^, 2:525^, , - — . Three-year-olds. Lawrence, Kan., Sept. 5, 1883, $250. Okaloma 1, Victor, Phantom, 3:11, 3:0694, 3:lli4, 3:07}^. Four-year- olds. St. Lawrence, b s f3 :34) (3 :31*). W. R. Prendergast, Buffalo, N. Y., May 19, 1848, $100. Chautauqua Cliief 1,2:.39, 2;41. 2:39, 2:41. Chicago. 111., June 27, 1848, $100. Chautauqua Chief, 2:36, 2:34, 2:35. June 28, 1848. $200. Chautauqua Chief, 2:34, 2:34, 2:35. eSA CHESTEK'S COMPLETE TKOTTINU AND PACING UECOED. Milwaukee. Wis., July 15. 1848, .?100. Jack Kossiter, 2:10, 2:»i, 2:.'5C. Montreal, P. Q.. Aug. 22, 1848. *2.^o. La Prairie ( i tlis), 2:21. Sliorl track. Darius Tallmau, liociiester, N. Y., Sei)t. 2i;. 1K.HI. .:^l50. Jack Kossiter, 5;30, 5:29. Two miles. Sept. :'7, iSiJO, i}-j:(>0. .lack Kossiter, Bliillcr d dis). 2:41. 2:44, 2:48. Buffalo, N. Y.,l)ct. 12, 1850, Si200. Jack Kossiter. 2:;«), 2:J7, 2:4o. Kodiester, N. V.. Oct. 24, 18r)0, $300. J:ick Kossiter, 2:40, 2:38'/i, 2:37. Phihuleluhia. Pa., Oct. 2, \X>\. 5i300. Khode island 1,2:37, 2:39, 2:40, 2:38. Boston, Ma.ss., Nov. 18, 1851, $ . Khode Island 2, 3 (5 0). 2:40, 2:38.2:40, 2:40, 2:44, 2:42. (W) Ceutreville, L. L, Oct. 12, 1852, §2,uoo. Wasliingtou {\\), 8:34, 8:59. Three miles. (w) Oct. 26. 1852, SiiOO. Cardinal (w) l (2 dis), J. Anderson (1 dis), 8:0TU. 8:14(2. Three miles. Mr. McAnley, Bradford. Ont., Sept. 12, 1856, S'iOO. .Sultana. 2:45, 2:45, 2:45. St. Ljiwr«'iic!e. b g (.3 :3G;, by St. Lawrence. E. 11. Keith, Newark, O., Sept. 1, 18.J9, S-00. Morgan Tiger. 2:49, 2;5-">, 2:49. B. F. Axtell, Jackson, Mich., June 16, 1860, $100. Abe Lincoln (w), 2:52, 2:36. St. Lawrence, br s(3:55',4). Charles Mix. Schoharie. N. V.. Oct. 15. 1859, 4>50. Timothy (w), 2:58, 2:55i^. St. Lawrence, blk s (3:55), by a son of St. Lawrence, liirani WoodruU", Union Course, L. L, .June 18, 1864, .«;30o. Liuly Gaffney l, Napoleon iV. (2 dis;, 3:0«, 2:55, 3:00. 3:0.->. St. Lawrence, b s (2 :35) y'irii)*). by St. Lawrence, dam Kainbow. George Van Wagner. Albion, N. Y., Sept. 30. lHii5. $400. Stranger, 2:33, 2:29. 2.32. Short track. Moses Belts, lliimilton. Out., July 2. 1867. $ . Mazeppa. .Stonewall Jackson. 2::i5. 2:37i.i. St. Lawrence (w), br s (,a:44U w;. William Borst, Fashiou Course, L. I., Aug. 27. 1808, :Sl,OOo. Vermont (w), 2:524, 2:44^. St. Lawrence, b g (3 :36). W. ^Vilson, Canandaigua, N. Y., Sept. 7, 1871, $400. Dispute, Lady Kendall, Black Doll. Frank Phelps (2 dis), 2:36, 2:37=4. 2:39)4. St. Lawrence, ch s (3 :35i4). Dan Steever, Baltimore. Md., Oct. 3, 1871, $.500. H. C. Hill 3, George M. Patchen (4 dis). Charley (I dis). Nan (1 dis), Sayage (l dis), K. S. DavisU dis), 2:39K>, 2:41}-^. 2:40>4. 2:35»/j. <>. J. Eyans, St. Paul. Minn., July 5, 1875, $200. Pat, Darkness. 2:37?4, 2:42, 2:^8?4. Minneapolis, Minn., Oct. 22, 1875, $ . Charley c;hamp, 2:363^, 2:35^. 2::ir>l^. St. Lawrence, gr g (3 :31). Sue unknown, dam by Pilot Jr. L. L. Lawrence, Indmnapolis, Ind., Oct. 1, 1873, $150. Pocahontas Boy, Pilot Duroc, 2:41, 2:44^4. Stallions. Columbus, ().. Sept. 9, 1875, $150. Mohawk Jr. 4. Joe Hooker 2, Cadmus, Hylas (5 dr). Marksman (3 dis), Dick Sliter (2 dis). Tattler (2 dr), 2:31, 2:31'5, 2:33'4. 2:32!'2, 2:33. .John Voss. Cynthiana, Ky., Sept. 23. 1875. $500. Ashland Kate, Joe Lawrence, John Dillard, Maggie Marshall, Ahnont (1 dis), Easter Maid (1 dis). 2:32«, 2:33'4. 2:32^i. .St. Lawrence, b g (3:56). H. Carroll, I'nionyille. O., Julys, 1877, $100. Bunnell, Little Henry, Charley Ingersoll. Union Belle, 2:56, 3:03, 3:03i^. St. Lawrence Belle, b m (3 :45). L. La Croix, Manchester. N. H., Oct. 1, 1869, $175. Hailstone 2. 4, Nelly, 2:48i-.->, 2:4.5, 2:45, 2:41)^, . St. Lawrence Chief, blk g 1^3:31), by Tippoo. A.Howard, Watertown, N. Y., June 16, 1863, $600. Elmore Everett. 2 (1 0), 2:31. 2:37, 2:36,2:32, 2:36. St. Lawrence Maid, br m (3:46), by St. Lawrence. C. Snyder, North Bridgewater. Mass., Oct. 15, 1857, $25. Linold 2, Honest Quaker, 2:51, 2:49, 2:53(2, 2:46. Oct. 17, 1857, .$25. Linold .3, Stranger, Kitty, Honest Quaker'd dis). 2:56, 3:00, 2 :.56. 2 :55'4. St. Lawrence Maid, b m (3 :41), by St. Lawrence. A. Howard, Watertowu, N. Y., Oct. 11. 1859, $400. George Dawson I, 4, Maggie Brown, 2, 2:51, 2:5,5, 2:45, 2:46, 2:43, 2:41. C. B. Miner, Whitby, Can., May 25, I860, $100. Frank Hayes, 1 (4 dis). Black Tom (3 dis), Shackleback (2 dis), 2:4.5, 2:43. 2:41, "2:46. Watertown. N. Y., Aug. 3, 1800, $100. Unknown. Tom Jefferson (2dr), 2:44. 2:43i,^. 2:44?^. A. Howard. Ogdensburgh, N. Y'.. Sept. 28. 1860, $12,5. Unknown, 5:.")8ir^, 6:08. Two miles. Dan Mace, Boston, Mass., Oct. 26. 18(K1, $175. Bob Kidlev, Young Edward, 2;40',5, 2:47, 2:48. May 13, 1861. .$200. Brown Dick, 2:48i^, 2:45. 2:49K'. St. Lawrence Maid, gr m (3:4.514). F. Jones, Portsmouth, N. H., Oct. 13, 1870, $50. Frank, Fearnaught Belle. <;reenland. Harry Gray. Greenland Boy, 2:.58. 2:.56, 2:.5l. .St. Lawrence Maid, b m (2:50). Mr. Visscher, Ballston Spa, N. Y'., Sept. 9, 1874, $.50. Ben ^Vaterman, Little Dan, Maggie, 2:56)4, 2:.54, 2:5,5. Se|)t. 10, 1874. .$50. Black FY.nnk, 3:00^. 2:53. 2:50. St. Lawrence Maid, br m(3:44). J. S.Lyons, Beacon Park, Boston, June 4, 1877. $70. Lady Buxton 2, clothespin, Kate, (^Uiirto (2 dr), Nero 1 (3 dis), 2:54, 2:46^, 2:44. 2:49'/i, 2:56i^. St. Louis, b g (3 :35), by Colossus Mambrino. C. C. Sullivan. Charlotte. Mich.. July 26, 1882. .§300. AVilliam S. 1, Cora Bell. Jhn Early, Keel, Prince Middleton, Kosalind (4 dr). Daybreak (4dr), Koyal Champion (2dr), 2:40U, 2:37. 2:.36, 2:36. \V. H. Kichart, Mansfield, O., Aug. 23 and 24. 1882, $300. Knth l. Kitty L. 2, Dolly Dow (3 dis). Hotspur Girl (3 dis), 2:4094. 2:36?i. 2:.36i4. 2:37?.i, 2-Mli. Cleveland. O.. Sept. 6, 1882, .'B7.50. Fanny Wilkes 1, 2, Alleghany Boy, Keveille, Molly Middleton, Made- line, William S., Freestone, Shennan, Toni B. (5 dr), Wade Hampton (4 dr). Ben Starr (2 dr), 2:28, 2:26J4, 2:26.2:25,2:27. Toledo, O.. Sept. 14, 1882, $500. M'illiam S. 1, Billy I., Molly Middleton, Freestone, Jack (3 dr). 2:30»i. 2:31'/5,2:3a'/2, 2:33^4. St. Loui-s IJoy, (3:46). Thomas Norton. St. Louis, Mo., May 9, 1874, $ . Glasgow Maid 1, 2, Wheelers Gelding (3 dr), , 2:.50. 2:46, 2:48,2:46?4. Nov. 13, 1874. $ — . Exchequer, 6:12. 5:58. Two miles. St. Louis Tom, (3:49). Mr. Crawford, Quincv, 111., Sept. 6, 1870, $100. Gill, Jenny Walker, Jack (1 dis). 2:58'i, 2:49. 2:.50. St. Mary, bm (3:43), by St. Mark, dam by St. LawTcnce. J. Wilkins. Bridgewater. Mass., Sept. 21, 1881, $55. John (iiiman 2, 3. Columbus Maid.'Ned. Prince. Ben Bisho)) (3 (\v\ 2:44^4, 2:45. 2:45Vi. 2:4,5. 2:45. South Weymouth, Mass., July 4, 1882, $125. Newport Boy, Lady Thornton, Muriel, Trifle, 2:44'/,, 2:43, 2:45'<.. St. Maurice, rn s (3:47*). J. Koussell, Montreal, Can., Aug. 2.^, 1848, $50. Fanny Ellsler (l dis). Queen (1 dis). 2:47. Short track. _. St. Nicliolas, (3 :53). C. B. Kelmer, Ballston Spa, N. ¥.. Sept. 13, 1877. $50. Congress Street. Thomas' gr g, Kitty, Minnie W., 2:52, 2:56J4, 2 :52H. ^ , , .. „ . „ .- Stock Ale (Beer Jerker), chg (3 -.5^%). Mr. Russell, St. Louis, Mo.. June 15. 1866. $200. Lady Atwell 1, 2:57, 2:54?.i, 2:.57, 2:.52"5. StockbridKe Cliief, gr s (3 :49), by Vt. Black Hawk, dam by Sir Charles. George N. Ferguson. Santa C lara. Cal., Oct. 22. 18,59. $300. State of Maine. Comet, Koyal Clyde d dis). Quebec Jack (l dis), 3:01, 3:04, 3:01. San Francisco, Cal., March 1, 1861, $.500. Abdallah (2 dis) 2:49. 2:51. » ^ , Stockl>rid>!re Chief, ch s (2 :44i^). by Stockbridge Chief. J. Sm th, Adrian. Mich.. Sept. 3, ise,!, $ . Green s Stalli()n2,2:.50'/,, 2:47, 2:44'/,, 2:47. ^ ^ „, ., „ «, ■ Stockbridge Chief, b s (3 :349i). A. Etting, Montlcello, N. Y., Sept. 7, 1870, $ . Rice Graves 3, Black- bird, 2:42V4, 2:34M. , 2:43 CHESTER'S COMrLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 655 Stockholm, bik s (2 :40i^). H. W. Brown, Ogdensburgh, N. Y., July 4, 1879, $300. Molly, Lady Grenville, 2:5^/1, 2:43, 2:40'/2. Stocklngrs, grg(.a:60). Mr. Gillice, Albany, N. Y., Sept. l(i, 187G, $50. Lady Maud 2 (3 0), 2:50,2:49>/4,2:50%, 2 '51 2:51^4. ■ '- Mr.'carsou, Ambler Park, Pa., Aug. 28, 1878, $ . Indiana, Gerrv. Frank, 2:r>8, 2:59, 2:58. Stoddard's Bay Stallion,. (3:5 7). J. Stoddard, Bridgewater, Mass., Sept. 24, 1868, $25. Union Boy 1, 3, Black Billy, Young Dexter, 2:55, 2:57, 2:55, 3:00, 3:01. Stoneclift; blk g (3 :41). C. M. Blivens, Nor walk. Conn., Sept. 20, 1873, $.50. Black Prince, Black Diamond, 2:45 2 '55' 2 2:54. '- vi^estportrco'nn., Sept. 23, 1873, $ . Bill Taylor 1, 2:57, 3:06, 3:00. Stonewall, (3 :48'2). St. Louis, Mo., Aug. 3, 1866, $50. Bully, Stock Ale, Bonny (1 dis), 2:55, 2:56, 2:56. Stonewall, rn s (3:46 Ji), by Young Kenible Jackson, dam by Norman. T. A. McCormick, Pontiac, Mich., June 15, 1869, $ . Informer, Frank Nevins (2 dis), 2:50:'4, 2:48}4. Stonewall, bg (3:55.) J. B. Judd, Plainville, Conn., Sept. 23, 1871, $45. ^tna 3, Billy, Densir (3 dis), 2:59, 2 :55, 2 :55, 3 :06i^. Stonewall, ell g (3 :3-4^, by Frank Pierce III, dam by Moscow. J. Johnson, Middletown, Del., Sept. 23, 1874, $75. Jenny Moore 2, Ilarrv Grier (2dis), Rattler (l dis), 2:.''>Gi'.t, 2:51, 2:53i^i. — — Kent Co., Md., Sept. 27 and 28, 1876, $150. Fanny Fern 5, 6, Darning Needle 1, 2, Odessa, Lady Thorn- ton, 2:51'/2, 2:48, 2:50, 2:45, 2:48, ?:45, 2:47. — J. R. Sudler, Sept. 16, 1879, $300. Tom Bayard 1, 2, Brown Tom, Clara Morgan, Bellevue (1 dis), 2:34}^, 2*33^4 2'34 2*39 2:31. ' Dover, 6ei., Sept.*23, 1879, $200. Spunky, Brown Tom, Clara Morgan, Effle. 2:40, 2:38, 2:36. J. Johnson. Middletown, Del., Sei)t. 30, 1879. $200. Brown Tom, Spunky, 2:46, 2:40, 2:372£. Oct. 2, 1879, $250. Tom Bayard 2, Brown Tom, 2 :38?i, 2:3514, 2:34?i, 2:34. I. Rosenfeld, New Hunting Park, Phila., May 6, 1880, $200. Charley C. 2, 3, Phil. Dwyer, Sally Scott, Vallev Chief. 2:31i4, 2:30i4, 2:31. 2:32, 2:34. Washington,!). C, June 2, 1880, $800. I.yman 2, 4, Ethel Medium. Larkiu, 2:28, 2:293^, 2:30'/2, 2:29V4, 2:30)4. Oct. 9, 1880, $800. Belle Oakley, Dora, Phil Dougherty, 2:2414, 2:26i/2. 2:26, Belair, Md., Oct. 14, 1881, $200. Myrtle. 2:37, 2:31'/^, 2:33. Timonium, Md.. Oct. 3, 1882, $250. Billy Bad Eye 2. Little Annie, Blue Wing, 2:33>/2, 2:33J^, 2:34, 2:331^. Elkton, Md.. Oct. 6, 1882, .$300. Jim Harp, 2:39, 2:3714. 2:37. Baltimore, Md., Nov. 6, 1882, $1,000. Billy Bad Eye 2, 2:323^, 2:31i4, 2:31, 2:29>4. June 30. 1883, $ . Billv Bad Eve 1, 2:30'/2, 2:31,"2:32, 2:313^. July 24, 1883, .1:500. Jay Bird (2 dis\ 2 :33, 2:28%. Aug. 21, 1883, $1,000. Douglas 1, 2 :25i4. 2 :26, 2 :27'/2, 2 :26. J. H. Phillips, Elkton. Md.. Oct. 5, 1883, $400. Lizzie M. 1, Little Splan (pacer), 2:34, 2:3634, 2 :33V4, 2:34 '4. Stonewall, b g (3:11). J. H. Sears, Gloucester, Va., Sept. 16, 1880, $ . Belle 3, 4, (5 dis) Hancock (4ro) 3:13, 3:11, 3:04, 3:07, 4:00. Stonewall, grg (3:45), by Logan. M. F. Winters, Joplin, Mo., Oct. 17, 1879, $350. Col. Marks, Mattie Gra- ham, William Uufus, 2:46, 2:45. 2:4.0. Stonewall br s (3:51'o), by Jim Hill, dam byClark Chief. W. A. Jones, Sharpsburg, Ky., Aug. 8, 1883, $200. Daniel Boone 3, Spartan, Endor, 2:51^2- 2:54. 2:52, 2:51'i. Three-vear-olds. StonewallJackson. b g (3:30i:'2\ by Count Piper. Thomas J. Vail, Hartford, Conn., Sept. 10,1863, $225. Hickory Jack. 2:45, 2:42, 2:44. John Lovett, Fashion Course, L. I., April 10, 1864, $100. Frank (1 dis), Cozette (1 dis), Gen. Grant (1 dis) 2:39. (w) April 26, 1864, $100. Lady Collins (w) (1 dis). Gen. Grant (w), (1 dis), 2:45. Dan Mace, July 15, 1864. $300, Ladv Tompkins 1, 2:37^2, 2:37, 2:3834, 2:403^. (w) July 22, 1864, .$300. Lady Tompkins 1, 2, 2:40, 2:415'2- 2:40, 2.39, 2:40. Union Course, L. I., Aug. 2 1864, $300. Lady Shannon (w) 1, (4 dr) 2:35, 2:37?4, 2:40. T. J. Vail, Hartford, Conn,, Sept. 15, 1864, $225. Walton's rn g5:37!2, 5:27'/2. Two miles. T. Carpenter, Fashion Course, L. I., Oct, 4, 1864, .$400. Shark 5:01. 5:06f4. Two miles. Oct, 12, 1864, $400. Shark 7 :39, 7 :39, Three miles, (w; Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Oct. 26, 1864, $ . Tartar (w) 3, 4, 2:33, 2:34, 2:34, 2:36. 2:33. New Haven, Conn., Oct. 18, 1865. $120. Lady Fearnaught, 5 :47, 5 -ASM. Two miles. Dan Mace, Fashion Course, L. I., Nov. 1, 1865, $500. Lady Jane 1, 2, (5.0)2:333^, 2:341/2, 2:37i/2, 2:39, , (w) T. Carpenter. June 29, 1866, .$500, Panic (w) 2:34, 2:35, 2:383^. James Dougrey, Schoharie, N. Y., July 7, 1866, $12.5. Fearless (3 dr) 2:40, 3:06, 2:44. (s) Dan Mace, Boston. Mass., Oct. 19, 1866. $500. Capt. Megowan (s) 5:41, 5:36. Two miles. W. Halev, Orange, N, J., Nov. 29, 1866, .$300. Three others, 2 :55, 2 :57, 2 :58. Stonewall Jackson, gr s (3 :47/2), Ann Arbor, Mich., June 5, 1873, $150. Hunki Dori, Wild Bill (3 dis). Hay- maker (2 dis), Wilkes Booth (2 dis), 2:54'4, 2:4794, 2 :47i4. .Stonewall Jackson, b g (3 :47i4\ Mr. Wilson, Toronto, Ont., Oct. 19, 1875, $200. Jenny Vincent, Silas Rich, Avenue Boy, Caractacus, 2:.52, 2:.5634, 2:50. .Stony Ford, br s (3 :473^), by Ilambletonian, dam Annie Seely, by Gen. Gilford, Iowa City, la., Sept, 4, 1882, $7.5. Gold Rock 2. Molly B., Sleepy Jake. Sleepy Liz. 2:54, 2:501/2. 2:50, 2:.52. Winterset, la., Julv 4, 1883, $ — '-. Sunlight, 2:49, 2:47!^, 2:50;4. Storm, b s(3:49"o), by Clark Chief, J. N. Williams, Jr., Nashville, Tenn., Oct. 28, 1875, $50. Country Boy 2, 5. Bob Lee 3, Big Sugar, 2:563^, 2:52. 2:50, 2:49V2, 2:54, 2:56. Storm, b m (3:41 ), P. J. Manuel, S. Weymouth, Mass., July 4, 1881, $100. Bob Gerry. Pauline, Olive, 2:43, 2:41.2:43 Storm, br g (3:30), .J. M. Adams, Coshocton, O., Oct. 12, ISRl. $35. Spoopendvke, Hurrv Up, 3:20, 3:22, 3:21. Storm, (w) b g (3 :36'4), G. N. Harlow, Brookline, Mass., May 1, 1882, .$50. Hiittie Jefferson (w). Trouble (w), Fred(w), 2:50, 2:47. Stormer, b s (3 :39i4), by Surprise. Wm. Alderman, Dubuque, la., June 7, 1876, $250. Gray Eddv, Lincoln (2 dis). Mountain (1 dis), Pollv Hopkins (l dis), 2:47' 2, 2:50, 2:51 ?4. Maquoketa. la., Sept. 8, 1881, $175. Lizzie Mac, Como Maid, 2:iH4. 2:48, 2:48. Oshkosh, Wis., Sept. 13, 1882. $200. Prime 1. Frank H. 2:341/2.2:3.534. 2:3734, 2:.38»4. Minneapolis, Minn., July 4, 1883, $500. Namona (l 0), Grand Misery, Black Jim, Royal George, Fashion, Peter Farlev, 2:32. 2:29i4, 2:31^. 2:32. Storm King, gr g (2 :4«). A. H. Danforth, Montpelier. Vt., Aug. 20, 1873, .$200. Sleepy Dick, Colonel, Birdie, Dagger, Tim, Sam, Sister Johnson, Billy Mack, Lillia (2 dis). 2:.50, 2:48. 2:49. Salisbury, Vt., Aug. 28. 1873. $65. Shelburne Maid. Night Watch. Best time 2:51. Stoughton, chg(3:40). B. C. Hollv. Meadville. Pa., May 24, 1877, $350. Valiant, Banner Boy, Ida, Stayer, Hotwater, Ed Brown, Billv (s dis), Roadmaster (3 dis), 2:4134, 2:42, 2:40. St. Patrick, b g (3:33';). by Clear Grit, dam by St. Lawrence. J. W. Ingalls, Moravia, N. Y., June 4, 1875, $150. Henry Jr.. Clara. Mort Wright, Ed Allen (Sdis), Jim Briggs (2 dis), 2-M%,2A3U, 2:40. 666 CIlESTEi: S C'OMl'LETE THOTTING AND I'ACINc; lIKCOltJ). Juneo. 1875, S150. Jim BrlpRS, ITenry Jr., Mort WriKlit,Cl:ira(2dn, 2:45'i,2:45»,i. 5:47. Medina. N. Y., .June 'J and U). l«75, I, o. Young U illus 1,2, IJay Billv, Mountain Maid, Col. lIi)ton. 2:4(1, 2:41. 2:3><',i. i;:;;(J!c. 2:42,2:43. ■.':a'^.' 2 . Lotkport. N. Y.,June 11, 1875, $400. James t>. Townseud 2, liilly. Lady Picard, Col. Upton, (iartjliug Oil. 2:40, 2:40, 2:42^4. 2:40 O. Nowlan, Toronto, Ont., June 2, 1870. $500. Fulton 2, Wplland Oirl, .Tolin A., lookout, The Queen (1 di.s), l,adv .lulieu il dis), 2:4o, 2.4l?4, 2:38^'. 2:3C!-. Hamilton. Out.. June 22, 1H7(;, .'s^SoO. Tenipcst, 2:3(;, 2:39, 2:43i.i. .lulv 3. 1870, S200. Cray Eddv 1. Little Ktliaii. Ulack Mack, 2:37'.i, 2::!fi. 2:40'4, 2:30'.i. Toronto, Out., Sept. 10, 187G, §350. Lady Hill 1, 4, Cray Eddy, WiUiam W., Stayerd dis), 2:35, 2:35^4, 2:3.5, 2:40. L':35. Woodstock. Ont.. Mav24, 1S77. S240, J. IL Boyle, 2:4.';, 2:41. 2 :.^7. liondon, ( )nt.. Sept. 5. 1S77. .S2(i0. (;r;iy Kddy, ('apt. Tom, Ned. F/uly Rysdvk. 2:37«4. 2::J9'4. 2:39',4. Mr. Miller, .'iodus. N. V., June 20, 1878, $200. -Maggie Mitchell 1, Ib'ruiik Koss, Ada, I.orena <3 dis), , 2::i8. 2:30, 2:35. ■ — Kielilieid Spa. X. Y., July 2, lf<78, Sl50. Tteuben 2, Peril. 2:.37. 2:.3C, 2:36'^, 2:41. Kome, N. V., Sept. 20. 1878, §200. Toronto Chief. 2:.30ic, 2:39. 2:30. Kiililield Spa, N V.. .luly 4, 1870, .'?S(». Feniniore, Kit llolilen, Mohawk. Xotime. 1). Mcl'hee. Klinira. N. Y.. Aug. 27, 1880. S;ii;5. (ien. Beamish 3 (4dis), Ancaster Bov(2 dis). No time. \V. I'. Tanner, Johnstown, N. Y., .lune 7. issi, Sion. TorontoChief 1. 2:,W.i.2:37. 2:3794. 2:41. Little Falls, N. Y.. Aug. 1."). l!-8;;. §80. Marv Nr-wton. Nelson. Isabella. 2:3814, 2:39>4. 2:37'.... St. I'aul, hr s (3 :3.5), hv Young Morrill. Port VVaruer, St. Louis, Mo.. June 22, 1807, §300. llardbread 1, 3, ■J-.-.m, 2:30. 2:.'i7. 2:3.'>. 2:3S. Stra«l«M's Hambletouian, (Squire Talmadge\ bs (3:39i.l). by Hanibletonian, dam Lndy Talmadge, by \merieau Star. Jacob Strader, Florence. Ky.. Sej>t. 4, 1S75.5;100. Lay c hief, 2:51. 2:.".I. 2:."(»):.. Straijfht, ch g C-J :53?4,). Ceorge H. Land, Scranton, i'a., Juuo 14, 1870, §175. Billy Small. Kliad dis>, 2:5l?4, Straigliteclgf, b g (3 :35i 2), by Young Columbus. Matt Tanner, Hurstville, N. Y., July — , ib70. .S Capt. .links. 2:!54, 2:.^5,2:42. Aug. 18, 1S70. § -. Black Diamond. 2 :44. 2 :.'')5W, 2 :44i.i,. Chatham Village, N. Y.. Sept. 10, 1S70, $\.\m. Nelly B. 3, Mysterj-, 2:4CW, 2:45>/2. 2:46, 2:46. Hurtsville, N. Y., Fept. 21, 1870, .S200. Nellv B.. David Mack, Ben Mcclellan,2:40L-.,. 2:40i.-2, 2:39. Straif^ht Koan, rn m (3:34). J. K. Reynolds, Albany, N. Y., July 4, 1873, §7-5. Coluuibia Chief, Ontario .lack 2'.'>7 2'.34 2:.34'2. Straight Shot" iig (3:50' j). J. C.Smith, Taunton, Mass., Sept. 27,1871, $30. I'.lack .Taekl, 2, Fletcher's Entry. 2 :.57, 2 :55, 2 :.")0k, 2 :51 ! 2. 2 :53. Same day, §2.5. Duke, Longfellow, 2:50'.;. 2:n2. .Strange lioy," (Frank Crofool). blk g (3 :33Vii. by Ole Bull. Ceo. Lindenberger, Lexington, Ky.. Sept. 29, 1S73 .«;700 Nelly Crant 1, 5. Bill Thunder 8. Driftwood, Puss Tliomi)son. I'arepa. Ashland Kate, Belle Maud (3 dis). Kate Clay (1 dis), Fanny Kobinson (1 dis), Kuklux (1 dis), 2:38».4. 2:35?4, 2:34(/5,2:36i~i, 2:36i.a, Strange GiH, blk m (3:39). Ira Biddlecom, Trenton, N. J.. May 24,1870, Sl,00O. Register, Lady Collier, Don Juan 1 (4 dis», Ruth (2 dis), I.adv Emily (2 dis), Ke^enue (1 disi. 2:4.".. 2:41 14. 2:50''.... 2:47'',. Stranger, b g (3 :48). Ceorge Spicer, Beacon Course, N. J., Oct. 9, 184.;. §75. Lady Tom])kins (1 disK William Stranger.'l)fkg(3':46'/2). C. S. Bartine, Union Course, L. I., Nov. 3, 1848, $200. Lady Ellen 1,4,2:53,2:61, '- (wrj"conway, Centreville, L. L. June 18. 1849. $400. Fanny King (\v). 5 :55i4, 6:22. Two miles. (W) Julv 1 1 , 1849, §200. Lady Emma ( w), 2, 3. 2 -52, 2 :56. 2 :57. 3 :05}'a, 3 :00. May 2.3I 18.')0. $200. Virginia Maid. 2:.'^i2. 2:51. 2:40'i. ^ . , . Stranger (s) gr g (3 :46'.;) (3:35)^ s). Hiram Woodruff, Union Course, L. I., Sept. 5, 1851, $.500. Dutch Charley (s)l, Lizzie Dixon (sr(2dr).2:37,2:,'i8'»,2::;.v.. 2:40'.,. ..,.„. Stranger, (3:44). IL Hatch, Ravenna, O., Oct. 13, 1858, $40. Buckeye, Irauk Leslie Shanghai (1 dis). Pacing iiiurc '* '49 '* *44 Stranger.'gr g^ii :36), by the Eaton Horse. .lohn Cudney, Philadelphia, Pa., Oct. 19, 18.58, .$50. Lady Teazle 2, Hall's brg. 2:40. 2:41. 2:.54. 2:.no. .M. Coodin, Oct. 20. 18.58. .§.50. Bouvier's b m, Isadora (3 rtr), 2:37, 2:40. 2:3C. Stranger, b g (3 Mii). Batavia, N. Y., Sept. 20, 1805, §250. Gray Norman. Dan O'Connell, Frank Root. 2:36, 2:;3«'-.2:37. Stranger, b g (3 :37K')- J- D- Monroe. .New Albany, Ind., May — , 1866, $100. Brown Kitty 1. 4. Fanny stone. Major Mathis. 2 :42'4, 2 -.'iOVi. 2 :42. 2 :49. 2 :45>4. May 12. 18GG, SIOO. Belle Clialfaiit 2, 5 :3(;. 5 :3l. 5:22. Two miles. I'ittsburgh, Pa., May 26, 1866, $200. Chuckaluck 1, .3. (4 0) (5 dr). Bob Johnson (5 dri, 2:41»4. 2:39"2. 2-42X5, 2 : 10. 2 :46. Uocki)ort, III.. June — . isoo. $100. Stonewall. Monitor. 2:41. 2:39. A. H. Br:ind. Woodliiwii, Kv., .lulv 11, 1800. $150. Reuben 2 (1 0) (4 dis), 2:37>*. 2:41. 2:47. 2:40?4- Stranger, gr 8(3:3814). H. AVoodruff .Ir., Boston, Mass.. Nov. 22, 1866, §100. John Bartlett, 2:44«.^, 2:41%, 2 ' '18^-^ .StraiigeV. ch g (3 :.'-.8^. S. B. Larzelere. Doylestown. I'i!., Oct. 4, 1867, $60. Harry 3, 4, 2:58, 2:58, 2:56. 2:5734. •' •.5'l. Stranger (3 -40^ \iinmosa I;i Oct. 10. 1808. $100. .loe Benneit 1. 2, Bill Chandler, 2:49. 2:.51. 2:4.'?. 2:46, 2:40. stranger" bg (3:57'..). PliiladelDhia, I'm.. April 10. 1871, .$ . Rose 2:.57<4. 3:14 , ,, . , ,.„.„.,, Stranger, b g (3:41^). Harry Wilson. Prospe<-t Park, L. L, May 13, 1871. $100. Flatbush Maul 1, 2:44V<^.2:41V,. Stranger,' cb g (2 :38U,>. B. Hughes. Boston. Mass., Sept. 1, 1872, .$200. Sophy. 3:08'2. 3:01. 2:50 Stranger, gr g (2:45\' O. P. Smith. FalribauU. Minn.. .Mily 25. 1873. $140. Brown Jack. Rob Roy, Planter, Ladv C.rav, 2:47' I. 2:50, 2:4.5. ^ . , ,. „ ., =r .. », Stranger, grg (3:4G). .F. H. Phillips. Deerfoot Park. L. L. Aug. 27, 1873, $ . Lady Emma 3. 2:55, 2:51. Prospect Park, L. L. .rune 6, 1874, $400. Emma 2. 2:46. . 2:48^. 2:46»4- , , ^„ . „ _, Stranger (3:471^). New Orleans, La., May 9. 1874. Prize, harness. Bill, Porteous' ch m. Shaughr.in, 2:54. Strange'r.brs (3:431 i). S. C. Wilbur, Chagrin Falls. O.. .Tuly 10, 1874. .$300. Rupert 1. Lady McFatridge, ConstMiit. KentuckvChiv Jr.. Silver Maid. Discount. Boxer, Ix)ttie, Dutchman, Modoc Jack (1 dis), l-an- chon (1 (list. .lane Easlevd disl,2:4.5i.^, 2:48, 2 4,151;;, 2:45' i. Sept. 4. 1874. .$25. Peculiar 2. Gold Drop. 3:10U,. 3:19-',. 3:0.5. Sanu'dav. $ . Peenliiir. Cadmus. Chicker Bov. Flora. 2:.51^. 3:00'4. 3:00. .,..,». Stranger, b g (3 49). S. N. I'itcher, Beacon Park. Boston, .luly 13. 1874. $100. Kate. No Name (1 dis), Church Bov n (Iis> 2"50 ''•').5'i ''■49 .Stranger, blkg h':r,iy,\:' "wiiliam Brush, Suffolk Park, Phila., Nov. 24, 1874, $50. Bruno III.. Kitty Foster. Nelly (1 dis), 3:02, 2:57! j. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TEOTTINO AND PACING RECORD. 65T Stranger, b g (3:45!4). Ethan Bnllard, Rrookfiehl, Mass., Sept. 11, 1875, $100. Bay Tom 3. Lady Jenks 1 (3dis). Jim (-' dr), 2:55, 2:54, 2:54, 2:54, 3:02. Amos Pliipps, Miltord, JNhiss., Sept. 30, 1875, .?150. Bashaw Maid, Belle Brandon, H. B. Verry, Fanny Smith, MuK^ie, Rocket, Monument Girl, Shinbone, Maggie Allen, 2:47^, 2:46, 2:4oV2. Stranger, b g (.a :40). .1. K. Ish, Omaha, Neb., June 12, 1875, Sooo. Ned S. 2, .5, Mollv Graydon, J. N. Steck, Denmark 1 ^5 dis). Bill Paxton (.5 dis), Drennon {3 dr), ISIodoc d dis). Sorrel Bird(l dis), 2:45, 2:40, 2:41, 2:40, 2 ;39^ . '■ J. Drew, Manhattan, Kan.. Oct. 0, 1877, .?300. Farmer's Maid, Don, 2:45, 2:43, 2:47. Stranger (Baby), b g (3 :30), by Highlander. T. S. Town, Nashua, la., July 4, 1876, $80. Clara B., 2:423^. 2:51, 2:47. Sycamore, 111.. July 27, 1870, .$400. Gypsy Tom, Chance, Maxey, Doctor Rush, Selkirk, Tom Hendricks, Frank Kenian, 2:.'54, 2:36, 2:32. Freeport, 111. Aug. 3. 1876, $500. Selkirk 3, Maxey, Frank Kernan, Doctor Rush, Billy Watson, Chance 4, 5 (6 r o). Gypsy Tom, Lehigh (5 dr). Badger (.3 dr), 2:35, 2:32. 2:30i4, 2:37, 2:301^, 2:30'/;. Earlville, 111., Aug. 24, 1876, .?400. Charmer, Selkirk, Doctor Rush, Frank Kernan, 2:30',j.2:.36, 2:34. J. Keyes, Sodus, N. Y.. July 10, 1877, $200. Charley B. 1, J. Upliam. Charley W., Gypsy Girl, 2:36, 2:r,u, 2:36. 2:34^1. July 12, 1X77, $350. Blue Mare. Westlield, Brother Jonathan. 2:31, 2:32, 2:34>4. Stranger, I) una:-* 7). J. Thomas, West Oxford, Me., Oct. 11. 1877,$ . White Stockings, Bay Stranger, Su.san Jane, Safety. 2:54i/>, '.2:49. 2:47. Stranger, ch s C-i :35ij,). George W. Baldwin, Warren, O.. Aug. 11, 1877, $200. France 2, 3, Maggie Smith 4, 5. 2:35>4. 2:37, 2:36, 2:37'.;. 2:41. 2:40',, 2:37'o. Stranger, brg (»:49»4). Vv. H. Smith, Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Oct. 5, 1877, .$225. Lizzie 3, 2:50i.i. 2:50'/2, 2:46. 2:491.1. Stranger, b g (3 :57i4). P. Powers, Deerfoot Park, L. I., June 20, 1878. $200. Vixen, 2:57'/i, 3:01, 2:.59. Stranger, bg (3:50',!;). C. C. Ward, Waukesha, Wis., Sept. 12, 1878, f . Weasel Jr. 1, Belle Jackson, . Oconomowoc Belle4(5dr). 2:51, 2:.52i4, 2:50i2, 2:48, 2:.51?i. Stranger, b g (3 :44). C. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 22, 1878, $200. Lizzie, 2:46, 2:44, 2:14!-^. Stranger, b gv3:37'i). W. Shannon. Contra Costa. Cal.. Oct. 1, 1879, $500. Pinole Patehen, Gypsy Huntii g- ton, Frank Rhodes 1. 2 (5 dr), 2:37, 2:39, 2:.38, 2:37i4, 2:40. L. Zimmerman, Oakland, Cal.. March 4, 1880, $400. Howell, 8 :37, 8:34i4, 8:25. Three miles. Stranger, b g (3: SO'^). J. L. Groye, Cambridge, 111., Sept. 3, 1880, .$250. "fehoo Fly 2, 3. Carrie Cozzen?- 4, 6, Colonel B. t. May Queen, Comanche. 2:44';, 2:45^,2:45, 2:40, 2:401^, 2:41'/2, 2:39J4, 2:40. Stranger, b g (3:33%), by Mambriiio Hambletonian, dam Gray Mary, by Traveller. M. Casey, Cleveland, O., July 26, 1881, .$500. Rockey, Ladv Belle, (^hester F., Flying Cloud, 5:09%, 5:10. Two miles. Utlca, N. Y., Aug. 16, 1881, $500. Chester F., Racliel, Hattie Fisher, 5:01J4, 5:06. Two miles. Newark, O., Oct. 4, 1882, $2no. Josie Mansfield 3. Belle C. 2 :3.5M. 2:36)/.^, 2-43. 2:35'/2. Dayton, O.. May 31, 1883, $700. Billy Ford 1, 2, Ollie. Sanford Keith (2 "ills), 2:38, 2:40, 2:.Ti. 2:.35, 2:39. " ■ " O., Ju ■ ' ^ ■ ' ~ " "■ ■ Columbus, O., June 13 and 14. 1883. $700. Index 3, 4, Sleepy Joe 5, 6, Brown Wilkes, Alcyone, Rigolette, Outlaw, Zulu. Lady Elgin (6 dr), Ollie (5 dr), 2:26' i, 2:27, 2:2814, 2:29. 2:29^4, 2:.30i4, 2:2614. Kalamazoo, Mich., Julv 11, 1883. $700. Ina G. 1, Minnie Warren, Waiting, Commander, Reveille, Blau' h; H. (2 dis), 2:24%, 2:2514, 2:27. 2:26%. Cleveland, O., August 3. 1883. $1,500. Zoe B. 2, 3, Handicap 1, Kitty Patehen, Rlenzi, Algalh, Western. Ahnonarch, 2:22, 2:24, 2:22%. 2:22%. 2:23^, 2:25%. • Buffalo, N. Y., Aug. 10, 1883, $1,500. Frank 1, 2, Almonarch 3, Stephen G., Maggie F., 2:25, 2:23%, 2:24%, 2:27%. 2:241^. 2:29. Petrolia. Ont., Oct. 5, 1883, $250. Gazetteer 1, 2, Caledonia Chief, 2:38%. 2:41, 2:40, 2:45, 2:37. Stranger, ch g (3 :39), by Alta. T. J. Sydner, Cynthiana, Kv., August 25, 1881, $500. Pegasus 3, Rachel B. 4, Carl.vle, King Philip, J. B. Richardson, Hill top, 2:.34, 2:29i.i. 2:.35, 2:32. 2:33i^. Stranger Girl (3 :40). Waterloo, Out., Sept. 23, 1874, $200. Nilsson. 2:40, 2:42i/2. 2:43. Stratliblain, b .s (3 :08), by Stratlimore, dam Lady Carr. bv American Clay. Mavsville, Ky., Sept. 22, 1882, $163. Daniel Boone. Bertie Blinn, 3:08, 3:1114. two-year-olds. Strathlan, br s (3:39ii), bv Strathmore, dam by Idol. C. W. Ingraham, Cedar Rapids, la., June 1.5, 1883, $500. Westmont l, 2, Little Miss 3, Toronto Maid, John F., Lady Hopeful (3 dis), Speculator (2 ilis), 2:30, 2:3\}4. 2:29!4, 2:33%, 2:.31%, 2:31. Oskaloosa, la., June 29, 1883, $.500. Little Miss 2, 4, Westmont 1, Felix, 2:33U, 2:30, 2:3414, 2:31, 2:42, 2:39'.;. Mason City, la., Julys, 1883, .$500. May H. 2, 3, Exception, Gov. Tilden, 2:291^,2:2914, 2:2914, 2:30%, July 6, 1883, $500. Felix 4, Billy Clinker l. Exception, 2:321^,2:2914, 2:29'/, 2:38';, 2:34. Strathmore, b g (3 :30). C. H. Marsh, Avon, N. Y., June 2, $1866 $100. Anr^rican Star, Stonewall Jackson, 2:45,2:40,2:40. June 14, 1866, $500. American Star, 2:36, 2:35, 2:34. Seneca Falls, N. Y., July 10. 1806, $200. Ben McCIellan 2, Crazy Jane, Niagara, 2:33%. 2:33%, 2:33'4, 2:34. Syracuse, N. Y., July 19. 1866, $2.50. Crazy Jane 3, Ben McCIellan, 2:34, 2:30. 2:31i4, 2:31. Strathmore, b g (3 :44Va). C. Russell, Woodsburg, N. Y., Aug. 7, 1883, $150. Relapse 2. Dan H., Ben (3 dis), Kate (1 dis), 2:44'i, 2:50. 2:46';, 2:47. « St. Reino, b g (3 :38',), by Volunteer, dam Flora, by Harry Clay. D. Baird, Cobbleskill. N, Y., Sept. 26, 1878, $150. Andy. Bay Tom, Livery. No time. W. S. Sargeant, Belmont Park, Phila.. May 25. 1880, .$400. Legal Tender 1, 3, Charley C. 4, Sally Scott 5. Phil Dwyer, Unolala. Brookside Flora (4 dr), 2:31. 2:29%. 2:27%, 2:28i^ 2:28i4, 2:30'/2, 2:31. Poughkeepsie. N. Y., June 10, 1880, ,$400. Uncle Dave, 2:48. 2:.35, 2:.32. Strideaway, br g ( 3 :38'i), by Manibrino Chief, dam by Jones' Drennon (?). C. W. Phillips, Clinton, la., July 1. l.S(j8, .SI2.5. Buckshire, Vosburgh, McCIellan (2 dlsj. Emigrant (2 dis), Norman (l dis), Winona (1 dis), 2:43, 2:4114. Short track. July 3, 1868, .S125. Northern Light 1, Emigrant. Champion Maid (2dr), 2:34^, 2:41,2:42. Short track. J. H. Hight, Urbana. 111., July .30, 1S69. $175. Moore's dn m 1, 2:40';, 2:36, 2:36i4, 2:37. W. H. Wilson, Detroit, Mich., Sept. 14, 1809, $ . Ella Ellwood, Frank Burroughs, Lounger (2 dis) 2:35, 2:.35, 2:.35'4. Sept. 16, 1869. $500. Frank Rolfe. Diamond, Ella Ellwood. Gav Deceives 2:.37i4, 2:.37. 2:.37%. Strideaway, b s<3:31), bv Black Hawk Telegraph, dam Pocahontas, by Iron's Cadmus. B. Shnmway. Bos- ton, Mass., Sept. 12, 187?, $l,.50o. Ljidy Backus. Comet, Joe Booker, Black Prince. Factory Girl l (4 dis), Doubtful (2dis),2:29i4, 2:31, 2:31, 2:.34%. Strong's Bay Mare (3 •.41hi). Mr. Strong, Mercer County, Pa., June — , 1867. $100. Mercer, thirteen others, 2:45,2:4114. Stuart, b s (3:391^), by Strathmore. dam bv Coaster. J. T. McMillan, Sharpsburgh, Ky., Aug. 1.5, 1882, $85. Daniel Boone. Windsor, Stonewall (1 dis). 3:07, 3:00. Two-year-olds. b g, Paris. Ky., Sept. 5, 1883, $500. Roseberry, Stonewall Jiickson, Rouster, Daniel Boone, 2:39%,2;43i^, 2:42. Three-year-olds. Maysville, Ky., Sept. 19, 1883, $100. Wilkes' Boy, Prince Edward, 2:39, 2 :29'^, 2 :29'/^ 42 6:j «.JlL.STKlfS COMPLETE TUOTTING AND PACING RECOUD. Stuart's Bay Mare (3 :48). T. Stuart, Concord, N. H., Oct. 3, 18C5, SlOO. Ilirain Allen 2, Lady Sorrell, 2:48, '- Oct. 4^" Iho"-). jiGO. lliriun Allen (1 dls). Frank (1 dls), 2:48. .Stubtoe. 1)1- g a :.>4i. S. I). Kicliiirds. ]5arrie. Mass., May JS, 1H79, S25. No Name, 2:,54, 2:54. Stump Puller (Coluniljia Cliii'l), blk s (« :a8Wi. by Manibrino lilack Hawk. G. W. Camp, South Bend, Ind., Sept. 26, 11S73, $ . Young liinnlon, 15oy Jordan, Molly 2 ^3dr), AdaF. (3 dis), Nelly Stover (Idis), 2:38'.. 2:36, 2:36! 2. La Forte. Ind., Oct. 1 1873, $300. Billy Cusliing, Dolly (2 dr). Gray Alex (1 dis), Bay Dan (l dis), 2:485Si. 2:48Vi, 2:51^. Oct. 2, 1873. S300. Col. Barnes 2, Billv Cushing (4 di.s». Mollv Win^ (1 di.s), 2:41, 2:37?4. 2:43}4, 2:37)^. Same day, S3i5. Mollv 3, Grav Alex (3 dis). Col. Barnes (2 dr). 2:36?.i, 2:.wr,, 2:35, 2:33';. Battle Creek, Midi., «)(t. ir., I.s73. $3,'>0. Col. Barnes 3, Manibrino, Lady Hayes, Brown Kate, Billy Hot- spur, Professor (3 dis), (Jreenwood (3 dis), 2::&i, 2:.37, , 2:35. Oct. 17, ls7,!, $325. Professor, Lady Hayes, Billy Hotspur, Jenny Ilatton, Manibrino (3 drj, Wild Bill (2 dis), 2:;r,).oi, 2:3.5^4, 2 ::JCJ4. Kokoiiio. Ind., June 11. 1874, S'i75. Little Mack, Professor, Dolly (3 dis), 2:.!7,>4. 2:37K>. 2:36. IVrii, Ind.. June 17, 1874. S1,000. Dolly 2, 3. Cy Auger, Professor, 2:30, 2:31. 2:30. 2:32^-. 2:31^- .Sturtevant's Gray Mare (w), (2:50'/2 w). Mr. Sturtcvant, Cleveland, O., April 13, 1878, $30. Graves' b in (w). I, 4, Flora V., 2:.'i0'2. 2:.V2M, 2:52ii, 2:!)0?i, 2:50i/2. Stupid John, b ir (2 :40). S. Gibson. Exeter, Ont., July 3, 1867, $\r/). Nilestown Maid, 2:439i, 2:41. 2:40. Success, b in (5J:4294). J. Cariff, Masillon, O., Aug. 30, 1876, «200. George W. S., Davy C, Little Hannah, 2:4.5.2:429^,2:46. Successful, blk s (2 :50). J. S. Caldwell, Nashville, Tenn., Aug. 31, 1877, $100. Mambrino Bruce 1. 3, Mollv, 2 :.".0. 2 :.-K). 2:51 9.i , 2 S^y,, 3:01 . Sucker Maid, wli in (3 tSO'^), bv Robinson "s Rockaway, dam by Rob Roy. ,1. F. Smith. Aurora. 111., July 29, 1879, .S400. Mambrino Bruce 1, William H., Flirt, Clioper, Katy Eastman, Sleepy Bill, David C, 2:40'i, 2:40. 2:4014,2:40. M:uoinl), 111., Aug. 28, 1879, $400. Fairmont (1 0), John R., Calamus, William H., Hambletonian Bashaw, P.ig Foot, 2::{2, 2-.30, 2:32>^, 2:30. Thomas Smith, Quincy, 111., Sept. 10, 1879, $1,000. Business 3, William H., Green Charley, 2:32, 2:30,2:34, '■ iJnV'oln, 111., Aug. 20. 1880, $300. Emma Maxwell, 2:41?i, 2:41. 2:.';0. L:iwrenee, Ivan.. Sept. 17, 18S0, $800. Charley Douglass, ('eiitella. Musette (1 dis). 2:30, 2:32, 2:33Ji. .Io))lin. Mo.. Sept. 29, 1880, ,$300. Pine Leaf 2, 4. Mattie (iraliam. 2:42f/2, 2:37'^, 2:37)4. 2:36, 2:30J4. Oct. 1. 1880, $340. Pine Leaf 1, John H., 2:;i6!.4, 2:,;4'.2. '^-/.ioy.j. 2:31. J. R. Welch, Lafayette, Ind., Sept. 2, isgl, .*300, Jenny L. 1. 2, Annie Lou 5, Blue Bull Jr. 4, Girl E., Queen, 2:43'4, 2:38'4. -':40, 2:42, 2:41i^, 2:39, 2:32. Sucker .State, eh m (2 :4994). Mat Colviii, Terre Haute, Ind., May 26, 1870, $150. Billy Barr Jr., Grit, 2:49%. 2:49?4.2:52'.i. Sue (2 :47) Buevrus, O., Aug .5, 1874, $100. Lady Basha^v, 2:40, 2:47, 2:50. Sue Grundy, br m (2 :25'.2), hv Getaway, dam a Bellfounder mare. I). F. Bowman. East Saginaw, Mich., June I4,"i8si, $800. Forest Patchen. Rachel, Rockton. Highland Stranger, Mambrino Clay, Alice Woods, Toledo, 2:26, '2:25]4,'2:?.G]4. Columbus, O., June 28, 1881, .$600. Kate IMcCall. Highland Stranger, Little Jim, Mohawk Jlaid. Young Kitty Wells. Fanny Wilkes, Mamie, Maud H.,2:28i<4, 2:29»4. i-.i&U. Clcvcliind. O.. Seijt. 0 and 7. 18Si, $.500. Elsie Groff 2. 6, Executor 1, Fashion 5. Bristol Girl, Dan Donald- son (5 dis), Mollv Kistler (5 dr). Lady P.rownell (1 dis), 2:26, 2:25, 2:27, 2:26, 2:23(2- 2:2i>h, 2:27'/2. A. T. Miller, fiast Saginaw, Mich., Sept. 30, 1881, $100. Harry Bates, pacer, 2:28?i, 2:259^, 2:25J^. Sue Monday, h m (2 :34J4). J. M. Cornell, Goshen, Ind., June 23. 1875, $.500. Lady Neil, Allen, Lady Logan, Buckskin, 2:37,4, 2:34!4, 2:30. Morenci, Mich., Oct. 19, 1875, $150. Judge Douglas, Black Belle, George E. Farley, 2:40i/o. 2:41, 2:40. Manistee, Mich., Aug. 1.5, 1876, $100. Gen. ISIcArthur 2, 3. Mambrino Walker 4, 5, Surprise. 2:42, 2:41, 2:4394, 2:42, 2:44, 2:47, 2:49H. Sue More. (2 :51). Troy, N. Y., Oct. 21. 1863, $2.5. (Jen. Zollieoffer (w), 2:.52, 2:51, 2:52!/2. Suffolk, gr m (2 :.50). (i. R. Wesson. AVoreester, Mass., Sept. 23, 1870, $60. Midnight 1, Topsy, Hornet(2 dis), Dollv i1 (lis). 2:.56, 3:00. 2:,50, 3:02. Suffolk!) g (2:43). I). W. Conkling, Huntington, L. I., Aug. 20, 1S74. .$200. Rose 2, Lady Collyer, Prince Albert, Maggie (3 dis). 2:45, 2:45. 2:43, 2:44i^. Suffolk 4). D. Smith, Little Rock, Ark., Sept. 20, 1873. $400. Maggie Mitchell, 2:45i4, 2:46, 2:43V^. Thomai Best, Memphis, Tenn., Set)t. 18, 1874. $400. Kate. 2:41, 2:42, 2:42. Oct. 7. 1874, $300. Kate, Kitty Burgess. 2:50. 2:54. Oct . Jackson. Miss., Oct. 28. 1874, $100. Kitty, 2, 2:57, 2:479i£, 2:4394. ^ Sultan dig (2 :38'4). J. C. Davis, Des Moines, la., June 4. 1879, $250. Charley Hayes, Woodbury Chief, Guthrie Boy, 2:46!4, 2:4L', 2:.38"2. Summer Cooii, b g (8 :.';8t John F. Emison. Georgetown, Ky., June 19, 1875, $200. Hamlet, Chartey, Molly. Blind Joe |2 dis). Rattler (2 dis\ 3:11'4, 3:00, 2:58. Sunbeam, b in (2:30). L. P. Dole, Belleville, N. J.. Sept. 13, 1869, $50. Midnight 1, No Name, 2. 3:05, 3:00. 3:00, 3:02, 3:03. 1. M. Pettit, Philadelphia. Pa., Sept. 18, 1872. $3,000. Belle of Onieda, 2:35, 2:35J£.2:3.5i.,, Sunbeam, ch g (2 :38^), J. Mc Shaffer, Petaluina, Cal., Sept. 9. 1880, $2,50. Marin l.Johnny Blue. 2:45 2:.38V2. 2:41.2:42. „ Sunbeam, ch.ni (2:51^), A. H. Light, Lebanon, Pa., Oct. 11, 1883, $75. John B., 1. 2, Ben, TTarry, 2:51!2, 2:57, 2:51';i,2:51>4,2:67. Sunburst. Jr., chs (3:04), by Sunburst. L. Swarthout, East Saginaw, Mich., Sept, 28, 1881, $50. Don Pe- dro, Ismah (2 dr) 1 :35>4, l :38. Two-year-olds. Half-mile heats. «ei)t. 28. i882, $.50. liover. Don Pedro, Walter's blk f, St. Egiiiis, Ismah, 3:07Hi, 3:04. i"hree-year-olds. Sunday, b m (2:53), Howard Lewis, Westchester, Pa., Nov. 17, 1866, $25. Chester. Phil Sheridan, 2:.53, 3:00, 2:5.3. Chester, Pa., July 1, 1871, $50. Kate 1, 2, Sport 6 (4, 0), Fanny (2 dr). 2:.55'J, 2:58, 2:58!j, 2:58,2:68'/2, 2:58, 2:,5-i/,. Sunday Sam, (2 :47), Peter.sburgh, Va., Aug. 14, 1879, .$400. Lilly 3, 2:.50, 2:.52,.2:,51, 2:47. Sunnyside. blkni (2:30). Dan Tflfer. Fashion Course, L. I., May 13, 1862, $200. Gray Eddy, 2:34J4, 2:31>4, 2:31V4. i\v) May 29. 18C.2. .S800. Cray Eddy (w) 2:.37i,,. 2 :.'!.5i4, 2 :34>^. June 17. 1862, $.-)0«. Princess 1. 2:41. 2:34, 2::i0. 2:3214. Sunrise (3 :44'/2). A. F. Smith, Oakland, Cal., May 31, 1873, $200. Democrat 5:35Ji. Two miles. CHESTKUS COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING PtECORD. 659 Sunrise, ch m (3 :47), by Reindeer. E. H. Oilman, Barrie, Vt.. Oct. 22, 1873, $50. Lady Lightloot, Nelly, Al- fred ( 1 dis), 8unset U dis), 3:05, .3:10^. Three-vear-olds. July 7, 187-t, $50. Ginger, Yellow "Bird d di.s), 2:5714, 3:01, 8:0914. Mo'rrisville, Vt., Aug. 12, 1874, .^75. Nellies 3, Ginger, Nellie Diamond (3 dis), Major Demend (1 dis), La- bel (1 dis). 2:561s, 2:56. 3:00. 2:59'2. Four-year-olds. Sunrise, gr g (3 :55i4). George E. Whitney, Sandusky, 0., Sept. 25, 1874, §60. Fanny W. 1, Jay Cooke. Bridget Smith l4 dr), 2:."j6. 3:00, 3:02, 3:00. Akron. O.. Oct. 7, ls75 ^150. Fire Clay 1. 2, Gen. Stark, 3:02. 3:02, 2:.57, 2:56. 2:.55''2. Sunrise, rn in (3:50'. .M. Floyd, Pittsburgh, Pa., Aug. It), 187», § . Annie B, Watson, Alleghany (1 dis), 2:55, 2:.50i4. 2:50. Sunri.se, gr m (3:3~i'4). ('. Smitli. Jersey City, N. J., Nov. 16, 1882, $25. Frank A, 1, 4, Billy Barefoot 2, Phil Dwver. 2:42, 2:4S. 2.441-4.2:41. 2:.;7?i, 2::;<)=4. Sunrise 1) g ('Z :48). J. H. I'arke, .lersey City, N. J.. Oct. 18, 1883, .1?200. Katy, 2:55, 2:48. 2:48. Sunset, ch ni (3 :43 ). A. Cooper. Newark. N. Y., July 15, 1874. $300. Lady Vincent 1, Honest Bob, Sig, Lilly, Tom Collins, Am;izon (3 disi. Z''iii)o (2 disi, Sherilf (2 dis), Clifton Boy (2 dis) BavDoll(2 dis). Honest Char- lev (1 dis), Josepli (1 dis). 2:49. 2:4s-'4, 2:45. 2:4S';. July 17. 1S74. .S;!00. Clifton Boy 1, Tom Collins, Lady Vincent, Sig, Bay Doll, Zeppo, Joseph, Lilly (3 dr), 2:4514,2:49^4, 2:4.514, li:42W. Oswego. N. Y., Sept. 5. 1874. .$ . Gray Eagle. 2:42. Rochester, N. Y., Jnlv 5, 1875, $.500. I'rince 2, Tempest, Albion Bov, 2:46. 2:48, 2:47, 2:50. Oswego Falls. N. Y., Sept. 24. 1875, $150, Smoothbrier 2, 2:50, 2:45,2:45, 2:48^4. .Mexico, N. Y., Sept. 13, 1883. $130. Bay Prince (2 0;. No time. Oswego Falls, N. Y.. Sept. 27, 1883. Sioo. Daniel 4. Rhea 2, Jumbo (2 dr). No time. Sunsliine, ch m (3:38;. A. B. White, Myricks, Mass., Sept. 10, 1873, $60. Cassius 4 (2 0), Hiram, 2:50, 2:46, 2:45. 2:461.1, 2:49. Sept. 11. 1873. $8,5. Bismark. Troublesome. Kentuck (3dr), 2:46, 2:4314,2:47';. W. T. Coville. Wooiisocket, R. I.. Se))!. 17. 1873. .SIOO. Ben Follett 1, Black Ben, William S. Briggs. Fear- less, [ra Brown, Kantulah. Ladv Emma (3 dis). I>ittle Fred i3 dr). 2:47. 2:49. 2:46. 2:49-4. A. B. White. Taunton, Mass., Sept. 29, 1875, $175. Farmer Boy, Joker, Ethan Allen Jr., Ed. Carpenter, 2:38. 2:.39. 2:39. Sunshine, ch s (3 :30), by Curtis' Hamble'':onian. dam by Kentucky Clay. B. H. Neale, Danville, Kv., July 16, 1874, $60. Addie, 3:57, 3:56. Two-year-olds. Monroe & Richardson, Akron, O., Oct. 5, 1877. $ . Convert. Bay Frank, Joe Ceiger, Birdie Campbell (2 dr) 2*54 2*54^*4 2:52. Massilloni O., Oct.^ie, 1877. $200. Davy C, .7enny Star, Plendrieks, Davy Crockett. 2:50, 2:.50!2, 2:.50i4. W. W. Richardson, Y'^oungstown. O., Sept. 25, 1879, $200. Hattie 2, Nigger Doctor, Due Bill, Kate Hunter, 2:,37. 2:37, 2:3714,2:35. Akron, O., Oct. 6. I88I. $2.50. Empress l, Fanny Wilkes, Mechanic (l dis), 2:38, 2:34, 2:35. 2:37. Aug. 17, 1882, $200. Walterl, 4. Kinsman 3oy5, 6, Mountaineer, Prospect (2 dr), 2:29i^, 2:3014, 2:30,2:31J4, 2:3314. 2:.30'4.2:.30'4. Orville. O.. Oct. 13. 1882. $200. Minnie D. 1, Joe Kellogg. Josie H, 2:36i4, 2:39, 2:42, 2:42. Norwalk. ()., Sept. 20, 1883, $300. Gray Dan 4, Blanche H. 1, Lady Elgin, 2:32, 2:36, 2:34, 2:31J4, . Sanduskv. O.. Sept. 27, 1883, .§400. Glen Miller 1, 2:33}^, 2:33, 2;42i4. 2:37i4. Norwalk'. O.. Nov. — , ISS.3. $ . Mountaineer 1.2, 2:3494', 2:37, 2:30',2, 2:35, 2:38. Sunshine, br g (3:48). F. King. Clearfield, Pa., Oct. 1,5, 1879, .$50. Maggie Miller, Pansy, Danceaway, 2:52,2:48. Sunshine, ch g (3 :39i4), by Tramp, dam Flaxy, by Flax Tail. R. D. Sperry, Red Oak, la., Aug. 30, 1883, $150. Lorene, Pioneer, 2:43, 2:44U, 2:47. Superb (w). blk s (3:451^ w), liy Ethan Allen, dam b>[ Harris' Hambletonian. Frost & .lackson, Washington Hollow, N. Y., Sept. 17, 1867. Prize, medal. Union, Manhattan, Champion, Stockbridge Chief, 2:45!4, 2:45'. 2, 2:49. Stallions. Superb, b g (3 :39U). H. B. Holton, Pimlico, Md., Oct. 9, 1873, $250. Gypsy Maid, Modoc, Micky Free (2 dr), 2:46?£. 2:41^4. 2:39?4. Superior, b s (3:53), by Administrator, S. E. Larabee, Helena. Mont., Sept. 26, 1878, $200. Tarn O'Shanter (1 dis), Dutch Girl (1 dis). Black Joe d dis), 3:l6Vo. Three-vear-olds. B. A. Cocknell, Butte City, Mont., Oct. 16, 1882, $150. Overland, Clark Chief, 2:59, 2:58, 2:.53, 3:0i. Surety, ch m (3 :38). W. Johnson. Titusville, Pa., Aug. 22, 1871, $500. Jenny Lind, Walter Lee, Rapid, Key- stone Girl (1 dis), Kitty (I dis), 2:44V;i, 2:44',, 2:4.3?4. Aug. 23. 1871, .$500. Idol Maid, Jenny Lind, Rapid (3 dr), 2:38, 2:41, 2:41^. Guelph, Out., Sept. 14,1871, $1,000. Lady Calvert, Jenny Lind, Joe Simpson, Repeater (1 dis), 2:42, 2:46, 2:43. : Brantford. Ont., Sept 27, 1871, $22.5. Orange Billy. Tom Kimball. 2:42, ?:46'2. 2:42. Surplus, b s (3:45'2). bv Ashland, dam by Eureka. Mr. Hitchcock, New Haven, Conn., Oct. 1, 1863, $ . Green Boy 2 (3 dis). 3 :06i4. 3:08, 2:55'2. Three-year-olds. Surprise (Tom Craig). i;r g 3 :36), by Henry Clav, dam by Boanerges. S. H. Harbeck, Jr., Paterson, N. J., July 4. 1868. $K50. Belle of Paterson. Cole's b g. Etta Dillon, 2:30' 2, 2:4114. 2:41. Albanv, N Y.. July 15. 1868, $700. Hunter, Nellv Locke (30), (4dis), 2:34, 2:3454, 2:364, 2:38. July 17. 1868. $350. Gray Henry, Needle (iun, Donna Bella. 2:35'o. 2:321^. 2:35'i. Buffalo, N. Y., July 28, "1868, .$600. Huntress i3 0). Gold Leaf (3 0), Jack Brfggs (2 dis). Royal George (2 dr). Toronto Chief (1 dis). Prairie Bovd dis). Micky Free(l dis), 2:.36. 2:34, 2:.36i^. 2:3494. Goshen, N. Y.. Sept. 3, 1868, .$600. Tormentor. McKee's b m, 2:40, 2:39, 2:43i4. Providence, R. I.. Oct. 6 and 7, 1869. .$2,000. N. B. Palmer 4. Locust 1. 3, White Fawn, Old Put, Belle of Brooklvn. Mambrino Prince, Twang, Dresden. Daniel Boone, 2:2914, 2:2994, 2:30,2:3114, 2:27U, 2:27i^. Kaston. Pa.. May 28. 1870, $75. Rattler (2 0). 2:5.5, 2:.55, 2:.55. Trenton. N. J.. June 2. 1870. $1,000. Lady Sheridan 1, 2:3534'. 2:.35?i. 2:39>4. 2:421^, — —. I. L. Dotv, Boston. Mass. Sept. 22, 1870, $2,000. N. B. Palmer, Belle Strickland, Darkness, Western (iirl. Ed. White, 2:29, 2.28,2:29. J. H. Harbeck. Prospect Park. L. I., Oct. 14 and 15, 1870. $1,000. Charles E. Loew 5, 6, License 3. 4 (5 dis) 2:26, 2:26i», . 2:26. . 2:35. 2:29. Surprise, b g (3 :37). Mr. Edsall. Fort Wavne. Ind., Sept. 24. 1873. $400. Victor Hugo, 2:.52, 2:.56iw, 2:59. Edsall and Pierce. Sept. 18. 1875. $600. Gypsy Tom. Lucy D.. Belle of Fairfield, Chestnut Ned, 2:40, Surprise' blkg (3 :33). E. Ripley. Hartford, Conn., Nov. 4. 1874. $200. Sea Foam 1. Tip Top (4 0), Pipie (2 dis), Blind Tom (2 dis), Sarah Phelps (1 dis). 2:42?^. 2-A\%, 2:42U. 2:42, 2:42i4. J. R. Berry, New London, Conn., Sept. 22, 1876. $700. Spotted Colt l, Major Allen, Sydelman's Entry, 2*.38''9 2'359£ 2 '.3.3 2:33. Surprise' b' s, bv Whalebone. T. J. .Tackson. Springfield, L. I., .fune 15, 1876, $50. Minnie Warren (w), Jenny P., Prophet. 1 :42, 1 :40, 1 .40. Three-vear-olds. Half-mile lieats. Surprise, blk g (3 -.42^). J. P. Shauer. Mt. .Jackson, W. Va., Aug. 13, 1879, $100. Eastern Shore Boy, Maxi- milian, Helen D. Loag, Bashtine 2:45. 2-44, 2:48. 660 CUESTEUS COMl'LETE TKOTTl.NC; AND lAClNCi KECOIJD. Surprise, blk m (2 -A^H). I. Ayre, Carson Citv, N'cv., Oct. 15. 1879, .? — . Bullc Spencer, MeClellan. Jaokson 2:5014, 2 :4'.'>4, 2:49'4. Surprise, b k (~ :*4'.i). A. Nei'dhiim, Stafford Sprincs, Conn.. ( )(t. 7, l«81. $60. Lady Warren. Canada (2 dr), Belli' (1 dis», 2:43'.i, 2:49'.,. 2:49'j. C. H. Hatfield. Snnield, Conn., Oct. 11, 1883. $75. George M.. Ilaui Wickford, Fanny Alien. Enterpri.se l (2 r o), 2:44J4. 2:4s?i. 2:."._'?.i. Siirprise. 1) g(,a:31;. A. L. Thomas, Matoon. 111.. Sept. 14, 1882. S150. Joe LewisS, Dixie l, 2:,34!4, 2:31,2:.'<24. 2:31,2:32. Surprise, br g (2:46). J, J. Housnian, New Dorp, S. I., June 6, 1883, $100. Sleepy Joe, Kitty B., 2:53, 2:57, 3:02. Surprise, b g i3:.'»4J.4\ E. N. A.sh, Middletown, Del., Sept. 19. 1883, SIOO. Vallonia 1, Anna J., Sherinan i2 dis), 3:04'». :i:or,i/,. 2:54'.i. Foiir-vear-olds. Surrey (s). gr a CZ -.41 s). H. WoodnitT. Hoston. Mass.. April (!. 184<). 5 . Billy (s). 3:00. a:.").?, 2:.")2. is) Albert LaiK-ev. April IJ. isin.S.lo. Cov. Dorr (si. L^S.'iV.^, 2:47. Susan, nlk in i--i:.'-.Oi. T. King. Port .lerx is. N. Y.. .Iiilv U, ls.'i7, .S20O. I'ompev. 3;00, 2:.")0. Susan, gr ni C-J :40i. ,]. B. Loder, Flint, MIeli., .lune 2.S, 1871, .5(i00. Mollv Maek. Maggie Storm. Princess, I/idv Light foot (1 (lis). 2:41',, 2:4.i»4. 2:42. Toledti, ()., .Milv 5, 1871, $500. Kentucky Girl, Evelina, Hattie, Kane Boy, Princess (2 dis), Nelly (1 dis), 2:4-'/,. i!:40, 2:41 V4. Susan. Ii ni i!J:56). W.B.Bond, Ueadville. Mass., May 30. 1879, 315. India Rubber 2, Fairmont Boy, 2:56. 2:58. 3 :()(>. Susan. Mk m {3:4.';i. L IL Haskell, Portljind, Me., Oct. 21. 1881, $100. Millers Maid, Little Bess. Harry Knox, Eaiinv, Jobn S., 2:471;. 2:47, 2:4.'>. Susan B.. It ni (3 :5l>',). L. L. Howe, Geneva. N. Y.. June 14, 1883. $150. Rattler 2, 5, St. Peter 3, 3:00, , 2 :")!»' 1, 2:5!»V>. . 3:08. Susan P., b ni ("2 :4li4}, by Cassius Prinee. E. A. Perrv, Woodstock, Vt., Sept. 27. 1882, $7.5. Gold Hunter. 2:415-4. 2:44K>-2:4t;U,. Sei)t. 28. 1882. $75. Surprise. Nellv C. 2:42, 2:50, 2 :49. Susie, rn m (3 :48i. Mr. Hrowii. X^nioii Course, L. I.. Nov. .30. 1809. $ . Baliway. 2:48'4, 2:48, 2:49'2. Susie, eh m (2:21), bv ilaniiisliirc I5(>v. dam 1)V Wildair. K. Tobin. Providen;-e. K. I.. .lune 14. 1871, $1,. 500. L(itterv2. 3. .lack Draper, Belle of Watertowii, Netty Morris, Ella Elhvood (2 dis). 2::i5U,. 2:33=4. 2:34?j. 2:;i4'2.2:3.^;K'- June 16, 1871. $1,000. Lottery, Bridget. Easton Boy, Sea Foam 1 (2 dis), Dickens (1 dis), 2 :3I 'i, 2 :32. 2 :37, 2 :.38. Boston. Mass.. June 21, 1871, Sl.,500. Jenny 3, Fanny Fern, Lady Sears. Othello. Andalusia, 2:3.5. 2:34514, 2:.36i/'. 2::i3i-.,. .lune 27. 1871. $1,000. Juno. Joe Hooker. Prince, 2:.32, 2:30. 2:32. W. H. Harrison. Providence. K. I., Sept. 27. 1871. S6.000. Sea Foam 2. 4, Young Bruno. Medoc, Fleet- wood, Ohio Bov, Dreadnaiight, Ladv Augusta (2 dis). 2:27. 2:27i.ii. 2:28'-. 230. 2:29>4. Boston Mass.. Oct. 4.1871. .S3.ooo'. Sea Foam 1. Young Bruno, Medoc. Dreadnaught. Ella Ellwood, Fleetwood. Lady Augusta (4 dr), Ohio P,ov (2 dis), 2:26V6, 2:26W. 2:27. Fleetwood, Park. N. Y'.. May lii and Sept. is. 1872. $2,000. Charley Green 1. 2 (6 0). Medoc 3. J. H. Cole- man 4, Ladv Augusta, Sea F\)iiiii. Drciidiuuiulit. Yount: Bruno (4 dr). Ladv Koss (4 dr), Ben Starr (4 dr), Mary (3 dis). Dresden (1 dis). 2:305-4. 2:3(iL... 2:29'". . 2:29=.,. 2:2734. 2:26i/.>." 2:31. Boston. Mass.. .June 21. 1872. $2,500. Huntress 3, Sea Foam 2. 2:25.2:26, 2 :2.5K'. 2:26i^2. 2:31';. T. S. Carpenter, Springlifld, Mass., Aug. 2.3, 1873, .^0.000. Gloster 1, 2, Thomas Jefferson. Hotsitnr, ■ Crown Prince, Confidence, Major Allen. 2:23. 2:2514. 2:25'i. 2:27.2:25, . W. H. Harrison, Hartford, Oonn., Oct. 10, 1873, $850. Tliomas Jefferson, Parkis' Al)dallah (3 dis), 2:34»4, 2:32'/j,2:34'.i. New Haven, Conn.. Oct. 15, 187.3, $l,,500. Crown Prince 1. Parkis' Abdallah. 2:32?4. 2:3n.,. 2:31'4. 2:33. T. S. Carpenter, Providence, K. I., Nov. 4, 1873, $8(10. Parkis' Abdallah. 2:.36V4, 2:3.5?4. 2:30'/4. W. H. Harrison. New Haven, Conn., Oct. 15, 1874. $l.(i00. Barnev Kelly 1. Charley Green, Spotted Colt, 2:31'., . 2 :3f., . 2 :.34i4. 2 -.tWi. Wesilifld. JIass., Oct. 23, 1874, $500. Thomas Jefferson. Mavbe (2 dis), 2:.30, 2:29'4, 2:31'i Stamford. Conn.. Nov. 19, 1874, $.500. Barnev Kellv, AnnieCollins. 2:31, 2:29. 2:.32. I'oint Breeze Park, Phila., June 1.5, 1876, .'5i,.5flO. .'Toe Brown, Annie Collins, Abe Edginton, Eva, Susie Parker, Triumph (3 dr), 2:2.314. 2:22, 2:22?4. Hartford, Conn., .lune 27, 1876. $1,000. Bateman. Spotted Colt 2:27i.i. 2:26. 2:27^^. June 29. 1876. $1,200. Huntress 1. John H.. Ladv Snell, Amv (1 dis\ 2:22' i, 2 :22'4,2:23>.i, 2:2454. Springfield, Mass., July 4, 1876, $1,000. Huntress 1. Annie Collins. Sensation, Amy (2 dis), 2:245^, 2:22, 2:2.5. 2:23"j. Cincinnati. O., July 17, 1876, $2,000. Huntress, Nellv Irwin. Joe Brown, John IL. 2:29. 2:27. 2:29'/j. Susie, b m (2:40';). J.' Smith. Jersev Citv. N. J.. Sept. lV>, 187.5, $ . Don 1. Hector, John B., Red Cloud (4 dr), Sweetbrier (4 dr). 2:45',,, 2:4414 . 2:45. 2:45. Sept. 17. 1875. $ . Don. Tommy Moore, Handv Andv. Central Boy. 2:42':. 2:453., 2:44. Susie, bm (2:.33i.,). J. Reiiiuid, Montreal. P. Q.. Aug. 6. 1875. ^V.IO. Village (^irl 3, 2:33'.,. 2::(9i^. 3:03, 2:39k. Susie, ch m (2:301^). bv Daniel Lambert, dam Jenny, by the Bigelow horse. E. Turner, Milford, Conn., Oct. 26, 1876, $ . fiibboo. Pet, 3:10. 3:02, 3:00. Merlden, Conn., .Inlv 4. 1877. $200. Lvman. T. O. K., Baker Girl. Waco. Hampshire Boy. Dolphin. M.ig- gie (3 dis). Pat McCoon (2 dr), 2:.37',, 2:3r,%. 2:.38'/2. Julys, 1877. $200. Baker (ilrl. Dapple (1 dis).2:40. 2:37>4. 2:38'?. .Inly 6, 1877, $200. T. O. K. 1, Baker Girl, Dolphin, Lyman, Waco, Dapple (2 dr) 2:40, 2:.37'4. 2:37'.-, 2:3m. r Pake. .Tersev Citv. N. J., June 8, 1881, .$ . Billy Barefoot. McRoberts. 2:42'i. 2:43. Dec. 9. 1881, $160. tramp, TLirness Bov 1. McRoberts, 2:50, 2 :47. 2:47'-. P. Dolan. Parkville, L. I.. June 7, 188,3.' $2.50. Molly Reamer 1. Bav Biliy (1 dis). 2:41>^. 2:39'o, 2:44, 2:44. lulv 4. IH8.3. ., 2:.34, 2:37^,2:38, 2 :.36. 2:37 1'4- . , , ,„.,j Minneapolis. Minn.. July 10. 1879, $200. Mambrino Prince. Flora Belle. Col. King (3 dis). Lady Tilden (1 dis). 2:.32, 2:.33'/5.2:33M. Stillwater. Minn., Julv 17, 1879, $200. Col. King l, Ladv Tilden (1 dis). 2:.30, 2:30^. 2:.3.5^, 2:34. Susie br m (2 :54). L. Phillips, Providence, R. I.. Aug. 24, 1877, «100. Gypsy (30), Providence Maid (3 0). 2:64. 2:54>^, 2:52, 2:5454. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 6«1 Susie, ch m (3 :36i^'), by Geo. M. Patchen, Jr. R. Beck, Stockton, Cal., Sept. 28, 1881, $1,000. Starr King 4, a 0), Kitty Thorne 3, Honesty 2. Harry Hopkins (I (lis), Hancock (1 dis), 2;31i4, 2:31)^, 2:33, 2:.31, 2:30, 2:2714, 2:4G. .Susie, b m (3:3714). E. Gavlord. Stamford, Conn., June 14, 1882, $200. Daisy Pearsall 3, 2:37^, 2:39'.., 2:42 '/a, 2:41. Susie Allen, b m (3:451.^). E. J. Williams, San Francisco, Cal., Oct. 9, 1876, $450. Gvpsy Davis 2, Isaac Davis, 2:45}^, 2:4r>, 2 :48. Three. vear-olds. Susie «.. {iT m i3:34'.,). I. Robv, Oliilicotlie, O., Aug. 15, 1881, $300. Fancy Day, Ida H., Red Dick, Ida May, Little Gus. Rumps, 2:43, 2:41. 2:3!». Aug. 12, 1881, $2.50. Erastus 2, 3,5 Harry B., Ida H., Fancy Day, Hoosier Girl, Amy, William B. (2 dr), 2:34''2, 2:35. 2:3.5, 2:3,5, 2:38. Susie Brown, b m (3 :43' i), by Blackbird. W. Hawkins, Sacramento, Cal.. Sept. 19 and 20, 1h76, •'$450. Isaac Davis 2, Daisy C. (2 dis), 2:42i2. 2:45^4. 2:45. Susie Clay, bm'(3::J3'2). ,1. H. Phillips, Deerfoot Park, L. I., July 30 and 31,1873, $2.50, Tom4, 5, Molly Barker 1. Billy Lvman (5 dr), Wicklow Witch (5 dr), Katariua (3 dis), Minerva (2 dis), Bijou (1 dis), 2:l6i^, 2:46, 2:44, 2:48, 2:46, 2:41 '.4. D. Moore, Fleetwood Park. N. Y., Nov. 18 and 19, 1874. $'>oo. Sorrel Jake 1. 2 (4 0), Judge Bedle, Betsy King, 2:45, 2:44, 2;41K', 2:4;5, 2:35y2, 2:39. Susie D. b m (3 -.ST^), by Middletowu, dam bv Ed Holley. G. W. Miller, Great Bend. Pa., Aug. 8, 1883, $400 Lilly Dale. J. J). Ellison, 2:37^. 2:369i. 2:.38U, Yorkshire, X. Y., Aug. 31 1883, $300. Waxey B. 2, Orphan Boy, Pinafore, Col. Cross, 2:37^4, 2:45, 2:37>i 2 :37»4. Susie K., blk m (3 :49), by Skiinier's Knox. G. J. Shaw, Exeter. Me., Sept. 27, 1877, $50. Dapple, Fruletta, Broker, Tom Paine, McClellaii, Ladv Hooper. 2:49, 2:.50, 2:51. Susie E., b m (3: 49). W. S. Bond. Baltimore, Md., Sept. 2.5, 1878. $150. Halcyon (1 dis). Charon (1 dis), 2:49. Susie Hendrickson, bm d-AQ^j,). by Kirbv Patehen, dam Mav Day. C."W. Phillips, cainton, la., Aug 14, 1874, .$200. Joe Golddust, Nat Baker, Topsy. Cottonade. James Smith (2 dis), Plough Boy (2 dis), 2;50, 2:49?^, 2:.52. Susie Hill, bnu3:4l). W. T. McFarland, Santa Cruz, Cal., Nov. 18, 1870,$ . Harvest Queen 1, 2:48, 2:41, 2:52. San Francisco, Cal.. March 21. 1872, $ . Billy Ketchum, 2:52, . (w) March 22, 1872, $ . Billv Ketchum (1 dis), 2:55i4. (w) Same day, $ . Ladv St. Clair. ir,:36^4,. Five miles. las. L. Eoff, April 6, 1872, $100. Nelly Grattan (w) 3, 4, Ladv Emma (w) (5 dr), Knox (5 dis), 2:50i.^,' 2:48%, 2:51?4,2:559i,2:49Ji. Susie Kurtz, b m (3i33), by Kurtz Star, dam the Kurtz mare. O. Hoppie, Lancaster. Pa., Sept. 27, 1871. $.300. Clara 3. 5, Lyde 1, Barney Williams, Ned Patchen (4 dr), Joe(2 dis), 2:45H, 2:4.51.,. 2:46V4.2:4m, 2:42, 2:42. • Sept. 28. 1871. .$200. Joe, Lady Trouble (l dis). Lady Alice a dis), 2:47. 2:4914. )i\r,9\^. W. W. BMir, Wilmington, Del., June 3, 1873, .$200. Mattie Lyle 2, Lyde l, Billy Mustapha (2 dr), 2:425i, 2:42, 2:411-4.2:40, 2:41'o. . ^ . Lancaster, Pa.. July 24, 1873, $1,000. Lizzie Keller 1, 2:38, 2:33i/2, 2:37li, 2:38. R. P. Stetson, Wilkesbarre, Pa., June 3, 1874, .$400. Jersey Boy, Lady Weller, Dennis, 2:42, 2 :39;/2, 2 :35i^. York, Pa., Oct. 9. 1.S74, $500. Lizzie Keller (1 0), , 2:351-2, 2 :4052, 2 :40i4. Lancaster. Pa., Julvil, 1875, .$500. Andy Johnson l.Josie, 2:35, 2:33^,2:35, 2.36. Silas Wright, Sept. 29. 1875, $800. Tonsy 1, Harriet Lane (2 dis), 2 :36K 2 :34, 2:35^4, 2:36^1. Susie L,., ch m (3:39?.4), by Daniel Lambert, dam Clara, by Ethan Allen. \V. L. Smith, Woodstock, Vt., Sept. 30, 1880, $100. Molly Clark, Wild Dandv, 2 :43, 2 :39?4, 2 :42. Susie Lee. (w)ch m (3:00 w). San Francisco, Cal., July 31.1875. $500. Rattling Jack(w). 3:02?4.3:00. Susie Lillard, (3;40i^). Gilrov, Cal., Oct. 23, 1878, $50. Vermont Jr. 1, 2:46, 2 :4l'/o, 2:42, 2:41 ?i. Susie Owen, (3 :49i4). C. H. Nelson, Lewiston, Me., Sept. 8, 1881. $100. Bert, Mabel F., 2:49i>^, 2:50i/2, 2:.53. Four-vear-olds. Susie Parker, (Belle of Philadelphia), b m (3:35i4). by Henry B. Patchen, dam by Abdallah (?). D. S, Quin- ton, Philadelphia, Pa.. Sept. 25, 1872, $1,350. Joker 2, 3 (1 0), .Stewart Maloney, Walter, Scotland Maid (4dr), 2:3214. 2:3414. 2:33, 2:.33»4, 2:39i/2, 2:45ir^. Doylestown. Pa., Oct. 8. 1875. $1,000. Hannah D., Chauncey M. Bedle, 2:31, 2:34?4, 2:35. Susie K.. blk m (3:50). H. E. Russell. Bath. Me., Mav 30, 1878, .$.50. Una l, Royal George, 2:50, 2:50, 2:50,2:54. Susie Ross, b ni (3:3414), by Chickamauga. H. Tatman, Freeport. III., .June l, 1876, .$400. Quarry Bov 4, Badger .5, Mambrino Chief Jr. 3, Gen. Grant, Kitty Lewis, Longfellow (4 dr), 2:36i4, 2:3514, . 2:42. 2:37"^, 2 :38. Suspender Girl, b m (3:53). G. W. Harris. Nashua. N. H., Sept. 28, 1876. $50. Easy 1 (30), Dunstable Boy, Tiny (3 dr), 2:57, 2:.57, 2:53. 2:56, 2;.59. Suspense, (3:50). Mr. Crocheron, Mobile, Ala., Aug. 6. 1874, $2.50, * Henry Clay l, 3, Nellv T., 2:59, 2:2525^, 3:01i4,2:.50. 2:56. Suspension, b g (3:40). Sim D. Hoagland, Union Course, L. I.. April 22, 1858, $500. Jersey 2. 2:40, 2:361^ 2:41,2:411^. Hiram Woodruff, July 16, 1858. $1,000. Hawlev 5:31, 5:33. Two miles. (w) Aug. 12, 18.58, $500. Rosa Bonheur ( w). 2 :52, 2 :58, 2 :59. Sussex, blk g (3:30), bv Star Jr. L. J. Martin, RIttersviile, Pa., Sept., 2, 1875, $400. Wild Fire 1, Messenger Ironsides 2, Midway, Gen. McArthur (1 dis), Jim (1 dis), 2:40, 2 40, 2:42, 2A3U,. 2:44?i. Deckertown, N. J., Sept. 27, 1876, $250. Revenge 1, 3, Lottie K. 2, Lady F.T Dolly V.. 2:45. 2:40, 2:45, 2:42, 2 :42. 2 :45. Sept. 28, 1876, .$200. Revenge, Jarad. Lady F.. 2:42, 2:43. 2:42. Warwick, N. Y., Oct. 3, 1876, .$200. Rachel, Jarad, .Rooster. Mary Miller, Beecher, Major, 2:41i;. 2;36U, 2:3S?i. Belvidere. N'. J., Sept. 14, 1877, $175. Revenge, Kitty Clay, Ovation, Tommy Dodd, Bob Scott, Lady Brands, 2:42,2:40, 2:43 Waverlv, N. J., Sept. 28, 187S. $300. Jim 2, Mountain Maid, Jenny C, Starlight, Music, Harvey (3 dis), 2:35, 2:. S614. 2:. 34, 2:33. Sept. 20 and 21. 1878, .$300. Flora Windsor 4, Iron King 1, .John S. Clark 3,J. H. Ferry.Jennv L.,Chauncev M. Bedle (5 dr), Jim (3 dr), 2:30. 2:31, 2:33, 2:30, , 2:30. J. Hughes, Newton, N. J., Oct. 7, 1881, $300. Deucalion 3,4, Hattie 5, 6. 2:32^, 2:30i4, 2;29U. 2:.32, 2:.32?i, 2:31^2, 2 :32'/2. J. Chandler, Newton, N. J., Sept. 29, 1882, .$250. Iron Age, H. W. Beecher, 2:.3.5, 2:33. 2:33. Sussex Boy. nr s f 3 :40i4). Kingsbury & Co., Oswego, N. Y., June 12, 1872. $200. David Greer, Tom Kimball. Clothespin. WicUfd Will. 2:401.^, 2:44M, 2:4iai. Sussex Boy. br g (3 :50i. (J. Ingersolj. Deckertown, N. J., May 26, 1876. $50. White Stockings, Tom, Major (Jraiiam, Chance (2 dr). Best time, 3:00. Sussex Maid (Mary Logan), b m (3:41). bv Linn's Hainl)letonian, dam by Liberty. .Tames McKee, Port Jervis. N. Y.. Nov. 20, 18.57. $.50. Modesty, 3:04'o, 2:46, 2:44. Newton, N. .1., Aug. 28, 1866. $100. Bill .Jackson, Black Robin (l 0). (2 r o». Brown Charley (1 0), (2 r o), 2:41.2:43.2:46.2:441.^. 662 PHKSTKRS rOMIM-KTK TKOmNi^ AND I'ACINc; RECORD. August ?9. 18CC. $i'>0. Duke of Wellington 2. -1, Point Breeze 1 (2 dr), 2 :36, 2:42, 2:42. 2:42, 2:4G'j. Un- finished. S. V. Swit8(Hall Terrill). bg (3:28?4\ N. Kelsey, Jr.. Springfield, Mass.. Aug. 2i, istl'. Si.OOO. Coniee 2, JNellv (4 disl. 2::{1?4. 2:34'4. 2:32. 2:20. Nortlianipton. Mass.. August 29, 1872, S300. Sensation 2, 3 (4 0), Ricliinond. Montague .(ini (1 dis), 2:3C, 2:40, 2:4(tU. , 2:37. 2:39. Selienectadv. N. Y., Sept. 1.3. 1H72. S . Joker. Kd. Ellis. . . •_•:;«. .\llianv, N. "v.. Oct. jj. 1S72. S25(). ('olunil)ia('liief 1, Mat Taniu-r, 2:.i!»'.!. •J:;!4'.i. -j/.ih. 2:40. Swallow (Kva ami (ileii .Mare). 1) ni (« :25W>. (ieo..l. Hurt. CanilMUiiie City. Ind.. Oct. '.'0. 1874. .«1. 000. Ripon Hoy I. .lack C. Col. K. D. Itaker, Lilly Shields, (;raftou. .Iciinv. I.adv MeFatridge, Molly, Hasliaw. Tele- gnipii (2 iln. .Mexican Tom d dis). Black Hint d dis>.2::!2, •J;.f0, 2;:io. ■2:32. Columlii:!!!;!. <).. Oct. 2S, 1H74. .•?a".0. Lady Hayes, Hilly Collins. Frank (2dis). 2:;{|. 2:3.'). 2:3'2l,(.. Swamp Aiijcel, I) nM2:44i.,i. by Lightning. D. Dennison, Marysville, Cal., Oct. 10. 1871. $ViO. Dolly 1. 4, Robin. 3:13^.,. 3:00. 3:07-;"4, 3:10'i.3:03>,i. TliC?.t. Swan I.:ike bgC-:-'**)- L. Bortle, Aberdeen, Dak., July 4, 1883. $105. Harry, Bay Pliilli]), Billy, 3:03, 2:.'i6. 2:5(;^. Swarthout Colt (2:57'/i). Saginaw, Mich., July 12, 1870,$ . Billy Weaver 3. Black Mare, 2:57'.j, 3:01, 3:04^4,3.0.5. Sweep, b s (3:40). by Sweepstakes, dam Lady Forsyth. W. H. Rol';r. Easton. Pa.. Sept. 12. 1883, S7.5. Rosa Pease 1 (4 0), Rosa Lee (4 o), Sophia Cole (4 0), Daniel L. (5 dr), Molly B. (4 dr), JMarble Dusl(l di.s), Daisy, (1 (lis). 2:.">.3. 2:4!»'.i. 2:.">J', . •_':.-)(;. I'laii. Sept. 13, isS.i, S~r>. Rosa Pease. Soi)hia Cole, Rosa Lee Ida A.. 2:51. 2:52'.j, 2:54. Sweepstakes, bg i'^ ::?:$), by Kentucky I'riiice. dam by (onklin's Star. R. .loluison. Ooshen. N. Y., June 5, \xh:\. .?2(io. Wlnrlwiml, Star JNlamlnino, Velox (1 dis), Ramajm (1 dis). Clifford (1 ilis), Jim (1 dis). 2:»4,2:33, 2 "33 ^ .Vnne 7 and 8. 188,!, .§200. Mailland. Little Mack. Major Brodhead. Lady Rockwell, 2:38'i. 2:35. 2:35. Sweepstakes. I r. (Harrison Mills), b g (3:31), by Sweepstakes, dam bv Hulse's Hickory. W. C. Miller. Bal- timore. Md., Nov. 14, 18^3, $400. Arundel. Farm Boy (3 dis), Billy Batch (3 dis), 2:3.sii, 2:32, 2:.31. Sweetbrier. ch m (3:36). J. B. Hinkle, Sacramento, Cal.. Sept. 20, 1865, $2,50. Dick Gough, Queen of the Pacific. Toi)sy. 2 :;!(>, 2:39. Sweetbrier. oil g (3 :37). IL Brock Mystic Park, Boston. Aug. 21, 1806, Sl.OOO. John Bartlett (w) .3, 4. 2:45'/i. 2:4G, 2:53'i, 2:4«'o, 2:43^i. Nov. 2. 1866, $.500. Captain 3, 4 (5 0), 2:.37. 2:.37. 2:38. 2:.38, . ITiifinished. William Mack. Augusta, Me.. July .5, I8(i7, S . I,exington. Col. L.ayton. 2:,374, 2:40. 2:47. (w) Mystic Park, Boston, Aug. 24, 1867. $1,000. Rocket 4. John Allen (w) 3. 5. 2:44.2:45. 2:44, 2:42, 2:46V4, 2:45. (w) Sept. 24, 1867, .?20fl. Mocking Bird 1, John Allen (w), 2:40'2. 2;.39U,. •_>:: 9'.,. 2:41. Sweetbrier (\v). gr m (3 :36»4), bv Eugene Casserlv. dam Peanuts, by George .\I. Patchen Jr. Wm. Wood- ward. San Francisco. Cal.. Feb. 21, 1874. $4.50. Rosa. 2:.5G, 2:58. F'our-yeai-olds. Alex lA'wis, Earlville, 111., Aug. 25. 1874, $17.5. Jerome I Cased dis), 3:13'^. Four-vear-olds. G. F. .lacobs, Sacramento. Cal.. Sept. 19 and 20. 1876, $.500. Hayward Chief 1. 3. LadvCunnuings 5, Beau- tiful Bells, Gus. (Jladiator (3 dis), Kitty Clark (2 dis), James Lick (l dis), Flora (I dis), 2:35'4, 2:30. 2:35>^. 2:.34'o,2:.3.5i^, 2:37. San Francisco, CaL. Oct. 11 and 12. 1876. .$1,000. Mmm Whipple 4, Dirigo, Alice, Jerome. Tommy Gates 1. 3 (5 dis), (Jold Note (3 dis). 2:27, 2:28?4, 2:28. 2:30, 2:.30, 2:31. Oct. 24, 1876, $600. Beautiful Bells l. Lady Cummings 2, Hayward Chief. 2:30i4, 2:3ni. 2:3t!i, 2:28Ji, 2:31. Nov. 22. 1876, .$.500. General Reno 2, 3, Alice, Gov. Stanford. 2:32'^, 2:33»/a. 2:32'i, 2:3l>^, 2:32. Nov. 25. 1876,.$.30O. General Reno, Gov. Stanford. 2:3194. 2:31)^, 2:29. Marysville, Cal., Sept. 11. 1877. .$600. Nutwood 2, 4. Dutchman, Red Cross, 2:32, 2:30. 2:.31'i, 2:30, 2:30%. Sam a Clara, Cal., Oct. 5, 1877, $300. St. Helena l, 4, Lou Whipple 2, Chicago, Red Cross, Pilot, 2:333i, 2:29'/2 2:30 2:2954,2:30,2:31. ^"San Francisco,' Cal.', Oct.' 26, 1877, $750. Pat Hunt 1, Lou Whipple, Coquette, Sisson Girl. 2:26%, 2:27, 2:27?i, 2:26'4. Nov. 22, 1877, .$500. Confidence, 2:29. 2:28%,2:28W. Sweetheart, brm (3:33';), l)y Sultan, dam Minnehaha, bv Bald ChieL L.J. Rose, Sacramento, Cal., Sept. 21, 1880, $450. F>ed Crocker, 2:3l'/2. 2:3214. Two-year-olds. Sept. 25, 1880. .$ , 2:2("2. To beat 2:31. Two-year-olds. Oakland, Cal., Sei)t. 17, 1881, $2.50. 2:23)4. To beat 2:23';. Three-year-olds. San Jose, Cal., Oct. 5, 1881, $400. Albert W.. Flight, 2:.30, 2:25i.i, 2:26. Three-year-olds. San Francisco, Cal., Oct. 15, 1881, $— — . No time. Sweetheart, ch m (3 :43). W. H. Mayer, Mewport, R. I., Nov. 15, 1881, $40. Mary D. 1, Smut, 2:56, 2:52, 2:52, 2:49. Sweet Home, ch m (3:30), by Milliman's Bellfounder. H. ITogeboom, Walla Walla, Wash. Tcr., June 11, 1880, $-^. Kate Lynch, (ilassford (1 dis), 2:38, 2::!H'2. 2:38. Baker City, Oregon, Sept. 28, 1881, .«!3()0. Lady Faustina 3. Fanny Kellogg, 2:32. 2:.30, 2:32. 2:3414. Sweetmeat, brii (3 :3«H). (ieorge M. FYrguson. Deerfoot Pi.rk, L. L. Julv 1, 1874, .'!i;75. Dutch John 1, T4. June 6, 1879, $150. Volunteer (Jirl. Gen. Butler, .foe Dyer (3 dis). 2:45. 2:4.514, 2MH. H. Greene. Newport. R. L, Nov. 29, 1883, $ . Lineham's b g. Brunette, 2:49'-, 2:45. 2:4.5. SweetneKH, b m (3:3lV4). by Volunteer, ilam bv Edward Everett. Alden Goldsmith, Providence, R. L, June 13 and 14, 1878, $600. Robert Bonner, J. G. Morrill, Peabody, Democrat (2 dis). Flirt (2 dis). Lemon, (2 dis), 2:31, 2:.'!0. 2:.30, 1. A. Goldsmith, San Francisco. Cal., August 12, 1882, $.500. Poscora H;ivward 3, Blaekmore. 2:26, 2:26, 2:2.5, 2:29'4. Petaluma, Cal.. August .30, I882, .$700, Starr Knur, Crown Point. Cairo (3 dis). 2:271/,. 2:25' i. 2:24W. Sacramento, Cal., Sept. 13, ls82, $1,200. Albert W.. Nelly R.. Manon. Tump Winston. 2:24r3.:21i4. 2:22U. Sweetness, b m. H. C. Maddox. Winchester, Va., October 7, 1879, $ . Bastlne l. Bill. F'lora Temple. No time. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTINC ANl:) PACING RECORD. 663 Sweetness, h m (^ -.SI), by Youufi Volunteer, clam by Winsor Patchen. R. Lynn, Pouglikeopsio. N. Y.. Aug. ■25. 1882. .Sl.OOO. Red R'ircl. 2::n, 2:34. 2:31. Sweetser Girl (3 :42). E. (). Kt'efe, Wheeling. W. Va., Oct. 10, 1881, $150. BroWnwood, Judge Jaokson.Lady Forest. Sprite (1 dis). Tom Allen (1 dis), 2:42Wi, 2:45'4, 2:4314. October 11, 1881. .¥300. Brownwoofl. Mohawk Kate, Lady Warren (2 dis), Waninian (1 dis), 2:45?i, 2:42. 2:43?.i. Sweet William, brg (3 :56'i). W. Hodges, Chicago, HI., July 2, 18(i6, $100. Romeo 3 (20), Buck 1 (3 dis), Ladv Kate (3 dis), 3:01. 2:.58>4. 3:01. 2:.W'4. 2:56!..j. 2:.-,9. Siveet VVilliam, b g, bv Belmont. L. A. Baird. Sharon Spa, N. Y., Aug. 9, 1878, .flOO. Cooperstown 1, Andy, Linda Rhodes. Billy M., Harry Wood. No time. Aug. 10. 1878. .?10b. Andv 2. Cooperstown (4 disi. No time. Swift Boy, rn g i3 :38i.i). J. VVilscom. JMontreal. Can.. June 27, 1848, .?25. Pop. Indian Pony (1 dis). 2:.38i4. Swindle, i-ii g Ci :40). W. P. Kinzer. Columbus, O., Sept. 9. 187.5, $175. Lady Bashaw 2, Matt Brewer 3, Minnie Piert'e, Miijor Vaughn, William (3dr), 2:40, 2:39, 2:40. 2:4.5. Switzer ( WuLjiier's Bashaw), br s {3 :35?4), by Green's Bashaw, dam Mav Flower, by Champ. J. S. Wagner, Oskaloosa. la., Aug. 31. 1877, S200. Dixie, Wapello Chief, Warren Davis. 2:42%. 2:.36Ji, 2:36. Stallions. Davenport, la., Sept. 5, 1877, $500. Granger 3, Josephine 2, Illinois Chief, Wichita, Lady H., Pilot, 2:41, 2 :39, 2 :36' 2, 2 :38J^, 2 -Xil^. Sigourney. la., Sept. 14. 1877, .SIOO. Jim BroUiar l, Josephine, Bashaw (4 dr). Best time 2:35. .Switzer. ni g (3 :50). C. Cook, West Meriden, Conn.. Oct. 19, 1878, $15. iMinnie l, 2, Jim, 2:50, 2:54'/2, 2:50, 2:.">9, 2:47. S. W. Spink, ch B (3 :34). A. R. Daw, Canandaigua, N. Y.. July 10. 1877, .?200. Mary Ann, Ida L., Lady Belt, 2:30.2:36,2:35(4. Newark, N. Y.. .luly 17. 1877, .$200. Cliarley B. 1. J. Upham, Croff. Robin Red Breast, Sir Henry, Lady Hall (4 dr), 2:;«, 2:35. 2:35, 2:35V«. Waterloo. N. Y.. .Tune 25, 1879. $2.50. Billy Burr 1. Major Priest. Lady Beekman, . 2:34. 2:.3.5, 2:.34. Seneca Falls, N. Y.. July 2, 1879, .?200. Golden Girl 1 (2 0), Major Priest. Billy Burr. Hattie Fisher. No time. Sydleman's Bay GeUlinR (3:.57). H. D. Sydleman. Norwich, Conn., Sept. 30 1874, $35. Lady Cotton 1, Lady Nash, Unknown, Doctor (4 dr). Black Nell (4 dr). 2:.57'4, 2:57. 2:57. 2:57i^. Sydner Chief, ch s (3:081/4'. T. J. Svdiier. Sharpsburgh. Ky., August 5. 1879, $85. Tucker 1, Bill Duncan, George Owen, Secret, Sequel. 3:02i.., .1:081 ,. 3:15}^. Sylvia, b m (3 -Al^^). .!. Golden, Haverhill. Mass.. Sept. 8. 1873, $175. America 1. 7, John T. Bussell 3, 4, Tom Patchen ,Tr. 2, Ginger. Sally Come Vp. 2:43. 2:46Vg, 2:4:;, 2:4.5i'i. 2:4f!. 2:4.3^;. 2:4.514, 2-A5U- Lawrence. Mass., Sept. 11. 1873, •S250. Col. Dean. Sallv Come Up. Johii T. Russell, Auctioneer, America (1 dis). 2:41^4.2:4514, 2:47. Syringe, ch m (3 :40). Mr. Coleman, Ottawa Ont., March 6, 1874, $.50. Clementine 1 (4 dr), Nelly Gray (1 dis), Jenny (l dis), Snow Ball (l dis), Goiddust (l dis). Lady Carleton (l dis, 2:52, 3:00, 2:58i^. 2:40. 664 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TKOTTING AND PACING RECORD. T T. A., b p (!J :2G), by Sentinol. A. Dolanev, Westchester, Pa., Sept. 11, 1875, S350. ,Ioe Pettit 1, Lilly Jackson Nelly, Sam Frciidi, (iartli (.T dr). Harry (2 dr), Lexington (l dis). Portion (I dis), -Ji.iK'/j, 2:4L'. 2:40, 2:38. Nornstowii, Pa,. Sept. 10. 187.'), lijiOOO. Kelly 1, Ham Freacli, Sand Hank, Ladv iliirget, Harry Stewart (2 dis). Princess (2 dis), Lexington (2 dr), 2:4r.'4, 2:-lo, -j-ASli. 2:38!/2. • Andilcr Park, Pa., .Sept. 21, l«7.'i. .SWK). AlajiKic M. (2 O), Hey (2 0), Modesty, Sand Hank, Lady Burgett, .Mm, (:yi)sy Maid (4 dr). Nellv (4 dr), Princess iMediuni, Widway (2 dr), 2:30, 2:3f), 2;;5G, 2:40!/j. Sept. 23. 187.5. ,$000. Hey l, .Joe I'etlit .i, Modestv, Nelly {r, dr), Maggie M. (5 dr), I'rincess Medium (5dr), Hrapcr (4 dn. .lupiter (2 dis), Sam French (2 dr). 2::5.j:'.i, 2;30, 2:3,^'4, 2:35, 2:38»4. Fleetwood Park. N. Y.. Sept. 30, 1875, $400. Lookout 1, 2, 1'auline, Bay Jack, Flora, Harry Irving (3 dis), Susie (3 (lis), •J::;l. 2:31. 2:28, 2:;5Pi, 2:31!^. Point Hree/.c Park, Phil.. Oct. 15 and 18, 187.5, $2,000. Frank Munson 1. 4, Andrew, Bay Jack, Andv .lohnson. Lookout, Maggie M. (3 dr), Chauncev M. Bedle (2 dr). 2:32K.. 2:30?4;, 2:325ii. 2:8214, 2:29. I). Hrinkerhoff. Beacon Park, Boston. June 6, 1870, $1..500. Ned Wallace 3, 4. Flora Belle, Kitty Cook, Helle 1 )ean. 2 :28U, 2 :28^, 2 :28, 2 :28^4, 2 :27»4 T. A., l)!ks(2:.51). E. T. Anderson, Lafayette, Ind., Aug. 29, 1876, $150. Tliomas Golddust, Brown Chief, Lady Lawrence. Frank, Toby, Honny (ti dr), Jessie (3 dr), 2:.51, 2:.51. 2:.51. Tabb, b s. A. Monique. .Montreal, P. Q., June 12, 1877, $50. Helle of Hochlega, American Girl. No time. Tacco, ch g (3:45). Beebee & Henshaw, Montgomery, Ala., Nov. 20, 1872, $250. Sam Keed, Clinton, 2:45,2:47%, 2:48. Tackoy (Polly), grm (3:20), by J'ilot Jr., dam Jenny Lind, bv Bellfounder. Thomas Best, St. Louis, Mo.. June 18. 1800, .«ooo. .lohn A. Logan. Frank a dis). 2:34^, 2:32?^, 2:3354. Inne 26. mm, $1,000. Pilot Temple, .lohn A. Logan, Nabockiish (2 dis), 2:28}.^, 2:28, 2:29!4. (W), .Inly — , 1866, $100. Nelly Deal, pacer (W). l, 2:33, 2:31, 2:33. 2:37. Chicago, III., July 24, 1807, .?400. Medoc, Cooley, 2:31, 2:29. 2:28J4. Hloomington, 111., Aug. 22. 1867, $.TjO. W. K. Tliomas, 1, 2:.33>^, 2:30^, 2:35'4. 2:35}^. St. Louis, .^lo., Sept. l«, 1807, $1,000. Silas Kich, Molly (3 dis), Dixie (3 dis). Fearless (2 dis), 2:305!i, 2:29J4, 2:20. Lciivenworth. Kan., .fuly 5, 1869, $600. Blind Billy, 2, 2:38^, 2:38, 2:38. Tiicony, rn g(2:37), (3:a.5'i s), by Sportsman, dam by Shakespeare. J. Ward, Philadelphia, Pa., Sept. 18. 1851, $1,000. War Eagle, 5:291.,, 5:25. Two miles. George Spicer, ('entreville, L. I.. Mav 24, 18,52, ,$5.50. Lady Brooks, Pelham. 5:10, 5:14i^. Two miles. Union Course. L. I., June 28, 1K,52. $r.2uO. Zacliary Taylor, 1 (2 0), 2:37'/2. 2:34, 2;32?.i, 2:38'/2, 2:37}^. (s) Williiim Woodruff, Phil:ulelplii;i, Pa., Aug. 19, 18,52, $300. John Tonley (s), (3 dr), 2:36'/s, 2:3654. Aug. 20, IS5'.'. .$s00. .lohn Tonley, 2:42. 2:39, 2:.39. Sept. 7. I,s.52, $750. Zachary Tavlor, 2:36. 2:34. 2:37. fs). Sept. 14. 1852, $1,000. Zacliary Taylor (s). Black Ralph (s), 2:28, 2:29. 2:26. (s> Union Course, L. I.. Sept. 17, 18.52, .$250. Murdock (s), 2:33, 2:35, 2:28^. Sept. 20, 18.52, .$300. Lady Brooks, Boston (Jirl, Lady Suffolk, 2:31K', 2:.34, 2:33. (w) Sent. 24, 1852, $300. Lady Brooks (w), 3, 4, Ladv Suffolk (w), 5 (2 0), 2:34, 2:40, 2:36J^, 2:86. 2:37, 2:39, 2:41. (s), Sept. 27. 18.52. $.300. Murdock (s), 5:02, 5:05. Two miles. Oct. 5, 18.52, ,'$400. Lady Brooks. .Jack Uossiter, 5:07?i. 5:08M. Two miles. (s), l'hila(leli)hia. Pa., Oct. 2.5, 18,52. $2,50. Zachary Taylor (s), 1, 2:30, 2:2754. 2:32, 2:31!4. (s), .lune 2, 1H53. $1..500. Mac (s). (3 dr). 2:25's. 2:25K'. ' • Union Course, L. I., June 2s, 18,5.3, $1,.500. Mac 1, 2. 2:28. 2:29. 2:28, 2:31, 2:38i4. ( W ), .Inly 4, 18,53. $1 ,,500. M ac ( w ). l , 2, 2 :30U',, 2 :.30V., 2 :3.5. 2 :.39, 2 :37. .Inly It, 1,S5;!, $1,000. Flora Teinpli!, 2:28. 2:27, 2-29.~ Koehester, N. V.. Aug. !). 18.5;{. $1,200. Flora Temple 3, 2:35, 2:31%, 2:30>/s, 2:30^. . Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. 1«, 18.5;?, ,$:j,000. Mac (s), 1.2:29k, 2:29. 2:30'/2, . W. Peabody, CentrcvlUe, L. I.. Sept. 27, 1855, $1,000. Mac2,2:32V2, 2:,32>^, 2:33>^. Nov. 7, 18.5,5, $1,000. Helle of Saratoga. 2:30i,i, 2:33, 2:3.5. Hiram Woodruff, Philadelphia, P:i., Nov. 19, 18,56, $1,000. Zachary Tavlor, 2:42'/.. 2:5054, 2:46. S. Minier. Scranton. Pa,, Mav 11, is,59. $1,50. Old .Toe. Golddust, 2:,58,.2:.57, 2:55. .liuues Turner, Saratoga S|>a, N. Y.. Aug. 1.3, 18.59,$ . Jake Oaklev, George Daw.son, 2:2954. 2:30%, 2;;U. Aug. 25. 18,59. $100 Jake Oaklev. 2 :47, 2 :,39, 2 :.39. Sciioharie, N. Y., Nov. 4, 18.59, .$,50. Otsego Chief (3 0), 2:56'4, 2:54. 2:52, 2:50. Mr. Bull, Detroit, Mich.. Julv 20, 1861, $200. La/v. 2:47>4, 2:4.3. 2:40. Tiicony, b g (3:55). John Craig. Beacon Park, Boston, .lulv 12. 187.5, $2.5. Rosa 3, 4, (2 0), 2:55. 2:!')5, 2:53%, 2:,5«, 2:,58, 2:.57. Tacony, b g (3 :07). A. B.iker, New Hunting P.ark, Phila., April 20. I88I, $100. .lohn .lohnson, 3:10, 3:08, 3:07. Tadpole, b g (3 :57). J. H. Brennan, Keokuk, la., Sej)t. 5, 1H7.3, .$,50. Hob 2. 3:14. 3:08, 3:16. - — Fort Madison. Ta., Sept. 17. 1874, $.50, Hetty Nichols, Tuckidioe. :vm. 2:,57. Tahr^Vs ch.'stiiut Mare. (3 :4«). J. H. Tahre, Mineolii. L. L. Sept. 29. ISHO, $ . Jones' bg, Deltz's gr g, Rusluuorc's b m. 2:49'.., 2:48. Talisman, b g (3:35V W. L. Tompkins. Waverly, N. J.. Sept. 18 and 19, 1878, $100. Dan Pfifer 3, Little Dan 4, Phil Dean, Carbolic, Lady Reihl, Sophia Scott, Idol Ben, Ned (2 dis), A.Schuyler (2 dis), 2:35^, 2:35Vi, 2:39 2:. 30, 2:. 3.5. Talliiian'8 VoH, (w), (3 :61i^, w). D. Tallman, Union Course, L. I., June 7, 1858, $500. Woodruff's Filly (w)„ 2:.58'/„2:51>^, 2:53. K .a cilKSTKlfS (lOMI'l.KTK TKOTTING AND PACING ItECOltD 665 Tally Ho, (V.hiripool I. gr g ^3 :39i^). George H. Bailey, Portljind, Me., July 8, 1875, #500. Flora l, Mingo Tamaravk ^n' 5;; (3 :28i4j by Jack Hawkins Jr. A. T. Smith, Vallejo, Cal. . Sept. 5. 1878, .f250. Volunteer 3 ;.. Nelly Mc-Clellan 1. John, Fanchon (5 clis), 2:37J4, 2:39, 2:;J8i4, 2:34?i, 2:3G'2, 2:o7i^,. Sept. 6, 1878, $200. Nelly McClellan, Volunteer, Terrapin, Fanchon (3 dis), Fanny Kose (1 dis) Cheap -iV; H. Danfortli, Oct. 16. 1872. §100. Honesty 2, Highland Grav, Factory Boy (1 dis), 2:48,2:50M. 250 2-49 Woodstock, \ I., Sept. 25, 1873, $75. Cassius Prince, Hermit, Robert Bonner, -J-.r.-yl 2:40, 2:43. Stallions" ^. */5^'.',^'.'i-''?,.).i-:,*..^".^-^^'"' ^^' ^^''^' ^ — • ^^^^^ "^' I'-'i^let 3, 4, Nelly Web-ster 2, Fanny, Bay Abby, 2:38) -May29, ]s74,'.s .'. Koyal Mike. Best time 2:41 14. ClaremoMt, N. H.. June (>. 1874, »250. Little Jim 3. John Lambert, 2:43, 2-4214, 2-43 2-40 r(>l^^Loc-keVfdr^''''V'--38J^^^^^^^ l'-^ ^^^^' Fleetwing (1 0), Gypsy Girl, Pilot, American Boy, Rutland, Vt., Aiig. 24, 1875, $300. * Giftcrrd, Henry Itone, 2:45. 2:471/2, 2:42. Tanglefoot, bg (3: 41; i). F. B. McDonald, Little Sock, Ark.. Nov. 20,1878, $200. Dunning lllen (1 dis) Sorrel Dan (1 dis), 2:.57. ^ " Nov. 23, 1878. $250. Bay Prince 1.2. Grav Mack 5, 2:37^1, 2:41, 2:4i;^, 2:43. 2:57. 2:57. Tanglefoot, b g (3 -.SG^i). G. AV. Bancroft, Peabody, Mass.. Nov. 11, 1881, $300. Billy, U. S.. Kate. No time Danvers, Mass., Nov. 17, 1881. $150. Billy. 2:5614, 2:58. 3:02. Tanner Boy, ((ioldie),grg (3:334) (3:33 sT. by Edward Everett. N. Townsend. Orange Lak.-, N. Y Sent. 15. 1873, .§ . Comiietitors not named. 2:38^,2:44, . William E. Weeks. Amenia, N. Y., Oct. 8, 1873, $1,000. Culnare (2 0) (4 0), Corner Boy 1 (2 O) (6 dis). Isa- bella. Bonny Doon (5dis), 2::J7, 2:38, 2:3714, 2:36, 2:.37, 2:35?4. I'^leetwood Park, N. Y., Nov. 6 and 7, 1873, $500. Ella Millard 2 (3 0), 2:38^, 2:36%. 2:38J4, 2:.30?i, 2-40. White I'lains. N. Y., Nov. 14. 1873, $400. Ben Smith 4 (6 0), Fred Tyler 3, Ella Millard 1, White Cloud 2:.39}^, 2 :39>.i, 2:39}-.., 2 :39J4, 2:39, 2:4014. . (s), Fleetwood Park, N. Y., Nov. 17"; 1873, $500. Joe Clark (s), 2-A2'A,2:39%,2:36U. Cornwall. N. Y., June 3, 1874, $20Q. Volunteer Girl (s), 2:40, 2:40, 2:39. Goshen. N. Y., June 12, 1874. $800. Manhattan, Gray Dan, Ben Smith, Lady Shotwell (l dis), 2:31%, 2:.32i'4. 2:48. Fleetwood Park. N. Y.. June 22, 1874, $500. Commodore Carroll, Lady Byron, 2:31, 2'32 2-28i4 Mr. Moft'att_. .lune 23,1874, $500. Miss Miller, Heatherbioom, Lady Dahlnian, Molsey, Lady Fiske(l dis), William' E. Weeks. Catskill, N. Y., July 16. 1874, $1,000. Ki Ki 2, Spotted Colt, Berkshire Bov. Ladv Byron, Viola, Berlin Girl, 2:3214,2:3294, 2:3214, 2:32iJ4. J. » J Wilkesbarre, Pa., Aug. 21, 1874. $1,000. Tom Keeler, Dennis, Snow Ball (3 dis), 2:28U, 2:35'/., 2 -28^^ Syracuse, N. Y., Sept. 4, 1874, $1,500. Tom Keeler l. Joe Brown, Ohio Boy, Grace"(3 dis)," Confidence (1 dis), 2:28^4. 2:29. 2:30, 2:31. Middletow'n, N. Y., Oct 1, 1874, $1,500. Nelly Irwin 3, 4, Mary A. Whitney, Spotted Colt, George (3 dis). 2:.30, 2:30. 2:264, 2:311/2, 2:31'/2 s, k /, Baltimore, Md., Nov. i3, 1875, $1,200. Jack Draper 3, Frank Munson, 2:34'2, 2:324, 2:35, 2:33'/2. — Washington, D. C. Nov. 19, 1875, $500. Jack Draper l, Annie Collins, 2:32»i, 2:304, 2:3214, 2:324. — Petersburg, Va.. Nov. 30. 187.5, $500. Jack Draper l, 2. Annie Collins, 2:33J4, 2:31^, 2:.30i4. 2:32%, 2:3114. — D. G.Cameron. Memphis, Tenn., March .30. 1876, $500. Gen. Hood 1, Kate Campbell, Annie Collins. 2 35 '^'38 2:35 '^•37 — =- Kingston, N. Y.. Sept. 14, 1S7G, $800. Bateman 1, Ed. White, 2:32, 2:31i^, 2:,30, 2:31. — Fleetwood Park, N. Y.. Sept. 20, 1876. ,$1,000. Bateman 1, Prince, Ed. White. Billy Lambertson, Dan Byrant, Snow Ball. Ladv White, 2:27io. 2:25i>^, 2:28, 2:28'4. ■ — (w) Nov. 1. 1S76, $200. Planter l, 2:32io,'2 304, 2:28}^. 2:26. — Mav 29, 1877, $1,000. White Stockings, Breeze, Little Mary, Orient, 2:224, 2:234, 2:2414. — Albany. N. Y., July 4, 1877, $1,000. Joe Brown. Idol. Joker, Sensation, 2:27, 2:25, 2:25. — M. J. Dixon, Jersey City, N. J., June 21, 1883. $o00. Lowland Mary, 2:39i/6, 2:374, 2:37U. Oct. 2.5. 1883, $200. Bessie H. 2, 3. 2:45,2:42?i. 2:42^, 2:4.5, 2:47. -Oct. 31, 188.3, $500. Bessie H. 3, 4. 2:58J4, 2:4914, 2:474, 2:45, 2:47. Nov. 8, 1883. $50. Phil Dwver. 2:50, 2:47. 2:49. Nov. 1.5, 1883. $ — -. Briareus (3 0), Duroc. Bessie H., 2:43, 2:45, 2:43, 2:43. Nov. 22, 1883. $200. Phil Dwver, 2 :55io, 2:.59, 2 :.54. Tanner Boy, h g (3:44). J. D. Kidd. Tinionium, Md., Sept. 6, 1883, $100. Pocket, Calico Maid (2 dis), 2:48, 2:44,2:46. Tanner's Chestnut Stallion, (3 :55). W. Tanner, Little Falls, N. Y., Sept. 21, 1865, $50. Clapp's b 8,3:25,3:30, Tansy, ch m (3 :39). L. S. Sammis, Chatham, N. Y., July 12, I860, $200. Andv Mulligan l. Capitola 2, 3 (6 dr), 2:394,2:4.3,2:41.2:4114,2:41^4.2:39. ' Winsted. Can., Sept. 22, i860. $50. Old Man's Mare, 13:35. Five miles. Tansy, br m (3 :54M). by George Wilkes. W. L. Simmons, Fleetwood Park, N. Y., Nov. 8. 1871, $200. Lady Sutton (1 dis). 2:,54%. Three-year-olds. Tansy. br g (3 :00). L. Rainey, Suffolk Park, Phila.. July 8. 1878, .$200. Lizzie 2, 3:29. 3:26. 3 :00. 3:081-^.^. Tarapin, du s (3 :463ii. R. H. Newton, Woodland, Cal., Nov. 2, 1876, $150. Elcho, Woodland Maid (1 dis), Bird (1 dis). 2:46?i, 2:4914. 3:02. Target, b g ( 3 :40i „ ,. j, h. Hammill, Philadelphia. Pa., Oct. 28, 1845, $1,50. Lady Ellen, Volunteer, Buckeye, 2:4714, 2:46. 2 :40'2. Target, rn s i3 MUKi ). Thomas Salisbury. Syracuse. N. Y.. Sept. 11, 1872, $400. Maggie 1. Runt, Henry Clews, ('hampion M dis). 2:391/0, 2:38i-4, 2:40%. 2:40;'4- Tarift", (Bob K.i, b s (3 :3b«iii), bv Clarion Chief, dam Lillian, by Favorite. Coates Bros., Mvstic Park, Boston, Sept. 6 and 7. 1881, .$.500. Ciipitola 3. Jim 1. Si(>lla Blake, George M., J. F. Leonard (4 dis). Mambrino Clay (1 dis), Mary H. (1 dis), 2:23',,, 2:24?4. 2:26. •.•:25'.,. 2:2514. Beacon Park, Boston. Sept. 14 and 15, 1881. $.500, Stella Blake 1, 2, Jim 4, George M.. Ladv Sherman, J. F. Leonard (3 dr), 2:26.2:2.51.4. 2:28^, 2:30, 2:.3(), 2:27%. Mvstic Park, Boston, .lune 6, 1882, $.500. Robert Lee, Goldflnder, Prospect Maid, Wild Lilv, 2:24, 2:22%, 2:22»/2. eeii CHESTKKS (H)Ml'LKTE TROTTING AND I'ACINCi Kl'X'OlCIi. IJeacoii Park, Boston, .Iiiiic 13, ihh-', •'?">'»o. Robert Lee, Prospect Maid. .lim, '-'•.•J4W, •'■.•2-2%, . Tarletoii, b }? ('-::*! i. bv (ioltltlust, ilaiii by Woodiu'cker. V. M. Reed. Parker City, I'a., Jiiue 22, 1875,31500 Heidali. (k'li. Lee. ileiirv R.. Bay I'aiiny. J :34>.a, J :35. 2::{8U,. .lime -.'A. \»lo, *r.uo. IJeulali, Bay Fanny, A. S. McAllister. (Jen. Lee, ii.35, 2:;i5, 2;;i9'i. L Sliillinglaw, Sliaron. I'a.. .July i, 1875,.1>400. Gen. Lee 1, 3 (4 dis). Blue Bull H dis), Fanny (i dis), Tom Wonder (2 dis*. 2:40. 2:.iH'2. 2:40. 2:34. Krie. Pa., .July 21, 1875, Ssoo. Blue Mare 1, 4, Gen. Mac, Andrew, Sleepy To«i, Lady H.. 2:32?4, 2:34, 2:3.5»^, 2 :.■«''.. 2 :3."i. \V. (J. (;ilson. Svnicuse, X. Y.. Sept. 9, 1875, Sl,000. Clifton Boy. Frank Munsou, Lady Johnson, Ash- land Pet, Carrie Luther, L;uly Morrison i2 dis), 2:aj, 2:31'/i, 2:34. Tan-eiu-f. (.Joe I dell i, b a ('4:30). \V. Taylor, Winona, HI., Oct. 4, 1878, Si2,'>. Fred Bonalds, Charles W., Billy Hazard, Idle Bov. 2:42. 2:43;i. Tarrier. dn s C-J :5j)4). N. C. Coslan, Beacon I'ark, Boston, Aug. 24. 1875. .?125. Dick 1, Baby Jim, Johnny, Billv (3 dr), 3:02. 3:00. 2:,'i9l.^. 3:02. Tartar; br g (3:28'/2). by Royal George. C. Littlefleld, Fashion Course, L. 1.. Oct. 12,1860, .$100. Contest, 2:47, 2:44. 2:44. .1. B. Monot. Nov. 1, IKOO. S2.^)0. Rattlesnake 1, 2, 2:4m, 3:40. 2:42, 2:48, 2:r,G. Dan Mace, Sept. 17, 1803, "floo. Lady Shannon (2 0), Port Royal, 2:28K>. 2:28}4, 2:33. 2:35. J. Springsteea, Schoharie. N. Y., Sept. 21. 180.3, .m. Kentuckv Boy. Mambrino Chief. 2:38i^, 2:39, 2:38. \. Howard, Canton, N. Y., Oct. 18, 1806, $200. Kentucky Boy, John O'Brien, Lady Franklin, 2:41, 2:4^4, 2:.3H'2. Mr. Hegoboom, Whitby. Ont., Oct. — , 1860, $ . Gray Hawk 1, Dutcli Farmer. 2:45. 2:46. 2:40. 2:44. Tartar, blk g (3:13'2V W. Sherman, Woonsocket, K. I., Oct. 1, 1872, $30. North Star, Bailey's ch m (1 dis), 3:12W, 3:l2!/o. Four-ycar-olds. Tartar, blk s (3: 3414). J. A. Conkev, Mystic Park, Boston, July 15, 1876, $300. Iron Age, Prize, George Mann, Abdallah, 2:.35'i, 2:.J4i4, 2:3.5. Beacon Park, Boston, .June 30, 1877, $ . Black Bess, Hard Times, 2:39, 2:36^. 2:34i-<;, Tasker's Bay Stallion, (3:53). Joseph Tasker, Messina Spa. N. Y., Aug. 18, 1866, $ . Champ's b s, 2:57'/4, 2:57,2:5.3. Tasso, rn s (3 :365'ii). T. Price, Orrville, O., Oct. 12, 1883, $200. Belle 1, 2, Kibono, Ella D., 2:441^. 2:44i^, 2A2%, 2:38, 2:30%. Tassy Tooney, (w), b m (i:rtG\i w), O. Murphy, Fleetwood Park, X. Y.. Sept. 15, 1873, $300. Belle Jones (w), Lady Ryan (1 dis), 3:04, 3:00, 2:56'4. Tattler, b s (3 :36), by Pilot Jr., dam Telltale, by Telamon. R. A. Alexander, Louisville, Ky.. Nov. 9, 1867, $50. Whiteface (l dis), Abdallah (l dis). 2:45. Four-year-olds. Tattler, blk g (3 :54i^). S. T. Widener, Na.shville, Tenn., April 25. 1870, $ . Sam Black 4, 5, Hammer's br g 2. 2:57'4, 2:,50i;, 2:54(i, 2:571^. 2:50^., 2:.^7. July 18, 1870, $ . Nelly Case 1, 3:01i/,, 2:59^4, 2:59',4. Tattler, bs (3:41(4), by Tattler. Fisher & Bros., Mansfield, O , Sept. 4, 1873, $150. Hermit 2, Gray Cloud, Cassias .M. Clav (2d'r), 2:45, 2:47H,2:48. 2:41)^. Columbus, ()., Sept. 17, 1S73. $100. Hermit 1, Dick Sliter. 2:46i4. 2:42, 2:5114. 2:48. Tattler Chief, blk s (3 :36i^), by Tattler. A. Hunt. Kansas City, Mo., .June 29, 1878, $200. Ed. Forrest Jr., (1 dis). Kentucky Chief (1 dis). Gen. Custer (1 dis). Billv Monr'oed dis), 2:42?.i. July 4, 1878. $200. Gen. Custer, Nelly Whitney, Kentucky Chief, 2:41, 2:46. 2:44, Tatton .Sykes, br s (4:45i2>, by im|). Toni Crib, dam by Saltram. C. Kingslev, Newburgh, N. Y., July 1,1868, $00. American Boy .3, Jeff Davis 1, 2 :49i4. 2:481,4. 2:40:'^. 2:4*,U, 2:49^.. Taant'i>n Frank, gr g (3 :.5l%). w. S. Briggs, Taunton, Mass.. Sept. 29. 1875. $05. Belle Brandon. Minnie, Duke. BismarcK. b-AZ\^. Two miles. Taxpayer, b g (3 :43V^). .John Mackey, San Francisco, CaL, Dec. 15,1871, $750. Lady St. Clair, Stanford (I dis), 9:47(4. 9:17^i. Three miles. .Ian. 17, 1872. $1,000. Lady St. Clair, 31 :44. Ten miles. Charles Smith, Sacramento, Cal., May 9, 1872, $1,000. George 3, 4, Glycerine, Dollv Varden (2 dis), 2:.54, 2:4654. 2:.51, . C. Brown, San Francisco, Cal.. May 14, 1872, $1,000. Lady Flora 2, Broom Corn, Glycerine (2 dis), 2:54'/s, 2:t8?4,2:47?i, 2:47^4. lames L. Eoff, May 15, 1872, S . Lady Emma, Nelly (Jrattan, 2:4.3^, 2:43V^, 2 :48. Taylor, rn g (3:36,4). by .Johnny I?., dam a Clay mare. W. B. Knox, Webbs Mills, N. Y., June 30, 1878, $75. Bashaw 2, Chemung Maid, .leniiy. No time. Bradford Pa , Sept. 5 and 6, 1878, $700. Gail Hamilton 1.7(9 0), Queen of Fairies 5. 8, Carrie B. 4, 6, E. C. Crane, Billv Seward (5 dr). Nig (3 dr\ 2:40. 2:40'i, 2:42, 2:4.!, 2:40, 2:41, 2:40>4, 2:42, 2:44, 2:43. Elmira, N. Y., i^ept. 10, 1878, $300. Queen of Fairies 4, Aaron Slade 3. Judgment, Maud, 2:38, 2:40. 2:41'4,2:.37, 2:39. Batavia, N. Y., Sept. 17, 1879, $;!00. Judgment. Timothy, Honest Billv, Billy Green, Lady June, Herald, Polly G., 2:35Ji, 2:.34, 2:34^. Sept. 19, 187«. $.300. Tiinothv, Polly G.. Billv Green. Ladv June, Honest Billv. 2:3QU, 2:34, 2:33. Le Roy, N. Y., Sept. 24, 1878, $200. Timothy 1, Hilly Green, Ladv June, JennV .Sloaif, Honedt Billy. 2:,37, 2::i0, 2:3T4.2:;J3'2. Sept. 26. 187H, $200. Timothy 2, Lad> .lunc. Black Nell (1 dis\2:34, 2:34'!., 2:.32, 2:33'/2. D. W. Tomlinson, Waverlv, N. .1., Sept. 19. 1879. $300. Nellv Rose 2, Phil Dwyer, Sussex, Channcy M. Bt'dle, Martha, J. H. Ferry, Fitzgerald, Tornado, Cinderellii. 2':.i2. 2:30, 2:28. 2:32. Warsaw, N.Y., Sept. 25, 1879, .'$200. Clover. 3, (5 dr), Adele Clark, (10), (5dr), 2:28, 2:2954, 2:.30, 2:28, 2:28. Washington. D. C, May 31, 1880. $1,000. Lyman 3, Belle O.akley 2, Mav. Phil Dougherty, 2:26!4, 2:25>^. 2:28. 2:28^,, 2:27'4. " j . Taylor's Hay Stallion, (3:08). W. E. Taylor, Oswego, N. Y., Sept. 13, 1871, $15. Blackman's ch s. 3:10, 3:08, Four-year-olds. Taylor's Bay Geldlnu, (2:38\ D. Taylor, Westfteld. X. Y., August 7. 1806, $100. Holbrook's b s (3 0), Walter's br s (3 0). (4dr), Frost's b m (.30). (4 dr). 2:.39. 2:40. 2:38. 2:47. T. B. French, ch g (3:33^). John Trout. Keenc, N. H.. Sept. 30. 187.5. $300. Doctor Weston l. Naked Truth .3, Whisper, 2:12',, 2:43, 2:424, 2:40», blk g r' :30?i). R. Rhodes. Grand Rapids, Mich., June 20, 1877. $800. Hannis, Beulah, Valiant, Abdallah Boy, Jacksonville Boy, Croft, Indicator, Mambrino Girl, Black Kate, 2:3l''2, 2:33,2:32. Elkhart. Ind., July 2, 1877, $200. Betsy Ann, Senator, Paymaster, Henry Todd, Frank, Nelly Brown, Crapo, Wabash Billy, 2:42, 2:41^4,2:40. July 4, 1877, $200. ■ Nelly Brown, Betsy Ann, Paymaster, Chief, Henry Todd, 2:40, 2-3914, 2:40. J. W. Page, Cheyenne, W. T„ June:3i). 1881,$606. Elcho l. Haphazard, Guide, 2:43'2, 2:40.'4, 2:43, 2:46. Sioux City, la., Sept. 14. 1882, $500. Elmwood Chief, Little Moak, 2:2914, 2:35^2, 2:3414. Teaser, b g(3:47). R. K. Noble, Avon, Conn., July 11, 1883. $100. Major, Baxter, Lady, 2:55. 2:47, 2:49^*. Teaser D., bg (3:471.,). by Howard Patchen. dam bv Green's Bashaw. Niles, Mich.. Sept. 29, 1882, $75.. Thornless 2, Minnie Rowell 3, Kentucky Fly, Trouble (2 dr), 3:0114, 2:52!/2, 3:0i;2, 3:01,3:00. Four-year- olds. South Bend, Ind., Oct. 3, 1882, $150. Thornless, Minnie Pearl, Kentucky Girl. 2:47»^. Four-year-olds. Mr. Brown, Elkhart, Ind., July 3, 1883, $100. Kentucky Fly 1, Jones' b m, 2:50, 2:51 2:50, . — July 4, 1883, $150. Nelly May, Young Buchanan, 2:50, 2 :51, 2 :.52. South Bend, Ind., Oct. 4, 1883, $ . Kitty B. Kentucky Fly, Glen H., 2:47'/2, 2:48J4, 2:.51. Teazle (3 :34). Detroit, Mich., June 11, 1862, $ . Lady Washington l, Detroit Maid (2 dis), Ida (2 dis), 2:44, 2:.57'/i, 2:34, 2:461^. Teb, b g (3:4614,). T. Brown, Massillon, O., July 31, 1872, $200. Whirlwind l, 2, Kitty Flynn. Deception (3dis), 2:52;!4, 2:52, 2:50. 2:50. Aug. 1, 1872. .$200. Whirlwind, Wild Jack (1 dis), Kittv Flynn (1 dis), 2:46i4, 2:52»4, 3:03. Aug. 2, 1872, $200. Prairie Boy, Tom Moore (3 dis). Colonel (3 dis), 2:54, 2:53, 2:51. Teb (3:48). B. Rogers, Montreal. ^. Q., INIav 24, 1875, $250. Rosebud 2, Champion, 2:55, 2:53. 2:50. 2:48. Tecuinseli'(wi,gr g(3:46 w). William Wh'elan, Union Course, L. I., Dec. 8, 1856, $200. Uncle Sam (w), 2:48,2:51. Tecumseh, chg(3:33'4). T. O. Bassett, Washington, D. C, June 26, 1867, $150. Amber, Thompson s br m (3 dis), Duudas Maid (3 dis), Medoc (2 dr). 2:39U, 2:45, 2:45. Tecuinseh, b g (2:59]4). S. Crouch, Grand Rapids, Mich., Sept. 16, 1873 $225 Chief 2, Doctor Lewis 1 (2 dis), Maggie (2 dis), 3:02'2, 3:00, 3:03i4, 2:59'2. Tecumseh, ch s (3:39'2), by Mambrino Gift, dam by Night Hawk. P. Foster, Flint. Mich., Oct. 6, 1882. $ . (iazeteer, Walter Jones. Henry Clay, 2:36i^, 2:.36'2, 2:36. Foster & Hamilton, Eaton Rapids, Mich.. Aug. 9, 1883. .$,300. Burns 3. William S. 2, Gilbird Sprague 1, Stratlilan, Almont Gift, Walter .Jones, Neva, 2 .30. 2:.32. 2:.30?4, 2:3114, 2:33, 2:3414. Flint. Mich., Aug. 30, 1883, .$300. Rigolette, Molly Middleton, Jim Halfpenny, 2:31M. 2:30. 2:29U. Tecumseh Boy, b g (3:39^). G. Clark, Toronto, Out., Sept. 6, 1872, .$200. George. Johnny Roe, Highlander (1 dis), 2:49'4, 2:5514, 2:5214. Tecumseli .Sherman, bg (3;59i^). George H. Bailey, Portland. Me., May 24, 1866, .$50. Kate Shepherd, Ranger. 2 :59i4. 3 :00, 3:00. Teddy McGee (3 :44i^). Sacramento, Cal., May 24, 1873, $ . Chief 1, Fred, 3:061'!;, , . 2:56. Tekonsha, br s (3 :33), by Don I. Robinson, dam Dolly Batchelder, by Post Boy. J.'C. Blake, Grand Rapids, Mich., Sept. 13. 1876, .$2,50. George V., Duster. :Mav (1 dis), 3 :00, 2 :.58?4 . Two-year-olds. Cold water, Mich., May— , 1877, $55. Tom Wafton, May (l dis), Kitty Star (1 dis), Belle Smith (1 dis), 2:.5G. 3:12. Three-vear-olds. F. Granger, May 17. 1878, $100. Belle Smith (3 dis), Kittv Star (2 dis). Lulu Jackson (2 dis), Aleck (2 dis), 3:00, 2:. 55, 2:55. Four-year-olds. • D. B. Hibbard, Elkhart, Ind., May 28, 1879, $ . Myrtle 3, Lula K., Belle Smith, Bay Prince (3 dr), Lena Belle (3 dr), 2:.50, 2:51, 2:50i/2, 2:50. — — Schoolcraft. Mich., May 27, 1881, $ . H. M. Strong, Rayen,2:.3.5. 2:34H, 2:37V<;. Telegram, ch g (3:53). Belmont Park, Phila., Oct. 24 and Nov. 7. 1877, .$ . Bertie 5. Coal Burner, Rosa Bell, John 2. 3 (4 dr), 2:.52, 2:52"2, 2:54, 2:57K, 2:5614, 2:55. Telegraph, gr s (3 :41). A. G. Hunt, Bangor" Me., July 4, 1855. $100. Fusion 3, Black Douglass (4 dr), 2:43. 2:45, 2:44,2:45. July 7, 1855. $200. Fusion, 3:26. 2:42, 2:41. Telegraph, b g (3:5414). C.B.Ballard, Charleston, N. H., Oct. 21, 18,57, .$50. Kitty, Driver, 2:59,2:5514. 2:.")4i4. Telegraph, (w) chg (3:53 w). J. Lovett, Fashion Course, L. I., Aug. 22, 1866, .$200. Joe Hooker (w), 2:59, 2:5.3.3:01. Telegraph, bg (3:38). J. B. Loder. Dayton, O., June 6, 1870, $75. Red Hot 2, Capt. Walter (2 dis), 2:42i/i, Cambridge, Ind., July 30, 1870, $100. No Name, 2:58, 2:38. Telegrapli, gr g (3 :44). D. Dunlevy, Prospect Park, L. I., June 19, 1872, $ . Lady Ham, White Cloud. 2:44, 2:45, 2:4.5. Aug. 26, 1872, $200. Belle of Vermont 3, 2 :48?4, 2 :47i-4, , 2 :49. (w) J. Vreeland, July 29. 1874. .$.500. Annie O., 2:46U, 2:48, 2:51. Telegraph (w), gr g (3 :0b w). W. C. Garden, Newport, Me., Oct. 15, 1874, $100. Touchstone 1, 3, Buckshot. 3:00, 3:00, 3:00, 3:05, 3:0.5. Telegraph, bg (3:07). Suffolk Park, Phil., July 16, 1879, $200. Gypsy Maid 3,4,3:11, 3:07, 3:15%, 3:08K 3:1114. Telegraph, b g (2 :50). Zumbrota. Minn., Oct. 2, 1879. $65. Pomney 3, Decention, Minnie Clav. 2 :50?i. 2:51. 2:46.2:50. 068 CHESTER'S COMPLKTK THOTTING AND PACING KECOKI). TeleKiapli, l)\g (3:3T). by Tiltoii Almoiit, dam by (lark Chief. E. Downer. Cliieo, Ca)., Oct. 7 and 8, 1882 $ . Katie Alniont 1, Zulu Chief (3 dis), dM. L'l.'iS, L':48. 2My,. Three-year-olds. ' J. T. .Mcintosh. Aug. .50. \x»3, S'.'OO. Woodbine 1, Koanoke r-' dis», '-'MO^, 2::iT. 2:;f7'... 2:46. Sacramento. Cal.. Sept. 1.5, 188;j, $mo. Adair 5, 6, Honny Wood 2, 3(4 tired). Tilton Almont 1 (3 dr). Sister (!dis).2:2(;. 2:;i4V4. 2:34'4, 2:3H';.. 2:39'j, i-Mi^i, 2:3K'2. 2:4(t>>, 2:47, 2:4!», 2:47, 2:47, 2:481^. Oct. 27. 1K54, S150. Green JSlountain Bov. 2:.').'), 2:.'>2. 2:49. (S) Nov. 30, 18.'>4, $50. liebe (s). 2:52, 2:56, 2:4!». (s) Boston, Mass., Oct. 22, 18.56, .'S25. Albany Gal (s>. 2:45. 2:43. (s) Providence, R. I., June 13.1857, $.^00. i.adv Sherman (s) (3 0), 2:39, 2:39, 2:39,2:42. T. Carpenter. July i::, 1859, jjpSO. Hard Hoail ;i. 2:41 '2, 2:4.5. 2:41, 2:48. Woonsocket, K. 1., Nov. 24. 1859, Slou. Plough Boy, 2:52, 2:.52. 2:.52. Telephone, rn g ^2 :39's), bv Wood's Hanibletonian. I). C. Str;il<;lit, Najjles. N. Y., Oct. 18, 1882, f 100 Lady- Alice 3, Daisy B., Gypsy tJirl, Will Lindsav (3 dr), 2:42, 2:3!)'.2. 5:49K.. 2:4014. Tell, chg (3:.';2). Columbus. O.. Julv 1 1. I8(is. .iiiioo. Daisy i\v). Ladv Erving. 2:58?i. 2:52. Teller, ch g (3:51). by Banker, J. H. Kichiinlson, Catskill, N. Y., Oct. 1.5, 1873, §200. Jack of Clubs 1, Doctor Hume (3 dis). Kossuth (1 dis), 2:.54. 2:.")J'o. 2:51, 2:.56i^. Tellezelle, b 111 (3:591^). by a son of Edward Everett, dam by Daniel Webster. R. F. Afyers, PhillipsRurgh N. ,).. .Inly 7. 1882, .5100. Alien Almont, Alice (ireen, Weston (2 dis), 3:09'^. 3:07'i, 3:09. Four-year-olds. ' Brookville, Pa., Sept. 24, 1882, S130. Gray Prince, Maud, Alice Green, 3:2i;2, 2:59K«, 3:06. " Four-year- olds. Phillipsburgh, N. J., Oct. 5, 1882, .51.50. Alice Norwood. Alice Green, 3:14, S:15. Four-veiir-olds. Temecula Boy, blk g <3 :57Ln). C. Scott. San Diego, Cal., Dec. 13, 1873, $150. Bess 1, Prince Imperial (2 dis), Kittv Hawks (2 dr), 3:01, 2:571^. 3:05U,3:03^. Tempest, b m (3:38). c. F. Nivens, Scranton, Pa., Nov. 24, 1859, $80. Warrier 3, 4, Topsv, Fanny Owens (3 (1 r). 2 :44, 2 :.50, 2 :.5C, 2 :50, 2 :49. C. Chamberlain, May 5. 1860, $100. Young Sir Walter t (2 0> (3 dr), 2:44, , 2:38. Tempest (w).ch g (3:.51). Dan Mace, Chelsea, Mass.. .June 2.5. 1861. $.50. Tornado (W), 2:56. 2:.56;4. ,1. B. Wood, I'almer Mass., Oct. 11, 186.5. $ . Elder Norton. Skates, VN'arrior, 2:52, 2:.52. 2:51. Tempest, b m (3:47). Mr. Bloom, Union Course, L. I., Aug. 22, 1868, $250. Black Stallion 3, 4. Quaker, 2:47, 2 : 48, 2 :53i/2 , 2 :50'/2 , 2 :49. Tempest, Wk m (3:35i4), by Dirigo. !\Ir. Humphrey. Fashion Course, L. T.. May 20, 1869, $1,000. Gertrude, 2:44^1, 2:439i 2:47}4. Dan Mace' Prospect Park, L. I., .Tune 1. 1870, $1,000. Tempest 1 (2 0), No Name, G. W. Patrerson (4 dr), Penobscot Chief (4 dr), 2:36i.i.2:35\4,. 2:::8-'4, 2:.39i4. 2:3894. Tempest, bg(3:40]. George Cummings. St. Paul, Minn., June 25, 1869, $50. French Tom, '2:i2}M, 2:4o. 2:41. Julv 3. 1869, .$300. Tommv 2. 2:41, 2:43. 2:44, 2:45yj. Minneapolis, Minn., Julv .5, 18(!9. $125. French Tom .3, 4, 2:41, 2:42. 2:4:j. 2:4.5i4, 2:47'4. Tempest, blk g (3 :53). W. C. Bryant, Cedar Rapids, la.. June 21. 1872. $100. Lota Montez, Drowsy Kate (l dis), 3:12, 3:24,3:14. Four-vear-olds. Tempest, ch g (3 :36), bv Aihambra, dam Tramp, by Mambrino Chief. Mr. Spink, Chicago, 111., Aug. 29. 1874, $ . Gertrude 2, Blue Skin. 2:41'/2. 2:37, 2:36. Tempest, wh g (3 :43), bv Dover's Mambrino. A. McDowell. Le Roy, N. Y'.. May 27, 1875, $175. Ruby, Lucy, Albemarle, Tom Plunkett. S;nicbo, Orlando, Screwdriver 11 dis). 2:4(;, 2:48, 2:45. May 28, 1875, $1.50. Basil Duke l, 3, Ruby, Tom Plunkett, Prudence (1 dis), 2:40,2:44. , 2:43,2:44. Penn Yan. N. Y., June 2. 187,5, $300. Ruby 2, Albemarle, Ladv Khetl. Judge Briggs. Caru S., Lady Decker, Sorrel Dan, Johnnv (4 dr), Basil Duke (2 dr), Lucy (2 drt, 2:44, 2:48. 2:44, 2:46. June 3. 1875, .$300. David Greer 3, 4, Elisha 2, Cora S. (5ro), Judge Briggs (3 dr), 2:47!j, 2:45^, 2:48, 2:4754. 2:46>4,2:50>4. June 4, 1875, $300. RUbv. Lady Rhett. Cora S.. Johnnv, Lady Decker. Sorrel Dan (3 dr). 2:47, 2:45. 2:48. Tempest, ch m (3:40). bv Royal George. R. Wilson. Hamilton. Out.. June 29.1876, $:m. Lady Hill 1. .3. (Jrav Eddy 2. 5. Fulton. Quaker Bov. Barlow, 2 ::i8'... 2:.3!)'., 2:39?4. , 2:4.5. 2:40i4. 2A0%. — ■ — Jiily 2, 1877, .$200. Monk Boy 2. Avenue Boy, Nelson Chief (3 dr), 2:40«4, 2:40. 2:40, 2:4.:?. Tempest, gr m (3:331^), by Oneida Chief. E. S. Hammond, Milwaukee, Wis., .Sept. 14, 1877, .$400. Prairie Lilv 2, Oxford. Dictator (2 dis). 2:36. 2:33, 2:34. 2::i3. Tempest, b m (3:33)4). Suffolk Park, Phila., Sept. 28, 1877. $ . Daudv Jim 1, Nelly Earl, 2:56. 2:50. 2:50, 2:.50;/2. Tempest. D. R. Fee. Warren, O.. June 14. 1879, $35. Dave Ledger. Billy A., Kate Bennett. No time. Tempest, ch g (3:39), bv Milliman's Bellfounder. J. Misner. Salem, Oregon, Sept. 29. 1880, $400. Florence E. 2. Kate Bender, 2:43. 2:43>.i, 2:48, 2:40. H. S. Hogeboom. Hillsboro, Oregon, July 7, 1882. $200. Hector 2, Nelly Russell (l dis), 2:45, 2:46, 2:39, 2 '39' J '- C Russell, Portland, Or., Oct. 5 and 6, 1883, $200. Johnny Blue 5 (4 0), Florence E. 1. No time. Tempest, gr m (3 :33i4). by Ledger. H. Hagmaler. Dunkirk, N. Y.. June 21. 1883. $500. Jet, Lizzie D., Hat- tie C. t-ommissioner, Theresa Spragne (i dis), 2:38i.,. 2:.32?,',2:.3,5i^. ^ . . ^, , . ^ , ^ , Erie, Pa., June 27, 1883. $.500. Jet l, 2, Lizzie D.. R:iymond, Commissioner, Captain Thad (4 dr). Fred Hull ''"31 '''.S'i'i 2''i3 ''■3'^% '''44 .ln'n"e 29.'i883,'$.50(). " Nora'Tenii)le, Lilly J.. Mattie H.. Very St. Just (2 dr). Lizzie D.. 2:3514. 2:3494. 2:34^4, Phillipsburgh, N. J.. July .5. 1883. .$.300. date. T(mi Meckley, 2:35'i. 2:38. 2:37 ,. „ „ . Tempest, b g (3:491.0. C. H. Hanson, Lowell, Mass., July 4, 1882, $100. \oung Hopeful 1, 2. Belle Mahone, Barber Bov, St. Jacob, Prince (4 dr), 2:49i.i. 2:4914. 2:,50, 2:50i.i.2:,50. Mav 21, 1882. $ . Mollv H.. St. Lawrence Boy, 2.5394, 2:.50. Aug. :«),1S82. $1,000. Jnn)bo (1 dis), 2:49^. ,,,.., , . , ,- ^, ,r . Tempest b m (3:30i., ). W. H. Brown. Dover, Del., Sept. 29, 1882, $200. Lady Richmond. Addie G.. Kate, Jeniiv L. (2 (lis). ('vcloi)S(l dis). Nancv Hall (1 dis), Kirby (1 dis). 2:45. 2:41W.. 2:39»4. C. Doughcrlv. Mclmont Park. Phila., Oct. 3. 1882, $600. Judge Davis. Carrabiissett. Harry. Harry II. (1 dis) 2-:{2'i "':r:2' i. 2::i2V.>. A T>oughcrly Nov. I .' fK82. .f 200. Col. Wood, Ella Medium. Turk, Mortimer, Shaughran. Glover. .Vill.T Bov, Ladv Horton (2 dis). 2:35, 2:37^.2:41. , , , ,,,... Tempest, b hi (3:4.'>). bv Sultan, dam Belle Mason. F. M. Slaughter. Los Angeles, Cal., Oct. 9 and 10, 1883, .$200. Kate Bender 4, 5, NeUv Monroe 1 (6 dis), 2:.54. 2:50, 2:4.5, 2:4.51^, 2:53';. 2:45'2. Tempest Goldilnst, blk g (3:44). C. W. Wright, Denver, Col., Sept. 26, i876. $1.50. Miller's Maid 3, Bob Lvtle (1 dis), Ann Kliza (1 dis). Gray Morgan (1 dis). (ireat Western (1 dis). Raven (\ dis). Sparkle (l dis), 2 :'48V'.'.. 2 : .50. 2 :51 , 2 :.54. Sept. 29, 1K76, .«;i70. Bay Tom 2. Miller's Maid, Lady Morrill (1 dis), 2:44, 2:50, 2:.50>4, 2:55. Templar, bs (3:45). IL M. Aylesworth, Edmeston, N. Y., Sept. 12, 1882, $80. George, Jim McLaughlin (3dr), 3:08. 2:.5194. 2:.50. „ . , , ^ , Rome, N. Y., Sept. 2:'.. 1SH2. $1.50. Reuben, Hamblttoni:in Prince. Kniirht of Honor. Teak. 2:4.5, 2:48, 2 :.51. Temple, b 3 (3:16), C. Squires, Fergus Falls. Minn.. July 4. 1879, 8.50. AnokaMaid 2. Kit (3 dr). 3:28. 3:10. 3:15. CHESTEKS CO.Ml'LETE TROTTING AND PACING KECOKD. 669 Ten Broeck, b g (3 :36). O. W. Dinimick, New Orleans, La , Feb. 28, 1858, .fl.OOO. Tom Murray (2 dr), 8:0(ii^, — . Three miles. J. Trussel. Chicago, 111.. July 28, 1858, $75. Billy Fox (vv), Prairie 15oy (w), 2:53, 2:53, 2:53. A. E'ish, Aug. 10. 18.59, $500. Honest Anse 1, 2:40, 2:43, 2:44, 2:45. Ten Broeck's Chestnut Geiaing, (3 :43). K. Ten Broeck, Union Course, L. I., July 20, 1853, $2,000. John May, 5:41, G:07. Two miles. Sept. 10. 18,53, $200. Creeper, 2:56, 2:54, 2:53. Oct. 25, 1853. $1,500. Cardinal. 5:28. 5:2G. Two miles. Tendoy, br s, l\v Kansas Chief. Jones & Howell, Girard, Kan., Aug. 8, 1879, $125. Kansas Bill 1, Moline 2, Lud. No time. Ten Eyck's Gray Mare, (3 :15). Mr. Ten Eyck, Hamilton, Ont., Nov. 4, 1882. $ . Brown's b g, Thomp- son's br m, Craig's b g, 3:15, 3:18, 3:18. Tennessee, br m (3:37), by Commodore, dam Dairy Maid, by Vt. Black Hawk. .'. I'redmore, Jackson, Mich,, June 14, 1870, $ . Henry -2, Koyal Magna 1, Frank Burrows, Lady lA-xington. 2:40, 2:41, 2:42i^, 2:43. 2:44'^ E. B. Elliston, Nashville. Tenn., Oct. 4. 1871. $ . Rattler 1, Jessie Brown, 2:37'i. 2:36^4, 2::J8J4, 2::«;. (J. J. E'uUer, Indianapolis Ind., June 11, 1872, $750. Billy Hoskins, Morrissey, Hope, 5:09, 5:o"o. Two miles. Tennie C, b m (3 :53), by Lucky Boy. O. Woodworth, Watseka, 111., Oct. 11, 1870, $200. Major P. 3, Lady Kay, Billy, 3:01, 2:53, 2:50, 2:54. Tennie K., ch ra(3:39). H. S. Shultz, Montgomery, Ala.. Nov. 13, 1880, $150. Georgie Golddust, Jack the Barber, Charley, 2:46. 2:.52, 2:5314. W. N. Bragg, Uniontown, Ala., Oct. 25, 1882, $35. Dora G., 2:55, 2 :51. Tennyson, b g (3 :0l). by Highland Boy, dam by Royal George Jr. St. Thomas, Ont., May 18, 1875, $80. Jim Anderson 2. Anna Dixoii, 3:15, 3:oO, 3:01. Ten Pin Johnny (Spot), (w), sp g (3:34.). James Conlisk, Cincinnati, O., Sept. 26, 1863, $100. Aleck (w), 1, Dick Turpin. 2:4014, 2:41'2. 2:42, 2:42. A. Flvun, Nashville, Tenn., June 23, 1865, $200. Prince. Dick Sands (3 dis). 2:':.8J4, 2:42, 2:47. Capt. Haiimer. May 12. I860, $l(i0. Cadmus, Bay Jim, Flynii's br m, 2:.50, 2:45Vfi, 2:41J4. May — , 1866. .$ . Jim, Climax, 2 :43, 2 :43, 2 :34. Territory, ch m (3 :57). C. Lee. Plymouth, O., Oct. 7, 1869, $ . Kitty. 1, 2:58, 2:,59. 2:57. Three-year-olds. Terror, b g (3:4314). A. F. Smith. San Jose, Cal., Sept. 5 and 6, 1872, $100. Fanny 1. 2. Donnelly, 3, 2:454, 2:45'^,, 2:42^4. 2 :42U, Unfinished. San Francisco.' Cal., May 20, 1873, $200. Trout. 2:.57V2. 2:49. Tesch ( w), ch s (3:34i4 \v). M. J. Henderson, Providence. R. L, Nov. 25, 1853, $60. Tiskilwa (w). Sentinel (w), 3; 14, 2:461^, 2:34J4. Tete Matthews (Ripon Boy), br s (3:35), by Ira Allen. John Mott, Watertown, N. Y., June 24, 1869, $400. Nelly Isham. 2, Frank Bl'air (2 dr), 2:36'4. 2:37"^. 2:37V2. 2:35>/g. C. E. Matthews, Canton, N. Y., Sept. 15. 1809, $160. Phil Sheridan. 2:45, 2:43, 2:45. Waterloo. N. Y., June 30, 1870, $400. Ladv Lightfoot 1, Draco Chief, Dutchman, 2:38, 'I:S3]4. 2:36, 2:39. Rochester, N. Y., Aug. 4, 1870. .$ . Fannv Fern 1, 2, Long Branch, 2:33. 2:.37. 2:3r'. 2:351^, 2:36. Auburn, N. Y., Aug. 25, 1870, $400. Chet Kellogg, 3, 6 (4 0), Joe Hooker, 1, 2 (7 dr), 2:46?i, 2:.52, 2:55?i, 2:55i4, 2:50, 2:51i4, 2:36. 2:ZC>U- Oct. 12, 1870, $250. George 4, Fearless 3, George Pitts, 2:40?i, 2:411^. 2:44. 2:39. 2:.39?i. Texas Bill, b g (3 :13). L. Challis. Atchison, Kan., Aug. 27, 1874. $2,000. Rolla. 3:12, 3:14. Texas Bill, gr g (3 -.26^). G. L Gause, Dallas, Texas, Nov. 9, 1883, $500, Smith O'Brien l, 2, Isaac, 2:30, 2:31, 2:26i4, 2:30, 2:29V^. Fort Worth, Tex., Nov. 20 and 21, 1883, $600. Smith O'Brien 5, Isaac 4, May H., 3. 6 (7 dis). 2:2934. 2:29i4, 2:2614, 2:29!..'i, 2:2914. 2:27U. 2:2914. Texas Jack, br g (3 :35). W. Wood, Walthain, Mass.. May 28, 1878, $.50. Col. Cowen. 3:26, 3:28, 3:2.5. T. F. Ellis, rn g (8 :43io). T. F. Ellis, Niagara, Ont.. Aug. 24, 1870. $200, Lady Hill, Minnie Collins. Middle- town. May Day, Royal George, 2:4514, 2:4Gi4, 2. 42}^. T. F. Oakes. b g (3 :44). H. H. Stanton, Manhattan, Kan., Oct. 9, 1879, $100, Richard Ames 1, Joker 2, 2:56i4, 2:54, 2:50'i, 2:.51?4, 2:51. Lawrence. Kan., Sept. 18. I8SO, $400. Kate Harris. Elmo Pilot, Um-zoo-ee, 2:.53. 2:.50, 2:.50M. T. Fulton, b g (3 :48). T. F. Ellis. H;imilton, Ont., June 24, 1S73, $400, York State 5. 6, Spot 2 (1 0), Joe Miller (1 0), Ladv Bluff, Gertrude, Lady Wentworth (5 dr). Flora Temple (1 dis). 2:491/2. 2:491^. 2:48, 2:51. 2:50^, 2:51i4.2:.52. T. G. Thompson, ch g (3:47), T. G. Thom))son, Mexico, N. Y., Sept, 9. 1875, $75. Sunset, 1, 4, 2:56, 2:47, 2:50, 2:47, 2:.5n. Thackambau, b s (3:43). Mudgett Bros.. Belfast, Me., Oct. 2, 1882. $100. Nelly B., Gen, Scott, 2:42, 2:47,2:46. Thad Stevens, brs (3:47). T, Mathers, Philadelphia, Pa,, Oct. 25, 1877, $200. Sleepy John, 1, 2:47, 2:47, 2:4814. 2.53. Chester. Pa., Oct. 11, 1878, $7.^. Sam (George, 1 :28. 1 :28?4. l :27. Half-mile heats. Thalia, b m (3:10), by Messenger Duroc, dam Lady Bryant, by Brignoli. G. K. Sistare, Morrisania, N. Y., Sept. 30, 1882, $2.50. W. O.,3:10. Thapsin, blk g (3:43). VV. F. Smith. Marysville, Cal., Sept. 5, 1883, $300. Yuba Maid, Belle Kimball (1 dis), 2:44^, 2:43, 2.48V^. Three-year-olds. The Baby, b m (3 :46';), by Palmetto Chief, dam Ducatoon by Wagner. Hubbell and Quarles, Kansas City, Mo., Sept. 17, 1874, $150, Merit, 3:52, 3:46'/?. Two-year-olds and under. The Commodore, b s (3 :3534;, by Guy Miller. Fultonville. N. Y., Sept. 26, 1874, .$- — . Mohawk Prince, 2:361/2, 2 :35?4. The Girl (s), gr m (3 :53 s). G. Vanderberg, Harlem, N. Y., July 29, 1845. $50. Peacock (s) l, 2, Star (s) 4, Title Page (s), Polly (s). 2 :46, 2:47, 2:52, 2:53. 2:52,.2-54. The Jewess, b m (3 :36), by IVlambrino Patchen. dam bv Joe Downing. J. S. Offut, Dayton, O., June 11, 1877, $300. Alfred, Deception. Daisy. Black Mack (2 dis), 2:32%i, 2:29. 2:3014. Peru, Ind., June 13, 1877, .$.500. C. W. Woolley. Rival, 2:30, 2:3014, 2:30i2. Cincinnati, O., June 30, 1877. $1,000. Bov Charley, Magenta, C. W. Woolley, Deception, Dan Howell, Harry Clay, Billy, Lilly Shields (3 dr), 2:26, 2:20. 2:28 '4. Columbus, O., July 11, 1877, $600. Lewinski 6, 7, (5 0), Belle Brasfleld 1, (2 0), Lady McFatridge (5 r o), 2:29.2:29^, 2:31 1^, 2:28>4, 2:29;i4, 2:29. 2:28. 2:33. Charles S. Gre~en, Prospect Park. L. I., May 29. 1879, $200. Key West, 2:33, 2:28i4, 2:29. The King, blk s (3:39i4), bv George Wilkes. F. Van Ness. St. Loiiis, Mo.. Oct. 4. 1883. $7.50. St. Denis, Gertrude, Charley G., Lulu M., Belle Bowen, Cracker Boy. Frank S.. Maggie C. Little Welly, Lady Reamer, Cora B., Colonel Dick, Abdallah Boy, Joe Stanhope. One mile. Separate trials. Winner's time, 3:06. Little Rock. Ark., Oct. 19, 1883, $150. Honest John 1. 3, Molly. 2:54. 2:43, 2:46. 2:42ii, 2:42i/4. The Maid, gr m (3 :3.514). San Francisco, Cal.. July 23, 1870, $150. Lady Mack 1, 5,;Lady Allen 4, Belle. Pren- tice Boy (3 dis), 3:01. 3:01, 2:.59, 2:.57, 2:.54, 2:.59. The Moor, blk s (3:37), bvClav Pilot. L. J. Rose, Los Angeles, Cal.. Oct. 26, 1874, $300. Echo 1, 3, Pilot Chief (1 dis), 2:8814, 2:37, 2:3'71^, 2:39}^, 2:43'/i. >''» CllliSTElJ'S C0M1'L1:TE TUOTTINU AND rACING UECOKD. Theodore b s '2 :50). ])>' Slielby Chief, dam a Clay mare. C. Bates, Indianapolis. Ind.. Sept. 2C and 27, 1883. s--. Hlanche U. 1. -J, IJrakeman 4, Dutch Girl (.I 0), , •-':51, 2:iiO>4, 2:51 2-51 -'50 Theodoie I'ltler. lilkj;. a ::{->). (i. Scalti-iguod, J.anib Tavern, I'a., June22. 1877, ii!:2ob. Harry Vanderbilt o Hannah rhirk, .Midillctowii, 2:'>o, 2:.')(). 2:47. 2:4d'-4. J'hilad.lpliia. I'a.. . Inly ;n. 1^77. ;ij ion. Hannah Clark, Harrv Vanderbilt, Annie F ,2-46 "■4", "U Auf;. 11 ls_77 .Sioo. llaiiy yand.TbiJt. .lames Uood I. 2, (4b)(.0dr;. 2. -44^2. 2:45'/,, 2:40U,'2:42, 2:"47;2:40'/2. llelmont I'ark. riiil.. .S(.'|it. 6. 1«77. ftiJdO. Kossi'l 2, 2:40, 2:41 2 •4.'), ''-45 ^,^. "/s. Lamb Tavern. I'a., Oct. 20. 1879, *rx). Ik'llcvue ^30», 2:42. 2-42 '' -4''^ ' •' -45 Zj'^'n'' ^'.i'.'ir' ^^'"^J^'^u'T' ^'• J-. July 5, 1880. §160. Jenny Moore 4, S.'is'oi.Lady fSharp, 2:41K>. 2:41?4, 2:4.1, Thei-4'.sa, b in i«:;P'\^). ''y/^.'/.'ssei'Se!' I!.'"!""r.-.^''i."',l^'!,'.'''.*''".^,!'>' ^^""■•''■i'" ^^'^r. \V. A. MnlJin. iarlisle, Th«*i :;i8k.. 2:38»4, 2:41^.2:38. ilker, Mnscatine. la., Sept. 13, 1882. The 2:.'«j;4, 2:.15>4 TheiysB .sprague br ni ^3 :34U). by (iov. Spra-ue. Jl. J. Wliite, Watertown, X. Y., Anj;. 30, 1883. .S200. Piek- ^'■'};'r-S^,m''''^ i^M "o^'wV' o'v'.l''*'*-' ''• -^'''"'^ ^^^"'' Maloue I'atchen. St. Lawrence Belled dr), 2:3(ik. Zl\- ^'o.l'^^'-.,''!^i','"*^"^^"' -'*• ^ ■• ''^^'l'^' ^' ^^^^' *^^"- ^'^V^- J-'ke 1. (3 01, Mno, Bay Lou (2 dis), 2:30'/,, 2:40^, 2^3"' '^^•IV'.l^^i^*''''*^"'^^"'"^' •^' ^ ' "^*- *• ^^^' ®3°°- I'ickwick 3, K. 1". I-lower 4 (2 0), 2:30, 2:3CJi, 2:.36^. Watertown. N. Y., Oct. 11 1883, SIOO. N. ,J. Fuller 1, Lonufellow (3 dr) 2 Theta. i)r m (3 :45i4), by Almoiit Haltler, dam Kosa, by Ja-nis. NV A \Valk( $228. Zingara 3, Van, Bay Simon d dis), 2:r>7'.i. 2:.'")7K>, 2-rj8 2-58 Sei>t. \:i, 1883, SK-jo. ()ri)han Bov, Zingara, 2:48. 2-47, 2-49 Thief, brg 1 3 :.53). William K.Sniith, Belvidere, K. J., Sept. 1, 18C6, $50. Kittie Clyde 1, Kittie Brown, Scout ( I Ills), 3:05, 2:5.!. 2:;)2. Tliistledown. blk m (3 :3.5). A S. Young, Fort Scott, Kan., May 25, 1883, $150. Arlington 2. Fred Douglass, I'rnieess, .lohn Ci. (3 dr). 2:.'>3W,, 2:.')0i4, 2:531^, 2:53. ./..»■ t, b aao, Spiiiigtield. Mo., .Iune9 1883, .S150. N.ippa. Ida Ervin, Little Frank, 2:43»4. 2:.W4, 2:.i8i^. .1. B. Kicker, Empona, Kan., Sept. 28, 1883, $250. Frank IL, lUiby (\ dis), Billy Douglass a dis), 2:35, 2:30, Thomas, (3:57J^). Mr. Thomas, Corning, K. y„ June 15, 1871, §50. Brown Dick 2, 4, Carpenter's ch s, 3:03i4. 2:5G\i, 2:5i'o, 3:01, 3:01. Thoiuas,bg(3:46'/ij. B. F. Kendig, York, Fa., Oct. 4, 1872, $150. Lafayette (3 0;, Julia (2 dis), 2:4«i^, 2:51k, Thomas, grg (3:45). J. Randolph, Deekertown, N. J., Sept. 27, 1876, $100. Julius H (3 0), Flora, Nelly B., 2:.'>5. 2:50. 2:45. 2:45. Thomas, b g(3:53). B. Cole. Jersey City. N. J., May 6, 1878. $100, Ona. Lady Emma. 2:52. 2:53. 2:54^. Thomas H., bg (3:04). F. Pickle, Sweetsburgu, P. Q., Sept. 28, 1883. $C0. Faithful, Topsy, Farnham Boy, ,i;Oi(, .:i:()4. 3*06^4. Thomas Jeflerson, blk s (3 :33). by Toronto Chief, dam Gips\ Queen, by son of Vt. Blackhawk. William B. Smith, Hartford, Conn.. May 31, 1866, $— . Florence, Sister Sue (i dis), 3:02U.. 2:58. 2:57. Three-year- olds. ■" George P. Carpenter, Mystic Park, Boston. Sept. 6, 18C6. $500. Little Nellie, 2:5Gi/2, 2:59, 2:59. Tliree- year-olds. William B Smith. Hartford. Conn., Sept. 18. 1860. $40. Hartford Hambletonian, Patchen, Jr., 2:52. J renton. N. J., .luiic 12. 1867, S1.50. Gen. Grant 2. Dinah, 2:.55'/i. 2:47. 2-44. Thomas Carpenter. Wooiisocket, K. L, Sept. 22. 1809, $7.5. Cloiid. 2:55. 2:48, 2:40. 7. ^V'.f.'" ^^" '''""'''■ J':"''f"'' y f ^ /. /»i Fleetwood Park, N. Y., May 16, 1871. $1,500. Prince (2 0), Dreadnaught. Shepherd Knapp Jr. (1 dis) 2:28',. '.':27, 2:27. 2:29. 11 v / I'rospect Park, L. I„ June?, 1871. $2,000. Medoc (1 0), Prince, Shepherd Knapp Jr. (4 dis). New Berlin Girl (3 (lis). 2:3094', 2:25'/j, 2:27'^, 2:2794'. Boston. Mass., June 29. 1871. $1,000. Medoc. Duchess. 2:27. 2:27'/o, 2:28. Buffalo. N. Y., Aug. 12, 1871. S2,0On. George Wilkes 2. 3.2:29, 2:2794. 2:28. 2:271^, 2:27='4. Si>ringlield. Mass.. Aug. 23, 1871. .«2.000. .l\ J. Bradlev. Conndcnce. Major Allen. 2:28!,, 2:2!»i..., 2:25'/s. Waterltiiry. Conn.. .nil> 4, 1872. $:fno. Britain 1, Ladv Sheridan. 2:4:. 2 14094. 2:38K'-':-lL Plainville.Conn.. July 2, 1874. .S6on. Parkis' Abdullah, Barnev KelTv, 2:28'4. 2:28. 2:28U,. Buffalo. N. Y., Aug. 5. 1874. $10,000. Mambrino Gilt ;!. Joe'Brown. Smuggler 1.2 (4 "dis). Pilot Temple (4 dlS). 2:22'4, 2:203,-, 2:22V,. 2:23i;,. 2 :26M. 2:28l.<,. Stallions. Point Breeze Park. I'hila., May 27, 1875. $2..-,00. St. James 1. 2. Sensation. Young Brnno(4 dis), 2:26X, 2:24. 2:251..;;. 2:2.514, 2:269,'. Prospect Park. L. L, June 2, 187.5, $2..500. Sensation. 2:2094' 2:24. 2 •2.T -Myotic I'jtrk. Boston. Sept. 14, 187.5, $10,000. Commonwealth 1. Deflaance. Parkis' Abdallah, Ned Wallace W. H. Allen (3 dr). 2:27, 2:20, 2:25'/2, 2:26. Stallions. Sept. 20. 1875. .S2.r)00. Comeel. Bella, Molsey. John H. (3 dis), 2:24'i. 2:23, 2:241/.. 2:24. J. H. Welch, Waverly, N. J.. Sept. 22, 1870, .?500. Barnev Kelly 3, 4, 2:29'4, 2:29'i. 2:30J^, 2:29, 2:30V4. Watertown. (\inn., Oct. 12, 1870, $2.50. George H. Mitchell, Billy Dawes, 2:.3S. 2:341^, 2:3494- William B. Smith. Sept. 20. 1878, $2,50. Fanny Jefferson, 2:489.,. 8:44^', 2:r>2'S. — — Walerbnry, Conn.. Oct. 2.1878, $2.50. Ii"annv Jefferson l..rimmv Norton. 2:42^^, 2:42.2:4.3U. 2:42. ThomaH .lefferson, (Col. Kipj)), blk s (2:47»j), VThomas Jefferson, dam Waitress. bv Hambletonian. E. L. Lockwood. Belvidere, 111., Sept. 6, 1883, $100. Rocker2, Highland Chief, Bay Jag (4 dr), L A. Daniele (2 dr). No time -3 0 ffi 1 O _g GO td F ^ o GO ■ z CHESTER'S COMPLETE TKOTTINC^; AXi) TACINCi KECOKD. 6Ti Thomas Jefferson Jr., (Rowes Tommy), blk s (3:31}^). by Thomas JelTersan. A. H. Rosve, Providence, R. I., June 17, 18T1, $500. Toothpick I, Kate Hayes (l dis;, J :02, J :0»J4. 3 :00, ■_' :52. Boston, Mass., June 30, 1871, $500. Wallace ■!, Dan :Morrill (3 dis). Torment (1 dis), 2:51J4, 2:46J4, 2:395!i, 2:44. Thomas Jefferson Jr., gr g(3 :40), by Thomas Jefferson. 1). Dunlevy, Deerfoot Park, L. I., July 23, 1874, .«!l(JO. Phil O'Neill Jr. 'j. Llla B., Scar Face Charley (2 dis), 2:424, 2:41,2:41';, 2:40. Thom:is L,., bg (3 :4l). II. Baker. White Plains, IN'. Y., Nov. 3, 1876, $125. Orphan Boy 1, 2, Charley (4 dis), Emma (,4dis), Windsorcs dis), lied Cloud (3 dis), 2:48;!4. 2:46>o, 2:'il. 2:42. 2:50. Thomas L. Young, cli g ^3 :191/.t). by Yellow Jacket, dam by JHefford's Dragon. M. Zeigler. Cleveland, O., Julvl7, 1872, $1,000. Grace, Ellick, Harry K., Kimball, Nelly, Jessie, Dextress, Bay Jackson (1 dis). Triphammer (1 dis). Vanity Fair (l dis). :Minnie(l dis). Bay John (l dis), 2:;J0, 2:27,2:30. J. Hovt. Lexington. Kv., Oct. 19, 1S72. .'?2.50. Sentinel, Alta, 2:2914, 2:28'.,, 2:29,4. T. T. Oliver, \Vheehng, W. Va., Aug. 22, 1873, $350. Annie Collins 3, Silversides, 2:34i2, 2:.'!3, 2:35%, ^'kokomo, Ind., June I."?, 1874, .$500. Little Mack, Harry Mitchell. ]Monarch Jr. (1 dis), 2::50, 2:339i, 2:35. J. L. Doty. Prosjject Park, L. L, Sept. 23. 1874, $l,0uu. Kansas Chief 1, Joker, Lady Banker, Geoi-ge, Frank Wood, 2:29,2:25^, 2:25?i, 2:26. Fleetwood Park, N. \., Sept. 28, 1874. $1,500, Comee 1, Music, Susie. Blanche, Lady Banker, George (4 dr),Everctt Kay U dis). 2:24?i, r:25. 2:23, 2:20. Oct. 7, 1874, $1,000. Susie 1. Kansas Chief, 2:274, 2:254. 2:23, 2:27. M. A. Skinner, Concord, Mass., June 19, 1879, $150, Joe Kipley 1,2, Unknown, Careless Boy, 2:284, 2:294, 2:30, 2:30, 2:31. J. Doyle, Daubury, Conn., Oct. 11, 1879, $125. M. R., 2:31, 2:32. 2:33. Pittsburgh, Pa., Aug. 30, 1883,$ . Brother Jonathan, 2:45, 2:44,2:43. Thomas Marshall, chs(3:47?4), by Balsora. J.M.Patterson, Harrodsburgh, Ky.,July 24,1873,$ . John Morrissey, Marv Messenger (l dis), 3;00?£, 3:01, 3:034- Three-year-olds. li. M. Anderson. Nashville, Tenn., .)ulv 5 1875, $100 Bol) Hill 5, 6, Maid of the Mist, Big Sugar, Pump- kin 1. 2 (3 dis), 2:46'o, 2:45?i, 2:48^4, 2:47-i.. 2:50, 2:54,3:044. Thomas McCaun, blks(3:4~). Isaac Woodruff, Cenlreviile, L. I., July 18, 1850, $200. Chess, pacer (1 dis), 2:47. Thomas Moore, b g (3 :43). C. S. Potter. Watkins, N. Y., July 3, 1874, $140. Mountain Maid 1,5, Idler 2, Nelly 3. Barbara Knox(7dr), T. D. Hill (7dr!. Billy White Stockings (6 dr), Johnny (Odr), Georgiana (6 dn. Sir Henrv (C iW). St. Lawrence .< dr). Beauregard (2 disi, 2:521-^5. 2:50. 2:51,2:501.^, 2:504, 2:51, 2:.50. Corning, N, Y., Oct 6, 1874, .$300. Barbara Knox 4, Central Boy 3, Dolly V., Sir Henry, Col. Walker,2:45, 2:45, 2:45, 2:45, 2:1.54. Burt Booth, Owego, N. Y.. .fuly 1, 1875, $250. Jim Walden 3, 4 (2 0), Barbara Knox (2 0), Sir Henry, David Greer. 2:42, 2:42, 2:42, 2:44, 2:47, 2:46. Thomas S., b g (3:414). W. Walton, Danvers, Mass., Sept. 7, 1876, $100. George 1; Bayard, Messenger Boy. No time. John Murphy, Mystic Park. Boston, July 4. 1877. $50. Jim Fisk. 2:45, 2:51k, 2:44. F, Stevens, Beacon Park, Boston, May 10, 1878, $25, Gen. Rodman, Isor. Actress (1 dis), Sally (1 dis), 2:44, 2:47,2:41. (W), Mystic Park, Boston, Oct. 16, 1878, $75. Ashland Boy, Gen. Butler (s), 2:49!^, 2:49, 2:49. Thomas S., b s (3 :5.5). A. E. Lovejoy, Montpelier, Vt,, Sept, 25, 1879, $50. Pat, Gray George, Belle, Lady Washington, Gloucester (3 dr), 3:03, 2:5.5, 2:56. Thomas White, b g (3 :53). G. White, New Hunting Park, Phila., Sept. 19, 1882, $1,000. George Washington 2. 2:.5,5, 2:53, 2:52. 2:52, Thomson, ch g (3 :40), by a son of Golddust. Charles S. Green, Utica, N. Y^, June 6, 1877, $500. Harry B., William Malloy, Joseph A., John Holmes ^3 dis), 2:42, 2:43, 2:40. Thorn, gr g (3 :5i). Isaac Sanderson, Norwich, Conn., Sept. 15, 1875, $200. Orphan Girl, 2:51, 2:514, 2:54. Thorndale. b s (3 :33i4). by Alexander's Abdallah, dam Dolly, by Mambrlno Chief. Edwin Thorne, Buffalo, X. Y.. Aug. 3, 1876, $2,000. Albemarle 4 (1 0), Frank ( 1 0), Adele Clark, Proctor, Allen, Gray Salem, Captain Smith (4 dr). Young Wilkes (3 dr), S. W. McD. (2 dr). Judge (1 dis), 2:22^4, 2:2214, 2:23i/2, 2:20, 2:2.5. Pouglikeepsie, N. Y., August 24, 1876, $2,000. Frank, Big Fellow, Dan Bryant, Judgo (1 dis), William H. (1 (lis), fhauncey M. Bedle (l dis), 2:2314, 2:24J4, 2:2314. Suffolk Park, Phila., Sept. 28, 1S76, $2,500. Nil Desperandum, Robert Fulton. 2:30i^. 2:314, 2:3214. Stalliou.s, Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Oct, 3. 1876, $100, Columbia Chief, 2:31io, 2:32i^, 2:274- Stallions. Fleetwood Park, N. Y'., Oct. 18 and 19, 1877, .'?5.ooo. Nil Desperandum 3. 6. Blackwood Jr. 4, 5, Thomas Jefferson, Young Sentinel (3 dr), 2:26^4, 2:2794. 2:28, 2:29}4. 2:31',, 2:27'4, 2:204- Thorndale Jr. (3:41), by Thornedale, dam Daisy, by Burr's Wasliington. W. M. Velie, Washington Hollow, N. Y., Sept. 25, 1879, $100. Lady Graham 2, Rbsetta, Mary Kennedy, Frank, Buckskin Molly (.4 dr), Molly Loomis (4 dr), J. W, (3 dr). 2:43. 2:42, 2:41. 2:41. Thorndale Princess, b m (3:37), by Thornedale, dam by Washington. J. E. Long, Brookville, Pa., Sept. 21. 1881, $125. Nelly B.ank, Lizzie, 2:44U, 2:49. 2:4.5^. Punxsutawnev, Pa.. Sept. 28, 18si, $125. Nellv Bank, Lizzie, 2:.52. 2:46i4, 2:44}^. N. G. Edelblute, Phillipsburg, N. J., Oct. 20, 1881, $200. Little Major, Nelly White, Billy N., 2:374, 2:37, 2:374- Thorndike (Charley Howe. King William & Rover), gr g (3 :33). Albert Gokey, Palmer, Mass., Sept. 2, 1874, $17.5. Capt. Hill 3, 4, Johnny, Africa (4 dis), 2:45, 2:48, 2:47, 2:47, 2:49. .1. Winslow, Mvstie Park, Boston, Oct, 20, 1875, $300. Little Alice, Capt. Sprague, Prince, Hawthorne, Peter Simple. 2:41, 2:42i4, 2:40i4, Thornless, b g (3:44), by Dauntless, dam Nanny Thorn, bv Hamlet. .L Burgen, Dowaglac, Mich.. Oct. 11, 1882, $40. Kentucky Fly, 2 :.549i. 2:52, 3:00. Four-year-olds. H. J. Hendryx, Oct. 11, 1883, $100, Valley Girl 2, Kentucky I'^lv (2 dis). Glen H. (2 dis), 2:.50, 2:40}^, 2:49, 2:44. Thornton, b g (3 :40'), by AVildair. R. Lindsey, Dayton. O.. June 23, 1875, .$1,000. Nettle Ward 2, 3, Belle Moore. Lou Mayer (3 dis). 2:42i4, 2:40?i, 2:40. 2:40, 2:40i.i. — — C'liester, 111., Oct. 22, 1875, $500. Berkeley 1, 2, Flora Bismark, Birdie, Harry Parker (4 dr), Dolly Wilson (2 disi. 2:49'i. 2:4,5, 2:43i4, 2:45, 2:46, T, H. Patchen, br s (3 :41). J. R. Haley, Mt. Holly, N. J., October 1 and 2, 1S61, $ . Patchen, 2:48, 2:41. Four-year-old stallions. Thunderbolt, b g (3 :51). Dan Mace, Providence, R. I., May 22, 1858, .$200. Jenny 3, 4, 2:.55, 2:51, 2:55, 2:58, 2:51. Thunderbolt, br g (3 :.';3). J. Cooper. Savannah, Ga.. May 30, 1872, $100. Dandy 1, Billy Patterson, 2:57, 2:58, 2:.59. 2 :.52. J. Feelv. .July 1, 187.5, .«! . Billy Patter.son, Georgia Boy, Hickory, May Bell (1 dis), 3:02i^, 2;.59. 3:06. Thurber's Chestnut Stallion (3:09). Mr. Thurber, Sandwich, 111.. Sept. 16, 1880,$ . Frazier's tors, Holme's blk m. Best time 3:09. Four-year-olds. 672 (.llLSTliU'S COMI'KKTl': rKOlTlNi; AM) I-ACIN*; KKCOIU). Thiirlow Knox, br g (2:45;, !)> I'liikSliiTidaii. J. I". liaiiies, rortlaml. Mt-., Sept. •_'«. 1877, §50. Jenny, Belle Fowler, 3 :(i;i,:J:Ol»,;;:06. Tib, I) s (a:40j. I)y Koyal Ueorjre. .1. Diinliain, Pleasantville, I'a., Aug. lt>, Ks73, 5.400. Nei-ve (W) 1, 2:W, 2:58, a:45, 2:ii>U. \V. folby. Titiisville, i'a., -May i;7, 1S7-1, SlOO. Orange Billy 3, 4, Hilly Collins, Jokor, ^'alter (4 dr), 2:40?4, 2:40, 2:41, 2':4l'. i;:40'.i. Tib Hiumiia, brnn.a:a!i;. C. .Skinner, Bo.ston, >Iass., May 25, 1855, $rjOO. Know Notliuig 1 , 2, 2 :39, 2 :.'8, 2:3!t, 2:41. Buffalo, N. Y., June 25, 1^50. §1,000. :Miller's Damsel 1. 2 (30) (6(lr\ 2::i2, 2:31, 2:32, 2:34„2.:36. . Chicago, ill.. A'.ig. 21, 18oG, ^ilOO. i.ailv i\ate 2. iieindeer 1. (3 0». . . 2:32>2, -':34, 2:37, 2::}7»^. George B. i^lfner, iJoeliester, N. V., .St-jn. 12, 1&5U, §300. i.ady Oliver, Frank Hayes (2 dr), 2:40. 2:3S. 1 Buffalo, >■. Y.,Sei)t. 2C, 18.'j(i. §2.'iO. Blaek Halpli. I.ady Kate, 2:37, 2:37, 2:37. Aug. 12, 18,J7. S5(H). Teeuiuseli. jiacer. 2:3!), 2:33!;!, 2:30 Tib AVoodwiirtl. h ni (« ::n ). S. B. \\ oodward. Saratoga Spa, N. \., Aug. 4, 1859, §50. Xaeony (W) 3.Cliarle.\ itiloy iwi 4,2:4i;i|:. 2:47. 2:50. 2:50, 2:48'/j. NVoreesler. iMass.. Julv 4, IKi3. §1(.0. Mglit Hawk (s). Best time. 2:52. ,1 11. Uarreii. i'rovideiiee, 1{. 1.. Oct. 7, 1804. §150. Belle of liartford (1 dis), 2:42;c. \V. A. Kager, Worcester. Mass.. Seiit. 22, 1805, .•?100. ilay Fly 1, itockct, Eli, 2:45, 2:4Ui. a:41, 2:46. r.arre, Mass., .Sept. 2!). 1^65. §110. Mav l'"lv. i'alnier (;irl. 2:43, 2:4.f.2:47. Ticonic. b s (.3 :33'2). A. Savage, i'ortlaiid, Me., Oct. 26, 18C5, .§500. Han Mace, Brighton Dick. 2:41'^, 2:43'j. 2:40!s. Isov. 1, 1805, § . Brighton Dick 2. 2..-)7, 2:50, 2:4C',,. • Nov. 2, 180,% §200. Dan Mace. I-ady Spanker (3 dr), 2:48. 2:47, 2:49. OV) Taunton, Mass., May 15, 1807. § . Danville Boy (w) 3, Lewistou Boy (w) (4 dr;, 2:42, 2:45, 2:43''2, — George B. I-'loyd. Mystic I'ark. Boston, July 2, 1>-G7, §200. George Washington 1, 2, John Allen, 2:36, 2::54'4,2:35, 2:38.2:41. Springlield, Mass.. Aug. 29. 1807. §100. Brandyvvine. Mack. 2:56. 2:51. Mystic I'ark, Itoston. Sept. 19, 1807, §200. Columbus Kavigator I, 4 i2 0i. Hiram Woodruff. 2:37>4, 2:34. 2:34'/i, 2:36K>. 2:34, 2:33J..>. ^ Ticonic, b g(«':37»4), bv 5lilvvaukee. dam Lady Dexter, by Flying Cloud. T. J. Dunbar, Milwaukee, Wis.. July 25, l.'^SJ, .§300, Judge ( urtis. Dutch Girl. Fulton Maid (3disj,DavidB., (2 dis), 2:3414, 2:31, 2:31. . ^ , Tiger bg(3-43'oi. B. Estabrook, St. Johns, N. B., Mav 24, 1876, §150. Lady Mac, Honest Joe, Pete Lee, Kingston Girl." Juvenile Knapp, Eva (3 dr), 2:51^4, 2:51, 2:49Vo. ., .. -^ „ ,n o r^, ., m,/ Aug. 24, 1876, §150. Pendleton's Panacea, Flora (2 dis), Honest Tom (1 dis), 2:46, 2:.W.i, 2:50i/j. A (Umn, Halifax, K. S.. Oct. 3. 1879, §100. Emi'ress 2, 3 (5 0). Kairy, Maize. Notnne. Tilda, blk m (3:37^;). Boston. Mass., Oct. 19. 1809, §100. Gypsy Boy, Topsy. Two others. 2:37>/j, 2:41?4, TilestoiV, gr g (2 :34). Ed. Hicky. Troy, N. Y., Oct. 29, 18C9, $1,000. Soubrette 1, Little One, Lightfoot, Lady Garfield (2 dis), 2:35 2:37'2. 2:40. 2:37. „ . r„ /o 1 ^ r.i , , , Oct W), 1809, §1,000. Soubrette (2 0). Fanny Fern, Lady Wheeler. Mat Tanner (3 dr). Champlm's b m (3dis).P.aine'sbm (3 dis). 2:34, 2:3,51/% 2:39, 2:41. ,., , x „ .„. ,.„..,., H. BrocK, lioston, Mass.. .lune 11. 1872, §1.50. Josephine, Lottie (3 dr), 2:39 2:40, 2:43. B Mershon. (Ircat Falls. N. H., Julv 4. 1872, $Mr,. Black l^alph. Martin Luther, 2:;.0.2:44'/2, 2:40. ■ Tillie, ch m (3 :40). T. F. Johnson, Elmlra, N. Y., Sept. 28, 187r., §800. Jenny S. 3, Countess, Billy Moscow, 2 :10, 2 :40U',, 2 :403., _ o :42. Oct. 2. r.H7.5. §700. Ladv L.l. Countess, 2:40'i, 2:401.1.2.42, 2:42. ,,-,,, -r ,. „ ... Tillie, b m (3:05). Fraiidngham. Mass., Sept. 18, 1883, $ . Kitty L.. i)avid C ., Tom, Dan, 3:05}^, Tillie ''m! (3:44';). Sabina. O., Aug. 25, 1883, §150. Kitty Rolfe, Jenny R., Little Joe, Polly. Alice West. Roval Maid ilex ('* dis) 2'44'-" 2:4514, 2:4.5J^. Tillie Smitb. i) m 'ciUsiii ^(ihn Smith, Norristown, Pa., July 24. 1874. « . Com. Chase 1, Rose Allen, Tiuie Voctliuff.'sp nr(3 :55). I. Woodruff, Aurora. N. Y., July 3, 1868, §50. A's eh c, W.'s b c. Best time, Tllton Almon? V.lk"s''2 :26). by Alir.oit. dam by Clark Chief. W. Billup, Marysville.Cal.. Sept. 6, 1883, §800. TiJj:iKV3:^r^'riyingaoi^'''ate^^^^ 24, 1869, §200. Charley (1 dis), Biggar's Ti,n''b'r g(3 -45^'^ C. Whitson. Deerfoot Park. L. L. June 30. 187.5, §200. Fanny G. 1, 2, Carrie VVinfield, Mick (3 (lis) Miller's Damsel (3dis), Lewis Hoytd dis). 2.49. 2:.'>0i4. 2:45. 2:44.2:40. „ x^ , ^, Tim br g (3:37mV. -LC. it^^ iiradford, Pa.. :Fune 18. 1880, §500. Brown Tom 1,3, Daisy 2, Ned Norris, -'o\oJl X.'y."" Jnnf23, 'lirgai-^o." Am|hany Boy 3, Brown Tom 2, Kitty Wood, Lady Wheeler. Mabel Timbucto!!! b" if2^iS^C\K\^^v}o^^<:\^ot, K- !., Sept. 8, 1874, .§300. LaBrown, Billy Stevens. Fcar- TInl'e*MedIumW(3!oU w'lh.'ppv MV.nun^^^^ divers, i'hilipsbnrgh. N. J., Sept. 12, 1883, §100. Almont fomni'iiuiiT f'l'ivil'i 1 -I''' 1-38 Half-mile heats. Three-year-olds. —iT'learll. Id, I'lu. Sept. 18. "1883, §lio Neil's b s, Almont Commander. 3:05, 3:04. Four-year-olds and l!"pn'p\.,,,t.,^vnv Pa . Sept. 24. 1883. .§125. Neil's b s. Stella Star, l\ate Woods. 3:02. .S:01. BroShl W.. Oct 2; 188^^ .§25. Annie Bank, Rosa Wood. 2:01, 2:04. Half-mile heats. Fhree- Tilnh^.'•hg^'3:48l. J.H.Brown. Lvnn. Mass.. May 15. 1S75. ,§100. Hiex. Play Boy, Maggie Foster. Sleepy Dick (2 dis) Jack Madden r2disVT,oaferO dis). 2:.59i.4.2:54K>.2:f>4. „,„_„, ,, . ,,;.„,,„„ c Timothy. I, K a ■ •!«. , (. bv Young Hindoo. P. Cornell. Lyons. N Y.. Oct 8 1878, $— -. Maggie Mitchell 5 "im White 4. Hillv Burr I.Jessie. Ladv Roxey. Clipper, Pathfinder, St. Patrick, Camors (5 dr), Marmion (4 dr). 2:,36. 2:37. 2:36. 2:36Vi, 2:35. 2:.35. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 673 A. Cari)onter, Alhjiuy, X. Y., July 5, 1880. S400. Florence 1, 3, Uncle Dave. Brookside Flora, Alice Lane. ]>av George. Jessie (odri, ii:2«l2, 2:30',i,--:-tJ'4, -:-0',i. 2:2"'4. Klniira, N. Y.. Aug. 31, 1880. S500. Lady .Star, Castleton. 2:.38, 2:34, 2:38. A.J. Feek, Bradiord, Pa., Sept. 16, 18S0, iioOO. Clover, Ella Doe, Clara J., John McDougall, 2:30'i, 2:30, 2:30. June 1.5. 1881, $500. Argonaut, Russian Spy, Jack (3 dis). 2:34Ji. 2:34, 2:28^.i. Tinker (8:57»4). J. Enriglit. Trenton. N. J., Sei)t. (i, 1879. .$200. Cabbage Boy. 3:06i4, 3:00?;i, 2:.57M. Titus' Gray Mare (w), (;i:4.^ vv). R. Titus, Washington Hollow, N. Y., Sept." 14, i8U9, $ . Haight's blk g (\v)2. (;onklin"s ch g (W), West's cli ni (w), 2:47, 2:50. 2:46, 2:45. Tinman, b g (3:48i. O. Brush. Hudson. Mass.. July 4, 1877, S150. P. T. Barnum 4. 5, Jimmy 1. Nelly, Joe Goldsmith, Joe (5 dn, Morris (4 dr), Hudson Bov i4 dr), 2:50. 2:48, 2:48, 2:47, 2:49. 2:49. Tioga, ch g (3 ■..->!). bv Winthrop Morrill. Lexington, Mass., Oct. 30, 1871, $300. Nelly S. 1. 2, Bismark (3 dr), 2:55,2:54.2:54'... 2:51. 2:53 V&. Tip, grg Ci :4f)?i). Charles Baldwin, Denver, Col., Sept. 28, 18G8,.$50. Kate, Shy, 2:495it, 2:52^4, 2:57Ji. Tip. blk g (3:44). W. H. Genu, Deerfoot I'ark, L. I., Oct. 23, 1873, $ . Louise W. 1, Charcoal (l dis), 2:45, 2:46,2:44,2:54. Tip. ch g (3:.->8). E. McArtluir, Waukegan. Ill,, July 4. 1874, .*il00. Sleepy Bill, 3:02, 3:01!4. 2:58. Tip, bg (3:38). J. M. Bates, Myrielvs, jMass.. Sept. 15, 1875, $125. Farmer Boy, Belle Oakley, Raymond, iMinnie. Kate Dennis (2 disi, 2:44^^. 2:38, 2:42'2. Tip. br g (3:.50). C. H. Ivniglit. Morristown, N. J., Sept. 3. 1880. Prize, silver. Belle. 2:55^4, 2:.50. Tip Allen, b g (3 -.33^2). bv Ethan Allen. Dr. Heard. Prospect Park, L. I., May 19, 1879, $ — . Enoch Ardeu 1. Dr. Rush.(ietThereQuick. 2:3t;. 2:34. 2:3(;i.2. 2::j.l';. Tip Corry, m g(3 :56-:^ ). A. .M. Pollev, StalTonl. Out.. Sept. 5, 1872, flOO. Ladv Wood 2, White Swan 4, High- lander (1 dis). Little Nell(l dis). 2:5G-4. 2:55. 2:.57,2:59. . Tippecanoe, ch g (3:40'.; i. Win. Cottrill. iMobile, Ala., July— ,1852. $1400. Montgomery (1 dis). 2:54. Tiptoe, br g (3:43). R. H Abbott. Cleveland, O.. Oct. 21. 1875, $40. Lady Teazle, 2:45, 2:46 2:46. Warren. O., Sept. 16. is.5<). $25. Stage's ch g. Tib. 2:.59, 2:48. Painesville, O., Aug. 29. 1859, $15. Honest .John. Sorrel Ned, Son of Malta. 2:50, 2:42. Tip Top. ell g (3 :43). P. T. Raymond. Hartford. Conn., Nov. 4, 1874, .$300. Surprise, Sea Foam, Sorrel Boy, Belle Hudson (2 dis). W. W. Moore (2 dis), 2:42''4, 2:42, 2:44. Titan, b g (3 :33i^). S. Hayes, Boston, Mass., June 24, [872, $500. Johnny Wonder 3, 2:3794, 2:4794, 2:42i4 2:42. June 27, 1872. .§300. Johnny Wonder (l dis), 2:32i^. Titania, ch m (3 :43?i), by Aberdeen, dam Bonny Lassie, by C. J. Wells. H. C. and J. Jewett, Olean, N. Y., Sept. 15, 1881. $100. (i'racie B.. Selim. 3:0014. 2:45?4. Three-year-olds. Tivoli, b g (3 :00). C. Heintzel, Deerfoot Park, L. I., June 11, 1874, $200. Lady Victory 1 (3 0),3:06J..S, 3:01. 3:10, 3:00(,2, 3:00. T. J., b R (3 :41). T. J. Middagh. Mifflin Co.. Pa., Sept. 27, 1877, .f . Black Crook, Prince, 2:.55, 2:.59, 2:55. Sept. 28, 1877, $ . Silas, Harrv, 2:41, 2:42, 2:42'^. T. J. Potter, grg (3 :39i4). E. Daggett, Council Bluffs. la.. Sept. 2, 1881, $200. Brown Dick, Brown Wilkes, Cyrus, (Golden Rule, Lucrece, JimMack. 2:29i,i. 2:.3394. 2:.34. Fairfteld. la.. Sept. 6, 1881, $400. Yuetta (1 0), Golden Rule, Joe Neff, Clarence H., Harry Gilbert. 2:33, 2::i7?4, 2:.3554.2:41. .Sept. 7, 1881. .$300. Yuetta. Golden Rule. Joe Neff. Queen Bettv, B. F.. 2:43. 2:44, 2:38i'2. Dulnique. la., Sept. 13, 1881, .$.500. Bay Charley, Fred. Winchie. Henry Gilbert, 2:41io, 2:43, 2:39!^^. Cedar Rapids, la., Sept. 21, 1881, .$300. Jlambrino .Sturges 1, Brown Wilkes, W. F. Hayes, 2:38'4, 2:38, 2:3,81^,2:401/2. Sept. 23, 1881. $.300. Frank Baker. W. F. Hayes, Menry Gilbert, 2:.379i, 2 :40. 2:42. T. Mack (s), chs 1.3:4614 s). L. A. Hitchcock, Mobila, Ala., March21, 1857, $.300. Cottrill's b m(s),2:46"2,2:48, 2:.53. March 2.5, 18.57, $750. Grace W^ilton. Cottrill's b m. Queen, 2:52, 2:52}^. 2:479i. T. M.Bayne, bg (3:3194). by Joe Downing. L. D. Shaffer, Butler, Pa., Sept. 27. 1878, $100. Gypsy Tom 3, Little Roan, 2:47, 2:44. 2:51, 2:50. Parker Citv, Pa., Oct. 3, 1878. $350. Little Roan 1. Pathfinder, 2:.37. 2:41U. 2:40. 2:42. Tobe. blk g (3 :49}4). John Croker. Denver, Col., Oct. 11. 1869, $250. Col. Webster l. Ghost, 2:5514. 2:55';, 2:51, 2:549ii. W. F. Wilbur, July 23, 1870, $50. Ghost (1 dis), 2:58. J. H. Esterbrook, Sept. 28. 1870. $40. Col. Webster 1 (2 0) (4 dr), 3 :01, 3:00i4. 2:.59';;, 3:10. N. M. Barnes, Aug. 26, 1871. $300. Shiptimber. 2:4914, 2:49'4, 2:5194. (w) Sept. 2, 1871, .$500. Ripton 2, 2:57i4,2:,55i4, 2:.599i, 2:58i... Toby (w), bg(3:45w). James Seven, Union Course, L. L, Aug. 30, 1848, .$200. Butcher Boy (w"), 5:46, 5:30. Two miles. Toby, br g (3 :39). J. Williams, Detroit, Mich., Oct. 22, 1863, $100. Eaven, Henrv Clay. Lady Woodlawn, Ida, 2:40, 2:i2]4, 2:39. Toby, br g (3 :40). A. J. Gilbert, Corning, N. Y., July 3. 1873, $400. Prince Clay, Lightfoot, Blue Mare (2 dis), 2:43. 2:40, 2:40. Aug. 26, 1873, $300. Prince Clav. Shortv Fountain. Prince of Wales, 2:41, 2:409i 2:4194- Toby, ch g (3 :38). John Sampson. Easton.'Pa.. Oct. .30. 1873, $100. Molasses Hollow Boy 1, W. H. Force, St. Paul (2 dis). Ledger Girl. (2 dis)2:48, 2:44, 2:48, 2:49. Oct. .31, 1873, $150. Ledger Girl, Molasses Hollow Boy, W. H. Force, St. Paul, 2:46, 2:46, 2:4514. -Mr. Bartlett, Point Breeze Park. Phil.. Se|)t. 25, 1871, $ . Bay Henry, pacer. 2:44. 2:48. 2:.50. (Jeorge West, Sept. 28. 1874, ,$500. I>ady Sharpe. Bay Harry, pacer (2 dis), 2:42}^, 2:411;, ^.35. Toby Candor (s), b g (3 :38), by Mambrino, dam, a thoroughbred mare. S. R. Perkins, Fashion Course, L.I., April 17. 186(x $100. Wm. Wlielan (s), Kate Atwood(s), 2:55, 2:46, 2:45. Wm. Sherwood. Boston, Mass., May 1, 1806, $100. Gideon Welles, 2:4514, 2:45, 2:45^- S. R. Perkins, Hartford. Conn.. Sept. 18. 1S66, $90. Lizzie Littlefleld, 2:46, 2:48. Palmer, Mass., Oct. 12, 1866. $ . Billy Grav. 2:49'... 2:48. 2:in'i. Providence, R. I., Oct. 23. 1866. .$90. Billy Gray 2 (l O), Andy .Tohnson. 2:42Vo, 2:40, 2:38, 2:39V^, 2:4494- Toby Tyler, b g (3 :36ii). F. Vale, Petrolia,' Oct. 5, 1883, .$2.50. Royal George 1, 2, Peacemaker (4 dis). Cop- perhead (4 dis), 2:41, 2:40, 2:37. 2.:37. 2:36i4. Toge, br g (3 :37). G. Gordon. Warren. O., Oct. 11. 1877. .$75. Dew Drop, Harry, Daniel, Orange Boy. Henry S., Clara W., Capt. Jack, Molly McBride (1 dis). 2:.56, 2:.52. 2:.53. J. A. -Johnson. Youngstown, O.. July 4. 1878, $300. Moll Pitcher, Sunshine, Hattie, Duroc 1, 2f3rs), Good Morning (2 dis). , . 2:40. 2:42i'«. 2:.37. Togus Boy. br g (3 :3-'>V^), bv Gen. Knox. J. W. Withers, Gardiner, Me., Oct. 13, 1874. $100. Lady Gray 1, 4, Honest Fred, 2:48%. 2..50>4. 2:.57V«. 2:481.^. 2:49. ^Oct. 1,5, 1874, .$100. Ladv Morrill Ruby (2 dis>. 2:46, 2:44, 2:44i4. Tola, grm (3:3914). D. M. Marsh. Cleveland, O.. Sept. u. 1878, $500. Monntaineer l, 2. Honest Marv 4, 15, Sannie G., Golden Girl (1 dis). Belle Powers (1 dis), Sunshine (1 dis),' 2:31, 2:35, 2:3214, 2:3314 2:35, 2:37, 2:2914. 43 674 CHESTER'S COMl'LETE TKOTTING AM; l'A(l.N(i lilXimi). Toledo, O., Sept. 21, 1878, SCOO. Valiant 2, (iolden Girl. Frank Sloan, 2:38, 2:37'/4. •^■.'M, 2:311^. Cdluinbus, ()., Sei)l. 27, 1878, $000. Hero, UluikClouil. Haiiki-r. Hellf I'owers, 2:34'i, 2:33!^. 2:33?i. Maiislicld, Vll., Si'lJl. I. l.H8:f, $100. Wliiriwiml 3, Trajilia^i'ii. I'aul Hackc. •J:12'j, 2:42. 2::J9. Ullllnished. ToUnlo. 1) g ,a ::J4i..i). Josei)li Dufn-e, Adrian, Midi., July 4, iSiiK, .^75. Jlelinont. Krank Moscow (.2 dr),2:35i^, 2:3iiJ.... 2:37'.. J.ll. Williams, Toledo, O., .Iulv27. 1868, §1,000. Belmont 1, 2:3;',i, 2:36. 2:34»4, 2:»4?4. Toledo, rn Ki~:-t")'4»- E;ust Saginaw, Mifli., Sept. 5. 1872. $J(m. (ins 1, Lizzie 1). (2 dr), 2:47^. 2:50. 3:01. .Sept. 11, 1872. .S200. Lizzie I) 1 (2 0), CillS, 2:41, 2:40U, l.':5IM!. 2:.-)2Vj, 2:50?4. Toledo IJov, b {,' (2:44). Kody Patterson, I'ittslmrgli, I'a., Oct. 29, 1873, 4S400. East End ,1. Harrv V. (4 dn. 2:4.->, 2:44^4. 2:44 ?i. 2:44. Tolman's <'liet4). A. Tolnian, I'almer, Mass., Oct. 22, 1868, SIOO. Lady AVaternian. Billy, two uIIhts. 2:,'>1^. 2:.^)2H.. 2:.53!^j. Tolii Miiitl 1 Nettie C), br in (2:33^). by a son of lied Bird, dam by Yellow .Jacket. M. T. Martin, Milwaukee, Wis., .lime 9, 1880, S8(K). Kittv (Tvde 3, Kale Middleton O dis), 2;40',2,2:30?4, 2:39, 2:.33i^. Lexington. Ky., Oct. 13. 1880. S700. Alia, .leronie, Jolin E.. Molly Kistler. 2:2.'>. 2:24i4. 2:23*4. Tom, ell a I'i ::$«»). .1. Si)ringsleed, Saratoga Spa, X. Y., Aug, 30, iS.Vi. §500. Frank I'ieroe, 2:41, 2:43. 2:50. Sept. 20, 18.")3, .SIOO. F:uiny 1. 4. Vaiiderliilt (3 dn. 2:39, 2:3i;. 2:43, 2:4.''>. 2:4.3. Tom. I) g ov* r' :•*! "). Hiram Woodniir. I'nion Course. L. I., Oct. 20, 18.M, $ . .loe Husted (1 dis;, 2:41. Tom iw). gr g (2:.53.'8 w). M. lloiisnuiii, Inion ("nurse. L. I.. Oct. 11. IS-IO, S-WO. Boston (W). 2:.'>8, 2:.57. o\». Hiram Woodruff, Nov. 30, 18(^, .S40fi. I'lifers cli m d disi, 5:47?4. Two miles. Tom {2:5-4i. .1. Uieketson, Myrieks, Mass., Sept. 20, ISO."). .?20. Faniiv, •2:r>G''^. 2:.52. Tom. ell g Ci :4t»>. Mr. Langstaflf. Union Course, L. I., Nov. 28, 1865, SOOO. Eagle Kock (w) 1. Ladv Wonder (2 dis), 2:59'-, 2;5.">, 2:40. 2:0^^!. .loliii -Murpliv, Nov. 29. 18(i,5, S200. Eagle Roek, 2:48, 2:47K 2:48';. Tom, lir g (2:58). A. Whitson, Fashion Course, L. I., June 1.3, 1808, .«300. Kosa, Borsfs lir ni, 3:f)0, 2:58, 2 :.''>8. Tom. ell s (2 :40). H. Hatch, Cleveland. ().. Sept. 12. 1870, $200. Dock. Lady Ella, 2:42!i, 2:41, 2:41!4. Berea, O., Oct. 18. 1871. $75. Cleveland 1, Mickv Free, 2:4(5, 2:40, 2:4.'-). Tom, lilk g i2:5G). W. C. Webb. Sniithtown. L. L, June 2, 1870, $; . Deborah 1, 3:03, 2:.W. 2:58. Tom (2:48). F. Wagner, Scranton. Pa., July 4, 1871, $100. Preacher 2, 3, Gypsy, Live Oak l (4 dis), Robbv i4 dis), 3:01, 2:.54'i. 2:.51';, 2:48. 2:.51, 2:51^. Same day, .•?75. Preaclu-r, Tiger (1 dis). Nevada Chief (1 dis). 2:52»4. 2:49. 2:56V6. Tom, eh g (2:37' .i. John V. Carroll. Deerfoot Park. L. L, .lulv 11 and 12, 1873. .«75. Magic 1. 6, Eastern Star 2, 3 iG dis), Mattie, Summit. 2:.>t'.. 2:,')0. 2:49. 2:,';0. 2:.52, 2:53. 2:51. Tom, eh g »2 :59Ja). D- Garvey, Chicago, HI., August 12, 1873, .$100. Red Fox 1. 3. 3:0.3J4, 2:59^, 3:04, 3:00?i, 3:00'.i. Tom, blk g (2 :3.5). James B. Burlevv, Rochester, N. Y., Sept. 15, 1874, $200, Meadow I.ark, Dolly Ellison, No Name, Smuggler. 2:49. , 2:4(>. Penn Yan. N. Y.. Sept. 7. 1876. $300. Lottie K. 1, B. F. Bruce 2, 3 (5 dis), Lady Decker (2 dis). 2:40, 2:41, 2:38, 2:40,2:41, 2:41. Syracuse, N. Y.. Sept. 16, 18T6, $700. Torrent 4, Annie Page 1, Lady Decker, Integrity (1 dr), 2:38, 2:40, 2:42?.t. 2:40,2:40. Le Rov, N. Y.. Oct. 4. 1876. .$200. Bay Billy. Joe Miller. Nelly, 2:5.3, 2:.53'2, 2:.52'/i. Deerfoot Park, L. I., Oct. 20, 187(;, $400. Little Frank 3, Joseph .V., David. Lottie K., 2:37, 2:4l?4, 2:40i^. Unfinished. lersey Citv, N. J., Nov. l and 2. 1S76. $1.50. Tommy Ryan, Silvertail. St. (ieorge, 2:41, 2:39, 2:38}4. Tom, ell g(2:57). Mr. Ernest, Wellington, O., Sept. 24. 1874, .^iOO. Black Bob, Warren's gr m (2 dis), Dick (2 (lis), 2:.57, 3:02. Tom 1) g (2 :39'^). J. N. Woodward, ClareinoiU, N. H., June C, 1874, $1.00. Sleepy Dick, 2:5514,, 2:49?4, 2:55>4. Tom bg(2:50). J. L. Noves, Lowell, Mass.. Sept. 25, 1874, .faso. Strideaway 1, 2, St. Lawrence Boy 3, Eva, Diiimond (5 dis). Black Hawk (5 dis), Quaker .Jim (5 dis). 2:.53. 2:51, 2:.52. 2:,50. 2:.52, 2:.5.3. Tom, br z i2 :47i. J, H. Wattles, Norwich, Conn., Oct. 2, 1874, $225. Royal (ieorge 1. Lady Nash, Pet, 2:50, 2:47, 2:47, •_':49'i. Tom, br g 1 2 :5.5). Irving Benedict, Schenectady, N. Y., Sept. 23. 1875, $100. Sally Sontag, 3 (4 0). Kitty (4 0), Snagstowii, 2:55, 2:56. 2:.58, 3:01. 2:.")7. Tom cfi g (2 :45). L. Sliieter. Sinelairville. N. Y., Sept. 15, 1875. $70. Frank Martin, James. Printer. Harrv Thorn, 2:46, 2:45'^. 2:46. Sept. 18, 1875, $100. Jeniiv Liiul 1. Star. 2:50, 2:45, 2:46. 2:45. Tom. br c. Mr. Campbell, Waterford. N. Y.. June 1, 1876. $ . Bawn, 1 :.00'2, 1 :48i^i. Half-mile heats. Tom rns(2:37) l)yMe(;reg()r"s Warrior. Thomas Gillespie, Toronto, Out., Sept. 9. 1876. $6.50. Fulton,! (20). Charles Douglass. Douglass, Warr llulett (2 dis). 2:37'o, 2:37,2:3714. 2:.38?4. 2:3S'.,. Tom (2:38'4). Mr. Plamandoii. Chicago. 111.. Aug. 26, 187G. S . Not (iuilty, PatMalloy. Countess, 2:46, 2:46. Tom, chg (2:35). L. M. Whitnev. Bethel. Vt.. Oct. 17, 1876. $200. Leeds, John B.. ISlaggie Lee, Promise, AddieR., Jessie D., 2:43%. 2:48>,, 2:45. ... Oct. 18, 1876. $200. Tom, Joliii B., .Strafford Boy, Leeds (3 dis), Annie (l dis), Promise (l dis). 2:37. 2:3t . 2:40V,. (;.~L. Brown, Montepelier. Vt.. Oct. 24, 1876. $2.50. John B., Promise. Reindeer. Strafford Boy, Tom, 1, 2 (4 r o). Lady Morrill (1 dis). Annie (1 dis). Kitty (1 dis), 2:361^, 2:38, 2:35. 2:4»i, 2:47. Tom. 1) g (2:38). Mr. Pickell. Montreal, P. Q., Aug, 5. 1878, .$50. Plainville Boy, Lachiiie Boy. 2:38, 2:38, 2:38. Tom, l)rg (2:451/,). J. Mc(iiiire. Morrisinia, N. Y., May 19, 1879, $100. Jaekl, 2:55'2.2;1(;. 2:46' 2, 2:49. Tom, brg (2:44i4), by the Washburn Horse. A. J. Powers. Souoh Weymouth. Mass.. July 4, 1881. $75. Brown Dick, Boss l''earnaught. Cant. Sprague. Fanny T., Ned, Kate Hazzard. 2:48, 2:47, 2:44^1. Tom. L. IPneklev, Hudson, Wis.. Sept. 15, 1882. .S — . Brown .lug. S;im Brown, (^liarley S. (1 disV No time. Tom. rn g (3 :02W). J. Mead, Newj)ort, R. I.. Sept. 15, 1883. $200. Fashion, 3:05. 3:06. 3:02'2. Tom, ell g (2 :.'>3).' B. Morris, San Luis Obispo, Cal., Nov. 17, 1883. .$200. O'Donohne, 2:56. 2:.'>3. Tom Adiuns. eh g i2:33). William A. Forth. Flora, 111., Sept. 28. 1875. $4.5. Birdie. Molly (irimes (2 dr\ Mag How;ird (1 dis;, Molly Mohawk (I dis), Gniv Jake (1 dis). Knobby (1 dis), 2:40';, 2:4,5H, 2:44J<(, Tom All«-n, ell g (2 ;r,()). Thomas Jones, Manchester, N. IL, Sept. 16, 1859. SIO. Abdaliah, 2:.50, 2:61. Tom Allen, b s (3 :Oi)), by Ethan Allen, dam Jane, by the Brooks' Horse. E. M. John, Doylestown, Pa., Oct. 3. 1867, $14. George Washiiigtoii. Reindeer Patchen.3:09. Stallions. Tom Allen, ell s (2 :4«».i). .loliii Campbell, Ypsilanti, Mich.. July2, 1869, S . Fanny Ostler (2 0), Maximi- lian. Wilkes Booth <'2 dis), 3:0(:K.. 3:0.5. 2:.-)9, 3:03. W;uikon, la., June 21, 1872, .S.«)0. Rolla Mills 1. .Tack Stiles. Bl,acksmith,2:4m. 2:49. 2:38, 2:46?4. Tom Allen, b g (2 :54). M. Iliistings. Wiuchendon, Mass., Oct. 2.3. 1873,$ . Leominster Boy, Lady Hayden, Daudv J.lek. 2:56, 3:02, 3:01. Barrie, Mass., Sejtt.2.5, 1874, ,?,55, F:innv Fern. 3:04'4.2:58, 2:54. Tom B.. brg (2:35). M. Ernest, Conneaut,"0., Aug. 19, 1880. $250. George S., Brunswick Boy, Little Mag, Pale Face. — — . 2:45.2:45. H. O. Price, Pittsburgh, Pa., Oct. 2, 1880, $300. Prince, 2 :37Ks, 2:39,2:43. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TRCjTTIXG AND PACING RECORD. 675 Oct. G, 1S80, $300. T. M. Bavne 1, 3, Neshaunock, ]«aud B., Beaumont (3 dis), 2:34'/i, 2:36, 2:32?^, 2:35, ■Z:3r,. Tom li., ch g ci :32'4), by Chestnut Tom. dam by the Belden Horse. F. Topp, Marshall, Mich., Aug. 12. 1882, S300. Mambnno Sparkle, Walter .Jones, 2:38'.i, l':3614, 2:37'i. C. A Adams, East Saginaw, :Mich., Sept. 27 and 28,~1882, $200. Flirt 3. 4. Jim Early 5, G. Seneca Patchen, (iazetter 2(5 drj, Mary ('. (4 dis), 2:.33'4. 2:30U. 2:3114,, 2:31'4, 2:33. 2:3314. 2:36, 2:35. W. J. Gordon, Berea, O., Oct. is and 19, 1882. $ . Josie H. 4, Gray Dan 3, William G., 2:37, 2:36y2, 2:4014, 2:37>.i.2:34M. Oct. 19, 1882.$ . .lim Schriber, .losic H., 2:354, 2:35, 2:38. Torn It., b g(3:31U). B. Stauiew Innton. C. Sept. 25, 1883, .§300. Watson 1, Welshman, Capt. Rowell, 2:41, 2:39'2.2:39?4, 2:'38J4. Sei)t. 27, 1883, $300. Kitty Kolf, Watson i2 dis), Bald Chief Jr. (2 dis), Capt. Kowell (1 dis), 2:31>2, 2:35'/2, 2:32'4. South Bend, Ind., Oct. 3, 1883, $250. Princess, Jeff Davis, Alhambra Maid, Thornless, Teazer D., 2:.33i4, 2:35! i, 2:33}.i. Oct. G. 1883. $350. Somerset Maid, Princess, (iov. Tilden, 2:3414, 2:32. 2:.33'4, Torn Barrett b g (3:34). E. D. Bayliss, Beaver. Pa., Oct. 4, 1881, .?75. Pithole, Ophelia, Kate, Frank, 3:27, 3:24K>. 3:24. Tom Barton, brg (3:34'4). R. V. Smith, Norwich, Conn., July 23, 1880, .?200. Hersey 1, 4. Baby Girl, AVhy Not, Dick (5 dv). Charles .Sunnier (I dr), Di.xie (2 dis), 2:42, 2:39, 2:4214, 2:42, 2:4.014. Worcester, :\lass. Aug. 11, 1880, $200. Johnny 1. T.elle of Fitchburg, Pointer Boy, Jennie, 2:35, 2:35,2:35, 2:34=4. Newport, R. I., Oct. 12, 1880. $175. Homer 2, 4. Norman John, Midas, Hopkinton Maid. 2:40, 2:37'/2, 2:41, 2:,39i.o, 2:43'.;. Tom iJatterv (Young Bruno), b g (3 :32?i). by Hambletonian. dam Kate, by Belair. T. W. Price, Massillon, O.. Oct. 26, 1878, $200. Eddy Frye 1, Davy C., Little Ben, Carson, Harry J., Doc Cash (4 dr). 2:43!4, 2:41i4, 2:431.1.2:42. Orrville, O., Oct. 10, 1879, $200. City Girll. Kitty Clyde, Bay George, Brunswick Boy (3 dr), 2:45, 2:42, 2:41'i, 2:41'.;. Tom Bayard, b g (3 :33i4>. J. M. Ford, Worton, Md., Sept. 18, 1879, $200. Clara Morgan, Lizzie, John, Belle Wildair (3 disi. 2:46, 2:454, 2:51i^. Dover, Del.. Sept. 24. ls79. $200. Stonewall, Brown Tom, Legal Tender, Clara Morgan, Johnson Boy, 2:37' 2. 2:34,2:34. Middletown, Del.. Oct. l. 1879. $200. Brown Tom, Spunky, Black Chief. 2:39. 2:38, 2:3914. .September 22, 1880, .§300. Billy Boulden l, Whitelield 2, Rob Roy, Lady Sharp, 2:39!-2, 2:36i4, 2:364, '■* '38 '* "38 — Dover! Del, Oct. 1. 1880. $350. Brookside Flora. May Medium, 2 :38i4. 2 :334, 2 :38. Tom Kenton (s), ch g (3 :39i4), by Winthrop Messenger. George Spicer. Beacon Course, N. J., Oct. 21, 1843, $.V). Sarah (s)3 (1 0) (4 0), Lady Tompkins (s) (1 dis), Shaver (s) d dis), 2:47, 2:51, 2:46, 2:46, 2:44, 2:41. 'SI Oct. 23. 1843, $.50. Sarah (s). Comet (s), 1:1 dis), 5:48, 5 :48. Two miles. K. Titus, Boston. Mass.. Oct. 5. 1847, $400. Gov. Dorr, 2:39i4, 2:43, 2:44i/2. William Woodruff, May n, 1848, $250. Hector. 2:41, 2:414. June 20, 1848, $ . Hector, Gray Trouble (2 dr), 2:52, 2:49, 2:49. July 25. 1849, $ . Waterloo, 2:54, 2:42. Tom Benton (,s), b s ( 3 :46). J. Rutherford. St. Louis, Mo.. July 7. 18.53. $150. Bluffer (s), 2:51, 2:48, 2:45. P. McGiveny, July 23, 1853, $50. Prince Albert 1, 2, Wiseman's cr s, pacer, 2:55, 2:504, 2:51, 2:55, 2:51. Nov. 26, 1853, $600. Canadian Stallion l, 2:49, 2:46. 2:48. 2:49. Tom Benton, blk g (3:43). O. Hamilton, Boston, Mass., Oct. 13, 1859, $300. Lady Jocelyn, Flyaway (3 dr), Ladv Day, 2:48^, 2:44, 2:47^- Tom Best, b g (3 rSS'j). J. C Kellv, St. Louis, Mo., Sept. 28, 1863, $600. Buckeye, 5 :3li.4, 5:33' 2. Two miles. -- — Con Moran, Aug. 5, 1863, .$400. Tom O'Shanter (,W). 2:50%, 2 :49i'i. X. J. Colen-.an. Dec. .5, 1863, $200. Little Bill (w^ 2. 3, 2:57, 2:48. 2:52. 2:51. 2:52. Tom Bird, gr g (3:43). J. Kelly, Jersey City, N. J., June 2, 1877, $100. Susie Smith, Jenny L., 2:4414, 2:44, 2 :45. • Deerfoot Park. L. I., June 5, 1877, $200. Privateer Jr. 1, Maria Stuart, Little Nell, Pearl, Little Nelly, Grav Jacket (3 dis) Mamie Trundy, 2:U%, 2:434, 2:43, 2:46,14. June 7. 1877, .$200. Annie R. 1. Privateer Jr.. Gray Jacket. C. Greer (dr), 2 :44, 2 :47. 249. 247. Tom Booker, br g (2 :44). C. N. Carr. Baltimcre, Md., Oct. 2, 1860, .$ . Fanny, Sea Breeze, Beck, 2:44. Tom Bowling (w), ch g (3:49). S. Hayes, Boston, Mass., Oct. 3, 1860, $75. Comfort, Breeze (dr), 3:02, 2:55, 2 :.53. (w) William Woodruff, Lvnn, Mass.. Aug. 7, i860, $100. W'hite Surrey. 3:04, 3:03, 2:58. Dan Mace. Boston, Mass., Sept. 18. 1860, $500. South Boston Maid, 2.50, 2:51, 2:49'2. Tom Boy, gr g (3:53). P. Davev, Toronto, Out., Sept 23, 1864, $50. Fanny Foster, Gray Goose Honest John. 3:07, 3:00, 2:.57. Sept. 24, 1864, $100. White Stockings, 2:57. 2:55, 2:.53. Tom B. Patchen, br s (3 :37i4, by the Churchill Horse, dam by the Benson Horse. J. C. Benson, Portland, Me.. Aug. 29, 1876, $150. Somerset Knox, Gilbreth Maid (1 dis), Shaw's Knox (1 dis), 2:34, 2:32, 2:34. Five- ve;ir-olds. Sept. 22, 1876, $200. King William, Phil Sheridan, 2:35, 2:36, 2:37. Stallions. A. C. Scribner. Aug. 17, l.'<77, .$200. Phil Sheridan 1. Millinockett, 2:3714. 2:33, 2:3f?4, 2:32. Sept. 20. 1877. $ . Nelly Sherman, Black Rose, Phil Sheridan (2dr), 2:40, 2:361^, 2:37}^. Aug. U. 1S7S. .$400. Palmer Knox 1, Cadmus Jr., Phil Sheridan (dr), 2:314, 2:32. 2:304, 2:32. Aug. 8, 1878. $800. Cadmus, Jr.. 2:32, 2:38, 2:28. Lewiston. Me.. Aug. 14, 1878, .$.300. Emperor William, Cadmus Jr.. 2:31U. 2:43. 2:34i^. Fairfield, Me., Aug. 23, 1878, $500. Young Buchanan, King Philip, Royal Knox, Honest John, 2:33, 2:32, 2:32'.;. I. Knight, Pontiiic, Mich.. May 30. 1879, $250. Frank C. 2, 4, Dan Donaldson 1, Mambrino Chief, Jr., Red Oak, Norris' Bashaw. Best time 2:30. Adrian, Mich., July 3, 1879, $500. Joe Kellogg 2, 3. Little Hannah, Lady Moscow. 2:36, 2:37. 2:37, 2:3314, F. B. Hazelton. Skowhegan, Me., Aug. 26, 1880, $125. Roval Knox, Ino, Frank B., 2:32?4, 2:33, 2:32. H. B. Shaw, Cumberland, Me.. Sept 22, 1881, $150. Dandy J. 1, Black Arthur. 2:.32, 2:32, 2:32, 2:35. W. Irish, Taunton. Mass., Sept. 29, 1881, $400. Galatea, Argonaut. Joe Ripley, 2:27i'4, 2:27;4, 2:27i^. Tom Bradley, b g (3:431^), bv Joe Curry. P. Manee Jersey City, N. J., Oct. 4, 1883, $20. Phil D\vyer 1. 3, 2:49?4, 2:44»i, 2:45. 2:43'i. 2:44. Tom Brady, b s(3:34). Charles Skinner, Buchanan, Mich,, July 4, 1868, $150. Honest Charlev 1, Yankee Marv, Washtenaw Chief. Quaker Boy, 2:3914, 2-44, 2:45, 2:34. Chicago, 111., July 23. 1868, v$500. Heart of Oak, Yankee Mary 1 (3 dr), 2 :37i4, 2 :37?4. 2 :35, 2 :46. Aug. 20. 1868, $300. Fanny Kemble 2, Queen of the West, 2 :43. 2 :3824, 2 MVi, 2 -.31%. 676 CHKSTEUS rOMri.KTK THOTTINC AM) I'ACINc; IlKCORD. Tom Bray, b g(2:53?4>. O. WriKlit, Hall's Track, L. I., Sent. II, 1872, SSOO. King Bcc, 2:56, i!:53)4 -'•57V4 Tom liivezp, ell g "i::*?'/.). by the Eaton Horse. William .larvis. l'rosi)ect Park, L. I., ^'ov. 24,' 1870 SSOOi .lessif 1, •J:4.i. J:»2',,, i;:4-.'io. . t vaa Fred Aiidifws. New JIavcn, Conn., July 2. 1873, $250. Marblehead 1. Elertro. 2:41, 2:42'i 2-42 2:fJU, K.Jlasst'tl, Hartford, (.dnii.. .Inly 24, 1S7.5, $175. l.ady IVIiller, Louise. 2:45?4, 2:49ji, 2:44?4. " ' ' '^- NfW Haven. Coiili . Ailg.t*. 1873. S . Kimieror 3, 2:.«t'4. 2:41';. 2:4.">, 2:4,"). Tom Itroiinaii. 1) j; t'-i :449a '. .1. Corey. Fairfirhl, III.. Sept. 24. 1875. S30. Logau. Zella K., 2:44>.i, 2:45Vi. Tom IlrHlon. I>rg ri:'i<>), by Maiuliruiiello. dam i)y Conmioilore. J. H. VVilliams, Lucas t'ountv O Sent •"■ 1872. j;,iii. Id;i. Lady Hasliaw. .lolili IJrowii, ;!:0t)'o, ;>:()',». . • •- y Oel. ::. 187:5. Sr>oo. iMaggie KImherly. Forest Maltl, .ludge (Widdeii. .Meg, Froney. 2:38^4, 2-38.2-.3S I'ittsliiirgli. I'a.. Oct. 7. 1873, :;. 2 :43'U. Cleveland. ().. Sept. 21, 1874. .'5700. Lewiiiski, Frank, Hvlas. Forest l\Iaid (3 dr). 2:30. 2:31'i 2-30W Tippeeauoe ("Itv, <).. Sept. '.;.". 1874. $ . Little Alfred 4 (3 0). 2:35. 2 :42'/2, 2:39, 2:43 2-44 ' Toledo. ()., Sept. ■J4. 1874. ,« . Brown Kate, ,2:51. - — . Xorwalk. <).. Oct. 2. 1874. .■S'kk). Ohio (iiij i, ,loe Sliawhan 3. Long Mane, 2:43. 2:38J^. 2:41, 2:40i4, 2:35>4 Delianee, Intl., Oct. 10, 1874. .^ . Suri)rise 1. 2, ]SIinnie. Brown Kate, Sorrel Ned (5di.s) 2-46 2-44 "-47 2:.10. 2:50. ' ' "' * Pi(iua, ().. Get. 14, 1874. $500. Holly. Billy Lambertson (1 dis), 2:.'i,5. 2:33K'. 2:32. Oct. 16, 1874, $400. John B., Little Alfred, 2:;i5i4. 2:36. 2:38^. Same (lav, .■!;7()0. Black Frank 3. Harrv Miteln-ll. 2:31K', 2:3r'i,5;:31>.i. 2:32. Cynthiaua, Ky., Sei)t. 24, 1875, $.500. Aliie W est 1, 2. Cai)t. Jack3, 4, Dick Tavlor, Byron, 2:25, 2:27 2:31ki 2:31. 2:30?.i. 2:36, 2:34^2. " " Lexington, Ky.. Sept. -28. 187.5. $600. Doble 2, Eliza Clay. Scolt's Chief, 2:27V^, 2:28. 2-28'/» 2-"Va. N.*l). Abrams, Alamstee, Mich., Aug. 16. 1876, $100. Surprise 2, John Barney. Joe Alonday, 2-39 2.-40 2:36. 2:37' J. Charlotte, Mich., Aug. 25, 1876, .S250. Little Sam 3, Pathfinder, Mambrino Warner, Lizzie Davis d dis) 2:33^4. 2::«i,i, 2:.W4. 2:35'4. Ci. W. Voorhees, Kalamazoo. Mich.. June 14. 1877, $600. Tom Keeler 1, Lewinski 5, Capt Jack 2 Jack Dniper, Allen. Lady Vestii odri. . •-':■_'(:. 2:-J6, 2:-26'.:. 2:-J5'.i. 2:26. Tom IJrowii. eh g (•/i:27i.,i. l)v Adams Bald Chief, dam bySaiM Slick. Brown and Llovd, Madison Hid. May 31. 1876. $800. S. W. Mel).. Frank lleeves. S<-ott's Thomas. Kate Cami)bell. 2:.!8. 2:39=^. 2:;j5. C. B. Forbus, Delaware. O., July 4, 1877, $325. Ked Line 1, 2, Harry Clay, Billy Yeazell, 2:32. 2-35>4. "-;jO 2:34. 2:.39. \V. Weeden, Chilicothe. O., Oct. 11, 1878, $400. Doble 1, EdnaEarle, May Queen (3 dis), Northwind(3disi 2:44'". 2:43K 2:38}... 2:43'». Bii)lev, O., Sei)t. 20. is79. $200. Daniel the I'rophet, Dan Howell, 2:.32'". 2:3114, 2:'29i4. Tom Brown, b g. A. Baine, St. Catherines. Out.. Nov. 4, 1881. $100 Why Not. No time. Homer, Ont.. Nov. 3, 1882. .$40. Barney. Wood Hoi'se. No time. Tombstone, gr s (3:31). .Tames INliller, Lexington, Ky., Jidy 4, 1808. $1,000. Tom Green, 2:48»4. 2:5'2. Tom UuPKess, rn g. W. T. Nuflord and Bro., Kobinson, 111.'. Aug. 10, 1878, $ . Higgins, George. Captain, Fox. Keavell. No time. Tom IJutler, gr g (2 :44). S., Oyster Bay. L. I.. July .5, 18,54. $10. La Belle Rouge. 2:44. 2:48. Tom Cameron, bg (3:35). Smithfleld, O.. Sept. 24. 1880. $ , Hopewell 1. Bav Kitty. Rest lime 2:.35. Tom Cameron, grg (3:31), by Scott's Hiatoga. T. A. IMiller, Wheeling, W. Va.. Sept. 11. 1883, $300, Capt. Douds, Charley Tipton, Colonel, Tourist, I>uster Boy, 2:36>4. 2:35^,. 2:34>.i. I'ittsbin-g. Pa., Sent. 25,1883, $400. Capt. Douds 3. 4. Charley Tipton, Hilda K.. Oinvaril (1 dis). Honest Sam (1 dis), Emma K. (Idis), 2:40U. 2:44''2, 2:45. 2:4214, 2:,'i9. Carlton, ()., Nov. 3, 1883, $ . Tola 1,4, Jim Bowden, Mambrino Clay. 2:3-2, 2:a3U. 2-35. 2::!l. 2:36. Tom Carnley (.Ia(-k Hossiter), b g (3 :31i4). AVm. Woodruff, Providence, R. I.. May 29, 1850, 'LOOO. Charley Abel (1 dis), 2::i6'i. (w)C. S. Lawrence, June 1, 18.50, .$-2,50. Charley Abel (w), (i dis), 2:51. O. W. Dimmick, Boston. Mass.. .lune 12. 18.50, $ . Gray Eagle, 2:36'i, 2:38, 2:36. Saratog:i. Spa.. N. Y., July 9, 18.50. $200. (iray Eagle. 2:39K>. 2:,34'i. TOm Carpenter, grs (3:38). J,. A. Hitchcock. Boston. Mass., Oct. 22, 18.56. $100. Belle Air 3, Nat ker 1. six others, 2 :.57, 2;.56. 2:56, 2:.56. Dan Mace. Se|)t. 22, 18.57. .$75. Leighton Horse. 2:54, 2:49, 2:51^. A. Carpenter, Oct. 16, 1858, .'$300. Trotting Childers (3 0) (4 0), Romeo. Ajax,2:40)^, 2:39ii, 2:39, 2:41, 2:39. Hartford, Conn., Sept. 29. 18,59. $100. Pathfinder. Young Hickory, .lupiter. 2:44, 2:44. Fit(-hburg, Mass., Aug. 31. 1860, $125. Benicia Boy. Fanny Fc-rii, Pet 3dn. 2:43. 2:41, 2:44. Tom Collins, grg (3:38). Dennis Mahoney. Canandaigua. N. Y.. Aug. 19, 1874, $3oo. I'.laekbird 2. Zeppo, Gypsy (Jirl, Lady Chamberlain. Shirley (4 dr). Billy Seward (2 dis), O. C. Knapp (2 dis), 2:,50U, 2:47J^. 2:47, '2 :4.5' n, Aug. 21. 1874, $300. Clifton Boy 3. 4, Blackbird, Gray Harry (5 dis), Ontario (3 dr). Lady (irav (2 dr), 2:42'j, 2:4.5, 2:43, 2:43, 2:43. Penn Yan, N. Y., Aug. 26. 1874. .$400. Thomas Moore. Dolly V., Capitola, Frank Hill, Onondaga Boy, Recluse. Honrv Clay, 2:4.5, 2:44. 2:43. Itochester. N. Y., Sept. 16. 1874. .$250. Lookout. J. Condit Smith. No time. Diinsville. N. Y., Oct. 23. 1874. $250. Prince Clav 2, Topsy. Barbara Knox, Prince Charles. Central Boy. 2:38-', .L':39. 2:38, 2:389i. Tom (Collins (3 :4«). Machlas, Me.,.Tuly 5, 1880. .$80, Wanderer. 2:.50'/i, 2:46.2:48. Tom CoUinH. blk g (3:40). J. McKee, Colorado Spa, Col.. Aug. 4, I88O. $200. Clifton B.. Wyoming Maid 12 (lis). 2:40!-<;. 2:42, 2:41. Tom Craijj (Surprise), grg (3:36). by Savre's Harry Clay. J. S. Harbeck, Easton, Pa.. June 21. 1870, $300. cliarley Davis (2 0). Strange Boy. 2 :.52»i . 2-..50, 2:.56,2:.54. Tom nick, eh g(3:.'»7). George Davis, Worcester, Mass., Sept. 27, 1870, .$50. John Morrill 3. Brown Dick, W;iterloo, Lady <;oodale. 2:.58, 2:.58. 2:.55. 2:.57. Tom Do.ld, hg(3:r>4). Dr. Ogle. Union Course. L. I., Sept. 15, 1869, $300. Rob Roy (w) 2, Sally 1 (4 dis), 3:0,51.^, 2:,55»ii.2:.58.2:54. 3:00. Tom Dott. b s (3 :00). F. S. Hager, Winchester, N. H.. Sept. 23, 1874, $50. Kate Thome. Black Jack, Flora Hill, 3:01. 3:02, 3:00. Tom nouKlas (w), b g. C. M. Couch. Des Moines, la., July 4, 1883, $30. Shorty (w), (1 0), Monte Crlsto (w), (3 dr), 1 :30, 1 :27, 1 :24, 1 :21. Half-mile heats. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 677 (w) Aug. 2. 1883, $ . Shorty (w) 1. Molly M. (.vv), Wapsie Maid (w), Bobby, pacer (w), (.2 dr), l:28i4, 1:26;2, 1:27, 1:24'2- Halt-inile heats. Tom Dwyer, ch g (3 :43). D. 1'. Bissell, Charleston, 111., July 4, 1874, $250. Echo, Buckskin 1 (2 dis). Lady Guest a dis), 2:42, 2:43, 2:44. 2:48. Tom £ans, ch g (3 :40). Mr. Beebee, Montgomery, Ala., Dec. 22, 1859, $100. Thunder, 2:42, 2:40, 2 :4<. Tom Klmo i;$:08). Shenandoah la.. Sept. lo, 1882, § . Kate W., Breeze, Babe, 3:10,3:08. Tom Elmore, grg (3:42). M. Q. Tow iisend, Mobile, Ala., Jlay 8,1867,$ . Lady Seward 1, 2, 2:40, 2:42, 2:42',2. 2:42. Unlinished. ^ , ^ „ ,, Tom Ewing. br g. D W. Thomas, Voungstown, O., Sept. 21, 1881, $150. Tom J., John R., 2:01. Half- niile-lieats. Two-vear-olds ^ ,, „ . Tom Florence ov), br g ( 3 ;46 w). R. Woodruff, Philadelphia, Pa., Sept. 18 and 20, 1858, $50. Gentle Annie 3, Cornet 2, 2:40,'2:49^4. 2:49, 2:46.2:48. ^ , ^ ^ ^ , ,, „ t^ , Tom G b g (3 -37';). W. Snyder, I'arUville, L. I., Oct. 10, 1883, $300. Etta A. 3, Jenny Gray, Revenge, Frank (3 dis), Auutie (2'dis), Zuleika U dis), 2:44'2, 2:37'/,, 2:38^4. 2:37}^. Tom Gruiidv b s (308). H. Walcott. Akron. O., Oct. 5, 1S76, S40. Gen. Echlev, 3:08, 3:11. Stallions. Tom H. (w) i3':05\v). Norwalk, O., Sept. 28, 1882, $ . Topsy (w) 3, Oscar \\ ild (W), Bay Kitty tw;, 3:21, Tom' Hsil'ia :40J4). Carmi, 111., Sept 9, 1880. $150. Flaxey, Carmi, Kaiser, Clark Chiet (2 dis). Bay Bob (1 dis), 2-4014, 2:40' o, 2:40'2. Tom Hall i3 :.54). London, Out., Sept. 6. 1877, $125. Michigan 2, 3, Market Girl 1, Sutton, 3:01, 2:55, 2 :55,^, •>-54 '''nS l.'-58 Tom' Hall(3:00). W. Kelsey. Detroit, Mich., May 7, 1881. Prize, whip, Tom Collins 1, 4, K.tty Mack, Silver sides. 3:(tl. 3:0014. 3:0114, 2-:57J4,, 3:00. , . „ .. Tom Hampton, b s (3 :39). S. Dunn, Saratoga Spa, N. Y., Aug. 13, 1867, $1,000. MohawK Maid (2 dis), 2:48, 2: Si). I w) Aug. 21. 1867, $1,000. Mohawk Maid. 2:47'2, 2:49, 2:45. Tom Hatch, gr 8(3:48). Indianapolis, Ind., Aug. 7, 1867. $50. Canada Dan (2 dis), 2:49.2:48. Tom Hendricks, b g (3 :35 ), bv Tom Rolf e. d:im Black Sal, by Copperbottom. L. J. Hackney, Madison, Ind., May 30 1870 $600. Mina Lufck 4. Bav CbarlevS, LadvBransford 1, Mattie Sturgeon, London Belle, Eclipse Clay(4dr), SallvZeigler (4dis), Bueli (4disi. Lady Alice (2 dis). Highland Mary (.1 dis), Magenta (1 dis), LulaGolddust(ldis), 2:42^, 2:39?4. 2:35'i..J-39i,o, 2:45^2, ■ ,.. , ,, . „ ., Tom Henrtricks, gr g (3 :30), by Tom Hunter W. S. Frazier, Coldwater, Mich., May — , IS. ., !&i5. Hamble- tonian (lift, V:dlev, Queen Bess. 3:001.1, 3:00?i. 3 01. .,,... W W. Wood. Beacon Park, Boston, Sept. 11, 1880, $1,000. Una 3, 5, Lady Martin 2. Capitola, Music m the .\ir. 2:30, 2:29^. 2:2914, 2:31,2:3094. 2:33. Belmont Park, Phila., Oct. 21. 1880, $ . Rocket 1, Kentuekian 2, 2:39}/^, 2:34, 2:37, 2:391^2' 2:36. Tom Henry, b g (3:40) .fames Henry, Rome, N. Y., Sept. 23, 1880, $200. David B. 2, Rysdyk Maid, Maud Mahon. David Copperfield. 2;40, 2:40, 2:40. 2:41. Tom Hunter {Bhie Jav), gr s (3 :40?4), by Secor's Black Hawk. Thomas Hunter, Union City, Mich., July 4, 1871. $ — -. .lennv Moore, Gen. Shernnm, 2:52, 2:48, 2:50. L. S. Darrow. Coldwater. Mich., Aug. 31, 1871, $200. Luella, Charley, Sachem. No tini". Thomas Hunter. South Bend, Ind., Sept. 16, 187.5, $100. Hiram Woodruff 2, Bristol (2 dis), 2:52, 2:49, 2:50 2:r)3. Stallions. Tom H. Williams, blk g (3:49). I. Denton, Deerfoot Park. L. I., Sept. 12, 1873, $300. Unexpected 1, Abe, 2:53'», 2:53, 2:.")0. 2:49. Tom Hyer, b g (3 :56). George Edwards, Cambridge, Mass., Nov. 23, 1848, $ . Daniel Webster, 5 :52, 5 :52. Two miles. Tom Hyer, gr g (3 :38i. C. A. Tourtelotte, Worcester, Mass., Aug. 25, 1855, $50. Buckskin, Lady Taunton, 2:48,2:47,2:47 Nov. 11, 1856, $ . Ladv Henry, Car Wheel, 2:,50, 2:52. 2:48. (w). May 14, 1857. $.")0. Clipper, Worcester Boy 2 (4 dr), 2:48, 2:4714, 2:47, 2:50. Sept. 11, 18.57. $200. Telemachus, 2 :41 . 2: 41. 2:42. Sept. 24. 1857, $— , Foster Horse, 3:00. 2:44. G. R. Wesson, June 1, Is5s, $ . Meddlesome (w), 2:46. 2:39^, 2:43. C. A. Tourtelotte. Nov. 16. 1859. $500. Worcester Bov, 2:47^, 2:48, 2:44i^. George W. Wesson. July 4. I8in, $.50. Harlem, Hickory Jack, 2:47, 2:48, 2:47 C. A. Tourtelotte, Julv 4, ISG2, .?loo. Chalkline 1, 2 :38. 2 :46, 2:44. 2 :44. William Woodruff, Oct. 21. 1862. $50. Jim Fillingham (2 0), 2:53, 2:51, 2:50. William Balcom, Aug. 5. 1863. .$50. Ingomar, 2:55, 2:.54. 2:.52. Tom Hyer. br g (3 :54). Mr. Morrill, Bangor, Me., July 4, 1857. $25. Jonathan 2. Rough and Ready 3, Royal Tiger. 2:54. 2:55, 2:56, 2:.58, 3:00. Tom Hyer (Big Mason), chg (3 :47'/4). Wm. Cottrell, Mobile. Ala., Feb. 16. 18.59, $150. Cockney Dan, 2:50. 2:48.2:47'.;. Tom Hyer. blk. s (3 : 33*), by Vermont Black Hawk. T. Berrv, Detroit, Mich. June 12, 1862, $ . Princess, Barn (3 dis), 2:.52. 2:53, 2:58. Stallions. J. C. Simpson. St. Louis, Mo.. Nov. 12, 1863, $300. Tom Best l. 2. White Eagle, Uncle John (5 dis), Beu Younii (5 dr). 2:4.5.2:45, 2:43. 2:43. 2:48. Nov. — , 186.3. $.500. Tom Best 2, Uncle John 1. 2:.52, 2:.50. 2:50. 2:4f(. 2:50. Chicago, 111.. June U. 1864, $50. Humbug l. 2. Ladv Howard 3, Boston, 2:43, 2:46, 2MH, 2:44%, 2:44t4. 2:46i4. , -*, 4. /« June 11. 1864, .$.50. Gen. Grant. Black Douglass, 2:37J4. 2:41, 2:44'^. J. S. Wolf. Anamosa. la., Sept. 24, 1867, $.350. Sleepy John 4, Widow Machree l, 2:37, 2:36^4, 2-37, 2:35i4. 2:35. Short track. W. I?. Runisey. Dunlap. la., April 29. 1871, $1,000. Mocking Bird.2:,55, 2:57. 2:.5,5- Tom JeftVr.son. blk s (3:44), bv Vermont Black Hawk, dam a French mare. T. Warner. Belleville, N. Y., Sept. 10. 18,58. $100. Kit Carson. Hambletonian iwt. 2:4.5, 2:.53. 2:.57. Lewis Co.. X. v.. Oct. 29. 18.59. .$,50. Ottawa Rapid. Rat Tail (3 dr). 2:55. 2:45. 2:44. Tom Jefferson, b g (3 :49'/2X Henry Wliite. San Francisco, Cal., Jan.. 20. 1872, . Pete 3, Knox, 2:55, 2:491^. 2:.5.3>o, 2:51'» Tom Jones, gfg (2:361^), W. S. Howe. Svracuse. N. Y, Aug. 3. 1881, $150. Rosa B. 2, Lyman, Andy. Dan forth Maid. Frank, Jessie B. (4 dis). 2:36'o. 2:39, 2::39'o. 2:42i*. Tom Keane, blk g (3:11}4). Henry Carter, Milford. Mass.. Julv 4. 1878. $10. John 1, Black Hawk. 3.20 3:17;!4,3:in4 Tom Keeler (Cayuga Chief), b g (3 :35). by Jersey Star, dam bv Tippoo. John S. Baker. Williamsport, Pa., Oct. 21, 1869, $1,500. Anthracite 3. 5. No Name 1, 4. Gen. Sherman. Mike, Lady Garfield (4 dis). Squire (4 dis). three others (1 dis). 2:34'^, 2:34»^. 2 :36U. 2 :38}4, 2:36%, 2:37, 2:361.1. Boston, Mass., June 18. 1870, $200. Dot 2, 3. Rosa Golddust (6 dis\ Patchen Chief (6 dis). Vixen (5 dr), Cuyahoga Maid (4 dis). Prince l (2 dr). 2:29^, 2:^2y,. 2:3214, •j,:Z?<^i. 2:.39U^, 2:40. Canandaigua, N. Y., Oct. 8, 1870, $480. Kit 1. Jo'e Honker. Chet Kellogg. 2:38. 2:.3SV^. 2:36^, 2:.39. Owego, N. Y., June 9, 1871, $500. Chet Kellogg. Major Edsall, Ashland Pet, 2 :34^,"'2;35. 2T36i^. 678 CHESTEKS COMI'LKTE TliOlTlNG AND l'A( ING liLl OKU Medina, N. Y., Oct. 12, 187l, $500. Cliet Kellogi; 1 (4 0), Lady Kendall, 2:34, 2:38. 2:33, 2:35. Boston, Mivss., June 10, 1872, $l,r)00. rrank lalnier 1. Joliii Stewart, Joe Hooker. 2:33, 2:33, 2:33 2:34H. June 27, 1«72, SHOO. Lady Itoss 1, 2, .st. Llnio 5, Slieplierd Knapp Jr., Netty Morris, Aladawaska Maid (5 dr>. India Uubber (^2 dis), 2:30}^, 2:2a:'4, 2:31, 2:31}^^. l':JOM>. 2:3:::^^. C'anandaigua, >. \., Oct. 17, 1872, ?f4oo. Cattaraugus Chief 3,;"), Ed Foster 1, Joe Hooker St .lames U dis), 2:32, 2:33^j, 2::ie, 2:38, 2:3054, 2:30. Aloravia, N. V., June 14, 1873, iiiui. Joe Hooker, IJoniier, 2:39?4, 2:34, 2:.«4'.i. t'orning. N. Y.. July 3, 1873, $bbo. Sjiotted Colt :i. 1 rank I'lieljis. 2:3"), 2::!.i'4, 2::;.3K>. 2:3o'/i. Wilkesoarre, I'a.. Aug. 22, 1873, S800. Spotted Colt, \\illiaiii Ji. Alli'ii. Norwood (2 dis(. 2:30'j, 2:30, 2:2y. (io.slien, N. V., Sei)t. 2, 1873. $1,500. Ed Uhite 4, Coniniodore 3, Lady Byron, Ciracc Bertram (odr>,2 20K 2:32, 2:33'4, 2:33, 2:3;i;4. Syracuse, N. V.. Sept. 18, 1873, SuOO. St. James. I.ol:i Montez. 2:2!i?4.2:;i2V4. 2:3<)?4. IJeerlool I'ark, L. L, Sept. 30, 1873, if5C0. Lady Emma, Ciraee Bcrlram. l-red. ii:;;3, 2:32Jliller 2:30. 2:29'4, 2:2y>2, 2:2y,'a- Sk;nuateles, N. V., Aug. 28 and 29, 1874, $275. Lookout. Gulnare, 2:41. 2:40, 2:31. Kingston, N. Y., Sept. 10, 1874, s^l.OOO. Tanner Boy 1, 2. Mary A. Whitney, 4. Annie Collins, Lady Byron 13 dr). 2:29. 2:30, 2:o0?4, 2:30. 2:32, 2:34. Goshen, N. Y., Oct. 14, 1874, $1,500. Bella, Tanner Boy, Kellv Irwin, Thomas L. Young. 2::i0. 2:28, 2:28. G. S. Fetty. l'oughkeei)sie, N. Y., Oct. 21, 1874, $1,500. Taniier Bov, Boyal George, Frank Ferguson, Lida Fietoii ^2 disi, 2:27, 2:20, 2:20. lohn S. Baker, Jlarti'ord, Conn.. June 8 and 9. 187,o. $1,.')00. Blanche 1, 0. ]\Iav Bird .^ 7. Jubilee Lambert 3, Sea Fo;im 2, Barkis' Abdallah, Barney Kelly, Itoval Cieorge, Kitty B., 2:20, 2:20J^, 2:20, 2:27^i, 2-27'4, 2:29'«, 2:34, 2:20?4,2:;«!, 2:30. Edinburgh, Pa., June 13, 1878, $m). Belle Brasficld l. Ladv H., Versailles (ilrl. 2:30, 2:28^ i. 2:20, 2:'.9. June 15. 1878, $700. Silversidos. Deception, John H., Hannah D., Versailles Giri (3 dis). 2:31. 2:2751i, 2:31. Clyde, N. Y., Sept. 5, 1879, $4U0. ^elly Irwin 1, 2. Tom Malloy, G. F. Smith. May, 2:28, 2:29, 2:29^^i, 2:29'/i, 2 ::iO. '■ Elniira, N. Y., Sept. 12, 1879, $500. Castleton 2. Proctor. Marv Kussell. 2:.32. 2:27, 2:30, 2:33. Bradford. Pa., Sept. 18, 1879, $.".00. Tom Mallov. Kellv Irwin. V.i<\. John McDougall, 2:32. 2:32, 2:.'?2. .Mine 17, 1880, $600. May 2. Nelly Irwin 1, Warrior 3,"4 (7 dr), Clarii J.. 2:30. 2:28;'4. , 2:32, 2:32, 2:.'i0, 2:29^. Salamanca, N. Y., .Tulv 3 l880. .$50n. Nellv Irwin. Clara J.. John Hall. 2:26, 2:26'». 2:25' j. Bradford, Pa., July 9, '1880. $4oo. Huntress 4, Castleton 2. Nelly Irwm, John Hall, 2:26, 2 :28?4, 2:28, 2:28»i. 2:30',,. Calais, Me.. Aug. 17. 1882. $2.50. Zulu 3, 4. Walter 1. Camors, 2:38, 2:39. 2:38';. 2:.39, 2:38. 2::'8. T. B. Woodbury, Portland, Me., Julv 4, 1883. $200. Ned Otis, Flirt. Miller's Maid, 2:41. 2:41»^, 2:43' j. Tom Keiiible (w ), b g (3:48i/,). Cieorge'W. Walbridge, Kochester, N. Y.. Aug. 6. 1866, $150 Young Hamble- toniaii (w). Duke (w) l (3 6)~(4 dr), 3:0l, 2:.'')8. , 2:54. U. S. Stuison. Brantford. Ont.. June 13, 1873, .$ . Tecumseh Boy. Spot. . 2:45. 2:42'o. Tom Keno, rng(3:3«). A. D. Meyer. Sedalia, Mo., Sept. 8, 1880, .$250. Harry U., I'm-zoo-ee, 2:43>4, 2:41, 2-41^4. Sei)t. 9. 1880, $250, Granbv Maid 2. Prince Albert, Tramp, 2:40i4. 2:41?4'. 2:37»4.2:39. „ , „ ,^ , „„ „ „. Tom KiiiB, b s (3 :02). A. H. Hendrickson, Springfield, L. I.. Aug. 22. 1876. $200. Lively B. 1. 3:15, 3:02, 3:04. Toiii l7.. br g ,'2:41K')- B- f. Lynes Danhurv. Conn.. Oct. 9. 18fO. Sl.'-O, VVilliam. Little Maid, Mountjoy, 2:53, 2:48. •.':47>{,. New Milford, Conn., Sept. 28. 1883, .«200. Ned W.. 2:45. 2:42-:'4, 2:41V:. vn , ,, ^i , o m o ra Tom Lee, b s (8:. 57). Sinnott & Dick. Paducali. Kv.. Nov. 2. 1871. $.'■0. Essex. Liidv Ella (1 dis), 3:01, 2:58. Nov. 3. 1871.. $1.50. Essex 1. 2. Ladv Payne (3 dn, 3:01. 2:.V5. 2:57, 2:.;>8. 2^1. Tom T.oomis, gr s (^ :49'/i). Mr. Loomis. Hartford, Conn., Aug. 2, 1806. $500. Sharp s b s 1, 4, 2:54^, 2:50, ''•49'« ''•'')'>i/& '>-.57i/^ TomSlaeee.'irg(2:i9). C. Brengle. Frederick. Md., Oct. 15.1874, $70. Alice. Alton, Gypsy, 2:49^, 2:49; Tom M^pulre. b g (2 :.50?4). Mr. Fancher. San Francisco, Cal., April 26, 1858, $1,000. 31 :05. To beat 32:00. Tom MhIIov, blk g (2:30). bv Phil Rheridiin. William Morris. Baldwinsvi'le, N. Y.. Sept. 19, 1874, $50. George, Tiiggart's entry, Mollv Hart, Bay Norah. No time. „ .r ., ,r o .n/ o.Rn Sodus, N. Y.. .Tulv 12. 1877. .'SS200. Dick Jones 1, Dan. Shorty fountain, 2:4.5, 2.4.5 2:4.,'/s, 2.50. Newark. N. Y., .Tulv 18. 1877. .$200. Hockland 1. 2. St. Cloud. Dnlo, 2:44.2:42 2:40, 2:43' », 2:42. Jnlv 20. 1877. .?240. Gananpia 1. Uockland, Minnie (iranger, 2:41>.i, 2:40, '-:4lVi. 2:4-^. Elmira. N. Y'.. September 25 and 2C, 1877. .$.300. Lottie K. 1. John McDougall, Ida L., 2:37',, 2:.nj*, ^' Sept *28 and 29. 1877, $400. IxJttie K. 1. 2, Belle 3. Little Dandy. Annie B.. Lady Dexter, 2:35J^, 2:34, 2:36, Svracuse.*'N. Y., Oct, 2. IH77..S.300. Maggie Mitchell 1.2. Maggie M.vers 3,Gyi>syfJirl, 2:39'4. 2:38. 2:36 2'36'i "•41'i 2 '41 '■ Oct'. .5.' 1877". $400'. Pathtinder 3. Tommv Rvan 1. IMaggie Mitchell, Belle. Harry B. (3 dr), 2:35, 2:35, 2:38, 2 ■3>'< ■' '.37 ' B'iugbamiiton. N. Y.. Oct. 23. 1877. $ . Black Harry 1. Maggie Myers, 2:38V?, 2:36'». 2:34%. 2:36H. Oct. 24, 1«77. .? . Maggie Mvers. No time. , , ., ,^ „ o*,/ o 00 o jn Lvons, N. Y.. Junes. 1878. $300". Cooloo 1.6, St. P:itrick 4. Ch;irley B. 2 (7 dis), Fanny D., 2:34'/j,2:38,2:40, 2 '.30 '>-37'ij ''•38 2 '40 '■ Newark." n! Y.. Aug. 21, 1878. .$.'m Nellv Rose 1 (3 0). Lady Burcett. 2:43. 2:37'4. 2:39, 2:41, 2:42. A. J. Feek. Batavia. N. Y.,.Inne 5, 1879. !!|i400. Sussex 3, 7, Kitty 5, W. H. Arnold 2, Cooloo 1 (. dis), Netlson.2:33'4. 2:3.5U, 2:3.5U. 2:3.51/., 2:.^5'^. 2:35'i. 2:37'/i. 2:.38. Lvons. \. Y., June 12. i«79, $400."' Sussex 1 2, Jim Ward 4, Taylor, Kitty, Nellson, W. H. Arnold, 2:31%, 2:83,2:82, i:30>/t, 2:31. 2:33M. CIIESTEIJS COiMlM>KTK TUOTTINC; AM) I'ACiNC UECOKD. fi79 Geneva, N. Y., June 19, 18V9, $400. Sussex 1, W. H. Arnold 2, Nelly Eose, Neilson, 2:32>2, 2:32'i, 2::iV4, Tom Maion. blk g (3 :34i^). Miinley and Moran, Lee, Mass., Sept. 5, 1877, $100. Kitty Ives 2, Coriolanus (2 dis), Berkshire (2 dis), J.J. (2 dis;,2:48M, 2:301^2, 2:45 2-A(i%. Tom McCarthy, eh g (3:33). T. Wewnian, i\ew Orleans, La., March 25, 1883, $75. Harry Gilbert, Alma, '■''59 2:.>4Vi>. Ill Mav U.^isss, SIOO. Little Tommy. 2:34, 2:33. ^ , ^, . ,j x,, •„• , u xr t r> * Tom Meckley, b g ('3 :39i.i), by Orange Chief, dam by American Star. J. Shields, PhiUipsburgh, N. J., Oct. 3 1882, .$200. Lizzie 3. 2:46, 2:41 '.I, 2:35'2, 2:34}4. 1 Uiiibntown Pa.. Oct. 2:5. 1882. .*12o. Billy D. 1, Brickbat, 2:40, 2:40'/2, 2:40, 2:41. A Neil, Phillipsburg, X. J.. July 4. 1883, $250. Mishap 1, Alien Almont, 2:36)^,2:36, 2:38, 2:3.. Sept. 13. l8s;i..S250. Clay. Turk. 2:51. 2:41'/2, 2:42'o. Cleartteld Pa Sept. 20, 18S3, S30(). Alien Almont, Turk. 2:34. 2:33}^, 2:34. Punxsatuwney. Pa.. Sept. 24. is83. S250. Alien Almont, Deemer, 2:34, 2:32»4. 2:32. Sept. 25, 18S3,$400. Alien Almont, Turk, ltyer'sbs,2:37'i,2:32i4, 2:3214. ^ , ^,^ ., , ,^ , , , .,^,, Brookviile, Pa., Oct. 3, 1883, ■•plSO. Lula Wick 1, Alien Almont, Deemer, Turk, St. Johns (3 dr), 2:36>4. 2:3.5, 2 ::53^, 2:35. ()ct. 5, 1883, $300. Lula Wick. Deemer, 2 :39J4, 2:41. 2:4414. \ Neil, St. Mary's, Pa., Oct. 10, 1883. $l.">0. Lizzie, Kitty Wood. 2:36, 2:3314, 2 :33i^. Oct. 12, 1883, $.500. Kitty Wood 1. Lizzie. 2:29'4. 2:2914. 2:31'.i, 2:3114. w,.^QMA^ t %r Tom Mevilev. b g (3:37?j,). J. -McKeown, Pittsburg, Pa.. June 11. 1877. $400. Kitty Wirt 3 (4 0), T. M. Bavne (5 dis). Joe Lytle ^5 dis). stranger (3 dis). Little Sam (2 dr). 2:39, 2:41?4, 2:38 2 iSg?^, 2:4014 ■ Youngstown, O., July 4. 1879, .S500. LucvC. 3. 4, Charley T. 1, Annie Bennett. Charley C, Black Dia- niDiul, Hero, Billy King, Gypsy Tom. 2:3i;'o. 2:37. 2::^5. 2:3.5, 2:.35, 2:37. ^t.^m-^w i->„t\;»r Cleveland, O., Sept. 10, 1S80, $ . Belle G., Rockey, Sunshine, Brunswick Boy, Mattie W., Outl.uv l2dis), 2:28M, 2:30'2,2:27M. Sharon. Pa.. Sept. 29, 1880, $225. Red Oak 2. Lorain, 2:331/,. . 2:33?i. 2:34''2. Pittsburgh, Pa., Oct. 9, 1880, .$300. Brother Jonathan, Valiant. 2:33^4, 2:31, 2:31. , , o-„ „, , Tom Miller, (s) (3 :49 s). John McClintock, Baltimore, Md., Oct. 16, 1839, $200. Lady Mnanda (s). Silkworm (s), 5:.50, 5:49. 5:51. Two miles. (s) Sept. 7, 1840. $100. Harrison (s), 2:49. 2:56, ^ „ , r. 1 , Tom Moore (w) ch g [2 :51 w). William Woodruff, Cambridge, Mass., Sept. 4, 1848, $ . Sand Pounder 1 Tom Sioore, ch gMSisfii).' T. E. Bailey, Montreal, P. Q., July 18, 1871, $400. Lady Black 1, 4, Gray Ben, Tom'Moo^re.''b s'(3':38)', by .lupTter AlKialliiii, dam Nelly Moore, by W' estchester. Z. B, V, 2:35, 2:3814. _ E. Skilling, May 7, 18.57. .$600. Isaac Ray (l dis), 5:30. Two miles. , „ . ,- t .,„ .«noa Tommv, b g (3:43). M. H. Eustis, St. Paul, Minn.. Oct. 21, 18(;5, .$.50. Molly, Tom 5:41. 5:4.:,. Two miles. Tomn/v, ch g (3:53). Charles McChesney, Norwich. Conn., October 24, 1870, $100. Nelly Stanton, 2:o2, 2.53?£, Tommy, gr g (3:.50\ A. W. Young. Flemington, N. J., Sept. 24, 1874, $100. Ella 1, 4, Lady Mott, Lancaster Tommy! bs ('3^:04 V-10?'''i'"Towe.'L:\nc:ist^ Pa., June 17, 1875, $500. Blue Bell. 15:20^- Five miles Tommy, ch g (3 :r.O'^). Utton Brothers, Barrie, Vt., Oct. 14, 1875, $150. Doctor Ben, Betsy Babbitt, 2:50^, 2-07 '^'57 Tommyrbr'g (3:01). bv Gen. Grant., O. Fleming, Cooperstown, N. Y., Oct. 4, 1876, $75. Helene, Belle Fingley, 3:01, 3:01 ?4, 3:01. Fonr-vear-olds. .^ . ^ ^ ,■,„■, Tommy, ch g (3 :3.5). Stevens and Bros.. Waterford, N. Y., Sept. 4, 1876. $100. Fanny Augusta, Drover s Maid, Deacon, Samuel .1. Tilden (3 dr), Sile Tappen (l dis), 2:46?4. 2:4S, 2:4.5. S;-pt. 8. 1S76. $100. Fannv Augusta. Drover's Maid, 2:47^,2:44. 2:43';. t^. , „ , r. • Tommy, bg (3:33) E.Jones, .tersev City. X. J.. May 31 and June 1,1877, $100. Lone Bird 3, 4 Came White 1 (5dr), Prunella. Susie Smith (5 dr). Flirtation (4dr), Poor Pat (2 dr), George D. (2 dis). Woodcock (Idis), 2:45. 2:41, 2:42. 2:4.5, 2:39. 2 :43?i. . t, xr- d t t W. Bain, Hudson, N. Y., ,fune 9, 1877, $1.50. Newton, Barney, Compromise, Rosa, Hiram R., Jenny L., Addison (3 dr). Com. Black (2 dr).2:41';;. 2:42. 2:43. , „ ._ J. Bennett. Jersey City, N. J.. June 28. 1878, $100. William 3. Carrie White, 2:47^i. , 2;42"2. 2:4, . Tommy, gr u (3 :09). "A. L. Matthews. Red Wing^ Minn., Sept. 12, 1878, $100. Dolly Varden, Fanny Costello. Mollv Asllton, 3 :10i/ii. 3:10. 3:10. 3:09. „.,, „ . Tommy Oodd. br g (3;3.5i4). bv Lexington. R. D. Trephagns. Dubuque, la., Oct. 7,1873, $280. Silky B. 1, Dread 1, BavCharlev, Tempest Golddust, 2:4.5. 2:47K'. 2:47, 2:45. 2:.54i4. „ „ „ . (3. E. Westbrook, Beaver Dam, Wis., Aug. 27. 1875. $175. Darkness, Golden Farmer. John Hall, Cruiser, Hartford Maid (3 dr), 2:44. 2:45';. 2:42. ^,. ... , t , c<.-i .r> a- ^ Aug. 28. 1875, $175. Golden Farmer. John Hall. Hartford Maid, Cruiser, Ripon Girl, Jack Stiles (2 dis), 2:4014.2:40^4,2:4114. W. R. Kendall, Oshkosh, Wis., Oct. 6. 1,s76. .$200. Uncle :\Tart. Morass. 3:06%£, 3:07W, 3:09. J. W. Flack. .Tanesville. Wis.. Sept. 12. 1877. S . Winon;i Belle 3. Ashton Boy 4, Lady Baxter, Kitty Lewls(5 dr). Galatei>, (5dr), Whalebone (5 dr). 2:34, 2:36, 2:40. 2:33i^, 2:35^. 680 CHESTEK'S COMPLETE TKOITING AND rACINi; KECOHi). — W. R. Kendall, Oshkosli, Wis., Sept. 28, 1877, S200. Winona Belle 3 (4 0), Mary Waters, Darkness, 2 :40>i M 41, iMf), J "40, 'J 140^, Toumiy l)o«l(l, i)itMa:45i. John Murphy, Fleetwood I'ark, N. Y., Nov. -JS, 1874, S400. Honest Frank fw> H;iy Dic-U ij (lisi.2:48, l,':4.'), 2:51Ji. ^ '• Toiiiniy l>o.l«l. blk n i^:40'.i», by Scott's Hiatoga. H. Melliek, Bath, I'a., Oct. 20, 1875, $00. Little Dexter 1 •Jio 0). (t; iln. •.':,■,:;. 2 :,")3h., 2 :54}.4, 2:r.5ai, 2:r)7, . Ea.slon. I'a.. Nov. la, 1S75, *;">0. Kocky, 2:55, 2:.'>3'2, ai.V^J^. KilliTsvilli-, i'a.. Aug. 29, 1877, $250. Colonel 3, Iteveiigi-. Cashmere Clay, 2:.'>24, 2:53, 2:52^, 2-5'> ha.stoii. I'a.. Sept. 1. 1877, $75. lU'Veuge 3, 4, Bob Scott, . 2:53, 2:55-f.i, 2:.57, 2:50. Oct. 27. ls77. !.ulcl grg (2 -An]. '.lohn jilcConisey, Gettysburgh, Pa., July 24, 1878, .5100. Castlenian. Dan Allen .lames (loiiloii, Potomac Maul U (lis), 2:54, 2:54, 2:."j4. Toiiiuiy l><.tlil, rii g ('J :'^4). I)y Alexander, dam by Mystery. K. B. Mllrov. Oakland. Cal., Sept. 14 I8KO .<8ti00 .'^'.''•Vy,:';, ^"'" •'^•""t- l''"'.V Kllen, Venus, Molly Drew, Sam Alateo Belie, John Frcamer, 2:.{l'/4. 2:30>^i K. J. Travis, Salt Lake City, Utah, June 2, 1883, $1,000. Frank L. 1, Lady Faustina, Hapi)y, .:3i'/2, 2:;{2, troiiiiiiy Gates. (Kidgewood), l)rg (2:'^4). by The Moor, dam by a son of Little John. L J Rose ] os Angeles. Cal. Oct. 28, 1874, S.joo. Moorita, :;:20, 3:l;». ' • • • ■ Sacramento. Cal.. Sept. 17 and 18. 1875. .'jiaoo. Sorrel Dan 2. 3, (6 0). Clark 5, (7 r o), Jim Parrel Teddv McCe.'. Koanokc (;i tin. 2:37,2:41'.!. 2:42. 2:41, 2:4l'.2:3«J.j.2::>7i2. ' ^ San i-'rancisco. Cal., Nov. 10, 1875, ?!i8.'i0. Drew Girl, Young Venture, 2:41.2:44, 2:43>4. • Sacramento. Cal., Sejit. 19 and 20, 1876, SOOO. (iladiator, (ius, Tom Morgan, Flora (Idisi (Jus Clark (1 dis). Startle 1 1 dis). 2:30'.i, 2:32'j, 2:32i!4. Sept. 23, isri). ,«;750. Sweetl)rjer 2. 3, Gen. Reno, Ladv Cumniings. Startle. Muggins. Hayward Chief (.5 dr). Alanu'da Maid (3 dis), lied Cross (3 dis), American Maid i3 dis), Long.lohu (3 disi, Venture (2dis) "-31 2:;{()-'.i. 2:29,.':;i0,4, 2:34. /. ^ a .01, Cliico. Cal.. Aug. 29. 1877, $.500. George Treat 1, 2, tJov. Stanford 5, Dirigo. Frank Ferguson (l dis). Lou Whipple (1 disi, 2:31. 2:33, 2:27J4, 2:31, 2:30, 2:29. Marysvillc. Cal., Sept. 15, 1877, .■=! . (ieorge Treat 4, 5, May Howard l, 3, St. James, 2:31, 2:27?i, 2-30. 2:30, 2:31, 2 ::«, 2:33. Santa Chira, Cal., Sept. 23, 1879. $7.50. Commodore 2, St. Helena, Gold Note. 2:24. 2:27. 2-28U, 2-3\%,- Tommy Hudson, brg (.3:11)4). W. Cole, Woonsocket, K. I.. Sept. 8, 1874, $40. Eureka, Vesta, 3:16. 3:1114. l''our-year-olils. Toiniiiy Lambert, ch g (2 :37>.i). by Daniel Lambert. F. Jones. Crown Point, N. Y., .Inne 2, 1880, $75. Nelly W.. Fanny Lee, Molly Clark. Nellv. 2:49, 2:49. 2:55. .June .-J, 1880, $7.5. Maggie 2, Lottie. J'ilgrim (4 dr), 2:41, 2:45V4, 2:45, 2:45Ui. Tommy Miller, br g (3 :03i. E. Fitch, Benton Harbor, Mich.. Oct. 7, 1880. .?75. Billy Lambert, Jessie Lam- bert. No time. Three. year-olds. .May 27, 1881. .SHiO. Idalia, Jessie Lambort. 3:04, 3:03, 3:06i^. Four-year-olds. Tommy Moftre. b g (2 :40i'4,). L. J. Devoe, Fleetwood Park, N.~Y., Nov. 19, 1874, $250. Butcher Boy, Humpty Dumpty 1, (4 dis), 2:56}^, 2:54, 2:51, 2:53(2. — — Nov. 2.5, 1874, $250. Bricks 3, 4. Humpty Dumpty 5. Saugerlies (1 dis), 2:.50, 2:48, 2:51J4, 2:47. 2:51, 2:49H. Nov. 28, 1^74, $300. Bricks 1, Humpty Dum))ty, 2:48^4, 2:43'/2, 2:4.5i^,, 2:44'». Fleetwood Park, N. Y.. June 29. 1875, .$400. Blind Boy, Panic, Red'Cloud. 2:49. 2:46?4. 2:44. Pater.son, N. J., Oct. 12, 1875, $200. Carrie N. 3, John Kelly, Missouri Boy, Creedmoor (4 dis), Wilsev Boy (4 (In. 2:45?.i. 2:45"., 2:44?^, 2:41. ^ Fleetwood Park, N. Y.. Nov. 3, 1875, $500. Willy 1, Kitty S., 2:40, 2:40>4, 2:43M, 2:40^ W. (;;dl;igliei-, .lersey City. N. J.. Aug. 12. 1876, $200. Sweetbrier 3, 2:58, 2:51, 2:52i;4. 2:535^. Sept. 2, 1876. ,^200. St. George, 2:55. 2:55Ji, 2:52^. May 3, 1877, $100. Sally Kich 3,Gvpsy Maid, 2:49!!;, 2:49?i, 2:.56J4, 2:4494. Clifton, N. J., Mav 8, 1877, $150. Billy Taylor, pacer, 1, 2:44, 2:45. . 2:40>i. Sea View, L. I., June 23, 1877, $100. Cliarley L. 1, Clay Boy, Kobert, Bessie B., Poor Pat (3dis),2:45, 2:4«'/2. 2:48, 2:44. .^ . .> j. v /, ~, Jersey City. N. J.. Aug. 2and 3. 1877.$,50. Billy Edwards 1, 3. 2:4.3. 2:42,2:43. 2:43?4. 2:44W. Tommy Norwood, b g (3 :2Gyo\ by Norwood, dam In' (Jen. Knox. J. D. Willis. Kochester, N. ¥., Oct. 2, 1878, S • Daciaua, 2::j6?4. 2:42. 2:31. Five-year-olds.' (Joslien, N. Y., June 19. 1880. $12,5. touiig Sentinel. Big Fellow, St. Kemo. 2:31, 2:30, 2:29»4. Tommy O'Connor, ch g (3 :13). Thos. Trimble, Fleetwood Park, N. Y., Dec. 7, 1878, $100. John 2, 3:16^*, 3:1.5,3:13.3:13. Tommy Ryan br g (3:34). C. N. Foley, Home, N. Y.,Sei)t. 24, 1875, $100. Henry Clay, Charley F., Henry, Lady Mack (3 dr)2:38. 2:43. 2:43. Utica, N. Y., June 5. 1877, .$6<)0. Thompson 2, ISlodestv, Factorv Boy, Sussex. 2:34, , 2:34, 2:36. June 6. 1877, $600. Damon. Frank IMunson. Bessie Turner. I-vsancler Boy, 2:3,514. 2:36. 2:36. Tommy Tucker, b g (2 :56). P. Miller. Itittersville, I'a., Nov. 1, 1877, .$30. Lantern 1, 2, Frank Beck, Frank Knox. 3:0.5. 3:0414. 2:.57i4. 2:.59, 2:,50. Tommy AVaRron.rng(2:43'/2). C. A. Fulmer, Rittersvillc, Pa., Aug. 30, 1883, $200. Honest Dan (pacer), 2:,50. 2:.54. 2:43V('>. Tom Ochiltree. (2 :47«4). Gregorv & Bartlett. Houston, Tex., May 4, 1870, $ . Crockett 2, Phil Sheridan, (Joorge Faweett (3 dis), 2:.50)/>. 2:47-4. 2:48. Tom Oliver, b g (2 :43). T. F. f)liver, Cincinnati, O., June 13, 18.55, S400. Quaker 3,4. (5 0), Cream Pet 2. 2:43, 2:46. 2:4:%. 2:49. 2:45. 2:4.5i/,. 2:47. .Fuly 4. 18.55. .$400 Quaker 2. Cream Pet, 5:30. 5 :.'!3. 5:4.5. Two miles. O- W. Dimmick, Louisville, Ky., Sept. 6, 18.55. .$125. Cream I'et l, 4, (5 dis). Bill Hayes (5 dis), 2:48, 2:44^, 2:45. 2:.51. 4:02. Tom Owens, b g (2:45)^). Geo. Fisher. Sandu.sky, O., Julv 20. 1875. $80. Frank Bush, Brit Clay. Ironsides, Sarah K. Yours (3 dr), Ladv Si>;irtan (3 dr). Silican JohnV-' dr*. Bav Dick (2 dis), 2:52?4, -*:.52, 2:52«4. Tom I'aine, ch g (2 :52\ by St. L;iwreiice. L Spring.steen, Spring Valley, N. Y., Aug. 5, 1874, $1.50. Molly (4 0). Itoxie 1,3:04, 3:03, 3:015, 3:02' j. 3041^. New City. N. Y.. Se|)t. 5. 1876. .$30. Rockland 3, Dandv Jim. 2:56. 2:,58, 2:.57, 3:00. .Filly 4. 1877, .$7.5. Shortv (2 dis., 3:0194. 2:.52. Tom I'erey. bg(2:40). H. .X Rltter. Franklin. Pa.. Sept. 16, 1873. .$300. Berenice, Young Toronto, Minnie Price. I'M Brown. Billy Collins, Brown Sid. Rattler. 2:42'i., 2:44. 2:4.5. Tom IMnk. I) g (2 32'.), by Benedict IMorrill. A. Johnson, Woonsocket. R. T.. Aug. 18. 1875, $150. Dutch- man. Dolly, Belle Brandon. Alm:in/or. Joe, 2:,52, 2-49. 2:51. Sept. 15. 1875. $200. Capt. Allen 2, Molly Russell. Joker, Handv Andy, Belle. Marie Louise. File (Gutter, 2:44, 2:47'/2, 2:44, 2:40. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 681 Taunton, Mass., Sept. 29 and 30, 1875. $200. Sunsliine l, Ethan Allen Jr., Nelly, 2:41. 2:38^, 2:38, 2:41. Brockton. Mass., Oct. G, 1875 $300. Suusliine 1, 2, Rosa. Nelly (1 (lis). — -,2:38, 2:38%, 2:38, 2:38. Providence, R. I., Oct. 20 and 21, 1875, $250. John Lambert 1, 2, Billy Stevens, Farmer Boy, Alpha, Ernestine (5 dn. 2:31;'.i. 2:32^^,. 2:33. 2:35'/2, 2:34. Mav 31. 1870. .S150. Commodore Perry. Jasper, Lady Balch (l dls;. 2:42. 2:40?4, 2:41'/2- Brockton. Mass., July 4. 1876, §350- Langdou 2, Rosa, 2:38^2. 2:36, 2:.39. 2:37. Woonsocket, R. I., J une 9, 1877, $300. Honest Farmer 2, Ladv Nell. COinmodore Nutt (4 dis;, 2 :33Vi, 2;36. 2:38',i, 2:.36J.4. Providence. R. I., June 14, 1877, $300. Lady Nell, 2:38'i, 2:44, 2:341^ \Voo:is()cket, K. I., July 4, 1877, §250. Major Allen 1, Spotted Colt, Parkis' Abdallah (2 dr), 2:37'/i. 2:35}^, 2:35'2. 2:361.^. T. \V. Utton, Montpelier, Vt., Aug. 21. 1878. §250. Mattie, Village Bov, Katy,2:38. 2:36, 2:37^2- 1). I'fifer. Providence, R. 1.. Mav 21, 1879. $200. Honest John. 2:37. 2:39. 2:38. Inne 19, ls79, ^StO. Colonel Peabody 1, Honest John, Ashland Maid. File Cutter, 2:34. 2:35, 2:36, 2:35. T. FoNter, Sei)t. 10, 1879, .*;150. Ashland Maid (\v) 1, 4, Steve Lewis iw), 3:03, 2:38y2. 2:34, 2:39i^, 2:32'/2- Sent. 11, 1879. S2U0. Col. Peabodv, Steve Lewis, Ashland Maid, 2:37';, 2:35ii, 2:33^i. Altleiioro. Mass.. Oct. 1. 1879. §300. Belle Dean 2, Billy D. 1, Black Pilot. 2:3.-)i^. 2:34, 2:32'4. 2:33, 2:34'4. Tompkins' Bay Mare. (3:09). J. Tompkins, White Plaias. N. Y., April24. 1878, $100. ..Tube (W), 3:09, 3:13. Tom Porter, br g (3 :41). K. Nailor, Smyrna, O., Sept. 10, 1875, $ . Dexter Jr. l, Lucretia Borgia, Wild Tom. (^laker Tom, 2:45. 2:44. 2:41. 2:43. Tom Piilclier. gr g (3 :43). Vivian & Co., Bangor, Mich., May 26, 1880. .$1.50. Lady Bates (2 0), Gray Efifte, Huiiali. 2:43, 2:43'2. 2:42. 2:42. Tom P. Way. ch s (3:39), bv Young Eclipse, dam by Young Trustee. A Patterson, Orange, N. J., July 4, 1867. $300. Lady Warwick. 2 :4l, 2 :4li4. 2 :.39. Wm. Lewis, Trumansburgh, N. Y.. Sept. 26, 1868, $ . Bismarck (3 drj, 3:00. 3:18, 2:45. Tompy, chg (.3:50). H. Phipps, Milford, Mass , June 29. 1878. $50. Dick (1 0), Starlight, Seal Brown, Tom (4 dr). -lioO. 2:51. 2:51. 2:.51. Tom <>uick, bg (3 :43;. Theodore Wells. Stony Ford, N. Y., Aug. — , 1863. $100. Skid, 2:U}4, 2:45. 2:46'4. Tom i{.. 1) g (3:4914). D. Hill, Greenwich, N. Y., July 20, 1883, $500. Franklin 2, (iovernor C., 2A9]4, 2:49K. 2:50'4, 2:49i.i. Tom Redd, br g (3 :46i2). by Downing's Bay Messenger, dam by Whip Comet. C. W. Dudley, Lexington, Ky., Oct. 6. 1853, .t«20O. Kate l, 3. 2:57, 2:54'2. 2:55, 2:46V2. 2:54. Tom Koach.br g(3:34i4). by Abdallah. E. H. Buckman, New Albany, Ind., June 26, 1873, $115. Ned. Lealherstraps. Tom Brown, 2:.36?i. 2:3414. 2:37. !'. M. White, Evansville, Ind.. Sept. 26. 187.% $.300. Fearnaught Jr. d dis), Arlington (2 dis). 2:4414. 2:34'4. Tom Rogers, blk s (3 :33i4), by George Wilkes, d;im Nellv. H. >i. r^iirgher. Columbus. ()., Aug. 26, 1879. $300, Blanche C,, Broadway, iMambrino Nellv, 3:01, 3:00. Three-vear-olds. Dayton, O.. May 18, 1882, $250. Lona Guffln. Josie H.. Frank Forrester, Little (ins, Mattie H., 2:33. 2:34M, 2:32ii. Hamilton. O., Oct. 6, 1882, $150. Lady Elgin. Marv Belmont, 2:33, 2:34?i, 2:3214. Dayton, O., Sept. 28, 1883. $300. I)r. Frank. Ina G'.. Lady P.rownell, 2:25, 2:26, 2:27. Tom Kolston. gr g (3 :30). C. B. Beall. Uniontown, Pa.. Oct". 29. 1879, .^.W. Jerry, Peerless, 3:26i^, 3:27, 3:20. Tom Sargeaiit (s), ch g (3 :43i^ s). Mr. Wood, Cambridge. Mass., June 12. 1840,' $500. Young Buckskin (s), 2 : 42 ' 2 , 2 :46. Tom .Sayres, b g (3 :43). Mr. St. Amand, Quebec, P. Q.. Sept. 29, 1868, $175. Halifax, Quebec Bov, 6 :02, 6:03, 6 :00. Tom Sayres, l)r g (3:56). by Guy Miller, dam by Henry Clay. Middletown.N. Y., Aug.—, 1870, $ . Miller's Filly, Vernon (1 dis), 3:0594. 2:56. Three-year-olds. Tom Scott, br g (.3 :38). Thos. B. Scott. Suffolk Park, Phil ., Sept. 25, 187.5, $300. Fearless 1. 2 :50M, 2 :50, 2 -.SOli, 2:50. Doylestown, Pa., Oct. 9, 1875, $150. Fearless, Iowa Girl, Middletown (2 dr). Belle Brandon (2 dr), 2:48. 2:4814, 2:4(;k. W. B. Dalyrimple, Oct. 6, 1876, $250. Fanny G. 2, 3, Molly, Jersey Boy, Black Frank, Washington Irving (4 dis ), 2:38, 2:41 '2, 2:4214. 2 :44;!4, 2:55. Easton. Pa , Oct. 10, 1876, $150. Fanny G.. Revenge, 2:43%, 2:43%, 2:441^ Tom Scott (Red Line and Jim Fisher), b g (3:35i4), by Surprise. T. Critchfield. Pittsburg, Pa., June 5, 1877, $400. Kitty Wait 1, Tease, Tom Medley, Little Sani, T. M. Bayne, Rattling Jack (3 dr), 2:36%, 2:36i^, 2 :36%, 2:34?4. Tom Son, br g. J. C. Townsend, Wilkesbarre, Pa., Julys, 1880, $75. Mambrino Jim, Dan, Col. Hall (3 dr). No time. Tom Stamps, b s (3:10), by Abdallah Pilot, dam Queen Dido, by Mambrino Chief. W. G. Cook, Harroda- bur^. Kv., July 22, 1874, $ . Addie. Blennerliasset, Mat Smith (1 dis). 3:2li/2, 3:22;2- Two-year-olds. July 24, 1874. .$ . Mattie (1 dis). Patterson's br s (1 dis), 3:10. Two-vear-olds. Tom Steel, ch g (3 :44%). Mr. Shannon, Deerfoot Park, L. I., Nov. 3, 1873, $400. Charley 2, 3, 2:52%, 2:49, 2:4514, 2:44%. 2:464. Tom St. Lawrence, bs(3:45). John Geere. Urbana, 111., Aug. 3, V867, $400. Ida, 2:50^, 2:49. 2:45. Tom .stout, blk g (3:33), by the Moor, dam bv Argvle. F. Stanford, Los Angeles, Cal., Nov. 26, 1875, $300. \Vmpi)o, Bessie Bell, 3;05i/g. 3:0ii4. 3:02. Three-vear-olds. Nov. 13 and 14, 1876. $200. Enterprise. Lucca. 2:li0, 2:.50U, 2:4414. =- C. A. Durfee, Oct. 15, 1878, $200. Code. Apprentice Bov,''2:41. 2:45. 2:45'4. .1. Williams, Stockton, Cal., Oct. 1. 1880. .$400. Castoria, Nelly Packard 1 (3 dis), Young Hiram (3 dis), Hattie (1 dis), 2:37, 2:35'/2. 2:33, 2:33. ■ Oct. 1. 1881, .$400. Tom Palmer, Upright. Frank Hunter. 2:42, 2:43, 2:43. Tom Suttolk (s). (3:51 s). G. Crane, Albany, N. Y., June 20, 1848, $ . Veto (s) 1, 3, Young Moscow (2 dr). 2:53. 2:.58, . 2:51, 2:.53. Tom Thumb, gr s (3:34). J. L. Eoff. St. Louis, Mo., Aug. 31, 1850, $100. Nelly Lightfoot 2, 2:52, 2:58, 2:53. 3:05. A. R. Taylor, April 23. 18.51, $100. 2:34. To beat 2:45. April 29. 18,51. .$400. Billv, 2:34. Tom Thumb, b g (3 :48). James Whelpley. Union Course, L. I., Oct. 25, 1858. $200. Woodrufl's br ra, 2:50. 2:48. Tom Thumb, b g i3:41). Mr. Case, Detroit, Mich., July 4, 1861, $500. Ida 2, 5:59i^, 5:48%, 5:47U. Two miles. Tom Thumb, ch g (3 :40). Vail & Smith. Hartford, Conn.. Oct. 18, 1862. $105. Justice, 2:41,2:40, 2:40%. Thos. J. Vail. Sept. 10. 1863, $10.5. Kennebec. 2:43. 2:45. 2:44. Henry Bradley. Portland, Me.. Sept. 18, 1865. $65. Timothy, Ranger, 2:54, 2:.55, 2:53. A. Woodard, Bennington. Vt.. July — . 18G6, $1.50. Bumblebee 5, 6. Major Putnam 2, 3 (6 dr), Dutch Sam (5 dn. 2 .55, 2:.54. 2:.51. 2:.52. 2:.56. 2:.5.5. 2:54. H. i.radley, Chelsea. Mass., Aug. .30. 1866. .$ . Chance, Potter Boy l, 2 (3 dis), Brignoli (3 dis',, 2A3\4, 2:43,2:41,2:421^.2:44. a \ /. •'ts. 682 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTINC AND I'AC1N(; KEtOlU). Tom Thumb, b g (2:63). D. Dunne, Bryautsville. Ky., Oct. 31, 18C7. §50. Kate, 3:01. 2-55i. •'•'/• " .-i!^ '"l" "■''' ^ <--^^'>- ^- *-'• ^''H^'". Spnufe'Ueld, Mass., Aug. I'T, I80y, ^iwl Bl'iwk'ijetty, 2:573^, Tom Thumb (3 :.->6'i). Mr. Kollin. Wliltby, Out., May -25. 1871, .?.'00. Capitol.i 1. 2:.57, •.'•,'5CUi •>-lHiU Tou. Thun.l,. I, k g ,:J:o:J), hy Col.bUr. 1>. (iroves, Woo.lstock, N. li.. Se).!. it' 8.^ ^^•. Cc^i Bureess >els()ii. i.oiig loin, Womlstock (iiil, IVnil.roke Maid, 3:03,3.14. 3:l«. Thivt-vi-: r-cWi s ^urgcss, ^"'ci:^!::]^:s:':ill^:!rf^'^^^'^,''-'^^ '^- ^- ''''■ ^"- "^■'^' ^'•^••" "■•■ ^V^-' Uevenge,.IoneH JunL- 1, 1S41. .*ioo. (.ottage Hoy, , «:2'^^'"' ^'"*"'''^ '*">''l^"- <"•"> K''^'^- ^"l- Abbott, May Day, Bristol ^.T^i;"'''^"*-' ^'""*" ^\^ego. N-'V', Oet. 10, 1872, S275. Maggie 4. Hunkidori I. L:uly Kendall, 2:41,2:40, 2:40.2:38. !>• Mahoney. IVmi Yan. N. Y., June 4. 1873, S300. Lady Thompson (2 0\ Solon Bov Ilanlia/anl Hh.I Sciuii lel. Belle Brandon (4 dis), I'rince of Wales (4 dis). Ko.seoc Con kling (2 dV) 2-48 ■' 4oi / 'T'- •^•4^l/; ^vraeuse, N. \.,.)uly 3, 1S7.J, «;.0(Ht. A. \V. Kline. 2:4()'». 2::i8 2-3'J'.. " ^ " '' ■■"''-■■*" 4 -.*-:. -Aiy^. .Inly 4, 1873, §500. Billy I'avor, Central New York. 2:.38, 2:37'- ' 2-38U Inly .5, 1873, S40(). Billy I'avor. Central New York. 2:.'^9>.,, 2:.{f)^ '•'•3614 ~~ .t^rrsboi UdJ;: 2 :']^V.'2 :!»?;. S..^^'"" '^■"""'"^""' ^'"'y 15.vron. Morton, Ligbtfoot (3 dis), Central City J^'.'.',','.''"- ^'- "^'-'i^^fe'- -'' l«"ar'«!4.^.0."* Frank Pbelps 2. L:idv Allen, 2:37V4, ii:;;6ki 2-.33 •>-37 W illiamsiwrt, I'a., Aug. 27. 1873. ?*l.-)0. Bonny Doon, Clotbesliiu', 2-32 2-43 2 -38 " Aug. 28. 1873, $200. Bonny Doon, Windsor, Dinah, 2:38. 2:;)!t 2:34 ' ' ' WiUkins, N Y.. Sept. il, 187.3. $400. Major Edsall 1. 2:29. 2:3"l, 2:311.4. 2:3414. 2":3ol!i 2:29'^'':3o;'2^32'^' ""' ^^''^' *^" ^o'''^r"«'" ^' <-'aledonia Chief 2, Cattaraugus Chief. Mazeppa, 2:29V*, Vl'"V"l?'^'^?"^'- ^V^'-' ^"?- 2'- If^'l- SWO. Lady Star l. Slow (Jo. Planter. 2 •.-i3 •':35'„ 0.40 0..= 2^-"'2 ■i4^'^"^''' ^'*"'*'*"'f'^- -"*• "^'•' ^^^- "' 1^"*' ^'-SO- K'lly I'avor 3, 4, Prince Clay"2, 2:35.'2:38, 2:36, 2:;i6, "^"•^I D^; A^:(i!,;n^S'ffi|^?sV^^^yiriL-'y-4l?":"ii^^"- ^^"'^ '"■'^'^^ ^^'^l'" -^""^^ '- '«•«' ^^OO. ' Eme '^"*2:47U.'2"49; 2 'wfl'"*"!"'*' ^^ '^^* ^°'^^^'^*^t«'"' ^'- Y- «ept. 25. 1857, S . Kn.peror 4. Turk 3 (4 disi. 2:46'/.. ''*"2, n^t^(:^r)}2M^\io!2^ Crowder, dam by Saratoga. Boston. Mass.. Oct. 24, 1850. §150. Teeumseh '""^^'-^U*"''*'"' '^^s'(^=*'^>-^-'^-I^oo''' J^Iilwaukee, Wis., June 25, 18C8, SlOO. Dolly 3. 2:53?^. 2:4,'-.. 2:.'-.l. '^"'"•w 3'o6*>'''5f'' ^ ^^ '***^' ^^ ^°"^ Wonder. A. B. Smith, Waverly, N. J., May 4, 1870. §200. Lady Dniibam, ~^i-i^aS't^^;^'&!^;^ii^2:^'-''''''-^'^^ ^"""^' I-^y Jane, crazy Jane (2 dis.. Daf^ Sept. 23, 1872, $500. Detective 2, 3, 2:4914, 2:50, 2:46, 2:46. 2-49. Mr. Moffatt, June 3, 1873, $200. Bay Billv, 2:43, 2:41, 2:40. W. !<:. Weeks, .June 0. 1873. .$300. Sorrel'Jake 2. 3. 2:4.314, 2:43}^, 2:46^ 2-5-'' '^•49 Tom ...^•■..ci, »i m*:i ( ), u.v i^uuuiuoii. (lain DV 01. ijawrence. u. \v. Matlock. Joliet 111 .Inne 19 1872 $400. Ameli:i i3 0), Wild Jane (4 dis;. flianipiou (4dr). 2:48, 2:39i», 2:39. 2-42?i ' — Chicago, III., July 4, 1872, .$800. Hattie, Kimball. 2:44, 2:38i4, 2:35'/,. Karlville, III. Aug. 29, 1872, $400. Amelia. Bav Frank. 2:41'/2. 2:42i4, 2:40. St,-e;itor. 111., .lune 7. 187.3, S1.50. Bav Dan, 2:40'„, 2:.39J4, 2:37i^. Ottawa. III., .Inly 1. 1874, .$500. Observer 1. Whalebone. 2:31 '/»" 2-27 2-.30?4, 2-29=>;i Aurora, III., July 4. 1874, $ . Observer. Cold Leaf. Albert" 2 ::{4U, 2:3.314. 2:34^. .v.i!'/'*?""r'"' ''"'•^ '^" ^**'*' ^^°' *^'^«''»'^''*'''*' Coldleaf 1, Tornado, Clnekamauga (3 dis), 2:34, 2:32^4,2:28^, Springfield, 111., Sept. 24. 1874. $300. Bay Ben 2-41 239 2-41 Davenport, la.. Oct. 22. 1874. .$400. Observer ,3, Whalebone. 2:30i4, 2:31i.i, 2:28i4, 2:29. Bloomington, 111.. Sept. 8. 1875. $300. Harrv Parker, Littte IMoose. 2:4014, 2:42?4. Decatur, III., Sept. 11. 1875. .$27.5. Belle of Pontiac. 2:.53''., . 2:,57. 2:54. tbne '•"'4*^''' ^ '" ■^'•*^^- J^- McArron, S:irnia, Ont.. May 24, 1883, $100. Mrs. McFee3,4. Gray Ren. Best Toin WomlerJr.. grs(2:483,'\ byToni Wonder. E. R. Palmer, Auburn, N. Y., July 2, 1874, $200. Royal loiii, Sig. Morning Star (1 dis), BakeC Bov (1 dis\ 2:49U, 2:51K>- 2:48-:'.:. .Inly 4, 1871. .$200. Butcher Boy. Dick .tones. 3:02'4. 3:1.3, 2:571.,. loii.-y hrg i3:4;j'4). L. s. Sammis. T'rospect Park. L. L. June 10, 1872, $2.50. Damly, 2:51i4, 2:5f.. 3:00. "^';i' VV ••^'*'- i^ Trami), dam bv Skinkle's Hambletonian. W. F. Cross, Red Wing. Minn., Sejit. 13, 1879, *1.50, Pomi)ey, Truni]). ;;:00. 2:.54. 2 .-)5 Tony Haxter, gr g (3:38). by Skinkle's FInmbletonian. Dr. Baxter. Oskaloosa, la., .Inly .3. 1876. $200. Frank 1, 4. (.rapevme. Cornstalk. Homelv Zach. Rest. 'Whirlwind. Katv (1 dis\ 2:45. 2:50'4, 2:47^.,, 2:48ii, 2:46. V."^'."'""l*l-, '•'■' ^''Pt- 26 1X78. .$^ — . AVild Oats 1. 2. 2:38. 2:37! 2:;58. 2:42. . Tony ^«'ll«*r. blk g (3:44^). F;isliion Course. L. T.. Oct. 2, 1871, .$.375. Ladv Emma. 2:44'i, 2:47i/,. 2:46. T<.ny >«-w.'ll, br g (3:191,^), liy Clark Cbl(>f. dam Dollv, by Embry's Lexington. J. S. Campbell, Mattoon, 111., .iniy .!. 1882. $-— -. Nettie R. .3. 4, Chestnut Bov, 2:4'3U, 2:42i^. 2:.35. 2:35. 2:39'.!. 23l' ^^'''" '^"'•*' ^' '''^' ^^' ^'a^^' H- ^' 2- David B.. Grand Misery. 2:;$2, 2:3i?4. 2:31, 2:30J4, L:i .Salle, 111.. Aug. If. and 17. 1882. .$400. Brown Dick 2 CI 0). Kentuckv Girl 4 (1 0\ Rlaekstone 5, Quick- step (1 dis^ Legal H. (1 dis). 2:.30';, 2:3l"5 2-3014 •>-.30>'™ ''•.3''i4 "-.ioi, 2:V". Dr. M.. Johnston. Augusta, (Ja., March 2. I88.3. .«i.50.*' Rachel R.. Novcltv. 2:.3,3, 2:32. 2:3m. 7, <^r, ■■ Hedges, Louisville, Ky., May 11, 1883. .'*700. Alcyone, Lulu. DickDewev, Brown A\ ilkes. Rigolctte, 2:25V4.>, 2:201^, 2:27(4. .... ;; Maysville. Ky.. May 17. 1883. .$800. Willis Woods 2, 3, Brown AVilkes. Kigolette, Lulu, Niinnie Talbott, Sanford Keith n dls\ 2:253.,', 2:2(ii4. 2:25 ''••^6 2-'>6 ^..a'-VoVi'IT*:''- '''^- •'""*-' 2. IS&J, SGOO. Will Benliam 5, G. Rien/.i 1, 2, Lewinski. 2:;6'4. 2:2.5«4. 2:25'.i, 2:26H. Clcvchrnd, ().. June 5;vnd fi, 1882. $700. Ina G.. Abdallab Roy, Willis Woods. Wilbur F., Waiting, Will Bcnliani. Kitty Patchen. 2:27. 2:2rii^ 2-23ii — Columbus. O.. June 14. 1883, ,$7on' Will Benham 1,3, Willis Woods. Cvclone Ladv Thorne, Annie S. (J dis), 2:20, 2:29^, 2:2Gi4, 2:2.5, 2:25. CHESTER'S COMIM.ETK TlIOTTIXd AND PACING RECORD. 683 — Toledo, O., June lO. 1S83. $600. Cyclone, Willis Woods. 2:29i^a, 2:30i^,2:31'/2. — Erie. l*a., June ii7 ana .'8, 18S3, $500. St. Cloud l, 2, George M., Ina G., Sciola, Abdallah Boy, 2:27>4, 2:2714, ^:27i4,2:-'8, 2:25}^. Washington, D. C. July 5 and C, 1883, $l,2no. Billy Button 2, 6, St. Cloud 1, 4, Billy Bad Eye, 2:27}^, 2:26)^, 2:27, 2:23!3, , 2:2014, 2:21'4 Ciiicago, 111., July 18, 18S3. .52.500. (icorge V., Western, Brown Wilkes. Willis Woods, 2:2-114, 2:24, 2:231/^. Tonv Pastor, br g (3:44). S. Williams. Albauv. N. Y., July 23, 1872, $50. Clipper, 3:14, 3:05}^. lulv :;(», 1S72. .§100. Cora, Dan. 2:l.si.., :;:48'4. Au>r. s. 1872, .SIOO. Belle of Saratoga (w), 2:46, 2:44, 2:45. Tontine iJelle, blk ni (2 :37). D. Bigley, iMystic Park, Boston, Oct. 16, 1873. $200. Modoc Chief 3, Lucinder, Tlinught (2 disi. 2:45, 2:44. 2:42, 2:42'i, Lawrence, Mass., Oct. 23, 187;!, .S200. Modoc Chief, Doctor, Bessie Holbrook. 2:43^4, 2:46. 2:45 .;. Toodles (( apt. ^^'est), h s Ci :3.5). liv Sam Bell. J. C. Smith. Richmond, Va. Oct. 28, 1873, .$150. Orange Blos- som, Mt. Jlolly (2 dis), 2:4;i, 2:47;.;. Stations. — T. Curtis. Staunton. Va., June 4, 1874. $ . Gayo 1, Don Carlos, 2:44, 2:4594, 2:.50, 2:59?i, (w). J. C. Smith. Richmond. Va., Oct. 27. 1874, $125. Orange Blossom (vv>, 2, 2:45%, 3:08 — . Stallions. F. P. Xoland, June 7, 1875, $1,000. Ugly Dutchman. 2:."i5. 3:02, 3:15. Tool I>illon, br s{3:32ii), by Mambrino Pilot, dam by Thompson's Messenger. Geo. TFlovd, Pine Bluff, Ark.. Auu-. 8, 1873, $200, Sting 1 (3 dis). Billv Boy. pacer (1 dis), 2:40U, 2:.39. 2:345ii. Little Rock, Ark., Oct. 17, 1873, $550. Kitty Burgess, Sting, Sugar in. the Gourd (l dis) 2:32^, 2:36M, 2.341.1. Pine Bluff, Ark.. Nov. 11. 1873, $200. Kitty Burgess 1, Sugar in the Gourd. 2:30. 2:34}^. 2:34, 2:35. Nov. 14, 1873, $.500. Kitty Burgess 3. Sugar in the Gourd, 2:;;3. 2::;4'.i, 2:35,2:3454. Toot II., b s (3:5394), by Toot Dillon. W. ]", AL. Pence, Little Rock, Ark., Oct. 20, 1881, $175. Prairie Chief 1, Flora 4 :14, 4:04, 3:.53^. Three-year-olds. Top, b g (3 :39i/i). \). T. Harvey, Raleigh, N. C. Oct. 23, 1873, $350. Fanny, Prince of Wales, 2:54, 2:53, 2:50Ji. Staunton. Va., June 3, 1874, .? . Toodles 3, 2:519.1, 2:53, 2:481^. 2:54' 1. (iettysburgh. Pa., Sept. 27, 1877, $150. Maria Stuart. Santagonian, 2:43i'o, 2:42, 2:41. Elizabeth City, N. C, Nov. 21, 1878, $225. Camden, Nelly, Kate Walters, 2:56, 3:02, 3:06. Winchester, Va., Oct. 9, 1879, $ . Max. Tempest. 2:45, 2:47. 2:43^. Raleigh, N. C, Oct. 15, 1879, $100. Blue Wing, Metz. No time. Weldon. N. C, Oct. 22, 1879, $1.50. Almont Mambrino 2:49, 2:48. . Top (3:37). D. L. Harris, Richmond, Va., Nov. 1, 1876, $100. Altamont, Alice Lane 2 (3 dis), Frederick (1 dis), 2 :40, 2 :38, 2:37, 2 :40. Four-year-olds. Topeka Belle, blk m (3 :36i4). M. D. Fields, Kansas City, Mo.. Sept. 24. 1872. $175. Lady Wilcox, Aroostook Boy (3 dis). Gen. Sheridan (1 dis), Skylark (1 dis), Buckd dis). Sailor Boy il dis), 2:48, 2:16, 2:48. Sep. 15, 1873, $200. Lady Patchen, Molly Graydon, Lady Dunmore (3 dis), Gentleman Joe (2 dis), Aldine (1 dis'), Frank Summers (1 dis). 2:42i^2, 2:4394, 2:4.3^. Topeka, Kan., Sept. 27, 1873. $125. Lady Patchen (1 0), Black Prince, Hank Stevens (2 dis), 2:365^, 2:373^, 2:37i.-2.2:4!. St. Joseph, Mo., Oct. 4. 1873. $250. John :Morgan, Lady Winscot, 2 :40'2, 2:391^2, 2:43. Olathe, Kan., Oct. 8, 1873, $1,5(). Lady I'atchen 1. 2:46, 2:3914, 2:39^, 2:39. Oct. 10. 1873. $175. Lady Patchen. Lady Dunmore. 2 :45, 2 :40i/2, 2:40. Topeka John, bg (3:50). Newton Hall, Sydney, O., Sept. 24, 1875, $80. Harry Reed, Honest Dave, Mary i3dr). 2:50, 2:50.2:52. Topgallant (s), b s (3:4:5-.,). by Coriander, dam by Bishop's Hambletonian. Jamaica, L. I., Sept. —, 1821, .$2,000. Betsy Baker is). 8:42. Three miles. (s). Union' Course, L. L.Oct. — . 1829. .■:; . Columbus (s) 1. Comet (s), Spot (s), William (s), 8:20, 8:11, 8:14. Three miles. Topgallant, chg(2:49i. T. Patterson, Parkersburg. W. Va., Oct. 2. 1872, $40. Patchen. Enoch Arden d dis), Guy Jr. (1 dis), 2:49. 2:.56i4. Toppy (Henry R.). ch g (3:38^4). Mr. Twitchell, Buffalo, N. Y., Sept. 26, 1874, $100. Netty. Doctor, Allie. 2:4114, 2:38'9i. 2:3814. Le Roy, N.Y., Oct. 1, 1874, $200. Tom Collins 1, Fred Pierson, Henry Clav, Nelly, 2:48'2, 2:4514, 2:46, 2:46, Top Sail, b s (3:34), by Dial, dam Minnie, by Post's Hambletonian. A. w. Griswold, Rutland. Vt., Sept. 10, 1873, $ — . Young "Planter. Rob the Ranter, 3:26, 3:24. Three-vear-olds. Topsy. b m (3:54). French Peters, Lawrence, Mass., July 18, 18.56, $200, Sorrel Billv 1, 3:02, 2:.57, 2:54, 2:55J^. Top.sy (w),b m {%:5i)A). G. W. Bidwell, Chicago, 111., July 14, 1857, $125. Prairie Boy. Dutchman (3 dis), 2 :50i/4, 2:52, 2:42. Aug. 18. 1857, $.500. Selim (w) 2, 2:38, 2:38i2, 2:3.5, 2:37. <). W. Dinnnick, Oct. 6, 18.57, $2,300. Reindeer. 2:36, 2:34i-i. f opsy, b m (3 :47 1. James E. I'ost, Scranton, Pa., Oct. 20, 1859, $60. Vernon Boy l. Wild Warrior, Honest John, 2:48. 2:49,2:49, 2:47. Topsy — , (3 :56). George Futcher, Nashville, Tonn., Nov. 23, 1865, $100. Honest John (1 dis), Frank (1 dis), 2:56. Topsy, b m(3:33). C. Saiuiders, Bradford, Vt.. Oct. 9, 1867, $40. Whitefoot, Prescott's b g(l dis), 2:45, 2:47, 2:45. Sept. —, 1869, $100. Skylark, Messenger Maid, 2:39, 2:44,2:39. Topsv, b m (3:31i3), by Geo. M. Patchen. S. C. Bailey, Trenton, N. J., Sept. 2,5, 1868, $350. Fanny Allen 3, 4, Panic 1, Whitehead, 2 :.36. 2:34i.i. 2:3514. 2:,S89i. 2:38i4, 2:35. J. L. Doty. Boston, Mass.. Sept. 28. 1869, $1,000. Garibaldi 2, Black Harry, Dot, Belle Morrill, Manhattan, Dew Drop, Johnny Reb, Artenuis Ward, Lady Carter, Lydia Thompson, 2:32, 2:3414, 2:3414, 2:33. Fashion Course, L. I.. Nov. 4, 1869, .$.300. Louise. 2:35, 2:.3494, 2 :36. Nov. 8. 1869, $1,000. Louise 1. 2, 2:374. 2:40i4, 2:^1%. 2:40^4, 2:47. Ben Daniels, Fieetvvootl Park, N. \'., July 10, 1871, $300. Fanny Lee (w) 2, Lady Augusta (w), 2:36i4, 2:37, 2:35. 2:33',. Inly 15. 1871, $1,000. Fanny Lee (wl, 2-4.5i^, 2:41, 2:37. Nov. 6, 1871, $100. Newton. 2:44, 2:36i/4. Nov. 8, 1871. $1,000. Grace P.ertram. 2:.37, 2:33'.;, 2:301^. G. W. Dickey. Saratoga Spa. N. Y.. July 16, 1872. .$200. Young Thome 2, 2:50^4. 2:3994, 2:4414. AVilliam Lovell. Fleetwood Park, N. Y., May 1, 1873, $7.50. Lady Anna 4, 6, Winfield 1, 2:46, 2:48i^, 2:44, 2:46, 2:44, 2:44. II. Brock, Boston, Mass., May 15, 1873, $100. Charlev, Pete Simple, Belle (3 dr), Susie (3 dr), 2:48, 2:481^. 2:47. D. Pfifer, Fleetwood Park. N. Y., May 20, 1873, $ . ^Mercer (w1 3. 2:3394. 2:33, 2:34, 2:3514. (w), Wm. Lovell. May 31, 1873, .$200. Molly (w), 1. 2:.38^. 2:39^, 2:38^4, 2:38'". ■ D. Pfifer, June 13, 187:?, $200. James K. Polk. 1. 2, 2::{2,"'2:31i4. 2:34^, 2:38, 2:38. (w), Chicago, 111.. Julv 19, 187.3. .$.300. Bob Hunter, Ella Thorpe, 2:37, 2:3514, 2:3594. July 22, 1873. .$200. flattie, 1. 2::i9, 2:.3.3. 2:.35. 2:.35'.. Topsy, blk m (3:31), by Winthrop Morrill. H. Eppihelmer, Reading, Pa.. Sept. 30, 1869, $250. Billy Mustapha 5, 6. McRobert's Poiiy 2. 3, Daisy,- Tormentor (3 r o), 2:41i4, 2:44. 2:41, 2:38, 2:40, 2:44, 2:39^. Marcus Behn, Reading, Pa., May 31, 1870, .$500. Gazelle, Brick, Billy Mustapha (2 d~is), Hiram (2 dr). 2:40,2:38^4,2:42. «84 CHESTEUS COMPLETE TKOTriNO ANU I'AClNG UECUUD. Lebanon, Ta., Sept. JS, Ihto, S-xo. Billy MuslapUa. Johnny Trouble, Gray Jim, Sassarac \2 (lis;. Belle (2 dr). 2:43. 2:45, 2:40^. S(!pt. 23. 1870, .<300. Harry D.. 2 (3 0), Billy Mustaplia (2 dis). Gray Jin» (2 dis), 2:42(/,, 2:373^, 2:39. 2:42, 2:4r)^4. Kcadiiifi. I'a.. Sept. 28, 187ii. $.'5i). l)ian:i, Billv Mustaplia, 2:42, 2:38, 2:46. Avon, I'a., June 8, 1871. $,iM. Billv .Mu.^t:l|^ila 1. L:i(ly Mack, 2:41K», 2:44^4, 2:42. June '.'. 1871, .*uoO. Lady Maek. I'.illv .MnsUiplia. 2:41. 2:45, 2:43'.i. Lanea.ster. Pa.. Aug. 23. 1h71, SI.IMM). Dave, 1, 2:4U. 2:39'i, 2:42K>, 2:40^. Sci)t. -'7. 1871, StMM). Keglster, Hiiny, Dave, 1 (3 disi, 2:41'/i, 2:;i!», 2:379a. 2:40. Plidadelphia. Pa., Nov. 4. 1871, -S'lOO. Susie Kurtz. 2:36'/s, 2:34^, 2:35>*i. York, Pa.. Oct. 4. 1872. $X)0. Fannv (2 0). Lady Trouble (1 dis). 2:41. 2:43. 2:42K>i 2:42. A. De Hart, Pliiladelphia, Pa., Mov. 0, 1873, 5? . Lizzie Keller 2, 3, Eftle. l (5 dis), Susie Kurtz (2 dr). 2 :X>. 2:31'4. 2 :33, 2 :,i8, 2:4 .M;ireus Beliin. liiltersville. Pa., Jinie 3, 1874, S27.''>. Kitty Clay (2 0), Lady Atkinson, 2:3(1, 2:38, 2:37?4, 2:37. J une .""i. 1874, S4m. G V1)SV, 2:43i..;. 2 :44i.... 2 :42! i. Topj^v. ell ni ii:;J«'2;. bv Areliy Liylitt'ool. 1. B. Lixler. Cincinnati, ().. June 23. 18G9, .$200. Schuyler Crosby -'."a. Ilillv. Daisv De:in. Live ();ik, Alulalhih Cliicl. 2:;!8'.;. 'i-.lW.i. 2:.37. 2:36'..i, 2:39?.i. lndi;iii;ii>oiis, Ind.. Oct. 8. 1n7(i. s\:A). I'.Uuk Frank 1. Cliestnut Jennv. Snap (2 dr>, 2:4"!^, 2:40. 2:40. T«»p»v, eh ni (.'-J Mii). K. G. Goodhue. Ojiklaiid. Cal.. Aiiril 2.'"). 1872 S . Sam. Post Boy (1 dis), '2:r,r>, 2:51, 2:.54. "July 18, 1874, $200. Alameda Maid. L:idv Emma. Goldlinder. 2:43i'.i. 2:42U, 2:36'i. W. Patrick, April 25, 1870, .$100. Dan 3, Howell, Maid of the Plains (3 dis). Pluck (1 di.^i. 2:41, 2.41'/i, 2:.17K>. '-2:3(!Mi- Topsv. br m {-i :34). Mr. Armour. Chicago, 111., Jnlv 22, 187.3. §1.50. Billy, Jenny (1 dis). 2:,')8, 2:.-.4. 3:00. Topsy. b m ri :39U,). A. iMav. Mvstie Park, Boston, June 18, 1874, S3(X). Tom 1, 4. Belle Hight, Jenny Smith (5 dis). 2:42U, 2::»'c. 2:40. 2::!!IU,. 2:40. Topsy. blk in ( '-i :53 1. Henry Jirown, Wilkesbarre, I'a., Oct. 22, 1874, $50. Kate :Manu 2, 3, Sleepy Jim, 2:56, 2:.56. 2:.")7, 2:.55,2:u3. Topsy. b m (3:38). Manchester, N. H., Nov. 3. 1874. .S200. Union 1, Leeds. Buth, 2:41, 2:40. 2:38. 2:40. Topsy. blk m i3:30), l)v Skinklc's Hambletoni;ui. dam Flora Belle. M. T. (irattan, Austin, :siinn., Jidy 10, 187.'), $ . Prince 2. Jscllv 1. Austin Pete. Butcher (iirl, 3:06':. 3:09, 3:0i;, 3:04. 3:04. J. C. Oswald, Kochcstcr". Minn., Sept. 6. 1881, $300. Sam 11. 1, Jenny G., Black Jim I'restou Star. 2:41. 2:40,2:42.2:47. Sept. 9. 1881. $300. Almont Boy, Peter Farley, Little Queen, 2:39.2:.38, 2:39i4. Hastings. Minn.. Sept. 16 :ind 17. 1881. .?17,"). Almont Boy. Buckthorne. Bhick Prince. Startle, 2:41. •-•:.39"2. 2:38. Topsy eh m (3 :43). Geo. H. Bailev, Portland. Me.. July 4, 1877, $100. Thurlow Knox l, 2, Pratt (5 dis), Iv;ni lior- (3 dr). Kiverton Kno.\ (2 dis), 2:45. 2:45, 2:42, 2:42, 2.43. Topsv, b m, bv Koyal (ieorge. \V. Day. Lockport, N. Y., July 4, 1879, $100. INlolly 1,5, ^ellv 4, Little Maud, Nellv Sherman. Maid (4 dr), 2:03:'j. 2:03^4, 2:05, 2:02, 2:01'/^, 1:59'^. Three-fourths of a mile h(>nts. Topsy. blk m (3 :56). D. Kav, Newcastle, Pa., Oct. 2. 1879, $1.')0. Kob Hoy, Kitty G.. Hosebud. 3:00. 3 :00. 2:56. Topsv. blk m ( 3 :46>. C. Stover, Troy. N. Y., Sept. 7, 1882. $150. Dick, Robert A., 2:52. 2:46. 2:,')3. Schaghticoke, X. Y., Oct. 6, 1882, $\rA). Jim Brown 2, 3. llobert A., 2:.5l, 2:4<)'2, 2:49!o, 2:46. 2:47. Topsy. ch m (3:50). C. G. Crawford. Flint, Mich., Oct. 4,1882, $ . Michigan Maid, Carrie H.. Belle Harding. Sam Axford. 2:50, 2:.50. 2:.52. Topsy. (In m (3 :59). M. Hovt, Norwalk, Conn., Sept. 11, 1883, .'S50. Fritz. 2 :59, 3:11, 3 :07. Topsy, blk m (3 :13). F. Babb, Dover, N. H., Sept. 12, 1883, $25. Maria 4. Nell 2, 3:13, 3:08. 3:12, 3:15, 3:13. Topsy. blk m (3 :43J4). N. F. Ingraham, Meriden, Conn., Sept. 20, 1883, $200. M'tse, Rodney (1 dis). 2:48»4, 2 :43'4, 2:48^4. Topsy liurgit, ch m (3 :59). John Burgit, New Hampton, la., Oct. 8, 1874, $100. Fox 3. Sleepy Jane, Gim- let d dis). 3:04, 2:57. 3:02'i. 3:039i. Topsy C, b m (3:44^4), by Danville, dam bv Scott's Hiatoga, W. P. Kinzer, Beaver, Pa., Oct. .5. 1881, S200. Flora B., Wananuick, Sam Woods, 2 :44>.i.' 2:44^4. 2:44?i. Topsy L)., brm (3:36). by Champion. H. G. Smith. Mystic Park. Boston. Mav 26, 1880, $U)0. Nelly2. (;en. Custer, Emma D.. 2:36. 2:33' i, 2:36»^, 2:40Kj. M:iv 27, 1880, $1.50. Eb., Wingate' Lady Shernuin (2 dis), 2:39, 2:43, 2:40. A.(i. Rollins, Woodstock, Vt., Sept. 29, 1881. $1,50. Motion, Nell, French Boy. 2:36, 2:.38. 2:.36. Toriuento. ch g (3 :33). F. P. Foster, Los Angeles, Cal., Nov. 22, 1875, $300. Gladstone 1, JJarbara 2, Prince (Odr), 2:49'2, 2:52,2:45'.!, 2:44*1, 2:42%. Tormentor, b s (3:46). N. C. Trowbridge, Augusta. Ga., Jmie 29. 1846. $1,50. Mrs. Caudle 1, 3:01. 2:46, 2:46. Tormentor, ch g (3 :34), by American Star. J. E. I'ost. Watertown. N. Y.. June 2.5, 1867. $100. Medoc (1 dis). Napoleon 1 1 (lis). Fanny Hill (1 dis). Diuidas Maid ddis), And)er (l dist. 2:34. June2H. 1867. .$.300. Howard's blk g, Lizzie 2 (4dis). 2:40i.'.. 2:37'., 2:40' i, 2:36. J. R. Wood. Goshen, N. Y., Sept. 3, 1868, $100. Ridge Bov, Post. 2:57!.., 2:51. 2:.53. Harrv Eck, Stroudsburgh. Pa., Oct. 17, 1868, $150. Fanny Tighe 3 (1 0), Doctor Jackson (s). Abe Lincoln, 2:54. 2:.5"3, 2:,50, 2:.50. 2:50. 2:47^?. F. Wagner, Easton, Pa., JiiTv 2, 1869. $100. Bill Jackson. 2:45'.i. 2:46?i. 2:4314. Tornado, b g (3:49). Orange Lake. N. Y., Sept. 1,5. 1873. $100. Tom Ba.ssett 2. .3. Modoc. Best time 2:49. Tormulo, b s(3:33;'4). bv Bilker's Tornado. E. Dorr. Kockford. 111., Sept. 19, 1873. $500. Kate Fisher 3, Rod- erick, Brown AVeasel. Melvin. B;iy Tom. 2:44^4. 2:43?4, 2:43'.;, 2:40^. Freeport, 111., Oct. 21. 1873, $700. Tommy Dodd 1.2. Wild Oats 5. John W. (4 dis). Black Diamond (4 dis), 2:40. 2:41, 2:40, 2:373^, 2:.38, 2:.S6'j. Kockford. 111.. Sept. 15. 1876, $350. Goldleaf 2, 4. Illinois Boy. Lehigh, Bacchus B., Lex, Swimmer (2 dr). 2:40. 2:37. 2: 39^.2:. 38, 2:36. Jldv 4. 1877. $1.50. Bav Dan 1. 2:3.5. 2:.32^4. 2:41. 2:.38. II. S. F'argo. Paola. Kan., .Iidv 24. Isko. $ . K:ite DeForest 1. Cornelia, 2:33. 2:36. 2:.*«>. Tornado, blk g (3:3.5). E. E. Tavlor, Lvnchburgh. Va . Oct. 18. 1877, $1.50. Auction Girl 1, 2. Maggie Duva!. ( 'ohee. 2 :50. 2 :.50, 2 :45, 2 :.50, 2 :4.5»4. Oct. 19. 1877, .?.30O. Gen. Love 2. Top 1, Modoc. 2:43'i. 2:4,3, 2:40"», 2:42. 2:40. Washington, D.C., Mav 8. 1878, $2,000. Key West. 2:37. 2:.38. 2:.35. ^ Tornado, b s (3:37). C. E.Tanner, Richmond, Va., Nov. 3. 1882, $.500. Charh-yRoss 2. 3. Jim Kidd (2 dr), 2:.39. 2:.37",. 2:39. 2:.37, . ,^., Tornado (.Joe Davis), br g (2 :36). by Dr. Herr. G. Grimes. Brownsville. ISIo.. Aug. 21, 188.3, $175. Little Toujiiiv I. Laura C Lycurgus, Dr. Tanner, Joe Baker (2 dis). Silverheels (2!dis). McC. (1 dis), 2:36^, 2:38, 2:40. 2:421/,. Aug. j:C 1883, $400. Flaxv 1, 2. Executor, Maggie Fulton, 2:38, 2:41. 2.35. 2:.35. 2:.38»4. Higginsville. Mo.. Aug. 28. 188.3. $175. Launi C.. Cora B., Lulu N.. Dr. Tanner. 2:41. 2:37^, 2:40. Sept. 1. 1883. .$140. Sleepv Bill 1, Allegro. 2:43 2:40ij, 2:42'^. „. „ Tornado Maid, br m (3:31'.). C. S. Green. Fleetwood Park. N. Y.. Mav 18. 1875. $1,000. Maudl, l.B. French. Effle Deans. Ben Bruce, Lucca, Vulcan. Hawk, Princeton Maid. Carter. Christine. Vesta, Rosle (4 dis), Nettie Burlaw (l dls).2:37J4, 2:35,2:35, 2:38. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 685 . Point Breeze Park, Phila., May 26, 1875. $1,000. Champion Morrill 1, 2, Nettie Burlevv 3, Carrollton, Vesta, Midway (5 dri. Lady Goodiii (.5 dr), Allen 1.5 dr), T. B. French (i dr), Sleepy Mary (4 drj, 2:33'/2,2:34'/2, Toronto'Bov,' b's ^''4:58). Chas. Gate, Whitney, Ont., June 21. 1805, S40. Nelly Gilbert, 3:05, 3:05, 2:58. Toronto Chief (w) br s^3:."51) Cri-M-t}/^ s), by Royal George, dam by Hlaciswood. K. James, Echpse Course, L. I., Oct. 28, 1858, $500. Hiram Drew (w) 1, Plow Boy (w; (3 0), Columbus (.w) (.2 dr), 5:21, 5:22, 5:26, 5:33. Two ^s),'st. Catherines, Ont., Oct. 24, 18(3, $75. Ida May (s). Fanny Foster (s). 5:49, 5 :45. Two miles. Dan Pflfer, Union Course, L. I.. June ic. 1X64, S500. Shark, 2:35;!4,. 2:37, 2:38r.i. Fashiim Course, L. I., June 8, 1865. S2.000. Klia Slierwood, 2:31'2, 2:31i2, 2:31. (s>, Sept. 4, 1865, §1,800. Commodore Vanderbilt. 2:30, 2:27. 2:MU- I s) Oct. 2, 186.5. Sl,800. Com. Vanderbilt, 2:25'.2. 2:24Ai, 2:2414. B. Doble, F'ashiou Course, L. I.. June 11, 18G7, $MU. Rapid, 1, 2 (3 dis) 2:43!2, 2:44, 2:46. Toronto Chief, eh s (3:48i. J. S. Fitch. Norwieli, Conn., Sept. 19, 1878, $16. I'rinee Albert 3, Joe Shannon (4 dr). Hickory Jack (1 dis I. 2:491^, 2:48. ,2:4914. , , ^ . , xt ,- t Toronto Chief jr., blk s (3:40), by Toronto ChieL Thomas Snyder, Oneida, N. \., June 12, 1866, $100. Quaker 1 ''■43, 2-40 2:41, 2:41. Toronto Chief Jr.. b g (3-40), by Toronto Chief. A. Hall. Oneida. N. Y., Aug. 30, 1876, $175. King Charley 1, 2, Woodstock 3, Walkill 4. Kit Holtoii. Whirlwind (5 dr;, Capt. Jinks (.4 r o;. Sleepy Bill (4 dr;, l^armer Boy (3 drK 2:41'^, 2:40'2, 2:46'., 2:43U, :^:i^hs. 2:40. 2:44. Aug. 31, 1876. $200. Maggie Moore. Harry's Daughter, King Charley (2 dr), 2:42i/4, 2:41i,4, 2:44;'2. Toronto Chief Jr.. brs (3 :33^), by Toronto Chief. J. Wood, Little F'alls, N. Y., June 12, 1878, $100. Kit Holton, Whirlwind, Isal)el,2":40, 2:40. 2:43. ^ '„ ,,.,,. . , , P. Starin, Lockport. N. Y.. July 6, 1876. $60. Moore"s gr s 2, 3, Leo, Sherman Girl. Martin's b s (5 dr), 1 :5«, 1 :.59, 1 :58, 1 :56i4. 1 :.")5i.i. Three-fourths of a mile. Uichlield Spa, N. Y., Oct. 9 and 10, 1878, $100. Bay Tom, Lucy <'., Lbenezer, Sleepy Bill. 3, 4 (5 dis), Nelly Tower(4dr),2:.52, 2:43, 2:45, 2:421^, 2:42. ^, ^„ , ,^^^ ^,. , Clyde, N. Y.. Sept. 3, 1879, .$400. F'armer Bov, 4 (1 0). Maude 5. Henry tlark, Hatty iisher (4 dis), Don (3 (lis). Lady Beekman (3 dr), 2:4214, 2:411,0.2:38, 2:40, 2:41, 2:35. , , . ,. Elmira N. Y., Sept. 10, 1879, .$400. Farmer Bov 1, 2. Tom Wonder Jr., Lady Mac, Lady Evans, Henry Clark, Bay wood. Lady Willis, Prince Alfred (3 dr), 2:37. 2:37i.^, 2:37, 2:37. 2:35. lohnstbwn, N. Y.. June 8, 1881, $100. SI. Patrick. White Clond, 2:34Va. 2:3514. 2:34?a. (i. Curry. Trenton, N. J., Sept. 14, 1S81, $100. Roman Chief. Etlian Dan. Best tinie, 2:40. Little Falls. N. Y., Aug. 30, 1882. $8.5. St. Patrick, Carver, Isabella (3 dr), 2:35)4, -':36, 2:34Ji. Aug. 31, 18S2. $200. St. Patrick. 2:.3.5, 2:.34i4, 2:;5r.'2. W.'Stnbb, Lebanon, Pa., Oct. 6, 1882, $600. Billy Button, Jenny Lind, Augusta Schuyler, Lady Lear, Gen. Beamish, Sweetness i2 dis). 2:29, 2:29?i, 2:3014. Toronto Girl, b m (3 :37ii ). J. A. Johnson, Aurora, Ont., Mav 31, 1871, $500. Charley Moore. 2:54. 2:.59. 3:00. June 1, 1871, $2.50. Regulator, 1, 2, 2:45' i. 2:45i4, 2:451^, 2:46^. 2:46i/2. W. Johnson, Barrie, Ont., June 14, 1872, $300. Lillie Pierce 1, Rob Rov, C. C. Spring, Holton Boy (1 dis), ,2:4114.2:40, 2:40'i. Toronto Jim, b g (3:464). H. B. Frisbie. Madison Co., N. Y., July 13, 1871, $100. Chalk Line, 1, 3 (4 0), Hamilton Pet, Chenango Joker. Scotch (^ueen, 2:5514. 2:46J^, 2:,")4V3, 2:.56i4, 2:.53. 2:,5.j. Toronto Maid, br m (3 :30), by Captain. d;iui Ladv McK.. by Toronto Chief. J. McKean, Prophetstown. 111., Aug. 7, 1879, $ . Verbena, Ada Withers, Billy McCarthy, Lula L., 1 :20i4. 1 :'20, 1 :22. Half-mile-heats. Ottawa. 111.. Aug. 14. 188.3, $300. Carter, Blue Bull, Alk, Rocket (1 dis). 2:m4, 2:421/2, 2:45. Aug. 16, 1883, .$400. Wildmont, Harry B.. (ilenwood, Fanny Evans. Modleska (3 dr), 2:34, 2:32i/^, 2:33Ji. Geneseo, 111., Aug. 21. 1883, $200. Edith, Pattie P., Mark Time, 2:46i4. 2:47'2. 2:45. E. Wells, Aug. 24, 1883, .$400. Orinda, Modjeska. 2:.38i4, 2:39"o, 2:4.5. J. McKean, Oskaloosa, la., Aug. 29, 1883, .$'300. McMahon, Barney B., Susie W.. Col. Crockett, 2 :34, 2:36i/i, 2:30. Aug. 31, 1883, .$.300. Susie W., Kitty Strader. McMahon. 3 (4 dr), 2:34. 2:32. 2:27. 2:.33. E. Wells. Des Moines. la., Sept. 3, 1883, $.500. Kitty Strader. Gen. Lee. Mc:Mahon, 2:32i4, 2:35'^, 2:34?i. Sept. 5, 1883. .$500. Orinda, Glenwood, Ohio Maid. Barnev. 2:3314, 2:.33ii. 2:.33io. Torpedo, b g (3:5 7). B. F. Hovey, Stroudsburgh, Pa., Oct. 1, i863, ,$2.5. Old Tom. Moser Mare. 2:57, 2:59.2:58. Touch Me Not.gr g (3 :00). N. T. Dessault, Sherbrooke, P. Q., Sept. 4, 1873, $100. Snow Bird, Passumpsic (2dr), 3:10, 3:06. 3:00. Tow Boy, br g (2 :36), by Royal George. Thos. Brown, St. Catherines, Ont., June 4, 1863. $1,000. Jake Oakley 1, 2:3714. 2:374. 2:4.3, 2:40. Buffalo. N. Y., June 18, 1863. $1,000. Jake Oakley 1. 2:.37i<;, 2:40. 2:38i''2. Tow Head, eh g (Z -.4:3%). W. W. Stevens, Baltimore", Md.. Oct. 9. 1872. $300. Mary Washington. Henry Clay, 2:43'4, 2;44'/^,2:46U. Kent Co.. Md., Oct. 2, 1873, $ . Keystone Patchen, 3:061^, 2:r>9l^. Townsend Girl, gr m (3 :49). J. J. Bowen, Boston, Mass., Dec. 3, 1870. $1,000. Coriander 1, 2:51, 2:49"4, 2:50. 2:51)^. Tracy, br g (3:40i4). Jos. C. Simpson. San Francisco, Cal., Aug. 21, 1875, .$200. Restless Jack 1. Rockland Maid C2 dis). May (2 dis), 2:.5.3M, 2:43]^. 2:47At, 2:40;.4. Tracy's Entry, (3 -ASU). A. H. Tracy, Hudson. N. Y., July 5, 1809, .$ . Frank Miller. Sorrel Dan 2 (5 dis). Royal George 1 (4 dr), 2:43i4, 2:48. 2:48?4, 2:.50, 3:00. Tracy Hayes, b in (3:36",). F. Farmes, Steubenville, O., Oct. 16, 1874, $1,000. Kitty Wells 1 (3 0). Frank J.. 4, Frank, (iypsy Tom. 2:36. 2:.37, 2:.36i4, 2:39, 2:.30?i, 2:40. Trade Wind, b g (3:44). C. Shear, San Franeisco, Cal., Tvlch, 29. 1.8.56, $1.50. Powder 2. 2:46^. 2:4fi?i. 2:49. 2:46. Trainor's Bay Gelding:, (3:5614). Mr. Trainor, Lexington, Ky., May 24, 1872, $400. Chestnut Gelding, 2:56'/2. Tramp, b m (3 :38), by Mambrino Chief (?). E. R. Bishop. Belvidere. 111., Sept. 15, 1871. .$50. Hattie Bishop 1 2, Carrie B., Nelly D. (2 dr). 2:.53, 2:.50, 2:.51. 2:.53. Incomplete. Tramp, gr g (3:37). Geo. R. Logan, Fredonia, N. Y'.,. tune 3, 1871, $150. Flora Grimes, l. Leopard, 2:59.2:41, 2:.39, 2:.37. Tramp, b g (3:5114). C. L. Harris, Salt Lake City, Utah. Oct. 4, 1878, .$4.50. Kitty. Billy Davis, 2:,51i'2, 2:525^, 2:.53i4. Tramp, b g (3: 48 1. J. W. Driscoll. Jersey City, N. J.. Oct. 27, 1881. $100. Gunner, Brokaw, Montgomery (1 dis). ?:.54, 2:.53. 2:5414. S.Welch. Same day. $.50. Brokaw, 2:.53J4. 2:,56. Nov. 10, 1881. .$.300. Brokaw. Gunner. 2:.54. 2:57, 2:5.5. Nov. 25. 18H1. $100. Doctor C. 3. Gunner (3 dr), Duke C3 dr). 2:.50, 2:.56. 2:5314. Unfinished. Aug. 17. 1882. $200. Doctor C, Emma D., Annie D., (1 dis), 2:.50, 2:.51ii. 2:48. Tramp, b g (3 :30?i). A. D. Carson, Marvville, Mo.. Sept. 1, 1882. .$,300.. Dutch Girl 3, Dr. Sheppard 1, Maggie Fulten, Golden Girl. 2:.36^. — -. 2;.36?.(. 2:.39. . Tramp Dexter Jr.. ch g (3 lOQK). by Tramp Dexter. G. Hutchinson, Stillwater, Minn., July 17, 1879, f200. Netty B., 3:16. 3:09'.2. Three-year-oMs. omaiiche IJoy. " 45. Muscatine, 68i; CHESTEH S COMl'LETE TKOITING AND PACING KECORD. Tramp McClellan. b s (3 :55, by Tram Dexter. Des Moines. la., Sept. 8. 1S80, $100. Dolly Mount. Hopeful Jr.. tapt. Jenks adi.s^ l':j9'i, i;:.^-}. L':55;j. Three-year-olds. , ,■ ^ Tiaiiip«>lier, ell s (3:54), by Tramp, dam Elaxy. by Green's Hasliaw. E. Hayes. Des Moines, la., Sept. 3 1^7'J. si.^. Uock. William I'enn. .Maltese l5oy. 2 :.>i. i-'i.os. Eour-vear-olds. Stallions Mr. I'aekaid, K.d Oak, la.. Sept. 1, 1«K0. §120. Farmer Boy.Orange County, a:5»i^. 2:57, 2:54. Maithmd. -Mo.. Oct. 4. 1SK2. $lso. John Jr. No time. TniiiipolitT II.. ch s (3:41), by Trami). (;. irnn;. Atlantic. la.. Mav 29, 1H83, S2.50. Maud H. Coi Miiisliinf, Oscar U ildc, Calamiiy. I'rince. Avoca Boy, .lack on the (ireen (I dis). 2-49'», '-40 2 Truiiipolin*-. '-";;"!f''ii''' ''"'y -**• ^^'*'' *^"- '^- -^'- liottsJr.,Lillie Tierce. Bella Brown. Strader, Dixie. Happy (2 dis). l-neport, III.. Aug. 1. l«7«;. S4(io. .J. M. Botts .Ir. 2. Lillie Pierce, Ha/en, Arkansas Bob, Badger, Hickory, I'ortiKnc, Kitty iMsk, Nodaway, .lohn Handolph (1 (lis). 2:30. 2 :;54. 2 :;u. 2 •:«> r -V";;-^' IfiTO.SlOO. J. iM. Bolts ,)r., Lillie fierce, Nodaway, John liandolph, Ilazen, Lena Boy, Resolute, .liick West 12 2, 2:29. Beacon l':irk. Boston. May 22. 1878. $200. Wild Lily. 2:27U,2:27. 2 •27'.i. 2:28^4. Providence. K. L. May 29, 1878, $200. Wild Lily 2-''9'i 2 •"7"- "-''4 " -Beacon Park. Boston. June 21, 1878, $600. George B.* Daniels 2, AUev. Vulcan, Result, Modesty, Joe Kipley (3 dr). 2:24. 2:25. 2:20. 2:2.'i. . . ' Mystic Park. Boston. June 27, 1878, $600. Vulcan, 3. Result, George B. Daniels. Alley, Modesty, Joe Uinley (4 dr), 2:24, 2:2414, 2:25, 2:25. Belmont I'ark, Phila., Oct. 9, 1878, $400. Wizz, Irene (3 dis), Alley (1 dis), Nil Desperandum (1 dis, 2:27, 2:25, 2:30. Hartford. Conn., Oct 15, 1878. .«!500. Steve Maxwell. Thomas .Tefferson. 2:23"j. 2:2."??.i. 2:24?i. Traiiby (Wi.(3:o4 w). J. B.Miller. ITnion Course. L. I., July 12. 1S5S, .s. 2:48. 2:50, 2:45*4. 2:45. Oct. in, 1877. $140. .lames C. (3 0). Bella, Lady Windsor, Strange Harry (4 dr), Ro.sebnd (4 dr), Belle Forest r2 drt, 2:49!o, 2:49. 2:49, 2:47',. Transit, wli g (3 :;}3). by McKesson 's Grav Eagle. D. G. Bowers, Coldwater, Mich., Aug. 3. 1881. $300. Molly Middleton. Tom Cameron. Billy I.. Ma'mbrino Rattler. Orriii. Topsv C, William S.. 2:32, 2:.'?.5. 2:32";. Marshall, Mich., Aug. 9. 1881, $300. Mollv Middleton 1, Alhambra Maid, Col. Gould. Tom Cameron, Billy (3 (lis). 2:;«. 2:33. 2:34. 2:.33'i. Transit, ch s (3 :.->«';). by Tramp, diim bv (Jreen's Bashaw. Winterset, la., Aug. 31, 1882. $ — . Peddler Boy 1. Ohio Maid. 3:02. 2:.".f;i ,. 2:)6'... 3:01. ' Trapeze, ch m i3::{4i4i. by Tiaiiip. dam bv Green's Bashaw. H. Packard, Red Oak, la., June 24. 1880, $75. Planet 1, IIcni['y, Breeze, 3:10, 3:0.5. 3:08. 3:1.5. Three-vear-olds. S. F. Smith. DnbiKiue, la.. June 8 and 9, lsS2. .=:20b. Polkii Di)t 2. 4, Mabel U. l, Golden Rule, Reel, Prince, Scott Parker (1 dis). 2:3914. 2:37'o, 2::UH, 2:.38i/,. 2:37?4. 2:41?4. Trapper, rn g. W. (iross. Lehigh. Pa., Oct. 10. 1878. $2007 Iron Clad. Little Mac. No time. Trapper, b s '3:,'>l). Mr. Mollov, Braiitforri. Ont., Aug. 31, 1883. $100. Minnie, Black Diamond, Libby, Lady .M;ick II (lis), Amber Jr. d dis), Pnnipey (1 disi. 2:.')4.2:51. 2:5l'o. Traud's Itlack Mar«. (3:.55',). J. Traud, Newark. N. J.. .Julv .^^ 1871, $.50. Rosa Lee 2:.57. 2:.5.514,2:56. Traveler (.Jack Morter and Grit), ch g (3:37i/.i (3:36';*). by" Flying Morgan. Wallace Harris, Titusville, Pa.. .luly 5. 186.5, .¥200. Heart of Oak 2. Sir "NValter. 2' 28. 2:28J4."2;2r.U, 2:28i.>. Short Track. Columbus, O., Aug. 30. 1K65. .*6()0. Ladv Clark. Stephen A. Douglas. 2:30'i. 2:30?4, 2:274. Buffalo. N. v.. Sept. 7, ls6.->. .*;!no. Ladv Sherman 2, 2:31'i. 2::!0i,.2:28-".,. 2:30}^. Goshen. Ind., Oct. 14. 18(i5. ,1ii2f>n. Lady"Sherman 2. 2:,30, 2:.32. 2:31, 2:31K Traveler (3 :38'4). W. H. Scale. San Jose, (al., Aug. .30. 1871. Sl.ooo. Black Ralph 1. 2, Highland Maid, Berkley Boy (4 dis). Forest (2 dis), 2:41"., 2:42'-. 244, 2:46, 2:45'-. 2:44Ui. San Francisco, Cal., Mav 16. 1K72. .?.3no. Grant, Brooklyn. 2:;!8ii. 2:4~2.2::{9Vi. Traveler, br g (3:3«i4). A. Stewart. Newport. R. I., Sept. 7. I88I, .■?90. Little Nell. Tom, Coal Oil Tommy. Frank S. (2 dis), 2:42^, 2:4.3. 2:44'4. Sept. 8. 1881, $120. Little Nell, Brunette, Emma Mav. Tommy Dodd (3 dr), Maud B. (2 dis), 2:44, 2:41,2:44i/>. ... W. S, (dville, Bridgewater, Mass., Sept. 22, ISSL 9160. Homer. Consul. 2:42, 2:41. 2:42. Traveler, br g (3:48i^). c. Grundy, Lancaster, O., Oct. 11. 1883, $100. Metta M. 1, Roy, Black Hawk, John, 2:.5s, 2:49'5.2:48-:'4.2:4K'-. Traver's Itay Mare (3:00). R [I. Travers. Rhincbeck, N. V., Sept 10. 1872. $45. Van Wagner's b m, Cun- iiinglmm's b m, 3:11, 3:18, 3:0(i. Four-year-olds. Traz (3:41 ). Lafayctle, Ind.. July 4. 188'3..«!400. Brown Thrasher. Frank Gray. 2:481^. 2:411^1. 2:41. Tremont. b s (3:38ii). by Belmont, dam Virginia, by Alexander's Abdalhvh. H. M. Little, Macedon, N. Y., Oct. 9.1879,$ . Maud 1. 3, Bay Mare. Best time, 2:4n?4. Four-year-olds. " "' " ■ $200. Tecumseh 1, 3, Walter Jones4, 5, 2:33J4, — W. li. (Jibson, East S:iginaw, Mich., Sept. 28 and 29. 1882, ; 2:.31",. 2:3314. 2 ::H'4.2:,3414, 2:28^, 2:.32i.i. enton (s), ch g (3 :40 s). Thos. Davis, Philadelphia, Pa., Ju Trenton (s), ch g (3 :40 s). Thos. Davis, Philadelphia, Fa., June 22, 1848, $100, Medoc (s) 1. 6 (3 0), 2:44, 2:41, 2:40,2:41.2:41.2:47. Trenton, b g (3 :30i/j), by George M. Patchen. T. G. Westcott, Trenton, N. J., Sept. 20, 1867, $50. Bay Vermont, Haine's b in, 2:48, 2 :45. CHESTElfS COMPLETE TKOTTING AND PACING RECORD. 687 "W. B. Smith, Poughkeepsie, N. Y., July 20. 18C8. S . Dean's b g, 2:46, 2:404, 2:4054. Catskill, N. V., Sept. 9. 18().S, .S^OO. Carpenter's b ni. George. 2:41^4,, 2:40, 2:o6i/a. (w) Fashion Course. L. 1.. Nov. 1. 1869, ?r5(X». Jack. 5:40^2- u:46?4. Two miles." Tribune, brs, by Col. Wilbur. Fred Corvvin, Lineoln, 111 , Aug, 31, 1878, $140. Idolize (1 dis), Gretchen (1 dis), Vermont Tiger (1 dis). No time. Four-year-olds. Tricotrine, grg (!J:38). by Young Stranger, dam a Royal (ieorge mare. F. Crittenden, Rochester, N. Y., Oct. 1, 1883, $75. Little Eastern, Grit, Gypsy Girl, Butcher Bov, 2:43, 2:38, 2:39',;.. Trifle, br m (3:47). Darius Tallman. Rochester, N. Y., July 4," iSoO. $200. Lady May, May Flower (l dis), 2:53, 2:57. C. Starin, Utica, N. Y., Sept. 15. 18.'52, $100. F. White, Ladv Elizabeth, 2:49. 2:47, 2:49, 2:50. Sept. 16, 1852, $150. F. White, Black INIaria, 5:47, 5:45. Two miles. Trifle, b m (3:43). W. M. Maudell, Worcester, Mass., Oct. 27, 18G8, $200. Leonard, Harry Dexter (3 dis), 2:.55. 2:57, 2:54. .July 16, 1861), $ . Ladv Lyon 1, Leonard, 2:47. 2:46, 2:47}^, 2:45. Barre, Mass.. May 25, 1870. $100. Navigator. Kentucky Boy. 2:.53, 2:50. 2:42. Dan Biglev, Boston, Alass.. July 23, 1872, $150. Lottie 2, Maior (2 dis), 2:46V2, 2-Myi. 2:46, 2:,51. .July 30, 1872, $150. Morrill Prince 3 Honest Brock, 2:45, 2:43'/2, 2:45, 2:42. Trifle, gr g (3 :3«>. B. Stevensou, Lincoln, Neb., May 30, 1876, $300. Gen. Stoughlnn, Molly Gravdoii, Happy, (J ueway, 2:49, 2:48, 2:46. )maha. Neb., June 6, 1876, $400. Granger. Ned S.. Stranger. 2:37'^. 2:.36,2:36. .lane 8, 1876, .$300. Crow. Y'ankee Bov, Molly Gravdon, Dennuirk, 2:42-^, 2:45'.;, 2:44. Ottawa, Kan.. June 24 1876, $180. John Bender. John Price, 2:4714. 2:42, 2:36J4. i-a Cygue, Kan., Oct. 6, 1876. $75. Surprise 2, 2 :55, 2:55, , . Trifle, b g. C. Mead, Coldwater, iMich.. May 11, 1880, .§500. Belle of Coldwater, Peter the Great, Rufus O., 1:32.1:35. Half-mile heats. Two-vear-olds. Trifle, 1) m (3 :33i >\v, St. Louis, Mo., June 21, 1877, $ . Stoneelifl. Denmark, Lady Alice, 2:34, 2:34, 2:35. • .Jer-sevville, 111., Oct. 11. 1877, $500. Up and Up (2 0), George Judd 2:36U, 2:.36, 2:39, 2:3S]4. Trimble'.s Chestnut Gelding: (3:43J,^i. Thomas Trimble, ]\Iorrisania, N. Y., July 31, 1879, $20(i Charley 1. 2:441^. 2:43'.,, 2:4,5, 2:42^. Trinltet, b m i3:14). by Princeps, dam Ouida, by Hanibletonian. H. C. McDowell, Louisville. Ky., July 10, 1879, $1,000. Von Arnini 1, Effie (J. (4 dr). So So 12 dis). 2:22. 2:23'.;. 2:20?^. 2:19='4. Winner four years old. J. W. Shaw, Albany. N. Y., Sept. 9, 1880, $1,000. Charley Champlin, Fleming Girl, 2:26i'2, 2:27!2, 2:27. Si.\-vear-olds and under. John E. Turner, Sept. 14, 1880, $1,500. Driver, Wedgewood. Keene Jim, Moose, Castleton, 2:24i.i. ■-:223^. 2:26'4. Dover. Del., Sept. .30, I88O, $1,000. 2:22ii, 2:1914. To beat 2:20. Washington, D. C.. Oct. 9. 1880, $1,000. Wedgewood. Driver. Deck Wright, 2:22, 2:20'4, 2:20'/4. Belmont Park, Phila., October 19, 1880, $800. Wedgewood, Driver. John S. Clark (1 dis), 2:221,^, 2:24'^, 2:2414. Washington. D. C. May 9. 1881. $1,000. Driver 1, Bone.setter -2, 2:23, 2:21, 2:21. 2:254. 2:27. Suffolk Park. Phila.. May 13, I88I, $600. Voltaire 2, Driver4, Bonesetter, Midnight 1 (2 dis), 2:22V2,2:21i4, 2:22. 2:21 '2. 2:24, 2:26. Point Breeze Park, Phila., May 23 and 24, 1881, .$600. Midnight 1, Keene Jim. Driver, 2:21, 2:21i^. 2;21, Belmont P;irk, Phila., May 27, 1881,8600. Keene Jim 1, 2, Voltaire, Driver, Midnight, 2:221,^, 2 :23i^ 2:21 -4.2:23, 2:2.314. < 'liK-ago. 111.. Julv 25. 1881. .$2,500. Charlev Ford. Hopeful, 2:18i4, 2:204. 2:20. Cleveland. O.. Jiilv 29. 1881. S2„500. Wedgewood, France's Alexander, Driver, 2:18i4, 2:1814, 2:19«^. r.uffalo, N. Y., August 5. 1881, $3,000. Wedgewood, France's Alexander, Deck Wright, 2:18Ji, 2:184, 2-lK. Itoi'hester. N. Y.. August 12, 1881, .$3,000. Wedgewood. France's Alexander, Driver, 2:18^4, 2:22, 2:223i. rtica, X. Y.. August 19. 1881. .$2,000. Wednewood. France's Alexander, Driver, 2:20^, 2:19, 2:18Si. Hartford, Conn., August 26, 1881, $3,000. France's Alexander, Wedgewood, Keene Jim, 2:18^4, 2:18?i, 2:1.^. Springfield, Mass., Sept. l, 1881. $1,000. Charlev Ford, Hopeful. 2:181.1, 2:1714, 2:1714. Beacon Park, Boston, Sept. 15, 1881, $.500. 2:16, 2:l6i4. To beat 2:1714. Weight short in first heat. Sept. 10. 1881, $1,000. Hopeful, Charlev Ford, 2:i9\,'2:isi4, 2:2014. Morrisania, N. Y., Sept. 22, 1881, $1,000. 2:14. To beat 2:16'/2. Scranton, Pa., May 27. 1882, $1,000. 2:24, 2:20U^, 2:20';. Tobeat2:20. Lost. Koi-hester. N. Y.. August 14. 1883, $2,000. Pha'llas. 2:19, 2:16. 2:17. .Morrisania, N. 1'. Sept. 27, 1883. $2,000. Majolicu. 2:20\. 2:26. 2:21%. Albany, N. Y., Oct. 5, 188.3, .$2..5O0. St. Julie'n, 2:18. 2:18'^, 2:23)4. ( )ct. 6, 1883. $ . 2 :16. To beat 2 :17. Trio. I) in (3:33i4), bv Volunteer, dam Lady Sears, bv American Star. A. Goldsmith, Belmont Park, Phila., -May 31, 1876, $1,000. Carll Burr, 2:4.3, 2:35, 2:,39. .rune 2, 1876, $1,000. Prize. Hall McAllister, 2:33. 2:35. 2:34i'o. .June 8, 1876. $1,000. Hall McAllister, Prize. Alonzo, 2:.3024, 2:33, 2:33. Triphammer, b g (3 :43). A. M. Savage. Waterville. Me.. Oct. 11, 1864, $90. Lady Dixtield 1 (2 dis), 2:44. 2:43. Skowhegan. Me., June 3, 1865, .$;«. Rockland Bov 2 (30) (4 dr), 2:48, 2:44, 2:52. . Triple .John, grg (3 :43i4). G. W. Evans, Pittsburgh, Pa., Oct. 15, 1866, .$50. Honesty, Lady Gumbert, 2:574, 2 :.54, 2 -M. 0:ikland. Cal., Sept. 1. 1869. $1,000. Eclipse 1. 3. Best time 2:4314. Trip Patchen, b s {8:4314). Clarkson & Son.. Waverly Park, N. J., Aug. 4,1875,$ . Rose, Quadrille (1 dis ). 2 :47i4, 2 :43i4, 2 :45. Fonr-vear-olds. Triumph, b s (3:38), by Gideon, dam Kitty, by the Knight's Horse. J. C. Mitchell. Unity, Me.. Aug. 11, 1876, .$60. Gilbreth Maid; Nellv Knox, Kitty Wells. Plymouth Boy, Patty Cannon, Little Nell, Brother Dunbar, Lavinia, Little Frank. 2:40. 2:46. 2:4.5V<;. St. Johns. N. B., Oct. 3,1876, .$200. Gypsv Queen 4, 5, Nelly Thome 1, Tiger 2, Hattie, May Queen, Honest Fanner, Chief, Ladv Knox (2 dr), 2:43, 2:43'4. 2:45, 2:39, 2:424, 2:43, 2:45. 688 CHESTEirS COMIM.ETE TKOTTING AND PACING KECORD. Oct. 4, 1670, $J50. Conibiiiiition I, i. Prince William, Crown Prince Jr.. 2:47'4, 2:46'4, 2:47, 2-47 2-49. E.\eler, Mc. Scjit. 27, ]»s77. *lou. Ogdensburgli 3, 5, Jewel 4 (1 0). hittle Kell (5 drj. lilondiu (.■> dr), 2-3ft 2::;8, 2:4;)'4, 2:4:), 2:42'o, 2:45, 2:4.^. Trix, br fi (.a :44^ N. Eiigiisli, Avon, N. Y., June 9, 1.SG9. .S75. Fenner's b g 3. 4, 2:.'J6'-.., 2:44. 2:4<>, 2:45, 240 Trojan, cb ni i;i :41;'4,)- 11. t'olib, Newark, N. J., Sept. )7, 1873, $150. Carpenter's blli's, Little Fred, Edward Allen, Allen's b s 1 (4 dis),Cli:uuller'H <'li ni (3 disi, 2:45, 2:.51, 2:44)^. 2:41?^. Trojan I w), dig (•^:47 W). J. Si>rin;;steed, Watertown, N. Y., .lune 22, 1H58, $100. Lady .Madison (wi, Jane (irey, (W). (1 (lis), Otsego Chief (,wi U dis). Lady Lansing (w) (1 dis), 2:48. 2:47, 2:47. Trojan. is», b g C-i :41). ls;iac, Woodrnll', C'entreville, L. L, Aug. ;;o, lsr,o, $30. Jersey (s) (1 dis), 2:54 ( andnhigc, Mass., .Sept. 0. 18.">o. $ . Mav Flv 1, 5 (4 0», Waterloo, 2:42"2, 2:42K'. -:41 , 2:44V.; ■■•4<;i . ( )ft. 30, 1850, § . \\ alerloo, Tom Penton. 2:42, 2:42 2:44. ' - -• Trojan bs(3:-46). O. Waite, Sycamore. 111., Sept. 7, 187.-., .S.300. Hanger 1 (2dlsK 2:.52'4, 2:4;:. Stallions. Trojan (w).cli g^2:48Uj). T. Sweenev, Fleetwood Park, .S. V., .lune 30, I87G, $200. White Stockings (W) 1 (3dis), 3:20, 3:10k'. ^:.')T'.i. Sent. l(i, 1870. $1.00. UlaUeley (w\ Billy Oliver (w), 2:40. 2:4?Vi. Trojan, 1) m C-J: 37), by Jtoliert lUdlard. F. E. J ewett. Lowell, Mass., Oct, 28, 1881, $125. Lookout 3. 4 Eva Alice N.. Maggie -May (:i dr), 2 :44, 2 :48, 2 :45, 2 :42, 2:40. Mav 24, 1882, $luo. Frank Hale 1, Horace B., Donald. Lady Sherburne, 2:44%,'. 2:43. 2:42. 2:44. May25, I8S2, .•:>250. KittvS. 1, Col. Sellers, Frank Hale, Blue Nose (2 dis),2:40'2, 2:37, 2:38, 2::«. .Mav-'O. 18S2, SJOO. Hudson, N< 11, Belle Malioiiey, 2::!8, 2:38)^0. 2:42. Trujan (iirl, (:i:47 i. Mr. Dexter. Tr.iy. .\. Y., .lime 8", ls,-)8. SM. l)ece|)iion, 2:51U, 2:49, 2:47. Trotting CUiUlers, blk s {'i-.S'.ih.,). l)y \t. Blackhawk, dam tbeMaynard marc. L. Maynard, Boston, Mass. Oct. 25, 18.50, $l.-.0. lloineo, 2:.'i4, 2:.-..-., 2:48. Oct. 22, 1857, $40. Veto, Young St. Lawrence (2 dr), Massachusetts Morgan (2 dr), Osceola (2 dr), 2-51, 2 :52. Hoston, Mass., Oct. 10, IStil, $200. Honest Allen l, 2:37,2:.39^, 2:42. 2:40. Trotting Jack b s ('i :4«). J. A. -Marshall, Harrisburgli, J'a., Aug. 9, 1871, $.50. Butler Boy (2 dis), 3:10, 2:54. Philadelphia, Pa.. June 20.1872. $200. Gray Soil. 3:14. 3:05, 3:04, 2:.57. Trouance, gr m (3:47'2). P. Warren, Norwich, Conn., July 27. 1858, $500. New England, (w), 2:51>/2, 2:49, 2:47i..>. Troubadour, blk 8(3:19^2), by Revenge, dam Illinois Maid, by Black Donald. "W. H. Doble, Miimeanolis, Minn.. Sept. 7, 1880, $500. Highland Se:il 1, Molly B.. Doc. Almo, 2:31'2, 2:.'54'i, 2::&A, 2:;U> j. .1. A. Dustin. Detroit, Mich., Mav3l, 1881, $700. George V., Jessie Dixon, J. W. Ihomas, Littlo Sioux, Annie Lou. 2:27'2, 2:28H. 2:29. B:ittle Creek, Mich., July 7. 1881, $700. Helene, Big John, Clover, Ethel Mediiun, Elsie Groff, J. W. Thomas. Jessie Dixon, 2:20:".,. 2:20'.i. 2:27. <'liieago. Hi., July 23 and 25, 1881. .$2,000. J. B. Thomas 3, Annie W., Indicator, Ethel JMediuin, Rose- wood, 2:20i4. 2:25, 2:18j^, 2:23'.i. Clevel»inl. ()., July 29, 1881. $1,500. Fanny Witlierspoou, ]'"lorence, I'liolala, Helene, Kate McCall, Jo- sephiis. Prosi>cct Maid, Abdallah Boy, 2:20}..,, 2:20}4, 2:22. Buffalo. N. Y., Aug. 3. 1881, $1,500. Annie W. 1, Argonaut, Forest Patchen. Executor, Stella C. (2 dis), 2:24'j, 2:19'i, 2:22^, 2:23'2. Rochester, N. Y.. Aug. 10, 1881, $1,500, Annie W., Argonaut, Forest Patchen, St. Eemo, Stella C. (2 dis). 2:23, 2:2154. 2:21 Vi. Trouble ,s). (9 :4:it^ si. .lamaica, L. !., Oct. — . 1820. Prize, silver. Screws (s). Tom Thumb (s). Lady Pluck ■s). 5:27. 5:31. Two miles. Trouble, b g i3 :4a). C. S. Bartine, Beacon Course, N. J., Sept. 22, 1845, $40. Lady AVashlngton. (w), Mingo, (W). Faiuiv Heed, (w). 2:,59, 2:58, 2:.52, 2:55. Oct. s. i84.5, .S40. Peter Smith. L:uly Wiishington, F. Moore, 2:47. 2:40,2:47. Trouble, b s Ci-.'.iT), by Almoiit. dam Lvil, bv Brown Chief. G. J. Fuller, Terre Haute, Ind., Mav 13, 1875^ $700. Jenny, Patrick Henry, Charley ^2 (in, Transfer (1 dis), Joe (1 dis), 2:41, 2:41^4, 2:42?4. t'liicago.lll.. July 13. 1875, $100. Monarch Rule. 2:42, 2:39>4, 2:.37. Troublesome, ch g (.3 :3«iii, by Witherell Horse, dam by Eaton Horse. S. W. Jacobs, Skowhegan, rkl(\, .June 3, 1805, $1,50. Conmetitors not named. 2:48. 2:44. 2:43. Portland, Me.,June 1, isoi), $ioo. Tempest. Little Ned, 2:50. 2:47, 2:50. Bangor, Me., Aug. 17, 1871, $ . Green Mountain Boy 1. 2. 2:36, 2:35. 2:36H. 2:37. 2:.38. Portland, Me.. Ar^. 31, 1871, $2,50. Carthage Boy, Gen. McClellan. 2:38!., 2:36'i, 2:37'/2. Sept. 1 , 1871 , $ . 2 :37i'4 . To beat 2 :.38. Troublesome, blk g (3 :.5«). F. Wagner, Wilkesbarre, Pa., Sept. 6, 1867, $ . Freedman's Bureau 2, Sir Walter. 3:12, 2:.59.2:,59, 3:00. Troublesome (3 :41). H. BriggS.Copake. N. Y., Sept. .5, 1866, $100. Lady Mace 1, 3:12. 2.48, 2:41. 2:4.5. Troublesome, b g (3:45K'). M. Madden, Davenport, la., Sept. 8, 1871, $200. Sexton, Sam Kirkwood, Herald (1 dis), 3:03?i,3:03?i, 3:07. Des Moines, la., Sei)t. 21, 1871. $ . Grapevine, Flora Sherburne. 3:10, 3:11. .hily 10, 1874, $ . Dakota Maid. Best time. 2:45>i. Trou)>lehome, b s (3:43), l)v a son of the ICatoii Horse, dam a Morgan mare. A. Toothaker, Portland, Me., Sept. 24, 187.5, $200. Village Boy. .leiinv (ienet, Thnrlow Knox. 2:43=4, 2:42(i, 2:42. Troul)Iesome. ch g (3:41). .1. McBride, Lynn, Mass.. .Tidy 11, 1876. $100. Frank (3 0). 3:00, 3:00, 3:00, : : li. Flemington. Me., Aug 29, 1878. $ . Little Fred. Rock. George Knox, 2:43, 2:41, 2:41. Troublesome (3 ::i7). H. Dnrpliee, Cliicago. 111., Aug. 26. 1870. $ . Matchless. Prince (2 dr). 2:.37.2:.39. Troublesome (3 -.41). C. E. Davis, Haverhill, Mass., Sept. 27, 1881, $150. Black Bill, Daisy, four others, 2 :51M 2:.52!.^, 2:47. Sept. 28, 1881, $150. Anios B. 1. 2, Lady .Tunc, 2:44»4, 2:47, 2:4.'?»4'. 2:42'o 2:41. ^ „ ,^ , , ,, ^„ , Troublesome, brin (3:39i4), by Messenger Duroc, dam Lady Bryan, by Bngnoli. C. P. Doble, Great Bend, I'a,. Oct. 4. 1882. $100. Rosebud. 2:48. 2:47^.2 :4714. Oct. 0, 1882, $100. Rosebud, 2:44'.i. 2:45'>.{. 2:45?4'. , ^ , ,., , . . ,,. „ „„, W;iterto\vn. \. Y., June 2f^. 1883, .;200. Louis Napoletm, Essex Maid, 2:32. 2:37?4, 2:.37"o .,.,„„.,, , ^, Soutliington, Conn., Oct. 10, 188.!. $200. Dick Loonier 3, Essex Maid, Charley-Ware U dis), 2:31's, 2:29'4r Trout,'bV(3V33). Isaac P. Gnrney. W:irwlck, N. Y.. Aug. 26. 1874, S400. Hickory Boy 1, 2 , Win. H. Beede, Emily C.. Neverslnk Maid. N'elW Rutherford. Andrew, James Jack, Fanny, Romey, >V heeler, Dolly White, Little Flor;i. John A. (4 dr) Fanny W. (4dr).2:39»i. 2:44^^, 2:37-'4, 2:36';, 2:37'!. Aug. 27, 1874. .?400. Gentle Aniiie. Romey, Whalebone, Alldget (2 dis), 2:.38^, 2:41, 2:40. Kingston, N. Y . Sept. 8, 1874. .$800. Black Crook, Belle Cleveland, Catskill Girl, T. J. Stevens, Nelly Rutherford. Alexis (3 dr). 2:.')8,2:.'!8. 2:.3.5. , . „,„ ,„,,,, -^ , . , Sept. 10, 1874, $800, Belle Cleveland 1, 2, Frank Klock. Windermere. L:uly Sill (3 dr), Gray Dan (3 dr),^ Mohawk .lohu (1 dis). 2:.Tli^.2:,35io,2:.10, 2:37^, 2:.%^. , . ,., ^ ,. t> ,„ ^, , Cattskill. N. Y., Oct. 3, 1K74. .$000. Harrv Gilbert 4, Bay Ben 8, Lady Woods, Messenger Boy (3 dis), Washington Irving (3 dr) 2:3,5.2:33,2:35 2-35 2-38>.4. CHESTEK'S COMl'LETE TliOTTING AXD PACING KECOED. 689 Troy Boy. ar s (3 :38). C. Thurston, Mukwonago, Wis., Aug. 1.5, 1878, .§100. Blue Bell, Doxey, 2:38. 2:39, 2:38. Troy Chief, b g l3 :5!J). C. Lehliul, Jr., «t. Josepll, Mo., Sept. 29. 187C, S.50. Breeze 2, 2:52, 3:01, 3:07. Truckee. b g(a:50i4 w), by Chieftain. S. Powell, Stockton, Cal., Nov. u, 1873, $ . Amanda, Victress, 3: 15, o:lS. Three-year-olds. (\v), Sept. 29, 1876, S200. Berkshire Girl 3, Kosetta, Black Boy (3 dis), Mocking Bird (3 dis). Gentleman George (1 dis), 2:54. ^-.oO^i, 2:50, . True lilnc. ch g (2:3^%). B. Davis, Hillsdale, Mich., Aug. 13, 1875, S . Chestnut Billy 1, Doct ir Lewis, Brown Fanny, Stranger, Capt. Sellick. Belle (4 dr), White Cloud (4 dr), 2:42. 2;37?4, 2:40. 2:41}4. True Joliu (w).'b u (•^:41V.i w), by Harris' Hambletonian. S. D. Hoagland, Union Course, L. I., .June 21, 1852, .•«l.O(X). l.adv Havnes (wi, 5;25. 5:.i7. Two miles. (w). Sept. 30. 18.52, .S'550. Honest Juhn (wj 3, Pelham (w) (2 dis), 2:41}^, 2:43, 2:47, 2:45. (w). Cfiitrcville. L. I., Nov. 21. 1853, . Trump,"br g (3:43). Harris & Rogers, Mvricks, Mass., Sept. 17, 1875, .$80. John 2. 3. Raymond, Monk, Rocket (4 dr), 2:,50, 2:51. 2:.55, 2:53!^. 2:50. M. Rotch, New Bedford, Mass.. Sept. 20, 1877, S . Kitty, 2:45'i, 2:431^3, 2:43. Trump, bg(3:40). J. Eagleston, Washington, D. C, Nov. 15, 1877, $150. Cohee 3, No Name, 2:50^4, 2:55:'4,, 2:54' 2. 2:51 Ji. J. Morrow, Baltimore. Md., Sept. 3, 1878, $300. Bob Geary 3, 2:48^2, 2:44'.2, 2:473^. 2 :45. Washington. D. C. Nov. 17, 1880. $ . Idler, Blue Dick, Mischief, 2:42, 2:46, 2:42?it. Trump, ch s 1 2 -AOH), by Tramp. F. Warfield. Muscatine, la.. Sept. 24, 1878. $ . Prince, Muscatine Jr., Alex F, 3:20. 3:22. WestLibertv", la., Sept. l, 1881, $150. Niglitingale 3. 4, Florence Clay, Nimble Dick. .lohn Jr., Richard K., Frank Chester^2dr). 2:49'4, 2:49^4, 2:49U. 2:49'4, 2:49''2. . ^^ . Trustee.chg (3:40), by imp. Trustee, dam Fanny Pnllen, by Winthrop Messenger. E. L. Bartme, Union Course. L. I., .Imie'lo. 1848, $50. Passenger, 5:43, 5:31. Two miles. Oct. 3. 1848, .S550. Virginia Maid 1, 8:16. 8:22, 8:38. Three miles. ' Mr. Bridges. Oct. 20, 1848, $1,500. 59:35'... To trot 20 miles in one hour. (w) C. S. Bartine, May 17, 1849, $400. King of Terrors, 2:49, 2:52, 2:49. Air. Bridges, Union Course, L. I., June 13, 1849, $200. Roan Mare, pacer. 11 :06. Four miles. Jas. Whelpley, Centreville. L. I.. Sept. 10. 1849, $30. Stranger, Telegraph (2 dis).2:40i4. 2:40, 2:42. Trustee, chgi 3:59). J. Bridges, Union Course, L. I , June 11, 18.55, $1,000. Spangle (w), i h, 5 m, 59 sec. Twenty miles. (w) Union Course, I-. I., Nov. 16, 1855. $1,000. Spangle (w) 30:29*4- Ten miles. Trusty, (s) b g (3 :50 s). John Cudney, Baltimore, Md., Oct. 19, 1854, $350. Hartford Colt(s) 1, 4, Spanker(s), 2:55, 2:54, 2:52, 2:49, 2:50. , , ^ Truth, ch m (3 :34?£). A. S. Northrop, Norwalk, Conn.. Sept. 23, 1879. $40. Nelly, Dolly, SAlh,, 3:3494. Four- vear-olds. „ „ „ ^ Try Me On, (3:37'4), by Fearnaught Jr. Marshaillown. la.. Sept. 12, 1877, $100. D. B. Berrows Fanny ■ Westlake. Nigger Joe, Tiger, 2:411^2. 2:43. 2 ::j,',^. , ,.,„., T, S., br g (3 :539j,). J. Tvson, Doylestown, Pa.. Oct. 4, 1876, $100. Patty 1, IMike, Harry Dunlap, .lail Bird, Nelly B. (2 dis), 2:.54. 2:54?i. 2:55, 2:52''4. T. S., Ch s (3 :45). T. S. Carpenter, Woonsocket, R. I., Sept. 17, 1878, $70. Emperor, 3:01, 2:51. i our-year- Providence, I., Oct. 22. 1878, $150. Narragansett l, 2, Henry S., John Howard, Steve Lewis, Tip (3 dis), 2:40. 2:44, 2:45. 2:46;i, 2 :47'/i. „ , Tuckahoe, b s (3:44), by Tuckahoe. Jos. Woodmansee, Davenport, la., Sept. 11, 1867, $140. Joe Hooker 1, Skinkle's Hambletonian 2,2:52^,2:461/2, 2:46. 2:44. ., , ^ . Tuckahoe, ch g (3 :35), by Flaxtail, dam Ladv Hake, by John Baptiste. C. W. Phillips, Council Bluffs, la.. Oct. -, 1871..$ . BelleWakefleld, 3:01, 3:01. Keokuk, la., Sept. 28, 1874, $150. George Lucas, Oskaloosa Mare, Ottumwa Chief, Bertrand Jr., Betty Nichols. No time. Macomb, 111., Sept. 11, 1875, $300. Col. E. D. Baker (1 0), Johnny Morgan, 2:52, 2:53, 2:52, 2:54}^. Avon, 111.. Sept. 26, 1876, $100. Susie Ross, 2:40, 2:40}^, 2 :42i^. Des Moines. la., Julv 24, 1877. $2.50. Grapevine, London Belle, Henry Ward Beecher, Bay Billy, Cloud, Bob Ridley (1 dis). 2:42, 2:40, 2:40. Avon, ill., Sept. 28, 1877, $250. Charlev Hall 2, 3, Jesse G. Lindell, Cloud, 2:37, 2:37, 2:37^2, 2:41, 2:40, 2:401^. Dallas, Tex,, Nov. 3, 1877. $250. Mambrino Royal, Morgan, Norman D.. 2:51?i, 2:49, 2:45. Austin, Tex., Nov. —,1877, $200. Carman, 3:01^4, 3:25. 3:31. Robinson, 111., July 5, 1878, .$300. Kelly Davis 3, Bay Frank 1. Bessie 4, Denmark (5 dis). Pilot R. (5 dr). Blind Tom (3 dis), 2:45. 2:40, 2:45'2, 2:40'/2.2.41'2, 2:40i4. Hillsboro, O., Aug. 28, 1878, $225. Broker 1. Lady Sampson, Stranger. Lulan (3 dr). 2:36^^, 2-35. 2:36. 2:37. Tuckahoe, b g (3 :47). O. Nelson, Fleetwood. Park, N. Y., Aug. -13, 1872, $900. Katy and Mate, 2:48}^, 2:47, 2:.50. Tucker, ch g (2 :19i/2), by Strathmore, dam Fannv. bv Bob Henry. J. W. Smith. Youngstown, O., .July 2, 1881, .$1.50. Fanny Wilkes 2. Samuel J. Tildeii, Ladv Elgin. Patchen. 2:40i^. 2:41, 2:40, 2:39^- Mavsville". Ky., Sept. 21, 1881. .$2,50. Sally Brass 4, .5. Zulu 2. Ettie F., l (7 dr), Boueset, 2:34, 2:34?i, 2:34, 2:;iii.,. 2:40. 2:32, 2:37. S. N. Smith, F:ilmouth, Ky., Sept. 16, 1882, .$60. Boneset. 1, 2:39. 2:35, 2:39, 2:38. 2 :.30. J. W. Smith, Cynthiana. Ky., Aug. 24, 1883, $200. Alcyone 2. 4. Stranger, l, 2:29, 2:27, 2:28i4, 2:27'/2, 2:32, Tucker's Bay Gelding (3 -.40%). D. P. Bissell, Toledo. O.. Aug. 13. 1868. $200. Molly Newton 1, Bonny Bell (1 dis), Sandusky Chief (2 dis), 5:2114, 5:20?4, 5:21 '2. Two miles. Tulare Dick, gr g (3 :44). J. W. Gordon, San Jose, Cal., Oct. 6, 1875. $400. Quien Sabe 1, Robert Bonner (3 dn. 2:47. 2:U'i, 2:44, 2:51. . ^.,^ Tule Duck, bm (3:4.5). W. Singer. Jr.. Marvsville. Cal., Sept. 26, 1878. .$3.50. Montreal l. Bessie. Tilton Almont. Lady Lightfoot. 2:4714, 2:45. 2:49. 2i4.5. Oct. 24. 1878. .$2.50. Tilton Almont 4. Ladv Lightfoot 1. Oak LeaL 2:49?4. 2-M%, 2:49'.;. 2:.50. 2:48 Tullytown Sal, b m (3:45i/,). bv Morgan. Frank Swan. Philadelphia, Pa., Oct. 29, 1858, $ . Whitehall 1. Julia (4 0). 2:.55'2. 2:451^. 2:48. 2:48. 2:52. , „ ^„ Tnme, ch m (3:481^). Beacon Park, Boston, .luly 19. 187.5, $ . Emma 1. Fanny (4 dr), 2:.51, 2:53. 2:48V4,2:49. Tump Winston, chg (3 :263i). by Primus. T. P. Winston, Reno, Nev., Oct. 10, 1881, $400. Ashley, Belle Spencer. 5: 179i, 5:161^. Two niiles. Oct. 12. 1881, $.300. "Carlisle. Belle Spencer, 2:8.514. 2:3314. 2:34U. E. Downer, Chico, Cal., Sept. 5, 1882, $350. Carlisle (2 dis), Slim Jim (1 dis), 2:43. 2:27. «80 CllESTEK'S COMl'LETE TKUTTING AND J-AClMi JiEC'()Kl>. (i. Maren, Stockton, Cal.. Sept. 21, 1882. $300. Frank Moscow 3, Asliley, 2 :2r.5!i , 2 :2", 2:30^, 2:30^. Tuuklmiiiicx-k, b s (!4 :4«). ftl, Bodelcs, Wilkesburre, I'a., Out. 10, 1874, jilOO. Hevin's gr in, -^, 2:48. Tuuis, ch g (3:00»i), by Mossfiigor Duroc. Carll S. Burr, I'lospec-t Park. J.. 1., Sept. 16. 1879, S315. Katv Haves, 3:00?4, 3:01. Turk, b g (2:45'j). H. Cook, Lynn, Mass., Oct. 14, 1857, §1,000. Milkmaid, 2. 3 U dis), 2:45U. 2:44, 2:44Ji, 2:5.3', Turk, b g (« :50i.4). (ierry Walker, Fieetwood I'ark, K. Y., Nov. 3, 1870, Sioo. .1. li. B., 2:u6>i, 2:51, 2:54'/,- Dr. I'owers. Deerfoot I'ark, I,. 1., Dec. 5, 1878, »100. Lady Fislier, 2:53, 2:.'i0>4, 2:525ii. Dee. 12, 1878, «!300. Vixen, Lady Fisher, 3'J:30. Ten miles. Turk, b g (!J:3»). A. Bubb, Lewisburgli, I'a., Oct. 6, 1881, SCO. Lady Biirdctt. Butcher Bov. Bay Billy, 2:.^o. 2:49, 2:45. Dovlestown, I'a., Oct. 4, 1882, SIOO. Eben C. 2, Miller Boy, Iselle Almont, Newton. C.lvndon, .lohn, .lohniiv D., 2:44^. 2:4G(j, 2:44^4, 2:42)4. Oct. 5, 1882, SilOO. Glen Isle, Belle Aliuout, Newtown, Bessie H., John, Sleei)y Cliief (3 dr). 2:42, 2:41^, 2:43'.i. Oct. 0, 18S2, $100. Newtown 2, Glen Isle, Ebeu C, Bessie IL, John, Kimble Maid, 2.4«>4, 2:45J4, 2:44, 2:44. ,l„lii, Smith, runxsutawny. Pa., Sept. 24, 1883, §250. Kamsey, 2:40, 2:47, 2:40'/i. Turkey, tjr fi I'-irSl'j). O. Walton, Camoridge, Mass., Aug. 21, 1839, $50. Quaker 2, Young Buckskin, 5:43, 5:l'.i" :>:Xi, Two miles. Turkev, lir g (.« :55i4). C. Kosenthal, Boston, Mass., .July 20, 1870, S200. North Star. 3:02?*, 2:56, 2:.5.5i4. TuriikV-y, grg (2 :r>0). J. B. 1'. Wheeldon, St. .loluis, N. B., Sept. 24, 1874, §150. Kitty Clyde 1, Ladv I-andoff, AiiniV tie Montford, .Joe, Country Lass. Lady I'.nxtcr (4 dr), liattie (2 (lis). 2:51, 2:50. 2:52, 2:50. Turiibull (Win. Turnbull), b s (3:3»i.4), by llaiiiblLtonian, dam by Harry Clay. A. Newland, Saratoga. Spa.. N. Y.. July 17. 1872. S300. Tojisy, George S. Fo.\ (,2 dis), 2:37, 2:35, 2:36. July 18,'lH72, .'Jl.OOO. Topsv, 2:3914, 2:40,2:38. "■ "■ ' " "" iy. <^ieorge 1^. rox. i':3syj, a:34, 2:36Ji. '. Kline 2, Ballou's b m.2:35?4, 2:41, 2:37, 2:4C Hunt, Bowen's North Star, 3:09, 2:38K2:44'4. Stallions. ^ ,, ,. Tu8caro"i-a, dn g (3 :38). J. Jones, Morrisiania, >. Y., May 10, 1880, $250. Katy S. 3, Salem, pacer, 1,2:45,2:38. 2:42',i. 2:45. 2:42. . „ „ T. V. Clilef (3 :00). C. W. Vaiulebogert. Batavia, N. \ ., Oct. 10, 1874, $ . Hum's b g 1, Oleander, H. F. Cash (4 dr). Kushville Jack (2 dis), 3:08U. 3:00. 3:03, 3 :0i. Twans (.John A. Logan), b g (2 •.•iS]4). by Hanley s Hiatoga, dam by son of American Eclipse? Dan Mace, New Haven. Conn.. Sept. .">, 18U8, $150. Johnny Reb 1, 4, George (4 dis), Charley (3 dis). Tom Grav (1 dis). Black Dan (1 dis), 2.44, 2:40<4, 2:42. 2:40Ui, 2:43U. A. (Jillespie, Newburgh, N. Y., Sept. 15, 1808, $50. Belle 2, Rocket (2 dis), Ariel (2 dis), Etta {2 dis). Ches- ter (2 dis). 2:45V4,2:41, 2:37H>. 2:43. H. Hinman, Binghampton, N. Y.. Sept. 17, 1869, .$500. Brown Kitty, Fearless. 2:35?i. 2:41. 2:40»/j. Ben Mace. Providence, R. I.. Oct. 7. 1869, $2,000. Top.sy 5, Gilbreth Knox 2, 3 (6 dis). Dot, Henrietta, Sally, India Rubber Ben, Dreadnaught, 2:28^2. 2:26?i. 2:291^, 2:31, 2:31>4. 2:31 ',4. W. Sprmgstoed, All)any, N. Y.. Aug. 11, 1873, $300. Dclavan Peck 2, 4, Kitty (2 dr), Modoc (1 dis), 3:03, 2:49.2:48,2:48,2:48. ' ,, , . ^, .. T. W. Cantrell, gr g. T. Ellis, Sandv Hill, N. Y., July 20, 1877, $100. Fanny Hulett. No time, Twili;;ht, 1> g (3:36'4). J. H. Whitson, Fashion Course, L. I., Nov. 15, 1867, $200. Lizzie 2, Gibibo's ch m, Cadeen's gr m (4dr), 2:,53?i,2:.55H. 2:5;'). 2:r)71-2. .June 27, 1868, $2r>0. Wliitson's br g 1, Brown's s, 2:56, 2:55. 2:55. 2:52. D. Nostrand, Fashion Course, L. L, June 9, 1869, $ . Kentucky 2, 2:40'/j, 2:41H. 2:43, 2:43. Twilight, rii g (3:5.5). D.Smith. Pine Bluffs, Ark., Nov. 10, 1873. $.00. Slim Jim 1, 3:00 2:55, 2:59. Twilitflit. wli m (3:37), by Washington Jackson, dam l)y Harker's Raster. J, B. Serrill. Norristown, Pa., Sept. 19, 1874, .$400. Jenny Cooper. De Rosa, Fanny Gilbert, Royal Mac (3 dis), Fanny Brown (3 dis), Bon- ner(2dr), 2:441^.2 :.50, 2:48. , ,, , , . , x. ,,-,». . Ambler Park. Pa , Sept. 24, 1874, $2,50. Jenny Cooper. Mc Daniel, Ambler, Jenny Leigh, Fanny Gilbert, Jiin(3dr). DeRosa(3dr), Royal Mac(3dr), 2:34,2:35,2:34V2. , ,, , ^ ^r Westchester, Pa., Oct. 2. 1874, $.500. Lady Atkinson, Hannah D., Andy Johnson, Lady Norway (1 dis). 2 '36^^ '■* *36 2 '36 loct.'s, 1874,'$300. Jenny Cooper, Andy Johnson, Thrill, Gen. Custer (1 dis). Alice (1 dis), 2:41'/,, 2:37»/i, ^" Rittersville, Pa., Oct. 21, 1874, $300. Ladv Atkinson, Dennis. Kitty Clay, Effle, 2:35, 2:35, 2:38. Oct. 22 and 23, 1874, $300. Effle, Mystic. Kitty Clay. 2:34Vo. 2:35, 2:34'/2. H. S. HItner, Harrislnirgh, Pa.. Oct. 27, 1874, $,500. Lizzie Keller. Klla, Hannah D., 2:32, 2:3>Ji,2:31J-4. Norristown. Pa., June 17. 1875, .f.'iOO. Susie Kurtz, Lottie, 2:35'2. 2 M^^. 2:34i'4. Salem, N. J., June 24, 187.''>, .$700. Mattie Lisle. Lizzie Patclien. 2:.S7. 2:;«. 2:29?4. Wilkesbarre, Pa., July2. 1875. .«.500. Eva, Filbert, Simon. 2:30. 2:34 2:29. „ ,0 Hl„^ 00, o „. I'hiladelpliia. Pa., Sept. 14. 1876, $500. Lady Daniels 3, Scotland, Dora, Snowball (2 dis), 2:27, 2:31'^. 2:29, 2:28J4. 2:41. 2 ■4') ''•4'!'h 2'39ii 2 •41'^ 2"41^i 2 '44 -MoTifpcli'er'.' Vt.', ()ct. 25, i876."$300.' (Joodenough 1, Moxey, Black Dexter, Nigger Baby (4 dis), Kitty (1 dis). Dagger (1 dis). 2:40, 2:41,2:41, 2:41. , „ „, * 1. 1 „^.i n.t r iqoo Twinkle, b ni (2 ■A^\ by Echo, dam Lena Bowles, bv Ethan Allen. J. H. Tennent, Pacheco.Cal., Oct. 5, 1883, $140. McVeigh 2. 3:01%, 3:05, 3:01'/,, 3:09>4. Three-vear-olds. Oct.6, 188:i. $100. Steniwlnder 1, Ciiriositv(3dis>, 2:50, 2:47, 2:.'>0. 2:.'>,5. , ,s a /^,„„ i>„„„ Twist, (w). b i: (3 :39i/.). J. Cudney, Fashion Course, L. I., April 21, 18C4, $500. Louise (w), Henry Clay, Belle Clav. Belle of Allcntown, 2:45':,'. 2:40'/,, 2:42).i^. Mav 21. 1869. $1,000. Y'oung Commodore, 3:00i/j. 2:.57?4'. 2:58»^4. Julv 10, 1869, $.-^00. Y'oungCommodore,2:44Ji, 2:46, 2:51. ... ^ , ,^„ t> ., ,;„„„„ i, .„ Two Spot, b g (3:141^). J. HV Carroll, Dubuque, la.. June 7, 1882, $176. Commission Boy 2. Livery 15oy, Black Kit. 3:19'/,. 3:*13U. 3:16. 3:14'/,. , ,, , , «r i'„ r\^^ 1 T. Y. Brent, (3 :00?i), bv Wild Wagoner, dam by Woodpecker. J. L. Stevens, Parkersburg, W . A a.. Oct. l. 1872. $30. Virginia Wagoner 1, 3:24V4, 3:15^, '3:12'/,. Four-year-olds. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTINCx AND PA(nN(l RECOKn. 691 Tvler erg (3 -57). bv Aleck. J. N. F. Miller. Yreka, Cal., Oct. 15. 1B81, SIOO. Black Frank, 3:14, 3:00. -1— J. Tiernan. Yreka, Cal., Oct. 19, 18S2. $ . Sorrel Dick (1 dis). 2:57 Mr Hnine Reno Nev Oct. '-"2, ln83. .SIOO. Maior Mono 1, Lilly. .JtOS',, B.oevj, d.w. „ . t^ .. Tyler's ChSut Mare, f 2 ;4lS Mr. Tyler. Montgomery. Ala.. Dec. 20, W59. $125. Jake Oakley, Ed Forrest Tyrone!'rf:S')^'^J. P^ckeu! Ottawa. III., Sept. 8, 1880, $ . Match, RebeccaC, 2:45^4. 2 :46'/s, 2-M%, CIlIiSTEIiS COMl'LETE TUOTTINC AND J'ACING KECOKD. tJ Vgly Dntchman, d g (8:66). Mr. Guvemantor, Petersburgh, Va., March 25. 1876, $ — . Latly Oakland, o ;04, 3 :00, 3:00. T. Duke, liichnioiul, Va., May 4, 1S75, .f300. Gen. Lee 1, 3:0(>, 3:12. 2 -50 Uua oil m ta:50) K. Cornish, Brunswick, Me., Oct. U iuid 15, 18"1,S . Susie 1, Susie, Stanwood's s Acldie U dr), .John Uun Honest lonuny (.3 dr;, 3:00, 3:0.'. 3:o.), 3:U0. Kath, iMe., Juiy i, 18T8, $ . I'ahner Bov, Oko, l ■.22, l :l<>, 1 :20. Half-mile heats. rnadiUa Hoy, gr g (»:5I). D. L. France, Cobbleskiil, ^. V., Sept. 22, 1876, *, 2:54?4. Uncle Ben, ch g (2 ■.S9U). C. W. Bisbee, Portland, Me., Sept. 21, 1875, $200. Flora Bell l. lilackbird .Jeffer- son Bill. Stranger (1 dis), 2:4194, 2:44, 2:45^4, 2 :44i4. . « ■ uu. , mci Sept. 23, 1875, §200. Azro 1, Troublesome. Jenny Derniitt, Kubv, 2:44?^, 2:41Vj. 2:44^4, 2-:i9U- Rockland. Me., June 8, 1876, $200. Slow Gome l. Black Bess, Azro, American Lady, Nettie. 2-41 2-43'.4 2:45'.i,2:47'4. • . • /i Uncle Bill, br g (3::J7>/o). Dr. Chase, Mew Drop, S. I., June 13, 1874, $125. Lady Woods 3, 4, New Berlin (Jirl, 2:00. 1 :59^. 1 :.')6, 1 :o7, 1 :59'/2. Tliree-ijuarter-niile heats. Asa Whitson, Deerfoot Park, L. 1., July y, 1874. ?f30o. Bateman 2, Ellen Marv, Dutch John (5 dr) (Jeorge (5 dr). Sweetmeat 1 (2 dis). Spot (2 dr), Mohawk Brother (l dis), 2:43, 2:41, -^-.iiy^, 2:4.') 2-48. July 10, 1874. .¥300. Gussie 2, Bateman, Lady Blanche, Doubtful (2 dr). 2:41. 2:40. 2:40 2-3914 John Ward, Catskill. N. Y., July 16, 1874. .«800. Flora J>ce 4, J'.av Ben 3. Kellv Warwick. Rose Sontag, Gheston. Gypsy Maid, Mohawk John, Bateman (4 dr), Molly C'areu (4dr),2:4l'/j. 2:41V,, 2:44>4, 2:43'2, 2:38. Uncle Dave, sp g ('i:^6y.,\, by Independent. J. E. Jarvis, Prospect Park. L. 1., June 21, 1880, $1,000. Harry Gilbert (w), 2:.{0'.i, 2:29, 2:27V2. J. H. Morrow, Washington, D. C, Sept. 16, 1880, $150, Star Inlaid, Col. Heywood. Tnimp, I>ady Gold- du.st, 2:37>.i.2:40, 2:37iU. . 1 j Uncle Dudd. b g (3 :36). G. J. Worcester, Lowell, Mass., July 8, 1876, $100. Adam l. 2, Nelly H.. Dodd, St. Lawrence Boy (3 dr), 2:52, 2:51. 2:50, 2:50, 2:48. Worcester, Mass., Sept. 22, 1876, $1.50. Katy, Berlin, Ladv Golddust, Leonard, 5:40. 5:.34. Two miles. Lowell. Mass, Nov. 25, 1861, $50. Nelly H. 2. Kellv Collin's. Gransrer. 2:52. 2:55. 2:53, 2:5314. Nov. 27. 1876, ,$50. Harry 3, Nelly Collins, Nelly ri., Stafford Bov, •.':,'^0. 2:49. 2:45, 2:36. Uncle Dudley, rn g (3 :44i^). M. Carroll, Boston, Mass.. June 8, 1806. $200. Sorrel Dick (w), 3:05. 2:59V4, 2:55Ji. June 13. 1868. .$500. Lodi (w) 1, 4, Lady Flagner (w) 2. 3. (5 dis), 2:47. 2:45. 2:4n'4. 2:48i4, 2:.52k. 2:521^., 2:52. Uncle Ike, rn g (3:49^). A. Hamburg, Lamb Tavern, Pa., June 22, 1874. $100. Fanny Randall 2, 4. 3:15. 3:10, 2:.58, 3:04, 2:49. Mr. Pershall. Suffolk Park, Phil., April 16, 1877, $200. Wild Kover 3, 4 (5 Oi, 2:51, 2:.'j0, 2:49^, 2:50, 2:49^ Unhnished. Uncle Sam, gr g (3:33). Hiram Woodruff. Union Course. L. L, June 26, 1856, $500. Crow Queen. 2:54. 2:50, 2:47. (w) .July 10, I85«i. $.500. Crow Queen (1 dis), 2:48?4. (W) Siwnc (lay, $ . Crow Queen, (1 dis). 2:51. (w) Hi iiipstciid, L. L, May 25, 1857, $1,000. Brattleboro (w). 2:51V5, 2:43i4. tw) Union Course, L. I„ .Time 25, 1857, $1,000. Carll's blk g (w), 2:45, 2:44'/g, 2:44. /2, 2:46. 2:46. — — - Urnnswick, Me., July 22, 186.5, $100. Dick Lane. 3:05, 3:05, 2:.')3. Uncle Sam. b g (3 :50^), by Tom Crowder. W. Hobbs, Marengo, 111., Sept. 30, 1874, $200. Gen. McArlhur, Whalebone, Flyinp; Cloud. 2:5P.(, 2:.509.j, 2:5154'. Uncle Sam, ch « (3::J6) J. Eckert. San Francisco. Cal.. Feb. 22. 1875. $ . Joe. 2:38, 2:36^, 2:36. — l4i4, 2:53, 2:51, 2:57.2:48. ) une 17. 1873, $200. Major, 2 :56J4, 2 :49'/i. Aug. 7. 1873, $200. Capt. Jinks, w, 3, 4, 2:489a, 2:51^,2:4914, 2:47k, 2:54. Harrv Williams. Sept. 2. 1873, 8200. Gypsy 2, 3. 2:52, 2:51^4, 2:54, 2:51^, 2:54^. Union (Union Boy), gr g (3:37). Hiram Woodruff, Uuion Course, L. I.. April 27, 1855, $ . Mayfly (3dr), 2.46,2:46)^, . O. M. Shaw, Bangor, Me., Oct. 3. 1861, $50. Moose 1, 2:45, 2:42, 2:42, 2:46. Oct. 4, 1861. $100. Competitors not named. 2:40i^, 2:41, 2:40. Wm. Woodruff. Boston, Mass., June 2, 1862. $400. Martha, 2:39k, 2:40, 2:37. June 9, 1862, $400. Fanny Bradbury 1, 2:381^2, 2:41i.o, 2:41. 2:40. Union, b s (3:36), by Volunteer, thini by L. I. Bhick Hawk. John L. Doty, Washington Hollow, N. Y. May, 25, 18C7, $150. Jack. Alida. lliitchins Mare. 2:40. 2:42. 2:41. Cobbleskill. N. Y.. Aug. 22, 1808, $50. Belifounder, 2:40. 2:38,2:36. Stoutenbiu-gh & Van Wagenen, Washington Hollow, N. Y., Sept. 10, 1874, $75. Champion Jr., Patchen, .Miller Bov. 2:44, 2:45, 2:441/6. Stallions. Union.br g (3:40). D. W. Conklin, Smithtown, L. I., Aug. 27.1870,550. Lady Jones 1, Shrimp, 2:43. 2:40. 2:41.2:44. Union, b g (3:38). Wm. Hall, Owego, N. Y., June 6, 1871, $300. Gen. Custer, Kentucky, Vindicator (3 dr), Kranlc Phelps (1 dis). 2:42}4. 2:45?j, 2:46k. .June 8, 1871, $250. Central New York, Natty Carpenter, Prince of Wales. Siug Sing (2 dis). Gen. Custer (2dis), 2:43, 2:421^, 2:43. — June 9, 1871. $200. Chas. Hayden, Sing Sing. 2 :47'/o, 2 :48k, 2 :47. Canandaigua, N. Y., .June 29. 1871, $ . Frank Phelps 4, 5, Lady Kendall l, Milo Boy. Messenger Boy, Red.Squirrel, 2:44, 2:38, 2:40, 2:42k, 2:44^. 