AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT -STATION ' 0. E. S I tbrahy. Cop. 2. CONNECTICUT NEW HAVEN, CONN BULLETIN 151, JUNE, 1905. ENTOMOLOGICAL SERIES, No. 12. The Chief Injurious Scale-lnsecte of Connecticut. Rose scale : twice enlarged. CONTENTS. page Officers and Staff of Station 2 Chief Injurious Scale-Insects of Connecticut 3 Unarmored or soft scales : PAGE Greenhouse Orthezia 4 Pit-making oak scale 4 Elm scale 5 Woolly maple leaf scale 5 Common mealy bug 6 Long spined mealy bug 6 Cottony maple scale 6 Soft scale 7 Apricot scale 8 New York plum scale 8 Terrapin scale 8 Tulip scale q Hemispherical scale n Armored scales : page White elm scale 10 Euonymus scale 10 Scurfy scale 11 Pine leaf scale n Rose scale ir Putnam's scale 12 Cherry scale 12 White or oleander scale 12 European fruit scale 13 San Jose scale 13 Elm Aspidiotus 14 Circular or fig scale 14 • Morgan's scale 15 Oyster shell scale 15 Thread scale 16 Chaff scale 16 The Bulletins of this Station are mailed free to citizens of Connec- ticut who apply for them, and to others as far as the limited editions permit. CONNECTICUT AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. OFFICEES .A-IST-D STAFF. BOARD OF CONTROL. His Excellency, Henry Roberts, Ex officio,, President. Prof. W. O. Atwater Middletown. Prof. W. H. Brewer, Secretary New Haven. B. W. Collins Meriden. T. S. Gold West Cornwall. Edwin Hoyt New Canaan. J. H. Webb Hamden. E. H. Jenkins, Director and Treasurer New Haven. STATION STAFF. Chemists. Analytical Laboratory. A. L. Winton, Ph.D., Chemist in charge. E. Monroe Bailey, Ph.B. I. A. Andrew, Ph.B. Kate G. Barber, B.S. Laboratory for the Study of Proteids. T. B. Osborne, Ph.D., Chemist in charge. I. F. Harris, M.S. Botanist. G. P. Clinton, S.D. Entomologist. W. E. Britton, Ph.D. Assistant to the Entomologist. B. H. Walden, BAgr. Forester. Austin F. Hawes, M.F. Grass Gardener. James B. Olcott, South Manchester. Stenographers and Clerks. Miss V. E. Cole. Miss L. M. Brautlecht. In charge of Buildings and Grounds. William Veitch. Laboratory Helper. Hugo Lange. Sampling Agent. V. L. Churchill, New Haven. The Chief Injurious Scale-Insects of Connecticut. By W. E. Britton. The terms "scale," "scale-insect'' and "bark-louse" are com- monly used to designate insects belonging to the family Coccidae of the order Homoptera. The Homoptera are often included in the Hemiptera, to which belong the true bugs, aphids or plant-lice, and leaf-hoppers. These insects all suck their food, and many of them cause serious injury to cultivated plants. The Hemiptera have incomplete transformations, and the Coccidae are probably the most degraded of the Hemiptera. The males are said to have complete transformations, but pos- sess only two wings in the adult state. Soon after birth the young crawl about for a few hours ; otherwise the females are without means of locomotion except in a few species, and are attached to the bark or foliage of trees and plants, from which they suck out the sap for food. Some of our worst pests are scale-insects. The object of this bulletin is to illustrate and describe briefly the more important kinds occurring in Con- necticut, so that people will be able to recognize them more readily and combat them more successfully. As some of these insects secrete a substance which forms a shell or covering for protection, they are called armored scales. Other kinds not forming shells are known as unarmored or soft scales. Most of the unarmored scales secrete honey dew like the plant-lice. The Latin names and arrangement of the following species are the same as given in Mrs. Fernald's Catalogue of the Coccidae of the World. The illustrations are all original, and show the insects natural size except where otherwise indicated. Figure 5 is from a drawing. All others are from photographs. CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION, BULLETIN 151. UNARMORED OR SOFT SCALES. 1. THE GREENHOUSE ORTHEZIA.— Orthesia insignis Dougl. This insect is not fixed, but crawls about like the mealy bugs, and is shown in Figure I. Full-grown specimens are about 1.5 mm long. It attacks a great variety of greenhouse plants, Lantana and Coleus being favorites. The treat- ment used against mealy bugs is advised against this insect. All breed continu- ously in greenhouses, and ,^ ., . there are probably many Fig. 1. The greenhouse Orthezia on c J . J Lantana leaf. Twice natural size. generations each year. 2. PIT-MAKING OAK SCALE- Asterolecanium variolosum Ratz. This scale is circular, usually greenish- yellow in color, and has a glassy appear- ance. It forms a pit or depression in the bark where it is situated, and it is about 2 mm in diameter. (See Figure 2.) This species has been sent to the Station several times on English oak, Quercus robtir, though it is known to attack other oaks. Kerosene emulsion and whale oil soap have been used as a spray with good results in destroying this insect. Fig. 2. Pit-making oak scale. UNARMORED SCALES. 