J-NRLF B 3 3DD fifiD n THE CHILDHOOD O ANIMALS I 3TAJ1 83TAMIM OMUOY TO 1UOHO ,99xn.6qmiiiO £ OIB iri^h ot itel moil ,9ld£^ arit t9q^t nBirujrl n£3qoiu3 .(absYorn^S) aqy^ n^murl £ llal 9ilJ o* ,fonuoi^9iol sill nl .anfitu-gnBiO owJ PLATE I GROUP OF YOUNG PRIMATES Behind the table, from left to right are a Chimpan/ Asiatic human type (Samoyede), European human type, and two Orang-utans. In the foreground, to the left a Gorilla, to the right African human type (Nigerian). THE CHILDHOOD OF ANIMALS THE CHILDHOOD OF ANIMALS BY P. CHALMERS MITCHELL M.A., LL.D., D.Sc., F.R.S. ILLUSTRATED WITH TWELVE COLOURED PLATES FROM PAINTINGS BY E. YARROW JONES, M.A., AND WITH MANY FIGURES IN THE TEXT FROM PENCIL DRAWINGS BY R. B. BROOK-GREAVES NEW YORK FREDERICK A. STOKES COMPANY PUBLISHERS BIOLOGY LIBRARY Prais'd be the fathomless universe, For life and joy \ and for objects and knowledge curious. WALT WHITMAN. J'ai Pamour de la raison, je n'en ai pas le fanatisme. ANATOLE FRANCE. Then sing, ye Birds, sing, sing a joyous song ! And let the young Lambs bound As to the tabor's sound ! We in thought will join your throng, Ye that pipe and ye that play, Ye that through your hearts to-day Feel the gladness of the May 1 W. WORDSWORTH. PREFACE IN December and January of 1911-1912 I delivered the Christmas Course of Lectures, " adapted to a Juvenile Auditory/' at the Royal Institution of Great Britain, and took as my subject " The Childhood of Animals/' The six lectures were not written ; they shaped themselves as the course proceeded, partly in relation to the set of lantern-slides, specimens and living animals that I was able to bring, and partly in accordance with the advice of my kind and experienced friend Sir James Dewar. This book is not a printed version of the lectures, although it tells the same story in a different fashion. A lecture must be as direct and as little cumbered with detail as may be ; the leaves of a book can be turned back- wards and forwards, and its lines skipped or re-read. I have therefore been able to include many details that I had to omit when I was speaking, and to cover my canvas in a different way. In particular, I am no longer trying to address a juvenile auditory ; I have attempted to avoid the use of terms familiar only to students of zoology, and to refrain from anatomical detail, but at the same time to refrain from the irritating habit of assuming that my readers have no knowledge, no dictionaries and no other books. My object has been to bring together observations old and new that seemed to throw a light on the nature of the period in the life-history of animals between birth and maturity, rather than to write a formal treatise on the subject. I have not found it possible, nor have I tried to keep strictly within the logical confines of the title. Where the subject seemed to lead, there I have followed cheerfully, remembering that I am not preparing readers for an examina- tion where no marks will be assigned to extraneous matter. It has been pleasant to collect the material, pleasant er when it seemed possible to arrange it so as to display a rational interpreta- tion, perhaps most pleasant when the unruly facts refused to conform with theory. Although it may be true, as Lord Morley once wrote, that the universe will never cease to be "a sovereign wonder of superhuman fixedness of law/' it is at least a mitigating vii viii PREFACE circumstance that as the laws are superhuman, we need not be quite certain that we know them. Pleasure in her ways, rather than a cold comprehension of them, is Nature's surest gift to us, and I am content if I have provided a setting of theory sufficient to make the facts lustrous. I am deeply indebted to Mr. E. Yarrow Jones, who prepared the beautiful designs, painted on Japanese silk, which have been reproduced as the plates in this volume. I was anxious to obtain the co-operation of an artist who would see the animals with his own eyes, adopt his own decorative formula, and not be content with setting down diagrams giving the data of colour and form that we find useful in treatises on systematic zoology. I confess that my delight was tinged with surprise when I found Mr. Jones's art revealed individual and specific characters which cannot be described by words and diagrams. I have also to offer my sincere thanks to Mr. R. B. Brook-Greaves for his patience and skill in making the pencil-drawings for the text-figures. Finally I have to state my indebtedness, in general terms, to the great army of writers on zoological subjects. To have tried to attribute to its proper source each observation that I have used, or each little piece of half-remembered theory, would have over- weighted this book with historical pomp, and puffed out its slight figure to unhealthy repletion. Although there are some observations that are new, I claim credit for the mode of presentation rather than( for what is presented. P. CHALMERS MITCHELL LONDON, August 21, 1912 CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE PREFACE vii I. CHILDHOOD AND YOUTH i II. LARVAE AND METAMORPHOSES 17 III. THE DURATION OF YOUTH IN MAMMALS 37 IV. THE DURATION OF YOUTH IN BIRDS AND LOWER ANIMALS 49 V. COLOUR AND PATTERN IN ANIMALS 62 VI. COLOURS