2:40. Union,T)r g (3:41). D. K. Marvel, Great Falls. N. H., Oct. 26 and 27, 1874, $250. Fanny 1, Nelly Thayer, Lady French, Major (3 dis), Pepperell (1 dis), Venture (l dis),Zebill (l dis), 2:44, 2:46^*4^, 2:47, . Oct. 28 1874, $250. Lady French, Zebill, Morrill i^Iorgan, Major, v'enture. Bunker Hill (2 dis;, Nelly Thayer (2 dr), Fanny Phillips (1 dis), 2:48J^, 2:48, 2:50. Union jaclc (R. Hilliard). b g (3 :30k). Thos. Elwood, Cleveland, O., Aug. 24, 1866, $200. Queen of the West. Belle Chalfant, Minnie, 2:43, 2:43i^, 2:43U. Sept. U and 12, 1867, $200. Queen of the Wests, 4, Cuyahoga Maid, 2:38, 2:40, 2:38. 2,36?i, 2:37. (w) Oct. 23, 1867, $200. Queen of the West (w). 2:41, 2:42, 2:42. Unknown. I)r g. S. H. Taylor, Albany to Utica, March 30, 1857. $2,500. Broker, 12 h 22 m. Unknown, b g (3:4li4). Mr. Curtis, Boston, Mass., June 24. 1859,$ . Shooting Star, Charley, 2:43^, 2:4H2. Unknown, b m i3 :43'4). J. Stears, Belleville. N Y.. Sept. 8, 1860. $20. 2:43. Against time. Watertown, N. Y., Oct. 6, 1860. $— . Jesse Smith, Major Downing l (4 dr), 2:42y2, 2:42!^, 2:45, 2:44. Unknown, chg (3:34). J. J. Bowen, Boston, Mass., May 5, 1866, $500. Comfort. 5:49. 5:48, 5 :.54. Two miles. J. T. Clark, Norwich, Conn., June 13, 1866, $100. Country Boy. 2:57. 2:58. Unknown, br m (3:50). F. G. Dean, Taunton. Mass., July 25, 1866. $200. Ladv Canfield 2.2:51.2:55,2:57, 2:54. Myricks. Mass., Sept. 21, 1867, $50. Fletcher's blk g, 2:58, 2:50, 2:54. Unknown, blk g (3 :53). Washington, D. C, Nov. 28, 1866, $500. Ladv Clements 1, 2:46, 2:52, 2:54. Unknown, ch ni (3 :53). Union Course, L. I., Nov. 15, 1867. $1,000. Hunter's b m (2 dis), 2:.56. 2:52. Unknown (3:47). Mr. Delanev. Rockland, Me., Oct. l. 1868. $125. Black Walnut (30). Best time 2:47. Unknown, b g (3 :43J^). W. Simpson, Keokuk, la., Sept. 28. 1869, $75. Ploughboy, Honesty, Orphan Boy, Best time 2:42'2. Unknown, b g (3 :50). F. Rogers, Middlesex, Mass., Sept. 22, 1870, $100. John Lambert l. Red Cloud. Clark's bm, 2:.50, 2:50, 2:55. 2:56. Unknown, br g (3 :55). W. Braisted, Ticonderoga N. Y., Sept. 21, 1871, $50. Darkey Maid 1, Wicker's ch s, Flora Barrett, Farmer Girl, 2:58 2:57}^. 2:55, 2:56. Unknown (w», l)lk g (3 :43). J. Thompson, Boston, Mass.. July 22. 1873, $300. Smuggler (w) 1. Theresa (2 dis), 3:061^,2:43^.2:431^,2:56%. Oct. 25. 1873, $200. Dandv 2, Topsy. Wonder. 2:52, 2:51, 2 :.50. 2 :49i^. M. Parks. Beacon Park, Boston, l^fov. 6 and 7, 1873, $300. Modoc Chief 2, Louise 4, 2:47, 2:44, 2:42, 2:41 %i, 2:44. » Unknown, ch g (2:40). Lyman Patch, Fitchburg, Mass., Aug. 11, 1874, $300. Ned, Kate Hughes, Dad, Sailor Boy. Harry. 2:40, 2:42. 2:46'4. Unknown, ell g (3 :33), bv Wa'tson's Lexington. B. H. Demarest, Rochester, N. Y.. August 12. 1874. §l,.50O. Condit Smith 1, Susan, Rescue, 2:389i. 2:35. 2:.34, 2:34Vg. C. W. Davis. Rochester, N. H.. Oct. 8, 1874. $70. Morrill Morgan, Daisy. 2:.52, 2:51. 2:48. Great Falls, N. H.. Oct. 27. 1874, $400. Belle Dean, Ned Forrest, Buffalo Bill, Effie. Honest Harry, Sir William Wallace, 2:36%, 2:36k. 2:35i:;. .1. Henry Hamilton, Mystic Park, Boston, Sept. 16 and 17. 1875, $1,500. Maine Slasher. SirW'illiam Wallace. Bessie, Ladv Kiiox (3 dis). 2:32, 2:26Vo. 2:27'2. Beacon Park, Boston, Sept. 22. 1875, $l..500.'*Deliance. Sir William Wallace, Lady Knox, Bessie, Blanche, 2:29k, 2:27, 2:29U 0. W. Davis. Dover. N. H.. Sept. 14. 1876. .$200. Paul Breton. Capt. Jack. 2:45, 2:35, 2:36. Woodstock, Vt., Sept. 28. 1876. S300. Bristol Bill 1, Young Rattler. 2:3.3K>, 2:33M. 2:30i^. 2:33k. — — Lyndonville, Vt.. Sept. 6, 1878. $.300. Queechv Maid 1, Tom Pink, Drover Boy, 2:32, 2:32k, 2:33, 2:34. Machias, Me., Julv 5. 1880. $ . Walter, Red Jacket, 2:33. 2:40, 2:33V6. Dover, N. H.. July 16. 1881. .$,500. Boston 3. 2:34k, 2:36%. 2:401-;;, 2:40%. Unknown, b g (3 :55). A, E, Richardson. liOwell, Mass., Sept. 29, 1875, $150. Uncle Ben, Sorrel George. Nelly H. .3 (4 dis), Butcher Boy (4 dis), 2:55, 2:.57, 2:.53V<;, 2:57, Unknown, gr m (3 :50), C. Cavanagh, Waterford', N. Y., Sept. 15, 1876. $200. Fanchon 2, 3, 2:.59, 2:.58i/2. 2:52, 2 :50, 2 :521^, Unknown, b~g (3:36). J. S. Cook, Taunton, Mass.. Sept, 24, 1878. $60. Tiger 1, Louise. Johnny Knot, Sleepy Jmi, Fannv Cheatham, Gvpsv. Queen Girl. Ruth. Silversides. 2:.53, 2:46. 2:46, 2:44. Unknown, gr m (3 :55). J. Curtis, Manchester, N. H., Sept. 14, 1878. $.50. Young Tuck, Reindeer. Creeper, 2:55, 2:57, 2:55. Uno, blk s (3 -Al^). Mat Tanner, Albany, N. Y., July 2. 1870. $125. Straightedge 1. Mat T;inner. 2:.35i.;. 2 AWi, 2:42, 2:42'/,, 694 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TKOTTINd AND PACING UECOKD. Cno. b ni (2:43). W. F. Delamater, Corning, N. Y., Aug. 27, 1873, 8200. I.nther, Col. Walker, Kinzua Orphan, Nelly, Cropsev. JtMt. 2:60, 2:r>\. Wellsboro. Pa., Sej)t. 12, 1873, S300. Luther 2, Crazy Kate, Tom Moore, Indiana Belle (3 Ur), 2:47, 2:51'4, ,2:4.'>^4. Corning, N. Y.. Oct. 8, 1873, 6 . OavKl (ireer 1, 2:4.'>. 2:43. 2:43. 2:4.i. Vnulala, 1) in C-i -/i'iKi), ilam Flora, l)y Harry Clay. AUlen Ooldsinith. Point Breeze Park, Phila., May 18, 1880, $300. Kii)ton. Hay Cliieftain, Uegulns .Ir., Annie Page, Brown Tom. Duncan (1 (lis). 2:2«, 2:27!4, 2:29. May 21, 1880. §400. Legal Tentfer 2, 3, Phil Dwyer l, ,lolin, Kingwood {:> (U), (iail Hamilton (3 dr). Brown Tom (2 dis), 2 :2it'.i, 2:27^4, 2:29U, 2:29, 2:30?.i, 2:31i.i. Belmont Parli. Phila., May 27, \sm. $4oo. Birdie C. 2, Annie Page, Kismet, Kegulus Jr., Chester, Brown Tom (4 dr\ Kingwood (4 dr), 2:28'.i, 2:2814, 2::;9. 2:30. Washington, 1). C, May 31, 1880. SrMt. Zeph, Larz, Belle of Montreal (1 disi. 2:38'.;, 2:44. 2:47.. June 3. 1880. .S.V)0. Brown Tom 1, Tom Mccklcv, Zeph (2 dis), Walter B. (1 dis). , 2::UJ4.2:3G»i, 2:36. Detroit, Mich . .(uiie lo. I88O. .Sl.ooo. llamliletonian Bashaw 3. Billy. 2::i0';, 2:2S»4, 2:28'o, 2:-3?4. Pontiac, Mich.. June 17. 1880. ,S700. Edwin B. 3 (2 0), Green Charley, Billy, 2:31. 2::t0!^2, 2:28?4, 2:30'/4, 2:.31. Cleveland, O., July 27, I881), §1,000. Mistletoe, Anna H. Tekonsha'. Billy', Envoy (l dis), 5:02, 4:.'i8. Two miles. Buffalo, N. Y. Aug. 3, lESO, $1,000. Gray Chief, Anna II., Tekonslia, .Tohnny Gordon (2 dis). Envoy (1 dis), 4:59, 4:. ').5. Two miles. Washington, 1). C., May?, 1881, S800. LadyCrossin 1, 2, J. W. Thomas 3. Legal Tender, Pilot Boy, 2:28, 2:28>^, •2:2Sh. 2:28^4, 2:29>4,2:31. Cincinnati. O., July 5, 1881, Sl,0O0. Lumps, Dream (2 dis). 2:27. 2:27K 2:28. Oct. 13, 1881, Sl.ooo. Pilot R. I. 4, C. W. Woollev, 2:3.3. 2:28. 2:29'., 2:.30, 2:.32. Bulfalo. N. Y., Oct. 21 and 22, 1881, $500. Alnnmt Jr. 2, Nelly Irwin, Valley Chief. Handicap, 2:29. 2:2.i. Uocliestcr. X. Y^, Aug. 9. 1882, $2,000. R. P. 1. 2, Mattie, Lady Rolfe, Jewett, George M. (4 dr). Flora F. (4 dn. l.ucrccc (3 dis). 2:24, 2:24. 2:24J4, 2:2494, 2:2.5i^. Ulica. N. Y., Aug. 15. 1882, $2,000. R. P. 1, 2, Lucrece, Mattie, Cora Belmont, George M., Gloster, 2:23. 2:2214, 2:22^, 2:22^4, 2:24. Ponghkeepsie, N. Y., Aug. 22, 1882, $2,000. Cora Belmont 3, George M. 2, Flora F.. Mattie, 2:27'/s, 2:2.154, 2:24i/>. 2:24'/2. 2:26. Up and lip, ch m (3 :31!4). B. Daniels, Fashion Course, L. I., July 4, 1865, $500. Gen. Meade 2, 2:35%, 2:36, 2*31*1 '*'38 l)ai,"M:ice, Hohoken, N. J., Aug. 19, 1865, $1,000. Black 0;ik 1. 2:41, 2:41*-'4, 2:36i^, 2:4l»4. ■' J. W. Hugli, Middletown, N. Y., Sept. 7, 1865. $300. Abram's blk g, Pawliug's b g 2:44, 2:42. 2:39'/2. Mr. Uosebar. Albanv. N. Y.. Sept. 22, 1865, $200. Smitli's Horse, 2:43. 2:46. 2:.38. Dan .Mace. Hudson. N. Y.. Sept. 27, 18(15, $200. Lady Jane l, 2 :38. 2 :37. 2 :40, 2 :39. B. Daniels, Schoharie, N. Y.. Oct. — , 1865, $100. Two others, 2:.34, 2:36,2:31^. I'p and Up, b g (2:38), by Vermont Hero. LA. Weeks, Norwalk, O.. Aug. 25, 1877, $3*25. .lim Schreiber, Capt. Crapo, Fancher, Dan. Beautiful George, 2:38. 2 :.36. 2 :35i^. Edinburgh, Pa., Sept. 11, 1877, $400. John McDougall 2, Maggie Elliot, Charley A., Jessie R., 2:50, 2:46»4. 2:50. 2:47. Sept, 13. 1877. $400. .Tohn McDougall, Nelly Morton, Jessie R., 2:38. 2:45, 2:45. A. Gillespie, St. Louis, Mo.. Sept. 28, 1878, $1,000. Header (1 0), Tuckahoe, Staneliff, Carrie Berryhill (4 dr), 2 :28, 2 :29. 2 :30;4, 2 :30?4 . Cambridge. 111.. Aug. 28. 1879. $300. Maid of Monti 2. 3, John Bender 4. Mat Kirkwood, Little Sam, Lady M., Aldine. 2:36, 2:35. 2:.34, 2:;i3. 2:32. 2:32. Davenport, la., Sept. .5. 1879 $200. Fairmont 2, Sealskin 1. Cai)tain, , , 2:35U., 2:32. 2:30. ITpright.ch s (2 :.5.5'i), by Whipple's Hanibletonian. dam Gilroy Belle, by Lodi. VV. E. Morris, Stockton. Cal., Sept. 16, 1879. $200. Honest V, Will Wilkins, 2:55:'4, 2:58.h- Two-year-olds. L'rania, b ni (2:39i4). by Gen. Washington. R. H. Nason, Contra Costa. Cal.. Sept. 12, 1882, $250. Barney l. Vengeance, fonrluctbr. (ivpsv Huntington (4 disi, :>:46, 2:46. 2:44. 2:44. Sept. 15. is8*j, .SI50. Barney, Jim Lee. Chicago. Best time. 2:42. 1. G. Sargeant. Saliuiis. Cal., Oct 4. 1883. $12.5. Mack 1, Ella T.. 2:48'/i. 2:43i4, 2:46, 2:39'/;. Vrbana Belle, b m (2:29>4). by J. Welch, dambv J. S. Breckenridge. J. W. Lyon, Springfield, O., June 6 and 7, 1883. .$700. Neva 4. W'illiam T.. Allen Boy, Amy King, Black Jug 1, 2, (3 dis), Emma Strathmore (3 dis). 2::«!/,. 2:30U;, 2:40, 2:.36'/4. 2:.'M'4. M. Stokes, Urbana, O., Aug.30, 1883, $200. HighlandMaid 1. Abdallah King, Dell Evan8,2:40, 2:32. 2:34, 2:33'/^ J. W. Ingram, Ada, O., Sept. 22. 1883. $300. Billy Ford 1, Highland l\Iaid. 2:3l>j, 2:30. 2:30i/j, 2:30. Utah, brs (2:5614). Mark McKimmin, Salt Lake City. Utah, July 24. ls75, $100. Bessie Turner, Ralston (2 li, 3:06, 3:15,3:1-', 3:09. Tliree-vear-olcLs. , „^, , Valetta, gr m (3 -.44%), bv VViufleld Scott Jr. S. James, Homer, Out., Sept. 27, 1883, $ . Nora, St. Etiiel, Star Monarch, Little Maria, 2:4'4Ji, 2:45. 2:45. Four-year-olds. Valiant, b s (3: 38^4 ). bv Enchanter, dam Loreua, by Volunteer. C. S. Case, Uuionville, O., July 4, 1877, $100. Fretful, 2:44, 2:4oi,i, 2:40i4. , „ .„, ^ ^oungstowu, O., Sept. 26, 1877. $ . Hattie, Doolittle, Brown Nelly, Belle Porter(l dis), 2:44, 2;46i^, 2:48^6. French & Reed, Meadville, Pa., May 17, 1878, $.300. Hermes 1, Noontide, 2:40i^, 2:40, 2:40, 2 :40i4. Parker City, Pa., May 29, 1878, $400. Noontide l. 2. Daisv S., Peerless, 2:40. 2:40, 2:401^3, 2:40J4, 2:41i4. St. Petersburgh, Pa., June 5, 1878, $40. Noontide l, Jessie R., Transit (Idis). Daisy S. (i dis), 2:40'/2, 2:40,2:41.2:40. Edinburgh, Pa.. June 14, 1878, $400. Noontide 1, Jessie K.. Peerless, 2:40,2:42)^,2:41, 2:42i4. Bradford. Pa., July 10, l87S,.$t;oo. Jolin McDougall 3 (4 0j, Jessie Hoite, St. Cloud, Lady June, Andy DiUt5dr),Billy Wood(5dr),2:40,2:40.2:40,2:40. 2:40'e. ,,,.,„ t ■ t ., t,-,, Erie. Pa., Aug. 20 and 21, 1878, $250 Mont: Boy 4, 5, Noontide 1, Odd tellow. Lady June (o dr), Billy Seward (1 dis). 2:419i, 2 :42Ji, 2:4114,2:41^, 2:43, 2 :40Ai. Bradford, Pa., Sept. 3, 1878, $700. John McDougall 4, Fannv V^an 1, Monk Boy, Minnie, Netty Wonder, Queen of Fairies. Elliot, Gail Hamilton, Helen R. (5 dr). Cricket (3 dr), 2:40, 2:41, 2:41 i4, 2:40, 2:40i/2. A. Johnston, Titusville, Pa.. July 4, 1879, $ . Little Roan i. Mexican Tom, Lady McKinney, Beulah (4disK 2:3514, 2:38,2:38, 2:38. Bradford, Pa., July 8, 1880, .$400. Allegheny Boy 1. Ladv Mac, A. Peck, Tim, 2:37i4,2:35}4. 2:351/2, 2:35U, Conneaut, Pa., Aug. 18, 1880. $300. Jack 3 (2 0), Lady Mac Rocky, Loafer (4 dr), 2:38i/2, 2:37, 2:38i4. 2:39i/2, 2:39!^. E. P. Landers, Salamanca, N. Y., July 1, 1881, $400. Fitzgerald 2, Jack, Tola, Lady V., 2 :30^, 2 :30, 2:30, 2:32. Sharon, Pa., Sept. 29, 1882, .$ . Mistletoe 3, May Bird. Little Eastern, 2:33, 2:33"2, 2:33%, 2:33'/3. E. D. Galaviu, Akron, O., Oct. 5, 1882, ,$2.50. Sunshine, Ben Starr, Mistletoe, Tony Newell, 2:34. 2:32, 2:30. Mansfield. Pa., Oct. 17, 1882, $200. Walter, T. M. Bavne, Bill Rice, 2:28^.,, 2:1:91-^;, 2:291^. Norristown, Pa., Oct. 23, 1882, .$200. Beaver Country Frank, Mercutio. T. :M. Bavne, 2:30. 2:3054, 2:29i4. Vallejo, (3:54). Vallejo, Cal., Sept. 28. 1870,$ . Pawnee, Cosmo (1 disi, -l-rc,. 2:54. Vallejo Chief, ch s (3 :36y,.). Jas, Cregan, Napa Valley, Cal„ Sept. 9, 1873, $150. April Fool, Myette (2 dis), 3:39, 3:38. 3:36'2- Tliree-year-olds. Valley Bov. b g (3:34^), by Aberdeen, dam by Plough Boy. A. Woodard, Alvstic Park, Boston, Sept. 15 and 16, "l882. .$600. Independence 4, George A. 3. St. Cloud, Dick D:imple, Yellow Dock l. 2 (3 dis), 2:25k, 2 :22^. 2 :28i4. 2 :25 ' 4 , 2 :27'4 , 2 :31 , 2 :31 h ■ Albany, N. Y., Sept. 27, 1882, .$800. Toronto Chit-f Jr. l, Louise N., Cobden, Brutus, St. Gothard. 2:26J4, 2:25.2:26! 2:24' 2. Valley Cliief. grs (3:35). by Phil Sheridan, dam by Ben Bolt. T. O'Brien, Potsdam, N. Y., Sept. 29, 1874, .$200. Garibaldi, Hercules, 2:43, 2:40, 2:43';. H. W. Brown. Ogdeusburgh, N. Y., Sept. 11, 1879. $3.50. Collector. 1 (2 0), Victor 5, Jefferson Maid, 2:3s, 2:37, 2:36, 2:36,2:40, 2:38. Montreal, P. Q., Oct. 5, 1879, $200. Mars, Frank H., Alice, 2:35^4, 2:331^. 2:,36. H. G. Smith, Hartford, Conn., June 24, 1880, .$400. Argonaut l. 3, Jimmy Stewart, Shepherd Boy (5 dis), Charley Ware (3 dis), 2:29^4, 2:27k, 2:2.394, 2:25^, 2:25. H. W. Brown, Elmira, N. Y., June 11, 1881, $400. Amber, Tom Keeler, Clara J., Alice Medium, 2:29?4, 2:3194.2:28. Bradford. Pa., June 14, 1881, $500. Aml>pr 1. Damon, Tom Keeler, 2:.32, 2:29, 2:.30, 2:32k. Canton, N. Y., Sept. 1.', 1881, $400. Phyllis. Russian Spy, Moose, 2:29. 2:28, 2:29>4. Valley Cliief Jr., gr s (3 :00), bv Valley Chief. H. W. Brown, Gouverneur, N. Y., Sept. 2. 1880, $75. Nelly H., 3:20,3:00,3:16. Four-year-oUls. Valley City Maid, ch m (3:40), by Allen Sontag. dam Belle of Eaton, B. C. Holley, Lowell, Mich., June 3, 1873, $ . Idlewild 1, Kitty H.. Honesty (2 dis), Crazy James (2 dis), Jenny (2 dis). Col. Davis (2 dis), Jim Roberts (2 dis), Nelly (2 dis), 2:51,2:54. 2:54. (irand Rapids, Mich., June 12, 1873, $600. Kate Messenger 2, 3, Kitty H., Lady Bell, Modesty (4 dis), 2:56, 2:49k. 2:.51, 2:51, 2:4.5^, Berlin. Mich.. Oct. 9, 1873. $235. Easv Bov 2, 4, Ladv Hall. 6 (50), 2:46, 2:42, 2:4,5, 2:UK, 2-A5. 2:444, 2:45. Ira A. Dillev. Lincoln. 111.. Aug. 22. 1877, .$200. London Belle, Billy, Cloud, Gen. Singleton. Lady Kay. Sweet Mary, 2 :45'4. 2 :46k. 2:45U. Valley Cottage Maid, gr m (3 :00i. bv Young America. J. A. Green, Spring Valley, N.;Y., Sept. 11, 1878, $75. Billy Gray l, Hattie. Highland Chief, James. Bill (3 dr), 2:.57. 3:00, 3:01, 3:00. Valley' Girl,' b m (3:3914), by Walkill Chief. G. Robens. Hudson, Mich., June 15, 1883, .$100. Laura 3, 4, Topsv B., Odd Fellow, Brown Fannv, 2:40, 2:.39i.i, 2:40. 2:40>4, . Benton Harbor, Mich., Oct. 4, 188,3, $160. (ieorge R., 1, . 2:51, 2-4114, 2:40k. Dowagiac, Mich,, Oct. 10, 1883, $125. Brown Thresher 2, Glasgow, George R., 2:48?4. 2:50, 2:41}^, 2:43>^. C9G CHESTERS COMri.ETE Tlt()'ITIN(; AM) I'ACINC UlCCOltl). Valley Queen, 1) m (3 :01), 1)V EncliaiiUT, ilain Lizzie, bv Ilimiljli'toniaii. J. Shirley, IJuller, I'a., Sept. 26, 187H, $:i.'i. IX'xtur 1, buckwlieat, Joliii, lul. Haiiloii. J.ady iJlaek, Flying Dulehiiiau, Helle, 3:0l', 3:01, 3:01, 3:01. Vhii, I) s(a:45i. l)y Kicliiiiont, dam Mary Logan, by Harry Logan. A. B. llodnian. Clenesco, 111., Aug. 23, 18K.3, S200. OrpliKi, L;idy Mont, Tlieta, Dai.sy Holmes, Lester Holmes, Longfellow (2 dn. 2:-16, 2:45, 2:45, Four- vear-olds. Vaii Aiiibiirjjl'. •' g- Mr. Eistnian, Orono, Me., Seitt. l.s, is;8, $ — . Moniirch, Lizzie. No time. Van IJruiit > •. :'jO). C. S. Doyle, Woodstock, III., Sept. 24, 1874, $75. Cray Bill 1, Gen. MeArlhur, 2:46, 2:,'iO, 2:50. Slallions. Van Biirt'ii. gr s y'i :44 'i). W. F. Seril)n('r, Denver, Col., May 14. 18S.n. .?G00. Maud 1. Clifton B.. Kllen Ander- son, 2 (.". disi, Leadville (iirl (3 dist, 2:10. 2:41'.i, 2:46. 2:4.-)J.4, 2:44^. Vail Itnreii <;irl, ell m. by I^ysander. A. Cornell. Oswego lalls. N. V., Sept. 2f., 1SSS3. S.'iO. Lav Prince, Toots, Nellv Wilkes. Eulela (3 dn. No time. I'liMtiix, N. v.. Oct. 4, iw;i. f<-i>. Frank, Little Volunteer. St. Peter, Ennna B. No time. Vaiuialia Jo»>, bgC'J:4'*3i3>. li T. .Mattliews, Montgomery City, Mo., Sept. 22. 1881, ^50. Frank, 2:45, 2:4.5, J:44':. VaiKlehoffarfs .Stallion (3:53). U. Vandebogart, Chatham, N. Y., Sept. 15, 1X70, §35. Van Valkenburgh's St;illion. 2:.'>3Vut.. Sept. i» and 10, l»75, .$200. Gen. Grant .*!, Hornet 4, tirav Bird, Long John, J. H. Boyle (3 (lis). 2:4(1. 2:.W. 2:41. 2::J4',. 2::i7. Mr. Pike. Exeter. Out.. Sept. 16, 1875, §200. Annie Wilkes .3, Long John, 2:50, 2:49, 2:49. . Jas. I )alev. Hamilton. Out. Sept. 22. 1875. .'SJeo. Little Sam 1, Alexander, Gen. (Jrant, Pilot, Varcoe, Woodruff. 2 :32, 2 :3ti, 2 ::iy. 2 :36. F'ergus. (»nt., Sept. 30. ls7.5, §175. Little Sam, 2:44. 2:45'2, 2:51. -- — E. \\ . Eels. Le Uoy, N. Y., :May 30, 1876, §1200. Billy Pavor, Damon, Fanny I)., S. S. Ellsworth, C harley. Prince (lav. 2:38. 2:.57. 2:41. V!iiul«Tlynii. b g (3:33), by (;eo. IM. Patclieu, Jr., dam a Joseph mare. P. Farrell, San Francisco, Cal., Aug. 5. 1SS2. .■S400. Freestone 3, Frank Moscow, 2:32. 2:29. 2:29. 2:27. Oakland. Ciil.. Sept. 7, ls82. .?500. Kowdy Boy 3. Frank jSIoscow, Marin, 2:30, 2:27»4, 2:30»4, 2:28'/4. Stockton. Cal.. .Sept. l!i. Issl-. Sl.OOO. Manon 3. F'rank ^Moscow. Big Lize (1 dis), 2:22, 2:254. 2:28,*2:26>^. San Francisco. C:il.. Oct. 20. 1883, §1,000. Allen Koy, 1. Magdallah, 2:24i2, 2:23'.2, 2:22»4, 2:25'5. Vandewater's Bay Mar*', (3:56i4). A. Vandewater, Khinebeck, N. Y., July 4, 1871, .§45. Fanny, 2..58!-^j, 2:.^0i.,.2:.W.i. Vanfjuiird. <:J:14'.i). ,L Early, Boise City, Idaho, Oct. 12, 1874, $ , Lusby 1. 3:48, 3:21>^. 3:23, 3:20^,. Tliiee-vc;ir-olds. S;ime dav. .SISO. Billy Limp, Lusby (2dn, 3:18, 3:18, 3:14^. Four-year-olds and under. Vanity, br m (3 :39i^). S. McLaughlin. Union Course, L. I., June l, 1858, SI.OOO. Sneak 1, 2:42!^, 2:40^6, 2:42, 2:39'i. Vanity, ch g (3:43'/i). J. H. Helmer, Eome, N. Y., Sept. 21, 1883, .^lao. Nancy. Nestor, Molly B., Dr. Kings- lev (2 dis). 2:45, 2:43!/j, 2:43'4. Vanity Fair, br g (3 :34i4), by Albion, d;vm a Printer marc. Dan Mace, Prospect Park, L. I., Sept. 22, 1874, $800. Carrie, Constitution, Lady Dahlnian 1, 2 (5 dis), Lady Savres (3 dis), 2:34, 2:34, 2:30i^. 2:33>4, 2:36. Fleetwood Park, N. Y., Oct. 23 and 24, 1874, $1,000. IMary A.' AVhitnev 1, 3, Carrie 5, Bella, Lady Byron (5 dn, Ben .Smith (3 dis), 2:.'!0'2. 2:30, 2:28, 2:26, 2:27?i, 2:29i^. Hartford. Conn., June 10, 1875, $1,, 500. Spotted Colt 2, 3 George B. Daniels 1 (4 0), John H., Comee, George '5 dn, 2:2714. 2:299i, 2:30%, 2:.31, 2:,33i,-4, 2:59'. .. Iiiuc 6. 18.56, $150. Don (2 dis), Pevtona (1 dis), 2:51, 2:51. S. II err, Cincinnati, 0., Oct. 22, 18,56. $.50, Mav Flower, 3:00, 2:59, 2 :.59ii- „ ^^ Van Winkle, br g (3 :36). C. C. Abl)ott, Morristbwn, Vt.. Aug. 13, 1874, .S200. Charley Mac, Bay Jim. Red Cloud, Little Blue (1 dis), Black (1 dis), 2:.53^-, 2:51';, 2:51. (iardiner. Me., Aug. 27, 1874, S200. Androscoggin Boy, Stonewall Jackson, Polly Hopkins, Fanny (2 dr). Black Pilot (1 dis), 2:.%,2:41,2:41'i. ., , ^ Varcoe, ch g (3:38). Simon James, Strathrov, Out., Sept. 17, 1873. $150. Gen. Wolfe 1. Stayner Girl, Lady Dufferin, llolton Boy, 2:42, 2:4.5. 2:44, 2:45. Buffalo. N. Y., Sept. 27, 1873,S500. George 3, Willy Golddust, Prinee Charles, Fred Johnson, 2 :44»i . 2:4(, 2:421.1,2:43. Dundas, Ont., Oct. 16, 1873, $175, Gertrude, Lily, 3:01. 2:56, 2:.57. Oct. 17, 1873. §200, York state 1. Dutchman. Gertrude. 2:4.5i/>, 2:47, 2:49'2. 2:48. Hicharil Bogart, Medina, N. Y.. .Line 24. 1874, $.^,00. Prince f'harley 2. Bailiff, Jersey Sam, Pat Byrnes, 2 •4'-' ''-45 2-41'i. Barne'v Barnes. Hamilton. Out., .hilv 3, 1874, $500. Little Lem 2. Spot. Messenger, Jersey Sam (2 dis), 2:41.2:43; 2:40'2, 2:43%. Simon James, Whitby, Ont.. July 23. 1874. $125. Toronto Boy l. Long John, Bailiff, 2:46^, 2:4.5J4, 2:4t>, 2 :48!.4. I'etcr Curran. Chatham, Ont., Julv 13 and 14, 1875. $250. Annie Wilkes3, Jessie 2, Black Georg"- 1 (5ro\ Vanderbilt (5 r o), Lady (;ertrub. 23. 1874. $100 Prince Allen 1, Lou WLippleS, (5dis), 1:5.. 1:5.14, 1.58>4. 1 :59U, 1 :,57i/.. Three-(iuarter mile heats. , . . „., rr,. April 4. ls74,$ioo. Lou Whipple 3, Prince Allen,Lady Allen (4 dr), 1:57, 1:51)^^,1 :52%,l:63'/». Three-quater O. a! Hickok, Siin .lose, Cal., April 23, 1874, .$300. Charley 2, Nourmahal (1 dis), 2:3.3, 2:36'^. 2:33, 2 '.32'} ^'W. J. Wells, Los Angeles, Cal., Oct. 29. 1874. $.500. Echo 4i2 0), Tlie Moor, 2:38%. 2 ;.38's. 2:37. 2:39, ''•3(;i/„ Velox, l)rs(344'/2).bv Young Morrill, dam Ellen Doiighiss, bv Manchester Black II;iwk. .1. II. Morgan. TTen- derson, Ky., Oct. 9. 187,3, $100. Octoroon, Pilot, Arlington, 2 :.50. 2:.-.7. .Stallions. ( HKSTKl;-.-^ CO.Ml'LKTK THOTTING AND I'ACIN'C; KK( Ol;i) 697 "Velveteen, chin (3:36 1. H. Clark. Dubuque. la., Sept. 15, 1876. $500. Ellen, Julian, Lady Burnham, 2:47, 2:i7Vo, L>:5,5. W. H, Smith & Bros., Angola. Ind., June 7, 1878. §150. Chief 1, Buffalo Bill. Balm of Gilead2:i5»4. 2:4.5, 2:45, 2:45. Battle Creek. .Mich., Sept. 14, 1878,$ . Mambrino Chief Jr. 2, Morosa 3, Lizzie Davis l, Frank A. (4 dr). Best time, 2:36. Angola, Ind., Oct. 3, 1878, $150. Mambrino Chief Jr. 1, 2, Red Oak, P. H. Baker, Joliu S., 2:45, 2:45, 2:47, 2:47,2:47. (\v) Adrian, -Mich., Oct. 16. 1878, $100. Sam Batch (w) 2, Belle Smith (w), Colonel (w). (4 dis). Nelson (w), (3 dis), Florence (W) d dis). 2:45, 'tAO. 2:41^2, 2:42'2. Venango b s (3 :40). by llaiiibletoiiian. dam liy imp. Tom (^-11). T.S. Armstrong, Penn Yan, Sept. 2, 1873. $700. Lutiier. Cieneva. Sniootlibriar, Telegram, Frank Kernan, Indian Belle, Ashland Maid, Nelly (3 dn, 2:42, 2:4-'. 2:42. Sept. 4. 1873. $300. Geneva, Luther, Nelly, Frank Kernan. Indian Belle, David (ireer, Ashland Maid, 2:4S'4. ■.':,-)0, 2:47',. Watkins. N. Y.. Sept. 9. 1873, $300. Geneva, David (ireer, Frank Kernan, Norval. Jimmy. Billy White stockings, Nellv (3 dis). Kendal Henry (2 dis), 2:42. 2:40, 2:40. Sept. 11. 1873, $300. Nelly, (ieneva, Frank Kernan, David Greer, Col. Walker, Norval, Hornet, Daddy (4 dr). 2:50, 2:44^, 2:43i/4, 2:40-4. Corning, N. Y., Oct. 10. 1873, $300. Deceiver, David Greer, Uno, Billy Hayward, Hornet, 2 :40i^, 2:40, 2:45. Venetia, b m (3:4'Jio), by Aliuont. dam Tecora, by Cassias M. Clay Jr. J. Beach, Salem, Or.,. Sept. 19, 1882, $600. Orange Blossom, Tyro, Y'ouug Kisber, 8:071.3, 3:06. Two-year-olds. Sept. 19, 1883, $480. Com H , Au Kevoir. Harry (3 dis), 2:47»2, 2:51'/2, 2:42i^. Three-year-olds and under. Venture, ch s (3 :27i4), by California Belmont, dam Miss Mostyn by American Boy Jr. C. Kane, San Fran- cisco, Cal., Oct. 17. 1866, $200. Lady Dooley 1. The Maid, 3:00, 2:551^. 2:,54. Two-year-olds. p. Farrell. Aug. 23, 1869, $4,000. Harvest Queen 5:12!/2, 5:15. Two miles. Nov. 2, 1869, $1,500. Ajax 3 (1 0), , 2:.53, 2:54, 2:46J4, 2:42. I). Gaiiiioii, Oct. 11, 1876, $1,000. Gen. Keno, Gus. Alexander, Billy Hayward, 2:34^. 2:33!2, 2:31}^. Venture, ch g (3:49). W. Nelson, Union Course, L. I., May 24, 1870, $300. Billy 1.4. Ruby, 2:.56, 2:.57J^, 2:58, 3:00, 3:01. L. S. Samniis. Oct. 15. 1870, $500. The Major, 2:53'4, 2:53, 2:58. Mav 19. 1870, $500. The Major 2 (4 0). (5 dr), 2:.55V^, 2:54i^, 2:52, 2:56, . ■' Nov. 26, 1870, .$75. Clambake 1. 3. Whitson's bik g 2, 2:52, 2:47. 2:50, 2:55, 2:51, 2:49. Dee. 26, 1870, $300. Champion, Nelly. 2:56, 2. -.06' 2. Prospect Park. L. I., Nov. 25, ISTl, .$300. Clambake 1, 2, 2:56)^, 3:05, 2:.'')7, 3:00, 2:54. iW) June 22. 1874. $200. Capt. George 1, 3:16i4, 3:03, 2:59. F. K. Smith, June 21, 1875, .«400. Clippy 1, 2. Miller's Damsel, Blucher. 2:55''2, 2:55i^, 2:51, 2:5414, 2:52. Venus, ch m ( 3 :33i^), by Trotting Chiltiers, dam Gypsy by St. Lawrence. Dan Mace, Buffalo, N. Y. Aug. 5, 1872, .f , Wade Hampton 1, 2:38, 2 :37;i, 2:33J^, 2:33(/o. Hall's Track, L. I.. Aug. 28, 1872, $100. Lady Wells 1, 2:4214, 2:38, 2:38. V>nus, bm (3:31), bv Perkins Morrill. R. P. White, Suffolk Park, Phila., July 13. 1876, $500. Milton, Medium (3 0), Carli Burr, Bismarck, Rip Rap, Belle of Philadelphia, Diadem (4 dr). Sandbank (3 dr), 2:32, 2:31,2:31, 2:35. Venu.s, chm (3:04^). Chas. S. Caffrey. Woodbury, N. J., Sept. 18, 1877, $50. Choptank Chief 1. 3, Ajax, Prince Lincoln, 3:05i^, 3:09, 3:06, 3:04i2. 3:07. Four-year-olds. Venu.s, b m (3 :36i4). John Banner, Coshocton, O.. July 5, 1877, $.30. Ed. Wilder. Doctor Rush. 2:41. 2:38, 2:37. Verbena, b in (3 :40)^). bv Hero of Thorndale, dam Mother Hubbard, by Johnson's Toronto. W. A. Sanborn, Dewitt, la.. Sept. 25. 1879, $100. Ada Withers, Iowa Prince, Kitty Clover, l :28. 1 :28?i, l :30. Three-year-olds. Half mile heats. Verge, ch s (3:35). bv Hermit Jr.. dam a thoroughbred. J. Riley, Pittsburgh. Pa., Oct. 3, 1882, $200. Alien Almont, Little Biilv, 2 -A^^^- 2 :41 . 2 :44i o. Oct. 4, 1882. .$200. Alien Alnumt. Little Billv, 2:38, 2:44, 2:43. Vermillion iSov, blk g (3:36ii). E. Benton, Ottowa, IlL, Sept. 7, 1880, .$ . Doctor Shepard 1, Sheridan Maid, 2:4394, '2:4U4, 2:42U, 2:45i.i. Vermont (s). gr g (3:33), by Harris' Hambletonian. Wm. King, Philadelphia, Pa., May 14, 1850, $50. Napoleon (s), 1 1 dis), 2:34. las. D. McMann. Union Course. L. I., June 30, 1851, $50. Shackleback, 2:39}^, 2:38'/2, 2:38. lulv 4. 18.51, .$500. Reindeer, Boston Girl, 2:35, 2:36i/,, 2:36',2. Sep"t. 16. 1851 . $300. Jack Rossiter, Pelham (1 dis), 5 : lO. 5 :09>^. Two miles. Sept. 23. 18.51. $800. Jack Rossiter 1. 8:02. 8:.33, 8:2.5. Three miles. (ieorge Spicer. Centreville, L. I.. Sept. 17, I8,M, $300. Zachary Tavlor 1, 4, 2:37, 2:33, 2:40, 2:32'/2,2:33»4 Veiuiont,'(vv)bg (3:57), Hiram Woodruff, Union Course, L. I., Sept. 25, 1856, $500. Homer, Bluff, 2:57, 2:.5sij, Vermont, blk s (3:48). bv Vt. Blackhawk, dam bv Flving Morgan. D. S. Greenfield, Oswego, N. Y., Oct. 6, 18,59, $100. Young St. Lawrence 1. 2:52. 2:51. 2:51. 2:48. Oct. 12. 1859, .$300. Young St. Lawrence l, 3. 2:49, 2:,50. 2:.53, 2:48i^, 2:45. Peter Pollard, Baltimore, Md., Jiilv 9, 1860, $ . Lady Young 1. 4, 2:59, 2:55, 2:55, 2:,53. 2:54. Vermont Abdallah, ch s (3:30^4), bv Young America, dam Blonde, bv Abdallah. Mr. Marshall, Provi- dence. R. I., Sept. 22, 1874, .$2,000. Rarus 1, Henry Spanker, Cataract, Black C^rook (2 dis), Billy Florence (1 dis). 2:29?i, 2:.30'/2. 2:30i/2, 2:33;2. J. V. Hall, Somerville. N. J., Oct. 7. issn. $no. H;irrv Beeeher, 2:53, 2:51, 2:46. Stallions. Oct. .5. 1881, ,$50. Goldsn Rule. Abdallah Cli;imi)lon i. (2 dr), 2:.55, 2:46?^, 2:54, 2:53. Stallions. Vermont Belle, ch m (3 :49i4). C. F. Predmorc, .Alontpelier, Vt. Aug. 21, 1873, $100. Black Cloud 1, 2. Fanny Strife (3 0), Canton, Hose (2 dis). Topsail (1 dis), Sunset (l dis), 3:00, 2:52, 3:00, 3:03, 3 :00, 3:00. Four-year- olds. Vermont Boy. (w) ch s (3 :50ai{), bv French Charley. Jas. Ward. Philadelphia, Pa., May 2, 1853, $1,000. Soto (w), 8:32, 8:47, Three miles. Vermont, b s (3:50), Porter & Plummer, San Francisco, Cal., Dec. 3, 18,58. .$500. Bellinger, 2:53, 2:56, 2:50. Vermont Boy, bg (3:13). E. H. Gilman, Burlington, Vt.. Aug. 8, 18.56, .$200. Gray Gelding 2, 2:42, 2:43, 2:43. Vermont Boy, b s (3:47). M. Lark. St. Johnsbury, Yt., Sept. 26. 1867, .$3.5. Creeper (1 dis), 3:00. Four-year- olds. M. Lark. Oct. 10. 1871. $100. Dan 1. Wagram 2, 2:48i/i, 2:48, 2:47, 2:.50ii. Vermont Boy, (s) b g (3:50 s). Lon Morris, Boston. Mass., Julv 30. 1870. $200. Ladv Ames Cs), 2:,50. 2:58. Vermont Boy, blk g (3 :43H. D. Sunderland, Lowell, Mass., Sept. 8, 1871, $100. Draco II 2, Lady Alice, Sam Cnrtis(3 dis). Little Fannv (3 dis). Lady Norfolk (2 dis), Jenny Lind (1 dis). Farmer's Beauty (1 dis), 2:4814. 2:49'/2, 2 A'zn , 2 Ai\^^ . Vermont Boy, (Whitewater Chief), gr g (3 :45i';). T. B. Flanagan, Chittenden Co,, Vt., Sept. 16, 1873, $150. Spruce, Billv Mack, Ladv Alger, 2:.56. 2:54,2:.55. 698 CHESTEliS t OMl'I.KTl:; TKOTTINO AND I'AClNU UKCOIM). Vermont Boy. Iirg (3:58). K. W. Urowiiell. Rarrie, Vt., July 2, 1874, .«I,5(Ki. Noniian Ufinducr rictnn Uainbow. Flying t'louil(iitlis), ;i;irj'». i;;.'isi^j. 2:6(<. ' Vermont Hero, b s(a:35j, by Hale s (ircn .Mounlaiu Morgan, ilaiii bv Vi. l\hu-k Hawk. (iosUcn Iiid Oct 11, I«6l,S — . IJlauk rriuce, Black Hawk Horse. u::!8. jsw. , .. . Vermont Jr.. blk s I'-J :33;, by Vermont. A. J. Delaney, San Benito, Cal. Oet., 18, ls78, .>!50. Susie LiUard a 2 :44}«, 2 :4iiVi, ~ :40W., 2 :47. Salinas lity, Cal., Oet. Iti, 1880, SSOO. Del Monte. Z.to. 2:34. 2:39. 2:.i3 Veiiuont I.a<>6, $::>. Ulaek Jimmy. 2:51, 2:.')1. VtMiuont Mai. .«;200. Lilly "^l •'•.■".o Amenia. N. Y., July 4, 1870, i-300. Lady Hunting 1, Kentucky Gentkinan, Kossuth Jr.. Kohert \i dis. 2:43><>. 2:4li. 2:46'2, 2:50. \Varwick, iN. Y., Aug 16, 187G, S300. AVhalebone 1, 2 (3 0), Jarad, Dollv A'.. Ccntriil V.ny. Youii<' Sentinel W. K. KoberLs, Ueecher, 2:37, 2:40,2:38. 2:3y»^, 2:41, 2:49. ■ a , Si)riiig \alley, N. Y., Aug. 22, 187(1. S2U0. Jenny 3, New Bridge Girl. Central Uov. Doxie, ATajor I'ulse I 2(4dis). Col. Caini)bell(2dis), 2:43. 2:4.i. 2:45'j,2:41.2:45'2.2:44. " . j "•- • Aug. 24. 1876, SloO. New Bridge Ciirl, Jenny, Joe Corbett, No Name, Rose Medium. Dandy Jim (2 disi 2 :46i)4, 2:47*4, 2:4G}4. Jersey City, N. J., Sept. 7, 1870, S200. I.ady V. 3, star Henry. Bilh . H:irrv Myers. Harvey (1 dis). Sarah (I dis), 2:42, 2:41'-, 2:45. 2:42. ' " «.a,, cairtii May 31, 1877, S150. Fnink 3, 4, Fanny H., St. George, Belle Kay, (iypsy Maid (5 dr), Jim Moffatt (5 dr), 2:40'.i, 2:42. 2:40, 2:40^2^ 2:.'I8^,i. Inly 4, 1S77. .^100. Fanny (J. :i, Silvertail 1. 2:44V2. 2:42. 2:4.">^. 2:46i.2, 2:4.3, 2:42'/2, 2:4514. Vernon Hoy, ell g (3 :45i. Theodore King. Newton. N. J.. Sept. 17. 1857, .$ . Surrey Maid, 2:46, 2:45. July 21:, 1N.")8, S20. Bay Fanny, Newton Ho\. Bosebud. 2:.')5, 2:45. — - — ■ Bristol, J'a.. Sept. 8. 1858. S4()0. Blind .Joliii 2, 3. 2:.".s. 'j-.M. 3:00, 3:08, 2:.')8. Scranton, I'a., Se|)t, 15. 1858. ■S.'iO. Old Joe 2, 3. Leoj.ard (1 dis), 2:49, 2:48, 2:48, 2:49. 2:ii0. B. M. & W. S. Wells. Wyoming. Pa.. July 4. 1859. S . Famiy Owen, liutelier Bill. 2:49, 2:52}^, 2:£>3i/,. W. S. Wells. Wilkesbarrc. I'a., Sept. 24. 1859. $! . 15uckskin. 2:.'iO. Scranton. J'a.. Sept. 27, is.v.i, Ano. (iolddust 3, Fannv Owen. One Eyed Riley (1 dis), 2:49, 2:50, 2:55, 2:54. Versailles Girl, b m (3:35'.^). liy Stephen A. Douglass, (lam byTippoo. G. N. Frost, Buffalo, N. Y'., June 14. I87(;. .§2.00. Billy. Bay Dick d dis), 2:43ii, 2:43i.i, 2:40- .,. Sinclairville, N. \., .lune 22, 187G, S200. Frank Martin 1, Jlilly, 2:40'ysander Boy. St. Patrick, Ladv Logan, Stranger, Calmar, Jenny Holton, Belle Moore, Emerald, 2:25. 2:26?4, 2:25K>. 2:27'i, 2:26;2. June 21, 1879, SIOO. .Iblm K., Rockev, 2 :30. 2 :30, 2:29. Vesta, b m (3:36i4), by Hambletonian, dam Pauline. R. Tliornton, Hartford, Conn., June 11, 1875, S500. Herl)ert 2, 4, Fearless Queen, 2:3714, 2:3714. 2:36k, 2:38V4. Vibbard, brs (3:39)4). J. Clough, Chatham. N. Y'.. Oct. 19. 1881, $200. Fred Mack. 1, 2, Ladv GarJield 3. Climber, Wassavver, Midget (5 dis), May Flower (5 dr) Ironsides (5 dr). •J:U'i, 2:40i^, 2:40^4,2:41. 2:39>4. 2:3914. Vicious. 1) m (3 :43). S. Dyer. Philadelphia. Pa., Sept. 9. 1870, $150. Prince, Warrior (3 dr). No time. Oct. 18,187(1, .'SIOO. J^adv Emma. 3:0714. 3:07^, 3:02'o. June 20. 1877. .?200. Latlv Knuna 3, Cricket, 2:53'2, 2:00^. 2:53?4. 2:,'5f)'.i. Victor, b s l)y Sclim. W. A. ^Vales, Utica, Mich., June 14. i860, $16. Prince, 1:38. Winner 22 months old. Half-mile dash. Victor, gr g (3:335.i). .John Murphv, Goshen, N. Y.. Oct. 8, 1872. .$1,000. Racola 2, Penobscot, Belle of Easton, Sniall Hopes, Expert (4 dr), Lady Brown (1 dis), Cornelia (1 dls). Curiosity (1 dis). 2:40'/s, 2:38. 2:;j394, 2:38>5. Oct. 9, 1872. $1,000. Cornelia 1, 4, Penobscot, Belle of Easton, Racola (.". dis), Lumberman (2 dr). 2:33^4. 2:3.'))4, 2:.'!(;i... 2::!ri>4, 2:42?4. Fleetwood Park, N. Y., April 24, 1877. $100. Barney Kelly (vv). 2:44, 2:40i4, 2:36. Victor, bg (3:01). Modesto. Cal.. Oct. 8, 187.3. .fsi 00, !Strawbnck,3:.59. 3:22. Three-year-olds. Mr. Hendricks, Chico, CaJ., March 15. 1879. $ — . Irene, 3:07, 3:01, 3:011^. June 2, 1880. $ . Kate, 3:21'-. 2:26)/'. 3;:!7'j. Victor, br s (3 :39M), by Willey's Red Bird. ' Spi-ncer Judd. Canton. N. Y., Sept. 14, 1875, $150. Eagle, Sam Perkins, 2:.')5. 2:.')6, 2:50'^. Stallions. M. Norton, Sept. 12, 1877, $100. Flying Cloud I. Jim Fisk (3 dn, 2:,-)5, 2:50, 2:45'i, 2:40. W. Villi Valkenl)urg, Sept. 19. 1879.. $200. Valley Chief, IJasliaw. 2:45'i, 2:46. 2:43). l'>ank I i2 dis). 2:413^, 2:45. 2:4614, 2:49. 2:47. Mr. Patterson, Indiauaj)olis. Ind., Aug. 27. 1879. .$75- W. B. 2, 3. (iladys 1. No time. Victor, br s,(3 33), l)vGen. Knox, dam Kate. H. Woodruff, Mystic Park. Boston, June 15. 1881. ,$;500. Arthur 1. ;i. HlacKwood Prince 2, Capitola. Furette. Ladv Wilmarth, Pilgrim (6 dn, Rosa 15. i.-xln. Tom Parton ^.^ dr).Topsy D. (4 dr), Emperor (3 dr), Detective I'iitchcn (2 dis». 2:2914. 2:28',. 2:27. 2:J(;'^.. 2:28, 2:28"<|. Hartford. Coim., June 29. 1881, $.300. Blackwood Prince 2, Capitola. Kiuclti'. Pilgrim. Flora .Icffcrson (3 dis). 2:24'i. 2:23',,, 2:2414. 2:23. ,., , , ., Mvstlo Park. Poston. July 22, 1881, $500. Robert Leel, 2. Emma B.. Wiz/. Kentucky NA ilues. W ild I-ily, 2:23)4, 2:23)^4, 2:24?4, 2:26, 2:26'2. rHF:STKRS r()MPI>KTK TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 699 Vioior, l)fi('J:*8^). J. R. Gulick, I'arkville, L. I., May 25, 1883,$ . Mystery 1, 3, Duncan Wood (5 dr), •-':55, 2:49. U:4(i'/2, 2:481.1, 2:54. Victor, blk g (3:01' o). Jersey City, N. J., Nov. 29, 1883, $200. Willy, 3:ll'/2, SiOlVi, 3:02. Victor Almont, blk s (3 :04J. bv Lord Alniont, dam Lady Toga. Norwalk, O., Sent. 27, 1882, $ . Nickel Plate 3. Hilly Lockwood, Minnie, Trouble, 3:19, 3:l2!i, 3:15, 3:i2'/2. Three-year-olds. Victor Clay, b g (3 :30i^), by Victor Mohawk. C. Stanford, Hartford, Conn., Oct. 3, 18».'J, $375. Nero 3, Volnier. 2:33. 2:31i4, 2:31, 2:30'™. Four-year-olds. Victor Hufc", I'lk g (2:30ii;). W. S. JNIcLaughlin, Howell, Mich.. Oct. 18, 1867, .$200. Lady Ellis. Gray Eagle, 2:44, 2:4Ji4. 2:42. Vpsilanti, Mich., Nov. 14, 1867, $1.50. Melton, 2:46?j;, 2:52, 2:52. June 25, 1868, $2,000. Gray Eagle. 2:37, 2:3S'i, 2:37'.,. .M. L. Eaton, Lansing. Mich.. July 10, 1868, $— . Billv Merriman, 2:40, 2:30]4, 2:40'/^. W. S. McLaughlin, E. Saginaw, Mich., July 17, 1808, .$250. (iray Eagle, 2:42, 2:359j., 2:36'/^. 11. Chappell, London Out., June 9. 1809, .$250. Idol 1. Mazeppa (1 dis), 2:35. 2:39, 2:42. H. Mc(iregory Detroit. Mich.. Sept. 1,5, 1869. .$100. Dutchman, Edna, Frank Rolfe, 2:46^, 2:46, 2:46i^. Pontiac. Mich.,' June 10, 1870, .$ . Vulcan, Henry. 2:421^, 2:40i^. 2:4194. Victor Hugo, (3:51J4). Fort Wayne, Ind., Aug. 15, 1873. $ . Surprise l. Lady Goss, 2:56, 2:52, 2:51^4 2:53'-i. Victoria, b m(3:57). O. C. Seymour, Rochester, N. Y., July 30, 1864, $125. Kate Johnson, Sally Come Up, 14:45. Five miles. Victoria, (w). l)lk ni (3 :58?i w). Mr. Carson, Philadelphia, Pa., May 17, 1870, $50. Mack, 2:58?£, 3:03'4, 3:04. Victoria, b ni (3 xiGy,). Baltimore, Md., Oct. 8, 1872, .$300. Fuse 1. 2:48, 2:46V2, 2:.51. Victoria, ch in (3:311^). W. Monroe, Worcester, Mass., Sept. 24, 1878, .$350. Alarm 2, Gypsy, JN. S. B., Res- cue, Nellie Burke (4 dr i, 2:40. 2:40, 2:40. 2 :42. Sept. 26. 1878. .$300. N. S. B., Rescue, Alarm, Gypsy, 2:54, 2:40'i. 2:40'^. Norwicli, Conn., Oct. 1. 1878, $300. Music, Jessie Maude, George F., Miss Moffatt, Nelly R., Arabian Mag, Lachine Boy (2 dis), 2:40. 2:38, 2:38. Oct. 3. 1878, .$300. Blackwood Queen 1, Noontide, Kitty Hills, Dolly, Belle of Putney (4 dis), N. S. B. (4 dri. 2:40, 2:31!/2, 2:32, 2:33. I'laiiiville, Conn., Oct. 10, 1878, $400. Richmond 1, Wild Dandy, Emma B.. Weskora, Alice Lane, Noon- tide (2 dis), , 2:34 -At, 2:33'4, 2:36. Victor Jr., b g (3:43), by Victor. D. L.Ross, Unity, Me., Aug. 12,1876, $80. Rover, Nelly Knox 2, (4dr), Triumph 1, (3 dr). Belle Brandon (4 dr), 2:4.3, 2:49J4, 2:44, 2:46. 2:46. Rockland, Me., Sept. 27, 1876, .$200. Black Diamond. Honest Nell, Fearless, 2:44, 2:44, 2:43. Victor Patchen, br s (3:33}4). A. Johnson, Philadelphia, Pa., Sept. 16, 1868, $1,000. Harry Clay, 2:44Ji, 2:40^4. 2 :38Ji. Victory, gr g (3 :53i4). F. McCurdy, Gt. Barrington, Mass., June 19, 1868, $100. Island Chief 3, Glencoe Maid (3 dr). Lady Vosburgh (1 dis), 2:55, 2:63)4, 2 -.bT, 2:57. Victory, b in ( 3:14). Wm, Johnson, Stockton, Cal., Sept. 23, 1873, $180. Lucy, McCIoud's b m, Leon (l dis), 3:20J4. 3:14. Three-year-olds. Victress, br in (3 :50). John Hines, Louisville, Ky., INIarch 25, 1842, .$ . Havmaker, 2:55, 2:50, 2:51. Village Belle, blk in (3:40), S. A. Holt, Hudson, Mass., Aug. 27, 1878, $150. Maggie May, Robert Bonner, Jr., Josepliine, Puzzle, Evangeline (2 dr), 2:42, 2:41, 2:40. Marlborough, Mass., Aug. 28, 1878, $ . Maggie May, Robert Bonner Jr., Evangeline, Puzzle, Jose- phine, 2:40,2:41,2:40. Village Boy, blk g(3:33^), by Earthquake, .1. and T. M. Tierney, Montpelier, \t, Aug. 22. 1877, $200. Tim, Ben (2 dis). Black Johnny (i dis), Barney Tansey (1 dis). 2:4194, 2:42^, 2:42i^. St. Albans, Vt., Sept. 12. 1878, $125. Annie Lou. Kittv Jones, Billy Patterson, 2:45, 2:37. 2:39. Montreal, P. Q., Oct. l, 1878, $300. Camors 3. City Boy. Fanny L., 2:35, 2:35'2. 2:35. 2:36. St. Johnsburv, Vt., Sept. 23, 1880, .$300. Black .rohniiy l. Auctioneer, Kitty, Amy, 2:36. 2:32'4, 2:?.6, 2:3.5. Burlington, Vt., Aug. 17, 1881, $250. Calvin Edson, Little Dick (l dis). Brown Johnny (i dis), 2:33J4, 2:37, 2:38. Aug. 19. 1881, .$300. Anodvne, Brown Johiinv, Little Dick, 2:38, 2:33, 2:35. St. Albans, Vt., Sept. l, 1881, $1,50. Island Bov. Little Dick, Lizzie M.. 2:33, 2:32'4, 2:34J£. Sept. 2, 1881, .$200. Island Bov, Anodvne. Little Dick. 2:.'',2i^i. 2:32'4, 2:34. Village Girl (w), rn m (3:44' 2). Wm. Lovell, Fashion Course, L. I.. Nov. 8, 1869, $500. Dan, 2:45%, 2:4694, 2:45'.i. B. D;iniels, Nov. 18, 1869, $500. Ladv Murphy, 2:.50, 2:no}4, 2:44>4. Village , 2:52. Village -Maid, b m (3 :09'/2). H. Mellck, Easton, Pa., Sept. 26, 1879, $50. Flower Girl, 3:09'i, 3:129*. Three- year-olds. Villetre, b m (3:461.^). W. Peabody. Buffalo, N. Y., May 16, 1872, $100. Capt. Sheridan, Antelope. Orphan Girl, 2:5614. 2:46i^, 2:47. Vincoe. b s(3:48*). J. McCoy, Decatur, 111., Sept. 17, 1864, $100. Monarch, Jenny, 2:50, 2:52,2:48. Short track. Vindex Filly (3 :46). by Vindex. Blackwell Karr, Lexington, Ky., Sept. 13, 1872, $40. Ericsson Colt, 2:46, 2:.57',i. Two-year-olds. Vindicator, b s(3:46). J. H. Bertholf, Palmyra, N. Y.. June 22, 1871, $250. May Day 4, 5, Rock Stream 2, Ned, George Lapham, Maggie, 2:47',j. 2:47, 2:46, 2:48i4. 2:52, 2:49'i. Vining's Gray Gelding (3 :43'2). R. B. Vining. Winsted, Conn., Oct. 5, 1868, $70. Winsted Boy, Prince, Frank d dis). 2:Uy.. 2-A2y,. 2:43. Viola, br m (3 :36i^). M. Morgan. Newark, O., June 18. 1873, $6.50. Gray Billy, Little Jimmy (3 dis\ Fanny Gilbert (2 dis). Deception d dis), Roadmaster d dis), Mary Daniel Tl dis). Paragon (1 'dis), 2:40, 2:36i^, 2:40. Massillon, O., Julv 3. 1873. $300. Silversides 1, 4, Lady Gray, Belle, Little Jimmv 2, (5 dis), Whix-lwind (1 dis), 2:441^. 2:.39',», 2:43, 2:45. 2:48, 2:46. Viola (Hattie and Sarah), br m (3 :28), by Morgan Prince, dam by King George. J. G. Campbell, Springfield Centre, N. Y., Aug. 22, 1873. $350. Nelly Irwin 1, 2, Billy Mix. 2:42. 2:39, 2:36, 2:42, 2:39. 700 (HKSTEKS ro.M I'l.KTK THO'lTINiJ AND I'ACING KKCOKJ) All}?. 8, \xis, $■ . Annie 1. Annie F.. Dolly (4 dr), 2:45, 2:49, 2:46, 2:45. Aug. 9. 1.S7S, $G0. Annie ;i,2:4(i, 2:47, 2:r.O, 2:50. Violii «.. v'' '" (3:01) G. Ueverly, rrovidenee. U. I , Sept. 26. 18«3. §100. Prince Hamlet, Lotta.D., 3:07. 3:07. 3:01. I'diu-jear-oltls. • •• Violet. 1) ni 1 a :50U), hy Volunteer, dam by Tom Tlmnih (?). \\. K. IJrver. Smillitown, L. I.. Auk. 9. 1877,8100 Denioinit I. Lady Kmina, harli, 2:,'j0i.. 2:50'o, -J-.rA. 2:54. Violetla, ell nn'-i:3r,'4), (a:34 8). Js. Terkins, Boston, Mass., Sept. II, 18i;6. $ . .faelv Lewis, Dashaway, I'ltiH'rt, IJ;3*»-4, li'..*J^>94. '.^; 'J!^''''- ,^'*' '*'''•'• *'"''• Humble Dieli (s), (1 dist. Toby Candor (si (1 djs), 2:34. \\ . Uoovlrull. .lune 7. \xai, iMm. .Ii-nnv S])eneer 1, CJ disi. 2:441... 2:39. Vir«:iiiia(llreeze;, bni ^3:38). .John Tliomas, Washington. 1). f.. Nov. 19, 1S66. §150. .Mary Washington Sazarac, Hattie, 2:43. 2:44l-v>, 2:44. B . C. F. Hill, Baltimore, .Md., Nov. 29, 1866, $750. Baltimore Co. Maiit l, Victor I'atchen, 2:43J^, 2:39. 2:39%. VirKiiiia Wapoiipr. eh s (3:57».i), by Wild Wagoner. John McKibben. rarkei sbnrgh, W. Va.. Sept. 19 1874. .$70, O'liannon, 3:10W 3:12. ^ "^ ' .1. t'oclinm. WesKm, W. Va.. Sept. 24. 1»7,'>, S27. Kcho, 3:17K>. 3:12'2. Virjiinius . MiirK Kay. liay Ceorgc. Brown .lohn, 3:00, 3:00, 3:00. r)('rl>y, Vt.. .lune J.s. l.ssi, .■ss,"). Lady Knox .3. Ladv S., 3:01, 3:00, , 3:00. Colebrook. N. 11.. .July 4, 1881. §85. Flora B.. Trump, Nellv H.. 3:02. 3:01, 2:.59'/4. Montreal. P. Q.. Aug. 3. IS81. $200. Montreal Boy, Bav George, 3:00. 3:00. 3:00. T. L. Holt. Esse.vc Junction, Vt., Sept. 7. 1882, $200. Little Fortune 1, Sarah B.. Clipi)er, Ned Jackmau, Dan. P.ellevue Boy. 2:39. 2:.'J9!2, 2:39!i, 2:39>4. W. II. Hinman, Burlington, Vt., Sept. 13. 1882, $200. Ned Jackman, Little Dick. Minnie Kowe, 5:22i4, 5:18. Two miles. St. .Jolinsi)ury. Vt.. Sept. 21, 1882. .S150. Castelar. Mary Anderson, Little Fortune. 2:41, 2:40V*i, 2:39J4. Morrisville, \ t., Hopt. 26, 1882. $150. Marv Anderson, Castelar, Ladv Knox, 2:43, 2:41, 2:40'/^." Lancaster. N. H., Oct, 5, 1882, .$200. Black Nell 1, 3. Calvin Edson (3clis), Black Johnny (2 dr). 2:35. 2:39i4, 2:38, 2:39>.i,2:39».^. T. L. Holt, Beacon Park, Boston. Oct. 25 and 26, 1882. .$ . Gov. I'laisted 4. 5. Maud 1). 1. Belle Shack- ett. Kate Harris, Emma D., Kichvvood, Trojan (4 dr). Belle (3 dr), Walter (1 dis), 2:33J4,2:29W.2:30, 2:31M. 2:29'.i,2:.31^. .Mystic Park, Boston. Nov. 1. 1882, $200. Bobert H. 1, Belle Shackett, Wallace. Trifle. Kate Harris. 2:30. 2:29'.i. 2:29'.i. 2:30',,. Sweetsburgh. P. Q., June 23, 188."!, $150. John H. l. Jennv. Montreal Girl, 2:36, 2:31. 2:34. 2:33. Burlington, Vt.. July 4, 1883, .$.300. Clara M. i, Little Dick, 2:2914. 2:31V4, 2:31^, 2:33»4. Montreal. P. Q., .Inly 18. 1883, $150. Jennv 2. Montreal Girl. 2:34. 2:;55, 2:31, 2:30. W. H. Hinman, Colebrook, N. H., Aug. 31, 1883, .$200. Goldfinder 1, (3 0). Sorrel Pete. 2:3.5>4, 2:.35, 2:32H, 2:31, 2:.30. T. L. Holt. St. Albans. Vt.. Sept. 6. 1883, $200. Bellevue Boy. 2:37U, 2:40, 2:;56H. W. H. Hinman. Burlington. Vt., Sept. 12, 1883, $250. Daniel Lambert Jr.. Ellen, Brown Nellv, Jenny, 2:33^. 2:32'/2.2:30'/o. .Sei)t. 1,"), 1883. .$.500. Goldfinder 2. 2:30. 2:32'o. 2:30, 2:29^. Malone, N. ¥.. Sept. 28. 1883. $600. Flora B. 1. Billv Sheridan, 2:34, 2:34, 2:34, 2:35. Ogdensburg, N. Y., Oct. 3, 1883, $,'!00. Maggie Morrill 3, Gypsv Queen (2 dis), Billy Sheridan (2 dis), 2:57, 2:4.5. 2:57, 2:51. T. L. Holt. Mystic Park. Boston, Nov. 8 antl 9, 1883, $200. Belle Shackett 1, 2, Hersey, George A., 2:28»^, 2::51i^, 2:29K', 2:26'/2, 2:26K'- Visit, (w), b m (2 :47. T. B. Tlohnson. Union Course, L. I., Dec. 21. 1859, .$200. Landlord (w). 2:54. 2:58. Vivandiere, b m (3:36^"). bv Sentinel, dam bv Engineer II, (?). D. Brinckerhoft". Washington Hollow, N. Y.. Sept. 26. 1877. $1.50. GravMack, Mollv, Jim' Murrav, Lady Hewlett. 2:47. 2:42, 2:4.3. Pougiikeejjsie, N. Y.. Sei)t. 27. 1877. .^1.50. Gray JIack. Jim Murray. Lady Hunting, 2:45. 246J^. 2:46. Providence, R. I., Nov. 3, 1877, .'S4(K). Dan Rocket, Fore.st King, Cora ¥., Annie U.. Nelson (3 dis\ Wiil- ter (3 dis), 2:29, 2:30%, 2:26V2. Middletown, N. Y., Aug. 12, 1878, .^loo. Ladv Banker 2, lago. Best time. 2:31. Cornwall, N. Y.. June 14, 1879, .$ . Oscar, 2:,3.9, 2:37'i, 2:34?4. M. Reese. Hocliester. Minn., Sept. 2, I88O, ,$ . Capt. Herod, Kichmond. 2:27, 2:27^4. 2:27. Vivid C. (George), b g (3:38^1. bv Schuyler Colfax. John Clough. Hudson. N. Y., Oct. 2,5, 1881, $200. Fred M;ic.k, Climber, Midget. Ladv Garfield. Ironsides. 2:40. 2:39>».2:39'e. Oct. 26, issi. .»;l'.50. Brutus 2, Flora, Lady Sealskin. Ladv Duroc. Dan O'Brien. Black Bess, ISliss Haner, .lohn, 2:.39i4. 2:40. 2:41, 2:42. G. H. Hudson. Belmont Park, Phil.. May 3, 1882, $400. Neta Medium, Bertha chandler. Fringe, Electric, O'Connor. Hanil)letonian Gem, 2:;i2'4, 2:.32''4, 2:.33'/2. Vixen (w), blk m(3:34i,4). ,L J. Bowen, Hoston, Mass.. May 13. 1870, $150. Richmond Boy3, ^Vhite Stockings (W) 1 (4 r O), 2:43'2, 2:43».i, 2:40, 2:43-:'4, 2:41'4. .lune .3. 1870, $100. Tilda 1. 2:4014. 2 ::i5' ,. 2 :.3CK>. 2 :34i4. J. H. Smith. Norwich, Conn., .lulv 22, 1874, $500, Roval George, 2:52. 2:43^1, 2:41i^. C. McChesnev. Oct. l, 1875, $25. Ljulv Nash, Stucco Boy (2 dis). Unknown (2 dis), 2:55, 2:55, 2:53. Same day. $27.5. Tom, Koyal George. Pelt. 2:42»4. 2:47. 2:4.554. J. M. Smith, New London. Conn,, Sept. 15, 187.5, .« . Farmer, 2:.51i/>, 2:51?4, 2:56'/j. Vladimir.
  • 4. Voltaire, br s ('Z :'iOl4).h\ Tattler, dam Young I'ortia. by Manibrino Chief. Wni.H. Peck, 'Mystic Park, Bos- ton. June .'5, 1877. .«.80(»" Powers 1. 4, Wild Lily. Frank Taylor, John McDougall. Pratt i5drj, Frank A. (5dr), Vivandiere (4dis). Chestnut Hill (4dis), Oshlega Belle (3 disj, Queechy Maid (2 dis), Geo. C. Hall 12 dis), Chester O-' dis), 2:27, 2:24, 2:24, 2:24, 2:25J4. Beacon Park, Boston. June 12, 1877. $800. Powers 1, 3, Pratt, Wild Lily. Vivandiere (3 dis;. Chestnut Hill (3 dis), Oshlesja Belle a dis), George C. Hall (1 dis). 2:24?i, 2:25%, 2:24. 2:24. 2:26. Dover, N. H., .June 19, 1877, §800. Powers l. 2, Wild Lily, Pratt, Vivandiere (4 dis), Queechy Maid (4 dr), 2:28. 2:28, 2:28,2:29, 2:.30'2. Hartford, Conn., Aug. 28, 1877, $2..5no. Honest Harry 2, 3. Alley. Planter, Tom Keeler, Big Fellow, Kicliar.l (5 dr), Amv B. (4 dr). 2:23»4. 2:22'.,. 2:25, 2:l6. 2:271^. .Mvstic Park, Boston, Sept. 7, 1877, ijl. 000. Alley. Tom Keeler, Honest Harry, (,!ueechy Maid, 2:25, 2:25i:,. 2:24'/2. lliirtford. Conn., Sept. 20. 1877, .$1,200. Blackwood Jr. 1. Nil Desperanduni. 2:25, 2:21^, 2:23, 2:24^2. June 27, 1879, .§600. Steve Maxwell 1, Capt. Emmons, 2:25'2, 2:24^4, 2:22'.!, 2:21. Plainville, Conn., July 4. 1879. $600. Capt. Emmons, Sheridan (1 dis),2:26. 2:26. 2:25. W. H. Crawford, Prospect Park, L. I., June 1, 1880, $750. Richard 2, Sheridan, Capt. Emmons, 2:23^4, 2:21,2:22U. 2:23. LonisvUle, Ky.. Oct. 5 and 6, 1880, .«800. Will Cody 1. 4 (3 0), Bonesetter (3 0), Von Arnim (5 dr). Orange Cirl (.'Ulisi, 2;23i4„2:23, 2:23'4, 2:21, 2:21?4. 2:26^4. — .lackson. Mich., June 8, 1881. $1,000. Bonesetter, Wedgewood. Hannis. 2:29}/). 2:30. 2:28. Stallions. . Sprint^lield, -Mass., Aug. .SO, 1881, $1,000. Lucy 1, Emma B., Dan Smith, Steve Maxwell, Pilot R.. Irene, :\Iazo Maiiie (1 dis), 2:22! 2, 2:23"2, 2:2014. 2:22i4- — MvsticPark, Boston, Sept. 7,1881. .$800. Lucy 1,2, Dan Smith, Pilot R., Noontide (5 dr), Emma B. (2 dis), Irene (1 dis), 2:22, 2:22, 2:24'/2, 2:2414. 2:24)^. Dover, Del.. Sept. 30, 1881, $600. Goldfinder 3, 4, Scotland, 2:2914. 2 -.SIH. 2:31, 2:371.;, 2:3514. Volunteer, (Boll V Lewis), bg (3 :39'4), bv American Star. H. Woodruff, Union Cour.se, L. I., Oct. 9. 18G2, .$600. Belle of Portland (VV) 1, 2, 2 :.34-^4, 2 :31 ' j, 2 :34, 2 :35i4, • Volunteer, (w)bs (3:37), by Hambletonian, dam Lady Patriot, by \ oung Patriot. AUlen Goldsmith, Goshen, N. Y., Aug. 21. 1862. $ . Competitors not named, 2:39. Hartford. Conn., Aug. 21, 1867. .$.50. George .'\L Patchen Jr.. 2:37. Volunteer, gr g (3:3314), by Pilot .Ir, dam by Cripple. R. Johnson, Cincinnati, O.. June25, 1869. $200. Frank 4, Wlute Face, Tonibstone 1 (2 0), (4 dis), Lou Loder (5 dr). 2:31. 2:3214. 2:3414, 2:35'2.2:.36, 2:40=Si. Buffalo, N. \'.. .luly 20. I,S69, .$.500. German (iirl. Bloomer (2 dri. 2:35, 2:34. 2:34. .rulv 30, 1869, .$200.' Dreadnaught 1, 4, Frank 3. Belle. 2:.;7, 2:34. , 2:34i». 2:3514, 2:36i4. Louisville, Kv., Mav]7, 1870, $.500. W. K. Thomas 3, 2:45, 2:34'^, 2:32i4. 2:321^. Volunteer, b m (3:18), bv Volunteer. Guy Miller, (ioshen. N. Y'., Sept, 12, 1871, $75. Lady Miller, Duke, 3:20, 3:18. Three-vear-olds. Volunteer, br s (3:3'7), bv Gen. Dana, dam Novato Damsel, 1)y Novato Chief. D. Brown, Vallejo, Cal., Sept. 29, 1875. $1.50. Alta, Or'chara Bov. Gen. Tavlor (1 dis). Best time. 3:02. P'onr-vear-olds. San Francisco. Cal., Nov. 7, 1878, .$2.50. Xelly McClellan 2. Zero,Bodine.2:.30?4. 2:8014. 2:29. 2:33i^. Sonoma, Cal.. Sept. .30. 1879. .$400. Flora Hayward 3, Alonzo Hayward 1, 2 (6 dr), Lou Whipple, Lady Ger- trude,2:.3.5i4, 2:.37i4.2:35'i, 2:34, 2:.33^2:38. M. Rollan, (^kland, Cal.. Oct. 25, 1879. $7.50. Alonzo Havward 2. 3. Lady Emm ett .5. Lady Gertrude i5 dr). Pinole Patchen (5 dr). Gentle Annie (5 dr). Stranger (5dr), Pete 1 (2 dis), 2:28. 2:30. 2:321/2,2:331/2, 2:36, 2*3.314 2 '3314. — b. Brown, Petaluma, Cal., Sept. 8, 1880, .$300. Tommv Dodd 3. Gentle Annie. Rustic (1 dis), 2:36i4, 2:30i4, 2:34, 2:32'4. Volunteer Belle, ch m (3 :40';). bv Volunteer. A, H. Danforth, Greenville. N. Y'., j\Iav 28. 1875. $250. Beauty, 3, J. Thomas Davis, Johnny (4 dn. 2:40i4, 2:41U, 2:44. 2:4.3. Volunteer Maid, b m (3:37). by Volunteer, dam by the Drew Horse. F. J. Nodine, Woonsocket. R. I.. June 5, 1877. $150. Lady Balch. Dandy (3 dis), Sam Morrill (3 dis), 2:49, 2:.50, 2:48. lune 8, 1877, $150. Dandv, 2:43^4. 2:46,2:48. Providence, R. I., June 12, 1877, $150. Amanda 2, 3, Lady Balch, Maggie D., Dandv. Dora (l dis), 2:41, 2:43, 2:43' 2, 2;.38i4. 2:37]4. June 14, 1877, $1.50. Lady Balch. Maggie D.. Dandv. 2:41, 2:4414. 2:40'.i. Fitchburgh. Mass.. June 27. 1877, .$400. Honest Farmer 1, 3. Cora F. 4, Oshlega Belle, Harry, Belle of Worcester, 2 :.39, 2:39. 2:38' 2 2:42,2:40,2:41. Meriden. Conn.. Julv 4,1877, $300. Dan Rockett 1. 2, Walter .3, Fannv Jefferson. Roan Jack, Butcher Boy (1 dis). Albino (1 dis), 2:34, 2:35, 2:37, 2:3.5?^. 2:37. 3:4814. R E. Dunham, Providence, R. I., Oct. 25, 1878, $300. Little Wonder (20), Croff, Delight, Y'oung Buchanan (2 dis). 2:27, 2:30, 2:28, 2:30'i^. Von Arnim, b s (3 :19i^), bv i?entinel, dam Mav Short, bv Blood's Black Hawk. L. Herr. Louisville, Ky., July 8 and 9, 1879. $800. iMcCiirdy's Hambletonian 3. William L., Kentucky Girl. Fannv Witherspoon, France's Alexander, Sut. Lovingood, Albert F., Judge Hawes (3 dis). Trinket (i dis), 2:.30, 2:28'-. 2:.32. 2.25"2. Cynthiana, Ky., Oct. 19. 1880, $500. Voltaire 1, Orange Girl, Indianapolis, Will Cody, 2:24, 2:241^, 2:24:2:23. — ^ N. W. Kittson, Minneapolis, Minn., Sept. 12, 1881, $1,000. Capt. Herod. Portion, 2:28'2, 2:32i/4, 2:29. Stallions. Chicago, 111.. July 17, 1882, .$5,000. Monroe Chief, ,J. B. Thomas, Voltaire. 2:20. 2:209.C, 2:20. Rochester. N. Y.. Aug. 12. 1882, $2,000. Early Rose, Driver, Fred Douglass, J. P. Morris (3 dis), Hum- boldt (3 dr), 2:2014, 2:21?i. 2:19K. Owatonna, .Minn.. Sept. 6. 188.3. $400. Capt. Herod. 2:30?^, 2:3414, 2:33i.<;. D. W. Woodmansee. Rochester, Minn.. Sept. 13. 1883. .$400. Capt. Herod, 2:26. 2:29, 2:24-^. Von Moltke Jr., b s (3:53^^), bv Von Moltke. dam bv Gen. Knox. H. Gott', Lewiston, Me., Oct. 20, 1880, $ . Gen. Lyon Jr.. Telephone, 2:.53, 2:.53i'c, 2:.52%. Voorhees Mare, br m (3:43). .L Dunn. Amsterdam, N. Y., Oct. 2, 1867. $75. Fanny Lawrence. True John, .lohn (3 dr), Rosanna (3 dr). 2:4.3. 2:46. 2:48. Vosburar (w). ch s (3 :41). by Mambrlno Pilot. Mrs. Vosburgh. Philadelphia. Pa., Sept. 15. 1869, $500. Lizzie Patchen (w),2:.53"2, 2:.57i4. 2:43=^. J. Lovetl. Lancaster. Pa.. Oct. 6. 1870, .$.300. Dave. Blue Belle, 2:42)^. 2:46'4', 2:41. Vulcan, blk g (3 :33). John Demas, Pontiac, Mich., June 16, 1869, $ . Frank Rolfe, Capt. Tom, Informer, (1 dis), 2:441^. 2::HH June 17, 1869. $.300. Bill Merr\-man. Informer. 15:19^i. Five miles. George Cox. Detroit, Mich.. June 23. 1,869. .$400. Cozette 2, Charlev Welch (4 dis). 2:45,2:45, 2:43i4. 2:44k June 24, 1869, $450. Frank Rolfe, Bob Hunter, Phoebe (1 dis). 2:3'6?i, 2:40i4. 2:3714. 702 CHESTEUS COMlM.in !•: TKOTTINC ANU I'ACI.NG UECOKJX Julv 5. 1S69, S500. Frank Rolfe. 2:M. 2::;8ki, 2:41'4. Sept. 10, ist;9,.$ . K. Hilliurd 1. Clura, Clara I>ee. 2:36^. 2:35^, 2:33'/4, 2:36. Vulcan, blk r (2:35), bv Oreeii Mountain Banner, dam by Vt. Hainblt-tDnian. K. Murphv, Trov, N. Y.. June 2t;. 187(;. ?200. 15illy 1.3, Win. 11. Van C'ott. .lolm Henrv, Tom Marker, Cambridjie Girl, Major (5 dr). Ed. Murj)liy.lr. (3ro), Clara W. (2dis). 2:43. 2:44. 2::59'2, 2:44'.i. 2:4.'!i'4. T. S. Hollister, Albany, N. Y., Sept. 11, 1877, S300. Ben Smith, Ned Forrest, Camon, Marv Russell, 2:27, 2:2!1K>. 2:29'j. Mvstic Park, Boston, Oct. 18. 1877, S400. Joe Ripley 1. Ila/.or, Barnev Kellv, OeorRcH.. F:iugh !i Bal- iatrh <2 dis). 2:2.5, 2:2.';. 2:2.14. 2:27U. (Jeo. Haner. Prospect Park, I-. I.. May 10 and 11, 1878. $400. Alley 4, 5, Nelly Irwin 1, Charley Green. Result, narby. (ir.-iee (3 <\r). 2:27. 2:28. 2:27?i, 2:30'i, 2:my„ 2:3f,';. AUkhiv N. Y.. .lillv t. 1878. .«:400. Driver, Viv.'indien', 2:27'.;. •.':2r,U. 2:29U-,. PI;iinville. Conn.. Oct. !». 1878, .S.JOO. I,:idv l);iKgflt, Result. Cliarley Mac 13 dr), 2:30^, 2:29'/,, 2:32. Albany, N. Y., Nov. 8, 1878, $200. Nelly Irwin, 2:31, 2:32, 2:32)^. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PAGING RECORD. 705 w Wabasb, gr g (3 :35). S. Harris, Kansas City, Mo., Sept. 26, 1882, $400. Coriauder 3, Mack. 2 :35i^, 2:37, 2 :39^ 2:35. Kansas City, Mo., Sept. 29, 1882, $400. Forest Pilot 1. Bird (3 dis), 2:45, 2:45i^, 2:46, 2:45. Wabash Chief (w), cli g (3:43). H. Graves, Clncago, 111., Aug. 16, 1858, $300. Leviathan (w) 4, Col. Doty(w) 1, Stranger (w) (1 dis), 3:07, 3:0:i, 2:58, 2:52. 2:49!.<.. (w) June 8, 1859, .$75. Dick (w). 3:01, 2:.56i^, 2:54. (W) Aug. 10, 1859, $400. .Tojin (W) (3 dr), 2:50. 2 :56, . A. White, Aug. 30, 1860. $ . Buckeye, 2:47, 2:483^' 2:43. W. A. Brown, b g (2:43). James Irving, Harlem, N. Y., Aprill9, 1855, $200. Blue Morgan 2, 2 :47, 2 :46, 2:42. Waco (3 :36J4). Wilev Jones. Houston. Texas, May 19, 18T4, $ . Maggie Mitchell 1, 2:44, 2:37, 2:36»4. Wade Hampton, ch g (3 :34i4). A. Johnson, Toledo. O., July 3, 1872, $1,500. St. Vincent 3, Lady Suffolk 1, Lizzie D., Billy (3 dis). Leonard (3 dis\ ,2:42'4, 2:38, 2:41^. 2:iOM. July 4, 1872, $2,000. Fred 1. Little Longfellow, Cy Auger, Tom Waiter, Zilcadie Golddust (3 dis). Brown KateC dis), 2:33, 2:34^4,2:35, 2:36. Wade Hampton, ch g(3 :37;4), by Amboy, dam Lady Pollock. C. W. Peter, Lawrence, Kan.. Sept. 14, 1880, $500. lona 1. 2, Mattie Graham, 2:37^, , 2:37'2, 2:.39. 2:,37^s. Wade Hampton, grg (3:33). by Almont, Jr. E. F. Geer, Montgomery, Ala., Nov. 9, 1880, $100. Mamie. Fanny F., Jennie K., Bill Mobdv(2 dis), 2:46)^, 2:.')0?i, 2:.53^. Wagner, h g (3:51). M. Fuller. Greenfleld. Mass., Aug. 29, 1857, $200. Lady Buchanan. 2:51, 2:.51, 2:53^. Hartford, Conn., May 1.5, 18.58, $100. Glastenbury Boy 1, 2 (3 0) (4 dr). 2:52, 2:50. , . AVagner, b g (3:40i4). Tom Norton. St. Louis, Mo., Nov. 15, 1867, $50. Stonewall 3, Addison, Lady Riley, 2:.52, 2:47;'i, 2:48'4,2:48. Jack Carlin, May — , 1868, .$200. Keno, Billy, 2:55, 2:49?4', 2:4714. Wagner's Bashaw (Switzer), br s (3:3594), by Green's Bashaw, dam Mayflower, by Champ. .1. S. Wagner, Earlville. 111., Aug. 21, 1878, $500. Lady Groesbeck 1, Granger 2, Kitty Bates, David H. (3 dis), Callahan's Maid (2 dis), 2:33, 2:32^4, 2:,32'4, 2:361^. 2:3.5. Macomb, III., Aug. 29. 1878, $3,50. Mat Kirkwood, Lady M., Granger, Aldine (3 dr), J. M. Botts, Jr (3dis), 2:321^, 2:3P4, 2:3114. CJedar Rapids. la., Sept. 19. 1878, $300. Fred Douglas, 2:33. 2:33>2). H. C. Pyatt, Cedar Rapids, la., Oct. 13. 1874, $150. Whalebone 1, Joe Golddust 2. Monarch, B.av Bobby (3 dr), 2:46, 2:42, 2:41i4, 2:45, 2:42. Wait a Bit. b s (3:331^). Major Buford, Nashville, Tenn., Oct. 7, 1872, $300. Bryant's ch s, Boyce's b m. 2A3U. 2-49?4, 2:47. Four-year-olds. W^ait a Bit, h m (2 :31 ), by Basil Duke, dam by Glencoe. Woodward & Brasfield, Eminence, Ky., Sept. 22, 1881. .$i.=in. Alice Stoner, Ross. 2:38, 2:31'/2. 2:31. Wait a While, ch g (3:53). J. Rankin, Saco, Me., Oct. 12, 1860, $10. Ford 1. Black Hawk. 3:07, 2:59, 2-54. 2 :.53. Wait a While, bg(3:38). F. Howell, Hudson, N. Y.. Sept. 26. 1882, $200. ' Nelly, Bay Len, Spice 2-421^. 2:42'/2,2:41. .7. j -i- , . 73, Waiting, b g (3 :35?4), by Lexington Chief Jr., dam by Fisk's Mambrino Chief. H. C. Hoag. Lansing, Mich., June 1, 1882. .$300. Boyd Pantland. Cheek, Mambrino George, Elmore, Belding Bov, Jenny Wells. William S., Boy Fred (2 dis), 2:37'/2, 2:35, 2:35. June 2, 1882. $1.50. Mambrino Sparkle 1, Cora Bell (4 dr), Belle F. (2 dis), 2:40, 2:37, 2:42%, 2:51. Four- year-olds. Barry & Fox, Chicago. 111., .Inly 15. 1882, $l.8.'i0. Bronze 3, 4, Jav Eye See 5, 6, Jim Booman. Adelaide. Ed Geers, 2:28V4. 2:2554, 2 :2.5i^. 2:26J^. 2:22^4. 2:234. 2:30. Four-vear-olds. Centreville, Mich., Oct. 5, 1882, $1.50. Rufus O., Lilly Pathfinder, 3:00. 2:54, 2:.38i4. Four-year olds. Schoolcraft, Mich., May 25, 1883, $200. Molly Middleton 2, Nelly May, 2:34, 2:34i^, 2-33>^, 2:32V4 704 CHKSTKK'S COMI'I.KTK TKO lil NC AM) PACING KKC'OKl). Jackson, Mich., AuRUSt 24, 18«3. $300. Lady Brownell, Dr. Frank, Ham Morrison (3 ilis), 2:29»4. 2-30>4, 2:31'2. Tok-do, O.. Sept. 13, 188.3. §400. Lady Brownell, Bnrns, 2-31'4. 2:32, 2:31V4. riiic.ip). 111., Si-pt. 29, 1KH.3. $500. Hij; Soaii 1. 2:28. 2:28. 2:26. IrVaketielii, b y (!i:4«,4). San Francisco. <'al.. .July 21, 1877, $150. Careless Boy 2, Honest .lohn 3, BillyTavlor UoUing.Iack (1 dis), 2:47'.i. 2:45. 2:4454, 2:4(i^»,2:47'2. Make up Jake, ^r {; ('4 :.54i. II. I'ierce, Searboro. .Me.. .June 3, 18.57, .$200. Wait a While, 3:02, 2:54. 3:00. AValcott, ar g CZ-AT^). \V. I'arker. .New Hayen, Conn., Oct. 3, 1879, $75. J. l". Allen, Neighbor lips. Luck 2:47',4. 2:4i»'j, 2:48. AValdeii 3Iaid. br ni {'i-MrtU,). \V. K. Weeks, Fleetwood Park, N. Y., May 2(;, 1874, $600. (Jeor}?e Maynard 3 4, Lady Dalilnian 2. Cora F., AMialebone, A II. Klliolt, Sweetmeat. 2:.3.".i/., 2:3S, 2:,37i4. 2:30, 2-41 2-41 ' "\Valcl«) C'hiof.blksC'J:a«l^),by Gen. Knox. H. H. Tuft. Fairlleld, Me.. Aug. (i. 1875, $1.50. Marv L. I A7.ro Koekwell. Palnu'r Knox (3 dn. Young America (2 dis». Wizz (2 disi, 2:4tiJ4, 2:43, 2:39, 2:44. .\ug. 10, 1K7.5, $1,50. Millinoeket, Azro. Twilight. 2:;i8. 2:40. 2:40. Bangor, Me., Aug. l.S. ls75. S1.50. Azro. Monarcli, Brick, 2:41?4, 2i3y,. 2;40'i. Aug. 14, 1.S75, .Sl.iO. .\zrn. Brick, .Major. 2:4!i, 2:40. 2:44. Walkill. b s la ::J.">). l)y NYalkill Chief, (l:un Dolly Uoyt. L. V. C. Hess, Oneida, N. Y., October 13, 1882, $10. Morocco I. ■.':.!(;, 2:3(li..,. •_>:;;5. ■\Valkill, 1) tr I ;$ :0;j>. F.~ Vanilekar. Albany, N. Y., Oct. 20, 188.3, $.50. Child's b g, 3:03, 3:05, 3:0.5. "Wallac*-, blk s (;J:">S). L. Ford. Stanstead. Can., Oct. 5, 1858. $50. Korman George, Norman (2 dis), Moun- tain Sprout (2 dn. 3;03 2:.58, 3:00. "Wallace, cli g (» :41). Chas. S. (ireen, Utlca. N. Y.. Aug. 14, 1872, $3,000. Brown Bashaw 1, Koan Jack, Light- foot (3 (list, conn-e (3 dis), 2:41';. 2:41, 2:45'.i. 2:43. ^VaIlai, 2:49, 2:43. Olvmpia, W. T., Aug. 31. 1882, $100. Lummix. Lucy VYeaver, 2:47U,, 2:47. Portland, Oregon, Sept. 27, 1882, $300. (iold Ftiil 4, 5, Johnny~Blue 1, 2:39, 2:35'4, 2:3.5^,2:36,2:32, 2:37' i. W^alnut. b s (3 :33^), l)v Florida, dam Kelief, by Messenger Hambletonian. A. Goldsmith, Morrisania, N. Y.. Sept. 30, 1882. $ . W. O. Oct. 7, 1882, $900. W. O. 2:.39. Y'oungstown, O., July 4. 1883, $.500. George M.. Mistletoe, 2:29'i, 2:29, 2:27. "Walpol*' Colt c? :00). J. Walpole, Oswego, N. Y., Sept. 5. 1874, $ . Millott's s, Buell's s. Best time 3:00. Four-year-olds. Walter, Ij s (3 ■Al'fS). A. Rideout, Calais. Me., Sept. 20, 1865. $ . Phil Sheridan, 2:471.^, 2:44'.^, 2:41?4. Walter, ch g (3 :5«). M. C. Wilbur, Omaha, Neb., Nov. 13, 18G7, $100. Dolly Brown, 1, 2 (4 dr), Bay Billy, 2:51, 2:54. 2:.56, 2:.57, 2:58. Walter (\Valtor Lee), gr g (3:41'). Wm. B. Harris. Sharon. Pa., Sei)t. 2.3, 1871, $300. Kitty, St. Vincent. Mohawk M;iid. Lady Alice (3 dis), Mary (2 dis). Dave Hill (2 dis). 2:42i.o. 2:41^4, 2:41. Walter, rn g (;i::{;i'4). Ben Mace, A menia, N. Y.. June 10, 1872, $300. Mary A. Whitney, 0.\ton, Buckskin Maid, 2:.56'5, 2:.54?4, 2:49;4. Walter, b g (3 :43). F. Fowler, Titusville, Pa., July 4, 1872, $175. Lilly, 1, 2. 2:47, 2:48'/2, 2:47, 2:44, 2:.53y5. F. VV. Abbott, July 16. 1872, $200. IJlly, 2:47U'. 2:45. 2:42. W^alter, b s (3 :.%7). F. C. Jeffrey, Galveston. Texas. Oct. 20, 1873, $ . Stockbridge Chief, 2:57. Walter, ch g (3:29'i\ bv Cohnnbus. C. E. Mosher. Mystic Park. Bost(m, May 23. 1877, $200. Jimmy. W'ood- stock, Billy Dow, Miller's Damsel, Jules Tower. Chester (1 dis\ 2:35»4, 2:38;4. 2:36'/i. Lawrence. Mass.. Jmie 1, 1877. .$200. Billy Dow. Aaron, 2:41}^, 2:44. 2:42. Keene, N. H., Aug. 1, 1877, $250. Haft. Harry, Dan Rocket, 1, 2 (5 dis). Col. Lakeman (4 dr;, 2:39)4, 2:35,- 2:3.5,2:36. 2:40. Claremont, N. 11.. Aug. 8. 1877. $2.50. Dan Rockt^t 1. Peter, 2:40, 2:35'2, 2:41^. 2:40. Springneld, Vt.. Aug. 1.5. 1877. .$250. Dan Uockel 1. Peter. Col. Lakeman (3 disi, 2:43, 2:40, 2:39U, 2:39'/i. Bath, Me., Aug. 2!i, 1877, $2.50. Black Pilot. Dan Rocket, Little Fred, Careless Boy, Sudden (2 dr), 2:36, 2:371.1. 2 :.3,5. Portland. Me.. Sept. 6, 1877. $2.50. Dan Rocket 1. John H. Ferry, Black Rose, Emperor Williiini, Belle Knox, Careless Boy, Royal Knox. 2:34'/j, 2:36'.i. 2:36!^, 2:.3.5i4. Lancaster, N. H"., Sept. 13, 1877, $200. Dan Rocket, 1 (2 0), Oliver Twist (2 0), Falcon, 2:36, 2:36>^, 2:36?U, 2:36'4,2:3.5'4. Lawrence. Mass., Oct. 3. 1877, $.300. Clara J. 1. Lady Daggett, John Virgin. 2:35, 2:3514, 2:38'4, 2:38. Oct. 4, 1877. .$2.50. Dan Rocket, Eva. Cora F.. Harry Conklin, 2:35»4. 2:36. 2:35. Worcester, Mass.. Sept. 4. 1878. ,$.300. Croff. Belle of Worcester, John Liimbert, 2:3.5, 2:37»-4. 2:38. Pittsburgh. Pa., Oct. 11, 1881, $500. Frank Ross 1, Alleghany Boy. Klcho, Little Sam, Pilgrim, 2:32, 2:33'/,,^ 2:34''4. 2::i.3. W. II. Bnvce, Wheeling, W. Va., June f 1882. .$.500. liig Ike, 2, 6 (5 0), Tola 1, Neshannock, Hoosier Girl, 2 :32^. 2 :.35V^. 2 -.SVi. 2 :.37, 2 ::J7, 2 :39. 2 :49!/>. Miirshall, Mich., Aug. 11, 1882, $:J00. Molly Middleton 1, Lookout Jr. 2, Lady Kern. 2::i4'i, 2:30.^, 2:32, 2:.33, 2:32"2. Walter, b g (3 :37\ S. B. Hill, Pembroke, Me., Sept. 27, 1877, $ . 2:44, 2:41, 2:45. Competitors not named. Calais, M:-., Aug. 10, 1881. $ . Black Arthur, Jennv, Richmond Girl (1 dis), 2:38, 2:.39, 2:37. Machias, Me., Sept. — , 1881, $175 .\ed 2. Unkimwn. 2:.39. 2:40. 2:39, 2:38. Sept. 20. I.SKJ. ,$ . (^;ipt. Spragne. Bavard Bright. 2:43.2:41. 2:42. Walter, ch s (3 : 38). T. Reese Jr.. Lewiston. Pa., Sept. 25, 1878, $75. Little Jenny, Music. Jenny, Lizzie (2 dis). 3:42M, 3:40, 3:38. Walter C, ch g (3:39). H. W. Hicks, Amenia, N. Y., Sept. 5, 1883, .$1.50. Briarins 1, Fanny Thome, Frank (2 dis), 2:,50, 2:41, 2:42'';, 2 -.39. Falls Village, Conn.", Sept. 11, 1883, $100. May Jefferson l. l";inny Thome, Bay Jack (2 dis), 2:39, 2:40>b. 2:41,2:41. Walter H., h gf2:44'>4). S. Hall, Meriden, Conn., Sept. 23, 1877, .$200. Kitty Hills 1, 3, Milo. Clara Banks. Victoria (3 dis). 2:40, 2:45. 2:48'4. 2:46''5, 2:47. W^alter J., h g (3 :4/>). S, H. Lawson, Dubu(ine, la., June, 6, 1877, $250. Billy Boy 2, Jullen Dubutpie, Black Swan. 2:50, 2:45, 2:45, 2:48. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 705 Walter Jones, blk s (3:34i4). bv Conklin's American Star, dam Lady Fashion, by L. I. Black Hawk. J. Garnuiii. Hudson, Mich.. June U, issj, .IjilOO. VaUev (iiii, Boyd I'., Odd Fellow. H:41. U:41»4. 2::i5'2. Walter K.. b g (3 :O0). E. F. Wilson, Manchester, N. H.. Aug. 23, 1878, f . Young Tuck, French Boy, (ieorge. Lawrence Boy (3dis), 3:00. 3:04, 3:04'c. Aug. .{0. 1878. S . French Bov 1, Little Tuck, Lawrence Boy. 3:01, 3:01, 3:02. L. Dodge, Goffstown, N. H., Sept. Jo, 1S7I». .§75. Kva 2, Honest Billy 1, 3:10, 3:10, 3:00. 3:00. 3:00. Sept. -.'4. 187;i, :;.')0 Black i'rince. Honest Hilly. .'J 04. :;:0.5, 3:00. "Walter L... gr g ('Z :40i. S. Harris, ludiaiiaiioJis, liid., .Sept. 20, 1877, .§140. Kitty Bates, Edward G., 2:4t;, 2:to, 2:40. Walter'.s Brown Mare (3;4~i4). R.Walters, Fashion Course, L. I.. June 9, 1S06. .? . Ben Dolan 1.4, Harrv, ^Lirceline, Knock Knee (Sdr), 2;4«U, 2:47i4, 2:48' o, 2:45^, 2:47'4. Walter Taylor, b g (.3:40). Mystic Park. Boston, Sept. 2,5, 1882, $100. Cassius (2 dis). Peerless (1 dis), 2:42, 2:4:!. Wanderer, gr g (3 :46ii). C. A. Reed, Augusta, Ga., .March 10. 1860. Prize, silver. Chance 2, Lucv (,4 dr) Xed (i dr), Jim (4 dr), 2:56. 2:.-Jl, 2:WU. 2:401.1. Wapello Chief (a :41). Ottumwa, la., July 11, 1877, §400. Logan B. 2, 3, Ladv Alice, Leay, Lex, American Girl, 2:42, 2:42, 2:40, 2:42, 2:41. Wapsie, b s C-i :35), bv Green's Bashaw, dam by Joe Gales. J. W. Bowersank, Davenport, la., Sept. 7, ls7l, .*:!00. Wilton. Major Holmes (1 dis). Bay George (1 dis), 2:40 u, 2:4.~>ic, 2:.")0. Cedar Rapids, la., Sept. 12, 1871, ■■? . Reconstruction 3, Hobby Golddust (4 <'_r), Bonner <3 dr), 2:3.5. 2:.!7, 2:4:;'4- -':41';. Henry Hess, Muscatine. la., Sept. 19, 1872, .§17.5. Belle McXair. Fleta, Mambrino Star, 2:43'2, 2:;;9. 2:42'i. "Wapsie Boy, blk g{!J:36), by Wapsie. L. Woodruff, Mankato, Minn., June 19, 1878. .$400. Erl King, Grape- vine, Stormer, Spot, William A. Wheeler, 2:3u',4. 2:;!!)^, 2:37?4- Wapsie Boy, b g (3 :47i4,), by Comet. R. C. and W. N. Faurot, Upper Sandusky, O., Oct. 21, 1882, .§200. Anna A. 2. Minnie Mav. Ida Mav, Daisy, 2 :49i4, 2:51^, 2:47i4, 2:47}^. Ward Jr.. b g (3 :5i' 2). J. VVard. Jersey City. X. J., May 17, 1878, .§100. Frank 2. Poor Pat. I-adv Tompkins, 2 :51i^. 2:51'2, 2:.58i4, 2:56. War Eagle, grg (3:33), bv Genesee Gray. Wm. King, Philadelphia, Pa., July 17. 18.51.. $1,000. Taeonyl(40), 2 : .34. 2 : .35, 2 :&. 2 :.36»^, 2 :40. "War Kagle, ch g (3 :44). J. E. Fish, Rochester, N, Y., :May 25, 1853, .$100. Hero (2 dis), Smelt r2 dis). Steep Rock (1 dis),Robin (1 dis). 5:.5.5. 5:39. Two-miles. .lune 1, 18.53, $150. Ganarqua 3. Silas Wright, 2:4.5, 2:44, 2:44, 2:451-4. June .3, 1853, .$200. Ganarqua, Silas Wright. 5:.37, 5:;_i24, Two miles. War Eagle,gr s (3:51). Mr. Nichols, Westport. Conn., May, 15, 18.58. $ . Black Monroe, 2:51. 2:.58. War Eagle, ch g (3:51). V. W. Bullock, Burlington, la., Sept. 19, 1883, .$100. Fanny L., Silky II dis), 2:54, 2:51,2:56. "Warner's Bay Mare, (3:59?.^). R. Warner, Centreville, Mich., Mav 19. 1881, $100. Matilda Jane, Waiting, ■ 2:.59'2. 3:01. Three-year-olds. "Warnock's Bay Stallion (3:45). John R. Warnock, Lexington, Ky., Sept. 18, 1867, $2,000. Green's gr s 2:47'a, 2:45. "Warren, 1) g (3 :36i4). W. C. Avery, Urantfort, Out., Aug. 11, 1881, $200. Harry Lewis 1, 2, Blanche B., Nelly, Belle Legacy, Carlton, Lady Myers (4 dis), Mohawk Queen (2 dis), Little Stub (2 dis). Belle Clarke (2 dis), 2:3914, 2:41, 2:40, , . Aug. 12, 1881, $200. Harry Lewis 1. Mohawk Queen, Nelly, Yorkville Maid, Blanche B. U dis). Little Stu'o (3 dis). Canada Girl (3 dr), Belle Clark (2 dis), 2:40, 2:40, 2:40, . Erie, Pa., Sept. 15. 1881,, $300. Albert B., Ollie. Duke, Goldstone, 2:40'.!. 2:40»/i, 2:40. Bradford, Pa., Sept. 6 and 7. 1883, $500. Lilly Dale 1, 2 (5 dr). Hi Miller 4 (5dr), Waxie B. (5 dr). Harry- Moore (5 dr), Stephen S. (5 dr), Robert Burns (4 dr), Minnie Lambert (3 dr), 2:39)4, 2:3914 2:,39y, 2:4414. Unfinished. Warren Pilot, ch s (3:11). J. S. Warren, Belvidere, N. J., Oct. 9. 1868, $20. Pilot and Mate 2, 3:15, 3:16, 3:12. Three-year-olds. iw)0ct. 9, 18G8, .$20. Messenger Colt 3(2 0). 3:12, 3:14, 3:1.3, 3:16. 3:11. Warr Hullett, b s (3:41), by Woodruff's Columbus, dam by Andrew's Hambletonian. Jas. Moore Middle, Granville, N. Y., June 20. 1874, $ . Sleepy David 1, 2:.50, 2:42, 2:41,2:11^. Warrior, ch s (3:43). J. Wheeler, Oxford, Pa., Nov. 1, 1858, .$200. Sarsaparilla (1 0), 2:45, 2:42, 2:42. Warrior, blk g (3 :36i6r Wm. Rilev, Detroit, Mich.. June 18, 1863, .$600. Mambrino, 2:43, 2:3914. Wm. S. McLaughlin. Sept. 10, 1863..$.500. Mambrino. 2:39i.i. 2:41. 2:3994. Mr. Duncan, Sept. 23, 1863, $2,000, Primus (w), 2:361^, 2:40, 2:41)4. July 4, 1866, .$200. Gray Eagle. 2:.54. 2 :40i4, 2:43. "Warrior, ch g t3 :46). D. S. Fields, Belvidere, N. J.. Jidv 27, 1867. $105. Meadow Mouse. Commodore (2dr), 2:53, 2:49, 2:47. Easton, Pa., Aug. 24, 1867, $400. Bill Jackson 2, Jenny Lind, 2:.52, 2:56, 2:58, 2:52. Sept. 5, 1867, $400, Fanny Fisher, Jennv Lind. Bill Jackson, 2 :55, 2:50, 2:55. Oct. 26, 1867, $100. Brovvu Billy 1, 2 :59, 2:.52i/<;, 2 :.50. 2 :47. H. C. Eck, Sept. •-, 1869. .$25. Doctor Jackson 2, 3:07, 3:00, 3:02, 3:02, A. Miller, Rittersville, Pa., May 12, 1870, $100. Surprise 4, (3 0), (50), (6 dr). Rattler (5 dis), 2:49)4, 2:50, 2:.50, 2:48,2:51, . Easton, Pa., June 22, 1870, $150. Lady Douglas 3, Greenwich Maid, Tom Craig, Dan Richards (2 dis), Ben i2 dr), 2:46i4, 2:47%, . 2:.50)^. Warrior, grg (3:53). J. Pfifer. BaltTmore. Md., June 18, 1868, $300. Lady Washington 1, Honest George, 2:53. 2:.52, 2:53 Warrior, gr g (3 :43?4). B. S. Worthington, Lamb Tavern, Pa , July 12, 1875, $100. Paddler 2, 2:.51)^, 2:46?4, 2:42?4, 2:43. Warrior, br g (3 :36), by Indian Chief, dam by Rockaway. Robert Ewing. Nashville, Tenn., May 24,1876, $500. Darby, Mina Linck, Black Sophy, Albertine (3 dis), Ladv Bransford (2 dis). Lulu (2 dis), 2:40)^, 2:.33, 2:, 3.5. Cynthiana, Ky., July 6, 1876, $500. George, Mambrino Billy, Pasacas (1 dis), 2:36%, 2:34, 2:35)4, A. J. McKimmin. Rutherford Co.. Tenn.. July 4, 1877. $50. Bay Fisher. Ram, 2:38?4, 2:39)4, 2:40%. Pittsburgh. Pa., Aug. 22. 1877, .$.500. Beulah (1 0), Frank Miller, Little Roan, Orange Billy, 2:36. 2:36, 2:36, 2:37. D. A. Wild, Nashville, Tenn., Sept. 10, 1878, $500. Charley T., Josephine, Scott's Chief, Bay Fisherman, Fanny Robinson (1 dis), 2:34)4, 2:.35i/2, 2:34i/2. A. J. McKimmin, Mt. "Vernon, O., July — , 1879, $150. Foxie V., Alex S., Bay Frank. Ancient Order Boy, 2:31, 2:.32'^, 2:33. Macomb, 111., Aug. 29, 1879, .$ . Fanny Robinson, Lady M,. Don Quixote, 2:30, 2:31i4. 2:30. Minneapolis, Minn., Sept. 3, 1879, $1,000. Little Wonder, Billy Bov, Fleta, 2:28. 2:29, 2:31i4. Sept. 4, 1879, $1,000. Harry, Richwood. Mambrino Boy. 2:.30. 2:28, 2:26. Quincy, 111., Sept., 9, 1879, $1,000. Ada Paul 1, Little 'Wonder, 2:28, 2:26, 2:29, 2:31. 45 706 CHESTER'S COMPLETE THOTTINC AND PACINC HKCORD. ■Warsaw, ch g (2 :40). Chas. Dickennan. Daiibury, t'oiui., Oct. 0. isTs, .•Jl.jo. AddiP E. r., Lester. 2:41,2:43, 2AS14. Fleetwood Park, N. Y., Nov. IG, 1K78, S50. Ericsson (\v> 2. Uiek (\vi. Frank (w;. McPritchard (w) 1. (3 dr), 2:41. , 2:40, 2:40'/2. 2:4.si,j. Warsaw, hlk g («:43). H. Polls, Kingston, N. Y., Sept. 9, 1882. -S . Tom Norton 2, 3, 2:47. 2:453i, 2:45'/i, 2:4.'-). 2:43. "Warwick, 1) .s (3 :!J!>',2), bv F:tlian Allen, dam Ksichel. Dau Mace. Springlield, Mass., Sept. 9, 1868, $500. Twaiij; 1, -■:4ii. 2:41,2:a9!s, 2:43. Mystic l';irU, Boston, Oct. (5, 18C8, $.000. Einperer 1, Madawaska Maid (2 0), (4 dis), White Stockings (3 dr), 2:34, 2:2!»'2, 2:32, 2:;S4. 2:;i2. IJcn Daniels, White Plains. N. Y., Oct. 10. 18(58, S300. Needle <;nn 1. 2:.i9. 2::39, 2:39. 2.38. Warwick, grg (3:37). ,). K. Whiiiple, Walpole, N. H., Aug. 5, isTi}, §1.00. Farmer Hoy. Ladv Foot, Naked Truth, Leo, Ladv (^aniijlicll Cf dri, hcbcrt; V.i dr), 2:4;i'4. 2:40'/s, 2:41. Aug. C, IST.'i. S\M. >ake(i Triitli, Farmer Hoy. Belle. Col. Locke, 2:44?4, 2:42, 2:4". Warwick, b s ('4 :53' j). (i. W. Supijler. Trenton Falls, N. Y., Oct.. 3, 1882, $50. Ethan Dan, (ieorge It., 3:00, 2:.54. 2;.V.'U.. Warwi<-k tiirl (3 :48). .lohi) Duryea, Mineola. L. I . Sept. 26, 1883, SIOO. Dandy, Hugh a., K. E. Allen (2 dis) Brown Dick (2 dis), 2:4<»'4, 2:.')6, 2:48. WaslilMirii .Maid.ch m r-iMTi-ih ('. W. Jiarnuin, I.,ittle Falls Mass., Sept. 13. 1870, .?20. F'ox. Ko time. Ben Mace. Fleetwood Park. N. Y.. Mav 27. 1874. $700. William Walsh 3. r>. (Ieorge Mavnard 1, 2, Walter S. (1 (lis), .Midnight (1 dis), 2::J4!-.j. 2:38?4, 2:40, 2:37'2. 2:3974, 2:44, 2:37 Ji. Mav5, 187.'>, Sl.">(). Cheston. Sherman. 2 :.''>2?4, 2:45. 2:45. Wanherwoutaii. blk m (3:40ai). \V. Woodruff, Boston, Mass., May 29, 18t;7. S;{00. Ladv F'lagner 2, 2:40?i 2:»:!. 2:19'-. 2:4(Pi. "Wash <;o«>dri/2. 5:17. 5:2GJ^ Two miles, Iliram Wooilrun. KiM,usl)ury Course, Oct. 8. 1840. .S200. Dutchman, Ice J'ony, 5:24, 5:19. Two miles. McMann & Sparks, Trenton, N. J., Oct. 26. 1840. $2,000. Confidence. 5:32, . Two miles. Beacon Course. N. J.. Nov. 2. 1810, $1,000. Dutchniiin. Cavn>;a Chief '2 dis>, 5:37, 5:1914. Two miles. I'hihuiclpliia. Pa.. Nov. 11. 1840, $ . Dutchman. 5:2.';. 5:."<(;. Two miles. Cenlreville. L. I., Nov. 24, 1840. Prize, silver. Kate Keiirnev. Boston Cray, 2:4.5i/,, l>;57. 2:4.3. Iliram Woodruir. Beacon Course. N. J.. Mav 2.3. 1844. .SKMi. Duchess. Kifle. 5:17'/o. 5:20. Two miles. (s) Horace .lones, Centreville, 1>.L. Jime 5. 1844. .$300. Duchess is) 1, Cayuga Chief (s) (1 dis), 2:38!4, 2 :38, 2 ::16U,, 2:37. iW) (ieorge Spicer. July 9. 1852. $1,000. Dutchnuin (w), 5:50. 5:.on. Two miles. WasJ»inKtoii.blksi:3:38'4). A. Carpenter. Fashion Course. L. I.. July 1, 1805, $l,ooo. Andy .Tohnson 1, 3, 2 :4:i ■., . 2 ::i8i4, 2 :42, 2 :42'/2, 2 :44»4. Wasliinffton, br g (2 :3.5). U. Smith, Boston, Mass., June 13. 1866. $800. Phil Sheridan 2. 2:38. 2:35li. 2:38, 2: 40;.'.. S. Hayes. Nov. 8. 18(16. .$600. Jessie Wales, (iideon Wells, 2:36i4. -:;55, 2:35. Jas. Fit/., April 23, 1867, .$400. Nimble Dick, Toby Candor. 2:45' 2, 2:43. 2:45. Washiii^^ton (3:30). W. Hendrickson, San Jo.se. Cal.. (^ct. 5. 1870, $150. F:than Allen d dis». American Boy (1 dis), 2:49. Robert Crane, Sebastopol, Cal., March 27, 1875. $1,000. Keno 2. Kest time. 2:30. Wasliinjfton br g ( 3 :4~i4). by Benedict Morrill. L. T. Tucker, Barre, Vt., Oct. 13 and 14. 1874. $1.50. Birdie, Orplnui I'.ov. Morgan Kangiir (2 (lisi.2:5(;'.i. .■5:04. 2:59. C. Davis". Woodstock, Vt.. Sci)t. 2(!. 1S78. $100. Sandy, Volunteer (?irl, Clara H., 2:56, 2:.50U, 2:47t6. Washington, bg (3 :3«). K. J. Everett, Greenlield. Mass.. May 28. 1879. $— . Fanny 2. Capl. West. Dan C, Faiinv.2:l()'... 2:44, 2:40K'. lulV ;:, is7r». $!.-.(). Bush, Volcano. Dan C. 2:40, 2:36, 2:37. .lulVl, ls7!», $l.->0. Carl. Volcano, Nellv, Midget, 2:41?.(. 2:41. 2:43. " Washington Irviiijj(s), ch g (3 :38^ (8 :30s). bv Ethan Allen, dani by American S .!ohn Murphy, Sche- nectadv. N. Y.. Sept. 8, I868. $1,000. Rapid (s)(30). 2:30, 2:.34i/>. 2:31'4. 2:30. (s) Union Course. L. L, Sept. 18, 1868. .$2,000. Rapid (s^ 2::iD.i. 2:3.5^. -':33. (w) Dr. Duffy, Belmont Park. N. Y., Aug. 15. 1876, $2.50. Mary Jane (w) 1. 3. 2:12^, 2:38, 2:38>4, 2:40. 2 "47 '4. "Wasiiinfc'toii Irving, gr k (2 :.">«). (Jeo. Spicer. Beacon Park, N. J.. May 2.5, 1843. $100 Register, Woodruff's Washinffton .J:u7kson."g'r .s*(2 :5V''.,7. bv Andrew .Jackson. Jr., dam by Washington (?). John Norton. Tren- ton, N. . I.. Sept. 21. 1870, $100. Hamilton. 2:.57i4.2:57K>.3:02?4. "WasliinKton Jr.. blk s (3:51). G. Woodruff. Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. 26. I860. $200. Victor, Moscow, 2 :.56, 2:51,2:51, .Stallions. „ , . ^., .„ „ , „ Washintiton Jr. i2:4ZH\ bv Washington. Warwarsing, N. Y'., Sept. 10. 18.3. .$400. Teller, Lucy Penny, Bariu'v. Island Chief, Little Tommv. 2:,50M.2:.50»4.-':51?4- „ ,. ,,. ,. . t ■.., m Sept. 11. I87;i, .$.300. Lucy Penny, Squire Talmage (3 dis), Barney (3 dis). Julia (2 dis). Little Tommy (2 dis) '''47 '''47^4 2 '4''^ Washinston'.Vr;, i)lk s (3 :02). Dr. Converse, Urbana, O.. Aug. 28, 1883. $75. C. U. Ganson, Sam. 3:02. 3:10. Washoe, gr'g (2 :.38). Jerry Ripple. San Francisco, Cal., June 6, 1860, $50. Fisk's br g (1 dis). Smoky (1 dis), 2:38. ^ AuiT. 22, 1800. $1,000. Ladv Champlain, , 3:02, 2:.56. Wash Uli.ore, b g i3 :4594). bv llappv Medium. G. W. Hamman, Westchester, Pa., Sept. 23, I88I, M05. Mag- nolia 2. Ladv Blanche, Sleepy Bob. 2:.5.5?4. 2:,58. 2:.53. 2:.51. FlemiiiL'ton. N. J., Sept. 29, I8HI, $.50. Dutch Girl. Jenny, 2:,52»4, 2:50J^i;, 2:.5-l';. Washtenaw t^liief, b s (3 :39), by Vt. Black Hawk. W. Robinson, Paducah. Ky., Oct. 27. 18C0. $1,000. Ed- wiird F'verett (1 dis 1,2:38 Rome. N. Y.. Sent. 27. 1865. $100. Waldo's F;ntry, 2:.51. 2:47. 2 29. Utica. N. v.. Se|)t. 6, 186(>, $.50. Bellfounder. 2:.31, 2:38. 2:34. Stallions. Trenton F;ills, N. Y., Sept. 13. 1866, $— . Bellfounder. 2:.34. 2:.'?9. 2:3.5^. (w), Mr. Bishop, I'^ast Sae;inaw, Mich.. June 10. 1870. .$100. Mollv Mack (30). 2:47t-.>. 2:r=3, .2:5.5. "Watchmaker, blk s (3:31 i,i).^iv Winthrop Morrill, dam by Gen. Knox. H. S. Moore. Damariscotta. Me., July r>, IHHO, .$140. F-ranklin Bov. Brandvwine. Bir Thunder. 2:41 2:46. 2:51. Aug. 17, 1880, $120. .loe Hoi)kins 2. Rr.andvwine I, Maggie Mitchell (4 dr), 2:4.5,2:40^, 2:40^. 2:42, 2:43. Aug. 18, 1880, $140, John Gilpin 1, Shaw's Knox, 2:38, 2:38, 2:37V4. 2:40!'j, CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PA(;IN<} RECORD. 707 F. (i. Hastings. Topsliam, Me.. Oct. 12, 1882, S . Centurion l. Sliaw's Knox, Aroostook Boy, Drum- mer Girl, 2:34, 2:32l^, 2:33'4. 2:32^4- Poitliuid Ml'.. Oct. 25, 1SS2. $200. Centurion, Drummer Girl, 2;40, 2:38, 2:37(4- Sept 11 ISS.J. .^'^OO. Aroostook Hov 2. 4. I'.lark Pilot 1. Gen. Liglitfoot. 2:39. 2:38, 2:3(, 2:40, 2:3,. 2:. ,6. Lfwiston, .Me.. Sept. 19, 1883, ijiaoo. ilainbletonian Kuox 1, Gray Nose, Gen. Ligliiloot :; . * dr), 2:32i2. 2:32V4 2:3l4, 2:34, 2:34. Bangor, Me., Sept. 26, 1883. $3(K). Gray Nose 2, 4. 2:36, 2:33, 2:36?ii, 2:31 ?i, 2:36. Bidilel'ord, Me.. Oct. 16 and 17, 1883,.$ . Nells, Jack Spratl 1,3 (6 dr). Gray Nose. 2:a3?4„ 2:31 "2.2 ::»^i, ''•32' '> ''-33^1 2".'J3''. "Watchman gr g (3 :i5Hi4). W D. Ricard, Altoona, Pa., July 4. 1870, $1.50. Mack, Dolly U dis), Black Jolm d (lis). Flaxy (1 disi. Dave (1 dis>, 2:..l;o. 2:54. 2:r>9;2. E. Hoffman. Pliiladelpliia. I'a.. Aug. 2S. 1873. .15200. irank, 2:53?i, 2:51J4, 2:54. . , . Waterfall, c!i g (2:48'/4). G. Athens, Skowliegan, Me., Sept. 5, 1866. .'5;40. Gen. Lee, Hora Knai)p. 2:.4.2:49U, Waterloo (s) gr g (3 :50) (3:44 s). G. Edwards, Boston, .^lass., April 26, I«49, $ . Dick Tin-pin. Governor Dorr 2:47,2:4.5.2:44. M;iv 1, IS19. .550. Alice, 2:54, 2:53, 2:50. , . ,, , , , ,, Wat*Tl«>.> (Albert), b g (3:36). A. F. Lee, Ingersoll. Ont., Nov. 2, ixfio, »125. Lady Compo 3. Lady Russell. 2-44. 2:46. 2:49. 2:48^4. Hamilton Ont. July 1, 1870, .$250. Mazeppa 3, Lady Blanche 1, Lady Hamilton, 2:34?4, 2:.3794, 2:38, 2:37'2, 2:31). Aurora Out., July 9. 1870. .«130. Mazeppa 1. Johnny Moore (2 dis), 2:38»4, 2:40, 2:42i-a, 2:40. London, Ont. June 5, 1873, .$300. Hornet 2, Paddy Carey (3 dis). Gray Norman il dis). 2:37M, 2:41^. 2::.9'i. 2:43. Hamilton. Ont., June 24, 1873. .?600. Mazeppa, Hornet, 2:40, 2:45, 2:45^4,. Aul>urn, N. Y., July 23, 1873, .§300. Lookout. Lady Thompson, Central New York, 2:44ii, 2:44j4, 2:36. Syracuse N. Y.. Aug. 11. 1873. .$200. Little Angus ( 1 0), Celia, 2:38'/2, 2:3813, 2:51}4„ 2:37?^. "Water's Bi-own .Stallion (3:38). Nelson Waters, Westfield, N. Y., Aug. 4, 1860, .$30. Taylors b g, Hol- brooks b s. Frost's b m, 2 :43^, 2 :47, 2 :49i.^. . "Watertown, gr g (3 :50). Beacon Park, Boston, Nov. 9 and lO, 1874, §50. Captani K. 1, 4, Kate, 2:45, 2:53, 2:.",! , 2:45 2:50. "Waterville (Young Suffolk), grs (3:49), by Pishon Horse, dam Chain Lightning, by Bowles. R. Howard. Bangor. Me., Oct. 1. is.57, $ Wayne. 2:49, 2:50, 2:51. Watseka Girl, ch ni (3 :.50'2). T. G. Vennum, Streator, 111., June 5, 1873, $75. George, Frank, Udly Aldrich, 2:56, 2:52, 2:515^.^. June 6 1873: $175. Frank Allison, Daniel Boone, La Salle, 2 :52, 2 :5oV'2, 2 :51i^. Watson's Gray Mare (3:59) J. E. Watson, Watertown, Conn., Sept. 23 1879. .$30. Fanny S. (1 dis). 2:.59. "Waukesha, b s (3:41), by Bashaw, Jr, H. C. Pratt. Waverly, la , Sept. 2.3, 1875, .$27Sr Selkirk 1. Culiiviitor. Clara B. (4 dis). Dan Kice (4 dis). 2:40i4, 2:41, 2:44, 2:4I'/2. "Waupixn Belle, b m (3:53i4). S. Bow, Ripon. Wis., July 4, 1874, $ . Spot. 2:59, 2:,53. "Wava(s), grm (3:53^ s), by Farmer's Beauty. J.B.Hall, Manchester, N. H., Aug. 11, 1875, .$ . Honest Boy (S), 2 :52i^, 2 :55, 2 :54. "Wave, ch m (3 :41). G W. Fitzwater, Jr, Ambler Parle, Pa., Mav 30. 1877, $200. Hannah Clark 1. Danger (1 dis), 2:46'/2,2:42.2:41, 2:4834. "Waverley, b g (3 :40). Chas. Seagreave, Newark, N. J., Sept, 5. 1873, $ . Thomas Jeft'erson, 2. 2:44, 2:41" ;, 2:40, 2:40V2. Warren, O., June 14 1879. $50. Mav Bird 2. 6, Henry S. 3, 4, Bella A. No time. "Waverly, b g (3:3014,). by Blue Bull, daiii by Tom Hal. W. A Jones, Shelbyville, Ind.. Sept. 9. 1881. .$50. Kittv Bates. Otto K.. Highland Marv, 2:32i.:. 2:32i4. 2:321/2. J "H. Hinchman, Crawfordsville, Ind., June 14, 1882, $300. Rosewood, Willis Woods i3 disj, 2:47. 2:48' », 2:41i4. Bloomington, 111., July 4, 1882, $ . Charles W., Henry, Gilmer, Netty M.. Mattie Price, 2:36, 2:44t^, 2:. 53 '/a. Indianapolis, Ind. July 13, 1882, .$800. Darlington 2, Willis Woods, Rosewood. 2:38'.., 2:3.51^, 2:36, 2:33'/.. La Salle 111., July 26. 1883, $400. Strathlan. 5 (6 0), Sorghum, 2, 3 (6 dr). Dr. Shephard, P. .1. PurcelL 2:33>^, 2:2834, 2:29, 2:3434, 2:311/2, 2:37, 2:38?.i. "Waycc, blk g (3:08)4), by Idol. F. B. Cummings, Hartford, Conn., Nov. 3, 1873. .$1.50. Idolator, Peter Jeffer.son, 3:08i4, 3:0814, 3:13. Three-year-olds. "W. B., b s (3 :43), by Hambrino, dam Ella Clay. W. Beymer, Indianapolis, Ind., July 12, 1879, $ . Gladys 2, Black Rock l. No time. Noblesville, Ind., Sept. 16. 1881. $ . Mambrino Cloud, Red .Tacket, J. E. Pendleton, 2:.5l. 2:.55, 2:52^. Indian.apolis, Ind., May 27. 1882, .$ . Billy Ross 1. Slippery Elm. Dolly, 2:54. 2:50?4. 2:48, 2:.50. Rockville. Ind., Aug. 23. 1883, $135. Lexington Chief, Julia, 2:57, 2:.52. 2:55. Crawfordsville, Ind,, Sept. 14, 1883, $200. Bessie W., The Owner's Horse. Y^ellow Jacket (3 dis), 2:4214, 2:4,5, 2:45%. Vincennes, Ind., Oct. 11, 1883, $75. S. K. Strader 3, Gen. Gano, Molly T.. Gone Up i3dis). 2:42. 2:45, 2:48. 2:4.5. W B. b s (3:49%). J, M. Curger, Belleville, Ont., July 11, 1883. $100. Flora G. 1. Nelly Allen, Frank (4 dis), lolanthe (2 dis), 2:5552. 2:49%, 2:5054. 2:54. W. B. "Whitman (Billy Barr). dn g (3:33?4), by Ethan Allen. M. Roden. Prospect Park, L. I.. Sept. 14. 1869, $2,000. Gray Mack. 2 :253'4. 2:24%. 2:24. Dan Mace, Boston, .Mass., .lune 16, 1870, $1,500. Hotspur 2, License, Western Girl. Rolla Golddust, Draco Prince (3 dr), 2:23%, 2:24'i, 2:20, 2:2814. O. Bort, Falls Village, Conn., Sept. 10, 1874, $500. Barney Kelly, Major King, 2:34, 2:35',;;, 2:32^t. W. C Derby, ch g (3:315^). AV. E. Weeks, Poughkeepsie, N. Y., July 4. 1876, $400, Miss Morton. 3:21. 3:10'^, 2:.5034. (w), Fleetwood Park, N. Y., Sept. 28, 1876. $15. Darby (w). Sarah (w). 2:48%, 2:44, 2:39'o. Jersey City, N. J., Oct. 20 and 24. 1870, $300. Irish Maid 5, Star 3, St. George. Henry R'., Lady Johnson. Henry, 1, 2 (4 dr), Dolly Dot (4 dr;. 2:38i4. 2:37^, 2:38. 2:39, 2:38%, 2:38%, 2:37'-.. Fleetwood Park, N. Y., Oct. 27, 1870, .$1.50. Modesty, Don. Thomas L., Oninge Billv, 2:3,3, 2:.33'.-. 2:.-!. D. G. Cameron, Warwick. N. Y., Ang. 18, 1877, $250. Silvertail, Lady Emma, Mary Lamb, Ludv Vvc-ller (3 dr), Don (3 dr). 2:.3.5i4, 2:.35'/2, 2:36. Fleetwood Park, N. Y., Oct. 17, 1877, $500, Even John, Lady Annie, Dick Loonier. Dauntl:-;>s, '^-."114, 2:33'/2,2:32!4. "W. D.. blk g (3:5.5). J. F. McElroy, Evart, Mich., Oct. 4. 1883, $ . Dominion Boy. Johnny Smoker. Honest John, Dave Jones. Maud, Mouser (3 dr), 8:0014. 2:.55i.i, 3:00. Oct. 5, 1883 .$ . .Johnny Smoker, Mouser. Dave Jones, 3:04. 3:02i'4, 2:.55. W. D. Hilton, b g (3 :45). Hilton Bros., Burlington, Vt., Aug. 29, 1876, ,$250. Annie 1, John B., .Toe Morrill, Abbie, 2:.53, 2:49, 2:48, 2:48. Aug. 30, 1876, $250. North Star, Tramp, John B. (3 dis), 2:49, 2:45, 2:47. 708 CFIKSTKirS CO.MPLKTK THOTTINC AM) l'ACIN(J HIX()U1>. W. D. Powers, b g (3 :03). A. .). Bennett. Caiiandaijiuii, N. Y.. Sept. 27. iss,!, .S.'io. Cray Cliarley. Mary Ander- son. Best time, 3:01'. Weasel, blk s ia:53!i), bv Sherman Black Hawk. II. Nickeison. Milwankee, Wis.. Sept. 8, 1857. $70 Tele- gra|)ll, •-• :.V2' 2, 2:56. 2:lili. L. W. Cutter Whitewater, Wis.. Oet. '.'■.', ls58, Slo.5. Bellfounder, 3:0(;, :iMr>. 2:.W. S., Hip Kap ( t (lisi. Frank Myers (1 (list, liiadem (2 dr). (iranfrer <1 disi. 2::!.'!'c. 2:35' <. 2:42',. J:.!"'/.' Aurora, III.. Se))t. :{. 1875. .■?;«)«. Mamhrino Chief, Quarry Boy (1 dis), Hose U dis>, J>anial Boone (I dis) Miraculous (1 disi. Lady II.it dis), 2:33'^, 2:.j<), 2:42'!.. Sycamore, 111., Sept. 8. 1875, .?600. Sleepy Bill, .ludge Withey, Daniel Boone, Diadem (3dr). 2:40 2-365i a:.!5',. Sept. 9. 1K75. •Sl.'K). Monarch Hule, Germania (1 dis). Flora H. (1 dis), Tnckv .lane (l disi, 2-3'j>* 2-4« 2:46. ■ z„ . . .1. W. Jacobs. Kiist.. Saginaw, Mich., Sept. ic, 1875, $:tr>0. ,)osh Billings, lyizzle Davis. Doctor Le\vis(3dr) 2 :.-).•>. 2 :.57. . Dayton, ()., Sept. 30, 1S75. StiOO. Lady Mac 1, 2, I'illy l,ainl)ertsoii. Sam West. 2:32''i 2::!H4, 2:305^, 2:29, 2 ;4t. ('in<'innati, ().. Dct. 25, 187.5, .S2.000. Tom Britton. Calnuir, .Jeremiah, 2:34.2:43J4. 2:44Vi. .\. .1. Elder. Freeport. ill.. Aug. 4. 1877. $700. l.ady II. 2, F'anny Kol)inson. J'hil Sheridan, Cattaraugus Chii!f. Dan Brown. 2:28. 2:31>.i. 2:28,U„ 2:28. — - Tiskilwa, 111., Aug. II. 1H77. .Sdoo. ~Fannv Robinson 2, 5. Lady H. 1. :!. Phil Sheridan, Cattaraugus Chief Oak (irove (;irl (5dr), Dan Brown (4 dr). 2:.il'.i. 2::i4Vo, 2:33, 2:33'.^, 2;;i6. 2:31. 2:G,">. Earlville, 111.. Aug. 25, 1S77. .^6. Nelly Gift (1 disi, 2:;S9'4. 2:41.2:41'!. .lune 7. 1S7S. .S300. Xelly IMorlon. David L.. Howell. Lulu. Robust Hazard. 2:45Vi. 2:38, 2:.^9. Webster<;old4, 2 :22, 2 :23, 2:24';. 2:24'.. East Sagfuaw, Mich.. June 15, 1881, ,$800. Bonesetter 1, 2. Voltaire, Will Cody (1 dis'.2:2.3?4. 2:22,2:2Ui. 2:21 '/2, 2:22. Grand Rapids. Mich.. .lune 22. 1881. $1,000. Bonesetter 1. Voltaire. 2:26. 2:23?-j, 2:26, 2:27?4. Stallions. ^ Ionia. Midi., .lune 29. 1881, .Ifl.OOO. Bone-setter 1. Voltaire. 2:22. 2:2414. 2:2.5. 2:25>x;. Chicago. 111., .hilv 20. issi. .$2..500. Driver, Kitty Bates. Orange Girl (1 dis). 2:22';. 2:1914, 2:19?4. Mystic Park. Boston. Sejit. 7 and s. 18^^1. .$800. .loseplius, John S. Clark. 2:21',, 2:21'2. 2:20. Klkton. Md., OcL 7, 18«1, .«;i.0OO. Edwin Thorne, 2:2(;';, 2:24''». 2:25-^4. Week's Entry, (;J:.">2). .los. Weeks, Stiirbrid.ge. Mass.. Sept. 14, 1872. .$,50. Orphan Boy 1.2. Fiiuny 4, Lash- bell Mare. Chase's b m (5 in. Starlight (5 df), 2:.50. 2:,50, 2:.52. 3:00. 2:.54. 2:52. Weldon Koy, b g(2:43»4). J. Bullard. Creston. la., Sept. 29. 1882. $18«X Bogardus 1, John Jr. 2. 2:51. 2:.52ii,. 2:,5.3. 2:.V2'i.2:.M',. Wetland Olrl. b m 12:341/.). J. Mitchell. Hamilton, Ont., .Inly 3, 1870. .•?2.'jO. Barlow 2, Lady Rysdvk. Bay Tom. Liulv Kemble, Mixture (1 dis). 2:4214, 2:40';, 2:48, 2:4914. Whitby. Out., .(nlv 10. 187G. .$200. John A. 3, Lookout (4dr). 2:46. 2:47';. 2:49^4, 2:49. C. Stinison. Dundas. Ont., July 1. 1878. ,$.^o. Tempest. No time. Mr. Ward, London, Out.. June 4, 1879, $200. Odd Fellow, Montezunia (3, 2:29!^. 2:.31'i, 2:2G^(. Mystic Park, Boston, Sept. 3. 1874. .$1,000. Falmouth Boy 1, Cataract. Essex, ITnkuown, Emperor (2 dr). Lady Van Clief (1 dis), 2 :.30, 2 :27i4, 2:27Ui.2:'..>9'4. Beacon, Park, Boston, Sept. 10, 1874, §1,000. Unknown, Essex, Falmouth Boy. Cataract. 2:27. 2:27, 2:27. § ^ w OHESTRR'S fOMPLRTK THOTTlNCi AM> I'AClNCi KECOKD. 709 Welliugrtou (3:09). Mr. Cumiiiigham. Fleetwood Park. N. Y., Aug. 4, 1876, $ . Fashion, 3:27, 3:33, 3:09. Wellington, b s (8:37). C. K. iMoulioii, l-ewistDii. Me.. ISept. 21, 1880. $150. Lyclia M., Kuox Chief (2 dis), Telephone (2 dis). General Custer (•_• dis). Little Maid (1 dis), 2:44!2, 2:43k, 2:51. Sept. 2-1, 1880. $150. John O. 1, 2, \\ auileier. Detective hatchen, Frank ¥.. i>lack Princess, Lydia M., Capt. Jenks, Allen Knox (5 dis). 2:38. 2:o9li, 2:40. 2:37, 2:41. Welliugton (w), br s (,3:38i4). C. A. Willis. Morrisania, N. Y., June 29, 1882, Prize, silver. Banjo (w) 1 (2;4(io. H;uubletoniau Maid. Thomas Phelps (1 dis). Hank (1 dis). 2:35, 2:38, 2:38i4. Council Bluffs, la.. Sept. 20. 18S2. $400. Flora P., Mila G . 2:35, 2:38, 2:38^. Mason Citv. la.. Julv 4. 1S83, $500. Waverly 3, 4, Mountain Girl, Kentucky Girl, 2:31'2, 2:32'2, 2:323i, 2:30'i, 2:30. ' Chillicolhe, O.. Aug. 16. 1883. $250. Ina G. 3. Will Beuham 4 (5 dr), 2:25k, 2:30, 2:28?i, 2:28V3, 2:29Ji. Western Belle, b m (3:37Kv>. bv Comet. W. E. Hoag, Davenport, la., Sept, 4, 1879, $150. Lulu Mac, Colonel B., Marmaduke. Princess. JohnB.. Lady B. (Idis), 2:38'/2,2:42'/2, 2:40, 2:43%. Dubdipie, la., Sept. lO. 1879, .$.500. Cricket l, Josephus, 2:37J^, 2:38, 2:37i.g, 2:43V^. Western Bill, (J. W.) eh g(3:38). John W. Clark, Columbus, 0.. Aug. 18, 1865, $100. Northwood 2, 3. (5 dis). Mary (1 dis), 2:521^, 2:45,2:4814, 2:47^. 2:47i2. Hamilton. O.. Aug. 4. 18C6, $500. Lillie Drown, Gen. Sherman (1 dis). Lady Ladshaw (1 dis), Morris Ir- win (1 dis). 2:39^. 2:40^^, 2:40%. Zanesville. O., Sept. G. 1SG7. $300. Saucy Sal 1. Pilot, Mike Goodwin (3 dis). 2:39, 2:38 2:401.4, 2:44'i. Nov. 13, 1S(;7..$150. Buckeve John 4. (3 Ol. Saucv Sal. 2:40, 2:39. , .?:42. 2:42. W^estern Boy. (.)ohn Fero). bg(3:37i2). J. F. Lauen. Altoona. Pa., Oct. 5, 1870, $200. Johnny, Coldwater Billy, 2;.55%. 3:04,3:061.1. J. Muridiv. Lancaster, Pa., .liiiie 12. 1873, $200. Snowflake. Currie (1 dis), 2:4214, 2:44k. 2:46. Western Boy, ch g (3 :38), by Chieftain, dam bv Jim Crow. J. M. Dodge, Stockton, Gal., Nov. 27, 1879, $100. Frank Hunter 1. John Rock. Lieutenant, 2:39, 2:40, 2:38, 2:,'^8i-4, Western Chief, brs (3:55i4). by Curtis' Ilaiiildotoiiiaii, dam Ladv Eleanor, by Mambrino Chief. C. Hegele, Portland. Oregon. July 7, 1880. $100. Milton Medium. 2:.5.5i4. Stallions. AVestern Fearnanfflit. ch s ( 3 :33' i), bv Fearnaiight, dam bv Taggarfs Abdallah. B. S. Wright, (nrand Rap- ids. Mich.. Sept. 23. 1879, .•si200. Young Buchanan 1, Grand"Sentinel. Pasacas. Homer (2 dr), 2:37, 2:41,2:40k. Stitllions. "Western <«irl, (Angeline) b m (3:37). by Richards' Bellfounder. dam Fanny, bv WildHarrv. O. A. Hickok, I'rospect Park. L. I.. July 22. 1870. .$1,'500. J. J. Bradlev 2, 3. luol 1. 2:.31k. 2:29i^.. 2:29?4, 2:33V4, 2:29?i, 2:27. Long Branch. X. J.. Aug. 30. 1870, $2,500. Belle Strickland 2, Idol 1, J. J. Bradley, License, 2:30, 2:ZIii, 2:28. 2:27V.., 2:29k. I'liiladelidiia, Pa.. Sept. 7. 1870, $1..')00. J. J. Bradlev 2, Idol, 2:30?^. 2:29?i, 2:.30i^, 2:33. spriiiglicld. Mass.. Oct. 14. 1870. $2,000. N. B. Palmer 3, Ed. White, Ladv Sheridan. Harry Harlev, 2:30, 2:.30. L'::;(ii^. 2:;w. Omalia. Xeb.. Oct. 11. 1871. ,$600. Joe Hooker. 2:37. 2:34i4. 2:28%. Council Bluffs, la.. Oct. — . 1871, $100. Joe Hooker, 2:.37, 2:35. Western Girl. 1) m (3:56). (i. Vanderveer. Fultoiiville. N. Y.. Sept. 26. 1874. $50. Star Colt. Blacksmith Maid (2 disi. Bay Frank (2 dis>. Gray Gibbs )l dis). 2:.58. 2:56. 3:00. Western Girl, b m (3:00). .1. Blaciiwell, Lambertville, N. Y.. Sept. 11, 1879. $.500. Lady Barton, Delaware Maid, 3:091^, 3:07. 3:11%, 3:09.3:00. Western Girl, b m (3 :31 ». D. Mace. Prospect Piirk, L. I., Oct. 24 and 25, 1882. .$200. Lew Tallov 1, 2, :\Iam- brino George. Little Albert. Mabel Bernard (4 dr). Lady (3 dr), Elvira (3 dr). 2:.33, 2:.33, 2:31, 2:33, 2:.32. Oct. 25. 1882. $200. Carrie C, Mortimer. Clover, 2:38'4, 2:39, 2:385^. Western Metropolis, lilk g (3 :30). J. Conlisk. Toledo, O., Aug. 1, 1857, $ , Woodpecker, 2:52, 2:53. 2:55. Oct, 14. 18.57. $r,i). iviliam Prince, John Rogers, 2:56, 2:.59. 2:48. Oct. 1.5. 18,57. .$100. Canada S;un 4, 5, (3 O). 2:.38. 2:43. 2:45. 2:47. 2:40, 2:39. Oct. 2:!. 18.57. .? — . Cai;;)da Sam 1. (2 dis). 5:29. 5::j8. Two miles. Nov 12, 18.57. $ . Canada Sam. 2:.54. 2:.53, 2:.53. Sandusky, O., Sept. 18, 1838. $100. Canada Sam 1 (3 dis), 2:45, 2:45. 2:40. no (.HESTliUS ( OAirLKTK TUOTTING AND TACING KECOKD. IK'lroit. Mich., Aug. 5. 18.-.9. S40(). Laiiy Smith 1, •.':49, 2:49. 2:46, 2:43?^. ^Viig. (i, 18o9, $liM). J. 11. I'olk. lIoiiL'sl .John, -':;)9. l';4(), J:o1». ( levelaiid, O., Aug. is, ISiiy, *loo. Honest .lolin 2, l':4G, 2:43. 2:45. 2:47, Cuviilioga Kails, i)., .Sept. 23, is.'ii). iJrKK). William I'L-nn 1, llonesl .John (1 disl, 2:42, 2:41, 2:35U Deiroil, .\lirh., Aug. 11, iwio, «;i(K). Ton Browk (s), i2 (lis>, 2:;i2. 2:30. W ( IfVi'laud. ().. SlmiI. t;, l«iu. 5:100. Ike Stader 1, .Jack Itossiler. Frank .lackson, 2:.'J4, 2:36. 2:37, 2-33 Vsterii New York, 0 g (•^:''i»i. by Nonpareil, dam by llambUaouian. \Vm. 11. Saunders, Syracuse N Y Aug. 19, l>S6f<. 5^-00. l'0.\'s fh m a diS), 2;46',2. ' hutValo, N. v.. Oct. 0, 1X6S, *400. Byron 2, Gen. Love (4 dr;, 2:29. 2:29K.. 2:32, 2:31'/i. 1 roy, N. v.. Oct. 31, 18(J8, $400, Dutch Boy 1, 2, BelUouuder (4 dis;, (.'harmer U dis), Jerrv (l dls) Ix)-in (I disi, Kate 0 dis). 2:41, 2:39^4,2:39, 2:40. 2:41 .July 1. 181)9, •Sl,2oo. Capt. Gill, old I'ul, George M. Patchen (3 dis). 2:33, 2:34'.i, 2:32. Westfrn" .MraiiKfi- i;J:00). it. De Garmo, Ivoseudale, N. Y., Aug. 18, 1874, S76. Trouble 2, Ned 1 Lillv Irwin. llai)i)v .lack. Gen. McClellau, 3:0«, 3:00'., 3:00. 3:00^a. 3:01. ■* AVestiU'ld (Woodstock;, eh g (•/J:2«^j). by Whijuiles llamblelonian. ]'. I'arrell. San Francisco. Cal.. Sept . istiii. .SiOO. Aja.\ 2. 4, Breeze, 2:4»'2, 2:45^2, 2:49!2. 2:4s, 2:47. Two-year-olds. " Sei>t. 23. 1869, ?siluO. Belle Boyd. Hiram Woodruff. Granger, 2:46. 2:44';, 2:44. Sacramento. Cal.. Sept. 19 and 20, 1873. ^IM. George Treat 3. 6, Ella Lewis l, 2 (4 dis), Yuba Bov d disi Enmk a dist. 2:31. 2:28, 2:28(2. 2:.;0. 2:261^2. 2:28)-;,. 2:31. • ' ' AVestlieUl Poll, ch ni (« :43j. L. Keed, Nortliami)ton, Mass., October 20, 1859. §200. Neal Dow 1. 2'50 "-44 2:4.T AVest Liberty, ch s (Z:ZS). by AVapsie. .John L. Wilson, "Wilton, la.. Aug. 22. 1873. $2b. Victor. Pearl Dust. 3:17'", 3:15, 3:12'2. Eour-vear-olds. Davenport, la., Sept. 9," 1874. .r:300. Gertrude 1. 3. Mark Twain (3 dls), Infant (3 dis), 2:.57?4. 2:64K>, 2:46='4 2:52?i, 2:47i'.i. Muscatine. la.. Sept. 28. 1876. $15. Envoy, 2:44, 2:49. 2:39. Virgiiii:i, 111 . Oct. 20, 1876, .•S2.")0. Mary C. 2, Jacksonville Boy, Gen. Singleton (2 dis), Messenger Gold-* dust (2 ilis), 2:371^. 2:35';. 2:35)4. 2:39';. l)ubu(|ue, la., .lune 7, 1877. SoOO Amy B. 2, Loafer l (4 dis). 2:28. 2:31. 2:33, 2:32. 2:35. Westinont (Mirabilei. b s (3:;J7'4). by Col. West, dam l)v Mambrino Sherman. .L W. Dunn, Maitland, Mo.. Oct. 3. 1882. §150. Trampolier 1. .John .Ir. No time. .1. W. Dunn. Red Oak. la.. .June 5. 1883, *120. Kocky Mountain Tom 2. Comanche Bovl. .Maud IL. George W. .Jr. (5 dis), 2:38^4. 2:42'.i. 2:.T.i.j. 2:44'.,. 2:4.3. .June 6. 1883. .$100. Comanche Bov. Kittv Kitternian. 2:40. 2:42='4. 2:43>.i. Cedar Rapids. la. ..June 12. 1883. S'>dO. Sam 1. 2. Little M:ss. .lupiter. Stnithlan. .May H.. Rocky Mountain Tom, Gov. Tilden, .John F.. Billv Clinker (.') dn, Ladv Hoiieful (3 dr), 2:;i(J. 2:o;;'2. 2:3P4, 2:35. 2:.35. Marshalltown, la., .June 19. l.'<83. $'>00. May H. 2. Gov. Tilden. Strathlan. Rockv Mountain Tom, .Jupiter (3 dis), .lohn F. (3 dis), Exception (3 dr). 2:29'.i, 2:29'.,. 2:29^4. 2:29'/2. Oskaloosa. la., .June 26, 188.3. .?.500. May H. 1. .lupiter. Gov. Tilden, 2:2914. 2:30';. 2:29k, 2:35. Council Bluffs, la., Julv 4, 1883. ,'$400. >Iaggie F., Dutch (iirl, Marv Clark (2 dr), 2:32, 2:.34, 2:36. Cedar Rapids, la., Aug. 9 and 10, 18S3, $400. Mountain Girl 1, Lee W. 2. Prince, Dutch Girl. Waverlv 3,4. (5 dis), 2:411,^. 2:36K'. 2:34?4, 2:34'2. 2:.3.5. 2 :37'4. 2:2914. Oskaloosa. la.. Augu.st 29. 1883, .§.300. Gilbird's Sprague 1,5. Ensign 3. Nelly ^Voodruff, Strathblan. Josephine. 2:31. 2:28. 2:281/2. 2:29. 2:29'a, ?:29>». St. Joseph. Mo.. Sept. 7, 1883, .$400. Annie Lou 1. 2. Harry Pulling. Golden Girl, Coupon (2 dis), 2:3li4. 2:.30'4, 2:303ii. 2:3,3. 2:.36i-4- Emporia. Kan., Sept. 26. 1883. $.300. Executor. Coupon, Luc^ B., Billv Douglass, 2:2714, 2:28, 2:27!,!.. Weston (s), eh s (2 AS s>. Mr. Curtis, St. Louis, Mo.. Oct. 19. 1852. $100. Black Boy (s), (1 dis), Dolly Spanker (S), (1 dis>. 2:45. Westover iBillv Bad Eye and Chestnut Ridge), b g (3:'J9i4), bv Marshal Nev. dam Kate Lawrence, by Williams' St. Lawrence. John Smith. AVoonsocket, R. I.. Sept. 2o. 1883. .$.300. Little Maid. William Otis, Fanny C. <2 disi. 2:37'.;. 2:.35. 2;42i,i. • Westphal. dn g i'i:~tO). J. Dixon, Oxford. Pa., June 11, 1881. .■$140. Daw Copperfleld. Brandy Boy, Lizzie G., 2:55, 2:50. 2:, -.2. West Philadelphia (w). ch g (2 :38ii). .Tolin L. Doty, Philadelphia, Pa.. Sept. 14, 18,59. .$250. George Magee. Uncle Sam, 2:41'.i, 2:41. 2:40';. Sept. 7, 18,59, $2,50. Transcript, 2:43?:i, 2 :42i4, 2:38i4. Westport. b g (2 :50i4). Mr. McKee. Union Course, L. I., Sept. 6, 1858 SoOO. Eagle, 2:,50i4, 2:.53. West's Chestnut .stalli.ui f2:45i4), by Adams' Bald Chief. Richard W\-st. Lexington, Ky.. October 20. 1871, $ — . Boswell's b m. Stanhope's b m ( l dis). 2 :.50?4. 2:45)4. Three-year-olds. West's Oray Mare (2:.'>0). J. G. West, Wash. Hollow. N. Y.. Oct. 17. 1867. $ Havre's b m. Montfort's b m. 2:,50. 2:52. West liiiion Oirl. b m (2 :39). S. K. Harrimau, Boscobel, Wis., Oct. 5. 1876, $250. Miller's Damsel 2 (4 r o,) Modoc, May Miller (4 r o), . 2:4814, 2:44. 2:43. Freeport, III., Oct. 10, 1876, .$,300. Fllen. Illinois Bov, Mingle. 2:40. 2:.;9. 2:40. Wetherby. b g (2:39i4). F. S. Hagar, Athol. Mass.. Oct. 1, 1879, $80. Davenport. Kotchmn, Lord Bantam. Dan, 2:45, 2:42, 2:4,5. E. D. Bass, Sufiield, Conn., Sept. 29, 1881, ,$90. Holyolce Civ]. Black .lennv l udis). Ladv Hancock, Kittv Hills (3 dr», 2:4114, 2:45, 2:491,4, 2:.52'j. Stafford .Spri:)gs, Coini., Oct. 7, 1881, $150. Dick 2, V'rU i ample. Jennv. Betsy Le.sl. 2:C9i.». 2:39)4. 2.4o. 2 :.'«)' 4. W. F. Haves, ch g (2:39ii). by Mand)rino Ecliijse. dam by Copi)erbottom. .lanesville. Wis., October 5, 1882. .$200. Fulton Maid 1. G. W.'llowe. .lupiter. Lisbon Boy, 2:,i9'4. 2:39'4, 2:39).!. 2::!9)/4. W. G.. ch g (3:23), by Liverpool. W. G. Davis. South Bend. Ind.. Sept. 23. 1873. $7.5. Peggy, 3:27)4. 3:13. Thrce-vear-olds. W. H.. 1) g (2:32), bv Prince Allen. C. Smith, Mystic Park, Boston, May 15, 1878. $200. Dio, Myrtle, Forest Chief, .John Morrill. Hone.st John. (Quaker Girl i2 disi. 2:37. 2:33'2, 2:32. — — Beacon Park. Boston. Mav 22, 1878, .?20o. Dio, Myrtle, John Morrill, Honest John. Forest Chief, 2:37^, 2:36, 2:,34. Whalebone, br g (2 :47«.i),by Bishoi)'s Hamblctonian. <;eo. Woodruff, Philadelphia, Pa.. OcL 23. 1830, $300. .Jerry 2 (4 disi. (.'omet 1 (.3 dr), To])g;ilIant (3 disi. Sir Peter (1 dis). No time. Union Course, L. I., Dec. 28, 1830. $200. Sir Andrew. Bull Calf l (3 dr). Comet (2 dis), 8:23, 8:29, 8:30. Three miles. Philadeli>bia, Pa., Oct. 6, 1831. # . 1 h. 58 m. 5 sec. To heat 1 h. .58 m. 31 sec. Whalebone (w). ch g (2:44i. Jas. Ward. Philadelphia, Pa.. May 10, 18,5.3. $1,000. Soto (vv). 5:28, 5:31. Two miles. 1. Spicer. Union Course, L. I.. June 3. 1854. .$2.0oo. F.innv D. l. 5:.30)4, r,:33U>, 5:36. Two miles. Whalebone, b s (2 :40).^ w). Chatham, N. Y.. May 20. 18.58, $-^. War Eagle, Roan Mare, 2:,'50, 2:.56, 2:54. Whaie)M>ne. h s (2:41?^). N. Austin. Brattleboro, Vt., Sept. 6, 1866,4200. Young Hamblctonian, Jenny Lvman. 2:45, 2:42,2:4134. CHIiSTEH'S COMlM,KTK TKOTTlNd AND PACING HECOi:!). 7H Whalebone, blk g (3 :31). Geo. H. B;iile.v. Boston, Mass., May 7, 18C7, $100. Lady Gray 1, Nelly, Midiiiglit, Martha Wasliiiigtoii (4 dr», Hraudyvviue {3 dis), 2:44, 'Z-ASU, liiWa, 2:45',2- May 10, 1867, .i?100. Braiidvvviue, Tornado, l.,ady Florence, Bower's ru s (2 dr), 2:43?i, 2:43, 2:4414. May 14, 18G7, .flOO. Nelly 1, Carrie 3, Lady Gray, Lady Florence (4 dis), 2:41M. 2:39%, 2:40. 2:41. May 21, I8ti7, $100. Bra'ndywine, Martha Washia^toii, 2:44, 2:40, 2:40. — ■ — Dan Mace, Waterloo, N. Y., Sept. 3, 1867. $ . Lizzie I. Amber, Sprlngville Chief , Duchess (4 dr), 2:3!) 2:31!. 2:37. 2:38. .Mr. Uussell, Schenectady, N..Y., Aug. 14, l!-68,.S50. Claret, 2:5"), 2:56. 2:.58. Whalebone, chgi3:51). T. Brad.y, Fashion Course, L, I., Sept. 24, 1870. .«!600. Lady Mellon 1. 2, Prince (3 dri. 3:05, 3:00, 2:51, 2:5.5, . Whalebone, br g (3:39). Miles Lathrop, Meehanicsville, la.. July 4, 1871,. SSO. Dick Richniond,3:02, 2:52, 3:03. Sept. — , 1871, S120. Bonny Doon 1. 2 (3 0), Parepa Kosa, Cainilen, Jack Kobiuson (i dr), 2:.52, 2:58, , 2:4r>. 2:47,2:47. G. W. Lathrop, Davenport, la., Sept. 5, 1873, $200. Hattie Fawcett 1, 2, Oak Grove Girl, Belle McNair (4 (lis), Lucy N'erve i4 dis), 2:40, 2:41. 2:39, 2:40, 2:36'2. Win. (Ja'Uagher. Cedar Kapids, la., Sept. 12, 1873. .?1.50. Mabie. Troublesome, 3:0554, 3:02',^. 3:02'/4. l)ul)U(iue, la., Oct. 8 and 9, 1873, .$300. Bonny Docni 2, Bay Frank, Capitohi, 2:353./2), by 'Daniel Lambert. Thos. Gradv, Ithinebeek, N. Y., .Inne 15, 1876. $2.50. CamoTi 2, Limestone, Ed. Sills. H. D. Laflin, Mary D., Lady Hulett (5 dr), W. C. Derby (4 dr),Happy Jack 1 (3 dis), 2:49,2:40,2:40,2:401.1, 2:4034. Siiratoga Spa, N.'Y.. Julv 28. 1876, $200. Ladv Augusta, W. R. Blcecker (1 dis), 2:43^4, 2:51^, 3:05, Waterford, N, Y^, Sept. 4, 1870, $150. Silas Piich 2, 3. David 1, 2:40, 2::;9, 2:40, 2:44, 2:44Va, 2:42Vi. Sept. 6, 1876. $1.50. Silas Rich, Laura M., Johnny, 2 :40, 2 :41 ' i , 2:4r>j ■ Syracuse. N. Y., Sept. 13, 1876. .$700. Maggie Mitchell, Torrent. Star. Integrity (2 dis), 2:.38J4, 2:38»4, 2:40. Elmira, N. Y., Sept. 20, 1876, $600. Maggie Mitchell 3, David 2, Torrent, Star (5 dis). 2:41, , 2:384, 2:40t/4, 2:38. II. E. Green, Albany, N. Y., June 20. 1877, $300. Kitty 2, Pelham, Lady Kapid, Fitzgerald, Ada D., 2:35, ,2:3.5,2:36. Rochester, N. Y., July 4, 1879, $ . Black Jessie, Starlight, Frank Ross (2 dr). 2:31V2. 2:34, 2:3494. What Cheer, gr m (3 :57). E. A. Morse, Bangor, Me., Oct. 6. 1874. Prize, silver. Gray Dick 2, 4, Fred, 3:00,3:01, 2:.57, 3:01, 2:58. What Is It, ch s (3 :35^.£), by the Beals Horse, dam by Witherell. H. Woodruff, Fashion Course, L. L, Oct. 1 . 1864, $160. Shot 1. 4. Ladv Wintbrop. 2:38' .;. 2:35^.i . 2 :36. 2 :371^, 2 :3S. W. H. Beetle, bs (3:30i4), l)v Edward Everett, dam by Hector. J. O. Smith, Warwick, N. Y., Aug. 28, 1874, .$2.50. .John A. Wheeler, Neversink Maid, Bachelor, Little Flora, Sam, Nelly Marlin (1 dis), 2:45, 2:4414, 2 :40. Aug. 1.5, 1876, $.300. W.C.Derby 1, Sussex, Col. Upton. Maggie B., Central Boy, George, Mary Miller, Birdie (4 dr). Willv (4 dr). Undine (4 dr),2:40, 2:40, 2:39, 2.-39. Fleetwood Park, N. Y., Sept. 20, 1876, $800. Moscow 2. 3, Lady Emma, George Henry, Oscar, Carrie Myers, Sussex (4 dr), Xewbrook (3 dis), Charlemagne (3 dr), 2:33, 2:.33i2, 2:.33ii, 2:.30i4. 2:.3.5. MSr. H. D., b g (3 :35). W. H. Dewey, Mansfield, O., Aug. 23, 1882. $ . Fred Goldsmith, Sir Henry, Almont Gift. Lady Larkin (3 dr). Hotspur Jr. (1 dis), 2:421..^, 2:439.i, 2:44. Aug. 25, 1882. $200. Lady Lawrence, Daybreak. 2-4514, 2 :42i4. 2:40%. Steubenville. O., Aug. 30, 1882, $2.50. Edwin A. 1.3, Charley, Citadel. Tourist (5 dr), Mattie H. (5 dr). Blue Goose 2(4 dr). 2:34 'i. 2:30, 2:45, 2:361^, 2:35, 2:36. AVheelan's Brown Mare, (w) (3:47 w). Wm. Wheelan, Union Course, L. I., June IG, 1853, $500. Kate O'Brien (W) 1, 2:57. 2:47. 2:48,2:49. Wheelan's Chestnut Mare (w), (3 :44i^ w). Wm. Wheelan, Union Course, L. I . , .Tuly 6, 1859, .$500. Smith O'Brien (w) l, 2:49, 2:4414. 2:46. W^heeler, b s (3 :55V^). Richard Walbert, Waverlv, N. J., Sept. 20, 1881, .$100. Steel Grayl, Jessie Owens, 3:031^ 2:.55!4. 2:57i4. Three-year-olds. W. H. Force, b g (3:4314). H. C. Eck, Waverlv, N. J., .lune 26, 1876, $200. Columbia Boy 1, Anna E., Coal Mine. Shoestring, Lady Baker (4 dis). 2:40'.;. 2:42i4, 2:42i4, 2:43?ii- Whinner, br g (3:03). j. K. Tater, Sweetsbiirgh, P. Q., June 22, 1883, $.50. Homer 3, Uno, Josh Billings (t dis), 3:04J£, 3:06)4, 3:00. 3:02. Whipple, b s (3 :33i4). bv Whipple's Hambletonian. Bela H. Colgrove, San Francisco Cal., Oct. 19, 1870, $1,750. Comet, 6. L. .Vlarshall d dis). Lady Babcock (1 dis). 2:.52%, 2:.56. Three-year-olds. Lexington. Ky., Oct. 20, 1.876, $400. Midwav Belle 2. Almont. Jr. Lady Prewitt 1(3 dis). Little Brown Jug (3 dis). Pilot Hutchinson C. dr), 2:3314. 2:35, 2;34'i. 2:36i/4, 2:.37. Sharpsburgh, Ky., Aug. 10, 1879. .$200. Koituckv St;ir, Lulu Moore.2:.50i4, 3:05?;i. 3:001.^. Whipple's Hambletonian, 1) s (3:39';). bv Guv Miller. Whii)ple & Teake, San Mateo. Cal., Oct. 4, 1866. .$300. Jennv Myers 1, 3. Lady Fine (5 dis). 2:4414, 2:394, 2:42, 2:42, 2:45. ^Vbippoorwil'l, b g (3 :54). D.'Spink. Sandy Hill, N. Y., Sept. 16. 1879. .$50. Fred 2, Tom 1, 3:05, 3:I2i/2, 3:12, 3:06, 3:08. Providence, R. I., Oct. 2, 1879, .$200. Susie 1, 2:54, 2:.54, 3:02'/2. 2:56y. Whirlpool, bg (3:43). F.F.Ellis, Whitby, Out., May 24. 1870, $12.5. Johnny Moore, Billy Howard (2 dr), 2:42,2:4.334,2:4414. Mav25, 1870, $200. Annie Collins, Charles Douglass, Micky, 2:59, 3:04, 3:02. •1- cnKSTKUS COMI'I.KTK TIMJTTINC AM) I'ACING ItECOWD, -— Ilamiliiiii. Out.. July i, 1870, §150. Lady Hill i. Little Maria. Oranjre Billy. 2:51li. 2:4y. i!:47 4 AVhirlwiml, 1) s I ,i:30'j). by Altorf, dam by Stockholder. H.A.Noel, Na.shville, Teiiii., Auk 17, 1858 «400 New N.iik. 3:01'2. ;i:U4!^. 2:;->8. < b - . v . — Mark Vouiifj;, .\ug. 11. 18t;o, §200. Kodnoy -•, Chuckaluck 1 (:< dis), Betty (,1 dis), 2:.'?9, J:.!7, 2::}0',i, 3:Ot;',4, Mr. Lifiliter, Au^'. 19. 1885, $400. Kodiiey. 5:2tJU;, 5:2G?4. Two niik-s. WhirlwiiiU ovi, br ^ ri :49i^ w^ l>an .M;u-e. Fiisliion Course, L. 1.. .May 7, \m\ $tiOO. Owl (W). 3, G (4 0). (5 0) :dr). 2:50. :.':.-.l!.s, L':4S,1.':49'„ '.'tSO. 2:41;. Ujilinislied. y >, ^ 1, AVhirlwiud c^ioS'j). I'lttsburgli. I'a.. -Mav '.'O, ISGC, sioo. Ileury, Everett. ">:5l. Two miles. AVIiirlwiiid. b ji ia:55). Geo. Austin. Toledo. <).. .lulv 15, 1SG9, S— . Cliarkv, Frank •.':r)5 255 A\ liii-lwiiiii. blk !,' («:38'j». O. IJ. Madison. Orrville. 0., Oct. 11, 1872..S200. Laily ('lijjper .{. Tom .Moore (3dis), J:4tU». 'J:18. 2:41. 2:o8'2. \Vhirl\vlii(l b a (•^:40). by Wnlrlwiiid. S. I). Smith. Herkimer. .N. Y.. Oct. 20. lR7t!. SLW. Kit Holtou 1, Minnie 1 licks. Charley F., Harry B. (4 dri. Farmer Brown (4 dn. 2:4.^. 2:4su,. •_':45U., 2 -40'™, New City. N. Y., Aug. 23, 1877, $100. Carrie A. 3, Nelly J)., H.t. Davis, Messenger (?.dis>. Fleetwood 10 (Ir). 2-4."i'.i. 2:45. 2:45, 2:45'4. Mill.' Falls, N. Y.. .lune. 14. 1878. .5100. AYiiifield Bov. Kit Holton (2 dr). 2:40. 2:40. 2:40. liichruld Spa. N. Y . ,)nly 4. l.'<7s. jiioo. Wiiilield Bov I, .lack Sliei)hcnl. Kit lloUon. Notiiiu-. WliirlwiiKi. blk si!J:4i)». .\. Down. Babvlou. L. I., Oct. (i. is.so, ?<5(). Folly. j 4. Sccwassetl Cllief. il \V IJccchcr. 2:.')i». 2:54, 2:47. 2:52. 2:49. Wliirlwiiul ^i-M^). Manstteld, Pa.. Aug. 31, 1883. .SlOO. Faul ll:icke. Traphagen. .loe. Kcramo. 2:.Mi, 2:47'.i, 2:15' 4. "W'hirlwiiKl Jr. iSneaki. br g ('J:'i7'.,). by Zilrad'u- Coldiliist. dam bv I'.onn Scotland. .\. .1. Beal. Dallas, Te.\., Nov. 9, 1883, S500. Fred Neill I, The King, Nomad. Fcri (1 dis), 2:2;t'j. 2:30l4. - .2714, 2:30. (iamesville. Tex., Nov. l.S, 18H,X S400 Eva 1. 2, The King 4. Bine .Jav. Colden Threa(l, Joe Morris (5 dr), 2:38, 2:34. 2:3;->, 2:33'2, 2:3,5, 2:31^.. — Fort Worth, Tex., Nov., 23 and 24, 1883. .?.500. Blue .lay 3. 4. Coriander 2, Isaae, Blue Cloud, 2:27%, 2 :29^i. 2 :2!li.i, 2:31, 2:31^4,2 :32,u;. Whiskey, ch g (.3 :.33J4), by Black Bashaw. Dr. Hoyt, Philadelphia, Fa., May 18. 18r.7. .? . Captain, 2:42'.,, 2:40>».2:44. May 2,5, 18.57, S . Captain a dis), 5:28. Two miles. J. Hamill. Union Course, 1.. I., May 3i 1.8,58, $2,000. Haphazard 1, 2:34. 2:35ix,. 2:35>4. 2:.3,5«4. Wliiskey, b s (.3 :53). George W. ^Valbridgc, Rochester, N. V., June 11, 18C4, ii<200. Kerosene, 5:58, 5:50. Two miles. Whiskey (3:50). .S. C. Black, Nashville, Tenn.. July 4, 1874, S . Hattie Brown l, tountrv BoY.2:48,2:51'j, 2 -.50, 2:50. Whi8per(Firstof May), blkg(3:38?4). (i. S. AYalker. S. Framingham, Mass.. Seijt. 22. 1875. ,?100. Bashaw jMaid 1. 2, IMaggio Allen. Fred B., Marlborough Boy, Vashlal, Ned Fowler <4tlls}. Belle Brandon (2 dis), 2:51'2.2:.52. 2:451.1. 2:44, 2:44. Manchester, N. H.. Oct. 6, 187.5, .15300. Kate Sloan 3 (2 0), Gen. Wiiithrop. Moxey, Hiram. Kichmond Girl, Bessie llolbrook (5 dr). Brick (4 dr), 2:41, 2:39 2:38, 2:41^, 2:40. Oct. 8 and 9, 1875, S300. Kate Sloan ,3, 5, Bessie Shaw 1, Lady Sherburne, Doctor. Beard (5 dr), 2:40. 2:42.2:42,2:44,2:42.2:40. Lowell. Mass.. Oct. 13, 1875. S300. Joe 3. 4. Chief. Steven W., Uncle Dud, Kate Sloan (4 dis», Joan (2 disi, Kastern (iirl (2 dis), 2:40'4. 2:43'.., 2:45. 2:44, 2:41%. Clifton, N. J., May 7, 1877, $2.50. Gvpsv 1. .lim Moffatt (3 0). Frank, 2:42'». 2:40, 2:44. 2:42'». 2:40?4. Jersey City, N. J., May 10, 1877, $150. Tommv Moore, Gypsy Maid, St. George, Billy Edwards. Frank, 2 :39, 2 :40, 2 :39. Whisper, b g. E. R. Vanderbilt, New Dorp. S. I., Julv 2G. 1883, $ . Northfield ]\Iaid 1. Harry (3 dr). No Time. 1 . . . Whistle Jack, br 8(3:4714). H. Clark. AVoodstock, Ont. Oct. 4, 1881. .Smo. Darby 4. Sorrel Tom 1. Fire Fly. Belle, Norah (l dis), 2:53, 2:47»4, 2:,50. 2:51?4. 2:51. White Bird, rng (3:395^). Montreal. P. Q.. Julv 22. 1857, .S7.5. Hero. 2:4.5, 2:41 '4,2 :39»4. White IJird, wh s (3 :43). W. Pendergast, Burlington, Vt., July 2, 1858, $70. Flora. Mazeppa, 2;50' ;, 2:49}^, 2:43. Ogdensburgh. N. Y.. Oct. 1, 1858. $1,50. St. Lawrence Maid l, 2 (4 dr), Capt. Lightfoot (4 dr),Tom Martin (4dr). Maggie Brown (3dr), 2:48, 2:.51. 2:,50. 2:,53. White Jtird, gr g (3:33i^). B. B. Smith, (iowanda. N. Y., June 15, 1857, $200. Mollv Newton, 2:42!4, 2:40. 2:.39J^. Clias. Picard. Buffalo, N. \., Aug. 2. 1807, $100. Mollv Newton, Dutchman. 2:38i^. 2:34. 2:38. A. W. Keitli. llochester, N. Y., Aug. ,5, 1867. $400. .Mace's gr g 3. Amber, Petroleum (2 dis), Fred I'ence (2 (lis), Ladv Kowe (1 dis), Ladv Crane (1 dis), Lookout (1 dis). 2.35'». 2:33*,i, 2:33"2. 2:37. L. H. Titus. Ellicottville. N. Y., Sept. 18, 18G8, .$500. Dutchman 2, 4, Frank Howard 1, 2:37!i, 2:36?4, 2:.354, 2::S8, 2:38i/>, 2:40'^. White IJird. gr g (3:.'>3). T. Clark, Leavenwortli. Kan., Nov. 9, 1SG,5. $100. John P.rowu 1 (3 dr), 2:58. 2:.52. White Bird (3:48). Leavenworth, Kan. Aug. 28, 186G, $ . Aker's Stallion 1, 2, Gen. Morgan, Sargeant's Boan, 2:.50, 2:.5.5, 2:48, 2:54. . Wliite Bird, gr g (3 :3«). M. Lark, Lowell, Mass., Oct. 10, 1871. $150. Canada Bov 1. 2:.50, 2:45, 2:45'j, 2:445i. N. Stone, Norwich, Conn., Oct. 14and 1.5, 187.5. $200. Palmer Bov 1.3 i2 0) (i died). Little Dick (4 dr), 2 :38, 2 :.3G, 2 :42, 2 :48, 2 :58. White Bird (3:43). Bav City, Mich. Julv .5. 1882. $1.50. Belle 1, Little Fred.Belle Pierce, — , 2;4,!ti;, 2:43, 2:45' i. White Chief, gr g (3 :38',i). Dan Mace, Boston. Mass. Oct. 30, 1861. $.500. St. Lawrence Maid. 5:l9»ii. 5:17. Two miles. (w) \Ym. \Voodruff, June7,1862. $500. Ladv Morrisi4), by Joe Brown. F. R. Loomis. Prospect l*;irk. L. I.. May 8, 1872. $300. James Gardner 1, Humpty Dumptv (1 dis). . 2:44^. 2:47. 2:49. Daniel Jenkins, Amenia, N. Y., Oct. 10, 187.!, $1,000. Isabelhi. I Guess So. NYild Oats, 2:41'2, 2:40>, (6 dis), Mystic Maid (3 dr). Clarence (.3 dis), Atlanta ^2 dis;, 2:37, 2:36i4, 2:36, 2:35^4, 2:35, 2 :36>^. 2 :38. Boston, Mass., July 18, 1869, $2,000. Rosa Golddust 3, 4, Wilson 1, Lady Ellis, Black Harrv, Black Walnut, 2:31 'i, 2::32i4„ 2:34)^, 2:32f'2, 2:35. 2:35. Ben Mace. Saratoga Spa, N. Y.. Aug. 3, 1869, $400. Old Put, Roden's ch g (2 dr), 2:44, 2:43^. 2:43V^. AVhitefleld, 1) g i3 :30i4). W. Whitefield, Lewiston, Pa., Sept. 25, 1878. $200. Mary D., 2, 5 (1 0), (4 0), Fox Chase. Mary Jane, Etliel Medium (3 dis), 2:34, 2:3452. 2:34, 2:34i4, 2:34. 2:36. 2:34?4. Sept. 27, 1878, •■5S20U. Mary D., Fox Chase, 2:37. 2:.S7i4, 2:37. J. Reav, Worton, Md., Sept. 16, ISSO, $250. Tom Bayard 3, Modoc. Fanny Fern. AUce Addison (4 dr), 2:40,2:40. 2:36. 2:37. Middletown, Del., Sept. 23, 1880, $300. Tom Bayard, Brookside Flora. Sherman Morgan, 2:30, 2:.S7, 2*35' o Whiteioot, b g (3:35?i). Plattsburgh, N. Y.. Sept. 11. 1865, $ — . Fanny Heron, 2:48,2:.54. Ithaca. N. Y., Sept. 28, 186.5, $ . Dr. Kane. 1 (4 0), two others, 2:38Si, 2:36^4. 2:35 Ji, 2:36^4, 2:36. "Whitefoot ^Col. Fiske). chg (.3:381. R. W. Poo). Trnmansbnrg, N. Y., July 5, 1870, .?40. Nipper 1, Clark Cowan, Black George, Frank Harris, Chami)ague Charley i.3 di-), Frank Leslie (l dr). Rubber (l dr), 2:45'i, WlUtefoot. ell g'(3:41;. C. Whiting, Springfield, Mass., July 4, 1883. .?120. Kitty, Clara d dis), Dan M. (idis;, Billv. 2:41,2:491.,. White Gown, gr m (2 :44i4>. B. H. Throop. Scranton, Pa., Sept. :iO, 1881, $200. Lady P. 4, Harry Norwoods, P.ismiirk. Snainrock. Billy E., Daddy, 2:4414. 2:46'2, 2:47'2, 2:45, 2:46'2. White Hawk, grg (3:41). ' Mr. Ellison. Quebec. P. Q., Sept. 21, 1865, $100. Bella. 2:44, 2:44, 2:41. White Hawk, gr g (3:38i'4). J. S. BeitUr. Alliance, O., Sept. 6, 1871, $17.5. Mohawk Maid. Lib, St. Vincent, Troury. Kitty, Echo, Cricket (,2 dis). 2:47^4. 2. 45^2, 2:47'2. Sti\)t. 8. 1871, $200. St. Vincent, Mohawk :\Iaid, Eelio. Lib, Troucy (3 dis), Kitty (2 dis). Deception (1 dis), Lucy il dis). Keystone Giri d dis). Cricket (1 dis), 2:47'2. 2:46?4, 2:40'2. Greenville, Pa., Oct. 3, 1872. .?240, Dave Hill, Jr, 3, Lady McKinney, Gray Dan, Orange Billy, Blue Pills, Sandy (1 dis 1, 2:43, 2:44, 2 :41J4, 2:41. Pittsburgh. Pa.. June 19, 1873. $l,50fi. King William l, 2, (4 0), Mary Taylor, Lucretia Borgia, Hot Punch, 2:36, 2:3.5. 2:38^4. 2:40, 2:44, 2:4.514. Whitehead, br g (3:41). A. H. Whitehead. Grand Rapids. Mich., Sent. 16. 1873, $560, Little Sam 1, 4. Black Anne. Jessie (2 dis), Netty Barnes (2 dis). 2:47. 2:43?i, 2:48iv>, 2:48, 2:4354. "White Heels, b g |3 :37'o). ' T. O'Connor, Middletown, N. Y., Sept. 27, 1871, $500. Frank Page 4 (3 0), Most Probably, Long Mary (1 dis), George Elliott (1 dis), Jewess (1 dis), Ristori (1 dis), 2:37i/s, 2:40, 2:41, 2:42-!4, 2:43^4. Port Jervis, N. Y., Oct. 4, 1871, $200. Black Dick 2, Long May 1, 2:45, 2:491/2, 2:53, 2:54%, 2:56%. White Hor.se. grg (3:45). W. McMahoii. Sniithtown, L. I., July 5, 1869, $100. Lady Jones (1 0), Fat Malloy (1 0) (2 0) 13 dr), 2:5.5, 2:.53. 2:53. 2:.54. 2:54. Union Course, L. I., .Tuly 8. 1869. $1,000. New York 3. 2:45. 2:47. 2:43i2. 2:45. White Legs, rn g. M. Rafalle. Canandaigua. N. Y.. Sept. 26, 1883, $50. W. D. Powers, Mary Anderson. No time. White Lily, wh m. Geo. R. Wesson, Worcester, Mass.. Sept. 10. ISCl. .$500. Broker drawn after 40th mile 2h..55m. Fifty miles. White Line, whg (3:00). G.W.Dickey. Indianapolis, Ind., May 13, 1876, .$100. Coal Oil Johnny 1,4, , 3:03. 3:01, -, 3:00. White Line.gr s (.3:30), by a Virginia stallion, dam by Pilot, Jr. Dr. Snyder, Wellington, O. Aug. .30,1883, $25. Brewster, Dick. No time. Stallions. White Mane, cr g (3 :56). J. J. Bowen. Boston. Mass.. Oct. 22, 1862, .$50. Telegraph, 2:56, 2:.56.i.':58. White Mountain, gr g (3:31). jM. Moses. Baltimore. Md., Oct. 27, 1870, $1,000. Virginia iiaid, George M. Patclieii. 2:.;9io. 2:39^, 2:41. R. Remick. Oct. 5, 1871, $500. Prince, Belle of Hartford (1 dis), 2:40, 2:41, 2:4014. White Mountain Boy, b g (3:43%). W. Williams, Manchester, N. H., July 4, 1871, $150. Ladv Rogers, Markwell. Dick, 2:47%. 2:47i^, 2:46. — Haverhill. Mass., July 26, 1871, $ . Little Dick, Ironsides, Lady Jane, Dolly Farrel (1 dis). 2-A3}4, 2:4.5' o. 2:43''>. "White Mountain Maid, br m (2:53V .los. Fowler. Waitsfield, Vt., Sept. 3,1874, $50. l.< ttj' Hayes, Ed. Hampton, Topsy, Lady Waterman. Barney (3 dr). 3:10. 3:10, 3:02'2. Four-year-olds. White Oakley, bg (3:45), by Ethan Allen. P. B. Pollard. Gettysburg, Pa^ July J5. 1878. s^do. Bendigo 2, Big Fellow, 2:48. 2:47^.1, 2:45. 2:47%. ■White Pony, wb g (3:39i4). J. Haves. Beacon Park, Boston, Mav9, 1874, $250. Little Fraud, Lady Ed- wards. Air, 2:;i9'... 2:44^.2:40 "White Rose, gr m(3 :40i4). .lames & Wilson. Bradford, Out.. .Tune 24, 1880. .$150. Tommy B.. Hit or Miss, 2:47, 2:4314, 2:49U,. White's Bay Mare, (2 :41). Rufus P. White, Watertown, N. Y., Oct. 8, 1869, $150. Edgill's b g, D. M. Rice, 2:45, 2:47, 2:51. 714 CllLsTLliS COMI'LETE TUOTTING AND I'AflNG llECOlil). White Stookine:, biii'i AH). DiuUt'v Smith. Keeiie, N. H., Oct. 0, is.5-t, fL'S. Job Sass, •-•:5C, L'tSij. SaiiK' (lav. sio(». l'i'iiiia<-o<)k. IsiacU Hawk, •J:48. i;:49. White Stoikiiis;. (« :54j. i'. Draper, Louisville, Kv.. .June .5, IsiiS, .Sl.ooo. Tom Uati'iiiaii. :i:01. 2:'A. White .stocking:, ili g f-iia:}';!. iv Everett, Walertowii, N. Y..Aug. 31, IhUO, ;}-^r>. Tritle, Nelly, -^SA, 2:bJ. Ftmr-vear-olils. .s. .Morse, Oet. li'. 1K63, S200. I.ive Oak (1 dis). 2:38. 11. (batman, Oct. JT, 1W!3, $50. Simoii(2dr), 2:48,2:47. 11. (i. Jtoot. Miirliiiirtoii, Vt.. Sept. 27, 180"), §100. ilorrill'sl) m, Letlue's blk in. Burr's eii in,Menouals Entrv,3:0.J, 2:.-ii». 2:r.7. T. Shaw, lUirliugton. Vt., Sept. 2K. 18G.">,S ■ Hartlaiid. Limber Jim, 5:52,6:10. (!:00. Two mile.s. Sei)t. 29, iMi.'i, * . IlartlamI, l-;miuess, 5:32. 5:59. Two mile.s. House's I'oiut. X. V.. Oet. 6, isil.'), *1(I0. Keiillleky iioy, 2:42, 2:44, 2:37. F. l?riKf;s, Boston, .Mass., Auj;. 8, 18G0, .•S200. Gen. Gniiit, 2:54i)4. 2:45, 2:48?4. Haverhill, Mass., Aug. 18. isGii, ■#200. .Mystie Sport I (2 0), .Matchless (2 0), 2:46^,2:47, 2:45, 2:42H, 2:40. Boston, .Mass., .\ug. .'7. IStKi. .$1.0(H). Geu. Sherman 2, 3, 2:50>^, 2:44, 2:43Ji. 2:47^^,2:47. (W) Nov. 1. 18(ii!, S\rA) Buekskiu Boy (Wi. Aleck (\\), 2:44, 2:42, 2:40. (w) Dec. 6. ISOO, •■S4(iO. Luev. 2:43':. 2:4.'), ■;:51. S. Hayes. Boston. Mass. Awj;. 3, 1808, $500. Lewiston 15oy, 2:30, 2:35, 2:41. Dr. Moore, Manehester, N. 11., Aug. 19, 1868, $175. .Mountain Girls, Lady C'assius, Little ^HscJiief, Titan, Nell Preseott (2 dis), 2:40'2. 2:41Si, 2:40. 2:44;'.,. S. H:ives. Worcester, Mass.. Sept. 29. 1808, Sl.W. Kli (2 0). 2:52, 2:4:5. 2:48. 2:46. .Manchester, N. IL. Aug. 11, 1870. .S17.'j. Bay Stranger 3, Lilly 4. 2:33'o. 2:35>4. 2:39'.i, 2:4194, 2:505i. Jas. Woodard, Worcester, Mass., Oct. 28, 1870, $ . Black Walnut 2. Geu. McClellan, 2:37!4, 2:37J4, 2:381.1, 2:38J4. Boston, .\lass., Nov. 8, 1.870. .^500. Jenny 2, 2:34'4. 2:37i», 2::34 2:34="^. White .StoekiiiKf.s. hlk m («::$«». O. A. Hickok, Milwaukee, W'is., May 11, 1806, $100. J. (". Lewis 3, Al- drieh's 1) g. p.icer (1 dis), J:,;8. 2:40?4, 2:41?4. 2:43. Oliie.igo. 111.. June 12. 1806, -SIOO. Fine Cut (w). Little Maria (w). 2:4294, 2:44' i, 2:43%. White stockings, bg (3:45). Mr. Porter. Maloue, N. Y., Aug. 17, 1867, $100. Pnnce of W;des 2.4, Malone Belle. .MoUv. 2:46. 2:49, 2:4.'). 2:48 2:4,'). ■White stockings, blk g (3 :33*). J. Harrison, rivmouth, O., Oct. 14. 1868, 8 . Gypsy 1, Black Ned (4 dr), Champion (4dr), ('arrie Jones (4 dr), 2:48, 2:33, 2:32, 2:32. Short track. "n'hite .Stockings, ch g (3:33), by Witherell. F. Pagsley, I'ortland, Me., Sept. 7, 1871, $100. Johnuy Selnnoker 2, 3:0114. 2:.')8, 2:56. 2:55. lohn H. .May, Bangor. Me.. Sept. IS, 1873, .$37.5. Gen. Lightfoot, 2:40, 2:37, 2:34?i. Brunswick. -Me., Oct. 10. is;.;. sit;o. Bumpus. Best time 2:44. Oct. 1.5. 1874, $200. BulTali) Bill, Mabel (iray. 2:40, 2::58, 2:33. White Stocking:^, (w) b g (3:43}-^ w). Jas. Laman, Boston, Moss., Oet. 9, 1871. $200. Lady Parker, 2:. ')4, 2:52?4. 2:4.5. Lowell. .Mass., Nov. 8, 1S71. .^lOO. Live Oakl, 2:49}^. 2:51U. 2:48, 2:,57. Wliite .Stockings, bg (3:31), by a SOU of Commerce. J. W. Fasten. St. Joseph, Mo., Sept. 7, 1874, $300. Andy 2. 3, Nell, Lucy Smith. Molly tiravdon(3 dis), Koau Charlev (3 dis), Spot (3 dr). Koxy Mattin (2 dr), Hatcher (1 dis". <'(>riist:ilk (1 dis), John tlie Baptist (1 dis). Monarch (1 dis). 2:43?4, 2:41i4. . 2:37, 2::i7'.i. Sept. s, 1874, $.500. Havinaker 4, 5, Ned S. 3. Frank. Monarch. Lucy Smith (4 dr). Border Eagle (4 dr), Longa Coming (2 dr), Molly Graydon (2dr), 2:37^i. 2:38. . 2:43i2. 2:46i.i, 2:34. Sept. 10, 1875, $m). Frank lieeves, Iowa Maid (3 dis). Jack Baxter (3 dr), Billy Weston (.1 dis), 2:38J^. 2:34, 2:,34i4. Sept. 11, 187,5, $1,000. Prince 2, Stranger (3 dis), Barney (l dis), 2:31i/2, 2:;i2?i. 2:31>^. Kansas Citv. ^lo.. Sept. 14. 1875. .S400. Charlev, Prince. Lothario, 2:38!/;, 2:.38%. 2:38. ■ Sept. 16, 1875, $1,000. Pilot Tenii)le. Lothair, Cli;irlev C! dis). Prince (1 disi. 2:33, 2:38, 2:36. Leavenworth, Kan., Oct. 15. 1875. .■$ , lluekleberrv 1. Randall, Pilot Temple, 2:32. 2:30, 2:3B4, 2:33}^. Nashua, la.. July 4, 1876, .$ , Granger.l. 4. Huckleberry (5 dr). 2:36. 2:3014, 2:44, 2:3854, 2:49. Lawrence. Mass.. Aug. 2.5, 1876, $2.50, .lohn Virgin, Belle Dean, JoeS., 2:33'4. 2:3312, 2:34i^. Parki-r City. Pa.. Sept. 28, 1876. $500. Lady Bvron 3, (2 0), Magnolia, Josh Billings, White Cloud, John B.. Little Jake (3 disl, 2:30i4, 2::i\}^, 2:29'o, 2:28, 2:301.'.. Sept. 30. 1876. $.500. .lohn B. 1. .Magnolia. P.rother .lonathan. 2:28'4, 2:26'2, 2:27, 2:29'4. Cincinnati, ().. Oct. 4, I87ti. .Ssoo. Clifto)) Boy 3, Granville 1, Lew Scott. Tom Brown, Dick Taylor, Capt. Jack, Prince. Bill Tlnmder, 2:20i..'.. 2:J0i4. 2:24^4- 2:24K>. 2:2.5%. Thos. P. Wallace. Buftalo, N. Y., .fulv 31, 1877, $2..50O. Mazo-Manie 3, Blue Mare, Silvcrsides, Towers, Lady Stiir. Amy B., Lady Turpin, Idol (3 dr), 2:22'o, 2:22i.i. 2:24'4, 2:2.5, Rochester, N, Y., Aug. 7, 1877. .?2,.50O. Lady Snell 4, Silvcrsides 1, Powers. Amy B., Blue Mare. Idol. Ladv Star i4 dr), 2:23, 2:22. 2:22K>, '-2:'-24, 2:24ii, White istockinRs, dig (3:53!i), by Masterlode. L. Keefe. Hastings, Minn., Sept. 12. 1882. $ — . Kit, Un- known, (iray Prince, 2:.58%. 2:.50, 2:.52i^. Sept. 14. 1882, $1.50. Kit. Unknown,'Fannv Grover, 2:.5.5, 2:55, 2:.50. White .Strip, ch g (3 :53). Geo. 11. Bailey, Portland, Me., Sept. 18, 18.58, $100. Young Trustee, 2:53, 2:53. W^liite Siilpliur. ch g (3:03). .M. H. Bniwer. Hichmond. Va.,Oct. 30. 1878, $200. Manileto 1, Primrose (3 r 0), Libby (3 r o>. LadyjCicely (2 dis). Little Joker (2 dis). 3:0f»K', 3:101^, 3:03. Oct, 31. 1878, $1.50. Virginia Girl 2. Nannie Bell. 3:20, 3:J0>^, 3:07. Four-year-olds. White Swan, gr m (3:r>.'-,i4). J. Forbes, Scaforth, Out.. Sept. 13, 1872, $150. Tip Corry, Lady Wood, Gray Eagle. 3:0114.3:00. 2;.5.5i4. Goderich. Out., Sept. 18, 1872, $100. Goldleaf. No time. 1. Davis. Sebringville, Out. May 24. 1879. $ . Brown Dick. 2:.58. 3:02. WliileThorne. grg (3:4714). S. D.Page, Toronto. Out., Oct. 19 and 20. 1875. $200. Stonewall Jackson 1, Little .lohn. Ladv Kemlile. Avenue Boy. Ladv Jiilien. 2:47ki. 2:47'i. 2:47k». 2:.51'i. White Vail, wli ni (3:43). .M. Wilson, White I'hiins, N. Y., (Jet. 23. 1877,8100. Dusky Maid. Kadir, Pontiac, 2:.5.5,2:,52, 2:52U, 2:.55. Oct. 24, 1877, i? . Cossack 1 .3, (2 0). Dusky Maid, Rosina, K:idir, Susie 2, (1 dis), 2:43, 2:42, 2:43, 2:45. 2:42?4. Whitewater IJelle, h m (3:47), by Swigert. (him by Puchard's Bellfoimder (?). H. H.Greenman. Janesville, Wis., M:iy 25. 187«. $ . Lady McKey. Best time. 2:47. Sept. 5, 1878. .$200. Gahitea 1, 3, .lim Lupe. Op;il. .No time. Sept. 0, 1878. .«'_'50. .fini Lui)e. (iravstone. Oiial. No tnne. AVhitewater Chief (Vermont Boy). f3:4»). S. H. Bauck, Lincoln. Neb., Aug. 29, 1874, $.50. Black Hawk Morgan, Frank, Belle of Liiu-oln. No lime. Sei»t. 2.5, 1874, S.iSO. Fred Windist, Gov. Bnller (3 dis). Black Chief (1 dis). Frank Leslie (1 dis). 2:49, 2:50,3:0.5. Whltforci IJKht, grg(3:44). J. H. Cranston. Washington Co.. R. 1., Sept. 12. 1878.$ . Lazy Bill. Sla.slier, Grav Frank. AvT A. tireen (3dr). 2:47. 2:40i/.. 2:44. Whitney, eh g (3:381./,). by Messenger Duroc" (hini Belle of Richmond, by llambletonlan. J. H. Mc( (ion. Morrisania, N. Y., Oct. 4. I88I. $1,900. Ladv Burr. Sir Mohawk (l dis;, 2:.51'/2, 3:03%.. Three-year-olds. CHESTKUS COiMl'LKTK TROTTING AND 1' AGING KECOUl). 715 Oct 5, 1881, ST15. Rciiconsfield. Sir Mohawk d dis), 2:44, 2:38'4. Whitson's Bay Gelding: (w) (•-i:44vv). Mr. Wbitson, Union Course, L. I., Sept. 12, 1859, §1,000. Jim Jacks (W) 1, 2 (o (lis). 2:40. 2:42, 2:44. Whitson's Gray .Stallion (« :47). Asa "Wliitson. Fashion Course, L. I., July 7. 1868, S — . Babbitt's eh g 1, 2:50,2:47, 2:48. 2:48. W. H. Taylor, cli s,' (~ iSO'^j. by the Crawford Horse, dam by ^Vitherell 'Messenger. C. Hill, Kewhurgli, N. Y., Sept. U;, 1808, S^OO. Noedle (inn. Old I'ut, Latham, Lady Whitman, 2:35, 2:34, 2:34i.i. Albany, N. Y., Sept. ;)0, 18()8, .S800. Needle Gun, Henrietta, K. Neavols, Dick Turpin, Dutchman, Sir John, J>atham. Belle I'atterson, 2:.Ui4, 2:32. 2::i3io. Oct. 1, 1868, $1,500. II. Neavols, Capt. (tHI. Surprise, 2:30, 2:30>4, 2:32'.;. J. J. Hornbeck. I'oughkeepsie. N. Y., Oct. 0, 1808, §300. Prince, Washington Irving, Lady Wells, Eah- way Paul (2 dis>. 2:34i.i, 2:3U4. 2:.32. C. Hill, Providence. K. I., Oct. 14, 186* SI. 000. Duchess 1, Western New York, Jack Lewis, Columbus Navigator, American, Topsy (5 dis), Bayard (5 dr). Emperor 2, 3 (4 dls). Lady ^VaItou (3 dr), 2:33Ji, 2:30, 2:32 '2, 2:33, 2:29«4, 2:33. Trov, \. Y.. Oct. 31, 1868. .fsoo. Prince, 2:37, 2:39, 2:35. J. .i. Hornbeck, Copake, X. Y., Aug, 28, 1869, 8100. Webotuck 3, Burgher. 2:31^. 2:32U, 2:.33'2, 2:32'/2. Fashion Course, L. 1., Nov. 3, 1869, .§1,200. Dresden 1, Westeru New York, Lau, Hamilton, Mercer, 2 :30J4, 2 :;50, 2 :.s::?i. . Why Not, ch m (3:35). D. B. Beaumont, ^Nlilford. Conn.. Sept. 9, 1880..«f150. Williard (2 0), Dixie. Kate, Lizzie M., Nelly, Pinafore. Neighbor Ips, liaisv I'earsall, Flora, 2:44, 2 :41}^3, 2:40i*, -j-AiU. Watertown, Conn., Sept. 2;t, isso, .^150. " K;itc, 2:45, 2:45'2. 2:42i4. Merideii, Conn., Sei)t. 22. 1881. S200, Tno, Valley Bov, Kittv Hills, Dave Young (3 dis), 2:37, 2:37%, 2:40. Why Not, b m (3 :53). E. H. Piatt, New City.N. Y.,Oet. 3, 1883, .Seo. Eoadmaster 3, Boz, Frank (4 dr), Lucy (3 dr),2:">(j, 2:.53. 3:06. 2:58. Wick, b g 1 3:301. by Justice Morgan, dtxm bv John Dillard. I. Smith, Richmond, Ky., Aug. 10, 1882, $3.50. San ford Keith. 2:36^1.2:32, 2:35'.. Cynthiana, Kv. . Aug. 26, 18.vj.",f;3no. Nannie Talbot, Woodbridge Girl, Dabney (2 dis). Fulcrum (1 dis), 2:43:^4,2:41.2:451.4. — Smith & Coons, Falmouth, Ky., Sept. 12, 18S2 $:300. Jim Hill, Nannie Talbot, Monie W'est, 2:3TA, 2:3714, 2 *38 — ^ Sept. 14, 1882, .S300. Jim Hill. Nannie Talbot, Lena, Yazoo (3 dis) 2:35, 2:36,2:38 — Maysville, Kv., Sept. I'J, 1882, S300. Nannie Talbot. Yazoo, Whipple .Tr. (2 dis), 2:37M, 2:31, 2:30, Sept. 21, 1882. .~;.?00, Roxie, Puritani, Mayflower, Yazoo, Dixie ft., Fanny May )2dis), 2:.39, 2:35, 2:36, Wicked Dick, b g (3: 401^). H. Brock, .Alysti'c Park, Boston, July 25, 1868, $1.50. Dick Turpin (w) 1, 3, Moun- tain Girl (1 dis), 2:.52i4. 2:4014, 2:44' I, 2:4534, 2:4414. Wicked Will, gr g |3 :47-4 '. M- :Mvers, New Orleans, La., Sept. 6, 1860, ,fl,000. Sleepy Da^y. -':48, 2:47^4. Wideawake sj) s. T. Townsend, Lockport, N. Y., Sept. 26, 1880, .§80. George, Cambria Boy, Tempest, 1 :32, 1 :32, 1 :.-;2i o. Half-mile heats. "Widow Bedott, rn m (2:3i)^o. hv Bashaw Drurv, dam bv Copperbottom. D. F. King, Dewitt, la.. Sept:. 21, 1882, Sioo. Lorelle, Basliaw B..' Brown Frank, 2 :44' » , 2 :44i<4. 2:46. Matiuoketa, la., Sept. 12. 1883, $200. Honest Fred 1, 2, Flora Belle 5. 6, 2:3914, 2:39' j. 2:3914, 2:39'.i, , 2:42,2 39I4. Widow Hinckley, b m (3 :00). F. S. Palmer, Portland, Me., Seiit. 15 1866, 625. Unknown. 3:02i/g, 3:00, 3:07. Widow Machree (wi, ch m (3:39. by American Star, dam by Pintler's Bolivar, Hiram Woodruff. Union Course. L. I., Aug. 4. 1859. 81.700. Kelly's ch m, 5:3014, 5:32. Two miles. Boston. Mass., Oct. 21. 1859. .$200. Draco 1, 2, Soinmerville, Lady Spin (2 dis), Ephraim Smooth (2 dis), 2:381/2, 2:41'».2:39V.^,2:34i;,2:o9. S. M. McLauglilfn Fashion Course. L. L. May 29, 1861, $500, Putnam, Frank Temple, 2:34, 2:35' 2, 2:46]^. Union Course, L. I., June 7. 1861, $.550. Frank Temple, Putnam (1 dis), 2:29, 2:31, 2:33i/^. Isciah Rvnders, Stonyford, N. Y., Sept. 20, 1861, $100. George Cooley, 2:40, 2:.32ii, 2:38^. Widow Machree, bm(3:'3fi34). Jas. Bovle, Dubuque, la., Nov. 4,1867, $1.50. Chainshot 2 5(4 0), Honest Abe, 2::!7i.. 2::38ii. 2:.363i, 2:.37ii, 2:41i,i, "2:41?i. Widow Wilson, bm(3:45). Mr. Littell, Fashion Course, L. I., May 17, 1804, .$.500. Black W^arrior, 2.45, 2:4,5,2:46. Wilbur F.,blkg (3:341.;). bv Hinsdale Horse, dam bv Pegasus. .John Splan. Jiickson, Mich., June 8, 1880, $800. George v., Emma Maxwell, Kate McCall, Magnet, Harry B., Tom Rogers, Carrie Cozzens, 2:41. 2:.37, 2:37 Chicago, 111., July 21, 18R0, $1,950. J. W. Thomas, Mary Miller, 2:.30i4, 2:2914, 2:31i4 Cleveland, O., July 28, 1880, $1,000. Prospect Maid 2, 5, Gypsy Boy l, (6 dis), George K., Joyce, Lida Lewis 2:2.s. 2:28. 2:301^, 2:28, 2:30^4, 2:29. BulTalo, N.Y., Aug. 4, 1880, $1,000. Prospect Maid, Lady June, Joyce, Nelly Bly, Kismet, 2:27, 2:26, 2:25}4 Springfield, :Mass., Aug. 18, isfo, $l,0(:o, Nancy 1, 2, Kismet, Music in the Air, Britton (5 dr), Sleey Jack (1 dis). 2:28, 2:26U, 2:26, 2:27?4, 2:30';. Hartford. Confi., Aug. 25, 1880, $1,000. Nancv T.. Prospect Maid. Music in the Air, Kismet, Britton, 2:2514. 2:24'2, 2:25'.;, 2:241-^. Wildair, b g (3:33). by "joliu Morgan, dam Pochahontas, by Portsmouth. E. Pyle. Suffolk Park, Pliila., May 13, 1878, 81.50. Little Dan. Belle of Phihidelpbia. Brother to Alley, Sorrel Top, Joe D., Harry K„ Little Dave, Nora Daniel (3 dr). Grav George (t disi, 2:38, 2::;7, 2:3.5. May 14. 1878, $200, Little Dan, Buzz Medium, jNIusic in the Air, May, Wildfire, Blossom (1 dis), 2:3714, 2:4.3;.^, 2:41. — — Toledo. O.. July 16, 1878, $1,000. Gray Salem l,Tola, .Josephine (3 dis), 2:2714.2:28, 2 :28i/2, 2:27ia. Rochester. N.v.. Aug. fi, 1878, $1,000. Dame Trot, Gray Salem. Volunteer Maid, .lohu ]McDougall, Jessie Hoite, John II. starin. Alfred. 2:24'i. 2:33, 2:2414. Hartford, Conn., Aug. 20, 1878,$1,000. Gray Salem, Dame Trot, Alfred, Volunteer Maid, Charley Ware, 2:2:!l..i. 2:24, 2:24U. • Middletown, l)el.. Oct. 4, 1878, $7.50. Scotland 1, Nil Desperandum, 2:37. 2:31?4, 2:31i.:<, 2:.31. G. H. Adair, Suffolk Park, Phila.,May 15, 1879, .$.500. Darby l. 2, Vulcan, Irene (2 dis), 2:30, 2:25, 2:25, 2:24,2:20. Wild American, ch s (3 :38i..i). D. Kennedy. Kingston, N. Y., Oct 22, 1873, $3,50. White Cloud, Ella Millard, Col. Roberts, 2:-l7, 2:46i4, '2T433., . Cornwall, N. Y., June 28, 1874, S . W. H. Beede, 3:05. 2:52, 2:52. S. Rosenthal, Peru, Ind., Aug. 16, 1881, .$200. Blue Bull Jr. 1, 3, 2:36, 2:38'.;, 2:429i, 2:56, 3:06?i. Wild Bill, brg(3:38). Toledo, O., Oct. 15, 1868. $200. Florence 1, Frank Eolfe, Vulcan, 2 :385i, 2:.39, 2:38, 2:42. Wild Bill, b g (3:40). N. Booth, Hillsdale, Mich., .July 4, 1873, $70. Greenwood 3, Independence 4, Billy Hotspur, Cordilleras, 2:4.5, 2:46^4, 2:.50, 2:.51, 2:48. Aug, 22, is7;;, $120. Lady St. Lawrence 3. Belle Gray, Greenwood 1 (2 dis\ Independence (2 dis). Orphan Boy (2dis), 2:48, 2:47,2:.57, 2:47J^, 2:49. Adrian, Mich., Sept. 5, 1873, .?l(io. Tom Britton. Kittv C:irson, Benny. 2:47?4, 2:4714, 2:50. 716 CllESTElfjJ CO.Ml'i.KlK TIU)! ll.NCi AM> r.VtlM; KJ:(.:oltl). Sept. c. 1873, SIOO. Greenwood, Tom Hritton. Renny. 2:40. 2:40'i, 2:40. Ypsihuiti, Mich., Sept. 2t), 1875, * — . iiologiia 2, 4, Uuiikidori, George (2 dis;. Bonny (.2 dis>. Jlesttims, 2:4». Wild Hill. !)«(«:»« I. Col. Kenner, Tioclie, Nev., Oct. 10, 1874, §750. Dublin Maid 2 (5 dis), Tom Thumb 1 14 disj. 2:38, 2:41. 2:39, 2:37, 2:;i. Wild Hilly, blkgva:67). H. G. -Miller. Manchester. K. II. .July 4. 1874, !^r<0. Edson, 3:57, 2:57, 3:04. Oct. 2, 1874, 4;iO0. Sinp ;;. Indian Boy, 2:,'^pki^j, i.':581/4, 2:59>.i. 2:57. Wild Itoy, b g 0~ :44V4». by Keti Bird. 1). L. Sampson, Ilamilton. O , Oct. 5, 1882, $150. Kanger 1, 2, Sleepy l»ix il dis). 2:43?4. 2:;;9U., 2:4414. 3:1.5, . Wild .2:43?4. 2:44, 2:47'/i, 2-49>i 2'46'» Wilder.'irg (3:16>. J. B. Hubbell, St. Paul. Minn., Sent. 24.1873, S300. Belie Saunders, Richard R., Ned Gates. Zepliyr (1 dis). Cape Kace (1 dis;. 3:20i^. 3:16. Three-year-olds. Wildfire, b g (3:40). \V. H. Hillegass. Kittersville. l*a.. Aug. 31. 187.'), .S300. Joseph A. I.Sam French, Draper, Lady Chance, (ien. McArthur. Garth, Mary Jane, Frank. Lexington, Jim (2 dis). Spotty (l dis). May Harris (l disi. 2:4(i. 2:43, 2:4G-U, 2:40. Wildflower, b m (3:31). by Electioneer, dam Mayflower, by St. Clair. L. Stanford. Sacramento. Cal., Sept. 22, 1881, S450. Eva 1, 2:33?i, 2:33, 2:37. Two-vear-olds. San F'rancisco. Cal.. Oct. 15. 1881, $ — . W. O. No-time. Two-year-olds. Oct. 22, 1881. Prize, nicdai. 2:21. To l5eat.2:31. Two-year-olds. Palo Alto Stock F'ann, Morrisania. N. Y.. Oct. 5, 1882, $4,150. Meander, Senator Sprague (2 dis), Lucy Walter (2 dis), Finest Maltravers (2 dr). 2 :.32, 2:27^4. Three-year-olds. Wild Girl (w), b m (3:11 w). G. Pangborn, Fleetwood Park, N. Y., Dec. 5, 1876, $200. Slippery Elm (w) 3, «, F'lora (w) l. 5. 3:14, 3:16. 3:14, 3:11. 3:09. 3:15, 3:1.5. Wild Irisli Girl, ch m (3:53?^). M. J. Doyle, Savannah, Ga., Aug. 6, 1875, $ . Ripton 2, 2:54'4, 2:51, 2'52**i 2*54. '- March 17, 1876, $100. Robin Hood 1. 3:08, 2:.59. 3:01, 3:00. F'eb. 22, 1878. $100. J^laud 1. 2. Jim Howe. May Belle (4 dis), 3;08'/2. 3:00, 2:.5554, 2:56'4. 2:55. March 8, 1878, $100. Maud 1, 4, 3:01, 3:0394. 3:<)3?4. 2:51)'.i, 2:,58. April 25, 1878, $1,000. Maud 1. 4 (50). (6 dr). 3:("V,,, :i:0\l\^, 3:04, 3:01 >/,. , . Wild Irishman, blks (3:4354). Rufus P. White, Watertown, N. Y., Sept. 20. 1864, $100. Mainbrino Chief (w), 2:46, 2:46, 2:49. Canton, N. Y., Oct. 10. 1864. .«!200. Ives' ch s 2, 2 :46, 2 :44, 2 :45. 2:35. Wild Irishman, b g(3:47;. \Vm. Bullock, St. Johns, N. B., May 24, 1866, $(iO. Flying Dutchman 2, Fox (3dis), 2:47, 2:42, 2 :.50, 3:00. Wild Irishman, b g (3 :36i/„», by Cutler's Comet. W. Alderman, Mankota. Minn., June IK. 1878, $300. Mam- brino liclipse, Dutchman, (jray Eagle, Highland Seal, Cloud, Lizzie W. (3 dis). Kitty R. (3 dis), 2:3714, 2:38!4. 2:3614. Faribault. Minn., June 27. 1S78, .S300. F'airmont. Archer's Almont, Sam '' di< , 2:.'?8i4, 2:441^, 2:44^. Owatonna, Minn., July 2. I87s, $300. Mambrino Eclipse 3, James Lupe. Fainnoni, aiar of the West Jr. (4dr),2:399i,2:39, 2:37!i, 2:37}^. Wild Jacli,grg (3:45) (3:34*). S. Halstead, Clinton, la., July 1. I8i;!t. .$300. Chain Shot. Buckskin, two othens. 2:.3.5}4, 2:.34i4, 2:34. Short track. July 3, 1869, $200. Richmond's b g 2. Stranger, two others, 2 :45. 2 :45, 2 :47i;. 2 :50. Wild Jaiie. br m(3:53?.o, by Cassius. Mr. Jacobs, Ottawa, 111.. June 28, 1872, $ . Hiram (i 0), Annie Corlcy, Bflle Taylor (4 dis), 2:,55, 2:53?.i. 2:58, 2:50. Wild John (3:31)1.1). Mr. Bryan, Hannibal, Mo., Sept. 26, 1872, $200. Lady Lynn, Lady McD, Marion, Prince, 2:40) 4, 2::!9i4. Wild John, b g (3:.->~). L. M. Rollins. Lynn, Mass.. Dec. 5. 1878, $150. Rose. F'anny, 2:.57, 2:58. Wild Lily, b m (3:34), by Daniel Lambert, d:im by Young Columbus. A. Woodard, Mystic Park, Boston, May 29. 1S77, $200. FYank A. 1. V.cw. Grillen, Aaron, Daniel (3 dr). 2:3(!, 2:34'o, 2:34. 2:34i^. Lawrence, Mass., ISIay 31, 1877, $200. Harry Conklin, Bessie Holeomb, Uncle Dndd. F'rank (1 dis\ 2:41, 2:44 2:45. '■ Mystic Park, Boston, Sept. 6. 1877. $1,000. St. Charles 1. Roman Chief 4. Lady D. 2. (ioldflnder, Archie, Cora F., Pelham (4 dr), Delaware Belle(2 dr),2:26, 2:3li.i, 2:31. 2:301-4. 2:30, 2:27. Beacon I'ark, Boston. Sept. 13, 1.S77. $1,000. .Joseph A. I. Goldlinder 3. Cora V.. St. Charles. Roman Chief (5 dr), Carrie Allen i4 dr), Delaware Belle (4 dr). (ieorge iMann (4 dr). 2:29, 2:26, 2:31. 2:29, 2:30. Providence. It. L, Sept. 20, 1877, $1,000. Joseph A. l, 3, Cora F'., Carrie Allen. 2:26i.t., 2:24. 2:27, 2:24i^, 2:24. Nov. 1, 1877. .$400. Driver, 2. 2:28, 2:26. 2:274. 2:26i.i. P. Mclnlyre. Norwich. Conn.. Sept. 25. 1879. $400. Planter. C. M. Bedle. Fitzgerald. 2:.32. 2:.31, 2:35?i. Wlldniout, brs (3:351,.,). by F^gmont, dam bv Advance. J. II. Balfour. Macomb. 111.. Aug. 31, 1882. .$50. J. W. South 1. 2, JunTata(\. Brooking's Hainbletonian (4 dr». 1 :33i..., l :.!7. l :48, 1 :29, l :28. Tliree-year-olds. Half-mile heats. Burlington. la..Sei)t. 21 1882. .$40. Abdallah Clav 1. 3:04. 3:0.5. 3 :07U. Three-year-old.s. Ouiucv, 111., .hme 21, 188.3. $ti(t. Conserye. (!ov. .St John, ;i-10. 3:0.x Three-vear-olds or under. N. Bruen. .lacksonville. 111., Aug. 29, I8.s3, .S1.50, Rockwood Jr. 3, Carraba.ssett, I :.;0. 1 :3]i4, 1 :30i^, l:2.35i. Thre(!-vear-olds or under. Hall-mile heats. Jacksonville. 111.. Aug. 30, iSH.i, $1.50. Buffalo Bill .3. Nelly Grant, 2:4.5, 2:39',, 2:.'M. 2:3.5U. Peoria, III.. Sept. 8, 1883, $325. Sir Albion, J. W. South. 1 :28^.i, 1 :26(i, 1 :21. Three-years-old or under. Half-nule heats. Stallions. BurliuKton. la., Sejit. 21, 1883, $400. Billv (".. Bruen. Darwin (1 dis). 2:38V^. 2:361'.. 2:38. AVIld Oats, b s (3 :58), bv Tborndale. dam bv Adam's Brown Chief. F:dwin Tnorne, Amenia. N. Y.. .luiie i. 1872, $300, Duchess (3 0), (ieorge "Whitney, 3:06, 3:02, 2:58, 3:06. Four-year-olds. "^p^ a CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 717 Wild Oats, hr j,' i2 :39>4). l).v Green's Bashaw, dam Lady, by Young Columbus i ?i. V. A. Austin, Decorah, la., Sei)t. 27. 1.S7J. .'§500. Huckleberry 3, Tom Allen. 2:42>.i. 2:41. 2:4(ii.i. 2:4(i. Dubu(|iie, lu., Oct. II, 1873, af250. Jenny, Itobljy Gohhlust, Tommy Hoild. I'.ay Charley, Silkey H., Forest Queen, 2 A'), 2:45, 2:45. Ottawa, HI., July 1, 1874, $.500. Capt. Jack, Kitty Stratton. 2:.3G^, 2:359.^. 2:;54. E. H. Conley. Aurora, 111.. July 4, 1874, S . Iowa JIaid, Bertharreavine, Archie (3 dn, Con lMore(3dri 2::»'..2:.3«i4,2:40. ' . ^ A Wild 2 A'J. "Wiltl Uose. bm(;i:39), by Hambletonian, dam by a son of Abdallah. (Jeo. Nelson, Suffolk, Tark. I'liil .Inly 31, 1SG5, .fi2,000. Lotta2, 3 U dis), 2:39' i, 2:3S), 2:38' .;, 2:39. Wild Rose, ch in ('i :39). ^'. Bassinger, Waukegan, 111., Sept. 1.3. 1872, .'5200. Chance, 2-47'i. 2:47, 2-4(; WUd Rose, blk m (3::>5), by Scythian. A. Corbin, Jr., Redwood, N. Y., Aug. 30, 187(:,'l'50. Reed's h g Baum'sbrs. Best time. 3:.;."). Tliree-year-oUls. Wild Rose, rn m (3:43). J. Bradburn, liuflalo, N. V'., July 13. 1877. S400. Diigenel, Kate, St. Nicolas, 2 :.51M, 2:47,2:42, 2:4y. b > i . - /4, "Wild Tom, br g (2 :45). Geo. H. Smith, Stenbenville. ().. Aug. 15, 1873, §100. Joe 1. 2:.5.5, 3:04Vq, 2:56k. 2-.59. Weston. W. Va., Oct. 9, 1873, .•f200. Shellbark. 3:02. 3:02. • Akron, O., .July 24, 1870, .■* . Arab, Kau.sas Oueen. 2::i0, 2:,50}4, 2r,50i-... Zauesville, <>., Aug. 24, 1876, .S . Little Robin, (ieorge Harlaud, Wagner, 2:50. 2:50!-^, 2:48. 01. Billy, Kitty Wheeling, W. Va., Sept. 1, 1870, .§ . White Cloud, Little Roljjn, llotwater, 2:51, 2:50, 2:48}4 jNIr. Slierman, Columbus. O., Nov. 10, 1877, S . Kentucky Bov, George (3 dr), 3.C1, 3:00, 3-0 Wild Turkey. brgi3:51). H. 1'. Bassett, Warren, O., June 13. 1868. .'?—-. Lady Poole, Bay B Miller, 2:51, 2:51,2:51?.!. Wild* Wagoner, b s (3:3714), by George ISI. Patchen,(him Beauty, bv Bay Vermont. John W. Conlev, Springfleld, O., Sept. 7, 1865, .SIOO. Steven's ch s. 2:45, 2:47'.;. " Zauesville, O., Sept. 22, 18C5, $iryO. Sorrel Basliaw. Ida Harris, Pretty Bov, 2:45, 2:43, 2:37;». Oct. 6, 18G9. .§300. Seaman's bg, 2:48. 2:47-.i. 2:43»^. Jackson, Mich., June 10, 1880, $800. Sllvertou l. Emma B.. Bonner Boy, Young Wilkes, tittle Gypsy, Kitty Bates, Gloster(l dis). 2:27,2:23y2, 2:2414,2:30. Poutiac, Mich., June 18, 1880, .$700. Kate Middleton, 2:37i^, 2:2413, 2.33. Columbus, O., July l, 1880, $800. Emma B. 1, Little Gypsy. Deck Wright, 2:26^, 2:22i4. 2:22M, 2:23J4. Cincinnati, O., Julv9, I.88O, $1,000. Little Gypsv 3. EmmaB., Deck Wright, 2:2014,2:22, 2:241/^,2:25. Xenia, O., July 16, 18.S0. .?600. Lida Basseti 2, 2:333j.2:34, 2:.31i4, 2:29^. f'bicago, 111., July 23, 1880, $2,300. Voltaire Deck Wrisilit. Richard, 2:19i^. 2:20, 2:2014. Cleveland. O., July 27. 18.S0, .$2,000. Richard l, Lucy, 2:24i/o, 2:21?4, 2:23^, 2:251/2. Lincoln, 111., Aug. 27, 1880, ,«400. Ella Earl. Sucker Maid. 2:31,2:27, 2:22. Lexington, Ky., Oct. 12, 1880. $700. Voltaire, Von Arnim, Lida Bassett, Orange Girl (3 dis), Fanny Witherspoon (2 dis). 2:31, 2:28U, 2:'27. La Salle. 111.. July 29, I88i,.$600. Sciolal, 5. Loafer 3. Big Soap, 2:26?4,2:25Vi;. 2 :26i", 2:2714, 2:2794,2:28^. Prophetstown, 111., Aug. 5. I8S1, .$400. Sciola, Loafer, Big Soap, Gloster, 2:28^4. 2:28, 2:30. Sullivan, 111., Aug. 12. 1881. .52.50. Lady Brownell, Ro?s, Fanny B., 2:37i., 2:37, 2:34. Lafayette. Ind., Sept. l, I88I. ,$400. Deck Wright, Kitty Bate's, 2:.3094. 2:30^, 2:2994- Hamburgh, la., Sept. 22, 1881, $800. Rose of Washington 3, Big Soap, Loafer. Sciola, 2:27,2:28,2:26, 2 :2.5J^. Terre Haute, Ind.. June 5, 1882, $450. Deck Wright, Pilot R., Rosewood. G. T. Pilot (2 dr), Frank Lan- ders (1 dis). 2:2794, 2 :i9, 2:29' 2. Crawfordsville, Ind., June 17, 1881, $300. Pilot JR. 3, Big Soap, Deck Wright. Frank Landers, 2:33^, 2:3214, 2:321^, 2 :.33 14. Rockville. Ind., June 22, 1883. .$2.50. Gift Jr., John Hall. Frank Landers. 2:36, 2:32'», 2:34. Lafayette. Ind., July 5, 1883. .$.500. John Hall 2. Gift Jr. (3 dr), 2:31-4, 2 :33i4, 2:32, 2:33^4. Sullivan, 111.. Aug. 11. IS8.3, ,$2.50. Flaxie, Nettv M., 2:34. 2:40, 2:39. • F. Gray, Ottawa, III., Aug. 17, 1883. $.500. Big Soap, Little Sioux, Dutch (4irl, 2:25, 2:24i/«. 2:24. W. H. Homer, Geneseo. 111.. Aug. 24. 1883, 1i:.50O. Mountain Girl, Little Sioux, 2:3) 2:30, 2:31. Davenport. la.. Aug. 30, I883, $.500. Big Soap, Lucy, 2:30i4,2:.30'/j. 2:.32. Peoria, 111., Sept. 7, 1883, $700. Big Soap, Little Sioux, 2:28.2:26M, 2:27i/4. 718 CHESTEUS COMl'l.liTi: TKt)TTlNG AND I'ACINC UEC'OHD. Jopiiii. Mo., Oct. 19. 1SS,1, S . Kol'ort Mc^Orcgor, 2:28. 2:28, 2:30. Willett's Chestnut .Stallion, (ai.lTUj). S. Willetl, Milieola, L. I., June 14, 1878, S . SeamiUl's cll s3. MuUlRTS li a 1, ;i:02, 2:J7!.j, 2:r.,j. 2:5i>K>. 2:j7'j. AVilliaiii, lirj; t~ :•!<>)• H. l{of;t'r.s. Titiisville. I'a.. .Imic 8. 1871. 8400. Ladv Hill 2, Annie 3, Dan 1, .lo.sephini' (.-. (lis). Ariliur Bov (r> dr), IMaUic d dis). 2:44. 2:40, 2:43. 2:40, 2:43i^, 2:44',i. .IlllV 1, 1^71, $2.(»00. Dawn I. 2:44, 2:45, 2:42ii, 2:39. ■William; ilif,M~:'»-'i). G. M. Williams, Kockville, Conn., Sept. 27, 1876, .$100, KIIIv Hills, I.vinan Thorn, 2:44li, 2:4;j}-4, 2:42U.. _ Waterburv. (Onn., Oct. C, 1871!, S200. Charley O. 4, Butcher Hoy 1, Diek Parsons (,'; dis). Dick I mis (5 dis). Ghost (5 dis), 2:r>\U. '-':S«, 2:49, 2:51, 2:47. William, LT g C-J :4aU'>), I'eter ISIanee, .lersev Citv, N. J.. May 4 and 5, 1877, SIOO. Itichmond Girl 3, fi, (5 0), Hilly lOdwards 4, fs~esl)it, Krank 2 ^4 dr). 2:48'... •j:47, 2:4U 2;4'.). 2:.-^, 2:.Vji^. l':53'j. -J-Ah^^. Clifton, N. .1., May 7, 1S77. §250. Billv Edwards 4, Doubtful 3, Ncsbit, Susan Smith. .John (3 di.s), Jenny L. (3 (lis). 2:43, 2:44, 2:43, 2:4,-)',, 2:47. William br lm;J:48W). l, 2:48'.i. William eh g (3 :00). Vj. .S. Harrison. C>d>a, N. Y., Sept. 27, 1878, 8100. Kapalee, Amanda. 3:01. .■;:00, 3:(K). William' b s C.i -OS';). K. MeClearv. Toronto, Out., Nov. 8, 1882, SIOO. George. Best time 3:08);. William' b g (3 :0G),' L. Dunham. ."Jersev City, N. J.. Nov. C, 1883, 8200. John 1, 3:12, 3:00. 3:15. William A (w) ch g ('i :.")! w). T. A. ISnish, Mineola. L. I., Sept. 28, 1882, 8100. Rolling Motion (w) 1, 2, Glover (W), No Name tw). Darling (w, i3 dn, Fanny W. (3 dr), 2:52, 2:51-', . 2:51, 2:.5.-i. 2:.-.2!.^. William Allen, blk g f2:62). S. S. Jones, Huntington, L. 1., May 29, 1874, 850. Jack 1. 2, 2:51, 2:525^, 2:54, 2:53?i.2:.52. June 17, 187:. 8100. Ladv Arthur, Sai>pho, 2:.53>4, 2:5654, 2:55. William A. Wheeler, bg(a:43'.i). bv the Archer Horse. J. Curtis, Owatonna, Minn., July 4, 1877, $160. Badger 2. Ladv (;rovesbeck. Ladv Ellen, 2:54'i. 2:54^4, 2:54';. 2:54 H Adams i'liarles Citv. 111. Sept. 12, 1878, 8200. Billy Button 3, Billy McNeil, Timbuctoo 2 (5 dis), Duroe I'atcheu (2 dis). Altitude (2 dis), 2:46, , , 2:46. 2:461,4. William B., ch g (3:51). H. Kelly, Manchester, la., Sept. 13, 1883, 8125. Duimond Joe l, Minnie K., 2:50, 2:.^)1,2:53,2:52. William II.. b g (3 :39?4). W. .lones, Woodside, L. L, May 30. 1883, 850. Etta A.. 2:.59''.i. 3:00. William IJabcoek, b s., bv (Jov. Si)rague. Geo. Weedman. I'eoria, HI., Sept. 5, 1883, 8200. Odhelia, Bala- klava, Kingston, S. .Moiitgonu'rv. 1:.34, 1 :32. Half-mile heats. Two-year-olds. WMUiam lienham, b g (3:3494^, bv Brit Clay. J. Fuller. Columbus. <)., Aug. 30. 1881. .8300. Mohawk Maid, Ollle. (^laker Girl. Funcv Dav, Bucket, Topsv C.. Lady Harris, Tom Cannon. 2:31',. 2:.30i4, 2:32. Sept. 1. 1881, 8300. Chirk S., Mohawk Maid, Oliic, (Quaker Girl, Maud, Fancy Day, Highland Maid, Rocket, T(>j)SvC., Tom Cannon. 2:.30, 2:30, 2:30. „ „,, „ ^ , ,.. E. A. Fuller. Cleveland, <).. Sept. 9, 1881. 8400. Clark S. 2, 3, Harry B., Golden Bow, Eagle Plume, Lor- raine (4 dis). West Side l(3dis). 2:30',2, 2:2994, 2:31, 2:30}^, 2:32>4, 2:38. _. _ . , „, „ . .1. W. Mclntyre. Wheeling, W. Va.. Oct. 12, 188L 8300. Robert Brown 1, King, Daniel Webster, Brandy Bov. Neshanndck, Whirlwind (2 dis), 2:.33H, 2:31^^, 2:33, 2:32. Columlius, ()., Aug. :!0. 1882, $400. Sunshine, Mercutio, Stranger, 2:27, 2:25'4, 2:25i4. J. W. Kusscll. ()ltMiii\v:i, la., Aug. 24, 1883, 8400. Envov 1,4. Ensign. 2:29, 2:37, 2:28,2:2814, 2:34. G. R. McCorncIl, Oskaloosa. la.. Aug. 31, 1883, 8400. AVauncr's Bashaw 1. 3, 2:2894,2:28,2:30, 2:31, ;2:35. J. W. Russell. Coiuicill IMulls. la.. Sept. 14. 1883, 8r^00. Big Soaj) 2. 2:27, 2:2(l9.i. 2:25(4, 2:24^4. (Hncinnati, ()., Oct. 25, ls,s.3, .Si.ooo. Tom Rogers 1. Neva 1, Lee W. (4 dis), Hidex (2 dis), 2:38, 2:37, 2:40, 2:41. Dallas, Tex., Nov. C, 1883, 8800. Big Soap, Texas Bill, Index, 2:27>^. 2:27i4, 2:30. (iainesville.Tex., Nov. 14. 1883, .8800, Big Soap 2. Snuth O'Brien, Texas Bill (l di.s), 2:30, 2:30, 2:31, 2:3H4. Fort Worth, Tex., Nov. 21 and 22. 1883. .8800. France's Alexander, 2, 3, Big Soap, 2:28!/2, 2.27'/2, 2:28>4, 2:25, 2:24 '.J. William IJlackmore, gr g (3:31i4), bv George M. Patchen Jr. H. McCann, San Francisco, Cal., May 13, 1881.. 82.000. Hancock, 2:.34'j. 2:311,. 2:;!li-.>. William Booth, l)r g (3 :5.5). Wni. H. Saunders, Rose Vallev, N. Y., June 20, 1856, $200. Lucy Long 1, 2:48, 2:.5.5, 3:01.2:.59. William C, br g (3:.51). J. R. Williams, Brownsville, Mo.. June 20. 1879, $200. Molme, Sleepy Joe, 2:55,2:61, 2:5.3. William C, ch g (2 :44). L. Parker, Lebanon, Ind., Sept. 9, 1879, 8 Aleck 1, Victor, Orphan Girl (4 dr), 2:,58, 2:44, 2:4ii,2:55. William C. Ely, gr g (3:45'/i). Wm. H. Saunders, Rose Valley, N. Y., August 19, 1855, 8200. Jenny Paul, Canada West, 2:5094,2:45(4. 2:53. ^ „,,,•.,„.„• William Clinton, ch g (3 :47KA J- I- McCormick, Ottawa, HI., June 26, 1872,$ . Blackbird 3, 4, Hiram (4(iis),2:47'o. 2:4794, 2:49^, 2:50, 2:52. .lune 27, 1872, 8 . Honest Charley, Gambler (1 dis), Country Boy (1 dis), 2:55>4. 2:50'/s. William Crabb, br g (3: 41). L. W. Lee, Reno, Nev., Oct. 10, 1882, .8400. Fred Arnold 3, 4 (50), Queen (5dr), Douglas (1 dis).2:41. 2:4514. 2:42, 2:45, 2:44. 2:48. „.,«., . William !>.. br g (3 :39K»). J- Vandcrlice, New Hunting Park, Phila., May 1, 1882, $ . Charley C, Gertie, 2:4.3,2:39'/". J. Quinn, Oxford. Pa., June 8, 1882. $ . Gilt Edge l, Charley C. 2.44)4, 2:41(4, 2:43, 2.41. H.T.Atkinson. Phillipsburg, N. J, July c, 1882, 8200. Sweetness, Helen Lexington, Wild Irishman, Lizzie. 2 :.54i/., 2 :47Hj, 2 :.56. .lulv 8. 188'_', 81.50. Sweetness. Helen Lexington, 2:4GV4, 2:4694. 2:45. William I', gr g (3 :49)4). Wm. F. Libbv, Rochester, N. H., Sept. 25, 1883, .8100. Eveline 2. Juno 1, BarUett, .lohn lJ.,"Eden Golddust, Frank Palclien. Golddust (4 dr), 2:.'-.2. 2:5094, 2:51';. 2:50'4, 2:51. . , , . Williiiiii <;.. b g (3:3.5), bv American Bov. Berea, O., Oct. 19, 1882, 8 . Gray Dan 3 (2o), Loafer, Richard, <5ro), Claude i5ro),2:.36i4, 2:35. 2:36. 2:.3.5.2:.37'5. , ,^ . ,,. , William H.. 1) g (3 :18i4). bv Young Wilkes, dam by Daniel Webster. J. L. McCormick. Pontmc, Mich., May 29. 1879, .8180. Lady P., Nelly K., Colonel B.. Western Girl. Hopeless, Smuggler. Flora Belle No tinic. l'"ivc-vear-olds and under. , , , . .. ■ 4, 2:31, 2:31'.i. Lfixington, Kv., Oct. 16, 1879, .8.5od Onward. Lumps 1 i3 ilr). Fulcrum (2 dis), Lucy Blackwood (1 dis), Mattie Goldsmith (1 dis), 2:35)^, 2:27, 2:35, 2:3994- Four-year-olds. CHESTKK'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 719 - Oct. 17, 1879, $700. Fannv Witherspooii (2 0), Sanuie G., Enchantress Medium, AUie East, Judge Havves (3 dis), 2:-2!t. •.':2(;, 2:2r,»^, •J:27'i. ("liilifollif, O.. Oct. 2:5, 1879, S200. Outlaw. Ida Haves, Ben. Butler, 2-A:i. 2;4r>, 2:42. Jacksiui. Mich., June 8. 1880, $ . Daisydale, Biy; Soap, Business. Fred. Douglass, 2:33',2, 2:3.'?i^, 2:34. East Saginaw, Mich. June 15, 1880. .ysoo. Daisydale, Business, Hanibletouian Bashaw, Herod, 2:32^, 2:26, 2:27. Toledo. O., June 2.', 1880, .«800. Daisvdale, Business. Big Soap. Pilot R. (3 dis). 2:29i^, 2:281 2. 2:26'^. Earlville, 111., Aug. 20, 1880, $600. Pilot R., Little (iyi)sy, John H., 2 :28i^, 2:28y2. 2:25^. Chicago. 111., Sept. 17. I88O. $1,000. Convov d 0), Abdallah Bov. Grav Cloud, 2:24, 2:25, 2:24V2, 2:26^. Kansas City, Mo., Sept. 24, 1880, .$1,000. Robert McCiregor. Convoy, Ella Earl, Big Soap, 2:31, 2:27^, 2'29'/j '- Eaton Rapids, Mich., Julv 30, 1881, .?300. Black Cloud l (3 0). Lady Middleton, Frank Landers, 2:32,2:34, 2:3t;:'.i. 2:32,2:36. Coldwater. Mich., Aug. 5. 1881, $300. Ladv Middleton, 2:3.3i^, 2:36. 2:3Ui. Charlotte, Mich.. Aug. 20, 1881, $300. Black Cloud, King Alniont (3 dis;, 2:27, 2:2714, 2:2754. Bradford, Pa., Aug. 30, 1881, $600. Argonaut, Unolala, Kate McCall, Nelia, Valley Chief, 2 :28i^, 2:27, 2 "'8 I'Sept 3 1881. $100. Driver 2, Argonaut 1, Great ICastcrn (3 dri, 2:2S\i, 2:25:'.i. 2:28<4. 2:26i.i. 2:29. Cleveland, ()., Sept. 8, 1881, S^rm. Driver. Caliniir. Deck Wright, Scotfs Thomas. 2:20i.i, 2:20}.^, 2:22. Pittsburgh, Pa., Sept. 13, 1881. .«; 1,000. Ilaniblctonian Mambrino, Belle Oakley, Flora F., 2:26^, 2:22, ■'■2"4. — Sept. 16 1881. $1,000. Deck Wright, So So, Hanibletouian Mambrino, 2:21'2. 2:24, 2:22. Sept "7 1881, .$600. Argonaut. I iiolala, IMlot K.. Calniar, Abdallah Bov, Onawa (3 dr), 2:27, 2:26!4, 2:27. Sept. 29.' 1881, moo. Pilot U. :;. Unolala. Abdullah Bov, Lucy (4 dr). 2:23i;i, 2:24, , 2:28^. Oct. 5, 1881, .IfeOO. Unolala, Abdallah lioy, calinar, 2:2ii'4, 2:26iU, 2:24. Oct. 8, 1881, .SbOO. Driver. Deck Wright, 2;2G, 2:27i.i. 2:26'2. Cincinnati. O., Get. 11, 1881, $1,000. Driver, Fanny Witherspoon, Pilot R., Wedgewood (3 dr), 2:23, 2:21V4, 2:23. M M. Hedges. Oct. Hand 15, 1881, $1,000. Pilot R., Deck Wright, Driver, 2:22}^, 2:26i^, 2:25. W E. Weeks. Buffalo, N. Y., Oct. 22, 1881, $600. Driver, 2:2414,, 2:28'/2, 2:25'/2. William H. (3:17). Paterson, N. J., May 30, 1879. $ . Baby, 3:23. 3:17. WilUain H., b s. Barry & Fox, Schoolcraft, Mich., May 25. 1883. $150. Daybreak, Lady Farrand, Little Turk, Paddy Carv (2 dr). 1 :31. 1 :31. 1 :29. Half-mile heats. Two-year-olds. William H. Allen, b s [.•i:23^4K by Volunteer, dam Peggy Slender. C. C. Jones, Plainfield, N. J., Aug. 10, 1871, $100. Commodore, Addie. Topsy 1 (2 dis), 2:42. 2:42, 2:48. 2:40. Peter Manee. Bridgeport. Conn., August 31, 1871, $150. Di.xfield JIald, White Stocking, S. A. Douglas (2 dis). Moscow (1 dis). 2:361^. '2::niU- 2:44. M. W. Bacon. Nyack. N. Y., Sept. 7. 1871. $140. Revenue. Gray Eddy, 2:40, 2:42^. 2:,!7. Peter Manee, Newark. N. J.. Sept. 21. 1871, $450. Listener. Lady Weller, 2:41^4. 2:40, 2:421-4. Morristown. N. J.. Sept. 27, 1871, .$350. Ladv Weller, Belle Morrill, 2:39. 2:3714, 2:40. .M. W. Bacon, Boston. Mass.. Oct. 10 and 13, 1871, $2,000. Lotterv 2, 3. Clarence 4, 7, Denmark 5, 6, Joe Blown. Easton Bov(5 dis). G. W. Patterson (2 dis). 2:29',, 2:29, 2:29i^, 2:3114, 2:30, 2:34. 2:2714, 2:29, 2:27. 0:-t. 14, 1871, .$500. Col. :\Ioulton, Clarence, Frank Palmer, 2:28. 2:25'/2, 2:2714. New Haven, Conn., Oct. 18, 1871. $1,100. Belle of Toronto 1, 3, Belle of Watertown, Climax, Emperor (:? dr). 2:36!^, 2:34. 2:3534. 2:35. 2:351^. I'eter Manee. Fleetwood Park. X. Y., Nov. 9, 1871, ,$500. Myron Perry 2, 2:31}^, 2:28i4, 2:2914, 2:31. l'r.)spect Park. L. I., May 29. 1372. $1,200. Sea Foam 3. 6. Huntress 2 (1 0). Nonesuch. Bvron (5 dr), 2:26, 2:26U. 2:2614. 2:26=4. 2:26i'i. 2:261^, 2:27?:£. Boston. Mass., June 18, 1872, .$2,500. Huntress 3. Sea Foam. 2:24, 2:2614, 2:22i^, 2:23^. .fane 27. 1872, .$2,.500. Huntress 2, 3, Susie 4. 2:28'4. 2 :27?i. 2:29'-. 2 :26i4, 2:31^,2:31}^. White Plains. N. Y., Sept. 21. 1S72, $1,000. W. B. Whitman. George Wilkes, 2 -281/2, 2:28i4. 2:30^. T. S. Carpenter. Readviile. Mass., Sept. ,30, 1876. .$400. Nira Belle. Defiance. Kitty, 2:.38, 2:36, 2:38. Providence, R. L, Nov. 16, 1876, .$300. Spotted Colt, Grav Bill. 2:291t. 2:30, 2:31. William H. Ripley (Passaic), blk s (3:33), by Woodpecker, dam liv Roval George. S. Phillips, Hall's Track, L. I., Aug. 28. 1872, $200. Fred Tyler, Ladv Shotwell. 2:42',. 2:46, 2:42'.;. Prospect Park, L. I., Sept. 10 and 11, 1872, $125. Lady Shotwell 1, 2, Eveline 5, Norwood. 2:3514, 2:345!i, 2:351.,, 2:35-?4, 2:35^4, 2:37?4. Mr. Hoyt, Saratoga Spa., N. Y., July 30. 1875. $250. Drummer Boy, Flora Lee, Rosa Sonburgh (2 dis), 2:40.2:40.2:321^. R. B. Vinlng. Middletowu, Conn., Sept. 28. 1877, $130. Rowe's Tommy (1 0), Wallace, 2:44i/^, 2:41, 2:48. 2 :48. William H. Seward, eh g (3 :i0}4). Barney Rice. San Francisco. Cal., Nov. 29, 1860, $500. Moscow. Reindeer (2 dis), 2:65'2, 2:46)^ 2:50'/2. July 3, 1861 . $1,000. Dit'k Vaux (\v^. 5 :40. 5 :36. Two miles. 1. L. Eoff, July 8, 1865, $2,000. Fillmore 1, 14:15i/4.l5:16ii, 17:46'4. Five miles. Sacramento. Cal., Sept. 21. 1865. $500. Wm. H. Seward. Jr. 23:42'4. Eight miles. W^illiam H. Seward, b g (3 :00). B. H. Henderson. Sharon. Pa.. June 10, 1876, $400. George 3, 3:0054, 3:00, 3:i)(|i.i, 3:01. William K.. blk g (3 :10). W. S. Kizer. Springfield, O.. Aug. 2. 1883. $.50. Weddle 2. 3 :10, 3:15. 3:12. W^illiam K.. b g i3:41i^). E. F. King. Athol. Mass., Oct. 4. 1883. $110. Morrill Boy. Dick, Gloster, Prince, 2:45. 2:45'4. 2:45. William L., blk g (3:40). bv Pocahontas Bov. W. L. Mathers. Indianapolis. Ind., June 19. 1879. $100. John Steiiiur. N'ictor, Bay Pet.W. B., Black Rock. Gladys, Hazlewood. Kitty ^^■(■lls, 2:46i4, 2:46^:;, 2:40. William Lewis. l)lk g (3 :36). by a son of Hambletohian. Wm. Lewis, Spring Valley, N. Y., July 25, 1874, $ . Billv I'.iltton 1, 2:4.314. 2:46. 2:47'/o. 2:46. — J. D. Johnson. Sept. .30. 1874. $100. Prince 1, Col. Campbell (3 dr"), 2:51. 2:49, 2 :.57i4. 3 :00i4. Fin-man & Johnson. Oct. 28, 1874. .$400, Dean's Hambletonian 3, Ladv Rafferty 2, Nelly 4 (7 dis), Molly Barker (G disi. Saliy Mack 1 (6 dr). Emily Soldene (4 dr). Black Diamond (3dis), 2:4014, 2:41, 2:44, 2:421^.2:40, 2 *38 2 '40 '■ p. 8. Van Orden. Sept. 28. 1876. $7,5. Scotland Maid. 2:38. 2:.39i4. 2:36. -Sept. ■_'!!. isTC, .^-200. .Silvertail 3, Maurice Dalv. St. George, 2:39. 2:38. 2:39i4, 2:.36. William M(-K<-aii (3:4312). Cortlandt. N.Y.. June 20, 1883. $200. Lysaneer Girl 1. Fanny Belle 3. Telephone Daisy Burns. Susie M.. Lillv Dale (4 dr). Eddv (3dr). James Lindsay(3dr). Dandy (2 dis), Ossian Pet(l dis), 2:42,2:42!... .2:4.5.2:44." " , William aii"ner.ch s (3 :.56i4>. Mr. Daniels, Fashion Course, L. I., Aug. 14, 1863, $100. Thunder 1, Biddy Magee 2(3 dis). 3:0.5. 3:0,5. 3:00. 3:0,5. 3:00. — S. R. Coles, (Greene, N. Y.. Oct. 20, 1864. .$200. Mohegan. 3:00!i. 2;56i/2, 3:02. W^illiam Nolan, blk g (3 :3634 i. Hiram Howe. Poughkeepsie. N. Y., July 5, 1875. $1,000. Fanny MiUer, Ed. Murphy, Jane Evre, Wild Oats, James Jack, 2:39. 2;.363,,, 2:38. W^illiam Otis. brg73:33i4). T. S. Foster, Beacon Park. Boston, June 22, 1883, $400. Dartmouth. Princess, Helen Sheridan. Boss Fearnaught, Upstart. 2:35k, 2:35*4, 2:3354. 720 rilESTKliS COMl'LETE TKOTTING AND rACINi; ItiaoKl). -UMIliain P. (Budge), 1)!,' («:44i^), \V. VVyettor, Gainesville, Texas. Dec-. 14, 1882, §2(Ki. Hope i, Dick Shain, C'aro Bov. 2:4iiia, I'a., May !». 1837. -SIOO. .Jerry (s) 1, Dan \\ clistcrisi (2(lri, Ladv \\ asiiiiiKtnii isi 2 (list. 2:41. 2:;>7. 2:40, 2:4.'"'. M. .MfCliiitocU. I'.alumnrt'. .\l;;>. Two miles. W'illiiiiii I'«>iiii. t;rg r~;.'»7,'.>.). A. W. Kisln-r. Beading. I'a., Sept. 27. 187(t, .Sioo. Spotty Dick 4. 5, Ironsides .Jr. 2, {^ V <•', I.adv Allen U disi. Main's li in d dis), .ienny I-ind (1 disi. 2:.'j8, 2:5Gi,i. 2:.">7'j, 2:."9^4,2;.">9'i, a:01 Williiiiii r«-iiii. b iit'i-.'M). .1. 11. .Moore, Washinnton, 1). ('.. Oet. ;i. 1H74, iSSOO, Jacob Lerian, Anglo Saxon' Artluir Willi, I.adv (irrlr'.idi'. Capital, 2:.i'.ti-.j, ■j-.m^.-^-.-JU'i. Oil. 11, 1S74. .S">(iii. Kilwiii l-'orrest |2 0i. .iaeol) Lerian, Arthur Wild, 2:37?i, 2:38' i, 2:.39'i, 2:39. Oct Hi, 1)S74, iflM. Jaeoli Leriau 1, Edwin Forrest. Artluir Wild, Washingtou Jr. (3 dis), 2:400. Ladv I'atterson 1, Edwin Forrest 2, 2:32?4, 2:32-/2, 2:;«i.i, 'i.M, 2:34^. II. Fiilford, Belair. Md.,Oel. 12, 1881, S.'iO. Cliiiper, Biptoii. .Sailor Boy. Kdgewood d dis), 2 :.5.">, 2 :55, 2:.'53. AVilliaiii I'ool. ell u '- ;"»"^ ^V. Briggs. Woonsoeki-t. K. I., Svpl. 18. lw;»;. $'r>. Sir James. 2:58, 2:.'"i2J4, 2:50. 'William I'rico. I'J :.■» I 'i ). Cliieago, 111., June 19. ISOO, .*20(). Yankee Boy. 2:5i:>.i. 2:.")5?a, 2:,'>4>.i. AVilliaiii U. 1) g i"i::{."»',i), l)V a sou of .1. C. Breekeuridge. J. K. Bobbins, Lafayette, Iiid., Aug. 31, 1881, S200. lliiiiipv. Ida .Mav. Iviii, Nettv M., .Midniglit, 2:;i,'i;,4. 2::!9. 2:38. AVilliaiii It. IJl«-«<-ker, brg I'-J ::57 i. M. Tanner. Albany, N. V., July 7, 1876,S100. Kitty 2, Col. Upton. 2:39^^, 2:;;7'.,.2:;;7. 2:37U.. .lulv 14. 1S7(!. Prinee 1, 2. Sam. 2:42. 2:40.2:40. 2.42, 2:40'i. WilllaiiiKobiiiMuii. b s. 11. S. Sliiiltz. Montgomery, Ala , Nov. 15, 1879. S50. Fred Tvlir 4. I'lunli .Ir. .i. 1 :51, 1 -.Xi. 1 :.>4'". 1 :.")0»4. Half-mile ln-ats. William S..Mk g(2::»0?.,). bv Kimular W. Smith. Charlotte. Mieli.. July 28. 1.<«82. .«300. St. Louis 3. Jim P:arly 4. I'allillnder .Ir., (Jeorge H.. Bed, Ered (iolddust, Forrest I'ilot, (ireen Hiitehmau. liosaliiid (b dn, Net- tv (iilhcrt iTxln. Davbreak, (2 dr:, 2:32)^, 2:.s.->, 2:;!(>. 2:."(i'.i. 2::i7i-i2. '■ Eaton Hapids. iMicli., Aug. 2, 1882. $3(X). Jim Early 3. St. Louis. Forest Pilot, Reel, 2:42, 2:4:?, 2:42. 2:37',.2. Aug 4, 1.SS2. .'^31)0. I'atlilinder Jr. 1, Fred tiolddust 3. Oeorge R., St. Louis, .lim Early, Davbreak, tJreen Dutchman i5i4. 2:34, 2:33. 2::J4. 2:33. Aug. 11 1.SS2. .«3(!0. Davbreak 1. Fred Golddust, George K.. 2:.''9!,4, 2:.%'>';. 2::!.''i. 2:.3,'i. W. Smith, Hillsdale, .Mich.. Julv4, 1883. .S20C. Belle F.. Maiubrino .Snarkle. Flovd P.. 2:4.5. 2:50. 2:42?^. St. .lohn. Mich.. Oct. 11, 1883, i^lM. Billy C., Nelly Gilbert. Laura. Kate Smith, Belle Crab (2 dr). No time. William S.. 1) g (« •.44^^). W. Staniiard, Oshkosh, Wis., Sept. 19, 18.s3, .?200. George K., Jlolly R. 1, (4 dis), St. Elm<)(4dis). Fo.x J>ake Bov(4dis).2:54'4. 2:47. 2:45»i, 2:44i4- , , , Williain s. Bri^j^s. b g (3 :4'3'-,). .1. S. Parkis. Providence, R. I.. July 4. 1874. .si.50. Maria Louise, Ad Car- penter. Fuller it (lis)! 2:48. 2:,51. 3:47^4. E. <;. Carpenter. Aug. 19. 1875. Sl,50. Honest Allen 1, Nelly, ^elly Allen, File Cutter, Molly Russell, Daudv 13 dis), 2:40'.,, 2:43'o. 2:43?4. 2:44. William' 8mitli. b g (2 :4.5). R. G. Hart, Fowlerville, Mich., June 0, 1876, $250. \\ . .1. P.edook, Jew, Alberta, Daisv Dean. Denver. Gen. Tifft (1 dis). R. S. Strader (1 dis), 3:45, 2:47, 2:45. Williaiii T*'!! iwi. ch s (3:43 w), by a SOU of American Boy. Jas. VVhelpley. Union Course, L. I., April 11, 18.53. $r.o. Stakonev (w), Hudson (w), 2:57. 2:57. 2:57. (w) Ceiitreville, L. I.. Sept. 28. 18,53. $200. Young Abdallah (w), 2:54, 3:00. 2:.59. (w) ITiiioii Course, L 1., Oet. 4, 1853, .'S200. Dennis McCabe 2, 2:55, 2:51, 2:67, 2:55, 2:50. (wl Oet. 25. 18.53. .?400. Dennis MeCabe (w) 2. 3. 2:51. 2:49. 2:54. 2:49. (W) Oct. 31. 185,3. .S400. Fort Washingion. 2:50. 2:55, 2:51. (w) Dec. 14. 1K53. .S200. Ladv Hicks, 2:54, 2:54,2:50. (w) Ceiitreville. L. I.. Nov. 8; 18,54, $1,.500. Boston GirUw). 2:42, 2:43, 2:43. William Tell. brg(3:4:i) s. Adams. Hartford. Conn., July 4, 1860. $75. Massia Maid. Black Nelly (w), Faiinv I-'erii (w). 2:49. 2:43. 2:46. IWI Frank Dunham, June tJ. 1801, $100. Brown Seward „, Wifliam w" b' s (3 •45> Lee "Whitford. Newark. N. Y.. July 12, 1870. $.300. Tom Malloy. Owego. Sam. Ida H. Lvsan'der Maid. Stridaway (3 dn Mattie Goiddust, Maud Malum (3 dis). Becker Boy (3 dis), 2:40^, 2-40^, ''Ml'. ■. Rochester. N. Y.. Aug. .30. 1870. .*210. Star 2, 4, Henry Clay (5 dr), Minnie Alleii(3 dis). 2:47. 2:42?i,2:35, Wifliani" W.: bs (3 -.r.H). bv Le\ii)-toii Chief Jr. H. C. Hoag. Grand Rapids. Mich. Sept •J6 is.sj. .?160 Day- bre-,k. Dollv Dutton, Rovi". Onn ml, Semph. I:,34'i. l:32'i. 1:3.34. Two-year-olds Half-mile heats. Barry \; Fox. Ceiitreville. Mich., 0<'t. 4. 1K82. f! . Daybreak 1. Roxie. Dolly Dutton. 1 :.U, 1 :33Ji» 1:37'-. ' ILilf-milehe.nts. Two-vear-olds. . , , ,. „ . ., „ ,v « » ,<. „.wi W^illiiim Wallace b s i3 ■.r,t}K). bv Duke of Brunswick, dam Mary Bostwick. pacer. Berea. O., Oct. 18 and 19. 1882. .«- Sovrel S;im 2. 3.Black Dick 1. Cliestiiut Tom, Richard, Lady Gale. Claude. Bess. 2..50J.^. Wifliain wVlHli t\y')'.'h g(2-34). bv Hambletoni.an, dam by .\merieiin Star. P. Collins. Prospect Park, L. L, .lulv 17. lH7t.«!,50n. Lovelv B.. 2:51, 2:48';. 2:40. Waverlv Park, \. .L, Anril 30, 1875, .«300. Belle Br.indon, 2:47 2:44 2:41'/,. \ v-f\t,'r«n\ Fleetwood T'ark NY.. Mav 5. 187,5. .•«1.50. Harry Gilbert 2, Uncle Bill. La0. Willie, bg(3:36,V3*). Titiisville, Fa., Julvl. 1 a"., $ . Mabbitt, Crittenden's gr m, MeFarlan, J. Ash, 2:40]^, 2:oG;o, 2:41. Short track. . „ Willie, b g (2:43). S. .laekson. Frosi)eet Fark, L. I., Xov. 4, 1860, $100. Virginia 1, 4. Fisher Girl 2, Howe s b ni, Harry, 2:41, 2:44K'. 2:44, 2:48, 2:44. 2:47. ,lohn Miirphv, Dec. 3, 187(i, .1.i), by Norwood. S. Willis, Miueola, L. I., Sept. 28, 1880, $30. Woodnntt's blkm, - Duryea's gr m. 3:lo'<., 3:12K. Three-year-olds. ^,., . , -,, , ,, , . Willis' Chestnut Stallioii(3: 15 '.2). W.J. Willis, Miueola. L. I., Sept. 29, 1880, $.30. Whitney s Entry (2 dr), 3:1513, . Three-year-olds. Sept. 28, 1881, $.30. Levy's Entry, Lloyd's Entry, 3:35. Four-yc;ir-ol(ls. „„„.„„.» Willis' Gray Stallion (3 :50^. W. J. Willis, :\Iineola, L. I., June is. 1s,m), ,-? . Allen's br s. 3:00, 2:o0, 2:56. Willis Woods, b g (3 :35), bv Rescue, diim Dolly Varden. H. Woods, lirazil, Ind., Aug. 2n. 1880, $. . Guil- ford, 2 (1 0), R. E. Lee (1 o'l. Annie Snyder, Lizzie Elms (1 dis), 2:.50, 2:50, 2:48, 2:48'2, 2:49. J. M. Owens, Ionia, Mich., July 1, issi, ,«600. Fringer, Lucrece. Spinella, 2 :34^, 2 :34i/4. 2:34'-:. Battle Creek, Mich.. July 5. IS.si. .<5400. Rachel. George K., Brown Dick, Gen. Russ. 2:34, 2 :34?j, 2:3314. Rockville, Ind., Aug. 12,1881, $2.50. Xelly K.. Dick Organ, Careless, 2:31ii, 2:31i4,2:32i|. New Ross, Ind.. Aug. 17, 1881. $ . Highland Mary 2. 5. Nelly S. 1, Folly Wishard, Rosewood, Neliy, Ff:inkMvers(5dr). Mamie K. (4 dr). 2:34, 2:.32.2:32^i, 2:3314. 2:31, 2:31. Terre Haute. Ind.. May 30, 1882, $250. Owen Farley 1, Rosewood, Polly Wishard, Tony Newell, Gilmer, 2'35'4 *-*:34 2 "32' 9 2 "32 — Juno"2. 1'ss'j, $250".' Tony Xewell. Fanev Dav, Ewbank's sp g, Charles H. (3 dr), 2:39, 2:43, 2:40. Columbus, Ind., Sept. 1, 1882, $200. Josie H. 3, 4, Polly Wishard, Blanche H.. Gilmer, 2 :39, 2 -Alh, 2:39k, '^•40i4 2 '41 St Joseph, Mo.. Sept. 9. 1882, $500. Kentucky Girl, Legal R., Molly Bell, Maggie F., Gilbird's Sprague, *^ '31 ^i *^ •'^9''ii 2 *32^ii. — Topcjka, kaii., Sept. 16, 1882, $400. Maggie F., Gilbird's Sprague, Legal R., Kentucky Girl, Molly Bell, ^ Lavvrence', Kan'.!'Sept. 23, 1882, $500. Kentucky Girl 2, Legal R. 3, Molly Bell, Gilbird's Sprague, 2: 3214, 2 '30 2 "30 2 '30 2 *30^i ^Crawforc'lsville, Ind.. Sept. 1.5, 1883, $ . Betsy Ann 3. Longfellow Whip. 2:28>^ 2:27, 2^30. Indianapolis, Ind., Sept. 28, 1883, $—. Mamie M. 1, Commander, Longfellow Whip, Frank Landers C^ flis) 2''^8V6 2*27Vi 2*^*9 ^'30 "Crown"PoTnti Ind'., Oct's and 6, 1883, $225. Commander 1, Princeton 3, O'Donnell, 2:37, 2:39i.i, 2:39'i, Will Lucas'(3:47). H. J. Lucas, Petaluma, Cal.. Oct. 10. 1873, $100. Frank (2 0), Rob Roy, Cy (1 dis), 2:47, 2 '51 2*53 "'.54 Wilinartii ell s (3 :41'2), by Backman's Idol, dam Nelly Wilmarth, bv Kemble Jackson. O. Town Jr., Ba- tavia, n! Y.. Sept. 10, 1874, $15. Dave 2, 3:08'4, 3:14, 3:iSU. Four-year-olds. Oct. 10, 1874, $ : Dave, Vadcr Bovl (3dis). No time. Four-year-olds. Sept. 15, 1875, .$ . Ray Milton 1, Sir Henry Clav, 3:01i^, 3:06(2, 3:02H- Stallions. Le Roy N. Y.. May 30, 1877, $200. Tommy, Zero. Flaxtail, Joe Miller, St. Cloud. 2:45, 2:44, 2:43'.;. Willswood (s), b g (3:45^33). Henry Bishop, Hartford, Conn., Sept. 9, 1863, $130. Gen. Meade, 2:45^, 2:48, Wifmore. b g (3:43). W. H. H. Colby, Des Moines, la., June 3, 1879. $ . Woodbury Chief, Netty Shaw, Musketeer, 2:46, 2:42, 2:4614. 46 722 CUESTElt'S (JO.Ml'LETE TKOTTIXG AM> I'ACI.NG KKi OKU. WllBey Boy. ch g(2:45w). J. llazlett, Deerfoot I'ark, L. 1., Sept. a ami 4, 1«:5, fl!400. Kitty 2, 3 (6 dr), 2:il3H. 2:47, i;;47i^. 2:54's. . (w) New Uorp, S. I., Auj;. .5, 187C. S200. Carver Hoy 2, 2:4;'), 2:r.4, 2:4'.(, 2:4!). AVllHoii, b m3:l«'.i, by George Wilkes, dam Miss Coons, by Clark Chief, i;. (Jlldden, Cleveland, O., July25, 1882, Sl.riOO. Uoekton, Mav Tliorne, Gladiator, Ituric Nt ville, King Wilkes (2 dis), 2:22?4, 2.24J^4, 2:22',2. .luly 28. 1882, SL-'iOU. Golden Itule, Howard .lay. Secret, 2:23Ji, 2:2.5Vi,, 2:25. Hutralo, N. v., Aug. 1, 1882. $\,rm. Kiuic Neville, May Thorne, Koekton, Hetty Pearl, Pumpkin R. (i (lis), Howard Jay il dis;. 2-24.'4, 2:20. 2:20. Jtochester, N. \., Aug. 9, 1882, .*!i,.^iOO. Koekton 3, May Thome, Eva, (iolden Kule, Topsy, Kuric Neville (3 dr;, 2:24i-4. 2:24, 2:25^. 2:241,. .\ug. 12, 18S2, Sl,500. (Jolden Kule, Eva, Topsv, Howard .lav. 2:2.'>, 2:22^, 2:21Ji. llica. N. v., Aug. 1.'}, 1882, .?1,5(K). Eva, Topsv, May Tlionie, Koekton, 2.2H4, i:23h, 2:23»4. .\.ug. 18, 1882, Sl,uOO. Golden Kule, Swectiuss, Kva. 2:27!,... 2:27',, 2:39. Hartford, Conn., Sept. 1, 1882, •■^1,000. Eva, Sweetness. Ked liinf, 2:2.">>.i. 2:22»4. 2:23. Louisville, Ky., .May 12, 1883, $700. Ewing 1, Lillian, 2:22'.i, 2:2li'.t, 2:2;!, 2:2.^'-.. Z. E. Sinnnons, Buffalo, X. \.,. Aug. 8. 1883, S2,0oo. Tony Newell 4, Cornelia 1. (iladiatm-, .Fudge Davis, Amelia C. U dn, 2:21'.., 2:20, 2:20i^.., 2:21:'4, 2:21'2. Utica, N. Y., Aug. 22, 1883, $2,000. Amelia C. l,. Judge Davis, Gladiator. Cornelia, Barbara Patehen,2:22V4, 2:20. 2:20)4, 2:21. .Springheld, Mass., Aug. 29, 1883, .S3.000. Edwin Thorne, Direetor.Faunv Witherspoon.:i::«»Ji,2:22'..,2:215!i. ILirttord, Conn., Sept. 7, 1883, .'?2,(X)0. I'livllis. Amelia C, 2:li>, 2:19. 2:1«?4. Wilson's Illiiek (iehlln;; CJ :17), by Messenger Duroe. W. "Wilson, Albany, N Y., Sept. 29, 1881, ^1250. Mur- l)liv's 1> m. 3:21, . '1:17. Three-year-olds. Wilson's Uorso ci-.art V-10). Benj. Wilson, New Bedford, Mass.. Sept. 17, 1873, §2,000. Sisson's Horse, 14:38'/4. Five miles. Wilson I»ony c^:36^). A. Wilson, Augusta, Ga., March 30, 1808, $200. American Star, Harry Hamilton, 2:39, 2:301... April 10, 1808, §200. Harrv Hamilton (3 disi. 2:.')0, 2:44. 2:41. "Wilton Boy. b g (3:59). W. 11. Kavmond, Manchester, N. H., Sept. 9, 1875, $300. Mary 2, Anna. George Bancroft (1 disi. Bella (1 dis). Lady Williams 0 dis), 2:43'^, 2:45?i. 2:44)4. 2:47K'. "Wilton Itoy. b s n :5y). M. (ireenwav. Belair, Md., Oct. 12, 1881. $50. Harry Basset l. Lady Thorne (2 dis), Gv|)sy (1 dis), 3:0.!, 3:07, 3:08, 3:20. Three-year-old.s. ' Oct. 1."). 1881 . .^60. Frolic 4, Pat 2, 3 :00' i, 3 :00. 2 :59, 2 :58, 3 :01 , b g. .Mav 24, 1882, $00. Indigo, Ko.se T., 3:00, 3:00, 2:r>9'i. Four-vear-olds. Wiltwiek, bliig(',J:37'2). .J. .1. iforubeck, Kliinebeck, N. Y , Oct. 2t, 1871. .SlOO. Twilight, .Jim Ham, A'll- liams' b m, Lvdia l (4 dis). 2:49'2, 2:45'.i, 2:49. 2:47. Oct. 22, 1872, $2^0. Y(mng Wilkes, 2:38, 2:40, 2:38. Kingston, N. Y., .lulv 31, I8;3, $200. Lady Emma, 2:.50, 2:45^4. 2:47. Winchester Maid, b m Ci: 35 41. John Trout, Worcester, Mass., Sept. 9, 1881, §200. Motion 3, Kitty S., Jackdaw. Ked Bird. Lady Fulton (3 dis), Jim B. (3 dis.. 2:40, 2:4o, 2:38. 2:40. Providence, K. I., Sept. 30, 1881, .$400. Duchess, Lexington Jr., Traveller 1 (3 dis>, Abbie (3 dr). 2:38)^, 2:37 '4. 2 :3.5ii 3:4.5^4. Winchip, b s (3:37). J. Drew, Manhattan, Kan., Sept. 30, 1880, $200. Gen. Matthews, Billy Douglass. Mary. 2: 38 '4, 2:39,2:37. Windbeani, b s (2:39>4), by George I'eabodv, dam Newark ISIatrou, by Vt. Black Hawk, M. Hand, Waverly, N. J., M;iv.8, 1880, $ . Belle Braiidoii. ■J::i!ii4. 2:43'2, 2:4314. Wiudbeain '.Mare, b m. Ashbury Perdue, Wilmington, Del., Oct. . 5. 1875, $100. 1 h. 13 m. 30 sec. To beat I li, 1.') m. Twentv miles. Wlnd«rin«'re, b grJ::VJ'4). J. H. Harbeck, Mlddletown, N. Y., Sept. 30, 1874, $400. George F. Smith, Mau- rice Daly, Fanny Luker, J. B. (2 dis), Wheeler (1 dis), Nevesink Maid (1 dis), War.saw (l dis), 2:37, 2:41»4, 2:45. Oct. 1, 1874, .SLOOO. George F. Smith, P. E. O'Neill, Agnes, M. C. Ogden. No time. 'Wlnd8.>r, b s i3:34), by Major Anderson, dam by May Day Jr. J. B. Perrin, Trenton, N. J., Sept. 21. 1870, $75. Hoan Paul, Buckskin. 3:05, 3:0.5, 3:00. H. West, Easton, Pa.. June 19, 1873, $225. Simon (2 dis), Kitty Davis (1 dis), 2:42, 2:39Ji'. June 20, 1873, $2.")0. Waverly, Simon. 2:.54H, 2:49)2. 2:40. W. C. Norton. Mt. Holly, N. J., Oct. 7. 1874, S175. Abdel Kadir, American Star, 2:51, 2:491..^, 2:52^. Waverlv. N. J., Aug. 21, 1875. $ . Kate Tavlor, four others, 2:.30i^, 2:37ki, 2:37>4. E. A. Bullock, Freehold, N. J.. Sept. 12, 1876, $.50. No Name. 2:47J^, 2:,->4>.i. 2:.53»^. Stallions. Waverly, N. J., Sept. 20, 1870, $200. Col. Tipton, Kentucky Prince, Deans Hanibletonian, 2:34, 2:34'/j, 2:30)4. Stallions. Mt. Holly, N. J., Oct. 3, 1X70, $175. Black Clond, Hermit, Star, 2:41. 2:40>.i, 2:44. . W. C. Norton. Oct. 11. 1877, $75. Ben Ba.shaw 2, Star, Parolet, 2:489.i. 2:.'-)l, 2:45. Stallmns. Windsor 1 1)isp;it(li), rn g (3:34)4). by Lewiston Boy. J. Brackett. St. Louis. Mo., Oct. 3. 1879, .IfLOOO. Don Quixote. l''i;iM(e's Alexander. Robert McGregor, Josephus, Duck, Fred Douglass, Forrest Golddust.Baby (1 dis), W. H. Holly (1 dis). 2:24^.2:25, 2:27»^. ^ „ , o» ,• , * „ r«,y „ r.. Windsor, b g (3:50i4). J. H. Carr, Fleniington, N. J., Sept. 28, 1881, $100. Spunky, Starlight, 2 :60^, 2:,52, 2;51'.i. Windsor iJell. rn K (3:49). A. Depattv. Urbana, O., Aug. 4, 1875, $30. Lady Dextress, 2:54, 2:49. Windsor n., b g (3:53), by Windsor. " F. A. Mount, Hightstown, N. J., July 4, 1879, $(5. Kitty Burke. No time. Lambertville, N. .1. Sept. 10, 1879, .$75. Careless. Black Maria, Western (iirl, 2:52, 3:00, 3:00. Wine of tlie Woods, br g (3 :44'.i). Keed Ferris, Danbury, Conn., June 20. 1873, $ . I rank 2, Billy H ntz (2 dis), 2:.54, 2:5114, 2:521/., 3:03?.(. Oct. 11, 1873, $100. Black Prince. American Clipper. 2:47i'2. 2:47. 2:4(!?.i. x„o.4>'o.,i W^infleid, blk g (3 :34). J. L. Doty, Fleetwood I'ark, N. Y., .lune 9, 1873, .$200, Barney Kelly (w), 2:341/,, 2:34, 2-40 Winiield Koy. gr g (3 :40), by Tippoo. D. L. Cook, Little Falls, N. Y., June 12, 1878, $100. King 1, George, ^ Kiehfiefd'spa, N.Y., July 3,1878, $100. Jack Shepherd, Indiana Boy (1 dis), King (1 dis), 2:40, 2:46, Winkle (Thomas L. Young), (w). ch g (3 : 19>^), bv Y'ellow Jacket. R. Cunningham, Belmont Park, Phila., April 14. 1882. .S . Rover (vv), 2:41,2:4.5. ^ „. .„ _ u.*.>ciBaQ Winnie Jeflerson. ch m (3-35i4), by Thom.as Jefferson. M.E.Wilcox, Collmsville. Conn., Sept. 26. 1883, $1.50. T.aser, Harrv Wldtford, l.ancaster Bov. Little .Toe, 2:3514. 2:401.,, 2:39)4 r^ -n. ^Jc, i,„,i,.o Winnie Wick, blk ni (8 :3«>:i), bv Swigert, dam Amv Jones, by Richard's Bellfounder. (.1'. Wickwire, Cortlandt, N. Y . June 1, 1882, .$250. Bones 1. Chemung Maid (4 dr). 2:40'o. 2:44i.i. 2:48ij, 2:44'.. A.J. Peek, Cortlandt, N. Y., June 21, 188,3. $2.50. Lib 1, Troublesome, Lottie, Kate Douglass, 2.yrH, '■ June 22. *883; $— . Troublesome 2, 3, Osslan Pet, Baby Wood, Lotta (6 dr), Daisy Burns (5 dr), Billy McKean (6 dr), 2:37)4, 2:36, 2:3.5, 2:29K>, 2:399ii. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTINCi AN1> PACINd RECORD. 723 Providence, R. I., Oct. 11, 1883, $400. Minnie C, W. K., Miller's Damsel, Magnet, Charley Knox, Wood- lake, Dartniouth (2 dis), 2::51i.i, •Jies'j. 2::50. ,^ .^ ^ ^_, Boston. Mass., Oct. ii4, 1S83, §400. Belle Shackett l, Professor 2. Minnie Moulton, Farce, rntle, 2:30, 2:31k. Winona, 1) m'(li:5'i'), bv Volunteer, dam Silvertail. by American Star. G. J. Shaw, Exeter, Me., Sept. 25, 1878. .<40. Butcher Boy 1, 2, Sunshine, 2:.">5. 2:.')2, 2:.52. 2:56, 2:.53. ^ Winslow. bg['i :-l«'4). J. H. Phillips, Newurk, N. J., Sept. IT, 1873, S150. Kate 3, Satie, Sue, Dean's Ham- bletoiiian, 2:47. 2:46^4, 2;48^4 2:49i^. , „ ^ „. , Wintermutes Bay .Stallion. (•J:58). Wm. AVintermute, Reading, Pa., Oct. 28, 18C9, S50. Marj'Collins 1, Patclieu I'olt (1 dis), .■!:07. 3:00, , 2:5«. Four-vear-olds. Winter'.s Rrown Gelding. (3:58). J. G. Winters. Montgomery, Ala.. Nov. 20, 1869,82.5. Travis' blk m. Robinson's b s. Simpson's b g, 3:0J, 2:."jt), 2:58. Same day, §75. Kecd's b s 3, Bonham's gr s. McCurdy's gr s, 3:00. 2:.59'2, 2:.')(>V^, 2:ns\i. "Winthrop Morrill. (3:45). Farniington. IMe.. Aug. 29, 1878. S . Frank B.. Kitty Wells, Molly Stark, Ben Butler (1 (lis). Red Cloud (1 dis), Knox Girl (1 dis), 2:45. 2:4.5, 2:47. Winthrop Morrill Jr.. l)lk s (3:37). by iSIetacomet. dam a Fox mare. M. Carroll. Boston. Mass., June 5, 1S73. .sooo. Tip Allen 1, Lizzie Keeler, Bon Smith, Gen. Tweed, Grace (.3 dis), Village Maid (.3 dis;, 2 :34'^, — Fleetwood Park, N. Y., June 18, 1873. .S800. Penobscot 2, Zephyr, Tip Allen, Fanny Osbom, Hamperion, Volunteer Belle, Richards. Vulcan, Ben Smith (3 dr). Lady Pfifer (2 dis), 2:33, 2:32, 2:31, 2:35. June 27. 1873. .S800. Penobscot 2, 3, Tip Allen, Richards, Molly Barker, Hamperion, Winfield (5 dr), Fnuik Klock (5 dr), Asa (2 dis), 2:31%, 2:32?^;, 2:31';. 2:31i,i, 2:34!^. Springfield. Mass., Aug. 20 and 22, 1872, !S4.000. Barney Kelly 7. 9 (5 0\ Ohio Boy l, 4 (5 0). Commodore 3 (5 0), Col. Moulton 2 (8 dis). Belle Brandon, Bay Henrv, Penobscot, 2:31, 2:31, 2:31'2, 2:3014, 2:33, 2:32, 2:353^. 2:3.5, 2:34, 2:36'i, 2:37^. Prospect Park, L. I., Sept. 25, 1873, .Sl,250. Lady Emma, Rose Standish, Sir Knight, Rowe's Tommy, 2:30, 2:32, 2:28?4. . „ Wiry Jim, bg (3:33»4), by Kentucky Prince, dam bv Gay's Diamond. John W. Thomas, Lexmgton. Ky., Oct. 13. 1877. $400. Lady Rub. Van Arnim, Fanny Witherspoon, Mambrino Hippy, Brown Sentinel (2 died), 2:36, 2:32?i. 2:36'^. Three-vear-oids. Wisconsin, b g (3:36). G. W. Nickerson, Milwaukee, Wis., October 15, 1852, $250. Fond du Lac, 3:00, 2:45,2:36. Wisconsin Chief, gr g (3:33}^). Sacramento. Cal., April 22, 1855. $1,000. Leauder 2 (3 dis), 2:321^. 2:34. 2:30. Wisconsin Maid, br m (3:51). Chas. E. Westbrook, Oshkosh, Wis.. Oct. 1, 1873, $7.5. Waupuu Belle 1, Rebecca, Kitty Holmes. Billy (2 dis), Lee (1 dis), 2:53, 2:51, 2:5414, 2:53. Eau Claire, Wis., Oct. 7, 1873, $200. Jack Stiles 2. 3, Jenny, Lady Gray, Gray Jerry, 2:58, 2:59, 2:59, 2:59^.2:57. Oct. 8, 1873, $100. Bay Charley. Gray Jerrv, Albert, Buckskin, 2:51 '4, 2:53. La Crosse, Wis., Oct. 24. 1873, $50. MinerVa, Billy Mason (2 dr). No time. AVisconsin Star, b s (3 :339ij. Mr. Townsend, Beloit, Wis., June t, 1872, .$ . Buckskin. 2:33Ji, 2:39, 2:40, Wissahickon, ch s (3 :43;. J. Cudnev, Philadelpuia, Pa., Nov. 4, 1857, $ . Lady Jackson (1 0), 2:45, 2 :44'4. ■2:42'i, 2:42. Nov. 9, 1857. $200. Belle 1, 2 :44i^, 2:45, 2 :45, 2:45. Witchcraft, ch g (3 :59i^). E. Howard. Oleaii, N. Y., Sept. 30, 1880. $.50. Fred Harris 2 (3 0), Preston Boy 1, Wimsev, Bay Billy, Gen. Sickles- 3:07)^, 3:05, 3:09^4, 2:59'2, 2:.5y3/^. Witteg's Bay Gelding (3 : 39 ). Mr. Witteg, Baltimore, Md., Nov. 1, 1883, $1,000. Wall's br g 3 (2 0), 2 :39, , 2:39, 2:40. 2:47. Wizz, b g (3 :33i4), by Roscoe, dam Lady Fulton, by Stubtail. Rufus P. White, Potsdam, N. Y., Sept. 24, 1873. / $125. Maggie B., 2:58, 2:58. 3:00. Four-year-olds. Fleetwood Park. N. Y., June 28, 1878, $100. J.Kelly, Reynolds, Sea Queen, Harry, Bronx, Big Chief, Jersey, Gray Jim, 2:40, 2:44, 2:44. Providence, R. I., Sept. 3, 1878, $300. Leda, Judgment, Fanny Forest, John H. Starin, Emma B., Nelly, Chatham Girl, Ashland!^Maid, 2:29. 2:29, 2:30. Sept. 6, 1878, S300. Dauntless, John H. Starin, Archie, Peabody, Jim Briggs, 2:28, 2:28';, 2:30'4. Fleetwood Park, N. Y., Sept. 12, 1878, $400. Marlboro, Chance, Blackwood Queen, Slar, Belle of Kings, Turk 2:31 2:30 2:29. Prospect Park,' L." I., Sept. 18, 1878, $500. Stiletto 1, Nelly Webster, Shorty Fountain, Belle Mac, Kadlr. Lily (2 dr). , 2:31, 2:29'/2, 2:32. Sept. 19, 1878, $40. Star, Chance, Lady Winfield, Blackwood Queen, Jessie Maud, Marlboro (2 dis). Belle of Kings (2 dr), 2:30, 2:32, 2:28. Hartford. Conn., Oct. 16 and 17, $187?, $400. Lady Daggett 8 (5 0), Result 6, 7 (5 0) (9 dis), Lady Foxie 1, 1 (9 dis), Joe Ripley, Charley Mac (4 dr), 2:2634, 2:2534. 2:26, 2:27'4, 2:27, 2:27, 2:29, 2:3m, 2:28. W. E. Weeks," Deerfoot Park, L. I., May 24, 1879, $300. Steve Maxwell 1 (3 0). Little Mack (2 dis), 2:30J4 2:32. 2:,30, 2:28, 2:31. Prospect Park, L. I., June 12, 1879, $600. Planter 1, Glide 4, Steve Maxwell, Nelia, 2:28, 2:25M, 2:2434 2:25)^, 2:25. Morrisania. N. Y., June 18. 1879. $500. Steve Maxwell. Glide, 2:27^^, 2:253^,2:30. Hartford. Conn., June 24, 1879, $500. Big Fellow 3, Lottie K., Queechy Maid, St. Charles, Major Lord (3 dis), 2:25V^. 2:24, 2:26, 2:2634. Plainvflle, Conn., July 1. 1879, $500. Big Fellow. Queechy Maid. 2:27, 2:28?*, 2:283^. Morrisania, N. Y., May 13, I88O, $5C0, Nelly Irwiu 1, Steve Maxwell, 2:25, 2:25, 2 :243'4, 2:25^4. Norwich, Conn.. Oct. 1. 1880. $400. Fitzgerald, Sooner. 2:31^,2:31, 2:329ii. Mystic Park, Boston, June 16, 1881, $500. Jersey Boy 3, 4, Steve Maxwell 1, Nancy, Trampoline (4 dr), 2:2314. 2:24, 2:24?£, 2:2,5. 2:26',4, 2:27. Hartford, Conn.. July 4. 1881, $400. John Hall. Onawa. Modoc, 2:253^. 2:253^,2:2334. W. J., b g (3:37?i). W. j; Kittson, Winnipeg, Man., Sept. 16. 1882, .$500. Mary B., 2:47'/2.2:43, 2:373^. W. J. Payne, ch g (3 :33). W. J. Payne, Greenland. Ky., Oct. 31. 1867, $150. American Star 5. John Elmore 2), Sir Walter l. Champaign d dis), 2:39i^. 2:37.2:35, 2:.35. 2:37, 2:39. W. K.. b g (3:3314). F. M. Dodge. Pittstteld, Mass., Aug. 23, 1883, $200. Frank Gilman 2, Lady Sealskin 3, Cora B. 2:40 2*39 2*38 2'38'/4. Falls'village, Conn.', Sept. 12, 1883. $200. Ladv Sealskin. Harry Whitford, Frank, Frank (l dis), 2:38, 2:38, 2:37'4. Hudson, N. Y., Sept. 26, 1883. $200. Capt. Jake 2, Tom Mason 1, 2:40. 2:39. 2:40^4, 2:38, 2:38. W. K. Thomas (Jock Sanders), gr g (2 :36). bv Osceola. J. C. Shadburn, Louisville, Ky., Oct. 12, 1866, $200. Molly Buckner3. 2:56^. 2:46, 2:47, 2:48. T.P. Roach, Nov. 2, 1866, $350. Betty. Brown Kitty, 2:38, 2 ;39, 2 :3834. May 29. 1867, $100. Rutus (1 dis), 2:38?^. Davenport. la.. Sept. 13. 1867. $100. Ladv Gay 1, Sleepy John, 2:381^, 2:353i, 2:343i, 2:3554. J. B. Leonard. Chicago, 111., Oct. 9, 1867, $150. Ladv Alice 4, Heart of Oak l (5 dr), 2:44Ji, 2:39, 2:44, 2:414, 2:40. 724 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTINC \Sl> I'ACING KECOKD. T. P. Koacli, Oct., 12, 18C7, 8150. Hard Bread 3. 4, Fanny Lee, 2. (.''. ^. (w) Oct. 2il. 1K68, *2()0. Kolla 4, 2:32«4, 2:36, 2:39. 2:3.3h>- Atlanta, (Ja., Oet. 27,»1870. S . Clara 1,2, Boss, 2:28"j, 2:28K>, 2:2f>, 2:28>ig.2:30. "W. M. Mallory, Ij g (3:30). l)y Orange bounty. L «. Kingslmry, Elmira, N. \., Sept., 9, 1879, $400. Richard B., Newsboy. Emma, Lilly. Duplex, Ameriean IJov, 2:35. 2:;{0, 2:30, Sept. 11, 1879, S400. Argonaut, Starlight, Richard B., Ladv B. 1 (4 dis). Avenue Boy, 2:32, 2:30,2:31, 2:.'?o. ■W.MorriU. (Walker's Mornlli. I) s (2 ::i7), 1)V Winthrop Morrill, dam Fannv, by the Eaton Horse. E. C. Walker \- Co., (irand llavin. .Mieh., .Inly 27,1876. $300. Silver Heels 1," Stayer, .lim Elastic, Norris Bashaw, Florence, Frank Heed (2 dis;. 2:40, 2:43, 2:4G. 2:44. Muskegon. Micli.. Aug. 3, ls7t;. S300. Flossv 1, Silverheels 5, Florence 4, Black Doc, Stayer. Norri» Bashaw (4 dr». 2:47U. 2:40. 2:4o. 2:40K>,'2:42. 2:40. Manistee. Midi., Aug. U>. ls7t;, .i^Kio. Stayer. Hoadmaster. Red Oak. 2:42'i. 2:40, 2:40. clijirlotte. Mich.. Aug. 23. I87ii. $300. Nellv Moore 1.2, Betsy Baker. Lizzie Davis. Stranger. Stayer.Chief (3 dn. Orphan Bov (2 disi. Wild Bill (2 disi. Hough i2 dr), 2:37, 2:.'}C, 2:.39, 2:37'-, 2:38. Cold water, Mieh.. Aug. 30 and 31, 1870, S150. Oeorge B. 3.4, Joe KeMogg .5, 6. 2:37, 2:42?i, 2:42. 2:403Si,2:41, 2:41. 2:43. Niles. Mich.. Sept. 6, 1876, .? . Black Doc 4, Advance, Jenny, Edward l, 2 (4 dis), Slim Jim (3 dis), 2:38>.i, 2:38, 2:40. 2:.37, 2:37, 2:.39. Hudson, Mieh.. Sept. 13, 1870, § . Joe Kellogg 2, 3 (1 0), Orjjhan Boy 7 (.1 0), Ella R. 5, Exjiectation, George B., Wild Bill. 2:4014, 2:45, 2:42. 2:41, 2:41'.. 2:42,2:4.5,2:44. W. >I. Tweed, blk g (3 :3G w). A. Patterson, Union Course, L. I., Oct. 20, 18G8, St.OOO. Ladv Wells, 2 :.38, 2:37, 2:39. Woful. b s (2 :46). Buck & Co.. Chicago, 111., Oct. 12, 1858, $100. Charter Oak 1 , 4, Tiger (2 dr), 2 :54, 2:46, 2:48, 2:52' 2 2:47. Stallions. Woful. I)r s (3 :3.5), bv L. L Black Hawk, dam Wier. by Ky. Whip. O. W. Dimmick. Cincinnati. O., Sept. 21, I860. m)0. Washtenaw Chief 2. 4. Clifton. 2:3i;, 2:3.5. 2:36. 2:36, 2:35. "Woful. b s (3:45). W. S Briggs, Taunton, Mass.. Oct. 8 and 9, 1868, $80. Nell Gwvnne. Rosa (2 dr), 2:48, 2:45,2:46. Wolford Z. (Anti-Monopolv). b g (3:33). bv Capt. Beaumont. W. W. Hamilton, Freeport, 111., June 5, 1874, S900. Bay Charley, Sterling. Marv B. (3 dis), Kitty Stratton (3 dis;, Hiram (3 dis), David U. (3 dis), C. Langworthv (3 dis), 2:33?.i, 2:40i^, 2:37»4. June 8. 1875. $1,200. charlev Westbrook. Mazeppa. 2 :38, 2:.38, 2:38'.,'. Dixon, 111.. Sept. 16, 1875. .S560. Allen. Oak Grove Girl, Bismark, 2:35. 2:.34. 2:3414. Tiskilwa, 111., Sept. 2.3. 1875, .?500. Oak Grove Girl 3, 5, Allen 1, Slickfellow, 2:361^, 2:35^4, 2.35>2, 2:36, 2:36^, 2:.33. Freeport, 111.. Sept. 30, 1875, $700. Kitty Stratton 2 Frank Reeves, Oak Grove Girl. Nelly, Dan Brown, Peaviiie(4 dr). 2:31. i.^iOKi, 2:3lK 2:31. Grand Hai)ids, Midi., .fune 13 and 15, 1876, $1,000. Marion 1, 2, Kate Hazard, Cliester Thomas Jr.. Allen, Young WHkes (5 dr). Fridav (5 dr). Clifton (3dr), Nelson (2 dis). 2:.33, 2:37. 2::W, 2:32. 2:.37. Jackson, Mich.. June 20. 1876. .§.500. ]\Iarion. Hvlas. White Line. s. AV. McD.. ^Nlambrino Warner. Joseph- ine. Calmar, Allen, Chester Tliomas .Ir., Monarch Rule, Lew Scott, 2:39'4, 2:.{7?-4. 2:37='4. Mendota, 111., Aug. 18, 187C, $400. Phil Sheridan, Sleepy Bill, Fanny Robinson. Webber, Ladv H., Kate Hazard, 2:28. 2:28.2:30. Dubuque, la., Sept. 7, 1876, $500. Phil Sheridan 1. 4, Aldine 3, Clifton, 2:34'«, 2,34, 2:37>/j, 2:36, 2:355^, 2'36H- — Prophctstown, 111., Sept. 28. 1876, $600. Gen. Garfield. Aldine. 2:30'^^, 2:28. 2:28'/j. Freeport, 111., Oct. 10, 1876, .$500. Sleepy Bill 3. Phil Sheridan, Frank Davis, Gold Leaf (1 dis), 2:28, 2:28, 2 :26 2 :30. Freeport, 111., Oct. 12 and 14, 1876. .$600. Ladv Turpin. Badger Girl, General Garfleld. Lady Star 1, 3(4 dis), Herod (4 dr), GoldLeaf (l dis). 2:24, 2:27. 2:26'i, 2:39',. 2:38. Oct. 18. 1876, $400. Sleepv Bill 1, 3, Messenger Golddust. 2:30i^, 2:37»4. 2:.32'.i, 3:32'/,. 2:3714. Oct. 2(1. 1876, $.500. Lady Star 3, G. T. Pilot 1, 4 (5 r o). 2:29)^, 2:28, 2:33, 2 :28'j, 2:2914, 2:34^. ■ ,f. F. Smith. Milwaukee, Wis., Aug. 28, 1878, $800. Dame Trot (3 0), Darby, Badger Girl, Lady Turpin, Scotland. 2:22'^, 2:23'-. 2:23'4, 2:23?i. St. Paul. .Minn., Sept. 4. 1878, $1,000. Dame Trot 3, Badger Girl. Kitty Cook (4 dis), 2:25, 2:2.51^, 2:25>i, 2:24. Cincinnati, O.. Oct. 3, 1878. .$800. Lew Scott, Deception, Belle Brasfleld, Silversides, Schuyler. 2:25^, 2:26"j,2:2G. Wolfs Gray Oeidinc (2 :36), bv Tom Hver. J. S. Wolf, Ottumwa. la., Oct. 17, 1868, $100. Carrie May 3, J. S. Young, 2:41. 2::i9, 2:.36, 2:44'. Wolverine, sp g (3:43;4). H. Woodruff, Union Course. L. I., Nov. 20, 1856, $ . Brattleboro 1. 2:46. 2:46, 2:44. 2:43>4. Wonder, chg (3 :40». C. C. Whittemore, Portsmouth. N. H., Sept. 9, 1868, $150. Young Draco, Mountain Maid, Blondell, Fred. 2:421.,. 2:42'-. 2:47'i. Wonder, grs (3:54). Henry West. Trenton, N. J., Sept. 20, 1870, $80. Creoles. 6, Belle of Trenton 1.2,2:50%, 2:.5.5' -, 2:.5.5iii, 2'.54 2*56 2 '.5.51 , 2:.54. Wonder," br g (2":.^7i4)'. Geo. W. Bushnell. Delavan. Wis.. Oct. 17, 1874. $ . Stella P., Stella. No time. Rockford, Til.. Sept. 17. 1875. $90. Lehigh. Lady Truesdell. St;irtle, 2:.50. 2:49, 2:4,5. J. Durelle. Chicago, 111., Aug. 4 and 5. 1876. .?20(). Tom 1, 2, Fiddler 3, 6, Sarley K., Iowa Boy, Germania Jack Short. 2:.38i4, 2:.38V. Belle Curtis il dis), 2:31. Cynthiana, Ky., August 24. 1877, ,$40o. Magenta 2. Glendale, Lady Prewitt (3 dis;, 2:273^, 2:2334,2:2634, Aug. 25. 1877, .§400. Indianapolis, Tom Brown, 2:25. 2:26, 2:263^. Lexington, Ky.,Oct. 13. 1877, $(;oo. Dick Taylor 3. Magenta. Coaster. Carrie. 2:25. 2:2234, 2:2434, 2:25. "Woodford Knox, b s(3:41?4). by Gen. Knox, dam Shoo Flv. by Rising Sun. Hillsdale, ^lich., Aug. 31, 1877, $ — -. Clara H. 1, Lady Smith, Mambrino Billy, Belmont, Gazetteer, Disraeli, Julia, Myron B., Prince, Lady Shields (4 dr), Lady H. (4 dr), Roval Magna (3 dr). 3:15, 3:16, 3:1,5. 3:1.5. Sedalia, Mo.. Sept. 5, 1882, $250. Joe Martin 3. Corbeau, Mambrino Beainer. 2:42i4, 2:42?4, 2:40^4;, 2:413^. W<»o(lf«>rd Mauibrino, b s (3 :31Lii), bv Mambrino Chief, dam Woodbine, bv Woodford. R. A. Alexander, Louisville, Ky.,Nov. 2, 1866, .?50. Lewis' clig (2dis), 3:0194. 2:40. A. .L Alexander, Cynthiana, Ky., Aug. 23, 1877, $400. Faniiy Stoner, Blanche Amory, Jim, 2:345-^. 2:38, 2:35!2. R. C. Pate, Milwaukee. Wis., June 5, 1878. $800. Wolford Z., Rose of Washington. Mountain Quail, West Liberty. Monarch Rule. 2:2534, 2:25,2:2634. — - — Jackson. Mich.. June 11. 1878, S1.000. Dictator 1, Frank Kernan, Rose of Washington, Tom Britton 13 dis). Monarch Rule (1 dis), 2:26'4. 2:30. 2:29. 2:28^4. Grand Rapids, Mich.. June 18, 1878, $900. Rose of Washington, Frank Keniaii, 2:293^, 2:283», 2:2834. East Saginaw. Mich.. June 25, 1878, $1,000. Rose of Washington, Monarch Rule, Frank Kernan, Tom Britton, 2:27^4. 2:2834. -:-"• Detroit, Mich.. July 4. 1878, $2,000. Lady Lowe. Rose of Washington, Monarch Rule, Frank Kernan,2:31, / 2:29.2:28'.,. Minneapolis, Minn.. Sept. 4. 1878, $1,000. Bonesetter, Scott's Thomas, Indianai»olis.2:2li.2. 2:22?.i, 2:22?£. stallions. — Dubuque, la.. Sept. 11 and 12, 1878, $1,000. Bonesetter 1,2, Scott's Thomas 4, Iodiaua]>:ilis '3 0) 2:2334, 2:25!4, 2:28, , , 2:26'.,. 2:27'2. Stallious. Woodlake, b g (3 :37'/2), hy D'arlbav. dam bv Denmark. J. B. Benson. Manchester, N. H.. Sept. 7. 1883. $100. Ernest L. l, 4, Henry Almont. Billy D., Baby Boy (2 dr), 2:o9i/a, 2:42, 2:43, 2:43. 2:43. Bridgewater, Mass., Sept. 21. 1883, $12.5. Blanche Douglass 1,2, Billy M.. Rubber Boy,2:39i4, 2:40,2:3934, 2:41.2:40. S. Weymouth, Mass., Sept. 27. 1883, $175. AUie May. Rubber Bov, 2:40, 2:38, 2:3834. Sept. 28, 1883, .$2.50. Belle, Allie May (2 dr). 2:40, 2:3'&3^, 2:3834. Brockton. Mass., Oct. 5, 1883, $250. Minnie C, Blanche Douglass, Prospect. Maud, Mortimer, 2:3534, 2:3.514, 2:3334- Beacon Park, Boston, Oct. 19. 1883, $400. Winnie Wick 1, Charley Knox, Tiny B.. Blanche Douglass, Minnie C, Don (4 dr). Tannery Girl (3dr), 2:26^4, 2:2734. 2:28%, 2:2714. Woodland gr g (3 :3.5). M. Doyle. Petaluma, Cal., Sept. 29. 1867. $50. Pruett (pacer), Kentuck, 2:35. Woodlawn, ch n\ (3:39'/2). K. C. Barker, Detroit, Mich., June 15, 1864, $150. May Queen 1, Baron. Ida (3 dis). Abdallah (2 dis), 2:42, 2:403^. 2:393/2, 2:41. Woodlifl; ch s i3:41'i). Mr. Drury, Davenport, Ta., Sept. 11, 1868, $80. Honest Abe 3, Why Not. Moreover (1 dis). 2:44, 2:42. 2-Ab\4, 2:41'/2. Woodpecker, ch g. Phifadelphia, Pa., Nov. 18, 1846, $1,500. Nineteen miles in 57:43. To trot 20 miles In 1 hour. Lost. Woodpecker. brg(3:3634). D. W. Conklin, Hiuitington, L. I., July 4, 1859, .$50. Romeo, Tremont (3 dr), 2:40, 2:3634, 2 :.37. Hempstead, L. I., Aug. l, 1859, $30. Lady Washington (2 0), U dr). Rocky Mountain (3 dr), 2:40, 2:3834, 2:45, ■'. Woodpe<-ker Oolddust, (Indicator), ch s f3:3~). by Golddust. dam Capitola, by Bob .Jordan. Wm. Tarleton Nashville, Tenn., Oct. — . 8. 1872. $200. Lizzie Clay 1, Edinburgh, Blossom (2 dri. Lizzie Killbrevv (1 dis), 2:493-.i. 2:,5034. 2:49^4. Three- vear-olds. Sam Bryant. Eminence, Ky., Aug. 13, 1873, $150. Kentucky Maid, Jenny M. (1 dis). Flying Cloud (1 dis), 2 :50, 2 :45, 2 :44. Four-vear-olds. Nashville, Tenn., Oct. — . 1873. $400. Lucille 1, Lady Rattler, 2:45. 2 :43»4, 2:43^4 . 2:44. Four-vear-olds. M. Hornsley, Louisville. Kv., Sept. 2, 1874, $85. Banta's Entry, Gold Chief, 2:4534. 2:44%, 2:4'3'3. L. L. Dorsev, Sept. 5. 1874, $.500. Glencoe. 2:40, 2:40, 2:40, Woodruff, b s (3:3834). Simon James, Hamilton. Out.. July 2. 1874, .$400. Jessie 1, Lady Wentworth, Lady Kemble (3 dis). Lady Hector, (1 dis), Johnny Moore (1 dis). Pilot (1 dis), 2:40, 2:44, 2:4194, 2:4794- Woodruff, ch g (3 :393^). J. Goodwin, Geneva. N. Y'.. June 14, 1883. $150. Canoga Chief, Telephone, Baby Wood. 2:45, 2:39%, 2:40. Woodruff's Bay Oeldingr, (3:45). Hiram Woodruff, Ccntreville, L. I., Nov. 15, 1858, .$500. Peabody's b m 2:45'i. 2:45. Woodruff's Bay Mare C3 :4434). Hiram Woodruff, Fashion Course, L. I.. June 19, 1862, $1,000. Gen. Burn- side 2:44^4. 2:50, 2:4994. Woodruft''s Chestnut Stallion, (w), ^3:4694 w). Hiram Woodruff, Fashion Course, L. I., Nov. 24, 1865, $500. Maggie Mitchell 3, 2:5694, 2:4694, 2-A9%„ 2:47. 726 c;iESTEK'S COMrLETE TKOTTING AND PACING KECOUD.j WoodKbure:h Maid. (^3:00). S. Moutross. Heiiistead. L. I., Aug. 21, 18«1, S5(), Jim Blaiuc 1, 2:59, a:00. 3:02, o;lH). Wood's (licstiiut .Mare, (^■~>(i), by Aiiierif:'ii Star. .1. Wood, (ioshen, N. Y., (Jet. 8, l«lds. AVoodsioi'k. h ^' (•i:4«). Hiram Woodruff, Union Course, L. I., Nov. 15. 1864. S20(). .Modoc, 2 :;■><;, 2:55. 2:48. AVoiMlht<»«k. l>lk s ci :40). Wliite Kiver .lunction. Vt., Se|(t. 10, 1855, *125. Til) Woodward 1, .{, Dodge Mor- rill. l'';irnn'r's DiniKlitor, 2:44, 2:4G, 2:4G, 2:43, 2:40. Woodstock (Wf^ilii'ldi. cli g ri-.-Hi'^), by Whipple's Ilambletonian. Stewart & Todd, Toronto, Out., Oct. 13, 1877. .*17."). It iiipest 1. i5ob Moore, Hulett. Queen, .Monk lioy. Lady Palmer i4 dn. 2:45. 2:43. 2:41«^, 2:46. 1). Mahoniv, l.e Uoy, N. V., May 29, ls7x, ^\ri(). Jim Jiri),''KS. l.aiiv June, Fanny D., 2:38, 2:38, 2:38. I'ictou. Out. .May 2ti, 1879, *200. Jerry .Manic. I?av Tom. Nolinie. Hellcville. Out., May 29, 1879. S . Slinnie (iraiiRer. Hay Tom, 2:4.^), 2:43. 2:47. Woolfinder. b s (3:59). 1*. Mdutyre, Slierbrooke. Can., Sept. -23, 185». liM. Sir Walter (1 0(, Hob (1 0). Fanny, , 2:59, 3:00. Wooniosa, ch m (2:.53'5\ by Woodford ^lambrino. dam Hernioja, by Edwin Forrest. Macy Bros.. Harrods- bur^'li. Ivy.. July 7, 1S75, .si^o. .lack Cliinn, Lotus Napoleon li dis), 3:10, 3:0-j^4. Two-year-olds. (.■> ntlii:in;i, Ky., Aug. 25. 1875, $150. Honor, tirace barling U dis), Woodford Maid (Ulisi. Flora ^, 2:48>4. 2:48?4. 2:45. Worcester Boy. br g I '^z.'iS}. (has. L!. Pratt, Worcester, Mass., Sept. 21, 1874. .'i<45. Hector. .lolui L. Kav (1 dis), 2:.58, 3:03. 3:03. W^orden Lady, b m (3 :01). Peter Worden, Troy, Pa., Sept. 26, 1883, $60. Landjert, i (2 0). Farm, Smith. 3:16, ,3:01.3:04,3:02. Four-vears-olds and under. Woriniiijj Boy. (;. S. Carleton, Kinuston, Out., Sept. 14. 1882, $1,000. Markham Girl. No time. Worinwo.xl. ch s C'J :43Ui). by Lord Nelson. W. S. Brannon. ILalifax, N. S., Sept. '29, 1881. .'Sr25. Faunv Blair 3, Cohunbus. Aleck '.2flr), , 3:05;>4. 2:53?*, 3:00. Manchester, N. B.. Oct. 14. 1881. ,S150. Honest Tom 2, 3. Lookout. 2:.54. 2:51. 2:47, 2:43K>. 2:17. W. P. Harris (3:52). Henry (iraves. Chicago, HI.. Nov. 2, 18.54. S . Keindeer. 2:.52, 2:54, 2:55. W. K. Case, b g (3:45). A. .1. Case, Omaha. Neb.. June 7. 1876. $300 Brown Mack 1, Nebraska Boy, Molly Patrick, 2:,50, 2:49, 2:50^, 2:53. Council Bluffs. la., Nov. 10, 1876, $17.5. Fanny McCormick, Yankee Boy, Honest Jolui. Billy Mack, Get^ away, 2:. 50. 2:56, 2:58^. D. Wild, Stuart, la., Oct. 4, 1877, $250. 'Lictor, Honest John, Senator, Golddust, Henrv Clav, Little Jim, 2:4.5,2:45.2:45. W. K. Koberts(Snowflake), grg (3:38). E. L. Crary, Deerfoot Park, L. L.Nov. 8 and 9, 1875. $100. St. George, 3, 4 (2 0), (5 ilr», Tommy Moore, 1 (2 0). (4 d'is), 2:48, 2:46, 2:48. 2:50, 2:38, (W) Nov. 29, 1875, $50. Love, 1, 2 :58;i. 2 :.50, 2 :46'o. J. Henry, April 14, 1876, $ . Dandelion, Butler (2 dr), 2:56i4, 2:58, 3:00. Ai)ril 19, 1876, $ . Nelly Condor 2, 3, 2:57'i. 2 :,501^. 2:51 '2, 2:49, 2:51. Nurwalk. Conn., June 15. 1876, $200. Vermont, Georgia, Ladv Dvkeman, 2:45}4, 2:48, 2:45. .Jersey ( itv, N. .T., Sept. 7 and 8, 1876. $7.5. Revenge 1. Harry^ 2:55. 2:.55. 2:50. W. McMalion. Deerfoot Park, L. L, .June 20. 1877, .151.50. Mary Reamer, Klbertson, 2:55, 2:53, 2:48. W. T. Allen (Coloiich, Krg (3:39), by Pearsall. J. W. E. Someryhdike. Hudson, N. Y., June 5, 1877, $300. Tommy, Newton, liarney, Compromise, My .Julia, Martha (3 dr), 2::i8, 2:43, 2:42. .June 11, 1877, $.300. Newton, Delilah, Maggie B„ Ada I).. Barney, Major S.. Martha (2 dis), 2:38)^, 2:35H, 2:39. Albany, N. Y.. ,Juhe 19, 1877, $200. St. Charles, Nelly. Newton, My .Julia, Baywood, Sontag (1 dis), 2:3214, 2:31^,2:32'/i. June 21, 1877, $200. St. Charles, Kitty. My Julia, Lady Rapid, Dolly V., Baywood (2 dr), Sontag (1 dis), 2:37, 2:37?4.2:34. I'oughkeepsie, N, Y., July 3, 1877, $300. Jack Barrv 1, Neilson, Newton (.4 dis\ Jim Mimcy (3 dis\ 2:3254. 2:.34M. 2::i0, 2:30. Mystic Park, Boston, July 25, 1877, $400. Lady Daggett, Ed. Chapin, John Lambert, Boston Pilot, Archie, Lady Nell (2 dr). 2:31, 2:29, 2:'29. ■Wvamlot Chief, grg (3:35). H. S. Foot, Leavenworth, Kan.. .July 5. 1869. $200. Kansas Maid, Tackey. 1 (3dr), 2:36, 2:35, 2:36. R. F. Akers, Lawrence, Kan., Aug. l, 1869, $.'iOO. Kansas .Maid 2, Dave, 2:43, 2:45, 2:43, 2:39. Wylie Juues (3 :45). Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 17, 1877, $200. Caesar, R. S. (2 dis), 2:45}4, 2:45. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 727 Xavier (3 :48?i). A. Cook, Hartford, Conn., Aug. 21, 1867, $ — . Belle ot Hartford, Dixie, Jolinson's b s, Nelly. Mate. 2:50i^. 2:48^4. X. L,, gr s(3 :40). .1. Willett, Manhattan, Kan., Oct. 8, 1874, $25. Dick (2 dis\ Prince (2 dis), Pat Murphy (I dis), 3:50, 3:40. Three-vear-olds. X. X., ch g (3 :.56). W. Moore. Albanv, N. Y.. July 6. 1871. $2.5. Nelly, Doctor. Hash, 2:57'/2, 2:56, 2:57. X. X.,bgC3:40(. B. Terrell. Hartford Conn., Oct. 19, 1873. S400. Nelly l. Lady Bunihani, J. N. Mansuay, William S. Briggs f3 dr). Prowess (2 dis). William G. (1 dis). 2:47^4, 2:45, 2:44^^, 2:4.5)^. C. W. TerrettT Blanford, Mass.. Sept. 17, 1874, $Z0. Aunt Betsv.Buckskin. 3:02. 3:14, 3:07 Sept. 21. 1876. .'S.'JO. Flora (20). Commodore Nutt. Carrie (l disi. .■H:10, 3:11. 3:05, 2:55. Watertown. Conn.. Oct. 11, 1876, $200. Jenny 4, 6, Butcher Boy 2, Lady Black Hawk (2 dls),2:46»/5,2:42J4, 2:45,2:48.2:48,2:481^ X» CHESTEKS COMi'LKTli TKOITLNU A>'D FACLNG RECOKD. Yankee, b g (2 :r.l). George Mann, Omaha. Neb., July 4, 1863, $50. Old Dan, pacer (1 dls), Peck's ch g, pacer (1 dis).:J ::>•_'. July 4, 1804. Sioo. Samson, 2:i>\. :;:o6. Vitiikee. til g i-ZAl). K. L. Harris. WaU'i'town, N. Y.. June 25, ISGG, $ . Frank Smith, 2:41, 2:5l. Yaukee.' b g i''4:52). Boston. Mass.. Aug. 17, 1871, $150. Stella (1 dis). Kaven il ills;, 2:52. Yankee Itill^'j :54). A. Ma.wvcll. Adrian, Mich., July 21. 180(1, *.")(). Don Juan, Brown's Maid. 2:55, 2:54. Yankee Hill, hr g ('i :44i. M. t aiden, C'hico. C'al., Sept. 28, 1870, $100. White Stockings 2 (4 dis), Frince 1 (4 ili^), 2:4!t, ;5:00, 2:52}^, 2:44. Yankee i;iil, 1) g c-it-ia)- A. D. Myers, Unionville, O., July 3, 1878, $100. Frank West, Little Henry, Harry Hill. Bav Dave, S. B. i:ulis), 2:45, 2;.-)2»4, 2:52',2. Yankee lJ<»y, br g (« :45i4i. Mr. Gilnuin. Chicago, 111., July 29, I8.i7, $150. Lady Talmer 1, 5, Tom Hyer 3, 4, 2:54. 2:47. 2:41. •>:i.iU,, 2:46?4, 2:45Vi, 2:47(j. (w) \i. 1). Darling, Oct. h., 1857. .$2,000. JJllv Dale (W) 8:57, 8:52. Three miles. Yankee lioy i Iiuleiiendcncej. b g (3 :35;, by Toronto Chief. T. F. Koach, Tittsbiu-gh, Pa., June 28, 1866. $400. (Icn. ThonicSU dis). 2:35. . Yankee H«>y. ch g (« :47). John Hayman, Chicago, 111.. Oct. 16, 1868, $300. J'nnce, Angeline (2 dr), 2:58,2:47, Hiigii Turiiey,-Juiie 23, 180i). $300. Nelly 3. Kiley (2 dis), 2:50, 2:48'/2, 2:!J5'/2. 2:53. Yankee Boy, ch g (3 :5y}^). John Frost, Fleetwood Fark, N. Y., May 11, 1871, $50. Rattle 1. 2, 3:05. 3:05, 3:07'-, 2:.Wi/.;, 3:03. Yankee" Bov Oik s (3:50). C. Nevius, Cedar Rapids, la., Aug. 20, 1873, $350. Wilton 1 (,3o), Young Kattler (4 dis). FVank i2 dis). Lucy (1 dis), 2:50^4, 2:.50. , 2:.50, 2:51. Mr. Dealing, Council Bluffs, la., June 20, 18T3, $100. Bath's blk c (2 dis), Tom M est (2 dis), John (2 dis), 2 : 5K. 2 :54. Yankee Boy, b s (3;5Oi/0. G. W. Little, riymouth. N. H., Sept. 16, 1875, $100. Storekeeper, George Eaton, 2:55, 2:.58, 2:.55. Yankee Dan, gr g (3 iSS^i). George Y. Beebc, Ellicottville, N. Y„ Oct., 19, 18G7, $55. Beeswax 4, Antelope l, Louisi', reciiinseh (3 dr), 2:58, 2:57, 2:57, 2:50 2:53. Yankee l>oo«'.le. br g (2:53^). Win. Bradbury, Beacon Course, N. J., April 26, 1839, $50. Chance, 5:44'2,5:48. Two miles. Yankee Girl, b m (2:44). O. C. Sevmour, Avon, N. Y., Aug. 18, 1860, $40. Wildey's b m, 2:44, 2:55. .Nov. 17, 1860, .$200. Bones, 2:48, 2:50, 2:51. Yankee (iirl. b m )2 :45U). Geo. I'. Smith. St. Paul, Minn., Sept. 21. 1872. $50. Young Flora. 2:46%. Yankee Girl, br m (2 :54!^), bv Ashland, dam bv Eureka (?). Mr- Yandewater, New Haven. Conn., June 17, 1873, $1.50. Liulv Phillip's 1. 2, Xavier, 3:00. 2:,52?.i, 2:55, 2:54K>, 2:55. Yankee Mary, ch in ( 2 :37^). A. Cook, ISIontgomerv, Ala., April 10, 1858, $200. Henry Perritt, 2:48. 2:45%. Ai>ril 17, 18.58, .$200. EUen Tree, 2:44i/4, 2:4,5. O. W. Dimmick. Cleveland, O., Oct. 6, 1865, $200. Oil Creek Squirrel, Youngstown Mare. 2:39?i, 2:44'/i, 2:42. Chicago, Til., June, 20, 1868, $200. Tom Brady 2,Little Maria, Undine (3 dis), Lady Crane (3 dis), 2:40, 2:36'/2, 2:41. 2:41. ^, . Yankee Sain, dn g (2 :37), by Shakespeare (?). Peter Garner. Evansville, Ind.. Sept 23. 1874, S150. Black Tom (1 dis), M:imbrino Thorned dis) Tom Gardner (1 dls). Dam of Ernest (1 disi. 2:41;".,. Sei)t. 24, 1874. $100. Nelly Hitc. l);im of Ernest (Idis). Birdie (1 dis\ 2:40i.;. 2:40?4. 2:.50'^ Booneville. Ind., Oct. 1, 1874. $60. Davy Crockett. Allen's b f. Canadian. 2:.')8',i. 2:47i^. Oct. 3, 1874. $150. Sam Houston. Velnx: Billv Britton. 2:42. 2:45, 2:48. Oct. 11, 1876. $ . Ladv King. Ihidspeth's b m, 2:40, 2:43%. July 4. 1877, $100 Trcmbnt. 2:38(". 2:41.2:37. . „, . , „ W. Forth, Dubuque, la., .lune 5, 187S, $.350. Ambov 4, Dakota Maid 2, Foxie Y.,5. Fhil Sheridan, 2:29, 2:3()'5, 2:.32, 2:30, 2:30 2:40. VincennoH, Ind., Oct. 17. 1878, $ . Commodore. Burlington, Rosa Lee (1 dls), 2:39, 2:34. 2:33. Yankee Sullivan, b g (2 :54). G. W. Nickerson. Beloit. Wis., Mav 30, 1856. $25. Bay Bill (3 dr), Dan 0 Con- nell (1 dis). Black Maria(l dis). Fox RiverTige (1 dis), 2:."6, 2:,")4, 2:.57. Yankee Tom, br f (3 :3«). A. K. Mylin. Cleveland, O.. Oct. 6. 18.59, $200. Honest John 3, 4, 2:48, 2:48. 2:44, 2:51. 2:48. Massillon, ( . ,Iuly 4. 1861. .$.50 Billv Penn 2, 2:44i^. 2:44, 2:43. Akron..)., Oct. 4, 1861. $100. Billv /'enn, Gvpsv. 2:43'2. 2:43^. 2;40'4. „ Yankee Tri» u, ch s (2 -AOVi). Mr. Stetes, New Jersey State Fair. Sept. 7. 1860, $ . Chestnut Horse (1 disX 2:49'2. Stallions. Yard Stick. bs(2:40). W. McDonald. Warren Co., N. Y.. Sept. 25. 1865. $70. Belhi. Milliman s b s.2:44, 2:45, 2:40. Yellow Doek (Mohawk Maid and TvL Y. D.i. ch m (2:30'4'). bv Clark's Mohawk Jr., dam by Copperbottom. Morse's Yellow Dock Co., T^tica, N Y., Aug. 16. 1882. $1..500. St. Cloud. Rigolette, 2:224, 2:20?4,2:2I»4- .^ Sprinnneld, Mass., Sept. 6, 1882, $800, St. Cloud, Vallev Boy, George A., Independance, Brutus, 2:28>4, 2:23, 2:25'/2. Beacon Park, Boston, Sept 20, 1882, $800. St. Cloud, Independence. Dick Dample, George A., Valley Boy,2:23'/2. 2:231;,, 2:24. North Attleboro. Mass., Oct. 6, 1882, $400. Kuox Boy, 2:29, 2:26, 2:25. CHESTKHS (.'OMI'LETE TROTTING AND i'ACING UECOltJi. 729 Newport, Ii. I., Oct. 13. 1882. $ . 2:25. To beat 2:25'/4. Yellow Dog. ch a (« ::{5'4i, by Wiiitluop iMorrill. J. I*. Gibbs, Dexter, Me., June 25, 1880, S60. Belle Sher- man -', Lady NViiinitred, Eklrene (3 tlr), 2:40, 2:44. 2:45. 2:41. KocklaiKf. Me.. June 7. l.'^Sl. §1.'^*. Black .\rthiir. Black Ranger, Lyilia M.. Betsy, 2:30i.i, 2:3i!' i, 2:.3.'3Vo. DaniariscDtta. Me., June 14. 1S81, $1.^. I^vdia M. 2. Black Arthur, Black Ranger, Lenore, Brandywine (2dis), 2:40, 2:36/a, 2:38, 2:;iS'». Bath, M(!., .June 22, 1881. S1.-.0. Black Arthur. Bhick Ranger. Lenore. Lvdia M., 2:37'4, 2:35}^. 2:36}4. Dexter. Mc. Aug. 10, 1881, .5100. Aroostook Boy 2, 3, Little Bess, 2:43, 2:40i4, 2:43, 2:41'^, 2:41. Hartland, Me., Hent. 7, 1881, $100. Aroostock Bov 1, Whalebone Knox 2, 2:40, .2:41, 2:39, 2:41. B. F. Thomas. Oxtord. Pa.. June 8. 1882. $200. Ellwood K.. Charley <'. 1 (3 dis). 2:.53. 2:3514. 2:38^, 2:4414. A. W. Trick, I'.clmont Park, Phila., Nov. 4, 1882. .¥300. Desilver (3 dr), 2:.')8, 2:.'i0, . Yellow Girl, ch ni i'}:.^!'.!). W. F. Locke. Lowell, Mass.. Aug. 28. 1R73, .?2.50. Eastern Prince. Sir William Wallace, Colonel R.. Corporal Trim, .N'ellv S. 1, 4 i,r> dis). Southerner U dis), 2:47, 2:Si\i,2::>Vi, 2:b>%, 2:.-c'?4. Yellow Jacket (3:44>4i. T. Kenncdv, San Francisco. Cal.. Oct. 20. 187.5, .?150. Sibyl, Gracie, 2:4414, 2:45'i, 2:44'... Yellow Jacket, ch g (3 :43?4), l)y Red Buck, dam by Tiger Whi)). C. F. White, Waterloo, Ind., Oct. 4, 1883, .■5200. Jim Handv. Andy C, Buskic. 2:U'2, 2:4:i':,,2:47. Oct. 5, 1883, $200. Blind Maggie 1, Andv C, Bav I'.ill, 2:47, 2:42?^, 2:45, 2:4.".. Yellowstone, dn g (3:53;=.i). G. Whitney, Chagrin Falls, O. Aug. 20,1873, .fSO. McFatrig, Wicked Wiil, Boxer, Jenny (1 dis), 2:55%, 2:5G4. York, ch g (3:43ii'). O. J. Peck, Cleveland, O., Sept. 12. 1871, $100. Brown Henry 3, Mohawk Maid, Star Hamhletonian, 2:.50,2:43i^. 2:48i.i, 2:4,-.',. York .State, b g (3 :33i.i), by Gooding's Ch;impion. C. Moss. Stratford. Out.. Sept. 9, 1874. § . Little Sam, J. N. Boyle, Lady Dufferin, Long John, Erastus 1, 2 (4 dis), Jersey Sam (4 dis), 2:4394, 2:43^^, 2:42i4, 2:45V2, Forlies & Burgess, Woodstock, Ont., Mav26. 1875, $300. Varcoe 4 (5 0.. J. H. Boyle 2, Long John, Billy, 2:37. 2:41, 2:37;2. 2:41. , 2:43. St. Thomas, Out., Junes, 1875, $300. Little Sam 2, J. H. Boyle, Long John, 2:44. 2:41. 2:38»4, 2-41J4. lohn Forbes, Detroit, Mich., July 6, 1S75, $800. Lady Turpin, Sand Hill, Ned Allen (1 dis), 2:33, 2:30, 2:33. M. Burgess. Cleveland, O., Julv 28, 1875, $3,000. Little Fred 2, Eva 1, Aunie Collins, Albert, Shanty, Sam West, Scotland (5 dri, 2:2514. 2 :25'4, 2:2314, 2:26i4. 2:25. Stratford. Out., Sept. 8, 1875, .$ . Big Toml, Little Angus, 2:3514, 2:35^4, 2:34?i, 2:369i. Forbes & Burgess, London, Ont.. Sept. 10. 1875, $350. Big Tom. Derby (1 dis), 2:30, 2:33, 2:31}4. C. Forbes, Hamilton, Ont., Sept. 23, 1875, .§250. Caledonia Chief, 2:384, 2:30^4, 2:.30yj. :\L Burgess. Sept. 28. 1875, $275. Caledonia Chief, 2:38i4, 2:30'';., 2:3014. Yorkville Boy, bg (3:41). A.F.Luther, Norfolk, Va., July 26. 1882, .f;200. Snowball 1, 2:46, 2:42,2:42i^, 2:41. Julv 28, 1882, iglOO. Snowball, 2:48. 2:42. 2:42. Yorkville Maid, br m (3 :43). Mr. Fan-. Toronto. Ont. . May 28. 1S80, $400. Delia Waite, 2 :45?4, 2:42. Young, b g (3:38). A. Carson, Lowell, Mass., July 28, 1874, $.350. Sandy, Sam Curtis, Lady Wentworth, 2:40'J,2:40?i,2:38. Young Abdallah, b s(3:37i4), by Abdallah. Hiram Woodrulf, Centreville, L. I., May lo, 1801, $1,000. Burlington 2 (4 0), 2:38'/2, 2:37, 2:37i4, 2:39, 2:40. Young .America, gr g (3 :39). A. Mich, Providence, R. I., Sept. 10, 1856, $100. Duchess, 2:53, 2SA. -i-.Xi'i. .May 7. 1857, $50. Lady Westley, Fashion, 2 :39, 2 :47'<;, 2 :46. Young America, gr s (3:02). John Rogers, Centreville, L. I.. Nov. 11, 1861, $1,000. Morgan L. Mott (2dis), .S.I7. 3:13. Nov. 19, 1861, $.500. Rocky Hill. 3:05i/s. 3:07. Young Americus, b g (3:4.5). James Whelpley, Centreville, L. I., Aug. 30. 1850, .f30. Selim (3 dr), 2:52, 2 :45. . Young Americas, blk s (3:49) Wm. Hunt, Westchester, Pa., Nov. 17, 1866, $35. Long Island Chief, Chance, 3:02, 2:49,2:50. Young Americus, b g (3:.'>3!'41. bv Aniericus. N. Phillips. Rhinebeck. N. Y., Sept. 20. 1S71, $70. West's h s, 2:5414. 2:541/4,2:53%. Young Antenor. b g (3:38^4), by Antenor. A. P. McDonald, Albany, N. Y., Oct. 25, 1880, $100. Junie, 3:44, 3:38 i'j, 3:3914. Young Bashaw, b s (3:44). W. C. Beckwith, Rockville. Conn., Oct. 5. 1865, .$60. Tom Carpenter. Gray Eagle, Eagle. 2:44, 2:45Vii. 2:45. Stallions. Young Bellfounder, ch s (3 :54). John Bush. Milwaukee, Wis., Aug. 4, 1858, $ . Sam Patch 2 (1 0), 2:55, 2:54. 2:55, 2:,55. Aug. 5. 1858, $200. Sam Patch, 2 :55. 2:54. Aug. 7, 1858. $200. Red Bird, 2 :.54i/; , 2 :.54. Young Black Hawk (3:55i4). Gen. Leighton, Dover. N. H., Sept. 15, 1870, .$ . Col. Mayo, 2:55«4, 2:551.^, 3:0.51.^. Young Bruno, brg (3:33^.i),bv Hamhletonian, dam Kate by Bel Air. John Lovett, Fleetwood Park, N. Y., May 17, 1871, $1,000. John Draper 1, Marshall. Belle of Watertown, Susie (3 dr), 2:.^. 2;32',4. 2:36, 2:33. Mav 20, 1871. $1,500. Belle of Toronto 1, Lady Wells 4, Royal John, Henry D., James H. Coleman, Rosa 2:36'/i, 2:;«>. St. John. Mich., Oct. !) and 10, 187a, §150. Frances 2. .i, Harry. Lady Smith (3dn, 2:37, 2:.{2, 2:.3;{. 2:;{.'i •'•.•}•' Earlville, 111.. AiiK. 17, 1880, §100. Lucy, Cliarley Douglass. Allegheny IJoy, Marv Miller, Capt Herod Happy, Granj;cr.2:31'j. 2:31}4, 2:32}^. ' ' Centrevillc. Mich., Ocl.C, 1882, § . Gov. Hayes, Kufus O., Star, 2.43. 2:40}/.., 2:4ti. Youiif; BuckKkiii (s), rn g(.a:50s). Win. Urowuell, Cambridge, Mass, I^ov. 22, 1839, §250. ^■apoleon (s;, (1 dis), 8:30. Three miles. Young Cassiiis, blk sC-i:33i^). John Cudney, Suffolk Park, Phil., April 22, 1869, $100. George 1. Ida. Josephine, Annie (3 dr). 2:52. 2 :5C. 2 :58. 2 :.'"w. Toung: Chainpiun. br s ('Z-Ali^). J. C. Deyo, Galesburg, Mich., Juno 11, 1870, §100. Lady Fearless Scalpel, Indine, 3:03;'^. 3:03|j, 3:02. Jackson, Mich., .lune IC, 1870, §.'iOO, John Antisdel 1, Lady Elgin, Frank Spencer, Kate, John liaker (1 dis), Nelly King U disi. 2:45, 2:43,2:43. 2:43?4. Charlotte, Mich.. July la, 1870, §,"jOO. Koyal Magnae, Tennessee, I>ady Crowler (3 dis). Frank Moscow (2dis). 2:42>.<;. 2:4H.i. 2:44. Jackson. Mich., Se|>t. 22, 1870, sn.'i. Limber Jim, Dexter, 3:00, 2:58. 3:00 YouiiK Columbus, b s ('4::ia'i), by Columbus O. Smith, Albany, K. Y., Sept. 9, 1857, §750. Young Ethan Allen, .Mm Bogert Black Hawk, 2:51, 2:50'/i. North Bridgewatcr. Mass., Oct. 17. 1857. §75. Veto, St. Lawrence Jr., 2:.53'/j, 2:58'^, 2:50. .1. Smith. (Jreenfield, Mass.. Sci)l. a. 1858, §100. Hampshire (iirl, 2:41. 2:45.2:47. Canton. N. Y.. Sei)t. 2k, I8.'>a. .^I'oo. (Jcorge Davvson, Ostego Chief (I dis), 2:46, 2:45, 2A6}i. Sept. 30. l.s,-)it. .S7.")0. Thomas JiUersou 1, 2:42, 2:38. 2:38. Dan Mace. Boston, Mass., Oct. 14. 185a, §500. Live Oak, 2:3514, 2:30?.i, 2:40. Oct. 19, 18.".9. §250. T(mi Car|ienter. Homeo, 2:43^4, 2:41. 2:42. Springtield. .Mass.. Sept. .5. 1860, § . Boney Y'oung, 2:46. Young Columbus, b g (2:58), by Young Columbus. A. Arnold, SanUv Hill, N. Y., Sept. 16, 1879, $75. Lazy Bill (30). 2:,')2. 2:.')6. 2:52'2. 2:55. Young Columbus, b g (3 -.50^). Ed F'lannery, Burlington, Vt., July 4, 1883, §200. Black Jim, Lady Peale, 2:5I,2:.52}4, 2:50?i. Young Columbus Jr.. br s (2 :30). by Young Columbus. J. McKinstry, Ballston. Spa , N. Y., Sept. 13, 1876, §,50. Jack Byrne 3. Congress Street. Charles Bullard, 2:48. 2:54>4. 3:00^4. 3:00^6. Sept. 15. 1876, §100. Ida Jane 4, Jack Byrne l, 2:56?4, 2:491^,2:481^. 2:57^, 2:.5.5. .1. Purdv, Greenfield, .Mass., Aug. 6, 1879, §200. Cute, Dan C, F'anny, Lady Mack, Argonaut, 2:35, 2 :38H, 2:.i7. Frank Short, Cambridge, N. Y.. Aug. 25, 1880, §150. Brown Dick. Wetherbee. 2:39»4, 2:38, 3:37 Aug. 27, 1880. §200. Thomas L. Young 1, 3, Brown Dick, 2:35. 2:36, 2:37. 2:36?4. 2:3694. Poughkeepsie. X. Y., Oct. 12. 1880, §200. Kailroad Boy 3. 4. Hugh McLoughlin, Manhattan, Charles K., 2:.36, 2:31 '/i. 2:31i4, 2:33'^. 2:30. Montpelier. Vt.. Sept. 16. 1881. §175. Motion, Bruno, 2:40. 2:39, 2:40. Stallions. J). A. Bullard, Saratoga Spa, N. Y., Sept. so, 1881, §150. Molly W. 2, Harry B., 2 :47i^, 2:50, 2:44H. 2 '59? ' J. Smith. Sept. 14. 1882. § . Star 3, 2:4—, 2:52, 2:51, 2:51. Young Comet, blk m (2 :53). E. S. Young, St. Johnsbury. Vt., Sept. 26, 1867, $35. Julietta 1, Victory, Pigeon, cushman's gr s (2 dis). Jockey Bill (2 dis1, McFarlan's b g (2 dis), 2.58, 2:,53, 2:53. 2:63. Young Commodore, b g (2 :41>i), by Commodore. M. Koden, Union Course, L. 1., June 4, 1869. §1.000. JRed Kovcr (3dr), 2:4.i, 2:43. . Young Dettance, b s (3:44 w). George Bouvier, Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. 6, 18,58, § . Dunkirk. 2 :.52. 2:50, 2:441^. (w) Sept. 12, 18,59. §.50. Dunkirk (w), 2:52. 2:48. 2:44. Young Defiance, b g (3:Ol). L. W. Dane, Danvers, Mass.. August 29, 1878, §100. Jim 2, Black Dick, Frank (3 dr), 3:01, 3:0.1, 3:03, 3:04. Young l>exter (3 :.50). Whitby. Ont., May 25. 1869, § . St. Lawrence, 2:,50, 2:.55. Young l>exter (Banker Messenger), br s (2:45), by Hambletonian. E. C. Robinson, Amherst, Mass., Sept. 29, 1869, §50. Brown KittV 1. 5, Lady Aikin 2, 2:.55i^, 2:56. 2:56, 2:57. 2:54, 2:54. K. Vandebogart. Cliatliam, N. Y., Sept. 15, 1870. §35. Beast Butler, No Name, 2:.56(4, 2.54, 2:.-)2, A. Hollcnbeck, Uliinclxck. N. Y., Oct. 22, 1872, $750. Lady Tallman, Lvdia, Pilot, Kosa Burch, Eastern New York, Stella, Ladv Slicldon (1 dis), 2:46, 2:463^, 2:47',i. K. Vandebogart, Hudson, N. Y., Sept. 30, 1874, §50. Dawson Chief 4, Miller Boy 3, 5, 2:56V4. 2:58, , 2:.54. 2:.56, 2:.5lU. Stallions. Khincbeck. N. Y., Sept. 10. 1875. §70. Silas Wright 2, Kossuth Jr., 2:50, 2:52, 2:51, 2:45. Stallions. Sept. 11, 1877. §100. Black Diamond. Silas Wright, 2:45, 2:46i4. 2:45'/i. Young Dexter, br g (3:39?i). M. J. Bouvee, Beloit, Kan., Sept. 30, 1880, $100. Kosalind, Lightfoot. Opal, Blind John (1 dis). Pluck (1 dis), 2:39?4, 2:409i, 2:42. Young Draco, b s (3 :39), by Draco. W. D. Henry. Windham Co., Vt., Sept. 28, 1866, $ . Green Mountain Banner, 2:.58, 2:53, 3:00. James D. Neeader, Manchester. N. H., Aug. 20. 1868, $75. Hiram Allen (1 dis), 2:39. Stallions. (ireat Falls. N. H^ Sept. 24. 1873. .§40. Black Hawk, 2:57. 2:58. 2:59. Stallions. Frank Brock. Stafford. N. H.. Oct. - . 1874, $ . Tom Kimball. No time. Young Dutchman, b g (3 :35), Isaac Woodruff, Union Course, L. I., Nov. 4, 1852, §600. Lady Vernon, 2:38, 2 :3.5 Young Kmigrant (3 :00), by Emigrant. B. Conrov, Lancaster. Ont., June 25, 1880, $ . Couteau. McRae's blk s. Best time 3:00. Young Kniperor, b g (3 :43). Hiram Woodruff, Centreville, L. I., Oct. 10, 1855, §500. Katy Woodruff (w) 1, 4. -J-.-Al. 2:4;{, 2:45, 2:4.5, 2:4.5. Young Krln, ch s (2 :40). W. Marchant, Warsaw, N. Y., Sept. 24 and 25, 1879. §80. Herald 2, Allen Boy. Best time. 2:40. W. Hatch, Port Alleghanv, Pa., .Tulv 6. 18R1. §1.50. Hattie Fitch, Brown Billy, 2:49»4, 2:.50>^, 2:.51>4. Young Kthan (2: 33). Laconia. N. H.. Mav 12. 1860. §100. David Morrill (w). 2:47. 2:46. 2:3.3. Young Kthan Allen, b s (2 :58). bv Ethan Allen. M. B. Bellinger. Little Falls, N. Y., October 20, 1859, »26. Belleof Mohawk 1. 3, Maid (4 dr), 3:01. 2:.58, 3:00.2:.5K. 3:00. Oct. 12. 1860. §100. Belleof Mohawk 1, Black Dutchman, 3:06. 3:05, 3:01. 3:00. , „ ., „ Young lOthan Allen, b s f3:00). G. A. Burns. Towanda. Pa.. Oct. 27, 1874, §75. McLoud, Fred, Prince, Franklin (!irl (2 dis). Tom Tartar r2 dis). Belle (2 dis), 3:06, 3:02, 3:00. ^ „ , ,„ Young Kverett, ch g. T. F. Ryan. Mineola, L. I., Sept. 27, 1882, §30. Joe Hooker, Jenny, Tommy, Carrie (2 (Id. No time. Threo-vc:ir-olds. ,^, Young Fearless, b m (3 :hz'.i ). M Casey. Fashion Course, I,. L, Aug. 29, 1868, $200. Fanny Bitts 1 (4 0), Die Veruon 2, Whalebone (4 O). 5 ;50i4, 6:49, 5:45'/j, 6:51, 5:50. Two miles. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 731 Youns Flora, b m (3 :46). Dan Mace, Union Course, L. I., Nov. 14, 1864,'$1,000. Belle Boyd 1.2,2:49,2:44. 2:4ii, 2:46, 'Jae's. Youug Flora, ell m (3 :46i4,>, by Broken Legged Hunter. H. Kelsey, Minneapolis, Minn., Sept. 15, 1870, $ . BlaekCrook .3 (1 0). Billv Bov. 2:59, 2:.54, 2:49. 2:52, 2:57. Sept. It), 1870, $ . Silver Gray 2, 2:.")2io. 2 :47, 2:49. 2:46i^. Young Fullerton, ell s (3 :30U), by Edward Everett, dam by Jupiter (?). J. McKee, Belmont Park, Phil., May 2, l.<82, .?400. C'liarlotte C'lishman, Lady Story, 2:a4, 2:31, 2:33. Suffolk Park, Phil., Mav 9, 1882, .S400. O'C'ouner, (ilen Isle. 2:.3o, 2:35?4, 2:46 Point Breeze Park, Phil., May 16, 1882, ,$400. O'Connor, Charlotte Cushman, 2:36Ji, 2:34, 2:312i, May 19. 18S2. $400. Ladv Storv, Hambletonian Gem. Julea dis). 2:34, 2:29^, 2:31. Seranton, Pa.. Mav 2:^. 1882, $500. Douglas 1,2, Lady Story (4 dr), Charlotte Cuslmian (1 dis), Queen (1 dis>. 2:34W., 2 :32i4. 2:36=4. 2:42ii. 2:S2\i. May 27."']882. §500. Ladv Storv. charlotte Cushman 2:35)4. 2:4m, 2:37^. Allianv, N. Y., July4, 1882. $3,0U0. AValuut 1, Guess Not, Cornelia, Bertha Clay, Lulu F., 2:27,2:26>4, 2:2714,2:30. Pittsburgh, Pa.. July 12, 1882, $1,.500. Largesse l, Dick Organ, Effie G., Kate Taylor, Mercutlo, Walter, 2:2.5, 2:23, 2:25,2:2214. Avon, Conn.. July 11. 1883, $200. Highland Win, Jewell, 2 :33'/2, 2:27^. 2:31. . • Young General, eh s (3 :00). A. Brewster. Sherbrooke. P. Q., Sept. 3, 1873, $ . Idle Boy 1, 2, Richmond Bov, Staustead Bov, Kingsey Girl. Rully Temple, 3:00, 3:01, 3:00. 3:02, 3:00. Young General, wh S (3 :53). G. R. Palmer, Exeter. Me., Sept. 2.5, 1878, $50. Bav Davy 1, Wiiitlirop Girl, 2:56. 2:.32, 2;.-)7. 2:57. Young Uanibletonian (vv). eh s (3 :59w). Thomas Wilson. Rochester, N. Y., July — , 1866, .$ . Alderman 3, 5, Unknown 1 2. liest time. 2:.59. Young Hambletonian, — s (3:48). E. C. Robinson, Palmer, Mass., Oct. 12. 1866,.$ . Tom Carpenter, 2:53',o, 2:4812. 2:48. Young Happy Medium, b s (3 :43). W. Hiekev, Carmel, N. Y., Sept. 13. 1883, .SlOO. Ensign, Doctor B., 2:53, 2:49. 2:45. Sept. 14. 1883. $100. Maggie G.. Doctor B.. Daisv C, 2:58, 2:47, 2:42. Young Hector, b u ' 'i :45). .John Wiggins. Dover, N. IL, Sept. 7. 1860, .SIOO. Portsmouth Boy. 2:45, 2:53 Young Hero. (3:4814^). A. C. Fiske, Adrian, Mich., Sept. 21, 1865, §150. Flora Bridge, Cheapside, 2:48)4, 2:49'4. Young H4»ro. eh g (3:43). E. L. Palmer, Beacon Park. Boston, Aug. 28, 1874, $50. Horace Greeley (w), George Mann. Butcher Boy. Flirtella (w) l (4 dr), 2:55. 2:48, 2:45, 2:48. L. McLaughlin. June 28. 1875, $150. Jerry 4, 5. Butcher Boy 1, 2, 2:45, 2:43, 2:42K 2:44, 2:4.5. 2:42, 2:421/4, Young Hindoo, b s (3:38), bv Hindoo. C. Martin, Hudson, N. Y., Sept. 30, 1874, $150. Utica, Kitty Whit- beck, Kinderhook Boy (1 dis), 2:59U, 2:50, 2,.54. Peter J. Cole, Cairo, N. Y., Sept. 23. 1875. $125. Belle Brandon, Patchen Maid. 2-A\y-.. 2:43?^, 2:41)^. C. Martin, Hudson, N. Y.. Sept. 26, 1877. $150. Silas Rich l. Delilah. 2:401,4. 2:3914. ^:-8, 2:4]'2. Young Hunter (3 :55). Northtield, Vt. Sept. 17, 1874, $ . Dan Rice 3,5, Dick Palmer 1,4. Northfleld Boy, Bonner, 3:06, 2:59, 3:01, 3:06, 3:04, 3:00. Young Jack Rossiter, b g (3:50i/2). George Dlmick, Milwaukee, Wis., Sept. 18, 1856, $100. Corncracker 2, 5:44, 5:51, 5:41. Two miles. Young .Jackson, ch s (3 :31). Elmore Everett, Watertown. N. Y., June 30, 1864, $25. Harris' rn m 1, 2:55i/4, 2:.56, 2:.50. A. Howard. Oct. 19. 1804. $55. Mambrino Chief, Wild Irishman, 2:47, 2:45, 2:45. Watertown. N. Y., Oct. 10. 1866, $100. Jerry Peck 1, Lizzie 4, 2:401^, 2:38, 2:37, 2:40, 2:36i^. Sept. 12. 1867. .$400. Nanette. Raid (1 dis), 2:36, 2 :4G, 2:44. Oct. 8, 1867, $150. Amber, Nellv of Utica. Keystone (2 dis). Lady Taggart (2 dis), 2:.32, 2:31, 2:33. Malone, N. Y., Oct. — . 1867, .$.300. Crazy Jane, 2:36. 2:38, 2:41. Young Jenny Lind, ch m (3:44i2). R. Dempster, Easton, Pa., July 4, 1867, $500. Bill Jackson, 2:49V^, 2:441,4. Young Lambert, b s (3:381 2), by Daniel Lambert. .L D. Cole, Scranton, Pa., Sept. 30, 1881, $200. Susque- hanna 3. 4. Rapher 2, Sweep, 2 46V2. 2:481.0, 2:50,2:49, , . Norwalk. Conn., June 28. 1882. $60. Louis Napoleon. Neighbor Ups, 2:44.2:41.2:46. June 29. 1S82. .$200. Louis Napoleon. Rainbow, Matilda, Daisy Pearsall. 2:41. 2:39, 2:38i2. Young Le Claire, gr g (3:39). E. P. Dorival. Rochester. Minn., Sent. 9, 1881, .$300. Sam H. 2, 5, Jack of Spades (l 01. Black Jim, Jenny G., Gen. Sigel (4 dr), 2:40^4, 2:39?i, 2:40, 2:39. 2:42, . Young Litchfield, ch m (3:53). Mr. Farnum. Boston, Mass.. Sept. 24. 1859. $ . Topsv. 2:58, 2:58, 2:53. Young Magna (w), b g (3 :39) by Magna Charta. Orrln Dean, Chicago, 111., Sept. 5, 1874^ $500. Fashion 2. 3, Cant. Dean, 2:47. 2:42=i. 2:41?i. 2:35. 2:3714. P.V. Johnston, Sept. 21, 1875, $1,500. Anglo Saxonj2, Frank Reeves ,Kittv .Stratton, Fleta, George Johnson, Jesse G. Lindell (4 dis). Peavine (3 dis), 2:.33i2, 2:31?i, 2:29, 2:2914. Young Moose) b g (3 :40). N. D. Baldwin, Watertown, N. Y., Sept. 30, 1880, $200. Little Mary, Isaac Farra- gut, 2 :4594 . 2 : 4.5)4, 2 :46?C. Danbury. Conn., Oct. 8, 1881, $150. Mary Kennedy. L. C, Little Maid, 2:55, 2:45. 2:44. Young Morgan (3 -AGl^). Fashion Course, L'. I., Aug. 11, 1865,$300 2:46'/2. To beat 2:50. Young Morrill, b s (3 :31), by Morrill. Boston, Mass., Oct. 26. 1855, $ . Morrill, 2:42)^. Wni. Woodruff. May 20, I86I, $1,000. Flyawav. 2:.37, 2:34="^, 2:37)4. ( w) May 24. 1861. $1,000. Flyawav (w), 2:40i a.'2 :40, 2 :38i.;. S. R. Perkins, Hartford. Conn.. Sept. 9. 1863, $75. Len Rogers. Honest Abe. 2:42. William Woodruff, Philadelphia, Pa.. May 16, 1865. $ . American Star, Andy Johnson, 2:33^,2:33^, (s) Hartford. Conn., Mav 26, 1865, $150. Ajax (s), 2:38'/i, 2:S5%, 2:32)4. June 2, 1865, .$ . Ajax (3 dr). 2:40, 2:.33. . Boston, Mass., June 23. 1865, $1,000. Blackstone Belle 1. 2:.34. 2:,33. 2:31, 2:33. Hartford, Conn., July 4, 1865, $ . Sorrel Dan, 2:.35)^. 2:35. 2:33- Saratoga. N. Y.. July 12. 1865, .$1,250. Harrv Clav l. 2:.34'4. 2:.32ii. 2:3.5, 2:32?^. Boston, Mass., Aug. 4. 1S6.5, $1,000. Blackstone Belle l. 4. 2:36, 2:36. 2:38),;^, 2:43. 2:40. Young Morrill, grs (3:50), bv Young Morrill. Moody and Quimby, Stanstead. P. Q., Sept. 10, 1873, $100. Young (ieneral. Midnight. 2:.50. 2:51, 2:50. Stallions. Sept. 11, 1873. .$80. Honest Charley l. Honest Dan, Captain. 2:.57. 2:.5l. 2:51. 2. ,50. Stallions. Young Moscow (3 :39). Mr. McCreedv. Montreal, Can., Sept. 30, 1854, $50. Red Bird (2 dis), Montreal ("> dis). Gray Maria (2 dis). 2 :40. 2 :39. Young Moscow (3:44. Chicago, 111., Sept. 8, 18.5,5. $400. .Tohn Tonlev2. 2:44, 2:42. 2:44. Young Pathfinder, b g (3:50). W. H. Martin. Farmington, N. H., Oct. 22, 1878, $100. Black Jack 1 2 Tim 3, Lady Lyons, 2:.58. 2:56. 2:58i4. 2:,50, 2:50, 2:53»4. Young Phil, bs (3:80, bv Phil Sheridan, dam Black Ranger, by Tom Jefferson. M. Brogan. Gouverneur, N. Y., Sept, 12, 1872, $100. Jay Boy 1. Nelly Grant, Huron. Jay Snell, Diamond (3 dr), 3:28, 3:28, 3:22,3:20. Three-year-olds. 732 CUESTEK'S COMI'LETE TltOTTlNG AM; 1•AC1^G KEC'OKD. Young Princeton, bg (2:361^'. G.Clark, Dubuque, la., Oct. 13, 18C9. SlOO. Pat Mallov c? dis), five Others CI tlis), 2:38^4, 2:ir><2. <><'t. 10, 1809, 61_'5. Uockft, 2:37. ■JM!). 2:40?a. Jerry Monroe, Grand Kapiils, Mich., .luiie 12, l«73, Sl,700. Kitty G. 3 Kate Hazard 4, Vaughan, H. B. Foley (4 dis). '2:38, 2:37^4, 2:40»4, 2:43'4, 2:37!2, I'eoria, Ill.,.Sept. 10, 1873, jsooo. Hattie Fawcett 1, 2, Whitcomb, Russell, 2:40!'i, 2:40'/i, 2:375^, 2:379i, 2:3yV4. Young , Eva (.I dis), Georgie B. (5 dis), 2:38,2:4.-., 2:43i2, 2:38, 2:40!^, 2:44'2. Cocheco, Mass., Aug. 4, 1874 §200. Dictator, Jenny Thompson. Messenger Knox (1 dis), 2:33'2, 2:i0!4. 2::;8. I'ikc and Bowen, Mystic Park, 15oston, Sej)t. 1, 1874, §2,000. Ben Smith 1, Arthur, Essex, .\rlluir, Lady W()(>ds,M.'ora F. Ci disi. 2:34'j. 2:31':. 2:30. 2:31i^i. H (iTsinith, Plymouth, N. IL, Sept. 24, 1874. §200. Jerry, Modoc. 2:34'2, 2:32^4, 2 :32?4. Walpole, N. H-. Aug. 6. 1875, §200 Tain O'Shanter. 2:35, 2:34^;, 2:.i5. Young Kipton, b g (2 :38>. Hiram Woodruff, Cambridge, Mass., April 9, 1846,$ . Black Itose l.One Eyed Kilev. 2:53U„ 2:48. 2:50, 2:.50. Sept. 22.' 1810, § . Bushwhacker 1.2:43, 2:43K>.2:47. ,s\. Oct. 28, 18,'')5. § . Young America (s). 2:39'o,2:38»4, 2:37. E Fish, Chic:igo. 111., Aug. 2'J. 1857, §250. Chieftain, Prairie Boy, 2:42, 2:42'^, 2:42. O. W. Diinniick. Adrian. .Mich., Nov. 3. 18,58. §100. Ten Broeck 2, 2:41, 2:39. 2:40, 2:43. Young Kockft. li s 0- :.>5). D. C. Whittemore. Manchester, N. H.. August lu. 1808, §90. Little Jim (1 dis), Connor's di t,' d dis). Draco Mars (1 dis). 2:55. Young Samson, gr g. by Samson. S. Mitchell, Montgomery. N. Y., July 4. 1878,$ . Plow Boy 3, American Girl, Whiti' Stockings (3 disi. No time. Young Sentin«l. b s(2:3«). by Sentinel, dam by American Star. J. O. Smith, Khinebeck, N. Y., Mav 16. 1877. .*300. (anion. Silas Rich, 2 :38»4, 2:37, 2 :.37." Fleetwood Park, N. Y., May 30, 1877, $1,000. Modesty. Charley Thompson. Dauntless, Cora F. (2dis), 2:30, 2:27'.i. 2:29. June 1, 1877. §1,000. Favorite, Lottie. Lucca. Frank Munson. W. C. Derbv i3 disi. 2:27'2, 2:26, 2:27. Fludson, N. Y., Juue 5, 1877, Sa50. Camon, W. H. Arnold, Roan Jack, Maggie B. (2 dr), 2:35, 2:35J4. 2:30U. Po'ughkeepsie, N. Y.. July 0, 1877, §;iOO. Lotta 1, 4. Joe Pettit 2, W. H. Arnold (5dr), 2:30, 2.30,2:29,2:3i>^, 2:.34^4. 2:32i4, 2:44, 2:40. 2:40. Oct. 12, 1883, §200. Peanuts. Blue Dick, 3:18;2. 3:06, 3:21. Young St. Lawrence, br s (3 :42i4). by St. Lawrence. O. W. Dimmick, Chicago, 111., May 15, 1856, §350. Young Moscow 2. 2.45J4. 2:47>4. 2:42i.i,"2:44. Toung St. Lawrence, br s (3 :43), by St. Lawrence. AVetherbee Bros., Ogdensburgh. N. Y., Sept. 19, 1856, §12.5. Foolkiller. 2:,5,5, 2:.52, 2:.50. Young St. Lawrence, b s (2:.50). E. A. Mann, Council Bluffs, la.. Sept. 21, 1805, §55. Patchen 1, St. Law- rence (4 dr). 3:04. 2:.55. 2:50, 2:.55. Stallions. Young St. Lawrence, b g (3 :34). bv St. Lawrence. A. F. Lee, Canandaigua. N. Y., Sept. 7, 1871, §400. Dis- pute, Ladv Kendall, Bliick Dollv. Frank Phelps (2 dis). 2:30. 2:37?4. 2:.»i-4. Young St. Lawrence (3:35). Dr. Evans. St. Paul, Minn., Sept. 12.1874, §300. Old Mack 1, Dan Sutton (.4 dr), 2:39.2:40,2:41, 2:35. Young Sutton, blk s (3:40^6). bv Ethan Allen, dam I-ady. Isaac Woodruff. Boston, Mass.. May 5, 1863, §75. Buchanan 4, 5 (30). Rockv Mountain (3 dr), Fannv Fern (3 dr;, 2:411^, 2:41. 2:40'2, 2:43J4. 2:48. 2:47'.. Young Tecumseh (w) eh s'(3 :38 w). M. Peaslev, t>acramento, Cal., July 11, 1803, §500. Sorrel Charley 3. 4, 2:38, 2::!0'i. 2:43. 2:44V,. 2:42. Young Thome (Nancy Svkes). b m (3 -.^oyi). James McKee, Rochester. N. Y.. Aug. 2. 1871. §500. Ed. Foster 1, St:ilacta, Lida Picton, Charlev Davis, "M'illiam, Hawk, Lady INIitchell. 2:38i^j. 2:39'... 2:3914. 2:37. Amenia. N. Y.. Sept 5. 1871, §700. Jack Draper 2, Enigma 3. Fred. Capl. Jinks. While Heels (2 dr), 2:37, 2:3.5. 2:30i4, 2: .36' 2. 2:35. F:ishion Course. L. I.. Sept. 14. 1871, § . TndiaRnbber, 2:.37';. 2:,S7i4. Trenton. N J.. Sept. — . 1871. $4.5(). Gon. Love 1. Harrv D., 2:38. 2:40. 2:42';. 2.40?.I. Mr. Van Waggoner. Fleetwood- Park. N. Y.. Oct. 3. 1871. §1,500. William Turnball 2. Walter, Jack Draper, Jubilee Lambert, Eight Bells. 2:30';. 2:.32i/'. 2:3.3i^. 2:32';. lames McKee, Port Jervis, N. Y.. Oct. 7, 1871. §1.50. Laclv Whitman, Mvstie. 2:41. 2:40,2:42. Goshen. N. Y.. Oct. 9. 1871. .§1.000. Rockland. Cream Maid. Lefevre Jack. 2::.9. 2:38?4. 2:39'/4. Young Tom Kimball. (3 :43). R. Chambers, St. Catherines, Ont. Aug. 19. 1809. §1,50. Orilla Queen, Emily Foster. Bav Gelding (3 dis). 2:43. 2:47. 2:4.5. Young Toronto, blk s (3: 34?i). Dale Keown. Parker Citv, Pa.. Oct. 13. 1874. .§.300. Lady McFatridge. Joe Stone. Bav Fannv. Florence, Flving Cloud Jr.. Cheerful (3 dr;. Black Fan (1 dis). 2:43. 2:4.'?, 2:41. June 23 and 24. 1x7.5. §000. Gray Billy, 5. 6, Perrv2, 3. Idle Bov l (O dis). 2:.38?4. 2:35. 2:35?4. 2:36M. 2:.^5V4, 2:.'i8';.2:.'}0i4. 2:.3434. Young Toronto, b g c? :Ol). J. Bellinger. Fort Plain, N. Y., Oct. 9, 1875. §50. Young Star 1, 3. Mohawk Girl i4dr). Best tini(>. 3:01. Four-vear-olds. Young Toronto Chief, b s (3 :4«i p. bv Toronto HlieL d:im Jennv Allen, bv Hickory Jack. Norwalk, Conn., Sept. 14. 18H2. ,§100. Contest, Billv Norwood (1 dis), 2:48i^. 2:4G»^. 2:46V,. Young Venture, ch g (3:.'>3V.'.). by Venture, dam Jessie. D. Gannon. San Francisco. Cal.. Oct. 17. 1874, §1,000. Honest Allen, Nettie B(>nnett,'Alta (1 dis), 2:.5,5. 2:.53'.. Three-ye:ir-olds. Young Warrior, ch s (3:40). bv Warrior. .lohn Wheeler. Rochester, N. Y.. Sej)t. 10, IS.'^O. $50. Lady Free- man (2 0). CountrvGirl. (1 dis). 2:,54. 2:,52. 2:54, 2:.5.5. Chicago, 111.. Oct. 22, 18.56, $100, Jack Temple. Young Mountain Boy, 2:40. 2:40. 2:40V^. Young Wilkes, blk s (3:38^), by George Wilkes, dam bv Prince of Wales, W. H. Saunders, Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Sept. 19, 1872, $ . Calvin, Kitty. Lydia, 2:48, 2:4«, 2:44'4. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING UECOHl). TJS Wilkesbarre. Pa., Oct. U. 1875, $500. Jersey Boy. New Bnmswick Bov, 2 :30. 2 :.38. 2 r."??. Pottstown. Pa.. Oct. i-'9. 1875, MM. Messenger Ironsides 2, 3, Alley, Tim, Kocky Hill, Spitfire (.5 dr) Iron CUid (4 dr), Draper (3 dr), 2:37, 2:31'2, 2:3i;4, 2:32!,, 2:34J^. Dover, N. 11., Sept. 27, 187G,$oOO. Joe Ripley 1, 4 (2 0). (30\ (50), Flora Belle (2 0) (30), Jean Ingelow, Belle Smith, Joe S., 2:32'.^, 2:32'4, 2::!2iii, 2:34'2. 2:35. 2::i8, 2:29. 2:30i^. Providence, R. 1., Oct. :}, 1870. $800. Lizzie Keeler I, Jean Ingelow. Grav Bill, John T. Russell, John Lambert (3dis), Celeritv (1 dis).2:33^. 2:33'4, 2:28k, 2:31'4. Dover, N. H., Oct. 10, 1870, .■jil.OOO. Aristos 3. John T. liussell. 2:30'^, 2:34, 2:31'/2, ^:32. Mystic Park, Boston. Oct. 17. 1870, 8300, Flora Belle. Bay. L'l.s.^ij. 2::i2i.i. 2:31. Younsr AVilkes. b s (a:34), l)y (ieo. Wilkes, (him (ioshen. Tatrick Bradv. Mendota 111., Aug. 19, 1874. $600. Col. Barnes 1, Little Fred. Amv B., Bob Ridley, Faneher, Belle Loder. St. Vincent (3 dis), 2:36, 2:34.2:34'^, 2:34^2. Young Woful, b s (2:46'/o). bv Wofnl. dam by Roe's Abdallah Chief. Dan Mace, Fashion Course, L. I., Nov. 4. 1865. .f 1.000. Abdallah Chief. Belle of Baltimore, 13:.56 Five Miles. Vpsilanti b g (3:43'2). Wm. S. Brisrgs. Woonsocket. R. I.. Sept. 24. 18GR, $75. Daniel Webster,2:52, 2:.57. Taunton. Mass.. Oct. 7. I86s. $in. Henrietta. Nell Gwvnne (3 dr). 2:45U, 2:42U. 2:47. Yuba Boy, b s (2:43!4). D. E. Knight. :\Iarvsville, Cal.. Sept. 2, 1872, .'g256. American Maid 3, Billv Mc^ Cracken Jr. (l dis). Revenue (1 dis). 2:49'.. 2:4.5ii. 2:4.5K>, 2:45»4. Sept. 13. 187;<. S350. Tule Duck, 5:26,5:2.5. Two miles. Yuetta. blk m (3:33\ bv Mambrii.o Templar. T. Kellv. Oskaloosa. Ta., Aug. 31, 1881, .$200. Lady Monroe, Limber .loe. Lady M.. Ottumwa Maid. Trami) Jr.. Zulu. 2:4114. 2:40U. 2:429ii. Sept. 2, 1881, S200. Henry Gilbert, Limber Joe, Lady Monroe, Lucy Price, Ottumwa Maid, LadyM., 2:39, 2:39 J4,2:382i. 7S« CUESTEK'S COMPLETE TKOTTLNG AND PACING BECOED. Zachary Taylor. (Gen. Taylor), (s), (3 :3l), (3 :29 s), by Quimby Messenger. Wm. King, Philadelphia., Pa., Nov. i>. 1S4S. .tM'.dOO. Gray Eagle (s), 2, 2:32, 2:31, 2:33, 2:38. (s) Ofl. 1"'. IS."'"), S25(). Latlv Moscow (1 clis). 2:303^. S. Mcl.aiifililiii. .July 15, 1«51, Sl.OOO. Goliali 1, Jolin May, 2:35^4,2:391^, 2:35'/2. 2:36^. (k'litrevillf. L. 1., Aug. 5, isol, .^^250. Keimieer, Seliin (3 dis), 2:35!2, 2:35^. 2:37i4- (w) Union Course, L. 1.. May «, 1S52, $300. .hick llossiter (\v). 2. Lady iSuttolk (W), 2:32X. 2:33, 2:36, 2'J36^ May 13. 1852, ."3i3(K). Lady Suffolk, .lack Kossiter, 2, 3 (.5 dis), 2:38, 2:35, 2:33'.2. 2:35, 2:34. Ceiitreville, L. I., June 18, 1852. $250. Tacony, 2, 4, 2:37, 2:34, 2:34}^, 2:31. ■J-MiU. (s) .1. V. (.)dell. New Koclielle, N. Y.. .July 5. 1852, $50. Ninirod (s), two others. No time. Horace .lones. Boston, Mass., .July 14. l8.-)2. $ . Lady Suffolk 1. 2:38, 2:43;a, 2:43}*, 2:46. (s) T. Davis. .July 20, 1852, $ . Lady Suffolk (,s). 2:34, 2:34'/2, 2:30. Win. King, Pliiladelplila, Pa., Got. 13, 1852, $250. Murdoch, 3, 4, 2:39, 2:37, 2:36, 2:35, 2:35. (s) Oct. 18. 1852, S2m. Murdoch iS), 2:31. 2:29, 2:29. (s) S. Kice. Mobile, Ala.. May 6, 18.56, .'j!75. Belle Creole, pacer. Butcher Boy. pacer (1 dis), 2:37, 2:34. Zatla, ch ni (3 :01). A. 1*. McDonald. Albany, N. Y., May 20, 1880, $100. J. W. Tilllnghast, 2, 3:1094, 3:09, 3:0L Zaidee, ch m (3:44). .1. Turner. Greelield. Mass., Oct. 30, 1857, $100. Hector, 2:49, 2:47, 2:.52. Storv & Lewis, .July 3, ls.->s, sum. Ucd Leg. l, 2:45. 2:44, 2:46, 2:44. Zeke I>av'is. ch (i(!J:53). .Ml', i'latt. I'hiiiitiflil. N. J., Sept. 3, 1875, .$— . Dot, Unknown, 2:.59>4, 2:58^4. Zelda, b m (3:33'4), by Tattcrsail's lJanil)leU)nian. T. D. Marsh. Beacon Park, Boston, July 18, 1882, $250. Ked Bird 2, Lizzie M. U oi. Edwin U 0),(!laiuis, Belle iSIahone 1,5 dr). 2:34, 2:33kj, 2:33}-4. 2:33'4, 2:35. Beacon I'ark. Boston. .Julv 21, 1882, $250. Nell 3. 4, Belle K., Ennna D., 2:33^4, 2:35, 2:33. 2:31 Ji, . Mystic Park. Boston, .July 25, 1882, $500. Belle Malione, Ked Bird, Edwin, Lizzie M., Jack (2 dis). 2:33^, 2:33 '-4. 2:33J4. Zeno, blk s (3:.59'4). J. (iraufteld. Shelby, O.. Sept. 19, i883. $75. Davy Crockett, Frank S., Molly C, Edwin B., 2:594. 3:08. Maiislield. O., Sept. 27, 1883. $ . Davy Crockett, Yankee Boy, 3:00, 3:01, 3:01}^. Four-year-olds. ZepJivr, hr ni (3:30), l)v Frank Allen. W. C. Trimble, Warwick, N. Y'., July 3, 1873. $500. Molly Baker, Delnionico (2 dis). Frank Smith (1 dis), 2:42'a, 2:44'i, 2:43. July 4. 187:}, .S.500. Ledger Girl. Lena B.. Frank Smith (1 dis). 2:42Vi. 2:4554, 2:46i4- .J (i. Fitchjy, (^«shen. N. Y., Oct. 9, 1873, $200. Ed Smith. Wild American, Cochecton Maid, 1 (4 dis), Georg.) {Jillett (1 dis), 2:44'4, 2:43. 2:42, 2:42. W. C. Trimble, Fleetwood Park, N. Y., Oct. 23, 1874, $800. Cheston, Still Edge, Pauline, T. J. Stevens, J. N. Mansuv. 2:.J6i^, 2:34, 2:35]4. (roshen. N. Y., Mav 26, 1875, $1,000. Lady Morrison, Cheston, Lena Case, (ieiieva (2 clis), 2:40, 2:.34, 2:27 Fleetwood Park, N. Y., June 21, 1875, $1,000. Harry Gilbert, Lena Case. Clieston, Fred. Tyler, Lady Woods. liosa Sonburg, Pauline. 2:35, 2:32?i, 2:30. Patersou, X. J., .June 22, 1875, $800. Lottie 2. Lady Sears, Lady "Woods, 2:36>/«, 2:32»/2, 2:34, 2:34. Warwick, N. Y'., .\.ug. 17, 1876, $500. Silvertail. Luther, C. M. Bedle, 2:40. 2:37^1, 2:35^- Zephyr, b g (3:37i. O. B. Ohenowetii, Baltimore, Md., Oct. 2, 1879, $100. Harry Martin 1. Kingsville Chief, Kocket, Nadv I). (4 dn. 2:404. 2:41. 2:42.2:41. Oct. 15. 1879, $!00. Harry Martin 1. Kocket. 2:389i. 2:37. 2:40, 2:40U;. Zephyr, bm (3:13), 1)V Winthrop Morrill. Victor Stock Farm, I'ortland, Me.. Sept. 20. 1882, $200. Alice Millerd dis). Straight Flush (1 dis). 3:13. Three-year-olds. Zephyr, chs(3:04i4). by Dexter Bradford. E.B.March New Milford, Conn., Sept. 28, I8f!2, $30. Gray Eagle. Sallv. Belle, Miick K.. 3:08V^, .5:16!4, 3:04U',. Zeppo, bg(3:50i^). by Champion. G. (J. Reed. Penn Y:in. N. Y., Aug. 2r,. 1874, $300. Lilly I'ierce, Alas, Lib, O. C, Knapp (2 dis). Billy Seward (1 dis), 2:5.3, 2:.5t. 2:,50'/™. Zero(2:33!i). Mr. Williams, Santa Cruz, Cal., Oct. 30, 1880, $100. Vermont Jr. 3. 4, 2:: 354, 2:33^, 2:35>4, 2 :.34 2 :34. ZIgr, i) K(3:39'4), byGuide. Isaac Staples, Stillwater. Minn., Jiuie 21, 1883, $250. Nanion a. Peter Farley, 2:444. 2:42.2:4.5. FL S. Spencer, Owatonna, Minn.. September 7,1883, $100. David E., Frank H., Fashion. 2:45!4, 2:4 J -Si. 2:42. J. St;ii)le3. Stillwater, Minn., Sept. 2fi. 1883. .$200. David R.. Billy Mack. 2:.394, 2:4m. i'-39?4. ZU( ZaRT. I) g(3:.'>0). John Taylor, Titusville, Pa., July 3, 1875. $ . Fullerton 1, 2, Kitt>, Australia, 3:00, 3:noii, . . .S:00. Piirker (Mtv, Pa.. Oct. 12. 1875. $250. Capt. Clav. TSIossy. 2:54, 2:55, 2:52. Oct. 13. 1875. .$2.50. Duster, Capt. Clav, 2:.50, 2:.5L 2:,50. • ritusville. Pa., Julv 4. 187(i, $r>0. Kitty Charter, Bay Greely. 2:50. 2:.52. 2:50. Zllcridi Oolrtdust, ch s (2 :37?4). by (Jolddiist, dam Rosalind, by imp, Scvthian. L. L. Dorsey, Kalamazoo, Mich., Aug. 16, 1871, $1,000. Billy Hotspur. Bill Conwav (2 dis), 2:43. 2:40>4. 2:45^. Four-year-olds. Cliicaco. Til.. Sept. 4. 1871. .$450. Znleikii (2 dr). Ella Allen (1 dis). 2:40. Lowell. Mich., June 17, 1872, .'5.750. Shiftless 1, 2, Fanny, Brown Kiite, Hattie (5 dis), 2:44fi, 2:41, 2:37Ji, 2:14!^. 2:41. Zilophnne. b s (2:57). bv Altamont. dam Belle Price, bv Doble. J. Beach, Yreka, Cal., Oct. 13, 1881, $50. Sleepy Kate 1, 3:mi. 3:1.5, 3:12. Two-yeitr-olds. Oct 19 1882. .'5S7.5. Sleepy Kate r2 dis), 3 :19'.i. 2:57. Three-vear-olds. Zlltlieiia. b 111 (2 :309ii). A. Sherwood, Norwalk, Conn., Sept. 17, 1880, $200. OUve 1, 2, Bay George, Fanny, Carrie Allen, 2:33, 2:33^, 2:33'.4, 2:30Ji, 2:32. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND TAClNti RECORD. 735 _ — Danbury, Conn., Oct. 7, 1880, .?i>oo. Olive, Flora, Mary "W.. Bay George. 2:33, 2:3254, 2:31. ZlngAra, br m (a:48i/2).bv Alniont Rattley. tlani Marion, bv Manibrino Pet. A. L. Schuyler, Clintou, la., July 15, 1882, $.iO. Galbratli, 3:07, 3:06, 3:10. Aug. 17, 1882, $50. JiKlge Darling 2, 3, 2:57!2, 3:011^, 3:00. 3:04, 3:01. Albany, 111., Aug. 24, 1882. $.50. Tliela 1. Lady Princess (4 yrs), 3:02. 3:01, 3:0OK>. Three-year-olds. Maquolceta, la.. Sept. 6, 1882. §80. Theta, 2:.58, 3:0.'). Three-vear-olds. De Witt. la., Sept. 20. 1882. $m. Theta 3. Ladv Princess (4 vrs). 2:57. 2:55';, 3:02, 2:56. .. J. S. Seeber, Muscatine. la., 8ei)t. V.i. 1883, $1.35. Theta, Franl< Vot;t. 2:.5n. 2.48'/2, 2:50. Zip Coon, bg (2:58;. c. P. Winship, Farmingtoii, -Me., Sept. 13, 1879,.'«!()5. Black Charley, Blacksmith Boy, 2:58, 3:01,3:02. Zoe B., b m (3 :30i4\ by Blue Bull, dam MilaCaldwell's dam. .T. B. McCarthy. Utica, N. Y.. Aug. 23, 188;j, $1,000. Ma.xy Cobb 3, Lona Gufflu 2, Breeze Medium, Ailcghcnv Boy, Rifleman, Erebus, 2:22i,i, 2:2394;, 2:21?i, 2:24, 2:24«^. Springfield, Mass., Aug. 28 and 29, 1883, .•5!1,000. Amelia C. 4, 5, Dan Smith 1, 6, Judge Davis, Louise N., 2:2Bi, 2:20i4. 2:22, 2:214, 2:23, 2:25, 2:2014. Hartford, Conn.. Sept. 5. 1883, $1,000. Onward. Pearl, 2:26'i, 2:24h>, 2:24. Sept. 7, 1883, $1,000. Pearl. Kitty I'atchen, Bessie (3 dis), Patrician (2 dis), Netty R (2 dis), 2:2214, 2:22^, 2 23' 4. Providence. R. I., Sept. 12, 1883, $1..500. Pearb Glamis, 2:25%, 2:25'4, 2:24. Zona, ch nM3:39-!i). O. Farlev, Mobile, Ala., Dec. 3, 1878, $175. Bay Billy, Dabney, Morrill, Cephas, Liv- ingston, Mamie, Baxter (2 dis), 2:.53'i, 2:53'4, 2:5(). Dec, 5. 1878. .$250. Bay Billy, Dabnev. Sweet Annie, Cephas, Morrill, Sidney (1 dis), 2:.52)^. 2:54%, 2:55}^ E. Lakeland. Eufaula', Ala.. Nov. 7, 1879. $ . Jack the Barber, Kemble .iackson, 2:50, 2:51. 2:54. Montiiomerv. Ala., Nov. 14. 1879, $125. Restless 3, 4, Duster 5. 2 :44, 2:41. 2:38%, , , 2:42. O. Farlev, Mol)ile, Ala., May 5, 1880, $165. George Johnson 2, Yankee Sam, Punch and Judy (1 dis), 2:53, 2:41, 2:45, :>:4r,. May 7, 1880, $165. George Johnson 2, John M.. Ida Davis (1 dis), 2:49, 2:41, 2:48, 2:49. May 8. 1880, ,$165. George Johnson 2, Yankee Sam (4 dn. Commander (2 dn. No time. New Orleans, La., May 31, 1880, $100. Shawhan's rn g 1, 3, Odell's sp g (3 dr), 2:38, 2:39%, 2:43J4, 2:42i^ 2 :45. Mobile. Ala., April 5. 1881, .$75. George Johnson, Emma, 2:47. 2:42, 2:44. Mav 5. 1881, $ -. Maria Stewart, George Johnson, Hattie, 2:49. 2:46, 2:50»4. Mav 6. 188:. $150. Gilmer 1, Maria Stevvsirt, George Johnson, 2:4.5, 2:44, 2:46, 2:44. Zuleika, b m (3:00' i), bv Alhambra. dam Hope, by imp. Glencoe. C. S. Dole, Chicago, 111., Sept. 3, 1870. $.500. Bid Gage, Green Seal, Gale (l dis). 3:03i^. 3:0054, 3:02 '/o. Three-vear-olds. Zulu, b g 1 3:3414). C. J. Westcott, St. Johns, N. B., Sept. 14, 1881, $17.5. Abdallah Queen 3, 5, Jenny 1, Lady Bright Star. 2:44, 2:4354, 2:42, 2:42, 2:42'.;, 2:,38. Sept. 15, 1881, $125. Mountain Bov 4, Wormwood. Abdallah Queen 1 (3 dis). 2:45. 2:42, 2 :40, 2:41, 2:4254- Calais. Me.. Aug. 16, 1882. $17.5. Walter 1. 2. Achilles. Ladv Bright Star, 2:.38. 2:.S8,-2:41, 2:41, 2:39. Zulu Hambletonian, b s(3:54'i), by Hambletonian. dam by Hiatbga. .J. H. Reynolds, Desmoines, la., Sept. 21, 1882. $100. L. T. Snip, Clara Smith, Annie Logan, 3 :02, 3 :00'/4, 2 :5454. 736 - CHESTER'S COMl'LETE TKOTTlNti AM> PACINU KKCOKD. RECORD OF PACINIi RACES. :o: — In the following summaries of pacing races, the same style Is followed, and the same signs used as in the summaries of trotting events, racing races prior to 1878, in which no heat was won in as good time as 2:40. are omitted, as a rule. Abe Johnson gr g {'i:^ih. W. llaniiltoii, San Francisco, Cal., June28, 1870, $250. Dick Gough (2 dis). Empress tii dis), Midnight (2 disj. Onward (I dis). 2;}2, 2:29. Ace ol Clubs. ( w) rn g {-i-.-A^l/i). Col. Oickey. St. Louis, Mo,. May 8, 1807, $150. Nelly (w), Capt. Walker (w), Kinnev iW), i2 dis), 2:3."). 2:.">1. 'l.M. .Inly 24, 1867. *200. Ace of Diamonds (1 dis;, :;:29^.i. Ace of liianionds, bg(3:;i8'4»- W. 1'. liilljngs, St. Louis, Mo., Oct. 20, l». Sleepy Bill (1 dis). 2:42, 2:36. A^gie liown, (s) b m (a:39li s). C. s. Bartine. Beacon Course, N. J., Sept. 25, 1845, $100. Peacock (s) 1. (3 0) C^avuga Maid (S>, 2:27. 2:29'2, 2:30. 2:.;0, 2:31. IS) Centrcville, L. L, June 7. 1848. $200. Marry Boyd (s), 5:21i^, 5:21. Two nules. Alauuxle br m (3 :3y?i). J. Alexander. Columbus, O., June 18, 1870, $ , Lady Bell 1, Velocipede 2, (3 di.s) Charley (2 dis). 2:405^. 2:39.4. 2::59?i, 2:413/4, 2:46. Albany Boy, b g (3:20). W. W. Si)rlngsted..IIurstsville, N. Y., July 1, 1870, $100. Mark, 2:43.2:35>,i. 2:39VJ. Alice Parker, br m (3 :4~). P. J. O'Brien, New Orleans, La., May8, 1881, $ . Murdock 2, Kip Uap, Cotton I'laiit, Hoosier, 2:47, 2:44>i., '2,:f,\%. American Bov b s (3 :3»). by Pocahontas Bov, dam Dolly Yetter, IT. J. Fox, Indianapolis, Ind., May 30 and .fi, 1883," Black Rainbow 2, 3. Nelly B., BlacK Hill i4 dis). Hanging Rock(3dis), 2:37^.,. 2:37"j, 2::U'-i, 2:32, 2::5n. Aiuericiis b g (3 :34"4), by American Star, A, F. Smith, Sacramento, Cal., May 28. 1869, $ . .Jersey Maid,. Dick Cough, L'nknown". Pride of the Bay, 14:271^. Five miles. Mr. Wood, April 13. 1871. $100. Black Frank, 2:.'i7, 2:31f4, 2:32. Mr. Dennlson. May 7, 1872, $1,000. Ben Butler 1, Onward (4 dis), Prussian Maid (2 dis), 2:27J.4, 2:24>4, 2:.'}4'4. 2:381^. Mr. KIn.g. Salinas. Cal., Oct. 9. 1878, $1.50. Billy Cooper 1, Snow Bird. 2:39'4. 2:34'i, 2:35'-.,, 2:35'/s. Andrew J. I'olk (W), ch g (3:36i4). George Fletcher, New Orleans, La., March 21, 1855, $500. Tecumseh (1 dlsi,2;.i7. .May It;. 18.T,. .i;i00. Tecumseh, Silyertull 2 (4 dis). 2:.31»4, 2:.31?.C. 2:29. 2:34. 6. Sl.S.IO. Fanny Pierce, 2:.W5Si. 2:3C?4, 2:35. K. Skllliiigs, Feb. 4. 1857. .*.50. Bald Hornet 1, 2:35, 2:38'j, 2:32^4. W. Cottrlll. Mobile. Ala.. March 17. 1h.^7. .$300. Lady Hyer 3, 4, 2:50V^, 2:39>i, 2:36Ji, 2:4lM, 2:48. S. Hicc. June 5, 1857. .S.W. I'.ob Cottrlll (1 (lis), 2:.'?7?i. E. Skillings, March 15, 1858, .SIOO. Limber Jim (w) 2 CT dis), 2:,35'/i. 2:.'J9, 2:45V4. .Moiitgomerv, Ala., May 13. 18r,8, $l.'-)0. Opelika, Sam ^TcLanghlin, 2:33>4, 2:26»i. ■ F. Scruggs, "LouisvillcKy,, September 24, 1859, .$.300. Davy Crockett 1, 2 (5 dr), 2:27, 2:30?i, 2:39X. 2:40>4» AndyCobb, bK(3:.33H). James McClean. Mobile, Ala., May 1.5, 18GG, $2,000. Commodore (w), 2:40, 2:40, 2:39?i. U. Robinson. Mav 10. mi7, Sl.V). Diike of Orleans 1. 2:,3.5?a. 2:.S5, 2:.37. „ , , Andy lyiellon (Davy Crockett) brg(3:35"5). J. Conllsk, Louisville, Ky., Oct. 21. 1863, $50. Park s gr g, I'^nima ''"''G ''■■'cu, Anthony" gr'g (3:331! J. S. Wade. Edinburgh, Ind., .Tuly 23. 1H70. $100. WIdncr 1, Honest John, Taylor,2:47J^, '*'3.'t '2*35 Arroyo .siico (2:34^). J. 8. Oakes. San Juan, Cal.. Oct. 30. 1872. $50. Sunrise 3, 2:40. 2:42'/,, 2:40, 2:37^. "Santa Cruz. Cal.. Dec. 16. 1872. Jim McCue 2 (3 0), 2:39^.i, 2:.35, 2:40, 2:35U. 2:34»4. Att<.rney, ch s (3 :4.5\ F. Warfield. Tipton. la.. Sept. 7. 1882. $60. Sleepy .John (2 dis), .3:07, 2:45 Augusta Withers (3 :4.5). G. Lacy, (.Chicago, 111., Sept. 5, 1865, $200. Joe Kinney 1, 2 (3 dis). Confidence (1 dis),. 2'42U» 2 ',39 '''4.5 Avalanche" blk^ g (3 :09>4. F. Jennings, Hillsboro, 0., Aug. 27, 1878, $25. Kattling Jim, 3:13, 3:09»4. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 73T Babe, b m (2 :35i^). Council Bluffs, la., Sept. 19, 1872, $75. Billy Button 1, John Baptist. 2:36!4, 2:36, 2:35i4, 2:36. Baby May (3:45). J. S. Thayer, Augusta, Ga., March 10. 1883, $200. Vic. Best time 2:45. Badger (Badger Boy), brs (3:30), by Kerr's Bashaw, daui Tempe Abdailah. S. W. Wheeloclt, Kocltland, 111., Sept. 5, 187-1, .ii50. Advent (3 dr), 2:-t3, 2:4i;2. C. Burl4, 2:31%, 2:39)^. Buffalo, N. Y., August 3, 1881, $2,000. Mattie Hunter 2, Eowdy Boy, Lucy, Little Brown Jug 1 (2 dis), 2:13^£, 2:1814, 2:17k, 2:20. 2:17. W. E. Weeks, Oct. 22 and 24, 1881, .$300. Buffalo Girl 2 4, Rowdy Boy 1,2:21%, 2:21>4, 2:22»^, 2:22^,2:20^, 2:22k. M. M. Hedges, Goshen, N. Y., Nov. 15, 1881, $,500. Rowdv Bov 2, 3, 2:28'/2, 2:30k, 2:33, 2:24%, 2:29'/2. Chicago, 111., .July 18, 1882. .$2,500. Buffalo Girl l, 2, Mattie Hunter 3, (Jem (2 dis), Sorrel Dan (1 dis), Lucy (1 dis). 2:14, 2:14^. 2:15%, 2:18, 2:20k. 2:21 i/o. Bay Bob, b g (3:34'/^), by Frank Forrester. E. Tarrant, Grand Haven, Mich.. June 1, 1875, .$500. Jim Graves. 3, 5, Capt. Dave (5 dis). Snow Flake 2, (3 dis), 2:41, 2:40%, 2:30i/e, 2:.35, 2:31i^, 2:34i/2. Bay Bri.stol, b m (3:35k). S. N. Phillips, Rutland, Vt., June 26, 1883, .$50. Honest Tom, Biddy McCann, Green Mountain Bov, 2:41)4, 2:44'^™, 2:35k. Bay Dick, b g (3 :36). L. W. Horner, Lafayette, Ind., Aug. 31, 1876, $ . Prairie Boy 1, 4, Ripon Boy. Rich- mond Girl, 2:51, 2:56, 2:50, 2:44, 2:46. Pittsburgh, Pa., Sept. 3, 1877, $ . Aleck Warder. Dan, 2:47, 2:41. 2:46. Bay Dick, b g (3 :00). E. Elder, Beaver, Pa., Sept. 26, 1882. $50. Fannv M., Dolly. 3:11, 3:01, 3:00. Bay Frank, b g (3 :35). G. W. Baldwin. Mt. Gilead, O., Sept. 20, 1876, $30. John Crowder 2, (4 0) (5 0), 2:41, 2:36, 2:.3.5, 2:36. 2:37. 2:36. Sept. 22, 1876, $45, John Crowder 2. Best time, 2:46. Nov. 2. 1876, $70. Danville Girl, 1:17, 1 :14. 1 :16. 1 :1.5. Half mile heats. S. Mcllfresh. J>awreneeburg, Ind., Sept. 27, 1877. $100. Flora. Frank, 2:44, 2:38i4, 2:40. Bay George, b g (3 :40). W. Sutphens, Flemiugton, N. J., Sept. 22, 1874, $60. Ava May, Sleepv Dick (1 dis), 2:,52i^. 2:44)4, 2:40. BayGeorge, bg(3:33). J. B. Heideger, Beaver, Pa., Sept. 26, 1880, $200. Topsy 1, 2, Buckskin, 2:43, 2:42,2:41, 2:42.2:411^. Pittsburgh, Pa., Oct. 8. 1880, $250. Billy Longstreet 2, Johnny Wonder, Mahoning Boy, Buckskin, Billy Edwards, 2:37k, 2:34%, 2:33, 2:33. 47 738 C'HESTliUS COMI'l-KTE TUOTTlNi; AND lAClNC Ul-XOUD. KittanninK, Pii., Sept. 15. 1881, S150. Koan Kate 3, 4, Aunt Jemima, Wild Bill, 2:37?4, •■i:-U%.. 2:48, 2:46, 2:4!». Kay Harry, b g (3 :31^). W. W. Bair, Evansville, lud., Sept. 24, 1874, S150. Molly Crowder, Kitty Crowder, 2:41*4. '-':43'4, 2:49. n. M. Aiiilerson, St. Louis, Mo., Oct. 5, 1874, $175. Etter, Wyatts b m, Ked Tiger, Sucker State l (2 dls). Si. Louis .liin (-1 dis), Franlc (.1 dis), I'alsy (I dis), 2:32, 2: 33^, 2:33. Welisburg, \V. Va., Seitt. 15, 187C, $ . Hav Sally, 2:.?li.i. 2:32, 2:33>^. Bay Jim, bg(a:31?i). H. Neil, Broolcviile, Pa., Sept. 22, 1881, SlOO. Roau Kate 1, Wild Bill, .3:01. 2:30, 2:41, 2:45)^. Punxsutawney, Pa , Sept. 29, 18«1,$100. Roan Kate 2. Wild Bill, 2:5C, 2:39. 2:.3854, 2:49. Hrookville, Pa., Nov. 5, 1881, $ — . Champion Girl (trotter) 2, Thorndale Princess (trotter) (4 dr), 2:36, 2:.U. 2:;!4. 2:;!4U. I'ittsbiirgh. Pa., July 14, 1882, $1,000. Princess 2. 3, Felix 1, Eddie D., Rostraver, Capt. .lack. Estella (5 dr), •^■.•2\K\.-2:'20U, 2:20',^. 2:2194,2:28J-4, 2:29. C'bailottc. Mich., July 27, 1882, .$250. -Limber Jack 2, High Jack, Tom Hendricks (4 dis), Little Mac (2 dis). Faro Queen rJ dr), 2:3H.i", 2:27'/2. 2:29?4. 2:30. E:Uon Uapids, Mich., Aug. 3, 1882, §250. High Jack 1, Little Mac, Felix, Faro Queen (1 dis), 2:37Ji^, 2:34, 2:41^,2:41^. Marshall, Mich., Aug. 10, 1882, $250. Jenny G. 1, Felix. Little Mac, 2:34','j, '2:3e}4, 2:36^, 2:37. Quincy, 111., Aug. 23, 1882, $500. Westniont (1 0), (.4 0;, Little Mac (.1 0), (2 dis), 2:32, 2:32J^, 2:a5?.,, 2:28H. Steul)enville, O., Sept. 1, 1882, $400. Charlev A.. Little Mac. Felix. 2:28>4, 2:28,2:27. Brookville, Pa., Sept. 21, 18!S2, .?2.50. Little .M:ic, 4 il OV Kate. Big John, 2:3t;M. 2:33, 2:35. 2:41, 2:40>^. Kittanning. Pa., Sept. 15, 1882, .'if2.'->0. Lillle Ma<'. 'I(M)sv. I!ig .John, Ida .Mav, 2:.%, 2:33^, 2:32J<8. Pliillipsburg, Pa., ()ct. 3, 18»2, $300. Little .Mae. Ko:ui Ivate, 2:2K, 2:25, 2:27U. Vincennes, Ind., May 17 and 18, 1883. $200. Eddy I).. 3, 4 (I 0), (8 0), Silvertail, 2, 7 (1 0), (5 0), Black Raln- 1)0\V (4 (lisi, 2;2'.)';, 2:26^, 2:25, 2:2(>'-i, 2:31, 2:37, 2:33. 2:37. 2:37J^, 2:41. Scraiiton, Pa., May 30, 1883, $.500. Eddy C 1 (3 0), Leviathan (t dis), 2:33^. 2:30K>, 2:32, 2:32, 2:32i/2. Wilkesl)arre, Pa., June 6, 1883, $500. Eddy C. 2, Harrisburg (3 dr). 2.32, 2:295i, 2:27, 2:31 !4. Pliillipsburg, Pa.. July 6, 1883, $175. Little Mac, 3, 2:27, 2:30, 2:33, 2:34!2. Brookville, I'a., Oct. 5, 1883, $200. Juliet, 2:33'/2, 2:321^, 2:35. Point Breeze Park, Phil., Oct. 18 and 19, 1883. $250. Estella 3, 4, Eddy C. 1. Lady Lightfoot 5, Little Mac, Don Cameron (2 dis). 2:22^, 2:29, 2:29, 2:27, 2:27V4, 2:28, 2:28'/2. Suffolk Park, Phila., Nov. l, 1883, $250. Estella 1, Don Cameron, Col. Dickey, Lady Lightfoot, Eddv C, 2:30, 2:28. 2:. 32^4, 2:32. Bay Kattler. h g (3 :.36) S. Herd, Monticello, HI., Aug. 20, 1880, $200. Black Cat 1, Billy Hotspur, Lady Bell. Sorrel Billy, 2:40, 2:38, 2:30, 2:38. Jerscyvllle. 111., Oct. 13. 18S0, $ . King Calico 1. Trouble. Thunderbolt, 2:56^. 2:50i4, 2:56M, 2-A3^. Bay Sally (Sally Morns), b ui (8 :20), by Tom Crowder. J. F. Gosnell. Plqua. O., Oct. 15, 1874, $250. Crazy Sam, (Cotton' Picker. Welly Davis, True Prince, Brown Billy, 2:3U4, 2:31. 2:32?i. Fort Wavne, Ind!, Oct.' 28, 1884, $o00. Granger, Lucy (2 dis), Hoosier Dick (1 dis), 2:31%, 2:32>4, 2■.S1^. Indianapolis. Ind., Nov. 12, 1874, $.500. Hoosier Dick 1. 2:33V^. 2:23^4, 2:28i/i, 2:2734- Dayton, O., Sept. 29, 187.5, $400. Sleepy George (2 0), Pocahontas (3 dis). Granger (1 dis), 2:32>!i, 2:31, 2:31%", 2:33. July 4, 1876, $300. Marie Scott, Sorrel Billy (1 dis), 2:42. 2:45?j. 2:47i^. Cynthiana. Ky , Aug. 22. 1876, $200. Graves (2 dis), Mac, Smith (.1 dis), Weeks (1 dis), H. Crunch (1 dis), Hutchinson (1 dis), 2:3035i, 2:20i/2. Iiulianiipolis, Ind.. Sept. 27. 187G, $ . Rowdy Boy 2, Snow Storm (1 dis), 2:24'4, 2:25. 2:32ii, 2:345^. Pittsburgh. Pa.. June 8. 1877, $.500. Sleepy George 1, Sorrel Billy (2 dis), Sweetser (2 dis), Tom Hen- dridcs (2 dis), 2:20%. 2:23»^., 2:24*i. 2:20i.,. Cincinnati, O.. July 2, 1877, $500. Sleej)V Tom. Billy C, Comet (3 dis). 2:22%, 2:25, 2:26i/s. Bay Tom, b g (2 :33), by Bledsoe's Tom Hal. dam Sy Brent's Tom Hal. E. F. Geer, Dayton, O., June 17, 1881. $400. Rip Rap, Wonderful, Noonday, Bald Hornet, Mary D., Gem 3, 4 (5 dis), 2:24%, 2:29, 2:30, 2:33J4, 2:35. Toledo, O., June 24, 1881, $600. Rip Rap 4, Wonderful 1, Gem, Charley H., Bald Hornet, Comet, Noon- day. 2:2.5%, 2:25. 2:27%, 2:29. 2:33. Columbus. O., June 30. 1881, $500. Gem 2, 3, Bald Hornet, Rip Rap, Wonderful, Charles H.. Shaker, 2 :23, 2:21M, 2:211/2,2:25, 2:24. Belle, rn m (3 :41). J. E. Moses, Washington, D. C, May 27, 1878, $100. Salome, Frank, Dr. Garges (2 dis) 2:41, 2:40, 2:43. J. H. Morrow, Oct. 13. 1880, $150, Molly White Cloud 1, Drainard Joe, Little Casino, 2:46%, 2:41%, 2:49, 2:48. Belle Arnel, br m (3 :39M). Thomas Boyd, Beaver, Pa.. Oct. 6, 1881, $142.50. Kitty Hoyt 2, Sadie Burns, Ida May, 2:41. 2:41'/2, 2:39%, 2:43M Belle Hammill, b m (3:31). S. S. Hammill, Wheeling, W. Va., Oct. 10, 1881,. $75. Molly McGuyer, George, Harrv Scott, Bay Billy. 2:39%. 2:38, 2:40. Sei)t. 13 1883,' $300. Sorrel Billy 1, Jack Rapid, Wild Frank, Fritz, Gossip (1 dis), 2:28^, 2:21, 2:28, 2:27y4. G. H. Smith, Pittsburg, Pa., September 26, 1883, $500. Link, Fritz, Gossip, Golden Prince, 2:34^4,2:32^, 2:32^4. Belle Mahoiie. br m (2 :34>/2), by Finch's St. Lawrence, dam a thoroughbred. C. A, Thompson. Council Bluffs, la., May 24, 1883, $,500. Cvclone, (Jarrv Owen. Tom Shoemaker. 2:27, 2:33W, 2:39%. Atlantic, la.. May 30, 1883, $2.50. Cyclone (1 dis), Lotty P. (1 dis), John C, (1 dis), Tom Shoemaker (l dis), 2 '35. '- Wiiiterset, la.. July 3, 1883, $ . Cyclone, 2-A5H, 2:24'/i DCS Moines, la., Aug. 2. 1883, $ . Cyclone, 2:41'/2. 2:34. Ottiimwa, la., August 23, 1883, $250. Sailor Boy 2, 3 (4 0), Major (2 dis). 2:32, 2:31'/j, 2:33)^, 2:30, 2:33, 2 :;{0. Oskaloosa. la.. Aug. 30, 1883. $2,50. Sailor Bov, Frank W.,2:29. 2:37 !4. 2:27. Atlantic. la., Sept. 19, 1883, $1,50. Jim Crow, Despot, 2:.36, 2:44. 2:44. Leon, Ind.. Oct. 20, 1883, $120. Bessie Brown. Hoosier Dick, 2:49, 2:52, 2:40. Belle of Fraiikford (w). b m (3:47), by llappv Medium. G. W. Hyman, New Hunting Park, Phil., July 14. l8K:t, ,$.V). Lou B. (w). 3:03, 2:.58U. _ „ Belle of Nashville (3 :39). Nashville, Tenn., Nov. 18, 1865, $.500. Mofflt's Pony, 2:51. 2:51>4. 2:39. Ben Bolt, gr g (3:35). L. B. Dubois, St. Louis. Mo., Sept. 23, 1860, $125. Dick Turpin 3, 2:41, 2:44, 2:44, 2 :.39. . Ben Butler, brp (3:19%), by St. Clair. A. F. Smith, Chlco, CaL, Sept. 29. 1871. $250. Billy Campbell 3, Finnegan (1 (lis). Gov. Pooth (1 dis), 2:.36, 2:32. 2:.3.3i^. 2:.37. San Francisco, Cal.. May 15, 1872. $500. Onwjird 2, 3, Flora 1 (4 dis), Billy (1 dis), 2:33%, 2:363li. 2:37^, 2:40,2:45,2:50. CHKSTKKS COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 739 J. IViiiiant, June 6, I87;i, $400. Capitola l. Swindle, Jim McCue, Onward, Wonder 2 (5 dis), Simcoe (4 dis). iM.\>tery (4di.s>, Aniencus (3 dis;, Jim Jirown (li dis), 2 iL'Ok, 2:2634, 2:29>4, 2:30, 2:29M. Oal-2). Mr. Sperry, Pel:ilunia, Cal., Oct. 9, 1875, $ . Fisherman, Keno, 2:35'/,, 2:36, 2 :40. Ben Hamilton. bg(3:lG>4), by Dewitfs Nan Norman. J. E. Turner, Battle Creek, Mich., June 3, 1880. Wondcrtul, Little Ed. liiatoga Belle, Kiibuck Tom. JJttle Brown Jug, 2:;!8, 2:29. 2:38. J. McCrea, Cohimbus, O., June 29, 18^0,5:500. Noonday 3, Lincoln 1, 2, (6 dis), 2:24J4, 2:235^, 2:27'/4, 2:27Jr^, 2:24'2, 2:25'i- J. E. Turner, Springfield, Mass., Aug. 18, 1880, $500. Change, 2:29'/4, 2:27, 2:19i^. Hartford. Conn., Aug. 25. 1880, $500. Change 1, Little Mac, 2:30^, 2:24^, 2:23, 2:23'/2. Louisville. Ky.. Oct. 7, 1880, $800. Billv Scott, (linker. Eagle Bov. 2:1914, 2:1914, 2:22U. Cincinnati, O., Nov. 2. 1880. .IfGOO. Clinker, 2:25'.,. 2:36. 2:35. Jackson. Mich., June 9, 1881, $8(X). M alt le Hunter 3, 4, Lucy. Bay Bill, Little Brown JuK 1. 2. (i dis), 2:22'.., L';l.'2'.i, 2:23, 2:23'2, 2:27, 2:34, 2:34. 6 . . >. W. J. John, Bradford, Pa., June 16 and 17, 1882, $600. Charley H. 2, 3, Mattie Hunter 4, Bay Jim, Fuller (4 dis). 2:2714, 2:27}^, 2:29M.2:28i4, 2:27, 2:29. M. Kelly. Crawfordsville, Ind., May 26, 1883, $300. Silver Cloud, .Toe Bowers (3 dr), 3:09, 2:59, 2:41'/J. Columbus, Ind., June 8, 1883, $ . Nelly B., Black Rainbow. 2:37, 2:31 Vi, 2:3934. Tcrre Haute, Ind., June 13, 1883, $200. Sllvertail, Rainbow, American Bov, 2:.30, 2:27, 2:28'/4. Rockville, Ind., June 21, 1883, $ . Sllvertail. 2:39"2, 2:U%, 2:40. North Vernon, Ind., Aug. 9, 1883, $ . Frank H.. Dr. M. No time. Ben Higdon, cr g (8:27), by Abdallah. O. W. Dimniick, Cincinnati, O., Nov. 1, 1851, $ . Ten Broeck (w), (1 dis). 2:334- New Orleans. La., Feb. 5. 1854, $50. Tom Smiley (2 dis), 2:3414, 2:27. E. .\. Smith, Louisville, Ky., Oct. 24, I860, $250. Monio (2 dis). Lady Maria (l dis), Alanthus (1 dis), 2:31'^. 2:37. Bessie Brown, br m, by Red Buck. A. G. Dupity, Leon, Ind., Oct. 19, 1883, $35. Hoosier Dick 1, Mary M. No time. Bessie M., blk nU3:33), by Pocahontas Boy. Hedges and Weeks, Toledo. O., Sept. 13, 1882, .$500. Sailor Boy 1, 2, Warrior (4 dis). Vasco (1 dis), Don Carlos (1 dis), Benny (l dis), 2:24, 2:24, 2:29, 2:26Vii, 2-30 M. M. Hedges, Cincinnati, O., May 25, 1883, $1,000. Richball 1, Westniout, Jack Rapid {3dis), Chestnut Star (2 dis). 2:29, 2:2314, 2:23%, 2:229i. Columbus, O., June 13, 1883, $700. Eddy D. 3, Lone Jack, Flying Dutchman, 2:24i4, 2:22. 2:1914. 2-22. BigSam, ch g(3:33'4), by Redbuck. G. E. Hutton, Clyde, Kan., Sept. 7, 1883, $100. 'Phil. Sheridan, Ben Loman, Lightfoot, 2:45, 2:42. 2:50. Beloit, Kan., Sept. 14, 1883, $100. Ben Loman 1, 2, (4 dis), Lightfoot 3 (4 dis\ Phil Sheridan (4 dis), 2-n%. 2:471/?. 2:40)^,2:35. Saliua, Kan., Sept. 29, 1883, $100. 2:35. 2:32'A. To beat 2:33. Bill Carney (w), b s (3 :35). W. Ogden, Philadelphia, Pa., May 28, 1877, $50. Deception, trotter 2, 2:55, 2-58. i> -58 2 ■ 55 (w) Haverford. Pa., June 9, 1877, $200. Frank, trotter l, 3 :15. 3 :10, 3:05, 3:05. Philadelphia, Pa.. June 14, 1877, $10. Reliance 2, 3:03, 3:0.5, 3:04, 2:58. H. W. Lobb. Suffolk Park, Phila.. July 10, 1878, $100. Bill Arlington, Don Cameron, Nelly Anderson, John S. (2 dis), Richard (3 dr), 2:35, 2:35, 2:40. Belmont Park. July 17, 1878, $100. Don Cameron 2, Bill Arlington, John S. 1 (4 dis), Nelly Anderson (3 dis), Harry (1 dis), 2:39. 2:34, 2:35. 2:36. 2:39?i£. Billy, b g (2:37'4). Boyd and Albright, Evansville. Ind., Oct, 12, 1867, S . Bill Aikin, 2:37'/2. 