3. ELM SCALE — Gossyparia spuria Modeer. A dark-colored oval scale margined by a white cottony fringe is not uncommon upon elm trees about New Haven. It seems to prefer small trees, but is sometimes found on the lower branches of medium sized and large trees. The insect is about 3 mm long, brown or black surrounded by a fringe of white wax, and is shown in Figure 3. The young are born alive, appear- ing about the middle of June in Connecticut, and settle along the veins of the leaves chiefly on the under sides. Later in the season they re- turn to the larger branches and trunk, and occupy the crevices of the bark, where they remain through the win- ter. There is but one brood each year. Honey dew is given off profusely by the nearly mature females, and often drips upon the ground. The scales are readily destroyed at any time of the year by spraying with kerosene emulsion or soap and water. 4. WOOLLY MAPLE LEAF SCALE — Phenacoccus acericola King. White powdery masses of wax 6 or 7 mm long are frequently seen on the under sides of leaves of the sugar maple. The waxy mass contains the mature female (often dead) and a large number of eggs. The young remain on the leaves until winter approaches, when they go into the crevices of the rough bark of the trunk and larger limbs, where they make a sort of nest by lining the crevices with wax. They remain here until May. The white oval cocoons of the males are often abundant on the bark. There are three generations each year. The insect has been collected at New Haven and South Norwalk, but doubt- less occurs elsewhere in the state. Very little seems to be known about remedies for this insect, but probably kerosene emulsion will prove effective. Fig. 3. Elm scale. CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION, BULLETIN 151. 5. COMMON MEALY BUG— Pseudoco ecus citri Risso. The mealy bug- is a common pest of plants in greenhouses and dwellings and even out of doors in summer. Unlike most scales, the mealy bugs are not fixed to their food plants, but are able to move about, and they attack nearly all kinds of plants. The full- grown females are about 4 mm long and oval in shape. They are creamy or dirty white, and covered with a wax secre- tion which gives them a mealy appearance. They usually congregate in the crotches and at the axils of the leaves so as to be somewhat pro- tected. The illustration, Fig- ure 4, shows them gathered along the mid-vein of a leaf. Spraying with soap and water or fir tree oil or dipping the plants in the mixture is the remedy, but hydrocyanic acid gas fumigation is doubtless the most satisfactory for greenhouses. Fig. 4. Common mealy bug on oleander. 6. LONG SPINED MEALY BTJG — Pseudococcus longispinus Targ. Resembles the preceding, except that the adults bear fila- mentous appendages at the posterior end of the body. The species is well distributed. 7. COTTONY MAPLE SCALE— Pulvinaria innumerabilis Rathv. This scale can be recognized during early summer by the large white egg-masses on the twigs. Nearly all maples as well as many other trees are attacked, but the insect seems to prefer the silver maple. It is not as yet a very serious pest in UNARMORED SCALES. >** Connecticut, but in Chicago, Denver, and some other Western cities the maples are being seriously injured by it, and extensive spraying is practiced. There is one annual brood, with eggs laid in May and June which hatch in July and August. The young first settle on the leaves. The ;: males appear in early fall and mate with the females, which migrate to the twigs, where they remain through the winter. In the spring they in- crease rapidly in size, and soon deposit their egg-masses and shrivel and die. The brown female with white egg-mass protruding posteri- orly is about 12 mm {% inch) long, and is shown in Figure 5. The species is abundantly attacked by insect parasites. Kerosene emulsion is used as a remedy. A closely allied species, P. aceri- cola Walsh & Rilev, doubtless occurs FlG; 5- Cottony maple scale ; females and egg-masses. here, but the writer has not observed it. It seems to be confined almost exclusively to the silver maple, and the egg-masses are laid on the leaves instead of the twigs. This requires two migrations, — from the leaves to the twigs in fall, and from twigs to the new leaves in spring. The females with egg-masses are about /2 inch long, the egg- mass tapering backward, with four longitudinal ridges. 8. SOFT SCALE— Coccus hcsperidum Linn. Much has been written about this scale, which was formerly placed in the genus Lecanium. It is an oval, slightly convex brown species commonly found on citrus trees, oleanders and many other plants in greenhouses. Females are viviparous, but the generations are not well marked. Soap and water or kero- sene emulsion will readily destroy these scales at any season of the year. 8 CONNECTICUT EXPERIMENT STATION, BULLETIN 151. 9. APRICOT SCALE — Eulecanium armeniacum Craw. During- recent years this species has become common out of doors in Connecticut, and a wide range of plants are attacked. We have observed it on plum, grape, chestnut, ash and rose. It is oval in shape, about 4 mm long, strongly convex, and light or dark brown in color. Figure 6 gives a good idea of its appearance. This scale is sufficiently abundant to "? cause considerable injury, and remedial measures must be taken