AND PATTERNS OF YOUNG MAMMALS 81 VII. COLOURS A*TD PATTERNS OF YOUNG BIRDS 97 VIII. LIMITATION OF FAMILIES 115 IX. BROOD-CARE AND LIMITATION OF FAMILIES IN LOWER VERTEBRATES i 34 X. BROOD-CARE IN BIRDS 14? XI. BROOD-CARE AMONG MAMMALS 163 XII. THE FOOD OF YOUNG ANIMALS 183 XIII. THE TAMING OF YOUNG ANIMALS 204 XIV. THE PURPOSE OF YOUTH 222 XV. EDUCATION 239 I DEX 257 ix LIST OF PLATES PACK I. Group of Young Primates Frontispiece II. Giraffes and Young To face 10 III. Lion, Lioness and Cub 62 IV. Lady Amherst's Pheasants : Cock, Hen and Chicks 68 V. Red Deer : Stag, Hinds and Fawn 92 VI. American Tapir and Young 94 VII. King Penguins and Young 104 VIII. Sea-gulls and Young 162 IX. Female Capped Langur Monkey and Young 164 X. Female Black-headed Lemur and Young 166 XI. Black-necked Swans with Cygnets 240 XII. Springbuck and Young 250 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS PAGE 1. Part of the marsupial pouch of the Red Kangaroo, with young attached 3 2. Reproduction of Amoeba 5 3. Head of an unborn Gorilla 8 4. Head of a Human Foetus 9 5. Head of an unborn long-nosed Ape 9 6. Young cub of American Timber-wolf 10 7. Three stages in the growth of Takin's horns 13 8. Tadpole of a Frog 18 9. Metamorphosis of an Ascidian 20 10. Metamorphosis of the Sole 22 11. Larvae of a Starfish 23 12. Metamorphosis of Polygordius 25 13. Larvae of a Gastropod Mollusc 26 14. Larvae of the crustacean Penaus 29 15. Larva and Pupa of Blow-fly 31 1 6. Caterpillar and chrysalid of Privet Hawk-moth 32 17. Larvae and Pupa of the Oil-beetle 33 1 8. Development of a Locust 35 19. Metamorphosis of Mexican Axolotl 60 20. Repetition Pattern 64 21. Bilateral Ink Pattern 65 22. Oyster-catcher 79 23. Young and Adult Banded Duiker Antelope 89 24. Young and Adult Selous' Sitatunga Antelope 90 25. Down-plumage Patterns 107 26. Sea-urchin carrying its young 119 27. Brittle-star carrying its young 120 28. Male Hippocampus, showing brood-pouch 137 29. Darwin's Rhinoderma, showing brood-pouch 141 30. Ring-tailed Lemur carrying its young 167 Xlll xiv LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS PAGE 31. Hippopotamus carrying its young 172 32. Tree-hyrax carrying its young 174 33. Tree-kangaroo with young in pouch 179 34. Koala carrying its young 181 35. Opossum carrying its young 181 36. Brains of Primates 227 CHAPTER I CHILDHOOD AND YOUTH WE look out on the world with human eyes, and see with little wonder whatsoever is like ourselves. We are born, small and helpless, yet visibly stamped with humanity ; day by day we change, but move with certainty in one direction. A few years pass, and from childhood we attain youth, a few more and we reach maturity. The changes affect size and structure, character and disposition, but are so orderly and familiar that we accept them without surprise, and demand for them no explanation. Man is only one of many hundreds of thousands of living species, and living beings are only a small part of the world around us. Is the mode by which man attains manhood universal in the living world, and does the living world differ in this respect from things that are not alive ? The universe throbs with restless change. Our sun with its system of revolving planets is rushing into the recesses of starry space on some errand at which we cannot guess. The little planet that is the home of the only life we know is impermanent in its masses and in its details. The oceans shift on their uneasy beds ; continents and islands rise and fall. Mountains and plains are carved and fretted by air and wind and water, blistered by heat, riven by frost, and smoothed over by vegetation. The chemical elements of which we used to think as eternal counters, passing unchanged through mazes of combination and disintegration, are, some of them at least, in a process of making or unmaking. Everything that we know is becoming rather than being. None the less there are degrees and differences in change itself. The swift and inevitable routine of life stands in sharp contrast with the vaguer and more capricious rhythms of things that are not alive. All living creatures are born into the world from seeds or eggs or directly from the bodies of their parents, and unless they meet death by the way, meet it at the end, after passing through childhood and youth, maturity and old age. This orderly progress from the beginning to the end is C.A. A # . r :: : CHILDHOOD OF ANIMALS characteristic of all animals, and the parts of it that we call childhood and youth are the most characteristic. Complicated pieces of machinery, like watches or motor-cars, resemble animals in many ways, and like them may be new or old, but are never young. Youth is a property of the living world. The history of an animal, from its first appearance as a speck of living matter formed from the parental body, to its death, is continuous, and it would be useless to try to define exactly when childhood begins, when it passes into youth, or the point at which the period of youth ends. There is difficulty even in fixing the beginning, for animals of the same kind may be born at different stages of growth, whilst animals of different kinds differ extremely in this respect. A large black newt, brilliantly spotted with