2:40. Billy, b g (2:3814), by Jupiter, dam by American Star. O.Green, Middletown, Conn., Sept. 15, 1875, $300. Eva May, 2:42, 2:391/2, 2:38i^. Billy, b g (3:37). Columbus, O., Nov. 10 and 12, 1877, $ . George .3, 4. 2:37. 2:27. 2:.34. 2:30, 2:30. Billy, b g (3:45). W. Achoff, Philadelphia, Pa., July 2, 1878, $50. Nelly Anderson, Maggie W., Richard, Tom (1 dis), 2:45, 2:48. 2:47. H. Deer, Wilmington, Del., Oct. 16, 1878, $200. Lon B. 2, 3, Maggie W. (4 dis), 2 :30;4, 2:52, 2:50, 2:50, 2:.54. Billy, eh g (3:58). H. C. Saunders, Mt. Pleasant, la.. Sept. 20, 1882, $ . Grav Eagle, 3:07, 3:04, 2:58, Sept. 21, 1882, $— Grav Eagle. 3:00. 3:05, 3:02. Billy Blossom, ch s,(3 :33). H. McNally. San Francisco, Cal., Oct. 12, i860, $150. Sllvertail, 2:383^, 2:36. Billy Boyce, b g (3:19) (3:1434 s), by Corbeau, W. A. Hoskins, Louisville, Ky., Oct. 3, 1865, $100. Butcher Bill 2 (3 dis), 2:31, 2:36/2, 2:31. J. S. Monroe. Nov. 3, 1866. $100. James Conlisk (2 dis), Cooper's rn g (1 dis), Getaway (1 dis), 2-2W%, 2:2614. James Rutherford, St. Louis, Mo., Sept. 19, 1867, $750. Magouzler, Dan Voorhees l, (2 dis). Ace of Clubs (4 dis), 2:2214, 2:22, 2:2194. 2:19. (s), R. S. Carr, Buffalo, N. Y., Aug. 1, 1868, $ . Rolla Golddust, trotter 1, 2:31'/S, 2:15ii, 2:143^, 2:2014- Billy Button gr g (3 :39i4). Kalamazoo. Mich.. Oct. 4. 1866, $80. Eaton County Maid. 2:29%, 2: 29'/^, 2:33. Billv Button, ch g (3 :35). Mr. Wilson, Des Moines, la., June 25, 1870, $100. Lady Sherman 2, Tom Paine, Pat. and two others, 2:.55, 2:.51. 2:.57. Clinton. la., Oct. 14, 1870, $ . Lady Clinton 1, 2:49, 2:35, . Billy C, b g (3:359i). E. M. Carey Lafayette, Ind., Sept. 2, 1876, $50. Mark Twain 2, 3. Honest John, Newton C. 2:32%, 2:32, 2:31i/2, 2:32%. 2:3.5. Watseka. 111., Oct. 11, 1870, $200. Nelly Gray, Fanny 1 (2 r 0). Lena Rivers (2 dis), Prairie Bird (1 dis), 2*32 2:35 2 '.38 2*37 — — Madison, Ind., June 20, 1877, .$300. Horace Greeley, Cassino, Nelly, A. Lincoln, Dr. John, 2:29'/^, 2:25%, 2:30V^. Billy C, (3:35%). Crawfordsville. Ind., Sept. 11, 188.3, $ . Billy F., Baywood, John S., Tom Tipton, Dick Smith, Llovd C, 2:42U^, 2:42'.,. 2:3934. Sept. 14.' 1883, $100. Billy F.. Little Jet, Alice F., 2:35%, 2:36, 2:40. Billy Dare, b g (3 :46>«). Mead and Redman, Brazil, Ind., Aug. 20, 1880, $ . Bill Lewis, Jack Rapid, 2:46i^„2:47, 2:48. Billy Dunn b g (3:46). Wm. Dunn, Noblesville, Ind., Sept. 16, 1881. $ . Sorrel Frank 1, 3 (2 0), Butter Scotch, Tricky John, Red Buck, 2:43, 2:46, 2:46, 2:.5o, 2:47, 2 :53;^. Billy G., b g (3 :35), bv Red Buck. Mr. Patterson, Indianapolis, Ind., July 27, 1879, $ . Hoosier Sam, Walter C, 2:35, 2:361^2, 2:35. 740 CUKSTKKS COiMrLKTK TKOTTINi; ASD I'ACING KECOKD. Danviile, 111., Sept. 17, 1R79, Sioo. T/ittl«^ Uarofoot, Rurposs, 2:40, 2:3."), 2:28. I'lTU, Intl.. Si-pt. \». lK7U,.>f . (ii;iv Harry, iCoiiito, I'ete. ■J::55'4, 2:U, 2:35}^. T. Levy. IndJaiijipolis. Iiul.. Sept. 29, 1k«o, 5? . Flora, .lolm K., 2:44, 2:41, 2:37^4. (;. CrifiifS, Martinsvilk', liiil.. *.ht. 6, 1882, *.W. Burglar, hula Anderson, 2:JjO,2;48, 2:48'.2. Indianapolis, Ind., Sept. 27, 1882, S . lUick Dirkersoii, Little Jet, Stella Foster, 2:39i^, 2:39, 2:4l',j. IJilly Hiittoii, rn g . W. Mattler, I'restou, Aliun., May ;5l, 187y, $80. F'ainnont 4. 5, Sleepy Ned 3, C. No time. Billy Hopper, gr g('i:!J4!i), ,1. .Jameson, Medina, N. \., June '2'>, 1874, $200. Vandal, Shamrock, Cora, 2'::ty'„. 2:;57>y, 2;o7'j. Lockport, M. v., June 27, 1874, §200, Vandal (3 disi. Shamrock (3 dis), Diana(3 disj, Cora (3 dls), 2:43^, ;;:37i!»,. 2:27^4. IJuffalo, X. Y., Nov. 7, 1874, $300. Sorrel F'rauk, Buffalo Boy, 2:28?i, 2 :29Vib, 2 :27)^. July 29. 1875, 5sJ00. Sorrel Frank, 2:24'2, 2:2G. 2:28'2. Sept. 11, 1875, SoOO. .Sorrel Frank 1, 2:2tiM;. 2.27, 2:29^', 2:28. Billy Hotspur, eh g (3 :34). Winona. 111.. .Sept. 28, 1876, .*G0 Fred \Vormley, Sucker, 2:2494, 2:24. ^ I'axton. III., July 4. 1878,gl2.0. Skinner l»iek 2, Dare Devil Diek t:! dri, 2:38, 2:41, 2:41. Billy l.urkiii, b g c3:!J7). C. Cunningliaiii, liainiltou, O., August— , 1808, .§1,000. Ccntreville Maid 2:27, 2:;!l'o. Billy Loiigstreet, gr g (3 :34?4). J. J. Hanunon, Sharon, Pa., Sept. 30, 1880, S150. Mahoning Hov, Buckskin, Lady Whitelool. 2 :40, 2 :38?4, 2 :37. Billy M., eh gr-i:34^by Clear Grit. Mr. Dewey, llurstsville. X. Y.. Aug. 31, 1882. S.'iO. Jim Jewell 3. Hawk. Best time, 2-27. \lbany. X. Y.. Mav 30, 1883. .^loo. XuoiRlav. Xellv O. (2 dri. 2:39, 2:28. k Luuglilin, Charlotte. .Mich.. Aug. 10 and 17. 1883, §250. High .lack 2. .H. Buck Dickerson 4, fi (7 drt, Beimv, Lhik, Truro, F'ickle Fanny i.4 drj, George G. 1(2 disi. 2:24'2. 2:25)4, 2:31?4, 2:28i4. 2:31^, 2:33, 2:33, 2:34. St. Louis, Mo.. Sept. 6, 1883, $300. High Jack (2 0), Wild Maud 3 (4 dis;, 2:30^, 2:31, 2:39!4, -:•<' '4, 2:37>4. Wm. Malioney, Alt. I'leasant, ISIich., Sept. 14, 1883, .f250. Wihl Maud 1, 3:01, 2:32, 2:30, 2:34. Billy Mayo, grg (3:30). Kobert Adams, Clinton, la., July 3. 18(;9, iif250. H.B.Dale 2. Three others a dis). 2 :2t>?i,"2 :;tO, 2T30'/4. Short track. Aug. 28. 18(J9, S1.50. Allamakee 3 (5 dis), T. P. Koach 2 (5 dis), 2:39, 2:31'2, 2:3,5^, 2:36i4. 2:38>4. Short track. „ _ Dubuque, la., Oct. 18. 1869, $100. T. P. Roach 1, 2:34H, 2;28?4. 2:32?i, 2:35. Stockton, Cal., May 11, 1870, $200. Regulator (trotter), Mike O'Brien (3 dis). Onward (3 disi. 'IM^^ 11' Sacramento. Cal., June 25, 1870. $1,000. Longfellow 1, 2:31%, 2:23, 2:3014. San Francisco, Cal., July 2. 1S70, § . Longfellow 1, 2:24',2, 2:28'2. 2:32V2. 2:34i^. Joseph Perriu, May 5, 1871, §1,000. Defiance l, 2, (3 0). Barney y2 dis). Lady St. cTair (1 dis), 2 :30. 2:2»^i. 2:2714, 2:31U. 2:33'2, 2:33^- Sacramento, Cal.. May31, 1871, $ . Defiance, Lady St. Clair. 2:22, 2:22. 2:27',. 1) Bowley, San Francisco. Cal., June 17. 1871. §2,000. Defiance, 2:28, 2:28, 2:261.4. Stockton. Cal.. Jnlv 1, 1871, §500. Defiance, 2:2.5. 2:2714, 2:27. J 1,. Eoff, Sacramento. Cal., Sei)t. 28. 1872, .§;500. Longfellow. 2:26. 2:25';. 2:22!..j. Billy N.,cli g(3 :30). P. Xelson. Ovvatonna, Minn., Sept. 4, 1883, §200. Gray Dan 3, Ada B. (4 dis), John H. (3dis), 2:36,2:35^4.2:36^4,2:341^. ^ ^ ^ . „ Hastings, Minn, Sept. 14. 1883, § . Tucker P.. 1. 4, Gray D., Ada B., 2:30, 2:38, 2:33, 2:34. 2:38. Billy S.,bg(3:lG34), bvliluc Bull, dam byFlsk's Manibrino Chief. II. W. Brown. Pittsburgh. Pa., .hily 25 1883, §1,000. Fiitz.'lli J'.till. Juliet, Link,2:22j4. •J:2:'.'4. 2:2;iio. Springfield. M:iss.. Sept. 1, 1883, §300. Eddie IX, Billy M., 2:22)^, 2:22?4, 2:18i^. B. Knowlton, Providence, R. I., Sept. 15, 1883, §1,000. Eddy D., AVestmont (2 dis). Lone Jack il dis), 2'I9V.2 2'''''i4 2 27'n 1 Beaco'iTPiirkr Boston. Oct. 17, 1883, §400. Bessie M., Princess, Eddie 1)., 2:21. 2:20, 2:20. Billy Scott ch g (3:31i4i, by Billv (ireen, dam Lady Jones. A. T. Talhnan, Pittsburgh. Pa., June 11. 1879, §300. Xellv Orav, E;ittling Jiiii, Flora .1., Kitty F., 2:27K'. 2:27U, 2:27. Butler, I^a.. June 18, 1879, $iOO. Black Weasel 5, 6, Nelly Gray 1, 2, IJattling Jim. Little Mac, Katy F.. 2:30. 2:29. 2:.Jl,2:30'/j, 2:33,2:30. 2:29. , „, , „ ^, „ , Youngstown, O.. July 4, 1879, §400. Black Weasel 2, 3, Charley H. l. Xelly Gray, 2:30, 2:26. 2:28. 2:29, 2 :30. 2 :29K>. Oil Citv"; Pa., July 9, 1879. §.'iOO. Kittv F. 3, Xelly Gray 1, 2:.!3i4, 2:34, 2:35, 2:.37. 2:.'35. Aurora 111., July .31, 1879, $:m. Clinker 1. Oyster Boy. Dexter 2:28. 2 :29'», 2:26^4. 2:25. Point Breeze Park. Philadeli)hia, May IS, 1880, §400. Change 1, Clinker, 2:27'2, 2:293^, 2:32i^, 2:26. Belmont I'ark, Pliilad(li)liia, :\Iav 27, 1880. .?400. Change, Clinker, 2:;i4'2, 2:239i, 2:25. J s Camiibell, Jjiekson. .Mich., .tune 9, 1880, §1,000. Clinker, Bald Horuet 1 (4 dis), 2:27,2:31,2:29,2:31. Cincinnati, O.. July 7, 1880, §500. Xoonday. Lincoln. 2:23, 2:29, 2:28. Sabina, ()., Aug. 2.5, I88O. § . Eatthng Jim 3, Ohio Maid, Wake Up Jake, Kilbuck Tom, lliatoga Belle, 2:43'/2,'2:45, 2:44 Ji, 2:40. -Aug -'7 1880 §400. Ohio Maid. Kilbuck Tom, W. T. Sherman. 2:39, 2:34'i, 2:26i4. • L'lf-ivette Ind Sept. 1, 1880, .§.i00. Hoosier Sam, Black Cat. Weasel, 2:271*, 2:25'/2, 2:29? , oiean NY, June 23, 1881. §400. High ,Tack 3. Jack Rapid, 2:30. 2:30, 2:.'i2i4. 2:311^. Youngstown, O., July 4, 1881, §400. AVonderful, Granger Pete, Charley H.. High Jack, Honest Jim. 2:27, 0-28 2-''7 1 La Salle 111 July 28, 1881, §400. Lone Jack, Buffalo Girl. Badger. 2:22. 2:2514. 2:23!^. Prophetstown, 111., Aug. 4, 1881, §2.50. Lone Jack, BuffaloGirl. 2:26. 2:26i4, 2:2214. Sullivan 111 Aug. lO, l?8l, §100. Dixie, Surprise. Gray Joe. 2:37, 2::jti, 2:41. Lafavette. Iiid.. Aug. 31. 1881, $a00. Winder, 3. 2:29)^, 2:32. 2 :35?4. 2:2811. Cleveland O Sept. 7 and 8, I88I. .$400. Bald Hornet 3, 4, Charley H. 2, Comet. Xoonday, Gem, Billy G.. Granger Pete. Princess, 2:2214, 2:21. 2:21'/.. 2:21. 2:23i^. 2:31'/2. Pittsburgh Pa Sept. 28, 1881. §000. Gem, Xed F'orrester. 2:22V^, 2:24. 2:23 Oct' 1 1881,' .§(;oo. Buffalo Girl, ("apt. Jack, 2:26. 2:22i4. 2:341.4. Keiitfln, O., Oct. 12, 1883, $150. Topsy K., Brown Joe, 2:37, 2:28, 2:28i4. Billy Trump, blk g (^-AIM). G. Culfer, Hamburgh. la.. Sept. 20, 1881, §100. Little Frank, 2, 2:41' j, 2:42,. ''■43 iJilfv 'wilkes b g (3 :30). E. H. Robiuson. San Joaquin, Cal., Sept. 20, 1879, §200. Johnny Weigle, 2, 3 (4 dis), Hiram Tnicv 1 (3 dls), 2:44, 2:.31, 2:29. 2:30. Pis->Rrri< 1-r s (3 :5r>). S. Smith, Salinas, Cal., Oct. 2, 188.3, $100. .lohn S. (3 dis), Tom Watson (1 dls), 3:06'4^ 2:57'/2, 2:55. CHKSTEK'S COMPLETK TRC)TTIN<; AND PACING RECORD. 741 Black Abe, blk g i2:39). D. M. Young, Philipsl)urgh, N. J., Aug. 15, 1868, $25. Rosinante,!, 2, 2:55, 2:45, 2:43, 2:39, 2:41. Black Ann, blk m (3 :35^^4). S. M. Hewing, St. Johns, Mich., July 4, 1870. $10. Billy Button, 1, 2:4l}4, 2:36J4, 2 "35^ \V:'h. Delaney, Massillon, O., Aug. 11, 1875. SIOO. Tom Whistler 1, 4, Flora (.2 dis), 2:48, 2:40, 2:42, 2:43}^, 2:48. Black Bill, b s (2:33}4). J. Godfrey, Peru, Ind., Aug. 28, 1883, $100. Blackbirds, 2:33'/i, 2:34, 2:32, 2:34. Black Bird blk m (3 :24i^). Aver and Kobbins, North Vernon, Ind., Aug. 10, 1881, $ . Minnie B. 3, Belle 2. Daisy Dale, Jim Blaine, 2:40, 2:42V2, 2:41)4. 2 :42?4, 2:45. Black Cat, blk ni (3:29i4), bv Red Buck. J. N. Larrick, Clinton, la., Aug. 30, 1879, $ . Romeo, Ripou Boy, Aleck, 2 :42, 2 :42, 2 :44. Sullivan 111., Aug. 11, 1880, .$100. Dixie 1. Hotspur. 2:35. 2:35, 2:37,2:39. T F. Hughes, Frederick, Md., Oct. 14. 1881, $75. To beat 2:30. 2:33, 2:30, 2:29%. Evansville, Ind., April 26. 1882, $85. Kismet 4, 6, Blue Jeans l, Thomas L. 5, 2:40, 2:38, 2:55, 2:50, 2:48, o .-jsi 2 "37 "j! S Campbell. Crawfordsville, Ind., June 14, 1882, $200. Little Ed., Knuna B. (1 dis), Kismet (1 dis), Blue Jeans d dis\ 2:.3r.i4. 2:3i!?i, 2:39!.2. Roekville, Ind., June 9, 1882, $125. Limber Jack 1, Kismet, Blue Jeans d dis), 2:30, 2:32, 2:33, 2:29J4. La Salle, 111. Aug. 19, 1882, $500. May Wood 1, 2, 2:36. 2:35, 2:30, 2:29'2, 2:31. T. J. Broderick. Monmouth, 111.. Sept. 6, 1882, $80. Billy B., 2:52?i, 2:o9'2. 2:.51. Black Charley, blk g(3:45). Ottawa, Ont., Oct. 11, 1882. $ . Rano Dan, Gray Weare. Best time, 2 :45, Black Fox, blk g (3 :05). Wm. Skinner. El Dorado, Kan., Sept. 26, 1883. $3.".. Billy Roy 2, Belle. No time. Sept. 28. 1883, .^75. Billy, Red Buck, 3:12, 3:08. 3 :05. Black Frank, blk g (3:301^'). West Lebanon, Ind., Sept. 14, 1877, $ — . Buckskin, Skinner Dick, 2:34, 2:31, 2:30',^. Valley City, D. T., Sept. 26, 1882, $150. Billv Edgbert l. John H., 2:37. 2:40, 2:.50, 2:41. Black Frank, blk s (3 :49i4). M. McHaffle, New Ross. Ind.. August 14, 1883, $ . Competitors not named. 2 '.52. 2 '49^4. Black-jack, blk g (3: 391/2). A. W. Allen, Des Moines, la., Oct. 9. 1873, $100. Davy Crockett, Jack Evans. 2:37, 2:2914. 2:33^. Black Jet (3 -.SQ^^,)- New Ross. Ind.. Aug. 15, 1883. $70. Black Frank. Black Dick, eight others, 2:39i/4, 2:44, 2:4014. Black Joe. blk s (3 :58). H. Gessetts. Ottawa. Ont.. Oct. 11. I883, $45. Joshua Gray. Black Nora, 3:00. 2:.58. Black Morgan, blk g (3:37), H. Dawes, Huntsville, Ala., Oct. 12, 1882, $ . Billy King 1. (ien. Garfield, 2:41':,. 2:41'2.2:41. Aberdeen, iliss., Oct. 23, 1883. $115. Edwin Frost. Harrv Hop, 2:39, 2:37, 2:38. Black Pil<»t (3:33). J. Urcher, Minneapolis, Minn., Sept. 14. 1871, $200. Buckskin, Blind Charley d dis), 2:;;", J:.v",. 2:33. Black Kalph (s), blk g (3 :33 si. Chas. Lewis, Lewiston, Minn.. Sept. 15, 18.58. $100. Frank Darner (l 0) (4 0), Jack Bats (4 dis), 2:38. 2:.32, 2:35, 2:33, 2:37. Black Kainbow, blk g (2:30V^), by Stucker's Rainbow. J. P. Stewart, Roekville. Ind., June 20, 1883, $100. Hanging Rock, Fred Drennon, Chestnut Dan. 2:4.s, 2:43.2:46. Diiuville, 111.. June 26. 1883. .$200. Hanging Rock, Black Bird, 2:50, 2:50, 2:53. (J. E. Canrite. Dowagiac. Mich.. Oct. 12, 1883, $120. Fannv GoUklust, Little Tony, Rainbow (l dls), 2-A0%, 2:421... 2::^7l.>. Black Shy. Vilk g (3 :30). J. L. Ward. Janesville, Wis., Sept. 26. 1866. $25. Little John, 2:.30, 2:3.3. Blacksmith Charley (3:34'2), L. C. Neill, Huntsville, Ala., Oct. 11, 1882, $ . Billv King, Sally Watson, 2:.3G. 2:34'i.2:37. Black Weasel, blk g (3 :35)4), bv Longfellow. J. Burton, Bradford, Pa.. June 25, 1879, $.300. Flora J., 2:42, 2:38,2:37. Earlville, 111., August 18, 1880. $3.'>0. Ned Forrester 1 (4 0). Wonderful. Oyster Boy. Capt. Durland, Billy Trump. 2:261^, 2:26?i, 2:2914, 2:321/2, 2:32M, Lincoln, 111., Aug. 27, 1880, $130. Ned Forrester. Blue .Jeans, 2:27, 2:2614, 2:25^4. S. S. Austin. Cheyenne, Wy. T.. Julv 2, I88I. $600. Sucker State, Duster, Fritz, Kansas Baby, 2:28. 2:30, 2:35'/2- C. B. Fish. Leadville, Col.. July 22. 1881, $400. Sucker State 1, 5, Duster 4, 2 :.36, 2:34, 2:3.5M, 2:3914. 2:40i'4, 2:4114. Blanco, b s (3 :43). W. S. Tough. Leavenw^orth. Kan., Sept. 14. 1872, $.50. Billv and mate. 2:55?4, 2 :43, -. Blaze, blk m (3:36Ji), by Tom Hyer. Tom Cone. Monroeville, O.. June 6, 1866, $100. Fannv (1 dis). Lazy Tom (1 dis). 2:36%. Blind Tom, b g (3 :38). J. Sampson, Belmont Park. Phila,, Nov. 2, 1876, $75. Clara Bender. Sore Toes 1 <4 dis), Fannv (1 dis). Sure Cure (1 dis), 2:38. 2:.39. 2:40, 2:40. Nov. 23, 1876, $100. Clara Bender. White Swan. Sore Toes, Richard, Maum H. (2 dis), Fanny (2 dis), Rocket (2 dis), Maggie K. (2 r o). 2:44. 2:4.5. 2:46. T. G. Early. Flemington. N. J., Sept. 27. 1877. .$75. Nancv Daw.son (3 0), Josie H., 2:.38, 2:40, 2:46, 2:46. Blocks, b g (3:38). Buffalo. N. Y.. Oct. 16, 1850, .$V5. Grav Eagle, 2:38, 2:40. 2:38. Blue Boy, blk g (3:36?4). J. M. Baird. Lafayette, Ind., Sept. 2, 1S75.$7.^.. BessieTurner. Sleepy John. Fleety Long, Legal Tender (2 dr), 2:38, 2:.37?i. Blue Dick (3 :47i4). Salt Lake City, Utah, May 30, 1883, .$250. Miserv 1. 2. Tommy H. (l dis), Barney (l dis), 2:45->i, 2 :48Va. 2:4714, , 2:.54. Blue Goose, b g (3 :35). Mr. Frazer. Smyrna, O., Sept. 10, 187.5, $ . Lady Lightfoot, Woodmansee's blk g, 2:3.5. 2:3.s. 2:.39. Blue Maid, rn m (3:34i4). B. F. Silkniitter, Des Moines, la., Sept. 8, 1882, .$.300. Cvclone 1. 2. Belle Mahone 4. 6, Torn Aborn (2 dis), 2:38, 2:3114. 2:4014. 2::l.5i4, 2:34J4, 2:36. 2:42. Oskaloosa, la., Aug. 31, 1882. .$250. Xellv (irant 2. 3. 2:37. 2:36(4. 2:39^4, 2:37, 2:39. Blue Kidge. b g (3:39i4). James Littel, Altoona, Pa.. July 4, 1870. $150. Trouble (3 dis), 2:39^4,2:40)4, 2:401.;. Bob Cottrill. bg(3:33i4). C. S. Ellis. Providence, R. I.Nov. 12. 1851. $100. Dalton 1, 2, Cayuga Maid, 2.391/2, 2:38. 2 :33Vi, 2:36, 2:41. New Orleans, La., Mav 13. 1852. $100. Ladv INIack, 2:37. 2:35, 2:42. St. Louis. Mo.. Jidv 17. 18.52. $,50. Shamrock (s) 1, 2:36, 2:40. 2 :40. (s). Oct. 23, 18.52. $ . Little Nell (s) 2. 3. 2:43. 2:41, 2:37, 2:37, 2:36. Bob Kenny, b g (3:38). C. Sullivan, Syracuse, 111.. Sept. 3, 1874, $100. Black Kettle, 2:.50. 2:424, 2:38. Bobtail, br ni (3 :58V A. R. Ladd. New Hunting Park. Phila.. June 28. 1880, .$40. Bessie, trotter, 2:.58. 2:.59. Bob AV'hite. gr g (3 :3Tii). F. Blakeney. London, O., August 8. 188.3. $^— . Frank S., Molly Rock, Prince, Enigma. Silver Heels. Nettv L.. Billv Gibson (2 dv). Joe Johnson (2 dr), 2:42i4. 2:.37ii. 2:39. Bolivar, ch g (3 :38). J. Predmore. Chicago, 111.. Sept. 29. 1866. .$50. Butcher Bov. Yankee Jim, 2:40, 2:38. Bright Liglit. br s (3:39). bv Legal Tender. S. J. Fleming, Shelbj'ville, III., July 18, 1883, $60. Dandy, 3:25, 3:2.5, 3:20. Paris. 111.. Julv 26. 18X3. .$loo. Fred. Drennon 4, Planter 3, Joe Bowers (4 dr), 2:3414, 2:36y-, 2:.3a. 2:39. 2:341/2. 742 ( IlKSTEUS COMIM.KTK TUO'ITINC; AND i'AClNG JJKCr)Kl). Charleston, 111 , August 3, 1883, «ioo. .loliii Uiirk, Joe Bowers, Lady iVIack d dis), Cray Nathan a \vii I'riiife, br g (3:31;. J. D. iMoore, I'ortsinouth, O., October 23, 1874, $ . Col. Hardy 1, 2:40, 2:31. Brown I'rhu-e. br g {'i :a7i^). c. Slutias, Chieo. Cal., August 30, 1k83, .•S300. .shaker, Fred Ackerman (2 dis) 2:;iOV2. 2 :27Jy, 2:311.1;. ^"o*:''.. f?'*"*'.,'^'*^' ^'^ •****^' ^^ '"■ ^^' ^''""'lers, Kose \alley. X. Y., June 9. 1854, $2.5. Harry Bluff, Lady of Lyons. Bnck Uickeison, eh g (2:2«), by Red Bnek. K. Algaire. Lebanon. Ind., Aug. 25, 1882, §115 Barney Collins 4, 7, Tom Fitznian 5, chestnut Star 3, i>iik Dennin 1 lO dn, Dunian W., Little Jet (5 dr) Billv Hunter (4 dn' Fleetwood (3 dr). No time. L'nlinished. T. Levi.Vineennes, Ind., May IG, 188;3, *1U0. Joe Bowers Jr. 3 (5 0», Blaek K^iinbow 4 (50) Fred Drennon (1 dis), 2:351^, 2:34i^i, 2:a594, 2:40, 2:4.5, 2:41^. v a rn,u J. F. Stuard, Columbus, Hid., June 9, 1883, ^^200. Dr. M. l, Amcriean Bov, Black Bainbow Blaek Be^s 2:27. 2:27'i,2:l!8U, 2:26. Terre Haute, Ind., June 14, 1883, S — . Daisy D., Dr. M.. Blaek Rainbow, 2:28'i, 2-28»4 2 33 June lii, 1883, $200. Daisy D. 2, Blaek Kainbow, Dr. M., Nelly B. (I disi, Haiiging Koek O dis), 2:-.:S>^. Koekville, Hid., June 22, 1883, $1,50. Silvertail 3. Dr. ]M. 1, Black Rainbow. 2:34>a. 2-30% 2-30.2:31'. 2:31»4- a, . . . , Mattoon. 111., July 3. 1883, $300. Black Rainbow, 2:29, 2:29, 2:33. T. Levi, Eaton Rapids, Mich.. Aug. 9, 1883, .$250. Billy M. 1, Gray Benny, Truro, George G., High Jack. Fickle Fanny. 2:.32i'4, 2:;i2?4, 2:3.s, 2:3254. Columbus. Hid., Oct. 20, 1883. $250. Rostraver, 2:32, 2-35, 2:34 Buckskin. dns(3:37), by Red Buck. INI. A. McDonald, Sullivan, 111.. Aug. 10, 1877, $100. Straight Edge 1. Billv Hotspur (4 0^,2:33^4, 2:31. 2:43»4. 2:35. 2:43U. b b . W. McMurlin, West Lebanon, Ind., Sept. 11, 1879, $125. Little Ed 1, Little Barefoot, Black Frank, 2:40, 2:34,2:29,2:28. N. J. Douglass, Sedalia, Mo., Sept. 9, 1880, $200. Gen. Singleton (l o\ Sorrel Nelly, James C, Mountain Maid, Gray Cloud, 2:361^, 2:33, 2:3414. 2:339i. A. B. Dickey, Brownsville, Mo., Aug. 22, 1883, $175. Fallon, John Burke, Nelly Shaw (2 dis), 2:34y. 2:33, 2:32' Higginsville, .Mo., Aug. 29. 1883, $130. Fallon. Countrv C4irl, 2:31. 2:31, 2:35. J. W. Riley. Emporia, Kan., Sept. 27, 1883, $300. Little Jenny 3, Sailor Boy (4 dis), Nelly Shaw (3 dis). 2:32^.1, 2:31k," 2:29, 2:.S0. Fort Scott, Kan., Oct. 5, 1883, $150. Nelly Shaw l, 2, 2 :28. 2 :28'/j, 2 :27. . . Buckskin, dn g (2:39). O. E. Aber, Beaver, Pa., Sept. 15, 1880, $100. Ida INIay 3, Kitty Hoyt. Bay George 2 (3 dr), 2:39, 2:48, ,2:42,2:48. Buffalo Boy, bg (2:33'/2). Dr. McLaughlin, Buffalo, N. Y., July 4, 1874, $100. Hunkidorl 2 (3 0), Shamrock, Diana, Cora (3 r o), 2:33^. 2:3<>y2, 2:35^4, 2:40. Attica, N. Y., Oct. 7, 1874, $45. Vandal, Diana, 2:49, 2:45, 2:45. Oct. 8. 1874, $35. Vandal, Diana, 2:44. 2:45, 2:53. Medina, N. Y., Oct. 29, 1874, $lon. Vandal, 2:42, 2:42. Biiflalo Girl, b m (3:12i4), bv Digitalis, dam by Bobtail Morgan (?). F. Pettibone, Pittsburgh, Pa., Sept. 15, 1881, $1,000. Princess, Sally B.. Captain .lack. Billy G.. Black Cat, Topsey. 2:21i4. 2:2n4.'2:22. Columbus, O.. May 24, 1882, $(i00. Charley H., Joe Bowers Jr., Sailor Boy, George G. (3 dis), Sally B. (3 dis). Winder (2 dis), 2:25, 2:25^. 2:24. Toledo, O., June 1. 1882. $C00. Charley H., Joe Bowers Jr.. Reno. Comet (3 dis), 2:26. 2:2514. 2:27 J^. Jackson, Mich., June 15 and 16, 1882, $800. Lucy 1, 4, Bay Tom, Sweetser (5 dr). Bay Billy (4 dis), 2:28J^, 2:26, 2:27! 2,2:26,2:28. East Saginaw, Mich., June 22. 1882. $800. Lucy 3, Bay Tom, Bay Billy, 2:17?i, 2:15>4, 2:l8i4, 2:15»4. Ionia. Mich.. July 7. 1882, $000. Bay Billy, Sweetser, Bay Tom, 2:26^. 2:25>/2. 2:20?i. Hartford. Conn., Aug. 30, 1882. $l,5(J0. (iem 1. Lucy 4, Flora Belle, Mattie Hunter (1 dis). 2:16, 2:19, 2:l6Jh^, 2:28i4, 2:34, 2:30, 2:.32 Burkett's Koan Mare (2 :31>i). D. Burkett, Indianapolis, Ind., Oct. 6, 1869, $ — . 2:31>i, V.Z&Vt. Against time. Butcher Bill, gr g (2 :36!4). W. Wahl. New Albany. Ind.. Oct. 12. 18ft5. $100. Trueblood's Roan. 2:38. Butcher Boy. ch g (2:38). C. S. Ellis, New Orleans, La., Oct. 15, 1850. Josephine 4, 5, Cato, 1 (4 dis), 2:44. 2 '44 2 *39'4 2:41V^ 2 '.53 2*50 '- W. CottfiTl', Mobile, 'l.i'., March .5, 18.55. $50. Bob Cottrill. 2:.39'i. 2:40i^. Ell. Conivan, St. Louis, Mo., May 22, i860, S.50. Badger Boy 2, 3, May Bell (1 dis). 2:40, 2:38, 2:40, 2:.39. 2 :43. James Rutherford, May 16. 1862, $100. Pic.-ivune 1. 4. Ben Bolt. 3 (4 dis), 2:38, 2:38. 2:.J8, 2,41, 2:46. 2:5»1. John Williams, Nov. 7, 1864, $250, Dutch Dave (w), (1 dis), 2:38. (HESTERS COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 743 Butcher Boy, ar a i3:33). R. H. Mattison, Galesbm;;, 111., Oct. IT, 18C7, $125. Sleepy Bill, Grapevine, 2:35«^^ 2:38 14. Pekin, 111., Oct. 29, 1869, $50. Honest John, 2:43. 2:39. Sept. 22. 1871, $150. Horace Greeley 2, 3, Jeff Davis (l flis\ 2:33, 2M. 2:41, 2:43, 2:42. ButcherGirl, torn; (3:3634). (ieorge R. Logan. Buffalo. N. Y., Nov. 12, 1870, $ . Patclien Jr., George Harrington, 2:3814, 2:36?si, 2:37. ^, ^ ^ „ ,r , *• Buzzy rn g (2:42J^). N, McDonald, Sacramento. Cal., June 17, 1882, $200. Prince 1, Revenue, St. Valentine (2 dls), 2 :43'/2. 2 .43, 2 :42ys. T« t'HKSTElt'S COMlM.KTt: TK()'1T1N(; AM> I'ACINC KKCORD. California Girl, rn m (3:39i4), by Pacing California. O. Whitson, Blanchester. o., Aug. 30, 1883, $150. Emma lUker 2. Little John, 2-M,2:oO. 2M1, i;:39!2. Capitula, eh ni (« :,i5>2 w). 1'. Goodwin, Stockton, Cal., Sept. 13, 1871, $50. Mystery 1 (3 dis), Handy Andy (3 dis), ii:-ll. •J:41'2, . Sept. 20, 1872, $350. Cinco 1, 2, Trifle, 2:36}/o, 2:373.o, 2:34'/2, 2:37, 2:38. 1'. ivennedy, Oakland, Cal., May 4, 1874, $ . Onward, 2:30^4, 2:2914, 2:32i^. ov) iMay 22, 1874, ijiiou. Onward (,\v) 3, Dan Kiee a dis), 2;25J^, 2:31'/i, 2:31'/2, 2:31^. San Francisco, Cal., June 13. 1874, ;$ . Onward, 2:31, 2:33}/4, 2:29?i. Captain Blake, br s ^» :5yj. J. Seligman, Memphis, Tenn., May 18, 1870,$ . Julia Block, Godolphui, 3:04, 2:.J9. Captain Uan, br gt3: 34'/i). J. Osborn, Fairview, O., Oct. 4, 1877, $25. German Charley, Honest George, Charlev Strover, 3:08.3:10, 3:05. (;. \i. Smith, Xewcomerstowu, O., Oct. 5, 1882, $100. Belle Hamill, Molly Maguire, Captain Jack (1 dis), No time. T IviMlev Coshocton O Oct. 12, 1882, $135. Chris Monroe, Belle Hamill, Bay George, 2:40!''2, 2:41^4. 2:4t. Mr. I'erriiH'. Steubeiiville, O.. July 4, 1883, $200. Charley Harvey, 2:2i)'4, 2:33U, 2:2U'2. Captain Durland, brg (3:391^). J. H. Bacon, Des Moines, la.. July 2, 1880, $200. Rattler, Kitty E.Logan, Young Sailor Bov. Bobby, 2:46, 2:45, 2:47?^. Keu OaK, la., Sept. 2, 1880, $200. Little Doll 1, Little Frank 4, Rattler, Frank McCarty, 2:34>^, 2:32^4, 2:.3G'4,2:3.'5,"2:.S6. Plattsmouth, Neb., Sept. 24. 1880, .$200. Little Frank 1, 2,2:28}4, 2:281.^, 2:30, 2:32, 2:29>^. Captain Jaek, b s (2 :'^4^., 1, liv Red Buck. S. H. Himer, Lafayette, Ind., Sept. 3, 1878, $100. Black Cat 1, Kloni Babble 4, 2:41 '4, 2 ::;:;' -, 2:38, 2:37k, 2:o9Vo. T. Davis. Sept. G, ixl'j, $100. Sleepy John. Slow Go, 2:3l?4., 2:29!'2, 2:33',2. Rockville, Ind., Aug. 12, 1880, $ . Jack Rapid 1, Dare Devil 2, Burglar, 2:30'/2, 2:32, 2:.38, 2:40 2:48. (J. Heidiger, Beaver, J'a., Oct. 7, 1881, $125. Belle Arnel 2 (l 0), Sorrel Billy (i 0), 2:3914, 2:39»4, 2:38. 2:31, 2:i-"4. Uiirtford, O., Sept. — , 1882, $300. Kilbuck Tom 2. Hoosier Bill ( 2 died). 2:24i)4, 2:20, 2:25, 2:25>/2. Alliance, O . Sept. 20, 1882, $400. Minnie JS'.. Belle Hamill, J.ittle Em. Best time. 2:28. Miinsfleld Pa. Oct. 18, 1882, $200. Topsy 2, 3. Felix 4, Silver Cloud, Rostraver, Frederick. Fred Evert, 2:265i. 2:28, 2:29V^, 2:29U, 2-2814, 2:30. Oct. 19, 1882, $100, Silver Cloud, 2:27»/i, 2:29'i, 2:29. Captain Kinney, b g (2 :37J^). George Futcher, Nashville, Tenn., 1855, $ . John K. Edmonson 2, 2:30J^, _':3!'.i, 2:3.3, 2:.32. Wm. Pflfer. New Orleans, La., Feb. 3, I80G. $000. Frank Pierce 2 (30), 2:24^, 2:23Ji, 2:25, 2:29,2:29. \V. T. Cheatham, Nashville. Tenn., May 12, 18,09. $2,000. Futcher's gr m l (2 dis), 2:36i/2, 2:3.5. .Mcmjyhis. Tenn., June 9, 18G0, $2,000. Jim Reilly (s) 2, 2:37, 2:321^, 2:33^i, 2:341^. Captain Walker, b s (3 :37}.^), by Tecumseh, dam by AVhip. Indianapolis, Ind,, Oct. 3, 1873, $ — . Tooth- l)ick 1, Osceola. Best timer, 2 :43. Stallions. Carlos, bg (3:35). F. Gurley, Toledo, O., Aug. 14, 1868. $125. Blue Boy 2,2:41i4. 2:36?i, 2:35. 2:40i>i. Carrie M.. blk m (3:39i4). by Cornell's Ethan Allen. Jr. G. IL Munger, Cambridge. HI., Aug. 27, 1876, $100. Tardy 2 (3 dis), 2:45, 2:.56, 2:3914. Cataract, b g(3:33). R. Smith, Dover, N. H., Oct. 8. 18.58. $50. Tecumseh. Dalton. 2:35,2:35. Manchester. N. H., Sept. 1.5, 1859, $.50. Tecumseh 1. 2:30, 2:32, 2:34. Concord, N. H., Sept. 29. 18.59, $100. Tecumseh, 2:41'/2, 2:36, 2:;i8. Cayui^a Maid, b m (3 :38). James Wheljiley, Union Course, L. I., Aug. 17, 1848. $ . Mountaineer 1, 2:37i/4, 2;:J7. 2:41, 2 38. L WoodnifT. May 17, 1850, $ . Lady Bevins (1 dis), 2:28. (w) M. Maguire. Oct. 21, 18.50. .«! . Lady Bevins (w). d dis), 2:39K'- (w).l. 1). McMann, Nov. 13, 18.50, $1,50. I'.ady Bevins (w) 3, Pelham, trotter, 5:12>4, 5:14V2, 5:19yj, 6:31. Two miles. I. Woodruff. Saratoga, N. Y., Atig. 2, 1851, .$400. Ladv Bevins (1 dis). Dan Miller (1 dis),2:30 Celerity (3:.'iO). Haverhill, Miss., Julv 4, 1881, .$ . Billy, 2:.59, 3:01, 2:5C. Centreville Maid, b m (3:35'/2). A. Schwab, Hamilton, O., Aug. 30, 186G.$400. Cricket. Western Harry (2 dis). 2:29>4, 2:25'/2, 2:32V4. Toiri Harper. Cincinnati. O., Nov. 21. 18G7. $ . TIpno Saib (2 dis). 2:49i.i. 2:2814. .. . Change, b t,M3:l»4). A. Goldsmith. Suffolk Park. Phil., Mav 10. 1880. $400. Billy Scot 1, Clinker, tstarlight, 2:29, 2:2ii4. 2:294, 2:3.5. Washington, D. (;., June 2, 1880, .$,500. Billv Scott 2. Clinker 1.2:24, 2:25i/i,2:23i4, 2:23^6, 2:28. CharleH N., h jj (3 ::iSi}. Hidianapolis, Ind . Sept. 28, 1882. $1300. Daisy IX, Hoosier Jim, 2:37*i, 2:36, '2:36%. CharleH Shattuc-k, gr g (2 :34). V. Laffertv, Wheeling, W. Va., Oct. 13. 1865, .$1.50. Sleepy Dave 1, 3, George, Copperbottom. 2:48U, 2:.3,5>4, 2:37i.i, 2:34'i, 2:."?0i.,. Pittsburgh, Pa., Nov. -. 1865, .$ . Sleepy Dave,2:.34, 2:.36'/2. 2:38. ,,^,„, r^ ,, „ Charles .Shear, b g (3 :33). M. C. Shear, San Francisco, Cal., Dec. 18, 1863, $250. William Tell, Creeper, 2:41, 2:43'/2, 2:;i9. Dec. 25, 1853, $200. Ned Magowan (2 dis), 2:49. 2:.37. E. Fulton. Feb. 22, 18.5G, $1,000. Ladv Mac (w). 2:40. 2:41. 2:39. Oct. 11, 1856, $100. Post Boy, Joe Wilson, Silvertail (3 dr), 2:34, 2:34, 2:32. ClIKSTElfS (JOMI'LEXE TKOTTING AND I'ACING UECOKD. 745 Charley (2:37). S. E. Ray, Charleston, 111., Oct. 10. 1873, §110. Dick, Patsey 2 (4 dis\ Bay Dick (4 dis), Khoda Redback U dis). Crazy Dick (1 dis), 2:37. 2:42'2, 2:40, 2:41. Charley, blk )i vi -MGKi). M. Tyler, Fleetwood Park. N. Y., June 17, 1878, $400. Maggie, trotter 1, 4 (20), St. lieorge, trotter, Aleck, trotter, 2:40, 2:40>2. 2:37)4. 2:40., 2:39, 2:42. Oct. 7. 1878, SIOO. Aleck, trotter, 2:37, 2:36i^4, 2:3714. • (vv) Nov. 2, 1878, $150. Blind Boy, Aleck, trotter (w), 2:41, 2:42, 2:41. • Nov. IG, 1878, .$100. Dewdrop (vv), 5:41, n:25y2, 5:25. Two miles. Eagle, 3:281/4, 3:27. Dundas (3 dis), Topsy T. 1 (2 dis), Charley, blk s (3 :'i7). D. Bergainini, New Orleans , La., June 20, 1881. .1i!75. Charley Bates, b g (3:35). P. Curreu, Brantford, Out., Aug. 11, 1881, §300. Billy G., Arthur Boy, 2 ::?0^4, 2:3,% 2:3.5. Charley K., bg (3 :33;. B. (ilenn, Washington. Kan.. Sept. 13. 188,3. .?100. John D. 4, 5, Minnie Lee 1. Rosa H. (6 dr), Bizzie T. (5 dr), Charley Lewis i4 dis;, i'hil Sheridan u drj, Liglitfoot(4 dr), Ben Lomond (2 dis). 2:39, 2::i8?i. 2:36'i. 2:3C, 2:35, 2:32. Charley Evans (Loder), rn g (3:31'4,). ,T. W. Wilson. Lowell. Mich., June 20, 1872, .$600. Dan Voorhees, Ann (1 dis), (;eorge Fisk (1 dis), 2:34)^, 2:4914. Cambridge, Ind., June 5, 1872, $500. Hoosier Tom, Dan Voorhees, Hunkidorl (2 dis), 2:21}4, 2:22^, 2;2!)).4. C'onnersville. Ind., Sept. 6. 1872, S200, Aucti - 7a. Akron, O., Oct. 7, 1881, $200. Sweetser l, 2, Flying Hiatoga Jr,, Granger Pete, 2:26, 2:22, 2:26, 2:29 '>-28 J. T. Dewey. Wheeling, W. Va., June 8, 1882. .$400. Bay Jim 2, Wake Up Jake, Little Mae, Felix, George G., Sorrel JoUn (1 dis), Capt. Jack (1 dis), 2:27. 2:23, 2:25io, 2:28i<.. Erie, Pa., June 29, 1882. $500. Bay Jim, Eddy D., Mattie Hunter, Don Carlos (3 dr», Ben Hamilton l (2 dis). 2:35, 2:2514, 2:27)4, 2:26. W. P, Maxwell, Seville, O.. July 19, 1882, .$ . Bay Jim. Felix. Minnie M.. 2:26, 2:25'/2, 2:26. J. T. Dewey, Springfield, O., July 17, 1882, $200. Flora Belle 3. Sweetser, Little Ed, Sally B. (2 dis), 2:25. 2:2214. 2 :22'4. 2:27. Chilicothe, O., Aug. 18. 1882, $ . Deck Wright, trotter. Rattling Jim. Sailor Boy, 2:23, 2:28, 2:25. W. P. Maxwell. Indianapolis, Ind., Sept. 28, 1882, $ . Daisy D., Hoosier Sam, 2':,32, 2:25?4, 2:26. .1. T. Dewey, Newark, O., Oct. 5, 1882, .$200. Sleepy Rock, 2:5l", 2:45, 2:34?^. W. Gray. Frankfort. Ind., Aug. 28. 1883. $140. Rostraver, Bugger, 2:34, 2:33, 2:.37. Charley Harvey (3 :38). Smithfield, O., Sept. 24, 1880, $ . Bay Molly. Bay Sally. Sorrel Lady. Best time 2:38. . . Cherokee Girl, m m (3:33). E. A. Smith, St. Joseph, Mo.. Julv 6. 1870, $100. Brown (ieorge, Red Rover, 2:32,2:34)4. " Chestnut Star, ch s (3 :33). by Red Buck, dam by Sleepy Abe. J. Miesse, Crawfordsville. Ind., Sept. 12. 1882, $100. Raven Boy. I^uid Pilot. (3 dis). Gray Belly (1 dis). Dick Smith (1 dis), 2:3714, 2:,34i4, 2:34?i. Sept. 13, 1882, .$200. Sllvertail, Blackbird (2 dis), 2:294, 2:29^4, 2:30. Sept. 14, 1882, $300. Silvertail. Rosewood, Romeo, 3:42. 3:47. Mile and three quarters. Lafayette, Ind., Sept. 0, 1883, $400. Rostraver 1, Bald Hornet. Charley H., 2:27)4, 2:27)i, 2:38, 2:27\. Crawfordsville, Ind.. Sept. 13, 1883, $300. Brightlight 2, Rugger, , 2:.33. 2:31?i, 2:33. " Chicago. 111., Oct. 8 and 9, 1883, $1,000. Daisy D. 3, r,. Wikl Frank 4. George G., Billy Scott, 2:22i.^. 2:24. 2 :24i/2, 2 :2.5)4, 2 :25|^, 2 :22. Chief, b g (3 :34,'/2). T. Miles, Winnepeg, Man.. Sept. 14, 1883, ,$,500. Gyps^ Joe, Willy H., 2:28)4, 2:261.1, 2:34J£ Sept. 15, 1883, .$.500. Gen. Sarsfleld (trotter), Dutch Girl (trotter), 2:29?4, 2:2514, '2:30. S. B. Lovejoy. Sept. 17, 1883, .$ . 2:241/3. To beat 2:25. Chieftain, b g (3 :38i4). Gus Glidden, Cambridge, Ind., June 6, 1872, $450. Ben Butler. Anthonv, .Hunki- dori, two others (1 dis), 2:28)4, 2:29U, 2:28i/2. Cinderella, blk m (3 :35V^). Centreville, L. I., June 15, 18.51. ,$30. American Boy, Broderick, 2:43, 2:38, 2:41, Clara D., rn m (3 :39i!4), by Arabian Spot, dam by Woodmansee's Tuckahoe. G.'S. Dole, Crown Point, Ind., O/t. 15, 1882, $ . Bennv. Frank L., 2:31?4, 2:29^4, 2:.37. R. Bellman, Goshen, Iiid., Oct. 11. 1883. $150, Big Brown Jug, Roy D., 2:42%. 2:46i/2, 2:34)4. Clay Culbertson, grg,(3:3o-4). M. Shanlan. Connersville. Ind., Nov. 2, 1866, .$100. Hoosier ~Tom 1. Legal Tender, 2:33. 2:,30?4, 2'.32)4. Climax, gr g (3 :33|4). C. Brimmer. Frederick, Md., Oct. 13, 1874, $575. Indiana. 2:36ii, 2:361^, 2:,33'/2. Clinker, blk s (3:30), by Sam Hazzard. J. Longshore, Topeka, Kan., July 9, 1878, $ . Sleepv Tom, 2:39. 2:39. Mendota, 111., Aug. 15, 1878, .$3.50. Sucker State, Black Weasel, Rowdy Boy, Oyster Boy (2 dis), Fred Everett (1 dis), 2:41, 2:42, 2:34. Galesburg, 111., Sept. 3, 1878, $200. Sucker State 1, Black Weasel, Fred Everett, 2:25)4, 2:22)4, 2:31)4, 2:25)4. Sept. 5. 1878, .$300. Sucker State, Black Weasel, 2:22. 2:24%. 2:28. Danville, 111., Sept. 19, 1878, .$200. Rowdy Boy 3, 4. Sucker State, Bald Hornet (I dis), 2:24, 2-22, 2-25, 2:33' 4. 2:30. Springfield, 111., Sept. 26, 1878, $100. Sucker State, Highlander. 2:54, 2:26%. Suffolk Park. Philadelphia, May 15, 1879, $250. William C, Little Mac, John S.. Comet, Gray Joe 2-22 2:28, 2:29'i. Ambler Park, Pa.. May 21 and 22. 1879. $200. William C, Comet, John S., Gray Joe, 2:28, 2:28, 2-37 Belmont Park, Philadelphia, May 29, 1879, .$.300. Comet 1, William C, Little Mac, John S. 2, (3 dis). 2:28'4, 2:30)4, 2:26)4. 2:29. 2:32Vg. Uhrichsville, O.. June 5, 1879, $250. Sorrel Billv I, Billv Scott, Ned McCann, 2:26i2, 2:24, 2:24, 2:28. Xenia, O., July 22, 1879, .$350. Billy Scott 2. 3. Sorrel Billy, 2:26. 2:28, 2:29)4, 2:30. 2:28. Prophetstown 111.. Aug. 7. 1879, .$ . Billv Scott 2, .3, Black Weasel, Dexter. 2:24.2:24. 2:28, 2:26, 2 :24^. .VIendota, 111., Aug. 12. 1879. .$3.50. Billv Scott ,3, Black Weasel l, 2:28. 2:26, 2:29, 2:25, 2:26. Earlville, 111., Aug. 20, 1879. .$400. Billv Scott 1. 2. 2:2.5)4, 2:241/2, 2:26Vi, 2:28)4. 2:37, Columbus. ()., Aug. 29, 1879. .$300. Sorrel Billy 3, Billy Scott, Comet, Katie F., Nelly Gray, Stella, Capt. Dan, 2:2014. 2 :20!4, 2:20Vii. 2:25i2 Cleveland, ()., Sept. 3. 1879. .$400. Billv Scott. Katie F., Comet. Capt. Dan, 2:25'/^, 2:2314. 2:25. Toledo. O.. Sept. 11. 1879. $400. Comet, Billy Scott. Shaker Boy, Katie F., 2:25%, 2:25)4, 2:24. Columbus, O., Oct. 2, 1879, S500. Billy Scott, Sorrel Billy, Black Weasel, 2:22 2:23i/2, 2:24. 74(i CHESTEUS COMJ'J.ETE TUOTTINU AM) TACINC! liE(»)lil» East Saginaw, Mich., June IG, 1880. Sl.oon. Billy Scott 2, Raid Hornet, Svvcctscr, 2:20, 2:21'.,. 2:22V, 2:23J4- Columbus, <»., .Tuly 1. isso, .««00. Billy Scott, Buld Hornet, Sweetser, Lincoln, 2:244, 2:2S, 2:21. Cincinnati. O., .luly r>, It-xu. SCOO. Sweetser, Jack Havcrly 1 (.3 dis), 2:3,'), 2:33,2::i3, 2:30. Minneapolis. .Minn., Sept. ;», I8S0, STuO. Wonderful, Ben Hamilton, 2:25, 2:2G, 2:.'{2. Kansas (itv. -Mo., Sept.2.i. 1880, ■ST.'jO. Billy Scott 1. Ben Hamilton. •>::ix, 2:41. 2:40. 2:4.5. Coldwiiter Hill.v. )j;r K i3 :'-43). U. \ au Voorliees, Pittsbiugh, I'a., Aug. 8, 1807. *200. Ited Rover 3, Jinim) Doolan, 2::!I';. 2:2»;, 2:41,2:34. Sept. IT, 1S67, S . Gray Eagle 1, 2, Yankee Sam, 2:25, 2:2,'i, 2:23, 2:24, 2:23. Washington, D. C, N'ov. 9. 1867, SlOO. 2:28. To beat 2:26. Lost. Nov. 13. lS(i7, §1,000. Hover, 2::55, 2:31k». Zanesville, O., Oct. is, 1871, S2(K). J{:ittling Jim l. Harry, Sleei)y Tom (1 disV 2:.'?9>/i, 2:41, 2:37'/,, . Pittsburgh, I'a., Octolicr 28, 1871, "SISO. Battling Jim 2, Harry, Gyi)sy Roan, Nancy, 2:271^, 2:27>4, 2:20. 2:2C;4. Ci>loiiel Dickey, bg (2:23), by Strathiiiorc. T. J. Middagh, Philipsburgh.N. J., Julv7,1882, S . 2:36,2:34. 2:36. W. H. Brown. Middletovvn, Del.. Sept 20, 18X2, $400. Estella 3. Lady Light Best time. 2:26. Freehold, N. J., Sept. 13, 1883, .S250. Screwdriver, Pedro, 2:50H, 2:51'/:, 2:50?i. Sept. 15, 188.3, .SIOO. Eddy C, 2:34'.,, 2:33?^. 2:3CV4. Waverlv Park, N. J., Sept. 21, 1883, .f200. Estella 1, EUwood, Eddy C, Cretane, Maggie F. (1 dis), Gossip Jr. (1 (lis)," Pedro (1 dis), 2:27?4, 2:;!3,4. :i:;{0'i. 2:31'/,. Colonel Oickey. ch g (3:34). J. Broder, Visalla, Cal., Oct. 18, 1883, $150. Oakland Boy 4, 5, Ben Butler 1, 2 (0 dr), 2'34, 2:33)^, 2:34'4. 3:34/i, 2:.'i8'.i, 2:.36. 2:.34. Colonel Freniont.'ihg (3 :39"2j. ' J. C'ai'npi)ell, .Sail Francisco, Cal., Nov. 5, 1854, $500. Creeper 3, 4, 2:43!4, 2:3!!'., 2:41, 2:46' i. 2:42>^. Colonel Jack, ch g (3 :33i|). E. M. Johnson, Oleaii N. Y., Sept. 30. 1880, $200. Tom Wonder Jr. 1, 2 (5 dr). Belle Brown, Nellv, 2:39'4, 2:3314, ->:42. 2:33!4 2:,50Vs. Columbus, rng (3:51). W. Goldman, Philadelphia, Pa., May 23, 1882, S • Indian Chief, Guess, 3:03. 3:00. Conu-t, gr g (3:33). S. A. Tanner, Suffolk Park, Ph:l., May 14, 1877, $150. Stella, Innocent Sam. Blind Tom, Soreloes (1 dis), John (1 dis), 2:31. 2:33^4, 2:34. .luue 2.5, 1877, $150. Innocent Sam. Soretoes, 2:31^4. 2:30, 2:29'4, 2:33^, 2:33'4. Point Breeze Park. Phil. Aug. 15, 1877, $200. Soretoes, Stella, William, Maggie W., Josie (3 dis), Fanny (1 dis). 2:36, 2:.3,-). 2:33'4. Pottstown. I'a., Sept. 15, 1877, $150. Innocent Sam, 3. 4, Josie. Stella (2 dis), 2:36, 2:33»4, 2:43'/2. Philadelphia. Pa.. Sept. 21, 1877, $100. William C. 3. Stella. Innocent Sam, Josie, 2:30'/,, 2:30. 2:30. 2:33. Point Breeze i-ark, Phila.. Nov. 5 and 7, 1877, $150. Annie Boyd 2, 4, Innocent Sam, 2:29, 2:30, 2:32, 2:28, 2 "28 '- P. Gallagher, Belmont Park, Phila., May 22 and 23, 1878, $150. William C. 1, 2, Innocent Sam, 4, 2:32, 2:30, 2:31 '/i, 2:31, 2:38, 2:39M. Point Breeze Park, Phila., June 4, 1878. $300. William C. 2, Innocent Sam, 2:25>4, 2:30i^, 2:28'/2, 2:31. Suffolk Park. Phil., Sept. ,5, 1878, .$ . Innocent Sam, William C, 2:29. 2:2<). l.':27. Woodbury, N. .J., Sept. 17 and 18, 1878, .Sl,50. John C, William C, 1, 2 (5 dis). Innocent Sam (5 dis), Bill Carnev (l dis), 2:.'U, 2:30, 2:29'2, 2:31. 2:30'2. Ambler Park. Pa., Sept. 28. 1878, $150. Innocent Sam, Mamie Goble, John S. 1, 2 (4 dis), William C. (1 dis), 2:3»;'4. 2:;J6'4, 2:33}^, 2:32i2, 2:46. Suffolk Park, Phila., Sept. 30, 1878, $l,000. William C. 2, 4, 2:26 2:28 2:27. 2:.31';. 2:34. Comet, gr m (3:31>i). .J. W. Yoinig. Norwalk, O., Aug. l."., 1S78. $200. Nellv (Jray'l, 2, Charley H.. John Steiner (1 dis), 2:30, 2:29i-2, 2:30, 2:31J4, 2:30. Newark, O., Oct. 15, 1878, $500. Billy Scott 1, 2, Nelly Gray 3, Sorrel Billy (3 dis), Kilbuek Tom (1 dis), 2:2814, 2:26, 2:30, 2:31, 2:30, 2:33?i. Lee & Sherman, New London, O., Sept. 17, 1879, $150. Charley H. 1, Dick Taylor, 2:32i^, 2:31, 2:32U, 2:29'/2. Findley. O., July 1. 1880, $200. Ohio Maid 1, Honest Jim, Hiatoga Belle, Kilbuek Tom, 2:29, 2:26. 2:33, 2"31. Toledo. O.. Sept. 14, 1880, $400. Sorrel Billy, 2:46, 2:48, 2:mu. Sept. 1.5, 1881, .$400. Charlcv H. 1. 2:3lK'. 2:30'4, 2:31'/4, 2:28. Sept. 22, 1881, $100. Mamhrino Kawleigli trotter, Commodore P. trotter, 2:40, 2:47'/i, 2:65'4. Commodore, b g (3:37). T. Loomis. New Orleans, La.. Nov. 18. 1864, $500. Little Tom, 1, 2:46. 2:36i/4, 2:37. W. S. Rogers, .fu:ie 20, l.H(;5, .iPTOO. Reindeer, .lulia (2 dis), 2:3.5, 2:32^. J. McDonald, Aug. 12, 1867. $.'.000. Duke of Orleans, 2:27, 2:33. Conductor, ch g (3 :34i4). J. S. Sherwood, Galveston, Te.\., May 3, 1883, $200. Cotton Plant, 3, 2:38, 2:34k, 2::{414, 2::j8l^. Conlixk^H Ro»n Geldinj?, (John McKinncv & James Conlisk), (3:33). J. Conlisk. Burlington, la., Sept. 28, 1865, .$ . Taslev's b m, Perkins' gr s'. 2:29, 2:29. Cooper's Chestnut Gelding:, (3::iOi;). Frank Cooper, Rushville, Ind., Sept. 10, 1874,$ . BenButlerS, Tinnie, Sally. ?:.32^, 2:.30'4, 2:27J£, 2:32'^. Copperbottom. rn g (3:19^). W. H. Ewing, Pittsburgh, Pa., Sept. 14, 1872. $1,000. Harry 1, 4, Dan Voorhees (4 «iis). Cvpsv Pio;in, 2 (3 cfis), Coldwater Billv (1 dis). 2:23, 2:2.5. 2:22'/,, 2:24, 2:29. 2:31. In(ll;iii;ipolis, Ind.. Oct. 2. 1872, .$800. Dan Voorhees .3, 4, Harry 2, Hoosier Tom, Charley Evans (2 dis), Red Bank d ). C. Yapp, Beacon Park. Boston. Oct. 10. IKS'.'. $100. Black Jack. 2:36. 2:39, 2:.38. Cora Peru, ch m (3 :40). C. M. Emcrick, Elkhart, Ind., July 3 1877, $100. Goshen Girl. Dexter, Nelly, Flying Cloud (I dis), 2:40, 2:41U,, 2:40. Coretto, b m (3:19). by Winthrop. dam bv Ky. Hunter. L. E- Yates, Oakland, Cal., Sept. 5, 1882, $500. Ouida, Ladv Haves. Oakbmd Boy (1 dis). 2:2:)!^, 2:22'4. 2:24. — Sept 9. 1882. $800. (iibraltiir. .Tohnny Wcigle. IjaAv Hayes (1 disV 2:20. 2:19, 2:21^. Sacramento. Cal., Sept. 14, 1S82. $500! Ouida 1. Lady Hayes, Oakland Buy. 2:24. 2:23iji. 2:25. 227. CHESTER'S rOMPLETK TIt()TTI\(; AND I'ACINCJ RECORD. 747 San Jose, Cal., Sept. 28, 1882, $300. Johnny Weigle. Washington, 2:24, 2:26»4. 2:34?4. Cotton Picker, ch m ('-J:37'4), by Red Buck. F. J. VVorlow, Norwalk, O., Oct. 30, 1873, 'JTS. Sorrel Frank 1, Brown Kit (.2 disi. Red Clond U dis). Honest Bob (1 dis), 2:41, 2:37'4, 2:39'4, 2:37. W. Einmeret, Flora, 111., Oct. 3, 1874, .$70. Honest Ned, Red Dick, 2:45, 2:41, 2:47. Marengo, 111., June 17. 1875, $ . i.ady Patcher. Forest City Girl, 2:47. 2:40, 2:41. • Flora, 111., Sept. 29. 1875, S175. HoosierXom 1,2, Silver Heels, I'ompey Jones, 2:30}4, 2:28^, 2:28^, 2:27>4, 2:31. •Birniinghani. O.. Sept. 18. 1882. S . Sorrel Dan Robin. No time. »n Plant, gr g(3:34}/3). B. (ialvin, New Orleans, Cotton Plant, gr g(3:34,4). B. (ialvin, New Orleans, La,, July 4, 1881, .1f75. Alice Parker, Murdock, Charley, 2:39'/^. 2:40Vi. March 12, 1882. .$500 and sulky. Murdock (2 0) (3 dr), Elmo (1 dis). Honest John (1 dis), 2:41, 2:37%, 2:36. March 19, 1882. Prize sulky. Murdock 1, 2:40, 2:35, 2:40, 2:50. Cow Driver, b g (3:36). C. S. Ellis, Detroit, Mich., June 24, 1853, .$100. Nelly (,s) 2:43, 2:37, 2:42. July 21, 1853, .$100. Nelly (s) l. 2, 2:42. 2:48. 2:38, 2:36. 2:41. Crazy Jane (s), (2:39^4 s). Roche.ster, N. Y., Sept. 24, 1857, $300. Pennsylvania Dutchman (w), 2:41, 2:41, 2:391^. Crazy Sam (2:3Til. Eaton. O.. Sept. 28, 1876, $ . Pocahontas 2, 2:3794'. 2:40. 2:42, 2:43'2. Creamnut, dn m (3:33>iK A. J. McKimmin, Rutherford Co.,Tenn., July*. 1877, $50. Molly Ford 3, Dan Mollov (1 dis), 2:33' 2, 2:37. 2:37i;;. 2:37'4;. Creole, br m (3 :30). A. A. Hall. Erie, Pa., Aug. 17. 1869. $75. Sleepv Jane 1 (3 dis), 2:.34, 2:319i, 2:30. Burton, O.. Aug. 18. 1870, $1.50. Sorrel Frank 2. 4. Shackleford (1 dis), 2:39i^. 2:42. 2:42. 2:42^, 2:41. Crowder, br g(3:37). S. G. Larlniore. Newark. O.. June 19. 1873. .$600. Harrv Lee. Sleepy Frank 2 (3 dis), 2:52'i 2:5354.2:47. '- P. Gardner" Evansville. Ind.. July 4, 1873. $ ; Posev Bov (1 dis), 2:37. Crown Point (3:36K Olney, 111., July ,5, 1879, .$200. Sorrel Dan 1, 3, Dan Webster, 2:27. 2:26, 2:29, 2:30}^ 2:2814. Cyclone, b g ^3 :31V4). J. O. Taylor. Atlantic. la.. June 7, 1882, $200. Big Sam, John C. (2 dis), Charley D. f2dis). 2:47K>. 2:41. 2:45. C. A. Thompson. Des Moines. la.. Sept. 6, 1882. ,$300. Blue Maid, Nelly Grant, Belle Mahone 1, 2 (3 dis), Tom Aborn (3 dis\ 2 :34^, 2 ■.Z?^. 2 :33?i, 2 :364. 2:.38. Creston, la., Sept. 29, 1882, $300. Sleepy Tom, Sleepy Jim (2 dis). Tanglefoot (2 dis), 2:34, 2:3334, 2:31«4- 748 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. B Daisy, b m (8 -AOy^). B. Dickerson, Shelbyville, Ind., Sept. 8, 1881, $100. Surprise 2, 3, Patchen, Geii Scott, 2:41, 2:41. 2:40.2:401^.2:41^. Daisy D., br in (2:a354), by Blaok Steer, dam bv Brown Pilot. B. Dickerson, ("olumlms, Ind.. Aug. 31, 1882, S! . Stella Foster. l/olly Dillon, Lydia. Best time 2 :,w. Shelbyville, Ind., Sept. 7, 1x82. .$G0. Stella Foster. Lida Ander.son. Dolly Dillon, 2-A0%., 2:39^. 2:4o!4. Sept. b. 1882, S180. Stella Foster, Lida Ander.son. Dolly Dillon, 2:3i)i4. 2:40. 2:39V2. L. W. Sineiair, Crawfordsville. lud.. May 24, 1883, $200. Buck Dickerson 2, George Gordon 3, Black Bess, Mary Taylor, 2:26!i. 2::50. 2:271^2,2:28. 2:32. La Salle, 111., July 2G, 1883. S400. Billy Scott 4, Silvertail 3, Vasco, Lottie P., 1 (2 dis), 2:279i, 2:27, 2:27'4, 2 "3.') 2:34'" 2:29!r<». — y. NewlVroi'ceciar Rapids. la., Aug. 10, 1883, $400. Billy Scott 1, 2, Silvertail, Chief, Lottie P., 2:25i/s, 2:27, 2:27ii,2:28, 2:32. Ottawa, 111., Aug. 16. 1883, $400. Billy Scott 1, Silvertail. Chief. Lottie P.. 2:25. 2:25i4, 2:26, 2:27i4. Geneseo, 111., Aug. 23, 1883. $400. Billy Scott 1,3, Silvertail, Lottie P. (.5 dis). Chief (5 dis), 2:27,2:2814,2:31, 2:28, 2:31. Davenport, la., Aug. 31. 1883, $.500. Billy Scott. Silvertail. Vasco. 2:263^, 2:29. 2:30. DesMoines, la., Sept. 5. 1883, $300. Belle MahoneS, Frank W., Vasco, Lottie P. (4 dis). Chief (1 dis), Cyclone (1 dis). 2:22'4. 2:27. 2:26'/2. 2:27?4. Sept. 6, 1883, .$500. Billy Scott, Silvertail. 2:2414, 2:27, 2:2714. Peoria 111., Sept. 11, 1883, $ . Silvertail. Peoria Boy, Lottie P., 2.31J/>. 2:29^. 2:34. Quincy, 111., Sept. 14, 1883, $500. Silvertail. Vasco, Newhope, Kowdv Girl. 2:2.514. 2 :26-!4. 2:22i4. Kansas, City, Mo., Sept. 18, 1883, $400. Nettle Kernan, Hariy (iolddust, 2:32, 2:32i/2. 2:29. Sept. 20, 1883, $800. Sailor Boy 1, Billy Scott, Winder, ,loe Bowers Jr. (2 dis), 2:27. 2:271^, 2:28^, 2 :28V<^. Sioux City, la., .Sept. 22, 1883, $ — . Billy Scott, 3, 2:3014, 2:27 J^:, 2:24i^. 2:.12'/2. Dalton, b g (2 :"33). H. Woodruff, Boston, Mass., Aug. 10, 1849, $ . Cayuga Maid, 2:.'?8, 2:35'.i, 2:37. Oct. 17, 1851, $ . Bill Meyers. White's ch m 2:34, 2:36"^. Nov. 1, 1851, $ . Bones '2, 2:.38, 2:35, 2:.38. 2:38. R. Titus, Nov. 19, 1851, $ . Bones, Bob Cottrill 1 (2 dis). Bill Myers (2 dis), 2:39. 2:3.3. 2:41, 2:39. Dan, gr g (2 :.35). Martin Quinn, Parkersbnrg, W. Va., Oct. 3, 1872. $75. Billy 1, 2:35. 2:35?4. 2:439i. Dan, b g (2 :30). M. McDoiuild, Fleetwood Park, N. Y., June 20. 1877. $100.' Harry (2 dis), 2:30, 2:36i4. Dan. brg (3:37). J. Simpson, Woodstock, Out., June 19. 1880. .$90. Musette, Gyjtsy Joe. 2:51^, 2:43?i, 2:4.5. Brantford, Out., June 25, 1880. $150. Sunnyside. Lady Price, 2:44. 2:.56»4, 3:02. Hamiltou, Out., Julv 5, 1880, $90, Dundas 2, 4. Sunnyside, Lady Price 1 (3 dis), 2:41, 2:41^4, 2:44, 2:40i4, 2:.37, 2:44%. St. Thomas, Ont.. Aug. 19. 1880. $100. Topsy l, Sunnyside, Tom. No time. Dan, b g (2:56i4). F. Smith, Peru, Ind., Aug. 16, 1881, $ . Gyp.sy, 2:56i.i, 2:,58. Dandy Boy, chg(3:34). T. W. Foster, N. Vernon, Ind., Aug. 8, 188.3, $ . Frank S. 4. Columbus Girl 6, NeUy B. 3. Bob R., Joshua Whitcomb (4 dr), Will Bill (4 dr). No time. 0.sgood. Ind.. Aug. 15, 1883, $ . Frank S. 1, Kelly B. 3 (5 0). Columbus Girl, Greenwood (2 dis), 2:59?i, 3:00, 3:01, 2:.59i^, 3:00, 3:00. Columbus. Ind., Oct. 17, 1883, $200. Gray John, Frank L., Moses, Nelly B. (2 dis). Wheeler (2 dis), Nettie S. (2 dis), 2:36, 2:39 J4. 2:34. Daniel Webster (w), ch g (2 :25?4). J. M. Daniels, Boston, Mass., Oct. 19,18.53,$ . Dalton (w), 2:41, 2 37 2 :31 '■ A. J. Ellis, San Francisco, Cal., July 16. 1854. $.500. Lady Mac, 2:36. 2:35'2, 2:36K'- Oct. 12, 1854, $ . Joe Wilson 4, 5(3 0), Charles Shear (2 dr), 2-:M. 2:32, 2:32^, 2:31. 2:32, 2:39. Dec. 10, 18,54. $.300. Lady Mac 3, 2:28, 2:29. 2:29}^, 2:32'!.. Siicramento, Cal., June 20, 1855, $400. Wisconsm Chief 1, 2. Price McGrath (1 dis), 2:2714, 2:27, 2:30, 2:31, 2:31. San Francisco, Cal. July 6. 1855. .$2,000. Price McGrath (3 dis), 2:29, 2:29, 2:29. March 26. 18.56. .$'.'00. Fred .lobnson. Young America. Joe Wilson (1 dis>, 2:29>6 2:28i,i. 2:30. Sept. 6, 1856, $2,000. .New York, trotter 2. 5:22. 5:21, 5:23K>. Two miles. Feb. 1, 18.57. .$.500. Young America (w). 2:3.3. 2:27, 2:27. (W) Mr. Porter. Jan. 28. 18.58. $ . Silvertail. Billy Blossom 1 (4 dr), 2:.3.3, 2:.33M. 2:34^^, 2:40. Joliii Crooks. Sacramento, Cal.. Aug. 8. 18.58. .$200. Fred Johnson (2 dis), 2:30, 2:33. Sept. S. 1858, .$2.''>0. Fred Johnson. •J:.32'4. 2:25%, 2:29. San Fniueisco. Cal., .liin. 9. 18.59, .$ . .Fohn Collier (2 dr), 2:32. W. M. White, Oct. 8, I860, .$.500. Silvertiiil. 2:42, 2:.36. C. Marcellus, Oct. 16, 18(iO, .$- . Pacilic. 2:36. 2:3.3. Dan Mal»on«'y. rn s (2:211^;. Detroit, Mich.. Sept. 1,5,1865, $ . Chatham Planet, Fanny Blackwood, , 2:40. 'i:,38i4. Kalaiuiizoo, Mich.. Oct. 6. 1865, $ . Ilavden's gr s. Dan Rice, 2:40. 2:40.2:34. Detroit. Mich.. Oct. 17,1866. ».500. Lamplighter. 2:23%. 2:21V, 2:26J4,2:25&,2:25i4, 2:27>^. Sacramento, Cal., June 10, 1876, $150. John Schonchin 3, Longfellow, Ben Butler (2 dis), 2:28i^, 2:22'/4, 2:25\ 2:2Ci'4. (w),' San Francisco, Cal., June 22, 1876, $200. Simcoe, Gray Dick, Hoosier Dick. Onward, V. P. Terry (2 dis), 2:251^, 2:24, 2:2414. Aug. 11, 1876, .§ . Longfellow 1, .lohn Schonchin, 2:3S14, 2:30, 2:32, 2:31'/2. Oct. 23, 1876, $600. Hiram Tracy, John Schonchin, Lady St. Clair, 2:26, 2:22, 2:22%. (s, Nov. 3, 1876, $400. Gray Dick (s), {2 disj, John Schonchin i,s), (2 dis). Lady St. Clair (s), (1 dis), 2:23M, 2:18J4. D. Gannon, Marysville, Cal., Sept. 17, 1879. $350, Humming Bird (4 dis), Washington 2, 3, (4 dis), 2:33!4, 2:37!4, 2:28, 2:30, 2:33)^, 2:.50. Dan Voorlxees (s), gr g (3:19'2). J. Kern. Terre Haute, Ind.. Sept. 3, 1864, $100. Davy 1, 2:41, 2:38, 2:26'/4- S. :McCarthy, Indianapolis, Ind., July 7, 1«66, $200. Ladv Greer, 2:2514, 2:25'4. Hamilton, O.. Sept. 13, 1866, $.300. Centreville Maid .i (4 "dis). Cricket (2 disi. 2:.37. 2:31, 2:34, 2:36. T. P. Koach, Mobile, Ala, April 15, 1867, $300. Andy Cobb 3, Commodore (2 0), 2:28^4, 2:30, 2:33i^, 2:33i/i, 2: 3314. Hamilton, O.. July 17. 1867, $100. Centreville Maid, Shadwick (2 dis). 2:30i4, 2:25, 2:29. Bloomington, 111.. Aug. 24, 18(:7, $1.50. Ace of Clubs 2, Sleepy Bill 1, 2:35]^, 2:2o]4,2:2B\i, 2:36, 2:28V2. Oct, 22, 1867. $100. Butcher Bov (,s), (3 dis), 2 :26l^, 2:26, 2:241,. Louisville, Ky., Nov. 8, 1867, $ . Molly Lewis (1 dis i, 2:31. Clinton. la., July 4, 1868, $300. Nigger Boy 2, Magoosler, Hunkidori (2 dr), Grant (2 dr), 2:58}^, 2:28V4. Untinished. Louisville, Ky.. Oct. 30, 1868, $100. Ole Bull (l dis), 2:23?4. New Orleans, La., April 14, 1869, $150. Wait Awhile, 2 :3li4. 2 :37i^. Cincinnati, 0„ June 2.5, 1869, $200. Hoosier Tom l, Billy Larkin, Joe Holt (4 dr), Topsy (2 dis), 2:26'^. 2:26.4, 2:31(2,2:30. Detroit, Mich*', July 12, 1869. $500. Lamplighter, 2:26^, 2:27'4, 2:26?;i. Champaign, 111., July 29, 1869, $75. Poll Luckv 2, (4 disi, 2 :30, 2:31, 2:261^, 2 :24l4. Buffalo, N. Y., Aug. 12, 1869, $.500. Lamplighter l, Yankee Sam, Coldwater Billy (4 dis), Polly Ann (2 dr), 2:23i!^, 2:22, 2 :28i^, 2:25(4. Cincinnati, O., Oct. 15, 1869, .$300. Hoosier Tom 1, Gray Eagle, Billy Larkin, Dun Jim (3 dis), 2:235^, 2:26.2:28,2:29^4;. New Orleans, La., May 5, 1870, $300. Legal Tender, Dutchman (I dis), 2:424, 3:02}!;. 3:04. Terre Haute, Ind., May 25. 1870, .$— . Hoosier Tom, 2:2914, 2:28'i. 2:351.6. Charlotte, Mich., July 21, 1870. .$300. Lami>ligliter, Billy Larkin, Black Ann (2 dis). 2:33';, 2:301.^, Coldwater, Mich., Sept. 14, 1870, .$300. Gen. Grant (l dis). Lady Lightfoot (1 dis). 2:28';. Zanesville, O., Sept. 29,1870. $200. Sorrel Jim, Maggie Mitchell, Jim Ammond (2 dis), 2:31i4. 2:26;/;^ 2:241^. Nashville, Tenn,, May 23, 1871, $250. Hoosier Tom 2, 2:20. 2:2414, 2:25, 2:26}^. Titusville, Pa., June 7, 1871, $2.50. Frank, 2:36';, 2:45';. 2:.33?i. Cleveland, O., June 22, 1871, $300. Sorrel Frank l, Pete Whetstone t3 dis). Velocipede (1 dis), 2:25';, 2:27i4, 2:25,2:27. Corry. Pa., June 14, 1871, $200. President, Bill Zoff, 2:49^4, 2:484 Cleveland. O., Sept. 16, 1871, .$200. Sorrel Frank, Ladv ISIack (l dis). 2:37. 2:31, 2:24?4. Indianapolis, Ind., Sept. 27. 1871, .$300. Hoosier Tom, Billy Boyce, Buckeye Boy (1 dis), 2:20?:i, 2:23)4 - W. G. Luce, Cleveland, 0„ July 29, 1872, $500. Harry, Hoosier Tom, Copperbottom (2 dis), 2:22, 2:21%, :22. -"Buffalo, N. Y., Aug. 3, 1872, $500. Harry 1, Billy Boyce (s) (1 dis), 2:19?4', 2:21 ?i. 2:21, 2:27. - Zanesville, O., Aug. 16, 1872, $600. Harry 1, 6, Coldwater Billy 2, 5, 2:27Ji, 2:304, 2:28V6, 2:26, 2:29. 2:314, :34. Montreal, P. Q., August 26, 1872, $200. Harry 1, Black Crow (2 dis), Mickey Free (2 dis), 2:35, 2:27, 2:29i/4» 2:26. Barney Rice, Sacramento, Cal., July 4, 1873, $750. Defiance 1, 9.. 2:18V,. 2:20}^, 2:204, 2:274, 2:22y2. Sept. 17, 1873, $1,000. Defiance, Jim Brown, Swindle (1 disi 2:20. 2:20. 2:209i. C. Dubois, San Jose, Cal., Oct. 4, 1873, $250. Lady Hamilton (2 ais), 2:32?i. 2:35*^, 2:38. San Francisco, Cal., Oct. 13 and Nov. 2, 1874. $250. Lady St. Clair, Ben Butler, 2:20ii, 2:23, 2:20. .Ian. 2, 187.5, .$4,000. Ajax, 2:274, 2:2654, 2:2914, Feb. 6, 1875, .$200. Fisherman 1, Onward. 2:26^, 2:26U, 2:27, . J. Sevenoaks, May 22, 1875, $150. Onward. Fisherman, 2:25, 2:22i^, 2:28. J. Barnev. June 26. 1875, $.500. Nimrod, Fisherman, 2:25, 2:20. 2:23. Dan Webster, b g (3 :39i4). J. B. Tvrrell. Carmi, 111., Sept. 11, 1880, $200. John Burke 1, Lady Lightfoot, Straightedge. Proctor Knott. 2:2814, 2:2914, 2 :30?i, 2:35}4. Dave, bg (3 :37). B. F. Akers, St. Joseph, Mo., September 22, 1869, .$200. Fenian Boy, four others (1 dis),2:29> 2 :27. Dave Kowe (w), br g. Z. Mulhall, St. Louis, Mo.. Aug. 25, 1883. Prize, blanket and whip. Maud W., Logan, Straightedge, Cracker, l:2li/4, l:18i^. Half-mile-heats. Davy Crockett. (Andy Mellon), br g (3 :35^). A. Mellen, Louisville, Ky., June 20, 1860, $300. Capt. Kin- ney. White Stockings, Princess (1 dis), 2:31, 2:2r,iA. H. Duncan, June 22, 1860, $125. White Stockiiigs, Capt. Kinney (2 dis), 2:28i^, 2:25J^. Davy Crockett, ch g (3 :36). J. B. Rockey. Terre Haute, Ind., Sept. 27. 1861 , $100 Smoker Boy, Bull's rn m, 2:.36. Mr. Braxton, New Albany, Ind., Oct. 3, 1866, $50. Sorrel Mare 2. Jud Crowder, 2:40. 2:37K'. -':39. Davy Crockett, gr s (3 :36i4). John Coulter, Cambridge, Ind., July 30, 1870, $2,000. Gen. Burnside, 2:3654, 2:36J4. Davy Crockett, bg (3:33). D. C. Giflord, Des Moines, la., July 10, 1874, $ . Watt's Entry 1. Best time. 2 :38. Davy Crockett, blkg (3:414). W. Osborn, Hamilton,©., Oct. 5,1882, $100. Laura J., California Girl, 2:46^.2:41 '4, 2:43^6. Davy Crockett, blk s (3 :3ZU). J. H. Taylor, Greenville, O., Sept. 14, 1883, $100. Joe Bowers Jr, 3, John Ma- loney, Sam Sharp, 2-M%, 2:Z2U, 2:36, 2:37. ■W CHESTERS COMPLETE TROTTINCJ AND PACING RECORD. Davy T., clip (2:46; by Billy (ireen. A. E. Talinaii, Findlay. ()., June 29, 1880, S200. W. T. Sherman 2. Kitty iNuisauce. Charley, Hiatoga Hell.-. Natchez 1 la tlis).L-:y9, 2:40, i;:4»;, 2>,i;, jLtO oiiernian j, Decatur, (W), b s f/4;34). J. S. Monroe, Nasliville, Tenu., .May 4, 1854, ^10. Andrew J. Polk 1 2:40 2:41 June 1, 18r>4. $10. Andrew J. Polk 2. 2::U, 2:10, 2:40, 2:36. Deceiver, bi; i-4 ::{">). M. IJowton. Avon, 111., Oct. 1, 1875, $40. Fred Everett 1, 2-47 -'U 3-00 1. Firth, Se])t. 21, 1S77. .■<.")0. Fred Everett. 2 :3.">. 2:37. Detiancf. b a r^i-.n-^K by Chieltain. Stocivton, t;il., !Sei)t. 23. 1870, $150. Trifle, 2:39»^, 2-43 2-44 \ allejo, I'al.. Se|>t. 2!i, 1870, $ . Empress, Onward. 2:.}.5, 2:30, 2:31. II. I.. Spencer, han Francisco. Cal., iM;iy 24. 1871. $600. Barney <1 dis), Lady St. Clair d dis) 2-23 An?;. 23, 1871., §,'•.00. J-oiiKfellow, Barney It dis), 2:28, 2:28' 2. 2:27}.^. /. ^-^o. A. C St. Jolm. Sacramento, Cal., Sei.t. 21, 1871. S(iOO. Albany Boy, Longfellow, 2:25, 2-22U 2-23 Ciiico. Cal.. Sept. 29, 1871, S200. Longfellow, 4 :.'i3}^, 5:03' 2. Two miles " * San Francisco. Cal., .May 18, 1872, §500. Albany Boy 2, 3. (i 0), Longfellow, Billy Mayo, 2:24?ii, 2:26, 2:27 San .lose, Cal.. .Mav 2.5, 1872, ® . Billy Mayo 1, 2:25,2:20'4, 2:22>^, 2:28'i. San Francisco, Cal., Aug. 27, 1872, S7,50. Longfellow, 'Warrior, 2:2C?i, 2:26>4 2-25. .\ng. 31, 1.S72. .'J500. Longfellow, 4:55'j, 5:00, 5:11'2. Two ndles. Stockton, C:d., Sept. II. 1872, $2,50. Longfellow 2, 4, Trifle, 2:31, 2 :30>^, 2-33, 2 :339i 2-37 D. iH-nnison, San Francisco, Cal., Oct. 23, 1873, $500. Longfellow 3, 4, Jim Brown, 2:23'/i, 2:25, 2:23}4, • tw), A. Lewis, Oakland, Cal., April 18, 1874, $600. St. James, trotter, (3dr>, 2:1994, 2:2.5, 2:23Vi^. .Mr. ,)acol)s, Denver, Col., July 3, 1874, $500. Glen E-\Te (2 dis), Irish Tom (2 dis). 2 :33, 2:.32U. Denmark Chief (s), br s. Brownsville, Mo., Aug. 19. 1879. $50. Cadmus (s), Minnie Brown (s), Birdie B. (s.). Alice \ . (s). Hattie (s). Christian Lowe (s), 1:31, 1 :3l!^. Half-mlie-heats. Dexter, b g 1 3 ::i2). by Mambrino, dam by Hiatoga. (?). J. W. Pierce, Fort AVayne, Ind., May 31, 1875, $200. Mora 1, 2, Brown Billy. L:i(lv \V;iyne, 2:38. 2:42'i, 2:42^, 2:47, 2:42'^. June 9. 187,5, $300. ILittic. Flora, Brown Billv (3 dis)'. Gray Prince (3 dis), 2:33, 2:32, 2:33. Dexter, ch g (3:39), l)y AVoodward's Ethan Allen. M. Bowton, Gale.sburgh, Ind., Sept. 6, 1879, $400. FVed Everett 1, 2, 2:.36, 2:.33»4. 2 :.'«), 2:29, 2:32. Dick Close, b g (3 :35). R. Bevington, Wooster, O , Oct. 7, 1874, $200. Joker 1 (2 0), Bay Frank, Rattling Bob (4 (in, 2:3G!2. 2:37'i, 2:43. 2:41, 2:48. orrville, O., Oct. 1.3. 1874, $60. Gray Billv l, Brighton Jim (4 dis), 2:.37M, 2:,35, 2:37J4, 2:37K'. Dick Deadeye, bg(3:57). E. H. Fisher, Minneapolis, Minn., June 17, 1879, $ . Buckskin Maid 2.3:11. 3:083.,, 2 :,57. • Dick Oou^li, br g (3 :35). Barney Rice, Sacramento, Cal., Aug. 1, 1865, $500. Queen of the Pacific 1 (2 dis), ^:34, 2 :,'i^>'4. John Daniels. San Mateo, Cal.. Sept. 27, 1866. .$550. Unknown (2 dis), Queen of the Pacific (1 dis), 8:06. 8:04. Three miles. San Francisco, Cal., Oct. 1, 1867, $200. Young America 1, Empress (3 dis). Lady Don (1 dis), 2:38, 2:35. 2:37'4.2:39. . v , , W. Biirgett, San Francisco, Cal., .fune 5, 1869, $400. Lady Doolev, trotter. Unknown, 2:41, 2:40)4, 2 :38»4. (w), C. Lusk, .lulv 5. 1869, $2.50. Gvpsy, Mack, 2:42, 2:43'2, 2:47i/2. San Jose, Cal., Oct. 7, 1869. .$2.50. Onward 3. 4. Mystery (4 dis), 2 :42U, 2:49^, 2:49>4, 2:45, 2:55, Oct. 9, 1869, $100. Onward 2, 4, Mystery (4 dr), 2:.37, 2:40^4, 2:40^, 2:42, 2:44H. San Francisco, Cal., October 19, 1871. $300. Salt Lake 1. 2, Wonder, Yankee Bill, 2:42, 2:42, 2:38, 2:40Vi. 2:44. ' . . 7». Dick Turpin, ch g (3:33i4). A. D. Gates, St. Louis, Mo., May 9, 1862, $50. Butcher Bov 2, 4, Ben Bolt (3 dr), 2:35,2:38,2:38,2:42, . June7. 1862, $ . Stephen A. Douglass 2 (4 0). (5 0). 2:41, 2:42, 2:37, 2:385^, 2:3694. 2 :42'/2. J. C. Kelly, June 20, 1863, $100. Honest Allen, Ben Bolt 1 (4 dr), 2:35, 2.33M. 2:;i3U, 2:34Ji. Nov. 10, 1863, $ . Stei)hen A. Douglass 1, 4, Ben Bolt 2, 5, 2:3.5. 2:38. 2:.'!8. 2:.3.5, 2:.S7, 2:39, 2.41. • Nov. 14, 1863, $500. Stei)hen A. Douglass. Picayune, Butcher Boy, 5:20, 5:20. Two miles. Dixie, ttr m (3 :39^). S. J. Fleming, Sullivan, 111., Aug. 9, 1877, $75. "Skinner Dick 3, Flora Belle (3 dis), 3:01 2:44^.2:44,2:50. Rol)inson, 111.. .July 4, 1878, .$250. Gray Joe, Little Pat (1 dis), 2:29>4, 2:43H, 2:44. Marshall, 111., July 4, 1879, $150. Blind Tom 1, Kate, Flint. No time. Doc. br g (3:301. James Rutherford. New Orleans, La., Jan. 29, 1869, $150. Emma Duval (2 dis), Beauregard (2dis). 2:47'2, 2:.30. Doc .Snyder, ch g (3:27»4), by Wild T(mi. Z. Ramsdell, Topeka, Kan., Sept. 13, 1881, $500. MinnieLee, Pedro, Red Jacket, Enoch Arden. Best time 2:27'.i. Doctor Brown, ch s (3 :33). H. D. Kyger, Blanchester, O., August 29, 1883, $100. California Girl 1, Volante, Dntcli Girl, (irav Billy, 2:41. 2:42, 2:4.3, 2:42. August 31, 1883, $1,50. Refugee, Jumbo, California Girl, 2:44^4, 2:44i.^, 2:45. D;iy ton, O., Sept. 27, 1883, $300, California Girl 1, Lively Fred 3, Black Bess (4 dis), Frank S, (l dis), 2 :37, 2:.36i4, 2:379i, 2:35, 2:33. Dolly B., ch m (3:37). J. M. Frazer, Fairview, O., Oct. 6, 1877, $ . Billy Green l, Tom Scott, 2:37, 2:42, 2:42!^, 2-38'/s. Charlotte, Mich., July 4, 1878, $ . Captain Dan 2, Tom Scott (2 dis), Limber Jim (1 dis), 2:48, 2:38'/,, 2:46, 2:37. Dolly Spanker, b m (3:27). Mr. Row, St. Louis, Mo., Oct. 16. 1851, $ . Cannonade 1, 2:405^, 2:38. 2:42W, 2 :49. C. Bidwcll, May 26, 1853, $1.50. Cow Driver. Frank Pierce, 2:32. 2:27. 2:29. Sejit. 1. IK.53, $ . Joe Wilson (2 dis), Frank Pierce (3 dis). 2:28. 2:27. 2:27. Don Cameron, gr g (2:341.4). E. Lyster. Suffolk Park, Phila.. SejU. 30, 1878, $200. Colonel (2 dis), 2:37Mi, 2 :.34. L. R. Redmond, Lambertville, N. J., Sept. 15, 1880, $75. Dick Turpin 2, Wm. Lewis, Belle of Frankford, 2:38!/i, 2:r>.5, 2:44'.2. 2:46^. C. B. Myers, Belmont Park, Phila., May 23 and 24, 1883. .$500. Eddv C. 3, Kismet 2, Leviathan, Lady Lightfoot. ^'ol. Dickey, Ben Johnson, Pronto (4 dr), 2:25',, 2:2494, 2:28^. 2:26, 2:24>4. .Inly 19, 18K3. .$200. Leviathan 3 (1 0), Eddy C. (1 0), Col. Dickey, 2:25, 2:25V. 1883. $100. Addie G. 1. 2, 2:47, 2:43, 2-42Mi. 2:44, 2-41. i.ujflass, b g (3:41). St. Louis. Mo., Nov. — . 1863. .»500. Ben Bolt 1, Butcher Boy. 2:39, 2:41, 2:42,'2:44. rason. br g C-i --^Oh)- M. Rowell, lopeka. Kan., Sept. 24, 1873, $125. Prince Albert, Ottawa Chief (1 dis), Dot. Wraj 2:;39, 2:37 R. Stlnipson, Olathe. Kan.. Oct. 9, 1873. $125. Flectfoot. Fanner Boy, 2:32W, 2:41(4, 2:39'/2. Manh;ittan, Kan., Oct. 9, 1874, .S50. Menrv 1,3(4 dis). 2:57, ;'.:05'4, 3:06, 2:35." Kansas City, Mo., Sept. 1.5, 1875. $150. Lekal Tender 1, Whiskey Punch il dis), 2:34. 2:^5. 2:.34. A. D. Carson, June 16, 1877, $200. Dictator, trnttiT. Tliree Corners, Fred Douglass, 2: 32 -i. 2:31, 3:3014 Drover, (s), b g (2:38). H. Woodruff, Beacon Course. N. .1., Oct. 3, 1839, $100. Washington, s, Longtail Blue, s, (1 dis), Otsego Maid, s (1 dis). Dick Turpin. s (l disi, 2::!0, 2:.31. 2:28. E. Simmons, Albany, N. Y., July 20, 1848, $100. Dougluiuts 2 (1 0), Waterford Chief, 2-32 2-.'?5, 2-40 2-36 2:.36 ' Dundas, b g (3 :30^), by Winfield Scott. W. Oxendale, Brantford, Ont., June ,30, 1881, $200. Black Diamond, Handsome Sam. Charley Bates, 2:30^, 2:30?4, 2:34?4- Dun Jim, dn g Ci-.SS). Mr. Beachy. Davton, O., June 11, 1869, $50. Sherman (2 dis). 3:00, 3:01. A. Oscamp, Springfield. O., Sept. 1.5, 1870, $45. Velocipede, Lady Dexter. 2:.36. 2:33. Duster, ch g (3 :35). D. Geisler, Philadelphiii. Pa., July ll, 1870. $ . Flash. 2:42'/», 2:35, 2:37*4. Duster, b g (3:33), by Tuckahoe. W. G. Halliday, Emporia, Kan., May 18, 1880, $ . Pinafore 3, 4, Flora, 2:33!4, 2:.32. 2:31'i, 2:36, 2 :36. C. B. Fish, Denver. Col., Sept. 16, 1881, .$200. Sucker State 2. Mountain Maid, 2:35^, 2:403.i, 2:.35i.4, 2:42';. Dutch Bill, b g f3:39>4). Philadelphia, Pa., June 22. 1883, $100. Sorrel Frank l, Microphone. Indian Chief, Blank George. 2:46. L':4<;'i. '2:46. 2:.50. Rittersville. P:i.. Nov. 14, 1883. $2.50. Dreadnanght 4. 5. Wiiistling Jack 1. Little George 2, Columbus, Indian Chief, Black George, Dan Boyer, 2:50^4, 2:52, 2:46, 2:52, 2:50»4, 2:46, 2:48. 7«B CliKSTEU'S COMl'hETK TltOTTlNG AND TAC'ING ItliCOllD. Eddy C, b g (3 :82i^\ by Happy Medium, dam Boston Girl. W. A. Ogden, Higbtstown. N. J., July 4, 1879. S150. I'liialoi-f, Sorrc-l J'ai'er. No time. ' j i » Wiliiiingtoii. Del.. Oct. 7. IST't, S . John S., Innocent Sain, Don Cameron, 2:36fl, 2-39. 2-343i. New Hunling I'ark, Pliil.. Oct. 30, 1879, $50. William C, Fritz, 2:34, 2:34, 2:38. May f), 1880, si.w. John s., stai'light, J)on Cameron, Stranger, Gray Joe, 2:34, 2:33>4, 2:331^. iMay 8, 1880, .y.'OO. NVilliiim C.. Lady Lightfoot, 2:33, 2:35, ——. -^ - > -*. ts Helmont I'ark, Phil., May 20, I8su, $250. Don Cameron 3, Honest Jim 1, Starlight, Leviathan, 2:28'4, 2:2(i, 2 :2i J^, 2:2y'4, 2:29^4. New liunting I'ark, hhila., Sept. 15, 1880, $150. Little Mae 2, 3, AVilliam C. l, Comet, 2:32, 2:34=!i, 2:32, V. 1). Conover, Dover, Del., Sept. 29, 1881, $400. Black Cat l, Lady Lightfoot, Don Cameron. 2:29^ 2-31 2:3iy.2:30'o. 74, . . Snftolk I'ark. Phil., May 9, 1882, $250. Col. Dickey, Don Cameron, Ben Johnson (3 dis), Ladv Lightfoot (1 (lis). 2:28, 2:29. 2:28. I'oint Breeze Park, Phil., IMay 17, 1882. $300. Lady Lightfoot 3. Estella, Col. Dickey, Ben Johnson Billv D.. Don Cameron (4 dr;. Belle West (2 dis;, 2:2714. 2:26?j, 2:29, 2:32. ' ■' nelinont Park. I'hil., Nov. 3, 1882, $200. Col. Dickey, Estella, Lady Lightfoot, 2:2714, 2:2514, 2-31 Snttblk Park, Phil., JSov. 9, 1882, $300. Estella 2 (3 0), Col. Dickey 1, Kowdy Boy (2 dr), 2-27, 2j26 2-24ij 2:30.2:27. ' • . Freehold, N. J.. Sent. 14, 1882, $50. No competitors, 2:35, 2:34. W. A. Ogden, Woodbury, N. J., July 4, 1883, $250. Col. Dickey 2, Lady Lightfoot 3, Don Cameron. 1. 2-34 2:32.2:32,2:34,2:30,2:34. Eddy «., gr g (« :17'2), by Accideiil;.. T. Christler, Rockville, Ind.. June 10, 1881, $100. Kismet, Blue Jeans Grav Charley, Molly Bruce, Minn..' Palmer, 2:45, 2:41, 2:45. crawfordsville, fnd., June 18, i»s8l, $150. Lady Belle 1, Minnie Palmer, 2:34^, 2:35, 2:34. 2-34% W. Hedtord. Cleveland, O., June 7, 1883, $700. Jack Hart, Kocket, Chestnut Star, 2:2P.i. 2:2414 2-''2U Toledo, <)., June 21, 1883, $000. Jack Itapid, Lone Jack, Jack Hart, George G., Chestnut Star, Kismet Bessie M., 2 :27, 2 :27, 2 :27. W. Spencer, Cleveland, G., July 31, 1883, $1,000. Billy S. 1, Jack Hart, Rocket (1 dis), 2:17, 2:17i4, 2:2414, W. Bedford, Taunton. Mass., Sept. 26, 1883, $90. Gideon, iMinnie H., 2:32i4, 2:36. Edwin Forrewt. .'h g (3:39;. J. P. Durham, Albany, N. Y., June 14, 1848, $50. Oneida thief 3, Dobbins, 2:47,2:44. 2:40.2:39. Edwin Frost, ell g (•-{ :31). Aberdeen, Miss., Oct. 24, 1883, $140. Henrv Hop, Black Morgan. 2:36, 2:34. 2:31. Ettie l{u<-k, rn m (3:45). U. B. Kobcrts, Matoon, HI., Oct. 3, 188.3, $100^ Fred Wolfo 1. Lucv N., Mess.nger Boy, I'oliv Hopkins, Dan Messer, Joe Lafonda, 2:50. 2:45. 2:47, 2:47. Elk (3:4!)i. Yankton. I). T., Sept. 27, 1883. $150. Lady Alice, 2:.50, 2:49, 2:49. Ella Davis, 1) m (3 -..i 1 1. L. J. Hackney, Indianapolis, Ind.. Sept. 8 and 9. 1870, $ . Hoosier Tom 1, 5. (40), Red Buck 3 i4 0) (O dis), Anthony (O dr), 2:31 (4, 2:39i^. 2:3614, 2:38, 2:30, 2:31. Elmore, b g i3 :41). ,J. Hart, New (Cleans, La., May 14, 1883, $100. Billy G., Florence, Alice Parker, 2:41, 2:42' 2. El wood, blk g (.3 :35i4), by Champion. J. B. Gurney. Amenia, N. Y., Sept. 5, 1882, $50. Maida (2 0), 3:01, 2:42, 2:. 581^, 2:48. Coates Bros.. Newton. N. J.. Oct. 4. 1883, $300. Screwdriver, Creton, 2:36, 2:30}^, 2:35^. £muia(3:30>^). H K. Bonham. New Orleans, La., March 8. 1861, $2,000. Ethan Allen, trotter. 1, 5, Gladiator, trotter. 4, Reindeer, trotter. 3. 2:32, 2:34. 2:34, 2:44. 2:39. 2:36, 2:3.5. March 29. 1801. $2,000. Ethan Allen, trotter. 2 :30'/j. 2:32i4, 2:,339i. Einniii. ch m (3 :3J)). H. F. .Jones. Fashion Coarse, L. I., May 29. 1863. $.500. Frank, 2:32'/j. 2:29. Emma Onval (s) (3:37 s). T. P. Uoacli, New Orleans, La., Nov. 23, 1866, $.''.0. Chatham Planet, Johnny Howard (s). Maid of Orleans (s), 2:40, 2:37. EmpreMM. gr m (3 :33i4). (\ H. Shear. Sacramento, Cal., Sept. 9. 1867, $250. Mike O'Brien 4, Longfellow 1, Dicrk (Jough. 2:29, 2:.33i4. 2:,38i.i. 2:40».i, 2:.'»7'i. H. 0. Trainor. Sacramento, Cal., May 17. 1809. 81.50. Unknown, 3 others (1 dis), 2:37. 2:47. 2:50. Vallejo, Cal.. Sejit. 30, 1870. $ . ifnknown 2. Jersey Maid 3. 2:45^. 2:50. 2:45. 2:41';, 2:42. Estella, br III (3:231/41. bv Scott's Hiatoga. dam bv rhampion Black Hawk. McClay & Co., Mansfield, O., Aug. 21. I«79. $100. Coblev Barnett 3. 2:.39M- 2:47. 2:41^4. 2:38. E. W. Conover. Scranton, Pa., iMav 20, 1882, .?600. Ladv Lightfoot, Col. Dickey, Ben Johnson, Billy I). (3 (lis) 2:281/,. 2:2014. 2:20ii. .r. H. Pliinips. Belmont', Park, Phil., Oct. 6, 1882. $600. Col. Dickey, Felix, Lady Lightfoot (1 dis). Eddy C. 1 dis). 2:25.2:2.5. 2:2.114. L. U. Kedinond. Mt. Holly. N. .L, Oct. 11 and 12, 1882, $200. Col. Dickey 1, Eddy C. 2, Lady Lightfoot, 2:32'i. 2:40^;, 2;,36';. 2:.37i^. 2:.37. Plainlield, N. J., Sept 27, 1883. .«i2,50. Colonel Dickev 1, 2, Eddv C, Elwood, Gossip .Ir. No time. Doylestown. Pa., Oct. .5, 1883, $200. Lady Lightfoot 1, Don Cameron 2. Col. Dickey, Eddy C., 2:3154, 2:32, 2:.30. 2:28;>.i, 2:2.5!/>. Eva May. b m (2 :3fi). J. Chandler, Baptlstown, N. J., Sept. 28, 1870, $750. Blind Tom, Bay George, Brown Nick n (lis). 2:30. 2:36. 2:41. _ Jersev (Mtv. N. J., Nov. 14, 1876, $100. St George, trotter, Julius H. (2 dr). 2:42, 2:44. CHESTER'S COMIM.KTK TROTTlXci ANJ> I'ACl^^G KKCORD. 763 Fairy Qneen (w), m m (3:31). H. WoodrufE, Beacon Course, N. J., May 6, 1844, $200. Cayuga Chief (w), •j:3y, i;:a». W. VVbelan, Centreville, L. I., .Tune i, 1844, Sso. Callioun 4 (3 0), (5 (lis), Aggy Downs 1, 2 (4 dis), 2:29. 2:31, 2:34, 2:32'/2, 2:38. lieacon Course, N. J., July 8, 1844. $400. Calhoun, 2:34. 2:31. Fanny, blli m (3 :32?i). J. Bennett, Cleveland, O., Oct. G, 1SG5, $100. Ladv licnuett d dis), 2:32Ji. Fanny, br m (»:55i4), by Flying Dutchman. R. H. "Wells, Crown Point, Ind., Oct. 4,1883,$ . Daisy Queen, Bertie C.. 2;56i/2. 2:5.'jU,. Fanny IJ., b m i3:3.5 .,). J. li. Beasley, Carmi, 111., Sept. 6, 1881, $150. Joe Hooker, Gipsy, Lucy Y., 2:36. 3:03, 2:. 56. Fanny Elssler, gr m (3:37'2). John Kase, Albany, N. Y., Aug. 2, 1844, $100. The Chief, Plug, 2:29, 2:29, 2:271^. Fanny Fern, b mX3 :38?i). E. March. Jacksonville, 111., Sept. 21, 1871, $150. Honesty 1, Irish Molly 2, 2:31%, 2 :3o;4, 2:28^4;. 2:32, 2:32. Fanny (iolddust, ch ni (3:35i.i), by a son of Golddust, dam by Red Buck. Reed and McJili-itli, Chicago, 111., Sept. 1, 1883, $6,000. Black Bassinger 1, 2:29Ji, 2:25^4, 2:2l)4. 2:26^. Fanny L,., ch m (3 :45). A. Loder, Newcastle, Ind., Sept. 19, 1883, $ . Maudrul, John, 2:45, 2:4.oki, 2:46. Sept. 21, 1883, $ . Mandrul, 2:45. 2:46,2:4514. Fanny Lowry, br m (3 :40). J. F. Cannony, Cambridge Citv. Ind., Sept. 5, 1883, $ . Beeswing 3, Twist, Frank McGee, Topsy Warnian, (2 dr), 2:43, 2:45.2:44'4, 2:40. Fanny Pierce, ch m (2 :36i2j. P. McGurney, St. Lonis, Mo., June 8, 1860, $75. Butcher Boy, Mary Ball il dis), 2:36}^. 2:42, 2:37' i. Fearless Tcm (3:3314). C. Martin, New Albany, Ind., June 26, 1873, $75. Storm, Big Jim (l dis). 2:3.314,, 2:48.2:45. Fearnought (3 :40). Mr. Fancher. Peoria, 111., September 9, 1870. $ . Butcher Boy, Limber Jim, 2:43, 2;40, 2:42. Felix, rn g (3 :34i4\ by Dictator. W. H. Boyce, Pittsburgh, Pa., May 25 and 26, 1882, $17.5. Frederick 1, Kate, Onyx, Kitty Hoyle, Diamond, 2:42}^^ 2 :4li2, 2:40=4, 2:44. Akron, O.. Aug. — , 1882, .§200, Minnie N. 5, 7, Captain Jack 1, 6, Don Carlos 2, Topsy, 2:30, 2;33, 2:30, 2:32-M 2:31 2:32.2:33 2:32 '- Wheeling, w! Va.,' Sept. 13, 1883, $400. Minnie N. 2, Capt. Jack, Capt. Dan, Keno 1 (2 dis). Gossip (2 dis), 2:30'o, 2:31^4, 2:29'2,'2:35, 2:30i/2. Youngstown, O., Sept. 22, 1883, $500. Black Bird 1, 2, Keno, Topsy, 2:32^4, 2 :34>4, 2:35, 2:33V<;, 2:35. Fickle Fanny, ch m (3 :33), by Clear Grit. M. H. Kittredge, E. Saginaw, Mich.. July 14, 1883, $600. Tom B., 2:32, 2:32}4. 2:33^4. Fisherman (Swindle), b g (3:31), by Lightning. P. Bran dow, San Francisco, Cal., March 21, 1K74, $100. Onward 1, Lady Mac, trotter2, 5:161.^, 5:l4'/2, 5:22(4, 5:21. Two miles. April 17, 1874, $100. Onward 1, 4, Capitola 2, 3, 2:27. 2:26?4. 2:25^*, 2:2494, 2:25, 2:26J4, 2:31Vi. San Jose, Cal., April 25. 1874, $150. Capitola l, 2, Wonder (3 dis). 2:26, 2:30'/2, 2:29pi, 2:32, 2:32. Sacramento, Cal., May 7, 1874, $ . Ben Butler 3, Onward, 2:25^, 2:27. 2:31M, 2:2~9i4. San Francisco, Cal., Oct. 29, 1874, $100. Suneoe. Onward, Lady Ryan (3 dis), 2:34, 2:W/2, 2:35. Nov. 11. 1874, $ . Lady Ryan, Onward, 2 :31?4, 2 :3G, 2 :34i^. Dec. 19, 1874. $250. Onward, 13:03'-. Five miles. ^ (w) Feb. 12, 1875. $150. Onward 1, Dan Voorhees (w). 2:27. 2:24y2, 2:29i/j, 2:29'/2. Feb. 20, 1875, $200. Lady St. Clair 1, 5:04, 5:04'i. 5:0494- Two miles. May 26, 1875, $100. Dan Voorhees 3, 2:21. 2:21, 2:25, 2:27. Mr. Squires. Petaluma, Cal., Oct. 5. 1875, $.300. Ben Fish, Keno. 2:33?i, 2:40, 2:38. Fleetfoot, br ra (3:35). W. S. Tough, Kansas City. Mo., Sept. 25,1872, $150. Jenny Cruze, Silver Cloud (2 dis), Mac (1 dis), 2:30^, 2:33 '/2, 2:36i4- C. R. Custard, Topeka, Kan., Oct. 1. 1872, $125. Butcher Boy 2, Silver Cloud 1, Dragon 3, Hole in the Day, Rattler, 2:.38, 2:.37. 2:42, 2:37%, 2:27, 2:25. Fort Scott. Kan., Oct. 24, 187.3, $ . "White Stockings. Granger, 2:46Vo, Fletcher, b g (3 :35). A. L. Chappell. Detroit. Mich.. .Sept. 30, 18.57, $50. Red Robin 1. 2:52. 2:36, 2:3.5, 2:41. Flitterfoot (s), ch s (3 :34i^.. Sinnot and Dick, Paducah, Ky., Nov. 1, 1871, $50. Billy Boy (s) (2 dr), Ray's b S(s)(l dis). 2:32'-i,2:.36. Nov. 3, 1871,$ — -. 2:24V^. To beat 2:30. Flora, gr m (3 :33). Hamill Bros.. Cadiz, O., Oct. 25, 1870, $40. Dr. John 3, 4, Buckeye Maid 2, 2:48, 2:36, 2:32, 2:34. 2:33, 2:35. Flora Belle, bik m (3:13%), by Stucker's Rainbow, dam by Tom Crowder. W. H. Neal, Rockville, Ind., Aug. 10, 1881, $100. Bogus, Lady Bell, Billy (',.. Land Pilot, 2:3214, 2:36, 2:37%. Aug. 12, 1881, $135. Winder 1, Little Ed, Lady Bell, 2:26%, 2:39'/2. 2:31 '/i, 2:34. New Lebanon, Ind.. Aug. 24. 1881, $175. Hoosier Sam 3, Little Ed., 2:32, 2:28, 2:28*4, 2:2614. Carmi, 111., Sept. 10. 1881, .?200. Fanny B. l, (4 dis), 2:3.5)4 2:32, 2:.36i^. 2:3.3^. Indianapolis, Ind.. Sept. 28. 1881. $150. Winder .3, Lady Belle, Felix, 2:,35>^, 2:24%, 2:24%, 2:26. Vincennes, Ind., Oct. 3, 1881. $130 Glassford, Fanny B., 3:23. 2:.5l. 2:3214. J. P. Stuard, Evansville, Ind., April 27, 1882, $150. Little Ed, Black Cat, Eddy D., 2:26'/2, 2:26'/,, 2:26. 48 754 ( HKSTEirs fo.Mrijn'K TKoniN*; AM) 1A( l.M. liKCUllD. Tprre ITaute, Ind., June 1, 1882, $ . Black Cat, Thomas L., Eddy D., TToosier Sam, ei.WK, 2:26, 2 l-^'Ji-y. Cruwfoidsvillf', Ind., June IC, 1882, $2r>0. Little Ed 1. Winder, Lone .Taek. irSy^^, •l:2l',i, -i/M',!, 2:42^. llockville. Ind., June 10, 1882, §17... Hlaek (at, Eniniu 15. 0 dis), 2:.52'2. 2:1J'2, 2:13',s. Layfayette, Ind., June 23, 1882, $400. Tlioinas L. 3, Lone Jack, liald Hornet i2 dr), Winder U dis), 2:23, 2:23^4. , 2:22. Danville, ill., July 4, 1882, §500. Black (at. I'iiot 11. (trotter), Lincoln C2 dis;, 2:28, 2:27"j, 2:28. July 5, 1882, S . r.lick Cat. Lone .lack (2 dis), 2:20'.,, 2:29, 2::',0W McCarty & Bailey, luuianapolis, iiid., July 11, 1882, §600. Little Ed (.3 dls), Wonder (.3 disj, Lone Jack (3dis), 2:28, 2:28, 2: _ J. r. Stuard, July 13, 1882, $800. Bald UoriK^t. Duster (1 dis), 2:28, 2:29, 2:28^. Chicago. 111.. Jidv20, 1882, $2,000. Winders, Princess, Joe Bowers .Ir., Kenov' dis,. Wonderful i3 dis;, 2:19-'4, 2:18. 2:21, 2:18'.l. McCarty ^: Bailey, Buttalo, N. Y.. Aug. 2 ands, 1882. Sl,500. Buttalo Girl 2, 3, Gem 1, Lucy. Mattie Hunter, Ben Hamilton, Bay Billy (3 dis). 2:19, 2:17, 2:12W.. 2:10^4. 2:2094, 2: 18. Ltica. N. Y., Aug. IG and 17, 1882, §1,500. Lucy 5, (i. Gem 3, Biiflalo Girl l, Mattie Hunter 2:14?4, 2:I5>4, 2:19'4. 2: 18'.4,2:18;U. 2:1094, 2:18»4. I'ouglikeepsie, N. Y., Aug. 23, 1882, .?1,500. Buffalo (iirl l, (iem. INIattic Hunter, Lucy, 2:1.'j>/i, 2:189i, 2:20, 2:18. ■ J H. Goldsmith. Milwaukee. Wis., Sept. IC. 1882. $ . Buffalo Girl. Mattie Hunter. 2:18. 2:20, 2:23. .) B. McCarthy, Cinciniuiti, O., Sept. 30, 1882, $8U0. Joe Jiowers Jr. 3, -Mattie Hunter 4, Lucy, Sweetser (3 dis), 2:33, 2:32k, 2:30, 2:31i.^, 2:I9M- , . , Columbus, O., June 1.5. 1883. $700. Fuller, Sailor Boy, Limber Jack, 2:18»^j, 2:22^4, 2:21)4. Toledo, O., June 22, 1883, SOOO. Sailor Bov, Mattie Hunter (2 dis>, 2::!0'.i . 2:27, 2:24)^. Detroit, Mich., June 30, 1883, .'i?700. Lucy, Buffalo (iirl, Eddy D , Sweelser (3 dr), 2:1994, 2:1854, 2:19>.i. Kalamazoo, Mich., July 12, 1883. $700. (iem. Lnev, Buffalo Girl. 2:18, 2: lb, 2:183^. Flora J., b m (2 :3t>). N. Schaffer, i'ittsburgh, I'a., Aug. 28 and 29, 1878. $300. (ieneva 3, 5. Sleepy Dan, 1, 2, 2:34, 2:38. 2:38, 2:3714, 2:37, 2:36. l\leadville. Pa., June 6, 1879, $ . Zig Zag, Jemima, Flora. 2:48. 2:41. 2:4l!4. riyinif Hiatoga Jr., b s (a:35K'), by Flying lliatoga. G. H. Chaney, Smithffeld, O., Sept. 26, 1879,$ . Cai)t. D".n 1, 4, Lady LightfO()t, 2:244, 2:27Vs, 2:25'/^, 2:2(1. 2:2G. Fairvievv, O., Oct. 1, 1879, $ . Capt. Dan 1. 3, Latrobi!, Ed. JIcKane. 2:32, 2:30, 2:29, 2:26, 2:27. Sniithfield, (>., Sept. 28, 1880. $ . Tom Scott, Charley Harvey. 2:30, 2:28. 2:29. A Chase, Uhrichsville, O., Sept. 22. 1882, $100. Chris J.ionroe, Billy Anderson, Whalebone, Minnie Lewis (3 dr), Billy Green (2 dr), 2:46, 2:40, 2:40. . Ij H. Clianey, Akron, O., Oct. 5. 18S3. $2.50. Sorrel Billy, Keno, Golden Prince, Ben Star (1 dis), Minnie N. (1 dis», Billy Hamilton (1 dis), 2:32, 2:29,'4. 2:31. Frances, br m (2:50). P. L. Eldred, Hcosick Falls, N. Y., Oct. 25, 1882, $50. Katy Wheeler 2. Jim, 2:57, 3:01, 2 *50 ^ ' ■5'') Frank,' ch a' (2 -.ZSl^). W. W. Powers, Meadville. Pa., Aug. 1, 1867, s*f . Kinney l, Gray Eagle. 2:36J^, 2:34, 2:37'-, 2:3494. W^ H. Brown, Cleveland, C. Sept. in, 1868. $l.'-)0. stranger, Fanny. 2:37J^, 2:35, 2:36'/j. Jamestown, N. Y.. Oct. 15. 186!). $100. Swan Bitters 2. 3, Jack, 2:27J4, 2:34, 2:31, 2:31. 2:31. Frank blk g (;J:34). Stuart, la., Oct. 5, 1877, $ . Lady Elgin. Sleepy .lane (1 dis), 2:34, 2:40, 2:34. Frank. 1) ir (:i:4.'>). A. Townsend, Morrisania, N. Y., July 7. 1880, $ioo. Charley (w). 2:53. 2:46. 2:45, 1. E'. .Jarvis, Jersey City, N. J., Nov. 10, 1881, $200. Chas. Dreyfus (trotter), 3, 4, 2:57, 2:56, 2:55, 2:55'/i, 2:,")0. Frank Cheney, b g (8:49). P. Grogan, Montgomery City, Mo., Sept. 23, 1881. $40. Osage Charley, Drake, Bill. 2:.50. 2:49, 2:51. Frank H. (3 ■.•M}\i). B. Dickerson, Shelbyville, Tnd., Sept. 8, 1883. $180. Keno 1, 4, Dandy Boy, 2:32'/4, 2:3994, 2:;59'i.2:;!5, 2::;9V4. Frank Hunt, blk g (3 :35;4). Geo. Keiidlg. Lancaster. I'a., Juue 17, 1869, .S,")0. Country Boy (2 dis), Arkansas Traveler (1 disK 2:4854, 2:35'/2. Frankie It., br g (3:!J<>94). G. P. Smith, Hustings, Minn., Sept. 5,1882, 8300. Black' Frank, Joe Johnson, 2:39. 2:44, 2:.32 fi-? « HiaoK I'Tnnif. Cirnv i».nn. •.'.::^^'/^, 2:3594, 2 :26?i. W. F.Cross, FargK, D. T., Sept. 23, 1883, $500. Dick, Billy Egbert, John H., (5c time. Frank Johnson, b g (3:33). "W. K. Si)earing, New Orleans, La., March 3, 1868, $200. Ole Bull. 2:44, 2:38. March 21, isos. .S200. Legal Tender l (2 O). 2:,36. 2:.33, 2:3314, 2:44. Frank Leslie, br g (3 :34). A. Turner, Sandusky, O., Sept. 15, 1808, $200. Ohio Dan 2, Buchanan, Frank Pierce 1 (3 dis), 2:41, 2:39, 2:44, 3:02, 3:05. W. B. Sheldon, Cleveland, O., Oct. 2, 18.')8,$25. Butcher Boy 1,5, (3 0), 2:44, 2:45. 2:42, 2:41,2:42.2:40. Nov. IS, 1.S.58, $220. Buckeve. 2:39, 2:43. 2:44. Nov. 20. 1H58, .$50. Buckeve (2 0), 2 :.'59, 2:41, 2 :41. Detroit, Mich., Aug. 9, I800, $175. Butcher Boy 1, Sam Slick (4 dis), Yankee Boy (3 dr). Jack IVIadden (1 dis). 2 :40, 2 :.38, 2 :35, 2 :36. Frank Pierce, ch g (3:339ii). R. K. Bonham, New Orleans, La.. Feb. 7, 18."5. .?500. A. J. Polk 1, 2:27, 2:32, 2 '33 2 '.'JO 1 rs") May 20, 1855, $100. Tecumseh (s), (3 dis), 2:.34. 2:25, 2:34. Mav 24, IS.W, $.500. A. J. Polk 2, ;!, (1 0), 2:31>^, 2:3294, 2:30. 2:40, 2:4494, 2:.'>4!4. Mr' Jackson. (Jreenlield, Mass.. Nov. 12, 1857, .$500. Black Dave l. 2. 2:40, 2:39. 2:321^. 2:37. 2:39. Frank S.'. gr g (3 :5994). by Tom Brown. D. Seright, Shelbyville, Ind., Sept. 7, 1883, S . Frank 11., Frank Frank W., 'tl n g^!*:'33\i)1'iiy Berkeley Boy. Oregon, 111., Sept, 19, 1883, $200. Maywood 2, 3, Betsy, 2:35J4, 2'38',» "•36U'> 2'.'i3'4, 2:34. Freii Ackerman, bg (3 :33), by Washington. J. T. Mcintosh, Chi. o, Cal., April 28, 1883, $80. Roanoke (trotter). 2 :42W. 2:40. L Marvsville Cal., Sept. 6. 1883. $ . Shaker 1, Terry, 2:33, 2:.33, 2:37, 2:34. Fred Collier ( w) ch g (333 w). .1. Riplev. San Francisco. Cal.. Feb. 22. 1859, $2.50. Billy Blossom. 2:38. 2:33. Fred l>out'h»ss rn g (3:30). J. S. Sharp'. Ottawa, K;in.. Sept. 30, 1876, $90. Sleepy Tom, 2:.50, 2:40. 2:31. Humboldt' Kan.. ()ct. 5. 1876, $175. Dragon 1. Three Corners. Doc Snider. 2:37, 2:32.2:36, 2:37. p (".iiuDbcll Leavenworth, Kan., Oct. 10. 1877. $150. Norman, John K. (1 dis), 2:375/5, 2:49i.»., 2:55. y M Harlail, S:iliua, K:ui., Oct. 5, 1878, $150. Flora 2, 3, H:irva 1, Bald Hornet (3 dr), Enoch Arden(l dis), 2-.3''.2-3m, 2:30''i, 2:31'4. 2:33.2:31. Moberlv Mo Julv 4. 1879, $2.50. Jenny Crews 2. Little Joe. Little Patl (2 dls), 2:269^.2:34, 2:36, 2:43. 2:44. Girard' Kiin.'. Aug. 9. 1879, $12.5. Nelly 3, Molly Brooks. Kitty, 2:3.3i^, 2:30. 2:30i4, 2:.37>,. Fred Drennon, b s (3 :3354), bv Drennon. G. L. Bailey, P;iris, 111., July 28, 1883, $150. Bright Light 1, Belle Wilson, trotter, Joe Davis, trotter, 2:3654,2:3594, 2:35, 2:34Hj. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. T55 Charleston, 111., August 2, 1883, Sioo. Bright Light 1 (2 0), Planter, Jumbo, 2:29, 2:34i4, 2:37%, 2:37, ^Aug. 4, 1883, $100. Joe Bowers, Gray Nathan U dis;. Lady Mack (i dis;, Planter (l dis), 2:35, 2:35^4, 2:31'2' Sullivan. 111., Aug. 9, 1883. .$150. Bright Light 3, John Burli, 2:33(2, 2:38V2, 2:38, 2:3%. earnii III-, Sept. 8, 1883, S200. Joe Hooker. Kismet 0 (lis;, 2:43i^o, 2:49J^, 2:48(2. Frederick, ch g (.« :55). Isaac Barnhardt. Galesburg, 111., June — , isTU, $ . Tardy, Minnie Warren (2 dr), Freder'ick.'gr g (3 :37^). R. Peterson, Newcastle, Pa., Sept. 15, 1882, $ . Country Girl, Capt. Dan, Belle Hammill, Gray Frank, Tennessee, Piebald. ■Z:32(2, 2:321^, 2:3H4. Voungstown, O.. Sept. 23, 1882, $250. Silvertail, Gray Frank, Country Girl, 2:30, 2:27^4,2:31. Fred tverelt, ch g (3 :33'4). G. L. Terrv, Avon, 111.. Sept. 28, 1882. S40. Brown Dick. 2:41, •^■.^66■}4.. Fred James, b g (3 :30). W. Todd, Fairfield, la., Sept. 8, 1881, «>300. Keno, Blue Maid, Lady Elgin, Rattler. 2:30!,2, 2:30, 2:30. ' ^ „ ^ , Fred Johnson iS). grg (3 :37i'2) (3:26 s). G. E. Ferguson, San Francisco, Cal., Nov. 16, 1854, $900. Lady Mac 2:26. 2:33. 2:34. Dec. 3, 18.54, Sl.OOO. Lady Mac, 2:2714, 2:31Ji, 2:31. Dec. 24 1854, $1,000. Lady Mac 3. 4, 2:29, 2:28. 2:32, 2:36, 2:33. (s) John Wilson, July 2G, 1855. $1,000. Price McGrath (s) 1, 3 (4 dis), 2:31, 2:29/2, 2:23, 2:?8'.2. C. H. Shear, September 7, 1855, $1,200. Youug America, Joe Wilson, Price McGrath (i dis), 2:30, 2:29, 2:28'2. Jan. 24, 185!!. .$1,000. Young America, 2 :37Vi- 2 :34>2, 2 :38. March 29, i.s56,$800. Lad.v Mac, Young (2 dis), Daniel Webster (2 dis), Joe Wilson (2 dis), 5:02^4, 5:06. Two miles. Sept. 30. 1856, $350. Daniel Webster 1.4, 2:29V2, 2:31, 2:33, 2:.35. 2:33 J. M. Daniels, Nov. 19, 1856, .$2 000. Daniel Webster 1, 2:25%, 2:28'2. 2:31, 2:29. (w) June 18, 1857, .$7.50. Daniel V/ebster (w) 2, 3, Nelly Hall (w) 1, Young America (w), 2:33, 2:31. 2:33, 2:32, 2:3.5, 2:351^. (w), July 11, 1857, $1,000. §1,000. Daniel Webster (w), 2:30, 2:30. — — July 18, 1857. .$100. Daniel Webster 1, 2. 2:30, 2:32. 2:28, 2:3.3, 2:35. (w) Dec. 8. 18,57. $2,000. Glencoe Chief, trotter. 8:09. 7 :.59. Three miles. Mav 6, 18.58, $500. Young America 1. 2. 2:29^, 2:39. 2:28. 2:35, 2:39. Fred Wormley, b g (3 :39). l)y .lones' Tuck;ihoe, dam by Copperbottom. F. K. Wormley, Peoria, 111., Sept. 18, 1874, $175. Black Danfl dis). Peeler a dis), 2:31 ?i. Fritz, ch g(3:34i4). J. McCumsey. Amliler Park. Pa., Sept. 24 and 25, 1879. $200. Little Mac 1, 5, William C. 3, Innocent §;im,2:31, 2:a3, 2:3234, 2:35. 2:361^. 2:32'/2. Westchester, Pa., Oct. 4. 1879, $125. John S, 1, 3. Innocent Sam. 2:41>/j 2:40. 2:,32, 2:34i^. 2:.34M. Fuller, b g (3 :l3»i), by Clear Grit. W. B. Fasig, Hartford, Conn., Aug. 29, 1882, $1,000, Warrior 2. 4, Mattie Bond, Limber Jack (2 dr), 2:17?i. 2:25?i, 2:22, 2:27. 2:18. A. W. Campbell, Cleveland, O., Sept. 8, 1882, $750. Ben Hamilton, Joe Bowers Jr., Charley H., 2:16?£, 2:15'4, 2:1414. Dallas, Tex., Nev. 11. 1882, $.500. Lone Jack, Westraont, 2:17,2:19. 2-AS^. Gainesville, Tex., April 12, 1883, $180. Westmont2, Sciola (4 dr), 2:29, 2:27. 2:25. 2:23. Maysville, Ky., Mav 17. 1S83, $800. Flora Belle 1, 2, Gem (1 dis>, 2:16, 2:16}^, 2:13%, 2:14}^, 2:19. FuTbuBb's Cbestaut Gelding (Z :58). Mr. Furbush. Peru, lud., May 24, 1883, Green's b g. Best time, 2:68 OHESTEK'S COMPLETE TROITING AiNU PACING KECORD. & Garfield Bov, grg (8:341^). Lemuel Folk, Beaver, Pa., Sept. 19, 1877, $150. Flora J. (3 0), Don, Tom Scott (1 dis), Uollv V. (1 (lis), -ZMiW, ii:3S, 2:38, 2:42' i- Oct. .-5. 1877, $ . Flora J., 2, 4. Don, 2:.U'2, 2:.38, 3:38, 2:38'/2, 2:421^. Garryoweii, br g ('i-A3U), by Hanshaw Horse, Wade Carev. Ked Oak, la., Aug. 30. 1883, $200. Julia Lee, Sncwflake. Despot. 2:43»4. •-':47. 2:45'i. 4, 2:21. Oct. 7, and 8, 1881, $.'i00. Buffalo Girl 2, 3, Ned Forrester, Princess, 2:21, 2:23Ji, 2:2iy2, 2:20>^, 2:22>4. Wheeling, W. Va., Oct. 14, 1881, $400. Sweetser 1,3, Princess, Ned Forrester, 2:27>/j, 2:26i4, 2:279i, 2:29, 2:28. Oct. 19. 1881. $2,50. Sweetser, Princess, 2:2,"). 2:2014. 2 :24i4. D. \V. Woodmausee, ^Minneapolis, Minn., July 5. 1882. $500. Little Brown .lug 2, 2:16?i, 2:10V4. 2:20. General Muiison b g (•^:38'.2). J. W. Williams, CrawfordsviUe, lud.. Sept. G, I883,$i00. Katy D.. 2, 4, Gray Charley. Hilly G., 2:4.5, 2:40, 2:41'/i, 2:46. 2:43. General .Smith, ch g (3:33) (2: 31i^ s). S. Rice, New Orleans, La., Sept. 18, 1850, .1?100. Tippecanoe, Butcher Bov, Barber Pony (1 dis), 2:34, 2:38, 2.37. (s) Nov. 16. 1850, $ — . Lady Mac (s) 1, Gray Eagle (s) (3 dr), 2:25'2,2:34Ki, 2:33?i, 2:31 i4. R. B. Scli'Tmerhorn, .Jan. 4, 1851, $100. Tippecanoe l (20), (4 0), (60), Cow Driver 3 (20), (4 0), (6 dis), 2:47, 2:41, 2:46, 2:36, 2::«, 2:.33, 2:37. Jan. 16. 1851, $100. Tippecanoe 1, Cow driver 2. 2:3.5K>. 2:.'^7, 2:33, 2:37, 2:35. General Taylor (s) br g (3 :37), f3 :38 s). A. Conklin, Centreville, L. I., May 17, 1847, $100. Roanoke (si, 1, 2, Village Bov ts) f4 dis). 2:27, 2:29. 2:28, 2:30, 2::!1, J. Whelpley, Union Course, L. I.. June 4, 1849, $400. Lady Bevins (w) 1. (2 dls\ 2:40. 2:37. George, (3:30). Mr. Kelly. Bellelontainc, ()., Oct. 2, 1874. $ . Competitors not named. 2:.-?9. 2:41V4, 2:49. Ge<»rge Fletcher, b g ^3:33;. Capt, llammi^r. New Orleans, La.. Jan. 20. 1855, $75. Lady liver. Dan Rice, 2:,i3. 2:.38. 2:44i4. Georpe G., di) g (3 :33'4), by Canadian Dutchman, dam by Duke of Kent. J. (JrisuKi-o. llamiltou Co.. O,, Sept. 26. 1882, $60. Voltuk 1, Kitty Ban (2 dis), Billy (1 dis), 2:40, 2:37;'2, 2:44, 2:34. .). Bailey, Hillsboro, O., Oct. 7. 1882, $ . Harry Woodruff 1, Refugee, Harry Hill, 2;.J8?i, 2:3Gi2, 2:36. 2:.%. La Salle, 111., July 25, 1883, $400. Black Rainbow 1, Blackbird. Frank W.. 2:3014. 2:30, 2:30'4, 2:33>4. Marshall, Mich., Aug. 1, 1883, $2,50. Buck Dickerson 2, Billv M., High Jack, Gray Bennv. Truro, Fickle . FailUV (1 dis), 2:30'/2. 2:28, 2:J5"2, 2-.30. Yoimgstown, O., Sept. 21, 1883, $400. Jack Rapid, Wild Frank, Little Mack, Jack Hart, Gray Frank, Golden Princf*. 2:28!4, 2:26, 2:27. Cincinnati, O., Oct. 24 and 25, 1883, $1,000. Billv M. 4, Jack Rapid 1. "Wild Frank, Sally B.. Belle Hammill (4 dis), Juliet (2 dr), 2:27, 2:25, 2:23!/2, 2:28'o, 2:4,5. Get There Kli. gr s (3:50). J. W. Ayer, Vlnceunes, Ind., Oct. 3 and 8, 1881, $70. Tom Gibson. Tom Fitz- morris, 2:,50, 2:,59, 3:04. Gideon, b g (3 iSD'/j). G. Smith, Newport, R. L, Nov. 1.5, 1881, $40. Ida, 2:,57io, .J. w. Smith, Lowell, Mass., May 2.5. 1883, $200. Lyman Boy 1, 2.(3 Oi. Nelly, Wild Eyes, Ira 1). (1 dis). Highland Boy (Idls), 2 :44, 2 :4,3«4, 2:43, 2:45. 2:42'4. 2:46. Beacon Park, Boston. June 21, 1883, $400. Lyman Boy l, Etta C. 3, Straggler, Wild Eyes. Redwood. 2 :3I?4, 2:29^. 2:29^, 2:30''4, 2:383i. Glassford, br g (3:39). A. C. Wilkinson, Vincennes, Ind., Oct. 17, 1879, $ . Bay Frank 2. 5. Tom Adams 3, Fanny S., Idle Girl (1 dis), 2:.58. 2:.50M, 2:49. 2:501;, 2:50i4, 2:40Vi. Mt. (\armel. 111.. Sept. 25, 1878, $1,50. Jack Rapid 2, 3 (5 0), Rosa Bell (4 dr). Blue Jeans (4 dr). 2:29, 2:30, 2:33?4,2:34, 2:31. Unfinished. Vincennes, Ind., Oct. 15, 1879, $75. Nelly K.. trotter, Polly Wlshard, trotter, Bundy, Starlight, Bob Lee, Fanny (1 dis), 2:38, 2:.3894, 2:45. ^ „ _ . GoHHip .ir. (w), ch g (2 :30i^). w. Holland, Trenton, N. J., May 30, 1883, $ . Gen. Ewing (trotter (w\ 2:42, 2:4.5 2:45. ^(w), May 31, 1883, $ . Gen. Ewing, trotter (w), 2.42. 2:4.5. 2:40. , , ^ .. Point Breeze Park. Phila., Sept. 15, 1883, $2.50. Don Cameron l, 2, Estella(4 dis). Lady Lightfoot (2 dis), Leviathan (2 dis), 2:2914, 2:27'/2, 2 :.30';.2::!0U.2:.3.5. ,. . „, „ ^, J. DunKan, Washinnlon. D. C, Nov. 7 aiul 8, 1883, $200. Jack Rapid 2, 5, Little Splan, fopsy. Diamond Joe 1 (3 dis), Charley Hill (l dis), 2:34U, 2:,^3U. 2:34, 2:.35'/j. 2:.14. 2:47'4. Grace Huft', ch m (3:40). Wm. McDonald, Belvidere, III., Sept. 6, 1883, $100. Pi\ley, Wild Wave, 2:60. 2:45, 2 '41 Granger ch g (2:34), by Tom Crowder, dam by Stockbridge Chief. James Walker. Cambridge City. Ind., Oct. 21, 1874, $300. Sally, Pocahontas, Sleepy Tom (l dis), Ben Wade (l dis). Bay Frank (l dis), 2:29, 2:26>4, 2-25. '- Terre Haute, Ind., May 14, 1876, »300. Bay Sally, Sucker State, Hoosier Dick (3 dr). Winder (3 dr), 2 :2», 2:25V^. 2:26),^. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. T57 Plqua, O.. M?.y 27. 1875. Sr.oo. Sleepy George (1 0), Bay Sally (1 0), Tom Hendricks, Sleepy Tom (2 disi. 2:23. 2 :-. ?500. Sucker State 2, Gray Harry, Sleepy George. Bay Sally, Hoosier Tom. Hoosier Dick. 2:341^, 2:35, 2:34 i'4, 2 :3-lV^. Portsmouth, O., July lo, 1875, $500. Sleepy George 3. Shaker Boy. Hoosier Dick, 2:24>4, 2:28, 2:25, 2:30. Newport, Ky., July 19, 1875, $400. Hoosier Dick, Sleepy (Jeorge, 2:29>i, 2:30'-, 2:29. Richmond, Ind., August 4, 1875. .?.ooo. Shaker Boy 3, Sleepy George, s'orrel Billy, Hoosier Dick, Hoosier Tom(2dis), 2:47?i.2:40';,2:44. 2:4G. .^ . . o Orangrer Pete, gr g (2 :33;, by Sir Peter. C. Wevl. 'M.assillon, O.. June 14, 1877, $200. Sorrel Billy, Cassius (3dls), Dr. John (1 dis), 2:271-4. 2:28^,2:289.^. W. Day, folumbus, O., Sept. 2, l«81, .$300. Sally B., Noouday, Bonito, Wake up J:ike, Flying Hiatoga, 2:25.2:23,2:28^4^ Newcastle, Pa., Sept. IC, 1881. $50. Bouesetter, trotter, .Tohnnv Wonder. Ida Mav. Kansas Spy, trotter, 2:35,2:35,2:30. Grant, b g (2 :36). Mr. Jones, San Francisco, Cal., Feb. 20, 1875, $ . Copperhead (3 dis). Fritz (2 dis), 2:42>4, 2:38H, 2:36. Feb. 26. 187.5, $200. Abe, 2:42?.i, 2:3914, 2:3714. March 6, 1875, $200. Copperbottom, 2 :491^, 2 :49, 2 :47^. Gray Benny, gr g (2:30i2), by Goodnaught. "H. Sickles, Toledo, O., Sept. 14, 1883. $400. Golden Prince, Tippecanoe (2 dis), 2:30'.2, 2:.33>i, 2:35. Gray Billy, gr g (3:37i,i). Mr. Berry, Mt. Vernon, (\, Oct. 9, 1874, $ . White Billy 4. Queen of the West 2, 2:38, 2:37, 2:40. 2:39, 2:41. Gray Charley, gr g (2 :48 ,, by Ked Buck. B. Fly, Rockvllle, Ind., Aug. 23, 1883, $65. Black Frank, Dick Smith, John White, Maggie Mack, 2:54, 2:55, 2:55. Gray Dan, gr g (2 :24'/2). H. W. Burrows, UhrichsviUe. O., Oct. 20, 1869, $ . Soap, Lazv Tom, Shackleford. 2:24H,2:2G'/2. " ^ Wheeling, W. Va.. Aug. 22. 1873, $ . Sleepv George l, Copperbottom, 2:2654- 2:31, 2:33^. 2:3.5?i. J. B. Critland, Staunton, Va., June 4, 1874, $75. Billy French, 2:41?4, 2:43'", 2:52. Monongahela, Pa., July 4, 1874, $300. Free and Easy, Sorrel Jim, Silver Cloud, Pollv Hoi>l4. Gray Diek.grg (2:41). Fargo, D. T., Sept. 21, 1882, $100. John H. 2. 2:41. 2:47, 3:05. Gray Eagle (s), grg (2:37), (2:33 s). F. G. Chase, New Orleans, La., June 13, 1843. $>wo. Alex. Campbell (S), 2:34, 2:36, 2:33. (s), April 19, 1844, $80. Fanny Elssler (s), 2:45, 2:38, 2:40. C. S, Ellis, Nov. 12, 1850, $200, Creole Maid 2, 2:43, 2:47}^, 2:37, 2:39. Henry Duncan, Nov. 24. 1853, $200. Lola Montez (1 dis), 2:40. Gray Frank, grg (2:26). by HajTvard Chief. J. Greeley, Oakland, Cal.. March 10, 1883, $1.50. Belle W. 1, Chicago, trotter, 2. Long John, 2:33"2, 2:36yo, 2:32i2. 2:31^, 2:34V2. Sacramento, Cal., May 16, 1S85, $200. Prince, Fred Ackerman, Buzzy (3 dis), 2:31K>, 2:.30Vo, 2:32i4. E. D. Nolan, Sept. 14, 1883, $400. Prince 2, Shaker, Fred Ackerman, 2:2714. 2:26. 2:26. 2:3114. Gray Frank, gr g (2:31). J. H. Jones, Ravenna, O., Sept. 28, 1883, $150. Sadie Burns 1, Sorrel Billy, 2.32, 2:329^i. 2:3414. 2:31. Gray Harry, gr g (3 :26ii), by Tempest, dam a White Cloud mare. S. R. Tegarden, Peru, Ind., June 19, 1874. $300. Lucy, George Evans, Dr. John (3 dr). Flora May (1 dis). Tom Hendricks U dis), 2.26J4, 2:3114, 2:3114. J. M. Leach & Co., May 19, 1875, $800. Bay Sally, Tom Hendricks, Nellv Gray (3 dis), Dick Close (1 dis), 2:28, 2:29?4, 2:28^4. Goshen, Ind., June 23. 1875, $300. Dexter, Flora, 2:31 14, 2:43i^, 2:41i4. E. Fonger, Peru, Ind., July 22, 1876, $ . Cora 1, 2:36='4, 2:34%, 2:32?4. Gray John, gr g (2 :28). G. F.SuItzbaeh, Mechanicsburg. O., Sept. 13 and 14, 1883, $135. Molly Kock 3, Ida S. 4, Billy, Silverheels (4dr). 2:37}^. 2:39, 2:38i4, 2:46, 2-AG}i. Lebanon, O.. Sept. 21, 1883, $200. Joe Lewis 3, 6, California Girl l 2, Lively Fred 4, Dr. Brown. 2:29>4, 2:3014,2:31, 2:40, 2:.30i.^, 2:32,2:34,2:35. W. S. Sprague. Marion, O., Oct. 4, 1883, $100. Joe Johnston, Joe Brown, 2:45, 3:00, 2:45. Oct. 5, 1883, $175. Ohio Maid l, 3, Brown Joe. , 2:3.5, , 2:33'4, 2:38. Gray Magr, gr m (3 :35). C. A. Simon. Newcastle, Pa., June 17, 1880, $250. Mary D. l, Johnny Wonder, 2:37, 2:35 2*35 2 '.36 Gray Nathan,' gr g (2 :35), bv Bob Ray. Paris, III., July 27, 1883, $150. Lady Mack 2, 3 (4 0), Joe Burglar 1 (4 dis), John Burke (4 dr). 2:34, 2:36, 2:37, 2:36. 2:,37, 2:.35, 2:35. Gray Tom. gr g (3:34). J. Cameron, Fairview, Ohio, Oct. 2, 1879, $ . Flying Hiatoga Jr. l, 2, Wild Bill, Ed McKane 2*35 2*39 *^'34 2*35 2*38. Great Eastern* b'g (2 !32)"" S. Glenn', St. Louis, Mo., Nov. 11. 1865, $100. Nelly Deal, 2:32, 2:32i4, 2:32%. Green's Bay Gelding (3 :35). C. S. Green. Marietta, O., Oct. 9, 1872. $50. Jim, 2:37, 2:35. Guernsey (s^, gr g (2 :30% s). Wm. Estep, Wheeling, Va., Sept. 1', 1860, $100. Jim Riley (s), Shaking Billy (s), Kate Collins (s), 2:30%, 2:40, 2:3,5. Gurgle, b m (2 :36), by Pocahontas Boy, dam Matlock, bv Diomed. J. N. Dickerson. Columbus, Ind., June 7, 1883, $200. Black Hill 1, Nelly B., Bice (2 dis). Hector Chief (1 dis). 2:38^4, 2:36, 2:40. 2:40'/2. Gus.grg (3:3514). A.E.Williamson. Hamilton, O., Oct. 10, 1879, $100. Molly Pugh, Black Weasel, Jenny Lewis, 2:36, 2 :.36ii. 2:3.5i4. Gypsy (2:45). Mr. Clark, Chatham. N. Y.. July 1. 1868, $300. Gav Deceiver 3, 2:51, 2:45, 2:38, 2:45. Gypsy, b m (2 :38). Mr. Crittenden, San Francisco, Cal., Jan. 21, 1871. $100. Onward (w) l, (3 0), Pniitt (3 0), (6 dis), Jim McCue (3 dis). 2:34, 2:40. 2:43, 2:38, 2:44. Gypsy Joe, br g (2 :31). G. M. Webb, Winnipeg, Man., June 28, 1883. $300. Chief 2, Gay Deceiver (l dis), Phil Sheridan (1 dis), Jimmv O'Brien (1 dis), Bav Rattler (1 dis). 2:3i, 2:.38, 2:39. 2:39. June 29, 18i(3, $500. Phil Sheridan, Jenny O'Brien, Chief (2 dr), Bay Rattler (i dis). 2:39}4. 2:4i, 2:49. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RE('ORD. Handy Andy, rn g (3 :29>4), by Signal. J. B. McDonald, Colusa, Cal., June 18, 1870. $150. Yankee Bill 1, Mollv Lightfoot. 2:53?i, 2:48, 2:57,3:00. Miirysville. Cal., Sept. 5. 1870. $100. Yankee Bill, Prince. Monday, 2:5014. 2:52, 2:ilU- Sept. 10. 1X70. * . Billv Campbell (1 dis). Flying Jib, trotter (1 dis), 8:5f.. Three miles. Sept. 5. 1872. §500. Prus.sian Maid 1, Montague, 2:29^i, 2:32' ..2:331^, 2:8014. St'i)t. 11, 1873, §300. John 1, Prince, 2:40, 2:39-.i, 2:41!», 2:3914. Sept. 12, 1873, S150. John 1. 2. 2:,3.-). 2:46. 2:46'4, 2:411^4, 2:35. Happy Hi. b g ( 3 :44). by AVilniot (hief, dam Jenny June. II. Holmes, Winnipeg, Man., Oct. 25, 1S62, §200. Gypsv Joe 2, 2:44, 2:50, 2:53, 2:51. Harrisburjf. b g C'ii'-ioU ■. bv iilue bull. C. E. Sitterly, Scranlon, Pa.. Sept. 28, 1882, .^100. Miss Brady, 2:45)^, 2 :35V^, 2 :42. June 1, 1SS3. S400. -Miss Bradv. Hen Johnson (3 dis). 2:39, 2:40. 2:40. Great Bend. Pa., Oct. 5, 1883. .S150. Binghanipton Girl 1, Sleepv. 2:.3!)'4, 2:35^4. 2:35>4, 2:35'4. Harry, b g(3 :19?i). W. 11. Crawford, Titusvllle, Pa.. Aug. 23, 1871, .«.-)00. Frank 1, Gj psy Koan (1 dis), 2:42, 2*35' 2 2"38V^, 2:34. Pittsburgh, Pa., June 19, 1873, $500. Nancy, Hunkidori (3 dis\ Dan (2 dis), 2:.33. 2:33, 2:i7\i. Saginaw, Mich., June 27, 1873. $750. Hoosier Tom, Babe (3 dis), Baldface (3 dis), Lottie Scott (1 dis), 2:30. 2 :3CM, 2:4414. Chicago. lil., July 4, 1873, §500. Copperbottom .3, 4, (6 dis). Hoosier Tom (5 dis). Sleepy Bill I, (2dis>, Fanny Fern (1 dis), 2:221^.^, 2:30, 2:21, 2:2514, 2:26'/!. 2:28. Erie, Pa.. July 17, 1873, $500. John McNair, 2:38. 2:32?i, . G. H. Smith. Akron. O.. July 24, 187G. $ . Bay Sally 3. 2:25, 2:25'/s, 2:26. 2:25. Harry A., grg(3:50i4). R. Stagg, Jersey City, N. J., May 24, 1883, $15. Formosa, trotter, Victor,2:57M,2:50i4. 2 :53 Harry 'Brown, ch g (2:47!,9. S. E. Barclay, Dallas, Tex.. Oct. 29, 1877, $100. Tip, Jack (2 dis), 2:.57i'„ 2:47'4. Harry 1>., br g (3:28). E. Gangwere, Lehighton, Pa., Oct. 11, 1878, $30. No Name 3, King Bee, 2:34, 2:30i^, 2 '35 2**^8 Harry D. Goodrich (Nigger Boy and Tom Roach), blk g (3 :35».0, by Cadmus. H. C. Goodrich, Joilet, 111., Sent. 1.5, 1871, $12.5. Jetf Davis 1, Kitty VVeisse (2 dr), Nilsson (I dis), 2:35?4. . 2:37. Sept. 27, 1871, .?17.5. Competitors not named. 2:42, 2:38. 2:40. A. W. McMillan. Earlville, 111., Aug. 31, 1872. $1,")0. Kitty Weisse l, 2, Shoo Fly, .leff Davis (l dis), 2:33. 2:34'4. 2:36. 2:38';,, 2::{6Vi. .loliet. 111., Sept. 19. 1872. $200. Kittv Weisse (1 disi. Butcher Bov (1 dis), 2:29. Harry of the West (3 ::J5). S. R. McCleaf. Cincinnati, ().. Oct. 24. 18(15. $1,000. Polka, 2:40';i. 2:43, 2:3.5. Harry Woodruff, grg (3 :38'i), by Gen. Sherman. .I.B.Stevens. Il;\iiiilton. O.. Oct. 5, ISSl. $100. George (i. 3, 4. Topsy, California Girl, Molly Pugh. 2:42. 2:39. 2:40, 2::i9'«. 2;:«':;. Hattie, ch m (3:34'/i), by Blue Bull, (lam by Tom Hal. James Wilstm, Galesbuig. Til., July 1. 1875, $400. Ladv Elgin (2 0), Cottonnicker (3 r o). BayTom (2 dr). 2:2fi^.(, ?:24i/,, 2:25, 2:31}.<,. Hawlt, blk g (3:31). R. Dillon, Leadvllle, Col.. June :«), I88O. $.30O. "(Colorado Belle 1, 2, Sea Foam. 2:38'/., 2:38?4. 2:40. 2:4.514. 2:.38K'. James McKee. Colorado Springs, Col.. Aug. 4. 18S0. $200. Sea Foam. 2:34, 2:Sm, 2:.34. Denver, Col., Oct. 1, 1880. $175. Sea Foam 1.2, Sleepy Tom, Fred. Douglass, 2:3.5, 2:.«)^. 2:38, 2:38^, 2:38!^. Cheyenne. W. T.. Oct. 1.5, 1880, .$2.50. Fred. Douglas 1. Sea Foam. 2:4.3, 2:41'i. 2:41'4, 2:44. Oct. 19 .and 21. 1880. $400. Weasel ,3, 4. Fred. Douglass. Sleepv Tom, 2:.'?3'5. 2:.32'i, 2:40. 2:38. 2:31. Heffner's Itlack 0«-l(linK (3:30). Chas. Heffner, Pottsville, Pa., Oct. 18, 1866, $100. Temple's blk g (2 dis). 2:30, 2-:41. Henry (3 :40i4). Capt. Dunham, Chicago, 111., June 1.5, 1878, $ . Nero. Black Hawk. Roderick, 2:40i4, 2-4014. Hero, gr g (3:3010, by Harris' Hambletonian. J. D. McMann. Union Course. L. I., July 4, 1851, $50, Cin- derella 1. .3. American Boy (2 dis). Lady Cass (2 dis), 2:45. 2:.34. 2:.35V;^ 2-.31 Hi Tracy, ch g (3 :33i2), by Tecumseh. H. Tracy Stockton, Cal., Sept. 27, 1.S76, ifiOO. J imBrown Ladv St. Clair, Dan Rice (1 0)(2dis;, 2:2oli, 3:01, 2:22'». 2:23^4. ' Honest Allen, ch g (3 -.34:?^). J. B. lleevy, St.'Louis, Mo., .Tune 6, 1864. $500. Dutch Dave l, 2 (4 dis), 2:34M. 2:33'o, 2:36'2, 2:34i'4. ' ' Honest Frank, b g (3:491^). A. Sullivan, Erie, Pa., Sept. 15, 1881, $1.50. Jane, Minnie L., Pete, 3:01, 2:49^, Honest Jim. br g (3:3814), by Mambrino Bruce. Wilcox Bros., Columbus, O., Oct. G, 1874, .«!25. John Crowder Bay Joe, Catawba, 2 :35}^.^, 2 :36. * Wilcox and Archer, Delaware, O., Aug 18, 187.5, $190. Bolly Weaver, Frank Bush, Gray Dick, Fanny Bigsby, Lady Bell. No tune. ^ ^ George Rush, Adelphi, O., Sojit. 20, 1882, $80. Roan Charlev, Hector. Marion, 2:4414. 2:45. 2-46 Honest Joe, grg (3 :37J4). U B. VVilkins, Union CoiU'se, L. L, Jiuie 3, 1851, $50. D. C. Broderick, Gwvnn's bm2(3dis), 2:42, 2:40'4, 2:37'.., 2:41. ".y.ui b Honesty, b g (3 :36i^). W. H. McDoel, Keokuk, la., Aug. 20. 1871, $150. Sealskin 1, Blind Tom (3 dis) Sorrel Tonu2 dis), 2:.37'2, 2:.37. 2:38>i, 2:3.514. Davenport, la., Sept. 7, 1871, $100. Advent 1, Mary (\ dis). Honest John (1 dis), 2:36. 2:37?i, 2:36?i. Four- year-olds. — — Keokuk, la.. July .5, 1872. $100. Cotton Picker, Lightfoot, 2:46';, 2;47. Hannibal. Mo., Sept. 26, 1872, SIOO. Sealskin 1, 2:26><;, 2:28, 2:29. C. L. Williams, Keokuk, la., August 18, 1874, $100. Wild Dick 2, Brown Billy (2 dis\ 2:46, 2:47K>, 2:40U, 2 :.50)^. Honolulu, rn m (2 :45), by Clark's Mambrino Chief, dam hv Robinson's Bellfounder. E. W^ Ellis Ada O , Sept. 21, 1883, $100. Black Joe 1. Bay IHok, Samuel C. (2 dis), Joshua (1 dis), 2:48, 2:45, 3-02 2-52 Hoosier Bell, sp s (3:4~i'4). E. C. King, Beloit. Wis., Oct. 1, 1881. $100. Black Frank. 2:48?^. 2-48 '>-47M Hoosier Dick (s), b g ('3:34). (3:19i-oS). G. W. Smith. Smith, Burgett.stown, Pa.. Oct. 7, 1874.'$8b Tuck (s), Free and Easy (s), Polly Hopkins (s), Country Girl (s), Black Pepper (s), Aura Scott (s) (3 dr), 2:32, 2:34Ji, 2:3314. Oct. 13, 1874, $500. Lucy, Saratoga, 2:41, 2:42. 2:48. (s) Cambridge City, Ind., Oct. 23, 1874, $ . Bay Sally (s). Sleepy George (2 dis), Nellv Davis (2 dis), 2:19;2. 2:19?i, 2:19^4. C. B. Faray, Dayton, O., June 22. 1875, $500. Bay Sally. Tom Hendricks, 2:27Vi. 2:29]4,2-3l%. (S), J. B. Shultz, Logans]>()rt, Iiul., .Sept. 8, 1875, .•:; . S P. A. Babfofk. Dnbnque. la.. Opt. 6, 1870. Sl.7). Nelly Bly, Billv Button 1, (2 dls), 2:395^,2:405^,2:391^, 2 :445ii. . .^ . H. Rich, BuffalO.N, Y., Aug. 1, 1874, $;JOO. Shamrock 2, 6, Vandal 3 (6 dis), 2:375!4, 2:35'/t, 2:36%, 2:39X, 2 :40, 2 :40. Ida May. b m (3 :39), by Jim Brlstow. Pittsburgh, Pa., July 4, 1883, $100. Billy Hamilton, Little Nell, Silver Cloud, Kred Everts (3 dr), 2:40, 2:39 2:39}^. liiuoceiit .Sam, b g (2:»7^). D. Killiau, Pottstown, Pa., June 9, 1877, |150. Soretoes 1, 2, Kouieo, 2:33, 2:35, 2:37,2:36,2:38. Wilmington. Del., June 12, 1877, $150. Soretoes 2, 3, Maggie W., Sleepy Kate (l dis). Comet (l dis), 2:40, 2:45J4, 2:48'4, 2:44, 2:44'/2. C. Gracy, Suffolk Park, Phila., May 13, 1878, $150. Comet 2, William C, Soretoes (4 dis), 2:;«.2:28>^,2:28, 2 '27%. " Doylestown, Pa.. Oct. 3, 1878, $100. Mamie Goble, 2:39'/4. 2:41'/j, ^:38. Iri.sh Moll, blk m (3:38;4). F. C. Smith, Wood Kiver, Mo., June 2, 1870, $100. Cotton Picker 2, 2:30, 2:30f4, 2 '33 Aug. 25, 1870, .fSOO. Cotton Picker (1 dis), 2:28}^. Sept. 3, 1870, iSSOO. Cotton Picker (2 dis), 2:33. 2:31. C. Doyle, .lackson. Miss.. Dec. 9. 1871, .$50. Competitors not named. 2:53. Same day. $.')0. Joe Hooker, 2 :4l . 2 :43. Vicksburg, Miss., Dec. 16, 1871, $150. Johnson's ch m (s) (2 dis). Belle of Natchez (s) (2 dis), 2:56, 2:36. ,L H. Young, Dec. 27. 1871, .$.50. Black Hawk, 3 :05. 2 :.')8. Irish Tommy m g (3:331^). H. Ruble, St. Louis, Mo., May 26, 18,59, .12.50. Missouri Chief, Lady Florence, 2:33'A 2 ■.34'*';i 2:40. Isaac 'B.'l.oder (Chiirley Evans), rn g (2:31^). I. B. Loder. Cambridge, Ind., June 1, 1871, $100. Eclipse 1, Lady Powell, Eliza Jane (3 dis). Belle Conway CI dis\ No Name (1 disv 2:."!5U. 2:41V4, 2:41J4, 2:40>4. — — Jime 2, 1871, $.50. Lady Powell 2, Belle Conwiiy, Eclipse (3 dis), 2:42'!-, 2:405.;, 2:.'!5. June 3, 1871, $175. Hobsier Tom, Honest John, Burnslde (l dis), 2:29'/4, 2:32, 2:28>4. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTIKU ANl> PACIXG RECORD. 76t Jack, b g (3 :38i4). G. H. Morrison, Parker City, Pa., August 24, 1875, S50. Trim 1, Betty, Reuben, 2:50, 2:48, 2:45, 2Ab. Sept. 4, 1875, $50. Trim l, Geutlei'oot, Detiauce (2 dr), 2:41, 2:39, 2:38'^, 2:41. Major Muiuow, Pittsburgli, Pa., Aug. 3, I87u, $200. Lady Hotter 4, 5, Roan Dan 2, Dick (1 dis), 2:42, 2:41, 2:40!2, 2:44, 2:50,2:50^4:. F. Hayes, Weston, VV. Va., Sept, 25, 1877, $53. Miller's dn m. diaries, 2:57, 2:b5U, 2:5i%. Jack, b s (3:40), by Antliony Wayne. J. W. fearse, Fort Wayne, lud., Sept. 4, i»b2, $50. Flora 1, Mattio (3 dn, 2:43%. 2:40. 2:441^^, 2:43'/2. JacJ Hart, ch g (3:331^4), by American Boy, dam by Shoo Fly. J. W.Hart, Pittsburgh, Pa., June 2, 1883, $500. Eddy D., Hi Ball, Joe Lewis, Fritz, Silver Cloud, Hetta Foster, 2:28i4, 2:23^4, 2:25M- Toledo, O., Sept. 12. 1883, $400. Rostraver 3, 4, Jordan, Gray Benny, Golden Prince, 2:24, 2:28, 2:29, 2:31, 2:29. Pittsburgh, Pa., Sept. 29, 1883, Suoo. Jack Rapid 2, Captain Dan, George G. (3 dis), Wild Frank (2 dls), 2:32'/2, 2:39?4,. 2;30?i, 2:35?i. Jack of Hearts, ch g (3 -.0514). J. Glasser, Morrisania, N. Y., August 9, 1880, ,$400. Colonel Dickey, trotter, 3:0514, 3:06. Jack Kvans, br g (3 :39*4). John Evans. Des Moines, la., .July 3, 1873, $50. Prairie Queen (l dis). Prince (Idis), 2::j2i.^. Jack Rapid, gr s (3 :36), by Jack Rapid. J. Ayres, New Harmony, Ind., Sept. 15, 1878, $ . Rattling Dan, Pompey, 2:40, 2:35J^, 2:26. Vinc'eniies, Ind., Oct. 19, 1878. $ . Flora Belle 1, Gray Major 4, 2 :31, 2:34, 2:399i, 2:37'i, 2:29. Danville, 111., Sept. 2, 1880, $200. Little Eil, Bay Rattler, Little Barefoot, 2:32, 2:31'«, 2:32. Catlin, 111., Sent. 9, 1880, $185. Hoosier Girl, Onia Forrester, 2:31, 2:33, 2:29. J. H. Cbirk, VVellsville, N. Y., July 5, I8»l, $200. Tom Wonder Jr. 1, 2 (4 dr), 2:32i^, 2:37, 2:38, 2:49, 2:28. R. R. Schmidt, Davton, O., May 29, 1883, $700. Daisy D., 2:30, 2:.30, 2:35. Springfield, O.. Aug. .30, 1883, $25. Wake Up Jake, 2:501^, 2:48, 2:52. Aug. 31, 1883, $50. George G., 2:29i^, 2:28^4. 2:30. A. Coleman, Lancaster, O., Oct. 12, 1883. $300. Belle Hammill 3(4 0), Joe Lewis, Charley H., Sleepy Rock, Duco (1 dis), 2:25'/2, 2:26^4. 2:26i4, 2:2Ti^, 2:28. Jack Rapid Jr., gr g (3 :35M), by Jack Rapid, dam by Falcon. R. Harper, Westchester, Pa., Sept. 22, 1883, $200. Little Splan 1, Ben Johnson, Topsey G., 2:41?^, 2:42, 2:41^. SufEolk Park, Phila., Oct. 25 and 26, 1883, $250. Twister 1, Little Splan 4, Brown Dan 5, Maggie, 2:363i, 2 :35m, 2:35;'4, 2:39, 2:39M, 2:41. James C..bs(3:36). J. M. Campbell, Kansas City. Mo., July 4, 1681. $100. "33" l,Latrobe. Lilly, 2:41, 2:36, 2:38, 2:40. James Conlisk (John McKinney & Conlisk's Roan Gelding), rn g (3 :33). Thomas Oliver, Hamilton, O., Oct. 2, 1866, $100. Charles Shattuck (2 dis). 4 others (1 dis), 2:30'/2, 2:27. James K. Polk, ch g (3:37). D. Heinshon, N'ew Orleans, La.. March 26, 1845, $1,000. Tippecanoe, 5:18, 5:21. A. Conklin, Beacon Course, N. J., July 15, 1845, $l.ooo. John C. Calhoun, 2:33'/2, 2:31, 2:39. Union Course, L. I., Aug. 21, 1845, $200. Cayuga Maid (2 dr), 2:27. Oct. 22. 1846, $400. Ladv Suffolk, trotter, 7 :46, 7 :46'i.. Three miles. (w) Nov. 18, 1846, $400. Ladv Suffolk, trotter (s), 5:08^2. 5:16. Two miles. Centreville. L. I., Sept. 21, 1846. .$300. Moscow, 5:23J.^, 5:21. Two miles. Sept. 13, 1847, .§400. Ladv Suffolk (s), 7:44, 7:.53. Three miles. (VV) Oct. 5, 1847, .$200. Roanoke, Oregon Maid (1 dis). 5:06, 5:14. Two miles. (w) Union Course. L. I., Oct. 15. 1847, .$2,50. Ladv Suffolk, trotter (s), 5:0414, 5:09. Two miles. (s) J. D. McMann. May 8. 1850, $650. Lady Mac (s). 5:20, 5:29'^. Two miles. George Spicer, May 29, 1850, .$4.50. Lady Bevins, 2 (3 disK 2:39, 2:26, 2:30. J. D. McMann. Boston, Mass., June 5, 18.50, $ . Dan Miller, 2:29, 2:36, 2:35. Philadelphia, Pa., June 20, 18,50, $200. Roanoke (2 O), 5:08, 4:57J^, 5:00. Two miles. James K. Polk, gr g (3:35). D. McPhail. Springfield, 111., Sept. 25, 1877, $75. Flora 1, Lena Rivers (3 diS), 2:42. 2:.'i5^. 2:35. Jeflf Angel, b g (3:001^). J. Angel. Lampasas, Texas. Aug. 12. 1879, $.50. Parzelle, Waco, 3:00i^. Jeff Davis, br g (3 :35Ji). Ottawa, 111., June 15, 1870, $ . Roach .facksou (1 dis), 2:29U. J. Dillon, Earlville. 111. Sept. 1. 1870, $50. Billy O'Brien, 2:453,, 2:41, 2:40. R. D. (iray, Sept. 2, Isto, .$7.5. Robert Burns, 2:49H. 2-A5U. 2:51^. J. Dillon, La Siille. III., Sept. 7, 1870. $8.5. Prairie .lack, Andrew Jackson. 2:32t^, 2:25?i, 2:33%. Jenny Lind, ch m (3 :38). Uhrichsville. O., Sept. 9. 1870, $ . Shackleford 1, Buck~eveMaid 4, Sally. 2:301^, 2:28,2:33,2:33,2:30. ' . j. tjh Jerry (3:30). Manchester, N. H.. Sept. 8, 1870, $100. Jack Coburn (2 dis). Telegraph (2 dls), Kitty (2 dls). Brown Dick (2 dis), 2:44, 2:.S0. Jim, dn g (3 :38i. C. Beachy, Hillsboro, O.. Oct. 12, 1877. $150. Lady Paton, Topsv, Arlington, 2:.50, 2:38, 2:38. Jim Brannon, b g (3:35). F. (4. Chase, New Orleans, La.. Jan. 3, 1847, $ . Whitney, Gray Jim (2 dr), Tippecanoe (1 dls), 5:10, 5:14. Jim Brown, ch g (3 il?",). G. W. Dickev, San Francisco, Cal., June 13, 1873, .$250. Jim McCue 3, Swindle, Onward, Wonder (2 dis), 2:.35, 2:30^4. 2 ■M}4. i -.Sb^. Barney Rice, Sacramento, Cal., July 4, 1873, $300. Prussian Maid 1, 2, Swindle 5, 6, Ben Butler (5 dis), 2:24Ji — T. Sargeaiit, Siuniincnlo, Cm., Sept. 1», lb73, *tiUO. I'russiaii Maid 1. Lady St. tliiir, Swindle, t'apitola, — ^ siui Jose. Cal'., Sept. .'«). l^'li. S^OO. Ladv St. Clair 1. I'russiaii Maid. 2-;! 2- '•' •>"4i, ••••■aki — Oct. 3. 1»73. S-40(). Deliaiice J. Dan N'oorliccs. Ladv SI. (lair. 2:lK?i ^rlT^^ ■•■••4'1 •---'•»■ — San Francisco, Cal.. Uct. 11 ami 13, 1873, *GOO. J^cVuiiicu 2. 6 (lOi, Lady St.' ciair.Loniifcllow. Dan Voor- hccs 3 (4 dis). •-':•.'(), 2:20ix>, 2:21';, 2:20, 2:i;iii^S. 2:19^4. 2:17'2. , x .m v wur — (). A. Hickok. Nov. 14. 1873. .-^l.J.OO. Lon>;fello\v 1, 2:-'2?4. 2:27, 2:2f)?4, 2:27. — Nov, 21), 1873, .?2.100. Loiififcllow. Dan Voorhees, 4:r,li.,, .'■):()0U',. Two inilos — .laii, 1, 187,-), $\xm. Loiiglellow3, ,-■). Ninirod 4, Ben Bufler, Fisbeniian, Dan Voorhees (3 dis), 2:19, 2:19 2 : ly «, 2 :22j.i>. 2 24^4, 2:20' 2, ' — .Ian. 30 1875, S9.-)0. Niiiirod, 2:25. 2:2(>'.i. 2:20. — April .'JO, 187,-.. srm. Lady St. Clair, Loiifildlow. Ninirod, Fisherman. 2-:i'.l^i, 2:22)a-, •'••'2'". May 13. 187,j, .S.'>00. Lady St. Clair, Loiifitellow, FislRTiiiaii, .Ninirod (1 dis), "2:lb'J4,''2r2(H/"2:21'4 Jim Hughes (2:33). L Woodruff, UnioiiCour.se, L. 1., Octolier 20, 18.-)7, .?50o'. L. Burial 2, 2:39, 2:41 2:47 — l\. Woodruff, .May 13, 18.'-.8, §75. Tedro 1. 2, 2:37!4, 2:35. 2:33, 2:391^. 2:37 .June 3. 1S58, SM. Tedro 2, 2:34. 2:35, 2:39K>, 2:o9. (W) June 23, 1858, S2.000, Mohawk (\v),2:;>9. 2:40"2, 2:40',.. Jim Jewell, I) g (3 :iy 1.1), by Alierdeen, dam by American Star. A. P. McDonald, Albany N Y Mav 20 18S;5, .S.50. Kckford, Domiiiick K.,2:29!4, 2-32, 2:30. •' • ^ •' ™'*y •"• .lune 19, 1883, 151.000, Billy M,. 2:21.2:26J/4, 2:27. .Iiilv 4. 1H83, S500. 2:19}4, To beat 2:20. .lolinstown. N. Y.. Sept. 5. 1883. $400. 2:37U. 2:381^. 2:36^. To beat2:29U,. Lost .\lbany. N. Y., Oct. 5 and 6, 1883, $1,000. Lddy D. 4 d 0), Billy S. 2, 3 (4 dis), 2:2434, 2.20'/j, 2:25J4, 2:23>4, 2:27'2, 2:33, 2:24',2. • Jim McCue. b s (2 :30). by St. Clair, J. S. McCue, Petaluma, Cal., Sept. :.8, 1871, .S150. Washintrton 1 >-. noi TomTlmmb(3 0)(5dis), 2:43,2:45,2:52,2:51,2:43,2:51. *' ""''•^^•'"'' Oakland, cal., July 4, 1871, $ . Pruett (w) l. Stranger (l dis). 2:40, 2:47, 2:42V4. W. H. Shears, San Francisco. Cal., Dec. 7, 1872. $100. Simcoe, Barney, Flora (1 dis). 2:39Ji •'■47 March 17, 1873. $ . Flora (2 dis), 2:3914, 2:40. 4. • • San Jose. cal.. .lune 18. 1873. $ . Keno, 2:38, 2:34, 2:35. J. K. Kdmondsun, b g (3:33). Mr. Hamner, Nashville, Teiiii., May 12. 1865. $100. George Polk. 2:49, 2:37. J. Roclkekey. Aug. 30, IS.'iS. $2ro. Fanny Pierce 1,2, 2:499i. 2:36^4, 2:;j2. 2:32. 2:,'?6. Joe IJowers. ch s 13 :33?i). Cole, Thomas & Co., Nashville, Teun., Oct. 9, 1872, $ . Pilot l Blaze (1 disl 2:37J^. 2:,339i,2:»5i4. J. Atkins. Hunlsville, Ala.. Oct. 6. 1874. $25, Robin. Hoosier Girl (2 dr). 2:09'/", 2-4-' Oct. 8. 1874, $.50. Billy (irimes 1, Hoosier Girl Fanny. 2:30. 2:35'4. 2:30?;.. Joe iJowers, b g (3 :35>.i >, bv Joe Bowers. Frankfort, Intl., Aug. 31, 1883, $- — . Lady Mack, Gray Charlev Little .let. Hoosier Bill, 2:40V4, 2:41, 2:40, Joe IJowers Jr.. b g (3:18). by Joe Bowers, dam by Leviathan. E, F. Geer, Sedalia, Mo,, Sept 21 1881 $140. Thunder 2. James C. 1,2:41. 2;28U;, 2:28. 2:31. 2:32i^>. ' ' L. J. Bartlclt, Grand Rapids. Mich., 'June 29, 1882. .^500. High .Lack 1 (3 dr), 2:27'i, 2:249^. 2:34. J. Aikens, Cleveland, o. .lulv 2(;, 1882. $1,000. Fuller 1, Warrior, Princess, Keno, F'elix, Estella, Mattie Bond (1 dis), 2:17' j. 2:18, 2:19'4, 2:20?.;. .E. F. (Jeer, Rociioster, N. Y,, Aug. 9. 1882, $1,000, Limber Jack 2, Mattie Bond, Warrior, Bessie M., Keno, Fuller 1, 3 (5 djsi, Ned Hunter (2 dis), 2:18. 2:20, 2:20, 2 :20i^, 2 :27?4 , 2:.31, Wheeling, \V. Va..Sept. 15, 1882, .$500. Charley II., 12, Ben Hamilton 3, 2:24»/4, 2:29^,2: 2C?i, 2:27, 2:30'/., 2:28?4. Huntsville, Ala,. Oct, 13, 1882. $ — . Blacksmith Charlev. Sally Watson, 2:39}/,. 2:28"-. 2:26?4. Joe IJradon, b g (2 :20i,, ), by Bull (iopher. K. V. Geer. Dallas. Tex.. Nov. 9. 1883, $500. Fritz, John M., Little Will (3 dis), Jim Trumbull (l dis).2:20'4, 2:;«i4. 2:2014. Gainesville, Tex., Nov, 14. 1883. .'5400. Fritz. .lug Jr. Little "Willie, 2:27'^. 2:28, 2:28'^;. Fort Worth, Tex., Nov. 21, 1883, ,$500. Fritz, Little Willie (3 dis). Buckskin (.3 dis), 2:28, 2:28>4, 2:20i4- Joe Brown. 1) g (2 :26). E. Geer. Uhrichsville, ()., Sept. 23, 1882, $100. Charlev TI. 3, 2:29. 2:20, 2:29'/2, 2:28. Joe <;olburn (2 :30). Half Moon l?av, Cal.. June 5. 1875. $.';no. Californiit Boy, 2:30, 2 :31, Joe Gales, gr g (2 :23J4). E. C, Dodil. Hamilton, O., Aug. 22. 1867, $225. Centreville Maid l, 2, (4 dis), 2:29J^, 2:3P.i, 2:27'4, 2:27. Washington. D. C, Nov. 7, 1807. $1,000. Magoozler (w) 2, Polly Ann (s), Coldwater Billy, Red Rover (s), 2:2.314, 2: 23U, 2:29. 229"-. Joe Gleason, b g (3 :37=.,)" A. Helm, New Orleans. La.. F^eb. 19. 1879. $ , Hoosier. 2:43'.-. 2:37?4, 2:41U. Joe Hooker, bik s (2:30). J. S. Boyer, Lancaster, Pa.. June 15, 1809, .«!ioo. Country 15oy (1 dis), Blinkey (I dis), 2:40. James Hornberger. Reading. Pa.. Sept. 16. 1809. $100. Sorrel Ned, 2;3.5i^. 2:38>^, 2:3714. F. Wngner, Sept. 29, 1809, .$100. Butcher (1 01. (4 0). White Cloud, 2 ::!7, 2:.SS. 2:40. 2:37!2, 2:38. A. C, Ruckwalfer. Reading Pa.. Mav 31, 1S70. .«200. J. (i. Butler. 2:;!0. 2:09, 2:32. Lancaster. I'a. June 9. 1870. $100. J. G. ]5utler(2 disi. Red S(|uirrel (1 dis). 2:341^.2:34'^. Easton. Pa., .lune 23. 1870, ,$100. Wild P.ov, Frank Hunt (2 dis), 2:44, 2:,18, 2:.')2, — C. H. Smitbv. Waverlv, N. J., Seyit. 23, 1870, .$100. Pigeon. Dick Tnrpiii, Col. Jones. 2:36, 2:.'?8. H. Eck, Dovlestown, JPa., Oct. 7. 1870. $ . Lady Douglass, trotter. Lady of the West (1 dis), 2:40, 2:43, 2:18. Joe Hooker, h g (3 :03), S. D. Lasater, Carmi, 111 . Sept. 4. 188.3, $100. William Y., 3:14. 3:28i^, 3:02. Joe i,«nvis, grg (3:20^). Dan Marlen, Hartford, O., Sept. 13. 1883, $275. Oliio Maid, Keno, Kilbuck Tom, 2:.'9'.,. 2:29'i. 2:.V). Lebanon. O.. Sept. 19. ISS.-?. $155 Grav John, Dr. Brown. California Girl. Bay Billy, 2:,30.2:,i0, 2:29,Ui. Lancaster, O.. Oct. 11. 1883, $200. Livelv F'red. Duco, Sleepy Rock. Ida M:iy, Uncle Ned. Little Joker, Scipio.2:29'4.2:,31«4. 2:3114. .) Joe .S.. blk g (3 :44i. F. Sherwood. Lowell. Mas«i.. July 4. 1883. .$.'-^. Nellv (2 dis). Nelly (1 dis), 2:40. 2:44. Joe Wilson, bg (2:34%), (3 :34i4 s). W. Peabodv, New Orleans. La. Feb. l. 18.50. $ 1.000. Morphine. 2:28, 2:;?5. 2:.33l/.. Nov. 2. 18.50. .<|!12.5. Cow Driver. Gen. Smith. Ladv Mac (2 dis). 2:29",, 2:31'^, 2:;55, A. Conkliii, Dec. 12, 18.50. $1,000. Roanoke, 2:2914. 2:29. 2:31. .Ian. 14. 1851. .$L'nn. Roanoke. Cow Driver. 2:.'!5. 2:31, 2:,30. Mobile, All., .\pril 27. 18.52. .•«250. Murdock, trotter (s). Roanoke. 2:.32. 2:37. 2:38, New Orl.-ins. L;i.. Mav 2, 18.52. .$800. Roanoke 4. Tom Smilev (2 0). 2:243.,'. 2:30. 2:2.5>4, 2:3.3i.»i. 2:31. J. L. F.nff. Columbus. O.. .lulv 1.3. 1852. .«100. Tom Smilev 2 f3 disi. 2:26, 2:47, 2:31. W. N. Rou'crs. Mobile, /.la., Anril 27. 18,5:!. .«12.5. Bob Cottrill 2 (3 dis). 2:44, 2:.39U,. 2:.".9>i. New Orleans. T,a., Mav 15. 18.5.3. .'»;2.50. Silvertail 1. 2 (3 dis), .lohn Burnett (3 dis\ 2:3414. 2:.13i4, 2:30. J. L. Eoff. June 10. 18.53. .$300. Silvertail, 2:2.5'4. 2:27. 2:30. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TUOTTING AND TACINU ItlXOKD. 768 Cincinnati, 0., Nov. 5, 1853. S500. Tecumseh, 2:39. 2:46, 2:40. hew Orleans, La., March 1, ls.->4, SIOO. .Silvertail 2, Dolly Spanker, 2:25i.4, 2:2C, 2:25'/i, 2:27. (s;. San 1- rancisco, Cal.. Oct. 15. 1854. $400. LaUy Mac {a), 5:02^. 5:12. Two miles. John Wilson, Nov. 12, l><54, $1,000. Young America, 2:38, 2:39, 2:36. Nov. 20, 1854, $;500. Lady Mac 1. 3, Daniel Webster, 2:30, 2:32. 2:30, 2:32, 2:34. D. C. Campbell, April 20, 1855, $200. Daniel Webster, Lady Mac (3 dis), 2 :-'9, 2:31, 2:31>^. .lune 2, 18o5, 5^500. Lady Mac 1, 2:35>'o, 2:39. 2:3534. John, rn s (3:38;. Gainesville, Tex., April 13. 1883, $-mo. Sciola 2,2:38. 2:3.3V-. 2:3.s'o.2:C9',i. John Allen, bllv g (,3:40i. A. W. Allen, Des Moines, la., Oct. 8, 1873, »50. Lady Suuires, Lady Lyons, Rboda, Frank Morgan, 2:40,2:40. > ,^ John .Vnderson, rn g (3 :39). Mr. Courtney, Louisville, Ky., Sept. 7, 1855, $125. Maritana (l 0), Joe Murphy, 2:39, 2 :.39. 2:40. 2:44. t- j, John IJaptist. ch s (3 :45?4). G. W. Dealing, Council Bluffs, la., July 5. 1873, SIOO. Billy, 2:45, 2:49, 2:51. Oct. IS. 1873, $75. Billy Button 1 (3 dis). 2:49'o, l-AhU, 2:4714. John Bull (3:38). G. Grimes, Lebanon, O., Sept. 21, 1883,$ . Country Girl, Maud Carter, 2:38, 2 :38?i, 2:49. John liurke. b g(3 :36), by Morgan Messenger, daui Gossip Jones. J. P. Stuard, Vincennes. Ind., Oct. 20, 1879. $40. Buckskin, Slow Go, •J:.33. 2:31Ui. 2:.55?i. llockville, Ind., June 11, 1881. $1,50. Itattling Dan, Iloosier Sam. Winder, Cai>t;iin Durland, 2:32, 2:30, 2:321.j. Crawfordsville. Ind., June IG, 1881, S200. Eattling Dan, Thomas L., Eddv D.. Captain Durland, Lady Bell, 2:27 '.4.2:28, 2:271^. G. Grimes, Montgomery. Ala.. Dec. 5, 1883, $200- Edwin Frost 1. Billy C. 2:31. 2:32. 2:29, 2:32. John Burnett, ch g (3:30). R. K. Bonham, New Orleans. La.. Nov. 15. 1852. .$4ii0. Dan Rice, 2:32'/i, 2:30. Feb. 9, 1853, $400. Bob Cottrill 4, 5, Tom Smiley 2 (4 dis), 2 :33. 2 :33!^. 2 :35, 2 :37, 2 :34, 2:35. John C.,b g (3:43). W. G. DeaJing, Atlantic, la., Sept. l, 1882, $100. Despot, Jim Crow, Budd Doble (l dis\ 2:.56'4.2:57'2,2:.57. John C. Calhoun, b g (3 :31). James Whelpley. Beacon Course, N. J., Oct. 31, 1844. $400. Fairy Queen. 2:32, 2:36. John Crowder. br s (3:33). S. J. Larimore, Mt. Vernon, O.. June 19. 1874, $ . Gray Billy, Kockv Alonn- tain Chief. Sleepy John. 2:40. 2:40'/i, 2 :35i'2. Columbus. O., Sept. 11, 1874. $ — . Flora. Black George. Honest Tom, Sleepy Tom, Honest Billy. Tom Paine. Minnie Lewis, Girl. Pet Headley 2:32.2:34.2:33. Newark, O., Oct. 2, 1874, .1560. Rattling Jim 1. Queen of the West, Pet Headley, Sleepy Frank. 2:36, 2:40, 2:38,2:38. F. Harris. Oct. 7. 1881. $ . Blue Jav. Maud B., 2:52. 2:54>4. 2:54K. John D.. br g (3: 33J/^). J. Gano, Beloit, Kan.. Sept. 27, 1883, $100. Liglitfoot, Lizzie F., Ben Lyman, Minnie Lee. 2:32 '4- 2 :3.3i^, 2:3214. John E., b g (3 :44). A. M. Quinton, Flemington, N. J., Sept. 29, 1881, $125. Dick Turpin 3, 4. Belle of Frank- ford 2, William Lewis, 2:44, 2:47, 2:47 2.49, 2:53. 2:. 52. John G. Butler, grg (3 :36?i). J. E. Turner, Philadelphia, Pa., Sept. 12, 1870, $ . Duster 3. 2:36?i. 2:39^^. 2:.36i4, 2:39»4- John H.. ch g (3 :38'/3^. G. P. Smith, Minneapolis, Minn., July 4. 1883, $250. Grav Dan. Ada B.. Tucker B., 2:3014.2:31. 2:30'/2. Red Wing, Minn., Sept. 27, 1883, $ . Billy N. 4, Gray Dan 1, Nigger 5, 2:32, 2:32, 2:36, 2:32i4, 2:34i^, 2 :35. St. Paul, Minn.. Oct. 4, 1883, $250. Billy X., 3, 4, Nigger, Gray Dan, Lazy Bill (5 dis;, 2:32. 2M14. 2:30. 2:30, 2:28' 2. John Heenan, bg (2:35), by Henry Clay, pacer. Wm. Rllev, Detroit, Mich., Oct. 3, 1860. $100. Sam Slick (1 dis) Grevhound (l dis), BlacK River (l dis), Wm, Penn , 2:34. G. A. Vignolo. Stockton, Cal., Sept. 29, 1880. $300. Nimrod 2, Col. Dickey. Brewery Boy, Hiram Tracy, 2:.3m.2:28'2. 2:24.2:26. Sacramento, Cal., Sept. 23 and 24, 1881, $400. Ouida 2. 3. Terry, Carrie T., Washington, 2:25:'i. 2:25}^. 2:29, 2:24, 2:27. Gus Walters, Salinas City, Cal., Oct. 1.5, 1881, $250. Carrie T. 1, 2, Washington, 2:22, 2:21}^, 2:25'^. 2:32^^,2:37. John Patton, rn g (3 :34). R. K. Bonham. Mobile, Ala.. Julv 15, 1868. $ . Andy Cobb. 2:34. 2:38. 2:401^. John Riddeberger. ch s (3:36',;). Capt. Hammer. Nashville, Tenn., Sept. 7, 1860, $.50. Sweepstakes (1 dis), 2:36'/-. John S., b g (3-301^). G. E. Matthews, Point Breeze Park, Phila., Oct. 2. 1878, $200. Don Cameron. Lon B. (2 dis). 2:36^, 2:.34, 2:33'2. • ^ J. McLaren, Belmont Park, Phila., June 29, 1882. $ . Twister 2, Ben Johnson, Drennon. 2:45H, 2-45 Johns!, ell g (3:54' i). A. C. Wood, Santa Cruz. C;il., July 31, 1883, $50. Snowball (1 dis), Bisinark (1 dis), 2:541/5. 74). (Tawfordsville, Ind., Sept. 10, ixKi, JIOO. Lloyd G. 4, Tom Tipton ?., 3:00, 3:01i.,, 3:00. 3:00, .1. O. Sbeets, Vinceiines, Ind., Oct. 11^ 1883. ^7o. Faniiv D., Bulger Bill, 2:47, •_':4G;i,ii:47»/,. John .Schonchin.chg (2:25 14). Keuo, ISev., Oct. 8, 187u, iooo. Odd lellow 1, Shoo Flv, 2:43^, 2 4r. 2-46 2:461^. Alarysville, Cal., Oct. 12, 1875. $250 Dan Kice 1, 2, Foss, Odd Fellow (5 dis), Prince (l dis), Moutacue n dis),2:2Gi4.2:2»?a.'J:2l)'», 2:34, 2:35. h c vi Oct. 15, 187,5, $200. Dan Kice 1, Odd Fellow (2 dis), Foss (1 dis), 2:28, 2:26'/,. 2:29'4. A. L. Hinds, San Francisco. Cal., Jan. 13, 1876. $ . Onward l, lioosier Dicli, 5:05, 5:08'4 613 (W> Aug. 1, 1877. $,"")<). Washington 2, 2:36)^, 2:28, 2:30, 2:28'4. . • • Johnston, b g (;J :10), liy Bashaw (iolddust, dam bv -Sweetings Ned Forre.st. 1". V. .Johnston FastSaeinaw Mich., July 4, 1883, *aiu. (iurgle, ili Ball, Jack Hart, Daisy D., Chestnut Star, Bockcl c-' dis), 2:21, 2:21^4* Kalamazoo, Mich., July 10, 1883, §600. Gurgle, Rocket, Hi Ball, Chestnut Star(l dis), Daisy D (1 dis) 2:18. 2;21. 2:17?i. •' ^ '' Chicago. 111., July 16, 1883. 9'2.rm. Gurgle (2 dis), Billy S. (1 dis), Eddv D. (1 dis}, 2:13. 2:l5k. .luly lu, 1883, S200. 2:ll?i. To beat 2:1 iSi. Lost. (Ht. 9. 1883, $1,000. 2:10. To beat2:ll5ii. Oct. 23, 1883, $ . 2:14, 2:15'/^, 2:15?i. Johuk(^:45). Jackson, Miss, Oct. 13. 18S3, $100. Rowdy Boy, Charlev Rcedcr, Fanny, 2 :47'/4, 2:45. Joker (3 -.33%,). .1. L. Beau. Akron, O., Oct. tt, 1874, $,".0. Root's b ni, Frank. 2:o9?4, 2:335^. Jordan, chg (3 :3G), by son of Scott's lliatoga. G. W. Voorhees. Chicago, 111., Sept. 25 and 26, 1883, $500. Wonderful 2, Oyster Boy. Clara D. (4 disi, 2:28. 2:34, 2:30, 2:26. Oct. it. 1883. Si.ono. Fritz, John Maloncv, Frank S., Golden Prince. Panama (1 dis), 2:30^, 2:305^, 2:27V. Oct. 12. 1S83, $i.()oo, Billy M., 3, 4, Black Bassinger, Clara D., Little Mose (1 dis), 2:30, 2:27, 2:24, 2:24. 2 :30. Josie br m (2 :^0). E. Pvle. Point Breeze Park. Phil.. Sept. .s, 1877. $100. Stella 1, 2, Comet 3. Innocent Sam, Willi.im, William C. (l disi. Kate (1 dis), 2:29, 2:32, 2:31. 2:30. 2:32, 2:3i5. J. L. Smith. Philadelphia, Pa., Aug. 8, 1878, $ . Lon B. (w), Frank (wt (1 dis), 2:53, 2:.o3. Aug. 19. 1878, $50. Lon B.. 2, 4. Maggie W.. Billy. "William, 2:47. 2:56. 2:47. 2:49, 2:51. Jmlfre Langrham, gr g (2:38). R. D. Lancaster, St. Louis, Mo., July 14, 1870, $ . Sweetness, Buckskin. 2 :39 2 "38 j! .1'. Smith, Mav 16. 1871. $100. Frank (2 dis\ 2:.'?9?4. 2:40';. Julia Lee, blk m (2 :45). Fowler and Bingman. Osceola. la., Sept. 27, 1883, $120. Rattler 2, 2:54?i. 2:385ii, 2:45. Jnliet, b m (2 :30ii). C. F. "Wick. Sharon, Pa., Sept. 14, 1883, $ . Billy Hamilton 1, Gray Frank, Ida May, 2:.^5^, 2:321^. 2:33i/,. 2:30U>. Clarion. Pa.. Oct. 11, 1883. $150. Kate, Jemima, 2:45. 2:41, 2:42. Julias H.. ch g (2 -.STVi). P. Manee, Jersey City, N. J„ Oct. 20, 1876, Sl.'iO. Indian Girl, Carrie 'White, 2:62 2:49, 2:.'?7^. Pl.ainlield. N. J.. Nov. 11. 1876, $150. Kva Mav. 2-A3%. 2:4.'>, 2:50. Jambo. br s (2 :37?4 ). N. B. Stephens, Sabina. ().. Aug. 21, 188.^. $\nO. Refugee 1, 3. Dutch Girl 6. Stella, Bay George. Enigma 2(7 dr), Harry Hill (4 dis), Scipio (4 dis). Dr. Brown (4 dr), Lookout (3 dis), 2:47, 2:41, 2:38 2:37?:i.2:39?.i,2:44H. 2:4f;. Jumpins: Jack, ch g (2 :40). W. H. Howell, "Washington, O., Sept. 28, 1883, $15. Harry Scott, Billy D., Kitty Thompson, 2:40, 2:43, 2:46, CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. ?«6 KaUi, rn m (3:44^). T. Cook. Alexandria, Va., Sept. 29, 1880, $ , Molly "W. 1, Ashlaw Maid, , 2:50J^ — --^ E. B. Fadley, Oct. 1, 1880, $ . Molly W., 2:45, 2 -.Wi- Kate, b m. P. Rank, Newark, O.. April 28, 1882. Sluo. Kagle Woodstock. No time, Kate H., eh m (3 :39^). J. B. Heidger, Unioutowii. Pa., Sept. -, 1883, $ . Bav Tom 3, Brown Dick, Gray Dan, 2:40, 2:41, 2:39}^, 2:39?i. KatyF., dn m(2:37i/3). A. Fuchs, Beaver, Pa., Sept. 17, 1878, $60. Flora J. l,,Iolin Croker, 2:39, 2:35, 2:373li, 2 :38jAi. Butler, Pa., Sept. 26 1878, $100. John Croker 3, 4, Flora J., Geneva (1 disj, Flora (l dis),2:30, 2:38, 2:42, 2*38 2*32. ^ Parker City, Pa., Oct. 2, 1878, $250. Lady Swift, Flora J., John K. (3 dis), Charley H. (2 dis), 2:30, 2:30, 2 "32. '- Toledo, O., Sept. 9, 1879, $400. Tom Hendricks. Charlev H., Shaker Boy. Natchez, 2:27'/i, 2:29, 2:28. Kaw Chief, br g(1J:37). A, Lowry, St. Louis. Mo., .June 8. 1850, $50. Tecumseh, Missouri, 2:37, 2:41, 2:44. (S) J. L. Eoff, Oct. 2. 1850, .§100. Tecumseh (s) 1,2, 2:39, 2:38, 2:38, 2:40. 2:45. Keno, br g (3 •.26'yi). Mr. Douglass, Dallas, Tex., May 24, 1881, $ . Tom Moore, Clarence H., Crockett, 2 :40, 2 '37 2:34. '■ j! B. McDougall, Dec. 8, 1881. $150. Jim Trumbull, 2:32, 2 :41. 2 :45. A. W. CampbelL Dubuque. la., June 8, 1882, .$400. Vasco,Red Jacket. 2:28i4, 2:34,2:32. A. McDowell, Cedar Kapids, la., June 15, 1882, .$400. Belle jNIahone, Vasco, Red Jacket (2 dis), 2:26i4, 2:28!/2, 2:29M. Keno, bm (3:30). C. S. Pierce. Knightstown, Ind., Aug. 29, 1883, $ . Nelly K., Quaker John, Gen. Scott, Legal Star, Elsie Hiatt. Honest John. 2:3914. 2:40}^, 2:39Ji. Snelby, O., Sept. 22, 1883, $50. Bob White 1, Kilbuck Tom. Best time 2:,35. Keystone IHessenger, chs (3:36). Jas. Sharp, Westchester, Pa., Nov. 16. 1866, $2.5. Frank, 2:38, 2:38, 2:36. Kilbuck Tom, rn s (3:36). F. Alexander, Chilicothe, O., Oct. 23, 1879, .§200. Ben Hamilton, Pale Face, Midnight, Ohio Maid. 2:39, 2:37, 2:31. C. L. Barnes, Upper Sanduskv, O,, Sept. 27, 1883, $100. Ohio Maid l, 2 Bob White Bay George. 2:31i4, 2:3114. 2:31, 2:33, 2:31'/^. ^ Kismet, blkg (3 :34M). by Capt. Walker. Martinsville, Ind., Oct. 10, 1880, $ , Free Ferry, Gray .lim. No time. L. P. Coble, Thorntown, Ind., Aug. 11, 1881, $.50. Gen. Scott, Gen. Manson,2:43 2:51, 2:54. New Lebanon, Ind., Aug. 26, 1881, $150. Ben Scott, Legal Tender, 2:46, 2:49, 2 :50. — ■ — Indianapolis, Ind., Sept. 28,1881, $ . Blackbird 1, 4, Daisy D., W^estmont, Sorrel Fronk, 2:344, 2:36^, 2:3lM,2:34i/i. Unfinished. J. P. Stuard, Evansville, Ind., April 1, 1882, $200. Little Eve 2, Wild Cat, Dolly. 2:41, 2:40. 2:40i4. Mattoon, 111,, Julv 1, 1882. $ . Black Cat, Surprise, Thomas L., Dixie. 2:26, 2:26,2:2.5. Danville, 111., July 5, 1882, $200. Limber .lack l, Minnie P. (2 dis), 2:40, 2:26'^, 2:27^.1, 2:38M. F. Matheny, Albion, 111., Oct. 6, 1883, .$7.5. Glassford 1, 4, Wilkinsou's gr g 5, Get There EIi, Ayer's blk g, 2:56, 2:52, 2:50, 2:551^, 2:46, 2:47. Kit, b m (3:51). J. G. Curtis, Hudson, N. Y., Sept. 27. 1882. .$60. Brown Jug 2, Dolly, 3:01,, 2:56'/2, 2:53, 2:51. Johnstown, N. Y,, Aug, 4, 1883,. Nina (1 dis). Farmer (1 dis), 2:51^. Kitty Crowder, b m (2 :36). E. H. Martin. Booneville, Ind., Oct. 2, 1874, $80. Molly Crowder, Lady Gibson, Billy Clayton (2 dr). 2:46, 2:40, 2:43. W. S. Spillman, Oct. 3, 1874. .$50. Deal, Blue Gritter, 3:10. 2:36. Kitty Wiesse, blk m (3 :33). Wm. Wiesse, Ottawa, 111,, June 26, 1872, $ . Shoo Flv, Little Freddy (3 dis), 2:441^. 2:41%. 2:371/2. KuKlux, (3:38^). J. Murphy, Chester. 111., Oct. 21, 1875. $ . Brunswick 1, Hoosier Boy (2 dis), 2:46, 2:38^, 2:48. 7|S6 tlUESTKK'S COMrLKXE TKUTTING A^D I'ACING KEUOiJD, L-ady Alice, b m (3 :29). Mr. Scovill, Mattoon, 111., Oct. 10, 1867, $ . Pete "Whetstone, 2:29. 2:35. 2-38. Lady Ali<-e (s). gr m, ('Z:2»). A. Beiiliaiii, Denver, Col., July 10, 1868. $65. Little Mack, 2:42'/.,2:32ii. (s), Oct. 3, I8U», $100. Little Mack 2 w'jit'.i, 2:33)4. * Ciias. 15ald\viii, .Sept. 26, ibO'J, *i.0. Little Abe (2 dr), 2:54. 3:05. Win. K. Ford, Sept. 28. 1870, Abe Lincoln (2 0), Fat Malloy <3 dr). Little Mack 1, (2 dis), 2:4G'/4. . 2-60. 3:00. • (s), Sept. 30, 1870, Abe Lincoln, 2:29Ji, 2:44'/i. Lady itelle, b ni (3:3a}4). J. H. Uawson, Blooinington, IlL, July 2, 1881. $250. Minnie Palmer Brown Billv 2:37, 2:37, 2:38'/2. •" B. Walker, Frankfort, Ind., Aug. 24, 1881, $ — . Lucien \V. 3, Gen Manson, Lady Hunt Frank Ritchie Katy D., Billy Dunn, 2:38, 2:39. 2:3y, 2:40. XI i.t,iiic, Aug. 25. 1881, S — . Billy Dunn, Gen. Manson, Sorrel Frank, 2:M'4, 2:,i4. 2:.35. .). H. Dawson, Sept. 8, ISHl, $200. Little Ed., 4. Gen. Manson 1, 2:38)^. 2::«. 2:;5t!. 2:34>4 2-3'>>4 Lkdy Iteviiis, ni nuaiaC). John Kase. Centreville, L. I., April 9, 1850. $100. (.'avuca "Maid 2 5 fi Ol Dan Miller (1 0), (.i dis>, 2:3", 2:35'/2, 2-37, 2:35Si, 2:40. 2:36. .fa - • ^ u "A ^va.. April 17, 1850, S^IOO. Cayuga Maid. Dan Miller l ^3 dis;, 2:31i4. 2:28H, 2:30, 2:33. S. M. Laughlin, BalUniore, Md.. July 9, iJSoO, $400. hoanoke 2 (3 dis), 2:38, 2:37. 2.35 Union Course, L. 1., Oct. 15, 1850, :i$250. Cayuga Maid 2, Post Boy. 7:59, 8:10. 8 -2594 Three miles (w), Nov. 20. 18,W, $250. Cayuga Maid (w), Pelnam, trotter. 5:17, 5:15?^. Two miles. I, Woodruff, Centreville, L. 1., April 14, ib5i, *ioo. Cayuga Maid (,^o;, Dan Miller (2 0), 2:32 2-31 2-33 2:3.-). ' ' ■ • • • Lady Kagle, (3:40). W. H. Doble, Doylestown, Pa., Aug. 24, 1855, $ . Quebec, P,rown Tom 2-43 2-40 Lady Klgin, gr m ^3:34'2). J. Larkin, Des Momes, la„ July 4. 1873, «100. Jack Evans 1, Davy 'Crockett. 2:29>4, 2:32,4, 2:32. 2:36. A. R. Wilson, Davenport. la., Sept. 3, 1873, SL-iO. Advent 2. Badger Boy 1, (3 dis), 2:30, 2:32, 2:41, 2:46, 2 :47. Cedar Ranids. la.. Sept. 12. 1873, $75. Davy Crockett, Khoda. 2:45. 2:51k, 2:54. Nashua. la., Oct. -', 1873, $160. Lucy Lee 1, 6, Joe Kosenbaum 2,3, 2:41, 2:39, 2:38, 2:43, 2:42, 2:45, 2:40 Keokuk, la., Sept. 28, 1874. $150. Davy Crockett 1, 2 (4 0), 2:33, 2:37,}^, 2:36, , 2:43, 2:45. Galcsburgh, 111., Oct. 9, 1874. $200. Davy Crockett. Bob Kenney, Cue Eye U disj, Fred "VN'ormley (1 dis), 2:321^, 2:30. 2:32)^, Cedar Kapids, la., Oct. 14, 1874. f.50. Daw Crockett. Toledo, 2:36, 2:34, 2:3.5. Mendota. 111., July 5, 187.5, $1.50. Toledo, Fred Wormley. 2 :36?a, 2:30^4, 2.38?i. Keokuk, la., Sejit. 28. 1875. $ir>0. Missouri Girl, Mulligan, 2:35i/i, 2:38. 2:29?4. Harlan, la., Sept. 23, 1881, $1,10. John C, 4, 5, Billy Cozad l, Fanny W., Druggist Boy 2:50, 2:42, 2:38^, 2:45. 2:42, 2:44. Lady Green, gr m (3:34). J. "Williams. Louisville, Ky., June 27, 1865, $50. Butcher Bill 2, 2:41, 2:44, 2:36 2.37. J. Shockenrv. New Albanv, Ind.. Oft. 12, 1P65. .? . Butcher Bill. 2:.'i4. 2:34. Lady Hor.mnan fs), gr m (3 :4.5). .1. B. Horsman, Weston, AV. Va.. Julv 4. 1879. $100. Molly Maguire, 2:45. Lady HuiitinKton, b m (3:37K>>. S. F. and R. J. Day, La Crosse, Ind.'. Sept. 9, 1874, $300. Brown Billy 1, Lucv Jr., Flora (1 dis), •>:3r>\^'-2:37^i, 2:40?i, 2:49. Lady Hyer, rn m (3 :365^). S. F. Rice. Mobile. Ala., March 20. 1857, $100. Silvertail, Bob Cottrill (3 dr),2:40, 2:.S9. 2::!89.i. Lady .Jane, b m (3 :33',v J. B. Easly. Canal Dover, O., Aug. 4. 1871, $200. Sorrel Frank. Molly Stark, Mas- Sillon Jack. 2:4.5K 2:45?^, 2:49. Massillon, O., Aug. 1, 1872. $300. Queen of the West 3, "W'locipede, Copperbottom (1 dis), 2:36^, 2:38, 2:41 14. 2:.'?3iii. Lady Lie:ht.foot.brni (3:35). S. Elliott. Rmithfield. O., Sept. 28, 1877. $ . Bay Dolly 1. "Wild Bill, Bill, Tom Scott. No. time. Cadiz, ().. Oct. 12, 1877. .$70. Tom Scott 2. Bav Dolly. Dutch Bill, Cai)t. Fred. 2 :40, 2 :46, 2 :40, 2:.38. Mattoon, 111.. Oct. 2. 1K80. $140. Little Barefoot. Jack Rabl)it. Burglar. Grav Joe, 2:l9'!. 2:36, 2:34. W. H. Doble, New Hunting Park. Phila.. INIav 5, 1881, $200. Eddv C. 2 3, Don Cameron, High Jack, Lotta. 2:.31. 2:.37, 2:.'50'4, 2:.'U, 2:.34. Ambler Park. Phila.. Sept. 1.5. 1881. .$200. Don Cameron. Eddv C. Sleepv Harvey. 2:35!/i, 2:36}4, 2:36. J. Murphv. Suffolk Park. Phila.. Aug. 25. 18S2, •'* — . Comet, 2:.^59.^, 2:38^. 1. H. Phillips. Belmont Park. IMiila., Mav 2 and 3. 1882, .$2.50. Fddy C. 2, 'Col. Dickev 3, Ben Johnson, Twister (5 dis>. Belle West (2 dis). Don Canieron d dis), 2:31'i. 2:^9^. 2:29'/^. 2:'.'7, 2:25. " Lady LlRhtfoot. 1) m (3:394. (i. Wilson, Dover, Del., Sept. 28, 1882, $.3.50. Estella, Sherman Morgan Jr., t rot t er, 2 :.33. 2 ::i3' ; . 2 :30='.( . Sept. 29, 1R82, .$.500. Col. DicKev 1. Estella (4 dis). Jack Sailor (2 dis"). 2:81, 2:'.'9'», 2:32. 2-,31. Lady Mac (s). rn m (3 :3fii/,). .John Allen. Now Orleans, La.. Mav 9. 18.52. $.50. John Burnett (s). (1 dis), Bob Cottrill (s\ n dis\ 2:.37. W. I'eabody, Feb.2S, 185.3, ,$100. Bob Cottrill, 5:0.5. 5:11';. Two miles. (s), Mr. Campbell, San »ancisco, Cal., April 21. 18.54. $.500. L idy "Vernon, trotter, 2. 2.32. 2:34, 2:34, 2:37. J. L. Eoff. Nov.*19, 18.54, $500. Joe Wilson 1. 5:17, 6 :09, 5:24. Two miles. Dec. 17, 1854, $2,000. Fred Johnson, 2:25,4, 2:28, 2:26. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TKOTTING AM) PACING RECOllD. 7^ Dec. 25, 18^. S500. Daniel Webster 1, 2, (3 dis), Fred Johnson (3 dis), 2:U, 2:3;}, 2:32. (s). May 25!. l8-», .•S2,oou. Fred .lohnson (s) 2. 4, 2:i!Ty^, 2::ji'2, 2:.iy, 2:31. Lnlinished. ,„,,,„ „ Lady Mack, b m (;i:39). Lease and Rogers, Fort Wayuu, liiU., Sept. 12, 1883, «300. Truro 2, 3, Nelly B.. .—^T^t^La^ei"' Hk-lcsviu'e^a: Sept io.'fe $m^' Nelly B. -J. Minnie L. (2dr), 2:40, 2:41, 2:40^i, 2:45. Fiudlav, O., Oct. 5, 1883, $75. Minnie L., Dan Reno, 2:38. 2:5!), -2:3914. Ottawa, O., Oct. 12, 1883. f 190. Gray John 3, Minnie L. (2 dis), 2:31, i;:30 2:28, 2:29. L.ady Parker (3 :59}4). G. B. Lowe, Euiporia, Kan., Sept. 28, IhW. !;< . Honest John, Buckeye, Kansas Lady Pili>^t;'ch m (a^43)!'"j! Kagland, Lebanon, Ind., Sept. 10, 1879, .$ . George 1, 4, Maud, 2:59, 2:58,2:47, O.IQ 0.40 LadV Ryan' b m (3 -30). B. Farrell, San Francisco, Cal., June lo. 1874, $,500. Nimrod, 2 :28V2, 2:2912, 2:28. T. McLellan. Oaldand, Cal., Oct. li, 1874. $250. Sinicoe, 2;;iG;!.i, 2:30'2, ■.':31:i.4. J. Ryan, San Francisco, Cal., Nov. 26, 1874, $ . Irish Tommy, Pruice, 2:'i6. 2:.?o. p Fiirrell March 13 and 15. 1875. .•#100. Onward 1, 2. 2:37, 2:l,2',2, •J:3l!2, i::32',.,, 2:28>^. Lady .St. Clair, b m (3 :30), by St. Clair. F. S. Malone. Sacramento, t al.. May 25, ls70, ir200. Abe Johnson 1 ^^ MayiJi.lsTO, $ . Mik3 O'Brien, Onward (2^dis), •-•:35Uj, 2:34^. 2:37' 1) beu'iiisoii' San Francisco, Cal.. June U, 1S70, .$300. Longfellow 3,4, ■!:;i8U, 2:38^4, 2:34?.£, 2:36ii. 2:32. Chas. Shear, Oct. 14, 1871, § . I'ruett, Barney (1 disj, 2::i2Va, -■•^j',^\ir:jf'\^-, „ „„ G. W. Dickey, Oct. 27, 1S74, $150. Longtellow (w) 1, Ben Butler, 2:31, 2:^4, 2.35I4, 2:38. (ohn Pfau, Dec. 13, 1871, $l.ouo. Fenwick, 15:55'2 Five miles. Feb 5 1872 $ . Longfellow 3, 4, Onward 2, 2:35,2:31k, 2:33,.2:30'/j, 2:31, 2:33. Feb. 22. 1872. $ . Black Jack 1, Frank (2 disj. No time. March 4, 1872, $ . Onward 1, 2. (3 0), Longfellow (w), 2:3*, 2:32^4, 2:.>0!2, 2:31, 2:33. ^^^ B RicV oiSamn7al.,%^nl'2^7;' lk^2?.W Longfellow, Defiance, Billy Mayo (l dis). 2:26. 2:2414, 2^9. R Broiumer, San Francisco, Cal., Oct. 25, 1872, $100. California Dexter, trotter, 3, 4, Simcoe (5 dr). Flora C2 lUs), 2:31i4. 2:3214, 2:32(4, 2:351^. 2:36. — Aug. 30, 1873, .*300. Longfellow, 2:26i4, 2:26i4, 2 :29?4;. Sept. 5, 1874, $100. Fisherman 1. Dan Voorhees (1 dis), 2:26. 2:25. 2:251^. Sept. 7, 1874, $10(1. Niinrod4, Fisherman 3, Prussian Maid, 2:25, 2:25»4. 2:2i. 2:25»/2, 2:23ai. S.ui .lose, Gal., Oct. 8 and 9. 1874, $400. Nimrod 1, 4, Ben Butler, 2 :20, 2 :24i/2, 2:24. 2:24'/2, 2:20^. — . w). H. While, San Francisco, Cal., Dec. 11, 1874, $600. Onward, 12:54ii. l4. „ ^.,, „. ^^ , .... Lady Wayne, b in (3:361^). W. Haskell, Fort Wayne, Ind., Sept. 14, 1875, $150. Brown Billy. Flora. Little Lady'^Win*n, hm'(i :38'i). 'V. W. Yetter, Denver, Col., Mav 10. 1883, $300. Little Nell 2, Budweiser (3 dis), Clytie B. (1 dis). Hunter (1 dis), Gray Dick (1 dis), 2:44, 2:40. 2:39'4. -"Las Vegas, N.M., June 23, 1883, $150. Little Nell 1. Little Dan. 2:.5S. 2:521^, 2:5.5. 2:57 Lamplishter. ch m (3 :335i). W. S. McLaughlin, Detroit, Mich., August 27, 18G7. $500, Gen. Butler, trotter, 2:j6'/2, 2:25'i, 2:27. „ , „ „„ .1. Demas, Milwaukee, Wis., Sept. lo. 1S67. .$ . H. B. Dale 1. 2:3014. 2:2-H. 2:32 ■ \V. S. McLaughlin, Lansing. Mich., July ll. 1868, $ . Gray Alice (1 0), 2:3914, 2:38i4, 2:3l:?4, 2:3b. S:iginaw, Mich., July 17, 1868 $100. Gray Alice 1, 2:43, 2:35. 2:3(>. 2:.30. t ., ai- /, i- ^ o oai^ .(ohn Demas, Detroit, Mich., August 25, 1868, $500. Dan Voorhees 3, Carlos, Lady Alice (1 dis), aa^, ■Z'.llii, 2:28,2:31. August 30, 1868, $500. Dan Voorhees, 5 :llii. Two miles. , „ om n om. o o«3^ W. S. McLaughlin, Toledo, O., October 14, 1868, $200. Pete Whetstone 4, Louisa l, 2:29H, 2:29?4, 2:29Si, ^ Jolin Demas, Detroit, Mich., June 24, 1869, .$500. Yankee Sam l, Coldwater Billy (l dis), 2:27J^, 2:27^ ^la1ising,'Mich., August 26, 1870, $350. Dan Voorhees 2, 4. Black Ann. 2:32, 2:.32, 2:3l^.v, .2:31'4. 2:34 W. S. McLaughlin, Flint, Mich., Sept. 9, 1870, ,$200. Billy Larkin 1, Black Ann, Buckskin, trank, 2:«ai, ''•4H4 '^•37^4 2'37 Land Piiot. br s (3 :30i4). J. Ragland, Crawfordsville. Ind., Sept. 1,5, 1882, $160. Blackbird 1, Romeo, trotter, Judge Samuels, Amie King, trotter. 2 241/;. 2 :.30'4, 2:3014, 2 :.32. 4. ^ „„. Latrobe, br g (3:31). Dennison, O., Sept. 23, 1880, $ . Sleepy George 1,2, Kilbuck Tom 4. Best time ^ Fairview, O., Sept. 30, 1880. .$ . Hiatoga2. Mollv Magnire.2:.3.3. 2:34, 2:.31.2:32i4. tw»„io Laura J., blk m (3:37i4), bv Legal Tender Jr., dam bv Tom Hal. O. W. Storey. Vincennes, Ina., may i», 1883, $150. Daisy D. 2, 3. Buck Dickerson 1, Joe Bowers (3 dis). 2:38. 2:.33. 2:.?6. 2:.S7^2:39. 2:43 rT„„^„_ Crawfordsville, Ind., May 25. 1883, . ^2 0), Mike tilly M., eh in. James iMcCrea, Delphi. O., Sept. 20. 1882, $00. Netty G., Swisher Hov \o tim.- Limber Jack, b « v« : 18^.). !» T..m 'Hal. W. Lamb, J erre Haute. Ind.. Ju ne ,f I»^''^ SI-, A iiniie l-il.„..r 2, Kismet ;i. iUacli liess (3 ilis^ Highland iMary i2 iin). 2:36, 2 a.^.'* •' "c .>"o ..^ii * J^inmie 1 aimer ;7,u!^^'.-«f- V;^.'A-Ly"!'^,.',^' ^^ *'^- ^"•^l"'" *1- ^' ^^'""'e I'alnu-r, Gray aiarley, Emma B., Bla<-k Bess ^,C|rawforilsville, luU., June 15, 1882, $125. Weasel, Minnie Palmer, Black Bess (1 dis), 2:33Ji, 2:33. A. Coleman. June 17. 1882, $ . Doctor M., IMinuie Palmer, 2 ^ou, 0.39V 2-38 ^■w'2-3'j'"-3u''''lr"' "*" "^"'"^ '^' ^*^'^' * ■ ^^""''*^ i'llu't-r, Docto"; M., Allle b'., Gray Eagle Dan (i dis). — is!!:i/:;: ^:^rffie^Sis;.^;.]i4,^'?^!:: I'J^h^- •'"^' ^^"^^■^■-> J*-- ^ ^"''^^; ^Var^o^ Ma& Bond, Hoclifstcr. .\. v., Aug. IT. I«82, S1,00(J. Fuller 2. Bessie M., Warrior "••>'{ •'■•>iu '>..)] ->..>2 — PouglUviepsie, N. Y., August 22, 1882, §1,000. Mattie Bond, W arriof,' 'jVeno, F'uller\2 dis), 2:22)4, 2:19, ivilnneapoli.s. Mim.. August 31. 1883, S . Nelly S.. trotter, 2:;{4U. 2:26'4. To beat 2:20. Lost. — — ^^ .St. .Joseph Mo., iiept. 8, 18S3, .S500. Buckskin, Joe Bowers Jr., Sailor Boy, Winder. 2:27 2:28?i 2-29 Limber .lim ,h g (f:ih) .1. Bipple. New Orleans, La., Feb. 15, 1858, $ . James K. Polk. Bill White 1 (3 (lis). Bill Laini)ton (I dis), 2:.30. 2:2(!. 2:30, 2:33^,. Peoria. 111. June !», 185«, .?2,^.0. .lenny Clark. 2"48, 2:30. Limber Jim, ell g C»:33) 11. M. Jobes, Winchester, Va., C Limber Jim, eh g C»:33) 11. M. Jobes, Winchester. Va., October 18. 1878, S150. Shenandoah, Sally Hunter. Limber Jim. blk g. J. Wilcox, Peru, Ind., Sept. 18, 1880, .?;20. Charger, trotter, Black Kachel. trotter, Davy. LInc€>ln ch g (3:33?i), by Tempest Jr. W. C. Benton, Vineennes. Ind., Aug. 30. 1878. .*175. Crown Point 1. _ Jack Kapid. hkniner Dick, .slow (io (2 dis), Billy Dare (1 dis), 2:33>4, 2;::o. 2:;(i^,'j.3- ',. Little Aliee. gr m (2 :37'/2). A. Benham, Denver, "Col., Oct. 24. 1866. .§2..'i(i0. Little Kaven. 2:.37'/4. Little itrowii JuK (Jack llaverly 1. br g {3:ll?.i). by Tom Hal. II. Dawes, Na.shville. Tenn..Oet. 5. 187ft, S250. Bullet Jr. 1. heipio, Pilot, Attack, 2:46, 2:35, 2:461^, 2:39"». ;./'^:»^\',i;'ll«. 'I'eiin., INIay 12, 1880, $250. Daniel Webster'l, Bullet, Nelly St. Clair. Accident. . 2:27>4. — Jackson, Mich., June 11, 1880, §600. Ben Hamilton. Kilbuck Tom. Ohio Maid, Hiatoga Belle, Wonderful. Honest Jim, 2:23',4, 2:32. 2:27'2. F. Van N'ess, E. Saginaw, Mich., .Tune 18. 1S80. .?600. Ben Hamilton l, Honest Jim. Kilbuck Tom, 2-25 2:20, 2:20. 2:19'». ' — H- Dawes, Toledo, O., June 25, 1880, Sooo. Ben Hamilton, Honest Jim, Noonday, Dexter. 2:30'/,, 2:25, 2 128*'^. r,,^^ •.,H- |STcCanhy, Washington, D. C., May 9, 1881, .f500. Little Mack, Billy Scott. F-evlathan. Change, -sjiffolk Park, T'hila., May 11 and 12, 1881, $2.50. Little Mac 3, Billy Scott, Ladv Lightfoot. Kddv C, Leviatlnm, High Jack. Change, Lotta, 1 (3 dr). 2:2514 2:24^2:2l?4, 2:25^, 2:22. J. II. ILivi-rly, Fort Wayne, Ind.. May 20, 1881. .S800. BavBlllvS, ]\Iattie Hunter. 2:21 '/i.2:22,2:22H.2:20'/i. Jarks Mich.. June 7, 1881. .feoo. Buffalo (lirl, Silas P., 2. -SOU, 2:36, 2:36. W. H. McCarthy, E. Saginaw, iSIIch., June 18, 1881, .$600. Buffalo (iirl, 2:27'4, 2:27, 2:21-'4. (irand Kai)lds, Mich., Jiuie 23, 1881, $800. Mattie Hunter, Ben Hamilton, Sleepy Tom. Bay Billv, 2:20?^, 2:20^, 2:23?.i. > »• j . . .*. Ionia, Mich., June 29, I88I, ,$600. Buffalo Girl, 2:301^ '>-25 2:19^ Chicago, 111., July 1!). 1881. $1,500. Billy Scott, Wonderful, Bald Hornet, Ned Forrester, 2:12}^,, 2:14)^, ^^y. Bcmis, .Tulv 25 and 2f>. 1881, $2,.''ino. 2:15. 2:14'4, 2:13. To beat 2:12^4. Lost. W. H. McCarthy, Kochester, N. Y.. Aug. 10, 1881, $2,000. Mattie Hunter, Bay Billy, Lucy. Bowdv Boy, 2:15.2:15.2:16. , . ^ ^ . ., ■ Utica. i\. Y.. Aug. 19, 1881. $1,000. 2:14. To beat 2:12i.i. Lost. Hartford. Conn., Aug. 24. 1881, $2,onn. l^Iattle Iliiiiter, Lucv. 2:11Ji, 2:ll-:'j, 2:12i^. Louisville, Ky., Oct. l, I88I, $ . 2:12. To beat 2:1014. Lost. ■ Red Wing, Minn.. June 7, 1882. .$ . Ceni, 2:16'». 2:20"4. Hastings, Minn.. June 1."?, 1882. .$2,50. Gem. 2:i9'i." D. M. Woodmansee, Chicago, III.. July 1.5, 1882, $2,000. 2:1.5,2:22.2:1.5. To beat 2:ll?.i. Lost. Poughkeepsie, JM. Y'., Aug. 23. 1882, $750. 2:20. 2:.^0, 2:18. To beat 2:1 !>.(. Lost. Little Doll, b m (3 -.S^Vi). G. M. Lamb, Red Oak, la.. Sept. 29, 1881, $200. Little Frank. Billv Cozad, 2:43'/,, 2:42. 2:.52. Little K<1.. gr K (2 :2.'>i4). L. Nave. West Lebanon. Ind., Sept. 1.^ 1877. S — . Buckskin l. 2, Black Frank, 2:31. 2:.34. 2:.37. 2:28. 2:28. Danville, III.. Sept. 22. 1877. $60. Red Fox 1. 2. J K. Polk, 2:33. 2:31. 2:29, 2:41, 2:38. — ' — M. A. McDonald, Monticello, 111., Aug 21, 1878. $100. Red Buck 1, 4. Skinner Dick, Billy (1 dis), 2:37Ji. 2-3.5, 2:34, 2:.34. 2:40. Covington. Ind.. Sept. 27. 1878, $1.50. Skinner Dick 3. 2:27, 2:271.^. 2.27, . L. Nave. Danville. 111., Sept. 18. 1879. .«2oo. Black Hornet 2. Buckskin. 2:30. 2:31. 2:3,5, 2:30. Logansport Ind., Sept. 2(;. 1879, $1.'!0. Sleepv John 3. Billv G., 2:35, 2:36, 2:37. 2:38. Fnmkfort. Ind.. Aug. 31. 1882. $ . Roan Bov, 2:47. 2:41. 2:42. ^ _ Little Km., brm (3:44). bv Billv Green. .Tames Ackleson. Carlton, O.. Nov. 1. 1883,$- Hiarley H. 1, Sadie Burns 2. Sorrel Billv. 2:4.3. 2:44. 2:4.5. 2:51. Little FamouH. blk g ^3:63)". W. H. Martin. De Witt. la.. Sept. 7. 1883, $50. Bashaw Maid, trotter. 3:033li, 3:01. 2:.5.5'4, ?:,53. 2:.55. Little Franlt. b g (3 :33). J. S. Wood. Des Moines. la.. July 25, 1877, $200. Davy Crockett, umcgist. 2:36, 2:37. 2:.37. Crest on. la.. Sept. 28. 1877. .$200. Molly Miller 2. Sea Foam. 2:33, 2:37. 2:.33. Stuart, I:i.. Oct. .''. 1877. $200. Ladv Elgin. 2:,'«. 2:40. 2 :,34. ^ ,„ Little Frank, blk g (3 :38>^). J. Schneider, Red Oak, la., June 26. 1880. .?90. Billy Trump, Fni/, 2:31M 2::«i>^, 2:38",. Little Georpe. hr g (3 :48). S. Nixon, New Hunting Park. Phil.. Sept. 18, 1882. $.50. Flower Boy, 3:08. 3:04. Snme diiv. $100. Columbus (3 0), Indian Chief, Honest John, 2:,53, 2:48. 2:51. 2:57. Little Jenny, blk m f3 •.2^^i). R. W. Ludington. Lawrence. Kan., Sept. 6, 1883, $260. Lady Winn 3,ZeppaC. (3 dis). Flying Cloud (3 dr), 2-M^, 2:,3l'/,. ^2■.2H^, 2:.33i4. Topeka, Kan., Sept. 12. 1883, .$.300. Nettle Kernan 1, 2, Harry (iolddust. /eppa C.. 2:29>4. 2:27, 2:29^4,2:30. 2:27>4. CHESTEirs COMl'LETK TUOTTIX(i AM) I'ACIXU KECORD. 7G» Emporia, Kan., Sept. 2."., 1883, §170. Buckskin 2, Nelly Shaw 1, Lady Winn, 2:27'4, 2:29;;, 2:.30. 2:27^4, 2:3-'.- Little Jet. blk ni c-i •■■iO). J. H. Wilson, Kockville, Ind., Aug. 22, 1883, §75. Gray Charley 3, Black Frank, Dick Smith (2 dis). 2:40. 2:42, 2:48. 2:.'j5. Little Joe, — s {'i -MS]-,)- A. W. Allen. Keokuk, la,, Sept. 28, 1874, .?1.50. .loo Tucker, 2:r,. 2:40. Little Sam. blk g (3:40). C. .\shton. Lima, O., Sept. 29, 188,3. ,$125. Black .Toe 1, Samuel C. Best time 2:40. Little sherm, i3:38(i). New Klclimoud, Wis., Sept. 2. 1880. $ . Brig. No time. S:ime day. ■$ . John J. Sutton 2, 2:3.5, 2:24. 2:28'o. Little Splan, rn m (3 :33). J. H. Phillips, Mt. Holly, N. J., Oct. 11. 188.3, $250. Twister, Jack Rapid, 2:34U, 2:42. 2;.38. Point Breeze Park, Phila., Oct. 10, 1883, $250. Twister, Jack Rapid (1 dis), Maargie (1 dis), 2:.33, 2:.35,2:33'-I. Little Tony, rn g (3:40i. I. Barnhardt, Bowling Green, O., Oct. 5, 1882, $100. Velocipede. Natchez. Cotton- picker (3 dis), 2:40, 2:41, 2:4,5. Little Willy, sp s (3:34). R. Tilden, Gainesville, Tex., Nov. 16, 18^3. ,S5C0 Fritz 1,2, Joe Broden 3, John M., Jug Jr. (3 dr), 2:30, 2:24i4. 2:24, 2:31, 2:24, 2:30. Lively Fred, b g (3 :37it). S. B. Reigle, Adelphi, O., June 3, 1882, $1,000. California Girl 4, .5. William R., 1, 2. 3:01, 3:00, 3:02. 3:01, 3:00. 3:02, 3:02. W. Stump. Sept. 14, 1882, $180. Sleepy Rock 3. Stella. 2:41. 2:41U. 2:40, 2:40. Lofty P.. b m (3:36'4). bv Blue Bull. W. D. Ham, Red Oak, la., June 6. 1883, $120. Belle Mahone 1. Sleepy Jim, 2-32^, 2:37-4, 2:36i4. Lone Jack, br g (3 :19). B. J. Johnston, Des Moines, la., June 30. 1881, $300. Rattler, Blue Maid, Little Doll, Druggist, 2:.32. 2:30. 2:3U2. Mendota, 111. Aug. 11. 1881, $ . .Buffalo Girl. Little Doll, Mavwood. 2:.32i4, 2:29}4, 2:.32i4. Council Bluffs. la., Sept. 2, 1881. $.300. Thunder, Keno, Joe Bowers, Jane C, Little Doll. 2:22. 2 :24>4, 2:25'/2. Lawrence, Kan.. Sept. 7, 1881, $nm. Pedro. Enoch Arden, Red Jacket, 2 :.32Vt, 2:.30'4, 2:23. Kansas City, Mo., Sept. 14 and 15,1881, .$500. Joe Bowers Jr. 2, Thunder, Lilly, 2 :25U,, 2:25?4, 2:25^, 2:27. Cedar Rixpids. la.. Sept. 21. 18.si, .$400. Wonderful, Fred Janes. 2:27, 2:2794, 2:23%. Jerseyville. 111.. Oct. 15, 1881, $1.50. Surprise. Gen. Singleton, Dolly Fields, 2:30?^, 2:.30. 2:30. Mattoou, 111., July 4. 1882, $ . Little Ed., Bald Hornet, Joe Lewis (2 dis). 2:25. 2:221^, 2:23%. La Salle, 111., Aug. 17, 1882, *400. Westmont 2. Bald Hornet (3 dr). 2:28^, 2:24i4. 2:27i4, 2:22. Jacksonville. 111.. Aug. 2.3. 1882. .$25o. Midnight, Gen. Singleton. 2:27. 2:34'4, 2:34%. Maryville, Mo.. Aug. 31, 1882, $100. Westmotit. Richball,. 2:27)4, 2:27. 2:24%. Sept. 1. 18.82, .$.300. Westmont. 2:27)^. 2:27. 2;24?t. St. Joseph, Mo.. Sept. 4, 1882, $500. Westmont. 2:28%. 2:24^. 2:253^. Sedalia, Mo., Sept. 8, 1882, .$250. Buckskin 1. 2:.39. 2:.3934, 2:.35. 2:37%. Topeka, Kan., Sept. 16. 1882, .$,500. We.stmont, Wonder. Clinker (2 dis). 2:231.6, 2:22%, 2:24%. Council Bluffs, la., Sept. 19, 18S2. .$.'iOO. Slecpv Tom. Cyclone, 2:34'»,2:31Vo, 2:32Vi. Longfellow, ch g (3:19)4). hy Red Bill. Chase and Rowlev,Calistoga, CaL, July 11, 1868, $250. Paddy Mageel, Empress, 2:4314. 2:.37. 2:.38, 2:3.5%. (w), P. Farrell, Sacramento, Cal., Sept, 21, 1868, .$500. Downey (w). Bob Burns (wMl dis), 7:53, 8:11. Three miles. Sept. 2.3, 1868. .S200. Empress, Mike O'Brien (2 dis). Wonder (1 dis). 2:28, 2:35%. 2:36V2. May 18, 1869, .$2.50. Darkness 3, Empress 1 (3 dis), 2:37%, 2:33%, 2:31^4, 2:.39, 2:41%. Vallejo. Cal,. June 23. 1S69. ft Empress 1.3. 2:35>4. 2:31%, 2:36'/^, 2:39)4, 2:37. (w), June 27, 1869. .$200. Empress, 5:27';, 5:3.5. Two miles. Sacramento, Cal.. Sept. 7. 1869. ,$ . Darkness 2, Mike O'Brien. Empress (3 dis), 2:3Da, 2:31%, 2:81)4, 2:30y4. San Francisco. Cal.. Dec. 20, 1869. $—. Empress (2 dis), 2:39, 2:25. (w), Dec. .31. 1869, $800. Venture, lO:42'/<;. Four miles. Sacramento Cal.. J\ily 11. 1870. ,$2,000. Ladv St. Clair. 2:33,2:30ii, 2:29. Sept. 16, 1870, .$400. Onward. Americus (1 dis), 2:28. 2:30V(;, 2:32^. San Francisco. Cal.. Sept. 23, 1870. $ . Billy Mavo. 2:32)4, ?:31, 2:29. (w), Dec. 12, 1. '^70. $1,000. Mvsterv. 14:1,5, Five miles. S. T. Bowie. Oct 30, 1871. ,$3,ooo. Ladv St. Clair (2 O), 2:.31)4, 2:27, 2:9S\4, 2:26. (w), J. L. Eoff, Dec. 9. 1871. $.500. Ladv St. Clair, Billy Campbell (1 disT, 2:27).^. 2:28)4, 2:27)4. Dec. 14, 1871, $ . Lady St. Clair, 2:25%, 2:25)4, 2:24. 49 770 OilLSTLKS COMl'LETK TUOTriM; AND I'ACINci ItECOKlX (W). .Ian. 18. 187-J, 8100. Lady St. Clair. 2:37. •.»:33'i, 2:i.'7. ISlairh -, 1871.', » . Ladv St. ilair. ■_':;5.'i, -JiSC.. iMay 10, 1H12, *7.'iO. Killy .Mayo 2. IJellaiice 4. .\ll>aiiy Hoy 1. 2:20, 2:20, 2:19H, 2:22^, 2:2.5, 2:26*4. Sept. X. 1874, 4*0U. J.,ady St. Clair, I'lsliennaii. lU'ii Hutler, Dan Voorlit-es, 2:21, 2:26'4. 2:24(4. San Jose, C'al.. Oct. 12 and la, 1874. §;«X). Lady St, Clair 1, Dan Voorlmes 2. Ben Hutler, 2-22 2:'4 2-27k 2:2(>'i,2:2.'->. - . . ,. S:in iTaneisfO, Cal., Nov. 12, 1874, $400. Lady St. Clair, Fislierinan, Ninirod (3 disi, 2'>85ii '>-24% 2:2ti',.. iw), Dec. 10, 1874, $1,000. Jim Hrown (W), 2:in!'2, 2:22, 2:20?4. A. F. Smith, San Francisco. Cal., Sept. 29, 1875, §400. Jim Hrown 1, Lady St. (lair, iNinirod 'la'/i 2-20 2:20' 2, 2:22. " ■ i> ■ • San .lose, Cal., Oct. 8, 1875, §500. Jin> Hrown 1, Lady St. Cliiir, Minirod, 2:2U2, 2:22, 2:22>^, 2:22^. l.uttie 1*., I) m (a :a4^), by Blue Hull, dam by .1. V. Breckenridge. AV. D. Hani, Jacksonville, III Auinist .TO l!ss;<, §250. Chief, New Hope, Itob Uoy, 2;a4!2, 2:.«t. 2:aiV2. tncv- b m (a:31}^). A. D. Helm. CanibndKc City, lad., June 3, 1x74, .?400. Tom Hendricks 1, 3, .Jenny Liud (1j dis), George Fh-ans (1 dis), Gray John U dis). 2:^0, 2:32, 2:32!-, 2:32, 2:40. Lima. O., .luly 2a, 1874, §100. Black Frank CoUoupicker. 2:31'/i, 2:34. I'Mc.v, gr lu (,'-4:14;, by Ned. J. McCalliii, J':irker City, Fa„ Sept. 29, 187fi, .?2no. John McNair. 2:36»4, 2:28. 2::vj. .Iune2n. 1877, ?300. Thouuis A. Hendricks. Vandal, 2:.sa?4, 2:3;j^. 2:31i.. Hay Sally. Sleepy George, Billy C. (5 dr). Sorrel Billy 1. 2(3 dis), 2:20V.,. 2:20.2:22, 2:21?i.2:21'e. I'ittsburgh, I'a., Aug. 24. 1S77. i>\:>0. Sweetser 3 (2 0), 2:28. 2:27%. 2:30. 2:2,5, 2:29i^. Parker city, I'a., Aug. .'Ji. iis77, .§400. .Sweetser (3 dr), 2:30, 2:30, 2:37'2. St. I'etcrsburgli, '"a.. Sept. 7, 1877, SIOO. Sweetser, 2:45, 2:44, 2:41. Edinburgh, J'n.. Sept. 14. 1877, $400. Sweetser 1. 2. 2i32»-.^, 2:41, 2::il'.i. 2:24i'.,. 2:28. Heaver, Pa., !^<'pt. 20. 1877, §250. Shaker Hov 2. Garfield Hov, 2:32';, 2:27' -. 2::i3, 2:29. Columbus. O., Oct. 11 and 12, 1877, §600. Sweetser 1, 3. Sleepy George 4, Howdy Bov. Haj Sallv, Straight- edge, 2:2:i'i, 2:21. 2:20. 2:23, 2:li)-.'.i. 2:19. In(lian;ipolis, Hid., Oct. 24 and 25. 1877. $400. Bay Sallv 2 (3 0). Sleepy George 1 (3 0). Kowdy Boy, Sucker St-ite. Sweetser 4 (5 dis), 2:28, 2:22. 2:25. 2:23. 2:2(i. 2:22, 2:21 ?4. :Massillon. O.. Juuc 13. 1878, §300. Sorrel Hilly, Comet, Nelly Gray, Sti'aightedge (3 dis), 2:29»4. 2:28)4, 2 :30U. Akron, O., June 20. 1878, §400. Sorrel Billy l. Comet, Nelly Gmy. Straightedge, Chiirlcy H. (1 dis), 2:31, 2'30'2, 2';i3'4', 2:30^4. ^ Newark^ 6., June 26, 1878. §.500. Sleepy Tom l, T. A. Hendricks. :Mi(liiiglit. Hilly Dare. 2:231^, 2:2i»%i, 2.o<)3' 2:33. ^ Youngstown, O.. Julv4, 1878, $G00. Sorrel Billv 1, Comet, Chnrlev H., Straightedge (2 dis), John Croker (1 dis). 2:25^4, 2:24>4. 2:279.i, 2:26?4. Hartford, Conn., Aug. 22, 1878, §1,000. Sleepy George 5. Sweetser, 2, 4 (5 dis), 2:i7'o, 2:18^, 2:17, 2:22, 2:20,14. 2:20iij. C(Tlumbus, C. Sept. 27, 1878. ,§400. Sleepv George, 1 (3 0). Sweetser (3 (Us\ 2:20. 2:22i4. 2:22Vi. 2:20. 2:19. Chicago, 111.. Oct. 11 and 12. 1878, $750. Sweetser. 4 (1 0), Sleei)y (ieorge 3. Bay Sally. 2:20H>. 2:17H, 2:19;;, 2:20».i.2:21,2:23Ji. S. Keyes, Cleveland, O. .Inlv '■'•O nnd "-• i TO. .«:i,000. Sleepy Tom 2. :i Mattie Hunter. Howdy Boy. 2:10, 2:13»4, 2:1.5, 2:15. 2:1(;. Dan Mace, Washington, D. C, Nov. 5 and (i. 1879. f.4, 2:17V,, 2:1(!K'. -':i7, 2:16. 2:l(;i4,2:18"o. „ ., t, ,>■„ , . . n ., Detroit, Mich., June 2. 1881,. §800. Mattie Hunter 2. Sorrel Dan 1,Ben Hiimilton. Hay Billy. 2:22. 2:21. ^'Chicago. Ilf.'. .Tu1v?3. 1881. :5!2,.50,1. Mattio Hunter 1. 2. Hiiv Billy .;. Sorn 1 Dan. Ben Hamilton. Sleepy Tom. Kowdv Bov, 2:1(;-'.i. 2:1614, 2:18i.i,2:18iA 2:18, 2:201,. o ira .. „•. Mvstic Park, iJoston. Sept. 6 and 7, 18S1. $800. Mattie Hunter 1 . 4. Hay Hiliy 5. Kowdy Hn> . 2:1.5='4. - :1(.»-4, 2'1G "'IfiW ''•17'^ 2"26?4 Morris-anla. N.Y'. Sept. 2.3. 1881. .§1.500, Mattie Hunter. 2. 3. 2:18».i^. 2:20V.. 2:2<;M 2:21!'.... 2:21 Detroit, Mich.. .Tune 8, 1882, $800. Bay Tnm. Sweetser, Bay Billy, 2 (3 dr), Buftalo Girl, l (2 dis). 2:19. '- PittslMii^h. Pn.rJuly 12, 1882. $1,500. Mattie Hunter 2. 5. Ben Hamilton 1. Charley H., 2:18. 2:15'/,, 2:17U. 2'15*i ''■IS'', '''"O '- ch'vHpiid' o" .'inly 26 and 27. 1882. .«1. 500. Mattie Hunter 1 2. Bmv P.iily 4. Oem. Ren Hamilton. Buffalo Girl 5 rodisi. Sorrel Dan fSdr), 2:181^, 2:17, 2:20?4'. 2:18. 2:17. 2:19'-. 2:22. .,,,.0,0,. . O. A. Hickok. Kochester.N, Y., Aug. 11. 1882. .$1,.500. Flora Belle 1. 2. Mattie Hunter, (.em, 2:1(.. 2:18^6, " 171-<^ 2'17ii ''•19 l.ucvT.ep.1)m'i'J::?7i4). .L L. Berrv. Mechanicsville. la., July 4, 1871. §25. I'.illy Plow Hoy (2 dis). Black Billv '2dis). 308. 2:51. Sept. —. 1871,. §7.5. Tom Young, Billv Plough Boy (t dis). 2 :.50, 2:51. 2 :.56. „ .. „ .,„ .. »-, T. G. Parsons. Cedar Kapids. Ta., June 21. 1872. §1.50. Toledo. Tom ^ oung. Hawk eye. 2:51, 2:.{8 -*:S.'4. T.ucy v.. gr m (3:07M). Varney Bros., Carmi, 111., Sept. 7, 1881, .§.50. Frank; Molly, Gray Joe,3:15V4, 8:0714. Lyman Koy.brg f2:31?(). .1. D. Stimpson. Haverhill, Mass., May 30,1883, J250. Highland Boy 1. Lady Ella (4 dis). Cora D. (l dis), 2:50}^, 2:44'/2, 2:44'/2, 2:46. CHESTEKo COMPLETK TKOTTING AND PACING RECORD. m Mack, ch g (3:431^). H. Woodruff, Union Course, L. I.. Aug. 16, 1852, $400, War Eagle 1, 3:191/2, 8:0l!j. 8:16. Tbree miles. Mack b s (;i :46). M. G. Whitelock, Macon, Ga.. Oct. 27,1873, $150. Bonner, StonewallJacksoii (1 dis), Fly- ing Cloud (1 dis), 2:46, 2:54, 2:.54}4. Magousler. gr g (« :»03^). Sam Key, Pnil:idelpliia. Pa., June 8, 1865, S;5,000. Baltimore Colt, McConneH's ch l,M2:24U. 2:23. 2:251^. ^ 1'. Ring, St. Louis. Mo., June 8, 1867, $2,000. Ace of Clubs 1. 2, 2:24>4, 2:2954, 2:26Ji, 2:34, 2:43. (.hicauo. 111., July 18, 1867, $300. Ace ol Diamonds, Ace of Clubs (1 dis), Lady Green (l dis), 2:239i, 2:;50lo.2:32Ji. Pittsburgli, Pa., Oct. 26, 1867. $1,000. Brown George, Coldwater Billy. 2:30. 2:28, 2:28. Mauile G<»ble. gr m (3:37). J. P. Titman Newark, N. J., Sept. 20, lS7s, $150. Josie H., Nancy Dorwey, 2:.;si.^. •J:;)7, 2:41'i. Mt. Holly, N. J., Oct. 11, 1878, $150. Shelley, John S. 3 (4 dis), 2:18»/2, 2:39'.;., 2:40, 2:41J-.,. Marie Scott, b m (3:34), by Scott's Hiatoga. G. JNl. Hoover. Sandusky, O., June 28, 1876, $110. Cotton Picker 1 . 3. Velocipede 2, 2-A6y^. 2:42, 2:39Ji. 2:38^2, 2:39. Zanesvillf. O.. Aug. 24, 1876. $ . Bay Harry, Shaker Boy , 2 ;28. 2 :26'/2. 2 :24. Marv Briclwell, bm(3:34). Mr. Berry, Marysville, Cal., May 22,185", $200. Silvertail, Ned McGowan 12 dis), 2:41. 2:38'2. 2:37:^4. Sacramento, Cal., June 2, ISf)!. S500. Silvertail, 2:36, 2:36. 2:34. Mai-v D.,ch m(3:3'7). W. R. Markle, Unlontown, Pa., July 22, 1880, $100. Molly McGuire, Tonev Dutch Mike, Queen Esther, 2:54'2. 2:43. 2:46. Mary Taylor, b m (3 :39i4), by Yellow Jacket. Wm. Osborn, Greenville, O., Sept. 23, 1880. $150. Red Buck 1 5, Black Bess 4, 2:394, 3:39'4. 2:39i4, 2:4534, 2 :44>4. '^■i^hi. Mattie Hunter, ch m (3:13Ji), bp Prince Pulaski. R. C. Pate, Chicago, 111.. Sept. 18 and 19. 1879. $1,000. Rowdy Bov 1, Sleepy Tom. 2:20^. 2: is, 2:15'/2. 2:17. Peoria, 111.. Sept. 23. 1879. $1,500. Rowdy Boy 4, Lucv 1. Sleepy Tom. 2:35. 2:2834, 2 :29}4. 2:28,2-29%. Kansas Citv. Mo., Sept. 25, 1879, $1,000. Rowdy Boy, Sleepy Tom, Lucy, 2:20, 2:21. 2:17. Ionia. Midi.. June 23, 1880, $750. Rowdy Boy, Lucy, 2:21. 2:23, 2:20^1. (irand Rapids, Mich., June 30. 1880, $800. Sleepy I'om. Rowdy Boy, Lucy, 2:20'4, 2:21. 2:20. Fort Wayne, Ind., .July 7, 1880, $1,800. Slee|iy Tom. Lucy, Rowdy Bov,2:2H4, 2:20^4. 2:19. Chicago.' 111., July 21, 1880, $1,800. Rowdy Boy 1. 2, Sleepy Tom. Lucy. 2:20, 2:1^3,... 2:Lf)'o 2-21 2-]9ii Rochester. N. Y.. Aug. 13, 1880, $l,.500. Lucy 3, 4, Sorrel Dan, Rowdy Boy, Sleepv Toiii, 2:17U, 2:1834, 2:16i4, 2:17?^, 2:18. Hartford. Conn., Aug. 27 and 28, 1880, $1,500. Rowdy Boy. Lucy, Sorrel Dan, 2:18'^., 2:14-!^, 2:15V^. Elmira, N. Y.. Sept. 2, 1880. $.500. Rowdy Boy 3, 4, Lucv, 2:I8i/2, 2:21?4, 2:23, 2:25, 2:21^^ Chicago, 111., Sept. 16, 1880, $1,000. Rowilv Bov 2, Sorrel Dan, Lucy, 2:15^4, 2:16. 2:10, 2"-l7Ji Plattsmouth, Neb., Sept. 24, 1880, $1,000. Rowdy Boy 1, 2, 2:18. 2:18, 2:21, 2:23. 2:163^. J. Splan, Washington, D. C, May Sand 7, 1881, $1,000. Rowdy Boy 1, Ben Hamiltoli, Lucy, 2 17Vo, 2:19, 2:2^4.2:243^. Rast Saginaw, Mich., June 15, 1881, $800. Bay Billy, Lucy. Ben Hamilton, 2:17^4.2:1734, 2:18. Ionia, Mich., June 30, 1881, $1,000. Little Brown Jug 2, !51eepy Tom, Ben Hamilton, Bav Billy, 2:1734, 2:17'4, 2:18!i, 2:18. Battle Creek, Mich., July 7, 1881, $800. Sorrel Dan, Sleepy Tom, Bay Billy. Ben Hamilton. 2:2034. 2:20, 2:2;"2. Pittsburgh. Pa., July 13, 1881, $2,000. Little Brown Jug, Sweetser, Billy Scott. Lucy, Rowdv Bov. Ben Hamilton, 2:18. 2:19, 2:14?4, » > - • .(uly 16, 1881. $1,000. Sorrel Dan. 2:129^, 2:1.55^^. Cleveland. ()., July 27, 1881, .$2,000. Bay Billy 1, 2, Rowdy Boy, Sweetser. Sorrel Dan, Lucy, Ben Hamilton, 2:14.2:1,5,2:19.2:21,2:16%. . .' . . Utica, N. v., Aug. 17, 1881. $2,000. Lucy2. 3. Rowdv Bov. 2:1634. 2:16'<;. 2:18, 2:16, 2:18. Spnngtield. Mass.. Sept. 2, 1881. ,$1,000. Lucy 3, 4, Rowdy Boy 1. Bay Billy (4 dis), 2:1834, 2:1714, 2:19%, 2:2014,2:17%. 2:15^i. j .;..>.' v — Beacon Park, Boston, Sept. 15. 1881, $1,000. Lucy 2. 3. Bay Billy. Rowdy Boy. 2:1934. 2:18, 2:163/2. 2:18, Dover. Del., Sept, 27. 1881. $1,000. Black Cat. Lady Lightfoot. Little Mac. 2:2n4, 2:18. 2:25. (■incinnali. O.. Oct. 12. 18R1. $1,000, Bav Billv. Rowdv Boy, Charlev H.. 2:28%. 2:21, 2:19. Olean. N. Y,, .Inne 22. 1882. .$500. Charley H.. Eddv D.. Bay Jim, Ben Hamilton (3 dis). Fuller (3 dis), 2:21 ' i, 2:22V2, 2:22. Youngstown. ()., .July 4, 1882. .$600. Ben Hamilton, Bay Jim. Charley H.. Fuller. Little Mac (1 dis), 2:22%. 2:24. 2:19. May Wood, b m (3:3.5). by Ref! Buck. E. K. Wormlev. Paw Paw, 111.. July 4, 1881. $ . Frank Baker. Le- land, Evans. Best time 2:4,">. Oregon, 111,, Sept. 21. 1882. ,1i;200. Nelly C. Badger. Frank W.. Travilla. Grace Hxiff. 2:39. 2-42%. 2-.'iS, Mazeppa.rn g (3:373^). O. Finnegan, Montgomery, Ala., Nov. 20. 1872. $250. Irishman, Little Joe d dis), 2:383^. 2:411.1, 2 :.S7"2, McDonald's, b g (3:07). A. AIcDonaid. Gonverneur. N. Y., Sept. 4, 1883. $10. Holme's b m 1, 3-12 307 — . McFae\vark, O., Otlober — , ls70, *ioo. yut-eii of the West, Eretl, 2:42, 11 f-'artaitahi, O., Sept. 20, 1«77, $ar.. Minnie Lewis, 2:4o, 2:47. 2:44. Newark, O., Oct. 5, 1877, »tiO. Minnie Lewis 2, 2:u2, 2:4U, 2:4», 2:38. Minnie' U. i>^). iiv "1- J- CLase, Manhattan. Kan.. Uel. h. li<.9, ^^oO. 1 lei^wick (s) 1, H. 1). McKlnney. No time. Minnie I).. i>r m C-i ■.'■i*}4h Adam Full, liniiUord, I'ly, .SeiU. 3 and 5, 18M, §200. Blaek (.at 6. hilly G. 4. Jack Hiniiie I " i) m (3 :6o). L. Koseis. 'iiniii, U.. Oet. 3, 1S»3. SM). Lady Mack 1, Bay Fanny, 3:00. 3:00, 3.02. Minnie Lee, gr m (i :S9). (i. E. Uulton. Beloit. Kan.. Sept. 30, 1880, *1X). Enoch Arden 4, Mat B. I. Hoosier Itill 2-41, '2:38, 2:34'», -':36!2. 2:.;4^ii. , . , . . o, l'. TrililM's, Salina, Kan.. .Inly 9. issi, «>'o. Eiimh Aiilcii 2, 4, Sleepy mil. Hickory Boy, 2:42. 2:41, 2:44, '*'45 *'"-iO "- c Tarbush, Concordia. Kan., Oct. 14, 1882. .-rioo. Hoosier Bill i, Xonpsuch. 2:45. 2:42'2. 2:43}^, 2:43H. W:isliiiit;ton. Kan., .lulv ^, 1*^8-, *'"'"■ '*'^" |''"iiond 1 1 0). .John ]),. 2;42'.i. 2:06. 2:49. 2:42'.i. Minnie Lewis, 1) m C-J:38i4). .)• N^ ■ ^ oung. tolaiiu.us. ().. Sept. 8. 1876. S . Midnifrht 3. Sleepy Tom 1, (ieori?e Evans. Criizy Sam. .iolin Crowdcr U dus.i. Danville CJirl a iii-;, 2:38. 2:38i4. 2:;i6!i.. 2::i8'.,. 2::{8i/j. Miss .SaratoBa (s). ch 111 (3 :3G s^ Mr. \ an Boskirk. Ceiitrcvillc, L. I., May 19. 1837, S50. Dusty Bob (si 2. 2:40'2, 2::!7. 2:.iC, 2:36J^. Molly Darling (3 :49i4). Greenlield. ()., October 11, 1S8.">, .■? . Valiant. Lonesome .Joe, Opal, 2:.52, 2:51'/,, 2:49V4. Molly Miller, ch m (3:3314). W. Mil't% Oskaloosa. la.. August 31. 1877. S . Davy Crockett 1.2:,T3,2:32'5, ■.'::;4. 'J:;;!). Molly K«»cl*. bm(3:38'o). G. .1. Wilcox, London, O.. July 4, 1883, *ino. Frank S. 4, Enigma 3. Daniel Webster, Silverheels (4 dr), 2 :47V,, 2 :43' ", 2 :.56, 2 :49»/4. 2 :45U. Monkey (Ilawk), (3 :46i/>). Carlyle & Toiigh. Leadville. Ool, August 27, 1879. $2.50. Belle of Colorado. 2:48. 2:4t!^, 2:58'.i. IMorphine, gr g. Mr. Phillips, Nashville, Tenn., IMav 20, IS.W. $1,000. Silvertail (1 0), 2 :34. 2 ::&4, 2 :32. Moses. (3:1.5). Noblesville, Ind.. August 28. 188.3, $ . Jessie B., 3:15. 3:15. Mountaineer. (3:311. Pittsburgh. Pa.. Oct. 15. 1863. .* . IMagousler 1. 2;'.'8, 2:31, 2:.S2. 2::«'/2. Mountain Maid, br m.(2:31'i). C. G. Hamblin, Jopliu, Mo., Oct. 17. 1879. $17.5. Molly L. 1. Fred Dougla.ss. Duster. Woodford Bov. 2:.32. 2:3.3. 2:33, 2:31'i. Brownsville, Mo., August 18. 1880, $200. Sorrel Nellv 1 (2 0), (4 dr\ Buckskin. 2:36, 2:;56, 2:39, 3:00 W. IT. Robinson. Sedalia. Mo., Sept. 11. 1880, $150. James C, Sorrel Nelly, Buckskin, tiray Cloud, 2:3fi, 2 :.37, 2 :38, Mount Vernon .Toe. (3 :47>. <':irmi. 111.. Sept. 7. 1880. $100. Lucy V.. 2:47. 2:.-.6. 2:5lK'- Mulli«;in. brg(3:43). Sam Kobins. Muskegon, Mich., July 5. 1881. $100. White cloud 1. Mouse (1 dis).2:54, 2:.58, 2:48, 2:42. Murdock, gr g(3:37?i). P. Lacour. New Orlo;ins, La., May 31, 1880. «150. Cotton Flant, Midnight, Alice Parker. 2:.37=?4. 2:.39. August 9, 1880, $400. Rip Rap, 2 :44J4. '■i i^O^A. CHESTER'S COMPLETK TKOTTING AND PACING RECORD. T13 Ned, gr s (2 :35). P. E. Cutler, Biughainpton, N. Y., Oct. 14, 1873, $100. Sleepy David 1, 4, 2:44, 2:«5!i, 2:34i4 2:47'^, 2:i2i4. grg M;iv 27, 1875, 4;100. ■Wbirlwiiul, Kitty Fease, Pet, 2:43. 2:43^8, 2:51 '/i. June IG, 1875, $ . Sleepy Davy, 2:36, 2:3C, 2:48'/^. Ned, b g (3 :38). Frank Cooper, RushviUe, Ind., Sept. 10, 1874, $ . Telltale 1, Fanny, 2;33. 2 :30. 2:28. Ned, cli g (3:40). A. H. F'ox, Watertown, Conn., Sept. 30. 1880, $150. Telephone. Billv Cameron, .Jim, 2:40, 2:45^4, 2 :44'/2. New Haven, Conn.. Oct. 7, 1880, $100. Telephone, Jim, 2:44, 2:46>4, 2:44. Ned Forrest, b g. Brownsville, Mo., Aug. 19, 1880, $50. Minnie, Little Bird, Locust, Chester 1:30, 1:27. Half- mile heats. Ned Forrester, eh g (3: 33', ), by Young Forrester. G. W. Webber, Mendota. 111., Aug. 11, 1880, $350. Black Weasel. Oyster Boy, Billy Trump, Capt.Durland, Wonderful 1 (2 dis). 2:251.2, 2:31 '/2, 2:30, 2:31%. Milwaukee, Wis.. July 26, 1882, $400. Black Cat, 2:25, 2:255/2, 2:23J-S' Ned Hunter, ch g 3:37i4). by Prince Pulaski. G. Webber, Madison, Wis., Sept. 13, 1883, $ . Joe Tanner 4, Painter, Charm 1, 5 (6 dis), 2:40i^, 2:43}^, 2:43'2, 2:38i^, 2:33'/», 2:37i^. Ned ivIcGowau, b g (.3 :.38j. Charles Shear, San Francisco, Cal., May 4, 1854. $300. Charles Shear, Creeper a dis). 2:38, 2:46. 2:44. May 21. 1854. .§500. Rhode Island, 2:44, 2:39. 2:40. Ned Waiters, br g (3 :41). J. H. Clement. Centrevillc. Mich., May 17. 1883, $100. Big Brown Jug, Daniel S., Daisy M., 2:54, 2:47, 2:41. Schoolcraft. Mich., May 24. 1883, $125. Little Gyp, Young Pathfinder Jr., Big Brown Jug. No time. Nelly, gr m (3:384). Mr. Parish. Detroit, Mich.. Aug. 28, 1852, $100. Golddust, 2:42. 2:381/2- Nelly B., gr m (3 :33i. by Pocahontas Boy. Col. Bates, Lawrenceburgh. Ind., Aug. 25, 1883, $100. Gray Billy (2 0^, Greenwood. 2:40, 2:42, 2:3954, 2:39V2. Anderson, Ind., Sept. 6, 1883. $ . Gray Charley, Little Jet, 2:40, 2:41, 2:4li/g, 2:45. Columbus, Ind., Oct. 19, 1883. $200. Dandv Bov 2, Gray John, 2:38, 2:38, 2:33. 2-3354. Nelly C, (3:40). M. Lake. Woodstock, 111.. July 4. 1883, $ . Grace Huff 1. 2:40, 2:40. 2:45, 2:44. Nellv Oavis, b m (3 :34i4), by Kremer's Rainljow. R. Wilson, Indianapolis, Ind., Sept. 26, 1877. $ . Buck- skin, Ben Butler, 2:24i,:i, 2:291^, 2:2954- Nelly Deal (w), b m (3 :33^4 w). J. Rutherford, St. Louis. Mo., Aug. 8, 1865. $ . S. A. Douglass (w), Kitty Kyler (w), 2:.34i4, 2:3314, 2:41. .1. Williams. Oct. 21. 1865, .$150. Wyandotte Chief, 1, 3, 2:30^, 2:345/2, 2:30, 2:35K, 2:34. Nelly Grant (3 :36J^). Agency Citv, la.. Oct. 7. 1882, $50. Gen. Porter, 2:40, 2:40, . Nelly Gray, gr m (3~:34), by Gray Eagle, dam by Bertrand. E. L. Mitchell, St. Louis, Mo.. Sept. 10, 1874, $200. Kate Wesner. (!omet. Legal Tender (2 dis), Cottonpicker (1 dis), John Baptist (1 dis). Philip (1 dis). 2:35, 2:35. Kansas City, Mo., Sept. 21. 1874, $100. Philip, 2:44, 2:42, 2:40}^. E. R. Ecker. Lafayette. Ind., Aug.. 31, 1875, $225. Hoosier Dick, Rowdv Boy, Three Corners. Mark Twain, Black Frank! Honest John (3 drj. 2:26?^, 2:271%, 2:27i4. E. Rope, Sycamore. 111., Sept. 10, 1875, .$300. Toledo, Shaker Boy, Gypsy Girl, Bob Kenney. 2:.34, 2:34, 2*32 E. R. Ecker, Tiskilwa, 111., Sept. 22. 1875. $300. Sealskin, Sucker State, 2:2554, -:28, 2:27i4. Freeport, 111., Sept. .30, 1875, $400. Sealskin 1, Sucker State 3, Charley Ensign (2 dr), 2:29)4, 2:24, 2:26i^. 2:30.2:25. E. Stevens, June 1. 1876, $400. Lena Rivers, Slow Bill (1 dis). Silent Friend (1 dis), 2:42. 2:47, 2:36. J. T. .Johnson. Oskaloosa. la., July 3, 1877, $150. Belle Mahone 1, Molly Miller (1 dis), 2:31}.^, 2:27, 2:31. Ottumwa. la.. July 11, 1877. .$200. Stonewall l, Belle Mahone, 2:28, 2:28, 2:2854, 2:27. Wm. Ackerman, Mansfield. O., Aug. 8, 1878, $400. Charley H. 3, Midnight, John R., 2:31, 2:34, 2:30, 2:33^4. Fremont, O.. Aug. 29. 1878, .$200. Charley H., Comet, 2:32, 2:28, 2:32. MasslUon, O., Oct. 23, 1878, $150. Kilbuck Tom. Comet, 3 (4 0), (5 dis), Capt. Dan (4 dis), Latrobe (l dis). Bay George (1 dis), 2:36. 2:3314, 2:35. 2:31i'2. 2:30. — iL Hagmaier, Uniontown, Pa., July 23. 1880. $150. Mary D., Tom Cameron. Bay George, Latrobe, 2:35i/4, 2:33!/.i. 2:32%. Nelly Shaw, dn m (3 :3'7'4). T. A. Shaw, Fort Scott. Kan., May 26, 1883. $ . Buckskin. 2:4814, 2:40, 2:39. Springfield. O.. June 7, 1883. .$100. Buckskin, 2, 2:.31i4. 2:.32^, 2:32^, 2:32. Nettle Kernan. brs (3:37). by (xeorge Gordon. E. F. Geer, St. Joseph. Mo., Sept. 8, 188.3, $300. Harry Golddust, Buckskin (1 dis)."2:.37?4, 2:39?4. 2:34. Nigger, blk g (3:30i. A. B. Lasher, Hastings, Minn.. Sept 13, 1883, $250. Billy N. 2, Gray Dan.. .John H., Tucker B., 2:33^4, 2:30, 2:30. 2::W4. Nigger Baby (3:36). by Pilot. John Bavlis, New Orleans. La,, Feb. 27. 1842, $200. 2:36. To beat 2:45. Nigger Boy (Tom Roach and H. D. Goodricli), l)lk g (3:3594), by Cadmus. W. W. Hamilton. Clinton, la., July 1, 1868, $100. Lady Clinton, Huukidori (1 dis), Gen. Grant (1 dlS), 2:28)^, 2:263i. C. B. Myers. Oregon, 111., Aug. 14. 1869. $100. Unknown, 2:34, 2:.S3, Quincy, 111., July 23, 1870, $100. Pete Whetstone l, Woodford Boy (1 dis), 2:25, 2:27, 2:30. Nimrod, ch g (3 tlO'.O. bv Missouri Chief, dam bv Belmont. D. .1. Green, Oakland. Cal.. July 10. 1874, $.')50. Ben Butler 1, 2, Lady Ryan C. dis), 2:2814, 2:285^i, 2:27V4, 2:2654. 2:28. C. Merchant. Aug. 1.5", 1874, $ . Ben Butler. 1 (5 0). Harry White (5 r 0), Capitola (4 dis), 2:2554, 2:24%, 2:23%, 2:2354, 2:28 ?4, 2:25. T74 ( IIK.STKHS CUMI'UnK TK()'ITIN<; AND I'ACINCi UKf'()UI», ; '.*• •'a.*'''''*'"' «:i<7"niH'iit"' C'al.. Sept. JS, I874, $750. Ren Riitlcr 1 (2 0), IxJiiKfcUow c, i- o^ (3 0), Liulv St. ("lair, Fisneniiiiii, I);iii \ oorhees CJ Uis), i':Jl, •J-.M't, U:J1^4, 'i:M, 2:24, •_':22'a 2-22'. 54. 2:J?4'.i, 2:'.'tS^4. San Francisco. Cal., Dec. 5. 1K74, $2,000. Dan \'oorhces. 2:2P4. 2:_>t. J::;!'.. Sacramento, ('al., June 5, lH7r), S . Kislicrnian 1. l,on},'ffllo\v. 2:-.'3, 2:JoY«j. 2:24^4. 2-24»4 San '•raiicisco, Vul., .Inne 19, l»7r>, $300. ,lini Urown 1, Fisherman 4. I.adv SI. (laiV. Dan Voorhees (4 disi, 2:24. 2:21, 2:20'j, 2:21>^, 2:22. (\v). .Inlv 0. 1X7.5, $2,000. .Jim Brown, 2:24i^, 2:26%. 2:2.5. July 7. 187,5. S2,000. .Jim Brown 2, 2:22, 2:22%. 2:2l;.i, 2:243i,. O. .\. Hickok. .Ian G. 1X77. $300. Jim Brown. Wild Bill (1 dis), 2:li>'4, 2-20, •_'-24U, Fel). 10. 1S77. .i!54. 2:31U. 2:28. 2:31, 2:.34='4. O. K. Calloway, Davton, O., Sept. 16. I88O. $500. Capt. Jack. Cem. 2:33. 2:27. 2:32. ChiIli<-othe. O.. Aug. 12, 1881, $300. Sally B. 1. RattlniK-Iini ^. H(mest Jim. Bristol (iirl. Kip Kap, 2:28^i. 2:32V^, 2:2!)';. 2:.30, 2:35. Norfolk, b m (3:38K>). Danville. Va., Nov ,5, 1874, $ . Competitors not named. 2:46^4. 2:38'/4. Nottaway Chief,brg(a:385!4). P. Cornell, Detroit, Mich., June 12, 1862, $ — . Sam Slick (2 dis), 2:38?4). 2:40J4. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORE Odd Fellow, ch g (2 !30), by Missouri Chief. D. Dennison, Sacramento, Cal., June 3, 1875, $200. Shoo Fly 1, John Schoiichin. Foss, 2:35, 2:30, 2:35^4. 2:32}^. Ohio Boy (sj, b s (3:38 a). J. Riffle, Pittsburgh, ~l'a., Sept. 18, 1857, $100. Dicli (s), Ida May (s), Fanny (s), Gvpsy (S), 2:4G, 2:45, 2:38. Ohio Mitid, rn ni (3:38). E. Barrack, Upper Sandusliy, O., Sept. 28. 1883, $100. Kilbuck Tom 1, Bob "White, Bay George, 2:33. 2:31. 2:30}^, 2:30'/2. Old Hunter (3:39?^;. Petrolia, Ont., October 4, 1883, $250. Billy W., Lucy Moffat (1 dis), 2:371/2,2:32^4, 2:29^4;- Ollie Bell, b m (3:39'/.i), by Tempest Jr. Edwards and Thornton, Brownstown,Ind., August 29, 1S79, .'?700. Bill Lewis 1. Little Mack, Bill, 2:39, 2:37}^;;. 2:40, 2:40. Same day, $So. Gray Major, Lincoln, 2:,;C'2, 2:35, 2:29'2. Oneida Chief (s), oh g (3:31 s), by Kentucky Hunter. Mr. Chapin, Harlem, N. Y., Oct. 13, 1835, $50. Prospect (s) 1. i4dr). Indian (s)(l dis), 2:34.2:33, 2:31. (s), H. Severance, Beacon Course, N. J., June 19, 1838. $200. Miss Saratoga (s), 5:14, 5:09J^. Two miles .June 17, 1840, .§500. Awful, trotter, 8:17, 8:20)^. Three miles. IS), Nov. 1, 1841, $300. Lady Suffolk, trotter (s>, 7:50. 8:04. Three miles. (s), August 14, 1843, $200. Lady Suffolk, trotter (s), 7:44, 7 :52. Three miles. (s), A. Conklin. Baltimore, Md., Oct. 30, 1843, $300. Lady Suffolk (s), (l dis), 7:48. Three miles. Nov. G, 1843, .$400. Lady Suffolk, Dutchman, 7:59, 8:15, 8:01. Three miles. Onward, blk g (3 :34?4.), by Chieltaiu. H. L. Wlute, San Francisco, Cal., August 20, 1869, $ . Alhambra 1 (2 (lis), Abe (2 dis), 3 :00i4. 2:47^4,. Juue 28, 1870, $50. Euipress, Ann Stevens, Dick Gougli (2 dis), 2:37'/2, 2:41. Feb. 26, 1871, $ . Pruitt 2, Unknown, Jim McCue (3 dr), 5:23i^, 5:32, 5:20. Two miles. March 12, 1873, $150. Jim McCue, Dick Gougii (1 dis), 5:21^. Two miles. March 29, 1873, $100. Lady St. Clair (W), 1, 2 (4 0), 2:35'/2, 2:3'i'/2, 2:353^, 2:43, 2:38!/2, 2:35»/4. Mav 17, 1873, $200. Swindle (3 0), 2:40, 2:37'2. 2 :39M. 2:42. August 22, 1873, $100. Jim McCue, 2:38^, 2:34?4, 2:39i^. August 30, 1873, .$400. Jim McCue, 5:26, 5:1,514. Two miles. Sept. 5, 1873. .$200. Jim McCue, Tiger (3 dis). Flora (l dis), 2:41, 2:39'2. 2:31. Oct. 29, 1873, .$300. Simcoe, Jim McCue, Honest John. Montague, Nimrod, 2:30, 2:33, 2:27»4. Dec. 27, 1873, .$500. Americus (S) 3, 2:36. 2:38. 2:31, 2:36. Feb 23, 1874, .$200. Americus, Jim McCue, 5:23ki. 5:20. Two miles. (W), Feb. 27, 1874, $ . Americus 1,3 (4 0). 2:36?4, 2:40, 2:38. 2:42, 2:47, 2:47. April 4, 1874, $100. Fisherman 3, Capitola (3 dis), 2:3014. 2:30, 2:295/2, 2:31i'2. May 28, 1874. $.500. Capitola 3, 4, 2:32, 2:32. 2:3.5i^, 2:37V2, 2:36'/i. Mav 10, 187,5, .$500. Simcoe 2,2:28i^, 2:31, 2 :26i/2, 2:2814. Sacramento, Cal., Sept. 22, 1875, $500. Simcoe 2, Dan Voorhees (3r o),2:27i^, 2:28, 2:291.1, 2:28M. K. H. Nasoii, Contra Costa, Cal., Oct. 1, 1879, S . Post Boyl (3 dis), George 2 (3 dis), 3:06, 3:07, 2:C0. Capt. Downing. Sept. 12, 1882. $ . Doc (1 dis), Silvertail (1 dis). No time. Opeljka, blk g (3:3914). H. \V. Hitchcock, Montgomery, Ala.. May 15,1858, $50. Sam McLaughlin, 2:39k, 2:44. Ouida. b m (3 :34), by Black Hawk, dam Fanny King. G. Vallencin, Oakland, Cal., May 28, 1881, $400. Car- rie T. 1, 2, Terry .5, 6, Dido (1 dis). 2:27.2:29. 2:3m, 2:2994. 2:.32. , 2:32i4. - — — Petaluma, Cal., Sept. 2. 1882. $500. Johnny Weigle l, 2, Lady Hayes, 2:2514, 2;-8, 2:26}^, 2:30i4, 2:32}4. Stockton, Cal., Sept. 23 and 25, 1882, $400. Col. Dickey 1, 4 (5 0), Oakland Boy, Lady Hayes (1 dis), 2:35. 2:29, 2:30?4, 2:32, 2:31, 2:291/4. Tre CHKSTEK'S COMl'LETE TltOTTlNG A^l) I'ACINU KECOUU. Pacific, oh g (8 :38), by Dave Hill. J. Ripley, Sacramento, Cal., Sept. 21, 1859, S . Daniel Webster (3 dr), J:30, li::iO^. San Fnincisco. Cal.. March 9. IHUO, $2,000. Young America 3, 2:29. 2:28, 2;31, 2:29 (w). iMart'h no, iStiO, S2.000. Yoiin}; America (w) u' tiis), 5:21}/'. 5:25y2. Two miles. (w). Oakhiiul. Cal., June t;. i.^60, WO. 8ilverta:l, 2:39. J. M. Daniels. San Kniiicisci). Cal.. Nov. 23, 1800. $1,000. Young America 3, 2 :31, 2:30J^, 2:3^, 2:36. \V. rorter. Oct. 2,'), isi;4. >."..iioo. Unknown, 2.31?4, 2:34'4, 2:39'.i. J. L. Eoff. Nov. L'O. 18i;4, s'.i..">iio. Unknown .3, 4, 2:.33, 2:3Si4, 2:30»4, 2:31, 2:.30^. PjMldy (s), br s (a:39). C. It. Drauer, Kew Orleans, La., April 20, 18-14, $55. Yankee (s), (2 dis), Gazelle (s), (2dis). 2:45. 2:39. Paddy, b ni (3 :40). Ed. Vanderliaden. Proi)lietstown, 111.. Sept. 28, 187G. $300. Prairie Bird 2, 5, Lena Rivers 3, Silent Friend 1. Fanny Eaton, 2:36, 2:36, 2:38. 2:40, 2:42, 2:40, 2:40. I'sit. I> K (3:37). L. B. Sole. Flora. 111., Sept. 28. 1875, $35. Buck. Flving Dart, 2:52, 2:43, 2:,57. T. I'arker, Jerseyville, 111.. October 15. 1878. .•?.^0. Dare Devil Dick (2 dis\ Doll v Fields i2 dis). 2:46, 2:37. Patclien. blk g (2 :40). J. P. Crawford. .Shelbvville, Ind.. Sept. 10. 1881. .$300. Daisy (2 0^ Surprise (2 0), Gen. .Scott. 2:41. . 2:40V2, 2:40. Patty Maofv. blk in (3:45?ii), bv Alinont. Macev Brotliers. Paris. Ky.. Sept. 18. 1883. $200. Bull Dozer 1, 2, Fridav 1 1 dis). 2:4.5»4. 2:30-:!4,, 2:501^2. 2:4.5?4, 2:.%. " P«-dr<». b g (3 :;$o>4). by son of Bidl Pup. J. A. .Mundav. .Toplin. Mo., Oct. 15. 1881, $200. Picd J.acket 2, 3, Sam Hazard. .lames c! Kipton Boy. 2:34. 2:.33?4. 2:341^, 2:341^. 2:34U. Fort Scott., Kan., October 4, 1882, $150. Buckskin 3, 5 (4 0), Nelly Shaw, Little .lenny, 2:30. 2:33. 2:35?.i, 2:3;;!'4. 2:;«!m. 2:38. October (i, 1882, $100. Buckskin, Little .lenny, 2:3014, — . Peoria Boy, bg (3:37»4). Crawley & Scbenck, Peoria, 111., Sept. 8, 188.3. S.joo. Moscow. Little P., 2:37«.4, 2: 45 '4. 2:40. Pet. rn g (3:18W). (ieorge Spicer. Centreville, L. I., April 26, 1850, $ . Tecumseh 1. 2 (4 0). Shaw's Colt, Morgan. 2:48. 2:46. 2:41. 2:.38, 2:42. 2:44. .lames VVheli)ley, Union Course. L. I.. August 28, 1.S5!, .$6.")0. I«idy Bevins (2 dis). Cavuga Maid (1 dis), 2:27!2,2:2U4. H. .Jones, Centreville, L. I , Sept. 18, 1851. 8100. Selim. Black Harry, 5:14;4. 5:19. Two miles. (w), Oct. 9. 1851 . .$500. CayugaJNlaid (w). 5 : 14, 5: 19. Two miles. Union Course. L. L, Oct. 21, 1851, .*.">00. Cayuga Maid. 8:02U. 7:,'>9''o. Three miles. May 31. lx.52, $600. Lady Suffolk, trotter. Jack Ko.ssiter. trotter. Boston Girl, trotter (1 dis), 8:00, 8:07. Three milc^s. Iiilv 1. l.svj, .$400. Pelham. trotter. 1 (2 dis), 7:.54. 8:0.5. Three miles. Sept. 23. I8.')2, .$.500. Koanoke I (3 dis). Tecumseh (3 dr). Cavuga Maid (2 dis\ 2:28, 2:26' j. 2:20. Pete Wlietstone, b g (3:33). J. M. Bryant, Macomb, 111., .July2, 1870, $150. T. P. Koach, 2:33^. 2:32. 2:36. • Pitlslield. 111., .lulv 10, 1870, $100. Nigger Boy, 2:32, 2:30. Quincy, III., Aug. C, 1870, $i(i(i. Nigger Hoy 2. 2:22, 2:2,5?i, 2:2494. Short track. St. Louis. Mo., Oct. 12, 1870. .$.500. Cottonpicker 1, Irish Moll, Flving Dutchman (1 dis), 2:30^2, 2 :30Vi, 2:31, 2:3.3. Phil .Sheridan. 1) g (2 :45i4). G. Crall, Washington, Kan.. Sept. 21. 1882. .$48. Beu Lomond 2, VVakunsir Chief (1 dis). 2:45»4, 2:4194,2:4.5^4. 2:.52. Pivavune. b g (3 :33). R. K. Bonham, New Orleans, La., March 9. 1&59, .1?600. Lotterv l (3 dis). Bill Lamptoa (S'dis), 2:40, 2:33. 2:35. W. Peabody. Dec. 25, 1859, $100. .lim Riley, James K. Polk. Emma (2 dis). Fogu:v Dew (1 dis>, 2:46, 2:35, 2:36. Mr. Wilbur. Mobile, Ala., May 23. ls(iO, $1.50. Tom Parker 1, 2 (5 dr). One Dime (2 dr), 2:37^. 2:39. 2:41, 2:44. Tom Kest. St. Louis. Mo., Nov. 13. isei. $100. Butcher Bov. 2:38. 2:41. 2:41. A. 1). 4. 2:«. ric Nio. I) lu (3:0194). Clement Brothers, Centreville, Mich., May 17, 1882, $75. Lilly Pathfinder 2, Belle Malione. Pauline, Maggie G. (2 r o). 3:02, 3:02. 3:01 ■'4. iMckvvick, br g(3:34). T. B. Price, Topcka. Kan.. Sept 26. 1873, $1,50. Modoc Chief, Duke of Wellington, three others il . riiilo (3:57). .Joe Sessions, SanVrancisco, Cal., Aug. 26, 1871. $ . .Mm McCue, 2:37, 2:4m. 2:44. I'ocaboiitas. cli u) (2:17'4), hv ( 'adnuis. dam bv Shakes|)eare. Mr. Woodbury. Cincinnati, O., Nov. 5, 1863, $400. Hen Iligflon. 2:41. 2:.S2. ■ — O. W. Dinunick. New Orleans, La., Jan. 29. 18.54. $1,000. Silvertall, 2:25^, 2:34!j. Feb. ,5. 1854. $1,000. Silvert-iil, 1. 2:;«'/4, 2:27^. 2::i294. 2:24>i^. Feb. 11. 1H,54. .S500. Tecumseh (3 dis), Dolly Spanker (3 dis). 2:20. 2:25. 2:20. (w) ,1. 1). McMann, Union Course. L. I.. June 21. 18.55. .$2,000. Hero (wV (1 dis), 2:17'i;. PoeahuiitaK. b m (3:43). J. Johnson, Davtou. O.. Julv 4. 1879. .$.50. Billv Allen. 2:44, 2:4.5, 2:43. Plough lt«>v gr g (3:35^). Ben White. Heaver. Pa.. Sept. 28. 1876, $.30. Break Down. Dick, 2:36»4, 2:36)4- W. Hiimlln, Easton, Pa., Sept. 22, 1881, $ . (irav Dick 3. 2:.52^, 2:5!H, 2:.55. 2:Mi-4. Polly Ann (s), rn m (3:36!/j). J. Murphy, Washington; D. C. Nov. 23, 1866. $600. Baltimore Colt (s), 2:37, 2:31. CHKSIKK S OOMPI.ETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 77T G. W. Morrison, NewcasUo. Del.. Oct. IT, 1S67, $50. De Soto, 2:35>/2. 2:39V2. W. H. Doble. Trenton, N. .1., Oct. 22, 1867, $90. Slierockety, 2:41, 2:45, 2:40. Baltimore, Md., Nov. 14, 18t;7. $ . Joe Gales (w), Magoiisler (2 dr), 2:32i^, 2:29>^, 2:30. E. Hart, Doylestown, Pa., Oct. 9, 1868, $1,50. Fanny Allen, 2:30^2, 2 :26'/s, 2:27. Oct. !). 1869, .$200. Lizzie Trout, Orphan Girl (2 disi. 2-42' j. 2 :.35, 2:27. Pompey Jones, gr g (3:38!2). A. E. Scott. Flora, 111.. Oct. 1, 1874, $175. Silverheels, Cottonpicker. Honest Ned, 2:3J'.i,2:.U. 2:28«^. Post Boy, cli g ci :3r>). .1. D. McMann, Union Course, I.. I., Aug. 29, 18.50, $30. May Queen (.2 dis;, Ladv .Jane Gray (1 dis). Toniiny Buck (l disi. 2:35, 2:43. Prairie Bird, bg (3:301. .John Sliaw, Watseka, HI., Och 12, 1878, *1.^0. Skinner Dick, Dare Devil Dick l3dis), 2:44, 2:391.1, 2:4H:i. Prince, gr g (3 :46U). Ira Williams, Indianapolis, Ind., Sept. 19, 1874, .$.50. Sleepy Tom, Little Clipper, 2:46'/^, 2:49 'i. 2:4894. Oct. 10, 1874, .$200. Lady Elliott. 2, 2:.52?4, 2:39^, 2:3914. Prince, ch g (3 :37'.;). D. Flavillo, Contra Costa, Ciil., Sept. 16, 1874, $200. Montague 3, 4, Mystery, 1, 2 (5 0), .John, 2:.S3, 2:32^, 2:35. 2:36, 2:4,3, 2.40'o, 2-AOyo. Marvsville, Cal.. Oct. 13, 1875. .$300. Montague, 1. 2, 2:42U, 2:44Vi, ?.:S7]4, 2:40, 2:413^. Oct. 20, 1876, ,$200. ^Tontague. 2:38''4, 2:41?.i. 2:46?^. Prince, b g (3:36). S. C. Tryon. Sacramento, Cal.. Mav 19, 1883, $150. Revenue, Fred Ackerman, Shaker, 3, (5 dis>, Gr:iy Frank (4 dis). 2:30, 2:29. 2:-jS1^, 2:.32, 2:37. Oakland, Cal., Sept. 7 and 8, 1883. .$ . Terra Cotta, Frank (1 dis). Best time. 2:32h3- San Jose, Cal.. Sept. 27, 1883, $500. Shaker 1, Fred Ackerman, Terra Cotta (3 dis). Gray Frank (2 dis), 2:28 2:32, 2:28' o 2:29. ^~o'akiand,'~CaV.,"bec. 14, 1883, $400. Shaker l, .lohnny Weigle. Fairmont, Terry, Gniy Frank (4 dis), 2:29^,2:281.1.2:26.2:27. Princess, 1) m (3 :1914). J. Covlo. Youngi=to\\ n, O., Sept. 22, 1881, $250. Soric 1 Billy, (ieorge Frank, 2:27,2:.32, 2:33. Pittsburgh. Pa.. Sept. 27, issi, .$600. Capt. Jack, Rostraver, Buffalo Girl, 1 (2 dis). 2:28, 2:30, 2:32, 2:.3a Wheeling. W. Va., Oct. 12, 1881, $250. Belle Hamill, Flying Hiatoga, Capt. Jack, 2:31, 2:35U, 2:33. C. Hicks. Beacon Park. Boston, July 24, 1883, $400. Wild Eyes 4, Victor l, Gideon, Lyman Boy (5 dis), Sarah (3 dis\ Straggler (1 dis), 2:28, 2:27i.i, 2:32, 2:32i4, 2:32i.i. r. Trout. Manchester, N. II., Sept. 6, 1883, $150. Gideon. Ned, .fim (2 dis). 2:m'i, 2:;;9i4, 2:.32. Providence, li. I.. Sept. 10 and 11, 1883, $ . Billy S. 3, 4. P.essie M., Eddy D., 2 (4 dis), Etta C. (2 dis), 2:1914. 2:21-1, 2:isi,,, 2;199i,2:19i.,. 2:19>4. :\Ivstic Park, lioston. Oct. 25 ai.d 30, 1883, $400. Billv S. 3, 5, Bessie M., Eddy D. (3 disi, 2:21iii, 2:25M, 2:201.4. 2;24u. 2:27-'4 . 2:31. Printer Boy, b g (3:01?4). Mr. Church, Painesville, O., Aug. 18, 1883, $ . Dave Hood, Boot .Tack, 3:38i^, 3:04i4. 3:bl-:'i. Pi-uitt. rn g (3 :3.3). J. McCue, San Francisco, Cal., Nov. 26, 1870. S . Dick Gough, (iypsy, 2:42ii, 2:401-4. Dec. 31, 1870,'.$75. Bald Hornet, Jim McCue, Gypsy (2 0), (4 dis). Telegraph (1 dis), 2:38' i, 2:39,2:33. 2 :43i/j. Feb. 11, 1871. $ . Jim McCue 2. Unknown, 2:3S'j, 2:35i^, 2:37i4. Feb. 18, 1871. SIOO. Gvpsy (2 0), Jim iVIcCue, Unknown, 2:42}^, 2:.37'/i, 2:42M, 2:42i4. (w) March 5. 1871, $70. Chief 1, Buckskin (2 dr), 2:5514, 2:.'>2, 2:56. Petaluma. Cal., June 16, 1871,$ . Taylor, 1 (4 dis). Tom Thunih (2 di.s). KitLy (.1 dis), Jim McCue (1 dis), 2:4.3''4, 2:42. 2:46'». 2:36 .San Francisco. Cal.. Dec. 13, 1871, .$40. G\'vsv, 2:42, 2:4.3. W. Burditt. Jan. l.s, 1872, $ . Trifle 1, 'Dick Gough, Salt Lake. 2:38&, 2:399i, 2:41^, 2:41. Jan. 27. 1872. .$ . Salt Lake 2. 3, DicK Gough 4, 2 :4o, 2 :40U, 2 :;;7, 2 -A^^, 2 :40, 2:41. March 9. 1872, .$60. Mvsterv 2, Booth (2 dr), 1 :19Vo, 1:18, 1 :1S, 1 :1S. Half-mile-heats. San .Jose, Cal., May 24, 1872, $100. Trifle 2, IMysterv, Swindle (,3 dis), Flora (2 dis), 2:34?i, 2:3414, 2:35, 2:37. Oakland, Cal., June 6. 1872. .$250. Trifle 3. Onward (w) 1 Sw.ndle 2:37, 2:.34i/2, 2:37^4, 2:34, 2:36. Prussian Maid, bm (3:19), by Signal. J. M. Jasper, :\Iarysville. Cal., Oct. 12, 1871, .$300. John 1, Joe Elliott (Idis), 2:5.3, 2:44. 2:40'/2. 2:40. Sacramento, Cal., Sept. 21, 1872, $100. Americus 3, Montague (3 dis), 2:31i/2, 2:3714, 2:31%, 2:35. Inly 2, 1873, $500. Swindle, Jim McCue, Simcoe (2 dis), 2 :23i/i, 2 :233£ 2 :26. Qneen of the Pacific, b m (3:37%). W. Hamilton, Marysville, Cal., Aug. 29, 1865, $100. Topsy, Young Light- ning, 2:4.5, 2:.37i^4. Qiieenof the West, dn m (3:38%). H. H. Porter. INIassillon. O.. Oct. ,<), 1873. .$125. Cottonpicker 2, 2 :37i4, 2:4314, 2:35!/2. 2:.34. C. L. Barnes. Mechanicsburgh, O., Sept. 3, 1S74, $ . Rattling Jim, 2:46^, 2:.39i/2. Parkersburgh, W. Va., Sept. 19, 1874, .$1.50. Rattling Jim, Gray Dan (l dis), 2:391.^, 2:.5li^, 2:.59i^. Newark, O., Oct. 1, l.'*74, $ . Jim Crowder, Pat Headley, Sleepy Frank, Red Dick, 2:.36, 2:34. 7'b CHESTEK'S COMPLETE TUOrilNG AMU FACINU RECORD. Rattler, brg (2:26). Hursh and Willliams. Osceola, I;i., Sept. 28, 1883, $200. Cyclone, Bessie :\I., 2:;r>. 2:40',. limt\inKlinn,bir('i:'iai4), l)y Cadmus. Terru Haute, Ind., Sept. 3, 1874, S- — . Robert's b s. Best time •'• Ziniiuerman Flora, 111. Sept. •^H, 1S77, $150. Sleepy Frank 1 , Billy i4 dri, 2:.15>«, ^ .si, 2 :37V^. 2-38. 11. C. .Sand. Robinson, 111.. Oct. II, 1878, $100. Billy rruinp, 2-30' i s-M^ 2-34'/ .1. B. Terrill, Crawlordsville, ind., June 17.1881, $250. John Burke l, Hoosler Tom, 2:20, 2:26^4 2-'- 2:L'!li£, ^' ■ " Danville. III., June 22. lwi..«;2.-)0. Jolni Burke 1. Blue Jeans, 2:32, 2:28M.2:2(;-'4, 2:30. luue 24. 1881. .S200. Blue .Jeans, .rohu Burke, Dixie, Wiiuler. 2-2C 2-2,'j'.. 2-30 Rattliiiff Jim, b g (2:23141, by l<'iying Iliatogu. J. L. brooks, NeWiU'k, O., Oct. 21, 1808, $50. Lizzie, 2:32' . 2:2,<'4, 2:24'2. Zaiiesville, O., Oct. 27, 1808, SlOO. Milton Day 1, Lizzie (2 dm, 2:,'?0»4. 2:29i.i, 2:34U, 2:39Va. ('• 1 otwm, ^e^vark, O., Oct. 5, 1871, $100. Qiieen, 2 :31>4, 2:.32, 2 :3K J- Hal', Oct. 3, 1872, $ . Cosev Miller. Wake Up, 2:28. 2:31, 2:2S. ^ y-.ff; ^JJ^ton. Portsmouth, O., Aug. 30, 1873. s^SOO. Wonder 3, Queen (f theAVest. Billy 0 dis), 2:31',. -J. Afiller, Mansfield. ().. Sept. .5. 187.3, $175. Queen of the West, Velocipede. Lady Jane, Bay Frai>l<. l4, 2:2n>-4. Washington, I). C. July 4,"l883. $1,200. Westniont 1, 2, Bessie M., Gossip (3 dis). 2:1914. 2:24, 2:17, 2:28>i, 2:26',». Chicago, III., July 17, 1883. $2,500. Flora Belle 1, Buffalo Girl 2, Gem, l.ucy (1 dis), 2:15, 2:14, 2:16i4, 2:18'4 j'liiy 19, I8s.t. $8,000. Bessie M.. Westniont, Lone Jack (2 dis). 2:13?4. 2:16. 2:1.3. Cleveljind. ().. Aug. 3. 1883. .$2,000. Buffalo Girl 2, 4, Flora Helle 1, G'.im, Sailor Bov 2:1!)>4, 2:1.5. 2:14'/,, 2:17?4, 2:19. 2:1()U;. J. S. Campbell', Rochester. N. Y., Aug. 17, 1sk3. .$2,000. Floni Belle 2. Gem 4. Buffalo Girl. 2:15^, 2;1.5. 2:14ii.2.13?4,2:18. Utica. N. Y.. Aug. 24, 1883, .$2,000. Buffalo Girl I. Flor:i Belle. 2:1514. 2:20?i. 2:15'/j. 2:17',. Hartford. Conn.. Sejtt. 4. iss.t. .$2,000. Flora Belle 2. .!. Gem. 2:14K 2:17, 2:185S», 2:16(4, 2:17»4'. (w). Providence. R. I.. Sept. 17. 1S8.V .$2,000. (Jem. Flora Belle. 2:15'4. 2:16)^, 2:13'-4. Mystic Park, Boston, Sept. 18, iss.'t. .$2,000. Flora Belle 3, 5, Westniont 2, 2:17. 2:175Si, 2:19!4i •i:17'/4, 2:1914, CHESTEUS COMl'LETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 779 Jjeacon Tark, Boston, Sept. 2" and 2S, 1883, .?2,noo. Flora Belle 1, 3, VVestmont 2, Gem, 2:l7ld, 2:151^, 2:18i4. 2:17, 2:17ii. 2:17. Chicago. 111., Oct. Itj, ls.s3, .S1.500. Flora Belle, Westniont, 2:18'4, 2:18i4, 2:23'/2. Dallas, Tex.. Nov. 9, 1883, iifsoo. Westniont. Fuller 1 {i dv), 2:16, 2:18»/2, 2:18, 2:20. Gainesville, Tex , Nov. 15. 18S3, $700. Westniont 1, Fuller, 2:22, 2:18'/ii, 2:18, 2:23V". Kiley, b g (3 :40). Felix Lafferty, Clevelaucl, O., Oct. 20, l8o9, $100. Voungstovvn 3, 4, Stranger l(3(ln,2:4l, 2:18. 2:43, 2:44. 2:43, 2:40. Kip Kap. b g (3 :39). Leavy and Heinman, New Orleans, La., May 24, 1881, ^l.OOO. Cottoni)lant, 2:;J8. 2:;i4U. Roanoke (,s). rii g (.3 -^fi) ('i'-'-ill-aii), by I'ilot. 1. Woodrull, Centre'ville, L. 1., May 5, 1847, .'JSO. Mary Blane (s). (.2 dis). Village Boy (s), (1 dis), <.a»t. Waugli (s), (1 disi. 2::!3i.,. ■^■:.w .. ts), J. D. :McMann, Union Course, L I., May 11, 1847, §60. Gen. Taylor (a) 3, Village Boy (s), 2:25, 2:27, 2:26,2:201^3. (s), I. Woitdniff, Oct. 18, 184", $50. Village Boy (s) 3, 4, 2:28, 2:36, 2:25, 2:26, 2:29. Trenton, N. J., Oct. 28, 1847, $500. Matteawan 2 (1 0), 5:18, 5:20, 5:22, 5:31. Centi-evllle, L. I., Ain-il 3, 1848, $r)0. Village Boy, Henry Boyd, 2:32, 2:35i^, 2:33. .\liril 10, 1848, $r,0. Viliage Boy, 2:30, 2:32, 2:30i». ?vlr. Culver. Fliiladelpliia, I'a., May 28, :8r,0, $100. Billy Myers 2, 2:27'i, 2:33. 2.;U, 2:.3S. IS), G. W. Young, June 18, IS.'O, $100. Fady Bevins (s), 2:2i!2, 2:29. Baltimore, Md., July 6, 18.")0, $ . Lady Bevins, 2:26, 2:38, 2:26. Mr. AIcRoberts, Lexington, Ky. Oct. 1, 1850, $— . 2:33. 2:35, 2:28. To beat 2:31. New Orleans, La., Nov. 16, IS.'ib, $1,000. Gen. Smith (s) 2, 2:35, 2:35, 2:41. (s), Dec. 21, 1850, $1,000. .loe Wilson (s) 3, 2:32, 2:27,2:30,2:37. — — - (s), B. C. Thompson, May 9, 1852, .$200. Joe Wilson (s) 1, 2, (3 dis), 2:24?4, 2:24%, 2:2Si^i. Louisville, Ky., June 26, 1852, $000. Tom Smiley 1, 2, Teeuniseh4, 2:30, 2:,30, 2:.34, 2:33, 2:34, 2:37. (s), Columbus, O., Juiv 24, 1852, $1,000. Teciiniseli (s), (2 dis), 2:24, 2:29. Union Course, L. I., Sept. 9. 1852, $r,0(\. retl,2, (4dis), Tecumseh (5 dis), 2:19U, 2:18'4, 2:27, 2:27, 2:45. (s), I. Woodruft", Philadelphia, Pa., Oct. 26, 18-52, $300. Cayuga Maid (s), Tecuiuseh (s), (l dis), 2:29, 2:30, 2:2914. Rookef, b g (3 -.^OW J. R. Hall Jr., Orrville, O., Oct. 14, 1882, $200. Little M. 3, Harry Gorden, Hi Ball, Minnie W. No. time. Roden, b g (3 :33). C. D. Coward. Chico, Cal., Sept. 9, 1882, $ . Buzz, Prince (1 dis), 2:48'2, 2:48'2, 2:471^. J. W. Wilson, Sacramento. Cal., Nov. 30, 1882, $250. Handy Andy, Shaker, 2:35, 2:32, 2:32. Rosy, bik m (3:38), by Bucephalus. Mr. Shatter, Petaluma, Cal., Sept. 26, 1874, $125. VVasliington l, Keuo. Best time. 2:38. Kostraver. gr g (3 :36Vi), by Davy Crockett. L. A. Doval. Newcastle, Pa., Sept. 15, 1881, $250. Gray Fi ;i,iik 3, Kate Shook, Ida May, Harry, 2:34'", 2:36, 2:39^4, 2:3Ci4. D. Burgis, Osgood, Ind., Aiig. 16, 1883, $190. Ben Hamilton 1, Keno, Dr. M., 2:23j.2, 2:23, 2:3354, 2:29U. Lawrenceburg, Ind., Aug. 24, 1883, $300. Charley H. 1, 2, Keno 3, Nellv B.. 2:27, 2:29, 2:30, 2:29^4. 2:30, 2:295£. Lafayette. Ind., Sept. 5, 1883, $300. Lady Mack, Minnie L. (2 dis). Bugger (1 dis). 2.35V.;, 2:30^^, 2:36'.2. Crown Point, Ind., Oct. 5 and 6, 1883, .Sio'o. Clara D. 1, Lloyd H., 2:33%, 2:31, 2:26'4, 2:30?4. Rowdy Boy, blkg (3:13?.£), bv son of Ben Snatcher. Goodbar and Owens, Vincennes, Ind., July 4, 1878, $2.50. Horace Greely 1, Dan Webster, Lincoln, 2:34, 2:34, 2:34i4. 2:46. Freeport, 111., Aug. 3 and 4, 1878, $400. Sucker State, Black Weasel. Oyster Boy, Billy Dare (2 dis), 2:27, 2:19?^, 2:23. Prophetstown, 111., Aug. 9, 1878, $.310. Sucker State, Clinker, Oyster Boy, Bhw.k Weasel. 2:23)4, 2:30, 2:25. Earlville, 111.. Aug. 23, 1878, $350. Clinker, Sucker State, Oyster Boy, Black Weazel, I'.illy Dare (2 dis), 2:25?4, 2:21,2:251.4. Lafayette, Ind.. Sept. 4, 187s. $:;00. Bald Hornet, Little Ed, 2:26'2, 2:30, 2:35. Fort Wayne, Ind., Sept. 13, IsTs. $40U. Charley H. (10),.Coniet (10) (2 dis), 2:.31=4,2:28. 2:'18U, 2:29. Indianapolis, Ind., Nov. 13, 1878, $r,m. Honice Greeley i, 2:24?ii, 2:23)4, 2:221.4,, 2:23^4. C. W. Forth, Hartford, Conn., Aug. 27 and 28, 1879, $1,000. Sleepy Tom 3. Mattie Hunter, Lucy, 2:1794:, 2:17^2, 2:17. 2:14?4. Albany, N. Y., Aug. 29, 1879, $1,000. Mattie Hunter, Sleepv Tom, 2:18V.", 2:19, 2:17!4. Minneapolis, Minn., Sept. 6, 1879, $2,000. Mattie Hunter, Sleepv Tom, 2:16^4, 2:1814, 2:18i^. St. Louis, Mo., Oct. 2, 1879, $1,500. Jlattie Hunter 1, Sleepy Toiii, Lucy, 2:14, 2:17, 2:lS,2:f9. Pittsburgh, Pa., Oct. 16, 1879. $ . Sleepv Tom 1 , Lucy, 2:25Vi, 2:25)%, 2 :26, 2 :2,5i/o. Dayton, O., May 27, 1880. .'iti2.500. Sleepy Tom. Sweetser, 2:21, 2:22';, 2:22. Milwaukee, Wis., June 9, 1880, $1,000. Lucy, Mattie Hunter, 2:1914, 2:20i4. 2:20?4. Pontiac, Mich . June 16, I88O, $1.800. Mattie Hunter, Lucy, Sleepy Tom 1, 2 (5 dis), 2:2114, 2:23, 2:23)4, 2:19, 2:20'i. Springfield, Mass., Aug. 20, 1880, $1.. 500. Lucy 3, 4, Mattie Hunter, Sorrel Dan, 2:17%, 2:17'/2, 2n7V4, 2:19)4,2:171/^. J. L. Hardv. Toledo. O.. June 22. 1881. $800. Wonderful, Lucv. 2:24%, 2:27V4, 2:31. R. S. Hurd. Youngstown, O., .July 5, 1881, $500. Billy Scott. Sweetser, 2:22, 2:21)4, 2:21. Sept. 22, 1881, .$300. Charley H. i. Bay Billy 4, Granger Pete, 2:2.3)4, 2:25, 2:24V2. 2:32. 2:31. Sharon, Pa., Sept. 30, 1881, $225. Bay Billy 1, Charley H., 2:26%, 2:23)^, 2:22)^. 2:2414. Pittsl)urgh, Pa., Oct. 8, 1881, $500. Bay Billy l. Billy Scott(4 dis), 2.22, 2:24, 2:25%. 2:26)4. Mt. Holly N. J., Oct. 14, 1882, .$ . 2:30. 2:30)^. to beat 2:18. Lost. Rowdy Girl, b m (3:03)4). J. J. Bruebacker, Coshocton, O., Oct. 13, 1882, $.50. Bay Billy, Harry, 3:04)4,3:05, 3:03V'2. Royal George, br g(w), (8 :47 w). J. Fugb, Belmont Park, Phila., April 14, 1882, $200. John S. (w), (I dis), 2:47. 780 CliKSTKKS* CUMl'LEXK IKUTTING AJSU I'ACING ItliCOUU. Sadie Burns, b m (8 :38). L. Fulke, Alliance, O., Sept. 20, 1882, $100. HI Ball, King George, Governor (2 dls). 2:45.2:44,2:43. Canal Dover, O., Oct. 5, 1883, $90. Kitly Scott, Useless, Gray Dii-k, i;:4T, l':45. 2:38. Sailor lJ<»y, ra g (2:1714). by Smuggler Jr. T. H. Jones, Atlelphi, O., June 1. 1882. S125. George G., WU- liani (iibsoii, Xively Fred, California Girl, 2:50, 2:4l', 2:52. June a. 1882, §150. George G. 2, Sally B., 2:50, 2:25. 2:45^. 2:40. Xenia, O., Aug. 1, 1882. $ . Mary Taylor, Davy Crockett, Black Bess, Lively Fred, Bob White, c:all- forniaGirl. Davy T. (Sdis). Bay George (2 dis), Katv K. (2dis;, Minnie W. (2 dr). 2:33' j, 2:38, 2:45. Aug. 3. 1882. $ . Davy Crockett, Harry Woodruff, Black Bess, Mary Taylor (2 dr), 2:30. 2:43>.4, 2:46. Cleveland, O., Sept. 8. 1882, §500. Warrior 2, Higii Jack, Keno. Bessie M.. Felix, 2:2mi. 2 :22-'., , 2 :22, 2:21. Cincinnati. O., Sept. 7 and 8, 1882, Saw. Bessie M. 3, 4, Warrior. 2:30'2, 2:2", 2:28. 2;23'2. 2:2Gi^. cliirago. 111., Sept. 19, 1882, $1,000. Warrior 3, 4, Bessie M., Benny, High Jack (3 dis), 2:17»4, 2:20, 2:25, 2:22»4. 2:2G'». Lancaster, O., Oct. 13, 1882, $250. Charley H. 2, 3, SUvertail, Capt. Jack (3 dis). Wild Frank (3 dis), 2:25^. 2:31, 2:32'/j. 2:;42',i, 2:36'/j. A. L. Coinin, Seville, O., June 28, 1883, $200. Link 1, Minnie M. 3, Keno (2 dis), 2:33?4. 2:30^. 2:34, 2:32>^. 2 :37. Cliilicothe, 0., Aug. 17. 1883, $300. Sally B. 2, 4, WMld Frank. Charley H.. trotter. 2:2.51.^. 2:25. 2:22. 2:23. 2:24^*2. Council Bluffs, la., Sept. 11, 1883, $400. Billy Scott 3, Limber Jack 1, Belle Mahone, 2:24i4, 2:23»4, 2:26!.4, 2:22i4. 2:25. Sally B., b ni (3:3.3). James McOreaUpper Sanduskv, O.. Oct. 20, 1881, $300. Comet 2, Sorrel Billy l, T(>i>sy, Daw T. , 2 :25?i , 2 :25i^, 2 :25, 2 : 29. Adelplii, O., Sept. 22, 1882, $130. Sleepy Kock, Lively Fred, 2:33. 2:35, 2:36. Chillicothe, O., Aug. 16, 1883, $200. Wild Frank, Bay George, 2:26^. 2:25i/2, 2:271-1^, F. .lohnson, Sabina. O., Aug. 23, 1883. $ . Davy Crockett, Wild Frank, 2:36i!4. 2:3514, '2:m. Z. Berkert, Greenville. O., Sept. 12. 1883. $300. Charley H.. Sam Sharp, Davy Crockett. John .ilaloney (1 dls). Wake Up Jake (l dis), 2:27^4, 2:31. 2:31. Russell & Co., Hamilton, O., Oct. 4, 1883, $150. Charley H., Joe Bowers. Dr. Brown, 2:;{4i4, 2:34, 2:38. Sally F.. b m (3 :56\). \V. Fox, Woodbury. N. J., May ;50. 1883, $100. Flora. 2:.59, 2:581^, 2:5(;i'4. Sally Morris (Bay Sally), (s). (3:30), bv Tom Crovvder. Deerfoot Bark, L. I., Sept. 17, 187.5. $1,000. Sleepy George (s). 3. Copperbottom (s), (4 dr), 2:20?i, 2:22'/5, 2:24, 2:20. Sally WatKon, ch m (3 -.4514). A. Dupree. New Orleans, La.. June 19, 1883, $25. I-ittle Florence. 2:45'/4, 2:52H. Sam, b g (3:31). James Kockey, Cincinnati, O., Sept. 22, 1873, $100. Josephiiie (l dis). Blue Bull (1 dis). George (1 dis). 2:31. Sam, br g (3 ■Mli-'.i)- A. Johnson Titusville, Pa.. Aug. 29. 1873. .$100. Jim. 3. 4. 3:16'i, 2:.56)^. 3:02, 2:54, 2:511^. Sept. 6. 1873, $ . Jim, 2:48, 2:48. ,1. L. Dodge. Sharon. Pa., June 9, 1876, $250. Wonder, Jack, Gray Mag. Jenny Lind (2 dis), Gildersleev© (1 (lis), 2:.33'4, 2:37. 2:37^4. ChaKrin Falls. O.. June 29, 1876. $175. Sorrel Frank. Granger. 2:.37>^. 2:37'4. 2:4114. Sam. blk g (3 :49J^). New Orleans. La.. March 25, 1883, $75. Bella 2, Alice Parker. Florence (2dis), 2:54. 2:48, 2;49'/j. Sam, cli g (3:64'4). O. B. Dealing, Wellington, O.. Aug. .30. 1883, $.30. George, Billy Barlow, 2:54'/i. Sam Hill, gr g (3:301^). Mr. Bane. Beaver. Pa.. Mav 12. 1870, $1,000. Gypsy. Best time. 2:39. .Mav 31, 1870, $1,000. Gvpsv. 1, 2:;{3. 2:30'.i, 2:37. 2:3.5. Titiisville, Pa.. July 4. 1870, $300. Marv Ann, Ladv Alice. 1. 2 (ft dis), 2:.'?5. 2:34. 2:33i'a', 2:36. 2:44. .Sam Hiiier, b g (3:59). W. II. Myers, FortWayne, Ind., Sept. 10, 1880. $200. Buckskin 1, .lack, 3:01, 3:00, 3:02, 2:5!). Sam Sllok. b g (3 =38). T. J. Sullivan. Detroit, Mich.. June 2.5. 1863. .«!1.000. Greyhound (1 disX 2::«>'/i. Wm. Ueillv. June 16, 1864. $100. Grevhoiuid, 2:28. 2:38U. ^ ^ ^ „ ,„ Sandy Wood {'i^.^.^Oi;^). by (Joodiiig's Champion. Mr. Wood.^urstville, N. Y.. Sept. 13, 1882. $ . Sam 1,2, .Ine. Fred. Best time. 2:30i4. ,. .. . ,• , Salt Lak.-. }rr j; (3 :3.'i>4). Chas. Shear, San Francisco, Cal., Aujr. 30. 1871. $100. Jim McCue, Limber Jim, two others (1 dis), 2:4tK>. 2:43, 2:42. (M. 21, 1871. $ — . Pruitt 2. Jim McCue. 2:41'',, 2:a5>4, 2:42V4. Oct. 26. 1871, $ . Pruitt (w). 2-A:n. Nov. 25. 1871.. $110. Tritle. Pruitt. 2:45. 2 :4.3«, 2:47' i. . ,, „, ,, , ,, a,.„. ,. ^„. Sarah B. (3:4r>). S. I). Uichards. Sutfleld. Conn.. Oct. 11. 1882, $.50. Bay D.m (1 0). I-rank H.. Susie (4 dr). Best time, 2:4.5. ^,„ ^,, , ^ Sarah Jano. ch m (3:30i.<;). Wm. Doble, Flemington. N. J.. Se|)l. 28, 1865, $100. Wright.Hor.se. Sh.'inockety, 2 ::{2. 2 ::«)^, 2 :.33. " * ,. n. Sciola. 1. ni (3:34';\ bv Hanshaw Horse. B. J. .Johnson. Gainesville. Tex.. April 11. 1883. $100. .Mm Truni- liull 1, Dan, Bed Muck, (1 dis), 2:3ft. 2:,?8, 2:34',, 2:.36>^. ^ „„,>w x, ,t»i„_ SnalHkiii, l)r a f3:'ifii;). A. F. Smith. Kookuk. Ta., Aug. .31, 1871. $100. Honesty 2.3. Babe, Fr.ank Baker {2dis). Blind Tom (2dis). 2:.33.2:30iji, 2:.32, 2:.34'4. 2:3.3. Blooinlield, Ta.. Sept. .30, 1871, $,50. Yaller (Jal. 2:.39. 2:29. A. W. Allen, Peoria, HI., June 19, 1874, $300. Fred Worraley, 'i:3»>/». 2:35, 2:37ai. CHESTER'S COMPLETE T110TTIN(; AND TACING KECOKD. 781 Ottav/a. 111., July 2. 1874. $175. Fred Wormley l, Cyclone, Jeff Davis (I (lis), 2:29, 2:301.4, 2:3VA, 2:35}^. Jillv 4, 1874. $ — '-. Jeff Davis (s), 2:35. 2:31. Indianapolis. Tnil., .lulv 8. 1874. $bOO. Sleepy George 1, 2, Harry, Mark Twain, Charley Evans (5 dis), CopperbOttom (3 dis>. lU-n Butler (3 dis). 2:22. 2:29J^, 2:26?i, 2:30, 2:32. .1. A. Tlu)ni|>son. Davenport. la.. Sept. 10, 1875. S;i,-)0. Badger 1, 2:.37^. 2:41. 2:43V^, 2:49'/^. Gregorv & Tlu)iui)Son, (ialcsburg. 111., Oct. 13, 1875, f 300. Nelly Gray 1,2, Sucker State. 2:.30J4, 2:29!4, 2:29^.1, 2:.i0, 2:28^^. N. J. Pettijolui, Oct. 14, 1875, $500. Sucker State, Nelly Gray. 2:31, 2:27%, 2:30. Seventy .Six. (3:33). D. L. France. St. Paul, Minn. June 5. 1869. $200. Jacketv Joe 1 (3 dr). 2:50, 2:.32. . Shaker, bs (3 :35^.i). C. Shear, Sacramento, Cal., May 18, 1883, §150. Reveiuie 2. 3, Handy Andy, 2:34,2:31, 2:35, 2:3514,2:38. M. M. Odt'll. Nov. 29, 1883, .'i!250. Gray Frank. Prince, 2:29. 2:25fi, 2:26U. Shaker Bov, b g (3:33). G. W. Dickey, Indianapolis. Ind.. :\Iav 24, 1876, $ . tirav Harry, 2:41, 2:351^, 2:.32. Wheeling, W. Va., Sept. 2, 1876, § Bay Harry 1, Mira Scott (2 dri. 2::!S, •>:39%. 2:37, 2:3.5. (w) W. F. Killenbeck. Pittsburgh Pa., Aug. 24. 1877, $ . Dollv B. (si.2::«U, 2:42;/2, 2:35. J. Hines, Youngstown. O., Sept. 25, 1870, $1.50. Billy King 1, 2, Artluu- Boy. Kansas Sp.y, 2:44, 2:38i4, 2 :3C,. 2 :40. 2 :32. Newcastle, Pa., Oct. 3. 1879, $200. Billy King 2(3 0). Sleepy Bob. John Warden, -Arthur Boy, 2:36'4, 2:.34. 2:3;U.,. 2:.34'o. 2:32i2. Shamrock, bg (3:3314). R. Corriston, Buffalo. N. Y.. .Inly 3. 1873. .¥200. Diana, Big Legged Jack. Lilly, 2:47, . 2:48. Jidy 12, 1873. .'glSO. Blacksmith Girl. Big Legged Jack. 2:4G, 2:45i.i. 2:44i>4. July 25. 1X74. $100. Hunkidori (3 0), Vandal. 2:40. 2:35?4. 2:39«4. 2:49i.i. Aug. 12, 1874. $100. Hunkidori (w). 2:3314, 2:o9}.s, 2:38. Sherman. (3:37). Sam Keyes, Pittsburgh, Pa., June 12. 1866. $200. Bay Bob 1. 4. Go By (2 dr), 2:32. 2:28,2:27, 2-2ri ShooVly. b'g (3 :33i4). Mr. Gird. Albany. Or., Oct. 8. 1874. $150. John Schoiiclun I, 2:45, 2:40, 2:38%. Oct. 9. 1874, .$2.50. John Schonchm (2 dis), 2:.33i4, 2:37. Shoo Fly. gr m (3:39). I. D.Crawford, Buffalo. N. Y.. Nov. 1. 1879, $ . Malt (;irl.2:41';, 2:40, 2:39. Sid A. Kent, b g (3 :09i4). R. Howard, Carthage, O., Aug. 31, 1883. $100. Birchard, St. Clair 2, 3, Dora Dean, 3:31,3:10.3 10, 3:09' i. 3:10. .Silas, grg (3:37). G. W. Brlgham, Mystic Park. Boston, Aug. 10, 1875. $300. Ned Forrest (w) 3, (ieneral, 2:31.2:30.2:3614. Aug. 28. 1875. $500. Unknown, 2:33"4. 2:27. 2:33. Silver CioiKl. srr g (3 :41). Mr. Kcklev, Pittsburgh. Pa.. June 21. 1873, $200. Dan 3, -2 ■.d\, 2:50)4, 2:38. 2:43. Oct. 26, 187;C$30n. Sorrel .liin. Gray Eagle, 2:41, 2:42, . — Mav 9, 1874, $1,000. Coldwater Billy (2 ais). 2:46. 2:44. Mo'non,gahela. Pa., .lulv 4, 1874. $50. Sorrel Dan. No time. Silver Heels, b g (3 :37i^). Win. Henderson. Jacksonville, III.. July 4, 1874, $ . Proctor 3, i, Cottonpicker, Nelly (iray. Molly Darling 1, 2 (4dis), 2:43, 2:46. 2:46, 2:.50. 2:48. 2:45,2;.55. — T. A. B'eerup, Clinton, 111., Aug. 21, 1875, $.50. Proctor 1. Bay Tom 2, Minnie i3dr). 2:.)9. 2:3714. 2:;)8, '- Virginia. 111.. Sept. 1, 1875,$ . John Browning 1, Proctor 2, Kitty Nighbest (3 dn. 2:47. 2:40,4, 2:4.3, 2:44. .Facksouville. 111., Sept. 8. 1875. $75. Proctor 1, 2. Sweenev Todd (4 dr), John Browning (4 dr), Woodford Boy (3 dr). 2:48, 2:421... 2:40.2:43. 2:54. Flora. 111., Oct. 1. 1875..$ . Po'ppey Jones 2. Flying Dart (1 dis). 2:38, 2:40i4. 2:37 '.2. Silvertail. b m (3 :36%). John Allen, New Orleans, La., May 22. 1853, $175. Beppo. 2:39, 2:32^. 2:31^. .lune .5. 1853. $109. Joe Wilson 3, 2:31'2, 2:.30, 2:269i, 2:26\. .Inly ■.',, 18.53. $1.50. Joe Wilson 2, 4, 2 :38. 2 :33. 2 :35, 2 :32, 2 :35. Mobile, Ala.. Sept. 17. 1856, $— . Bald Hornet 1, 2:51. 2:40, 2-48. Silvertail. rn g (3:36). E. M. Griffin, Nashville, Tenn., July 9, 1851. $250. Joe Wilson 2, 4, Roanoke 1, 3, 2:29, 2:29, 2:301/2. 2:34, 2:35. 2:41. 2:43. (s), S;im Rice, New Orleans, La., Dec. 11, 18.53, $250. Frank Pierce (s), 2:27i4, 2:28%, 2:26%. .lulv 26, 1854, $.500. Tecumseh 2. 3. 2:42, 2:28. 2:30. 2:29. 2:.S6. ,1. (i. Barton, Davton. O., Oct. 21, 1854, .$2,000. Fanny Fern. 2:40. Short track. Tan. 17, 18.55, $100. Frank Pierce (2 dis), 5:2114. Two miles. Jan. 21, 1855. $100. Tecumseh, Frank Pierce. 2:331^. 2:33, 2:31 14. Silvertail, ch g(3;38). Mr. Fancher. San Francisco, Cal.. Nov. 12, 1857. .$200. Billy Blossom 1, 2, Ned Mc- Gowan (5 dis), 2:34. 2:42, 2:424, 2:38, 2:42. (w). Nov. 17. 1.'<.57. .$,50. Ned McGowan (w) 2, 2:40, 2:40, 2:.39. Silvertail, gr g (3 :31'o). by Tempest Jr. L. W. Sinclair, Sharon, Pa., Sept. 20, 1882. $ — -. Jack Rapid 1, 2, (Jrav Frank, Blackbird,' 2 ::36. 2:32U, 2:32. 2:29^4. 2:30. Lafayette, Ind.. Sept. 5. 18H2, $100. Raven Bov, Blackbird (3 dis),2:49^4, 2:39, 2:36%. Sept. 6, 1882. $300. Little Ed, Blackbird, 2:.33V^, 2:3414. 2:35%. Akron, O.. Oct. 6. 1882, $250. Capt. Jack 1. Blackbird. Minnie N. (3 dis), 2:29, 2:29%, 2:30i»^, 2:30i.i. Danville, 111., June28, 1883, $300. Buck Dickerson 2, Black Rainbow, Ben Hamilton, 2:29%, 2:291^, 2:31, 2:31. Lafayette, Ind.. July 4. 1883, $400. Ben Hamilton, American Boy. 2:28i.;. 2:29'.;. 2:27"2. J. F.' Persise, Davenport, la., Aug. 3, 1883, $300. Billy Scott 2, Lottie P.. Jack Rapid, Daisy D. 3 (4 dis), 2:25. 2:27ii. 2:2Si/'. 2:28%, 2:28%. F. E. Sliank. B"urlington. la., Sept. 20, 1883. .$500. Lottie P., Vasco, 2:201.^. 2:.32. 2:30. L. W. Sinclair, Indianapolis, Ind.. Sept. 26 and 27. 1883. $300. Rostravef 3, Sallv B. 4, Chestnut Star, Frank S. (2 dis), John Malonev (1 dis). 2:27%, 2:28i4, 2:30}^. 2:29, 2:29. Simcoe, b s (3:36), by Capt. Fisher. S. c. Murphy, San Francisco, Cal., Dec. 7 and 9, 1872, $ . Jim McCue 1, 2, Barney 5. 2:.34%, 2:47. 2:37, 2:36. 2:35'4. 2:39. Sacramento, Cal.. May 24, 1873. $ . Jim McCue. 2:39, 2:44. San Francisco, Cal., Oct. lO, 1873. $500. Jim McCue 2, 4, Montague, Nimrod. Fred, Tiger (l dis). Honest John (1 dis), 2:3.5, 2:35, 2:37i/2. 2:36, 2:39. Dec. 18, 1874. $100. Lady Rvan. Prince, Missouri Girl (1 dis), 2:331.^, 2:3314, 2:37'/j. March 11, 187.5, $1.50. Onward (w) 1, Ladv Ryan (2 dis), 2:35, 2:2814, 2:311/2, 2:31%. March 26, 1875. .$200. Lady St. Clair l, 2:27ii, 2:261^, 2:27. 2 :26^. Sacramento, Cal., Sept. 16, 1875, $400. John (1 dis). Onward (l dis), Billy Campbell (1 dis), California (1 dis), 2:26. r .rune 5, 1876. .$250. Gray Dick 2, Hoosier Dick (3 dis), Foss (2 dis), 2:30, 2:29%, 2:30, 2:30'/4. San Francisco. Cal.. June 2, 1877. $ . John Schonchin, Hoosier Dick, 2:29. 2:34%, 2:8214. .lulv 11.1.S77, $100. Gray Dick 1.3,(2 0), Ben Fish, John Schonchin (2 dis), 2 :30V4, 2:26%. 2:2714,2:28,2:29. 2:.S2%. Aug. 3, 1877, .$70. Washington 2. 4, Gray Dick, John Scnonchin 1. 3. (4 dis), 2:28, 2:29, 2:29, 2:29J4, 2:29, 2;.30i/2, 2:33?4. Sleepy Bill, b g (3:3314). Mr. Carson, Bloomington, 111., Aug. 31, 1867, ,$75. Grapevine, Dr. Lamphere, Lady Gray, 2:30Vi, 2:43, 2:38i4. 782 (HKSTKUS COMl'l-KTK TKOTTlNd AND I'AClNti UIX'OHI). IVoria, 111.. AuR. 29. 1867, SlOO. Grapevine 3. 2:.'?0, 2:40, 2:33H, 2:30. DaviMiport. la., Sei)t. 14, 1S67. .?loo. J)aii Voorhees, Tom (1 dis), 2::}2'4, 2:35>/i. Sept. 14. 1S(!T. .? . One Kved Tom. 2:44>/,. :;:32. Sleepy Bill, ur g (« :30?i). Geo.Coolcv. MtTldt-n. Conn., Oct. 17, 1S74, S . Curtis' ch g, 2:41%i,2:33.2:30?i. Sleepy lilll vw), blk g (» :35). H. I'arker, St. 1-ouis, Mc, Ang. 11, 1883, S — . Logan, Cracker, 15olero, Echo, I :J2. 1 :23. Half-inde-lieats. Ang. •2r>, 18S3. S — . Scott's rh\ef. trotter. 2:3.5. 2:31. (w). Sept. s. l«s.3, $— . nolle, Dave Kowc, •.':37, 2:43. Sept. 17. 18.S3. S . Dave Howe. Straiglil Kdge. Hellc. Mande W, 2:39, 2:39. Sleepv Dan. brg(.a:35). A. Arnold. Uiitler, Pa., .lulv 4, ih7.'<, .SlOO. Flora.!., Aunt .Jemima (2 dis), 2:38, 2:37, 2:,1.5. Sleepv Wavid, nig (2 :2»?.i). i;. Ilowland JJingliaiiiton, N. Y.. Oct. ;i. 1873, $50. Ned 3 (5 dr), 2:43, 2:295ii. 2:25, . .Sleepy Oeoi-sre. '.,rg (3:15), l)v liiviiicililc. (i. H. Smith. Lancaster, O.. ,Iune 4, 1873. mto. Rattling .Tim I, Cvpsv lloan, Billv Hopper. Coi)i)erl)ottom (4 dis). Tiger (3 disi, Myra Scott (2 dis), 2;29>4. 2:31^4., 2:31'4. 2::i;!W.. — ^ — Newark. 0.,.Inn«'2()and 21, 1873,S17.-.. Queen of the West 4,5. Uattling Jim 2, 3, 2.2t'i4, 2:29, 2:28}^, 2:2«»i, 2:32. •J:24. 2:2.5-:'.,. Cohnninis. O.. .Inly 4. 1873. S5W. Rattling Jim 2. Fred (1 dist.Cineen of the West (1 dis).2:354,2:37>^. 2:31, ^ Pittsburgh. Pa.. Aug. 29, 1x73, .?500. .lolin McNair, ('()ppL'rl)otti)in i2 dis), Nancy (1 dis), 2:28, 2:29, 2 '35. ^'- j! Woodmansee. Chilicotlie. ()., Oct. Ii). l.s73. .^noo. Rattling Jim, ( opperbottom, Sleepy Tom(2dis), 2:31, 2:31. 2:30U,. (t. H. Smith, stuhenville, O., Oct. IG ami 17, 1873, $400. Copperbotlom 4, John McNair l, Harry, 2:23?4, 2:23, 2:2l>, 2:25, 2:22».4. Coshocton, O.,0ct. 27, 1 873, .•S400. Jennv Lind (1 dis), S'elocipede (1 disi. Copperbottoin (1 dis), 2:.31. Cambridge Citv, Ind., June .5, 1874, ijjioo. Harry, Hoosier Tom. Crazy Sam. Hoosier Dick. 2:24, 2:45, . Kokonio. Ind.. June 11, 1874, S400. Hoosier Tom 3. Red Buck. Charley Kvaiis. 2:26. 2:27>4. 2:29, 2:.30;'4. I'eru. Ind., .June 18. 1874. .?500. Cliarley Evans, Ilarrv, Hoosier Dick. Sucker State (3 dr^ Hymer Red Buck (1 dis). 2:23^.,, 2:26. 2:26!'o. Lancaster. O.. June 26, 1S74, .?800. John McNair 3. Winder 1. 2:.33>4. 2:2.s. 2-28. 2:27}^. 2:28. Columbus. ()., .iulv 1. 1874, .?500. Winder. .John McNair, Copperbottoin 2 (3 dis), Tom Paine (1 dis), 2:19K'. 2:22^4, 2:24. 2:.34ai. Toledo, O., .lulv 18, 1874. $500. Sealskin 1, John McNair, Queen of the West, Sorrel Frank, 2:31. 2:28J4. 2:321/.;, 2:34V4. Massillon, O., Aug. 6, 1874, $500. John McNair 1, Lady Jane (2 dis). Dr. John (2dis), 2:26i^, 2:28V4, 2:3.5i>.i,2:,36. Lafayette. Ind., Sept. 1, 1874. $225. Hoosier Dick 3, Cirav Harrv (4 0), Mark Twain, Gray Joseph, Honest John (4'dr). 2:2T»4. 2:30. 2:30-'.,. 2:27'2. 2:341^. La Crosse, Wis., Sept. 11, 1874, $600. Nelly Davis 1, Hoosier Tom, Tom Hendricks, Defiance (1 dis), 2.2914, 2:1:9. 2:.30?4. 2:30!4. Cleveland, O., Sept. 17, 1874, $500. John McNair, Defiance, Sorrel Frank, Velocipede, 2 :20»4, 2 :26Vi, 2:28>i. Minerva. O.. Oct. 1, 1874. $150. Hoosier Dick 1, Sorrel Billy. 2:57. 2.41^, 2:34. 2:28"2. (s). Hurgettstowu. Pa., Oct. 8, 1874. $2V>r>. Hoosier Dick «s>, Pollv Hopkins (s). 2:27J4, 2:31 ?4, 2:33. Stcubcnville, (>.. Oct. 14, 1874. $1,000. Hoosier Dick 3. Lucy 2:30. 2:29. i::24. 2:24?4. Kort Wavne. Ind., Oct. 30. 1874. $600. Bav Sallv, Hoosier Boy, .lack. Defiance 1, (4 dis). Granger (3 dis), 2 :26' ». 2 :25.'2:27i/4. 2 :28. .lune 10, 187.5, $t>00. Granger l. Hoosier Dick, Gray Harry (3 dis), 2:24'.!. 2:201/', 2:31. 2:39. South I'.end, Iiul., June 17, 1875, $400. (iranger 1. Hoosier Dick. Gray Harry, Dexter (1 dis), 2:30. 2:305!i, 2:33'.,. 2::i2. East Saginaw, Mich., June 1, 1875, $800. Granger John McNair. 2:25^'a. 2:22. 2:22i^. (Columbus. O.. Jiilv 1, 187,5, $800. Granger 2, Hoosier Dick. Silverlail, (3 dis), 2:28'^, 2:24,2:23. 2:25. Masilloii. ().. Aug." 13, 1875, $2.50. Granger 3. Sorrel Billy (4 0.. Sally B.. 2:32. 2:30"2, 2:33. 2:;J4, 2:34. Mvstie I'ark, Boston, Aug. 30, 1875, $5,000. Bav Sally l. Copperlwtiom. Granger, (3 dis). 2:27i^, 2:26, 2:21, 2-271/.. (s)T Sept. 14. 1875. $.500. Bav Sallv 1. Copperbottoin. Silas. 2:21V.:;. 2:26. 2:27.2:27. Point Breeze Park. Phila.. Sept. 20, 187.5, $1,000. Bav Sallv, Copperbottoin (2dr). 2:17. 2:20, 2:27i^. Sinitlifield. ().. Sept. 23, 1875. SlOO. P.;iv Sallv. .John. 2:31'4, 2:;i2. 2:29. Newark, O.. Oct. 8, 1875. .$ l,50. Queen of the" West. Tom Crowder (3 dis), Harry Lee (3 dis), 2:43>i. 2:37, •2:3:'\/«. (Joshocton, O., Oct. — , 187.5,$i,50. Sorrel Billv 1. Bay Sally 3. 2:33. 2:.31, 2:37, 2:42?4. 2:29. Matlison. Ind., May 30, IXTO. $.500. Sucker State, Washington Maid, Hattie U dis). Flora (2 dis), Tom liawrence (1 dis), 2:40'i, 2:39. 2:,54. Peru. Ind.. .Tune 17, 1876, .$700. Sucker State. Nelly Gray, Bay Sally, 2:2814. 2:31 V4, 2:32'/.. South Bend, Ind., .June 19. 1870, $400. (Jranger 1 Hoosier Dick, (iray Harry. Dexter (1 dis), 2:30, 2:30?i, . ^Chicago! 111., July 1,1876. $1,000. Sucker State, Nelly Gray,Shaker Boy..Tohn Steiner (l dis),2:24, 2:263i, 2:3.3K>. (iaiesburgh. 111., July 30. 1876. -$3.50. Sweeper, Sucker State, 2:25. 2:24U, 2:26"j. Fairview, O., Oct. 28^ 1876. $ . Shaker Bov. Bav Harry. No time. I'eru, Ind.. June 13, 1877. .$300. Bav Sallv 3. Billv V. (4 d's), 2:24, 2:21 '^2. 2:24^. 2:21J4. Akron, ()., .Mine 20, 1877. .$250. Sorrel Billv. Granger I'l^te, 2:36"j. 2:28, 2:31Vs. „.„„,„„„, Mt. Vernon. O.. Aug. 16. 1877. $1.TO. Midnight 2. 4. Shaker Boy 1, 5. 2:479i, 2:46'4. 2:46. 2:.50, 2:48. 2:.37, 2:4214. Pittsburgh. Pa.. Aug. 22. 1877, S,500, Liicv (2 0). Rowdy Boy (Z 0\ Sweotser. 2:26. 2:26, 2:26, 2:28»4. Quincv. III., Sept. 6. 1877. .$.300. Bav Sallv 1. Rowdy Boy (1 dis), J. K, Polk (1 dis). 2:26Ji, 2:26, 2:23, 2:25''.,. ■ ■ ■ St. .Joseph. Mo.. Sept. 14. 1877, $1.50. Bay Sally 4, 5, Rowdy Boy 3 (5 dis). 2:32.2:.31?i, 2:32^, 2:301/,, 2:29'/,, 2:27';i. Kansas Citv, Mo., Sept. 21. 1877, .$200. Bay Sally 1, 4, Rowdy Boy 2. Sam (1 dis), Abington (1 dis), 2:24, 2:24. 2:2.5, 2:2.3, 2:23. 2:2.3. W. 11. Crawford. Pittsburgh, Pa.. Mav JO. 1878, ,1400. Lucy. 2.30. 2:24V^. 2:2.5J4. .lackson. Mich., June 14, 1878, .$400. Bav Sallv 1. T. A. Hendricks, Sweetser 2 (3 dis), Billy Dare (2 dr), 2:211/4, 2:2594, 2:24''., 2:24='.i. 2:28. E. Sjiginaw, Mich., .Tune 27, 1878, .'S400. Sweetser 1, l?ay Sally, 2:21i^. 2:22, 2:21, 2:20 Columbus, ()., .July 11, 1878 $400. .Sweet.ser. Bav Sally. Lucy, 2:21U, 2:22, 2:20. <'leveland, O.. Jul'v 24, 1878, $1,000. Lucy, Biiv i^ally, Sweetser (1 dis), 2:22^. 2:18, 2:21^. Utica. N. Y., Aug. 14 and 15, 1878, $1,000." Sweetser 2, 2:21^, 2:lGyi,2A9yi, 2:17^. CHKSTKK b CUJM1'L,ETK TPwOTTING AND I'ACING KECORD. 783 — Aug. 17, 1378, $500. Great Eastern (s;, trotter, 2:18?4, 2:19. — Jt*itisburgh, Pa., Aug. '29, 1878, $iOO. Svveetser l, Lucy (4 disi, 2:33}4, 2:29, 2:31, 2:35. — Cincinnati. O., Oct. 4, 1878, WOO. Sleepy Tom (2 0), Lucy (4 disi, iSweelser (3 dis). 2:205^, 2:1914, 2:19'.2. 2:20. Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 24, 1878, $200. Mattie Hunter 1, 2:26}4, 2:31, 2:38. uisville, Ky., .fuly n, 1879,'.S800.' Mattie Hunter. Rowdy Boy, Lucy, Sweetser, 2:17^, 2:17}4, 2-lU^. trdell, Columbus, 0., July 10, 1879, $000. Mattie Hunter 3, 4, Kowdy Boy, Clinlver, 2:"l4i^, 2:i9'/'2, 2:1734, Sleepy Oetn-ge, oil g (3:38). J. A. AVliilston. Clinton, 111., Aug. 18, 1875, ,'J2(I0. Proctor 2, Bay Tom, 2:46, 2:44, 2 :3k. Bloomington, HI., Sept. 7, 1875, $100. Minnie. Lena Rivers, Howard, 2:48, 2:39^. Sleepy Jim (3:37). Massillon, O., Sept. 30, 1868, $ . Gen. Grant ^3 dis). Lady Clmton 1, 2 (3 dr),2:39, 2-41, 2:37. Sleepy John, b g (3 :30). A. Greenman. Delphi, Ind., Sept. 25, 1874, .S125. Honest John 2, P.lue Boy, Cheto Billy. 2:41. 2:42K>. 2:4.3, 2:44'/2. I,. IVIyers, Danville, 111., Sept. 23, 1870, $ . Minnie Lee 3. 4. Black Frank 2, 7, Buckskin 1, 2:35U. 2:35. 2:4(1. 2:401.1 2:35, 2:33, 2:40?j:, 2:38. E. J. Baldwin, Lafayette, Ind., Sept. 7, 1878, $100. Little Ed, Bald Hornet (2 dis). 2:33. 2:30, 2:33. Sleepy .lohn, gr g (3:38). J. Megraw, Pittsburgh. P;i., Oct. 7, 1880, $100. Nana 3. 5, Lewis S. 1, Squires, IvHUUck. 2:4l;'4, 2:421^, 2:37. 2:39'4,2:37'4,2:.18. » 11 ' Sleepy Kock, gr s (3:40). Thos. H. Jones, Sabinu, O., Aug. 24, 1882. .9 . Little Vrod 3, 5, Black Bess 1 2 :48. 2 :44'/o, 2 :45, 2 :45, 2 :43, 2 :45. Sabina, O., Aug. 22. 1883, $150. California Girl, Livelv Fred, Frank S. (4 dr). Gray John l, 2 (3 dis). Little .John i3 dis), 2:53, 2:54. 3:00, 3:05. 3:11. Sleepy Tom. ch g (3:13i,4), by Tom Rolfe. L. Wentz, Columbus. O., Sept. 17, 1873. $25. Honest Jim, three others (I dis). , 2:40i^. ('. Dingier. Lebanon, O., Sept. 24. 1874, $30. Wild Bill, Lucy, 2:48i^,_2:49'/i. .lohn Sharp, Delaware, O., August 19. 1875, $150. Cotloupicker 2,"Lady iiell, (Juecu of tlie West, Tom Crowder (2 disi, Dick Sliter (1 dis), 2 :.39i^, 2 :45, 2:44, 2:47. Jamestown, O., Aug. — . 1875, $ . Minnie Lewis 1. Nellv Grav, 2:.39, , 2:34. . W. IL Cary, Delaware, ()., July 3, 1877. $150. Danville Girl, John Crowder Ci dis), Purity (2 dis), 2:29'i. 2:341.,, 2:28. "' Davton, 0., June 6. 1878. $300. Comet 1, Straightedge, GvpsyTom (1 dis), Bill Allen 1 1 dis\ Connemaugh Jack (1 disi. 2:33i^, 2:30' i, 2:30i/2, 2:34. Hillsboro. O., Aug. 30, 1878, $150. Jim, Tangle Legs, Grav Gus, 2:31, 2:30K>. 2 :20V,. Columbus, O., Sept. IC. 1878, $175. Billy Scott. Nelly Gray. 2:22, 2:2i:'4, 2:221,2. Lebanon. O., Sept. 20. 1878. $100. Tangle Legs, Dun Jim, IMinnie Lewis, Gray Joe, 2:2214. 2:23. 2-30. Dayton. O., Sept. 27, 1878, $250. Sorrel Billy 2, Nelly Grav, Minnie Lewis (3 dis), Hamilton (i dis). Comet a dis). 2:3214, 2:281^, 2:27, 2:27. Butler (^o., O., Oct, 2. 1878, $100. Gray Gus, Hamilton, Jim Ammon, Tangle Legs, 2:35 2:.35U, 2:.% Muncie, Ind., Oct. 24, 1878, $200. Sleepy John 1, Bay Billy, Bav .Jim, 2:.34, 2:3.5. 2:.30. 2:29. S. C. Phillips, Jackson, Mich., June 13, 1«79, .§800. Rowdy Boy, Lucy, Sally, Mattie Hunter, Sleepy (Jeorge, Sweetser, 2:2114, 2:2014, 2:21. East Saginaw, Mich.. June 20, 1879, $800. Rowdy Boy 1, 2, Lucy 4, Mattie Hunter, Sally, Sweetser, 2 15 2:ltii4. 2:17"^, 2:17i4, 2:17^4. 2:18^. Toledo, O., June 26. 1879, $800. Rowdy Boy 4, 5, Bay Sally 3, Mattie Hunter, Lucy, Sleepy G( orgs. Swctser. 2:19. 2:20. 2:285i, 2:23, 2:22, 2:2314. Louisville, Ky., .July n, 1879, .S800. ----- - - - .1. uc ■■ - ■ • -^ - - -- 2:17. 2:17. Cincinnati. O., .July 3, 1879, $800. Mattie Hunter, Rowdy Bov. Sweetser, 2:17, 2:18?4, 2:19Vi. S. C. Phillips, Chicago, 111., July 24 and 25, 1879, $1,500. Maitie Hunter 1 (2 0), Lucy (2 0), Rowdy Bov. 2:1814.2:161/2,2:16^,2:16,2:1214. .T. Udell, Buffalo, N. Y., August 8, 1879, .$5,000. Mattie Hunter 1, Rowdy noy, Lucy, 2:lGi/o, 2:16i4. 2:1514, 2:17. Rochester, N. Y.. Aug. 14, 1879, $1,000. Mattie Hunter 3, 4, Rowdy Boy l, I>ucy, 2:1394, 2:l6i^. 2:15, 2:15i4, 2:13';, 2:14. " - . ^. Utica. N. Y., Aug. 20 and 21, 1879. Sl.OOO. Lucy l. Mattie Hunter. Rowdy Boy, 2:16K. 2:14, 2:14}^, 2:1514. Minneapolis, Minn., Sept. 4, 1879, $1,000. Lucy l, 2, INIattie Hunter, Rowdy Boy, 2:16. 2:l7i/2, 2:15-(4, 2:16, 217. U)aincy. III., Sept. 12, 1879, .$2,500. Rowdy Boy 2, Mattie Hunter. Lucv, 2:17, 2:18, 2:22. 2:16 IJrlnioiU Park, Phiia.. Oct. 24, 1879, $ . Rowdy Boy 1, Lucy, 2:2314, 2:19, 2:18)4, 2:22. Morrisania, N, Y., Oct. 31, 1879, .$600. Rowdv Boy. 2:21i2, 2:21, 2:19^. A'Iriaii. Mich., June 2, 18S0. $1,800. Rowdy Boy, Lucy, Mattie Hunter, 2:1914, 2:20i4, 2:20. — Detroit, Mich., June 9, 1880. $800. Change, Sweetser, Bav Billy, 2:21?4, 2:1914, 2:18i/|. Toledo, O.. June 24, 1880, ,$800. Billy Scott, Clinker, Bald Hornet, 2:23, 2:25^2, 2:23J4. Minneapolis, Minn., Sei)t. l. 1882, $ . 2:22'2. 2:22. To beat 2:1214. Lost. R"d Oak, la., Sept. 21, 1882, .$30.'). Cyclone, John C, 2:.37i/4. 2:321/2, 2:30. .Sleei>y Tom, b g (3:58). F. Woolf, Sullivan, 111., Aug. 12, 1881, $.50. Fred W., Duster. 3:00, 2:58. •Sleepy Tom, dn g (3 :37i4). Sherman & Warner. Ottawa, Kan., June 23, 1876, $140. Three Corners 4, 5 (3 0), Fred Douu^ias (3 0), Doc Snyder (3 0), 2:32^4. 2:2714. 2:31, 2:.34'^, 2:33, 2:.32i4. Slippery Dick, ch g (3 :31i4). L. Shaner, Oakland, Cal., March 10, 1883, $600. Belle W. 1, Chicago, trotter, 2. Long John, trotter, 2:33'?, 2:.36'i., 2:;ai!;. 2:31 14, 2:34!4. Slow Go, ch g (3:38i4). H. Hart, Soulhington, Conn., Oct. 18, 1882, $100. Ettie C. 1, Sleepy Daisy 3, Croppy, 2:;!9)^, 2:44, 2:42. 2:42, 2:43?4. (Jet. 10, 1883, .$200. Yictor, Ginger (2 dr), 2:3814, 2:43i/i, 2:391/2. .Smith, gr s (3:10). Suffolk Park, Phihi., June — , 1S81, $ . Jupiter, trotter, 1, 3:20, 3:10, 3:10, 3:10. Smugijler (3:40). ISIr. Smith, San Francisco, Cal., April 29, 1875, $ . Missouri Girl, Irish Tommy, 2:40, 2:42. Soretoes, gr g (3:33). J. Cunningham, Philadelphia, Pa., Aug. 24, 1876, $ . Suste Ross 3, 2::;s. 2:3.5, 2:38, 2 :39. B. Stetson, Suffolk Park, Phila., April 26, 1877, $ . Innocent Sam, Blind Tom, Richard, Don Cameron, 2:3714.2:3914,2:3414. Point Breeze Park, Phila.. May 23, 1877, $150. Innocent Sam 4, Stella, Blind Tom, Comet l, 2 (3 dis), 2:32'. 2. 2:32, 2:33, 2:37, 2:39, 2:3.5^. .Sorrel IJilly. ch g (3 :30), bv Scott's Hiatoga. F. Price, Wheeling, W. Va., Aug. 21, 1873, $125. Blue Goose 2, 3, .Midnight Slumbers (2 dis), 2:42!^. 2:42i4. 2:42, 2:44';. 3:09i4. .V. Miller. Coshocton, O.. Oct. 27, 1873, $100. Maria Scott, 2:.39, 2:42, 2:43. New Philadelphia, O., Oct. 6, 1874, $ . Flora Zatt. Gray Dan. 2:47, 2:50i4, 2:47. o. (i. Madison, Wooster, O., Oct. 28, 1874, $200. Dick Close, Frank (1 dis), 2:32. 2:3C. 2:3,53^. C;inton, O., July 2, 1875, $1.50. (irav Billv, 2:r,\.2:52Vi. 2:51. July 3, 1875, .$250. Silversides. trotter. 3 (4 0), Grav Billy, 2:34?4, 2:35. 2:37, 2:35?4. 2:33. Plain City, O., Julv 21, 1875, $150. Queen of the West 2, Rattling Jim. Sleepy Tom, Sleepy Tom (3 dis), 2:44'/2, 2:43J4, 2:4394, 2:45^. 7»4 C11E«TKI:\S COMruriE TKOTTINU and PACINU UKC(JltlX Columbus, O.. Sept. 10, 1875, S175. Sleepy Tom, Sleepy Tom. Queon of the ■\^■est, Minnie T.cwis, Billy Green, Lady Bell, Advent, I'et Headley (3 dis), I'ocahontJis la dr), Little Girl (2 dr), Nelly ^'()oHlees (2 dr), 2i34, 1^13'J. 2:3-t!2* >;ewarl<, ().. Get. 0, 1875, $i.'50. Sleejjy George d disi. •J:32. A. iMiller, Lancaster, O., May •2ri, 187U. j!l.")0. (ieorge Kvans, Jolni ( rowder (3 dis), l>avy Hunter (3 dis) Marie ScottC! dlsi, I'ale Face (1 dis), ^-.M), L':43, 2:41. Delaware, O., .May 31, 187G, jiioo. George Evans 3, .lolin Crowder 4, 15av Franli (3 disi, •.':3(;, 2:39»4,2::«=ti ^ 2:;j;)'4. (•orunil)us,0.,,luly 18. 1H7G, S500. Sucker State 1(3 O), Sliaker JJoy, Sam. M:ui!ie Lewis. Marie S<'<>tt Lady W ayne (li . Freeport, III., Aug. 3. 1870, S400. Sucker State, I'rairie Bird (i dis), 2:27, 2:26, 2:23. Greenville. O.. Sept. 20, 1876, SIOO. Billv ('., JSlattie K.. 2:4.-)-'.i. 2:47. 2:49. Sept. 22, 1x76, SIM. Billy ('.. Hialoga Maid, Queen Van. 2::{6'.i. 2.2!). 2:36>^. — --Canton, O., Oct. 19, I«7(i, S200. Sleepv (Jeorge. Bay Harrv. (iranger Pete, 2:25?4, 2:2«. 2:25. Coshocton, O.. Oct. 27. 1876. .S150. Dr. .loiin. Granger Fete. Velocidede, 2:34»4, 2:31, -jMOf-i- .Inly 5. 1877, 630. (iranger I'ete, Dr. .loliii, 2:.3.-), 2:;54, 2:34. Columbus. O., Sei)t. 14, 1877, $17.5. Sleepy (ieorge. Comet 1, 2 (5 dis). Dr. John (4 dis). Minnie Sears (3 dis), D:inville Girl (2 dis), 2:21'», 2:26, 2:21.2:25. 2:23'j. Zanesville, O., Sept. 18, 1877, $4'25. Midnight, Dr. John. 2:.31, 2:33. 2:28. Colunibiis. ()., Oct. 6, 1877, §1.50. Bav Harrv, Lady Lightfoot. 2:36'i, 2::}!'!.. 2::?3. Warren, ()., ,Iune 28. 1878, §200. Comet 1, .J, Charlev H., Straightedge (3 dr), Granger I'cie (3 dis), 2:3,5, 2:37, 2:32^.,, 2:32'.,, 2:32?4. Akron. (>., July 3, 1879. S400. Clinker 2, Comet. 2 :.'!0. 2 :2G. 2:.'iO^. 2:28. Norwalk. O., July 9. 187U, JS;iOO. Clinkei-. Comet. Charley II.. 2:29M, 2:25i/., 2:23'/4. Youngstown, O., July 1, 1880,$ . Little May 2, CJranger Fete, CUiarlev H.. Miilioning, 2:154, 2::<7, 2:33y,, 2:;J4. Mr. Morgan, Zanesville, O., Sept. 13. 1883, .«::i00. Competitors not named. 2:41, 2:3«'/j. 2:38. Sorrel Billy, ch g(^ :>'i«J4)' T- Folk. Sharon, Pa., Sept. 28, 1881. ,i300. ,)ohiinv Wontlei-. Honest Frank, 2:41. 2:;«)l4. 2:40'... Sorrel Hilly (s), (3:271^). J. Spellnian, St. Clairville, O.. Sept. 7, 188.3, $ . Harrv Scott (s), 2:40, 2:42» 2:401 2. Wheeling. W Va., Sept. 11. 1883, .fsoo. Capt. Dan 1, Fritz, Dr. Brown, (iossip. Little Elm (3 dr), 2:26}4, 2:27'2. 2:29'.i, 2::«)'.i. Sorrel Dan. ch g (3:14) bv Hale's Bed Buck. P. Newbro, Lafayette, Ind., Sept. 4, 1870, *300. Little Kd l. 2 Sleepy John. Capt. Jack, 2:34i/., 2:39 2::i6l<; 2:35}4, 2:Xi. Grand Kapids. Mich.. Julv 2, 18so, $900. Bav Billv. Change. Topsv. Duster, 2:30. 2:2s, 2:l:;. Fort Wavne. Ind., July .5. 1880, .«i600. Bav Billv. Toiisv, 2::;.5, 2:37>.,. 2:45i.i. Xenia, ()., Julv 15. 1880, .Woo. Billv Scott. Clinker, Sueetser, 2-27. 2:25^4, 2:28^4. Chicago, 111., July 20 and 21, 1880, $600. Little Brown Jug, Wonderful, Clinker, Bald Hornet, 2:16, 2:21,1.2, 2:lHi4. W. Bedford, Buffalo, N. Y., Aug. 6, 1880, $1,500. Sleepy Tom (4 0\ Lucy 1, 5 (40), (6 , 2:38Ji,. 2:.*!KU', Sorrel Nellv. eh m (2:28i^). Tl. Sapp. Joplin. Mo.. Julv 2, is«0. $1.50. Fred Douglass 1. Sam Hazard. 2:;!5, 2:34. 2:;5;i'i,i. July 7. 1880. .$200. Mountain Maid. Fred Douglass, 2::iO^ , 2:;!0, 2:;).3i^. Sej)t. 29. 1K80. .ftioo. Mountain Maid 2, Ryston Boy 4, 2:32?4, 2:;i6i4. 2:35^, 2:33. 2:36^. Oct. 2. 1880, .$.50. Mountain Maid. Rvstoh Boy, 2:281^. 2:.-?1. „ ^, , , , . , r t> Southeastern, b g ( S :34i.i). ]\I. F. Kehoe. Jersevville, 111.. Oct. 13, 1882, $ . Harry Golddust 1. Lew Bar- ret. I?lind Hadger 12 dr). 2 :.%5',-. 2:.34i.i. 2:,37. 2:41':i. , ,, „ ..e o ... Spangle, rn !r(3;34\ C. S. Bartine, Centreville, L. T.. Sept. 10. 1849. .$30. AggyDown 1 (2 ds). 2:35. 2:34. Stella, b m Ci:4r,'i). James MeCrea, Adelphi, O., Sept. 13, 1882, .57.5. Sclplo 2, 3. (Jypsy, Black Boy, M. D., "•48 3-00 i-'V' "•45', ''•46' 4 Stephen A. Uouj^faH, b's*'(2:34'„). Dr. Kelly, St. Louis. Mo., Oct. 4, 18(X), $200. Dick Turpln. 2:39, 2:37, 2:38 CHESTKlfS CO-MPLLTK TliOTTlXG AND PACING UEC(JKD. 785 W. Harrison, May 13. 1862. $375. Picayune, 2:39. 2:3i». Frank \\Vl)b, Au^. Kj. IsC-, S1J5. Ben Boll 3. Illinois Cliief (2 dis), 2:38, 2:38, 2:43, 2:40. Aug. 22, 1862, $200. Illinois Chief (S), 2:.S7.2:37, 2:37. Au;;. 26. 1862, $200. Illinois Cllii'f i2 dis). 2:3.5i/i., 2:;34'/2. .stockiiiii Lfff. ell ni (a :3»i4 1. J. Fitzgerald. Nashville, Tenn.. Sept. 10, 1878, $100. Pilot, Sam Motley (1 dis) Minnie I). (1 dls). 2:29>4. 2:;J3'4. 2:44'.i. Straight»'dge, (s) ch g (3 :36). Thomas Logan, Chester, 111., May 18, 1875, $30. Edward Everett, trotter (&), (1 dis I. 2:44. Mav li). 1875. $75. George L. 2. 2:58. 2:41, 2:40. Trenton, Mich.. July 2, 1875. $ . Dick Skater. Wild Rose. Best time 2:44i^i. N. Neff. Chatham, Ont. July 13, 1875, $100. Young Quaker l, 3, Dick Skater 4, Prof essor (4(lr), 2:40, 2:41-4, 2:39, 2:^S, . 2:43>4. Monroe, Mich.. Oct. 7, 1875, $ . Chestnut Jim 1. ioni Strong 2.2:46. 2:40'o. 2:44, 2:43. 2:41. Chester. 111.. Oct. 21, 1875, .§175. Sucker State 1, George L. (3 dis), Hoosier Boy (3 disj, Brunswick (2 dis), ^ J^*S."camp'bell, Shawneetown. 111.. Oct. 6, 1876, $120. Molly Crowder, I'inton. Tanglefoot (2 dr). No Tlios Logan. Chester, 111.. Oct. 19. 1876, $300. Coltonpicker, Hoosier Tom (2 dis), Highlander (1 dis). Gray John (1 dis), 2:o9'4, 2::{6, 2:37?^. — - — .1' S. Campbell. Danville, 111., Sept. 20, 1877, $200. Bnckskni, Nelly Gray, Red Fox, Little Ed., J. K. Polk (1 disi. 2:29. 2:31 2:20. Toli'do. O., Sept. 26. 1877, $600. Lucy .3, Sweetser. Blue Wnig (1 dis). 2:26-2. 2:28'2. 2:24. 2:27'4. .i W Smitli Newport, K. I., Sept. 22, 1880, $15U. Charley, Sweet Apple. Fanny C, 2:50. 2:.37. 2:36. M Kchoe St. Louis. Mo.. Sept. 23. 1883, $30. Joe Lodge 2. Dave Kowe. Bonesetter, Belle. MaudM. (3dr), Fritz K. (2 dr), 2:37. 2:381-3, 2:4714. Stoughton Girl, b m (3 :36). J. J. Bowen, North Bridgewater, Mass., Aug. 24, 1860, $200. Mystery, 2:36, 2:39, 2*39 Stranger, brg (3:37). Mr. Collins, Cleveland, O., Oct. 21, 1859, $50. Butcher Boy. Dick Smith, Mahoning, 2:41, 2:48. , . St. Louis. Mo.. June 20, 1866, .$200. Kinney 1, 3, Gravel Digger, 2:38M, 2:38V2, 2:393^, 2:37, 2:40. Louisville, Ky., July 11. 1876, $150. Reuben. 2 (1 0), (4 dis), 2:37U. 2:41, 2:47, 2:40?^. Strawberry, gr g (2 :34^). J. Shawhau, New Orleans, La., Jan. 4, 1871, $100. Bill Hodge 2, Nick Whiffles (2 dis). 2:40U. 2:36'/2, 2:34'/^. <;. B. Shawhau. Selina. Ala.. Nov. 15, 1872, $150. E. B. B., 2:45. 2:44. 2:47}^. Sucker State, b s (3 :33>. Paul Walters. La Porte, Ind., June 24, 1874, $300. Gray Harry 1 , 3, Granger (2 dis), •^■i.T'i '"914 2'3''^4 '''S^Ji 2-41 ^ Mn'iilo'ta. ill.', Aug^'lS, 1874, S300. Badger 3, Fred Wormley (4 dis), Sally (3 dis), Hoosier Dick (3 dis), 2:27. 2:37. 2:29. 2:25. , ^ ^ ^ E. A. Bowen. Earlville. II!.. Aug. 25, 1874, $300. Sleepy George 1, Defiance, Hoosier Dick (3 dis), Bob Kenuv (2 dis). 2:29U 2:2514, 2:28^4, 2:27. Paul Walt.-rs, Litchfield, 111., Oct. 7, 1874, $250. Molly Darling, , . 2:3014- Meiiilot;i. 111.. Aug. 18, 1875. .S4Q0. Shaker Boy S, CottonpicKer. Lady Elgin, 1, 2 (4 dis), Toledo (3 di.s), Fred. Wornilev (1 dis). 2:27%, 2:27, 2:30i^, 2:29'i, 2:3314. 2:41. Earlville, 111.. Aug. 25, 1875, .*.300. Badger, Toledo. Fred. Wormley. 2:26, 2:26?^. 2:31i4. St. Louis, Mo., Oct. 4. 1870, .fl75. Brunswick, Little Nell (1 dis). Red Tiger (1 dis), Snowstorm (1 dis). Pern, Ind.. June 15, 1876, .8:400. Stiaker Boy. Nelly Gray, Tom Hendricks, Gray Harry, Cora (l dls), Billy C (1 dis), 2 :39!4, 2:36, 2:3734. Mendota, 111., July 4, 1876. $150. Nelly Gray, Bob Kenny (1 dis). 2:35. 2:37i^, 2:40. Tiskilwa. 111., Aug. 10. 1870. $300. Sorrel Billy. Prairie Bird (1 dis). No time. Mendota, 111., Aug. 17, 1876, $300. Sorrel Billy, 2. 4 (3 0), Prairie Bird (1 dis), 2:27, 2:25. 2:26. 2:29, 2:28, 2:29. Earlville 111.. Aug. 24, 1876. .$300. Sorrel Billy (2 dis). 2:24, 2:26^. Freeport. 111., Oct. 12 and 14, 1876, .$.500. Sleepy George (w), 2, 4, 2:25, 2:27. 2-43, 2:46. 3:021^. Jersevville. 111., Oct. 9. 1877, $50. Up and Up, Black Crook (1 dis), 2:3194. 2:36, 2:42%. b g, Peru. Ind.. June 12, 1878. $400. Bald Hornet 3, Horace Greeley 4, Lincoln, Little Ed. (2 dis). 2:23, "■"41^ ''•''3% ''•2514 2 ■'754 ^"G.-S.^Hoimes, Colorado Springs, Col., May 2, 1881, $200. Ada Paul, trotter, 2:31, 2:33i4..2:34. F. F. Hoadley, Leadville, Col., July 27, 1882, $300. John H., 2 (3 dis), Three Corners (3 di.s), 2:431/2, 2:41J^, 2: 45 '4, Surprise, b g (3 :31i^). A. L. Thomas. Lafayette, Ind.. Aug. .30, 1881, $100. Little Dan. 2:58i/2, 2:56. 2:46. Ciiarleston. 111,. Aug. 4, 1882, $17.5. Westinont. Lone Jack, Dixey, 2:34, 2:3414. 2:31W. , ^ ^ Swan Bitters, ch m (2 :36). Wm. Stuart, Titusville. Pa., June 3, 1870, $ . Rattling Jack, Lady Alice, 3, (4 dis), 2:36. 2:42. 2:44^.2:42. ^., „ , ^ ^ Sweeney Todd, b g (3:34). W. Carroll. Springfield. 111.. Sept. 21, 1875, $80. Proctor 1, Silver Heels 2, Wood- ford Boy (4 dr). Smoker Boy (2 dis), 2:37^. 2 :36i4, 2 :34V^, 2:34. „ ^ „ Sweetser, gr g (3 :15). by Toni Crowder. A. M. Wilson, Massillon. O.. Sept. 1, 1876, $200. Sam, Granger Pete, Lady VVavne. 2:37%, 2:38, 2:48 Cleveland. O., Sept. 14. 1876, $500. Shaker Boy. Velocipede, Sleepy George, 1. 4 (5 dis), 2:26, 2:24, 2:23!4, 2:291/4, 2:23^4. John Tod, Cleveland. O., July 27, 1877. $1,000. Rowdy Boy. Sleepv George (w), T. A. Hendricks, Sorrel Billy, Lucy. Bay Sallv. John McNair. 2:18. 2:19. 2'20(4. Sept. 8, 1877. .$400. Lucy. 2 :45. 2:44. 2 :41. Oct. 3, 1877, .«600. Sleepy George. Lucv, Bay Billv. Straightedge. 2:16. 2:16. 2:16^. ,.-„,. Cincinnati. O.. Oct. 18 and 20, 1877. $8ob. Sleepy George 1. 2. Bay Sally, Sucker State (5 dis), Rowdy Boy (4 dis), Lucy (4 dis). Sorrel Billy (4 dis). 2:18. 2:2314. 2:21J4. 2:40. 2:38. „ , . , Grand Rapids, Mich.. June 20, 1878, $400. Sleepy George 3, Bay Sally, T. A. Hendricks. 2:25, 2:20, 2:21'4. Unfinished. ' ., ^ ,. Toledo, O.. July 17 and 18. 1878, $800. Sleepv George 3. 4 (2 0). Bay Sally 1, Lucy (2 0), 2:21}^, 2:22, 2:20M, 2:23'4. 2:25'.,, 2:25. Buffalo. N. Y., Aug. 1 and 2. 1878, $1,000. Sleepy George 3. 5. Lucy 2. Bay Sally, 2:18. 2:18, 2:171^^, 2:18J^, 2:19^,2:16'^. Rochester. N Y., Aug. 7. 1878, $1,000. Sleepy George 1, 3, Lucv. 2:15. 2:16i4, 2:22. 2:20i4, 2:1714. San Francisco, (^al.. Nov. 6 and 7. 1878. $200. Dan Rice 1. 2. Nimrod. 2:20W. 2:23. 2:22'4, 2:21^, 2:23. (w). Chico. Cal.. Nov. 21. 1878. .$.500. 2:1714.2:18. To beat Judge Fullertons time. Won. San Francisco. Cal.. Dec. 25, 1878, $ . 2:171^.2:15. To beat 2:16%. Won. ^ , ^ W. H. Sullivan, Dayton, O.. Sept. 25. 1879, $500. Clinker 1, Sorrel Billy 2, Billy Scott (3 0), Black Wea- sel, Ben Hamilton. 2:28. 2:2514. 2:26%, 2:2514. 2:24^. 2:29. , ,. ^ „ A, M. Wilson. Delaware, O.. Sept. 6. 1881, $200. Sally B. 2. Wake Up Jake, Whalebone, 2:23J^, 2:26%, 2:27.2:281^. Hartford. O.. Sept. 9, 1881, $200. Kilbuck Tom, Butter Boy, 2:22. 2:27, 2:28. .50 78f, rHF.STKl!S COMIM.KTi: Tl.MVniNC AM) TAilNCi KKCOKD. Swindle, (Fishermun), 1) « (2:21). by T.iKlitninp. 1". Br:iiiij. Feb. 14, 1873, S Prnitt (1 dis), 2:4.5. March 4, 1873. S200. Ladv Grant. 2:40. 2:38. 2:41?i. (w). March 14. 1873. §200. " Ladv Grant (w) 1. 3. 2:43'/2, 2:46, 2:4.5i^, 2:42}^, 2:39^^. Mav2,5, IST.i. $1,500. Onward 2". . 2:38K>. 2:.39. 2:39?.^. San Jose, Cal., Oct. 4, 1873, $100, WonderZ, Sinicoe, 2:33>4, 2:33, 2:27!4. CHK^iTliK'S CO.Ml'l.iaK TUOTTl.\(; AM) TACiNU ItKCOliD. 787 T Tacony, m g; (3:37»i). H. Cliappeli Detroit, Mich.. Aug. 17. 1861, $500. Kiley's b m 3, 2:3714, 2:5li^, 2:43^, 2:401^. Tarquin. rn s (3:35), (3:30 s). W. G. Abrams, Mobile, Aliu, April 25, 1850, $75. Butcher Boy, Gray Chief (1 dis), 2:38. 2:36. (s), St. Louis. Mo., Oct. i>, 1850, S150. Kaw Chief (s) (1 dis), Tecuniseh (s) (l dis), 2:30. Oct. 3. 1850, .S150. Tecuniseh. Kaw Chief. 2 :'10, 2 :'4l. 2:39}*. Tecumseli (s) ch g (3 -.20}^), W. Barwise, Louisville, Ky.. Oct. 18, 1849, $100. Liglitning 2, Sheriff 4, Tarquin, 2:35, 2:40, 2:41,2:40, 2:30. (s), J. L. Eoff, St. Louis. Mo., July 10, 1850, $200. Kaw Chief (s) 1, 2:35, 2.38, 2:48. Win. Barwise, Columbus, O., Oct. 29, 1850, $ . 2:38. To beat 2:40. M. McGivnev, St. Louis, Mo.. .June 7. 1851, $.50. Tarquin 1, 2, Cow Driver (2 dr).2:35, 2:35, 2:37, 2:39, 2:35. J. M. Daniels. Cincinnati, O.. Aug. 30, 1851, $100. Creole Maid, 2:38, 2:42, 2:43. (s). Columbus. O., Sept. 25, 1851. .V'200. Cow Driver (s). il dis), 2:21. ^s), H. Duncan, Louisville, Ky.. .June 22, 1852, $600. Tom Smiley (s) l, (4 dr). Koanoke (s), (l dis). 2:26Ji, 2:30, 2:43. (s\ Saratoga Spa, N. Y.. Aug. 19. 1852, $ . Koanoke ^s), (1 dis). 2:23. .[. M. Daniels, Boston, Mass., Nov. 16, 1852, $ . Dalton, Pet 1 (2 dis),2:28V^. 2:32, 2:34. 2:32i^. Union Course. L. I., Nov. 25, 1852, $1,000. Pet i3 dis), 2:23/2, 2:31, 2:33. ,1. L. Eoff, New Orleans, La., March 12, 1854, $100. Silvertail l, 2, 2:34V^, 2:29. 2:331/3, 2:33'/i, 2:37. H. Duncan. Mobile. Ala., Aug. 3, 1854. $500. Silvertail. 2:30. 2:31, 2:27. Telegraph (3 :4:li4). Col. Dickey, San Francisco, Cal., Jan. 4, 1871, $ . John McCue 3, 5, Bald Hornet 4, 2'45?ii, 2:43V4. 2:42i/2, 2:46i^, 2:37, 2:41i4- Terry (w), ch g (3:33), by Capt. Webster. W. Boardman, Oakland, Cal., July 16, 1881, $ . Peter (w), trotter, 5 (20), Professor, trotter, 1, 4, (2 0), (6 dr), 2:35, 2:35, 2:33, 2:35, 2:33, 2:34, 2:34'/,. Dec. 1 and 3, 1881, $.500. Fairmount 1, 2. Terra Cotta 3. 2:44?i, 2:36, 2:44, 2:345/2. 2:351/2, 2:34i/o. Thomas Li,, ch g (3:37^4), by Tempest, Jr., N. Newbro. Lafayette, lud., June 22, 1882,.$ — ~. Kismet 1, Limber Jack, Black Cat, 2:29i^, 2:28, 2:27?i, 2:28i^. Thunder, b s (3 :36y). K. Clark. Pittsburgh, Pa., Oct. 9, 1858. $500. Conemaugh 1, 2:39, 2:39. 2:38 Thunder, ch g (3 :22%). H, Dawes, Aberdeen, Miss. Oct. 28, 1880, $25. " Almuta, Doty. 2:00, 2:00. Half-mile heats. St. Joseph, Mo,, Sept. 17, 1881, $500. Wonderful l, Joe Bowers Jr., James C, I-ittle Frank, Sorrel Nell, 2:30, 2:30, 2:29i4, 2:30. Huntsville. Aia. Oct. 14, 1881, $300. Joe Bowers Jr. l. 2:27. 2:25, 2:22^4, 2:26. J. F. Shaw, New Orleans. La., Aug. 5, 18S3, $100. Cute, trotter. 2:32J4. 2:32?4, 2:32V4. E. Dupre. Oct. 3, 1883, $ . Sally Watson, 2:49. Tieman.b s (3 :43). Mr. Brown, Montgomery, Ala., Nov. 15, 1879, $ . Parole 1, Molly Smith, 2:53V2, 2:53, 2:43. Tim McGrath, rn g (3 :37). Col. Gamble, San Francisco, Cal., Oct. 14. 1854, $250. Charley Shear, 2:37, 2:37, 2:43. Tipiycanoe (s), ch g (3:39(. F. G. Chase, New Orleans, La., April 15. 1843, $100. Lady Missouri (s), 2:32!4, 2TS3. Mr. Ferrier, June 3, 1844, $1,000. Gray Eagle 1, 2:35. 2:36, 2:40. Geo. B. Efner, Dec. 25, 1846, $100. Whitney. Missouri Maid (1 dis), 2:34. 2:29, 2:30. Hiram King, April 14, 1850, $ . Butcher Boy. Barnevd dis), 2:42, 2:45, 2:40. Tom Eaves, chg (3:34). Fred Tyler, Montgomery. Ala., April 28, 1859, $400. Thunderbolt (2 dis), 2:34, 2:3954. Mr. Beebe. Dec. 21, I860, $100. Jim 3, 2:40'/^, 2:W/2. 2:48, 2:49. Dec. 23, 1860. Thunderbolt, 2:42, 2:40, 2:47. Tom Hal. Jr.. gr g (3 :56). J Matthews, Fort Smith, Ark., Oct. 6, 1881, $15. Dan (1 dis), Sibert's gr g (l dis), 2r5fi. Tom Hendricks, b g (3:39), bv Vandal. Nugent and Co.. Grand Haven, Mich., July 27. 1876, $150. Snow- flake. Seliin. Kittv Mack. Dexter 1. (2 dis), 2:33, 2:34. 2:37^4, 2:41. Muskegon. .Mich.. Aug. 2. 1870. $200. Dexter 2, Suowflake, Selim (2 dr). 2:36i/2, 2:35, 2:32M, 2:38. J. McCarthy. St. Petersburgh, Pa., June 27, 1877. $300. Sorrel Billy 1, 2, Granger Pete, Vandal (1 dis), Lucy (1 dis). 2:2.5, 2:24. 2:29, 2:29, 2:.31. I'. K. Campau. Elkhart. Ind., July 3, 1878, .?!200. Billy Dare 3, 4. 2:3.5, 2:35i4, 2:42'-2. 2:37, 2:38. Tom Hyer, grg(3:39'4). G. R. Wesson, Worcester, Mass., June l. 1858, $ . Meddlesome, 2:46, 2 :39!/2, 2:4:!. R. Poole. July 4. 1862, $100. Chalk Line 1, 2:38. 2:45. 2:44. 2:44. Tom Lumby, b g ( 3 :50). Brownsville. Mo.. Aug. 18. 1880. $75. Tom 2 :50. 3:00, 2 -.59%. Tom Parker, brg 13:30). D.Tripp, Mobile, Ala.. May 8. 1856. .$125. Silvertail 2, 3. 2:59, 2:46,2:40,2:471^, i;. K. Bonham, New Orleans. La., Jan. 25. 18.57, $ . Tom Murrav. 2:41, 2:42i^, 2:38. May 7, 1857, $ . James K. Polk 3, Bald Hornet 2:.3.3, 2:31. 2:31. 2:33. Mobile, Ala.. May 27. 1857, $75. A. J. Polk, Belle Creole, 2:39, 2:38, 2:38. New Orleans. La., Oct. 18, 18.57. $50. A. J. Polk. Bald Hornet. 2:40, 2:32. 2:45. Mobile. Ala.. Nov. 10, 18.57, .$300, Bluffer. A. J. Polk 1, (4 dr), 2:39, 2:36'/2, 2:39, 2:45. New Orleans, La,, March 6, 1858, $100. Bill White (1 dis), 2:30, 788 CHESTEKS COMJ'l.KlK ncuTTLNG AM) rACI.Nc; KKC ( )i;|>. Mobile. Ala., March 10, 18">8, §100. Limber Jim 1, 3, 'J:36'2, '.2:37, 2:34K>, ■-':40, j-jo. New Orleans, La., Sept. 5. 1859, $1,000. i'ieaj iiiie, 2:33'4, l^SO. 2:3l'. Feb. 10. 1«60, «il;JO. Pieavuiie, Tom Eaves i3 di«>. •Z/.ib-^, I'sn'^, 2:.<.!>., _— .June 21, ISUS, ?< . .Sleepy JJavy (3 dis;, Koanoke i3 dis), Llllie Joe iS dis). J'iiito 0 dis), 2:;J8, 2:39 2 :37 ^4 . t - • • Tom Koaeh (Harry. I). Ooodrieli and Nigger Bov). bik jf l3:25Ji). C. .Mvers, Diiliiiiiiu' Jji Oct ii iskq .S200. Ulllv .Mavo, three others Utlis).2:2b9. Ottawa. 111., June 17, 1(<70, $ . Kate Hazard, 2:41, 2::J7, 2:34. (iaiesburg. 111.. June — . 1870, § . Oray L)oc 1, Pete Whetstone, . 2:31?4. 2:3.'j^, v^^ Tom Rysom, ehg.(.'i:3<»). Mr. Gorman, Dayton, O., June 27, l»G7, ft! — . Jim 2, Jim < onkles, 2:37H, 2:4()»^. Tom Scott, b g (3::J8). Fairview, O., Sojit. 29, 1X80. S . Harry Scott, \Vili.i s). G. W. Hammer, NashvilU'. Tenn., July U, 1851, $200. Jolm HmiiHtt IVairie Hinl. Thunder (1 (lis). 2:42, 2:38?4. wiinett. (s), W. I). rcaUody. Mobile, .\la.. April 21. 1852, §80. Barlier Ponv (Si, (2dis), 2:37^, 234 (s), Thos. Moore. New t)rleans. La., May 5. 1853. §100. John Burnett 1, 2:;J0}4, 2:33''>, a.jbu. May 11, l8.'-.3, §200. .Fohii Burnett. 2:35?i, 2:3514. ^' Tom \V<»ii:,. 2:45';. . 'o*}., » . ^,ll^. To|>.>iy. 1) m ('i ■.:Hi). New Orleans La.. Feb. 6. 18.58, §1,000. Tom Murrav, 5:20, 5:12. Two miles Topsy. b m (2:3«). C. H. Shear. Marvsville. Cal.. Aug. 27, I8ti.5. §- - . t>ueen of llie I'acKic 1 ,•■ ilis) 'io ■>-isi. Topsy. Itlk m (3 -.'Zay,). 1). Hooren. Tavlorville. 111.. Sept. 18, 1878, § . Grav Eagle. Broadway's" rn"m ("aVir. N() time. li 0 .1. C. Oswald, Milwaukee. Wis., Jmie 11, I880. .SOOO. Gypsy 3, 4. Ned Forrester, 2:25'2. 2:27. 2:28". "•.30 2:34. ' ' ' " '-•-■•• Topsy, blk m. W. Day, Lockport. N, Y., .Tulv 3, 1880, §100. Nelly. Maid B.. Nellv Sherman. No time Topsy, bm (3:40). H. A. Walke, Hamilton, 0., Oct. 8, 1880, §60. Molly I'ugh. Tough Legs. Honest . I oh n. 2:40, 2:41. Topsy. br m (3:.30ij). G. W. Evans. Pittsburgh, Pa., Sept. 2.3, 1880. §200. l>iamond. Bay (ieoree Snuirns 2::{4!4, 2:.34ki,2:.34H- " l""e>. W. S. Evans, Coshocton, O.. Oct. 18. 1881, §l.o0. Butler Boy, Ro\vdy (iirl, 2:50. 2:53>.i, 2-55'/, Topsy B., blk m (3 :39). J). \V. Hoag. SuUollv Park. Phila., Oct. 22 and 25. 1883, §2.-,0. Microphone 2 W^hist- ling Jack, Black George, Little George, Dutch Bill(2 dis), Indian Chief (1 disi, Dan Boverd dis). 2-.39 2:43'^, 2:40. 2:41. Trifle rn g (3 :28'.). A. C. St. .Tohn. San Jose, C.il.. Mav 22. 1872. $100. Pruitt, Swindle. 2:43J.i, 2:34. 2;«5'; May25. 1872,$ . Swindle 2. Florida (2 dis). -.^SGU,. 2:3.51,,. 2:;i(;'... 2:,3S'... Oakl.ind. Cal., .Tune 7, 1872, §100. Onward l. PrMitt.''Swin(lle. Mystery (2 (list. 2:36^4. 2::n%. 2-32. 2-a5 Sacramento. Cal.. Aug. 8. 1872. .*200. Amcricus. w. Swindle. Pruitt C-i dis). 2:^5. 2:.35'2. 2:35"4. Aug. 10. 1872, §7.50. Americus. Swindle. 5:21%. 5:101.4. Two mih^s. San Francisco, Cal., Aug. 20, 1872. $ . Flora l (2 dis). Gypsy (2dis\ Pruitt (3 dis). Salt Lake (2 dis). 2:30, 2:28V2. ''^an Jose, Cal., Sept. 3. 1872. .¥2.50, CapitolaS. 4. Swindle (3 dis). AVonder (2 dis).2:.3,5ii4. 2:32»4. 2:Xih, 2:.36, rw\ Sept. fi. 1872. .SIOO. Capitola Cw). 2. 3. Swindle, 2:34?4', 2:3434. 2:30'^. 2:31 V5, 2:35. San Francisco, Cal,. October 23. 1872, §250. Americus 4, Simcop2. Capitola. 2:.32. 2:,33V4. 2:32W. 2:32V6, 2:37^. Trim, br g (2 :41V G. N. Remer, Middletown. N. Y.. Sept. 10. 1881. ,§50. Elwood. 2:50. 2:41. 2:42. Truro, b g (3 :33%0, by Hamlet. Conahan & Merriman, Jackson. Mich.. Aug. 22. 1883. §l.'iO. Billy M. 4. High Jack 1. Gr,av Benny. .Jordan. George G.. 2:30. 2:28U, 2:2S^, •Z-.'.Wi. 2;32Vo. W. F. Conahan. Flint. Mich.. Aug. 29. 1883, .1t!.30O. Jordan 1. High Jnck 2. 2:32^. 2:.30. 2:.32. 2:30»i. Conahan & Merriman. Chicago. Til., Oct. 11 and 12. 1883. §1,000. Billv M. 4. Chestnut Star I, Kostraver, Wild Frank. Sally B., George G.. Frank W.. Lottie P. (4 disK •2:24K. 2:22'.,. 2:24. 2:24i4. 2:24^i. Tuck (sU3:.343, f,x Mr. Blanev, Wheeling, W. Va., Oct. 24, 1874, §100. Saratoga (si. 1. 3. Free and Easy 3. Best time2:.34%. Tucker B.. bg(3:30). J. Brown, Minneapolis, Minn.. Sept. 1, 1883. §250. Gray Dan 1, Billv N., Ada B..2:.3«;^. 2:.36».<,2:.38i;,.2:42'4. Twist, ch g (.3:00). F. Fangere. Pervi, Ind., .Tunes, 1883, §100. Pete 1.2 (5 0). Best time 3:00. Twister (2 :35>0. T. .L Pugh. Point Breeze Park. Phila.. Sept. 10. 188.3. §2.'iO. Little Splan 4. Gossip .ir. .5. Dolly Fawn 2, Jack Rapid. Ben Johnson (2 dis), 2:2&t4, 2:3314, 2:35J^, 2:37ii, 2:33k, 2:37V4. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TKOT'lINCi AND PACING BECORD. 78« tj Cnknown, ch g (2 !23). Mr. Vanderberg, Beacon Course, N. J., Ang. 2, 1844, $400. Fairy Queen (w) (1 dIsX 2:23. Unknown, grm ('4:361^). Geo. Ferguson, San Francisco, Cal., Feb. —, 1854, $400. Dare Devil, Gen. Mc Clellaii. trottei-, W. H. Seward, trotter, 2:38?4. 2:38?i,2:38i4. Oct. 4, 1S64. $10,000. Fillmore, trotter 2, 5:16, 5:19, 5:23. Two miles. Oct. 14, 1864, $4,000. Fillmore, trotter 1. 7:.58'4. 8:0214. 8:1214. Three miles. Oct. 29, 1864, $5,000. Honest Ance, trotter. 5 :14. 5 :13. Two miles. C. Kane, Oct. 20, 1866, §200. Queen of the Pacific 1, Young America, 5:20»^. 5:27>4, 5:32. Two miles. F. S. Malone, Sacramento. C'al., May 25. 1868. $300. Lady Don. Empress, 7:57«4, 8:17. Three miles. lTnknown.gr s (2:34^^). P. Lacain, New Orleans, La., April 25, 1883, $50. Hoosier, Alice Parker, Billy, Little Mack, 2:.34M. 2Al%. Uncle Ned, rn g. S. Hickman, Hartford. O., Sept. 13, 1883. $45. Kock. No time. Useless, br g (3 -.36%). L. Walton. Painesville. 0., Sept. 12. 1883, $125. Hotspur .Joe, Printer Boy, Harry L., 2:363i, 2:41^,2:42. Velocipede, b g (3 :37>4). R. M. Hoffman, Columbus, O., Sept. 6, 1872, $25. Tempest (1 dis), 2:42"^. Wm. Hovey. El yria, O-, Oct. 16, 1873, $60. Frank Kelly, George. Brown Kitty (2 dis), 2 -.4114, 2 :38^, 2 -Al^. W. H. Potts, Burton, O., Aug. 19, 1874. $100. John McMair, Jim Brighton. John Wonder (1 dis), 2:32i4, 2:36^4,2:37. Berea. O.. Sept. 23, 1874. .$ . Jim Brighton, Saratoga, 2 :38, 2:36, 2 :33. Orrville, O., Oct. 18, 1874, $200. Billy 3, Gray Billy (3 dis), Dick Close (l dis), 2:33, 2:35. 2:32^, 2:27^4- W. C. Fair, Windsor, Ont., May 25, 1875, $100. Chestnut Jim, Canadian Girl 1 (3 dis), 2:33i^, 2:37, 2:38J4, 2:39%. W. H, Potts, Chagrin Falls, O.. Aug. 7, 1875. $250. Sam 2. (3 dis). Cotton Picker (l dis), 2:42, 2:42, 2:45. North Amherst. O., Aug. 27, 1875, $50. Cotton Picker, Joe Gale. Harris Boy. 2:36, 2:33, 2:.35. C. A. Norton, Wooster, O., Oct. 17, 1876. $100. Tom Whistler, Danville Maid. 2:52, 2:47, 2:52. VasiJo, b g (3 :2694). by Copperbottom. F. Smith, Council Bluffs, la.. May 31. 1882. $ . Lone Jack 3, Big Sam 1 ^3 dis), 2:3214, 2:36, 2:32. 2:36, 2:32U. Oskaloosa, la., June 28 and 29, 1883, $.500. Laura J. 3, 5, Belle Mahone, Billy Scott. Lottie P. (1 0), (2 dis), 2:26^4, 2:27'/„. 2:291^. 2:.33. 2:31%, 2:31 ?4. Mason City, la., July .5, 1883, ,$.500. Billy Scott, Littleton. 2:34%, 2:36i^, 2:31%. A. D. Helm, Niles, Mich.. Sept. 30, 1882.' $100. Nannv Tempest, Lady H., Lucy B,. 2:48, 2:47i2, 2:49'4. Viotor(2:33). M. N. Woodruff, Southington, Conn., June 27, 1883, $100. Slow Go 1, 2. (4 dis). Sorrel Dan (2 dis), 2:361^, 2:32»4, 2:40, 2:32, Village Boy (s), rn g (3 :35 s). A. Conklin, Union Course, L. I., April 25, 1848, $50. Roanoke (s) 1, 2:24,2:3014, 2:2614, 2:28. (a). Saratoga Spa. N. Y., July 29, 1848, $50. Western Drover (s), Doughnut (s), 2:36, 2:26. 2:27. Volcano, b g (3 :33 s>. Wm. Whelan. Beacon Course, N. J., June 28, 1841, $100. Stranger (s) 2. Waterman (s) (1 dis) 2"39 2:31i'i 2:34i4 2:38'^. (s). July 5', 1841, $50! "Drover (s/, Waterman (s). (1 dis), Seneca Chief (s), (1 dis), 2:32. 2:35, 2:38. 7§0 CHESTEK'S COMJ'LKTE TKOTTING AND l'ACIN<; KE(;<)H1). Waii-a-WhIle. rn g(a:35?i). R. K. Bonliani, New Orleans. I,a., May 23, 1867, $ . R. E. Lee, Duke of Orleans, L^asJi, 2:3,'i?jt. Mr. isiiawlian, iMobile, Ala., .lime 2:5. l«69. $lr,. (iypsv 2, Strawberry, •.'■.3(!',i. 2:38?4, 2:37J4. Wak<' Up .lak»-, brg (,a::JO). W. Brown, Sabina, O.. Aug. 26, 1880, $ . Hiatoga Belle, Buckeye (iirl, Butler Bov. Tangle Legs. 2:35, 2:33'.i. 2::;!i?.i. ."I. \V. Voung, Chilicotlie, ().. Aug. 11, 1881. .^200. Bonito 1. 4. (.")0). Thomas 1.. .:. Sailor r.oy. Butler Bo.\ . BhiC'k Bess. Rattling Jim, 2:;U'2. 2:40, •.i:32. 2:32l^, 2:3Tli., 2:;50. 2:35. (1. Larrimore, Newark. ().. .Mav 2(;. 1882. .f . Ladv Leatherman, No time. C.L.Barnes, Tiftin, O., .lune 14. 1882. .$100. Comet li2. 2:33)^, 2:34!^. 2:32, 2:32f.. Walpole, ell g (.3 :33). Mr. Barwise. Pittsburgh, Pa., July 13, 1850. glOO. Hawkeye i2(ln. three others (I disi, 2 :.32. Walter C b g (3:33). Mr. Ricliiinlson, Imlianapolis, Ind., Aug. 27, 1879. §loo. Billy :iu(l.\, Hugh «;.. Allen's eh m (J ili-i. Brown Dick (2 tlr), 2:49!^4. 2:.5<>. 2:48. Wasliiii<;ioii i Wild Bilb. br g (3:3<>i. Oakland, Cal.. Jan. 4, 1879, 18250. Guerrero's b s. 2:20. 2:26, 2:27. \Vasliiii;;toii, blk s ci -.'i I \ ), by Bucephalus. Sid Sperry. .Santa Rosa, Cal., Oct. 9, 1879. .'Ssoo. (iertrude, trollcr. Humming Bird. Best time 2:33. ():ikl;ind. Cal.. Sept. 15, 1881. .'?400. Johnny Weigle, Terry, Ouida. Col. Diekey, Nnnrod. Brewery Boy. 2:2414. 2:21 '4, 2:23>4. .Stockton, Cal., Sept. 27. 1881. .S4oo. .lolmny Weigle l, 2, Carrie T.. Ouida, Terry. Col. I)ickey,2:25, 2:26'/j, 2:26. 2 :.30. 2:2,5. San Jose. Cal., Oet. 8, 1881. $m). .lohnny Weigle (1 0), Ouida. Carrie T. (1 0), (2 dis). 2:20'/2. 2:22i/j, 2:23>^, 2-27. Wasliiii»;toii Maid, ch m (8:3<>). J R.Mills. Flora, 111., Se[)t. 27, 1876, $17.=). Cotton Picker 1, Pat, Mark Tw:iin, 2:27'4. 2:26. 2:26'i.2:32. Weasj-l, b g (3 :31'.,). J, Owens. New Ross, Did.. Aug. 23. 1882, $ . Loafer. Baldy. 3:00. 2:31 'i, 2:.37>i. Westiiioiit, eh g (3 ilu'/j), by Alniont. J. H. Steiner, Sullivan, Dl.. August 11, 1882. -Sl.oO. .Surprise 1, 3, Lone Jack. Dixcv. 2:26. 2:26. 2:32, 2:29^4. 231. Maryvillc. Mo., Aug. 29. 1882. .'ji3(M). Riehball, Receiver. 2:25>4, 2:25, 2:28. St. Joseph. Mo., Sci)t. 0. 1882. .f.'SOO. Riehball 1. Receiver. 2:30^1. 2:29?a. 2:29, 2:24J4. Topeka, Kan.. Sc,)!. 14, 1882. $400. Riehball 2. 3, Pedro. Receiver. 2:26-:!4. 2:32. 2:2.5. 2:24?4. 2:29^. Liiwreiicc. Kan., Sept. 2.3. 1882, .$,500. Lone Jack (1 0). Riehball. Fuller. 2:22, 2:21'4. 2:22?4. 2:233i. Kansas Citv. Mo., Sept. 2r^ 1882, $800. Riehball 1. Lone Jack. Fuller. 2:26. 2:29. 2:2.514. 2:26'/!. p.. ,1. .lohnson. Davton, ().. May 31, 1883. .•»700. Riehball. 2. 4, 2:34, 2:29, 2:29. 2:26. 2:22, Dunkirk. N. Y.. June 22, 188,3, J?5()0. Riehball 2, Billv S., Princess, Bay Jim, 2:22i«. 2:21>4. 2:22J6. 2:22. Krie. P:i.. June 28. 1883. $1,000. Princess. Billv S.. Bav Jim. Bessie M., 2:25>4. 2:20^, 2:27'/4. Youngstown, ().. .Inlv 9. 1883. $400. Sailor Boy 2. lYincess. 2:24'c. 2:.S3. 2:33. 2:28. — — Cleveland. <),, Aug. 2, 1883. ,'j;i.0(H>. Lone .lack. Bessie M, (3 dis). 2:18>4, 2:24, 2:21»4, ButTalo, N, Y„ Aug. 9, 1883. $1,000. Lone .lack 1, Eddv D.. Billy «-. 2:19. 2:18'i, 2:22. 2:18>4. Rochester. N. Y,. Aug, 16. 18S:(, $1,000. Billv S., Lone Jack. Kddy D. <2 (list. 2:20. 2:20>4. 2:24. Utica, N. Y.. Aug. 22. 1883. $1,000. Billv S., Eddy D. (2 dis», I-oiie .lack i2 dis). 2:18, 2:19, 2:20'^. Hartford. Conn., Sept, 17, 1883. $1,0(K). ' I'.illv S, i. Eddv D., Lone J:iek d dis). 2 :16?4. 2:17^4, 2:18^-^, 2:22^. Albany. N, Y.. Oct. 6, 1883, $2,000. Flora Belle, Riehball, 2:18';. 2:18, 2:18, Cinciiuiati, O.. Oet, 24 and 2.5, I88:!, $1,000. Flora Belle. Riehball d Oist. 2:41. 2:36'2, 2:.i6='4, Fort Worth, Tex,. Nov, 22. 1883, .$.500, Fuller. Riehball. 2:19, 2:19^., i>:i8. WeKtSlde ret. bg(3:4e). R. .Stage, .lersey lity, N, J„ May 27, 188,3, $120. Ashland Pet, trotter, 2 (1 0), 2:.54, 2:48, 2:46, 2:.5l, Inly 7, 1883, $100, Roan Dick, 2. 3:04ti'. 3:02, 2:57, 2:.57^, Whalebone, br g (2:50), Winona. 111., Oct. 3, 1878. $7,5, Molly, 2:.5n, 2:.50. \Vlial.-l)oiie, b g (3:53). Ceo. Vance. Hartford. O.. Sept. 10. 1883. $100. Maud B.. St. Ceorge. 2 :52 2 :.56K>- 3 :<'<>. Wlialemaii (3:40), L, A, Hitchcock. Boston. Mass.. Sept, 24, 18,57, $ -, North Star, Black Hawk Kate, 2-44. 2-40, VVhiHkev .lim (3 :53), C. DeiiniHon. Buffalo, N, Y . .lulv .to. 1883. .« . Butcher Boy. 2. 2:55. 2:5.3, 2:53. White ri«Mi(l.grg(3:3«i4i. by Dan Rice. C.Tumbaiigh, Scraiiton, P;i.. .lune 16, 1869, .■*10O, Frank Hunt. 1. ^ M.'Quinn, Reading. Pa,, Sept, 14, 1869. $100. Joe Hooker 1 12 disi. Black Mag tl disi, liliiiky (1 dis), 2::v>, Whitney, (3:33), P. C, Carvilh;, New Orleiins, La.. Feb. 15, 1846. $2.50, Missouri Maid. Hibiscus (2 dis), 2:40. Wicked WiU, gr g (3:36). H, King. NewOrleiins, La.. Se))t. 2. 18.50, $400. Cato. (Jen. Smith, Charley Water- Wild^lJill', b'g (3:35).'" R. Barnes, Salt Lake City. Utah, Sept. 11. 1874, .$600. Chicago, trotter 2. 2:35, 2:37.2:35, Wifd Itill (W.'ishington). br g (3 :30). W. Applebv. San Franeiseo, Cal., Feb. 9,W77. .$2,000. La-28 2-20'>, 2:28, 2:31, 2:29,2:33. 1 VVlieelinK VV Va , Sept. 14, 1883, .$400. Jack Rapid 3, t'apt. Dan 1, Dr. Brown, 2:2G, 2:27, 2:26i,2, 2:28. Wild Irislinicin, bg (3:39;. Mr. Mclntyre, Montgomery, Ala., Nov. 16,1870. $250. Wait-a-wliile. 2 (4disj, "•40'i 2-43' 1. 2:39"ii, 2:39. 1!a MuHeh, Newark, N. J., Sept. 23, 1871, $150. Charley l, 2, Kitty Wink, 2:o2i/i, 2:48i/2, 2:42'/2, 2:43, W-ifliani b " (3 :33). J. B. Dore, Rliiladelphia, Pa.. June 29, 1877, $100. Maggie W., Lady Thompson, Clara Bender B H., 2:43?i, 2:37, 2:40. Point Breeze Park, Phila.. Aug. 23. 1877, $100, Fanny, 2:39%, 2:35, 2:33. William C.Tbg (3:33!2). C. Forepaugb, Ambler Park. Pa., Sept. 24, 1877, $150. Stella. Innocent Sam, 2:37, 2-3.'>'.> 2-35. 1 Suffolk I'ark Phila.. Sept 28, 18T7, $300. Comet, 2:29, 2:33. 2:26. Wilmington, Del., Oct. 9, 1877, .$100. Annie Boyd, Innocent Sam. William, Josie (2 dis), 2:45, 2:41, '"40^4 -- Point Breeze Park. Phila., Oct. 18 and 19, 1877, .$150. Comet, Annie Boyd 2 (3 dis). Innocent Sam (2 dis). Blind Tom 12 (lis), 2:25, 2:204, 2:31'/2, 2:22^. „o«tooii/ „ ,„ — J. H. Phillips. Belmont Park. Phila., Oct. 7, 1878, .$150. Comet 3, Iiniocent Sam. 2:3094, 2:31 'A, — -, 2:30. A. Bamgrover, Suffolk Park, Phila., June 6, 1879, $1.50. Victor 2, John S., Little Mac, Comet, 2:29^ 2:28, 2:30'o, :.':::i. Ne"w Hunting Park, Phila., Aug. 21, 1879, $50. Little Mac, 2:38i/2, 2:30, 2:32. Mt Hollv. x; J., Oct. 8, 1879, .$300. Little Mac 4. Fritz 3, Comet, Joe, 2:32, 2:319i, 2:32, 2:31. 2:3.3. Rittersville, Pa.. Oct. 18, 1879, .$200. Fritz 1, Eddy C, Richard A., Harry D., 2:33, 2:31?i, 2::J4i4. 2:32. Ambler Park. Pa., Sept. 23. 1880, $200. Eddy C. 3. 4, Comet, Little Mac, 2:35, 2:33, 2:35, 2:34, 2.36. J. Kvans. Mt. Hollv. N. J., Oct. 15, 1880. $200. Little Mac 3, Eddy C, 2:39. 2:35H, 2:36i4. 2:35. T. D. Marsh. Beacon Park, Boston, .Inly 18, 18S1, $1,000. Lady Foxie, trotter, 2:28, 2:31^, 2:34. William Gibson, gr g (3:59). George Rush, Adelphi, O., Sept. 21, 1882. .$75. Honest Tom, Tanner Boy. 2:59, 3:00, 3:01. ^ , ,, Winder, ch g (3:31), by Whitehall. Newark, 0., July 10. 1874, *~— . John Crowder, <^ueen 01 the West, Ella R. (1 dis). May Miller (1 dis), 2:36Ji. 2:34, 2:3214. Dayton, O.. Oct. 1, 1874, $400. Nelly Davis 2, 3 (6 dls\ Sleepy Tom (6 dis), Hoosier Tom 1 (2 dis), 2:31, 2:281^, 2:26, 2:29. 2:41, 2:36. J. Hymer, Crawfordsville, Ind., Sept. 7, 1881, .$250. Lady Bell.. Hoosier Sam, Little Ed, 2:29, 2:28}4, 2:28>4. Indianapolis, Ind., July 14, 1882, $500. Westmont. Black Cat, High Jack. Thomas L. (1 dis), 2:30, 2:28, 2:26. ■ New Ross, Ind., Aug. 24, 1882, $250. Weasel. Loafer (1 dis). 2:28. 2:26. 2:28i4. Columbus. Ind.. Aug. 31. 1882. $ . Hoosier Sam 1, Dolly Dillon, 2:.52, 2:54i^, 2:49, 2:37. Sept. 2, 1882, .$200. Hoosier Sam, 2:38, 2:34^, 2:41i^. P. Johnson, Pueblo, Cal.. Mav 2, 1883. .$500. Lady Wynn, Sucker State. Little Nell. 2:42, 2:42, 2:43, 2:45. Denver. Col.. July 28, 1883, .$600. Sucker State. McFadden, Big Sam (2 dis). 2:30'/2. 2:29, 2:33'/2. G. Cook, Maryvilie, Mo., Aug. 31, 1883. .$300. Joe Bowers Jr.. Harry Golddust, 2:2714, 2 :30i^, 2:35. Topeka, Kan., Sept. 15. 1883, .$400. Little Jennv. .Joe Bowers Jr.. 1 (4 dis), 2:281,^, 2:32M, 2:32^, 2:35i4- Denver, Col., Oct. 17. 1883, $600. McFadden, Siicker State. Brown Frank (2 dis), 2:40, 2:41, 2:45}^. Woodford Boy (3 :40). Quincy, III.. Sept. 2. 1869, .$ . Carlos 1, Prince (1 dis), 2:41, 2:42, 2:40. W. T. .Sherman, b g (3 :40). J. Phillips, Sabina. O., Aug. 26, 1880, $ . Butler Boy 2, 3, Buckeye Girl, McFadden, Sleepy .John. Doad, 2:45, 2:45, 2:49, 2:4.5, 2:44. Wyandot Chief, grg (3:30). H. T. Foote, Leavenworth, Kan., July 5, 1865, .$200. Kansas Maid, trotter- Tackey, trotter. 1 (3 dr), 2:36, 2:35, 2:36. B. F. Akers, Lawrence, Kan., Aug. 1, 1869, §300. Kansas Maid, trotter 2, Dave, 2:43, 2:45, 2:43, 2:39. 7(W CHESTER'S COMPLETE TEOiTliNG AND PACINC KECOUU. T Yankee Mary, cli m (8:39%). O. W. Dimtnick. Cleveland. ()., Oct. 6, 1865, S200. Oil Creek Scjuirrel, Vounga- town Miire. 2:39i'4. 2:41H. 2:42. Chicago 111.. Juiif 20, 1868, $200. Tom Hrady 2, Little Maria, Undine, l>ady Crane, 2:40, 2:36^, 2:41, 2:41. Yankee JSani, dii ir («:16'2). .S. S. J.ovelaiul. Moiiroeville. O., Oct. 18, 1866. S70. Fanny 1, Lazy Tom il dis), 2:37'/2. 2:2;i. l-':i8'i. J Liiwson. Cleveland. O., Julv 23, 1867, $75. Gen. Tlioma.s. (ien. iMitchell (3 drt. 2:36, 2:3!t'2. 2:40. • Mcadville. I'a.. .lulv 31, 1867. $ . Gray Eagle, Kinney (2 dr.). Frank d disi. •J:31'4. 2:32^.1. I). p,.il)e(.ck. Andover. O., Aug. 9, 1867. $\M. Kinney. «tar of the West (2 dis). 2:.;(:. j :Jii, 2:27'/„. Tlios. Khvood. UlirielKsville, O.. Oct. 21, 1869, .'5300. Shaekelford 2, 4, Maggie Mitihell. Gray J)an, 2:19^, 2:20'/2.2:16',o,2:21, 2:19'.;. A. Spencer. Cleveland, O , Aug. 13. 1872, .*40. Velocipede, 2:29i^. 2:30'/o. Younjf Abe. dn g(3:»9). J.Drew, San Francisco, Cal.. April 0, 1867, $400. Topsy, Dare Devil 1, Fanny (2dis),2:.'i0. 2:46'/2,2:39. Young America, (s) br g(2 :23), by Vt. Black Hawk. .1. L. Eoff, New Orleans, La., April 23. 1854. S600. Dan Rice (s) 3, 4. 2:29. 2:34. 2:34. 2:32, 2:41. San Francisco, Cal.. Sept. .3, 18.54.- .$.300. Ned McCiowan, 2:40, 2:43, 2:40. G. E. Ferguson, Nov. 5. 18.t4. .$500. Daniel \Vebster2. 4, Joe "Wilson (1 dis). 2:37, 2:34. 2:34, 2:40, 2:41. Dec. 23, I8.">.5. .$1,000. Joe AVilson 1. 2:37. 2:42. 2:40, 2:4.5. Feb. 12. lH.-)(;. $rm. Charlev .Shear (s). 2:38, 2:29'/2. 2 :32. J. L. Koff, Oct. 14. 18,56. $1.()00. Fred Johnson (w). 2:34i^. 2:23^4, 2:27yi. Jan. 29, 18.=)7, .$400. Daniel Wel)ster, 2:29'4. 2:3.3. J. M. Daniels, March 20. 18.58, $1,000. Daniel Webster. 2:35, 2:33, 2:30}^. J. L. Koff, Nov. 6, 1858, $200. Fred Johnson, 2:24,2:23 Barney Kice. Sacramento, Cal., Sept 10, i860. .$400. Queen of the Pacifii', Unknown, Dick Gough, 2:3«, 2:37^.2:361/2- San Francisco, Cal., Oct. 2, 1866, S300. Queen of the Pacific 1, 2, Snowball (1 dis). 2:355!i, 2:36?4. 2:SSi^ 2'45 2'41. YoungLiBhtning, bs(8:35'/2). W. Campbell, Sacramento, CaL.Sept. 30, 1863, $200. Dare Devil 2, Mis- souri Chief, Hawkeye (l dis), 2:35^, 2:45, 2:45. Zachary Taylor, (s) ch g (« :34 s). Sam Rlce, Mobile, Ala., May 6, 1856, $76. Belle Creole (s). Butcher Bof (S) (1 dis). 2:37, 2:34. ZoUlcoffer, b 8(»t46). Ed. Tennery. Omaha, Neb., Aug. 26, 1871, $200. Wild Aleck I, 2:47, 2:39^. 2:46. CHKSTKlfS COMl'I.KTK TKOTTING AND J'ACIXCi JJKOORI). RECORD OF DOUBLE TEAM PERFORMANCES. The following are the summaries of all double-team trotting and pacing, trotting with running mate, tan- dem and f aur-in-liand races, deemed wortiiy of preservation. The same form is followed, and the same signs adopted, as in the ordinary trotting and pacing races, except that the best record feature is omitted. The identity of the horses can be ascertained from other parts of the book. Abdallali Champion and Dolly Tarden. Jolin K. Allen, Flemingion, IN. J., Sept. 29, 1880, $150. Billy and Kosa 1. o, tsam and mate, ;;:i)4j.o, 3:01?4,. oMo^4,. 2:58}^. 2:591.4. Ada V. and Charley Morgan. H. Donnelly, Winni]ieg, Manitoba, July 2, 1883, $.500. Gen. Sarsfleld and Julia F., Sleepv Jim and Anglo Bov, Petaluma and Maud H.. (.;en. Mac and Lady Benson (1 dis), Lisgar and Nellv (1 dis), 2:56i4, 2:4734, 2:4T;.>. Sept. 15, 1883. Charley C. and Anglo Boy, Gerald and Dewdrop, 2 :51, 2 :46'/2, 2 :49. Adeline K. and mate. E. K. Gaddis. Flemington, X. J. Sept. 26, 1878, $2.50. Josie and mate 3, Brown Billy and mate, Eva and Colonel. No time. Adeline K. and Augustus. P. S. Koss, Waverly, N. J., Sept. 17, 1879, $200. Harry Gilbert and mate, three Other teams, 2:39, 2:37. 2:37, 2:37}^. P. Sanford, Sept. 23, 1880, $200. Chauncev M. Bedle and Phil, 2:41i4, 2:44,2:44. P. S. Koss, Sept. 22, 1881, $250. Harvey arid Windbeam 2, Tanner Boy and mate, 2 -.'lOH, 2:44, 2 :42, 2:42^. Mav .30, 1882, $200. Harvey and Windbeam 3, 4, Billy Button and Manhattan, Brown Billv and ( -harley C, 2:40'-4, 2:411^.2:43, 2:37^, 2:401.4. Adonis and Listener. A. H. Schenck, Newark. N. J., Juno 27. 1873, .$200. Prince and Mary 3, 4, Henry and Frank (3 dis). Bill and Jer.sey (l dis), 2:58!i, 2:58i4, 2:45^4, 2:49i4, 2-A9]^. Prospect Park. L. 1.. Oct. 23, 1883, $250. Mack and Prince, 2:43, 2:4.3, 2:401-^. Ajax and Lou Whipple. I. N. Killip, Sacramento, Cal., Sept. 23, 1875, $750. Sorrel F'rank and Flora Sheplicrd. May Howard and San Bruno (l dis), 2:41^^, 2:44V3, 2:4714. Ajax and Moscow. S. B. Whipple, Sacrameuto, Cal., Sept. 21, 1872, $750. Highland Mary and George Treat, 2:47.2:46, 2:4.5. Albert and Jacob Lerian. A. P. Fawcett, Washington, D. C, May 6, 1875, .$.500. Kitty Fisk and Billy Gushing, Honest John and .lolmny Noble. Harry and Ella Thorpe (1 dis), 2:52'i, 2:ri(). 2:.5494. Alcyone and Mambrino Hippy. T. Bruce, Lawrence, Kan., Sept. 16, 1880, $400. Winchip and Lady Couly, 2:.58i4, 2:.53i4, 2:56i4. Alex. Benham and mate. Henry White, San Francisco, Cal., Jan. 19, 1872, $ . Eugene Casserly and mate (1 dis). 2:47 2:46. 2:45. Allen and Gen. Howard. Belmont Park, Phila., June 19, 1879, $ . Molly and mate. Bob Scott and Silas Wright. 2:37' o, 2:37 American IJoy and mate. H. T. Fox, Auburn, N. Y., Sept. 15, 1879, $60. Champion and mate, 3:08, 2:5014. Augusta and mate. H. Eckstein, Freehold, N. J., Sept. 12, 1877, $ . Nelly King and mate 3, Washington Jackson and Abdallah Patchen, Rival and mate, 2:53V2, 2:51^4> 2:53. . Barrett and mate. F. Redfield, Chicago, 111.. Aug. 25. 1877, $ . Competitors not named, 2-A2Vi, 2:44. Baxter's Team. Mr. Baxter, Rutland, Vt.. Sept. 10. 1873, $ . Robertson's team. Finch's team, Harrigan's team. 3:01'2. 2:57. Bay William and mate. C. H. Lee. Muskegon, Mich., July 18, 1883, $200. Spinella and and mate 1, Samuel and mate, 3:0014. 2:.57. 3:00}^, 3:00. Belle Buckley and mate. F~. Patterson, Parkersburgh, W. Va., Oct. 4, 1872, $75. Top gallant and mate 1, 3:05V2, 2:.58i^, 2:44. Belle of Bridgewater and mate. Frank Hall, Myricks, Mass., Sept. 23, 1870, $75. Eastern Queen and mate. 3:07. 3:07.2:49. Taunton, Mass., Oct. 7. 1870. .S75. India Rubber Ben and mate, 2:539i. 2:44i/4, 2:52i'2. Belle of Hartford and running mate. H. C. Beckwith, Hartford, Conn., Sept. 9, 1863, $80. Nelly Hol- comb and mate ( 1 dis), 2 :.35. J. H. Martin. F'ashion Course. L. I., Sept. 16, 1863, $150. Walton's entry and running mate, 2:25^, 2:281/2.2:2514. H. C. Beckwith. New Haven, Conn., Oct. 1, 1803, $ . Pat and running mate (1 dis), 2:24. J. H. Martin. Boston, Mass.. Oct. 19. 1864, $.500. Pat and running mate, 2:27i2. 2:23%. 2:29i/4. Belle .Strickland and Black Harry. H. Bradley, Boston, Mass., Nov- 3, 1869, $ . Jessie Wales and Darkness 1, 4. 2:11, 2:;i8. 2:36^. 2:38. 2:36. Providence. R. I., Oct. .5, 1869. .$2,000. Honest Allen and Jessie Wales 1. Idol and Lydia Thompson, India Rnl)ber Ben and Lady Walton, Darkness and Garibaldi (1 dis). Com. Nutt and Sorrel John (l dis), 2:.32U, 2:.32, 2:30. 2:32i4. Ben Bliven and Duane. H. Connolly, Napa, Cal.. Sept. 12. 1873, $1.50. Lady Emma and Pawnee, Rattler and Frank, (2 dis). Eugene Casserly and mate (1 dis), 3 :09, 2 :,54. 2 :5534. Ben Harper and mate. C. E. Nevius. Beloit. Kan., Sept. 29. 1880, $100. Opal and mate, Maggie Free and mate. 2:.5S. 2:49^,. 2:.51i^. Bessie B. and Yell«>wstone. P. Manee, Fleetwood Park, N. Y., May 9. 1874, .$.500. Ladv Trimble and Sorrel •Take l. Sorrel Dan ;md Shiner. Harrv Bassett and Betsy King. 2:49. 2:,5.3. 2:.50. 2:.50. 794 (;HESTKU'S COMi'LETli TUUTTING AND I'ACINO KliCOlil). Bill Ed. aiKl ina<«'. J. ('. ^Var^, BriilKewater. ]Mass.. Sept. 2,'5, l(-75. .?G0. Enoch anrt niato. '2-A'Ui. 2:55. Billy ami lt»->f "lator. .las. Caiiipbell, Hiulsou, N. ,}., All}?. i;j, 1874, SliK). Wiiislow and Watson, Tom \U'Vgfv anil l"allv j disi, ;):1J. ;J:00. 3:05. Billv Barefoot and iiiatf. .Icrsey City. X. . I.. Sept. 4 and 5. 1883, S . Manliattan and male 3. Harrv Slills and ni;ilc. I.ady (J. and male (3 disi. Lowland Mary and mate (3 dr), •.':45i^, 2:43'.i. •lAn. •2Aiy\. l$illy <'ra\vrors. Dr. iionapaitf. Cincinnati, <).. .June 25, 1870, $450. (irapcvini- a.id (iniv iMck. Dart and .losli l{illinKS.*2:4-.";. 2:43^.1. 2:4.".. Billy l>. and riinninjL; mate. .1. li. Harnaby. I'rovideuce, It. I., Oct. 19. 1880, 'SSOO. Henry S. and rnniiin;; n'lalc. Dickard and rnnninK mate. 2:21. 2:15, 2:14?4. r. .1. Foster. Heacon rarl<. IJo.'Jton Oct. 22, 18sl, $ . 2:19. 2:1^. 2:14i.i. To beat 2:14?.,. Billy Florence and Coroner K. Mr. llorelicc, KinRSton, N. Y., Oct. 17, 18K2, $200. Major KinR and \\ ilt- \vicl<, Clialham l?ov ami Vonnji Dexter. 2:41'2, 2:4.5^,. 2:4lHj. Billy Hayes and mate, .\slier and Campbell, Sullivan, III., Aug. 10. 1877. $.50. Dixie and mate 1. 3. Bis- niiirk "and male (2 dn. Davy Crockett and mate (2 dn. 2:48. 2..52. 3:0ii. 2:49)4, 2:47' i. Billy Lambertson and mate. .1. B. Loder. Ticpia, O.. May 28, 1875, .SIOO. Dexter Jr., and mate 3. I'at and Little Hoaii. Topeka dolin and mate, 2:.^!'.i. 2:56. 2:54.2:."(i. Billv >I. 2:4(1. 2:44''.i. Black Dick and Klla. .). H. I'.erlhoU, Kosendale, N. Y.. .Iniie 12, 1872, $ . Alajor Kinjj and Wiltwick 2. .-.. Kentnckv Hov and F'rank 3. 2:57i.i, 3:(il, 2:.54, 2:5.'i. 2:52, 2:.-)0. Black Fannv and (apt. Dawson. ,1. New bro, Charleston, 111., Oct. 10, 1873, .■?4,5. Maggie and Prince, Toi'sv and I'.hick Denver il (lis), 3:00. 2:.'H. 2:57' j. Black (Jeor^e and 3Iate. O. M. Ordwav, Palmer, Mass., Oct 23, 1873, S75. .lack Busbv aud nia;.'. SprinK- lield Bov and mate. 3:00. 3:01. :!:01'.,. Black Harry anillv Ciiiwford and Brown (Jeorire. 2:37'.>, 2:3(;. 2:37. Black "Hawk and Frank P. lieliiiont Park, I'hihi., .lunc 19. 1879, S . Hermit and Harrv T., 2:47. 2:52. Blonde and Mate. O. A. llickok. Chicau'o, 111.. Oct. 15. 1809, $300. India Rubber Ben and nuite 1, 2(30H50i. (Odis). Ynlcan and mate (3 0) (5 0), ((i dis), 2:37, 2:.38'2, 2:3(;^j, 2:.37i., 2:42. 2:34. Bootblack and No Name. (i. K. Wesson, Worcester. Mass., Sejit. 22, 1870, $50. Buckskin and .lohn Con- verse (.5 dis\ Ice and Spot (3 dis). Trifle and mate (2 dis). 3:05. 3:05. 2:.50. Breeze 3Iedium and .Sciola. I. B. (iiunev, Plaintield, N. .J., Sept. 20, 188.3, $300. Maidiattan and Harrv Mills, P.rown Billv and Charlev C. 2:40L.,. 2::i.5. 2:35?^. Bristol Bill and Defiance. H."(i. Smith, Lowell, Mass.. Sept. 4, 1872, $150. Hermit and Black .lack, 3:11'... 2:.58, 2:ri6. Brodhead's Team. E. H. Brodhead, Milwaukee. Wis., Sei)t. .30, 1870, S . Cutler's team. 2:.39. Broker and Molly Clark. J. A. Williams, Burlington. \ t., Sept. 12, 1882, $ . Albert C. and Clipper,3:0.-., 2:r>6U. 3:02. Brown Billv and Cliarley C. T. Bailev. Soniervjlle. X. .1.. Oct. .5, 1881. .$200. Adeline 1{. and Augustus 2 Harvey aiul Windbeam i. Carbolic aiursilver Star, 2:41»,, 2:40, 2:38?^, 2:43. 2:4.5. .1. Sampson. Red Bank. N. .L, Sept. 21. 1S82, .S200. Windbeam and Irish Lad. 2:51'.2, 2:44-'.i, 2:47K Plainfleld, N. J.. Sept. 28, 1882, .$250. Harvev and Windbeam. 2:.".9-i.i. 2:.55. 2:.54. Sonierviile, N. .1.. Oct. 5, iss2, .$200. Harvev and W indbeam. Mortimer and Dan, 2:55, 2:55. 2:,')G. Jersev Citv. N. .1., Nov. 23. 1882, $150. Kffle G. 1. 2:.3S, 2:.35i4, 2:.39. 2;38K'- Mt. ifollv.'N. J., Oct. 12. 188:>. $150. Ilai)ture and Bed Bird, 2:',K 3:13, 3:241^. Freeliohi. N. .1., Sept. 14, 1883, .$300. Adeline K. and mate 1 . 4 (5 0\ Jim Fisk and mate, 2:.56, 2:44, 2 :49' , . 2:49, 2:46, 2:43i.i. Brown George and Jim Cheney. L. C. Ryerson, New Haven, Conn., Oct. 25. 1870, $ . Romeo and .Mni Brennan, 3 :01 ^., , 2 :49»4, 2 :.58i^. Brown Kate and Kate Fisk. Galesburg, Mich., Oct. 15, 1S70, $225. I^ate Hazard and mate. Flora and I'l-ank Worden (1 dis), 2:51'i, 2:43Vii, 2A9%. Bruno and Brunette. Jos. Harker,"'Fashion Course, L. I., Sei)t. 11, 1807. $ . 2:25'.i. Exhibilion. Brown .Jug and Pilot. G. GIberson. Mt. PIollv, N. J., Oct. 12, 1883. $200. Brown Billy and Charley ('.. Isaac and Gettvsbnrg, 1. 3 (5 dn, 2:.'".8, 2:4,3. 2:.no. 2:.')3. 2:.50. Buckskin Tom sind mate. J. B. Burlew. Rochester. N. Y., Sept. 17.1874, .$27.5. Bill and mate 1, 2. Tom Collins and mate 3. .lennv K. and nuitc; 5. F:thau Allen and mate, 2:50, 2:49"^ , . , 2:43^.i. 2:45^,|-. Burden Prince and Morley Girl. E. J. Simpson, Canton, N.\'., Sept. 12, 1883, $1.50. Inez aud Gen. Merritt 1, 2:58'/2, 2:52. 2:.59.2:48. Burnloist and I'anny ti. H. B. Phillips, Ambler Park, Pa.. Sept. 28, ls77, $200. Fit/, .lohn and Frank 1. 2, 2:.54, 2:.5f.i^, 2:4.5i/i. 2:40. 2:48. Butcher Boy and mate. Dayton, O., Oct. 3. 1874, S.'iOO. Little Roan and mate 1, D. Y. Howell and mate, 2 :.58i^, 3 :02^,. 2 :.50, 2 :.56. Calamity and Utah. Denver, Col., Mav 10, 1883, $ . Silky B. and McClintock, Pauline aud Ratter, Arthur and Harrv fl dis), Rough and Readv. and mate 0 dis), 2:.53, 2:.57'i. Capilola antl Isis. ,L L. Phelps, Rochester, Minn., Sept. 15, 1883, $ . Owatonna Maid and Lucy 1. 3:10, 3:o2'j,2:.56'.i.3:01i4. Capt. .Jack and Mate. .Tohn Mackey, San Francisco, Cal., Sept. .5. 1874. $ . Grant and nuite .3. 4, 2:46>vi, 2:40'4. 2:40';. 2:45U, 2:44K'- Capt. .Jinks ami I.ucy Jinks. O. J. Brusie, Gt. Harrington, Mass., Aug. 10. 1872, .$50. Pilot and ( lara. 2..5n, 2:.'')fil/.. 2:.50';. Carrie a~nodd. Freeport. 111., June 11, 1875, «600 Whalebone and Kitty Stratton 2, Riaby aud Hartford Maid (1 dis), 2:43^4. 2:45, 2:47. ^K CHESTKKS C'OMI'LKTE TUOTTINc; AND PACING RECORD. 795 ^^Fciiet KeP.o"e: anun.'ess and Charley N. Milwaukee, Wis., Sei)t. 12, 1877. .15100. Stonecutter and Aldrich Girl 2. Ida and Rodney. Billy Wilkes and Tommy, Laddy and Gen. G. C! dr,), 2:55?^, 2:44, i-:4S. Courtlandt Boy and Fitz John. " S. R. Clark, Ambler Park, Pa., Sept. 26, 1878, .'Si300. Harry C. and mate, 2, Viola and Frank, 3:13. 3:00, 3:01. 2:49. Tandem. Sept. 27, 1878, .§200. Viola and Frank, Dolly V. and George Brooks, 3:01, 2:47!^, 2:,'52. i'ozette and mate. J. M. F'rench, Jackson, Mich., June 28, 1872, $ . Billy Crawforfl and mate 3, 4, Sher- wood and mate. 2:43, 2:443^, 2:44-; 2:40. 2:47. Cultivator and mate. E Knott, ciarksville, la., Oct. 11, 1876, $30, Bay George and mate 1, Puss Bailey and mate. 3:01. .S:00. 3:05, 3:00. Daisy and Sally Zeigler. T. T. Oliver, Cincliuiati, O., June 13, 1876, $200. Fanny B., Cassie D. 1 (2 0). 2:51i4, 3:0;!. 3:03. 2:,o2'2- Dan and Toby. Mr. Bates, Prospect Park, L. I., Oct. 25, 1869, $ . Drift and Idol (30), 2:.noi.:, 2:48'i, 2:45, Dan and Fred. J. Ross, Somcrville, N. J., Oct. 5, 1882, .$- — . John :Martin and Belle K. 5. Vick and Vermont Alxlallah 2. 4 (7 dis), Kitty Thompson and Jumbo Jim 1 (7 dis), 3:06, 2:56. 2:.53, 2:51^4, 2:.-9. 2:.54, 2:,^.4. Dare Devil and running "mate. C. D. Lusk, San Francisco, Cal., April 14. 1867, .§400. Young Abe and running mate, Topsy and running mate, 2:4.5, 2:.S9, 2:37. Pacers. Darkness and Plympton, Dan Mace, Amenia, N. Y., Sept. 4, 1872, $300. Shot and Fred Tyler, five other teams (1 dis), 2::!9. 2:47, 2:40. Dayton Belle and Glencoe. R. D. Harsliman, Cincinnati. O., .rune 26, 18C9. .'5300. Lizzie Warwick and Flora .May I. Billy Crawford and Jane Coombs. Gray Dick and Gray Ed. 5:34, 5:21. 5:29-4. Two miles. Delaware and Hambletonian Mambrino. R. P. Stetson, Pottstown, Pa., Oct. 27, 1877, -§200. Mountain (ilrl and Mary Taylor. Burnloist and Fanny G., 2:40=^, 2:40i2, 2:36i-i.. Desdemona and mate. S. Phillips, Sabina, O.. Aug. 21, 1883 $ . Quaker Girl and mate, Urbana Belle and mate. 2:4U?4. 2:4()W, 2:4914. Dick Swiveler and Kdward. F. Work, Morrisania, N. Y., July 13. 1882, $2,000, 2:16=!i. To beat 2:20 Hartford. Conn.. Sei)t. 6, 1882, $1,000. 2:18. To beat 2:16?.i. I-ost. Dick Taylor and Henry S. W. A. H. Comstock, Providence, R. I., July 4, 1883, $500. Gov. Plaisted and Billy D., William Otis and Little Maid, 2:3.5, 2:3.3. Dinah and Delaware. R, P. Stetson, Ambler Park, Pa., Sept. 23 and 24. 1875, .$600. Sandbank and Princess 1, 2, Jesse and Dolly, Middleton and Hickey (2 dis), Lady Burget and Billy Bolden (2 dis), 2:48i4, 2:42V^, 2:37. 2:42.2:42^4- Diomed and mate. H. G. Smith, Manchester, N. H., Sept. 29. 1869, $100. Danvers Boy and mate 2, 3, Jenny and mate (1 dis), 2:59, 2;.55. 2:,59, 2:5.5, 2:51. Doble's team. B. Doble, Trenton, N. J., June 12, 1867, .'?.".no. Roden's team l, 2, Strong's team, 2:42, 2:39, 2::j7, 2:41, 2:381-4. Doe and mate. C. Beachey, Hamilton, O.. Oct. 10, 1879, $100. Ida Hayes and mate, Billy and mate, Bruce and mate 1 (2 dis). 2:.50?4, 2:.52''4. 2:.54'i, 2:55i4. Dolly V. and mate. J. B. Titnian. Aiiibler Park. Pa., Sept. 27, 1877, $200. Helmbold and Buck, Fitz .John and mate, Joe and mate (3 dis), 2:.54i.., 2:.57. 2:.53i4. Dot and Hickory Jack. Bndd Doble, Pliiladelphia, Pa., Sept. 7, 1870, $1,500. Ironsides and l.ady Light- foot .1, 4 (5 0), Blue Dick, Lizzie Keller, Garibaldi and Two White Heels (4 dis), Bep and F'lora Day (4 dis), 2:42'.>, 2:.37, 2:.-H8i4, 2:.'?7. 2:.X8'.,. 2:39. Dot and Ironsides. M. (ioodin, Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. 1. 1870, ,$200. Lady Lightfoot and Gazelle, 2 :35M, .2 ::«',. 2:4314. Drift and Smoke. I. Pawling. Prospect Park, L. I., April 24, 1878, Prize, harness. Moody and Sankey 2 (I 0), Judge Duffy and Dr. Brush (1 0), 2:48, 2:44"^. 2:45, 2:45, 2:44. ;--May3. 1878, .f200. Judge Duffy and Lida D'. 2, 4, Moody and Sankey 1, 2:49'4. 2:.50, 2:48, 2:.52'/2, 2:46, Dusky and mate. R. J. Wheeler. Lucas Co.. O., Sept. 25. 1872, .'?.30. Little Loniffellow a m1 mate, 2:.35, 2:39. Early Rose and Aid ine W. W. Bair, Hartford, Conn., Sept. 14, 1882. .$ . 2:16>6. L.xhibition. 71)6 CHESTEIJS (.OMri.lTK TllOTTlNCi AM) I'AClNt; KKCOUU. Kdith and Coroner K. W. McMalioii, Deerfoot Park, L. I., July 1, 1875, $200. Lady Woods and Henry Mack 2. Hanlroail andSlieriiian. Fourth of .July and Lovely B. (4 dr), '.':48, 2:50. 2:44, 2:44. £llwou(l Medium and niHte. II. Steel, Ainl)l('i J'ark. I'a.. Sept. 2.'i, 1880, .•?300. ManibrinoChartaan«l mate, Belle of Bethlehem and mate. Sam Kreiieh and mate. '.•::«, 2:33, l'::m;. Knu-raid !»nd HalliKan i\v). (i. Tabor, Ohicaj^o, 111., Oct. 2. 187.5, ;J . Joe and (ieorfe (w), 2:42, 2:45^. Ktlian .\ll«'M and runniiiK mate. s. Koe & to.. Union Cour.se, L. 1., Nov. 17, 1858, §,5,000. 1-antern and running; ni;ile i2 (lis), 2:29)^, . S. Mcl,:iii);hlin. May 18. 18.59. .?in,ooo. Lantern and running in.ito i (4 0), 2:24'/i, 2:27'.5, 2:40. 2::«'), 2:35. ,)iily 15, 18(11, .$1,000. Flora Tenntleand niiuiinjj; nuite. 2:22i^, 2:L'2. '2:2'.iU- II \<\ .loiies, Aug. 8. 18GI, .S200. Flora Temple and running mate, ■.':'Jt 'i, 2:22, 2:22>4. Mr. llolcomb. Fashion Course, J... L, Sept. ,5, 1801, $.500. Flora Temple and running mate, 2:'i2, 2A9%, 2:21. Diin Mace. Mav 29, 1867, $1,000. Brown George and running nuite. 2:29, 2:21, 2:19. ,lune 21, 1807, .1?2,(M)0. Dexter and running male, 2:1.5. '.':16, 2:19. Morristown, N. J., July 4, 1807, .S:!..50U. liexter and running jiiide, 2:201^, 2:20»4, 2:20. Koehester. N. Y., Aug. 13, 1807. .S.'.OfJO. Honest Allen and running mate, 2:26)4, 2:28%, 2:21. \von, N. Y., Aug. 20, 1867, S2.000. Honest Allen and run'ning mate, 2::{2?i, 2:24, 2:20?*. Somerville, N. .1.. Sept. 27, 1807, .•?3.0(i0. Honest Allen and running nuite 1. 2:24Ji, 2:19'/i, 2:24U. Kthan .Vllen and Kisniark. W. V. Kieketson, M.vricks, Mass., Sept. 16, 1874, SCO. Kohin and Treadwell 1, .3, 3:04'.i. 3:(K)'.:. 3:0", 2:57, 3:00. Kthan Allen and mate. Utiea, N. Y.. Oct. 13, 1874, .S . Smoothbrier and mate 1, Grant and mat«, Dan Kellv and mate. 2:46, 2:46?.i, 2:47!4, 2:44. Kthel Jiledium and Jim Raven. C. E. Abbott, Detroit, ISIieh., May 6, 1882, $75. Lansing Bov and Rock 1, Buffalo Bill and Sam Akford (3dr), 2:47U. 2:38ia. 2:4114. Fail inont and Sciola. B.F.Johnson. Jerseyville, 111., Oct. 14, 1881, $50. Luia M. and Vaudalia Joe 1,2, ■.':.50'4, 2:51Vean and mat*. M. c. Van Vliet, Khinebeck. N. Y., Sept. 13, 1872, $85. Whitestocking and mate 2, 3 (5 01, Susie and Frank, 2:58, 3:02, 2:59, 2:.58. 2:.56. 3:00';. Fanny '''.59% 2 ".54 Frank ancVNel'l Briody. E, J. Swift, Santa Cruz, Cal., Aug. 17, 1882, $ — . Joe Dean and Bay Dan 1, 2 :57?i Frank and Little Albert. T, G. Carman, Mineola, L. I.. Sept. 26, 1883, $140. Major and mate 3, 4. 2 :47V4, Frank^Keeves^an'd Little Gypsy. J- Front, Mystic Park, Boston, Oct. 2, 1876, $1,000. Delightful and Carrie Allen. Bill Ed. and I.iulv Nichols, 2:50^.2:5F.i, 2:47. ^ „„ ^, „ , . «, , Frankie B. and Black l»rince, pacers. B. Beaupre. Fargo, D. T., Sept. 21, 1882. $500. Selkirk and Black Jim.Capt. Tom and One Hundred Dollar Note, 2:42, 2:43^.2:39. » , .. n>. , a, o ro ^ oa Frank Boot and mate. S. Willell, ]':rie. Pa.. Sept. 15. 180S, .$30. Kitty Gall and mate 1 .i:05. 3:01 2:.58. 3:00. Fraud and mate. C. B. Gould, Auluini. N. Y., Aug. 17, 1878, $50. Lady Patter.son and mate 2, Beardsley 9 FredandV<"nv'^LeUis^ '^G.tl.'^SlKH'ps'tein^ Washington Hollow. N. Y.. Sept. 8. 1874. $140. Sherman and Uncle Dave," Draco Chief and J. H. Weeks. 2:40, 2:36. 2:38. „ , T^ .^ cj. Fred and Prince. G. G. Sliarpstein, Poughkeepsie, N. Y.. Oct. 23, 1874. ,$500. Uncle Dave and Sherman, Fred and John' '' J. Ross, Somerville, N. J., Oct. 6. 1881. .$75. Nelly and Dolly Varden 1, 4 (6 0». Brookl.\ii Wood and Fairv Golddust, Patchen and Dick. 2:,58'o.2:.58, 2:.57.2:.58. 2 :.58. 2:58. , r ., a Fred Hooper and Molly Morris. Wm. Armstrong. Lapier, Mich., July 8, 1873, $a50. Little Longfellow and FrellTand WhippUrwm^^^^ Spink. Kingston, R. L.Sept. 15. 1880, $80. La/.y Bill and Fred. King Philip FrJd T.vhM- and'mate: ^DwyerBros:,''prospect Park, L. I., Aug. 25. 187,3. $?oo. Unexpected and mate, 3:1.3^, FredTy'lerand Keystone. S. Doremus. Jersey City. N. J.. Sept. 2, 1875, $300. Red Bird and mate 1. 3:05, Gan^'iev's'team. T. H. Giintlev. Hudson, N. Y . .Inly 5. 1869. .* — . Martin's team 2. 3:08. 2:59, 2:57. rulv.5. I870..«;i00. Ellis' team (2 dis). Briggs' team <2dis) 3:12. 3:09. „„. t ^„ t..,w1 o o.rt Gay Deceiver an2. ^ , ,. George and mate. .J. Draper, Beacon Tark, Boston, Oct. 22, 1S74, ^100. I'auhue and Mate 2, 3:08, 2:55, 2:58, 2:51, George B. and Jaw. W. Fleming, Fort Wayne, Ind., Sept. 14, 1883. S . Berkie and EHa G. 1. 2, .Jasper and Barney O., 3, 4, 2:50, 2:50,2:56, 2:o2}4,2:51'/4, 2:53'o. .,,-,.., George Sherwood and mate. P. V. Johnston, Lowell, Mich., June 21, 1872, $300. Gen. Howard and mate, Kate and mate, 3:01 ?i, 2:52';. _ ^,,-r^^ George Wilkes and Honest Allen. E. Sinnnons, Prospect Park, L. I., Oct. 16 and 17, 1872. $1,000. Darkness and Plvmpton 2. \V. B. Whitman and Com. Nutt (1 dis). 2:31, 2:34. 2:34'/2, 2:43^o. Glen Cove Maid and L,odi. E. Hiirlburt. Great Barrington, Mass., , Sept. 2.5, 1879, $1.50. Tom Mason and mate, Fortiina and Rosa, 2:57!c, 2:57',, 2:57',2. , ^ , „ „ , Granger and Mate. Mr. Roads, Omaha, Neb., Oct. 16, 1878, « . Fanny MoCormack and mate (3 Oi, Hawk and mate (2 dis ), 2:57. 2:45' 2, , . ^ ^ . ,, , ,. . ^ . . Grantliam and Whirlwind, St. Catharines, Ont., Aug. 19, 1869, $150. Daisy and Lady Gray (1 dis). Dominion Roy and Girl (1 dis), 2:.50. ^, ^ ^, .„„„ ^ ^ , t- -^ Gray iind Plympton. Geo. Thorpe, Woodbury, Conn., Sept. 14. 1870, .f . Romeo and Jim Brennan 2, •'■43 2:.53'o ''■49I4 Gray Pilot aiid mate. Kyger and demons. Butler Co., 0., Oct, 4, 1878, $75. Lola and mate. Hazard and mate 3*04'4 3"05'n 2*59^4 Gray .Stranger and Nelly! "Boston, Mass., Oct. 20, 1870, $ . Black Nell and mate 1, 2, Topsey and Gypsy, 2:56, 2:59'4, 2:.56'4, 2:.57i4. Green's Hambletonian and Climax. Daniel Green, Myricks, Mass., Sept, 11, 1873, .^75. Minnie and Little Gypsy B'oy and East ^Boston Boy. A. W. Cowan, Boston, Mass., July 15, 1870. $100. Tilda and Black Nell, Nelly and Gray Stranger (1 dis). 2:44, 2:49}^, 2:48. . ^ „ x. „ t , Gen. McClellan and Richmond Boy. A. W. Worcester, Great Falls, N. H.. July 27, 1870, $150. Lilly and Kate, Bay Stranger and Minnie, 2:54. 2:53, 2:50. „ .. , Hamilton and Harry Spanker. E. J. Cusick, Hartford, Conn., Oct. 9, 1873, $2.50. Ned Forrest and Eph, 246, 2:54, 2:47. Hannah and Jake. Mr. Eastabrook, Denver, Col., July 3, 1874, $300. Billy Wells and Billy Whitcomb. 2:5714, 2:56, 2:48' i. Tandem. , , ,^ , Harry Clay and mate. Carthage, O., Sept. 6, 1877. $ . Dick Taylor and mate, 1, 2:40, 2:36, 2:34 Harry Gilbert and mate. H. H. Gilbert, New Haven, Conn., Oct. 16, 1873, .S200. Ned Forrest and mate. 3:01. 2:.50. 2:45'^. Harry fiilbert aiid Shake.speare. H. H. Gilbert, Falls Village. Conn., Sept. 9, 1874. $12.5. Barrington Boy 2, 4, Sam Holcomb and I'rince (4 dis), 3:00, 2:50, 2:.50, 2 :41i/6, 2 :46. Harry Mac and L,adv "Woods. D. B. Golf, Fleetwood Park, N. Y., July 22, 1875, $150. Gallus Mike and Katie Hughes 3. Coroner K. and Edith. Lady Annie and First of May, 2:481^. 2 :48i4. 2 :,50. 2:49. Harry Mills and Manhattan. A. W. Cowen, Jersey City, N. J., Aug. 9, 1883, $.300. Lowland Mary and Maggiel. Prince and Crete G.. 2:4.314. 2:44V^. 2:461^, 2:.38' 2. ,,.,„.,,.„ Waverlev Park, N. J., Sept. 19. 1883, $250. Brown Billy and Charley C, Adeline R. and Augustus (2d is), 2:.36i4, 2:.37i4. 2:35;2. Harry Miuer~and running mate. T. Canary, Morrisania, N. Y., May 16, 1882, $200. Boston Girl and running mate d dis), 2:31 '/2. Same day, $200. Irene, 2:26i4- To beat 2:30. Harry Spanker and Carrie N. C. Dickerman, Jersey City, N. J., May 24. 1876, $150. Harry Gilbert and Robinson. Hardroad and Break o' Day (2 dis), Ed. Wilson and Sweetbrier (.2 dis), George and (iideon (2 dis), 2:51, 2-45^i, 2:4494- Harry Whitford and Flora Jefferson. M. Darcy, Falls Village, Conn.. Sept. 11, 1883, $1.50. Charley Hood aiid Capt. Emmons, 2:51, 2:48,1.1, 2 :.55. ^ ^^ H. B. W^inship and running mate. J. B. Barnaby, Providence, R. I., Nov. l, 1883, .$2,000. Frank and running mate, 2:16. 2:10?i, 2:11?4. Prospect Park, L. I., Nov. 15 and 16. 1883, .$2,500. Frank and runnmg mate. 1. 2:08'4, 2:1014, 2:2014. 2:14i^. Henry S. and Dick Taylor. W. Harrington, Providence, R. I., Sept. 27, 1883, .$300. Jenny and William Ot'is, 2, 2 :45. 2 :46, 2 :36," 2 :.36. Helene and Lady Sargeant. J. B. Burlew, Plainfieid, N. J., Sept. 29. 1880, $200. Carbolic and Gen. B. 4. 5, Adeline R. and Augustus. 1. 2 :40i4. 2 :35i^, 2 :36?.i. 2 :40i4. 2 :42i4, 2 -AZX- Henry S. and mate. T. S. Foster, Cranston, R. I., Sept. 22, 1880, $200. Annie E. and mate 2, Golddrop and mate. 2:.36, 2:27, 2:23, 2:2214. Hermit and Frank. F. Leibrant, Belmont Park. Phil., Nov. 7, 1877, $ . Prince and Fashion, 2:55, 2:47. June 10, isso, $ . Onward and mate l. Traveller and General, Kitty and mate. 2:50?4. 2:48, 2:50^. Hiram and Sultana. B. N. Smith, Earlville, 111., Aug. 27, 1872, $150. Belle Taylor and Silky B., 3:03'4, 3:08V4, 2:.59'/i. Joliet, 111., Sept. 12, 1872. $7.5. Logan and Duke, Major and Harry. 3:02i/2, 3:01%, 3:05?i. Ottawa, 111., June 27. 1872, $ . Molly and Blind Billy, 3:0314. 2:58^. 2:56. Honest Abe and running mate. G. P. Carpenter, Springfield, Mass., July 10, 1867. $ . Danville Boy and running mate, 2, 3, 2:41K, 2:401^, 2:3814, 2:36M. 2:34. Honest Allen and running mate. Ben Mace, Buffalo, N. Y., Aug. 16, 1867, $3,300. Brown George and running mate 2. Ethan Allen and running mate (2 dis). 2:28V2, 2:23?4, 2:23, 2:2714. Honest Allen and Jessie Wales. W. H. Borst. Springfield. Mass., Aug. 25. 1869. $800. India Rubber Ben and Darkness 4, Com. Nutt and Billy Barr, 1 (2 dis). 2:34%. 2:3.3, 2:31^4, 2:40. 2:35. Boston. Mass., Sept. 30, 1869, $1,000. India Ruhber Ben and Lady Walton, Black Harry and Belle Strickland, Com. Nutt and Sorrel John, 2:31. 2:32, 2:29%. Honest Allen and Kirkwood. D. Mace, Prospect Park, L. I., July 21, 1870, $3,,500. Jessie Wales and Darkness. 1, 2:,30, 2:30. ?:.30, 2:.30. Honest Allen and running mate. W. H. Borst. Hartford, Conn.. Sept. 23, 1870, $1,000. Rubber Boy and running mate, Kingston and running mate. 2:2314. 2:22%, 2:21. Prospect Park, L. L. Sept. 15. 1870, $3,700. Goldsmith Maid and running mate, 2:18i^. 2:1714. 2:21'/.. Hornet and Gen. Mack. W. Shepherd. London. Ont., Aug. 27, 1879, $150. Little Lizzie and Little Dan, Crown Prince and Little Fred, 2:47'j, 2:5H/o, 2:54. Hudson's team. P. W. Hudson. Lexington, Ky., Sept. 3, 1881, $25. Brasfield's team, 2, 2:58>4. 2:56. 2:52. Independence and Cleora. W. Rockeleiler, Hartford, Conn., May 25, 1883, $20. 2:16;i. Tobeat2:17%. To SllllC6V Sept. 4, 1883. Prize, wine. 2:26'i, ji:18'4. To beat 2:16'/j. Lost. Sept. .5, 1883, $1,000. 2:18. To beitt 2:16'4. Lost, Sept. 15, 1883. Prize, wine, 2:17. To beat 2:18. „ ^ ^„ „ ^ ^ t,, , .,• India Rubber and Rosa. H. A. Hall, Boston, Mass., Sept. 21, 1865, $250. Gen. Mead and Black Diamond, '- .j'. J. Bowen. Aug. 21. 1866, $200. Old Put and Washington 1, 2:.37%, 2:40i^. 2:36.2:37'4. India Rubber and mate. Geo. Floyd. Providence, R. I„ Sept. 3, 1867, $300. Old Put and mate 3, 2:49, 2:35%, 2:36%, 2:39%. 79;( CHESTt",R-.S COMIMJCIE T1U)TTIN(; AND I'ACINU KKft )K1). India Rubber Ben and mate. H. A. Hall, Hostoii, Mass., Auk. '9. l^6S, S300. Nelly Locke aiui mate l. Mc- Clcllaii aiul mate (2 disi. •J::i8>4, 2:34'.,. 'JtMS. 2.;40. ISfw llavfii, t'oiin.. Sept. 1. 1868, *.">(H>. (tld I'ut and iiiatf, IJritain and mate. '.':Ss, •_':.%'4, 2:y7'/4. India Kubber Iten and La.ly Walton. II. A. Hall, IJo.stoii, .Mass., .June 16, 18tW. .S2,000. Honest Allen and Myron IVirv 2, i. Darkness and .lessie \N ales (1 dis), 2:;J1. 2:35';. JiiM^j, 2:33, 2:;«2. I'ortland,' -Me.. Sept. 7, 18G9. .r^aoo. KeulMii and mate. 2:.50, 2:.".o. l':4<). Bnsion, .Miiss., Sept. 25, iHtiii. .'jTOO. hlaek Harry and Belle Strickland (1 dis). No time. liitiia Kubber Ib-n and mate. L. V. Cliase, Milwaukee. Wis., Sept. 30. in6U, SJ'.o. JJlonde and Edna, Vulcan aiHi Lottie (laik liJdlsi. 2:31;, 2:311.,. 2:35'... Ii'onsidt's auC9. §1,(X)0. John and running mate 1, 2:28'.,, _':2K, 2:25>i3. 2:27^4. \ug 17. l.s<;9, S . Kegulator and mate. 2:33}4, 2:24, 2:2."). Jack and tiiH. Mr. Belcher, yinncy, 111.. Seja, 7, 1870, $75. 'loni and Billy, 2:56. 2:57. Jack an<) Ksse.x Maid. J. B. Jndd, Watertown, Conn., Sept. 23, 1879, $126. Belle of Putnev and 0. .\ lliekok. Walcott and I'ixey, 2:57i,2, 3:0(). 2;53?4. Jack Blown and Wasp. J. M. Broa.ciOO. Honest Allen and Kirkwood. 2:3fi!2, 2 :42i4. 2 :.'»^. Jim Cook and Ocean Boy. Reno, Nev., Oct. 4, 1875, $600. Dick 2, Brown Kitty t.2 dis). 2:42, 2:36>^, 2:42^, Jim Moflfat and Wilsey Boy. I. Pawling. Clifton. N. J., Oct. 13 and 14, 1875. .$100. Creedmoor and Re- venge 5, 9, (8 0). Redbird and Rival 2, 7. Lady Woods and Carrie N. 1, 4, 2:49, 2:52. 2:44. 2:49'/2, 2:54, 2:49, ''•50'i> 2%V2, 2'48W, 2:43. JoeClark and Molly Rlorris. T. S. Carpenter, Beacon Park, Boston, Sept. 10, 1874, $2,000. Lady Woods and Carrie N., 2:43, 2:45U. L':44. Jobn and mate. M. Larkin. Point Breeze Park, Phila., Oct. 13, 1877, $ . Clara, George, .John, 2:52, 2:50, Jobn Franklin and Stanley. W. H. Hoyt, Haverhill, Mass., July 24, 1873, $175. Brown Ben and Peter 2, "■')5 •'•47'.i> •'•.53 2:51) John H.'and'i'izzie M. John Trout, Providence. R. I., Sept. 28, 1881, $300. Abbie P. and Ernestine. Little Alaid anil Gem. 2:45, 2:42}4. 2:31. Johns, and Daniel T. C. Brinkerholl", Pouglikeepsie, N. Y., June 8, 1880, ,$200. Queen May and Mary Keniiedv 2 '."12. 2:.'>6, 2:'^)6. Josie and Lilly .). S. Laub, Dovlestown, I'a., Oct. 4, 1878, $100. George Brooks and Dolly B.. Fanny and Hollv Courtland Boy and LittiV Dexter (2 dr), 2:.59k. 2:58, 2:59. Mount Holly, N. J., Oct. 8, 1878, $170. Mamie and Burnloist 1, 3, Middletown and Frank, 2:55, 2:53, 2:.54, Judge Duttyantl Tripp -Vllen. W. S. Thorn. Brooklyn, L.I., May 17, 1878, $100. Major and mate 3, Peter and niite". Lady Woods and mate (4 r o). 2:45, 2:48. , 2:52. Jupiter and Kastern New York. IL Briggs. Washington Hollow, N. Y., Sept. 23, 1873. $140. Weeks and Lunkev 1, 2. Dutchess and Wine of the Woods, 2:52. 2:52',2, 2:54i4. 2:52. 2:57. Kangaroo and Honest Brock. A. W. Worcester, Boston, Mass., May 1, 1873, $50. Fanny and Grace, Victor Kangaroo and Ironsides. ' A. °W. Worcester, Boston, Mass., May 27, 1873. $100. Honest Brock and Charley, Kate ami Fa'iiiiy!' J. D. Whitney, Worcester. Mass., Sept. 19, 1872, $75. Clifford and Orphan Boy 1, Blister Kat'e *and IHora.* John Ja'rvisr'st.' Louis, Mo., Oct. 7, 1873, $125. Trojan and Lady Temple (2 dis), 3 other teams ( 1 ilisi '''•49**a — ■ — Kate Hazard aiid mate. H. H. Yates, F:arlville, 111., Aug. 31, 1870. s Kingst^on'and running mate. T. Carpenter, Providence R.I. Oct, 12. 1865, $100. Gen. Meade and running mate. Honest Abe anr". running mate '2 (list, 2;;!3's, 2:28'/^, 2:29'i. Oct. 23. 18(;6. $80. Old Put and runninj: mate. 2:20. 2:26,2:26i^. „,„„., ., ,, Hartford. Conn., Aug. 20, 1867, .$80. (Joodbeer and running mate, 2:3.. 2:.;9. 2:41, 2:33. Springffeld, Ma.ss., Aug. 30, 1867, $50. India Rubber and running mate 1, 2:40^:. 2:3,>?4. 2:36X. Tandem. r>„oi/ 0001 Providence, R. I., Sent. 4, 18f.7, .Sl.W. Lathrop and running mate, 2:27».i. 2:23^4, 2:22.4. Sei)t. 6. 1867..$ . Washington and running mate (1 dis), 2:37. Tandem. Wavrijv. N. J. Mav 15, 187.5, $ . 2:23!',. To beat 2:27. ^ , -,,, 1 „..^ t..,..i.-,..... -i Kirkwoo.i and Idol. D. Mace, Prospect Park, L. I., May 31, 1870, $1,500. Jessie Wales and Daikness3, llonisl .\lliMi and Black Harrv. 2:29, 2 :.%•?, 2:36, 2:33. „ t. ^. • ^ o, 1 iji„.,i uoiiv Kirkwood and Ash Boy. C. Carman, Waverly Park, N. J.. Sept. 15, 1875, $170. Redbird and Rival, Sally Kirkwooll and Mac^'\^\^C^;rmanN^^^^ Park, N. J., Sept. 21 and 22 187.5 $175. K<>dbird and Rival, Chaum.v M. Bedle and Rock Hill, Clothesline and Colonel. Kitty and Lady Emma (l dis), Creedmoor :ind Reveiig(!(l dis), 2:42U. 2:42i<., 2:38. ,„^ ^ wo, „„^ ivi.,.,o.in Minor Kit and mate. J. tirant, Jefferson. O., Anir. 3, 1877, $1,50. Adonis and Mate, Lucy Hill and Maggie Miller, Loafer anil Oarv B.. Dan and Yankee Bill, 2:51'/,. 2:48, . ^.„. „,, t.t._., „„/i u^ooir Kitty and I>adv Kmma. A. M. Hervc. Jersey Citv. N. J.. Sept. 18 and 20. 1875 $100 JV^en Mary and Brealt o'Dav, 2. 4, Panic and Handy Andy, Sweetbriar and Sweetmeat (2 dis). Dandy and Jim (- dis), 3:03, ^.o. /.. 2:48, 2:52M. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 799 Kitty and Silvertail. L. J. Bricketl Great Falls, N. IT.. Oct. 25, 1872, .$100. Emnui aiul Wild Eddy, Col. Cross and Victor, Betty and Corporal Trim culls). l':5!, 2:49i^, i>:54. Kitty Burjfes.s aiui .Sugar in the (iourd. D. Smith, i.ittie Rock, Ark., Oct. Is. isTo, $H)0. Prince and Bay pVincel (2 di.s), ■^■s>\. -^.'io's. Kitty Hills and mate. Henry Burke, Bockville, Conn., Sept. L'O, 187.'), $60. Princess and mate, 2:ri2. 3:5.^=4. Kit; V Robinson and Brom Keeney. H. Davis, Northampton, Mass., Aug. 2!i, 1872, $200. Sprinfjlield Boy and Robi:i, Honest Sam and Horace Greeley (2dis), 2:58,io. 2:59. 2:56' j. Knapsack and mate. E. Burton, Buffalo, N. V., .luly 24, 187.5. $ . Rockey and mate, Russell and mate, Delniav and mate. 2:5.')\, 2:51, 2:44^2. Lady Bri'sbin and mate. J. McKee, Newark. N. J., June 8, 1872, $175. Boston Billy and mate, Sure and mate. 3:07, 2:,50'3. 3:08. Lady Brisbin and Billy. John Brisbin, Newark, N. J., Sept. 18, 1873, $175. Fred Tyler and Prince, Skeptic and mate (2 dis), Listner and Adonis (,1 dis). Mack and mate ( 1 dis). 2:,50?i, 2:bOU, 2:51. Lady Breeze and mate. G. Wesner, Council Bliuls. la., Nov. 29, 1883, $ . Omaha Chief and mate, 2:47V4, 2:45. Lady Burnliam an2'-4,. 2:4714, 2:47. Lady Palmer and Flatbush Maid. Robert Bonner, Fashion Course, L. I., May 10, 1862, $—. 2:26. Ex- li'ibition. Mayl3, 1862. $ . 5:0114. Two miles. Exhibition. Ladv Patterson and mate. J. Evans, Point Breeze Park, Phila., Nov. 8, 1875, $500. Star and mate 4, 5 (2 0), (3 dr), Jessie and mate (6 dr), 2:50, 2:42^4, 2:^4. 2:4294, 2:45. Lady Sampson and .Shiloh. H. H. Kyger, Sabina, O., Aug. 24, 1880, $150. Robert Brown and mate 2, 4, Mary Belmont and Molly Shinn 5, 6, Pilot Maid and Black Frank, 2:45, 2:49, 2:47, 2:54, 2:49, 2:52, 2:49. Ladv Sampson and mate. H. H. Kyger, Hamilton, O., Oct. 5, 1880, $100. Wild Boy and Ida Hayes, Lucy and m.ate. 3:10, 3:06'j.'3:03M. Lady Suffolk and Rifle. D. Bryan. Philadelphia, Pa. June 1, 1842, $ . Hardware and Apology (1 dis), 5:19. Two miles. Lady Thompson and Ida L. D. Lanning. Corning, N. Y., July 3, 1873, $300. Lady Pumpkins and Red Squirrel, Morton and S. W. Clark, Bonner and mate, 3:00, 2:57, 2:56. Lady Walker and Nebraska. Wm. Patrick, Chicago, 111., Sept. 6, 1865, $200. Stuart's team (3 dis). Cook's team (3 dis), Dimmlck's team (3 dr), 2:45, 2:42, 2:38. Lady Walton nnd Rosa. H. A. Hall, Manchester. N. H., Aug. 12, 1870, $100. Mary and Dioraed (1 dis), Bay Stranger and Bay Dick (1 dis), 2:45. Lady Warren and Leviathan. W. B. Smith, New Haven, Conn., Oct. 19, 1865, $100. Tom Carpenter and Messeii<;er (iirl 1 (2 disi, 2:45, 2:38. Lady Warren and White Cloud. J. Joslin, Keene, N. H., Sept. 25, 1873, $140. Horace Greeley and Honest Sam 1, Black Hannah and Nelly, Honest Fred and Thunder, 2:5m. 2:51%, 2:595/2, 2:55. Lady Wheeler and Uncle Dave C. Redevat. Amenia, N. Y., Oct. 6, 1875, $100. New Berlin Girl and Harry Conklin 2, Nelly .fones and J. H. Weeks, 3, 2:49, 2:46^4, 2:50, 2:45, 2:48. Lady Woods and Carrie N. D. B. Gofi, Prospect Park, L. I., Oct. 9, 1874, .$500. Ella Madden and Regulus, 2:.55, 2:48ii. 2:42>4. Laird's team, .lames Laird. Utica, N. Y., Oct. 12, 1874, $100. McDonald's team l, Sprigg's team, Moore's team. 2:46' 2. 2:4694, 2:421^. 2:44. Lansing and Billy. R. McMurrav. Grass Valley, Cal., Sept. 6, 1883, $500. LizzieMacand Bally, 3:11^, 2:551/2. Latham and Honest Ance. J. L. Eoff. Sacramento, Cal., Sept. 22, 1865, $500. Duane and Hector (1 dis), Pat and Bob Ridley (1 dis), 2:38i/». Latham and Jube. R. S. McKee, Pittsburgh, Pa., Oct. 14, 1870, $ . Bob Young and Little George (2 dr), 2:47. 2:45io. Lena B. and' Hickory Jack. J. Sutton, Wawarsing, N. Y., Sept. 11, 1873, $200. Black Dick and William 2. 4, Teller and mate (4 dis). Onward and W. C. Derby (1 dis). Roan Spangle and mate (1 dis), Maggie and mate (1 dis). 3:04?4, 3:07fi, 2:58i^. 2:.56i/4. 2:59. Lewiston Dick and mate. Col. Dickev, Beacon Park, Boston, May 11, 1874, $1,000. .Grace and mate 1, 2, 2 :59, 2 :50, 2 : .52, 2 :.')4. 2 :,55 . Lilly M. and mate. James McCrea, Circlevllle, O., Sept. 22. 1S83, .?125. Honest Jim and mate 1, Wm. Gibson and mate, 2:.50, 2:.52. 2:54. Lily and mate. P. Cleveland. Prospect Park. L. I., June 21, 1878, $100. Why Not and I Guess So 2, Billy (ireen and Fitzgerald. 2:43K, 2:44'.,, 2:45H. 2:.38. Listner and Adonis. A. H. Schenck, Newark, N. J., Sept. 20, 1873, $150. Skeptic and Kate Taylor. Harry and Rve (1 dis). 2:.55U, 3:05?4. 2:48^4. Prospect Park. L. I., Nov. 10. 1873. $200. Farmer Boy and mate, 2:46, 2:.52, 2:45. A. Patterson. Deerfoot Park. L. I.. July 9, is74, $200. Warsaw and Bessie B. 1, Phil O'Neal Jr. and Ink (4 Oi. i.':46. 2:49, 2:.54';, 2:,51i4. 3:20. A. H. Schenck. Prospect Park, L. I.. Sept. 24. 1874, $500. Lady Woods and Carrie N., Ella Madden and ReKulns, 2:47, 2:45. 2:44. Oct. 28, 1874. $500. Ella Madden and Regulus l, 2. Lady Woods and Carrie N., 2:47, 2:4194% 2:461.^, 2:44Vi, 2:45. 800 «'1IESTEK'.S COMPLETE TKOrriNCi AM) PACING IJECOUD. PouRlikeepsip, N. Y., Sept. 21, 1875, S150. Nt-w Berlin Girl and Harry couklin,2:44"a, 2:37, 2:43. Little IJr«»w n hikI mate. 4',i, 2:51, 2:49. Litte Gus and KraHtus. D. B. Cliancv, Sabina, (».. Aug. 2:!. ls.^I. $in<). Liidv .Samiisnn and Lady Brownell Minnif Wani'n and (^nd. Little f rinee and ma'te. HaverluU, Mass.. Sejit. 16, 1800, §200. Jaek and nuite 3, 2 :53, 2 :.''jO, 2:.5l, 2:49. Little sioiiv : mate. Conneii Hlidl's, Li., Nov. 29. I8>s3. .? . 2:18V4, 2:20?4. To beat 2:22' i. Lizzie I)., and Leu. Gnind lianids. Mieli, Sept. JO. 1872. .'5500. Kind)all and J'M. Seclev 3, Kitty and Billy Ilotspnr. Slceiiy .lohn and Pilot U dist. Fox and Quaker 15oy (1 disi, 2:.54'c. 2:54?,i, 2:.Vj; 2:51. LoeiiMt and IJay Iteauly. .lolni S. I'arkis. Providenee, It. I., Nov. 16, 1870, §250. Ladv Slieridan and Bav Billy. I'ldlctand I'.iUli't ■22, 2:49. Lola aniek. S. li. ( ailin, Wilkesliarre, Pa., Oct, 23, 1874, $r>0. Jersey Boy and P.illv, P.en and Elsie. Buttoiiwiiod and Belvidcre, •_':47, 2:4!i'.>. LtMuloii Itellc and mate. .Mr. Neil, Colinnbus, O., Sept. 8, 1875, $1.^0. Pat and Little Ttoaii 3. !. Marksman and Tornado ^.4 dis), Clilt" K. and mate (4 disi, J. Cook and nuite (3dis), Ohio (iirl an(l mate (3 di.s.. Free and Fasy and ni;de (2 dis). Lady .Moss ami Mosswood (1 dis>, 2:.50, 2:52. 2:4(1. 2:48, 2:45. 2:.')0. Lou Whipple and mate. 1. N. Killij), San Francisco Cal.,Nov. G. lb78, $1.")0. Prospect and mute 1, Gus and m:de. l'::>s',, , 2:3.!. 2:34. 2 :.'«). Lou Whipple an, 2:5G;4. L. Bartholomew, Auburn, N. Y., Aug. 28, 1873, §175. Central New Y'ork and mate. Lady Thompson and mate. Billy and mate ( l dis). Tola and liiate (1 dis), 2:53, 2:55^4, 2:53Vi. Mtvior Winship and Youn;; Hiram. J. Urew, Denver, Col., May 17, 1882, $400. Ulster and Spinella, Silky B. and Mila ',',.. 3:01!,o. 2:57i^2- Marcus JVlare and runninicr mate. R. B. Cook, Augusta, Ga., Nov. 22 and 23, 1875. S . Boanoke and running unite, I, 2 (5 disj. 3:12, 3:06, 3:02, 3:14. 3:00. Mary ISelmont and mate. H. M. Bugher, Hamilton, 0., Oct. 3, 1882, $100. Modie H. and Kitty Clvde 3, Little (ins and mate, Ada H. and Kanger (.S dr). 2:47U. •J:.-)2, 2:47, 2-44. ( )ct. .3. IKS.3, .si,-,o. Belle Ogle and mate. Pascuiel and nude, 3:0294,, 3:02'j. Matthew Smith and Lou Loder. T. P. Koacli. Cincinnati. O., Nov. ,5, 1870,§400. Billy Crawford and Jane Coomlis. I);irt and .\rthur Boy, Gray Dick and Cray Ed., 2:39'-, 2:41. 2:4ti4. Mattie Lyie and Frank Palmer. J. Dustin, Belmont Park. Phila., June 23, 187C, $400. Kitty Clyde and Gyiisy Bill, Essex and mate (3 dis). Lady Patterson and Mary .lane (3 disK 2:41',, 2:37'.<. 2:34. Maud and Frank Jt. T. A. Disbrow, Mineola, L. I., Sept. 29, 188.!, $110. Daisy and (Jakley mare, 2:49, 2:45, 2 :44. Maud S. and Aldine. \V. H. Vanderbilt. Morrisania. N. Y.. June 14. 18S3. S . 2:l.'i^. Exhibition. May JJird and Fred. G. Walker, Fleetwood Park. N. Y., Nov. 13, 1874. .•?4()0. Clara CJ.lind NewBeilin Girl 2. 4. Kose and William B. (3 0). Carrie N. and Ladv Woods, Oaks and Penobscot Chief (4 dr), Ladv Dahl- nian and Charley Green (2 dis). Lady Wnrthiimtoii and Uncle Abe(l dis). 2:47. 2:37. 2:4."., 2.42'2, 2:39", 2:34?4. McGraw 's team. ftlr. McGravv, Yreka, Cal, Oct. 8, 1874, .$2,^0. Sam and Frank. Horn's team, 42:38. Ten miles. Medoe and Nahocklish. Wm. Brown. Buffalo, N. Y., July 31, 1868, $1,200. Molly Newton and White Bird (2 disi. 5 otlier teams il dis). 2:.34, 2:32^4. .\ug. 13. 1S69. Sl.OiHK Belle Collins and Kitty (1 dis). No time. Millbank's team. E. Millbank, Troy, N. Y., Sept. 21, 1874, $100. Factory Gii»l and m:de 1. Black and Brown, Laiie's te:im. Hay Frank and Young Magna Charta (4 dr). 2:57i^, 2:,57, 3:02, 2:.55f2. Mill Hoy and Itlondine. .). Shepherd, Beacon Park, Boston, Sept. 23, 1881. Prize, cigars. 2:37,2:22. To beat 2:17. Miller's Damsel and John Watts. .1. A. Chambers, Louisville, Ky.. Oct. 24, 1860, $250. Bolly Lewis and Ike Cook, 5::}0i4,5:l9!,o. Two miles. Mills' mare and mate. J. U. Ford, Middletown, N. Y., Aug. - -. 1809, $ . George Smith and mate (3 0), Jim Watson and mate, 3:01, 2:.55'2, , 3:15. Minnie and F«>x. 11. Brown, Des Moines. la., Sept. 2, 1879. $75. T^ob and .loe 2,3, Silverton and llonudus, 3:05, 3:01, 3:05, 2:.'')9. 3:04. Mohawk I'riiice ami Itessie Turner. M. Starin, Albam . N. Y.. .Inly 6. Is76, $ . Yilex and Yulean, 2, 4. 2:.';o, 2:;{9'2, 2:44, 2:41, 2:46. Molly and mate. T. T. Oliver. Chicago, III., July 4, 1806. $200. Plough Boy and White Stockings, Pilot and Gray Cliarley d dis), 2:46'/i, 2:4,% 2:4.5. Molly and Vic. J. Hawkins, New Orleans, La., May 2, 187.'?, $1,000. Lady Aliceand Johnny, 2:42?4, 2:46. Molly and <'ozette. ,1. M. French. Kalamazoo, Midi.. June 4, 1872, $2,50. George Sherwood and Sandy 2, Owaker Boy and Tom King (1 dis), 2:43M, 2:44, 2:.39,4, 2:42i-4. Molly Morris and mate. R. Armstrong, South Bend., Ind., Sept. 23, 1873, $1T5. Dewdrop and nnite, Mary Woodruff and mate (1 dis). 3:.54^. 3:57. Molly .Morris and l-'i-ed Hooper." R. Armstrong, Grand Rapids, Mich.. Sejit. 18, 187.3, $4.50. Cozette and Molly Newton 1. tliree others (2 disi, 2:.'')6, 2:43U, 2:46'4. Molly Newton and Vulcan. J. Deinas, .Liekson, Mich., June 17, 1870, $ . White Bird and Gay Deceiver, Elkliart and Frank Spencer, 2:.')6',. 2:.5."), 2:.58'2. Mountain <;irl and mate. ,1. Greeiiwalt, Point Breeze Park, Phila.. Oct. 18 and 19, 1877. $;iO0. Fanny G. and Biirnloist 3. 4. (5 0i, Buck and mate (2 dn, 2:.37. ■>:S»14. 2:41. 2:37!^. . 2:.39U. Music and Harry Ciilhert. W. C. Trimble, Prospect Park, L. I., Oct. 29, 1875, $500. Princess and Hartford Belle (1 dis). 2:.36. Ned Hucklev and mate. J. H. Morrow, Washington, D. C. M,ay 23, 1878, $100. .Tersey Bov and mate l.Toni Fields and mate, 3:05. 3:03. 2:.59. 2:.56. Ned Forrest and Stone Cliff. W. W. Cameron, Norwalk, Conn., Sept. 20, 1873, $75. ("apt. Bovd and Black Bess, 2:44. 2:44',, 2:46. Nelly and Patehen .1. N. Honevman. Somerville, N. J., Oct. 6, 1880. $60. John Miirtiu and Belle K. 2. Abdallah Champion and Dolly Varden, Kittv R. and Midget, 2:56V^, 2:56, 2:49'j. 2:.56. CUESTEliS COMl'LETE TKOTTING A::D TACIXG KECORD. 801 Nelly Day and mate. Mr. Cassidy, New Orleans, La., April 27, 1872, $ . Molly and Yic, Idol and Belle. Nelly O^raiit and Mary Kussell. J. L. Kussell, Albany, N. Y., Sept. 14, 1877, $200. Velox and Ynlcan (1 dls). 2:38. Nelly Hight and mate. G. Yan Brunt, Beacon Park, Boston, July 2, 1874, $50. Brooks and mate 1. 3:02 2:53'2. 2:5C, 3:02. Nelly Irwin and l>er})y. A. Boyce, Koehester, N. Y., Sept. 16, 1874, $300. Slow Go and John Dye, Ethan and matt', 2:3:i?4^, 2:oS. 2:.';394. New iJerlin Ciiil and Harry Conklin. J. O. Conklin, Anienia, iN. Y., July 8, 1875, $300. Rosa Burch and Nelly. Washburn ]\laid and Kentucky Geor^a\ 2:50, 2:51, 3:01U. Kiiinebeck, N. Y., Sept. S, 1875, $ . Trnice and I'ete, Eastern New York and Myrtle (2 dr), 2:48i!4, 3:05 3:09. New Jersey Red Cloud and mate. P. Jones, Newark, N. J., Oct. 25, 1873, $ . Lady Shaw and Pet 2, 3:13'4. 2?569a.3:00. NiRffer Bahy and Molly. F. Bower. Belmont Park, PhUa., June 10, 1880, $500. 2:26>2, 2:251.2. To beat 2:27. Nomad and'strader. P. H. Hansconib, Chicago, 111., July 4, 1878, $ . Annie Logan and Harry 1 (3 dr), Nora and Hiram Woodrutf. Mr. Pratt, Denver, CoL, July 1, 1874, $400. Hannah and Jake 2, Billy Wells and Whitcnmb (1 dis), 2:5512. 2:52Vo. 2:47Ji. 2:47?i. Norway and Mary Jane. W. H. Doble. Ambler Park, Pa.. Sept. 25, 1874, $450. Kitty Clay and Gvpsy Boy 1, .Icssie and S;illv, .loncs and Mattie Lyle. Hermit and Delaware. 2:43J^, 2:50f4, 2:48i/2, 2:44'/2. 01»i<» Hoy and Joe \Voo9, 2:59'4,3:04. Paddy and Pall 3Iall. W. A. Jackson, St. Joseph, Mo., .July 6, 1870, $ . Okolohamo and Pilot Boy 3, Rodney and Henry. 2:58. 2:58, 2:55, 2:56. Parrot and Pedro. S. (J. Reed, Salem, Or., Oct, 2, 1879, .$250. Bellefounder and Katy Lynch 3, 4, Patchen and Fau-itina, 2:46. 2:4914. 2:58='i, 2:58i2, 2:5414. L. I.indsev. Portland, Or., Oct. 3, 1879, $150. Dexter and Katy Lynch, Lady Patchen and Faustina, 2:47. L':4S. 2:48. Peculiar and Beautiful George. B.H.French, Warren, O., Oct. 12, 1877, $200. Curbstone and mate. Kinsman Boy and mate. 2:57^4, 2:56Ji, 2:57%. Peerless and .Snowflake. H. Bradley, IMontreal, P. Q., Aug. 23, 1872, $800. Bristol Bill and Maggie Wayne, St. Elmo and Norwood. Byron and Propeller (1 dis>, 2:45. 2:44. 2:38?i. Peter's team. J.Peters, Doylestown, Pa., Oct. 8, 1869, $35. Jack West and mate. Fairy and mate, 3:10, 2:53!.4. Pilot and Clark Chief. Callowav and Co., Eminence, Ky., Aug. 13, 1873, $100. Brown Mary and mate, John Chambers and Ella Wright (2 dis), 2:529i, 2:58. Plvmpton and Billy. W. H. Barnuin. Winstead, Conn., Sept. 5, 1870, $120. Black Charley and Eastern *B0V. 2:47'2 2:491/2. Geo. Thorp, Little Falls, Conn., Sept. 13, 1870, $75. Chip Cole and mate (1 dis), Panic and mate (1 dis), 2:."i3. Prilla and mate. W. H. Mathews. Owatonna, Minn., Sept. 7, 1883, $150. Le Clair Jr. and Farmers Maid, Little Max and Winona Mink, 3:12, 3:0714, 2:593i. Prince and Duke. J. M. Thompson, Flemington, N. J., Sept. 24, 1873, $175. Rectifier and mate, Smalley's team, two others, 2:56, 2:,54, 2:58. Prince and Mack. John Phillips, Deerfoot Park, L. I., Aug. 1, 1873, $200. Lady Pflfer and mate 3, 4, Billy and mate (1 dis). 3:00, 2:43i4, 2:45, 2:48. 2:51i.-o, 2:46i^. Oct. 10, 1873. $200. Listner and Adonis 3, 4. 2:51, 2:49, 2:53}4, 2:48, 2:53. Prince and Nelly. J. B. Judd, New Haven, Conn., Oct. 8, 1880. $75. Jack and Essex Maid, 2:50, 2:.54. Prince and Sorrel Dan. H. G. Cushing, Lowell. Mass., July 21, 1882, $ . Chester and Lotta, Torn and Hastings. 3:07, 2:.56. Princess and Queen. P. W. Hudson, Hartford, Conn., Sept. 22, 1874, $300. Kitty Hill and Gertrude, 2:49 2:505i. Rockville, Conn., Sept. 30, 1874, $75. Kitty Hill and mate 1, Gertrude and mate (2 dr), 3:00i^. 2-M\i, 2:54, 2:50%. Princess and Duchess. P. W. Hudson, Westfield, Mass.. Oct. 21, 1874. $200. Barrington Boy and Glencoe Maid, F. McC. and Allen Jr., Seed Leaf and Tommy Dodd l (4 dis). Seamstress and Cleora Bell (4 dis, 2:54. 2:481 2, 2,509i. 2:471^. , Hartford. Comi.. Nov. — , 1874. $1.50. Julia Haves and Fanny Lewis 1, Jenny and Limping Eli (2 dis). Warrantee and l.on Moore (2 dis), 3:02, 2:53, 3:03^, 2:5914. Pruitt and running mate. J. M. Allen, Petuluma. Cal., Sept. 25, 1867, $250. Sorrei Charley and running mate (l dis). Mystery and mate (1 dis). 2:29. Pacers. San Francisco, Cal., March 18, 1868, $400. Sorrel Charley and running mate (1 dis), Downey and run- ning mate (l dis). 2:31!^. Pacers. Punch and Roe Allen. 'R. Allen. San Francisco, Cal., Nov. 14, 1869, $ . Ella O'Connor and Lady Lan- caster, Lady Emma and Kitty Clyde, 3:02, 3:02, 2:54. Nov. 16, 1869, $ . Franli and mate l, Ella O'Connor and mate. 3:00, 2:56, 3:01, 2:56. Putnam and mate. Horace Jones, Union Course, L, I., Oct. 3, 1860, $1,000. Jim and mate, 2:4014,2:40, 2:.39^4. Queen of the West and mate. J. T. Biggs, Chagrin Falls, O., Aug. 28, 1873, $150. Joe and Tom Moore Jr. (1 (lis). Tramp and Nonpareil (1 dis). Boxer and mate (1 dis).2:.53i'2. Rattler and Troublesome. W. P. Hiserodt, Ottumwa, la, Oct. 29, 1874, $200. Whalebone and mate. Honest .lolni and Blue Ridge. 2:46, 2:38i/2, 2:47. Red Bird and mate. W. P. Maxwell. Hillsboro, O., Oct. 10, 1877, $.50. Minnie Warren and mate, Lady Sanders and mate (1 dis). 2M^i. 2:5i]4. Carlisle and Allen. Hillsboro. O., Aug. 27, 1878, $90. Ladv Sampson and mate 2. Mohawk Gloster and mate (3 dis), 2:51, 2:45!^, 2:43^. Roanoke team. J. B. McCaull, Richmond, Va., Oot. 27, 1874, $100. Chesterfield team, 16 :22ii. Five miles. 51 802 C'llESTElJS COail'l.ETK TUOITING AND PACING KECORl). Robin Rough and Joe. Mr. Lusk. San Francisco, Cal.. Oct. 29. 1870. $ . Onward anil Capt. Jinks, Irwiu and I'riiirc. Laily lU-U and Mary iJavis i,2 disi, -.^oa. 2:r.i;'.i, ■JJ)!^^. Kival ami Chailt-s JSolan. .1. N an I'elt, I'lfniington. N. .1. Sept. 27. isTT. .'?1T,''). Adeline K., and J u ate 3, Carrie N., and J)ril't 1, iannj G. and John (;.. t'oloncl and Emma 1'., tjilvertail and fSt. George, 2:47, 2:46, 2:4.'>. 2:4ti. 2:42. Somerville. N. J., Oct. 3, 1877, $ . Adeline R. and mate 2, 3, John Goldsmith and mate (3 dr), 8il. vertail and male ^2 dis), Abdallah and mate a dis). No time. KoHalie and .^late. T. B.lmnham. Waverly I'ark, N. J., Sept. 23.1870, $:;'<(). Lislmr and Nina, 2:Sjcyt 2:.')9'i. KoM) and William IJ. Anstin iMoore. Doylestovvn, I'a., Oet. 13, 1*^74. §150. Jieiawareand Jlermit2:5l 2-46 2:4i-i^i. Ko»y and IJilly. T. JJailey, Somerville, N. J.. Oet. 8, 1880. $100. Nelly and I'alehen 3. 3:06, 2:59Jij, 2:65».4 2':57. Kiixev an«i mate. K. S. Hager.Harre. Mass.. Oct. 1, 1873, §35. Conntryman and mate, (apt. Hill and mate, (linoid and Itoeky (2 disi. 3:lo. 2 :.">!). Kubber and I^inUow. Ed. Getehell, Lewiston, Me., Aug. 20, 1874, S200. Bashaw Maid and IJutelier J'.oy (2 dis>. 3:03, 2:58. Kiiuips and Tom IJradley (wheel). Frank Koss and Peculiar (leaders). 'W'. P.. Fasig. Cleveland, O., Seid. (;, 1SS2, .*.">()(». l.otta and Legal Teniier (wheel), Carrie lierryhill and Fanchon ileadersj, 2 :57',2, 2:40^4! l''(>iir-ln-lKUid. Kus.sell antl Kegulator. Mr. Harris, San Francisco. Cal., Sept. 21, 1870, S.ioo. Paddy Magee and Little ftlaek 1. 2. two other teams (l dis). 2:r)0'o. 2:4314. 2:42>2. 2:4214, 2:47. Kvders' tvam. .1. Kvder. White llaines. N. Y.. .Sejit. 16. 1870. §500. Nelson's team (2dis)) 3:12i.i,2:50^.. .Sailor Boy and Seamstress. W. M. iMandell. Worcester, Mass., July 4, 1873, $125. Fannv and Exchange (■Jdis),"lticliar. 2:49%i. Sarpedon and mate. H. 11. Hecox, Salinas City. Cal., Oct. 11, 1881, §75. P.ismark and mate, 2:53. 3:0.3, 2:.''>4'2. Senator Stockton and Nelly. R. P. Stetson. Ambler Park. Pa., May 21. 1879, §_'.->o. Courtland Bov and Fit/, .lohn 1, Nellv and Aleestls, 2:50, 2:50. 2:50, 2:51'i. .Sherman and l^nele l>ave. Charles Redevat, Washington Hollow, N. Y., Sept. 9, 1874. §70. J. H. Weeks and Colonel 2:.'-)9. 2:.54. 2:43)4. Shifty and running: mate. G. Floyd, Boston. Mass.. Oct. 3, 18G7, §750. Harry and running mate. John Alien and running mate, 2:48, 2:44i2, 2:32. Will. Mack, Oct. 7, 18C7. §200. White Stocking and mate, 2:42i^, 2:37. 2:^5. Shipmate and Frolic. \V. M. Mandell. Worcester. Mass.. Sept. 17, 1874. §250. IMidnight and Protest 2, .s. F'airlield Maid and Bush Bov (3 dis), Arabian Girl and Favorite (2 dis). 2:48, 2:51i^, :.':54.i4, 2:55'i. '2-1,2. Silky B., and Hannah. Wilbur and Maynard, Denver, Col., June 15, 1877, §200. Dan Mace and Happy, Blue Dick and Dod^; j Boy, 2:471/2. 2:42K>. Silver Maid and 3Iain. T. C. Johnson, Washington, D. C. May 20, 1874. §350. Charley Hayes and Eliza Jane, Honest .lohn and Raplev's inare, Lady Fish and Julia. 2:.59?.i. 3:02. Sisson Girl and Capt. Jeiiks. (). A. Hickok. San Francisco. Cal.. Nov. 28. 1872, § . Lady Grant and Joe 2, 3 (4 0), (iraiit and mate (1 dis), 2:48. 2:43?4, 2:4C, , 2:47, 2:47. Sleepy Ned and Peter Farley. J. Kathan, Rochester, Minn.. Sept. 2 and .3, 1880, § . Little Mink and Little (.^leeii 1, 5 (6 Ot, Ladv Hess and mate 4. 7. 2:4714. 2:4714, 2:47'2, 2:40, 2:40, 2:40. 2:3.51;, 2:40. Sleepy Tom and Valiant, ft. Galvin, Pittslnirgh, Pa., Oct. 4, 1881. §000. Mercutio and mate 3, 4. Ladv Mv- Keiinv and (ieorge S. cJ dis). 2:.57?-,. 2:4;». -JA'A-j. 2:.-)2. 2:52. Slickfeliow and mate. C. M. Hall. Gaiesbuigh. 111., Oct 9, 1874. $100. Limber Jim and mate (2 dis), War- wick and mate (1 dis», 2:51i^, 2:51^. Smiths' team. Charles Smith, Mount Holly, JN. J., Oct. 7, 1874, §120. Johnson's team 3, (2 0), 3:03ii, 2:.'V4, 2:,58, 3:0(;ii, 2:53;4. Knyder and Hoekenberrys' team. Passaic, N. J., July 4, 1874. §100. Ryersons' team 1,3:08, 2:59, 2:56',j. .Snowflake and Ada It. S. A. Beard, W'averly Park, N." J., Sept. 20 and 21, 1877, §225. Barney Kelly and Bollv Lewis 3, 2:42K>- 2:40V?, 2:40'i. 2:41ii. .Sorrel Cliarley an, 2::i3. Sprin);fleld l$«»y and Kobin. M. H. King, North Adams. Mass.. Sept. 25. 1,873. §100. Nelly Rush and Topsy 3, Berkshire' Belle and Belle of Berkshire (3 disi, Black Dan and White Pigeon (3 dis), S:o7. 2:59, 2:55, 2:,5954. Squire and mate. Mr. Miller, Philadelphia, T'a.. Julv 18, 1870, $ . Jessie and mate. 2:43?4'. 2:49^. Stanley an, 2 :.58. 2:5.5. , . . „. , Steve iviaxwell and mate. J. Murphv. Fleetwood Park. N. Y^, June 12, 1878. §200. Romulus and Tip Allen 1, Modoe anil Fitzgerald 2, Billv Gre<-n and Drift d dis), 2:42^. 2:3894. 2:42'-. 2:39, 2:40_ Prospect Park. L. I. Sept. 17'. 1878. §200. Miittie K. and mate 1, Josle and mate. Judge Duffy and mate. 2 :48U,. 2:34. 2:40. 2:44. ^ ^ , , , Stillwater .Jim and Mack Jr. Wm. Webster. Stillwater. Minn.. Sept. IS. 1873, §.5. Browu Jack and Bnlfalo l?ill. Bhiek Jim and I5avBrig (\ dis). Fred and Pete (1 disi. 2:.')7i^. 2:.58 , , , , .Stone Cliirand Ned Forrest. W. AV. Cameron, Westport, Conn.. Sept 27, 1873, $ . Capt. Boyd and Bhiek Bess. 2:44. 2:44V... 2:40. , , ,,,,., Stonewall Jackson and mate. G. W. Rogers. Ann Arbor. Mich.. June 6, 1873, * . Hunkidori and ni;it(' 2 (4 disi. (Jreenwood and mate 1 (2 dis). 3:07?.l,3:07. 2:.'')8i4. 2:57. ^ . , .StraiKhte2'" Strange IJoy and <;irl. Ira Bidlecom. Scranton, Pa., June 16, 1870, $150. Star and Josephine, 2:56, 2:r>9Va, 2 -.50 Strantrer an. Tom Morgan and Billy Whitcomb. G. A. Emery, Denver, Col., Oct. 4. 1873, $175. Jack Brown and Dan, 2:.''il. 2:50;'4.'-':4S^4. Tommy Uodd and mate. F. S. Hager, Athol. Mass., Aug. 7, 1874, $75. Tom Allen and mate. Shoo Fly and mate, Hob Uov and mate (3 dr), 2:.58, 3:02.3:03. Tommy Uodd aiid iJob .Scott. R. Dempster, Doylestown, Pa., Oct. 5, 1877, §150. Irene and Frank (2 0), Top'xy and Biliy. "\V. Taylor, Oakland. Cal., June 27. 1874, $ . Lady Emma and (ioldflnder, 2:58, 2:551^. Toronto Girl and Orillia Queeu. \V. A. Johnson, Montreal, P. Q., June 6, 1872, $1,000. Princess and Blue Bonnet, Flora and John Bull (2 dis), 2:5i;2, 2:51. 2:49. Tramp and mate. C. Dickerman, Jer.sey City, N. J., May 30, 1882, $400. Lowland Mary and mate 3,3:00M, 2:58, 3:03^i,2:58. Trifle and Paddy. H. I^ucas. Stockton, Cal., Sept. 26, 1870, $35C. Glencoe Chief and Sorrel Charley (1 dis), Deflauce and Black Hawk (1 dis). 2:461.4. ^, , , Trojan and mate. T. B. Aluir, lA)ui3ville, Ky., Sei)t. 5, 1874, $140. Telegraph and mate. Best time 2:40i^. Troublesome and mate. J. Collins, Rockaway, N. J., July 3, 1875, .$500. Charley and mate l, 2, Gray Harry aiKl lUiite. 2:54, 3:05, 2:47, 2:.j6, 2:5,5. Twang and mate. Dau Mace, Providence, R. 1.. Jtme25. 1859, .$2,000. Jessie Wales and mate 2, 3, Gen. Mc- Clellaii and mate (6 r o). India Rubber Ben and mate 1 (3dis), 2:.33i4, 2:34M, 2:32^4, 2:3iy2, 2:33, 2:331/2. Twinkle and Baby Boy. F. Birch, Taui)ton, Mass., Sept. 2G, 1878, $70. Tige and Sixth Ward. 2:471^,3:03. Uncle Bill and Big Bonanza. ,1. (i. Green, White Plains, N. Y., July 21, 1875, $150. Lena Case and Josie 2. Fourth of July and Safety, 2:48, 2:45, 2:47, 2:44. Unknown an Chestnut mare, foaled March 28. 1874. bred by A. J. Alexander, Woodburn Farm. Woodford Co., Ky.» sired by Harold, dam Miss Itussell. by I'ilot .Jr.. second dam Sally Russell, by Boston, third dam Maria Russell, by Thornton's Rattler, etc. Sold when a yearling to Capt. James Burgher, of Cincinnati, and by his heirs, when a three year old. to Capt. George >. Stone, of Cincinnati, under whose ownership slie made a four-year-old trialin2:i7V^. at Lexington. Ky.. Oct. 26. 1878, and was then sold for.$2l.noo. to her present owner Wm. H. Vanderbilt. of Xew York City) August 11, 1881, she trotted a mile, at Rochester, N. Y,, in 2:105*, the fastest mile ever made in harness. (Facing page 12.) Bay stallion, foaled 1876, bred by Dr. A. S. Talbert, Lexington, Ky., by George Wilkes, dam Alma Mater, by Mambriiio I'atchen, second dam Estella. by imp. Australian, third dam Fanny G., by imp. Margrave, etc. Record, 2:23. as a four-year-old. Now owned by Elizur Smith, Highlawn Farm, Lee, Mass. Stands for the season of 1884, at$100. Address J. G. Davis, Highlawn Farm, Lee, Mass. MTmMM MIaIMM JM, (Facing page 31.) Bay stallion, foaled 18C0, bred by Wm. H. Cook, Ticonderoga, N. Y., by Ethan Allen, dam Fanny Cook, by Abdallah, second dam by Stockholm's American Star, third dam by Red Bird, etc. Sired Shepherd Roy, 2:23'4, Aulinda, 2:2.5. Prince Allen, 2:27, Allen, 2:28!4, Charley C. 2:28".^. Owned by Gen. Wm. T. Withers. Fairlawn Farm, Lexington, Ky. Will be used during the season of 1884,exclusively for the mares of his owner. MEDIUM. (Facing page 101.) Bay stallion, foaled 18G3, bred by R. F. Galloway. Suffern, Rockl.and Co., X. Y., record 2:32)^, by Hamble- tonian, dam Princess, by Andrus' Hanibletonian, second dam by BurdicK's Engineer, etc. Sired Buzz Medium. 2:20'.i. Maxey Cobb. 2:20>,i, Brigadier, 2:21>i, R. P., 2:22Ki- Happy Thought, 2:22Ki. Nfta Medium. 2:22J^, EUwood Medium, 2:24?^, Milton Medium, 2:25'.i, F.thel Medium, 2:2,'ii^, Harrj-. 2:2G, Alexander. 2:26'.,, Rose Medium, ?:2f)'2. Enchantress, 2:2f!5!i, Baron Luff, 2:27, Ciirrie Medium, 2:27lj. Fleetwood, 2:29, Alice Medium. 2:29M, Breeze Medium. 2:29^4. Owned by Gen. Wm. T. Withers. Fairlawn Farm, Lexington. Ky. Will serve twenty-five approved mares, in 1884, at •Sl.'SO, with privilege of return. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 805 (Facing page 115.) Brown stallion, foaled 18G3, bred by Elijah Woolsey. New Paltz, Ulster Co., N. Y., record 2:29%; by Ham- bletonian. dam by Mambrino Chief, second dam by Arabian Tartar, third dam by Duroc Messenger, etc. Sired Catohfly . 2:19. Executor, 2:26, McMahon, 2:27. Owned by Dr. E. E.Frost, Worcester, Mass. Will make the season oi 1884, at §50, to insure. (Facing page 133.) Bay stallion, foaled 1865, bred by Aristides Welch, Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, Pa., by Hambletonian, dam Lady Duke, by Lexington, etc. Sired Clingstone, 2:14, Bertrace, 2 :27}^, Owned until 1884, by Hon. J. P. Wiser, Prescott, Ont., and sold that year to \V. J. Gordon, Cleveland, O. Will make the season of 1884 at SIOO. (Facing page 162.) Bay stallion, foaled 1868, bred by Charles Backman, Stonyford, Orange Co., N. Y., by Hambletonian, dam Gray Rose, by Harris' Hambletonian. Sired Day Dream, 2:2]?4, Algath, 2:23, Elvira, 2:27, Orient, 2:30, Owned by J. C. McFerran, Glenview Stock Farm, Louisville, Ky. Will serve a limited number of mares dur- ing 1884, at $100, with privilege of return. (Facing page 168.) Bay stallion, foaled 1849, bred by Jonas Seely, Sugar Loaf, Orange Co., N. Y., by Abdallah, dam the Kent ■mare, by mip. Bellfounder, second dam One Eye, by Bishop's Hambletonian, third dam Silvertail, by imp. Messenger, etc. Sired Dexter, 2:1714. Nettie, 2:18, Orange Girl, 2:20,and thirty-three others that have trotted In 2:30 or better, and was the founder of the Hambletonian family of trotters. Died March 27, 1876, the property of the heirs of William M. Rysdyk, of Chester, Orange Co., N. Y. (Facing page 178.) Bay stallion, foaled 1855, bred by R. P. Todhunter, Lexington, Ky., by Mambrino Chief, dam by Ameri- can Eclii)se, second dam Kitty Muse, by Shakespeare, third dam Eliza Jenkins, by Sir William, etc. Sired Don, 2:22U, John R., 2:23, Barbara Patchen, 2:24i.2. Was owned from 1872 to 1880, by Wm. H. Peck. Hart- ford. Conn., and purchased in 1880. by Frederick Akers, Mt. Eden Stock Farm, New York City, whose property he died, Nov. l, 1883. (Facing page 194.) Bay stallion, foaled 1865,record 2:22i4.bred by Dr. J. R. Adams,Scott Co.. Ky..by Alexander's Abdallah, dam Dolly, by Mambrino Chief, second dam, Fanny, by Ben Franklin, third dam, Nancy, by Saxe Weimer, etc. Sired Edwin Thome. 2:l6i^. Daisydale, 2:19?*. May Thome. 2:2414, Owned by Edwin Thome, Thorndale Stud Farm, Mlllbrook, Dutchess Co.. N. Y.. will serve fifty approved mares, at $100, in 1884. with privilege of return. 806 LHE8TliU S> COAJhl.KTli TltOTTlNG AND 1*A( INU UECOKD. ^EHMOISTT BX,ACK ITATATK. I Facing i»;tgi- -04. i Bay Stallion, foaled 1833, bredby Benjamin Kelly, Durliam, N. H.. record 'J:42, by Sberman Morgan, dam pedigree unknown. Sired Ktlian Allen, 2:i'5)"2. Lancet. i;:25i^4, Relle of Saratoga. 2:29. He was the founderof the Black Hawk family of trotters. Owned dnrinp the greater part of his life by David Hill, Bridport, Vt, and died his property, in November, ih.'ii;. (Facing page 21G.) Bay stallion, foaled 1864, record 2:39?^. as a four-year-old, by Alexander's Abdallah, dam Sally Anderson, by Alanibrino chief, second dam Kate, by I'ilot Jr., etc. Sired Fanny Withersimoii. 2:17, Tiedmont, 2:17^4, Aldine, 2:19'4, Early Rose. 2:20J4, King Alniont, 2:21>4, Lillian, 2:23, Alta, 2:23^4. Almonarcli, 2 ;24?i, Allie West, 2:25, Ella Earl, 2:25, Kate Jackson, 2:25?4. Alice West.2:2C.Almont Jr., (Hamlins), 2:26, Tilton Almont, 2:26, Annie S., 2:2G?4, Una. 2:27;8, Sannie (i., 2:27, Almont Jr.. (liosticks), 2:29, Dolly Davis, (Easter .Maid), 2:29, Musette. 2:29}/2, Stella C, 2:27kt. Owned by Wm. T. Withers. Fairlawn Farm, Kexington, Ky., and makes the season of 1K84. limited to thirty approved mares, at $150, with privilege of return. (Facing page 325.) Brown stallion, foaled 1868, bred by A. J. Alexander, Woodlawn Farm, Ky.. record 2:21, by Tattler, dam Indiana, by Mambrino Chief, second dam by Bertrand. Owned by W. H, Wilson, Abdallah Park. Cynthians, Ky. Terms for the season of 1884. $50, with privilege of return. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TK()TTlX(i AM) rACIXU KECOKD. got (Facing page 33G. i Brown stallion, foaled 1863, bred by Jonathan Hawitins.Walden.N.Y., by Hanibletoniau,dam Clara,(tlie dam of Dexter), by American Star, second dam the McKinslry mare, breeding unlKI). PIXOT JTH. l'';iciiig paiji" 4711. Gray stallion, foalert 18W, bred by Aupemii Cray, of Kentucky, by Pilot, dam Nancy Pope, by Havoc, second dam Nancy Taylor, by Alfred. Sired John .Morgan (Medoc). 2:2i, Pilot Temple, -'r-^'j, Tackey, 2:26, Tattler. 2:'J«. Queen of the West. 2:26'i, Gen. Sherman. 2:28?4, Pilot. 2r28?i, Dixie. 2:30. and was the founder of the Pilot family. Was owned by It. A. Alexander. Woodburn Farm, Ky., and died at Montgomery, 111., in 1865. Hi5.ROLD. ( Facing page i'Jl). Bay stallion, foaled 1864, bred by Charles S. Dale, J-akcland Farm, 111., by Hambletonian, dam Enchantress, by Abdallah, second dam by imi). lielllounder. Sired Maud S., 2:io?-.i. Noontide. 2:20i.i, .Mattie Graliam, 2:21'/,, McCurdy's Hambletonian. 2 :2G' 2, Daciana. 2:-27i^, Hermes, 2:27i*, (iood Morning, 2:28'/j. Owned by A. J. Alexander, Woodburn Farm. Ky., and makes the season of 1884, at $100. U'aciug page 524;. Chestnut stallion, foaled 1843, bred by Charles Simonson, Hempstead, L. I., by Almack, son of Mambrino, dam Spirit, by Engineer, second dam by American Eclipse. He was the founder of the Champion family. Was purchased when a three-year-old, by William R. Grinnell, of Aurora, Cayuga Co.. N. Y., who sold him in 1850, and he was taken to Independence, Mo., where he was killed during the war. (Facing page 53"). Chestnut stallion, foaled 1837, bred by Henry H. Berry, Pompton Plains, N. J., by Stockholm's American Star, dam Sally Slouch, by Henry, second dam by imp. Messenger. He sired Widow Machree, 2:29, BoUy Lewis, 2:29'/2, Newburgh, 2:30, Lady Whitman. 2:.30. and was the founder of the American Star family. Ed- mund Seely, of Goshen, N. Y., owned him a number of years, and he died his property in 1861. ISrUTHT'OOB. (Facing page 545.) Chestnut stallion, foaled 1870, bred at Woodburn Farm, Ky., record 2 :18?i. by Belmont, dam Miss Russell, (dam of Maud S.), by Pilot Jr., second dam Sally Russell, by Boston, etc. Sired Manon, 2:22'/2, Felix, 2:25i4, Was owned for several years by J. W. Knox, of Pittsburgh. Pa., and Stockton, Cal. Purchased by J. C. Mo Ferran, Glenview Farm, Louisville. Ky., and makes the season of 1884 there, at$150, with privilege of return. BMEHMJLIf. (Facing page 6-7.) Brown stallion, foaled 1875, bred by R. S. Strader, Lexington, Ky., record 2:23^, by George Wilkes, dam Lady Belmont, by Belmont; second tlam by Kinkead's St. Lawrence, etc. Owned by the Jewett Stock Farm, Wlllink, Erie Co., N. Y. Terms of service during the season of 1884, $50 to insure. CHESTER'S COMl'LETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 809 (Facing page s.'iS.) Brown stallion, foaled 186G, bred Iiy Jolin M. Morgan, near Columbus, 0., by Blanco, dam by Herod's Tuckahoe. record -2:10^4,, the fastest ever made by a stallion. Sold by liis breeder to W. S. Tough, of Leaven- worth. Kan., who sold him to his present owner. H. S. Russell, of Home Farm. Milton. Mass. Sired Smug- gler's Daughter. 2:29!^. Makes the season of 1884, in charge of H. C. Woodnutt. Mineola, L. I., at .$100, with privilege of return. I , (Facing page 653.) Black stallion, foaled 1837, bred by George M. Patchen, Brooklyn, N. Y., by Andrew Jackson, dam Lady Surrey, breeding unknown. He was the founder of the Clay Family. Sired Black Douglass, 2:30. Owned ia his later years by James Wadsworth, of Geneseo, N. Y., and died in 1867. (Facing page 665.) Bay stallion, foaled 1874, bred by James Thomas, Colborne, Ont., record 2:201.^. by Clarion Chief, dam Lil- lian, by Favorite. Sold in 1881 to his present owners, A. R. and J. S. Coates, Goshen, N. Y. Will probably be trotted during the seasoh of 1884. Black stallion, foaled 18G3, bred by "William B. Smith, Hartford, Conn., record 2:23, by Toronto Chief, dam Gypsy Queen, by a son of Vt. Black Hawk. Sired John S. Clark, 2:199*, Neli, 2:27, Lizzie M., 2:27^, Fanny Jefferson. 2:29. Harry Pelham, 2:28v;, Flora Jefferson, 2:28%, Mike Jefferson, 2:29'/2. Still owned by his breeder, and makes the season of 1884 at $50. (.Facing page 687.) Bay stallion, foaled 1870, bred by A. J. Alexander, Woodburn Farm, Ky., by Hambletonian, dam Prim- rose, by Alexander's Abdallah. second dam Black Rose, by Tom Teenier, third dam by Cannon's Whip, etc. Sired Trinket, 2:14, Hetty Pearl, 2:27. Farce. 2:2914, Romance, 2:29"^, Eva, 2:2914. Owned by R. S. Veech, Indian Hill, and makes the season of 1884 at .SIOO. B3i3L110MT. (Facing page 708.) Bay stallion, foaled 1864, bred by R. A. Alexander, Woodburn Farm, Ky., by Alexander's Abdallah, dam Belle, by Mambrino Chief, second dam by Brown's Bel If ounder. Sired Nutwood, 2:18?4, Wedgewood, 2:19, Dick Moore, 2:2214, Nil Desperandum, 2:24, Cora Belmont. 2 :24'4, Tremout, 2:28!4, Nora Temple, 2:2954, Meaif der, 2:30, Owned by A. J. Alexander, Woodburn Farm, Ky., and makes the season of 1884, at $100. 810 CUESTEKS ((^Ml'l.KTi; TIIOITINC AM) rACINC HECOHU. BLUE BUlLIi, ^Facing page 717.) Chestnut stallion, foaled 1858, bred by Elijah Stone, Stone's Crossing, Ind., by Pruden'sBlue Bull, dam by Truxton. Slnnl Will Cody, 2:19!i, Silvertoii, 2;i;0'4, Zoe B., 2:ii0'.i, Chance, •.':20>^, Richard. 2:21, Mamie, 2:21!4 Gladiator. 2:22>4. Elsie Good, 2;22i-^, Kate McCall, 2:23, Ethel, 2:23, Belle Wilson, 2:23^; Eona tUiffln. 2:23>^, InaG., 2:24. Kate Hall, 2:24'2, and nineteen others in the 2:30 list, and was the founder of the Blue Bull family. Died July 11, 1880. MAMBHXM0 DUlDli^Err. I 1mk»Ims i>ttgt» 7afi. ^ Bay stallion, foaled 1874, bred by A. J. Alexander, Woodburn Farm, Ky.. sired by Woodford Mambrino, dam Sue Dudley, l)y Alexander's Edwin Forrest, second dam Madam Dudley, believed to be of Bashaw des- cent, record 2:22. Owned by B. F. Tracy. ]\rarshland Stud Farm, Apalachin, Tioga Co., N. Y., and makes the season of 1884 at SlOO, with privilege of return. (Facing page 797.) Gray stallion, foaled 1871, bred by C. F. Taylor, South Vassalboro, Me., by Gen. Knox, dam Skip; by Gideon, record 2 :2l34, and 2:16^, (to the pole to sulky). Owned by William Rockefeller, New York City. IND :< X OF BEATEN HOUSES. 811 INDEX OF BEATEN HORSES. In the ensuing index the names of all horses beaten in the races of which summaries are given in the body of the work appear in alphabetical order. The description of each animal follows his name, and next, inclosed in parenthesis, is his best record to the close of the year 18S3. Pedigrees are given when known, and when not printed in the body of the work. The figures which follow the record of a horse, as a rule, denote the pages of the hook on which he appears as a beaten performer. If a page-reference is inclosed in parenthesis it sig- nifies that the horse obtained his best record in a race on the page corresponding to tbe parended numbers. If an asterisk is attached to a page reference it signifies that the name of the horse will be found more than once on that page. Js. Aaron, ch g (2:S7%). 125, 139, 154, 177, 239, 341, 574, 584. 704. 716. Aaron Burr, b g (a:38W). 31, 54, 115, (142), 187, 426,* 523. Aaron Slade, ch g (2:41M). 268, (666). Aaron Talbot, ch g, by Alcyone, dam by Morgan Rattler. 195. A. B., b s. 74. A. B. Barrett, ch g (2:34). 55, 193, 331*406. A. B. Flagg, b K. 72. Abbey, b m. 388. Abbott, b s, by Tattler, dam Nor- folk Belle, by Mambrino Chief. 200, 327. Abbottsford, b s (2:19J^). 91,* 145, 264, 356, 416. Abby, b m. 433. Abby, b m (2:53H). (175), 533. Abby b ra (2:40). 488, 533. Abby I ariing, ch m (2:43). 62, 318, 503, 511, 543, 618. AbbyM.bm. 264, 648. Abby P., gr m(2:.S9). 25, 27,* 76,* 112,* 114, 166, .329, 449, 560,* 713, 798. Abby Palmer. 100. Abby Woods, br ra (2:36i^). 85, 220, 593. AbdaUah. 674. Abdallah, b s (2:42). 553. Abdallah. 450. Abdallah, b s (2:36U). (123), 151,* 254. 549, 565. 571, 572, 627. Abdallah. 77. Abdallah, b s (2:30). 108, 260, 331, (441*). 577. Abdallah, ch s (3 :02». 514. Abdallah, b g (2:47). 17, 51, 175, 195. 485, 498. Abdallah, b g (2:58). (588), 802. Abdallah, pacer. 769. Abdallah (2:40%). 175, (603), 666. Abdallah. 654. Abdallah, h s (•J:4794). (99). Abdallah (2:4m). 6C6. Abdallah. 116 Abdallah Boy. 315, 333.* Abdallah Boy, b s (2:24^). 22, 34, 39, 40, n-Z, 86, 91.* 101,* (105), 110, 123, 134, 158. 197, 216, 241, 301, 306, 342, 354,* 367,* .370,* 371,* 379, 380, 386,* 430, 43*(, 439, 446, 464, 4-67, .=i04, 52.i, 555, 565, 567, 608, 623, 649, 667, 669, 682, 683. 688, 719.* Abdallah Boy. 74. Abdallah Champion, b s (2:50). 87, 520, 562, 697, 800. Abdallah Chief, b s (2:46). 158, 191, 368, 5;;7, 557, 585, 601, 624, 684, 733 Abdallah Clay, b s (3:04), by Abdal- lah Clay. 87,417,(716). Abdallah Forest, brg (2 :43M)- (17), 138, 3.36. Abdallah Girl. 60. Abdallah Joe, b g (2:34). 27, 142. Abdallah, Jr. 414. Abdallah King, ch s (2:40), by Erie Abdallah, dam by Joe Cm-ry. 124, 256.* 300, (398), 694. Abdallah Maid. 327. Abdallah Maid, b m (2:50). 388. Abdallah Maid. 6. Abdallah Messenger, b s (3 : 1 3). 243. Abdallah Patchen. bs (2:45). 39, 67, 97. 329, 412. 481, 686, 793. Abdallah Prince, br s, by Voorhees' Abdallah, dam by L. I. Black Hawk. 170, 279. Abdallah Queen, b m (2:40). 142, 735 * Abdallah Star, b s (3:04). 121, 525, .'388, 709. Abdamed Allen, b s. 113.* 489. Abd-el-Kadir, blk s (2:45). (23), 181, 596, 722. Abe, pacer. 757. Abe (2:39). 223, 30.3, 322, 424, 475, 626, 609, 637. Abe. 155,677(725). Abe Downing, b s (2:2094). 66,* 130. 139, (554).* Abe D. 36.i. Abe Edginton gr g (2:23%). 11,46, 199, 275,* 290,* 353, 439, 492,* 660. Abe Johnson, gr g, pacer (2:29). 767. Abelard, gr g (2:43). (58). Abe Lincoln, b s (2:47). 478, 502, 684. Abe Lincoln, b g(2:54). 654. Abe Lincoln, b g (2:44). 629. Abe Lincoln (2:52)4}. 118. 213. Abe Lincoln, pacer. 766, 769. Aberdeen, b g. 343. 363, 617. Abington Maid, b m. 378. Abner F. (Abner Fenn), b g (2:31^). 146, 519. 634. Abner Fenn (Abner F.), bg <^2:31i4). 553. Abington. pacer. 782. A. B. Powell. 249. Abraham's Daughter, b m. 328. Abrams, b g. 60, 399, 559, 694 . Accident, b g (2:45}^). 559. A. C Henry, b g. 214, 386 Accident, gr s (2:52!^). 273, (470). Accident, rn g, pacer. 768 Accident. 261. Ace of Clubs, rn g, pacer (2:24}4.'. 739, 749, (771).* Ace of Diamonds (Billy), b g (2:43). 1.39. Ace of Diamonds, bg, pacer (2:28}^). 736, 758, 763, 771. Achilles, b s (2:35k). 77, 170, 542. Achsa. gr m (2:47). 502. Achsah, b m (3:01). 240. Achsah M., ch m (3:031^). (527). Acorn, b s (3:.32). 185, 335. Acuff, b g. 241. Action. 137. Active (2:55). 549. Actress, chm. 12.5, 137, 347, 671. Acushnet Boy, b g (2:42}^). ('-22). Acushnet Girl, b m ^3:05). 10, 317, 1 (503). Ada, b m. 383. Ada, ch m (•.••42U). 96. 149, 150, i 219, 230, 235, 292, 446, 473, 475, I 511.51.5.545,656. 812 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. Ada, b m. 343. Ada t'lifton, gr m (2:5'2). (491). Atla ii.. b m, pacer 740,* 70.$, 788. Ada D., b ni C^-.^U]^). 26, 40, 78. a.58, 3(52, .%.-i. 371, .187, -142, 576. ."■00, 617,630,726. Ada F., ch m (2:36). 298, .358, 480, oOe, 6.58. Ada H.. b m (2:41). 80. 414, 800. Adair, b s(2::{0). 87, 668 Adam, b k, by George Wilkes, dam by American Clay. 56.3. Adam. 229. Adam"sb g. 586. Adam. bg. 20, 540. Adam, b e (2:40). (300*), 692. Adam's b 7n (2:55). 378, (415), 578. Adam Bardash, ch g. 110. Ad. Benedict. 65. Adam's t'arptnter. 529. Adam's Boy, ch g (2:45). 30, 48, 403.* Adam's Entry. .301. Add Paul, ch m (2:26). .59, 60, 82, 209, 291,* 3K3, 440, 613, 625, 705, 785. Adam's Jefferson, blk s, by Conti- nental, dam Lady Fulton, by Stubtail. 48b. Adam P. 160. Ada Reamer, br m, by Duval's Mambrino, dam by Blacknose (2:4654). (321). Ada Rogers, blk m. 520. Ada v., ch m (2:.50?^). 201. Ada v., br m (2:4234). "10. Ada Withers, br m. 085, 697. Ad Carpenter, b g (2:44). 147, 217. Adda, gr m (2:50). (335). Addie, blk m (2:421^). 405. Addie, b m. 659, 681. Addie, b m (2:;}9). 116. 145, 189, (271), 395, 719. Addie, gr m (2:50). 91, 232, 295, 300, 344, 385, 395, 450, 692. Addie, bm (2:3934). 395. Addie B , b m, by Butcher Boy (2:43). 241,268.277. Addie Bank, blK m (3:06). 67, 549. Addie Bell, b m. 223,* 406, 475, 477. Addie E. (J., b m (2:30). 7, 15, 24, 66, 103, 177, 183,* 210. 220, 257, 273, 291,* 31H, 322, 329,* ;i47, .384, 413, 422, 460. 473, 491, 566, 594, 0-0,* 706. Addie G., b m (2:404i). 15,* ,349,* 440, 511, 624, 040, 068, 751. Addie Golf, b m. 166.* 400. Addie Jefferson, blk m (2:41). 28, 66, 14.5, 298, (579). Addie Lee, b m 397,* 518, (609). Addie N.. ch in. (J46. Addie R. (2:50). 24, (4.37), 674. Addie SSmith, b m. 138 Addie v., ch m (2:45). 283, 402, 459. Addie Webb, b m (2:423^). (523). Addison, brg. 679,70.3. Addison Boy, b g (2:42). 196, 223, 230. 292, 348, 471, 014. 629. Addison Lambert, bs(2:27). 236. Adelaide (Kitty Watson), b m (219>'4). 11,* 29. 44,82, «6, 105. 112, l:{3, 137, 145,* 147, 164, 290.* 316, :)20, 331, 3.53. .362,* 372, 37lJ,* 415,* 440.* 44(i. 447, 493, 519, .536. 574,* (580), 580,* Oil, 019, 637,* 703. Adelaide, b m. 588. Adelaide, ch m (2:58>4). 16, 130, Adelaide, bm (2:26^). .325, 336, 563. Adelaide 04, J.34. A4, 290, 447, 4it5. 590, Otifl, 071. Adele Gould, ch m(2:l9). 48,* 06, 108, 132, 173, 189. 216, .'130,* 370, 458, 515, 583,* 620,* 025. Adele J., b m (2:33J4). 364, 380, 470. Adelia, hm(2:.3.3). 110,116. AdeUne, b m. 375. Adeline R.. blk m (2:37). (89*). 95, 197, 350, .369. 492, 523, 528, 794,* 797*. 799, 802.* Adele, blkm(2:.50). 4-.'0. Ad. Hereth, br g (2-Ar}%). 40, 359. A. D. Levan, ch g. 44. Adirondack. 503. Adjala Prince, ch s (2:47). 653. Adjutant, b s (2:42), by Admin- istrator. (96). Adtidni-itratrix, b m, by Admin- istrator. 497. Admiral, b g. 101, 122, 336, 370, 558, 576. Admiration, b m (2:55), by Admin- istrator, dam Sally (Chorister, by JNlambrino Chorister. 137, (497*), 650. Adolph. 038. Adonis, blk g (2 :.37). 164,193, 348, .365, 544. 797, 799,* 801. Aiirian, b m (2:3.3}^). 87, 131. Adriana, b m, by Messenger Duroc, dam by Ethan Allen. 291, 505. A. D. Temple, gr g(2:.52). 09. Advance, lilk g (2:47}^). 81, 261,* 263, 399.* Advance, ch g (2:40%). 88, 190, 302, 381 , 492, 588, 013, 024, 7;>4. Advent, brg, pacer (2:.32). 574, 737, 759,* (760). Adversity, br g. 135. ^mulua. br s (2:25). 57, 108, 122,* 133, 230.* 241. 207. 2cl, 328,* 362.* .388, (465), 487,* 518, 521. 643,* 5:8, 561, 594, 601, 013, 023, 078. ^neid, bm(2:.35i^). 12,18,43. ^none, ch ni. 555. iEtna, b g (2:55). 70, 185 (655). Africa, blk g (8:44)^). 338, 305, (407*). 071. African Girl, blk m. 471. A. «., b g. 450. Agan's blk g (2:46). (3.33). Agatha, by Alamo, dam Jane Pedue, 270. Aggie, ch m (2:51). 015. Aggie D-wns. b m, pacer (2:29^). 644, 753, 784. Agillis, ch g (2:45). 260, 432, 497, 607. Agitator, blk s, by Mambrino Pilot, dam by Camden. 78, .503. Agnes(2:4H). 73,118,(621). Agnes, ch m (2:44M). i^89. Agnes, b m (2:3'3i^>. (60), 308, 364, 651, Agnes, blk m (3:00). (109), 181, 198, 201. 614. 722. Agnes S.chm. 101,366. A. H. 399. A. H. Allen, blk g. 308.* A. H. ElUott, blk g (2:49). (284), 704. Aiken's ch s (2:47). 358,* 712. Aileen, ch m (2:40). 28, 1.39, 149, 258. .322, 301, 415 * .543. 596. Aimee, gr m, by Bayard, dam a pacer. 140, 308. 494, 511. Air (Ayer & Shadow), bg (2:28). 371, 392, 555, 565.* Airlike, b s (2:37^)- 234. Ajax 182. Ajax, blk g (2:48). 307 (410*), 504 . Ajax, blk g (2:409^) (2:37s). 139, 230, .302, 597, 633. Ajax, gr s (2:36). (311), 676. Ajax, br s (2:29). 1.3, 71, 78, 90, 160,* 165, 197, 198, 2(M, 310,* 342, 493,* 033, 097. 710. 796. Ajax, blk g (3:03). (.58). Ajax, b g (2::M>4). 86, 114, 142, (2fS6*), 346, 012. Ajax, b s (2:.->0?4). (335), 436, 086. Ajax. b s. 187 Ajax, blk g. 198. A. J. Patchen. 260, 264. A. J. Riddle (2:5094). (196). Akt>ar, ch g(2:33). 110, 187, 231, .38;i, 013. Aker's Pet,'br m (2:42). 290, 4.37, (.509). Akron Jack, b g. 591.* Alabama, b m (2:48). 79, (248*). A. L. Allen. 406. Alamanzor. b g. .3(J9. AlaiiuHia Jliiid, ch m (2:27^). 21,* 97, 225, 2(i2. 395. 403. 462,* 536, 590,009,080, 084. Alamo, ch s (2:.34^). 241,* 347, 428, (45'2*), 051. 703.* Alamo, bg (2:53^). 12, 13, 294, 370, 475. Alan thus, pacer. 7.39. Alaric, br s, by Richwood, dam by Bayard. 050. Alarm, b s (2:40). 138, 145, 361, 362, (499), 703. Alarm, gr g (2:40). 29, .363, 645, (699*). Alarm. 500. Alas, chm. 7.34. Alban, b s, by Gen. Benton, dam Lady Morgan. 117. Albany, bg. 256. Albany Boy, ch g (2:.52). 138. Albany Boy,pacer (2:20). 750,*(770). Albany Girl, b m (2:39%s). 423, 477, 668. Albatross (Columbia), br m (2:329i). 97, 98, 102,* 109, 191, 035.* 648. Albemarle, gr g (2:19). 8.* 199, 2.55, .310, 359, .369, 447, 574, 580, 587,* 668,* 671. Al. Beemer. 176. Albert, blk g (2:24?^). 7, 33, 45, 250,* 298, 354, 358,* 379, (446*). 506, 529, 711, 729. Albert. 550, 573. Albert (Waterloo), b g (2:36). 198, 646. Albert, br g (2:48). 93.* 277, .300, 329.* 338, 634, 682, 723. Albert B., b g (2:43). 123, (261), 294.* Albert B. , b g (2:45i^). 594, 705. Albert B. B 244. Albert C, br g (2:40). (193), 296, 794. Albert F., b g (2:.37). (415), 495, 490, 701, 717. Albert W , b s (2:22). 5, 56, 199, 344, 535,* 662.* Alberta, blk m (2 :4.5>^). 103, 170,* 239. 253, 284, 373, 546. Alberta, b m (2:33Ji^). (39*), 225, 340. Alberta. 43. Albertine, ch m. 105, 70.5. Albert, France, b g(2:34^). 14. Albert Kimball, ch g (2:38i^) w. 118, 295, 544, 645. Albert Losee. 3.50. Albert Tarbox, b g. 242. Albia, ch in, by Spaulding'a Abdal- lah. dam Lucille, by Mambrino Pilot. 124. Albino, wh g (2:35^). (132), 174.* Albino, wh g (2:38). I05, (630). Albino Jim. 288. Albine, b s, by Belmont, dam by Woodford (2:45). 47,(124). Albion, bs, by Halcorn. 91. Allnon Boy (fidwin F ), b g (2:38%). 120, (213*), 391, 479. .544. 659. Albion Boy, b s (2:33). 67, 241,* (500). Al. Borak, b s (3:52W). 430. Albrino, b s (3 :06). 199, 288, 414. 486. Albrino. b. Album, ch m. 29. Alburgh Maid. 305. Alcantara, b s (2:23). 80, 164, (673). Alcides, b g (2:30%). 13, 150, 291, 651. INDEX OF BEATEN HORSES. 813 Alcorn Gray. 616. Alcyon, brsf3:00). 7.3. Alcyone. brs(-i:'37). 173, ISO, 343, 402. 47?, 5;)0,* 500, .510. 523,* 545. 03o. G41, 637, 68.', (,689). Alcyone. 602. Alden Goldsmith, bs (2:-»5i^). 319, 43:, 694, 701. Alderman. (731). Aldoif. 613. Aldiii:, (TV g (2:33). ;:?, 132, 254, 275, 407, 507, 569, 683, 724.* Aldine, b m. 19. Aldine, br ra (2:19^). J'^O, 229, 315, 342,* 360, 489, 605, 608, 1 6-22, 694. 703. Aldrich's b in (^444). I Aldridge Boy, b s ;2:45i. 347, 714. i Alec. Mitchell, b s. 446. Aleck, ch er(2:37). 94. Aleck, bg (2:42)4). 277, 278, 3.37,* 714. Aleck, bg (2:37). 134. Aleck, bg (2:39). 8,19, (265), 539, 745.* Aleck, bg (2:57). (18.) AlecK(2:5S). 460, 6G7, (718). Aleck (2:40). (617), 609. Aleck, bg. 726. Aleck S. 1.58(2.51). Aleck Warden, picer. 737. Alert, b ra (2:40i^). 39, 261, 340, (495), 676. Alethea, b m (2:31). '79, 196, 425, (490*). Alex. 64 Alex! blkg(2:47M). 47, 53, 298,360. Al-x. 196, 279, 542, .3.58. Alex, blk s (2:49^ wi. 534, 606.* Alexander, b s(2:36). 323,* 635. Alexander, b g (2:3H4). (34.5*), 388. Alexander, b s (2:31 .1). 10,71,78, 104. 2.52, 310, 316,* 487, 628. 697. Alexander, b s (2:28%). (219), 462. Alexander, b g (2:40^)- (29), 104, 118, 346, 400, 696. Alexander, bs(2:39). (110*). Alexander, b g (2:26)4). 80, 101, 161, 173, 185,367.442. Alexander Beniiam (2:44). 68, 104.* 144, 213, (377), 492, 628. Alexander. 257. 521 . Alexander. 125. 308, 533. Alexander. 198. Alexander Barclay, b g. 308. Alexander Button, b s'(2:26)^). 25. Alexander Campbell, pacer. 757 Alexander, Jr., bv Alexander. 38. Alexander Selkirk, grg. 19. Alex. Stephens 1471 Alexander Reindeer, b g, by Rein- deer. 246. Alexander's b s (2:54). 84. Alexander's br m. 112. Alexis, br g (2:40). (339). Alexis, bg(2:35). 16,267,297,391, 46.5. 507, 524, 53 .* Alexis, b g (2:56). 48, 126, 165, 453. Alexis, grg. 20, I'^l, 491. 614. Ale.xis. ber. 70, 180, 204, 217,499, 503,* 606 Alexis, cb s. 470, 6SS. Alex. S . rn g (2:28)4) 22. 51, 158, 186, 2.30, 251, 288, 381, 402, 422,* 525,* 705. Alex. Wonder, m g. 617. Alfaretta. ch m (3:18)4), ^Y Clarion, dam Starlight, by American Star. (531). Alfaretta, b m (2:40). 219, 334, 511, 622. Alfred, b s. by Charles Backman. dam Young Sonlag, by Volunteer. 659. Alfred, bg (2:26)^). 72. 77, 113, 1.33, 154.* 204,* 2.37, 271. 290, 322.* 3.56, 413, 4£1, 528, 580, 613,* 669, 715.* Alfred Kemble (":33i^). (50). Alfred Morris. 563. Alfred S. 43. Al^dth, b m (2:23). 135, (206;, 324, 0.57. Al^orine, b s (2:4.5). 518, 609. \lgol, b.i,'. 92. Alhambra Maid, br m (2:35). 162,* 274, 675, 68J. Alhambra, pacer (3:00J4). (775). Alhambra, brs (2:50). (108). A. L. Helinbold, b g (2:42)4). (24). Alia, or ra (2:. 3 7) 392,645. Alice, b m (2:45). 83,* .393, 605. Alice, b m (3:48)4). 545- 651. Alice, blk m (2:41). (20). 5-i9. Alice, b m (2:37)^). 94. 95, 369, 373,433,- 61.3, (019), 623. Alice, b ra (2:47)^). (38), 678, 690. Alice, grm (2:5.'). 399. Alice, ch m (2:4(1)^). 23, 30, 89, 178,* 231, 315,* 357,* 305, 400, 451, 498. Alice, brm( :49). 81, 192. Alice, chra (2:4.5). 20, 344, 360. Alice, b m (2:28). 97, 225. 252, 262, •72,428,594, (6.52), 662. >= Alice, b m (2:29). 8* 24, 4.3, 105, 184, 266. 455, 695, 699. Alice, cb m (2:. 59)4) 68. Alice (2:46). (195), 234, 341, 541. Ahce, ch m. 509. Alice, b m (2:3SM). 274, 474, 690. Alice, b m (2:3(5%). (28). 207, 221, 2:56, 2.38, 271, 540, 550.* 600. Alice, blk m (2:42^). 14, 15,* 26, 126, 178, 292, 294, 321, 323, 434, 489. Alice, gr m (2:50). 161, 181, 314, 365, 479, 533. Alice. 83,* 393. Alice, ch m, by Wheatley, dam Fanny Gordon, 91, '264, 365. Alice, bra (2:34)4). 170. AU "e, b m. 311, 640. Alice. 3.39. Alice, b m. 428. Alice. 528. Alice Addison, gr m (2:33;^). 8, 12, 13, 15, 19, 31, 39, 48.* 163,* 306, .344, 4.34, 438, 479, 480, 481, 511, 553,* 560, 612, 628, 713. Alice B., ch m. 597. Alice Baker, b m(2:54i^). 65, 496, 619. Alice Blackwood, b m (2:31)4). 8, 225, 264, 344. 449, 493, 553, 587 . Alice Brov/n, cb m (2:38). 267, 395. Alice C. 241. Alice Daniels, b m (2:55)4). (583). Alice Dougla^iS. 14. Alice Darville, ch m (2:44%) (2:42% s). .52.5. Alice E. (2:47). (561). Ahce F., pacer. 739. Alice Fern, blk m (2:40) (366). Alice Goldclust, rn m. 625. Alice Garret, b m (2:36)4). 18,* 47,* 59, 103, 513, 590. Alice Gray, gr m. 460. Alice Gray, gr m (2:40%). 642,* 721.* Alice Gray. 41. Alice Gray. 510. Alice Green, b m, bv Jim Monroe. dam by Hall's .Black Prince. 668.* Alice Keller, ch m. 23, 244, 381, 580, 708. Alice J. 439. Alice Lane, rn m (2:33)^). 80. 83, 92.94,257,2.59, 297, 346,(440*), 467, 521, 535, 543, 618, 641, 673, 683. 699. Alice K.,rnm. 60.126. Alice May, b m (2:47)^). 189, 327, (543). Alice M., bm. 124. Alice Martin, b m. 267. Alice Medium, bm (2 :'29)4). 15,16, 39, 79, 96, 101.* 163, 200, 2.35. 384. 421, 466,* 482, 507, 511,* 592,* 695. Alice Miller, b m. (130), 7-34 . Alice Norwood, b m, by Norwood, dam Ai-^bian Girl, by Arabian. Cbief 668. Alit-e Gates, b m (2:.32J^). 246, 297, 421, 406.* Alice Parker, br m, pacer (2:47). 747, 752, 772, 780, 789. Alice R , b m. 28. Alice Stoker, bm. 384. Ahce Stoner. b m (2:24)^). 12, 115. 145, 231. 354, 4.58, 595,* 608. 703. Alice Taylor (Rozie). b ra (2:30). 59,* 259, 281. 301. Alice Tracy, b ra (3:00). (144*). Alice v., pacer. 750. Alice Ward. 599. Alice West, blk tn (2:26). 40,91, 149, 204,* 310, 440. 448, 547. 672. Alice West, b m (3:00). 443. 448. Alijo Withers, gr m. by Almont. (lam the Bohannon mare. .37, 155. Alicia, b m, by George Wilkes, dam Alma riater, by Mambrino Patch- en. 195. Alice Wbite, b m. 465. Alice Woods, b m. 658. Alicia Mandeyille, b m (2:37). 253, 401, .578, 607. AlidaE.,grm(2:.52!^). 406. Alida Gray (2:50). (192). Alien Almont, b m (2:39)4). 131, 442, 443, 489, 622.* 668, 679,* 697.* AUne, b m. 25.- 92. Alivesfc, b s. 557. Alk, gr ff (2:54). 685. AUa, b ra. 199, 333. Allahoe. b s, by Lakeland Abdal- lah, dam Roxie, by I'uckahoe (3:08^). 139,195. Allamakee, pacer (2:.35^). (740). Alle, bg(2:49). (119). Alleghany, b ra. 659. Alleghany Boy, rn s (2:27)4). 34, 63. 110,* 126, 144,* 149, 167, 189, 225, 262, .32-!.* 384,* 3S7, 431. 438, 452, 455, 492. 493, 502, .506, .507. 545, 568,* 625, 636, 654, 672, 695. 704, 730, 735. Allegretta. b m, by Swigert. dam by Richard's Bellfounder. 184. Allegro, gr s. 150, 6.S4. Allen, h g (2:28^). 11, 22, 33. 275.* 28 5,* 306, .321, 334,* 373,* 407, 408, 4.39, 456, 483, 574, 658, 671, 676, 678. Allen. 247. Alien, gr g (2 :36) . 109,* 118, 232,* 320,* 632, 685, 724* Allen, b g (2:51). 67 (128X 296. Allen B., grg (2:52 w;. 162,(312). Allen Bov. b g. 124. Allen Boy, ch g. by Honest Allen. dam by Almont. 115, (223), 225, 272, 410, 447, 694. Allendale, gr g (2:49^). (42), 204, 648 Alien Golddust, ch g (2:40). (8*), 67, 74, 183,* 3.35, 500. 609.* 620. Allen Roy, gr g (2:23), by Patchen Vernoa. 40,515,535.696. Allen's bg (2:50). i 2.3, 511, 728. Allen's bs (2:45). (688). Allen's blk s(2:.38)^). 721. Allen's grm (2:57). 161. Allena W., ch ra. 72. Allen's rn s (2:42). (67). Allen Sontag, ch s, by Ethan Al'en, dam Sontag, by Harris' Ha uole- tonian. 26. Allen's Knox, blk s ^2:39)^). 109, 200, 709. AUerton, b s. by King William. 4.50. Alley, bg. 13, 19, 123, 129, 133,'* 171,* 172, 194, 205, 221, 2.56, 257,* 302, .321, .336, 340, 372, 373, 439.440,441, 447.449.463. 465, 566, 596,* 686,* 701,* 702, 733. Alley B. 548. AUie. b m (2:34}4). 40 (589). 814 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. Allie, b g. 27, CI 7. Q'-TT, 083. Alliance, ijil. Allie B., ch a (2:44). 4;),* 320, 498. Allie B , ch m. 104. Ai lie Bonner, bs (3:04). 70. Allie Brooks, b ni. (")4:}. Allio Clark, b in i2:4.)). 210, 324. Aino East, blk K, by Allie West. ■-Inm a paciiifr mare (2:41)^). 12,* in. 81, 31 IP, (620), 719. Allie F.. b m i2:.50i4). 103, 368, 768. Allii; Maj-.ehm. 725. Allie R 57.* Allie Stone, b m (2:46J4), by Strath- mor.^ (244). Allio West, blk s (2:2.5). 175, (676). Allie Wilkes, b r (2:35!/i). i;i3. .•{,">6. All Riglit, br s, by Taggarl's Ab- dallah, dam by Harabletonian. 199, 2U2, .•«16. Allspice. 225. All Spots, sp g (2:4n?4). 493. Allston. b g (2:36>4). 29, 53, 77. 338. 412.* 501.* (61-.'*). Alma, ch in, bv Alinoiit, dim Itas- ka, bvimi) Hooton(?i. 679. Alma, br rn (2:28-!4). 301. Atmax. 417. Alma Beeciior. 470. Alfiia v., ch m, by Hickory, dam a Basbaw mare. 12,33. Almanzor, b g. 680. Almo. ch m (2:44}^). by Alraont. 610. 688. Almo, br g (2:451^;. (283), 380, 388, 641. Aim. nd Bell, ch m. 81. Almonarch, b s (2:24^). 384, 522, 551, (i.i."), (657). Almoona, ch s, by Algona. 471. Almont. b s (2:39), by Almont. (.-.95). Almont. b s. (654). Almont, br s. 535, 716. Almont Archy, b s, by Almont. dam Jessie Pepper, by Clark Chief. 490. Almont Boy, ch s (2:34^V 2.36* 288, 307, 510, 577, o78> (6l8*>, 6b4.* Almont Forrest, ch s (3:00). 436, 610. 62!. Almont Commander, ch s (3:141.^). by Almont. (65;i), 67 :.* ^Mmont Uifi. bs (2:29^) 90,533, 624.667. 711. A'montJr, b s '2:29). 514, 610.* 617 711. Almf^nt Jr.. b s (2:26). 61, 1.34. 203, '.'37. 43(i. (6941 A'.moiit M. b.s(2:30). 18. 6.-., 83* 167. 186, 2..6. 437, 481, (493), 506, 6 '8, 641. Almnnr Maid, ch m 40. Almont IMamhrino. br s (2:45'4), by Almont dam Monogram, by Mani- brinoChief . 222,*305.- (60n), 683. Aim )iit Morgan, b .s (3:01). 414 Almont Raven, blk s (2::}4J4). 145, 5.52. AJmore. b s (2:42U). 32, 38, 119, .^39. Almiita. pncer. 787. Almv. lf)l. Alidie. 460. Alonzo. chg(-.':40). 41, 134.221,* 284. .397. 413 4 .3. 462. .508, 530 AJo zo IlaywMrd crr8(2:.30). 43. .51, 52.* 144. 237.* 403, 5.58, .590,(701*). Alp'ia. «h ;r (2::!8U). 163, 198,* 313. 370. 68 1 . Alpha, br m, by Oeorsre Wilkes. 51 12. Alpheus. b s, by Mambrino Wilkes. 471. Alphonzo, ch g (2:34V.. AJiamont, brs(2:3H^). (.521). Altoona, bs. 584. Alton, b g. 678. Alton Bov, rn s (2:?nv, 544, 54.5, 724. American Bov. b s. 451. Am rican Boy, b s (3;13). 65, (372), .559. American Boy, b s, pacer (2:29). 7.39, 742, (767), 781. American Boy. 469, 503. American Boy. 490. Am^ric^n Celt (2:47%). 9.3,232,344, 363. (524). American Clay, b s. by Strader's C. M. Cla.y. Jr . dam by imp. Tranby. 4.37, 480. 3-.'5.* American Clay, Jr., b s. hy Ameri- can Clay, dam by HeiT's Cana- dian Chief. 255. An.erican Clipper, blk g. 540, 722. American Eagle, ch g(2:50). 609. American Eagle, b s (2:47). 78, 138, 361. American Dick. 511. Am e loan Emoeror, b s (2:30>^) (-:27*). 50, 5.56. American Kmperor, b s (2:53V^) . 470. American Ethan, br s (2:52). 259, 453. American Girl, b m (2:16}^). 85.* 11-2, 210, 251, 261, 263, 267, 269.* 270,* 304, 31ii. 351, 372.* 428,* 463, 464* 4'J6, 624, 625, 746.* American Girl, b m (2:42). 181, 217,*3].5, 53.5, 7:52. American Girl, b m. 38, 166, 176, 272, 705. American Girl, ch m. 684, 699. Ameiican Golddust,' b g (2:45J4). 544. American Hunter. 585. American Jackson, b s (2:38J4)- 517. American Lady, b m (2 :45). 37 • 7.3, :U2, 506, 571, 583, 591, 637, 692. American Lady, b m (2:41). 164, (210). 223. American Maid, gr m (2:32}4) 11, 188. 197, 262, 43.',* 458, 462,* 486, 577. 680, 733. American Ranger, gr s. 278. American Stsir (Wild Wari ior), ch s (2:32)4). .36. 260, 302. 386, 604, 6 !3.* 657. 723. American .>-tar. ch s (2:33). (41\ 212, 295. 603, 7.a. American Star (2:38)4). 142, (485). American Star, ch g (2:44J. Amos Knapp (Amos), b g (2:40i^). *25. Amoskeag (2:39). (561). Amy, I. m (2:20M). 44, (108>, 139,* 171,196,309, ;i69, 424,4.31,436, 468, 574,* 619, 661, 699. Amy, b m, by Magic, dam by Thorn- ton's Abdallab. 205. Am> B., b m (2:24}4). 11, 85, 147, 230, 249,* 313, (446*), 456,* 495.* 497, » 507,* 512.* i>47.* 548, 565,* 569.* 574, 576, 579, 604, 701, 710, 711,* 714,* 733. Amy Bell. 482 Amy F.. b m (2:55). 563. Amy Stone, b m (2:43J^). 244. (606). Anamosa Maid, b m, by Comet. 119. Ancaster Bov, b g (2:48}^). (31), .38, 39, 219. 346. 6.56, 708. Ancient Order Bov. ch g (2:27). 158, 164,* 176, 199, 205, 281, 355, 386, 468, 508, 620.* 528, 622, (623), 705. Andalusia, b s (2:31J^). 213, 295, (307), 401, 657, 660. Andover. 83. Anderson's br m. 558. Anderson's b s, by Abnont, dam by Gills Vermont. 13. Andrew, b g(2:.o3). 601. Andrew (Key West), ch s(2:28J4). 6, 2:j. 20. 37.*42,o8, 123, 2.32, 3i!7, 367, 491. 519, 614, 662, 664. 666, Andrew, b s. 283, 348, 418. Andrew Allen, b g. 436,* 525. Andrew H.,blk g (2:53). (34), 467, 476. Andrew J. (Frank Mmison), ch g (2:25). 357. Andrew Jackson, ch s (2:61i4). 138, (203). Andrew Jackson, pacer. 761. Andrew Jackson, ch s (2:52 w.). 382, 430. Andrew Jackson, br s (2:39i4). 181, 210. Andrew Jackson (2:40). 40, (64), 376, 483. Andrew Jackson, ch s (2:38i^s.). 157, 506. Aiidrew Jackson. 406. Andrew J. Polk, chg, pacer (2:26^)- 7.50.* 754,* '/87.* Andrew's entry. 180. Androscoggin Boy, gr g (2:46). (51*), 77, 229, 313,* 337, 368,* 571, 696. Andy (2:40). (335), 689. Andy, ch g (2 :54 J^). 359, (372) . Andy, bg. 57.* 65, 297,305,534, 657. 663, 677. Ani'y(3:01). (.503). Andy, ch g, by Harold, (2:36J^). (429). Andy,ch g, 2 iH^ i. 95, 1.53, 514,(714) Andy, blkg. 563. Andy.bg, 169. Andy. 38. Andy Blair, blk g. 134, 507, 5 15. AndyC.grg. 166,* 729. Andy Dill (Russell), gr g ( . :26). 19, 4.57,* 695. Andy Cobb, b g, pacer (2;33J^) (749)/763 Andy H., blk g (.;:50). 233, 266, 341, 609.* Andy Johnson, grg. 647. Andy Johnson, b s (2:32). 246, 327, 350, (355), 406, 420, 673, 731. INDEX OF BEATEN HORSES. Andy Johnson, blk g (2:42). 155, 469, (706). Andy Johnson, rn g (2:3;i). 22,29, 32, 94, 99, 123, 143.* 3 65. 385, 409,* 431, 496, 565,595, 624,627* Andy Johnson, blk g (2:34). 146, 174, 178, 190, 192, 214, 236, 278, 290, 302, 368, (418). 419, 486, 487, 562, 615, 6:39, 661, 664, 690. Andy Johnson, ch s (3:03). (632). Andy Johnson . 34, 193, 229, 338, 450,* 607. Andy Johnson. 59, 422. Andy Johnson. 577. Andy Johnson, Jr., ch s, by Andy Johnson. 441. Andy Mershon, gr s (2:25}^). 160, 194, 203. 381, 580. Andy MuUigan, ch g (2:39i^). 67, 149, 477, 488, 497, 499, 572, 587, (665). Andy Second. 514. Andy Sheehy (2:52 w.). (228). Angela, gr m (2:40). 130, 165, 193, (600). Angeliiie (Western Girl), b m (2:27). (62*). 97, 98, 322, 323, 324, 350, 351, 394, 421,* 4..7, 483, 509, 517, 568, 574. 629, 728. Angeliue (2:50), (243). AngeUne, chm. 78,107,144. Angie, b m. 4(iO. Anglin, b g (2:27i^), by George Wilkes, dam a Whip Clay mare. 22, 119, 126, 207,* 309,* 319, 393, 472,, 578, 641. Anglo Boy, brg. 793.* Anglo Saxon, b s(2:31%). 177, 182. 303. 4.39, 619, 6.36, 720, (731). An.L'elo, b g (2:54J4), by Keliance. .323. (629). Angio Boy, br g. 7, 296. Ann, pacer. 745. Anna, ch m (2:39). 207, 437, 448, 471. Anna, blk m (2:50). 30, 47, 403, 600, 721. Anna (Ladv Alice), rn m (2:33). 37, (322), '373, 376, 420, 498, 513, 594, 646. Anna, b m (3:00). (323). Anna (2:55). (592*). Anna, rn m, pacer. 381. Anna A, b m. 398, 611. Anna Belle, bm. 41, 204.* Anna Bolena. 497. Anna B. 42, (63*), 251, 315. Anna Bailey. 447. Anna C. 153. 438, 560. Ann EJiza. 11,* 588, 668. Anna Dickinson, blk m. 434. Anna Dickinson, gr m (2:52J4). (95), 522. Anna Dixon, b m. 669. Anna G. 223, 553. ^nna H., b m (2:33), by Hamble- tonian, dam by Magnolia. 165, 273, 300, .3.54,* 436, 580,* 615, 617, 647. 652,* 694.* Anna J. 660. Anna Lang. ^93. Anna Lee. 137. Anna Snyder, chm. 192. Anna T., chm. 391. Anna Wilson, ch m. 138. Anna Young, b m. 443. Anne (2:40). 63s, 64g. Anne Arandel Maid. 374, 490. Anne Arundel County Maid. 398. Anne Franconia. 178. Annette, b m (2:2.51^). 15, 361 Annie (3:04). (436). Annie (2:45). (:^77). Annie, br m (2:46}^). 105. Annie, ch m (2:42). (114), 306. .\nnie, b m (2: 5914). 43, 170. Annie, b m (2:49). 68, 74, 293, 338.* Annie, blk m (2:44%). 471,* 718. Annie, b m (2:.53). 210. Annie, b m (2:45). 360. 815 Annie, b m (2:43). 261, (718). Annie, b m (2:42). 72, 135, 155, 294, 324, 601, 606, 674,* 707. Annie, ch m {:^:al%). 96, 190, 606. Annie, ch ra (2:4.3). 499, 585. Annie, b m (2-Al}4). 73, 273, 333. Annie, br m (3:01). (186). Annie, b m (2:45). 63, ("5,* 96, 119, 131, 151, 153,* 230, 23.3, 481, 629, (70U*). Annie, br m (2:56). 213, (293), 628, 730. Annie. 110, 453. Annie, b m (3:02). 145, (205), 322. Annie. 243. Annie, chm. 626. Annie, b m. 281, 509. Annexation Boy. 182, 203. Annie A. (2:51^). (105). Annie A., br m. 113. Annie A. 340. Annie Adams. 360. Annie Athol. 531. Annie Allen, ch m (2:36i4), by Ethan Allen, dam by Green's Bashaw. 236, 324, 374,' 37y, 519, 542, (543), 650. Annie B., b m (2:37"^). 322, 369, 375, (474), 535, 659, 678. Annie Bank, bm, by Red Bank. 672. Annie B., b m(2:45), by Bourbon Chief. 364, (369), 473, 638. Annie B , br m, by Almont. dam by Duvalls Mambrino. 32, 230, 416, 447. Annie Bell. 88, 209, 553. Annie Bennett, b m (2:36). 67, 118, 183, (205*) 281, 364, 472,* 558, 561, 679. Annie Beall, b m (2:51?^), 442,(610). Annie Bailey, gr m, by Dixie, dam by Traveler. 172, 175, 255,* 465, 474, 609.* Annie Boleyn, ch m. 528. Annie Boyd, b m, pacer (2:20}^). 746, (791*). Annie C.bm (2:38). 142,148,305, 361, 583. Annie C, ch m (2:4314). 16, 179, 511. Annie Carroll, blk m. 231. Annie Clay. 253. Annie Cleveland, b m, by Mountain Chief. 89. Annie Collins, b m (2:23i^). 8.* 11,* 36,* 37,* 44, 46,* 54, 102,* 112, 115, 130, 132, 140, (141), 177, 194, 197,* 207, 218, 236, 238, 239, 242.* 256,* 290, .320, 331.* 353,* 357,362, 369. 376, 390, 396, 446, 447, 449,* 485.* 492,* 493.* 508. 512, 533,* 536, 559, 586, 591, 611, (16. 631, 636, 639, 641, 663, 660,* 665,* 671, 711, 729. Annie Corley, b m. 349, 468, 716. Annie Crossin, ch m (2:34). (491). Annie D.,bm. 685. Annie Darling, b m. 460. Annie De Montford, b m. 690. Annie Dyer. 124. Annie E., b m (2:49). 138, (454). Annie E., b m, by Gideon, dam by Winthrop Morrill (2:45). 14, 48, 88,* 170, 171, 172, 195,340,341, 356, 388, 503,* (531), 541, 553, 574, 622, 645, 797. Annie h., ch m (2:39J4). 9.* 76. 78, 138,* 178, 198, 236, 240, .308, 360,* 436, 520, 550,* 594. Annie Kthel, bm (2:421^). 6 (123). Annie F., rn m (2:44). 118, 178,238, 461, 637, 670, 700. Annie Forrest. 263 . Annie G..bm (2:28). (10), 25, 73, 3G2, 422, 477, 487, 564, 589, 609, 622. Annie 0., ch m (2:45i^.) 214, 291, 487, 560, 577. Annie Golddust, bm (3:02U). IS, 19, 122, 272, .306. .816 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACINQ RE?ORD. Annie Hunter (2 :33UV 439, (4«8*). Annie K.. br m 0--':37^). :»», ••i;5~', 3<>it,* 489, (o51), 570, .">80, 590.* 711. Annie Kelly, eh ui (2:55). 239. Annie Kline, ch m, by Kurtz's Ham- bletoniar. . H* Annie Laiu-ie. 04, 421, 003. Annie Laurie, blk ni (2:43J^). 253,* 35;,'.* 354,* r.iiO. Annie Laurie, 1) m. 172. Annie Laurie, b m (2:30). (.13), 47, OOG. Annie Lou, b m (2::50i4). 28, 29, 54, 134,* 144, 145, 14U, 1 84, :.'37, 271, 27«, 317, 308, 314, 3G1, 38:5, 390, 410. 414, 4.J2. 499, 502, .506, 541, .550. 015, 645, 660,* 658, 672, 688, 600, (710). Annie Louise, ch m (2:35J^). 325, 330, 500. Annie Logan, b m, by White Cloud, dam Kate Logan. 56, 79, 32:5, 801. Annie Mack, blk m (2:.34). 26, 92, 149, 477. Annie May, br m. 152. Annie May, b m (2:40i^). (81), 531. Annie Miti-heil, b m. 355. Annie Moore (2:56). 474. Annie 0..bm. 667. Annie O'Neill, b m i2:oH%). 638. Annie Page, b m (2:27M). 35, 367,* 415, 004.* Annie Page, br m (2:38). 59, 163, .393,* (074). Annie Palmer, ch m. 631. Annie R., b m (2:43}^). (6.5), 175, 223,* 480, 532. o54. 675. Annie S., ch m (2:26?^). 18, 299.* Annie S., b m (2:50). 83, 248, 378, (432), 4G6. Annie S , b m, by Singleton, dam Kate, by Jim Brown. 682. Annie Snyder, ch m (2:50) 348, 353, 721. Annie V,, bm (2:46). 14, 19, .359,* 386, 434, 492, 511, 609. Annie W., ch m (2:20). 9,* 133, 608, 643,688.* Annie Walsh, blk m (2:49?^. 304, 4.S3, .589, 628. Annie Watson, ch m(2:33}. 25. 102, 167, 239, 320, 435, 454, 508, 592. Annie West, b m (2:44%). 510. Annie Wilkes, gr m (2:41»4). 61, 276,285,201, 308,347, 444, 526, (555), (i06.* Annie Douglass. 407. Ann Johnson, b m. by Halcyon, dam Jenny Bo wdoin. 135. Ann Stevens, ch m, pacer. 775. Ann Weaver, b m. 54. Anodyne (Honest Billv and Bill), chg(2:25). 17,68, 70,* 118,12.3, 257,- 277, 290, 309,310,328,3.57,- 393, 412, 431, 4.36, 449, 512,* 631, 600. Anoka Maid, ch m (3:28). (608). Another Boy, br g (2:39}^). 238, 384. Another Puch, b ra (2:.39%). 92, 161, 218, 298, 320. Anson Belle, blk m (2:41). 123, 251, 312, 40.S. 585. Ansonia. b .s (2:47}4). 87, 90. Antagonist. 599. Antelope, dn m (2:41^). (110*), 119, 200, (iOlt, 7-,'8. Anteo, b s (2:33). 7, 87, .301, (550). Antevolo,b 8(3:07). 162. Anthony, gr g, pacer (2:33). 752. Anthony. 443. Anthony Wayne, b s (2:.30>^). 129.* 159.* 167, 240, 250,* 290, 464, 517, 630.* Anthracite (2:36i^). .547, (677). Antietam. 371. Anti-Monopoly, b g. 240. Antisdul. .390. Anvil, b s (2:48). 120. A. Peck, b g (2:34U). (592). Apology. 170,506,799. Apollo, ch g (:.':51). 5, 282,* 420. Appleberrys b m. .52. AjjpreDtice Bov, b g, by The Moor. 98,170, 181,045,681. April Fool, ch g (2:40U). 694. A. R., b s. 466 Arab, rn g. 440, 631. Arab. 453. Arab, br g (2:49). 2a3, (368), 497, .563. Arab, b g (2:2^14), by Electioneer, dam Lad J- Hamilton, by Ethan Allen. U>. Arab, rn g (2:36}4). 128, 207, (300), 413, .3S1. Arab, br g (2:371^). (205*), 232, 324, Arab,grg. .38, 6.50. .'Vrab Jack. (462). Arabella, b m. 68, 89, 499. Arabia, blk m, by Fred Low, dam the Gilbert Tnare. 190. Arabia Girl, blk m t,2:44;)/g). 209, 377, 580. 802. Ar.ibian Chief, b s, by Toronto Chief. 44, .50, 113. Arabian Mag, sp m(2:36). 175, 179, 238. 247, 335,* 563,'= 596, 699, (710). Arabian Pilot, b m (3:18}^). 129, 564. Arabian Spot, sp g. 49. Arbiter, blk s (3:00J4). 131, 501, 604. ArbUckle, b s. 225. Arc, blk m (2:44). 285, (423). Arcadia Maid . (224), 460. Archer's Almont, b s (2:37}4)- 125, 153, 28J, (28^), 419, 624, 716. Archer's Colt. 533. Ai-cher, b g. 8, 52, (240), 408, 466, 514, 718. Archer's Orphan, b s, by Harbinger, dam Lady Benson. 329. Archie, ch g. 581. Archie. 717. Ai-chie, br g. 460, 643. Archie, b g. 132, 629. Archie, b s (2:2S]4). 16, 24, 28,* 54,* 56,* 57, 89, 169, 196, 200, 201, 204, £56, 268, 278, (291*), 302, 307, 324, 390, 400, 415, 453, 455, 490, 566, 586, 611, 640, 644,* 650, 713. 723, 726. Architect, ch g. 396, 462. Archie Alexander, b g (2:34). 120, (163), 175, 265, .599, 613. Archie Boy, b g (2:45). 360,* 599,* 606. Archie Cuyler, b g (2:49), by Cuy- ler, dam Lady Margaret, by Quia Elastic. 472. Archie Golddust (printed Archie Goldsmith on page 147), gr s (2:46) (erroneously given 2:49 on page 27). 60, (147), 478. Arco. 41, 5.33. Areola, (Celia) ch m (2:34?^). 74, 251. Argonaut, b s (2:239^). 56, 139, 205, 238, 257. 323, 362, 415, 436, 516,* 550, 644,* 075. (695). 724. 730. Argonaut, brg (2:23)4), 19, 2(>, 64, 82, 130,* (150). 184, 196, 205, 220, 227,* 250. 3lft, 379, 464, 601, 652. 673, 088,* 718. Argument, b m (2:53^. 274. Ar;4\ by DanieJ Lambert. 300, (;13U), 418, ."70. Ai-kausas Bob, bg (2:J9). 499, 624, 680. Arkansas Traveler, pacer. 754. Arkansaw, b g(2:40). 342. 401. 070. ^Ulington, ch g (2:48>^). 20. 02;;. Arlington, ch s (2:60J4). 241, (070), 606. Arlington, ch s (2:40U). 74, (27.5), 442, 676, 018, 68L ArUngton (3: 10). 229, (470). , Arlington, b g, by Backman's Idol, dam Lucy Al::iack, by Young Al- mack. 367, ".00. Armstrong's b g, pacer (2:54). 467, (703). Arnus, b g. 532, 038. Aroostook, blk s (2:49). 34. Aroostook Bov, blk s (2:50). 75. Aroostook boy (2:36). 154, (158*), 030,* 683. Ai-oostook Boy. b s (2:.31J^). (70*), 157,* 200, 229, 281, 3.33, 467, 496, 540, 572, 70,, 720. Arrack, b g. 343. Art (2:51). (44). Artel, ch s. 246. Artf-mas Ward, ch g (2:35). 433, 6.54. (()07»).683. Arthabaska, ch m (2:45). 3.37, 498, 635. Arthabaska Girl, ch m (2:4o). 160, 560. Arihur. gr g (2:36M). 50, 296, 298,* 350, 424, 627. Arthur, blks (2:33-K). 40.44, 136 176, 178,* 247, 272,> (289»), 357,* 386, 4o0, 465, 527, 732. Arthur, ch g (2:28%) (Record omitted in body of book). 70, 206, 423, 447, 570. Arthur, blk g (2:28^). 25, 54, 115. 197, 247, 270, 334, 459, 586,* 611, 638,* 732. Arthur, b g (2:26i^). (79), 80,* 256, 259,* 307, 348, 384, 393, 416, 45o, 026, 698. Arthur, gr g (2:40 w). 475, 499. Arthur, gr g (2:27i^). 62, 170, 189,* 229,* (23,5*), 302, 508. Arthm-, blkg. 6,603. Arthur, b g. 390. Arthur. A. 153. Arthm- B. 301,454. Arthur Boy, b g (2:31J^). 104, 112, 145, 183, 239, 400, 648, 689,* 718, 794, 800. Arthur Boy, br g (2:40). 61, 161, 247, 338, 496. Arthur Boy, bg, pacer. 745. 781.* Arthur Chief, b s, by Bourbon Chief, dam Arthurina, by Little Arthur. 124. Arthur Granger. 108. Arthur T., br g (2 27) (Record omitted in bodv of book). 57, 121, 128, 130,* 157, 206, 203. 293, (341). 357, 390,431 447, 477,*487, 660,* 504,* 000,* Oil, 650. Arthur WUd, ch g (2:39^4 ). 24,* .30, 49, 303, 358,* 369, 419, 45.., 467, 546, 720.* Arctic Maid (2:41). 10, 57, 300, (349), 001. Artillery, bs (2:42)^), by Hamble- tonian. (472). Artist, blk g (2:459^). 365. 403, 449. Arundel, ch m. 662 Asa, br s (2:54). 142, 2.56. 423, 723. A8aB.,chg. S49. Asher, blkra. 568. Ashford (2:50). (100), .5a3. Ashland, bg, pacer, by Abdallab Pilot. 742. Ashland, brs (2:51^). 64, .383. Ashland, b g, by Abdallah PUot. 4 1 . 47. Ashland Boy, gr g. 671. Ashland Boy, b g. 370. i:nDF:: or" beaten hop.ses. 817 Ashland Kcito,ehxai2•.29^). (Gl), 79,* 3 76, 196, 251., 2".9, 284,471, 483, 51. i. G54, Qrni, CG7, 717. Ashland Kalo. b m (2:48). 121, 4F4. Ashland Maid, blk m. C64. :!23, 480, o78. Ashland Maid, blk m (2:38^). oS, 97. 124, i:}7. l:J9. 1C5.* 273, 350, 388, C4;'6*), 600, 051, GSl.* 723. Ashland Maid, br m, by Kentucky Clay, dam by Mambrino Chief. 515,697.* Ashland Maid, b m (2:38). 408, 5.:o. Ashland Patchen, b s (2:36), by Ashland, dam Lady Byron, b.y Geo. M. Patchen. 57, (317), 445. Ashland Pet, bg (2:3614). 37, G7,* 115, 133, 134. 149, 187, 239, 244, 337, 372,* 376, 381, .384, 409, 4J7, 475, 557, 66G, 677, 790. Ashland Queen, b m (3:00). 383, 553, 566. Ashland Maid, pacer. 765. Anhman's eh g (3:28). (513). Ahley, ch g (2:25!^). 5, 47. 91. 103, l-!9, 173. 264, 29:i, 472, 648, 690. Ashley Frank. 136. Ash Sava-. e. b s (2:41). (10.3). Ash Queen, b m. 861. As^huelotMaid. 195,543. Ashton Boy, gr g (2:331^). 43,* 272. 507, 579, (679), 711. Ashtabula, b g. 223, 570, 657. Asia. 340. A. S. McAllister, blk s (2:45). 120, 369, 370. Assignee, br s, by Cuyler, da-n Totsey, by Mambrino Transport. 131, 215. Asylum Girl, b m , 92, 604. Astoria, br m (2:29)^). 214, 455, 603. Aslor Boy. 325. Athol. 86. Athenian, br g (2:47). 231, 483.* Atblena, ohm, by Hamlet. 443. Atlanta (2:44^. 71. 126, 200, 351, 542, 713. Ather, blk m. 481. Athelstan, blk s. 479, 531, 560, 645. Athlone, b g. 30, 530, 637. Atlantic, grm (2:39). (309). Atlantic, ch g. 30. Atlantic, blk s (2:35i^). 13, (309). Babbitt's chg (2:50), 715. Babcock's b g. 609. Babe, b m. 266. Babe, b g (3:33 6-10). 624, 677. Babe. 67. Babe, b m, pacer (2:35i^). 758, 780. Babe. 35G. Babe of the Woods, ch g (2:41pO. 67. Babv, blk m (2:52)4). 638. Baby, br m (2:.53J^). 231, 239, 243, 259, 300, 672. Baby, gr m. 148, 352, 436. Baby, blk s (2:42). 5-.^0, (539), 572. Baby. 340. Baby, blk m (2: 4914). 132, 233, 297. Baby, bm. (2:52). o77. Baby, b m. 248. Baby B., brm (2:53). .367, (531). Baby Blodgett, gr m (3:28), by son of Young Messenger. 344, (724). Baby Hashaw. blk s (2:4oX (353). Baby Boy. 637. Baby Boy, gr g (2:30). 46,* 54, 92, 120, 239,* 264, 268, 311, 314, 528, 597. Babv Boy, ch g (2:36i^). 228, 288. 300,* 369, 459,* 554. Baby Boy, blk s (3:02). 17 153, 215, 224,* 238, 357, 418,641,* 7;,:5. .52 Athlete. Kl. Atlantic Girl, blk m (2:42). 477. Atlantic Mr.id. 382. Athe:sian, rn g. 1 65, .346, 562. Atlantic Pet, b m (3:00^) (.■>98). Atlas, ch g (2:45). 530,~G79. Atlas, ch m (3:00). (35), 417,* 505. A. T. Stewart, bg (2:38). 41, 113, 2G4. Attack, pacer. 768. Attraction. 528. Atwater's blk s. 592. Atwood (Hazor), gr g (2:27). 247. 444. Aublne. 548. Auburn Bov, ch g (2:37J^i. 63, 197, 21G, 363. 521, 577. Auburn Boy, b g (2:43\ 333. 462, 496. AubiUTi Chief. 137. Auburn Gteorge, ch g (2:54). 416, 623. Auburn Girl, m m. 438. Auburn Hor.se, ch s (2:4014). 448. Auburn Maid, ch m (2:41}^). 55, 109.* 4TS * Auction, gr g (2:40). 172, 275, 361, 408. Auction Girl (2:50). (684). Auctio'ieei-, b g(2:45). 27, 4.34, (589). .-Auctioneer b s (2:35). 8, f:50, 374, 633. Auctioneer, b g (2:45). 96, (20:), 265, 303, 699. Auction Jack, pacer . 745. Auction Johnny, br s (3:00}^). 2G", (571 ). Auger's b m. 602. Augu ta, ch m (3:.34'. 163, 205, 346 * Ausrusta, gr m (2:35}4). 243, (341), 566. Augustus, b s, by Hambletonian, dam Fanny Fiske. by Plow Boy. 794, 797* Augusta Schuyler, ch m (2:31?4)- 62, 87,* 123, 167, 185, 207, 385, 434, 437, 458, 467, 478, 479, 593, 612, 664, 685. Aulinda, b m (2:25). 128, 196,* 206, (229). 322,* 362,* 390, 422, 455,* 501.* Augustine, blk m. 120. Augusta Knox, b m. 9. Aunt Betsey, b m. 727. B Baby Boy, ch g (2:50?^). 356. Haby Boy, ch g. 11, 267, 292, 357. Baby Etta. 71. Baby Girl, b m (2:48). 22, 80, 370, 432. Baby Girl, b m (2:41). (10), 675. Baby Jumper, ch g (2:39). 368, 497. Baby Jim. 666. Baby Leo. 155. Baby Logan 579. Baby Mine, ch m (2:35J4). 639. Bab.y Mine, b m. 417. Baby Mine, m m (2:27i4). 9. Baby N., b m. 153, 435. 480. Baby I'uszle. 576. Baby Wood, br m (2:42i^), by Plail Sheridan, dam bx Grey Eagle. 110, (131), 150, 298,* 425, .538, 688, 722, 725. Baby White. 186. Babylon. 96. Bacchus B., b s. 16, 199. Bachelor, br g (2:49). (42). BackmanMaid, bm(2:25J4). 181.* 25H, 302, 372, 415, 466, (474), 57r. Bacchus. 265, 274, 381, 536, 582. Bacchus Goldsmitb, ch s. 316. Badge. 416. Auntie, blk m (2:49}^), (erroneously- given 2:54^ on page .31). 82, (90), 205, 25.5, 677. Aunt Annie, b m. 3.5C. Aunt Jemima, b m. pacer. 738. 782. Aunt Mary, bm (2:40). 40.3,492. Aura Scott, pacer. 759. Aureliu.-i. 141. Au Revoir, b s (3:11>. 430, 697. Aurora Boy, ch g 34. Aurora Maud. 368. Ausable Boy, blk g. 52, 193. Austerlitz, b s (3:08i^). 150. Austen's, ch m. 39. ~ Austin Petf . br g. 569, 684. Australia, b g. "256. 734. Autocrat, ch s (2:42). by George M. Patchen, dam Wanderer. (49), 421,443,613.. Autocrat. Jr.. chs, by Autocrat, dara byAlhambra. Iu3. Authentic. 575. ^uthoress. 603. Avalanche, gr g (2:48}^. 71, 343, 458, 515, 585. Avalanche, ch g. 258, 528, .535. 6.51. Avalanche, blk g, pacer (n:09V'). 348. Ava May, b m, pacer. 737. Avenger (2:44 s.) (355). A. V. Smith, br g. 488. Avenue Boy. ch g (2:44i4). 34, 181, 215, 246, 279, 3.59, 428, 444. 5i4, 547, 655, 868, 708, 714, 724. Avery Boy. 578. Avis. 195. A. venue Girl, blk m. 582. Avenue Maid, b m (2:.'56). (284^ Avondale, br g. 165,530. AvocaBoy, brg. 139,686. Avoca Girl, b m, b.y Cadet, dam Lady AbdaUah . 549. A-Aful, bg(2:40). 42r!, 550, 640. Awful, b s(3:04). Awful, bg(2:."9). A. W. Clement, b g.~ 409.* A. W. Kline, b g i2:3rky. 522. Badger, gr g (2:43^). (377), 394. Badger. 323. Badger Boy, b g (2:29). 129, ir-, 167,177,230, 265, 291, 30G, 48,j, 588, 592, 600, 716. Badger Bo.y (Badger), br s, oacer (2:30). 742, (766). Badger Girl, gr m (2:2214). 8, 85,* 93, 147,* 160, 164, ]97~ 199, 230, "39, 249, 250, 263, 275, 338,* 440,* 446,* 456, 466,* 49''., 507, 512, 520, 547,* 565,* 580, 5y7, 618, 619, 631, 6.37, 724.* Bagnall's Messenger, b s. 337. Baffle (3:00). (.54.3). Bagzi. 505. Bailey's blk g. 415. Bailey's b m. 66, 178. Bailey's gr m (2:44). 497. Bailey's grg. 421. :■, 142, 187, 380, (6), 214, 624. («^38). 818 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTINO AND PACING RECORD. UaUiflf ^2:4^M)■ I5i0, 1U>:}, 4ol, 65.3, fi9(;. Bain's b m. 072. Baine sblkR(^':48>. (646). Baker's ch in. 1) >. Baker Boy, ch g (2:4414). 150, 335, 408, 010. Baker Boy (2:42). 320,* 4:!0,'* 497. Baker Boy, b g (2:40?4). 28, 71, 312, 352, 5;}5, (^5451 1. Baker Hoy, b s (2:. ".7). 37, 4f!7. Baker Boy, bg(2:37). 'M^, 051. Baker Boy, bp(2: i7). 00.153,(181). Baker Girl, b m. 41 , k'SO." ualch (2:52). (24 ). Bald F'ace, rn ni. CO, 445. Bald H met, i>ac r (2:46^). (787). Bald Hornet, grs (pacer), by Sultan, dam Pocahontas, by Bald Hornet. 787.* bald Flornet, br s. 490. Bald Hornet, ch s, pncer (2:2lj. 86, 737,* 73S, ' ■JSit, (740), 745,* 754, •/5(i. 768, 769, ^ 77St, 78;j,* 785. Baidy Smith. 140. BalaKlava, b s (2:45^). 229. Balch and Lawrence's b m (2:55) (142). Bak'oin. 640. Baldy. 442, 53J). Haldy,chs (2:481^). (142). Baldy, brg(3:10%). 617. Baldv, ch g. _j6, 358, 483. Baldy, pacVr. 790. Bald Chief. 38.'. Bald Chief (2:50). (479.) Bald Chief, Jr., ch s (2:49?i), by Bald I hief . 1.^, 608, G38, (645), 675. Bald Eagie. 19. Bald Face, ch m, pacer (2:39). 758. Bald Hirnpt, pacer (2:51). (781). Bald Hornet, pacer (2:4&6). 72, 266, (O.J6), (787). Bald Face. 69. Bald Reuben (2:50). 356. Bald win's en - . 123, 220. Baldwi sville (2:40J4). (281). BaU. 16. Ballantyne's b g. 632. Balky Bil', b g. 410, 552. Ballou's b m. 000. Balesticks, b g ( :01). (.582), 582. Ballard, b p. 432. Bally. 179,790. Bally (2:40). 80, (272), 337, 343, 599. Ballv. 34, 8:i, 15ri, 292. BiUlymena, gr g (3:10). 364. Ballot, b m, by Electioneer, dam Young La(iv Ciirrie. 81. Balm of Uilea'l, chg(2:40). 50, 143, 244, 3.55, 307, CJMI), 479,* 097. Balsora, Jr. 126, 170. Baltimore (2:.50). 78, 295. Baltimore, blkg(2:37>4). 312. Baltimore, b s (2:49i^). 012. Bals<.ra, b s. 425. Bullston Boy. 18o, 471. I Baltimore Bell.-, b m (2:34>^i). 10, 142, 21.3, 223, 493,* 518. 560T Baltic. 3:i4. 15 dtimore Maid. 7i)9. Bait. more Colt, b g, pacer (2:31M). 771, 776. Bancroft, b g. 117, 128, 191, 275. Baity Ro.se, b k (2 : 37. ) 2 79. liangor (Bully Brooks), b g (2:28). 32, L'tia. 44 I,. 565. Bangor Buy (2:3" ). .")8S. Banjo, 96*), 021. Ban's licecher. .53. barb, bg(3:00^). 27, (360). Barbaene, ch g. by Surplus, dam Laay Patriot, bv Patriot. 63.* Barbara, b m (2:52). (684). Barbara. 525. Bai bara, b m (2:52). (515), 595. Barbara Knox, b m (2:35 ) 16, 3^, •10, 120, i:):{, 212, 401,* 427, 449, 461, 496, 586, (646-), 671,* o76. Barbarous (2:59). (616). Barbara Pa'chen, b m (2:24i^). 118,* 179, 225, 247, 384, 484. 537, 556, 566, 635, 649, 722. Barber Boy, b g (2:49%). 15. 242, 502, 57(i, 590, 008. Barber Jack, blk g. 536. Barber Tom, b jr. C3. Barber Pouy, ch g (2:37), (2:30M s.) i (120). Barber Pony (pacer). 756, 788. Barber's gr g. :-,37. ' Barkis, b g (2:25)^). 227, 255,* 368. Barley. 26. Barlow, b g (2:32). 154, (192*), 238, 310, 607, t)68, 708. Barn, b s. 677. i Barnes Colt. 184. Barnes' Idol, ch m (2:38^). 529.* Barney, b s, by Barton, dam by ' Lever. 458, 551. Barney, b g (2:31"4). 130, 914, 254, 384, 457, 517, (559*), 650, 692. Barne}-, b g. 713. Batney, ch g (2:34}^). (11), 44, 133,- 148, .?on, 460,* 480,* 714. Barney, b g (2:55). 98, 122, 155, 384, (530*), 079, 706.* i Barney, b g (2:25M). 264, (269), 5:J5, 567, 050, 094.* Barnev, b g, pacer (2:.34). 740, 750,* 702, 707, 781. Barney, br s (2:48>^). (34), 31'2, 356, 635. Barney, br g (2:37). 499, (649). Barnej-, b g. 465. Barney, ch g, by Patchen (2:44i^). 108, (137), 175, 203, 622, 046, 676, 726. Barney, ch g (2:49^). 73, 139. Barni-y. 514, .551. Barney, b g (2:50}^). 7, 169,298, (3371,3.58. Barn -y, ch s. 480, 590. Barucy. 40, .527.* Barney B., b s (2:27^). 16,* 27,* \ 40, •.':!7, 320, (435), 621. I Barney B., wh g (2:40}4). (173), 224, :5:W, 461,519. Barney H., b g. 125,* 2.51,* 085, 721. Barney Collins, ch g, pacer, by Copperbottoin, dam Lady Haz- ard. 737, 7'42. I Barney Ci)nsollov. 50. 73. I Barney Crossin. gr g (2:43>^). 276, I (287 1, 500. 590. Barney Dodd. 476. I Barney Crossman.gr g(2:.39)^). .366. barney II., eh g (2:30). 479. Barney Hall, b g (3:00). (258). i Barney Kelly, br k (2:2.=>). 11, 25,* 44,* CO, 00, 80, 94, 104, 112, 12:j. I 1.32,* 1.39, 145, 148, 149, 184.* 196, ! J97, 207. (218*), 216, 242.* 249. 250, 2 8, 274, 320,* 3.V}.* 3.-,7, .300,* 3 4, 429, 441, 456,* 480,* 492. 507, 515. 518,* 522,* 530, .592, 624. 633, 63!>, 652, 060,* 670,* 678,* 698, 702, 7U7, 722, 723,729.* 802.* Barney Willis, ch g (2:37) 570. 1 amey's b g (3: 1 7>4). (.■i59). Barney '-., b g C-^Sl). 69,* 35.3, 374, 538. 1 Barney Smith, b g (2:40i. 327, :J51. (406). Baniey the (inide, 1) g. 95. Barney Tansey, blk g (2:38)-^). 699. Barney Wilkes, b s. 008. I Barney Williams, ch g (2:439i*. 661. Barney Williams (2:44 w). Idii, (.)9.-.*). Barney Williams 129, 146. Barnuin,bg. 047. Barun, bs(3:00). 416,553, 725. Baron Lull', 1) g (2:27). 59,* (411*), I 4.39. 4.5! t. 6l:.>.* 615. Baron Rothschild, gr s (2:41U). 174, I (196), 480. Ba rett, bR(2:25). 9, :}4, 92, 110* I 140. (461*), 491. Barrett, chg (2:58}^). (224*), 413, 802. Barry Colt. 243. Barry. 417. Barry Baldwin. 569. Harrin^rtoii Boy. br g C-i:'.i9}4). .30,* 109,- 300, V.OU). 79r, 801. Barrister, bs. 17:3. Bartlett. b c (2:5iit. (121*). 718. Barton (2:.54). (lOd). Bashaw, b k- 4-36, 711. Bashaw (2:50U,). 87. Bashaw, blk s (2:35). 275, 445, 663. Bashaw (2:49). 70. 93. Bashaw, ch s (2:44). 294, (450). Bashaw, gr g (2:.32}4). :io3, 336, 388, 443, 584. 643, 602. Bashaw, bs(2:42>4). 10.3, 207,257, 483, 557, (704). Bashaw, b g (2:45). 63, 68, 120,217, 369, 401. 421, 441, (666), 698. Bashaw, blk g, by Green's Bashaw. 23, 87. Bil Shaw B., br s. 58, 532,* 596, 038, 715. Bashaw Chief, blk s (3:15J4) (3:0414 s). 0, 255. Bashaw Chief, b s (2:47^). .32, 189, 225, :J51, 379, 474, 481, (532), 620. Bashaw Jim, gr s. ,5P2. bashaw Drury, br s (2:.36*i). 321, 416. Bashaw Girl, blk m. 64, 347. Bashaw, Jr., ch s (2:24%). (2:21*). 20.* 1 68, 270,* 336, 349, 351,* " 452, 595, 629. Bashaw, Jr. .3.33. Bashaw Maid, ch m. 112. 768. Bashaw Maid, ch m(2:30). 213,539. Bashaw Maid, br m. 120. Bashaw Maid, lilk m (2:48). 125. 141, 1.57. 505, 657. 712, 802. Bashiiw Maid (pacer). 708. Bashaw Mare. 95. Bashaw Ned. .'140. Bashaw R. 15, 30. Bashaw Prince. D s (2:55). 385. Bashawman, br s (2:36). 119. Bashaw Temple, b s. 438, 498, 563. Bashful Lib. l.'!7. Bassett's colt. .509. Bashtine, b s (2:41 >^). 60,* 407, 662. Basil, ch g. 2.54. 5lf, 047. Bassett's b m. 413. Basil Duke (Ratiler), rn u (2:28J4). 37, 66, 94, 24:l, 3(>0, 302, 395, 414. 5l:<,* 518, 604, 611, 619,* 608. Bateman, b g (2:22^). 5, ;.'5, 40, 74, 90, 01,* 1.59, 171,* 195. 199, 218, 238, 2.39,* 240, 281,* 288, 290, 298, 302, 344, 353,* 357, 385, 411, INDEX OF BEATEN HORSES. 819 424, 429, 4P.Q. 468, 490." 510, 524, 5oL', ;-()9, 598, 611, 615. 623, 641, 600, 6ti5,* 686. 692, 708. Ba' son's ch g. 24. Bathv hlk c. 728. Bath Maid. 419. Bales Eutiy. 2:J3. Bath Torm^-ntor. 343. Battery Boy, br er. 1-i. BatMe A" e, b k ( -':4'JJ4). 52, 213.* Battle 1 on- Boy. 75. Baum's In- s. 717. Battle Cre( k Billy, b p. 300, .325. Bel WD, by Liitle Mose, dam by Gen. Grant. 674. Bawiev Weaver, ch m. 406. lipxter, br g (a:lUJ4). (33). Bay, bg (2:27}^). l.">. 16, 210.282, 302,* 356, 357,* 417,42], (569), 733. Bay Abby, b in(2:45),123,308, (452), 536, 635, 665. Bay Alex., b g. 89, 397, 496. Bayard, ch s. (w2. Bayard, br g. 259, 412, 476. Bayard, 3h g (2:40). 80, 175, 209, 635, 671. Bayard, sr s(2:40^). 355. 508. Bayard (2:.31%). 49. (560). Bay Barney, u g. 71, 314. Bavard Bright, gr s (2:44i^). 91, (398), 704. Bayard Knox, b s (2:40). 186, 326. Bav Bashaw. (238), 518, 553. Bay Arthur (3:40}^). 3 53. Bay Beauty, b g (2:43). 201, 366, 437, 54 1 , 543. Bay Beauty, b s (3:03). 616.* Bay Belle, bm (2:4914). 459. Bay Belle, b m (3:05). 322, (443), 605. Bay Belle, b m. 460. Bay Ben, h g (2:3ii}4). 209, 586, 642, 682. Bay Ben, b g (2:. 3.5). .55, 64. 119, 134,* 1.55, 237, 275, 327, 460, 498, 510, 536, 599, 625, 688, 69-. Bay Betty, b m. 5. Say B.U, b g. 171, 443. Bay Bill, b g, pacer (2:3O}.0. 584. Bay Bill (2:41>^). (41). Bay Bill. J 57, 609, 729, 739. Bay Billy, b f (2:47). (432) 471. Bay BiUy. 3.;7. Bay Billy, b g (2:56). 107, 211, 215. Bay Billy. 505. Bay Billy. 175. BavBUly. (252). Bay Billy, b g (2:44). 40, 640, 704, 717. Bay Billv. 254. Bty Billv, b g. 461. Bay Billy, b g (2:40). 319, f551).* Bay Billy. 53, 742.* Bay Billv, b g (2:44). 7,57,109* 363, 537.* Bav Billy, b g (3:48). 65,* 228, 250, 294. 416, 457. 563. Bay Billy, b g (2:31). 148, 254, 656, 674. 682. Bay Billy, b g (3:01). SOO. Bay Billv, b g (2:401^). .34, 643. Bay Bilh-, b s (2:34). .356, 363, 508, 520. " Bav Bi-'lv, b s (2:3914). 68, 113, 162, (29:^), 689, 690. Eav Billy, b g {2:551^). 66, 735.* Bay Billy, b s (2:51). 738. Bav Billy, b s. 151. 191, 401. Bay Billy, b g(2:39). 25. 48, 75,297, 660. Bay Billv (2:-3i^). 45, 110, 170, 221, 273. .331. Bay Billy (2:52). 210, (392), 524, 573, 723. Bav BiUy. b g (3:04). 133, 136, 146, 193. 638. Bay BiUv. b g(2:41). (107.) Bav Billv. b g, pacer (2:14). 754, 762, 7f8, 770.* (771), 779,* 783, 784,* 785 Bav BiUy. 37, 214 800. Bay Billy. 2.59, 275, 471. Bay Bird, b m (2:37). 410 Bay l0, 047, 664,* 079. Bay Jack, b g (2:. 50). 242, 704 Bay Jap, b g. 070. Bay Jako, b g. 617. Bay Ji-nnie, b m. 202. Bay Jim, bgCJ:3.")). 70*, 80,137, 18.3, 30.5, 347, 377, 379, 449, 480, 630. Bay Jim, b g (2:40i4\ (700). Bay Jira (Quickstep ami Stewart), b g (2;:;-.'V,>. hil, 278, 400. 410, 549. Bay Jim, b g (2:47}4). 00, 101, 142(28(i'), 383, 429. 488. 508. Bay Jim, bg (2:41). 64, 147, 213, 223. 279, .351. Bay Jim, bg (2:55). 89,155, 227, Bay Jim (Rattling Dan anrl Daniel Webster), b g (2:29)4). 20.5, 474, 5.!1, 7.i9, 745. Bay Jim, b g. 326, 448, .570. Bay Ji II, b g (2:50). .^4:?, 388. Bay Jim, bg(3:00). ('^■4U). Bay Jim, pacer. 771.* Bay Jim, b g, pacer (2:21?4). 778, 78.3, 790.* Bay Jim. 60, 507, 601. 696. Bay Jira. b g. 1.50,201. Bay Jimmy, b g (3:00). 16, (.592). B»y Jimmy, b g (2:3334). 12, 119, 480, 5:;0, 578, 586. Bay Joe. b g (2:37}^). 1C6, (126), 203, 207, .584, 759. Bay Jogger, h g. 549. Bay John. 58o. Bby John, b g (2:40^). 1.57, 270, 501.010. Bay John, b g (2:47». 42, (49.5). Bay John, b g (2:41J4). 7i, 127,* (149), 311, 362,* 510. Bay John, b g (2:.31i4). 153, 154, 216,(2.31*). Bay John, bg (3:30). 157,198, 671. Bay John (2:45). 62, 69. Bay John. 73, 108, 384. Bay John, b g. 138. Bay Johnny, b g (2:50). 310. Bay Kale, b m. 62, 394, 616. Bay Kit, b m. 1 89. Bay Kitty, b m. 388, 623, 677. Bay Kitty, b ni. 18 J, 591, 076. Bay Lambert, b s, by Daniel Lam bert (2:33ki). 27, 49, yl. 1.30. 15-, 170, 261, 3U0. 398, 4-."4, (.560). Bay Len, b g. .531, 703. Bay Lillv, b m (2:40). 233,* 416, (486). Bay Lou, b m. 670. Bay Logan, b g. 41. 91, 2.30. Bay Lucy, b m. 79. Bay Mack, b g (2:57J4). (187*), 191, 224, 340. 465, 58J'. Bay May, b m. (108). Bay Magee, b g (2:.52}4). (34). Bay Mate, b m. 168. Bay Messenger, b s. 110, 644. Bay Maria, b n). 259. Bay Melton, bs. 347,496. Bay Minnie, b m. 44;<. Bay Molly, b m, pacer. 745 Bay Molly, b m. 527. Bay Mambrino, b s (2:40). (611). Bay Morgan (Hiram Drew), b n (2:.31i^). 83, (4 '3). Bay Nelly, b m. 82, 610. Bay Nelly, b m (2:45). 68, (184). Bay Nora, b m. 678. Bay Netty, bm. 68. Hay Norman. 236. Bayonne Prince, blk s (2:27)^). 153, 239, .5.37 * 544, .500. Biy Pete, b g. 467. Bay Peter, b g. .300. Bay Philip, b g. 662. Bay Polly, bm. J 85. Biy Prince, b g. 443, 642. Pay Princf, bg (2:51). 0. Bay Prince, b g (8:55). 88. Bay Pr'nco, b g (2:.37?i). 394, .500, (60.1), 799. Bay Pi i'lce. 632. Bay Prince, b g. 486.* Bay Prince (2 :.59»:i). (281). Bay rrince, b g. 351, .5.33,- (659), 696. Bay Prince, b g (2: 3S). 60,68, 181, ' 222, 262, 455. 5 .':i, .534, (602*). Bay Prince, bg(3:00). 240, (470), 588. Bay Prince, b g. 253. Bay Rattler, bg. .322. Bay Rattl.r, pacer (2:36). 7.57,* 761. BayRattUr, b g (2:35). 174. 360, 6.!(',*643, 64J. 1 Bay Richmond, b g. 178, 22.3. j Bay Rocket, b g (2:43?4). 209, (606). ; Bay Sally (Sally), b m, pacer (2:2i)). 63 1 , 7:i8, 745, 756, 757,^ 75ei, 759,* 760, 7:0,* 782,* 783, 785. Bay Sam, b g (2:44>4). 286. »'aySam, b g. .320. I Bay Sam, b g. 555. BaySam.bg. 570. Bayside, ch g. 104. Bay Simon, b g, by Hamblehawk. 670. Bay Star, b g. 63, 79, ICS. Bay Slai , b g (■::37 s). 642.* Biiy Slate, brg. 4 i, 300, 598. Bay Stae(2:.50). (6:2). Bay Stallion, b s. 278, 600, 704. Bay Stranger (Muggins),bg(2:38!><^). (30), 197, 317, 657, 714, 797, 799. Bay Stranger, b g. 503. Bay Thomas, b g, pacer. (2:36). 758, (767), 781, 783. Bay Tom. 362. Bay Tom, b g (2:59). .58, 84. Bay Tom (2:49). (242). 513. Bay Tom, b g (2:35). 191. Bay Tom, bg (2:43). 609. Bay Tom, bs (2:50). 65. Bay Tom (2:55). 51. Bay Tom, b g. 69, 298, 360, 400. Bay Tom (2:43). 334,- 630,- (068). Bay Tom, b g (2:52). 119,434, (657). I Bay Tom, b g {2:3ii}4). 144,* 376, j 585, 6.57. Bay Tom, b g, pacer (2:23). 742,* I 765,* 770. , Bay Tom, b s. 6^4, 684. I Bay Tom, pacer (2:.37i^). 684. i Bay Tom, b g. 129, 162,* 247, 458, , 742.* Bay Tom. 243. 291, 343, 514, 726. Bay Tom. 350. I Bay Tommy (3:15). 155, 163, (624). Bay Top, b g. 711. Bay Tim, b g. 68. ' Bayyiew. b g (2:461^). 483. ' Bay Vermont. 686. Bayyiew Maid, b m (2:36). 205, 338. 393. Bay Walter, b g. 404.* Bay Whalebone, bg (2:26J4). 296, (611). Bay William, b g (2:27M), by Clear Grit. 327, 437,452, (464). Bay wat< r, b g (2:38). 1 00, 1 .59, 204, 205, 257, 339, 411, 468, 560, 6cS5, 726.* 739. Bay Woodford, br s. 128, .350, 361, .5'76. B. B.,grg(2:50). 461. B. Bird. 339. B. C. Tipps, b g. 29. Beach, bs (2:54). 156. Beattie. 144. Beacon Light. 442. 475. Beard, b g. 051. 712. Beamcr. 57. Beast l^utlei-. blk s. 7.30. Beatrice, b m (2:.34«4). 243,* .596. Beatrice, b ni. 20. Beaton (2:48i/.). 23 * Beau Clay, blk s (2:5.3). (465). Bean Hill Boy. 358. Beaconsfleld, b g, by D'^an Sage, dam Cricket, by Happy Medium. 715. Beaumont. 591 . Beaumont, b s (■,:47 w. 1, by Aln^ont. 0, ;.'75,*049, 002.* Beuuthina, b m. 397, 492. Beautiful George, brg (2:45). 6,* 309, (:j24), 472,* 530, 694.* Beauty. 5'.i6. Beauty (2:50). 60, 597, (617). Beauty, b m (2.32). (234*). Beautv, bl'.v ni (2:44). 161 (701). Beauty, b m (2:39). 49, (42-.i), .527. Beauty, ch m. 22,* 388. Beauty, b g. 191. Beaux. 191. Beaver (3:0 1 1^). (.5sa). Beaver County Frank, br g 1 2:40). 9. Beaver Boy. 626. Beaverwick, b s (2:3114). 31.* 225. (388), 455. Becker Bov, b g. 312, 407, 622, 720. Becky. 518. B cky Shaip (2:.50). (619). Beck\- Sharp, blk m (2:52). 98, (1.36). Be, 312, 350. Belle (2:50). 97, 177, 3;{2. Bel e, b ra (2::i7). 279, 338. Belle, b m (2:;?8) 8]. Belle, b m c^-Al). 85 (690). Belle, blk m (2:49). 55, 03, 298,300, (:i:W*), 303,438, ()83. Belle, b m (2:44). 41, 646. Belle (Ladv Shoemaker), gr m(2:50). 74, l.">7, 173, 19G,406. Belle, b tn (2:28>4). 7, 210, 393, 443, 4S0, 48!. BeUe (2:4014). 11 , 109, 243, 356, 527. Belle, eh lu ^2:52U). 285, 300, 513, 514. Belle, b m (2:46 w.). 120, 298. BeUe. 417,438, 741. Belle, ch m (2:46%). (117), 324. Belle, hm. 155, :-0J. BeUe, ch lu (2:35i4). (116), 160, 282, 291, 291), 300, 834, 470, 503, 513, 548, 562, 616, 626, 683. Bell •- b m (2:50). 8, 19, 136, 424, 415'. 551.* Belle, blk m (2:37%). 242. 552,* 099. Belle, b m (2:.50M). 38, 81, 1«32, 257, 288, 296,319, 338,406,517,636, 696. Belle. (454*), 557. Belle, b m (2:50). (100), 239. BeU.% b m (2:39%). 33, 276, 507. Belle, b m (2:36). 152, 673, (678*). Belle, b m (2:41%). 190, 472, 538. Belle, ch m (2:51). 485.* BeUe, b m (2:41^)- i83, 160 * 363,* 615. Belle, b m, pacer (2:42}^). (741), 782,* 785. BeUe (2:571^). (.645). Belle, ch m (2:40). 31, 59, 69, 72, 255, 294, 429, 581, 73J. Belle, blk m (2:.50). 157, .330, 342, 359, 423, 534, 660, 734. Belle, brm(-':41). 168, (507') Belle, b m (2:53). (75), 313, 202, 44 1,* 071. Belle, br m (2:30J^). 107,* 330, 700, 725. Belle, ch m (3:04). 479, (055). Belle. 484. BeUe (2:50%). 240, 424, 555. Belle, gr m (2:4434). ^9. -60, 384. 483, 024, (666). Belle, blk m (2:50}4-. 240, (250), 307, H89. BfUe, b:k m (2:.)4^). 10, 157, 200, (291), 400, 532, 567, 019. 700. Belle, rn m. pacer (2:41). 134,* 016. BeUe. b m (2:411^). 480. Belle, b m (2:41J4). 94, 197, (551), 580. Belle (2:42), Oil.* BeUe. 712. BeUe, b m (2:34%). (18*), 403, 501, 590, 002, 62 1 . Belle. 65, (712). Belle. 139. :J76, 277, 645, 380. Belle. 029. Belle A , blk m (2:51). (499*), 707. Belle Andersen, b m. 572. Belle Addison. .34. Belle Air (2:50). 566,(676). Belle Arnel, br m, pacer (2:39J4). (744'. BeUe Alraont, b m. 64.* 120, 324, 438, 690.* Belle B , b Fi. 276. Belle Baker, ch m (2:35i4). 34, 599, 6.^5 BeUe Bashaw, blk m. 97. BeUe Berkeley, b m (2:38). 68, 99, 175, 309, 389. (445), 489. .591. BeUe Blanche, gr m (2:475^). 277. Belle Bowen, b m (2:591^), by Riche- lieu. 103, 120. 1.50. 1.57, 209, 205, (457). 491. 50:5. 568, 594, 009. Belle Boyd, b m (2:44). 5, (731). BeUe Boyd. (539). Belle Boyd, ch m (2:30^). 58, 102, 185, 247, 473, 5.^9. Belle Brandon. 427, 581. BeUe Brindou. 204. , BeUe Brandon, gr m (2:.33i^). 246, I 202,* 043. I Belle Brandon, b m (2:32). 32,* 36,* 48, 50, 68, 140, 211, 2.32, 273, 546, I 577, 650, 657, 666, 680. 699, 712, ! 7 >3 803 Belie 'Brandon, ch m (3:00). 128, 2.32,238, 246, 68 L. BeUe Brandon, bm (2:45i^). 177. 1S2,* 192, 388, 682, 731. BeUe Brandon, b m (3:05%). 65. BeUe Brandon, br m, by Daniel Lamberr. (283), 4.34, 026, 720. BeUe Brasflelil, b m (2:20). 0, 25, 34, 4.-., 58, 93,* 104, 105, 132, 141, 100,* 1 04,* 183. 185, 240, 25 .', 290, :331, 337. 368, :i78, 4.39, 440,* 441, 440.* 447, 463. 475. 49 ^* 493. 495,* 512, 533, (552), 580, 033, 637, 678, 699, 724. Belle Brow i, b m. by son of Mam- brino Chief, dam by Andallah. 10, 32, 109,* 140., 373, 452, 012, 086. Belle Brown, br m, by Canada Jack. 010. Belle Brown, pacer. 746. Belle Britain. 523, 599. BeUe Buckley, b m. 24, 352. Belle CaldweU, b m. 589. Belle C, ch m (2:40}^), by Red Eagle. 19, 55, 57, 65, 76, 167, 371, 102, 506, 657 Belle Cgrm. 49,146,231. Belle (janadienne. gr m (3: 10). 115, 144. BeUe Chalfant, b m (2:40i^). 58, 2.54, 519, 050. Belle Chaplin. 543. BeUe Chambers, b m(2:50). 411. 437. Belle Clark, ch m. 73, 207. .383. 705.* BeUe Clav, b m. 116.* .5-38,* 090. Belle Cleveland, b m (2:.33>^). 29, 4.39, 500, (088*). Belle CUfton. 043. Belie Clinton, b m. 285, 012. BeUe CoUier, b m. 71. Belle Collins, b m (2:37). 604. Belle Comee, b m. 27, 154. Belle Conway, b m, pacer. 760.* BeUe Cook. 5/8. Belle Corbin. 330. Belle Crab, b m. 720. BeUe Creole, pacer 734, 787, 792. Belle Crawford. 96. Belle Curtis, b m (2:3:i%). 47, 80, 419, (573*), 725.* BeUe D., b m, by Potter's Henry Clay. 545. Belle Daniels, blk m. 115. Belle Davis, ch m (2:48). 29, 271. 381. .550.* BeUe Davis, b in (2:43). (573*). Belle Dooly, ch m. 139. Belle Dayton, gr m (2:33). (85*), 112 * 135 559 Belle bean,' blk in (2:30). 27, 29, 37, 62, 92, 112, 114,* 144, 165,* 187, 195, 217, 218, 224, 838, 302,* 3.37, 357, 361,* 393, 410. 411, 443, 474, 484, 527,* 528,* 542.* 550, 564. 560, 577, 681, 693, 099, 714. Belle Dorr, bm, by Pequawket. 318, 455, 020. BeUe Drury, b m. 465. Belle Echo, b m (2:23^). 13,* (91), 166, 606.* BeUe Everett, b m. 442. Belle Ewing, b m (3:01). 391, 404. BeUo F.. b m (2:29i^), by Master- lode, dam by Magna Charta. (17), 82, 148, .392, 481, 703, 720. Belle Falls, b m (2:33). 198. Belle Fingley, gr m. 679. Belle Flower, b m (2:28^). 47, 59, 181,* 483, 529. (535). Delle Flower, b ra. 470. Belle Forrest, br m. 23, 34, 232,* 557, (586. Belle Foster, bUc m (2:46J>^). 112. 305, 42J, (442) Belle Fowler, bUc m (2:45). 57, 647, 672. 710. BeUeFuUon. 049. Belle Ford, gr m (2:37%), by Gray Fearnaught. dam by Green Jloun- tain Black Hawk. 344. (434). Belle Fry, grm. 100. Belle G , gr m (2:.34i4), by Joe Cor- bilt 199. 201, 207, 353, 379, .381, (.500), 679. Belle Gibbs. 421, ,594. Belle Gilbert, br m (2:47) (479). Belle Golddust, oh m (2:46}^). 1.55,* 259, 501. Belle Grant (2:46). (124*). Belle H . , ch m (2:24i^). 9, 12, 301, 378, 464. 471, 515, 527, 620, (701). BeUe H., br m (2:54). 76,* 159, 229. BeUe H., rn m (3:06i^). 301, (606). BeUe Hall. 275. Belle Haraill, b m, pacer, by Scott's Hiatoga (2:21). 744,* 755, 756, 761, 777. Belle Harris, b m. 137, 164, 182. I Belle HarriNon, gr m (2 :40). 104. I Belle Harding, 334, 511, 084. BeUe Hartt, ch m (3:25), by Ridge- i wood. (409). ' Belle Helene, br m, by Colley's Young Morrill, dam Poloxena, by Paddieford's Black Hawk. 371. Balle Henry, chm (2:40). 376,400, (O.'O). BeUe Hewitt, b m (2:39i^). 259,419, 725.* BeUe Hieht, ch m (2 :43). (221*), 432. Belle Horton (2:5234). 503. Belle Hudson , b m . 673 Bel le Hughes, b m (2 :5a). 47, 1 1 6 . Belle Hynds, b m. 388. B.dle Jackson, blk m (2:50). 75, .367, 462, 646. Belle Jack.son, b m. 443,657. I Belle Jenkins, pacer. 788. BeUe Jones, b ra (2:54i^). .300. Belle Jones, br m (2:5^%). 666. , Belle K. 800. BeUe Keller, b m, by son of Abdal- I lah, dam by Se trcher. 212. Belle Kimball, blk m. 669. i Belle King, b m. 413. I BeUeKnox,bm(2:34). 200,252.600. i Belle Lawrence, b m (2:28.) (182), I 508. BeUe Lee, ch m (2:.32}4). 69, 210, 216, 293, (318). 459. 483, 510.* Belie Lewis. 182. Belle Loder. 733. Belle Legacy, b m (2:54). 705. BeUe Low. ch m, by Mambrino, I dam Naughty Nan. 034. ' Belle M.. b m (2:4i!^). (187). ; Belle Mac, chm. 281,* 503, 012, 723. ' Belle Mahone, b m. 159, 109, 541. Belle Mahone, b m, pacer (2:24:]4). 741.747, 748, 765,767.769,773, 776. 789. Belle Mahone, blk m, bv Gen Knox, 3 H, 51, 181, 382, 480, 668, 704, 7.34. BeUe Mahone. 100. Belle Blahonev. b m (2:5">). v;S8 BeUe Marston, b m (2:.) I). (617). BeUe Martin (2:44). (579). Belle Martin. 225, OOO, 616. ! Belle Medium, b m, by Happy Me- dium, dam i-Jelle Vennor (2:5734)- 15, 178, 200, (o.i7). BeUe Maud, b m (2:30) 08. 14? 172, (196), 492,* 532, 641, 656. Belle Maud, blk m (3:01). 305,576. BeUe Maria. 155. BeUe McClellan, b m (2:52%). 445. Belle McClune, ch ra. 480. I Belle McNair. blk m (2:39!^). (289),* I 480, 705, 711 . I BeUe MitcbeU. 305, 822 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 315,* 13.* 719 Belle Mepihben. 38;}. Belle MoDre. T~'(), 283. Belle Moore, I) m (•,':34}4). «2, '204* 20.">, 417, 420, 430,* 49 "' ' 5G5. 671. G9S Belle Mor^'iiu. 150. Belle Morrill (2:.34i4). 52, 85, 2.")1, 326. 3."i5. (.36(3), 398, 421 Belle Morris. 184. Bel 6 Nelson, b m. 418. Be'le Noble, ch iii (2:44J4). 66, 247, 444.* (.'.OO*). 560. Belle Norman. .'i48. Belle Norwood, b m (2:46>4). (33). Bell-- O. 242. Belle Oakley, ch m (2:24M). 26, 37. 70,100,10.1, 114, 117, 121,* 13.5. 171. = 180.* 189,* 198, 217, 227,* an, 2:1. i,* 241, 268, 276, 281, .30M,* 310,* 357, 362. 367, 369. 405. 503, 523, 5 i4,* 641, 655, 666. 673, 719. Belle Onle. 3-72. 506, 800. Belle 0>mond. 1.36. Belle Owen. 256. Belle of Aberdeen, b m (2:46^. 24, 242, 247, 347, 3,50,* 438, 505, 530, .'562.* 617. (686). Belle of Allentown, b m (2:46). 44, 100, 213, 519, 690. Belle of Augusta (2:47). (440). 570. Belle of B:ins:or, blk m. 2:5, ,550. Belle of Baltimore, b m (2:30Vs). 34.* 134,* 172, 260, 395, 527, 603. 733, 795, 796. Belle of Berkshire, grm (2:4891). 7, 403, 802. Belle of Bethlehem, bm(2::31!4). 31, 39, 128, 163.* l79, 406, 492. 503. Belle of Boston, b m (2:4254). 1S2, 292, 425, 643.* Belle of Boston, blk m (2:48^; w.). 400. Belle of Bridgeport, b m. 350.* 420. Belle of Brooklyn (2:31%). 108, 142, (144). 446. 6.59. Belle of Brookville. 495. Belle of Chautauqua, b m (2:44)4). (.508). Belle of Chicago (2:31). 42, 574, 598. Belle of Chenango. 353. Belle of Clyde, br m (2:S4%. 183,* 467. Belle of Coldwater, b m (2:30m 6, 98, 243, 273, 349, 475, 479, 687. Belle of Col >rado. 772. Belle of Danl)ury, b m (2:5.3}4). (175). Belle of Denver, ch ra (2:57>4). 87, 277. Belle of Deseret. 577. Belle of Dutchess. 179. Belle of Eaton. 554. Belle of Easton (Molly Pitcher), ch m (2:41). 147, (148), 191, 237, 271,*, .307, .390, 541, 645, 698. BeUe of Fairfield, ch m (2:31^). 61, 108, 120, 1.35.* 141, 163, 19:1, 259, 276,* 369, 413, 441, 514,* 545, 09,* 631, 659. Belle of Fitchburg, b m (2:30). 186, 2.56, 25S, 308, 341, 470, (556), 651,676. Belle ot Flatbush (2:45 w.). (.501). Belle of Flatbush. 218, 279, :J68,* 396, 412, 438, 553. Belle of Frankfort, b m, pacer (2:47). 365, 730, (783). Belle of Gettysburg, br m (2:46)^). 16.3, .314, 390, 6.30. Belle of (Jleiin 364. B<-lle of Gloucester, b ra. 97. Belle of Hartford (CJochees Bell), ch m (2:36>^i. 405, 872. 727. Belle of Hartford, br m (2:41). 50, 158. 248, 2.55, 4.34, 6 M, 713. Belle of Hochlega, b m. 684. Belle of Hudson, gr m (2:44}^). (7), 116, 180, a36,* 404, 440, 462, 484, 607.* Belle of Jackson (2:57). (106). Belle of Kings, U m (2:32), by Jupi- ter Abdallali. dam Nellv Moore, by Westchester. 2 4, 2«9. :»47. (.'151*1. .590. 612, 723.* ' Belle of Lexington, cli m (2:41^). I 127,* 175, 258. (4.50) Belle of Lexington, ch m (2:265i). 18,277, . '189 Belle of Lincohi. 271, .'>89. I Belle of Lvnn. gr m (2:45). 274. I Belle of Milford. b m 94, .538. Belle of !\Ia(iuarn. 6^0. I Beile of iMerrimac (2:52>^). (395), I .555. Belle of Limekiln. .387. Belle of Midflletown (Milkmaid), b m (2:4494 "'• •• 430. 441. 445. Belle of Mohawk (3:00) 216, (730*). Belle of Moscow, br m (2:50). (608). Belle of New York. 180. 186, 466. Belle of .'Vlontreal. br m (2:37). 39. (121). 163, .'{51.490. Belle of Nashville, pacer (2:39). 7 3. Belle of Oakland (Belle the Blonde), dnm(2:42). 221,564. Belle of Narragansett. br m. 340. Belle of Natchez, br m. 760. Belle of Oleott, ch m (2:16]4. 119, 213, 335. 348, 375, 414. Belle of Oneida, ch m (2:3:5). 55, (85), 1 22, 498, 658. Belle of Orange, br m (2:4 0?^). 181, (279), 307, .'154, 377, 432, 482, 498, 502. Belle of Otsego, ch m (2:40). 57. 129, 220. 419. 473. 562, 628. Belle of Ottawa, oh m (2:45). 217, 699. Belle of Patterson, b m (2:31). 26, 6.59. Belle of Pawlet. b m (2:,37). .391, 6 1 2, fi26, (665). Belle of Philadelphia, wh m (2:3.5>. 162. 359, 509, 516. 540, 546, 697. Belle of Pot) Mac. 682. Belle of Portland (.Modesty), b m (2:26). 240, 248.* 274, 4l3, 420, 433, 549, 573. 609. 701. Belle of Providence 114, 315. 643. Belle of Potsdam, br m, by Young Dextei-(2:50). 47, .583. Belle of Queens, ch m. 7 . Belle^/f Putney, b m (2:40%). 25, 170,- 214. (-295), 549 699. 798. Bell J of Randolph, bm (2 :4oVv)- 504. Belle of Reading (2:57). (107). Belle of Richmond, b m (2-A114). 200, 214. Belle of Richfield. 506. Belle of Riverside (2:40). 120. Belle of Rockland. 1 91 . 469. Belle of Rome. 484. Belle of Saratoga, br m (2:29). 75,* 127, 226, 3.32, .334, 405, (501*), .575,* 609, 664. Belle of Saratoga, br m (2:42»4). 138, .387, 401 . (523*), 529, 593, 683. Belleof Scranton, rnm(2:41). 116. Belle of Stamford, b m (2:50). 88, 179. Belleof Shelby. 120 Belle of St. Louis, gi-m (2:40^). 379. Belle of the Springs. 461 . Belle of the West, b m (2:48»^). 52,* 265. 374, 399, 598. Belle of the West, b m (2:54>4). (255). Belle of Toronto (Lad.v Worlhing- ton), gr m (2::50). 42, 242, 386, 384, 423, 522, 611,* 624, 650,* 670,* 719, 729. Belle of Trenton (2:50%). 467, (724). Belleof Tyron'-. 358. Belle of Vermont (Ladv Snell), b m (2 : 2314)^ 57, 112, 623, 667. Belle of Vermont. 2.50. Belle of Vernon, b m (2:48U). .520. Belle of Wabash, blk m (2:40). 199. Bele of Waterburv, b m (2:40). 11 !, 2 )8. .306,* 3.30. 476, 612. Belle of Wat4). 484, r.OL Belle of Waterloo. 724. Belle (f Waukegan, ch m (2:4.5Vfi. 267, 590. Belle of \vatertown. blk m (2:321^). .56. 92. 187,* 20 1, (3:.0). 3.38 * 628, 6'n, 670, 719, 729. Belleof Wauseon. eh m. 94, '.'27. Belle of Wildwood, b m (2:38). (167), 362, 467, 473. 601. BeUe of Worcester (Lady Rusepx) ch m (2:32J^). 26. (48*), .5(i. 2i9. 268,* :508,* 32S, .397, 462, 526. .538, .5.50. .574,* 701, 704. Belle P. 633. Belle Patterson, b m (2:.59). 715. Belle Pierce. 5 (8. 712. Belle Ph mips. 187,623. Belle Porter (^:47). 34, 90, ia5, 38S, 5.53, 69.-. Belle Powers, blk m ( ?:.38). 13.* 82. (406). 67.3, 674. Belle Putney. 309, .348, 41 5. Belle R.,grm. 482. Belle R., h 1.1. 419. Belle R.,b m (2::52K-i. (27-), 291. 499, .529, 734. Belle R., blk m, by Blumberg's Bashaw. 110. Belle Rapid. 665. Belle Ray (Dextress), b m ( :.36V<. 5*0. Belle S.TUnders. 716. Belle Shackett, eli m (2:27U). 79, 116,* 189. 342. 391,^^ 393, 644, 700,* 723. Belle Savage. 44S, 552. Belle Sherman, b m (2:44). 48,i, (729). BeUe Smith (Ida) ch ra (2:29). 37, 77, 130,* 186 -29,* 35-;, 415, 447, 523,*6t2, 7.3:i. Belle Srailh. br m (2:40). 592, 667,* 697. Belle Spencer, b m (2:2714). 237, 241', 660, 689,* 720. Belle Stevens (2:51 ). (458). Belle Sti inger. 177, 466. Belle Strickland, ch ra(2:26). 137, 161, 185, 317, .'320. 3->4. 403. .543.* 575,* 6.59, 709, 797,798,* 801. Belie .-^trideaway, br m (2:48). 19,* 138, 2.52, (423). Belle Trust, ch ra. 428. Belle Taylor. 56, 70, 716, 797. Belle Temple, b m (2:45). 291, 499, .569. Belle the Blonde (Belle ©f Oakland), hr m (2:42). 455. BeUeview, gr g (2:42K^). 76, 135, 406,419,655,(670). BellevHe Boy, ch g (2:38) 8. 25, 233, (249), 271, 279, 351, 455, 621. 6.50, 700.* Believue Maid, (2:.55). (138). 187. Belle Wakefield. 6S9. Belle W., pacer (2::i3i^). 198, (757), 783. Belle West (pacer). 752. Belle Whelari. 586. Belle Wildair, b m (2:55). 8, 232, 278, 408, 420, 5).5, 718. Belle Wilkes. 490. Belle Willis, pacer. 757. Belle Wilson, b m (2:45). 8. 483. Belle Wilson, b m (2:24J4). (458*), .506. 754. Belle Winter. 176. Belle Woods. 713. Bille Woster. 184. Bellews h m. 392. Bellfounder. 444. Bellfounder. br s (2:45). 706,* 710. Bcllfoun.ler. 3S2, 708 Bellfounder, br s (:5:03). 557, 861. Belirounder, (2::54'4i. (601), 6f)3. Bellfounder. 187, 2o5,* 288, 403. Bellinj^er's b s. 184. Beiynger. 629. INDEX OF BEATEN HORSES. 823 Bellone, bm (2:40). (15), 170, 261, 474, 568. Beelzebub, b g. 287. Beelzebub, pacer. 791. BellKinger.bg (2:41%), (2:36i^*). 148, 291, 624. Bell Itiufjer, b sC3:.37U). 23, 647. Bellwood, b s (-:.".4%). 163,* 198, 428, o66 * Bellow's b s. 6:i.* Belmont, ch g (-•:.39). (310), 390, 478. .5.52. Belmont. 453. Belmont grg. 22, r)8, 449, 725. Belmont, bg(2-.'30i/>). 220.* Belmont, gr s (2:T;7J^). 278, 474, 478,* (674*). Belmont, o g. 179, 475.* Belmont, pacer. 660. Belmont Chief. 4u'. Belmont Maid, b m (2:55)4). *^i (306). Belmont Patchen. 114. Belmont Pilot, m g (2:43^)- 116, L'.3.i, 260.-341,601. Belmont Prince, b s (2:33}4). 112,* 1 19, 307. ;>53. Belton Raid, gr m. 90, 361. Belvidere. ch g(2:53). 800. Belvjdere, b g (2:4IJ^). 460. Belvidere Girl. 489. " Belvidere Prince, b g, by Hamble- tonian Prince. 442. Bemis, gr g (■.':57i^) (erroneously given 2:57, page 5:^). 352. Ben, b g. 267, 454. Ben, bg(-:':.58'^). 138. Ben(2:43i/>)- 200,319,380,498* Ben, b g (2:55). 14,* 82, 425,* 800 Ben, b e {2:5-iy»). 2.31, 236, 309, 801. Ben, br g (2:36i^). (87*), 166, 182, 342, 425, 539. 585. Be n , ch g (2 : 46). 105, 276, 366, 377, (4.-6) Ben , ch g (2 : 55). 252, 476, 488 , 699. Ben, gr g (2:. 55). 119, 150 Ben, b k (2:48 w). 181, 296, 340, 465, 4S6. Ben, blk s (2:40;^). 51, 90, 163, 200, 458, 491, 558. 657. Ben, ch g (3:C0) 98, 225. Ben, blk s (2:44). 82, 307, 367, (454), 658. Ben, bs. 62, t97. Benaid. 4'.iO. Ben Allen, blk s (2:36). (445). Ben Allen. 28. Ben B.,bg(2:.30). 382. Ben Baker. 240. Ben Baitlett. 101. Ben Bashaw, br s (2:50J^). 112. (177), 686,722. Ben Bishop. 654. Ben Bolt, b g (2:40J^). 155, 254, 482, 695,* 750.* Ben Bolt, gr g (2:43). 477. Ben Bolt, b g (2:43). 206, 207, 261, 322. 346. Ben Bolt, gr g, pacer (2:35). 742, (750*), 751. Ben Bolt, b g (2:49). 333, 427, 443. Ben Bolt, blk s. 377. Ben Bolt (2:.37). (172). Ben Bolt. 359, -5X6. Ben Bruce. 429,* 537, 684. Ben Butler, b g (2:50). (97*), 285, 348, .535. Ben Butler, ch g (2:39}^). (364), 409. Ben Butler, ch g (2:44^). 143, (465), .536, 570. Ben Butler, ch g (2:43^). Ill,* 4.54. 600. Ben Butler, b g (2:37). 352, 389, 719. Ben Butler, ch g (2:55). 112, 233, 374, .390, 534, 604. Ben Butler, br g, pacer (2:1954^. 736, 749,* 753, 761, 762. 767,* 773,* 774* Ben Butler, b s, pacer (3:27%). 532, (746), 773, 781. Ben Butler, bs, pacer (2:331^) (746). Ben Butler, br g. 65. j Ben Butler, b g (2:55). (331), 733. I Bender. 14. Ben Cummings, ch s. 387. 474. Bendigo, b g (2-49V^ w). (169). 636. ' Bendigo, blk g (2:45). 418, 546. 713. Bendigo, br e (2:47%) 279. (.57('), 613. ' Ben Dolau (2:46%) v705). Ben D. Patchen. 21. Ben F., ch g. 52, 174, 341. 580,*640. Ben F Allen, dn s (2:57). Ben Fish, ch g. racer(2:.35i4). 781. ■ Ben Fisher, b g (3:011^). 64. 634. Ben Flagler, pr g (2:26i^). 79, 122, 139, 14H, 247, ■ :.G7,*349, 384,417, 4U6. .■.30, 537, 729. Ben Follett, blk g (■.■:47). (659). Ben Franklin. 574. Ben Franklin. 77. Ben Franklin, grg (2:43 s). 187,587. BenFranklin.blkg(2:34^). 69,441. Ben Franklin, b s (2:44i4). 15, 27, 128, 822. Ben Franklin, b g (2:55%). 108, 360. ! Ben Franl iin, blk g. H8. 5:;3. ' Ben Fi-anklin, ch s (2:29). 205, 031. ' Ben Franklin, gr g, by Idol. 8, ill, , 515,577,638. Ben franklin. 452. Ben Franklin. 57,396. Ben G.. ch g (2:46). (44), 4C6. Benhadad. 458. Ben Hamilton, bg, pacer (2:16J4). 86. 737,* 740, 745, 746,* 754, 755, 762, 705, 768,* 769, 770,* 771,* 779, 781,(784), 785. Benham (2:42%). 309, (310), 628. Be 1 Harper (Lookout), chg(2:31) 129, 263, 273, 383, 393, 464. Ben Higdon, ch g, pacer (2:37). 76,*109, 351.*497, 776. Ben Hill, blk s (2:51). (16), 212, 616. BenHulick. 276. Ben Huxton. 512. Ben J. .396,406, 542. Benjamin. 153. Benjamin. 265. Be licia Bov, rn g (2:39). 28, 228, 281, 42,3, '470, 548, 562, 570,604, 651, 676. BeniciaBoy. 603. Benicia Boy, pacer. 763. Ben Johnson (pacer). 752. 758, 761, 763. 767,* 788. Benjamin Franklin (2:40). (61). Ben Lyman 763. Ben Knox, blk g. 240. Ben Lomond, pacer (2:41i^). 41, (739*), 745, 77-', 776. Ben Lomond, Jr., ch s (2:32), by Ben Lomond, dam by Morgan Sumpter. 492, 586. Benlomee, blk s. 248. Ben Lyon, b g (2:50). 27, 43, 67,* 176, 178,* 349, 377, 389, 4C6, 498, 612. Ben Mace, b g. 302. Ben McClellan, ch g (2:.30). 94, (142), 147, 187, 310, 441, 656, 657.* Ben Mudgett. 565. Ben Montague, chg (3:00). 343,389, 523. Ben Morrill, b s (2:27). 105, 153, 184, 187, 207, 211, 236, 357, 405, 420, 528. Bennett's b ra (2:511^). 165, 544. Bennett's b g. 531. Benny, pacer. 759. Benny's blk m. 134. Benny, blk g (2:63). 329, (449). Benny, ch s. 94, 716. Benny, grg, pacer, by Goodnaught. 780. Benny. 739. Benny. 228 390. Benny B., b g (3:35). (87), 460. Benny B., blk s (3:00). 18, 66, 128, 652. Benny Cook. 11.* Benny L. 326. Benny McGovem. 586. Ben Patchen, gr s (2:41)4), by Bur- lington. (5)4). Ben Pelham. 279. Ben Rider, b g (3:04). (257). Ben Riyht. b s. 346. Ben Rodenhouse, bg. 304. Ben Rogers (2:.55). (45). Ben Ru: sell. 272. Beu8.,cbg(3:02). (505). Ben Sanford. 498. Ben Snatcher. rn g. 103. Ben Scott (pacer). 765. Ben Shai-p, brg (2:41)4). 255,* (60.3). Ben Smith, gr g (2:27). 6, 8,* 11,* 17, 19, 32, l;)3, 134,* 157. 164, 173, 215,* 218, 235, 2.56, 2.59,271, K75, 308, 387. 390, 4l4, 4-:4, 446, 459, 506, 527. 592, 010, 623, 638, 647, 665,* 679, 690, 703, 713, 732. Ben Stevens. li.<. BeoSiarrfN. B. Palmer and Lex- ington), bg(2:30}4) (2:2954 s). .54, 79. 89, 92,* 114,* 197,* 211, 215, 221, 2.58, 362, 389.* 396, 677, 660, 695, 729. Ben Starr, b g (2:29}4). 240, ;;76, 383, ,503,* 519, (^54. Benn Stai-r (pacei"). 754. Ben Streator, ch g (2:52). 802. Ben Swaggard, ch g (3:00). 577. Ben Swift, b g (2:58). (.505). Ben Taylor, ch s (2:45%). 263, 458. Bentley's Roan, rn m (2:45). 289. Benton, b g. 519. Benton, gr g, pacer. 778. Ben Wade, br g (2:40). 68, 203, 421, .598, 614. Ben Waae, pacer. 756. Ben Watson, ch g (2:50). (155), 116,* .338. Ben Waterman. 654. Ben Wheeler. 350. Ben White. 375. Ben Wright. 351. Ben Wilde, blk s (2:44)^) 437, 458. Benzil Cummins, ch s. 95. Ben VVood,bs(2:38!^). 101.5.59,607. Ben Young. 50, .394, 526, 677. Bep (Beppo and John VV. Cunley), bg (2:24)4). 133, 558,670. Beppo, ch g (2:28 s). (426*). Beppo. ch s (2:41) 397, 409, 540.* Beppo, pacer. 781. Beppo, b s (3:f 0). (84), 136. Beppo, ch g (2-59). (371). Berdel Prince, b s, by Volunteer, dam Lightfoot. 3:0, 499. Bergen, bs(2:41^i. 41, 108, 187. Berkeley, ch g (2:41%). (70), .356, 671. Berenice. 68(). Berkeley Boy, rn g (2:36%). 383, 487, 619,* 686. Berkie, b s, by Anthony Wayne, dam Ella, by Ringmaster. 107, 0.36. (797). Berkshire, b s (2:54^)- 137. 183, 225, 266, 319, 552, 597, 627, 643, 679. Berkshire Belle, gr m (2:45). (374), 802 Berkshire Boy, ch g (2:39J4 w). 1 1 2 * 515 522. 529. Berkshire Boy ,"br'g' (2:31). 35, 86, 109,* 204, 242, 268, 366, 384*. 401,* 403. 441, 484, 485,* 493, 533, 536, 645, 665. Berkshire Girl (2:50). .582. (689). Berkshire Girl, br m, bv Dolan. 82, 454, 570. Berlui, b g (2:42)4). 289, 296, 423, 648,* 692, 694 Berlin Boy (3:04)4). (451), 601. Barnard. 266. Bernard (2:60%). (400). Bernard, bg (2:40^). 321,(440). Berna. 648. Berri. 315. Berrys. b g (2:41}^). 717. 824 CHESTER'S COMPLETiS TKOTTINO AND PACINO RECORD. Berrys, b m. (i"0. B.-it, blk ti (2:50). (105j, iGO, 612. Beit. oi7. Bi-niiilt. ;{30. Beriraml. 1>0S. Boilha, blk m ( J::):}). 289, 418, (481), 717. Ben ha, h m (:i:03^), by Hotspur, Jr., dum bv J.-), 322, 480,* 70 J. Bei i:ia Clay, blk m (•.':33). (149*), 2«:i, <;97, 4!)."., 581.*731. Bertha T , b m ( : 18;. (;J07). Benie. Kr m (2:. 7). 11, 4a. 132,* 147, 171, 2 M, : 49, 2!,8, 308, 42.>, 450, 512, 554, 503, 5ftG,* 590. Beitie, cam (:j:50}4). 12,3.59,389, (Ov7). Bertie Ann, cli m. 358. BeititiBliun. 057. Bertie C. 7 ).3. Bertie C, b lu. 134. Ber ie Clay, b s, by Strader's C. M. C ay, Jr., dam iloiu, by Piioi, Jr. 4 0. Bei Lie Girl, br m (2:37J4). 007. Ber.ie Holmes 407. Bertie S., bik m, by tJreen's Bashaw. Ii7, 2v;4,*3..0, 452. Ber.race. b m (2:27J6)- (88), 246, •~ 8, 3-.'4. 4-J8. i>t:i, 647,* 7iO. B^i\i>xm, by Dictatoi-, dam the Baich mare, by Brown Pilot. 7u. Bertram. -93. Beiiraud, b s. by Kentucky Clay, dam by .Mami)riUO - liicf. 13 . Beit Slieldou, lir y (2:35). 1 v ;C66, (556). B-iyl, ch m (2-AOy^i. 12.3, lOG, 481. Berwick. 377. i Berwick Bulle. 721. Berwick Boy. 149. Bfss. b g. i 8G. I Bess, brm (2:31). 290. Bess," rn m'(3:00). 201. 397. Bess, blK m (2:4ii^. 7, 81, 211. Bess, blk ni (2:jS). 217. Bess, bm(2:37). 720. Bess, lilk ni (,.•:. '>4). (470). Be.-.s (3:01). (OUS). Bess, frr in, by Black Basbaw. 7, •^79, 344. Bess, b m. 4C!3. Be.-iSie. 354. Bessie, b m (2:54 s.). 216, 799. Bessie. 588. Bessie, b m (2:.34). 175, 201, 218, (203*), 277, 208,* 436, 507, 523, 559. 031, 0..3, 6oo,*,693.* Bes.sie, b m. 334. Bessie, b m (2:4'^). 417. 1 Bessie (Sleejiy Mary), pr m (2:34V^). 16, 123, l;i4,* 141, 212, 4.32, 469, 647. Bessie, ch m (2:43). 42, 82, 1.54, 167, 247, 28H,* 319, 375. Bessi.-, brm(2:31->4;. (130), 289, 291, i 402, 573, 720. Bessie, i) m (2:5.5J^ w.) (erroneously j given 2:45>i^ w., page 57). 74 > . Bessie, ch m (2:35J4), by Blue Bull, i 422 590 Bessie (2:49). 410. (589). Bessie, blk m. JiHi). I He8sie(2:40^). ^0, 499, 528, (689). Bessie, b m. 4.S0.* ' B(>ssie, b m. 92, 430. i Bessie. 170, 205, 372, 435, 577, 735, B.-ssie B. (I Guess So), brm (•J:4i)U). " ^ i.sst, (;.;90), , _J7. iVJi. ijl8. ■ Bessie B. 043. 84, J4, 66, 89, 243, 259,- 2! m,* 433, 437, 472, 518, 015, 062, issie B. 043. iiessie B., gr m (2:39fi) (erroneously I printed 2:3"> , p: 401,* 502, 577, ObO. Bessie Bell. 4 «, 681. bossie B amble (3:10). 445.* 511. Bessie Brown, br ni, pacer. 344, 738. Bessie C, b m. 265. Bessie Dean. 17. Bessie G.. rn m, by Contraband. .=S00, 717 Bessie Gay, b m. 490. Bessie Gray. 102. Bessie Golddust, b m (2:41J4). 140. Bes-ieH., l.lkiu(.:4.'>>. 218, 3i2,412. Bessie H., b m (:i:42y4). 4S5, (665*), Oiti.* Bessie Hall, b m. 5.5. BessI ! Kolbrook, ch m (2:45). I'fl,* 130, 206, 22 -', ;j54, 354, 3j7, 035, 68;j, 7(2,71(5. Bessie Hunt, 1.1km (2:44). 195,* 4.30. Bessie Kn^^x, blk in, by Gei:. Knox, dam by the Crum'net Horse. 509. Be.s.sie M., am (2: 40}.^). 16,304,(559). Bessie ii., b m, pacer (2:2i). 752, 762,^ 768, 777,* 778,* 780,* 790.* i essie Mills. 615. Bessie >ieal. 229, 615. Bessie Q. 533. Bes-ie Shaw, b m (2:40). 308,* 315, 3.;5, 423, 427, 521, 567, 601, 712, 7iO. Be sie Sheridan, blk t;i (2:.39^) (er- I loneouslv printed 2:34, page 57), by Piiil Sheridan. 80. Be.-sieT.,bm. 341. Bessie Thorn. 178. Bessie Thorn, blk m. 285. Bessie Turner. 199, 364, .5.37, 741. Be.ssie Tm-nei , blk m (2:56^). 117, 094. Bes.sie Turner, b m (2:30^). 67, 77, 154, 387, 421, 508, 539 5s5, GSO. Bessie Turner, rnni (3:00i^). 71, 145, 4.)3, 0U5, (UIO), 622. Bessie W., b m. 70, 123, .323, 707. Bessie W. 00 1. Bessie Whitney. 303. Bessie Wilkes, blk m (2:39}4). (167). Best, blk s. 1 7U, 374. Best lorn. 682. Betsv, b lu (2:47). 84. Betsy, blk m (2::i9). 85, 361, (627). Betsy, blk ni (3:00). 729. Betsy, (.•:40). (330). Betsy, (-:47). (572). Betsy. 273. Betsy (2:56). (98). Betsy, b m. 002* Betsy, br ra. 495. Betsy, b m. 100, 511. Betsy, b m. 385. Betsy, pacer. 754. Betsy, gr m. 141,492. Betsy, b m. 429. Beisy, b m, by Hamlet. 323. Betsy, ch m. 274. Betsy Ann, ch m (2:28). 13, 39, 47, 86,* 143, 167, 171, 180.* 204, 225, (230*), '^97, 351, 378, 379, 440, 44 <, 464, 479, 502,* 504, 525.* 625, 667,* 721. Betsy Ann, br m (3:02). (156), 293. Betsv B., blk m. 317, 374. Betsy Baker, b m (2:431^ s). 89, 418, 587, 082. Betsy Baker (Lady riercel, b m (2:4j). 20:i. Betsy Baker, D m (2:40Ji). 11, 465, (.505), 724. Betsy Balier, blk m. 135, (243J. Betsy Baker (:t:()0). 641. Betsy Baker, rn m. 261. Betsy Bell, blk m. 293. Betsy Best, br m (2:42). 116, 261, 27.1, (571), 710. Betsy Bobbitt. ;!49, 679. Betsy Bump, br m (2:31). 67, 105, a51, 424, 484, .5,51. Betsy F., br m (2:49^). (59). Betsy H. 448. Betsy Jane. .5:?4, .'88. Be>sy King, blk m (2:4.5). :301. 521, Of) 1 , 793: Bet y Poi-t (■.':45). (50 "). Betsy Trotwood, ch in . 124. 297. Brtsy Wilcox, l« Ml. 95, .5:14, .588. Betty, f.rm. 307. Betty. 7!>9. Betty, gr ni (2:. 54). 225, .307. Betty (2:40). 40. 490, .51i',712,723. Betty (Flicker), gr m (2:55). '128*). Betty. 607. Bettv, pacer. 761. Betty Aim. 91. Betty Bashaw. 37. liftty Bell, b m (2:48^^ w.). (4;J7). Betty Ciiorister. 64. Betty Hayes, i> m. 530, 713. BettvLawrencH. 237. Betty Wartiu, bm. 1C7. Betty Rlitehell, b m. 40. 2:5Si, 48.3. Betty Nichols, rn m. 3 j7, 6iH, 089. Betty Ward (2:39). (^28). Better. 534. Bets. 26. Beulah, b m (2:41) (erroneously printed 2:31}^, page 58). ;i33 417, 667. Beulah. b m (2:31V^). 46, 90, 125, (170*), 199, 23', 2.32, 2:-7, 281, 355, 38.3. 416, 4.9, 551, 63.,* 645, 666,* 676, 705. Beulah. gr m (2:551.^). 125, 186* Beulah, bm(2:.31i4). 50, 121. 138 284, .328, (409*), 686. Beulah. 90. Beulah W. 210. B. F. Allen, du s (2:57). 544. B. F. Brui e, gr g (2::<.5). ai,"^ 23.3, 2.37. 290,* 361. B. F. Sluy. 192. Berins, pr m. 690. B.H.,chg (2:431^). 398. Biaiica. b ra, by Hambleionian,dam by Roe's Abdallah Chief. 284, 502, 622. Bibo. 488. BiCL-ps, bs.by Walthira,dim Daisy, by Wiiljerell i'.c^senger. • Hi Bickford, du g (2:29>-4>. 91, 207.* 264,513.* Biddy, b m (2:54}^a) . 67, 285, 341, 344, 604. Biddy Brick, b m (2:47). (57C). Biddy Lynch. 6-.-'l. Biddy Ma^ee (3:05). (719). Biddy .MeCann. 737. Biddy O'RaflEerty. 627. Biddy Toole. 178. Bid Qixge (2:51J4). 11, 53. 95, 230, 542, 627. 735. Bid Gage. 567. Big Black, blk s (2:40). 21.* 490. Big Brown Jug, br g, pacer, 745, 709 773.* Big Charley, ch g. 171. Big Chief, blk g (3:05). (118), 492, 723. Big Dan (3:11). (307), 3-'5. Big Ed. 511, .571. Big Fellow, brg (2:2.3i^). 1.3, 17, (92), 114. 172, * 18:3, 189, 21',', 2.59, 272, 290, .301, 357, 405, 465. 534, 612,* 649. 671. 68(5. 713, 723.* Big Fellow, br g. 53. Big Fellow (2:50). 169, .237, (385), 490. Big Fellow, b g. 544. Big Foot, I) g (2:33), by Little Mack. 7,* 126, 131, 144, (209), 475, 524, 5:.'9, 658, 660. Big Frank (2:48). 162,636. Biggar's ch m. 672. Big George, ch g (2:54). (162*), 679. Big Gill. 4fi9. Big Ike, grg (2:29>4). 9, 14, 13.3, •291, (380). 388. 45S. 554, 5S3, 704. Big Jake, chg (2:41 U). 366. Biir Jim (2:45. (ll()i. 190, 369,550, 5:2. I Big John, b g {2:24^). 46, '^29, 230 (303), 572, 688, 694. Biff John, bg (2:45). 17, 183, 60S. 738.* Big Julin, b m. 353. Big Kate. l-'O. Big King, b g. 264.* Big-Legged Jack, b s, pacer, (2:351^) 737, 781.* Big Knee Jim. l."7, 216.* Big Lize,bm (2:24^). 16,* (27*), 40, 461, 482.* C96. Big Maolc, gr g (2:46^V 363. Big Marv (Mary), b m (2:341^). 163, 318, ^84, 500" B:g Musan (Tom Hyde) ch g (2:47i4)- 6H, 610 Big viedicine. bg(2:49J4)- 22, 4o':. Big Kapid. 4r3. Big Sam. c:i g, pacer (2:32J4). 747, 769,791. Big 8andi', m g, pacer. 759. Big Sandy, ch g. o05. Big Soap, b g (2:23). 6, 91,122, l-?0, 14.4, 140. 15:i,* 164,* 16o, 183, J 96, 216, 259, 362, 379, 380, 437, 442,* 4.2, 463, iS07, 512, 531, 556, 56»,* 601, 608. 622, 623. 635, 649, 703, 704, 717, 718. 719. Big Sorrel, eh g. 689. Big Southern, b g. 43, 341. Big Steve (2:.>6). (195) . Big Sugar, b g (2:51^. (263), 655, 671. Big Thunder (2:50). 90, (561), 706. Big Tom, blk g (2:35i4). 660, (729*) Big Tom, br g (2:40) (erroneously given 2:42, page 60). 39, (187), 213. :!26. Big Western. 412. Big Wonder. 600. Bildad, iug. 447. Bijou, wh m. 61, 661. RiU. 559. Bill (Anodyne and Honest Bill), ch g (2:25). 82. Bill, gr g (3:00). 3."7. Lill, blk g (2:45). 420, 793. Bill, b g. 394.* BUI (3:00). 317,644,801. Bill, bs(2:43»4). 407,022,648. 56. 342, 526. 53, (.,88). 783. BiU, bg. 794. BUI, b g (2:461^). Bill, ch g (2:57). Bill. 6. Bill. 562. BiU. 4b, 180, 597. Bill, bg. 54,157,273. BUI.bg. 83. Bill Allen, b g, pacer. BUI Ai-p. 541. BiU Arlington. 739.* BUI Aiken. 739. Bill Berry. 519. Bill Barney. i;33. Bill Baker, b g . 203, 445. Bill narn-y, b g. 389. Bill Buckles. 362. BUI Carney. 746. BUI Campbell, gr g (2:45Ji). 45. B:U Chandler. 656. Bill Cock. 554. Bill Conway. 177, 734. BUI Daniels. 254. BUI Davis (2:481^). (141). Bill Dickernian. 803. Bill DonneUy. 429 BUI Draney, gr g (2:50). (191*), 541. BUI Duncan, cli g. 472, 608, 6:J4, 663. BiU Ed, br g (2:2S). 26. 112, 194,* 266, 268, .^10, 347, 468,* 556,* 560, 561, 6.52, 6S6. 794, 796. BUI Farmer. 23 3. Bill Field, b g (3:05). 549.* BiU Findlay, b g (2:45), by Ericsson. (379). BUI Ford. 89. Bill Greet b g. 103. BUliards, blk g (2:43). (396). Bill's Gray Colt. 120. INDEX OF BEATEN HORSES. Bill Har v. blk g. 496.* BillH(/ndricksou(::46;^). (640). BUI Ilodgi , pacer. (78.j). BiU Jackson, 1) g (2:311^). 176, 186, I 21 1,* 214, 309, 52(>, 6u7, 661, 684, I 705,* 7. a. Bill Johnson. C9 BUi K. .371. Bill Lewis. 258. Bill ) ewit, gr s, pacer (2:39). 739, (775). Bill Lampton, pacer. 768, 776. BHl Parkes. Ii7. BUI ' cLaughHn, bg(2:41»4) 11,* (4"), 58. 74, 242, 479, 527, 538, Bill Moody, b g. 26, 453. Bill Myers, tjrg, pactr. 4i , 748.* Bill Nolan, blk g ( .:40). 297. Bill K'atchen. 327, 360. Bill Paxton. 87, 273, 372, 406, 657. Bill Pool. 74. Bi'l Rainsford, b g (2:561^). (348). BUI Rcdifler, b e. 353. Bill Sqmretoes. 24. Bill See. 197. Bill Schillman. 1E9. Bill Sljerman. 45. Bill Taylor, b g(2:57), 77, 643, (655). Hill Temple (2:48). (482). Bill rnody. 68. BiU Thunder, b g (2:25). 656, 714. PiU I weed, bg(2:47). 90. BillWellman. 446.* Bill Wellington, gr s, by Duke of "Weliicgton. 422, 607. BiU White, pacer (2:30). (768), 787. Bill Wilson. 227. BUI Wofnl (2:4-;). (13), 47. BUI Zofif, pacer. 749. BUIy(2:5ts). (617). BUiy, gr tf (2:.32 s.). 197,681. Billy, chg (2:30). 61, (283). Billy (Gen. Grant), ch g (2:38). 171. Billy, bs (2:30 5'). 85. BU y, br g (2:48%). 45, 477. BiUy, gr g (2:35>^). 225, (257), 347, 403, 497, 703. Billy, b g (2:4:2%). 548, 700. Billy (Ace of Diamonds), b g (2:43J4)- 48, 2yj, 318, 379, 617, BiUy, chg (2:4314). 98, 148, 220, 437, 800. BiUy, b g (2:49). 157,211,300,606, 674 BiUy, b g (2:5614). 263, 627, 801. BiUy, chg (2:.56). 22. BUly, b s (•^':37). 121, 129, 656. BiUy (Mambrino Walker), (2:38^)- 44, 474. BiUy, b g. 179,* 434. Bidy,whg (2:5414). 525, (611), 666. BiUy, b g (2 : 33%). 62, (414). BiUy (3:44%). (163), 243. Billy, ch g (2:44). 15, (90), 200, 311. BUly (-2:49^4). 5.3,289. BiUy. 273,662. BiUy, gr g (2:39^). 232, (437), 800. BiUy (3:00). aS. Billy, blk s (2:.36i^). 135,185,221, 294. 409, (5.59), 576,* 606. BiUy, b g (2:39). 48,* 125, 250, 314, 347, 803. BiUy, b g (2:48^). 53, 57, 121, 158, 459, 469, 554, 600. 646. BOly, bg(2:34). .38,64. BUly, bg(2:40). 40, (100*), 113, 1J6, 121,* 124,* 158, 232, 404, 468, 643, 702, 729. BUly, br g (2:50). 240, 2P2, 697. BUly, br g (3:00). 170, .377. Billy, or g (2:29i4). 47, 471.* BiUy, b g (2:.50). 88, 211, 653. Billy, brg, pacer (2:27). 748,778,* 784, 789, 791. Billy, brg (3: 1.3;^). 273. BiUy, br g (2:48^). 307, 504, 541.* BUly, brg (3:(.0). 220, 362, 406,* (494), 506. BUly, b g, pacer (2:45). (482), 655, 764. 825 BUly bUi s (2:43%). 39, 94, 195, 380. BUly. BUly, br g (2:311^). 16-', 348, 411, 507, 694.* Billy, brg (2:41). (7), 145,218,441. 513, 577, 612. BUly, b g (2 :50). 233, 449. Billy, bg (3:00). 2J 1.443. BUly ch g (2 :56). 528, 530. BUlv, ohg(2:.39i^), (702). Billy, b z- 297, 599, 6o9, 639. BrUy, pacer (2:41^). 20,304,394, (558), 576, 643, 698, 793. Pilly, bg. 449. Billy bg(2:53M). 6,(61*). BUly. (794). BUly, b g, pacer (2 :37V^). 7G3. Billy (2::i734). 40.3.410, 425. Billy, brg(2:44i^i). 126.* 149,2.38, (391). Billy. (283*). Billy, bg. 481. BUly, b s (2:44). 179, 441, (513), 556. BiUy, b g pacer (2:38^). 448, 655. BiUy, b g (2:51%). (289), 590. Billy. 713. Billy. 88, 660. BUly. 360. Billy (2:59). l30. bUly. 300, ::63, 492, 504. BUly (2:42). 02, 107, 123, 203, 205,* -482, 311. BUly. 51, 377, 414, 435, 669 BiUy, b g (2:38). 78, 183, 270, 287, 342,350,(474). BUly. 605. BUly , ch g (2 :52i^). 196, 311 , 31 8, 351. BUly. 703, 800. BilIy,bs(2:44J4). (398). BUly, pacer. 744, 789. Billy, gr g by Bayard (3 ;03i^). 179, (503). BiUy. 436. HiJly. 23, 58, 330, 684. Billy. 608, 619. BUly. 42. BUly A 668. BiUy Acorn, ch s. 71. BUly Allen, pacer. 776. Billy Allen, b g (2:46). 45, (.554), 647. BiUy Anderson,b g, pacer, by Harry Scott. 754. Billy Aldrich. 707. Billy B. 410, 480. ~ ■■ ~ 796. gr g (2:361^) BiUy B BiUy B 466. BUly B 65, (67), 77, 32, 76, 119, b g (2:33>^). 167, 190, (522). Billy B. 634, 741. Billy B., (3:20). 42,* 204,* 497. Billy B.. b g (2:41). 202, 333,* 406, 410, 480, 504.* BiUy B., b g. 225, 287. 343, 410, 536. Billy Bacchus. 214.* Billy Badeye, b g (2:29^). 193, 270, 492, 523, 635, 649,* 655,* 683. Billy Barber, b g (2:51). 624. BiUy Barker. 102. BUly Barefoot (liick), blk g(2:28i^). 30,74, 111, 16.5.* 191, 221, 266, 276, 28 1 , 367, (400*), 413, 449,* 517,* 564. 598, 637,* 652,* 659, 660. BiUy Barefoot, b g (3:17) (errone- ously given 3 :37, page (i2). 596 . BiUy Barlow, blk g (2:37i4). (62). Billy Bunt, bg (2:45}^). (240). BiUy Burch. 4 1 0. Billy Burr (John Holmes, Jr.), b g (2:29U). 19, ni, 184, 192, 196, 20(i, 209. 227,* 364, 369, 42?'. 429, 478, (550), .598, 063, 672. Billy burton. 05, 192. Bill , Push. 279. Billy Bush. 512, G26. Billy lUitcher. 173. Billy Butler. 143, 396. Billy Butler (2:50). (539). Billy Button (2:45). 95, 110, 223, 4(i9, (432). Billy Button, bg (2:43%). 506. Billy Button, br s (2:40). 279, 495. Billy Button. 212. BUly Button, rn g (2:52). 147. Billy Button. 47.', r,ryl. Billy Button. 1.50,718. / Bill- Button, ch g (2:2XJ4). '-0 * 121, 18.5, 2.59, 283, 291, '316, 3 18, 36^, 420, 517, 5-tO, .554, 562,* 506, 573, (J52, 683, 085. 793. Billy Button, ch g (2:4314^ 101. 145, 223, 261, .305, 518. (719). Billy Button, bg 21. Billy Butte n, tU g, pacer (2:35). 67, 379, 737, 760, 763. Billy Button, gr g, pacer (2:29J^). 7-11. B:I1v C, ch g (2:4.3>4). 8(5, 1.34, 146,* .247, .359, 434, 462, 571, 477. Billy C, bg. 481,54.5. Billy C, br g (2:.37i^), by Pilot Golddust, dam Molly Morgan. 248. Bdly C., b g, 82. Billy C. (2:41). (63), 262, 421, 600, 716. BiUy C, bg(3:36), by Burgher. (248), 481, 720. ^U'7 9-J. ^ e- P«^er (3:25%). 738, 784,'-'' 785. Billy C b g, pacer (2:3.5%) . by Bald I Hornet. 74;. 767. 770, 702, Billy Campbell, p icer (2:.33>^). ' (7:^8), 75S, 7t)i), 7'<1. Billy Cat mine. 12, 139. Billy Carter (2:47). (.")03). LJilly Carver. :.61. ,Billy Ciilcham. (iS. Billy Cht-atham, gr s (2:5:). 294. Billy Claxton, pacer. 765. Billy Clinker, gr s (2:32i4), by clinker. 4,, 102, 206, 450, U53,* (6,7), 710. Billy Cober. 611. Billy Collins, ch g (2:40). 177,* 206, (232), ;>35, 252, 487, 551, 5S8, 623, 662, 672, 680. Billv Cameron, pacer. 773. Billy I ooper, ch s (3:1C). 736. Billy Coates. 418. Billy Cozad, pacer (2:.50). (760), 76,S. Bi'ly Cranbeiry. .342. Billy Crawford, b g (2:35%). 46, 85,* 94. 177, 277, 31.1, 400, 509. 795, 796, 8O1). Billy Crawford, 795. Billy Curtis, grg(2:44%). 218,(336), 5 ,0. B lly Cutler. 451. Billy Cushing, gr g (2:44%). 24, 47, 95. 136, 161, 362, 366. 387, (139), 619. 631, 658,* 79.3. Billy D., pacer. 752, 764. Billy D., ch g (2:26). 54, 189,- 229.* 246, 373, 393, 4,55. 5(i2, 508, 524, 532,601, (681), 72.5,795, Billy D. (2:40). 68, 00, 173, 179 228, 2G0, 505, 535, 554, 5vJ8, (679). Billy D. 545, .599. 1 Billy Dalzell, b g (2:43), 2.54. Bdly Dar^. b g, pacer (2:37). 768, 770. 779,* 782, (787). BUly Day. 47. Billy Davis, ch s (2:58}^). 350, 485, 685. Billy Dawes, ch g (2:33). 43,* 267, 403,461. Billy Doubleday. (486\ Billy Doug'ass. b g (2:.35). 7, .32, 146, 27i, (298). Billy Dou'.-lass. 472, 439, 670, 710, 722. Billy Dow. b g (2:271 9, 60.* 141, 186, 207,* (281), .357, 400. 483, 487.- 517, 5.53, 560,* (541, 704. Billy Downs. 518. Billy Duncan. 478. ; Billy Dunham, b g (2:.36^). 329, 407, 454, 634. Billy Button. .3.30. Billy Dunn, b g, pacer (2:46). 766.* Billy Duroc. '-iXO. Billy E., b g (2:.50). 70, 142. 171, 365,(419), 609,713, Billy Kast(m(2:48). (141). Bi I lyEdgorton.bg (2:31 V^). 387,558. B 1 lly Egbe rt, jmcer. 74 1 , 75 4 . Billy Eilwartls, ch g (2:43). 212,* 606, 680, 712. 718,* 737. Billv Ewt-n, hlk g (2:39). (506). BiUy Emerson, rn g (2:.37W). 96, 288, .3.>6, 509, . SI 3). Billy F., br g (2:55). 22, (.481), 532, 739.^ BilyFink. 387. Bidy Ford (Hancock), ch g (2:30). 8.1, 14(i, 483, 493, :M\ 519, 532, 539, 554, 577, 612, 6.57, 694. Billy Frederick. (629). Bdly Forrest (2:40). (125). Billy Fow ler (2:.54). (19.5). Billy Fox, ch g (2:45 w). 669. Billy Frank (!.:54). 152, 537. Billy Frederick, ch s (2:46). (629). Billy French, pa^-er. 757, 769. Billy J^ ritz. 722. Biliy G., b e: (v::35i^), by Blue Bull. 189, (193 ), 300. Billy (J, bg. 263. Billy G. 745. Billy G., b g (2:40). 227. 263. Billy G., b g, pacer (2:35). 740, 750, 752. 753, 756. 708, 772. 784, 790. Billy Giusjn, pacer. 741. Billy Gli-n. 22.\ BdlyGoat(2:43i^). (156). Billy Golddust, ch g (2:44^^;. 220, 565. Billy Golden, b g (2:34^4). 343, 355, 5(:!, (64.5), 652. Billy Goocber, b g (2:49). .307. 322, 636. Bdly Gra y. 59. Billy Grant, b g (2:4,1. 73, (9'7), 131,* 14.3, li5, 366, 4.53.* Billy Graves. 289. Billy (iray, grg (2:.36). 113, 409. (57,3.* Billy Graj , sp y ( J:44). 83, (477), 484, 5~2. Billy Gray, gr g (3:00). 175.* Billy Griy,gr g (2:41). 7, 5i,30, .307,49!, .5i>.5, 695. Billy Green, b g. 521, .563, 564, 802. Billy Green, br s, bv Green's iia- sliaw. 96. 9>!. Billy Gr'-eu, pacer (2:37). 379,1.750), 7.54, 784. Billy Green 119, 258, :535, 413, 563, 666.- -,9&. Billy Grimes, pacer (2:34). (762). Billy Grimes, b g. 483, :iO'>. l^iliy H. 178, Billy H., gr g(2:40). 37, 56, 234, .334, 4:;4. Billy Hafif. 62, 167. billy Hamilton, bg(2:4()A (311), 340, 519, 612. Billy Hamilton, pacer (2:35i^,). 113, 754, 760, (764). Billy Hatch. 57.J. Billv Hath. .rne. 300.* Billy Hatt n, rn g, pacer. 32, 38. Billy Hayes. 260, 3ol, 398, 572,* 680. Billy HaywarJ (Hayward), iLjr s ( :3i%). 219, 273,424, 487,* 557, 60.">, 619,*697.'^ Billy Hayward. 252, .579. Billy Hazard, gr s (2:4i ). 666. Billy Hedges, ch g (2:48 ). (563). Billy Hiatoga, b s (3:22%). 510. Billy Ho-an. 348. Billy Holder. 82. Billy Hopefid, pacer. 244. Billy Hopper, gr g. pacer (2:24V49. Billy Jacksou, b g (3:(J0). 356, (615). BillyJudson. 2o5. Hilly Kneadler. 384, 537. Billv Jefferson, b g (2:473^), by IhoDias JeiTerson, dam Lady Hays, by PUot. (9,>*). Billy Jones, b g (2:.}h). 154, 236, 300. 54i., (639). Billy K. 381, 759. Billy K., b g (2:33}4) (erroneously given 2:3314, page 66). 79,* 42o, 434, 480, 5ul,* 588. Billy K. , ch g (3 : 04). 101, 257. BiUyK., Llkg(2:52). 167,349,(435). Billy Kay. 2o3. Billy Keenan. ill, 151. Billy Ketchum (uutcher Boy) (i:55i4). ;J9-.J, 661.* Billy King, b g, pacer (2:33}^). 741, (781*). Billy King, dn g (2:40). 200i 273, (381), 644. Billy King, h s (2:51!^). 288, 568, 679. Billy L., bg 12:37}4). 6,=^= 22, 158, 164, 207, 462. Filly L.,bg(2:28i4). 291. Billy L., b g. 257,* 580, 617. Billy Lambert, br g. 357, 680. Billy Lambertson, b g (2:28i4). 11, 22, (94), 230, 275.* lOJ, HOI, 298,* 359, 369, 378, 398, 540, 59l', 619,* 637,665, 676,708. BiUyLarkin,bg, pacer (2:27). 749,* 767. BiUy Lewis, b g (2:40). 34, 39, 391, 439. Billy Limp. 696. Billy Lock\vood. 699. Billy Logan. 244,594. Billy Longstreet, gr g, pacer (■■i:3iH)- (737), 745. Bdly Longwood. 53. Billy Lucas (2:36?4). 65, 272, (579*). BUly Lucas. 557. Billy Lynch, b g (2:47). 39, 461. BUly IkL (3:04). 69, 83. Billy M., b g (2:38). 155,613. BiliyM., blk g (2:40). 80, 119,296, (503), 700, 725. Billy M , ch g, pacer (2:24), by Clear Gi-it. 633, 740, 742, 756,* 762, (764), 768. Billy M. 246. Billv Mac, b g (2:41). (221), 247, 298, 588. Billy Mack, b s (2:401^). 62,573. Billy Mack, b g (2:431^). 158, 162, .■-95, 734. BiUy Mack, ch g. 247, 530, 655, 697. BUly Mack. 726. Billy Martin. 151. Billv Marston, ch g (2:381^). 167, 346, 4C0. Billy Marshall. 445. Billv Mason, b g (2:46). (485), 486, 543, 579. Billy Matthews, b s (2:401^). 800. Hilly Maynard, b g (2:40). 168, (606). BiUy Mayo, gr g, pacer (2:2U). 750,* 7t;7, 769, v770), 7S8. Bdly McCarthy. 685. Billy McCracken (2:46i^). (616), 696. Billy McCracken, Jr., blk s, by Bil- ly McCracken, dam by Signal. 43, 55. 68, 203, 733. Billy McClure, b g (2:42). 19, 34, 36, 91,371. Bi.ly JlcLaughlin. 333, 418, 583. Billv McKean, blk g (2:42J^). 600, 722 Biify McF. 295. Billy McNeU. 107, 109,* 718. BiUy Megonigle, ch g (2:38). 8, 137, (183), 212, 266, 329,* 380, 009. Billy Merriman, b g (2:58%). 117, 154,* 237, 699, 701. Biliy Mix, ch g (2:40). 41, 116, 120, l-.i3, 134, 138, 232, r.40, 261, 31::, 33-', 34-.i,* 467, 699. Billy_ Monroe. 79, 178, 465, (536), 567, 666. Billy MoraUle. 467. BUly Morgan, br g (2:.35i4). : 8,*. 93, 154, 18^). (6in. biilv Wilson, (111 g (2:44^). 166, :.'.")7, .'U;i, 40N. ' 5.-)l. Billv Wilsou, ru g (2:57). 97, 156, 211.;.'H2. rfilly Woful. 201. IMlv Woloott 204. Killy Wonder. 1 i n. 508,* 632. li.Ily Wo, d, cb K (^:52). 93, 111, I! '8. 695. Filly Wood, b p (2:43). (67), 111, 612. Hilly Woodruff, bK (2:48). 444. Biily Woodson, gr g, by Eugene Casserly. 550. Billy Wrijrht. 401. Billy Yeazell, b s and b g (2:31U). 16. 40,* 100. 163. 164,* 194, 275, .325, 378,* 464, 615, 591. (597*), 631, (i;6. 717. Bingham Colt (2:32W). (142), 476. biuKliamton Girl, br m, pacer (2:3!i).4), by Johnson's Hambleton- ian, dam by American Star. (758). Birchard. Txi. B.rd, bg(2:40). (2' J. Bird. 516. Bird, b ni (2:37). 5.* Bird (2:51). 40. 178. 506. Biid, blk g (2:47^). 116, (446*), 457, 471. Bird. (625), 605. Bird (Ma> Clark), ch m (2:35). 68, 72. 142 Bird. 199. Bird. 2(11,502,557,619. Bird. 304. Bird Catcher (2 :45K). 98, 307, 592. Biid Catcher. 324 Bird Catcher, b g (2:45}^). 124, (415), 450. 667. Bird Eye. 158. Bird Hank. 558. j Bird Howard, dn m (2:44). 242,380, .''/.)7. I Birdie. 281,671,728. Birdie, ch m (2:55}4). 10, 138, 316, 6 )5, 706. : Birdie, ch m (2:49). 81, 1 71, ( 1 92*), 338 I Birdie, b m (2:50). 78. ' Birdie. 711. Birdie, blk m (2:47J^). 381, (620), 674. [ Birdie. 60, 77, 594. [ Birdie. 159. Birdie. 265. Birdie B . pacer. 7.50. Birdie Boisseau. 120, 410, .580, 638. Birdie C. bin (2:2854). 128,165, 2.S1. 564,598,601,(694). Birdie Campbell, b m (2:45^). 13, 1()2, 557,- 599, 659. Birdie Clay, b m (2:34J^). 52,(58), 478. 5.54. Biriie G. 162. Binie Girl, b m (3:00Ji^). 425. Birdie S. 297. Birdsboro Maid, (3:101^). 214,(282), .360,* 605. 686. | Bird of Paradise. 194. I Bishop. 294,* 654. Bishop (2:58 s). (424). Bishop, ch K(2:3f;i4). 158, 294,* 496. Bishop, ch g (2:47). (26). 106. Bis'iop, blk s (2:50!/>). (131). Bissett's ch g. 146. Bisinark, ch g (2:45). 238, (311), 453, 572. Bisinark. 132, 1 9.5,* 697. Bisinark. ch >r (2:42). 189, 419, 483, .571. (i4.S, 673. 681. Bisinark, grs (2:41V,). 22,* 3.5, 249. i 293, 391, :J94, 80.3." Bisinark, b g (2:48). 70, 163, 187, 307, 334,* 597. 1 Bisinark, > r g (2:.52) (erroneously given 2:3.5'4, i)age 70). 34, 13:5, 136, 141, 180. 220, '.'71, 276, 375, 498, 528, 531, 558, 666. Bismark. 109. Bisinark, br g (2:.50). 12, 87, 119, 187, 217. ;i50, 5(17. 61.3, 724. Bismark, ch s (2:31). 160, (237), 323, 648, 802. Bisnsark, brs, pacer (2:.J5). 101, 286, 7(j3. Bismark, br g (2:46>4). 123, 713. Bismark (2:40^4). (lu*). Bismark, br s(2::'.5i4). (88), 98, 101, 194. 206, 250, 287, 646, 794. Bismark. b g '2:39). 16, 257, 659. Bisaiark. r>2'i. Bismark. 1.52. Bismuth. 428. Bitter Koo Bill. 16.5."' Bittersweet, h r: 212. Bitter Water. 275. Biz, imcer. 75C. B. ^. Fisk, b g (2:50). 128. 247. Black, blk s (2:37). .344, 69ti, i.;00. Black Abdallah, blk s (2:57). 255. Black Allen. 345, 4(59. Black Angel. 493, 6r,2. Black Ann, blk m, pacer (2:35J4)- 713. 749, 767.* Black Arthur, blk s (2:331^). 77, (157), 467. G75, 704,729. Black Aulinda. 147. i>lack H. .'>ltj. Black Bantam. 234. Lilack Bai nev. 255. black Bashaw, blk s (2:3814). C4 359, 402. Black Dashav.-, blk g (2:33). 373, 400, 410. B aek Bashn w, blk s (2:43). 2.59, 539. black Ba»..aw (;J:39}4). 11, 70, -ill, 70.3. Black Bashaw. Jr., blk s (2:40). 609. biack Bassinger, blk s, iJiicer (2:29?4), by Legal Tender, dam by Bassinger. (7., 3). 704. Black beUe, blk m (2:47). 71, 216, 228, 449, 653. Black 8e!\, br g (2:44). 56, 68, 75, 107, 11. J, 181), 059. Black ben, blk g (2:46). 234.* Black Bess. 101, 213, 487. black Bess. 81. Black Bess, blk m (2:39). 83, 338. Black b S-, blk ui (2:55). 491. Black Bess, blk m. by Tom Hal, dam by Cop erbottom. 625. Black Bess, blk m (2:35). 99, 153, 404, 456. Blajk Bess, blk m (2:55). 487,* 527, 672, 800. Black Bess, b'.k m (2:41). 312,* 461, (54!>), 09.'. Black Less, blk in (2:473^). 174, .3.52,* 484. Black Bess, blk m (2:37). 224, 268, 312, (:i28), 6ii6. Black Bess. f,74, (>60. Black Bess, blk m ( .■:47J/>>. 95, 1.36. 141, 150. 160, 291, 401, (404*) 539, .543.* Black Bess, blk m (2:45J4). 57, 87, 534, 537, 577, 7-1. Black Bess. 294. Black Bess, blk m.(2:.56). (279). Black Bess, blk m, pacer (2:45^). by Tom Hal. 175,241,499,742. 748, 750, 767, (771), 778, 780,* 783, 784. Black Bess. 44, 48. Black Bess. 8:t. 201, 443, 495. Black Bess. 225, 802. Biack Betty, blk m (2:49). 201, 252, 391, 451,* 542.* 68;.'. Black Bill, blk g (2:42). 243. B ack Bill, blk g (2:50M). 688. Black Bill, b s, pacer (2:.3.3U). 768,* 770. Black Bill. 13, 287. Black Bill. 168. Biack Billy, blk g. 655. Black Billy (2:52) 599. Black Billy (2:48). OS, (149), 421. ! Black Dilly, blk g 410. black Biliy. lib. Blackbird. : :>0. Blackbird (2:47>4). ~9. 419, .570.* ' Blackbird, blk g (.:50ki" 14, 98, 360. 449, 509. , BldckbiRl, blk s (2:22). 299, 354. 486, 618. Blackbird. 443. Blackbird, blk m. 229. 296, 305. Blackbird. V71, 448, 516, 543, r51. blackbird, blk m pacer (2:24K>*- 2. '8, 741,* 745,7.j3, 756, 765, (767), 781.* Blackbird, blk s (2:.5.5). 3!. 3, 184. Blackbird, blk - (2:50). 20.>. Blackbird, blk s(2:49V4). 349, 457, (VIH). blact.bi:-d, blk g (2:40). 30, 123, 349, 415,401, 471. (;92. aiackbiid. bikm (2:47U). 67, 117, 676-v. H03.* Blackbird. 31:!. i Blackbird, blk g (2:44). (i7), oO. 520. (iOO. Blackbird, blk s. l."3,* .587. 1 Blackbird, blk in (L.:00). 13S). j niackbird. 5., 9. I Blackbird, blk g. 129. Blackbird. 295. Blackbird (2:55). (304). Blackbird. 654. blackbird (2:51). (532). Blackbird (3:oy). 104, (640). blackbu-d. 267, 662. Blackbiru. 69, 618. Blackbird. 85, 300, 360. blackbird. 282,* 400. backbird. 134. black Bob (2:39%). ((;8), 190. 425, 458, 674. Black Bo. ne. 99. Black Boy, blk s (2:48><^). 254. 412. 425, 561, 689, 710. Black Boy, pacer. 784. black Birch. 188, 210.* Black Camden. 538. Black Captain. 610. Black Cat, blk m, pacer (2:29^). 28, 607, 738. 740. 742. 744, (75:i). 7.=)3, 754,* 765, 771, 772,773, 784.* 787,791. Black Charles. 450. Black Charley. 275, 590, 613. Black Charley. 598. Black Charley, blic s (2:52). (31), 735, 801. Black Chart py. 450. Black Cbarley blk g (2:47). i-43, 349, 580. Black Charley. 271. Black Charley. 20, 306. Black Clmrley. 83. Black Chief. 271, 714. Black Chief, blk g (2:40), by Gen. Knox. 250, 3..0, 419, (505), 675. Black City Girl, blk m. 246. Black Clip. 24, 148. Black Cl.md, blk s (2:38). (851*), 381, 383. Black Cloud, blk g (,2:51J^). 119, 16.3, 186. 251. 324. .596, 7:-2. Black Coud, blk g (2::i5). 26, (59), 388, 456, 535, 592, 613. 674. Black Cloud, blk s (2:17}4). 45, HI, 141, 186, 194, 261, L'76, 320, 379, 479, 515,* 527, 528, 567, 613, 680, 718, 719.* Black Cloud, blk g (3:10U). 182 Black Cloud, blk g (2-ol). 150,* 1(57,* 173, 249, (456). 46(5, 515. Black Cloud, blk s (2:52), by ben'^- dict Morrill, dam by Dodge Mor- rill. 10), 599. (697). Black Cloud, blk g. .30, 41,* 80, 161. Black Cloud. 194, 3! 3. Black Colonel, blk g (2:.50). 695. Black Colt. 623. Black Craok, blk m. by Americue, dam by Hopkins' Abdallah. .5(50. INDEX OF BEATEN HORSES. 829 Black Crook, blk g (2-AQ). 1:28, 397. ' (7:a). Plack (.rook. '2h4. Black Crook (Othello) (2:40i^). 67, 3;il, 5;! I . Black Crook, blk g. 67.'1. Black C ook, b g(2:54i^). 9, 86, 133, 260, 296, 374, 405, 404, 688. Black Crook, blk g (2:34^). 306, :i40, 364, (431), 467, 492, 597. Bluck Crook, pacer. 785. Black C-ook (3:0::). 37, (58), 60, 70, n2, 603. Black Crook. 187. Black Crow. 22, 29, 124, 252, 648. Black Crow, pacer. 749. Black Damon. 667. Black L>an, blk g (2:42). 548, 690. Black I>an. 686. BlacK Dan, blk g (2:49^—2:47 s.). 243, 2>S1, 364, (630). Black Dan, blk g. 53. Black Dan, Mkg (2:481^). 349, 470. Black Dan, bik g, pacer. 755. Black Dan, blk g(2:47). 431, 580, 592. Black Dan, blk g (2:34J^). 11, 67, 69, (474), 538, 725. Black Dan, blk g. by Bashaw, Jr. 16 265, 421, 454, 562. Black Dan (2:3914). 498, 501,(645). Black Dan, blk g. 58, 115, 437. Black Dan. 95,* 365. 802. Black Dandy, blk g (2:54%). (228), | 529. Black Dave, blk g, pacer (2:39). (754) Black Denver. 794. Biack Dexter, blk g (2:331^;. 276, 690.* Black Diamcnd, blk g (2:36i4). 6, 96, (450 1. Black Diamond, blk g (2:38). (141), 3L4, 366, 430, 641. Black Diamond (3:02). 451. 512. Black Diamond, blk g(2:45i^), 54, 95,* 2.52, 425, 435 518, 656r730. Black Diamond, blk g (2:46). 22, 93, (i:i6), 166, 190, 283, 338, 427, 429, 451. 684. Black Diamond, blk g (2:46}^), 229, 272, 415. Black Diamond, blk m (3:02). 54, 854 448 Black Diamond, blk s. 500, 555. Black Diamond, blk s (3:00i4). 730. Black Diamond, b g (2:55). 157, 327, 497, Black Diamond, blk g (2:49V 170. Black Diamond, b g (2:33). 477, (523). 560, 655. Black Diamond, blk g. 263. Black liamond, blk g (2:40}^). (529), 577, 656. Black Diamond blk s. 128,443. Black Diamond, blk s (2:31?^). (93), 679. Black Diamond. 797. Black Diamond, blk s (2:30). (54), 132, 237, 502. 586. Black Diamond, blk g. 496. Black Diamond. 273. Black Diamond, b s. 385. Black Diamond, blk s (2:42), by- Woodstock. 14, 128,* 263, 352, (521), 550, 624. Black riamond, blk s (2:35). 5, 57, 98, 103, (105). 119, 158.* 175, 200, 219, 254. 311, 327.* 352, 412, 535, 554, 603, 670, 699. Bluck Diamond, blk s (3:03%). 484, 58;^. 086. Black Di unond, blk g. 717. Blacl: Diamond. (;;91). Black Diamond, pacer. 751. Hlack Diami nd. 96. Black Diamoi.d, blkg (2:411^") (win- ning races erroneously given to Black Diamond, 2-31%, page 73). 94, 177, 273, 442, 558, 730. Black Diamond. 102, 195, 199, 6C3. Black Dick, blk g (2:41). 7, 145, 191, (258), 271,279, 300, 611, 713, 799. Black Dick. 479. Black Dick, blk g (2:49). 46, (360*). Black Dick, blk ■ (2:51). 407, (640). Black Dick, pacer. 741. Black Dick, blk t (2:i:0i^). 18, (720). Black Dick. 139. Black Dick. 250, 599 Black Dock, blk g (2:37). 32,* 166, 251. 310, 479,- .547, 699. (724*) Black Doctor, blk g, by Black Eagle. 301. Black Doll, blk m (2:41K')- 13'-. 289,* 389, 654. Black Dolly, blk m (3:00i. 732. Black Dot, blk m (2:48%). 448. Black Douglass. 4.0. Black Douglass, blk g (2:30). (116), 226,* 667. BlacK I'ouglass, blk s (2:43) 72, 98. (629), 677. Black Douglass, oik s. 481, 407, 609.* Black Douglass, blk g (2:45). (391). Black Douglass, pacer. 73. Black Duff. 628. Black Duke, blkg (2:5.5). 78,98, 643. Black Duchess. 123. Black Dutchman. 730. Black Eagle, blk g (2:38i^). 211. 237. 244, 407. 437, 570 646. Black Eliza, blk m, by Ethan Allen, dam by the Steve French horse. 41 9. Black Elmer, blk g (2:, ^4%). Black Eye (2:4' ). (28*). Black Fan. 732. Black Fanny. 382. Black Fanny, blk m (3:04i^). (537). Black Fanny, blk m (2:36}^). (253*). Black Fanny. 237. Black Fanny. 516. Black Fanny. 337. Black Fly. 343, 603. Blackford's ch m. 30. Black Foot (2: 51 Vs). (94), 552. Black Fox. 594. Black Frank. 295, 367,* 437, 452, 508. Black Frank. 442, 551. Black Frank. 30. Black Frank, blk g (2:43). 55, 67, 349, 408, 495, 630, 537. 620. Black Frank, blk g (2:31J4). 161, 166, 467, 654, (676). Black Frank, blk g i,2:28>4). 93, (127), 128, 138, 236, 442, 527, 571 , 590, 631, 684. Black Frank, blk g (2:24J4). 288, 343, 617, 546,* 615,* 681. Black Frank, blkg (3:15). 691. Black Frank 532, 622, 799. Black Frank, brs (3:10^), by Gen. Knox, Jr. 138, (235). Black Frank (2:51). 13, 157, 164, (544). Black Frank, blk g (2:41%), 109, 176,* 277. 294. Black Frank, blk s, pacer (2:49^4). 741, 754,* 757. 769, 770. Black Frank, blk g, pacer (2:301^). 742, 759, 766, 773, 778, 783, 784. Black Frank. l"4, 137. Black Frank, pacer. 736. BlackFred. blkg (2:41). 117,124, 263, 264, 533, (638*), 709. Black Friday. 139. 328. Black Girl. 48, 53, 84, 136,205,* 210, 404, 461, 641. Black George, blk g (2:53%). 396. Black George. 568. I Black George (2:33%). 33, 306, .541, 1 551,(696). Black George, pacer. 751, 763, 784,* 788. Black George. 90. ' Black Gypsey. 541. Black Hannah. 799. Black Hj rry, blk g. 387. Black Harry. 541 Black Harry, blk g (2:37%). 313, 561. Plack Harry. 506. Black Harry. ,93. black Harry, blk g (2:31). 3C6, 5:54, 677, 593, 683, 713, 798.* Black Harry, blk g (2:58). 33,38, 412,559,(606*). Black Harry, pacer. 776. Black Harry, blk g (2:38i^). 74, 364, ;:(i9, 388, 627,* (6^8). Black Hawk. 362, 544. 714. 347 262, 803. 228. 60. 7. BLick Hawk. Black Hawk. Black Hawk. Black Hawk. Black Hawk, pacM-. 758, Blacl: Hawk, blkg (2:49i, Black Hawk, blk s (2:38). 426. 427. Black Hawk, blk s (2:49.) 84, (o&9). 714.730. Black Hawk. 299. Black Hawk, b s (2:44). 159, 569, 606, 'lO'.i. Black liawfe, blkg (2 :44};i). 419. Black Hawk. 4(J9. Black Hawk, blk s (2:49). 21,556, 69-.^.* Black Hawk, blk m (2:37i^). 43, 123, 182, 338, 451. Black Hawk. 6-18. Black Hawk, blk g (2:45). 119, 730. Black Hawk. 442. Black Hawk, blkg (2:58). 333. Black Hawk. 689. Black Hawk, blk g (2:50i^). 57, 150, 179, :.'.-i2. (406), 674. Black Hawk, blk g (2:5:-!;. 213, 450. Black Hawk, blk g (2:50). 63, 211. 257, 272, 365. Black Hawk. 677. Black Hawk, blkg (3:00; ). 65. 4&J, 591 Black Hawk. 295, 642. 693. Black Hawk, b s (2::.G%) (errone- ously printed 2:59%, page 76). Black hawk. 284. Black Hawk, blk s (2:501^). 335. Black Hawk. 306. Black Hawk (2 : 55^) . (630). Black Hawk. 291,686. Black liawk. 79,433.* Black Hawk. 525. Black Hawk. 105. Black Hawk. 161, 426. Black Hawk. 225, 234. Black Hawk. 493,515. Black Hawk Chief (2:57). 93,224, 326.* Black Hawk Chief (2:52). (114). Black Hawk Horse. 698. Black Hawk Kate, pacer. 790. Black Hawk Maid. 190. Black Hawk Maid, blk m (2:37) (2:36 s). 50, 83,' 292. 392,* 450. Black Hawk Morgan. Ill, 544. Black Hawk Messenger. 140. Biack Hawk II. (2 :52 w). (20). Black Henry, blk s (2:43). 111. 1 Black Hero. 640. Black Highland. 437. Black Hill, pacer (2:38i4). 736, (757). Black Horse. 25, 164. Black Hornet, pacer. (768). Blackington'sblk m. 366. Black Ira, blk g (2:50), by Hinsdale Horse. (106). Black Jack, blk g (2:39). 116, 368. Black Jack, blk g i2-A2}4)- i23.* 132. 136, 155, 175, 185. 206, ;-l(i8, 361, 373, 388, 420. 529, 646, 652, 601, 603, (622), 646, 666, 676, 731,. 1 794. I Black Jack, blk g (2:46). 352. Blackjack. 609,652. Black Jack, b'k g (3:10). 17. Black Jack, blk g (2:40) 616. 8:») C'HESTKKVS COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. Blackjack. 547. Black Jack, b s (2:52). 63, 97, 9». Bhak Jack, blk g (■^:.">7). (:t(>7). Black Ja<:k, bIkK (2:4:%). 54. 252, 4o:i, 408, 442. 48o. Black Jack. .S.jO. Black Jak, bik k, pacer (2:29^). 7424), 618, 030, 655, 684, 731, 79S, 798, 802. Black Jim, blkg (2:31). 31, 68, 87, 441, 6. '1,730. Black Jim (3:10). (89). Black Jim. 119, 191, 42.5, 518. Back Jim. 207,397. Bluclv Jim. 240. I Black Jimmy, blkg (2:.37). 81, 250, 698. 1 BiackJoe, blkg (2:40). 56.3. Black Joe, blk s i2:r.i\. 18.'). Black Joe, blk g (2:45). (211), 627, i 72"). Black Joe. blkg (2:48). Ol"). ' Black Joe, blk g, by Anvil (2:58). (215*). 496. 6.-)0. Black Joe, blk g (2:.39). (249), 506. Biack Joe, blks, pacer (2:58). 759, 709. B^ack John. 707. Black John. 329. Black John. 215, .545. Black John, blkg (2:44). 49, 274,* 3{'9. I Black John, blkg (2:56). 117, 349, 1 544, 6:54. I Black John, blk g (2:40). (99), 392.* ' Biack Jolinnv, blk g (2:3l)). 14,* 105, 24D. 250, 268,* 348, .390,- .^66,* 09').* Bl ick Joke, blk g (2:47). 377. (640). Black Joker, blk g (2:45). 125. B acK Juc, blk g (2:27»4). 30.3, 371. 481, 539, 554, (-94. Plack Kate, pacer. 98. Black Kate, blk m (2:35). 19,44, 4.5, 47. 7 -J, 91, 284, 369, 452,464, (481), 547, 568, 667. Black Kate, blk m (2:.58). 370, 473. Black Kettle, pacer. 741. Black Kit. 67. Black Kate. 140, 239. Black Kate. 3.33, 367, 371, 479. Black Kiii^rht, blk g (2:5.3). 148.* Black Knight (2:57). 104, (574). Black Knig.t. 220. 5:W, 649. Black Lawrence. 148. Black Lead. S43. Black Logan, lilk s. 242. Black Sow. 3.')6. BKack Mack, blkg (2:26^). 26.(102), 35."), 44."),* 4:) 1 , 4:^2, 5:JU, (r)48*). Black Mack, blk s (2:'.7t. 47, 13.5. 147.237,297,4.30, 445,631, 656. i)()y. Black Map. blk m, pacer. 790. Black Malil, blk m. 270. lilackman 's ch s. 666. Black Maria. 188. Black Maria. 728. Black Maria, blk m(2:38)(2:.31^s). :{9, 302,* 421. Black Maria. 287. Bbck Maria, blk m (2:36%). 21, 47, 210, 258. 42, 278, (363). Black Maria. 432. Black Maria, blk m (2:30Vi). 22, 01, 3-'l. Black Maria. 64.5. Black Maria. 277. Black Maria, blk m (3:00). 111. 359, 495. Black Maria. 687. Black Maria, blk m (2:58). (311). Black Maria. 019. Blacit Maria, blk m (2:42!^). Ill, 2()7, 344, 41.5, (502), 531, 541. ■ Black Maria. 722. Black Maria, blk m (2:41V^). (552). 594. Black Marii. 214, 629. Black Maria, bl ; m (2:43), 580, 627. Black A'es.sengcr. 100. Black Mary. 349. Black Monroe. 705. , Black Morgan, blk g, pacer (2:.37). I 7.')2. Black Morgan. 402. I Bl.:ckraore,gr g. by George M. Pat- Chen, Jr. 12,* 289, 324, 57:J, 648, m-i. Black Nance, blk m (2:57). 421. Black Ned. 447. Black Ned. 78, 118. (267), 714. Black Ned. 289, 4.".4. Black Nell. 211, 663, 666 (700). Black Ncal. .311. Black Nell, blk m (2:.39i^). 797.* Black Nell, blk m(2:.31). 190,391. Black N ell V. 611,720. Black N.liy. 4.5. Black Night, blk g (2:36^^). 253, (434). Bla "k Nora. 741. Black Oak, br s (2:3.5). 449, 520, o61, 633, 694. Black Pat, blk g(2:49i^). Black Patcben. 33, 88. Black Palmer. 2."4. Black Pete, blk g (2 :.50). 5.52. Black Pete, blk g (2:41). 524. Black Pete. 234, 343, 391, 461. Black Pepper. 759. Black Pilot. 392, .393, 696, 704, (707). Black Pilot. 445.* Black Pilot, blk s (2:30). 27,54,* (37:3), 393, 508, 6S1. Black Pilot, pacer (2:33). 470, 520. Black Prince. 334. Black Prince. 249. Black Prince, blk g (2:32%). 165, 211, 3:58,* 564,* 0.57. Black Prince, blk g (2:47^4). :i96, 517, 530, (632*), 647. Black Prince, blk g (2:51U). 341, .305,371,506. Black Prince, blk g. 227. Black Prince, blk g (2:52). 30, 217, 4.'0, 501,6.55, 7:2. Black Prince, blkg (2:.54J^). 238.* Black Prince, blk g (:{:02). 29. 705. Black Prince, blk g (3:02). 43, 333, 347, 490. Black Prince, blk .s (2:36i^). by Dic- tator. 18:J, 195,* 255. 5.57, ('572'). Black Prince, blk g (2:33)^). 153, 19.3,* 617. Black Prince, (2:49). .544, (6.32\ Black l'rini;e, blkg (2:4:'). by Frank- lin Fierce. (44), .391,* 573. Black Prince, (3 :i9). 484. Black Piince. blk g (2:4,3^,), by Tiger. 20,* 71, 112, 183, (581*), .598. Black Prince. 698. Black Prince, blk g. by Princeton. 718. Black Prince, blk s (2:40>4), by Jef- ferson Prince. 249, (499), Black Prince, blk g (2:30!^), by AVil- kina Micawber. i;j, 8S,* y(), 182, 193,* 195, 284, :{24, 476. Black Prince, blk g (2:50i4), by Royal Revenue, dam by McKes- son's Gray Eagle. 107, 238,* 648, 684. Black Prince, blk g (2:38^. by Princeton 17, 39<,* (465), 578,* 61.S. Black Prince, blk s (2:49). .39, 113, 330, 4ii5, 420, 405, (4h0), 500, C8:i. Black Princess. ) 07, 227,* 445, 70». Black Rachel. 235 7tJ.S. , Black Ralph, bile g ( .:34). (2r.31 s). 62, 162, 450, 522,* 547.* (^83), .595, 60i 072. Black Ralph, blks (2:40W). 05, 541, I 5.H, 6:i3, ((;S0). Black Ralph, blk g(2:47-'^i). 94,(574). Black Rali)li, blkg (2:44). 98, 106, 125, 144, 185. :jy2, 349, 432, 457, 48.5,* 5:J0.* 646, (i72. Black Ra ph, blk g. 44, .57.5. Black Rainbow, blkg, pacer (3:.30^), by Stucker's Ramoow. 7;}6, 738, 7.39, 742,* (750). 781. Black Ranger, blks and g (2:35). 88, 40.), .,01.580. Bla Jk Range;-, blk g (2:33^). 150, 4:!S, 4(;7, 5-J9, 729.* Black Ratthr 501. Black Repubhcan. .310. I Black Middle, blk g (2:44J4). (244), 338, 394. Black Hiver, pacer. 763. Black Robin, blk g (2:41). 409, (661). I Black Rolf. 1.5.5,201. Black Rolf. 46, 187, 343, 410. Black Rolf. 327. Black Rock, blk s (3:02). 274. 527, 707, 719. Black Rase, blk m (2:.34). 70, 112, .535, 539. 549. 675, 704. Black Rose, blk m (2:53}^). (732). Black Rover. 438. Black Royal, (2:.59J4). (107). Black Slirone. 162. Black Shark. 182, 507. Black Slu.rk. 214. Black Satin. (0:57). 311, (520). Black Swan. 39, 123, 278, 407, 593. Blacksmith, ch g (2:44). 412, (442;, 674. Blacksmith Boy (2:38). (12), 72, 113, 140. 373. Blacksmith Boy (2:401^). (.322), 535, 609, 7 4, 7.3.5". Blacksmith Charley, pacer (2;34J^). 762. BlacksmithDan, bs (2:47). 31, 45, 48, 301 !, 5(t3 560. Black.smith Girl, b m (2:44U) 27L Blacksmith G rl, pacer. 781. Blacksmith Maid, ch m (2:38). .32.* 46, 170, 217, ;323 247, 253, (.392), 463, 500, 549,* 576, 612, 619, 667, 725. Blacksmith Maid (2:59). 132, 178, 294, ( ;57), 709. Blacksmith Maid. 274. Black Snake, blk g (2.54). 378. Black Sophia, blk m (2:. 17}^). 705. Black Spider. 51. Black Squirrel, l)lk8(2:41). .310, 396. Black Stallion (X':.50i^). (868). Black Susan. 4 1 , 2.)9. Black Swan. 548, 0:52. Black Swan. 104,518. Black Swan. 283, (:!91), 704. Blacksti>ne, blk g (2:31^). 65, 110, 129, 150, 211, 2:53, 268, 275, 360, 464, 682. Blackstone. (171). Blackstone, b g (2 ■M7\Q. (329) . Blackstone, b g (:?:08). (577). Blackstone, blks (2:3.5). by a son of Marabrino Chief. (200)", 2:53. Blackstone. 1 1 0. Blackstone Belle, blk m (2:28t<). 202,* 218, 240, 403, 414, 571, 641. 731*. Blackstone Boy. 527. Blackstone Maid, ch m (2:47J4). 175. 207,* 676. Black Shank. 217. Black Stranger. 145, 2.34, 305. INJ^EX OF BEATEN HORSES. 831 Blackstrap, blk g(2:'±(j). (i>52-),5ilL Black Spy. 4(j6. Black Swallow (^2:47^). (55), 67,315. Black Sam. IGti. Black Swan, blk s (0:41). 20, (52). Blrtck Swan, blk m (2:28^>. (10), 34.', 49.1, 518, (018*). Black Thorn (2:37 ). 191, .308, 631. Black Thunder. tl3. Black Ti-er, blk s. 77, 571, 636. Black Tom, hlk s (2:44). IIM, 532, 575, 6-5, 62' , 654. Black '1 cm. 201,548. Black Tom, blk g (2:.-j4). (188), 243, 34!),* 502, 000, 728. Black Tom, blk s (•-':.')Gi4). 301. Eiack Tom, blk g(2::i5-%). 164, 604. Black Tommy, blk g. 73. Black Topsev, blk m. 74. Black Vic, blk m. 478. Black AV. 41. Blacc AValnut. blk g (2:.30>4). 110, (251*), ~i2, 340, 457, 543, 093, 713. 714. Black Waln-it. 591. Black Walnut, br g (2:41). Ill, 112,211,399. Black Warrior, blk g. 434. Black Wnrrior. 264, 348, 599.* BiacK Warrioj-, blk s (2:49). 182, 344, 715. Bla k Warrior, blk s (2:35). 177, 315, 399, 493, 587, 596, 711. Black Warrior, blk s (2:47M). 376. T.lack Warrioi'. 588. Black Warri.r, blk g (2:48). 19, 114, 228, 247, :;81, 316, (427*), 471, 584. Black Warrior, blk g. 197. Biack Weasel, blk s (2:.35). 162, 607, 517. Black Weasel, blk g. pacer(2:25i4). 740.* 7i.i,- 757, 753, 7'<9,* 785. Blackwood, b g. 188, 610. Blackwood, blk s(i;:3l). 10. Blackwood Belle (School Girl), br m (2:30%). 2;-, 40, 101, 303. 324. Black^vood, Jr., blk s (3:22i4). 272, 292, 425, 447, 671, 701. Blackwood, Jr. 94, 147, 223, 254, 650. Blackwood Mack, blk s. 191. Blackwood 31aid, ch m (2:361^). 411, 56 -. BlackwoodMambrino, blk s (3:01^. 344. ! Blackwood Prince, blk s (2:2334). ' 3 2. 5'- 0*583, (698 ). 3lackwood Quern, b m (2:4 0). 7, 184, 257, 291, 472,* 009, 647, (699), 723.* BlainviUe Boy. ch g (2:40). 54, 76, 135,551. Blaine. 48. Blair (3:02j^). 76,(187). Blakeley. 688. Blanchatd, b g (2:25i^). 8, 438, 532. Blanche, b ru. 289. Blanche, b m (2:45;. 41, 490, 597. Blanche. 532, 54 1 . Bl'jnche, gr m (2:40). 803. Bl:i.nche, blk m (2:23Jt). 22. 25, 54, 122, 127, 146, 235, 313,* 320, 352, 36 .', 368, 420, 502, 522, 537,* 570, 577, 588, 624, 631, 671, 678, 693. i Blanche, gr m (2:5S}4). 132, 139, 3)8, 495, 513. Blanche, wh m (2:34). 200, 247, :;58, 263, 367, 430, 450, 476, 520, 530, 633. Blanche, chm (2:57). (7), 30T. Blanche, blk m {2A0}4). 63, 202, 287, 591. Blanche, chm (2:301^). 484.* (506). Blanche, b m (2::!0). 33,57,* 289, 339, 365, 473, 0.".7, 670. Blanche, b m. (278), 289. Blanche Amory, b m (2:26). 12, 216, 266, 437, 538,* 573.* 580. 605, 725.* Blanche Arthurs, b m (2:35). (.125), 18o, ■-(/5. Bla:iciie B , b m. 705.* Blanche C, b m (3:17). 475, 681. Blai.cLie Douglass, b m (2:37i^). 45, 51,119,34.3,488,725.* Blanche H., blk m ^2:2614). 12, 18, 19, 2o. 146, IGl, 237,* 274. 324, 34 -\ 40.',* 422, 458, 460, 482, 500,* 592.0.9,721. Blanche Medium, b m (2:.34?4). (48*), 726. 2. '5. 2.39, 412, 443, 493. Blanche )'ratt, b m (2:33). 284, 447. Blanche Robinson, b m (2:35), 34. Blanche W., rn m (2:43i4). 192. Blanche W., h m (2:51), by PUot Duroc. 328,(670). Blanche While. :i54, 381, 482. Blanco (2:42). 220, 252, (606). Blanco Abdallah, b s, by Erie Ab- dallah. 721. Bland Ballard, gr g(2:.39i4). 4,55. Blandina. bikm (2:.33 w. ). 318. Blandv, (3:0614). 216, (3: ;5). Blai-ney Stone, ch g (2:52). (497). Blank Mount. 184. Blaze, b g (2:49^). 280. (5.''3). Blaze, blk m, pacer (2::so94). 420, 762. Blaze. 164. Blazed Cliief. 466. Blaze iMedium, b g (2:40). 320, 53.". Blazing Star, h .s (2:42}^— errone- ously g\veu'2:o7}4- page 80). (,7S*j, 101,439. Blazing Star, ch s (3:02). (7:^), 242, '.; 55. Bledsoe, brg (3:10). (171). Blennerhasset. 44, 623, GSl. Bhnd Billy, ch g (2:38). 20.* 39, 41,* 104, (30/*), 33:.* 362, 583. 797. Blind Boy. dn g(2:40). 63, 264,387, 470,*.556, 652, 680. Blind B-^y, pacer. 745. i Blind Char'ey, pacer. 741. Blind Dan, bg. 2j3. Bhnd Faunv, b m. 460, 621. Blind Girl, b m (2:51%). 124 (550*). Blind Hank. 42. Blind Kitty, h m. 421. Blind Johii (2:56). (698), 730. , Blind Maggie, gr m(.2:47). 38, 107, | (729). I Bhnd N*>11, blk m (2:43%). (428). Blind Riley (3:59). (44). Bhnd Tom, b g (2 :40%). 534. Blind Tom, pacer. 759. BlindTom,gg (2:35). 170, 254. I Bhnd Tom, b g (2:52}^). 61, 291, 37 i, 40L, 446, 6"3. I Blind Tom, b g (2:43}^). 305, 689. ' Bhnd Tom, dns. 113,295. Bhnd Tom, brg(2:35M). (491), 602.* Blind Tom, ch g (2:4.5). 14, (300*), 392, 406, 445. 476, 499, 606. Bhnd Tom (3:00). 264, (498), 574, 659, Blind Tom (3:08). 320, (.529). Blind Tom , b g, pacer (2 :38). (170), 746, 750, 752, 780, 783,* 791. Blinker. 525. Blmker, b g (3:48). (74), 282, 422, 572 599. Blinky, pacer. 762, 790. Bhnky. 613.* Bliss, bm(2:2H<5). 101, 207, 257,* 342, 463, 482, (489*), 5,50, 590. 608. Blister (2 :50^ I. 189. (■>55*), 798. Bli ,-en, b g (2:46}^). 0^32). Blod^ee. 33. Blodgotf s b m (2:.58). (90). Blonde, br m (2: '.714). 798. Blonde, ch m (2:39). (45*), 189, 375, .394, (401), 473, 483. Blondelle, b m (2 :43). (100), 593, 724. Blonde Mack, grg. 149. Blondin, ch g (2:44). 149, 198, 312, 374. 393, 407. 088, 717. Bloudine, ch m (2:24%). 24, 319, 380, 615. Blood Chief, bg. (316). Blood Chief. Jr., b s. by Dloo 1 Caief, dam by imp. Sovereign. 413, 4;i5. Bio xly Mary. 62i). Bloody Njithan, cji s (2:.39i 259. BlO'.mfleld. 82, 627. Blosmer, ch g (2:33). 236. 405, 670, 701. Blossom, b m. 335, 337, 509, 522, »i22, 71.3. Rlossom. 267,* 4r!3, 509. Blossom, sp g (2:40). 2:^5. Bljssom, b g (2:3314). 33, 113,* 196, 241,274, (489), 502* Blossom, rn g (2:37 w ). 481. Blossom, b m (.2:53^). 9, ,336, (399'), 610. Blossom. 192, 725. Blucher, blk g. 697. Blucher, gr s (2:.j1). (50). Blucher, b s (2:40). 360 597. Blucher,blk s (2:51). 409, (3;i7), 644. Blucher. brs. 147, 547. Blue Bell, 679. Blue Bell, br m (2:46U). 35, 118,* 129, 701. Blue Be 1. blk m (2:34^). (256), 505. Blue Bell, ch m (2:31^). 87,- 454,* 4.55, 5"3, 014. Blue Bell, blue m (.2:55). 367. Blue l?ell,gr m. 681. BlueB-11, Ijlkm. 50. Blue Bell Maid. 216. Blue Berry, blk g. 599. Blue Bill. 257. Blue Bird. 400, Blue Bird, ch g (2:.36). 22, 103, 115, 169,186,197, 211, 251, 27:, 328, 345, .381,* 382, 404, (554), 5 08, 594,595. 597, 620. Blue Bonnet, ch m. 46, 92, 137,* 187, 368, 485, 5.55,* 803. Blue Boy, rn 8(2:51). 18, 48,(69), 521. Blue BoT, blk g, pacer (2:36K). (744), 783. Blue Buck, b g. 7 !, 479, 599. Blue Bull, b g (.':55). 287, 554,* 685. Blue Bull, rn g (2:42i4). ;i0, :iO, 59, 386, 407, 439, (4i8). 474,* 636. Blue Bull, paccr. 780. BlueBu.1, b s (2:40K). 231,315, (471). Blue Bull, blk s (2:39i4). 40. 47, 148, 392,* 03-!. Blue Bull. 286.* Blue Bull, Jr., ch s (2:34V^i), by Blue Bull, dam by Alexander's Abdal- lah. 153, 34 ■!, (480), 658, 715. Blue Clothes, gr s. 629. Blue Bull Pilot, ch s (2:37J4). 9, 2. -5, 243, 294, 298, 478. Blue Cloud. 324. Blue Cloud, gr s(2:45). 241, 242, 467, 634, 643, 660. Blue Cloud, b g (2:39). 113, 140, 148, 201, 329, 358, (4o4), 630, 651, 712. Blue Dick, b g (2:40). 371. Blue Dick, br s (2:35). (117), 215, 230, 289, 448. Rlue Dick, gr g. 135. 275, 699. Blue Dick,b g (2:39J^). 59. 80, 158,* 599, 802. Blue Dick, ch g(2:50), by Florida. (73*),126, 458, 652. Blue Dick, gr g (2:471^). 17, 66. 274, 289, 567. 689, 732. Blue Dick, blK g. 1 81, 795. BlueEaLle, grg (2:39i4). 6.3,509, 621. Blue Fly. 144 Blue Girl, b m. 635. Blue Goo, 5U8.* (y.i7), r.88. Blue Jeaus, gr g (2:34^ w.). 334, (.-.01). Blue Jeans, ch g, pacer (2:40), by David Crockett. (7iL*), 7oU, 778.* Bluelick,bR(.J:O.J). 129. Bluj Maid, m m, pacer (.2:.34>4). 9.% 216, 747, irto, 769. Blue Mare, ru m (2:23). 112,18.3, 19r>. 2u0.*2:t:, 239, 3i4,*:i-:4,:io.;. 418, 425, (440). 44(i,* 449, 4l;8. 489, 492, 5;«.* 580, .596,* 622, 629,* 6:il, 637,* 646, 0:>7, (660), 673, 678, 714. BlueMuy. 216. Blue Morgan, b g (2:3:3)^). 41, 70.* 7.'>,* 216, 292, 392, 395, 587, C09, 703. Blue Mountain Boy, b s (2:3.3). 30, 105,* 404. Blue Nose, b g, by Black Hawk, dam Helen Mar (2:41!^) (errone- ously giv^n ?-t4, pi.ge 83). 41, 202,"(21.J). 230, d03,* 580, 687, 088. Blue Pilot. 9. Blue Pills. 3H, 5o7.* 713. Blue Bid^e, b g (2:33). 38, 39, 120, 234. :}79, 801. Blue B:an, ru g. 307. Blue Ruin, blkg. 125. Blue Skin, dn g (2:'i5). 326, 668. Blue Slipper. 06, 09. Bluestone MaiJ, brm(2:40J4). 370, 433. 576. Blue W i n-, rn g (2 : 36). 36, 4 7, 48,* 61, 1U4. 182, 193,361,508,613, 655, 683. Blue Wing, pacer. 785. Bluff. 097. Bluffer, b g (2:45). 415, 646, 654, 675. Bluffer, pacer. 787. Bluster. 191. Bi.adicra, gr m, by Winfleld Scott. 254 B. Miller. 176. Boatman (2:54^). (60), 176, 185, 338 Bob, ch g (2:33). 26,* .376, 503. Bob. grg (2:52). .596. Bob (2:.i0). 189, (470). Bob. b g. 602. Bob, gr g (3:00). 146, 221. 293. Bob (2:54M). 261, 309. Bob, dng (2:44). 81,567. Bob, b g (2:46). 43, 104. (185), 377, 607,613.800. Bob, bg. (18), 40, 531. Bob. 588. Bob, b g (2:.56). 85, 404. Bob, b g (3:08). (664). Bob. 635. Bob, ch g (2:36). (234), 453. Bob. (726). Bob Acres, nh g (2:28)^) (erro- neously given 2:28, page 83). 290.* Bob Adam8. 363. Bob Ames, bik g(2:46>^). 555, 629. Bob Barker. 300. Bob Berry, br s (3:12). 58. Bob Bowles 354, 381. Bob Brown, b g. 257. Bob Burden e, ch g (•.':47). 416, 428. Bobby. 75, 84, 167. .575, .580. Bobby, chs (2:42). 33. 677. Bobby, pacer. 744. Bobby Burns, b g (2:50 2-5). 24, 197.271. Bobby Burns. 540. Bobby Burns, blk g (2:36). 384, 38H. 39o, 5.37, 539 635. Bobby Bums, pacer. 769. 180,* Bobby Collins. 416, 666. Bobby Bid. J 68. Bobby Newcoinb. blk g (.3:04). li'), 82, 103, 349, 460. 489, (528), 555, 6.!>. Bobby S., dn g (2:53J,^). 22u, (645.) Bobby Williams (2:47i^). (409). Bob C, grg (2:40), by Bald Stock- incrs. :i2, .5:<, (:J22). Bob Cole. 222, 311, 344, .348, 549. Bob Cottrill, b g, pacer (2:3.3^^). 736, 742, 748,* 749, 762, 766.- Bob Cox. 215. Bob Dalzell, b s. by Phil Sheridan, dam by Tom Sayers. 13i5, 201, (505*), 56iJ. Bob Davis, rn g(3:32). 87*, 264, 299. 458, 5S8. Bob Eddy. 01. Bob Erwin,brg (2:4:5^). 589. Bob Geary, b g (2:47>^). 311, 312, 447, 65.., 689. Bob Ford. 626. Bob Elliott. 82, 95, 300, 512, 622, 589. Bob Gray. .90. Bob H . , dn g. 267. Bob Hardv ( .':44i^). (54.5). Bob Hayes, b s (,2:45i4). 1^3, 314, 371. (499). Bob Hill (2:. 50). 300,(671). Bob Hunter, b g (2:373^). 6, 26, 40, 41, 102, (1.56), 171, 254, 302, 516, 543, 588,* 635, 083. 696, 701. Bob Ingersoll. 298, 310, 315, 482, 598. Bob Ingersoll, gr g, by Orphan Boy. 215 Bv^b IngeisoU, ch s (2:52). 5, 72, 196, 241, (3S9), 410, 578, (648*). Bob Johnson, ch g (2:36^). .58, 128, (150) 225, 292, 361,(510), 596, 656. Bob Johnson, b g (2:58). .541. Bob Kennv, b g, pacer (2:38). 766, 773, 785": i= Bob Lee. 185. Bob Lee, pacer, 756. B .b Lee.br s (3:04>^). 42. 493, 497. Bob Lee, ch g (2:50). (655). Bob Lee, b .g (2:42%). 233, (265), .371, 534. Bob Lee, 233, 256.* Bob Lewis, blk g. 113, 122,* 265, 437, 608. Bob Logan, br g (2:r;7i^). .301, 642.* Bob Logic, wh s (3:24). .359. BabLogic,Jr whs (2:52). 158. Bob Mav, ch s (2:54J4). 480. Bob McCauley. 498 Bob Messenger. 78. Bob Moore, b g(2:50>4). .56,129, 246, 247, 287, 446, 726. Bob Newton, blk g (2:51). 473,* 500. BobPatchen. 612. Bob Puckett, (2:53^4). (66). Bob R. (Tariff), b s (2:201^). 129, 144, 163. Bob R., pacer. 748. Bob Ray, blk s. 15. Bob Ridley, rng (2:49). 58,311*, 319. 397, 585. Bob Ridley. 378, 6.54. Bob Ridley, b s (2:49}^). Bob Ridley, brg (2:44). 573. Bob Ridley, br g (2:36). 514, 686, 590, 689, 733. Bob Ridley, br s (2:43). 206, 331, 429. Bob Ridley, b g, pacer, by Bob Ridley. 759. Bob Ridley. 1.36. Bob Ridley, br g (2:.54). Bob Russell, b g (2:57). Bob Scott, gr g (2:40) ia5, 233, .3.39, 346,* 494, 500, 509, 661, 680, 793. Bob Scotland. 795. Bob Sheldon. 124, 131. Bob Smith. 434. 307, 799. 271, 372, 372, 445, 366, (541). (209). 12, 118,* Bob Stewart, br g., by Duff Green. 142, 364. 022.* Boutail, br m., pacer (2:58). 216. Hob I own. 20 (. Bob the Devil, br g (2:40^). (.354). Bob Walton, (2::J6»4). 140, (334), (533. Bob Watts, chg('^:.37). 222, 358. 644. Bob White, b g ( 2:;i9iJ4). 1 11, 1 124*). 248,* .358. Bob Wliite, gr g, pacer (2:37^). i 111, 765,* 775. 780. Bob Williams, ch g, by Ck>lumbus. 319 354. Bob Williams, b s. 465. Bob Young. 799. Bodiiie, b g (2:I9>^). 24, 9.3, 104, 1 1(>, 127, . 81, 225, 242,* 253, 267, 270,* 37(J, 447,* 466, 474, 480, 509,* 586, .587, 590, 688, 701. Bogardus, ch s (2:51). 35, 155, 249, :i6.3. 502, (708). Bogerfsb m. 4i'2. Bogota, b g (2:37^ w.). 132, 134, (29-1), 5S0,* 601. Bogus, pacer. 7 ;9, 753. Bogus Tom, b g. 47. Bohemian Gul, b m (2:53). 99, 210, 232. 278,* 468, (.547). Bog Oak, blk s, by Norman, dam by Knight of St. George. 555. Bogus Charley, br g. 313. Bois d'Arc, blk g (2:54). 285, (414). Boleta B. 510. Boby H. (3:02). 170,(275). Bolivar (3: 10). 59, (327). Bolero, pacer. 782. Bolero. 152. Bolly, pacer. 759. Bologna. 486. 716. Bolly Lewis, b g (2:29^). 108, 497, 575 59Ii Bolly Lewis, gr g (2:30i^) (2:29 s). 168, (24.8), 252, :i31, 351, 411, 520, 533, 6.33,* 665. 801), 802. Bolly Weaver, cli g, pacer. .313, 759. Bolton. 1.59. Bolton Boy. 556.. Bonanza, ch g (2:42). by Mambrino Eclipse, dam by Copperbottom. (2.381. 398. 626. Bonaparte (Teamboat), ch g (2:40J^ s.). 426. Bonaparte, bg (2:44). 19,502. Bond's blk g (2:53). 334. Bone Cracker. 6U5. Bones, b g (2:44). 101, 106, 172, 240, 522. Bones' blkg (2:44). 188, (633*), 720. Bones, ch m. 540, 641. Bones, b g (2:33>4). 203, 231, 484, 617, 722, 802. Bones, bm (2:51). 78.* Bones. 689,728. Bones, brg (2:4894). (55.) Bones, pacer (2:35). (748*). Boneset, pacer. 778. 785. Boneset, sp g (2:36i^), by Brooks' Horse, dam Margaret. 10,15,26, 115, (.309), 597,689* Bonesetter, ch g, by Kirkman. 364, 470. 496, 757. Bonesetter, b s (2:19). 122,* 128, 143, 160,* 172, 183, :344, 463, 50n, 515,524,5.37, 507, 680, 608,661, 687. 701,* 708, 725.* Bonesetter. 128. 608, (708). Bonesetter, bg (3::i0). (IJi). Boney. 71. Boney Young, b g (2:4.51^). 427,730. Boiifacy's Entry .375. Bonham'sgrs. 723. Bonita. .565. Bonita. bm(2:189i). 65. Bonita (2:.57). 206, (561). Bonito, b g, pacer (2:32^). 767, (790). Bonner, ch g (2:23). 7, 8,* 80, 120. 132, 1.34, 140,* 147, 193, 206, 232,* 288, 298, 320, 331,* 369, 415, 445,. INDEX OF BEATEN HORSES. 833 459, 498, 536,* 579, (586*), 629, 67S.' Bon;aer, b g (;!:01), by Robert Bon- n-r. 417, 7 .1. Bouuer, pjcer. 771. Bonner, b g (.2:44). .")8. 393, (626), 7uj. Bonner, grg. 69, 100, 165, 457.* Boiiuer, blk g. / 1, l:i9, 388, 520. Bonner Boy, b g (..:23;. 115, 1U4, 5i'l,'= 7ut>, 71.'.* Bonner, b g. i07. Bonner, Ji.,brs (^2:53J^j. 526, (640). Bonnie Jiuu-. 479. Bouuiele, cm-. 555. Bonny, 0 in (2:5ii>cj;. (429;. Bonny (2:JJ;. (45/;. Bonny (2:4914— erroneou.sly given 3:05J4, page 8 0- 260, (297*). Bouuy (u:5y>^). 300. Bonny. 655. Bonny. 664, 716. bouuy, Lr m. 35, 370. Bonny BeUe, b in (2:46). 70, 459, 47^:, 689. Bouuy Belle, ch m (2:42). 158,* 402, 41 1 , (4iJi <. Bonuy ^elie. 3£4, 465. Bouuy Beso. 627. Bonny C. , br m (3:49J^). 38, (40*). Bonn J' Caslle, ch s. Iy8. Bonny Doon,br s (2:351^). 68, 83, 116, 134, -,43, 2s9, 3U7, 425, 441, 449,* 489,- 533, 647, 6n5, 682.* Bonny Doon, blk s e2:35). 10, 29, 243, 318, 478. Bonny Uoon, ch m (2:35). 157, 230, 3-^9, 418, 427, 501, 600, (711*). Bonuy Doon, Jr. (344). Bonny Kate, b m (2:36). 373. Bonny L., ch g (2:28'. 16. 90, (193*), 307,* 326, 38'i, 412,- 438, 453, 455, 506, 516, 529, 557, 605, 622, 625. Bonuy L. 326. Bonny Lassie. 491, 553. Bonny Phelps. 605. Bonny Scotland. 131, 709. Bonny Wilkes, b m (2:293^). 205, 227, 310,* 481, 500, 535, Bonny Wood, b ni (2:32), by Nut- wood, dam Lady Belle, by Chief- tain. 9, 87,* (131), 668. J Bonus, br g (2:49J^). 428, 453. Bony. 128. Boocoon. 69. Booker Boy, bg (2:461^ w.). 87,301, 506. Boone, ch s (2:39J^). 11, 77. Boots 194 Bootblack,'bf g(2:49). 115. Boo Peep. 196. Booth, br g (2:33). 54, 441. Bootli, pacer. 777. Bootjack, b g (2:40). (39), 360, 366, 475. Bootjack, pacer. 777. Borax (J. W. Thomas) ch g (2:27J4), 158, 2x9, 460, 614. Borax (Borak) ch g (2:35i^). 140,* 156, 480, 615.* Borden (2:44^). 146. Border Ohiel (2:47). (272). Border Eagle, gr s (2:37%). 136, 582, 624, 714. Bortrand. 278. Border King. 499. Border King, b s (3:27i^). 327. Borneo. 578. Bort'sgrm. 240. Borst's b m (2:54j^ w.). 461, 674. Boss. 159. Boss. (588). Boss, b s (2:39). 215, 388. Boss Abdallah, b g. 59. Boss Bill, b g. 16. Boss H., b g (2:31^). 256, 635. Buss Feamaught, ch g, by Fear- naught. 107,* 200, 203, 218, 256, 53 :523, 347, 406, 503, 572, 674, 687, 7.9. Boss .Monroe, b g (2:.5.3i^), by Jim Monroe. (243), 465. Buss Tweed, blk g. 366,046. Boss Tweed. 543. Boston, b g (2:3.5). 77, 176, 265,337. Boston, cli g (2:36 w.). 262, 287, 3 1 9, 508,* 674. Boston, b g (3:53). 30. Bos.on, br g (2:31). 72, 143, .376, 443, 498, 517, 544, 574, 582, (629), 635, 677. Bosion, b g (2:..i9). 140, 160, (210), 385, 470. 803. Boston (2:511^). (283). Boston, b g (2; 27^;. 72, 153, 516, G13, 693 Bosion Belle. 432. Boston Bill, b g. 513, 799. Bosion Boy, b g (2:52). 88, (HI). Boston Boy, b g 618. Boston Boy, b g (2:51). 103, 324, 667. Boston Boy, b g (2:38). 566, 592. Boston Boy, ch g (2:30^4). 79, 118,* 144, 179, 214,- 225, 259, 276, 302, 304, 324,- 372, 507, 529, (533), 566, 592. Boston Boy (2:451^). (545). Boston Boy, ch g. 14(). Boston Davis, b g (2:34). 165, 241, 381. Boston Davis, blk g (3:38i^). (172), 474, 595. Boston Girl, b m (2:35^). 185, 332, 380,* 382, 398, 423, 426, 469, 477, 546, 563, (.593), 624, 664, 697, 720, 776. Boston Girl, br m (3:09). 197, 206, (214), 797. Boscou Girl, b m. 77, 578. Boston Gray (2:48 s.). 235, (502). Boston on Board, b g (3:C5), 604, Boston Pilo-, ch g (2:32). 29, 34, 48, 170, 195, 201,* 236,* 308, 350, 553, 726. Boston Rattler, b g (2:37). 210, 523. Boswell's b m. 710. Botany Bay, bg. 525, 588, 605. Bourbon, b g. 64. Bourbon Chief. 34, 198, 560 . Bourbon Girl, b m (2:43). 43, 68, 83, (532). Boulder (2:54). 378, 610. Boumy. 562. Boughton, b g (2:42). 79,* 585. Bouvier's b s (2:46>-2). 513, 656. Bovine, b m. 472. Bow George. 178. Bowedel), br g (2:48%). (67), 500. Bovver, gr g. 175. Bowerman, b g. 457.* Bo wen's br g (3.5114). 90. 338, 543. Bowen's b m. 433, 527, 690. Bowery, ch g. 70. Bowery Boy, br g (3:53 w.). 157, 210,* (523*). Bow -Legged BUly. 30, 496. Bowers 166, 711. Bowers' Colt. 509. Box, bg (2:40). 588. Boxer, b g. Ii4, 454, 490, 527, 626. Boxer, b g. 11, 126, 467, 595, 656. Boxer, b g (3:16ft) 412, 472. Boxer, b g. 729, 801. 802. Boy, b g (2:3314)- 47, 79, 122, 170,* 298. Boy, gr g (2:47). 419, 610, 795. Boy Billy, b g (2:51%). 100, 301. Boyce's blk m (2:38!4). 703. Boyce's gr g (3:34}^). (516). Boy Charley. 124, 669. Boy Clay, b s (3:58). (322). Boyd P., chg (2:31}^). 241.512,558. Boy from Home (2:46). 378, (415). BoyG. 336. Boy in Blue (2:3114). 113. Boy Jordon, b g (3:39). (136;, 155, 547, 658. Boy Tom (2;40*) 100. Boz. 715. Bozeman Boy (2:42^4). (54), 131.* Boz Leg, b g. 8. Brace brg (2:35i4). 57, 114, 175, 21.7, 2 J2. Bracelet, b m (2:4034). 13, 223, 360, 560. Brackett (2:45%). 37, (517). Brad. 424. BraJy Mare. 353, 621. Brady. 41, 554. Brady's ch g. 187. Bradley, b g (2:43J^). 387, 432, 699, 62">. 63u. Bradley, bs (2:35). 87,383. BraddoLU,bm. L2.i Biauio.d, chg. eoa. Bradley Uailovv,.b m(2:59i/o). (61S). Bradshaw, b s. 349. Bragelone, b g, by Sam Golddust. 80, 172. Brakeman, brg (2:.34i4;, (erroneous- ly printed 2:33, page S9;. 297.670. Braman, blk g. 461, Brambles. 9. Brand, gr e (2:36). 296, 644. Brandon, blk g (3:13;. 192. Brandf ort Girl. 5i). Brandy, ch g (2:-14;. 15. 243, 395, 338, 423, 437. 483, 54h, 604. 334. Brandv Boy, b g (2:20J4). 64,* i 01, 131, (123*), 179. 2:J0. 259, 340,* 354. 364, 454, 467,* 470, 507, 554, 566. 710. Brandy Knox, b g. 604. Brandywine, blk- g (2:38i^) (2:36 s). .55,302,399,598.* Brand v.v me, br g (2:39;. 335, 433, (438), 449, 7 il.- Brandywine, chg (3:38;. 361. Brandywine, b g (2:45). 183, 603, 706,* 729. Brandywine. 606. Brandywine (3:43). (407). Brandywine, br s (2:53). 54, 404, (595), 673. Brattleboro, bg(2:46). 318,692,(724). Brattleboro Boy. 90, 109. Brattleboro ^i aid, b m (2:52). 237, 441.* Break Down, pacer. 776. Breako'Day, chg (2:36;. 51,107, 112, 2.59, 289, 433, 438, 459, 505, 564, Q.iX. 662, 797, 798. Breeze. (185), 446.* Breeze, b g (^ :44). C18, 675. Breeze, b m(2:32^). 212 218, 269,* 326, (357), 361, 424. 539. Breeze (2:561^). 10, 179,475,486,710. Breeze, b g (2:24). 446,* (492), 574, 633, 665. Breeze, ch g (3:40). 336, 572, 588. Breeze, b m (3:01). 361, 434, (689). Breeze, 677, 686. Breeze, brm(2:3-^i^). 210,577. Breeze, blk m. 41, 234, 461. Breeze Medium, bm (3:29%) 9,20,* 64, 93. 121, 158. 362, 265, 373, 297, 378, 492,* 507, 644,* 735. Breezer. 482. Bret Hart. 185. Brennock's b s. 355. Brent. 384,350. Brewer. 387. Brewer Boy (2:36). 385, (439). Brewery Boy, b g, pacer. 763, 790. Bre« er Girl (2:5;^). (453). Brewster. 713. Briareus, b g (2:41). 205, 210, 507, 665, 704. Bric-a-Brac, blk g (2:37). .572. Brick, b g. 71,* 79, 17o, 222,* 312, 483, 489, 630.* 704,* 712. Brick, b g, by Aberdeen. 65, 683. Brickbat, b g, 58, 572,* 595, 679. Brick Jack, blk s. 184, 351, 387. Brickmaker (2:54). (392), 421. Brick Mare. 156. Brick Pomeroy, blk g (2:42). 141. &34 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. Brick Poraeroy, b g (3:00). Biiok P..tueroy ('^liil). (405). Brick Woodward. 2U0. Bricks, ihg(;.':4;{). (580,* 803. Jiricbyard. b g (-:40>^). 103, 220. Bri.lge. 444. BridK". 1G.S liri igepurt Bov. 132, 364. Bri Jgel . 100, 302.* 424, 506, 539. Bridget, b im2:ol?4) 71,231,394, O'JO. Bridget, b m (3:00). 89. 139. 197,* :J;U, 311. 3JS, 493. 490. Briilget, li in. by Princeps. 176, 4:.'l. lt;!>, .->41, 5!)9. Bridget, b ni. 604. Bridget. 22T. liridget Smiih, b m. 650. Bridgewater Boy, blkg(2:50). (115), 430. Brig, pacer. 769. Brigadier, b 8 (2:21J4). 5. 122, 126, 137, 15S. lti.->, 28>S. 380, 440, 4S2, 535, 674, 606, 62.5. Brig , "s cli s ( 2 :35). 796. tirigliaiii, cli s, by Planter, dam by Kentucky Hunter. 38 1. Brighaiii, b g (2:45). 271, 364. lirighani. 4(>ii. Brighaui Young, b s(2:44). 19,* 209, (3u7), 327, 3,>>s, 457, 538, 541, 583. Brigliain Young,blkg (3:1.-.^). 471, 554, (liOO). 682. Brigh;un Young, b s. 100. Briglit, cli Ml (2:35). 459. Briglit Light, br s, pacer (2:29). 200, 742,- 745, 754, (755*). Bright Eyes, bra. 115,* 122, 221, 2H9, 302, 353, ..OC. Brighton, b g, by Hotspur. 488. Brighton. 4.'i0. Brighton, oh g (2:34% . 83, 222, 300, 601,* 6.7. Brighton Boy. 221,582. Brigliton Dick (2:50). (67 ). Bi-ighton Flirt, br m (2:5u). ^585). Brighton Girl, b m (2:38). 181, (391*). .j:!5. Brighton Jim, b g. 750. Bright u Maid, ch m (2:52 w). 553. j Brignoli (Mainbrino Prince), b s i (2:29i)4). 21,* 323.390,404, 480, 488, t., 5, 681. Brdhant. 212. I Brilliant, ch g. 195, 303, 380, 388. Brilliant, ch s, by Young Morrill. 13, 78. 3611, (522. ' BriUiant. 327. Brilliant, b g (2:40). 5 ), 192. BriUiant, br s (2:43). 142, (224). Brilliant. 3;J3. Brilliant, ch g (2:39J4). 148, 210,* 515. (652). B iliiant, b g (2:45). 46, 141, 163, 267, 282. 3i5, (560), 583, 662. Briny. 429. irimstone.dng, pacer (2:38). 593. Bristol, b 8. 677. Bristol Bill, gr g (2:29). .32. 46,* 68, 79, 131, 137, 231. 238,* 265, 3.")3, .389, 550, 564, 627,* 638. 603, 801. Bristol Bov. b g. 1 74, 4ti'.'. 682. Bristol Gill, b m (2:28%). by Jim Ervin, dam by Capt Walker. j2,+ 1 17. 124, 196, 288, 372, (434*), 514, 658. Bristol Girl, pacer. 774. Britoiiiarte. J 14. HristolMaid. 135. BntClay.bs. 66, 229. Britain, b g (2:34%). 52. 211, 338, 4l:7,5l7.(iA.5, 671, 803. Brittania Uoy. 556, 563. Hrittoii'srns. 08,358,715. Broad lee (2:4 IJ^). (96). Broadway, b g. 525. 681. Broadway, pacer. 788. Broadway Bel o bm. 276, .370 Broad W)i,v Flirt, ch m (2:52). 370, (559), 606. Broadway, Jr., dn g. 56. Brockion, br g (2:43J4). Ill, 146. 103,* 166, 180. •-:03, 400. Brockton, b g (2:44J4). 12, 212.* I rockton (iirl. 538. Brokaw. blk g (3:01). 406, (526), 685,* 711. Broken Knees (2 :;J9). (48). Broker, ch g. 406. broker. 60 1, iiroker (Dalton Horse), ch g (2:.'i4). 22, 693, ' 13. Broker, br s (2:32>^), by Strader's Cassius M. Clay, Jr., dam Madam Heir, by Toronto. 40, 172. 178, 315, 6H9. Broker, blk s (3:01). (5:}), 233, 412. Broker, bg. 560. Broker Dan. 103. Broni,bg. 399.523. Brom Keony, blk g (2:37). 27, .32, 53, 105, 145, 1^7,242, 288,320, 3:W, 319, 3t;8, 3-; 4.1378), 626. BrunHllcult. 382. Bronx. 90,733. Bronze, br m (2-21}4). 60, 140, 227, 265. 330,* 380, (635). 640, 703. Broncho Jim. 1 22, 474, 507 . Brooking's Hauibletouian. 716. Brooklyn Boy (2::56i^). 17, 151, 312, 366,618.010,043. Brooklyn Bell. 21^. Brooklyn Dan. 636. Brookln Eagle (2;i55). (289). Brooklyn. 1-0. 'ise. Brooklvn Maid.chm(2:38). 399,638. Brooklyn Maid,blk m (2:5:^1^ vv). 248. Brooklyn Maid, br m. 24, 021. Brooklyn Wooil, br g (3:08). 796. Brook's b g (:J:00). 219, 340, 438. Brooks. 528, (801). Brook's ch m (2 :58). (.325). Brook's grg. .531. Brook's gr g (3:00^). (175), 337. Brook's bg. 62. Brookside, gr g (2:50). 5:59. Brookside Flora, b m (2:29). 69, 128, 158, 108, 266, 585, 617, 657, 67:5, 675, 713. Broom Com, pacer. 786. Bro m Corn, b g (2:40). 69, 160, (262), 342, 518. 609,* 066. Bro^ther, b g (2:44%). 128,171,201, Brother to Alley, b g. 335,* 494, 509, 715. Brother Baldwin, b g (2:.33). 38. 42, 156, 201, 247, 281, 331,* 415. 452, 456, (d40). Brother Dunbar. 687. Brother Jonathan, b g (2:35^). (383), 603. Brother Jonathan. bg(2:24). 34,44, 46, 85,* 86,* 100, 115, 147, 160, 197, 109, 224,* 241. 265, 320, 3-:8, 330, 338. 384, 425, 457, 400, 468. 494, 512,* 590,* 031. 036,* 637, 653,* 657, 671,679, 714. Brntzer, gr g. 410. Brown Allen. 98, 139. Brown'sb s (2:5i). H4, 399. 800, Brown's 0 g (2:39). 588. Browns bg(3:ll?4>- 669. BrowTi's b ni (2:59%). 31,3. Brown's ch s (:!:00>6. 606. Brown Bill, br g (2:58). 39. (629). Brown Hilly, br g (2:50). :!97, (705). rown Hilly, brg. 78,411. Brown Billy, br g (2: !5^). 2-:8. 1 Brown Billy, br g (2:44% w.). 432, 45.', 464, 482. 1 Brown Bdly, brs(2:43 — erroneouslr l)rinti(l 2:4.'), page 93). 110, 180, 420. 437. 4.54. 5:{0. 793. Brown Billy, Org (2:30 J4). 9,60,101. 185, 105, 207, 324, ;{49, 382. 388, 402,* 421,* (422), 440,* 493,553, I 588,601,730.794.797. Brown Billy, br g (2:52). 183, 268, (279), 384. 479.* I Brown Billy, br g. pacer (2:35>^). 738, 750,* 759, (766), 7o7. , Brown Billy, br g (2:52). 45. (98*), ; ;.'20. 228, 232, :J00,* 327, 439, 610, Brown Billy, b g. 708. Brown Boy, b g. 24. I Br )wn Boy. b g. 280. Brown Bird, bm (2:40). 40, (G. ,. 107, 147. Br.>wu Ch-irley, b g. 167. Brown Charley, b g. :J0V. 611. Brown Charley, br g (2:44 1. 8:1,298, 676. Brown Charley. (661). Brown Charley, br g (2:44). 6:1, 354, (529). Brown Chief, br s. 425. • Brown's Chestnut Gelding. 47. : Brown Colt. 365, 503. B o\v • Dan, br g, pacer (2::19>4). (761). Brouii Dan, hr g. 318, 175. 217, I 229,231,283,315, 318,55.2.* Brown Dick (2:40). 376. Biown Dick, pacer. 7."i5, 765, 790. i Brown Dick, br g (2:2.5J4). 46, 127, 226,* 260,* 433. 449,^ 474, 507, I 584, 603. Brown Dick, br g (2:41). 181, 342, I 366, 421, 448, 634. Brown Djik, org (2:46%). 313, 505. i Brown Dick, br s (3:09). 75, 95, 1 314*. 554. Brown Dick, br g (2:48). 129, 174,* I 548. Brown Dick, br g (2:40). 117. Brown Dick, br g (2:43). 231, (461), I 54 Iv i Brown Dick, br g (2:40i^). 71, 72, 149, 408. 621. Brown Dick, br g (2:48M). 130, 589. Brow.i Dick, br g (2:5634). 240, 404, 424,(670), 676. Brown Dick. 450. 459, 673. Brown Dick, Org (2:24^). 120,147, 173, 25:1, 392, 407, (425*), 444, 479,* 49",, 514, 547. 580, 721. Brown Dick, b g (3:00). 38, 14.3, 148, 169,217. Brown Dick, br s (2:5.3). 106, 16!*, 204 * 218, 309, 3119, 512. Brown Dick, br g (2:31). 480, 585, 7:?o,* Brown Dick (2:29i4). 3.39, 4"9. 542, 6.38, 715. Bi-own George, b g. 265, 448, 473, 6.37. Brown George, br s (2:;52 w.). 54,* 141.248, 794, 796, 79 r. Brovm George, br g ("2:55^). 131. Brown George, br g (3:04). 2,58, 354. Brown George, brg. 287, .'Ul. 571. Brown George, br g (2:40). 19, 53, 7:i, m, 120, 350, 4(;6,*, 503, «)42. Brown George, bi- g (2:.54J4). 7, 44,* 10«, 1()7, 217, 221, 335, 336, 370, 411.447,796. Blown (i.-org'". br g ( 2:48). 9,* 107, 203,310, 347. .3411. 44.3. Brown George, br g(2:4794). 6^, 225. Br. iwn George, br g, pacer. 745, 769, 771. Brown George, br g. 41. 44, 137. Brown (ieorge. br g. 167. brown Harry, br g (2:40). 174, 247, 3! 1, 317,* 476, (.j22), 797. Brown Henry (2:48^4). (729). Brown Irish, br k- 40. Brownnie, br g (2:45). 64, 163. Brownnie. br m (2:50). 121. Browning's gr g. 9. Brown Jack (Dictator and Huckle- berry), br g (2:22>4). 65. 543, .586.* Brown Jack, br g (2:45). 484. Brown Jack, brg(2:3;i;^). (1.56), 577. Brown Jack, br g(2:58 w.). (264), .387, 584. BrowTi Jack,brg(2:.34). 526, (573*). Brown Jack, br g (2:45). 37,* 56, 326, 481, (652), 656, 667,* 802. Brown Jake, br g. 244. Brown Jake, br g. .527. Brown Jennj', hr in. ^3. Brown Juno. 225. Brown Jim. 217. Brown Jim. 621. Brown Jim, br g (2:43). 175, (625). Brown Jim. 564. Brown. Jim, br g(2:47). 33, 88. Bro'vnJim, brg(2:38). 54. Brown Jim, br g. 588, 595. Brown Jim, brg. 63. Brown Jiin, brg. 546. Bnnvu Joe, br g. 22. Brown Joe, br g, pacer. 740. 757. Brown Joe, br g (2:58). (564). Brown John, brg. 2.59. Brown John, br g. 161, 163. Brown John, br g (2:35i^). 337, 459 582. Bruwn John, br g. 201. Brown John, br g (2:47i4). 30, 98, 2;32.*564, (637), 700. Brown John, brg. .571. Brown Johnny, br g (2:301^). 132, 161, 184, 233, 384, 412, 450, 630, 699,* 700. Brown Jug, br g (2:43). (167), 408, 474, 6i6. Brown Jug (3:01). (63.3), 718. Bro\m Jug, br g, pacer (2:56}^). 15:5,322, 674.(765), Brown Kate, br m (•::38i.^). 26, 173, 379, 40 .', 425, 480, 658, 676,* 703, 709.* 734. Brown Ka'e, brm (2:511^). (.396). Brov n Kate, br m. 88. 242, 472, 481. Brown Kate, br m (2:38). 41. 67, 94, 197, 237, 425,* 441, 454, 552, 599, 6.-) 3. Brown A.itf, br m (2:4954). (262). Brown K t, 1 r m (2:.523.^). 27. Brown Kit, pacer. 747,789. Brown Kitiy. 304, 690. Brown Kitty, brm(2:50). (71,) 85,* 386, 723. Brown Kitty. 493,798. Brown tatty (2:41— 2:3]i^ s.). 350, 441,.5:(6. Brown Kittv (2:.37i^). (589), 626, 730. Brown Kittv (2:42^). 226. 459, (656). Brown Knapp. 277. Brown Loafer, br g. 48. Brown Lucy, br m, by Orphan Bov. 0.36. Brown Mack, br g (2:36>^). 15, 643. Brown PUck(2:50). 62, 68, 69, 489, (726). Browu'sMaid, brm. 728. INDEX OF BEATEN HORSES. Brown Mary, brm (2:47}^). 87, 197, 235, 272, 5.>8, 8U1. Brown Moj'ly, br m. 382. Brown Jlare. 252. Brown Mate, br m . 640. Brown Nathan, br g(2:419i). 70, 222, 252. 29 ',* 366. Brown Ned (2:51 1^). 70. (102), 628. Brown Nelly, br m (2:49^4). 44, 190, 192, 243. 3.'5, 362. (4271. 439, 474,* 480. Brown Nelly. 280. Brown Nelly, br m (2:45). 573, 693. Brown Nelly, br m (2:;i8i.4). (280), 445, 5:53,' 700. Brown Nelly, br m (2:4.5). :U, 464, (495), 5:8, 605. BrownNelly,brm(2:.59). 293, (573). Brown Nelly. 09.* Brown Nick, brg, pacer. 752. Brown Patuiien, brs. 120. Brown Peggy, brm. 378. Brown Prince, brg. 366, 5:30. Brown frince (Harry), br g (2:3ti). 43, 86. 107, 134, I4(j, 142, 24,3, 522, .523, 5:i6. Brown Prince (2:40). 556,594. Brown Prince, br g (2:34). 185,* 285, (52-'). Brown Prince, br g. 276, 296, 406,* 4-7, 498. Brown Prince, brg. 65, .322. Brown Prince. 251. Brown Rover, brg(2:41?4). 7,273. Brown's blkm. 531.690 Brown Sam, brg. 36, 228. 332, 586. Brown Sentinel, brs (3:00^). 723. Brown Seward, br g (:r :46 ). 106, 132, 334, 379, 533,* 720. Brown Sid, brg 680. Brown Stone, brg. 65. Br )wn Surrey. 279 . Brown 'Ihi-asher, br g (2:45). 24,* 168,* 300, 324, 328, 453, 512, 584, 686. 69.". Brown Tom. 356, 636. Brown Tom, br g, pacer. 766. Brown Tom, br g (2:40). 519. Brown Tom, br g (2:45^). 45. 176, 405, 624,* 628. Brown Tom, (2:31 J4). 16,* 39, 99, 185, 421, 655,* 672,* 675,* 694.* Brown Tom, br g. 431. Brown Tommy, brg. 491. Brown Wilkes, br s (2:26)4). 83, 120, 132, 173, 193.* .3.54, 411,492, 497, 519, 532,* 578, (635*), 657, 673,* 682,* 683. Brown Weasel, br m. 684. Brown Wedge. 187. Brownwood, brg (2:39>4). 9.* (57), 100.323,391, 48(;, .508, 528,537, 663 * Brownwood, br s, by Swigert, dam bv Richard's Bellrounder. 307. Bruce, b g (2:48)^), 147, 174, 234, 436. 626, 795. Bruen. 165, 251. Bruen, ch g(2:41i^). 496, 716. Bruiser, br g. J 87, 265. Bruiser, wh g (2:48)^). 490. Bruiser, bg(2:35). (558*). Bruin, gr g, by Robert Banner, dam by Pilot. Jr. 84, 165,452, 634.* Brumme, br g (2:49). .518. Bruna, br m (3:07). (306). BrunkoBill,grg(2:37i4). 248,(557). Brunette, br m. 628. Brunette, gr m (2:49»4). 56, 80, 250, 649. Bnmette, br m (2:43). 178, (349*), 488,* 662, 686. Brimo, b s (2 :29i,^). 269, (42s*), 463.* Bruno, b g (2:52). i:i7. Bruno, blkg(2:5]). 47, 159,385, 730. Bruno, blk g. 585. Bruno, blk g (2:44^) . (503). Bruno, b s. 43. Bruno in.,b g. 656. I Brunswick (3:01). (406). 835 Brunswick, b g, pacer (2:4(5). (765 1, 78i).* Brunswick Bov, b g (2:34). 29,371 ••592, 674, 675, 679. ^ ' ' ' Brunswick Boy, b g. 526. Brush'.s Entry, (:!:.35). 301, (541). Brush's bg. 161. Brushy John, blk g (2:27). 11, lO.n, 140, 174, 181, 272, 535,* 590, 602! Brutus. niG). Brutus, b g (2:,37). 67, 123. 125. 206, 21.3. 312, (420), 425, 502, 588, 695,700. Brutus. .57, 232. Brutus, b s (2:.37%). 161. Brutus, rn g (2:43)^). 131, 143, 145, 342. Brutus, ch g ('':.34K) 20, 214, 307,* 384, 401, 470, 700, 728. Bi utus. 554. Brutus Clay, b s (2:45}4). 2 -'4, (495), 624. Bryant's ch s. 703. Bryant, br s, by Commander, dam by Allendale. 129, 637. Bryant's colt. 246, 541. B. S. W( ight (Bay Fearnaught), b s (2:37). .351. B. T. Johnson. 551.* Bub. 177, 282, 418. Bub Pulford, gr g, by Pilot Mam- brino. i:i5. Buccaneer, blk s, by Iowa Chief, dam by Flaxtail. 647. Bucephalus (2:59). 639. Buceplialus, rn s (2:32), 392. Buchanan, pacer. 7.54. Buchanan, b g (2:3,5). 55, 425, (631), Buchanan, b s. 201. Buck. 161. 5:54. Buck (3:01). (663). Buck, cl-i g (2:591^). 368, 576, (604), 683. Buck, dn g (2:40). 56, 329, 335, 795, (796). 800,802. Buck (2:4Ti^). 4.57, (555). Buck, dn g. 136, 222, 435. BuC , ch g. 188, 278, (415). Buck, pacer. 776. Buck Dickerson. ch g, pacer (2:26), by Red Buck. 740,* 748, 756, 767,* 781. Buckeye. 665. Buckeye, rn g (2:41). 64. 72, 106,* 199, 237,* 443, 656, 703. Buckeye, b g (2:57) 55,* 78, 155, ] 88, 627. Buckeye (2:42}/, s.). .54, 242, £79, 444, 67.J. Buckeye, pacer. (2:41). (754*), 767. Buckeye B. 336. Buckeye Boy. 174, 556, Buckeye Boy, pacer. 749. Buckeye Bill, b g (2:37>^). 11, 23, 41, 55, 284. 394. 571. ~ Buckeye Chief, rn g (2:50). 185,* 210, 2:;9. Buckeye Girl, pacer. 790, 791. Buckeye John, b s(2:42). 613,(709). Buckeye .Viaid, b m, pacer (2:33). 753, (761). Buckeye Tom, pacer. 759. Buckeye Roan. 129. BuckfleldBov, bg(2:47i^). 368,469. Buckbig. 128. Buck Foster, b g (2:45), by Gen. Dana, dam by John Nelson. (365*), 526, 553. Buck Harrington. 313. Buckingham, b s (2:47). 88, 195, 214,* 285, .3:59, 471, 498, 541, 610. Buck Him One, ch g. 606. Buck Jack. 152. I Buckle Shaker, bm (2:43). (53), 388. Buchshire. 657. Buck Mooney. 121. Bucks County Girl. 398. I Buckshot (2:48^). 35, 146, 117, 355, 588, 667. 836 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PA'^INGI RE'^ORD. Buckshot . 716. Buckshot Bill. 527. Buckskin, dn g (^1:39 s.). 76. Buckskin, b gC2:40). 216,413,591, 677. Buckskin, ch g (2:54). 408, 476, 634, 698. Buckskin, dn g (2: 3414). 409,469, oO.-.. 632. Buckskin, dn g (2:.33) (2:29U s.*). 11, 71, 331, (3S2*), 460, 56o, 570, 63.1,* 72.3. Buckskin, dn g (2:40^). 39, 242, 252, 391, 404,* 40.'), 794. Buckskin, dn g (2:51}^). 103, (377*), .")5.3. Buckskin, dn g (2:50). 115, 136, 1()H, 197, 198, 347, 576, 625, 727. Buckskin, dn g (2:42). 22,* 58, 116, 177,311,:t23, 444, .518, 571, (677). Buckskin, dn g (2:43). 155, (255), Buckskin, dn s (2: JlVi). 4.^,20.5,(237). Buckskin,dn g (2:56J^). 92,360, (501). Buckskin, dn g, pacer (2:39). 737,* 740, 764, 767, 772,* 780. Buckskin. 266. Buckskin, dn g, pacer (2:27). 741,* 759, 7ti2, 763, 7ii8,* 769,* 773,* 776,* 777, 783, 784, 785. Buckskin. 135,514,658. Buckskin. 179. Buckskin Belle, dn m. 431,545. liuckskin Boy, dn g. 375, 714. Buckskin Frank, dn g(2:.37i4). 415. Bucl2). 17, 18, 383, 495, 618,648.* Buckwheat, bg (2:40). (221*), 290, 507, 647, 696. Budd. 291,* 645.* Budd. 58, 346. Budd Doble, pacer, by Davy Crock- ett. 763. Budd Doblp, b s. 344. Budd Doble, ch s (2:52). 104, 1 17, 147, 162, 334, (478), 586. Budd Doble, b g (2:.i6), by Panic. 32,* 71, 78, (i:46), 277,* 472, 637. Budd Doble, b g. 264. Budget, b m. 14. Hudweiser, br g, pacer. 767. Bueil. 677. Bueth, b s (2:.50). 592. Buffalo Bill. 648, 802. Buffalo l^ill, rn g (2:44). 27. 60, 77, 441, 465, 578, 627,* 646, 693, 714. Buffcilo Bill. 117.* Buffalo Bill, b g (2:44). 73. Buffalo Bill, b g. 273. Buffalo Bill, rn g (2:29^). 17, 68, lO.i, 126, ( 187), 317,* :J72, 437, 452, .14,* 554, 716. Buffalo Bill, b g (2:34}^), by Master- lode, dam by Anthony 'Wayne. 51, 70, 96, (107), 329, 340, 504, 559, 527 576, 644, 697, 796. Buffalo Boy, b g, pacer (2:33>^). 134, 740 Buffalo Dick, bg (2:46)^ w.). 80. BuffaljDick, ch8(2:.58). 8,361. Buffalo Girl (Elltt Miller), bm, pacer (2:12>^). 216, 7.37,* 740,* 754,* 756, 768,* 769, 770,* 777, 778.* Buffalo Mairi, b m (3:02^). (448). Buffalo Mare. 277. Buford's b s (2:49U). 591. Buford, b 8, by Todhunter's Mam- brino. 653. Bugger, b g pacer, (2:30), 745,* ' 75S, 779. Builder, bg (2:33). SS, 104. I Bulger Bill, eg, pjicer. 704. Bull. 233,257. Bulls. 77, 86, 225. Bull's rn m, pacer. 749. Bull Calf, 1. g (.:47^) (2:40Jiis), 139,616(710). BulMozer. b g, pacer (2:30?^), by Standard Bearer. (776). Bullet. 281,H(KI. Bullet, blkg(2:50i^w). 497. Bullet, pacer. 768. Bullet (.':32>4) (erroneously sepa- rated from Bullet 2:36, page 98). 1 16, 121, US, 149, 202, 431, 648. Bullet. 3H-<. Bullet, ch g (2:41). (120), 342,* 410, 6:)8. Bullet, chs (3:01). .322, (461*). 619. Bullet, Jr., grg, pact r, (2::16).* 768. Bullet, Jr., grg, by Bullet. 149,319. Bullion, by Logan Currency (2:40). 100,19.-). Bull of the Woods (2:43^). (101), 552. Bui I of the Woods (2: 59 w.). 362. Bull Run, grg (2:32%), 439, 582. Bully (2:5.)). (408). Bully Bo.y. 626,643. Bully.Brooks (Bangor), b g (3:28). 114, 252,- (302), 401, 528. Bully Brooks, bg(2:52J^). 88,103. Bully Allen (3 : 00). (63i). Bulwer. 418. Bumblebee (2:.55). 358,(681). Bumpus, bg. 714. Bundy, pacer. 756. Bundy,bg(2:42^). 607,(626). Bungalow. 617. Bungay Girl, blk m. 27, 154. Bunker Hill, blk g (2:46%). (119*), 149, 257, 585, 093.* Bunker Hill Boy, br g (2:36). (127), 585. Bunko, b s (2:38). 458, (608). Bunt. 63. Buntv Logan, b g (2:42). (3.37). Burcnim Boy. 251, 403. Burch Top. 75. Burden, b g. 146, 478, 534, 612. Burdetr, b s (2:50%). 454. Burdock, brg. 128. Burgess, pacer. 740. Burgher, ch s (3:31). 90, 142, 182, 218, 251, 304, 355, 461, 477, 501, 522, 625,* 64 1, 694. 715. Bm-gljr, pacer (2:30). 740, (742), 744, 759,* 766. Burglar. 181, 429. Burgundy (2:54). (573). Burke. 61, 101. Burlinpton,grs(2:37).5, 190, (72.)). Hurlingron. b s. 635. Burlington, b s (2:32). 26,* 170, 175, 210, 272, 288, 297, 363, 388, 414. 425, 453,* 538, 540, 542, 607, 610. 717. Turlington Chief, bs' (2:50). 135,534. Burnham's b m. 81 . Burnloi-st. gr g (2:32). 74,* 91, 210,* 214,* 226, 252, 37:5. 295, 3j9, 341, (346), 524, 615, 818, 795, 798, 800, 802. Burns' bm. (112), 516. Burns' b s (2:30). 46, 117, 299, 392,* 398, 618, 667, 704. Burnside. 667. Burnside, pacer. 700. Burns, Jr. 296, 667. Burr, cli g. by Field's Royal George, dam Belle of Saratoga, by Ver- mont Black Hawk. 44,64,70,481.* Burr Oa'- , br g (2:351^;. 46,* 64, 94, 260, 315, 474. Burr Oak Maid, bm(2:50). 119, 167, 4.56. Burr's ch s, by Jupiter. 714. Burroughs. 41. Burt, b g (2:50). 58, 256, .379, 395, 4.->4, ((>2.-)). Biu-t. 2.J9, 454. Burton. 621 . Busby, bg (2:31>4). 26,* 79, 149, 19:5,* 202, 532, 594, 647, 794. Bu!.h(::.'.8). 149,706. Bush l!..y, b g (3:43^). 201, (380), I 5:;0, 562, 802. I Buslnvliacker(3:43). 14,(732). Bushwhackei-, b s (2:29K>). 18, 46, 132, 28b, 580, 608, 650." Bushwhacker, b ni (2:52). (505). Bushwhacker, bg (2:59)4). i;il, 135, I 190, (:!9.")«), 538. ] Business, br g (2:44U). 128, 183. I 28.J, 433. Business, brg. 1.30, 143, 194. Business, b g (2:28). (40), 104, 116.* 1 17, 200,* 216, 281, 282,* 367, 383, ! 421, 465, 569, 658, 7i9.* Buskie. 729. Bust, bg (2:56). (312;. Busier. 98, 407, 543. Busy. 499. Busy Bee, b m (3:00). 28, 176, 265, 274. Busy Boy, b s (2:47). 223, 427, 53L Busy Girl. 444. Buiciier (3:03). (636). Butcher. 539. Butcber (2:45). (502). Butcher, pacer (2 :.37). (762). Butcher Bill, gr g, pacer (2:36)^). (;. 39 1,766.* Butcher Bill. 698. Butcher B. v, b g (2:58). 102,422, (4:!6*), 603. Butcher Boy, b g (2:47). 182, 237, 278,* 442, 548. ButcherBoy.bg (2:411^). 131, 132, 174, 379.385. Butcher Boy, ch s (2:50). 315. Butclier Boy, br g (2:47). 33, 374, 399, 467, 563. Butcher Boy, b g (2:36). 240, 329, 431. 576. Butcher Boy, b g (2:57). 223, 532. Butcher Boy (2:45) 44, 4j7, 503, (526). Butcher Boy, ch g (2:38). 207. Butcher Boy, b g (2:36%). 44, 369, 482, .JO.S, (6191, 6.{7. Butcher Boy, rn g (3:00). .'.48, 58S. Butcher Boy. rn g (2:43%). 189, (368), 723. 802. Butcher Boy (Little iTred), ch g (2:34). 26, 30,31, 99. 118.130.* i;}4, 203, 323, 347, 416,419,445, (468*), .567, 678, 680. Butcher Boy, ch g (2:44). 49, 66, 137, 170, 328, 343, 367, 512, 607, 841. 651 Butcher Boy, b g (2:43), 152, 329, 416,* 638, (731*). Butcher Boy (Naked Truth), b g (2:34%). (73). 214. 359, 37: i* 390. 477, 507, 52:i, 535, 541, 549, 579, 701, 718, 737. Butcher Boy, gr g (2:57;. 19. Butcher Boy. 687. Butcher Boy, b g (2:571^). 8, 58. 356, 273.* 451. Butcher Boy, br g (3:10). 71, 184, 33;{, 580. Butcher Boy, b g (3:04). 33, 98, 338, 415, 616. Butcher Boy. 375. 598. Butcher Boy, ch g (3:47). 45. Butcher Boy (3:00). 116,118,301, 352, 500. 557. (578), 6H3. Butcher Boy (3:30y. s), (34), 111, 381, 67:). Butcher Boy, gr g. 40, 79, .500. Butcher Boy, blk g. 41, 61, 221, 392,* 443, 445. 693. Butcher Boy, pacer (3:. 16). 582,* (75J*). 7.M". 7:.;j, 754, 776,'* 785, 787. Butcher Boy, chg, pacer (2:38). 734, 756, 787, 792. Butcher Boy. gr g, pacer (2:33). 741, 749. 7.J3,* 758. Eutxjher Boy, eh s, by Nutwood. 151. Burri er Bov, pacer ('^•.5:5). (790). Butcher s Damsel. 221,411. Butcher (rirl, br m. 575. Butcher Gu-1, b m (2:46\ 80, 347, 413.*4ii7. 505, .556. 558, 559,* 562. Butcher Girl, b m. 684 . Bu'ch^-r Girl 2.")5. Butf.h-rJim,hrg:(2:40). l.">8, 162, 466 Butcher Maiil (•J:4.">^). (104). Butler, blkg. 279,602,6.35.644.726. Butler. 112,44,'. Butler Bov. 68S. Butler Boy, pacer. 785. 788, 790,* 791. Butler Patchen. 5S8. Butman Boy. 75. Butter Ball', gr m (2:44). 15, 160, (854*). 374. C.rnpr. 61. Cabbage Boy. 673. Cactus ',2:38}^). (97). Caddy, wh m (2:57 3-5). 644. Cade (2:42). 28, (98). Cadeen-;, gr m 690. Cadet, b s. 250. Cadiz, brg(2::38). 36,538. Cadmus, blk g(2:45M "). 107. Cadmus, ch g. 358, 560, 654, 656, 669. Cadmus, ch s (2:48). 116, 498, 610. Cadmus, ch s. pacer. 750. Cadmus (2:41). 222. (585). Cadmus. Jr., ch s (2:34). 675.* Cady. b s (-:37). 441, 512, 517.* Caesar, b g (2:42). 133, 726. Caesar. 589. Caesar. 465. Caesar, blk g (2:45). 274, 626. Caesar, rn g (3:.30). 65. Caesar. 46.* Cain (2:51 s). (42), 451. Cairo, b g. 448. Cairo, b g (2:26V 15, 43,* 137, (149*), J 73,* 181,* i91, 545, 558, 648,* 619, 662. Calais Boy. 326. Calais Maid (2:45). (7). Calamity, gr g (2:4.). 71, 252, 365, 405, 529, 602. Calamitv,bg (2:551^). 401. Calamity, br m i2:52i,^). 436,686. Calamity, bg (2:o9l4J. .55,* 129,* i:59, M-<. 263, 345, 4.53, 490, 608. Calamity Jane, ch m. 165 Calamus, b m (2:24J4)- 153,209,* 303, .383, 475, 555, 556,* 658. Calaveras. 9.".. Caleb. 2S7. Caledoni.in Boy, b g. i48. Caledonia Chief, ch s (2:291^). 248, 271.- 31S. 411, 446, 480, 524. 645. (682). 7-JO.* (The first, three races given to Caledonia Chief, Jr., page 104. belong to Caledonia Chief.) Cale,463, 4-3, .522,645. Buzz, bg (2:4194). 22,139.419,461. Buzz, h g, by Redkah. 6.33. Buzzard (2:46). Ill, (142). Buzz Medium, bm(2:20i4)- 118,126, C California Boy, pacer. 762. California Damsei (Columbia), ch m (2:241^). 76,220,628.* California Dexter, b g (2:27). 10, 13, 108, 197. 239, 299, 334. 342,* 486, 494,* 518. 593, 618,* 767. California Girl, pacer. 749, 750.* 756, (757). 758, 762, 769, 780,* 783. California Joe. 397, 6-.:;8. (.aUfornia Maid, gr m (2:46). 551. California Patchen . ch s (2:52). (114). Callahan's Maid (Chicago Maid), ch ra (2:25). 67. 204.* 371, 448, 507, 703. Calloway. 205. Calloway's b c. 438. Calloway Maid, b m. 12. Cahstoga Dexter, bg (2:46). 68,(95). Callie J. 640. Callie S , ch m, by Margrave, Jr., dambyToniHal. 505. Calliope, pacer. 651, 763. Cally. 618.* Calmar, bg(::22). 49,90,133,160,* 180, 183. 185, 199,* 214,* 249, 321,* 340,* 341, 420, 429, 440,* 441,* 468.* 483, 495, 507.* 514, 524, 550, 552,* 573, 580,* 596,* 608, 653 * 698, 719,* 72 1. Caloric, b o (2:40J4). 12. 200, 317, 59i.* Calvin, dn g. (497). Calvin. 732. Calvin B, cr g (2:34^). 443. Calvin C. 38. Calviu Eds n. gr g (2:35). 76, 139, 365, 601, 699, 700. Calumet, b g. 83. Cambria Boy. 715. Cambridge. 139. Cambridge Belle. 440. Cambridge Girl, b m i2:43i^). 210, Sri, (.548) Cambridge Girl. 702. Camden, blk s (2:45>. 36, 258, 307, 3:9. 354.* .391, 530, 600, 711. Camden, gr g (2:43). 232, (234), 246, 617.* Camden Horse. 364. Camera. 667. Cameronian. b g. 448. Camille, gr m (2:49%). 54. Camon. bg(?::31). 10, 19,113, 1:34, 166, 258, 356.* 413, 417, 477,* 487, 521.* 594,* 621, 652,* 702, 711, 732.* Campan Mare. 5.31. Caraors, bllvg (2:i9-M). 149,* 267,* I 270. 279, :338, .3.">2,372,*463,537,* (.590), 625.* Caraors, b g (2:25^i, 14,* 28, 54, 71, 76,* U2 * 157. 175, 227,* 259, 268. (285 1. 357,* 481, 508, 529, 550, 678, 699, 729. | Camors. 511. i 837 132, 189, 194, 287, .3.54, .371, ."04 .522, 555, 560, 566. 715. Buzzy, i-i, g. pacer (2:421^). 757, 779. By by. 344. Byhey Jack, b s. pacer (2:55). (7.37). Byron, bg. 45, 93, 2.">7, 300, 381,562.* Byron, ch g (2:43%). 634. Byron, ch s (2:25^). 23, 9t, 110, 127. 159, 171, 185, 190,* 242,* 245. 279, (317), .320. .32:3,* 325, 372. 884, 469, 476, 488, 508,* 520,* 526, 534, 568,* 569, 575, 588 665, 676, 710, 717, 801 Byron Chief, br g (2:39). 173, 202, 376.390,488.611. Byron C.>le, blk g (2:40). 17, 31,83, 84, 112. 215, 246, 428, 434. Byron D. 406.* Byion M. b g (2:40).- 45, 502, (592*), Byrne. 342. Camors, br g (2:.35). 17, 21,* 184, 205,* 212, 247, 273, 444, 487, 516, 563, 672. ■ Camors. Jr. 3(0. Canaan (Comet), gr g (2:381^). 143, 252. 497. Canada, ch g (2:57 w;. 29, 38, 77, 1 06, 548, 660. Canada Belle, b m. 646. Canada Bill, bg(3:00). 114,128, 543. Canada Boy, ch g (2:45). (170), 236, 712. Canada Boy, b g (2:40). .39, 534, 544, 595. Canada Dan, b g (2:48). 41, 57. 510, 521, 677. Caaada George, ch s, 25. Canada Uirl, blk m (2:51i4). 407, 482,* 508, 705. Canada Gray (2:.5e). (14), 348. Canada Jack, b g. 282, 610. Canacia Jack. 271. ^ Canaoa Joe (2:42). 309 (407), ."49. Canada Maid, br m (2:50J4!. 425, 443, (458), 552.* Canada Ned 231. Canada Queen, b m (:;:47i4), 1.31. Canada Sam, ch g (2:.35) ~ 177, -354, 511 572 59 ' 709 * Canada Southern, brs (2:36). (Ill), 244, 248, 508,* 509. Canada West. 718. Canadian, ch s (2:51). 110. Canadian (3 : 00 ). ( 1 18), 256. Canadian, rn g. 728. Canadian Boy. 461. Canadian Boy (2:.58). (628). Canndian Dart. 79. Canodian Dexter, blk g. 448. Canadian Girl, ch m (2:35J4). 26, 52. 104, 15.3. Canadian Girl, picer (2:33J^). (789). Canadian Jim. 381 Canadian Stallion (2:49). (675). Canal Boy. 462. Canandaigua Belle. 91. Canaiy's b e (2:35). 260. Canary Bird. (544). Canary Bird. 410. Candy. (518). Candy Gii-1 (2:45 s.). (147). Can I See, b g. .388. Canna. 83. Canning's blk m 638 Canr-ga Chief, b g (2:40>^). .327. 490, 538. 622. 725. Cantavello, b g. 166,* 799. Can't Lose Me, b g (2:56\ (385). Canton, b g. 25, 536. 697. Canton Boy, br g (3:00). 20. 288, 300. :'.39, 448. 541. Canton Girl. 625. Cannonade, pa ler (2:40%). (7>1). Cannon Ball, ch s 609. Canton Maid (2:.50). 366, (518). 838 CHESTER'S COUPLETS rROTTING AND PAUINQ UEOOiiD. Can't Till, ch m (■J:40). '^88, 631. Canvas Bov. 3o:i Capadura.bs 80,283. Capens, paeer. MO Caoutch uc, ch in (2:3.")!4). 14,(32), 4.J. •}», 53, 60, yi, 16{,-' 224, 303, 338, 3ri, 47.J, 618, 633, 800. Cap. 27. Capo Fear. ")76. ' ;apH Fear Charley, b g (2:39). 2.59. Cap ! IMay. 4fl2. Cap • Race dn s. 716. c;ap.-rto«-n 22. Cipitil 3.{.{. 720. Capiln'a hm(2:55). 106, 3.)4, 1 484), 511, 574,- 607. Capitoli, pr m (2:40). 240. 570. CapitoIa(,IennvLind», b m(2:37^). 84, 177, 2.VJ, 340. 66:>. Capitola (Lady Star), b m (2:24). 13 t,* 264, 287, 288, 399, 4.39, 467, 551,G7ii. Capitola, blk m (2:.".0i^). .'?34 Capitola, br m(2: ;2i^). 26, 79.*, 119, 229, 32.5, 348, (302), 415, 665, 677, 698.* Capitola, ch m, pacer (2:25^). S3, 739, 753,* 7i>2, 77:;. 775,* 788.* Capitola. b m (■^:'Z8}4l 33, (44*) 124, 127. :r>8, 379.* 41 4,* 41.5, 418, .509, .548,592,597,560,711. Capitola, br m (2:57). (682). Capitola ;j99. Capitola. b m (2:35M)- -'^S, 96. 250,* 319. (404) 473, 519. Capitoline. 4.55. Caprica. bm(3:.56). (482). Caprice. 66. 233, 384, 473, 553, 598, 625, 633, 645. Captain. 712.* Captain (Hector >, ch g (2:38), (•-':37i^s). 376,(662). Captain, b s ( ■:28). 102.* 15.3, 196, 275, 376. 37S. 391,* 400, 449.* -1.56. 457. 494; o 1 1,* 514, 515, 520, 548 - .568, 569, 616, 651, 652. 676. 694. Captain, b g (2:45). 112, 1 14, 135.* 280, 308, 312,- .374 Captain, b e (2-A2%). 370. Captain. 731. Captain, b s (2:50^). 10, 62, 143, 236, 2.56.* Captain, bg (2:45). 73.* 222.* Captain, b g (2:39M). 14, (211), 331. 451. 453. .5-28.* 5o4. 646. Captain, b g (2:30:>4). (225), 256, .591. 704. Captain, br g. by Captain, dam Fanny. 234, 600. Captain 66. Captain Allen, ch g (2:37). 74. 141. 155, 166, 201, 218. 234. 239.(312*) 319,* 371, 451, 542, 55.5, 606, 618, 645, 680. Captain Argyle, b g. 602 Capt. B., ch s. 265. Captain Bashaw, blk s (2:47-%). 48. 50, 51, 339. 498. Capt. Ben. b g (2:33^). 203. 474, 504, .5.50. 598 Capt. Bill, bg(3:56). 169. Capt. Bismark. b g. .328. Capt. Bob. bg(2:46V^>. 56. Capt. Bowers. 633. Capt. Bogardus, b s (2:44).' 103, 479. 632. Capt. Boyd, b s (2:43>^). 96,* 279, 442, 800, 802. Capt. Byrant. 292. Capt. Brink. 98. Capt. Bnllard, br g (2:44^). (298), 345, 490, 639. Capt. BuUard. pacer. 767. Capt. Bunnell, br g(2:37). 9,* 19, m, 230, 290, 322, (371), 372. Capt. C.chg. 30,175. Capt. Capron, ch g (3:15i^5). 240, 301, (.575), 630. Capt. Chance. 455. Capt. Clay, b s (2:40^). 191,* 734.* < Capt. Cook. 339. : Capt. Cook. 30.3. Capt Clayton. 24. I Capt. Cole. 213. Capt. Crapo. b g (2:34i^). 141, 164, 356, 416, 459, (504*), 694. Capt. Custard, ch g. 273. Capt. D., br s, by Hotspur, Jr. 45. 256, 600. Capt. Dan. br g, pacer (2:24i^). 745,* 750. 753, (754), 7.55, 761, 773, 7S4, 7!tl. Capt. Dan, b g. 435.* Capt. Din. ch g (2:39/<). 41,119, 3-'2, 43S Capt. Darcy, gr ^ (2:36), by Walkill Cidef, dam oy Harry Clay. 14. (550*). Capt. Dave, ch g pacer. 737. Capt. Dawso •, gr g (2:.!3i4). 74. 84, 193. 2S8, 362. 487. Capt Deai). 7:51. Capt. Deint^rs. blk g. 591. Capt. Douds, ch g ( J:32?4). 676. * Capt. Dew-^y. 242. Capr. Durland, br g, pacer (2:29)^). 741, 763.* 773. Capt. Eniinons, ch .? (2:20). 17, 22. 89, 101.* 135, 160,* 171, 184,* 200,* 216, 230, 2.59, ::81. .330, .344, 3.54, 371. 455, 487,* (515*), 516, 534, 543, 564. 574. 609, 627, 649, 701.* 708. 797. Capt. Ellis, br g. 220 . Capt Farnham, b g (2:53). 535, 6S2. (721). Capt. Fisher, b s (2:45). 117. Capt. Fowler, brg (2:41^). (23). Capr. Frank, b g. 43.* 17 1. 191,275. Capt. Fred, b s, pacer. 766. Capt. Fulton (2:54). (396). Capt. Gibb, b s (3:05). (87). Capt. Gill. bg(2:'36V^). 50, 54, 68. 73.191,242.248.(280), 325, 351, 396, 46 ». 485, 549,* 550, 582, 607, 710,715. Capt. Gill, ch s (2:52^). 182,* 052, (411). Capt. George, b g (3:16i4). (697). Capt. George. 129. (D.ipt. Graham (Graham), b s (2:50). 28. Capt. H., b g (2:38). (339). 435. 492. Capt. Hanford (Paddy Magee), gr s (2:33}4,. 319, 43o,* 462, 494, 802. Capt. Herod, ch s (2:25^). 16, 27,* 126. 150, 179, 2 19,* 341, 2.50, 370,* 428, 45 •,* 456,* 404. 495, 515, 561,*700, 701.*730, 793. Capt HuU.b g (2:47). 365, 018. (671). 802. Capt. Hill, br g. by Hull, dam by Youn? Gunpowder. 422, .5(J5. Capt. Hunt, b g, by Hambletonian Prince. 372. Capt. .!.. br g (2:44}^). 389, (405), 445,471.645. Capt. .lack, br g ('3:35) (erroneously given2:389i, page 109). (7*), 25,* 133, 474, 673. Capt. Jack, b g. 632. Capt. Jack, gr s. 172. 4.57. Capt. Jack, chg (2:40). 127,278, 327. 429. 4.56. 513, 642, 711, 717. Capt. Jack.chg(2:51i^i. 46, 1.52, 381. Capt. Jack(Carrollton), bg(2:.31>^). 45,* 1.52. Capt. Jack, ch rr 382. 467, 596. Capt. Jack, b g (3:26). 16.22, .33, 56. .58, 147.* 173*275.* .334. 362, 373.* 4.39, 444, 447, 483, 585, 596. 676,* 714. Cant. Jack, b g(2:40). Capt. Jack, c'a g (2:54). 64, 75, .305, 693. Capt. Jack (3:34?^). (116). Capt. .Tack, b s. 1 acer (3:34?^). 738, 740,* 743. 744. 745, 753,* 7.59.* 769, 774, 777.* 780, 781, 784,* 791. Capt. Jack, sp g (2:53>^). 90, 111,* 185, 224,350. 407, 467, 477, 507, (60.S). Capt. Jack, b g. .300. 621. Capt. Jack. 42. Capt Jack, Jr. .388. Capt. Jake, b g (2:30>^). 87. 460, (()70), 723. ' Capt. Jenks. 686. Capt. Jim. 443. f^apt. Jinks. (.56). 191. I Cape. Jmks, ch g (.•:30i^). 33, 134. i 28;), 29 !, 42.3, 460, (482), 610, 645.* 709, 793. Capt. Jinks, blk g (2:46). 14, .50, 134. 135. 243, 371, 530, 596, 6.56. 693, 732 I Capt. Jinks, b g (2:43K'). 65. 157 I 4. '4, 802. Cap:. Jinks, grg(2:.50). 18, 81,613. Capt. Jinks, b g (2:.54 w). 371. 390. I 41(j, 685. i Capt. Jinks, chg (2:40). 28*244, 327,* 394. 451. I Capt. Jinks, b g {1:30-%). (58), 149, 579. I Capt. Jinks. 348. Capt. JiiKs. br g (2:43). (167). Capt. Jinks, blk s. 288. Capt. Jinks, ch g (2:47J4). 39. Cipt. Jinks (2:.52i4). (390). Capt. Jinks. 46. (.'apt. Jones. 382. Capt. Jmes. 17. Capt. K.. b g(2:45). 80,182,263, .311,499.7.7. Capt. Kidd, b g. 148. Caof. Kinney, b g, pacsr (2:34^). 749.= Cant. Knight. .38. Capt. Lawrenc-1 (Sta'light), b g (2:35). 49, 168, 190, 404, 423, 430. 526. Capt. Lewis, ch g (2:30»4). .582. Capt. Lnwis. 637. Capt. Lightfoot, b s (2:.38i4). 712, 72.5 . Capt. Long. 492. Capt. Mac, grg(2:.54). (544). 621. Capt. Meg.Dwan, rn g (2:4L'i^). 240, 2S5, (295), 351, 368, 378, 4 -.0. 497, 655. Capt. Owen, blk g (2:42). (210), 511. Capt. Pasre, br g. 152, 279. iQ-i. Capt. Peters. 421. Capt. R. 225 * 527. Capt. Reed, bg (2:44). 63, 170,171. Capt. Rnwell. bg (2:49Ui). by Dic- tator. 266. 372, 381, 50f>. (>75.* 717. Capt. Russell (2:5r*4). (30). Capt. Sellick, chg(2;:J.5). 9,* 10, 11, 104. 164,* 243.* 244,* 25.5. 281, 290.* 344, .372, 386, 401, 454, 480. 527, 602, 01.3, 689. Caoi. Sheridan, ch g (2:38). 27, 144, 506,699. Ca!>t Smith, b g (2:42). 49, 223, 433, (475). 56S. Cap". Smith, br g (2:29). 166, 173. Capt. Snifh, gr g (228)^). (.59), 123, 126* 238,* 291, 328, .^31.* 34",* 3.53.* 369. 389, 489, 498, 527, .565.* 671. Capt. S Prague, gr g. 671, 674. 704. Capt. St.>wart. b s (2:35^^). 548. Capt. Stone, br g (2:39). 493. Capt. Sweeney, b g (2:45i^5). 118. (473). Capt. Taggart, rn s (2:40). 21, 63, 134, 305, .319, (.567). Capt. Tallman, gr g (2:35). 54, 85, 148. 212, 218, .5.56, 58l!. Capt. Taugus. ch g. 263. Capt. Thad, chs (2:59i^). .5, 17, 18, .320, (444), 508, 551, 553. 668. Capt. Tom, rn s (2:34). 2(3, 34, 62, 74. 102, 138,* 167, 169, 172, 244, 297, 315. 320. 366. 460, 656. Capt. Tom, b g (2:.36«4). 178, 189, (244), 3a3, 390, 012, 701. INDEX OF BEATEN HORSES. Capt. Tom, bg (2:351. H, 6(i,* VZ8, 187,* (:im), 4.50, 578,* 6->4,* 796. Capt. Vincent, blk g (•3:39?4). (.'M), 45, 449, 551. Capt. W.chg. 367. Capt. AValker. b g (2:43). 418. Capt. Walker, brs(2:o2^). .■Wi,481, 554, (598). Capt. Walker, b «, pacer (2:27)^). 257, 736,* 739. (778;. Capt . Walter, ch g . 667. Capt Wasp, b g. 97, 4 1 7. Capt. Waugh, p.icer. 779. Capt. Webb, I3g( 2:.i3%). 10, 53,613. Capt. Webb, b S (J:. 38). (181), 279, 291, .3 i7. 490.* Capt. Wel)ster(2:30V^). 120. Capt. West (ToorlJes), I) .s (2:35). 15, 1:53, 170. 247, 274, 365, 383,* 390, 55'J, 650. 703. Capt. Wmiaais,bg(2:43?i) 57,203, 589, (710). Capteeiier, ch s(2:38), by Cofctrill Mortran, dam by John Stanley. (132V Cara, ch m (2:42). 668. Caractaous, b g (2:34i4). 34, 181,* (2791,65.5. Carbaueh (2:51). (172), 721. Carbolic, b g (2:24i4). 48, 121. 134, 168, (287 1, 288, 468, 484, 557, 601, 622, 647, 664, 794, 797. Cardinal, br s (,2:38). 81. Cardinal, b g (2: 42^4). 493, 503, 616.* 669. Careless, b m (2:39). (.541). Careless, b g (2:44). 197. 501, 550,* 585, 607. Careless (2:4514). 442.* Careless, b g (2:57J4 s), 36, 594. Careless, br g (2:42). 38, 93, 96. 248, 323, 323, 335, 356, 384, 470, 722. Careless, b g (2:31 ). 52. 63. 65, 209,* 222, 242, 307, 370, 450, 456, 636,* 703. Careless, b g (2:35). 470.* (535), 721. Careless Boy, gr g (2:37). 78, 118, 254, 278, 313. 417. Careless Boy, gr g (2:46). 294, 562. 609. Careless Boy (2:4.5). 442, 581, 634, (704). Careless Boy, b g (2:28). 51,* 10.3, 105, 156, 328. 35'r,* 361, 528, 544, 550,671. 704.* Careless Boy, bg(2:41). 451, 631. Cai'eless Ifoy. 641. Careless Girl, bm. 12,* 213, 431. 519, 607. Careless Harry. 478. Carem, br m. 557. Carey Boy. 68, 148.* Cariboo, br g (3:12). (158), 169, 591. Carey Brothers' b in. 520. Carl. chg. 499, 706. Carll'sblkg. 692. Carl Bosco, b g. 308. CarllBurr, b g (2:4l-5^i, by Hamble- tonian. dam Kate, by Belair. 57, 79, 467, 502, 618, 687, 697. Carl Burr, bg(2:53V^i.by Washing- ton, dam Young Mambrino. 57. Carleton, grg(2:55). 56, 246, 292, 556. Carlisle, ch g (3:05i^), by Cazique, dam by Redraon's Abdallah. (488). Carlisle, blk s, bv American Clav, dam by Ericsson. 90, 284, 369, 447, 502, 537, 552, 609. Carlos, b s (2:.54). 188. Carlos, b g. pacer (2:35). 767, 791. Carlotta, ch m. 445. Carlotta, bm (2:55), by Volunteer, dam by American Star. 218, (538). Carlotta. 137, 157. Carlotta S. 212, 5.53. Carlton, gr g. 445, 705. Carl Schurz. 258. Carlvle, grg(3:31). (51), 130, 237, 689.* Carlyle, bg. 551, 657. Carmin, ch g, by Jupiter (2:.50i4). 132, 407, 4.V3. 474.* (516), 689. Carnochan. 373. (^armelBov. 60. Carmi, b g. 171, 048, 667. Carmen. 100. Carmon Maid. 319. Carolina, gr ra (2:44^). f331), 388. Caroline, gr m (2:40). 247, 642. Caroline. 299. Caroline (2:441^). (217),297, 407, 609. Carpenter, gr s (2:44J4). 73, 166, (255), 403. Carpenter Boy, rn g (2:37). 172, (204*), 271,* 471,* 500, 601. Carpenter's gr g. 527. Carpenter's b m (2:3:J). 281, 285, (460), ;j22, 574. Carpenter's b m. 087. Carpenter's ch s. 670. Carpenter's blk s. 688. Carpo (3:00). (25.5). Carrabassett. 716. Carrahassett, blk :-i, by Norridge- wock (2:31!^). (79), 88,* 105, 183, 19S. ;308,* 605, 668. Carrie. 72. Carrie. 40. Carrie (Lady Franklin) rn m (2:29?4). 2 10, 249,* (366), 446, 58?,* 605,629,711. Carrie, ch m (4 :43^). 666. Carrie, gr m (2:4:}). 173, 211, 370. Carrie, b m (2:24M). 44, 54, 83,* 86, 124, 132, 1.3.3, 111, lU, 171, 1S:J, 193, 194, 198, 250,* 2')7, 259, 320, 331,* 395, 414, 437, 4(0, 459, 512, 513, 538, 580, (580*), 696,* 725. Carrie, blk m (2: 40^). 283, 352, 452. Carrie. 730. Carrie, rn m <2:4'3}4) 219, 353, 407. 530, 646. Carrie, b m (2:53i^). (305). Carrie, b m (2:41%). (388), 493, 727. ( ;arrie. 374, 483. Carrie A., brm (3:37). 712. Carrie Allen, b m (2:3434). 48, (88), 130,* 173, 207, 236,* 308, 336, 549, .555, 716,* 734, 796. Carrie Ann (2:45). (3.55). Carrie B., b m (2:44). 685. Carrie B., chm(2:40). 7.5, 100, 219, 384, 399,* 523, (666). Carrie B., br m (2:3834). 87, 00,* 113*. •■^24, 387, 390,* 540, (.589), 622, 649. Carrie B.. b m (2:41). 130, 165, (365*), 408. Carrie Bain. 558. Carrid Berrvhill, blk m (2:3.5). 47, 193.* 194, 241,* 3 26, 379,381, 474, 694, 802. Carrie Brown (2:.50). 30, (.564). Carrit^ Bu-shnell, b m. 82, 110. Carrie C, b m (3:35i^i. 60, 138,328, 420, 429, 440, 462, (553), 560, 598, 709. Carrie C, ch m. 95. Carri-C.br m (2:27^). (See Ap- pendix.) C rrie Oozzens, br m (2:40). 12, 33. 103, 135, 209, 301, 555, 618, (6.57), 715. Carrie D. 52. Cards F., br m (2:Z5}4). 90, (201), 326, 352, 367,* 383. ^ Carrie F., b m(2:44). (Soi), 474, 618. Carrie Floyd. 359.* Carrie G., b m (3:54%). (153*). Carrie H., ch m, by Western Fear- naught. 17. 337, 511,* 684. Carrie H. 101,611. Carrie Jones. 714, 721. Carrie K., wh m (2:.30). 38, 40, 104, 143, 146, 161. 193, 203,* 2.54, .336,* 388,* 416, 446, 463. 489,* 496, 534, 572, 574. Carrie L., blk ra. 90. .385. Carrie Long, b m (2:.52v 648. Carrie M., b m (2:34). 134, (326). Carrie Mack, b ra. 209. Carrie Ma morino. 287. Carrie May (3:39). (724). Carrie Medium (Miss Medium), b m. (3:2754). (■-■"•J*)- Carrie lUicklin, b m (2:41). 34. 34, 37, 69, 111, 341. Carrie Myers, b m (2:36%). 113, 243, 254, 3L7, 333, 420, 446, 647, 711. Carrie N., b m (2:27). 16, 17, 28, 35, 57. 59,* 61, 1 73, 177, 212,* 218, 237, 23'<, 2 ".4, 273, 273, 293, 296, 297, 303, 328, 347. 373,* 380, 385, 401, 417,* 430, 431, 435,* 410, 492,* 518.* 564, 595, 615, 619, 623, 631,* 680, 798,* 799,*. 800, 802. - Carrie P., br lu. 304. Carrie Palmer, b m (2:42). 78, 89, 221. (.309), 559,646. Carrie R , ch m. 394. Carrie S., brm. 557. Carrie T 591 * Carrie T.. pacer (2:20U). 763,* 775, (790'). Carrie White, blk m (2:40U). 191, 6 i 7,* (691i;. Car -ie White, pacer. 764. Carrie White, grm (2:45). 10,129, 293, 356, 403,* 433, 470, 554, 558, 5S6, 633, 631,(079*). Carrie Winfi ild, ch m. 214, 072. Carrie Z , blk m (2:361,.^). 390, 452, (457), 505, 613.* 6! 8. Carrie 's Entry (2:59). (608). Carr Mare, br m. 7.», 310. Carroll (Cardinal), gr g (2:30). 25, 137, 197, 333, 3.52,* 497, 522, 558. 645. Carroll's blk g. 134. carrollton (Capt. Jack), bg(2:31i^). 346,* 368. 429, 536, 615, 641, 685. Carrollton, bg (2:.53), by Messenger Duroc, dam by Waverley. 92. Carr's Marabriijo, br s (3:4'8U). (66.) Carson, blk g (2:44i4). 63, 8 J, 97, 128, 17u, 189, 276, 345, 599, 675, 680. Carter's Entry. 204. Carter, blk g. 685. Carter, b g (2:45^). 118, 356, 491, (562*), 631,684. Carter, ch g. 101. (.'arter's, blk g. 387. Carthage Boy, br g (2:32U). 92, 238,3.55,577,688. Caryalho 141.* Carver. 685. Carver Boy, grg (2:49). (722). Carwiieel. 677. Casco, bg. 106. Case, bm. 626. Case Knife. 444. Casey Mare. 249. Case's grg. 54S. Case's rn m. 394. Case's ch g (2:49). (301). Cash, 239. Cash, b m. 483. 690. Cash Boy. 135. Cashier (3:02). 73.(610). Cashier, b g. 175, 4*5, 604. Cashmere Clay, b s. 680. Cassie Mack, b m (2:.30%). (56), 149,* 204. Cass. 166. CaasieD. (795). Cassandra, blkm. 359, 601. Casino (2:49). (565). Cassio, b g. 330. Cassino, pacer. 739. Cassius, b g (2:37). 141, 498. Cassius, b s. 123, 236. Cassius, ch g (3:38). 27, 88, 111,* 131, 303, 327, 452, 502, 517, 633, 659, 705. Cassius, b s (3:00), by North Star. 470, (619), Cassius, pacer. 757. 840 CHESTERS COMPLETE TROTTING ANI» PACING RECORD. Ca^ .sins Chief (2 :.")0). 128. (270). Cassias (lav, br s (2:4.jJ^). r)48. Cas.sius M., br '^ (2:4s-^). 11, 144, (140), 3(5;-), 421,* 4."jU, 47.'.,* 480, i40, 60."). Cassius M. Clav, b g (i:48). 13. Cassius M. ( hij-. 383. CasqusM. Clay (2:45). (.'170), 607, oijg. Ca.ssius Til. Clav, b s. 74. Cassius .M. Clav, Jr.. br s (2:3oii). 93, i>0. 15 I. lUl, (379), 558. Ca.ssius iM. Clay, Jr., b s (2:49). 571. Cassius Prince, ch s (2:29). IM), ltj.'>, ISO,* 21.7, 222. 247, 2"i«, 208, 2S7. 301. 348, :(.".7,* 389, 400, 404,* 405,* 411.418, 424, 408, 4«7, 018,* 633, 6ii. 005, OSO, 712. Cas-;opolis, i.at-er. 750. Castr'L'S, b IX. 249 CastA'lar, chs i2:36). 76, 158, 18.5, 30-', 4iO* 44.i, 533, 643, 700.* Caslinara, b m (2:5 1 1. 1 33, 481.