yellow, known as the spotted salamander and common in the south of Europe, lays eggs like the spawn of a frog. But unlike the eggs of the frog which show the presence of tadpoles only after some days, those of the salamander appear with fully formed little tadpoles wriggling in them, and hatch almost as soon as they are laid. Sometimes they hatch actually before they are laid, and it is in the tadpole stage that the animals first appear in the world. So also most snakes lay eggs and incubate them for days or weeks, before the young snakes break through the leathery shell. But in some snakes, like the common adder, what corresponds to hatching takes place inside the body of the mother, and instead of eggs being laid, young snakes are born. Most of the warm-blooded, hairy creatures that we know as mammals because they suckle their young, give birth to moving young and do not lay eggs, but two of them, the duck-billed platypus and the spiny echidna of Australia, lay eggs with yolk and hard shells. The platypus incubates the eggs until they hatch ; the echidna, after laying an egg, transfers it with her mouth to a pouch on the under side of her body, like that of a kangaroo, and in this warm and secure receptacle, safer than any nest, the egg is kept until it hatches. Mammals of the group known as Marsupials, because most of them have a marsupium, or pouch (which is well seen in the kangaroo), at one time laid large eggs and no doubt transferred them with the mouth to the pouch, just as the echidna still does. But now the eggs are retained for a certain time in the body, although the young are still very imperfect when they are born. The new-born young of a kangaroo is less than an inch long, although its mother may be nearly as tall as a man. The figure (Fig. i) has been drawn from a specimen obtained at the CHILDHOOD AND YOUTH 3 London Zoological Gardens, and shows the naked little creature, an embryo rather than a young animal, hanging to a nipple inside the hairy pouch of its mother. In higher mammals eggs are not laid, and the young at birth are much more formed than in the case of the kangaroo, but they may be covered with fur, have their eyes open and be able to run in a few minutes, like young hares, or, like young rabbits, may be naked, blind and helpless. Even in one species there may be notable differences ; the kittens in a single litter are seldom alike in size, in the degree of their development and in the date when they begin to see, and although new - born human babies are more closely similar, some may be at least a month older or a month younger than usual, and yet grow up quite normally. These differences are interesting and im- portant, but I men- tion them here only to show that there is no exact, fixed point FlG. lt part of the inner wall of the pouch of the red in its history when kangaroo, with the young attached to the teat. . ,. . , , (Natural size.) a new individual ceases to be an egg or an embryo and may fairly be called a young animal. In the same way the end of the period of youth is indefinite. Some- times there is a sharp break. A caterpillar becomes a chrysalid and from the chrysalid the full-grown moth or butterfly emerges. Some- times, perhaps more often,, the transition is gradual. Even the time when a young animal itself canbecome a parent does not give a dividing line. A few generations ago, girls were thought fitted for marriage when they were fourteen, and not infrequently became mothers whilst they were still children. Amongst animals, parentage is often precocious in individuals or in whole groups. We must be content to take the period of youth in a general way as a subject for description rather than for precise definition. Young animals can be placed in three groups, notably different in 4 CHILDHOOD OF ANIMALS their character. The first group has little claim to existence ; it contains a few animals that have no period of youth. The second group contains very many of the animals with which we are most familiar. The young are sufficiently like their parents to enable us to make a close guess as to what they are going to become. We have no doubt that a human baby is a young human being, that a baby monkey belongs to the group of monkeys, although we may not be quite certain as to the particular species of which it is a member. It is the same with kittens, puppies, calves and lambs ; we place them at once among the mammals, with complete certainty in their own order, and with a probability that depends on our powers of observation and knowledge in their proper family, genus, or species. Young birds may puzzle us a little more, but at the least we are never in doubt that the naked or fluffy creatures are going to be birds. Crocodiles and lizards, snakes and turtles similarly come into the world with their relationships plainly stamped upon them. In the third group we must place those young animals, of which many insects and marine creatures are familiar types, that are so unlike their parents that their destiny cannot be guessed from inspection. The changes through which many of these creatures pass on their way to adult life are as strange as if a new-born human baby were to have the form of a fish, swimming