* Castle Boy (lay Billv), b K (2:21). 44. (85*), 133. 149, lf'7, 3.52, 353,* 357,* 302, 309,* 4(i3,* 400, 537, 025, 630, 6.50, 053,* 729. Castle D.ire, biles. 240. Castleman. bli< s (2:4.3). 23, 38, 53, 320, 418. 465. 080. Castleton, b g (2:21). 108,* 159, (100*), 103, 2U0,* 304, 510,* 07.3, 678,* 687. Castleton, rn g(2:40). 129, 448. Castleton, biles (2:4214). (465), .556. Castoria. 77, 471, 6si. Castro's bg. 64 S. Cutiliua(.:42). (000). Cataract, gr g (2:32). 12, 29, 54, (2';)), 224.* 239, 247,311,401,459, 653, 6'J7,7j8* Cataract Chief. 178. 317. Ca awba, pacer. 313, 759. Catcliflv, b ra (2:19). 1."., 18, 288, 342, 340. .■572, 489, 573, 050. Carch. 1 70. Catch Up. 125, 212, 355. 350. Cacflsh Maid. 7, 437, 530. Catherine, b ra (2::i0}d). 84, 192, (2.50). Catherine Burch, b m. 139. C.tHop. 133. Cato, brg (2:4.5). 116, 154, 1.58,185, 304, 409, 420,* 502, 5 J5,* 592. Cato, pacer (2:44). 11"., 292, (742), 790. Cato, ch s, hy Mambrino Patchen, dam by Mark Twain. 378. Catskill, b g (2:34). 11,44, 112, 136, 259, 289, 41S, 4.'0. (489 ). 652. Catskill Heautv(3:05). (27S). Catskill Girl, blk in ( -:28K>). 37. .55, 95. 237, 492, 580, 014, "619,* 638, 688. Catskill Girl, Jr 574. Cattaraugus. 624. Cattaniugus Chief (Kanawha), b g (2:29). 19. 25, 44, 81, 102, 104. 107,114, 1.3.3, 1.39,154,107,191, 192, 197, 215, 251, 280,* 297,* 325, 345, 308, 384, .398, 407,* 411, 414, 42.5, 438, 512,* 533,* 598,* 64.5, 6.53,*678, 682, 708.* Cavalier, br s, hy Hamlet, dam Susan, by Henry Clay. 002. Cavanaiigh (3:0. J4). (;iO). Cavauaugh's b m. 230. Cayole, SI) g (2:51), (355), 399.* Cayuga, br g. 72, 182, .570.* Cayuga Chief, br g (2:3.5i^). 1&5,* 289, (640), 644.*70(i.* Cayuga Chief (Tom Keeler), b s (2:25) .304. Ca,vuga Chief, ch g (2:3.5), by Blue 6ull. 18. 24, 73, (199*), 302, 351, ;J8:{,* 697. Cayuga Chief, br a (2:4394). (77). Cayuga Maid, ch m (2:.50^). 42, 240. Cayuga Maid, pac(MM2:2Hr. 7.30, 741, 748, 753, 701, (766*), 770,* 779. Cayuga Maid. 488. Caziciui-. blk s, by Idol, dam Cassia, by Stiaders C. .'M. Clay, Jr. 205, 325, 447, 609. C. B. 1), chg. 178. C. C. Spring, b g12:.35). 249, 317, 685. I Cecil, ch s (2:40;. 206, 450, 609. Cecil Dreeme. 401. Cecilia, gr in (2:45). 433. C. E. Fenton. br g (2:.50i4), by Wood's Hamblctonian. 09. 152, (220), ;{92, 432, 520. Celeritv, blk m (2:349:i). 28, 90, 118,- ;{40, 357. 414, 492, 5:18, 600, 0.53,7.33. Celeste. 716. ; Celeste, sv m (2:43 s). 11, 158,* 179,^*204, 426.* Celia (.Vi-cola). m m (2:34^4) . 370, 645,* 652, (700*), 707. Celia, b m (2:36i)ci). 87, 93, 2.32, I 2:i9,* 280, 339, 342, 484, ."».3:i,* 013. Celia, b m (2:49^). 389. 543. Celia. 646. I Centaur, gr g (2:29i4). 402, (616). Centella, b m (2::n). 62, 82, 104,* 2.54, 2 2, 345,* 347, 375, 383, 380, 454, 40L», 475. 48 ), oOO, 556,* 567, 601.* 613, 629, 651, 658. Centennial. l.')6, 410,415, .507. .535,* 604. Centennial, rng(2:31«4). 43, 5.3, 381. Centennial Flora, b m. 447. Centennial Girl, b ni. 59. Centeimial Torn, ch s (3:01). 341. I Central. 110, ISO, 338. ! Central Bov, b g (2:4.5). 20, 29, 86, 96, 110. 103, 2:57,400, 5.57,* 644, 646, C60, 071, 670, 698,* 711. Central City. 682. I Central Maid. .391. Central New York, b g (2:40). .55, I 67. 101. 134, 258, 37 7, 427, 471, 518, 621. 6.')0, 682,* 693, 707, 800. Centr ;1 Ohio. 314, :>.-)0. Centreville, bg(2::51). 226.282,418, 434, 45S, 49/ , 547.- 640. Centreville, br g (2::50). 74, 132, 210. Centre ville Maid, b ui, pacer (2:25J^). 740,749,702. Centu.ion, blkg(2:2:M). 250, 256, 341,5,0,0 11,707 Century (2:56). 556. Ceola, blkg. 182. Cephas, b s(3:14). 292. 7.35.* Cephas, br g (2:37i^), by Jeff Davis (608). Ceres, bm. 166,632* C'eylene. b m (2:56), by Rysdyk dam Minnie D.,by Green's Haui- bietonian. (.375), 460. C. G. 509. 1 C. Greer, b g (2:.56). (191), 075. C. H. 130. Chain Shot, b g (2:36-^). 98,* 118, 290,* ;551, 382, 409, 035, 051, 715, 710. Chalkline, pacer (2:38). (787). ChalUline, grg(2:.30), 677. Chalkline, gi-g(;!:5S). 22.685, Chalkline. grg(2:.54). 57. (189), 280. Chalkline, grg(2:3S). 175,397,555. 628. Chalkline. 14, 36, 499, Q43. Chalkline. 500. Challenge, b s (2:44). 188, (412), 4.56, 518, 529, 6i0. Challenge 575. Challege, br s ( *:36). 172, 568. Challenge, blk s. 579. Chvmberlain. .327. Chamberlain Colt, b g (2:47). .574. Chamberlain's gr 8. 31.3. Chamblv, chq. 502. Chamois (2:40-'>:i). (351). Chamounie. 6S, .381. Champagne, b g (2:39U). .51, 80, 297, 380,* 5(58. 005. Champagne Belle. 132. Champagne Charley. 266, (334). Champagne Charley, b g(;:.59). 34, Champagne Charley, ch g (2:58). 2.")S, OiiH, 713. Champaign, gr g (2:.30). 02, 033,* 723. Champion, b g. 293. '. hampion, b 8(2:4.). ''31. Champion, grs (2:4 1->4). i:57, (262), I 6")9. Champion (Night Hawk), ch s (2:.36). I 284. 714. I Champion, b g (2:45). 39. t hampion, \, s (2:37^). (159), 502.* Champion, rn g (2:4.5). 542, 665, 667. Chiimpion, br g (2::9J<;). 124, 182, ' 200,103,097. Champion, blk g (2:40>^i. 7.03. Champion, b g (:5:22). ^470). Champion, chs(2:45». 71, 131. '^9, (070), 082. champion. 03, 534. I Champion Boj'. 491. Champion Black Hawk. 516. ChampiDii Charley, b s, by Good- ing's Champion. 30:i. Champion Girl, b m (2:28). 19, 100, , 180, 190,* 2 1 0, 230. 200, .32(5, :J02,* 364, 4 1 2, 48 1, 496, 515, 524, 528,* I 535, * 539, 550, ;;05,* 622, 636,* 738. Champion Girl. 169. Champion, Jr., bs(2:2t). 133, 19.3, 255, 3:5.-i, 504, ■' 693. Champion Light Weight, whg. 446. Champion Maid, cli m (2:40), (2:37^-). 100, 127, 149, 32.3, 3i0, 635, O57. Champion Mai 1, b m(2:46). 87,56?. Champion Morrill, br- s (2:27). 16, 23,* :{i). 4-t. 74, 182, 220, .543.* 449, .596, 032, 685. Champion Prince, b s, 429. Champion Searcher, h s (2:44), by Searcher.dam by Cha-npion. ( 108>. Champion Wilkes, b r: (2:36V6). 49i, 551. (567). Champlain, bg(2:?7). 43.128. 191, 256, (263), 399. 4^3, 474. Champ's b s. 600. CliampUn'sb m. 672. Chance, b g (2:15). 133, 681. Chance, blk g (2:ri0Ui). 192, 454, (8r>7), 7) 7. Chance, ch g /2:2Ji^). 12.* 14, 91,* 108,* 117, ir.3, 196720.5,* 247,290, .351, 379, 380, 407, 430, 484, 509, 519, 5.52, 558, 586. 615, 613. 62.3, 661, 721.* Ohanee, b g(2:58). 183, 184, Chance, ch ^ (3:20). (285*), 543,563. Chance. 7.'59. Chance (2: j1). (705). Chance. 450. Chance, l-r ra. 73. Chanc.-. 115,728. Chaneellir. 497. Chancell .r, grg(2:41>4s). 182.(.399). Ch mdle" s ch m 6S8 Chandci', ch g, by Strathmore. 57,* 647, Change, blk g (2: '.4). 81. (16S). ChanK>, I) g (2:30). (205), Chang'*, b s, pneer (2:19V4J. 63, 161,:'. 2, 414, 676, Tim. CharlL-j Douglass, blk s (3::37>. 274, 400,452.-674,711. Cb.trles Drvfus, br g (2:50). 114,* lyi, Jr3, (389),7.j4. Chanes E. Cooney, ch g (2:45}4). 400, 4 j2, 476,609. Charles D. Feuton, ch g. 69, 365,* 432, 504.* 541. Chas. Freeman (2:48). (495). Chas. h.. LL>ew(Patciien Chief), blks (.2:25^2). 52, 149, (296*). 317, 441. 624, 659. Chas. F.,bg. 629. Chas. F. Rowe. 397. Charles G. Hayes, br s (2:33). 24, :iJ3,:;07,*345,452, 459,* 511, 575, 697, 70.i. Charles H. 648,721. CharlesH.,cug (2:35). 44, 98,152, (329 ), 325, '504. Charles H. II. 184. Charles Hayden, ch g(.2:49). 68, 137, 377, 525, 56l,6>;2, '193. Charles Henr\ , b g (-4:56). 1 19. Charles Hlnsou,grg(2:25). (10), 37, 13.}, 335 Charles H. Story, sp g, by imp. Suf- fern, dam by itocky Mountain. 89, 137. Charles Johnson (2:39}^). 76, (405). Charles L., rn g (2:42i4). 243, (596), 602. Charles Lee. 801. Charles Logan, bs(2:41). 449. Charles M.,bg(2:44J^). 108. Charles Mouiter, ch g {::4lM). 271, (303), 386. 462. Charles N., bik g. by Hendrick Hud- son, dam by iuap. Figaro. 124, 252, 375,^460,488.605 Charles A. Norton, rn g. 566. Charles O'Walley. 440,570,621. Charles Osgooti, ch g. 95, 709. Charles P. Allen, bg. 30. Charles K., br g (2:27). 32, 107, 222,* 356 404, 405, 427. 474. Charles Robinson, b g (2:40). 425. Charles S., b g ( :55). 51. 279, 542. Char.es S., b g (2:40). 22, 52, 330, 508. 645, C74. Charles S., bikg. 53. Charles Saxby, rn g. 424*, 475. Charles Shattuck, gr g, pacer (2:34). 761. Charles Shear, b g, pacer (2:32). 748, 773. Charles Spltzenberg, gr g. 330, 680. Charles Spruance, o g. 68. Charles Slosson (2:51). (391). Charles Sumner, b g. 10,* 289, 311, 337, 675. Charles Taylor, b g (2:38). 67, 119, 146, 224. 280. (4l9*), 660. Charleston. 28, 190, 559. Charleston. 136. Charleston Boy. 30. Cliarles Venture. 174. Charles W.,grg (2 :32»4). 141, 201, 209, 237, 381, 416, 666, 707. Charles U hitmore. ch g. 3o4. Charles w infiel'^1. 223. Charles Winton, b ix (3:07J4)- 384. Charles Woolley (2:41). (328). Charles W. Woolley, br g (2:22i^). 15, 45, 109, 135, 149, 176. 183, 192, 204,* 205. 325," 333,* 38», 413, 439, 507,* 314, 515, 623,* 669.* 694. Charley. 138. Charley, b g (2:53 w). 279. Charley, ch g (2:51i^). 278. Charley (2:47). 153, 575, 602, 690. Charley, ch g (2:3614). 68, 9.', 138, 166.^ 195, 197, 4/0, 487, ;,489*), .532, 696. Charley, ch g (2:41i^). 150, 173, 581. 600,- 677. Charley, ch g (2:393^). 85, 387,* 520, 533, 712. Charley, b s(2:33). 58, 368, 508.* >.harley, bg (2:52%). 91, 271, 383, 4-2. Charley, blkg (2:4.3^. 672. Chai-ley, ch g (2:50). 189. Charley, gr g (2:45}4), 118, 156, 347, 384, 586,623, (68 1). Charley, bg(3:lO). 624,* 654. Charley, pacer (2:37). 7.36. Charley, bg(2:44M). 576, 683,798. Charley, b g (2:4 i). 34i, 458. Charlev , gr g (2:30). 41, 52, 109, 2J K, 261, (265), 286, 550, 644, 714.* Charley, b g (2:54). 322, 6i5, 6l8, 799. Charley, eh g (2:34^). (24). 37,* 68, 87, li9, 123, 133, 134,* 154, 163, 232*, 237, 254, 2o5, 425, 434, 552, 604, 633, 646,* 696. Charley , br g (2:.3Si^). 176, 204,* 297, 324, 482, 49J, 495, 5U4, 514, 596, 635. Charley (2:39). 50, 7-3, 316, 327, 605, (507), 586, 708.* Charley, sp g (2:48). 359, 653. Charley ( 4 :49i^). 21, .582.* Charley, ch g i.2:.38). 130, 177, 186, 460, 571. Charley, b g (2:53) 100, 309, 507, (599), 635. Charley, b g (2:45). 48, 155, 268, 308,* 400,* 596. Charley, bIk g. 30, 123, 176. Charley. 411,481. (Jharlej-, b g (2:40) (erroneously prmtta2:4U:^,paKel2i;. 97,104, (492). Charley, blk g (2:59). (02), C43,* 333, ol9, 669. Charley, bik g, pacer (2:36^). 168, 295, 753, 754, 785, 791. Charley, b g(2:37j,2J. 62, 220. Charley, b g (2:55i4). •.:,iJ9, 448, 341. Charley, b g(2:49J4». 374,417. Charley, gr g (2:32^). 192, 616. Charley, gr g (2:52). 116, (52.5). Charley, gr g (3:03). (41;, 380, 4C2. Charley, blk s, pacer (3:27). 747. Charley (3:o0 w). (262). Charley. (2h4), 394, 571. Charley (■i:49>. 114, (390), 693. Charley, b s (3:28). (202). Charley, blk g (2:.38J4). 190, 198, 449, (471), .o:)7, 544, 569, 671. Charley. 547. Charle/, chs(2:48%). 268,(485). Charley (2:523^). 25, 377, 487. Charley (2:57 w;. (532). 540, 552. Charley, b g (2:441-6). i55, 204, 223, 244, 389, 496, .504, (687). Charley, ch g, by American Boy, dam by imp. Yorkshire. 114. Charley. 109, iio, 492, 517. Charley. 175. Charley. 373,488,711. Charley A., gr g (2:3.5i4). 1K6, :364, 388, 472,* 495, 565, 694, 803. Charley A., pacer. 738. Charley Abel (Felham), b g (2:28). 676.* Charley Allen, b s (3:09). 436. Cliarley AUeu. 569. Charley AUen (3:11%). (6), 525. Charley B. (Lark), b s (2:25). 205, 259. Charley B. 548. Charley B. (GiflEord and Chicka- mauga), ch g (2:.30). 31, .37, 104, 134, 144, 1.52,* 238, 340, 364, 441, 535, 622, 657, 663, 678. Charley B., by HaL-'s tir Richard. 445, 46«. Charley B., b g. 27, 129, 391, 544:, 641. Charley Babcock, blk g (2:5l94). (t77). Charley Baldwin, bs&g(3:18). i83. Charley Bates bg, pacer (2:35). '/5l. Charley Bates. (600;. Charley Bates, br g (2:38). 63, 247, 492. Charley Baxter. 574. Charley Bell. 488. Chariey Black Hawk, blk g.451, 553. Chai-k-y Bullett. Ii9. Charley B jv. 187, 235. Charley C. (Harry G.), b g (2:28}^). 63,130, 194. 217, 287, .380, 384, 472,* ;i04, 568, 611, 613, 617, 625.* 655,(657), G79, 718.* 7;:;9, 7t)4,* 797. C:iarley C, b g. .'-129. Charley C, b g (2:49^). (263), 793.-* Chailey Carroll, blkg (2:36). 264, 481,585,61.1. Charity Cash, b g. 471. Charley C, B. & Q. (2:51U). 100, 363, 530. Charley Cnamp, b g (2:31i^). 10, S6, 124, ^19,* 224, 230, (250>, 630, 634, 654. Charle.7 Champlin (Frank), b g (2:21%). 48, 206, 268, 303, 381, 557, 652, 687,708. Charley Conklin, b g by Guide. 66. Charley Creed. 80. Charley D., pucer. 747. Charley C, ch g (?::37). 121, 228, 326, 424, 433, (632). Charley Dandy, b g. 451. Charley Dickerman, b g (2:40J4). 74, (419*), 803. Charley Douglass, b g (2:30). 16, 282, 300, 4i8. 452, 456, 464, 474, 504,* (522), 567, 658, 730. Charley Downs, br g. 175. Charley Drew, b g (2:48). 280 . Charley Duroc. 586. Charley i^nsign, pacer. 773. Char.ey Evans (Loder), rn g, pacer (2:2 1 )4). 746, 7.58,== 759, 767, 781, 783.* Charley Everick (2 : 30i4) . (641 ) . Charley F., b g. 294,* 563, 680, 712, 735. Charley F. 472. Charley FUnt, b g (2:.57). (600). Charley Ford (Bill.y Bostader), gr g (2:16%). 86,* 160,* 183, 184, 194, 199,* 241,(290), 3 16, 336 379, 380i* 441,* 491,* 500, 5.j8, 631,* 687.* Charley Foster, b g. 242, 373, 423. Charley G., ch g. 161,407. Charley G. 321, 328. Charley G.,bg(2:51). 204, 451,(718). Charley G., ch g. 152, 360. Charley Gerrish, bg(2:35). (60*), 1.54, 186, 258, 555. Charley Gibson (2:39). 220, 569. Charley Gilbert. 56o. Charley Gold. 43. Charley Grant, chg (2:4C%). (184). Charley Gray, gr g (2:40J.^). (492*). Charley Green, bg (2:26%). 25. 43, 79, 80,* 1.37, 1:J9, J49, 183,197, 211,221,267,272. 279, 312, 328, 334, 340. 356, 369,* 396,* 398,416, 433, 467, 485,* 487, 5;:7, 611,* 634, 636. 645, 660.* 702, 7..9, 80O. Ch.arley H., b g(2:38i4). 358. Charley H., bg(2:46). (408). Charley H., nacer (2:21). 7:i8,* 739, (740*), 742;* 745, 746,* 755, 759,* 761,762,* 76 s,* 768, 770,* 771,* 773,* 779,* 780,* 784.* Charley H. 78. 842 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACINQ RECORD. Charley HaU. b - (2 :37). 80, 91, 134, 178,* 179, -JJO, .V,'8, (689). Cbarley Harvey, pacer (2:38). 744, 734. 759. Cliailey Hayes, b g (2:45). 314.363, (530, 658, 8u2. Charley Hill, br g (2:41). 504 (606). Chark-j' Hill, b k, pacer. 756. Charley Hod, b g (2::9K>). 132,* 195, 297, 307, 320, 370, 385, 490, 625, 797. Charley Howe (King William, Thorndilce and Rover), gr g (2:3.3). 67, 1. 8, 13^.*109. 225, 242, 291, 3:i7, 441, 487. 557. Charley Hule. 105. Charley Hunt. 318. Charley Ingalls, be. (354. Charley Joyce. 309. Charley K., gr g (2:42^4). 194, 220, (247*), 308, 4.2, 503, 585, 7:J0. Charley K., b g (;':31i^). 341, (527). Charley K., brg. 36...* 041. Charley Kuox, b g (2:40). 15, 225, 246, 302, (391), 723, 7.5. Charley L., br g (2:4.')). 233, (680). Charley L., bj^ (2:3334) (erroneously given 2:33, page i23). 224, 339, (481*). Charley Lamber. 32. Charley Langwortby.chg. 22, 230,* 236, u4.J, 724. Charley Layton.gr g(2:39). .33,* 538. Charley Lee. ch g, by Charley ii., dam Maggie Lee. 442, 443, i546. Charley Lew. 391. Charley Lewis, b g, by Iowa Diiroc, dam by Honesty. 97. 565. Charley Lewis, pacer. 745. Charley Lord. 140. Charley M., blkg(2:49J4). 100, 112, 459, (525), 619. Charley M., b g(2:46). 41, 123, 271,* 328,* (339), 511. CharlevMac, ch g (2:2.5). 68, 114.* 119, i31, 152, 183, 184,='^ 211,* 293, (313*), 315, 331, 333, 357, 405, 414, 424.447,474, 528,* 584, 596, 601, 696,702,723. Charley Mack, b g (2:37), by Excel- sior. 121,(288). 486. Charley Mason, brg. 120. Charley Miller, cLi g (2:48). (71*), 352,415,537,023. Charley McManus, blk g. 195, 486, 617. Charley Morgan, by Thunderer, dam by Toronto Chief. 40, 42. 613. Charley Moore, rn g, by Albion. 210, 235, 331 , 492, 5:58, 6U0, 685. Charley MorriU. b g (2:34). (99*), 242,* 465, 470, 499, 512, .565,* 626. Charley Morris, b g (2:45). 32, 176, (294)', 315. Charley N.(2:4714). (80). Charley Nellis. 3l2. Charley Nolan.bg (2 :.38!|i). 118. Charley Osgood, chg. 197,237. Charley P., bg (2:47). 39, 121, 187, 448, 492. Chai ley Paris, bg(2:41^). 284, 38L* Cliarley Prince. 609.* Charley R. , b s (2 :.>7 1. 00. Charley R. , ch g (2:3.-.i4 w). 5.34. CharlevH.,dng(2:4«i4). 247.(454). Charley Keed 444. Charle.yheeder, pacer. 7C4. Charley Riley (2:.50 w). 617,(872). Charley Ross. 97, 183, 594 . Charley Ross, b s (2:42). 143, 471, 648.* Churlev Ross, b g (2:33). 101, 199, ;.'07. iilO, 257, 303, 402. t)45. CliarlpyRoss.bg(2:36M>- 17, .31.63, 66,67, 90, 12u,* 179, 234, (481."), 58S, 684. Charley Shear, pacer (2:40). (.540*), 787,792. Charley Slipp,grg(2:45). 449. Charley Smith, rng. 448. Charley Stewart, blk g (2:36i4). 411 . CLarlev Sweeden, b g (2:37). Ill, 248, 358,4.52. Charley T., ch g (2:42K')- 169, 201, 2.19, 398, 514, 010.* " Charley T. 509. Charley T.. ch g (2:29>4). 24, 58, 117,134.201,217, 225, 328,364, 31)7,381, .38:,* 38.3,* 412,* 455, 465, 472, 562, 628, 679. , Charley T. 705. ! f;harley 'i hompson. 733. ! Charley Thorne, ch g (2:49), by Thoindale. KO. I Charley Tipton, br g. 108, 465, 576.* 1 Cliarley W.,br g (2:3S). 11.5, i-^i, 152,*" 1.53, 192, 257, 304, 4 .7, 470, 492, 578, 602, 037. I Charley VValcott. 51.* Chjrley Walker, br g 378. Chiirlev Ware, br g 0.':32i^). 79. 200, 225, 273, 32S, 380, 44^, C88, 715. Charley Walters. 04. Charley Waterman, pacer. 790. Charley West, ch s (2:40*i). 12, 117 207, 392, 503. Charley Welch. 154, 421, 701. Charley Westbrook, ch g (2:3.3^) (erroneously given 2:3254, Page 124). 33, (182), 528, 547, o97,* 634, 724. Charley Williams, b g. 462 . Charley Wright. 56, 161. Charley Y., b g (2:39^). 284. Chatlev Young, b g (2:41). 18, 99, 136, 190, 214, 254, 272, 373,(449), 543. Charlick, ch g (3:00). (231 ). Charlotte Cushman, br m(2:34>4). 364, 384, 731.* Charlotte. 25,2.57. Charlotte Hfi II, whm. 390.6,30. Charlotte Temple (2:38). 101, 1.39. Charm. 437. Charm. 329. Charm, pacer. (•::33i4). (773). Cli .rin, b m (3:06). 391, 508. Charm, b m. 128. Charm. 141. Charmer. 034. Charmer, gr m(2:31). 68, 100,* 101. 105, 120, 123, 191, 203, 205, 369, 475. 480. 522, 533,* 557, 589, (.594), 624, 657. Charmer (2:46 1. 85, (501*), 710. Charmer. 75, 83. 413. Charoi, bs(3:02). 661. Charmis. 108. Charter Oak. 139, 215, 627. Charier Oak, blk s (2:52U). (724). Chateau Belle, br m. 128. Chatta. 171. Chatham. 201. Chat'iam Boy. grg (2:34^). 92,280, 479, 5U5. .562, 794. Chatham Girl, b m. 590, 723. Chatham Planet, ch s. 129. (Chatham Planet, pacer. 748, 752. Chauncey, f;r g (2:57;. 588. Chauncey. gr m (2:32). 83. 600,* 029. Chaunce.v,bs(2:45J4). (54), 135,204. Chauueey Boy. 220. Chauijcey H., br g (2:27;^). 1.34, 199, 202, 421, 487, 536, (604), 631, 636, 703. Chauncey M , br g. 510. Ch.auncey M. Bedle. b g (2:30). 17, 37, (5S,* 82, 120, 132, 145, 1 80, 205. 227, 232, 250, 257,* 'MO, 371,449,- 468, 521,* 534, (.535). 657, 575, .580. 591, 031,* 646. ('47, 661,* 664, 66(i, 071, 710. 7.34, 79.i, 798. Chaut;cey Page, ch g. 376. Chaimcev R. 10. L;hauauqiitt Chief, b g (2:32). 332, hC9.* 410, 547. 595," 653.* Cheboygan. 544- Checker Boy. 26. Checkmate, b g. 134. Cheek, gr g (2 : :iG]4) . 336. 703. Cheek, br g, by Anthony Wayne (3:13^.). (39). Cheerful. 732. Cheerful Billy, blk g. 213, 278, 519, 547. Cheatham. 35. Cheever's b m. 485. Chelsea. 15. Chelsea Boy. ,367. 503. 571. Chemung Maid, bm. 110,* 066, 782, i Chenango B >y. 421. Chenango Girl, pacer. 763. i ChenangJoker 685. ChenoaBov, chs. 201. Cherokee (2:.50). 302, KSS, 404. Cherokee Bov, pacer. 778. Cheiry. 249. j Cherry Lane, b s, by Jupiter I Al)dallah. 254. Chesapeake, ch g. 274, 381. Chesajjeake, ch g. 81, 129, 1.36, 300, 628. Chess,pai'er. 671. (ihess Bov, ch g. 412. Chester, br s (2:52). 319, 658, 690. Chester, b s (2:.35}4). 166, 701, 704, 801. Chester (Dickens), b g (2:27). 153, 192, 250.* 276, 316, .394, 574. Chester, b g (2:35). 29, 39, 115, 134, 163,* 39.', 000,* 408, 480, 510, 564, 614, 694. Chester, b g, pacer. 773. Chester, ch g (2:28i4). 567, 620. Chester (2:46). 192,2.39, 244, 268, 422 Chester C, b g. 625. (IJliester Dewey, b s, by Ashland Patchei. I2a. Chesterfield team. 801. Chester P., ch g (2::i0). 73, 300, 326, 363, .384, 657,- 713. Chester Girl. 54:. Chester H., bg. ;.94. Chester Jack, b g. 492. Chester Springs Maid. (547. Chester Thomas Jr. (Gen. Sherman), bg(2:33i4). 407, 481. 495,* 596, 72-1.* Chestnut, ch m. by Red Cloud. 634. Chestnut Billy, ch g (2:34). 44, 132, 176, 227. Chestnut Billy, ch g (2:40i4). 16, 24, (268), 271, 276, 349, 352, 407, 449, 454, 47i, US9. Chestnut Billy, ch g (2:55). (24), 45. Chestnut Boy, eh s (2:36^) (errone- ousl.y given 2:36, page 126). 207, 265,* 200, 30o, 458, 532, 682. Chestnut Charley, ch g (2:50). 225, 794. Chestnut D. 4S5. Chestnut Dan. ch s (2:45>. 30, 214, 255, ( 98). 630.* Chestnut Dan, ch g, pacer. 741. Chestnut Dick, chg (2:33V6). (239), 280, 379. 449. 488.* Chestnut Dick, ch s (2:44i^). 395, 420,485. Chestnut Dick, ch g (2:38). 26, 55, 107, 164, 173. Chestnut Dick, cfa g (2:42). 355. Chesttmt Frank, chg (2:52). 47, 70, (277). Chestnut Gforge. ch g. 153, 585. Ciiestnut Hil!. b s( .:22>^). 91, 148, 149, 200, 244, 288,* 325,* 461,* 4^»0, 701.* Chestnut Jennv, ch m. 684. Chestnut Jim, ch g (2:43>. (106),267. Chestnut Jim, ch g, pacer (2:46). (7H5). 789 Chesimit Molly, ch m (2:57). (628). Chestiuit Ned, ch g. 40, 176, 659. Chestnut Nell, c 1 m. 157. Chc-ilnur P. ince, ch s. 492. Chestnut Ridge (Bdly Badeye and Western), be (2:29!^). 39. Chestnut Rover, ch g. 634. IXDEX OF BEATEN HORSES. 843 Chestnut Sam, ch g (2:3094) (errone- ously given L':33J<^, page 126). 40, 101, III, ] 13, 219, (247), 318, 508, 551. 640, 708. Chestnut Star, ch s. pacer (2:22). 739, 742.- 752,* 764,^ 781, 788. Chestnut Tom, ch g. 7','0. Cheston, b g (2:37). n,- 29, 296, 395, 519, 559, 564. 6C7, 027, 631, 652,692,706.734* Cheto Billy, pacer. 783. Chet. KeUogg, bg(2:3l). 280,355, 387.- 477,* 669, 677. ■= 678. Chevalier, b s, by Brigadier, dam Kii, by Billy McCrackcn. 144,* 609. C. H. Ganston. 398. C. H. Gould, ch s (2:471-4). 34i, 467. Chicago (Hard Bread and Jim Rockev), b g (2:24*4). 47, 59, 118, 142, 149, 16 ',* 179, 197, 224, 235, 269, 323, 494. .':37, 544, 587,* 588, 61.^, 641, 65.;,* OU:., 694, 757, 783, 790. Chicago Belle. 11,579. Chicago Biliy, b g. 376. Chicago Boy (2:4P). (94). Chicago Chiet, ch g (2:48). 409, 570, Chicago Jack, b g (2:32) (2:27^ s) (erroneously given 2:30 in har- ness, page 127). 48, (50), 226,* 299, 392, 405 * 418,423,* 477,505, 651. Chicago Ned. 647. Chicago Rose. 5x;6. Chickadee. 281. Chickamauga (GifEord and Charley B.), ch g (2: 30). 89, 106, 136, 1.54, 197, 209, 224, 297, 315, 327, 509, 569, 61. S, 082. Chickamauga, Jr., b g, by Chicka- mauga. 596. (640). Chico,brg(3:10), by Lodi. 82,(507). Chicopee. 575. Chicot. 374. Chief. 246.* Chief (2:30). 499. Chief, rn g (2:37i^'w). 422, 432. (555), 611. Chief, b s (2:44). 30,* 212, 239, 327, 474. Chief. 18, 473. Chief, blk g (3:00). 215. , Chief (Diok Ellis), b g (2:45). (389). Chief, b g (2::;7H). 12,* 13, 24. 74, l.)5, 161. 486, 492, 562, 6U9, 620.* Chief, bg (2:42). (66). Chief, b g, x^acer {2:24i4). 748,* 757,* 770. Chief, br g. 443. Chief. 687. Chie-f (2:58). (170), 262, 667. Chi.-f, pacer, (2:.55i4). 7-18, (777). Chief, b 8 (2-.39), by Fisk's Mam- brino Chief .dam by Magna Charta. 22, .59, 70. 107,174, 176,* 178,274, 277, 340, 347, 355. 418,* 4.52, 458, 479, 481, 483, 514, 599, 667, 724. Ch ief Joseph, b s, by Mountain Chief. 215. Chief, Jr. 527. Chieftain, ch s (2:55). (158), .378, 652, 667. Chieftain, b g(2:41). 49, 438, 574, 598,* 732. Chieftain, b s (2:3594). "», 453, 478, 499, 515, 540. Chieftain, b g (2:25i^). 19,* 48, 55,* 121,* 149, 170,259,27.), 344,* 477, 532. 573. Chieftain. 494. Chieftain, rn g (3:08). 15, (156), 195, 460. 644. Chieftain, b g (2:58). (13), 53, 1.56, 496, 505. Childs, b g. 704. Chihuahua, ch s. 40. Chilian . .524. ChinchUla, gr m. 17. Chinquapin (2:5194). 82, (198). Chinquapin. 156, 290. Chip, br g (2:41). ;!43, 608. Chipmunk, brg. 592. Chip Cole, blk g (2:42). 422,* (431), 544, 801. Chip Girl,b m (2:41i^). 85, 122. 312, 369, 40 .'. Ciiloe Charta. 237. Chippt-wa(2:47). 36,256,341,572. Chippewa Chief, br s (2:38). (75), 2:i6, 510. Chippy Bird. 178. Chip Tammany. 146, 470, 5(57. Chiqua. b m (:-':59). 349. C. H. Klumpf, b s, by Billy Denton, dam by L. I. Black Hawk. 33. Choci's en s. 2ho. (. hocolate. 427. Choconia Maid, b m (2:56). (721). Choptauk Chief, ch g (3:05}^). 10, (097). Chur,bg. 111. Chorus, blk m (3:1894). 554. Chris Doyle (2:45)4). (3^*0). Christian Lowe, r>acer. 750. Chris Monroe, pactr. 744, 754. Christian. 3J3. Chrisliana Davis, b m (2:42). 511, (645). Christian Shore. 235. Christie (2:50). (267). Christine, b m (2:36}^). 44, 155, 171, 181, 201, 263. 275, 302, 308,* 315, 322, 400, 6>--4. Christine, sr ni (2:51). 135. Christine Nilsson (Polly Cook), b m (2:3994). 2 1. Christmas. 39. Christopher Columbus. 582 Christus, t.ik m. 246. (ihrysty's b g. 20. Christy's gr g. 392. Chromo, b s (2:38). 610. Chronicle,dng(2:44). 153, 373,388, 588. Chubb, bg. 6.36. C. H. Storey. 419. Chuck, chg. 300, 369. Chuck, b g. 526. Cnuck a luck, b g (2:38). 109, 210, 549, 562, 656, 712. Church Boy, chg (3:11). (606), 656. Cider Boy. (626). ' Cigar Boy, blk g (2:43). 418, 423,* (544). Cigar Boy. 419. Cigarette (2:52). 304,418,(495). Cider Maid. 111. Cincinnati Belle, blk ni (2:46 w). 158, 277, (.354). Cincinnati Boy, b g, by Delmonico. 6, 26, 49, 104, 199, 206, :;07, 379, 422, 459, 547, 563, 572. Cincinnati Maid, br m (2:40). 272. Cinco, pacer (2:36!^). (744). Cinderella. 508. Cinderella. 395. Cioderella, b ni (2:55). 90. Cinderella, blk m, pacer (2:35}^). (758). Cinderella, bm (2:34). 94, '43,198,* 220, 347, 436, 490. (5:^0), 666. Cinderella, h m. ]5(i, 308, 4! 2. Circe, b m, by Bell Morgan, dam by McDonald's Mambrino. 284, 340, 609, 622. Citadel, grg (2:4694). 600, 711. City Blacksmith (•.':.)6). (7). City Boy, br g(2:.S2J4). 30,80, 105, liS4, 214, 219, 244, 246. 247, 271, 311, 326, 346, 390, 460, 488, 699. City Boy. b g (2:40). 29, 45, 431, (531*). City Girl, br m (2:37i^). 53, 114, 1.56,* 185. 195, 207, 34o, (376), 381, 675. 680. City Girl (2:.56). 43, 170, (642). City Point (2:52). 250, (.642). C. G. (536*). I C. J. Wells, b s (2:38), by Royal George, dam Diana, by Blind Du- roc. 4j3, (672). I C. Lombard. 318. ' Claiborne. (.")6:s). Clau-e, gr m (.i:31). (170), 205, 516. Clam. 25,97. Clambake, b g(2:49J^). 59, 85, 101, 516, 570,* 697.* Chaiicey's bg. 354. Clapp's b s. 665. Clapcer's b g (2:40)^). (600). Clara. 713. Clara, br m. 439, 442. Ciara(Crazy Jane), bm (2:27). 23, 101, 102.* 167, 261, 263, 269, 280, 352, 398, 469, 517,* 5:i0, 522, 549, 568, 702, 724. Clara, grm (2:42). 38,161,210,488, (661). Clara, gr m (2:48]^). 224, 418, 460, 529, 055, 656, 679. Clara, br m (3:02). 293, 468. Clara, gr m (2:51 w). 178, 349. 394. 798. Clara, b m (2:44i^). 203, 458,* 464. Clara, br m (2:56). (4'J2). Ciara, br m (2:53). (164). Clara. 100. Clara. (794). Clara A. (2:47^4). 29, 214, 283, (492). Clara B. 300. Clara B. 170. Clara B., bm (2:46). 32, 62, 520, 572, 657, 707. Clara B., b m (2:36i4). 335, 360, 446, 468,511,628.* Clara B., br m (2:41). 374, 388, 436,* 471,* (725). Clara Banks, wh m. 64, 397, 704. Clara Belle, b m (2:47). 15, 26», 270, 312.* ;i57. Clara Belle, blk m . 155, 19". 219. (ilara Bender, pacer. 741,* 791. Clara C, b m (2:41). 74,620. Clara Cleveland, ch m (»::23i. 33,* 38,60,145,150,* JUl, 237, 274.* 288, o83,390, 438, 452,* 456,* 464, 465, 479, 488, 528,* 651. Clara D. , gr m (2:50). 167, 287, 377, 496, 498, 641. Clara D , rn m (2 : 44) . G25. Clara D., rn m, pacer (2:2994). 764,* 779. Cl.ira G. (Clara Gage), b m (2:26) (2:25 s). 323,692,8.0. Clara Gage (Clara G. , b m (2:26) (.::25 s). 2ii, 5j, 224, o09, 318, 3,i. Clara H., gr m. 24, 596, 612. 706. Clara H., b m (3:1 5). 22, 50, 58, 378, 491, 493, 521, (7:^5). Clara Hoag, b m. 404. Clara Hud.-on, b m (2:49). 169, 374. Clara J., cli m (2 :28). 25, 28,* 54. 57, 64, 105, 112, 114, 134, 1.".6,* 170. 180, 193, 196,* 199, 201,* 2C7,* 227, 23t!i,* 241, 299, 3.36. :i.")3, 362,* 367,* 384, 385,* 400,* 444, 460,* 464, 504, 51i,* 516,* 523, 541,* 550, 56>j,* 605, 612, 613, 618,* 6;:!6, 650, 673, 678,* 095. 704. Clara L , ch ra. lo9, 193. Clara Lee. ch m. 702. Clara Lock wood (2:52^). 213, 505, (644), 799. Clara M . , b m (2 : 2 »4). 1 81, 1 98. 259. 390, 434. 461, 583, 609, (700). Clara Morgan, gr m (2:30). 14, 40, 101, 124, 126, 302, 360. 382, (434), 52 5, 616, 628. 655,* 675.- Clara Morris, blk m(2:30i^). 12.* 4.5, 99, 125, 156,* 177,* 191, 220, 247.* 291, 335, 412, 454, 401,* 531, 580,* 607,* 686. Clara P. 263,284. Cla ra S. , gr m (2 : 50). 288. Clara Simon (2:43). (423). Clara Smith, b m. 346, 735. Clara V. 278. Clara W. 200,702. CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACTXO RECORD. Clar.> 311. Claremont, ch g (2:.30). 64, 108, 19."j, L'-'O, :i7."j. 422, (4:}4t. 460, 540. Claremont, br g (.2::tO>4). 110, 112, 2K!». (:{241, :JS2, 5.")8. Clarence, chg(2:27K'>- 55,122, i:?3, 142, 203, 2(4. 2«l, .{31, 421, 460, • in (2:.38>. 093. Clark's cli m (2:48i^). 589. Clark's rn m (2:36). (21'. Clark Chief, b s l2;35V<3). 197. 593. 607. Clark Chief, b s (2:391^). 252. Clark Chief, b g. 83, 513, 077, 795. Clark Chief. 5.)6. Clark Chief Jr.. b s (2:32J4). 185, 237, 479, 659. Clark Co wan (2 :32^). 129, 137, 389, 713. Clarke, chg (2:42). 93, 203,222,521, 5.58,- ((380). Clark S..grK(2:27»4). 193,*196, 201, 289, :i01, 375. 381, 519, 718. Clark's bg. 447. Clash, bm. 299. Claude, b m. 110, 138,639, 718.720. Claude D. 218. Claude R.. gr 8 (2:.35»4), by Ben Snatcher. 298, 332.* 501. Claude Mambrino. ~.34. Claudia Merlin,!) m. (709). Claudine, grni(2:47>^). 343, .399. Clatawa, pacer (2:50). (3.52). | (blattering Dan, pacer. 778. Clay. 232. I Clay, b g (2:43). 388, .544, 679. I Clay, blk g (2:25»4). (202), 402.648. ^ Clay, br s (2:31). 207. 210, 511. Clay (or date), ch g (9:39^) (erro- neously printed '^•.tl, page 131). (10 ), 328, 508, 589, 6 JO, 668. Clay. 11,527. C;lay. 646. Cliy.bg. 432. Clay liacchus br g. !J32. Clayala. b m, by C. M. Clay. 17. 672. Claybank,bg(2:42J4). 120,217,261, 495, 607, 590. Claybank (2:.56). (389). Claybrlno. blk s (2:46^). 438, 601. Clay's Mambrino Colt. 030. Clay Girl, blk m. 284, 358. Claymont, b g (2:41), by Almont, dam by C. M. Clay. 77, 1.50, 534, 54-' 0i2. Clay Pilot, b s (2:47). 283. Clayton, oh g (2:44%). 257. Cleaner (2:.51i4). (51.3). Clear Grit, b s (2:42!4). 324, 451. Clear Grit Jr.. by Clear Grit. .350. Clear Grit Rattler, b s (2:50), by Clear Grit, dam by Rattler. 338.* Cleary's Hanibletonian, b s. 193, .535 530. Cleeo, b m (2:37^) (erroneously printed 2:37, page 131). 45, 119, 2.34, 4S8. Clement (Col. R. S. Strader), blk s t'2-AiM). 17.300,3.^8.457. Clementine, br m(2:21). 11, 86,242, 273,* 298. 309, 370,* 414, 495, (513*), 540, 580, 624,* 663. ClemmieG.,ch m (2:17). 12, 159, 165, 173,* 174, 179, 184. .3.36, 371,* 496, 554, 585. (566*), 590. Clem Brown. ;.'80. .342. t!leo])atrd, b m (2:55 w). 377, 581. Cleora, blk m (2:18-%), by Menelaus. dam Thornleat, b> Thorndale, pe ligree omitted page 1.32. Cleora Holle, br m (2:40). (306). 305, .538. ty.i:,, 801 . Cleughschm 229. Cleveland, bs(2:40) 173, .508,(074). Cleveland, b g (•.':28>4). 100. 388. Clifdeu, br s 0.':4U). .397, 410,* .552. CliflC. bm(:J:40». 190. Cliff K., b g, by Alexander's Nor- man. 2:J6. 800. Clifford, b 8 (2:38). 74, 217. 048, 798, 802. Clifford (2:4454). ((!.37). Clifford, br g(2:47M). 662. Clifford, b s (•.':43>4). (5.54). CI fford (2:.58). 157, (427). .520,* Cliff Kennedy. .55. .521, 617. Cliff Shepherd (2:51§4) ( 177). Cliffwood, b g (2::{7-M), by Almont Chief, dam by Jewett. 140, 298, (470). 472, 012. Clifton, bg (2: 56V*. (195'), 198, 290,* 360, :184, :58«,- 511, 010, O.'O, 676, 696, 709. Clifton Boy. blk g (2:23). 12,28, 41, 54,87, 122, 172, 173. 183.* 184,3 9.5, 199, 205, •,'03,230,232,=' 238,- 257, 281,* 295, 310. 320, .328, .331,* 357, 427, 429, 4.34, 440,* (480), 489, 493, 537, .544,* 561 , 580,* 631. 67a, 714. Clifton Boy, bg(2:.30). 10,563,666, 059,* 006, 070. Climax, b s (2:51i/>w). 244,669. Climax, ch s (2:31). 42, 49, 52, 122, 213, 274, (377), 460, 611 , 719, 729. Climax, gre: (2:32i^). 14, 48, 93,* 101,290,384.471, 645. Climber. 698. 700. Clingstone, b g (2:14). 194,- .346. Clinker, blk s, pacer (2:20). 739,* 740,* 744,* 769, 779,* 783,* 784,* 785. Clint. 120. Clinton, b s (2:35J4). 172. Clinton, br s (2:oOy,). 243, 557, 064. Clinton. 107. Clinton Belle. 639. Clinton Boy (2:.54i^). (56). Clinton Girl, blk m~(2:o5). .534. Clinton Maid, b m (2:^6^). (393). Clinton Maid.bm. .339.304,47:5,475. Clipper. blkg(2:51>. 077,726. Clipper, bg(2:48}^). 40,44,48,112, (304), 396, 560. Clipper. 493, (579), 643. Clipper, ch e (2:42). 319, 503. Clipper, bg(2:44). 61,82, 113,* 141, 190, 20:?, 209. (2.53), 200, 293, 389, 474, 475, 489.* 5.55, ,574, 6l;J, 658. Clipper, b g (2:40w). 167, 184, 308.* Clipper. bg(2:40). 26.212,233,412, (J40, (550, 7i)0, 794. Clipper, b 8 (3:00). (.'Jll). Clipper, b g (2:35). 117, 146, (600), 62;>, 072, 6.S3, Clipper, ch g, by Frank Pierce III. (pedigree erroneously given to Clipper, b g, pase i:i4). 31 , 47*, 124, 198, 23-1, 274, 323, 361,* 628, 720. Clippv,bg(2:55^). (697). Clona (2:49)4). (200). Clothes Horse. 80. Clothes Line, b g (2:.32). .37,* 62, 107, 115, 145,* 105, 2.39. 290, 298, 307, 314,* 377,* 410, 449, .519, .551 , 557, .571, 585, 004, 032, 039, 645, (547, 08 ', 798. Clothes Line, b m, by Walkill. dam Fanny Peters. 503 . Clothespin, b g (2:31U). 22, 137, 177, 209, :{()0,* .318,:5.1l,*414,010, Oil, 6:i(l, 044, 661, 720. Clothespin, b g (2:48J4). (107), 200, 287. 498, 654. Cloud. 443. Cloud, brg(2:45). 358. Cloud, br g (2::iS). 425, 44.5, 716. Cloud, b s (2:401^). 0:19. 089.* 695, 716. Cloud, b g (2::V4i^). by Mnmbrino Gift. 35. 141, 410, (460). 628. Cloud, grg(2:.57!4'. (500) Cloud. 1.50,571,070.* Cloud. .388. Cloud Mambrino Jr., b 8 (2:45). 171. (iloudman (James K. Polk and JndKe Scott), chg(2:31J4). 20, 32, 34, .'78. Cloud R., b g, pacer, by Ben Snatcber. 768. Clover ( Brightwood and Dalon), b g (2:2514). 17, 20, 37,* .57, 108, lirl, 130, 107, 171,* 189, 196, 2(i9, 218. 233. 290, 3(0, 303,* .307, .357, .384, 395, 4i:{, (455*), 46.5, 468, 529,* .593, .598, 001, 017, 0.30, OJJl, 636,* 600, 673. 0S8, 709, 802. Clover Bov, gr k (2:45). (448) Clover Coy. b g. 211, 219, 721. Clucker Boy, bg. 056. Clumsj- Frank, ch g, by Jay Gould, dam by Herod (2::a%). 38.* 109,* 224, (405). 538, 571, 578. 618. Clumsy Girl, b m (2:53). 90. ClutterbacI:, b g. 529. Clyde City, b p. 008. Cl.ymer. rn g. 240, 445. Clytie, ch m, by Woodford Mam- brino, dam Sunflower. 416.* Clytie B,, br m. pacer, by Blue Bull. 707. C. M. C. 634. Coachman, gr g. 24, 260. 264. Coal Boy, blk g (2:39) 75, 87, (203). Coal Burne*-. 359, 007. Coal Dealer, blk g (2:. 50^). 146,* 294, :584. 400. Coal .Mine, ch g (2:49). 10,* 289,* 540 (S:52, 711. Coal Oil Johnny, blkg(2:55.) 94, 713. Coal Oil Tommy, b g (2:47). 67. 686. I caster (,Jim Brennan), b s (2:2614). 133, 725. Cob (2:401^). (250). Cobbler, ch g, pacer. 340. Cobden, ch gr (2:289^). 68,* 113, 130, 224, 3:10, .583. Cobom-g Billy. 318. Cocheco Hoy. 475. Cochecton Maid, ch m (2:44>i^). 146, 210, 417, 4:52,* 488, 502,* .545, 596, 597, 050. (7.34). Cockev's blk ni (2:57). (369). Cockney Dan. 64. 377. 405, 677. Cockroach. 305. ('ock of the Rock. 91. Cock Robin. 200. code, hK(2:20i4). 681. Coeur de Leon. (542. Coffee Grinder. 71. 88, 542. Cohee, br s(2:.54U), 084.(689). Coin, br g, by Middletown. (100), 2.50, 047. Colbourne. 4.30. Colburn. dn g (2:.30). 119.* 249,645. Co'.d Deck. :i8. Colilen's b m. 223. CoklivaterBilly.bg. 479,* Coldwater Billy, grg, pacer (2:2.3). (2:48, 1 rotting), 20,* (221). 312, 365, TOO, 740, (749*\ 7.58,* 7^, 707,771, 778,781. Coldwater Boy. 418. Coldwiiter Bov'. 178. Coldwater Chief, 272 INDEX OF DEATEN HORSES. 845 Coleman, b s, by Seneca Chief, dam by Duff Green. 24 , 490, 539, 561. Coleman. :$:ii. Coleman. 144,486. Coleman's blk g, pacer. 7ti:}. Coleman's Mare. 638. Cole's bm. ~'.">7. Cole's bff. 6.i9. Cole. 39'-.'. Cole's four vear-old (3:00M). (30'2). Cole's bs. 4ti6. Cole's rng. 13. Coley (:.':45). 45, 548. Collector, b g (3:37). 58, 79, 170, 3-,^9, (695). Collector (:>:45i^sV (182). ColeenBawu(^:41y. 229,(319*). College Boy,blkg. 611.* College Girl. 421. Colonel, pacer. 7.50. Colonel, b g (2:52^). 97, 799. Colonel, b g (2:34i|). 27.i, 496. Colonel, bi-K(2:47). 56, 101, 109,417. Colonel, ch g(2:5J). 2-.!0, 293, 365, 368, 470, 8u2. Colonel, blk g (2:27). 34. (48*), 74, 163, 17ii, 171,* 209, 268,* 306,314, 454.*530, 612, 641. Colonel (2:58). 247. Colonel, b g (2 :33). 87, 104, 211, 400, .595, 629. (680*). Colonel, b s (2:50). 350, 3-4, 793, 793, 802. Colonel (2:44). 166, 428, 451, 589, 697. Colonel, chs (•?:32), by Bellfounder, dim by Dave Hill. (222), 391. Colonel, grg (2:40), (177*), 294, 469, 518, 532. Colonel, gr g (2:531^). (26.3). 422.* Colonel, chg(2:50). 57,222,(235), 3.39, 471 , 5.50, 596. 617, 626, 655. Colonel, bg. (20), 676. Colonel, b s (2:51)4), =512, (389), 464, 604. 641, 667. Colonel, b s. 372. Colonel, b g, by Ben Franklin. 294. Col. A., grg. (443). 486. Col. Abbott, DS (2:.53?4). 34, 84,477, 682. Col. Allen,bg(2:54J^). 25,131,231, 314, 521, 687. Co].B.,chg(2:44J4), 40,70,89,107, 185, 478, 579, 657, 709. Col. B.,bg. 618. Col. Bannister, b g (2:.36M). 80, 193, 241, 348, 39i, 402, 414, 506. Col. Barnes (Sorrel Pete), cli g (2:28)4). 22, 48, 56, 85, 247, ;->49, 338, 362, 371,400. 418, 450,* (459), 474, 528,* 586, 658,* 711, 7.33. Col. Ben. 234. Col. C , b g, by Richmont, dam by Boston Dnuy. 459, 532. Col. Cook. 47. Col. Campbell, blk g (2:40). 134,221,* 328, 358. 370, 547, 62.3, 698, 719. Col. Cheney, b g (2:40%) 219. Col. Cloud, blk s. 115, 247. Col. Clyde. 76,443. Col. Cowen, 669. Col. Crockett, blk s, by Ripple, dam by Green's Bashaw. 459, 685. Col. Cross, b s (2:401^). 79, 165, 219, 251, 799. Col. Cross.grs (2:37M). 406, 476, 661. Col. « ushiDg, br g (2:48). (75), 152,» 175. Col. Dan. 1 5. Col. Da vies, ch g (2:41). 316, 329, 368. Col Davis. 695. Col. Dawes, bg (2:2494). 154, 160,* 179,* 2 4,* 291, 437, (623*). Col. Dean, br s (2:.36). 29,* 46,* 57, 60, 78. 152,* 159. (-'06*), 209, 261, 268, 306, 008,* 365 3«7, 384, 4i3,* 476,507,560, 601,663. Col. De Courcy, ch g. 94, 597. Col. Liic!;. 470. Col. Dick, ch s. 146. 228, 381,* 412,* 669. Col . Dickey, pacer (2:.31). 739, 763, (775), 790.* Col. Dickey, pacer (2:22). 455, 7.3S, 750.* 752.* 761, 766.* 767. Col. Doty. 600. Col. D itv. 703. Col. Douglass. 612. Col. Drake. 313, 341. Col. E. D. Baker, blk s (2:35). 1.5.3, 150, 176, 209, 231. .327,* 332, .333, 349, 369, 413, 416, 443, 509,* 514, .528, 651, 662, 689, Col. Edsell. 432. Col. Ellsworth. 190. Col. Ellsworth. (483\ Col. Ellsworth, br s (2-51). 472. Col. Ethan Allen, br s (2:4:014). ^'-i, 99. 375. Col. Fain, blk g (2:56). (437'. Uol. Fisk, br s (2:53)4), by Benedict Morrill. (.^6), 213, 381. Col. FisKe ( -vhitefoot), ch g (2:38). 258, 28", 3(^9, 431, 467, 575. Col. Gleeu (2:51). (518). Vo\. Gordon. 310. Col. Gould, b g, by Gould's Clay. 161, 491,* .578. 68d. Col. H., brg. 16, 131, 167. Col. Hall, ch g. 681. Col. Hance. 343. Col. Handley. b g (2:40)4). (541). Col. Hardy (2:40). (96), 185. Col. Hardy, pacer (2:40). (742). Col. Haywood, ch s (:{:ii3). 31, 60, 96, 150, 222,* 398. 648. 692. Col. Hinman, b g 98,* .369. Col. Hockins, brg. 27. Col. Hooker. 221,610. Col. John, b s(.':52). 63, 103, 233, 247, 3 ;5, 363, 386. 482,* 606, 629. Col. Johnson. 488.* Col. Johnson, gr g (2:43% w). 177, 460. Col. Johnson (2:55 s). 262, (617). Col. Jones. 672. Col. Kilpatrick (2:42). 320. Col. King, ch g (2:30). 196, 234,* 307. 419, 630, (660*). Col. Kipp (Thomas Jefferson), blk s (2:47%). (139). Col. Knox, ch g (2:45). (160*), 209, 232, 250, 283,* 335, 339, 368, 415, 487, 530. Col. Knox, b s (2:48). 63, 394, (453), 483, 713. Col. Lakeman, sp g (2:35). 158, 320, 395, .596, 611,* 704.* Col. Landers. 293. Col. Lang, b s (2:36). 49, 142,* 157, 315, 603. Col. Layton. 662. Col. Leech, b g. '324. Col. Lewis, gr g (2:18%). 86,* 160, 580. Col. Locke, blk g. 346. 665. Col. M., chg (2:42). 237, 314, 454, 613. Col. M., grg. 112,* 6.39. Col Marks, b s. 199, 6.55. Col. Martin, chs (2 :.50). 25.* Col. Matthews, b g. 591. Col. Maynard (Hotspur), b g (2:24). 132, 202, 219, 242, 251, 261, 269, 352,368. 391,441,463. C«l. Maynard, grg (2:41^). (431). Col. Mayo. 729. Col. McDaniel, b s, by Alexander's Belmont. .531. Col. Meacham, b g (2:55). 446. Col. Mead, ch g. 698. Col. Miles. 402. Col. Mitchell. (101). Col. Moore, gr s (2:.34). 33, 158,281, .3.55. Col. Morgan. 61, 28". 295. Col. Moulton. ch s (2:28^^). 3.5. 91, 92, 14'J.* 211,* 238, 352,* 384,* 449, 453, 595,* 627, 719, 723. Col. Ne;.), bg(:'.:13). (44S). Col. Pat.-hen Jr., b s (2:47), 257. (294 . 474, 5S3.* Col. Peaboay, U s (2:.34). 64, 388, 483. 521,* 5:i5, 564, 606, 633,(681* ). Col Peck, b g (3:05)^). 39, 53, 122. Col. Pike, b g (2:29)4). 136, 187.* Col Price. 353. Col. K., ch g (2:43J4). 78,* 206, 228. 248, 282. 552, 582, 729. Col. Roberts, b g(2:44%). 107, 206, 280, (517), 715. Col. Russell. 540. 557. Col. Russell (Hf.p), b g (2:253^). 485. Col. RusseU. 87. Col. S., b g(2:56), by Major. (339). Col. Scattergood, b s (2:40). i;34,* 401. Col. Sellers (2:3!:i). 322, (502), 615, 688. Col. Spofford, chg(2:45). 138.232, (294), -172. Col. Steptoe. br g (2:54%). (271), 514. Col. Stevens, b s (2:34^). 244 Col. Taylor (2:49). ] 09, 382, (613;. Col. Taylor, b s (2:53), ny Billy De .- ton, dam by Post's Hambletonian. (294), 302, 501. Col. Tipton. 722. Col. Todd. 350. Col. Tom, ch g, by Magic, dam by Ned Forrest. 3(jl. col. Tucker, b g. 66, 484. Col. Upton, b s(2:40). 37, .332, 439, 533, 562, 65li,* 711, 720, 799. Col. Tom, ch g, b.v Magic, dam by Berkeley's Ned Forrest, 301. Col. W. 241. Col. Wadsworth. 128. Col. Walker, ch s (2:45%). 68, 237, 382,* 578, 671,694. 697. Col. Waters, eh g. (380). Col. Webster, b g (2:48). 278, (574), 673.* Col. Weller, b s, by Green Mountain. 281. Col West, b s, 623. Coj. Willard. 799. Col. Wilson, le.-}. Col. Wood, b g (2:35)4). 668. Colorado, br g (2:38). 49, 63, 72, 113, 274, 452, 463, 488, 493, (597). Colorado, gr s (2:50). (222). Colorado Belle, br m, pacer, (2:38)4), (758). Colorado Cow Boy,dng(2:47%). (253) Colorado Billy. 128. Columbia (California Damsel), ch m (2:24)4). 419. Columbia (Alice May), b m (.2:42). 10, 142. Columbia (Albatross), br m (2:32%). 114, 345, :i96, 4:'>7.*517. Colimabia, b m (2:34). (19), 210, 252. Columbia, brm (2-36). (510). Columbia Boy, bg (2:38). 9,* 711. Columbia Chief (.-^tump Puller;, blk s (2:28)4). 17,* 93. 105, 154, 2S9, 267, -52, 376, 449, 484, 569, 586, 592, 646, 6.56, 662, 071. Columbia Maid (Lady Hamilton) ch m (2:-i:i)4). 68, 120, 274, 518,- 521, 672. Columbia Maiden. 626. Columbian. 197. Columbian Chief (Harry Harley), b g(2:25%). 351,369, 592. Columbine. 285. Columbus, rng, pacer (2:51). 751, (768). Columbus, bg (2:39) (2:35 s). 32.* (125), 182, 194, 409, 426 * 506, 605, 616, 683. Columbus, chs (3:02)4 w). 204. Columbus, bs (2:44)4). (585. Columbus (2:.55)4). (637). Columbus, ch s (2:58). 476. Columbus. 305. Columbus (2:44%). 648.(652). Columbus (3: 13). (666*). 846 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PA'^IN'G REr^ORD. Columbus (,'2-A'l^). 52, 148. i;5,>, (4:.'9), 4:i'3. Columbus, bg (2:30^4) (erroneouslj- given 2:'!4, page l.'!9), bv Bayuril. (■-'4'), '-.Mi, 140, 161, :j6!),'42I. Coli;uibus. cli s. 535,720. Columous Bluekhawk, b 8(2:39^). . 294,* 485, 505. Commodore, ch g (2:3694). 43,* 438,614. Commodore, blk s (2:31j!i). 288, (.3881, 504, 604, 728. Commodore, ch g (2:3914). 135, (460), 620. Commodore, b g, pacer (2:27). 7.36, 749. Commodore, ch g. 285.* Com. Bainbridge, oli g (2:34). 37, 212. ;.()8, ;!56.* .360, 414, 420,* 498, 6.30,6.35.* Com. Beuiiont. b s (2:.54i^). 383. Com. Black. 679. Com. Carroll. 665. Com . Chase, gr g (2:47%). 672. Commodore Jr., br s (2:33). 383, 568. CoinniOflore Nutt, b g (2:C9). 64. 129, 137, (248), 2(iO, 203.* 320, 338, 3.53, 424, 521, 627, 634,797. Commodore Nutt, ch g (2:349^). 92, 110, 154, 329, 374, 598, 681, 793, '97.* Commodore Nutt, b s (2:51i4). .334. Comm dore Nutt, bs (2:4314). 150, 238,417,649, 727. Commodore P., br g, pacer. 746. Commodore Packard. 276, 464. Com. Perry, bs (2:271^). 1.30. 166, 172, 264,- 271, 2M9, 296, (298), 400, 405,* 460, 513, 638, 681. Com. S'.veetser, bg (2:31). 19, 72, 104, 116 204, 388, 613,* 794. Com.Vanderbilt, bs(2:25). 108, 168, (248), 252, 200,* 26.',* 295, 685.* Commonwealth, br s (2:22). 34, 139,* 140,* 172,201, 242, 290, 313,* 316. 369, 480, 49.3,* 538. 573,* 574,* 601, 638, 670. Como, ch .s (2:38), by Elmo, dam Juno, by Pat Malloy. (320). Como. 249. Como Chief, br s (2:58), by Apple- by's Chieftain, dam a Magnum Bonum mare. (73*), Como Maid (2:.59i4). 541, 655. Compeer, br s (2:38). 29, .37,* 42, 115, 141,* 160, 1 87, 2.54, .346, 400,* 401, 489, 491, 538, (578), 586.* Compeiine, b s, b.v Corsair, dam by sou of Green's Bashaw. 374. Compromise, b g. 679. 726. Complon {Joy. 128, 287. Comstock, blk g (3:40). 461, 521, 566,* (580), 647.* Comstock (2:47j. (28.3). Con, b g (2:41). (137), 314. Conant. 610. Concrete, ch g. 151. Condit Smith, ch g {'■2::iS^\ by Billy Morgan, dura a Canadum mare. 86, 119. 2;j7, 47.'., 5(;9, 076, (693), ] Conductor. 694. ' Conductor, b s. 107, 277. 284, 381. Conductor, brg. 391. Conemara, b s. by Volunteer, dam I by Speeulatioii. 162. I Conemaugh, pacer (2::;9). (787). I Confederate Chief b s (2:51), 191. Confederate Ciiief Filly. 3.55. Confidence, b g (2:3.5). 139, 187, 194, 3<)1, 42(i. .598.* 706. Confidence, . h g (2:371^). 88,* 210. 313,*300, ."til, 502. Confidence, gr s (2:28). 262, 269. 377, 441,497,670. ConQdence, brg (2:269^). 149, 166, 251, 267, 304, 312, 387, 441, 653, 660. 665. Confidence (Fred Pense), b g (2:26). 174,* 179, 262, 545, 558, 662. Confidence, br s (2 :31). 332. Confidence, pacer. 730. Contiilence (2:.53)r. (i>98). Congedee. 485. Congo, ch g (2:50»4). 274,* 010. Congress, rn g. 4.">9. Cout-reRs 8treet, rn g (2:56). (78), :187, 510. 654, 7.30. Conklin, b g. 503, 556. Conklin s ch s. 252. Coiiklms brg (2:3514). 629. Conkhn'sch g. 673. Conklin'srng. .3.50. Coimcciicut Girl, 594.* Conneeticuf Sam. 95. Connemara 82. Coniiemaugh Jack, pacer. 783. Conner's ch g. 732. Conne.-s (Frank Khoads and John Connesv). b g (2:301^). 593.* Conn's b m. 148. C'^nnors. 184. Cunover. br s (2:43><^). 172, •."93, 361, 445, .532. Con More. 717. Conijueror, b g (2:52 w). (231). Conqueror, b s (2:39i4). 95, 115, 337, (446*), 459, 500. Conserve, br m. 716. Consolation, ch g, bv Alamo, dam bv Clay's Abdallah. 188, 458,* 6.32. Cons Miller. 142. Constance, by Consternation. 345. Constance, Ur m (2:.3494). 85, 215, 331, :i.-.3, 369. 403, 441, 484. Constant. 293. Constant. 050. Constant, gr m (2:421^), 416, (492), 541, 01 ■, ti.56. Constitution, ch g (2:37i^). 93, 1*0, 2('6, 243, 256, 320, 384, 398, 513,' (523), 563, 696. Construction. 197. Consul, bs (2:39). 145,573. Consul, b g (2:3794). i.'^'^), 686. Consul. ^99. Contest. 315,561. Contest. 166, 313. contest. (203), 666. Contest. 217, 732. Continental, b s (2:.36). 105, 132, 237, 279, 280, 369, 625, Continental, gr g (•.':46J4). 335.* Contiat.and, blk g (2:32^). 126, 353, 409, 424, 670.* Contraband, blk s (2:50). 205, 451. Contraband, b s (2:40W). 491. ' Contractor, ch g (2:5-.>^). 80, 289, 358. Controller, b g (2:39). 232, 318, 325, 579. Convert, brg. 472,* 551, 6.59. Convoy, gr g (2:22i^). 86, 91,* 130, 154, 171, 184, 193' 230, 241, 296, 379, 388, 443. 447, 496, 514, 538 * 547,* 567, 573, 586, 609, 622,* 624, 719.* Conundrum. 29, 433, C4. 57, 126.* 133, 176, (-58), 469, 487, 526, 678.* INDEX OF BEATEN HORSES. 847 Cooloo, b g (2:3194). 125, 129,(280). Coomb's ch m. 531 . Coomb's br m. 246. Coon, oh s (2:43). 169, 516. Cooney. 382. Coon-Foot. 648. Cooper. 4j5. Cooper. 218.* Cooper. 87, .373. Cooper Boy. 484. Coopers rn g. pacer. 739. Cooper Colt, h g (2:32i^). (244). Copelaud. 496. CopelancI Horse. 58. Cooper's rn m. 394. Cooperstown. (,633*). Copaice Maid. :iO, 498, 549. Copperbottom, b s (.:47}4). (170). Copuerbottrm, blk g (.2: '5), by the Hiram Norton horse, dam a Morgan mare. 502,571 (572). Copperbottom, rn g, pacer, (2:191.^). 21*, 269. 403, 744, 749, 757,* 758,* 766, 778, 780. 781, 782.* Copperhead, pacer. 574,757. Copperhead, ch s (2:35%). 10, 13. 71, 78, 18«, 274, 310, 424,* 475,* (486*), 494, 519, 593. Copperhead. 286. Copperhead, ch m(2:46). 500. Copperhead (2:47%). (161). Copperhead (2:39i^ s). (500). Copperhead. 673. Copperhead, b g. 152. Copp's br m. 271. Coq du Nord, ch g (3:00). (115). Coquette. ir>8. Coquette, blk m (2:iO). 192, 330, 4Ui). Coquette, ch m (2:28M). 78, 83, 137, 174, 181, 274,* 275, 284, 424, 470, 494, 558,* 662. Cora. 212. Cora (Helen), blkm(2:30J4)(errone- ously given 2:30, page 144). 19, 114, 142, 219, 248, 3.52, 439, 463, 480, 519. Cora, b ui (2:49). 50, 80, 533, 609, 683. Cora, b m (2:38 . ). 9, 14,* 170,* 266. 328, 372, 600, 620, 623, 647. Cora, b m (2:29J4). 113, 153,* 163,* 22o, 247, 319,* 340, 348, 566. Cora. 614. Cora, ch m (3:00). 84. Cora (.2:45). (464), 522, 606. Cora, gr m. 496. Cora, b m (2:44). 521. Cora, bm, pacer(2:36%). 740,*742, (757), 785. Cora. 113. Cora Allan, ch m. 57. Cora B., br m (2:37J4). 247, 249, 297, 363, 454, 461,* 566, 583, 644.* Cora B., bm. 669, 684. Cora Bell, gr m (2:35). (30), 192, 244, 51 i. Cora Bell, gr m. 367. CoraBpll. 65^,703. Cora Belmont, gr m (2:24}^). 12, 81. 229, 598, (694*). Cora C. (2:37%). (70). 223, 484. Corad'Estelle. 567. CoraD., pacer. 770. Cora Davis. 282 . Cora D?,vi,s, pacer. 745. Cora F., gr m (2:28). 10, 43, 48,* (60), 268,* 296, .308,* 362, 376, 395, 528, 560, 618, 638, 700, 701, 704, 716,* 732. Cora F., b m (2:45^). 105, 127, 197, 400,* 401, 491, t)39, 704, 732. Cora J., bm (2:51). 13, (42), 340, 308,609. Cora Jackson (3:24). (149). Cora Jefferson, ch m, by Thos. Jef- ferson. 240, 333. Coral, b m, by Clark Chief, dam Cassia, by Strader's Clay. 143. Coralin. 100. Cora Lee, rn m, by Johnson's Sky- lark. 550. CoraM. 144. Cora Mather. 240. Cora Medium. 293,(444). Cora MoiTis, ch m (3:01). (390). CoraL. 276. Cora S., ch m. 255, 305, 5S5, o68.* Cora Temple (3:40). (.:«). Cor. B.(Uoty),bg(2:21). 42,158, 326. Coroeau, 0g(2:42i^). 725. Corbin's Bashaw, ch s (2:26%). 12, 25, 60, 194,* 241, 380. 464.* Cordelia, b m. 3.J8. Cordilleras, bg (2:46). 71.5. Corvette, bm,pacer(2:19), by Wiii- throp, dam by Kentucky Hunter. Coriander, rn g (2:40J^). 118, 169, 40.5, (dS 3). Coriander, br s (2:29%). 242, 268, 329.* 358, 519,* 55,^, 650, 703,(712). Corinne, b m (2:5.3%) 84. Corinth Boy (Johnny), br g (2:35). 118, 123,242,648. Coriolanus. 679. (Corinthian Tom. 450. Corisande, b m (2:34i^). 178,* 179, 416, 528. Cornapple. 41. Creneal's br m. 206, 573. Cormick, blk s (2:45). 531. Cornelia. 684. Cornelia, gr m (2:33%). 484, 597, (698*). Cornelia, blk m (2 :31>4). 12, 13,110, 159. 17.3,* 181,:W2,372,* 3:-3 550, 580, 651, 722,* 731. Cornell. 100. Cor. ell. 333. Corncil's Ri* s 9'- Corner Boy, blk g'(2:33J^). (55). 140, 482,511,645,665. Cornet, bs (2:49%). 16.(677). Corucracker(2:5oJ^). (731;. Corn-Fed. 244. Cornfield Jim , b g . 284. Cornsheller. 171. Cornplanter. .362,* 509. Cornplanter. 649. Cornstalk, chg. 352, 682, 714. Coroner, bg. 277. CoronerK.,bg ( :30%). 46, 55, 95, 140, 193, 207, 240, 331, 334, 353, 369,* 538, (553), 607, 799. Corporal Trim, br s (2:o.3i^). 79, (141), 309, ;s:W, 729, 799. Corrlgan, bs(2:44). (97). Cornwall, rn m. 223. Cornwall Boy. 62i). (iorsican, b g. 128. Cortlanut Boy, ch g. 90, 113, 185,* 189, 238, 4(i7,* 474. 557,* 573, 620, 798, 802. Cortlandt Boy, b s (2:41i^). 115, (246), 26.-,. Cortlandt Spy. 560. Corvette. 199, 724. Cosey Miller, pacer. 778. Cosmo. 765. Cosmo, b s (2:4254). 67,* 612.* Cossack (2:42). (714). C. O. Stone. 103. Cottage iioy. 89. Cottage Boy, br g (2:47%). 271. Cottage Boy, blk g (2:44}^). (217*), 331, 082. Cottage Girl, chm (2 :29}4). 23,48, 155, 183, 230, 355, 368, 463. .524, 50B, 599. Cotton. 230. Cottonade, b g (2:55). 113, 267. 661. Cotton Plant, gr g, pacer (2:34}4). 736, (746), 772, 779. Cottonpicker (3:05). (189). Cottonpicker, ch m, pacer (2:27)4)- 568, 738, 745, 758, 759,* 760,* 769, 770, 771, 773, 776, 777,* 778, 781. 783. 785,* 789,* 790. Cottontail, pacer. 767. Cottontail (Boston Boy) (2:35). 88 CoitontaU, cr k (2:4u}^). 44, 133, 232, (2:i4). 347, 368.* 594, 610. Cottonwood Chief. 328. Cottrell's b m. 583, 673.* Cottrell'sbs. 433. Cottrell's bm. 147. Couldock, b g. 531. Council, blk g (2:51). 207, 389. Couch Jr. 298. Councilman, b g. 232, 639. Ciamsellor. 477, 541. Countersign, bs(2:35J4). 181, 201, .534 . Countess, ch m (2:36i4). 13,* 65, 165, 225, 232, 397, 493, 519, 558. Countess. bnM2:40). 136,227,672.* Countess, ch m (2:33kl). 11, 105, 315, 612,* 674. Comitess, b m (2:46^). ^531), 548. Countess, ch m. 391. Count Kilrush (Santa Claus), b s (2:171^). 383. Countless. 619. Count Monte, ch g (2:51). 717. Count Rumford.bs (2:55),by Honest Allen. (252), 716. Country Bob. 453. Country Boy, pacer. 754, 762. Country Boy. b g (2:39). 155, 477. Lountry Boy, blk g (2:47U). 35,* 78,* (169), 239, 406, 451. Country Boy, gr g (2:52). 105, 169, 479, 516, (65.5), 712. Country Ijjy, blk g (2:40). 192,224,* 232, 293, 427, 440, 461, 496, 506. Country Boy (Gen. Howard), b g (2:2614). 147, 457, 500, 512, 718. Country Boy, brgc2:37i^). 268,398, 594, 653. Country Boy(2:5 1 %). 246, (313), 693. Country Boy,brg (2:551^;. (462), 631 Country Boy, b s (3:00^), bv . rince Charles. 207. Country Boy. 417. CouDtrv Girl, bm, pacer. 742,755,* 759, 763. Country Girl, gr ra (2:49). 732. Coutitrv Girl. 83, 313. Country Girl (3:06). 179, 412, 467. Country (jirl. 417. Country Girl (2 -.oZYi). 223, 407, (504). Country Girl, b m. 76, 168, 236, 239, i 272, 387, 591, 597. ' Country Gu-1. 174. Country Lass, ch m. 70, 312, 337, 3.52,* 387, 453, 572, 690. Country Maid, b in. 397, 639. Country Maid, b m (2:51). 230.* Countrvman.chs (2:3914). 237,349, 435,* 454, 567. Countryman, b g (2:44). 57, 157. 245.(6-6). Countryman, b g. 407, 802. County Meandy 607. Coupon br s (2:35i4). 46, 200, 202. 219, 393, 550. Coupon. dng(2:29}4). 17,207,235, 268, 324, 4^2,* 550. 710.* Coupon, b s (2:54). 230, (263). Courtney Boy, ch g (2:50). 14, 228, 499. Couteau. 730. Covert's b m. 534. Covey, pacer. 767. Cow Boy, ch s (2:49). 209, 539. Cow Boy, chg (2:39%). 240,* 255, 393. Cow Boy, b g (2:54). 417. Cow Boy, b g (2:41). 32,* 335, 637, Cow Driver, b g, pacer (2:. 36). 750, (756*), 762,* 787.* Coyote (2:51). (355). Cozette, blk m (2: 19). 33, 62, 66, 85, 93, 107,* 109.* 1 14, 122,* 127, 133,* 160, 164, 173,* 176, 205, 242. 250, 263, 273, 316,* 361, 378, 425.* 429, 439. 446, 463, 488. 496, 512,* 514, 517, 520, 547,* 548,* 568, 580,* 586, 848 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 587, 618, 619, 623. 631. 635, 65:i, > 663, G.")i>, 665, 701. 717, 800. C.P. Reynolds. ~'90. Crab Apple. i;53. Crabb (2-4J^), by Tom Morgan. (<>-,'5). Cracker, pacer. 749, 782. Cracker Boy, b g (2:42«4). i)l. Cracker Boy, b g (2:45 w). 112, (131), 145, 169,442.* Cracker Boy. •.;37.669. Cracker Boy (2:47 s). 548. Cracker Dust, b g, by Brier, dam Ladv Arclier. 379.* Crafoot'sTesm. 796. Craft. 430. Craftsman. 311.542. Craig 'sbm. 46ii. Cramer's bg. 301. Cramptoii Lambert, ch 8. 2.57, 296. Cranberry. 190. Craiidallschg(2;36J^). (591). Crane's bi 111. 540. Crank'sbiks. 633. Cranky Jake, h ^ (2:53) 156, 294. Crapo, bg(2::i4»*ii. 204,322, 667. Crawford's grs. 4(54. Crawford liorse (3:01). (408). «;razy. 305. Cr&zy,grg(2:40). 40, 51. 68 107.* 165,* 166, 215, (218), 273, 282, 339, 3K8, 4 1 8, 4;.'4. 436. 44 >, 509, 529 . Crazy Dick, pacer. 7'45. ( razy Georjie. 2.59. Crazy Gill. 56,692. Crazy Horse, brg (2:55}^). 131, 383. Crazy James. 695. Crazy Jaue. b m (2:44) (2:33 s*). (215*,. Crazy Jane (Clara), bm (2:27). 218.* 247,248, 261, 269,* 375, 382, 494, 497, 520,* 570. 642. 657.* 731. Crazy Jane, gim (2:48). 35, 163, 240, 284, 421, 478,^= 621. 682. Crazy Jane, bm. 6.">0. Crazy Jane, bm (2:50). 73,511. Crazy Jane (.:53w). (331), 509. Crazy Jane, b m (2:40). 195, 210, (291) 340, 4r.8. Crazy Jane, b m. 562. Crazy Jane. 68, 353. Crazy Jane. 3r7. Crazy Joe 383. Crazy Kate. bm. 694. Crazv Kate (2:461^). (177), 578. Cri.zvKit, bm. 115. Crazy Mike, blkg. 709. Crazy Ned, b g. 101. Crazy Sam, pacer (2:.37M). 738, 772, 782. Crazy Tom. 87.* Cream, erg. 113. Creamer Boy. (400). Cream Joe, erg. 389. Cream John, cr g. 615. Cream Pet, cr g (2:46). 127, 305, 582,(680'). Cream Maid, crm. 732. Cream Pitcher, blk m (2:36>^). 54, 56, -^79, 488. 627. Cream Pony. 674. Creator Go'lddust, b s (3:08). 630. Credo, blk g by Richmond Boy. dam by Uncas. 56, 200,* 373, 556. Creed, ch m. 302, 643. Creedmoor, b g i2:44). 66, (166), .30*,* 347. 350, 373, 395, 420, 680, (798*), 803. Creeper, ch g. 724. Cieeper, brm. 283, 693. Creeper, ch g. 485. Creeper, pacer (2:41). 540,* 744, (746), 77.3. Creeper. 84. 167, 609, 697. Creeping Jenny. 328. Creeping Kate. 84. Creeping Kitty, b m (2:48?^). a39. C-eeping Lucy, b m. 5 >.7, 021. Cregan'8 grg(2:33). 81, 172, 194, 628. Cregan's b g (2:38). (272). Cre.da, blk nu2:51). (428). Creole, blk m (2:40)^». 106.* Creole, (In s(J:34). l-'O. Creole, br m (2:.">:{!4). 185. 328, .371. Creole I •;:. 5514). (724). Creole, br m, pacer (2:30). 758, Creole Maid, i> m. 166,* 387.* Creole Maid, b m (2:50). 410. Creo:e Maid, pacer (2:47^). (757), '<87. Crepe Collins. 335. Cresco. blk g (2:30V6). 17, 47, 193.* 264, 539. Cresco Maid, b m (2:32>4). 11,* 72. Creton, br g. pacer. 746. 7.V2. Crete G., b m (i::i3). 1.13, 337,462, 797. Cricket, b m (2:40>4). 191, 632, 713.* Crici. et, blk m(2:45). (443). 4,53, ."JSS, Cricket, b m (2:48). 99, 122,* 191, 205, 210,* 334, 403. 404, 432, 482, 695. 698. Cricket, b m (3:21%). 49, 203,484,* (lOW). Cricket, b g (2:39J^). 303, 386. Cricket, bg(2:.jHi. (3:-i0). Cricket, b m (2:48). (62), 523, 558. 'Ticket, b m(2::J7i^). 89, 4'28, (709). Cricket, gr g, by Satellite (2:40). (305-). Cricket, blk m (2:33^). 16, 9C, 291, 36 r, 452,* t79, (63d). Cricket. 52. (Jricket, pacer (2:51s). (557), 744, 749. Crimson. 230. Cripple. 304. Crisp. 396. iTitt, b g (2:.54!4). 435. Crittenden. 371. Crittendensgr m. 721. Crockett, pacer. 765. Crockett, ch g (2:35^). 60, 11.3, 153, 187, 333, (569), 571, 680. Crockett's Woodford. 87. Crock's b g. 717. Croft, ch g (2::}2). 67, 60, 67, 87, 126,- 143, 153, 221, 248,*333,367, 36 ;, .303, 452, 501, 519, 546, 602, 663, G67, 701, 704. Cromwell's blk m. 560. Cronk (3:08%). (98). Crook. 496, 522. Crook's b m. 599. Crook Back. 280. Crooked S. 375. Crooked Snip. 23. Croppy, pacer, 783. Croquet Boy. 106. Cropsey. 4 ■.'5. Crosier'schg(2:39). (17.5). Cross Rib. 648. Croton, b g (2:47). 67, 201, 572. Croton. 374. Croton Oil. 360, 397. Crow, b g (2:42%). 311, 352. Crow. 452, 687. Crowder, ch g (3:00), by Capt. Grant. 149, 637. Crown Point, ch s (2:24). (30), 91,* 173, 191, 264. 269. 471, 620,* 648, 662, 701. Crown Point, pacer (2:26). 768. Crown Point Maid, br m (2:30'4). 20,145,181,* 291, 384, 390,438, 566. Crown Prince, gr g (2:25). 86. 105, 114, 16), 2.36, 247, 257, 267,* .338,* 369. 444, 466, .522. 537,* 586, 613, 6'25,* 0.->,* 660,* 729,* 797. Crown Prince Jr. 688. Crow Queen, blk m (2:45). 69.'.* Cnxie, bm (2:19»4). (2ii*), 46,48, 143, 178, 19;$, 204,* 319, 362, 371, 463,* 573. Cruiser, blk g (2:47^), by Black Prince. 56.* 124, 236,* 315, (362), 568. 618, 679. Cruiser. .374. Crusoe, b a. 28, 39, 558. Crusader. 3o7. Crusader, gr g(2:53>4i. 179,(383), 384, 518. Crutclier Bov. 358. Cub, chg (2:59). 210. Cub, brs (2:4.5), by Moore's Cub. 228, 2:!2.* (567), 6U6. Cuba (Nigger Baby), blk s (2:66). 83, 207, 382, 498. Cuckoo, br g. 82, (429). Cuckoo, brm (231). 120. 611. 542. Cultivator, blk gi 2:46k). 129,274, I 707. Culver Boy, grg(2:60^). 470,(642). Culvert. 182. Cummmg's gr m. 242. 1 Cunard. b g (2:'Kr). I.IO, 135, 195. I 198, 339, 438, 458, 484,* 517, 583, .583* Cunning. 606. Cunningham's b m (2:41%). (484). 6*16, 7:a. Cunningham's b g. 155. Cimningham's b g. 282. Cup. 155. Cupid, cb s (2:351^). 129. 160,* 362, 3;<3. 406. Curbstone, br m (2:45). 64, 95, 110, 2.55, .386, 399 474. .565, 801. Curiosity (2:47%). 174,* .337, (415*). 4G3, 698. Curiosity, sp g. 6.50, 690. Curly. 482. Curley, b s (2:.%3}4). 666, 692. Curley's Gelding 163. Curling's ch g. 641. CuiTuck. wh m. ) 61. Curran's ch g. 30. Currie. 709. Curry's ch m. (264). Curtin. 172. Curtis, b g. 570. Cui-tis' ch g, pacer. 782. Curtis' ch g. 66. Curtis' Clay. 625. Gushing. 93, 513. Cushman's gr s (2:.52). Cushnoc, b g (2:45%). Custer. 71. Cute, chg (2:31U). 116 170, (258), 287, 56;,* 730, 787. Cut and Come. 240. Cutler's Team. 794. Cutwater, br m (2:351^). Cuyahoga Chief, ch g. 381. Cuya'joga Maid, br m (2:35). 26, 127, 173, 188, 242, 261, 371, 488, 675, 645, 677, 693. C. 'W'. 129. C. W. Hoag's entry. 90. C. N. Huguely, ch g (2:42). 2-22. C. W. Kellogg. 553. C. W. Williams, ch s. 39, 185. Cy Anger, b g (2:31>4). 376, 378, (500), 579, 590, 703. Cyclone, brs (2:25). 18, 1.32, 140, 173, 187, 324, 346, 382, 529, 595, 682, 683. Cyclone, b g (3:01). (557). Cyclone, b s (2:47). 511. 621. Cyclone, bm (2 :;W. 205. Cyclone, b s (2:47}4\ by Windsor, dam by Abdallah. ;i61. (364i. Cyclone, pacer (2:31J4). 738,' 741. 748. 759,* 767, 7G9, 778, 781, 783. Cyclone, b m. 40, 327. Cyclone Kit, b g, 209.* Cyclops, b s (2:54 w). 309,* 724. Cyclops, b g (2:27). 15, 47, 198, 223, 233, 421, 6G8. Cyclops, b g. 119, 229, :J25.* Cygnet, ch m (3:02). 381, 005. Cy Mull (2:45). (452). Cynthiana (St. Helena), br m (2:27Vi). 128. C.yucona. 43. Cyrus, b g (2:41), by Green's Ba- shaw. (96), 349, 3o0,* 569. 673. 49. 7.)0. 43,114. 139, 149, 61 J, 627, 62. Cyru?! Miller, ch c (2:4G). ::G0,462, 516, 652. 57, 62,* INDEX 0:r BEATEN HORSES. Czar, b g Cl-.SGVi). 190, 320, 485. Czar, bg(2:-ll}. 564. 849 Czar. 2:51, 532, 795. r> Dabney, b g (2:47}^), by Tattler Chief. ('JOO^ 7:i.";.'' Dacli, blic 111 i2:29U). 23:J, 356,563, G ;2, 646, 049. Daciana. blk m f2::7U). 12, 43, 239, 296, 328, S64, (;i7y), 435, 603. 651. 680. Dacre, ch s. 66, 573. Dad blk s (■?:40). (;i41). Daddy, gr g (2:46). (6S), 99. DaflEodil. 682. Da^'ger, ch s (2:38). 8. 19, 73, 76, 130, 136, 137. 139. 172, (184*), 236,* 316. 329, 366. 389, 410, 4u7, 584,* 606.* 655, 690. Dagmar, b m (2:49). 318, 592. Dagon. 161, 2.")4. 3H. Dahomey, blk s,bv Blackwood, dam by Tattersall. 534. Dai^o. ch g, by Gen. McClellan, dam by Norfolk. 519. Dau-y i:ira(2:48). (71). Dairy Maid, b m (2:37). 298, 378, 422. 483. Dairyman's Daughter. 22. Daisy (3:171^) (441). I Daisy, chm (2:38;. 213, 365, 668, 683, 797. Daisy, ch m (2:46). (136,) 249, 275,* I 293,361,5 6,617. Daisy, b m (2:47). 357,* 360, 410, ! 476. 693. Daisy, hlk ra (2:-}6). 93, 123. Daisy, ch m (2:55). 183, 516*. Daisy, pac r, b m (2:4uVean, pacer. 737. Daisy Dean, gr m, by Emperor Will- iam. .308, 519, .".26, 57ij. I Daisy Dean, b m. 630. j Daisy Ev ebright, br m (2:.30i^2). by Kirkwood. 77, 90,-200, .324, (326), 440, 4i;2, 5u7,* TGO. I Daisy F., gr m (3:2.3), by Wright's , Rattler, dam by Ccidmus. (39*). Daisy Green. 210. Daisy H. 644. Daisv Hamilton, b m (::28]4). 351. Raisy Hartshorn, chm (2:37). 138, 210, 345,* 346, 442, 44.5. Dai>y Holmes, hlk m (2:53%), by Compeer 152, (195), 417, 696. Daisy Hunter. 306. Daisy Knox, blk m (2:44). 461. Daisy L., b m, by Brown Chief. 451. Daisy Lewis, b m (2:37). 37, 228, 257. Daisy Otis, rn m. 247. Daisy P, b m (3:121^). (427). Daisy Patchen. 283. Daisy Pearl, t> m . 16. Daisy Pearsall, b m (2:39). 33. 51, (90), 110,422, 47.5, 60-3,. 525, 558, 612,661.715,731. Daisy Queen. 212,420,491. Daisy Queen, pacer. 753. Daisys. 79,306,695.* Daisy Scott, b m. pacer, (2:37). (erroneousl.y given as a trotter, page 153). 767, 769. Daisy Strideaway, b m, by Smith's Sou of Strideaway. .303. 631. Daisy Thome, br m (2:31). (288). 617. Daisy Tmmbull, b m (2:46J4). 51, 476, 522. Daisy Vernon, (2:47). (632), 652. Daisy Young, b m. 17. Dakot I Boy, b s(3:00). 26,* 315, 319. Dakota Chief. 169. Dakota Lion, blk g, by Star of the West. 552. Dakota Maid, ch m (2:261^). 12, 14, 19, 86, 87, 104, 196, 230,* 318, 327, 352, 380, 413,* 520,* 529,* 537, 542, ."65, 586, 609, 622, 634, 688, 711, 728. Dall. 166. Dallas, b g (2-AS}4). 117, 233, 358,* 366,* 409, 495, 517. 552, 635. DalUed Maid, gr m(.':44). (51). Dalon (Clover and Brightwood), b g (3:25)4). ■'^7. Dairy m pie ' s b g. 323 . Daltbn. by Mambrino Pilot, Jr., dam Naimie Hedges, by Ned Hawkins 145. Dalton, b g, pacer (2:.3.3). 741, 744, 748, 787. Dame Trot, blkm (2:22). 79,80.117, 154, 160,* 193, 385, 495, 623, 715, 724.* Dam of Ernest. 728.* Damon, gr g (2:49 s). 179, .304. Damon, brs (2:2.3%). 15,17, 19,* 28, 37. 54. 55. 83, 115, 121, 1.34, 141, 153,213,233.24.3. 249,*;: 84,* 295,* 375, 385, 410, 438,* 468.* 522, .557, (6-.'3>, 646, 680,695,696. Damon, Jr., brs, by Damon. (216*). Damsel. 125. Dan. ch g (2:44). 261, 317, 533, 569, 593, 632, 699. Dan, ch g (2:3"). .34, 85, 312, 376,. 457, 52."), 565, 569,='^ 629. Dan, ch g (2:."i(i). 7u, .391. 434, 697. Dan, rn g (2:47). 3 41, 605. 648. Dan, brg(2:56« w). 156.679. Dan, b g (2:.50^). 683, 718. D.ai, ch g (2:56). 35.', 369. Dan, brg (2:40)4). 167,* 189,* .309; 314,* 333,* 4194. 542,* 679, 803. Dan, bg (2:53). 106. Dan, ch g (2:. 37^). .56, (264), 3.57, 41S, 427, 428,* 448, 562, 70ii. Dan, b g (2:49). 60. 6G, 157, 496, 540. Dan, ch s (2:56). 288, 4.53. Dan, b g (2:51). 20, 112, 352, 366, 410. 475, 556, 691. Dan, brg (2:36). (11), 21, 684. Dan, brg (2:54). 50. Dan, chg (2:4114). 162, (186), 223, 285,356,411,416, 565. Dan, chg (2:36). 1;25. Dan, eh g (2:49V^). 3.59. 529, 794. I Dan, ch g (2:46). 289, 315, 3S1. 404. 408, 434. Dan, bg (2:4.3). 248. Dan, bs(3:04). 325. Dan, b g (2:45). 210, ,3.58. Dan, b g (2:40%). 10, 341, 380. 422. Dan, bg (2:50). 164. Dan, ch g (2:.32%). 236.* Dan (2:. 34). 52, 452. Dan, b g (2:37). 144, 196. 25.3, (390), 461, 472, 484, 496, 5S3, 678. Dan (2:33^). (420*), 7:^6. Dan (2:54^)- (365). Ean, b g (2:41J^). 57, 165,* 329,* 487, (579). Dan, ch g (3:02). 5.34, 600,* 604, 672. Dan (2:40)4). 17. 798. Dan, br g (2:49)4). 109,* 799. Dan, blk s (2:42). (494). Dan, 39. 322. Dan, gr g, pacer (2:35). 424, 758, (781). Dan,bg, pacer (2:30). 233,2.55,* 7.17. Dan, b g pacer (2:56)4). 491, 780, 787. Dan Allen, ch g. 11, 53, 60. 74, 139, 205, 680. Dan Andrew (510). DanB(-.':4U). 66,256. Dan Bald win, 267. Dan Bassett, b g (2:34). 11, 164, 173, 192, 204,* 221, 290, 340. 344, 373, 406, 444. 479, 483, 511,528, (627*). Dan Bigley, Jr. 103, 288. Danbine. 532. Dan Birch. 169. Dan Boyer, pacer. 751, 788. Dan Britton, ch g (2:46). 563. Dan Brown (Hickory Tom), ch s (2:.32), by Poseora, dam Peacock. 59, 358, 406, 407. 446, (515*), 545, .588, 70S,* 724. Dan Buck (.Mambrino Warner), br g (2:3-%). 93.481. Dan Bryant (Reserve), ch g (2:24). 17. 22.* 59,* 74, 114, 133, 154. 172,* 175, 232. 385, 438, 468, 489, 526, 552, (623*), 653,* 666, 671, 73 i. Dan Bryant, br g (2:50% w). (322). Dan C, b g. 63, 211, 220, ;i23, 348, 415, 470, 706,* 716, 725, 7 10. Dan Callahan, b g (2:35). 279, (292), 358. Dan Costello, chg (2:34)^). 178,198, 421,514. Danceaway. 659. Dancing Jim. 741. Dan Collins. 419. 850 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTINr} xSU PACING RECORD. Dan Crockett (2:4'-). (157). MlH. Dan Cross. "JOS. Dan Davis. 59;i. D ndelioii (Dau Fcrd). b g (2:38). 4!>. 97, 1U8,- -^OG, 297,* (37;J*), :{79, 7~'0. Dan Donaldson, ch p (2:'-i4%). 72, 105, 2 i9, 30<5, 31(1, .•52G, :{4 .', :54:., 370, 47 .', 489,* 608,* (>r)8, 675, 694. Dan Duncan (.3:32). (558). Dandy. 3.4,(0 0). Dindy,1.rK(2:4(>94 . (162), 404, 461. Dandy (2:3794). 86, 116, 230, 283. Dandy, dig (2:55). 107, 526. 542. Dandy, blk g (2:48). (155), 333, 347, 561. Dandy (2:44V (81), 7S9. Dandy.rng (2:51) (erroneously given 2:.52iii, page l.')6). 47, 128,* (309), 682. Dandv, bg(2:.57). (671.) Diuidv, b e (2:43^). 124, (1.57*). Dand\, bg (2:46). 41, 124, 315, 526", 576, 021, (J48, 701,* 720. Dandy, b g (2:.50). 92. 798. Dandy, ch g (2:39). 291. 414, 467, 6.34.* Dandy, b g, by Dan Voorhees, dam the Jerseyman mare. 9, 484. Dandy, b g (2:47i^). 59, 282, 580. Dand\ , gr g (2:39). (10). 440, 484. Dandy (2:51). (153), 242, 3,37. Dandy, ch s(2:47w). (l.")5),484, 706. Dandv, b g (2:49). 48, 49, 293, 312, .336;* 357. 365.412,(461), 502, 093. | Dandy (:5:00). 59, 67, 68, 244, 363,* ! :i87, 454, 588. C67, 719, 803. Dandy, ch g (2:46:^). 87, 131, 287, ! 380, 414, 415, (490), 540. Dandy, brs (3:00). 26, (278*), 393. | Dandy (:!:00). (142). I Dandy . 501, 652. Dandy (2:51). 44. 66, (108). Dandy, ch g, pater. 741, 790. Dandy B.,bg. 503. Dandy Boy, ch g. pacer (2::}4). 754, 773. Dandy Buck, pacer. 737. Dandy Co.x. JiG5. Dandy J., br g (2:Sl). 49, 132, 179, 675. Dandy Jack. Ill Dandy Jim. chg(2:.54w). 88. Dandy Jim, b g (2:55). 410, 568. Dandy Jim, blk g (2:o0]4)- l=i'>- ^93, 358', 404, 543. 60S, 609,* 629, 680, 698. Dandy Jim, chg (3:12). 636.* Dandy Joe. 4 13. Dindy Pat. 106, 439, 608. DanF. 3.52. Danforth Maid, br m (2:40), by Bogus Messenger. 37, 153, 453, 458, 468, (538*). Danforth Prini e. 471. Dan Finch. 42. Dan Ford (Dandelion), bg(2:38)(er- roneously given 2:41, page 157). 122. .538, 615. Dan Forrest. 635. Dan Fulcher. 163. Dan O. 157. Dan Gates. 174, 503. Danger, b g (2:45). 52"^. Danger, b s (,'::i9). 18 1 , 233,277,*390. Danger, b g (2:49). (417). Danger, b g. 218. Danger. 289. 707. Dan Godfrey. 555. Dan H., bg'(2:.50i4). (153), 23.5, 236, 3.52,499,504. .538, 569, 579, 6.57. Dr,n Hector. 406. Dan Hero, pacer. 737. Diin Howell. I) t: (2:29i^). 14,* 61. 108, 133, 163, 1()4, 183, 369,* 4:59, 441, 465. 514, 619, fi40, 669, 076. D nHibbard. 254,528. Daniel. 549. Daniel, gr g(2:42). 89. 119, 12.5, 166, 209, 223,* 234, 330, 389, 498, 716. Daniel, ch g. .37;, 4.58, (>59. Daniel. 38,* 67:1. Daniel, br g. 490. Dnniel Boone, b s(2:37K>>, (2:31^*). 4(i. 193, 277. 474. 604, 607. Lai.iel iioone, brs (2:31 •?4). 108,264, 659. Daniel Boone, gr g(2:28^). 66, 237, .•17.3, 403. (481), 495,* .527, 530, 547. Daniel Boone, ch g (2:39;. (34), 441, 562. Daniel Boone, b g (2::?9). 30, 115, 222. 2.55, 2.59, 271, 308. 312, 444. Daniel Boone, b s (2::»894). :i9, 56, 84, 155, 238, 327, 442, 457, 496, .589, ()70, 708,* 803 Danifl Boone, i>g(2:.55). 707. Daniel Boon-, b g by Whipple, dam Loon Berrr, by Ned Forrest. 535, 655. 657.* " Daniel D. Tompkins, chg (2:3.5-% s). 81,* 404. Daniel F. 1 84. Daniel Glasgow. 50, 399. Daniel H. (3.52), 491. Daniel L. 662. Daniel Lambert, b g (2:51i^). (173). Daniel Lambert, ch s, by Daniel Lambert. 538, 539, 716. Daniel Lambert, Jr., ch g(2:35). 30, 135. 170, L'35, 268, 329, 448, 551, 7(,0. Daniel Lee, b s. 400. Daniel O'Connell. (261), 317, 395,* ■85(5. Daniel O'Rorke, b s, by Dr. Syntax, dam Krina. 117, .301. Daniel R , b g (2:59i4), by Bay Billy, (445), 634. Daniel S. 75, 126, 385, 581. Daniel S., pacer. 773. Daniel the Prophet, b g (2:27). 22. 39, 40, 100. (I(i4*), 176.* 186, 230, 239. 249, 3.55, 439, 500,508,514.676. Daniel Tompkins, br g. (328*), 411, 641. Daniel Webster, b g (2:46). (2:44 s.). 139, 282, 525. 720. Daniel Webster. bg(2:39i4). 10. 33, 76,* 242, 302,* ;503, .518,* 6.32,* 643, 677, 733. Daniel Webster, br g (2:42^). .57, 87, 173,* 194,489, 647. Daniel Webster, ch g (2:38). 289. Daniel Webster (Bay Jim and Rat- tling Dan), bg (2:2914)- 88, 289,718. Daniel Webster, b g. 23H, (412i,461. Danifl Webster, b g (2:^ri}4% by American Ethan. l30. 195, 545. Daniel Webster, ch g, pacer (2:25%). 413, 430, 75.").* 763,* 767, 768, 772,776, 792.* Daniel Webster, b g. 131 . Dani-1 Willetts. 431. Dan Jones. 255. Dan K. 370, 456. DanKeUy. .573,796. Dau L. 217. Dan M. 713. Dan Mace (Sorrel Dan), ch g (2:30), (2:19.* 6>2, 65:5, 686, 7T5. ' Dan Voorhees. gr g. pacer (2:19»^). 7:}6. 7:^9, 745,* 746.* 750, 753,* I 758,* 762,* 767,* 770,* 774.* I Dan Voorhees. Jr., ch s (2:50%), by I Dan Voorhees, dam by Belmont. I (i3. (70). Dan Vosburgh, b e (2:35U). 19. 23, 91.1 53, 238, (275*), 349, .356, 371, I 514.627. Dan Walton. 50. I Dan Wade, b g, by Trojan, Jr., dam a Trojan mare. 601. Dan Waf. 99 Dau AVfbsti-r, b g, pacer (2:29^). 747, 759, 779 1 Dan Webster, blk g (2:49 w). 253,* I 570. Dan Webster. 189. I Dan Webster, ch g. 3.54, :5.55, 546. , Dan AVheeler. 298. Dan Wilkes, b s (2:38X (.'2:5). ! Dau Willets, ch g (2:45). 549, 640. Dan Wood, gr g (2:31J4). 29, 268, •Ml, 478, 566. Dantes. 24. Dapple. 660.* Darby (John Mm-phy Jr.), br g (2:161^). 11. .56,78,122. 194,* 450, 65:5,* 702, 70?? 715, 724. Darby, b s (2:36). 19.3,* 315, 333, 537, 572, 70.-1. Darby, b g- (2:31%). 210, 619. (712). Darcy. 317. Dare (Tom Thumb), b g (2:35). 165, 337. :»2), 465. 498, 499, 565. Dare Devil, pacer (2:4.->). 1 "0. (266). Dare Devil, pacer (2:32). (744), 789, 792.* Dare Devil Dick, pacer. 740, 776, 777. Daiing Boy. 593. Darkness, blk s (2:31). (142), 189, 219. 255. 340, 480, 506, 627, 659, 793, 797.* 798. Darkness, b g (2:47^). 105, 106,* 124. Darkness, blk g (2-A7H). 109, 627. Darkness, blk s (2:52). 150, 450, 451. 541. Earknes*. blk ra (3:35). 42, 67, 156,* 488. ;" 60, 654, 679, 680. Darkness. blk s (3:00). 142, 144, 246. Darkne.^s, blk g (2:50). 433. Darkness (3:00). (2.'54), 322. Darkness, pacer (2:31*4). (769). Darkness, bg(2:44). 134, (704). Darky, blkg. 37. Darky Maid, blk m (2:58). (693). Darlbay. b s (2:40), by Mambrino Patclien. dam Puggie, bv Brlg- noli. (478). Darling 115,504,718. Darling Boy. 165, 240. Darlington, b s (2:32^). 18, 26, 66, 206, 209, 291, 30H. 3.36, 383, 386, 392, 4.54, 522, 601. 707. Darlington's b g. 9;?. Darning Needle (2:48). 517, (654). Darrall. 391. Dart, blk g (2:42). 31.5,* (319*). Dart, ch s(2:45). 171. Dart (Ohio Boy and Henry Chase"), b f(2 : 27?-4) (gi ven as 2t.35, page 161). 91, 250, 587, 709, 724, 794, 800. Dart. 25, 325 Dart, bm. 167,584. Dart, blk m 424. Dartmouth, br s. 719, 723. Darwin, b s (2:.52), by Green's Ba- shaw, dam Miss Webb. 716. Dash. 240. 602 Dashawav, b g (2:33). 34, 54, 201. 203, 25:i, 700. Dasner. 205, 241. Dauntless (Barkis' Abdallah), br s (2:26%). 53, 105,* 106, 215. 224, 312,* 421, 46 1, 604, 625, 634, 635, 636, 670, 707, 732. Dauntless, b m (2:37). 10, 73, 347, 403, 477, (.523), 602, 723. Dauntless, blk g. 106. Dave, b g. by Niagara. 378. Dave, b g (2:S914). 190, 294, 684,* 701, 707. Dave, b s (2:41). (78), 248, 296, 395. 536, 617, 635. Dave, b g. 193, 421, 692.* Dave. 45 i. Dave. blkg(2:.53i.4). (74). Dave, dn g. 458, 569. Dave (2:51%). 358, 359,* 389. Dave (3:14). 536,(721). Dave, b g, pacer, (2:27). 219, 282, 72'!. 791. Dave. 246. Dave, b g. 191, 289, 406, 620.* Dave Hill Jr., by David Hill. .551. Dave Hill Jr. . b s (2:41 J4). 107, 207, 272, 54n, 704, (713). Dave Hill, b g (2:52), by Dave Hill Jr. (389). 589. Dave Hood, pacer. 777. INDEX OF BEATEN HORSES. I Dave Jones 707.* I Dave Ledger 668. Dave Mason 538. I Dave Mount. 1.31. 491. I Davenaut, grs(2:49J4), by Belmont, dam Dahlia, by Pilot Jr. 172. Davenport. 710. Davenport. Neck mare. 315. Dave Richards (3:02). (49). Dave Rowe, br g, pacer. 785. Dave Young, ch g (2:23). 94, 132,* 179,* 256, 285, 424, 440,* 455, 5.54, 715. David. 303, 341. David, ch s (2:40) (erroneously given 2:41. page 161). 217.* 221. 247, 354, 413, 418, 530, 542, 630, 674, 693. David, blk g (2:50). 126, 185, 205, 218,301.* David, b g (2:37i^). 315, 593, (621). David, b g. 53, 541. David. 329. David B., ch g (2:.34M). by Magna Charta. 278,* 672, 682. David B., b g (2:40). 294. 437, (677), 711.* David Baxter. 413. David Bonner, br g (2:3134). 422, ^97, 665. David O . , b g (2:25). (259), 351, 365, 512.658,672. David Crockett, grg (2:46). 27 87 162, (153*), 218, 513. 591, 619,625. David Copperfleld (2:56). (92), £98,* 677. David D. 443. David Greer, br g (2:4.5). 116, 133, 2.37, 2i)8, 32.;, 382, 572, 578, 644, 661, 668. 671, (694), 697.* David H., br g (2:.32). 9l,* 103, 178, 203.* 204, 232, 241, 267, 322 .360, 439, 496, 5U4, 622, 624, (652). 703,* 724. David Hill (3:20). 408, 523. David J.. 254, 509. David L. 708. David M., m g. 1.39, 441. David Mack. 656. David Morrill, dn g, by Young Mor- rill. 730. David R., bg (2:40). 38, 73, 466, 623, 670, 734,* 798. David S. , b s, by Totaway. 502, 553. David Tasgart. 219. David W. 235. David Wallace, ch s (2:28). 74, 114, 130, 193, 210,* 247, 266, 288, 343, 473, 509, 517, 564,* 606, 609, 615, 618. Davidson, gr g (2:481^). (.365). Davis. 329, 455. Davis' gr m (2:.55). (542). Davis' b g (2:56). 43, (606). Davy, chg (2:34). 21,49,342,524. Davy, b g (2:51). 472, 615.* Davy, b g (2:47). 377. Davy, pacer (2:41). 75. (749). Davy, bg 125,343.6.36. Davy, b s, pacer. 768. Davy C, b g (2:4.5). 13, 26, 82, 114, 164, 175, 356. :^65, 402, 530, 554, .597, 656, 659, 675. Davy C.'pperfleld, b g(2:46). (.56), 57, 146, 246, 322, 445, 710. Davy (.'rockett. 640. Davy Crockett, ch g (2:37J^). 210, 728. Davy Crockett (Andy Mellon), br g, pacer (2:2534). 7.36, 780.* Davy Crockett, ch g, pacer (2:36). 759, 763. Davy Crockett, gr s, pacer (2:36J4). 220, .562, 759,* 766.* Davy Crockett, b g. pacer (2:3.3). 741,76^,769, (772). Davy Crockett, blkg, pacer(2:41}4). 66 Davy Crockett, blks, pacer (2:32-%). 780.* 851 I Davy Crockett, gr g. 286, 293, 474 659. Davy Crockett, ch g. 7.34.* Davy Crockett. 648. Davy Hunter, pacer. 784. Davy Marble. 443. Davy T., chg, pacer (2:46). 768. 780. Dawn, ch s (2:59). 113, 279, 401. .521, 5:i6, 631. Dawn. 15. Dawson Chief (2:52). 66. (449). 600. 633. 7.30. Day. 440. Daybreak, brs(2:56i4) (erroneous- ly given 2:.39J|, page 162). 382, 512. Daybreak, b "g (2:3934), by Block- head. 99, 508, 654, 711, (720*). Day Dream, ch m (2:21%), by Cuy- ler, dam L,ucia, by Hambletonian. 243. Daylight (2:553^). 99, 571, (617). Daylieht. 517. Daylight, ch g (2:3.534). 122, 143,* 211, 357,* 365, 396,*'441, 465,(591). Daylight, bm (2:50). 169, 187,314,* 390. Daylight, b g (2:42%). 73, 99, (143), 310, 618. Daylight, gr g(2:39). 185, (294*), 550, 590, 592.* Day's Mare. 184. Dayton. 69, 264. Dayton Pelle, ch m(2:40%) (errone- ously given 2:35%. page 163). 84. Dayton Belle (Belle Dayton), gr m (2:.33). 249, 295, 366, 480, 796. Dayton Maid. 623. Dazey. 15.5. Dazzle, b g, by Messenger Dur e, dam Lady Packer, by V.^there'l Messenger. 117. 308. 1). B. Hibbard. 100. D. C. Broderick, blk g (2:5334). 68, 540. D. C. Br.xlerick, b g (2:54). 518. D. C. Broderick, pacer. 759. D. D . b m (2:42%). 72, 116, (124), 503. Deacon, b g (2:42i. 44, 81, 401. Deacon, b g (2:;3334). 14, 50, 170, 217, 258, 371, (378), 424, 455, 560, 633, 797. Deacon (2:43>4 '. (25), 167, 192,* 619, 679. Deacon Crankett. b g (2:40). 328. 408, 440, 454, 024. Deacon Dart. 252,* 319. Deacon Herrick. 118, Deacn John. 90. Deacon, Jr. 332. Deacon M. 65, 445. Dead Shot. 27. Deadwood, b g (2:48). 131, 355. Deal. 765. Dealer. 68. Deal Prynne. 16. Dean, blk g (2:40). 35, 152, 622. Dean S. 2J8. Deane's br m (2:45).n90, 575. Dean's b m. 567. Dean's dn g. 337. Dean's bg. 687. Dean's Hambletonian, b s (2:36). 304, 34'1, .347, .373, 379, 543, 564, 634,719, 722,723. Debby Mott, b m, by Gen. McClel- lan. 526.* Debonnaire. 486. Deborah (3:03). (671). De Camp's b g. 35. Decatur, b s (2:34). (211). Deceit.br g (2:.30). 19,* 39, 58,* 133, 149, 196, 331, .3.53, 484, 516, Deceit, b s (2:44). 1;38,* 143. 180, 184, 258, 328, 468, 551, 565, 647. Deceitful, b g (2:.59). 327. Deceiver (2:4.5%). 50, 61, 67,* 97,* 116,* 2.33, 298, 312, 377, 385, 4 )1, 427, 4.38, 441,* 460, 533,* 679, 697. 83Z CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. Deceiver (2:50). 210, 234. Deceiver, b g (2:47). 108. 481, 627. Dewiver, br g (2:29J4). HO, 241, 394, Deceiver, b s (2:;j.3}4). 337, 566. Deceiver (3:49). (475). Deceiver (;i:01). (5ti2). Deceiver, br g (2:4S). 496,* (538). Deception (■.':;5!) wi. i.->83), 688. Deception, ch in l >:00). 56,172,347. Deeep'ion, gr g (2:22i^). 16,(33),:i4. 38, 46, 49, G:{. 104, 105, 120, i:{6, 151, IGG," 176, 177,* 205,* 207, 230, 232, 261, 2(15, 297. 340. 343.* 345. a55,* 378, 407, 416, 4:59, 448, 474, 500,* 51.=;, .'):{8, 551, 560, .■)80,* 5911, 591, 613. 62:i, 627. G,il,* O.m 667.* 669.* 676. 678, 724. Deception, gr g (3:00). I(i9. l.)eception, cli g (2:51). 40, 41, 508, 739: Decision. 563. Dock, brg. (2:49). 323, 335. Deck bgr. (2:51) 162. Decker's bg. (125), Dick Wright, b g (2:19%). 9,* 17, 26,* 45,« 60, 155. 171, 183. 193.* 194.* 199, 200, 231, 275, 336, :544,* .3.54,* 401, 407, 439, 440,* 441,* 442, 447, 456, 463,* 467,* 504 * -507.* .552, 554,* 566, 568,* 573, 598, 618,* 627,031,036, 687,* (708*), 717, ■ 719.* 745. Decorah. 615. Decoration, blk g (2:35i^). 22, 88, 177. 195. Deemer, b g (2:35). 16, (466*), 679.* Deer. 118. Deer Foot. 48, 442, 653. Deering Boy. 123. Deer Lodge Maid, b m (2:53). 453. Deerj''schm. 597. Defender, blk s (2:26). 15, 36, 130, 132 500 .523 542 Defenduni' 'b~g (2:3.5). .341, 615,647. Deiiunce, br '»•. pacer (2:17'54). 74(i,* 749,='^ 761, {76-4*), 763, 767, 770, 782,- 785. 8J3. Defiance, blk s (2:34). 28, 92. 130, 380, '^01,* 271. 288, 36J, 476, 485, 634, 670, (193, 719. Defiance (2:59). .599. Defiance, br g (2:24). 160,494. Defiance, rn g (2:46). 325, (444*). Defiance (3:04i^). (462). Defiance (2:55). (59). Defiance, blk s. 162. De Forest. 293. Deitz's gr g. 664. De Laney's m g. 450. Delashniant'.s horse. 43. Delavan Peck, b g(2:41i^). 125. 143, 166, .387, 690. De La Vergne. 132. Del Evans. 6.38. Delaware, b g (2:46). 706. Delaware, ch g (2:28). 35, 37, 62, 87,* 111, 169, 173,^' 194, 195, 206, 227. 266, 267, 290, 343,* 411,* 419, 449,* 489.* 588, .598, 615,* 623,* 637.* 639,* SOO, 802. Delaware, br s (3 :00). 75, 287, 335, 569. Delaware (2:5.3>4). (14), 344,482,* 531 Delaware Belle, grm (2:37). 27,154, 243, 246, 26H, 716.* Delaware Boy, b s (v!:.5.3). 481. Delaware Boy, bg{2:;;8j4). 123,490. Delaware Cliief, I) h (2::j.554). 107,* 192, 224, (3251,511.* Delaware Chief ch g (2:55). 116,* 239. Delaware Dan, rtn g. 1.57. Delaware Maid C.i-.Vi). 69, 222, (225), .302, .34;$, 399, 709. Delaware Patclien,chs(::49i4). 22,* 87, 252. Delia. 389, 570. Delia Smith (3:02^). (419). De.hi (Flash), b g (2:31^) 34, 95, 552. Delight, b m (2:.35). 20. •■ 3.".. .55, 67, ' 107, 138,* 141, 178,* 240, 264, .300. .3.32, 347, :i()4, 453, 467, 499, 606,* 611,701. Delightful, r i m (2:,33^). 330, 172, :-lil, 204 40(t, 468, 686, 796. ! Delilah, blk ui (2:.34%) li:{. 117, i 145, 223, 254, 323. 340, 41:}, 417, ; 477, 517. 592, 651, 72(i, 731 ] DeUa, ch m (2:45V^). 390, 578. (774). Dennis Kearney. 59, 415. Dennis McCabe, gr g (2:45). 400,* 720.* Densie. 45. Densir. 655. Dentist. 303. Denver. 192, 276, 540, 720. Denver Dan. 365. Denver Girl, b m (2:40^). 155,* 189,* 192. 268, :i09,. 367. .542. Deputy Sheriff. 134, :t89. I Derby (Dutchman and Alvin B.), I) g (2:2.">W). 27,85,102,127.129,267, I 296. 372,* 466,* 497. 508, 533. 537, 607, 6,53, 729. I Derby, b g (2:40). f-O, 446. Derby Lass. 4 3 I Deronda, ch g (2:36), 173, 288, 349, ."00, 579, (582). Dp Ro'-n. l> fi (2:35). 131, 213, (27C), 41h, 49(J, 639. t.90. Derry. 556. (Desdemona, b m (2:34^) (errone- ously given 2::15, page 167). 39, 327, 379, 481. 492, 50S,* 537. Desilver. 729. Deserter. 210, 247, 365. Desmond, ch g(2:41;. 70, 190. De Soto, p icer. 777. I De .Soti>,by Adn.iuisirator. 292,503. i Dispatch. U9:>, ■6:i8». Despot, b s, pacer, by Bonny Scot- I land .Jr., dam by Clai-k Chief. 738, I 76:». Detective, br g (2:35), 52, (364), 383, (i82, 803. Detective, grg, by Ethan Allen, dam by Grav Eagle. 'i:i'>. Detective Patchen, b s (2:35). 181. 234,* :j25,* 424, 467, (.579*), 803, 662, 698, 709. Detector, blk g (2:44). (169). Dei roit (Jirl. 175. Deti-. it Maid. 667. Deucalion, b s (2:22) 116, 184. 205, 2.59,- .384, 413, 507, 576, 681. Deucalion Jr., b g (2::?9W), by Deu- calion. 77, 300, 408.* 409, 420, 422, 481, (585). Deuce. 322. Deuce of Spades, blk g (3:29) (er- roneously given 2:39, page 168). Deviloli. b ra. 448. Dew, bra. 15.3, ;?1 1. Dew Drop, b g (2:31)4). 202, 251, 365. 422, (575*), 611,* 650, 082. 729. Dew Drop, ch g (2:.34). 10, 17. 118, 179, x;04, 402, 492, 629, 673, 745, 800. Dew Drnp, cr g. 559. Dew Drop, ar g. 793. De Witt, bg(2:40i. 262. 392. De Witt Clay, blk s. 156, 180,* 191, 223,* 303, 344. De Wilt Clinton. 572. Dexter, br g (2:17^). 24S, 427, 626, 796. Dexter, b g (2:54). 372. Dexter, b g (2:5014). 340. 483, 796.* Dexter, ch g (:5:0()i. 411, 437. 730. Dexter, chg (2: 55 1. 147. Dexter, ch g (2:57K>). 132, 278. .359, 419, ,511, 648, 6>')0". Dexter, blk g (2:41.) .5.30. Dexter, b g (2:43). 81, 285, 403. Dexter, brs (2:30). 103, 386, 502, .521, 557,801. Dexter, b g (3:00). 534 696. Dexter, chg (2:51). Dexter, brs (3:00). Dexter, ch g, pacer (2:29) 740. 745, 746, 757, 787.* Dexter, rn g (3:07). 366, ^542). Dexter, bs. 7,116,278. Dexter, b g, pacer (2:32). 324, 782.* Dexter, blk g. 70, 234. Dexter, bg. 123. Dexter. 510. Dexter. 604. Dexter, bg. 577. Dexter B, b g (2:57). 80, 258, 387. Dexter D. 491* Dexter Boy, b s (2:50). •:2, .'93, 621. Dex'.er (Jirl. .57.'. Dexter H. (2:40. 82.* (575), 577. Dexter Jr. br g (2:45). 53, 274, .5.54, ((i81), 794. Dexter. Jr., b g (2:55). 145, 335, (4(il). Dexter, Jr.. b g (3:00). 479. Dextress, b ni (2:36^). 111. 119, 207, 271,* 338,* 345, u89, 671. Devo, rn g (2:.57). 82.* D.G. Whi(tingville. 430. D. H , b i; (2:38). (626). D. H. Golddust, ch s 315, 585. Dmdem, b m, by Alexander's Ab- dnllah. dam \\ atcrwitch, by Pilot. Jr. 6.5, 128, 160, 178. 190, 200, 235, 253, 268, 287, 513, 514» 571,583,697,708.* 287, 335, 3.39, 14. 1.31* 19.117. INDEX OF BEATEN HORSES. 833 Diamond, blk g. 518. Diariiond, br m, pacer (2:40^). 23, 111, T.j.i, (1 58), 788. Diamond, blk g (2:31 w.). 453. Diamond, blk g (2:31^). (Ill), 154, 2:5B, 31.'., oGU, 478. 582, 611,* 657. Diaa)ond,bs (2:4:5). 90. Diamond, b s(2:.58i4). 157, (642). Diamond (2:47J4). "'^C,* 145, 230, 249, 481,* 54:5, 637, 796. Diamond (2:28). 79, (199), 204, 211, 271, 5.56,* 025. Diamond, b g, by Joe Colton (.3:00). 163, 177, 203, (450), 504.* Diamond, blk g. 799. Diamond, b g (2:33>4). (62), 116, 404. 507. Diamond, blk g, by Black Hawk. 395, 623. Diamond, ch g (2:57i^). 50. 123, 179, (255), 413, 601, 625. 674, 731. Diamond. 442, 464. Diamond Crown. 528. Diamond Jim. 255. Diamond Joe. b s (2:50 1, by Erics- SOL. 25. 40, 70, 97, 340, (718). Diamond Joe, dn g, pacer (2:34i^). 738, (756). Diamond Star. 63. Diana, b m, pacer (2:54). 740, 742,* 781. Diana (2:40). 084. Diana, ch m (2:40). 159. Diana, b m (2:36i^). 502, 580, 598, 610. Diana, b m. 70, 321 . Dick, br g (2:51). 181, 432, 534. Dick. 703. Dick. 216,497. Dick, ch g (2:36). 83, 170, 360, 412, 510. Dick, gr g (2:47). 628. Dick, b s (3:01). 273. Dick, br g (.2:39). 129, 400, 410, 612. Dick, ch g (2:331^). 71, 112. 145,* 201, 312,* (355), 417,* 430, 484, 539, 612, 713. Dick, rn g (2:42). 167. Dick, bg(2:30i4). 73,120.235. Dick, b g (2:461^). 46, 116, 389.* Dick, b g (2 :48). 380, 535. Dick, blk g (2:. 57). 61, 289*, 343, 383, 428, 562, 713. Dick, gr g (2:37»4). 23, 123, 198. Dick, gr g (2:53). 93, 283. Dick, ch g (2:55). 95, 137. 153. 102, 170, 274, 296, 300, 381, 443*. 458, 570, 599. 666, 719. Dick, b g (3:01). 24, 206, 487. 490, 617, 624. Dick, b s (3:00). 200. Dick, b g (2:38). 435, 552, 706. Dick, br g (2:42). 10, 68, 163, 189, 225, 276, 308, 310, 318, 390, 455, 511, 048, 725. Dick (2:33%). (497). Dick, br s (3:00). 161, 637. Dick, rn g (2:52). 374. Dick, ch g (2:30^), by Dick Rich- mond. (49.3). 798r Dick, ch g (2:39). (84), 152, 192. Dick, br g (3:05). (99*), 629. Dick, br g (2:38^). (177), 522, 681, 710. Dick, b s (2:.50). (151), 727. Dick, rn g (2:53i^). 586, (649). Dick, ch g (2:3014). 66, 173,(286). 546, 622, 684. Dick. 22, 408. Dick, pacer. 745, 754, 761, 772. Dick Abrams, b g (2:32)^). 14. (69), 81, 171. 192,* 334,* 618. Dickard. ch g (2:25i4). 19,64,88, 238, 258, 295, 449, 484, 600, 794. Dick B. 307, 389.* Dick Basset. 514. Dick Parson. 330. Dick Close, b g, pacer (2:35). 783,789. Dick Croker, blk g (2:37). 152. 29(3* 304. 356,* 460, 491, 558. Dick Dale. 408. Dick Dainple, b g (2:31]4). 27,* 44, 51, 08, 88, 111, 161, 171, 179, 198, 256,238, 239. 291, 300, 327,346, 348,* 305, 381,429, 449,470, 540,* ,543, (651), 093, 71 0, 728. Dick Dashaway. 100, 644. Dick De Forrest (2: 4414). (362). Dick Dennin, pacer. (742). Dick Dewey, br s (2:32i4). 172, 240, 268, 082. Dick Dimmick. 599. Dick Drake (2:5;^). (4731. Dick Eye. 2.34. Dick Ellis (Chief). bg(2:45). 63, 603. Dickerman 'o blk s . 190 . DickF. 88. Dick Farrel (2:50}^). (207), 538, 335. Dickens, b g (2:49). 470, 680, 799. Dickerman 's ch g (2.44i^). 549. Dickerson's sp g. 257. Dickey's Mare, pacer. 391. DickFost(-r. 298. Dick Goodwin, b g (3:09%). (13), 20, 0.'3, 031. Dick Gough, br g, pacer (2:3.5). 22, 104, 108. 377, 401,* 462, 593, 604, 662, 736,* 775,* 777,* 792, Dick Grapevine. 509. Dick Harvey, b g (2:36). 11, 97, (108), 110, 164,* .341, 345, 373, 378, 406, 439, 444, 459, 481, 504, 508, 591, .594.* Dick Heal. 525,619. Dick Hilliard. 215, 323. 439, 488. Dick Jamison, bg (2:26). 44, 112, 413, 452, 488, 548. Dick Jefferson, chs(2:56). 422. Dick Johnson. 173 Dick Jones, ch s(2:38). 20, 31, 01, 98, 106, 113, 115, 146, 164. 192, 217, (233*), 345, 364, 375, 441, 5C3, 649,* 651, 668, 682. Dick Jones (2:39^). 52, 79, 291, (390), 397, 407, 563, 567. Dick Jones, blk g. 53. Dick Lane. 692.* Dick Leary. 503, 507, 581. Dick Lewis, bg (2:30i^) (erroneous- ly given 2:30, page 171). 47, 176, 290, 291, a78, 569. Dick Ling (2:45). (23*). Dick Liverman. 234. Dick Logan. 610. Dick Loonier, br s (2:32)4). 184,198, 200, 210, 220, 259. 285, 310, 373, 424, 449, 461, 688, 707. Dick Loomis. 718. Dick Morgan. 306. Dick Moore, ch g (2:22)^). 26, 66, 108, 193,* 194,* 211, 275, 310,* 357, 468, 609, 641, (652). Dick Naylor, br g (2:45). 198. DickNeal, blk g (2:55). 305. DickNevins, chg (2:5|i^). 521. Dick Nimon (2:53). (42). Dick Oglesby (3:40). 171, 172, 235. 406. Dick Organ, blk g(2:2.5J4). 13, 81,* 181, 23.'3,* 412, 4."i8, 489, 492, 504, .554, .590, (612), 721,7.31. DickPalmer,brg(3:06), by Benedict Morrill, dam by Billy Root. 86, 189,* 341, 584, (731). Dick Parsons, b s (2:5.3). 5, 64, 170, 299, 424, 718. Dic^ Preble. 510. Dick Richmond. 711. Dick Sands. 256. 668. Dick Salisbmy, b g, by Harkaway, dam by Leviathan Whip. 55. DickSchell. 303. Dick Shane, b g (2:.37). 81, (131*), 295, 472, 522, 679,* 720. Dick Skater.br g, pacer ( 2 :38). (785*). Dick Sliter, chs (2:39i4i, by Paul Jones, dam by Warden's Eclip.^e. 35,(185),; ^355, 370,478, 508, 591, 654. 666, 783 Dick Smith, rn g (2:55), by Wood's Hambletonian. 59, 72, 300, 392, 396, 541, 592, (623), 633. Dick Smith, b s, pacer. 739, 745, 737, 769, 785. Dick Sexton. 236. Dickson. 54. Dick Swiveller, b g (2:18). 86, 160,* 183, 193, 376, 408, 580, 59o, 796. Dick Taylor, gr g (2:24i4). 46. 01, 79, 105,* 109, 133.* 160,* 183, 193, 238, 231, 275, 28.3, 293, 341, 345, 357, 393, 414, 439, 440, 449, 478, 552,* 573. 591, 631. 644, 676, 714,. (725), 797. Dick Taylor, pacer. 746. Dick Ten Broeck, rn g (2:.35). 199, (.351*). Dick Thorn. 79. Dick Turpin, bg (2:33>^). 5, 112,* 220,* 249, 2.54, 4.32, 497, 548, 582, 707. Dick Turpin, b g (2:r^8). 219, 715.* Dick Turpin . b g (2 :44^ w). 228, 234, 239, (4 J4),' 603. Dick Turpin (2:491.4). 58,364. Dick: Turpin.pacer (2:3314). 738. 751, 784. Dick Turpin, blk s (2:32). 91, (114), 483, 020.* Dick Turpin. 17, 184. Dick Turpin, b g, pacer (2:47). (763). Dick Turpiu, blk g. 454, 762. Dick Turpin, b g. 44, 115, 303, .314, 028. Dick Turpin, b s. 52, 190, 210, 240. Dick Weddle. 503. Dick Weevil. 589. Dick West, bs(2:.50'). 42. Dick Whistler, blk g (3:201.^). 1.38,185 Dick Whittsett. 138. Dick Yates, ch g (2:3914). 93. (90), 023, 650. Dictator, ch g (2:32). 192. 212, 261. Dictator, b s (2:341^). 102, 224,361. 379,* 488,* 580, OlO. Dictator, b s (2:39). 70, 102, 141, 280, 357, 378. 577, 620, 048. Dictator, bg(2:38). 60, 184, 605,732. Dictator (Huckleberry, Pluck, Brown, Jack and JohnT.). br g (2:22M). 24, 126, 154, 183, 1P9, 258, 272, 288,440,* 504, 514, 316,* 561,613, 668,725. Dictator, b g (2:27). 16, 122, 349, 439. (489), 5.52, 573, 594. Dictator (2:37). -344.* Dictator, bs (4:21). 566.* Dido, blk m (2:46). 152, 295, (361), 472, 604, 678. Dido, b m. pacer (2:34i4),bv Scott's Hiatoga. (774*), 775. Digger, b g 236. Diggory (2:38%). 273, (326), 583. Dignity, bg(2:38M)- (224), 484,617. Dilbert. 117. Dillingham's b g. 543. Dilly. 358, 506. Dilly T. 271. Dilo. 380. Dimock (2:58). (2.53). Dinnick's team. 799. Dimple. 261. Dinah blk m (2:30). 8, 37, 60, 169, 194, (211), 222, 243, 2.59, 297, 317.* 331, 376, 399, 419, 485, 489, 533, 545, 571, 598, 639,* 650, 670, 682. Dinah, blk m (2:51). (131). Diuah, b m (3 :03). (62). 177, .395, 516. Dinner. 313. Dink's Holden, b g, bv Chieftain, dam by Jim Crow. 551. Dio, bg(2:30). 10, 60, 64, 130,186,* 341, 362. 414, 523, 528, 357, 622, 710.* Diomede. 42, 799. Dion, b g (2:41H). 146, 231.* Director, blk s (2:17). 36, 191. 336, 3.54, 496, 365, 722. Dirigo, br g (2:27). 10, 30, 41, 47, 97, 103, 127, 1.37, 144, 160, 188, 854 CHESTEK'o COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORIJ. 26a,* 269,» 272,* 275,* 284, 316, 368, 42-J. 462. 471,* 501, 502, 534,* 545,'' o.)8. 579, 590,* 04^, 652,* 662, 680, 701. Dirigo (George B. McClellan), b a (2:-,'9*), by Old Drew . 25;!. Disbrow'sbr ni. a04, Discoimt. :!'~;8. Discount, ch g (2:41). 2,'54, 385, 478. Discount, in p. 39,481,(356. Dispatch (Windsor), rti g (2:24V.). 26, 1 19. 129, 170, -.'I-M), :W3, 0.37." •Dispute (Springport Clmmpion), ch g(2:;j7>4). 317,* 654, 7;!2. Disraeli. Ho, 7'.>. 47f*, .547, 725. Ditto (•J:46W). 183, 503, (511). 717. Dividend, bit s. 365. DLx. 444. Dixie,bll{ g(2:42). 98, 259, 359.(486*). Dixie, gr m (-':30). l'3, 36, 242, (439), 568.* 604. Dixie, gr g (2:46)^). 190, 517, 727. Dixie, b s (2:31)4) 164, 335,* 360,* 4.38.- 507, 525, 544, 814, (643), 663, 686 * Dixie, b g (2:.35?4). 163. Dixie, gr m (2:34U). 16, 42, 126, '^74, .588. (660). Dixie, gr m. pacer(2:29J<^). .588, 740, 741, 765, 778, 785. 790. Dixie (Donald and Trudge), br g (2:31%). 10, 342, (35.5*), 482,* 549, 675, 715. Dixie, br g. by Black Warrior. 552. Dixie, b g (2:54). 794. Dixie. 800. Dixie BoT, ch g (2:40). (620), 641. Dixie Boy, bik g (2:5.51^). 75, 496, (550). Dixie G., by Red Norman. 414. 715. Dixie Maid, ch m (3:10). 202. D. K. Prescott. 487. Dixie Sprague, br m (2:25ii). 20, 9:.\ 563. Dixon, br s (2:.36?i). 623. Dixon Chief, h s. 477. Dixon Colt. 98. Dizzy. 39, 5(;2, 600. D. Monroe, b s (2:28?i). 81, 143, 217, 266. 379, 380, 382, 441, 478, (514), 515. D. M. Rice, 413. 456. Doad, pacer. 791. Dobbins, pacer. 752. Dobbs, bm. 305. Doble, blk .s (2:28). 17, 61, 79.* 102. 109. 193. 196, 199. 216, 251, 478, 641,' (676*). Doble Jr., ch g, by Doble, dam by Mambrino Chief. 101,189. Doble's gr m. 85. Doble's b in (2:44U). (461), 592. I)obson'8bm(2:36). (633). Doc, pacer. 775. Doc, br g, pacer (2:36). 763 Doc, br g (2:46>^). 185, 261. 406, 420,561,674. Doc, blk g (2:36). 69,* (4.i2), Doc. b g. 69, 170, 219. 623. Dock, b g (2:521^). 94, 100, 172, 175. Dock Crewe. .35, 66. Dock INIartin. 167. 7.54. Doc 8nider, ch g, pacer. 754. (783). Doctor, ch g (2:5w'). 51. Doctor, grg(2:40>4). 'i85- Doctor. 501. Doctor, grg (2 :.50). 157. 2.59, 300. .•i49,*.36l,570. o94. Doctor, ch g (2:571^ w.). .569, 663. Doctor, bg (2:.35). 5, 4.3. 75, 80,* 114. 119. l.'iO, 1 70, 211, 258. 312.* .3.57,* .365, 367. .392. 476, .502, 507. 530, 606, 683,* 712. Doctor, bg (3:08%). (60). Doctor, br g (3:00). 65,* 387, 445. Doctor, b p (3:02%). 77, .503, 553. Doctor, pacer. 769. Doctor, bg (2:48^)- 20, 53, 308, (347), 640, 727. Doctor (2:42). (500). Doctor (2 :,59). (470). Doctor, chg(3:10)4). 306, (367), .576. Doctor. 172, 20;j, 361. 410. Doctor. 22. Doctor Adams, b g. .384, 578. Doctor B.,ch g (3:18), by Greyhound. (100), 381,590.7.31.* Doctor B«n. 079. Doctor Bill. .390. Doctor Bonaparte, bg. 40,* 465, 521, (i31. Doctor Brennan. 47.3. Doctor Brown, ch s. pacer (2:33). 757, 762. 764, "^80, 7^4. 791. Doctor Bruce, or g (2:42). 56. 163, 217, 298, 404, 424, 448. 603. Doctor Brush, ch g (2:42). 795. Doctor C, cli g (2:46>4). (30), 128, 2.30, 335, 4:;i, 496,* o05, 685.* Doctor Cash, b g (2:44). 13, 365, 5.57,* 597, 675. Doctor Collins, b g. 26. Doctor David. 353. Doctor Davis, b s (2:35). 483. Doctor Elliott, blkg (2:42>^) 494.* Doctor E. Maxwell. 49'.,'. Doctor Everett. 227. Doctor Frank, rng(2:27V2). 17,*65,* 148, 299, .398, 505. 512, 681, 704. Doctor Franklin. bH-' s(2:.31). 139, 140, 200, 219, (467). 493. Doctor Fred, b g (2:35). 6, .33, 39, 113, 136. 315, 568, 629. Doctor (iriswold. 42. Doctor Hayes. 583. Doctor Hen ion. 73. Doctor Hemy, blk g (3:00). 365. Doctor Herr, b s (2:36), by Mam- brino Patchen, dam by Edwin Forrest. 83, 341. Doctor Homer. 221. Doctor Hoyt, br g (2:45), by Blue Bull (625). Doctor Hughes. 87. Doctor Hume. 668. Doctor Jackson, ch s (2:46). 60,* 118,* lo2, 159, 186,* (213*), 214, 225, 375, 547, 607, 6.32,* 651, 684, 705, 80.3. Doctor John, pacer (2:32). 251, 739, (7.53), 757, 784.* Doctor K., brg. 487. Doctor Kane, b s (2:40). 40, 280, 40f). 582, 713. Doctor King. 465. Doctor Kingsly. 625. Doctor Lampfiere. pacer. 781 . Doctor Levi, gr g. by Daniel Boone, dam by Golddust. 52. Doctor Lewis (Flexible), ch g(2:24). 193, 235, 347, 439, 472, 520,* 599, 636, ig) (354). Doctor Sherman (2:48). (365). DoctorSmilh.b 8(2:44i4)..577.*583. Doctor Smyth. 2.31. Doctor .Snyder, ch g (2:30^). (172*), Doctor Syntax (2:5014). 88, 145, :J3I. ((58:.;*). Doctor Tanner, b g. C9,241,623,684.* Doctor Thomas (2:59). (188). Doctor \Veldon(.':50). (222). Doctor Weston, br s (2:41U). 201, 222,- 227, 348, .350, (408), 543, 6." 1,666. Doctor West, ch s (2:40^). 46, 294. 311,413,511.(6.39). Doctor Witherspoon. 199. Dodd. 87, 432. Dodd'srns. 562. Dodge Morrill, Jr., b .s (3:26). 726. Dodger, b g (2:4:?). 191, (580). Doesticks(2:.56i4). (412). Dog Lois (2:.54). (265). Dolan's b g (2:46). 64, 3.%5. Dolphus, bg. 47. Doll, ch m ^':40%). 82, (542). Doll, rn g(2:50). 191. Doll Critier, pacer. 737. Dollar, b s (2:5.3}4). 219, 552. Dollar a-pound, ch g. 148. Dolls. 440. Dolly, gr m (2:51). 549, 682. Dolly. 505. Dolly, blk m (2:35). 46. 61, 64, 100, 161, 387. 689. Dolly, ch ni (2:4.3). 4.57. Dolly, gr m (2:59^). 7. !t4, 284. Dolly, gr m (2:38^-4). 209. .388, 707. Dolly, gr m (2:44). 155, .->85. 667. Dolly, b m. 175. DoUv, b m (2:30). 249. 267. 275, 297. 349. 394, 414. 457, 489, 513. 631.* (658*), 676, 795. Dolly, b m (2:48). 75, 101. 214,* 367, 369, 406,* 520, 560, 680. Dolly, blk m (2:56). 78, 136, .389, 584. Dolly, ch m (2:39^), 322. 378, 389, 645, 699. Dolly, chm (3:0134). 149.188, 339. 374, 390. 436, 454, 520, 523, 632. Dolly, ch m (2:40). 53, 329, 410,* 682, 689. Dolly, b m (2:34). 123, .325, .374,477, 482, 490, 528,* 589. Dolly, b ra (2:45). 113, 156,* 165. 414, 471, 597, 707. Dolly, ch m (2:48i^). 39, 51. .307. 447, 470, 562, 700. Dolly, b m (2:46i^). (73), 257. DoUy, b m (2:37^). (529). Dolly (2:53). (186*), 429. Dolly, pacer. 737, 765.* Dolly, b m (3:24). (.339). Dolly (2:57). 173, (461), .569. 638. Dolly. 4.37. Dolly (3:101,^). 66, (662). Dolly, b m. 10,* 23, 29, 129, 159,359, 476, 539, 558. Dolly, b m. 39, 53, 343. .369. .37S. 480, 488. Dolly. 71. Dolly 108.* 219, 220. Dolly Allen. 176. Dollv AUis^n, b m (3:01). 69, 119. (50.3). 674. Dolly B. , b m (3:32). 261, 336, 798. Dolly B., ch m, pacer (2:.37). 781 . Dollv Betsey, bile m. 285. Dollv Bidwell, ch ra. 37, 312, 4.38. Dolly Brown, gr m (2:51). 150, (704). Dol y I) (Lady Bell), i. in (2:.37^) 2:V0, 277. 322 Dolly Davis (Easter* Maid), ch m (2 :29 ). ( 186), 229. 304,447, .523. 528, ,553, 555. 560. Dolly Dn vis (2:46). (186). Dolly Dempster. 605. Dolly Dillon, pacer. 749,* 791. Dolly Dot, ch m (2:.36). 100. 212, 29t), 373, 506, 508, 518, 707. Dolly Duncan, ch m (2:40%). 85, 354, 497. INDEX OF BEATEN HORSES. «i5 Dolly Due, b m . 412. Dolly DufiE. 73. Dolly Dutton, bm. 720.* Dolly Dutton, b m. (2:47>4). 281, (.lis*), 642. Dolly Dutton, gr m (2:38). 252, 260, 290. Dolly Dutton, b m. 40, 231, 575. Dolly Dutton. 651. Dolly Everett, ch m, by Edward Everett (2:34H^ 108, (117), 233, 2/2, 3 i7, 351, 399, 413, 537, 598. Dolly Farrell, ch m (2:55). (713). D..lly Fawn, b m, pacer (2:.33J4) (7SS) Dolly Fields, pacer. 769. 776. Dolly (}. 454. Dolly Gibbons. 601. Dolly Gray. 422. Dolly Hope. 98, 179. Dolly Holmes, rn m. 248. Dolly J. 6.34. Dolly Lewis. 335. Dolly M. 24, 215. Dolly Madison. 379. Dolly May Day. 476. Dolly McAdaiiis. 687. Dolly Morgan. 373, 4.33, 4.51. Dolly Mount. 686. UoliyP. 306,631. Dolly Parker, b m. (323). Dolly R. 538. Dolly Heindeer. br m, by Champ, dam Black Flora. 545. Dolly Roy. 170. DoUy Smlth(2:44i4). .30.', 412, 487*. Dolly Spanker, bm (2:431^). 358.710. Dolly Spanker, pacer. 763, 776. Dolly Starch, b m (2:45 s). .335. Dolly T. 16. Dolly v., pacer 756. Dolly v., b m (2:44%). 16, 154, 168, 273, 323, 336, 340, 368, 389, 410, 417, 445, 468, 578,* 661, 671, 676, 698, 726, 795.* Dolly Varden. 679. Dolly Varden (Silver Maid), gr m (2:31 J4). 56, 84, 238, 261, 268, 309, (311*), 338, 344, 350,485,* 542, (565), 643. Dolb" Varden, b m (2:49). 213, (475*), 499, 527. DoUy Varden, b m, by Abdallah Champion. (796), 800. Dolly Varden, b m (2:33). 70, 312, 387. DoUy Varden, sp m (2:38). 25, 28,* 50, 78, 92, 173, (187), 219, 265, 298, 357, 446, 461, 506, 602. Dolly Varden, ch m (2:58). 178, (228), 231. 573, 679. Dolly Varden, br m(2:42U). 25, 35, ■ 00. 136.* 148, (.370). Dolly Varden, rn m (2:50). 50,98, (709). Dolly Varden. 582, 583, 6'26. 666. Dolly W. :i42. Dolly Wade. 484. Dollv White, ch m (2:39i4). 197, 22o, 4SS. 5'-'0, 523. 599, 688. Dolly Wilson. 671. Dolphin, b m (2:41^)- 165,240,309, 315,* 319,* 373, (390), 649. 660. Dombey (2:54). (619.) Domino. 680. Dominick Bennett, pacer (2:43^). (540*). Dominick F.. pacer. 762. Dominie (2:46^). 246. Dominion, b g. 274, 538. Dominion Boy, b s (2:30>4). 35, (104). 144, 206, 331, 392,* 479, 563, 797. Dominion Boy, br g (2 :50). 91, 197, 240. 260, 314, 329. (632), 707. Dominion Girl. 161,197,223,314, (346), .351, 610, 615. 641, 644. Dom Pedro, ch g (2:27). .59,* 149,* 198,* 336, .380. 464, (479*), 565. Dom Pedro, b g (2:48). 172, 322, 340. Dom Pedro, blk g (2:38i^). 19. Dom Pedro, b s. by Blackwood, Jr., , dam by Iron Duke. 67. 135, 252, : 348. Don, bg(2:40'4,. 696. Don, blk K (2:53J4). .•i49, 374, 516 Don, dn s (2:36). 243. 296, 373, 476, 486, 505, ."i26, 631.* G60,* 707.* Don, bg(2:44ji). 221. Don, gr g (2:22^^) 76, 93,* 136, 218, 312, 318, .372, 383, .384,* 528, (635). Don, chg (2:40]^). 124, 167, 214, 244, 473, 685, 708. Don, ch g (2:h2}4). 144, (640). Don, b g (2:55). (567). Don, bg. 107,218,266,475,725. Don, ch g (2:42>^). 108, 180.* Don, ch g (3:02). (577). Don, bg. 374. Don, ch g. (11), 415.* Don, pacer. 756. Don Adams. 525. Donald. 415. Donald, rn g (2:40). 236, 341, 363, 461, 492, 53 0, 566,* .592, 688. Donald, br g (2:27). 18, 107, 303, 380, 421, 590, 620. Donald (Dixie and Trudge) (2:31%). Donald Joyce. 361. Donald Morris. 632. Don Blaine, blk s. 43. Don Caesar. 634. Don Cameron, gr g, pacer (2:24M). 560, 738,* 739,* 752, 756,* 763, 766,* 769,* 783. Don Carlos, b s (2:55i4). 683. Don Carlos, b g, pacer (2:29i^). 739, 745, 753. Don (jarlos, gr g,by Highland Gray. 13,* 88, 203. 237, 264, 296. Don Carlos, ch g (2:32), by Del Sur. 228, 431.* Don Carlos, b s (2:59U). 42, 302, 323. Doncaster. 412. Doncaster, ch s(2:45}4). 434. Don Clifton. 296. Don Frank. 569. Don Giovanni, b s (2:.35). 347, 517. Don Juan, ch g (2:57}^) (2:37 s). 15, •42, 55, 92, 230. 304, 426,* 598. Don Juan, chg i2:.36^). 252. 728. Don Juan, ch g (2:44). 13, 51, 182, 191. (244), 448, 465, 638. Don Juan, ch g (i:49). 82, 165, (308) Don Juan, bg (2:43) 402,* .551, 607, (b.56). Donk, gr g (2:35). 192, (554). Don N, br g (2:43). 441. 513. Donna Belle. 633, 659. Donna D. .337. 496. Donnelly (2:42?4). (669). Donnybrook, gr s. 625. Don Pedro, b s (2:.55), by Edwin Thorne. 272, (606). Don Pedro, b g (2:46). (27). Don Pedro, b s, by Naubuc, dam Belle Patterson. 9, 505. Don Pedro. 658.* Don Quixote, gr g (2:29i4). 6,* 7,* .52, 60, (94), 116, 231, 241 , 274, 276, 367, 421, 464,* 468, 491, 502, 519, 520, 553. 567. 568, 577, 601, 605, 631,* 650, 705, 722. Don't Bodder Me, b m (2:41i4). 299, 449, 543.* Don't Know, blk g (2:38). 260, 277, 527. Dooland's gr m. 277. Dooley. 22. Doolittle. 695. Dora. 509. Dora, rn m (2:3514). 598. Dora, blkm (2:51%). 448.* Dora (Gracie D.), brm (2:26»4). 10,* (19), 48, J 59, 170, 171, 265. 273, 277, 299, 367, 401, 411,* 457, 462, 468,* 484. 510, 517, 529, 557, 564, 647, 655, 690.* Dora, b m. 438, 492, 503. Dora. 359. Dora B. 490. Dor. I C 263. Dora Duke, fc m, by Iron Duke. 362, 410, 473. Dora F. 583. Dora F. (2:51). 198, 360, ;498i. Dora G. 669. Dora K., pacer (2:45). (791). Dora P. (490). Dora S., blk m (2:40). 144,* 153. Dora T , b m (2-Al]4). 195. Dorcas. 148. Doris, blk m (2:.34). .303. 478. Doerr's ch g. 575. Doerr's b c. 146. Doerr's rn s. 163. Dorkiss. 56. I Dorman's br g. 421. Dorothy, by Rochester. 40, 247. I Dorrity's ch g. .362. Dorsey. 53, 317. Dorsey, b s (3:01^). 389. Dorsey ch g (3 :Oli%). 589. Dory C. 2:50)4), 263, (.324). Dorry. 553. Dot. (581). Dot, ch m (2:52). 14, (4.35* i. Dot. chg(2:.32J4). 159,=^ 304, 329, 457. 575, (677). 6:0. Dot, b g (2:29M)- 87, 112, 173, (276), 322, 485, 489, 637, 639,* 646, 652. Dot (2:46). 128, 143.* Dot, ch g(2:33). 234, 261, (277), 311, 371, 4i8. Dot, ch g(2:40J4). 107, (165), 353, 408, 734. Dot (2:50.) (218). Dot. .35. Dot. 112. Dot. 409, 565. 718. Dot, bm. 6.3.3.* Dottie Golddust, b m (2:41). (96), 150, 239, 474, 533, 583. Doty (Cor B.), b g (2:21). 6, (43*). 86, 10.3.* 105, 122,* 131, 137,* 160, 184,* 196, 275, .372, 447, 463, 495. 345,* 558, 609, 649, 787. Doty Mare. 640. Doty's b m. 168, 306. Doty'sgrm. 509. Doubtful, gr g (2 : 29}.^). 105, 247,729. Doubtful, br g (2:52). (585). Doubtful, b g (2:43). 19, 111, 266. (718). Doubtful, br s (2:48)4). 64, 338,* 397, 692. Doubtful, ch g. 283. Doubtful Girl, ch m (2:34)4). 34,* 68, 1 12.* 307, .339, 452,* 504, 565. Dougherty. 437. Dougherty's b g. 211. Doughnuts, ch g (2:49)^). 22, 198, 366,* 469. Doughnuts, pacer (2:32). 638,(751), 789. Douglass, b s (3:03)^). 397, 409. Douglass, b g (2:36). 51, 201. Douglass, bg (2:38)4). 481,619. Douglass, br s (2:38). 106, 118, 429, 674. Douglass, grg(2:25). 64, 145, 173, 193, 244, 267, 537,* 362, 731. Douglass. 430, 442, 718. Dove Pet Girl. 301. Dover. 137, .521. Downey, pacer. 769. Downev, br g (2:40 w). 494, 607.* 801. Downey's blk s (2:48)^). 638. Downing's ch s. 371 . Downing's Horse. 604. Doxey. chg (2:44?^). 61, 168, 190, (199). 231, 518, 689, 698. 721 D. P. B. Nichols' rn g (2:38?i). 118,* 406, 506, 507. 850 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. Drab, gr g (2:39). (7). Draeo. br s{2:llS}4). 10, 158, 204,* :.'.')0, 252, 262. 295, 324, 438, 575, V 1 5. Diat;o, br g (2:36). 138, IGtJ, 144, :.37. 387. 38!t, oM, 570,6(6, 630. Diaco Chief, clip (2::J5i4i. .50,* 174, 1>7, 353, 421. •*7H, ,-.64, 668, 790. Draco ( hicf, Itlk s (2:44), 222, 354. Draco Chiei. 440. Dracii Mare. 7.32. Draco Priu.e, blk s (2:24^). 262, 2(>;{, 260, 522. 627, 707. Draco Princess, blk m, by Draco I'rince. 70 Draco U. (2:49^). (697). Dra? .11 (2:5Us). (2:V4). Dragon, l.r«. pacer (2:30)4) (errone- ously printeil .5:30^4). 75.3, 754. Drake. 20:i. Dr.ike, pacer. 754. Drunine. 628. Draper, br g (2:34). 16,221,273, 369, .198, 448, 486, 500, 517, 564. 664. 716, 733. Diea-l (2:4914 s). 1.39, 158. Dread (2:51 s). 101. Dread, br s (2:33) (erroneously printed 2:38, page 182). 40, (398), l;read. cb g (2:35)^). 37, 63, 74, (169), 2.')5,* 295, 327, 407, 586, 079. Dread, br g (2:27i4). 40.* 104, 219, 400, 411, 514,* 612. Dread, b s (2:54). (236). Dreadnaugbt, ch k(-':271^). (122*), 22 1 , 3:53. 387. .396, 456, 460, 497, 575,* 660,* 670,090, 701, 729._ Dreadnaugbt, pacer (•^:50)4l- ''51- Dream (Flora B.), b m (2:25U) 6, 46, 103, 104. 156, 164, 176,* (192*), 194, 204, 441,* 465, 515, 601,* 652, 604 Dream wood, b m. 6. Drennou (2:41). 271, (386), 657. Dresden, b g (2:3034). 74, 157, 182,* J 93, 280, 432, 4977 659, 660, (715), 7 -'9. Drew. ,542,796. Drew Chief. 650. Drew Girl, b ra (2:39i^). (340), 680. Drew Horse, 150. Drew Knox, blk s, by Phil Sheridan, nam a Drew mare. 119, ;i64,* 431, Drift, br g (2:37). 102, 150, 161, 488, 508, 509, 533. Drift (Njrwootl), b s(2:2i .367,' 543, 795. Drift, b g (2::^4i/.)- 8, 67, 82, 99, 211 , 247, 291,360,412, 464, 601, *( 802*). D if t, b m, by Alcalde, dam by Snow- storm. 116. 495, 580. Drift, bs (4:12). 66,(338). Driftnet. 382. Driftwood, b s, by American Clay, dam by Coaster. 68, 152, 275, 341 ,* 5;}2, 6.j6. Driver, b g (2:19V6). 9, 26,* 37, 53, 86, 00, 122,* 133,159, 160,* 171, 172,* 1H9, 1 93,* 216, 230, 233, 275.* 290, 316, .340,* .359, 360, 370,371,* 383, 410, 411, 417,420, 446,*484,* 401,* 402. 500,* 504, .516, .546,568, 504, 596, 608, 667, 687,* 701, 702, (708*), 716,719.* Driver's Maid. 200, (476). Dromodo. 3.'i2. Drover, l> g, pacer (2:28 s). 789. Drover, brK(2:50). 297,468. Drover (3:06}^). 28.3, (624). Drover, ch g. 422. Drover Boy, b s (2:.35Vi). 159,201, 210, 234," 315. 452, 640, 693. Diover Boy (3 :04). 35, 327,(450), 499. Drover Boy, br g. 627." Drover Boy. 57,* 223, .322. Drover Boy, b g. (279). Drovt-rMaid. b m (2:47)^). (282), 456, 482, 619. 670.^ Drowsy Kate. 668. Druggist, pacer. 768. Druggist Boy. piacer. 766. Drummer. (il2. Drummer Boy, b s. 429. Drummt'r Boy, br g (2:40). .582. Drummer Boy, l)g(2:.54). 381. Drummer Bo V, ch g (2:46)^). 231. 326. (561), 699.* Drummer Bov. br g (2:35). 114, 575, 719 Drummer Boy, b g (2:29W). 14, 19, 54, 75, 192. 258, 263, .3:^). 55, 181, 670, 715. Duchess, b g (2:46). 85, 111. 798 Duchess, gr m (2:46i^). 75. 279, ;308.* 390, 628 Duchess, br m (.•!:00). 3.38. Duchess, b m (2:48)4). 29, 63, 100, 229, 456,* 594. Duchess, b m (2:43). (337), 545,* 597, 722. Duchess, bg(2:.35)4). 260. Duchess. 190. 399, .591, 729. i Duchess, br m, bv Iron Duke 122.* Duck, brm (2:35). 400, Duck, blk m (2:30). 76, 246, 271,* :i65, 389, 601, 682, 722. 147, I Duco, b g, pacert 761, 762. Dud.l, blk g (2:.56 w.). 476, 631. Dudley, chg 152. DudleV, b g (2:38»4). 238, 266, 448, 480.' 564, 593. 641, 643 * 647.* Due Bill, bg. 94, 511.* 528,* 537, 659. Duet. 499. Duff. .351. Duflfer, b g (2:56). 446. Duflie(2:.54s.). (399). Duff's mg(2:5lW). (249). Dufton'sgrm .584. Dugdale's br s (2:42 s.). 303. Dugal (2:48). (540), 643. Dugene (2:51>4). 30.3, (717). Dnke. 106,701. Duke. (678). Duke, b g (2:55^6). 217, 488, 499, 596 Duke, bg(2:26)^), 81, 112.148. Duke, b s (3:05), 407, 495.^ Duke, b g (3:00). 6,1, 666. Duke (2:54). .345, 360, 537, 586, 797, Duke, br g (2:42i^). 124. Duke, ch g (2:3m). 424, 447. Duke, gr g (2::i9)|). 70, (■120) Duke. 20, 641. Duke. 5.U. Duke, brg, by George Wilkes. 134, 5:?4. Duke, b g. 378, 705. Duke Alarm, b s, by Alarm, dam by Hambletonian Prince 577. Duke Alexis, b g (2:,57). (476). Duke Magenta. 108.* Duke Jledium, b g, by Happy Medi- um, dam by Iron Duke. 80, 118, 346.* 560. . Duke of Burr, b g (2:38). 100, 305, :?87, 465, (466*). Duke of Orleans, blk s. pacer (2:35^). 23. 141. (7.36), 746, 790. Duke of Welhngton, gr s (2:a5). 142, 182, 213, 250, 253, 377, 378, 409, .526, 662, 776. Dun Allen. 2.5. Duucaii, bg (2:37), 163, 194, 243, ;!10, 46(>. 694. Duncan, br g (2:.58i^). 39.* (444). Duncan Campbell, rn s (2:44). 26. Duncan \V.. pacer. 742. Duncan Wood, gr g (2:53). 690. Dun Charlej-. dn g. .590. Dundas. 509. Dundas. ch g (3:01). 143, 247. Dundas, b g, pacer (2:30)4). 247, 01.3, 745, 748. Duudah. Maid. 667, 684. Dundas Maid. 206, 480. Diinderl)erg, b g, by Edward Ever- ett, dam by La Tourette's Bell- founder. 59, 238, 267, .302,424, 497, 606. Dunbar 228. Dunbar's br m. (274 ). Dunedin, gr g (2:40). 129, 265, 347, 484. Dun Frank, dng, by Creole, dam by Red Buck. 538, 608. Dunham's ch g. 64. Dun Jim, dn g, pacer ('2:.33). 749, 7.59, 783. Dunkard Boy, ch g (2:39%). 190, 708. Dunkirk, b g (3:46). 730.* Dmilap, b g (2:46). 61, 169, 314, 505, 514, 586, 630. Dunn (Rutherford and Fitzgerald), b g (2:30) (erroneously given 2:31. page 186). 13, 448. Dunnell. 654. Dimning Allen. 665. Dunnville. 261. Dunnville Maid (2:59)^). 484. Dunn Mai-e. 24. Dun Sam, dn g (2:39)^). (42), 458. 594, 6:52. Dunson. 254, Dtmstable Boy. 661. Dupage, ch g. by Woodward's Ethan Allen. 95, 132, 167, 256, 274, ■277,411. Duplex, b s. 630. Duplex, br g, by Aberdeen, dam b.v Bacon's Ethan Allen. 72^4. I Duplicity, br m, by Duplex, dam Maid of Dutchess. 534. I Duquesne, ch s (2:17?4) (see appen- i dix). 173, .563. Dmango Maid, b m. 97. Duroc, Dr s (2:26)4). (64), 17.3, 216, 447, 4b7, 524, 534, .550, 555,590. Dm-oc, ch g (2:41)^). Ill, 196,* 351,* (61.3). ' Duroc, b g (2:43). (429). I Duroc, br s (2:40). 77, 325, 328, 66.5, 673. I Duroc (2:57). 50, 70, (156), 580. I Duroc. 81. i Duroc. 387, 401. Duroc Maid, blk m. 152. Duroc Prince, blk s (2:55?4). (250). Durvea's entry. 541. Duryeas b m (3:00). 2a5, 304. Duryea's br g (2:58). 212, 234, (309*), 447. Duryea's grm. 721. Duryea's gr g (2:58). 123, 166, 6O0. Dm-yea's ch m. 309. _ I 'uryea's Damsel. 285.* Dur'y T., pacer. 778. Dusk. 330. ^ .^. Dusky, ch g (2:55). (331*). o4o. Dusky Maid. 284,714.* INDEX OF BEATEN HORSES. 857 ; uster, ch g (-2:451^). 634. Duster, ch g ('2:51) (erroneously printed i:ai, page 18G). 100. Duster, ch gC2:.50). 206, i.'32, 389, 453, 454, 501. Duster, b g (•2:.^0i^). 164, 199, 237, 316, 36i, 3S3, 416, 447, 451, 528, 631, 6S6.* 734. Dus'.er, gr s (2:45). 527, (7a5). Duster, br g (2:35^). 14. 82, 03, 117, 125, 187, 274, 2Ml. 332.* 386, (411), 470,491, r)25, 55. , i.Ll. Duster, hllc s, by Rowe's Tommy, dam FauuT 291. Duster, b g ('3:30) 199 * Duster, b g, pace.- (2:32). 741,* 75 1, 7a3. 784 * Duster, cb g, pacer (2:35). 763. Dui>t Pan. 52. Duster Bob, pacer (2:37 s) . (772). Dustin Jim(Dustv). bg(2:305,i) 25. (29*). 54. 55, &4. 137, 178,224,* 2.36, 311,* 355. 371,* 376,- 384, 401,* 414. 4.55". .595. . Dusty (Dustiu Jim), b g (2:.3014). .32. 38, 46, :^06, 232, 247,* 258, 302,* 3.57.* .528. Dusty Boy. 599. Dutch. 767. Dutch Bill, b g, pacer (2:39^)- 784, 788. Dutch Boy (2:42). 300. 358, 366. Dutch Boy, br g (2 :Si%). 49, 127, 185, 250, 280, 355,* 396, 411,* 524, 710. Dutch Boy. 471. Dutch Boy. 516.* Dutch Bill, pacer. 766. Eagle (2:34%). (97). Eagle. 414. Eagle. 563, 698. Eagle, grg (2:48). (596). Eagle, ch g (2:52). 140, (312), 536. Eagle, rn g. 200, 387. Eagle, gr g, pacer. 745. Eagle Bird, b s (2:32). 155, 167, 289, 291, :ii 9. 3.3.3, 514, 542, 61U. 679. Eagle Boy, br g (2:31), by Black Eagle. J 2, 207, (382). Eagle Boy. pacer, gr g. 739. Eagle Ere, gr s (2:49). 474. Eagle PLume, gr g (2:-49^). 26, 199, 264,* 2S8, 3'(9, 718. Eagle Rock. 674.* Eagle iV'oodstock, gr s. 9,465,765. Eariugs Bay Horse (2:38). (263). Eagle a. 75. Earl. 89, 597. Earl. 542. Earl, ch g (2:26). 16, .326, (455*), 491, 577. 626. • Early, b m, by Clark Chief, dam by Iron Duke. 499, 641. Early Bird. 544. Early l)awn,b m, by Geo. "Wilkes, dam bvMambiino Star 244,309 =•■ Early Rose, b m (2:43). 175, 375, 61;.. Early Rose, ch m (2:20^. 9, 31,* .35, 18, 101,* 3 24,* 125, 184, 2J6, 303, 3GV, 382.* 524, 608,* 701. Earnest Boy. 619. East Boston Boy, br g (2:50J4). 596. East End, b m (2:39). .34. (206), 551,* 674 Easter, br m (3:01J4). 66, 4.36. Easter Allen, ch g (2:55). (437). Easterline. 298. Easter Maid (Dolly Davis), ch m (2:29). 13, 19, 135, 237, 284, 344, 4.52, 654. Easter Medium, b m (2:40). 8. 41, 138,* 203, 239, 264, 344, 440, 485, 537, 651. Eastern Belle, ch m (2:58K> w). 587. I Dutch Charley, b g (2:37J^) (2:33J4 s). 77, 624.* 6.i6. Dutch Dave, pacer (2:33}^). 742, 759, 776. Dutch Farmer. 95. Dutch Fritz. 207. Dutcher. b g (2:42}^). 79, 1.38. Dutchess. 15. Dutchess Bov, b g (2:29)4). by a son of Henry Clay. (229). 484, 562. Dutchess Maid. 278, 358, 6.".8. Dutch Farmer. 197, 649, 666. Dutch Fiy. 304 Dutch Fiitz, rug (2:4.3). .399. Dutch (4-rl, pacer (•^:4-:i^). 7..0. (T64). Dutch Girl, gr m (2:293^). (142), 3.52, 556. Dutch Gu-1. bm (2:37^4)- 47. (110), I 239.272,403,421 483,518. Dutch Girl, gr m (2:44i^). 98, 328, 3.54, 670. Dutch Girl, m m (2:27M)- CO, 159, 199, 383,* 437. 464. 472,* 478,* (519*), 605,* 672,* 685, 710,* 717, 745. Dutch Girl (2:53). 646. Dutch Girl, bm (2:52i^). 300, 353, 436. 571, 706. Dutch Girl, b m (2:53)^). 659. Dutch Hpnk, br g (2:.55) 246. Dutch Jake. 305. Dutch John (2:o:\%). (662), 692. Dutch Kate, b m, by Leon, dam by Nighthavi'k. £48. Dutch Maid (2:52). (4151, 549. 564. Dutchman. 312. Dutchman, pacer. 775. Dutchman, b g (2:32) (2:301.^ s). 22,* 31,* 282, (426*), 587, 706. E Eastern Boy, gr g (2:32i4). 302.* 576. (624*), 627, 660, 719, 801. Eastern Boy, br g (2:42V4). 149, 571. Eastern Boy, blk s (2:36). 29, 268,* 348, 470, 579, 589. Eastern Boy, gr s (3:00). 490. Eastern Cloud. 152. Eastern Chief. 141. Eastern Colt. 254. Fastern Girl, rn m (2:47^4). 50, 119, 222, 223, 231. 504, 607. Eastern Lady. 259. Eastern New;Xork, blk s (2:45)^). K9, 202, 373, 510, (592), 608, 730, 800. Eastern Prince (3:40). 20, 51,* 170, 201, 203, 448, 454, 530, 603, 729. Eastern Queen, gr m (2:40). :.85, 304,* 793 Eastern Queen, blk m (2:311^). (49), 106, 182, 185, 36.i. 5.58. 576. Eastern Queen, bm (2:48). 304,417, 521. 640. Eastern Rattler. 98. Eastern Shore Boy. b g (2:.33). 153,- 180, 183. 3i7,45"l.(457).641.*659. Eastern Star, bikg (2:49). 215,467,* (674). Easteye's ch m. 374. East Hartford Boy, brg(2:37). (133). Eastman Morgan. 382. EastLviin. b g. 105, 192, 514. Easton Girl. 301.* Easton'sbs. 43. East Orange, b g (2:58). 214. East Side, bg (3:00). 394, 4.30, (501). East St. Louis, ch g. 568. East Wind, dn g. 85, 124, 662. Easy (2:. 53). (Wl). Easy Billy, b g (2:32). (545), 583,* 651.* Easy Bny, gr g (2:42). (695). Eaton County 31aid. 739. Eaton Girl. 225. Eaves, b m (2:52). 409. E. B B., b g, pacer. 785. Eb. 283. 684. Dutchman, ch g (2:45). 408. 683. Dutchman, grg (2:5li^). 436.^' Dutchman (Derby and Alvin B.), bg (2:25K>>. 48, 49, 129, 251. 304, 645, 669. 699. 712,* 714 Dutclnman, bg(2:.30). 43,* 9:, 103, 120, 197, 316, 545, 662. Dutchman. 656. Dutchman, ch g (2:42). 220, (.366), .54'!, 696. Dutchman, gr g (2:51). 92, 197, 280, 323. 369, 415,* 597, 680. Dutchman, b g (2:34). 3;i6, 716. Dutchman, pacer. 749. Dutchman, iji g(2-48) 207.419. Dutchman, b g (2:48i^). 318, 425, 531. 577. Dutchman, b s, by Corsair, dam by Green "s Bashaw. 460. Dutchman, b g (2:37M). 59, 272, 558, 642. Dutchman, b g. 143, 2.36, 294. Dutchman, b m. 273, 28j.* 437. Dutch Mary, b m 617. Dutch Mike, b g, pacer. 771. Dutch Sam, b g, by Toronto Chidf , dam Lady Jane, by Abdallah. 681. Dutch Toby. 125. Dutchv 2:54^). 607. Dutton"s Entry. 548. Duxfv. 58. D. W. Pf-rdue, gr g (2:47i/,), by Bril- liant Golddust. (.341), 44s. Dyer, b s (2:40). 75, 236,* (57?). Dyer's b m. 30. Dying Sargeant. blk g (2:43). 74, 1 96, 331 , 569, (573). Dyke, b s (2:47). 156. Eben C. (2:46^). (690*). Ebenezer. b g (2:39), 13, (115), 465, .562, t84. E. Cady -tanton. 119. Ecce. 415. E. C. Crane, ch g (2:33). ( 117), 146. 625, 636. Echo. 408. Echo, brg. 52, 310. • Echo, bg(2:36i4). 313. Echo, blk s (2:5u^). 84, 152, 570. Echo, b s (2:37)^). 263, 558, (669), 696. Echo, blk s (2:57)4). 24, 155,* 171, (178*). 346, 424, 607. Echo, grg (2:35). 19,94, 99, 117, 290, 318. 3.59, 372, 459, 474, 5J4, 619, 677, 713.* Ecbo, b m (2:41). 52. Echo, b g. 66, 297, 325, 624. Echo, ch g. 700. Echo Chief, ch s (2:32)4), by Octi- bia, dam Lady Bonner. 199, (472), 650. Echol. 264. Echora, br m (2:23^). .30, 43, 47, 144, (173), 195, 263, 261,* 275, 284,* 471.472, 620 Eckford, ch g (2:41^). 762. Eclair, bik s (2:45%). 456, (570). Eclipse. (687). Eclipse, chg(2:.36). 188,189. Echpse, pacer (2:3,51^). (760*). Eclipse, bg(2:.59M). 17, (207), 271, 328. Eclipse, — s. 288. Eclipse. 471. Eclipse Clay, b s (2:42). 83, 167, 273, 589. Eclipse Stud. 313. E. C. Robinson, b g. 335, 435. Ecru Maid (Kitty Pease), dn m (2:32). 105, 154. Ed. 390. Ed., b g (2:44). 469, 600, 625. Ed. Allen, blk g(2:50i^). 167, 182, 232, 562. 858 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. Eda May, cli m. 2o5. Ed. Hanks. 3U0. E<1 BaktT 3.'7. Ed. Barber. •SM. Ed. Bright. 544. Ed. Brown, ch g (2:40). 270, 398, 41(3,* 451 , 565, 578, 588, 055, 070, 680. (598. Ed. Butcher (2:59). (570). Ed Biirterfield. 118. Ed. Carpenter. f.5i). Ed. Chapin, b e (2:32^). 37, 119, 130, 222,* 230, 275, 3J7, 400,* 504.* 572, 621, 653, 720. Ed. Conley, b g. pacer. 771. Ed. Dav, ill p (2:55), by Sir William, dam Bird. 191. Eddy, It fe' (2:4(1). 55. Eddy, b g (2::{414). (72), 510, 541. Eddy, b g (2:48). 85, 48;J. Ed iV, b g (2:38). 42, 118, 233, 398, 6l'7. Eddy. bg. 1.31. Kddy, bg(2:4fi). 89, (318). Eddy, gr g 504,* 719. Eddy, ch g. 67. Eddy, grg (2:54). (164). Eddy C. . b g, pacer (•2:22W). (738*), 746,* 750, ■ 7.i2.* 766, 767,* 768, 769,* 778. 791.* Eddy D., gr g. pacer (2:17U). 738.* 739, 740,* 742, 745, 7.53, 754, <62, 763, 764. 771, 777,* 790.* Eddy Edwards. 228. Eddy Fry, ch g (2:40). 150,* 251,* 306, 675. Eddy Goff. 803. Eddv H., ch g (2:34^). (77*), 297. Eddy Lambert, br g. 490. Eddy Jack-man, brg (2::59V^). 3.30, 455. Eddy Mack. 59. Eddy Powell, br g, by Geo. Wilkes, dam Sally Lunn. 99. Ed. Eaton, gr g(2:28). 68, 11 5, .352,* 353, (403). 463, 485, 508,* 522, 569, 678, 692. Ed. Ellis, ehg(2:.35^). 71,198,215, 261, 4:$5, 662. Edelweiss, b ra, by Jim Monroe. 167. Ed. Everett, b g (2:43). (80), 356. Eden Girl, ch m. 124,* 191. Eden Golddiist, ch s (2:41^). 40, 107, 247. 547,* 7 18. Ed. Forrest. 100, 163, 217, 333, 691. Ed. Foster (Harry Mitchell), b g (2:28-%). 102, 247, 263,273,280, 325, 361. 421. 548. 589,* 653, 678, 732. Edgar, blk g (2:3154). 242, (272*), 338,* 302,* 512. Edgar, ch g(2:30). 13, 117, 197,* 271, 346,* 351,* .392, 434, 457, 468,* 535,617,717. Edgar, b g. (607). Edgar. 65,47.3. Edgar Comstock. 477. Edgar G. 167. Edgerly colt. 182. Ed. Geer'sbs. 703. Ed. GetcheU (Forge), br g (2:27), by Winthrop Morrill. 328, 393, 528, 5H:5, (622), 6.52. Ed. Gills. 161. EdgiU'sgrg 632. Edgill's b g (2:42J4). (279), 589, 713. Edge wood. 720. Ed. Green bs (3:00). 135,206,320. Ed. H. (2:51%). (242*). Ed. Hampton. 713. Ed. Hanlan. 621. Ed. Higgius. chg (2:40). 11. 485, .588, (5l6, (041). Ed. Higginson, chg. 166. Ed. Hughes. 481. Ed. Hunt. .387. EdinaBoy, bg (2:44>4). 115, 145, 265, 30r>, 4.37. Edinburgh, b 8(2:42>^). 103, 169, 243, 452. 547, 623 Ed. Johnson, ch g. -148. Ed. Ki/'iball. oh s, by Almont. 551. Edith, b m (2:3:{» 23. 157. 195,* 395, 4:{:t. 462. :,:iG, 720, 797. Edith, ch m ( .':.")8). lul, 141.* 234, 267, 305,* 485, 557. Edith, br m. 234. Edith, b m (2:48)^^) (43), 229, 509. Edith. 126, 207, 685. Edith f., bni. 294. Edith Knox. 216. Ed. Jones. 218. Ed. Logan. 96. Ed. Mayo. 576. Ed. Mitchell. 186. Ed. Murphy. 719. Ed. Muij)liy. Jr. 40, 702. i Ed. M. Wright. 622. i Ed. McCook, ch g (2:38^). 11, 21, 48. i:?8, 1.55,* 167,* (289*), 799. I Ed. McKane, pacer. 754. Edna (Fanny Fern), rn m (2:29J4) (2:27)^ s). (137), 485, 699. 798. Edna, blk m. 60, 288.* 375, 624. Edna, b m. 138. Edna Earl, b m (2:38). 92, 171,353, 495, 676. Edna J., br va (3:05). 75, 335. Ed. Powell, b s, by George AVilkes, dam Sally Lunn. 51, 80, 140. 551, 608. Ed. Price. 11. Ed S. 132. Edsairsbg(2:43%). (10), 726. Edsall's Horse. 476. Ed. Seely, blk s (2:35). 127. 300, 338. 800. Ed. Sills, grg (2:42). 220, 299, 413, (.V)4), 564, 711. Ed. Skinner, b s. 614. Ed. Smith, b g (2:.35). 124, 212, 223, 256, 289. 371, 417, 463,* 492, 500, (5:J6*), 734. Edson, b s 716. Ed. Still, blk g. 486. Ed. ToUfero. 350. Edward, ch g (2:19). 26, 34, 171, 194,* 272, .310.* 468, 515,* 724. Edward, br g(2:41). 201, (570) Edward, bg(3:00). (30). Edward Allen, blk g. 16, 688, 709. Edward Blake. 65. Edward Everett, b s (2:36J4). 277, 462. 543, 706. Edward Everett (2:51>6). 785. Edward F. 323, 511. Edward G., b g(2:.50Ji, 511. .596. Edward Hanlon. 37. Edward L.,chg, by Gatling Jim. 542. Edward R., ch g, by John A. Raw- Uns. 143. Edward S., b g (2:40). 14, 15. Edwards (3:00). 12(j, 345. Edwards, b s. 206. Edwards' ch s (2:51). (545). Edward :t49. Edward M.Wright. 284. Ed. Whits (Gen. Scott and Jim Smith), b g(2:27). 35, :^7. 46, 54, 86, 122,* (1.32), 182, 263,* 267.* 280, 320.* 324, 369, 432, 407, 469, 477, 497, 543,* 557, 575. 024, 625, e3rf, 6.59. 665, 678, 709. 795. Ed. Wilder, ch g(2:30). 18,43, 102, 157,164, 174, l,S2. 197, ;-'.39, 283, 48:5, 514, 599,* 641. 697. Ed. Wilson. 797. Ed'vin, ch g (2:34). 27, 53, 296, 382, 530. .589. (734*). Edwin, b g, by Joe Downing, dam by Alexander's Abdallah . :'82. Edwin A. (Senti..el), b g (2:24%). 181,* 299,324, 379, 391,* 455,48.3. 635. 711. Edwin B., blk g (2:27). 70, 01.* 104, 14.5, !.");{. 160, 241, 283. .585. 694, 703, 734. Edwi.i Booth, 1) g (2:54% w). 6, 221. 2.')5. ' 261, 302, :502,* 423, 5 :8. 613. 644, 647. Edwin C. 14. 135.*' Edwin F. 246, 490. Edwin Forrest, blkg(2:36)^) (2:31^ 8). 142, 1.57. Edwin Forrest, ch g(2:32). 25, 16;j, .596, (720* t. Kdwiu Forrest. 470, 584. Edwin Forrest, b g(2:18). 9,* 23, 133, 160, 17.3. (193), 440, 471, 480, 482, 580, 641. Edwin F..rrest (2:41!4). (337). Edwin Forrest. 175. Edwin Forrest, Jr., ch s. 29. Edwin Frost ch g, pacer (2:31 1. 741. (76:5). Edwin H. 89, (1.32). Edwin K. 207, 262. :591. Edwin Murphy. 371. Edwin Thome, ch g (2: 161^). 1.33.* 153, 216, 227, 231 ,* ; 56,* 568, 601, 620, 631.* 643,* 653,* 722. Ed Woodman. 361. Effle, b m (2:3%). 455, 513, 639,* 684,690.* Effle, blk m (2:35). 29, 46,* 157. 165, 195, 247, 263, 272, 298, 357,* 365, 527.* Effle, bm (3:07). 655. Effle, b m (2:33i^) (erroneously given 3:07, page 195). 162, ;i07, 340. .501, (57'J). Effle Buck, rn m, pacer (2:45), by Red Buck. (752). Effle Deans, b m (2:25i^). 8,* 29, 4 J, 81, 115, 209, 225.* 236, 250 331,* 334, 340, 431. 446, 463, 489, 513, 538, 586,* 619, (637*), 639, 651, 684, 708. Effle G., b m (2:.31). .33, 90, 107, 129, 156, 185,* 200. 207, 3l0,*3l.2, 324, 325, 326, 328, 34il. 346, :!49, 353, 380, 386, 422. 463, 46d, 482. 484,* 495, 496,* 502, 527, 55(), 555, 5.57. 617, 620, 631, 682, 687, 731, 794. EFlat, bg. 29,240, 311, .341, 428, 581. Efners colt. 235. Egalite, ch s(2:44), by Egbert, dam by Stockbridge Chief. 117. E. Gerrish. 181. E. Goldsmith, 41. Egotist. .301. E. Harrison, gr g (2:42). 191, (420). E. H. Miller, bg i2:.32%) 11, 43,* 65, 181. (557), 558, 579, 590. Eight Bells (Black Harry), blk g (2:351^). 215, 259, 273, 307, .330, 334, 418, 422, 467, 574, 732. Eight Spot. 90. Eileen. 113, 272, 399. Eily O'Conuor. 424. Elaine, b m (2:20). (620). Elaine (Queen), blk m 489. Elaine (:!:0:ii^). (30.5), 58:i. Elastic. 66, 612. Elberon, rng (2:51^). 420, 571. Elbeit. (534). Elbert's gr s (2:46^). ((>06). Elbertson. 726. Elbire. 4.50. E. C. Bulwer. 162. Elcho, b g (2:34Vi). 16, 18, (69*), 13.{, 275, 284. 290, .3i 6, 36(i, ;J81, 388,* 516, .545, 551, 558, 61:1, 665, 667, 704. Elder(2:.59^). (332), 4a5. El.lerene. blk g. 109, 603, 729 Elder Folsom. 114. 442. Elder Girl, b m (3:00». 47, 94. Elder Leonard. 381. Elder Morton. 332. 400, (i68. INDEX OF BEATEN HORSES. 859 Elder Pogue, b g (2:40J^). «, 38, 13-', 2-^8, 2o(), 283, 344, 4i0, 478, 520. Eldri(lge(2:52). (4()3). Eldridge (3:05). (691). Elean(ira(2:52). 9, 200,* 372. Elector. 93. Electic, b K (2:41U). 700. Electric, b s (2::j9^i). 271, 395. Electricity, b g (2:39), by Way Horse. 121, (IGli, 263,* 450. Electro, grg (2:3S). 28, (371), 424,* 617, 076. Elenora, b m (3:00^), by Young He'iry Clay, d-iin by Young Co- lumbus. 95, ofiO,* (576). Elevator, bs(2:345i). 28, 48, 88.* 104. 166, 172,* 201 , 236,* 264, 267, 528. 651. Elgiii Trump. 65. Eli, ch g (2:38). 331, 672, 714. Elias Rem. sen. 413. EJicho. 377. Elisha, brg(2:45^). 279, 425, 516, (668). Eiisha Hiller. ."^.88. Elizabeth, err m (8:43 s). 303. Elizabetb, blk m (2:501^). 118, 120, 141,* 118, 150, 182, 4o5, 402, Elizabeth Auu. 53. Elizabeth D. 192. Elizabeth Tilton, ch m. by tatchen Chief Jr. 421. Eliza Clay, 676. Eliza J. 108. Eliza Janp. rn m (2:49^) 576, Eliza Jane (2:51). 71, (243). Eliza Jane (2:43J4). 499, (588). Eliza Jane (2:54^). 261, (393). Eliza Jane, pacer. 760.* Eliza Jane. 802. Eliza WUson. 399. Eliza Kellar. 24. Eliza King. 30. 530. Eliza Cogan. 64. Eliza T. 211. Elkhart (2:37). 239, (409), 611, 800. Ella 155. Ella (2:37). (85), 125, 263. 522, 592. Ella, br m (2:42^) 53, 240. 335, 500, 527, 632,* 656. 679. Ella, grm (2:50). (580*). Ella, bm(2:46). 599. Ella, ch m (2:38). 23, 39, 87, 192. 389, 470, (.5.33), 690, 713. Ella, blk m (2:51). (543). Ella Allen. 24. 734. EUaB. 496.673. Ella U. (2:51). (348). Ella Bodine. 434. Ella Broch. 417. Ella Burns. 357. Ella Clay (Maggie EUiott and Fanny P .), b m (2 :27%). 61, 109, 172, 249, 480, 576, 641. Ella Cole, b m. 50, 201, 417, 423, 444, 575, 642. EUa D., b m (•J:40). 384, 666. EUa D., gr m (2:.37§4). 396, 462.* Ella Davis, b m, pacer (2:31). 759. Ella Day. ■M7. Ella Dean. 318. Ella Doe, ch m (2:231^). 19, 20, 28, 54, . 28, 130,* 180. 208,* 351, 384, 390,* 415, 428. 436, 4.57, 460,* 550, 566, 583, 605, (306, 673. Ella Earl, b m (2 :25). 6, 11, 79, 82, 86, 95. 143, 160, 216,* 230, 241, 288, 414, 489, 500, 515, 571, 633, 650, 651, 70.3, 717, 719. Ella Early. 349, Ella Eliwood, b m (2:31^). 68, 171, (211), 216, 279, .302. 3.55, 417, 488, 521, 576, 624, 627, 657,* 660, 717. Ella Esmond. 240. EUaF., bm(2:32). (39), 9.3, 340, 598. Ella Fish. 460. Ella G., b m, by Anthony Wayne. dam Red Bird, by Ringmaster. (797). Ella H. 175. Ella Hormer, b m. 147. Ella J., br m. 192, 507. EllaK., gr m (2:50). 40, 170, 331 553. 56 J, 600. Ella Lewis, b m (2:27). 71, 104, 262, 269, :J42, 463, 486, 512, 618, 653, 710. Ella Mack, ch m (2:41\ (05*). Ella Madden, b m (2:2.5%). 23, 25, 35,* 37, 45, ^6, 95, 112, 1.32, 133, 206, 236,* 237,* 281,* (290'-), 298, 315,.342, 353,*395, 586,* 638, 799.* Ella Ma.y, ch m (2:45J4). 14,* 93, 101, 388, 394, 432, 492, 536,* 5.37. Ella Millard (Ruth and Eva), b m (2:3514). 54, 284,* 665,* 715. Ella Medium, b m. 668. Ella O'Connor. 801.* EUaP.,bm. 621. Ella R. (2:411^). 454, (724). Ella R , pacer. 791 . Ella Sayre, pacer. 742. Ella Sherwood b m (2:34i4) (er- roneously given 2:34, page 197). 99, 295, 364, 685. EUa Sweepstakes, ch m, by Sweep- stakes. 1.59 EllaT., grm (2:54 w). (.39), 641, 694. Ella Thorpe, h m. 35, 683, 793. Ella Van Ness (2:50). (169.) Ella WiclLS, b i- (2:43). 19,* (222), I EUa vVilson, b m (2:30). 233, 253, I 338,384 Elia Wood, ch m (2:45). 163, 235, 237, (339), 344, 414. 443. Ella Wright, b m (2:24?4). 93,* 131, I 242, 317, 404, 415,* 457, 500, 801. - EUen. 697. I Ellen, b m (2:33). 267, 311, 489. I EUen, bm (2:42^). 3.30,370. I Ellen, ch m (2:33}4) (erroneously I separated from Ejlen, 2:38). 126, i 135, 190, 241, 268, 309, .326,* 351.* I 390, (401*), 461, 484, 507, 5U9. 516, 51!^, 566, 700. Ellen, grm (2:57). 174, (422), 628. Ellen, b m (2::^4J^). 163,* (598). Ellen, b m (3:00). (511 ), 540. Ellen. 32, 156, 486, 710. , Ellen, ch m. 222.* : Ellen Anderson, ch m (2:40). 6, 696. i Ellen Blaine (2:54). (487). : Ellen C, br m (2:32). 67, 178, 322,* 335, 352, 373, 430,* 456, 528,* 588. Ellen Davis, b m (2:37?i). 127, 254, 300, 337. 411, 624. Ellen Douglass. 202,359.* Ellen Jewett (3:04). 426. Ellen Kathie. 204. Ellen Mary, ch m (2:37). 51, 304. 373. 397, 431, 433, 539, 621, 631,* 693, 798. Ellen Peck 281. EUen Short. 98. Ellen of Troy. 196. EUen Thompson. 162. Ellen Tree, blk m (2:47 s). 179, 185, 282, 502, 632. Ellen Tree, br m (2:44-%). 290,* 728. Ellen Tree, b m (2:48%). 17, 386. EUick. 338, 345, 553, 671. Elbe G., b m 38. Elhngtou Boy. 563. EUiott, grg (2:40). .34,67, 351, (396). 422, 530, 534, 536, 602, 695. EUiott Place. 152. EUiott's br m. 201. EUiott'schm. 189. EULs. b m. 575. Ellis' blk m (2:40). (241). ElUs. 115. ElUs' Team, 796. Ellsworth Maid, ch m (2:33i^>. 312. Ellsworth's T 131. EUwood, b g (2:51^). 364. Ell wood, b g (2:49%). 56, (451). EUwf.od Medium, b s (2:24%). 195, (229*), x;37, .346, 367,* 647. Elma. 284, 414, 447. Elmer, br g (2:25J4). 171,* 181,* 225, 233, 259. .85. Elmer, b g (2:38i4). (177), 555, 713. Elmer, b s. 575. Elmer F. 273, 601. Elmira Boy. 6.50. EimiraPet, b g (2:34%). (98), 271. 364, 624. Elmo (St. Elmo), ch s (2-27). 107, 336, ;383, 384. Elmo, pacer. 747. Elmo Pilot, b s (2:341^). 271, .358, 393,472,519,669. Elmore, b s(r;:10^). 481, 70 5. Elmore (2:35). (292*). Elmore Everett, ch g (2:30). 405, 654. Elmore Star. 110. Elmer G. 327. " Elmwood, ch g (2:33). 61, (471). Elm wood. 646. * Elmwood, br g (2:36). 28, 49, 105, (495). Elmwood. 72. Elmwood Chief, br s (2:28). (437), 519, 667, 709. ElQora. 41, 474. 482, 520. Eloise, ch m, by Jav Gould, dam Kilty Clover. 178. ' Elsie, b m (2:40%). 41, 146,* 182, 263, 278, 304, 406. 539, 653. 800. Elsie C. (2:39J4). (115). Elsie Good, ch m (2:22'-^). 33, (46), 86, 122, 173, 183, 204, 272, 281,:i59, 439, 440.* 464, 495, .15, 586, 631.* Elsie Grofi: (Quebec Girl), b m (2:25). 26. 40, 60, 72, 156, 164, 186, 30:?.* 310, 362, 3S3,* 386, 389, 4 '8,* 440, 467, 475, 482, 550, 557, 613, 620, 622, 631, (658), 688. Elsib H. 560. Elsie Hiatt, pacer. 765. Elsie I., ch m (2:46), by Blue BuU 55, 579. Elsie Medium, b m (2:.50). (26). Elsie Meigs. 205, (365). Elvira, bl- m (2:27). 244,283. 309. Elvira WMteside (2:39). (144) Elwood, blk g, pacer (2:35}^), by Champion. 277, 451, 467, = 746, 788. Elwood R., bg (2:35). 9,* 39, 66, 123, 233,(2.56*), 323, 385, 434,*467, 729. Ely's bm. 573. Elyria, bg. 544. Emeline. 313, Emerald, bg (2 :34M\ (2:30J^*). 219. Emerald, br g (2:30^). 19, 49, 283, 514, 515, (652), 802. Emerald, h g (2:29i4;. 95, 202, 210, (218), 323, 381, 522, 698. Emerald. 3 47. Emerson's gr g. 606. Emerson Golddust, ch s (2:59). 185, 222. Emerson's Entry. 196. Emery (2:5214). 374. Emery I earnaught, b s (2:33^). 26, 528, 555, 571. Emigrant, bg (2:45). 65, 90, 142, 180, 565, ..;-3, 657,* 721.* Emigrant Maid. 70. Emily, b m (2:51). 8, 27, 219, (^300), 385, 535. Emily, ch m. 111. Emily. 437. Enjily Boston, gr m (2:49i4). (33). Emily C. 73. 225. 599, 688. Emily Foster. 402, 732. EmUy Fearnaught . 312. Emily G., b m (2:42^). ^99, (413). Emily L., b m. 7, 239, .345, 348 EmUy May, b m, by Clarion Chief. 424. Evii'v Soldene, b m (2:40). 719. Emiua, b m (2:41%). 37. 144, 488. Emma, br m (2:40^). 559. Emma, blk m (2:48^). 61, 64, 110, 463, 656, 725. 860 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. Enimi., ch m (2:55). 236, 284, 799. Emuia, br in (•J:54>4). 61, V^iX Euiiua, lilk in (JiSli). 15(). .S58, 371, 37.{. 3!i(i, 486. r>m. 5Tl'. 72-t. Emma, br ni ( -':44}^.j. i>'.i2, 735. Emma, l)r ni (3:(W).'3»8, 017. Emma, bik m C-':!','). 19, 4(J4, 490. Emma(:^:00). HW-i.) Emma, b ui (•,':4.3J4). 143, 261, (311), 439, 658. 57J, 005,010. Emma (Little Hannah and Lady May), blk m (2:. 541^). 605. Emilia, b m (~:55). (5t>2). Eimna(2:40). (.110). Emma, ch m, pacer (2:-'fl). 745. Emma, br in (2:31%;. 130,* (320), 54:!, 001.608. Emma, pacer. 776. Emma, blk m (3:08). (591). Emma (2:5) I. 2;5, 40, (689), 794. Emma (2:45). 24, 221. Emma, b m. 69. Emma. 85. Emma. 104. Emma. 2:14. Emma. (494). Emma li.. pacer. 841, 754. Emma B. (Police Gazette), gr m (2:22). 108,* 1:53, 1.59, 171, 194, 19i!, -..'03, 290. 447.* 515. 543. 547, .550.* 508, 015, 696,698. 099, 701,* 708, 717,* 723. Emma babbitt. 624. Emma Baker, pacer. (.744). Emma Bell. 009. Emma Booker, br m (2:36). (80), 324. 500,* 554. Emma Boone, ch m. 27. Emma C. blk m (2:30). 90, 152, 185,* 250, 288, 309, 326. 370, 390, 424, 484, 493, 529. 001, 647.* Emma Cony, b m. 610. Emma Coons, b m (2:41). 138, 141, :.'37, 281, 416, (508), 574, 630, 660. Emma Clay, b ni, by American Clay, dam by Mambrino Chief . 29, 525. Emma D., b m (2:52?^) 86, 109, (170), 2:50, 46:^, 685. Emma D., br m (2::i9). 157,* 256, 3.32,* 374, 458, 529, 566, 001, 684, 700, 734. Emma Dean, bm (3:01). (170). Emma Duval, pacer (2:.37 S). 750. Emma E. (LoUie), b m (2:28). 258, 3.50, 550.* 627. Emma Grant. (24F). Emuia F., ch m. 131, 802. EmmaG.,blkm, by Almunt. 173,* .543, 575. Emma (jale. 582. Emma H.. br m. 321, 339, 353. Emma Irwin. 21. .592. Emma .lane, b m (2:42 s). 192, 422. Emma K. (2::J3). (7), 8, 80, 117, 303, 521. EmmaL 343, .570. Emma M., b m, by Norman D. 158, 417. EmmaMadigan. 262. Emma Maxwell, b m (2:.34i^) (erro- neously given 2:35, page 201). Hi, ;.'5,"ll9,* 125,* 144, 145.»213, 24:!, 274.* 301.* ;i07, .308, 375, :^90, (4:i4), 437, 478, 490, 018, 658, 687, 715. Emma May, 686. Eiiiiua Montoui-. 395. EmmaO.,brm. 323. Emma P., b in. 568. Emma R., hr m. 80, 475.* Emma R., b in. ;30t{. Emma Russell, b m f2:.38i4). 513, 52:), 023. Emmas. 388.410. Emma SchouiierKer, b m. 19, 124,* .370. Emma Snyder, ch m (3:28). 572. Emma Strathmore, b m, by Strath- more. 481,* 094. Emma Stuart, b m. 97. Euimu Tanner. 159. Emma Taylor, by Alexander, dam by Gen. Taylor. :!J0.* Emma Tramp, b m (2:55), by Tramp, dam Yellow Bird, by Green's Ba- shaw, (::!7). Emma U, bin (3:04V 160. Emma V. :!97. Emma Van Vaiidt. 3.37. Emma W. 95. Emma Ward. 287. l:.mmett, ch j? (2:43*4). 12, 121, .331, 390. Emmet. 72. Emmett B. 474. Emmett Green. 239. Kmoiys gr g (2:59). ( 20). Emperor. 1 15. Emperor, ch s (2:.51). 313, (.380). 402. Emperor, b g (2:30). 14J, 285, 027, 7(J0, (715). Emperor (Black Dan), blk 8(2:29J4). 29,* 46, o2, 79, 184, 203, 2ii4, 206, 251, 203, 397, 476, 497, 568, Oil, 645, 7U8, 719. Emperor, b g (2:35^). 366, 433,* 438, 470, 670. Emperor, b g (2:48^). 1 00. (682). Emperor, br s (2:42). (95) Emperor, blk s(2:35). 4ii, 305, 561, 010. Emperor, br s (2:36>^). 282, .330, 334, 391, 512, 089. Emperor, sp g (2:42), by Joe Hooker, dam by VVildair. 385. Emperor, d s (2 : 50}^) . (142). Emperor (2:391^). 5u,(213). 670. Emperor Eclipse, chs (2:4816). 9,85. Emperor William, b s (2:27J^). 105, 100, (311), 313,* 320, ;i93,* 608, 075, 704. Empire . 7, 101. 243, 736. Empire (2:51 w). O.'l. Empire, b s (2:4514)- 33, 799. Empire, bg, by son of Tom Crow- der. 103, 136. 307,* 366, 545, 608. Empire, b g (2:35J4). 203, 259, 282, (.522*). Empire Bob. 92. Empn-e State. 342. Empire Morgan (.3:05^^). 482, (6461. Empress. .306. 626. Empret^s. 49, 56. Empress, b ni (2:46 s). 592. Empress, b m (2:30). 78,* 139, 161, 168,211, -^12. (24i/), 25 1,* 338,346,* :161,* 593, 611, 027. 041, 714. Empress, ch m (2:.33J4). 16. 80, 100, 120, 2?1, 355, 387, 493. 583, (J59. Empress b m (2:4:). 170, 189, 228. 672. Empress, ch m (2:24). 191, 289,472, 620, 618.* Empress, ch m (3:08). (.34.5). Empress, gr m, pacer (2::i3''4l. 118, 730, 750,* 709,* 772, 775, 789. Empress. 13, 427. Empress gr m (2:43^). 27, 51.200, :500, :52:!, 350, 375, 473, 502, 600.* 027, 045. Empress Girl, ch m . 16. 253. Eiuhantress, br m (2:26341. :507,551. Enchantress Medium, bm. 005,620, 719. Endless, b m (3:05). 648. Endor, ch s, by King of Denmark, dam the Bolivar mare. 0.55. Endurance, b m (2:4.5). 203, 580. Endymion. blks(2::«l^). (135*), 505. Enfield, bs (2:29). 11, 98, 99,(328*), 530. En Garde, b g 212, 551. i Engineer, br g (2:5 (K'l- 93, 194. { Engineer, br g (2:48i^j(. ;j4:j. 1 Eiiginoer K. 513. j English Maid. 129. Eiiglislimaii. 473. Enigma, blk g, pacer (2:41). 743, ' (764), 772. Enigma, b m (2:26). 17, 55, (123). 10.', 172, 298, 353,* 403, 467, 536, 539, (i.30, 050, 732. EnliLa, b m. 503. Enoch. 412. Enoeh, ch g (2:35^). 80, 30:i, 794. Enoch Anleii, br g, 280,* 31 :i. Enoch Aideu. bg (.2:30). 34, 60, 170, 288, 40(i. (073) Enoch Arden. pacer (2:36>^). 737, 7.50, 7.54. 709. (772-), 778. Enoch Arden, brg. :!9, 512, 567. Enoch Ai den, b g. 68.1. Ensign, b s (2:28J^) (erroneously giv.n 2:29)4, pa.ze 20:J). 7. 196, 209. 4.52, 504, 703, (710), 718. Ensign, b s (2:5 1 ). 507. Ensign, ch s (2:40), by GoldduBt, darn by Vt. Black Hawk. 294,* (475), 478. Ensign, bs. 642,731. Enterprise. 570, 681. Enterprise (3:01). :!16, (5S5). Enterprise (2:44J4). (660'=). Entree. 442. Envoy, br s(2:28). 10, 60, 104, 122, 150, 170. 200, 20:i, ;:'41, 370, 388, 4;i7, 45(5,* 53K, 504, 022, 623, 694,* 703, 710. 718. Eola, br m. 2(J5, 368. Eolus, b g (2:.i0). 37, 92. 250. Epaulette, b f . by Auditor. 199. Eph, blk g (2::}8M). 330, ^395). E|.li, b g (2:4.iK^). 47. Eph, b g (2:45^1). (193), 797. Eph Maynard, bs(2:46J4). 404, 450, 548. Ephraim. 560. Ephraim, ch- s. 560. Ephraim Smooth, ch g (2:43J^s). 146, 102. 280 Ephraim Smooth (John Spicer), br g (2:41). 490, 539, 503, 044, 715. Ephraim Smooth, ch g. 09. Epizootic, b s (2:56). 56, (120). Epsie (3:151^). (356). Equator. 367. Erastus (Little Jake), rn g (2:30). :531,*391.601. Erastus B. 204.* Erebus, blk s (2:28J4) 262, 735. Eric, b g (2 :28k). 325, .554, (725). Ericsson, b g (2:40). 700. Ericsson Colt. 099. Ericsson, Jr. 82. Erie (Trouble), b g (2:34). 100, 120, 105, 212, 29 i, 322, 371, (397), 470, 545, 017, 644. Erie Abdallah, b s ^2:43). 289, 508. Erie Bov, brs(2:4ti). (-'98), 308, 427. Erie Boy, b g (3:14). 7, 1.!. Erin Chief, ch s. 153, .302, 631. Erin-go-bragh (2:54J^). (301). ErlKing. 705. Ernest, b s (2:46). 16, 63, 145, 457, 519. Ernestine (2:37). 29, 116. 141, (166*), 199, 264, 270, 330, 350. 400, 606, 798, 803. Ernest L., bg (2:36»^). 128, 725. Ernest Springer. 323 Esculapius. 239. Esau (2:40!^). (.57*). Escape, ch g (2:4.5). 51, 221, 408. Essayed, b g (2:50), by Byain'a I oiipon, dam Sue Monday. (393). Essex, bg (2:40). 41. 638, 708.* 732 * Essex (2:5.5). (678*). Essex, brg(2:29«^i. (462). 800. E-sex Maid, b in (2:30). 1 !, 42, 236, 244, 271.. 3.56,* .51:!, 708. Essex Maid, b m (2:.3.5>^). 51, 113, •-•:!2, 253. 347. 444, 449, 462, 499, .583. 088,* 801. Essie Hollywood, br m (2:38). 56,* 05.207. Estella, ch m . 103. Estella. br m. pacer (2:23M). 455, 7:58,* 746,* 752,* 7.56, 700,* 787, 708, 784. INDEX OF BEATEN HORSES. 861 EsteUa, blk m (3:27^!. 341, (343). Estella, b m, by Jupiter Abdallah. 1:5, 345, 438. 638. Esther T..brm. 15, 20.3, 374, 522, 540. Ethan, rn g. 250. Ethan, blk g. 220,235, 240, 256. Ethan, cU k (2:44^). 10b, (118), 201, 231, 476. 532. Ethan. 2U1. Ethan (Royal George, Jr.),bg. (2:43). 432, 586, 801. Ethan, b g (2:45). (114), 4.35. Ethan AUen, b s (2:25i4). 71, 142, 2U). 2;JU, ' 227, zm,* 265, 295, 601, 752,* 796. 797. Ethan Allen br g (2:45%)- "49. 549, (555*), 706, 794. Ethan AKen, brs (2:41). 421. EthanAllen, bg (2:-i5). 549, (600), Etlilii Allen (2:57). 202,* 309, (404), 528. Ethan Allen, b s, by King Philip, dam by Hiram Drew. 219. Etliau Allen, b s. 249. Ethai Allen, Jr., h k (2:481. 398. Ethan Allen, Jr., b s (2:43). 52,325, 5(i8. Ethan Allen, Jr. (2:42). (413), 456. Ethan AUen, Jr , (2:47). (562). Ethan Allen, Jr., b s (2:453^) (erro- neously given 2:47, page 204). 273, 650, 6.59. 681, (713). Ethan Dan, b s, by Lacld's Ethan 'Allen, 202, 566, 685, 706. Ethan Wilkes. 95. Ethel gr m (2:23). 86, 149, 155.164, ] 72, 440, 448, 464, 468, 627. Ethel, h m. 329. Ethel ch ra (2:37), (501). Erhel, b m . 482. Ethel Medium, bm (2: 253^). 12,*80, 89,121, 134, 145. 184. 194,* 199, 209. L'48, 259, 264, 287 * 303, 317,* 318,326.346, 375, 38,3,457,467, 481, 488, 495, 550,* 654, 688,* 703, 713. Ethel R,bm. 288,300. Ether. SOU, 447. Ethna. 189. Etta. 155. Etta. 456. Etta. 690. Etta A., ch m (2:37^). 8, 129, 236, 327. 652, 677. 718. Etta B., br m (2:o3). ,515. EttaC. b m,pacer(2:29}4). (7.56*), 777, 783. Etta May 292. Etter. pacer. 738. EttieDilham (2:41). 659. Ettie F., chm(-':34). (689). Ettie Jones, b m (2:20). 28. 61, 183,* 184.* 196, 266, 288, •J90,*447, 515, 516.* 638.* Ettie S. 235. Euclid, ch g (2.-41). 76, 147, 199, 485, 518, 639. Faber.b 8(2:40). 28, 30, 101,149, 212,(479), 512, 531. F. A. Cook, chs (2:46}^). 53,358, 484, 485, Factory Boy, ch b (2:35). 107, 206, 212, 420, 468, 471, .=)06, 538, 652, 680. Factory Boy, chg (2:471^). 31, 191. Factory Girl (2:46). 320, 553. Factoiy Girl (Lady Rogers), b m (2:2954). 273, 287, 407, (657). Factory Girl (2:52^). 96, (377), 544, 582, 80(1. Factory Girl, br m 157. Fagan, er cr (2:3.'%). 251, 391, 559,* 583, 800. Eudora (S-AQ). 88, U6, 465. 558. Kuf aula Boy, b s (3 :09). 197, (278), 284. Eugene, blk g (2:51). 19, 111, 131, 264. 319, (42^). Eugene (Tommy Dodd), bg (.2:39^). (259), 266,* Alo, 439. Eugene, b g. 86,*, ll.i, 407. Eugenie, m m. 191, 271. EUii:eneCasserly,grs(2:45).61, L63, 265, 403. 435.* (641), 793,* 802.* Eugene R,, gr g (2:58 w). 162, 640. Eulela, bm. 171, 696. Eulia, ch m (2:3:). 110, -58, 351, 421, 464,* 516, Euna, h m. 368. EujiH e Ann, gr m (2:45?^). (179),239, 602, 648, 649. Eureka, b g. 299. Eureka, blk g (2:523^). 178. Eureka, gr g (2:35). 175, (295), 410, 680. Em-eka, blk g (2:23). 66, 112,* 115,* l;<3, 161, 251, 452, 600. 607. Eureka, gr g (2:37). 1J9, (337), 466, 490. Em-eka, bg (2:43J^ w). 239, 333, 343, 484. Eureka, gr g (3:04). (101). Eutiw, b g (2:47). 505, 630. Euta>v, ch g (2:43^). (87), 412. Eutch, Jr. 341. Eva, gr m (2:391.4). (249*). 331, 364. Eva, gr m (2:291^). 208,* (242), 712. Eva, b m (2:51i^ w)(2:40 s). 210, (599). Eva (CJlen Mare and Swallow), b m (2:25»4). 8, 6;;, 83, «4, 112, 116,* 133, ]o5, 171. 182, 271, 411 ,* 437, 446,* 449,* 495, 498, 512, 533, 586,* 652, 660, 600, 722,* (729), 732. Eva (3:00). 158,(347). Eva (Ruth and Ella Millard), b m (2:3.51^). 62. Eva, wh m (2:,o2i^). 53, 113, 155, 191, 203, :. 01, 346, 369, 396, 400, 528, 588, 621, 674. Eva, bm (2:34). 201,223, 231. 236, 268.* .309, 317, 328, 384. Eva. blk m (2:27). 17, (51), 64, 207, 209, 214, 229,*. 265,* 287, 424, 455. 495,* 603. 644. 688, 705. Eva, bm (2:25^). 716. Eva, blk m 422, 687. Eva, b m. 70, 687. Eva, b m. 123, 793, Eva, gr m, by Princeps, dam by Scott's Blue Bull. 458, 608 Eva Beil, by Almont Pilot, dam Josie Ferris, by Clark Chief. 79. EvaD.. chm. 285,638. Eva Bradley, br m (2-AG14). 514. Eva F. 185. EvaG. 348. Eva K. 46, 50. Eva L., b n^ 246.* Eva L.. b m, pacer (2:36). 739, 763. Evadne, b m. 17. Evansburg. b g (2:59i4). 104. Evangeline (3:23). (140). 699.* F Fairbanks, chg (3:07). (350), 6; Fair Cloud, b m, by Almont, by Flying Cloud. ;J85. Fairfield, blk s (2:50) C2:41K- s), 369. Fairfield Maid, b m (2:51). 31. 628, 802. Fair Lady, b m, by Dictato:-, by Almont. 31. Fairmont, pacer (2:36). (740). 787. Fairmont, ch g (2:29i^). 63, 124, 144, 145, 188, 193, 205,* 2.30. 294. 370. :;83.* 406. 4.56. 504,* 555,* 622, 636, 650, 658 703,* 716.* dam (6), 293, dam 777, 103, 216, 489. ,694, Eva R., ch m (3:18), by Sunshine. 495, ^5.0), 553. EvaT., bm. 234,241. Eva West, ch m (3:9:i), by Ameri- can Clay, dam by Sebastopol. 212, (488). Eve, b m (2:29i4). 29, 31.* 64, 189, 200, 268,* 285, 384, 566,* 652. Eveland. 254. Evelina, bm (2:42). 161, 358, 370, 473, .5«8, 615, 660. E\eiine, blk m (2:34). 166, 2.55, 278, .355, 389. 536. 6 'A, 625. Evehna, br m (2:51), by Backman's Idol, dam by AbdaUah Chief. 95, 221, 537, (.-99). Eveline, b m (2:50%). (718). Eveline, gr m. 18. Evening Star, b g. 419. Even John, cli g (2:31). 10, 15, 184, (186). 2:4, 291, 560, 564, 707. Even Kate. 642. Ever. 565. Everett (Jericho), brg (2:30). 108, 130, 2!0, (.542). Everett Boy, blk g (2:41). 53, 78, 211, 259, 316, :?,55, 378, 611. Everett Boy, b g (3:00). 121, 49.,^, (59-,-). Everett Ray, b g (2:25). 22, 35. 44, 132. 139, 140, 222, 235, 259, 316, 362, 4U3, 493, 52v,* 523, (652), 671. Ever True. 589. Evia, blk m(2:35M). 297, (449), 482, 507, • 632. Ewbank's sp g. 7'';1. Ewing. b g (2:211^). 164.* 194, 225, 231, 354.* 384, 402, 722. Ev.'alt's Filly. 4-.5. Excelsior, b s (2:48) (erroneously given 2:51, page 207). 282, 382, 616. 626. Excelle, b s 1 82. Exception, b g (2:26}^). (32), 392, 478, 657,- 710. Exchange. 802. Exchange, bs (3:06 J4). 179, 381,453. Exchequer. 654. Execution. 29.' i. Executor (Prairie Chief ), b s (2:26). 26.63, 125, 196, 199, 288, 301, 342, 375, .379, 390, 452, 467, 482, 550, 60i,6'i2, (658), 688,710. Exie. ch g, 158, 649. Expectation, b g (2:35i4). 100, 156, 202, 383. 386, 392, 503, 508.* 532,* 724 Experiment, blk m (2:45). 61, 137,. 169, 281. Experiment, b g (2:50). 468. Expert. 333, 698. Express, b m i2:31). 251, 403. Express (2:48}^). 177, 546, 557. Express. 39. Express. 213. Express Girl (2:52). (337). Ezra J..bg. 16. EzraL.,rng(2:21»4). 105,495.* Ezra Patchen. 501. Ezra Walker. 404. Fairmont Boy. 399, 660. Fair Play, rns. 211,388,626,713. Fairy. 314, 8ul. Fairy, bm (2:51). 19,39,71,92. Fairy, blk m. 288, 369, 600. Fairy Goldsmith, br m by John Goldsmith, dam by Sir Henry. 359. Fairy Queen, br m (2:40^). (161), 296, :i49, 564. Fairy Gift, br s, by Hero of Thorn- dale, dam Fairy Belle. 481. Fairy Queen, m m, pacer (2:31). 426, 763, 789. Faith, b m, by Lexington Chief, Jr. 174. 86.' CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PAOINQ RECORD. Faith "errick, gr m, 138,191,562. Faiiliful. brg. ;i27. 670. Faithful C-^-AH). (61). Faithful, gr s. :«J!), J 7 Faicou, ch g (,':30). 159,* 169, (200*), '^68, 308,* 328, 400, 548, 601,* 704. Fall Kiver (lirl. 13. .".03, 602. Falmuulh, b gC-':riO). 25."). Falii.outli Boy, b g ( ^:25»i^). 8, (29). 115. J:5S, 272, 580,* 708* Fail. 171. Fail, b 111(2:53). (111). Fan. 265, 280.* 530. Faouber, bg(2::U). 11,95, (138*), 297, 3(57, 51.1, 042, 694, 711, 73.5. Faachon, br m (2::i8). 88, 89. 132, 167,325,418,432. Fanchon. ^24.534,665.* Fanchon. Ulk m ( ':50). 44, 55, 119, 158, 201, 341, 343, 358, 411, 438, 439, 444.* 613. 050, 802. Fanchon, b g (2:50;>4). 152, (362).093. FauclH u, b 111. 202. Fancies (2:47). (437). Fancy, b m (2::i0). 74* 153, 159, 162. 2r:i. 329, :i74. 384, 399.* Fancy, br m (2:3794). 535, 5:16, 546, 608. 009.* 018. Fancy, b m (3:00). 39, 281, 322. Fancy, ch m (2:31>4). 118. Fancy Day, b m (2::i9). 58. 70, 126. (239), 205, 496, 622, 661,* 718,* 721. Fancy Jack (3:011^). 249, 262, Fancy Golddust, b s, by Golddust. 110, 122. 396.* Fancy R.. b m (2:41). 305, 389. Fanny, chrn(2:36»^). 88, 142,163, 561, .39:1, 024, 043, 074. Fanny, b m (2:50), 548. Fanny, b m (2:57 \v). 177, 313. Fanuv, b m (2:31). 222. 430.* Fanny, b m (2:50). 24, 448. Fanny, grm (2:38). 27, 210,* 560, 639.* Fanny (Saucebox), b m (2:413^). 312, (337), .338, 372, 397, 408, 51 1, .565, 630, 734. Fanny, srtn (2:37). 120, 187, 246. .399, 449,476, 674. Fanny, b m (2:39) 10, 70, 78, 167, 20 1 , 205, .326, 070.* 798. Fannv, h m (2:42^). 281. 379. Fanny, b m(2:40%). 76.282,289, 338, .394, 484, 610, 093, 711. Fanny, ch m (2:41 14). 45. 192, 368 Fanny, b m (2:50). 384, 401, 497, 042, 096. Fanny, ch ni (2:27) (erroneously given 2:.'9, page 210), by Hutchin- son's Morrill, dam a Morgan Mare (erroneously ascribed to Flying Banner, page 210). 84, 92.* 132, i:l7,* 103, 165, 190, 197, 207,* 224, 23S,* 265, 276, 318, 33«. 349,* 3.57, 368,* 371, 884,* 402, 407,417, 421,* 430, 436,* 464, 512. .'i53, 564,* 575, 577,* 583, 627,* 686. Fanny, b m (2:46). 61. 71, 279, 401, 6.")«. Fanny (3:25). (312), .389. Fanny, cr in (2:48). 97. Fanny, b in (:i:00). 254, 573, 651. Fanny (2:4.3%). 11, 78, 104, 109, 13S, 2;i3, (424), 448, 494, 551, 620, 669. Fanny, ch m (3:00). 77, 78,* 358, 40.-), 588. Fanny ( belle of Watertown). blk m (2::i5). 72,93, 111, 165, 178, 185, 209, 22-', 398, 477, 5.33, 539,* 650, 68.', 688, 798. Fanny (2:.".2). 102, 133, 171, (452). Fanny (2:43). 35, 68. Fanny, br m (2:58). 211, 683. Fanny, b m(2:54 w.) 25, 77, 90, 120, 1.55, 178. 311. 526, 637, 687,802. Fanny, b m (2:48). 23, 126, 191, 221, 276,-285,383. Fanny, b m (2:50). 109, 180, 195. (2-7), :J01,* 389, 402, 524, 571. Fanny, dim (2:32) 87, 123,* 17.3, 309. 389, 4.36,* .542 648. 665. Fanny, b m (2:38). 04, 114, (340), 452, .571. 046. 666. Fanny, wb m(2::i8). 3:.'0, 489, 517, 562, 01",.* 618,684. Fanny, b m (2:51>^). 47, 325 Fanny. 490, 542. Fanny (2:35). :{47, :{48. .524. Fannv. 1:J3, 190, .3.{9. 516. Fannv , blk m (:',:04). I(j3. 400. Fannv, ch m (2:51K>)- 129, 212. I Fannv, ch ra (3:01). 54, 130, 716. Fannv, blk in (2:4;i)- 62, 81, 90, 100, ;J48, 423, 798. Fanu>, l(i7, 342. Fanny, b in, pacer. 741*, 746, 775, I 791. Fanny, brm (2:3fi). 229, 233, .309, 311,347,415, 5:J1, 706, 725. 730, 734. ! Fanny, b m (3:08J4). 274, 299, 450. Fanny, b in (2:")8). 9, 345. Fanny ch m (2:4.3). 31, 50, 57, 507, (604*). 690. Fanny, ch m (2:561^). 265. Fanny, b m (2:43^4). 84, 100, 480, 540. Fannv, b oi (2:4094), ^, 107, 173, 407, (452), 545. Fanny, b m (3:13). 412. Fanny (2:50). (117). Fanny (2:5:3). (161). Fanny, gr m, 418. Fanny, b m (2:4694). (121), 4.31, 560. Fannv, gr m (2:.54). 256. 581, .584. Fanii.y, pacer (2:32). (739), 7.56, 773. Fanny, br m, pacer (2:55i^), by Fly- ing Dutchman. 764. Fanny (2:52)/'). (549) Fanny (2:41). 117, (435). Fanny, blk m, pacer (2:3294)- 741, 754, 792.* Fanny, b m (2:36). 46.5, (466*), 870. Fanny, ch m (2:58). (255). Fanny (2:47). 1.50, (3.38). Fanny(2:51}4)- (361). Fanny, b m (2:41)^), by Young Ethan Allen. (6.3.3). Fanny, chm (2:44). 78, (161), 268, 305, 377, 497. Fanny (3:00). (500), 544. I Fanny, blk m (2:45). 55, 212, 571, .574. j Fanny A. (2:.j4). (70). Fanny Alfred, ch m (2:45). (.356), :;05. 578. I Fanny Allen. 216. Fanny Allen, b m (2:28^) (2:25i^*). 5, .30, 78, 129*, 142, 158, 193, 218, 317, (323*), 337, .352,* 413, 463, 485, 520, 680, 799. I Fanny Allen, b m by Ethan Allen Jr., dam *^ inoua. 323. Fanny Allen, pacer. 777. Fanny Allen, b m. 24, 600. Fanny Allen, b m. 284. Fanny Appleton, ch m. 346. .388. Fanny Archer, b ra (2:36)4). 240 Fanny Atwocd, \vh m (2:34)^). 182, 218, .594, 623, 6.36. Fanny Augusta, b m. 59, .398, 619, 679.* Fanny A. Wood, b m. 390. Fanny B., b ni, pacer (2:35)^). 2:J7, (7.53*). Fanny B., b m (2:40). 90, 107, 218, 646. Fanny B., b m. 375, 383, 405, 4.58, 553, 717. Fanny B., b m(2:45). (362), 364, 510, 648. Fanny B.,wh m, (2:33)^). 141. (345), 568, 597*, 613. 795. Fanny B.. b m (3:00 w). 147. Fanny Barnuin (3:05). (99). Fanny Bat«.s, b ni (2:44). 97, 329*. Fanny Bell, wh ra (2:35^). 67, 420, 442, 443, 719. Fanny Bitts. in in (2:50^). 730. Fanny Bigsby, ch m. 14, 3i:5, 349, 597. Fanny Bixbv. 1 1.3, 492*, 496, .586. Fanny Blackwood, b m (2::45i^). 73, .383*, 748 Fanny B. P., ch m, bv Limber Bill. 40. 58, 166, 176, 417. Fanny Blan- ch m (2:5394). (726). Fanny Bradbury, b m (2:37)4). 383, 487, 604, 693. Fanny Brown, ch m (2:42). 25, .35, (298), 340, .399, 542, .591, 595, 613, 690. Fanny Brady, b m (2:.)2). (207). Fanny Builard, 212. Fanny Burke, b m (2:41J^). 72, 306, 490. Fannv Brown, b m. 415. Fanny C, br m, pacer. 785. Fanny C, hr m (2:34V^i. by Wood- ward's Ethan Allen, dam by Tur- ner's Black Hawk. 51, (153). 427, 449, 579. Fanny C, b m (';:.33). 51,70,172, 201. 510, 545, 710. Fanny C. .38,174. Fanny C, ch m (2:50) (erroneously printed 2:58)^, page 212). (649). Fanny Carr, b in (2:r>4)^). 66, 152. Fanny Castelar. 260. Fanny Clay, gr m (2:51). 46.3, 502. Fanny Clipper. 268. Fanny Come Up. 331. Fannv D., pacer. 764. Fanny D.,' b m (2:31) 9, 90, 153, (154*), 206. 545, 078, 696, 726. Fanny ])., grm. 579. Fanny D., ch m (2:.->194). I'j"'*- Fanny D., ch m, by Sargeiifs Patch- en, dam by Jack Hawkins. 551. Fanny D. (3:14). .384. Fanny Dean, br m (2:45)4). 301. Fanny Dodge. 10. 155. 458. Fanny Drew, b m (2:49;. 282, 413, 446. Fannv Duget. 648. Fanny E., b m. 136, 598. Fanny E., b m, by Daniel Lee. 141, 425. 606 Fanny Eaton, pacer. 776. Fanny Ellsler, gr m (2:40). 654. Fannv Ellsler, b m (2:48). 424. Fanny Ellsler. br m t2:.">4). ( !86). Fanny Ellsler, b m. 592. Fanny Ellsler, gr m, pacer (2:27>6). 757. Fanny Evans, b m (3:00). 353, 434, 437, 609, 685. Fanny F., gr m (2:.58i4). 84. Fanny F.. ch m (3:04). 328, (444), 473, 703. Fanny Felter. 448. Fanny Fern, b m (2:42)^). 97, 297, (397). 402, 451. 570, 591, 640, 676, 720, 732. Fannv Fern, pacer. 781. Fannv Fern (Edna), rn m (2:29i4), (2:27)^ s). 155,320,351. Fanny Fnm, ch m (2:32)4). 1.33, 143, 162, 167, 182, 220, 251, 307.* .331. 334, .353, :{87, 422, 436, -4.39, 440, 454, 457. 407, 553,* 575, 577, 589, 643, 050, 009, 072. Fanny Fern, bm (2:41). 183, 307, 441.493. Fanny Fern, b in (2:37). 19, 93. 210, .387, 408, (492*), 517, 018, 028,* 055, 713. Fanny Fern, br in (2:34)4) (errone- ously jirinted 2:;J8, page 213). (16), 38, 52, 64 60, 8,3, 10.3, 104, 123, 129, 101, 205, 291, .308, 345, 452.475, 051. Fanny Fern, cli m <2:32^). 111,327, 329, (424). Fanny Fern, b m, pacer (2:2894). 92, 758. 759. Fanny Fisher, b m (2:32). 60, 283, 432, 624, 705. INDEX OF BEATEN HORSES. 863 Fanny Ferris. 217, 342. Fanny Forest, b m. 6:30.* Fanny Forest, br m. 60, 110, 591, 611,7:33. Fanny Foster, b nn2:3.3). 323, 505, (575, 085. Fanny Forester. 07,448. Fanny G.,blkni (2:44). 192,* 221, 672, 698. Fanny G., gr m (2:33). 99, 129, 210, 250, 272, 282, 288, 304, 308. 397,* 500, 524, 561, .380, 583, 615,* 631,* 681,* 79o, 800. 802.* Fanny G, blkm. K-8. Fanny Gilbert, ch m (2:39). .23.* 276,340,* 418, 596,* 618, 640, 690,* 699. Fanny Golddust, ch ni, pacer (2:25M). 741. Fanny uolddust, brm (2:50). 274, 634. Fannv Gray (2:47). 77, 555. Fanny Grav, gr m (2:40). 24, .30, 76, 135". 329, 526. Fanny Gray, bm (3:07). 197. Fanny Gray. 289. Fannv Greenman (2:44%). (021), 798. Fanny Greenwood (3:04). (:312). Fanny H.,cbm (2:45). 9, (41), 99, 27.3, 335,* 373, 395, 486, 491, 631, 698. Fanny Haws. 124. Fanny Hill 281. 472, 682. Fanny Hope, b m (2:43% w). 405. Fanny Howell, ch m. 403. Fanny Rowland, sp m. 425. Fanny Irwin, ch m (2:31i^). 31, 79.* 87,* 189. 229, 256, 257, 264, 307, 326, 385, 391 , 455, 458, 470, 579, 601, 622,623. Fanny Hulett. 690. Fannv Henderson, pacer. 736. Fanuy Jt fferson, br m (2:29). 25, 37,* 211, 362, 414, 471, (533), 546, 549, 560, 574, 670,* 701. Fanny Jenks.rnm (2:441^. 313.423. Fanny K. (2:50). (399). Fanny Kellogg. 169, 662. Fanny Kemble, ch m (2:.38M). 37, 287. 409. Fanny Kemble, ch m (2:36). (675).« Fanny Kemble (2:52 s). 15, (192). Fanny Kemble, gr m. 336, .381. Fanny King, ch m (2:36). 76,129, 584, 656. Fanny L., b m, bv S. J., dam Sally Hunt, 705. Fanny L., b m (2:59). 54, 699. Fanny L., b m (2:37). 258,* (421). Fanny L., b m. 241. Fanny Lambert, br m (2:331^). 23, 48, '92, 126, 127. 203, 213,* 249, 279, 355, .369, 376, 396, 402. 421, 436, 439, 455, 4 9. 512. 539, *639.* Fanny Lawrence. 19, 188, 701. Fanny Lee, b m (2:29i4). 129, 143, 213, 250. 292,* 346, 503, 510, 517,* 574. e80, 683,* 712, 724,*' 803. Fanny Leigh (2:37^)- (308*), 439. Fanny Lightfoot. 276. Fanny Lent, ch m (2:48). (68), 179, 344. Fanny Lewis. (801). Fanny Lucre, bm(2:.33i^). (96), 254, 6.5:i, 7-.32. Fanuy Lvons. 390* Fanny JL, blkm (2:3314). 3.5,116, no, 160. 193, 201, 212,222,260, 296, 318, 333, 504, 527, 579. 599, GOl.* Fanny M., br m (2:59}^). 39, 350, (.585). Fanny Mack. 198, 474. Fanny Malone. (521). Fanny May, b m (2:40). 29,129, 399, (.507*). Fanny May, blk m, by Champ Fer- guson, dam by Albion. 715. Fannv Mayo, dn m. 123. Fauny McCrackei'. 558. Fanny McCoimick, br m, by Black- bird. 72, 332, 414, 726, 797. Fanny Miller, ch m (2:34). :j12, 599. Fanny Miller, b m, by Joe Downing, da,ni by ftlanibrmo Chorister. 68, 172, 175, 641. Fannv Mitchell. 93, 322. Fanny Morgan. (.390). 442, 642. Fanny Moore. 652,(721). Fanny Moulton. 329. Fannv Nichols, rn m (2:48). 36, 191, 213, 624. Fannv O., b m (2:38). (12), 579. Fanny Osborn, b m (2:35%). 101,267, 296. 520. 618, 623, 723. Fanny f'Stler, b m (i:55). 674. Fanny Otis (Louise), b m (2:28%). 293, 3.50, 352, (390), 414. Fanny Owens. 668, 698.* Fanny Palmer, brm. :^54, 350,* 589, 599 Fanny P., blkm (2:46i, by Wood- ijuru Pilot. 197, 235, 433,446, 448, 510, 527, 528, 601, 647, (687), 709. Fanny Pardee. 502. Fanny Parvin, ch m (2:44}^). 259, 452, 4.59. Fanny Patchen. ch m (2:43). 73, 131, 475. .506, 556. Fannv Pierce, pacer (2:36i4)- 354, 736^ 762. Fanuy Phillips, chre (2:57). 648, 693 Fauny Phipps, b m (2:45). (70), 529, 806. Fanny R , b m (2:47^). 15,* 326, 381, 383, 536. Fanny Randall, b m (3:04). (692). Fanny Raymond (Princess), b m (2:30). 54, 296, 351,353,* 392,441, 477. Fanny Ripley (2:49}4). 76. Fanny Robinson, b m (2:50). (129*). Fanny Robinson, br m (2:20i4)- 26,* 72, 81. 152, 164, 192, 196, -Mi, 321, 325, 407. 467, 489, 502, 515, 552, 573, 609, 622,* 656, 705*. (708*), 724 Fanny Rose. 665. Fanny S., b m. 298, 438, 570. Fanny S., br m (3:12i^). (60), 204, 233, 607, 707. Fanny S., pacer. 756. Fanny Shaw, ch m (2;49%). 210, 448. Fanny Shepherd, b m. 18,* 345. Fanny Shepherd. (2:^8), 270. Fanny Sloan, b m (3:01). (7). Fanny Smith, b m (2:50). 48. Fanny Sollace, blk m, by Highland Gray, dam by Hambletonian. 427, .530. Fanny Sprague, br m (2:33%). 114, 352, 369, 549, 633. Fanny Star, b m. 155, 2,2. Fanny Stoner, b m (2:43^^), by Mambrino Le Grand, dam Ned, by Berkeley's Edwin Forrest. 47, 61. 340,"* 447, (555), 580, 581, 589, 609, 6.56, 725. Fanny Street, ch m (2:53%). 24, 374, 697. Fanny T., blk m (2:421^). to* 484, 674. Fanny Thompson (2:59). 607. Fanny Thome, b m (2:44^4). 90, 176, 356, 704.* Fanny Tighe (2:50). (684). Fanny Tileston. 2.38.* Fanny Trinket, by Chadwick's Ab- dallah. 408. Fanny Varick, b m. 168, 217 223. Fanny Van (2:40). 396, (695). Fanny W., gr m. 371, 638,* 641. Fanny W., ch m (2:56). 23, (659). Fanny W., ch m. 718. Fanny W., blk m (2:50). 53, (2:i7), 341. Fanny W.,bm. 136,368,438,491, 505, 688. Fanny W., pacer. 766. Fanny W. Anderson, b m. 8. Fanny Waite (2:54). 101, 1 20, 352, (459), 650.* Fanny Washington. 76, 116, 331. Fanuy 'Valker, ch m (2:50^4). (530). Fanuy Westlake. 689. Fanny Wentworth. 58. Fanny xveluh. 352. Fanny White, ch m (2:43). 221, 582. Fanny Wnite (2:50). (77) 355. Fanny Wilkes, br m (2:26^). 31, 36, 173, 199, 465, 594,* (o54), 658, 659, 689. Fanny Wilkins (2:57). (106). Fanny Wilson, b m, pacer (2:47),|by Gen. Mculellan, dam by Belle Alta. (365), 391, 5.53. Fanny Witherspoon, ch m (2:17). 9, 26,* 51, 80, 8d, 115, (173), 174, 194, 367, 370, 371, 383, 604, 5 i 5, 608, 620, 631, 653, 688, 701, 717, 7l9,* 72'.3, 723. Fanny Wood (Lilly Belle), b m (2:38). 117, 125, 59:j,*720. Fanny Wright (3:00) (149), 563 Fantom, b mr4::38J4). (:)47). Fan W., rn m (2:44^). 466,* 511, Farce, bm (2:29)4). (51*), 723. Fare v\ ell, bg. 147. Farley D. 621. Farm. 726 . Farmer, b g (2:48). 515.* Farmer, br g (2:40). 221 , 517. Farmer, ar g, pacer. 765. Famer Bain, blk g (2:37%). 85, 86, 215, 366, 489, 544. Farmer's Beauty. 159, 444, 697. Farmer Bov. bg (2:45). 97, 214,* 399, 413, 639 Farmer Boy, ch g (2:35)^) (errone- ousiy printed 2:3j, page 21'J). 69, 110, i32,* 179, 218, 24U, 24:i,* (244*), 319,* 347, 352, 432,* 4.37, 470, 491. 513, 523, 576, 624, 651,* 799. Farmer Boy, b g (2:43i^). (232), 331. Farmer Boy (2:38). 137, 166, 149, 296, 335, 346, 430, 435, 572, 576, 621, 659, 673, 681, 706.* Farmer Boy, ch g (2:44i4)- 453 . Farmer Boy. 408. Farmer Boy, brg (2:40%). 271, 291. 419. Farmer Boy, grg(2:28). 67, 100, 105, 140, 141, ISO, 237. (340), 248, 316, 390, 395, 420, 428, 461, 474, 622. Farmer Boy, bg(2::37). 490,* (685*). Farmer Bov, blk g (2:44i/o). 67, 350, .391, 545,' 605. Farmer Boj', pacer. 751. Farmer Boy (3:01). (10), 44l, 456, 491, 552, 686. Farmer Boy, b g (2:40)^). (167), 486. Farmer Boy (2:51). (U(), 167, 364. Farmer George, br g. I'M. Farmer Girl, b m (2:44)^). 102, 174, 297, 300, 303,* 310, 324, 390, 442, 549,* 607, 693. Farmer Dan. 300. Farmer Maid, bm (2:28)^). 14, 154, 224,* 241, 286, 319, (356*), 361, 476, 657.* Farmer Brown. 294,* 712. Farmer's Daughter. 202, 318.* Farmer John. 283. Farmer t>locum, blk g (2-34J^). (224*), 612. Farmer Todd. 341. Farmington Girl (2:48). 432, 616. Faro, ch g (2:30). 165. 445.* Faro Queen, pacer, by Daniel Drew. 738. Farragut (Blue Mountain Boy and Bay Billy), b g (2:31^). 294, 304, 308, 320, 342,* 355, 385, 421, 585, 717. Farren's rn m (2:42). (424). Far West, b g. 614. Fashion. 709. Fashion, bm (2:44%). 292, 325,518, 539. 8(;i CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. Fashion , b m (2:48). 423, 431,* 4.">^. 7:J1. Fashion, ch m (3:07;. 3S, (100), 124, 674. Fashion, b m, 14,* 374, 605. FasiiiuD. b m. aS'i. Fashion, gr ni (2:41?4). 534, 591, (731). Fashion, rn m (2:41?^). 192, 200, 251,317, r)71. Fashion, ch m (2:37J^). 60, 23.">, (289) 298, 378, 551, .-)95. 638, 797. Fasliion. b m (2:23>^). 40, 47, 91, 93. 109.* 125.1,-,0, 15K, 164, 165,* 182. 199, 204, 207, 224, 227, 275, 288,* ;.tj7, 370, 379, 380, 386, 421, 489, 022, (658). Fasiiion,b g (2:3494). 68, 75, 123, 280, 473. 6:50, 670, 734. Fasliion, Jr. 547. Fast C'olor.>f, ch p. 304, 711. Fat Dan, bg (2:43), by Richmond I oy. 84, (1C3), 2t)2. Fothir Mac. 135. Faugh -a-ballagh, bg(2:26). 17,221, 238, :V,7, 405, 530, 58;J, ((i02), 619, 637, 703. Fauliless. 459. Faustina, bm (2:28}4). 1'. 8, 323. Fau.stina. Svl* Favoni s, blk g, by Geo. Wilkes, dam Ijy St. Lawrence. 481. Favorite. 150. Favorite, ch m (2:35%). 61, 257, (277), 364,481. Favorite, ch m (2:30). 17, 3.5, 83, 113, 130. 154, 21.', 215, 3Gt, 405, 414, 484, 732, 802. Favorite, gr m (3:00-%). (443), 632. Favorite Wilkes, b s, by George Wilkes 3(i, 333. FawH, br m (2::;0^). by Marion, dam by Flaxtail. (632). Fay. .")39. Fayette, brg (2:3934). 33, 84. 336. 391, 416. F. B., b m (2:1714). 15,* 331, 356,* 527, 599. F. D . b g (2:3n>4). 27. 35, 62. (333). Fearful, u s, by dictator. 143. Fear'.ess. 68. Feanss (Grace), b m (2:28 w). 91, 127, 147, 159, 184, 215, 248,* 251, 260,* 3.55, 387, 459, 487, 498. 519, 629,- 6.55, 664, 069, 690. Fearle.ss, gr m (2:42) 260. Fearless, br s. 175, 461, 699. Fearless, b g (2:38>^). 18, 111, 166, 180. 209, (:5:t6), 305, 538. Fearless. bg(2:50«4). 39, 233, 246, 535, (681*). Fearless, b m (2:.59). 27, 201, 519. Fearless, gr e (2:44). 5. 23, 26, 323, 388. 43G, 493, 507,* 523, 529, 545, (583), 601, 627. Fearless, cli g (3:00). 629. Fearless Jim, blk g (2:.54%). 23, 202. 473. FrtarL-ss Knox. 1^,44. Fearnaught, b g. 406, 436, 5.31. Fearnaught, blk s. 141, 43(i, 526, 654 Fearnaught, ch s (2:23^). 78, 252, 262,* :J64, 575,641. Fearnaught. b s (2:29). 08, 230, 251, 275, 288, 337, 411, 41C, 483, 520, 565, 0U5. Fearnaught. ch s (2:42). 69. Ill, 19.3, 243, 214, 2rlO, (342), 474,583. Fearnaught, ch g. 422, .504. Fearnaught Boy. b s (2:4.3). 1.54, 708. Fearnauiiht Chief (:{:05i. 40. Fearnaught Jr., i-h 8(2:20). 308. 400. Fearnaught Jr., h g(2:37). 28. (i9, 165, 251,(318), GSl. Fearnaught Jr., b a (2:.33). (294). Fearnaught Jr. (2:52). 41, (387). Fearnaught Prince, blk s (2:37). (.337). Fearnaught Spy, ch s, .572. Fear Not, ch g, by Moscow. 241, 393, 472. Fear Not. bs (2:47). 81, 108, 115, 128, 1 J2. Fear IJot. 201, 430. Fed. 353. Felix, wh g(2:50). (.i52). Felix, rn g, pucer (2:24^). (738*), 744, 745,* 752, 75:;, 7.')ii. 702. 780. Felix, bg (2:2.5>4). 16, 563, 608, 657.* Felix (2:37J4i. (V6), 553 FeUon. 223. 468, 541, 628.* Fenian Hoy (2:22^*). 749. Fenian Boy, cii g (3:10). 1.5, 135. Fenian Boy, b s (2:54). 390, ((530). Fenian Chief. .35, 211. Fenie. 494. Fenner, ch g (2:32). 90, 119, 302,* 474, 508, (.577). Fennel 's b g (2:42). (688). Fenimore, ch g (2:37). 7, 49.* 57, 67, 92, 387, 442, 45.3. 534, 625, Q06. FergU'ion's b s. 43, 516. Fern (3:0594). (•"'98). Fern Leaf, rn m. 335,* 4Hi.(, "88.* Ferre. 204. Ferris' blk g (2:41). 469. Ferry Heu>liaw, b g (2:4154). 14o,* 219. 392, 517. F. F, ch g (3:0('). 233, 284. F. F. Low, br s (~:37). 71, 401. Fib. 432. 55L Fitchbuf Boy. 27. Fickle Faimy, ch m, pacer (2:32). 740, 742, 7.'.6. f ict.i .1, gr g (2:52). (242). Fiddler, b g (2 ::59J4). 327,(724). Fides, ch g (2:27i/>)- 20, 79,* 90, .318, (4."w), 492,507.* Fifer Bov, blk g. (284). Filbert, ch g (2:50). .594. Filbert, gr g (2:28). 37, 86, 29(1,* 449, 489, G37,* 6.i9,* 690, 708, (712*). FiJe Cutter, br g (2:36). 68, (71), lie,* 166. 2 1 5, 300. 3M9,* 347, 352, 364,* 404, 535, 559,* 680. Fillingham Jr. (2:43>4). (476), 608. Fillis. 383. Fillmore, b g (2:53). 172, 311. Fillmore, ch g (3:32i4). 85, 254, 383,* 462,* 497, 719. 789.* Finest Jewel. 234. Finis, ch s. 142. Finnigan, ch g (2:381^). 159,* 251, 431,467.7.38. Fire Clay, br s (2:53). 295, 373, 574, 659. Fire Fly. b m. 376. 449, 619. Fire Fly, br g (2:3794). by Phil Sheri- dan. 3(19,* (315). 350. Fn-e Fly (6:08). 83. Fire Fly, b g. 460. Fire King, gr g (2::)9s) (2:33*). 157,* (21.5), "82, 616. Fire Tail (2:52). (4.35*). First Attempt, b m. 20, 597. First fall, b g, by Athlete. 9, 487. First Chance. 61 9. First of May. 141,* 199. 797. First Out, ch ni. 38. 158. First Sand (2:.50). 317. Fish, b m (2::i6) 284. Fisher, ch g. 459. Fisher, b a (3:3 . %). 234, 677, 590. Fisher. 229. Fisher Boy, b g 30. Fishr-rGn-l(2:44V^). 377,(721). Fisherman (Swindle), I) g, pacer (2:21). 739, 749, 762,* 767,* 770, 774,* 775 Fi herman's Daughter, b m (2 ;44^). 145. (178), .5.32, (J29.* Fisher's bg (2:5.5). .39. Fitch, b s (2:44). ].i2, 297, .364, 392. Fitchliurg Boy, ch g (2:40J^) 154, 447, OOC* Fitzgi.-rald (Dunn and Rutherford). b(r(2:.30). 10, 16, 19.* 130, i:«, 1.56, 159, 186, 195. 225, 258, 272, 291, 319, .362, 367, 390, 3.99. 413.* 4-28, 4 7, 455,* 472, .5:t4, i535, .550, 557, 561, 562, 60<<, 688, 095, 711, 7 16. 72:5, 802. Fitz James. .59. Fitz John, ch g (2:.50). 84. lOf , 794, 795. 802. F. K .chg(3:0n). (261). Flaco, b g. by Autocrat Jr. 270. Flag of Truce, gr g. 131, 172,* 208, .39.3.* Flageoletto. .390, 578. Flash (Delhi), b g (2:31^). 5, 419, 464. Flash, pacer. 751. Flash, hik ni (2:"-'94) (erroneously printed 2:37%- page 542), bj' Bone- setter, dam i.y Sii- Alfred. (542*). Flash, chg. .529. Flatbush. b g (2:4:^). 51, 213, 515, (644), 700. Flatbush Boy. b g (2:40). (472). Flatbush Maid, ch m (2:41i4). 656. Flat Foot Hunter. 526. Flat Rock. 27. flavins, blk g. 329. Flarctcil (3:03). (473). 721. Flaxy, ch g, by Corbeau. 243, 278. Flaxy, ch m (2:44). (17.3). Flaxy, dn g (:J:34^). (52*). 98, 175, 280, :i50. 504, .53S, 677, 684, 717. ZTlaxey. ch m. 113.* Flaxy, ch m. 303, 42''.', .""SS. Fleance, b s(v!:o8). 4.52. Fleecer, bg (2 ;50). 156,437. Fleecy, b m. 503. Fleet. 77. Fleet, ch g (2:3.3^). 9,* 47, 52. 158, 216, 326, 33;<, :597, 452. 517, 583. Fleetfiior. rn g (2:39) (erroneously printed 2:37. page 221). 156, ".^72, 481. 599, 626. Fleelfoot, b s (2:32). 20, 212, 227,* 299. 344, 373, (413), 584. 647. Fleetfoot, brm. pacer (•.': 25). 751. Fleettoot Huner, gr s (3:()4). 288, 619. 623. Fleeting. 294. Fleeting Moment (2:39). 27. 417.* Fleeting Ray, ch s. 20, 261, 287.* 490, 617. Fleerwing, ch m (2:38). 2;.% 29, 60, 178, 184, 206,* 261, 272. 298, 315, 357,* 361, 392. 440, 488, 496, 498, 530, 5."9, 665, 732. Fleetwood, b m (2:42^). (114). Fleetwood, ch g (2:29). 41, 125, 180, 193, .302, 311. .530. 624. Fleetwood, b s (2:29). 87, 1 13, 1.33, 167, 218. 256, 266, 280, 302, 328, 460, 476, 544, 572, 660.* Fleetwood, br m. 647. 712. Fleetwood, b g. 26. 27, 497, 628. Fleetwood, paeer. 742. Fleetwood. Jr. (3:05). (5C9). Fleetwood Queen. 351. Fleety, br m (2:34^). 565. Fleetv,grg. 381. Fleety Golddust, gr m (2:20). (376*), :}78.* .500, 625. Fleety Lc'ng. 741. Fleming Girl (Lady Maud., br m (2:33). 524. 577,* 578, 687. Fleta, blk m (2:28). 60, 196, 209, 391, 4.52.* 464,* (050*), 705, 731. Fleta. 305, 337, 535, 576. 705 Fletcher's b m, by Wni. H. Denton. 308. Flexible (Doctor Lewis), ch g (2:34). 107, 119.* 26:1. Flight (2:4094). 'l-J*)- Flight, b m (2:29). 12,* 662. Flight. 34, 542. Flimsey Dan, b s (2:4094). *--• Flighty. 192. Flir,t(2:52 w). (399). Flirt, b m (2:41). 202, 243, (338) Flirt, ch m (.•:28>4). 72, 73, 105, 447. 455. Flirt, b m (2:37>i^). 60. INDEX OF BEATEN HOESES. 865 Flirt, brm (2:3iJ4). 72, 87, 185,* 235, 247,* 262, '^77, 345,* 411, 459, 511, 512, 555. 595, 635, 644, 651, 658, 66-', (OtS). Flirt, b 111 (2:3;>^). 28, 29, 35, 333, 445, 451. 678. Flirt (2:5:: w). (213). Flirtation, b m. 10, ■= 48, ]44, 191. Flirtation. 679. FUtterfoot (2:52). (581). FJitleifoot, clis, pacer (2:24}^). 759. Flirtilla, b m v2:42). 57, 169, (432), 731. Float, b ni (2:54). (.576). Flora, ch m (2 :50i^ w ; . 373, 574, 595. Flora, gr m (2:40) 110, 257,* 406, 424.* Flora, blk m (2:57). 169, 526. Flora (.^laggie V\ oolley and Lib DimmicK), chm(2:a3j/4). 4o5, 4.J2. Flura, b m(2:56). 172. Flora, b m (2:42). 76, 387, 525. Flola, ch m (2:5u). 607, 611, 794. Flora, b m (3:03). 216, 3:50. Flora, b m (-.^SyJ^). 78, 157, 262, 299. Ficra, ch m (2:4fc>j.^). 20, 42,50,264, 34o, 611 . Flo -a, b m (2:51i4). 177, 310, 338. Flora, b m (2:53). 589. Flora, b m (2:39). 320, 560.* Flora, b m (2:37). 35, 178, 224, 272, 308, 30i', 317, 352, 355, 378, 383, 445, 450.* 45S, 506, 539, (594), 595, 626. 646. Flora, ^r ui, pacer (2:3''-). 180, 2fi1 . 763. Flora. 289,340,617. Flora, ch m (2:45;. 93, 249, 464, 640. Flora, b m (2:3ti). 203, 296. (607), 636, 664. Flora (2:38V 204, 576, 800. Flora, b m (2:41>:i). 35, 39, 69, 136, 152, 400, 402, 484. Flora, b m (2:47;. 6o, 93. Flora, gr m (2:46). (76), 635, 803. Flora, blk m (2:55). 7i. Flora, gr m (2:41). 78, 225, 521, •:= 66., 680. Flora, b m by Young Chieftain, flam by Trustee. 43, 214,='= 344, 547. Flora (2:49}4). 31. 40. 54, 55, 298, 635 Flora, b m (2:463^,. 221, 365, 312, 559 Flora, pacer (2:38). 55, 452, 737, 740, (750=- ), 757, 761,* 76.5. 766, 767, 782. Flora, gr m (2:40). 94, 562. Flora, b m (2:^2). 73, 101, 129, 133, 304, 554.* Flora, b m (2:47i^). 89.* 503. Flora, ch m (2:40). 97. 178, 583. Flora, blkmi2:49). 83.^= li 9, 161, )dn. (265), 294, -^96, 340, 350, 518, 6:^0, 7 J 6. Flora, b m (2:38). 350,* 477,* 727. Flora, b m (2:3514>. 1:3, 237, 268. Flora, ch ni (-■:34i4). 8, 47, 3 33, (363), 401. 404. 484, 700. Flora (3:16)^). (141). Flora, pa.er'(2:30i/,). 737,751 , (754*). Flora. 164, 256 Flora, b m (2:461^) 506, 650. Flora (Rosa B). ch m (2:37}.4). 130, 229 .■J39 644 Flora, ct m (3:06). 263, 331 , 490,524. Flora, b m (:i:01). 113, 347, 531. Flora, b m (2:49i4). 225, 277, 325. Flora (3:06) 225. Flora, ch m. 1:9. 486. Flora (2:40). 451. Flora, b ni (2:5:f). 32, 550, 560, (57C). Flora, dn m (2:5 >4). (132), 388. Flora, blk m (2:.38^). (172). Flora, b m. .145, 487. Flora, b m (2:48). (1/4), 389, 453, 535, 578, 64 .', 672, 8( 3. Flora, b m, pacer (2:.30), by Chief- tain. 738, 762, 775, 777, 786, (788). Flora. 636. Flora, b m (3:00). (289). Flora. 488. Flora (2:52). 472, (505), 712. 55 Flora, gr m. 277. Flora. 320. Flora, ch m (2:39?^). 66, (665). Flora. 57, 241. Flora, h in. 683. Flora, b m (2:39}^). 62, 110, 158, 499, c622). Flora. 463. Flora A , b m. 429. Flora B., blk m (3:08%). 166, 460. Flora i3., b m (2:.V.;. 36, 491, 618, 684, 700. Flora B., ch m. 165. Flora B. (Dream), b m(2:25i^). 68,* 144, 516,* 700. Flora Bautara. 282. Flora Belle. 42.* Flora Belle, b m (2:22%) 104, 338, 6:55.* Flora Belle, ch m (2:37J4). 9 :, (123), 139, 141,* 187,* 219, 23S,* 2:59,* 290, 301, 302.* 308, 311*, 313, .357, 371 . 4j5,* 432. 459, 468, 474. 527, 52«,* 611, 612, 664. 733,* 802. Flora Belle, b m (2:,J7.%). 99, 133, 2b6, 331. 375, 519, 599. Flora Belie, ch m (2:29!4). 38, 55, 96, 137, 173, 193, 219, 274, 35u, 406, 416, 514, 517, 519. 520, 561,* 568, 577,* .578,* 598, 660,* 718. Flora BeUe, b m (2:o7W) 3.-, 54, 284,713. Flora Belle ('2:41?4). 32, 54, 499,(692). Floia Belle. 510. Jlora Belle, blk m, pacer (2:13%). (742*), 745, 750. 755, 761, 770, 778,* 779,* 790.* Flora Bflle (2:50). (74), 471. Flora Bismarck. 671. Flora Blake. 22. Flora Brett (2:33}^). 57, 92, 163, 215, (312), 4U0, 491S, 580. Flora Bridge, b m (2:48%). (120), 387,421.478, 731 Flora C. (2:50). 479. 600. Flora Cleveland, b m (2:37^^). 43, 180, 302, 688. Fi(.ra D. 308, 407. Flora I)., ch m (2:4Gi^;. 36, (235), 323, 373,* 444, .551. Flora D. (2:46). 296,(5.52). Mora D. Jil3. Flora Day, br m (2:37J^). 162, (338), 62fi, 795. Flora Dee. 135.* Flora E.,chm (2:45)4). 603. Flora Emmett, b m, by Black Hawk, dam by Rattler. 546.* Flora F. 275. Flora F.,b m (2:24J4). 16, 19,62, 105, 112, 124, 144.* 179, 227, 25'5', 300, 312, 319,* 382,* 453, 463, 529, 694,* 719. Flora G., b m (3:10). 342. Fl ora G . , ch ai , by Stonewall 10,726. FloraG brm(2:5.')J4). (707). Flora Gates. 08. 218, 597. Flora Gillett. 521. Flora Green. 531. Flora Grimes (2:39). 145, (.685). Flora H , b m. 397. Flora II., br m. 40f^, 708. Flora Habbell, pacer (2:37>4). (744). Flora Hatch, bm,byGen. Hatch 62. Flora Havvkeye, b m Ij'O. Fl.n-a Hayward, b m (2:3.'.i4). (701). FloiaJ., b m., pacer (■^:30). 740,* 741, 756,* 765.* 782. Flora Jackson (2:54;. (413). Flora Jefferson, b m (2:28%). 189, 309. 355, 455, 500,* 557, 569, 630, 698. Flora Jones. 67. FioraL.b in 7,* 8,* 10. 54, 158,448. Flora Lawrence. 516, 581. (6U2),719. Flora Lf-e, (in m (2:36). 86, 92, 166, J 73, 186, 212, 215,* 216, 253, 268. 292, 308, 392, 477, 492,* 510, 536,* .«J9. Flora May, pacer. 751. Flora May, b m (2:30%). .")8. 94, 172, 180, 210. (.344), 386, 591, 795. Flora M.. b m (2:59), oy Bald Chief. (41), 2:0. 505. Flora McDonald. 215. Flora Alclvor, blk m, br Waverley, dam by Mam biino Chief. 67,* 5.53, 580,* 603, 622, 7i'8. Flora Kuner. (125*). Flora Ky.i, b m (3:01). (41). Flora of the West (2:4:5). (313). Flora P., ch m (2::Ji), 9f<, (■;:43*), 280, i!86, 3. 2, 4'- 8, 492, 501, 519, 532, 567, 577,* 591, 709. Flora Paff (2:41). (3d0y. Flora R. , b m. (600). Flora PhiUips, bm(:::50). 16. Flora S. 45. 567. Floras. 240,3(6. Flora Sears, br m (2:51J^). (100). Flora Shepherd, b m (2:30). 43,47, 97, 316,* 5.35, Giio, 79.!. Flora Swing, ch m (2:50}^), by Rat- tler. (218), .557, 565. FloiaT (2:57). (:510). Flora Temple (Flora), b m (2:19%). 73, 26 ■.* 27&, 282, 433.* 640, 6u4, 796.* Flora Temple.bm(2:41%). .578, 609. Flora Temple, b m(2:46). 6,21, 130, 1.5.5, :'89, 431, (.".39), 607. Flora Temple, gr in. 662. Flora Temple (•J:.il%\ (98). Flora Temple, b m. 428, 465. Flora Temple (2:58%). 89, 188, 519, (.567). 669. FiOra Tem'ile, Jr.,b m. 118,246, 377', 395. Flora Wiley. 98. Flora V 6. 66, 6.'8. Flora Wile:. N;,ch m. 9.i. Flora Windsor, b m (2:30). 74, 104, 473, 510. 639, 647', (661). Flora Wood, rn m. 443. Flora Z itt, pacer. 7s3. FlorRzine. 344. Florence, br m. 29, 53, 445. Florence, b m (2:38%i. (715). Florence. (595). Florence, b m (2:40U). 143, 509. 552, 619,697.(724). Florence, blk m, pacer. 752, 780. Florence, ch m (2:50). 29. 76, (82), 166. .370, 492, -53. , 636, 733. Florence, b m (2:.j8}-^). 72, 346, (.130), 562. Florence, b m. 412. Florence (2:46). 4 1 , i:5, G;:i. Florence, ch m. 34o. Florence, b m (2:40). 256,* 364. Florence, ch m (2:23)4). 12, 43, lOS,* 110,* 1.59. 200, 216, 225,* 229, 268,* ;!01, 367,370, 371,* 405, 436, 509, 566, 598, 631,* 643, 651, 688. Florence, b m \2:37). 12. Florence B. 29, 294. Florence B. 41. Florence D, ch m. 326, 415. Florence Clay, b m. 201, 275, 416,* 610, 689 Florence E., ch m (2:41)/^), by P.Tth- finder. dam by Jac:i Mmer. (365), .521, 668* Florence Herbert (Minnie Warren), ch m (2:56)4 '• 553.* Florence M, ch m (2:25^4). 1 8, 60.* 241, 309, .342, 458, 479, 491, 494, 537, 568, 605. Florence Wack, b m. 50, 123,* 166,* 550, 615. Flore ceO.,brm(2:46J|). 391,496, 553, 588. Florence R. 294. Floretta, ch m, by JTessenger Duroc, dam by Smith's Clay. 620. Florida, pacer. 788. Florizrl(2:.:6 w). (177). Florizel Maid. 438. Flory,grm. 562. see CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTINC AND PACING RECORD. FloryA., hni. 511. Floss, br ui (:i:51). 354. Flossy (■J-A4). (309), 7:^4. Flossy. 64' >. Flotilla Ci-.riO w). (377). Flour Boy, bi- g (2:59). '..'SI, 344. Flower Bov, pacer. 7(38. Fiower Girl, b lu. 41, 099. Flowei- in the Garden, b in (2:5B). (CM-.) Floyd P. 720. Flusliiiig. 161, 1?55, 440, 016. Flv, bile K (.2:4-'><,). 54, (ii40), 319,* 539. * Fly, b m (2:43). 90, 250, 297. Fly, brg(2:.",5^). 347, 3S7,505, .556. riv, b k ID, hy a son of Green's Bashaw. 203 00:5. Fiy(3:0u'). (12U), 387. Fly (2:51). 394.(624). Fly, blkni(3:21). (457). Fly. 40, 281. Fly. 79, 173. Fly. ir.O. 157, 214, 591. Fiyaway. bik s (2:36). 299, 431,* i (035*), 675, 731.* I F'.yawav, ch g (2:47). 506, 626. Flyaway (3:00). 18i, 090. I Flyaway. 385. Flyawa»-, blk g. 92. Fly by Night, br s (2:38^4). (54), 98. FlyiiiK Childers. gr g (2:37). 150, (249), 27t<, 391.* Flying Cloud. 172. 693, 725. Flying Cloud, ch g. 259,58.",. Flying Cloud, blk g (2:47). 39, 381. Flying Cloud, gr m. 600. Flying Cloud, gr s (2:40). 140, 213. 257, 274, 364, 365,* 392, 425, (481) 625, 698. Flying Cloud, b g. 32, 189, 291, 389, 482, ,5-9.592. 657. Flying Cioud (2:561^) 68, 152, (264), 54.J. 698. Flying Cloud. 124, 235, 420. FlyiUfC Cloud, pacer. 746, 768, 771. Flying Cloud, Jr., ch s(2:31*). 524. Flying Cloud, Jr., ch s. 7.32. Flying Dnrt, b s, pacer. 776, 781. Flying Dick (2:41i^). (412). Flying butchmau, br g (2:53). 34, .576. Fl.ying Dutchman, br s (2:37). 579, 716. FlvinK Dutchman, b g. 696. Flying Dutchman, b g. 249. 390. Flying Dutchman, pacer. 739, 745, 776. Flying Fox (•:! :53). (.530) . Flying Girl, b m. 531. Flying Harr,. 593. Flying Iliatoga, Jr.. b s, pacer (2:25)^). 745, 757,- 777. Flying Morgan. 101, 391,* 6.32. Flying Rattler, b g (2:58). 88. F. McC, bg(2:44). 385. Foggy Dew, pacer. 776. Foggy Dew, b m (2:50). 59, 170, (405), 561. Folly, ch g (2:42). 29, 49, 75, 78. 180,* 219, 203, 315, 342, .367, .370, 377,* 379, 431, (459*), 496, 732. Folly, bm (2:47). (712). Folly (2:57>4). 80, (186), 601. Folly, ch 111 (3:08). (179). FoUy, b m (.:49}4)- 83. 97, 39!, 478, (e4.i). Fondling, b m (2:34J4). 45, 77, 170, 287. 3 .2,* 4.55, 540, 589. Foolkiller. 732. Forbidden Fruit, b m (2:38). 430. Forager, gr 8 (2:5]). (15*), 111.* Force Put, blk g. 14. Ford (3:07). (703). Forest, bs (2:51). 43. Fores . 494,* 6.33, 68(!. Forest, ch g(3:28.. 51. Fon-stBoy,chg(2:35f6). 57,60,418. Forest Chief, I) s (2:52>4). 407, 408, 425, 509, 539, 580, 710. Forert City Girl, blk m, pacer. 747. ForestGirl, bm(3:02) .334,400,508. I Foresi. G rl, b m (2:32l. 102.* 115, 325. ' .301,* :;or, ^85, 640. Foresi Girl, ch ni. 45:{. Forest Golddut, ch s. by Golddust, dam by Edwin Forrest. 203, 301,* r-H. O-.'O, 718, 722. Forest Jewel, b s. 55, 434. t'oresl King, bil: g. ;.'0 i. Forest King, b s and b g (2:27). "5. 70, ilW, 2;18,* 308,* 312, 3o2, 447, 700. Fore-it Lily. 81. Ftirest Maid, b m (2:45). 518, .569 57-1. Forest Maid, I) m '2:.55). 239. Forest Muid, b ni (2:44). 455. Forest I^' aid, bm (2:42}4). 44, (95), 200. • :i;, :.-5. :J4.1, 4i,6, 444, 530, 564,591,632.676. Fore.-t Maid, b m (2:10J^). 33, 106, 249, 280. •l.')0. Forest Muid, gr m (2:40K»). 53, 186, 4.56, 535. Forest Maid (2:48?i). 250, 323, 477, (521,. Fore t Queen. 471. Fore>t (jueen, ch m (2:28). 640. Fortst (jueen, br ni. 327, 717. Forest Patchen, br g (2:191^). 26, '..32, 174. 184, 208, 302, 319, .326, 3.36, 370,* 371.* 37S, 38:5, 407, 489,* .550.* 604, 605, 608,* 649, 6.5K, 688,* Forest Pilot, chs(2:3PJ4). 144, 273, 298, 634. 650, 703, 720.* Forget-Me-Not(2:49). (33:5). Formosa, b g (2:45J4). 109, (292), 454. 531, 758 Forrester (2::56J4). 591. FortFishei-. 470. Fort Hill Boy, b g (2:52>. 32, 253, Fort Stearns, b g (2:59>4). 471. Fortunatuy, blk g 551, 560, 038. Fortun.x, b ni (2:48i^). (114), 797. Fortune. 69, 640. Fortune Girl, br m,by Fortune, dam by Cadmus. 35,* '92,* 110, 131, 304, 470, 498. Fort Washington, ch g (2:4494). (154), 316. Fort Washington. 178, 720. Fort Wayne, b g (2:40). 117, 409.* Fosco, ch g. 49'i. Foss, gr g, pacer, by St. Clair. 749,* 7.)4 775, 781. Foundry Boy, ch g (2:36K>)- 24. (,97*), 472, 489, Fountain, or g (2:" 6). (28), 57. Fountain Giti. 10. Fourth of July, gr g (2:40). 89, 302, 597. Fourthof July. bs(2:41HV 151, 163. 285, 290,* .325,* .•i80, 438, 498, 504, 6:24. 6.J0. 7:12,* 796, 803. Fourth of July Boy, ch g, liy the Drew Horse, dam by Lexington. 5.50.* 618, 713. Fourt:i of July Maid. 420. Fox, 1) g (2::50). n, 51, 90, 2.36, 249, 25'^s* .3(50, 302, 370, 392, 513, 529, 565,* oil!).* Fox, ch g (2:5C), 272. 304, 427,* 800, 803. Fox. gr g (2:41^). 18, 8.5, 177, 32"?, 361, 375, 398,* 512, 575, 604, 625. Fox. chm(2:.37i^). 213, 27.3,* 358, (498), 623, 628, 706. Fox. 213, 3(50. Fox. 331, 710. Fox, b ni. 391. Fox. .59.3. Fox cniase, b g (2:36). 713,* (205). Foxball, b g (2:4914). 173, 218, :523, 503. Foxhuutpr. 147, 305. Foxhuntei, b s, 341. Foxio v., ch m(2:239^). 58,* 01,* l!5,* 154, 196,* 241, 281, 466, (515), 537, 565, 691, 622, 705, 717, 728, Foxy, cli m. 215. Fox KiverTige. 728. Koxtown, gr s (2:30). 177,* (180). Foxy II. 2:iu. Fra..c^' (2:36). 3.")0, (657). Fr.mce.s, b m (2:4(%). 11, 178, 250, I 28^3, 347, ;i40, 474, 530, 586, 624, 630, (040), 71S. Frn;ices, wh m (2:27). (48), 289, .369, 490. Frances, br m (2:32). 241, 4:0, (730*). France's Alexander, blk s (2:19). 15, 164,* 17-3, 194, 24 , ;;.54, .367, 383, , 438. 51. i, .555, 567.* .■)95,* 601,* 1 602,* 63."., 687,* 7ol, (718), 722. Frinc;s, b g (2:.38i^). 48, 207,* 308.* I FrauCio. 205.* 1 F'ank. 24. I Frank (2:.50 w). 102. ?rank, b g (2:52«^ w). 128. 570, 708. I Frank, ch g (2:40). ;il5, 427, 655. I Frank, chg(2:.35i. 15. Frank (2:50). (4,7), 664, 683. Frank, ch g (2:3.5). .38, 129. 172, 177, .365. 403, 450, 517, 502, 701.* 712. Frank, br g (2:48). .399, 404, 658. Frank, ch s ( 2:.35). 44, 129, 257, 29.3, 304,* 485, 530 Frank, gr g (2:44^4). 228, 231, (407), 553, Frank, b g (2:35^). 44, 55, (654). Frank, ch g (2:5-i4). 628. Frauk, Kr g(2:43^j. 91, 167, 240, 319,4 77. Frank, bg(2:49). 120,-352 * Frank, b g (2:43K>J. 228, 5:38, 794, 796. Frank, gr g (2:44%). 793. Frank, brg(:j:43). 29. 620.* 639. 718. Frank, b g (2:441^). 173, 3u7, 6j2, 6;2. Fiank, blk g (2:36i^). 344, 652. Fiank (2:35i^). 112, 277,* 391, 653. Frank, b g (2::51M). 133, .311, Fi-auk, b g (2:41j|). 16'" " 267, 334, 1.30,314,410, 464, 548. Fiank, br g (2:481^). 515. Frank, b g (2:42). 52, 218, 676,* 707, Frank, b g (2:50^). 35, 721, 793. Frank, grg (2:51 w). 50,57, 180,* 181, 300, 398.633. Fr.ink, b g (--.ZG^). 24, 120, 278, 4 4, 5: 8, 624. 707. Frank, br m (2:27J4) 34, 93, 229, 230, 331, o.">9, 36b., 3;.9, ;(78,* 386, 439, 475, 514,537.* 59-, 631.* 662, 685, t90. Frank, b g (2:38). 193, .545. Fiank, dng(2:46). 184,289. Frank, chg (2:44,. 1 50, 627. Frank, b g(2:50). 37, 124, 22.5, 241. :.'55. = 31.S, uiJ, 352, ;:94, 510, 556, 618 Fra..k, b g (3:00). 346, 526. Frank, blk g (2:20). 38, .■ 1, 140, 1.54, 206, 225, 237, 290, :32 ). 425, 439, 475, 525,.jO9,(580), 6.37, (i.".:i,671,* Frank, chg (2:37J^). 4.5, 125, 176, (23..*), 245,* 504, 616, 619. Frank, ch g (2:3.Jj^). 61,197,347, 710. Frank, chg(2:48). 10. 230,200,335,* 3.57. 301,* .371.* 398. 576, 588. Frank, gr g ( 2 :.50). 11,41, 50, 61. Frank, b g (2:47). 79, 120, 182, 2l9, 312, 377, 389,* 467, 710. Frank, b g (2:461-4). .39, 292, 341, 309, 595,* 635, (794). Frank, br s (-3:00). 25,* 29, .576.* Frank, b g(2:40). 24.181. 18\(272), .504, 344,347, 473,698,705,718, 798. Frank, o g (C:51V<;)- f 7, 218.* .597. Frank, br g (2:57). 175, 402, 498, 088, 710, 720. Frank, b g (2:55^ w). 71, 203, 404, 541,635. INDEX OF BEATEN HORSES. 867 Frank, l.r ^ (•3:45). 84,* 179, 240, •284, 360,* 495. 054, 739, 795,* 803. Fr.nk, bgC-':!i8). 9, 57, 104, 143, 153, 17:-', 345. (479-). Frank, b p (-':36). 61 . 6'?, 89, 164, j'3, 204:, 339, 394, 548, (607), 664, 667. Frank, hrp. (191). Frank, br k (8:37K>^. 247,* 303, 309, 4-..'8, 5h3. 69S, 706, 72:!. Fi-i;nlc, b K (~=:41>^). 37, 53, (161*), 546, 602, 6'.'8. Frank, bj,' (2:45). 145, (•J84), 342, 468. Frank, I.Ik g (3:15). 522. Frank, eh g (2:.35). 31, .590, 696. Fi-anl-, bv g(2:45). 56, 116. Frank, b g (2:2:%). 64,105,122, 144, 1 45, 17 < , 196, 19S, 205, 2()S,* 22.^, Si 2, :U8,* .332,* 340, 383, 38-1, 385,- 39U, 391, 6:i5, (6o7), 797.* Frai k, bg(2:42). (45*). 216. Fra k {l-MlU). 114, 590, 800. Frank, dng. 294. ! Frank, b g (3:03). 26 40, 77, 650. i Frank, b g (2:50), 65, (531). 800. Frank, blk g (2:42). (61), 163, 164, ' 182, 420. Frank, br g (2:44). ri81), 504. Frank, b g (2:45-%). 18, 44 (339*), 453,* 576. Frank (2 :48). 184, (351), 437, 517, 542 Frank(2:53J<2i. (386). Frank, blk g (2:45). 72, (42!!), 491. Frank, b g (2:53). 23,* 34, 124, 255, (29:i). Frank (3:10). (511), 639. Frank, pacer. 777. Frank (2:45). (353). Frank, gr g (2:40). (153*), 160, 297, 448, 531. Frank. chg(3:01). 704. Frank, b g (2:52}^). 87, 205, 206, 515, 715. Frank, b g (2::^2). 593. Frank. 11, 714.* Frank, grg(2:50). 63. Frank, blk g, 56, 63, 371. Frank, pacer. 738. Frank, ch g. pacer (2:2754). "49,* 7.52, 758,* 765, 792. Frank, blk g, pacer (2:34). 7:58. Frank, pacer. 737, 764.- 770, 783. Frank, b g, pacer (2:45). 90. Frank, brg (2:37)^). 90,234,363, 696. Frank, br g (2:4.3). 96, 234. 560, 598. Frank, b g (2 :40i4) 60, 293, 422, 443. .Frank, cb s. (294), 507, 532, 584. Frank. 178. Frank. 195. 530. Frank, ch g. 196, 507,* 536, 604. Frank, rn g. 205, 450, 584, 645, 723. Frank, b g. 223, 728 Frank A., rn g (2:36). 125, 347, 574,*7U1,(716). Frank A., b g {2:44U). 374,* 490, (521). , Frank A., b g (2:50). (17), 60. 231.* Frank A., grg (2:42). 370, 440, 500, (659). Frank A., bs 504. Frank A. 697. Frank .\. Fisk. 418, 528:. Frank Allen, b g (2:42). 37, 67, 68, 97, 119, 141, 209, 287, 298, 317, :5;32, .361,* 371, 374, 451, 457, 462.* Frank Allen, b g (3:0;i). (.32), 257, 358. Frank Allen, b g. 3.58, 461, 4fS.">. Frank Allison, br s (2:28i4). 26, 138, 313, 327, 385,* 416, 446, 707. Frank A. Lvman. 219. Frank Armstrong (3:035^). (509). Frank B., blk g (2:51). 25. Frank B.. ch g ('■.':38). 119, 229, 280, (314). 325. 442, .527, 675, 723. Frank B , gi- g (2:4:5!4 ). ( 1 4). 297, 6.32. FrankB..bg(2:.33%). 29,* 81, 179, 206, (256*), 259, 285, 428, 491, 551, 577. Fr?.nk B., c'l g (2:40). 64, 88, (242). Frank B., br g. .383. 404, 409. Fn-.nk B. Jr., u g (2:^7). 24, (155). Frank Bachelor. 416. Frank Baker, pncer. 771, "^80 Frank Bilker, b s(2:.51) 57 63,150, 224.434, 464, 466, .577. Frank Bak-r, ch g (2:38). 119, 463, (467*). 67:5. Frank Beck. 680. Frank ijehra, hr g. 121. 286, 326, (57ii), :75. 621, 625, 670. Frank Berell. 108. Frank Berry (2:50). (453). Frank- Bii-d. 59. Frank Blair, b g (2:47). 440, 669. Frank Blair, b g (2:57}4). 214, .39.3. Frank Blake (2:45). (272). Frank Booth. 55. Frank Bogardns. 89. Frank Bovvers, br g (2:42). 76, 124, 179, 438, 503, 553,* 645, 794. Frank Bowers, b s (2:42J4). 386. Frank Box, b g (2:43 w). 3:19. Fiank Bridgford. 172. Fran.i Brooks, br g (2:44%), 55, 347, 360. Frank Brewer, blk g(2:.53s). 31. Frank Brown, grg (2:3614). 11, 121, 40 ', 40G, (442*), 631, 676, 784. Frank Bruce. 2-4. Frank Bui-roughs, br g (2:39). (95*), 657, 669 Frank iJiu-ley. 564. Frank Bush, ch g (2:50 ). 313, 373, 444, 474,080. Frank Bush, pacer. 759. Frank C. (Crown Prince), wh g (2:25). 302, 675. Frank C, b g 153, 170, 275. Frank Carroll (3:11}^). (78). Frank Chapman. 618. Frank Charles, gr g (2:45}^), (127). Frank Cheatham, rn g <,2::i7}4). 172, 201, 3,i4, 370. Frank (Jhester, b g. 220, 689. Frank Clark, ch g (2:40) 115,* 205, 2.39, (464), 605. Frank Coulter. 450. Frank Crawford. 623.* Frank Crofoot (Strange Boy), blk g(2:.32J4). 339. Frank D., brg (2:37). 110,119,171, 197, 206, 291,* 307. 391, 461, 603. Frank '., br g(2:.53). 57, 206,* 432.* Frank Daniels. 102. Frank Darling. 56. Frank Darner, pacer (2:33). (741). Frank Davis, bg (2:29). 16,58,69, 100, 102, 132. 283, (447), 609,* 623, 724. Frank Dexter. Ill, 446. Frank Dickinson. 398. Frank Dudley, b g (3:01). 7, 45*, 295. Frank E., br g (2:41}^), by Garry Smith. 2:35, 344,(447.) Frank Eaton (2:4.3). 444, (564). ' Frank Ellis, b s (2:32). 384. Frankenfield's rn s. 605. Frank Elwood. 65. Frank F.. b g (2:26^). 29, 167, 189, 260.- 304, 455,* .548, r-,4'd. 709. Frank F. ch g (2:31>4), (260*). Frank Farmer. 37. Frank Ferguson (J. G. Brown and Harrv Todd), b g (2:26). 6, 8, 140, 390, 463, 525, (545*), 586, 678, 680. Frank Fisk, rn g (2:29), by Black Hawk Bertrand. 104, (109*), 143, 301, 366,* (504). Frank Fleet. 238. Frank Fori'St. 551. Frank Forrester (Ike Cook), b g (2:3(1). 111,226. Frank Forrester, b s (2:49) (508.) Frank Forrester, b s (2:34i^). 18, 52,* '-'27, 353, 411, 412, 416, 459, 613,* 681. Frank Fox. 567. Frank Frankinfleld, gr g. 515, 527. Frank G.. b g (2:441^). 240, 479,* 582, Frank G., by Sweepstakes, dam Sally Downs, bv Edward Everett. .319,372.476.* Frank Gibbs. 362. Frank Gilman, bg (2:39). 378,455, 400, 475, 651, 721, (7:.3). Frank Granger, b g (3:20^.^). 606. Frank Grey, b g (2:53). 52, 26b, 294, 298, .328, 334, 4:54, 473,* 478, 686. Frank H., b g (2:38) (erroneously given 2::i7^, nage 23."^). 176,* 232, 481,(504), 610, 6;i7. Frank G., b g (2::!5). 8, 251, 267, 271, 339, 357, 460. Frank H., br g (2:4,5). 32, 82, 115, 451, 655, 7.34. Frank H., rn g. (166), 428, 695. FrnnkH ,bs(2:39>4). 670. Frank H., pacer (2:3954). 739,754, Frank H , ch g. 101, 388. Frar.k Hale, wh g (2:44M). 242, 307, 391, (6S8*). Frank Hall, blk g (2:.32). 80, 136, 165, 272,* 3.57, 513, 527* Frank Hall (2:46^4), l-IS, 202, 580. Frank Harlan, blk g (•,':45). 58, 69, 158, iSo, 417, 492, 548. 591. Frank Hart, ch g. 111.* Frank Harris. 7 1 3. Frank Haskell, blk g (2:40). 564. P>a:>.k Haverly. 155. Frank Haj-es. ch g (2:34). 45, 78, (358), 368, 44.3, 501, 595*, 654, 672. Frank Hetter. 150. Frank Hill, br g(2:46). 403. 676. Frank Hobart, hrg. Ii7, 187, 372. Frank Holbrook, br g. :i32. Frf.nk Howard, b g (2:32j^). (456), 712. Frank Huckleberry. 296. Frank Hull, gr g (2:31). 48, 57, 88,* 1.57, 172. 184, 2:J4, 41--'. Frank Hull, gr g (2:.34i^). 56, 104, 109,* 126,* 577.* Frank Hunt, blk g, pacer (2:35U). 762, 790. Frank Hunter, ch g (2:39).. by Ken- tucky Hunter, dam by Chieftain. 53, 77, .595, 681, (709). Frank Huste . 6:18. Frankifi B.,bgi2::i4i4). 155.462,560. FrankieB., br g. pacer (2:2694). 109. Frank Irving Gil. Frank J., dn g (2:2.3%). 11,* 25,* 80, 197, 216, 230, 313,* 36-'. 392, 495, 538. (586), 625, 676, 685. Frank Jackson (2:39). 710. FranK Johnson b g,pacer (8:33). 563 Frank Iveily (2:37^)- (211). Frank Kelly, pacer. 789. Frank Kei-nan , b g (2 : 26^^). 1 93, 355, (524), 565, 624, 634, 640, 64C, 657, 697,* 725.* Frank Kimball, blk g (■^•A5}4). 444, Frank Klock, bg (2:.36), by Path- finder. 316, (4:59*), 571, 688, 723. Frank Knox. 680. Frank L.bg. 289. Frank L. (Orphan Boy), b g (8:31). .54, 141, 207, 245, 291,* 383, 638, 680. Frank L., ch s 76. Frank L., pacer, br g. 745, 748. 754. Frank Lambert (2:33J|). (211), 482. Frank Lane, br g 425. Frank Landers, b g (2:26i4). (12), 60, 227,* 241 , 264,* 291,* 3-'g, 342, 346, 362. 538, 605,* 717,* 719, 721. Frank Leslie, gr g. 271, 714. Frank Lpshe, brg, pacer (2:34). 271, 656, (763). Frank Leslie, b g (2:49i4)- 70, 403, 708. Frank Levins. 356. Frank Lightfoot, b g. 242,* 634. Frank Lightfoot. 492. 868 CHESTER'S C )MPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. Franklin, gr g ( J:35i^). CT, :W, l.'94, (4« 1 '■■). oil), 632, (i50, (is ; . Franklin, bn (•i:4oi. 2.J, 109, Ui;}, y^o, ;i-.'-,'. 3^7.* 6-tO. Franklin, b g (■.>:47J:47) 90. Franklin, 1.1k gr. 2,")3. Franklin Bov,i.'rg(L':.")8). 4"3,47,79,* 10(5.141.706. Fraiikii.i Girl. 730. Frank M., blk g, by Sweepstakes. ^1< , 4(vi, 6:i8. Frank Li.sle. 42. Franklin Mills. 628. Frank Lyon. 470. Frank Muck, b p, by Fulton, dam by Pelhaui Tarlar. :.'.)4. 484. Frank Malonc (;.':40U.i. (84). Frank Mann (;.':4(r^C ,331, (5'?C). Frank Martin, gr s (u'::{:t). 90. 1."j6. 27-4. 5o."). .563,* 030, 074, 698 Frank Marlin. bgC,':;^). (191). Frank JIarvin, ber('J:-J5). 421. Frank Mason. 10:2. Frank >iiisters. ,541. Frank 'Mi'flluni. b p: (2: 3.5). 19.5,647. Frank BkCarty, b g, pacer. 744. Frank McGee, pact-r, 7.5). Frank Miller (2:.3.)). 85, 304.* Fra-k JMiller, bK(2-.51). 120. 152, 171. 17'.', 2.51, 301. .589. Frank Millei-,br p (2:33). .36. .38,48, 164,* 315, 349, 372, 406, 410, 421. 451, &30. Frank Morgan, ch g (2:.3.334). 279. 431.* 644, 651, 685, 703. Fr-nk Morgan (2:55). 109, 181, 304, (509). Frank Moscow, b s (2:46). 67, 117, 1.54, 2.36, 275, (408). 527, 674, 7,30. Frank Moscow, eh g (2:'ZTi4). 320,* .365, (435), 482,* 531, 57~3,* 621, 690, 696.^ Frank JI. Smith. :i.34. Frank Munson (Andrew J.), ch g (;j:25). 8, 37,* 110. i:}0,* lo4. 171, 192, • :', 2:?2,* 310,* 3..'8.* .340.* 357, 369, .39:5, 405. 439, 528, 5:J7, 543,* 5.52, 56.:, 569, 601, 653.* 664. 665. 666, 680. Frank Moulton. 6^4 Frank Mvers, h g (2:3"J4). 99. 1.36, 19(1, 2:?4. 272. 372, ;)73, 416,* 447. 452, 456. TCS, 721. Frank N. ,32:5. Fraik Kevins. 4.56,6.54. Frank N ^.n is (2:4'?4 1. (334), 619. Frank O. 46. Frank Olcott.chg. 112.116. Frank P.. dn g (2:.36) .':^0, 118,* 180, 210. :?S4. f)85, 628. 643.* Frank O'K" illy. 181. Frank Page, blk g (2:391^). 129,573, 612, 6.35. 713. Frank Palnier, m g (■?:37J4). (35), 56 .'89. (iOO. 621 , 042, :' 696. Frank Palmer, br g i2:26i4). 16,- 54,* 92. J37, 157, 161, I(i.5, 186. J97, 211, 2 "4, 236.' 311.* 312.* 313, 337,3.-3,* .358, .361, 371, .383,* 405. 4611, 507, 512, 5';7.- 540. 560, .577. 027.* 628, 078. 7J:i. 719. Frank Patchen.ch g(2::{0). 12, 14. 12:5, :?-'6, :(S5,* 4.54, 49:5, 553, 567, .".8:i, (Ul, 71 S. Frank Phelps, blk g f2:32) .55, 127. 149, 209. 211,:U7,* 384, :?89, :ii»5, .39(5, 420, 425,* 477,* .523, .553,* 671,* 645, 053,* 654, 678, 682, 693,* 7:52.* Frank Phillips, hr g (2:4.5-%). 77, 223, 4' 6. Frank Pierce. 2.53. FrunkPierr-e (:.'48). Frank Pierce, b s (2:47^). 253, .383. Frank Pierce (2:4;}>4). 105, 257, (.547), 649, 074. PVank fierce, ch g, pacer (2:2.394). (744), 7.5.1.*7.54 78..' Frank Pierce, blk g. 62, 158. Frank Papplc'ton.grg(2::5.5J4). 66. Frank Putnam. 94 Frank K.. b g(2:,3iii^). (;}(5:5),438,572. I Frank K. (:5:0i). (219), 34!>. Frank Rahn, ch g (2:.5 i). 1.54, (411). ' Frnnk Reed, ch g (2:.38). 79, (.547), .599, 724. Fiank Reeves, b g(2:2.3>4). 25. 33. 41, 91», 139, 140,* 14H. 156. In6, 290, :;57, 369, 492,* 495. 507, 619. 631,071), 714, 724, 731. Frank Hiley. 272. Frank Rh<")des ((^onness and John Conne.ssi,bg(2::5.5>/>). 10, 108,494,* 057. Frank Ritciiie, pacer. 766. Fiank Rogers, ch g. 106, :5r9. Frank KuUe, gr g (2:45!'4). 1.54.* (■i:5o), 2:!6, 242. :j04, 391, 4.56, 657, 699. 701. »70., 715. Fr..nk Root, b g (2:42). (251*), 512, 650. F. ank R isengarden. r.44. Fiauk Ro.sewood (Biliy Hotspiu-), b g (2:-; 1J4). (4.54-). 481.* ,599. Fraii.c Ross, rn g (2:3114 . 16, 111, 114, ;5( 4,* 481, 482. 649, 656, 704, 7Jl. Prank Russell. 566. Frank S. 009. Frank S., b g. 07. 170, 480,601, 686. Frank S., b g (2::55J4). 2 0, 408, 7:54. Frank S., bl- g, pacer (2:4014). 741, 7511, (;72). 78.3. F ank S., gr g (2:443^). 150. Frank S., gr g, pacer (2:59Jd). 87, (748-), 7(j4, 781. Frank S.. bg. ;!71. Frank Saylor, bg. 36, 156,* 1(53, 290. ;559, 627. Frank Stewart, b s. IS. Frank Shaw, br g (2:33). 81, 115, 178, 224. 358, 396, 407. 416, 449, 464, 508, 548,* 579, 037. Frank Shepherd, be. ;388. Fr.iDk Sellick, b g. 110, 104, 210. .•i«0, 501. Frank Smith (2:47). .302, 564, (57:5), 7:J8, 7:i4.* Franl: Seely. 228. Frank SI ian, b g (2:40). 158, 182, .3.55, 5:4, 6,4 Fran:. Somers, ch e- (2:53}..;). 12, 155, 2.34,*(4l9), 6.S3. Frank Spencer. 611,7.30,800. Frank Star. 201. Frank Stowe, b g, by Jesse Stowe. 240, (i35. Frank Starkey. 235. Frank Swift. 109. Frank T., bg. 171.214. Frank Tarbell( :44). (101). Frank Taylor. 701 I Frank Temple, ch g (2:30»4). 311, (4:5;!). 518. 550. 626, 7i5.' Frank Temple, grs, by Volunteer. , 7:5. SI. Frank Vernon (Prsnic), b g (2:23). (2:27 s) 4-.'7.- (i-il. Frank W., ch g (2:;56U). 203, 579, 59S. Frank W, b g. 126, 335. Frank W.. ch g (2:50%). 88, 107,* (KiO), •.'12. 424, 49(1, 503, .570. Frank W., dn g. pacer (2::53»4). 738, /48, 756, 771. 788. 1 Frank W.. du g, by Bishop Berke- I ley. 215. Frank Watson, ch g. 294. Frank Webb, grg. 61. Frank Weatherwax, gr g (3:14J4). I (3H). ! Frank West, b g. 271, 464, 641, 728. Frank Wolf. (545. Frank Wonkier, b g (2:50). 84, 328, I 477,502,5.58 Frank Wood, b g (2:24). :55, 44, 64, 1 1.39. 400, 475, 485, 495, 66".. - 671. , Frank Worden, ch s (2:44). 203, ' (300), 794. Fia-ikv. 171. Frazier's blk m. (43). Frazier's br s. 671. Freak. 41. Fred (2:42). 5:55, 549. 724. Fred, ch g (2:,30) :35, 42.* 85, 103, 19.5, 2 jO, 207, ;5'54, :5(i9. 411, 449. 4.57, 5(54, 607, (;0S. 692. 703. 732. Fred, blk g (2:40i. 4!i. 67. 82. 122. 138, 178. 347, 506, .530. (546. Fred, pacer. 78'. Fred. l)g( ':41.%l. 6.5, .371. Fred, pacer. 7h2. Fred br g (2:42). 56. 125. 1 !>0. 192, 242, .125, :561, ,385, 43l.»548.* 552. 711. Fred, b g (2:.30). 12.1, 143. 296, .389, 557, .572.* Fred, b g. 210, C,7". I Fred, br g(2:.5:!). Ki, IK!. 1(50, 490. Fred, blk g (2:51 w). -170. Fred b g (.:39J^) .'JOG, 378. 425. I -iS*, 5:5,*.5!;9, 790. I Fred, l)g(2:28?4). 1~0-* I^). ."^2. Fred B , b g (2:46i^)7 434. FredB., bg. 51.52. Fred B., b g (3:07). 30, 135, 200, I (268), 712. Fred R Hines, — s. 68, 326. Fred Biid. 190. ; Fred Billings, b g (2:40). 20. ,249,» i 337,431,090. Fred Blondell. 399. Fred Ronalds. 666. j Fred Bri< 1. b g. 45, 192, ;265, 347 Fred B-ooks (2:45i^). (513). I Fred Bruvter 625. I Fred C . ch g (2:44). (317), 5"0. Fred Casey, ch g (2:23i4). 48.* 121. ( 1 28), 1 59. 227,* :i0(i. 3S7, 4S6, 60 • . Fred Clark, b s (2:34}^). 52. 8*. 113, 1 53. (:!:59*). 516, 542, 607, 649, 698. , Fred i 'oe, b g, by Flaxtail. 417. ' Fred 1). ."^127. Fred D. . b g (2:.52). 488, 502. Fred Davis. 432. Fred Dounce. 646. Fred Doticrlass, ch r- (2:2014). P. 12, 72. 182, ia3, 19(. * •':50. 275. .363,' :570. * 371 . 388, 456, 609, 7'l 1 . 70 < * Fred Doiiglas«. blk g (2:24i J). 60. 122, 216, 227. 359, 391. 440, 447, 489^500, .568* .571. 719. Fred Douglass. bg(2:3n. i:". 3S3,* 569. 572. (iOl, 722. Fred Douglass, h g (2:50\ CSO, C70. Fred Doupla.ss (3:00). (182. Fred Doupln.'js, rn g. pacer (2:30). 751, 758.* 771, 782, 78 :. (784^ ). Fred Doutrlass blk g. 280, 383, 60 ' Fred Di'ennon, b s, pacer (2:3.3'^'). 741 ,742.* Fred Drew. 612. Fred)- 218, 245. Fred Germoud. ch g. 420. Fred G'dddusr, ch s (2:27i^). 720. Fred Goldsmith, ch f. 731. Freil Grant, chg-. 441. Fred Gueruey, ch g. 530. Fred H.. blk s, by Chauncey B., dam the Brooks Mare, by Young Black Hawk. 277. Fred Haos. 300. Fred lianis, idk g, by Major De Kay (3:0.5). (723). Fred Heckler. 257. Fred Hick^s, b g (2:43). 41, 89. 160. 247. Fred Hill (2:4.5). 178, 493. Fred Howard. 380. Fred Howard, b g. by Rysdyk, dam by Thoma.s Jefferson. 525. Fred Hooper (J. Ellis), b g (2:23). 33. 44. 811,8.5,* 9.-5, IcO, 147, 418, 425, 480.* 512,* 547.- 653.* Fred Hull, br g, by Hull. (26.3\ 350,* 386, 668. Fi-ed J.,bg(-J:40M). 241,287, .380, 443. 627. Fred James b g. pacer (2:.".0) 769. Fred Johnson, gr g (2:46J4)- "^-J. Ill, 116.* 110, 123,* 271, -.^72,314, 410, 578,* 696. Fred Johnson, grj::, pacer (2:27i/.>) (2:26 s). 76. 87, 748,* 766, 7677* 792.* FredKahler. 260. Fred I„.bg (2:47). (275). Fvtd Lambert. 647. Fred Lee (2:51) (464), 576. Fred Little. 46,4.39. Fred Logan, b g (2:34). 12:i, 309, 555, 591. 729. Fred Lcgan, pr s (3:20). 275. 331. Fred Macey, brg. 367. Fred Mack, b g (2:40i^\ by Gen. Scott. OS, 198, 309, 326, 401,* 490, (6981.700. FredMcGowan. .595.* Fred McGregor, b g (2:39i4>. 27, 29, 236. Fred McOhver. bs(2:39i4). 123, 217. Fred Morris. 93. Fred Moscow. 266, 440. FredNeil.brg (2:29i4). '-'2* Fred Oliver, blk s (2:o3i^). (28), 555, 572. Fi-edonia Boy, ch g (2:36). 108, .572, 017,625. Fred Orr. brg (2:58M). 537. Fred Pense (Confldence), bg(.':26). i 3f4, .35 ,46^, 712. Fred Pierson, blk s (2:39). (121*). 282. i Fred Poblman, be. 246,* 410. i Fred Pond, brg. 602. I Fred Ravnor. 59. Fred Reynolds, b g(2:52), by Fish- i er's Patchen. 13. 113, (203), 489. t Fred Rogers. 568. i Fred Root, bg, by Ethan Allen. 297. ' Gabriel, b g (2:49). 60, 195. Gale. 408, 785. Gail Hamilton . 621. Gail Hamilton, b m (2:35). 122,* 165, 2.57, 272, 318. 324, .346, 448, (564*), 666, 693, 694. Gabanthis, br m (2:.31^) (eiToneous- ly printed 2:3214, page 240i. .51. 80, 116, 214.* 363, 579,* 700, 704. •Gallup. 498,612. Galatea, gr m (2:47) . 67, 328, .357. Fred S., gr g (2:. 50). 43, 499. Fred S.. ch g (2:52). (279), 803. Fred Smith. 1C.5. 145, .337, 693. FredSirague, b g. 47, 236, 310,* 392, 410, 445, 552. 559, 576. FredS ar,br g (2:41). 1.39, 159. Fred Stevens. 69, 58,* 61, 296, 590. FredT., bg. 641. Fred Tyler, rn g (2:32^,). 22, 50. .55, 98, 113,* 154, 289, (296). 344, 368, 40:!, 489, 564, 631, 6o5, 734, 795,* 799. Fred Tyler, blk s (2:47). 23. 35, 66, 99. 102, 1.33, 109, 337. 453, 486,* 4S:(?, 622, 720. Fied \X. 413. Fied W., ch g, pacer, 783. Fred Wiuchie. 162. Fred Windist. 714. Fred Woif e, ch g, pacer (2:50). by Red Bird. (752). Fred ^^ hitbeck. 61, 447. Fred Wormiev, b g, pacer (2:29). 740, 759. 766,* 780, (781), 785.* Free and Easy, b m, pacer (2:50). 757, (767), 788, SCO. Fi-eeholder, b s. 9, 554. Freedman'sBureau(2:59). 5.5.5, (688) Free Ferry, blk g, pacer. 7i 5, 772. Freedom. i7'9. Free Jack. 524. Freeland, rn g. by Abdallah West, dam Ahce White, b.y a sou of Denmark. 195. Freeman, blk g (2:29). 68, 189, 206, 341, 415, 550, 550.* Freeport, gr s, by Tecumseh. .534. FreeportGirl. 6i6. Free Press. 490. Freese's blks(2:.35). (.592*). Freestone, b g (2:28i^). 262, 265, 398, 411, 452,464, 478,* 534, 577,* 654.* Freestone, b g (2:29), by Capt. Web- ster, dam by Owen Pale. 237, 482, (696). Freeze Out. 640. Fremont, b g (2:50J^w). 216, 291. French. 101,4.50. French Boy, b g (2:45). 83, 110, 150, 206, =■ 214. (235), 343,3.52,423, 490, 501. 529,* 537, 552, 593, 610, 624,684, 705.* French Girl, blk m. 147. 402. French Lady, blk m (2:58). 282. French Lawn, b m (2:37). 135, 202. Frenchman. 230, 248, 358, 397. Frenchman, gr g (2:41). 442, 518. Frenchman. 188. Frenchman. 513. French Sporter (2:43) (record omit- ted, cage 243). 337, 478, (561),615. French Tom (2:43). (668). French's blk m. 415. Frenchy, br g (2:38i4). 178, 198. 199, 379, o62. Freshet, brm (2 :.54). (.565*). Freshman, bs (2 :36U). 1.3,7.3, 156. 490. Frettul, b g (2:40V,). 34, (119), 164, 354, 35t>. 386, 589, 695. Friday, blk g (2:.59). 52.* Friday, ch g (2:47). 20. .598. Friday. 176. Gr Galatea, b m (2:24?^). 48, 101, 121, 238, 268, 310, 362, 371 , 497, 544, 612, 675, 714. Galesville Boy (2:54). (24.3). Galen Boy. 81. 672. Gallant, blk s (2:.50). 266.* Gallaan Maid (2:44K>)- •'i94, 648. Gallus Mike, b g. 180, 288, 460, 530, 797. Gal way Boy. 100, 619. Galveston. 131, 367. Friday, b g (2:33.. 119, 1.21, 241, 416,* 48;'., 5l'8, .599, 610, 724. Friday McCracken, — s (2:43). (13 . 77. Friedman mare (2:50. (312). Friendless, ch g. 289,451. Frieze. 74. Fringe, b m (2:40^). 15,* .59, 8:;, 101, 605, 700. 721. 1 Frink's brm (2:55). (308). \ Fritt's gr m 40.3.* Fiitz.bg. 684. Fritz, b g (2:40M). 6, 114,* (148), 435,617. ' Fiitz, b g (2:27^4). 79, 101, 124, 156, 205, 207, 363,* (382*), 386, 414, 519, 580. Fritz, b g (2:.:2i^>. 273. Fritz, ch g,pacer(2:24i4), 7.38,* 740, 741, 7." 2. 757, 761, 76-.=;,* 764, 768, (769*1,784,791.* Fritz, bg (•■'■■.OOH). 7, 47, (419). Fritz, blk g (2:.54;4). 62, 471 . Fritz, blk g. 26. Fritz, b g. 495.* Fro, rn m. 300 Frog, chg (2:45). 2.37. Frolic, b m (2:55) 11, 14, 106, 294, 339, 350, 399. 422, 534, 530. Fronej, .brm (2:47). 45, (64), 49.5, 619,676. Frontier Dick, b g 19,* P9. 113, 119, 156, 204, 25.3, 2.54, 327, 3.35, 344, 361. .•;!G2. .'^88,. 446, 509, 547. 636. Frontier ^'ald. 2.30. Frost, gr g (2:48) (2:45 s). (340). Frost's b m. 666, 707. Frosty. 382. Frosty, rn s (2:39^). 343. Frosty, vu m (2:. 59^). 143. Frosty, br s(2:50J4). (1.33), .370. .558*. Frosty Ben. 214. Fruletta. 661. F. Sheridan. 380. Fugue, b m (2:27}^). 3(19. ' Fulcrum, b s, by Prarton. dam Sally B., by Lever. 12,101, 140. 349, 620, 718. Fu'Ier, ch g (2:45}4). 336, 720. Fuller, brg (2:45). 1:30. Fidler, bg, pacer (2: 1.3%). '739. 742, 754,* 762.* 768,* ■:71,* 779, *790.* Fuller Brown, dng (2:43). 279,470.* Fullerton, ch g (3:00). (7.34K Fulton, chg (2:43), 402. Fulton, ch s (2:311^.. 24, .34, 128, 192, 220, 227, 291,'" 444, 613, 656, 668,* 674. Fulton Maid, b m (2:':9i4i. 68, 8'? 181, 311, 594, 607,* 672, 710. Fmi, gr g (2:41 w\. 117. 608. Furette, ch ra (2:.3.5). 79,*225, 698.* Furnace Boy. 176,21.3. Fury, ch s (2:32). 25.* 26, 258, •<2." 497, 650. Fuse (2:48). (699). Fusion, bg (2:50). 667. Futcher's gr m. pacer (2:36^i (744). Futcher's. bm. 261. Fuzz, bg (2:41). 419. Fuzz, b g (2:45). 96, 191, ,509, .589. (624*). Fuzzy, ch m (2:.54i4). (3771 Gambler, blk g. .35, 529. Gamble, b g. 134. Gamble Maid, b m (2:40U). 58, 79, 198, 598, 640.* Gambler, b g (3:00). 446, .530, 718. Ganarqua, blk g (2:40). 45.* (164), 602, 678. Ganarqua (2 :44\ (705*1. Garafraxa, b g (2:40) 31, 53| 247,* 279, 312, 570. Gardez (2:58). 289,479,591. 870 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. Qardiuf). 137. Garfleld, b g (2:47^). (2.34), 326, 341. .".40, 010, 6:J-J. Garfielo. b k r-:4(j). 410. Garlielil, b k- 29"^ 603. Garfield lioy, gr g, pacer (2:34>^). 7-1, 770. Gargling Oil (Gargling Oil Maid), dn 111 (2:4:j). 186, 271, 33.), 656. Gargling Oil Maid (G.irgling Oil), dn m (2:43). 167. 4.32, (5.'")3). Garibaldi, b s (2M9). 93, 383, (398), 44-.', -496. Oari'jaldi. blk s (2:.")1V6). 48.5. Garibaldi, b s (2:33). 108, 182, 230, 237, 2r,2. 326, 414, 524, 555, 683, 605, 79:J. Garibaldi. 100. Garland, br m (2:49), by Edwin For- rest, dam Gray Goose. 18, (".^17), 419, 56(i,* 596, 647. Garry Manning, b g (2:.37M). 90, j 236, 415, 438. 44 1, 462, 572.* i Garrv Owen, bi g, pacein2:43^). 738 , Garth, brg(2:4i;%). (37), 356,664,' 714 I Qary B. 798. (iaudier, bs. 10. Gauntlet, br s (2:44). 7, .324. Gay Hoy, b g. 509. Gay lieceiver, bg (2:485^). (399), 800. Gay Deceiver, jpacer (2 :.38). 611,657, (757*). Gay Lad, bg. 411. • Gavlord (Sir George), br g (2:33i4). 177, 229, 233, 240, 325, 428, 535, 566. Gayo, gi- g (2:339i). 24, 89, 218,* 236, 514, 5.57,* 579, 589, 640, 683. Gay Sam. 95. Gazelle, blk m (2:50). 292. Gazelle, b m (2:45). 91. 267, (271), 295, ;J53, 372, 683. Gazelle, b m (2::il). 105, 338, 372, 384, 523, 5.37. Gazelle, pscer. 776. Gazeteer, b e (2:30}^). 9, 61, 124, 158, 276, 375, 380, 398,* 625, 657, 667,* (675), 725. G. B. Patiheu, b s (2:30). 256. 298, (517), 615. G. D. Prentice, b s, by Mambrino Patchen. 108, l'.:9, 528. G. Clapper, b g. 129. G. E B, fhg :572. Gee, Sir, bm. 66,88,107,282,342, 495, 533. Gem, b m (2:55) 41, 798. Gem, b m, pacer (2:l3*i). 737, 738,* 740,* 742,* 754,* 755, 768,* (778*), 779. General. 160, 468. General, b g (2:37). 629. General, bg (2:515^). 402, General, blk g (;J:.32). 28, 55, 87. 110,* 145, 171, -JOl, 207,* 224, 230, .308, 313, 315, .337. 357, 36:5,* 305, 392, 400,* 405. 418, 427, 453, 470, 474, 498, 510, 5.30, 542, 621, 627. General (2:521^). (569,. General, b s, by Gen. Reno, dam Marvsville Queen. 9.* Gentral, ch g (2:4ti^). 286, (389), 419, 797. General, grg (2:41^). 68,(97), 192, 211, 797. Qen.-ral. ch g (3:01). 47, (263), 311, 377, 404. General (2-A0%). 170* 204, 309, 3.39, (^303), .549, 610. General. 563. General. .305. General. 627. General, pacer 78.. General, bg. 637. Gen.ral, bg. 333 Gen. Allen, b g (2:50). (11), 493. Gen. Arthur. 297. Gen. B., rn g (2:3.5). 167, (192), 295, 435,* 647, (797), (798). Gen. Beamish, gr g (2:26}4). (205*), U'o.3, L'46. 283.* :J91. :i84, 444,* 44(i, .540, .",66,* 605, 656, 685. Gen. Bank. .181. Gen Benton, b s (2:37J^). 444, 619, 651. Gen. Beauregard. 646. Gen Bid weir. 647. Gen. Blair. bg(2:55). (43). Gen Brock, b s (2:33). 202, 492, (613), 6:55. Gen. Brooks, - s (2:.38^). (167). G«n. Butler, ch g (2:40). 223,491, 5.50 * 650, 66'..', 671. 7l'i. Gen.Butlei, blk g (2:2.3^) (2:21s). 104,* 143. 1..8, 168,* L'5l, -,^60,* 269,* 40-.',* 4:.'8* 463, 464, 556,* 57.5. (iOl,* 6(i3.* (>^9,* 767. Gen Butlrr, blk g (2:59). 276,(317), 399, 4.53. Gen. Buriiside. 725. Gen. Burnside, pacer. 749. Gen. Cass :i80 Gen. Corcoran, b g (2:56i^). 92,571. Gen. Cook. 259. G. n. Crook, ch s (2:.38). 471,* 704. Gen. Custer, dn g (;J:46). x;0, 63, 340, 494, 690. Gen. Custer, grg (2:.35>4). 34,96, 113, 241, 38:i, .522, 666.* Gen. Custer, gr g (2:45;. 30, 31, 43, 111, 247, 384, 466. G.^n. Custer (3:04). 45,88,(473). Gen. Custer (2:40). 55, 86, (377). 684, 693.* Gen. Custer, blk s (2:40). 28, 87, 580, (ti03), 018,709. Gen. Custer, b g (2:31>4). by Vi- dette, dam hy Fearnaught. (222), 268, 324. 536, 566. 572. Gen. Custer. 40^^. Gen. Daicy, b g (2:.32). 50.* 143. 433. (501). 650.* Gen. Davis (3:03). 376. (530). Gen. Dix (2:51^). (369). Gen. Duke. 144. Gen. Dunham (2:35). (603). Genevieve. 378. (Jeneva, b ni . 240,* 445, 7.34. Gen. Ewing, b s (2::}7). 36, 58, 328, 409, 420,* 44;}, 485, 551, 7,56*. Gen. Fearnaught, ch s. 51, 95, 522. Gen. Forrest, b g (•^■AH^). 91, 518. Gen. Frank, brg (2:53). (328). Gen. G. 795. Gen. Gage, br g (2:47K'). i;5, 330,* (672). Gen. Gano. b s (2:51). 618, 707. Gen. Garfield, pacer. 741, Gen. Garfield (Bedford), bg(2:21). 46,85.* 132, :.';i0. 239, 273,* 2/'.5, :i69, 376, 425, 446, (495*), 513, 522, 586,* 72,.* Gen. (3arfield, blk 8 (2:43}^). 146, .539. Gen. Garfield, b s(2:37> J. 162,176,* 183, 228, ;.'87. Gen. Garfield, b g (2:37). 499. Gen. Garibal4), hy Win- throp Morrill, dam a thorough- brel. (7), 77, 127, 150,17.5, 261, 5i:t,* 54-,'. Gen. Grant (2:57). (116). Gen. Grant, ch s (2:43). (52), 77, 96, 464. 6: JO.* Gen (Jrant,grg (2:4594). (362), 297, 4.39. ')12. Gen. Grant (2:43). (310). Gen. Grant (2:4.5). (218), 252, 714. Gen. Grant i2:47). 168, 3^5. Gen. Grant, b « (3:02^). (458). Gen. (irant, bs. 5'J9. Gen. Gi ant, pacer. 749, 773, 78.3. Gen Grififen. 47.* 228, 615,* 714. Gen. Green, b 6(2 :30Jd). 79,440.617. Gen. Hall. 05. Gen. Halleck, chg(2:40>4). (427). Gen. Hinnjjton. 125. Gen. Hancock, grg (2:41). 358,444, 517. 606. (Jen. Hancock, oh s. 5.53. Gen.llancock.bg. 94. Gen Harrison (2:511^). 211,(469). Gen. Hatch, b s (2:47). 40. Gen. Hayes, b g (2:40). 86, 101, 558, 566. Gen. Hood, bg(2:31J^). 18.34,236, 341,* 4.50, (454), 514. 619, 665 Gen. Howard (Country Boy), br g (2:26>4). 3:5,* 4 5, .56'. 76. 1 1 5, 1 26, 127, 147, 167, 173, 195, 107, 198, 2;J9, 263, 200. .3-,'5. 361. 372, 376, 379, 407. 450. 507, 54^, 559. 565, 597, 611, 612, 615, 637,* 709, 711, 797. Gen. Hunger! ord. (411). Gen Hunter (Modoc), gr g (2:25). (180), •J14, 319, 346.* Gen. Hunting. 177. Gen. Huntori(2:4U) 265,(643). Gen Jacksm, gr s(3:0lM). (161), 275, 431, 541. Gen. Jackson, b g (3:32). (481). Gen. Jackson, b s. 137, 235. Gen. Jackson. 367. Gen. Knox, blk s (2:43). 1.39. 23*", 453. Gen. Knox, blk g (3:04). 314.32.5, Gen. Knox, blk s (2:38). (364). Gen. Knox. 260, 570. Gen. Knox Jr., b g(2:46). 49-:, 651. Gen. Landers, ch g (2:40). 27, (114), .523. Gen. Landon (2:4.5K>) (193). 423. Gen. Lasher (2:44). (.5001. Gen. Lee, blk s (2:34!)4) (•.i::}0*). 19, 119, 123, 230.242,456,546.554, 555, 571, 703 Gen.Lee,chg(;::-,'9).(13). 40, 42, 1'O, 350, :556,* 49'i, 530. 599. 666* Gen. Lee, br g (2:45). 2(5.3, 355, .370.* 422, 547, 6:56. Gen. Lee, ch s (2:3794). 201, 273, 4.59, 496. 685. Gen. Lee (2:.54i^). (76), 707. Gen Lee, b g(:}:06). 31, (ti92). Gen. Lee, by George M. Patchen Jr., dam the Taylor mare. 246. Gen. Lee (:;:('0) (611). Gen. Lightfoot, b s (2:32^). 357,* 4.59. 499,* ii\>7. (707*), 714. Gen. Love, ch s (2:.30). 2:!, .36, 39, 81, 89 101. 102. 181,* 188. '-"go. 306, 35.., 372 38:5, 424, 434,* 4.36. 489. 511,522, 59.5, 645. 684, 710, 731. Gen. Lvon, blk s (2:38). 159, 229, 304, .306, Gen. Lyon, bs (2:44), 28, 31,(51*.. Gen. Lyon. ^'8. Gen. Lyon Jr., ch s, bj' Gen. Lyon. 701. Gen. Mack, gr g (2:30>4). 76, 109, 190, 210, 249. 275, 307, 407, 429, 446, 481,* 495, 538, 596, 666. Gen. Mack cilac), br s(:.':45). 40, •25'2, 444 479 094 79.! Gen. Matthews," b g {2:?,: ;. r,10,* 383, 496, 722. Gen. McAithur,bg(2:.i7i^). 13,180, 272. 314. (337), 439, 4 52, 479.* .'33, 558, 619, 658. 66i, 69:.', 696,714. Gen i\icClellan.dng(-,'::i9). 7«, 108,* 141, 148, 162. 252. 415, 434, 497, 5t.6. = 549, 611. Gen. McClellun. b g (2:49>. 288,413, Gen. McClellan. ch s (2:38). 688, 714, 8()M Gen. McClellan, oh s(2:.36). 207,341. Gen McClellan (Pease colt), bs(2:29) (2:26*). f.2, JOB, 137,* 143. 158. i; 9, 18 ?,* 185.* 202, 210, 218. 240, 265,* 209, 346,* 361, 423, 439, 441, 449, 525, 556. 593. Gen. lUcClellan, bik s (3:05^)- 23, 281,343, 710. Gen. I\icClellan. 789. Gen. Meade (2:36). 27, 141, 159,250. 295, 399. (694), 700, 721, 797, 798. Gen. Menitt, bg. 320,794. (Ten. Rlilford. 274. Gen. Morgan. 322, 712. Gen. Mott (2:35»4). 142. Gen. MitcheU. 395, 445, 638.* Gen. Mitchell, pacer. 792. Gen. Mulford, h g (2:37). 85, 320. Gen. MuMSon, b s, pacer (2:38i^). 765,(766*). Gen. Kcrcross, bg(2::-9). 19,329, 335. 473, 492. Gev. O'Brien. 06, 443. Gen. Patchen, b s (2:46). 87, 197, 415.- Gen. Picton, gr g (2:30). (107), 134, 3. 9, 446. Gen. Fierce, chg (2:491. 377. Gen. Porter, b g, pacer. 773. Gen. Putnam, rng(2:48). 242. 311. Gen. Reno, blks(2:30M>- 10,4.3,342, 3^.3,518, 662,* 680, 697. Gen. Reno, b g (2:45^4). (185), 308, 640. Gen. Rodman. 462 671. Gen Russ, b g (2:2014), by Blue Bull, dam by Tom Crowder. 15, 227. 2.59, (310*), 721. Gen. Sarsfleld,chg (2:34). 38, (.502), 618. 74.T. 703. Gen. Scott, b r (2:46 w). 469. Gen. Scott, brs(2:47). 379. Gt^n. Scott(2:35). 49,323, ;420), 4.32, 522. Gen. .Scott. 300. 669. Gen. Scott, b g. pacer. 748,765,776. Cxon. Sheridan, brg(2:41). 526. Gen . !-!^eridan, ch g (2:45) 253, 602. Gen. Sheridan, b s (2-56^i. 154, 365.460. Gen. Sheridan (2 :4f.^). (478). Gen. Sheridan, b s. 42 ', 683 Gen. Sherman, b s (2:37). 13.5, :59. 2.52, 262, 418, 430, 559, (597), 602, 6.32, 714. Gen. Sherman, br g (2:33). 443, 457, 709. Gen. Sherman, bg(2:42i^). 56, 160, 161.* 190,* 523, .561. 596. G-n. Sherman, blk s (2:37i^). 413, 677. Gen. Sherman (Chester Thomas Jr.), b g (2:33K') 130, 198, 308. Gen. Sherman, gr g (2:289iS). 85,* 242,* 275, 297, 338,* 341, 418, 430, 449. 4.52, 481, 509. (512*). 514, 547,* 548, 584. 607, 637.* 677, 692. Gen. Sherman (2:43). 184,366,601, 626. Gen. Sherman, gr g. 90, 600. Gen. Sickles (2:50J^). 32,(230), 441. .581. (;en. Singleton, b s (2:37i^). 293, 486. 530, 695, 710. Gen. Singleton, pacer (2:.36J4). (742), 7,;9 * Gen. Sigel, blk g(2:Q2). 116. 178. INDEX OF BEATEN HO.'iSES. Gen. Si.gel, b .s (2:491^). 2^1, (300*). Gen. Sigel, b .';, by North Star Mam- brino. 75,* 731. Gen. ^miU^, bs(2:4S%). (155*). Gen. Smith, ch g, pacer (2:33) (2:313^ s). 762,* 779. 790. Gen. Stannard, b g (2:55J4). 220, 252 (394). Gen. Stark, blk s (2:.54). 442, 659. Gen. Steinmetz. 538. Gel.. Sully. 73. Gen. Stoughton, ch g (2:37). (156), 402, 437, 687. Gen. Taylor. 64. Gen. laylor (Zachary Taylor), chg (2:31) (2:29 s). 409. Gen Taylor, gr s (2:48) (2:44 s). 313. 701. Gen. Taylor. 360. Gen. Taylor, br g, pacer (2:37) (2:28 s). 779. Gen. Taylor (2 :58). (20), 184, 306, 216 Gen. lerrill. 670. Gen. Thomas. 295. Gen. Thomas, grs (2:51). .58, 358, 403, 453. 483. 501. Gen. Thomas, pacer. 792. Gen. Thomas, gr g (2:34*). 25,* 302, 343, .352. 487, (5U1), 505,* 537. Gen. Thomas, blks. 63, 590.* Gen. Tadpole, bg '^59. Gen. Tifft, chg(-:38i^). 720. Gen. Tweed, ch g (2:26K^). 54, (83). 133, 268, 302, 313, 733. Gen. Walker. 103. Gen. Wayne, b g (2:50). .",89, 631. (■jen. Washington. 18. Gen. Vvaslungtoij. 136. Gen. Warren, ch g (2:49). 53,* 251, 317, (594). Gen. Ward. 318. Gen. Williams, grs (2:41^)- 500.* Gen. Winthi-op.br g(2:43). 206,712. Gen. Wolfe, chs (2:!2). 285, 501, (696). Gen. Wool, br g (2:45i^). 15. Gen. Wood. 122. Gen. Weitzel. 292. Gen. Wright. 325. Gen. Zolht'offer. 658. Genesee Chiet. 564. Genesee Maid(2:54i^w). 21,69, 6.34. Genpva, b m (2:38). 37,41, 373, 599, 697.* Geneva, b m, pacer (2:37). 225,240, 468, 538, 646. (754), 765. Geneva Maid, rn m (2:41i^ w). 2.52, 462. Genet, br m (2:58). (74). Genevieve, blk m (2:52}^), by Cali- fornia Belmont. (43), 68, 604. Genoa Maid, rnm(2:41i^). 181,274, 607.* Gtentinella. ch m (2:.35). 48, 128, 172, 191,* (195). 236,* 258. 2(i4, 27.5, 338, 357, 375,453. 579. Gentle, b m. 221, 583. Gentle Annie, gr m (2:441^) (244 s). 74, 93, 148. (413). 442.* 677. Gentle Annie, ch m (2:46^). 85, 260. 381. .398, 524.* (604*). Gentl" Annie, b m (2:35). 385, 537. Gentle Annie, blk m (2:37). 23, (123*). 160, 162, 326, 475,* 512,* 559, 565. Gentle Annie (Lottie Clark) blk m (2:32^). 36.* 102, (197), 384, 597. Genrle Annie, b m. 8, 688. (Jentle Annie, rn m. 004. Gentle Annie, b m (2:.50). (87), 134, 338, 637. Gentle Annie, blk m (2:35). 114,166, 665, 701.* Gentle Annie, b m, by Red Oak, dam by St. Lawrence. 411. Gentlefo.^t, pacer. 761. Gentle Frank, b g (2:24»4). . 129, 150.* 413. Gentle Harry, h g, bv Burlington. 536. 871 Gentle Jenny, b m, by Washtenaw Chief. 61,497.590 GenTle Jim (2:.j0i/a). (42). Gtentle Jim (Cornstalk), ch g (2:32). 153, 322 (528*), 643. Gentleman. 105. Gentleman George, ch g (2:36>4). 442.* 494, 6.>9. Gentleman Joe, gr g (\-3Si4). 11, 12, S4, 446. 683. Gentleman Joe, b g (2:49»4). 425. Gentle May (2:.' 5), (389). Genuine, b g (2:45). 10, 191, 201, 559.* Geoigp, rn g (2:5.3). (6), 476, 797. George, b s. 562. George, b g (2:403^). 377. George (2:50). 419. George, b g (2:431^). .596. George (2:40>£,). 49, 50, 61, 690. George, b s (2:40). 13, ;i5, 687, 730. George, b g (2:34i/>'- 6.39. Georgp,bg(2:52). ^9, U7,(591), 7.30. George, b g (2:40). 126, 156, 271, 401,* 690. George (BayGecrge), b g (2:24^^). 133, 224, 247, 624, 635, 671,* 7:;9. George, blk g (2:51). 395, 438,* 529, 648. George, ch g (2:403^) 95. 1 34, 251. George, ch S!3:04i4). (.538:, 607, G26. George, gi-g(2:.38). 403.* George, br g (2:54). 95, 374. George (Shiftless), b g (2:.39). 241, (669). George, br g (2:52). .'!34. George (Heppo), ch g (2:55%). 411, 530, 04 1 . George, br g (2:50). 120, 148, 167,* 217, 24s,* 258, 259, 416,* 564, 707. George, ch g (2:5l'). 293, 377, 496, 601.* George, br g (2:531^). 73, 139, 667. George, b g (2:47). 522, 696. George, b g (2:50). 66, 523. George, b g (2:3634). 266, 275, .340, 373, 382, 609,* 622, 705. George, br s (2:32). 90, 183, 255, 281, 506, 522, 647, 665, 718. George, wh g (2:38). 98, 198, (i03), 540, 692. George (2::-7i^). S9, (560), 631. George (2:4lJ4). 11, 3.37,403,617, 644.666. George, b g (2:50). 148,* .323, 429, 447, 504, 6.34* George (2:45). (2:30*). 81, (.354*). George, b g (2:371^). 38, 181, 183, 191, J92,*288, 333, 363,* 405, 416. 422, 520, 565, 602. G13, 630. George (2: 45^). 10,' 11, 60, 234, 261, 275, 474,* (576), 599. George, b s (2:32). 11, 174,265,411, 716. George, bl' g (2:5.3). 66, 82, (84), 155, 237, 255, 263, 719. George, b g (2:40J4). 24, 138, 368, (5.*5), 065, 673, 711. George, blk g (2:24i^). 9,* 57, 85,* 109, 197, 199, 372, 460, (515), 542, 613,623. George, pacer (3:07). 71, 174, (775). George, b g (2:55). 120, 289, 671. Geor«e (Pill Peddler), ch g (3:00). 187. 392. 676, 693. George, b g(2:52). 31, 84, 94,503,717. George, b g (3:05). 77, 499. George, ch g (2:58). 715. George, ch g (3:00). 620, 668, 705. George, bg(2:47). 10. George, pacer (2:40). 738, (767). George, ch g (2:35U). 134, (236), 466, 488, .526. ' v •> George, br g (2:39^). 55, 83, 89, 167, 276, 532*, 569.* George, Ukg{2-A2U). 24, 150, 339, 405. (562J Georg ,pacer(2:30). (?39).780.*789. George, br g (2:45i4)- (6.34*). 722. George,ch g.by An'hony Wayne. 71. srj CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. George, b g (2:31). 6r>. (435*). George, gr g (3:lt>), by Gen. Benton. 81, (isl). George ^Vivid C). b g(2:'Myi)- 580.* George (3:03;. (H6). George. 24, lf)U.* George. (3: <0). (MQ). George, b g, pacer. 744. George, rn g. -i'lO. Georu'e A., b g (2:25). 28, (14, 95, 161. 222,* 235, 285, 291, 455, 5('7, 53tl, 540, 5(i8,* 572,568,* 644,695, 700. 728.* George A., grg (2:40) (170). George A., b g (3:37i^). 132,* 179. George A. Ajvr. gr g (2:30). 37, 62, 114,* 1.V2, 105, 411, 474, 484.* 5;}.3, 542,* 051.* George Adee, ch s (2:39). .'36, 317, ;}2«, (394). Geoi-ge A. HaU,b g (2:31 ). 17,(53),338. Gfor^e Allen (2:.-.9). (324). 549, 596. Ge. -rK-e Andrews, gr s (2:58). 67, 310. Ge( r.;p A. P. 49b.* Geo.ge A. Stetson. 329. G -oigd H. 198, 234, .'iSe. George B., ch g (2:40). 70, 235, 262, 3.3;}. .309,* 724.* George B , b g (2:401^). 167. George P., b g (2:49). .385. George B., ch g (3:00). 315, 368,* 443, 679. George B. (2:42). (322*). Ge jrge B.. gr g (3:00). 17, 626. George B Alley, b g 109, 367. George Bak.-r, ch g(2:4J). 34,254. Geoi-geBancrofi v'-:38). 30,43, 171,* 20(^* (-'09), 2ir, ~'68, 3.38, 504,* 521 583. 029. 722. George B Daniels, ch g (2:24). 17,* 14,80, l!-:-, 1.32. 172, 18:j,* 193, :<69,* 376, 468,* 476, 485, 493,* 522, ."i23, 596, 625, 686,- 696. George B. Efner (2:50i^). (141). George Beniun. 473. George Bel (.i:05). 212, 521. George B. Folly. 204. George Blossom. 441. George B. Mcclellan (Dii'igo), b s (2:29>^), by old Drew. (252). George B.McClellan,ch g(2:46)4). 50. George Blackwood. 594. Georpe Backus. 496. Geirge Briges, gr g (3:00). 267,* 452. Georg>> Brooks, br s (2:.33J4). 12, 19, 185, 210, 227,* 266, 322, 3.30. 1^40, .34.-). 396. 411, 453, 525, 541,* .598, 6(i9, 620,* 625, 627.* 636. 647. 795, 798. George Bro%\'n. b s and g (2:52). 69, 250, 385. Go.i. George B. .Sauford, b g. 108,* .345, 652. George C;., bik g (2:40). .304, .375, 554, JJ88. George Cadmus, bg(2:45). 30, (67). 1.30. 165, 257, 401, 411, 451, 849, 679. George Camden. 450. George C. Hall. 701.* George Clark, blk s (2:.36). 165, 436, 530. George C;onner. 423. 3,* 6.".4, 004, 730. George D.-e, b g (■J:40^). (472). George Dolman. 472. Qportre Katon. I.IO, 451, 728. George E. Baker, b g. 113, 234. Oeoi^e Edsall Jr., b g. 138, 304. George E. Farley, b g. .5.52, 658 George Elliott, blk g (2:57?^). 84, 128. ;240, 713. George Ellis, brs(2:59). 6:«. George Ernest, b g (2:.35). (58), 180, 205,* :{45, 466. 484,* 487, 596. George E. Moody. 84. George Evans, b g, pacer (2:.3694). 7.".7, 770, 772. (784*). George E. Perrin. 222. George E. Weed, b s (2:42^). 178, 220. 291. George E. Whitney. 197.* George F., ch g (2:.39). 137, 319, 477, 657. George F., m g(2:36). 172, 334,373, 474, (.507). George F., b g (2:42J4). 69,177,394, 619, 0!)9. George F., b g (2:47). 39, (120). George F. Hailey. 434. (jeorge Fawcett (Silas Rich), ch g (■;:24^). 70. 168.* George Filliueham. 371. George Fisi.-, pacer. 745. George Fletcher, br g, pacer (2:33). 487. George Fossett,ch g(2:4.3i^). 67,500. George Frank, pacer, 7*7. George F. Smitn. b g (2:28). (19*), 38, 46, 86, 89, 115, 144, 1.59, 257, :i31, 351,* 4:U, 439, 535, 614, 678, 722.* George F. Train (Calhoun), ch g (2::J9»^). 142, 391, 458. George G. 646. George G., dn g, pacer (2:233^). 740, 742, 745,* 752. 758, 761,* 780,* 788.* George Geary. 223. George Green. 27. George GiUett, b g (2:42}^). .33, 38, 117, 14(i, 210, 409, 418, 488, 623, 734. George Gordon, pacer (2:271^). (748). George Gold. 381. George G. Vest. 634, 046. Georg.^ H., b g (2:25). 68, (119*), 123,* 130, 140, 233, 302.* 328, 350, 357,* 389, 404, 405,* 468,* 575, 583, (601), 609, 618. 686,* 702. George H., brg(2:26M). 180, (206), 227, 268, 370, 387, 396, 425, 566,* 605,* 613. George H., brg(2:49). .30, (312*),542. George H., b s. 17, 288. George H., br g, by Royal George. 1 1<12. George H., gr g. 459. George H. Hawk. 459. GeorKe Hainniill. 281. ! George Hardy (2:54^,. 25. I George Harland. 717. George HaskinsvOweu Farley), grg (•2::J3). 18, ?05. .374. George Heciiinover. 363. 1 George Henry , bg(2:27). 1.33, 266, 276, :296, .322, 487, 510. 540, .558, .564,* ((i09), 711. Geoi-ge Harrington, pacer. 743. I Georu'e Hicks, ch g (2:4.5^). 14, 16.* 81, 118,* 218, 287, 298, 328, 404, . 596.* George H. Lowe. 553 * George H. Blitchell (Bay Frank), b f (2:26). 37. 43. 54,* 57, H6, 206, 07, 215,* 218,222, 239, 369, 376.* 400,414,471,484,522, 536, 542, 619, 637, 670, 713. George Jinks. 124. George Johnson, rn g (2:38). .58, (99"), .3,50, 49(i. 022.(i2.3,* 731,735. George J., b g, bv Ethan Allen. 353, 404 George Judd, rn g(2:20>4). 61, 109,* (196). 235. 240.272, 27.5,334, .370, 305, 413, 598. George W., gr g (2:40). 93, 131, 152, 166. (209). George W., ch g (2:3l}4), by Blessen- ger Duroc. 1 86. 46 1 . (533), 534. George W. Jr., 1; g (2:36^), by Rock Island Bashaw, dam Molly Doyle. 18. 139, 207, 234, (266), 466, 710. ■George Walbridge, rn g (2:44). 45, 332, 334. George Washington, b g. 419, 617. George Washington, rn g (2:45J4)- 111. George Washington, ch g (2:35Jr^). 508. George Washington, br g (2:34i4)- 202, 212, 218, 311, 477,* 548, (672), 674. George Washington (2:53). 129, (671 ) George Was-hington, b g. 71.* 129, 481. George Washington. 179. 640 Geoige Waters (2:4 1^). 405. George W. Braxton bg. 10, 199, .^23. George West b a. (2:40). 80, 398.* George Whitney. 114.716. George W. Howe, b g(2:37M). 236, 244, 292, 493.* GeoigeAV Leonard. 198.338,500.* George v* ilkes (Robert Fillinghami, br s (2:22). 21,* 54, 168, 248, 269,* 403.* 427,* 428,* 464,* 519, .V22,* 549. 670. George Wilkes. brg(2:46i^). 72. George Wilkes, b g C-^oo). 20, (543). George Wilkes, br g. 15, 41, 152, 304, S61, 47:., 485, 584 623.* George Wilkes Jr.. blk s (2:44). 190. 279, 446. 479, 596, 645, 649. George Wilkes Jr., gr g. 154,* 376 604. George W. Loud (2:32). 44, 103, 284. George Wolf, br s (3:20). 436, 444. George Woodruff. 442. George W. Patterson, b g (2:3314). 192, 213, 280, (307), 421, 460.463,* 650, 668, 719. George Whitney. 320,* 411. George W.t*., b g (2:41). 66, 126, 351, 474, 492, 6.->8. Geo. W. Wilkes. 14. Georgia 341,726. Georgia (2 :.36) 214, 298, 358, 383, 411, 519, 634. (Jeorgia Goiddust, b m, by Jlessen- INDEX OF BEATEN HORSES. ger Goiddust (2:47). 38,(72), 199. 333. 4V7, 4.io, 486, 669. Georgiana, blk m, by George Wilkes. 4:',, 502. Georgie, gr m (2:51). 128, 165, 209, 474. Georgie, b m (2:38). 63, 87, 298, 393,* 525,* (553). Georgie, br m. 38. Georgia Boy. 671. Georgie B., ch m (2:31). 80, 88, 119, 171, (173), 195, 236, 264, 272, 315, 363, 43;?, 474, 480. 526, 528, 586, 73-:. Georgia Wilkes, b s (3:C0i4), by George Wilkes. ()- (469), 529. Ghost, b!k g(2:;54i4). 189, 673.* ; Gibbs, b g(2:31). (375*). Gibo. ch g (2:43). 148, ti40, 429, 628,* I 660. Gibraltei-, b s (2:22J^). 145, 195, 275.* I Ciibralier, pacer. 746. Gideon, rng (2:46^). 80, 413, 797, 799 Gideon, bg(2:30J4). (51*). I Gideon, br g(2:45^). (483). Grideon, bg. pacer (.2:2914). 752,777.* Gideon, grg. 314. ' Gideon Welles, grg (2:36). 391,441,* I 334, 673, 706. I Giffoid (Chiokamauga and Charley B.), ch g (2:30). 40, 57, 12.3, 131, I 153, 184, 218, 306, 416, 434,572.665 i Gifford Boy. b s (-':47). 24, 123, 211, 448, 471, 384, 622. Gifford's Tramp, ch s. by Jasper County. 407. 1 Gift, rn g (2:32). 2i 5, 424, i Gift Jr., br s (2:271^). 33, 101, 189, 207, 237, 300. 354, 356, 482,* 717.* 873 Gilbert, b s (2:47). 120, 425, (633). Gilbert Adams. 1.36. Gilbird'sSprague.blk s(2:29i4). 99,* 2.X0, 344, ;i8:i, 437,* 478, 538, 608, 610, 667, 710,721.* Gilbrelh, blkg. 498, 628. Gilbreth Knox, blk s(2:26?i). 326, 346, (69; I). Gilbrelh Maid.blk m (2:38). 103,675. G'lchri-is b m (2:36i^ w). 67, 427. Gildersleeve. blkg (3:00). 497, 563. Gilhooly. 128. Gilman (2:36). 374. Gilmau Mare (2:52^). (413*). Gilmer, gr g (2:30i4). 227, 324, 504, 707, 721.- 735. Gilt Edfc'e, blk g (3:31^). l" ,* 199, 491, 564, 614. Gilt Edge, br g (2:40). 1 5, 343, 374, 435, 506. 527, 599. Gi.tEdg-. ch s (2:40M)- 126,146, l98,* 307. : 23, 481, 640, 718. Gimme, b g (2:47). (51). Gin Burner (3:! 5). (278). Gmger, blk < (2:58}4), by Benedict Morrill, dam by the Joslyn Horse. 484, (3:J0= ), (59.* Ginger, chg. pacer. 783. Ginger (2:.:.4}-4). (368). Gmger, br g (3:26). 55, 78, (177*), 348, 663, Ginger, cl: g(2:46i4). (309). 504,618. Ginger, ch g, by Boiiesetter. 348, 313. Giraffe, rn g (2:.S4J^ w). 238. Jiii, pacer. 763. Girl E. Queen, b m(2:33i4). 18,216, 421, 015, 6,58. Girhe, bik m (2:36J^). 163, 254, 423, 40.', 4i)0. 613. Girhe, ch ni (2:30). 79, 133, 230. Girl of ho Period, b m. 376. G. J. Fuller, b g (8:39). by Idol, dam Lady Kate. (10), 537. Git. 4'^7. G. I. T. 472. Gladiator (2:44). (752). Gladiator. 0 g (2:32J4). 31, 60, 110, 173,* J 76, 302,* 315, 318, 336, 354,* 38;.', 597. 720. Gladiator (2:3914). 167, (201), 446,* 627. Gladiator. 66-:', 680. Glady.s, ch m (2:48 w). 96, 103,* 255, 368,* 698, 707, 719. Gladstone (2:42%). (34), 190, 263, 529, 558, 684. Gladstone, rn g. 234. Glamis, b g (2:25), by Godfrey Patcheo, dam Kitty Clyde, by Dark Lantern. (307), 568, 734, 735. Glasgow, ch g. 96, 640, 695. Glasgow Maid (2:50). (654). Glass Eye (2:52i4). (35). Glassford, br g, pacer (2:29). 753, 765. Glassford, b g(2:38). ICO,* 171. 388, 504, 607, 662. Glastonbm-y Boy, cr g (2:46). 520, 703. Gleam , sp m (2 : 4414) • 13 1 , 503. Glen, bg (2:.32^). (16), 337, 466, 514. Glenair, b s (2.39%). 23, 25, 281.* (291), 59G, 622,* 649. Glenardeu, chg(2:59ir^). 141, 300. Glenarm, b s(2:39^). 246* Glencoe, ch g (2:35i4). 13, 142, 352, 460, (796). Glencoe (2:49). 182, (345). Glencoe Belle, t m (2:38^0. 259. Glencoe Chief, gr g (2:37). 20,* 59, 311, 348,* 358, 371, 540, 574,* 578,* 587, 595, 755, 802, 803. Glencoe Girl, ch m (2:58). (169). Glencoe Goiddust, ch s(2:.3994). 175, 216, 249 .327, 457. Glencoe Maid (2:40). (109*), 478,* 693. 801. Glencora, blk m. 13. Glenda Chief. 423. 874 CHESTER'S COUPLET-: TROTTINO AMD PACIMG RECO.ID. Olendale. rn m (2:53U). 304, 349, 471, -490, r>KS», .yj). 7-V>. Gleiidalj, jjr k l~:4ti^ . (458). Ulenau(e. bg{,2:-M}^). loU,* ISl'.l'-S, 31.">, 441,4:1, ."r.^, ;.5-, 573. 041. (ileiulair, gr jr. <>^5. Gl.udon. b s (2:59>4). 192, 260. Gen Eyre, pacer. 750. Glengarry (Uncle Abe), br g (2:27). 8U, 132,* 3U!J. Gleu H.. cb g, by Night Hawk. 418, (j67, 67 1. Glen Isle, bg (2:55). 77, 124,152, 159, l()(j, 2«4, olh, 689.' 7M. Glen Miller, gr s (2: .8>4). 235, 373, 594, 6.59. Gleuna Fay, b m. 324. Gleurose. b m, by Backinan's Idol, daui Lady Vreeland. 3U3, 384. Glenview.Muid, bin. byGlenv)ew..33. Gleuwood, ch s (2:27?4» 22, 2y, 20:}, (46.'j), 478,* 49(>, 68.">.- Gleiiwoiid, br s, by Blaclrwood, dam by Glencoe(?). 153, 154. Glen woo •. 46. Glenwood Belle, bik m (2:50). 156, 228,390,391.438. Glide, ous (2:;J4). 162,* 200, 241, 276, 2911, :)29, 345, 4:15, ."J] 0,* 517.* 52 1. .5:11, 560. 609,* 618,* 647, 723.* Glide, ch in (2:55). 133, 564,* 567. Glorv Ann, b m. 610. Gloster, bs(2::J9%). (292*), 021, 719. Gloster, bg (2:17). 105, 149,247. 270, ;i72,' 537,* 590,* 625.* Gloster, b g (2 :23K'). 12. 84, 129, 1 70, 174, 180, 183, S48, 349, :'.79, 3S8, 43 •, 447, 4.56. 516,* oii, 622,* 647, 660,717.* Gloster, b g (3:11). 79, 380, 440.* 441. Gloster, grg (2:. 50). 52,(303). Gloster, b g. 08:5. Gloster Jr. .503. Gloucester. 2:41). 168.360,(458), 671. Glover (2:38^). 436, 668, 718. Glover, b g (2:441^). (179). Glover Boy, gr g (2:4'1 w). (239), 333 C43. Glycerine, ch g. 109, .39.5, 666.* G. Maid, b m (3:00). (1.50). Goderich Chief, bs(2:59J4). 124. Godfrey, blkg. 395,422,588. Godolphin, pacer. 7'14. Gold Chief, ch s. 266, 725. Go Fetch Cop, b s, by American Clay, dam by Edwin Forrest. 138. Go It, ch g. 107. Gohanna, br s. 441, 717. Goldbird, cli .s (2:.50). 105, 127, 333. Golddigger, bg (2:52), 31, 209,494. Gold ie. .522. Golddrop, chg. 220. Golddrop, chg. 797. Golddrop, b s (2:5ui^) (14), 39, 100, 26d. 6 16. Gold Dollar, ch g. 343. Gokldust. (1.55), .554. Go ddust, ch s(3:00M). 19:5. Golddust, b s (3:06). 513. Golddust (2:.5.5%). 155, 499, .508, 663 Golddust, be (:{:00). 106,* 211. Golddust. dn g (2:41). 14, 91, 190. :«!(», 422, 455. 486, 505. 572, .580, .588. 5!)(), 6-'4, 616, 647. Golddust, chg(2:4lU). 77. 175, .31.3. Oolddu-t. ch g (2:40). 299, 390,* 5:50, 726. Golddust (2:4'.'!'4). 1:I6,410. (Jdlddu-st, pacer. 773. Golddust (2:53). (224). (iolddust, blk s (2:4994). 15. 136, (411), 534. 616. Golddust (2:55). 529, 664. (69R). (iolddusc (3:00). 242, 3.51, .385, 622, Oi5. Golddust. ch g (2:491^). 107, 412, .521,718. G>ldilust, ch s. 66,116, 157, 262, ;.'7t), 386. Golddust, ch 8. 494. Golddust. 97, 2T9. Golddust, gr s. 123,291,037 Golddu.»^). 26, 132, 20(5, 25:5. 308,* 432, 714, 724. Gold Loaf. chg(2:28«4). 94. 95,249. 430, 4:52, 547 682.* 684, 724. Qold Leaf (2:49). (227). Gold Leaf (2::55^). 116, (279), 280, 407, 659. Gold L-^af. 184, 442. Gold Note, b g (2:25). (20*), 105. 131, 1(50,* 191, 207. 26.',* '.'75, 310. 471.* 494,* 577, 690,* 652, 0(52. 680, 701. I Gold Nii;.'get. 196. 202. Golil Run, b g, by Gen. McClellan, darn by John Nelson. 551. 582. I Gold Rock dn;', by \Vapsie(2:50Hj) i 287. (0.55). I Gold Seal, gr 5 (2:4.31^), 175, (62:5). I Goldsmith, blk s (2:47^). 34, 4.51, .596. Gold.smith Maid (Goldsmith Mare), b m (2:14). 2(i.* 21,* 148. 168. 261. 428,* 464,* 4(56, 587, e38, 797. Goldsmith Slare ((Jol(lsm:th Maid), bni(J:l4). 248, .502. Goldsmith Maid ( .■:.57). 09. 711. (;u)d.smitii Ptt. 425. Goldsmith, gr g. i:50, 145. Goldstoue, ch s and g (2:45), by Golddust. 132, 34»i, 370, (:589*), ' :59:> 528, 544, 545. 705. ; Goliah, blk g (2::53). 150, 646, 734. . Goliah (2:42), (429). f!03. I Gone Up, b g. 227, 707 I Good Beer, b g (2:.38). 148, 242, 798. (Juod Bye, br g 601. Good Boy (2:56 w). (155). Goodenough, gr g (2::56). 5. ;59, 56, 107. i:S6. 1(58, 236, 308,* a61, 5h4. (590* Good Friday. 18,478. Good Morning, b in (2:28J4). 40, 158, 204, 288, 506, 5i:5, 5o0", 673. Goodnaught, grt; 36.i. Good Nignt. blk m (2:50). 72, 296. 5:<7. Goodwin's Hambletonian, b s(3:02), by Hambletonian, dam by Ameri- can Star. 593. Good One, ch g(2:.35). 304, 326,560. Goold, ch g (2 :4 1}^). 51, (28 .'). Goose (3:01). (3133). Gopher. 1 28, 290. 588, 602. Goshen (2:37^). (517). Go.shen Girl. 746. Goshen Girl. 470. Goshen Maid (Lady Leonard), ch m (2:31vii). 257. 394. 603. Goshen Maid, b m (■J:.37j. 73.85,* 1.34, 145, :520. 437. Goshen Mni 1. b m (2:39). 170, .546. Goshen Maitl, ch m (2:5ii4). :i33. Go Slow (3:20). 162, 232. (319), .569. Gossip, ch g (2:30^1. .361,- 473, .5.56, 604. Gossip, b in (2:50*. (5.50). Gossip .Jr., ch g, pacer (2:30i^). 738,* 746, 752, 7.53, 767, 778, 784, 78-'. Gotham, b s. 291. Goulder Girl. (440). Govern.'SS, ch m (2:40). 24. 181, 184, 255, 2.".9,27 1.521, 508. (i01.64S. Governor, b g (2:.30). 107, 118, 1*7, :531,* 6.52. (682). Governor, b g (2:38). 28, 117, 301, 308. (.385*), 558. Governor, pacer. 780. Governor, gr s (2:28). 279. 440. Governor (Governor Stanford), ch g (2:2'(^K 167, 301, ;«)5. 445, 642. Governor, b g (2:56). 247. Gov. Aithony, br g (2:.34J4) (32*), 241, 298. Gov. Banks, ch s(2:58^). 476.649.* Gov. Bishop, blkg (2:50). 146.(:599). Gov. Booth, pacer. 738. Gov. Butler, b s (2:.53). 135. 714. Governor C, b g (2:59^). 207,364, 681. Gov. Crapo (2:44?4). 294, 536, 608. Gov. Dorr.b g.426, 5 18, 000, 075, 705. Gov. English, dn g. .380. Gov. Garver. 128. GOV. Hampton. 45. Gov. Hartranft. b g (2:.59). 528. Gov. Hayes, blk g (2:46). 194, 327, 544. Gov. Hayes, br s, by Swigert (2:46?4). 168, (642), 73u. Gov. Hicks. 5.59. ■ Gov. Liitlefield, ch. g, by Price Allen . 282. Gov. Morgan, blk s (2:36>4). 82, 156. 292, 40(5, 440. Gov, Morton, b g (2::57). (40), 255, :522, :549, 64:5. Gov, Payne, 514. Gov. Plaisted. b g, by Gray Dan (2:29>4i. :5l), 51, 394, 40i), 4S8, 044. (700), 795. Gov Seyii our, blk s (2:5394). 53.* 417. INDEX OF BEATEN HORSES. G'.v. S3warcl. 604. Uov. Sprague.blksi2:20i^). 79, 199. Guv. Stanford (Governor), ch g (3:271^). 174,* :i68, (462*V 471, 535, 545,* 590.* 052, 662,* 680, 701. Gov. Si . John, ch s. 611, 716. Gov. Tilden, b s, by Masterlode, dam by M nnbrino Chi< f 512. Gjv. Til'flen, brg(2s2i 35.* 45, 59, 103, 113, (305;, 613, 657, 7i0.* Gov. W. od. 417. Gowanda, b g (3:01). 47, 379. G. P. Thomas. 123 Grab, gr s (2:.50). (15.5). Grace (Fearless), b m (2 :28 w). 1 48, 149. 2(j4,2i2. Grace, gr m (2:27J4). 74, 105, 242,* 338. 414, 671. Grace, b m (2:34). 22, 32,* 40. 46, 93, 107, 114, 119, 120. 146, 165,* 166. 178,* 195, 201, 219, 22 1, 222, (258*), 263,* 264, 302. 308, 312, 337, 357,* 371, 405, 418. 430. 4.59, 507, 571, 620, 625, 638. 646, 798, 799 Grace, br m (2:46^). 22, 77, 297, 718. Grace, b m (2:27). 10.* 29, 80, 123. 184, 214,* 231, 258,* 274, 288. 342, 347, 411. 403. 473, 487, 494, 504. 564,- 591, (609), 615, 631, 646. 665. Grace, br m (2:50), 460, 506, .-85, 606, 702. Grace, b m (2:44). 56. Grace, gr m (2:40). 42. 167, 504. Grace, i4k m (2:45). 450. Grace, ch m. 518. Grace Arthur. 75. Grace Bertram, ch m (2:29). 107, 115,* 133. 154, 162, 193,* 240, 247, 2.56,267,* 279,:^62, 398,* 422. 512, 602, 645, 653, 678.* 683, 729.*' Grace Darling, ch m. by Bald Chief, d .m by Mambrino. 305, 726. Graceful, b m (2:40J4) 5^3. Grace Goodman, gr m (2:31 ), by Pea- cock. (100), 132. Grace Greenwood. 338. Grace Huff, ch m, pacer (2:40). 771, (773). Grace L , ch m(2::9). 160, 487,535, (638). Grace Maxwell, gr m. 150. Grdce Murray, b m. 12. G race S. . ch m (2 :40). 243, 475.* Grace Ti amp, ch m (3:12} 459. Grace Walton chm(2:35M). 11,673. Gracie, b ra (2:37?4). 248, (389), 4o3,* 629, 729. Gracie, ch m (s :40). 121,* 161, 341, 420, 606, 612. Gracie B. 272. 470. .573, 673. Gracie D., br m (2:42). 637. Gracie G. (28). (Graduate. 55. Grafton, ch p (2:22i4). 249, 361, 369, 425, 463.* 487, 513, 662. Gracie White, b m. 491. Grab im. b s (2:50) 72, 438. Graham Boy (2:58». (621). Grampus, bs (2:50). 425. Granby Maid,chm(2:.39»4). 96,109, 241 , 248, 383, 446, 572. 618, 678. Grand Bashaw .Jr. 79, 87, 234. Grand Blanc, ch g (2:46i^). (20). Grand Central. grgCJ:38). 223,253, 336, 3."j8, (369), 423,* 506, .576, 595. Grand Duche.ss (Duchess and Mary Ann), b m (2:20i^). 224, 242, 635, (6:<6). Grandee (2:371^). (108), 462 Grand Duke, b g. 52, 162. 434, 481 . Grardma (:i:00). (332). 433. Grand Moor, blk s, by Tbe Moor, dam by Mambrino Patchen. 349. Grand Misery, b k (2:41), by Fisk's .Mambr no Chief, dam Hathawav Maid. 75, 224, (t.09), 380, 437,502. 655, 682 Grand Rapids, ch g. 51, 274. Grand Sentinel, bs(-:27i4) 33,59,* | 9H, 2-!it, 336, :i75, 410, 532, -709. ; Granger, dig (2:4t%). 5, 43,* 103, 120,251,318.* Granger, b g (2:31^). 16,42, 59, 6.5, 67,* 87. 156, 193. 200,* 203,* 235, 243,* 268. 322,* 340. 349. 3ti0, 373, 1 388, 406,* (452*). 40(i,* 504,* 514, ,520,* 528, 567, 586. 622. 663, 687, 703,*707,714, 717, 730. Granger, bg(2:44K>). 231. Granger, gr g (2:38i^). 23. 165, 236, 27:3; 447, 714. Granger, ch g y^:S4i4). 31. Granger (3:00»4)- (477). Granger (3:10). 4.54, (495). Granger, ch g, pacer (2:24). 182, 738,* 753, 780, (782*), 785. Granger, brg. 61, 101. 159, 396, 46.'. Granger. 263, 284, 428,* 555, 558, 710. Granger B.. b s (2. .39). 179, (510). Granger Girl. 446.* Granger CJirl. 474. Granger .Jack, gr g (2:.3S). 508. .Granger Fete, gr .f. i)acer (2:23). 740. 745. 779 782. 784.* 785, 787. Gr.i uger Pete. 573. Granite. Lrg(3:10). 2.33. Granite Bov. 31. 202. 401, 544, 571. Grani e Stale, ch g (2:441^;. 203, 401, 562,* 570. 002. 6:^9. Grant, b e (2:51). 544. Grant, blk er (2:41). (.533), 551. Grant, 0 g (2:36^)- 78, 144, 252, 4:^6, (794). 802. Grant, bg (3:04^). 26.3. Grant, b g, pacer (2:36). 342, 381, 686. Grant, br m. 144, 342, 796 Grant Hoy. b g(2:47). 324, 507. Grantham Chief, b s (2:40). (19), 188. Granville, ch g (2:26). 22, 109, 171, 230, 249. 273, 275, 369, .392, 418, 446, 507, 513, 514, 515, 520,* 599, 714. Grapevine, blk g. 77,* 138, 204. 471, 62:i, 682, 794. Grapevine, blk g (2:38^). 109,235. Grapevine, br g (2:35). OS, 153, 166, 244,* 277, 349, 406, 586, 642. 660,* 705 Gravevine, pacer (2:331^). 177,587, 743, 781. (782). Grapeshot. 285, 448. Graphic, blk s (2:36i4). (113), 434. Grasshopper, b s (2:51). (40). Grasp. 157. Grateful, ch g (2:28^). 130,* 171 ,* 191, 238. Grattan. 466. Graves, b m (2:50}^ w). (658). Graves, ch g (2:19). 137,* 545, (653). Gray, gr g (2 : 4 IJ^). 556. Gray Albert, gr g (2:4:ii.^). 93. Gray Aleck, gr g (2:35). 97, 101. 138, 298,* 358, 360, 394, 619, 631, 6.58.* Gray Alice, gr m (2:34), by Blue Bull. 115, 278, 408. .■>90, 707 * Gray Bashaw, gr g (2:3 ii^). 48.* 120, (174), 284, 295, 355, :172, 399, 452, 471, 560, 613. Gray Belle, gr m (2:40). 123. Gray Ben, gr g(2:37i^). 140, 496, 679, 682.* Gray Benny, gr g. pacer (2:30i^), by Goodnaught. 742. 750. 761, 788. Gray BUI, grs(2:4.5M). 3.37,621,696. Gray Bill, gr g (2:.30). 302, 357,* 389. 436,* 569, 645, 719, 733, 803. Gray Bill, gr g (2:52i^). 39, (645). Gray Bill, grg. 39, 62. Gray Billy, .arg (2:35). 58. 162, 163, 167, 21 7, 3..'9, 367. 368, 499,* 537, 607, 636. 699, (732). Gray Billy, grg (2:44). U. 44,84, 141, 170. 251, 268. 407. 593. Gr^iv Biilv. gr g (2:50^). 220, 229, 516,* (536), 552, 573. Gray Billy, gr g (2:.38). 567. Gray Billy iCapt. Smith) (2:28}^). 232. 3b'9, 507, 50 1 . Gray Billy, gr g, pacer (2:42). 745, 750, (773). Grav Billy, gr g, pacer (2:37J4)- (750), 763, 783,* 789. Gray BiUy, gr g. 244, .349, 371, 445, 592, 617. Gray Billy, gr g (3:00). (277). Gray Bird, gr g. 251, 311, 544, 595, 652. Gray Bird, gr g (2:40). 60,208,379, 444. 696. Gray Bi rd. grm (2:34) 78,472,604. Gray Bird. 137, 616. Gray Bob, gr g (2:50i^). 216. Gray Boy. grg (2:42). .30. Gray Charley, grg (:.;:4854\v). 251. 800. Gray Charley. grg(2:40K'). 108,276, 479, .599. Gray Charley, grg.(2:29). 57, 62, 283,* 340, 507,* 520, 634, 680. Gray Charley, gr g ('■A'-iUi)- 199. Gray Charley, gr g (2:41J4). (237), 344, .347, 625. Gray Charley (3:16^), 07, 73, (344), 7. 5. Gray Charley, gr g (2:44). 136. Gray Charley, p&cer (2 :48). 752, 756. 762, 768. (769), 773. Gray Charlt-y. 260. 708. Gray Chester, gr s (3:1. 51^). 228. Gray Carrie, gr m. 216. Gray Chief, gr g (2:24%). 11,*, 17,* 19,* 48, 91, 153. 250. 251, 266, 281,* 300, 344. 418, 441, 450, 48H. 492.* 545. 573, Oil, 652,* 694. 732. Gray Chief, pacer, 787. Gray Cloud, gr s(2:23i4). 6, 91. 142, 179, (231), 262, 555.* .>07, 568. Grav Cloud, grg (2:42). (193), 453, 666, 719. Gray D., pacer. 740. (iray Dandy, gr g. 45. Gray Dan, gr g (-':58 w). 177 Gray Dan, gr g (2:49). 2.39, .301. 563. Gray Dan (2:.35). 164.508. (718). Gray Dan, gr g (2:41^). 119.600. Gray Dan, gr g. 8. 72, 296, .395, 408, 482, 495, 541, 643. 665. Gray Dan, gr s (2::{8). 572. Glray Dan. gr s (2:3514), by Gideon. 28, 70, 200, 2i:i, 440, (495), 525, 603. Gray Dan, gr g (2:30). 55, 111, 114, 1.51, 294, 412, (543), 659. Gray Dan, pacer {2:24}4). 750, 765, 778, 783, 784, 792. ~ Gray Dan. pacer (2:32). 740, 754, (763*), 773, 788. Gray Dick (Pilot), gr g (2:39i4). 225. 232, 794, 795, 790, 800. Grav Hick, grs (2:56). 67, 221, 298, 3i)5, :!96, 470, 475. Gray Dick, grgr2:37^). 22, 32, 8.5. 181, 2.32, 3u2, 404,* 527, 529. 550, 688. Gray Dick. 98. Gray Dick, gr g (2:38). 137, 141, 307, (4001, 451,643, 660. Gray Dick,gr g(2:45i4i. 63,91, 121. 160, 459, 483,* 5i9 648. Gray Dick, gr g (2:45 ) 52, 305. Gray Dick, Kr g (2:50). .39, 162. Grav Dick, grg (2:35M). (215), .388. .391. Gray Dick (2:33^). 118. 221, 437, 537. Grav Dick, pacer (2:20). 749.* 759.* 767,* 781.* Gray Dick, pacer (2:41). 767. Gray Dick, gr g (r,:0. ). 46. 63, 89.* 357,(711). Gray Dick, gr g (2:40). 578, 012, (o:;2). Gray Dick, gr g, pacer (2:5.5). 759, (776), 780. 876 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. Gray Dick, gr g. 172. 313. 344. 360. Gray D4). 138, a30. 593.* Grav Eagle.gr s (2:41). 159,337, 516, 604.* Gray Eagle, gr g (2:55). 77, 167, (4.25), 729. Gray Eagle, gr g (2:37i^). 252, 494, 497. "^ Gray Eagle, gr g (3:C0). .39. Gray Engle, gr g (2:51). 7, 457, 465, 642, 6KJ.* Grav Eaple. gi- g (2:47i^). 307. Grav Eagle, gr m (2:.v,'). 629. Gray Eagle, gr g (2:54). 110, 163, 182. 714. Grav Eagle, gr s (2:47'4). 565. Grav Eagle,grfr(2..50i4i. 12,41,261. Grav Eagle,grs(2:42). 162, 316,4.")8. Gray EHge,grb(2:49). 52,318,602. Gray Eagle, gr g ( ?:5.s^). 7, 659. Gray Kagle,grg (2:48;. 289. Grav Easle, gr g (2:3.")i4). 70, 210, 213, .365, 455, 506, 518, 547. Gray Ea^'le, gr g(2:40). (121*), 1.50, 391.411, 500, 613,628.* Gray tagle, gr s (2:45). 252, 323, 5(]9. Gray Eagle, gr g (2:42V,) 63, (627). Gray Eagle gr s (2-A7}4). 73, 445, 591. Gray Eagle gr g (2:52?4). 89, (319), 544, 629. Gray Eagle, gr g (2:58). 17, .393. Gray Eagle, grg. 41, 59,71,370,* 7.34. Gray Eagle, gr g. 13, 43, 115, 188, 275, 394,* 714. Gray Eagle, gr g, pacer (2:25). 41, (746). 749. 754, 758, 77 8, 781. 792. Gray Eagle, gr g. pacer (2:35) (2:33 s). 741,756,(787). Gray Eagle, pacer. 739,* 767, 788. Gray Eagle Dan (Logan B.), gr s, pacer, by Diirgan, dam by Gray Eagle. 491, 768. Gray Eagle Jr. , gr g. 25 1 . Gray Eagle of the West, gr g (2":48 1-6). (327). Gray Ed . lt g. pacer. 795, 796, 800. Gray Eddy, gr g (2:3P). 127. 658.* Grav Edddy grg (2:55). 158. Gray Eddy, grg (2:31). 100,280,41.3, 483. Gray Eddy, grg (2:51). 525. Gray Eddy, gr g (2:27) 104, 105, 149,- 193. 247, 263, 267, 273, 347, 39rt. 625. 0.36. GrayEddy, grg (2:.35). 26, 41, 62, 69, 212, (244*), 248, 254, .304, 366, 408. 440. 442, 445, 446,* 473, 594, 6.56.* 668, 678. Gray Eddy, gr g (2 :44i^) (70 ). 94, 71 9 Gray Eddy, gr g (2:4(T). 152, (249), 407, 524. Gray p:ddy, gr g (3:(M%). (.324). Gray Eddy, gr g (2:37Ji^). 7, (96). Gray Eddy, gr g. .34, 275. Gray Eddy, gr g. 67, 6.55. Gray Eddy, gr g. 283, 398, 571, 606. Gray Eddy Jr., gr g. 415. Gray Effle, grm (2:481/4). 274,310, 602,681, Gray Elliott, gr g (2:40). 30, (498). Gray Kini , grg, :02. Gray Fox, gr g. 89, 185, 191. 43.5, 615 Gray Frank, gr g (2:48>4). 162. Gray Frank, gr g (2:40K>). 50, 273, 352.' Gray Frank, grg. pacer '2:36). 777,* 7M. Gr.)y Frank, grg, pacer (2:31). 755,* 756,764.779,781. Gray Frank, gr g (2:.j2). 58, 61, 544, ^ (.-jilO). 646. I Gray Frank, grg. 420. < Gray Friar, gr g (2:.31K'). 105, 117. I 200,* 205, 4!j2, 51 6,*'6 : 5. I Gray George, gr g (2:4:{i^i. .3.37. Gray George, gr g (2:35). 94. [ Gray George (2:45), «il3 * ' Gray George, grs 223, 444, 671, 715. I Gray George, grg (3:0:!). 1.50. Gray Georse. grg ( :51^) (2S4). .534 I Gray (ieorge, grg, pacer ( .■ :33). (737) (Vray Goose, gr m (2:47^ s). 626. I Gray Goose, rn m (2:41^4). 82, 339, I 675. Gray Granger, grg. 122. Gray Gus. gr g, pacer. 737. 783.* Gray Harry, gr g (2:58). 172. 378, 651. Gray Harry, gr g (2:41). 319, 676. Gray Harry, gr g (2:51). (61) Grav Harry, grg (2:54). (309). Gray Harry, gr g (3:03 w). (017). | Gray Harry, gr g, pacor .■2:26J4). 1 102, 740, 757, 781, 782,* 785.* Gray Harry, gr g, Hd. I Grav Harrv, grg (3:02). (501), 642. Gray Hawk, grg (2:2894). 129,213,* i 2.')0,* 304. (317), 390, 420, 477,* I 488, 513. .^70, 634, 666. Gray Hawk f2:42;. 146. 546, (618*). Gray Hawk (2:40). (192). Gray Henry, gr g {^:S^6). 320, 432, 659. Gray Henry, gr g (2:48). 400. Gray Henry, grg (2:32^), 98, 354, 452, 464, 472,* 478,* 608, 622. Gray Ida, gr m. 30, 253, 454. Gray Ira, gr g. 276. Gray Jack, gr g (2:28!4). 193, (460), 639. Gray Jack, grg (2:49^^). 123, 221, 62(i. Gray Jack, gr g (2:37i^). 521. Gray Jack, gr g. 297. . 86. Gray Jacket, gr g. 177, 442, 648, 675.' Gray Jane, gr m (2:56). 83. Gray Jerry, gr g (2:49). (389), 723.* Gray Jim ( Gray Eagle), gr s (2:31). 26,* 36, 107, 150. 16.", 276, 293,* .356, 400, 405, 447. Grav .Tim. gi- s (3:00). 2.32, 340, 433, 483. 500, 639. 084. Gray Jim, (2:57). 5'>.* (.52), 482. Gray Jim. gr g. 105, 248,* 281, 373, 483,* 407, 510, 546. 6.52. 72ii. Gray Jim. gr g, pacer. 765. Gray Joe, gr g. pacer. 740, 745,* 750, 752, 760, 770, 783. Gray .John, gr gi2:.34i4). 102, 110, 185. 192, 265, 383, 387,* 447. 480, 61(i. Gray John, grg, pacer (2:28). 465, .-,22, 748, 762, (767), 770, 773, 783, 785. Gi'ay John, gr g. 506, 585. Gray Joseph, gr g, pacer. 782. Gray Kate, gr m (3:00). 505. (.530). Gray Kanapp gr g(2:59^). (278). Gray Leg, blk m (2:58>6). (49). Gray [Jniiet. 375. Gray Lizzie, gr ni. 219. Gray Lottie, gr m. 284. Gray Louis, grg. 625 Gray Mac, gr g (2: .5V^). 21, 29. 41, 1 49. 20.".. 206. 16. 261,* 279, (317). 378, 384, 409, 473, 520, 625, 700,* 707. Gray Mack, gr g (2:50). 184, 565. Gray Mack, gr g (3:00). (556). Gray Mack, t'r g. 113. Gray Mag. gr m (2:43), '.'O. (565). Gray Mag, gr m, pac> r (2:35). 780. Gray Major, gr g, pacer (2:37U>, 760, (761). 775. Gray Maria, gr ni. 74, .589. 731. Gray Messenger, gr g (2:47). 70. Gray Messenger, gr g (2:44-^). 547. Gray Messenger, grg (2 :40J^). 255, 5IJ8, (592*), 019. Grav Molly, gr m. (169). Grav Morgan, grs(2:41^). 130,433, 555,* 64"). '!68. Gray Morrill, gr m (2:45). 1.32. Gray Natlian, gr g, pacer (2:35), by Roll Roy, flam by C'opperbottom. 742. 75.5. Gray Ned. gr g (2:42i^). 103, 218, 2:32, 395, 420, 542, 549. Gray Nelly, gr m (2:50). 350, 366, 471, 48-.', .5o2. Gray Nelly, gr m (2:38). 249, 649. Gray Nelly, grm. 597. Grav Norman, gr s (2:42). (252*), 65(i, 707. Gray No.se, blk m (2:31^'). 28,* 35, 76, 77, 201, 222, 2297 333, 548, 601, 7u7.* Gray Pilot, gr g (2:50J4). 367. Gray Pilot, gr g, 13. Gray Plover, grg (3:10). (181). Gray Pony, grg (2:3814). 248.530, 593. Gray Prince, gr g (2:52). 2.?5. Gray Prince, gr g (3:08>^). 286, 578, 714. Gray Prince, gr g (2:.39i4). 329, 542. Gray Prmee, gr g. 208, 304.* Gray Piince, gr g 299, 668. Gray Prince, grg. 488. Gray Prince, gr g, pacer, by Mo- hawk, dam by Davy Crockett. 750. Gray Roman, gr g. 55. Gray Rover, gr g. 562. Gray Sal, gr m (3:14). (688). Gray Salem, grg (2:24). 17, 46. 49, 93, 104. 119, (122), 126, 135,* 149, 154,* 160,* 163, 164,* 165, 166, 176,* 192,* 200, 204,* 230.* 232, 237,* 244, 247, 205, 206,* 276, 279, 288,* 291,* 294, 298. 3l4,:!2o,.328, 345, 439, 440, 447, 450, 464, 489, 495, 500, 514, 528, 533, 555, 503,* 613,* 623, 627, 643, 671, 698, 715.* Gray Sam, gr g (2::j9-?4). (275). Gray Sam, gr g(2:.50). 2.), 108, 141, 149. 274, 27."., 283, 416, 510, o91. Gray Saladin, gr s. 021. Grav Squirrel, gr g (2: J8 w). 90, 178, 202, 220, 246, 300, 370, 549, 502, 633. Gray Smuggler. 241. Gray Steel, grg (':4294), by a son of Kemble Jackson. (.38), 67,* 294, 451, 463, 514. 610. Gray Steel, gr g (2:.36^\ (18), 83, 189, 2t)l.* Gray Stone. 82,714. Grav Stranger, gr g (2:49). 73, 78, 6.34. Gray Stranger, gr g (2:45i4). 76, 98, 240, 352, 393, 529, 797. Gray Stranger, gr g (2:30), by the Eaton Horse. (413). Gray Stranger, gr g. 422 Gray Twilight, gr g 574, 6.39. Gray Tom. grg (2:52H). 398. Grav Tom, gr g (2:56^). (043*). Gray Tom, gr g (2:473^). 85, 92, 119, (.526^ Gray Tom, gr g, pacer (2:34). 778, 7S4. Gray Tom, gr g (2:46i4). (64), 82, 118, 473, 561. Grav Tom H.,grff. 118, 480. Grav Trouble, gr g (2:37) (2:34 s). 420, 075. Grav \\;ii rior. gr g (2:5294). (42). (Jrav William, grg (•-':41). (314). Great Britain, b s(2:58). 457, 537. Great Kastern. 104. 331. 447. 466. Great Fasten., b g (2:1H) (2: '5^4 sV n," 91), 101, 108,153, 160, 108, INDEX OF BEATEN DORSES. (316*), 331, 447, 466, 533. 586, 587,* 638, 653.* 719, 783. Great Eastern. 116. Gret Falls, b s (2:o-2). 128,(196), 'J32 ''37 533 Gr''ea~t Hopes. 123,210 Great W estern, brp: (2:29). 149, 287,* 449. Great Western, ch p (2 :47J^). 468,* .530,* 5.55, 574. 668. 718. Great Western (2:57i4). 33. 492. Great Western (2:44^^). (159), 339. Great Westein (2:51^). 219, (627). Grecian Bend, ch m (2:40). 148,223, 2:52. 506, 507. Grecian Bend, pacer. 