in a tank, feeding greedily on worms and water-fleas, and then after a few weeks or months were to grow very fat and sleepy, to split along the back, and, discarding its fish-skin, to creep out on land in the form of a hedgehog ; and if the hedgehog were to live for months or years the life of a humble quadruped, growing bigger and fatter until it too reached a limit of growth, broke out of its hedgehog skin and appeared as an adult human being fitted in body and mind to be a bishop or a burglar. It is not to be supposed that these three different kinds or aspects of youth agree with the divisions in which the animal kingdom is arranged by zoologists. It happens that the creatures without a true period of youth belong to the lowest division of animals, and that the highest animals fall naturally into the second group, but the vast range of living beings between the lowest and the highest divisions show all degrees of close likeness and complete unlikeness to their parents. Nor must it be supposed that the three groups are sharply marked off. The arrangement of facts in groups is more convenient than natural, and we must not forget that many of the CHILDHOOD AND YOUTH 5 divisions of science are concessions to the human mind rather than forms of nature. Further consideration of the first group need not detain us long. The very small animals known as amoebae (Fig. 2), the largest of which are visible as specks to the naked eye, are mere droplets of granular protoplasm, creeping over the mud in fresh M I -. ,-- m FIG. 2. Reproduction of Amoeba (highly magnified). To the left a full-grown amoeba ; to the right successive stages of division. water or in the sea, or lurking in the bodies of other animals or of plants. The soft, jelly-like material of which they are formed makes it possible for little particles of food to be engulfed wherever these come in contact with the surface of the body. The simple business of their life is to creep in search of food, to digest the food as quickly as possible, and to grow bigger. But although the different kinds of amoeba differ in size, there is a limit beyond Which each kind does not grow. When that limit has been reached, or sometimes before it has been reached — for reproduction is a good deal more complicated in its causes than a mere escape from incon- 6 CHILDHOOD OF ANIMALS venient size — the amoeba becomes oblong in shape and then acquires a kind of waist which becomes more and more slender until only a string of jelly remains. Finally this string divides, and the two halves become rounded again, each forming a complete amoeba, exactly like the parent in all respects except size, and these two at once set about the pursuit of food and begin to grow. The two amoebae may be called young animals in the sense that they have just come into existence as new individuals, but nothing in their tissues or characters distinguishes them from their parent. So far as the period of youth has any interest or significance, these animals escape it. Many small creatures belonging to the lowest group of the animal kingdom, the Grade known as Protozoa, repro- duce like amoeba by a process of simple division, and it is tempting to suppose that this method is older than the more complicated fashions in which most animals multiply. Even amongst Protozoa, however, very many animals begin their individual lives in a form unlike that of their parents, and attain the adult condition only after passing through complicated changes. I am not going to describe any of these here, as they show no characters of youth that are not equally well displayed in animals easier to observe. I wish to recall their existence, however, because it is very frequently the case in the living world that simple structures and events are not primitive, and it may well be that the Protozoa without a true period of youth are not surviving relics of primeval life, but are forms that have become simple and degenerate because of the easy conditions in which they live. The animals in the second group will engage most of our atten- tion in this book, because they include ourselves and those most nearly akin to us. As their structures, habits, and dispositions are not very remote from our own, they offer problems which it is possible to understand, and perhaps to solve, and they give a hope of interpreting our own history and of predicting, perhaps controlling, our own future. They have this in common, that the young always resemble the parents more or less closely. Amongst human beings and monkeys, the young are born in so advanced a condition that we think of them as babies and not as embryos. The eyes are open, the voice is lusty, the face, the hands and feet, and the body generally are shapely and well formed. But the senses are deficient, especially in the great apes and man. The hand of a new-born infant will close round and cling to a broom- stick or any other object placed in it, almost in the automatic CHILDHOOD AND YOUTH 7 fashion in which the tendril of a creeper will twine round a support which it comes to touch. So also, in the danger of the woods, the new-born gorilla or chimpanzee must cling from the first to the body of its mother, or perish miserably. In a