769. Greciai Girl(!:45). 53.(417*). Gieciau Maid, b m (2:36). 76, 101, 126, 179. (Ib9>, 359. 499, 503. Gree)ey. b g (2:40). 90, 217, 301, 365, 4 J 6, 64». Green, brm. 50, .338. Greenback, gr g (.2:4114). 58, 78, 478, 511, 724. Greenback, ch s (2;42), by Blue Bull, dam by Tom Hal. 148, (272). 417, 596.* Green Billy, ch s (2:59). 78, 349. Green Boy, b s (2:331^). 18. Green Hoy (3:08). (659). Green LoV. br g. 263. Green Charley. blkK(2:26J4). 72,86, 299,* 367, 383, 394, :!98,*463, 504, 505, 512, 658, 694. (708). Green Dutchman, ch g. 106, 720.* Greenfield Bov, blk g. 436, 438. Green Girl, b in (2:37J^). 63, 55, 154, 202,* 5U2. Greenhorn chg (2:42K>). 86,307. Greenland, gr s. '"<7, 152, 175, 219, 498, 55:*,* 654. Greenland Girl. 195, 221. Green Linnet (2:43p 37, (153). Green Mountain, blk s (3:07). 182. Green Moimtain Boy (2:52). 128. Green i\louiitain Boy (Fai-ragut and Bay BiUv).brg(2:31i4). 6,50,144, 156, 253", 561.688. Gren Mountain Boy(3:00). 174, 184. Green Mountain Boy, gr g (2:413^). 41, 4:5, 228, .-^41. 629. Green Mountain Boy, b s (2:38). (119), 175. 204, 376. Green ;.lount'-iin Hoy (2:50). (96). Green Mountain Boy (2:47). 423,* ."344. (668*). Green i^iolmtail■ Boy, pacer. 737. Green Moimtain Banner, br s, by Black i;anner, darn Lady Barlow, hy Abdallaht?). 730. G; een Mountain Chief, ch s (2:40). 64 9.1. 564. Green Mountain Maid, ch m (2:28J^). 180, 226,- (430). Green MouutainMaid, cr m(2:38}^). 32,* 75. 79, 114, 186, 271, 319, 385, 398, 431, 445,* 448, 513, 614, 560. Green Mountain 1\I organ. 207. Green Ridger (2:53). 169. (187). Green'* colt (2:59). (237). (ireen's stallion (2:47). (654). Green Tom 63. Green Tom. blk s (3:021^). 63. 642. Greenville Inlaid (2:39) 214. Gi een vvicn Blaid, bin (2:40). 5, 31, 186, 706 Greenwich Maid, brm (2:38). 11,41, 52,214,229, ■~:U, 309, L80, 432, 540,* 564, 705, 803. Grego, pacer. 791. Gretchen. 6h7. Greenwood, rn m, pacer. 748, 773. Greenwood, br s (•J:41i^). 41, 65, 717,122, 136, 145. 197.472,480, 636, 658, 692, (715*). 716, 802. Greenwood, br s. 10. 1 5 ■ . Greyhound, oh g (2:45i^). 427, 468. Greyhound, gr g (2:45) 73, 161, 197, 325, (3.55), 468, 569. Greyhound, pacer (2:37Ui)- (763*), 78(1.* Greyhound Jr., gr s. Ill, GiiAin's blk g (2:43J^). 527. Grin (2:54). (509). jirit (Traveler and Jack Horton), chg (2:273^). 485,498. Grit, blk g (2:49>4) 63, 88, 95, 105, 171,* 525. 658, (i85, 687. Grit Wonder, ch g (2:56J4), by Clear Grit. (121). Grocer, bg (2:391^). 146, 247,300, 560. 6:!3. 798. Grocer's Maid (3:30). (41). Grocery Bov, ch s: (i:39\4). 95, 149,* 202, 229. 361, 375, 473, 571, 579, 612. Grocery Boy, b g (3:00). 291. Grocery Boy, br g (2:51), 30. Ground Squirrel, paoer(2:31). (759). G.T. Pilot, dn g(2:24). 17, (104*), 109, 136, 153, 1.54 164. 170.* 193. 216, 230, 276, 341, 380. 447, 456. 507, 514.* 515, 52'J,* 583. 640, 641, 717,* 724. Guchner, ch g. 694. Guerin's ch ni (2:45). 444. Guernsey (2:. 511^). (:55]). Guerrero's b s, pacer. 7.00. Guess, pacer. 746. Guess So. .575. Guess Not,b m(2:27i^). 90, 484,* 731. Guiding Star. 254. Guide, gr g (2:42). 8,59,67, 118, 183. 301, 366, 468, 492. 629, 667. Guilford, br g (2:44). 171, 375, 495, 534,721. Guinea, b m, by Egbert, dam by AI- mont. 195. Gulliver, chg(2:31i4). 259, 507,(617). (iunkle's ch m. 507. Gulnare, b m (2:32i^). 134, 147, 207,* 264, 316,* 5:«, 665, 678. Gumbo, blk g. 150, 511 Gumball. ch m (2:31^). 39, 79, 90, 102, 135, 176,* V16, 386, 414,* 496,* 538, 596. 622, 623, 636. I Gunner, b <^. 155, 186, 271, 685.* ' Gimhilda. 36. Gm-gle,bm, pacer (2:36). 764,* 778. Gus, b g (2:41}^). 454, 674.* Gus(2:35). 403,662. Gus, b s (2:26iK). 105, 142, (191), 252, 477, 590, 642, 680, 697, 800. Gus, bg(2:32). 54. GU.S. bg(2:52M). (330). Gus (3:10). (192). Gus Lanigan (■i:54J4). (259). Gus Raymond (2:391^). (:396). Gus Tanner. 284, 471, 499. Gus us, blk s, by Flying Cloud. 221. Guy. 119. G. \V. flaskins. 273. Gussi%chm(2:40). 110, (397), 692. Gustie, b m (2:34). (386). Gutter. 136. Guy, grg. 22, 83, 127, 276. Guy Miller, b s (2:56). 291, 347, 476, 482. Gwynne's b m. pacer (2:40i^). (759). Gyasticu'us (2:54). 550, (562*). Gyp(2:.54). (97). Gyp. 64, 69, 268, 868, 375, 533, 641. Gyp Hunter. 372. Gypsy (2:42) (2:36 s). (564). Gypsy (2:41 J^). 294. Gypsy, rn m (2:51). 409. Gypsy, b g (2:29*). 714 Gypsy, b m (2:52). 169.* 628. (660). Gypsy, br m (2:313^). 92, 142. 143,* 300,312, 329 (3()8), 375, 409,* 646, 793. Gypsy, ch m (2:47). 106, 202, 417, 684. Gypsy, chg (2:52). 619. Gvpsv, br m (2:51i4). 162. 264, 276. 293"; 350, (4-'5), 433, 506, 667, 678. G'.psy, blk m (:.;:60 w). 19, 13 ,178, 217. 302. 4n7. Gypsy, blk m (2:421^). 699,* (712). Gypsy, blk m (2:50). 194, 5:53, 568. Gypsy (2:40V6). 56. Gypsy, b m (2:24^), by Winthrop Morrill. 16,* 25. 106. 137, 139.* 149, 161, 169, 170, 179, :.>68. 279, 312, .350,* 424, 4S8, .550, 568,* 615, 638, 693. Gypsy (2:.-8i^). 22. 45, 123,.589,645. Gypsy (2:46), (322). Gypsy, chm (2:47). (107), 200,521, 69:1. G.vpsy, pacer (2:33). 248, 404, (780*), 790. G.vpsy. (3:04). (196), 221, 298, 384, 471, 473, 674. Gypsy, b m, pacer (2:38). 41, 223, 750, 777,* 788. Gypsy. 557.- Gypsy (2:40). (616). Gypsy, gr g (:3:02). l'8, 202, 233. 384, 537. Gypsy, b g, pacer (2:28i^). 718, 753,. 771, 784,* (788). Gypsy Belle, by Sinclair. 314,3 2. Gypsy Bill, blk g (2:3;). 141, 341, 524.631.63-', 647.800. Gypsy Boy. bs(2:55). (310). .373. Gypsy Boy, gr ^ (2:;?4%). 23, 76. 5:34,* 541 , 672, 801 ,803. G.ypsy Boy, (3:00). 414, 446, 492. 535, (599), 616. Gypsy Boy, blk s (2: 28) by Stonewall Jackson, dam Fanny Hashaw, by Green's Bashaw. (715). Gypsy Boy, br g .323. G. W. 652. Gypsy Davis, ch m (2:33i4). 90.* 661 . Gypsy Fair. 94, 402. Gypsy Girl, b m (2:.54 w). 315 Gypsy Gill, b m ( .':50) 397. 401. Gypsy Gu-1, b m (•.':51). 27, 204.* Gyps V Girl, grm, pacer. 773. Gypsy Gi'l(-j:50i. mn. Gyp.sy Girl (2:391.;^). 92,123. (173), 223, 259, 306, 3(i8,* 353. 370, 4:34, 588, 601. 607, 665, 678, 687. Gypsy Girl (2:44). 56,58, 129.186, 322, 395 (407*1, 535, 602, 646, 657. 676. Gypsy Girl, ch m. 288, 500. Gypsy Girl. 4.57, 593. Gypsy Huntington, ch m (2:42). (569), 573, 6,57, 694. Gypsy Joe, br g, pacer (2:31). 745. 748. 7.58. Gypsy Lane, ch m. 150, 461. Gypsy Lass (2:54%). 461, (570), 052. Gypsy Maid (■.':58%). 555. Gypsy Maid, b m (2:40). 360,(431), 467, 504, 510, 578, 607. 69J. Gypsy Maid, b m (2:42^). .34.91, 132. 214, 272, 287, 356, "397, 450, 517, 607, 659, 665, 680. Gypsy Maid, gr m (2:43 ). ;?03, 294, 473, (551), 643. Gypsy Maid. 12. Gypsy Maid (3:081^). (667). Gypsy Maid, pacer. 709. Gypsy Queen, b ra (2:46). 63, 314,* 31H, 374,* 604, (796). Gypsy Que n. ch m (2:48i^). ,36fi. Gyp-y Queen, b m (■.i:44ki v.). 154, 380, 497. Gvpsv Queen (2:421^). 68. 207. Gypsy Que-n (2:40). (564). Gypsy Queen, b m (2:;i2). 183. 275, 2b8, 338, (487), 533, 588, 696. Gypsy Q'leen, b m, by WiLi Wag- oner. ;mo. G.ypsy Queen, br m (2:.39). 300, 311, 316, 385, 47», 635,* 583, (uH7). Gypsy Qupen. br m (3:00) 410. Gypsy Queen, b m (2:4OV0. 69,* 1(>9, 5,38. Gypsy Queen, gr m (2:52V4). (2.M*). 3.-.5, ■2:56, : :i4,* :i43, 398, 442,452, 451, .''.78, r.84. 631, O.^g. 67.3. 6--;3,* 6.">7,* 679, 685. I Gypsy Tom, b p, pacei. 78:;. H Hack Bov. 601. HiUMCk schs. 517. Hada. ar.i. Haddington Maid, gr m (2:55). .562. llagar. 246, 3i7. Hagnet. 78. Uu Ha, lir s, by Nephew, dam by ^'cCiackt'n's lilack liawk. 462. Ilaidee. b m (2:37;. 144, 202. Haighfs blk g (2:50 \vj. (673). H. ii;htsrn m. 615. Hail. 345.* naiMone. (2:41i^). (654). Iiiiil^tone. 307. Haiue's b m. 686, 720. HaKorn, bs(2:58). 14. Haifa, b m, by Aim on t Rattler, dam Kosa. by Jmiiui. 55.i. HalLVon. 661. Ih.lev, bg():05w). 304. HalVGaley. (2::i3^). (21), 651. Haley's b m (2:39^). 498. Palifax. (2:.57i^). 46. 681. Hallet, b g (2:58%). 52, 91, 99, 155, 2 0, 213. Hall's oik g. 572. Hal lie, b ni (2:33). 164, 175, 180, 216, 317. 492, 494, 538, 609, 641. Halls cli ra. 45. Hall McAllister, b g (2:37). 181. 218, 2j1. 356, 328, 530, 596,* 687.* Halls br g. 356. Hall's rnm. 2i8. Hall's Hero. 716. HalioweliUirl, blk m (3:00). 409. Hail's Tommy. 236. Hall Terrill (S. V. Swits), b g (2:28%). 267, (369), 54:5, 729. Halo. 1..9. Hall on Boy, b g (2:44^). 29, 297, MS, 401. Eiim, b g. 393. Hamble, b g (2:39^)- 130,176,579, 590. Ilumoletonian. 342. Hauibletoniau, ch s (3:00). 319, 677. Kambleiouia,!!, b g (2:37). (305), 580, 6-6. Hambletonian, br s (2:39). 37, 374, 423. Hambletonian, brs. 459. Hiiniblftoniaii (2:44i^). 91. Hambk-tcnian, b g. 281, .373. HambHonian (■'■■Ao^). 140, (145). Hambletonian. 350. Hambiptoniaii Bashaw, b s (2:31^). 86,* 100, 103, 104, 147, 164,*^ 17;5, 180, 182, 19.!, 209. 230, 299, .iOl, 468, 515, 5 1 7, .554,* (556), 567,* 605, 652, 658, 6t^4. 703, 719. Hambk-loniau Boy. 163. Hann.letonian Chief, b s (2:32). 38, 125, 126,- 241, 389, 419,* 444,536, 624, (i:Ui. Hambletonian Chief, b s (3:00). (224). .5:i:j. Haml.l. Ionian Chief, o s (2:43), by Hambletonian. (573*). HamblclonianColt. 182. Hamljlctiiiiiim Downing, br s. 227. Hambletonian Gem. b s (2:45), by Hambletonian, dam by American Star. 121, 435, 467, (493), 588, 700.731. Hambletonian General, b s. 422. Hambletonian Gift, b8(2:46>^).677. Hambletonian Jim, rn g. 444. Hambletonian Jr , b s, by McCur- dy s Hambletonian, dam by How- ler. 37, 1.55. Haiiibl- tonian Jr. ■i77. Hambletonian Knox, br s (2:.32V^. 424.* (7117). Hainbletouiau Lexington, blk s (•.::42). (347). Hambletonian Maid, b m (2:.38>^). 709. Humb'fcoiiian Mambrino. b s (2:21i4». 71, 79. 86.* 149,* 183,* 194, 200. 22;, 2:51, "90,* 344, 362, .375, 463,* 517. 567.* 71 9.* Hambletonian Mohawk, b s (.:40), by Mohawk Chief, dam by Ham- bletonian. 52, 153, 194, 195. Hambletonian Morgan . 66. Hamblcunian Patchen, b b (2:48). (28). Hambletonian Prince, b s (2:40). 104,271, 546. Hamble'onian's Last, b s (2:4054)- (.";8), 327, 349, 610, 624 Hambletonian Star (Masterlode), b s (3:0('^). 47. Hambletonian Star, b s. 451, 452, 611. Hamlirino, b s (2:21J4). 143, 406, 464, 514. Hambriuo Belle, brm (2:25}^). (12), 57;5, 601. Hambrino Druid. 481. HamdenMaid. ch m (3:01). (294). Hamilton, ch g. pacei". 783.* Uumilton, b g. 482. Hamilton, b s (2:33). 125, 820, 330, .522,610, 638. Hamilton, blk g (2:50^.). 87. 706. Hamilton, ch g, by Blue BuU. 33, 189, :-i79, 48J. HamUton Avenue, blk g (2:4^). 454, (462). Hamilton ■ et, b m (2:41^4). 085. Hamilton's bg (2:37). (648). Hamilton's b m. 88, 296. Hamlet, grg (2:42). 220. Hnmlet, b s (2:37). 295, (435). Hamlet, chg (2:50). 4l0. Hamlet, blk g(2:45i4). 40, 147,* 193, (;}65). 388, 404, 498. Hamlet, bs. 409.* Hamlet, b g. by Qooding'.s Cham- pion. 658. Hammer's brg (2 :56V^). (666). Ham Morrison, b g, by Masterlode. 704. Hamp Mattock (2 ::^5J4). (540). Hamperion, brs (2:29}6)- ~5, 176, 222, 256, 259, 72;).* Hampshir , b g. 245. Hampshire Boy, gr g(2:44). 74, 101, 209, 212, 307, 439. 531,* 644, 660. Hampshire Girl. 7'30. Hampton, blk s. 294. Hampton, b g. 8, 29, 44, 115,* 294, :n4, 525. 538, 708. Hampton, b s. 103, 608. Hampton, ch g(2:50!4). 28. Hampton, blk s. 221. Hampton Boy, blk g(2:43\ 1.53,374, 410,425. Hampton Girl,b m(2:405i). 199,274, 446, 510. Hampton Joe. 170. Ham Wickford. 660. Hancock, gr g. 437. Hancock, grg (2:54 w). (264). Han'-fick. 655. Hancock, bg (2:29). 131,* 202.* 648,* 661,718. Hancock. 44. Handicap, grK(2:22). ]93,*229. 324, :{81, 384,* 385, 455, 667, 625, 6.35, (657), 694. Hancock Sorrell (2:58). (285). Handsome, b g. 603 . Handsome Sam, b g, pacer. 571. Handsome Frani^'. 472. Han, 450, 462, ol3, 660, 680, 721, 798. Handy Andy, blk g. 513. Handy Bov. :i:iO. Handy Tommy, blk g. (3:50^. 384, (496). Hanging Rock, gr g, pacer. 736, 741,* 742, 767. Honest Quaker, br g. 196. Hanford. 4.32. Hank, br g (2:.3314). .302,330,* 508. Hank, ch g (2:361^). 652. Hank. 288, 709. Hank, bE(3:(.0). (73). Hatxk Girl. 37. Hank Dubois. 113. Hanker (2::i7). (222). Hank's b g. 271. Hank Stevens. 683. Hannah, b m (2::{9). 597,* 603. Hannah, bm(2::)6). 15.5,*158,* 189, 290, 630,* 80 ; , Hannah, bm(2:;58J^). (66*),185,.530 Hannah. 195. Hannan, 342. Hannah, gr m. .56,* 109, 586, 642. Hannah, b m. 26v.--' Hannah Bradley, b m (3:00). 317, 377,* 433. Hannah C, bm (2:51). 118,(594) (545. Hannah Clark, ch m (2:42). 210, (298), 422, 423, 609, 620,* 67o.* 707. Hannah D . br m (2:22M). 8, 22. 25, 37, 45, 46, 86, ST, 139, 140,* ItJO.* 164, 18:^ 199, 217, 2K1, 290, ::o3, 328, 344,* 362,* 367, 369, 389, 440, 447, 4.55. 4.S9,*492, 493,* 500, 6)7, 623,* l>31,*637,* 638, 639, 661,678, 690,* 712. Hannah Dustin, rn m (2:57i^w). 204, 339, 640. Hannah K., b m (2:34). 39, 120.(290), 443, 449. Hannah ftlack, b m (2:41?^). 236,326. Hannah INllller. 2.3 . Hannali M. Tarr, ch m. 502. Hannah R. 125. Hannibal, b g (2:48). .310. 633. Hannis' ch s v2:17?4). 86,* 95, (122*), 160,* 171,* 18.3* 184. 20.5, 231. 250, 33:$,* 450, 491,* 500 * .515,* 5.39, 567, 580,* 001,* 611, 620,623, 667, 701. Hann's Stallion. 588. Hanover, bg (2:40). (91), 128, 438. Hans. 89. Hanson Place (2:451^ w). (152). Haphazard. 1.54. Haphazard (2:34). 44, 312, 541,(712). Haphazard, gr g (2:36). 386. Haphazard, ch m. 682. Haphazard (2:55). 40,(592). INDEX OF BEATEN HORSES. 879 Haphazard, gr g (2:36). 13.3, 291, :i68. 6ti7. Ha,.py. grm(2:27). 16, 43, SfiO, 361, 428, 511, 588, 610,* 613,649,680,* 686, 687, 730 802. Happv, b 111. 333. Happy Abbott, chg (2:311^). 54,* 1..0, (1!'2), 247, 30•-^ 444, 460 Happy Dick, b g (2:48}4). 2.J5. Happy Ellen, b in (2:48M), by American Boy, daiu by Beunont. 445, (."i57; Happy Gift, b g, by Happy Medium, dam Lizzie Patchen, by Kirby Patcben. 39, 7'\ 117, 503, 643. Happy Harrv, b g (3:!i7). 570. Happy Jack", b g (,^:56). 92, 99, 15C. If.-}, 409, 4.52. Happy Jack eh g (2:30) 134, 176, 183, 225, 2,")6. 2.)7.* 300, 328. 364, 371, 413,* 147.402, 5 0, 562,564, 598. 636, C46.* 71U. 711. Happy Jack, 1 r g. 95, o83, 543. Happy John, b g r2:34). 16. 43. .".4, ll!i. 24S, 331, 400, (401), 438. 487, 523, 535, 6:;7, 690, 699, 712.* Happy Man. b g. 69. 78, 282. Happy Medium, gr ui. 454 Happy filedium. Jr. b s (2:.36i^) (enbneously given 2:36, page 291.) 103,507. Happy Thought, b s (2:22}^). 20, 64,* 208, 302, 390, .540, 573. Hai^pv Traveler, b s (2:27J4>- 27, (2;i9), 300, 577. Hu'd Bread (Chicago and Jim R ckey;, br g (2:24^)- 379, 656, 7i4. Hardee (Bones), (2;51). 3.53. Hardie, rng (2:3:j%). 12, 111, 241, 4:i4, 438,* 479, 535. (578). Hardman, b g, by Echo, dam Phoebe. 179.* Har 1 Pan, b g. 2.52, 322, 643. Bard Road, ch g (2:37). 20, 75, 88, 95, 477.* 628, 068. Hard Road, m s (2:51). 74, 145, 324, 6:«. Hard Koad ( Horace Greeley), br g (2:37}^). 137,379. Hard Road, b g (2:40). 90, 1 13, 135, 24:5, 376, 420, 505, 631, 797, 799. Hard Road, blkg (2:50). 5.^6. Harilscrabble, b g, by Leviathan. 414, 423. 424, 449, 638. Hardstone. 565. Hard Tack, ch s (2:45). 278, 349, (560). Hard Tack, b g (2:51). 233, 279, (565). Hard 'I'ack. b g. 605. Hard Times, br g (2:43^). 5, 158,* 3T:. .597, (6.V2). Haul Times, br g(2:34). 258, (301*), ;i58. 666. Ha d Up, rn s (2:45 s). .330, 545. HardUp(2:55M)- (162). Hardware, br g (2:44). 252, 520, 799. Hardware, bg(2:.52). 33. Hardware, gr g. 525. Hardware Billy, ch g. 538. Hai dware Jolin. b g. 413, 525 Hard wick Boy, b g. 409. hard, ood, b s (2:24%). 9, (130), ."..54. 464. Harkaway. pacer. 742. Harkawav . (i49. HarkawaV, b g (2:49J4). 189. Harkawav, grg(3:00). 153, 440, 517. Harkaway, b s (2:58»^). 17, 111, 1-2, 32.3. Barker, br g (2:35). 86, 108, 158, 4(6,(472*), 504,721. Harli-m. (.77. Harlem Boy, gr s (2:58). 1.35. Marlequin, br s (::o9y,). 49,4.59.* Harmie. bm (2:44J4). 148. Haimless,ch g( 2 :50% ).126,251,3S7. * Harm Miller. 263, 594. Harmon, b g (2:44%). 196. Harmony, b g. 455. Harness Boy, b g (2:41). .30, 43, 291, 297, 306, ;5:53, 375, (462*), 496, 51 ,* 527. 644, 660. Harol.l, brg(2:.39J4). 82, 132, 161,* 162,* 163. 204, 29s, 304, 375, 392, 5.54, 57it, 007. Harold\s b g (2:491^). (606). Harold 'scbg. 390. Harper, br g (2:41), by Green's Ba- shaw. 1.3,126,421. Harpole, blk g (3:49}4). 568. Harrier, b g. 531. Harrirt. 4 .1. Harrirt Bailey. 371. Harriet Hopper. 216. Han let Lane, b m (2:46)^). 232, 507, (361. Harriet P.,grm (2:4.->). (.57*), 69. 99, 180, 210, 232, 397, 422, 451, 460, 476, 500, 517. Harrii^an's team. 793. Harris. (303), 45c. 460, 577, 651, 725. Harris, blk g(-:50i^ w). 336. Harris, cli m. 564. Harris' br m. 413. Hirris' blk m (■.':4S). (521). Harris Boy, pacf>r. 789. Harris' gr g. 45.3. Harris' rn m (2:55?^) (7.31). Harrisburg, b g. pacer (2:35J4). 7.'i8. Harrison. 399, 6'- 9. Harrison, b g ( .:4n%). 74, 182, 349, 552. Harrison's brm. .558. Harrodsburgh Boy, blk s (2:39) 102, 131, 171, 457,* 499, 717, Harrop's Tom, b g (2:44i4). 241, Harry. 712. Harry, bJk jr. 62.* Harry, grg (2:48 \ 505. Harry, blk g (2:48 w) 513, 574. Harrv, blk s (2:45). 705. Harry, b s (2:4A}4). 485,6.56.721,802. Harrv, b g (2:52). 170, 2.50. Harry, blkg (2; 451/^). (2 5), 377, 602, 637. Harrv, gr g (2:41i^). 264, 684. Harry, bg, pacer 2:19%). 21, 72, 368, 422*. 7.39, 746,* 748, (749*), 759, 7U:-i. 779,* 781, 782.* Harry, gr g (3:00). 19, 184, 230, 247,== 394, -^27, 438, 584. Harrv, b.,' (2:35) 10, 7.3, 576,632, 799. Har-y, br g (2:50) 342, 369, 371, 392, 4'(.5. Harry, br g(2:'5i4). 37, 255, 520. Harrv, blk s (2:50). 136. Harry (2:.50i^). 402. 445, 557, 793. Harrv, b g (•,':.54). 59, 375, 396, 482, ols'. Harry, gr g (2:41). 192, 198, 214, 223,* 231. 536, 595, G64. 698, 726. Harrv, brg (2:29). 4, 11,* 43, 65, 145,* 291.462, 501, 705. Harry, br g (2:40). 156, 215, 219, 2,58, 487,* 649, 692, 69.3, 701. Harrv, br g (2:41}^). 179, 293. Harry, bg (3:41). 129. Harry, b g (2:56). 305, 542. Harry, blk g (2:43). 178, 198, 258. Harrj-, ch g (2:3S>^). 17, 51,60, 164, 414, 07;!. Harry, br g (2:51 w). 25, 43. 723. Harry (Brown Prince), br g (2:36). 521,=* 563, 607. Harry, b g (2:38i4). 308, 356, 801 . Harrv, chg (2:58). 79(i. Harry, b g (2:26). 290, 622. Harry, Mkg(2:34J^). 5,* 264, 290, 475, 794. Harry, grg(2:.39). 101, .306. Harry (Jeremiah), ch g (2:32%). 58, 100, 115, 303,* 328, 651, 658, 729. Harry (3:0lH). (536). Harrv, b g '2:54). 129, 144, 220, (28.3), 429. Harrv, bg(3:14^). 367. Harry, bg (;3:0134). 80,200,(201),404. Harry (2:51). (225). Harry, b g (2:47}^ w). 58, 2.39, 246, ^72, 35j, 438, 595. Hariy, b g (2:.-)6). 200, 271, 285, (.355), 713, Harry, b s (3:04), by Dead Shot. (144), 662, 697. Harry, gr g (2:53). 31, 82, 658. Harry, blk g (2:40). (16), 63, 66, 80, 184, 222, 341. 536, 601. Harry, grs(2::38). (275). Harry, gr g (2:59%). 496. Harry, br g (2:38 w). 368. Harry. 42, 361. Harry. 107,242. Harry, gr s. 468. Harry, ill. Harry. 128. Hari\ . 157. Harry. 394, 395,467,629. Harry. 404. Harry, blk s. 4; G, 534. Hari-y, b g (2:44^4). (:i73). Harry A..,grg. (•,':48). 527. Harry A . gr g, pacer (2:50^). 144.* Harry Allen, b s (3:05). J 15. Harry Arlmgtou, wh s (2:35). 101,* 126, 445. Harry Atwood. br g (2:39i^). (359). Marrv H. 368, 476. Harry B., gr g (2:40J4). 282, 562. Hariy B (Tommy Dodd), ch g (2:50J-4). 229,2.5.5,631. HariyB, bg (2:35). 67, 801, 308, (369-= 1, 678, 712. Harry n., br g(2:.54). 16,64,168,541. Harry B.,grg. 634. Harry B., bg(2:34). (2:24), 440. Harry B., rng (i::31). 97, 124, 207,* ■il7,= = , 3^2, 346, 37u, .371, 3.'^3 38!J,392,*4S6,-,01, 493,508,*j27, 6U4,6:jy,*e61,715,718. Harry B., br g (2:40). 149, 153, 195, 370, 542, 730. Harry B., bs (2:47). 14,146,(422), 489, 571, 584. Harry B., b s (2:32). 142, 671. Harry B., blk g (2:34%). 16, 429, 486, 534, 509, 577, (7-i). Harry B., ch g (2:33.) 62, 108, 685. Harry Baker, blk s (2:42). (202). .396. Harry Bassett, br s (2:40). 99, 46o, 491, 550, 608,793. Harry Bassett. ch s (3:03), by Red Eye. 80, (722). Harry Bates, ch g, pacer. 6^8. Harry Blandy, br s. 27, .33. Harrv Beecher, — s. 697. Harry Biilings, b g (2:42). (67*). HariyB. Knox, blk s. 16, 333,* 536, 600. R a, 1 y Bluff, pacer. 742. Harry Bluff, gr g (2:61). 32, 287, 422, 640, (.583). Harry Boyd, pacer. 736, 779. Harry Brown, br s (2:38). 303,351, 499, 543, 612, 648. H.arry Buckley, gr g (2:53). (120). Harry C . , rn g. 402, 4fc0, 795. Harry C, b g (3:00i4). 153. Harry Campbell, b s. 51,448 Harry Clay, br s (2 :29 w). 260, 545 582,* 628, 641, 731 . Harry Clay, blk s (2:371^). 44, 240, 478. Harry Clay, b s (2:.37). 1)1, 699. Harry Clay b g (2:56). 21, 287, 795, 802. Harry Clay, gr g (2:41%). 161, 18\ Harrv Chiy, brs(2:49). 63, 119, 414, 578, (626). Harrv Clay, blk s (2:40). 24. Harry Clay, blkg(2:2.3%). a 12, 120, 259,* (340*),439, 448, 589, 669, 676. Harry Clay, br s (2:461^). (44 1 ), 726. Harry Clay, blk s (2:47), by Ken- tucky Clay, dam Blonde. (5), 291, 800. Harry Clay Jr., br s (2:38). (429), 461. 880 CHEST 2:R'o COMPt^ErE TROTriNO AND PACINU RECORD. Hairy Clay. !;lk s. 58- Ha ry C;ay Jr., blk g, by Harry Clav. 4. '7. Harry Cleveland. 33.* Harry Conlclin, h g v^-.'M). 200, 212, 229,* 3*], 037, Cti47*;, 704, 716, 799, 800 Hurry Cook, g- p (2 :46M) 410. Harry D.,chL- (2:31^). 50, i;i9, 181, 193,* 2.')5, 822, 343, 432, 455, 485, 611. 684, 73-.'. Harry D., b g (2:43) liiZ. 276, aJ5, 642. Harrv D., rn g i2:37V4). 51,* 107, 250. .-.04. Harry 1)., br Coronet. 247 Harry U., br ;-', mc^r (2:28). 701. li.irry D., brg(2:5y;. 13, 311, 502. Ha-iy D)V1.-. 44 Harry Dexter. 277, 087. Harry D. Goodrich (Nigger Boy nnd Tom li<.acb), blkg,pacer( J:25%). (770). Harry Diinlap.bg. 7, 2.'?2, 419, 689. Harry East, b g. 82, :-37, 4'Jl, 4t.O, 461,* 014. Harry Ford (2:4"> ). 118.* Harry Forest, bg. 84,* 118,* 233, 28f, 301, :i2'J. Hurry G. C^-J^H). (83), :568, 598. Harry G (Charley C ) b g (2:28^), by Woodward's Etuan Allen, Jr. 218, ;i44, 534, 568. HariyG. pacer. 612. Harry Genet, b g. 200. Harry Gilbert (Juniter). ch g (2:24). 17.* 37.* 49, 59. lOb, 1.54, 18.3, 2 6, 256,298, 3.50, 3.-).-i, 3 5,* 417, 441, 48*3, 498, 5.!6. 538. 564, 594,* 6J2, 645,* fi.-i2, 6; 9, 088, 692, 720, 734. 793, 797. Harry Glen, b s (2:51^). 545. Ha ryOolddust, pacer (2:35-M). 748, 768, 773, (784). 791. Harry Gordon, pacer. 779. Harry (Granger. 7. Harry Gray. 6.")4. 721. Harry Green, gr g (3:00). (283). Harry H., b g (2:40). 272, 326, 374. Harry n.. b g (2:5414). :.'59. 303,* I 5U2, (168 HariT H.. blk s, (2:50). 51, 58,* 63, , 110, (119), 402, .592. I Harry H., blk g (2:40). 67S. Harry Hamilton. 21, 722.^ Harry Harlry (Columbi'in Chief), bg (2:2.5%). 52,- 107, 476, 543 I 624, 7. '9, 798. \ Harry Iliizlcton, grg 442. Harry Heddoii. 22:5.* Harry Heury (2:47). 178, (179), 204, I 244. Harry Hill,b g. pacer. 7.'0, 764. Harry Hill, br g (2:^0^ 309. Harry Hill, ppg(2:.50). 108.117. Harrv Hill, b g (2:45). bv Dave Hill. .39, "(47), 2U, 38;;, 6u0,^72o. Harry Hamilton. ;.'l. Harry Hoi is, blkg. 184. Harry Holt, ch g. 46, 4'.il,* .578, 602.* ; Harry Hofi. pacer. 741,7.52. Harry Hcpknis, blk g (2:.37J^), by Young Tippoo 07,200,221,(402), , 437, 4.59, 603, 061, 7i 8. Hany Hopper, b g. 109, 175, 009. Harrv 1 lowland, wh g (2:46). 89. Harry Ho.vard. 37, .358, 379. Harry Howard, in g. 378. Harry Irving. I»g(2:35). 23, .57, 13R? ]45, 161, ]7K, 298, 373, 378, (564), 604. Harrv T., ch t;. 794. Harry .) ., ch u (2:.i0). 59, 114, 158, 418,691.675. Harry J., l)lk g (2:r?.5i^). 199. Harry J. ,(3:02). (4l0), 027.* Harry Jackson. (19 " Harry Jefferson. :<.55. Harry K.,bg (2:55). 177, 233, 494, 522, 715. TTa ry K.. (3:00>4). .30, 345 * Hariy Knox, ch g (2:379^). 154, '24*. 274. 279, 3lX 445. (503. Harry L., chg (2:.50). llu,* .■.40. .536. Harry L. (2:42). (471). Hnrry Lee, pacer. 747, 782. Marry Li-ona:-d, ch g . 170,* 470. Harrv Lewis, b g (2:39J4). 244, 247, 444, 55fi, (705' ). Harry Logan, ch g(2:36). 200, (257), 5S8. 708. Harry Long, rn s (•2:.i4%). 162, 390. Harrv M., b (,-. 147. Harry Blartij, b g (2:38?^). 230, (734*). Harrv Mi'ldleton,bs. .588. Harry Miller, gr g (2:40). 29, 65, 89,141. 157, l;»S, 2r.i, 272. Ha.ryMiller(:!:00) 315. 625. Harry J»Ii Js. br g (2::i7«4). 64, 248, 283. 300. 3 ! 6. 406, 462, 507, 5.38, 557,* 562* 794.* Harrv Mitchell (Ed. Foster), b g (2:28-54). 41, 8.5,* 11 2, j.32, 1.S2, 249,* U53,* 2:5,* 3.38. 376, 378. 398, 411,* 448. 449, 457, 50S, 512,* .513.* 514,* 548,* 551, 586. 590, 591,* 631.* 637,' 653,- 671, 676. Hari-y Moore, br g (2::i8). 194, 271, 325. 434 . 7('5. Han v Morrill. 299. Harry Morris, b g (2:4.3%). 328, 404, 6.39. EariyK., blk g (2:49}^). 9.5, 184, 450, 59 J. 001. HiirryNeal, chg (2:28). 117*, 199, 5i4, (575), 582. arry Moble, b g (2:42). 327, 3.54, 00(). 021, 035. Hairy Norwood, b g (2:45U). .321, 419,713. Harry O.. by Blue Bull. 550. Harry of the West, b g (2:4014 w). 133, 262. (205), 284, 305. 328. Harry of the West, pacer (2::^5). 14. Harry O'Neil (2:59i/>). (249). Harry P., ch g (2 36><;). 108, 203, 3:18,* 445, 483. 670. Harry P., cli g (2:33). 266. Harry P., bg. 412,* 557. Harry P., bg. 5.56. Harry Parker, cii s (2:421^). 70, 514, (508), 671. 682. Harry Patcheu,b s (3:18). 32, 201, 288, 4;j.* Harry Pelham, gr g (2:28K>). (79*), 113,* 255. 46!, 640. Harry Philips, b;;. 33. Harry P.avell, ch g (2:4.514). 473. Harry Pulling, bs (2:29i4). 146, 268, 472,* 710. Harry R., b g. 145,181. Harry R., b g. 197, 345, 407, 671. Harry Reed, ch s (2:44). 5:<2, 6R3. Harrv Robins, .n (Billy 0'Neil>, br g (2::7). (:.'29*). .528. Harry S , b g (2::i9i4). 72,288,383.* Harrys (3:04). (3.52), :!83. Barry Scott, pacer (2:44U). 161, 7.38, (7-(5), 764, 784, 788. Harrv Sipp, br g(2:36^). 211, 583, 590.* Harry Spanker, b g(2:30). (17), 4.3. 123, i:!:{, 145,250, 296, 350, 390, 450, 489, 697. 799. Harry Stuart, brg(2:49). 540,(560), 6tJ4. Harry Thorn, br s (2:45). 1.50,255, .370,- 474, 674 . Harry Todd (Frank Ferguson and J. G. Bro\TO), bg(2:20). 378, 625. Harry V. 45.90. Harry Vanderbilt, b g (2:4214). 162, 422, e'JO.* Hirry Ve ox, b g (2:26^). 101,* 144. 199, 225. (3.54*), 398, .-04, 50o. Harry W., blk g (2.58). i57(>). Harry W . , b g (2 4' . ) . 76, 2 1 0, 638. Harry W., b g (2:39^). 43, 68, 96, 124, 172. Harry Walters, gr g (2:40). 84. I Harry Walton (Jack Potter*, b g (2:351^). 50, 93. 218, 257, 496, 639. I Harry Ward, rn s (2:42?4). 167. I Harry Warden, blk g, by Scott's ' Hiatoga. 294. I Harry West, grp. 20:'.. . Harry While (2::J9^). 773. Harry Whitfonl, br s (2:42^, by y Mo 7, 18, 71, (:{ii). :i;J6. 3(>. 579. 722, 723. Taggart's Abdallah, dam by Mor- rill. 7, 1 8, 71, (:{11 ), :i;J6, 3(>.5,* 408, .^70 TP'' T-^H Harry Wickard (2:45). (381*). Harry Wickford (2:40i. :.'8.'. Harry Wdliams (2:54). (228), 254. Harry Wise. 419. Harry WoodrufT, gr g.pa'-er (2:.389i). 44. 201. (750*), 780. Harry Young. (105). Hartford Bel e, b m(2:.35). 2:1,92, 209. 271, 289, 296, 373, .390. 407. 492. 610, 800. Hartford t;olt (2:49 s). (889). Hartford Hambletouian, b s(2:45J*). 070. Hartford Maid, blk m (2:40). 106, .1.57, iOl, (2:J4), 362, 416, 4!tO, (i79, 794. Harva, pacr (2:.32). (754). Hai-vester (2:.57). (t)98). Harvester Boy (2:541^). (.395). Harvest Queen, b m "(2:29^). 219.* 288, 449. 500. 028, 661, 697. Harvev. ch g. 121, (541. Harvey, blk s (2::i7). 26, I'O 185, .300, 392, 409,413,485,522,661, 698. 793,* 794. * Harvey, erg (2:321^). 3'2, ;i70, 447. 481,579. Harvey B. 73 Hnrvey McLaughlin. 409. Harvey H. 589. Harvev V. 85. Ha r wood. .588. Hastings, ch g, by Clarion Chief. 17, .503, 577,801. Hastings Kutry (2:47i^). (301). Hash. 727. Hatcher (3:021^). (614), 714. Hatch's grm. 499. Hatch's chm. 300. Hatch's f:rm. 231. Hat Rack, b m (2:5()i4), bv Rock- wood. (73), 18-<, 280. Hatt.r Boy, b g (2:48). 212. 436. Hattie. 7S.5. Hattie, ch m. 681. Hattie, bin (2:45). 150, 191,* 250, 253, 325, 445, 734. Hattie (Sarah and Viola), b m (2:28). (erroneously given 2:30, page 300). 46, 49(), Oi.5. Haltie, ch m (2:30). 11, 140,250, 376, 414, 457,* 500. 509, &S2, 683. Hattie. bm (2:51). 628. Hattie, blk m (2:40). 385.* (484), 535, 549, 687, 690. Hattie, b m (2:38i4). 33, 34, 3C6, (541). Hattie, wh m (2:46). (518), 562. 630. Hattie, bra (2:40). 23,4.'?, 71, » 305, 4(i8, 537.* 000.* Hattie, b m(3:00?i). 68. 28:i. Hattie, b m (2:37i4). 364. Hattie, b m (2:.J5). 1.. 11.3. 278, 390, 606. Hattie, br m. 492. 695. Hattie, ch in, pacer (2:'24»^). 750,* 782. Hattie, b m (2:2994). 33, 82. 1.56, l(i7, 524, .529, 502, ' 601. Hattie, (2:4-.'). (303), 7t:0. Hat:ie(3:05). (728). Hattie. bm (3.0") (000). Hattie, b m (2:37!^). 50, 228, 261, (396). 476, 526,* 6it5. ! Hattie, bm (2:37). 204, 345, (65P), ' 673. I Hattie, chm. 371,372. I Hattie, grm. 391. INDEX OF BEATEN HORSES. 881 Kattie A., b m. ;394, 422. Haitie Arnold (Lady Daniels), b m (L':v:7), 122. Hut ie B., ch m, bv Napa, dam by Pathfinder. 7'J, 409. Hattic B.. ni m. 523. Hattie 13isbopC2:46). 113, 685. Hattie Brcjwne, ch lu U:-i8). 590. 598, (71,'). Hattie iireukenridge. 437. Hatiie C , ch m. 3',';i. Hattie C , gi- m (2:.379i). I'.V Draco (erroneously given 2:32^2, page 3(10), 5 4. Hattie C, b ni (2:32i-g). (387). 668. Hatiie Clay, ch m (3:14% >. 62, (76). Hattie Dixon, brm (2:44). (SO). Hatiie E., b m. 56 Hattie F., bm(3:00). .305, 53"), (622). Hattie Fawcelt, bui(2:.)«fei). 11,47, 84, 492, (514), 613, 619, 696, 711, 732. Hatiie FKcli. 730. Hattie Usher, b m (2:3.5). 33, 42, 61, ll.i, 117, 126, 146, 217, 30.3, 326,* 34S. .",74, (..384). 386,* 4.^6, 441, 473, 484. .JO.3, 5a5, ■ 567, 583, 602, := 62.">. 632,* 649, 657,663, 6y5. Hattie Gokkiust, br m. 49, 82. Hattie Golddust. 392. Hatiie H. 486. Hutiie H., bm. 131. Hattie Hardit. bim (2:45). 18. Hattie Heckson. 504. Hat.ie Hil; ( ;:01i.^). 99. Haitie Jefferson, ch m (2:44). 64, 75. 82. 293, 339, 471,* 498, 655. Battle Johnson, b m. 47, 431.* Hattie L. 168. Hattie L. 5 1 1. Hattie Lovejoy. 503. Hatiie JI., blk m (2:40). 19, 519. Hattie lU. B., b ni. 372. Hattie iMatthewu, ch lu (2:30i4). 81, 162,* 387.*4;i7, 625. Hattie P., br m (2:47i^). 276. Haitie Pollard, ch m. 309, 441. 5.32,* 572.* Hattie R.,bm, by Bourbon Chief, dam by Gray Eagle. 9u, 232. 24*), 272, 328, 53 , 552. Hattie Ko's, bi- 'n (2:47^^). 303, (:!")!<). 4U9, 451, 455, 524. Haitie S. 301 Hatti • S., ch m (3: 4). 3':6.* HattieShawhau, chm (2:42^j. 249. Hattie T. 5b. Hattie Tylei , gr m (2:46). (25), 558, 716. Haiti? W., blk m. 55,544. Hat tie Wood , b m. 346 . Hatiie Wood, b m. 255, 265, 558. Hatiie Woodward, b m (2:151^). 159. Haven's Hurse i2:41). (295). HautBoy. otO. Havilaud (Ned Cole), br g (2:29i^). 130, (259), 268, 302, 405, 542. Hawl:eye, pacer. 790. Hawk. J9I,689, 732. Ha\( k, pacer. 740. Hawkeye, b s. 379. Hawkeye, ch g, by Clark's Mohawk, Jr. 241, 5.i2.- Hawkeyu, 1) g. 182, 338. Hawkeve, pacer. 770. Hf.wk Eye Gill, b m (2:59J4). 67, 310, 536. Hawk Chief. 347. Hawk's blk s. 383. Hawley, gr g (2::i9). (409), 661. Haw Patch. 523. Hawthorne (2:49). (114), 496.* Hawthorne, t r g (2:.35j. 81, 95, 150, 301,458.489,523. Hawthorne, b g. 256, 485,* 671. Hawthorne Blossom, bm (2:50). 80. 795 Hawthorne Chief . 516. Ha-.vthorne Queen, b m (2:48). 95,* 327,(511*). 56 Hay. 30j, G2S. Haj'den's gr s, paeer. 748. Hayderi. b g (2:43). by Kentucky Huntei', dam by Amerioau. Star. 24, (29 1. Hayden Row Boy. 5 ;8. Haydon'.s team. 795 Haymaker, gr g (2:33K')- 12,* 38, 189, 19S, 3a6.* 387, 401, 406, 498, 655, 714. Haymaker, gr 8(2:36). 47,58,91, (22.5), 516. Haymaker. 699. Haymaker. 69. Hayes' Entry (2:46). (475). Haywanl Ciiiff. grg(2:3l). 43, 264. 5.i0, 579, 619. 6o2,* 680. Hayward Gray. 511. Hayward's b ni. 317. Hazard. 797. Hazel, grm (2:40). 28. Hazel Eye. 507. ■ Hazel Kirke, b m (2:.iOM). 7,=^ 87, 196, 621 : Hazeu, br s. 37 J, 459, 680.* Hazor (Atwood).grg(2:i7) 93, 104, ! 164, 172, 176,* 183.2] 8, 258,276,* i 289, .046.* 3.57, 439, 444,* 438, 500, 631, 678. C8G, 702. Hazlewood. 'il9. Hazl'-'tfs Bashaw, chs, by Amboy. .33. Hazlect's gr g. 592. Hazleit's blk m. 1.5G, Hazlitt Queen. 113, 489. j H. B., I) g (2:55). 96,470. H. B. Dal', (pacer) (2:30i4) (2:3U*). 406. (740), (767). j H. Blair. 342, H. B. Foley, b g (3:35). ISl, 198, .338, 351, 358.* 362. 379, 732. H. b. Verry, chg. 51, 119, 2:2, 657. > ;.. B. VVinsliip. blk g (2:20i^). (145), 318, 372,^- 378. H. Crunch, pacer. 728. H. C. Hid, I r g (2:25^). 44, 54, 100, 227, (241), 475, 513, 63)5. 654, 708. H D Clapp. 73. H. D. Laliiu, b g (2:43). 113, (563), 69.3, 71] . H. D. McKinney, pacer. 772. H. D. Walton, I) g(2:35), (erroneous- ly given 2:361^4, pag- 3u2). (89). Header, ch g (2:28). 167, (,94). Htadhght, blk g. 536. Heatl light, ch g (2:30). 99, 104, 1.36, 199,* 241, 27 1 ,* 359, 416.* 607,718. Hradlight (.;:59i^). (381), 565. Headhght, b s. 287. Heart of Oak, blk s (2:34), (2:28>4*). 21, 70, 260, 27S, 497,-' 512, 629, 675, (686), 723. Heath' r Bloom, gr m (2:32). 29, 83, 190, 222, 2.56, 384, 401, 431, 459, 522, 536. 645, G5.j, 656. Heatbwood, grg. 152. Heavy Boy (:i:0^<). 336. Hebro I Girl. 549. Hebe, gr m(2:46 s). 327, 668. Hebe, gr m, by Robert Smith, dam by Young Columbus. .55,483. Heekley, chg(2:34). 538. HeckPellftt, alk g. 182. 191, 473.* Hector, br g (2:35), (2:32 s). 22, 31, 92, 158, 185,* 230, 281, 413,* 426, .595. 598, 6.10. 633. 638, 675 * Hector, ch g (2:42}^). 55,* 65, 279, 489, 490, 639, 734. Hector, blk g (2:59>^). 651. Hector, ch g (2:37). 527. Hector (Captain), chg(2:37i^). 157, 3(j5. 708. Hector, b k (2:38}^). 55. 76, 255,531. Hector, ch g (2:45). 437, 471,* 553, AibS). Hector, b g (2:23), 56, 101, 305, 240, 510, (556*). Hector, gr g (2:44). 39, 189, 192, 308, :J69, 474, .542. Hector (2:40). 94, 221, (341), 799. Hector, pacer. 759. Hector, gr g. 602, 726. Hector, b g 6fe8. Hector Caief, blk g, pacer. 757, 767. Hedgewood. 56. I lelen, gr m. 156. 157, 331, 397. Hele:i, b m (2:45%). 50. Helen, b in (2:37). 57, (137), 2:2, 242, 2.52, 268, 317, 5 17, 564 621, 622, 6 -■4. Helen, br m (2:.^G). 91, 436, (549). Helen, b m (2:36). 165. Helen, bm (2:3ii^), by Gen. Ben- ton, dam Alameda Maid, byWhip- ple's Hambletonian. (244). Helena. 93, 324. Helena. 47. Helen De Long, ch m (2:3.5i4). 24,* 659. Heleue. 85, 557. Helene, ch m (2:21). 48, 63,* 64, 101, 189, 194, 198, 219, 227,=" 258,* .311, 354,* 367. 370, 371, 550, 5 4, 566, 651, 679, 688.* Helen H. 88. Helen Jefferson, brm. 161.038. Helen smith, ch m (2::{5). 404, 42.i.* Kelen Lexington, b m (2:47J4)- 200, 361, 449, .524, 581. 718.* Helen Mar,brmv2: 48). 209,236 563. ilelen Ma'-, b m (2:41V«i). 90.. ..3.J, .i84, 293. :J07, 317,* 394,* 491 * 522, 550, 577. 581,651. Helen Mc'jregor, b m (2:599|). 15, 22, 1 15, 4i7. Helen Medium b m, (2:45). 156, 191. Helen Meigs, br m. 406. Heleii R, i; ai, (2:42), byMambrin > Pilot, dam by Scott's Hiatoga 30, 55, 74,* 295, 351, (480), 6 J. 5, 637. 645,095,794. Helen Shendan, b m. 474, 719. HuloisP, b m (2:38) 11 1 , (485*). Hemlock Maid (2:34). (386), Hemp. 35. Hempstead Boy, ch g. 198, 198. Hempstead Rover, gr g (i:46). 255, (-58). Henderson, ch g(2:27J4). (17*;, 132, 348, 481, 641. Hendiick Hudson, b s. 147, v;82. Hendi icks, b g. .364. 555, 659. Hendrickson's b s (2:37 w). (104). Henrietta, chm(2:31?4). 106,141, 221. 2.51, 285,377,407,690,715. Henrietta, blK in (3:40). 23, 85, 733. Henrietta, b m (2:41). 370. 433. Henrietta, blk m (2:42). 370, (410), 649. Henrietta. 445, 514, 566. Henrietta, b m (3:06 ). (505). Henrietta. 146. 489. Henry (Bay Henry), b g (2:28}^). 262.* (269*), 487,577. H^nry, ch g (2:40). ] 16, 179, 426. Henry, bg (2:47). (516). Henry, b g (2:49). (397). Henry, bs (2:51i^). 478. Henry, b g (2:20i4). 21,* 188, 225, 251', 269, ol6, 376,464,* 468, 522, 623.* Henry, bg(2:43?4). 157. Henry, bg (2:47). 93, 155, 177, 311, 342, 563, 796. Henry, b g (2:29i4). 62,134,138.* 183, 209. 218, 3:ji:, 308, Oo.i, ..^.n, 707. Henry, gr g c2:39). 329, 476, 793. Henry, b g (2:35). 37, 77. 120, 308, ;.07, (046), 680. Heniy, b g (2:41). 315, (669), 699. Henry, bg(2:36M). 153,276, 340, 583, 586. Henry. 686. Henry, b g (2:33). 19, 38.* (169), 232, 861, 398, 582. Henrv, b g, pacer, (2:40»4). 751. Henry bg (-:39}4). 155, 257 308,* 315.* (690). Henry, gg(J:33). GO, 126. 707. SS2 CHKSTF.R'.^ fOMPLKTE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD Henry, 07:39). '24, 230, (523>. Heiir/. rii p. 501, Ool. Hf-nry. 4{5. Heniv, l.lKg C^-Ali). (20.")t. Henry, f;rK(-':47). (1< {?*), 364. Henry (JtoTM). (147*), 2.i5,576. Henry, br s (■J:39). (08), 164. Henry, ch g. 149. Henry (•J:.".4) (•;70), 532, 589. Henry, bi' s. 465. Htnry, blk k (;.':. 52). 27, (576). H"nr>, bK. 128, 240,* 305.* 363, o.Jl, 652. Henrv. b g. 4'-8. Ileni-j' Allen. 647. Henry's bs (2:51^. (560). Henry A'mont, blk g, by Almont. 66, 88. lu7,* 131, 203, 533, 687, 725. Henry B , b g (2:51^). (384). Henrv B., blk g, by Dutchman. 108. Henry b. (2:45). (713) iienrv Llank. b g (2: 44?^). 217, (333), 371. Henry B. Patehen (Ned Forrest), bs (2:;52m. (409), 459, 544 Henry Buford. 276,375,613. Henry C. (2:46i^). (7C), 246. i'enry Chase (Ohio Boy and Dart). bg"(2:2794). 46, 123, 224, 258, 30:i, 504, 609, 611. Henry Clark, gr g(2:38). 35, 36, 64. 144, 171. 2 7. .311 386,* 407, 436, .'i24, 5.58. 6.32, 6S5.* Henry Clay. 706. henrj- Clay, ch g (2:38)^). 31, (194), 497. Henry Clay, ch e (2:47^). 832. Henry Liav, rn g (2:53). 626. Henry CUy, ch s (2:493^). 138, 48G. Henry Clay, ch s (2:42). 23. 46. 638, 690. Henry Ciay, blk s (2:42)^). 474, 607, 67.4. Henry Clay, chs(2:39). 496. Henry Clav, b s (2:43^). 121, 163, 260, (271), 341, 611. 638, 652. Henry Cl^). 75. 82, 87, 311), 328, 442, (572). Henry K., b g. 454. Henry L , chg(3:llV^).(77),249.260. Henry M., b s, by the Eaton Horse, dam a Morgan mare. 36M, 599. Hnnry Martin. 115. Henry Midilleton, b s, by Bay Mid- dle'ton. 448. Henry Miller .Jr. (Harry Miller Jr.), er g (2:40). .50, 373, 4i)0,- 504. 61.5. Jlenry Monill, ch g (2:49). (61C), 6.^5. Henry Mac. <.-h g (2:48). (1,56). 615, 976. Henry McKee. pacer. 767. Henrv Parker, ch s. 55,406. Henry Perett. b g (2:.50). 27.3, 326, 7-'s. H-nrv Putnam (2:49). (2.3), 54. Henrv R. (Tonpv), ch g (2:3SJ4). 38,* 1.54,* '.09, 640,* 666. 7(i7. Henry R., ch k{^: *7). 451, (483), .520. Henry Ray, h g, 225 » Henrv Reeder, b s. 448.* Henry S., grg(2:39i4). 30. 51. 246, 260, 394. 4SS. .5:51, 545. 5.57, 506. (51S9, 794. Henry S.. b g (2:48). .39, 210, 296, 3-!(i, .570. 673. 707. Henrv Sanliope, b g (2:40). 216. Henry Suioky .5*8, 801. HenrVst. L iwrence, brs (3:00). 5:5, 359 Henrv Stone, ch g (2:36). 38, 222. 25: (■ 431, 4:54, 562, 6:5:!. ()65. Henry Thorndale. bg(2:.5.5kl). (56.3) Henri Todd (Frank Fergu-son and J. Q Bro ■ n), br g (2:26). 11, 47. 58, (it), : 255, 260, 44:5. 47li, 503, 619, 639, ()67.* Henry V., bs. 610. Henry Washington 544. Henry Ward Beecher, ch g (2:"^8). 606. 689 Heniy Ward Beecher, grs (<;:.37%). 77. 19.3. Herald, b g (2:.36i^i). 16. 20. 223, (3.'6'), :54S, :!92, 4l0. 437, 66i, 730. Herald, br s, by (Jen. Hatch, dam by Gage's Logan. i:59. J43, 24!t, 416. Herbert, b g (2:37^). 17, 100, 255, 538, (698). Herbert L.grg. 105.438,505. Herbert N , blk g. 648. Hercules, b ■ s (2::J7). 110, 126, 184, (:574-), 452, 516, 55", 612, 614, 695, Hercules, blk s (3:1 IJ^). 74, 6;i5. Hercules, b s . 465. Herdio, os (2:43i^). 93, 249. 328, (432). 468, 502, 584. Herman, ch s (2:50^). (383). Hermes, br s (2:27"^). (49), 59,* 19.'. .336.* 345.* 388, 528, 695. Hermione, bm(2:44). 36,124, 165,* 18.5, 4.38. Hermit, b s., by Mambrino Ab- dallah, dam Bird. 459, 510. Hermit, brs (2:40). 114. 139, .355, 391, 432, 456 665, 794. Hermit, D s (2:37V^>). 16, 23, 7J,120, 195, 251.* 3 '9, ;ir55, 455, 4-9,* 508, 517, 564.* 613, 666, 722, 794, 796, 802. Hermit, br s., by Pilot, Jr., dam by Roebuck. I'o. Hermit. (2:47). (21*). Hermit, Jr., ch s (2:33J^), by Hermit, (19*) 68, 73. 271.* Hermosa, b m (2:33i^). 386. Hermitress, b ra. IH. Hero, pacer. 255. Hero, gr s (2:51). 705. Hero, ch g (2:;59) 419, 487, 712. Hero, b g (2:. 53). 532. Hero, ch g (2:49). 360. Hero, b s (2:43J4). 117. 243, ;}32, 390. 478. Hero, blk s. 478. Hero, b g(2:31). 113, 130, (220), 454. Hero, b s (2:37). 178.* :505, 3.56. 422, (528). 547,* 591 , .599, 674, 679.* Hero, b g (2:30}^). 168, 204. 293, 434, 577. Hero. (2:.53i^). (228). Hero, rn s (2:.57). 160, 3.52,* (61'?). Hero, gr g., pacer (2:20}^). 226, 575,* 776. ! Hero, b g (2:42). 481, 490, (527). Herod, blk s (2:26?^) 51, 104, 131, I 1.56,* 194, 235, .383, 406, 440, 520, .5.S6, 719. 724. Herod, b g. 438, 462. Herringbone Patciit-n. l)r g. .567. Hersehel. .539. Hersev. br s (2:2.5?4). 10, 20. 67, •79,' 196*1, 208. 212, 255, 298, :584, 401, 507. .545, .56'<,* 644. 675, 7i)0. Herzoma, b m. 81, 192. Hesperion. b s , bv Reconstruction, d«m Lizzie. 54. 108, 144. 145,6i2. Hess, clira. 547,557 Hesing Jr.. b s (J:41). .50,65,69, 190. ::ti4, 323. 3:52. Hes'er A , b m. 244. Hert.i V . rti rn (2::55V6). (erroneous- ly given 2:41). page :5()7. (2;i6), 345, 572. 635. Hetty. (6.34). Heltv. br m. 21, (595), .597. H. ttV L. 183. Hetiv Pearl, br m (2:27). 34, 110, 145, 161 722 Hetty Y, blk m (2:.37). 470. Hewitta. rn m. 35, 222. H. F. Clark (2:4.5). (3.")4). H. O. Cook, gr g (2:41^). 181, 576. H. H . picer. 7111. Hlatogii. b s. 5j9,* 624. Hiatoga, pacer (2:34). 65,369,(767), 784. Hiatf)ga Belle, pacer (2:34^). 739, 740, 742. 746. 7 50, 768. 778, 790. Hiaioga Billy. 250. Hiatoga Chief, b s, bv Scott's H a- loga (2:50). 52, 178, !.;12, :143. (399), 471, 474, 4«9. Hiatoga Duke 2.50. Hiatoga aid, b ni, pacer. 784. riiatosa Maid, b m, by Scott's Hia- toga. 391. Hiawatha, blk m. 461 . Hi Ball, cU g, pacer, by Bald Chief. 740,761,764,779,780. Hibiscus, pacer. 790. Hickoy, Gh g ( .:38%). 49. 246, 279,* 39.5, 398, 418, 431. 438, (498), 650.* 795. Hickory, ch g (2:.37). (247). 260. Hickory (Hickory AbdaUah). b s (2:27^:^) (eri-oneously prmt d 2-M7%. page 307). 16", 22, 28, 67, 10.5, 171, 489, 514, 515, .55-.:, 634, 686.* Hickory. (2:431^.) (444*i. Hickory, br g (•.':40). (8), 50, 72. HickO'-y Bo> , ch s, pacer. 772. Hickory Boy, br g (2:37). (225), 599, 688. Hickory Dick. bg. 24'2.392,611.632. HicKory Jack, chs (2:ti.5). 28,36, 43,* 76, 1'2.-L06, 1-8, 129, 1 31, 180, 182, 192, v80, 41-3, 4:11, 460, 485, 575,* 629. 655, 671, 677. Hickory Jack, rn g. 408.* 716. Hic-kory JacK. br s (2:5i:>4). 88, (561*). 5-8. 685. Hickorj-Jim. 451. Hickory Tom (Dan Brown), ch s (2:32). luO, 642* H ic iv ory Wood , ch g. 1 98. Hidden Treasure, blkg (-:32!4). 25, 112* 123. 144, 145, 161, "206, 291, .38:5, 480, 488. ,596. HieTonyimis. '249. High Clou I, bg (2:361^). 107,289, ;-'98, 4l:5, 482. 712. Highjack, ch g. pacer (2:2.514), by High Jrtck. 165, 737,* 738.* i740*). 74 ', 7.5(5, 762, 766, 768, 769,* 780,* 788, 791. Highland . 408. Highland Ash, b m (2:40;)4). (219). Highlind Belle, b m 2 ■9, 6-'6. Hi>;bland l5ov, bg (2:46). 2.35, 412. Highland Boy. bi,'(2:54). 264. :508. Hinhlaud Boy (2:51). (:559). Highland Boy. 351,365. Highland Hoy, b g, pacer (2:50^^). 756, (770). Highland (^hief, b s (3:00), by Mc- Donald's Chief . (:58). .59, 1'24, 556, ' 670, (595 INDEX OF BEATEN IHIRSES. S83 Highlaml Chief, ch s (3:01). «41. Hijih.aiider, pacer. 74.">, 785. Highlander, b s (•^.•±4), bv nigh- lamler, dam by Tecuinseh. 26,* 157, -^97,338,398. Highlander, chg(2:51iK^). 71. Higlil aiider. b s. 254, 474, 550. Highhuid^r. 31, Co7, (573. Highland Flora, brm(2:43i^). (108). Highland Fling. 580. Highland Girl (3:01). 327,306.437, 56.3. Highland Golddust, ch s (2:50). 61, 99.* 143, 523. Highlani Gray, gr s (2:28). 31, 131. I.'i9, •J:;4. 268. 384, 424, 665 Highland Gray Jr , gr g (2:ii.31. 132. Highland Lady, h ni, uv Ashland, dam Young Highland Maid 83, :.95. Hi;:hland Uiss. 626. Highland Maid, b m (3:27). (•:>26*). 27S. Highland Maid, br m (2:47). 54,147, 218, 600. Highlanil Maid, ch m (2:31),^) 07. 71, 92, 114, 224, 331, 539, 577. Highland Maid, eh m (2:39i^i, (erroneously given 2:40 page 306), 146, 323, 582, 694,- 718 Highland j:aid (2:51). 240. (525-), 796. Highland Blaid. 414,621. Highland Maid, paeer. 763. HighldnJ Mary (2:31). (624). His-hlftud Mary, ch m(2;3(i) 9,* .38, 60, 141, 228. 255,* 372, 388, 568,* 59.-i, 677, 707. 721,768.* High and Mary (2:.36J4). 78, 342, 470, (494*), 609, 633, 686, 793. Highland Marr. gr m . 297, 4iJ4, 473. Highland Mary. 9. Highland Patchen, b s (2:51), by Tom Patchen. 3l, 139,* (20ij. Hieh'.and Queen, b in(2:31). 121, 1/9, • lGi;.29.3, (394*). 597,611,630. Highland Queen, bm (2:36). 60. Highland Seal, brg (2:315^). 66,523, (6-8), 716. Highland Stranger, b s (2:25^). 26, 34, 103, 162, 382, 385.479,494, 50?, 512, 604, 605,658.* Highland Win, b m (2:.30»/,). 64, 77, 184. 196, 200, 2.J9, 290, 303,* 326, 346, 461, 521, 546, 577, 585, 731. High Rock, rng(2:.53). 380. Hi^ih Tail, b g. 469. High Tide, bik s. 203, 508. High wines br g. 278, 397. Hillsboro Chief. 143. Hiir^ b m i2:46). 304, 526. I Hillsdale. 387, 393 ! Hill Top, b g, by Strathmore, dam j bv Albion. 202, 657. Hmckley Boy, sp g (2:43). 156, 382, 1 464, 553. I Hilda H. ch m. 676. Hindoo Colt, by Young Hindoo. 410. Hippodromp (3:04). (23). i Hippy, b g (2:5.->m. 61, (563) Hip Hip, b g (2:44). 52, 412, (533), r 98, 621. Hiram. 434. 535. Hiram, chg (2:37 s). 222,277. Hiram, b g (3:49). 214, 216. Hiram, bg(2:45). 9H,* 183. '75, .377. Hiram, ch g (2:47>^). 35, 180, 213, Hiram, bg (2:39). 27, 96, 242,307, 421,607, 683. Hiram, (2:55). 670. (716), 718. Hiiam, b g (2:4' %). 32. 52, 57, 71, 11 ;, 195.223, 2^4, 273, 364. 434, 4.52. 526, 528, 560, 659. 712. Hiram, blkg(2:37). (.5.=;i),676,*724. H;:am, chg(2:5 ). 29,339.406, 499. Hiram, (2:58). (.3:181. Hiram, b s. 60, 352. Hiram Allen, b s (2:58i^). 432, (658*), 730. Hiram, blk c. 604 Hiram C , b g ( .':48M). (322), 502. Hiram Del . 237. Hiiam Dre^v (Bay Morgans b s (2:3]V<;i. 204,* 2.30, 259, .".OO. 317. 576, 6M5. Hiram Drew Jr. 190. Hiram Over, brg (2:4094). 191,* 195, 2 J8. 26.3.302(4:51). Hiram Howe, blk g (2:495^). 625. Hiram MeCann, br g. :i72. Hiram Miller, blk g (2:.35M)- 294.* ;146, 4.54, 504, 619, 70.5. Hiram R., ch s (2:39%) 679. Hiram Temple, b g (2:43). 55. 486, 6.34. Hiram Woodruff, ch s (-3:44). 33, 297, 315, 674. Hiram Woodruff, brs (2:37). 10, 71, 78.* 104,* 108, 144, 219, 222, 342, 344, 36(t. 424, 470, 493, 494, 555, 578,* 672, 710. Hiram Woodr uff, blk s (2:43i^). 153, 181, 222, (.590), 634. 677. Hiram Woodruff, b g (2:25). 26, 1.30, 171, 192. 2;{8,* 278, 308, 420, 440, 4.57. Hiram Woodruff, br g (2:54). 96, (135), 150. 352. Hircm Woodruff, br s (2:38%). (146), 21.3. Hiram Woodruff, gr g (3:03). (400). Hiram Vv'oodruff, b g. 1 45, (306), 408. Hirondelle, chm (3:52). 438. Hiioiidelle (2:4114) • (277), 290 Hi Sutherlaud (2:T54). 20. Hi Tracy, ch g, pacer (2: 22}^). 749, 763,* ^74.* 790. Hit or Miss, ch m . 33, 109, 257, 713. H. J. Clark, rn g (2:46). 607. Hitchcock. (65*). H. L., grg(2:42^). 536,547. H. L. Davis, br g (3:00). 113, 411, 413, 563, 617,* 712. H. M. Strong, chg (2:2.iJ4). 12,* 72, 129. 241, 244, 262. 274, 351, 416, 479, .504,* 512,* 667. HoaglanrPs b c (2:401^). (556). Hockey, b g. 532. Hocus Focus, b g (2:39M)- 87, 149.* 307, 474, (614) 644.* HodP., chg(2:59H). 559. Hodgen Girl, ch m. 632. Hoffman's br m (2:41i4). (60), 534. Hogarth , blk s (2 :26). 1 6. Holabird's gr g (2:45). (343). Holbrook (2:451^). 538. 717. Holbrook Maid. 50. Holbrook'sb s (2-38). 424, (666), 707. Hole in the Dav, pacer. 753. Holkam, blk s (2:45). (108). Holly. 429,798. Hoi I o w Boy (2 : 56) . (308) . Holmes' b m, pacer (3: 12). (771). Holton Boy. b g. 285, 451, 685, 696. HolyokeGirl, b m (2:39^)- (87*), 211,710. Home Again. 419. Homely Jack. 156.* 291. Homely Jim, b g (2:.3190. (457), 539, 6:;5.* Homely Zach. 682. Home Made, chm (2:34 J4). 132,193, 2i7, 4H1, 558, 607. Homer, b s, by Hambletonian, dam by Rattler. 440. Homer, blk s (3:00). 34, 93. (711). Homer, ch g (2:?.7]4)- 27,* 89, 92, 297. 373. 490, 509, (675J, 686. Homer. 468. Homer, b s, by Hindoo, dam by Mambrino Messenger. 709. Homer Boy, br g, by American Star. 166,218, 375. Home Stake, gr s (3:02%), by Re- construction. (301) Honest Abe, b g (2:371^). 23,* 253, 439, 798. 803. Honest Abe, brs (2:34?^). 71. 1C9,* 117, 169, 351, (63.5*), 715, 725. Hones- Abe, b g(2:40). 76. 419. 519. Honf St Abe. b g (2:52). 530, 644. Honest Aggi", b m. 141.* Honest Aleck, ch g. 223. Hone.-^t Alkn, ih s (2:.3.3U*) 688, 793, 796,* 708. * Honest Allen, ch s (3:113^). 732. Honest Allen, b s (2:37). (107*), 339, 406, 427,* 470. 529, .555. 720. Honest Allen, ch s (2:49^). 229,* 521, (;5U.* Honest Allen,ch g,pacer(2:.34%).750. Hone.stAnse chg(2:.3H4)- 82,(104), li 8. 10*), 408. Honest Harry, eh g (2:40) (erro- neouslr given 2:42, page 313). ] GO, 257, .5.11*. Honest Hurry, rn g (2:221^). 88, inn,* 340,* 171, 186,239,244,311* 3. '4. .■!62, 3ti9. 414, 424,* 429, 447, 493,* 527, 528, 552. o93. (701*). Honest Harry, bg(2:.57J^^). 22,*53. Honest Jack (2:48 w). 85, 567. Honest Jane. 174, 254. 500, 613. Honest Jenny, b ni. 475. Honest Jessie, b g. 22, 259, 440. Honest Jim (2:46). (5i6). Honest Jim, l.Jk g. 497. Honest Jim, b s (3:17). 178. Honest Jim. pacer (2:28^). 737,* 740, 74(i, (7.->2), 768.- 774, 778,* 783. Honest Jira.bg (2:46K>). 146, (303), 474, 50S, .511,* ,i.5U. 61 '. Honest J Im. grs, by the DiUon horse. 149, 223, 271, (4 10), 799. Honest Joe. b g, by Bourbon Chief, dam by Gray Ei;gle. 1.34. (463) Honest Joe, b g. 81. 250, 452, 672. Honest Joe, bg (2:45). 55,474,(612 ) Honest John, b g (2:35^). 45, 88, 142,- 214, 216, 382, 469. 561, 595, 689. Honest John, b g (2:38i^). 106, 188, 324 673, 683, 710,* 728. Honest John, ch g (2:49i^). 423. Honest John, cr g (2:4o). 596, 643.* Honest J.hn, brg(2:4il^). 88, .31.3. HonestJol.il brg(2:.39^). 64,297, 510, ((;40),642. Hone>i John, eh g (2:42). 94. 376. Honest John (2 :59 1. :^.5, 364, 4(:3, 564. Honest John, b K(2:o4i.i). 504, 634. Honest John, er g (2:50). 2.32. Honest Johw.chg(2:44M)- 131.162, 287. 509, 79.3, 802. Honest John, bg (2 :43K'). 287,197, (571). Honest John, b s (2:4.5). 650. H'.nest John, b s (2:39). (153), 278, .327, 331, 574, 6:i4 Hones. John, rn g (2:4.5). 49, 104, 174,246, 2(i7, 344, .-)70. Honest John, br g .2:46). 153, 174, 186, -72, 340, (441), 726.* Honest John. 624. Honest John, ch g (2:53). 707. Honest John (2:44). 22.3, 44.3, 617, 62(i, (704). Honest John, rn g (2:3i). 94,124. 16.'), (KiO), 218, 228,* 246. 300.* 315 3til. 304,447. 548,566,002, 606.* 636, (i75, 681,* 710.* Honest John (2:45i/,). 96, (4.35), .50.5*. HonestJohn.gr g(2:.37i^). 14,28, l.')7, j;94. 339, 417, 537, ;-,91. Honest John, b s, by Mambrino Pilot. 138. Honest John, b g (2:45). 13, 227, 408, 492, (539), 553. Honest John, rn ^ (2:41?:^). 81, 273, 487, 603, 625, 0()9. Honest John, b g. 19, 67, 79, 415, 441 . 589, a35,* 801. 759,* 760 m, paoer. , 773, 782, (783). Honest John, gr g. p.icer. (54, 416, 747, 7ti5. 7(i7, 7(i8. 788. Honest John, b g, pucer. 775,781. Honest John Ta\ lor. 376. Honest Kate, blli m (2:.<8) 285, .310, ;125, :160. 449, 477,* 59:{.* ()04. Honest Lawyer (2:.")0». 587. Honest LvoM. chg(2:37). 26. 29,* 61. I7i, 2.">7, 29.3, 391, 490,541, 550, 561. ."89. 600. 62 , 640. Honest Mack, ehg(2:.34). 22. 74 16.5, 256. 290.* 360,* 449,* 456, 632, 643. 647, 712. Honest Mack ch g (2:49). 2::9, 257, 6.')3. Hone.st Mack, oh g(2:39). (24*), 62, 614.* Honest Major, gr g (2:36>4). 172, 4^9, Honest Mary (2:33i^) (erroneously printed 2:35i^, p»ge .■>]5). 13,* 22, 217,251,379,(673). Honest Mary, ch m (3:03). 47,^:- :;78. Hontst Micliael. 445. Honest Moscow, b s (2:46). 22:>, (368) Honest Molly, b m. 616. Honest Nathan (3:06^i). 170, 412. .">30, (671) Honest Ned. bg (2:51). 73, 132,218, 412, 580. Honest Ned, b g^ pucor. 747, 777. Honest Nell, b m (3:00;. 103, 146, 265,* ()99. Honest Peter, gr g f2:37K>)- 130, 328, 400, 588. (i2:!.()92.* H'-nesl (Quaker, gi- g (2:38). 31, 162, 2(i6. 441, (591*1. Hon- st Quaker (2:4."i). (184), 514. Honest Quaker, bik g (2:48). 40, (217*). 2.V2, 502, Honest Reuben, br g. 446, Honest ■ euben, b g (2:55). (276). H.iuest Sam. h g (2:50). 136, 229. 361), 373, 438. 513, 5 15, 567.* 799.* H<.nest Sam, b g (2:37), 351, 507, 676 Honest Sliaker. 157. Honest Son. 312, .'580. Hones-^ Tim (3:09). 14. h oncst Tom. gr g (2:.36). 206, .368 450,* .526. Honest Torn, b g, pacer. 763. Honest Tom, b ;, (J:4,")V6). 236, H nest Tom, big, pacer. 737, 791. Honest Tom, ch »;• (2:41). 76, 115, 14.-), 398. 4.->9, 672, 726. Hone>t T(;m, ch g (2:48). 24, 312, .347, (642*). Honest Tommy. .365, 692. Honest Tom Wall, b g. 485. Honest William. 40, 61 1 . Honesty, b g, pacer (2:26K\'- 7.53, 780. Honesty, b g (2:4.5). 319. 4,54. Honesty, b s (2:42) (2:26*). 238, 278, 298, (589*), 693, Hone.sty, b g (2:44). ;:91, 319, (476). 687, 795, Honesi V, gr g ( 2 :3794). £ 27, 480, 695. Honesty, hr g. 611 Honestv, gr g(2:46i, 217, 22.3. Hone.stv, brg(2:4()«4). 81, 114, 247, (3()()), :i91,- 4:>7, .599, 60 1, 6(>5, Honesty, ch s (■-':2. %). 13,* 47, 103. 173,* (()()(;■ ), 061, &M. Honestv, b s(3:01). (108). Honesty, b m (2:38). 50, 523. (717). Honey, ch m.by Mambrino Prince, dam by Paddy burns. 120. H ney liee, br in, by Landseer. .572 Honey Lake Chief (2:43i4). 442, 521. Honor, ch s (2::;9^). 12, 80, 725. Hooker. 480. Hoosic Mountain Boy. 36. Hoosier, b g, pacer. 7.36, 762, 789. Ho, ''S:, 785. Hoosi' r Boy. b g (2:36J4). 44, 227, 3:!2, 481. Hoosi°r Hoy, eh g (2:4".) .58. 261. Hoosiei- Boy (2:45). 75, 187, (3t 5). 648. Hoosier Dick, b g, pacer (2:26W) (2:19)^ s). 738,* 7;!9, 7.56, 757.* 773, 782.* 785.* Hoosier Dick, b g. i)acer (2:25M). 749.764.781* Hoositr Gai (2:32*). (3'!8l. Hoosier Girl ( Lead yille Girl), grm (2:38:>4). 212, (.505), 661. Hoosier Girl blkm (2:3'^) by Blue Bull. 18,* (371*), 458, 510, 573, 613, 625, 704. Hooier Girl, eh m. p.icer (2:40). 66.* 276, 742. -762.- Ho isier Girl, blk m, pacer (2:28V4.). 761, Hoosier Jim, b g, pacer, 744. Ho< sier Ned. b s 64. Hoosier Sam (2:.36K>). 16, IK . (3( 2*). Hoosier Sam, b g. pacer (2:24K'). 739, 741),* 745, 753,754. 763. 784> 791.* Hoosier Tom, 605. Hoosier Tom, b g, pacer (2:19^i, 629, 745,* 746.' 747,* 749,* 75^, 757,* 758,* 760. 782,* 786, 791. Hoosier Tom. 388, Hoosier Tom. b g, pacer, 778. Ho. so (Billy Grant), b s (2:55). 545, Hop (Col. Russell, bg (2 :255ti). 57, 159, 303. 304,* .3.52,* 467. Hope, blkg(2:43»4). 369. 508. Hope, ch g (2:28). .35, 41, 101, 112, 160, 262, 302, 457, 4.58,* 494, 535, 669, 692. Hope, blk g (2:50). .57, 337,389,434, 639. Hope, b g (2:32j. 76,* 145, 170, 400. Hope (3:12). (438). Hope, b m (2:o9). 170, 240, 720, HODeful, gr g (2:14%) 85. 122.* 141,* 160, 281. 376. 4ti3, .500. 580. 587,* 65;^,* 687,* Hopeful, .588. Hopeful (2:44) 76, 157, 229, (240), 298. 364, 367. Hopeful, b m (2:52). (3.37). Hopeful. Jr., b g b.y Tramp Dexter. dam by Green"s Bashaw. 686. Hopeless, gr m. 30. 4.3, 171, .';5T. Hopeless, b g. 718. Hopeless Maid. 132. Hope So, ch m. 328, 3.54. Hopewell, gr s (2:56). by Messenger Ironsides, dam by Schaefer Pony. 212, 301). (489), 6'76. Hopkinton Maid, b m (2:.".bV)- 177. 675 Horace, bg (2:41). 45, (193), 21.?. 301, 380. «34. Horace Allen, b s. t«, 220. Horace B. 688. Horace Dyer, 357. Horace (Jreeley. ch g. 242 Horace Greeley, ch g (2:35}^). 115. 127. 319, 395,* 81 2. Horace Greeley, b g (2:51). 255. (3i:^), 3.38, Horace Greel.y, b g (2:40). 219, 228,* 2:m, 2!'8, 337, 371, 385, 4Ul', 432, 496, 6 6. 731, 799,* Horace Greelev, b s (3:12!^). (634). Horace Greelev (Hard Road), b g (2:35), (209). 210, 224, 348. Horace Greeley, chg(2::<8»4) 67, 329, 423, 537. Horace Greeley, gr g. 428. Horace Greeley, blk g (2:57). 69, (215). Horace Greeley, b g. .323. Horace Greeley (3:12k.>. (4aC). Horace Grce.ey, pacer (2:44). (743). Horace Greeley, br g, pacer (2:22). 739, 779,* 78b. INDEX OF BEATEN HORSES. 885 Horac.-.- (Jreeley, eh s. 10, 38, 470. Kf)race Jewel. 91. Horatio, bg(2:49?4). 605. Homer. 203. Hornet.br g(2:34). 102, 111. 115, 271, 297, ii:W* 392,* 411, 425, 444, 526, 039.696,707.* Hornet, gr s (2:4.n). 382, 425, 697.* Horn«n (2:4','). (473). Hornet, ch g (2:4.'V6). 181, 467. 658. Horsemount Bov. b 'c(2:35i^). 241,* (309), 51 '2. Hosmer's br m (2:46). (498). Hospodar, b g, b.v Belmont, dam Horteuse. bv ambrino Chief. f-8. 212, 420, '491. Hosser, ch g. 135. Hotel Boy (2. •."i7). (239). Hot; Foot, b g. 94, 97, 434, 621. Hot George, bg, pacer (3:03). (261). Hot Punch, b g 385, 713. Hotspur ( ol. 3Iaynard) b g (2:24) 21. 127. 1G4, 182, 205,* 218. 261,* 267.* 2(«), 280, :jOO, 304,*352,:J72, 522.* 660. 707. Hotspur (2:441^). 217,315. H' >tspui-, b g. 4 77. Hotspur, pacer. 741. Hotspui- Chief, b s (2:29), by Hot- spur, dam a pacing mare. (385), 458, 482, 599, 625. Hotspur Girl, b m (2:.37). 5",, 80, 177, 300, 503, 56.3, 654. Hotspur, Jr.. br s, by Hotspur. 320, 504, 711 Hotspur ooe, ch g. pacer. 789. Hot Water, blk g (3:43). 157, 252, 314, 423. Hot Water, blk m (2:42}^). (66). 82, 178, 365, 384, 655, 717 HotAVater. rngc.':50). (529). Houghton Belle. 330. Housatonic. 558. Howard, b g, by Stonewall, dam by Cannister. 152, 482, 532. Howard, br g. 227, 412,* 464. Howard, ch g. 22,* .332, .341. Howard Jay, rng(2:21J4). 20,72, 89, 649.* 722* Howard Boy. 72, 89. Howard Snow, b g (2:42). .50, 432. Howe (2:51). (726). Howell. brg(2:40). 143,* 1.55, .328,* (40.3*). 8.57,684.708. Howe's ch g (2:441^). (523). Howe's ch m. 165. Ho-^ler. 472. Hoxie. .538. H. Shueline. 348. H. T. (2:46). (513). H. T. Davis. 114. Hubb's ch g (2:40]4). 123. 318. Hubert. 5.55. Huckleberry (Dictator, Pluck and Brown Jack), blk g (2:22}4) 62, 132, 147, 253, 273, 425, 456, 514, .576, 586,* 065, 714,* 717. Huckleberry. 161,(411). Hudson, b g (2:29). 157. 688. Hudson Boy (3:0S). 361. 412, (430). Hudson Boy. 516, 673. Hudson Girl, gr m (2:45). 491. Hudson's b g. 114. Hudsppih'sb m. 728. Hugh, b g. 281. Hugh Douglass, b g (2:44). 58. Hngu G.. ch g, pacer. 706. 790. Hugh McLaughlin, b s (2:23). 124, (22i>-), 268,546,730. Hugo (2:.5f5l/,). (171), 284, .363. Huguenot (2:40). (483). Hulda (3:03). (21), 45(). Hulett. b g (2:4114). 29, 34, 138, (37.5). 414. 429,* 726. Hull, ch s (2:5m). 12, 246. Humbert, b s (2:32^). 465, 581.* Huinbird, blk s and blkg (2:.51). 432, 580. Humble. 249. Humboldt, b g (2:45). 435. Humboldt, b g (2:20). 14, 17. 48, 96, 1.53, 184,* 194, 199, 216, 225, 308, ,371,* 383, 480, .504, 556. 701. Humboldt. bg(3:15). 314. Humboldt, b g (2:32). 72. Humboldt, b s(2:44J^). 9, 11.* Humbug (2:4.3). (677). Humming Bird, ch m, pacer. 749, 790. Humming Bird, blk g (2:331^). 212,* 402. 408, (433). Humming Bird, b m (2:53). 606. Humming Bird, rn ra (2:42). 616. Humming Bird, bg(2:43%). 157, 560. Humming Bird, ch g (2:43). 179, 213. 260, 633. Humming Bird, b m (2:43), by _ Cloud Mambrino. (239), 619. Humming Bird, b m (2:50;. 157. 160, (175), 413. 5:^3. Humming Bird, b m. 3.33,* 374, 504, 611. Hmnphrey Clinker. 93,215. Humpty Dumpty, b m (2:34^^). 59, 116. 215, 429, 559,* 680,* 712. Humpy, b m (2:361^). 12, 49, 229, (394). 452, 551, 605, 720, Humpnose. 525. Hunali, br g. 681. Hunkidori (2:46). 144, (235), 293, 408, 539, 655. Hunkidori. 478. Hunkydory, b g (2:37). 191, 300. 389, .395, 411,* 420, 470, 498, 682, 716, 802. Hunkydory. ch g, pacer (2:35J4». 67, (742), 745.* 749, 758, 763. 773, 781.* Hunter. 124, 540. Hunter, ch g (2:37). 89, 111. 280, 477, 520, 522, 633, 645, 659. Hunter, chg (2:29). 19. :i9, 40. 9:J, 164. 176,* 181. 191, 199,* 240, 249, 290, .340. 351, 360, 413, 419, 420, 461. 467. 485. .506. 525, 5.57, 583, 641. Hunter, br g (2:32), by Ky. Hunter. 70, 179. (2:i7). 431.* Hunter, gr g. 491. 496. Hunter. 306. Hunter, br g, pi'cer. 767. Hunter Boy, bs (2:46%). 479. (.539*). Huntress, b m (2:20^). (8), .34, 105, 112, 122. 130, 133,- 181, 222. 270. 290, 206, 316, 317, 336. .353. 36'>/ 368 ;!69, :',7::* 4 1 4,* 4 .'1, 4.32,* 440, 493,534,5:!7*, 580, 590,* 597. 625.* 649. 6.59, 660,* 678, 719,* 729. Huutre^s(2:54;%). (4.35). Hunt's blk g (2-46K'). (356). Hurlton Boy. 291, 599. Huron, b s (2-42i^). 77, 89, 731. Huron Bey. 103, 209, 592. Hiu-on Chief (2:41). 526 (547). Hum's bg (3:08^). (690). HuiTicane, (l\til!er Boy) b g (2:45). i:'.l, 362, :i92..-.,00, (.522), 594. Hurry Up, b g. 65.5. Husky Boy, b g (2:41). 216. .329, (317), .39o, 635, 650. Hustes Ford Boy. 134. HiLSiler. 412. H. V. R. (Gettysburgh), b g (2:.30}4). 244. H. Vanderbilt. 12. H. W. Beecher, brg(2:51). 289, .511. H. W. Beecher, chg (2:40%). 360. H. W. Beecher, b g(2:57 w). 503, 526. H. W. Beecher, bg (2 :.">2). (.347). H. W. Beecher. blk s (2:28}^), bv Phil Sheridan. 145. (181*), 233, .318. 661. H W. Beechpr. 179, 229, 712. H. W. Beecher. 199. H. W. Genet (Dan vers Bov) b s (2:251^). 62, 80,* 161, 242, 276, 296,* 304, 333, 480, .543. 6 i6. 638, 650. H. W . Lincoln. 107. H. Woodruff (2:45). 54, (560). Hylas, ch s (2:24i4). J 20. 175. 196. 215, 232,* 249. 293, .359. 373, 378. 429. 508, 579, 631, 654, 676, 724. Hvpercoon. gr g (2:.36). 58, 124.* (409). I. A. Daniels, ch g (2:.59M). 292, (627), 67u. lago, b g (•-':33J4). 184,* 214, 291, 399, 509, 700. lago, bg(2:52). (17). latan, chg. 103. Ibex, bg(2:53%). 673. Ice. b g. 71, 173, :185, 794. Icebei-g, grg(3:00). 563.706. Iceberg, ch g (2:45). 277, 636,* 660. Ice Cream, ch m (2:58). 90, 562,* .595, 711. Ichabod, ch g. 28, 181. 466, .549, .596. Ice Pony, ch g. 187, 706. Ichob (3:01). (58). Ida, bm (2:. 54). 681. Ida (2:45% w). 310, 561. Ida, b m (2:.34). 114, 214. 283, 413.* 442, 610. 730. Ida, bm(2:47^). 545. Ida, b m (2:41 M)- 150, 253. Ida, ch m (2:55). 83, 2&3. 347. Ida (2:481^). (94). Ida, brm. 329. Ida (Belle Smith;, ch m (3:29). 58, 5t,9, 655, 795. Ida, pacer, gr ra. 756. Ida, b m (2:.35^). 90, 91, (285*). Ida, ch m (2:38}^) (erroneously given 2:45, page 332). 402. 502 503, 645, 794. Ida. gr m. 216, 458.* 551. Ida, b m (2:37>4). 2.31, 277. Ida. 124. Ida (2:50). 210. (216), 681. Ida, ch m (2:. 52) (erroneously given 2:48, page 322). 14, 90. .359. Ida, b m (2:40%). .56 107, 116, 147, (211), 2.50, 516. 576. Ida, blk m (2:41%), by Gen. Knox. (585). Ida, b m (2:39). 22, (264), 358, 803. Ida. b m (2:52%). (10*), .300, 676. Ida A., gr m. (j62. Ida B. 408. 557. Ida Bell (.':46%). (214). Ida Bell, blk m (:{:01). 231, (236). Ida Bell, b n^. 146.* Ida C, rn m, by Harrv Ward. 241. Ida D.. ch m (279). 447. Ida Davis. 18. 473, 735. Ida Erwiu, b ra. 383. 450, 472, 670. Ida Fulton, br m (2:46}^). 623. Ida Gray, b m (2:50). 53, (617>. Ida Gi-ay, br m (2:41). 63, 147. (168), .336. Ida H., br m (2:30). 9. 193, 323. 381, 392, 412, 470, (508), 55*. 66!.* 800. Ida Hayes, rn m (2:423^). 52, 124, 273, 389, 719. 795, 799. Idaho, ch m 103, 266, 366, 653 Ida Howe, ch m (2:50U). 5.34, 549. Ida Jane, chm(2:57^. 25, 230, :191, (730). IdaK., b m (2:43). 113, 148, 192. 391*, 4.52. IdaL.,bm (2:40). 119, 120. 134,* 183, 304. .369, 427, 441, 522, 629,* 663, 678. Idalia, b m. 680 Ida Lewis, gr m (2:39): 57,* 246, 273, :139. ^86 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. Ida M..hr 111(2:59). 543 IdaMay, blk III (~':48 s». 214,3125. Ida IMa- , b m (•J::i5) 2!), 250. Ida Mav. b in ('.MJli. 411, 705. Ida May, (2:41). (IIO*), .•372, 548, 570, 5tU. Ida iMav, ch m (2:.")0), by Tempe.st. 121, (.$29), 450, 4KG, 503, t!61, 720 Ida Mav. pacer (2::J0). 738, 748, 757, 702. tU4, 769*, 779. IdaO., bm. 27. 1<)«, 478. Ida R., gr m (2:5?!^), 08, 336. Ida R., spro (2:41^». 228, 381*, 41-.', 5.53. IdaS.,c;i ni. 508. .-,60. Idas., ti- I'l pacer, c^:i6) by Bay- ard. (757). Ida Shepnrd. b m. 72, 119, 379. Ida Tlioiiipson, b III (2:.50). :i8. IdaW., bm(3:06;J4). 44, (08*), 453, 5.52, 0:i2*. Tda Wh I'l.r. bm (2:46). 237. Id'-, bm (3:111). Ideal, cb s (3:03) by Abbottsford. dam Couutess. (■49.3). Idle, cl.e (2:521.^). .5:39. Idle Dov, b er (2:385^). 273,274, 551, 020, (7:!2). Idle Boy, chg (3:00). (731). Idle Boy, b s 94, 335, 339, .391, 613, 6;j(). Idle Girl, b m (2:."j.3). 265, 756. Idle Kit. b m 459. Idler, br g (2:.38). 60, 112, 207, 219*, :J39, (530), 689. Idler, br fi (2:.50) bv Ethan Allen. :J4, 209. 368, 417, 424, ( 427), 640. Idle.sin.blkg. 34. Idlewild, ch m (2:42}^). 399. IdK.wild, b m. 206. Idlewild, (2:51). 114, (695). Idlewild, blk m (2:29J4). 14, 580. Idlewild, (Gloucester) blk g (2:36^). 19.* 181,349,390.467, 481. .59.3. Idlewo"d. b g. 276. Idol, bs (2:4 1-M). 439, Idol, ch m (2:27). 36. 292, 304, 352. 361, 386, 448, 543,* 568, 629,* 699. 709.* 801. Idol (My I tie Thompson), b m (2:23) (erroneously printed 2:233^ page 324). 66, 83, 80, 147, 273, 341. 369, 424, 425, (429), 432, 439,* 513, 5:3.3,* 574, 619, 637, 665, 714. Idol (2:56). 246, 503, (795). Idolater. 707. Idol Ben, b g 604. Idol Girl, b ni (2:36.}4), 132, 652. Idol Girl, b m (2:53). 43, 66, (285), 534. .568. Idolize chm. 18,687. Idol Kelsey, b s. 498. Idol King. 101. Idol Maid, br m. 30, 659. Idolwyld, bm. 140. I Don't Know, ch g (2:47). (597.) iKnatio Chief, ch s. 2(>s.* Igo, ch g. 122,* 251, 2f5:J, 3.34. I (jiuess So, gr g. 430. I Guess So, ch e, by Edward Ever- ett, dam by American Star (2:43). 90, (216), 284, 316,* 347, 575, 653, 712. 799. Ike, gr g, by Almont, dam by Mok- lahdi. 2J.i. 444. Ike Cook (Frank Forrester), b g (2-3(0, 85, 226,* 297, 410, .501, 593,* 800. Ike Cook, b g. 367. Ike ].ee br g (2:47). 1.37, 177, 293, 549, 607. Ike Marvel, br g (2:30J4). 82, 241, (271*), 554,622,708. Ike Marvel, b g <'2::i7i4). (17), 91,* 179, 255, 282, 534, 5(57, 589. Ike Marvin, b g(2:43^). (;!23). .389. Ike Medium, gr g (2:33). 22. 79, 90, 100, 176, 181, 264, 362, 5:W, 588. 641. Ike Sadler (2:55). (540). IkeSchultz, b g (2:30>4). i:U. 203, 2:54. 2»)2, 470, 480, 498. .507, .560. ike Sbepliard, br g (3:05), by Dr. Herr. dfini by Manibrino Pilot. : (18), :548, 49.3. | Ike Smith, gr g. 19,* 138, 232. j Ike Stadtn. h g (2:.34), ■..i37, (710). Ike Wai.vcll. 0:3. I'.e Woodruff, b g (2:39i^). (207*), I 378. I llderi;ii, ch g (2:43). 76, 172, 185, 195. Uderiin, b m (2:;?8i^), by Chester Lion. 251,* :iC6, 4:36, 454, 515, (581*). Ilka, brm(2:31'>.^). 170,* 424. .579. Illinois Boy, b g (2:45). 218, 230, 209, 429. 45 .'. 497. 684. 710. Illinois Central, bs (2:57-%). 333. Ulinois Charley. .398. Illinois Chief, b g (2:.38). (91*>. Illinois Chief, b s (2:40). 2o3, 209, 230. :!91, 440, 520, 603. Illinois Chief, pacer. 582, 785.* Illinois Maid, b m. 583. Imogene, b m (3:.30\ 33. Imogene. ch m(2:43). 13, .553. Ina. 9", 410. InaG.,b m (2:24}^). 60, 81, 11.5, 105, 348.* 354, .39H, 414, 438, 482, 489, 554,* 590,* 635, 649, 657, 681, 682, 683, «94.* 709. In an4). .34, 59,* 80. 45:'.. 576. Independence, b s (2:23J41. 17. 89, 164, 177,* 233, 339. 390, (554*), 556, 588, 728.* Independence, b s. 407. Independence, cr m (2:59). (52). Independence, ch p. 431, 450.* Independent, b m (2:.57). 388. Index, bg(2:45). 718.* Index, b g (2:261^). 13.* 60, 167. 258, 318. .324, .384,* 385, 507, 563.* 577, 6.")7. Index. 22:5. 44:3. Index, bp. :!79, 4.50. Indian, pacer. 775. Indian, ch m (2:38). .35, 370, 4.39. Intiiaiia, b 111, pacer, 745. Indiaia, bm(2::{2). 191. 378, 411, .589, .590, (613), 709. Indiana, blk g (3:0.3). 471, (528), 655. Indiana Belle, ch m. 694. Indiana Boy, ch g. 332, 634, 722. Indianapolis, br s (2:21). 72, 86. 122. 18.!, 200. 203, .325, 414, 5.56, (623M, 701, 725.* Indian Belle, ch m. 116, 13.3, 401, 427, 697.* Indian Boy, ch g (2:47). 25(3, 356, 644, 716. Indian Chief, blk g, pacer (2:.50). 69. :567. 74(i, 751 .* 768, (784*). Indian Girl, br m. 10,49,255,344, 402, 764. Indian Girl, ch m {2AS%). 569, 634. ; Indian .lack, br g. 404. 1 Indian I'oint Cliis'f. (2:46^^). 28, I .5()0. ■ India Rubber, blk p (2*29^^). (1:17*), «;"-,*2'8, 405, 410.423, 4.30.431, 4.I1, 6:30, 732, 79.5, 798, 801.* India xubber, b g (2:.5S), 92, 289, :'49, :3.5:5. ((i()Oi, 078. India Rubber Ben. blk g (2:.32U). 18.),* .304. 423.' 690, 79:{.'^- 794, 797,* 798.* India Rulibei- Jacque. b g (2:44)4). 9 ), 26IJ,* 294, 494, .5:34. (662"), 721. Indieator (Wood|jecker Gulddust), en 8 (2:J7i. 9^3. 110. 1:34, 1.50,* 196,* 205, 230. 241,* •-(i2, 342, 345, » .349, 383, 504. 534, .567,* 622,* 6:50,* 694, 667, 688, 7.30.* Indigo ch g. ()27.* Indigo, blk g(2:.53 w). 2.5, 96. Indigo, blk m (2:46»4). 336, 722. Industry (2:48). 74, (277), .3«6.* Inez, b m (2:47>i). 289, 303, 794, 798. Infant. 544. 710. Infunt Drummer. 69. Infelice, br m (2:.37!^V (50, (493), (won lir.-t heat, paue 493). Informer. 655, 701.* Ingleston. 60. Inpomar (Tom Foster), ch g (2:43). 64, 273, :!74, 412, 677. Ingomar, b g. 61. Ingomar, rn g (2 :2fl}4 ' (erroneous', y' printed 2:28, page 320). 9, ;{l. 42. 101.* 150, 198, 298, :S()9. 346' ,4:t6. 4.55,* 4.58, 473,484, 497,583,* 594, 609, 633. Ink, blk 111 (2:ri6). 23, 709. Inkerman. b s. by Speedwell Ham- bletoniaii, dain Lucv, bv Feni- more Trafalgar. 67, 18:',, .594 80.9. Innocent Sam. pacer, b g (2:2794). 746,* 752, 7.-5,* 769,* 78 '.* 791.' Ino. br s (2:32i4). 202. 49:3, 3j0, 675. Ino, b m(2:21^) 326,340, .391. 4,36. 47.3, .507, (517). Ino, b m (2:401^). 90.* 155, 303,* 440, 522,* 525, 048, 7l5. Inspector, b g, by- Tariff. 635. Insurance, b g (2:48^). (397), 672. Integrity, b s. 674, 711. Invincible, ch g, bv Exchequer, dam by Altorf II. 182, 356. 398. Invincible Frank, br g. 575. lola, gr m. 233. lola, b m (2:34M). 334. lola, brm. 449. lolanthe. gr m. 162, 223, 707. Ion, b g (2:50 wi. 3ux2. Ion. 574. lona, hlk^(::43%). 137, 284,* 29.3. lona, gr m (2:29J4). 241, 358, 499, 601. 703. lona, blk m (2:37). 112, 244, 263, 280. lona Boy, ch g (2:36^). 1.5.5, 547,* 621,724. Iowa Chief, blk s (2:349^). 138, a54, 404. Iowa Duroc, ch s (2:399^). :3."9. Iowa Girl, rn ni (2:.38). 87, 127, 1.57.* 248, 327. ;36K. Iowa Girl, b m (2:59). 45, 2.32,* 499, (i81. Iowa Maid (2:52). 400. Iowa Maid, br m (2:35). 104,* 206, .349, .584, 6. '7.* 717 Iowa Maid blk m (2::i,5). 149. 204,* 276, (281), 4.")2, 714. Iowa Prince, ch s (3:0li. (141). 697. Ira. blk g (2:3414), by Hinsdale Horse. 41, 150, 163,* 29J), 517, 612.* (68N). Ira Allen, br s (2:53)4). 569. Ira Allen, Jr.. br s. 443. Ira Bride, brp (•>:.51). .36. Ira Brown, b g (2:41). 08. 107, 116 139, 180,277, :336, .354, 448, .503, .571, 580. 672. Ira Cook b tr (2:5.5)4). (129). 516. Ira C. , ch g (2 :. 3.5)^) . 236, ;326, 4.38, 449, 472. INDEX «>F DEATEN HORSES. Ii'aD., pac-er. 75t>. Ira Hunter, ch s 2 )7. 2fl6. Ira White, wh g (•^:51). ;.'57, 583. Irene, b lu (;J:0t)!4>. (t4>. Irene, blk m (•J:41J) 49.i)4,459,*620. Irene, gr m C>:::OU,). 8, 17, 24,27, 37. 7?., 108. 100. 18i). := l SD, 202, 23 1 . 247, 250. 27-'. 288. 290, 30:5. 344,* 346,3(52, 429, 46.5, 480. .51 '5, 564, 508, 610. 6^3, 686, 701.* 7)."). Ire-ie, b m (2:39). 53, 112, 124, 137, 212, o.Vi, 648 Irene, b ra '2 :i6i4V 61. 90. 199, 294, 34.>, 3 "6. (-112)632. 803. Irene, bm( ::'>i-}i). *il6. Irene, gr iv 6985.* Isaac, b g (2:29)4). 242, (669*). Isaac Dahlraan. 413. Isaac Davis (2:45?:j). (661\ Isaac Eads, brg (2:38). 78,148.(472). Isaac Farragut. 731. Isaac M., gr ix (3:51V^). (246). Isabel, blk m (2:40 J. 16, 424, 562, 633. 68.5. Isabella, ch m (2:48 w). 139. J Jaokade. 520. Jack Archoll, ch g (2:32). 105. Jack B.,chg (2:43). 218,(594). Jack Baknr. 184. Jack Baxter, br g. 12. 2.54, 714. Jack Barry, brg (2:29). 57, i04, 183, 356. 455. 627,* 726. Jack Brown, gr g (2:42). 138, 167, 795. 803. Jack Brown, pacer (2:54 s). (769). Jack Biinnell, b g. 465, 488. Jack Bunsbv. b g (2:51). 374, 794. Jack Byrne (2:56)4). 78, (730*). Jack Carter, ch g (2:36). 146, 218, 416, 479, 504, (582). 629. Jack Ca-s. 42. Jack Chamberlain. 28.* 206. 271. Jack Churn, b g, by Ericsson, dam bv Alexander's Norman. 726. Jack Chambers, b g. 4.39. Jack Conde (2:46). (93). Jack Conn, b g (2:47). 17. 17i, 356, 360, 377. Jack Cook Jr., br s (2:49). 327. Jack Davitt, ch g. 5o5. Jackdaw, b g (2:38)^). 722. JacK Draper, gr g (2:27). 11 , 15, 25, 37, 75, 109,* 122, 12.3, 133,* 140, 206, 210, 232, 236, 238, 239, 279,* 281,* 3U4.* 3.53.* 384, 398, 403, 407, 414, 425. 434, 4.39.* 448, 4.56, 485, 514,* .591. 598.* 609. 619. 645,* 650, 653, 660, 665, 676, 699, 7.32.* Jack Dunn, dn g. 16. 118 Jack Dyer, b g. 157. •t61. Jack Evans, br g, pacer (2:29)4). (766), 791. .Jack Flournoy. ch g (3:00). 275. Jack Frost. 154. .304. Isabella, cUm (2:37). 2."9 279, *29.'^ * 301* 4.59, (.536*), 650, 665, 712. ' Isabdl.'i . br m, by Dictator, dam by Go.'ddust. 04,201, 259, .387.5:9. 0.56. 685. IsalisI a I ook. 186. Isadora Rurnimdo. , 35, 6.56. Isiip -luing Boy. b s, by Danville Boy, (lam by Hambleton'ian. 137, 569. Island Belle, b m (2:47)4). 68,209, 276. 317, v332), 407, 453, 465, 529. Island Boy, blk g {•■^■.^^r,). 25, 135, 197. 429, 4(51, 648 6s»9.* Island Chief, b s (2:. 55). 143, 259, 401, 492, 706. Island Chief, eh s (2:41). 66. Island Chief (2:,57). (699). Island Girl b m. 456. Island Maid, b ra (2:49). 45, 89, 352» 5.35. Island Maid, b m (2:41) 68, 478, 6t<8. Isma, ch m, by Gen. Benton, dam Irene, by Mohawk Chef. 273,286, 658 * Isoline, b m (2:39]4). 513, 577. (See appendix) Isor. 671. Israel, gr g (2:34)^ wi. (283), 5', 2. Issaquena, b m, by i^aucoast, 'am Latnam Lass, by Alex. Abdallah. 33. Italian Girl, ch m (2:o2l4). 339. Itch. 150 Ithaca. blkg(2:.58). (260), 504. 531. Ivan, br g (2:40)4). 40, 42, 98, 207, 720. Ivanboe, br g (2:38). 53, (93), 144 Ivanhos^, b g (2:48). 53, 195,* 28.3, 290, 291. (-^94). Ivanhoe, blk g (2:41)4). 392, 431,* 568, (613), 629. Ives' Chestnut Stallion (2:43). 716. Ivin, blk s (2:46)^). 720. Ivory's ch s (2:53). (565). Ixonia Chief, blk g. 38. I Jack Frost. 97. I Jack Frost, wh g. 38, 84, 212, 230, : 266, 61t', 620. Jack G., blk g. 310.662. I Jack (George, b s. 503, I Jack Gray. 617. Jack Green . 273. 1 Jack Hardwick. 19. 82. Jack Hart, b g . lo I . Jack Hart, ch g, pacer (2:23)4). I 752,* 756, 764. Jack Harverly, b s, by McCurdy's ' Hambletonian, dam by Howlec 155 . Jack Haverly (Little Brown Jug), brg. pacer (2:11?4). 746. i Jack Hayes ch g(2:.54)^). 186.* 330. I Jack Hican (2:56)4), by Mohican. i (247). Jack Horter (Traveler), ch g (2:27^). 24. I Jack Irving, b g (2:.52). (53). ! Jack Jr.. rn g (2:36). 314, 034. Jack KeUer, b g. 37. ' Jack Langrishe. g: s. 469.* I Jack L"wis (Clifton), b g (2:28)^). 49, 99, 172, 246, 304. 305, 368. 385, 404, 423. 527. .549,* 700. 715. Jack Liners. 405, 438. I Jack Luna. 257. Ja-kM..gr g. 62. Jack Madden. 237. 672, 754. Jack :\lathews (Jack), ch g (2:38). I 66, .388. ^ Jack McDonald (2:52). (352), 706. Jack Morrow, ch g (2:44)4), 41, 80,* 104, 376. Jack Nelson, chg (2:.50). (71). . Jack of Clubs, blk g (2:54). (668). I J.:cko' Lantern (2::9) (4n9^. 88' CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTlN(4 AND PACING RE ORD. Jack of theBa'?h. -^84. J«c-k of Trumps (7:5 ). 240, ^4.'0). Jack of !5p Kies, Mk k C^-.W^). •~M0. 2-fci, 3-':^, ;H0, 450,* 451, 575, (535,* b(JO, (7:M>. Jack on thi- (Jre^n, b k. by John F. Fayne, dam Five I-ove. 515, tJKG. JacI; Patchen, br g (3:00^1 314. J ck Perf-goy, br g (J:^;^?^). 187, 45i, 553. Jack Poor, br g (2:4n. 115, 298, L"9:t, 3.5^;, 3(;s, (407j, 4U3. Jack Pot. l.).!. 460. Jack Potter (Harry WaltnnX b g ~ 70, 100, 301, 334, 368, 138, (•.-:35U). 7. 570, 623. Jack Potter, bg (•2:40). 30, 3 '--■23, 418, 439. 40U. Jack Rabbit. 327. Jack Rapid, gi- s, pacer (~':20). 7.18, 73!>,* /■40, 744, 75l', 756,* 760, 76) , 766, 768, 769,* 772.778.« 781,* 7H«, 791.* JacU Kapiti 4S Jack RaDid Jr ,grj;. pacer (2:35?iJ), bv Jack Rup.ii. dam bv Falcon. '2k. Jack Reed, ch g. 493. Jake. »)lk g (2:49»4). 53, ''00, 284, 32-..', 41>7, 47S. Jake (2:47). 9 (. (179), 335. Jake, brg(2:44K.). 292, 304. Jake, b g (2:50^). 453, 506.* Jake, rn s (2:48), by Benedict's Morrill, dam by Spread Eagle. 138, 378. (583), (801). Jp.ke Di-nui.-. 39.5. Jake Hes.s. 264. Jake Logan, ch s. 242. Jake Oakley, b g (2:32^ w). 236. 306. 418, 4:i.3,* 618, 664,'^ 885,* 091. Jak.; Pitz. b s. 126. Jake Rowe, b g (2:4l>^). 24, 45. 245, 377,419.420. 604, ()39. Jake Taylor, br g (2:46 s). (125). Jake Uri, 4 9,* (418*). 424. 4-'6.- 427. 460,* 501,* 654,* 664, 697,* 710, 739,* 776. Jack Sailor, br g(2:25^). 64, 144, 259, 281, :?18. 3«4. 455,^-550, 766. Jack Sauder.s (2:37)41. (84*), 600. Jack .--hackleford, pacer. 784. JaCK Sbepherd, blk s (2:43;. 271, 460. (::38) James B , b g (2:49i^). 203, (528). James B. Alves, b s. 384. James Bell, b g. 14.3. James Bill. 695. James Boy. 44. James C, b s, pacer (2::!6). 742, 762, 772, 776, 7><7. James C. (2:49). 6 363. 617, (686). James D. McMann (Shoo Fly), bg (2:28^). 22, 127, 280, 325, 476, 584.* 597. Jack Shepaerd, b s (2:53). 421, 573, | Jame.s Conlisk, rn g, jjacer. 7.39 577 143, Jack Shepherd, blk g ( 201.712. Ja -k She.jherd. '■> g (2:4S(. 219, .3.35, 722. Jack Shepherd, b g. 28, 118, 130, 289. 3:)3. Jack Short, br g (2:41). 56, 69, (70), 80.* 234, .586,* 724. Jackson. 158, 51". 021 Jac;^ s). (.506). Jane Sprague. 336. Janes\-ille (Roxburv Boy, Notfield), b g (■-• :29}4 ). 1 1. 22, 67, 198, 199,* 20}, 269, 276, 282, 340, 352, 4'29, 486, 505, 507,* 515. 520. 588, 6;}4, (686) Janes ville Maid. 480. Janey Star, b m (2:44J4), by Sweep. stakes, dam Mary Piatt. (436). Janev W. 510. Jared, b g (2:4 li^). 166. 661.* Jarvis, rn g. 76. Jarvis, b s. 174. Jasper, b g (2:39%). 107. 170, (-277), •299, .346, 400, 681,797. Jasper, ch g (2:33). 163, 209, 300, 374,387,435,628,6.33. Jame.sH iwell. Jr.,brg(2:24). (44*), I Jasper, blk g, by Woodbmn Pilot. 17. (216), 197. .•$76,533. .Tames Howell, Jr., ihs(2:.52). 93, 249, :i84. James Jack, b g. <)88, 719. James K., ch g (3:29). 119, 268, (.345). James K., ch g. 24, 640. James Keefe. ch g (2:.57). 342. James K. Polk, b s (2:4.5). 42, 338, 42(5, 720. James K. Polk, b g (2:44). .547. .572. James K. Polk (Cloudman and Judge Scoti), cii g (2:3114). 19:1. '240,* | Jay Gould, bg, by Badger Boy. 237. ((>83). I Jay Gould Jr., bg(2::»% w). 70,* 6('0. Jaw, chg. .336. I Jaj Bird, rn s (2:38^). u65 . Jay Bird, b m (2:30). 655. Jay Bird (2:38). 6, 152, 239, (4.64). Jay Boj-, I) g (3:28). (731) Jay Cooke, blk g (2:52^). 356,* (501), 525, 527, 544, 0.59. Jay-Eye-See. blk g (2:10%). 703 Jav-?ee-see, ch g, by Sweepstakes. (538. James K. Polk, ch g, pacer (2:'27). 3.59, 4'26,* 607,' 7(58, 776, 787. James L., ch g (2:32U). 16, 70, 120, .359.(452), .507, .576, .5.86, 619. James Lick, gr s. 252, 521, 560, 602. .lames Lindsey, ch g. 67, 7i9. J.ines Luue.bs. 188,* 446, 594, Oil, 716. James M , br g. 584.* James Mambrino. ch s. 2.55, 310, 410.* 72, 87. 106, 154, 24t5. Jay f}ould Jr.. b g (2:.55), by Jay GonUl. 404. (713). Jay Gould, b s. by Jay Goidd. 145. Jay I Don't See. br g (2:44) (2:J9), Jay Smith (2:44). (400). J. B.. (2:34J^). 126, 1:51, '201. 480, 505, 722. J. B. Richardson, b g, by George Wilkes, dam by T-illahoma. 26, 6.57. INDEX OF BEATEN HORSES. 889 J. B. Sprague ch g. 193, ^10, .'Ad, 348, 373, 43."),- 453, 5:.'8. J. B. Stanaard (3:54). (647). J. B. Thomas, b a & g (1:^:181^). 17, 60,* 7i. 133,* 17,3, 194,- -'Iti, 2S:i, 30'.', 354,* 370, 515,* 60S, 620*, 68S, 701. J. B. Thomas, ch s (3:11}^), by Woodstock l,3:i. (306). J. Buckley (3:04). (:i95). J.O. (2:,38). (3,J3) (won first heat in race, page 333). J, C, Hall, bs. 19. J, 0. Heenau, b s (2:49), (2:28*). (354*). J. C. Heenau. chg(2:^.->). 437. J. C. Kellv, blk g (2:3;.'). 48, (130*), 113, 1 69, 207,- 64y J. C. Lewis,pr s, bv Billy McCracken, (2:.3t)i4). (23). 570, 714. J. C. Pai-tridgre, blk g (2:433^). 29, 235, 279. 320 J. D.,b g (u::40). 57,246,304,385, 594* J. D. Beuton,b g(2:40). 90,240,C54, 475, 533, 5.")2, 712. J. D. Ellison, b g (2:371.^). (460), 661. J. D. Hull (.i: 40). (40:'), J. E. Alien , b g (2:51)^). 56, 230, 407.- 480, 53t. Jean, b m (3:06) (55"). Jean Baptiste, b s (2:.52). (106). Jean Gaptiste, h s (2:35). 126. Jean lugeiow. bini (2:30)^). 8, 22,* 24, 27. 55, 79,* 132, 143, 170, 17';,* 187, V22, 224. 264, 272, 308, 357,* 424, 446, 4S9, 498, 512,* 513,* (.">28'), 548, 031, 638, 733.* Jeannette (Lilly Simpson), gr m (2:31J^). 126, (333), .302. Jenny Bell, b m. 267. .396. Jenny Bradford. 34 1 . Jenny C grm (2::i4i^). 38, 107, 194, , 32.3, 416, 436, 489, 4V9, 637, 661, ! 699. Jenny Campbell, b m. 646. 687. '• Jen;) v U^rr'dl, gr ra(2:48). (465), 522. Jeuny Chandler, ch m (2:42%). 155, 363, 407. 1 Jenny Clark. 458, 768. ' Jenny Cleveland, b m(2:50) (220*), 29:j. 346,572. 621. Jenny Crews, br in (2:34). 753, (754). ! Jenny Cooper, ch m (2:37i^). 23,* I 214, (411), 418, 590. 690.* ' Jenny Curtis, blk m (2:35). 308, 336, I 483, Jenny D, 445. I J. nny Day, blk m (3:43). 169. Jenny Day (2:4834). 71 , 324. Jenny Dean, br m. 304, 311, 603. Jenny Dickson, br m. 14, 349. 1 Jenny Dutcher. 87. Jenny E., b m. 298. Jenny DEste, br m. 232. Jenny Frolich, ch m (2:44)^). 83, 306,* 473, 536. Jenny G.,rnm, pacer (2:341^). (7.38). I Jenny G., oh m (2:44}4). 103, 484, 1 539, 684, 731. Jenny G 28. Jenny Genet, b m. 688. Jenny Geddes, gr m. 227. Jenny Golddust, b m. 92, 253. > Jenny G)ace, b m (2:46). 14, 420, 454, 554. ; Jenny Gray, gr m (3:4 ' ). 24, (575), Jenny H.,brm (2:3054). 53,* 172, 236, 272, 36 1,. = 13. 69.'. Jenny Hatton. 658. Jenny Hay. 413. Jenny Hoitt. 408. Jenny Holt. 402. Jenny Holton, b m (2:22J4)- 32, .33, 353. 369, 407,* 420, 483, 515, .559, 698. Jenny Hough (3:46). (421). Jenny Howard, b m (2:47>4). 626. Jenny Hunter, b m (2:37). 53, 71, 152, 442, 690 Jenny Ide, b m (2:413^). (.593), 717.* Jenny Jefferson, b m (2:38). 170, 295, :!90, 470, 498. Jenny June, b m. 51, 479. Jenny Junk. 97. Jenny Jupiter. 413. Jenny K. (794). Jenny K . b m. 1.34, 502, 703. Jenny Kellogg, gr m, by Stock- bridge Chief 188. Jenny Knox, pr m. 70.* 406. Jenny Knox. 5vr/. Jenny L , ch m (2:48). 62, 141, 183, 310, 566. Jenny L.,gr m (2:27M). by Hoag- land's Messenger. 25, 85, 119, 125,* 153,* 184, 200, 205, 220, 237, 291, :!i5, 328, 347,* 367, 383, 407, 411, 414. 421,* 481, 492, 504, 538, 550, 562, 568,* 609. 612, 617. 658, 661, 675, 679, 769. Jenny Law. 106. Jenny Lewis, pacer. 757. Jenny Leigh, gr m. 425,450,496, 690. Jenny Lind, ch m (2:35i^). 71, 469, 501, 564, 632. Jenny Lind, br m (2:44). 186, 389. Jenny Lind, gr m (2:40). 142, 186, :??8, 519,* (624), 692. Jenny Lind, ch m (2:49). 101, 197, 705.* Jenny Lind, b m (2:40). 69, 2.57, 369, 432, 438, 551, 579, 617, 6il. 642, 648, 659,* 674, 685, 720 Jenny Lind, blk m (2:45). 53,* 77, 417, 485, 564. 570, 6.59, 697. Jenny Lind, b m (3:00). (177). JTenny Lind, ch m, pacer (2:28). 770, 782. .Tenny Lin^l, ch m. 462. Jenny Lincoln. 42. J»nny Tjocice 475. 890 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. Jt'nn.v Lyman (^"Ji/jt)). (W'i), 71". Jeiinv McCoy. 97, 7:25. Jenny Martin, br m. 145. 612. Jenny May, ch m (:J:05). 49, 280, 4:5:2.* Jennv Moore. 9. Jeuiiv- Moore, ch m i2:44). 253,611, l!7f. Jenny Moore, b m (2:."?9l^). 7.3, 91,* 99.* 118, IKO, :jH«,45;3, 468,* 517,* (524), 541, 655, 670. Jenny Hlorpau. 622. Jenny .Myers (2:4-.'). (711). Jenny Myer.s 42.'). Jenny Norton, ch m . (2:59)4). ~^'3, 569. Jennv Norton. 252. Jenny Noyes, ch m (2:40). 16, 607. Jenny O., ch ni. by Robert Mc- Gregor, dam by Bashaw Drury, 459. Jenny Overstreet, ch m (2:41i^). (45S). Jennv P. 622. Jenny Patchen, ch ni. 14, ISO, 126. Jenny Paul. 718. Jenny Perry (Lula), b m(2:15). 457, 635. Jenny Pugh. 70. Jenny R.. br m (,2:')814), by Tramp, ciani Carrie Logan. 199, 27s, :<93, 419,44:?. (709). Ji-nny Rhlneheart 4.59. Jenny S.,b Ml (2:3914). 374. Jenny S., ch m (2::i9). (146), 292, 672. Jennie S , b m (3:04}^). .39. Jenny Sloan. 666. Jenny Smith, bm (2:55%). 1.57, 191, 232, 282, 684. Jenny Spencer, b m (2:4 ^14). 59, 110, 190, 253, 377, 420, 64-',* 700. Jenny Sprague, blk ni, by Gov. Sprague. dam Rainbow. 3.52. Jenny Star, b ni. 87, 351, .597, 659. Jenny Strioeaway, b m. 236, 340, .392. Jenny Sullivan, blk m (2:331^). 184. Jenny Thompson, b m (2::54). 31. 152, 175, 181). 222, 247, (272), 306. .3.38, 100. 405, 49.'<, 571, 732. Jenny Tynan. 3.^2. Jenny Victor, b ni. 486. Jenny Vincent, ch m (2:38?4), 31,* 34, 181, J91, 244, 514,* 655. Jennv W. 63. Jenny •i^.,ch m(2:39). 242,490,579, 625, 713. Jenny W., b m (2:30). (29), 31*. 149, 194, 229. 2HT, 447,* 531. 550,* .566. Jenny W., bin. 13. Jenny Wure, gr m. 44. Jenny Wells, ili m (2:40M). 124, (265*), 437, 485, 500, 534, 538, 608*, 703. Jenny Walker. 654. Jenny Wilmore, b m (2:5.3). 482 Jenny Wonder, gr m (2:4.5). (403). J. E. "Pendleton, b s. 707, Jephtha B., b a, by Jim Monroe, dam by American Clay. 101, i:i5, 329. Jeremiah ;Harrv),chg (2:.3294). 66,* JM, 100, 126. 232. 2(i9, 2;:i, :«6, 425, 4:39,* 499, 5i:5.* 5.52, (i:n, 708. Jeremiah, blk g (2:.35i4). 27, 51.* (34, 89, 2:29, 284, 29:5, 296, :t24, 429, 449,* 457, 460, 482, 49:J, 502, 523, 528. 506. Jericho (Everett), br g (2:.30). 17. ."5, 68, 75, 16:i, 180, 2.38, 298,* 377, 44.-), 5:50, 536. 6:i«, 712. .Jerome, cng(2:47). 75, Jerome, ch g (2:27), 104.* 167.174, J 97. 198. 2.39, 262.' (2(>9*).299,:J0(), 388. 414,* 486. 494,* 59:!, (!(!•.', 796. Jerome, b g (2:48^.). 12, 264. :395, (4.34), .5.38,* 5(i]. Jerome, bg (2:25-%). 216,235.445. (620), 674. Jerome ( Legal i, b g (2:27), by Ham- bletoniau, dam l'''anny Fiske. by Young Aimack. (88*), 29.5*. .309, 647.*^ Jeroin- B.. rii g. 53. Jerome Eddy, b s (2:16Ju). 82, 583. Jerry (2:41 s). (710). Jerry, grg (2:41). U92. Jerry, b s (2:40)^). 187. 298. Jerry, b s (2 :55), 96, 279, :394. Jerry, b g i2 : 43>^) (erroneously given 2:4:J, page 3 12). 73, 191, 270, ;365, 427. 496, 521, 526. 5.52, 731, 7.32, Jerry, b g (2:40). 75,* (438), 710. Jerry (3:02). 469,681,720. Jerry, b g(2:4:i) (erroneously given 2:4:»4, page :!42l. 28, :3:3'9, :347. .377, 404, 620. (6:!2). Jerrv (Jerry W.), ch g (2:3514). 90, .349,605,617. Jerrv, blk g (3:21}^). (170). Jerry Drew, b s (2::52). 46, (463*), 6:19. Jerry H (3:36). 176,(177). Jerry Hardwicke, hlk g (2::55). 39. 51, lOS, iv;4, 147, l(i2, 182, 2.39, 361, 370, .382, 384, 4:^9, (456), 465, 501. Jerry Hooker. 303. Jerry Hoo-. er, b g (2:54). 24. Jerry L., ch g (2:;i7). 311. Jerry Lee. b g (2 -AH^). (294), 527. Jerry Leigh, b g (2:^4). 144,* 155, 167,* 251, 285, 449.* 473, (536*), 638*. Jerry Lock, b g (2:44). 27, 244. Jerry Mannic, b g (2:56). 23:J, 258. 2K(, 583, 720 .Terry Morgan, by Pilot, Jr. 608. Jerry Morrison (J2:4:5K'). (34"). Jerry Peck, gr g (2::55). 7, 524. 731. Jerry Postal, dn g (2:.32). 11, 4 ,*, 91, 107,* 165, 23-. 298, 341, 359, 378, 483, 513, 54S, 591, 631, 676. Jerry W. (Jerry), ch g (2:.35ki). 571. Jersey (Buckskin Charley), dn g (2:.38?4). 95, 4i8, 552, 562,* 601, 615, 79:3. Jersey (2:.36i4). 147. (661), 688. Jersey Boy, b s(2::37) (2:28%*). 1.36, 179, 249, S97, :330, 44:5,* 476, (524*), 598, 626. Jersey Boy; blk g (2:.33). 134, ('295*) ;354, .377,661. Jersey Boy (Black's colt), bg (2:2114) 17,37, *74,* 80,91, 160,* 18.3,*2()0, 211, 231,* 288,* 290. .341,* 376, 4' .3, 517. Jersey Boy, rn g (2:51). 7, 1.36, 170,* 348, 524, 5:i5, 556,* 6l5,* 623,(339, 652, 681, 72:5, 800. Jersey Boy, blk g (2:.36). (11). 15, .30, 58, 205, .305, 319,* .320,* .370, 4:36, 455, 464,* 506, 527,* 644,* 733, 800. Jersey Boy, ch g (2:42^). (163). Jersey Boy (2:41). 16,575,(721). Jersey City. 80, 482. Jerse'y Dick, ch s '^2:48). (228). i Jersey Girl, b ra (2:47). 58, 7.3, 111,* ! 144.195,221.235, 343, 653, 586, 608. Jersey John, b g (2:38i^>). 272, .37:5, 477, 621. Jersey Lily (Lady Mac), chra (2:35). 206. I Jersey Lily, h m (2:50). (.329). Jersey Lily. 397. Jersey Maid, br m (2:40). 244. Jersey Maid, dn n> (2::;(5%) (errrone- i ously printed 2:26%, page :544). i:5, 22, :50, 98, 104, 222, 252, 518, 7:56, 7.V2. Jersey Maid, blk m (2:5.5>4). 240. | Jerseynian (2:4'214). 65, 265, 424, .5.5:5. (i04. Jersey Patchen. 8. | .lei sev Volunteer, b g. 1 53 Jeisey Sam, blk g (2:41i^V (123), 096,* ". 29, Jerusalem, b g (2:45 w). 59. Jess, b ni. 514. Jessamine, br m. 307. .509. Jessamine, eh m, by Mambrino Boy, (lam by Alcalde. 551.* (520. Jesse, gr g (:,':5i o^ w). 22,* 795. Jesse Beaton (2:5i-^). (9|. Jesse G. Lindell (American Boy), blk s (2:37^). 11, 1.34, 1.36.* im, 23S, 28:5, 373, 479, 481.* 495, .530, 6S9, 7:il. 1 Jesse Gray. 543. Jesse K. gr g (;5:12). 59, 79,* 122,* ! Jesse Lambert, b s (3:27). 489. Jess ' Patchen, br s, by H. W. Genet. 606, «i:!5. Jesse R. Wood. 502. Jesse S:iiith, b s (2:55). 147, 236, 327, 693. Je sie, blk m (2:40). 513, (57:5), 627. Jessie, b m (2:411^ s). 802. Jessie, ch m (2:4 1). 71, :5!'9, (676). Jessie, blk m {2:.50). 102, 149. 52... Jessie, b ni (2:;32). 3:38, 50C * 559, 671, 696.* Jessie, b m (2:35). 192, 220, 672, 673, ';25. 799,801. Jessie (2: 49 1. 69, 8.3, 163,292,340, 446,521. 605. 649. Jessie b m (:. :.57V^). 410,* 611 Jessie, blk m (2:35). 9, 144.* ;233*, 258, 468, 470. Jessie, bm (2: 1%). 13. Jessie, ch ni (2:;34i4). 63,79,(112*), 192, 209, 274, 291, 452,* .504. 61-2. Jessie, b m (2:45). 221, 282. 459, 468. Jes>iie, b m (2: .3614). 15, 18. (212), 273, ;578, 4:i8, 590, 644. Jessie, chm (2:49). (i:39), 341. Jessie, b m (3:. Jim, dn g, pacer (2:38). 757. Jim, bg(2:48i^V (.529). Jim, blk g (2:361^). 8, 42, .308, 553, 572. (661*). Jim, pacer 754. 773, 777, 783. Jim. pacer (2:48). (787). Jim, pacor (2:37J^). 780,* 788. Jim Ammond, pacer. 749, 783. Jim Anderson, br s (3:00). (669). Jim Ash, blk g (2:35). 19,* .39, 63,* 179, 233,* .345,* 4--:9, 535, 558, 636, 649. Jim Averill, br g (2:473^). 8, 35, 2-n. 289, 560. Ji a Buckskin, dn g (2:51). 177,* 509. I Jim Burns, gr g. 89, 545, 651. ; Jim Butler, ch g. 511. 1 Jim Christy, b g (2:46}^). 81, 124,* I 279, 291. Jim Cogan. 196. Jim Connors, ch g. 308. Jim Cook, b g (2:3854). 252, 470, 494, 1 518, 55-', 609. 652. Jim Coyle, chg (2:44). 20, 144, 243, 454, 519, (530). Jim Crandall (Dr. Lucas), dn g (2::^0). 1S9, 416,* (475). Jim Crane, br s. 324. Jim Crow, blk g, pacer. 7-^8, 763. Jim Crow. 89, 485, 503, 593. Jim Crow. 609. Jim Crowder, pacer (2:40). 777, (778). Jim Deckar, br g (2:52). 292, (339), 484. Jim Donnelly, brg (2:4594). (427). Jim Early, ch g (2:33), by King's Champion, dam by Eclipse. 96, 221.* 463, 511, 654. (675), 720.* Jim Elastic, gr g. 126, 192, 221, 253, 567, 696, 724. Jim Erving, b s (2:.35^). 227, 324, 402. Jim Famum, b g (2:4094). 28,* 175, 382, 461,* 507. Jim Farrell. br g (2:43J^). (22.3), 680 Jim Fielding. 54. Jim Filliugham, brg (2:50). 677. JimFinlev, blk s. 61". Jim Fisk (Major Holmes), b s (2:43 1. 20. Jim Fisk, sp g (2:35). 32,* 40, 73, 99, 10 s 304, 317, 341, 370, 374, 404, 4.31. 459, 4oO, 461, 476, 487, (497). .526, (>46, t)71. Jim Fisk (.Moscow), chg (2:31). 591. Jim Fisk, b g (2:34). 93, 120, 153, 216, 2:i4, •-'75,370, 372, 407,443, 460, 499, 507. 513. Jim Fisk, b s (2:31). 68, (147), 253, 321. 336, 407. Jim Fisk, b g (2:57). 81, 211, 564, 698. Jim Fisk, brg (2:44). 92, 158, 191. 209, 240, 261, 282, 364, .398, 450, 488, 527. 794. Jim Fisk. 61. Jim Fisk, ch g. 607. .Tim Fisk, br s.. 19. Jim Fisk, ch g. 55, 460, 463. Jim Fisk Jr., ch g (2:58). (595). Jim Fisk Ji., gr g (2:35). 32,46,99,* I (313*). 1 Jim Fleming. 259. Jim Fuller (2:43). (541). I Jim Gamble, b s (3:00^). 05. Jim Gardiner. '.-'88. I Jim Graves, b g, pacer. (2:30J^). (7.37). ' Jim Grimes 435. Jim Guerin (2:53). (GO). Jim H., b g (2:48;. (148). 2.54. Jim Handy, br ;.'. 107.* 300. 729. Jim Harp, b g (2:33). 9, 14, 15, .388,* i 467, (640-=), 6L5. , Jim Hawthorne. 369. Jim Hill, b s (2:3534). 101, 150, 493, 525.620,715. ' Jim Howe. 716. Jim Hughes, pacer (2:33). (436.) Jim Huriv, pacer. 767. Jim Irving, b g (2:23), 205, 270. 320, 338, 384. 466, .">22, (6-i5*), 708.* ; Jim Jacks, b g (2:40). 54,51.3,(715). 1 Jim Jackson, b g (2:4934), by Erics- I son. (490). i Jim Jewell, bg pacer (2:19^). (740). ; Jim Kidd (2:51). (441), 684. I Jim Lane (2:54). 359, 437. I Jim Lane, ch s (2:35). 12, 19,* 49, 59,* 91,* 144, 145. 154. 155, 162,* 213, 221, 222,* 241, 254, 275, 297, 298, 370, 407, 421, 437, 500, 508, 520, 528, 586, 624, 640, 651. Jim Lee. 694. .Tim Lewis, bs(3:03). (154), 295. Jim Lindey, b g (2:4534). (122 ) Jim Libby (2:.37). 159, (180), 562. Jim Long. 50. .554. Jim Logan, h g. 275. Jim Lupe. 719.* Jim Mack, gr s (2:45). 96, 304, 496, 045. 673. Jim Mackin, b s. 466. Jim McC'ue, b s, pacer (2:30). 736, 739, 757, 761, 775,* 776, 777,* 780,* 781.* (See appendix). Jim McCreary. 352. Jim Merritt. br g (3:01). 583. Jim Millen, b g (2:45j. 47, 196, 301, 410. Jim Mitchell. (3:55). (180). Jim Muiicy. 726. Jim Moffatt, b g (2:3754). 13, 35, 57. 59, 65, (87). 165, 179, 180. 212,214, 285, 304,* 355, 443, .504, 517.* 546, 609, 69i<. 712. Jim Monroe, ch g. 169. Jim Morton. 387 Jim Munson, b g. 381. Jim Murphy, ch g (2:3834). 8. Jim Murray, blk g (2:42). (20), 183, 272, 330, 360. 507, 554, 561, 574, 592, 649,* 700.* Jim Mustaplia. 419. Jimmy, bs (2:45). 306. 395. Jimmy, blk s (2:.53). 170, 386,* 406. Jimmy, chg (2:44). 24. 27, 38, 51, 125, 1T7. 201, 3.56, .381, 412. 477,. 530, 556,600,673. 704. Jimm\ , ch g (2:5C94). (25.5), 622. «92 CHESTER'S C03:PLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORJ). Jimmy, b g (2:4o^ (138), 179, 279, 415, 097. Jiimiiy, b g (2Ai%). 56, 114, (558). Jimmy Carr, b g. r)55. Jimujy Comfort, b g. 82. Jimmy G. .jli. Jimmy Glovereou, b g. 530. Jimuiy Goldiiusl. (OU). Jimi;iy Gray, gr g. 01, .•M9, 048. Jimmy Jones, gr g (2:.i4 7-12;, 387. Jimmv Lacld, bikg. li'M. Jimmy Lynch, bg (2:4:5). 295,(429), 43.). Jimmy Norton, b g (2:.J5). 28, 56, 172, 197, 2S1, 290, :."J)S- , 373. 383, 425, 4:i5, 4K.J (4ys>, 527, 579, 612, 635, 070 . Jimmy O'Brien, chg. 444. Jimmy O'Brien, cb g pacer. 757.* Jimmy OBrieii, b g i2:4.5}4). (101). Jimmy I'uzzier, b s. loT. Jimmy btewarc. b g (2:24}4). 133, 184, 18d, 243, 258, 291*, 325, 339*, 348, 302, 434, 520, 550, 047, 095. Jim uaks. 158, 587. . im Ott, b g (2:43). 4:J8. Jim O'Kom-ke, ch g. 191. Jim Perry, gr g (2:4;;k')- -I'l^- Jim Phelps ch g. 188. Jim Porter, b g (2:281^) (433;. Jmi Rautlolph. ch g. 90. Jim Kaven, blli g (2:30). 13,* ;}2,67,* 93, 119, 174. 251,* 275, 322, ;13 V . 40.', 41.., 483,520. Jim Kiley,pacer (2:32)^8). 279,(744), 75;. 763 , 776. Jim Roberts. 480. 695. Jim Kockey, (Hard Bread and Chi- cago), b g (2:24%). 23, 30, 304, 568.* Jim Ros.s, b s. 30, 553. Jim Kuvei-. blk g. 5(=9. Jim Koweli, blk g (,2::j2). 359,524, oi)8, 582.^^ Jim Sargent, bg. 42,458. Jim Schriber, gr s (2:30)^). 6, 22, 39, 10, 91. 97, 100,231, 345. 386,* 388, (405). 547, 627,* 675, 694, 721. Jim ^cnultz. bg. 15. Jim Hnarp. 547. J im Skinner, b g. 2.54. Jim Slater, (3:15). (610). Jim Smiih. (Ed White) b g (2:27). 47, 304. 508, 605. Jim Smiley, blk s, by Prince of Wales, dam Blackbird. 327, 334, 63.5, 716. Jim Stevens, be (2:54). 196. Jim Stout. 196. Jim Taylor. 600. Jim Trumbull, gr g pacer (2:35). 7o2, 7 65, (7;0). Jim Waidron, brg (2:42), by Amer- ican Star. 439, 5 .0. 544, (671). Jim Ward, b g (2:28^). 117, 184, 196 = 345,* 610, 678. Jim Ware, b g. 381. Jim White, gr g (2:31). 205, 210, 422, 45;5, 5i4. o34, 597, 6l3,* 649, 672. Jim "heeler. 050. Jim Wilson, b g (:5:00). lO.I. 12H,*408. Jim w iison (Brother Baldwin;, h g (2:33). 274, 307, 6.36. Jim Wood. i05 Jingio, brm. 407,507. J. J.chs, by Logan, dam by Bay State ruorgan. o20, 679. J. J. Brakoley, bg (2:42). 55. J. J. Bradley. (Lookout and John Nesbit), b g (2:2.5U) l:i7, 142, 185, 2i9, 201, 3>l4, (3.;0), 3i;i, :572, 441, 403. 400, 522,* 643,* 549, 005, 070,709. J. J. Cook, gr g. 1.3, 2C0,* 507, 583. J. J. Rowland. ;>; U.* J.J. Williams (2:52i. 50, 87, 133, (272), 29.1. J. K., b s (:5:00). 222. «. K. Polk, pacer. 708, 782. J. L. Leslie. 45:?. J. L., gr s, by Green's Bashaw. 109, 131,310, 411. J. L. Allen. 38. J. Kcmble Jackson, ch s. 17. J. Lee Harlow, ch g. 405. J. L. K.ck, cli g, by Blue Bull, dam by Sovereign. 103, .s39. J. L. Young. 197. ' J. L. Sieireus, gr g, by Iron Duke. I 413, .528. J. M. Bell, 110. > J. M. iiigeiow. 21. J. M. Hotts Jr.. b s (2:33). 19, 28. 198, 202, 557, 586,* 6;J4, 686,* 703. J. M. Clay. 7. J. Kelly 723. . J. M. McPherson. (2:39V^). (585). ; J. m. Oakley, b g (2:42). i;j, 134. 183, 255, -^76, ;.9y, 304, 413. J. aiuiphy. 137. J. ai. White, (.Sehm). ch g (2:.32>i). 11, 53. J. M Welch. 161. J. N., Cher 371. J. N. .Maiisuay, 0g(2:40). 499,607, 727, 734 J. N. Steck, ch g (2:36). 19, '»4, 67, 95, 146, 204, 35:J, (383), 557, 612,* 657. Joan. 215, 712. Joan I a, cli m (2:44). 80. Joanna Goldsmilli, blk m, by .John Goldsmith. 9-'. J. O. B., chg. (620). Job, chg. 7o, 107, 119. Jock, chg. ^:4, 178, Oil. Jockey, b g. 646. Jockey, chg(2:52J4). 597. Jocko, blk g (2:53). 254, 277, 398, 041. Jocko, b g (3:04). (644). Jocko, b s (2:43). 87, :j55, 374, 419, (422), 475, 540. Joe, ch s(2:54). 33. Joe (2:46). (34), 216, 799. Joe, b g (2:45). 200. Joe (2:47). 41,8,>. Joe (Triumph), ch g (2:25J4)- 463. Joe (2:43K>)- 109. 3U0. Joe, bg (2:49). 2:51. I Joe. gr g (2:.i3). 100, 487, 560, 621, 692, 802. Joe, bg (2:41). 572,690. Joe, bg (2:45). 284. 371, 552, 556, I 794. 'Joe, l)g(3:00) 349. 661.* ! Joe, bg(-':52). 112,276. ' Joe, chg (3:08). 28,59. Joe, bg (3:12). 481. Joe, b g(2:50»4). 148, 312,* 480. Joe, whg(2:50J4). (125). 153. ' Joe. blk g (2:51). 234, 385, 405. 431, ' 593, 673. Joe, blk g (2:41;). 48, 17.5, 564. Joe, blk g (2:46) 35, 167, 201, 206. 235, 490. 003. Joe, br g (2:361^). 172, (195). , Joe, bg (3:06). ^03,548. Joe, blk g (.5:011^). 43, 187, 544. I Joe, blk g (3:40). 77. ' Joe, ch g (2:47). (177), .")60, 588, 680. I Joe, br g (2:49^). 90, 247, 511, 712. Joe, ch IT (2:49). 139,(153), 261, .397. Joe, bg(2:.50'4), (3.30), Jo., b g (2:47K'). 284, (394), 508, 688, 796. Joe (3:00). (228), 518. Joe(2:.'>0). (510). Joe. b g(2:44). 476, 582, (712). Joe (!.'!55). 100, 120,* 3.35, 506, (717;, 801. Joe, b g, pacer. 709, 780. Joe, pacer. 791. Joe. 155. (800). Joo Accident, br g. 445. Joe Araline, ch g (2:49!J4). JoeB. '3:0 I. 0.39. Joe Bakei , br g 084. Joe Bat. s, b s. 189. Joe Bati's, blk g (2:42). 37. Joo Bii.\ter. 278, 609. Joe Beaton (2:40J4). 434. I Joe I5eef b g (3:u0). (501), 5«3. Joe Bennet (2:49). 31u, 612, (656X Joe Boots, 410, Joe Bowers, b g (2:51^^1. 58, 527. Joe Bowers, b g, pacer (2:35^4). I 741,* (74.'*), 749, 767. 780. Joe Bowers, b s(3:13). 324.* 570 I Joe Bowers Jr., pncer (2:18). 739. 748, 754,* 7.5.J,- (768*), 769,* 787.* 79:.* ' Joe Bovuton. m g. 222. ■ Joe Bradley, gr g (2:36J)5). (123), [ 297, :525 Joe Broden, b g, pacer (2:20^). 1 Joe Brown, wh s (2:22). 8,* 79.* 83, I 122, 147, 149. 191, 2:J2, 242, 259, I 267,* (:520), 338, 368, 369,* 372. 384. :i90. 410, 414, 4.59. 4 >3, 460, ' 480. 49 ', 510, 5.3:5,* 5:56, 547, 037, I 639, 6I-0.* 605,* 670, 078, 719. 729, : Joe__Brown, b g, pacer (2:16). 618. 757. Joe Brown Jr.. gr s (2:44ki). 148. 180. 5.36, 612.* Joe Bump. .•j05, .")66. i Joe Bunker.gr g (2:19J4). 12, 18, 467. 5.-^4, 608. Joe Burglar, blk g, pacer (2:34). (757). Joe Call. 456. Joe Carnes. 273. Joe Cathcart. 473, 521. Joe Ceiger. 659. I Joe Chambers. 513. t Joe Clark, b g (2:37^^). 44. 54, 68, 163, 276, 308, 336, 433, 536, 610, 628 605, 803. Joe Chiton. 233. Joe Conaiit. .548. 1 Joe Corbett, b g. 404.* 698. Joe Cornell, br g. 136, 445, 472. I Joe Crocheron, br g (2:41). 281, I 327, 625. Joe Currv, gr s (2:39). 253, 287, 305, 527, (584). Joe D . b s. by Blanco. 55. 103,643.* Joe Dake, b s. by Gen. McClellan, dam Fairy (^ueen. 6:33.* Joe D. 715. Joe Davis (Tornado), b g (2:35). 17, 52, 84, 176. 324,* 344, 348. 453, I 491.* 538, 087, ! Joe Davis, pi.cer. 754. Joe Davirs 5 Joe Dean, gr e (2:40>i). 63, 82, 256, 402. (5:.'9*), 790. Joe Dimmick, b g (2:32). 85,* 351, 501,* 080. Joe Downing (2:46). (39R). Joe Downing, Jr., by Joe Downing. 608. .loe Dver, rn g (:5:00)^). 650. 662.* Joe Earl, blk g (2:52Vii w). 552. Joe Elliot, pacer. 777. Joe Gale, gr g (2:42). (532). Joe Gales, grg, pacer (2:23J4). 737, 777. Joe Godard, 352. Joe Godwin, b s (2:42W. 146, 279, 25)7, .520 611, 650,* 689. J< e Groldclust, gr g, by Golddust (2:40^4). 95. 274,* (306), 538,661, 703. Joe Goldsmith. 197. 608. 673. Joe Gordon (2:48). (526). Joe Grand. 5' -4. Jo<- Green, b g (2:26J, ()89, 709.* Joe Hooker, b e (2:.37-H). 39.5, 441, 607, 609. 677. 678* Joe Hooker, ch g (,'::?0">. 118," 127.* 161, lf)6, 197, 211,*224, 238,*280,* 307, .369, 387, 391, 396. 407, 4U,* 421, 460, 477,* 548,* 576. 627, 645, 654, 660. Joe Hooker (Red Cloud), b g (2:50). 42.5. Joe Hooker, wh g (2:5.3). 455, 508. Joe Hooker, bs (2:32K')- 32, 99,* 123, 2;>0, 480, 571. Joe Hooker, (2:46«^). 152, 153, 436, 438. Joe Hooker, bUc s, pacer (2:30). 16. 25, 760. 790. Joe Hooker, b g, pacer (3:02). 753, 755. Joe Hooker. .391. Joe Hooker. 730. Joe Hooker Filly, ch m (2:49). 560 . Joe Hooker Jr., b s. (i:3). Joe Hooper, bs (i:.30J^). (.18), 22, 33,* 40, 47. 58, 1 1 7, 163, 164,* 165, 176, 182, 186, 187, 19.3, 228, 343,351, 358, 381. 387, 392, 439, 483, 508,* 591,* 594, 599, Joe Hooper. 198. Joe Hopkins, br s (2:40J^), by Win- throp's Morrill. 28,* (706). Joe Hopkins, b g. 5x7. Joe Ilorue. 68. Joe Hoosier, b g. 443, 619. Joe Hoxie. 128. Joe Hustfd, b g (2:40 w), (2:33 s). 140, 235, 400,* 405, 674. Joe Jefferson, bs (..':50%). 46, 280, 307, 328, 381,647. (^ee Appendix). Joe Johnson. 236. Joe Johnson, pacer. 741,754,757. Joe Kellogg, br g(2:30). 59, 165, 18.3, 186, 199, 204, 288,* 299, 3 0, 345, 364, 386, 430, 448, 4.54, 463, 479,* 514. 524, 547,* 563, 6.59, 675, 724.* Joe Kinney, pacer (2:39). (736). Joe Kirby. 47 JoeL.. bs. 227. Joe Laii-d, hlk g. 228 . Joe Lane (3:09). 17,62,233. Joe liawrence, br g (2:42), 36, 47, 12ii, 350, 491. Joe L:iwrence,brg(2;39w). 216,654. Joe Lewis, gr g, pacer (2:29^). 660, 757, 761,* 769, 790. Joe Lodge, b g, pacer (2:38i^i (785) Joe Logan, b s (3:00). 89, 4.3. Joe Lytle, chg (■.':46i'6). 83, 152,.303, 318, 406, 447, 455, 599, 679. Joe M„ b g(2:o5). 448. Joe Mariin, blk g (2:40%), by Black J{alph, dam Mainbrino Kate. 144, 47P, (72.5). Joe McCool, chg (2:39^). 10, (376*), 440, 444. Joe McElroy, b g (2:49) (63), 113. Joe McGee, gr. g 449. Joe Miller, br g(2:37). 133, .398, 443, (534). 578. 6U3. 669, 674, 721. Joe Monday. 676. Joe Morgan, ch g (2:41%). 101, 243, 601,* 6.37. 639. Joe Morgan, ch g (2:.3.3). (82), 293. Joe Morgan, b g (2:4;i). (44), 470. Jo.i Morrill. 43 .'. Joe Morrill. 184,606. 707. Joe Mori is, chg (2:471^) (.342), 453. Joe Narber (2:51) 72, 354, 600. Joe Neff, chs (2:34>4). 327, 407, 536, 673,* 709. Joe Morton. 364. Joe Hatcben. 425. Joe Pettit, b g (2:.30). 10, 37, 125, 346, 417, 447, 507, 542, .594, 647, 664.* (732). Joe Pier'son. 4.54. Joe Pmkham. 77. Joe Pitts (2:41). (411). Joe Piatt, b g (2:42%). 178, 179, 292, 293. 626. Joe Rhea, b g(2:2.3). 218, 264, (354*), 496. 610. Joe Rickey, ch g (3:12J4). 171. Joe Ripley, b g (2:25). 25, .32, 37, 64. 112, 119, 121, 123,* 1.34, 141, 183, 200. 218. 227, 236, 238,* 243, 258,* :j:.'8, 353, 389, 393, 405,* 447, 4.55,* 474, 512. 54:?. 620, 633, 671, 675. 686,* (702), 723, 733. Joe Robin, gr g (2:54). 213. 215. Joe Rogers. 8». Joe Roof (3:01). (106). Joe Rosenbaum, b g, pacer (2:38). (7661. Joe S., b g (2:30). 114.119,1.35,171, 191, 196, 222,* 258, 263, 264, 276, 302, 357, :568, 411, 542, 733. Joe S., b g (2:42). 25. 207, .340 JoH Saxon, b g. 143, 205. 377,* 433, 451. Joe Shannon, b s (2:50). 42, 147, 307, 394, 503, 543, o9u, 610, 621,* 685, Joe Shavian, rn g (2:323^). 25, 35, 107, 275, 297, (379), 449, 500. 548, 652,* 676. Joe Shelby (Sandy Joe), ch g, by Flying Duke, dam by imp. Jan-old. 186, 292. 356. Joe Simpson, b s (2:45). (53), 219, 317,341, 524,059. Joe Smith, b g (2:47). 100, (392). Joe Stanhope. 50o, 669. Joe Stone, b g (2■.^^G^). 276, 369, 407, 439,* 475, 551, 636, 645, 647, 732. Joe Stoiier, ch g (2:34). 56, 248,* 597, 613. Joe Summer. 387. JoeT.Tbor. rng, 207. Joe Tanner, br g (2 :56 w). 116, 553. Joe Tanner, pacer (2:38i^). (773). Joe Temperence. 518. Joe the Barber, b s. 223. .Joe Tooker, ch g. 526. Joe Turner. 591. Joe Udell (Tarrence),br g (3:30). 379, 414, 54K,*592. Joe W. 276. Joe Wallace. 356. Joe Warren, b s (2:42i^). 126, 169, 484. Joe Waterman, dn g (2:3914), 253, 266,* (313), 615. Joe Watls, b g (2:45), by Blue Bull. (124) Joe Will Go. 700. Joe Wilson 282. Joe Wilson, b g, pacer (2:24%), (2:2414 s). 744, 748,* 750, 755,* 766, 779,* 781,* 792.* Joe Wheeler. 103. Joe White. 107, 3 < 7. Joe Woods, ch g (2:53). (548*). Joe Wolford, blk g (3:49). 349,481, 489, 543. Joe Withers, b g. 81. Joe Young, blk s (2:29}^). 199, (268), 472, 6.34. Johanna. 276.651. John, b g (2:43}^ w). 116, 413. John, gr g (2:49). 98, 196, 271, 311, 442. John, b g (2:42), 85, 148. John, bs (2:431^). 644. John, bg (2:43). (260), 510. John, gr g(2:37i^). 49, 114, 210, 278, 295, 407, 549. John, blk g (2:47). 85. John, b g (2:53). 175, 374. John, cti g (2:42). 53, 129, 330, 394, 701, 798. John, b g (2:50). 37, 66, 77, 161, 292.* John, blk s(2:.58i^). .52,* 537. John, b g (3:50). 5.30, 596. John, b g (2:45^). 109, (136), 170, 172, 206, 5.36, 543. John, b g (2:40}^). 89, 185,* 308, 406, 718. John, gr g (3:011^). 135. John, b g (3:02), 677, 692. John, blk g (3:00). 290, 696. John.grg(2:52i^). 17,162,167,667, 798. John, erg (3:0.3). 359. John, b g (2:331^). 66, 73, 126, 180, 232. 236. 258, 263, .301, 335, 480, 509,* 564. 640, 690,* 700, John, grg (2:45). 130, (499*), 599, 6'i-!. John, gr g (2:48). 4 66, 675. John, b g (2:45). 221, 686. John, hlk g (2:4.5). 273. John (John N.), bg (2:.31i4). 155, 158, 162. 198, .353, 401, 694. John, grg (2:4131^). (30), r.il. 135, 174, 421, .52.5; 612. John (2:54). (11). John, blk g (2:43}^), by Dutchman. 7, (635). John (2:46Vi). 353, 472, (617). 621. John (3:1.5). (680 1. john (2:51). 27, 488, (689). John, b g (2:35j. 57, 449, 560, (572), 601. John , b g (3 : 12). 153 , (718). John, gr g, pacer. 746, 782. John, b g, pacer (2:35). (758*), 777,* /81. John. 105, 500, 588. John A. . br g (2:46). 118, 168, 351,* 461. 545, 570, 583, 656, 708. John A., bg (2:55). (74), 234,* 416, 566. John A., ch g. 72, 688, 711. John Adams, m g. 483. John A. Griswold (2:.39). (455), 457. John A. Hall, b s. 161, 564. John A.Kasson, blk s (2:35%) (er- roneously given 2:41, page 3.'^9). 119, 417 (536*). John Alden. 442. John Allen, b g (2:38). 346, 577, 585, 602,* 662,* 672, 802. John Allen, b g (2:.54). 381. John A. Logan (Twang), bg C2:28V^) (erroneously given 2:33, page 359). 456, 524, 627, 669.* John Anderson, gr g (2:41). 58,* 217, 571,620. John Anderson, rn g (2:.39). 402. John .\nderson, ch g. (84), 199. John Antisdel, blk g (2:4334>. 611, 730. John A. Pattie, ch g (2:38). 40. John A. Rawhns, chs(V:33M). 243,* 416, (475). 49], 536, 571, 703. John A. Rice, ch s. 20, 222. • Jonathan S;iiith. 305. John Avery, gr g. 235, 279. John B., bg (2:27). 11.93,120,164, 183, 193, 2',9, 4:'9, 450, 496. 514. 542, 576, 590, 631, 676, 714.* JohnB., chg (2:46) 25, 136. 250, 329, 422, 487, 506, 530, 532,* 660. 674,* 707, 709. JohnB.,bg(2:.34). (258), 305,372, :'.73, 3tO, 388, 535, .540, 563. John B., gr g (2:511^). 82,(658). John H., b g. 595. John B. , b s. 324. JohnB.,brg. 163. John Bacon. 327. John Bake;-, ch g (3:20). 517, 559, 730. John Baptist, ch s, pacer (2:45%). 624, 737, 767, 773. John Barney (2:40}^). (505), 676. John Bartlett, ch g (2:41 w). 55, 262, 325, 439, 457, 477,* 585, 656, 662. John Bender, b g (2:33). 27, 45, 87, 154,171.327,3.56,361, 448, 538, 586, 687, 694. 703. John Bet. 134, 516. JohnBigler. 33. John Blame. 571, 618. John B. Patchen. 44. John Brady. 394. fin PHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 742 John Brent. 456. John BriKht, b p (2:39i. ri04. 484. J •>lin Bright, b s, by Volunteer, dam Martli-.. i.y Abdullah (:i:00). (572). John Bivnnan. Hi. .lolui Brown, i-li K(J:44>. 131,368. John Brown, rn k (^:40J4). 8:.', 592, (iT(5. John Brown (2:58). 51.% (712). Job" BrowuiriK, pacer (2:47). 767, (781*). John B Taylor. 0. John Buck. 50tj. JohnBnIl, bg(2:5l). 352. J.;hn Bull (2:44 1. (6-,'8), 803. .lohn Bur.lin , b g. 288. Jilin Biiike bg picer ('?:2t>). 74'.t, 755. 757, (778), 784. John Burnett, ch g, pacer (2 :30). 7(53, 760, 788.* John C. « h g (2::i954). 50, 95. 136, 214, 233. John C, bg (2:43^). 198. John C, ch g (2:.38). 48, 129, 468, 541, 628. John C, b g, pacer (2:42). 405, 738, 746, 747. (766), 78:!. John C. Calhouu, b g, pacer (2:31). 761. .lohn C. Calhoun, ch s (2:41 >4). 2.54. .lohn Cassidv (2:56). 514, (5«:i),639. John C. B., brg. 643. John B. Ellis, br g 240, 530.* John V. Fremont, b s. 249. John Chambers, b g (2:^216). 46, 8.3, 150. 192. 197, 2,2, 253, 362,* 403, 458. 462,* 594, 801. John C. Heenan, ch g (2:59). 3.58, 456. John C. Heenan (2:31). (172). John Clark, b g. 3i)S, 399. John City, b f (2:55^) 58,100,172, 465. (.509-), 609.* 622. John Co-hlan, blk s (2:42). (262), 594. John Condon, rn g. 617. J.hn Coleman (Johnny Coleman), b g(2-37)^). 611. J()nn ( onness ((^onness and Frank Khodesi(2:.30i^). 27. 3.34. J'hn Cr.imton, ii g. 25. John Croker, pacer (2:38). (765*), 7<"o. John Croker. ch g (2:4.5). 296 John Crowdt-r, br k. pacer (2:32). 313, 737,* 759, 783, 784,* 791. John D., b s. 261. John D , blk s. 441. 443. 494. John v., br g, pacer (2:.33i^). 745, 772. John D., brg. .38. John D., b g (2:321^), by Morgan Messenger. (170), 240.* JohnD.,bg(2:.30J4). 77, 129. 144, 220, 225, 327. 363, 375. 409, (438*), 551. 5.J.3,* 572. John Davis, gr g (2:36i^). 1.32, 142, 518, 541, 642. John Dee. 594. John Dillard, b g, by John Dillard, (i()9, 654. John D. Kernan, brg. 407. .John Dotv. 134, 331, 641. JohnDoyie. 101,433. John Dunning, gr g (2:33i^). 14, 28, 154, 173, 402, 413, .528, .5(i9,* 588, .591), 600, ^). 637, 801. John E., rn g (2:28->4). 1.52, 573, 620, 622. 674. John E. Bear, blk g, by Henry Har- ris. 2(!8. John E'Isall. b s, by Alexander's Abdallah, dam by Vt. Blackhawk. 95. < John Elmora, gr g (2:33%). (38t>, .510. 63:3,* 723, 724. John Ericsson. 150. John F., b g(2:55>. 3.56,441, 446, 710. JohiF.. ch g (2:35). 47, 150,241, 412. .560, 657. 710. •John Fuiichon. 665. John I'oro (Western Boy), br g (2:27K'>. 102, 127,* 147, 372, 488,* 568,^ r)8!», 709. John Ferris, b g (2:32). 142, 202.* 207, 251, 441, ..49, 827, 64.5. John Foley (2:43J4). (^37). John Fnster, dn g. 1(59. John F Phelp.-! Jr.. b g(2:4U), by Alraont. 35, (110), 29?>, .53.3, .583, 647. John Franklin, b g (2:.34K')- 46, 56. 8!t, 12:i, 165,* 206, 221, 238,* 3.",7 404, .".95, 024. John Freamer. oh g. 680. Jolm French, rn g. 47, bl, 235, 392, 431. Jolm Fromer (2:49). (608*). Jolm U. (John lioldsinith), br s (2:38). 070, 802. JohnGilman. blkg(2:45) 143, ((554). John Gilpin, ch g (2:40}4). 160, 254, 325, 3 ,0, 3f!5,* 706. John Gilpin, b g (2:35). 29, 113,* 175, 314, 493. 544, 729. JohnG. Kelly (-':46^). (400). John Goldsmith (John G.). br s (2:.{8). .38, 48, 190. 440, 581, 802. John Grant, b g (2:25^4). 68, 69, (1.53'' ), 194. 271, :X)1, 398, 631. John G. Saxe. 28. 91. John H..b g (2:20), 8,* (11*), 80,* 93, 122,* 1.3.3, 139,* HO.* 164, 170, 18 i,* 192, 196,* 197, 200, 205,216, 238. 242.* 268,* 272,* 313, 339, 345, 3.53,* 376, 390,* 414,* 433, 440,* 447,* 449, 463,* 474. 493,* 509, 512,* 5.2. 523. 537.* 517,* oiK .574.* 580,* 590, .597,* 601, 604, 009, 613, 619, 623.* ()24, G25. 631,* 645, G.">8. 660.* 678, GOG, 717, 719. John H. 732. John H., ch g (2:4994V 218, 382. John H., gr g (3:1 1). (22), 388 John H.. ch g. pacer (2:28i^). 740, 741, 754, 757,* 773, 785. John H , ch g. 233. John Hall. (24*). John Hall (2:33J^). (18*). 605, 679. John Hall. 179. John Hall, blk g (2:25). 48, 105. (149) 299, 333, 479, 652, 675, 717,* 7-3. John Hall, b g (2:25J4). 28, 121,* 128, 130, 143, 147, 159, 177, 18.3. 189, 192, 196, 198, 2114,* 218, 227,* 237,* 238, 246. 258, 2.59, 268,* 291, , 312, 320,* 328. 346,* 367, 416, 460, 463, 464, 51G, 524, 550, *560,* 566. John Harvey. '^67. John Hayden, bg. 427. I John Heenan. b g, 41, .366. John Henry. rng(2:.50J4)- 274, 300, .396, 702. John Henry, br g (2:43i^). 30,59. 160. C'OO), 272, • 94. John H(.nrv, ch s (2:3954). (19.3). JohnH. terry, blk s. 704. John H. Gear, brg (2:4.3^). 112. John Hill, br g, by Hambletoniau. 130, 1.52. John Holmes Jr. (Billy Burr), b g (2:20U3). 01, 100, 113, .522, 671. .John Houghton, bg(2:42). .363,364. John Howard, rn g 22, 101, 112, 284. 366. 375, 558, 560. 689. .IohnH.S,.bg(2:40 • ). 42, .367, 607.* John H. Spencer, blks (2:49). (197), 4.32.* John H. Starin (Tom Owens), ch g (2:35). Ill, 154,* .347, 647, 715, 723 * John H. Welch (Long Mane), blk s (2:40). 41,* 203, 227, 354,* 382, .508, 643. John J.,ch g (2:.55). 132, 322, (395), 416, 631. • John Jay. :'08, 314. Joan J. Cook, gr g (2:2S'V^). 12. 38. 126, 288. (.3391, 380, :{.9i, :«)4, 500, 630,* 636. John J., ch s (2:49Vi). 224. 234, 048, 464, 484.* .)67 » 8(i, 689, 708, 710. John Job --an. 664. John J. Wheeler (2:45). (265). .John K. 643. JohnK. 104. John K, ch g, by Red Buck, dam a thoroughbred. 69S. John K., pacer. '154,765. .iohn Kase, Jr., blk g (2:40). 57,* .59,* 128, 282, 284. 296, 371, 629. John Kelly, ch g. 680. John Kent (2:.50). (414). John Kernel!. 1.32 John Kmir, b g (2:35»4). 10, 117, 124, 299,* 384. 412, 480, 505, 624, 544. John Knox, br g. 26. JohnL. ch g (240). 74,*3;S. 445. John L. (John Love), b g. (2:28^). 56, 123,* 186, .504. John L. Hill, b g. 256, 461, .557, 607.* John Lambert, b s (2:31%). 22.* 32* 46. 48, 56, 78, 93. 119, 132, 141, 151, 165, 171, 17.3, 224. 231, 238, 272.* 312, 317, .357, 371, 385, 400,* 414, 418, 434, 5 .'3, 529, 543, 577, 62 , 665, (681), 693, 704, 726, 733*. 802. John Linn (2:48i4). 204. John Love, (John L.), b g (2:28^). 77, 116,* 144, IV.5, 297, 298 * :m, 474, 507. 538. 557, 585, 614,* 688. JohnLovett. .341. John M., b g (2:33). 17, 18, 81, (356), 534 735 John \ I .', gr g 2 : o&%). 398, 617. John M., ch s. pacer. 769. John Malonev, rn g, pacer (2:49ir^). 749, 7G4, 780, 781, 790. John Marshall 28, 195. John Martin, b g (2:46). 155, 195, 795, SCO. John May, rn g (2:39). 74, 210, 669, 734. John McCarthy, gr g(2:50%). 89, 1.55. John McDonald, brs(2:55). 69,.305,* .338, 535. John IvicDougallbg (2:29). 19,28, 58, 83, 115, 130, 134, 1.54,* 159, 192, 233, 239, 258, :305, 367,* 368, .384, 425, 428, 440, 461, 472.* 534,* .555, 557, 5;.8, 566, 574,* 649, 673, 678,* G94,* 695,* 701, 715. John McGraw. (2:35%). (261). JohnnlcKee. (2:47K'>- (340). John McHair, b g, pacer (2:23%). 7.58, 770, (782*), 78o, 789. JohnMerri-l. (2:.)9i^). a39. 519,676. John Miller, ch g (2:43). 360, 646. John Mills, b g (2:43). 95, 103, 195, 280,333, 374, 4 ■-'7, 585 .Tohn .Hofifatt. 196. 539. 563. John Moor-, gr s (2:49). 44, 139. John Mocre. 479. John Morgan (Medoc). ch g (2:24). 78, 159, U.04 . 219 * 226,' (248), 295, 402, 519, .575. 700. .John Morgan, grg (2:48). 683. John Morgan, ch s (2:48%). 89, 127, .327, 3(il, 363, 40.3. 437. .Tohn Morgan. (2:.52). 81. John Morrell. b g (2:34) 27. 72, 81, 107, 112, 119, 17.t.* 177. 186. 195. 201,212,* 125,* 312. 314.* .327, 528. 532, 541, .55.3, 5.55, .560, 648, 710* John Morrissey, b g (2:46^). 66,84, 143, 191, 423. John Morrissey, ch s (2:54). 267. 596, 671. John Morrissey, b g (2:40). 225. John Morrissey. pacer. 6^1. John Murphv Jr. (Darby), (2:16^). 152, 290, 340,* 343, .577. 627. INDEX OF BEATEN HORSES. 895 John N. aohn) (2:3;i4». (16), 62, 130, 283. 346, 350. 470, .'62. r,88. Johu Nelson, ch s (3:023). John Nesbitt (J. J. Bradley and Lookout), b g (2:2.514). 251.* John Norman, b k 1x7. -^44. Jolinny, ch g ( ::40). 4.'7. 571. Johnny, grg (2:45). 207, 210. Johnny, br g (2:52 i). 709. Johnny, blk s (2:.55). 72, 531. 567. Johnny, chg (-:42). 30, 141, 418, 630. Johnny (Corinth Boy), br g (2:35). 29, 68, 136, 165, 170. 173, 200, 206,* 209. 228, 243, 263, 268, 276, 312, 3:5, 3:i8,''^ 390,* 400. 431.464, 523. .V28, 541, 559, 600, 610, 650, 666. 671. (675). Johnuy, brgv2:58). 203,572. Johniiy, blk g (2:45). 36. 61 135, 213, 215, 218, 225, 368. 37],* 382, 421, 427. 507. 576, 617,* 630, 646, 668,-671.701,711. Johnnv. whg(2:38). 71, 175, 389. Johnny, b g (2:45). 62, 149. 170,* 453 Johnnv, b s (2:30M). 72, 615. Johnnv (2:48}^). 318, 400, 456, (559), 606. 7-1. Johnny B.. rn s (■':38). 20, 164,* 229, 2."8. :^64, 396,* 401. Johnny B.. gr g (2:46U). 36, 76, 111, 121, 3:. '.392. Johnny B., br g (2:43). 148, 350, 446, 589. Johnny B., bg (2:493^). (329*). 351*. Johnny Blue, b g <2:40i^). 88, 205, 305. 458, 658, 668, 704. Johnny Bard, b g. (053). Johnny Clark, ch. 232. Johnny Coleman (John Coleman), b g (2:371^). 157, 223, 424,* 475,* 576. Johnny Come Up, eh g (2:51). 80, 3-'3. JohmiyCouglan(2:32U). 120,(458). Johnny Cranston, b g (2:3634). 195, 236, 308, 619. Johnny D. 190,690. Johnny Duffer, br g (2:55i4). (144), 170. Johtjny Gordon (E.l. Burton), ch g (2:251^). (19*), 29, 34. 39,* 104, 128,130,258,280, 281, ',91,302. 351,* 408,* 4 II,* 413, 441,* 460, 520, 526,601,694. Johnny H.. b g (2:55%). 632. Johnny Knott. 69S. Johnny Lapan (2:40). 474. (566). Johnny Lemonpeel. chg (2:49). 181. Johnny M. (2:40). 237. (530), 600. Johnnv Mac. 434, 462. Johnnv Mack(3:00). 107,(117), 121, 535,* 593. Johnny McGraw, b g (2:35), 148. Johnny Melvin. 469. Johnny Morgan, ch s. 689. Jobnny Moore, b g (2:32i4). 582, 707, 71 1 , 725. Johnnv Noble. 793. Johnny Pathfindpr. 329. Johnny Bell, chg (2 ::i3M)- 149. Johnny's Plug. 388. Johnnv Reb. br g (2:331^). 50,* 98,* 110, 150, 203, 211, .•!55, 373, 405, 42 1 , 423, 454, 539, 575, 670, 683, 690. Johnny Sands, b g (2:48). (98). Johnny Sohmoker, ch s (2:40). 161, 446, 685. .Johnny Schmoker, brg(2:.53i4). 707. Johnny Schmoker, (2:58). 93, 627, (714). Johnny Schmoker. 244, 549. Johnny Trouble, br g (2:46)^). 249, 279, 429,* 684. Johnny Trouble, blkg (2:33J4). 73, 232.* 283, 429. Johnny Weigle, dn g, pacer (2:20i^). 740, 746, 747. 774,* 775, 777.(790*). Johnny ^YoIlder, blk g (2:394^). 319, 673 * Johnny Wonder. Mk g, pacer 737, 745, 757, 763, 784. John O'Hrien, b e. 462 John O'Brien, grg (2:,50). (382), 405, .512, 666. Johu O'Gore. 286. John P . ch g (2:41). 82, 136, 243, 285. 369, 370, 377, 433. 437, 449, 564, 638.* John r..chg(2:46), by DracoPrince, l.'.O, a95). John Paul, chg(2:31J4), 72,* 183, 303. John Pierce, blk g. 257. John P, Jenkins, ch g (2:35). 338. John I'ligh(2:50). (21.5). John Pomeroy, ch g (2:45). by Young Ethan. ',2, 136,247,268, 368. (427), John Porter, br g (2:43). 40, (544), 6:0. John Price, wh g. 52, 111, 482, 687. John R. , b g, pacer. 740. John R.,grg(3:04i4 . 291. JohnR..brg. 718. John R. 60V. Jahn R., b g (2:53). 129, 608, John R. 677. Johu R., br g (2:23). 10, (12), 15, 186, 193, 199, 216, 491.516,555, 658. John Randolph, rn g. 95, 113. 275, 313, 525. 538. 567. 686. John Reber, gr g, by imp Hurrah . 19. John Rich 210, 522. 577. ] John Robinson, b s (2:56). 562. I John Rock, b g (2:46}^). 152, (183), I 471, 709. ■ John Rogers, b g, by Royal George, dam Red Bu-d. 300, 34 1, 352. John S. , b s (2:43). 28, 92, 472, 621, Johns., blkg (2:38). 94,99, 138. 177, 525, 716. John S . gr g (2:31). 58,* 119, (256), 381, 528, 563, 796. John S.,bg(2:4l). 420.* John S.,bg (2:50)4 w). 412* John S. (3:03). (116), 618, 697. John S., b g, pacer (2:46i.<^). 739,* 742. Johns., bg(3:.'4) 341. John S . , b g, pacer (2:30J^), (745*). 746. 752, 755, 769.* 771, 779. 791. John S,, ch g pacer (2:541^), by Tecumseh. 74() John S., br g (2:35M)- (131). 505, John S. Clark, ch g (2:19%). 6, 108, 153,* 180, 194,=^ 227, 301, 328, Sri',* 468, 509, 55?,* 566, 615, 647,* 652, 661,687,708. Johns, Conlev. 93. John Schonchin, ch g, pacer (2:2.5W). (749*), 757,* 767,* 775, 781,* 790, John S, Heald, ch g (2:27^), .32, 80, 165, 224, 239, 247,* :j90, 400, 418,* 449, (450), 489, 627, John S. Kane, b g (2:37^). (29), 74, 175, 196, 499, 518, 641. Johu Sherman, b g (2:38J4) 60. John Sherman (2:46)4). 228, 276, 323, (595), John i-ill. b g (2:34). (436). I John Smith's gr g, bv Tornado. 53. John Smith (2:55). (74). ! Johnson's ch m, pacer. 760. Johnson's b m, by Trouble, dam by Quaker Joe, 405. 416. 551. Johnson's ch g. 13, 180, 231.* Johnson's Colt, b g (2:46)4). 593. John Splan. b s, by Mr. Curdy's Hambl«'tonian, dam by Howler. 466, 473, John Spots, blk g (2:49). 2.59. John Staik (2:54), 214, (396). i John Steicier. b g (2:41)4). 119, 534. 719,746,782. John Stewart, b g (2:30). 17. 43. 47, 78, 87, 91, 143, 161, 269. 274, 352, i 414, 489. 512, .569, 590,* 627, 678. i Johnston Boy, ch g (2:40). 31, (42), 61, 363, 436, 437, 468, 490, 544,* 645, 675. ! John Sunday, by Homer, dam the I Myers Mare. 408. 1 John T. (Huckleberry,Pluck, Brown Jack and Dictator), br g (2:22)4). I 585. JohnT blk g (2:36)4). 196. John T,,bg(.i:01). 124,408,(465*), 467, 5.59. I John Taylor, b g (2:25). 35,* 59, I (125), 183, 594. John the Baptist. 407, 714. ' John T. Hoffman, blkg (2:36)4 w). I 217, 303. 330, .-142. John Thomas, b s (2:45). 221, 275, 1 (411), 499, John Thomas, br s (2:36%), by Gen, Knox, dam bv Hiram Drew, 199, 296, 502, (578*). 640. John Tonley. ch g (2:37). 13, 77, 125,*:554, .379, C64, 731. JohnT. RusseU, bg (2:30)4). (29*). 32,93, 114, 136, 137, 187,* 224.* 236. 247, 263, 264, 272,* 298, (474), 498. 527, 663,* 733.* John Tyler, b g. 214. John Vanderbilt. 363. John Virgin, ch g (2:29). 46.* 60, 112, 114,* 130. 1.57,* 218. 315,328, 337, .3.57, 541, .597, 704, 714 John W.. br g (2:38). 105, 330,* 5C9. .".91, 642, 684. John V,'., b g (2:44)4). (136). 141, .350. 699. John Wagner. 134. John Wallace, b g (2:37)4). 38, 63. (551). .John Walker, ch s . 463, John Wands, br g (2::54), 140,. 355, 501, 640, John W, Conley (Bep and Beppo), bg(2:24), 127, .372, 625. John Wells, 174. John W. Hall, ch g (2:25). 35, 45, 273, 439, 446, 481, 537,* 552, .576, 637. 653. John WUkinson. 37.3. John Wilhams. b s(2:53Ji^). 349. John White, gr g pacer. 757. John Wander, pacer. 781, 789. John Y, Scuton. 636. Joker, b g (2:22)4), 22. 35, 79,* 122,* 132, 135, 147, 242,* 267,* 287, 316, 353, 362, 376, 392, 480,* 493, 495, (513), 522, 537, 586, 597, 662, 665, 729,* Joker, b g (2:40). 39, 220, 237, 252, 273, 358, 416, 551,* 578, 599, 661, 666. 672. Joker, chg (2:47%). 44, 217, 218, 276, :^63, 424,542,6.59. Joker, l;lkg(^:54). 371,671. Joker, bs(3:35). (498). Joker, pacer (2:33%). 750. Joker. (136), 438. Joker, b g. 371, 448, 541. Jolly Jack, by Black Hawk. 57. Jolly Roger, blk g. 594. Jonaihan, ch g (2:44\ 677. Jonathan, bg (3:01). 463. Jonas, blk g (2:49M)- 85. Jones, b m. 486, 667, Jones, br g (2:54)4). 60, 123, 801. Jordan, ch g,pacer(2:26). 761,788.* Joseph, b g (2:29]4). 44, 66, 125, (288), .353, 562, 565, 600. Joseph, b s, by Joe Brown. 259, 348, 406, 425, 580, 659* Joseph A., b g (2:24). 16,(117), 183,* 468, 4iJ3, 671. 674. 716* Joseph C. (2:47), 442, .538,* Joseph H. McGee, gr s (2:48%). 368, (411*). CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. Josephine, l.r III (■2:r-2W). 19, 188, i (ISiO), 3^7.409, 718, (80. i Josephine, oh mc'iUit. HO, 10.), Ill, U~', '•io, 145. 150, ~'(W, 21.J, 2.")4, i 336, 352, 366, .'J?*!, 394, 400, 402, , 417,- 45'-', 4.-)5, (574*). 6l-»,* 672, ! 700. 730. 802, Josephine, b m (2:32Mj). 32, 102, 171, :.'44, 3611. 4»7. 55H. 705. I Josephine, b ui(3:00). 2.3.367,490, Josepliine. b m (2:.30). .5!>, 101. 14.5, 17-1, UI4, 206. 264, 206, 321.* .324, 1 344, .362. :{»}, 457. 479, .504, 521, j .541, 599, 610, 641, 66.3,* 710, 715. 724. I Josephine, b in (3:20). 310, 345,* ' 388. I Josephine, b m. pacer (2:41%). 120, (742) .Josephine Moore. 626. | Josephine 8 , blk in (2:29^^l. 39,* I 77. 9IJ. 163. 200. 2.58, 300,309.312, 326 '^ 367, 384. 390, 437. 529, 562. I 649,* 650. I Josephus, ch k (2:19%). 14, 48, 72. 82, 101, 108,- 1.32, 174. 17.', 184, | 216, 2.30, 259, 301, 30.3, 31il, .362, 367. 381, 383. 447, 491, 538,555, (566), 601, 68y, 708. 709, 723. I Joseph L.. b s. 468, 584. Joseph R 610. JoSfpli Stickney. 173, 256.* Joseph VV .. b g (3:.59). (43). Josh. I) K (2:.54i^). 04, 279, 567. Josh Billings. 71 1. Josh Billings, b g (2:411.^). 47, 105, 159, mi:-' 329, :U9, 48 1 , 647. Josh Billings (Mountaineer), ch g (2:2954). 16, 71 , 203, 283, 334, 407, 480, 496,* 507, (514), .566. 609, 708, 714. 794. Josh Billings, by Kemble .Jackson, dam I.^ady Gipsy. 352. Josh Parks. 95, 124. Joshua Gol(Jdust(2:49). 6.50. Josh Whitcomb. gr g. 648, 748. Joshua Gray, gr g, pacer, 315, 741, 7.59. Josie, b m 2:.33i>^). 25, .35, 171, 192, 282. 394, 429 591.* Josie, br ni (•.':40). 126, (276). 634. Josie. b m (2:4614). 163,* 290, tl6,* 661, Josie, br m (2:36>4). 89, 138, (163), 223, 438, 504, 793, 803. .Josie, br m (2:30i^). 49, 204, 243.* 244, 267, 290, 30.(, .332, 528, 624. Josie, b m (3:01). 445. .Joaie, blk m (2:47). i66, 2.33. Josie, b m (3:04). 533, 600. Josie (Kate Gilbert), br m (2:35). 57. 155, 335, 427, 461, .505, 630. Josie, gr m (2:45). 63, 149, (211), 268, 300. .367. 472.487, 5tW,* 725. Josie, br in, pacer (2:.30). 746,* 791. .Josie, b m by Dan Voorhees, dam by Abdallah. .557. Jos'io B. , I; m (2 :41i4 ). 1 03. Josij Black. 62. Josie. D. (Jessie D.), c!i m (2:36). 8, 4.38, 500. Josi"? D. 443, .523. Josio Dayton, ch m. 465, 561. Josie H., p'lcer. 741. 771. Jo^ie II.. b m (2:32!4). (87*). .324, 330, 4.58,* 6 9, (575, 681, 721. Josie L., rn m. 214, 341, 4.57, 612. Josie M. 1.30 Josie Mansfield gr m (3:00). 41, 128, 711. Josie Mansfield, b m (2:40)^). 75, (303) 4a3. 657. Jo3le White. 716. Jo^ie S., gr in. 329. 533. Jovce, ch in, bv .Mastarlode, dam Oceana Maid. 18, 45, 49, .52, 119, 20(5. 271, .301,' 346. 375, 398, 613, 715.* J. Patterson. 485, J. P. Morris br g'2:20>4). 9, 101, 108, l.'{5. (181*), 206, 225,* 319," .3.54,* 5.56, 603. 608, 701. J.P. ro\vuseud,grg by Niagara Chief, daiu bv Ivanlioe 41, .594. J. R . blu K 131, 246, 324, 619.* .J. R. Jaekson. 267. J- R H., grg. 170 J. R. Hazard. 492, .530. J. R. Staiinurd(3:(j2). 16. J. S. (2:50;>:i). "^^O. J. S. Dudley, brg. 450. J. Stearns Jr. 397. J. S. Young, bg (2:2954). 136, 1.54. J. T. Davis, ch g( .':36) 1 13. 161. 182, (197), 2.38, .347). 41 i, 4 JO. 457. 590, 619, 701. i J. T. Fulton, ch g (2:42). (0J9). 052. Juanita. gr m 38, 228, 469, 486. Jube, b g (-:49). 400, 681. I Jubilee I ainbert. br s (.;:25). 45,* I 48, .-.4. (80*), 111.-,, 132, 141,* 180, 1M.<. 211.* 224.* 238. 242, 313. .320. I 432, 4)9, 618. 624, 678, 732. ! Juda, b m. 585. Judar. 3.52. I .lud Crowder. pacer. 162, 749. Jude. 500. Judge, ch g (2:541^). (56V I JudiJre (3:061^). 14, 45, 499. Judge, b g (2:32) .1, 41, 191, 193. , 214, .3.3.5, .363, 391,671.* I Judge BaMwin. 137. I Jud?e Bedle, brg '2-AO). 2.3, 113,* I 200, (400), 491, 615, 642, 661. Judge Blake, bg(2:47J^). (114). Judge Briggs b g C.iyiO^), bv Andy Johnson. 58, (111*), 279, 305, 421. 594. 068. Judge Cobb (3:20). (514), 566. Judge Cowles. 263. Judge Curtis, b g (2:3o>4). 78, 86, 1.59, 233, .390. 452, 754, 672. Judge D., chg, by .vlambrino Tran- by. 721. Judge Darling, b g (3:00), by Billy Sherman. (735). Judge Davis, b g (2;21>^). (145), 30 i*. 367. (383), 476-, 532*, 594, 595, 6B8, 722*, 735. Judge Douglass, blk s (2:40). 70, (.509), 0.58. Ju.lge Drury, br s. by Bashaw Drur.y. dam by Benedict's .Alor- rill. to, 484, 524. Judge Duffy, ch g. 231, (795), 802. Judge Fo.ger, br s 29. Judge Fullerton (Bull Colt), ch g (2:18). 21, 85, 105,137,247.* 267,* 270,* 316.* 372.* 415, 537,* 547,* .586. 625,* 6.38* Judge Gildersleeve. 179*. Judge Glidden, brg. 207,2.30,232, 61.3, 63', 676, 802. Judge Hawes, b g (2:;:4). 15,* 86. 11.5, 1 '4, 1.32, .354, .367, 434, 438, 467, -.73, .591. .595, 615,* 701, 719. Judge Hayes. .505. Judge Hmce, rn a. 463. .Judge Jacki.on. 663. Judge Lane, b g. 1.35, 645, 653. Judge Me 249. Judge Mitchell, ch g ( ;:41). 174, 192 .395*. Judge Parsons, b g (2:31>4). 266, 391, 48:<, 577. Judge P Hard, ch g (2:29^). 9, 143. 176. 288*. Judge I'rart. 254. Judge Robertson, bg(2:35>4). 105, 113, 178, 192, 212, 227. 29ti,* 304, 370, .379. .395, 446, 462, 467, 486, 506,56.', 623. (i.31,* 6;>2. Judge Russell, ch g, by John Gil- pin, dam by American Star. 57,* &!,* 236, 289. 605. Judge Samuels, b g (2:44"4). 481. 707. Judge Scott (Cloudman and James K. Polk), ch g(2:31!),468. Judge Wuiie, grg(2:35), 39,49, .58. 120,17.7, 2.-0. -6.5, .321,417. 447, 4 74.* .560, .591, 61.3. Judge Wallace, brs. 403. .Judge White. 163, .386 Judge Whithev, b g (2:.3294). 49. 326, ■• .333, 4.52. 479 708. Judgment, br g (2:2J»). (28*), .54.* 64, 10.5, 115, US,< 12-;, I 19. 2i 1.* 287. 340, .'•.46. 347. 430, 435,* 437, 496, 517, 531. 541, 54.3,* 560. .5«3. .596,* (iOl. 62P. 666, 723 .Judilii. gr m (2:4iii^>). 165. S Jug Jr.. brg. pacer, by Tomi Hal. 7'i2 769. I Judy O'Trot (2:;:7). (221). Jutrgler. 580. Jule, uhm. 181, 731. Ju es Tower. 328, 098, 704. Julia (2:40). 87. 203. Julia blk rn (2:45J4). 13.3, 2J1, 31.3, 350, 070. Julia, 1) m (:i:45). 42, 61, 144, 296. .Julia, blk m (2:39). 173, 2.37, (327), 415.* 516. Julia (2::}4i^). 206, 280, 324, (652), 700. I Julia, blk m. 8, 352. ; Julia, blk m. 41, 45, 70, 444, 454 486, 509,* 707, 725. Julia, 47''. Julia A. 20, Julia Aldrich, ch m (2:46) 232, 331. 4:i2. 574. I Julia Ann Johnson, b m(2:45^). Julia B. 147. 17S. 410, 506. Julia B., b 111 (2:;).5i^). 5.J4, 540. Julia Bush. 64, Julia CoUins. 558. JuUa D. 272. JuHa Dean, ch m (2:51 w). 619, Julia Dean, b m (2:5 1 14). 405. Julia F., blk m (2:4214!. 217. 502, (635*), 793. Julia Glover (2:3954). (263) Julia Hayes br m (2:46). 51. 2.38, 801. Julia J 214.* 340, -498. Julia Lee. blk m, pacer (2:45). 756. Julia Morgan, blk m. .506. Julia Moscow, b m (2:38). .399, (442*). Julian, br g (2:48) '^erroneously given 2:49^, page 374). (305). Julian, brg. 697, Julia Sweep-takes, ch m (;^:33). 3.3,* (430), 647. Ju'ia WilkHS, gr m (2:43). 458, 579. Julie. 000. .Jnliet. ch m (2:44). 148. 541. JuUet, gr m (2:5.594). i48, 199, 385.* (6.32). 696.* Juliet, b m, pacer (2:301.^). 7.38, 740, 750, 769. Juliet. 83, 369, 616. Juliet 152, .347. Juhetra (■.':52>4). (553). 560, .572. Juliette, br m (2:49) 730. Juliuti. 231. Julius H., ch g (3:42). 129, 157, (186), 217. 404,* 670. Julius H, ch g, pacer (2:37^) 752. Jumbo, ch g i2:.51). 4.5, 212, 296, 488, 580, 668, Jumbo, b g (2:50). 105, 269, :«.3. Jumbo (3:04). 496. i Jumbo, b g (2:46>4). 1.39, (166*), I 361 i Jumbo, brR,pacer(2: ,794). 7.50,755. i Jumbo. 62, .1.30. 412. I Jumbo, 94, 6.79. ! Jumbo Jim, grg (2:.53). 155, 266, I 485, 795, ; Junction, blk g (2:49>4). (109*), 230, I 297 1 .Junction Bo.-. 45 INDEX OF BEATEN HORSES. 897 Junction Maid 13(3. June. (648). June, b g. 342. 724. Juniata C. 71(5. Junie, rn . (3:46). 729. Junie R.. ch ni. 645. Junior Golddust, ch s (3:05). 634. Juno bm (2:.'-6^). 115, 326, 494, 520. 670. Juno, br m (2:30%) 50. 660. Juno, b um2:41i,6). 121. 234,* 354, 487, 530, 56.', 65*.* Juno, b m (2:4U). 364, 610. Juno, b m (2:40). 280, 308, 362, 601, 625. 700. Juno, rn m (2:.36). 173.* 373, 422, 470, 473, 487, 518, 523, 53.',* 546, 574, 583. 62-', 624. Juno, b m (2:31). 15,* 12.3, 181,* 193, 19.1, 244. 297, 370, 40:,', (422*), 492, 493. 553. Juno, br m (2:52). 311, 491, (718). Juno (3:22). (116). Juno, b m. 477. Junot, ch g (2:45). 412, 542 Kadir(2:.35). 123, (124). 137, 160. 179, 281,* 335,* 41.3, 321,* .563,* 609,612, 714,^^ 723. Kaiser, bg 80, 186. Kaiser, b g (2.4614). by Enfield, dam by Mam brmo Chief. 464.504,551, (558). Kankakee Maid. 556. Kalamazoo Boy (2:52). (38). Kama. 471. Kanawha (Cattaraugus Chief), b g (2:29y 100. (271). .388, 407. Kane Boy. b g (i>:38i4). 11. 129 161, 192, 224, 588. 589. 666, 691. Kangaroo, bik g (•?:38). 116, 118, 1.32, 169, 210. 282. 312,* 405, 576. 703, Kangaroo.br g (2:47). 106, (272), 298, 53.S. 8(10. Kankakee Maid, b m (2;o0). 670. Kansas Bill, b g (2:45). 352, (428), 069. Kansas Baby, pacer. 741. Kansas Boy, b s, by Comus. dam Rosa Gangle, bv Ganglion Gangle. 327. Kansas Chief, b g i2:21^). 8. 85, 222, 28«, 316,* 320, 449. 548,* 586. 623,625, 670, 671,* Kans^as Dan, ch g ( . :31M). (4.57) Kansas Girl, blk m (■J:38). s. 27, 23!t, 3-7,* .360, (437i, 486, 767. Kansas Jack, brg( 2:35). 116, 144, 371, 440, 626, Kansas .Tim my. 28. Kansas Maid, b m (2:.34) 69,* 154, 2.50, 296, 405, (63.j*l, 726.* 791* Kansas Maid, b m (2:30%). 291,473, Kansas Pet. 409. Kansas Queen, b m (2:37M)- (83), 203, 717, 798. Kansas Spy, b g. 757, 781. Kanuck, blk s, pacer. 783. Katarina, b m(2:49J^). 389,* 420, 666. Kata' ina. b m 661 Kate, b m (2:53^). 501. 637. 681. Kate, b m (2:40). 106.* 125, 340, 477 Kate,brm (2:54). 20. Kate, b m (2:48). 88, 120, 162,* 292, 442. Kate, b m (2:45). 65, 483. Kate, br m (2:44K^). 60. 520. Kate, ch m (2:38^ w) 260, 304, 539, 710. Kate, bm (2:521^). 57.5. Kate, b m (2:391^). 173, 210, 412, 4.3!. Kate (2:45). 41, (83), 161. 730. Katf (Belle of Brooklyn), b m (2:31 J4). 133, 187, 442.' 57 J. Upham, blk g (2:36). IJl, 474. 005, 657, 663. Jupiter. I)g(2:40^). 211,25.5,(284). 2.S5, 307, :!69. .390, 396. Jupitt^r, ch s 530 619. Jupiter, ch g (2::i5). 144,* 314, 331, 402, 414, .')40. 561, 564, 583, 609, 643, 647, 783. Jupiter, br s (2:37)4) -i^i, 58, (224), 251, 202, 4.H9, 710.* Jupiter. 17. 292. Jupite-. 107,342,577.* Jupitec. ()46. Jupiter Abdallah. chg(2:40). 218, 304, 423, 563, 624. .Tupiter AlxlaDab, Jr., ch s, liy Jupi- ter Abdallah, dam a Bellfounder mare. 229. Jupiter Norwood, b s (2:40). 35, 58, 460, 483. Jupiter Star, b m. 448. Jurry Maid (2:.-^.2). (222*). Justice b m (2:40). 47, 317, 483, 563. Justice. 204, 081. Justina. by Almont, Jr. 205. Just Out, b m (2:40). 101, 150, 201, 340, 3.50, 394, 486. Juvenile Knapp. b g (2:50i^). 174, 672. J. W (2:5314). 103, (5S7) J. W. 9'. J. Walden (2:4114). (144). J. W. B., b g, byAlhe Gaines. 615. J. W De Silvia, b s (3:C2}/>)- (327). J. W. Combs, b s (2:38i^ 7bv Erics- son, dam by Hoagland's Messen- ger. 12, 196. v40i*). J. VV. Galbreih's entry. 90. J. W. Ingalls. 388 J. White |2:.50). .520. J. W. Payne (2:37]4). 510, (629*) J. W. South. l?s. 716. J. W. Thomas (Borax), ch g (2:27!^). 64, 72. 104, 215, 225, 262, 291, 303,* .342, 345, 307, (384), 42 1 , 4">2, 455, 487, 488, 495, 601, 688,* 694, 71 1. J. W. TiUinghast (3:09). (7.34). J. Y. Brown, pacer. 749. K Kat-, blk m (2:39) 16, 74, 470. Kate (Mattie Howard), ch ni (2:34). 57.* 98, 142,* 144, 157, 166, 169, 2ti4, 360, 5(11. 575, 576, 578. Kate, br m (2:4414). 200, 603, 693. Kate, gr m (2:42^). 648. Kate, b m (2:46). 15, 18, 113, 177, 401. Kate, blk m (2:38). 24, 111. 285, 300.* 394. Kate, blkm (3:00). 287, 359, 508. Kite, ch ra (2:43). 330, 658.* Kate.gr m (2:46i^). 32.* 33, 147, 174, 200, 222, 255, 29!, 3. '9. 407,* 412, 431. .525. 6*6, 656, 707. Kate, chm( i:55). 167, 246, 551, 647. Ka,e, b in (2:47)4). J^30, 344, 442, 562, 576, 606, 641. 72:'.. Kate, b m (2:4214). 42, (86), 150. 287, 394. Kate (2:58). 10,* 233, 254, 389,* 534, 5B2. Kate, bm (2:41). 38,225,400,430, 470. Kate, grm (2:.56). 135, 273,* 300, 372. 493, 541. 601, 654 Kate, blk m (2:50i4). 394, 529. 788. Kate, ch m (2:.36%). 165, 16J, 209, 47.5 Kate, ch m (2:51i4). 246. Kate, blkm (3:011^). 359. Kate, bm (2:49%). 96, 111,* 248, 432.* (.526). 5.37. Kate, b m (2:55). 384, 592. Kate, rn m(2::<7%). 421, (422), 490, 601, 612, 66.5. Kate (2:. 35). (.33*). Kate, bm (2:.55i^). 131, (143). .374. Kate, b m (3:01) (175), .345. 797. Kate, blk m (2:.37). 169. (198*), 563. Kane, b m (2:40)^). 90, 442, (482*), 601, 606, 715. Kate, blk m i,2:40%). (243), 510, 682. Kate b m (2:53)4). 60, 143,* ib9, 508, (51.5*). 6.5S. Kate, brm (2:4.314). 1.5,31, 43. 62, 66, J55, 197, 349, 415, (519), .531, 668. Kate, b m, pacer. 750, 753, 764.* Kate, br m (2:36%). 363, 414, (617). Kate, bm(2:38). (627). Kate, b m (2:3.5). (51), .340. Kate, b m. 131. Kate,bm. .5.36.607. Kate, bm (3:01). 64,* 78. Kate, br m (3:04), 216, 675. Kate, 16, 158, Kate, b m. by Bashaw. 176, 177. K ite, 698, Kate, rn m. 498. I Kate, ch m. 588.* ' Kate B,. gr m (2:58). 526, (638). Kits Barium, b m. (72*). 141, .567.* Kate Bender, brm (2:45)^). by Cliief of the Echoes. 116, (491), 668. 1 Kate Bennett, rn m (2:29)4). 221,590, I 668. Kate Birch. 578. Katt^ Blanchard. m m. 155. Kate Boyington(2:49). (69). Kate Brown, b m(3:04). (557). Kate Cam ron. 478. Ka;;e Campbell, br m (2:25%). 19, 25,* l')7, 235,* 236, 253,* 341, 369. 396, 398, 414, 439, 457, 508,* 513, 537, 547, 586,* 631, 637,* 665, 676. Kito Case. 646. Kara Clark, b ca (2:48). 552, 692. Kate Claxti n, gr m. 260. iKate Clay, bm. 6.56. Kate Cozad, b m. (74). 1 Kate Darcy, blk m (2:35). 504, 624. ' Kate De Forrest, ch m (3:33). (684). Kate Dennis, blk m ,2:45). 27, 141, 388, (447*;, 581, 603, 673. Kate Devenough, gr m .'2:42). 88, 423*, 544. Kate Dixon, 80. Kate Douglass, blk m (2:51)^). 280. Kate Douglass bm (2:42)4). 106, 422*, 440, 525*. Kate Fisher, b m (2:43)4). 315, 381, 437. 474, 589, (689), Kate Fish, b m. 035, 796. Kate Forrest, bm (2-.36). (294), 342, 52^. Kate Franklin, rn m (2:47)4). 53.3, 602. KateG.,bm. 323. Kate Gilbert, (Josie) br m (2:35). 106, 1.32, 207, 224, 259, 271. 282, 317, .371, 405, 41-', 413, 414. 448, 480. 492. 626. 633. Kate Golding 299, 477, Kate Hall, ch m (2:24)^). 47.* 86.* 133, 143, 196, 205,* 241, 440,* 447.* 464.* 523, 591,* 717. Kate Harris, b m (2:32). .317, oGO, 700*. Kate Harris, b m (2:41)^). by Harry Harris, dam by De Long's Ethan Allen, 95,11.3,307,365,589- Kate Hawes 10. Kate Hayes, ch m, by ^lessenger Duroc, by Hambletonian, 297, 408,* 434. Kate Haves, b m. 7, 61, 533. Kate Hayes, ch m (2:52 wi. 308, 548. Kate Havden. 239, Kate Hazarc-1. b m (2:31). .^3*. 127, 147,* 173.* 250, 254, 300, 311, 808 (-'HESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING REC-GRD. 323.*»18,* 354. 361,411,437.483.* 517,* iiao*. 59(1. 59-,', (J74, 708, 734.*7;l:i, 788, 7!t4 Kale Henry, b ni (•J:50). 280. Kate H.-ron, (2:.*JS)K')- 8S, (408). Xnt« Hughes. In- m (2:38^*4). 18. 100, l(i(i. 11.;. 179, 23(i, -yo.* (373*), 397,4(10,* 44.'). (465*), 575, 652, 720, . 1)7. Kate Hunter, (2:40) (51), 659. Kiite Jackson. .538. Kate Kearney, b in (2:37). 22, 700, Kale Keller, bikm (2:40). 81, (120) 21 1, 2.->8, 289,* 317, 318, 410. Kate L 315. Kate Lambert, br m (2:451^). 170, 174, 217, 300. 330, 432,531, (558). ICate Lewis, }> ni (3:01). 50. Kate Mann, brm(L':40J^). 212, 295, :t07, 3(j(i,* ,541. ()84. Kate Maishall, blk m (2:47). 31, 2.">7, 276. 370, 435. Kate Martin. 511. Kate Mav, blk m (2:39). 3.3, 49,* 260. 331 . 300, .531 . Kate Mav. 519. Kate McCall, gr m (2:23). 34, (10.5), 17!. ■ 19.3, 265, 301,* 302,* 318,* 491.554,000.636. 658,688, 715, 719. Kate McCrea. 463. Kate iMcGuwan, blk m (■2:51). 263, .572. Kate Medium, gr m (2:421^). (erro- neouslv given 2:45, page 379). 8* 1.5. 04, 4(12,* 44-.', (5-24). Kate Messenger (,':41). 314, (695). Kate Middleton, ch m (2:23). 91.* 160,* 18:J, 2S8, 388, 447, 464. 538, 552. 023, 674. 708,* 717. Kate Miller, br m (2:36^). 2.54. Kale Murray, b m. 23, 87, 218, 300, ;}91.430. 438. Kate O'Brien, b m (2:37}^). 338, 368, (399), 410,* 456, 559. Kate O'Brien, b m (2:48). Ill, 235, 262, 63(S, 71 1 . Kate Oversireet. 13,596. KateP.bm. 214. Kate I'aluier, b m (2:49). (116), 627. Kate Paine. 407. Kate Peufield. 578. Kate H, b m (2:38>4). 89. Kate Roan, ru m. 450. KateRowell. 508. Kate S.. gr m (2:.56) 653. Kate S.. Bp m (2:39>4). (31), 127, 406. 690. Kate Sands br m (3:07U). 358, 488. Kate Seelev. ch m, by Strader's C. M. Clay.dam by J. M.Botts. 175, 532 Kate Seely, b m, pacer. 745. KateShepard. 609.* KateSlosliabont (•i::)i)]4). (.397). Kate Sliook. gr m. pacer. 779. Kate Sloan, blk b) (2:38). 175, 201, .357, 374. 427,* 513. 572, 579, 621, (6.511,7 J 2.* Kate Smith, b m, bv Abdallah(2:38). (518). Kate Smith, ch m (2:46)^). (51*), 400, 190, 720. Kate Snyder, ch m. by Greenback, dam by Tom Hal. 124. 189. :J79. Kate Sprau'ue. br m (2:J8). 18, 1.33,* (104*), .5«h,* 643. Kate Sianton (2:55). (91). Kate Swift. 552. Kate T., gr m. 269. 361. 581. Kate Taylor, b m (2::i:i%). 135,180, 189, 197, 393, (4.58). 484, 511,* 524, 5.54,* 506,* 628.* 722, 731, 709. Kate Temple, b m. 59S. Kate Thompson. 413, 699. Kate Thorne, br m (2:45>4). 121, 2.34. ;,'63. (4.50), 676. Kate W. 677. Kate AVallace. .38, 615. Kite Walters. 683. I Kate Watson, b m. 195. Ka e Xvesner (Sciola, Honest Trot- I terandKaty Dia), b m (2:2;'J4). 154, 5.52. 7.3:J. Kate \\hipple. 421. .578. I Kate Whitiiev (3::i3^j) (466). I Ka'e White, b m, by Blood Chief, 1 (■i::i7'A). (483). 5.52. Kate Wil.son. pacer. 767. Kate Wood, b m. (:{47*), 6.50, 072. Kathleen, ch m. 201, 345. Kaihri'ja, blk m (2:42!^). 82, 373,* 390, 408, 498,* 5J9, (040) Katniah Maid. 610. Katulah, br ni . 107, C.59. Katv, b m (2:37). 447, .514, 0.34, 081, 682. Katy, blk m ( .':.52-54). 36, 169, 439. Katy, ch m (2:43^4). .302, .5.58,* 501.* Katy. 092 Katy (2:51). (81). Katy, b m (2:44). (358*), 428, 484, 485,591,* 717. Katy, b m (2:40}4). 17,* 26, 161. 207, 273, 283, ;i89, 324. 325, 387, 402,481. Katy D. Dinah, rn m (2:48i^). 346. Katy D., ch m (2:3654). 103,- 324, 381. ;,90.* 638. Katy D . pacer (2:40). (756). Katy Darling, dn m. 100, 39-1. 645. Katy Did (Katie Wesner, Honest Tiottcr and Sciola), b m (2:23)4)- 76, 180,* 248, .-{50, 535. Katy Did, ch m (2:401^). 29. 40, 64, 153, 173, 177.* 225. 250, 314* 329, 391, 423, 438, 487, 523,* 6 il. 550. Katy Didn't brm. 49. Katy Eastman, eh m (2:42). 121, 2: d, 527, 613. 0.i8. Kuty F., dn m, pacer (2:27K'). 740 745.' Katy Hayes, b m, by Messenger Duroc, dam by Humbletonian, 690. Katy Hooker, 585. ICaty J., by Duke of Wellington. 57.* Katy Jackson, b m (2:25^), ;181. Katy Jordan, bm (,::38i4). 205. Katy Lynch, b m (2:45), by MiUi- nian's Bellfounder. 6!i2, 801. Katy Mace. (2:58)^). 525. Katy Messenger, gr m. 594. Katy O. 422. Katy P. (2:40,. (.362). Katy R., pacer. 780. Katy K , gr m. 454. Katy Richards, ch m. 196. Katy S., 1) m (2:40i^). 201, (276), 314,438, 5(i2, 611. Katy S., sp m (2:42i4). 381, (090). Katy Sharp. 43. iOO. 380. Katy Shorin (2:.58). (498). Katy T , rn m (2:40). 270,574. Katy Thompson. 179. Katy Tricks, b ra (2:49i^). 138,205, (■."28). Katy W. 410. 503. Katy Wahace, gr m (2:42). 154, 209, 221, 42 i, 507.* Katy WatkiTus, ch m, by ClarkChief, dam Flaxey. 61, 340, Katy Wheeler, pacer (3:01). (754). Ka.iy Williams. 558, Kuiy Wi>udruir, b ui (2:45 w). 73i\ Ka.- ( hief, br g, pacer (2:37), (2:35 SI. (787*). K&w Jimmy, b g (2:.)..). 127. Kearney, grg (:i;OU). 48u. Ke.irn K-jlhschild. 597. Keai-sarge, ch s. 2Li9, 498. KecUley. en g (2::;i). lt:0. Keeiiau (C rnet), grg(2::i7^). 524, 0L)7. , Keene, bg. 285. Keeuo Jim, mg (2:19^). 15, 159, 301,* •171, 547,* 573, OOJ,* 641, Oii7,*7(iH. Ktesichtu. 98. Keev.alm. 441. Kehosli, b m .577. Ktkiouga Chief. 97.* Keliiugton, b s (eironeously given I 2:5:), pa^e 381). (!;>;, 0;i-,'. Kelly, in g (:.':44^j. i23, 255, (Z^.). Kelloggs b m(2:50^). 355. Kelly Davis, b g (2:4i>^). (40). 153, 2o«, 410, 579. 689. Kelly Hoise, b s (2:38i^4). (.10), (4i)*), 287, (457), 527. Kelly's ch m. 7i5. Keilyh b g. 180. Kenible Jackson, ch s (2:34 w). 20, (282), 42y, 547. Kemble Jackson, ch g (2:40 w ). 252. K-.uible Jackson, b s(2:;i4i^). 5, 570, <70. Kemble Jackson. 527, 735. Kemble Maid, br m. 2(56,* 322. Ke- dad Han-j-. 4-19. Kendall Henry, blk g (2:42). 82. (Ill), 4411. o.j7, 578, 097. Kendall Star, b s (2:57»4»- ^'5, 33, 603 K'.-nderdiae :ilaid (3:29^^). (267). Kenduskeog. 892. Keuegy'sbg(2:3L^). 98.* Keney, ch g (:.;:29>'a)- (459). Kenil worth, b Ki >-y LiOihair,dam by Wilkes Booth. 115. Ken Monday, gr g. 139, 592. Kennebec, hr g (,'.51). 60, 126, 128, 178. 197, 300. 347, 407. 514, 561. Kennebec, ch s (2:47). 207, 292, .354, 043. Kennebec Boy, ch g (2:.3Ci^). (461). Kenneth, b g. 199. Keno. I) g (2:23m3) lOi 1"0. 233, 238, (309), 374, .iSo, 4o7, 57.;, 59J, 6j5, 608. Keno .3:06). (225). Keno, m g, pacer (2:3294). (232), 7u0, 739, 749,* 779. Keno; b m, pacer (2:;W). 742. (753*), 754,* 755, 702,* 708, (779» ), 78d.- Keno. 50.420,716. Keno, br g, pacer (2:265^). 709. Kenoza Doy, br g (-:ili). (2:--'9), 315, 371. Kensett, br s (2:36). 435, 554, :77. Kensington Maid (2:44^4)). 264,335, 401, 498, 58i>, (612). Keuzua Orphan, cli g. 578. Kent, ch g. .iS, 132. Kentuclc, b g (2:50). 530, 642, 659. Kentuck, bm (2:56). 69,107,387, 4SI9. Keutuckian, ch s (2:27J4)- 1-*, 514, 052,677. Kentucky (2:41Mj). 30, 54,* 103, 133, 309. 409,(090), 093. Keutuckv. 94, 652. Kentucky Belle, b m. 100, 388, 536. Kent leky Hill, b g. 233, 048. 698. Keutuckv Bov, ch g(2:32.>4). :{8,147,» 21 1, 201, 477, 580 606, 714. 794. Kentucky Boy (2:56 1-0). 69, 157, 317. 529, 687 Kentucky Boy, br g (2:.54>^). 529, .5:J6, 717. Kentucky Boy. b g. 84. Kentucky Chief, brs(J:49). 182,219. 306, (044). INDEX OF BEATEN HORSES. 899 KentucKj- Central, ch m (2:35). 13, 15, 29, Ui, 70, 204, 24.:i, 266,* 471, 490,- 641. Kentucky Chief, blk s, by Mohawk Chief. 474, 499,- 666.* K. mucky Chief, br s (2:39i^). 91, (,5i6). K-ntucky Chief, b s(2:39). 170,]99, 324, (3381, 437. Kent uc-ky Clay, b s. 481.* Kt ntucky '■ lay Jr., b s, b;- Kentucky Clay. 464, 613, 656. Kentucky Fanny, b m. 81. I Kentucky Fly. b m, by Ked Wilkes, (2:5U). 486, (667*), 671.* Kentucky Centleman, br s (2:42J^), (heat printed 2:4i J4. page 382, ! should be 2:4834). 1!!4, 371, 698. \ Kentuck, Girl, b ra. 267. i KeniuckV Geoifje, chg(2:37^). 37, , 178.* 214, 801. Kentucky Girl, ch m. 191, 272, 589, ■ 631, 63.>, 660. I Kentucky Girl, b m (3:2914). 7, 41, 42, 8i4, 129, i:{0, 141, 237. 274. 288, I 31 . . 325,^= 381, 452, 464. 472.* 496, i 510. 613, 02 ■, 667, 682, 701, 721.* Kent- cky Girl Jr., b m. 373. [ Kentuckyliunter, chs(2:.37}4). (54), ; 145. I Kentucky .Jim, rn g. 621. Kentucky Johu, blk g. 269, 361, 490, .>il . Kentucky Maid,grm. 321, 505, 589,* Ki-ntucky Norman, b s. 273. Keutix-ky Prince, b g (2:3834). 24, , 16.!, 4:^9,* (6.36*), 722. Kentucky Rocket, gr s, by Sentinel, daui by Flying Cloud. 213, -62, 478. Kentuckj Queen, b m (3:10). 262, (.•">46). Kentucky Star, gr g.by Kimbrough's Abdalluht^:-;. (249), Cl-A), 315, 605, 711. Kentucky Tom, rng (3:001^). 207, 306, 328, 5 . 1. Kentucky Volimteer, bs (2 :.32i^). 95. Ke tucky Wiiks, br s (2:2034) 15, 51, iSO, 91,* 107, 108, 173, 184,208, 2:J1. 344. 370, 371.* 372.* (384), 3b8, 464, 47y, 495, 558, ,567, 591, 698, 708.* Kenyon's b m (2:.^4). 311. Keokuk, br s, by Vermont Black Hawk, dam by Bishop's Hamble- tonianC?). 441. Keramo. 43,* 712. Kerry Gow, ch g. 59. Kessler. b g. 96, 186. Ketchtun. 71'^. Ketchum's Li s. 517. Keitlebale, b m (2:36). (159), 310. Ketwah. 529. Kevpoit (2:49w). (104). Keystone, b s (2:33). 104, 148, 329. .398, 494,* 526. 544, 731. Keystone, b g (2:4434). 55, 493.* Keystone, rn s, by Wood's Hamble- tonian. dam by Jupiter. ^9. 214, 263, 299, 346,* 46.5. Keystone, b g. 214, 511. Keystone Gii 1, b m (2:50 s). 45, 96, 111. 129, 619, 659, 71.3. Keystone Maid, ch m, by Keystone Messenger. 9, 198, 323, 467. 640. Keystone i^atcnen, b s(2:48%). 174, 685. Key West (Andrew i, ch s (2:28). 37, 1 15, 125, 180, (210), 296, 386, 411, 5-8, 618, 641, 669, 684. Key West Maid. 5-:7. Khedive, rn s. 167. 404. Kibono, br s (2:40). 112,* 181, .307, 506. 666, Kid. (18). Kidnapper, br s (3:01). 12. Ki Ki (George W. Paterson), b g (2:28). 55,* 59, 211,* 227, 238,* 385, 522,* 595, 612, 618, 627,* 645,* 665, 802. Kilix'urn (2:o.S). (42). KilbucK Tom, rn s, pacer (2:26). 739, 740,* (74.). 746,* 760, 765, 767, 768,* 773, 775. 785. Kilhuck Tom. b s (2:31). 191, 229, :;55. 414, 532, (6-:2). Kilbuni Jim. b s (2:23). (30), (115), 13 I, 224, 3:58,* 349, 5t!0, 692. Kildare. 434. Kildeer, b s. 549. Kildred. 250. Killarney, by Conspirator. (141). Kilmore, b s (2:47i^). 444. Kiluer. 207. Kilpatrick, gr s (2:41). 34, (120), (138). (382). (461), 586. ICiniball. ch g (2:591^). 192, 253, 338,* 362, 682, 692, 800. Kimball's gr g (2:.53). (271). Kimble Maiil. 690. Kin'iprhook Boy. 731. Kindness. 433. Kindlingwood. 610. King, blk g (2:.J7). (515). King, bg (2:37), by Forest King, dam by Blood's Black Hawk. 104, 1.53,* 264, 310, 356, 486, (600), 718. King, bg (2:57). 329, (722*). King Almont, br s (2:2X34). 72, 128. 144, 179, 225, 227.* 257,* 324, 326, (336), 383, 507, 605, 719. King Bee, pacer. 7.08. King Bee, br g' (2:40}4). 129, 504, 6T6. King Bird, b g. 101. 284. 300. . King Calico, rn g, pacer (2:5534). ^ (738). King Cetawayo, bg (2:36V 14, 48, 62, 94, 101. 106, 146, (180), 195, 2K4, 300,* 363, 420, 551, 562, 645, 647, Kiug Charles. 611, King Charley, br g (2:403^). (685*), 72.5. King Clifton, gr s (3:05). 102,* (:i97). King Cole, brg(2:39). 267,* 390,* 585, 638. King David, bs. 126,219,380,419, 473. King Edward, b g, by George Wilkes. 329.* King Frastus. 39. King Ethan. 578. King Faro, b g. 65, 225, 386. King Fish. 203. King George, br g. 365, 780. King John, br g (2:33J^). 29, 181, 444, 557, 653. King Joseph. 585 Kmg Lear, br g. 622. King Maaibrino, blk s, by Mam- brino Patchen, dam Zephyr. 136. King Nero. 162 *512. King of Terrors. 6S9. King Philip, ch s, by Mambrino King. 657. King Phihp bs (2:21). 11,17, .57, 140, 1.54, .362, 376. 411,* 493, 508, 558, 574,* 580, 594, (623*). Kinar Philip, b s (2:40), 11, 83, 200, 202, 219, .326, 393, 548, 640, 675, 796. King Philip, bg (2:45). (11), 228, :i35, 486. 520, 589. King Pin, rn s. 201. King Richard, ch s (2:50). 17. King's blk m. 42. King's blk g. 277. Ki/ig"sbs. 81. Kingsbury's blk s (2:55). (.54). King's Own, ch g, 490. Kingston, bg (2:44) (2:38 s). 187, 264. 441. 797, 801,* 802, 803.* Kingston, b s. 121, 525. Kingston, b g (2:.52). 718. Kmg Street. 122. Kingston Girl, blk m (2:53). 389,415. 480, 526, 335,* 672. Kingston Maid, b m. 134, 371. 476, 507, 523. Kingsviile Chief, b g. 479, 734. King Tobe. 36. King Ti m, b s. 137. King Wilkes, br s (2:23). 9,* 12, 35, 47, 92,* 110, 130, 145,* 202. 227, 324, 511 , 5.50, 635, 7 i2. King W illiam (Thorndike. Rover and Charley Howe), gr g (2:33). 25, 176, 234, 246, 31 ;i, 351, 613. King William, blk g (2:20%). (12), 47, 81, 149. 178,20 , 340, 342, 382, 48 ), 489. King William, b s (2:3154). 31, 40, 63, 12:i, 2:4, 254, 302, 317. 331, 35.5, 357, -371. 405, (414*), 432. 470, 476,* 4^8,* 499, 506, 512,* 528, 5 5,* 57l. King William, b g (2:35). 8.3, 239, 371,441,4^.5,548, 591, 631, 037. 641, 675, (7i:i). Kingwood, b g (2:48). 38, 346, 404, 610, 694.* Kinney, pacer (2:351/,). 500, 736, (754), 785, 792.* Kinsman Boy, blk s (2:283^). 40, 49, 93, 104, 117. 134, 196,* i9U,* 290, 351, 358,* 309, 373, 395, 448,* 452, 455,* 4V4, 4iS(), 514, 545, 561, 605, 609,630,* 659,801. Kiiizu I Orphan, ch g (2:42). 97, (.2:57), 425, 646, 694. Kiowa. .o96. Kip. 467. Kipp's b s. 387. Kir by, ch g (2:45). (230), 421, 433. Kirby Smith, br g. 128, :570. Kirk, b g. 200. = Kirkovt-r Horse. 2?'3. Kitkwi.od, br s (2;::4). 23, .36,* 117, (323), 351, 469, 56», 629, 724, 7t)6, 798.* Kiikwood, Jr , blk s ( :39?4), by Kirkwood. 82, 103, (^18), 251,594. Kirkwood, Jr.. blk g (2:58) (errone- ouslv given 3:0] i/,,page ;iS6). (170). Kiikwood Jim (2::it>34). 584. Kirtlaud, blk g. 70, 310, 479. K.sbie, b m. 327. Kismet, b m (2:30). (15), 26, 143, .350. .351, 58.1, 606, 715.'' Kismet (Dora), b m (2::J8). 39, 101, 163,* 170, 382, 501.* Kismet, blk g, pacer (2:34%). 741,* r42, 752, 759, 767, 76S, 787. Kit. 340. Kit, ch in. 303, .329. 607. Kit, blk m. 575, .378. 714.* Kit, b m. 583. Kit, b in. 30. Kit, b m ( ::;i8). 101, 139, 280, 306, 328. 34.J, 530, 608, (677). Kit b m. 330. Kit, grm. 287. Kit, brm. 31. Kit, dn in. 117, 297. Kit, gr s, by Prophet. 649. Kit Bradley, b ni (2:3434). 64. 134, Kid, 326,* 429, 499, 511. Kit Carson. 627, 677. Kit Carson, grg (2:38). (266), 377, 574, 585, 595 * Kit (-"arson, b g (2:4934). 154,* 282, :W6, 378. Kit Carson, b g (2:.35^). (225*\ 267, 343, .391. Kitchen Girl. .361. Kit Casey, b m (2:43). 75, 76, 350. Kit D., b m. 199. Kitefort. (.575). Kit holton. b m (2:45V 19, 258. 294, 301. 304, 3V9, 533, 656, 685,* 712.* (725). Kit San.tord, b m (2:293^). 16, 129, 205, 425, 452, 453, 632. KitShimel. (328). Kit Small, br m (2:3.33^). 31, (54, 258. 900 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTINa AND PACI.VQ RECORD. Kitten, pr ra. 557. Kitteu. 505, Gi:j. KiiterenaCJ:40j. (.199). Kilty, rn m (":4 1 w ). i:».:a.3, a58, 593. KiUj, bm(J:49y>i. ^IC* Kitty, b 111 {-^-.M)). Gl, ti54. Kit V, b m C'l.iCU). f».">, 127, 192, 2;J1, 317, .%;{, 43i, 4()9, 523, 539, 659, HUO. Kilty, bik m (2:45). 1G8, 319, 335, 337, 351, 427, 521, Uti9, 713. Kitty, bin (2:45). 5ti5. Kittv, cb m (2::J(iK>^- 50, 140, 259. 4m9, 525, 046. 670, 074, OHO, 732. Kitty, b m (2:461-2). 4 '., 168, 067. Kitiv, ch m (3:01;. 50, 136,204,503, 564. 6.;2, 800. Kittv, h 111 (2:3S-%). 46. 49, 187,.%-)2. .372. 394, 475. 508.- 536, 590, 591 Kittv, brm (2:.M)i. 448 Kitty, bll: in (2:37^;. 292. 401. (720). Kittv, fii ni (2:47). ; 5, 520, (722). Kitty, 1)1- ui (2:30). 40, 141,* 40.3, 552, 04.5. Kittv, b ui (2:4.5) (erroneously given 2:34. pat'e 387). 349, 442, 46u, i90, 576. Kittv, gr m (2:41). 45,255, .560, 597, 000, 027. Kitty (2:41J4). 658. Kittv, d (1 m (2:34) (erroneouslj' given 2::i5, page 387;. 273, 408, 439, 518, (6. tt). Kittv, bm(2:38). 3.50. Kittv, b m (2:30). 7y. 184, 203. 206. 220, 271, 276,357,359,365,* 390.* 441, 477, 578, 5!S3. 674, 678,* 699. Kitty, ch m (3:07). 172, 180, 272,* 371. Kitty, bni (2:52i4). 323. Kitty, b m (2:40pi). 00, 121, 363, 447, 51:i, 003. 609, 022. 089, 710. Kittv, brni (3:06). 685. Kitty (3:01). 42.78, !05, 113,(343), 4:J0,* 445, 619. 6:56, 726, 798. Kitty (.•J:01). 2:i3, .303, 315. Kitty, br m (2:48). 149, 424, 578, 739 '■' Kitty, rn m (2-37K'). 329. Kitty, br m (2:38K~). 290, 291, 294. Kitty, ch m (2:.--6).~ 70,2:i6, 484,488, 502, 534, 713. Kitty, b m ( 'tOD. 169, 305, 529. Kitty, gr in (2:40;. (207), 591, 631, 704. Kitty (3:05). -i5, 445, (616). Kitry (3:0.5)^). 125, 537, 562. Kittv, grni (3:23J^) 158. 30.5,500, 531. • Kitty. 321,797. Kitty, pacer. 754. Kitty, b ui. 179. Kitty A.., bIk ni (2:50i^)(erroneously given 2:46, page 38i). Kitty A., b in (2:40) (erroneously given 2:4754, Page 388;. (0), 220, 28(5, 474.* 591. Kitty .\.. blk m (2:.38). 80, 224, 473, 506, ((547). Kiitv Alien, b m (3:00) 644. Kitty Allen, b m (2:55 w). 347, 373, 405, 420. 459, 051. 653. (721). Kitty Allett, b m. 260, 431. Kitty Alveisoii. 277. Kitty Armstrong. 532. Kitty li., b m (2:43H). 121, 13!,* 294, 388, 57(J, 678. Kitty B., gr ui (3:02) 458, 511, 6G0, 6<>'7. Kitty Baker, br m (2:41J4). (192). 4H.-1, 539, 541. Kitty Ball. 82. Kittv Ban, pacer. 756. Kittv IJutes. i) ni (2:.36). (28), 148, 27'9. 29K, :i45,* .348, 463. 499. 566, (il5, 640, 703. 717.* Kitty Bates, grm (2:19), 23, 86 *91, 122,184, 194,* 203,* 2.30,* 237,241.* 2S8,* 380. 440,* 447, 464, 515,* 568, 705, C708*J, Kitty Beeinan, wh m (3:00\ (71 ). 4 U, I Kittv Bell, ch in (;i:45) 161, 407. Kitty Birch (2:28), 402, 412, (422). j 562. I Kitty Black. 66. Kitty Brower, 1) m (2:49). 186, 404. Kitty Brown, ch m (2:43). (123), : Kitty Buck, i> ni. i(*5, 504. Kitty Burgess, ch m (2:31). 658, I (08:4*). Kitty Burke. 722. Kitty Bums, b m (2:47i^). 573, 6.37. Kitty C, br in (2:47). 261, 280, 349. Kitty Carson, blk m (2:56M). 41, 94, (227), 715. Kilty Case, 2.30, 382. Kitty Clark, ch m. .570, Kitty Clark. 14. Kitty I lark. I) m (2:36). 248,442,062. Kitty Clay, b m (2:37K<). 80, 8;i. 87,* 120. 155. 105.-^ 200, 2;,'8. x:40. 2«y. 295, 314, 449,- 489. (5.'3*), .532,' .554, 001. 684, 690,* 801. Kitty Clay, blk in (2:38). bv Strader's C. M. Clay, df-.in Zephyr, a pacer. 40. Kitty Clover, b m (2:.53). 186, 300, Kitty Clover, b in (2:.39^), 2.72. Kitty Clover, br m (2:54K>), 136. Kittv Clover, b m 697, Kitty Cly, in m (2:42>^). 10, 233, 609, 6-JO. 086, Kitty Clyde (irOo), (670), Kitty Clyde, b m (2:56>^). 315, 381. 801. Kittv Clyde, gr m (2:47). 408, 515,* 651. Kitty Clvde, ch m(3:35^), 354, .548. Kitty Clyde; ch m (2:40), 120, 178, 298. Kitty Clyde, gr m (2:51), 71, 458. 459, 4^3. 502, Ci:"!, (090). Kitty Clyde, br m(2:5.".i^). 101, 240, 541, 57'2.800. Kitty Clyde, br m (2:.59»4), 2<5,264,* 288, 375, 402, 511, ,554, 62o, 675, (800). Kitty Clyde, bra (2:45), .39, 43, 80, 82, 83, 124, 211), 295, 324, 463,486, 494, 557. 074, Kitty Clyde, b m (2:34K0- 63, 89, 121, 398 472, 592. Kittv Clyde, b m (2:42^), 123,(124), 217,271, 3 1.5,* .303, 527, Kitty Cl.yde, br m. by Glenn's Hambletonian. 167, 228, 506,* 512. Kitty Clyde (2:.')0J4), 81, Kitty Clyde, pacer. 7o9. Kitty Conover, b m (2:55»^), 27,376, 569, Kitty Cook, b m(2:"6), 44, 68, 123, 211.2:50,240,2.^8, 290, 35:J, 416, 475, 512, 5-0,* 527, (528*), 611, 664, 7i:5, 724. Kit'y Cooper, grm (2:50), 132, 246, •-'92, .318. Kitty Creel. Oil. Kitty Crowder, b m, pacer (2:36). 768. Kitty Crumb, Or m ('2:36%). 174, 195, 2V», .396, 411, 539. Kitty D.. b m (2:26i. 22, 25, (:j.5*), 45, 76. 80. 1:52.* 1.39, 175. 228, :n.3.* 32P, 522, 624, 638. 047. Kitty D.. b in (3:02), 272, .309, 337, 513,* 676. Kitty D., ch m. 114, 478, 594. Kitty D, 2.54. Ki ty Davis, blk m (2:47%). 49, 355, 541, 575, 632. 722, Kitty Dee. 422. Kitty Dohson. 595. Kitty Douns, b m (2:44) 173,* 487. Kitty Durpuey, ch m (2:52J^). (34), 298. Kitty E.. b ni, pacer. 744. Kitty Ellsworth. 3.36. Kitty Fearnaught, b m. 10. Kilty Ferris. 485. Kitty Fisher (Nelly C.)brm(2:29JO. 60, 68,* 82,* 146, 181. 199. 207, 267, 301, .389, 465, 472,' (482*). 512,597. Kitty Fisk (Molly Morris), ch m (2:22). 66, 137, 173, .'$52, ;i97, 611, 686.* Kitty Fisk, b m (2:44»4). 28, 90. 123, 218, 258, 278, 40u, 630 793, Kitty Foster. 050, Kitty Flymi,bm(2:40), (207*), 667.* Kittv Ford, b in . 221, Ki'ty G„ l:r m (2:40?^). 271, 379, (7.i2). Kitty Gale, bni (2:4S>4). 790. Kitty (xarfield, cli m, by Morgan. 24, 2H3, 0-.'8. 652. Kill V Gavin, b ni (2:.39J4). 384. Kitty Gibbs. 416. Kitty Grace. 6:54 Kitty Gray. 475, 526. Kittv (ireen, blk :n. 638. Kitty (jiover. 315, Kitty '^irow, bm. .300. Kitty H. m. 459, 695* Kitty Haniblett. blk m (2:42), 603. Kitty ILawk. b m. 181,411, (368 Kitty Hazel, b m. .345, 390. ."j48. Kitty Hicler, sr m (2:45). ."i93, Kittv Hills, b m (2:40). 20, 177, COO. 214, •-•29, 204, 276,289,* 295, 299,* 350, 373, 397, 427, 451. 456, 468.* 483. 492. 522, 549. 563, 579.* 699^ 704. 710. 715,718,801.* Kitty Hodges. K 9. Kitty Holmes. 723, Kitty Hooper (3:10). 39, 137. (428). Kitty Hoyt, sp m. pacer (2:41^)^ (7ii8], 742, 7.i3. Kitty Ives, gr m, by Dolan (2:28«4). 14, 130,* 135, 163. 189, 196. 222, 2.33, 244, 259, 307,* 319.* 325.* 326, 362,* 422, 455,* 461,* 470, 487, 540, 560,* 650, 679, Kitty Johnson, b m, 562, Kitty Jones, blk m (2:35), 25, 499, (600), 699. Kitty Kent, ch ni, 206, Kitty Kirkhiim 155, Kitt.y Kitterman, blk m, bv King Mambrino. i: 9, 4:^7, 554, 710, Kitty Knox, blk m, 179, 290. Kitty L., blk m (2:3l), 195, 391, (512), 553, 054, 672, Kittv Lambert, bni (2:45). 121,350, 408, 422, 488, 518, 522, 523, 578, Kitty Lane. 592. Kitty Lewis, m m (2:50), 53, 78, 223, 358. 432. 44:3, 606, 020. Kittv I ewis (2:50). 264, 471, 504, 630, (iOl, (579. Kitty Lighifoot. b m. 155, 279. Kittv Long, bm (2:431^). bv General Grant. 1x9, 180, (348), 372,* 472, 5.55, Kittv Lynn, bm, 68. Kitty M, (3:01). 52, 111, 155, .324, {o'.ii*). 5.53. Kitty Mack, by Cadmus, dam by Lex ngton 677, 7ti9. Kitty May, ch m (2:55). 404. Kittv McClellan. blk m (2:301^), 39a KittV Mills, h m (2:52)4), C.")2. Kitty Moore, rn m (2:40). 338. Kitt'v Mothersill. "5. Kittv Morris b ui (2::t0) 14, (88), 146, 173, .340, 392, 488,* 493, .53. , 599, 640. Kitty Morrell. 58. Kitty Nash, blkm 393, Kittv Natbiin, ch m (.2:51). 56, 586. KittV Nighliest, pacer, <81, Kitty Nilfs. l.'iO. Kilty Nuisance, pacer, 750, Kitty O, (2:.37). 443, Kittv Patchen, ch m (2:22>4), 83. 1.35, 19:J, 230, 241,* 262, 492, 511, 613, (5.35. 657. 682, 7.i5. Kittv Pathfiuaer, b m. 496. Kitty Pearl, b m (2:42^). 249. 391, 434, Kitty Pease (Ecru Maid), dn m (2:32). V4. lu.i. .J41,- ;V2(>, -.00, 773. Kitty K., ru m. 574. 71ti. Kitty K., gr m. 15, .iOX, 436, 518, 800. Kitty Kegand, b in. lid. Kitty Roijiusoii, gr m (2:40i^). 645. Kitty Rolfe, b m (2:3414). 115, 167, 39-.', 443, 5(10, 672, 67.'). Kitty Rood, h m. 443. Kitty !S., hr m (•-':40). 101, 11.3, 203, 21H, :,'.->l, 323, ;5-.'4. 37J, 4.34, 452, 48S), 4!)7, 597, 640. Kittys., ell ra (2:32^^). 80, 235,* 256, (25U), 393, 6S,S, 722. Kitty S. (2:37J4). 597, 680, (721*). Kitty Scott, pacer. 780. Kitty Service. 113. Kitty Sliernian. 251, 716. Kitty Sliotteis. 465. Kitty Sliver, eh ni (2:27-%), by Mam- brino Patchen, dam Silk Ribbon. (26), 115. l.-.O, 299. 43«, 500. 5l0. Kitty Small, bm. 63, 196. Kitty Spinner. 221. Kitty Star (2:.56). (25), 667.* Kitty Strader, b m (2:45). 25, 174, ■2-JS, 2H6, 536, 604, 685,* 721. Kitt> Stratton, br m (2:30^)- 16, 22, 33, 95, 107. 153, I.H.* 175,221, 239, 254, 276, 333, .340, 407. 452, 456, 483. 507,* 512, 520,* 538.* 546, 565. 634, 717, (724), 731, 794. Kitty . enipie, b m (2:40). 77, 447. Kitty Ten-ill. 287. Kitty Thompson, b m (2:48). 27, 374, 485,* 500. (531), 764, 795. Kitty Thorne. bni. 315. Kitty Thorne, b m (2:35). 35, 219, 221, 308, 357, 415, 530, 732. Kitty Thorne, b m (2:33). 202,* 320, 531,(661). Kitty Thorne. ch m (2:40i^), by Hambletoiiian, Jr., dam by Patch- en. 217, (651*). Kitty \V., br m. 77. Label. 659. L I Belle Rouge. 676, Labrador, b s. 456. Lachine Boy, bg (2:39)4). 106,258, 284, 36b, 375, 516,* 699. Laehine Girl. 43. Lacona, gr m. 558. La Cro.sse Gyp, rn g. 641. Lad'ygne. 511. Ladd's bik m (2:46). (318*). Ladd's Security. 472. Ladley. 239. Lady,gr m (3:06). 544,634. Lady, ohm (2:46). 54 Lady, bm(2:49J4). 667. Lady (2:5U%). 65, 264, 411. Lady, gr m. 209, 335, 652. Lady (3:08}4). 105, (624). Lady. 356. Lady, b m. .353. Lady, b m. 216, 240, 492. Lady A., b m. 78,403. Lady A., blk m (2:35J^). Lady A., b m. 318. Lady A , b m . 553. Lady Abbott (2:50). (160). Lady Abby. 421.* Lady Abdallah 94, 508. Lady Ada. 42, 587. Lady Agnes, bm (2:55). 20, (172). Lady Agnes, b m, by Mambrino Star, dam Lady Jones. 404. Lady Aiken (2:50). (7.30). Lady Aitken, b m, by Geo. M. Patch- en .Ir.. dam Milkmaid (2:36)4). 14, 130, (249), 288, 379, 481. Lady Alert, b m. 652. Lady Alger, bm(2:52J4). 249,697. Lady Alice. 243. Lady Alice, b m (2:37). 21,* .38, 292,* 379, 510, 623, 624. INDEX or BEATEN HORSES. Kitty Van. b m (2:24). 292, 325, 481,* 539, 571. Kitty W., br m (2:32). 161, (441), 448, 517,* 614. 621. Kitty Wadsworth, b m (2:55). 503, 553. Kitty Walker. (32). Kitty Warner, blk m (2:50). 217, 4.51. Kitty Watkins. 490. Kitty Weisse, blk m, pacer (2:33). (758*). KJtty Wells, ch m (2:32)^) (errone- ously printed 2:32, page 392). 44, 61, 230, .J36,* (331*), .344, 376,* 509, .599. 637,* 058, 085, 719. Kitty Wellr<, ch m (3:06), by Erin Chief, dam by Blackwood Horse. 195, (695). Kitty Wells, b m (2:42). 218,237, 519. Kitty Wills, br m. 27, 222, 687. 723. Kitty Whitbeck. 7.31. Kitty Wentworth (2:49). (76). Kittv West. 384. Kitty AVhite, blk m (3:33). 187. Kitty WTiitefoot. 223. Kitty Whitman. 116. Kitty Wild. 101,* 431. Kitty Wink, b m (2:40). 58. 423, 427,* 500. Kitty WlrttParthenia), blk m (2:31). (104), 318, 679, 681. Kittv Witherell. 95. Kitty Wood, ru m (2:29)4). f>, 34. 80, 110, 133,* 306,* 257, 402,* 422.* 425, 429,* 501,* 583,* 632, 641, 672,(679). Kitty Young. 204. Kit Wilson, pacsr. 745. Kline. A. W., brg (2:35)4). 259. Klusky. 202. Knapp, b g (2:52)4 w). 397. Knapsack, b g (2:51). (469). Kneebow. 407. L Lady AUce, ch m (2:41). 137, 143, 299. Lady' Ahce, b m (2:50). 27, (291), 360,301, 393, ;"99.* Lady Alice, br m (2:38%). 90, (652*), 601. Lady Alice (Anna), rn m (2:33). 171, 480. Lady Alice (2:34). 197, 223, 611. Lady Alice, b ra (2:49). 184, 222. Lady Alice, b m (2:45). 75, 190, 369, 417, 697. Lady Alice, br m (2:35). 45, 84, 143, 247.473. 560. 591.* 704. Ladv Alice, br m (2:29)4). 40, 63. 91, 121, 194.* 190, 201, 250, 383, 483, 513, 547, 548, 618. Lady Alice, ch m (3:17). 82, 132, 489.* Lady Alice, b m (2:34). 212, 256, 282. 589. Lady Alice, rn m (2:59)4). 103, 326, 470. Lady Alice, br m (3:()li^). (7), 177. Lady Alice, b m (3:25). (187). Ladj- Ahce, gr m. pacer (2:29). 752, 769.* Lady Alice, b m, pacer (2:29). 302, 767, 780. 785. Lady Alice, b m. 62, 259, 384, 459, (627), 705. Lady Alice. 538. Lady Allen. 247. Lady Allen, b m (3:00) 37, 275, (645). Lady Allen, ch m (2:4.5)4). 386, 451. Lady Allen, blkm (2:57>^). 73,* 338, 373, 380.* Lady Allen, b m (2:34^). 127,* 158, 300, 312, 317,* 320, 328, .349, 387, .396, 41 1, 427. .545. 549, 564, 645, 652, 653, 682, 795.* 901 I Knight of Honor, gr g (2:57)^). ( 164), 068. I Knight of St. Alva. 131. i Knight Templar, br s. 96. Knobby, br g. 47, 435, 679. Knock Knee. 705. Knowlton's b s. 155. Know Nothing (Lancet), blk g (2:27)4). (2:25 s). 127,* 226, 519. Know Nothing, br g. 610. Know Nothing, bg(2:44)i). 48,390, 409,* 072. I Known All Over, b g. 364. I Knox, blk s (2:51). .594, 661. Knox, blk g (2:30%). 156, 405. 442. Knox, blk s. 8.', 87,* 454,* 55l. Knox'-; ch g. 563. Knox Bov, -br s (2:2.3)^). 26, 28, 77, ! 108, 110, 2.38,* 256. 267, 288, (.328), I 357.* 408, 498, 543. 550, 571,* 600, : 601, 652,* 708,* 728. Knox Boy Jr., blk s (2:47%). 29, (129), 260, 391. Knox Chief, b s (2:41). 200, 260, :{9 1 , 709. , Kuox Girl, bm(2:44M). 204,217, i 300, :i09. I Knox (iirl, ch m (3:00). 723. Knox .(:.. blk s (2:37). 31, 32, 140,* I 201,206,242,317,729. Knox Patchen, blk g. .544.* Kokomo, brg(2:32}4). 63, 81,295.* 52:i. Kopsiah. 364, 451. Kosciusko, gr g. 64. Kossuth, br s (2:5])^). 420. Kossuth. 195. 235, 668. ; Kossuth Jr., br s. 403, 698, 730. I Ku Klu.K, rn g (2:54). 447. Ku Klux, pacer (2:38''4). 361,* 656. j Kybona. 139. Kyrat, ch g (2:34). (18), 105, 472, 692. 1 Kyrat, eh g (2:50). (275). ' Kyrat. (692). I-ady Allen (2:57). (669), 696. Lady Allen, b m (2::iO)4). 106, 343, 412, 417,* 423, (431*), 450. 523. Lady Allen, b m (2:37), 81, 118, 297, 473, 536, 563, 598, 720. Lady Allen, b m (3:05). 67. Lady Allen, bm (2:3i). (411), 456. Lady Allen, br m. 109, 174. 514. Lady Allensworth, gr m. 25, 340. Lady Althoue (2:40). (75), 510. Lady Angle. 268. Lady Amber (2: :j3). 116, 130. Lady Ames, blk m. 415. Lady Anderson (2:49)4). (158). Lady Anderson, h m. 77. 90, 325, 548. Lady Ansrehne (2:41). 23, (41 ). Lady Angle, br m (2:35). 04, 86, )32, 145, 197, 201, 256, 298. 498,* 513, 536.* Lady Ann. 181. Lady Anna (2:45), (203), 68.3. Lady Anna (3:13 w). (-334.) Ladv Anna. 427, 474, 528. Lady Anne, chm (2:44). 23, (83*). Lady Annie, br m (2:3:3J4). 54, 57, (86), 112,* ];14, 214, 243, 247, 259, 298, 3 12, :331, 339, 390, 403. 414,* 4.33, 400 491, 513,* 518, 538.* 564,010, 018. 627, 639,651,707,797. Lady Annie (2:53). (253). Lady Antrim, b m (2:35)4). 167, 32.-, 5:)9, 593. Lady Armstrong, br m. 511 . Lady Arthur, ch m (2:53). 196, 293,* 510, 620, 642. 718. Lady Asher, blk m (2:32). 330, 342, 421, 636. Laly Atkinson, oh m (2:32). (23), 87, 173. 1!»4, 289. 401, 418, 489, 684, 690.* Lady .'Vtkins. b m. 152, 408, 541. 902 CHESTER'S COMPLETE THOTTING AND PACING RECORD. Laiiy AtkiiiB, b m (2:o~'). 30, 1.'54, 177. Ladv Altwell (e:.54 w). 43, (054). Lady Aubtirn, I) m (2:40). 4!l, 398. Lady Au-usla, br m (2:30). 40, 137, 1 87, 21 2, 432. (48.5), 521). 602, 600.* 08.{, 711, 729. Lad* B. 417, 013, 708. Ladv B., frr in ( -':42). 124, 511. Liidv B., b ui (2:.t2). 40, 83, 7.3, 225, .304 .•!79, .•;84. 43S,* 596. 724. Ladv B., bm i2:4ii), by Brougham, dam L^dv Bashaw. 8, 18, .32, (82), 119, 4()0. 402. 407, 709. Lady Babcook. b ni (2:57), by Whip- ple"* Hainbletonian. (620), 711. Liidy Batheller,ram (3:04). (.589). Ladv Bnckiis, b m (2:31). 1.39, 140, 193, 240, 251. .3.53, 369, 057. Ladv lagnall b m (2:45). 202. Ladv Bauer, b m (3:08K'). 296, (.548), 711. Ladv Baker (2:49J^). 502. lAdv Baker, b m (3:04). (421). Lady Bnlcli (2:30). 44, 88, 107, 116, 12S, 147, 165. 171,* 195, 217, 236, 24(i, 300. (380), 447, 621,* 648, 080, 701.* Lady B les 618. Ladv Ballard (2:45). 28, 401, (679*). Ladv Baltic, b m (2:47>4}. 803. Ladv Bank, b m. 189. 667. Ladv Banker, b m(2:23). 25,* (80*), 115, 139, 140, 142. 242,* 480, 5.50, 625. 65 :,* 671,* 700. Lady Barber. 83.* Lady Hiireb'ines. 343. Ladv Barnes, br m (2-55). 98. .324. Ladv Barnes, gr m (.2:35}^). 368, 640. Lady Barnett. 199, 324. Liidv Barnes, b m (2:45). ( 19), 530. Lady Bartlett, br m (2:40) 364,423, 430. Ladv Baiix)n, b m. 478, 709. Lady Bashaw, b m (2:39). 343, 486, 499, 602, 038, (663), 070. Lady Bates, b in (2:431/')- 322, 301, (08 IV Lady Bates, b m. 8, .3.36. Ladv Bates (2:.50J4). (14*), 185,271, 3.50, .363. Lady Bath, b m (2:50). (Ill*), 213, (047). Lady Baxter, blk m. 690. Lady Haxter. b m (2:47). 19, 49, 307, 483,* 079. Lady Bav, b ra. 212, 709. Lady Beach (2:42). 47, 58,* (86*), 143, 3.50, 440, .525. Lady Beall, b in. 610. Lady Beck. I rm. 300. Lady Beethoven. 364. Laly Beekman. br m (2:34»4). 32.* 171, 247, 304,* 406, 554,*605, 663, 685. T^ly Belknnp, br na (2:.57J^). (185). Ladv Bell. 338. 695. Lady Bell, pacer (2:.32^). 73«, 742, 752, 753,* 7.59. Ladv Bell, pacer (2:40J^). (736), 783. Ladv Bell, b m (2:.36%). 100, 273, 3S9, 592, 629. Lady Bel , gr m (2:401^). (11), 97. Lady Bell, (2:49). (150). .300. Ladv Bell, ch m (2:39^). 17, 311. Lidy Belle, blk ni (2:49). .54. Lftdv Belle, b in (2:30!>^). 94,(344), 583, 628. 802. Lady Belle, bm. 179. Lady Bell"(Dclly D.), b m (2:3714). 10,* 125,* 120,300,657. Ladv Belt. 663. Ladv Bennett, b m. 618. Lady Henchley. ch ni (2:.39K)- 550. Ladv Benton, gr in. 163. Lady Berrv, gr m (2:39). .59, 101. 1-ady Bently. 567. Lady Bennett, pacer. 7.5.3. Lady Benson. 793. Lady Bcviiis, rn ra, pacer (2:27). 70, 25.3, 315,* 744,* (748), 7.56, 758,* '01, 7 70, 779.* Lady Bicks, br m. .58;3. Lady Bird. 378 Lady Bird, ch m (2i.33), by Geo. Wdkes. dam by Mamb. Patchen. (04), .339. Lady Bird. 131, .547. Lady Bisco. (2.51). (24*). Lady Bishop, b m. 284, 411. Ladv Bishop, bm (2:39W). 195,249, .34s, (j:;h. Lady Bismarck, gr m. 34, 120, 223. Lady Black. 339, 499, o90. Lady Black. 1<5, .388. Ladv Black, blk m (2:.37), 212, 275,* (079). Lady Blackhawk. blk m (2:40). 8, 51, 14.5,2-9, 290, 298, 308, 349, (382), 448, 451, 542, 564, 021, ViH, 727. Lady Blackington. 7, 431. Lady Blackstone. 204. Lady Blaine, brm(2:.59i^) (81), 492. Lady Blake. 2.53, 5.59, ;"97. Lady Blanche. 475, 706. Lat'.v Blanche, b m(2:34%). 26,460, 588, (707). Lady Blanche, b m (2:28»4). 149, 247, (:J46*), 368, 632, 692. Ladv Blanche, gr m(2:52). 417. 501. Lady Blanchard, gr m (2:20}4). 31, 187. Lady Blennerhasset (2:36). 19,* 53, (102), 193, 241, 259, 275,* 459, 483,640, 651. Lady Blern. 238. Lady Blessington (Jennie B.), b m (2:28). 17, 02, 74,* ll8, 1.53,* 180,* 200, (26»i). 276, 281. ;i96,* .320,* 328, 307,* 398, 450,* 509, 510. 528, 541, 504, 604, 6.',3, 646. Lady Bliss. 28. 2.52, 346, 487. Lady Bloomfield, b m (2:48) 28, 172. 288, 40.5, 417, 419. Lady Blossom. 308, 629, 721. Lady Bluff, ch m (3:J0). 669. Lady Bon<1, sp m (2:36). (80*), 398.* LatlyBonham. 54, 174. Lady Bonner, ch m (2:37). 25, 123, 178, 268,* 277, 298, .306, 385,* 431. 555, 599, (001). Lady Bonney (2:55). 98. (225). Lady Booker, gr m (3:07>). (47), 340, 500. 677, 705. Lady Bradley, gr m. 430, 4:J4, 649. Lady Bradford, b m (2:45). 40, 106, 371, 49K, 018. Lady Brazell, ch m, by Cupid. 98, 451, .578. Lady Breeze, ch m (3:03]^). (155). Ladv Bi ight, gr in (2:45). 91, 260, .371,(531), 003. Lady Bright S(ar (2 :40). 735. Lady Biew.r (3:01«^). (279). Lady Brightwood. b m (2:52 w). .342. Lady Brilliant. 721. Lady BrLsb^n, gr m (2:33). 295, 330. 409. 623. Lady Britchet. 103,(144). Lady Brooke, h m (2:58). 44, 343, 4(J4,* (470), 567. Lady Brook, b m (2:34). 226, 282,* 409, 547, (i64.* Lady Brooks (2:50). 10, 306. Ladv Brooks, ch m. 435. Lady Biooka. 448 • Lady Brown, br m (2:52 w). 22, 253, .398. Lady Brown. 377, .398. 698. Lady Brownell, bm(2:259^). 17, 18. 17.5,* 184.* 22.5, 24.S. 299, 324,* 386. 4.38, 456. 459. 463 482. 504, 512, 625, 058, 681, 694,* 704,* 717, 800. Lady Brush, b m, by Little Giant. 1.3,2.35, 250. Lady Buchanan, b m (2:44 ). 398, 703. Lady Bocklugham. 319. Lady Buckstone, ch m (J:55V<>). (.329), 712. Lady Bunimer. 432. Ladv i;urckfleld(2:41^). (184). Laoy Burdett. 524. 690. Lady Bjrget, ch m (2:.32). 16, .38, 117, 144, 146, 174, 182, 221,416, 47.3, 4S6, 507.* 505. 664.* 678, 795. Lady Bnrk >. 147. 2S7. .387, 527. Lady Burleigh. 4.3,404. Ladv Huruap, b m (2:.5.3i^ w). 276. Lady Hurnhain (2:42). 215,282, 352, 44s,* (597, 727. " Lady Burns, chm. 82. Lady Burns. 11, 128. Lady Burr, blk m, by Messenger Diiroc, dam Lady Belmont, by Hambletonian. 714. Lady Burr, rn m, by Johnnv B. Oil. Lady Hurr (2:39J4). 217.* 223. 594* Lady Burt, ch m. (251). Lady Bush. 229,240. Lady Butler. 353, 634. Lady Bust n (2:46}4) (654). Lady Bvron (2:48). 25.'. Ladv Byron, b m(2:49). 641. Lady Bvr,.n, blk m (2:28). 22,* 33, 44,115,122,1.32,22-'. 249,* 2.56, 267, 275.* 297, 362. 309. 425, 446, 456, 485,* 507. 512,* 513, ol4,522. 576, 590. 053, 665.* 678.* 682, 696, 714. Lady C, brm (2:401^). 60,* 419, 61", 615. Ladv C, ch m (2:4r.). 39, 532, (.534). Lady Cabot. 218. Lady Calvert, ch m (2:53). 50,* 104, 488, 659. Lady Calvert. 485, 617. Lady Camp, b m (2:45). 110,120, .^70,* 386, 645. Lady Campbell (2:54). 43,* (1.5.3). 567, 706 Lady Canada (2:45). 564. Lady Candor, b m (2:46). (404). Lady ( an fie 1(1 (2:55). (693). I.,adv Capoul. 195. Lady Carey, b m. 169, 207. 325. Lady Carpenter 56. Lady Carroll. 605.* Lady (Corson. 343. Ladv Carter, br m (2:36J4). 248, 330. 519, 083. Lady Case, b m (2:42). 68, 106, 134, 216, 449. Lady Cassius, br m (2:40). 470. 714. Ladv Caswell, b m. 23. 39, .323,400. Lady Catherine, b m (2:44 s). 265. Lady Cavan. b m (2:52 -w). 409. Lady Cecil. bm(2:37). (481). Lady Ctiam'ucriain. 076. Lady Chimp, b m (3:.31^). (488). Lady Champion, b m (2:32 w). 49. 110,112,158,228,700. Lady Champion. 577. Ladv Champlin, b m (2:491^). 132, 231, 3^5. 392. Ladv Chance, ch m (2:50). 72, 369. La.lv Chip'na-i, ch m (2:34). 137, 1.58, 441), .5:i4. Ladv Cliapnuiu, ch m (2:57). (439). Lady Charlotte. 478, 556. Lady Charmer, b m (2:43i-$). 397, 413. Lady Charmer, br m (2:38). 644. Ladv Charmer, gr m. 7. LadV dial ham, b m. 143, 183, 218. 377, 553. .555, Ladv Chntbnm. ch m (2:49). (609*). Ladv Chester, b m (2:40). 29. 2.35, 2(>l. (44«). 491. Lady Childers, grin (-3:51). 369,795. i Lady Churchill (2:41M). (156'. [ Lady Cicely. 714. Lady Chipaiaii. (:J49). Lady »_'lara. ch m (2:39). 104. Lady I'lare, ch m. i:u;. Lady Claremont C^r.'JT^). (44), 3i;J. Lady Clarion, b m i2:40). 118,(421), 487,617. Ladv Clark, blk m (•2:45). 53. Ladv Clark, in m (2:27). 26,* (49), 287, 3U.'. 456, .")92. Lady Clark, d 'I lu. by Signal, dam by Ec'-iDse 4^. 9(>, 91, .")98. Lady Clark {2;;56Vo). (81). Lady Classon, b in . (540. Lady ! lay. 340. Lady Claj-. 194. Lady Clay, b lu (2:44). 107,222, 590, (6l:i). Lady Clay, bm (2:50). 26, 667. Lady Clay, b m (:5:20). 228,305, (4.i4i, 642. 646. Lady Clay, b ui. 24."?, 593. Lady Ciemenco. (2:46). (693). Lady Cleveland, b m. by Clear Grit. 26, 3.5, 429. LadyCifden. 96,141. Lady Clifford, ch m (2:32}^). 144, (onj) . Ladv Clifford, gr m (2:50V^). 102, 376. Lady Clifion, b m (2:35 vr). 317, 320, 338, 623. Lady Clift. .n. 312, 410. 429.* Lady Clinton, gr in (2:40j. 89, (92*), 115, 149, 198, 230, .'>02. Lady Clinton, pacer (2:39). 739, 773, (783). Lady Clipper, br m (2:41). 261, 300, 370, 508, 560. (712). Lady Clipper, b m (2:46). 193. LadyClive, (2:49w ). (71). Lady Close, blk m(2:.36). (71), 456. Lady (IJIydt-, chm. by Index. 531,* Lady Clyde, ch m (2:36). 78, 254, 280, 293, 437. Lady Clyde, b m. 179, 243, 425, 551. Lady toftn. 201. Lady Coleman, blk m (2:47). 118, 128, 396, 550. Lady Columbus, ch m. 228, 338, 399. Lady Colly er, rn m (2:37). 43, 87, 203, 240, 302,* 438, 608, 656, 658. Lady Collins, b m (2:32). 168,* 2.35, 405, 418, 429, 640, 655. Lady Colson. 81. Lady Compo, (2:49). 366,* (707). Lady Comstock, rn m, 625. Lady Conley, b m (2:41). 114, 551, 632,* 793. Lady Consul, b m. 385. Lady Cooper, br m (2:43). 64, 123, 135, 344, 346, 361,* 432, 435, 509, 561,725.* Lady Cooper, (2:511^). (231', 419. Lady Cooper, b m (3:03). 487. Lady Cornell, b m (2:48^). (337). Lady Cosmos. 230. Lady Cotton, sp m (2:57i^). 169, 492, (663). Lady Coulter. 518. Lady Cramer. 476. Lady Crane, b m. 191, 214,290, 709 713, 728. 792. Lady Crittenden, b m. 624. Lady Ci OSS, rn m. 530.571. Lady Crossin, b m (2:28). 1.3, 135, 282.* 367,380,* 467, 623, 628,(694). Lady Croton, b m. 606. Lady Crowder, b m (2:42) (2:30*). 26,150, 185, 293, 32.5, (368), 422, 439. 548. 730. Lady Cudney, br m (2:39). 160,380, (43:5). 619.* Lady Culpler. 220. Lady Culvert. 615. Lady Cum mi Dgs, br m (2:31%). 252, 272. 301, (662*), 680. Lady Cushnoc. 469. INDEX OF BEATEN HORSES. Lady Curfer. 408 Lady Custard, b in. 294. Lady Custer, blk m (2:4294). 84, (11 2), 145, 293, :i24. 430, 551. Lady Currv, br m. 17, 284,* 508. Lady Cutler (;}:01). 20, (124). Lady Cutlet, b m. 548. Lady Cutter. 58, Lady D.,bm. 94, 123. Lady D.. ch m (2:31J4). 8, 26, 622, (716,) 7: '.4. Lady Daggett, gr m (2:26). 20,28, 31, 37,* 48,* 56. 80, 88, 114,* 1.30,* 141,* 165,* 171* 172, 183, 201,* 207, 211, C15. 2 22, 238,* 247,* 258,* 263, 27->, 288. 302, 315, 317, 328, 338, 357,* 3tjl, (362*), 363, 365, 36?, 368, 369, .387, 404.* 405,* 418,* 460, 474, 496, 523, 530, 542. 594, 641, 702. 704, 723, 726. Lady Dakin. 645. LadyDahlman,br m(2:28)(2:27-Ks). 29.* 43, 44,1.33,* 144, 218, 222, 259.* 276, 376,* 432,459,492. 533. 536, 637, 645, 6.52, 665, 696, 704, 720, 800. LadyDalbeck. 284. Lady Dallev, 69, .385. Lady Daniels { Hattie Arnold), b m (2:27). 74, 166, 530, 615, 690. Lady Daisj-. 6i9. Lady Dariii-y. 311. Lady Darling. (2:443^). (311). Lady Lasher. 411. Lady Danvers, rn m (2:3814). 292, 420, 496 Lady Dauntless, ch m. 401. Lady Davis. 343, 606. Lady Davis, br m (2:31i^). 364. Lady Davis (2:49i^). 16, 102, 144, (203), 4.37. Lady Day 207. Lady Dean, b m (2:50). 30, 126,* 159, 421, 487, 532, 553.* Lady Decker, bm (2:53). 117,124, 322, 323, :J47, 407, 503, 585, 595, 649, 674,* 693. Lady Dedlock, b m, b.y Harold, dam by St. Lawrence. 507. Lady de Graff (3:35). (412). Lady de JarneUe, b m. 10, 80, 212.* Lady Deimar, b m. 143. Lady Dexter, ch m (2:.37). 20,23, 34,* 39, 49, 53, 68, 87, 101, 120, 129, 134,* 137, 164.* 169, 194, 369, 455, 457, 530, 5.31, 633, 638, 646 678, 712. Lady Dexter, b m 153. Lady Dextress, b m. 385. 696.* 722. Lady Diamond (2:47). (256). Lad.y Diamond. 435. Lady Dinsmore, b m (2:30). 478, 517, 571, (579). Lady Dispatch, blk m. 116. Lady Dixfield (2:44). (686). Lady Dixon. 25 * Lady Dodge, gr m. 33, 156, 190, 265, 454. 575. Lady Doble. br m. 180, 240, .321, 619. Lady Don. 462, 604. Lady Don, pacer. 750, 789. Lady Dooley. br m (2:31?^). 166, 299,* 494, 495, 593,* 697, 750. Lady Dot. 248.* Lady Double, 59. Lady Douglass, ch m (2:50). 573. Lady Douglass (2:33 s). Ill, (413), 632, 633'. Lady Douglass, ch m (2:36). 35,250, 283,* 322, (413), 478, 612, 705,762, 803. Lady Douglass, b m (2:32). 93, 95, 100, 127,* 648. Lady Droadnaught, blk m, by Dread naught 5.53. Lady Drew, gr m (2:39), 55, 88, (431). Ladv Drivers. 606. Ladv Drummer. 231. 903 Lady Duft'erin, b m (2:44J4). Ii8 526, 696, 729. Lady Dimbar, b m (2:44). 20, (587) Lady Duacan,' blk m. 176, 239, 244, 49,1 . Lady Dundas (2:42). (274). Lad.y Dunham. 682. Ladj- Dunmore, ch ra (2:46). 12 474, (629). 683.* Lady Durfee. 234. Lady Dunwood, br m (3:01?^). (620). Lady Duroc, gr m (2:31'4t. i98,* 490, 617, 651,* 7c0. Ludj Duroc, bm, by Iowa Duroc, d im by Green's Bashaw . 467. Lady Dutchman, eh m (2:52K>). by Black Dutcliinan, dam Phoebe. (34), 129, 186. Lady Dykeinan. 726. Lady E., b m. 288. Lady Kirlocker. 25, Lady F:ch ., b m (2:43). 418. Lady Eclipse, bik m (2:51i<,;. 450 Lady Edgewood, b m. 62. " Lady Edsall, chm(3:08^). (553). Lady Elder, ch m (2:37).~.525. Lady Edwards, b m. 713. Lady Eleanor, ch m (2:453^). 9 44 227,* •::;2, 453, ^613). Lady Eleanor, brm(2:30). (91), 288, .n98, Laay Elgin. 483. Lady Elgin, b m (2:42%). 42, 94, 95, 177, 181. Ladj Elgin (2:55). 517,550, 679,7r;0. Lad> Elgin, blk m (2:51i4). (2:;J7J^s). 56, 468 iLady P.lgin, b m (2:26%). 19, .",1, 35,* I 1 10, 324, 4:i7, 482,* (532), 657, 681, 689. Lady Elgin, gr m, pacr (2:24K')- : J 19, 754, 75.5. (758), 768, 785. " ' Lady Elizabeth. 4lu, 687. Lady Ella, b m. 678. i Lady Ella, ch m. 318, 401, 489, 646. , Lady Ella, gr m(2:37}4). 23, 161, t 177, (.394*). Lady Ella, b m, pacer. 770 Lady Ellen, cti m (2:36}^). 243, (327), 656. , Lady Ellen, br m (2:47i^). (348). Lady Ellen, b m (2:29j4). 511, 632, 680. Lady Ellen (2:.53). 142, 665. I ady Ellen. 718. , Lady Elliott, bm(2:38U). 107,250,* ! (404), 635. Lady Elliott, pacer (2:39J4) (777). Lady Ellis, br m (2:35i4) (heat erro- I neously printed 2:3(J^. page 402). I 98, 215, 278,* 495. (497*). 556,699. Lady Ellis, br m (2:42). 169, 338, j 378, (405), 553. 564, 713. ; Lady Ellis, br m (2:37}^). 156, 360, I 452. Lady EUis. 104. Lady Ellis. 214. Lady Eilswoitb, blkm. 328, 335, .363 Lady Elmer, ch m (3:00). 237.* 319, 3-^0, 374.- Lady Elmwood, blkm. 14. Lady .El wood, chm (2:51). 485. Lady tCmersou. 55. 5ti2. Lady Emily, b m (2 :33i^). 122,* 162, 369, 396,* 455, 467, 656. 670.* Lady Emily (2:51). (106), 424. Lady Emma, gr ni (2:54yA). 340, 656. Lady Emma, chm (2:26J4 w). 242, 248.* 265, 427, 428,* 575,* 626.* Lady Emma (2:51%). 220,253, 553. Lady Emma.gr m (2:.39%i. 14, 65,* 69, 92, 10.^, 120 * 143, 160, 166, 232, 252, 273, 303 , 318, 325, 342, 348, 360, 388, 443, 487, 521, 532,* 560, 661, 666, 7!i3, 801, 803. Lady Emma, chm (2:473^). ;213,236, 3.57,610,670. Lady Emma, ch m (2:40). 656. Lady Emma ( olsey), b m (2:21%). 36. 0C4 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. Lady Emma, ch m (2:28). 45,* 105, llO, \T2, 1.37, 187, ^'la, ::15, :I71. 395, 4-.':;, 5JX!, 5:i;J,*(Jl8, 62.'), 078,* 7:.i. 79^. Ladv Emma, bm (2:45^). 36B,370,* 4:!'J, 5t)!l. La.ly Emma, blkm (2:40). 10.31,49, 80, 180, 2(55, 475,* 5i)4,* (i:i7, 043, fioiJ, ()72, 082. 707, 711, 722. Luilv fc mma. b m (2:31i^). (197), 31I,Ui:i. 047. Lady Emma, cli m (2:32). 148,* 265, 32.1, .•J:.>4,518.*(541).5T4, o70,698.* '>0. Lady Emma, br m (2:35). 5:9. Lady Emuia (•J:.">7). 2!)2, (505), 564. Liitiv Emma, blk m. '.i'.i'.i. Ladv Kiiima. gr m. 5.V). Ladv Emmeti, brm (:.':31i4). .5,* 47,* H5,*275.* 701, 800. Ladv Empire, b m (•.':49). 128, 152, 247, 284, 357,- 4U8, 721. Ladv Enfield, bm(2:40i^). 178,289, La ,y Eidd. b m (2:55). 50, (20.3). Lailv Eschback. -lO.J. Lady EstJier, b m. 130, 156, 166, 2;2, 428.451, 0ii3. Ladv Evans 3!I0. 572. Lady Et, b m (3:053^). (268). 514. Lady Eveland. grm. 53, :10, 303, 47J. 4ii5 Lady Evelyn, ch m (2:40>4). GP, 273. Lady Everest, gr m. 129, 711. Lady Ev ivtt. b m (2:47), by Edward Everett, dam Jenny. (379), 518. Lady Everett, b m (2:36»^). 449, (558* I, 594. Lady Everhard, b m (2:39). 3(59. La ly F, ch m (2:4:ji/>)- 07, 101, 355, 4(50. 518, Otil,* 098. Lady F, b m (3:00). 70, 234, 556, 611, 713, Lady Fair, b m. 329. Laoy Fait field, gr m (2:.37i^). 161. Lady Fanuj-, b m. 84. Lady Fanny. 497. Lady Farmer (2:46J^). (620). Lady Farmer. :i25. LadyFarrell. 404. Lady Fashion, b m (2:45^^). 231, .377, 38.5,4:^8,447,573. Lady Farrand. 719. Lady Faustina, b m (2:29}^). 291,* (5:55'), 557,* 602, (iSo. Lady Fawcett, br m. 311. 338, 540. Lady Fearnaught (2:50). 108,655. Lady Feb. 4J.O. Lady Felter. 210. Ladv Feurier, b m (2:40). 79, (84), 118, 40ii. Lady Fenton. 524. Lady Fez. blk m. 397. Lculy Fields, ev m (2:50). (388). Lady Fielding. 219. Lady Fillmore (2:45-M)- -'566, (472), 478. Lady Fillmore (2:44). 570, (583). Lady Finch. 579. OiO. Lady Fine. 30, 89, 462, 711. Lady Finn. 483. Lady Finnesran. 593, 634. Lady Finner. 118. Lady Fisher, blk m (2:43U). 200, 320, (50:{), 690.* Lady Fiske, cli m. 665, 802. Lady Fis^;. 489, 635. Lady Flagner. ch m (2:41). 11, 234, 305, 307, 346, 523. 603, 092, 706. Lady Flannery, br m (2:51V6). 179, 441, 507. Lady Flash (2:41). (28). Lady Fleetwood. 90. Lady Fletcher, ti, 281. Lady FL.ra, b m (2:4.3). 532. Lady Florence, br m. 383. Ladv Florence (2:5i ). 10, 29, (549). Ladv Florence, br m (2:.32]k>). 43, 107, li)!t, 2.50,* .578. Lady Florence CI: 10). (4.07). Lady Florence. 364, 711.* Lauy Foote. 592. 7oO. Lady Forn-st, blk m (2:50). 330, 34:5. (570). Lady Forrest, b m (3:20). 310, 479. La.iy Fon-est. b m (3:03). 47, 118, •.:71,* 278. 003. Lady Foster, cli m (2:37). (165), 246, 298, 4)51, 500, 570,* 603.* Lady Fowell, rn m (3:09). CioO). Lady Fox, ch m (2:150). ;i4. S»:5, 197, 239, 250, ;i54, :501, 372, 425, 440, 448. (457), 400, 500, 711.* Lady Foxie, ch m (2: .'4}4). 46,* 48,* 68,* 108, 121,* 159, 105,* 183,* 200,* (227). 357,* 438,* 5:?7, 543, 550, 580, r>M. «i.->2, 72:5, 791. Lady Frances (2:4^^ w). (44). Lauy Frances, b in (2::5954). 262, 20i, 588. Lady Franklin. 396, 422, 050. Lady Franklin (Carrie),rn m(2:29%). 88, 150, 1.'.9. 220, 235, 253, 400, 401. 418.42.5,59.3. Lady Frauklin. ch m (2:32K>). 199, .382.* 497, 524, 000. Lady Franklin, gr ni (2:45). 42, 98, 105, :',M, .)00, 045, 795. Lady Franklin (Lady Walton), b m (2:33). 40, 238, 475. Lady Frauklin (2:40). 124, 101, 454, 579. Lady Franklin. 292 Lady Franklin. 340, 403, .572. l..ady Fullerton, ch m. 203, 267. Lady >ultou, bm. 455.722. Lady Ff ench, ch m. 337, 533, 693.* Lady Freuiont. 599. Lady Freeman (2:50). 236, 333. Lady Freemyer. 607. Lady Frick. 87. Lady Frost. 308, 624. Lady Fidton, b m (2:59%). 14,* 221, 271. Lady Frye, ch m. 107. Lady G. (2:4:51^). 224.* LadyU.. b m (2:42). 19, 82,220, 410,612, (550), 557. Lady G., br m (2:.34%). 60, 64. 87,* 144, 240, 321, 379, 420, 440,* 449, 454, 485, 553, (572*), 794. Lady G, blkm. 263,412,610. Lady GafEney (3:08). (054). Lady Gase (3:03). (387). •..ady Gale. 7;iO. Lady Garfield, b xn (2:28^). 76, (107), 297, :504,* 398, 452,454, 508, 548, 072. 077. I Lady Garfield, blk m (2:35>^). 102, 147, 401, 4-.'2,* (482), 505, 044, C98, 700. Lady Garfield. 97. Lidy Garland, b m (2:41^). (319). Lady Garnet, br u;, by Mambrino Star. 7, 59, 87. La.iy Gay, gr m (2:38i.^j. 5, (1.33), 297,* 374, 494, 5y9. Lady Gay, b ni (2::50i^). 5, 21, 76, 85, :5()2, 323, 6i;!, 02.(. Lady Gay , c h m ( . : 56M). 1 70, S28, 2:;8,* 470, 478. Lady Gay, ch ui (3:00). 4.39. Lady (Jeoutches. .335, 413, 574.* Lady Gertrude. 24.3. Lady Gertrude, br m {2:S6]4). 24, 45, 55, 120, 218, 359,* 090, 720. Lady Gertrude, gr m (2:34?i). 166, 254, (520.* 032, 701.* Lady (iertrude, gr m, by Mambrino Chief, dam by American btar. 131, :5:!3, 3S9. Lady Gibm-y, gr m (2:38). 1,5, 62, 88, 119,474,533. Lady Gilbreth, ch m. .34( . Lady Gibson, br m (3:08) KiO), 138, 302. Lady Gibson, b m, pacer, '.59, 765. Ladv (lilbert. .57. Lady (Gilbert. 92. 313. Lady Girard, blk m(2:47>4). 82, 161. ■ Lady Gill. 103, 405. I Lady Gisler. ;J49. Lady Goodale. 078 Lady Goodin. br m (2:39). 16. 72, I 118,* i'.>5,* 314, 0.5.3. I Lady Goodwin. 5;}:{. Lady Golddust, ch m. 259, 271, 648, 692.* Lady Golddust, ch m. 41. 203. Lady Golddusi, ch m. 90, 126, 150, 507, (018). Lady Gol.Nmith. 180. .326, 549, 576. Lady Gordon, br m. .35, :591. 530. Lady Goro. 0:57. Lady Goss. blk m (2:.39^). .303, 699. Lady Gould, b m, by Jay"Gould.l53. Lady Graham, br m (2:"42i. (071). Lady Granger, b m. 276, 480. j Lady Grant, gr ni (2:40^). 6.5, 92, 144, .352. 40:5, 42S. 462, (6.%1), 802. Lady Grant, gr m (2:55). (52). 119, 352, .370. I Lady Grant, b m. .30 Lady Granville. 343, 360, 516. i.ady Graves (2:46J^). 169, (503 Lady Gray, gr m (2:53 w) (2:50 8). ; 287, 4.30, 0-,'4. Lady Gray (2::53). 634, 723. I Lady Gray, gr m (2:44). 89, 150, ' .325,352,(711*). Lady Gray, gr m (2:56?4). 35. Lady Gray, gr m (2:4:;). 94, 503, 537, .542. Lady Gray, gr m (2:40M). 163, 300,* 335, 386. 429, 508. 591, 699. Lady Gray, gr m (2:37) 11. 4.54, 647. Lady Gray (2:51). 73, 139, 302, (.57(5). 0.50. Lady Gray, gr m (2:49>ii). 431, 424, (.578), 676. Lady Grav. 169. Lady Gray, gr m (2:481^). 146, 229, 2:52. (67.3). Lady Gray, gr m. by White Stock- ings. 103. Lady Greyfoot, b m. 13. Lady Gregory. 326. Lady Green, gr m, pacer (2:34). 749, 771. Lady Greenfield. 172. Lady Grenville. ch m (2:40). 105, 120, 351,* 487, 490. 583, 055. Lady Greer, gr m (2:;!8). 19,* 46, 82,108, 113.(156*), 182,* 222 2.39,* 274, 29:5, 35.-1. :550. 410, (448), 456. 494, 508. 5iil, 591, 60.3. Lady Greiner, b m. 207, 302, 430. Lady Grimes. 381. Lady Giiswold, gr m (2:29). 22, 156,* 209, 249, .327. 4^6, 509, 51.3. 514, .560, 565.* 676 * Lady Groesbeck, grin(2:25U). 203,* (2:53*), 274,* 411, 479,* 520, 66.5, 64:5, 703, 718. Lady Gross, rn m. 424. Lady Guest, gr m(2:.32). 204,* (288). 512, 528. (577. Lady Guilfdrd. 455. Lady Gus.^man. 205. Lady Gvpsv, br m . 15 \* Lady H.. n'r m (2:27). :i/.* 03,* 70, 93,* 104, 109,* 125,(199), 200, 2.3.3, 275,* 345, 353, 371, 4i9, 481.* 49.5, .507,514,* 5.33,* 500, 570, 590, 009, 631, 6.37, 046, (500, 078, 724. Lady H, b m ((2:52J^). 520,* 663, . (708* (. Lady H , b m (2:.52). 54.3. Lady H., blk m i2:59}), (G9:) . Lady Ham. bt)7. Lady Hamiltoa, gr m (2:30). 27, 102, 138. 4SH. (.-)0i>), 517, 567, 707. Lady Hamilton (2:30). 467, 715. Lady Hamilton. 5-'6. Lady Hamilton (Columbia Maid% ch m (2:431/3). (i."., 503, .">09, 022. 749. Lady Hamiltoii, b m, by Brown Harry (2:37i4). 1^2, (224*), 4:J4, 459. Lady Hamlet, b m, bv Hamlet. 338. Lady Hamhu, oh in (2:41K'). 458. Lady Hamsimnd, b ra. 90, 577. Lady Hammill, br m (2:57). 566. Lady Hancock, ra m. 'ill.. Lady Hardeuburg, ch m. 77.* 241, 407. Lady Harmon, cb m. 10, 113, 122, 177, 179, :{29, ;399. 441. Lady Harrington, b m (2:52%). 517. 546. Lady Harris. 174. Lady Harris, br m (2:45). 718. Lidy Hart (638). Lady Harrison, br m (2:57). 399* Lady Hassan, pr m. 459. Lady Hastii gs, b m (2:41>4;. 110, 291, 401, 498, (651). Lady Hayden. 674. Lady Hawes. b m (2:54 w). 18. Lady Hayes, cli m, pacer, by Hi Tracy, dam the Wilson mare. 746,* 775.'- L dy Hayes (2:41). 78. .361, 457. Lady Haves, b m (2::i-i^). 95, 126, 147, 240. 256, 475,* 481, .525, 658*, 662. Lady Hayes, b m (2:46]4}. 152, 178. Lady Hayes, ch m. 63. ~ Laiiy Hayes. 349. Lady Hayseed, br m. .361, 375. Lad\- Hector (2:50). 119, 725. Lad'v Heidditch . ] 70. Lady Helen, ch m (2:39 w). 244, 327, 390. Lady Henry, ch m (2:36i.d). 677. Lady Herzog, rn ji (2:.37^). (47),* 435. 452, 510. Lady Hess, b m. 63, 154, 470,* 800, 802. Lady Hewlett, b m (2:56), 700. Lady Hicks, brm (2:50). 720. Lady Higham. (5521. Lady Hildreth. 28;}. Lady Hill, b m (2:.-i4). 189, 254, 430, 620. Lady Hill, blk m (2:3.5). 145. 358. 410, 439, 445, 475, 619, 641, 656, 668, 669, 712, 718. LadyHoag, bm (2:51). (572*). Lady Hobart. 23, 25. Lady Hodge, blk m (2:41). 25. 178. 389, 546, 609, (610), 620,* 718. Ladv Hoffer, pacer y .':44). 761, Lady Holbrook, b m (2:50i^), (78), 584. Lady Holm, b m. 474, 002. Lady Holmes, b m (2:42), by Mc- Kinney Horse. (71), 696. Lady Holmes. 304. Lady Ho t, br m (2:34). 44, 147, 191, 266, 314, 385, 423, (4.70), 523, 57i, 578. 600. Lady Holland. 128. Lady Homer, b m (2:57i4). (533), 552. Lady Horto, b m (2:42). .58, 273, 49.3, 523, 571. Lady Hooks, b m (2:45) (692). Ladv Hooker, b m (2:50). 144, 278, 601. Lady Hope (2:40). (616). Lady Hopeful, b m (2:52), by PUot Temple, dain Lady Sutherland. 84, 218, 386, 519. 6u7, 710. Lady Hopkins. 124. Lady Horner, pacer. 759. INDEX OF BEATEN HORSES. Ladv Horseman, grm.pacer(2:45s), 756. •= Lady Horton, b m (2:34}4). 21, (9?), l:-8, 297,* 395, 408, 4:J4, 441, 449, 485, ()51, 66s. Lady Howard, b m (2:50). 51, 156. Lady Howard (2:44J4). 105, (677) Lapy Hmve. 368. Lady Howell, b m (2:42 w). 146 Lady Howscn, b m. 89, 1.55, .-347. Lady Hufschimdt. ch m(2:.58), by Cupid. 445. (.578). La !y Hughes, b ra v2:.30). 143, 273, 539, 645. Lady llulbert. 560. Lady Hnlett. ::41, 429, 666, 711. i Lady Humphrey, gr m. 146, 177, I 553. Lady Hunt, blk m (3:05). 637. I Lady Huut, pacer. 766. Lady Hunter (2:4.3). 242, 311, 3.35. : Lady Hunter, gr m, by Tom Hun- I ter. (J07. Lady Hurd. 709. Lady Hunting, cr m (2:4314). 360, 477. (611!). - Lady Hunting, b m (2:.51). 284, 700. Laily Hunting, blk m (2:40J4). .337, 477, ,561.571,698. Lady Hurd. ch m (2:42). 232, .323, 337,* 402,* 407, 497. 511, 796. Lady Huron, pacer. 79o. Lady Hvde. 110. Lady Hyer. paeer (2:36%). (736), 756. Lady Ida, bm. 696. Lady Ida, ch ra (2:53). 174, 358. 506. Ladv Independence, blk m (2:33J4), 9. 15, 420,* 443, 467, 548. Ladylndependence.gr m (3:15). 297. Lady [o.. i) m (2:48 w). 621. Lady Ironsides, gr m (2:49%). 30, 4(16. 424* Lady Irwin, b m (2:4.5). 273, 454, (502*), eOff. Liuly Jackson (2:42% s). 182. 194. Lady Jackson (2:58%,). 20, 227, 425, (478), .540, 59.". Lady Jackson (2:45). 35, 277. Lady Jacobs, b m (2:42}^). 570. Lady Jane, b m (2:30). 128, 3.32,* 334, 424,* 426, 430, 522, 546, 547, Lady'jane, blk m (2:48). 138, 726. Lady Jane, rn m {2:Si}4). 91, 218, 655, 694. Lady Jane, b m (2:44). 36. Lady Jane (2:52). 122, 301, 575, 644, 6rt2. Lady Jane, b m (2:44J4). 50, 87, 163, 215. 280. Ladv Jane, b m (2:5014). 58, 219, 275, 3D1. 485. Lady Jane, br m (2:4.5i4). 91, 444. Lady Jane, b m (2:57i4). 115, 563. Lady Jane, ch m (2:51). 43, 259, 266, (317) Lady Jane (2:50). 79, (355), 573. Lady Jane (2:49). (460), 508. Lady Jane (3:001. (.308). Lady Jane, b m, pacer (2:.3.3^). 7.58, 778, 782. Lady Jane, b m (2:. '2). 77. Lady Jane. 124.* 459, 713. Lady .lane, bm, by Paddy. 192, 193, 2.39, 304, 427, 432, 473. 480. Lady Jane, b m. 320. Lad.y Jane. 414. Lady Jane Gray (Lady Jane), gr m (2:47). 1.37. 1.55,* J:i8, 289, 520. Lady Jenkins, br m (2:49 w). 200. Lady Jenks, b m (■J:55). (657). Lady Jessie, blk m (2:47^), 388, (:^89). Lady Jest, (2:33). (278). Lady Jet. b m. OLl. Lady Jim. 75,450. Lady Jocelyn, blk ra (2:441^). 675. Ladv Johnson. 3:58. 707. Lady Johnson, b ra (2:35). 24, 37, 905 68, 84. 9.5, 115, 120, 134, 197, 232, 239, 276, 282, 34.3, :509, 551, 5S9, 666. Lady Jolly, b m (2:4614). 623. Lady Jones, b m(2::!'5). .378, .380, 4.35. 459, 504,* 604, 608, 629, 639, 641, 69.3,713. Lady Jones, b m (2:43). (206). Lady Julian, ch m. 279,* 656, 714. Lady June, blk m (2 :36). 18, 63, 126, 2l6, 225, 2:.'7, 2.33, 240,* ;!n:^, :}26, 330,* 386, 3[;2, 396, 525,* 545, 598, 649, 6(;(>, 688, 695, 71.5, 726. Lady Juno. 408. Ladj- Jupiter, ch ra (2:37%). 99, 129. l:).5. 195, 214, 244. 278, 343 437, 455, 466, 477, 541, 585,* 589, 617. Lady K..bm (2:2914). 91,132,249, 410,* .547. La ly K. (■.•:56M). 110, (200). Lady K. 70, 599, 617, 635. Lady Kane, b m (3:00). 289, 636. Lady Kate, br m(2:31). 11, 77, 525, 547, 593, 672.* Lady Kate, bra (2:4814). 331,* 338, .398,425,517. Lady Kate, b m (2:32). 33, 115, 167, 271,* 297.* 325. 407, 444,* 49.5, 533, .543, 590, 6 "3. Lady Kate, b m (2: 12). 3'!7, 425. Lady Kate ( ' :.50). 282, 288, 509, 670. Lady Kate, bm (2:47%). 76,(22.5), 256. 790. Lady Kavanaugh,bm (2:41 14). 1'37, 647. Lady Kay. blk m (2:36). 255,349. 411,609, 695. Lady Keenan, gr m (2:40). .301 , 377, (4:}2), 485.* Lady Keeper. 400. 4.53. Lady Kelner, b ra (2:48i4). (68), 95. Lady Kelsey, b m. 571. Lady Kelso, gr i i (2:.39i4). (2:29 s) 126, 14",* 181, 194, 295,"* 330, 344, 454, 524, 556, 626, 647.* Lady Kellogg, b m (2:41}^), by Champi n. 2:;3, 341, 366,~(429), 442, .5a4, 599, 6 in. Lady Kellogg. 51,* 628.* Lady Kenible, ch ra (2:51%). 29, 708, 714, 72.5. Lady Kemp. r65. Lady Kempville. 496. Lady Kend^-ll, b m (2:.39). 191, 304, 456, 409. Lady Kendall, br m(2:37i^). 187, 317.* 318,* .319, 3.55 * 39.5,* 3S6, 498, 564, 653, 654, 678, 682, 693, 732, 795.* Lady Kennedy, b m (2:48i4). 203, 228,* 4,56. Lady Kerns, b m (2:29i4). 54, 94, 273, 348, 459, 472. 504", 552,* 553, 634. 704. Lady Kilraine (2:52). (264). Lady Kildeer, br m (2:28). 45, 154, 180. 296, 343.* 367, 484,* 489, 623. 6:39, 647,* 712. Lady Kimball, gr m (2:4414). 161, (514). Lady King, blk m (2:42). (35). Lady King, b ra (3:00). 728. Lady Kinney, b m (2:50). 159, (399). Lady Kipp. 229. Lady Kirk, b m (2:33).29. 118, (224*). Lady Kirw. 453, 487. 534. Lady Kirkover, b m (3:00). (422). Lady Knickerbocker. 597. Lady Knight, ch m. 128. Lady Knox, blk m (2 :37). 142, 357, .385, 403, 484. Lady Knox, blk m (2:45). 381, 533, .542, 548, 599, 633, 693.* Lady Knox, br m (2:36). 161, 516, 686. 700.* Lady Knox, b m. 89, .367. LadyL., b ra(2:40). Si, 283, 368, 585, 672. Lady L., b m (2:48>6). (355), 438. 906 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTINa AND PACINQ RECORD. Lady LaGranpe. '2'i'2. Lady Ludsluuv, br ax (2:43). 123, 14.j. (il7, 7u9. Lady Laf;iyctto. 112. La :v La:uoc'' t, b m, by Daniel I -aui- be:t. 59. ». (!,">.'. Lady Lampli.-IitLT (.'5:10). ((32r>). Lady Lancaster (llauoiia), b m (•,':44K>). ~'0,- .518, 578, 583, 801. La y Landoff, eh m. 090. Lady Laiiglin. 5ii:j. Lady Lau^ley, trr m (2:41). 88. Lady Laii;;.-for(l. tiii'^. LadyLakin, eli in 100, 711. L ;dv Lannigun (2:4;}). 76, 526. Lady Lawn, (2:52). (429). Lady Lawrence, gr m (2:42^). 207, 421, (.J94). Lady Lawrence, ch m(2:40i4). (40*), 41, 278, 349, 350, 393, 484, .i45, COl. Lady Lawi-ence, b m (2:34J4i- "9- 148, 174, 21(i,* 2:j5, ■■ 205. (481 ■), 483, 5:;8, 509, 571, 579, 613, 664, 7J1. Lady Lawrence. (3:13). (434). Lady Lear (Rosa Lee), gr m(2:25^). 10. tJ4, 70, 89. J 17, 1.50, 171, 181. 193,* 273,* 283. .335, 328. 340, .302,* .367, 390,* 484,* 49-',* 529, 583, (635), 649.* 651, 685. Lady Leatlierman, paeer. 790. Lady Lee (2:38i^). 350, 401. Lady Lee (Lady Sampon and Lady Reea), b in (•/:3S-M). 234. Lady Leigh, blk m (2:401^). (461). 620,:= 0.31. Lady Lemon, bm (2:27). (179*), 517, 523, 564. Lady Leonard. 91, 417. Lady L^oaard (Gosiien Maid), ch m (2:31.>^). 143, 359,- 436,* 524. Lady Levi. 2J7, 563. Lady Lew. 205. Lady Light, pacer. 746. Lady Lt-xingtou, b m (2:42i41- 44, 2.34,* (444). Lady Lexingtx)n. 402, 669. Lady Lightt'ooi, ch m (Z:oi}4 w). 583. Lady Lightfoot, b m (2:44). 106. Ladv Lightfoot, b m (2:36K'). 187, 190, 192, 218, 203, 279, 280,* 351, 387, 522. .564, 629, 669. Lady LiKhtfoot, ch m (2:33^). 212, 213, 251, 295, 304. 307, 322, 348, 795. Lady Lightfoot, ch m (2:511^). 74, 127, 147, 229, 457, 512,* 570, 660. Lady Lightfoot, b m (3:00). 7, 268. L;idy Lightfoot (2:59). 78.659. Lady Lightfoot, ),lk m (3:10). 317. Lady Lightfoot, b m (2:50). .39. Lady Lightfoot, ch m (3:08J^). 412. Ladv Lightfoot (2:52). 183, 253, 298. (469). Lady Lightfoot (2:469C). !•'', 18, 83, (.■)07), 68S.* Lady Lightfoot, b m pacer (2:25). 738,* 750, 756, 767, 708,769.* Lndy Lightfoot, b m pacer (2:29V^). 7.->2,* 77L Laiy Lightfoot, pacer. 741, 749,* 7.54, 784. Ladv Lilly. .599. Lady Lincoln, b m (2:49). 6.33. Lady Lincoln (2:.50). (415), .541. Lady Litchfield, ch m (2:.33). 127, 292, 423.=*= Ladv Livingston (2:50«4). (1 18). Lady Logan, bm (2:30}^). 16. 104, 164, 290, 309. 334, 339. 340,* 388, 420, 441,* 514, .5.30, 538, 545, 546, 609, 624, 658, 698. Lady Longmaid. 212, 446. Lady Loring, ch ni. ^5, 4.50*, .522. Lady Lou. 129. 467, 554. Lady Love (104). Lady LovpU, b m (2:51^ w). 101,* 109, 592,* 649. Lady Low, ch ni (;::38>4). 7, :W,207, 2i.^, 417,472,479, 519. La !y Lowe, ch iii (2::i8). 63, 105. 12.5, i:!0. 133, 134, 141, 164, 183, 275, 299. 351, 420, 484, 594, (651*), 725. Ladv Loweiy (2:51). .365, 62 \ (624), 6.53. Lady Lucas (Prir.cess), ch m (2::J9^^l. 90, i:(0, 132, 309, 5.32. Lady Lulocker, blk m (2:41K>). "'•'S. Lady Lumber, blk ni (2:2914). 38, 79, 172, 200, 447. 490. Lady Lundon. 80. Lady Lynn, blk m (2:39?4). 327, 576. .588, 716. Lady Lyon (2:47). (231). 239, 327. Lady L.\ on, gr m. 417, 452,* 651, LadyM.. gr in (2:30). 6* (9), 22, 39, 63, 60,* 113.* 116, 122, 126, 143. 170,* 184, 192, 196, 203, 3.33, 367, 372, 439, 545, 560. Lady M., blk m (2:34). 178, 179, 210,* 230,* 286, 335,* (.360*), 380*, 388, 694, 703, 705. Lady M., ch m(2:.34i.^). 470, 618. La.y lU., b m (2:48). 445, 473, 481, 554. Liidv M., ch m. 83, 294. Ladv IM., b in, by Ryan's Hamble- t'lniau. 410. 733.* Lady Mac, b m (2:23). 45,* 83.* 178, 199. 20(5, 232, 331. 378, 407, 425, 4:i0, 449, 46.3, 507,* 513, 515,580,* 619, 7. 8. Lady Mac, ch m (2:.35). 58, 233, 326, .330, 345, 340, 365, (380), 396, 429, 479, 596,* 085, ()95. Lady Mac (Lueila) dn m (2:.37). 59,* 73, 100, 122, 263, 274, 308, .332. 405. Lady Mac (2:39). 90, 189. Lady Mac, rn ui, pacer (2:25U). 430,* 595. 74 1 , 744, 748,* 75o.* 756. 761, 762, 763.* Lady Mac, br m. 79.* 135, .350, 686. Lady Mac. b m (2:43). 247,* 263, 4.50,* 040. Lady Mac, blk m. 41. Lady !\Iacbeth, ch m (2:50). 307. Lady Mace, ch m (2:39}^). 441. Lady Mace, gr ni (2:42). 427. Lady Mace, b m (2:42i^). 406, 486. Lady Mace, ch m (2:50). 14, (26), 265, :{77. Lady Mack, b m (2:36). 144, 489, 653, 753. Lady Mack, br m (2:30). 22, 33,* 93.* 106,* 127, 146, 194, 198, 2.50, 354,* 379, 468, 489, 509, 512,* 545,565,* .597,598. Lady Mack, blk m (2:39). (17), 85, 126, 1.34,* 1.52,* 227. 330,* .347, .348, 350,* 360, 429, 552, 555, 598, 625, 008. Lady Mack, br m (2:38). 9, 684 * Lady Mack (Belle the Cat), ch m (2:40). 1.50, (337), 672. Lady Mack, b m (2:3aM). 8, 94, 121, 170, 177,* 296, 306, 408, 479,* 488,* .571, 730. Lady Mack, blk m (2-Ao\i). 507, 5.30.* 5:58. Lady Mack, b m (2:54;>:i) (15). Lady Mack (2:48i^). (VOO). Lady I\lack (2:49). (32U), 5+9. Lady Mack, b ui. pacor (2:20). 742, 755, 757, 702, 77^i. 779. Lady Maguire, b- iu (2:50). 94. lady Magnet. 500. Lady Maine, gr m (2:48). 202. L.ady Malcolm, b m (2:.38>4). (47), 51, 89, 103, 190, 229, 294, 382, 630 Lady Mallard, ch m(2:46). 517. (566) Lady Mallon. srr m (3:0u). (711). Lady M.insfleld (2:42). 31, (71*), 123. 459. Lady Mapes, b ni. 1 y Adalbrino. ■ dam l>y i^4). 8,* 108. 14').* 2.3.5, 23S, 310,* 317, .372.* 440, 537,* 587, 625. 708. Lady M.iud, b m (2:40i. 105,217. 423, .5(;3, (00, (O.JOi, 655. Lady Maud, gr 111. 184. 445 Lady Maud (Fleming Girl), b ui (2:.33). 547. Lady Maud (2:.33«4). 22. (82*), 185. 1 Lady Maud, b m (2:56>4i). 350,(487). Lady Jlaud, b iii. 212. * Lady Maud (2:40>4>. (623;. Ladv Maud, b ni. 69, 453. i Lady May, b m (2:38). 424. (595), 6s7. Lady May, br m (2:52). 22, 225.* 591 . Lady May, br m (3:00). 8,* 23,*(69». 3U0, 300, 628. Lady May. 040. I Lady Blav. (732). j Lady Mc, ch m (2:31U). 19, 120, I 178,(474*). Lady Mc( "lei Ian, ch in (2:4C). 106, 244, 313, (328). 384, 396, 43u.* Lady MeCoimack. 576. Lady McCullough.gr m(2:50J4). 552. Lady McD.. ch m (2:37). 1 1 , 13, 40.* 90. 99,* 119, 14! ,* 178.* 204. 2:4, ; 237, 238, 200. 274, 278,* 288, 3.59, 381.417.534,508, .569, 572.- e09. j 648, 710. Lady McFarland. 234 1 Lady McFatiidge, b ra (2:29). 19, 42, 67. 100, 104,* 154, 1^3, 190. 221, 230,*(23:i). 27.3. .341. ;}43. 407.* 456, 479, 507.* 5l4.* 520.* .5S5, 619, 632, 647. 6.50, 0(J2, 732. Lady .McGlacklin. 242. ' Lady McGraw (2:,52i. 2.52, (497), .520. Lady McGregor (2:35). (104), 126, ! 585. Lady McKinley, b m. 619. Lady McKiniiey, b m (2:35). 24, 39, 107, 157. 16u, 191 , 255, 275, 325, :i08. 383, 384, ; 51. 5.58, 5(>5, 589, 630, 031, 636.* 695, 713, 802. Lady Mc.Mann. br in. 634. Lady McMilton. 84. Lady Merrill, b ni. 19, ,300. Lad.y Messenger, b in. 3:<0. Lady Middleton, ch m (2:34^). 72, 125,2.39, 277,322, 411, 475,534, 719.* Lady Millbanks (2:.50). (50), 523. 802. Ladv Miles (2:41 ). 48, 445 Lady Miller, blk in (2:49}^). 92, 289. :',49, 395. 397. 423, 484", 076. Lady Miller (2:48i}4). (49.) Lady Miller, bm. 9. j Lady Miller, b in . 701. I Lady MiUs. b m (2:24«4). 10, 113. (149*), 272, 288. 295, 296, :;62, I 422, 439. 403,* 514. Lady Minnazella, b m. .349. ' Lady Miranda (^2:55). (2S0', 679. Lady Milchell, b m (2:38). 53,* 131. I 185, (192), 400. 732.* ' Lady Moncke (2:58). (5.51). : Lady Monroe, gr m (2:26^). 102. 1.37, 143, 196, 251, .3.59, 370, 471 514, .5.38,* .545, (547), 609. I Lady Monroe b m (2:.52). 266, 020 Lady Monroe, bm (3:00). 610. Ladv Monroe, bm (2:39). 327, 351'. I 421, 450, 733. ' Lady Mont, b m (2:4CJ/.). 696. INDEX OF BEATEX HORSES. 907 Ladv Montrose, blk m. 156,* 459. Lady Mook. tj04 . Lady Moore, b ra (•^:25). 101, (161), :)46, 43'), 4-k-t. 490. Lady Moore. 21."). 430. Lady Moose, b m (:?:01i^). 294, 474, (.08^). Lidy Mount. 97. Lady Morgan, b m (2:51i^ w) Lady Morgan, b m (2:51W)- 57, 107, 478. Lady Morgan, ch m (2:52). 206, 291, 3.52,459, 646 La iy .Moi-gan, br m (2:444^). (431). Lady Morgan. (103), 133, 144. Lady Morgan. 149, 201. Lady Morgan, b m. 170. 482. Lady Morrill, b m (2:37). 172, 221, 200, 269, 376, 520, .-58. Lady Morrill (2:43 1. 502. 583. 673. Ladv Morrill, b m (2:52)^). 24, 259, 279, 452. (47i). Lady Morrill. 588. 668. Lady Morris, gr m (2:44). 98, (451). Lady IMoais, br m (2:38). 53, 77, in, 137, 141, 211, 370, 376, o23. 424. (81), 123, Ladv Morris, b m (2:46i4). (240). La.iy Morris (2:50) (.599). Lady Morris, b m (2:59%). 542. Lady Blorri.s, b m. 2S0,* 499. Lady Morrison, ch m (2:35). 158, 238. (641), 712. Lady Morrison, bm (2:27J^). 11, 23, I 12, 133, 191, 2,38, 275, 653, 666. '34. Lady Jlorrow, b ra (2:46J4). 9, 164, i65, 546, 58.5. Lady Morton, b m (2:35). (562). Ladv Moscow, b m (2:30). 94. 332,* 363, 426, 427, 469, 547, 609,* 734. LadvMoscow.br m i2:37). 50,51, IS'l. 231, 296, 396, (651). Lady Moscow, b m (2 :30^). 59, 73. 253, 261, (34o*), 3.55, 388, 430, 447, 454, 479, 675. Lady Moscow, b m, by Hinsdale Horse. 385,* 570. Lady Moscow, ch m (3:09). (118). Lad k' Moscow (2:46). (105), 427. Lady Moss 800. Lady Mott (2:47?4). 191. 232. (557), 6 9. Ladv Mount. 557. LadV Murpny, bm (2:42), (2:35i^ s). 39 ), (;99. La Iy Murphv. b m (2:44^). 596, 800. Ladv MLU-phV, bm (2:40). (173), 224, 297. Lady Mvers, blk m (2-A3%). 438, 590, 70o. Lady Myers (2:51). (401). Lady Nash, rn m. 80, 88, 198, 390, 420, 430, 674, 700. Lauy Neil, l> m. 658. Lady Nell, b m (:" :33). 88, 130, 201,* 215, 258, 268, 302, 313, 363,* 367,* 400,^549, 680* LadyNell, bm. 482. Ladv- Nell (2:57%). (248). Lady Nelly, b m. 159. 369. Lad.y Newton, blk m (2:41). 195, (5731, 608. Lady Nichols. 796. Ladv Nil.'S. b m i3:01). 119, 230, .322. Lady Nillson. 500. Lady Nina. 233. Lady Noe. 422. 575. Lady Norfolk. 131, 483, 570. 697. Lady Norris. grm (2:40). (437). Lady Norris (■':45J4;. 36, (409). Lady North. 107. Lady Norton, eh m (2:.52w). 97. Lady Norton, b m (2:46}^). 14, 427, 498. Lady Norwood, b m, by Norwood. 3.59. Lady Norway, rn m (2:36). 220, 319, (455), 690. Lady Noyes. 526. l,ady O., b m, by Warwick. 163, .39o. Ladv Oakland. 692. Lady Oakland, cr m(2:41i^). 64. Lady of Grand Forks, b m. 510. Lady of Lyons, br m. 408, 578, 606. I Lad}' of the Lake, ch m (2:50^4)- 476, -492. I Lady of the Lase (2:50^). 86, 380. Ladv of the Lake (2:55}^). (171*), 427. lady of the West, pacer. 762. Ladv of the West, b m (2:37). 119, 126.* 236. 274, 277, 288, 350, (451), 4.9. Lady O'Neill. 3SH. Lady Oliver (2:34 w). 236, (334), 368, 672. Lady Olmstead. 91. Lady Orr, gr m. 170, .506. Lady O.'good, b m (2:45). 37, 74. Lady Out.vater. 198. Lady Overplus, blk m, by Messen- ger Ironsides, dam a Star mare. 300. Lady Oxnard. b m (2:53 w). 519. Lady P., b m (2:43). 297,* (525), 713, lis. Lady Palmer, ch m (2:.33). 138, 274, 374. 446, .556, 728. Laily Palmer. 345, 554. Lady Palmer, ch m (2:46) (2:43i^s). 89. (95). 263. 278, ;.13. 364, 432. Lady Palmer (2:45). i6 ) Lady Palmer (2:.57i4). (640). Lady Palmer, cb m. 31, 726. Lady Parker (2:38%). (5.59). Lady Patchen, ch m. 225, 302, 396, 6.39. Lady Patchen (2:33J4). 497. Lady Patchen, rn m (2:36i^). 28, 34, 127.* 154, (683*). Lady P lichen, ch m (2:36M). 265, 380, 573. 725. Lady Patchen, b m (■3:38). 23, 58, 77, 118. 1.^0, 212, 2 27, 345, 468, 480.511,620, (645), 794. Ladv Patchen (2:54}^). (0), 306, .395, 801. Lady Patchen (2:36). (.39), 428, 592. Lady Patchen, pacer. 747. Lady Pafhfinder, b m. by Path- finder, dara Caledonia. .573.* Lady Pathfinder (2:5.5). 120, 633. Lady Paton, pacer. 761. Lady Patterson, ch m (2:32). 24, 25,* 36,* 236, 239, 249,* (289), 306. 311,317, 367. 378, 416.425,464, 485, 489*, 50U, 510, 513.* 551*, 567, 632, 639,* 641, 720,* 796, 800. Lady Payne. 588. Lady Payne. 207. 678. Lady P^yne. 419. LadyPeale. 730. Lady Pearce, b m (•2-AoW- (36)501. Lady Pearsall, b m. by Pearsall. 641. Lady Pease, b m. 449. Lady Peck, ch m (2:41%). 210, .324, 341 * 445 479 * Ladv'Pellet, br m. 78, 293.* 646. Lady Penny, bm (2:45). 5.36. Lady I'ence, b m. 99. Lady Perkins, b m (2:.54). (471). I Lady Perry, b m. 79.* Lady Pfifer, b m (2:36%). 73, 185, 201, 243,* 253, 2.59, 268,* 395. 433, 523,576,723,801. I Lady Phelps, rn m. 600. i Lady Phillips, br m (2:52%). 122, 477, (728). Lady Picard (German Girl), b m I (2;.35). 213,656. Lady Pierce (Betsey Baker), b m I (2:45). 52. Lady Pierce, br m. 182, .394,* 499. Lady Pierpont. 406. Lady Pitts (2:56 s). 58.* (402). Lady Pilot, ch m, pacer (2: 12). 80, I 423. Lady Pilot, blk m. by Kentucky Pilot, dam by Black Dutchman. 143, 420, 622. Lady Planet, b m (2:35i^). 19, 230, 401, 423. 496. Lady Poker (2:47). (431*). Lady Pollion (2:51)^ w). (389). Lady Poindexter, cb m (2:35J4). 15, 41,212, .361,551. Lady Post, ch m (3:01). (8). Lady Powell, bm. 641. Lady PoweU, gr m (3:00). .576, 638. Lady Powell, pacer (2:40%). (760*). Lady Powers, gr m (2:5.'). 586. Lady Presby, blk m 595. Lad.y Prewitt. b ni. by Clark Chief (■.■•30). (2u3i. }17. 471, 711. 72-5. Lfidy Price, ch m (2:59). 174, (186). Ladv Price, pacer (2:41). (748*). Lady Princess. 735* Lady Pritchard (Jenny F.), ch m (2:21). .37, 57. 83. 141. 172,* 183. 218, -.'.54, 290,* 290, .'556,* 369, 376, (408*), .580. Lady Pumpkin"!, ch m (2:36). 67, 206, 209, :.'39,* 366, 425,* 427,* 471,799. Lady Putnam, ch m (2:40J4). 20, 6S, 4.57, (499), 643. Lad.y Queen, b m. 417. Lady R., br m (2:30J4). 31, 388,* 553, 502. Lady R., blk m (2:37}^). 136, 145, 159, 179. 380, 437, 577, 709. Lady Rachel, b m. 411. 641. Lady Uapid, br m (2:36). (92), 711, 726. Lady Rafferty, brm (2:41). 228,261, 476, 536. 564, (719). Lady Rattler (2:353^;. 244, (424*), 453. LafJy Ralph, blk m (3:01J^). 604. Lady Ray. 488. Lady Raymond. 585. Ladv Raymond (2:44%). 23-:, (500). Ladv Relief, b m (2:41^). 91, 400,* 429 .547. LadyRbeil, ch m. 647,* 664 Ladv Rhett, b m (2:47j. 36,* 146, 3-i3, 649. Lady Rice, b m. 220. Ladv Richards, b m. 603, 628. Lad.y Richardson, blk m (2:40}4)» by Legal Tender. 58. 483, (713). Ladv Richmond (2:3.5i4). 349, .369, 373. 491,554. 572. (640), 668, 682. Lady Richmond. 399. Lady Ridley. 120. Lady Riggle (Lady Voorhees), ch m (2:231^). 237. Ladv Riley, rn m (2:45). (315*). Lady Riley, bm (2 :30^). 703. Lady Robinson, chm(2:43i^). (584*) Lady Roba, b m (2:45) (erroneously given 2:511^. p ige 421). Lady Roberts. 165. Lady Rockey (2:47%). (85*) Lady Rockland b Rockland. (625). (3:06), by m, by Volunteer. Lady Rockwell, 662. Lady Roe, blk m (2:40). 88, (319). Lady Rogers (Factory Girl), b m (2:29^). 52, 185.602. Lady Rogers, ch m (2:48). 160, 498, 713. Lady Rolfe (2:48i^). 456.* Lady Rolfe, br m 2:22%) (erroneous- ly printed 2 :22}4, page 421). 201,* 694. Lady Rollins, ch m (2:43). (594). Lady Rosa (2 :.38) . 253 . * Lady Rosedale, ch m (2:511^). (293). Lady Ro>.s, b m (2:29%) 53, 122, 140,203,213, 24 '.247, 273, 274, , 369, 398, 522, 660, 729.* Lady Ross, b m (2:47) 195, 319. I Ladv Rotan (2:57i. (373). Lady Rothschilds, gr m. 10,* 64, I .347, 514. 908 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. Lady Rowe, blk m ('-i:4U). 0* 62, 5t.;!, 71^;. Laii\ Kowdybiish. 179. Lady Ko.\ie blk m (2:37). 205, 672. Ladv Rul). 72.J. LadyUale. 121. Lady Hussell (2:50). 707. Lady Russell, b ni (2:54^). 38. Lady Russell, wli m (2:41) (erro- neously t:iven 2:3yj/>! page 422). fO, :HHj, 44(5, 475. Ladv Russell, b m (2:3tK>). 73, 533, 5H9. Lady Ryan, b m (2:38>. 402,452, 483, 558. Lady Ryan, b m, pacer (2:26). 753,* 773, 781.* Lady Rysdyk, b m (2:36). 42, 351,* 359, 613.* 656, 708. Lady S.. bm (2:41). (450). LadyS. 314. Lady S., b m (2:50). .380, 725. Ladv S. 380. Ladv Saero (■.':50). (:'80). LadySalspau-h (2:41). 396, !09, 544 Ladv Sampson (Lady Lee and Lady R.ed) I) ra (2:28.J4). 158. Ijs3, 185,* 230, 307, (547*^). 689. 800. 801. Lady Sanders. 8ll Lady Sarah, b m. 85, 508. Lady Sargeam, b m (2:27J4). 126,* 180, 257,* 330, 341, (567). LadySayers,brm(2:33). 112,(213*), 467,* 696. Lady Scoit, b m (2:54}4). 177, 241. Lady Scud, b m (2:',9%). 16, 161, 180, 186, 195, :.44, 298. 350, 402,* 440, -^ 549,* 588. Lady Sears, br m (2:3.">%). 55, 108, 21.-),* 431.* 491. 536, 6uO, 729, 734. Lady Searcher 93. Lady Sealskin, blk m (2:.39i4). 90, 97, 210, (234), .378, 401,460, 700, 723.* Lady Seip (2:50). 279, (540). Lady Seward (2:40). (6; 7). Ladv Seymour (2:44). (152). Lady Sliann-ju (2:28i^). J68, 399, 549, 655, (666). Lady Sharp, b m (2:32%). 18, 25, 67, 84, 99, 158, 198, 210, 252, 266, 287, 298, 319, 3:35, 338, 397,486, 487. 492, 563,* 600, 609, 618, 647,* 670, 673, 675, Lady Shav. , b m (2:35). 97, 158, 204, 229. 420, 430, 463. Lady Shaw gr m (2:3.' K>)- 193, 403, 48.3, «01. Lady Shaw (3:00). 46, (287). Lady Sheehan. 251, 575. Lady hlieldon. b ui (2:41)). 730. Lady Shepherd, ch m (2:4.3%). ^57), Uti, 419. Lady Sherburne, b m (2:37). 29,* 46, 132. 136.* 141, ;.'0i), 217, 236, 261, 268, 29 t. 301.* 308,* 312. 343, 363,* 385, 405. 418, 485. 527, .530, .550, 5(i4, 601, 602, 606, 615,651, 688, 712. Lady Sheridan, b m (8:28%), 21, 85. 109, 140.* 147, 221, 476, 526, 543, 549. .575, 639, 659, ()70. 800. Lady Sheridan, br ni (2:47^) 121,* 211, (217), 348 .3()5.*369,405,485, 556, . (Id, 579, 606, 665, 709. 801. Lady Sht-rnuiu (j20 . * Lady Sherman, br m (2:33) (2:22*). 11, 88,* I4:i,* 1.58,* .380, 4) 9,* 420, 421, 423,* 487,* 496. 544,* .559, 644, 668. Lady Slierman, b m (2:.30>4), 33, 497, ((W6*). Lady Sherman, b m (2:40). 347. Lady Sherman, b m (2:45U) 258, 406.* Ladv Sherman, br m (2:441^). (221). 307, 697. Lady Sherman, bm (2:52). 205, 204. Lady Sherman, !> m (2:."9>. 57, 186. Lailv Sherman, b m (2:25K>)- 189, 300, :{,55, 422, 482,* 524, ij25. Lady Sherman, I) m (2:35). . 9, (047). Lady Sherman, pacer (2:51;. (7:J9>. Li.dy Sherman (2:48j. (97). 106. Lady Sherman, t;r m. bv Frank Martin, dam a Morgan mare. 202,*350, (i84. Lady Sherwood, b m (2:50). 70. Lady Slierwood. 116,* 607, 652. Lady Shi-^Ls, 725. Lady Shirley (J :.50J^). (525;, 576. Lady Singular. 65, ;j:i3. 358. Lauy Sill, ch m. 8, 72, 115,454,619, 688. Lady Skinner, pacer, 634. Lady Skipper, b m. 10, 207. Lady Slater. 166. Ladv Slipper. 599. Lady Slasher, b m (2:.36i4). 144, 486. Lady Slandaff. 352.* Ladv Smith (2:49). (710). Lady Smith, ch m (2:46). 248, 565, (60.5). Lady Smith, cr m 576. 725, 730. Lady Smith, u m (2:34^4). 10, 72, (116), 196, 209, 276, 302, .390, 447, 601,* 606. Lady Smith, blk m. 20, 42,* 172, 233, 345,* 442. Lady Smith (2:4.5). (481). Lady Smuck, b m. 191. Lady Snell, b m (2:23i4). 44,* 140.* 160, 171, 290, 316, 362,* 493, 495, 528, 574, 580,* 660, 686, 714. Lady Snip. 643. Lady Snow, b m (2:30). (172). Lady Snyder, b m (2:4.5U). 234. 297, 473. 485. Lany Sontag, b m (2:49). 501, (548), 617. Lady Sontag, b ra (2:45). 167. Lady Sorilla. 389. Lady Sovereign, b m. 160.* Lady spang, blk m (2:48). .347, (350), 4:^:4,* 602. Lady Span;.'le. il2. Lady Spanker (Lady Gay Spanker), (2:41). (262), 67i'. Lady Spanker. 58. Lady Spartan, b m (3:00). 566, 619, 680 Lady Sperry. 193, 577. Lady Spiller. b m. 463. Lady Splan, b m 708. Lady Spotfoot (2:54). (203). Lady Spokes, blk m (2::i7%). (517) Lady Si)rague. 50. Lady Spry . 153. Lady Spur, wh m (2:41%). 219, 412, .548. Lady Squires, pacer. 763. Larly Star, b m. (95). 132, 320, 358, 458, 631. Lady Star (Caoitola), b m (2:24). 19, 28. .3,3, 57. 67, 83, 147,* 1.54, 167, 222, 22.3, 232. 257, 27.3,* 328, .362,* 387, 446,* 4.54, 46.3, 4(8, 483,* 495, 509, 512, 51.3,* 533. 547,* 5.57, 5.58, 576, 6.^2, 653, 665, 673, 682, 714,* (724). Lady Star, b m. 9. Lady Starr, by Naubuc. 526. Lady Starking (2:51). (71). Lady St. Clair, b m (3:15 s). (205), 360,661,666.* Ladv St. Clair, b m, pacer (2:20). 737, 7.39. 740.* 749, 750, 753, 7.57, 759. 762,* 769,* 770,* 774,781, 790* Lady Steel. .3.34. Ladv Sterling, br m. 23. .34. Lady Stetson, b m (2:47). 201, .319, 320. Lady Stevens, rn m (2:50). 70, (593). Lady Stevenson, b m (2:49). 427, Lady Stewi:rt, b m. 444. Lady Stewart, b m (3:03). (233), 602 / V ^ 1 Lady Stewart (2:55 w). (306), 386, 420. Lady Stevens. 592 * Lady St. Lawrence, gr m (2:50J4). 41, 715. Lady Stockton, cli m (2:45). 411. Lady Stockton (2:48). (94). .551. Lady Stone, blk m (2:5.5). 406, 448. Lady Stoneboat, 365. Lady S^ony, b m (2:43>4). 125, 181, 332, 4(j6, 537, 7.31.* Lady Stiiileaway, b m. 263, 628. Lady Strathmore, gr m 273. Lady Suffolk, gr m (2:26U) (2:26 8). 5. 22,* 27, 31, 142, 185, 187, 188, 194, 210, 304, 324, 325, a32,^ 398, 409,* 418,* 427,* 430, 432, 4.33, (469*), 518, 562, 598, 664,* 734,* 761,* 775,* 776. Lady Suffolk, gr m (2:.31). 104. 219. 248. 277, .392. (423). .540, 603, 640. Lady Suffolk, gr m (2:41K>). 42,283, 32."), 482. 568. Lady Suffolk II., grm (2:.34). 253. Lady Suffolk, gr m. 95, (703). Lady Suffolk, gr ni. 519 Lady SuffolK.grm. 641. Lady !^ullivan. :i7. Lady Sumter. (71). Lady Superior, b m (3:08). 153. Ladj^ Sussex (Belle of Worcester), ch m (2:32J^). 583. Lady Sutt.n, br m (2:.30). 277,« (426*), 598, Lady Sutton, bm. 7, 665. Lady Sutton, b m. 4:!8. Lady Swan, ch m (2:40). 115, 289, 518, 525, 569, 628. Lady Swain, bm. -341. Lady Sweetser. 132. Lady Swift, b m. 415. Lady Swift, pacer (2:38). 765. Lady Sykes. 114,556. Lady T., ch m. 406. Lady Taggart, b m (2:a5). 19.* 98, 139, 195,* 387,* (432*), 477. 731. Lady Tallman (2:46) (14.3), 165. 469, 730. Lady Tartar (2:39%). (433). Lady Tarred, rn m. 417. LadyTash, dim. 178.* Lady Tasstll, b m (2:46i4), by Col. Kipp. (452) Lady Tatman. rn m. 352. Ladv Taylor, b m (2:41). 400, (423). Lady Tay'.or. b m. 116. 408. La4). 21.* 168,* 262,* 263. 46,3, 519.* Ladv Thorne. b m (2:. 37). 65, 250. Lady Tliorne, br m (2:25). 104. 115, 136, (1.56). 194,* 207, 3:50,* 354, 464,* 482 504,* .542, 622, 682. Lady Thorne, gr m (2:3'; ,. 1 8. Lady Thornn (.3:il4). 207, (464), .58:!. Lady Thorne. 722. INDEX OF BEATEN HORSES. 909 Lady Thorne, b m(2:47). 11, 48,98, 3:^8, (679). Lady Thorne, br m. 71. Ladv TlioiUfdale, br in (3:00). 597. Lady Thornton (2:53). 377, 517,567, <500, (i',>0. 65."). Lady Thornton, b m (2:26',). 89, 306. 311, 343, (510*), 550, 568,* .589, 6.")4. 801. Lady Thought, ch m. 53, 4"3.* Ladv Throop, b m (2:48). 14, (425). LadyTighe, br m (2:29). 11.5, 239, 3(>4. Lady Tiser. 273. Lady Tildeii, b m (2:43J4). (136), 137. 213, 241. 272. 44.3, 660.* Lady Ti]U)n(2:5()i4). (316). Ladv Tipp, b m(2:.30). 103. Ladv Tompkins, b m (2:36). 588, 675. Lady Tompkins, b m (2:31). 185, .364. 544. 655.* Lady Tompkins, ch m. 122, 144, 309, 483. 5-13, 705. Lady Torrens. 329. Lady Tottle. 315. Lady Travis, b m (2:45). 492. 509, 518. Lady Trimble (Kate S.), b m (2:36i^). 64, 112, 346, 5.59. 564,* 586, 627,* 642, 720, 721. 793. Lady Troup. 167. Lady Trouble, b m (2:50). 557, 661, 684. Lady Trumbull. 431. L^dV Trustee. .399. Lady Tnie.sdall, b m (2:40U). 156, 198, 2 i8, 274, 340, 482, (621 ). 724. Lady Tucker, blk m (2:.30?i). 83, 113,* 291, 437,601. Lady Turner, blk n^ (2:25*). 423. LidV Turpin, blk m (2:23). 8, 15, 33, 85. 94, 147,* 151.* 160,* 200, 249, 250,* 262, 269, 275, 283. 326, 388, 424, 439, 448,* 455, 484,^47.'^. 481. 495,* 507, 515, 525, .543. 547, 552,* .596,* 619,* 631, 714, 724,* 729 LadyTuthill, brm(2:44). 123,578.* Lady Tyson. G36. Lady Upton, blk m (2:32>4). 39, 75, 111, 189, 219, 257.* 303. 347. 351, 379, 501.* 536. 554. Lady Utley. 85,* 378. Lady V. 0'95. Lady Valleta (3:00). 543. Lady Van (Nora M), brm(2:40). 62, 117, 282, 340, 487, 492, 513. Lady Vaughn. 435, 572. Lady Velmer. 479. Lady Van Chef, ch m. 51, 236, 346, 462. 708. Lady Vernon, gr m (2:29)4). 278, 308, .398, 413, 730. Lady Vernon, grm (2:31). 540, 766. Lady Vernon, b n. (2:49). 265. 533. LadvVes^a (2:32»4). 14. i:i6. 1.53, 154.* 179. 290, 302, (361). 382, 391, 413, 452,515.536, 676. Lidy Victory, gr m (3:06^). (67.3). Lady Victory, ch m (2-A:i^). 115, (426*). Lady Vincent, b m (2:49). (6.59*). Lady Vivian, ch m, by Almont Rat- tler. 615. Lady Vixen, blk m (2:42). 119,451.* Lady Voorhees (Lady Higgle), ch in (2:23}4) .37, 102. 104, 149.* 183, 204.* 213, 219, (344*), 355, 463, 479. 515,* 630.657. Lady Vouch. 58 Lady W., gr m (2:57^). 33, 531. Lady Wadswortb, ch m(2:44). 216.* Lady Wagner, rn m (2:35). 176, (302*), 303, 317, 340, 508, 518,619. Lady Wagner, pacer. (763). Lady Wales (2:37)^). 116, 425,* 477.* Lady Walker, b m (2 :.31). 143,179, 251, 278, 443,* 524, 568. Lady Walke-. 272 I.ady Walker, gr m. 390, 419, 511. Lady Walkover, b m. 503. Lady Wallace, ch m (2:46% w). 36, 6- ..3. Ladv Wallace. 265. Lady Walton (Lady Franklin), b m (2::!3). 78. 202, 364, 534, 670, 715, 793, 797, 798.* Lady Walton, gr m (2:45). 459,* 803. Lady Walton (2:5.5). (59), 133. Lady Ward, rn m. 144. Lady Waring, b m (2:31). 54.* 179, 184,* 200,* 238, 287, 411. 484, 600, 615. Lady Warren, gr m (2:3.5kl). 78.* 117,5.39,* Laly Warren. 6.31. Lady Warren, b m (2:54). 96, 161, 4:i4, 455, 564, 642, 803. Lady Warren, b m (3:10). (504). Lady Warren. 84. 137. Lady Warren, gr m (2:49i^), (192), 365, 508, 663. Lady Warrington, gr m (2::i9). 265, 430. Lady Warwick (Lizzie Warwick), b m (2:343^). (63.5-), 681. Lady Washington, b m (2:48 s). 688,* 720. Lady Washington, gr m (2:48).- 217, _ o59. L.ady Washington, ch m (2:45). 59, 330, 397. Laoy Washington, gr m (2:44). 447, (667). Lady Washington, b m (2:35). 116. Lady Washuigton, b m (2:35). (98). Lady Washington (2:53\ 316,(705). Lady Washington. .390, (419), 671. Lady Waters. 104. Lady W'aterman, blk m. 403. 674, 713. Lady Waxy (3:05 w). (424). Lady Wayne, b m, pacer (2:3654). 7,50, 784. Lady Weinman, ch m. 134, 239. Lady Weller, blkm (2:.33). 125, 162, 256, 319, 412, 432, 476, 536, 645, 661. 707, 719,* 729. Lady Weaver (3:03). (535). Lady Wells, brm (2:31). 106, 190, 279, 307, 347,* 500, 542, 6l1, 650, 697, 715, 724, (729). Lady Wells, b m (3:01). 216, 475. Lady W^lls (2-5014). (109). Lady Wentworth, br m (2:32M). 30, 67, 79, 114, 120, 141, 2il,* 224, 238,* 259, 279,* 311, 314, 317, 417, 450, 577,* 618.* 725, 729. Lady Wentworth, blk m (2:41). 363, 475, 53 ;,- 669, 696. Lady West, gr m (2:37i^). (23), 37, 114, 229, 306, 309, 366, 532, 549, 572.* Lady Westley, b ra (2:49). 217,* 42o, 548. 729. Lady Weston, b m (2:47)^). (153). Lady Whelan. 118, 179. 386, .392.* Lady Wheeler, blkm (2:44)4) 643. Lady Wheeler, b m (2:45). 101, 183, 215, 460, 477, 572, 672, 796. Lady Wheeler, ch m (2:.38). 372, 429. 454. 672. Lady Whinfield. 651. Lady Whipple, bm. 73. Lady White, b m (2:30^4). .35, 89, 115, 165. 173, 206, 218, 224. 259, .331,* 446, (484), 007. 619, 665. Lady Whitford, b m (2:46). 28, 57, 173,337,504.* Lady Whiteface. 205.* Lady W'hitestockintr. .571, Lady Whitman (Huntress), b m (2:30). 7, 142, 193,* 280, 295,* 337, 467, 480, 52?, 527, 557, 712. Lady Whitman, ch m (2:35)4). 7, 22, 67,* 119,133, 1.35, 192," 23.', 361,* 413,* 446, 477,* 485. 489, 645, 670, 715, 732. Lady Wiggins (2:47). 429. Lady Wilbur (2:50)^). 553. Lady Wilcox (2:47). 254,68.3. : Lady Wilcox, hlk m (2:37). 29, 78, 100, 178, 229, 272, 312, 431. Lady Wild. 458. Lady Wildwood, b m. 257. Lady Wilkes, brm (2:40)^). 110, 180» 210, 330, .377,* 616. Lady Wilkinson, (2:49). 217, 484,* 594 Ladv Williams, ch m (2 :28)4). 29, 66,. 9l, (94), 141, 165,* 269, 273, 298,* 370, 42.5, 450, 481,* 498, 512.* Ladv Williams, gr m (2:38). 19, 19.5, 222, 264, 3 '4, 328, 3.57, 365, 447,. 468, 800. Ladv WiUiims (3:26). (603), 692. l.ady Williams. 189,* 7i2. Lady Williams, b m 219, .337, 723. Lady Wilier. 291. Lady Willis, b m (2:44). (1.52). 396,* 685. Lady Wilmarth, b m (2:35)4). 25, 29, 79, 121, 174,* ('-'88), 566, 698. Lady V^'indsor, b m (2:44%)- 15,189, 686. Lady Winfield, ch m (2:49 w). 7, 108, 263. 4.59, 595, 723. Lady Winkler, b m (2:45). 159, 188, 342. Lady Winn, b m, pacer (2:285^). (768), 769. Lady Winnifred, ch m. 512, 729. Lady Wolcotr, blkm. 242. Lady Wondw, gr m (2:41). 69, 146,* .398 534 538 Lady' Wood, b'm (2:4.3). 96, 243,. 344, 395, 459, 525, 536,* 576, 622,. 688, 796. Lady Wood (2:.55). (673), 714. Lady Woods, br m (2:35^). 22, 2.3,* 55,112,* 19.', 198, 238, 290,296,^ 334, 350, 354, 356, 395, 415, 438, 513, 564, 638. 65 .', 662, 692, 732, 734,* 798.* 799.* 801. Lady Woodford, b m, by Woodford Mambriao, 641. Lady Woodlawn, blk m (2:31)4). 85. .351. 378, 673. Lady Woodman (2:42*). (584), 621. Lariy Woodruff, b m (2:-.:9). 94,* 260,* 278. 334, 501.* Lady Woodruff, b m (2:43). (303*). Lady WViodsworth (2:48). (324). Lady Woodward, blk m. 101, 232,. 427, 567, (584). Lady Worthington (Belle of To- ronto), gr m (2:.30). 256,* 284, 370.* 485,* 522, 800. Lady Worthley, ch m (2:42). 145, 148, 278. Lady Wright, ch m (2:47). 366, 421, 535, 597. Lady Wright, b m (2:39). 53, 129, 360. 505, 5-18, (555), 628. Lady Wynn, pacer. 791. Lady Yerkes, b m. 23, :i0, 380. 468. Lady Young, blk m (2:38)4). ~6. 47, 103, ( 146). 265.* 314, 4n8. Lady Young (2:53). (697.) Lafayette, gr .g (2:45)4) (erroneous- ly given 2:48, page 4.33). (4.30). Lafayette, b g (2:48). 263, ;670). Lagonda Boy. 63. Lagonier. br g (2:38). (35*), 100, 128, 379, 449.* Lagrange, b s, by Sultan, dam Geor- giana, by Overland. 27, 87.* Lake Girl, ch m (2:48). (223). Lake shore, gr g (2:40). 110. Lake Shore Belle, b m (2:37)4). 672. Lai la Rookh. 24, 12.3, 448. LallaRookh, — s. 490. Lalla Rookh, spm (2:50)4). 66,(445). Lamisco Maid (3:10)4). (^3). Lambert, brs(3:19). 182. Lambert (2:45). (186), 482. Lambert, blk g (3:16). (726). Lami.ert, b g. 1.51, 273, 350, 474, 565. Lambert Boy, br g. 116, 137, 341. 010 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACINI RE-'ORD. Lambert Knox, br s (2:43>. 50, (73), is;.'. \9S. -.'S!) 335. 3(i,j. 4(J4. Laiuliert Morrill. 540. Lauiheit Prince, ch g (2:50). (147), 37it. 534. Lament, cli s. 282,* 51ii. L!inii)liglit«^r. ch m, pacer (2:23?^). 748.* (749). LanipliKliter m g, 4M3. Lancast.r, br s (3:04^). 81, 169, 571 L;incnster (Dan), ch g (2:3.">i^).(50C). Lancasti'r Bov, gr g (2:44i^). 534. (00-.'). 7,M. 722. Lancaster Bill.ch g. 98. 079. Lance, chs(2:43'4). 30, 386.* Liincf^t (Know Isothiug), blk g (2::.-.i4,, (2:25 s). 94,* 226, 240, (2(>(l*). 3.50, 575. 003.* Lancet, blk s (2:56). 475. Lancet (2:.^2), (603), L .ncet, b g (2:57). 6-.'8. Lancet, rii g (2:47). 349, 616. L'.uieewood, ch K (2:55). 200, 365, 407, 443, 530, 627, 628, 648. L;.ncewood, ch g ;2:34^). 180, 566 Oi . Landli.rd. 69, 448, 700. L .ud Pilot, br s. pacer (2:30M).742, 753, 759. L:in4). 119, 129. 132, 136, 201, 213, 391,* 428, 437. 478, 519, 590.* Lantern, chg (3:0414). (680). Lantern, b g. 283. 574. Lupeyr (2:46J4). (410). Lapear. 51. Lapland (Small Hopes, \Ve«tbrook and Lothairt. b a (■-::26J4). (162*), 377, 529. Larrv B (62). Lassie, I) ra (2:37). 12.15,18,(137),709 Latluim. br s (2:33^). 45, 108,* 137, 185, 242, 2.52, 261, 266, 312, 419, 549, 551,715.* Latham, brg(2:51»4) 92. Latham Bashaw. 389. Latrobe, ))rg, pacer (2:31). 754,761, 773.* 784. Lathrop. 633. 798. Laura, b m (2:36). (95), 389. 492. Laura, bm (2:35). 47, 120, (310),318. Laur-a, br ni (3:16J.4). 525. Laiiru, ell m (2:40). 63, 89, 392, 538, 610, (695), 7-'0. Laura, ch m. 96. Laura B., cb m, 52. Laura B, ch m(2:.52). 300,* (318), 601. Laura Belle, b m (2:40V^). 225,-348, 466. Laura C. b m (3:27). 294. Laura C. ch m (2:36). (504), 684.* Lam-a Crickett, ch in. 481. Laura D., ch m. 49, 99. Laura Oyer. 'Ml. Laura H., b m (2:40) (333*). Laura J., blk m. pacer(2:27>4). 26,* 749, 789. Laura Keene, ch m (2:34). 374, 472, 624. Laura Keene, cii m. 535. Laura Keene (2:48). (442*). Laura Keene, b ra. 07. 258, 354, 478. Laura M., b m. 7. Laura Jl., b m (2:40i^). 195, 518,* 711. Laura M.. b m (^2:27). 237, 531.* Laura Payne, cli m. 298, 346. Laura Post, blk m. 121. 350, 380, 412. Laura S.. gr m. 268. Laiu-a Sinclair. 382. Laura Temple (2:45). (.561). Laura Williams, gr m(2:24i^). 119, 123, 232, 340, 367, (405). 612. Lam-el Maid, chm (2:55). (217), 651. Laurelton. b m. 117, 146, 268, 52«.* Lavinia, chm (2:43). 21, 242, 299, 505*, (585), 619, 631,* 687. Lawrence, br g(2:38jii). 31. 528. 538. Lawrence Boy, b g. 368, 512, 586, 705.* Lawrence Will Go. 150. Lay ton's b m (2:49). (279). Lagarn's b g (•-::40i^), 185,552, 598, 616. Laziness, b g. 428, 543, 801. Lazy Bill, b k (2:46). 65. (185), 300, 394. 5:!0, 531, 714. 796. Lazy Bill, br s, pacer, 703. Lazy Jim, b g. 23. 95, 203. 204, 221,* 236, 522. Lazv Lazarus (2:40). (39). Lazy Ned, b g. 84. 227. 618. Lazy Tom, pacer. 741, 757, 792. L B. 79. L. B.,bg(2:51^). (433). L. Burial, ch g, pacer (2:41). (762). L. C, br m, by Rocket, dam by To- ronto Sontag. 143, 294 540. Leadmiue. dn g (2:52^^). 330. Leadville Boy. 646. Leadvilie Giil (Hoosier Girl), gr m (2:38^) 14H. 198, 621, 696. Leah, ch m (2:42»4), by DonneH's Blue Bull, dam by Tom Hal. (445). Leamv. (305). Leanutr. grg(2:32). 723. Leandec Lambert. 135. Leather Boy. b g (2:5794), by Cas- sius M. Clay Jr. 300. Leavin's gr s (2.52^). 520. Lebanon Maid, gr m (3:00). (404), 713. Leay. 705. Le Blonde, b m (2:34J^). 372, 645, 650. Le Clair, rn g (2:36^). 125, 227, I 274, (436), 630. Le Clair Jr., gr 8(2:36^). 53, 129, 411,473,801. Lecto, gr g (2:491^). 487. Leda, b m (2:25^). 200, 384,* 519. 723. ' Ledger, ch g (2:48^). 6 1 , 592 . Ledger Girl, br m (2:39). 50, 57, 138, 259, 276. 366. (420), 423, 444, 573, 627, 673.* 734. Ledo, bm(2:41). 512. Lee. 68. Lee (2:50). (208). Lee, bg (2:45J4). (481). Lee . b9 Lee Belie, b m. 360. 433. Lee Ciark. br g. 30:}, :195. Leeds, ch g (2:42^). ..7. 60, 77, 2!?, 264,303. 498,* . :>.\* 674,* 684,* 716 Lee's b s (2:40). 44. Lee W. (Sorghum), bg(2:26J4). 478, 710. Lee Morse, b g. .583. Lefevere Jack (2:39). 66, 145, 732. Lezal R., b g (2:31 ). 264, 265, 356, 5.54, riOS, 082, 721.* Legal Tender, b g (2:58). 538. Legal Tender, bg(2:35). 14, 15.3, 204, 4.50, 478. 586,* 598. Legal Tender, bg (2:27^). 69, 435, 541 ."64,* 657. 675, (694*), Legal Tender, bg (2:33>4) (errone- ously given 2:39^, ])age437). 225, 266. 294. 298, 4:J4, 437, 802. (See Appendix). Legal i<'nder. kg, pacer '2:32). 741, 74.'., 749. 751, 7.54, 773. Legal I'ender, b b, pacer (2:28). (See Appenoix) Legal Tender, bg. 562. Legal Tender, b g, pacer. 739, 765. Legal Tender Jr., b g. 532. Le Grange, blk g, by Sultan, dam Ge'Mgiana, by Overland. 13 1, 621. Lehigh, bg (2:40). li:i, 221, .niQ, 307, 429. 443, 507, 657. 684, 724. Leland. bs and g (2:37). 63,(139), J 92, 234, 281, 437, 478, 771. Leland Stanford (.1:03). 40, 545. Leha. 115. 427. Lelia C. br ni (2:56). (516). LeliaK. 413. Lelia Kidd. b m (3:00). 490. Lelia S., ch 111 (2:37) 98,(126) 225, 293 * 1:94. 298, 421. Lem, bs (2:27}4). 19,* 28, .".7, CI.* 107, 128, 184. 205.225, 318, 373, 382.* 384, 396,* r<24, 559. Lemonad;- (2:44 w). (319*). Ltmon. 662. Lena, ch m (2:49^). (424), 570. Lena, b lu (2:32^'. ,7. 29,87,* 121, 153, 156. 189, 299, 326,*. 384* 3K7, 423. 453, '!55, 458, .5S'2,* 620, 632. Lena, ch m (2:35). (12), 39, 101,103, 113.283, 715. Lena B.. b m (2:39). 96,* 128, 169, 225. 2.56. 271, 279, 433. 522, 599, 637. 734, 798. Lena Belle, b m (2:36', by Gen. Benton. (135). 190, 2»8, 527,579, ()6r. Lena Boy, blk g (2:51). 15C, 686. Lena Branch, gr m. !'6. Lena Case, b in (2:30). 8, 22. 29, 197, 434, 489, 5.59, 576, 653. 7S4.* 803. Lena M., rn m 548, 601. Lena Rivets, gr ni, pacer (2:33). 60, 739, 701, 773. 77(i, 783. Lena S., ch m (3:10K>). (140). Lena Tavlcr. br m. 169. Lena W. 196. Lengthy Mohawk, b g. 406, 592. Lenny D.. bg. 45, 241. Lenore, br m (2:31^). 77.* 130, 729.* Lenore, b m. 597. Lenoir Chief. 305. Lcn .Myers 608. Len ROgers (2:47-J:i). 91- Len Rogers, blk s (2:38). 100, 251, 359,731. Len Rose, gr s (2:47}^). 13,* 25. Leo, rn m. 13, 100. Leo, b g. 407, Leo, ch g (2:40). 25,* 30. 47, 145, 222, 233, 335, 444 600. 685. 706. Leo, gr g (2:4414). 86, 167,416,562, 585. Leo, b g (2:43^). 123, 152, 206, 249, 370. 491, 560. Leo. 272 Leo Knox. 271. Leon, b g ('J:3C). U5,* 154, 389, ()37. Leou Boy, bg (.2:2994). i-'- ^6. ^^Si, 5.")1. Leona, ch m 351, 585. Leonard, gr g C^':,")!). 87, (2.j5), .588, 615. 628, 687.* 692. LeonardsvUle Star, br s(3:24).(185). Leonora, gr m (2:4S). l.j.S Leontine. b m (2:44i4i. (31), 124, 155.* 295, 344, 437. 492. Leontine. br m (.2:23). 17, lf54, 165,* 184, ) 89, 216, 237. 301, 340, 467, 573. 601, 631,* (694*). Leo Viseher. b m (2:42). 145, (239), 279. Leofiold, rn e. 85, 496, 554, 685,698. Leopold M. 87. Ler.'ix (3:01). 308, (641). Leslie, b g. 1 51 . LeslievUle' Girl, b m (2:58}^). (544\ 621 Lester, br g. 8, 179, 706. Lesttr. br s (.'5:20). 246. L"ster, b g (2:42). 148, 282. L.ster Holmes, b s, by Compeer. 696. Letitia S.,bm. 175. 191. Let Me Be, b s (2:45). 337. Letty Camp. .371. Levantia. 466. Levi, gr g (2:47). 266. Le-i. ch g (2:491^). (69). Leviathan. 322. Leviathan, ch g, pacer (2:24). 328, 738. 750.* 7.52, 765.* 768 * 769. Leviathan, biles (2:31) (2:26 s). 78, 14 •, 159,* 185, 252, 331, 423. 463, 519. 549. Leviathan (2:5 3). (703). Levi Hotjore (2::!9i4). {.416i. Levy's ch g. 161. Lew, bg (2: 4214) 170,198, (312). Lew. 25. 169.* Lyw-(2:43^wV (99). Lew Baker, ch g (2:32). 116, 126, 127, 138, 213, (215*), 477, .523,600. Lew Day, ch g (2:37?^). 232, 250, 504. Lewiuski, b g (2:25141. 104, 105, 109, 160, 164,* 165.* 176* :94, 199,* 239. 275, 281,* 324, 334, ;:78, 439,* 440. 441, 442, 447. 450. 484, 475, 530, 552, 580, 645, 669, (676*), 682, 708.* Lewis' ch g. 37, 72.5. Lewis' bni. 81. :i82. Lewis, bg (2:37). (.34*), 133,* 449, 514, 718. Lewis, br s (2:38?^). 12, .34. Lewis, ch c (3:02). (2771, 446. Lewis Dolphin, b s. 40, 276, 328, 397, 498. 622. Lewis S., pacer (2:41?^). (78.3). Lewi-ston. b g. 366. Lewiston Boy. rn s(2:36;. 285. .359, 38 ', 672, 714. Lewiston Dick. 57. Lewis Surrette, gr g. 191. Lewis Hoyt, gr g. 672 . Lew Ives, b g (2:28). 37, 62. 86.* 132, 182,* 193,* 2.32,* 238, 259, 331,* 353,* 425,* 512,* ,5.33, 541. Lew Pettee, br g (2:29). 144, 153. Lew Powell. 37,* 508. Lew Sayres, rn g (2:28%). (167), 171, 631). Lew Scott, bg (2:23\ 11, 33, 46.* 66. 86,* 94, 105, 108, l(i9, l;22, 133.* 160,* 164, 172, 183, 199,* 200, 205, 261,* 290, 320.* 341,* 343, 344,* 359, 362, 367, 378.* 380, 447,* 468, 495, .5.52, 557, 574, 580,* .591, 596, 619, 631,* 678, 708, 714. 724.* Lew Tallman. ch g (2:33^). 228, 2t4,* 305.441. Lew Tally, br g (2:3.3). 624, (709). Lew W., b g. 201, 550, 603. Lew Whipple. (6.= ). r ex. 112. INDEX OF BEATEN HORSES. Lex. blk g. 19, 298, 575, 705. Lexington ( .'.49 s). (.525;. Lexington (Ben Starr and N. B. Palmer), b g (2:30}4) (2:29M s). 89, 2i;2, (4:59). L<-xint;ton, hj,- (2-Ar-,%). 161,352. Lexington, ch g ( :4iti4). 8, 37, 38, 167, 182,* 217, 284, 314, 369, 664,* 716. Lexington, br s (2:.36J^). 137,* 185, 3 17, 418, 662. Le.vington, b s (2:57). 34, (133), 139, Lexington Chief, ch s(2:50M)- 322, 434, OUl, 616. 707. Lexington Jr., b s (2:39^\ by Lex- ington, dam by Fisk's Mambrino Chief. 80, 87,* 18,5, 22,', 235, 250, 256,* 376, 424, 722. Lexington Wilkes, b s, by George Wilkes, dam Jenny Anderson, by American Clay. 309. L. F. Sheldon, ch g (2:."59i^!. (273), 2:!0. 353. L. H. Daniels, br g (2:37). 105, 279, 343, 490. Lib. b m, (2:34). 35, (36), 42,63,7-5, 111, 115, 223. 228, 2.57, 279, 305, 326. ,364, 368, 425, 435, 472, 535, 64S, 649. 651, 713. 722, 734. Lib Dimmick (Maggie Woolley and Flora), ch m (2:3:>^4j. 143.295, 524. Lib by. b m 6S6, Libby, b m (3:00). 281, 387. Libby, b m (2:46). 40, 509, 714. Libby. 137. Libbv B. 297 Libby J. 651. Libbv S , blk m. 93, 387. Libby Tilton,grm. 508. Liberal, blk g (2:44). 82, 209, (420), 477, 544, 652. License, chg (2:26). 87, 1.37, 182, 251, 264, 312. 317,* 319,* 429, 516, (659), 707, 709. Lictor, br g (2:45). 11, 9.", 162, 166, 203, 230,* 272, 340, 349, 415, 624, 627,* 636, 686. 726. Lick Bishop 470. Lida, b m (2:35). 617. Lida, wh m, by Bold Chief. 73, 101. Lida, b m, by Jubilee Lambert, 77, i 275, 4 J 6, 5J5, 602. I Lida Anderson, pacer. 740, 748* Lida Bassett, h m (2:20J^). 17. 160, 372, 429, 532, 552, 567,* 717.* Lida Belle, br m (2:4 '}4}. 331. Lida D., br m (2:49). (175), 795. j Lida Lewi^, rn m., by Sentinel. 72, 98, 715. I ida Picton, br m (2:27^). f3, 92, 140, 192. 299, (331), 3,53, 366, 373, 439,* 678, 732. ! Liddy, blk m. 328. I Liebed, b s, by Pravnoiik, dam j Liebedhika, by Lie lied. 255. | Lieutenant, chg (.2:42). (340), 470,* 511. Lieutenant General, brg(2:40). 77, 445. Life Invigorator, grm. 81, 217, 368.* Li.ght Bini, 241. Lightfoot, ch ni, pacer. 739, 745, ! 76!. ! Lightfoot, b g (2:52). 283, 570, 6.36. ! Lightfoot, b s (2:31). 23, 25, 183, 295. .393, 423, 431, 467, 476,* 617. Lightfoot, b g (2:38}^). 66,67,116, 319, 370, 385, 522, 672, 673, 682, 704. Lightfoot, b g (2:38). 69. 71, (152), 340, 579. Lightfoot, blk m (2:41). 600. Lightfoot, blk m (2:46). (26*), 80. Lightfoot, blk g. 161. Lightfoot. ch m. by Tuckahoe (3:00). 241,514,(60.5). Lightfoot. 56, .304. Lishtfoot. 113. Lightfoot. 248. 911 Lightfoot. 262, 7.30. Lightfoot, Jr. 3^6. Light Lizzie. 542. Lightning, b g (2:50 w). 313. Lightning (2:37). 118, 142, 5.32. LightUHig (2:.56%). 452. Lightning (2:42^). (549). Lijihtning, pacer (2:361^1. 494. Light, ing, pacer (2:40). 651, (787). I Lillia McClellan, blk m(2:40). 280 325.* 337, 548. Lillian, ch m (2:35). 66, 99, 234, (452). 474, 481, 513,* .560. 584. Lilliati, ch m (2:2.3). (124), 202,* 227, 3U9, 346,* 3.53, 354,* 372, 467, 537, .551, 608, 649.* 722. Lillian, ch m {2:o9]4). 244. Lillian (2:45). .31, 84,* 181, (514). Lillian C, b m. 157, 405, 440,* 480. Lilly, br m (2:56}^). 231, (.536), 576,* 698. Lilly, b m (2:451^). 292, .340, 413, 438. Lilly. 228, 503. Lilly, gr m (2:40). (42), 98, 112, 147, 2 U, 334, 476, 714. Lilly, ch m (2:45). 78, 405, (.596) . Lilly. 3>2. Lillv, b m (2:47). 232, 551, 059.* (7U4*). Lilly, br m (2:46J4). 101, 106, 169, 290, 431 . Lilly (2:39%). 696. j Lilly, ch m (2-Ali^). 78, 215, 584, 65.5. Lilly. bm(2:429:i). 10.3. Lilly, ch m (2:45 1. 598. Lilly (2:351^) 99, 125, 165, 184, 273, 473, GOO, t)22. Lilly, ch m ( 2 : -9). 9*, (10). 1 7, 133, 177.180,183,291, 540, 541, o62, 612: 658. Lilly, b m (2:41i^). 167, 647, 797. Lilly (2:51). (658). Lilly (2:54). (509j. Lilly. 33, 691. Lilly, blk m, pacer. 761, 760. Lilly B., gr m 91, 230, 30.3, 4.'{8. Lilly Belle (Fanny Wood), b m (2:38). 53,71. Lilly Burns. 214. Lilly ( 'amp, br m. 41 , 335 7 . 1. Lilly Breed, ch m (2:40). (3l.5i. Lilly D.,bm. 282. Lilly Dale, b m (2:491^). (327), 728. Lillv Dale, b m (2:32]^). 67, 210, 5(38, 661, 705, 719. Lilly Dale (2:47). 146, 149.33.3,(493). Lilly Drown, b m (2:42}^). 105, (177), 381, 709. Lilly H.. b m. 176. Lilly Irwin, ch m, by Middletown. 297. 299, 509, 710. Lilly J.,blkm(2:33i4). 92, 216,* 235, 265,* 387,* 493, 543, 66S. Lilly Jackson, b m (2:411^), by American Jackson. 210, 2tiTi, 396, 473, .517, 618, 620,* (633). 664. Lilly June. 595. Lilly Mack, b m (2:391^). 15, 180, 225. 297, (318), 422, 437. 647. Lilly M., ch m (2:441^). .542. Lilly Nutwood, b m, by Nutwood. 575. Lilly Pearce, b m (2:30%). 19, 39, 80, 86, 125,* (143*), 146, 157, 171, 176, 186, 191, 198, 223, 352, .396, 415, 451, 498, 530, 533, 555, 563,* 685, 686,* 7.34. Lilly Pathfinder, b m (3:02). 168, 2(38. 703, (776). Lillv Romp, b m. 397. Lilly S.. ch m (2:45}^). 156, 239, 538. Lillv Shields, ch m (2:2934). 79,* 414, 610, 662, 669. Lilly Star, b m . 581. Lilly Simpson (Jannette), gr m ■2:31^). 143,* 21.5, 430. Lilly Swartz, blk m. 250, 372. Lilly Tarbell, b m (2:50). 51, 201, 380. Lillv v., bm. 473. 912 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACINO RECORD. Lilly Wliite, b m (-2:30^) (47), 5. 234, 542. Linda (:!:00). 94, 530, (536). Linda Rhodes. 66.3. Linden Boy. 336. Linflsay Boy. b g, 482,498. Lindsay Dlaid, blk m. 565. Linganore Chief, b g(2:41%). .384 Lingard. b g (2:^9^). .50, 159, 211. Link, b g. pacer (2:33^), by Scutt's Hiaioga. 738. 740,* (780). Linnet, br m (3:07). 486. Liniment, b m (3:09). 604, (623). Linold (2:49) (654*). Linwood, b g (2::i8). 263. Lin^vood. b g (2:^0). 8, 277,* 293. .304. 4.58. 579. Lion, bs (2:54). 387. Liones-i, blk m. 567. Lion ."^lasher. 214. Lisbon Boy. 2'; 9. 710. Lisbon Boy 2:;0. 2.35. Lisbon Colt (2:.-.8^). (310) LisboiGirl (2:;!4). 40. 1.54,(408), 799. Lisgar. b g (2:5(^) (erroneously giyen ?:.5.">, page 444) 70, (17b), 242, 327, 352.- Li«gar, ch s (2:.54), (erroneously given ":5ij}^, page 444. i. 793. Listener, b g (2:.39V6). 293, 304, (402*), 431, 637, 670, 710, 795, •; 09,* (801), 802 Literatnur. b g (•.':58). .56.3. Liflo Albert. 709. Little Alex, b g (2:40^^), 44, 120, 126, (406), 588. Little Alice, b m. 671. Utile Alfred, b g(2:37K>). 48.66, (.S4), 171. 182, 491, 571, 684, 676*. Little Anna. 49. 1 Little Annie, b m (2:52). 255, .382, I (628). Little Annie. 621. , Little Annie bm (2:46). 04,* 121,124, I 126, 198, 234. 280, 294, (340), 655. Little Andy. 42. Little Angus, br g (2:. 43). .36, .57, (104), 1 '.5, .:J9, 134, 135, 138, 212. 271," 27.3, L'97,'^ 317, 3-.'0, .331,* ! 336, 338, 353, 411, 4.32, 699, 707, 1 729. Little Allen, b s (2:4.3). 223, (528). Little Archy. 562. Little Badeau. 100. Little B;irefi)ot. 599. Little Barefoot, blk g, pacer. 740, I 742, 7(il. 7(i() ' T.ittle Belle (.■:49). (3.59). Little Belle, bni(2:38v'4j, 138,202 214. (-94). 499. Little Belle, b m. 252, 293. iJltleBen. 20. Little Bi-n, br g (2:42). (83), 114. I 647, 675. I Little B n, b g (2:.39V,). 1.53, 155, 246, 295. .356. 45,', 569. Little Bertie. 3(';!. Little Bessie, ch m (3:00). 124, 137, (T9). 6-;8. Little Bess, blk m (2:43). 1.57, 195,* (280), (iOO, 7:^9. Little Kill. 339. Little Bill, b g (2:4.3ti;). 675. Little Bid (,':47). 433, (493), 5V1. Little Bill, b a by Eihan Allen. 294. Little Billy, b g. 20. Little Billy (Monitor), b s (2:31\ 16, 68, 90, 145, 203, 2>0, 236. 241, 247, 291. 299, 429. 465. 491,512,531, I 551, 554,* 559, 567, 613,* 622,697.* ' Little BiUy. 162.* Little Bird, pacer. 773. Little Black Jug, blk g. 371. j Little Blue, blk g (2:42). 247, (500), 584, 605. 696. Little Bob, b g (2:5.3}^). (fi9\ 99. I Little Bonner, b g (3:00). (7.69). Little Bon, b s (2:.37^). (451). Little Boy, bg. 10.3,132. Little Brownie, brm. 310, .505, 586, 630. Little Brown Jug, bm. 146, 1.53,447, I 589, 711. ' Little Brown Jug (Jack HaverleyX I bg. pacer (2:11?4). 56, 737, 739,^- I 756, 771.* 784. I Little Brush, bg, by Schaeffer Pony, 402, 489. Little Captain, ch g (3:00). 65,* 387, I .592. Little Cnrltoii. 193. Little Casino, pacer. 738. Little Casino, b m (2-47^). 225. Little Champion, blk s. 142. Little Charley, blk k (2:40i4). 39. .53, 73, 211, 377. 476, 496,* .5.57. 1 Little Chestnut. 469. I Little Chief. 81. .547. Little Clipper, pacer. 777. Little Coleman. 606. Little Crow, blk s. 19.5. Little Crow, blk s (2:48). 33, 70, I (334). Little Crow, blk s. 11",* ia3, r^88. Little Cupid, b m. 451. Little Daisy, blk i.i (2:38i^). 70,223, (601). 6(3. < Li' tie Daisy, b in (2:5fe>4). 186, 395. Little Dan. .'^e, 537. Little Dan, b g. 8. Little Dan, ch g (2:4494). 126. 127, 187, 2(i:i,» 570.* 600,* 014, ft35. 654. I Little Dnn (2:45^). 95. 126, (127), 1 70, 1 87, 283, 294 , .509,* 522. 7 1 5.* I Little Dan, b g (2:49>4). 251, 379, I 428, 797. LitMe Dan, ch g (2:30i. 18D. 335,* 337 , 359, 422, 466, 484, 494, 50l), 581,* (664), 699. Little Dan. ch g (2:.58). 1.50, 161. (:.50). 547, 623. Liti le Da n, b g, pacer. 767, 785, 79' . Little Dandv (Teaser), blkg(.2:31^/. 4T4, 528,678,711. LitHe Dave (2:50). 25, 238, 43::, (610). 71.5. Little Darling, bm (2:41). 120. Little Dexter (2:51). 232, 23.3,295, (680). 7! '5. 79S. Little Diamond, blk m (2:58). (348), 44.3.* Li tie Dick (Little Jim), bg (2:36). .9, 21!'. 224, •J77, (.3b,)-), 485*, 713. Little Dick, bs(2:.38). .51:4. Little Dick, blk g (2:40). 84, 190, 294, 444. Little Dick, ch g (?:.33). 8. (170), 196,* 2.36, 3:i9* 390, 43.5,* 436, 47l,531,699,<=712. Little Dick, b g(3-.'4i4 vm. 81, .322. Little Dick, b g(2:43). bv Humming Bird. .'^0, 137. (259-), 70 i. Little Dick, b g. 114, lib, 142, 242, 400, 44:*, 45s, (596). Little Doll, b m (3:07). 177. Little Doll, l.r m, pacer (::34K>). 70, (744), 769.* Litlle Dorritt, blk m (2:32}^). 142, 3;'4. Little Dorritt, ch m (2:56). 602. Little Doiriit(v;:.58^) (173) Little Dorritt, br m. 3 , 68, 238, 2.59, 2»9. .331 ,* 346, 431.* Little Dot. 450. Little Duke, ch g (2:52). 13, .511, 578,* 608. Little Eastern, b g (2:399'4). 112, .3.05, 532,-687, 095. Little Kd, gr g, pacer (2:':5i4), by Red Buck. 7;i9, 741, 74 J, 745, 7Z:\ (7ii4*), 7.59,* 7( 0, 761, 7G6, 769, 779, 781, 783, 784.* 785,* 791. Little Era, br in, pacer (2:4t). by Billy Green, dam Ly Kattier. 744, Little Emma, b ni (2:3814). (305). Little Ethan, ch g(2:3.-)). (.341.119, 280, 347.* 41 1 , 526,* 613, 656. Little Eva (2:48). (149). Little Eva (3:00). (4: 8). Little Eva, pacer (2:40). (76.5). Little Fan, b m (2:431.^). 411, (541). Little Famous, blk g, pacer (2:53), 215. Little Fellow, blk g. 73,* 220, 336, 397. 535, 620.* Little FUrt. (138). Little Flirt, b g. 1.37. Little Flora, b m. (386), 688, 711 . Little Fortune, chg (2:.39). 76, 23.3,* I 348. 412. 516, &30, 6.50. (700*1. I Little Frank, chg(2:38J4). 39,(89*), 174, 320, 461. Little Frank, ch g (2:40). 93, 155, 218. (286), 398, 483. Little Frank, b g (2:41i^). 52, 468,* I 602. Little Frank, ch g (2:.30). 119, 170, I 304. (38.5). 674. Little Frank, br g(2:39). 291, 318. I Little Frank, ch g (•,':3liK53), GsG. Littio Fred, b s. 688. Little Fred, ch g. 219, 237,* 251,* 348. Little Fred, b g (2:26?C). 161, 49-.',* GJ7, 637. Little Fred, b g (2:411,^). r7, 61, 120. 55.5, G59. Little Fred, b g (2:20). 8,* 11,* 86. I(i9, 136, 147.* 173,411. 4.56, 495,* 647, 580,* 586, 587, (G37*), 729, 733 Little Fred, b g (2:37?^). 75, 172, 209, 217, 432, 449, 60,', 603, 7»r. Little Fred, b g (2:35). 170, lOS, 242,* 267, 40.S,* 544. 565,* 571, 651,* 704, 7;-9. Little Fred, b g (2:39}4). 112, 202. 234, 2.. 9, 533, 088. Little Fred (Butcher Boy), ch ii (2:34). 586. Little Fred, b g (2:36). 86, 152, 255, S46. Little Fred, b g (2:44M). 105, 486, 511,(588), 595, 712. Little Fred, b g. pacer (2 :38i^). (783). Little Fruir, b g. 70. Little Gem, ch g (2:291.^). 214, 229, 309, 622.* Little General, cr g (2:50). (38;. Little Gent, ch g (2:35). 14, 61, 76, 217,272, 303, 504,* 559, 609, 633. Little Gent, b g. 94, 158, 492, 709. Little George, b g (2:37i-!i). 25, 282, 312,500,799. Little George, b g (2:48i^). 233, 588. Lit le George, b g (2:371^). 235, (344), 481,538. Little George, b g, pacer (2:48). (751), 784, 788. Little Giant, blk s (2:48). Ill, (332), 572, 565. Little Giant, blk s. 69, 221 Little Giant. 650. Little Girl, b m, by Milwaukee, dam Queen Mab. 487. Little Girl, b m, by Milwaukee. 42, 178, 692. Little Girl, pacer. 784. Little Granger, ch s (2:40U). 110, 589. Little Grant, b s (2:42). 332, 639 * Little Gus, bg (2:46). 7. (22), 256, 323, 5 11,* 661,681, 900. Little Gyp, gr m, pacer. 773. Little Gyp, ch g. 53. Little Gypsy (Lady Price), b m (2:22>. •-'2.* 25, 27,* 33, 59, 105, 108, 1.9, 140, 160,* 164, 176, 196, 20u, 275, 2 0* 316, 357, 366, 440,^^ 446,* 447, 4.'>6. 464, 465.* 492, 495, 528, 567, 580,* 59G, 599, 608, 613, 631,708, 717,* 719. Little Hannah (Lady May and Em- ma), blk m (2:341^). 103, 104, K 9, 209,* 263, 294, 335, 464, 489, 658, 675. Little Harry, ch s. 53, 166. Little Harry, blk s (2:50i^). 114, 162, 551. Little Harry, bg (2:41). 182. Little Harry, rn g (2:363^). 8, 54, ' 537, 551. Little Harry, bg (2:381^). 110,(131), j 119, 283. Little Harry, br g (2:51). 17, 276. ! Little Harrj', gr g. 445. Little Harvey, b g. 13, 134. Little Henry, b g. 600, 654, 728. Little Hopeiful. 155. ! Littl-^ Hopes, ch g (3:02). (381). Little Hopes. 18. Little Horse, b g (2:41^). 12, (322). Little Hoskins, gr ni. 466. ' Little Ida, gr m (2:5'}^), by Schaf- fer Pony, dam by Billy Mustapha. (300). 58 INDEX OF BEATEN HORSES. Little Ike, b g. 311. Lit'deJack, bg(J:34). (412). Little Jack, l;lkg(2:51). (151). Little Jack, b g (2:48). 47, 186, (323), 410,421. Littl'^ Jake (Erastus), rng(2:30). 15. 104, 1--.J. 204,* 230. 230, 327, 3:!!, 334, 3oG,* 39 i, 441,* 446. 483, 514,* 565, 598, ^99,* 636, 714. Little Jasper, b g (2:. 38}^). 115, 129, i 239, 343, (436), (>17. 1 Little JeiY, b g. 291, .329, 516. Little Jenny. 701. Little Jenny, blk m, pacer (2:2714). 742, 710,- 791. Little Jet, blkg(3:26). 113. Little Jet, bile m, p icer (2:40). 599, I 739, 740, 712,- 702. 773. I Lii tie Jcv.el, b s, by Lightwood. 18, I 563,637. ' ' •' ^ Li-de Jiia (Littl.> Dick), br g (2:36). 20, 434, 035, 73 .'. Little J.m, b s, by Jim Welch I (•-':32i^). 49, H5. jr9. 271, 333. 459, (i 65), 4ol, 49-1, 527, 658. Little Jim, cli g. I'd, 379. Little Jim, brg, by G eenwood. 301. Little Jim, ch fr. 417. Little Jimmv,''chg (2:391^). 7,15, I 480, .543, 591, ( ,a9-). Little Joe, b g. 291. Little Jce, b g (2:o9 w). 323,* 593. Little Joe, b g (2::'»S;J4). 48, 83, 87, 295,* 350, 356,* 390, 491, 499, 596, 627. Little Joe, b g (2:421^). 40, (647). Little Joe, b s (3:10^). 18, 110, 177, 320, 443, 503, 672. Little Joe, gr g (2:56). 48, 126. Little Jo?, br g (2:36^). 17,* (300), 481,* 571. Little Joe, ch s (2:48). 156, 310, 536. Little Joe, b g, by Gilbert (2 :35U). 243, 439, 475,* (571). Little Jce, — .«, pacer (2:3814). 754, 763,771,788. Little Joe, br g. 114, 225, 306, 722. Little Joe, ch g. 141, 233. Little Joe. 297. Little Joe, b g. 119, 220, 2:2. Little Joe Fry, b g. 2-13, 571. Little John, pacer. 744. Littlri John, brg(2:40i..^w). 519, 632. Little John, bg(2:5J). 4U1, 714. Little John, bg(2:50). 2 '7, 491. Little John, bg(2:47). 432,554. Little John (2:56). 450, 582, (606). Little John, brs(2:55). 5C7. Little John (2 :52 s). (4l9j. Little Johnny. 5G1. iJttle Joker, br g, pacer. 762. Little Joker. 714. Little Joker, blk s. 130. Little Joker, b g (2:4634). 121, 173, 315, 534. Little Joker, b g (2:45^). (^71). Little Joker, blk g (2:5i). 17, 56, 75, 280, 399, 437, 580. Little Joseph. 430. Li'tle Josh, b g, by Ma- ic, dam by Ned Forrest. 88. Little Kate, b m. 645. Little Kate, b m (2:45). 315, 565,* (597). Little Kate, ch m. 158. Little Knox (2:50). 132, 246, 573,* 607. I Little Lad.y, b m. 447. Little Liz, blk m. 544, 797. Little Longfellow, ch g (2:29^). 11, (13-2), HO, ISl. 197, 224, 253, 297, 320, 358, 512, 548, 594, 703, 763, 795 796 Little'Lem,bg(2:43). (696). Little L ttd, br m (2:45). (311). Little Lottie, b m. 237,* 294, 570. Little Lncy, m m. pacer. 779. Little Ma , gr g (2:39). 158, 250, 471, 548. Litlle Mac, ch s (2:38). 66, 75, 329. 91 ; 1 Little Mac, b s (2:3854). 1^-02). Little Mac (2:49). 278,307. Little J. . ae, br s (2:28)4). 107,* 146, 1j:7,* 207, 360,*36G,*'414,457,477, 480, 5.5, (548*), 592, 631, 658, 671. Little Mae, ch g (2:55%). ;;82.* Little Mac, gr g (2:40). 29, 84, 134, 399, 403, 449,* 467, 548, 616. Little Mac, b g (2:51). 17 r, 272, 273, Little Mac, br g (3:11). 33, 46. Little Mae, b s (2:503'i). 389, 686. Little Mac, br g (2:44^). 130, (280*), 282, 49^.''=' Little Mac, pacer (2:32). (738*). 775. Little Mac, rn g, pacer (2:33^ w). (766*). Little Mac, b g. pacer (2:21^)- 118, 128, 185, 737, 73.-1,* 739, 74U, 745,* 752. 755, 750,* (768*), 771. ■;91.* Little Mack, ch g (2:30^). 15, 77, 193,* 236, 257, 297, 5 J9,* 568, 572, 632, 602, 723. Little Mack, b m (2:50). (587). Little Mack, blk s. 19, 276. Litt'e Mack, pacer. 789. Little Mag, rn m. 51, 381, 383,* 592, 597, 674. Litlle Mag, ch m, pacer (2:37\ 767, 784. Little Maggie, b m (2:55), by Victor, dam by lr.i Allen. (50), 4o5. Little J' aid, chm(3:01). 27,41,463, 678,731. Little Maid, gr m (2:33). 149, 174, 201,259, 644,709. Litde Maid, b m (2:45). 210, (389). Little Maid, bm (2:40?i). (206), 421. Little Maid (2:41). (254), 500, 567, 629. Little Maid (3:00). 51, 179, 543. Little Maid. 282. 285, 291, 318, 341, 424,* 447, 470, 531, 540, 710, 795,798. Lit le xMajor, gr g (2:40). 364,412,* 671. Little Maria, b m. 695. Little Maria (2:;J5). 38, 214, 510, 524, 570, (584*), 592, 606, 712, 71 4, 7J8. Littl Mattie, br m. 490, 561. Little Maud (2:51). (358). Little Maud, blk m (3:01). 116, 277, 454, 598, G50. Little M^-ud. (638). 684. Little Mai y, ch m (2:34^4), 366, Little IMurv, ch in (2:25). 2.5, 37,40, 62. 68. 8:}, 1G5, I9b, 220, 238, 259, 276, 290, 313,* 37 8.* .331, 364,412, 418, 450, 528, 53.;, 615, 632, 637,* 605, 712. Little Mary, blk m (2:41)^). 222, 291, 339,* :i42, 365, 424,* 455, (491), 620, 73 1 . Little Mary, b m (2:44^4). (297). Little Ma' y, b m . 162. Little Max (3:19). (558), 801. Little Mav,bm (2 :.50). 605. Little May(2::!6^. 282, (541). Little May. 346. Little Midget. 622. Litlle Mike, b g (2:46i4). 75,287, 304, 4-; 3. 530, 564. 5717598. Little Miiik, hlk ra {2-A6}4). 11:1", 307, 322,* 350, 514, 539, 575, 636, - 802. Little Mite (2:40). (89). Little Miseiiief, gr m (2:.50). 240,71 J . Littl" Miss, b m (2:261^). 22, 481, 657,* 710. Lifle Moak, b s (2:46). 327, 356, 536,* 667, 709. Little Moose, b g. 234, 298,* 408, 682. Little Mose, b s (2:42). 136, 177, (416), 599.* Little Mo.'^e, blk g, pacer, by Gen. Knox. 764. Little Napper (2:47), 28:, (283*), 290. Vll CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. Little Ned. .h g (2:32?^). 'J24,* 29''. 338, 431,4:!2.552 IJttleNed, b g (•.•:4r!.^). 512. LitUe Ned, b g (:i::Jb). (294), 318, 4.J9, r>OM, G08. Little Ned, b g. pacer (2:45). (153). Little Ned (3:0n). (4t8), 543.* Little Ned. 52, 511. Littl- Nell, pacer (2:37 s). (741). Little Nell, ch m (2:45}^). 286, 450, (."jrfO . Little Nell, b m (2:41J^). 417, 4.38, 012. Little Nell, b m (2:5CK>^. 169, 191,* 258, 4HT. LitUe Nell, ch m (2:38>4). 169, 398, (629). t;73. Little Nell (3:00) 455. Little Nell, b m (2:39X 438. Little NelJ, br m (2:31). 9, 10,16, 24, 48. 02. 135, l(i3, 172. 17(), 181, 2ii5,* 247, 2.VJ, 206. 273, 281, 287, 297, 314, 317, 320.* .'128 * r.S»7,* 410, 422, 4.57,* 473, 487, 500, 517,* .')24, 530. ,"46, 558, .561. .M54. 583, 603, 604, 609, 615, 618, 645, 675. Little Nell, b m (2:55). 146, •:37, 512, 548, 687, 688. Little Nell, b m (2:40). 82, 209, 686.* Little N II. pacer (2:40). 760. Little Nell, chin (2:34^). 102,(175), 251. Little Nell (2:59). 33 (461). Little Nell ;2:41). 175. (280). 445.* Little Nell, b m (3:00). (.542) Little N'-li, pacer. 276, (767*), 791. Little Nellj . 675. Little Nellv (2:.52). 77, (487*V Little Nelly, b m, by Taggarts' Ahdallah. 670. Little Nellv, bni. .366. Little Netty, b in. 3.30. Little Nig, br s (2:40}^). 284. Little Nii.ger, blk g (2:54^). 177. Little One, rn m. 40,* 216. 237, 340. 356, 398. 506, 672. Little Oip?ian, (3:.33). (2.';0). Little Pat, chs (2:46^). 217. Little Pat, p..cer. 750. (754). Little Peauut, b g. 897. Little Pet. (3:05). (62). 4.36. Little Pete, ch g (2:33%). 26,112, 202, 301, 493, 5.50. Little Pete, ch g (2:41). 190.* Little Pete, b g. 113, 2.33.* 241. I Little Phil, (:{:00). (275), 388. Little Phil, (2:40). (9), 34, 130, 132, i 589. Little Pick. |2:47). (8.5), 3^)4. Little Press, ch m (2:50). 35, 131, 241, 405,* 414.* Little Prince, (2 :46p4). (445), 530. Little Queen, ch lu (2:4:ii^>. 77, 98, 217, .307, .351, .370, 450, .538, I .572, 630, 6:i6, 684, 802. Little Kaehel, b m (2:46). 143,* (317) 546,647. I Little Rest, blk g (2:4.5). 409, 559. Little Roan, rn g (2:3.5). 18, 24, 39, ' 71, 104 342, :)8:i, 384, 416, .541, .558,* 578, 636,* 673, 09.5, 705,803. Little Roan, rn g. 71, m, 237,* , 298, 613. 794'* (800). Little Rob, b g, by Magna Cbarta. 261, 720. Little Robin, b g. 274. .532. 717.* Little Ro-jin, b g (2:40). (.318), Little Rot)bv, b g (2:46). (40), 41, 214, 4.37. .-.07, 711. Little Rock, blks, by Swigert. 594, 630. Little Romp, ch m (2:47%). 431, 544, 578. Little Romp, b m (2:39). 155, 390. 579, 006. Little Rose, b m (2:47). 69, 162. Little Rot. 512. Little Rube, b g (2:37). 11. .39, 298, 400. ot:o. Little Saui, b g, by Woodstock. .531. Littl.> Sam, rh g (2:47). 417, (542*). Little Sam. b g (yt-At)). 128, 279, 347, :i92, 442, .547, 729.* Little JSani, ch g (2:.30). 40,* .56, 07, 88. 0:<, 12ti, i:!(>, 15.3,* 1.50, 2.-)l. •97, .34) .* ;i42, ;!40, 371. 395. 402, 413,* 418. 432, 4»i0, 404. 4M, 48;{, (4S9), .504, r.i:{ 514,515,545, 5."j4, 5.58. 5(i(). ' 584, 580. 594, 599. 622, 0:il, 070. 079, 681, 694, 096,* 703. 704. Little Sam. b g (2:40). S51, 318, :'9l,44.5. 71 <. LitfeSani. (154*), Little Sanuiel. 798. Little Shenii, )iac. r (2:28^). 416. Little Silver, ch m, bOl. Little Sioux, b g (2:22J^). (26^, 60,* 63, 122, i:!0,* 199, 205,209, 241, .310. 428, 4.5e,*46:J, 404, 488, 605, 008, 022, (!5' .- (J88. 70:i.*717.* Little Si)lan, rn m pacei , (2:.3;j). 655, 7.56, "JOl,- 788. Little Stranger, (2:44). 218. 389. Little Star, b m(2:52), by American Star, Jr. (171), 447, 47.'., 630. Little Star, b g. 125, 225. Little Shot, (2:47^). 30, 196, 561, 705.* Little" Surpri.=e 390. Little Tom, b g (2:36%). 66, (239). Little Tom, b g (2,:«). So, 476. Little Tom, b s ( ::40). 27, 56, 61,94, 15-\ 198, 255, 452. 56:?, 588.* (599). Little T .m, b g (2:44). 75, 515,* 523. Little Tom, b g (2:;{7). 25, 68, 335, 3.52, 355, 514. Little Tom, bg (2 :40i/>). 593. Little Tom, pacer (2:46). (746), Little Tom, b g, bv Canadian Lion. 131, 1.36, 273, 322, 373, 466.* 496. Little Tom, bg. 443. Little Tommy, ch g (2:.38>^). (452), 070. Little Tommy, b s (2:3.5). 22, 207, 0.32, 684. Little Tonv , rn g. 162. Little Tony, rn g pacer. (2:40). 741. Little Trouble, b g (2:35). 57. Little Trump. 591. Little Turk, b g, by Lexington Chief. 162.710. Litile Verge, ch s(2:45J4). (44). Littli; Vix. 44, Little Volunteer, b g, by Volunteer, 533, (i06. Little Walter, br g (2:30). 68,* 224, :J58. (542), ;-97, Little Weslev, 0^;9. Little Willie, b g (2:43). 110.* Little William (2:39K>). (444). Little Will, Ij g, pacer. 762. Little Willy (2:48). (40.5). Little Willy, b g (2:43). 308, .391. Little Wi.'ly. 593. Little Witch, b ni (2:50). (18.51, .-,45. Little Wonder (2:44). (49), 598 Little Wonder, b s (2:30). 56, 05, 10.", 1.38, 166, 352, 364, 516, 544, .562,61.5,621,(701). Little W'onder, bg(2:46). 155,(376), 569. Little Wonder (2:42), 59. (152), 256. Little V.'onder, chs (2 ::J0), hy Blue Bull. 9. 307, 372, 413, 485, 506, .515, (573). 705,* Little Wonder, br s. 531. 745. Lively. 03. Lively B., br m (2:54). 015, 678. Livel,v Flea. 35. Lively Fred, b p, pacer (2:37%). 241, (750). 757, 762, 780,* 78:!. Lively Kate, br m. 101. Live 'Oak, ch g (2:51^ w). 161, 31.5, 084. Live Oak, ch s (2:51). .30, 100, 447, (471). Live Oak, blk g (2:.36). 119, 258, .302. 3''9. 4r-5. ;i2e. Live Oak (2:43). (8). Live Oak, h s (2:40)^). 49, 65, 97, 131, 145,* 45.3, 585. Live Oak (3:01.. 474 (074). Live Oak (2:493^). (714). LlveOau-. 99. Lively, bg. 137, 431, 521, 528,* 535, 6.' 7. Livery Boy, ch g. 326. 690. Livery I'oV, t g, 25, :{99. livery Girl, bm 184,253. Livingston, b s (•-':3614). 26.* .38, 145, 3.56, 472, 490, 608, (034), 687, 735. Livingston Mare 3.55, 433, .573, 673. Liza. 51, 59: \ Lizzie, 7, 408, 522, 603, 042. Lizzie 0., bm (2:58). 215, .582, 710. Lizzi H.. bm. 61, 160, 20.5, 620, 50S, 580,* 588.* Lizzie Home, ch m. 136, 423. INDEX or BEATEK HORSES. Olo i.^zzieEume. bm (2:43y). 37, 53, IL'T, ■?--9 :i79. I.izzie Ii'win, b m. 531. Lizzifi Jackson, b m ("3:37). 107, ~'74, .SUO. 31b, 478, (481K Lizzie Jasper, pr in (^1:52). (223). Lizzie Keeler, ch m (2:30?i). 28, 34, 54.02. 132,* J 72, 211, 276, 277, 29S, 301.306, 316,* 357, 405, 439, 474, 51 T.' 546, 611, 615, 619, 650, 661,* 684, 690, 720, 723, 733, 795. 803. Lizzie Keller, b m (2:30). 74, 137, 165,* liM, 304, 397, 450, 641. Lizzio Kite-, gr in (2:54). (152). Lizzie LitLhfield,blk ni (2:44^. 212, Lizzie Litchfield, ch m (2:35i^). 471. 5!-<), 673. lizzie j\l, ch m. 595. L zzie M., b m (2:40). 79.* 87, 215. • 246, 2.")0. 8.55. 61(1, 699, 715, 734.* Lizzie W..bm(2:27M)- 79.124.171,* 193,- 362, 524,* 529, 562, 655. L zzie Malsburr. 57. Lizzie iMartin, ch m(2:45). 406, 560, 564. 6 1 7, (645). Lizzie McF. 500. Lizzie BlcFai-laiid, blk m (2:47 w). 179, 234, 294. 346. 4(,6, (591 ). Lizzie Mac, chm (3:00). 179, 313,* :561, 655, ';99. Lizzie O., h m. 258. Lizzie O" Brien, ch m (2:2.31^). 20,134, (107), 2:J3, 244, 2!::3, 307.477.* 566. Lizzie i acker, b m (2:40). 157, 159, 219,4.57. Lizzie Patchep. blk m (2:33). 14,240, 289, 301, 45^, 489. 498, 639,* 690, 701. Lizzie E.. b m (2:4434). 95, 297,(.379), 491.549. Lizzie R, , br m (2:57i4). 38, (4.55). Lizzie K., ch m (2:43^|. (484 ), 492. Lizzie II.. ch m (2:2.334). (14 ), 24. 72, 160, 301, 319, 870, 381, 388, 472,* 584. Lizzies. 206,394,491,511. Lizzie Smith (2:4814). (12>,115, 615.* Lizzie Somerindyke. 49, 281, 354. Lizzie Squires,b m (2:5234). (214),221 Lizzie Swim. 452. Lizzie T. (2:53}.^). (91). Lizzie T, brm, jacer. 745. Lizzie Trout, b m (2:44). 777. Lizzie Wagoner b ni (2:43). 603. Lizzie Warwick, b m (~':.343^). 99,153, 633. 795. Lizzie Wilkes, blkm.byGeo.Wilkes. d:'m Laura, by Joe Hooker. 244, 3f0.^ Lizzie Wellington grm. 41. Lizzie Woodrow, chm, pacer (2:43). (^..50). L L. D. 225. 533. Lloyd, gr g(2:40). 1.39. (360),588,597. Lloyd G., pacer (3:00). 739,(764), 779 Loadstone, bg. 244,328. Loafer, b g (2:3.5?^). 559. i Loifer, chg (2:4(1). 117. ' Loafer, br g (2:46). 476, 587, 606.* Loafer, rng f2:24K>). 22, 26, 39, 61, 86.152, 104, 173, 176,* 190, 205, 241,* 261, 270, 356, 370,381,429,* 440, 447, 448, 452, 459, 507,* 512, 515, 571, 580, 622,* 624, 636, 710, 717,* 721. Loafer, b g (2:. 50). 60, 230. Loafer, chg (3:01). 170, 211, 415, 460. (584)," 592, 672. Loafer, br s (2:58%). 25. 128.* Loafer, bg (2:42^). 82,* 221. 241, (.394), 410, 419. Loafer, rn g f2:'>.5), by Blazing Star. 75. (80), 292, 402, 472, 525, 565.* 695, 71 8, 798. Loafer, ch g (3:01). 58, 147.* (417). L.)afer(2:.54). 92, (520), 576. Loafer, gr g. 236. Loafer, pacer. 790, 791. Loan (Jackson), ch g (2:4054). ~10. Li bster, cu m (2:53). 18x;, 5.j6. Lobster (2:50). (18,'j. Lobster Boy. 292. Lochiiiv.ir, gr g, by Joe Curry. 91, 496, 54:5, Lockport Jr 371. Lock wood, bs (2:4734). 158, 214,,566. Local Option. 422. Locket, b g (3:03). 101. Lockharl. 123. Locomotive, ch s(2:36 s). 157, (284), 433. Loco, br s. 286. Locust (Major Allen), chg (2:24^)- ] ■<7, 215, 220, 251, 323,* 497, 549, 659. Locust, br g (2:3494). 268, 510. Locust. 4"-', 70, 453. Locust, pacer. 773. Lodi, ch g (2:4034), 218, 271,* 300, 331, 459, 575, 60'^. 645,* 6:8, 700.* Lola Montez. gr m (2:40). 67, 217,* 513, 616,* .•^33,* 535, 708. Lolita. 28. LoLiePate. 538. Loly, brm. by Victor. 98. Lola P., ru m (2:3834). 234, 570. Lollard. 68. Lona Guffln, b m (2:2334). 87,* 227, 262, 264. 300, 356, 390, 492,* (507), 625,735. London, ch g (2:2034). 12, 150, 346, 467, 554.* London, ch g. 148. London Belle, br m (2:3734). 11.* J 9,* 69, 103. 14(5, 166, 191, 285, 286, 304, 322,(384), 398.444,* 483, 6.39, 642, 677, 689, 695. London Bov. bg. by Lapidist. 635. Lone. 187,3.55,603.* Lone, b m (2:.3834). 61, 215, (387). Lone Jack, br g. 72. 112. 113. Lone Bird (2:42). (079). Lone Jack, br g, pacer (2:22), 739, 740,* 752, 754,* 755, 778,* 789, 790 * Lonesome. 414. Lonesome Job, pacer. 772. Lonesome Phoebe. 243,* 409, 501 . Lonesome Phoebe. 407. Lone Star, ch s (2:3634). 28, 70, 163, 240, 467.* Lone Star. 67, 1.34. Long, gr g (2::{8J4). (199). Long-H-Comiug, chg (2:50). 26,278. Long Boy, b g (2:4034). 449, (639). Long Branch.bg (2:38) 20.47.106, 126, 157, !5S, 3<>8, 255, .376, 390, 425, 443, 483. 4SS, 603, 669, 725. Long Branch, b s (2:48). (42), 373, 523, 558. Long Ears, b m. 162. Longfellow, b s (2:50). (327), 362.* Longfellow, b g (2:4.5). 185, (186), 371,656. Longfellow, b g (2:44). 10, 30, 45, (.59), 73, 205, L'7i, 304, 398,407, 457,490,558. 670.-' LongfeUow, .ch g (2:37J4), by Ly- sander. 1 22, 156, 268.* 594. Longfellow Whip, blk s (2:2334). 60, 301, 417, 090, 721.* LongfeUow, ch g, pacer(2:19M). 108, 740,* 749.* 750,* 752, 761, 762,* 767,* 772, 774.* LongGu-l(2:52i. (364). Long Island. 4'^3. Longlsland Jackson, ch s(2:57). 621 Long Island Patchen, chs. 148, 237, 628. Long Jim, b g (2:49). 97. (167), 286. Long John, ch g (2::32). 11, ^;1, 136, 169, (174*). 175, 269, 365. 642. 680. Long John, ch g (2:.35). 25, .33, 60, 61, 76, 128, 178, 347, 860, (696*), 729.* Long John, b g (2:40). (263*). 547. Long John, ch g (2:30). 123,* 315. LongJolin. 1.33. Long Jihn, pacer. 757. Long Mane (John H. Welch and Gen. Washington), blk s (2:40). 425. 676. Long Mary, blk m (2:48). 201.* Long Blary, b m (2:45). 73, 84, 612, (713). Long Reach. 530. Long Tailed Biue, pacer. 184, 751. Long Toui — s (. :4234 s). ^'54. Longv.-ood, cli g. by Albion. 275, 340,343,417.471,681.* Lonia, ch m. 274,* 428. Lon Morris, brg (2:5934). 28,* 157, 195.201, 307,5.57.607. Lonsdale, bg(2:3834w), by Aber- deen). 80, 130, 294, (480). Lookout, b g (2:33). 86, 238, 328, 427,* 444. 521, 637,* 676, 678, 71 .'. Lookout, blk g(2:.51). 84. 110, 112, 116,* 242, 345, 457. 707. Lookout (Ben Hanger), chg (2:31). 107, 119, 1.34,* 165, 390, 445, 503, 506, (604*). Lookout, b g (2:4834). 47. 61. Lookout, blk g (2::«>. 18 1 , 234, 243, 282, 542, 6G0, 590, (613i, (ro, 708. Lookout, b g (2:45). 68, 1j4, 41(S, (471), .555. Lookout, b g (3.00). 57, 412 (46"). Lookout (2:58). 229, (.")27). Lookout (2:48). 228, 315, 371, 726. Lookout (2:52). (573). Lookout, ch s (2:42). 249,* 296, 537, (088). Lookout, b g (2 :45) . (443*). Lookout. 350, 687. Lookout, blk g. 442. Lookout, pacer. 764. Lookout Jr., br s (2:3034). 9, 35,* 110,371,411,458,462, 482, 496, 511, 563, 625, 643, (704). Lorraine, ch s (2:3634). 96, 481,* 528, 679. Lord Bantam, b g. 49S, 499. Lord Byron, b g (3:.30i. (-'25). Lord Dufferin, b g (2:4.534). (63*), 72, 224, 2,35, 538,* 600. Lord McClelland (2;.54). (424). LoivIIe, blk m (2:4434). 49, 715. Lorretta. 25, 80, 530. Lorene, blk m (2:3034). 92, 120,339, 258, 452. 465,* 473, 490, 659. 910 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACTXQ RECORD. Loreiia, oh m (2:42). 535, 656. Loren R. 563. J/OriPiit, b s. 583. Ix)ina, 1) in (2:32). 8S. Los Aiigclt'S Maid. 5.'>9. I,osiiTs 1) 8 (2:.53i(.). (358). Lost Diamoud. 3:i4, 641. Lothair. bik s. (2:29^^). 5, 29, 54, 2.->it, 202, 401. 431,* 46."., ITti. Lothaii- (Small Bopes, Lnpl^ndand Westbrook), b g (2:26>^). 239, 276, :{ss, 714.* L^.thair. 94, 95. Lotos, gr g (2:41>4). 352. (305). IjOita, l< in. 254, 488, 517. Lotta(2:3KV^).(717). Lotta(2:4b). 374. Lotta, pacer (^:2514>. 766, (768), 7(Jl».* Lotta (2:45). 135 * 170, 211, filO. Lotta, brm. 7, 79,* 150,* 201,279, 438, .■)42.* 801. Lot-a, b in (3:00). (74'. 586, 802. Lutta(2-.37). 180.* (2c:Jj, 324, 371, 412, 5:;ii, 562, 613. Lotta (2:59-%). .35.* 87, 441, 722. Lotta D., cb m. 700. Lotta Farlf'.> , b m. 207. Lotta H., chm. 568.* Lotta P. (3:10). (609). Lot Lot. b tn. 530, 62.3. Lott-rv, pacer (2:40). (776). Lottery, grg (2:27). 30, (122), 149, 221,247, 330, 624, 625, 660, 719. Lottery, bg (2:38). 409. Lotteiy, bg. 51. Lottie, br m (2:28). 23. 28. 29, .39. 100, 1.30, l."8, 224, 227, 238,* 296, .370, 373, 4C0, 417,* 4:5,1, 513, 519, .-i66, 612, 614, 6.39, 645, 651, 672, 087, 732,* 734. Lottie, gr rn(2:34). 84, 249, 512,* 51 8. Lottie, b m (2:42i4). 237, a39, 550, Lottielb m (2:33?4\ 559, (625). Lottie, ch m (2:42). 176, 444, 471, (.547). 013, 080. Lottie (Laciy H.). b m (2:30). 53, 177, 288,411,422,481,613. Lottie, b m (2:37i4). 27, 121, 342, 550, 648. 722. LottiJ, b m (2:31%)- 30, 31, 62,* 198, 401, <):'.2. Lottie (3:08). 156. Lottie, b m (2:.^0). 08. (86*\ 134, 448. Lottie (3:07). (75), 315, 479. Lottie B., b m (2:45). 218. Lottie B., Oin. 648,718.* Lottie C. 233. Lottie Carpenter, blk m (2:40}^), 8. Lottie Clark (Gentle Annie), blk m (2;32K>)- 173. 192, .379, 798. Lottie E~. (2:3!>9i). (.527). Lottie Franklin, b ni 31. Lottie Gr;iy. gr m. 0.32. Loilie Golildust. 2r,9. Lottie H., b m (3:31). 68, 284. L<,ttieK., b m (2:27). 54, 58, 59,* 100. 130,* 196,* 203, 238, .393, 446, 523,* (iOl, 661. 074.* 678, 723. Lottie Lee (2:54). (520). Lottie May, ch m. 490,* 570. Lottie P., b m, pacc-r (2:24i^), by Blue Bull, dam by J. C. Breckin- ridge. 738, 748,* (707*), 781,* 788, 789. Lottie Peters, b m (3:01V^). (302). Lottie Stewart (2:41). (140*). 273. Lottie Temple, b m (2:42»^). 61, 389,* 494, (542). Lottie W,, b m. by Blue Bull. 136, .532. Lottie Wilkes, b m. 470. Lotus, blk s. 552. Lotl's brm (2:39). 304. Lou, gr m (2:3.-,i4). 257. Lou, ch m. .588. LouB. (2:40). 62, (.367) Lou B., pacer (2:19). 738, 739, 763, (764).* Lou F., b g, by Fisk's Mambrino Chief. 294, 298, 579. Lou Lodcr, gr m (2:31). 120, 568, 584, (630). 701. Lou M. (2:.36V4). 759, (767). Louisa. J 07, 223, 377 , 4 1 2. Louisa P. 84. Louisa II. 325. Louisa TTovt(2:.39). 278,* :500. Louis'.iK. 290. Louisa W , blk m (2:44). 5:>5, (.571). Louis B.,brg. 289. Louis D., b e(2:'Z4%). 202,* 482. Louis DOr. 6')2. Louis F., br g (2:39JC)- 9. (47*), 198. 221. Louise, ch m (2:32?^). 182,* 432. 497,524,683.* Louise, b m (2:40). 169, 728. Louis.', ch ni (2:45). 402. Louise. 285, 62 .'. Li'Uise. b m (2:r)9), 577. Louise, blk m (2:::ii^) 39, 40, 93, 129,210, 214, 229. 273, 307, 3.39. 3ri, 470. 473, 490, 504,* 507, 521,* 526, 670, 693.* Louise, b m {2:.'H). 198, (607*). Louise, b m (2:2!j}4), 25, 105, (173), 254. Louise, ch m (3:0114). 547. Louise, b m (2:45). 173. Louise N., b m (2:20J4). 93, 297, 318, (0.35*), 649, 695, 735. Louise VV., blk m (2:41). (507), 555, 571,67:5. (.See Appendix.) Louis Napoleon, b g 592,033. Louis Napoleon, bg (2:32). 90, 113, 449, 572, 688, 720, 731.* Louis Napoleon, b g. 81,360. Lou Moore, ch m (2:46i4). 115, 801. LouMoulton. 2K0. Lou Myer, gr m(:::.36). 76, 182, 201, 237, 239, 400, 538, 547, 554, (620), 671. Lou Morris, b m (2:59^). (557). Lounger, bg (2:44). (503), 057. Lou Sprague. b m (2:49;4). 482. Loii Thoiudyke, b m. 49. Lou Whipple, br m (2:26%). 47, 103,* 120, (142), 181, 272, 284, 316,* 458, 487, 545,* .540,* 577,* 5i-0,* 642, 662,* 680, 696, 701. Lout, blk g. 424. Love, b m (2:45^ w). 328,* 420, 532,600, 651,726. Loveh B, br m (2:43). 18, 621,* 720", 790. Lovewise, blk m. 221. Low, b m (3:001^). (170). Lowell, ch g. 61. Lowell Belle, blk m (2:40J^). 51. Lowell Pet (2 :.55). (148). Lowery Matthews, ch g (2:38J4). 108,* 220, 604, 607. Lowland Alary, rn m (2:34J^). 1.51, 2.50, 291, 297. 324,* 363, 438,* 461, 500,* 5.-.7, 005, 794, 797, 803. Loyal Tom. 234. L. P. Blake. 263. L. S., ch g. 363. Lubcck,Rrm(2:48). 564. Luwa, bm (2:30). (32), 195. .302, 310, 413, 617,647, 681, 684, 732. L. Uphain. 59.* Lucien W., b g, pacer (2:.39). (766). Lucifer, blk g (2:45). 170, 198. 265, 4.32, 679. Lucilia, br m (2:28M). 287, 435, (016). Lucille, b m (2:48Ji). 100, 549, 607, 048. Lucille, bm (2:21). 8,* 11,* 23, 46. 86,* 149,* 162, 164, 173, 193,204,* 384, 447. 610. LucUle, b m (3:27). 87. Lucille, b m (2:51). (530), 637. LuciUe (2:45). (725). Lucille Davis, ch m. 479. Lucille Golddust. b m (2:16V4). 21, 72, 147, 207, 270,* 27:!. 310,* 338, .3.-2, 372, 415, 400, 541, 586, 587, mn, 040, (i5:{, 740. Lucinda. gr m (2:53). 50, 229. LucindaH.. grm (2:40). (45), 2»i', 683. Lucine, ch m (2:50). 13. Luck, ch m (2:53U), by Clarion 274, 558. Luck. ess (BrutUB), br g (2:50). 574. Lucky. 5(i5. Lucky Jane, b m. 47, 128. Lucky Look, gr g (2:.32). 95. 312. Lucrece, b m (2:231-4). 15, 63,* 110,* 205,* (227), 229, 237, 243, 20.5, 274, 322, 379, 519, O05,* 030, 073,694,* 721. Lucrece, b m (2:.59). 60.* Lucretia, b in. 591. Lucretia, b m (2::««4). (444). Lucretia Liorsia, bm(2:40>. 45,445, 579, t;81, 713. Lucy, b ra (2:18»4). 20,* 21,* 28, 159, 200. 20:5.* 269,* 270, 331, 375, 428,*.->19, 5.".6. Lucy, blk m (2:38i^). 209. Lucy, b m (2:47). 87, 714. Lucj', b m, pacer (2:31J^). 757,782,* 7fi.i, 785. Lucy, gr m (2:55U). 29, 54, 196, 2;i2, 207, 576. Lucy, b m (2:50M). 122. 157, 284, 391,417,494, 544, 799. Lucy, b m (2:4U), 300, .375.452.535. Lucy, ch m (2:50). 289, 294, 356, 470, 521. 617,* 668.* 718. Lucy, b m (2:52). 44, 95, 163, 209, 212,* 306, 309, 471, 55 5, 648. Lucy, b m (2:525-^). 377.* Lucy, b m {2:2Qy,) 1 9, *42. 60,* 128, 129, 134, 100, 274, 280, 330, :<53, 383.* 437,* (4.52*), 591,* 605,* 622, 650,* 717. Lucy, b m (2:35). 105, 204, 233,452. Lucy, gr m, pacer (2:14). 310, 737,* 7;!9, 742, 754,* 70S.* 771,* 778, 779,* 78:i,* (784*). 785.* Lucy, b ra, pacer (.2:351^). 316, 738, (759*). Lucy, blk m (3:06^). 59". Lucy, b m (2:50). 2.39, 283, 525,602, 6;!4, 041. Lucy, br ra (2:43>4). 452, (538), 552, 626. Lucy, blk m (2:20^. 19, 27, 67, 90, 105. 122,* i:i3. 184, 194,* 290, 388, 440, 500, (.51.1), 650, 507,* 5(58,* 701.* 7( 8. 719. Lucy, b m (2:30}4). 16, 63, 209, 594, 730. Lucy. 806. Lucy, b m. 3.33, 377, 441. Lucy, bi m. ] 44. Lucy, ch m. 391. Lucy, grm(2:.38i, 594. Lucy, b m, by Young Mambrino Ciik't. 27. Lucy (2:52^). 109,* (588), (794). Lucy , gr in (2 -52 w). 376, 436, 6:i4. Lucy, D m (2:5iu;). 71.5. Lucy, rum (3:('4M). 60,566, (606). Lucy, b m . 128, 222, 728 . Lucy, b m. 683. Lucy, b m. 417. Lucv, b m. 238, 344. 408. Lucv, ch m. 48:5, 628. Lucy Allen, b m. 20, 288, .397, 540. Lucy B.. brm (2:301^). 3:2,* 107, ll9,*4-58, 710. Lucy Bell, b m (2:45). 150, 486. Lucy Bennett. 592. Lucy Barr, b m (2:57) (erroneously printed 2:.51 page --65). 78. Lucy Blackwood, blk m, by Hay- wood, dam l>y Diamond Cenmaik. 465,718. Lucy C, b m (2:40). 115, 119, .")92, 085. Lucy C, eh m (2:301^) (erroneously printed --i :30, page 465). 19, 80, 292, 300, 3:i0, 525, 679. LucyC. 404. Lucy Creswell. 05. Lucy !>., b m (2:34i^). 12ij, 163 ^164), 563, 6."j9. Lucy Day. 3J4. Lucy Elton. 421. Lucy Fleming, eh m (2:x>.4H)- 100, 210.241,281,325, 384, 388, 471, 514, 538,* 552. Lucy Gernent, b m (2:32^)- ^'-iG- Lucy Grapi'Vine. 19. Lucy H., ch ni, by Almont. 394. Lucy Hill, b lu (~':44^. (11^), 365, 419, 492. 79S. Lucy Houson, b m (3:14). (273). Lu-y J., b m (2:40), by old Morgan. 296, 300. 3U, (See appendix). Lucy Jacksou (3:00). (66). Lucy Jinks, b m (2:47). (55), 347. LucV Jr.. b m, pacer. 464, 766. Lucy K. 67, 08. Lucy Knox. 37, 314. Lucy L. 7, 407. Lucy L.'wis. 410. Lucy Long, b m (2:48). (718). Lucy Long (:i: 18). (42). Lucy Long (2:54). (616). Lucy Long. 81. Lucy Lee, b m, pacer (2:37M)- "66. Lucy Lumber. 643. Lucy M., gr m (3:55?4)- 597. Lucy May. 15:3. Lucy Mohahan, blk m (2:35J4). 329. Lucy Moffat, pacer. 775. Lucy McKee.bm (3:02). (599). Lucy N., b m, pacer, by Black Dick. 752. Lucy N., b m (2:31%)- 38, 224,* 479, 501.* Lucy Nerve. 711. i Lucy Neal. 213. Lucy Normal. 621. | Lucy Nichols, b m (3:001^). 19,* 54, 147, ] 58, 343, 391, 506. Lucy P., bi- m. 236, 474. Lucy Parry. 444. I Lucy Penny, b m (2:35). 62,* 83, 143, 191, 201. 2.o6,* 259, 292, 363, 373, 423,* (427), 571. 706.* Lucy Pope, ch m, by Oai-stell's Tele- graph. 150, 202, 542. Lucy Phillips, br m. 124. Lucy Pry ce. 460. 733. Lucy R., br m (2:32^). 49. 119,219, 270, 278, 398, 412, 511, 556. Lucy S . 107, 361 , 500, 630. Lucy Smith, brm(2:47). 63,9.5,380, 509, (526t, 550. 714.* Lucy Stiles. 224. LucyTallman, b m. 378. Lucy Temple. 75. Lucy V , gr m, pacer (3:07J4). 753, 772. Lucy Vernon. 54. Mabbitts, ch g (^:45). 219. Maoel, bm(2:40). 644. Mabel, b m (2:45). 56, 107, 136, (231), 250. Mabel, b m, by The Moor, dam Minnehaha. 166. Mabel, chm(2:47}4). 406. Mabel (2:49). (453). Mabel (3:12^), 186, 244. (263), 351. Mabel, gr m (3:20), 24, 467, 709. Mabel A., b m. 16, 65, 111, 223, 225. 415. Mabel Cent. 287. Mabel F. 661. INDEX OF BEATEN HORSES. Lucy W. 2^5. Lucy "Walter, b m (3:091^). 18, 716. Lud, b g, bv Joe Cooper" 628, 669, Lu !low, cti g (2:.33i4). 123, 405, 441, 512.* Ludl u w Boy , ch g. 30, 79, 114, 282, 343, 431. 4.59, 527. Ludlow's rn s (2:42 o). (389). Lud wig's Colt. 474 r Luella (Lady Blac), dn m (2:37). 291, 48 1 , 546. 677. Luetta, b m (2:50). (410), Luke. 138, 444. Luke M. . b g (2 :59i^) . (iej9 >. Lula, blkm. 501. Lula (Jenny Perry), bm (2:15). 21, 85,* 105, 119, 2j4, 270,* 372, 5.S7, 635. Lula Almont. 580, 606. Lula Belle. 190. Lula Far. 79. LulaGolddust. 677. Lula Green. 111. Lula L. 685. Lula T\l . , br m. 305. 428, 796. Lulan, gr m (2:30->4). (15*), 16,«92,* 402,* 422,* 541, 689. Lula Wick, b m (2:35^). 679.* Lu!ie Morton. 483. Lulu, blkm (3:02). 157. Lulu, gr m(3:l'>). 153. Lulu, chm (2:42}^). 143,200,202,* 644, 731. . Lulu, ch m (2:41J^). (39S), 458, 705, 708. Lulu, br m (2:47?4). 150, (200), 558, 682.^^^ Lulu (2:47%). 348,* (.523). Lulu. 81,4.55. Lulu Aikens. 600, Lulu B., gr m (2:53). 215, (367), LuliiB. 412. Lulu F., b m (2:29). 17, 14.5, (181*), 2.i6, 318, 45.5, 507. Lulu Gift. 192. LuluH.. b m. 455. Lulu Jackson, gr m (3:15). 667. Lulu Judd, blk m (2:.32M). 524, 538. 630. LuluK., b m (2:31). 193,*302, 416,* 495, 523, 613. 667. Lulu M. (2:43}^). 68, (69), 352, 489, .586, 611. 669. Lulu Mack, ch m (2 :43). 68, 460, 709. Lulu Moore, br m. 100, 254, 288, eio, 711. Lulu Moiton, br m (2:34%). (174), 175. Lulu N. . b ra . 197, 435, 684. Lulu P . ch m (2:?>i]4). 305, 326,* 486,534. LuluR.bm. 100,481,568. Lulu Spray, blk m. 515. Lulu W.,grm (2:39% I. 180,* 484, 492,514, 7'' 9. Lulu Walton, br m. 480. Lulu Wells, bni. 280. Lumber, br s (2:45). 271, 329, 498. Lumber Boy. 620. Lumberman, b s (2:37), by Hamble- tonian, dam by L. I. Black Hawk. M Mabel G., ch m. 13,* 68.* Mabel Gray, err m (2:40). 82,251, 394, 571 , 600, 628, 714. Mabel H., ch m (2:31%). by Col. West. 187, 243,* 475, 571, (682), 680. Mabel Pearl, b m. 437. Mabel L., br m (2:43i4). (123), 507. Manel Blanbnno, b m. 10, 277, 310, 38 1 , 431, 672, Mabel W., b m (2:441,^). (639). Jlac. br f! (2:28), (2:27 s). 226,* 278, 418, 420, 426,* (664*). Mac(2:.-j0 1-5). 72, 90. 117, .392. 917 140, 256.* 259,* 268, 296, (340), 417, 575, 698. Lummux, br g. 109, 365, 704. Lumps, br s (2:21%). 20,* SO. 164.* 210, 504, 573,* 597, 631, 094, 718. Luna, b m (2:.39^). 129, 138, 362, 491,* 531, 579, 580, 590. Lunette, b m. 107. 200, .323,* 374. Lunkey(2:49). (798), 802. Lurcher, b g. 192, 358, 362,* 414, 592, 604. 613. Lm-line Boy, bs. 319, 410, 465. Lusby(3:48). (696*). Luster Boy, b g bv Pake's Hiatoga (2:32). 108. 288, 3(39, 559, 676. Lute, bg (2:311.^). 237. Luther, cr g (2 :3'5). 16, 34, 1 20.* 133, 134. 144, 163,* 212, 264, 2.-!5, 341, 350, 373, 425, 427. 445, 493, 496, 509. 629,640,* 647,691,* 697,* 734. Luther Challis, ch g by Duncan's Glencoe. 94, 410. LutoDan. 168. L. V. Caldwell, gr g (2:45), by Blue Bull. 201,301. Lyde, b m (2:3,5). 38. 02, 90. 93, 134,* 200, 238, 356, 458. 489,* 504, 519, 551, 583,- 618, 681,* 803. Lydia, blk m (2:49), 155, (253), 722, 730, 732. Lydia, pacer. 748. Lydia (2:51). (3fJl), Lydia. 473. Lydia. 333. Lydia B., grm. 285. Lydi I C , .er m (2:38J^). (64). Lydia Golddust. 75. 305, 493, 637. Lydia K., grra (2:35). 9, 15,* 198, 325, 422, 407,* 640,* Lvdia M., blk m (2:3.3U). 49. 70, 77,* 1 57, (451^ i, 003, 709,* 729 * Lydia S., br m (2:35i4). 31, 3.3, 16.3, 182, 340, (380), 385, 448,* 616, 647. Lydia Thompson, b m (2:20i4). 42, 79, 80, 10.5, 122, 161,274,369,422, 431, 482, 497, 575, Oil.* (6.36), 683, 729, 793. Lydia Thompson, ch m. 78. Lylie, br g. ^83. 607. Lyman,bg(2:i5). 328, 335,* 367, 377, 423, 408. Lyman, b g (2:.38). 27.* .30, .52, 1.55, (175). 177. 279.* 312, 328, .347, 373, 469, 483, 492, 530, 644, 651, 660,* 677. Lyman (Yellow Cloud), dn g (2:25U). 100, 180, 205, 227, (287-), 541,* 564, 623, 655, 666. Lyman Boy. br g, pacer (2:31%). (756*), 777. Lvman Trumbull, b g (2:38}^). 414, 504, 617. Lyon Slasher, h s (3;46). 601, Lysander Bov. ch g (2:20%). .37, 05, i53. 83, '..54, 172,* 183,* 193. 340, 420,* 449, 5S0, 594,* 646,* 6'AS, 680, 086. 698. LvsanderGii-1, bm (2:42). 67, 345, 371. (719). Lysander Maid, b m (2:.)n\ 1:50, 503. Lysander Maid, grm (2: 40). 218. 303 312, (330*). Mac, b g (3:37 s). 43, 446, 642, 690. , Mac, gr g (3:07). 352, 505, 619. Mac, pacer. 738. 753. Mac, ch s (2:50%). 107, 214. 227, 340, 341, 343. 563. Mac, b g, 535. Mac Roberts. 90. Macbeth, gr g (2:48}^). 214, .593. Macbeth, spg(3:00). (124), 154, 333. Macbeth, blk g. 152. Macedonian, b s (2:4.5)^). 260. iMace Eustis, b s (2:34%). 98, 382. 568. Mace's ch s(2:50). (25). 918 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACINU KE . OHD. Mace's, gr g f:.':35). (54). Macf's, cv nr-l:'-i.il4). 9i>. 188, 261, 4:i()0). r>40. 072. Mack, cli (T (2:47). 71, 20.}, 242. Mack ((iniv Mackt, gr g (2:25i^) (erroneously given 2:26J^, page 4ii!i). 01, 101. Mack, grg (2:52). 125. Mack(J:13V^). 56.".. Mack, blk g (^>:43). 641. 099, 707. Mack, brg(2:3.>i^). 648. Mack, br s (2:39'^). 26, 347, 356, tV!2,621,631. 072. Mac-k. bg(3:00). .304. Mack, blk g (2:.3794). 11,71,301, 532. Mack, b g (2:4.'>). (412), 573. Ma< k, cli g(2:44U). 41. 57, 95. (143*), 211, 21-1, '.'2:{, .352, 0.38, 641. Mi-.ck, blk g (2:35). 190, 212,* 220, 2.")9, 307. Mack, ch g (2:52). 70, 404, 799.* Mack, ch g (2:31;. 62, .".90. Mack, b g (v:.i5). 113, 207, 223, 365*, .50:5, 594.* 0.30, 645, 650. Mack, bg(2:.37). 260. Mack, b g (2:44;. 8, 44. 454, 506. Mack, b g (2:4 .). 6,* 32, 54, 145. 411, fiOS, 0.32. 703. Mack, gr g. 30. Mack, b s (2:.37). 81. 153, (218), 694. Mack (2:4014). 348. 301, (5001. Mack, hg(3:00). 793. Mack. 271. Mack Taylor, gr g 585,614.* Mack Stewart, ch m. 41, Macklin Bros b m. 318. Macomii Chief. 5 ' s. Macluie.blkg(2;30). 256,255, 372, 474 * Madam Goldsmith. 281. Madam Id.i (2:539^). (21). Madam J iLstice, b m (2:45). 120. Madavvamkeag. 1.30. Mad-jwaska Maid ch m (2:2d}4). .52, 100, 105, 211,* 304, 383, 645, 678, (706). Madeleine, bm(2:23^). (79), 318,* 345, 3S0, 458, 500 5b3. 025, 654. Madeline, ch m (2:56). 407. Madeline, brm. 276. Madeline, spm (2:55). 70, 169, 436. Madg^', gr m (2:49i^). 81. Madge, bm (2:40). 155, 26.5, 446, 500, 525. Madge, bm. .344, 588. Madge, \vh m. 204. .538, 5.55. Madge C. b ni (2:.39i4). 489,* (648). Madison, blk g (2:44 fc). 8, 97, 354, 403, 597. Madison Wilkes, br s (2:.32^). 90, 97, 214, 422, 490. Mag. 170,017. Magdalhili, ch m (2:24%). 140, 482, 573, 020. 0!)(i, 701. Magee's ch c (2:37^). (.578). Magenta, I) iii (2:2:i^). 01, 414, 478, 573, 580.* 009, 077, (725*). Maggie. 047. 0.">7. Maggie, b m (2:50). 305. Maggie (JIary Jane;, b m (2:34J<5). 295.4.31* MagKie, blk m (2:58). .314. Maggie (Minnie Newtou and Flora Grimes), b m (2:35;. 46, 665. 082, 099, 79! t. Maggie b m (2:39). 23. 30, 36, 201, 211,.329, 389, 403, 514, 527, 5.30, 026. Maggie, b m (2:39). 23, 30, 36, 201, 211, 319, .389, 403, .514, 527, 530, O'.'O. Maggie, blk m (3:22). 160, 190, 292, .3!)(!. Magtrie, bm (2:34i4). 01,107,118, 020. Maggie, br m (2:r;5>^). 57, 118, 120. 13.5, J 44, 231, 2(; 1,300. :t71, 387, 4^2, 4.38. 498, 5i0, 542, 0.58, 745. Maggie, I) m (2:55L<.i. 5s2. 660, 096. Mag:;;e. blk m (2:3S). 59,* 77, 9i!. 117, 171, 22 ■, (225i, :.9.3, 305, 4lC, 498,* (iO.'. 0i9, OS!). Maggie, b in (:i:C)o;. 100. 261,* 619. Magg e, b ni. 7J. Maggie, blk m (3:00). 10, 347. 531 Maggie, h m (2:40K>i. 08, 299. 310, ,505. .-,77, 025, 790. Maggie, brm (2:42'/;^). 84, (94), 161, 304. 3C0, 3;'6, 794. Maggie (2:.54). (95), 166. 213. .Maggie (2:31i,/,). 23.'. (279). Maggie, l)lk m (2:57^). (345), 647. Magtrie, gr m (3:10). (191). iMagirie, blk m (2:40). 1«6, 220, 224, (318», 419, 511. Maggie, b m (2: 361.^). (241*). 800. Maggie, b m (2;1:J>.;. 21, 205, .3.32. 301, 527, 797. Maggie. 82, 1.30, .309, 611. Maggie, blk ni. 7.!, 109,252. Maggie, ch m (2:4 1 ). 177, (294). Maggie, pacer. 709. Maggie, b m (2:44). (610). Magf-'ie, b m (.:33J^). (470), 660. Maggie. 301. Maggie A , gr m. 579. Maggie Allen, b m (2:45). 36, 488, 057, 712. Maggie Arnold, b m (2:.35). 248, 531,* 50l,C3:^,*7U4-* Maggie B., b ni. 246, .-^OS, Maggie B., ch m. 3.'4.* Maggie B , bm (2:40V.i). 24, 117, 723. Maggie B.. ohm (2:.54). (50). Maggie B., ch m (2:.34). 83,(106), 434, 457. 561, 71 1, 7~'0. 732. Maggie B-aeh (2:411^). 52.* Maggie Brophy. 453. Maggie Briggs, b m, by American Clay, dam by Sebastbpol (2:27). (020). Maggie Brown, b m (2:45). (141),155. Maggie Brown, brm (2:42). 20. (127), 401, 054, 712. Maggie Bush, br m. 66. Maggie C. brm (2:25). 30,* 47.* 60, 80,* 210, 293, 482, 501, 557, 009. Maggie Casey, blk m (2:.3."334). 44, 101, 197, 2o3, (481), 5.36, 540, "-94, 010,037. Maggie Clark (J:42i4). (277). Maggie Coleman (2:59i4). (542.) Maggie I). 701.* Maggie Davis. 588. Maggie Denton, gr m (2:51). 107, (.313), 400. Maggie 1 oyle. b m (2:.38). 200, 283, 320, .352. 55^, 0U7. Maggie Duval, gr m. 15, 49, 314,* 684. Maggie Elliott(EllaCaj- and Fanny P.), b r\ (2:271^). 3ti4,* 094, Magjrie F , pacer. 740. Maggie F., b m (2:2';). 129, 1.32, .301, ,384, 389, 450, 463, 492, 610,* .")19, (035*), (557, 710, 721 * Maggie Fred (May Harris) b m (2:33). 47, 113. 144. !'10. .349, 350, 380, 435, 450, 52.5, .535, 558. 010. Maggie Fr'-e. b iii (2:.33). 457. 793. Maggie Fulton, ch m(2:.35>4). 0."., 90, 98, 243,* 291, 383. 472, 475,* 510, 5.53, 571,* 684. 685. Maggie (i , ch m (2:43). 13, 22, 299, 405, 479, 480, 574, 776. Maggie « , br m (2:36^). 73,20.5. .590, 605, 7.31. Maggie George, b m. 148, .345, 381, 567. Maggie Gould, b m. 407, 552, Mage-ie H , frr ni (2::.'95^). 78, 139. 140. 148, 291, 298,370, 4:J4, 492. Maggie Harris (2:59). (186). Maggie Hayes. 518. Maggie Hill. 178. Maggie llow.ird. 074. Maggie Ilugiie,^, ch ir. ,3:00). 18. .Maggie J,, Gl.< m. 482.* Maggie K.. pi cer. 74 1. .Maggie K , blk m (2:40J^). 243, 268, 51J, 590. 044. Maggie Ken<'v. 16. Maggie Kevin, b m (2:37). 319, (611), 030. Maggie Klmberly, b m (2:41). 35, 120, 170. 23-.'.* 261, 272, 275. 276, 4 74, 5.J1, .588, .591, 619, 636,640, 6;o.* Maggie Knox, ch ra (2:.59J4). 311,* 512,* 538." (J02.* Maggie L., brm (3:05). :;:s. (.577), 647. Maggie Lee. 482. Maggie Lee, br m (2'A3]4). 482, .13. Maggie Lee, blk m (2:5u). 29, (4;J7), 541,674. Magule M., cli m. 466. .Maiigie M,, blk m (2:27U,'. 74. 1.3.3, 314, 329, 343. 347. .3o6, 411, -,79, 510, 517,* .'■-.30. 54 1 , 540, o98, 'GC9;, 615, 0.3, C;,', Cii4*, Maggie M 0.', 155, 165, .358. Maggie Jl , b m. 13 , 339, 3i;5, 583. Mage-ie M , b m (2:39;. 24. 52, 74,* 235, .349. (44"). Maggie Blain. 3.51,511. Magjrie Jlanej, gr m (3:28 4-.5). 101. Maggie Mack, b in, pacer. 7.')7. Maggie Marshall, blk m (2:43»4), bv Telegraph, dam by Prince Edward. 83, ^17 i), 0.54. Maggie Merrill, ch m. 170. Maggie Jlav, br m (2:47). 71.* Maggie Dlav.ch m (2:41V 20. 73,* 105, 177, 2.30, 288, 391,* 603, 612, 627. 688, 699* Maggie May, b m (3:06%). 151, 184, 205. Maggie Miller, b m (2:43U). 9, 274, 3.^1.490 599,059,79-'. :\Iaggie Wills (2:54). 250, (385). Maggie r>ii'cbeli, ch m (2:.55). 20, 100, 214, 251. 3i:;. Maggie Mitchell, gr m (2:43). 84,* 388. 608. Maggie Mitchell, b m. 249, 552. Jiaggie Blitchell, ch m (2:5.3W). 34, 203, 284,* 529 Maggie Mitchell, b m (2:33H). 38, 100, 120, 149,* 192, 210, 233, 230, 257, (320), 304,* 374, 384. 407,* 428, 45S, 468,* .535. 558, 6.32, 619, 656, 07:.', 07.-i.* 711.* Maggie Mitchell, blk m (2:36). 6, 370, 500. Maggie f .itchell, br m (2:45). 27, 44, 83, >90i, 7i0. Maggie Dliteholl (2:44). (703). Maggie Mitchell (2:49-%). (725). Magpie Mitchell, pacer. 749, 758, I 784. 792. I Maggie " itche 1 (2:,59). 114, .53), ' .594, (540. Maggie M'lm-oe, eh m ( ::.50>^). 220, 482, 040. Maggie Moo<;e. blk m (2:4.5V4). i:8, 138, 2(r,. 304.* :;:i2, r>Oii,os5. Maggie Monill,chm(2:29».4). 16, 80, 280,700. Maggie Myers, b m (2:36). 61, 64, li3, 330,* 375. 027,* ((178*). Magtrie K . b m (2:34)/>). 146, (612 (. MaKtrie Nt-lson. 35, Maggie Nelson, b m. 591. Maggie O. 177.* Maggie Prescott, b m, 3.36, 565. Maggie Pafchen (2:45). 422. Magg e Quiiiii, li m. 52.* 5.39. 647 I Maggie Bush, b in, by Hiram Wood- ruff, 17(5, 177. I MaggieS..hlkm(2:26>^). 119,1123*), 107, 224,* 2.i3, 263.* .•'.02, 368, I 375. 405, 412. 528, 542. 0:;:t. 651.* Maggie S.,grm (2:3194). i:'"^'. '-' !8. 470, 520, 052, 708. .Maggie S., b m (2:41 1, by Bob Lee. (281), .SOI, 32;;. 500 Maggie sharp, br m (2:50). 373. Magsie Smith, br ui (2:3.")). 64. 1.57, 105,* 17;5, 238, 243,* 244,* 321, .355. 439.509. .'.fiO,- 589, (!57. Maggie Storm, ch m (2:43). (511), 66U. Maggie Stewart, ch m. hv Stnr (2:47). 58, 148, 179, 203, 305,368, 568, 58.', 647. Maggie T. 58. 3G0. Maggie V 497. Migi^ie Voorhees, gr m (2:68U). 40, 197. 394. Maggie W . bile m (2:o7^). 367. Maggie W , blk m, pacer. 739,* 746, 764, 791. Maggie W. (3:01). 563. Maggie W. (.;:04). (41). Maggie Wavne 141, 801 Maggie Wall, ch m (2:4:014). 12, 127, (419*), ."50. Maggie Wallace. 578. JIaggie Wells. 406. Maggie Wilkes, b m. 69. Maggie V>^oo(lford, b m. 18. Maggie WooUey (Flora and Lib. Diuimick). ch m (2:.33»4). 94. Maggie Whalebone. 471,546. M.nggie Wiley. 217 Mag Kimberly. 35. Magic, b s (2:33). 251, 508. 625. Magic, blk g (2:25M;. 302,* 373,* 3>'4, 4( 8, (415*). Magic, b m, 375. Magic (2:53) (674). Magna, ch g (2:43i4). 25, 26, 113. Magna Char' a. 179. .Magna Chaita, b s (2:31). 23, 36. 45, 97, 172, (621), 666. 3Iagna Charta. 105. 349, 478. Magna Charta Jr. (3:03). (427). :>Iagna Chief, ch s. 187.* Magnet (2:361^). 173. .Magnet, bs(2':40^). 90, 171, a30, 346, 409, 723. Magnet, b m (2:33J4). 125, 24'', 301,* 472, 554, 715. MMgmt, blkg(2:.38i^). (179), 534. Magnet, b s (2:32V6). 78. 291, (473). 511. Magnolia. 513. Magnolia, br s (3:56). 289. 296,* 402. Magnolia, gr g(2:26i4). 4.3, '04, 112, 115, 132.* 176, l;o2. 275.* l97.* .368,* 439,* 449. 474. 481, 494. 500, 509. 525,* 5:53.* 561. 613, 708. 714.* Magnolia, ch g (2:49M). 45, 162, 249, 265. 625, 706. Jlagnolia (3:10). (53G). Magnolia Maid, b m. 451. Magotr. 136. Mjgousler, gr g, pacer (2:20J4). 7.39, 749. 762, 772, 777. (See Ap- pendix). Matr. Tammany, b m (2:45). 137, 454. Mahaska Bot, b s, by Reconstruc- tion. 445, 640. Mahoning Boy, b g (2:34}4). 33,* 129, 386, 4lij,* 439. 645. Mahoning: Boy, br g, pacer, 737, 740, 745. Maid. 34, 112. Maid (::46). 25,39,7.30. Maid, b m. 98, 269. Maid(2:.58). 73,646. Mai a, b m, pacer (2:42). by Tommy DeKay, f am by Seely's Am. Star. (752). Maiden. 466. Maiden, b m. 3.34, 597. Maid of Ashland. 382. Maid of Ashland. 284. l\raid of Calloway. 432. Maid of Chicago, b m. (2:49^), 73, 366. Maid of Clav. b m. 1''7, 427. 432. Maid of Erin, b m. 389, 563, 635. INDEX OF BEATEN HORSES. ' Maid of Honor (:':47). (578), 643. Maid of Kent. (490). Maid of Mt-rit, b m (■:::iS). 191, 217, 301.* 447. (453), 485. Maid of McCiedan (2:39). (449). Maid of Monti, b in ( <:28). 03, 109,* 129, 1.-6, 102. 174, li.6, 196, 199, 209, 213, 241,* 274. 345, 489,* 501,* 694, 717. Maid of the Mill, b m (2:52). (410), 51.3. Maid of the Mist (3:00). 109, (263), ■117.580,613,671. Maid of the Oaks. 284. Maid of Ottawa. 223. Maid of the Plains, b m (2:37V^). (11*), 15.-), 6.S4. Mai_d of the VaUey, gr m (3:23%). 355. Maid of the West, ch m (2:47). 140. I (178). 344. 369, 420, 530. 590, 700. Maine Bov, (2:55) 37, 89, (422), 552. Maine Central, (3:00). 167. Maine Girl, bm(2:39). 560. Maine Slasher, b s (2:3134). 21,. 37. I 119, 355, (193), 404, 405, 441,* I 4.-).9, 468, 498,* (i93. Majolica, b g ( ::l7i. 336,* 563, 687. Maitland, b g, by Sampson. 366, 662. Maitland Maid, bm. 158. Major, gr g (2:45). 379. Major, cli g.(2:57 w). 262. 455. Major, gr g (2:48). 173, 310. Major, ch g (2:38). 29, (178). 235, 289, 330. 362, 518, 551, 597' 6o&, 693. Major, grg (2:541^). 16, 62, 275, 797. Major, bg 172. Major, grg (2:5.5). 81. 80, 170,190. 217, 313,* 359, 438, 478, 630, 648, 693,* 704. Major, br s (2:54). 9, 57, 81,177, 232,* 35:^, 647. Major, br s (2:45). 133, 184, 254, 255, 601, 702. 1 Major, b g(2:56). 123, 191. 214,287, I 399, 404, 617. Ma.ior, grg (2:45). 529. Major, ch g (3:00). 165, 1 92, 318,616 Majrir, b g llO, 149, ■' 653. , Major, b g (2:40). 40, 202, 507,- t (58(j*), 6o2. Major-, b g (2-401^). (79), .306. Majur. 2 .1. Maj ur, (3:21). 214, (527). Major. 162. 2L3. Major, (2:."9i^). (560). Major, b k g (2:42). 156, 462, 507,* ( 560, 667, 796, 798. Major, b g (2:48) 45, 52,* 57, 329, 3.J0, 4.32, 454, (570*), 687. Major, ch g (2:51). 259, 400, 559, (609). Major, b g (2:45^). 47, 83, (285), 375, 6C9. Major (2:571^). 96, 111, (220), 388. Major, bg (2:5194). (574). Major, rn s, pacer. 736. Major, pacer. 391.* Major, b s. 228. Major, gr s. 526. MajorA..chg. 56, Major Aleck, gr g (2:46). 47. Major Aden (Locust), ch g (2:24J4). 1 140, 161. 267.* 320, 353, 372, 532, I 537. 645,* 659, 660, 670, (681). Major .\nderson, gr g (2:49). 632. Major B. 330, 585, 680. Major Erodhead (Ira C), brg (2:51). 21, 408, 662. Major Bird, b g. 406, 508, 591, 623. I Major Buford, br g (2:57). 143. Major liurt, ch g (2:44^4). 251, 369. Major C, bl< g. 557. Major Christie, brg (2:44}^). 262, 477. (516). Major ( Towell . 476. Major Davis, b s(2:46). 323, 324, 371,. 391, 507, 711. 919 Major Downing. 615.* Major Diamond, b s(3:01J^). 138. 659. Major Dick. 56. Major E.. b g (3:30). 121, (178*). Major Edsall. b s (2:29). 122. I'.T. 280, 280.* 295, 319,* 345,432, 436, 5.59, 633. 670, 677, (682). Major EdsallJr., b s. by Major EJ- sall(2:47}4). 199, 33 ', 491, (648). Major Fulton, b g. 340, 341. Major Gano, rn s (2:.50). (382*), 451. Major Graham. H61. iVIajor Graves, blk g (2:35). 214, 584. Major Holt, b i: ( :44). 137. Major Howartl. 644. Major Hunter; b s. 458. M:^jir Jack Downing. 195. Major K., b g. bv K nton. dam Jane ('oombs. 6 1 , 344, 350. 422. 434. Major King. cU g (2:30). 5o. 14(5,* ;2()3, 289, 319, 3.34, 3.53 * .360. 411,* 477,* 506, 559. 645, 707, 794,* 803. Major Kelly. 339, Major Kingsley. (2:44). (133), 451. Major Knox. 415. Major LamberE (Tvrnne), cti g (2:50^>. Ki, 8:J.* 3i4. 301, 413. Major Lilliburn, b s. 3o8. Major Lord , dn g (2: 23% ; (erroneous- ly given 2: .3^, pace 477). lO, 186, 223, (267), 390, 649, 723. Major Mason. (516). Major McKesson, br s (2:53%). 445. Major (May, br g. 620. Major Miller, b s (2:40). 146, 332, 511. Major Jrono(3:08i.<4). 71.(691). .Major ]\Iorrill(2:.57). (721). Major Morton, gr g (2:50^). 607. Major P., b g (2:50). (609). Major Peny (2:35%). (476). Major Priest, dn g (2:37). ±84,* 345, (435*). 458. 528, 535, 663.* Major Prince (3:27). (29.3). Major Pulse, blk g (2:42). (51*), 1.36, 231, 272, 344. 417, 619, 698. Major Putnam (2:51). 529.* (681). Major Riley, bg(2:36J4). 262, 337. 612. Major Reid. 448. Mgjor Roberson. 38, 103. Major Rogers, brg (2:37). 127, 299, 380, 413.* 5ri9, 567. Major Root, br g. 334, 523,* 624, (708). Major S.,bg (2:29) 10, 105, 166,* 255, 272, 379, 401, 521, 617, 627, 726. Maj. r S., ehg. 335. Major Smith, b g. 271, 573. Major Snow, br g. .301, 521, 549. Major Starr. 116.* Major Ptout. 2.39. Major Thome, b g (2:.53). 200, (231). Major Tom-telotte, br s (2:35%) (254). M".jor Tniax. 105. Major Vaughan, chg. 168, 376, 547, 663. Maior Warflckl, b g (2:4314). 7, 48. 141, 161,* 223, 241, .332, 375, 542, 607, 693. Major Winflpld (2:5S\4). (599). Major Winship. b s (2:38), bv Robert McGriffln. 171,* 217, 528 (644), 645. Makolm, b S (2:48>4). 148, (255), Malcolm, b g. 234. Malone Chief, gr g (2:42). (405*), 524. Malcne Patchen, blk g (2:39U). 52, 224, 286,* 565, 012,* 647. 670. Malone's b-- s (2:41 ). (146). Malta, brg (2:46 w). 419. 508. Malt Grirl, ch m, pacer. 781. Ma'tpse Bov. 686. Molvina, b" m (2:2434). 7. 16, 543, 5.55, 636, 717. 920 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. Mama, b m (0:4!;^) 353, (462). JMambaJ-et, brs r~:^f>M)- (286), 323, ■.KH, till. Muuibrino. .'lOS. 60r>. Ma.lbrin<)(J:4lil^). 785. Mambrin'i, cli s, by Mambrino Chief, .Tr. 13^', IT J, 329, .393,* 472, Mambrino. 288, 473. Mambrino. b « (.':43%). 45, 72, 2.V), not), 65S,*G60. Mambriuo. Aivbie. hr8(2;45). 228. Mar.ibrino Athlete br s (2:3(5), by Ci'lcord's Mambrino Chief. 18, Mambriiin B. b s (2:40), by Mam- Iji'ino Champion, dam Mambrino Belle. ]2«i. 207.* 4.V,'. Mambrino Bashaw, b s (2:53>^). 98, 610. Mambrino Beamer, b s (2:421^). by Mambrino Champion. 6G, 144, 38:5. 725, Mambrino Belle, b m, 621. Mambrino Bl-1 e, h m (3:09). (221). Mambrino Belle. ij04, Mambrino Billy, pi- r (2:4.">^). .39, 103. 19!), 200, :;S4, 207, 705, 735. ' Mambrino Bli.k, lirs, 238. Mambrino Black Hawk. 84, 118, ' 257, 408. ♦ I Mambrino Boy, bik s (2:26i^). 102, 441,705. Mambrino Bruce, b s (2:40i^V 555, (058*). Mambrino Carroll, b s, by Mambri- no Dudlej'. 27. Mambrino Captain. 97,625. Miimbrino(;harta chs (-:;i0>4) ler- i roneously printed 2::i9J4 page I 478), 29,"48. i;i4, 198,* 257, 359, 380,* 6V8,* 790. I Mambrino Chief, b s (2:35). 90, 430, I 0.32, 710 731. i Mambrino Chief, b s (2:31i^), (2:291-6 s). 278. 474, (488), 060,724. Mambrino Chief, bs(2:52). 00,(451). Mambrino Chief. 6. 270,"^ 496. Mambrino Chief Jr., b s (2:.34H). ' 16, 18, 28, 1()9,* 205, 247, 202.277, 307, 349, .375, 408, 414.* 44:5, 452,* 4.54,487,5.52,611. 630, 640, 651, , 661, 675, 697,* 708, Mambrino Clay, br s (2:46J4). 18, 296. Mambrino Clay, blk s, by Strader's C, M.Clay Jr. 219,528.* Mambrino "C'ay, blk s (2:.'54M'). 49, .325, 348, .392.* 492, (.',03), 563,605, 612, 628, 658. 665, 670. Mambnno (?lay, Jr., by Mambrino Clay. 206,* 692. Mambrino Cloud Jr., blk s (3:00K')- 47, (103), 1.3.3, 171. Mambrino Cloud, blk s. 348, 443, 5.30. 707. Mambrino Creeper, br s. by Judge Upton Colt, dam a thoroughbred mare. (.508*). Mambrino Diamond, blks (2:.30). 96. Mambrino Dick(3:10>4). 32, 91,637. Mambrino Druid, br b (2:4:514). 294. Mambrino Dudley, b s (2:22). 27, 29, 64,* 121, 160, 184. 194, 198, 200, (229*), 319,* 597, 6.33. Mambrino Eclipse, b s (2:.34). 109,* 188,* 230, 419,* 4.36. 572, (648*), 710.* Mambrino Foster, blk s. 2.30, 277, 499,* 5.55. 044. Mambrino Friday, bs(3:15M). (283). Mambrino General, b e (2:25^). 73, 108. 147. 100, 17(5,* 2.33, :.'40, 290, 328, a33,* 355, 362, 386, 400, 430, 509.* Mambrino Gent. 310. Mambrino Oi^orRe, br s (2:.30). 121, 124, 420,* 4:55, (4:!7), 440, 479,529, 601, 703.709. Mambrino (}ift, ch s (2:20). 44,242,* 302, 500,'- «:!8, 670. Mambrino Gift Jr. (2:51). 60. Mambrino Girl, gr m (3:22>i). 192, 202, 607. Mambrino Grit, b g. (2:.34). 15, 507. Mamtrino Hansen, b s (2::51M). 48,* 89. 93, 118,*l(i7, 227, 2:)9, 2.")7,:54(i,* ;549, :580,* 4(57, 481, 541, 5,57, 5(50, Mambrino Jr., b s, by Mambrino Chief , dam by Brown's Bellfounder (1). 613. Mambrino Hippy, br s (2:32?^. 360, 498,522,622.72.3. Mambrino Jewell. 480. ]\lambrino Jim, br g. 681. Mambrino Kate, gr m (2:24). 51, 1.33, 172,* 17:5, 194,* 240, 272,* 275,321, 328,* 440, 444, 475, 612, 514, 525, 580. Mam brino Ma? . 453 . Mambrino Maid, b m(2:50). 30,* 44, 47, (JO, 22:, :5'.'6, 424, .596, Mambrino Mai. 44, 177, (270), :5;J6, 503. lAIambrino Messenger (2: 42). (314*). Mambrino Messenger, br s (3:04 ), by Young Blessenger. (293*), 379. Mambrino Monarch, gr s (2:41J^). .34, 571. Mambrino Morgan, b s. 624. Mambrino Nell, h m (2 :31). 152, 154.* (233), 2:ir, .5(>1,57'8, 05. . Mambiina Nelly, ch m, 681. Mambrino Norman, 646, Mambrino Oceanic, ch s (2:47), (502). Mambrino Oliver, blk s. 115. 15:5. Mambrino Patchen (Metronome), b s(3:0634). 615. Mambrino Paris, b s, by Mambrino Patchen, dam by Joe Do\\'ning. 219. Mambrino Pet (3:07). 38, (530). Mambrino Pet (:!:00). 192, (012). Mambrino Patchen (2:ii2}4-)- (671). Mambrino Pilot, br s (2:34^). (2:2714 s). 48,(607). Mambrino Pilot, b s, 87, 176, 284. Mambrino Pilot, Jr., blks (2:49^). 16, 102, 175, 193.417,4:58, 521, 0u5. Mambrino Pilot, Jr.,b s(2:54^). (5.59) Mambrino Prince (Brignoli), br s (2:2r^). 108, 142, 251, 263, 435, 595, 659, Mambrino Prince, b g (2:39^), 63, 125,* 1:57, 224, 504, 636, 660, Mambrino Prince, b s, by Coldwater Chief. (119*). Mambrino Rattler, b s. by Ericsson, dam by Rattler. 103, 162,* 494,* 512, 6(5, 686. Mambrino Rawleigh, blks (2;52J4)- 65, 494, r.27, 6i:5, 625, 746. Mambrino Roval, b m. 6x1. Mambrino Snap, br s (2:42). 52,* 2.57,* :540, ((541). Mambrino Sparkle, b m (2:29U). 1(58, 227, 92K, 247.* 202. ?92, :i98, 480, 5:54, 558, (571 ), ('75. 703, 720. Mambrino Sonny, bg. 008. Mambrino Sotham, blk s (2:26?^). 264, 470. Mambrino Star, b s (2:281^). 66, 10.3, 1.32, 149, 249, 378, 407, 480, 508, 543, 705, Mambrino Sturges, br s (2:38^) by Mambrino Gift, dam Lady May. (073). Mambrino Startle, rns(2:52V^). 126, 132. 478, Mambrino Stranger, 502. Mambrino Susie, br m (2:43J^). 167, (411). Mambrino Temple, b 8, 192, .362,414. Mambrino Thorne, br s. 199, 538, 5 18, 728. Mambrino Turk, ch s, by Mambrino Gift, dam by Bay State (2:32), 18, 14:5,* 171, (202), 044. Mambrino Walker, br g (2:38J4). 44, I .59. 04, 95, 171, 176. 341. 309, 407, 408, 41«. 442, 479,*481, 558, (559), 576, 60! 1,641, (i,58. Mambrii.o Warner, br g (Dan Buck), (2::5li/j). 30.* 121, 20;(, :.':5-.', 2.5:5, 321, 341, 349, 446, 4,52, 48:5, 495,* 584.* 643, 67(5, 724. Mambrino Yorkshire. 18. Mameluke (2:50) (502), Mamie, chm(2:47U). 12, .50, 96, 798. Mamie, b m (3:15J4). 1.51. Mamie, bm(2:21M)- 12.* 145, 229, 2:57, 423, 473, 494, (550), 565, 568, 608, 0.58, Mamie (2:40). (31.5). Mamie, b m. 473, 580, 703, 735. Mamie C, 522, Mamie F., b m, 45, 156, 263, 356. Mamie G. (2:58), 174. (.303). Mamie Goble, b m, pacer (2:37). 740, 700. Mamie Jefferson. 527. Mamie K . b m. 207, 287, 721. Mamie Kiernan, b m(2::5^'i4). 12,14,* 15,* 1-SS* (44:$), 49:5, 553. Mamie Lee, b m (2:.52;. 7,* 179. 480, 508. Mamie M, br m (2:2QH)- 12, 33, 63,* 105, 134, 104, 184, 2(j9, 237, 503, 550, 721. Mamie Miller (2:49). (143), 336. Mamie Windsor, b m, by Windsor. 57. Mamies. 187. Manchester, brs. 36. Manchester Maid, br m. 89. Maudeville (2:4.5) (142). Mandrel, b s, pacer. 753,* Maneless, chg(2:40%), (176). Man Kater(2:5;5). 61. Manhattan, br s (2:33J^). 108, 259, 422, 652, 6.59, 0(i5, 68r5. Manhattan, bs (3:01^4), 428,635. Manhattan, b g (2::50!4). 20, 64, (1 13*),195, 283, 422, 437, 480, 490i* 495, o;>9, 554, 022, 730, 793, 794.* Manhattan (2:53). (44). Manhattan Maid, b m (2:52 w). 565. Manilla Boy. (50). Manistee, blk g(2:45?^. 264,437, 453, 576. Manitoba, b m (2:37). 110, 181, 277, 307, 575, 597. Mannehto. br s (2:47), 24, 714. Manon, b m (2:22i^). 461, 635,* 602, 690. Mationa (Lady Lancaster), blk m (2:44K^). 607. Mansfield (2:53). (11). Mansfield (2:42). (45). Mansfield Boy, gr s (2:50>. .52, 371.» Mansuar (J. N. Mansuay), b g (2:40). 68, 215, 407, 431, 454, 558, 580. Maori, gr m. 496. Maple, b m (2:40?^). 233, 368. Maplewood, blk s (2:40). 329. Mara. 281. Marble Dust, blk m. 662. Marathon, blk s (2:44). 351, 619. Marathon Boy. 3.39. Marbkhead, gr g (2:40). 222, 259,* 417, 4:50, 62:5, 676. Marcello, blk s. 153. Marcelliis, bg. pacer (2:331^). (784*) Marengo, br g (2:40), 99, (113), 125, 408, 543. 617, 052. Marcelline . 50 1 , 607, 70.5. Marcus, b g, by Palmer's Norman, dam by Ethan Allen. 611, Margo, ch m (2:51). (51), 240. Mardi Gras, ch g. by Enfield, dam Flight, by Nantucket. 584.* Margery. 129. Marguerite, b m (2:29). 64, 186, 214,* 281, .3:5.5,* (347). Margaret, b m, 201. Margretta. b m. 4:58, 652. Mnrgaret L. 284. Maria, b m (.3:15), (684 ). INDEX OF BEA.TE>- HORSES. 921 Maria (2:37i^), 230, 234, 275, 47C, 508, (642), 721. Maria, bik m (2:.')t). 41 , 76. Maria, Mk m (2:40). 40, 70, 394. Maria ( 3 : 00). 73, (636). Maria Black. 521.794. Maria Erwin, b m (2:46 s). 177, 443. Marian, b ni. 326. Marian, blk m. 62, 360.* Marian, blk m (2:35K 505,* (551). Marian, ch m. 195.* 236. Marian B. 5„"8. Marian H . b m (-^cSO). (59), 104, (194). 290. 410. .-)28. Mai ian Sfttson, gr m. 260. Maria Samuels. 180. Maria Stewart, b i .. 18, 99, 300, 3.56.- 453. 7.35.* Maria Stuart. 574, 629, 675, 683. Maria Wilson (3:00). (-.io). Marie. .57. Marie Dougherty, b m. 297. Marie Louise, b in (2:49). 382, 680, 720. Marie Scotf, b m, pacer (2:24). 738, 783, 7^4.* Marietta, gr m . 373, 437, 441. Marin, bs (2:44^), b.v George M. Patchen Jr. 2^7, (365), 461, 482, 632, 058, 096. Marion, pacer. 7.^9. Maricu, eh g (2:2314). 16, 33, 40, 119, 147,* 15,5, 251,275,321,* 334, 3.59, 363, 37'3, 429, 440, 447, 495.* 514, 547. .563, (569), 579, 627,* 716,724.* Marion, cb g (2:29). 33, .58, 199, 249,* 313, 366, 506,* 539, (577). Marion Maid. 393 Montana, pacer (2:39). (763). Maroon Golddust, ch s 221.* Mark, b g (2:39). 465, 552. Mark Anthony, br g (2:.36). 18, 26, 131. L75, .327,* 457, 499. Market Boy, c]ig(2:45t;i). 667. 31arket Girl(3:fil). (677"). Msrkham Girl. 726. Mark Lexington, bg (3:131^), (492). Mark McGuire (Putnam), gr g (2:37K'). 434. A e s Marli Ray, b.g. 76.* 105, 134, 348, .•!65, 390, 446, 700. Marksman, blk s (2:43). 176, 394, 508, 654. 800. Marksman, b s. 235. Mark Taylor, eh g (2:41i^\ 319. Mark Time, br s, I y Robert McGre- gor, dam by Glance's Morgan. 685. Mark Twain, ch g (2:39j. 17, 201, 417, 577, (612). Mark Twain, b g(2:37^). 203, 710. Mark Twain (2:59). 558, 612. Mark Twain, blkg(2:38U). 11. Mark Twain, blk g (2 :46).~225. 617. Mark Twain, b s (2:4914). 2.54. Mark Twain, br s (4 :00^). (111"). Mark Twain, pacer (2:5li^). (739), 77.3, 781, 782. Mark Twain. 15, 491 . Marlborough, gr g (2:33). 194,* 291, 351. (.539). 65 \ 5.".6,* 723. Marlborough Bov. blk g (2:46). 36, (121), 191,* 71-!;. Marmaduke. b g. 709. Marmion. br s. 224.* Marmion, ch g (2:383^). 265. Marmion, b g (2:3.5i^). 110, 120, 138, 154, 184, 205, 237, 473(555*), I 672. Marquis, br g. 314. Marquis, b s. 113, 121, 233, 248. i Marquis of Lome, br g (2:40). 23, 169, 44ri,5 1, 535. Mars, ch s (2:-29l4). 10, 58,* 128, 1.32, 170, 195, 362, 5.56, 565, 566,* 695. ; Marshall, wh g. 314. 647, 795. Marshall, grg (2 :.34). (67), 75, 371, ' 424, 553, 670, 729. Blarshall, ch g (2:50). (136*), 182, 213,* 40.3,- 6:53. MarshallB., brg. 346. Marshall Boy, br g. 718. Marshall ' hief, ch s (2:53). 474. Marshal Ney, blk s (2:37). 384, (452), 502, 601. Marshal O., b g (2:40). 45. 119, 143. Marshfield Girl. 20u. Mai-sh Clark, b s. 220, 318, 3.39.* 612. Marsh Young, ch s (2:37). 243, 475. 478, 577.* MartellaG. (41.5). Martha, b m (2:30). 65. 94, 128, 134, 159, 2' 5, 257.* 287, 297, 300, 346,* 358, 374, 393. 4.36, 442, 492, 504, 538, 543, c.50, 662,* 569, 600, 666, 698, 726. •= Martha (2:58). (616), 693. Martha, b m (2:46). 66, 298, (389*) Martha C, ch m. 219,* 65S. Martha Gibbs, gr m (2:50). 520. Martha H , ch m. :.9.3. Martha's Vineyard, bro. 315. Martha W., blk m. 284. 489,508,639. Martha Washington, cluu(2:37). 79, 569. Martha Wsshingfon, ch m (2:20)4). 6, 11, 41.* 160.218, 3"0, 3in,*411, 414.* 459, 463, 4e8, 493, 569, 588, 651. ' Martha Washington, br m, by Mene- ! laus, dam by Magnolia Star. 64,* 678. Martha Washington (2:45). (89*), 325, 338. .399, 711.* i Martha Hilton. 10, 61, 673. 'Martin Luther, b g(2:4j). 18, 32,* 49, 60, 79, 91, 178, 219, 309, 343, 431, 432, 444, 616. 646, 672. Martin McClellan, ch g (2:37). 211, I 327, 527,* 640. Marx 330. I Marvel' b "g (2:28). 225, 235, 325, (455). 626 ! Marvel (2:46M). 53, (171). , I Mary (2:45). (193), 339, 484, 577,* i ';'93. Mary, b m (2:28). 83, 1.37, 138, 212 218, 253, 272, 275, 296, 323, 467, 520,* 660, 729. Mary, (2:5.5-%). 64, 148, 327. Mary, b m (2:31^). 35, 163, 228, .308,521,526, 530, 560, 601,619, 646, 722. Mary, oh m (2:55). 10, 78, 340, 683. Mary, b m (2:33). (97), 4 -'4, 449. Blary, h m (2:36)^). 66, 119, 126. 146, 148, 796. Mary, b m (2:37}^). by Virgo Ham- bletonian, 22, (294), 480, 626, 612. Marv, chm (3:07). 44, 118, (256), 339 429 Mary,' ch m (2:50)4)- (400), 722. Mary, blk m (2:521/,). 45, (62), 232, 335, 581. Mary, b m. 144, 318, .332.* 598. Mary, bni. 22S, 232, 360, .387. 504. Mary Allen, b m (2:53). (157), 539. Mary Ann, b m (2:54). 206.* Mary Ann, b m (2:56). (50*), 399, 602, 624. Mary Ann, b m (2:46 w). 488. Mary Aim (Duchess and Grand Duch- ess), b m (2:261^). 231,287, 497, 649, 651. ~ I Marv An n (2 : 55). 363, 663 . Mary Ann, b m (2:49). 190, 402,408, ' 418. I Mary Ann. 288. Mary Ann. 437 * Mary Anderson, ch m, by Patchen Chief. 166, 518, 713. I Mary Anderson, bm (2:42). 96,297, 339. Mary Anderson, ch m (2:59i4). 90, ' 297. 339,(445), 516, 533, 700,^-' 708. Mary Ant, b m. 503. Maryof Argyle. .394. , Maiy A. Whitney, b m (2:28). .32, 140, 237, 240,* 25"6.* 353, 369,* 398,* 629, 645, 646, 665, 678.* (096). 704. Mary B., ra m (2:44). 56, 314, 724. Mary B. (2:1.5i^). (118). Mary B., gr m, by Vinco, dam by Black Jeff. .349. MaryB., b m (2:34)-^) 185, (250), 288, 353, 376, 424, 572, 665. Mary B 126. Mary B , blkm. 723. Marv Barber, b m (2:38). 144. 154, 239.* :i44, 278,* 330, 384, .396,* 409, 4.58. Mary Bell, gr m (2:345^). (648), 671, 708. Mary Bishop, b m. 26',* 628. Mary Belmont, ch m (2::3:ji^). 19. 62, 86, 169, 288, (342), 356, 375. 402,* 403, 487,* 494, 600, 604, 620, 681, 799. Mary Brown, gr m. 97, 317, 318, 342, 425,* 557, 588. Mary r.urnhan), b m (2:32). 42. 596. Mary Burns, blk m. 249, 320, 542. Mary Burtis. 487. MaryCgr m (2:35). 67, 132,274, 710. Maiy C . chm (2:3.3)^). 39,104,205, 578, 5P5,* 602, 641,675. Mar.v Chief, gr m (2:49). 473. Mary Clark, ch m (2:36)4). !-/^S, 710. Mary Comstock, b m (2:41). 139, 149, 258, 350, (651). Mary D., b m (2 :34). 181 , 711. (712). MaryD.. br ni (•<;::38^. 8, (303), ;J30, 429, 492, 607, 048, 662. MaryD., ch m, pacer (2:37). 737, 738, (757), 773. Mary Davis, b m (2:2614). 10, 13. 34, 71, 103, 104. 127. 144, ;'23. 262, 269,* 342, 424, 494,* 518, 546,* 61 9, 633, 653, 802. Mary Due] 1, b m. 323. Mary Dell, br m, by Black Knight, dam by Ticouderuga. 23, 155, 453. 506, 562. Mary E., blkm. 107,119,222.* Mary Emory, bm (2:4.3%). (146*), Mary E Phawhan (2:44). (159), 543. Mary F., b m (2:44)4). «5, 169, .391, 422 Mary G , b m. 214. Mary Golddust. 71. Mary H , b in (2:41J^). 16,* 121, 300, 445, 514. 599. Mary H., b m, bv Young Wilkes (2 36). 87, 326. 387, 392, 479, 484, (498), 545. Mary H. (2:50). 467. Mary Halsey, b m. 411, 641. Mary Hardmg. 81. Mary Harris ch m. 182, 369, 486. Mary Hill, b m (2:5.3)4). 195, 617 ■ Ma ■ (2/29). 50; 306. Mary Hoyt (Widow Machree). ch m Mary Irving, br m (2:37). (573). Mary J., ch m. 494, 641, 31ary Jane, gr m (2:55). 148, 233, 490. Mary Jane (Maggie), bm (2:34)^). 16, 24,* 62, 87, 118,* 163.* 173,* 191, 221,* (287), 290, 319, 368, 369, 419, 489, 589, 598, 636,* 643, 706, 800. Mary Jane, b m (2:46). (340), 359, Mary Jenks (2:51)4). (2.34*). 301. Mary Jefferson, blk m (2:56)^). 562. Mary Kennedy , b m (2 :37)4). 113,* 508,* 540,* 553.* 671, 731, 798. Mary Kinkead. 229. Mary L., gr m (2:46^). 139, (704). Mary Lamb (Frisky Jane), b m (2:36). 29, 117, 159, 395, 411, 491, 539, (606), 614, 621, 631, 651.*707. Maryland, br m (2.40). 275, 527. Maryland Chief, b g. 38. Mary Lane, b m (2:42). 38. Mary Long, br m (2:.")2). 97. Mary Louise, rn m (2:57). 615, 646. Mnrv Louise, bm (2:45). 435,497,* 559. 922 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACINQ RECORD. Mary M., pacer. 739. MaryM. 554 Mary M., cli m. 5(>4, 636. Mary M.. b m (2:44K>). 57,308, 394 45 3 548, GJl, 625. Mary Mac, c!i m. .323. .^lary ML'ssenixer, b m. 531, 671. Mary Mill r, br m (i,':.32). 16, 104, 174, 179. :.'40, 301, 37.5. 383,^ 4J1, 4'J.S, 4.17, 455, 495, 510, 604, 620, 601, 7ll.71.->. 730. Mary Miller, pacer (2:42). (266). Mary Morrill. 4 1. Mary Newton, ch m (2:36). 105. (1:J0*), 130. 143, 184, 247, 305, 306, 374,* 400, 596, o56. Mary0..grm. 231.* Mary o'C.innor. 07. Mary Patchen, b m (2:31). (212*), 494. Mary Pond, gr m. 513. Mary Queen, -r ni. (>J9. Mary Q liee n br m (3 :33M) . 480. MaryR. 4.)4. Mary Rayner. ch m. 634. iMary Reamer, b m (2:41i4. 617, 726 Mary Rus.sell. \vh m (2:23*)^). 17, 44, l-'6,* 12 <, 1.33.* i.'j2. 360, 166, 18.3, 198, 2^^f. 293, 314, 328, 533, 534 557, 010, 678, 702. Mary S., b m (3:04). 134. Mary Schwind. 36. Mary Stewart, ch m (2:,56>4 w). 18 Marysville Queen, grm(2:3IW). 10, 41,* 65, 160, 18S, 30:t, 310, .324 458, 489, 520, 540,* .5!)3,* 618, (il9 Mary Taylor, blk in C3:37). 88,- 127, 299,* .380,* 423,* 496. 544. Mary Taylor, br m (2:35j. 24, 45 62.* 82, 132, 221, 24J, 256, .325, 369,* 4(l6, 407, 408, 439, 444, 508, 576, .598, 795, 802. Mary Taylo:-, br m. pacer (2:39}^). Mary Temple (2:58). (476), 506. Mary Turner, gr in. 129. MaryV.,cUra. 378,424. Mary W., b m (2:57i^). 26, 123, 220 363, .378, 484, 5-19, (638*), 735. Mary Winfleld. 304. Mary Washington, b m. 368, 685, 700. Mary Waters. 680. Mar> Wilson. 615. Mascotte, ch g (2:.39J4). 18, 51, 107. Mason (2:35^). (l.-,0), 400. lUason City Maid, ch m (2:49«4). Massachusetts. 267. MassiUon Jack, ch g, pacer. 758 ' 766. ' j Master Diamond, ch g (2:45 s). 63.3. Master Veruon (2:45). (222). | Mat B., b g, pa.;er (2:41). (772). Mat Buins. 530. Match. 601. Match 'Em. 307. iMatch Girl, b in. 400. Matchless, b la (2:47). (714). Matchless, b g. 309. Matchless, b g (2:3.5->4). 325, 441. Matchless, b g. 414, 472, 688. Mate, blk g (•,':46). 24.3, 431. Male, btr (2:47) 161. Mate, ch m (3:20J^). (111). 282, 415, 408, 594, 625. ^"^ ^ ' ' ^"' Mate Gardner. 276. Matheny'8 b g. by Velox. 249.* MatiMa, blk in (2:3.5) 29,* 46 112 ]7i,*(.361),39(>, 4.30, 550,* 594. ' Matilda, b m. 152, 15.3, 731. Matilda, b m. (259), 296, 3!4. 532. Matilda Jane, b m (i:49i^), by Lex- ington Chief Jr. (4H1),705. Matteawan, pacer(2:;«)). (7r9). Mat Brewer, ch g, by Blue Ruin, dam by Cockspui-. 274, 622. 623. 6()3. ' Mat Cameron, (2:.36>^). 197, 205 * 267, (271), .346,* 3.51,* 421.* : Mat Duffy. 237. .Hat Gardner. 21-.', 568. •Mat Smillj. Oril. Matthew Smith, b g (2:26^) 102 * 127, 167, 278, (.398), 4U5, 5.-)9,* I 568.* 569, 635. Mattie. 2il. ' Mattie, pacer. 761. Mattie, b m (2:42). 213. Mattie, blk m (2:5>-M). 674. Mattie. 2(i0. Mattie, b u\ (2:22V) 12 15, .59, 81,* 101,* 129, 134~ Uo! 150,* 164, 176, 181,* 194, 201, 205,* 209,* 251, 274, 342,* 3 }5,'' 354, 375, 380,* 383. 390,* 413 438,* 452, 463, 496, :-04, 511,* 534! 563, 568,* 590,* 592,* 608,* 618, 622, 655, 658, 703. Mattie Grant, br m. 473. Mattie H . gr n. (2:29^). 117. 241, 385. 387,* 392,* WJ.S, 681. 711. Mattie Henderson, by Kentucky Duke. 146. ^ Mattie Howard (Kate), ch m (2:34) (i^)' yj^: P'-- 1-0. 100, 188, 299, I Mattie W.. b m. 458, 679 Mattie Williams. 526. -Mattie Wilhs, b m, by Tom Thumb. Matiie Wills, ch m (::50). 294. Matt Kirkwood, b g (2:29^^). 58 60 104, ll:(,* li)i 230. 251, 275, .349 ■ 380,*;js:i, 411,* 452,* 500, 5u4> o94. 630.* (6.^0), 6J4. 70.3. » Matt Patrick, br s (2:38J4). (153), .5S6. Mat t Tanner, ch g (2:31) "2 '^9* 5.5, 89.104.(197), 287. '.387,' 431 441, ij36, 5.j2. 576. 66 J, 672, 69.3. Mattock Maid. 343. MattWhitbeck (tl:i:i%). 191, .351, Mauch 'chunk Mn id blk m. 141 Maud, ch m (2::J7^4 w). 212. 319.* (.501),5~8, 6U4. Maud, b m (2:45). 276. 278. 314, 368. Mau'l, b m (2: .9>i). 114, 263, 300. 31/,;i31. 428, (.5:i8). 6o6. Maud, b m (2:59!^). 218 Maud, blk m (2:4394). 23, 163,195, 304. 400,* 617. ■» ' ' ' Mand, blk m (2:36U). 23,* I'M ^^(17.3), :iJ8, .39.5, .3i)S, ^40. (517, 718, "' " ' ' "' 8, 377, 51l! 310, 328, .342,* 308, 487.* 493. 552! Mattie Hunter, b m(2:59i^). 266. 308, 392. ' Mattie Hunter, chm, pacer (2:1294) 2 7, 737,* 7.39, 742,^^^ 745, 754,* 768,* 770,* 779,* 78:3, 784. Mattie Jackson, b m (2:38). 144 (.■i98). Matti'-K. 802. Mattie K., pacer. 784. Mattie K . Fuller, ch m (2:35). 105. 126,* 143, 184, 421, 516. Mattie Kirby. 628. Mattie Lee (:J:10|. (225). Matt'e Lyle, brm (2:28). H. 87,* 165, 173, 105, 197, 275, 276, 290, .367,* .394, 4 J 8, 449. (450) 5,i2. 6i3,* 639,* ()41, 646, 647, 652 661, 690. 801, 803. Mattie Lynch, (^:;}0). :5.3. Mattie Price, b m, bv Woodford Mambrino. 305, 315, 547, 554, 707. Mattie .May. 488. Mattie Miller (2:;ni^). (271). Mattie Moore, gr m, bv a son of Stephen A. Douglass. .392. Mattie Old, b m, by Balsora, dam by Iron Duke. 14:i. Mattie S.. ch m by Fleetfoot Hun- ter, dam by Star Hambrino. 4.5, 2.5(i. Mattie Sturgeon, b m. by Red Buck Colt, dam a thoroughbred. 148.* 2.39, 298. 612, 677. Mattie Tildeii. 2.58. Maud, blk m (2:30Jd) 696. , Maud, blk m (2:40). 94*, 105. 217 ! 292, 685. 686. > . . Maud, br m (2:45). 158, 184, 201. ' Maud. 257. Maud, b m (2:47). 73, 90, 364, 644 Maud,brm(2:.37J4). 15, iri2, 207 I 345, .340, 4.!5, * (447), 482, 539, 635,' 666.667.684. Maud, b m (3:0l). 81. (533). M;'U'l, b m(2:46). 262, 3i5,* 425 7.*o, 732. 801. Maud, chm. 600. Maud (2:58). (40), 53. Maud. (284), 5.58, 580. Maud, b m(2:.38^) 12, 12.3, 158. 2,57, 481,* 492. Maud(2:59J4). 15.5, 546, 619, (716*) Maud, pacer. 767. Maud (Bella), b m (2:22). bv Ham- bletonian. dam Lady McManu, by Jupiter. 147, 4-'5, 464. (522) Maud, c)i m. 175, 268, 578, 707. Iviaud. 6' 8. MaudA.,bm. 538. Maud A., eh m (2:5914). (569) Maud A (3:04). 393.* Maud Almont, b m (2:47y). 45 I Maud B. (3:00^) (474) MaudB. 460,401,* MaudB., br m (2:.34-'»i), (95). 105 161, 233. 250, 284,* 296, 324 ;{48 432, 449,* 502. 592, (>21. 644,* 688* Maud B. , b m, by Toot Dillon. 316, 342, 542. Maud B., br m (2:44). 83, 89, 100 117, 202, 278. 304, 412, 512, 537,* 591. .594,* 675. Maud B. 481. Maud B.. pacer. 763.790 Maud Butler, h m (2:48-^). (43), 187. Maud C . , br m . 82. 4.>4. IMaud Carter, pacer. 763. Maud Cook. 34.5. Mauil D.. br m (2:.3.3>4). 29, 51, 235,* 39.', 424. 603, 6:J4. (700). Maud I) , b m (2:57J4). 27. Maud E., bm. 130 Mivud Edgerton, blk m (2:46U). 3i 2:i7, .346, (.•!79). Maml F. m. Maud U.. ch m (2:.36^( 148, 207 219.* .389, Cn-^. 6:{0, 686, 7 0. Maud H. , gr m (2:.")2)^). (202). Maud H.. blk m I.t Blue Bull, dam by DIambrino Chief. 228, 272 Maud IT., or in. 621. Maud H. 793. Maud H , b m. 487. Maud Knox, eh ui. 0.35. Maud L., blk m (2;44i^). 32, 78, 107, L'68. 273,* 372, 511. Maud M., b m. 124. Maud M. (2:36). 18, 35, 297, 353,* 632. Maud M. 239. Maud Macey, ch m (2:27?:^), by Joe Hooker, dam by Star Denmark. 13, (382), 383, 425. (See appen- dix). Maud Mahon, b m (2:39K>). 61, 312, 474, G77, 720. Maud McDonald, b m (2:34K>). 600, 6 9 * Maud Medium, b m by Happy Me- dium, dam bv California Pji.tchen (2 :48). 89, (284), 340, 380. .500. Maud Messencer. b m (•.':20), by , Messenger Chief, dam Gentle Breeze. C6, (162), 231, 299. (See Appendix). Maud Miller, b m (2:50). (616). Maud Mourne, ch m (2:33i4). by '■ Young Medoc. 35. (92), 110, 380, 511. Maud Morgan, bm(2:30V;). 397,459. Maud MuUer. gr m (2:41M). 157, 235.391,521,023. i Maud MulJer. 129. 1.59, 274. Maud 0.(RoseStandish),brm (2:39). 26,- 309. 340,* 350. 357. MaudPechin, bm(2:41M). 301,443. 403, 5:jl, 5.57. ' ^^^ 'I Maud R., b m (2:34i4). 47, 82, 148, 174, 234, 241, 243,257,408. 475, 481,* 569, 602.* 607, 624, 627. Maud RejTiokls. 479. Maud S. 148. 345 MaudS.,(2:n4). 467. Maud S. Jr., b m. 385. Maud btantnn. 237. Maud T.. b m (2:26). 130, (140*), 176, .554. Maud W., ch m (2:39^). 189.* Maid W.,bm (2:44). 31, 126.* 437. Maud W., b m, pacer. 749. Maud AVilliam, bm (2:37). 144, 421, 545, G24. Maud X , b m (2:39). 8, 239, 324, (30!j, 438. 557, 625. Maum H.. pacer. 741. Maurice Daly, gr g(2:34i4). 162, 373, 395 719 722 Maverick Boy ~b g (2:56J4). 329, (366) Mavis. 180. Max, bs (2:41J4). 179. Maxey, br m (3:04) (erroneously given 2:40)4, page 491). Maxey, brm(2:40i4). 134,167, 198, 291, (384), 406. 550. Maxey. b m (2:3834). 32, 217,(251*), 420, 6.57. Maxey Cobb.b s(2:20^). 60,138 262,* 383, 437. 563. 735. Maxim, bs (2:41 J4). (95). Maxim's b m. 326. Maximilian. 178,674. Maximilian, ch g (2:45). 95. 403. 429. Maximilian, ch s (3:17K 117. 397. Maximiliari. ch g(2:51i^). 31, (616), 628, 659. Maxley. 155. Maxley. 341. Max L., br g (2:371^). 121, 287, 346, 480, 492. Maxwell, ch g (2:51)4). 47, 110, 148, 176,* 330, (.387*). Maxwell Maid, b m (2:38). 29, 58, 176, 236, 417. May. b m (2:49). 73. 370. May, gr m (2:4.3). 477. May. grm (2:52)4). 359,* 386*, 599, 629. May. ch m (2:26). 8,* 13. 48, 64. 100, 117, 1'8. 180, 181, 236, :167, 408, 412, 436, 440, 509, 533, 620, 62:j, 628. 666. 678.* (708i. 715, 718. May, b m (2:36). 152.* 22:$, 247, 475. (484*), 607. May (3:01). 75. INDEX OF BEATEN HORSES. May. 499. 615.* May. 007.* May,brm 68.5. Mny B., blk ra (2:41)4) 1-6, 199. MayB.. blk ni (2:41)5). 298. (563). Maybe, gr g (2:54). 50, 230. May I ee, ch m. 249. May bee, b m (2:33). 32,* 55, 68, 114, 141.352,353,386.607, 660. May Belle 716. May Belle. 525. May Blossom. 522. May Bird, blk m (2:21), (2:1934 s). 80.* 80*. 140*, 141. 290*, 320, 362*, 3(J9, 431, 435, 446*. 4.54, 519, 580, 586,* 624,* 6:17,* 678, 708.* May Bird, b m (^:30). 16,49,92,117, 326. 412, 443, 503,506,563,594, 695. 707. May Birrl. b m. 519 May Borden, ch m. 271. May Boy. (2:.39)4). 14, 407, 505. May Brown. 123. May Burrill. blk m (2:33). 146, 173, 729. May Clark (Bird), ch m (2:35). 148, 199, 2-5. May D. 68. 606. iiay D , ch m, by Wild Idle, dam Netty Brown. 150. May Day, b m (2:48)4). 192, 376,* 669. 682, (099). May Day. b m (2:30). 117, 293, 523, 546. 612 MayDay. brm (2:51). 216,(474). May Doble. ii7. May Flower, ch m. 78, (137). 582. May Flower (2:57), (2:47 s). 589, 687. May Flower, b m (2:50). 696. Blay Flower, b m ^•^■.30y>). 104, 342,* 424. 475, 486,* 618.* ~ May Flower, bm (3:00). 84,205,211, 400. 715. May Flower, b m (2:59)4). 14, 537,* 698. May Flow.T, br m (2:.30)4). 15,75, 90, 197, 340,* 132, 467, 531, 553, 597. 628, 649. May Flower (2:38)4). 184, (215). May Flower (2:52). (501). May Flower b ra. 7. May Flower, gr m. by Whipple, dam by State of Maine. 308 314,392. May Florence, bm (2:45M). (294). 306, 527. May Flv, b s (2:40). 274. 505, 688. May Fly. rn g (2:42). 18, 693. May Fly.b m (2:30)4). 13. 104, 239, 299,* 334, 342. May Fly (2:45). 325. (672*). May H.,bm (2:46). 310. May H., chm (2:26)4). 19, 324, 512, I 657. (068). 710.* May Harris, ch m (3:00). 37, 716. May Howard, gr m (2:24). 104, 107, 127, 160,* 174,* 197,* 198, 2.36, ' 250, 253, (262*), 297.* 424, 518,* 542, 546,* 587, 618,* 633, 653,* 680. 793. May Howard, dn m (2:51). (90). May Jefferson, blk m (2:38)4). 71, 88, 113,* 225, 522, 537, 625, 704. May Lambert. 638. May Louise. 374. May Medium, gr m (2:.34). 12, 15, 124, 15.3, 180, 180. 210. 257, 340, i 382,* 384 . 509. 515, 675. I May Miller, pacer. 791. May Miller. 454.710. May Milton, b ni (2:50)^). (503). May Morning, br g (2:50). 129. 389. May Morrill. 344. May Mullen, b m . 509. Maynard, ch g (2:39). (90\ May Norwood, b m, by Norwood, dam by Tom Howe. 550. Mayo Boy. .^'3. May Queen, fcr m(2:47). 87. 96, 127. . 373, 599. 923 May Queen, ch m (2:.38). 33. (175). MayQueen (Patty Green), b m (2:26). ](J^S, 218, •.•(jl, 200,311.383,401, 402, 497. 520,* 593.* 603. May Queen, bin(2:48). 46, 584,593, 643 May Queen (2:42). 135, 358, 366, 713,(725). May Queen (Nashville Girl), b m (2:20). 8, 132, 493. 574,*58(),* 586. May Queen, ch m (2:47). 323. May Queen, bm (2:44)^). 119. 188.* May Queen b m (2:47). 32. 179, 192. 412.6(0. May Queen, b m (3:10). 535, 687. May Queen, b m. 107, 438. May Queen, wh m (2:42)^). 240, 402. (025). MayQueen (2:52)^). 313,420. (442) May Queen, gr m (2:45). IS, 89.* 109. (130*), 348, 361, 4.J4, 534. 539, 579 657. May Queen, br m 105, (436), 473, 502. -May S., b m. 8. 15,* 379, 460, 518, 524, ..72. 640. May Smiih. 631. MayTaklin. 95. MayThori)e(Ladv May ).bm (2:24^4). 123, 261, 265,* 310,* 340, 382,385*, .597.* 722.* Mayview, blk g. 55, 505. Mav- VV., ch m (2:50). (48), ,349. May W., ch m (2:4234^, by Conti- nental. (128). May Wintler, bm (2:56), by Rock- wood, dam Katy St. Louis, by St. Louis. 192, (335), 378. Maywood. 233. Maywood, b m, cacer (2:.35), by Red Buck. 132, 417, 737, (741;, 754. Maywood, b m. 610. Maze, ch m (2:54^). (326*), 434, 427, 558. Mazeppa, ch g(2:.33)^). 27,251,297,* .338, 3.^6, 398, 411,* 497,* 513, 645, 6.53, 654, 682, 699. 707.* Mazeppa, b s (2:47)4). 619. Mazeppa, b g (2:43)4). (140), 307, 407,724. Mazeppa, ch g (3:03 w). 173, (245). Mazi>ppa. 2.57. Mazeppa. 475. Mazeppa. grm. 556. Mazo-Manie, ch g (2:20)4). 8, 28,* 86,* 122, 183,* 199. 200, 249,281.* 290, 310, 380, 429,* 439. 447, 455, 463, 481, 515, 556, 574, 580,* 586, 609. 701,714. McAllister. 443. McArthur(2:40). (320), 583. McArthur, b g. 99, 302. McBride, br g. 128. 233.* 323, 624. McC.,bg (2:44)4). 684. McChesney's Bay Gelding (2:54). (165). McCIain. rn s. 97,407. McClellan. 661. McClellan, blk s. 130, 190,* 506. McClellan (2:41). 36. (386), 650,657. McClellan. b g (2:43)^). 51, 240,430, 594, 660, (724). McClellan, ch g (2:36). 131, 326. McClintock, b g (2:46), by American Eclipse. (59), 388, 794. McCool, b g. 555. McCurdy's Hambletonian, ch s (2:20)?,). 115,355.356,* 453, 515, 608. 622,* 701. McDaniel. chg(2:40). 167,690. McDonald's team 799. McDougall, b g. 652.* McFadden, b g, pacer, by Mohawk, Jr. 791.* McFadden's br g (2:51)4). (584). McFarlan. 33. McGee's ch s (2:37)4). 67. McGee's ch g. 9:?. McGregor (IJhief , b s, by Rcbert Mc- Gregor, dam Lady Mac. 532. mi CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORJ>. McGreKor. b p (2:4ii). 47. 384, 531. McHaiTis. l)sc.':41). -,'0. ML-Henn-.l>K'<^:3.">?i). 10, 83, :.>7."j, 373,418,442, r.46, 647. Mcintosh, bp (2:44^6). Ill, Uol). i>n:,. McK., br jr. by Orav Billy. 279.* McLaughlin, "b g ^2:40). 44. fl29*), 444. M.Laujjhlin, br s (2:34!4). 89, 18."}, i!)i;. -.iHt) * McLcoil, br s (li-.-MH). 7, 12, (3*3), 4X8. IMcLeod, b g (2:25}4). 372. McLeod. 1(54. McMahon. b g. 6.^6. McMahon, l)r s (2:27). 24, 5.5, 129, .•{.•{■i. 414, 491.* (685*). McMann's br m (2:.">2i^), (213), 377. McNaughton's gr m. (124). M. C. Ogdell, ell g (2:45^). 198, 722. Mcl'riichardr2:41 w). (706). McR le's bik s. 266. 730. McRobert'.s ch g (2:40»^). 291, 462. (560 * McKnberfs br m (2:42^^). (.300. McRobert's Pouy (2:41). (683;. M. C. R. R. Bov, chg. 51. McVeigh, b s (2:.57H). 113, 22S. (590. McWhi'ter. I)r g (3:00). 204, 5i':. McWilser. 385. M. D..bg. 294, .380, 398. M. D., ch g, pacer (2:52)4). 784. Meadow Cliief . (44.'j). Meadow Girl. C90. Meadow Lark, b m. 1G4. Meadow Lark, b m (2:49). (59, 375, .■)29. 074. Meander. 597,635. Meand(?r. b s (2:30). (42), 89, 222, 4-.'3. 532,* 558. Mechanic, b g (2:42). 107, (424). Mechanic. 659. Meddlesome, gr g (2:37 w). 79. 172, 292, 299,* (319). 364, 418, 420,* 423.- 487, 6 to. 677, Meddlesuuie,grg(2:39). 18, 40,* 63, 92, 9:5, 178, 223, 272, 338, 379, 400, 450. 475, 507. 617, 646. Meddl' some, pacer. 787. Medford Bov, b g. (464). Mediator. 125. Mediator. 461. Medicine Boy. b g. (309). Meditation, blk s. 211. Medium, b g. 578. Medler, b g. 53. Medoc, gr g (2;28i4). 61, 138, 143, 215, '21, 263. 47(5, 509, .517, 579, 009, Gil , (620), 660,* (i(54, 667, 670,* 684, 708. Medoc, bg(2:40^). 1.36, 250. 530. Medoc (2:46)4), (2:40 S). 158. 178, .300, (50-'). (686). Medora. Ii5, .525. Medora, ch ra (2:33V4). 5. 28, 554. Meehan'sbrg(2:46). (309). Meg, b m (2:36-y,). 402, 43.5, 670.* Mehitabel (3:0(5). (264). Mell)oroiigli, grK(2:47). (.325). Mell)MiMiic. bg(2:.">2) (244). Melhouiiie King, ch s. 570. Melissa. 272, 294. Melissa, ch m (2:32%), by Daniel Lambert. 0, 17, 41. 144, (160*), 170, 195, 201, 214. 302, 340, 499, 603,* 014. Melnot, b g. 62. Melrose, b m (2:47). 335. Melrose, b g. 365. Melrose. .582, 043. Melton, gr g (2:.32). 1.54, :i(5l, ;.'78, .323,* 495. 099. Melvide Chief. .306. Melvin, br g. 684, Melvin.grg (2:3(514). 19:i,( 28(5), 621. "e.vina. 103, 113. MelvinsDick. 370 -Helzar, br s, bv Green's Hashaw. 2'!'. ;".5, 466. Memento, b m (2:.3.3^). 650. .Memiion, blk g C-iiliT)). 254, 423,* 4:10,* 573, 632 * .^ieiiulile. bs(3:20). (89). .Meiidelssuhn. 5.50. Meiidliam Maid, br m (2:42^). 210, 313.^ :ili0. .308. .505. .5(51. Mendi n Girl, b ui. 97, 214. Menkin. 142. Mercedes ( :49^). (4,".3). Mercer, gr g (2:31>4) .50. 119. 139, 183, 223, 3:)3, .35'J, (557, 083, 715. Mercury. 402. 52S. .Meroiitio. bg(2::>0ki). ', ;:0(5. 379. 381, 035, 695, 713, 7l«, 731. 802. Meriden Chief, blk s (2:4fi9^). 278. Meriden (Jirl. b m (2:4.'). 25, 82, (177 ). 339, 373. 471.* 498. 507, .525,* 549.* Merion, b s. 558. Merit, b f, bv ^lambrin12. 794, ■ Middlctown Maid.bm (2:.52i4). (77). Middv, gr m (.;:41!4). 1.3*, 180,* 188, (229), 296, 52(5, 006. Midge, b m (2:27-:'.«, 03, 82, 158, 1H> ■■'■' 199, 2 9, 291,* (342), 370, 386. 417, 4.52. .524. Midgo, b m (2:50), 16S, (244), Midget, br ra (2:34). 9, 29,* 492, 611, Midect, wh m (2:42). 170,* 3.30.706, 716, Midget, blk m (2:47). 153, 242, 297, 531, 698, 700, 800. Midget (2:50). (522). aildget, blk m. 45, 131, 246, 390. Midland, chg(2:.36->4). 116.638,700. Midland Maid (2A(M). 101, 198, (271), 490, 580. Mid Lee (3:09). (14.5). MiJnisrht, blk ni (2:45). 64.5. Midnight, br m (2:40 s). (106), 506. Midnii-'ht, blk g (2:3114). 3.31, 429. Midnight, blk s (2:42). 19, 5'. 3 77, 211, 300, 325, 434, 53i, 500, 049, 73 1 . Midnight (Speedwell), ch s (2:41%). 720. Midnight, br m (2:49)4). 1*2. Midnight, blk s i2:.39). 133. Midnight, b m (2:.37). 5(52. 001. Midnighr, blk g (2:18M). 8, 122,* 3)0, (580*), 087.* Midnight, b g (2:4:i"). 200, .307, .314.* Midnight, blk s (2:50). 112,* (170), .301', 410, 444, 503. 570. Midnight, blic g (2:60). 530, 6.33. (058), 700. Midnight, blk g(3:05). (6,58). Midnight, hlk g (pacer), (2:36^). 705, 700, 770, (772*), 773, 778, 782, 784. Midnight. 214, 294. Midnight, 475. Midnight, blk m. by Black Henry, dam by American Star. 490. Midnight Slumbera, pacer. 783. Midsummer, chg (2:38)/,). 69, 288, .334. 335, 507, 004. 043.* Midway, br s. by Almont, dam Madam Cogar, by Mambriuo Chief. 652, Midway, br g (2:.34). 16, 125, 214, 240,* 350, 473. 530, 598, 661, 664, 685. Midway Boy. 145. Midway Belle, b m (2:35). 61, 172, 205,* 243. 304, 490, 509, 515, fi21, 589, ,711). Mignon, b m. 105. Mignon, b m (2:27>ii). 13, 00, .362, 370. Mike, ch g. 217, 2.32,* 2:53, 312, 359, 496, 544, 576. 6;{.), 089. Mike, brg(:.':28)4). 83, 84, 1.50. .5.39, 577, 5:).?. Mike, chg (3:11). 531. Mike, bg. 38, 62. 108. Mik(> Enierick. b g (2:41). 1.59, 314, 448,481,482, (5:i4). INDEX OF BEATEN HORSES. 9S5 Mike Goodwin, ch g (2:34>4^. 556, 562. 048, 709. Mike Jefferson, ch g (:2:29>4). (171), 471.* Mike K. (2:405|) 43. Slike Norlon. blk s (2:36J4). 260, 435, 497, (7T.3). Mike O'Brien, pacer (2:33)4). 60, 108,* 170, 740. 7.52, 767, 768, 769. Mike Taylor, b g. 217, 464 M ike Wilkes, b g (2:.36). 597. Mi)a A. 436. Mila Caldwell, (Mila C. ) ch m(2:26J^). (93*), 127, l.')0,* 197, 242, 457,* 491,* 512,* 5oo, .",90. Milo G.. ch m (3:39). 207, 237, 709,* 800. MUden B. 114, 680. Miles Standish, b g (2:86*). 483, 505, 551, Milford. 709. Milk Bov, b g ( ::53). (32*). Milkmaid. (Belle ot Middletowii), b m (2:44). 74,262,301, 409,* 486, 50P. (690). Milkmaid, br m (2:59). 526. .Aiilkmaid, (3:00). 34. Milkmaid, b m (2:42^). 59, 570, 623, (632). Milkmaid. 5.36. Milkmaid, pacer. 233. Milkman. bg(2:45). (318). Milk Round, (2:45). (649). Milk Boy, b g (2:43). 96. 172, (339). Milk Bov, br g (2:26). 397, (415). Milier, chg (2:401^). 363, (370). Miller Boy (Hurricane) b s (2:45). 106,241,371,387,427, 506, 578, 626, 6' >3. 730. Miller Bov, b g, by Phil Shf ridan (2:57). (146), 479, 581, 668, 690. Mi!l-rBoy (2:47'. (643). Miller Girl. 370. Miller's Damsel, ch m (2:28^). 50.* 8b, 94, 2-.^6.* 259. 3:i2, 368. 400, 40'.' 433, 567,* 570, 619, 672. Mi'ler's Damsel, ch m (3:00). 225. Miller's Damsel, b m (2:37). 305, 3t-3,* 372, (375), 394, 440. Miller's Damsel, br m (2:40). 53,119.125,2-16, 282, 305.* 704, 723. Miller's Damsel (2 :48M). (710). Miller's Damsel, ch m (2:40)4). Miller's Damsel, b m. 672, 097. Jliiler's Girl, gr in (2:5', ). 49, (.330). Mill r'sMad, grm. 600, 678. Miller's Maid, b m (2:.55). 260, 601. Mii:er's Maid (2:51). 291, 588, 630, 633, (06S-). Mills' Bay Mare (2:40). (167). > ilistoue, b g. 1j6. Millyl*. (2:48). (1:51). Miller P., b m, by bingleton, dam b.y Bret. 55. Miliinocket, blk s (2:3:^1^), by Gen. Knox. 20, 27, (1 12), V.iy, 209, 312, 451, 499, 675, 704, 7:.3. Milo, bg (2:41). (30), 37, 66,* 133, 339, 571, 704. Milo. b 8 (2::26). 11. 15, 16, 158, 2'.6, 301, 336, 361, 504, 515. Milo Belle, b m, by \ouLig Bell- founder. 82, 5:!9. Milo Pet. 198, 257, 396. Milo Maid, ch ni. 512 * Milton, chg (2:381^). 15, 02, (179), 406. Milton Hoag. 121. Milton Maid. 305. Milton Medium, b s (2:25i^). 47, 169,* 375, 384, 386, 521, 620, 697, 709. Milton Dav, pacer (2:.34M). (778). Milton T. (2:50). 414. (021). Milwaukee Maid, blk m (2:36). 274. Mimic. 182. Mina Linck, br m (2:33). 677, 705. MinaR., b m. 15.', 350. . 18, 488, 478. Mineola, b m (2:45;. 126, 179, 180, 322, 3.59, 364, 440, 553, 594. 624. Miner Maid. 47, 591. Minerva, b m (2:431^). 106, (141), 240, 272, 353, 373, 394, 522, 540, 596. Minerva, b m. 153, 489, 548, 620, 652. Minerva, ch m. 486, 723. Mingle. 710. Mingo, ch g (2:44). 85. 89, 92, 115, 198, 427, 525, 623, 032. 088. Mingo, blk g (■-'::i3). 184, 304, 474. 530, 542.* 051, 665. Mingo (2:51) (210), 448. Mink. chg(2:35). 18u, 248,* (452). Miniska, b m. 502. Minneapolis, brg (2:3154). 38.* 40, 75, 17.3, 217, ;:.52, 510. ^^ 618, 635. Minnehaha, h m. 159, 161.* 102. Minneiiaha, b m (2:56). 399, 5.54. Minnehaha, blk m (2:41)4). 82. 511, 592,* 602. Minnehaha, blk s. 16, 80, 86, 5.54. Minnesota Bel'e, blk m (2:35). 62, 250, (203), 400, 033. Minnesota Chief, b g (2:38). 159, 469. 480, 485, i544, 6C5, 6.i4.* Minnie, cii m (2:405^i. 11),. 580, 593. Minnie, cii m (2:46) (495), 693. Minnie, br m (2:48) 39, 57, 157, :;94,* 412, 450, 5C7, 602. 797. Minnie, b m (2:39). 289, 387. Minnie (2:47)'3). 204, 676. Minnie, bik m (2::iS). 121,* 312. Minniiri (2:43). 307, 509, 711. Minnie, cti m (2:: 7). 117, 152,* 348, 496, 536, 605, 627.* Minnie, ch m(2:.39). 13, 91, 217, 236, 322. 327. 435, 463, 483, 639. Minnie, b m (2:5iJ/.5). 339, 498,* 579, 663. Minnie, b m. 87, 511. Minnie (2:471^). 695. Minnie (2:49). (110), 345. Jlinnie (3:0».54). 94, 314, 402, (562). Minnie, b m (2:4r). 4', 95, 170, (192), 251, 495, 598, 609, Minnie (3:05). 217, (:<69). 666, 673. Minnie, grm (2.48). 67'-.. Minnie, pacer (2:35)^). 67. Minnie, ch m, by AUie'West, damby Mambi-ino Patchen. 132. Minnie. 221. Minnie, br m. 241, 254, 492, Minnie. 699. Minnie, b m. 686. Minnirt. 353. Minnie Allen, ch m (2:54). 212, 233, . 201. 279, 360, 414, 468, 470. 563, 720. Minnie B, ch m. 51. Minnie B.,chm (2:36)^). Ill, 406, (492), 550. 647, 794. Minnie B., ch m (2:58) (erroneously printed 2: 59)^, page .503). 12.5,446. Minnie B., gr m, pacer (2:41)4). (741). Minnie B.,bm. 4/4. Minnie Brown, br m, pacer. 750. Minnie C b m (2:.39^). 32,75, 119,* 229, 240, 374, 723, 72.-^,* Minnie Callin, b m (2:41). 609. Minnie Clay, 067. Minnie t lay, b m (2:55). (433). Minnie Clavton (2:49). 69. Minnie D. 648. Minnie D., br m, pacer 2:34)^). 785. Minnie D., b m (2:39)4) (race Sept. 26, 188:5, given this mare, page 503, belongs to Minnie D., 2:30). 24, 177, 3K7. Minnie D., b m (2:30). 80, 241,* 326. 3:53, 302, 392, 443, 483, 493, 526, i 540, 508, 659. ' Minnie D.. b m. 4.50. Minnie Day. .'575. 385. Minnie Dexter, b m. 356. Minnie E. 525. Minnie Eaton. 497. Mi:inie Fillmore, b m (3:11). 407. Minnie Gar.ield, ch m. 508. .\Jin,ie Granger, ch m. 45, 148, 171, 258, 359, 503, 538, (i02, 678, 726. Minnie H., ch m (3:05). 11. Minnie H. 137, 198. Winnie JI. 224, .356, 460. Minnie H., ru m (2:42). 96. Minnie H., pacer. 752. Minnie H. (2:43J^). 7, 30, 63, (81*),. 320. Minnie Hamilton. 428. Minni?' Hicks, b m. by Garibaldi (2:45)41. (294), 304, 4:55, 605, 712. Vi.mie Homer. lt;7. Minnie Ide, b m (2:38). (14), 192, 441. Minnie K. 88. ' Minnie L., ch m (2:40)4). '276). Minnie L..bm, pacer (3:00). 759, 767,* 7T9. Minnie Lambert, bm (2:30). 337, 528, 576. Minnie Lambert, br m (2:36^4) (er- rone.iusly printed 2:30, page 5 4). 442, .-.03. (670), 705. Minnie j.ee (2:38). 164, 207.* 21.3, '281, {5-AO). Minnie Lee, pacer (2:39). 737, 745. 750, 7tJ3, 707, (783*). Minnie Lewis, b in, pacer (2:3S14)- 754, 763. 772,* 783, 784.* Minnie M., blk m (2:5.3H). 57, (66), 508. MiT. ie M., br m (2: *0). (22.3). Minnie M., b m (2:49)4). 39, (45), 266, 294. Minnie M.,bm, pacer (2: '4). 745. (780). Minnie M. (3:01). 7. Minnie lUack, bm (3:00)4). 97,*1.52,* 406. 541. 567 Mini.ie Mack, ch m, by Indicator. 5 1 5. Minuie Mack. 515. Minnie Maloney, b m (3:05) 341 . Minnie Maxfield. b ui (2:28^) 65, (108). 176, 196. 209. 227, 232. 241. 362, .366, 406, 428, 452. Minnie May, b m (2:57), by Indian Chief. 114. 480, (019), 705. Minnie Medium, b m. 74. 80, 467. Minnie Moulton, blk m (2::30}4). 51,* 107,579,687. 723. Minnie N., pacer (2:31). 744, (753*). 754, 781. Minnie P. , pacer. 765. Minnie P., ch m. 498. Minnie P. 42. Minnie Palmer, pac. r (2:35%). 752, 766.(708*). Minnie Palmer, ch m, by McCurdy's Hambletonian, 155. Minnie Pierce, b m. 594. 607. liinniM Price, ch m. 370, 597,063.680 Minnie R., b m (2:19). 00. 72. 1.33.* J94, 210, 227, 23' , 237, 3.36,* ;542, ;i54, 370, 515, 573, 601,* 612, 620,* 631 *i;43.* Minnie B., ch m, by Tramp. 718 Minnie R , b m, by Monroe Bill. 1C2. 164. Minuie E, blk m. 405. Minnie Roclieford. 4:30. Minnie Bos'" , gr m (2:48). 2^0, 6. 8. Minnie Kowe. 700. Minnie Row 11. ch m (3:01)4). (667' MinnicS , br m. 177, 508, 509, 531. Minnie 1.^.. b m . 130. Minnie Sprague, b m (2:.31)4), by Gov. Sprauue. 1.32, ('241). Minnie i aylor, br m (2:40). 190, 197, U04, 2.56. 414. 544, 621, (623), 629, 630. 644.* Minnie Tilden, b m. 26. Minnie W., blk m (3:00). by Green's Bashaw, dam Chiqua, by Musca- tine. 356, (510). .Minnie Wame-, blk m (2:48)4). (30), 346. 9~'0 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. :\IiunieWarreu, grra (2:4:V). 'i6.410.* Minnie Waneu, ch iin^:'^T»4). 16,:}9, i./J), 0-.', H.J. l-'4, 101, 17.'>, 201, •-.'41, 209, :iio,*:J24, 39-,' * :i»8. 4 16, 47H, 494, 511. iil'2,* (530, 040, 657. .Minnie Warren i2:57). (77). Miniiit- Warrvn. 19-', 600, 794, 801. Minnie Warren, pacer. 755. Minnie V.'eir, oh m (2:45%). 186, 420, Minnie Wilkes, b m (2:35). (18), 80, :i2.'i, '.SI,* 547, 585, 6,30, 635. Minnie Wilson, b m (2:55). 562,594, Minor, b R. 531. Minstrel Boy (2:40). (134). Mira 441. Mlrabile (Westmont), b s (2:27J4). 170. Miracle, b ni. 36. Mira -ulous, b g (•2:35). 11, 192, 200,* 202, 239, 255, 265, 495,* 514. 568, 708. Miranda, ch m (2:32). (6'.'0). Mira Scott, pacer. 781. 782. J-ischirr, b m(2:.Jl). (330), 432, .552. Slischicf. I) 111 (2:38J4). 124.-.;'34, 302, 300, 4:;:5, 434, 445, 446, 468, 532, 555, 0-J8. 689. Mischief C^::?3^). 257. Mischief, b m (-:56). 110, lo3, 717. Mischief. 370. Mischievous Jack, blk g. 461. Misery, pacer (2:45%). (J41). ^ Misf..riune, gr m, by Black Hawk Morgan, darn byPUot. 149, 162,* 493.* Mishap, b g (2:35), by Forest King, i i:ii , 364, (412J. 414, 479, 480,* 524, | 679. Mispah, b m. 107. 1 Mishquaki (2:44). 434, ^630*). | Miss Alice. 59. Miss Aunie, b m (3:14). (lo7). Miss Beaumont, ch m, by Beau- niunr. 299. j Miss Bnidy, br m, pacer, by Jas. F. Brady 758.* Miss liurke, bin(2:38J4). 352,(573). ! Mis.s Campbell, bm. 495. Misi may. 139. Miss Dei.mcy, ch m. 650. MissDigbtoii, br m. 540. Miss Drew, br m (2:42) 81,* 101, 22^, 491. 556. 052. j Miss (iooriell, b m. 73. MissH (2:45). 87. (1:;0), •298.* ' Miss Haner. b ni (2:42}^). (97), 247, i 401. 4'-'0, 58.'), 700. Mississippi, ch 8 (2:46%) (99). Missi'ibiqu A Beile, b m (2:46). 457, (639'^). Miss 1 egacy. h m (2:35). 58, 214, 257.* 483, 551, 5C8. Miss Loitie, b ni. 552. 503. Miss Magna, b m. 491. Miss Mary L., b m. 180, .303, :}95, 514. o:5i. Miss McOloud. 314. Miss Miller, b ni (2:321^). 1.32,* 259, (;}16). 345, 370, 431, 5-22, 626, 045, 065. Mif-s Moffatt. 699. Miss Nancy. •^iS. Mi-isicnary. 89. Missouri fioy, br g (2:41). 90, (231), 242, 2!)2,* 328, 680. Miss )uri, iiacer. 765. Missouri (!'hief, pacer. 760. Missouri Chief, br s. by L. I. Flying Duke, (lam Trojana, by Trojan. 95. Missouri Chief. 593. Missouri Girl, b m pacer. 749, 766, 781,783. Missouii Maid, m m(2:46). 230, 393. Missouri Maid, pacer. 787, 790. Miss Morton. '707. Miss Starlight, blk m. .383. MissPurdy. 187. Miss T., b m (2:.">9), by Abdallah, dam by Brown Dick. (13*). Miss Tartar, gr m (2:45i^). 558.* Miss TartLu-, ch m (2:'J6). (122*). Miss Thome. 3o:J. Miss Van, b m. 194, 406. 482. Miss Vernon (:-':.5S%). (0). Miss Watson, h m (3:02). (64.5*). Mistletoe, br m (2:30). 0, 18. 19, 89, (117*), 16.5, 109. 196, 199,* •J02. : 27) , 276. 326, 351 , 362.* 380, .380,* I 412, 4o5, 458, 473, 625, 694, 695,* I 704. Mistress, b m (2:.36%). 120, 407, 1 (515). .581 * 622.* I Mitchell's ch s. .534. I Mixture. 708. Mizpah. blk m. 100,258. M. J. B., or in (2;49^). (202*), 225, •282.* I M. L. Cumraings. 147, 453. M'liss, ch ni. 100, 019. M. N. Arnold, b g. 3;1. Mocking Bird. 277. i Mocking bird, ch g (2:49). .518, 604. Mocking 1 ird. b g (2:4('). (370), 002. Mocking Bird, b ni (•>:49). 488. Mocking Bird, )> m (2:31). 677. Mocking Bird, ch m (2::i8i^). 152,689 Model. 270, 304. Modena. 613. Moderator. 428. Modesto Maid, b m. 445, 627. Modes T. 90, 661. Modesty, gr m (2:40) (2:37>;s.). 125 0.-.7*), (220). Modesty, blk m (2:39)- 59, 501. Modesty, b ni (2:44). (3 1 9). Modesty, b lu (2:'d0}4). 44, 3.58,* 480, 695. Modesty, b m (2:26i^). 17, (74*), 125, 130, 18;i,* 189. 2:31, 288, 296, 328, 356,- .'373. 380. 420. 442, 408,* 5-20, 5:39, .541, 500,* 040, 080, 686,* 698, 707. 7:J2. Modesty, ch m (2:.51). 48,* 52, 166, •214, 494, 509. 664* Modesty, br m, by Abdallah. 19,41, 78,310,599. Modesty, ch m (2:45i^). 422, (483). Modesiy. gr m (3:44%). 23,* 168, 4:31, (..70*). Modesty, blk m (2:48). 232,491,(344) Modie H. (2:.34^). 80.* 121, 140,* 493, 550 554,* 035. 641, 800. Modjeska, b m (2:44}^), by Frazier's Advance, dam Gipsy, by Moore's Black Hawk 22. (596), 085.* Modoc, — s. 170. Moiloc, bg(2:40). 74,81, 238, 371, 543 Modoc, ch g (2::34). 54, 211, 223,' 221, 308, .371, 378,* 4:32, 459, 526, 571,026,732. Modoc, br g (2:36). 40,87, 5:30, 684, (717). Modoc, b g C2:35V^). 16,* 23, 93,* 135, 161,* 174,* 227,* 487, o46, 618, 6.-.9, 713. Modoc, br g (2:3.3). 16,* 20. 39,* 62, 74, 118.* 120,* 125,* 105.* 180, 182. 210, 221,* 227, 256, 273, 314, t 307, 400,* 505, 530, 540, 609, 047, 052. Modoc, ch g (2:25). 22, 56. 00. 07, 70, 74, 147, 100, 176, 181, 3:53, 370, 407. 429, 440, 450, 515,* 530, 508,* .580, 594, 703 Modoc, br g (2::J5»^). :!02,* .305, 371, 492, .530, 539. 017, 802. Modoc, b g (2:38), 242,* 732. Modoc, b g (2:33}^) (erroneously given 2:34, page 507). 10, 29i, I (322), 403, 436, 484. Modoc, gr g (2:25). 15,* (31*), 101,* 100, 189. 200, 343, 380,* 400. 433, .509, 510,* 555, 597.* 7^2.5. 1 Modoc, b g (2:35J^) (erroneously given 2:41, page .507). 221,465, 571, (577). Jlodoc. ch g (2:36). 00, 482.* Modoc, b g (2:441^). 16, (97), 690. Modoc, blk g (2:47). 82, 217, (235), 571, 699. Modoc, chg (2:191^). 64,* 17-* 195, 202, . •37.' :385, 402, 557. Modoc, whg (3:11). 8^2. Modoc, b g (2:4014). (69). Modoc, b g. 250, 710. Modoc, blk g (2:44>r|^). (407). Modoc, gr g. 02. Modoc Girl, b ni. 471. .546. Modoc Chief, tr g (2::i9%). 29, 40, 318,* 303, .3(35, 371.* 448, 498, 08:3,* 693. Modoc, pacer. 776. Mo(I2%). (171). 291. Moll Patchen. b m. 51. Molly, rn m (2:58). 441?, 679. Molly, b m (2:27K>V 219, 260, 381, 497.* 517,* 064, 714 (724). Molly, b m (2:48) (2:27 s''^). 44. 71, 105, (336), 354. Molly, blk m (2:.54K') 20, .3.30, 070. Molly, ch ni (2:37), 95, 102,* 210, :3.5?>. 50:>,*01]. Mollv, b in (2:27). 33, 85, 102, 147, 191, '206,* 3f{8, (.370). 449,490,629, 640. 0.5:J, 058,* 662, 797. INDEX OF BEATEN HORSES. 927 Ikidly, b m (2:50). 419. 492, 572. Molly, grm (.2:37). 56,* 135. 169, 200, 569, 683, 725. Molly, bni(-':37K,). (12). 439.* Mollv,b 111(2:43^). 7. Molly, ch m (2:40J4). 71, 214,* 387, 512,513,548.* MoUy (2:oOKi). 39. 47, 197. Molly, b m (2:33i^). 155,* 397, 517, 561, 619, 624, 68] . Molly, b m (3:00). 123, 255. Molly, b 111 (2:58). 315. Molly, b m (2:46). 341, .580, 658.* Molly, bik m (2:38^^ w). 307, 412, 610,(68:5). MoUy, b m (2:55). 27, 374, 531. Molly, b m (2:30}^). 52, 123, 170, 471, 483. 505. 6557684, 700. Mo.ly(2:55). (399). Molly, ch m (2:27M). 9,* 117, 118. 180,* 266.* 347, 371, 517, 541, 564.* 616, 793. IMolh , b m (3:1714). 52, 2.56. Molly, b;- in (2:44). 99, 232, 344. Molly, grni, pacer. 770, 790. Molly (2:52). 92, 389, (535). Moll'v (3:0:iJ4). (680). MoUV,bin(;:i:27M)- 41. Molly, b m. 448. MoUy, gr m. 33. 401, 801. Molly, eft m. 178. Molly, br m. 130, 288, 517. Mollv. 669. MoUy A. 136. Molly Allen, b m(3:01). 32.(417),542. Molly Austin, b m. 330. *ioUy B , gr m. 164, 625. Molly B., gr m (2:4814). 68, 556. luolly B. 478. Mollv B.,bm (2:30). 38,* 66,109,'- 199, 340, (4.59J, 478. 519. 5:35, 561, 568, 578,* 579, 688, 721. Mol'.y B. (2:50). ''.544). Moliv B. 243, 398. Molly B., b m. 172, 511, 655. Molly B., b m, by Buckingham. 537, 696. Molly Barker, b m (2:42 w). 15, 1 45, 192, 215, 413, 417,* (523 >. 559, 621, 661, 719, 723, 734. Molly Bassett, b m (2:46). (646). Molly Bawn. eh m. 24, 283, 453. Molly Bawn, b m. 551. Mollv Bell, br m (2:30). 12, 209,* 383.* (472*), 605,* 721.* Molly Bertram (2:52). 155, (315). Mollv Bond, ch m. 162. Molly Brock. 394. Mol y Biooks. b m (2:38). (11), 61, 97, 837, 584. ■Moiiy Brooks, b m, pacer. 754. Mlly Brown. 465. Molly Bruce, ch m, pacer. 752. 759, Molly Buckner, br m (2:30I^J. 7i, 84, 98, 219, 277, 323, 386, 605, 629. '723. Molly C, b m. 552, 734. Molly Carew, b m (2:40). 64, 89, 387, 395. 454, 559, 692. Mollv Casey. 437. Molly Clark, b m (2:34). 256.* Molly Clark, bm (2:31 14). 198, 233,* 412, 612, 650, 661, 680, 716. Molly CoUins, b m (2:48). 124, 4'H4. Molly Crowder, b m, pacer. 738, 765, 785. Molly Crowell. b m (2:50). 271,* 3^9, (.399), 501, 523. Molly D., b m (2:42}^). 19, 65, (282), 4:W, 445. Molly Darling, pacer (2:43). 44, (781). 7h5. ' Molly Darling, b m. 1.52, 193, 396,* 43'. Molly Dean. blkm. 570. Molly Deering. 509. Moll.y Drew, ch m (2:27). 228, 680. Molly Drew. 49 J. Molly E., br m ^2:471^). 368, 468, 609.* Mollv E., hi; m. 224. Molly E.. br m (2::i5i^). 107,* 133, 408. 401. 500. Molly E. Moore, ch m. 110. Mollv F., gr m (2:.52) 150. 162, 216, 223, 246, 460,* 624, 640. Mollv Foi d, pacer (2:37K>)- ^747). Molly O. (:5:001, by Blue Danube. 56, (588). MgUv (iarfleld. 135* Motl'v Gift. 30:?. Molly Golddust. ch m (2:47i^). 81. Molly (Jilflllan, ch m (2:44i4). (717). .Mollv Grav.gr m 227. Molly Gravdou, ch m (2:42). 95,* 97. 204,*' 278, 474, 482, 014,657, 083, 087,* 714 Molly (h-iffith, bui(2:4Pi4). 41,(210). Molly Griiijes, b m. 074. Mollv H., br m (2:341^). 63, 92,* 270, 294, 370, 412. 48«, 592. Molly H, b m (3:07). 58. (504). Molly H.,bm (2:591.6). 203, 000,* 008 (ace erroneously given this mare, page .511, belonging to Mollv H.. 2:341^). Molly Harris, blk m (2:34^)- 12,* 39,* 46, 175, (478), 500, 511, 554, 561, 635. Molly Hawthorne (3:0.3%). (38). Molly Hart. 078. Molly Howard. 09. MoUV Hopkins. 400. Molly .Jackson, ch m (3:05). 425. Moll'vKing. 408. 31 oily Kistler. b m (2:27i4)- 93, 193, 216, 421, 455,* 566,* 612, 620, 658, 674 Molly L., pacer (2:.32). (772). Molly Lang, br m. (150). Molly Li.iign.,bm. 621. Molly Levy (2:47). 66. 293. Molly Lewis. 200. Molly Lewis, pacer. 749. Molly Long, br m (2:35), by Fisk's Mambrino Chi. f. 473, 5.50, 604. Molly Lightfoot. pacer. 758. Mollv Loomis, b m (2:48J4). (160), 490, 671. MollyLynch, b m (2:36^). 33,63, 95, 209,* 242.* 348, 452. 507, (531). Molly M., rn m. 228, 677. Molly M. 56. Molly M. 287. Molly Mac, b m (2:34M). 41, 239, 328, 474. Molly Mace. 132. Blohy Black, ch m (2:33). 14, 149, 150, 239, 2S9, 3;i3,* 349. 443, 481, 493, 542, 550, (717). Molly Mnck, gr m (2:41^)- 56, 75, 102, 210, 284, 472. 660, 706. Molly Magiure (2:4714). (537). Molly Maguire, rn m, pacer. 738, 744, 759, 706, 767, 771. Molly Martin. 571. Molly Martin, b m (!::55). (117*). Molly McBride. 073. Molly McCarthy. 25. Molly McGowan. 6 s. Molly McHatton. 357. MoUy Middleton, b m (2:29i^). 33, 90; 104, 132, 102.* 229, 262, 310,* 326. 453, 463, 499. 504,* 505, .532, 555, 002.* 054,* 067. 086,* 703,704. Molly IMcGill, ch m. 463, 466. Molly Miller, b m ('!:4u). 92. 284, 403, 050. Molly Jliller, ch m, pacer (2:321^). 708, 70! », 773. Molly Mitchell (3:03). (574). Molly Mohawk, gr m. 674. Molly Mon-Ul, b m (2:50). 89, 447, 4.51.* Molly Morris (Kitty Fisk), ch m (2:22). 85,* 93,* 132,* 140,242,* .338,* 370, 407, 414,480,* 494, 495, 513,* 537, .547,* 586,* 590,* 653.* Molly Mori3(2:37). Molly Morton, blk m. 304. Molly Munday. 616. Molly Nestor, gr m. 454. Mollv Newton, br m (2:.34i^). 44, 70; .37!), 480. 517. 534, 615,633, 045,089,712.* 800.* Molly 0.,chm (2:38). 35,223,546, 013, 042. Molly P. 215. Molly Patchen. 248. Molly Philuot. 434. Molly Pitcher, blk m. 231, :3.55, 448, 578. Molly Pitcher (Belle of Easton), ch m i3:00). 159, 255, 448, 519.* Molly Pitcher, b m (2:46%). (503). Molly Pitcber,ch m (2:38i4). 329, (577*). (See appendix) Molly Pitcher '(•■'ally Scott), b m (2:28M) 13,47, 58, 193.* 194,* 379, 440, 593, (660), 673. Molly PoweU. 394. Molly Pugh, wh m, pacer. 737.* 757. 758, 788. Molly R., br m (2:32i4). 720. Molly Reddv, b m. 153, 273, 323, .3.33. Molly Reanier. b m (2:401^). (462) 600.* Molly Rock, b m, pacer (2:3814). 741, (757). Molly S. 345. Molly S.,brm(2:44j. 58.* 107, (334), 594 Molly Sands. 213. Molly Scott (2:57). (449). Molly iShinn. .369. (799). Molly Sharpley, b m (2 :51). 292, 550. Molly Smith, b m. pacer. 787. Molly Sn.ith, b m (2::33i4). 134, (2.;6). 2.59, 420,477, 519, 522, OLD. Molly Smoker, b m. 555. Molly Stark, b m, pacer. 7."8, 766, 784. Molly Stark, blk m (2:46i^). 259. (400). BloUy Stark. 54,723 Molly T. 707 Molly Trussell. br m (2:59). 319. Molly W. , grm, pacer. (705*). Molly W.. br m (2:39^5'- 29, 1.50, 237, 400, 401,* (730). MoUy Warwick, b m. 256,259. Molly Wine. 658. Molly Whitecloud (pacer) (2:46%). (738). Molly Woodcock, wh m. 64. Molly Woodfin. 542. Moisey, b m (2:21%). (22), 36, 55,* 86, 112, 132,* 134.* 139. 140, 201, 249,* i;56. 271, 297, 384, 403, 419, 485, 492, 495,* 512, 522, 523, 536,* 039, 605, 670. MonaC.chm. 382. Monad. 60. Monadnock Boy, ch g (2:40). 175, 184, 200, 221, 208, 27L', 415, 431, (434). 512, 502, 051. Monadnock Maid, ch m (2:48). 202, 451. Monahan Ranger, bg (2:. 38^). (410). Mona Medium, b m. 13,* 64. Monarch, blk s (2:43). 55. Monarch, ch g. 696, 704. Monarch, br g (2:28^;- 5, (35), 59,* 145, 209, 510. Monarch, brs: (3:04). (285), 552. Monarch (2:52). (363). 699. Monarch, blk s. 149, 588, 592, 597, 703, 714.* Monarch. 3.50. Monarch. 450, 526. Monarch Bashaw. 480. Monarch Jr., rn s (2:2414). ^, 33, 93, 199,* 249, 298, 359, 370, 378, (414*), 439, 495,* 504, 586, 590, 631,* 671. Monarch Rex, b g. 627. Monarch Rule (2:24M). 18, 91.* 104, 109,* 122, 164, 173, 170,* 184. 193, 190, 200, 217, 230, 241, 283,* 321, 3:39, 344, 370, 373, 388, 440, 456, 928 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. 4(Xi, 483, 515.* 5-M, 530, 547,* 56«, COS*,* niO, CJ40, 641. 651. 688, 708,» 724. 7~'5 i Monday. I) p (2:40). 401. Money Maker, b s. 591. Mouie West. 715 Monio. pacer. 730. Monitor, blks (2:45). 87, 99,182, 438.* Monitor, grpr (0:33). 228. Monitor, gr g (•-:29>4). by Strath- more, tiam .Mariba Myers, bv Grey Diomed, (12*). 80, 132, 143,* 259, 288, 424, 455. 608, 650. Monitor (2 :47».4). (45). 70,342.6,56. Monitor, blk s, by Men^harit, dam Trojana. by Trojan. 410, 487. Monitor. 4.'.0. Monk. 689 Monk Boy, gr g (2:40). 34, 351, 534, 535, 649, 668. 695,* 726. Monk Medium, bg (3:00). (219). Monmouth. 314. Monujoulh Cliief, b s (2:.39i4). 31, 225, (422), 434. 566. 586, 588. Moninoiitli C''unty Horse. 364. Monogram, rn g. 597. Monona Bill, blk s (2::!9). .32. Mo; roe, b i: . 110, 216, 391. Monroe, ch s (2: :7). 7. 12, 22,* 149, 246, 27.5,* 297, 309, 378, 456, 528, 520, 542,* 547, 586, (iOl. 6(;5. Monroe, ch g (2:411^). 268, (324), 408. Monroe. 237. Monroe Chief, brs (2:1814). 17, 19, 61. 72. 86,* 115.* 147, 173, 199.* 216,231,251, 295, 3.33,429.440, 466. 542. 5.52. 563, .567. 601,* 701. Monroe Chief Jr. 4.51. Moi'i-oe Piitchen, b g. 3.39. Monsieur Boy. 514. Monsou, gr g 51. Mont (2:.38^). 293, (589). Montana, ch m. 415. Montana Boy, blk g (2:49)^). 131,* 453. Montague, ch s 143. Montague, 1) g, pacer (2:34). 758. 764,775(777*), 781. J;ontigue Jim, gr g. 315,379,567, 662. Montauk. dn s (2:50). 207, 282. Montclair. ch g 440, 525. Montcalm Boy. b g. .501. Monte B., ch g. by De Wolf's Gold- dust. 68.- 148 Monte Chri.sto, ch s. 676. Monte Christo. h g. 277. Monte Diablo. 388. Monteith Boy. 404. Montezuma, b s (2:31). by Edward Everett, dam by Alexander's Ab- dallah. (105), 268,288, 505,574, 594, 615, 708. Montezuma (.1:01). 384. Monlford's. b m 52C. 710. Montgomery, rn g(2:55). 673. Montgomery, b .s (2:38). 4(i8. Montgomery, b g (2:37^). 42, 43, 57,^ 80, 454, 471, 531, 614, 685. Montgomery Boy, ch g (2:4.1V6), by SweeiT^takes. (299), 394, 533. Monticcllo, b c, by 2d Bald Chief. 46 Mont .ur IMa d. bm (2:35). 134, 32;', 467. r.li:' (504), 633. 'Montreal. 2(j7, 340, .525. Montreal, br s (2:45), 59, 227, 280, 49.3. 731. Montreal, bg(.':37). 689. Monti eal Boy (2:59). 533,* 700. Montreal Gii 1. h m (2:i;8i^). 29, 208, 4.59, 566, 700.* Montville. ia3. 491. Monument Vtoy. blk g. 147. Motium^'iit Girl, rn m (2:5414). 70, 657. Moody, bg(2:3794). 23, 422,*(525*). 795.* ' Moody, pr s, by Swiiert. dam Gray Moll. 247. Moouoy Boy. b g (2:44 1. (299). Mooiiey Wef^, b m, hv Blackwood Jr., dam bv Allit- VV.'st. 510. Moonlitjht. b g (2:43>. (376), 506, .569. Moonlight, brm. 502. Moonlight, b g. 015. Moonbght, gr g (2:40). (9). 92. Moonlight IJdI. 39, 181,. 534. Moonshine, gr g (2:.51). 69. 182. Moonshine, brg(2:44i^). 109. 169. Moniistone, gr g. 62, 153. 192. Moonstone, b g. 282. Mooivs du HI (2:40jiv (657). Moore's I) m (2:55). (67). Moore, b g. 500. Moore. 462. Moore's team. 7 9. Moose (2:44 . 3 4, 693. Moose, bg (2: 1914). 118,133,* 205,* 3'0, 32S, 487. ."00, 5(j7, (515*), 557, 566,* 613, 687. 695. Moose Boy. ch g. 49C. Moreover. 724 Mora, b m (2:44?^). (138). Morass. 679. Morehead s E 'trv. 96. Morey. 93. Morey Belle, b m. .506. Morg, blk g (2:44%). 106. Morgin, bg. 120. Morgan. 3.58, 497, 542. Morgan, bg(3:00) 53. Morgan, ch g (2:42%). (67), 112, 285, 414. 689. Morgan, (3:31). (72), 652. Morgan, blk s. 26, 156, 627. M(irgan. 38. Morgfin. 1.59. Morgan, Charley. 305. .Morgan Chief (Ericsson), br s (2::<0^). 91. Morgan Chief, blk s 535. Morgan Chief (2:5.3i4). 36, 71. Morgan Chief (2:56,. 187. Morgan Chief, ohg (2:4014). 38.* Morgan Duff. 416. Morgan Girl. 122. Morgan Grant, ch s. 417. Morgan Jones. 174. Morgan, Jr.. b s. 338. Morgan L. Mott. 729. Morgan Knox (Royal Knox), blk s (2:35). 234. 313, 478, 535. Morgan Ranger, — s, by Watson Horse 706. Morgan Katiler. 108, 434 Morgan Tiger. 654. j Morganza. b s. 539. ' Morgeana. 400. Morley, ch g (2:S7). 82. (See appen- dix). MorleyGlrl, brm (2:33). 58, 67, 126, 224, :<39,* 374,* 484, 489, 516,* ! 612,640,649. Morman Ann. 2.34. Mormon Chief (2:5714). (402). Mondng.gr m (2:.3t)). 58.(74*), 155,* 165, ' 211. 227, 2.55, 287, 320, 343, ' 397. 467, 473,* .546. 583. Morning, b g (3:03). 636. ' Morning .340 I Morning Star, b m. 682. - I Morning Star. .572. i Morny Dawn, m g. 435. Moro(2:52). 133,371,(390). Morocco, b g (2:3ti). 37,86,284. 437, 4.53. 489, (498), 538,* 530, 624, 651,: 704. ^ Morphine, pacer. 762. Moro«a, b m C :34V^). 9,* (49), 180, 221. :J46. 697. Morose. 91 . Morrill, ch s (2:42^). 401. Morrill. 735. Morrill, b g (2:37V^). 47, 293. Morrill, ch g. 359. Morrill. 584. Morrill's bm. 714. Jiorriil Boy. b s (2:.53Jib). 82,* 173, 265. .3(i7, 4S8, 52 .',* 719. Morrill Horse. 150 Morrill Jr. (2:40%). (3.55). Morrill Knox, b g (3:00). (331), 467. Morrill Prince (Saneho), br s (2:35). 48. 1.59, 3^0 ♦ 4S3, .-;48. 56(i, (687). Morrill .Morgan, b s. 2 JO. .597. 647, 693.* Morris, gr g (3:05). 211. Morri-c, Ijr g (2:29). 27,* 20, 60, 64. 291, 347, 373. .ShS, 447, 455,* 487.* 528, 532, ."4(1. 022.* Morris, b s (3:15). (','98). Morrl-4 Irwin. 7C9. Morrissey, ch g (2:201^). 23, 36,* ; 8.5, 95, 102. 127, 1 29, .3 .'4, 337, ;!59, ' (5 8*), 584.* 590*625, 629,* 669. Morrissey (2:51 ). 248, (389), 629.* Moiri^sey. ch g. 458. Morrison, bs(3:C0). (613). Morrison 's h g (2 55 ). 580. Morsa (2:32i4. (599). Morse. 120. Mortimer, blk g (2:44V^). 119, 138, 225, 246, .321, 379. 409, 485. 647, 6(>8. 709, 725. 794. Morton, eli s ( :36). 50, 191, 243,* 28.5. :i95. 527. GSi. 799. Mort Wright, ch g (3:00). 468. 655, 656. Moscotah, b p, pacer. 760. Moscow, b g (2:30). 22,* 12.5, 185,* 302,* 331, 418,* (4200. 469, 522. Moscow, br g (2:42K>). 474. 7 16 Moscow, ch s (2:40). 232, 288, 609, 615. Moscow, blk g (2:28%,. 27.222,719. Moscow, gr s. 332, odS. 608. Moscow (Jim Fisk), chg(-2:3r). 343, 356, •196, 417, 430, 457.* .508, 517,* 54(5. (558), 591, 594,* 640, 71 1 , 7l!». Moscow br g (2:40). 10, o5. 96. 249.* 412, 558, 643. Moscow, (2:42). (56), 398, 453. Moscow, pacer. #61. Moscow, (2:51). (2G4-). Moscow. (;i:U4). (45). Moscow, b g. 576. Moscow. 156. ftloscow, pacer. 776. Moscow, chg(2:.51). (396), 516,666, 667. Moscow Belle, ch m (2:39). (160), 354, 35.5. Moscow Boy. 575. MoSB, gr g. 129, 215, 293. Mose, dn g (3:06). (228), 276. Mose(2:52). 94, (337). Moselle. 289. Mosely, ch g. 60, 368. Moselev Rogers, b g. 433. Moses, b g ^2:361^). 24,* 295, 333, 351, 419. Moses, b g, pacer. 748. Moses T.. gi-g (3:15). 600. Moslem, b 8. 141,282. Moss Rose, bm (2:,31). 22,56,68.* 99. 152, 171,249.273.* 297.298, 324, (.398*). 414, 425, 514, 576. Most Probably, b g. 612, 713. Wossv, l>g(3:01). 280. Mother Ann Lee, br m (2:54). 48. 332. Motherin-Law. blk m. 68. Mother Goose. 488. Mother Goose. 511. Mother Hubbard, ch m. 490. Motion, ch 8(2:29). (161), 282, 684, 729, 730. Mott's br g (2:44). (234). Mott's b c, by Col. Walter. 721. Motto, ch g. 118, 404, 641. Motto, chm. 481. Moulthrop.gr g(2:32%). 593.* Mountain, (j.5.5. Mountain Boy. 527,591. Mountain Boy. 283. Mountain Boy (3:05). (620). INDEX OF BEATEN HORSES. 929 MouDiain Boy, rn s (2:38). 97. Mountain Boy, brg (2:34). 21, 271, 433. o74.* Mountain Boy (2:58). (627). Mountain Boy, b g (2.20-^). 21.* 48, 131, 2G1, 2ti3, 269,* (428*), 464. Mountain Boy, bg(2:58K>) 106,341, .^72 Mountain Boy. b g (2:49). 403, 428, (o7S*). Mou'.itaiu Boy, ch s (2:40). (137), 2i2, 735. Mountain Boy, br s (2:39i^), 167, 182. 445. 565, 600, 650.* Mountain Bov.bg. 101.* Mountain Boy, b g. (3.11). .(593). Mouutani Boy, ch g (2:41) 57. 198.* 224, 499. Mountain Boy, ch g. 30, 62. 248. Mountain Boy, grs. 278,360,511. Mountain Chief, b s, 261 Mountain Cbief (3:06) (483). Mountain Chief. 147,416. Mountain Chief, br s, by Fred Patchen. 71. Mountaineer- (Josh Billings), ch g (2:29%). 43, 86, 197, 268, 298,395, 498, 5:i6.- Mountaineer, bik g (2:3 IJ^). 5, (GO), 357. Mountaineer, ch g (2:37^). 414,617 Mountaineer, b g (2'3494)- 276, 479, 503,* 635, (659*). Mountaineer, b g. 47, 471, 590, 620, 701. Mountaineer (2:361^). (408) Mountaineer, or g (2:33). 13,547, (673). Mountaineer, pacer (2:37}^). (748). Mountaineer, b s, by Ciarli Chief .Ir 21;.. Mountain Fawn. 172. Mountain Girl, ch m (2:35). 715, 724. Mountain Girl, b m (2:38i^), 74, (399*), 484, 714. Mountain Girl, blkm (2 :51>4). 355. MounUin Gu-l, b m (.2:39). 8, 165, 795, 802. Mountain Girl, b m (2:28). 7, 63,* 128,201,268,389,416, 463,* 464, 472,* 577, 649. 709, 710. 717. Mountain Girl, ch m (2:40i^). (68*), 79. 83.* 123. 148, .528, 535, 637. Momitain Jack, rn g (2:33^). 46, 61, 64. 172, (419). Mountain Maid, gr m (2-A9]4). 78. Mountain Maid, ch m (2:48i4 w). 94, 417. Mountain ^taid (Lady Norcross), br m (2:26M; (2:24M*)- 129,* 133. 148, 158, 163, (212*), 248, 260, 261, 269, 317.* 3S3, 464, 494 522, 595. MountainMaid, ch m (2:32). 49, 111, 319, 341, 461, 514, 549, 642. MountainMaid, br m (2:43^. (37), 41, 161, 5(18, 648. Mountain Maid, b m (2 :42M)- 197, 4;:7,* 646,* 656, 671. Mountain Maid, grm (2:33) (errone- ously printed 2:35, page .520). 17, 120, 211, 296, 314, 468, 533, 609, 661. • Mountain Maid, b m (2:40). 68, 390, 396. 470,498,563, (606). MountainMaid, brm, pacer (2:36M), 742, 751, (784*). Nabby. 600. Nabby Bean (2:53). (4.'0). Nabob, ch s. 276. Nebocklish,brg (2:291^). 94, 249, 394, (429). 430, 443, 556 582, 631!, 604. Niiiad Queen, b m (2:20i4) 101.(189*). 194,* 298.289, 371, 550. 59 Mountain Maid, br m (2:53). 20. Mountain Quiil. b m (2:251^). 67, 147, 1.56, 16t, 174, (176*). 193, 276, 340.* 456,* 463. 474, 507,* 609, 725. Mountain Rose, ch m (2:47). 112, 349, ,352, 529.* 560. 597. (021). Mountai.i Tiger, b s (:':04>4). (■*96). Mount Carmel, rn g (2:40i4). 469. Mount IIollv, blk g (2:52 w). 24, (3.-|ti- 1, 377. 402. 450, 626. Mi)unt IIollv. b s (2:43i. 309. 344, 4:5ti, 490. .j27, •i29, 683. Mouiitjo.. C)78. Mount joy Belle. 32. Mount Moriah Boy (3:06). 287.(289). Mount Morris (2.49). 88. (313),332, 382. Mount Vernon, ch s(2:33), by Cham- pion Knox, dam by Eagle Bird. (18), 190, 458. Mount N'emon. b g (2:4.3?4^- '^T "^ut^ wood, dam Daisy, by Chieftain, 506, 609. Mourning Dove, ch m. 382. Mouse, ch m pacer. 772. Mouse, br g (2:56). 24. Mouser, dn g. 707.* Mowbray Maid, ch m. 11.* Mowry (2:51). (589). Mox.br m. 683. Moxie, gi m (2:40). 29. 47, ."^7, 168, 201, 2C6, 214, 215 223, 254, 270, 314, 385,* 550,* 596. .597, 623, 645, 690,* 712,716, 732. Moxley, ch g(2:.37). 161, 183, 191, 368, 589, 626. Moxley brs(2:36). (205*). Mozait. 558. M. P., blk m (2:.5.3^ w). 303, (326). M. R., b g (2:28). 159,* 233,* 259, 455,* 477,* 523, 539. Mrs. Caudle, b m (3:01). (684). Mrs. McFee, br tn (.'3:01). (682) M 'tse, gr g . 2 3 6, 294, 684. Mt. Clemens (2:52%). (125). Much .-^do (2:52). (578). Muggins (Bay Stranger),bg (2:38%). 210. Muggins.br g(2:31). 59,* 293, 442, 462. 472, 513,' 524, 532, 535, 546, 560. 680. Muggins, br g (2 Al^). 1 16. (134), 182 Muldoon, br g(2:55). 254, (276*). Muldoon, b s. 579.* Mule (3:05). (488). Mulford (2::^9». (317). MulhoUand Pony, br s (2:42^). (478). Mulligan. 135, 196. Mtilligan, br g, pacer. 759, 766. Mulhgan Guards. 111. Mumm, br g (2:40). (254), 326, 565, 618. Muncv (3:01). (637*). 721. Murat, ch g (2:46). 48, 203. Murdock gr g, pacer (2:37%). 7.36, 747. Murdock. grg (2:35) (2:30s). 50, (77), 127, 340, 381, 518.* 595,* 664,=^ (734*). 762. Miunel, bm (2:301^). (116*). Muriel, b m (2:42), by Gilbreth Knox, dam by Hiram Drew. 45, 116, 143, 181,* 208, 225, 246, 2.^0, 302, 318, 372, 466, (.599). 601, 654, 704, Murpby'sbm (2:34). (285). Murphy's b m. 722. I^ 143,* ,568, Naked Truth (Butcher Boy), (2:34%). 227, 300, 335, ,346, .541. 666, 706.* Nameless, b g (2:46). 227, 228, Nameless (2:46). 125. 418, (432), Namona, br m (2:32). 199, (655), 734. Nan <2:45). 63, 157, 654. , Nana, gr m, pacer (2:37). 782, ( b g 435, 297. 612. 224, 783). Murray, br g. .327. Muscatine, blk s (3:02). (48*), 234, 326. 611. Muscatine Jr. 689. Musette, b m (2:29^^ 130, 176, 199, 317, 34.J, 362, 601, 658. Musette, pacer. 748. Music, ch m (2:2 Va)- -14, 68, 80, 105, 139. 222, 316, : 62,403, 463, 49.5,* 513. £23, 525, 652. 671. Music, b m (2:56). 90, 344, 425, 5i4, 661. Music (2:51^) (317). Music, bg (2:29^\ 137, 200, 233. (459), 543, 563. .o64, 596, 644. 699. Music in the Air. bm (2:36). (205),. 288. 346, 415, 423, 509. 560. 677, 715.* Musketeer, b g, by Goldust. 132^ 139, 30.5, 445. 721. Muskingum (3:14 s), (516). Mustang, ch g. 101. Musty, b m (2-46 w). (301*). 381 M. W. Stimpson, gr g(2:41) 74, 95y 407. Myer's, blk m. 42. Aiverte. 695. My Geraldine. blk m. 38, 375* My Lady, b m. by Thos. Jefferson. 113, 420. 6:^2. My Mary Ann, b m. 490. ''i vra. b m 374. Myra Shaw, br m (2:47i4) (118), 165. 483 My JuWr. b m (2:35\ 25, 111, 184, (220), 245, 716, 7'2ti.* Myron H. 448. • Myron Perry.b g (2:24f^). (714). Nance, blk m. 526. Nancy, b m (2:47%). 57. 77, 211, 377, 529. Nancy ch m (2:39%). 10. 13, 29, 69. 95, 97. 272, 403 521. Nancy, ch m (2 :23J^) . 212. 227, 344,* 652,715,723* Nancy, ch m (3:00). 115, 285. 69C. Nancy (2:48^). (148), 228. »30 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTINQ AXD PACING RECORD. i(:2:a7^). 411. Nancy, ch m. 15,206. iNancy A. 3J3. Nancv B., bi- m, by Cupid. 44."j, 578. Nancy Bassett. b m. -100. Nancy Duw.son, pacer ('~:'16). (741). Nancy Dawson rJ:40). 198, (.397). Nahcy l>oisey, pacer. 771. Nancy Fat, b m (:-':41U). 422, 461,* 644. Kancy Hackett, rn ni (-3:20). 23, 36, 164, 344,^ 36H, 441, 461, 463, 598, P51. Nnncy Hall, b ni (2:41^) 8.* 15, 23, 30.1, 356, 421. 462, 668. Nancy Jane. 159. Nancy Lee, b m. 96. Nancy ai . b m . 227, 237, 348, 448, 554. Nancy Perkins. 106, 347. Nancy Pilot. 566. Nancy ^., b m. 97. Nancy iSarsfleld (3:09). (433). Nancy Shank, blk m (2:37J4). Nancy 1. 715. Na; etlc, b m (2:42). .527. 731. Nanette, gr ni, by Idol, dam Nanny, by fjiay .Eagle. 7. 95. Nanette, gr in, by Gideon. C21 Nanny Ciav. 414. NankcTU. dn m (2:3SJ^). 210, 341, 402. Nanny B., u tn (-2:491^). 523. Nanny Beuliler, b iii.~by Lightning. 45, is:;. 168,» 491, 567. Nannv CTaig. 273. Nannv Johusor, b m (2:34>^). 10, (422*), 44J Nanny Talbot, b m (2:29M)- 101, 150, 165, • 05. 402, 500, 542, 551, *--20, 682. 715.- Nanny Tempest, pacer. 789. Naomi, du m(2:3o). (13), 456, 460. Napier, b g. 580. Napa Queen, grm(2:46i4)- 6,* (403), 485. U" 7. Napoleon. 280. NapoUon. cli g. 1(13, 361. Napoleoij. 147, 222. 697. Napoleoij, bg(2:41). 22, 324,* 426, 730 Napoleon, — s (2:42}^ s). 32, 603. Napoleon, b g (2:4'J%). 684. Njipoleon, gr g (2:35). 40, 324, 389, 402. (72r). Sapoleon, ch g (2:34}^). 58, 186, 551.* Sapo'eon, b s (2:44). 47, 146,205, (-.65), 282. N'apoleon(2:54i^ w). (130). Kapper, b g (2:.34) (erroneously given-.':.'?7. page 525). 157,298,345, (4721, 5.5:!, 044, 070. Narragansett, br s (2:40). 202, 278, 312, 558. (689). ]Iarrow Gauge, gr g (2:38). 56, .312. I^ash, 164. liasby, rn g(2:5l). 57. Iia.sliua Maid, wh m (2:40). 97, 100, 128. 203, .%30, 4«4. Nashville Girl (May Queen), b m (2:20). 43,610. Nashville Belle. 7,* 109, 169, 516, Nat Baker, ch g (2:40). 87, 109* 128, 1,53, 174, 204, 274,* ,349, 3.58. 391, 415, 443, 440, 478, 479, 487, 530, 538, GOl, 676, 803. Natchez, pacer (2:.39), (750), 765, 769. Na'.chez. blk g (2:30), by Rising Sun, dam by Itob Roy. 147, 430, ,508,(512). 590, 591, 794. Nat ( ■laiborne. brg(2:47). (106), 299. NMllian, rng (3:0'.i^). 7o, (592). Nat Hcnd, l> g 57, 423. Nathaniel, chg(2:43^s). 188. Native Anif-rican, bik g (2:32%). 30"-. 410,575, 578. Kat Otis, b g(2:40). 27, 35, 2^2, 2(?0 * -ei, 3:53,* 4.39. 466, 601. Natty Bunco, ch g. 574. Nattv Cirpenter, dig i2-40>. 693. Naugliiv B(.v, ch g. (4.36), 438. Nalt W.'bb. 37, ;.'44 Nat Williams, ch g (.3:00). (lU*). Navigator. 168, 589. 687, 795. N. B. Palmer (: en Stan- and Lex- ington), b K (2 :30J4 1(2:291/4 8). 1.37, 138, 142, 323, 4(i7, 497, (J59,* 709. Neal(2.5l). (247). Neal Dow (2:46i/«). 252, 710. Nebraska Boy, T) g. 172, 332, 446, 489, 725. 726. Nebraska Granger, gr g (2:45>6). 50, 70, .32.3, :!9l.* Ned (2:.VJ w; (254 s) 2.54, (398), (618) Ned, ch g (2:.39), 519, (528). Ned, bg (2:49) 628. Ned (Vermont Boy), m g (2:35). 27, | (.360-), 376. I Ned, gr g (2:38). 30, 49*. (89), 106, 107, 114, 206. 213, 215,* 221, 222, 259, 268, 3U1. .302, 3;;s, .363. .307.* 404,* 412, 418, 437, 440, 450, 498, 581, 693, 732. Ned,gr g (2:50 w). .30,329,406, 523. Ned, b g (5:41). 366,* 368, 400, 525, 5(J2. Ned, ch g (2:4894). 231. Ned, blk g (2:55). 169, 298, 421. Ned, bs(3:(10). 131 Ned. rn g (2:40). 240. 292, 552, (704). N»-d, blk g (2:53%). 9:, 134, 371, 664. Ned, blk s (3:01). 474. Ned, b s (2:45^). 150. .532. Ned (3:00'. 236, 6.30. (710). Ned, b g (2:44%;. 193, 324, .527,* 654, f.74. Ned (2:4814). (382), 421, 432, 711. Ned (2:53} g (2:30i. 218. Ned Forrest, blk g(2:28U). 22,* 40, .■0, 23:5, 290.* 350,* ,353^ 387, .389, .395, 431, 460, 489, 498,* 580, 594, 093, 702, (713), 787, 797.* 799. Ned Forrest, ch S (3:01). 521. 712. Ned Forrest, ch s (2:50^). 70, 125, 222. 361. 557. Ned Forresr, (2:49«4). 404, (.529). Ned Forrester, ch g, pacer (2:2.3}^^). 737,* 740, 741,* 750," 759. 708, Ned Foster, gr g (2:44>. 97, 288. Ned Fowler, ch g(2:5.5i^). 36, (617;, 712 Ned Fry (2:48^). (609). Ned Gates, ch g, by Mac. (i2, 119, 275. 716. Ned Hanlan. ch g. 13. .528. Ned Hanlan (2:45). 13, (412), 446. . 144, 466. 8(2:321^). 197,201, Ned Hum's, b j Ned Hastings, 4;.':!, 500. Ned Hith(iway(^2;46). (.il9>. Ned Hunter, ch g, pacer (2:37%). 76;.', 768. Ned jackman (printed Ned Jack- son), br g(2:.39i4), 18, 76, 190, 446, 5,33. 014, 050, 7Uii.* Ned Jonet , ch g hi::i7l^). 461 . Ned Lambert, ch g C-:44>4). (45), 1 06. Ned M., b g (2:31J4) 218, (356*), 496. Ned McUann, b g, pacer. 745. Ned McCrea. 799. Ned cCJownn, b g, pacer (2:.'iS). rA'J. 741. 771. 781,* 792. Ned n.itchell (2:53). (605). Ned Moore, gr g(2:40). 29u, (403), 650.* Ned ."^loreliead, b g. 135,* 294, .'■F4. Ned Plorris (2:40). 82.177, 2Ul,242. Ned Morse (2:46) (152), 597. Ned Norri>^. blk s (3:00). 16, 47, 51, 360, 443. 517,* 555, 672. Fed Otis 678. Ned Patchen, ch g. 171, 261, 301, eiil Neds. (Pat), br g (2:35). 95, 121, 153, 1.54,* 169, 176, 179, 194, 233. 2.30, 327, 361. 4(, 2, 418, 427, 452, 483, 5o9,* 014. 634. 05 1, 687, 714. Ned Tester, b s (:i:52). 306.* Ned \V.. ch g (8:41). 21, 57, 225, 282, 678, 721. Ned Wallace, bs (2:25). 46,* 141, 165, 313,* 378, 447, 552, 596, 626, 627, 004. 670. Ned Walton, b g. 759. Ned Wilder, ch k. 293. Ned Whirlwind, b g (2:35i^). 96, Neddy McDonald, b g (2:42), 9, 70. Needle Gun, b s (2:,34%), (100), 320, 352, 440, 659, 706, 7 J 5.* Neelv'sIIt^nry Clay, b s. 94. Neighbor Ups, b s\2:38). 174, .380, (401), 472, 475,* 558, 577, 704, 715, 731. Neil's b s. 672.* Neil Payn. 188. Neilson, gr m (2:31^). 19, 229,* 257, 319,* 340, 399,*~528. 535,557, 574,* 022,* 078,* 079, 726 Neli, b m ( ':27). (237). 258. 268, 288. 290, 328, 69, 557, GOl. Nelia, br m (2:26). 38, 59, 07, 86, 104, 1.54, 171,* 179,* 189, 104, '11, 233,* 248, 296, 301,* MS, .'547, 403, 500,* 605, 613, (651*), 652, 094. 719, 723. Nell, blk m (2:54^). 405, 635. Nell,bm(2:4.>). 343. NeU, blk m (2:29i4). 27, 88, 190, 214. 211, 2.35.* :.'38, 256, 268, 550, (303, 684, (588, 707, 7.34. Nell, i) m, by American Star. (12), ..0, 95, 714 Nell, b m (2:4.5141. (147). 267. Nell, b ni (3:08J. 206.* (6S-t). ' Nell, b in. by Little Joe. dam Anna Dickinsor;. 227' N.ll, b m. 506, 602. NellB. 277 Nell Briordy, b m (2:41). 246, 256, ;J54, 800. Nell Crockett, blk m (2:32^). (43*), 272. 558. Nell (]rwynne. ch m (2:47 8). 469, 575. 724, 7.33. Nell Hastings (2:491^). (25). Nell Riordan, blk m. 666. 667. Neil O'Counell. ch m. 112, 4.53, 481. Nell Prescott. 114. 6,39, 714. Nello, br s(3:0l). (4(56*). Nelly, br m (2:48). .55. 303. Nt'llv, gr m, pacer (2:381^). 145. Nelly, b m (2:50). 38,87. 38. 317, 370, INDEX OF BEATEN HOR8ES. G3I Nelly, ch m (2:541. 85, 404. [ Nelly, b m (2:48-^). 423. Nelly, b m (2:49^). 5:50. 575. 711. j Nelly, br m (^-.io). :il6, 380, 498, i 517,714. Nelly, gr m (2:43>4). 106, 377, 4.32, 559. Nelly, b m (2:35^.^). 43'. Nelly, b m (■^•.5614). 51, 109, 175, 219, 2 5, 4^9. 617. Nellv, blk ra (•-':'J2>4>. 32,* 76,* 82, 211, 229, 281, 317; 529, 797. Nelly. bui(2:42). 70. 145.* 237. 727.* Nellv. ch in (2:40i. 74, 100, 273,445, 720. • i Nellv, gr m (2:51>. 99, 148,396,499, ' 500. 060 Nelly, ch m (2:54^). 138, 470, 554, | 803. Nelly, b m (2:5(5). 377, 446. Nellv, b m (2:58V^\ 48, 163, (209), ; 255, 349, 379, 483, 487, 560, 606, ! 662. Nelly, gr tn (2:501^). 9, 322, 406, 425. 44 ', 697.* Nell^'. ch m (2:3,31^). 11, 33, 129, U'6, 278. 389, 403,* 542. 724. 728. Nelly, b m (2:35i^i. 59, 551. 570. Nellv, b m (2::39i^». 35, 258. 337,* 394, 4.36. 485, 5.3o, (649), 659. NeUy, ch m (2:40^). 3r.9, 328, 363,* 4-M. 444. .559. &Mi, 619, 621, 697. Nellv, b m (2:50^). 83, 189,* 362, 639, 656. 697. Nellv, ch m (2:.56). 305, 60.'. Nellv, b m ( :J:49). (217), 29;-, 387,* 4.30, 439. Nellv, b m (2:46^). 46, 89, 223, 251, --,7.352,372,427, 671. Nelly, blk m (2:52M)- 23, 225, 659. Nellv. grm (2:38) 51, 53, 89, 111, 139, 178* 221, 259. 300, 4 Hi. 496, 497, .526, 571, 606 628.- Nelly (2:'!:: . .-3. 323,* 414, 613, 63: . Nellv. chm (2:48). 24, 29, 41, 154, 229.* 341, .592,683. Nelly, b m (2:50). 23, 182, 188, 396. 4.34,530. 651. Nelly, b m (2:35). 256, 263, 303, 474, 498, 50 .', 503,* 681. Nellv, b m (2:47) 167, 217, .562, 594, 673. Nelly, br m (2:51}4). 100,- 333, 394, 493. Nellv. b m (2:32). 51, 88, 368, 374. (404*1, 405. 542.* Nellv, grm (2:?,0%). 210, 228, .344, 3.58.* Nellv, b m (2:42). 161, 219, 253, 338, 450 Nellv, b m (2:31). 214, 218,* 251, 360, 506,* 517. 641, 647, 664.* Nelly, blk m (3:0li^). 120. 359, .500. Nellv, brm(2::W). 6.38. 113. 156,* 2:37, 356, 438, 513, 54o Nelly, br m (3:00). 347, ."87, 625, 649,* 674, 801 . Nelly ch m (2:50). 18?, 221, 402, 472. NeUy, bm(2:48). 34, 41. 27.5, 31.3, 314, 38J, .577. NeUy, b ui (2:48). 42, 172.* 339, 362, 363, (627). Nelly (2:.53i^). 75. .324, 334, 335. Nelly (3:00)." 95, 465. Nelly, ch m (2:58V^). 71, 165. Nellv, b 111 (2:49). 67, 317, .3.36, 436,* 672. 723. Nelly, b m (2:.30). 58, 84. 118.* 12.3. 350, 399, 486, 492, 5.14, 645, 634, 726. Nelly, ch m (2:4ei4). .56. Ill, 299,* 411,415. 543 Nelly, b m. 705.* Nelly, b m. 150, 170, 294. 680. Nellv. chm (2:44^1. 217, 235, 330, .341, .3.59. 425. 680, 715. NeUy. blkm (2:49V<5). 50. .346. Nelly, br m (2:41). ~(8*). 29, 77, 534, 703. Nelly, br m (2. .3614). 18, 627. Nelly, (2:56) (69), 188, 472. NHly. (3:11). (70). Nellv, b m (3:00^.^). 71. 157. 240, (:ii5). C()5. Ne.Hy , b m (2:59K>) 40, 162, (471). NeUy, blk tn (2:4:j>4). ( lOl). Nellv. b m (2:.50). 10, 16, 130, (206*), 214.238. Nellv. I) m (2:4.31/'). 227, ."07, (.5.54) Nellv. b m (2:57^). .58, 118, 129.* 174, 1 r9. (240), 398, 454, 624. 794, 802. NeUv, blk m (2:50). (619). Nelly, er m (2:45i^) 25, 34, .374, .397. (647). Nellv, b in C2:;B3K>V 31. 114. 201, 2J7, 346, 499, 523,566,* (684). 706, 725. Nelly, b m (2:.37). 70. 72.* (662). Nelly, b m (2:4214). (719). Nelly, blk in (2:47:^). 81, 82, (318). Nelly, pacer. {:>:i0}4). (754). NeUy, pacer. 756, 762. NeUy, cti m (2:59). .300. Nelly. 56o. Nelly, brm (2:40J4). 76, 160, 300, (490), 401, 802. Nelly, b m (2:46i^). (796). Nelly, b 111(3:1.5). 465.499. Nelly b m (2:.54i4). 27. Nelly, ch m (2:51) 175. 721. NeUv, (2:5:3M). 131, (263), 374. Nelly. 254.618. NeUy A., pacer. 739. NeUy Abbott, b m (2:59^). (493). Nelly Allen, b m (2:461^). 44, 48, 72, .339, 503, 648,720. NeUyAUen. 707. Nell,y Anderson, pacer. 739.* Nelly B., grm, pacer. (2:33) by Po- cahoiit:^s Bov. 7.36, 739, 742, 748,* 757, 767,* 788.* Nellv B.. brm (2:46). 35,50,* 16.3, 345, 593, 626,* (6.56*), NeUy B., (3:10). 135, 162. Nelly B., (2:44i4 w). 5. 48,* 212, 220, 574. 602. 6.52. 670. 717. Nelly B. 1 93, 223, 514, 525, 644, 669. Nelly B., b m. 46, 296, 341, 482, 597. Nelly Baker, brm (2:44%). 400. NeUy Bank, br m (2:51*). 68, 328, -149,488,55.3.622,671.* Neily Banker, blk m (2:47i4). 422, 5.5'3. Ne'ly Beach, b m. 471. Nelly Berry. o63. Nelly Bishop, b m. 601. NeUy Bly. (97), 252, 599. NeUy Bly, b m (2:43). 24, 423, 609. 618. N.41v Bly, b m (2:36M)- 15- 33, 80, 85", 200, 227. 240, 258. 3.37, 414, 428. 479. 527, 651. 715. Nelly Bly, pacer. 760. NeUy Boutou (2 :5 1 ). (60). .NellVBond. 61,303. Nelly Boyer, ch m (2:45>4). 71, (174). NeUy Brooks, b m (2:45). 201, 229,* 713. Nelly Brandv. 644. Nelly Bruce, ch m (2:52). (.5.57). Nelly Brown, br m. :522, 371, 538, (Jt>7 * Nellv r.rown, b m (2:45). 264, 45 , 46'5. 698. NeUv Byrant, b m(2:.30i4). 106. 171, 291 , :m, 3-50. 461, (497), 56:i. Nc Uy Buelmim. bm (3:i 1), by Ham- bletonian Star, dam by Fisk's Mambrino Chief. 124. 196, 262, :390. (44;^), 589. 6ii0. NeUv Bm-ns. b m (2:27). .320, 4.35,* i.l8.* Nelly Burke, b m. 101.* 190. 202.* 25-. 295, :i28, 366, 375, 580, 590, («9. Nellv B7ran^ b m (2:3014). (171), :.'9 1 . 370. Nelly Browning. 10. Nelly Bush, bm (2:45) 289, 386, 554. Nelly C , br m. 200, 203, 218, 323, 660. NeUy C. (Kittv Fi=her-, b m (2:29M). 2 18, 32o, 384, :{>-9. Nelly C , b m, by Cortlandt Star. 442. 621. Nelly C. . pa cer (2 :40) . 771 . NeUy C. 532 Nelly Case, ch m (3 : 0 1 1^) . (666). Nelly Chase, b m. bv Badger. (322). NeUyClay, b m (2::50J4). st9. Nrlly Clipper, ch m. 35, 62. Nelly Casey, grm. 441. Nelly Collins, b m (2:42%). 30. 119, 222, 271, 423,* .521, 527, .597. 692.* Nelly Condor, b m (2:44). 26, 198, 256, 442. 602, 726. Nelly Coulter, b m, by Chief En- gineer, dam by Young Filling- ham. 526. Nelly Cutler, gr m (3:01). 484, 527. Nelly ;-)., gr m (2:561/,). 66, 274, 300. Nelly D., ch m (2:42)7 281, 41:3. Nelly D., b m (3:00). 1 13,* (5:56), 712. NeUy D , b m (2:43). 1:30,* 179. 293.* 442, (570). NeUy D. 392. Nelly Davis, b m (2:30i^). 49 58, 77. 135. 372. Nelly Davis, b m. pacer (2:24}^). 745, 759,* 782, 791. Nelly Deal, pacer (2:.33J|w). (664), 736, 757. Nelly de Magonk, b m (2:41). 70. Nelly Diamond, gr m. 6.59. Nelly Dow. 475. Nelly Duke. 183. Nellv E., grm. 297. Nelly Eaton, ch . i (2:4054). 312,* 387. Nellv Earle. gr m. 67. 18:3, 530, 668. Nelly Evans, b m. 1.31. 425. 505. NeUy F., ch m (2:.57). 90, 207. Nell.y Fly. 589. Nelly Fish, by Johnson's Diomed. .'i52. Nellv Forrester, blic m. 438. Nelly (i., bm(2:.56). 466. Kellr C, gr m (2:49). .521. Nellv (i; b m (2:22^,). 16, 228, 412,* 4:?8. 527, (035). NeUy G., br m. by Henry Clay, dam by Liberty. 28. 100, 118, 451, 647. Nelly Gaines. 643. Nelly Golddust. 387. NeUy Gift. 708. Nelly Gilbert, ch m (2:.52). 685, 720. Nelly Goodrich. 206. Nelly Grant, br m (2:50i<;). 34, 68, 621. Nelly Grant, b m (2:3S^). 273, 576, (656). Nelly Grant, gr m (2:30i>^). 1 7, (60*), no, 134, 245, 270, 406, 71.3. 731. Nelly Grant, pacer (2:m]4). 68, (741). 747. Nelly Grant, b m, by Young Colum- bus Jr. 186, .3(12. NeUy Grant 1.. ch m (2:34}4). 280, 399, 478, 716. Nelly Grant II., ch m, (2:59), by Gen. Grant, dam by Steven's Snowstorm. 177, (445), 532. NeUv Grattan, b m (2:36i^). 92, 120,* 155, 166. 223, 225. 403,* (.521*). 661, 666. Nelly Gray, br m. 663. Nelly Gray. '7. Nellv Grav, gr m (2:53). 46.76. 505. Nellv Gray, ch m (2:.54 w). 106 NeUy Gray, gr m (2:46). :'51, 593. NeUv Gray, rn ra (2:.50K.1. 476. .503. Nelly Gray, gr m (2:;39M) 161, 183,* 210. Nelly Gray, gr m (2:51.%). 433, 506, 52.5, 585. Nelly Gray (Jessie), g- m (2:.37}4)- 133, 218,* 320, 406, 471, 570. 932 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AXD PACING RECO?.D. Nellv GrrtV, gr m (2:35). 177, 339, I GK3. (M3. I Nellv Gray, kt m (2:51). (69). :?37. ' Nelly Gray, rii in (2:.)2J4), (114). I Nell"' (Jruy, pr m. 017. Nelly Gray, br m (2:51). .30(5. ' Nelly Gray, pr m, pacer, (2:'*4). 737,* 73"!». 740.» 74.">. 740. 757. 770.* 7HI ,* 7H2.* 783,* 78.5.* Nelly Gray, f?r "i- 210, 315. 476. I NeUy Gray. 27, 282. Neliy Gteeli. 51. Nelly H., b ni (2:.->3^). 1.30. 385,* 0(Mi, (i»2.* (093) Nelly H , b ni. .39.".. 494, (i95. Nelly 11 . |jr in. by Dlarshall Chief, (lam by llamiileloniaii. 107. Nelly 11.. br m (2:."i9i^j). 41, 223, 504. .j99. Nell. Hackett. 483. Nelly Hall, pacer (2:.33 w). (755). Nelly Hall, br m (2:31J4) 214. 209. NellV Hart. 30. Nellv Haiimionil, bm. 499. NellV HeiKiit, b ni (2:50), (471\ Nelly Heotor(2:.-.6). 583,(024). N'llv Hite. biri.728. Nellv Holcomb.pr m (2:28). 55,93, (2.51*), 2:4, 310, 515, 793. Nelly Howard, bik m (2:4.5) (30), 96. NellV Hoyt. b m (2:47). 479. NellV Hum. 90. 090. NellV Irwin, b m (2:25). 17, 25, 50. 80. 134. 143. 147. 152,* 159, 18.3.* 196. 206, 236, 252. 271, 281, 303. 320,* 326, 328, 353,* :357. 362,* 367.* 44t;, 447.* 455, 523, 631, 652, 65:5. «i()0, 065, 678,* 690, 694, 699, 702.* 723. Nelly Isham, ch m (.2::i7l4). 90,* 607,(669). Nelly Jones, b m, by Phil. Sheridan. 134.429, 459, 558,* 0;iO, 799. Nelly Jos yn. 542. Nelly K., b ni (2:29). 18, 45. 99.*141,* 190, 2:17, 26.', 265, 359, 372, 388, 416, 508, 572, 010, 718, 721, 756. NelUe Kean, br m. 597. Nellie KiiiK, ch m 730. Nellie King, b m ^2:4ll^). 420, 444, 647. (793). Nellv Knox (2:49>,<;). 105, 687. (699). Nellv L,,Krin (2:45). 80. Nelly L , bm, byGeorse Wilkes. 484 Nelli*^ Larpe. blk m 5:V3. 583. Nellv Liu'hUoot. pr m (2:.32i4). 681. NellV Lawrence, b m(2:.53^). (326), 424, 4t;5. Nelly Lewis, pr m (2:59)^). (266). Nelly L' eke, pr m (2:31). 78, 149, 190, 202, 212, 25 1 , 383. 404.* 405,* 4.30, 440, 522, 59:!. 6.39, 659, 798. Nelly Lynch, b m. 56:5. Nelly Lopan i2:.50). .5, 24. 4S, 71, 107, 199, 212. 519, (542), 648. Nelly M.,b m. .570. Nelly M., b m (2:35). 28, 457. Nelly M, ch m (2:53). 200, 404, 54.3. Nelly Ma V, ch m. 453. Nellv May, b in (2:43). 18, 29, 81, 171, I'lh. 514,(022*), Nelly May, ch in (2:34»4V 14, 58, 104, 120, 210, 284, 3:W, :i39, 417,* 447, 512, .581. 667,703. Nelly Madden, ch lu (2:36;. 56, 209, 280,* 293. 399. Nelly RIainbrino, b m (2:34J^). 32, 90,210, 475. Nell.v Manibrino, blk m, by Mam- brini) Patchen. 189. Nelly Martin, br m (2:52). 240, 620, 711. Nelly Matteson, b in (2:36^). .329. Nelly McClellan,brin(2:.30%). 665,* (701). Nelly Mitchell, blk m (3:08)^), by Romulus, dam by Blue Hull (145). Nelly Monroe, wh in(2:"^4), by Inca, dam Ladv Dusiin (CfjS), Nelly Morris, ch m. (000). Nellv Moore, b m (2:36). 4.52, 558 (7-:'4). Nellv Morrison (2:.39) 40.91,92,101, (141). 4(19, 472.- 670. Nellv Morton, b in. 40, 47, 77, 79, i:V7. 182, 18,0, : 64, 465. 5J2, 5:J8, 694, 7(18. Nelly Mvrtle. blk m (2:47). 123, (2t2). 578. Nelly N. 412. Nelly Nel.son. 52.5. NellV Nerve, gr m (?:.5;5). 512, 517. Nelly Norton 295. :i01. Nellie Norwooil. b m (:{:04). 483. Nellv O.. 1) ni, pacer. 740, Nellv O'Coiinefl, ch m (2:43). 486, .571, 583, 59.5, Nelly O'Neill, bm, 99, Nelly Oscar, b m, 313. Nelly Otis. 462. NellV Packard, bm ^2:37). (681). NellV Porks, bm. (2:40). 179, 23.3, :?45. :{51.*468. Nellv Patchen. ch m (2:27i4>- 09. 174,* 2' 2,* .301, .323, 403, 462, 545,* 549. 550, 557.* Nelly Pete. 315. Neliy Pink, b m. 60. Nelly Please, b m. 6.5.3. Nell.y Plummer. .570.* Nelly Pope, pr m, by Tom Hunter. 66. 484, Nellv Quickstep. 306. Nelly B... b m (2:5•^). 144, 597. Nellv R., b m (2:40). 87. 99. 129, 165, 186, (195), .336,* 481, 6:H. 717. NeUy R., ch m (2:19i4). (5), 12,* 662. Nelly R., b m (2:.59J4), (442*), 507, 503, Nelly R,, pacer, 765. Nelly R. 099. Nely Randall, ch m (2:4..). 30, 53, (34.i). Nellv Richardson, b m (2:41). 68, 184, 229, :i9U, .541, 556. 612. Nellv Riordan (Jenny), blk m (2:30K>) 31, 113.* Nelly Robinson, b m (3:00). 233, 273, 371. 557. Nelly Reapers, cr m. by Chilton Ken- tucky. 4.50. Nellv Rolf, bm. 136, 181. Nellv Rose, b m (2:.30), 10, 19.117,* 12'l, 149, 227, 258,* 345, 428, 45:?, 472, 477, 523, 528, .541, 561, 666, 678, 679. Nelly Rosebud 616. Nelly Hush. 802. Nelly Rushton (2:.57i4). 100, (442). Nelly Russell. 668. Nelly Rutheiford, b m (2:35). 8, 72, 178. 225. 492, .599, 688,* 798. Nelly S., bikm. 768. Nellys. 60,213. Nelly S , br m, pacer. 748. NHllyR.,bm(2:38). 729. Nelly S., ch m (2:34), 39. 237, (721), 768. Nelly S,. b m (2:.52). 510, (541). NeUy S.. c m (2:48»4). 178, (204), 307, 405, 437, 4.53. Nellv S,Krm(2:.54). 49, 195,221, 309, 440, 4(50, (673). Nelly S.. b m. 389. (420), 527, .532. Nelly Shaw (2:56i^), 113, 172, (363), Nellv Shaw, dn m. pacer (2:27^). 742,* (769), 776. N'elly Shaw, brm. 248,443,474. Nelly Sherman, b m, pacer. 788. Nelly Sherman, br in (2::17). 26, 28, 43, 51, 117. 212,415,447,5.37,000, 011,675,084. Nellv Sherwood. 4:3, 634. Nellv Simpson, blk m (2:57). 276, (5:?3). Nelly Smith. 218. .365. 446. Nellv Soper, br m <>0r.. Ncl v St.'ii-, l.r in (2:41). 29, 61, 187, 1 (206), 217, 485,521. Nelly Still. 158,288. NellV St. Clair, ch m, pacer. 7CS Nellv T (2:46^). 204, 381S, .534. (598) Nellv Tavlor, pr ni (2:58^). 491. Nelly Thayer. 296. 693* Nellv Thorne. blk m i2:36). .50, 67,* 101, 174, 234.* :?85.441, 440, 467,* 478, 516, 537, 559, 6S7. Nellv Thurston, brm (2:42^). 69, 126, 158. .300, (389), .5:19. Nelly Toole, Kim. (193). Nelly Tower. 19,49.685. Nelly v., ch m (2:41K>). 227,* 256, 296, 298. (.358), .369.~030. 673. Nelly Voorhees, pacer. 784 Nelly W., b in (2:31^6). », 29, 31, 121. 125, 255. 287, 341, .347, 572, 579, 005. 680, 709. Nelly Walker (2:50). i419). Nelly Walton, b ui (2:26U). 8. 86. 139, 140. 187, 281,* 291).* 302. 316.* 324, 353, 401. 424. (429), 492. 528, .5.52.* (ill, 0.39. 04.5, Nelly Ward, br m (2:48^), 230, .371, (.545). Nelly Warwick, br m (2:40). 106, 144,- ;.'54. 417. 631, 692. Nellv Warwick, brm (2:55), 551, NellV Webster, br m (2:28%., 39,. 1.33. 196, (210),2lo,225"' 347,384, :<87, 395, 411, 441,* 442. 510, 522, 612.6(55.72.3, Nelly Weeks, 444 Nelly AVest, b m 99. 417, 611. Nellv AVhite, gr m (2:57>, 310, 449,* 633, 671, Nelly Whitu-y, b m. 43, 171,* i78, 320, 360, 666. Nellv Wilkes, b m. 102. 197. 696, Nelly Woodruff, pr m (2:33V4), 450, 478,710. Nelse, b p (2:44). 13, 39, (45), 83, 340, 416,- 43), 565, Nelson (2:42), 6.'-i6, 700. Nelson, ch p(2:33). 44, 120,2.35,2.39, 321, 356, ;?78, 452, 481, 697, 72^ Nelson, grp(3:15). 682. Nelson A., br p, bv Warwick, dam by Flyinp Morgan. 108, 119. Nelson Chief, ch g (2:40). 34,* ( 181), 429, 668. Nelson's Colt, blk p (2:44), 174, Neluska, b m (2:30i.t.), by Sultan, dam Gret'-hen, by Mambrino- Pilot, 575, (612*), Nemo, bg(2::i0), by .Fohn Nelson. (4 <), 19(1, 263, 558,* 642, Nemo, b g (2:42). 10, 105, 374, 47.5. Nemo Knox, br s. 100. Neoma, b m. 277, 451, Neome, br p (2:24). 10, 40, 164, 176.* 193, 199, 236. 283, 4.56. 483, 507, 514, 520,* .599, 611, 640, Nephew, b s (2:36). 349. (497). Neptune, b s, 265. Neptune (2:51) (2:50}^ s). 48, 817, 378. (7;.'4). Nerea. ch m (2:2:ii^). 49. 80, 140, 369, 407. 481. 514,* 552, &53. Nero, pacer, 758. Nero (.3:01). 41,(474*). Nero, blk s (2:42)^). 12. Nero, blk s (2:31), by Startle. 108. (699). Nero (2:54). .37. 214. (6.54). Nero, blk g. 475,693, Nerve (Pat), blk g (2:40>4). 672. Neshannock, b p (2:34). 156, 371, 470, 588, 591, 592. 600. 075, 704, 718. Neshominy, ch g (2:47'141- 0''',* HI. 197, .344, 553. Nesbit. 65, 718.* Nestor, b s (3:00) 096. Neta Medium, b m (2:22^^). 9,* 145, 3.59. 3S2. 478, 480, 700. Nettle. 1. m ( .':.56-%). .503 Nettle Keran, b s. pacer (2:27). 748, (768). Netty, hm (2:18). 8,* 21, 80. 113. 1,'i, y06. 221, 222. 23:5, 2fi7,* 270, 290, 316,* 318, 372, 376, 463,466.* 536, 638. Netty (•^:.55). .590 * Nett>\i)rm (2:-IOi^). 43. 57, 107, 18.5, t?35. 293. (447), 548, .557, 587,* 646. 69-'. Netty, ch lu (3:23^). 284, 440, 495, 5.58, 646. Nettv, b m. 207. NetU.b m (2:40l^>, 09, 147,503, 578, 618, 637. Nettv. b r» (2:56%). 186, 388, 562. Netty (3:0114). (388). Nettv B., blk m (:5:15J4). 22.5, 5.34, Netty B.. cti m. bv Star of the West. ll.'e-'.-i. Nettie Barnes, b m (2:44-54). 235, 294. 370.* 713. Nettie Bennett, chm, bj^ Alexander, clam Jenny, by California Bel- mont. 391.732. Nettie Bryant, bm (2: 54V^). 91. Nettie Burlew, bm(2;24). 140. 147. 200,* 3.53, (.362*), (493*), 684, 085. Nettie Collins, b m. 358. 579. NettieC. (Tolu Maid), br m (2:23^). I 19. 23, 103, 120. 158, 164,* 239, 1 441, 4(i3. 534. 631. Nettie C b m (2..55J^). 176. Nettilion, b m 195. Netty E. (3:0.5}4) (510). | Netty Franklin, b m. 58, 60. 475. i Netty G , b m (2:35%). 22i, 2.30, 561. 630. Netty G., b m, pacer. 768. Netty Golddust, b m(2:47w). 51, 491,(771). Netty GUbert. b m (2:37^^ 16"-'- 473, 491. 602.* 720. Nettv Green, blk m (2:.51M)- 209,* 44(>, 642. Netiy Greer, ch m , by Victor Gold- dust. 33. 324 Nettv J. 118, 193. Netty L.,.?rm (2: 1.31^). 3.53. Netty L., ij m, pajer. 741. Netty M., ch m (2:33^^). 22. 52, 98, l2i, 126, 1'6, 207, 265, 266. 280, :.'91. 30'.. (324). 391, 464, 478, 608, 641. 707, 717, 720. Netty Moore, b m (,2:47J4*- •"»^. 64, 131. 358. 506.63'. Nettv Morris, b m (2:30»4). 8", 2.55, 569, (607), 624, 648, 660,678. Netty P. 491. Netty Park.s. b m, by Thornedale, dain Yoimj: Gyp.sy. 482. Netty R.. b m (2;.36). 142,* 274.* Netty R., b m (2:35). 1:-'. 17,80, 126, 262. C25, 346. .385. .391, 437,* 458. 470, 492, 563, 608,* 641, (682), 735. Netty Reese, ch m. 113. Nettv S , pacer. 748. Netty S.. ch m (2:533^). 204. Netty Shaw. 721. Netty Thurston, b m. 527. Netty Ward, ch m (2:29i^). 48, 122, 154, 1.55, 300, 622, 623, 671. 703, 717. Netty White, b m (2:49). (546). Nettv Wonder, 6rrm(2:41). .5.38,69.5. Neva, chm (2:38^). .57, 155, 340, (36.5*). 470, 5.55.* 601, 638 Neva, h r;i (2:2.3K>). 65, 99, 326, 344, (:?9:.'!. 404, 580,~612, 624, 638. 667, 694, 718 Nevermind, b m. 89. 363. Nevf-rsink Maid, ch m (3:01>4). 66, 688, 711,722. Never Tire. 340. Neville (2:4.3). 51. Newark Boy. 244, 407*. 459. Newark Girl (2:52). (71 ), 625. New Berlin Boy, b s (2:4K). 191.* 304, (473). New BerUn Girl, ch m (2:291^). 8.3,* INDEX or BEATEN HORSES. 215, 3:34, 376, 467,* 576, .593, 611, 612, 64iJ, 6tj5, 670, 6j2, 799, 800.* Newbern, i. g (2:41). 121. ;n3, 303, 414, 464. 489. NewbridKc ch g (2:34%). 300. 399. Newbridge Girl, b m (2:42). (101), 250. 304, 698.* New Brook, blk g (2:30). (54), 84, 133, 1.34, 1.^9. 1^3. 273,* 309,* 322, 411, 487. 491,* 508. .523, 530, 564. 574, 62.3, 711 . New Brunswick Boy, b g (2:41). (307*), 454, 470, 733. Newburgh. 331, 427. Newtiurgh, blk g '2:.38 s). 305,* 309, 520. Newburj;li.-ch g (2:38). 85, 90, 108, : 260,269*585. ' Newburgh Bov (3:00). 41, 499, 662. Newcomer, b g (2:43). (261). .336. New Dorp, b g (2:4.5). 96. xl5, 227, 3.56, (307, 619. New England, bg (2:38). 688. New England Bov, ch s (2:45i^). (114), 282, 288. 440, 4.50, 522. 662. New Hamburg Girl, b m. 341, 386, 1 510. New Hampshire Boy, gr g (2:46). 566, 643. New Hampshire Girl, b m (2:53}4), 548. New Hampton Gitl, b ro, by a son of vvidgeor.. 242, 277, 597. New Haven Boy,gr g(2:41). .51,423 670. Newhope, blk g, pacer. 748, 770. New Jersey Volunteer, b s. 2c7 New Market Girl. 121. News Bov, c • g(2:40). 193, 305. .3.36, (396). 428.* 441, 572, 577, 596,* 648. 724. News Boy(2:56i^\ (101), 112, 147, 174. Newport B y, b g. 6.54. Newton (Mary Newton), dim (2:36). (126;, 223. 399,* 574, 610,679, 690. 726. Newton. 217, 319,* 320, 507, 561. 594, 597, 606. Newtou, bg (2:40M). 18, 289. 68.3. Newtown, b g(2:4oJ4). 64. 166, .511, (518), 581,6!:)0.* Newton Bov. ;t01, 698. Newark Maid, b m. 125. New York Ci-Aa^). 644, (713) New York, b g (2:32^). 253, 578, 595,* 748. N. H., blk g (2:36^). (119), .374.* Niagara, br g (2 :34%). 45, .334.* (495), 497. 570, 582. 657. Niagara (2:51). (239). Niagara Boy, b s. 422 Nibbs (2:5.5). 7, (62), 218, 25.3, 262. Nicholas, blk g(2:43w). (.55), Nickchg(2:.52). 44,610. Nick, ch g (2:40). 26, 215, 442, 610, 613. Nick, ch g (2:44). 173, (416*). I Nick, (2:401^). 81, (693). ' Niek(Billv Barefoot), blk g (2:28}^). 298, 35.8,* 362 * Nickle, br g (2:47). 229, 243, 282, 296, .393, 412, 559, 560. Nickie. bg(2:21). 35,38, 11.3,* 121, 144, 19.S, (2(18*). 234, 291, 364, .39-i, 390, 401, 461.* Nickle Plate, (3:15). 297, (699). Nick of the Woods, br g (2:49). 147. Nick AMiiffles. b g(2:36^). 185,213, i 28:5, :-)9(). 448. 933 Nicodemus (Sorrel Dick), ch g (2:58i/>), 93, 106. 127, 404, 4.57, .591). Nicotine, b s (2:3CJ4). 640. Nig. blk g(2:55). 241. Nig, blk g (2:48%). (126), 666. Nig, blk g(2:.-.3!4). 83. 152.451. Nitr, blk g ( 2 : 55 w). 1 59 . Nigger, blk g (2:36). 97, 175, 214, 4;<5,* 533, 6.39. Nigger, blk g. pacer (2 :.30) 763. Nigger, (ilk g. 53, 131, 224, 2.55. Nigger Baby. 275, .552. Nigger Baby (Cuba), blk s(2:36). Nigger Baby. blkg(2:27J4). 26,134,* 144, 1.53,* 159, 164, 215, 229. 241. 271, 287, 29:?, 314,* 328, 367,* 379, 380,* 455, 468, 495, .528, 557, 567, 615.* 690.* Nigger Baby, blk g. 178. 180. Nigger Boy (Hairy D. Goodrichand Tom Roach) blk g. pacer (2:25%^ 285, 587 (770*). Nigger Boy, b g. 482, (.564) Nigger Boy, (2:47%). 237. (244). Nigger Doctor, blk s (2:.33i4). 59,* 72,, 152. (156*), 185, ! 186, 187,195,202. 237,298.3:56.* .364, 371, 452,* 492, 653, .593, 613, 636. 659 Nigge r Gi rl, blk m . 67, 1 82 Niggei- Jim, b g (2:57 . (184). Ni^wer Joe, brg (2:571^). 161, 250, 689. Night, blk g (2:44). 9. 90. Night Bell. 1.53. Night Hawk, blk g (2:39). 55, 696. Night Hawk (Champion), ch s(2:36). 172. (278*), 379. 4:54,478, 559,*584. NightHawk, blkg(2:4ui4). 225.471, .509, 545. Night Hawk, b s (2:37). 264, (300*), :J35, 346, 435, 484, 492. Night Hei wk, b g, bv Brigadier, dam Nellv, by McCracken. 144, 521. Night Hawk. 150. 161, 274. Night Hawl.-, ch g. 84. Nightingale, br m (2:40). 234, 370, 421,579, 601,* 6S9, (see appendix). Nightingale, bm (2:29' ), by Erics- son, dam Heiress, bv Alexander's Abdallah. (275), 417, 459. Nightshade, blk m, by son of Ham- bletonian, dam by American Star. 108, 363, 414. 461, 541. Night Watch, blk m. 123, 211, 349. 427',* 655. Nil Desperandum, b s (2:24). 154, 172, 194.* 288. 296, 385, 411, 515, 558,* 594* 615. 623,* 652, 371,* 686, 701, 715. Nilestown Maid, gr m(2:48). (401), 435. 461, 547, 613, 658. Nimble Dick, ch g (2:. 39). 87, 135, 218, : 89, 385,441,4,59,464,477, .520. .5.39. 601. 706. Nimble Dick, b s (2:49J4). 36, 69, 363. Nimrod, ch g (2:48). 306, 451,* 572, 734. Nimrod, chg, pacer (2:19%). 739,* 749, 762,* 763, 767,* 770,* 775, 781. 78.5,790. Nimrod, b g. 50, 486. 601. Nina, gr m, pacer. 765. Nina, rn m (2:40). 375, (531), 583, 585. Nina (2:51%). (221*), 802. NinaC ,brm. 586 Ninette, ch m C2:44%). 111*286, 647. Nino, bg (2:27). 450,494.711. Nino, gr m (2:30). (109), 670. Nip, bg. 45, 322. Nip and Frizzle (2:52 s). (332). Nipper, b m. by George M. Patchen, (2:45kii. 61. "(713). Nipper, ch g (2:59). 22. 32, 6.5, 266,, 417, 4.38, 538,* 612, 638. Nira Belle, bm (2:29) (record mis- printed 2:.39. page 542). 51. 114.* 130, 173, 207. 2.56.* 264. 268, .357,* 411, 474,* 484, .504,* 594, 618, 719. Niskayuma. 97. 327, 644. Nitrogen, b g (2:42). 228, 381, 412,* (579). Nixis. rn g (2:58). 84. Nixon. 577. 934 CHESTER'S C Ml'LETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. N. J. Full.T, hr s (■.':31). «4, 135, 144, 163, 198. L'41. '.i'M. i'iC, 670. N. Mattison, b ni. 4'.'8, Nobby, bra(y:48). 511. Nobby Jr., brg(2:rji.^; 149,(o'23). Nobby Morrill. 315. Noble, chff (^>:40>4>. 7,* 91. Nobody Knows (2:54). (.527). Nodaway (2:58>^.). 55, 87. (129), 327, 35-', :,2S, (i24. (iSfl.* Nddawav Jim, 1 r fr (2:.57%). 458. Nodine. blk k (2:3!)). 68. (Jl.-). Nomad, b t: C^-AVyi). 228, 297. Nomad, bs (2:40). 131,170,(316), 712. Nona, b ir. by Hanover. 254. No ^allle. ch pr (2:46V1.). 50, 449. No Name, gr m (2:47). 74, "03, 421 . NoName(2:49). 180.306.356, «V59), 6 14, 614,667. No Name, gr in (2:55). 24. 27. 32, :56, 57, 145, 223. 431, 474, 4J9, (6:!?). 648, 6.">6, 658. No Name, blk m (2:4091). 221,255, 421. 44,5, .")7(!, 609, 689, 722. No Name, pacer (2:35). (758), 760. No Name 184. 5'J3, 718. NoriB Such, ch m (2:2.51^). 21,32, 52.105,* 140. 149. 18.3,* 214, 2.55. ;!09, (320- ), 372,* 477, 497.625, 719. None Such, wh m (2:.52) 329 None Such, b g (2:38iJ4). 6,* 145, :i58, (;32, 6:54. None Such, ly g, pacer. 772. Nouparit'l, ch g. 552. Nonpariel. bs (2:59). 107, 126, 358, 801. Noi, sense b g. 273, 558. Noondav, b g, pacer (2:27). 737, 738,* 739, 740,* 757. Noontide, gr m (2:201^), 51, 80, 108, J 38. 160. 200,- 318, 393, 405, 440, 533, 556, 568, 583, 695.'^ 690,* 701. Nora, br m (2:51%). 138. 393. Noi a, b m. 535, 695. Nora D. 648. Nora Demas (2:51^). (605). Norah L^e, br m (2:50), by Osceola, dam by pacing Abdallah. 417. (637). Norah. gr m (3:00). 454. 712. Nora M. (Lady Van), bm (2:40). 8, I 15. 78, 177, 123, 273, 291, 36.3, :J90, I 400. 472. 506. I Nora iM.. br m (3:00). 323.* Nora McNeil, br ni (•-:41i^). (179). Nora Neale. b m (2:49) (83). i Nora O'Neill (2:4Ui^). 4.34, (592*). Nora Temple, b m (2:29}4). 35. 100, I 387. (443), 49,3,* 5.32. Norfolk, ch g (2:.'i0i. 801 . j Norma, gr m (2:.38J^). 3^3. Norma, rn ra (2:45). 360. I Norma, grm (2::!3J/>). 275, 445,481, j 619. Norma, brg(2:.50). 184. I Normati. blk g (2:49). 21, (348), 646. Norman, b g (3:3:!->4). 285 '^^■ Norman I . . br s (2:4CM)- 421,436. 4.54, 629. 6c 9. - Norman .7olm. b g (2:35). 238, (303), 1 .317, 3:10. 675. ! Norman Heindper (2::5). 108, 184, I .359, 488, (541). 698. Norris, b s ;3::{2; (by Artist, dam by Red Bird). 15, (48u). ! Noriis Bashaw, blk s (2:.34). 24.222. ! 481, 483, .578, 675. 724 * Norristown, brK('.i:37). 13;. Noith American, br s (2:56J4) 191. Northern Cbief. n s(2:40). 190.(259), j :578, 412, 417.523. Northern Light, b m (2:511^) (2:;54M*)- 412.(1)57). I Northern laght, t>lk g. 619. ' Northern Spy, b.g (2:34). 63. ' Noriliern Spy, bg(3:>;0). 56 i. I Nortlifleld Maid, b m, by Berg- ' mann's Harabletonian. dam Lady 1 McOlellan, by Burgher. 440, 6U2, I (712). ! North Hawk, b s (2:44). 23, 73, 139, 140,* 143. i:iO, 236, 418, 443,(4.54), (il(i. North Horsp. 204. North Point, b ff (2:4li^). 363. North Shore, blk g (2:43}4). (16), 4 :2, 529. North Star, blk g (2:.35^). 123, (378). 4:.'3,*477. Nort'a Star, blk s (2:48). 53. Nor:h Star, br s (2:34") 21 , 295. (J90 North ^t ir . br g (2:.57). 707. North Star, h s (2:429-4). 509, (613). North Star MambriU", b s (2:20U). i 171. 635. I North Wind, rn s. 179, 192. 239, 387, 676. ' Northwood b g (2:39\ 8\ Ki. 120, ! 125, 27S) 337. 440. 4ti8. 477. Northwood (2:45). (709). Norton Patch, u. b s 401, 461. 609. Norway Boy, gr g (•-:50). 155. 621, Norway Girl (2:.50%). 77. (.3.?3). Norwegian Girl, du m (2:53}^;. (i35), 379. Norwich Boy, b g (2:.)0>4 w). 369, 430. Norwich Girl, blk m (2:"li^). (74). Norville, b g(2:43J4). 6.53. Norwood (Drift), br g(2:29%) 46, 137, 174. 192, l94. 250, 257, 271, 372. :!9a.* 422, 523.* .596, 639,* 646.678, 719.801. Norwood, ch s (2:401^). 480, 511. .Sorwood Chief, b s (2::{4), l)v Nor- \yood. (124*), 137, 210, 473, 564, 610. Notfleld (Janesville and Roxbury Boy), b g (2::{0i4). 528 Noui-mahal. rn m (2:39i/>) 33, 40, 358. 414. '•• 613, 693 Noyelty. br g (2:.50Ja). 325, :J37.* Novelty, ch m (2:23K,). 81, 334, 489, 567, (.590*), 608,* 082. Noyelty, b m, bv New York, dam Pnlly, by TomHal, Jr. 117, 326. Noyice. b m (2:.39). 94, 121, 418, 5>*4. 637, 698. N, S B , gr g (2:34) (erroneously given 2:37}4, page 545). 105.200. 212,* 282, 323. 473, ,53 1, 627,699.* Nubbin Ridge(2:45^ (14*), 69,81, 534,618. Nursery Girl, br m (2-A6H). 132. Nutbnurue. gr s. bv Belmont, dam by Pilot, Jr. .55. '48:i. Nutwood, ch s (2:1S94). 49, 170, 18 1, 275, 372,* 558, 609,* 620,* 641. 653. 662. Nutwood, b g (2:451^). 70, 191, 268, 377, (417). 420. O OahoChief.rhH(2:33^). (639). O. A. Hickok, b g (2:30). 74,* 99, 130,* 166. 208. 220, 300, 357, 362,* .373,* 408, 455, (517*), 521, 530, 583,* 647,* 798. Oaks. SCO. Oak Grove Girl, ch m (2:35). 22,38.* (42), 121. 161, 507, 708, 711, 724.* Oakill. 563. Oakland, bs(2:38). 640. Oakland, bg(2:.5();. 50. Oakland, b s. 435. Oakland. prg(3:05Ml- (188). Oakl-md Boy, ch y, pacer (2:34%), by Winthrop. dam oy Blackbird. .547, (746*), 775. Oakland Maid, gr m (2:22). 85, 197, 547. Oakleaf, b m (2-A9H). 30, (633*), 089. Oakley, b g ('::3r.«^). 23, 84 Oakley Ma-e HdO. Oak wood, ch g (2:.59^). 170, 554.* Oakwood Belle, b m. 209, 282, 294, .364, 522. •O'Bannon, b g. .551, 700. O'Blennis, b g (2:30). 282, 382, 409, (4 .6*), 429, 576, .■.8:5. .59:i, 609. Observer, ch g (2:24^4). 80. 89. 132, 147.* 2.39, 3.53, 425, 512,* .586, 682.* Obstinate, pacer. 750. Oceana. 115, 465. Oceanic (2:4194). 72. Oceana Boy, ch g, by Oceana Chief. 346. Oceana Chief, ch s (2:28). 8, .59,* 91,* 104. 147, 258, .3.57, 599. Oceana Queen, blk m (3:01), by Oceana Chief. (515). Occident, br g (2:16%). 85.- 137, 270, 275, 372,- 463, 545, 618. O. C Kiiapp, ch j;. by Andy John- son, dam by Counsel. 585, 676, 734. Ocoi.to. dnr. 167. 500. Octoroon, blk s (2:42). 128, 243, 576. 62:?, 696. Oconomo^voc Belle (2:48). (i'>57). Odd Fellow, b s (2:31) (erroneously given 2:35, page 547;. (12), -iOO, 541. Odd Fellow, grg (2:41) (.erroneously given 2::U, paue ."i47). 34, 39, 191, 2.4,291. 468. 61;i. 70S. Odd Fellow, ch g (2:45), by Night Hawk. 268,* 3/0, C)! 6), 584, 588. 695, 705. Odd Fellow, ch g (2:43%). 64. 158, (277). Odd Fellow, rn g. 89, 130, 509, 600, 695. Odd I'cUow, ch g, pacer (2:30). 749,- 764. Odd Stocking, b m (2:45). 413, 535. Odokerk's b g ( 2::J9«^). 220, 455. Odeirs8pg(3:l0). 73,735. Odessa, bg(2:52). 91,99, 210,* 278, 288,0.55. Odhelia. 718. O'Donnell, br g. '?2] . O'Donnell's ch m. 4.33. O'Donohue. 674. O. F. C. b s {■.iM2}4). 117, 195. Offa, bm 266. O. G blk g. 238, 348. 479, 610 Ogdensburgh. ch g (2:54). 688. Ogdenshurgh, blk g (2:41%). 27, 326. 447. (461) 585. Ohio Almont, by Ahnont, (2:i6). 179. (.556). Ohio Bov. (Henry Chase and Dart), b g (2:27%). 5.5, 147, 197, 253, 297.* 320, 372,* 396, 414. 449,* 457, 485, 517, 537, 6.57, 66(J,* 665, 723. Ohio Boy, b g (2:50). 477, 547.* Ohio Boy. 565. Ohio Dan. pacer (2:39). (75t). Ohio Girl, gr m (2:40). 36, 68. 119. 120,* 134. 2:19, 261. 297, 373, 377. 407, 427, 429, 4.52, 456, 508,* 529, .548,578, (5i;j. 622, 640. 676, 800. Ohio Hero. 114,48.3. Ohio ftlaid. br m, (2:411^). 161, 251,* 49(i. 640, 685, 686. Ohio MHid. rn m, pacer (2:28). 88, 737,* 740.* 746, 762. 765. 768. 778,* (791 ). Ohio Volunteer, b g. 549, 589. Ohioville Boy. 272. Oil in the Can. ch g. .348. Okaloma. b g (3:11), by McLloyd, dam Pilot Lady. (65,3). Oko, blk g. (2:35) 103, 205, (327). Okoiohamo. (801). INDEX or BEATEN HORSES. 935 Oku. ch g (i.':a5K40.* :?80, (394),* 4.-i7. 613. 717. Oia. 507. Olaf, bik er.bv Waveland Chief. 243. Old Abe, br s (3:0i). 43S. Old Ben, gr g (2:47). ;il7, 425. Old Ben, chg(3:00). 279. Old Hrooms. 3. Old Charley, ch g (2:54). 212. Old Covey, bg (2:56). (203). Old Grimes (2:.")0M). (124). Old Hector. 587. Old Hope. 464. Old Hide, sp p (3:O0M)- 420. Old Hundred, by Young America . Old'li'eland, b g (3:04i^). (443). Old Jack (2:.53). (516*). OldJim. ch s (2:38). 54, 325. Old Joe (2:48)-. 42, 158, 271, 52 \ 643,. 664. (698). Old John. 431 Okl John, b g (3:12^). (510). Old .fohn (2:471^ s). (203). Old Mack (2:.39). 648. (732). Old Maid, br m (2:36^). 113, 261, 343. 460, 615. Old Man. in g (2:48^). 556 Old Man (2:47%). (39), 39^. Old Man's Mare (Ninette), b m 2:36)4). 99. 469, 665. Old Put (Richard Neavals), br g (2:.30) (9 ). 108. 142. 159, 212, 219, 251,* 269, 325,* 326, 428.438, 439, 4t;3, 480, 519,* 607, 611, 627, 629, 6.59. 670, 710, 713, 715 (797). 798, (803*). Old Sport, bg (2:59). 204,222. Old Tobe, b e (3:12). 5,36. Old Tom (2:50). 409, 582. 649, 685. Oldtown Bov (3:48). (122) Ole Bull, pacer. 749, 754, 767.* Ole bull, gr g (2:51). 382. Ole Bull, chg. .305,333. Oleana, spm. 20. Oleander, b g (2:47). 154, 246, 690. Olin (2:.50i4). 204. Olinda, br m (2:.50). 463. Olive, ch m (2:57)4). 49. Olive, ch m (2:.32i4). 31,* 64. 103, 125. 128. 153, 189. 200, 206, 235, (309). .335. 346. 373, 38 ?, 390, 424, 507, 521, .523. 539, 560, 655, 734. Olive Logan, b m (2:40). 23, 49, 229. 313,* 434, 581. Olive Logan. 27. 549. Oliver, b g (2 :52i^). (25), 483, 555, 636. Oliver, b s (2:.37i4). 323. 335. 534. Oliver F., b g (2:3614). 14, 15,* 440, 466, (481*), 624 Oliver Roan (2:45). (135). Oliver S.. blk g (2:55)4). (182), 255, 6n. Oliver Twist, gr g (2:36), by son of Green Mountain Morgan (236). 704. Olivette, gr ni, by Gray Morgan (2:47%). (162.) Olivette, br m (2:34)4). 9, 87, 131, 301. Olivette, ch m, by "Woodward's Ethan Allen, dam by Sayre's Harry Clay. 94. OUie, blk m (2:.")0). 201, 475. OUie, b m (2:37)^). 5.'>. 66. 69, 8>, 146. .391. 402, 467, 508, 531, 657,* 70.5,718* OUieM. 273. Ollie Ray, b m (2:39%). 95. O. L. Marshall. 711. Olmstead. b 8(2:40)4). 429, 436, 501, Olney Belle (2:44). Tsi). Olympia Dick, b g. 203, 404, 513, 5.57. 01vmp;aMaid. 627. Omaha, bg(2:.51i4). 413. Omaha Chief 626, 799. Omaha Belle, rn m (2:43)4). 12, 474. Omaha Dan. 2.50. Omaha Dick, ch s. i:!8. Omaha Girl, rn m. 157. Omaha Pet (2:54). (140), Oiiia Forresti-r. b m. 761. Omar Pasha (2:41)4). (292). Omega, blk g. 44. '.?17. Ouiro. b g (2:55). (77). Ona. 670. Onago, ch g. 398. Onawa, blk s (2:22J4). 12,* 14,* 23, 29,52, 145, 19S, 205, 229, 230,* 243, 318, 372, 383*. 384,* 481, 482, .566. 719, 723. Onee, brm (2:33^). 206, 280, 484, ei.ie. One Eye, pacer. 766. One Eye. 293,341.576,617. OneEve, ch m (2:51'4). 140. One-Eved Hunter. 20 1. 264, 425. Oue-E\edJoe. 127,148. One-Eyed Riley (2:56). 158, (279), 576, 698. One-Ered Riley. 162. .349, 588. One-Eyed Riley. 518, 732. Oneida, br g (2:43 1-6). 410. .588. Oneida, blk m (2:38)4). ( i38), 539. Oneida Chief (2:40). (84). On^-ida Chief, pacer (2:31 s). 426,* 752. Oneida Chief. 549. Oneida Maid, b m(2:46%). 252,387, (47o). Oneika, b s (3:00), by Aitamont, da.u Belle Price, by Doble. (499). One Himdred Dollar Bill, b g. 618, 796. One of Two (2:36%). (467). ,575 One • f the Murphies (3:03%). (47). Only Daughter, b m. 278, Only One. 264,292. Onondaga Boy, b g (2:45). 115, 403. 427. 439, 449, 592. 619, 676. Ontario, b g. 119, 676. Ontario Maid, cr m. 65. 418, 45T. Onward, ch s (2:36). 46, CO, 104,* (593y. 802. Onward, b s (2:44). 7,* 120, 230, 279, 478, 56.3, i71. Onward, ch g (2:50). 324. Onward, br g (2:32)4). 113,* 246, .310, 318, 391, 449, 6,51,7.35, 799. Onward, blk s (2:45). 25, 185, 211, 257, (344), 475, 676, 796, 797. Onward, blk g, pacer (2:24?^). 7.36,* 738, 739,* 740, 744.* 749.* 7.'i0.* (753*), 757, 759, 761, 764, 737,* 769. 774, 777, 781.* 786, 788. Onward, brg, by Fisk's Mambrino Chief, dam by Mambriao Cjief. 720. Onyx, pacer. 753. Oolong br m (2:.32J4). (87*), 190, 198. 257. 309. 326,* 401, 540, 589. Opal, pacer 772. Opal, ch s (2:48), by Swigert, dam by Hungerf Old's Blucher. il99), 416, 7;50. 793. Opelika, blk g, pacer (2:.39}4). 736. Operator. 78. Ophelia, gr m. by Haywood. 675. Ophir (2:35). 0. Opiic '3:(i0). 350, (476), 509. 583. Option, 442. Orange, chg (2:47). (111). Orange Billv. dn g (2:34). 16. 32, 69, 107. 125, 1,34,* 157, 166, 206, 219, (232*), 252. 276, 341,* 38.5, 390, 408, 411. 416, 4.51, .537.* 565, 636.* 637, 659, 672, 705, 707, 713 Orange B. (2:46). (645). Oran:;e Blossom, b s (2:26i4i. (25). 236, 419, 683.* Orange Blossom, cr g (2:.32). 19. 58, 89, l'J5, 116. 128, 505, 5.56,* 566, 613* Orange Blossom, blk s. 144. 697. Orange Boy, b g (2::35^). 14. (324*). 567. Orange Boy, b g. 1.39. 712, ]1, Orange Boy, b s (2-Al\ 422, (666). Orange Boy, b g. 139. Orange Boy, b g (2:35)4). 14, 324,* (5T/*). Orange County, br s (2:46). 167. Orange County, b s, by Florida, dam by Volunteer. 686. Orange Girl, b m (2:20). 110, 122.* 16",* 176.* 182, (290), 367. 382, 465.* 573,* 701,* 708, 717. Orchard Boy. 701, Oregon. bg(2:46w). 29, 135, 228, .311, (342*), 488. Oregon Jake, rng(2:38%). (188),197, 233, 2ti2, 272. 521, 546. Oregon John, rn g. 138, 310, 312. Orient, bg (2:24). 112, 291, (.350), 362, 4,24. 493. 665. Orient, gr g. 78. 94, 201.* 203, 263, 462, 567 Orient, b m. 7. Orient, ch m (2:30). 643.* Orient, b g. 56. 65, 74. 373, 532. OrilMa Queen, bm (2:58). 246,358, 649, 732. Orinda, br m. bv Star of the West. 22,472, 5.38, .5.54. ()85.* Oriola, b m (2:47%). 219, 319, 360. Orion, b g (2:38). (e24). 700. Oriole, ch m (2:46). 220, 456,* 478, 482. Oriole, b g '2:48). (261). Orlando, b s. 461. Orlando, chg(2:45J^). .38, (129), 551, 668. Oronoko ?.Iaid, pacer (2:5214). 57, 58, (317). Orphan Boy, br g (2:57w), 616. Orphan Boy, gr g (2:46). 706. Orphan Boy, br g (2:49). 461, 708, (,V98). Orphan Boy, b g (2:38). 36, 44, 232, (381), 452, 465,* 093. 724.* Orohan Bjv, gr g (2:43). 59, 263, 291, 312,671. Orphan Boy (Frank L.), b g (2:31). 94. 441. 569, 670. Orphan Bov (2:37)4). 556,661. Orphan Bov, gr g (2:.53%). (539). Orphan Boy. blk s (3:06pi). 4i2. Orphan Boy (2:. 54). (69). Orphan Girl, b m (2:39). 40, (71), 88,116, 124, 200, 201, 264, 560, 671, 699. Orphan Girl, b m, by Hambletonian. 440, 465, 5C6, 551. Orphan Girl, b m (2:32)4). 63,* 96, :i45. (.394), 557, 718. Orphan Girl, b m (2:44)4). (95), 110, 348. Orphan Girl, b m. 136, 280, 339, 478. 588, 640. Orphia. b m (2:41). 203, 696. Orrin, gr g, by Gould's Clav. 686. Orwell Boy (Patcheni, ch g(2:18%). 75, 119, :;24.492.* Osage Charley, pacer. 754. Osborn. 1 ■],"586. Oscar br g(2:'-!0). 120. 130, 180*, (186*),218,* 291, 362, 509, 523, 613 . 618. Oscar, br g(2:43}4). 60. 185, 700. Oscar, gr g (2:44). 228. Oscar Adey, ch s, by Orphan, dani White Stockings. 615. Oscar Steinway, ch s (2:,59%), '::V Steinway, dam Frances Eaton. . f Whipple's Hambletonian (496). Oscar Wilde, br g. 276. Oscar Wilde, grg (2:40%). 174, 207, (359), 450. 686. Oscar Wilde, b s(2::3). 13,* (374). Oscar Wilde. 677. Osceo'a (2:49)4). 208, 688. Osceola, b g (2:52) 561. Osceola (2:44). (316). 400. Osceola (2:5 1 14). 25. 28. Osceola, h g (2:57). 09, 95, (538). Osceola, pacei-. 739. 744. Oshkosh, b s, by Milwaukee. 82. 930 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. Oshlega Belle, ehn C.':: 4H). 4S, 112, 141. 177. 186, -JOO, (3()4», 447, 477, riT.I* :,M* 00.-), (jOO. U4(J, 701.* Oslikosh Bov, bs. ^>47 ( )si)i-ov. b K (2-.V-'). 491. 0-.~!an Pet, b gCJ:29^). 77.90, 15:1, 1'..3, 49:.', 52U, 5(i0, (508), 57:.', 719, 7,'2. Ossian Dod-e C,':.")^. 123. (457). Os.sie, blk 111 OU. l.j:i,* 411', 01.3. Oswego (•J:4*>i. 109, 442. Oswego Ch;ef b g (2:44). :n7. Oswego Girl. :!90. 422. 0. T A., b p(2:45). (3l8), 627. Otc o Chief, gr s (2:40). 110.* 633. Othello, blk s (2:42%). 474. Othello. blkg(2:.Mi/>). 576. Othello(Bljck Crook), blk g(2:3;>4). 1:59. 21.3, 240, 492, 052, (iOO. Oti<, b g. 144, 109, -08, 37-!. 488. Otis, b g. 1 ('5 Ui is Foi Tester, b s (3:04). 432. Otne C untv Maid. 511. OnK' Maid, eh m. 113, 172, 474. Ots.fro, grs. 049 Otsi'-o Hei;e, blK in. 41. Otsego Chief, ch g (2:2.=). 472. 004, 088. 730. Otsego Chief, gr a (2:40). 50, (57), 120, 304. ,569. Otsego Maid (2:44). 184. Pacific, gv g (2:44%). 128. 357, 593. Pacific Dick, b g, by Winfleld Scott. 2,54, 484. Paddler, b g (2:46%). 040. (705). Paddy, blk g(v::43v.). 37,118, 162, 2.50, 255, 315. Paddy, br s (2:49%). 40, 47, 181, 2 ):i, 225. 46.i. Paddy 44. 202, 394. Paddy Carey, ch g(2:31). 7,141, (;500). 477. ISO. 707. P;:ddy Carey, b g. 719. Paddy Carey (Ben Smith), gr g (2:27). 141, 150. Paddy Collins, blk g. 379, 491, 507. laddy Magee (Capt. Hanford), gr s (.:3:j^). 10,* 69, 95, 402,* 494,* . 09, 802. Paddy Ryan, gr g, by Green's Bash- aw, dam Lady McNair. 161. Paddy Whack, b g. 478. Pajaro t:hief, brg (2:50 w). (39), 40, 5:5,437, 545, 041, 643. Pai .ter(:::.",8). (liOl*). Painter, pacer. 77". Painter Boy. ch s (2:40). 161, 258. Pake's ch in (2:.50). 112, (212). Palace King, chg(2;41J^). 6,366, 496. Pallas. 281. Pele-face. b m (2:50^4). 75,* (152), 370,* 419, 465, 765, 784. Palma, ch g (2:2:.'%). 0, 72, (231), 270, .326. 400, 495, 496,* 556, 708. Palmer. 585. 591. Palmer Boy, b g (2:36). 126, 323, 538, 028. (712). Palmer Hoy, b g (2:.33). 154, 523, 50:i. 040. Palmer Boy. m g (2:41 ). 101.* 2.38, .380. 4:!:5. 492, 50;;, 6;J8, 032, 099. Palmer Girl (2:42). 75, 307, (.325), 422, 072. Palmer Knox, blk s (2::51). 54, 1 12, 180, 229.- 357, 400. 075. 704, 729 Palmyra Girt, ch m (2:4:1)^). .351. Pamando. 284. Pandora, h m, by Clark Chief, dam by John Diilaid. 20:1 .325 Paiiama. gr g, pacer, by Gray Arnold. 704. Pancoast, b s (2:2.5%). 481. Panic, br s (2:47). 4(i(5, 408, 548. Panic, bg(2:48^), 01, 81,* 12:i, 323, .505.* 6o2, 680. 798. Otsego Maid, pacer. 751. Ottawa, ch s (2:44). 99. (494), .5.3.3. Ottawa Boy (2:47). (:i40). Ottawa (_liief. — s, pacer, 751. Ottawa Chief, chs (2:25). 9. .32,(392), 482, 519. Ottawa Chief (:i::«)). 49, (591). Ottawa Girl, blk m (:i:00). (052). Otto K., hlk g (2:.33^). :J48. (392), 503, 507. Otto Wneeler, ch g. bv Nile's Ba- shaw. i:-9. .Sv;S. Otiumwa. 104.* Ottmnwa Chief. 089. Ottumwa Maid, ch m, by Mambrino Patchen Jr. 119, 203, 507, 7:33. O. U. A., b g(2:45). 179, 198,* 247, 30:5. Ouida, br m. pacer (2:24), by Black Hawk, dam Fanny King. (746), 763, 790.* Our Dave. 95. Outlaw, br g (2::<0V^), 13, 10, 04,89, 1(>7,*184, 189, 205,*241, 248, 259,* 303, 319, 388, 401,* 524, 529,* 531,* .541, 562, 615.* Parole, b e. pacer (2:5.3^). 121,243, 742, (787). Parolet. gr s (2:.37). 8* 97, 329,* 454, 531, .'72, 722. Pai-rot, b g (2:26). 11, 97, :i86, 499, 513, (.535*). .590. Parthenia (Kjtty Wirt), blk m (2:31). 40. Parzelle, b g, pacer. 701 . Pasacas, b s, (2:43). 114, 210. 274, 275, :j:14, .340, 440, 705, 709. Pascal, bf:, (2:51) 82.7.32. Pascaral, blk g (2:41%). .391. 800. Pasche. 458. Passable, br g, 415. Passaic Maiil.b m by Aberdeen, dam by John. 91. Passaic (William H. Ripley), blk s, (2::i2). 225, 2:1:1, 492, .599. Over the Sea. b g. 528. Overman, ch g (2:19>4). 1.32. 349, 173. :140, :5.54, 370. :J71, 458. 4iO, 524, .5.54, 506.* Owena, ch m (2:4&}4). 8, 190, i.'OS, 511, .581,(629) Oween('e, b m. by Goodwin's Ham- bletonian. dmn Clara, by Sara Wilev. 02. 20:i, 2;J1.* 236, 265, 475, (>47. OwatonnaMaid chm, 794. Owego, brg(2:.55i, (453), 720. Owen Farley (George Hoskins), gr g (2::13). 0. 94, 126, 1.30, 171,* 4.37, 4.5:1, 7-1. Owl (2:40w). (712). Owvliee. 19i>. Ox^^rd I. g (2:51 1. (42*), 181, 422, 487. 01:1. OOS. Oxford, b s, by Billy Bqshaw. 187 * Oxford Belle, blk m (;'.:00). (3*3), 487. Oxmoor bs(2:.3:;) 241. Ov.stcr Bov. v314), ;r, by Detective Patchen, dam by Draco Prince. (:547), :J93, 447. 536, 572. Patch, gr g. 287. Patchen, blk s (•.■:45%). 408, 732. Patchen, gr s (2:39). 177, 209, 211. Patchen, b g (2:45). 200, 497, 500,* 528. ^31, 5:)8. 543, Patchen. (802). Patchen (Orwell Boy), ch g (2:18%). 0,* 170, 207, 288, 292, .327. 550, 689, (70S*). Patchen, b s (2:.59), 466. 796. Patchen. b g (2:45). 47, 70, 149, 195. 311. Patchen (3:001^). 81, 84, 233, 347, 400, 425. Patchen (2:40^). 128,* (433), 683. Patchen. b s (2:.56^). 136, 302, 322, 518. (t530), 092. Patchen. blk g, pacer (2:40). 747. Patchen Chief (;.'l.arles E. Loew), blk s (2:25U). 405, 407, 575.* Patchen Chief. Jr., blk s (2:;W). 13, 30, (50), 00, 10:1, 257, ;->00, :547, 423, 677. Patchen Colt. 502. 540, 723. Patchen George, b 8 (2:51%), by Geo. M. Patchen, dam Snip by Le- opold. 06. Patchen Girl, br m (2:34^). 18, 43, 47,* 10:1,* 443. (720). 800. Patchen Jr., ch g (2:42^4). 351, 584, 743. Patchen. Jr. (3:09!^). 5.34. Patchen Maid, ch m (2:39 • ). 45,50, 9(1. 1i;l, 128. 1:15. 174, 217.* 254, i ;i89, r.OO, ^14? 389. tO;l, 440,* 441, 472. 475.* 4S3,- 634, 7.(1. Patclieii Mav, li in. by Geo. M. Patehen. dam French Kate. 15. Patchen Queen, b m (2:48^). 145, 493. .-.70. Patc'iien II. 557. Patehen S^ar. ch g (2:50\ 14, 46, 424. 527. 026. PaielVi b c. 77. Pate's Sentinel, b s, by PentiDel, dam by Kin bead's St. Lawrence. 80. Kti.:'l-M,394, (51'. Pat Fiulin(2::'.5). 70, 200. (477). Pathfinder, ch s (2:48X 182, 274, 676. Pathfinder, rn s (2:421^). 110, 182, 396, 449, 562, 673. 678. Paihfin er, b s(2:35). 349,* .536, 651, o76. Pathrtn :er (2:43). 39, 87, 435, 510, 597. Pathfinder Jr.. blks(2:30). 99, 720.* (See appendix). Pat Hunt, ch g (2:-5 w). 18. 91, 545, 547. 586. 662. Patience, blk m (2:54). o6, 128, 181, 409. 052. Pat T.ane, gr s 121 . Pat Lennon, b g (2:52). (88), 205. Pat Malloy, b s (3:33). 406. Pat Mailoy (2:49%). (16), 536, 674. Pat Malioy. chg (2:50}4). 210. (275), 529, 732. Pat Miilloy. b g (2:49>4). 192,* 410,* 465, i.')04i. 713. Pat Me;'aun, blk g (2:28%). 195,' Ul4. 462. 564, eCO, 678. Pal O'Brien, bg (2 :34J4). (227*), 240, 293 Pat Reardon, rn g, by Belmont. 69, 283. Patrician, b s (2:39). 77. 116, 161. 181, 198.* 233, 255. 424, 461, 572, 735. Patric'.c (2:3814). (354 1. Patrii-k, b g (2:37). 136, 427, 443. Patrick (2:5114). 152, 338, (566). Patrick Henry, bg (2:5914). 166, lOT, 688 Pat Ring, b g (2:28) 102. 127, 147, ■224, 346. 488,* 548, 587, 588, 589, 590.597. Patsy, b g. (3:00). 352, 440. Patsy, ch m (2:40). 41, 182,* i5.3:3). Patsy, pacer. (2:42i4), 738, (745). Patsy. 70. Patsy Bolivar, br g(2:46 w) 429, 588 Patterson Girl, bmi2:37i^). 16,(118) 195. 205. 279, 3ij8, 410, 423, 480. Pattv, b m (2:54). 7. 110. 214, 312, 387, 3 4, 423, 430. 620, (689). Patty Cainon. 507, 687. Patty Lath, b g (2:34). 99. 203. 406. Patt.y P. , b m , bv Riehmont. 085. Patty Patehen (2 :59). (721* ) . Paul, ch s (2:36 w). 99, (237). 4] 7. Paul, chg (2:511^). 255, 394, 523,604 Paula, rn m, by Judge Drury (2:47). (435), 466 Paul Breton, b g (2:37). 221,263, 408. 093, 799. Pau Cliliord.bg (2:58 s). 470. Paul Hacke. gi- g ( 2 :58)^) 62,* .350,* 674. 712. Paulina Jackson (2:59J4). 759, (542). Pauline, b m (2:35). 22. 488. 499, 586,* 611, 633,* 650, 664, 734.* Pauline (2 :50). 2:i,53, 55, 96, 266,268, 37:5, 420. 435. 445, 528, 655, 797. Pauline (2:49). 177. Pauline, blk m (2: si). 93, (132*), .595, 610, 794. Pauline, b m. 285. Paaline, b m. 618. Pauline G. 72. Pauline, pacer. 776. Paulinn, ch m (3:03). 28, 92, (395). Paul Morphy (2:50), (617). Paul Kirkwood. ch s Ci-AbVi). 279.* Paul Pry, b g (3: 19). 430. INDEX OF BEATEN HORSES. Paul Pry (2:46%). (403). Paul Pry. 20 .'. 325, 57.> Pcul Revere. bgC-':50). 96,377,540. Pawnee, grg(2:55). 01, 74,095,793. Pawnee iSquaw, b ra (2:;J7i4). 94, , 21S. •.5!(, 273, 298, 338, 480, 526. I 564, 6ii9. Poxie, by Logan. 451. Paxt.^n, blkg. 340. I PayiUHSter, b g (2:38!^). 322, 667.* I Fay StreaU", ch g, by Monogram, dam Snide, bv Knight Horse. S.'iO. P. D. H.,brg(2:.37i4). (256). P. D. Q., b g, by Ned Forrest. 237, 584. Peatiody (George Peabody), br s (2:36). by H. W. Genet. 315,45.3, 458. 475. 557, 64(i, 72.3. Peabody Boy, blk g (2 :46i^). 282, 3. .7. Peaceful, blk m (2:26>. (268*), 415, 58:i. , pi a emaker, grg(2:4>i). 560, (611), I 673 Peach Blos-som. 643. Peacii B;ow. gr g (2:50). 83, 394. Peacocis-, i) g (2:48). 33. 151. Peacock, b g (2:56). ;370, 449, 490. I 564. I Peacock, br s. 42. I Peacock, pacer (2:27 s). 669. (736). I Peagreen, gr g. 282, 439, 630. j Peanuts, br s (2:30). 10, 13, 78, (92). 144. 3 79, 213, 274, 293, 397, 424. 578,* 028. I Peanuts, eh g (2:40). 64, 66, 149, ! 362, 450, (62.5), 696, 732.* Pearight. .588, j Pearl, b m. by Blue Bull, dam by Flaxtail. (2:32J4). (9*). Pearl, gr m (2:36%). 67, 219, 378, 432. I Pearl, ch m (2:30). 346, 431, 646. ; .earl, b m (2:32}^). 310.372,391, : 45.">. 4(52. 476, 507, 675, 7.35.* \ Pearl LelTel, ch m. 645. ±earl Thorndale, b m, by Thorne- dale. 324. Pearly. 222. Pearlv M., blk m. 479, 637. I Pearsall, i)s(2:32%). 577. Peavine, b s (2:35i^). 33, 95, 98, I i:'.0, 1.50, 4.25, 485, 586, 613, 717, ; 724, 731. Peavine Filly, bm (3:35%). 221,338, 1 Pea Soup, b g. 29, 206. 235, 243, 352. Peckham Maid, b m. 212. Peculiai-, b g (2:33) (erroneously given 2:34, page 5G0), 164,* 225, 358, (386*), 474, 536, 6.36, 050.* Peck, b g. 63, 288, 796. Peddler, ch g. 585. Pedler, b g (2:49 w). 41, 95, 201, 241, 483. Pedler, b g (2:37'. by Mambrino Patchen. (124*), 161, 554, 617. Pedler Boy. bg (3:02). 09,048,(686). Peiiman, blkg, 329, Pedro, blk g (2:41J4). 05, 146,172. 313, .330, 503. r.56, Pedro, gr g (2:2514). 02, 109,* 177, 250, 488, 632. Pedro, br g, pacer. 746, 750, 769, 778, 790. Peerless.gr jr. 101, 470,* 486, 529, 580, 039, 681, 695. Peerless, b m, 705. Peerless, bi s (2:44J4). 182,* 239, 293, 508, Peerless, b s (2:38). by Gen. Knox, dam Lady Hutsy. (152), 403, 537. Pegasus, gr g (2:38). 430. 557. Pegasus, br g (2:35), by Richwood, dam bv Tom Crowder. 12, .324. (657), Peggy, ch m (2:49i^). 65,* 305. Pegg> , br m (2:43i4). --2, 299. Peggy, rn m (2:.37%). 2.58, Peggy (2:40)4). (61 ), 593, Peggy (2:51). 131,(1.37). 937 Peggy, ch m (2:56). 466. Pelham (Charley Able), b g (2:28). 8. 74, .332.'= :?98, 418.* (426*), 547, 6fJ4, 697, 709, 766. Pelham (2:38) 48, 105,* 1.30, 145, 170. 222, 363, 372, 414, 460, 465, 711. 716. Pelham (2:44^). .58, 117, (183). 236. Pembina Star. 159.* 6.34.* Pembroke Maid, ch m. bv John Hright. 682. Pern ben on, brg(2:29i4) (647*). Pendleton's Panacea, gr m (2:42). 449. 478, (480*), 072. Penelope, blue m (,':;27). 25, 149, 152, 153,* 159, 180, 183, 266, 329, 362, 463, 473, 564, 609.* Peninsula Maid, b m(2:4.5U). 210, 387,422,* 508, 592. Pennacock(2:.53i4). 131,480, 714. Penns Grove (2:5 1 J^) (232), 530. Penny-pack, br s, by Mambrino Patciien, dam by Jupiter. 9, Penobscot (2:55 w). (010), 69B,* Penobscot, bg (2:311^). 01,07, 147, 214, 384, 409, 577, 645, (7-23*). Penobscof, Boy (2:50). 560,* Penobscot Chief, b s (2:40%V 130, 183, 190. 396, 596, 668, 800. Peon, bs. 162. Peony (2 :. 5114). (51) Peoria Boy, b g, pacer, bv Rainbow. 748. Pepper, b g (2:40i^ s). 228, 589. Pepper Eye, blk g (3:21). (571). Pepperi 1 422, 693. Pequav/kit, b s. by Gideon,dam Lady Bach, by Hiram Drew (2:381^). (555*). Peralto, ch g (2:20'.^^). Ill, 167, 185, 205, -27, 287.* -Or, (303*), 328, .340, 408,* 622. 633, 6.50. Percilla. b ni. 35. Per(<'Ciion, br m. 577, Perhaps (:j -54). 178, 190, (444). Peri. 712. Peril, ch g (2:35). 57, 64, 65,* 182, 184.* 656. Periwinkle, b g, 70, 387, Perkins Morrill, ch s (2:34i4). Ill, 489. 507, 646. PerkinsvilJe Maid, gr m (2:43). 456, 716 Perley. bg(2:,54). 624. Perry, b g (■i::\5) 45, 49, 163, 189,* 385, 596, (732). Perry Cutler, ch g. 234. Pertinax. 497. Pet(3:04}4) (101.) Pet, b g Vt:.M)^). 110, (.398*), 430. Pet, rn ni (2:53i4) KiO. 670, 680. Pet, ch g (2:31).~282, 347, 461, 467. Pet, be: (2:52) 228, 303, 322. .341, 505, 556. 89 ' . Pet, bm (2:30J4). 10(34), 57, 184, .3.38,407,6.33,653. Pet, ch m (2:5614). 526. Pet (2:49). .339. Pet. b m (2:55J4), .305, 430, 542, 660, 674. Pet, 87, 94, 157. Pet, rn g, pacer (2:1814). 434, 'i5Q* (779), 787.* Petaluma, ch g (232). 217, 219, 251, 444,* 502. 508, 594. 635, 708. Petalums Queen (2:58). 604. Pet Dan. 371. Pet Edsell, b m, by Major Edsall. 400. Pete, blk sr (2:49). .396. P-le, b g, pacer. 740, 759. (788). Pete. brg(2:40J4). 117, (305), 312. 593. Pete, ch g, by Mack. 565. 612,* 802. Pete, blk g(2:47i4). (7.3*), 98. Pete, b g (2:5314). 359, 424, 472, .590. (677). Pete (2:28). 260, (701). 787, Pete Lee. ch g (2:52). 174. 225, 229, 375. 672. 9.; CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. Pete Manee, bile g (•2:43Sj). 14, 43. 148, ;.'14, ti40,* :J40, 4'.'-.-, 44:1, 450, 504, r.8:;. .jlk r,' (-':40U). 79, •299. PetH H. 85. Pete Wagoner, b c. 1>V ""Vild Wap- oner. 4'.,', .'■)94. Pete Whetttone. I) g. pacer ('^:2'2*\. 749, 7'j(), 7(i7, /7.'1, 7!SK. Peter, bg(:j:00) .JGO 560,581. Peter, b t,' (:.' : 3(5!4 ). ^'. 1 , .'JHO. Peter, . h g {'^■.'M;4). x.'94, ;370. Peter, b g i . :4.(). -.'6, 144, lb3, i?15, ;U;.', 44v;, 5;.'8,7.J41*). 704, 798. Peter Cooper, ih g. 15:i. 1 77. Peter D., gr ),' (x.':.')OL/,) !.'94. Peterboio Boy. eh ^(2:44?^). 154, J 77, 220, ;«J0,i= (40'>), 532. Peter Clearwater, blk s (2:5314). (J 00). 128, 046. Pet'T Clino, br g (3:C6%). 15. Peter Farley, l.r g (2:45). 107, (307*), 451,* 503, 0.'5. i5S4, 7:;4. Peter P.. bik g (2:40>/i). (304). Peter Simple, b g (2:.50). 78, 128, 137, 187. 20.3, .307, 312, 318,* 401, 582, 071, 683. Peter Story, bs. by Ilarabletonian, damby Tom Crib (2:55). 275, 487. Peter the Gnat, b ,s. 087. Petrol('niu.grg(2:3.j). 158,405,712. Petunie. 538. Pet tlift First, gr g. 150. Peyto.ia 350. 5:^4, 690. Pfeifer Boy. lil. Pharuola, ru ni (2:55) 25, 47, 315, 4:'8. (049). Piwlias, b s (2:15«^). 93,* 173, 174,* 476.- (;G7. Phantom, b m ('?:41i4). 290, 520, 574.* Phantom, blk s. 8. 653. P. II. Baker, l> s (2:41). 097. Phelan, ch g by Nelson (2:50). (.526). PneuonieuoD, ch s (2:35). 4:>8. Phil (2:48?i.. (09*), 580, 717. Phil, b g (2:341^). (88), 257, 419, 433,508 - - , Phil, b g (2:485:i). 483. 534, 793. Phil, b g (2:2;i^). i83, 191.257, 29 •, ;{25, .■H)2, .■)2(), 543 (02;^* ),708.- Philip, b g (pacer) (2:49^). (27)?), 505. 773:- Philip (2:59). (482*) Phi lip Shoulte, rn g (2 :5;JK>) . (278). Philadelphii Boy. b g (240) 24 229, 232, 2.52, 275, 276, 379. (506). 525. 6:?2 045. Philadelphia Maid, grm(2:50). .397, 4.-)0. 4.-.I, .500. Philadelphia Sal (Sal), b m (2:.39). 340, 418,* 427.* Phil Dean, ch m (2:41}/). (223). .500, 057, 664 Phil Hoi'.ghertv. ch g (2:20). 10, .35. 48, (i:i. KJO. 180,* 183, 180, 296.* .320.* 411. 594, 618, 627, 643, 651, 055, 006 Phil Dwyer, b g (2:29}4). 65, 2.33, 247, 2d9, 436, 462, 47n, 484. 492. 527. 550, 557, .560, .562,* 001, 615,* 017.* 622, 647,* 652, 658, 605,* 060. 675, (6!'4). Phil'p Allen, br s f2:.5.3). 73. Philip's Blackwood, .Jr., blk s, by Blackwood. 03, 145, 552. Phil Hunter. 75. Phil Keainp.T. 024. Phil O'Neill, .J-., b g (2:.3e). 29, 84, 89.* 122.207. 210,316, 36.3, 387, 395,1' 400,* 417,431. 433, 4.54* 400, 492, 498, .559, 576, 586, «5l!* ()7I. 720,799. Pliilo.sopher, b s. 480, 492, .566. Phil Kilr-y. 371. Phil Ko-eis, bg(2;46). 120. Phil Sheridan. (22iJ), 351. Phil Sheridan, ch g (2:56). 058. Phil 8heiidan, b g (2:46}4). (292), 457, '■706. Phil ;-heridan, br g (2:45). 128.* 178. '.'53. 413, 440. 456. 609. Phil Sheridan (2-49^). 410. Phil .She idau, ch g (2:4 1 ). 40.* 105. Phil Shenilan. br s(2; :OVheridan (2:;>3>i w). '449). .535. Phil Sheridan. Jr., br s (I-A^IA). (2i>r), 359, 478,012. Phil Sheridan, b g. pacer, b}' Clarion CJiief. 739.* 745. 757 * Phil Thompson, gr g. (221), 262, 33(5. * Phipp'sbg(2:47^). (538). Phoebe, b m (2:41i4). 10, 109, 190, :<50. on, 701. P'coebe C, chm (2:36). 14,60, 84, 249 2.59, 300, 013.* Phoebe Severance, b m. 144, 343, 5:i6.* Phyllis, b m (2:351^). 208, 241, 275, 411.528. Phyllis, blk m (2:171/'). 12,*13, 132.* 174. :^M . 484,* 511," 516, 550. 613 » 054. C9,5. 722. Picayune, pacr>r(2:.33). 2.54, .351, 742, 75'j, 785, 788.* Picco, br s, by Paranus. 15. Pickaid. bg (2:1814). 20, 34. 1.33,* 189, 194,* 216, 227,* 238, 268,* 40.'), 504, 031.- Pickerin?, b s (2:42i^). 159. 517. Picket, gr g. 93, 460. Pickl.s, blk g (2:431^). 229, (296*1. 305. 448. 017,021. Pickle's b f. (.534). Pickpocket, bs(2:32). 29. 121, 201, 2.34. 5.-'i. Pickpocket, b s (2:5'JJi). 228, 3;J8, 0!i9. Pick Quick. 631. Pickwick, br g (2:293^). 10,* 56. 80, 195. 214, 22'), 291. (341). 434, 473, .521, 558,* 562, 583, 070.* Pickwick, br g. pacer. (772). Pickwick. brg(2:.34>6). 27.*29, 193, 235, 2-0 300,461, 532, 644. Pie Bov (2:50). 130. Piedmont, ch s (2:17i4). 104, 194, 1 90, 205, 020. Piedmont, Maid, h m. 285. Pigeon (2:4U). 730. I'ile Driver, gr g (2:43). 11. ;{52,* 410, 442, .598. (.;24. Pilgrim. 150. 192. Pilgrim, bg (2:43!4). 65. i:}l. Pilgrim,!) g (2::t3}4). 79, 9,S, 101.* Iii4, 128, :J49, 569, 0.'5, 080. (.98,* 704. Pilot, blk g (2:.'89i). 94, 130,194, 204, 21.3, 200, 501.' .■"j8(). Pilot, gr g (2:42). 01, 497. 833. 800. Pilot, ch g (3: 18) 402. 479, 800. Pilot, ch g (2:40?:^). 30, 182, 271, 522, .501. Pilot, gr g (2:40). 12(5, (134), 350, 402, 413, 7.30, 794. Pilot, br g (2:40)^). 10(i, 279, 407, 400, 090. 725. Pilot, b g (2:42V4). 25, 2;!8, 314, 446. ^(489). Pilot, blk g (2:40). .300. 37.3,4.34, 513, 51.3, .56.3, 001, (015), 0J7, Pilot. (2:40). 40, 1.37, .165. 435. .590. Piijr. b g (2::J8i ;J8. 79, l;}e, 154, 104, 190, 241, 400, 474, 48«, 552, 603. , , , -, Pilot, b 8 (2:40). .308. ' .362, 391. 422 Pdot, dn g (J:36). 136.* 138, 193, Pilol.'brr,. 096. Pilot, b g (2:409^). 153, 440.* .507. I Pilui, pacer (2:»;i^). (762). 785. . ilnt. 22, 04, 95, 145. Pilot Boy, br g (•<;:27?i). 124, 227. 48:{, 500, 570. P:i')t Boy (2:48i. 154, (.304), 801. Pilot Boy, gr g (2.:{4%i. 126,491,* 551, 615. 094 Pilot Chief, br s (!,':34). 34,* 476, (5291,002,609. Pilot Eagle, br s (:':44}i). 96, 99, 381 . 453.* 466 490,* (580), 594. Pilot Duroe. 654. Piloteer, b s (3:29}^), by Pilot, dam Belle Phillips. 18, 298, .384, .397, (480) Pilot Golddust. br s (2:363^). 119, 138, 410, 5.10, .599.* Pil.ll Hutchinson, grs 2:4054). 1.56. 198,* 589, 711. P.lot.fr., b s (2:4414). 179,38.3. Pilot Knox, brs(2:-4i.4). 307. Pil >t Jlambriuo, br s (2:35). 121, 186,* 210, 235, 236, 288, i381),427. 429, 479, 481,* 5.37, 004, 0 17. Pilot R.. b g (2:21M). (CO). 72, 86, 104, 183, 194,* 197, 241. 380, 447, 40s, 489, 542, 550, 567, 643, 089, 094, ,01, 717,- 7 19,* 753. Pilo.. of the West. 572. Pilot St. John, b s, by Thunderbolt, dam Lena Walker, (2:40^). 12, (7.3). .•h4. 435. Pilot Temple, b s (2:24i^). 23, 36, 5(5, 85, 127,* 174, 197, 224,* 242, 351, .386, 457.* 400, 463. 483,* 512,* 517. .524. 542, .547. 571, 59 •,* 029,* 634. 070, 714,* 724.* Pilot Victor, ch s (2:40;. 119, 266,* .^04. Pinafore. 265. Pinafore, br g(2:40). (223), 294, .355, 442, 549, 645, 051. 715. Pinafore, bm(2:49^). 1.5,122,247,* 261, hoi, 585,* 061. Pinafore, b m (2:3oi4). (56), 125, 220, 594. Pinafore, b m (2:52). 390, (476). Pinafore, pacer (2:31^). (751 ). 752. Pine Leaf, br m (2:35). 154, 172, 194,202,3:2, 373, 383, 486, 510, 658. Pinery Boy, blk s (2:421^). (336). Pink, b g, pacer (2:48). (.308), 529, 630. Pinky ch m (2:34J^). (3:0), 523. Piuoie Jr.. ch g, by Pinole Patchen, dam Lola, I'V Cheatham. 228,496. Pinole pjtchen, blk m (2:36). 149, 100, 289, 057. 701. Pioneer, b g (2:45), by Honest John. 248. 3,)4, (3.50). 452, 459, 5.36, 859. Pious George. 032. Pique. 152. 328, 342. Piqiia Bell, br m. 00, 530, 638. Pirate, hlk g. 22, 58, 221, 224. 250, 440, .582. Pi.sgah Maid, gr .n (2:52). 68, 632. Pitta'one (4iil. 125. Pixie, br g (2:45!^). l.-)5. 498, 525, .■)58, 588. 591,* 0.^9, 798. » Pixley, pacer. 756. Pithole. 075 Pizarrii, br g(2:.35). 88, 185, 324, .562. P. .r. Purceri( Parcel 1), b s (2:31i4). 18, 140. 148, 250, 323, 474, 550, 012, 707. Placido, b.>- Alexander, dam Coun- tess, by Whipple's Hambletonian. (3:19). 320. (.>13). INDEX OF BEATEN HORSES. 939 Plain AgQes. br m. l36, 392. Plainvilie Uov. 5-'7. 674. Vlancbette. b m r.:-Ao} (74), '.'37. Planet, ch g C-i-.^T \v ). 484. ti86. Planter, cu s (2:24V7). liC, 118. 13v:,* 18 ), 109. :iO.-), 207. r?38, 249.* 250, 290. 206,* 320. 32ti, 32.s,*33l, 369, 390 * 4-4 440, 44.S, 449, 46S, 480. (488). 49.1.* .i29, .^)7!, .^74, 631, 637,* 6.53, 66.3. 678. 6S2. 7.32. Pl><[iter (2:30) (,106), 386,* 387, 577, 701. 7!(). Planter, gr g, pacer (2:38). (741), 755. =• Planter, ch s. 656. riato, blk s (2:;!8). (274). Plato, gv s (2:3134). ^~~- Plato, gr p. l.o4, 3 2. 370. 509, 525 Play Bov. br k (2:4«J4). 53, 61, 232, : 14, 411, 5:-.4, 596, 672. Playful, rn g. 45, 601. Play Mate, b m (2:5:>%). 243. 610 * P. L Blaud, br s and fe (2:5'Ji/o). 159. Pleasa'it By, b g (2:48 w), 385, .56.).* 648. P. L. Eastman, b g (2:41). 34.5.* 351, (514). I Pleasure, b c (2:41). 651. ' Pleasm-e Boy, gr g (2:47i4). 129,; 529, 62i. Pleasui-e Boy, br g (2:53). 14. 132. 1 Plough Boy.' ch g ( -':36) (2:30*). 23. 35, 97. 98,* 1C6. 175, 29', 396, 474, 524, C21.* 668, 685, 800. Plough Boy. br g (2:45). 132. i Plouijh Boy, br g (2:4.3). 34. 67. Plough Boy. b g (2:4.'-i%). 228. 526. I Plough Boy. b g (2:47i^). 298, 5BJ. [ Plough Boy (2:57). 585. i Ploughboy, gr g, pacer. 778. Plough Boy, bg(-':58i^V 267, 334, 661, 693. Plough Boy. ch g (2:3854). 568 Plou'jh Boy. br g (.:: -iCVf.). 165,* ':37. 279, 547.* Plough Boy, b g (3:04). 23'!. 250. Plough Boy, gr g (:i:02). 268 Plough Boy, b !,' (2:.-)6J4). 297. Ploiiga Boy. blk s (2:47) 601, 603. Plough Boy (V:48^). (70), 193, 454, 508. Plough Boy (2:46). (637). Plough Bov, oil g (2::i2J4). 307, 525.* Plough Glil. 367. 6-3. Plow Boy (2:38). ::8, (461*), 7-52. Plowmah'sbr s. 96. eiuck. 3:(9. Pluck (2:53K^). 20. 71. 163, .348.476. 684. Pluck (Dictator. Huckleberry.Brown Jack and John T. ) (2:2234). 730. Plug Ugly. 9b. 243. 599 ■■' 611. Pluiuas. b s (2:40-?:i)- (104), 310, 401, 405, 628. Plumber Doy, br g (2:44J^). 119, (1.-.6I. 163. Plumber Boy (2:.55w). (190*), 505, 515. Plumb Bob (2:46). 217, 518. Plutarch (2:49^ ). (04;). Plymouth Boy, brg(2:33). 517, 566, 687. Plymouth Rock, gr g (2:44). 97. Plymouth Rock, b g (2:32). 32, 105 123. 160, 2i 2, 392. Plymnton, blk g (2:34%). 51, 85, iOl,'* 575, 630, 794, 797. Pneumn, br m(2:oOi4.i by Fitch's Hamb1etonian,dam Lady Bucking- ham. 81,(503), 610. Pocahontas, ch m (2:491. 292. 569.* Pocahontas, blk m (2:.33). 26, 449, 535 . Pocahontas (pacer), b m (2:40) (er- roneously given 2:43, page 776). 738, (747), 756, 784. Pocahontas Boy, b s (2:31). 378, 44-', 618, 626, 654 Pocknok Maid (2:46) (461\ Pocket, ru g, by Pocket, dam by St. Lawrence (2:4514). 242,(479*), 6d5. Poindexter. 31. PaiL'ier's i- s. 425. Poiin Breeze, b g (2:28^). 23, (62*), 162,186, 215, 242, 287,494.629. 6t)2. Pointer, ch s i2:48). 535. Pointer Boy. ch s (2::^H). (27), 139, 200. 261, 449, 493, 606, 611, 64 ), 675. Poison. 267. 271, .506. 602. Police Gazette (Emma B. i, gr m (2:.:2;. 4.)6. Polish, brm (2:41>i I 7.5,(408). Polka Dot, ch m (2:2?). 207. 227. 228. 237, 262, 475, 481,* 532, 570, 641.686. Poll. 249. 4rl2. Polla. 62.* Poll Lujky, pacer (2:31). (749). Pollock, gr g (2:35}4) 89, 259.* S95.M76,*491, (57o). Polly, b m. 072. Polly, blk m (2:.56''). 169, 401, 458. Polly (Tackey), gr m (2:26). 120, 141. 302.443. 477, 653. Polly, ch m (2:4.5). 108, 177,280, 47'2, 5.i2, 646. Polly, b m (2:.->8i4 w) 579. 626. Polly Ann. in m (2:261^). 749, 762. Polly Ann. b m (2:38i4i. 210. 213, 621. 628. Polly B.,br m (2:32). 77, 90, 189. 702. Polly Cook (Christine Nilsson), br m. 42. P tiy Crider. br m. 532. Poily G., b m (2:45) (misprinted 2:15, paVe572). 24 i. 336. 345. 373,435,* 437,* 464, 486, 602, 651. Polly Hopkins, ch m, pacer. 752, 757. 759, 78 . Polly Hopkins, b m. 537. Polly Hopkins. 100, 243,* 244,* 337, 454. Polly Hopkins, b m (2:36). 77. 232, 298, 655, 6^^6. Polly Perkins, bm. 73. Polly Ray (2:55}.^). (20:*). Polly Smallfry. 422. 726. Polly ticks. D m (2:54). 174. Polly Todd, br m (2:409-4) (499) PollV Wishard, ch m (2:32). 25. 99. 197, 237. (308). 324, 371. 390. 402,* 416.* 495. 534,* 605. 721.* 756. Polly wog (-;:45J4). 161. 448. Fomeroy, b g. 407.* Pomp, gr g (2:41). 123, 244. 311 , 385. 498. 532, 552. Pomp, big(2:39). 60, .338, 62". Pompeii, bg (2:40) 644,720,* Pompey. 686. Ponipey, ch g (2:40). 100, 116, 425, 509. " Pompey (2:54). 572. Pompey. b g (2:46). 204, (667). 682. Poinpey, ch g (2:29). 203, (4S9). ! Pompey Jones, gr g, pacer (2:281^). 1 588,747.781. Pond Cove Boy (2: '5). (572). Pondietta, ch m (2:34) 16.54,*212. ! 214, 220. (.322), 364, 372, 436,* 492,- 540. 562, 600. 630. Pontiac, gi- g (2:42). 7 13, 1.30, 104. 381, 714. Ponto. ch g (2:50). 508. Pony Chief. 503. Poole Horse (2:50 w). (643). ■ Poor Pat. 122, 679, 680, 705. Poor Boy. 181.* 594. 613. Pop Squash, ch g 52. Poppec, ch m (2:49%). (263), 444. 446. Pork Packer, ch g. 75. i Portage Bov. br s (2:49}^). 2.36, 300. 351,381.408,516. Portage Girl, b m (2:49^). 14, 279. i 416. 1 Poner. 246, .546. Porter (2:43). (595). Porter Leonard (Patohen), b s (2:34^4). 123, 601. Portia, ch m (2:35). 179. Portia, ch m (2:29)4). (29i, 132, 179. Portigue, br m (2:4o). 156, •..'47, 307, 352, 552. 686. Portion, ch s, by Planet, dam Young Portia, by Mambriiio Chief (2:54). (72), 4-6, 450. 465, 500, 564, 664. Portion. 701, 798. Portland Boy, ch g (3:05). (513). Portland Girl (3:00). ()lii, 039 Port Royal, b g (2:40)4). 32,131, 165, 191, 5.)5. 666. Portsmouth Girl, b m. 83, 200,* 341, 417. Poi-tiigee. br m. 61. 530. Port Washiugcon, ch g (2:38%). 54, 55. Poscora. rn sr (2:51) 518. 6.32. Poscora Hayward, grs (2:23)4). 12,* 44, 47, (471 ), 482, 620, 662.~ Post, ch g (2::{8). 380. 684. Postal C^r.i, b g (3:00). 632. Post Boy. 104, (120), 441, 447, 601. Post Boy, b g (2:3114 w). 578,* (603). Post B y, bg(2:37).''8o. Post Bov. blk s (2:55). 199.* Post Boy. gr e (2:54)4). 470. Po.st Boy. ch s (2:23)4). 19. 38. 164, 183,* 265. 266. 271. 367, 419,440,* 467, 504, 552. 628 Post Boy, br g, pacer (3:06). 744. (775). Postmaster. 115, 179, 135, 289, 531. 5S7. Potato Bug. rng (2:44). 8, (280), 499. Potomac Chief. .366. Potomac Mai). 465. 6S0. Potter Boy (2:43). (681). Potter's bs(2:.39). (31i5) Pottersville Girl, ch m. 511. Poughkeepsie Boy (•,:42). :i4S. Powder. b"g (2 : 431,4 ) .386, 629, 68.-- . Powers, brg(2:2ir. 11, 28. 34, 46, 64. 193, 228. 344. 376.* 424, 465, 468 * 495. 580. 59il 701, 714.* Powhatan Maid, b m. 15(). Powual Mare, br in (2::',2)., 342, u5~. Preston Bov, b g (3:07!^). (723). Preston Star, b s (•,':44). HI, 307, 470, 572. 63.">, 684 Pretty Boy. br s rJ:40). 549. Pretty Boy i2:38>v> 87, (.00*), 354, 584.717. Presiimpscot Girl, br m. a)2, 535,* 004,* till Pievious. brg (2:34}.4). by Youner Buchanan. :>1, 181, :^12, 3.32. 466, 52<>. (5 !.■.), .->99. Priam, oil Prit-e. b c (2:40). 541, (.598*). Priceless, b m (2:.i(j w). 377. Price McGrath, ru e, pacer (2:23). 748,* (7o5*). ^^ Pride, br in Ci-.Xi^). 612. Pride, h m (2:34). (14*), 184, 699. Pride of The Bay. dng c::Xiy^) 2e, 10 !,* 273. 299, 401,* 403, .558, 593, 628. 7:«j. Prilla. br m. bv Swigert. dam Bon- azella. (iti, 451 . 466.- 538. 698. Prime, b g (2::j4!^i 70, (655). Priuio. cbs(2:45). 112, 181, 511. Primrose (pacer). 778. Primrose (2 :.50). 570. Primiose, br m (2:33J^). 488, (588*), 714. Primus, bs (2 :.34i^). 325, 421, 4.31, 447, (.")4(J), 666, 705. Primus (2:3914 ). 86,(202), 234,570. Prince (pacer). 741, 761. Prince. 648. T^S, 791 Prince. 297. 363, 623, 725. Prince 2S8. Prince, ch g (2:^6i4 w). 348, 434, 519. Prince, gr g (2:54). 254, 644, 709. Prince, bik s (2:43). 69S. Prince. bg(2:24i4). 19. 20, 49, 94, iOl,* (104), 158, 172. 182, 248,* .327, .364, 402, 433, 469, 64 1 . Prince (2:43%). 33, 170, 190, .399, (542). Prince, bg (2:48). 231, 410, 441. 669. Piince. b g (2:41). 48, 181, 252, 340, 444, 453, 642, 700. Prince, ch g (2:27). 20, 138, 182 210. 296. 330, 377. 497,* 543,* 611, (670), 715. Prince, ch g (2:451^). 250. Prince, grg(2:.37i/>). 23, 210, 283, 395. 558, 639. 71 ! . 799. Prince, b e (2:56). 1.37, 608. Prince, blk g (2:36J4). 587, (Jll, 660, 677. Prince, blk s (3:04). 60, 204, 273,* 507, 597, 7.' 1. Prince, b g (2:45K')- 243, 424, 553,* 728, 802. Prince, blk g (2:47>^). 345, 502, 517, 667,684. Prince, b g (2:54). (404), 461 Prince, b g (2:41>^). 347, 4.37, 454, 467. 579, 793,* 799. Prince, ar g (2:45). 6, 355, 521, 576, 619, 631. Prince, sp g (2:27%). 6. 12, 35,* 56, 63. 68, 147, 171, 249. 273, 297, 407, 414, 442, 446,* .-)07. 514, 518. .56.5, 619,* 6:i7, 646, 6.53.* 665, 714.* Prince, blk g (2:45). 9.5, 671. Prince, chg (2:54%). 120, 195,267, 417. 421, 4.51, (464), 509, 610, 637, 639. 730. Prince, blk g (2:42^). 473, 576, 799. Prince, b g (2:41). 13, 100, 437, 445, 522, 562. Prince, b g (2:34). 70. 89, 113, 213. 224, 489, 547. 607.* 704. Prince, ch g (2:51J4 . 20, 35, 90, 558. 662. 684. Prince, blk g (2:51). 116, 259, 314. 4-0. Prince, b g (2:43). 73, 482, 688, 794. Prince, blk g (2:39),^). 145, 230, 243. 279, .il9, :t27, 371, 434. 445. 543,* 593, 618. 858, 678, 719, 720. 801. Prince, gr g (2:45i<4). 1.56. 179, 4.50. Prince, bg (2:471^). 242, 369, 391, 431. 498, 501. 520, (i66. Prince, chg(3:12). 4.33. 578. Prince. bg(2:.50). 47, 6.3. .362. Piince, brg (3:00). 40. 41, 194, .361, .388, 414.* Prince, b g. 30,* 51, 81, 595, 647, 673, 698 797. Prince (Hay Prince) bg (2:51). 235, .?37, 38 1, 487, 512.* Prince, b g (2:49J4). 96, 188, 215, 654. Piiucp. ch g (3:00). .322. 668. Prince, brg (2: 49>). (38.5). Prince Charles ch g (2:.38). .30, 119, 209,* 271, 458, 479, 505, 569,* 575, 676, 696,* 725. Prince Charles, b g. 7, 232, 408, 419, .5.57. 63(i, 637. Prince ("lav. b s (2:37) 58, 66, 67,* 97. 115. 119, 120,* 1.34,* 1.54, 401, 410, 420, 425, 4:7,* 441, 451, 516, 533, 565, 6-'6, 646.* 673,* 676, 682, 696, 098. Prince Edward, hlk g f2:46%). 31 1 . Prince Edward, br s(2:4iK>)- 17. 62, 70, 196, 244, 316, .3.50, 503, ,532,* 657. Prince Eln 342,401. I Prince Orattan. b g. 7. Prince H., ch g. 44, 48, 503, ■ Prince Hamlet, b g. 700. Prince Harry, b g. 27. Prin<;e Henry, b g. 578. Prince Imperial, b s (2:41%). 429. Prince Imperial. 668. Prince Joe, gr g. 647 Prince John, br g (ij:.50%). 100, 209, 210,619. Prince Lambert, b s (2:45). 174,.390. Prince Lincoln, ch g. 58. 697. Prince Middleton, h g (2:36). 24, 268,* 491, 516, 602,* 6.54, 720. Prince of Wales, b g (2:45). 167, (211*;, 277, 420, o3u, 673, 682,68:}, 093, 714. Prince of Wales Jr., brs (2:48). 24. 52, (216). Prince Orlofif, gr s. by Blood CSiief, dam by Alexander (2:4.3). (76), 104, 161, 45--',* 473, 484. Prince K., b g, by Gen. Tuvlor. dam Mav Day. 288, 401. Prince Tony. 619. Prince Wilkes, ch s, by Red Wilkes, dam by Brown Chief. 117. Prince William, gr s (2:.5.5). 1.39, 184, 2.34, 352, (37.5), 688. Princess, b m. 5.35. Princess, b m. 82, 454, 511, 548, 660,* 677. Princess, b m (2:30). Ill, 204, 226,* .380, 582, 658, Princess, b m pacer. 740, 762, 790* Princess, b m (2:.37%). 104,* 144, 348, 494. Princess, br m (2:50). 169. Princess, chm (2:4.3^4). 114, 223, .325. Princt ss, b m (2:35). 32, 295, 298,* 387,389,411,460,498, 595, 626, 699, 799, 801'. Princess (Fanny Ra.ymondi. b m (2:.30). 4(). 57, 209. 385, ;,94. Princess, blk m (2:48i6). 78, (445), 524, 540,* 628. Princess (Lady Lucas), ch m (2:291^). 2.5, 144. 14.5, 181, 307, 336,* ci83, 675, 708, 709. PriDcess. blk m (2:29). 94. 274, 412, 479, 488, 501,* 60.5, 647,* 6t.4. 795. Princess, ch ni , by Masterlode. 675.* Princess, b m. 670. Princess (3:02). (17), 29. .3.3, 107. Princess, br ni (x;:49), by Roe's Mor- gan. 70, 108, (121), 445.* 709, 719. Princess, b m, pacer (2:19)4). 474,* (550). 738, 740. 7.^4, 756.* Princess, br m. 107, 474, 475,* 719. Princess Mary. 632. Pnncess Mediiun, b m. 12, 74, 130, 454, 509, 557,* 664.* Princeton (3:12). 190. Princeton. 167,332. Princeton (2:49). 26:5. Pi-inceton,bg(2:34^). 82, 207. 721. Princeton, b . (2:3fc>4). (315), 406, 536, 599. Princeton, b g(2:43U). (02), 317. Princeton Boy (Billy Graham) ch g (2:28). 123,* 156,*" 182, 236, 276, 406, (4,56*), 481, 488, 583. Princeton Girl, b m (2:40). 273,* (329). 414, 54:5. Princeton Maid.gr m. 684. Printer, b g (2:42^). 225, 476, 630, 874, Printer Boy. b g, pacer (3:01%). 789. Printer Boy, ch s (2:39). 591. Printer's Ink. (03). i'rioress (2:46). 288, .367, 406, 444, (6 .'3). 6;56. Priscilla, b m (2:40}4). 201,222, 505. Privateer. 395. Privateer Jr. (2:44%). (675*). Privateer Boy. 123. Privateer Maid, gr m (2:53^). 57, 163. 166. 192, 195,304, .373,(539), 614. 6.53. Prize, b g (2:3::). 28, 60, 125, 131, 132, 166, 172, 201. 264, .306. 454. 666, 687.* Probably. 53, 18"), 396, 45G. P. Rockwell. 9f). Proctor, bg (3:^3). n, 59,90, 152. t23c*), 30.', 380, 395. 4J9, .530, 558, 565, 575, 579, ii'il, t>7t<. Proctor, br g (2:35J/>). 5, 145, -"O. 516, 65.', 720. Proctor, brg, pacer ('2:3714). 223. 725, 701,* 7^3, (,7.S5) Proctor Knott, br s (2 :-i:i%), by Wood- foi'd Mainbrino. dam Dy Hlot Jr. 149, 205,* 4J7, (474), 4^0. 628. Professor, chg, pacer. 7S5. Professor, cbg(2:27i54) (erroneously given 2:2()i^. page 579). 45,* 1( 8, 142, 1 74, 249, 250, 262, 295, 297, 341, 360, 414, 457. 458. (462*), 494.* 518, 545. 569, 6.52, 658,* 787. Professor, bg (2:3134) (erroneouslv printed 2:30?4, page 579). 51,* 116, 144, 148, 214, 256, 461,*476, (723). Professor Medium, b g (2:53). 32, 239, 476. Promenade. 541, 639, Promise, b g, by Robert Bonner. 123, 674.* Promise, b m (2:31J^). 149, 322, 532, 71 i. Promise, b s. 153. Prompter, bs(2:3:iJ4). 112,595,672. Pronto, ur g. pacer. 750, 767 * Propeller, b g (3:01). 95,* 299, 365. Propeller. 50-1. Prophet, br g (2:32-%). 11. 18, 47, ! (.59). 65, 83, 264. 403, 513. 529, 557, 590.* Prospect, gr g (2:50 w). (48). 107. Pro.spect, b g (2: 323^). 254, ^88. Prospect, b s. 65, 579. 629. Prospect, b g (2:40). 228, ,264, 494, i 659. I Prospect, b g (2:40). 15. 202, 242, (234 1, 503, 504, 62u, 725. i Prospect Maid, b m(2:23i4). 48,* 1 Quadrille, b g. 687. * (Quaker, rng (2:39). 55, (115*), 213, 403, 502, 598* Quaker,b g (2:43)4 w). 148, 305, 680.* Quaker, bg(2:38). 99,340. Quvker, b g (2:.57). 326. Quaker, b g (2:32). 162. (Quaker, b s (2:45V 179, 234, 315, 345. 490. (597), 685. Quaker, ch g. 94 . Quaker Bov (Jack Martin), br g (2:28%). 46,* 143, 249, 295, 337, 342, 351,* 412, 451, 498, 524,* .598, 675. Quaker Boy, br g (2:54)^) 10, 73, 152, 243,* 345, 364, 539,* 606, 624, 800. Quaker Boy, b g (2:37). (30), .34, 104, 111, 451,668. Quaker Girl (2:52). 147, 200, 213, 442. Quaker Girl, ch m (2:36). 141. Q taker Girl, b m (2:37). 44, 62,345, 718,* 795,800. Quaker Girl. 710. (Quaker Hill 277. Quaker Jake, blk g. 244, 4.35, 609. Quaker Jim, blk g (2:45V^). 40, 137, 229. 446. 496, 519, 674. (Quaker John, pacer. 765. (Quaker Lad, ch g (2:47). (120), 154, 312, 509. Quaker Maid, b m. 211. Quaker Tom, ch g (2:.37K')- (109), 630,681. Quanto. b g (3:00). 175, 190. Quantrell. blk g. by Stillson, dam by Draco Prince. 483. Quarry Boy, b g (2:35i4) 13. 85, 108,* 247,* 27;.'. 310. 443, u30.* (552), 634, 640, 661, 7u8. Quarrymati, b g (2:49). 13, 37, 365,* (4u6), 503, 579. INDEX or BEATEN HORSES. , lie,* 189.* 370,* 524, 590, (i65,* 68S, 715 * Prosper, b g, by Byron, dam by American atar. 38, 241, 305. Prospero, blk g (2:20). 8, 140,* 147, 290, :J62, 619, ti37. Protection. bg(2:48). (480), 571. Proteine, br ni (2:18). 133. 160. j 72, 173, 194.* 290, 316,* 425. 465. 490. Protest, ch g (•J:,52iJ4). 111,628, 802. Providence. bg(2:4;j) 167, 290. .599. Providence Boy. 475.499. , Providence Girl, b m ^y :46). 281, 423. Providence lUaid. in ni (2:52). 169, 271, :{01, 327, 364, 530, 560, 579, (OoO). Province Boy (2-46). (446). Prowess, gr m (.'::55). 50. 56, 272, 337, 448, 450, 527, 614, 727. Prudence, gr m (2:55). (69), 154, 213, 608. Prule E, b m (2:36). 29, 201. 259. Pruitt, rn g, pacer (2:33). 725, 757, 762, 767, 775, 780,* 786, 788.* Prunella, b m (2:40) 291, 335, 350, 365, .367. 375, 679. Prussian Maid, b m. pacer (2:19). 736, 758. 761, (762*), 767. Psvche, ch m. 142. P. T. Barnum. wh g (2:421^). 47, (:i64), 574, 673. Pueblo, brg. 646. Pulaski, b g (2:.39%). 287, 340, 502. Pulhuan, blk g, by tjomonauk (2:44). 139, (4:J7). Pulhnau's gr g (2:40). (171). Pulver's Horse (2:39). (141). Pump Horse, b g. 484, 522. Pumpkin, ch g. 458, 551, 671. Pumpkin R.. dn g (2:42). 72, 99, 17i.* 453. 722. Punch (2:40). 128. 313. 519. Punch, bg(2:32). 52. 148, 154, (193), 222, 336, 394. 479,* 597, 617. Q Quartette, ch g. 8, 384, 554, 617. Quebec Boy, rn g i2-A2Mj 443, 459, 681. Quebec Girl, rn m (2:35). 566. Queecny Boy, gr g. 270, 442. (Jueechy Maiu (Rose), b m (2:25). 17, 37.* 112, 141, 238.* 257, 31)-..', .308,* 328. 468, .^28, 574,* (601*), 618, 693, 701,* 723.* Queen. 35, 65, .342, 632. (^ueen, gr m (2:50) (2:45 s). 409, 595. (639), 673. Queen, bm(2:.54). 416. (^ueen. b m (2:43M)- 33, 285, 314, 310, 459. Queen, blk m (2:42^). 6.37. Qu'r'en, brm. 241. 6i3, t>46. Queen, blk m (3:.33i4). 271, 400, 419, 514, .537, .552, 731. Queen, gr m (2:42). 31, .34, 129, 145, 389, 428, 514,* 726. Queen, cb m (2:4214). 718. Queen, br m (2:34J4i. .54, 132. 183, 216. 333,* 449. 516. 542, 653.* Queen, chm(2:50). (155), 457,579. Queer., blk m (2:38i4l. 90, 232, 259, 266, (277), 346. . Qupen Ann, b m (2:41). 15, 236, (406). 503,* .5.32. Queen B., ch m. 191. (Jueeu Betty. 673. (Jueen Esther, b m (2:42i4). (23), 338, 567. Queen Fay, eh m. 585, 647. Queen I., blk m (3:('5). (64). (^ueen Jefferson, br m. by Thos. Jeflfer.son, dam by Young Mor- riU. 309. Queen Mab, gr m (2:38), by Daniel Lambert. 2l:5, 445, 4(iO, (630). Queen May. b m (2:34). 24, 99, 247,413,517, 615,618.* 941 Punch, I) s. 1(59. Punch Jr.. gr s. (720). Punch and Judy. 473, 735. Punchinello, b s, by Mambrinello (•-•:4.5)4). 5-J, ;506. (53:{). PurcelUP. J. Purcell),bs(2:31i4). 22. Purdy, blk g (2:36). 393, 430. Puritan. i>y iiJmont, dam by Gen. Lee. 71.j. Purity, b m. 146, 567. Puritv, blk m (2:51). 15. Purity, ch in ^•.':37}4;. 51, 242, 430, 531, 544, 608, (729). Purity, rn m (2:48). 380, 498. .542. Purity, b m (2:42},,). 114, :j24, 351, 447, 480. 526. 500, (.584). Pui-itj-, ch m (2:30), by Blue bull. dam Susan . Loder, by Daniel Boone. (213), 290. Puritv, pacer. 783. Puss, b m (2:49). 46, 139, 275, 332, 379.* Puss (2:4314). 532. Puss Bailey b m. 129, 795. Puss Crowiey, b ra, j^acer. 759. Puss Hamlet. 499. Puss IhompsoD. br m (2:34i4). 34, 61, 266, 417, 656. Pussy, b m. ;i26, (444*), 505, 635. Puss Thorne. (464). Put. ch g (2:39)4). ---O- Putnam, b g (2:47i4). 187. Putnam, b g (2::i2)|). 204, 292, 311, 715.* Putnam, b g (2:49)4. 182. Puzzle, b g. 57. SA^i, 279. Puz.2le. b m (2:36)4). 23, 29, 165, 20!, 497, 512,* .)'4, (512, 699.* Puzzler (3:02)^1. (474). Puzzler, bs (2:47), by Black African, dam by Vermont Hero. 67,* 145,* 362, (437), 612. P. W. Haskms (2;39M). 115, 279, (358). Queen May. 798. (^ueen of America, b m (2:51). b.v Chief of the Echoes. (180), 609. Quesn of Diamonds. 35. (Ju^eu of Diamonds, b m (2:30M). 9, 391, 464, 718.* Queen of Fairies, ch m (2:33). 258, 326, 351. 666,* 695. Queen of Sheba (3:20). 168, 239, 800. Queen of th • East, b m (2:44). (378*). Queen of the Pacific, b m, pacer (2:34) (err.ineously given 2:37-M, page 777). 062, (750*), 788, 789, 792.* Queen of the West, dn m. pacer (2:28%). 746. 757. 763, 772, 778,* (782*). 783,* 784, 791. Queen of the West, ch m(2:34*).44, 80, 150, 278, 295, 415, 469, 568, 595, 646,648, 693.* Queen of the West, grm (2:26)4). 98, 443, 510.* 559, 590. (635), 675. Queen of the West, gr m (3:00). 136, 148. 488. Queen of Trumps. 115, 185. (9ueen Ray, rn m (2:39?4) (erro- neously given 2:34)4, Page 584). 90. 406, 415, 422, 509, 577. Queen S.. b m(2:37}4). (52), 225, .344,* 434, 447. Queen Vic, gr m (2:41)4). 181, (194). 596. Queen Victoria, ch m (2:47). 562, 594, (547. aueer Cuss. 382. ueer Girl, ch m (2:40). 305, 366, 479, 488. (531), 693. Quick, b.- g. 434. Quick Beat, gr g (3:20). 570. (juicksey, blk s. 25(>, 419. 943 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. Quicksilver, ch g r~:4'i}4*. 11. IvJt?,* a'7.J*), :J"J5, :{34. 410, ..•-■0, «:.'9, (i4;,'. Quickstep (Bav Jim and Steward), b K>'-i--i~y-^- 37. 0:j, ',>o9. -.^iO. ^.'4 i, 249, 2"i9, 599, 407, 4;J2, 44i>. 404, .'.1«, r>M, J47, 5U0, U04, Ul).j, tjiy. 082. 717. .» ., . r.- - Quickstep, blk m (2:401^). 251, 315, Quiucy Boy, b s. 2- j;Jl, t>34. Quickstep, bp(2:48). (388). Quicksy. 7."), :!9it, .52ti. Qu'eu Siabe, br s (2:47), by Specula- liou, 4). 90, 122; 144, I'O, 309, 422, .583. Rail Splitter, br g (2:3354). (2G1). 3.52. ::59,*441, 549. .Rainbow, b g(2:41 w). 628. Rainbow, bg (2:44). 16. 30, 74. (97), 118, 138, 162. 184, 233, 445, v610), 69H. Rauibow, b g (2:40J4). 90, 326, 475,* 025, (043), 731. Rainbow, blk s, pacer. 739,741. Kake. chg(-:40). .368. Rakeafter. blk g (2:47). 280, 364.* Raleigh. 474, 036. Rally b. 55. Rdlph (^^tep'ien W.). blk g (2:38). ■M:^ 3.57, 507, 548. 563, 566, 637. Ralph, chg(3:00). (.542). Ralph R.. grg(2:.38). 16,* (120). Ralston, bg (2:55). by Cuyler, dam i.y Conkliu's Star. .345, 694. Rambler, blkg. 307. Rambler. grg(2:.59^). .393, (521), -y.ii). 551. Ra;:ibo(2:.50). (017). Ramie, ch 8, by Blue Bull(2:43). 20, (189). 379,411.475. Ramapo. b g (2:42i^). (.37.3), 450, 051, (162. Ramsey B, gr s(3:00). 299,* 466, * .511,0. '8. Ranchero, b b (3:12). 649. Ranchern, ch s (2:34-J4). .54, 95, 131, 453, 502. Randall, ch g (2:4:1). 24, 3.52, 66.5. Randull. chg(2:24J^). 44. 93, 109,* 147,1.54, 171, 17.i, 230. 446, 460, 481, 512, 528, .53(!, .547.^ 599. 714. Randall, bg (2:491-5). J54,422. Randall, br g (2:56). (402), 517. Rangeley Belle, rn m (2:47). (509). Ranger, n g. 576. Ranger, bg (2:49). 5.50. '■ R ■nger, gr g (2::;9i4), by Blue Bird. 15:l, 107, .>18, (710), 800. Rano Dan, pacer. 74 1. , Ransom, b g (.4:00). 230, 240, 610. Kapidus, dig, by Oarenaught. 269. i Rapalee. 718. " ! Rapher, bg(2:48^). (7.31). 1 Rapid, b g (2:44). (07), 209, 490. I Rapid, b g (2:45). (.303 •, 0.59. Rapid, blkg (2:.:5) (2:2;^s). 110, 411,* 450, 524, 549, 059. 085,708.* Rapid Transit, ch g. 177,* 256, 414, i 617. I Rappahannock, b g. 306. | Rapture, gr g (2:3':). 9, .303, 349, 420, 794 aarev, b g (2:45). (136), 495. Rarity, ch g 43. Rarus, bg(2:13^). 30, 270,* 273,* 281. .310, 3T0.* 390, 414, 4i5, 492. 510, 512." 625. 697. Rasper, b g (.-:49). (471), 531. Rassilas, ch g (2:40J4). 251, 589, (028). Rat. br g. 155. Ratcatcher (2 :54kiw). (377). Rats, blk ra (2:40). 412,* (496). Kattler, bg(2:36% s). 139, 157,* 418. Rattler, ch g (2:45i (2:42!^s). 10, 74. Rattler, bs(2:35). 313,*347, 519, 029 RatJler, ru g (2:39J4). 160, 177, 341, 344, 508, 019. Rattler, brg(2:.50»^). 260. Rattler, b g (2:4.5^ w). (4.56), 606,* 643. Rattler (Basil Duke), rn g (3:28J4), (2:27*). 585, 069. Rattier, bg(2:35>^). 45, 369, 471, 517, 590, 059. 080, 698, T05. Rattler, blk a (2:.55). 112, 443, 793. Rattler, b s ( <:0.5). 20, 155. Radler. bg (2:40). 6i4. Rattier, b g (2:38i^). 100, 127, 254, 557, 508. Rattler, br g (■.•:36). 91, 1.54,235, 407, 509, .570, 588, 590. Rattler, rn g (3:02}^). 0.55. Rattler (2 •44>/4) 104,725. Rattler, b s (2:57). 102, 217. Rattler, ch s (2:37)^). (38), 4U5, 452, 478. Rattler, b g (2:50). 25, 33, 232, 359, 435, 490, (60. Rattler (•!:^6). 3.52, .594, (629). Rattler, br g, pacer (2:25). 744,* 755, 764. 709. Rattlesnake, br g (2:32 w). 104. 141, 427. ((>28i. 000. Rattlesnake (2:40%). .397. Ratting Dan. h g, pacer. 701, 703.* Rattling Dan (Daniel Webster and Bay Jim), i> g (2:29^). 472. Rattling Jack, br g (2:50). 12, 45, .352. (:t7l). 081. . Rattling Jack, bg(2:49^). 77. (546), 601. Ratlling Jim. b g, pacer (3:28). 7.36, 740, 745, 774, 790. Ratt mg Jim. b g. pacer (2:2.3J4). 746,- 7.59,* 703, 777.*. 782.* Raven, pacer. 708. Raven, blk s (3:05). 537, 728. Raven, blk g (2:40%). 167, 290, 291, 410, 008. Raven blk g (2:42). 585, 621. Raven, blk m (.3:00). 382, 000. Raven, b)k m. by Charley B. (2:51). (239). Raven, blk g (2:50). 159, (339), 404, 481. Raven, blk m (2:.50). 20, (442), 667. Raven Boy, blk g. 745, 781. Rawdon. 45:1.' KawleiglisliaMler 130. Ray, b g (2:50)^ w). 5',0. RavBeall, bu. 177. Ray Daniels, b g (■■\:0'Z\i) . 56. Ra. Gould, b m (2:29^). 180, 283, 324, 421, 422, 478, 479, 562, 566^ Ray Milton. 3:01V>). (721). Raymond, blk g (3:00). 35.* 44,* lie, I3:i. :.'i7, .3.50, .301, 365,403. 420. (447*), 493, 569, 592, 603, 673, 089. Razor B., b g (2:42^). 14, 119, 261, 345, 499, 534, 640. R. Homier Jr. 473. R. B. Hayes, ch s (2:40). (397). R. D., biK g (2:;j3»4). 87,* 123, 129, 133, 165, 173, 194, 289, (418), 422, 455, 712. Realitv, br m (2:45 s). 518. R K. Allen. 706. Reamer's ch g (2:35). (454), 455. Ueaper Boy. b g. 39, 290. Rearguard, brg(2:50). 127,* (374). Reasoner's b ra. 458. Rebecca, ch m (2:.54). (517), 723. Rebecca, b m (2::f0). 99, 154, 263. Rebecca, b m (2:44}^). 230, 591. Rebecca C, b m. 178,691. Rebel, ch g (2:43?^) (erroneously given 2:45, page 5a9). (339), 382, 482.- 534. Rebel Chiet, br g (2:57}^). 137, 480, (563). Receiver, pacer. 778. 790.* Reckless, ch g (2:38). 14,* 101, 22.3. Reckless, ch s (:i:0-.'). 20. 130, .505. Reckless Bill, b g (2:50). 359, 388. Recluse, b in (2:4894). 120. 123.237, 242, 403, 410, 441, 520, (529), 578, 670, 079. Reconstruction, b s (2: "494)- 36, 77, 87, 139, 157,* 327, (042'), 705. Rectitlei', b g. 032. 801 Red Bank, grg (2:3894) (erroneously given 2:44}^, page 589). 07,412, 473. 022. 708.* Red Bird, ch g. 98, 178, 282, 293, 478. 794, Red Bird, b s (2:37). 277. Red Bird, b g (2:30). 226, (501*), 575, 731. Red Bird, b g (2:42). 137, (251), 2S:5, 072. Red Bir. I ,b g ' 2 :43). 230, 270, 289, 305 Red Bird, b g (2:4994). 00. 77, 201, 327, :iH2, 4:^7, 440, 796. 798. Red Bird, bs (2:54) (15), 4.5, 5 1. 5,798* Red Bird, bin (2:35). 38,* 130,295, 450, 581. 005. Red Bird, bg (3:00). 44,104,237, 3.50. 381, 4:8,400, 794. Red Bird, t) g 129. Red Bird, b g (2:27>.4). 27,* 28, 291, :i.30, .'iOO. 401. i-.40, 663, 7.22,* 734. Red Bird (2:44). (104). Retl Bird (2:36). 204, (236), 616 ♦ Red Bird. 6, 9, 803. INDEX OF BEATEN HORSES. 043 Red Boy, b s. 336. Red Biick, ch g (-3:40) 204, 212, 239. .-i.")!, .r,4. :i.")ii.- 474, (500). Red Buck, pacer (JiSSJ^). 739. 752, 7.59, 7^•-'. Red Buck (2:.' 214). (213), :'.55. 560. Red Buck (pacer) (2:.{4). (708), 771, 780. Red Chief, bs (4:14). (111). Red Cloud, b g. 280, 303, 093. Red Ooudbg, (2:1><) 2 . >o. 109.- 147. 171, 2-'4, 267,* 27. . 3.7, 338, 508, 537,* 500.* 607. 6'^5 Red Cloud, b s (2:43). 48, 304, 5J4. Red Cloud, ch s (2:41). 171, 30c', 520, 612. Red Cloud, ch 3 (2:481^). 78, 152, (207), 272, 365, 4.59. 471,* 475, 628. Red Cloud, chg (2:40). 120, 160, 170, 2.31, 255. 4:J8. 5.}:?. 562. 600. 080. Red Cloud. b^'(-:54). Gl. Red Cloud (2:47). 145. 495,* 723. Red t loud, ch fr(2:45). 8, 597. Red CI jud, b s (2:50»4). 53,* 76, 192, 450 479. 531. 610. 652. Red Cloud, ch g V^:SOV>)- (334). 470. Red Cloud, ch s (2:43). 99, 190, 391, 518.671. Rerl Cloud. 4-18, 465 Red Cloud Jr., (•.':CO-M). (324"), 507, 543. Red Colonel, b {? (2:33*). (548). Red Crook, b g- (2:3::%). 116, 132, 3J J, 465. 5.55, 580,-589. Red Crook, ch g (2:34^). 70. 110. (2041, 289. 486, 492. 510, 609. Red Cross. Iir g (2:26?4i. 30, 143, 269,* 272. .316. 472, 545,* 557, 577,* 662, 680. Red Cross, ch s (2:211^). 26,* 72, 81 . 241, 321. 488.* 489,* 568. Red Dan. b g (2:43%). 50. (159), 423, Red Diamond. 434 Red Dick (2:461^). 117, 297. Red Dick, ch g (2:28). 25,* 146, 207. 256,338, 381,508, 537, 590, 608, 661. 777. Red Dick, ch g (2:56). (4 5t, 596. Red Dick, b g (2:41%'. (193), 397, 538. i'or. Redeemer ch g (2:36). (51), 105. 1 15, .">10. 61 1. Red Eagle, cb g. (15), 3:36, 445. Red Eve, b s. 49, 117. 232, (.540). Red For. chg (2:38). ;{2, :{.59, 386, 633. Red Fox (pacer). 7*5. Red Hawk, ch s (3:21). 556, 600, 603 Red Hoosier, c'l s (3:0;_^%). (338), :394. Red Hot. b g (2:40i4). (75), 452, 471. Red Hot, chg (2:38). 41, 187,488, 565, (667). Red Hot, br m, pacer (2:37), by- Tempest Jr. 745, (784). Red Jacket, b s (2;.32%). 15"^, 162, 254. .382, 430,4:41,*459, 565, 588, em. Red Jacket, oh g (2:.54). 5t9,557. Red Jacket, ch s. 707. Red Jacket, ch g, pacer (2:''27), by Blue Bull. 750, 76 ..* 769. 776. Red Jim, b s (2::j0;. 184, .383. 552.* Red Joe. 140. Red J'hn Jnckson. h g(2:45). 349. Red Leg (2:45). (734). Red Line (Jim Fisher and Tom Scoct), b g (2:2514). 1.57, 16.3,* H 9. 23.'., 285, .320, 3.52, .3.55, :!80, 439,* 441, 4(J4, 6-.'3, 631, 676, 717. Red Mare, b m (3:03). ( 170). Red Oak, ch g (2:. 30). .3,5, 73, 80, J 09, 1.35, 199,* (204), 217, 310, 312, 330, 343, 345, .37i .* .378.* 386. 489 523, 631,* 675, 679. Red Oak, rn g (2:.38i^). 33, 99,* ( 164*), 1 86. 2.53. 479,* 483, f)99,615, 618. 697, 724. Red Path (3:00). 43.* RedR., ch g, by Champion (2:45). 83, (709). Red Ribbon, gr g. 65, (175*), ."87. Red Ribbon, b m (2:50). (.37), 430. Red Robin, b g (2:.j2 s). .;04. Red Robin, bg. pacer (2:52). (75.3). Red Robin. 77 Red Ro-e 458. 699. Red Kover, hg(-J:42). 7. ','271 3.TI, 418, .501. Re 1 Rover, pacer (-':41;. .3.59, 745, (746*). 76-.'. Red Squirrel, ch m (2:50i/'> '92, 3.Vi,^ 411 . 42 ), 421,(514). 682* 693. Red.stone. b g(2:.'!:!j. 13, 154,* 368, 401, 468.585. Red Ti^er, ch s, pacer. 738, 74G, 785. Red VV ing, b g. 445. Red Wing, b .s (2:31). cOO, 648. 720. Red Wing, bg(i-:,50M). 62, 644. Redwood, ch g. 135. Redwood, b g. I0i\ 112. Red Wood, b s (2:31M). 17, 61, 206. 239, 345, (381), 412. 481. Red Wood, rn g. 93, 180, .588. Red vvood, b g pacer (2:51). 756. (See Appendix.) Reed's, b m (2:4914 w). 105,244,456. Reel, ch m (2:39^). 82, 348, 457, 478, 571, 642, 654. 686. 720.* Reform, bg (2:35%). 26.S. Reform, eh g (2:50). 244. 459. Refugee, b g (2:46%). 43, 335, .341, 382, .599. Refugee, gr g, pacer (2:38). 241, 750, 756, (764). Regardless, ch g (2:41U). 184, 315. 601, (622). Regardless, b g (3:4.3^). 77, 224, 2^(4, 409, 502. 581, 651. Regent, b g (2:4i^,). 03, 67,* 77, 87, 204,*'274, .306. Regl.ster. blk g (2:.39i^). 306, 410, 68+. Register Boy, b g (2:43). 37, 43,* 114,145,181,007.* Regidator. 310. Regulator, blk g (2:30%). 430, 444, 523. Regulator, bg (2 :.30%). 10. 60, 89, 104,* 108.* 188, 2.i9, 262, 299,* 334, 342,* 401 ,* 494,* 518, 575, 618, 740. Regulator (2:38). 458,085. Regulator, b s (2:40). 86, 310, .325. (332). Regulator (2:4914). (397), 408, 798. Kc-gulus, gr g, by WoodbuT.y Chief, dam Charlotte Foster. 270. Regulus Jr.. b s (2:3214). .''9, 124, 163,* 167. i.'88, 318. 382. 094. Regulus. (799*). Reindeer, ch g (2:35). 74, 226,* 311, 313,* 363, 400, 570, 616, 626, 683, 097. 733. Reindeer, blk g (2:29). 50, 123, 185, ,'16,* 235, 411 1,* 547,* 624, 672, 726. I eindeer, bg(2:40). 87, 156, 231, (277), 719. Reindeer, bg(2:33K>). 175,235.331, 499,* 746, 752. Reindeer, bg (2:. 50). 222. Reindeer, b g. 346, 674 * 693. Relapse, blk s (2:50). 471, (6.57). R. E Lee,chg(2:40). 40, (141), 721, Reli^.ble. ch g (2:44). 90, 139, 304, (.351), 647. Reliance. .",49, 599, 034. Reliance, br g (2::}7i^). 624. Reliance b s (2:22^^). 152,(173*), 1 95. 264, 537,620,701. Reliance, pace'-, (.3:05). 7.39. Reliance. 209. 580. Rei n ington , b i- g . 88 . 136, 207. Remorse, br g (3:00). 107, 528,* 535.* Rena, b m. 186. Rena. Crai.?-, gr m . 43. Rena G., ch m (2:40), (erroneouslv- printed 2:46, page 594), 40,* (393), 453, 617. Rena Sprague. 68. Rene.gade, b g (2:40). 24(i, 648.* ■ Reno, b m (2:52). 10:J, 633. Repeater, gr g (2:41) 1.57, 275, (4(j. Reserve (Dau. Bryant), chg (2:24). 44,* 76. 178, 272, 390, 408, 513, 525,* 682. 70S. Resolute, brg, by Fearna-aght. 59, 600. Resolute, b g (2:.39) 274. Resolute bg (-3 41^4). 333, .335,* .346. Resolute. bs(2:27%). 1.9, 178,205, 237,* 241,* 308, 389. 415, 452, 456, 479,* 488, 577. Ressell, br g, 503. Restless, ch m (2:44). 7.35. Re,stlrfss, grg(2:42), (621). Restless Jack, ch g (2:5:1%). (685). Result, b s (2:25). 17, 3 ^ 37. 59, 12.3, 154, 183, 257, 302, 325. 344, 468, 537, 574,* 686.* 702, 723. Rettie. gr m. 209. Rfturn, brg. 123, 389. Reubeji, b g. 392. Reuben, b g, by Patcher Jr., dam Clarinda. .3.54. 381. (V.iS. Reuben, bg (2:45). 421. Reuben, b g (2:4 li4). (166*), ';'98. Reuben (Ruby), b g (2:.34). 16 * 17, 125, 132, 344, 463, 050, 668, 803. Reuben, pacer (2:37U). (056), 761, 785. Reveille, b s (2:27*4). 9,49, 140, 150, 364,* 380, 458, 470, 506, 583,* 6-25, 6.54, 657. Revenge, gr g (2:52) (2:511^ s) 597, 616, Revenge, ch g (2:50). 524, 635, 680,* 681, 795.* Revenge, b g (2:57). 343, 463. Revenge, b g (2:43). 49, 81, 272, 3"0,* 438, 460. 506, 562, 601,* 726, 798, 803. Revenge, blk g. 15, 297, 345, 378, 472, 478, 553, 676. Revenue, b g (2:37J4). 396, 454, 656. Revenue, ch g (2:50), 20, 273, 314, 719. Revenue (DelbertT.). grg(3:06). 390. Revenue, hg{2:^7]4). (621), 7.j3. Revenue, b s, pacer (2:31), by Ul- ster Chief. 621, 743, 777, (781). Revere, b g (2:4.3^). (222). Revolution, blk s (2:41). 550, 579, 672. Reward. 16. Rex. blk s. 443, 672. RexM..bg. 262. Rex Patchen. br s (2:30) 31. 32, 54, 68,198, 2 6, 211, 229, 268, 390, 447, 459, Reynard, b g (2:371^). 18, 148,262, 454. 481, (506), 602. Reynold, ch g. 255. Rhea, gr m. (659). Rhea Crittenden, b s, by Critten- den, dam Lady Dolphin. 265. Rheu K., bg. 95. R Hilliard (Union Jack), b g (2:.30}4). 23, 49, 101, 129,* 520.* 630, 702. Rhoda, b m (2:54). (188), 557, 598, 029. Rlaoda Houston, b m 3.39. Rhode Island (2:55). (401). Rhode Island ( Dan Rice), br s (2:2:51^). (20*), 261, 263,* 269,* 428,* 587. 944 CilESTERS COMeLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. Rhode Island, eh r i-'iirj). r^r>.* 2-2«.* ;.':«>, t-'Ot),* ;{ i a,* 3;t3. :J47. :J73. :{8{i. 4t)!». 518, o--'l,' 522. 540,* 547,*C.">4,* 77;J. Rhode Island (.3:091^). {i^O). Rhodes, b p. 4i0. Rhodes SiiiitH, b a. by Strathmore, dam by Blaokmore. 548. Rice Graves, grs(2:38). 8, 176. 401,* 502, t>r>4. Rieliurd. 4:i8, 802. Kiehard, paeer. 7:59,* 741, 78.3. ixieh-iid b g (2::iO>. 18:5. 2.55. 275, 374, :591, l>2.3,* 037.* 051. Richard, ch p, (2:21). 8, 11, 36, 173.* I 147, 15(1, 183. 23^, 29U, 330, 429, I 439, 440.*- 446.* 447, 4S0, .537, (574*), 580, 599, 611, 631, 701,* 717* Richard, blk g 2:34. 296, 361. 48!l, 500. » Richard. 62. 213, 718. Richard. (23 1). Richai'd, b g. 225. Richard A., brg, pacer. 791. Richard Ames, br g (2:50i4). (669). Richard B., b g (2:32). .30, 32, li!l, i:iO, 240, .314, 347. 380, 444, 454, 572, 622. 724.* Richard i).. brg. 123,* 313, 455, 538. Richard E. (2:43). 536, 689. Richard L 188 Richard Neavols (Old Put), br g (2:31) 185,715.* Richard O. b g. 378. Richard K., blk s, by Swigert. 43, 62. 145,* 612, 716 Ricliard III. (2:44). 93, 3.34, (607). RicUard III., brs. 168,223, 278, 610. Richball. br g, pacer (2:12!^) (er- roneously given 2:13, page 778 1, by King Pharaoh, dam by Little Airtbur. 7.39, (743-'), 769, 790.* Richelieu (2:38). 192, 500. Richelieu, b s (2:53). 117. (303), 337, 380. Richland Girl, b m 313. Richmond, b s (2:42) (2:35*). 152, 196, 306, 341, 457. Richmond, blk g (2:26)^). 64. 217, 268. 3il, 357. 491, (54.3*). 699. Richmond, gr g (2:45J^). 126, (406*), 700. Richmond, b s (2:37i^). 236, 268, 329, 601. Richmond, b g (2:44). (178), 359, .389, 662. Richmond, (2:35J4). 4.52,558,563,619. Richmond's b g v2:42i^i. 612, 716. Richmond Boy, b g (2:40). i4, 91, 98. 162, 195, 441, 670. (700), 731. Richmond Chief, blk s (2:39}^). 243, 414. Richmond Girl, bm (2:42) 22. 37. 77. 107, 129, 142, 192,* 223, 521,* 596, 645,712. Richmond Girl, br m (2:41). 46, 70. 76, 158, 186, 230, 554,* 558, 596, 704, 718 Richvvood, br e (2:27) (heat mis- printed 2:2.3>4, page 597). 233, 274, 479,* (489). 703, 705. Riddle (3:05) 57.110,(30.3), .360. 588. Ridge Boy (2:51J^). 33. .502. 684. Ridgewav. ch g (2:43^). (176), :286. Ridge wood, b s (2:38K'). 66. 240, 247, 504. 574, 577. 7()0. Ridgewood (Tommy Gates), br g (2:24). 77,493,496,561. Riegel, brg. 410. Rioi.zi. b g (2:25>4). 6. 40, (1.53*), IR5, 199, 205, .324,* .351,* 388, .506, 657, 682. Riette, oh m (2::^6-K). 63, 237, 243, 277, 463, 482, 519, .534. Rifle, b c (2:43 s). 92, 188, 426, 638.* kille(2:44!^). 181,(295). Ritlenian. b s (2:40%). 68. Kitteman, b g (2:29J4). 123, 3.39, 507, (613). 735. Rijcad'ion. 464. Riga Ru-s, ch m (2:42). 1.34, 477. 592. .593. Right Bower, rn g (2:37). 2C7, 215, 3'. 19. Rigolette, b m (2:29i4). 99, 1.30. 175, 195, 207, 264. 309, :182. :J8.i. 398.* 454,51], 5.54,* 690,62.5,657,067, 682,* 728. Riley, bg(2:4.i). .'584. Riley (2:53 w;. :il7, 327, .510* Riley, b g(2:30). 28.* 105, 238, 268, 32.(, 512, 558. (506). Rii aldo. bg(;>:.^3>4w). 190,571,039. KingKold. ch s. 91, 105. Ringer, b g. 1 70 Rmgwood, b s (2:57), by Edward Everett, dam by L. I. Blackhawk (472), 564. Rink, pacer. 4S2. Rio. 57. Kio Vesta Maid, (2:465^). (13). Kip. gr{:(2:51). :!64. Ripley Boy (Oddtellow), gr g (2:.31). .504 Ripon Boy (Tete M.ilhews), b s (2:25). (21), 236, 242,* 273, 297, 48:'.. 5(18, 5.59,* 568. Ripon Boy, l)g(2:40). 442, 443, 662. Ripon Boy, b s (2:41). 338. ' Kijjon Boy, pacer. 737, 741. Ripple, blk g (2:36). 246, 299, 300, 372, 379, 579. Ripple. 63. Kip Rap, b g (2:26). 36, 104, 164, 176,* 287, 331, (340), 386, 441, 448,462, .500, 515, 564,* 573, 623, 631, 634. 636, 643, 047, 697. 708. Rip Rap, blk g (2:45). 96, Rip Rap. (pacer) (2:29). 736, 737. (738*), 756, 772, 774. Ripton, br g (2:333^). 22, 142,* 179, 187, 126,* 624. Ripton, b g ( ;:.38'4). 28.5. 413, 64.3. Riptoii, b g (2:.35). 20, (235). Ripton, grg(2:.50>^) 382,602,716. Ripton. brs (3:011^). 482. Ripton, b g (2:42) 91, 5.58. Ripton, b g (2:29^). 8, 20. 39. 64, 1.32, (227*), 229, 281, 323, 640,* 694. Ripion, br g (2:43M). 47,* (246), 395, 479, 628, Ripton, bg. 71. Ripton Bov (pacer), 767, 775. Rip Van Winkle, b g. 41. 537. Rip Van Winkle, ch s (2:.55). 94, 93, 283. 383, 521, 571, 639. Rising Star, ch .s (2:59). 4,32. 574. Rising Sun. ch g. 93, 395, 539. Ristori. b m (2:43). Ill, 169, 236. 315, .392, 560, 635. Ristori. b m (2:31%). 230, 275. Rival, bg. 704. Rival, b s and g (2:36). 93, 492. Rival, bs (2:44). 209. Rival, gr8(2:30). 19,36,513,(514*), 611. 631, 669. Rival, m g (2:55). (206), 225, 793, 798,* Riverdale, b g (2:48>4), 174. 611.* River Girl, b m (2:40). 235, 527. Riverton Knox, ch s(2:.55). 611, 684. Rixford, bg (2:591^). (27.) R. K. Fox, ch g. 475. R. L. B. 218 2.32. Roachback, b g. 45. Roadmaster (3:06). (71.5). Boadmaster, ch g(2:40!4 w). 20. Roadmaster, br g (2:3o). 21, (29), 261, .350, 382, 395, 492, 497, 586. Roadmaster, b g (2:40). .30,* 126. 1.53.* 155. 465. 479 * .547, 596, 724 Roadmaster, b g(2:41J4). 93, (356*), 555, 655, 699. Roadster, ch g. 51, 66, 73, 416. Roaming Robert, b g. 221, Roan Belle, rn m. .372. Roan Billv, m g (2:40). 82, 129, 273, 276, 44$, 486, (551) j Roan Billv, rn g. 44, I Ro.111 Boy, pa'^er (2:.59>4). 798. ! Roan Colt (2:55). (.'37). 563. ' Rnaii Charley, rng (2:50). 12,(232*), 310, 714 Roan Charley, rng (2:40J4). 11,91, (692 1. Roan Charley, rn g, pacer. 7.59. Roa'i Ctiarley, vu g, by Hurrah. 192» 313. I Roan Charley rn g (2:48V^). (73*). Roan Dan. ru g (pacer>(2:41). (761), 784. Roan Dick, rn g (2:40). 377. (5.5.3). Roan Dick, rn g (2:54J4). (462*), .52.'). 610, 790. Roan Doctor, ri) g. 484. Roan Eddy, rn tf (2:46). (41.5). Roan Frank, rn g (2:37}^). 291, 716. Roan Frank, ni g. (;)2 Roan Henrv, rn g (2:4314). (526) Roan Jack, rn g (2:51), 584,594, 617. Roan Jack, m g (2:31). :i69, 414, 456, 4(54, 487. Roa ■ JHck; r.i g (2:38J^). 38, 120, 1.34, 208, .342, 395, 594, 7Cl, 704, 732. Roan Jim, rn g (2:43k! ^ 107, (379). Roan Johnny, ru g ('2:-i6}4). 24, 263, 422, .570, (628). Roan Kate, rn m, pacer (2:.39). (738*> Roan M. (2:40^), ^613). Roan Molly, rn m. 287, 306. Roan Pet. ru g. 287.* Roanoke (2:58), (24:5), 249. 404. Roanoke, pacer (2:26> (2:21}^ s). 426, 7.56, 7.58, 7.59,* 761.* 762,* 766, 776.781. 787,* 789. Roanoke, rn s (2:49 w). 408. 494. Roanoke, rn g (2:48V4). 602. 800 Roanoke, rn g (2:.35). 056, 492, (467), 636 Roanoke, m g (2:38). 112. 1.35. 181, 262, 302, 324. 381. 51.3. Roanoke, ch s (2:41 ). (83*). 204. 551. Roanoke, br g (2:42U), 150, 247,* 373. Roanoke, rn g (2:46). 116, 117, 152, (417). .504. Roanoke, rn g (2:32 w), (436). Rouioke. rn g (2:38i^), 130, (188*), 579. 620, 647, (>68, 680. 754. 800. Roan f?pangler, rn g(2:52). 465, 513, 799, Rean Steve, rn g. 40. Roan Tom. rn g. 220. 579, Roan Tom. rn g(2:40). 51 , 298, (323). Roan Tom. rn g (2:,'4). 349. Rob, ch g (2:4.3). 45, 254. 427. Rob. 342. Robb's Hambletonian (2:41). (210). Robbv Burns. 220. Robbv Dunbar, b s, by Magna Chirta, 99, 491.* 709. Robbv Golddust, b s i2:40). 38, 238, 300, 485, 597, 640, 705, 717. Robert. 54, Robert, ch g (2:4.5) 16, 95, 258,361, 448, 462,* 625. 680, 698, Robert, b s (2:.59), .385. 566. Robert A. bg, :<48. 684 Robert Allen. 407, 563. Robert B.. b g (2:50). 15, 238, 350, 436. 49-.>. 502. 503, Robert Bonner, b s (2:33). 139, 460, 522, 022. Robert Bonner, gr s (2:.53). 74, 328. Robert Bonnor. ch s (2:35M) 122. .315, 396.* 499, 52.3, 571, 645, 650,* 665, Robert Bonner, br s, bvGen. Knox, dam a Drew mare, 6S9, Robert Bonner (2:.53%), .3.34, (.544). Robert Bonner Jr., ch s. bv Robert Bonner. 137, 185, 281.* .521,* 099.* Robert Brown, b g (2:33^4 ). .33.* (6 ?), 105, 145, 16.5, 264,301, .367. 375, 398, 421, 483, 511, 593, (718), 799. Robert B. Thomas, ch g (2:25>, INDEX OF BEATEN HORSES. 945 238, 258,* 288,* 350, 393. 43G, 493, 499, 52;j. 54:3,- 627. Robert Burns. 166, 518. Robert Burus, ch s (2-3734). 38, 80, tiOa, 370, 442, 703, 705. Roberto. 298. Robert D, b g (2:35!^). 116, 258, 333, 4(i8, 4G2,* 487. Robert Ddlzell. 484. Roheit Davis. 266. Robert Dixon, rh ir (2:43^ w). 96. Robert Eminett ('.':53). 101, 2.o2,3S0, 417, 50". 513. 64!. Robert Emmett, ch s, by Admiral. 633. Robert Fillingham (George Wilkes), brs(2:2-'). 248.* 271. Robert Fulton, chs(-^:36). 10, 150, 3:i4, 427, 469, 606, 671. Robert H., h g. 609. Robert H., ch g (2:40) MS. Robert H., b g (2::.'9M) 64, 214,307, 352, 455, 550, 644, 700. Robert Hopkins, b g. 116. Robert Ingersoll. :*8. Robert Lee. 144, .'lO 652. Rcbert I. 1 1 . 86,* 122,* 153,* 1.^9, 190, 192, 216. 231,* 255, 3J4, 447, 500, 567, ."j68, 573, 631, 635, 718, 719. 722. Robert Ridley, br s (2:50). 171, 569 Robert the Devil, b g, by Daniel Lambert (2 :44i4}. (452), 56 1 . Robert Thorndale, b g, by Tborn- dale. 518. Robert Whaley, b s (2:34J4). 243, 512. 534. Robert YoiiDg, b g (2:47^). 399, 422. (592). Rob Hunt. 408. Robin, br g (2:4.5;^). 374,* 624. Robin, m g (2:37%). 456. 554. Robin, chg (2:44^). 71,608,796,799 Robin, b g (2:371^). (103). 175, 716. Robin, ch g (2:55). 278 * 544. Robin, gr g (2:2b}4). 60, 311,* 491, 578. Robin, b g (2:44i^). (45), 80, 99, 192, 502, 516. Robin. (2:49). (549). Robin. 388. Robin Adair, ch g. 69, 365. Robin Adair, b g (3:06>4), by Scran- ton Boy. dam Jane Evre. (153). Robin Hood, erg (2:45). 8. 24, 73, 2J 7, (4M). 509, 530,* 565, 595. 61&, 620, 686, 716, Robin Redbreast, b g (2:40). 45,* 106, 66 5. Robinson Crusoe (2:43M)- (108), 425, 471, .539, 591. Robinson's b s (2:48). 103. Robinson's bg (2:35}^). 277, (430). Rob Koy. ch g (2:51 1, by Wild Ba- shaw. 198,* 225, (619). Rob Roy, ch g, pacer. 770. Rob Roy, ch g. 64, 70, (78*), 90, 271, (480), '580, 648, 675. Rob Roy (2 •47 s). 646 Rob Roy, ch gi2:.50). (117). Rob Roy, b g (3:42). 71, 91, 510. 676. Roy Roy. ch g (2:40^). (317*), 607, 619. 685. Rob Roy, b g (2:59). 96, 404, 633, 803. Rob Roy. b g (2:58). 326, 387, 497, 506, 656. Roy Roy, ch g (2 :37%). 13, 352,(403), 721. Rob Roy, blk s (2:35>4). 212, 359, 454. (480). 517. 603. Rob Roy.bg (25914). 512. Rob the Ranter, b g. 73, 267. Robust Hazard, brg(2:45>4). 6, (47), 465, 530, 708 Rochelle. b g (2:40). 49, 91, 135, 149, 156, 371, 456, 479. 60 Rochelle, b g. 75, 113, 483. Rochester, b g. 162, 166,* 187, 201, :}.56. 481, 490. 491, 531, 615. Rochester, b s (2:56). ^81. Rock, ch g. 205. 5n, 686. Rock (2:.52). 189, (519). .58.3, 624. Rock, b g (3:10). 570, (6.-.0). Rock and Rye. b g, by Wood's Ham bletoiiian. 27.3, 277. 648. Rockaway. er g. 608. RockCo'l. bg(2:5i) (308). Rocker, ch g. G5, (670). Rocket, ch g(2:31%). 94. Rocket, br g. as4. Rocket (2:42). 94, 344. 431, 438. (662). 672 R. c;:et, b g (2:55 w). 418, 690. Rockef, cl) s (2:41K'). 300, 732. Rocket, brg(2:4.")J^). 6'M, 657. Rocket, b s (2:4:5). (44). 405, 478,* .509, .">ll.*5i8. Rocket, ch s (2:35) 58, 65, 483, 624, 718. R.--cket, br g (2:53J^). 278. 33S, 547, 689. Rocket, chg(2:53). 20, 445, 512, 592 Rocket, ch g (2: :;:i). (-^9), 107, 294, 596, 7:2. ■<34 * Rnnket, gr g. 86, 143. 4S9,* 718. Rocket, chs(2:.39). 28, 35. 70, 77, 190. 222, .327, 434, 458, 601, 677. Rocket, b s. 532. Rocket, b g, pacer (2:2934), by Greeley. 752.* 764.* Rocket, b g (,2:35). 148, 222, 236, (32r,, 462, 551,560. Rocket, — s (2:44). (630). Rocket, b s (2:.50), by Blue Bull. 82, 292, .".94, 627. (632), 6:56, 685. Rocket, br g (2:35^). 121, 586. Rocket Jr., bg. 131, .368. Rockev, b s (2:49). 582. Rockey, gr g (2:4-i^). 74,* 407, 803. Rockey. bg(2:46). 509. 680. Rockey, br g (2 :38). 126, (244*), .300, 330, 506, 514, 567, 657, 679, 695, 698. 799. Rockford. 42. Rockingham, gr g (2:25U) (2:2234 s). 248,271.364,433,601. Rockingham (2:59). 4:54. Rockingham, gr s (2:37). 61, 85, 353, 495. Rockingham (2:45). (604). Rock Island, rn s ."24. Rock Island Basdaw, b s. 524. Rockland, b g (2:53 w) 332. Rockland, blk g (2:40). 366, 5S4, 678,* 680. Rockland, bg (2:38). 145, 513, (52.3). Rockland Boy, b s (2:40). 364,687. Rocklind Boy, b g (2:.59i^). 45,* 59, 107, 131,* 171^, 41'', 453. 534. Rockland Maid, grm. 62. Rockland Maid, ch m (2:56). 204, (.538). Rockland Maid, b m. 685. Rockport(2:47). (610). Rock River, 11, 567. Rockroy Girl. 462. Rockton,bg (2:2.5}^). 15,859,605, 658, (722*). Rockstream. grg (2:47). (699), I Rockwell. 486. I Rockwell, b g (2:,59). 36, 548, (.558). i Rockwell, br g (2:43). 704. Rockwell, b m, by Volunteer. 464, 538, 597, Rockwell Loafer. 348. Rockwell Jr., blks, by Rockwood, dam Blaggie golddust. 73, 716, Rockv, blk g (2:53341. 113,215,326. 33(l" 447,464, 506. 695, 732. Rocky Hill, br s (2:.39). 52,* 170, 221, 252, 307, 319. 500, 643. Rocky Hill Jr. 287, 350, 604. Rockv Mountain, rn g (2:37%), 10, 52, '94, 203. 212, 410, 425, 463,* oOO, 645, 725. 7.32. Rocky Mountain, b g (2:49). 117. Rocky Mountain, ch s (2:53). 561, (6-9). ' Rocky Mountain "hief. pacer. 763. RockyMouiUain Dextjr (.,:13). (561), 565. Rocky Mountain Tom, gr g (2:.37). 39.^^^ 60, 118, 187,* 332, 465, 491, 710,* Roda P., b g (25934), 662. Roden's Team. (7dS). Roderick, bg (2:.363^). 196, .303, .338, 388, 414, 509. G4ir684, Roderick, pacer, 758. Roderick Dim (2:353^) (54*), 244. Roderick Dhu (2:42), 187. 595, (615). Rodney (McPherson and Scalp.^l), ch g (2:34J^). 185, 306, 509, 519. 712.* Rodney, bg(2:42). 334, 510,*^80I. Rodney, blks. 107, 684. Roe Allen, bs (2:42). 93, 228, 377, 518 5"2, 555. Roe Buck (2:48 sV 597. Roger, bg (2:583^). 70. Roger D., b g (2:-l6). (297), 445.* Roger Hanson, gr s (2:28V^), 116, •J.30, 235, 30:5, 306, 388, 41(j, 613. Roger's grg (2 :.339-4) (150). Roger Wade, blk g (2:5-'), .36. Roland, gr g (2:48) 393,* 600, 601,* Roland, brs('-':28). (56*). 88. RoUa, gr g (2:41%) 139, 194, 399. Rulla, grg (:!:00). 389. 669. Rol a. 161, 436. Rolla. chg (2:2734). 19. 60, 196,307, :'.99, 417, 539, 5o4.* RoUaB. 598. Rolla Bashaw, blks, 33. Rolla Golddust. ch g (2:25) (2:21 s). 13. 62. i:n, 168. 193, 317,* 428,* 464,* 629. 707, 724, 7:59. Rolla Mills, ch g (2:3834). H'-* 159,* 161, 674. RolUng Fork, ch m (2:50), (596), 604. Roiling Motion, blk g (2:46). (19), 484,718. Rolling Stone. 261, 382, RoUstone Boy, blk g (:;:48). (530). Romance, blk m (2:291^), 12,* 15, 61, IM, 381.* 385,(538*), 547, 552,* 573,* 589, 6.32. Roman Chief, br s (2:30341. 83, 117, 290,* 337, .369, 68.i, (716*). Roman Chief Jr.. bs (3:10). (54), 305. Roman John, b g. 2()4. Romeo, grs (2:46). 5 '5, 676. 688. Romeo, b g (2:42^). 717. 725. Romeo, rn s (2:45). 44, 49, 56, 202, .346 (432), 456, 519,* 640, 730. Romeo (2:45^. 342. Romeo, b s (3:00). 411. Romeo, dn g (2:413^). 82, 169, 307. Romeo, grg (2:46^). 11, 78, 114,* 374, 532,* 546. ■Romeo, ch g (2:.53) 61. 243, 266. Romeo, b s (2:2934). 259, 502. Romeo, ch g (2:523.6). 216, 349, 487, 587.* Romeo (2:."834), (66.3). Rnmeo, b s. 4t)5, Romeo. 617. Romeo, br g, pacer. 740, 741, 745, 760, 767, Romeo Jr., rn g (2:4934). 161, 703. Romero, gr s (2:19}^). 47, 91, 108, 1.32. 164, 230,336,* §54, 370, 383, 566. Romey. ch s. 240, 6S8.* Romp, bm (2:41). 'i4 7, 265,* (327). Romulus, b s (2:313^). 30. 74, 114, 181,* 214, 373, 400,* (618), 631, 800, 802. Rondo. 4.31, 589. Poofer, ch g. 11,* 300. Roofer, br g (2:.58). 351, (589). Roofer Jr , rn g (2:383^) 40. 91, 104, 199, 380. 416, 428. 452, 475, 479, 489,* .599, 613, (624). Rooster, chg (2:42). (337), 409, 563, 594, 66 . 946 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. Root's b m, pacer. 734. Rory O'More. sv g (•■i:42J^). L'90. Ros.i. nvm (^:o0 8). 3 1 3. Rosa, b 111 C':47). Ill, 306,* 575. 632, 724, (80 1 ). Rosi, rn in (2:47). 71, 70, 444, 484,* 62J, 509, 803. R(.k;j, blK m (.':56). 673. Rosa, b in (2:5«V<>). 11. 662. Rosf , b m ^2:54^ 08, 129, 215, 539 Rc-a, ch m (2:41) 92, 172.'* 204. f30:J). :i«9,* 499, 526,633,004, 072, 6S1,* 797. R .pa b in (2:51). 37, 88, 192, 358. 371 >. 520.* Rosa, prm (2:32). 14, 78,141,231, 480, 559. Rosa, b m (2:45). 166, 218, 242, 457, 500, 531, 679. Rosi>. blk m 02:50). 30, .33. Rosa, ro ni. 75, 136. Rosa, ch m. 231. Rosa B.. b m (2:39^). 64, 123, 130, (141), 166, 196,217,261, 307, :i68, 4:4, 611. 698. Ro«a B.. b m (2:39). 79, 111, 161. 20:5, 305. :i80. 430. 524. (677). Rosa B, (2:.">9M) 242, 506. Rosa Bell, b m. (336). Rosa Bell, gr m (2:50). 222, 319. Rosa Belle, ch m. 18, 40, 209, 272, 440, .'44. Rosa Belle, br m (2:39), by Black- binl, dam Flora belle. (340), 459. Rosa Bonhem-, ch m (2:.38i4). (13), 449. Rosa Bonheur, ch m (2:48J4). 403, 475, 502. .500. RosaBouheur, grm (2:5..). 125,445. Rosa Bonheur. 502. Rosa Bonheur, b m (2:.54?|). 317, 370, 349. Rosa Bonheur (2:58). 661, (709). Rosa Bu'ch. ch m (2;3.->i^). 37, 43,* 14.5, 17H, 296, 519, 730, 801. Rosa Da;tle.bm(2::U%). 401, (.509). Rosa Gold-lust, ch m (i;:32). 42, 88, 213. 222. 3u4, b22, 5.'j8, 605,611, 677, 71.}, 729. Rosa n., f^r m, pacer. 745. Rosalain. ch rn. 148, Rosa Lee, ch m (2:4054). 180, 409, 424. 432, 567, 686. Rosa Lee (Lady Lear), gr m (2:25!^). 35, 4i», li»0,* 167, 190, 2u4, 416, 436, .535, 728, Rosa Lee. br m (2:56). 444, (662). Rosi Leiand. 419, 434. Ro.ssi;e, bm (2:.53). (242). 571. RosaUe (2:3.">H). 2.3, 279, 402,* 431,4.54.553,(639). Rosalind, b m (2:21-%), (21*), 247. Rosalind, br m (2:;?7). 8. Rosalind, gr m (2:35). 84, 153, 163, 202, 50.), 730. Rosalind, gr m (2:29^). 58, 82, 114 3ll,(.384t, by Daniel Lambert. 110, (52.3). Rosedale, ch m (2:3.5%). 470, 518. Rosedale. cli m, (2-Az,. 3i0, 367,* 418. 444, 450. Rosedale, b m. by Hambletonian Abdallah, dam by Flying Eaton. J8, 114. 237, 4; C, 493. 54J, .^03,038, Rose Hopkins, b m (2:M}4). (45), 232 Roseniaf, ch m (2:52}4). 400. Rose M, blk m. .381. Rose May, b m (2:47), 642. Rose Medium, b m (2:26!^). '.0,117, 135. 157, 183, 2(i0,* 210,* 27:', '^ 340, 400,*404, 473, 510, 543,- 546. 561,* 564, 0U8, 6 1 8. 698 Rose Michel, gr m (2:52). i63). Rose ot Allendale, rn m. 41 Rose of Delaware, br m, 286, 360,* 446,* Rose of Michigan. 419, Rose of Sharon, b m. 139. Rose of Washington, b m (2:.30?4), (2:30 sl.94, 204, 226, 33,', 428, *433. Rose of Wasbington, gr m (2:21-J4). (i;), 2S,* 0(1, 109, l.")4. 170, lh3, 190, 3:J4, :i85, 441.* 456, 403, 514, 520,* 545, 023,* 717, 7^5.* Rose Rock, blk m. 217. Rose Shipman. 175. 445. Ro.se Staiidish (Maud 0.),brm(,2:29). 270, (302), 404, 418, 743. Rose Standish, br m (2:43). 28, 263, (418). RoseTiiorndTke. b m (2:46^^). (44*), 133. 105, 199, 270. 311, 339,* 406, 560, 048 Rosette, ch m (2:50). (336), 408, 448, 474,492. 572, 582, 6i4. Rjsewood. br m(2:27). 80, 172,251, 290. 022. Ros-wood, b e (2:47^). 16, 79, 104, 290. 486, 58S. Rosewood, b s (2:281^), 1.36, 204, 237, 2S :■. ;t(i.'-', 437, 5:M,* 542, 558, r>(i8,* 572, 596, 008, 088, 707,* 717, 721.* Rosert'ood (3:27 1. 25, 153, 227,* 205,* 337,* 745 Ro.^ewood, bs(2:.50-?4). 225. Ro.sewood. br m (;J:52), by Black- wood Jr, dam by Mambriuo Chief. (588), 043, Rosewood, br g (2:41 >4). (454). Rosey, ch m. 2.55.- R jsey, Ij .n (.2:42) 211,234. Uosey, iiacei. 737. 1 Rosey, ru m (3:00), by Qolddust. i (71), 181, 241. 28.-^, 431* Rost-y. I) m (2:.3(!>8). 42, .53, 195.* 260, 338, 44 ., (462), 577, 591, 684. ' Rosey H . b m. 282. Rosey Hopkins, br ra (2:52). 648. Rosie Young. 392. Rosine, ch m. 12, 617, 714. R jslyn. b s. 582. Ross, sp g (2:29-34). 1-, 26, 60. 99,* 12.{, lilG, 292, 300, 380, 496. 568,* 599,* 703, 717. Ro^sa, b m. 572. Rossell, b g (2-36). 74, 99, (266), 517, 540, 0 .'0, 670. Rosetta. 671. Rosinante, paoor (2:45). (741). R ssiter, bg(2:44. 163,(294). Rostra ver. grg, pacer (2:2.3) (erro- neous y given 2: 2014, page 779). 7.J8, 742, 744. 745. (761), 777, (?81). Rosy Thorne.ch in (2:44). 90, 234, 542 Kolhsehild, b g ( :53>^), 442. Rouen. 85. Rough (2:40). 109, 401. 454. 724. RouKh and R. ndy, b g (2:46). 94, 1.3S». 459. (.157). Rough and Ke.idy,chg (2:53). 101, 50.5. Rough and Ready, rn g (2:48.) 151, 677. Rough and Readv, b s (2:.37;. 28, 121, 290, 390, 594, 794. RouKh and Ready, grg (3:15). 88. «0ugh and Ready(.2:.30^ 1. 68,* (280). Rougli and Tumble (2:48i4). (355*). Roulette Boy, rn s, by Wood's Ham- bletonian. •''.92. Rouster, rn g, by Waveland Chief, dam by John Dillard. O.^r. Route, - (2.47).. 398. 589. Royal (ieorge. cli s (2:29j (2:255^*). 81,420 .57.= ,'^ 659 Royal George, b s (2:4.")i4). 7 89. Royal GeoiRe. b g ( - :o5j :)9u. ^ 402, 050,* 6U I. Royal G. orge (Wickford Light), gr g (2:2t}J^) 111. 44,- 53, «U, 112, 147, 192, 197, 230, 3 4, 3J3, 390, 475, 499. 520, 5 ;0. 678.- Royal George, ni g ( i:U5i^). 19, 421. Royal George, eh s. 4!^. 104, 34(i. 424. Royai George, by Royai George (2:;i6). :^2i, :.34, 655. 673. Royal George, ch s. (2:M9Q (10), 510. Royal George (2:44>^). 95, (416), ^27, 477, 4y2. 5.1. Royal George, gr g (2:50). 397, 430, (074), 7i 0.» Royal George Jr., bs (2:43). 9, 23, 116, 192, 206,* 441, 533, 578, 624,- 685. Royal John, gr g (2:26J4)- 4'', 136, 137. 18.;, 224.- 242, L-9o.* 729. Royal Harry. 3:17. Royal Kuox (iiIorg?iii Knox), blk s (2:35). 77 112, 140, 175, 177,200, 219, 3."i2, 393. 450, 493, 548 017, 675-, 690, 704. Roval MacK, b s. 496, 690.* Royal Magna, ch g (•-^:34M). 25, 147, 173, 2.'.0, 278, 284, 338,* 379, 390, 480, 5 9, 7;.'5. 730. Royal Maid 072. Royal Mike (Nimrod), dn g (2:82). 17,53, 55, 92,* 141 (197-), .'lO,* 224, 233. 338,- 370, 391, :,92, 530, 561. .577,* 618. 605, 669. Ro.val o.ik (-:4t'), 235, 289,(494), 575. 598. 6K9. Royni Priuee, gr g (2:40). 77,168, (270), ..L'.i, 5.^,9, 597. Roy d Reveuge, b s. 104, 411, 505, 649, Sabatis Boy, b g. 266. Sabi)i. b g. 323. gaoi. . bil: m {•2:32%). 24, .383. Sachem bs (.2:5;ij. 78, 173, (188), OiO. 677. Saco, ch g (2:49). 487, (646). Saco Uoy, bg(2:40i4j. 228,232,571, Sac ainetit (2:46). 285. Sadd.e lUrd, i ^-CL^r. 745. Sadia A., b m (2:38^). 177, 230, 277. (:. 22). 370, 375. Sadie, ch m (2:39). 87, 293. 304, 4h3,* 499. (542). Sadip, da m. 47. Sadie. 444. Sadie Bell, cb ra (2:24). .37. 74, 118, 133 * i64, (165*). 257. 34 i.* 463. Sad e Burns, pacer (2:32). 738, t757), "08. ^adie Clark, b m. 346. Sadie Howe, b ra (2:2^!). 159, 164, 172. 183. 241, 3-1,* I^/l, 541, 557. Sadies., bm. 1.36.* Sadie bhover, b in. 670. Safe, gig (2:40). ^099). Safety, b m (2:43). 61, 380, 46^, (631), 657, 803. Sagiidahoc, grg(2:o6). 92. Sagadahoc BeUe (2:47^4). 361, 548. Saginaw Ciiief (2:46}4). (31.--), 45-i. Saginaw Girl, blk m (2:o5K>). 243, 459, 623. Sailor Boy, b g (2:25i4\ by Sweep- stakes. (125), 461, O-'l. Roval Tom. br ^ (2:38). 29, 105, 128, 263,294,4113,627, 682. Ro> alton. b g 186. R. )?., b g(2:22^). 66, 132.* 179, 380, 434, 40:i, 524. 6.8, (094*). R. P. Flower, ch g (2:34i4). 110,* 150, 179 224.* 339,* 670. R. R. (2:57). (103). R. R. . gr g ny A. W. Richmond. 179. R. R Stuyvestiut, gr g (2:40; (2:3ii^si (007). R. S. Sirader, br s, by S'rader's O. ftl. Clay Jr., d«.m f' adam ileir, by Torcnro. 4S.O, 720. Rtibbei-, ch g (2:38}4*). 05, 97, 129. 1.32,222,289,387 7.3. Hub )erB y.bg(3:0i'). 107,131,475. 5.59. .i04. 72.5,* 797. Rubv, b g (2:34). (3, 9), 890, 794. KuoV. ch m (2:30). 8.), 322, 401. Kut)y,b m (2:38^)- "38. 123. 140, 162, 201, 258, 439, 4:.3, 486, 507. 505. Rubv, ch m (2:4214). 218. 673. Ruby, b m (2:4hV. S3, 139, 213, 409, (668*), 09.'. Rubv, b m. of, 167. Ruby, b g (2:50) 70, 123, (430), 697. Rubv,b m (2:37^). 32,* (236), 637, 670. Ruby (538), 639. Kuby (Rub a), b g (2:34). 154. Rub.v Brooks, ch m(2:40). 51, 542. huhy Miison, m m (3:00), by Wood's flc'.rabletonian. (612). Rubv R., b m (2:44). 181, 215. Ruff, blk g (2:40J4). 44, 176,261,* 407, 472. 528, 552, (568-). R-afus. br g (2:29). 54,* 2in, 281, 290,* 393. (50!;*), 528, 557. 600. Rufus, b g (3:32). 22. 216, 355. 618. RufUi H , ch g, bv bed Buck. 595. Ruius O., chs. 687. 703, 730. Ruin of Man, br g. 55, 476, 613. Rule. 562. Rumford Maid, br m (2:48). 41, 367, 448, (462), 488. Rumanclo. 35. Rumps, bm. 44,369. Runt, ch g. 94. 200, 388, 665. Ruf.ert, br g (2:44J4). 454, 656. Rush, gr g (2:40). 94, 231, 500, (709). s Sailoi- Boy, ch g (2:58 w) (2:46 s). 427, 456. Sailor Kov, b g (2:48). 125, 149, (313), 414. S.ilr Boy, bg (2:58). 67. Sailor Boy, b g (2:45). 165, 173,350, 616, 0i9, 693. Sailor Bov, b g(2:38?4). 47, 124.720. Sailor Boy, ru g (2:47). 64, 187, 3;i9, 625 Sador Bov. m g, pacer (?:17}4), by I Smuggler, Jr. 738.* 739, 742,* ; 745, 748, 754.* 768, 778, 790* Salem (Gray Salem), gr g (2:24). 50, Salem,chg.'l76, -li-i, 417, 422,480,* ,568. Salem, gr g (2:35J4). 123,*(212), 420. Salem, brg. 5x9. Salem Boy. b g. 721. Snlem Belle, blk m. 190. Sdlem, i,r g, pacc-i- (2:45). (690). Sabna B , blk g. 116, 273. Saliua Boy. b g. 511. Salinas A. aid. 64. Salome, pacei-. 738 I Sally, b m (2:34'^). I 2/3, 421,436 090. I Sali>,ch m(2:3-) i 1 Sallf , br m 215. Sahy, b m (■-■:37). 20, 61, 113, 469, 6 1 1, 642, 676. 798. Sallv.rnm(2:'j4>*) 92,489,570,801 Sally, b m(2:50). 28, 148. 320, 339, I 344, 359, 543, 555, 564, 576, 618. 76, 157 ;, 161, 462 251, Ruric Neville, b g. by Edward Ev- erett. :;5. 92,* 385, 493 611. 72-.* RushlandM.iid. 537, .58.3. Ru-hviile Maid, br m (2:42). 120, 28,;, 314, 4U5. Rusk Reuben, blk g (?:3r'). 46. Russ, blk m (J:4.,-K). 115, 467. Russell, b g. 49 '. Russell (Andy Dill), gr g (2:26). 104, 132, 1 55, 207.- 49. 26.1, 275, 309, 358,* :59, :>78, 407, 418, 481, 483, 4h9, 509, 540. 5911,* 641.7.32. Russell, i.r g (2:59^). 163,* 297, 374, 419, 424, 607. R'lss Ellis, b g (2: -'7^) 45, 72, 86,* 410, 404. 471, 504, 547, 604. Russ Fenner, wh g (2:48). (487). Russian Spy, br g (2:26}^). 122, 150, 220: 230,* 244, 247, ~48, 281, 444,* 514, 5 1 0, .566.* 673, 09.5. Russie Hill, rn ni, by Fricsson, dam by Tom Crowder. 12, 110, 538, 551,622. Rustic, gr s (2:30). 47, 1.37,* 140, 190, 225,* 263, 275. (284., 289. 535, 701. Rusty Shilling, blk g (2:34i^). (80), 81, 500. Rutaba?a(2:45). (117). Ruthv2:50) (5l.i) Ruth (Ella Millard and Eva), b m (2:351^). 244. 387, 482, 650, 656, 688. 2uth, bm (2:40M). 552. Ruth, b m (:i:36i4). 80, 171, 185, 247, 249, (.323), 376, 459, 654. Ruth (2:44). (:50), 42.3. Rutherford. 270, 309. Ruthvine.b g,(2:55i4). (50). 114, 444. Rutland, b g (2::J2^). 90, 144, 257, (438), 443. 454, 467,* 493, 585. Rutland Boy. ch g (2:50}4). 280, 458. Rutland Girl, b m (2:43). 7, 156, 370, 406, 417, (523). Rutland Girl, b m (3:0;). 612. Ryer's b s. 676. R.yder'sbm. 166. 186. Ryerson's blk s. 287. Rysdyk Maid, b m (2:59^). 107, 116, 131, 326,* 33a.* 485, 503, 612,* 677. Ryston Boy, b g, pacer (2:3.3). (784*). Sally, blk m. 34R. Sally (Bay Sally), b m, pacer (2:20). 746, 756, 761, 7S:'..* 785. Sally, b n (3:U0). 388. 734. Sally B., b m. 375, 530. Sally B.. blk m, pacer (2:23), by Green Mountain Morgan, dam a 1 horoughbred . 742, t^ 745. 756, 7.57, 774. (780*). 781, 782, 785, 78.^. 791. Saby Bliick, b m(2:56i4), by Black's Hambrino. (300), 5. '4. Sallv Bodine, b m (2:43). 221, (285), 2S7, 507. Sally Brass (2:30K>) ■ 202, 551, 556, (089). Sally Blunt. 367. SjUv Butler, b m (3:00). (83). Sally C 62:3. Sal 'y Custer. 47,406. Sally 1). 211. Sall.y Come Pown, ch m (2:43J4). ;i61, 399. 409, 006. Sa Iv Come Up, b m (2:41}^). 61, 229. 699. Sallv Como Up. b m. 440,* 505, 663.* -ally Come Up v:i:00^). (309*). 562. Sally luster 378. SaUy Higham (2:53). 573, 623. Sally Jenkins, b m (2:4b). ^638). Sally K., b m. 173. Sally Lewis, b m (2:57^) (2:46 s). 254, £89, (0.38). Sallv Mack, br m(2:40Jd). 123, 145,* 298, (719). Sally McKim, br m, by I'ngleton, 048 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. dam Susio Brown, by Coleman. 144. t^ally Miller, b m C^i.^T) loO, 194 Sally AMUer, b m (2:40). !>7. !.■>!. Sally K.. gr m (v;::}9i4). UH6*). Sallv I'., gr m, pacer. 77H, Sill'v Ricli (iu) 94). (080) Sallv Hue. pr m C-':43^). 167. 264. Sallv S. b m ( .•:49). i.'2:5.* 284, 328, 37d, 407. h90), U:U. Sally Stoit (IMolly I'ifc'-her), b in (:.:-.'H}4). (iO, IMO. i9(i. -,0^,307, 4.35, .■)(i4. (i.;o, •!)."), (().'>? ). Sally Smith, b m (•.':."4t. 108. Sally Swan, d m. 83. ^!):5, - 41(5. Sally Sweepstakes, b m, by Kweep- slal.es. .')77. Sally .Sontag. cli m (2:58). (674). Sally \\'altei-8. 47.'). Sallv Watson, ch in, pacer (2:45>^). 741, 7ti;>, 787. Saliy W'likus. b ni, by Gsor^e \Vil!;es. Uam by Joe Hooker. 135. Sally Wall. 34. 203 Sallv Wood, b m. U3. Salt Lake. 207. Salt L ike, pacer (2:3514). 750, 777,* 780, 788. Salt River (2:47). (466). .■■)68. Salvador, b s( .:53i^). 521, ."iSO. Sam (2:4o). 253, 290. Sam, ob p (2:43). :j79, 290. 305. Sam,Krg(2:5i w). 441,470, 496. Sam, br s (2:38). (278), 332. Sam, b g (2:39). 101, 007, 612. Sam, chg (2:56). 30,161, 168, 358, 379, 403. Sam, b g (2:55-%). 31. Sam, b g (2:40). 109, 414, 496, 538. Sam. b g (2:40). 30, 90, 104, 313, 217, 22 !,* 2.58, 312, 3()9. 407,* 444, 4.59, 541, 639. 655. 711. 720. Sam, b g ( •:.36i^). 684. 800. Sam, grg (2:52). 3(i0,*471. Sam, bg( :.39^). 4^0. Sam, ch g (2:37) 172. 571. Sam, pacer ( ;:42). 784. 785. (789). Sam. cb g (2:32^). 76, 257,* 440,* 401, 540,566,6^5. Sam, rng (2:45). 268. Sam, bikg (2:47). 488.531. Sam, ch g, p ver (2 :54i^). 780, 782. S.im, bg (2:50). 242, 422. Sam, b g (2:45). 12, (175), 319, 342, 793. Sam, ch g, by Erie Abdallah. 192,* 495. Sam. Ill,* 124, 151. 385. 8am,chg(3:l(). 273,(517). Sam (2:481. (.-j.-JO). Sam (3:09). (25.5). Sam, bg(2- 3.314). (57*). Sam. ch s (2.4.5). 341, 639,* 706. Sam, b K (2::J3^). 437, (710), 716. Sam Axford. 084. 796. Sam black (2:5:ii4). 666. Sam Briggs, b g. 436. Sam Brown . 162. 674. Sam (OX. 466,* 023. Sam Curtis, b g (2:28) 45, 92.* 114, 130,* 171.* 20'. 211,* 21.5. 238.* 302. 371,* 376, 400,* 414. 417,460, 468, 577, 012, 620, 641, 08*1, 697, 7l'9 Sam D. (2:59). (.561). Sam Foster. 11!), 137, 277, 333. Sam French, b g (2:31) 14, 20, 48. 74.* 91. 1 18. 1.53.* 182,* •.>14, 227,* 285 329,* 34", 343,- :?07, 3(59,397, 398, 400,* 473,* 478. 430, 480, 510,* 517,* 561, .504. 60:<, (509, 647,* 661,* 690. 710, 796 Sam H., ch g (:5:20i^ w). 7.5,* 442. Sam H., grg(2:3l^), 38.* 263, 465, (510). .578.684.731. Sam Hazard, ch g, pacer. 297, 776, 784. Sam Havden (2:59). (322). Sam HiU, b g, by Electioneer, dam Mary liulse, bv American Star. :i7, .52. :tlo. Sum H Icnmb. 141, 1(52,21.5. 37.5,797 Sam Houston, gr g (2:.16>4). 7. 03, 117. i9l, 2.50, .546. . 47, U'Jti, 635. Sam Hunting, gr g, 192, 572, 631. Sani J:-llv, lis. 57.). ; S;iiii J..s('ph. .592. : Sam Keyes, b s (2:40). 00, 519 Sam Koyns, ch g (2:4 1 ). by Hermit, dam Old Kate, by Tuckahoe. (294- >, :5H1, 511, (JOO, Sam Iv irk wood, b g, by Sam Kirk- wuod. 17! ,- 198, 202, -':J5, :j;55,* i 474. 588 Sam Kiri). (297i. I Sammy. 5^5 I S.tinmy High, wh g (2: "4). 38, (5 JO). I Sammy Sands. 234, 359. Samiiiis, b g. (524. I Sam mis, h .«. 112, ' i jin Nims, b s, by Hotspur Jr. 450, I 538. Sim Nolan, ch g(2:46). (637). Saaioset. rn g (2:42). (155), 15G, 264, -.MS/' Sa.n Page, ch g, 40. 353, 601. Sam Patch (2:39). (616*). Sam I'atch, b s (2:-iyj<>). :{81. 729.* Sam Patch, b a: (2::}5i4). 16, 119, 20 1 , 248. 276. 280, : 88, :j67, :S96,* 418, (453), 465, 479,* 488, 511, 569,* 593 (597 Sam Patch, ch s. 284. 381. Sam Patch, gr g (2:32^), by Sam Hooker, dam by Mamb. Chief. (190), 499, 641.* Sam Patch. 340, Sam Patch (2:42i^). (134), 277. Sam Paich, bs, 505 -am Perkms, ch s. 197,* .351, 698, Sampson, bg(2:4-l%). 3.".8. Sampson, b g (3:0li). 463. Sam Purdy, b s (2:20i^). 44, 79, .372, 494, 586,* 053. Sam Rawley (2:42). 8. (403). Sara Kaymond, ch g ( ':iO). 242. Sam Reed, blk g(2:47-M). 43,209, 244, 064. Sam Rice, gr g (2:42 s) (350>. Sam Kicbards, b g (2:44). 100, 229, .308.* 616. Sam Kolfe, b g, by Tom Rolfe. .508. Sam.S , ch g (2:49J^). 474. Sam Sharp, pacer. 749, 780. Sam Sharpley, chs(2::t4), 36,(69), 109,* )2S, .3 .6. 327,* 39 1 , 507, 600. Sam Slick, blk g (3:00). 458. Sam Slick, br g, by Sam Slick, dam by Defiance, ;i63. Sam Slick, b g, pacer (2:28). 754, 7(53,* 774. Sam Tilden, gr s, 337. Sam Tilden, (82), 86, 360. Sam Tilden, b g(2:.34i^). (19), 51,* 262,* 49.5. 502, 506, 523. Samuel, bik g. o45, 793. Samuel C, b g. 27, 239, :»15. 476. 578 Samuel ('.. blk g, pacer. 759, 769. SamuelJ. Tilden, ch s (2:45). 407. 079, Samuel J. Tilden, b s (2:3494), by Country Boy. 341,* (284), 443, 489, 532. Samuel J. Tilden, b g. 305, 689. Sam Watson. 626. Sam Webster, b g (2:40). 419, 578. Sam Weller, gr g (2:47?^ w). 137, 2d0, 504. Sam tVest, b g (2:29). 8. 46, 61, 109. 133. 275, .321. 3.59. 708. 729. Sam Wilson (2:.58). (200). Sam Woods, b g (2:39J4). 9, 72, 309. 684. San Cruno, bg(2:25!^). 05.140,160. 171), 181. 2f;.'. (.-.1(5) 0.33,-= 7U.J. Saooho (Morrill Prince^ brs(2:43). (195), :120, 375. 458, 579. Sancbo. b g, 549.* 068. San Diego, br :, (2:. 54). 91. Sandbank, gr g(2:37). 119, 141, 171, 279, 3.50,* :{71. 442, (471*), 473,* 502. 004,* 697. 795. Sa.id Hill, grg (2:31). 83. 90.* (185), ;.'5(). 357, :5!)3,5l4.52;i,.5()9. (537, 729. Sand Hill, b g (•,':4I 1 (4()0i. Sand PniiiKlcr (2:51), (079). Sandusky Chi-f . 70, 354, 4.56, 689. Sandy, cb g (2:501^). 495, 713. Santly, ch g (2:3.-^^1. 95. 182.* 197, 283, 4'.'9. 0,50, Sandy, ch g (-';:J5J^), 7J9. Sandy, ch g (2:40). 46, 103, 310. 598, 708. Sandy, ch g (3:00j^), (588), 800. Sandy, ch ^i. 489. 531. Sandy Bank, b g, '6. Sandy Bogus, b g (2:45). 114. :?60, 6(1. Sandy Boy (3:01) (7.32). Sandy F.. rng. 561. Sandy Hill. 15?. Sandy Lake, ch g (2:40^). 74, 129. Sandv Morris, ch s ( :47). 91, 137. Sanford Kelt . ch g (2:32!^). 84, 101. 500, 0.57, 6-2, 71.5. Sangamon, br m. 122, 123. Sangaree, cli g. :58, 109. San Jose B lie. bli i.i (2:.54i^). 403, 5i:j.* San Juan Belle (2:40^4). 800. San Juan Bill. 18. Sankey. .371, (7 »5=). San Mateo Belle, b m, by Specula- tion, dam YouDg Lady Vernon. 402,* 4.S2, 680. Sannie G.. gr m (2:27). 1.3,* 23, 80, 124, 109. (179), 194. 199. 288, 361, 421.* 480. 547, 561,* .^OS, 673. 719. Sansbear. 591. Sans Souci, b ni (2:.32). 74. 136. 153, 307. 397, 509,- 510, (546), 561, 610. Santa, b g (2:55). 76, :J92. Sarah C , blk ni. 1.53, Santa Claas (Count Kilrush), b 8 (2:17^), 173,174, 194, 2 16. 231, .515, 506, (507). Santa Fe, blk s, by Scoti's Thomas. 268, 470. Santa Fe Maid, ch m. 2:}5. Santagonlan (2:46). (13), 39, 120. 480, 49; I, 68:i. Sappho, blk m (2:50). 58,293,294, 378,510, 718. Sarah, b m (2:46 s). 429. (675*). Sarah (Viola and Hattie), br m (2:28). 11(5. Sarah, b m (2:36). 13, i:J4, 177, 698, 707. Sarah, ch m (2:43). 73, 268, .563. S rah (2:45). 160. Sarah, b m (2:40J^). 148, 429, 436. 501. Sarah, pacer. 777. Sarah B.. ch m (2:41'. 192,(198), 2:S3.* 249. 440. 650, 700. Sarah Bernhardt. bm(2:.53). (334), 4(58. Sarah C.,br m. .531. Sarah E. Yom-s, blk m . 680. Sarah Gould, blk m (2:42). 13. 88, 348. 58S. Sarah Jane, b m (2:39^), 33, 51, 297,* 373. 453. .559. Sarah Jewett, blk m, 45, .359. Sarah L., ch m (2:38^). 18. (572). Saratoga, ch m (2:40). 61, .398, (529), Saratoga,chm(2:41). 316. Saratoga, ch m. pacer. 7.59, 788, 789. Saratoga Bjv, b g (2:45). 647. Saratoga Maid (2:56). (72), 253, 398. Sardine, gr g (3:06?^). 56, (396). Sargeant's b g. 434. INDEX OF BEATEN HORSES. 049 Sargent's bf. 498. Sarfey K.. ch g (2:35). 2 90,.362, 474, 479. 724. Sarony. 23. Sarpedon. brg(3:40). 529. Sarsanarilla, ch s (.2:38). 213. 634, 705. Satan, b s, by Blue Bull. 18, 19, 55. Satau B.. b g. 187, 230. Satania(2:.i4). (0:i4). Sasarack (2:47M). 64,* (623*), 684, 700. Satinet, bs (2:39). 354,443.* Satinet, gr m (2: i8^). 29, 379. Satinet, ni s (3:0'%). 641. Sauce. 671. Saucy Kate, br in(2:45 w). 116. 2.37. Saucy Sal. br m (2:38). 584, (709*). Saugerties, b s- 680. Saul (2:55). 610. Saul, b g (2:411^). 170, 291, 547. Sauveur. 551. Sawmill Boy, ch g. 570. Savage (2 :.il). (287). Savages, blk s. 638. Savannah. 364. Saw Log. 73, 382. Saw Dust. 394. 475. Saxon, b g, by Edmn Forrest, dam Blink Bonney. 109, 143, 160, 265, { 373. S. B.. br g (2:.52). 51,* 179, .306, 309, (389), 448. 72«. S. B. P 3:8.* Sc ab, b g, pacer. 760. Scalper (Rodney and McPherson), ch g (2:341^), (2:29*). 82, .372, 399, 451, 472, 509, (524), 548, 629, 730. Scalper. 138. Scamp. 612. Scandinavian, br g (2:87). 27.* Scarboro Boy. 359. Scar Face Charley, blk g (2:42^4). 363. 671. Scattergoo J, b s . 496. Scattergood. 544. Schelia, blkm (2:42). (.329), 351. Schenck's br m (3:00J4). 4*6J). Schlossinger, grg(2:48). (525). Schiedam, b s. 497. .550. School Girl, b m. 91. 420. School Girl, b m (2:46). 204. 222, 490. School Girl (Blackwood Belle), br m (2:.30?4). 438. 532. Schoolmaster, bg(2:.39i4>- 35, 123, 308, :i66, 530. Schriver, brg. 422, 589. SchuybaU. b g (2:26J^). 247, .583, 605. Schuyler, b s ( . :26). 104, 164, 176,* 258, 344, 388, .547. 651, 678, 724. Schuyler Crosby (2:33^4) (684). Schwinger, bik g (3:07^). (117). Scientific fliaid, ch m (3:51). 120, :i34, (500), 506. Sciola (Kate Wesner, Honest Trot- ter and Katy Did), b m (2:23^). 18, 26. 6ii,* 111. 130,* 164.* 179, 193,* 2.30,* 241,* 324, 353. 354,* .37*', 379, 439, 440, 442, 452. 456,* 464, 468. 557, 568,* 608, 631, 649, 683, 703, 717.* 755,763. Solo Pet. .58, 305 Sciota Belle, br m (2:28). 167, 176, 369, 417, (447' ), 448. 456, 483. Sciota Queen, bf ni. .394. Scipio, b g (2:36). 260. 319, 403. 494. 633. Scipio, blk g, pacer (2:.52). 764,763, (784). Scissors, b m (2:55). 137, .333,* 626. Scorcher, blu s, by Major Grant, dam Old Fly. 528" Scoby's Champion, br s. 27. Scotch Bov, b s, by Giflford's Tramp Jim. 460. Scotch Chief, b g (2:46). 109, 440, 644. Scotchman, blk g (2:42). 91, (621). Scotland, blk ? (2:22!^). KiO, 200. 231. 290, 344,* 367,411.* 418,439, 450, 455, 485, 489.* 515, 517, 537, 561, 576, 641, 678, 690,* 715, 724, 729. Scotch Queen, b ra. 685. Scotland JJaid (Georgia M ), b m (2:28M). 145, 183. 207,* 259, 373, 396, 465, 522, 661, 701, 719. Scotland Tom, b g. 199. Scottish Prince. 350, 442. Scott'sChief, bs{2:23). 8. 29, 68, 79,* 9!, 3..9, 446, 518, 610, 676, 705,782. Scott Parker, chs(2:.50). 126, 170, 187. 243, 268. 472, 57 1.* 686, 687. Scott's Thomas, bs (2:21). 15, 72,* 86* 122,* 160, le.3,* 199, 204. 290,316. (.325*). 380, 410, 440,* 463, 467, 495, 500,* 514, 608, 631, 676,719, 725.* Scout, bg. 482. Scraobler. chg^2:51). .547. Scramble, b m(2:4.3i4). 96, •"•.54, 608. Scratch, b g (2:47) 318, G04, 008. Screwdriver, ch g (2:52i^ w) (2:409^ s). 32, 616. Screwdriver, b g. 668. Screwdriver, m g (2:36J4) (errone- ouslv given 2:37, paere 623). 27,* 29.51,105, 110, 190, 214, 222,* 391,* 424,* 601. Scrt'wdriver, b g, pacr, bj- Florida, dam by Royal George. 746, 752. Scribbler. 5 1 i . Scroggins (Frank Mason), ch g (2:31). 22i, 279, 366,* 413. Scronney, b g (2:45) (490). Scud, b g. 134, 24 1 . 560, 648. Sea Breeze, gr g (3:lli^). 675. Sea Breeze, ch m (2:*8). 309. Sea Foam, grr g. 390. (659). 673. Sea Foam, ch m('-:50i 215. Sea Foam, gr f? (2:391^). 239, 460. Sea Foam, gr m (2:24}^). 37, 80,* 141,* 163, 218, 221, 228, 244, 289, 308, 320, 372, 389, 390, 394. 463,* 495, 576. 579,* 625,* 636, 660,* 678, 719,* 729. Sea Foam, wh g, pacer (2:35). (758*), 7H8 Seaforth Girl, b m. 158. Sea Horse (2:57^. (420\ Sea Jack, b g. 2 14. Seal. 116. Sealskin, brg, pacer (2:26^). (759*), 773,* 782. Sealskin, br m (2:36). 107, 115, 241, 274, 443, .572, 694. Sealskin Joe. brg(2:.36i4'. (40), 171, 25.', .=02, 635. Seal Brown. 681. Seaman's blkg(2:.50). 166,309,(318). Seaman's ch s(2:55). .309,(718). Seaman's b g. 334. Sea Queen. 723. Seamstress, ch m (2:381^). 32,70, 137, 195, 21.5, 26 <, 308. 352, 373, (387). 407. 448, .526, 619, 801. Searcher, blk s. 65.* Searcher Star, b s. 608. Srbago Boy. 175,309. Sebastopol, chs(2:52). 237. Sebast'ipol, bs(2:45). (451). Secret, b m (2:32i4K 36, 82, 148, 174, 325, 569, 634. 663, 722. Security, b s. 24. 243, 605, 615. Sedam. 556, 594. Sedalia Boy, b g (2:45). (242), 478. Seed Leaf, grg. 228, 801. Seeds. 24. Segar Boy. 75. Selden, ch g (2:38) (erroneously printed 2:.34, page 624). Selah A. 42, .569. Selene, b m. 640. Selim (J. M. White), chg (2:.32i4,. 77, 88.* .368. 410 * 474, 5.36, 561,* 59:].* 626. 638. 643. 683, 729, 7.34. Selim, b i^ (2:.34). 36, 109, 568, 629. Selim, rn er (2:40^)- 41. 420,* 443, 461, 673. Selim. 42. Selim(2:43?4). (402). Selim, pacer. 759, 787.* SeUm, b g (2:51^). (285). Selkirk, br s (2:29!*). 38, 53, 67, 136, 156, 173, 193, 224. 306, 406, 504, 586.* 657.* 707. 796. Selma P., blk m. bv Willett'a Ham- briuo, daui Woodhue Maid. 14.* Semiramis. 508. Senator, b g (2:.36i^). 240,* 593. Senator, b s (3:191.^). 407. Senator, b g (2:4u;4). 39, 63, 91, 298, .3-;;2. 451. (479), 483, 667, 726. Senator, gr g (3:03). 223. 277, 477. Senator, blk s (3:01). 495. Senator (2:52). 249, (254). 2.57. Senator (2^45). (280), 347, 4i0. Senator, b g (2:.52). 193, 437, 473, 526, .577. Senator Eaton, b s (2:42-%). 51, 57, (494*). Senator Golddust. blk s. 166, 272. Senator Mitchell, blk g (2:43^)- 35, 258, (271). 273. 296, 470, 561, 573. senator Sprague (2:51). 716. Senator Stockton, ch g {2-A7]4)- 467,* 560 .564,617. Seneca, gr sr. 69. Seneca Chief, b s (2:58 s). 50, 398. Seneca v'liirf, b s (2:50). 647. Seneca Maid. brm(2:35). 58,(180*), 281. 383, 397. Seneca Patchen, ch s (2:38). 205, 303, 387, 398, 675. Seneca Prince, gr g. 434. 647. Seneca Star, b s(2:46%). 41. Senior (2:58J^). (64). Sensation, b g (2:22>4). 21, 44, 105, 181, 2j2, 267,* 270, 316, 372,* 376, 380. ^83, 493, 537,* 590. 619, 637, 638, 660. 66.;, 665, 670,* 729. Sentinel, b s (2:29%). 672. Sentinel (3:00). 389. Sentinel (Edwin A.), b g (2:29^. 117, .326, 371, 385, 386, 396. 438, 484, 4!)9, 583. Septima, ch ro. 561. Sequel, rn m. 634. 663. Sergeant Smith, ch s. 175. Serpent, 1 r s (;?:.35), by Glencoe, dam Adeline, by Pantaloon (234), 428. Seraph, by Grand Sentinel. 720. Servia, b m (2:37). 364. Seth. bg(2:41). 288,424. Seth T., b s 359. Seth T. Bame, bg(2:34>^). 102, 125,* 398, 604. Seth Warner, ch g (2:31 ;. 135. 281,* 316, 346, -84, 488, 550, 563.* 580, 617.* Settler (2:56). 587, (610). Setter, ch m (2:31;^). (9). 186. Setting Sun, ch g (2:39_i^). 495, 600. Seven Twenty, b g. 125, 537. Seven Up, blkg. 87, --'18,* 502. Sewassett Chief, b s. 77, 229, 712. Seymour, ch g (2:4:1). (80). Sexton, ch g (3:07). 155, ^98, (327), 46.5, 688. Sexton Bashaw, ch s (3:04). (267). S F. D., b g (2:461^1. (S7). S.G., grg (3:07*). 560.563. S. G. Burr. 369. S. G. Schober. 65. Shackleback, gr g (2:39J^ w). 77, 281, 429. 518, 624, 6.54. 697 Shackleford. rn g, pacer (2:20}^). 747. 757, 761, 784. (792). Shacknasty Jim, b g. 336. Shadow (2:51). 187, ;231). 498. Shadow (Lady Duncan), blk m, by Saddlerville, dam bv Joe Hooker. 387, 463. Shadow (.-Vver and Air), (2:28). 113, 124. 347, (453). 487. 561. Shadow, ch m, bv son of Addison. .341, 534. Shadow, pacer. 174. Shady. 229, 520, 535, 950 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. Shaker, ds, pacer (2:259a). 738, 742, 754, 757. ,77.* 770. Shaker B •>-, -b pr, picer (-2:27^5). 74:>. 7r>7,* 705, (770), 771, 773, 7H2,* 784. 785 * Shakespeare, br s (t2:30). 34, 203, 23>, ;{|7, 4W3. Shakespeare, br 8(2:44ki). 359, G43. Shakespeare, ch fj C~:44). 241. Shakespeare, b s (, 524. Shamrock, b g (2:36%). 189,* 204, 438. (491), 572, 713. Shamrock, b r (2:44^)- 169, (488), 5.{1 , 580. Shamrock (2:55). 2.5.(239). Sha mr. .ck, pacer (2:33>4). 740, - 742, 760. Shamrock, b s. by Hambletonian, dam Lady Wilson, by Magnolia. 123,241,248, 713. Shanponier. eh g. 140, 337, 466. Shanty, gr g (2::^0^). 8, 26, 240, 27:5. (361), 446, 729. Shark, b p (2::iC}4) (2:27% '5). 43, (81*). 13S, 168, 197, 271, 279, 417 4.37. 6.55,* 685. Sharps! een's Horse (2:45). (377). Shaiswood, brs(2:55). 577. Shiughran. chg. 90, 93, 38i^, 409, 624, 668. Shavetail, b g (2:54% w). 104. 148.* Shawhan's rn g (2:38) (735). Shav^mut, br s (2:4.5}4). 55, 143,* (162), 203, .396. 40i!, .560. Shaw's Knox, blk s (2:40) 28, 47, 146, 157, 2:^9, 265,* 527, 675, 706, 70 r. Shaw's Knox Jr. (2:48%). (190). Shebo-^gan Bov- 187. Sheep: gi' g t2:.37i^). 312.* Sheepskin. hg(3:05). (508). Shelbume, cli s. 4".'8. Shelhurne Maid, gr m (2:43%). 136, 315, .•i47, H06. 655,712. Shelby Maid, b m. 40, 164. Sheldon, ch g 63. 2!a.* .523. Sbellbark. ch g (2:52). 0.), 617, 717. Shelley, pacer. 771. Shelly, rn c 227. 344. 692. Shelley Oopperbottom, rn g (2:47). 63.* 603. Shell Rock Maid, ch m (2:55). (120), 357, 636. Shenandoah, chg (2:41%). 442.* Shepherd Hoy, b g (2:35). 27. 29, 43.* 51, 61 , 118, 258, 273. 300, 322. 447. r,50. 569, 600,* 601, 095. Shepherd Boy, grg (2:2.3^). 12, 39. 91. 140, 164. 2"2, 274, 298. 361, 362, :{71.451. Shenandoah, pacer. 768. Shepherd Girl. 39. 8h' plierd F Knapp. ch s(2:4l). 295. Shepherd Knapp, b g (2:39). 197, 385, 476, 497 * Shepherd Knapp .Ir , b g (2:27%). 3"^,* 54, 68. 123, 137, 140,* 182. 202, 211,* 221.* 2t7.* 255, 26.5, 208, .323, (34t)), 3.57. 390, 441 ,* 487, 512.* .526.* 508. .594, 670,* 678. Shciburne Boy, brg. 685. Shepherd 0., gr g (::59i^). 292,607, 632 Shep Tappan. b g. 398. 435. Sheridan, b g (2:2054). 108.* 173, (184*), 200. 231.* 290. ;J40, 369, 420, 440,* 480, 500, 515,* 556, 580, 701.* 708. Sheridan (2:41%). 17, 22. (.50), 51, 113, 263, 393, 461, 534, 537. Shendaii. 98. Sherid n Maid, ch m. 94, 4:J4, 097. ShenII(3:H;. (192). Sheriff, gr g 190 Sheriffs, 0 8(2:31). (130), 720. Sheriff Caroenter. 552. Sheiiff O'Brien, b g (2:53%). 38, 117.(130). Sheriff Johnson, b g (3:00). (120), 600.* Sherman, pacer. 750. Siierman, pacer (2:27). 751. Sherman, I) g (2:45). 527. Sherman, gr p. 90. Sherman, br s (2:23>). 474, 637, 007. 795. Sherwood, b g (2:.37), by Volunteer. (433). Sherwood, blk 8(2:31%). 304, (:<26), 527. Shitty, ch g (2:47% w) 359, 423. Shifdess, br g (2:49). (417). Shiftless (Gf orge), b g (2:39). 150, ('-34). Shiloh. b s (2:43). 112, 124, 190, 400, 421, 561. Shilob Patchen (2:51^). (190), 343. Shiuey Boy. 234. Shinder Hannis. .33. 95. 436. Shiner, ch g. 504, ()42, 793. Shipmate. chK (2 :.39) 36, 192. 308. 3c-0, :<87. 397. 441, 019. 635. Shiptimber, br g (2:33Vi). 138, 148, 330, 574, 673. Shitepoke. 4iO, Sbocco. 237, 358. Shoddy, brg (2:47). 342. Shoemaker. 241. Shoemaker, rn s (2:49). 544. Shoney, gr g. 14, 15, 18. ShoestriiijiS, br g (2:48^). 9,* 110, 138, 198, (350), 499. 711 Shoo Fly. pacer, 758, 765. Shoo Fly (James D. McMann), b g (2:28%). (04.424, 593,* Shoo Fly, gr p (•.':.39). 161, 259. (3.38). Shoo Fly. b g (•-':48%) 111, 330,440, 4.6, 010. Shoo Fly, ch g (2:41). 275. SiJOO Fly. br g (2:47>^). 293,419, 031. Shoo Fly, br g (•?:51%). 713, 803. Shoo Fly, ch g (2:40). 186, 192, 3.31, .•i47, 371, ( ' 16), 430, 475. 513, .547. 80. 609. 657. Siioo Fly, br ra, by North Star. 39, 596. Shoo Flv, bg. pocM- (2:33J4). 764, 775. Shooting Star (2:44). 274, 693. Shooting Star, b g (2:50). 86. Shouting Star, b g 97, 259, 313. Shore Boy. b p. 113, J65, 193,* 217, 447. Shor 's Colt, b g (2:31J4) (307), 449. Short Mountain Boy, 4.52. Shortv, b g (2:.50). 1.57, 293,501, 609,* 670, 677. 080. Shorty Fountain, b u (2:37). 50,67,* 97.* 124, 137,* 164, 171, 180, 211, 291. 342. 348, .376, 425, (441 1, 506, .521,* 528,* 535,* 546, 664, 602, 612,649, 073. 078. 723, 801. Shot, chp(2::i9%) a66,:i9(5. Shot, ch g (2:.37), (247), 711, Shot, blk g(2:37), 85. 97, 200, 206, 398, 410, 477, 608, 588, 082, 795. Shot, ch g (2:48). 600. Shotover. pacer. 708. Shotover (2:49%). 371. (639). Shrimp, b g (2:36). (410*), 459, 504. 69:5. Shuffler. .53 Shy, grg (2:47). 330, 604. 795. Snylock.gr 8(2:40%). (169), 358, 407, 5S2. Sibeit'sprg. pacer 787. Sibyl, b m (2:4:5%). 96, 273,* 729. Sid, prp. 287, 304. Sicklt-8, pr m (2:5J%). (.5(53). Sid A. Kent, b g. pacer (3:09U). 19, 86, 109, 271, .538. Sid Nichols (2:41). 1.30, (310), 354, 422, 4:52. SIdn' y. 574. Sid Sperry. pr g (2:45), by Gen. Mc- Clellan. :591. .553 Sidney Breeze, bg(2:.39). (272),574. Sig, bg (2:40). .306. 059. 682, Sigel. br m (2:.50). (451). 524. Signal, b g 2fi8, 507. Sipournev Maid, rn m 1.5.3,348. Si Keck. 284, Siiam McD .uald, ch g. 462 Silas, gr g. pacer (2: 7). 782. Silas, grp (2:31). 19, 'Zi, 74. 112. 204, 210, .3.55,* .363, 3!)8, 457, 557, 009, 673, 725. Silas Garber, bs (2:50). 60, 138, 310, 491, 493 Silas King, b g (2:45). 474. Silas P., pacer. 708. Silas Rich (George Fawcett). ch g (2:24%). 23,* o6,* 105. 10b. 112,* 127,* 143, 168. 248, 269, 351 , 404, 484, 501, 517. 520, 5.56,*568,*569, 572, 574. 584. 62 1 . 664. SUasR*ch. chg (2:35). 10, 18, 113, 117. 217,* 223, 254, 292, 372, 417, 477. 711, 731, 732. Silas Rich, 90. Silas Rich, bg (2:. 541^). 359, (459), 655. Silas Wright (2:55). (228) Silas Wright, ch s (2:40). 705.* Silas Wright. bs(2:40 ). 187, "270, 300, 73U,* 793, 8i 3. Silas Wright, b s (2:23J4). 38, 199, 461, 47^, 718.* Silcox, b g (2:32^). 244, (2.58), 312, 650. Sile Tappan. b g. 619, 679, Silent Brieiid. brg (2:45). 475. 505. Silent Friend, ch g. pacer (2:.36). 773, (776). Silk Stocking, bg (2:43). 434. Silk Stocknig. ch m (2:50). 41, 289, 366. 496. Silk Stockings, ch m (2:54'. (132), 434. Silky B,. chg (2:30). 60, 241, 274, 28.0, 291,* 327, .349. 410, 468, 550, 586. .592. 610, 622. 679. 703,* 717, 794, 797. 800. Silver (2:39) 12, 56, 120, 154, 213, 402.408,490, (725). Silver, rn g, by Stone's Bashaw. 77, 630. Silver, b g (2:. 50). 250, 283, 318. Silver Chief, gr s (2:5li^), by Mam- brino Chief, dam by Alexander. 110, (3901. Silver Cloud, wb m (2:45). .39, 07, 189,370,408.* Silver Cloud. a45. Silv r Cloud, oh p(2:.37) 9,* 25,212, 337, 358. 410, 490, 5(i5, 016, Silver Cloud, pacer (2:38), (7.53). Silver Clouil, gr g. pacer(2:4l). 757. .- ilver Cloud, gr g, pacer. 739, 744,* 760, 761. Silver Dan, b g, by Windsor, 108, 208, 4«5, Silver Duke, gr s (2:28%). 16, 180, 336, 386. .504. 544. 584, .594, 718 Silver Dust, gr g, by Black Tom (2-AOH)- -10. (443), 530. INDEX or BEATEN HORSES. 951 Silver Eye, blk s (-2:40). 313, 729. Silver Gray, gr m (2:4i)). (642), 731. Silver heels, b g ( ; :41). (174), Silver Heels, iln g (2:532-5). 114.* Silver Heels, b g, pacer (2:36)^). 747, 777, (rS.->). Silver Heels. 104. Silver Heels gr g (2:40). 04, 261, 333, 427, (724*). Silver HeeUs, b g (2:451, (575). Silver Heels, ch g, pacer. 741, 757, 772. Silver Heols, ch g (2:34). 12, 349, (370), 436, 500, U84. Silver Lock. 249, Silver Maid (Dolly Varden), ^r m (2:33^4). 232, .36;i, 591, 613, 056. Silver Maid, gr m (2:34}^). (21J), 286. Silver Mine (2:47). 352, (588), 621. Silver Nell, gr m (2:38). 198, 2a:i, 612, 651. Silver Seal, b g (2:49i4). by son of Stonewiilljackson. (459). Silvei sides, tr g (2:22). 8. 22, 24, 25, 46. 83, 96,* 107. 13:!, 160,* 164,* 109, 172, 173, 176, lf<7, 191 , 205, 239, 253, 320. 35S, 3."39. 362, 378,* 392, 400, 411.439,*(440*),452.468,* 495,* 500, 508,* c33. 548.* 579, 586, 589, 591, .'90, 624, 637, 671, 677, 678, 693, 690, 714,* 717, 724, 783. Silver Star, bg (2:373^ w>. 174, 312, 794. Silverstein, gr g (2:50 w). (458). Silvertail (2:o7). (405), 415. Silvertail, ch s (2:56i^). 396, 48S. Silvei tail, blK g(2:43). 198,373,431, 518,* 607, 034. 734, Silverta 1, ch g (2:321.4), 52,* 90, 113. 125, 134, 144. 14.5, 212, 2.57, 259, 296,*356, .373,*395.*400, 449,* 467, 486, (509), 5 2. 576. 602, 618, 647. 651, 6o2, 674, 69^, 707, 719, 801.* Silvertail. ch s. 627, 635, Silvertail, b m (3:22^^), 168, Silvertail. 469. Silv. rtail, gr g. pacer (2:21V^). 738, 739,* 743, 745,* 748,* 755, (778), 780, 782. Silvertail, rn g. pacer (2:26). 736, 762,* (703). 766, 787.* Silvertail. pacer, 775. Silvertail (2:4;4J^). 50, (544). Silvertai', ch m. 217, .552, 597. Silvertail. 359. Sihertail, bm, pacer (2:26^). 772, 770. ■= Silvertail. ch g, pacer (2:38). 744, 748,* 771,* 776, 787. S ilvertai) , gr s. 123, ,)83. Silverton, b g (2:20)4), 194, 22,. 231, 344. ■' 447, 515, 567,* 573, G43, : 17, 800, Silverthreads, rng (2:4234), by The Moor, dam by American Bov Jr, (91), :i94, 628, Silvio. 38, Simcoe, h s, pacer (2:28). 458, 739, 749,* 753, 757, 762, 767.* 775,* 777, 786, 788. Simcoe Girl, b m (3:00). 594. Sim, brg. 234. Sime (2:42) (302). Simon, bg(2:46). 199,* 478, 553, 714. Simon, chg(2:30). 43. 77, 96, 194. 206. 211, 279, 285, 290, 313, 419,* 445, ,523, 541. 54h. 596, 690, 72i;,* Simon, bg(2:33), 107,(277*). Simon (2:.52). (618). Simon, m g. 624. Sim Watson, blk s (2:40^). 342. 490. Sinbad. he (2:34). 326, 3^,4.35,* 436, 490, (62.5). Sinclair, blk g. 29, 88, .373. 524 Sin<;Sinv;,br m (2:45). 55, (525). 693.* Singular, li g. 66, 82, 86,* 115.* 153, :'52, 293, 349, 394, 478. 481, 648, 555, 592. Siphon, ch g (2:45). 301. Sir Albion, b s. 716. Sir Andrew, bg(2:47J4s). 289. Sir Charles, ch s. 138, 465. Sir Dahlgreen. 119, 229, 234, 325, 527.. Sir George, bg (2:391^). 22, 126,298, 325, .551, 552.* Sir George. 612. Sir George (Gaylord), b g (2:3.3>4). 130, 214, 257, 2.59, (3 0), 401, 470, 622. Sir (}eorge (2:36i4). 320. 485, i:563). Sir Gerry. bg(2:45). 158. fcir Gibbie, cti g (2:32%). (G), 98, 29!,* 4 "3, 543. 634. Sir Guy, bg (-•:28i4). 229. 680. Sir Hank, bg. 41, 9.5, IJO. Sir Henry, ch g (2:: 7). 59 72, 100, 121, 154. 180,* 203, 2.36. 244, 279, 311. 425, 427, 449, 633, 646,* 663, 671,* 711. Sir Henry Buckskin. .367, 612. Sir John, br s (2:.38?4 w). 49, 147, 251, 260, 355, 392, 52i,* 7j5. Sir John, bg. 174,* .579, Sir John, b s, by Highlander, dam by Warrior, 181, 2.52, 452, 504, 018. Sir Knight, br g (2:31), 256,* (259), 384, 510, 522, 639, 723 Sir Peter, ch g, 002, Sh-oc, b.g(2:50). 65, Sir Mohawk, br g, by Victor Mo- hawk, dam Sontag NeUy, by To- ronto Sontag, 714, 715, SirRichaidK,,dng (2:38), 121.602,* Sir J om, cr g, 95, Sir Walter, b g (2:27), 21,76, 84, 85,2.52, :.'58, 278, 280, 315,380, 4'i4, 563, 584, 604, 629,* 686, 688, 723. 726 Sir Walter, blk s (2:3814), 630, Sir Walter, ch s (2:25}4). 259,488, 509, Sir Walter Jr., m g, 65, 291. Sir Walter Scott, b s. 120. Su- Whig, b s. 282. Sir William, ch g (2:51) (2:43 s). 85, 427, 502. Sir WilUam (2:40). (.304), 482, 600. Sir William Wallace, b s (2:27U), 46, 123, 139. 224, (239*), 247, 3u>. 309, 363, 3f».9, 371, 3s7, 400, 461, 512, 527, 5h6. 537, 564, 571, 053, 693,* 729. 732. Sis, b m. 40 234. Sis. b m (2:40). (81). 375, 502. Sis, b m (2:411^). 1,50, 629. ^iskiyou Girl, brm (2:47). 57, 110, 290, 531. 558. Sisson Girl, blk m (2:28)^). 65, 165, 494,* 545,* 662. Sis er. b m (2:29J4). 87, 1.30, 435, .526, (53'), 621, 668, ."-iste- . t m (2:.30M)- 17, 74, 79,100, 1 20, 468, 475, o06, 584, 6.53,* Sister, br m (2:33i^). 442, (443*). Sister, b m. .341. Sister /"nnie. 10, 80, 231. Sister Hi pe, b m (2:.53M) 55, 109. Sister Johnson, br m. 389, 391, 626, 6.55. Sister to Honesty, ch m. by Priam, dam by Chieftain. 162, a21. Sister Wilkes, rn m (•:i:31). 146,* 358. 396, .543. Sitting Bull, b g (3:00). (170), 242. Sizzle, br m. 279. S. J. Patchen (2:55). 52. S. J. Tilden, b g (2:49^). 224, 392. S edaddle. .360. Skedaddle. 615. Skeptic (2:' S-M). 403, 799.* Skid," br g (2:42i^). 527, 632. Skinkle'sHambletonian,bs(2:28^). 18;!,* 334, 544, 689. Skinnewaha, br m (2:381^). 522. Skinner Dick, ch g, pacer (2:27). 149, 739, 740, 741, 750, 759 (768*), 777. Skip. 211,604. Skipper, ch g (2:41?^). (472). Skipper, blk g (3:02) 68, (175). Skiop.r, br g (2:33Vi). 33,* 129,* 145, 159,* 213, 4.'1, 478,* ,81, .54.3, .594, 599,(6.50). Skippei-, b g. ;.'96, 40K. Skipper Boy, cli £=r (2:.52). (292). Skowhegaii. 112, 133. 148, 5;i9, .585. Skowhegan Git 1. 543. S.^K Strstder, bs (2:44). (187), 59.3, Sky (2:37^). (69). Skyball, b g. 4.55. Sky L .rk, b s (3:05i^ w). 683. Skv Lark, b g (2:.39). 103, 600, (642., 8t0. Sky Lark, ch g (2:.3454). (45). 389. Sky Lark, b g. 97. 683, 796. Sky Lark. 443. Sky Light. 471. Sky Kocket, bg (2:57 s). 217.589. SkyRockei;. 608. Slabsides. 73. Slapjack. 421. Slasher (2:51 w). 63, 395, 413, 422, 454, 714. S eeper, b m. 537,* 551. Sleeper, b g. 256, 390. SlatH Rock, b g(2:50). 331, 430,619, Sleepy. 447. Sleepv, br m (2:50%). 596. Sleepy, brg (a: 58). 13. Sleeiv, b g, pacer. 758. Sleepy Baldwin. 69,538. Sleepy Ball, b g. 55.'. Sleepy Baldy. 112.* Sleepy Bill, b g (2:49). (106). Sleepy Bill, blk g (2:26). 19, 63, 109, 113. 171, 193, 238. 249, 283,* 306, 361, 37:^.* 420, 437, 4S9,* 49.5, 514, 534, 640, 641, 673, 708,* (724*), 795 Sle pyBill, bg (2:42^)- 304, 387,* (685*). Sleepy Bill. 531. Sleepy Bill, b g (2:36)^), 33. 63, .35.',* 389, 472, 569, 574, 586, 658, 684. Sleepy Bill, b g, pacer (2:22)4). 75, 730. 743, 749, (7.j8), 772 Sleepy Bob, br s, by Sam Patchen' dam by Conkliu's Star. 475, 594, 706. Sleepy Bob, pacer. 781. Sleepv Blucher, blk s (2:55), 597. hleepy Chief, b g (2:42^). 15, 108,* 15:5, 345, 379, 690. Sleepv Daisy, pacer (2:42). (783). Sleepy Dan, b g (2:46J{(). 9,* 41, (360), 5^8. Sleepy Dan, b g. 161. 250, 541. Sleepy Dan, br g, pacer (2:34). 29, (754). Sleepy Dave, brg (2:.37^). 14,*489. Sleepy Dave, pacer (2:37i4)- (744*). Sleepy Dave, b g(2:56%). 39, 78, 510. Sleepy Dave, b g. 19, 198, 323,* 434, 467, 468, 598.* Sleepy David, b g (2:52). 54, 303, 616. Sleepy David, b g (2:40). 1.30, 19;.* 209, 293, 312, 338. 357, 374, 400 427, (438), 577, (i26, 705, Sleepy David, blk g (2:42), 312, .360, 595. Sleepv David, pacer, rn g (2:2T.%). 37 * 773. Sleepy Davy, b g (2:36). 60, 167, 591, 715. Sleepy Dick, bg (2:44). 59, 123.* 136, 219, 296, 390, 391,453,536, 600, e05. 655. 672, 674. Sleepy Dix. blic g, b- C. M. Clay. 716. Sleepy Doll, b m (2:50%). 47. Sleepy Dutchman, blk s(2:36). (25), 219. Sleepy Frank. 98, 55''. 9.^ CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. Sleepy Frank, pacer {'.i-Mo^). 747, 7«.i, 777, (778). S eepv Frank Vi:4a). 71, (643*). Sleepv Kreil, b k (^:47). 115, 334, (:i73). Slt^epy Ge'irge. 3."). Sleepy Georpe, b k ('-':4fi). (487V Sleepy George, ch c X.'8, 200. Sleepy George, ch k {•2:-::0i. 484. Sleejjy Oeorfre. h g r2:Ai<). (241). Sleepy CJeo' Re. br g. paeer, (2:15). 7:W,* 740. 757.* 759,* 770,* 780, 7S1. 78;i.*78-J.~ (785*). Sleepy George, ch g, pacer (2:38). 707. Sleepv Harvey, b g, pacer. 766. Sleepj- Jack,b g (•-':49). 44, 134, :;o;t. 41 3, 05;,'. Sleepv Jack, b e: (2:5">^). 528. Sleepv Jack, gr'g. 234, 324, 394,* 7 J 5: Sleepy J;ick. 262, 313. Sleepy .Take, b g (•3:.56) 655. Sle> -py ,nne, nacer (2:34). (747), 754. S!eepy Jane,"blk. m. 684. Sleepv Jane, b m 7I, 35(i. Sleepy Jerry, bs(2:.34\57, 123, 184. Sleejjv Jersev, b i:. 500. Sleepv J ni. L K (2:50). 330. Sleepv Jan. 6n:!. Sleepv Jim (3:00). 161, 272, 411. (417). .541, 550. 684. Sleepv Jim, b g (2::57^). 40, 469, 50;.'; 717, •; 93. Sleepy Jim. 545.* Sleepy Jim. pacer, by Blue Bull. 747. 769. Sleepv Joe, b g (3:00). (218), 619. Slepy j-ie, hrg(2:i9i4). 96. 11.5,* 132. :.'47. 262, 318, 3o6. .346, 3 2, 384, 40\ 42S, 437, 510, 515, 532, 56:i. 602, 649, 6.57. Sleepy Joe. b g (2:30»4). (114), 490. Sleepy Joe, br g (2:53). 602, (639), 660. Sleepy Joe b g. 38. l.:0. 718. sleepy John, ch ,'*. 5.'!, 588. S!eei)v John. 29, 235. 352. Sleepy John, bg (2:24^). 36,*93.* 9K. 105. 127, 224. 378, 430, 446, 584,6l'7, 631,*677. 723. Sleepy Jolm. b g (:5:02) 55. 477. Sleepy John, b s i2:ii%). 44, 800. Sleepy John, br s (2:51^)- 79,* 321. 415,550. Sleepy John, b g (2:38). 40, 168, (181). 009. Sle pv John, b g, pacer (2:3C). 744, 76.<. 768. 7^3. Sleepy John,gr g, pacer (2:38). 736, ■JQl. Sleepy Kate (3:1 1^). 55, 210. (734*). Sleepy Kate, b m. 178,218,232,* 617;*(i34. Sleepy Liz ■ b m. i::0, 421. 655. Sleepy Mac. 2 i;?. Sleepy Mury, gr m (2:39). 192, 445, 685. Sleepy Ned, pacer. 740. SleeuyNeu. br g ( ':32>^). 288,* 322.410.465,514. .520. Sleepy Ned, b g (2:23^). 16,462. h'leepy Nell, b m. 174. Sleepy Rock, gr 8, pacer (2:40). 241, 74.;. 761.762, (7(>9), 780. Sleepy Sam, b g(2:58^). 94,282, 404 Sleepv Sam. 58:5. Sleepy l^ain, chg. 16, 38. .323. Sleepy Tom, (In g. pacer (2:27^. 7.38, 741, 745, 751. 78.3.* Sleepy Tom, b g (2:V8^). 24,* .38, .30. 40 * 48, 64,* 74, 9:5, 100. 11.5,* 117.* 124,* 134,* 157,* 17(i,* 186,* ]«9, 207, 2.32, 237.* 252, 276. 281, 291, 299. :i40, 386,* 407,* 416. 448.* 451,* 4.52, 475,* 482, 499,* 511, 551. » 560. 561, 566, .570,* 589, 597,* 646,* 6.50, 066, 690. Sleepy Tom. .388. Sleepy Tom, ch g, pacer ''2:12J4)- .316; 746. 747. 756. 7.57, 7.58.* 763, 768. 769,* 770.* 771.« 772,* 777, 779,* 782, 78.3.* 7M,* 791. Sleepy Tom, bg, pacer (2:58). 778. SletpV Vic. 4:17. Slick ns, b g. 495. Slickfellow. br g (2:40). 19. 36, 136. 204, 217, 2.31, 283.* (465), 5.38, 546, 724. Slijro, b K (2:30). 92, 128.* 220, 335, 341, 477, .579, (647*), 716. Slim Jim, ch g (2:.5i;. 30.* 690. Slim Jim, br g(2:41). i;}0, 233, 089. Slim Jim, bg(2:38J^). (345 •), 438. 6.S8. Slipper (2:.34). 464,579,(599). Slipper. 437. Slippery, b m (2:52). (241*), 306, 33f<, .592, 599. Slippery Dick, b 8- (2:37%). 15. .33, i:M 157, 255, 391, 395, 403. 490, 571, 62.1. Slippery Dick, b g. 566. Slippi-ry Elm, gr c 707. Slippery Elm, b g (3:14). 267, 451, (716). Slippery rjm Jim. 280. Slippery Jane, gr m. 15, 198. Slippery Jim, b g (2:53). 6:35. Slippery Jim. 1:04. Slippery Sal. 528. Slippery Sal, ch m (2:46). (483), 612. Slijcum, b u. 7.;. 1 99, 312, .366, 548. Slouch, br m (3:f)0V6). 75, 304, 721. Slouchy Bill. 84, 3ri3. Siow and Easy. 381. Slow Come, gr g (2:4054). 27, 99, no, 092. I Slow Go. in g (2:181^). 8,* 25, 44, 6\m. 13:;. 140,* 149, 16."^ 222, 230, 2.50, 290,* 302, 370, 422, 446, 449, 534, 5S'7,* 608, 619, 631,* 652, 6.- 3,* 682, 801. Slow Go. eh g, pacer (3:32^) (erro- neously given 2:38M. page 783). 744, 7o9. 76 <, 768, (789). Slow Jacob, ch g 490. Small Hones (Lothair, Westbrook ani LapianH), brKC':2Ci^). 250,* 253, '97. .309, 481,* 698. Sm.all Hopes, ch g. 259. Small Hopes, b s & g (2:46i^). 91. 417. S. 'I. Biddie ch g. 4.33. 650 Smiling Tom. brs (2:46>4). 298, 535. Smiling Tom . 3 12. 0.35 . Smith O'irien (2:49 w). (711). Smith O'Brien, b s (2:29>4). 32,* 118, 1.39. 146, 472, 489, (669*), 718. Smirh Mare (2:41) (461). Smilh'.s ch m (2:38). (552). Smith's ch s. 321. Smith's ch m (2:4954 w). (309). Smith's br s (2: .,2). (638). Smith's blk g. 185 Smith's grg. 510. Rmi h. ■726. Smi;hv Golddust. 57. Smoke, br g (2:.38). 74, 125, 142, (643). Smoke, b g (2:.34i^). 11, 61, 183, 199, 295. Smoke (2:47). (.571). Smoke (2:46). (699). Smoker, gr g(2:47). 347, 358, 470 636. Smok}' Boy. 479. Smoky Hollow Bill. 446. Smoky, dii g. 95, 215, 492. Smoky D\n, blk g, by Phil. Sheri- dan. 370. S. MontKomery. ch s. 718. Smooth Brier, ch jj (2:35). 68, "232, 285, 312, 342, 441, 653, 659, 697, (796). Smuggler, pacer (2:40). 749. Smuggler, b s (2:15^). 53, 222, (270^), 281.* 316, 463, 573.* 586, 670, 674, 693. Smuggler, br g, by Prince Hal (2:46). 42, 103, 2:J5; 249, 37:i, 638, 718. Smuggler, b p, by Prince Hal. Smuggler Girl, b m (2::'.l). (39), 49, 69, 529. Smuggler Jr., ch g (2:55). .57, .58, 82. 26.5. 515, 644. Smuggler Maid. bm. 485. .500. 532. Smuggler's Daughter, b in (2:29^). 8. =mut, blk g. 349, 662. Snaffle, gr k (2:37 s). 92, 185, 230,* 3 2. Snike, blkg. .3.33. Snap, ch m (2:36!4). 61. 70. 87, 99, 167, 2 , 7, 233, 256, 289 :«>5, 435. 608. 720. Snap, b m (2:3414). (84). Snti£i i *") l7 Sneak! ch g (2:42^). 429, (696). Sneak ( Whirlwind .fr :, brg (2:27>iJ). 45.05,- 100, 136, 18.3, 211. 303, 318. :191, 43S. 494, .503, 542 612.* Sneak, ch m (2:50). ■n2, 214. 346, (352). .368, 4:54, 451, 564. Snip(2:.59H). (716). Snip. chg. 161. Snip, b m (2:3594). 8. Snip. 618. Snip (2:53). 181, 221, 222, 333, (399). Snip, b s 470. Snip (Victor), b s (2:49). (20), 61, 545, -78. Snooks, b g (2:36). 110, 171,* 274, 308,416, .563. 572.* Snowball, gr g (2:27}^) 11, 35, 95, 132, 178, 194. 2:56, 273, 292, (311), 384, 41 1, 425, 523. .543, .586, 611, 6!6, 6.32. 647, 665, 090. Snowball, blk g (2:54). 274, .322.* Snowball, gr g, pacer. 763. Snowball, wh g (2:46). 444, 580, (729*). Snow Bird, wh m (2:50 s). 33, 210, (446). Snow Bird, gr m. 16, 536 Snow Bird, wh g. 221, 3 J9, 607, 685. Snow Bird, pacer. 736. Snow liird. 4:^5.* Snow dear. 020. Snow Drift, gr g (2:40). r03. Snow Drift gr g (2:59i^). 05, 531, 534,(577). 578, 717. Snow I'ritt, gr g. 214. 4:37, 530. Snow Drop (2:49). 368. Snow Drop, cr m (3:06). 296, (482). Snow i'rop(2:54). (96). Snow Drop. 385. Snow Drop. 613. Snow Flake, gr m (2:30i^) (2:22*). 32. .33,35, 40. 79. 92, 181. 194,201, 210, 211,* 213, 215. 2:, 26:?, 357. 508, .576, 601, 626,-642. Snow Flake, gr m (2:32^^). (402*), 413. 419, i.3ii. Snow Flak- (W.R.Roberts), gr g (2::i8). 410,* 435, 608. Snow Flake, gr g (2:45). 232, 567. Snow Flake, Krm(2:.3.5) 45,62*83, 290, :!47, 449.* 465, 472, 491, (545), .551, 079, 71 '9. Snow Make, wh g. pacer i~:lO^)r (737). 75(), 787.* Snow Flake, spm (2:44). (178), 323. Snow Flake, wli g (3:01). 35, 149, 401, 531, (701). Snow Flake, gr g (2:.39). 227. Snow Flake, rn g(2::!9»4). 481, .522. Snow Flake (2:50). 40. ;-niiw Flake, gr s. 27. Snow King, wii g. 32, 137, 187. Snowstorm, pacer. 738, 785. f-nowstorm. gr g (2:38 s). 158. 302. Snowstorm, grm(2:41). 319 Snowstorm, chg (2:44). 160, 629. 1 Snowstorm, grg (2:38^). 12.', 386, ' (341), 344, 370.* 396.* 429 Snowstorm, gr g (2:43). (567). Snow3tonn. 85. 254. Snucks, b g (2:40). 265. Snyder's Clay. 183. Snviiei's Entry (3:01). (292). Snyd' rs eh f. rjG, 114. Sobraiite, b k(2:44). 526, (625). Socks. 56.* 1 16, 20(;, 505. Socrates, in tr (2:27)4). 9. 123. 412,* 455, 480, 492, 557 (595). SocialJim. 80. Soft Soap, gr m (2:34). .546, 626. Soger (L':52l^). (592). Sol, gr s (2:42). 34. 366, 625. Soldier Boy. bg(2:.55). 175. Soleue, b m 515. ^Solid vSilver, bg(2:37). 71,152,340, 367, 690. Solitaire, dn g(2:43). 103, 162, 390, 560. (607). Solilude, ohs(3:03). 380. Solitude, ch s. 234. Solitude, bik g(2:44). 69. (397). Solo, b ra (2:28%). (20), 55, 87. 296, 516. Solon Boy, b g (2:41i4). 116. (289), 503. 682. Somerset, ch g (2:.37). 141. Scnieiset Knox, br s (2:33%). 54 * 36), 430, 675. Somerset iViaid, chm (2:33}4) 675. Somersetshire Maid, ch m 499. Somervil'e. gr g (;;:3S). 155, 2:^9,* 42", 4;.'3.*7I5 Somerville Boy, b g (2:52). 446. Somonauk. 9i. Son of Malta, ch g (2:50). (573. Ponriy, b g. 47J. So;!Ora. "5. Sonoma Boy, (2:37) (2:54*), 477. Sonora. b m (3:20%). 345. Sontag, gr m (2:31). 166, 188, 226, 529, 7-6.- Sontag, b g. 166, 692 Sooner, I) g (2:48). 008. Sooner, b g (2:24). 82, 128, 130, (171*). 183, 193, 257, 417, 468.* 514,686.723. Sooner. bg(2:54). 400.(644). Soper's cb g. 43, 334. Sophia, b m (2:38) 164, 411. Sophia Cole, b m (2:561. 108, (662i. Sophia Scott, br m (2:41H). 118, 191, 562. 6«4. Sophia Temple, br m (2:27). 79* 131, 172, 193, 266, 283, 288,* 414, 474, 483, (490*), 499. 514, 537. 610, 641. Sophronia, ch m (2:49^). 107, 433, 443. 519. Sequel Jim (2:42). 437, .545. Sore Toes, gr g, pacer, (2:33). 741.* 746.^ (760*). Sorahnm (Lee W.), b g (::26i4). 84, 186, 7i '7. Sortie. 157. Sorrel Bashaw, ch g. 485, 643, 717. Sorrel Bashaw. 2L. Sorrel Bess, ch ra. 82. Sorrel Bill. chg(2:54).20. 269,(618). Sorrel liilly, ch g, pacer (2: 20). 738,* 741, 745,* 746,* 754, 770, 780, 78?,* 783. 785,* (787). Sorrel Billy, ch g, pacer {2:27>^). 7.57,- 768, 777. Soirel Billv, ch g (2:50}^). 112, (289), : 9.5. Sorrel Pird, ch ra. 657. Sorrel Ben, thg(2:40) 39. 127.* 621. Sorrel i:ess. ch m (2:52). (278). Sorrel Bov. ch g. 31M, 404, 563, 564, 618,073. Sorrel Uoy, bg 42. 72, 170, 198, 642. Sorrel champion, ch g. 40S. Sorrel Charley, ch g (2:39%). 16. 27, 30, K 8,*' (252), 258, 607, 732, 801,* 803. Sorrel Charley, ch g (2:54). 355. Sorrel Charley, ch g (2:42). -..0, 38, 610. Sorrel Dan (Dan Mace), ch g (2:.30) (2:28 s). 78,132, 137, 202. .575, 731. INDEX or BEATEN HORSES. I Sorrel Dan, ch g. 61, 668* Sorrel Dan, chs(2:48). 137,293,409, 42:5. 460. 475, 513. 642, (685). Sorrel Dan, chg (2:381^). 85, 4.32, ('.Ui. Sorrel Dan, chg (2:431^). 60,66.2.34, 561. Sorrel Dan, ch g. 155, .385, 446, 606, 6 11,* 793. Sorrel Dan. ch g (3:02). 281, .301. Sorrel Dau, ch g(3:00). 74, 101,182. Sorrel Dan, ch g (3:00%). 145, 514, (634) Sorrel Dan, ch g (2:.3G»4). (680). Sorrel Dan. ch g, pacer (2: 14). 316, 737, 747,* 7.57, 770,* 771,* 779, 781.789. Sorrel Dapper Jr., ch g. 223. Sorrel Dick, ch g, pacer. 778. So rel Di>k, chg ."64, 692. Sor(el Dick (Nicodemus), (2:36V^). 157,58 Sorrel Die ' ch g Sorrel Dick, ch g. :578. 553. 620. Sorrel Dick, chg(2::57%). 20. 65, 77, (.558). 691. Soi-rel Emma, chm. 56. Sorrel Frank, c i g(2: ISU). 22,(^95), 109. l:.'0. 236, 343, 361, 547. Sorrel Frank ch g (2:30i4). 174, 246. 577, 793, (800). Sorrel Frank, ch g, pacer (2:24). 548, 740,* 747,* 749,* 766, 780, 782.* Sorrel Frank, ch g, pacer (2:43). 612, (739). 765, 7oti. Sorrel Frank, ch g,pacer(2:40). 751. So'-rel Fred, chg(2:34). (70), 80, 495. Sorrel Fred, ch g 175. 1S6, 415. Sarrel Georne, chg (2:40i^). 520. Sorrel George, ch g (2:37). 607. Sorrel George, ch g (2:5254). 693, Sorrel George, ch g (2:44)4): 94. Sorrel Geoge, chg (2:52). (20). Sorrel (George, chg (2:57). (391), 538. Sorrel George, c'l g. 297. Sorrel Gill, ch m (2:56) 450. Sorrel Harry, ch g (3:i 0). (551). Sorrel Henry 616, 638. Sorrel Hiram, ch g (2:41) (2:40 s). (42), 8:3, 497. Sorrel Jack, ch g. 65, 395.* Sorrel .Jakn, ch g (2:.39). 15, 24, 55, 57, 70, 94, 127, 243, 410, 461, 498, 513. 539, 627,* 601, 682, 721, 793. Sorrel Jennv. 175. Sorrel Jimmy, ch in (3:121^). (552). Sorrel Jim, en g (2:48). 216. Sorrel Jim, ch g (2:.39i^). (405). Sorrel Jim, ch g. 554 Sorrel Jim ch g (2:39)4). by Night Hawk. 168, 261, 292. (512), 572, 650 Sorrel Jim, ch s. 698. Sorrel Jim, ch g, pacer (2:3oi4)- 749, 757, 781. Sorrel Joe, ch g. .52, 264. Sorrel John, ch g (2:42J4)- ^9, 253,* 341.* 377,* 707. Sorrel John, ch g (2:51). 793. Sorrel John, pacer. 745. Sonvl Johnny, ch g (2:54). 177. Soirel Kate, ch m. 73. Sorrel Kate, ch m (2:46). 258, (325). Sorrel Kate, ch m. 164. Sorrel Lady, ch m, pacer. 745. Sorrel Maggie, ch m (2:51)4). 70. Son el Miite, chg. 79. Son el Ned, ch g (2:.38). 48. 142,* 271, 279, 398, 505. 540,* 598. Sorrel Ned, dig (2-':8%). 76,141, 225, 278. 427, (633), 673. Sorrel Ned, chg (2:44)4). 49,153, 4.52, 593. 676. Sorrel Ned, chg (2:35). 174, 523, 586. 600. Sorrel Ned, chg, pacer (2:38)<.). 762. Sorrel Nell, ch m. 446. Sorrel Nell, ch m. 276. Sorrel Nelly, ch m, pacer (2:2S)4). 742, 772, 787. 953 Sorrel Pete (Col. Barnes;, ch g (2:23^). 700. Sorrel Prince, ch g (2:50^). 36, 43, 445. Sorrel Prince, ch g. 444. Sorre! Prince, ch g. 370.* Sorrel Sam, eh g. 438, 5,56. S'lrrel Sam, chg(2:.51). (720), Sorrel Tom. ch g (2:.3.5)^). 12, 13, 62, 227. :n4, 319, 455." 473, 500, 50/, 517,* 546, 561. 598, 645, 648. Sorrel Tom, ch g (2:52). 6i9, 632, 712 Soriel Tom, ch g (3:02)4). (65). Sorrel Tom, ch g (2:48). 98. Sorrel Tom, ch g. 47, 287, 325, 414. Sorre. Tom, chg. 94, 213. Sorrel Tom, chg(2:.55). 118,311,571. Sorrel Top, ch g (2:.34%) 11, 56, 74,* 118, 162, 205. 210,* 235. 317, 318, 422, 440,* 494, 509,* 510, 541, 549, 610, 020, 715. So So, b m (;:17^). 107, (122*), 194,* 457, 165, 500, 515, 573, 601, 622, 687, 719. Soto. 70, 697,710. Soubrette, blkm (2:31i4). 49,(183), 560, 672.* Soulouque, br g(2:43). 44, 423, 42.5. Sour Mas!), b s, by Red Wilkes, dam by Bourbon Chief. 29, 195, .326. South Boston Boy, ch g (2:42). 61, 229,* 271, 380, 370, 412, 417. 461,* 526. South Boston Maid, b m (2:47). 401, 675. South End Belle, b m (2:.37). 423. 477 South Jersey Patcben, b s. 20, 5 11. South Platte, gr g (2:51%) 155,* 273, 378. (410*). Southerner, ch s (2:44)4). .32,* 273, 729. Southerner. 272, 284, .309. Souvenir, b m. by Alwood, dam by MillimansBelifounder. 499. Spangle, rn g (2:36)4). 115, 187,582, 640. Spangle, rng(2:.34). 689.* Spangle. (594). Spangle, gr s (2:37). (28). Spare Rib, ch g. 548. Spark, ch g '2:43J4). (2O0), 334. Sparkle, bg (2:33)4). (126), 251,. 345. Sparkle, br s(2:45). 287, 288, 300, 375, (500), 668. Sparkle, b g (2:52%). (217). !sparkle» ch m. 275, 327. Spartan, b s (2:39%). 6, 255, 601, 803. Sparta Girl, b m(2:33). (345*), 348, 432, 538, 561. Speckled Trout, ch g (2:44). 285, 598. Specie, ch g. 123. 453, 648. Speculator, b g, by Gen. Reno. 626. Speculator, br g, by Gen. Knox, dam by Blue Bull. 450, 640, 657. Speedress, b m (2:25i4). 27,* 256, 283, 288, 291, 328, 384, 415,* i49, 460, 540, 568, 649. Speedwell, b g (2:48). 58, (235), 380, 471, 526. Spencer Daniels, b g 349, 598. Spencer, b g (2:54), by Ashland Mambrino. (499). Spice, rn m (2:41)4). 292, 572, 703, 796. Spider, b g (2:.30). 15. (345), 440, 464, 587, 622 . 0.52. Spider, br g. 237. Spile Driver (2:49^). 52. Spinella, br lu (2::.t). 15, 129, 162, 212, 221,* 229. 279, 512,* 567, 590, 605, 721, 793, 800. Spirit of '76, eh s. 267. Spitfire b m (2:42 s). 74. Spitfire, b s (2:41). 91, 163, 247,* 28.',* 500. 583,* 609, 733. Spo kendyke b g. 655. Sport, blk g (2 :58). (658). Sport, b -T (2:37). (152S 422, 621. Sport, blk g(( 2:48). .597,(635). 961 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PaCFNG RECOaD. Sportsr'RU ri91. Spo-.gr^'cJ:5::^). 328. Six It. CSa. Spot, ch g (2:49). 155, 201, 210,254, 7!t4. Spot, ch K (-2:52). 209, G92. Spot (2:-i2). (ltJ7),51S». Spot, chg (2:50). (247). Spot, sp m (2:57). 427. Spot, en K ( ;:44). (27). 66. 707 Spot, sp (r (2:38). 119, ;.'47, 357, 359, 42:!, 521,-53 ,.'90,597. S»'Ot, gr g, b V (iryod Isaac. 262. Spot, gr g (2:4.5)^ w). (234), 5.=J0, 5!i2, .0.5, 714. Spof , gr g ( ■.■:49i^). (669). 678, 096. Spot Beauty (2:441^). (127). Spot2, 35.5, :'.0.', 309, 390. 414. 424. 4.30, 403, 470,* 51:', 523, 53:f,* 571, e?34. 640, (35 J, 0.59, OOO,* Ovio,* 670, 678,* 081, 090 719. Spotted Colt, dn g (2:47) . 272, 291, (327). Spotted Colt, sp g (•-':40). 17, 31, 246,429,445.(590*). Spotted Dick-, bile g (2:5">^) 720. Spotted Fawn, sp g. 187. 623, 721. Spotted .lack, sp g. 340 * Spotted Jim. sp g (2:33J4). 68, 136, I 184. 211, 259, 331, (439), 411, 490, 5i0. Spotted Ned. 491. Spotted Wony (2:50J4). (67*). Spotte I Friuce. --^90. 610. Spotted Tail (2:47^). 45, (107). Spotted Tom. cliK. 193. Spotty . ch g (2 :4«J4). 410, 500, 710. Springfield. 5;iO. Spritii,'hrook Bov. b s. 502. Spring Boy, b s (2:55). 45, 62. (581*). Springfield Belle, ch m (2:49^)- ^91- Springlleld Bov, ch s (2:43i^i. 27, 242, 4U3, 484, 590, 602, 028, 794, 799. Springfield Chief. Jr., b s. 27, 33, 147. Spiingfleld Maid. 24. Springpot t Cliampion, ch g. 279 Spring Vallev, br g (2:4:jJ.. (231), 354. S. R. Lamonte, b s (3:0034). 277,324, 405,451. S. S. Ellsworth, ch g (2:29). 115, 119. 120,* 121, 134.* 154.* 170. 192. 200, 2.39.* 257, 291, 425,* 4i7,4($8, 52.3, .529, 533. .544, 561,* (623), 636, 678. 090, C>ms Stack Marc, b m (2:37). (6.51). Stacy B.,Krf. 47. Stau'(2:4l!;. (3,30). St .g_', br g. 21-3. StiKeho.d r (2:.37) (Time of heat mispt;nt:^d2:.38. pare 046). 634. Stamp-, ch g (2:37). 18, 212, (687). Stanioes 404. Staiibridge Boy. 5"3. .Stai.c.ill*', I 1kg (2:30). 178. Stanford (Governor Stanford and Governor), ch g 2:27i^). 262, 209, 666. Stindarl, by Bay State, dam by Verd Mont. 219, 411. St. Andrews. 207. Stanley, ch g (2:.39). 182, 3.37, 4.32, 500, Stanstead, blk g (2:50)^). (57), 107, 200. 222. Stir.tou. 137,418. Star, b g(2::i9 s). 669. Star, bg (2:43). U)(j, 070. Star, ch g (2:.30). 9. :J.5, 48,108. 115, 1"S.* 149.*1(J5,* 180, lf.l,194,2l4, 227,* 2..1, 2,55, 270, 287,* 300, .311. 320, .330, :159, 4 (!, 4:i4, 44 ', 455. 468.* 478.*^ 489, 492. 500, .17, (.522). 529, 533, 541. 546, 557. .562. 007. 009, 028, 053, 707. 722,* 802, 8j3. Star, b s (2:46). 251, 422, (799). Star, bg (2:46). 23.37. Star, grg (2:49). 200, 418. Star ( A sterloo), bir(2:.S7i^). 57,201. Star, chg (2:34) 411,473. Star, br g (2:41J^). 72. 120. 121, 411, 472, 473, 470, 522, 595, 674, 711,* (72u). Star, b m (2:401^). 57, 72,558. Star, b g (2:2.5^4). 1 7,* 64,* 91, 200, 241 ,* '.^05,* 328, 441, 468, 541, 504. 615, 022. Star, b g (2:36), 90,* 171, 372, (461), 522,* 5.58. Star, bs. 7.30.790. Star, chs(2:5li4). 67,(169). Star, b 5.(3:03). 0.3,* lOo. (213), .333. 4-41,* .'.lO, 572, Star, b g (2:38), (286), 3.56, 589, scar. 542. Star (2:34)4). 64. 438, 529. Star, b m. 203. 411. Star(;j:5-.'K'). (:5M0), 636, Stai-, ih s (2:51), 228, (730), Star, br g. bv Diciiinson, dam Stella. 218,* 244, 4'. 9. Starbright, b m (2:50). 82, (96), 191, 439, 527. Star Chief, br s ( ■• :43). 169, 229, 448. Star Colt, ch g 254, Star Davis, b m. 1.35. Star Duroj, b s (2:31U). 196 339. 370, 017. Star Mare, b m (3:06), (467) 8iar Ethan, b s (2:453^) 135. Stargazer, bsr(2:40). .7, 138,235, 270, 28.S, 433, 43M, 448, 020. Star llainbletonian, blk s. 490. Star Henry, ch g (2.39^) 167, 173, 377,*395, 418, 048, (j98. S'ar Jupiter, 410, 014. Starlight, h g. (244). Star igh., blk g (2:37). 500. Starlignt (('apt. Lawrence), b g (2:3..). 73, 251, 207, 27l', 289, Starlight, ch g(2:27M)- 46, 84, 133, 143, (IVl) ao.i, 451, 482,* 503, .539, .571. 577, 708. Starlight, bg (2:39) 41,500. Siarlight, gr m (2:.39i^). 28, 312. Starlight, 0 g (^:45), (177). Starlight, b g (2:353^). 24, 229. 081. Starlight, b g (2:4.5). 70, 111,217, :!90, 55 i, 061, 09.3, 711 , 724. Starliglu, ch m (2:35). 80,* 122, 157, 107. 380, 472, 510.* Starligiit, br g (2:42?^). 253, .347, 437. 444, I 60. Starlight, b m (2:.39J4). 9. 43,* 62, J 08, 113, .513. 522, 528, .559, 638, 619. Starlight, b s, by Kit Carson, 109. 104,* 536, Stnrlight, 1) g. .-,78, 4;}2,* 537, .571. 722. I Stat;i;:ht, h g(2:47). 333. 355. Sturhght. ch g (2:.58). (53). 1 Starlight, .-li g (2:571.4). .536,* I Starlight, b in, bj- Singleton, d&m ] by Bl lokbird. 55 : Starlight, grg(pac-er) 744, 752,* 756 i Starlight Be.ss, ch m i3:14U), 615. Starling, b s (2:46?4). 90. " i Stsr Maid, b m (:J:40). 126, 268, I 343, 092. ' Star Mambrino, br g (2:43), by Bol- ton. 451. 062, (09»). Star ]Moiiarcli. br ss, by Almonarch. I 205 .320, 095. ' Star of tiie i.ast. ch g. 02. 311, 367. I St;ir of the Wes., blk s (2:26W). 1.38, 182,* 212, -S.iO, -.00, 270. 2<8, 288, 318, :;:J4, .352. 401. 470. 497. I 502, 5-0, (.544 " ), 500 003. 6 i4.» I Star of the West (2:58). ( .07). Star of the West Jr.. blk s 188,* 716. St. Am lud. br s (2:34). .545. (052). Star Pilot, gr s (2:443^). 221, 339. Starr, bg(2:.34^). (9). Starr King, dn g (2:22). 131, 149,* 173,* 191, :i02,* 535, 57;i, 010, 606, 661, 662. Starter, ch g (2:35) (erroneously given 2:41^, page 648), (105^ 236, 329, 380, Startle, br g (2:55). 724, Startle, br g (2:54^), 279, 543, Startle, blk s (2:263^), (35), 144, 191, (558*), 080.* Startle, b 2(2:34), 169,* Startle, ch g (2:31). 30, 4.50. 459, (516), 698. Startle, b m (2:43). 185, Startle, gr g (2:46^). 75, 495, 618, 684. Startled Fawn, dn m (2:38). (341), 649. Startler, br g (2:45). 327, 499. State Line, b g. 451. State of Maine, gr s (2:40). 84, 611. State of Maine, gr s (.i:00!^). 25, 054. State of Maine. chs(2:58). 108.438. State Plug. 101. 243. State Rights, b s (2:41). 40, 07, 255. Statesman. :523. Staver(2:43). (244), Stayer, b m. 118. 547, 599, 055, 656, 724 * Stayner Bov (2:38). 363. 402. Stayner Girl, bm(2:48). 56,76,285, 291.606. St, Charles. - s (2:44). 329. St. Ch:.rles, spg (2:26). 5.3, 133, 159, 196, 2 L8, 225, 244. 353 357, 477,* .521, 534,* (716*), 723. 726.* St. (Charles, blks(3:04i4). (.-85), 605. St. Clair, pacer (3: IC). t781). St. Clair, paeer(2:41). (587). St. Clair, b g. 294. St. Cloud, b 8 (;':21). 1.3, 00, 86, 144, 163, 243, 205, 29 i, 324, 384,* 475, 5:i5, 554, 5(jl, 503. 500, 602,* 604, 635,* 678, 683,* 095, 721, 7 X* St. (noud(-':.56). 2.-;.3, (7Ji). St. Comis. 616, S'. Havid, bg, 346, St, Denis, b g ( J:39>4). 64, 73, 493, 669. Steam 'loat. ch g. 12. 550. Steel Button, b g. 201. 286.* 371. Si eel Gray. grg. 266,(711). Steel Medium. 194, Steep Rock. 3H2. . Steer Colt (2:57). (190). Sieinway. br s (erroneously printed br g, page O'O) cj :2.59i). 346. Stelect I. blkm( ':3.^V2) (erroneously t'iven 2:40. page 650). ( 182), 192.* Stella, br m (,':44). (2.56*). 510. Stell I, nrm, p»cer(2:->9). 746,(764*), 760. 7S3 791 Stella, b m ( !:.i 1 4). (248*), 282,(501) Stella. !;r in (2:40), 169, 307, 342, .^55. 377. 437, .590, 008. Stella, b m (8:49). 30, 49. 57, 78, 14.3, 162, '24:5, JoS, 421, 470, 518, 543, 562, 630, 728, 730. Stel:a.(2:.55). :o6, (410*). Stella. 505. Stella, b m (2:58i4), by Winfleld Scott, dam by Pelham Tartar. 254. (-18.). Stella, b m (2:."i5i^). (.394*), 032. Stella, bm. 82,107,240. Stella A., b m. 207. Stella Uiako, br m (2:25J4i (errone- ou.slv printed •'-■S-)b}^, pa^-^e 650). 350. 508, 5S.!, (666*). Stella C . cb m (2:27^). 2-,- 60. 91, 130, 199. 200, 222. .-Jig, 428,* 452,- 484, 5-.'4, 509. 688.* Stella D.. br ni (2:3l)^V .553. Stella Foster, ijacer. 740, 748.* Stella K. .W2 Stella Paddock. 589. Stella htar, blk m (3:01). .i78. 672. St. tlnio br s ( i:30j. 32, 33, 34, 142, 517. 596.* St. Elmo (Elmo), chs (2:30). 27,92, 161. 167, 263 304,* 330, 432, 467, 574, 61 1,* 670, 798. St. Elmo. grfr(2:29J4). 92, 119, 19.3, 215, 8i7. 267. 273, 27:», 299, 352, 556, (.564*), 57i, 678, 801 . St. Elmo, b g(2:59). 227, 428, 433, 502, 563, St. Elmo, b g (3:00). .33, 68. St. Elmo, b g (2:34). 380, 531. St. Elmo, grf; 62. St. Elmo, b s, by Gen. Knox. .37, 55.5,* 571. ,"')78. Stemwinder, b s. 570. Stemwinder, br g (2:49). 327, 649, 690. Stephamis, b s (2:2S}4). 31, 52, 73, 1.32, 156,* 179,* 22U, 258,=i^ 311, 370, 435, 524.* 597. 613. Stephen, ch g (2-o4s). 69,24-0, 565. Stephen A. D.uglass (2:39). 139, 575. Stephen A. Douglass, bg (2:34^4). 172, 324, 341, 519. 540, .570, 60"4, 686. Stephen A. Douglass, b s (2:32*). (71), 98, 648 Stephen A. Douglass, b g (2:51). 21, 520. 553. Stephen A. Douglass, b g (2:36). 53, 111, 27. . 79. Stephen A. Douglass, b s, pacer (2:3414). 750,* 773. Stephen A. Douglass, br s. 213. Stephen U., b g (2:23}^>) (mlsnrinted 2:42>/;, pas-e 6.51) 64,* 79, 11.3,* 179 pJ8, (.384), 385, 544, 589, 622. 635 * 057. Stephen M., b g (2:28^). (.508) Steuben S., ch g (2:40) 438,* 7J5. Stephens (2:40). (33,-<) SteoheiiW. (Ralph), blk g(2:3S). 17.5, 2C9. 419, 606, 635, 712. Ste Up, gr g (2:40). 34, 41, 67, 291, 431, 607, 690. Sterli- g. 9. Sterling, ch g (2:33). 55, 192, 477. 485, 682. Sterling (2:37) 41, 263. Sterling, bs (2:35). 19. 193, 241, .349, 360,* 446, 452, 454, 457, 481, 613, 724. Sterling, gr s (2:45). 37, 56, 121, 216, 355.364, 625. Stern's ch m. 328,* 4.50. St. Ethel, b m. by Mohican. 695. Steve, br g (2:.55i^). 58. 297, 407. Steve Annis, rn s. 346. Steve Lewis, b g (2:38). 25, 28, 29, 139, 149, 160, 177, 261, 279,388, 460, 499, 531. 550, 556, 566, 615, 640, 681.* 689. Steve Lupe. 618. Steve Maxwell, erg (2:21^). 16,17. 23, 29. 37, 83.* 104, 108, 1.33, 134, 160. 171,* 183, 194, 290,* 302,328, INDEX OF BEATEN HORSES. 344,* 405, 445. 4.59, 524, 534, 541, 594, 680. 701,* 723 * Stevey. .^29, 361. Stewart Kaloney, b g (2:27). 105, 119, 1.32, 222.* 31.5, 317. 376,* 449. 462, 4 i3, 480,* 514, 522, 548, 562! 047,* 661. St. George, m g (2:363^) (heat mis- printpd 2:33^, for 2:39i4, page 652; 87, 9!i.~113, 134, l(1l, 243, 27.1, 285, 306, (317), .328, 3.33.* 373,* 395,* 417, 467. 518.* 539. 5l!4. .59(1.* 619, 627. 6.31,* 648, 674. 680. 698, 707, 719, 726, 745, 752, 703, SOI. St. (i^-orge, ch g(2:3i). 359, 408. St. George, pacer 790. St. Germain, b s {2-:^7%). 97, 121. St. Giles, blk g (2:341^). 225. St. Goth,ard,b s ( .':29)" 247. .591. 695. St. Helena (Cynthania). i^ m (2:27«4). (97). 197, •■72,* 462, 471, 472, ♦wi, 545,* 559, 577,* 590,* 642, 653. 662, 6S0, 701. Stick, ch g. 14. Stile. 312. Stiletto, b g (2:.35). 17, 111, 1.34, 166, 167. 180.* 210, 221, 375, 387, 473, (564), 612, 723. Stillwater (2:381^), (260) Stillwater Jim (2:45?^), 150, 247. Sting, bg (2:3914). 6K3.* St. Jacob, b g (2:5914). 234, 294, 374, 462, 577, 668. St. James (Bay Billy), b g (2:23>4). 16, 75, 1 15, 1 16. 1 65, 212, 240. 267.* 269, 320, 369, .372, 494,* 522, 537. 545, .546,* 587, 590,* 618,*625, 649, 676, 678.* 680. 750. St. Jerome. 227, St. Joe, blk s (2:.50). 65, 181. St Joe, b g, by Frank. 98, 103, 606, 609. St. John, ch g (2:35). 172, 253. 299, .333, 466,* 493, 079, 713. St. Johnsburv Girl, Ij m. 92. St. Julien, b g (2:lli4)- 216, 336, 457, 545, 687. St. Julien Jr. 130,419. St. Lambert, ch s ;3:01). 49. St. T-awrence, bs(2:34). 2. 91,* 81, 225.* 244, V82, 332,* 344, 409, 426,* 434,409,595.* St. Lawrence, bg (2:36). 438, 474, 517. St. Lawreiiee, blks (3:55) 59. St. Lawrence, b s (2:35) (2:29*). 188, .61, 312,* .356, 497, 6.33. St. La Arence, b s (2:44^) 1.50. 261. St. Lawrence, ch s (2:35i4). 66, 156, 174, 251. .320. 340, 560. St. Liwience, grg (2:3M. 97, 120, 403,* 472, 487. 552, 576, 613, St. Lawrence (2:45) 30'", (496). St. Lawrence, b s (2:50). 92. 220, (5-44). St. T awrence, b g (2:33). 63, 137, 348, 671, 730. St. Lawrence, 192. St. Lawrence, ch g, by Wm, Penn, 429. St. Lawrence Belle, b m. 84, 130, 365, 484, 565. 583* (622), 070. ?t. Lawrence Bov, b g (2:41). 43, 276, :<67, (436*). St. Lawrence Boy, br g (2:52). 51,* 78, 195, 206. 254, 668, (674), 692. St. Lawrence Chief, blkg(2:.31). 87, 199. St. Lawrence Maid, brm(2:46). 48,* 93,420. St. Liwrpnce Maid, b m (2:41). .327,* 712,* St Lawrence Maid, gr m (2:45)4). 61,405. 564 (602). "^t. Lawrence M.tid. brm (2:44). 266. St. Lawrence Maid (3:00)4). (60), 126. .369,* 0-^8. St. Louis, b g (2:25). 402, 512, 720.* St. Louis Tom (2:49). 67, 3554. St. Mark. 110. 955 St. Mary, b m (2:43). .307, 311 , 428, 447,545,601,801. St. Nicholas (2:,52i. 2.36, 646,650,717. Stock Ale (Beer Jerker),ch g (2 :5214) 65 . Stockbridge Chief, gr s (2:49) 204 Stockbridge Chief, cb s (2:44i4). 403. Stockbridge ( bief, b s (2:3441 187 520.5.59,0.59. Stockbrii^geChi'f. 570. Stocking Chief, b s, by Clark Chief. 444, Stocking Joe. 495. Stockings, gr g (2:50). (415* ) Stockings (2:52). (1.3), 81. Stockton Boy (2:50). (20). Stockton Cli'ief. 585 Stockton Maid, 104, 397.* Stonecliff, blk g (2:41), (2^,9), 296, 573, 687. Stonecutter. 70,* 283, 509 * 795. Stonehenge, ch g. 118,* 507. Stoner, b g, bv Joe Downing, dam Emma, by Jim Monroe, 124, Stoner. 437. Stone Plover (2:55). (398). Stonewall (2:.57). 248, (704). Stonewall (2:4834). -13, 656, (703). Stonewall, b g (2:55). 347, 529. Stonewall, ch g (2:24)4). 13, 48,* 62, 64, 150, 17.3, 186, 233, 267,* 285, 287,* 303, .342, .382, 455, 468. 517,* 523, 546, 635, 675. Sionewall. gr g (2:45). 48, 69, 89,* 519, Stonewall, br s (2:51i4). 535, 6.57. Stonewall, b g (2:38), by General Knox. 313, (545). Stonewall, b g (•.:37?i). 97, (342), 530, 546, 588. Stonewall, ch g, pacer, by Blue Bull (2:28). (773). Stonewall Jackson, chg, pacer. 759,* 771, Stonewall Jackson, bg(2:30)4). 141, 16S,* 240, .343. 420, 427,* 403. 556,* 64'.* 6.54, 657 Stonewall Jack.«on bs. 657. Stonewall Jackson. grs(2:47i4), 217, 364,372, 443.474.478, Stonewall jMckson, b g (2:47^^1. 76, 347, 498, ('14). Stonewall Jackson. 150, 368, Stonewall Jackson, blk s. 409. 431, 69, i. Stony Branch, br g (2:.35), by Crazy Nick 120, 407, 507, (623*). Siony Ford, br s (2:471^) 251, 306. 417, 421,507. Stop. 623, Storekeeper, b g. 728. Storage, b g. 485. Storm, bs (2:4914). 4.3, .363,* 553. Storm, b m (2:4 I ). 27, 89. 439. 644. Storm, brg(3:20). 147. Storm, bg(2:36J^). (460). Storm, ch g. 240, 34S. 428.* Stormer. b s (2:29)4). 52, 129.* 247, 282, 291, 370, 472, 519, 577, 605, 651, 705. Storm King, gr g (2:46;. 253, .312, (434), 530. Story's brg. 534. Storm Pilf.t, (2:36)4). (352). Stormy. 273. St. Patrick, b g (2:.33)4). 34, 37, 56, 57.* 86, J 49, 195. 243. 247, (248), 259, 29i).* 300, -M 5, 320, 320, 328, 387, 418. 444, 484, 487, 534, 544, 553, 558, 562, 579, 583, 672, 678, 685,* 698, St. Paul, br 8 (2:35). 292. St. Paul, b g. by St. Charles. 52,* 647, 673. St. Paul. 585. St. I'eter, bg (2:59)4), (660). 696. Strader, br •«, by Strader's C. M. Clay. 28, 194. 230, 624, 086. Strader's Hambletonian (Squire Tal- mage), b s (2:39)4). 83, 56& 9d6 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTINQ AND PACING RECORD. Stragffler. pTcer. 756, '''i'7. Slrali.11,1 Uoji2:52i. (:ri9). 674.* Strai„'!jt Edge, bg(-'::j."i^). 382.(693). atraiKhl I'Age, 1) in (J-.aaj^). 44, li;i, C.Kti). •.iW, 430, 473, 516. Straisrht Eilge, oh e, pacer (2:26). 742. 7 tit,* 77(1.* 783, 784, 785. Straight Flush. 734. Stnxnge Boy (Frank Crofoot), blk K (2:3-'V4 K 40, 8 :, 36.>, 361, 4.")7*, 676. Stranj;e Girl, blkra (2:39i. (213*). Stranue I 'airy, ch g. 31, 84, 93, 118, .V,7, tiKU. Stranger, pacer (2:31>^ s). (789). Stranger, bg (2:43). 429, 620. Stranger, gr g (2:46i/,) (2:35 1-25). 12"., 142. 40 '. 405,* 450, 469, 497, .541,(.")81), 624, 689. Stranger (2:44). 51 , .593. Stranger, gr g (2:.36l. 14.5. 417. StraiiKt-r. blk g (2:4(>i.<;). 451, 654. Stranger, b g (2:36). 125, 187, 190, 307. 512. 520. 573, 6.",4. St'-anger, bg(2:36^). ^.8, 5'9. 633. Stranger, g s (2:38i^). 97, 229, 282, :585, 506. Stranger, ch g (2:58). 342. Stranger (2:40). 25i). 716. Stranger, b g (2:57)^). 343. .Stran.er, bg(2:4l^). 20, 410. Stranger, chg (2:38%) 503, 570. Stranger, grg(2:45). 667. Stranger, gr g (2:46). 18, 70, 72, 123, 200. 344. 66 !. Stranger (2:471^). .300.* Stran-er, brs(2:i3i4). 36, 75,(343), 6.32, 636,.* Stranger, bg (2:49). 211, 341, 453, 4i;4. 499. Stranger, blk g (2:57}^). 61, 81, 131, 410, 41(5, 441, 471. Stranger, b e (•-':45^). 87, 166, 317, 327, 437, 53 ', 600, 631. Stranger, b g (2:40). 154, 687. Stranger (Baby), b g (2:30). 193, (425), 456,* 507,* 598, 024, 714. Stranger, b m (2:47). 692,700. Stranger, ch s (2:35^). 34, 92, 164, 192, 217, 314, 330, 355, 472, 508. 648, 679, 689. Stranger, br g (2-A9H). 13, 121, 126,* 232, 698. Stranger, br g (2:49J4). 13, 121, 126,* 232, 698. Stranger, brg(2:44). 552. Strang.T, b g (2:. 37)^). 90, 91, 220, 265, 347, 701. Stranger, b g (2:39J4). 65,* 274, 447, 497. 505. Stranger, b g 2:22%, 33, 39, 80, 140, 165, 173, 264, 277, 310. 318, 324, 362 385, 460,* 482, 483, 525, 554, 635,* 718. Stranger, ch g (2:29). 10, 12, 15,* 124, 150, 372, 458, (689.) Stranger, chg (2:.39J^), by Signal. (471), 704. Stranger, br c, by Young Draco, dam a Morgan mare . 476, 800. Stranger, pacer. 752. Stranger, br s (2:43>4). 222, 2.35. 230, 329. .349, 479, 495, 496, 538, .552, i5(j8), 034, 6H9, 724. Stranger. 43. 476. Sti a nger ( 2 :51 1. (570*). Stranger (2 :.-)0!4). (363*). Stranger, gr g (2:28), by Selim. (84), 595, OOS. Stranger, i)acer (2:3214). (737), 754. Stranger, br g, pacer (2:37). 779. Stranger, Jr. 156. Strange Henry. 23, 406. Stranger Girl. (2:40), 595. Stranger's Sister, b m. 271. Stratagem, b g. ')74 Strathblain, b s (3:08). .309. htralhlan, br8(2:29>^). 115, 302, 500, .572. StrawbL-rry, grg, pacer (2:34 J^ 790. St. Kemu. o g (2:.8>ij). 26, (i5, 128,* IK 1 , 229, 299, 342, 369, 608, (617*), 080, 688. Strieker. 251. .Strideavvay.bg (2:41*). 174, (186), 19?, 417, 522. 53!>,720. Strideawav, brg (2:281^). 149, 214, .338. (517*), 803. Strideawaj'. 413. Strideawav, b s (2:31). 206, 674. Strife, b g (2:42). 214, (266), 295, 502. (i09, 796. Stiong's b m (2:41^). 15. St stcplnn Boy. 222. St. Thomas. ;i:i(), 475. Stub and Twist. 595. Stubley Joe (2:51). (408*). Stubtoe, br g (2-54). 795. Stump Puller (Columbia Chief) blk s (2:28ki). 136, 253. Stuyvesant (printed Stu^'verton). gr g. 41, 105. 151, 178, 3.52,* 463.* St. Valentine, pacer. 743. St. Vincent, blk g (2:.38) 150, .3.38,* 500,* 591,* 631, (70.3), 704, 713,* 7;i3. Style. 648. Substitute. 649. Success, b m (2:42%). 360, 624. Sucker Maid, wh m (2: 2914). 25, 63, 80. 116, 129, 134,* 196, 2U9,* 231, 237, 274, 276, 282, 383,452.* 45(i,* 475, 486, (522), 555,* 590, 622, 650, 708,717. Sucker State, b s, pacer (2:23). 7.38, 741 ,* 745,* . 51 . 756, 757, 770, 773,* 779,* 781,* 782,* 784,* 78.5,* 791.* Sudden, br g (2:36). 392, (611), 704. Sue (2:47). 52.* l69. Sue, b m. 120,* 289,* 527,* 723. Sue Grunoy, brm (2:2.5i^l 18, 44, 66, 207, 342,* 367, 379, 434, 60.5, 612. Sue Monday, b m (2:34^4). 157, 2.53, 280, .303,337, 34i, 1.55, 369, 452,* 4.54,481.619. Sue Washington (2:32). (172). SuflColkBov. 181. Suffolk Girl, bm (3:05%). 541. Sugar Candy, gr s. 471. Sugar Foot. 30S, 638. Sugar in the Gourd, blk g (2:35J4). 18. 377,* 387, (388), 683.* SuUy Hoel.bg. 2 7. Sultan, ch g (2:.iSi^). U, 125,* 207, 4 <9, 443, 452, 477, 554.* Sultana, blk m (2:47 w). 288, (363;. Sultana, ch m. 554, 579. Sa-nmit Girl, blk g (2:49). (135), 154, 358, 420, 604, 074. Summit Girl. 725. Sunbeam, b in (2:30). 119. 139, 173, (197), 295, 312, 331, 489,* 61.3, 639, 646, 652. Sunbeam, ch g(2:38i4). 632. Sunbeam, ch ra (2:.5i;4). 82, 242. Sunburst, Jr , ch s (3:(;4). 280 Sundown, b g. by Greenback. 124, 174, 190,381. Sunflower (2:56>^). 44, (170), 391, 402. Sunlight, ch m (2:43^), by Tramp, 174, 251,* 3 1 0, (391). .536. 621, 655. Suunyside, blk m (2:.30). 295. Sunnyside. blk m, pacer. 748.* Sunrise (2.44!4). (414). Sunrise, ch m (2:47). 168, .359, 443,* (53.5*). Sunn.«e, gr g (2:.5l5«^). 19, 36. 261, .35s, 407. Sunrise, gr m (2::'.7%). 564. Sunrise, b s (2:36), by Middletown. (19K), 323. Sunrise, b g (2:48). 90. Sunrise, pacer (2:40). 736. Sunrise, b s. 55. Sunrise, bs, by Singleton. 382. Sunset, eh m (2:42). 3(t, 31. 38,* 42, !«0, 134. 148, 264,* 343, 370, 371, 449, 4.58, 407, 5-'3, 53,3, 544, 592* (i2;j. 640, (Jol, 659 009 697, 709. Sunsbin.-, eh m (2:38). :J0, 107, 268. 274, 298. 081,* 723. Sunshine, ch s (2:30), 6,* 47, 72, 82, 108, 1.37. 143, 147 1.56. 109, l9ii,* 207, 265, 277, 288, 294, 343, 351, 354, 350, ,362, 402. 406, 508, ,530, 537, 573, 617,679. 09,5, 718. Sun.shine, br g (2:48). 300, .")H9. 673.* Sunshine, ch g (2:3Hi^). (139). 491, 548, 080. Sunshine, ch g. 170, .546. Superb, eh g, by Superb. 648. Superb, blk s (2:45>6 w). 289. Superior, b s (2:53). 97, .585. Sure Thing, b g. 315. Suietv, ch m (2:.38). 104, 417. Sure, blk s. 584, 799. Sure Cui-e, pacer. 741. Surgery (2:.j0). (.58..). Surpl'is, b s (2:4..^). 182. (295). Surprise, pacer (2:20) (erroneously given 2:3m, page785i. 740, 748, 7.59, 765, 70y, 776. (790). Surprise (Tom Craig>, gr g (2:26). 6.', lOS, 251.* 304, 32.3.* 352. 407, 464, 517, 591, 59:j, 613, 705. 715. Surprise, b ir (2:37). 7, 38, 163, 2G7, 558,058. 676,* 099. SurprL^e. blk g (2:33). 673. Surprise, b s. 4S4. Surprise, blk g (2:42%). (358), 594, 610. Surprise, blk m (2:421.4). 51.472. Surprise, b g (2:44i4). 9."., 113, 297, 299, 376, 532, 503, 632, 647. Surprise, b g (2: 31 ) . .307, 4".2. Surprise, gr m (2:.39J4), 82, 87, (260*), 457, 660. Surprise, b g (2:41»4). 9, (43*), 452, 4!r9, 518,682. Surprise (2:34). 24. .''9,(98), 641. Surprise (.■!:06). (I92), 291, 374. Surprise (2:i5). 290. 006, (687). Surprise, brg(2:40). 94,(6.39). Surprise, b g (2:54^). 359. Sm-rey Maid. 698. Susan, gr m (2:4(i), 191. Susan, bm (2:56). 118, 300, 345,* 47 1 , 635.* Susan, blk m (2:45). 280, 445. Susan, ch m. 46, 525 093. I Susan B., bm (2:59i^). 103,* 411, 534 I Susan Clark. 220. Susan Jane. 057. I Susan Jane. 2.33. I Susan P. (2:41^). 566. I Susan Smith. 718. Susie, ch m (2:21). 26, 85,* 149.267, 311, :'.20,* (:i53*), 302. 374, 431, 400. 485, 488, 024, 625, 671,* 7 19, 729.* Su-ie, b m (2:401^) 57, 117, 280, (395). 486, 604, 714. 796. Susie, bra(2:3.3H). 699. Susie, blk m (2:3u%). 119, 137, 162, 230, 3(>2, 326. 347, 414. 520, 648. Susie, br m (2:. 54). 10, 44, 163, 396, 692, 711. Susie, ch m (2:26V^). 131. 191, 202,» (289*), 32.3, 402, 524 648. Susie, b m (2:37J4). 115, 202, 291, .371,438. Susi.', ch m (2:30i^). 48, 62, 195, 190. 316, :590, 5.32, 538, 683. Susie (2:51 w). (504). Susie (3:(i.3>4) (licat m'.a- grinttd 2::j % lor 2-M',^. page dl). '^'57, 4-,-,'. Susie Dritikwater, blk m. 510 Susie F 4o0. Susie Fenton (2:54V^). (395). Susie G., b m. 4.J4. 557. Susie Henclri kson, 0 m (2:49^). 299, 391, 586. Susie Hill, b m (2:4 1 ). 120, 166,* 260, oO,',* 403, •= 532, 594. Susie J. (3:00). (169). Susie Kurtz. bm(-.i: 32). 36, 107,165,* 23S. 239, 256, 290, 311. 376, 455,* (489 ). 5{.0. 533, 545, 571, 637, 63t».* 645, 646,* 652, 684,* 690, 720. Susie L , cli m (2:39M) 5:!,* 521. Susie Lee. cb m (3:- Ow). 546. Susie Ldllard (2:401^). (698)) Susie M., blk m. 67, (75*), 209, 719. Susie :\lack, b m. 64, 83. Susie Oak. 359. Susie Parker (Belle of Philadelphia), bm(2:25»4). 17, (25*), 37,* 45, 199, 205, 267, :il7, 369. 449, 450, 511, 522. 624, 660. Susie Powers, b m. 100, 202, 305,490 Susie R , blk m (2:5U). 588. Susie S. 503, 5-.'2. Susie R'-ss, b m (2:34i4). 67.* 136, (138). 193,272, 327,340, 344,* 416, 443,-520,689. Susie Ross, pacer (2:38). 193, (783). Susie T. b m. 144, .",:i6. Susie W.. blk m (2:36), by Comet. (370), o85.* Su*ie S .1 . ith, b m. 329, 675, 679. Susie Wilkes. 454. Susquehanna, blk k (2:49) (731). Sussex, bikg(2:3ii). a7,* 115, 125, 153, 167, 2 JO, 257, 281, 283, 30:^, 329, 413, 416, 467, 547, .558, 609, 617, 631, 646. 666, 678,* 679, 780, 698, 711.* Sussex Bov. gr s "■':40i^). 3 86, 476. Sussex Buy, br g (2:50). 129, 1,374), 500. Sussex Maid (Mary Logan), b m C2:41), 42. 77, 186, 486. Sutton. 452. Su ;Lov.ngood,ch s, by Shelby Chief, dam l)y Cjuil-c iviorgan (3:(i0). i5, 86,- 1 15, 495, 496, «• o32, 547,(613), 620. 701. S.V Swits (Hall Terrell), bg(2:283^) 105, 184. 729. Swallow ( Eva and Glen Mare), b m (2:2.51^). 107, 124, 491. S«allow Bov, blk s (2:50). (234), 2:i9. Swamp, b g. 26. 359. Swamp Antjel, b m (2:44i^). (159*), 197. Swam Bitters, pacer (2:31). (754). Swampscot Girl. 431. Swan. 19p(. S. W. Clark. 411, 799. Sweeny Todd,b g, pacer (2:34). 781. Sweep, b s (2:40). (108*), 210, 731. Sweeper, b g. 135. Sweepstakes, b g (2:33). 283, .541. Sweepstakes (":58). (582). Sweet Apple, blk g, pacer. 785. Sweet Auiiie, b m. 276, 735. Swefct Apple, b g. 586. Sweetbrier, ch m (2:32^). (45), 200, 317, 371,* 618. Sweeibrier, chg (2:37). 159, 303, 337, .346, 431,438. Sweetbrier, bg(2:44). 7o, 154,(231), 377, 660, 680, 797, 79S Sweetbrier. gr m (2:26^). 11, 14, 97, 107, 120. 142, 144, 174,* 181, 252. 262.272, 535,* 542, 545,* 5.58, .590,* 594, 680. Sweetbrier, bg (2:37). (361), 438, 577. Sweetheart, brm (2:221^). (606). Sweetheart, ch lu (2:43). 96, (349), 649 Sweetheart, gr m (2:50), by Von Moltke. (247), 267. Sweet Home, ch m (2:.30). 38),* 4(M.* Sweet Horse, 228, Sweetmeat, b ni (2:.36i^). 43, 86, 144, 395, 40ii, 498. 564, 692, 704, 798. Sweet Mary. 695 Sweet Milk, blk m (2:41). 28,* 148, 149, (381), 65(;. ( Sweetness, b m ( ::21!4). 12.* 149, 19f, 347, 483, 51., 5;.). Swectn rs. b m (2:31 1. 62, 265. 276. ' -il-.', 4^8, 562, 635, 68 ., 718,* 722.* i SwotftiourgU Boy, blkg. 168. Swf^esfr. gr g, pacer (2:15). 8, 514,* 587, 733. 742,* 745,* 74(i,* 754,* ! 75 K-' 770,* 771,* 779.* 782.* Sw ets r Girl. (2:42). 783,* 784, 785. 1 Swee William.br g(2:56!^). 44, 443. Sw.'et William, b g. 69. 4:iO. Sweet William (2:47). (9), 31, 110. 297, 404. ' Sweet William, br g (2:.3394): 103, (1(J9), ;W9, 34t. 452. Sweet, VV'illiara, gr g. 94, 135, 191, 199, 216, 255, .337. 371, 382, G33. Sweet William, b s, bv Tom Thumb, dam by Alaf m. ( 156* ), 156, 167. I .308, 391. S. W. Haskins, b m (2:45). (279). SwigertJr., bs(2:51), by Swigert. I 218, 304. Swimm-r, br m. 82, 230,269. Swimmer. 535, 684. Swindle, rn g (2:40). 35, 286. Swindle (Fisherman i, b g. pacer (2:21). 739. 749, 761,* 762, 775, 777,* 788 * Switch Tail, 223. Suitzer, rn g (2:47) (erroneously given 2:50, paj? • 063). 326. 569. S. W ftlcD. (Kipon Boy) (2::i9U). (2.i9), 321, 482, 599, 671, 676, 724. Swisher Boy, paeer, 768. S, W. .Spink, ch s (2:34). 120, 121. 134, 184,*:{04, 3i8, 425, 520, 698. S. W. Thomas. 540. S. W. Warren (2:491^). (128). Sylpli, bm (2:-i3iJ4).~169, 224,246, (355), 415. Svlvia, b m (2:41?^). 32. 200, 337, 278, 410, 420 616. Sylvian, b in. 9 '. Syndicate 418. Syn Dye Kate, b m,by Erin Chief. 27. Syntax, ch s. 156. Syphon, chg, 000, ' Syric ise, ch g. 10, 2S. 130, 461. Syren, b m, by Ringwood. 146. T. A., b g (2:26). 313, 331, 357, 473, 528, (596). Tabb, b s. 75, 515. Tacco, ch g (2:45). 133, 200.* 5.59. Tackey (Polly), gr m (2:"^6). 36. 127,* 168, 248, 351, 439, 568,* 605, 726 Taconey, rn g (2:27) (2:251^ s). 50, 99. 198, 204. 226,* 274,* 278, 332. 334, 23:%, 350, 392, 409, 418, 469,* 501,* 609, 672, 705, 734. Taconey , b g (2 : .i5). 530, 606. Tactics, b g 178. Tadpole, bg (2:57). 327. Taffy, b g. 92, 381, Taggart's b m (2:44%). (99), 219. Talbot, ch g. 8. Taliaf ro, bg, 543. Talisman, bg (2:35). 455. Talleyrand, bg. 506. Talleyrand, brg (2:49). (617). Tally Ho (VVhirlpool), gr g (2:39)^). 357,* 367, .542, 559. Tanrirack, gr g (2:28i^). 5, 620. Tamer, ch m. 569, 589. Tammany, gr g(2:35). 79, 122. Tammany George (2:50). (409). Tam O'Shanter, 6o9. Tam O'Shan'er, bg (2:45^). 74, 675. Tam O'Slianter, b s (2:37^). 46, 57, 123, J 55, 228, 238. 306, 308, 337, 391, 414, 492,* 530, 647, 732. Tam O'Shanter, b s. 17, 121, 642. Tamworth, ch g (2:42). 430. Tanglefoot, pacer. 747, 785. Tanglefoot, b g (2:41 V^). 359, 500. Tangle Legs, b g, pacer. 783.* 790. Tanner Boy (Goldie), gr g (2:22)4) (2:22 s). 25.* 54, 55, 8U, 122, 135, 140,* 147,* 238. 242, 259, 27;,* 302, 320, 353, 369,* 378, 401, 425,* 446, 462,* 480, (493*), 513,* 522. 523, 57H, 586. 598, 612, 617, 625, 6H7,* 678,* 793. Tanner Boy, b g (2:44). 66, 82, 121. Tanner Boy, pacer. 791. Tanner. 477, 558. Tanner Girl, b m. 135, 158. Tannery Girl, ch m (2:35>4). 170, 200. (323*), 526,* 54U, 546,* 725. Tansy, blk m (2:511^). (619). Tapioca, blk g (2:511^). (347), 470. Tardy, brg, pacer (2:56), (744), 755, Target, rn s (2:.38i4). 2 j1, 2.'.3, 471. Tariff (B.-)b R), b s (2:20?^) (erro- neously printed 2:20i^, page 665). 133,* 164, 189, 206, 348, 354, 504, 566. Tarleton, bg(2:31^). 37,293. Tarvapin, dn s(2:46^). 376, 516, 565. Tartar, brg (2:28}^). 158, 218, 581, 588, 655. Tartar, blk s(2:34M). 4.8* 128, 166,* 171,* 201, 275, 579. Tartar (2 :48i4w). (413). Tarquin, rn s, pacer (2:35) (2:30 s), (787*). Tasker's b s (2:5.3). 219. Tasso, rn s (2:36%), 384. Tassv Tooney, b m (2:56i^ w). 196.* Tat (2:53). (484). Tattler, b s (2:26). (724). Tattler, blk g(2:.-j4i^). 518. Tatter, bs(-:41i,^). 654, Tattler, b s, by Taitler. 522. Tattler Jr,, b's, by Tattler, dam by Mambrino, 515, 581, Tat tier (_'hief . blk s (2 : 361^) . 171, 205, (;W0), 349, Tattou Sykes, br s (2:45^). 61 Taunton Billv(2:46). 150,228,(309). Tax, b g 537 . Tax Payer, b g(i-AS}4). 403, 630. Taylor, rn g (2:261^). 19, 48, 111.* 122,134,159, 17u, 2.58, 287,288, 351, 4.32. 440. 484. 514, 516, 583, 649, 652,* 678,711. Taylor, b g, pacer (2:43%). 403.(777). Taylor s ch s. 495. Taylor's b s (3:08). 318. Taylor's bg(2:.38). 707. T. B. French, ch g (2:3-.'J^). 41, 114, 166, (227), 256, 490, 496, 538,* 651,* 684, 685. T. B. Clarke. 554. T. C, blkg(2:42M). (390). T. C, b g. 602. T. C. Clay. 323. Tea Boy. bg(2:32). 90,281,529,617. Teak, blk s. 668. Tearaway. 90, 369. Tearaway, ch g (2:39%). 90, 369, 471, 475. 515, 525,* 537, 632, Tearaway, b g (2:471^). 185, 332. Tearer. 87. Teaser, b g (2:46). (85), 177. Teaser, ch g (2:49%). 94, 260, 279, 344. 423, (647). CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. Teaser, br in ( ':57i. 72'i. TfafeeiMLittleDaiidv). blk g(~>::}G9:i>. 59,* 4:5", 4J1. (50fj), .')!.■), .'jt;?. ti«l. Teaser, br g (J:!*). l^'l, 143.440, (44i?i. 4t).S. .-.:!!. Teaser (Dauville Boy), blk s (2:33) oi:i. Teaser, b g C^IUKV (207), .^:^2, 611. 64* Teaser D. b c(2:47^). 481,* 571, 675. Teazle (.::J4). i)V. Teeuiiisih, j;r g (2:46 w). .31, (.34".). Tecuuiseh, ch g (2:3;^;-^). (141), 435, 72M. Tecumseh, b g(2:.59W). 10,314. 48:{. Tecumseh. ch 8(J:-,'9^). 3 ., 90.-686 Teeumseli pacer(2:3ot. (>7 ',(744*1. Tecum>.l',pacer.chg(2:i0i^). 7.36.* 7.54. (7.'.9*). 7U3, 765, 776,* 779,* 781,- 787 -^^ Tecumseh Boy. b g (2:.39)^). 119, (169). 178, :jy8. 495. 678. " Teciimt^eh Giil, b m (.':42). (41),314, .■>47, 69(5. TeJ.blks (3:17}4). (317\ Tedily McGeoch, cng (~:i4i^). (323), ! o51, (iSO. Tedro. pacer (2:35). (762*). ; T. E. Gordou, rn g (2::i8%). 115, 296, 3U2,* 400, 431, 454,* (457), 491,; 49-',* 607, 6 14,"^ 619. Tekonsha, br .s (2:32). 18. 80, 86.* 121, 194, (217), :«9, 383.4TS), 488, I 495,50(;. 5;.'3, 613, 652, 694.* Telegram, cli g (2:."j2) (:i.')9). Telegram, b g (2:40i4), ''y Black Consternation. (.5.">7), 697. Tele^n.pli (;.':44 s!. 4o9, (C'29), 689. 1 Teleiiriiph. 23. 583. Telecr.ipli. gr s :2:41). 281. ! Telefiraph, b g (2:iyk]4). 213. 60.5. i Telegi-aph, cb u (2:53 w). 260, 713. I Telegraph, b g ( ':38). 69, 275, 457 ' 66-.'. Telegrai>h. gr g (2:44). 09. 311. T.'le;;ruph, gr g (3:(,0 w). 565. , Telei-'iapb, bg(3:(t7) 278. I Telegr pli, b g (.':5'J). 616. , Telej,'iapli. h g (2::}7). 7.* 87, 550. Telegraph (2:4.".) (2:44 s). (70), 469, (5.9). 689. TeleRmpb, gr g, pact r (2 -41)4). 55, 131. 777. Telegraph, gr c. 118, .539,613. TelemachiLs, ch u: (2:.39^) (2:39 s). 128, 292, 376, 418, 423,^^ 533, 544, 677. Telephone, b s, picer. 77.3.* Telephone, b s, Dy Administrator. .3()0, 591. Telephone, m g (2:39U). 67, 261. 336, 378, 449, 450, 5:J«, 701, 709, T19 725. Telephone, b g (2:::9). (10), 448. Telford Faimer, bg. 45, 610. Tpiir, ch g (.2:51). 55, 417, 706, 709. T. l.>ze:ie. bm(2:'9i^). 8. Telltale, l.r in, pacer (2:3:!). (773). Temecula Boy. biic g (2:.>7J4'- 576. Tempeiance, b m (2:44). (69*), 405, 58;*. Ternpesl, ch g (2:51). 168. Tempest, bm (2:47) 27. Tempest, blK m (2:35H>, 130, 396, 5 4. 6..0. 668. Temp.'st, l)lk a (2:.->2). (3.5"), 6.36. Temi)esi, ch g i".'::'.6). y04, 2f 4. * Tempest, wh g (2:4:!). 2i:i, .51.3, 6.59. Tempest, ch m (2:.39) (erroneously given 2:40. page (.6X). :<4.* 244, 408,* .547, 567, 632, 658, 708. 726. Tempest, grm {.r.:i2l4). 64,(189), 387. 7 15 Tempest, ch g (2:39). 113, 381.':' .561. Tempest, b g C :4914). 231, 236, (5(121. .".77. .•90.600.* Tempest, gr m (2:32^). 1.".4, 415, (479*). Tempest, b m (2:49^). 600. Temp. ?•, ') m (2:,3Cki). (79), 91,349, 64.;, ( 51. Tempest (2:44). (221). •:74. leinpest (2:56K' w). (.32.3i. Tempest, b m (2:4 -) 118. Tempest •■iri. ii m, 620, Tempest O'ldiiust, blk g (2:44). 44.3, ."99, 679. Temple i.s(3:15). 58, 5r!2. Te i.pl.'v;l<', bs. 53. Ten 3ro-ck,l.g(2:3(i). 61,28.5.(311), 57:.', .598. 611, 710, 73 i. Tender Dell (3:00141. (297). TenJoy, br s. 199. 262, :;93. Ten Knots. 7*, .369. Ti-nnessee, br m (2:27). 134, 147, 276, 37.., 4f;8. 508, 509, 5 7, 568, 569, 587, 611, ('35*). 724, 730. Tennessee, pncer 755, Tennessee Doy, 84 364. Tennr C, b in (2:.-)3) 165, 477. 486,* Tennv K., ch m ^.':39). (596), .-97. Ten Pin Johnny (Sp,.t), sp g(2:34). 9 ). 17 ', V66, 519, 524. 548, 604, Terminus, b s. 262, 546 Terra Gotta, ch g, pacer (2:44), 40, 234, 777,* (787), Tenor. 91. 1.59, 184. Terr.y, ch g, pacer, by Capt, Web st-r (2:.32). 754, 7b9, 763, (775), 777 7ii0, Terry, 6u4. Tete Matthews (Ripen Bov), br s (v!:25). 1..'7.* 279, 304, 351 387,* 440.* 46^), 575. Texana, 528 Texan Ranger, b s, 172, Texas, dng(3:0l). (125), 165. Texas Bill, gr g (•.':26i4). 240,* 718.* Texas . illy, b g, 291, .5.38, Texas Siftines £)8'\ T, F. Oakes, b g (2:44), 171, 287, .528, (618). Tha, b g, 84, 541. '['hackanibau. b s (2:42). 603, Th d S'evens. br s (2:47). 78, 503, Thalborg. bs(3:01), (652*). Thalia, b m (;J:10), 610, Thankful, grg (2:4.5) 48. (394), Thitcher's Hambletonian b s, by Hami.letouian Star. 479. Thaver. ch g, 235. '1. H. B. 160. The Bank- r, b s, 542. The Commodore, b s (2:35?|), 340. The Count, bg (2:4:0, (5S0i, The Duchess, b m (2:30i^) (201), 335 The Jew. 276, The Jewes.s, b m (2:26), 47, 109, 335, :M0.* 414, 447. .5(i9, .590, 6i2. The Kid, b g (2:361^), by Highland Chief. (241). The King, blk s (2:29i4). 125, 206, (242), 281, 537, f;42, 712.* The Maid, gr m (2:35).^), 142,* 179, (4.i4), 543, 697. The Major, ch g (2:541^), (697*). The .Marquis, b y, by Kdward Ever- ett, dam Mildred, by Hamble- tonian. 159, The Moor, blk s(2:37), 100, .577, 096. The Moor Horse, ch g. 4H, Theodoi e, b g (2:50). 187, .324, 43t, 584,638, 641, ThoOn-en. grm. 213,656. Theodore Filler, blk g (2:15). 2.3, 74. (2(56),:98, :i.-,9, 419, 500. 5 17, 564, 5 0 645, 647, The Owner's Hor.'-e, 707, Then sa. b m ( !:05V<',). 693. TiHrena Allen. 267. Theresa O.. b m (2:42!^,). 299, 586. Theresa Scott gr m (2:35)^). 107, 19 , 479, 556. 605,* 608 * Theresa iSprague. br m (2:34^). 52, 87,* 224, 4.54, 473, 481, 504,* 612, 668 Tho Squire, RO, Theta, brm(2:45M>- (270), 553, 696, 735 ♦ Tbfi Wise Mare. (71). Thief, i.rg(.':52). 377. Third Micuigau, gr g, 95, 288, 338, 349, :M). i,7» .33 bg. pacer (•-': 41). (761). ThistUHlowh, Llk m (2:35), by Al- iiiont, diim by Vtlox. 146, 207. .3.58. 47-,'.* Thomas, b g. 408, 645. 3 homas } r g (2:45). 49, 255, 258. Thomas, 73, Thomas, b s, by New York, dam by Tom Hall. 348, Thomas A., ch g 02, 23.5, 311. Thomas Ayies(2:4()). (:74), Thonvis B v::4'\i). 3(0, (56,3). 718. Thonvis B, Kalbfus, br s, by the Garret Hor.-e. <6, Tlu)mas Brown. 3."i8. Ihomi s Carlyle, ch g (2:39), (75*). 467,* <.40, Thorn: s F, Marshall, ch p. 111. Thomas Oolddusi, ',^78, 664. Thomas (J, Stevens. 418,481. Thomas U,, bg(3:04), 316. 577, 042, Thrjmas J. Geiry, eh g (:^:33 w), by Uiirwick Bov, (:;46), Thomas Jeflferson. blk s (2:2.3), 7, .S5. 1,9. 140, 149,* 18:1, 19>, 2:!9, 260, 3i7, .369, :t7(), 430, 463, 460, 497, 'i>;, .5.37, 611, 6;.'4. e;.'5,* 638, 6.5(', 653. 660,* 671, 686, 707. Thorn s Jefferson (2:42). (730). Thomas Jetteison. 277, 3.31, 583. Thomas Jtfftr.son Jr., idk s, by Thom s Jefferson, dam Brunette (2:3,3?^). 90, (:.'97), 436 Thomas Jefferson Jr, (Rowe's Ton^Tiy, blks(2:;HJ^), 97. Thomas Jefferson Jr,7grg (2:40). (395), 43:5,564, 6:57, Thomas Jefferson Jr, (2:52). (120), 532,* Thoma=; K,, b s (2:42), by Edward Evei-itt, dam Rith. by Hamble- tonian. (133), 24J, 296, 3a6, 359, 420, 732, Thomas Kelly, 588 Thomas L., b g (2:41), 177, 337, .385, 566. 707, Thomas L,, ch g. pacer, by Tem- pest Jr. (2:27i>4). 711, 754,* 763, 765. 790. 791. Thomas L. Young, chg(2:19V<5). 10, 25, 8.). 93, 112 130. I8;i, 2007224 * 242, 273, 316.*:536, 3:i8, 357,* 449, 463,* n.'l,* 537,* 538, 547, 590,* (625), 649, 678, 69V. '..30 Thomas Moore, b g (2:12). 41, 50, .342, 449, .■■■30, 551, 67(i. Thomas O'Connor, ch g, 277, 385. 387. -0.\731. Thomas S.b g(2:41V<;>. 195,261, (34 1 ), '^65, -J .30, 487,* "525. Thomas Scarf, b g. 78, 162, 198, 449, 598. Thomas T. Tierney , 531 . ■Ihompson, ch g (2:40). 105, 323, 027. 680. Thor, b g 399. Thoraldsoi). b g (3:0.5). (46). ThOTborn, h g. by Woodford Mara- brino, dam Vanity Fair. 146, tJJiO. Tliorn. grg'2:5i) 124. 427,* 451,* .042, 5i).5, 648. Thorn, blk g 389, 5C7, Thornapple. b g, 404. Thomdale, bs(2:22i4). 171,273, 290 Thorndale Prince, b s, by Thorn- dale. 8(', Thorndale Princess, b in (2:37). 43, 412. 449, 7:.8 Thorudike (King William, Rover, and Chailev Howe), gr g (2:.33), ;:(i8, :*i 9, ;ii55,*451, 619. Thoroughfare, br g, 395. Thornl. ss b g i2:44). 667.* 675. Tho- nton, b g (2:4'n, 5, 47, 413, 565. Thornton, gr m, 246, Thos. Nidrogen, l.")6. INDEX OF BEATEN HORSES. 959 Thought, blk g. 318, 683. Thrasher (_':riO>. 92. (3<>ri), 315, 475. Thioe Corners, ch g, pacer c'lai). 751, 7.".4. 77:j, (78.3), 7X5. Three White Heels, r-i:o2%). 521, (5-J9), 589. Thiee Rivers Bov. ch s. 589. Three Trees r~':48). (492). Thrill, br m (2:51). 232, 2.34, .340, 300, 690 Throgs Neck (2:50 w). (433). Throat Latch 65. Thunder (2:52). (232*). Thuhder. ch g. pacer (2:22-%). 241, 383, 762, 769.* Thunder, pacer (2:47%). (178). Thunder. 562. Thunder, b s, pacer (2:36%). 31, (142), 275, (312), 350,* 788. Thuiideibolt, br g (2:52). 36, 156, (218), 60.'.* ThunrterboU (2:51V^). (392). Thunderbolt; (3:02K') (625). Tliunderbolt, bs(3:]9 w). (^67),625. Thundeibolt, b s, pacer. 738. Thurlow Knox, br g (2:45). 240,352, 53.%,- .'37, 6.1, (684), 688. Tib (2:38). (158). Tib. b s (2:40). 67, 551,* 5S9. Tib(2:.5r.). (I16i, 67.3. Tib Hinman, br m (2:32). 12.j, 332,* 334, :;92, 501. Tib Woodward, b m (2:37). 78.* Ill, (158), -^'Ov:, :i8(», 541, 736. Tljk Fork, blk g. 244 Ticonic. bs (■-':;,3i^). 28, 139, 142, 159, 182, 219, 246, 252, 262,* 285,* 303, 4-,'3. 641. 803. Ticoiii'-, b g (2:27M)- '04, 515. Tidal Wave, gi- m (2:58). (76). Tida! Wave, ch in. 541. Tid b in. 5S, 566. Tidd (2: 16). 429, (492). Tiilv. b m (2:381.^). 29. 1.33. TidV G Iddust. 17a. Tige. chg(2:53). 448, 488, (693). 803. Tit; r, br s (2:45 w) 43, 1.38. Tiger, b g (i:43^). .34. 234. 247, 517, (6-<7). Tigt-r, br g 41, 375, 608, 674. Tiger, pacei-. 781 . Tig<*r, pacer. 782. Tiie-stOH. gr g (2:34). 46, 211.* 421. Tilda blk m (2:371^). 700, 797. Til y, ch m(-':40). 412. Tiliv .M.bv Strader's Hambleton- ian. 146. Tillv Smith b no (2:4Si^). (218*). Tilt'on Almont, blk s (2:26). 579, (608). 689.* Tilton Boy. ch g (2:50), (29*), 214, 235, 423. Tim, hr g (2:45), 3C9. 429. Tim, b g (2:31^). (2.J1), 382, 431, 590, Oy.'., 7 3. Tim, gr g (■.':.-8^). 16.* 135, 197, 218. 279, 417, 699, (731). Tim. chg. 28". 286. Timberlick. 293. Timbuctoo, bg(2:38%). 230,365, 718. Time ^ledium, bs (3:01). 650. Time Keeper, b g 43 428. Timifl. cli g ( :48). 17, (127). 228, 488, 589, .-^99,* 611. 646. Timoiiium, . g, by Gyro, dam by St. Lav.rence. 533. 5:^6. Timothv, b g (2: G^). 2^.* 48. Ill, 128 15.1,* 156. 180, 294,* 464, 533. 666 Timoleon, blk s. 18. Tim Sherman 360. Tinker, ch g, by Gilbreth Knox. 29, 99, :U8. Tinker, b g. 297. Tinv P. :.'30. Tingle's b m. .586 Tinner B.jy, chff (3:1 1 }4). (274). Tinsmith, bg. 52. 404. Tiny. 307, 424, 661, ' Tiny B. (FlirtX ch m (2:28^). 119, I 548,601,7^5. ' Tiogu, ch g (2:51). 342, 440. Tioga John. 261. . Tip. blk g (2:44). 123. 203, 25.5,317, I 323, 364. 438, 555, (571). . Tip, ch g(2:58). 261, 301. I Tip, b e (2:.3«). 13, In. 114. T.p, ch g (2:55). 49, 41.3, 560,* 689. I 'li^). 81. I Tip vllen, b g (2::'3i^). 29, 54, 94, 247. 267, 413, 633 * 723,* 802, 803- Tim Ooriy, ro g ^2:5' %». 714. Tiijpeo. 163, 1S7, :.0o. I Tippoo Hotspur (i:44>^). (277). I Ti|)pecanoe, p-icer (2:J&). 34 75 ,* I 761. Tippecanoc.(2:.34). (154). i rippt-canoe, b g. 5' ■. I Tipuer ary Boy og(3:04). 294,(343), 596. Tipsicoe, ch g (2:36%), by Mam- I uriiio Gift. 280. (53.'), 554. Tiptoe, br e:(2:42). 347. ) Tipton Maid, b m. 22.3. Tip-Top, chg (2:42). (6.59). Tip Ward, b g (2:.".7). ■■■40.520,572,* Tish, b m (2::>7i4). (318), .382. Titan, b g (2:32K>). 370. I Titian (2:46). 1.t1, (250), 417,* 584, I 714 I Title Page. 669. I Titus, b m (-2:40). (424), 436.* i Titusville, b m. 32,* 112. 145, 631, I 641. T. J., bs(2:41). 47.* I y. J. Cook. 217. T. J. Potter, grg(2:29J4). 241.* 287, 552, 601. T. J. Stevens, gr e: (2:39). 29, 334, 345, 460, 525, 559, 586,* (627), 688, 708, 73i, T K., bg(2:.56). (177). T. Mack, ch s( J:46i4s). 273. T . M. Bayne, b g (2:.32%). 96, 122.* 124, )86, 19 ;, 202. 2.->i, 342, 395, 415, 465, 472,* 5:i7, 636, (675), 679, 68 i , (9.-.* Toad Hollow, b g. 27. Tobe, blkg(2:^9J4)• 264. Tobe Drum (2:41). (593). TobeRowe, bg. 24. 68. Tobv, br g(2:4(t). 4.55. Toby, ch g (2:38). 57-', 633. Toby (2:.34K>) (138), 192, 798. Toby (2:.J7i4). (.300). Toby, ch g. 445, 4 >1. Toby Candor, bg (2:38). 114,135, 250, 264, 337, 700, 700. Tobv Tyler, b g {::",b}.4). 611.* Toe Weig'it, b g. 494 Toge, brg(2:37). 7,81513. ToKUs Boy, br g (2:351.3). 00, (242), 349, 39.3, 591. T. O. K , rng(2:40). (660*). Token, br g, by Trample. 615, 704. Tola, gr m ( .':29i4). 13, 16, 91,* 125, 128,154. 162, 189, 22.5. 2(i5. 421, 491, 547,* 612, 6.36, 695, 704, 715. Toilsome, br g. 51. Toledo, bg (2 :34^). 02. Toledo, rng (2:4(114). 310, 362. 454. Toleio. br g, by George Wilkes, dam Toledo. 479, 506, 538, 554. 557. 604, 658. Toledo, pacer. 706,* 770. 773, 785 * Toled.j Boy, b g (2:41). 189,* (.385), 551. Tolminville Blossom, b m. 134, Tom, bs(3:i'0). (412). Tolu Maid (Nettie C), br m (2:23^)- 15.3, 184, 21t), 421, 620. Tom , ch g (2 :.36) 116! 222 . Tom. b g (2:41 w) 158, 3 14, .355. Tom, gr fr (2:53% w). 274. 532. Tom (,':52) 123, 421, .544 Tom, ch s .'2:40i 192, .358. 613. Tom, blk g (2:56). 146, .356, 634. Tom (2:48). 448. Tom, ch ). i.C7, i:68, (304* ;i.52, 368, 1:39, 594, 604, 7ol, Tom, cng(2:.i7). 10, 100. ; Tom. b g (2:39>^). 120, 152, 175, 266,* 3.>7,* 3y2, (683^ * Tom, bg (2:50). :52, :16, 120, 195, I 200, 206,* 213, 534, 6O11, I Tom. br g (2:47), 23.', 430, .560, 700. Tom. org (2:55). 49, 80, 30o, 341, I 661!. To.n, Ch e (2:4.'). 148, 290, 585. Tom (2:;J81.4). (724). I Tom, thg (2:3.1). 644, 674,* I Tom, brg (2:45^). (-..17). Tom, br g (2:4iJ4). 23, 200, 278, 604, 801. Tom, ch s (2:37) 233, (618). Tom, ch g (3:05), 216, (7il). Tom (2:45). -(175). Tom (2:44}4i. 120, (178), 232, 233, ;.;54. -.93, 298, .507.* Tom br g (2:o:J), 39, 72, (243). Tom, en g (2:4 .). 70, 2:2, (509*). Tom (2:40). (510). Tom, rn g (3:021^). 374,525. T.im, pac r. 7 48. Tom, pacer. 767. Tom. 285. 1 om. 483. 542. Tom &bon, pacer, 741. 747. Tom Adams, cli g (2:.3;',). 265, 456, (579). Tom Adams, pacer (2:49). (756). Tom Allen, ar g- 237,* 407,* 428, 555, 503, 663. Tom Allen, ch s (2:46%). 159, 333,* 717. Tom Allen (2:50). (263). Tom Allen, b s (3:09). 377, 476. Tom Allea Jr. 51. TomB, br g (2:35). 66,* 234, 391, 392, 496. 5 .7. T..m H.. ch g (2:32^). 87, (205). -31,* 247, (335. TomB , bg(2:31}^). 9,* 470,654. Tom B., p icer. 7.j3. Tom B. :^38. :i62, 393.* TomBagl.v, b g (2:40), by Vi talis, dam bv Edwin Forrest. i65, (178), 301, 482. Torn Barton, br g (2:34%) 79,* 106, 243, ;ilS. 341. 449 65 1 698. TomBaitery (Young Bruno;, br g (2:j2%). 40, 82, 186. 43,). Tom Bftyard. b g(2:33ki). 96. 223, (478), 617, 655,* 713.* Tom Buyne 451. Tom L'enton, chg (2:391^). 146,281, 3."i9, 638, 639. Tom Benion, b s (2:46). 83,* 145, 593 595 Tom Benton, blk g (2:42). 97, 156, (203*), 3('5, 529, 688, TomBerger, bs (2:.51). 110, (576), 794. Tom Be^t, b g (2:35J^). 97, 377, (444' ), 665, (377.* Tom Bird, gr g (2:43). 30, 123, 606. Tom Bouker. br g (a:44). 441, 603. Tom Bowling, ch g (2:49). (644). Tom Hoy, br g (2:40). 2:30, (638). Tom B. Patcheu, Or s (2:27>4). 26, 48. 59, 77,* 91, 230, 357. 393,* 451. 455. 514, 54.3. Tom Bradl -y (2:48) (170). Tom Bradley. bg(2:4:ii^). 148,327. Tom Hrady. b s (2:34). 214. 302,459, 510.* 512,* 584, 624,* 7-8. Tom Brady, pacer (2:3614). (792). Tom BrenHan.bg(2:44}4). 327 331. Tom Biitton. br g (2:26). 22, 109,* 126,* 1.33, 171, 177, 232, 251,275,* 298, ,37«. 439,* 444. 506. 513,* 514,* .590, 596, 631, 637,* 678, 708, 715, 716, 725.* Tom Brown, ch g (2:271^). 22, 150, 2i9, 295,* .355, 367,* .369. 398, 414, (447), 463, 514. 5i9. .596, 609, 618. 622. 641. 681. 714. 725. Tom Browu, b g. 418, 646. 960 CHESTERS COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACINU RECORD. Tombstone, gr s (i.';:)!). (701). Tom Biirjrher. b s C,':.")! ) .0*4 Tom Burke, bg. 3U, 1*50, ^53, 343, r.:{7. 045. Tom ('., blk g. 2:J4, 327, JSG. Tom C. .'•>:U. Tom Cameron, bgC.':3o;. 161,086,* 71H.* Tom Cameron, gr g (2:31). lOS, 392, 492. (".03). 635. Tom Cumeron, pa. <>r. 773. Tom Carn)ey (Jack Rissiter), b g (2::U>4). 121. 142. 277. 41H.* Tom Curpenter. gr s (2::i8; 182, (228=^). 307. 514,571.700,709,729, 730, 731, 709. Tom Carr, b g. 342, .593. Tom C'hrtudlei-, blk g (2:495^). (.530). Tom Clerk, cli g (2:50>4). (114). Tom Collins, gr g (2:38). 42, 53.* 67, 12;J, i:i5, 365, 569, 637, 659,* 6f>3. 794. Tom Collins, blk g(2:43). 189,281, 28:i, 4.V2. 475. Tom Collins (3:03^)- (8.3), 013. Tom Collins (2:5794). (677). Tom Collins. 185. Tom Collins, cli g. 315, 459. Tom ( oUms, bg, 530. Tom Collins, bg. 110, .594. Tom C;oons, blk g (:f:34>4% by Amer- ican Clay. 3i9, (333), 481, 506. Tom Cooper ^2:50 w). ('493). 310. Tom Craig (Surprise), grg(2:26). 1 18, 159,* 283, 540.* 541,* 705. Tom I'rowder, b s. 641. Tom Crowder, gr g, pacer (":33J4)- 457. 759, 760, 782, 783. (See Ap- penoix). Tom Crowder, b p. pacfr (2:44), by Pilot, dam I'oily Hopkins, by Slashem. (55). Tom Daily, b g. 82, 299, 471. Tom Deucalion, b g, by Deucalion. 487. Tom Dodge, ch g. 160, 2.35, 297,* 344. 407. Tom Dolan. br g. (436), (438). Tom Douglass, be. 10, 228. Tom Dyer, ch g (2:43). .576. Tom Kaves, ch g, pacer (2:34). 788. Tom Fields, ch g (2:41). 19, 23, 08, 74. 197, :C93. 343, (344), 300, 377,* 800. Tom Fitzmorris. pacer. 74'. 756. Tom Foster (2:39-. :!94, 520,* (582). Tom Fox, b p. 472. Tom O.. bg (2:371^;. 203, 381, 438, 472, 577. Tom Gibson, b g, pacer. 756. Tom Gardner, rn g (-^rH), by Cor- beau, dam by Mamhrino Chief. (5*) 36, 56. 323, 448, 483, 576, .598. 723. Tom Grundy, b s (3:08). 126. Tom (irecan (2:55 w). (20:3). Tom H. (3:05 W). 389, 443. Tom Hall (2:.54). 31. Tom Hall (3:0U). 593. Tom Hnrker, blk g. 40,702. Tom Hatch, grg (2:48) 41, 57.* Tom Hendricks, b g (2:25). 225, 2fi8, 301. 30;{, (:!iy*), 384, 460, 472. 478, 524,* 528. .556. .590, 6.57. Tom Hendricks, pr g (2::i0). (262*), .375, 444. Tom Hi ndricl-s, pacer (2:29)) 487. 738,* 757,* 759, 765, 770,* 782,* 785.* Tom Henry, bg (2:40). 490. Tom Hunter (lllu- Jav), gr s (2:4094). 41. 49. 107. 173, (286), ,358, 407,418 548,670. Tom Holland. 38 Tom Hver, b a:(2:.56). (281). 402 Tom Hyer, gr g (2 :.38). 54, 325 * 300, 408, 487,* 49(1. 5.53, (.570*), 726.* Tom Hyer. br g (2:.54). 423. Tom Hver (Big Mason), ch g (2:47^>. 11, 273, 279, 322, .^^4, 501. • Tom Hver. blk s .'2:.32*). 2), (36*), ; 160, 2:il , 310, 315. 343,* 286.600,* ' 021,042 Tom Hyer (2:41). .547, .'93 (728). I Tom .la nary (2:50J4). (249). ' Tom .lames. 103, "jiiO. Tom Jeirerson, blk s v2:44). 054. Tom Jones, gr g (2:36}). 07, 1.59. Tom Kiiiil all. b g. 131, 5^5, o07, 059. 001, 044, 7'30 Tom King, b s (3:02). 800, 803. TomKirkuool, blk s (2:32»4), by Green's Bashaw, dam by Gale's Green Mt. Morgan. 145. 181, 199, ; 203, 21.5, (225). 243.* 249.' 349, 47.-<, 491. 501, 577,* 60 1.* TomL.. brg (2:411^). 3(i8,558. Tom Lilly, b g. 170, 537. Tom Lightfo(jt. br g. 53, 414. 649. Tom Loomis, gr s (2:49i4). 400. Tom Matruire, b g (2:50%). 52,* 266, (374). Tom Malloy. blk g (2:.30). 19,* 35, 41.59,115, 117, 143,* 149 159, 176, 183, 2.57, (258*), 3 12, 3.30. 368, 369. 374, 385, 428, 449, 468, 487. 503, 516, 517. 533, 535, 561, 566, 602. 004, 040. 049, 678,* 720. Tom Manning (2:3394). 49, 133, (361), 421. Tom Mason, blk g (2:34^). 220,* 319,* (470), 521. 534, 723, 797. Tom Martin (':43). (472*). 712. Tom McCormick (2:49). (489). Tom McQraw. .375, 607, 608. Tom McGreenv. b s .384, 3!)7. Tom Meckley "be (2:29}4). 90. 110, 124, 163. 198,* 401,'-' 443, 461,* 493, 5.53, 622," 668. 694. Tom Medley, b g (2:27M). 6,* 39, 40,9:1* 117, J82, 199, 386,* 472, 508, .597, 627. 081. Tom Miller, bg. 558. Tom Miller (2:49 s). 720. Tom Moore, cb g(2:5i w). 347,539. Tom Moore, ch g (2:37J4). 27. Tom Mocire. b s (2:28) (il, 60. 257, 424, 434. 528. 651. (653), 726. Tom Moore, b g (3:00). 128, 148, 207, 473, 667, 712. Tom Moore, br g (2:42). 17, 59, 401. 480. .504, 575, 020. 660, 712. Tom Moore, blk s (2:39^), by How- ler. 81, 131,* 172,* 280,* .522. Tom Moore, b g, by Grand Moor. 413. Tom Moore. 490, 694. Tom Moore, blk s, pacer. 765. Tom Morgan, b g (2:39). 14, 138,* 155. 442. 494, 542,* 558, 577, (596), 680.* 798. Tom Morgan (2:.50 w). (260). Tom Morg.in (2:43^). (453). Tom Murphy Jr., ch g (2:40^4). 477, 518. Tom Murray, pacer. 787, 788. Tom r^urray. gr g (2:45) (2:35 s). 273. 410, 0f!9. Tommy, bg(-':4.3). 41. Tommy, gr g (2:50). 221, .5.59. Tommy, b s (3:04 1-10) 334. 443.* Tommy, ch g (2:50i^). 7 i, 89. 92, 625 Tommy, brg (3:01). 470. Tommy, ch g (2:3" ). 244. 291. 356,* 42(1. 510. 562, 012, (0.30), 721. 726. Tommy, b g (2:.32>. 42. (125*), ;J40, 470, 0I»9. Tommy, gr g (3:09;. 299 Tommy, b g (2:.52). (124), 190. 214. Ti mmy. b g (2:50»4) 53, 147, (:J74*), I Tommy (2:47). (520). Tommy, br g. 460, 606. Tommy. 04. 91. Tommy B., hg (2:41i^\. 0.5. (122), 220. 71 :i Tommv Bent. .3:19. Tommy Cook 117. 717. Tommv ftodd. blk g (2:40>4). 24,* 84.* 181. 2.33.* 2.54. 207. 319, :«6, 440, 525, 5;t5, 004. 009, 020. Tommv Dodd. gr g (2-48). (53), 442, 492. ..09, (i '4 001.080. 795. Tommy Dodd, rn g (2:24). 91, 194, 2()4,* 284. (402). 701. Tommy Dodd, i n fc (2:3l>4). (291). Tommy Dodd, brg (2:.34) (errone- ously given 2::i5i4. page 679). 15i), 2:i4. 410, .579. 0.S4, 717. Tommy Dodd, brg (2:45). 52, 168, 279, 5,'>9, 801. Tommy Dot. 315, .539. Tommy Ev-'rett. 297. Tommy Gates (Ridgewood), br g (2:24). 48, 10.5, 1 40. 144, 174,* 181, .344, 388. 404. 471, 494. 545,* 590, 062. Tommy Golddust (2:48) (42). 552.* Tommy Gaynor(2:5:i). (191). Tommy Gray (2:4794). (332). Tommy K. 472. Tommy Kellogg, b s. 505. Tommy Lambeit, ch g (2:37>4). (297). Tommy Lee. ch g (2:47). 101,* 150, (190), V50. :!28. Tommy M., br g. 29, 184, .378. Tommy Moore, b g (■.':40)4). 201, 272, 285, 302, 304, 319, 356, 530, 538, .558. Tommy Norwood, b g (2:26i^). 29, 31.* 117, 144. 180, 194, (20ti), 257, 258, 297, 299, 310. 310, 521 .* .523,* 524, 534. 5.35, 550,* .502, 0:i;?, 649. Tommy Rogers, b g. 200, 229, «81, 527. Tommy Ryan, brg(2::?4). 38,59, 1.34,* (149), 183, 204, 209, 218, 368, 408, 558. .594, 040.* 674. 078, 098. Tommy Traddles, gr g(3:05) (542). Tommy Wa'.rn'.-r, rn g (2:43V:'>) 108. Tom Norton, b g (2:4.5>4). 28, 33, 197 * Tom Roach (Harry D. Goodrich and Nigger Boy), blii g, pacer (2:2.j44). 59t', 740,- 7rti. Tom Rogers, blk s (2:23i4). 25, (81), l(i4, as2, 500. 568. (i2:{. 7i5, 718. Tom Roife, b s (2:33}^). by Pugh's Aratus, dam P>. cahontas, by Iron's Cadmus, (207'), 5uS. Tom Koife. b g. 82. Tom Rolfe Jr. 624. ToniS.bg, byMUwaukee. 125,177, 230, 202, 322. Tom Sayers, b g (2:42). 64, 277, (419). Tom Sayers, brg (2:56). 46,76,375. Tom Scott, br g (2:62^). TomKc tt. br g (2:38). (211). 218. 246, 273, 281, 327, 378, 443, 562, 603. 620, 795. Tom scolt, b g (2:25J4), (Red Line and Jim Fisher). 66. 97, 99,* 210, 281. 3,50. 523, .524, 583. Tom Scott (2:58). (649). Tom Scott, b g, pacer (2:38). 750,* 754, 756, 766.* Tom Sheridan, blk g (2:40). 104, (416). Tom Shoemaker, b g, pacer, by Black Diamond. 738.* Tom Slasher. 406, 422. Toai Smiiey, ch g, pacer (2:30), (2:26^ s). 73&, 762,* 763, (779), (787). Tom Spanker, b g. 163 . Tom Stamp, b s (3:10). 56, 143,* 160, 265, 465, 573, 628 Tom Stout, blk g (2:33). 28, 98, 402, 472, 620, 648, 680. Tom Strong, pacer (2:40i^). (785). Tom Suffolk, gig(2:40i4)- 295, (608). Tom Sullivan, blk g. 112, 312. Tom Tarpic (2:53). (558). Tom Tartar, brs. 730. Tom Thumb. 330. Tom Thumb, gr s (2:34). 198. Tom Thumb, b g (2:48). 301, 347, 593, 645. Tom Thumb, b g (2:41). 347, (378). Tom Thumb, ch g (2:40). 49, 53, 270. 425. Tom Thumb (Dare), bg(2:39J4). 71, 391, 409, 542, 602. Tom Thumb, b g (2:52). (415). Tom Thumb, hg(2:3S). (716). Tom Thumb, b s (2:50). 8, 120, 264, (405), 425. Tom Thumb, blk g (3:03). 536. Tom Thumb, pacer (2:52). 541, (702;. 777. TomThumb.bg. 87. Tom Thumb Jr., br s (2:48%). 145, 179, 330. Tomtit, b g (2:51). (166). 263, 278. Tom Tipton, pacer (3.00). 739, (764). Tom Trimble (2:46). (477). Tom Vance. 241 . Tom Walker. 40, 410. Tom Walker, ch g (2:29). 147, 149,* 192,* 224, 395,* 409, 427. 475, . 477.* 645,* 6.52, 653,* 703. Tom Watson, ch g, pacer. 740.* Tom Walton, b g (2:40). 82, 86, 262.* 667. Tom Whiffen. 121. Tom Whistler, pacer (2:431^). (741), 789. Tom Wilson, m g (2:46J^) (2:36*). (570) TomWei::hell. 261,629. Tom Wonder, gr g (2:40). 108, 163. 181, 184. 285, 333, .377, 419, 454, 465, 520, 573, 621, 642, 666. 61 INDEX OF BEATEN HORSES. T-.m Wonder, brg (2:27). 93, 106, 127, 146, 242, 362, 372,* 414, 446, 500. 5l:t, 542, 547,* 565, 569, 586, 621, (;31. Tom iVonder, grs (2:38}^). (305), 345,* 642. Tom W..iider (2:56). (279). 453. Tom uonder, chg (2:591^). 496. Tom Wonder, ij g. 624.* Tom Wonder Jr., grs (2:48%). 50. 97. 120, 1V5, 237, .323, 365, 442, 5.57. 625. 68 \ Tom Wonder .Ir., wh s, pacer (2;.32i4),746. (76 ). Tom W nder Jr., wh s. 362, 382. Tom VVii{..ht, bg (2:50). 244,(262). Tonic. 5^2 louey, bg(2-43i^). (282), 376. Toney, b g (2:54). 188, 204, 453, 565, 711 . Tontine (3:05), by Belmont. (27). Tontine Belle, bllf m (2::;7). 19, 29, 178, 272, 298, (312), 318, 3.57,616. Tony, pacer. 771. Tony, b g. t^l9 ToiiV, b g. 03. 600. Tony Baxter, gr? (2:38). .370,474. Ton Boy b. g. 643. Tony Hartman, b g. 39, 243 Tony Lambert, cb g, by Daniel Lambert. (52), 565. Tony Mac. 37=^,474. Tony Newell, b g (2 :19^). 149, 173, 176, 193, 207, 264. 265. 437,* 458, 464, 563, 695, 721,* 722. (See Ap- pendix). Tony Pastor (2:52). (204). Tony Pastor, br g (2:44). 36, 44, 213, 219, 2^9, 465. Tony Pastor, (2:52). (347). Tony T., b g (2:35). 227, 234, (652). TonyR.,bs .556. Toodles (Captain West), b s (2:35). 551,* 683. Toomey's Entry (3:13). (114). Toots.bg. 299,* 466,* 698. Toot Dill n, br s (2:321^). 388. 652. Toot Dintruff, blk m. 117, 440. Toothbrush. 550. Toothpick, ch g (3:02). 103, 528, 576, (671). Toothpick, b s, pacer. 739, 744. Top, b g (2:391^). (419), 492,* 538, 546.* Top (2:37). 74, 247,* 287, 320, 358, 486, 551,* 618, 629. 643, 681. Tope, b g (2:44^4), by General But- ler. (381*). Topeka Belle, blk m (2:36J^). 34,* 69,* 114, 154,* 206, 306, 367,* 408,* 4.52, 454, 596. Topeka John, b g (2:50). 47,* 532, 607, 794. Topgallant, b s (2:43% s). 98, 182, 203, 616,623,710. Topgallant, ch g (2:49). 793. Topgallant. 114, 147, 445. Toppy (Henry R.), ch g (2:.38M). 123, 425, 427. 653, 794. Topsail, be (3:24). 252, 679. Topsawyer (2:38U). (431*)^ 542. Topsham Boy. 100. Topsy, b m. 586. Topsv(2:39). (.596). Topsy, b m (2:54). 81, 151, 610,* 658, 668, 731, 797. Topsy. bm (2:341.^). (259), 273.* .395, 498,* 569, 616, 650. 676, 690,* 719. Topsy, b m (2:47). 33, 329. Topsy. 670. Topsy. I) m (2:33). (78), 99, 326, 346, .534,* 611,* 71. \ Topsy, b ra (2:31i^). 122, 127, 141, 182,* 192, 195, 207, 215, 240,* 300, 318, 460, 467, 509, 526, 607,* 672, (690). Topsy, blk m (2:31 ). 53, 55, 67, C125), 133, 161, 194, 279, 290, 307, 322, 389, 396, 419, 455,* 483, 485, 523, 646,661. 961 Topsy, ch m (2:36^). 21.5. 266, 277,. 345. Topsy, chm (2:36). 11, (15), 103, 44.3. 521 532 Top.sy. bi m (2:54). 10. 73, 83, 292. 407, 457, 556, 661, 794. Tupsy, b m ( ':o9i.6). 178, 201, 2.3S, 249, 273, 290, 370, 380, 437. 461, Tops/, b "ra (2:55). 95, 146, 1.52, 19:i, (263), 369, 443, 582, 619, 628, 693, 802. Topsy. blk m (2:53). 45,55,233,267, 263, 321, 461,599 Topsy, b m (2:38). 25,* .37, 711, 790. Topsy, blkm (2::i0). 43, 113. 110, 204, 236,* 28:{. 569, (578*), 030. Topsy, ch m (2:42). ;i0, 223, (359). Topsy, b m.. 71, 4;i5, 6.')1. Topsy (2:50). 184. (297). 326, 470. Top.sy, pacer (2:28). 7:J8, 742, (744), 769 * Topsy, ch m (2:50). .340. Tops>% blk m (2:43%). 107. 234, 577, 638, 721. Topi=y, blk m (2 :41i^), by Charley B. 15. (41), 184, 364. Top.sv, br m (2:5954). (460), 510» 56.5. Tousy, blk m (3:12). 433, 623. Topsy, blk m (2:49) 348, (618). Topsy (3:07 w). 20, (677). Topsy, (2:43J4). 65, 281. 450, (647). Topsy (2:56). (476), 651. Topsy (2:39). (108i, 062. Topsy, br m (2:21%). 133, (265*), 325, .348, 722.* Topsy, in g (3:03). (271), 544. Topsy, b m, pacer (2:38). 777, 792, 795 Topsy, blk m, pacer (2:25J/'). 784.* Topsy, b m, pacer (2:40). 737, 761, 780. Topsy, brm, pacer (2 :30V>). (636), 737, 7.53. Topsy B., b m (3:01V^), by Mam- briuo Paymaster, d-im Lady El- len. 160, 294, 372, (496), 695. Topsy G., pacer. 761. 772. TopisyCb m (2:44^). 9, 31, 55, 70, 235, 389. 390. 412, 458, 493. 528, 582, 695, 686. 718.* Topsy Clav, blk m. (306). Topsy D., br m (2:36). 37, 79, 268, 318. 623,698. Topsy Jr., gr m. 206, 235, 521, 596. ^23. Topsy T.. blk m. pacer (2:3034). 247. 366, 444, 479, (745). Topsy K., pacer. 740, 790. Topsy v., chm. 131* Torment, b s, by Reindeer. 197, 541, 671. Tormento, ch g (2:32). 41, (174*). Tormentor, ch g ^2:34). 61, 128, 261, 269, 302, 366,* 382, 413, 417, 429, 430. 557, 642, 6.59, 683. Tormentor (2:52}^ w). (287). Tormentor, h m. 76, 622. Tornado, bg (2:49). 222,-342,465. Tornado, b s (2:32%). 22, 98, 198, 249, 371, 507,* 547, 682. 800. Tornado, blk g (2:35). 407. 666. Tornado, bs(2:37). 124, 193. Tornado (Joe Davi.<), br g (2:35). 6.3. Tornado, bg (2:43% w). (89), 172, 447, 668. 711. Tornado Chief. 415 Tornado Alaid, br m (2:.''l}^. 28, 46, 141. 439, 503. 538.* Toronto, brg. 184.353, 519. Toronto Boy, b s (2:58). 297,398, Toronto Boy, ch g (2:42). 33, (56), 'iG* 169, 445, 451, 458. 629, 653, 696. Toronto Chief, b s. 384, 637 Toronto Chief, br s (2:31) (2:2454 s). 141.*lfi8, 197, 512, 582. Toronto Chief, ch s (2:48). (57*). 962 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. Toronto Chief, b s (2:40!^). by Toronto Chief, dam Ljidy Jane, by imp. North of Kiigland. (."i.'i^j. 111. llo, 'Mi, 399, 4-.'!J, 4;.,j, 578, . 58. Toronto Cbief Jr., b s ('J-.tiGJ^Mer- roiieouslv Kiveu 2:2;i»^, page OS.")). 31, «0, i^l. Ii05.* 2M, ^48,^:59, ^'64,* ~'K.{, ;io6,* 5;}4, 540, 56,', 588, 650.* Ui>5. Toronto Chief Jr., blk s (;i:40). 412, 45?. 58".. 586. Toronto Girl, b ra (2:37^1^). (104), 138. 407. Toronto Jim, b g (2:46W). ti4. 209. Toro.ito Jim •;2-Ai^). 179, (.■>43*). Toronto Maid, b m. 578, 579. 612. Toronto Maid. brm(2::50> 32,219,* 220, 22.% 450. 164. 465,* 657. Toronto Patehen, ch s, by Ellis' Patclien, dam by Toronto Chief. 394 Tonence. b g. 489. Torrent, chg (2:40). 29, 322,* 323, 368. 381, 5(i3. 527, 543, 605, 645, (G74). 678, 711.* Toriyburn, b g. 294. Touch-me-not. grg(:f:00). .364. Touchstone (;5:00). 195, (607). Tourist, blk g. 136, 207, 210, 511, 612, 076. 711. Tow Bov, br g (2:36). 129, (218), 28:5,* :i77, Oil. Towanda Jim. 662. Towe.'s t.lk s (2::58J4). (401). Tow Head, chg(2:4;{M)- "62. Towne, ch g (■^:5.3). (1-7). Tounsend Girl, gr m (2:49). (587*). Towns nd Mare (2:4i:i4). 53, (338). Tracy, br g (2:40^)- 377. Trade W md. 648. Trade Wind, b g (2:46). 348, 432, 574, 595. Trafalgar, br s, by Allen's Brown Trafalgar. ;111, 367, 374. Trailer (2:45). (442). Train Bov. ens. 553. Traitor, b g. 2.')9. Tramp, b m (2:38). (24), 113, 272, 527, 586. Tramp, t'r g(2:37). 112, 145, 106, 317, 329.'- 400, 409, 434, 561, 588, 641. Tramp, b g i2:30^). 7, 14.5, (146*), 241. -.68, ■-73, .589, 393, 444, 510,* 519, 0 '4,* 678. Tramp. I) K (2:48). 57, 118, 182, 271, 490,* (560 Tramp (3:0 IK')- (127*), 190,* 348, 561. Tramp, b g (2:38) 24, (295), 350 * Tramp, grg (2:4.)). 101, ;5.53. (370), 427, 433, 801. Tramp Dexter Jr., oh g (3:091^). 11.* Tramp Jr , ch s (2:34!>4), by Tramp Dexter. (14), 24, 13i, 243, 481, 484, 578. r5:5. Trample, b s, by Tramp, dam by Sheik. 635. Trampolier, ch s (2:54). 363, 414, 451, 710, Trampolier II., ch s (2:41). (139). Trampoline, ch m (2:2.3). 11, 13, 17, 110, 171, 19:5, 194. :^00, 208, (•<;88), ;570. 468,* 5.52, 580, 723. Transcript C^-AO^) 5:5,* (603), 710. Transfer, grg, by Clipper 148,166, 239, :524, 387, 495, uU5, 513, 688. Transstta. ch m. 11. Tr..n-it, ch g (2:32). (250), 278, 44.3. Transit, br g (2:45) 97, 99, 272, 306, 375, 4.^4, .565, 620, 695. Tru'Bit, whg(2:32). 122, 129 162,* 177, 2.30, L.37, 271. 274, 322, .527, 093 Transit, ch s (2:56i^). 60, G9, 130, 27.!, 200,464. Transit, b g. (150). 200, 2S0. Tran-lator. 400. .540. Trapeze, cH m (2::54>4). 187, 199. 243, 249, 4)6,* 491, 588. Traplmgen. 100, 674, 712. Traveller (Jack Horrer and Grit), ch g (2:27)^) (2::i6^*). 143, 278, :586. 419, 5,;4. Traveller (2::j8W). 494,* H.^3. Traveller, br g (2:36i4). (27*), 722. Tiavilla, pacer. 771. Traverse 1:J4. Treacy'8 b s (•~:4:5»4). 135, (604). Treadwell's bg. It6. Treasurer. 534. Tremont. b8(2:.'8>|J). 19,72, 189, 277, U44,* 728. Trenton, ch g (2:40 s). 196. 213,633. Treuton. bg(2:.30^). 110, 190,482. Tricotrine, gr g (v::38). 87, (135), 181. 190, 210, 242. .583.* Trickv Jo'rn, pacer. 73S). Triflis br m (2:47). 429. . 18, 595. Trifle, b m (2:42). .37, 141, 231, 312, 319,.391, 534, 794. TriHe, grg(L':;56(. 402. Tri.ie, b m (2::52^). (307), 643. Trifle, b ra (2:38^6). 5],* (119), 235,* 242, 49J, 508, 654, 687, 7U0, 723. Trifle, rn g, pacer (l^•.•^S}4). 744. 750.* 777,* fsO, 786. "Trifler. 280, 343. Trifliner. b g (.:47). 265, 354, 453. Tris. b g (2:;54). 1:54, 167, 646. Trlm(:i:39^) 307, (.578). Trim (2:45). (595). Trim, er g (.':47). r^9, 140, 215. Trim, br g. pacer (2:41). (701*). Trinket, b m (.':]4). 122, 160, 194.* 216, ;.'91. 316, 477, 500, 592, 631,* 653,* 701, 718. Trio, b m (2:2.3^). (249), 401, 488, 569.* Triphammer, b g (2:43). 246. Triphammer, ch g (2:44). 292, 358, (41.5*), 636, 671. Triple John, gr g (-2:4.3^4). 202. Triumph, b s (2:38). 190. Triumph (Joe), chg (2:2514). 85,* 105, 115, 184, 3i:*,* 320, .353,* .372, 459,* 466,* 544 586. 660, 699,729. Trix, br g (2:41). 803. Trojan, ch g (2:47 w) 1 6 Trojan, b g (2:41). 10, 77, 431, 493, 595. Trojan, b s (2:46). 197, 243. Trojan, ch g (2:481.6) 410, .597. Trojan, bm (2:37). 700. Trojan, chm (2:41%). (191). Trojan Belle, b m. "47, 66, 124, 207, 376, 492. Trojana, b m. 106. 501. Troinpt'useCanadienne. 46. Trot-orno-Trot. 399. Trotting Chllders, blk s(2:33^). 6, (311). 676, Trotting Jack, b s(2:49) .35,(409). Troubadour, blk g (2:19i^\ 164,* -.231, .301, 30:5,* 319. .3.54. 367, 421, 438,* 479, 488, 504, 511, 523, 636 , Trou .le. br g, by Masterlode. 667. Trouble (2:38). (389*), 508. Trouble, b s (2:45J^). (218), 527. Trouble, b g (2:42). 55, 217.277, (3.59). Trouble, b e (2:.37). 66, 69, 144, 230, :5-24.* 387, 435, 4.52, 474, 514, 529 Trouble (2:.5(i). (329). Trouble (3:001^). 235, 362, 389, (710). Trouble. 099. Trouble, b s pacer. 738. Trouber. br g. .3:CJ, 417. Troub'esome, ch g (2::56!^). 265. .326. Troublesome, b g (2:4."j1^). 54, 109,* 298. 391, 465,588.711. Troublesome, b s (2:42). 77, 167, 216. 331, 476, 603,* 092. Troutilesome, rh g (2:41). 70, 95, 111, :;33. 428, .503, 613, 635, 659. Troublesome (•2:.37). 16. l.')3. Troublesome i2:41). 70. .300. Troublesome, br m (2:29^) 90,* 150, 184, 189, 326, 406, 454,722.* Trout, b g (2:33). 298, 476, 689. Trovacore. 339. Troy Boy, gr s (2:.38). 3:53. Truckee. b g (2:.")0!4 w). 183. 627. True Blue, ch g (2:329^). ( 176). True blue, b m (2:41), by Blue Bull. 8, (•26),;505. True John, b g (2:41i^ w). 80,* 278, 29;t, :513 True John, b s (2:40). 478,* 621, 701. True Love. 59, 388, 562. Truman Jones, rn g (2:40U). 105. 177, 235, ;!.5.5. Trump, brg(2 4:5). 416,491,700. Trump, bg (2:40). 15, 228, 2 53, 205,* :)02. :5 '9, .•543, :544. 397, 4.36, 692. Trump, ch s(2:4Hi4). 8, .541, 682. Trump, brs (2:3444). (240). Trump. 119, 2.34. 453. Trum pel er. 4.51, 465. Trumpetf-r Golddust, b s (2:43W). 313 * 579. Truro, bg. pacer (2:2294). 740,742. 750, 759, 767. Tnistee, ch iz (2:40). 142, 313.* Trustee. .302.316,* 403, 491 Trusti-e, ch g (2:59). 421,* (426*). Trustee. 155. Try .Me, b s. 90, 178. Tiy Me. 170, 572. Try Me On (2::57i^). 126, 242.* r. S., br g (2:.52Ji). 99, 233, 389. T. S, chs(2:45). 557. T. Shuler. 202. Tuck, pacer (2:39) (2:34?4 8). (767). Tuck. bg. it 3. Tuckahoe, b s (2:44). 285. Tuckahoe. chg(2:35). 19, 63, 134, 136, 153, 166, 304, :515, 327, .335, 352. 354, 361, 414. 643, 694. Tuckahoe. bg(-:47). 23,223. Tucker, ch g (2:19i^). 15, .32, 115,* 150, (162), 202, 350, 372, 500, 583,* 542, 608, 6.34, 063 Tucker B., b g, pacer (2:30), (740), 703. Tucky Jane, b ra, by Tuckhahoe. 446, 507, 514, 583, .586, 708, 711. Tug Wilson. 33,209. Tulare Dick, grg (2:44). 510. Tuesday Night. 193. Tullaho Prince. 3o7. Tule Duck, b m (2:45). 59, 181, 188, 498, 579, 7.!3. Tump Winston, ch g (2:269^). 52, 10:5, 662. Turn, b g (2:45K'). 45, 540, 621, 682. Turk, b g (2:5CM). 98. 166. 304, 404. 6'i9, 635. 723. Turk, b g (2::59). 16, 82, 236, 242, 299, .36-2. 442, 443, (505), 518, 524, 625. 608, 679.* Turnbull (Wm Turnbull), b s (2:32^). 352, 465. 485. Turner (^:41). (319). Turner's b g (2:411^). 188. Turner's gr s(2:5l). (4.55). lurner's br s i2:38K.) (2:33*). (544). Turpentine, b g (2:48). (24), 70, 168. 214. 437. Tuscarawas Chief, b s. 201, 408. l\iscarora. dn g (2:38). 71, 378,448. Twang (John A. Logan), be-(2:28U). 142, 205, 358, .387. 423. 489,* 650, 706 Tweedland, rn g. by Abdallah West, dam Alice White. :i26. Twilight, b g (2:.36i4). .35, 180, 213, 404, 450. (401). 57o, .589. Twilight, wb m ( ■:27) 0. 86. 206, 270, 290,* 3:51 , 380, 498, 510, 561, 564,* 55)0. 639.* Twilight, gr m, by T. S. Lang. 75, 445. 498.* .555,* 5S3, 600, 627, 704. Twilight, b m. 550. Twilitrlit, b m, by Whalen's For- rest. 590. Twilight. 722. Twinkle, blk m (2:42). 28, 60.195, (237), 451,, 579. INDEX OF BEATEN HORSES. 963 Twinkle, ch r (2:40). 5, 72, 114, 123,* 13.".. 143,* l.->9, ] 66. 25S, 308, 392. Twinkle, b m i2:47). t-On. T\vii]kler(2:42). 114,(175). Twi.st. b g(2:3yi4,. ^228), 422, 469, 4S2. Twist, ch g, p cer (3:00). 753, 7S4. Twis'er. hilc g, pacer (2:35>^). 761, 7C i, 7(5(5. 769.* Two Spoi . b fc (3:1414). 67. Two White He.is. 27,* 242. 338, 5:i9, 795. Tycoon (2:45 w). 427, (541;. Tyler, cr er (2:57). 3:i, 621. Tymond (3:3K%). (318). Tyro. 697. Tyrone, eh g (2:46i/,). 23, 316. T,gly Dutchman, bg(2:5G). 15,683. I^lrick, blk g. 144. -Isier. 97, i^OO. •-m-zoo-fe, ch s. 108, 230. 296, 446, 669. 67S. Una, chin (2:,")0). (<161). Una. b 111 (:^:27i^), by Almont, dam Msngustine, by imp. Mango. 12, (19), 12c., 189, :«t8,* 415, 566, 573,* 604, 608, 613, 677. Unadilla B'T, grg(2:51), 304. Unatii.la Boj-. blkg (8:( 0). (49), 304. Uncas. l.lics. 60,390,446. Uncle Abe (Glengarry), br g (2:27). 361. 372. UiiCle Abe, ch g (2:54^). 4.50, 800 Uncle Ben, ch g(2::i9%). 166,* 194, 305, :51-.', 4(n, = 527, n57, 693. Uncle Bill, br g (2:37}^). 68, 123. 2j1,* 4:i8, 498, 510, 622, 720, 799. Uncle Dave, sp g (2:26i.^) 16, 35,37, 85, Sam. b g (2:50%). 56, 65, 74, 95, :'8, H8, 204,* 234, 415, 442, 460, 487. .509. 538. Uncle Sam, ch g (2:36). 41, 105, .326, 496. Unc e Sam, blk g (3:00). 152. XJ Uncle Sam. b g (2:42). 144, (193), 2:15, 4:;6. Uncle Shube, br s (2:44-?4). by Gen. Knox. (468), 565. 583. Uncle Tom. 497. Uncle True, b g, by Inauguration, dam bv Bucephalus. (533* Uder taker, ch p. 42. 167, 642. Ui.iierwood's b s. 222. UnderAOod, br-g (2:4 1). 82, 8.3. Ui.diiie. 214, 728. Undine, b m (2:40K>)- 169, 197,283, .300. !41. 41 d, 50:-~ 564, 565, 621 Undine, bm (2:36) Oo, 141.304. ■.US. 41.3. 453, 5.50, 554.621, 711. Undine, om. 81, 103. Undiii>->, p.icer. 792. Unexpected, br g (2:48). 135, 252, (311), 677,796. Unexpected. 5, 467. Union (Union Boy), gr g (2:37). 493, Union, bs (2:36) 559.630,659. Union, brg(::40). 59. Union, bg(2:38), 55. Union, br g(2:41). 437, (684.. Uni' n Boy, b g (2:55). 311, (655). Union Girl, 1> m 8. Union Jack (R. Hilli.ird), b g (2:30^^). 225, .347, 436, 520, 522. Unknown. ,^12. Unknown 496. Unknown, bs 494, 600. Unknown, b g. 115. Unknown. 32. Unknown, grg. 73. I Unknown, br g. 9-',* .308, .3.33. Unknown, b g (2:41)4). 90, 277, 298, 451, 521, 540, 686. ! Unknown, b m (2:42)4). 654.* Unkiiown, br m (2:.')0). 514. j Unknown, ch m (2:52). 491, 652. Unknown (2:47). 418, 570. 715. Unknown, bg (2:42)4). 596. Unknown, bg(2:50). 30, 115 (173), 228,* 417,626,643 Unknown, br g (2:55). 33. Unknown.blk g(2:42). 124,(169),252, 420, 507.* Unknown, chg(2:40). 2.53,2.59,276, 329.* Unknown, ch g (2:23). 86, 141.* 218. 369, 552, 583.* ; 9o, 633, 638, 652, (653-). 704. 708.* Unknown, b g C.^:.55). 349, 424, 430, 449, m:i, '00. Unknown. 131. Unknown, gr m (2:.50). 107, 386, 40 1 , 734 . Unknown, b g (2:.36) 131, (323). 357,* 389. 447, 499, 671. Unknown, gr m (2:.55). 108, 112, 170, 171, 24:! Unknown (2:59)4) (463). Unknown, bg(2:.''l). 231,424,4.55, ((550). Unknown, gr m. pacer (2:.30)4). 108, 401.* 736, 750,* 752,* 775, (776*), 777,* 792. Unknown, b g. 714.* Uno, b m (2:43). 425,* 697. Uno, blk m (3:09). (608), 711. Uno. chg. .572, 614.* Uno pacer. 784. Ur>olala. b -n (2:22^). 12, -28, 39, 72,* 101, 156. J. 59, J 89, 266, 342, .^67, .370, :i79. 438, 463, 504, 524, 564, 608, 652.* 657, 688. 719.* Unroe, b g (2:48)4), by Blue Bull. (203), 218, 233. 4..1, 578. Up and Go Constant, b g. 416, 451. Up and Up, ch m {2:Siy«). 361, 399, 475, 5."i6. 700.* Up and Up. b g(2:28). 39, 91.* 108, 164, 193,* 194. 196, 199. 216, .308, 3.56, 364.* 414, 439, 447, 472,* 528,* 547, 623, 687. Upright, ch s (2:5594) 13, 315, 438, 681. Upstart, ch g. by De Wolf's Gold- dust, dam by Moxley. 131. 200, 223. .323, 329, 533. 687, 719. Urania, b m (2:39)4). 35. Uri.ana Belle, b m (2:29J4). 187. (2>8), 5:<9, 624, 795. Useless, br g, pacer (2:3694). 780. U. S. Giant (2:50) (90*), 343. Utah, b g (2:44J^). 46, 308, 494, (6:58), 639. Utica, ch m (2:4£i-^). 28, 57, 89,302, 558, 567, 607, 731. Uxbridge, gr g (2:30). 185, 423, 571. V Valati (2:42). (46). Valentine, ch g (2:51). 53. Va'entino, ch s (;^,:09). 220, 267, 318. Valentine, b g. 179.* Valiant, pacer. 772. Valiant, b s (2:28)4). 13, 16,* 18, 34,* 63,* 117, 122.* 1.-6,* 170, 178, 193. 19.5, 196, 207, 220,225, 333, .36-,* (398), 482. 511, 524. 541, 566.* 613, 636,* 655, 667. 674,679. Valiejo Chief, ch s (3:.36V^). (erro- neously pri ted 2:.36)4, page 695). Valley Boy, b g (2:24).^). 64, 95,179, 20S'. 38',* 568. 649, 715. 728. Valley Boy. ch g. 116,471, 558. Valley Chief, gr s (2:25). 8. 19. .58, 121> 238,* 243, 247, 258. 259.291, 346. 370. 407. 562. 566,* 613,* 617, 63'<, 655, 694,* 698, 719, 721 Valley Chief Jr., grs (3:00; 484 Valley Ciry Maid, ch m (2:40). 122, (349). 44.'.* 637, 612. Valley Cottage Maid,grm (3:00). 280 VaUey Girl, b m (2:39^)- 17, 65, 450; 473, 496. 671, 705. Valley Maid, ch m. by Hambleto- nian. 234. , Valley (^ueen, b m (3:01). 5.34,* 579, | 586. Valley Stream Maid, b m. 148. Vallisca Maid, b n. (2:50). .327, 337, ;544,» 567, 576. ,588. (640*). 1 Vhllania, D m (3:04)4). (660). | Valnet, b m. (-'9-'). Van, b s (2:45). 224. 670. Van, b g (2:42). (580). Van Auken, b s. 185. Van Buren, gr s ^2:44%) 3.52, 511. Van l^uren, .CTg(2:42i. (45:*), 484. Van Bui'en Girl, ch m. 533. Vandal, h g, pacer (2:36ifcj). "40,* 742,* (7G0), 77(1, 787. Vandaha Joe, b g (2:44)^). 38, 80, 118 l<-:7 1; 9. « 204, 209. 233. 256, 284', 411' 428, 437. 528, 648 796. Vanderbilt (Judg'>Lane).b g (2:35)4) 126 1 54, 276. 366, 375, 444, 445, 452, (514), 696. Vanderbilt, brg (2:54). (97*), 301, 1 401, 458.* Vanderlynn, bg (2:22). 5. 12, 237, 365, 461, 482,* 515, .535.* Vanity, bm. 71,535. Vanity Fair, brg (2: 24)4\ 44,88, 1 .32.* ] 39,*1 97, 256, 338. 345, 376,* :f90,*415, 448,48.5.495, 513, (522), 523, .548, 624, 671. Van Pearc.?, .gr g (2:51). 525. Van Winkle, br g(2:.36). 77,187.639. Van Wormer's b m (2:34). (425). Van Zaadt blk g, pacer. by Redbuck, dam by Tom Hal. 778. Varcoe, chg (2:.^8). 90, 120, 442, 444.* 451,* 696, 729 Varick, b g (2:if:i/i). (141). Variety, b m. 36, :V.'8. Vasco,' b g, pncer (2:26-%). 382, 739, 748,* 765.* 767,* 781. Vashti, b m (2:.3214). 18.(83), 103,.523 Vashti, b m, by King Rene, dam Effle. 2.3, 165",* 1 91, 462,522, 712. Vassar Boy. bg. 5^8, 616 Vauifhn, brg (2:32)4). 104, (179), 188,* 190,^ 262, 316, 379,* 486. 540, 7.32. ■ 0G4 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECO?.D. Velmar, b m, by Elmwood. 101. | Velocipede, b k, pacer (2:2714). H' I 7:U5, 74S». 751. 76.t.* 70(5, 771, 778, , 7.S,',* 7H4,» 785, 79-'. Velocipedb, pacer. 7(>9. Velox, br8('.,>:44!^) (.">88). 728. I Vrlox, blk p {.2::U)14). MH* (477), .ViO, GO;i, 800, 801. Velvet, pr 11. 37, U.=>4. Velveteen, ch m (iSJHi. ."i9, 276, 367, 379, 418, 48.1. 523. .-.98. Vcnaiipo Chief, grs. 170, 535. Vengeance. 694. Venture. chs{2:i7!4). 71, 104,* 174, ■J.VJ, 299. 5.i5. 680. Venture, oh g (2:49). 30, 'iT, 190, 201, 2!1G. :57.i, 377. 414, 454, 476, .532, (i:ti», 644,* 693* Venus, oh ni (2:^^^]4). 37, 1.39, 369. Venus b in (2:31) 4'', 164, 165,* t 468.489,5.30.623.641. ) Venus, ch m (:!:li4i.i,). 128. ' Venus, bni(2:.i6>4). 83, 182, 185,; (19.3), 288, 350, .3130. Venus, ch m. l.')2, 166, 40'.',* 511, | 627, 680. Veny P., b g (2:52), by MiunbrinoPat- chen.dara by Hambletouiau(617). Verbank Boy, h g 50. Verbena, b m(2:40i^). 57,481,(482), 6.50, 685. Verge, oh s (2:35). 124, 328, 367, i (412*). I Vermillion Boy. blkg (2:.36^). 33,* 40, 214, 381, (531). Vermont, grg (2:33). 189,3.32. I Vermont, bg(2:57). 29.5,418,430. Ver.nont, b s (2:51) (587). VerT.out, blk s (2:48) 135, 6.54. Vermont, b g (2:46). 13, (177). 471.* 726, 795. Vermont Abdallah, ch s (2:30»^). 267, 55(5. 638. Vermont Belle, ch m (2:49^). (40i). Vermont Black Hawk, blk g. 476. Vermout Hoy, bs (2:47). 611. Vermont Bov, ch s (2:.5! %). 149. Vermout Boy, b g (2:42). 519. Vermont Hoy, b g (2:50 s). 148. 201. Vermont Boy. blk g (2:42>4) . (106). 385. Vermont Boy (Wtiitewater Chief), gr g (2 4.51^). 114. (404), 612. Vermont Fioy, brg (2:58). 518. Vermout Champion, br s. 224. Vermont Kthan. b s. 249. Vermont (iiil. 479. Vermont Hero, b s (2:35) (Time of heat misprinted 2:38 for 2:35, page 6'>8). 518. Vermont Jr., blk 8 (2:33). 70,* 71, 661. 696. 734. Vermont Lady, wh m (2:.51). 395. Vermont Maid (•.':44U). 179,(502). Vermont Mai. I, bra (2:38). (57, 114,* 258, 272. 299, : 35, 518. 546, 693. Vermont Tiger, blk s 687. Vernon Bi.y, chg (2:45). 404, 475, 548, 683. Vernon Boy, blk g. .50. 185. Verona, b in (3:02), by Alexander. (82). Versailles Girl, b m (2:2.5«^). 9,* 46,* 154, 164 183. 232, 328, 340, 362. 421', 425, 468, 589, 592,* 631,* 646.* 678.* Verus, blk s (3:18J^). (185), 288, 303, 369.* Very St. Just, b g. 3^7, .543, 668. Vesper Clav, gr h. -104. Vesta, b m(2:3(;^) 37,380.430,438, 445. 538,* 632, (553, 680, 084, 685. Vestali (2:471^ w). (313). Vesty. .H. Veto, br g(2:44w) 681. Veto, blk 8 (2:.58). 730. Veto MorKan (•..':49 (279). Vexation, bm(2:41>^). 131.* Viiitor. ch8(2:.389i). 38, 100, 163, 466,* 538, 588, 798. - Viator, b g. 30. Vibbard. br s (2: i9«4). 401. Vic.brg(2:41}4). (175),3:4, .j29,*57a Vic. pacer. 7.»7. Vicious, bm (2:43). H8,* 200, 233, (403*), 482 Vick Almont, bni. 228. Vielim, b s (2:52^). (477). Victor, I) g. by Prince William. 6.53. Victor, b g. 1.57. 3(ig,*,-)34, 718,719. Vic or, grg (2 ::53i>4>. 53, 136, 240. (2>i0), 267. .377. 575. 616 Victor, brs (2:29»/i). «58. 103,* 186, 299,* 403. 535. .5(50, 025, 649. Victor, b g (j:45i. 27, 30, 107. 312,* 798. Victor, brs (2:23). 185, 200, 219, 38.'. 45s, 516.* Victor. I) g pacer V 2:28) (erroneous'y given 2:3w. page 789). 758, (777), 78;{. . Victor, b g (2:37). (Ill), 585, 695, 708. Victor, brg (2:45). 15, (180), 22.5, 454, 468, 624. 692. Vicior, b g (2:40). 83. (273), 525. Victor, bg (2:4S>4). 186 Victor, gr g. pacer (2:28). (791). Victor. 541. Victor. 572. Victor Almont. blk s (3:04). (56). Victor Clav, b g (2:30}^). 18,* 454,* 4t)0, 474.503, 614.* Victor Hugo. 315. Victor Hugo, blk g (2:.30i^). 219, 278,* 323, 386. Victor Hugo (2:5114). 407, 659. Victoria, ohm (2:31 J^). 59,205,421, 543, 704. Victoria (•.':54). .324, (520). Victoria Maid, b m. 166. Victoria WoodhuU, b m. 179, 240. 271. Victor Hollis, b s (3:03). (70), 527. Victorine, brm(3:00). 111,344. Victorina (2:45). (10 1), 21 9. Victor Jr.. bg (2:43). 31. Victor Patehen, br s (2:3314>. 212, (295*), 316, 343, .557. 700. Victory, grg (2:531^). 66. 449, 453, 730. Victory, b m (2:57}4). 290,317, (410). Victory, b g. 139. Vidette, b g .349. Vidette, b s (2:39), by Vindex, dam by Whip. 68, 457. 465, (499*). Vid'ler Toole, blk m. 317. Vigilant, b s (2:40). (609). Viking, gr s, by Rustic, dam by Stockbridge Cliief. 27, 82, 162. Village Belle, blk m (2:40). 105, (408), 423, 461, 600. 612. Village Blacksmith, b g. 300. Village Boy, blk g (2:32i4). 31, 54, 105, 184,* 2.36. 273, 329, 339, 351, 436. 455,* 487, 681, 688. Village Boy, rn g, pacer (2:25 s). 756, (779*). Village Girl, rn m (2:44i^). 215, 263,* 418.* 6.50. Village Girl, ch m (2:28). 1.35, 184,* 238, 488. 519, 611. (545, 6(50. Village Girl, bite m (2:36). 50, 162, 179. 2.33, (335*). Villag-i Maid, br m. 52. Village Maid, gr m (2:52). 61. 357, 423, 532, 723. Village Maid (2:35) 96, (.399). ViUetre, b m (2:46)^). 144, 157,174. Vindex, br s. 152. Vindex Filly (2:46). 175 Vindicator, b 8 (2:46). 34,453,011. 682, 693. Vindicat r(2:55). (10). Vinewood, b g (2:41). (.30), 113,* 300, 409, 422, 506, 556. Vining's gr g(2:42V<5). 399. Vinnie (Jolddiist. ch m. ."i31. 622. Viola, br m (2:36Vi). 7.* 420,* 480, 490. Viola (Hatt ie and Sarah i. br m (2:28). 85. 271, (439,. 22. 609. 645. 665. Viola, ch iu(2:5.Ki) 2.32, 246.368, 570. Viola, blk m (2:40). .527. Viol.i, I) m (2:.37). 24. 42* 50,73, 108, 128. 131. 185. 191, 2.3.3,* 257. 346,* .359. 362. (.395>. .398. 4:(7, 408, 48(1, 492,* 404, 503, 538, 643, 045, 795.* Violet, b m (2:50i^) 89. 129. Violetla. ch m r-*:3.j?i) (2:34 8). 207, 361. Vira, gr ni. 156. .588. Virgie Wilkes, b m (2:45). 90, 608. Virginia, b m.* 10, 35,76, 316, 378, 443. 472.* Virfjinia. brm. 316. Virginia ( Breeze), b m (2:38). 130, 721. VirginiaGirl. b m (3:.20V.). 488. (714). Virginia Mjiil (2:4.5i^). 6.>G, 689. Virgin Leaf, bi-g. 395. Virginia Squirrel 47.* 413. 467. Virginii Wagoner, ch s (2:57J4)> (.39*). -.'80. 595. 690. Viroqiua. blk ra (2:48). 12.3. 247, 363. (420), 585. 64.5. Vision, b ui (2:26}4). 16, 68. 76.* 95, 135. (189). 190. 2.33,' 268,* 362, 3(5.3, .365, 446,* 455, 566, 601, 613, 614. Visit, bin (2:47). (48.5). Vivandiere. b m (2-26>4). 16. 109, 126, 183, 2 9,* 272, 320, 370, 521, 528, 6m. 701,* 70.. Vivid C. (George), b g (2:28W). 179* (385), 58J,*617. Vixen, br m. 404. 657, 600. Vixen, bm. 490. Vixen, blk m (2:3414). 4C4, 405, 520. 615. 670, 677. Vixen. 173, 292. 639. Vixen Golddust, b m, bv Webster Golddust, dam b.y Major Patehen. 380. Vladimir, ch g (2: :8^). 18. 107. (116*), 240, 282, .3(53, 373, 449, 470, 488, 536, .".61. 572. 704. Volante, b m. 466. 5.55. 563, 5t''9. Volante, pacer. 750. Volcino, dn s (2:3214). 20, 99, 141, 295, .332, .399. 4ii3,6 1.* Volcano, ch s (2:40). 22. 223, 543, (629), 700* Volmer, b s. 699. Volney, b g (2:23). 47, 173, .371. 471.'* 474. 620. Voltaire, brs (2:20J4) 17. 26,* 72, 86,* 122,* 132, 133, 164. 183.* 184, 194,* 216, 231. 290, 336,* 344, 515,* .-).52,* 567.* 568, 620. 631,. 6.32. 6.5.3, 687,* 701.* 708.* 717. Voltuk, p,icer(2:40) (7.56). Volunteer (Belly Lewis), b g (2:29m. 329. Volunteer, gr g (2:.32U). .34, 93, 278, 326. 4.57.* 488. 517. 568, 635.* Volunteer, br s (2:27). 35, 90, (149), 190, 269, 613. 620, 665.* Volunteer. 556. Yolunteer Beiie, ch m (2:40J^). 141, 161,215,268.438,441. Volunteer Giii, b m (2:36), by Vol- unteer, dam by Washington Jr. 8, 14.* 4 >, .50, 5(i, 86,* 1 -4, 1 3-, 141, 149, 170, 173.*2.30,279,*281,*34T. 34S. 468, 5 1 7, 521 .* 523. 5(54.(580*), 605, 627, 633. 662,* 665. 706. 723. Volunt«^er J'-..brs. by Volunteer. dam bv Defiance. 138.5(8. Volunteer Maid. I. m (2:27). 10, 29, 107, 1^4,* 21(1, 276, 296, .346, .384,. 431, 453, 473, 558.* 584, 586, 61 ., 623. 6 '.0. 708,* 715.* Volunteer Queen, bm (2:40). (8). 52. Von Arnim. b s (2: 9^>. 73, 194, .325, 567, 573, 687, 701,717, 723 Von Moltke Jr.. b 8 (2:b2%). 467. 6"3. INDEX OF BEATEN HORSES. 965 Volunteer Princp. 8. ! Voucher, b s, b,- Nephew, dam by i Vulcan, blkg(2:25). 17.* 134, 141,* Voorhees Mare, brm (2:43). 289. Patchen Vernon. 521. [ 21H, 221, .V)7,* 508, .■>41, 684, 686,* Vosourg, ch s (2:41). 372, 455, 539, Vulcan, blk r (2:32). 23, 111, 129, | 715,723, 796, 800, 801. 6.'>7. I 147, 2X.-),* 278, 444, 497, 699, 71.5. V. P. Terry, ch g, pacer. 749.* ' 794, 796, 798. ~W W..grg. 498. Wabash, gr g (2:52^). 20, (551). Wabash Billy, ch g (2:53). 22. 91, (3.35), 6t;7. Wabbler (■J:43). (620). W. A. Bickford. 144, 5.-)8. W. A. Brown, b g (2:4 .'I. 281. Waco, br g. 133, 660.* Waco. 187. Wade Hampton, ch g (2:34^4). 36, 40, 253. 411,* 697. 796. Wade Hampton, ch g (2:37»^). 532. ^^ade Hampton, gr g (2:33). 170, 322,(4961, 540,608. Wade Hampton, gr s (2:31%), by Alniout Jr. 133, 255,* 3S0, 491, (.597), 654. Wad- Hampton, bg (2:32). 227,* (318), 447, 610. Wagner, b g (2:51). 97. 398. Wagner, bg (2 :40J4). 84, 102,156. (332), 360. Wagner'-s Bashaw (Switzer), br s (•J:25%) 203,622,* 718, W'agouer (Wild Wagoner), b s (2:3714). 254,3 23,354,374. Wagram.br g (2:42). (10), 63, 100, :HI, 618. Wahfcansah,b s (2:4li^). 306, 597. Waif, brg 211,592. Wait a Bit, b s (2:32)^). 171, 251, 3'jO, (370), 414, 610. Wait a B.t. b m (2:31). 12, 103, 174, 179. 1!)?. 573, 608, 620. Wait a Minute, gr g. 237, 563. Wait a \^ hile, ch g(2:53). .548,* 704. Wait a While, b g (2:38). 50. (246). Wail a While, rn g, iiacer (2:353^) 749, (791). Wait for Me. 415. Waiting, b g (2:25'%). 9, 140, 175, 262, :i24, 504, 556. 657, 682. 705. Wakaw (2:43), (156). Wakefield, b g (2:46i^). 314. WakefielJ, b s, by Taggart's Abdal- lah, dam by Hazeltine Horse. 170, 3iiu, 374, 598. Wake up Jake, gr g (2:54), 587. Wake up Jake, b g, pacer (2:30). 111, L'99, 740. 745, 7o7, 761, 778,* 7-0. 785. Wakuusir Chief, pacer. 776 Waldou Maid, br m (2:35i^). 43, 112, 296, 720.* Walk Along John. 503. Waldo Ch ef , blk s (2 :3614). 51 , ( 326). Walker. .378,* 405. Walker. 14, 377. Walker's b s (2:47 w). (Ill), .307. Walkf-r's Morrill, b s (2:37) 641. Walkill, b s (2:35). 192, 3-'6. 441. Walkill Cbief, br g, by Walkill Chief. 110,* Walkill Maid, b m, by Walkill Chief. 602. Wallace, ch g (2:41)- 116, 131, 207, 255, 263, 267, 320, 422, 610. Wallace, b g (2:29^). 1 19, 542. 700. Wallace, b s (2:46J4), by Tdggart's Abdallah. 165, 289, ('671). Wallace, bg. 442. Wallace M. 612. Wallala, b g. 305. W^alla Walla Maid, bm (2:351^). 169. Walcott, gr g. 339, 798. Wall's br g (2:39). (723). Walnut, b 8(2:2234). 110, 130, (145), 173,* 227.* 259, 265, 309, 383, 421,491,529,651,731. Walrussia. 403, 478. Walsh, b g. 373. 130, 159, 243, 146, 482, 666. 29, 170, 246,* (746). Walter (Walter Lee), gr g (2:41). 207, .394, 641, Waller, ru g (2:32^). 53,(132*), 141, 145,* 212, 255. 207. 6i8, 732. Walter, b g (2:42). 84, 646, 661. Walter, b g. 62(i. Walter, ch g (2 -291^). 26. 31, 77, 125, 171. 201, 229,"2t54, 282, 328, 342, 371. 414." 447. 459, 502,* 509. 514. 528. 649,(6.59), 678, 695, 700,*7ul, 731. Waltei-. bg(2:37). 3:^:7, 69 i, 735. Walter, b g. 625. ^valter, chs(3:38), Walter, brg (2:58) (428). Walter, pacer (2:27>4) Walter b.. b s. 157,* .i66. Walter B.. b g. 96, 118, 406, 694. Walter C, ch g (2:39). 234. Walter C, b g, pacer (2:35). 739. Walter Cook, b g (3:14;. (153). Walt.^rG. 11. Walter H.. b g (^:44?|) .335, (339). Walter J., b g (2:45). 486. Walter Jones, blk S (2:34J4). 39, 84. 96, 99,* 104, 1.30, 144. 221, 42H, 512, 532. 544, 607, 652, 667,* 675, (686). 713. Walter L. , gr g (2 :40), .528. Walter Lee (Walter), gr g. 32,* 659. Walt.-r R . blk g. 146.* Walter'rfblkf. 658. Waltf-r 6., wh g. :J50, 706. Walter i>mokei , b g. 13. Waniman 9, 663. Wanda, gr m. 13. Wanderer, gr g (2:46J^). 127, 592. Wanderer, gr g (2 :50) . (155), 328. Wanderei , b g. 228, .304, 324,* 603, 676 Wandering Ref 'gee. 135. Wanetta, rn m. 83. Wang (2:42). (357) Wapoello Chief, br s (2:41), by Lick Turplu 259, 274, 287, 380, 437, 663. Wapsie, b s (2:35). 124, 327. Wapsie Chief, b s, by Wapsie. 36. Wapsie Bashaw, b s, by Waspie (2:52). 53,(516*). Wapsie Boy, blk g (2:36). (188*), 224, 554. Wapsie Girl, gr m, by Wapsie. 34, 267, 716. Wap'inonoc, b s. by Wapsie. 554. Wapsie Maid, b m, by Wapsie. 67, 119, 677. Wapsipinicon, br s, by Wapsie. 391. Ward Beecher, br g (2:471^). (61), 246. Ward Jr. . b g (2 :51i^) , 233 . Ward Medium, b g, by Happy Medium. 13* War Eagle, gr g (2:33). 332, .358, 664. War Eagle, ch g (2:44). 282, 398, 469. War Eagle, gr s (2:51). 67, 398, 710. War Eagle, pacer (2:46}^). 771. Warner. 565. Warrantee, blk m (2:48i^). (462). 801. Warren, b g (2:.36^). 100. 113, 153, 154, 206, 415,* 435, (437*), 531, 652. Warren B., bg. 461. Warren's b s (2:.57). 606. Warren Davis, ch s, 242, 663. Warr Hulett, bs(2:41). 93,391,635, 674. WaiTior, pacer, 739. Warrior, ch g (2:46). 67, (186*), 329, 432. 529, 624. Warrioi-, grg(2:52). 527, Warrior, gr g (2:42M). 186,* 205, 211,331, 486, 555. Warrior, br g (2:26). 104, 199, 216, 230,* 237, .3*0, 379, 380, 496, 515,* 534, 678, 703. Warrior, b g, pacer (2:22}4,\, by War- rior. 7.55. 7ij2,* 768.* (780*). WarriorCbief, blk g (2:50). 259,297, 345.* (625). Warrior Chief, ch s. by Caledonia Chief. 484. Waisaw (2:40-3^). 5, 221,260.* (518). Warsaw, ch g (2:40). 7. 8. 43, 103, (203), 356. 43.5. 607. 722, 799. Warsaw, blk g (2:43). 460. Warsaw (2:.36i^). 351, (.584). Warsaw Belle, br ni. 185, 515. Warsawer 482. 490. Warsaw Ned, b g (2:42>4V (293*). Warwick, b g. 176, 204, 651, 802 Warwick, b s (2:2i)U,). 49.* Warwick, gr g (2:37). 40, 155, 166, (206), 21M, 268, 400, 432. Warwick, b s (2:.52i4), 164, 305, 35.3. Warwick, b g (3:13%). 526, (576), Warwick Boy, br s. 70, 342. Warwick Maid, ch m. 106, 646. Warwick Maid, blk m. 598, Warwick Girl, gr m. 56. 285,* 634. Washuurn Maid, ch irn2:2'%). 142, 145, 243, 259. 39:i,* 637 801. Washerwoman, blk m (2:40%). 96. Washerwoman, bik m. 371. Washington, blk s, pacer (2:21%). 747, 749, 762, 763, 764, 774,* 779, 781, Washington, pacer, 751. Washington, grg (2 :3.5i4w). 22,76,* 88, 89, (115). 14ii* 179, 184. 187, 214, :-!79, 418, 426,* 598. 654. Washington, br g (2:3.5), 439, 795, 797, 798. Washington (Gen. Washington,John H. Welch and Long Mane), 331. Washington, br g (2:47)^). 25, 123, 136. Washington, b g (2:36). 150, 201, 390. 550, 0.50. Washington Irving,ch g (2:38) (2:30 s). 71. 101, 586, 715. Washington Ii-viiig. gr g (2:56). 217. Washington Irviirg, ch g. 83, 298, 486, 637. 081 . Washington Jackson, gr s (2:.57M^. 112, 2.53, 504, 533, 793. Washington Jr.. blk s. by Washing- ton (2:40). (31b), 320, 58,!, 720. Washington Jr.. blk s, by Gen. Washington (3:02). 15, 39 i . Washington Jr..b s (2-A:l]4). 169, 201, 250.* 088. Washington Maid, ch m, pacer (2:2f{). 782. Washington Messenger, b s, by Union, dam Lady Messenrer. 7.'!. Washoe, b g (3:10), by Bourbon. (626) Wash Moore, b g (2:45%). 266, 467, (475). Washtenaw Chief Jr., blk 8(2:46%). Ill,* 157, (.30»). Washtenaw Chief, br s (2:29). 140, 150, 362.* 541. 61.'), 675, 724. Wasp (2:46). (98), 155, 277,* 470, 628.* Was.sawea, blk g (2:51%). 97, 177,* 441, (.505), 698. 966 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. Wassomet, blk g. 233. Wat27. 5-i!). 566, .'79 * Waichm;in. Kr g(2:51'4). 365. Waterloo KrgC3:.iO)(2:44 s). 49:?, e.i"), 68S.* Waterloo (Albert), b g (2:30). 297. 307. 4 il. 444* 515, 593, 6.'}:J. Watfiloo Bov. 446. WaU'is' brs(2:38). 633. Watertown, ? r g ( 2 :50) 450. Wftte't wn Boy, (2:57>4). (263). Watf-rville Harry, b g (2:50). 31, (()3Sl. Watson, b g (2:45%). 284, 327, 659, 794. Wat2, .372." Wellington, b g. :}5. Wellington Maid, b m. 36. Will.iiighby (2:.54). (15). Wel;s vood. bir (2:.37s). 158. 252, (429). W^emp, br g. .59. Wendover, br s (2:42%). 299. Weskora, b in (•.:38>^). 28, .505, 543, .596.* 716. Westlev Haine, b g(2:53). OOli. West Albany Roy, bg (2:36^6). (215). West Brefney. bs(2:44}^). "498. West Brighton, h g. 156. Westlmr.- Girl(^:.5-i). (650) Westchester Gin. blk in (2:40%). 90. 294, (.5.34), 610. West Dingmaii, sr g (2:35). 379, .589. West t-aton Gin. blk ni (2:39Ki). (23*). 22.-^, 237. 264, 467. 632. West Knd. b m (:J:00). 73. 124, (399), 5'>2 Westerley. b s (2:58i^). 6, 209. Western. chg(2:.32). 112.* Western, ch s (2:25^). 324. 346, 437. 47i,* 478. 605. 057, 683. Western, b g (2:.30), by Stephen A. Doaglass. (29). Western Bell^, bm(2:37i.4) 6, 332,414,4.55.464,577, 601. 6.32, 657,* 703. Weston, ch s. 6{i8. Westover ( Billy Bad Eve and Chest- nut Ridge), b g (2:29^) 16, -,8, 77, 189, 200, 256, ;{:.'(!, .■,: 7. 568. West's Almont. b s, by .Vlmont 467. West's Chestnut Stallion (2:45J4i. 1 .303. j West Side, br g(2:45). 181,(504). I 5.3(1. West Side, brg (2::'0>^), by Hotspur. 19.3,* :i8l, (718). West Side Pet. b g. pacar (2:46). 570. West Union (iirl, b m (2:.39). 32, 174.* 235, 241. 274, 290, .320, 402, 483,520*643.* We-sn Wind. .35, 649. Weth.rbv.bg(2:.59>4). 170,20;, 256, 365. W. F. Hayes. ch£r( 2:39^). 129.344,* 311. :8;», 577, 594, 60 . 6r;<.* W. G, ch g (3:23). 440. 479. 509. W. H., i> g (2:32). lid. 259, 3fJ4. Whalebone, b g. 52. 1 .-8. 266, 574. Whalebone, br g (2:47%). 182. 409. Whalebone, chg (2:44). 178.* 640. Whalebone, b 8(2:40}^ wi. 39, (299), :?40, 3h;. Whalebone, b s(2:41%,. 252,471, 632. Whalebone, blk g (2:31). 89, 346, (423), 430, 459. Whalebone, ch g (2:51). 61. 212. 7.30. Whalebone, br g (J:29). 22,* 105, 127,138,230, 238, 2.5ii. 391,437, 50 1 , .507. 547. 565,* 586, 634, 682,* 703, 801. Whalebone, b s (2:54). 19, 99. Whalebone, b g. 648. Whalebone, br m (2:37). .340, 454, 5(15, 651, 688. (698). 704. Whaieboue (2:43). 162, 298, 307,* 453. 592, 679, 692, 794. Whalebone, brg. 19.43,219,239, 250, 345, 348, : 6"\ 448. I Whal-b ne. b s(2:.50). 1.54. 652. WhallKine, brg (2:44). 31. (45). 44.5. I Whalebone, b g, pace r (2:52). 754, i 785. I WhaleboneKnox, bs,byGen. Knox, I dam bv Young vvhaiebone. 38, i 442, 7i;^. W. H. Arnold, gr g (2:31i^). 55,* I 100, 117, 290,* 3:8, .362. 369. .':74, 627. 63 >.* 678,* 679, 732* What Cheer, gr ui (2:57). 94. I What Is It, eh s (2:35 ). 490 I What Now (2:50). lie, (458). 571. W. H. Beede. b s(::30M>. 238, i€7, 594,* 653, 688. 715. , W. H. Burr, ch g 519.530. W. H. C, blk g. 59.457. 489. W H. D., bg(2:i5) 121. Whelplev's b m (2:47J4). (421*). Whelple'y's gr g (2:46>4). (3i0). Wheeler's blk m (2:40). (191).' Wheel Tire. 648. Wheeler, blk g. 688, 711. 722. Wheeler, ch g. pacer 748. V hetstone. gr g -■:51i^) 576. W. H. Force, b t:(i:42^), 52,57, 1.38.* 191, 196. 217, 232, 289, 395, 530 5ii4,* 673.* W. H. Ilolley, b g(2:33). 262, (319), 601 604. 722. Whinnie, br m. -29 Whipple, b s (2:33;4). .36. 304, 288, 3.56, 388, (538*). 620, 709. Whipple Jr., br s by Whipple, dam by Cracker. l.">, as, .372. 715. Whip Clav, blk s, by Strad r'sC. M. Clay Jr.. dam Becky, by Ward- law's Shakespeare. 483. Whippoo.will,l)g(2:54M3.(17),223, 240. 436,* (i02. Whirlwind, b s (2:.30U). 106. 604. Whirlwhid, br g (2:49^). ia5, 386, 438 INDEX or BEATEN HORSES. 967 Wiiirhvind, l)g(2:."5). 631.* Whcrl\viiic],blkiJC:::iSi/>). 667.* 699. W'liirlwind, ogC>:40). 121,261,433, 6«5* WhirlwiMl. 242, 627. Whirhvind. 526. Whirlwind, blkg, bv Banker. 372. Whirhvind, blks(2:49). 229. Whirlwind, ch g (^:58). :;3J, (471), ,51. "i, 526. Whiihvind, chs(2::i9). ino. 255 294, 36S, .375, ;'99.* 5 2.543,609. (647). Whirhvind (3:0 13^). (217). 244. Whirlwind (.2:39) 15,* 130, 151, 202, 210, 3^1,511,602,718. Whirlwind Jr. (Sneak), b g (2:27^). 206, 242, 674. Whiskej-, cb g (2:3.^14). 12, 312. Whiskey. 217. 590.* Whiskey Hor.. 37, 257, (282), 066, 7 1. White Face, ch g (2:45). (447*1,498. White Face. 70 2-J3. 408 White Fawn, gr cr (2:32}^). 99, 106, 1.50, 240, 241, 334. 346. 3f<(i. 421. 675,* 577, 645, 659. 670, 678. Whitefield. bg (2:.30i4) 124, 257. 380,* (382),* 478,* 479, 550, 628 * 64.5, 67.5. Whitefield Maid, b m (^:45). (89), 201. 4 98, 6.30. Whitefoot. 514. Whitefoot, b g (2:35%). 187. Whitefoo? (Col. Fiske), ch g (2:38). 249. 542, 592. Whitefoot (2:57). 161,329,(514). Whitefoot, br g (2 :41 ). 130 1 72. 388 Whitehall (2:52). 175, (222), 292, 283, 689. Whitehall Boy. 602. White Hawk, grg(2:38%). 20,83, 107. 362, 599. Whitehead, bg(2:41). (1.36), 683. White lie Is, b g(2:.i7>^). 73, 159. 304, 612. 7.i2. White Hoi s ■, gr g (2:45). 249. Whitehou!5C. 3i4. White Leg, b g (3:15). (428) White l,eg(2:.5fi). (103). White Legs, rn g 648. White Lips, b g. 614. WiMt:? ) ine, gr s (2:30). 49, (3:i), 341, 724. White Line Jr., grs, by White Line. 639. White Mountain, gr g(^:31). 36,* 221, (624). White Mountain Boy, b g (2:42%). 190, (3; 8). White Mou itainBoy. 645. White Oak, grg. 149, 241. White Oak. 474 * White Pigeon, wh m. 600, 802. White Queen, wh m. 276. White hose, wh m. 19o. 275, 503. White I ose. gr m (2:40^) (67), 84, 546,* 6.32. White Rose, wh m. 191, 535. Whitesboro Chief, b g. 534. White".sbm(2:41). (331). White Socks. 22. White Stockings, b g (2:43i4 w). 66, 15.-. 271, (700). White Stockings, ch g (2:33). 82, 118, .385,441, 46"., 512. White Stockings, ch g (2:52}^). 37,* 65, 277, .502. 611. White Stockings, ch g (3:00). 187, (J53*), 311,538,613. While Stockings (2:45). 77, 140, (184). 215, 394. 5 4, 6-^7, 719. White Stockings, ch g. 15, 280, 449. White StocKings. 153, 401 . White Stock. ngs, p^cer. 749.* White Stockings, ch g (2:33)^). 88, llu,* 2.53, 399. 405, 4<2, 5li6, 633, 706, 802. White Stockings, b <^ (2:451. 382, 441. White Stockings, blk g (2:32*). 356, 721. White Stockings, b g (3:21). 37, 109, 147, 316, 318.* 362, 373, 424, 456, 483, 495, (574), 665. White Stockings, b g (3:20 w). 410, 661. (^88). 796. White Stockings (3:07). 192, 233, (.599). White Stockings, blk m (2:38). 97. 214, 408. 470. 608. 800. Whi^e Sto^ e, wh g (2:55). 23, (109), 182. 214, 339. While Sulphur, ch g (3:03). 482. White Swan, gr m (2:55^) 308, 433, 673 Whitewater Belle, bm(2:47). 446, 611. Whitewater Chiet (Vermont Boy), gr g (2:49). 318, .360, 569 Whitford, b s. 28, 119, i21, i:4.* 261. 438. Whitney, pacer (2:33). 761, 787. Whitney's Entrv. 135, 721. Whit Oakley. 278. Whii-son's blkg(i:47). 690,(697). Whitsonville, bs(2:54i^). (397). Whortleberry grg. 640. Whiz.bs. by Uncle Shuhe. -599. 704. W H. Lippincott Jr.,grg. 141, (147;. I W. Kunt. 205. Whoa Kate. 364. Who Thought It, bg (3:00). (461). W. H R. 234. W . H. Staves. 296. W. H. Rudd, brg. 64, 390,* 468,521. W. H. Van Cott. I) g. 186, 195, 702. Why Not, bm 339. Why Not cb m ( !:35). 10, 179, f^3.5.* 413. (440*), 459, 563.* 675. 699. 799. WhyNot. bni(3:.53. 16.5.- Why Not. 433. 725 Wichita, grg (2:48). 79. 3i2, (567), 663. Wichifi Chrirley, b g. 7, 114,* 290. Wick, bg(2:30). 62o. Wicked Will, org. 53, 134, 531,611, 6<4. 661. Wickford, b g. 348. Wickford Belle, b ni (2:.54). 339, (5261. Wick low Witch, brm 207,* 599, 661 Wicklo.v Ranger, ch <.'. 477.* x» ide A^^ ake, ch s (2:57i^). (43), 54» 175,24/. Widow, b m (3:07^). 016. Widow Bedott. rn m (2:39J4). 577. Wid.iw Dunn, br m. 4'.i6. Widow Macliree, cb m (2:29). 227, 2.i7. Widow Machree, b m(<;:36%). 117, 677. Wiegehets, b g, by Black Cioud, dam Jannette 551. Wilbur F . blk g (2:241^). 45. 126, 159, 173, 180, 200, 262 * 277. 301,* 324, 328, 487. 524, 527, 556, 580, 625, 652, 682. Wildair, b g (2:23) (misprinted 2:3 i, page 715). 56, 1.54,* 171,* 18 i,* 20 J. 288, 528, 615. Wildair Jr.. brg. 7,28 Wild Aleck, pacer (2:47). (792). Wild Alex (2:54). (446). Wild American, ch s (2:38i^). 41, 256,437,571,7.34. Wild Andy, b g. 27. Wild Arab (3:00). 4.58, (621). Wild Bill, br tr, pacer. 738,* 757, 759, 706, 783, 788 V^Mld Bill,bg. 26,61. Wild Bill, b g (2:4U). 16, 41, 1.36, 145, 197, 393. 445. 451, 472, 599, 637, 655 ••58, 692. 724.* Wild Bill, bg(2:36). 12, 171, 217, 29ii. 291,* 437, 526, 528, 569,* 606. Wild Bill. 376. Wild Bill. 217, 290, 291,* 437, 528, .^69,* 606. Wild Bill (Washington), br g, pacer (2:-.'0). 767,774. Wild Hilly, blk g(2:.57). 94, 644. Wild Bov. bg (2:4414) 59. 215,253, . 273. 308, 414. 486 796. 799. Wild Cat, pficer. 765. Wild Cat, b m (2:47). ■ 30. 30.5. Wild Dandy, b g(2:37) 54.(94), 201, 220. 298. 492, 543. 596,* 600, 699. Wild Dandy, gr g (2:38). 170,* 307, 309, 436. 681 . Wild Dick, pacer (2:47,^). (759). Wild P^ictor. b g. 80, 126, 417, 422, .59.', 794. Wild Dutchman. 150. Wild Eddy, gr g (2:4614). 77, 195, 341, 47o, 594, 799. Wild Eves, gr g, pacer, by Gray Ea lo"(2:32^). 756.* (777). Wildfiie, bg(2:40). 12,45,290,661, 7! 5. Wildfiower, ch m. 64, 126. 417. Wild Frank, b g, pacer, by Invinci- ble (2:25^4) (erroneously given 2:26^ patre 791). 738, (745), 756,* 761. 7^0,* 788. Wild Ike. b g. 592. Wild Indian. 82. Wild Indian. 25,* 468. Wild Iri hn.an. blk & (2:42%). 131, (2S9). 295. 505, 642, 731. Wild Irishman. .332. Wild Irishman, b g (2:36V^). 72, 162, 188,* 193, 197, 349, 352, 411, 416, 4'<4. 4S6. Wild Irishman, ch g (3:05). (206). Wild Irishm'in, o e. 718. Wild Jack, gr g (2:45) (2:.34*). 98, 667. Wild Jane, br m (2:53%). 20, .324, 682. 968 CHESTER'S C3MPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. Wild Kate, ch m. 65, 260. Wild Lilv, I)ra(,;:y4). 17, 29,* 101, 108, HO, Ih), 20i',*20."j,238,259,* •AiH* 285, ;i28, 344,* 357,* 405, 440. 455, •)!>:(, 4^>9, ."i38, 543,* 556, 601, 652,* 0(55. 08li,* (i08, 701.* Wild Mary (3:(i0). 28'.', («3«), 04.'. Wild Maid, b ni, pacer, by Hums (•<::39i4). (740*). Wildmont, br s (2:3.">}^i. 22, 199. Wild Oats, b s (2:58). 115, 138, 183, 2.".n, .317,477.014, 712. WildOat-i. bri,'(2:29kii. 00. 0.3, 07, 10f». 153, 200, 275. .333, 383, 388, .«)1,* .")07,» 52J, (.305', 5:6, 034, 082,684,711,-719 Wild Oats, rii g (3:06). ( ISO). 4.50. Wild Rosa, b m (2:40). 153,243 Wild Rose, b ni (2:.39,>. :34l,.383,399. Willi Rose, ni i!i (2:42). 71, 22.'., 34 1. Wild Rose, chin (2:39). 10,(100'), 150, 30li,* 337. 414, 460, 518. Wild R.ver (2:49Mi). 7, 232, 295, 3S9, 595, (092). Wild Tom. br g (2:45). 126, 193. (2.39). 261, 298, 303, 318,* 330, 38:t, :i92, 450. 471, 681. Wild Turkej'. br g (2:51). 38, 05, 400. Wild Wagoner (Wagoner) b s (2:37k). 20,298. 633 Wild Warren ( :37). (033) Wild Wairior (American Star) ch s (2:3214). 083. Wild Wave, pacer. 750. Wildwo, d. bs (2:30). •T., 91,* 172, (18-.'). 266, 490,* ."189. (i28, 041. Wildwood. 274. Wilkes, lig 8i. Wilkes P.ooth. b g. 055, 074. Wilkes Boy, br s (2:30^). 244, 309,* .657. ; Wilke.s Colt, by George Wilkes 476 I Wilk:'H lSpi]it(2:4()) 190,370. Wi kc s S. irit, b s(2:34J^). (57), 113, 138. -..12. 350,* 430. \Viii,insoti'sgrp, pacer. 765. Willard, b g (2:39^6). 217. 7i5. i Willard II.. bg (2:4394). (51*), 108, 2:15. 345, 597. : Will ird S . ra g (2:59). 1.^3. I V ill ttodv, bg(2:19i^). 26 * .59, 60,* ! 80.* 122,- 1:!0. 13.(, 1.38. 147, 164,* , ]()5, 190, 200. 291,* 340.* 302, 388. 440, 45*^. 464,* 523. 547, 508, 1 5!) I.- 001. 608, 622,* 623, 631,* 1 049,* 701,-708.* Will Boll, pacer. 748. | NVilliai.i, brg.2:40). 112,14.5, 169, H'l. 192, 325, 400, 510. 589, 663, ;:i2. 799. I William. chg(2:42J^). 678. | VviiH.m, gr g (2:42U). 65,* 475, 4.S(, 504, 529, (079 1. William, br g (2:48^). 408. i William, ir(2:.33). 740,764,* ,91 Willliam. b s. 1.53, 301, .548. William bg. 2^0. I Wdliain A. Gruen. ch g. 436, 714. ! William A. Wheeler, b g (2:43^4). i (.U5). 479, 480, 705 William B.. ch g(2;5l). 07, .357. William B. 09, 180, 214, (261), 460, ' 800. William B.,bg. 661. William Benham, b g (2:24%). 60, 1 15, X40, 105, 207. 264, .324. 354, 482.049,0.8:.',* 709 William B. ^mith. ch s. 4.59, 614. William ('., br g (2:51). 634. William C. b g. 3;>0.* 014. William C. ch g (2:14). 534. William C, b g, pacer (2:22i^). 745,* 740,* 752,* 7.55, 760, 7M, 709.* William Clinton, ch g (2:47H). 39, 349, 410, 580 William Crabb, br g (2:41). 583. I Wiliiam Cullen, ch s. a31. ; William D., br g (2:48). 110,* 233, I (498). William D , br g (2:.39HC'). 9,* 35,* 304. 535. Wilham D., b'k g (2:.32). 204,* 348 I .371. 405, 410. (049). : Widiara F., gr g (2:49^). 107, 267, (491), .^OS, 709. I William G., gr g. 21.5, 352, 727. William G..b g (2:35). 55, 532, 675. William Gibson, gr g, pacer (2:59). 780. 79^. William ri.. b g(2:lS^). CO.* (72*). 107, IC9, 12-', 14.3,* 1.50.189, 209,* 210,* 287, 447.* 47.5, 479, .504. 515,* 5.55, 568, 001,* OH,* 058. William II.. rii g, by Alexiinder"s Norman, dam a Clay mare. 82, 8:i, 218.* ^.54, 544.* William H., b g (::29). by Sampson, di.ni Jane Murray. (114), 200,576, 007, 617, 671. William n., bs. 4:', 620.* William H. Allen, b s (2:23i4). 21.* 55. 105,* 221, 201, 3U4, 320,* 3.36. 3;i2, 3(i8, 372,* 37.3, 431, 025, 045,* 670, 678. Wiliiam H. Harrison. 403. Wilham Hart (2:49), (040). William H. Rip ey (Passaic), blk s (2::i2). 214. L'47, 298. (;4e. William H.Seward, ch g (2:40K>). 311 . (341), 435, ;,74. 007, 789. William 11. Smard. b g(3:00). 150. William H. Taylor, ch g (2:29>4), by the I rawfoiil Horse. (20), 215.* 323, 34(5. 432, 4<9, 480, 497,* 522, 520, 529, 543, 549.* , Wilham J. (2:44). (.571). William K.. b g (2:411^). 118, (202), I 531.570. William K., blk g (3:10). 103,234, 482. William Kerne.y. b g. 533. William Kimball, ch g 9. William L.,blk s(2:40). 11.5,122, 701. Willi;im Levris, blk g, pacer. 750, 703. William Lews, blkg (.2:36). 212, 284, .340, 480. William Major, b g. .39. William Malloy. 071. William of Orange, b g. 240. William Nolan, blk g (2:36%). 198. 3M5. William Otis, br s (2:33i4). ol,* 449, 470, 502. 710, 795, 797. William Owen 42, 536 William P (Budge), b g (2:44i^) 131. 170,316. William Penn. b g (2:49) (misprinted 2:42, page 720) * 117. 405. William Peun, b g(2:34). 197, 333. Willinm Perm, ch s, by Goldsmith, dam by Jupiter. 080. William Q :e. b g. 450. Wi liam R 241. William K., b c (2:'.5i4). 40, 319, 511. William R., pacer (3:00) (769). William R. Bleacker, br g (2:37). 225. .508. William !S.. blk g (2:30%). 99.* 104, 132. 102,* 175, 362 50 ., 512,* 544, 602, (654*), 007. 686, 703. William S, b g(2:44>4). 262. William S. Briggs.bg (2:43^). 44, ."16. 107. 175, 2 I.J, 3,36, 3.54, 365, .373. 404. 579. 659, 727. Williamsport Belle- , b m 557. Williamsport Pot. b m (2:48^). 213, (2.39). VTilliam Rufus, or c. 655. William T., b g (2:40), by Thatch- er's Mambrino, dam by Willis' Champion. 18, (305), 481,* 622, 624, 6^4. William T Bishop. 196. William TeU. 620, 656. WilUam Tell, ch s (2:42 w). 5.3, 280, 689. ; William Tell, br g (2:43V ."49. William Tell, gr 8 (2:34^6)- 5.',* 289, 472. 5."8, (i48. William Tell (2:,J6). 253. 272, (410). William Tell, ch g. 164, 407. William Tupiibull (Turnbull), br g (2:3v:i4) 55.112, 149. 256,* 353, I 384, 51 ;i, .536.* 732. William V., pacer. 762. William \V., b s (2:35) (misprinted 2:45, page 720). 120, 181, 563, 647, 056 William W., b s(2:.58). (162), 382. William Wallace, b s (2:59^). 30, 197, 214. 220, -,'(50- William Walsh, b g (2:34) 29, 37, 43, 192. 290 3':9 400, 431, (445), 498. 499, 519, Oil. 700. William Welch, 503. William Wirt, b g. 289, 349. William Wiggins 71. Wilhaiii Woc.d(.:H%). (410«), .526. William Wright 110. 008. William Z.. br g. 1 i3. 126, 538. Willie, bg (2:43). (:!42). Willie, grgi2:.35) 117, lSl,3f2 .373. 429. 4; 1, 457 472, 575, 020. 627,* 64). (387). W'illie Wonder, erg. 16. Will Her, blk g (2:40). .336, 478, 554, 725. Willis, ch g. 24, 80, 271. 467, 648. Willis, b g (3:l2>^i. 318, 484. Willis' grs (2:50) 382. Willis Woeds. b g(2:25). 15, 60, 140, 173, 227.* 253, 324, 371 458,* 484, 47 , ()04, (682*). 683,* ';07.* Will.Lindsay (3:00) (3>;5). 668. Willmaith, ch s (2:41^) 351, (356). 632. Will Wilkius. blk b. 694. Wilmore, b g (2:42). 443, 611. Wilsey Boy. ch g (2:45 w) (168*), 3.56, 47;i, 680. Wilson, b g (2: 16^) . ."2,* 132, 164, (173*). 174. 176., 194,* 310,* 329, 330, 494, 515. Wilson (2:31«^) 1.57,(71:3). Wilson's chg. 638. Wilton, blk S(2:45) (13.5), 298,* 481, 5.54.011, 705.728. Wilton Boy, bg(2:59). 20, 206,*504. Wilton Boy. b s(2:.-.9). 241. Wiltwicke, blk g (2:37^). (125), 513, 573, 704,* 8i'3. Wimsey. b g. 723. Winchester Maid :182. Wincbester Maid, b m (2:35>4V 110, 179, 181,:530, 461. Winchip, b s (2:37). 146, 185, 207 * 79:i. Windbeam, b s (2:39J4) (misprinted 2::^9>4. page 722). 250, 2ti7, 395, yS'J, 79:$.* 794.* Winder, pacer (2:21). 291, 736, 740, 742, 74.3, 748, 753,* (754*), 756, 759,* 760. 76'',768, 77><,*782,* 784. Windermere, b g (2:32iJ4). 29, 54, 2."iK. 259,* :J31, 40l, (49'-). 614, 688. Windsor, b g (2:34). 16:<, 197,209, 239, -,;4, :i73, 421, 552, 67 L, 682. Windsor (Dispatch), rn g (2:'^4}|). 12,287,601,718. Windsor, b g (2:50>^). 266, 420, 571. Windsor, b b, by Stockbriuge Jr., dam by Waxy. 657. Winuxir, br g. 7, t3:^5.'-' AVindsor II., b s (2:52). 248. 531. Windsor Maid, b m, by Wmdsor. .221,* 344. Windy Burr^-, br g. 444, 474. Wine' of the Woods, br g (2:4:i'^). (44), 79S, 8o3 Wiudsplitier. 650. Wintieid. bik g (2:34). 374, 395,* 468, 6S3, 723. Wintieid Anderson, blk g. 618. Winfield Boy, gr g (2-:40). I'.O, 222. 71:-'/ Wionnxa's b m. 186. Winiiif". th m. 164. Winnie Duncan (2:53?^). (218). Winur inucca. 609. Winnie Wick, blkm (2:2694). 51. 80, 92,* 119. 297, 38- , 55 . 568, (725). Winiiifred. blk g. 2i:i, 591. Winona Belle. blK m (J:40). 174, 224, 241. ;ii:6.643, (67'J), 080. Wiuona £ioy. 277. Winona i\jink. 801. Wins.ow. b g '2:46i4). 57, 143, 259, 441, ';94 Wiusume, by Alexander. 603. Wintrirop Girl, gr m. 731. Wintbrop Waid, gr m (2:53j^), by I Winthiop 51, (."82). Winthrop iHcrrillJr., blk s (2:27) (37= ), 54, 2l2. 2-4, 485. 611. Wiry Jim, b g (2:32%)- "Jl- 495, 516, 59 1 Wisconsin Chief, pacer (2:27). (748). Wiscon.iu Girl, b m. 73, 187. Wisconsin A, aid. brm (2:51). 390. Wisconsin Star, bs(2:33^). 62,548, 592. Wisdom, gr g. 256, 287. Wise Mare Flora, chm. 8. Wissanickon, ch g. (617). Wissaliickon. cb S(2:42). 44.* Witch, b m (v:46). 9, 261, 284, 373, (:579;, 4-.'),(j35. Witch. 157. Witch Hazel, bm. 36. Wizard, ch g. 45. Wizz, bg (2:2314). 19^* 183,* 2f.0, 227, 229. 2:;1, 3;J8, 344, 347, 371. 405. .528. 5:;4, 538. 550, 557, 573, 652, 686. 698. Wizz Medium, b m. 374.* W. J , h g (2:37?4). 217, 252.* W. J. Baldwin 97, ]4'9. W. J. Payne, ch g (2:35). 112, 346, 4.30, 724. W. K., b g (2:32^). (119), 307, 723. W. K. Thomas (Jack Sanders), gr g (2:26). 23, 6"^,* 84. 88, 1 17, 127, 129,* 177, 292, 304, 306, 323,* 351,* INDEX OF BEATEN HO.^SES. ."^86,* 394, 510,* 517, 568,* 633, 6.M,* 664, 701. W. L , ch s, by Wapsie. 156. W. McClain, ch s. 352, 429. W. McLaughlin. 625. W. M. R., bg. 146. W. M. Tweed, blk g (2:36 w). (431), .566. W. N. Staves, br g. 52, 193, 554. Woburn, br s. 598,610, 623. Wofiil, brs (.2:3.)). 91. Woful. b g(2:45). ;,'46, 478. Wolf Hunter, ch g (2:43U). 7.49 21)9, 180, 218, S-^e, 404. 413. 499, 529.* Wolffinder, b g. .369. SVolford Z. (Anti-Monopoly), b e (:i:J2). 11, 86.* 160, 164,* ;.'73, 32:,* (244*), 370.407.* 456, 463,* 483, 5ij7,* 524. 651, 71. 725 Wond. r, pacer (2:37). (778), 780. Wonder, b g(3:(j8i^). 66. Wonder, chg(2:40'). 82, (399*i,476. Wonder, or k (2:37M). 13, 10, 69, 190,57,624. Wonder, bg (2:57). InO, 185, 239, 280,341.504,578.662.* Wonder, dng. 634. Wonder. (2:5fiJ4). (51), 536. Wonder, b g (2-53). lOO, 186, (263). 361. 479, 693. Wonder, pacer. 754,769. Wonder, pacer (2:26M)- (739), 750, 753, 7(>1, 762, 769, 786, 788. Wonder. 87. Wonderful, grg(2:43). 616. Wonderful, b g, pacer (2:25J^), by Legal Tender Ji-., dam by Tom ( rowder. 738,* 739, 740,* 741 746, 754, 764, 768,* 769, (773)' 77t;, 784, 787. Woodbii.e. 325. Woodbine, b m (2:38), by Election- eer, dam Woodbine, by Woodbine (18), 668, Woodbine Boy, b g (3:09^0- 58, l65;3*) Woodbine Maid, gr m (3:06i^). 466. Woodbiidge Boy, b g, 523. Woodoridge 'liri, br m. by Caliban, dam by Alexander's Abdallah 458,* 715. Wood brook Messenger, gr s. by John, dam by an imp. English horse. "54. Woodburn, gr s (2:40). 430, 637, 720. Woodbury, gr s, by the Wheeler Horse, aam by the Hackett Horse. 60.'} . Woodbury Boy, b g. 206, 410. Woodbury Chief, gr s (2:40). 464, 658, 721. Woodchuck, bg(2:.30). 218, (4,57*). Woodohuck, b gt 355. Woodchuck, b g (2:40). 101, 149, 177, 627. Woodcock, b g (2:44?4). 435, 679. W^ odiord. 459. W(.odtord, bs. 12.5, 152. Woodford Hoy, b g (2:37). (175). Woodford Boy, pacer (2:40). 773 Wood lord Boy. gr g, pacer. 772, 781, 785. Woodford Chief, b s (2:22J4). 105, 133, 255, 615. Woodford Knox, bs (2:41^)- 297, 478. 969 Woodford Maid, b m, by Woodford Mambrino, dam by Alexander Abdallah. 18, 726. Woodford Mamorino, b s(J:21i^). I 86. 19:5, 194,* 5:37. Wood Horse. 676. Woodlake, b g {'Z:2~]A). 107,* 203, .301, 375, 723. Woodlawn, ch m (2:391^). 215. Woodleton Boy, bf:. :.'30. Woodliff. ch K (2:411^). 4.33. ' Woodnuts. blk m. 721. Woodnut's brg. 18f), 447. Woodman, b g. 619. Woodpecker. 49. Woodpecker, br g (2:.36i^). 640. Woodpecker (ioiddust (Indicator), ch g (2:27). 128, 135, 249, :i.34, 407. Woodruff, b s (2:38i^). (30). 72. 76. 128, 28 1 , '291, 385, 442. 451. 696. I Woodruff', ch g (2:39U). J 9, 106, I (298*). Woodruff's brs (2 :53) (117) . Wood's ch m (2 :.37}4). (;33) Wood's br m (2:53). (597). Woodstock, blk s (2:4(J). 159, 202.* Woodstock. 126.* Woodstock (Westfield),chg(2:26U). 125, 103, 238, 291, 310, 458, 5o5, 565.* (J-JS, 704. , Woodstock. 9 Woodstock Boy, blk g, by Wood- stock (2:44 1^). (39.5), 450. Woodstock Girl, b m, by Wood- ; brook. 682. j Wood>-tock Prince, blk s, by Wood- ' stock. 72, 6C0.* Woodward .^1. Jr., b s. 721. WoolyJim. .392. Woomoosa, ch m (2:53i^). 3] 5 347 605. Worcester Boy, b g (2:42). (55*), 677.* ' V /, Wi.icester Boy, bg. 300.394. Wormwooi), ch s (2:4;ii/5). 1;J7, 396, 735. Wormwood, br g (.':35J^). (272*). Wormwood, b g (• :3.5). 318, (3.38). Worthless, b ni. 531. W^orthless, ch g. 175, 600. Wreck, b g. 167. W. Price (2:4.51^). (1.3). W. R , — s. 103, 645. W. R Berry, brs. 615. Wright's ft'iorrill, b s, by "Sounff Morrill. 244. W. R. Proctor, ch g. 44, 199, .311, 327 382,406,803. W. R. Roberts (Snow Flake), gr g (2:38). 51, 272, 41:3, 417, 564,6987 W. s., b g (2:40}4). 55, 146,* 383, (538*). W. T. Allen (Colonel), gr g (2:29). 104, 211. 400. 521, 574,* 646, 651. W. T. Bishop. 589. W. T. Linck (2:49M). 453, (516), 540. W. S. Lyle, b s. 166. W. T. Sherman, b g, pacer (2:40). 740. (750). Wyandotte (2:42). (288). Wyandotte Chief, pacer (2:30). 736, (773). Wyman. b g. 5.39. Wyoming Boy (2:49J^ w). 392, 419, (519*) Wyoming Chief, b s. 298. Wyoming Maid, blk m. 132, 676. X Xanthus, by Volunteer, dam by | Xenia Belle, b m (2:50). (175). I X. X., ch g (8:56) 50 529* Hiram Drew. 308. X. X., b g (2:40) 2«, 68, 115, 220, Xylophagous, ch g. 454 ' Xavier (2:489^). 728. 268, .306, (336), 397, 483, 5:39, .573. i 970 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PA' IN' J RE CRD. Y Yankw. ch p. 7."i, 17G, 280. 4i:5. Yankee, ch t: l'.':41). 34:5, 478, 58.'. Yankee, bg ('3: "iv;). 84. Yankee, pacei' (-:;57). (427), 778. Yankee, Dg (Ci.'W^). :J87, (4:J7). Yankee, b g, 207. Yankee BilJ. b k. 6").* 322, 4r)0. Yankee Bill, b g, pacer (2:5li%). 7.o0. (7.')8*). Y ,nk.e Bill.bK(2:4."i) 448,473. 708. Yankee Boy, b g (2:4JJ4). 53, 128,* 2:!?. .".67, 574, 1)02. Yankee Boy, ch g (2:47). 730. Yank.e Boy. bik s r-:^0). 9;, 2S0, 726. Yankee Bov, b s (2:.-.0)/') 206. (270). Yankee Boy, b g (2::{SV-J). 137. 3J7, (>3(i, ((>4(i ). 70... Yankee Boy, bg(2:5L). (534). Y'ankee Jioy, ch g. 32. 228. Yankr-e Boy. ch g, 62, 489, 687. Yanki'e Boy, b g. 734. Yankee Clipper, b m. 27. Yankee Dan, gr g (2:52^). 8] , (401). Y'ankee Dan, b g (2:i5l4). 374. (231) 486, .")2.">, n.")0. Yankee Doodle, br g. 51,* 375. Yankee Doodle, br g (2:52}4)- 115, 234,* 379. Yankee George (Mazeppa), cr g (2:4514). (1451, 230. Yankee Girl, b m (2:45>^i. 159,* (6ii5i. 634.* Yi nkee Girl, br m (2:.34J^). 34, 56, 96. 97, 130, 57.3. Yank.'.- Jim, ch g. 209, 393. 604. Yanke- Mary, ch m (2:37i^). 278, 305, 323, 335. 412. 617, (675*). Yankee Sam. (In g (2:27). (19), 35, 219, 224, 288,* 349,* 457, 495, 507.* 59m. Yankee Sam (3:0.'.). (124), 735,* 794. Yankee Sam. dn c, pacer (2:163^). 746, 749, 7ti3, ■ 767. Yankee Tom, ch g, pacer (2:4Ci^). (196). Vankee Tom, br g (2:36). 297, 324, 485. (575). Yankee Tom, blk s 156. .308. Yankee Trick, ch s (2:49i^). 539. Yai-raii, b g. 50 1. 537. Yank T.ing, tilkg. 341. Yazoo b g, by Shelby Chief. 205, .585.71."..* Yellow Ann (2:51)^). (■(96). Yellow Bark, ch |< ( ;:4.)i^». (218-). Y'ellow Cloud, dn g. '.'ST. Yellow D. ck (Mohawk Maid and M. Y. D.) (2:-l0%). 40. .554,* 695. Yeliovv Dog, ell g (2:.35J4). 77,* 2.35, .3.36, 364,- 485, 527. Yellow Kr mk, b g. 43. 45 Yellow Girl, ch m (2:5lJ4). 78, 137, 4;i0, 506. 578. Yellow Girl. . h m(2:.50). 229,(243). Y'ellow Hammer, ch g. .370. Yellow Jacket, dng. 416, 5:!8. Yell.w Jacket (2:44^). 11, 112. 47.5. 5S!. Yellow Jacket, ch g (.2:52)4) (378). Yellow Jacket, ch g i2:42^). 121. 4.58, 491, 5.-.7.* 601, 707. 725.* Yellow.stoi.e. dn g('^:55^) (errone- ously printed 2:.j.3?^, page 729). 95.* 223, :.76, 285, .370. Yeomans. ch g. 20, 157, 376. YokiMi, l)g(2-.-9). 131. Yorick, rn g. 372. Yoi k Boy, b g. 64, 88. .328, 440. Yorkshire, b g. 611 Yo k State, b g (2:23^). 118, 128, 169. )8S, :?.53. 30-.* 398, 444. 446,* 4." I), 451, 629, ('69. 696, 721. Yorkvi;le Bov, b g(2:41). 358. Yorkville Boy, br g. 178. 230. Yorkville Maid, brm (2:42). 84, 421, 705. ' Younir Alidalah Oianipion, b s. 261. Young Abdallah. b w 1 2:37541. 720. Young Abdallah. 508. Young Abe, dn g, pacer (2:39). 795. Young Allen, br g (2:.">7) (7), 200. Young America, gr g (2:39). 137, 254, 7.52. Young Ann rica, gr s (3:02). (252). Y'oung America, blk s (3:00). (53), 58. 23S. Young Ameiica, b g, pacer (■.':i.3) 74f;,:' ';50, 7.;5,- 761, 776.* Young America. 494. 540. Young .\mericus, b g (2:4.5). 142. YoudiT Americus. (2:56i. (.565). Young Angus, ch s. 142. 163. Yo .ng Antenor, b g (3:38%). 374. Y'oung Aron. (:i0i»). Y'oung Badger. 62.* Youn:,' Barney, b 8. 222, 223. Young Ba$). I 72,* 301, (335), .",9;.;,* 690.* [ Young Dean 79. I Young Defiance, b s (,:44 w). 186, I 574. 649 I Youni; Dexter (Banker Messenger). I br s (2:45) .37. 6 1 , 125, 1 45. 204, I .-^60, 469. .566.* 630, 655. 794. Young Diamond, b m. 262, 546. i Young Dick (3:03). (.354). I Young Draco, b s (2:39) (mis- i printed :.':29. page 730). 165,439. I 485, 620,* 644, 724. I Young Duster, b s. 214. ' Young Dutchman, b g (2::i5). 225, i 624. Young Duroc. 496. Young Eddy, b g (2:50). (400). Young Erin, clis (J:40). 220,361, 392, :?96, 447. 60 i. Young Ethan, b s (2:.52). (63). 632. Youns- I thtin All<-n. b s (2:.58). 730. Young Fearless, b m (2:52?^). 212. ' Young Killiiigham. (.Ik s. 135,221, 230, 243. 5.-.2. 699. Young Fillingham. Q2. Young Flora, ch n (2:46>^). 121,* 279. 337. 486. 5.59, 728. V oung Flying Cloud, ch s, by Flying Cloud. .526. Young Fullerton. ch s ( •:20>4). 232, 302, (318*), :-4. Young General, wh s (2:.")2). 184, 223, 442. Y'oung Genet, b g. 314. .504. Young (iodolphiu. 47k. 603. Young Gr ves c!i s (2:4.'>^i. (69). Young Ilanibletonian. ch s (2:59 w). ■•13:4. 078. Young Hamblefrninn(2:46>|S) (602). Young lIanib:eto:.ian.-8 (2:48). .50. 4:iH, 710 Young Hamb!t!onian, b s. 123. Young Ha:ry Bluff, b g (2:5394). (37-). You'K Hector. l)g( J:45). 310. i Y'oung Hero (2:48^) 478. I Young Hero, ch g (2:42) ISO, :J42, I 4.50. i Young Hickory. 295, 676. Young Hindoo. bs(2:38j. 37,217, I 272, 4 S'. I Young Hiram, oh s, by Hiram I Wo.idruif, dam by a son of .M .m- brino Chief (2::{9). 436, (445), .501, I 595, ( 50. 681. Young Hopeful, grg (2:49U). 318, I 580, ((!• K). 1 Young Hunter, b s (2:55). (13"). j Young Iowa Chief (3:0J). (436). Y'oun.: Jackson, ch , (2-31). 148,* ! 261.364. Young Jenny I.ind. ch m (•::44J<5). I Y'oung Jim. 415. I Young Justin, b s, by T;xggart's Ab- dallah. 128. Young Kuty Wells, ch m 658. Y'onn'.' Kisoer, eh s, \,y Kisber. 225, I 697. Young Lady Litchfield ( 2 :41>^). 503, (.503). Young L imbert, b s (2:.38U). 121, 271, 482, 644. Young Le Clear, gr g (2:.39). 450. Young Lightning, bs. pacer (2:;J.5^). ';77. Young Lyon (2:57) (222), 354. Yoiuig Magna Charta. 8u0. Y'oung Magna, b g (2:29). 56. ."65,* 576.* 800. Y'oung Malcolm, ch g. 221, 257. Y'oung Maria. 221. , Y'oung McCleilan. b s. by Gen. Mc- I Clellan (2:.5(i). CM)) 20o'. 209. 61-. ' Young Middletown, by yiddl town. 62 I Young Mambrino, — s. 517. Young Mike (2:52). (114*). Young Monarch, b s, by Hamble- ! toniau M.)narch. 128 Young IMoise, bc(2:40). 217,(225), .326, .342. .■i55. 440. 472, 558, 717. Young Morrill, b s (2:31). 141, 182, 236, -..'52. 332. 796. , Yoimg Morrill, rn s. .360, 516, 649, i 5 8. i Young M.nissey, 1. s (2:32^). 64, i 79, (.442), 443. Young Moscow (2:44). 334, 732. I Young Nancy, ch in, by Gen. Mc- Cleilan, dam Old Nancy. 513, 531, 633. Y'oung Nelson, — s (2:54). (6*). Young Mivice, b m. 572.* Young PathfinJer. bg(2:60). 25,1.3.5, 1.58, 204, 214. 271, 521, 596. Young Pathfinder Jr . b s. pacer. 773. Young Phil, b s(3:20). 278. 303,472. Y'oung Phillip, br g. 95, 10.'-. Young Princeton, b g (2:35 ) 40. 56. 146. 322. 341,* 3,58, .■i79.* 411.* 418, 513, 6,'i8. Young Quaker, br g, pacer (2:39). (785). Young Rattier (2:.>9). 170 Y'oung Rattler, br g (2::!0). 32, 44, 46,* 165, 187, 197, 2.36, 238,* 250, .320. ■Jr>7. 380. 5 ' V. ■ .528, 542. ft38, 69;. INDEX OF BEATEN HORSES. 971 Young Richmond Boy. 42. Young Ripton, b r (j:38) ('.2:37 s). 48,*4!>, 313, (•.74). Youn- Rix, b s(:5:01). (139). Y'oung Kome. rn g (-'iSS*. (349). Y'oucK Royal G^'ie'e, — .«. 689. Youiig- Royal George. 485. Youn.r Sailor Boy pueer. 744. Young San ford. 'i70. Young Sentinel, b s C.':'?6). 10.5,* 183.* 230, .'(S.") 40.5. 529, 558, 574, 611, 671, 080. 698. Young Signal. (2:.'i4.) 4*24, (.575). Young Shakespeare, b s (VilS). 29, 48, 229. 5.".8. Young Sheridan, blk g. 537, 538. Young Sir Walter (2:44). (068). Young Smuggler, br s (2:39J4). 15, 123 166, 481,* 596, 626. Young St. Lawrence, b s (2:42}4). 517. Young St. Lawrence, b s (2:43). 182, (231*), 345, 688, 697,* 698. Zachary Taylor (General Taylor), ch g (2:.31; (2:29 s). 270, 332,* 418, 469, 664,* 679, 697. Zadoc.gr s(2-.38i4), by Phil Sheri- dan. 106, 249, 339, (612*). Zadoc. b g. 229. Zebra , rn g. 1 34, 20P, 239. ;:89,* 411. Zeke Davis, ch g (2:53). 61, 89, 203, (.521). Zelda, bm(2::l:ii4), 27, 145, 181,* 183, 424, 461, 529. 633. Zella Golddust, ch m, by Webster Goldduft. 189, 222, 489. Zella K , b m (2:41), sire unknown, dam by Whitehall. 5, 68, 406 534, 624, 630. 676 Zenesie, ch s. 32 Zelipha. 590. 622. Zeno. blk s (2:591^). 27, 32. 79. Zenobia. 175, 385. Zenobia (2:44). (264), 463. Zeph, bg. 96.694.* Zephyr, b g (2 :37). 131, 505. Young St. Lawrence, ch s (2:35). 20. 121, 161. Y'oung.'^t. Lawrence, b g (2:34,. 53,* 69. 134, (: 5.5*), 411. Youn.g St. Lawrence, b s. 9, ^^97. Young St. Lawrence. 415. Youngstown, pajer, (2:43). (779), 79 .'. Young Suffolk (Waterville), gr .■-■. (-•:49). .50 560. Young Sutton, blk s (2:401,^). 78, 94 Young Tempest, gr s. 164. Young Thome (Nancy Sykes). b m (2:.30i^) 30, 130. i39, 140, 145, 192, 247, 338, 333,* ,584, 431, 616, 683. Young Toronto, b!k s (2:34?^). .385, 439, 562, 64.5. 647, 676, 680. Young Toronto Chief, b s (2:46M). 174,476,518. Young Trustr e. 332. 714. Young Tuck, b g. 243. 693, 705, Young Venture, ch g (2:o.3J.^), 680, Z Zephvr, br m (2:.30). 28, .37, 55, 145, 2h9, 431, 489, 498, 723. Zv-phvr. b ra (3:13V 157.* 291. Zpph'vr, ehg(2:29^). 17, (86), 381. Zeppa. sp g (3:01 ). (2.33). 6.59.* Zeppa C, b m, pacer. 7H8.* Zeppo,bg(2:50»4), 123, 133,551,676, : Zero, b g (2:33!4), 5, 18. 47, 59, 513, I 379, 6:'0, 697. 701, I Zero, grg. 1.52, 171,461, 528,* 535,* 602,* 721. Zig. b g (2:391^). 162,* 224,* 473, 630.* Zig Zag. bg(2:50). 39, 73, 125,191,* 246.328, 383 592,647. I Zig Zag, rn g. pacer. 745, 7.54. Zilcaadi Golddust. ch s (2:37%). 132,* 415, 448, 480.* .500, 652. 703. ! Zilophone, b s, by Altaraont (2:.57) . I 75, 335, ZilthenR , b m (2:30%). 309, 521,* 524. iZimri(2:46). 398. , Zingara, br m (2:48J^) . 270, 670.* Young Vernon (2:59) (575). Young Veto, bg (2:32)^). (264), 34.5. Young Webster (2:58). 50. 203,(608), Young Whalebone, br g (3:00). 422 (47 ( ), .546. Young Wil. es.blks(2:28>4). 12.28, .30, 34.* 59. 60, 125, 133, 140, 163. 171, 172, 200, 220, 2.32,* 243, .30:, 3(J4. 357, 449, 5 5, 541 ,* .544, 565, 567, 569, 613, 646, 656, 671, 717. 722, Young Wilkes, b s(2:n4). 11, 12,»44, 45, 136. 138, 199, 2.50.* 265, 41\ 428, 536, .565. 58^. 724 Young Winfleld Scott. 122. Ypsil.inti. 290, £96. Y'psilinti. b g (2:421.6). 56, .361. Yuba Boy, bsi2:42J4). 2i.l88,*432,* 710. Yuba Maid. bm. 669. Yu"tta. blic m, bv Manibrino Tem- plar (2:3.3). (673*). Zip, blk g (2:44). 283, (438), 454,501. Z.)la. gr m. 534. Zoe B , b m (2:20^) 17.* 262,* 324 336, 354. 492, .515, 624, 637. Zona, ch m V2:SQ%). 99,* 200. .527. Zona Hoy. blk g. 434, 613. Zoo Zoo, b m , 531 . Zouave (2:37), 6, 70, (315). Zueicus. b g, 7:3. Zuleika, b ra (3:00K')- 7.34. Zuleika, blk m. 38 1, 677. Zulu, bg(2:38) (eironeously given i 2:341^, page 735). 4:i8, 678 i Zulu (Wabash and Charley H.). grg I (2:34-:?4), bv Deum-irk, dam No Good, br Bpnton's Diomed. 165. 1 346.* 402. 458, 500, 542, 545. 590, 657,(689), 7.33. Zvdu, chg. 59, 142 Zulu, blk s. 218. Zulu Chief, b g, by Tilton Almont INDEX OF SIRES. In the following Index the names of the sires of performers are arranged alphabetically, and the breeding of each horse, on the side of sire and dam, given when known . The ensuing fltrures denote the pages of the book, either in the Record itself or in the Index of iJeaten Horses, upon which the stxUion in question appears asa siro of atrofer or pacer. When an aste;isk is afflixed to a flgiu-e it si?:nifles that the name cf the sire appearsmore than once upon the page to which reference is made. It shou d bo understood that in this Index, as well as throughout the work, when the name of an owner does nit accompany that of a stallion which is common to a number of horse:-, the most celebrated stallion of that name is intended. Thus, Amer- ican Star signifies See!y's Amerlc.-.n Star ; Ab ..lUah, Treadwell's Abdallah ; Belmont, Alexander's Belmont ; Blue Bull, Wilsons D.ue Bull ; Hambletonian, l^ysdyk's Hambletonian ; Idol, Aker's, forjQcrly Pock's, Idol, etc. Information as to errors or deficiencies in this Index will be thankfully received by tho compiler at P. O. Box 1021, New York City. Abbottsford, bv Woodford Mambrino, dam Columbia, I by Young C' lumbus. 886, 94«. Abdalbruio, by Lakeland AbdallaL, dam Dove Mam- brino. by Mambrii II Chief. 900. Abdallah, by i>iambrii.o. dnm Amazonia. 10. 11, P9, 9L', 170. Ib8. 230, 2:!.-^ 302, 324, 3.')2, 397, 40.->, 422, 54ti. 024, 032, 681, 72y, 759, 8b8, 920.* Abdallab, Son of. 821. Abdallah ^KiI ^'s). 329. Abdallah (.Alexander's), bv Hambletonian, dam Katy Darling, by Bay Roman [1). 6,17, 3:5,40,98,21)4, 218, 209.* 302. 330, 331, 349, 429, 476, 489, 497, 505, 518, 602, 6' 7, 6.50, 671, 8.-)2, 894. Abdallah Champion, by Abdallah Chief, dam by Champion. 178, 855. Abdallah Chief (Voorhies'), by Voorhies' Abdallah, dam by L I Black Hawk. 6, 7, 216, 81J. Abdallah Chief (Horton's), by Roe's Abdallah Chief, dam by Mes-senger Duroc 11. 154. Abdallah Chief (Roe's;, by Abdallah, dam by Phillips. 203. Abdallah (Conklin's). 586. Abdallah (Bverly'.s). 342. Abdallah (Bishop's). 373. Abdallah (Kimbrough's), by Alexander's Abdallah. 899. Abdal ah (Chadwick's). 86.(. Abdallah (Goldsmith'.s). by Volunteer, dam Martha, by Abdallah. 13, 173, 187, 199, 25 J, 307, 450, 490. Abdallah (Holmes'). 37!^. Abdallah (Meigs), by Abdallah, dam a Canada mare. 319. Abdallah (Humburg's). 493. Abdallah (Taggart's), by F irmer s Beauty, dam Lads- Mac, by Abdallah. 101, 221, 432, o27, 528, 550,599, 651, 8i4, 880, 914, 90.5,* 970. Abdallah Messenger, by Alexander's Abdallah, dam by Williams' Mambrino. 6. Abdallah (Spalding's), by Abdallah, dam by Star Gazer. 400,812. Abdallah (Thornton's), by Alexander's Abdallah, dam a !->t. Lawrence mare. 5:i2. Abdallah Clay, by Strader's Cassius M. Clay Jr., dam Abbess, by A le.xander"8 Abdallah. 811. Abdallah Piloi, bv Abdallah, dam Blaudina, by Mam- brino Chief. .50(5. .591, 681, 81().*^ Abdallah West, by Aliie West, dam Miss Coons, by Clark Chief. 809, 962. Abe Lincoln, by Young Columbus, dam by Harris' Hambletonian 224. Aberdeen, by Hambletonian, dam Widow Machree, by American Star. 10, 30, 42, 43. 4H, 1(I9, UK, l.-,3, MA, 298, 301, 318, .3"S, 380. .3S4, 436. 440, 4.50, 507, .506, 603, 6 i:<, 647, 650, 673, 695, 762, 833, 856, 915,936. Aberdeen, Son of. 282. Abraham, by Daniel Lambert, dam Pollv Took, by Vt. Black Hawk. L4. 51, 54. 88. 233, 389, 459, .533. Accidental, liv Administrator,dam by Mambrino Colum- bus. 538, 752. Addison, by Vt. Black Hawk, dam Ruby, by Andrus' Hambletonian. 214. Addison Jr., by Addison, dam Lady Miller, by Ticon- derosH. 132. Addison. Son of. 949. Administrator, by Hambletonian, dam by Mambrino Chief. 7, 9. 12, 27. 65, 115, l:<8. I90, 207, 243, 316, 490, 497, 505, 55J, 574, 621. 659, 693, 812.* 8.52, 958. Admiral, by Volunteer, dam Lady Pierson, by Neave's CM. Clay Jr. 320, (53 :, 945. Admiral Patchen, by Geo. M. Patchen, dam Diamond State, by Gen. Taylor 89. Advance (Fiazier's), by Volunteer, dam by Hector. 926. ^niulus, by Mambrino Pilot, dam Black Bess, by Shoreliam Black Hawk. 88, 42... Ajtix, I y Hambletonian, dam Dolly Mills, by Ameri- c.n Star. 1 15, i.;9, 2.50. A.iax, by Slocumb Horse. 346. Aiam'i,"lDy Almont, dam by Alexander's Abdallah. 812. Alarm, by Walkill Cuief, dam by Sherman Black Hawk, jr. 577.856. Albion, by HaJcoru 696, 842, 915. Alcalde, by Mambrino Chief, dam by Pilot Jr. 203, 210, 32 , , 308, 475, 478. S56. Alcantara, by Gnorgo Wilkes, dam Alma Mater, by Mambrino Patchen. 816. Alcott Bov. 285. Alcyone, by George Wilkes, dam Alma Mater, by Mam- brinj Paichen. 811. Allien Guldsm th, by Volunteer, dam Maid of Orange, by Hambletoniin. 492. 888. Alfirich Colt, by Nero. 547. Aleck. 691. Alexander, by Geo. M. Patchen Jr., dam Lady Crum, by Brown's Bellfounder. l-\ 305, .391, 534, 593, 080, 860. 933, 9 iS, 964. Alexand- r. by Goldsmith's .\bdallah, dam Bay Fanny, by Richard's BeHfouuder. 503, 003, 630, 8 3, 969, Alexander Orli If. imp. 39. Algona. by Almoin, dam Emma Kinkead, by Con- script. j'.53. 457, 406, 8 4. Alhambra, by IMambrino (Ihi-E, dam Susan, by Am, Eclipse. 14, 70, 479, 584, (508, 735. Alleghany Chief, by Sir Solomon, dam by Ky. Hunter. 413. Allen C. Patchf n. by Goo. M. Patchen, dam Henrietta, by Roe's Abdallah Chief. 250. .Mien Horse, bv the Huntim Horse. 190, 430. Alltn Sontag, i)y Ethan Allen, dam Sontag, by Ham- bletonian. 69.'). Allie West, by Almont, dam by Mambrino Chief. 19, .30, 124, 34(5, 814, 925, 942. Allie (iaiiiHS. by Ahnout, dam Maggie Gaines, by Blood's Biack HawK. 897. Alniack. by Mambrino, dam Sophonisba, by a grand- son of imp. Baronet. 284. Aliuonarch, by Almont, dam Hi, by Asteroid 954. Almont, by Aiexund.r's Abdallah, dam by Mambrino Chief, il,* 12,* 13, 14, 15, 17,* 18,* 26. 27, 30, 36,* 51, 130, 143, 172, 177, 189, 190 195, 196, 216, 271, I 291, 333, 345, 373, 381,* 384, 414, 438, 442, 454, 467, INDEX OF SIRES. 973 490, 522, 54'2,* 5.)/".* 5u6, 0-30, 6'i2. 68S. G97, 77G. 790. 813, 8.4,* 815,* S-iO, 844, 86.). 8G1, 882,886, 891, 917, 9-'4, 934, P40, 911, 95S, 963, 96(1.* Altuont Cuief, by Aimoat, dam Monogr.im, by Mam- brino Cliiet. 18, 844 Almont; Jr. (Bamliirs), by Almont, clam by £Iood's Black Hawk. 16, 18, 24 " 320, 491. 0»7, 897. Almont Mambrino, by Almoni, dam Monogram, by Mambriuo Chief. 471. Almont Jr (Bostick's;, by Almont, dam Belle Forrest, by Kdwin Forrest. 18, 2"6, .03. Almont Pilot, by Almont, dam Lucille, by Alexander's AbdallMii. 14, 861. Almont Pimce, by Almont, dam bv Massoud Arabian. 293. Alta, by American Clay, dam Lady Turner, by Mam- Dr.noCbief. 6,)4, 6j(. Almoiit Kuttler, by Almont, dam Helen McGregor, by Ritiler 29.', 4.^;), .'t.VS. 615, 670, 73.>, 876, 909. Alpm.', by Ldwaid Everett. 461. Al \Vest by Almont, dam by Bohannon's Wallace. 577. Al Oit", by Almont, dam Laura C, by Mambrino Pat- chen. 712. Alwood. by Almont, dam by Blackwood. 31, 814, 953. Altamont, by Almont, u,.iii by Brown Cnief. 734, 814, 935, 971. Amijn', by Clear Grit, dam Jenny Jinks. 397. Am boy, by Green s Bashaw. 59, i21, 129, 1.44, 411, 703, 881. American Bov, by f.ea Gull, dam by imp. Expedition. 841,879. Americau Boy, by John Qilpin, dam May Satterlee, by Tom Hyer. .598, 761. American (Adam's), by Whitehall. .533. American Boy Jr., Sou of. 749. American Boy. ai. AniH-rican Boy, Son of. 720. Americau Clay, by Strader's C. M. Clay Jr., dam by imp. Tram. y. 18, 146, 196, 20o, 249, 27o. 360, 4.">6, 4)4, £81. 718, 814, 8.39, 856, 860, 861. 874, 918, 960. Americau Eagle, by Cassius M. Clay, dam by BoUon EcliDse. 121. American Ellipse. 923. American Emperor, by Emperor, dam by Amt rican. 181, 202. Americau Emperor Jr , by American Emperor. 460. Americau Ethan, by Ethan Allen, dam Gray York, by American. 4 , 215, 2.b9, 536. 579, 850. American Jackson. 91 1 . American Star, bv Stockholm's American Star, dam Sally Slouch, bV Henry. 8.5, 07, 152. 271, 3i0, ;;92, 406, 413, 425, 432, 475, 486, 539, 6f4, 701, 71c, 726, 736, 892. American Star (Gonklin's), by American Star, dam by Burr's Washington. 18, 2J, iil,* 22,352, 646,649, 705. American Star (Hulbert's), by American Star. 337 American Star (Stockholm's j, by Duroc 814. American Star, Jr., by American Stai, 914. American Star, Son of. 94. 270. American Star (Roach's), by Durlani's Bolivar, dam by Jim Thumb. 880. 930 . American St ir (Coleman's), by American Star, dam by Hector. -403, 520, 883. Americus, by Abdallah, dam Emily, by Commodore. 729, 828. Andrew Jackson, by Young Basbaw. 23, 74 163, 582. Andrew Jackson (Canada). 37, lt>9, 387. 498. Andrew Jackson, Jr , by L. T. Black lla^ik. 291, 706. Andrews Horse, by Royal Morgau, dam by Woodbury. 649. Andy Johnson, by Henry Clay, dam by Tormentor. 27. 30. 120, 138, 289, 322, 323, 355, 365, 374, 427, 440, 578, 616, 81. ^, 896, 934. Antenor, by M';sseuger Duroc, dam Lucy Almack, by Young Engineer. 374, 729. Anthony Wavne, by Andy Johnson, dam Lady Jane. .57. 94, 518, 599, 761, 823, 842, 859, S7i, 887. Anvil. 830. Arabian Calinh, imp. 584. Arabian IPaicheQ. 443. Arabian Spot. 130, 74;.'i. Aratus (Pugh's), by Araius. 961. Archer Horse. 7IH. Archie, by Garibaldi, dam Lady Mischief. 162. Archy (Ford's) 610. Archy Lighlfoot. 6S4. Aristos, by Daniel Lambert, dam Fanny Jackson, by Arthur's Stonewall Jackson. :50-;. Armstrong 277. Artemu^, by Ha:nb'?tonian, dam Dolly M.lls, by Amer- ican S'ar. 5^:?!. Arthur on, by Hambletouian, dam Imogene, bv Amer- ic .n ^t:ir. 28. Ariist. 931. Ashland, by Mambrino Chief, dam Utilla, by imp. Mar- grave. .308, 309. 3.36, 380, 6.59. 728, 817, 883. Ashland Chief, by M.Tmbrino Chief, dam by Sir Wm. Wallace. 7. 20.* 30, 72, 357, 520, 584. Ashland i^lambrino. 953. Ashland Patehen, by Ashland, dam Lady Byron, by Geo. M. Patehen, "IS, 709, 842. Allan; ic, by Almont, dam Isabella Clay, by Kentucky Clay . 88 Attorney, by Harol 1, dara Maud, by Abdallah. 227, 505. Auctioneer Johnnv. 365. Auditor, by Hambletonian, Cam ?Iy Lady, by imp. Truste?. 860. August B'lmont, by Hambletouian, dam Miss Wanser, by Jackson's Sir Archy. .31. 179. Autocrat, by Volunteer, dam by Aiierican Star. 68, 2.31,5;?, 817. Autocrat Jr. , by Autocra\ 861. A. W. Richmond, by Simpson'.s Blackbird, dam by Rat- tler. 64, 606. Bacchus (C ne'si, by Pray's Bacchus, dam Crazy Jane, 1 y Sky Scraper. 563. Bacchus Horse, by Bacchus, dam by Black Bohanna. 340. Badger, by Badger Bo.y, dam Lady Jane Slater. 592, 9.31. Bald Chief II., by Bald Chief. 928. Badger Boy, bv the Rossman Horse. 33, 140. 250, 888. Bajardo, by Stephen A. Douglas, dam Lajy Doyle, by North Star. 65 1 . Bald Chi' f, by Bay Chief, dam by Redmond's Boston. 31, 480. 609, 647, 076, 7 lO, 819, 865, 87.5, 882. Bald Hornet. 737.826. Bald Stockings, by Tom Hal, dam by Chin:i"s Copper- bottoin. 832 Balsora, by Alexander's Abdallah, dam Zseva, by Vin- cent N' Ite 265. .382.* 671, 922. Banker, by Hambletonian, dam Lady Banker, by Roe's Abdallah Chief. 531, 967. Banner. 167. Uarton. 818,869. Bashaw. 20, 95, 141, 707, 897. Bashaw Drurr, by Green's Bashaw, dam by Prophet. 435, 715.896. Bashaw (Looney's). 138. Bashaw (Kerr's i. 737. Bashaw (Corbin's), by Ambov, dam Black .Maria, by Banner Chief. 277. Bashaw (Crouch's). 511. Bashaw (Patchen's). 72. Bashaw (Hodson's). 541. Bashaw (Stone's). 950. Bashaw (Green's), by Vernol's Blacx Hawk, dam Belle, by Webber's Tom Thumb. 19, 36.* 48, 58, 03, 113, 141,154,161,198,213.215,220, 241. 25', 275,282, 287, 327, .370,* 386, 391,397, 421, 441, 443, 456, 511, .538, 551, 579, 601, 609,* 663. 703, 705, 717, 815, 818, 824, 836, 837, 848, 851. 879, 892, 924, 925, 936, 960, 970. Baj^haw (Green's) Son of. 234, 866. Bashaw Charley^ 966. Bastiavv Golddust, by Billy Bashaw, dam by Golddust. 761. Bashaw Jackson, by L. I. Black Hawk, dam Mayflower, by Andrew Jackson. 23, 144, 383. Bashaw Jr.. by Green's Bashaw, dam Fanny Foss, by Young Green Moimtain Morgan. 36, 137, 178, 592, 6 9, 829. Bashaw (Wagner's), by Green's Bashaw, dam May- flower, by Champion. 460, 462. Bashaw Messenger. 268. Bashtine, by Bashaw Jr., dam Faustine, by Baltimore. 135. Basil Duke 34, 462, 703. Bassinger, by Lieut. Bassinger. 50. Bayard, by Pilot Jr.. dam Bay York, by American. 81, 129. 189, 2C0, 389, 443, 506, 812. 825, 846, 886. Bayard Knox. 397. Bay Billy, by Hambletonian. 178, 364, 8.50, Bay Chief, by Louis Napoleon, dam by a son of Tom Brown. 468. Bay Chief, by Mambrino Chief, dam by Keokuk. 596. Bay Champion. 125. Bay iVlessenger (Downing's), by Harpinus, dam by imp. Messenger. 350, 415, 681. 974 CHESTER'S C :!MPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. Bav Middleloii. by Middletown, dnrn May Doy, bv Hop- kins' Ahdallah. Hi), 310, 410,44:.', ^iQ, 578, 8^2. Bay Morrill. 41S Bty Rioliiiionii, by IIaml)Ietouian. 'Mi. Bay Siar. (i5:j. Bay State, by Jay Oould, dain Daisy Dean, by Vermont Hainbl. tofian. 'MH, 954. Ba Tom. S24-.'. Be.icbter Morean. 303. Heals Horse, bv Eaton. 157.711. Bcattv i:(.!\se. 'r,72. Beauiii.i.t, by Bi>linort. dam Midnight, bv Pilot Jr. 922. Beeeher. bv Bine Grass, dam by Abdabaj. SOU. Beautiful f!oy. 3(J4. Beausire, by Uarabletonian, dam Lady Bach, by Hii'am Drew. OoO. BelJfoU' der, by Brown's Bellfounder, d:im by Sir Clin- ton. 124. Belliounder (Latourette's), by Tremper's Bellfounder, dam by Gen. Jackson. 14'.'. Bellfounder (Miliiman's). by Newton and Murphy's Bellfoiinder. dani by Engineer II. -17. iiiS, :j..4, J'Sl, 4H:5. 484. 5:U, (5t;2. »itJ8. 704, t<4."), 874, 89.^. Hellfounder ( liiehard's'. by Huugerfords Blucher, dam Ant;plin.-. ;.>3, 30U. 709. Bsllfomiiler (Kvsdyk's), by Hambletonian, dam Milk- maid, bv Friday. 310. Hellfounder (Phelps'), im. Bellfounder (Lr ekridge's) 256. BelifoiinMer (Underbill's'). 497. Bellfounder (Keif's), by imp Bellfounder. 451. Bellinger Hi rse. 204 Bell iior^ran. by Cotlrill Morgan. 429,843. Bellringer (Helf's). by Mambriuo Pilot, dam by son of imp. Bellfounder. 465. .500. Belmont, bv Alexander's Abdivllah. dam Belle, by Mambrino Chief. 10,43 47, 5;.',* 80, ^7.* 141, 142, 144, '61, 171, 219, 3i5, 31H, 382, 411, 486, 492, 496, 541, 543, .545. 546, 6^3, 686, 708, 812, 845, 851, 885, 934. 037. 961. Belmont. 885. Belmon' (Fisk's). 47, 51. Belshazzar. 443, 6D2. Ben Butler, by Crazy Nick, dam by Myer's Normandy. 434. Benedict. 511. Benedict Morrill, by Morrill, dam bv Alexander (Araiian) 5, 7«, 86, 17r, 346, 6S0, 706,828, 845, 853. 873, 888. Ben Franklin, by Daniel Lambert, dam Black Kate, by .A.ddison. 845. Ben Lomond, by Trojan. .54, 823. 832. Ben Pat(;lien, ijy Rurlinston. dam by Trafalgar. 12, 2.31. Ben Phillips, by Dick Consternation, dam Beauty Phil- lip.s, bv Leach's Black Hawk. 3k1. Benson Horse, by Norman, dam by the Burns Horse. 430. Ben Smith Hoi-se. 4C0. Ben Snatcher. 844.* Ben Snatcher. Son of. 779. Benny. 110. Berce Home, by Horner Colt. 51, 322. Berkeley Boy. 754. Big Kagle. .35. Bigclow Horse, by Vt. Black Hawk. 338. Big Leg Warrior. 61. Big Pilot 4(2,525. Billy Bashaw, by Green's Bashaw, dam Lady McNair, 930. Billy Bowlegs, by Young Columbus. .388. Billy Denton, bv nambletonian,dam by Kzton Eclipse. 107, 363,* 632 84.3. 843. Billv Oloim, by J. C. Breckinridge. 235, 298. Hilly Green. 740, 750, 768, 012, Billv Havward, by(ieo. M. Patchen Jr., dam Gray Liz. bv the Moise Hor.s;e ( ?). 18, 301, 573, 625. Billy .McCracken. 827, 889. Billy Ml ruan, bv Qrein Mt. Morrill, dam a Morgan mare. 114, 846. Billy Mustapha, by an Arabian horse, dam by Fox- hunter. 449. Billy Ring. 874.* Bdlv Klierman, by Norwood. 327, .598, ^96. Bishop Berkeley . 86s. Bism.irk, by Hambl^tonian, dam Lady Montague, by Mambrino Chief. 514, 584. Bismark ( Howe'.«). bv Gen. Knox. 77, 415. Black African. 941. Black lianner. 877. Black Bashaw. 824. Black Pashaw (Doble's), bv Young Bashaw, dam by True American, 37. 48, 208 262. 4:;4.484 712. Black Bashaw (Blumberg's), bv Youn;.; .Sleepy Daw, dam Hfisy. bv Andrew Jackson. 70.* 148. 206, 282, .3.-)5, .36 -■, 822. Black Bashuw Jr. (Conn's), by Blumberg's B ack '■•Hshaw. 5'!7. Blnck'iir :', bv Glack i.d, dam by Capt. Lightfoot. 57. .59H. 661, 863. B!.ic!;bir •■ (.Simps' n's). by Camden, dam by Post Boy, 11.71. i:'.8, 358. 49;». 54.5. Black',.'ifd, by Little v.assius. 234, 505. Bl:.ck Uird. 046. Black Cloud, by Ashlond Chief, dam bv Capt. Walker. 067. Black Chief, by Copperbottom. 59. Blac'c C'o:'.stcrnatioii. 958. Black Dick. 917. Blai-k Diamond. 340, 961. Black Diamond. 130. Black Douglass, by Sherman Black Hawk. 582. Black Dutchman, by Doble"s Black Bashaw, dam by Dut hmaii. 32, 187, 221. 228, .319. 406.409, 411,903. Black Engle, by Woodpecker, dam by Rovai George (,?). 116, I'O, 8.'j7. Black Eag'e. 829 Black K .ge by L. I. Black Hawk. 229. Black Eigle. Oil. Black Flying Cloud, Son of. ] 1. 33. Black Flying Cloud, bv Vt. Black Hawk, dam Kate, by Vt. Black Hawk. IM, 2^0. Black Fia- k, bv Lull 1 up, 241, Black HaiTv CLiy (Doty's), by Sayre's Harry Clay, dam bv Bull Frog. .37. Black Hawk J . (Vermont 1. by Vt. Black Hawk. 621. Black Hawk .jr. (Long Islanu;, by L. I. Black Hawk, dam by Kins: Herod. 169. Black Hii.vvk (Vergennes), by Vt. Black Hawk, dam by Norih American. 421. Black Hawk (^\hifesides), by Canada Chief, dam by Blackbm-n's Whip. 40:<, ."-13. 599, 644. Black Ha'vk (Long Island), by Andrew Jackson, dam sally Mille-, by Mambriuo. 313, 3:i3, 393, 570, 575, 724. Black H;iwk (McCracken 's), by Vt. Black Hawk 633. Black H.iwk 83. 146,* 162, 166,252,401, 435,519, .548, 577, 77.-., 865, 895. 9.. 6. Black Ha.vk ( Long Island). Son of. 138. Black Hawk Hero, by Vt Black Hawk. 280. Black Hawk (Felton's). by Vt. Black Hawk, dam by Yoiinu' Hambletonian, "304. Hlack Hawk (Vermont), Son of, 182, Flack Hawk (Veimont). by Sherman Morgan, .50,75, 77, m, 140, 2(14, 283, 292,+ 392. 413, 433, 447, .508, 561, 564, 569, 591, 628, 654, 677,* 6-8, 697, 706, 792, 899. Bla;;k Hawk (Estey's), by Vt. Black Hawk, dam by Komeo. 112, 40o. Black Hawk (^^iller's), by Vt. Black Hawk, 344, Black Hawk (Vernol's), byL, I. Black Hawk, dam by Ky, Whip, .36. 197, Black Hawk (Vermont). Son of, 170, 184, 217, Bla'k Haw s- (1 yler's). 67. Black Hawk (Secor's), by Traveller, 677, Black Hawk- (stanhope's). .304. Black Hawk (Ward".>i). 110. Black Hawk Bert rand. 867 Black Hawk Morgan, by Morgan Eclipse, dam by Vt. Morsran. 251, 579, 926, Black Hawk Telegraph, by Vt. Black Hawk, dam by Sir Waiter, 657, Black Jack, by Hacket Horse, dam Bay Flirt, by Med- ley. 3 .'4. Plack Henrv, 924, Black Lyon, by Vt, Black Hawk, dam by Liberty. 241. Black Milo, by Cornish .Vlorrill, dam Lady Hamilton. 73, 373, Black Pilot, by Roscoe, dam Eugenia, by Swigert's Lexington. '74. 116, 5;>'\ 568. Black Knight, l,v Dave Highlander. 568, 921. Black Prince, bv Ticonderopa, 169, 284, 6V6, 848. Black Ranger, 199. 388, Black Raliih, by Flying Cloud. 2.57, 893. Black Uolf. 51, Black Steer, 748. Blacksione, by Hambletonian, dam Dolly, by Jupiter. 153. Black Sultan, by Gen. Knox, 251, .571, Black Tom. .■)92, 0,50, Blackwood, b}' Alexander's Norman, dam by Mam- INDEX OF SIRES. 975 brino Chief. 15, 4:^, 45, 79,* 141. 243, 580, 609, 610, 622, 717, 849, 874. 93S. Blackwood Jr., by blackwond, dam Selle Sheridan, by Blood's BlacK Hawk. 292, 588, 645, 855, 9.8, 916. Black Squirrel. 471, 486. Black Warrior, by Vt. Black Hawk, dam by Harris' Hambletonian. 323, 517, 854. Blanco, by Iron's Cadmus, dam b3' Irwin's Tuckahoe. 368, 6(8. 892. Blazing Star, by Henry Clay (pacer), dam by Spencer's Post Bov Jr. :.'12, 382, 63ti, 915. Blind Eagle, by Vt. B.aek Hawk. 113. Blockhead. 8 M Blood Chief, by Blood's Black Hawk, dam Miss Duncan, by Pcott's Highlander. 210, V93, 831, 8L'8, 940. Blue Bird. 942. Bluciier, by Blucher, dam bv Kin.g Her id. 634. Blu- Bull (Donnell's), by Bliie Bull. 910. Blue Bu 1, by Pruden's biae Bull, dam bv Truxton. 23, 52. r-6, 57, 80. 8 J,* 83. 98. 107, 118, ]40, 1.53, 159, 3 63, 176, 17 >, 193, 19... 197. 199, 204, 227, 265. 27-, 301, 319. •.',•22, 32 1 , 334,* 339,* 360, 363, 369, 371. 378,* 279. 381, 387, 443, 458, 459, 466,* 481. 484, 489, 493, 51 0, 501, 5^M, 511, 536, 545, 554, 565, 579. 592,* 596, 613, H.'3, 631, 707, 717, 735, 740, 758,* 769, 770, 778, 819.* 824. 826, 827. 831, 840, 844, 854.8.59, 871 875, 877, 878, 880, 884. 892, 893, 914, 916,* 917, 922, 937, 94 1 , 942, 943, 945, 949, 952, 955, 962, 963, 970. Blue Oolt, by son of Geo :Vj . Patchen. 279. Blue Danube, by SVoodford Mambrin-". dam Craco- vienne, by Alexander's Abdallah. 588 927. Blue Grass, by Hambletonian, dam by L. I. Black Hawk. 276. Blue Ruin 922. Bob Cheaiham. 381. Bob Didiake, by Mambrino Chief, d.uii by Bertrand. 172. Bob Lee yi'J. Bob Logic, by imp. Langf ord, dam Mambrina, by Ber- iiand. 84 Bob Ray. 757. Bob Ridley. 832. Bolivar (Durland's), by Beutley's Bolivar. 21, 717. Bogus Llessensier. 850. Bold Chief. 91 i. Bjlton, by Hambletonian, daiu Montgomery Maid, by American Star. 954. B )ua Fide, by Hambletonian. dam Kate, by Belair. 152, 3 8. Boi.esetter. by Brooks Horse, dam by Adams' Stimip- the-D-ale. 84, 804 Bonnie Scotland, imp., by lago, dam Queen Mary, by Gladiateur 156, 421. 623, 852. Bonnie ycotland, imp. Son of. 179. 600. Border Eagle. 55. Boston Boy. by Dover Boy. dam by Van Dusen's Con of Bishop's Hambletonian. 99, 2.^9. Boston Ta-'kahoe. 599. Bourbon. 965 Bourbon Blue, by Bay Chief 437. 641. Bourbon Cinef , bv Mambrino Chief, dam Puss, bv Gray Eagle. 27, lu4, 401, 500, 815, 816, 881, 884. Boyer. 438. Brandy, bj' I'obb's ' randyv.ine. 337. Brandywine, 443, 45-!;. Brandywine (Cobb's). 417, 564. Brandywine (Keene's), by Biandywine. .527. Brandywine. 602. Brentham. 532. Brentwood, by Blue Grass, dam Crop, by Pilot Jr. 626. Bret Harte. 47.5. Briar. 848. Brick Pomeroy. 364. Brigadier, by Happy Medium, dam Lady Turner, by Fiaiik Pit- rce Jr. 90, ,301, 843, 933. Brigand, by Mambrino Chiei', dam Becky, by Ward- law's Shakespeare. 590. Brigham Young. 301. Brilliant. 21.3. Brilliant (^olddust, by Golddust. 857. Brit Day. 718. Broken Lf gged Hunter, by Ferguson's Ky. Hunter. 731. Brooks Horse, by Stone & Edmonson's PUot, dam by Josepbus. 86, 832. Brougham, by Hambletonian, dam Miss Cooley, bv Wobm-n. 130, 902. Brown ( hinf, by Mambrino Chief, dam by Bay Messen- ger. 486. 849. Brown uick, by Hambletonian, dam by American Star. 94. 476. JBrown Ericsson, by Ericsson. 854. Brown Harry, by Thurston's Black Hawk, dam Linda. 144, 6.50, 905. Brown Jim. 75. Brown Trafalgar, by imp. Trafalg.-^r. 962 Buccaneer, by Iowa Cdirf, dam Tinsley Maid, by Flax Tad. 144, 2. '2, 575, 579. Buct'phalu'j, by Vt Black Hawk. 203, 779, 790. BucVianau II., by Buchanan. 7..9. buck(ye. 26]. Buck;, e Chief, by Almont, dam by West's Mambrino. 97. Bucl>ingham, by Hambletonian, dam by Vt. Black Hawk. 346. 5:57, 12 Budd Doble, by Panic. 35. Lull t 836. Bu 1 Gopher. 762. Bull 1^1 1 p, by 3on of Pilot. 776. Bulwer (Hutton's), by Bulwer, dam by Rob Roy. 630. burbrmo, t>y IVIambrino Patchen, dam Lady Bumap, by a son of imp. Glencoe. 115. Burgher, by Boston Boy, dam by Medley's Hamble- tonian. 8, 126, 3h3, 826. Burgher (Alexander's) 946. Burlington, by Geo. M Pitchen. 99, 823, 871. Burns, by Kirkwood, dam Ijv Mambrino Eclipse. 968. Butcher Boy, by Vermont, Her-". 812. i But'er. by Victor, dam by Bay Messenger (?). 129. ! Hutterfle-d. i;il. Byr. n, by Royal George, dam the O'Brien mare. 323, 551, 941. Cadet, 817. Cad m 'IS, by Ben Butler, dam by Cadmus, son of American Eclipse. 103, 124 Cadmus (Dubois'), by Excelsior Cadmu«. 542. ( admus (King's), by Giltner's Whip. 443, 9ti0. Cadmus (Iron',-.) by Catlmus. son of American Eclipse, dam by Brun-wick. 773. 776. 778. Caledonia Chief, by Howe's RoyaJ George, dam Jide, by t • lates Eclipse. 104. 6 .0, 965, 968. Caliban, by Maaibrino Pilot, dam Casisia, by Strader's C. VI. Clay Jr 117. 13 \ 150, 348, 9(59. Cal fornia iSclmont, by American Boy, dam Primella, by(;omus. 55. 22ii,'697, 871. Call Horse, by the Merrow Horse, dam the Lord mare, by Telegraph. 182. Camden, by Shark, dam Invalid, by Whisper. 71. Camden Denmark, by a Denmark horse, dam by Cam- den. 528. (_ anada Black Hawk, by Vt. Black Hawk. 219. ( anada .Jack. 821. Canadian Dutchman 756. Canadian Lion. 360. 914. Oarioul, by Sentinel, dam Rosa Clay, by American Clay. 145, 434. 499. Captain, bv Biily Denton, dam by De Kay's Bell- founder. 685, 838. Captain Beaumont, by Son of Henry Clay (?). 443, 724. Captain 1 i-sher. by Sir Thomas Jr. 14, 781 Captain Golddiist. 341. Captain Grant. 848. Captain Jack, by Colby's Voung Morrill, dam by Ethan Allen Jr. 649. Captain Moss. 335. Cai'ta n ThoiiipsOD. Ill, Captam Tough. 566. Capta n Walker, by Tecumseh, dam by Whip. 157, 217, 705. Captain Webster. 787, 958. Capiain West, by Sam Bell, dam a pacing mare. 615. Captain Wiufield, by Edward Everett, dam by Abdal- lah. 415 Cardina', by Alroont, dam Cut, by Brignoli. 224. Caidinal (EdsaU's), by a French horse. Ill, 114. Careless, bv Smith's Abdallah. .122, 424, 477. Carenaught, by Fearnaught, dam Lady Richmond, by Iron's Cadmus. 7,942. C ssius M. Clav, by Henry Clay, dam Jersey Kate. 1 14, 185, 260, '430, 515, 543, 596, 638. Cassius M. Clay Jr. (Ballard's), by Jones' C. M. Clay Jr.. dam by a son of the Eaton Horse. 44. 73, 114, 128, ] 37. 583. Cansius M. Clay Jr. (Strader's), by Cassius M. Clay, (Jam by Abdallah. 6, 132, 137, '144, 250, 295, .303, 089, .'.2i 814, 824, 834, 898, 900, 910, 920. 947, 955.966. Cassius M C ay Jr. (Amos'), by Cassius M. Clay, dam Molly, by Phoerix. 20,* 191, 400, 407. Cass us M. Clay Jr. (Neave's), by Cassius M. Clay, dam i.y Cuancelior. 13 1, 257, 295, 335, 413, 439. Cassius Prince, by Cassius M. Clay, dam by the Walker Horse. 660. 976 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. Caziquc. bv Idol, dam Cassia, by Strader's C. M. Clay Jr. 14.'), 4«9, »:«> Challenge, bv :sii rman Ela> k Hawk, dam by Black Lion. 4:», 144. IHi. Chauip. 85.). Champ Fergu.son. by Alta, dam by Alexander's Ab- dolluh. 511, 86;J. Champiun (Canada). T.')2. ChampiuM (iNight Hawk), bv .GrinneH'B Champion, diiiii by &i.ermai)"s Youn^ Eclipse. 117,595. Champion. 084, s.'tiK l<4:i Champion (\Vood"si. by ^etze^^; Hambleconian. dam Lady I'atchen, l.y Geo. M. Pa^cllen. 4:.', 100,113,119, UU7, 34V!, 4^7, 7:',i, '.105. Champion KallW 58-!. Cnampion (Caav's). t)8'J. 946. Champi n. 188. Champion (Gooding's), by Kimr's Chompion Jr., dam Cynthia. b> Bi-tlett's Tm-U. 11.5. 117, r,'5, 103. 105. 1S)3,* XiiH, too 21'^. ;2r>4, 317, 422, 480, 491, 516, 52-t, 545, 0 ;.', 62 ^ 052, 7-9, 780. 840, 878. Champio 1 ((irinnell's), by Almack, dam Spirit, by En- gineer. 117, 541 Champion Black Hawk, by the Rix Horse, dam by the Parks Horse H78. Champion (Jefferson's), Son rf. 306 Champion Jr. (Kind's), by GrinneU's Champion, dam Bird, by Ked Bird. 4;-M-.'1, 1.0, 1.37,256.208,311, 396, 434, 474, 503, 509, 5-.'2, 538. 041, 043. 891. Champion Knox, by General Knox. .'21. 9tJ9. Chancellor, by Mambrino, dam by imp. J^essenger. 118. Charles Backman, by Hauibletouian, dam Kate Ssely, b3- Walden Mes.senger. 33, 288, 323, 813, 910. Charles Douglass, by le. .37. Coldwatei Chief. 920. Coleman. 948. Colfax, by Victor Bismarck, dam Widow Bedott. 223. Colonel lionner, by Motfs Independent. 145. Colonel E:lsworth, by Gen. Knox, dam by Homan's Me8.si'nt;er. 29. Ciloiiel Kipp, by Thomas Jefferson, dam Waitress, by Hambletonian. 908. Colonel .Moore, by II cky Mountain, dam by Ladd's Bush Mes.seiiger. 170. Colonel Walter, by Ethan Allen, dam Coquette, by Logan. 625,928. Colonel West, by Almont. 459, 710, 917. Co onel Wilbur. 687. Colonel Winfield, by Edward Everett, dam by Royal Qe rge. 192. Colonn^. 107,329. Colossus Mambrino. 654. Columbus ( Woodruff s) by Young ColumbuB, dam bv Vermont Hambleconian. 705. Columbus. 304. Columbus ir,9, 142. 607. 730, 83-2. Columbus, by Brown's Bellfounder, darn by Prince Regent. 449.* Columbus. 704. Comet, by Vermont Black Hawk. 95, 173, 318, 571, 709. Comet. 177,815,957. Comet (rentier's), by Star of Vermont, dam bv Comet Morgan. 112. -'17, 282, 7l0. Comet, by Billy Root, dam by Royal Morgan. 326. Comet (Benedict's), by the \Villiauis Horse. 475, 497. t oramander. b3o. Commeic , Son of. 714. Commodore, The, by Guy Miller, dam bv American Star. 508. Commodore, by George M. Patchen, dam by May Day. 730. Com m odore . 171. Commodore, by Boston. 609 , ommodori, by Thorndale, dam St. Lawrence Maid. by St. Lawrence. 470. Commodore. 141. Commonwealth, by Phil Sheridan, dam Sladame Tier nan, by Young St. Lawrence. 517. Como Chief, by Applehy"s Clueftam. dam a Magnum Bonum mare. 141. 235, 70.-^. Compeer, bv Hambletoni :n, dam Susan, bv L. I Black Hawk. 438,849,911. Coraus, by Green's Bashaw, dam Topsy, by Prophet. 897. Conductor, by Gen Knox, dam Fanny Patchen, by Tren ton . 26. 9 1 , 433, 496. Conklin, by Conklin's Am. Star, dam Abby, by Fel- ter's Hambleti nian. 650. Conspirator. 899. Constellarion, by Almont, dam LaUy Hunt, by Star- light. 240, 266. Consternation, by Y'oung Consternation, dam by Prior (?). 4-,9, 510, 846. Continental, by Bacon's Ethan Allen. 90, 108, 294, 721, 812, 923. Contraband. 269,834. Copperhottom. 167, 198, 410, 789, 818, 8;)7. Uopperbottom (My rick's). 448, 456. Conqueror. 324. Conqueror, by Ed. Holly, dam Jenny Lind, by Abdal- lah. 614. Cooper. 846. Corbenu. by Corbeau, dam by Frank. 141, 180. 27.3. 49 1 . 609, 632. 713, 739, 864. 960. Coriander, b.y inip. Messenger, dam by Allen's Brown Figure. 683 Coronet, bv George Wilkes, dam Utopia, by American Clay. 880. Corrigan Jackson, by Fine Cut, dam Baby, by Comet. 306. Corsair, by Hambletonian. dam Kate Seely, by Wal- (len's Messenger. 217, 846, 857. Cf'rtlandt Star, by American Star, dam by a son of Sir Henry. 80,336.931. Cottriil Morgan, by Vt. Black Hawk. 354. 839. Country Boy, by Prince Charles, dam from a t. one's BHCchusmare. 160.948. Country Gentleman, by Hambletonian, dam by High- lander. 38-'. Coupon (Byam's). 860. Crawford Horse. 715.968. Crawford Hor<.-, Son of. .507. Crazy Jack, by Barber's Bellfounder, dam by Vt. Ham- bletonian. 228. Crazy Nick, by Rainbow, dam by Toronto. I'^O. 7.".9. 955. Creator Golddust, by Golddust. 57. Creole, by John Randolph 610, 856. INDEX OF SIRES. 97r Cripple (Viley's), by Ward's Flying Cloud. 45,458. I Crittenden, bv Strader's C. M. Clay Jr., dam Flora, by Pilot, Jr. I'l 2, 371 , 481, 94:5. Crook Neck, by Stanley's Quicksilver, dam the Mat- thews maie. 64'3. Crown Chief, by Milford Mambrino, dam by Star High- lander. 605. Cub. 394. Cupid, by King Herod. 445, 902, 905, 930. Cuvler, by Hambletonian. dam Gray Rose, by Harris' Hambletonian. 14, 148, .1.6J, 199, 55^, ."w9, 620, 648. 816, 817, 849, 851. 942. Damon, by Palmer Bogus, dam Old Gray, by Gray EcUpse. 849. Dandy, by L. I. Black Hawk. 889. Daniel Boone, by Tom v rowder, dam by Copperbot- bottom. 143, 8.')4.* Daniel Drew. 86:}. Daniel Lambert, by Ethan Allen, dam Fanny Cook, by Abdallah 8, 9. '25, 26, 28, 5.3, 54, 64, 79, 88, 135, 137,* 139, 153, 1.^8, 161, 170, 196, 1^8, 215, 240, 256. 329, 348. 350, 357, 359, 36.', .363, 364, 371, 390. 404, 445, 446, 494, 504, 518, 519, 524, 543. 578, 592, 6(i9, 612, 630, 647, 648. 660, 661, 680, 690, 711, 7l6, 731, 816, 820, 8?] , 850. 873, 878, 906. 924, 941, 945, 946, 961. Daniel Lee. 862. Daniel Webster, by Vt. Black Hawk, dam by Andrew Jackson Jr. 22. 87. Dan Rice, by Whitehall, dam May Taylor, by Davy Crockett. 790. DanviUe, by Provincial Chief. 199. Danville Boy, by Young Morrill, dam by the Josiah Hoyt Horse. 887. Dan Underwood, by Wliite Cloud, dam by Ethan Allen. 608. 684. Dan Voorhees, by Gen. McCleUan. 445, 474, 814, 850,* 896. Darlbay, by Mambrino Patchen, dam Puggy, by Brig- noU. 428, 481, 525. 725. Darkey, by the Rounds Horse, dam by Andrus' Ham- bletonian. 308. Dauntles.s, by Hambletonian, dam Sally Feagles, by Smith's Clay. 671. Dave Hill, byVt. Black Hawk. 161.* Dave Hill Jr., by Black Lion, dam by Liberty. 78, 262, 776, 851. David Hill Jr., by Dave HiU. 162, 296, 386, 465, 541, 851, 880. Davy Crockett, 619, 779, 832, 836. Dead Shot, by Alcalde, dam Agnes,by Vindex. 294, 879. Dean Sage, by Hambletonian, cam Nelly Sayre, oy Sayre's Harry Clay. 820. Defiance, by Alexander's Abdallah, dam by Pilot Jr. 235. Delaware Chief. 648. Delmonico. by Guy Miller, dam by Hambletonian. 160, 223, 502, 843, 936. ' DelSur, byThe Moor, dam Gretchen, by Mambrino Pilot. 179, 180, 609, 855. Democrat, by Columbus, dam Lady Anna, by Abdal- lah. 240. Denmark. 47,971. Dennison Horse. 29. Detective Patchen, by Patchen Star. 936. Deucalion, by Hambletonian, dam Trusty, by Marl- borough. 168, 257, 542, 852, 960. Dexter Bradford, by Hambletonian, dam Baby Belle, by Eureka. 20. Diamond, by Old Drew. 578. Dick, by Buckskin. 326. Dick Consternation, by imp. Consternation, dam by Warren's Messenger. 53. Dick Hambletonian, by Hetzel's Hambletonian, dam by Amtrrican Star. 561. Dick Highlander. 308. Dickinson. 954. Dick Morgan, by Whip Clay, dam by Damaby's Bay Messenger. 191. Dick Richmond. 853. Dick Turpin, oy a son of Clark Chief, dam by Doni- phan. 965. Dictator, by Hambletonian, dam Clara, by American Star. 25, 77, 110, 117. 135, 152, 171, 173, 179, 202,* 336, 374. 563. 579, 615.753, 824, 830, 838, 861. 864,887. Digitalis, by Digitalis. 742. DiBon Horse 884. Diomed. 608. Diomed (Johnson's). 931. Dingo (Geo. B. McClellan), by Drew. 34, 58, 99, 10", 254, 292, 317, 368, 446. 475. 668. Dixon, by Happy Medium, dam by Morrill. 300, 552. 62 Dixie, by Mokhladi, dam by Downing's Bay Messenger. .'">S3, 8 1 5. Doble, by Ericsson, dam by Tom Crowder. 854. Doc. by St. Clair. 547. D ctor Franklin, by Gen. Kn' x, dam Sickleback, by Winthrop IMorrill. 412. Doctor Herr, by Mambrino Patchen, dam Forest Tell- tale, by Edwm Forrest, 354, 08-1, 886. Doctor Parmley, by Hambletonian, dam Rhoi'.a, by Burton's Mambrino Messenger. 128. 4W6. Doctor Syntax, by Edward Everett, dam Dolly Varden, by itnp. Ec ipse. SnO. Dodge Morrill, by Old Morrill, dam by the Hackett Horse 177,580. Dolan, bv Thomas Jeflferson (son of Vermont Black Hawkf. 390, 823,900. Dolphin. 203. Dolphus, by Nimrod, dam by Telescope. 153, 422, 456,. 509. Dominion, by imp. Roseberry, dam a Morgan mare. 244,601. Don I Robinson, by Marshall Chief, dam Kitty Bates,. by Plambletonian. 667. Doii Giovanni, iiy Hampton, dam Lady Blucher, by Volunteer. 456. Donny brook, by Gilbreth Knox. 526. Dorsey. by Hambletonian. dam Minnie, by Vermont Black Hawk. 235. Dorsey Golddust, by Golddust. 29. 202. Doswell Jr., by Doswell, dam by Gray Eagle. 584. Doubloon. 682. Doubtful. 181. Dfaco, by Perkins' Young Morrill, dam bv the Hoyt Hors". 182.* 554, 599. 730, 881. Draco, Son ot. 25S. Draco Prince, by Draco, dam by sou of Vermont Black Hawk 182.212,856.895. Draco, Son of. 126. Drake. 585. Drennon, by Davy Crockett. 457. Drennon Jr., by Drennon, dam by Medoc. 457. Drew Horse, by an English colt. 41, 54, 252, 285, 298, 309. 560, 854. 866, 872. Duff Green. 832. Duffy Horse. 284. Duke of Brunswick, by Hambletonian, dam Madam Loomcr, by Warrior. .335. Duke of Wellington, bv Perkins St. Lawrence, dam Ladv Moscow, by Yoiing Moscow. 274, 302, 825. Duke "of York, by Small's Duke of York. 185. Dunville. 648. Duplex, by Hamlet, dam Maud MuUer, by Earney Henry. 856. Duroc Messenger, by Diomed, dam by Son of imp. Messenger. 246. Durgan. 876. Duster Golddust, by Golddust, dam by Golddust. 25, 227, 324. Dusty Miller (Canavan's Gray Eagle), by Canada Gray- Eagle, dam by Sir Walter. 187. Dutchman. 882,893. Dutton Horse (misprinted Sutton Horse), by Phil Sheridan. 58. Eames Horse. 399. Earthquake. 257, 699. Eastman Morgan, by Hale's Green Movmtain Morgan, dam by the Stoddard Horse. 446. Eaton Horse, by the Aveiy Horse, dam by Winthrop Messenger. 1.36, 627. 656, 676, 876, 882. Eaton Horse, Son of 688. Echo, by Hambletonian, dam Fanny Felter, by Mag- nolia. 25, 47, 98, 190, 197, 264, 491, 499, 690. Eclipse, by American Eclipse, dam by Tariff. 453. Edward Everett, by Hambletfmian, dam Fanny, by imp. Margrave. 59, 98, 111, 116, 131, 195, 207, 215, 2 ?3, 268, 288, 3.^9, 372. 395, 422, 432, 473, 477, 503, 519, 627, 646, 665, 711, 731, 855, 856, 886, 904, 928» 944, 947. 958.* Edward Everett, Son of. 668. Edwin Forrest, bv Bay Kentucky Hunter, dam by Watkin's Young Highlander. 24,66,117,191,290, 306, 337, 443, 543, 870, 949. Edwin Forrest (Fisher's), by Edwin Forrest. 623. Edwin Thome, by Tactics, dam by Billy Denton. 855. Edward G., by John Dillard.dam by Joe Downing. 382. Egbert, by Hambletonian, dam Camptown, by Mes- senger Duroc. 195, 858, 877. Egmont, by Belmont, dam Minerva, by Pilot Jr. 324, 417,716.936. Eldridge Horse. 49. 978 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. Electioneer, by Humbleloniao, dam Green Mountain Maid, by Sayro's Harry Clay. 7. l',', -^'7,* 86, 113,131, 341, 3(/y, 484. 7IG, «16, 818, J<48, 069. Elevator, by Hamliletonian. 289. EJial G.. by Aberdeen. 113, J44, 184, 526. Elmo, b^- ilohawk, dam by Sir Kicbard. 554, 649, 846. Elmwood. 984. Emigrant, by imp. Emigrant, dam The Nun, bv Henry. 73u. Emperor, by a son of imp. Trustee. 20. Emperor, by the Newman Horse, dam by Lewiston Boy. 201. Emperor (Bridge's), by Burr's Napoleon, dam Fanny I'ullen, by Quicksilver. 201. Emperor, by Koyal Oak, dam by Harris' Hamble- toiiiaii. 337. Emperor William, by Gen. Knox, dam Lady Hollis. 23.5, 840. Empire. 199. Enchanter, by Administrator, dam Dolly, by Black Ba- shaw. 203, 328, 695, 096. Enfield, by Hambletonian, dam Julia Machree, by American Star. 381, 602, 897, 920. En^lisn Telegiaph. 349. Enoch, by Ethan Allen. 597. Ericsson, by .Maral rino Chief, dam Mrs. Caudle. 44,66, 94, 105, 174. 1811, 203. 407, 444, 466,* 585, 825, 8.^3, 887, 891, 897, 920, 93:!, 947, 906. Eric-son, 8on of. 348, 484. Erin Chief, by Howe's Royal George, dam Erin Queen, by imi. Charon. 695, 901, 957. Erie Abdallah by Roe's Abdallah Chief, dam Bess, by Hickory. 5, 6, 19(>, .^5.'), 597, 667, 811, 831, 948. Ethau Allen (De Long's), by Ethan Allen. ^:9. 462, S86. Ethan Allf-n, i.y Vermont Black Hawk. 11, 16, 20. 62, 71,96, 113.* 126, 1-^8, 1.^6. 137. 138, l.">8, 188. 189, 204,* 212, 213, 215, 231, 264, 307, 311, 31.5, 3i7. 337, 354,370,371,374 387, .399, 436, 447, ^49, 4.51, 475, 488. 524, .S5H, 559, 57 1 , 604, 607, 618, 625, 633, 634, 641, 64-^ 644. 6:)!», 672, 673, 674, 70H,* 707, 713, 730, 732, 813, 829, 8. 2, 809, 872, 912. Ethan Allenc Woodward's), by Ethan Allen, dam Fanny Cook, by Abdallah. 16,31,121,627, 750, 856, 86-J, 880, 93o. Ethan Alien (Holland's), by Vermont Black Hawk,dam by Cock of the Rock. 35 Ethan Alien (Drury's). by Vermont Black Hawk, dam byTippoo Hahio. 204,404. Fthati Allen (Holabird's), by Ethan Allen, dam Fanny, by a sou of Morgan Tally Ho. 12.!, 435, 62!. Ethiin Allen (Dix(.'n's), by Ethan Allen, dam Martha, by Ab lallah. 0-'5,' Ethan Alien (Bacon's), by Ethan Allen, dam by Wat- kins' Hii:hlander. 143,261,399. 439,492, 612, 613. Ethin Allen (Ladd's), by Ethan Allen. 861. Erhan Alen, S.n of. 10. 66. 163,395. 542, 546,632. Ethau Allen .Ir (Grinnell's). 160. Ethan Allen Jr. 244, 245. 307, 311. 577. Eihaa .\lleu .fr. (Cornell's), by Ethan Allen. 744. Elh.i.i Allen Jr., by Ethan Allen. 862. Kutrene easterly, by Gen. Taylor. 493. 662, 828. E ;reka, i>y L. I. Black Hawk, dam Lady Moore, by Mambrino Paymaster. 32, 44. Everett Horse. 612. Excelsior, by Tliompson's Black Hawk, dam Lady Re- venge, by Cone'.s Post Boy, 552 84-2. Exchequer, by Revenue, dam Nina, by Boston. 463, 597, ^86. Factor, by Fearnaughi (son of an imp. Arabian), dam by Bay Messenger (-^on of imp. Messenger). 282. Fancy (Jolddust. by Oolddust, dam by a son of Mon- sieur Tonson (?>. 241. Farmer's Beauty, bj Gifford Messenger. 6, 707. Fayette Mambrino, by Mambrino Palchen, dam by Morgan Rattler. 215. P'earful, by Dictator, dam Lady Quackenboss, by Ver- mont Rattler. 443. Fearnauglit. by Young Morrill, dam Jenny, by the Steve French Hor.-e. 23, 28, 40, 97. 157, 218, 219,* 246, 709, 833, 943. Fearnauglit, Grandson of. 247. Feiin lught Ji-., by FearnauKht. 200, 324, 492, 561, 689. Feainaught (Hadley's), 413. Fearnauglit Prince, by Fearuaught. 556. Fearnaught Spy. 478. Fenian ( hief, by Canada Gray Eagle, dam by Sir \Valter(?). 110. Fessenden. by Ciuada Andrew Jackson, 240. Fi"e (^'^it. by John C. Fremont. 137, 332. Fiizwilliam. 170. Flatbush Abdallah. by Jupiter Abilallah, dam Abdallah Maid, by Flying Cloud. 391. Flax Tail, by Pruden's Blue Hull (?i. 112, 611,689, 868. 012. Fleetfoot Hunter. 922. Fleetwood, by Alexander's AbdaUah. dam Ducatoon, by Wagner. 628. Florida, by Handjletonian, dam by Volunteer. 228, 460. 704. 831, 93.■..9^9. Flying Banner, by Black Banner. 210. Flying ' loiid by"Orr's Fiving Cloud. 52:;. Flying Cloud, In Vermont Black Hawk. 134,228,877. FlyingCloud. by Hawkeyeison of Vt. Black Hawk). 76. Flying Cloud (Corbin's), by Black Flying Cloud, dam Kale, by I.iorgan Suit n. 203. 431. Flying Cloud (Orr's). by Vr. Black iiawk, lam by Mag- iniiii Boi.uni. 548. Flyiu; Cloud (Jacks Ill's), by Vt. Black Hawk, dam by Andrew Jackson. 402, 438, 848, 672, 970. F ying Duke. 89.3. 926. Flying Dutchman. 753. 862. Flying Ka'on. by Eaton (?). 361. Flying Hiaioera, by Hanley"s Hiatoga, dam by Treas- urer. 754, 778. ri.ving ]\Iack, by a son of Bush Messenger, dam by Mack (son of Morgan Caesar). 43. Flying Morgan, by Gifford Morgan, dam by Green Mountain Morgan. 283. 327. 331. 433. Forest Kine. by Mambrino Patchen, dam a jiacing mare. 207. 324, 441, 505, ^•99. 926. Fortune, by Superb, dam by Mabbitt's Mambrino. 866. Fox Horse. 553. Foxhunter. 174. Frank, by Prendergast's St. Lawrence, dam by Red Bird. 74, 177. Frank Allen, by Ethan Allen. 456, 476, 734. Frank Forrester, by Old Toge. dam by Sir Thomas. 38. 39. 235. 737. Frank Forrester, by Clarion, dam by imp. Trustee. 483. Frank IMartin, by Springville Chief ! 908. Frank Miller. 2:57. Franklin Pierce. 830. Frank Pierce, by Beppo. 233, 278. Frank Pierce Jr . by Frank Pierce. 95, 128, 233, 564. Frank Pierce III., oy rank Pierce Jr., dam by Ticon- deroga. 655. 844. Frank Wolford, by Telegraph, son of Vt. Black Hawk. 149. Fred Kimball. 309. Fred Low. by St Clair, dam Lady Ross. 9, 1.30, 131, 816. Fred Patchen. 929. Frencli Charley. 697. French, pacing pony. 512. French Tiger, by a French Norman horse. 419, 425. Fiiltoii, by Dominion. 868. Garibaldi (Rutter's), by Hambletonian, dam Topsy, by Vt. Black Hawk. 69, 386, a95, 431. (>45, 925. Garibaldi (Stevens') by Duroc Messenger. 27, 48, 252, 452. Garry Smith. 867. Garrard i hief, by Mambrino Chief, dam Dolly Dixon, by Frank . 4 SO, 590, 596. Gatlingjim. 858. General. 247. General Bentun, by Jim Scott, dam Lady Benton, by (iray's Hambletonian. 87, 258, 286, 616. 812, 872, 881, 887. 910. General Dana, by Whipple's Hambletonian. 701, 835. General (Jeorge H. Thomas, t^y Mambrino Messenger, dam by Mambrino I bief 410,623. General Grant, by Diaco. 206, 429, 721. General Grant, by Allen C. Patchen. dam by Hamble- tonian. 121. General Grant, by Nivers American Star, dam by Nero. 679. General Grant, by Wapsie, dam by Hanley's Hiatoe». 872, 9U0, 931. General Hatch, by Strader's C. M. Clay Jr., dam by imp. Envoy. 203. 222, 865, 882. General Havelock. 276,427. General lloodson. 51. General Howard, bv Badger Boy. 362. General Knox, by Vt. Hero, dam by Young Hambleto- nian. 16, 38, 105, 118, 146, 175, 190, 202. 2'.'2, 250.* 253, 257, 265, 298, 315, 325, 366, 392, 39.3, 412, 415, 484, 440, 441, 475, 498, 504, 527, 5:57, 555, 560, 565, 569, 611, 615, 64i>, 673, 698, 704. 725, 821, 824, 827, 828, 885, 895, 913, 937, 944, 9.53, 95:,* 066. General Knox (Lander's), by Gen. Knox. 137. General Knox Jr., by Gen. Knox. 282, 829, 963. INDEX OF SIRES. Gtenera! Knox, Son of. 89, 393,442. General Lightfoot, by Gt- n. Knox, dam a thoroughbred. 10, SL. General Lvon, by Morrill, dam by Royal Morgan. 46, 1.3t), HJ."), 2lHi, ;ii4, S90, 5!KJ, 8?0. General MfClellaii, by Nor h Star. 159, '225, 6.52.874. Gen. HicC'lellaii, by Old Drew, dam by Shark. 391, 415. 553. 561. 849. 8.31. 863, 89.', 950, 970.- Gen. MtC'lellan Jr., bj-Gen. MeClellan. .535. General IMott 415 General Rfiio. 870, 953. General Scott, by Ratter's Garibaldi, dam Lady Miller, by Nonpariel. 869. G.-n. Sherman. In- Young Columbus, dam by Ethan Allen. 173. 424. 484, 635. Gen. Sherma", bv Bronx, dam Fanny Cunningham, by M. r.i;aii Tiger. 758. Gen. Stat.ton, by Hambletonian, dam by Ons-Eyed Ky. Hunter. 220. 846. 874. Geri. 'laylur, by the Morse horse. ]08, 205. General 'lavlor, by \bdallab, dam by a Cleveland Bay. 106, General TMylor. 940. General Washington (J. Welch, which see). 965. General Wildair. 510. Genesee Gray 705. Gentle Breeze, by Whirlwind. 560. George B. IMcClellan (Dirigo). by Old Drew 388. George D. Prentice, by iUambrino Chief, dam by Col- umbus Jr. 281. Geoige Gordon, by Hardee, dam by Traveler. 773. George Hal!, i>y Blue Bull, dam Phil, by Shropshire's Tom Hai 175. George Haskius. 554. Geortre M. Patehen, by Cassius M. Clay, dam by Head "Em, son of imp. Trustee. 13,35, 99, 119, 160, 190, 200,* 281. 305, 36S, 40;, 463, 485, 557,625, 683, 717, 817, 9;!3. 936, 037. George M. Patehen Jr., by Geo M. Patehen, dam by Top BeUfounder. 65, 66, 194, 263, 265, 301, 334, 394, 4.50, 6:8. 619, 6J8. 648, 661, 696, 718, 830, 870, 901, 921, 966. George M. Patehen Son of. 96. George Peabody, by Hambletonian, dam by imp. Trustee. 722. Georgrt Sherwood. 527. George Wasbingtun. by Ethan Allen. 575. George Wilkes, by Hamblrtoniau, dam Dolly Spanker, bv Henry Clay. 12.* 17, 19, 24, SI, 87, 96, 100, 145, 165, 178, 195, 216. 255. 263. 265, 299, 329, 336, 347, 353, .3X1, 383, 385, 432, 452. 467, 470. 437, 492, 500. 505, 551, 580, 592, 608, 627, 634. 643, 652, 665. 669, 681, 709, 717.* 722, 732, 7.33, 812, 813, 814, 815. 856, 857, 8.i8,* 864,* 873,* 888. 899, 902, 911, 915, 932, 948, e.59, 968. George Wilkes. Son of. 465. Getavvav, by Gossip Jones, dam by Hendrick's Hick- ory. 658, 873. Ghost, by Simpson Messenger, dam by Messenger Bones. 191. Gideon, bv Hambletonian, dam by Yoimg Engineer. 37, 208, 687, 815. 875, 930, 937 Gifford IVl organ, by Woodbury Morgan, dam by Henry Dun das. 55 Gilbert. 448, 913. Gilljert Knox, by Gen. Knox, dam by Paddy. 4.59. Giibreth Knox, by Gen Knox, dam by Vt. Black Hawk (?). 43, 47, 106, 119. 190, 265, 288, 412, 630, 929, 959. Gillis Horse, by Long's Tornado . 142. Gladiator. 88. Glencoe, imp., by Sultan, dam TrarapoUne, by Tramp. 266. 419. Glencoe (Duncan's). 917 G^ncoe. 949. Glencoe, Son of 398. Glencoe Chief, by Carpenter's Mambrino Eclipse, dam Capitola, bv imp. Glencoe. 282. Gold dust. Son of 4i8, 671, 7.53. Golddust (De Wolf's;, by Golddust. 928, 963. Golddust, by Vt. Morgan, dam by Imp. Arabian Zilcadi. 21, 33. 47, 48, .58. 139. 148. 180, 191,200, 221, 235, 249, 266, 267.* 268, 308, 326. 370, 398, 463, 488. 498, 511, .508, 6i)0, C04, 605, 607. 666, 721,* 725, 734. 860. 862, 874, 883, 892, 924, 929, 946. Golddust Jr., by Golddust, dam by Mohawk Chief. 374. Golden Bow, bv Satellite, dam Romper, by "Volunteer. '268,* 273, 874.* Good rich Horse (Marsliall Chief), by the Kilbum Horse. 176, 222. Goldf r,ch. 475. G'ldsmitb, by Hambletonian, dam by imp. Trustee. 96S Goodrich Morgan. 4^3. Go dnaugiit. 7.57. 823. Goodwin Hamblet' nian. by Hambletonian, dam by American Star. 550, 936. Goshen, by Hambletonian, dam Sally Feagles, by Smith's Clay. 185, .372. Gossip Jones, b\ Van Osdales' Whip. 100. Gould's Cl-iy, by Neave's C. M. Clay Jr., dam by Gray Eagle. 845 935. Governor Sprague, bv Rbode Island, dam Belle Bran- don, by Hambletonian. 175, 239, 265. '271, 380, 487, 670. 718, 890. Grand Moor, by The Moor, dam Vashti, by Mambrino Hat. hen. 960.- Grand Sentinel, by Sentinel; dam Maid of Lexington, by i.anifrino Pilot 6-i0 949. Granitu 9tate, bv Duke of Wellington H., dam Kitty Riker. by Vt Black Hawk. 560. Giantham Chief, t)y Royal George. 141. Gray Bill V. «'24. Gray Champion. 387. Gray Dan, by G deon. 874. Gray Diamond. 388. Gray Arnold. !j86. Gray Eagle. 143, 539. Gray Eagle. 773. Gray Eagle (Cana van's) (Dusty Miller), by Canada Gray Eagle, dam by Sir Walter (?). 328. Gray iEagle (f henerv's), hy Gray Eagle, son of Wood- pecker, dam Lottpi-y, by Clay Trustee. .326, 589. Gray Eagle (Coman's), by Vt. Black Hawk, dam Grif- fin Gray. 278, 619. Gray Eagle, by Papiueau, dam by North of England. 4 1 ;{ . Gray Eagle. 819. Gray Eagle (McKesson's), bv Gray Eagle, son of Vt. Black Hawk, dam Lady Potter, by Rattler. 63, 122, 251, 359. 3,97. Gray Fearnaught, by Fearnaught, dam a Maine Mes- senger mare. 96, 686, 821. Gray Hishlander, by Hunt's Brown Highlander, dam by Blackburn's Whip. 157. Gray Lightning. 228. Gray Blessenger, by Miller's Torners Black Hawk. 682. Gray Mesi enger (Hoagland's), by a son of Sherman Morgan. 81. 312, 889. Gray Morgan. 935. Gray Pacer. 302. Gray P,;tchen. 531. Gray Prince. 248. Greeley. 945. Greenback, by Blue Bull, dam a pacing mare. 898, 956. Green Mountain. 62, 281, 845. Green Mountain Banner, by Black Banner, dam Lady Barlow by Abdallah 340, 420, 702. G een Mountain Black Hawk, by Sherman Black Hawk, dam by G'cen Mt. Morgan, 180. Green Mountain Chief. 34 Gteen Mountain Morgan (Hale's), by Gifford Morgan, darahy Woodbury Morgan. 698. Green Mountain Morgan. 138, 947. Green Mountain Moigan, by Eihan Allen. 312. Green Moutitain Morgan, Son of. 035. Greet 'Wood, by Hambletonian, dam by Fiddler. 406, 9l3. Greyhound, by Vt. Black Hawk, dam by North American, 8.54, Guide, uy Swigert. 618, 734, 841, 874. Gurney. 13, 294. Gus. by Milhman's tiellfounder, dam Jenny Noyes. 83. Guy Miller, iiy Hambletonian, dnmby Nanny's Bolivar. 2r2, 284, .323, 477, 487, 669 681, 7il. Guy Miller Jr.. bv Guy Miller, dam Sharpless Abdallah, by Abdallah. 370. Guy Aiiler, Son of. 312. Gyro. 959. Ralcorn, by Halcom, dam by Thunderbolt. 812. Halcyon. 816. Hamblehawk, by Hambletonian, dam Kit, by L. I. Black Hawk. 287. 820. Hambletonian (Andrus'), by Judson's Hambletonian. 578 Hambletonian (Bishop's), by imp. Messenger, dam Pncasant, by inap. Shark. 587, 710. Hambletonian (Felter's), by Hambletonian, dam Spiderlegs, by Black Bashaw. 225, 428, 464. 980 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTlNd AND PACING RECORD. Hdmbletonian (Dubois'). 451. Haiiibletoniau (Glt'iins), by Volunteer, dam by Day kicliHioiKl. 3SI0, »U0. Hambletouian (llelzel's), by Hambletonian. dam L;idy Patriot, b^ Youii^ Patriot. '^W. :i'~'!J, -iH'J. Hambletoi.ian (Helzel'.si, bon of. 37G. Hambletoiiiau (Jones's), by Harris' Hambletonian,dam by Harris' Hambletonian. 'M7. Hamhk'toniau (Linn's). t)61. Haniblelotiian (Manes'), by Hambletonian, dam by B<)ant>r;,'es. 428. hw;!. Hambletonian (hooney s). by Tally Ho Morgan. 561. Hambletonian (Ber^cman's). it;i4. Hambletonian (CUi lis'), by Hambletonian, dam DoUy Martin, bv Dt fiance. •^ii^Hi," HU, V.iO. 101, 1S2, 2^4, 2H8. tj,")9, 70! I, 891. Hambktoniati (Skinkle s), by Gage's Logan, dam by Davy CrocUett. 67:^, 0^~•, 084. Hambli'tonian (Piinisti's). by tlarris' Hambletonian, dam the Chase mare, by Quicksilver. 7, 40, ^o.'j, 309. Hambletonian (Spaiz's). 4VJ2. Hambletoni n (Sackett s), by Hambletonian, dam by Philip, son of Cole's Messenger. 349. "09. Hambletonian (Sawiu's), by Wheelers Hambletonian. 357. Hambletonian (Ry:^dvk's), by Abdallah, dam the Kent mare, by imp. Hellfounder. 5.0,9,17, 19,* 30, 34, 43. 45, 52, 85, 9 ', 90, 97, 110, T^.j, 128, 141, 157, 103, 167, 108, 170, 178, 183, 185, 190, 195,* 190, 201, 202. 209, 2-.'4, 230, 240. 247. 202, 263, 27i, 287, 288,* 289, 291, 21)9, 334.* 336, 344, 347, 372, 374, 3h2. 3^'0. 395, 390,* 407. 418, 4-.'l, 422. 434, 437, 459, 460,* 402,409, 470, 478, 482,* 483, 488. 490, 495, 498. 505, 510, 513,* 523, 5:!7, 545,* 552,* 503, 573, 583,597,599.600, 601, 614,* 617, 623, 625.* 626, 028, 634,637.040. 640. 649. 655, 0.5(i, 075, 079, 6 lO. 097, 698, 701, 717, 7289, 323. 397, 4:55, 402, 472, 497, 503, 550, 6 13, 620, COJ, 710. 711, 726, 90l'. Hambletonian ('■> alcott's), 62. Hambletonian (Strader's), by Hambletonian. dam by American Star. 92, 103, 3:i2, 539, 569, 580. 585, 959. Hambletonian (Wo' d's), by Alexander's Abdallah, dam a Morgan mare. 10, 19, 28, 68, 82,* 97, 228, 251, ..'97, 318, .i65, .'tso, 384, :i87, .S92, 476, 524, .592, 594, 668, 840, 85.3, 899, 94.5, 046, 947. Hami.letonian ^Johnson's) 828. Hambletonian (Power's), by Robert Bonner, dam by Morgan Champion. 372. Hambletonian ( lattersall's), by Hambletonian, dam Mistress Lofty, hy Daniel Lambert. 734. Hambletonian (Truesdell's), by the Welling Colt, dam Judy, by Liberty. 239. Hambletonian Abdallah, by Alexander's Abdallah, dam Lady Van Sickle, by Liberty. 940 Haml)letonian Bashaw, by Green's Bashaw, dam Lady Byrne, by Gage's I..ogan. 202. Hambletonian Chief, by Hambletonian, dam by Supe- rior. 7. Hambletonian Chief, by Middletown, dam Mary Hulse, by American St;ir. 260. Hainbletoniari Chief, by Haii bletonian, dam Molly Stark, by Plato. 339. Hambletonian Downing. 344, 415. Hamidetinian Jr. 901. Hambletonian Mnmbrino, by Curtis' Hambletonian, dam Topsy.by Alexander's Abdallah. 335, Hambletonian Monarch. 970. Hambletonian Prince, by Administrator, dam by Black Rock. 187,040. Hambletonian Prince, bv Hambletonian, dam Nelly Cammver. by ( assius M. ( lay. 25, 04, 132, 283, ^.^81, 303, 317, 6i;*, 820, 823, 8: 18. Hambletonian Rattler, by Mambrino Rattler, dam IMollv Stai k. by ( hittendens Black Hawk. 040. Hambletonian, Son of. 157, 719, 033. Hambletonian Star. 9.58. Hambletonian Star (Masterlode, which seei. 572, 931, 940. Hambrino, by Edwaid Everett, dam Mambrina, by Mambrino Chief. 288, 5:i7, 548, 707. Hambiino (Black's! 947. Hambrino (Willeit's). 949. Hamilton, by Hambletonian, dam Kate Haves, by Smiih's Ajax. 342. Hamilton Chief 1 04. Hamlet, by V. lunteer, dam by Hulse's Hickory. 92, 438. ;92, 597, 788. 817, 824, 840, 905. Ham perion, by Hambletonian. 85. Hampshire Biy, by the Hemmingway Horse, dam by Buir's N:ipoleon. 600. Hampton, by Hamoletonian, dam dv Nanny's Bolivar. 170. Hampton, by Jupiter, dam by Kildare. 385. Hanovf r. 934. Hansbaw Horse, by a son of Blind Tuckahoe. 622, 756, 780. Happy Medium, by Hambletonian, dam Princess, by Andrus' Hambletonian. 13. 15, 35, 44, 80.* 90.* ittf, 139, 174. 190, 198, 202, 20.5. 220, 221, 2a5. 2 37, 273, 201 * 299. 303, 324. 3:9. 483, •i91, 494. .502, 515, 522, .536, .537.* 547, 609, 612, 620, 649, 672, 706. 738, 7-52, 821. 850, 879, 923, 965, 966. Happy Medium Jr., by Happy Medium, dam by Ver- nols Black Hawk. 113. Happy Medium. Son of. 585. Harbinger, by Brif noli, dam Sarah, by Downing's Bay Messenger. 27, 816. Harkaway, by Billy Chea ham, dam Lola Montez. by Gray Eagle. 457, 853. Harker. 467. Harold, by Hambletonian. dam Enchantress, by Ab- dallah. 151. 152, 214, 225, 27 ;, 292, 306, 483, 488, 491, 495, 559, 815. 9M. Harry Clay (.Sayre's), by Neave's C. M. Clay Jr., dam by imp. Hellfounder. 23, 294, 408, 431, 602. 632,659, 67'6, 880. Harry Hill 177. Harry Knox, by Larkin Knox, dam by Napoleon. 77. Harry Scott. 825. Harry Ward, by Happy Medium, dam by Abdallah. 624, 885. Harry Wilkes, by Geo. Wilkes, dam Belle Rice, by Whitehall. 827. Harry Wise. 609. Hathaway Horse. 303. Hayward Chief, by Billy Hayward. 279, 757. Haywood. 917,935. Hazzard, by Lexington, dam Heads-I-Say, by imp. lilencoe. 774. Hector, by a spotted circus stallion. 19, 137. Hendrick Hudson, bv Roe's Abdailah Chief. 409, 841. Henry B. Paicheu, by Geo. M. Patchen, dam by May Day. 203,384, 447. .535, 558. Henry Clay, by Andrew Jackson, dam Surrey. 23, 73. 84, 116, 295, 332. 5S2, 931. Henry Clay (Wilson's). 539. Heury Clay (Edsall's). 211, 220, 700. Henry Clay, Son of. 857. Henry Clav, pacer, by Romeo. 80, 360, 763. Henry Clay (Potter's), by Henry Clay, dam by Consul. 821,882. Henry Clay Jr., by Henry Clay. 56. Henry Clay Jr., by Henry Clay, dam by Bathgate's Norman. 32,209. Henry Harris. 379, 894, 897. Heicules, 584. Herman D. Patchen, by Ellis' Ned Patchen, dam Fanny, by Young Marksman. 400. Hermes, by Harold, dam Hermo&i, by Edwin Forrest. 218, 882. Hermit, by Woodstock. .341, 345, 948. Hermit Jr., by Hermit. 697. Hero. 255. Hero of Thorndalo, bv Thorndale, dam Heroine, by Hambletonian. J 5, 139, 509, 097 , 861. Hiatoga. 525, 538. HiatoKa(H»nlev's). by Rice's Hiatogi, dam by Tal- madge's Firetail. 48,185,274, .348, 354.359,485, 546, 690, Hiatoga, Son of. 300. HiatORa (House's), by Hanley's Hiatoga. .39. Hiatoga (Scott's), by Hanlev's Hintoea. dam by Blind Tnckah< e. 18.5, 203, ;.'3.-., 284, 302, :.C7, 378, .-192, 400. 4.39, .550, 076. 680, 752, 771, 783, 82", 853, 880, 882.* 912. INDEX OF SIRES. 981 Hiatoga (Sutton's). 122. HiaLOKa, bun of (scott'sj. 39, 764. Hiatoga (Stier's), by Hanley's Hiatoga. 315. Hiawatlui, Son of. 491. Hickory, by Goldsmith's Abdallah, dam Dollabelia, by Hiciiard's BeJlf ouiider. 814. High Jaclc, by Blue Bull. 14t), 759. Highland Beauty, by Highland Boy, dam by Hamble- tonian. 604. Highlander, by Downing's Highlander. 32, 657, 883,951. Highland Boy, by Hamlet, dtim Black 31aria, by ^lam- brino Chief. '2t>7, 6ti9. Highland Chief. 958. Highlana Gray, by Darkey, dam Betsey, by'Vt. flam- bletonian. 2,:7, 308, 855, 863. Hindoo, bv Geo. i\;.Patchen. 731,883. Hinsdale < olt, by Sammy Blucher. 309, Hinsdale Korse,"by rimi-dalc^ Colt, dum by imp. Emi' grant. 164. 258. 418, 642, 715, 829, 886, 907. Hippy (Garrard Chief, which see). 36, 587. Hiram Drew, by Old Drew, dam a Morgan marc. 53, 107, .S55. 430, 445, 591, 652. Hiram 'Woodrufif, by Volunteer, dam by Abdallah. 406,918, 970. Hi Tracy. 805. Hoagland Horse, 58. Bomer, by Hambletonian, dam by Rattler. 116, 895. Homei', by Hindoo, dam Kate Wesc, by Mambrino Messenger. 124,625. Homer, hon of. 589. Honest Abe 323. Honest Allen, by Ethan Allen, dam by the Brooks Horse. 83, 379, 437, 538. 577, 579, 6C6,626,813. 847. Honest Allen Jr , by Honest Allen, dam by Giflford Morgan. 18. Honest Dan, by Vt. Hambletonian, dam by Andrus' Hambletonian. 229, 037. Honest Fred. 24. Hone&t John. 534, 938. Honest fc^am. 119. Honesty, by Stier's Hiatoga. 59, 635. Honeylake Chief. 626. Hooton, Son of imp. 290. Hotspur, by Hambletonian, dam Pauline, by Traveler. 405, 025, 8.34, 8S5,* 900. Hotspur Jr., by Hotspur, dam Patty, by Irwin's Blind Tuckahoe. 66, 101, 318, 450, 538, 769, 824, 838, 948. Howard f'atchen. 607. Howler, bv Eureka, dam by Gray Eagle. 133, 960. H:.lt, by Belmont, dam by Roscoe. 838, 869. Humbird, by Thos. Jefltrson, son of Vt. Black Hawk. 330. Humming Bird. 328, 912. Humphrey Horse. 250. Hunter, by One-Kyed Kentucky Hunter. 116. Hurrah, imp., by Newminster, dam Jovial, by Bay Middleton. 895,944. H. W. Genet, bv Godfrey Patchen, dam Lady Dauvers, by Rocky Mountain 14. 231, 606, 890, 937. Idol (Akers", formerly Peck's), by Mambrino Chief, dam bv American Eclipse. 34,* 178, 324, 367, 4y8, 707, 823. t40. 873, 930. Idol (Baekmac's), by Hambletonian, dam Hatty Wijod, by Say re's Harry Clay. 237. 326, 554, 566, 586, 721, 816. 861, 874. Illinois ( reeper. by the Peck Horse, dam by Young Bulrush. 565. Inaugm-ation, by Alexander, dam by Hoagland's Mes- senger. 91, 963. Inca, by Woodford Mambrino, dam Gret:hen, by Mam- brino Pilot. 932. Independence, by Campbell's Andrew Jackson, dam the Gov. Price Mare. 183, 3-'5, 368, 887. Independence, by Gen. Knox, dam by Gideon. 409. Independent, by Hambletonian, dam Emma Mills, by American Star. 55, 370, 490. 519, 692. Index, by Independent, dam by Black Hawk Chief. 70. Indianap' lis, by Tattler, dam Indiana, by Mambrino Chief. 32 . Inaian Chief, by Blond's Black Hawk,{dam Lou Berry, by Ned Forrest. 705, 925. Indicator, by Qolddust, dam Capitola, by Bob Jordan. 925. Inheritor, by Index, dam Mary, by a son of Mambrino Chief. 516 Invincible. 782, 967. Iowa Chief, by Green's Bashaw, dam Topsy, by Prophet. 145, 835. Iowa Duroc, bv Messenger Duroc, dam Antoinette, by Shepherd's Rattler. ?67, 467, 842, 903. Iowa Tuckahoe, by Blind Tuckahoe. 132, 380, 331. Ira Allen, by Flying Morgan, dam by Green Mt. Mor- gan. 597, 609, 874. Irish H nter. 52. Iron Duke, by Hambletonian, dam by Miller's Sir Henry. 8, 124, 145, 421, 40.5, 472, 496, 514, 589, 630, 638, 655, 856, 887, 892. Irvington, by Hambletonian, dam Imogene, by Ameri- can Star. 349. Irvviii Davis. 285. Island Chief, by Daniel Lambert. 504. Italian Boy. 21. Jack Cook, by a two-year-old Kentucky colt. 330. Jack Hawkins Jr., by Jack Hawkins. 144, 665. Jack Rapid, by Jack Rapid. 761.* 888. Jack Re se. 946 Jack Screw 320. Jack Shepherd, by Hambletonian, dam Lam-a Keene, by American Star. 113, 130, 503. Jackson, by Andrew Jackson, dam the Lockwosd mare, by Mambrino. 501. Jack Stiles, by Vermonter. 240. James R. Reese, by Walkill Chief, dam Rosabel, by imp. Consternation. 325,517. James T. Brady, by Marshall Chief, dam by Parker's Bogus. 586, 926. •Jasper County. 873. Jay Gould, by Hambletonian, dam Lady Sanford, by American Star. 6, 27, 125. 180, 209, 336. 385, 501, 588, 635, 818, 844, ^59, 8bS,* 904. J. C. Breckenridgt, by Toronto. 504. J. C. Breckenridge, Son of. 720. Jean Baptiste, by Brandy. 163. 365. Jeb Stewart, by Mambriuo Patchen, dam Puss Prall, by Mark Time. 391. Jeff Davis. 337.840. Jefferson Prince, bv Jim Scott, cam Lady Benton, by Gray's Hambletunian. 542, 596, 612, 830. Jersey Star, by American Star. 116, 6i32, 677. Jesse Stowe. 636, 868. Jim Bister. 82. Jim Bristow. 760. Jim Ervin, by Clark Chief, dam by Ashland Chief ( ?). 834. Jim Hill. 655. Jim Blonroe, by Alexander's Abdallah, dam Lizzie Peeples, by Wagner. 174, 182, 296, 372, 388, 417, 515,813,833,858,890. Jimmy. 157. Jimmy, by Leon. 493. Jimmy Hamilton. 295. Jim Scott, hy Rich's Hambletonian, dam by Stubtail. 193,248, 249, .337. Jim Welsh. 913. J. M. Botts, by Spaulding's Abdallah, dam the Good- wii. mare, bv Hambletonian. 352. Joe, by a S' n of Vt. Black Hawk. J S3. Joe Bowers. 762.* Joe Bi'own, by Woodward's Rattler, dam by Vt. Ham- bletonian. 144, 353, 372, 422, 487, 532, 712, 895. Joe Coibett. 821. JoeColton. 853. Joe Cooper, by Young Stockbridge Chief, dam by Young American Boy, 917. Joe Curry, by Cottrill .norgan, dambyFoshunter. 406. Joe Curry, by Rysdyk's Bellfounder, dam by Abdallah. 675, 915. Joe Davis. 247. Joe Downing, by Edwin Forrest, dam Lizzie Peeples, by Wagner. 6, 47, 171, 350, 521, 673, 858, 803, 892, 924, 955, Joe Hooker, by Mambrino Chief, dam by Canada Chief. 100, 355. 49u. 923. Joe Hooker, by Wolf's Tom Hyer, dam by Wm. R. Johnson. 448, 553, 860. Joe Shelby. 893. Joe Thompson. 635. JoeTinsley. 350. Joe Warren. 292, 444. John. 969. .lohn A. Rawlins, by Romulus, dam by Kirk wood. 858. John Bright, by Old Drew, dam by the Witherell horse. 91, 937. John Dillard, by Indian Chief, dam Lady Jackson by Mack. 894, lohn Edsall, by Alexander's Abdallah, dam by L. I. Black Hawk. 201, John F, Payne, by Adams' Bald Chief, dam Dolly, by Mambrino Chief. 39, 888. John Goldsmith, by Volunteer, dam Ida, by Marl- borough. 92, 861, 874, 892. 9S^ CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. John Gilpin, Ijy Flying Cloud, dam by Abdallah. 890. Jotiu fif my, by Sir Gearge Henry, dam by Mark An- th'>ny. i3, 84, 12ti. John LanibiTt, by Daniel Lambert. iiCS.* John L-jve. 5:JXJ. John M. Clav, by American Clay, dam by Herr's Boston, rm. John Morgan, by Beautiful Boy. 254. 71.5. John Nelson, bv imp. Trustee, dam by Abdallah. 31, 271, 27-'. .Vi", 932. John Rc'.ndolph. 148. John W Couley, by Tom Wonder, dam by Alexander's Abdallah. 184 Johnny' B., bv Wood's Hambletonian, dam by Green Mt. r.L.rgan (*). 66(), 9i 2. Jojlyii Hi.ise (Rocki't), by Young Myrick, dam Vina, by Negatiator. 20l>. .'iL-J, 471, .')30. Jubilee Lambert, by Danit-l Lambert, dam the Harvey maro. by tlie Tafft horse. J49.911. Judj;L' Advocate, by Messenger Duroc, dam Lady Pier- son, by Neave's C. M. Clay Jr. 267. Jud_"> Drurv, by Bashaw Drury, dam by Benedict Morrill. 9.37. Judge Evans, by Hambletonian, dam by Gray Eagle (?). (54. Jutlge Trumbull, by Leviathan, dam Pet, by Boyal George. 10. 153. Judg.' Upton C>lt. 920. Jules Jurgenseu. by Gen. Knox, dam the Knowell mare. by Yount; Abilallah. 328, 536. Jupiter, by L. I. Black Hawk, dam Gypsy, by Almack. 24, ti3, 29U, 3:i9, 375,* 402.* 409, 521, 560,* 607, 739, 836, 8;;9. Jupiter Abdallah. by Jupiter, dam by Abdallah. 17-', 334. 303. 575. 594, 679. .S22 842, 861. 897 Ju-tice 111 Tgai), by Comet Jr., dam by iiay Messe.i- ger. 715. J. Welch, by Sammis' Washington, ('.am by Michigan Dm-oc. 694. Kansas Chief, by Y'^ung Jos.-phus, dam Ella, by Young Copperbottom. 669. Kear.arge. by Volunteer, dam Clara, by American Star. 90. Kemble Jackson, by Andrew Jackson, dam Fanny Kemble, by Hunt's Eagle. 382, 896. Kimble JaoKson (Wilson's), by Young Kemble Jack- son 915. Kemble Jackson, Son of. 281. 876. Kennebec, by Witherell. dam by Quicksilver. .329. Kennebec Messenger, by Old Eaton. 22i . Kenton. 919. Kent, by Skipton. 336. Kentucky .xbdallih. by Goldsmith's Abdallah, dam Fanny, by Cockspur. 64. Kentucky HIacUliawk, bj' New Y''ork Blackhawk, dam Ellen. b.\- Kt-nn^dy >^ King William. 4 i, 249. Kentucky Clay, by Strader's C. M. Clay Jr., dam by Gano. 440. 817,824,879,899. Kentucky Clay Jr., by Kentucky Clay, dam by Toronto. 532. Kentucky Duke. 922. Kentucky Golddust, by Billy Golddust, dam by Pilot Jr. 230. Kentucky Hunter fBroken Legged;, by Ferguson's Ky. Hunter. 191, 223, 3^3. Kentucky Hunter (One Eyed), bv Fe.-gusoii's Ky. Hunt-r. 222.225. Kentucky Hunter, by Brckcn Legged Ky. Hunter, dam by Ferguson's Ky. Hunter. 3.:0, I'AO, 627, 640, 867, 885, Kentucky Hunter, by Broken Legged Ky. Hunter. 405. Kentucky Hunter. 5.i7, 881. Kentucky Hunter, by Watkin's Yoimg Highlander, dam Rosy, by Sir Henry 775. Kentucky Pilot, by Clifton, dam by Hunt's Commo- dore, 907. Kentucky Prince, by Andy Johnson, dam by Hunt's Commodore. 28. Kentucky Prince, by Clark Chief, dam Kentucky Queen, by Morgan Eagle. 41, 180, ;{26, 662, 723. Kentucky Whip. 483. Kentucky Whip Jr., bv Kentucky Whip, 4.')8. Keokuk, by Vt, Blackhawk, dam by Bishop's Hamble- tonian (?) 342.520, Keystone Messens'-''. by Mombrino I'atchcn jlimKate Taber. by >'anibrino Messcnjier 899, Kilinore. by Black's Hambletonian, 567. Kimular. 720. King Herod, by Sherman Blick Hawk, dam by Vt, Black Hawk. 62, 90, l.')0, 2.30, 306, 450, 451, MO. King Herod, Son of, 109. King Maniiirino, by Mambrino Patchen, dam Zephyr, a pacing mare, 900. Kiiignf Dt-nniark. 860. Kmg I'atcheii, by Tom Patchen. 2i:9. Kiii.ic Phara.ih, by American Star, dam by B .y Duroc. 778. King Philip, by Green's Bashaw, dam Lucy, by Weed's Son ot Prophet , 306, 644. King Philip, by Gen, Kiu.x, dam by Old Eaton. 801, KinfT Hei,e, by Belmont, dam Blandlua, by Mambrino Chief. 244, 594. 963. Kin;; Wibium, by u ashington Denmark, dam the Wm. ( romwell mare. 385. King \\ iiliaiii. by Kintr William, sonof Winslow Horse, dam by ^iUley's Imrdc. 813, Kuigwood Pilot, by Kentucky Pilot.dara Lady Wyckoff, by Hoagland-i ("Jray Messenger, 651. Kirkman, by Gages Log.in. dam Ma.cuolia, by Fiorizel. 832. Kirkwood. by Green's Bashaw, dam IMadam Kirkwood, by Young (Ireen Mountain Morgan. 99. 17>3, 366,* 544. 849, .S99. 948 Kirkwood Jr.. by Kirkwood, 389. Kirkwood, Son of. 116 Kisber, by HamliletoniMn, dam Lady Fallis, by American f^t:lr. 144, 19 J, .•.'5, 627, 97^,. Kit Carson. 954 . Knickerbocker, bv Hambletonian, dam Lady Patchen, by Geo. M. Patchen. .72, 4i:i, 5i,6, 551. 6 .1. Knight's Horse, by a CleveLxnd Bay, dam a thorough- bred (?). 160. Knox (Skinner's), by Gen. Knox. 661. Knox (Laruin's), by (jien. Knox, dam Lacly Perham. '-04. Knox Boy, by Gen. Kn.'X, dam by Lewiston Boy, 393. K ssuth by L. I. Blaclc Hav.-k, dam Lady of the Lake, by Harris' tijinbletonian. 1J,5. Kurtz Horse, by Paul .Jones. 22, 495, 591. Kurtz Star, 661, Lakeland Abdallah. bv Hambletonian, dam Enchan- tiess. by Abdallah. 813. Lambert Chief, by Daniel Lambert, dam by American Star. 504. Landseer, by Gen Kn ix, dam by Eaton Horse. 149, 884. Lupidibt, imp., by louchstune, dam lo. 131,915. Latham, by Hlatt's Black Hawk. 435. Lawtoii. 166. Ledger, by Robert Bonner, dam Highland Fling, by a son of Uassius M. Clay. 9, 225, 66S. LeClair. 436. Legal Tender, by Moody's Davy Crocket, dam the Ad.'ock maie. 108, 1,7, 2j 7, 306, 402, 437,* 496, iSQ, 709, 741, 828, 907. Legal Tender Jr., by Legal Tendor, 707, 9C9. Lemon Hoise 4O0. Leoti, bv Anthony Wayne. 33, 857. Leviathan, by Flvingr Cloud. 73, 373, 879. Lewiston Boy, by Pollard iM organ, dam by Quimbj Messenger. ■ 30, 174, 175, 391. 451, 722. Lexicon. 546. Lexington, by Brandywine. 29, 440, Lexinjiton, by Boston. 356. Lexington (Watsori's). by Lexington, son of Boston,693. Lexington Chiei, by Kentucky Clay, dam Lady War- flel'i, by Mambrino Chief. 914, Lexington Chief Jr,, by Lexington Chief. 162, 408, 703, 7:lv, 861.922. Lexington '.Joiddust, by Golddust, dam Eugenia, by Lexincrton. )82. 480. Liberty Patchen. 569. Lighifoot. 45. LiKhtnin.iT. 24. Lightning. 662, 7.53, 786. Lightning, by Doble's Black Bashaw, dam Dolly Phillips, by Monmouth Eclipse. 78, 250, 930. Lightwood. 913. Limber Hill 862 Limber Jim. ■<05. Lincoln (Cole's). 377. Litile Arthur, by imp. Glencoe, dam Blue Bonnet, by imp. Hedgeford, 6, Liitle Cassius. by Cassius M. Clay, dam Starlight, by American Star. 71, 311. 716, Littl.« Eastern, by Gen. Benton 80. Little 'Jiant l.y '^t. Black Hawk. 447, 902. Little Joe. 930, Li tie Logan. 539 Littl" Mack, by Columbus 824, LittL' Mose. 3o, 819. INDEX OF -I .ES. 983 Little Wonder, by Blue Bull, dam Polly, by SoverelsQ Glencoe. Slo. Live Oak, hy Live Oak, dam by St. Lawrence (?). 240. Liverpool. 710. Locomotive, by Robert E. Lee, dam T'ecrgy, by St. Clair. 110. Lodi, by Strader's C. M. Clay Jr.. dam by Trimble's Eclips?. 301, 345,843. Logau (Oiige's), by Hambletonian, dam Lady Wallace by OLi ) .tichpse. 7,83, 84, 373, 3:3, 371, 356, 631, 893. 9?7 Logan (Paiee'sX by Logan, son of Henry Ciay, dam a ftiorgau mare. 4"; , 487. Logan (WadlelKh'.',), by Pomeroy's Losan. 457. Logau (Wiueman'.'i), by Wadlpigb's Loi,an, dam a pac- ino; mare. l+U. 337, 4l3, 655. Logan (Litiletield's). 243. Logan Curi ency 836. Logan .Jr. (Kipp's). ill. Lo^u;^ Horse, it tbe Golden Horse. 400. Lone Star, by Esty's Black Hawk, dam by Cock of tbe Kock. 437. Longfellow. 741. Lon Morris, by Gen. Knox, dam the Abbott mare, by Ho. nan's Mnssenger. 39i. Lookout, bv Bourbun Chief, dam Lady Scott, by Wood- ford. 381, 45 ■. Lor'i Aliuout, by Almont, dam Judy O'Trot, by a son of American Eclipsi'. 699. Lord Byron, Ijy the Winslow Horse, dam Nelly, by L. I. Black Hawk. 385. Lord Nelson. 736. Louis Mapoleon. t.y Volunteer, dam Hattie V.'ood, by Harry Clay. lliT, 376, 343, 59;. 044. 827. Lothair, by "Gilbreth Knox, dam by tbe Eaton Horse (?). 898. LownsheiTv Hors?. 571. Lucky Bo;". C 9 Lumber, iiv Erics on, dam Ly Pilot. 844. Lummax. 55^. Lumps, by George Wilkes, dam by PearsaU. 638. Lymaa. ~o5 Ly.-saader, by Hambletoniai, dam Lady Banker, by noe's Abdadah Chief. 3i5. 468,* 696, 9i5. Mae. 1.30. Macedonian, by Hambletonian, dam Quakeress, by Young Emperor. 243, 307. Madison Himter. by Kentucky Hunter. 323, 511, Magic, l^y Berkeley's Edwiii F rrtst. dam by Grey Eagle. 133, 383, .^33, 573, 6:54, 815, 845,* 913. Magic Horse. ~78. Magna Charta, by Morgan Eagle. 49,130,161,196. 193, 361. ^89. 293, 373, 5ii9, 513, .503. 603, 611, 613, 617, 625.* 641, 650. 731. 851, 914, 944. Magna Charta, Sou of. 391. Magnet, by Magnolia, dam Mischief, by Alexander's Abd;i,llah 56. MagncUa. by American Star, dam Jenny Lind, by Bay Richmond 319, 474, 475. Mahoney Horse. 315. Major. 845. Major Anderson, by George M. Patchen 723. Major Anderson (Jupiter Abdallah, which see). 604. Major Edsall. by Alexander's Abdallali, dam liy Harris' Hambletonian. 1-..6. 1 i6, 601, (i47. 919, 937." Major DeKay. by Hambletonian, dam by Bull Frog. 869 Major Gano. 448. Majo.- Gra'it. by Delmonico, dam Dandy, by Young Engineer. 53'J, 949. M^ijor Winfield Jr , by Major Winfield. dam the Harris Mare, by American 8tai-. 133. Mambrino, by imp. Messenger, dam by imp. Sour Crout. 58. Mambrino (Howard's), by Mambrino Chief, dam by a son of Pilot Jr. 34, 394. Mambrino. 750. Mambrino Autocrat. 637. Mambrino Brave, by Mambrino ''"hief, dam Lady Den- mark, by Game's Denmaric. 598. Mambrino (C'arr's), by Mambrino Patchen. 333, 403. Mambrino (Duval's), by ftlambrinD Chief, dam by imp. Hleuco-!. 8!3. Mambrino (Thatcher's). 96S. Main'ormo (Crockett's), by Woodf u-d Mambrino, dam Fa-iny Ferguson 78, 8.-1. Mambrino (Dover'>). 068. Mambrino (McDonald's) by Mambrino Chief, dam Big Mora, by Downing'sBay Messenger. 115. 3!ambrino( To 1 hunter's), by Marion, dam by Bob Did- lake. 331, 836, 924. Ttlambrino (Tupper's), 495. Mambrino (Kovvlaud's). 262. Mambrino Abdallah, by Mambrino Patchen, dam Ros ia<, by Al.-xiiider's Abdullah. 478, 883 Miimbri>.o Slack Hawk, by Stockbiidge Chief, dam by Mambrino Paymaster. 138. to-'. Mambrino Boy. by Mambrino Patchen, dam Roving Nelly, by Strader's C. M. Clay Jr. 478, 503, 89 J. Mambrino Bruce, b.v Alcalde, dam Leila, by Dovvning's Vermont. .53, 313. 759. Mambrino Champion, by Mambrino Chief, dam by imp Champion 511,* 9J0. Mambrino Ciiampion, bv Eureka, dam by Mambrino Paymaster, l 17, 358, 511.* Mambrino 'h-ef, S n of . 483,831,830. Mambrino Chief (Colcord's), by Mambrino Chief, dam by Alexand.-r Chm'chill. 920. Mambrino Chief (Clark's). 315, 759. Mambrino Chief Jr. (Harris'), by Mambrino Chief. 579. M>imbrino Chief (Fisk's), by Mambrino Chief, dana by airmingham. 65,* 107, 169, 239, 3.56, 367, 374 387, 390,458, 4', 8, 479,- 460,* 481,* 545, 735, 843,87.5, 916, 937. 935. Ilami'ri.io Clay, by Mambrino Patchen, dam by Stra- der's C. M. (^layJr. 930. MambriQ) Chief, bv MambrinoPaymaster. 13.* 40.59, 76,91. 160. 333.383. 410. 437, 439, 478.* 479, 480, 431, 5L6, 544. 571, 596, 599, 657, 673, 685, 735, 819, 904, 920, 950. Mambrino < hief Jr., by Mambrino Chief. 920. Mambrino Diamond, by Mambrino Patchen, dam by Strader's C. il. Clay Jr, 385. Mambrino Eclipse, by Mambrino Chief, dam Beck, by Zenith . 710, 833. Mambrino Gifi, by Mambrino Pilot, dam Waterwitch, bv Pilot Jr. 13, ^64. 27j, 445, 481,* 538, 608, 645, 667, 844. 920 := 959. Mambria.T Dudley, by Woodford Mam arino, dam Sue Dudley, by Ed win Forrest. 9i0. Mambrino Hamb'etouian (Coleman's), by Mambrino Pilot, dam (ioiidola, by Hambletonian. "itS, 551. Mambrino Hambletonian (Delano's), by Ashland, dam the Blinker Maro, by Hambletonia.n. 135. 657. Mambrino Kiag. b) ?.iambri no Patchen, dam by Edwin Forrest. 22, 899. Mambrino Legraud 863. Mambrino Messenger (Herr's), by Mambrino Pilot. 221, 439, Mambrino Messenger (Rutzers), by Mambrino Mes- senger, dam by a f. n of Bassorah Arabian. 397. Mambrino Messenger. 7^4, 870. Mambrino .Morrill, by Mambrino Whip, dam SteUa. by Morrill. 10 Mambrino Paris, by Mambrino Patchen dam by Joe Downing. 478. Blamb: ino Pt;tchen, by Mambrino Chief, dam by Gano. 42.51,67,73,114,176, 193, 199,255,365,275,307, 309 345. 379, 419, 430. 435. 437, 458, 478,* 479, 480,* 506, 5 ll, 0S9, 818,* 810, 851, 854, 870, 899, 901, 920, 9.33. 937,* 96 V. Mambrino Patchen (Smith's), by Geo. M. Patchen, dam Betsy, by Messenger Eclipse. 652. Mambrino Patclien Jr , by .dambrino Patchen 936. Mambrino Paymasi.er, by Mambrino, dam by imp. Paymaster. 270, 337. Mambrino Pay masti'r. 961, Mambrino Pet, by Mimbrino Patchen, dam Jenny, by Halcorn. 331. Mambrino Pilot, bv Mambrino Chief, dam Juliet, by Pilot Jr. 10,53,57,07,131 183.364, .O.i, 390. 3.59, 383, 394,* 435, 478, 48U,* 493, 517, 596. 603,608,083, 7ol, 813, 8Si. 884. Mambrino Pilot Jr , by Mambrino Pilot, dam by Down- iiig's Ba,y Messenger 4H5. 568, 849. Mambrino Prince, by Garrard Chief, dam by Drennon. 473, 930 Mambrino Prince (Brignoli\ by Mambrino Chief, dam Sally Woodforl. by Woodford. 30. 348. Mambrino Rattler, by Bellriager, dam by Rockwell's Rattler. .536. Mambrino Reliance 414. Mambrino Star, by Mambrino Chief, dam Lady Fair- field, by Red Biic!:. 140, 338, Chief, dam Betts, by Hunt's Commodore. 57, til.), 070, 941. Maucliest.-r 'luc'iahoe lOH Manhattan, bv Hambl-tonian, dam Dolly, bv Cann's Hector 247, 4--'0. 48;.>, (J.'J-,'. Maiisell Horse. 143. Mapina. r>ii:i. Margrave Jr , hy imp. Margrave. 8:J7. Marion. 34:i, 8t>4. Mars. til3. Marshall Chief (Goodrich Horse), by the Kilburn Horse. 125, 366, 451, 454, 575, 9.i2 Marshal Ney. by Mambrino Pilot, dam Lady Walter- mire, bv North Ani-Tican. 150, 3^9, 374, 484, :>'J2. Masterlode, by Hambh'toiiian. dam Lady Irwiu. by American Stir. 47, 51, 1 19, 192, 36-', 351, 370, 618, 714, 8?1, 836. 875, 878, 896. 940. 982. Matcliles.s, by Prmce Albert, dam by imp. Trustee. 555. Matt l)nffy, by Western Fearuau^'it, dam by Ethan Allen. 7. May Boy. 143. May D.iy, by Henry, dam Bet, bj- Duroc. 494. May Fly, by Farmer's Beauty, dam by Wild Hawk of the Prairif. 3li3. Mazeppa 44. McUiirdv's Hamblet.tnian, by Harold, dam Belle, by Mamorino iliief. 155, 460, 878, 887. 895, 925. McMahon, by Administrator, dam Mattie Wesi, by Al- mout. 142. Mc Kinney Horse. 905. Meeker Horse. 218, 272. McLloyd 934. Menelaus, by Hambli-tonian. dam Jessie Bull, by L. I. Black Ha«k. 298, 404, 005, 844, 92 1. Merchant, bv Belmont, dam Lady iilambrino, by Mam- brino Chief. 135. 514, 928. Mercury, by Hambletouian. dnm Julia JIachree, by American Star. 126. Merkow Horse, by Witherell Messenger, dam a Morgan mare. 52. ^'esS'inger. 236. J essenijer (Logan's), by State of .)laine, dam by Ham- ton's Hamliletoniau 149. MeiS'.'Ujjer Chief, by Abdallah Pilot, dam by Mam- brino Messenger. 28 1, 034, 923. Messenger Duroc, bv Hambietonian, dam Satinet, by Roe's Abdallah Chief. 6,28,55,121,154, 195,205, 233, .300, 303, 310, 327. 45.3,470,482. 498, .j05. 5J2, 546, 5tj4, .-i80, 592. 647.669. 67'i. 688.690, 714, 7 i2, 812, 839, 851. 865, 87-i, 897, 898, 902, 939. Messenger v Clarion, dam Kate Kearney, by Hop- kins' Abdallah. 484. Moniauk, by Cassius M. Clay, dam Fanny Ellsler, pacer 251 . Moore's eub, 848. Montgomery Morgan. 444. Morgan. 689, 900. Morgan (Evan's). 640. Morgan (Currier's). 330. Morgan (Koes). 940. Morgan Black Hawk, by Vr. Black Hawk. 28, 78, 165. Morg-in Cpesar, by Woodbury Morgan, dum by Quick- silver. 509. Morgan Eacle, by W^oodlmry Morgan, dam >)y Callen- der. 427, 474 (>4,2, Morgan Eclipse, by Vt. Morgan, dam by American Eclipse 228. Morgan Horse. 101, 260. IJor^ian Messenger. 703, 894. Morgan Messenger (Morrison's). 92. Morgan Paddy, 555. Morgan Post Boy (Morgan Csesar. which see). 469. Morgan Prince, by Morgan Iluntjr. 300, t>21. 699. Morgan Rartlcr. by Hale s Green Mt. Morgun, dam by Biggatt s Battler. 400. Moriill, bv the Jenni.sou Horse, dam by the Farrington Horse. 251. 364, 5)9,7:51, Morrill (Walker's), by Winthrop Morrill, dam Fanny, oy the Eaton Horse, 392. Morrill (Hutchinson's). 862. Morrison. 56, 70. 483. Morse Horse, by European, dam Beck, by Harris' Hambletonian. 253, 278, 279, 311. Moscow. 23. Moscow. 237,518. Moscow (Fisk's). 418. Mountain Boy. 398. Mountain Chief, by Morrill, dam by Champion, 301. 527. Mountain Chief, by Fred Patchen. 337. 375, 815, 843. Mount Holly, by imp. Messenger, dam by Bajazet. .,59. Mount Vernon, by the Eaton Horse, dam by .Messen- ger Bones. 109. Muscatine, by Green's Bas'.aw, dam Miss Nebraska, by Nebraska. 128. Myron Perry, by Young Columbus, dam by Hopkin's Abdallah. 253. Napa. 88i. Naples Ciay. 305, 382. Napoleon. 74,433. Napoleon (Burr's), by Young Mambrino, dam by American Commander. 201, 595. Narragansett, by Rhode Island, dam by Capt. Blue Jacket. 49. Naubuc. by Toronto Chief, dam Gyppy Queen, by a son of Vermont Black Hawk. 5.')9. 855, 908. Naugatuck. by Vermont Black Hawk, dam Lady Bur- ton, by Mambrino Messenger. 131, (502. Ned. 396. Ned. 770. Ned Forrest, by Dave Hill, dam by Post Boy. 345, 937. Nel Forrest (Hughes'), by Edvviri Forrest. 132. Ned Forrest (Brannock's), by Joe Downing. .54, 194. Ned Sutton. 121, 1.59. Need ham Horse. 330. Nelson 938 Nepliew. bv Hambrino. dam Trutfing Sister, by Alex- ander's Abdallah. 240. 402. 878. 905. New Jersey, by Geo. HI. Patchen, dam Patsey An- thon> , bv imp. Priam. 273. Newma.) Horse, by the Rollins Horse. "^Ol. Newry, by Lexington, dam Novice, by imp. Qlencoe. 47.' New Y'ork, by Hambletonian, dam Lady Finch, by Sayre's Harry Clay. 263. 482, 594, 934, 958. New York Boy. 430. New York Battler. 1(37. Niagar.i, b.v .Niagara Chief, dam bj' Gray Njrman. 851. Niagara Chief, by Toronto Chief, dam by Flying Arrow. 53, 258. .3.35, ,503, 611, 896. Niger 519. Nigger Baby, by Pilot. 39. 622. , Nigger Black. 072. Night Hawk ((Jhampion, which see). 370, 534, 590, 602, 874, 934. 953. 4NPEX OF SIRES. 985 Niles' Bashaw. 936. Nobby. 54x;. Nonpareil, by L. I. BlacV Hawk, dam Cornstalks, by Monmouth Beauty. 141, 503, 710. Norman Jr. 287. Norman (Nottingham's), by the Morse Horse, dam by Harris' Hambletonian. 578, 589. Norman (Alexander's), by the Morse Horse, dam by Magnum Bonum (?). 7y, 46G, 495, 525, 541!,* 589, 844, 968. Norman (Palmer's). 531, 9-0. Norman. 832. Norman D, by Alexander's Norman, daui by Wash- ington Denmark. 860. Normandy. 166. 8.".2. Norridgewock, by Gen. Knox, dam by Old Eaton. 839. North Slorrill, by Sherman Black Hawk, dam Stella, by ' orrill. 455, 550. North Star, by Sberman Black Hawk, dam the Cooper Mare 64, 839, 950 North Star Marabrino, by Mambrino Chief, dam by Davy Croci;etL. 530. Norton Horse, by Sandy River. 275, 847. Norwood, by hambletonian, dam Lady Fallis, by American Star. 225, 298, 375, 608, 610, 680, 721, 813, 907, 91-J, 92.;. 934. Nutw.ooLl,by B .Imont, dam Miss RusseU, by Pilot Jr. 151, 162. 219. 482, 521, 8.33, 837, 911, 929. Oak Hill, by Hambletonian, dam Lady Oxnard, 'by French Tiger. 540 Oceana Chief, by the Aldrich Colt. 473, 934.* Octibia. lOi, 857. Ohio Bellfounder, by Brown's Bellfounder, dam Bet Singleton, by Tormentor. 5. Old Abe 28. Old Joe. 572. Old Morg. 396. Old Morgan. 67. 917. Old Silver. 630. Ole Bull, by Pilot, dara the Doyle mare. 127, 656. Ole Bull Jr., by Ole Bull, dam by SterUng. 651. Olympus, by Almont, dam Patty Price, by George D. Prentice. 81. One Ej-e. 525. Oneida Chief . 66 :. Onward. 117. Onward. 67. Onward, by Geo. Wilke.s, dam Dolly, by Mambrino Chief. 33, 548. Orange Chief. 679. Orange County, by Hambletonian, dam the Moffatt mare. 437, 724. Orphan, by Green's Bashaw, dam by Joe Gale. 935. Orphan Boy, by Cric^iton. 835. Orphan Bov, by t. obb's Brandj'wine, dam a Morgan mare. 437. Orphan Boy, by Ripon Boy. 832. Osceola, by Drennon. 261, 723, 934. Otego Chief, by Victor. 303. Overland, by Bald Chief, dam Madam Botts, by John M. Botts. .526. Pacing Abdaliah, by Alexander's Abdallah, dam Lydia Talbot, by Taylor Messenger. 6, 129, 298, 556, 619. Pacing California. 744. Pacing Davy. 465. Paddy. 222, 905. Paddy Magee, by Gen. Taylor. 494. Palmer Bogus, by Ballard's Bogus. 154, 261. Palmetto Chief, uy Edwin Forrest, dam Ducatoon, by Wagner. 230. Pane ast, by Woodford Mambrino, dam Bicara, by Harold. 8S7. Panic, by Ethan Allen, dam Dolly Merriam, by the North Horse. 202. 8:i6. Paragon, by Andrew Jackson. 237. Paragon, by Bailey's Paragon, dam Bond's Trotter. 49. Paranus 938. Parson's Horse, by the Ball Horse, dam a Morgan mare. 4.32. Pataskala, b.y Boston, dam by Industry. 575. Patchen(l. 741, 7.53. 830, 937. Ranger. 27(5. 7;.'5. Rappahannock, by Kthan Allen. 97. Ratuer. by Stockbridge Chief, dam a Morgan mare. 4.', 2.52. /i60, 641, 8B5. Rattler (Conklin's), by Abdallah, dam bj- Messenger Duroc 582 . Rattler (Woodward's), by Biggart's i^attler. 353. Ra tier (B'ggart'sj, by Sir Henry, dam by the Hyde horse. 4()2, 531, .582, 587. Rittler (Werner's), by Biggart's Rattler, dam by Mars. 571. Rattler (Wright's), by Biggart's R::ttler, dam by Mag- num Bouum. 49. 849. Rattler (Northrop's). 346. Kaven, by Green's Bashaw, dam by a son of Jones' Sauipsoa, 472.. keconstruction. 149, 296, 445, 882, 88.3, 919. Reconstruction. Son of. 417. Fed Bai k, by Iron Duke, dam Bridget, by Wild Irish- mnn 815 Red Bill 769. Ked Bird, hy a son of Henry. 589. Red Bird, by Nottingl^ms Norman. .5()9, 6:;8, 71^. Retl Bird, Son of. 538, t)7-4. Red Bird (Willey's). 698. Red Buck, by Dav'sC.->pperV.ottom. 276,406, .589,729, 739,- 741, 742.*744, 745, 747, 757, 771,835,858, 894, 923, 947, 96.1 Red Buck (Hale's), bv Red Buck. 784. Red Bu(^k. by Red Biick. 7. Rod Buck Colt, by Red Buck. 922. Red Cloud. 842. R"d Kagl% by (Jray Eagie, dam Lottery, by Wood- pecker. 46. 1.58, .338. 485, 821. Red I ;ye, by Golddust, dam by Green Mt. Morgan. 879. Red Jacket, bv Duroc. 22. Redkah 837. Red Norman. 854. Redp th. 2(55. Red Oak. 871. Red Wilkes, by Geo. Wilkes, dam (^ueen Dido, by Maml-rino Chief. .56.5, 899, 940. 0,5 !. Ree.se Patvhen. 241. RegubH, by Hambletonian, dam by American Star 34(i, 5o5,.56(), 593. Reindeer. 0.59, 813, 061. Relia ice. 815. Reliance, by Alexander, son of Geo. M. Patchen Jr., (lam Mau ield's Roval George, dam bv Smith's Flying (-hiUbrs. 104. Royal George (Murphy's), by Royal George. 613. Koyal George. 872. Hoval George Jr . by imp. Royal George, dam by Black Morgan. 597. Royal George. Son of. 392. Royal Hevcnge, by Toronto Chief, dam by son of American Eclipse. 242, 338, 454, 4(34, 577,* 8 io. IXDEX OF BIRES. 987 R. R. Morris, bv Independent, dam Stella, by the D; cw Horse. 71, .".L'SJ, .(7;, H-'O Rustic, by, Whipple's flambletonian, dam by California Belmont. 946, 904. Rysdyk, by Hamliletonian. dam Lady Duke by Lesing- <^on. 56. 98, 13;i, r2-2. f-:40, 86!). Sacramento, by Woodford ilambi ino, dam Sue Dudley, by Edwin Forrest. 479. Saddlerville. 949. Ssddliner Buck, by Chad's Red Buck. 93, 2137. Saffl, imp 2'i. Sager Horse, by Tippoo. li;9, 147. Sailor Boy. 465 Saladin. by Youn,? B.ashaw. ;2o9, :37.j. 564. Saltiam, by Webber's Whip, dam by Sea Gull. 308. Sam Bell, by leam Patch, dam Dolly Bell. ] 11, 683. Sambo. ;J7i. Sam Cooler. 30, 948. Sam Golddiist. by Golddust. 833. Sam Marvey. 329. Sbm Hazzard. 745. Sam Kiikwood, by Kirkwood, dam jtfaggie Davis. 177, 48Ji. 948. Sam Patch 830. Sam Patchen. 951. Sampson, hv Hambletonian, dam Lady Oxnard, by French Tiger. 626, 7.32, 919, 950, 968. " Sam Slick. 948. Satellite, by Robert Bonner, dam Pet, by Champion. 268. 621. 848. Sawyer Black Hawk, by "SVoodbury, dam by Post Boy. 27. Scianto'i Boy. 945. Schuvler Colfax, by Hambletonian, dam Jerusha, by May Duke. 700. Scott's Thomas, by Gen. Geo. H. Ttiomas, dam Ladv Rice, by Wlutehall. 87, 375, 134. 948. Scythian, by imp. Scythian, dam Sally Shannon, by Woodpecker. 717. Searcher, by Barnev Henry, dam by Woodbury Mor- gan. 396, 840, Serastop-"], bv Whitehall. 121. Selim. 026,698.956. Senator, by Nottingham's Norman, dam Juda, by Jup- iter. 218. Seneca Chief, by Hambletonian, dam Lady Jordfm. by Young Hector. 186, 288, 418, 499, 62J. 62^ 629, 845. Seneca Patchen, bv Geo. M. Patchen. 239. Senti'iel, by Hambletonian. dam Lady Patriot, by > oung Patriot. 19. 24 96, 107, 116. 274, 500, 664, 700, 701. 732. 899. 937. Shaffer Pony. 99. 32 .', 328, 329, 445. 526. 912 913. Shakespeare, by Smith's Honest Allen. 626, 7 J8. Shakespeare. 359, 732. Shark, iiy American Eclipse, dam Lady Lightfoot, by ."?ir Archy. ,rtha Wsh- ington, hy Burr's Washington. l-;9, 546, 942, 948. Speedwell Hambletonian, by Hamoletoiiian. 886. Spink, by Audy Johnson, 110 Spray Horse. 563. Spring Boy. 392. Sporcsman, by Tippoo. 664. Springville Chief, by Field's Royal George, dam bv Rob Roy. 237,261. Standard Bearer. 83c). Stanton. 2.54. Star, by American Star, dam by Foxhunter. 919. Star Jr., by Monitor, dam by Hambletonian (?). 661. Star Hambletonian, by Hambletonian, dam by Amer- ican Star. .540,623. Star Henry 557. Star of the Union, by Lysander, dam Rosa Bonheur, by Geo. M . F&^c len . 648 . Star of the West, by Jackson's Flying Cloud, dam Gray Fanny, by Em-eka . 25, 307, . 14 ). 350. 358, 363, 406, 473, 575, 849. 933, 935. St. Arntz Horse. 15.3. Startle, by Hambletonian, dam Lizzie Walker, by American Star. 17, 476, 537, 572, 932. St. Charles. 955. St. Clair. 319, .345, 493,* 738, 7(2, 767 866. Steinway, by Strathmore, dam Abbess, by Albion. 1.34, 935. St. Elmo, by Alexander's Abdallah. 26, 169, 199, 374, 502, 652. Stephen A. Douglas, by Hamble.ouian, dam by Abdal- lah (,?). 58, 138, 161, 289, .324, 522, 578, 698. 966. Ste(..h-n A. Douglas, Son of. 922. Sterling, bv Patchen Boy, dam Lizzie. 336. Steve. 160. St. Gothard, by Geo. Wilkes, dam Zora, by American Clay. 56. Stillson, by Messenger Duroc, dam Gray Rose, by Hambletonian. 33. 327, 476, 941. St. John s Hazard. 55. St. Joseph. 55. St. Lawrence. 15. 34, 45, 71, 118, 341, 399, 418, 445, 484, 499, 616. 6.35, 652. 654,* 680, 732.* St. Lawrence, Son of. 631, 654. St. Lawrence (Perkms'i. 185. St. L-iwrence (Foster's, or Bett'r), by St. Lawrence, dam by Rainbow. 191, 297. St. Lawrence (Finch's). 274, 738. St. Lawrencri (Shaw's). 368. St. Lawrence hor.-e. 553. St. Lawrence Jr.. by St. Lawrence. 379, 451. St. Mark 6.54. St. Nicholas, by .\merican Clay, dam by Mambrino Chief. 499. Stockbridge Chief, by V;. Black Hawk, dam by Sir Charle>. 257. 654. 889. Stockbr.dge Chief .Jr.. by Stockbridge Chief, dam Blue Bonnjt, by Tom Crowd v. 6. 988 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACINQ RECORD. Stockbridge Jr., by Stf>cki)riilKe 969. Stocking I hief, by Clark Cliief. 319. Stone Iior.--e, by Wiutlirop MesseuKcr, dam au English mare. 049. Stf)nHwalI, br Alexander's Abdallah, dam by Yankee Boy 865,88.5. Stonp'.vail Jackson, by Lem Rogers. '^2. Stouewall Jackson, i>"y Jlambrino Chief. 4'A. 484, 877. Stonewall Jackson, by Hoasland's uray Messenger, dam Katydid. ;.'77, 477. Stonewall Ja<."kson, i^on of. O-ol. St. Paul Patchen. by Geo. M. Patchen, dam by Hop- kin's Abdallah. : 8.* Strader, by Ktrader's C. M. Clay Jr., dam Iodine, by Gill's Ve.'mout. 391. Strideaway, by Black Hawk Telesrraph. dam Pocahon- tas, bv Ikju's Cadmus. 939. Striileaway, Son of. 849. Strathmore, bv Hambletonian, dam L dy Walt-iruiire, by North American. 15, l'J6, 301, 304. 475, 514, 525, 559. 6-.'U. 624, 640, 650, 657,* 689, 746, 814. 820, 840, 860. 88:i, 928. 944. Sufferii, imp. S41. Sultan, bv The Moor, dam Sultana, by Delmonico. 118, 20o, »i09,* 6i2, 662. ()68, 818, 909. 910. 932. Sunburst. 6.58. Sunshine, by Curtis' Hambletonian, dam by Kentucky Clay. 861. Superb, by Ethan Allen, dam Miscliief, by Harris' Hambletoniiin. ]."2, 200, 267, 281. 395, .564, 572.956. Surplus, by Ashland, dam by Eureka. 818. Surprise .'J-iit, oHl, 655, 681. Sussex Chief. 509. Sweeiistakes. by Hambletonian, dam Emma Mills, by Americans ai-. 57. .58.66,87,335, '2i)7* 299, 3.32. 374, 40f<, 436, 4.">7, 485. 487, 509, 516, .522,* 637. 662,* 859, 867.868, 888,* tsS9. 94-;, 948. Swigert, by Alexander's Norman, dam Blandina, bj' Mambrino Chief. .38, 103, 174. 218, 2.36, 259, 27:!, 532, .594, 714, 722, 813, 635, 874, 914, 928, 940, 944, ' 957. Tariff, by Clarion Chief, dam Lilian, bv Favorite. 886. Tattersall (Tattersall's Hambletonian, which see). 30. Tattler, by Pilot Jr.. dam Telltale, by Telamon. 271, 325, 6H6,* 701. 811,9.57.* Tattler (.hief. by Tattler. 849. Teeuiiiseh. 558, 759. 869, 895. Tecumseh. 31.3, 744. Tecuraseh. Son of. 531. Teleyraph. 438. Telegraph (Oarstell's). 917. Telegraph. .32. Telegraph. 124, 918. Telegraph. 316. Tempest, by Green's Bashaw, dam Tornado, by Green's Bashaw. 757, 880. Tempest Jr., by Tetapest. 593, 708, 775, 781, 787, 943, 9.58. The Moor, by Clay Pilot, dam Belle of "'^Vabash. by Bas- singer. 28, 43, 166, 597, 632, 680, 681, 816, 875, 917, 9.51. Th 'mas Jefferson, by Toronto Chief, dam Gypsy Queen, by a son of Yt. Black Hawk. 8, ]71, 214, 225, 282, 298, .300. .•!40, .367, 389. 410, 455. 486, 494, .528, 558, 610, 670, 671,* 722, 827. 847, 889, 929, 941, 958. Thorndale, by Alexander's Abdallah, dam DoUy. by Mambrino Chief. 90, 124, 15.3, 194, 203, 310, 428, 483, 495, 528, 531, 671,* 716, 933, 937, 945, 958. Thunderbolt. 175, 438, 938. Thunderer. 842. Tiger, by Canadian Lion. 516, 830. Tiiton Almont, by Almont, dam by Clark Chief. 668, 898, 971. Timoleon. ."49. Tip Cranston, by Davis' Flying Morgan, dam by Yellow Jacket. 29, 47. Tippoo. 318. Tiiipoo, by "Vt. Black Hawk, dam by Columbus. 654. Tippoo. 3.34, 421, 722. Tippoo, Son of. 255. Tippoo Bashaw, by Doble's Black Bashaw, dam by Tippoo Sahib. 186. Tippoo Chief. 411. Tip oo Sahib, by Tippoo Sahib, sou of imp. Messenger, i 616. Tippoo Sahib Jr.. by Engineer, son of Gray's Mam- brino. 187. Tom Allen Jr., by Tom Allen, dam by Wild Irishman 70, 2-2. Tom Brady. 418. Tom Brown. 754. Tom Crib, imp. 685 Tom Crowder (.Oosnell's), by Tom Crowder. 738, 780, 785. Tom Crowder. by Pilot, dam Polly Hopkins, by Slaah em. 682. Tom Crowder, Son of. 860. Tom Ci'owdei- (Brown's), by Tom Crowder, dam by Tom Hal. 136, 205, 286, .325, 349, 372, 400, 692, 758, 850, Tom Crowder (Jamison's), by Brown's Tom Crowder. 483. Tom Hal, by Tom Hal. 420. 447, 499, 737, 759, 768,* 8'28, H96, 922. Tom Hal (Bledsoe's). 7.38. Tom Hunter, by Secor's Black Hawk. 11. 49, 300, 466, 677, 90.5, 932. Tom I yer, by Vt. Black Hawk. 171, 3.54,* 6.37, 724, 741. Tom Kmiba 11 (Davis'). 408. Tom Kimball (Crane's). .'$58. Tom M. Patchen. :i52. ' Tom Moor--, by Ethan Allen. 454. Tom ]Morgan. 848. Tom Dekay. 919. Tom I'atchen, by Geo. M. Patchen, dam by Toronto. .'«3, -167. 883. Tom Rolfe. by Pugh's Aratus, dam Pocahontas, by Iron's Cadmus. 391.415, 421, 495, 571, 677, 756, 783, 890, 94S. Tom Thumb. 922, 957. Tom Wonder, by Tom Crowder, dam by Saratoga. .55,* 305, 3.58, 368,* 404. 43:, 453, 484. 506, G52. 682,* 788. Toot Dillon, by Mambrino Pilot, dam by Thompson's Mes'^enger. 138, 591, 683, 922. Tornado. 45. Tornado, by Index. 40. Tornado (Baker's). 684. T( rnado, by the Morrill Horse, dam by Harris' Hamble- tonian. 109. Tornado, by Lorg's Tornado. 242. Tornado (Long's), by American Eclipse, dam by Ken- tucky Hunter. 437. Tornado Jr. (Elj^'s), by son of Long's Tornado, dam by Russell'.'-- Eclipse. 507. Tornado Jr. 630. Toronto ("hief, by Royal George, dam by Blackwood, son of Cceur de Lion. 12,49,50.416. 561, 586, 612, 643*670. (-85,* 7:^8, 732, 816, 857, 962. Toronto Chief, 101. Toronto Jhief Jr., by Toronto Chief. 191. .366. Toronto Son'ag, by Toronto Chief, dam Sontag, by Harris' "Hambletonian. .30. Totaway. 851. Tough. 487. Tramp, by Logan, dam the Elliott mare, by Abdallah. 110, 119, 23/, 273, 414,552, 597, 659, 682, 686,* 689, 698, ^9il, 925, 939. 956. 962, Tramp Dexter, by Tramp, dam I,ady Ann, by the Fink Horse, 270, 281. 685, 686, 709, h84. 962. '^ramp Jim (Giffonl's), by Tramp. 949. Tramp Jr , bv '1 ramp, 301. ' rajQple. by Tramp, dam by Sheik. 8.50. Trojan Jr., by Trojan. 959, Trojan, by Jacksin's Flying Cloud, dam Lady Salis- bury, by Abdallah. 197, 300. Trotting Childers, by Vt. Black Hawk, dam Lady For- rest. o93, 697 Trouble, by Almont. dam Lyd, by Brown Chief, 264, 346, 455, 551, 687, 895. Troublesome, by a son of the Eaton Horse. 235. 'trustee, imp., by CaJ,ton, dam Emma, by Whisker. 689 Trustee, imp.. Son of. 895. T. S. Lang, by Gen. Knox, dam Fanny, by Grover's Messenger. 599, 962. Tuckahoe. 195. Tuckahoe. 389, 421. Tuckahoe (Jones'). 7.55,955. Tuckahoe (McCnlloch's), by Irwin's Tuckahoe, dam by Downing's Wliip. 271, 642. Tuckahoe 3.55. Tuckahoe, by .McCulloch's Tuckahoe, dam by Duke of Bedf rd. .502 Tuckahoe. 689,751, 911. Tucker Horse. 84. Tvler Horse, (i.37. Tvson Horse 436,9.36. iflster Chief, by Hambletonian, dam Lady Ulster, by Duncan Mambriuo. 94.3 Uncle Shube, by Gen . Knox. 626, 967. INDEX OF SIRES. 989 Union, by Volunteer, dam by L. I. Black Hawk. 965. Utley Hurse. :571. Uwharrie iStevens'). by Farlow's Uwharrie. 224. Valley Chief, by Phil Sheridan, dam by Ben Bolt. 695. Vandal. 787. Van Norman (Dewitt's). 7.'?9. Velox, by Young .Morrill, dam Ellen Douglass, by Man- chester Black Hawk 7M, 169, 219, 298, 922. Venture, by California Belmont, dam Miss Mostyn, by American Bov Jr. 7;i2. Vermont, bv Independence, dam by Gifford Morgan. 197. 240. 404,557. 698. Vermont (Gill's), by Do\vning"s Vermont, dam by Columb'^s. 76, 86. 419. • Vermont. 209. Vermont Boy, by French Charley. 26, 46, 589. Vermonter, by Vt. Black Hawk, dam an English mare. 207. Vermonter (Stiles's). 65. Vermont Hambietonian, by Harris' Harabletonian, dam by Comet. 529. Vt'rinont H^-ro, by Sherman Black Hawk, dam by Liberty. lOO, 250, :U0. 394. 401, 414. 694. Verm .ut Hero, by Hale's Gieen Mt. Morgan, dam by Vt. BJHCk Hav« k, 65, 579. Vermont Morgan, by Barnard Morgan. 267. Vermont Morgan. 696. Vermont Morgan. 597. Vermont Morrill. 474. Vermont Ranger, by Young Morrill. 118. Versailles. 115. Veto, by Jackson's Flying Cloud, dam by Kemble Jackson. 59 '. Victo:- (Snip, which see). 41, 1.38, 219, 562, 913. Victor, by Green Mt. Morgan. 699. Victor Bismarck, by Hambietonian, dam Hatty Wood, by Sayre's Harry Clay, 143. Victor Denmark, by Gray Denmark, dam by Woodford. 61. Victor Golddust. by Golddust. 933. Victor Mohawk, by Mohawk Chief, dam Lidy Morgan, by Hambietonian. 699, 951. Vidette, by Vindex. dam by Whip. 870. Vindex, bv Blood's Black Hawk, dam by Mambrino Chief. 547,699,964 Virgil, by Green's Bashaw, dam Lady, by Young t^olumbus 541 Virginius, i y American Star. 94. Virgo Hambietonian. by Hambietonian, dam Virgo, by Roe's Abdallah Chief. 921. Vitalis 9o9. Volcano. 515. Volunteer, by Hambietonian. dam Lady Patriot, bv Young Patriot. 6. 12, 16. 22. 85, 104, 112, 183, 24(), 244, 2fi4, 267, 269, 289, 294. 295, 309, 320, 361, 408, 417, 460. 461, 485, 486, 488, 506, 513, 561, 574, 577, 585, .599, 633. 653, 657, 662. 687, 693, 694, 700, 701,* 719, 723, 823, 839, 846, 894, 9u7, 9 14, 943, 945, 950, 964,* 969. Volunteer (Park's). 371. Von Moltke, by the Morrill Colt, dam by the Marrow Horse. 150, 701, 957. Vosburgh, by Mambrino Pilot. 324. Wagner. 89. Wagner Joe 497. Waldo, by Messenger Duroc, dam Mildred, by Hambie- tonian. 614. Walkill, by Walkill Chief, dam Kitty Wood, by New Jersey. 844. Walki.l ( hlef, by Hambietonian, dam Dolly Mills, by American Star. 11,63,172,192,281, 605, 695, 704, 8.38. !i65.* Waltham, by Hambletoniar, dam Fanny Fiske, by Young Almack. 566. 824. Wapsie, by Green's Bashaw, dam by Joe Gales. 249, 266, 349, .393. 526, 705, 710, 874, 936, 965,* 969. Warrior (Odell's). 490. Warrior (McGregor's). 674. Warrior. 732,96.3. Warr Hulett, by Woodruff's Columbus, dam by An- drus' Hambietonian. 49. Warwick, by Hetzel's Hambietonian, dam by Cana- dian Chief. 228, 521. Warwick, by Hambietonian, dam by American Star. 606, 849, 907, 932. Wai wick Boy. by Iron Duke. 56, 402, 426, 465, 600, 612. "Washburn. 516. Washburn Horse 674. Washington (Burr'.^), by Burr's Napoleon, dam by Mambrino (?). 432,6^9, 965. Washington. 754. Washington, by Ethan Allen. 181, 306, 706, 839. Washington Jr., by Washington. 435. Washuigton (J. Welcli, which see). 965. Washington Hambietonian. by Robert Bonner, dam Sharple.«s Abdallah. by Abdallah. 48. Washington Jackson, by Andrew Jackson Jr., dam by Washington. 690. Washington (Sammis'j, by Burr's Washington, dam Lady Whitney, by Henry. 458. ■V7ashtenaw t hipf. by Vt. Black Hawk. 599, 871 Watson Horse. 928. Waveland Chief, by Ericsson, dam by Pilot Jr. 935,946 Wayerly, by Hambietonian, dam Susie Roberts, by New York Black Hawk lll,8(i5, Waxey (Van Meter's), by Berthune, dam by Stormy Petrel. 176. 273. Way Horse, by Royal Morgan, da'm by Woodbury. 859. Webster Golddust. 964. 971. Welling Colt, by Hambletoniar, dam the Welling Mare, by -hark. 49. Western Chief, by Curtis' Hambietonian, dam Lady Eleanor, by .Mambrino Chief. 538. Western Fearaaught, by Fearnaught, dam by Tag- garfs Abdallah. 170, ;^66, 398, 434. 528, 578, 8.39. Western Spy. 124. Westfield Boy, by Black Prince. 259. West Horse, by Blorgan Ceesar. 39, 308, 43]. West Liberty, by Wapsie. 363. Whalebone, by Sherman Morgan. 78, 407. Whalebone. 659. Whalebone Knox, by Gen. Knox, dam by Young Mor- gan. 367. Wheatley. 813. Whip Clay, by Strader's C. M. riar Jr., dam Becky, by Wardlaw's Shakespeare. 462, 466, 946. Whipp e. by Robert Bonner, dam by Crawford Co. Champion. .349. Whipple, by Whipple's Hambietonian. 431, 850, 923. 960. ' Whipsaw. 304. Whirlwind. 42. Whirlwind. 712. Whirlwind. 34, 84, 414, 509, ."128, 844. Whirlwind. 117. White Cloud. 190, 585, 816. Whitehall, by North American, dam by Cock of the Rock. 20, 159, 595. White Stockings. 904. White Line, by a Virginia horse, dam by Pilot Jr. 266, 967. White Oak. 349. Whitman Horse. 367,791. W. H. Kipley (Black Eagle), by Woodpecker, dam by Royal George ( :'). 207, 632. Wideawake. 301, Widgeon. 519, 520, 643. Widgeon, Son of .539. Wildair. 491, 671. Wild Bashaw, by Green's Bashaw, dam the Elliott Mare, by Abdallah. 169, 945. Wild Billy, by son of Vt. Black Hawk. 209. Wild Idle. 923. Wild Tom. 750. Wild Wagoner, by George M. Patchen, dam Beauty, by Bay Vermont. 39, 74,113, 203,204,340,430,445,* 455, 467, ♦i9(J, 700, 877, 938. Wilkes Spirit, by George Wilkes, dam by Messenger Eclipse. 675. Wilkie Collins, by Ahwaga Chief. 499. WilKins Mieawber, by Hambietonian, dam Lady Brown, by American Star. 77, 330. William B. Smith, by Thomas Jefferson, dam imp. Heatherbloom, by f ally-Ho. 339. William H. Denton. 864. William Miner. 128. William Penn, by Goldsmith, dam Dolly, by Jupiter. 955. William Robinson. 312. William Welch, by Hambietonian, dam by imp. Trus- tee 249. 578. Willis. 112. WUmot Chief. 7.18. Windsor, by Major Anderson, dam by May Day Jr 227, 249, 432, 454, 722, 848, 920, 950, 969. Winfield Scott, by Edward Everett, dam Lady Shan- non, by Harris' Hambleronian. Ill, 751, 832,9.36, 955. Winfield Scotc Jr., by Wintield Scott. 695. Winslow Horse, by Hambietonian, dam by a son of Henry Clay (?). 369, 459. 090 CHESTER'S COMPLETE TROTTING AND PACING RECORD. Winthrop, by Drew Horse, dam bj- ihe Eaton Horse. 18.!. ").">). 7-;0, !S-i7. 9;i4 \Vinthrop iUisseuger. by imp. Messenger. 157. 215,67.'^ Wiiiiarop MorrillJr.. hy Mrtacomet, dam by Calvin. Wintbrop Morrill, by Young Morrill, dam by the HuciiiiisHoise. :;'J.' .H, i~':{, 160, v;2i.3i:5, ;i47, r^o, 581, l>> 4, 1)10, (ilS, 07.1, 08:$, 6J)2. 700, 724, 729, 734, 858, 870. 877. 893. Winti.n. 210. Wires Hoise. GIO. Wisconsin Medoc. 817. Wisconsin Tiger. 192. 213. Witherell. 27.110,714. Witlicrell Horse, by V.intlnop Messenger. 53, OSS. Witherell Aiess-nger. by Winthn p Messenger, 50,382. WitluTcll ftidrgaii. ."Sti'j. Woburn, by llambleionitu. dam Miss Cooley, by Tele- graph. ICO. Wofnl, by I,. I. Black Hawk, duni Wier, bv Ky. Whip. 83, ..34,7:W. Woodbrook. 530, 9fi0. Woodbrook Messenger, by .Jehu, dam by an imp En- glish iiorse. 33. "Woodbui-y Chief, liy Ranger, dam by Ned Norris. 943. Woodbi'r'n, Ijy Lexington, dam Lulu Horton. by imp. Albioi; rtlA. Wood bur;i Pile!:, by Pil t Jr,,dani by Mambrino Chief. 700, b03. iv-8 Woodford Maiiibrino, by Mambrino Chief, dam Wood- bine, hy Woodford. 5, .=.0, 143. ^..")J. 250. .■124, 4lG, 471, 4^9, 550. 7-:e, 844, 909, 922. 941, 942. 958, 909, Woodpecker, by Woodpecker, daia Mary Allen, by ^>nowsiorni. 575. Woodpecker, 719. Woo.Mock, by Young Morrill. 20, .3C6. 4.3.3, 611, 829, 8; 9. 914. 9ii9.* Yankee Bill, l.y Morgan Trotter. 541. Yellow Jack. I, by Yi How Jacket, dam by Whip. 671, 722,771,778. Young AbdaLah, by Flying Cloud, dam by Bellbrino. 0I>4 Youug America, by Hoagland's Grav Messenger, dam by Abdallali. »i., l.)2, 190, 277, -79, 301, 009, 095. 697. 935. Young Andrew Jackson, by Andrew Jackson, dam Great NVestem. 87, ..49. Young Eclipse. 081. Youug Flying Morgan, by Flying Morgan. 448. Young Forrester. 773. You- g Foxbiinter. Ijy Foxhunter. 559. Young Cray Eagle, bv Grav Eagle. (i27. Young (iuy Milier. by Guy Millei', dam Rody, by One- Eyed Kentucky Hu..ter. 402. Yoiiner Bashaw, by Grand Bashaw, dam Pearl, by First (;onsul. 23, 125, 610. 700. Young Bel I founder. 925. Young Hlucher, by Uall's Black Eagle, dam Jenny Lind. 484. Young Biandywine, by Brandy wine, dam by St. Law- rence. 112, 276. Yiuiig Buchanan, by Buchanan .1., dam by Hiram Drew. 940, Young Capiain. 190, \ouug Cassias M. Clay. 497. Yotmg Champion. 320. Young (.liiel tarn. 865, Young Columbus Jr., by Young Columbus. 931. Youug ("oluiiibus, by Columbus, dam Black Maria, by liurris IJamb'etouian. 29, 54, 63,* 1.39,* 141.217 220, 232, 270. 290. ^41, .351. 522, 504, 024, 650. 730.»' Young Commander, b\ Commander, dam by imp. Liglir Infantry. 98. Young Dexter, by Hambhtonian. 180, 503, 822. Young Draco, by Draco. 9."j0. Young Dud. 398, YnUMu Engineer, by Engineer, dam by Plato. 426. Young Ethan Allen, by l-than Allen. 8»)2, 895 Young Fbing (loud, by Flying Cloud 173. Young Henrv Clav, bv Henry Clay. 8.59. Young Hind o. by Hindco. iil, 134, 1.54. .325. 672, 88.3. Yo.ing Jim. bv George Wilkes, dam by Lear's Sir Wbliaui. 101. Young Joscphus, by Hughes' Josephus, dam b John ."i . Gano. 370. Young Kem^ile Jackson, by Kemble Jackson, dam Nancy Key: old,'^, by Henry Clay. 501, 0.55. Young Knight. 350. Youug Jiaiiibrino, 2-}7, Young Mambrino Chief, by Mambrino Chief. 224. 916. Voung Madison Hunter, by Madi-on Hunter 507. Young McCle Ian, by Geii. ...cClellan, dam by the Guild Hoi.se. 4), by Pearsall. E. Duryea, Mineola, L. I., June 20, 1883, $50. Boseberry (1 0), Ch p. I-.ngineer, 2:41. 2:41, ■-':43, 2:44. Jim McCue, b s (pacfr) (2:30), by St. Clair. J. S. McCue, Santa Cruz, Cal., Dec. 15, 1872, $ . Arroyo Saco. Cinco, Sunrise, Newtoa Booth CI dis), 2:321-4, 2:32, 2:30. Joe JeffcrsinT, b s (2:50%). R. Dickerso:], N. Vernon, Ind., Aug. 8, 1883, $ . Reuben 1, Katy B., Bob Bowles, G nie Up. No time. - — — Osgood, Ind.. Aug 15, 1883. SlOO. Iris 1, Honest Billy r4r o), Bessie M. (4 r o), 2:.59i4, 3:00, 3:01, 3:00. Shelby ville, ind., Sept. 6, 1883, $100. Blanche White, Dutch Ghl, Hope So (3 dis), Clancy's b g (3 dis), 2:.i9i^,2:.50%, 2:59%. Kitty Watson, b m (2:44), W. S. Sargeint, Potsdam, N. Y., Sept. 24, 1872, $100. Merritt 2 (3 dis), Mary Ra som (2 dis), John Mac (2 dis), 2:.54i.^, 2:44, 2:50)^. liC^at Tender, b h (pacer) (2:2'S). J. Williams, New Albany, Ind., Oct. 14, 1865, $100. Getaway, 2:28. liegal.Tender, b g (2:3:ii4), .iy Legal Tender, dam Theresa G. J. S. Wolf, Jr., Lincoln, 11!., Aug. 30, 188.3, J(250. Tipsicol, 3Iam;jrinoB., Bruno (.4 dr), Lilly C. (4 dr), Mambrino Startle (1 disj, 2:34, 2:34J4, 2:33^, Lioiiise W, (2:47). J. B. P.Wheeldon, Bangor, Me , Sept. 18, 1873, $ . Gip, Leary, 2:47, 2:50. Five-year- ■ Ids. I, chg(2;37). V\'. F. Archer, Cleveland, O., June 21, 1871, $500 Youngstown, Red Oats, Dick Neven=, Stser, Whitf> Heels ( I disi, Dr. Bonaparte (1 dis). 2:373^, 2:37, 2:41. Weino (2:40). Farmington. Me.. June 14. 1883, $ — -. Harry 3, 4, Headlight, Harry D., Knox, Snowbird, Milkmaid (3 dr), 2 :50, 2:4 2, 2:42, 2:45, 2:50. NlghtingaV, b m (2:40), by Hods m's Bashaw. Dr. Darner, Tipt->n, la., Sept. 6, 1883, $100. Lucy J. 1, Nimble Dick, Anam jsj, Maid. AloUie Bunker, 2:40, 2:40i4, 2:41, 2:40. Pathfinder Jr., blks(2:30), by West's Pathllnder, dam by Golddust. A. S. Perrin, Centreville, Mich., May 16, 1883, Sl'O. Mamnrino Sparkle, Samuel, 2:40%, 2:30, 2:35. Schoolcraft, Tlic-h., May 2i, 1883, $'50. Mambrino Sparkl«-. George R., Samuel, 2:32}4 2:35, 2>82J4. Redwood, b g (pacer) (2:5 1). J. T. Munn, Milldale, Conn., Nov. 20, 1883,$ — -. Coonl, 2:o:i, 2:55, 2:.51, 2:53. Sterling, grs (:f:45). D. S. Quinton, Doylestown, Pa., Oct. 5, 1883, $100. Warwick Girl, J. L, Sleepy Chief, 2:45, 2:45. 2:45. Tom Crowdtr (pacer) (2:331^). W. A. Forth, Evansville, Ind,, July 4, 1873, $150. MoUy Crowder (1 dis), Slow Pacer ( I dis), 2,:^3^. 'Touy Newell, br g ( 2:19i^), by Clark Chief, dam Dolly, by Embry's Lexington. M. M. Hedges, Rochester, N. Y,, August 15, 1883, $2,000, WUson 1, 2, (3 0), Amelia C. 4, (Cornelia, Judge Davis, Gladiator. 2:20J4, ;j:J.9V^, 2:191-^. 2:24i^, 2:21^4, 2:24, 2:22^- Webster Fr .inary Medicine Curr. :ad.c.neat I ' V iV .^< ' ". ■ . -'' . :t>^> «»■?¥ :( V 1^ "l^'V^ } / -r T m^v.v 1 .'■ -K-'-K K?r?^- •a" ,^,,,-*g!;7 W'^m