few days the observing and reflecting parts of the brain awaken, automatic action becomes less important, and is replaced by a medley of instinct and intelligence. In the lower monkeys, and especially in lemurs, although the young cling to their mothers, the automatic period is shorter, and the babies, almost from the first, show what looks like conscious, independent movement. Human babies and the babies of apes and monkeys differ from their parents in proportions. The heads are relatively larger, especially in the higher creatures, and the legs and arms are relatively shorter. They all, as a rule, are born with some hair, but this is more scanty and more different in texture and colour than that of the parents in human beings and the great apes, more like that of the parents, in abundance, texture and colour, in the lower monkeys and lemurs. Special growths of hair, like beards and crests, special patches of colour on the face and body, like the brilliant scarlet and blue on the face of the mandrill, are absent. I need not waste time recalling familiar differences like the absence of teeth, and of bony ridges on the head, the softness of the bones, the protruding stomachs and the general plumpness and roundness of the body. I have already said of this group of young animals that although there is a fairly close resemblance with the parents, we cannot always be certain of the particular species to which an infant belongs. The reason of this difficulty lies in the striking circum- stance that the young of nearly allied animals are much more alike than are the adults. No one could fail to distinguish a fully grown man, gorilla, orang and chimpanzee, but in many points in which the young of these creatures differ from the adults, they resemble each other more closely. In the slow development of every individual before birth and after birth, the characters of the species are the last to be assumed. We explain this by supposing that the evolution of the individual to a certain extent repeats the evolution of the race. Man, the gorilla, the orang and the chim- panzee had a common ancestor, and the children of these creatures are more like the common ancestor, and so like each other, than are the adults. We have to remember, however, that this explanation is not complete, and we shall find many characters of young animals to which it does not apply. The young animal owes its characters 8 CHILDHOOD OF ANIMALS not merely to its ancestry ; as much as the adult, it has to be fitted to the special environment in which it lives. It is not merely a stage in development, but an independent living creature with its own needs and its own aptitudes, presenting characters that are neither a memory nor an anticipation, neither a relic of the past nor a pre- paration for the future, but suitable for its own purposes. These •'•-:• FIG. 3. Head of an unborn gorilla. (After J. DENIKER.) creatures, suckling their mothers, clinging to them and being pro- tected by them, have an environment which is much simpler and more nearly identical than the environment of the adults, and we must expect, quite apart from common inheritance, to find common characters due to common conditions. The figures on the first coloured plate (see Frontispiece) represent young animals two or three years old, and show how much more alike they are when they are still children than when they are grown up. The young gorilla, with its small ears and short upper lip, is not very different in appear- ance from a black baby ; the very long upper lips of the orang and CHILDHOOD AND YOUTH 9 chimpanzee and the large ears of the latter make them rather less human. The parental stages of man and the great apes are still more alike than are the young creatures. The text -figures of the young gorilla (Fig. 3), taken from a specimen of an unborn ape obtained by Monsieur J. Deniker, and of a human being of about the same age, after a figure given by Professor Metchnikoff (Fig. 4), show the almost appalling resemblance between man and the ape before birth. FIG. 4. Head of a human foetus, about five months old. (After "E. METCHNIKOFF.) FIG. 5. Head of an unborn long- nosed ape. (After E. SELENKA.) For comparison, I have given in another figure (Fig. 5) a representa- tion of a corresponding stage in the development of one of the lower monkeys, the long-nosed ape of Borneo, taken from a drawing given by Professor Selenka in his great monograph on the embryology of mammals. The face and features, the domed forehead covering the capacious brain, the practical absence of hair, and every minute detail of the internal and external structure agree with a fidelity that is almost shocking. Professor Metchnikoff was so impressed by such resemblances that he has suggested that the human race may have taken its origin from the precocious birth of an ape. His theory may be regarded rather as a parable than a definite scientific proposition, but it puts in a striking fashion a remarkable character displayed by young animals. When these differ from the adults, it is not merely that they resemble their ancestors, or are specially CHILDHOOD OF ANIMALS fitted for the purpose of their own stage of life. They sometimes suggest the future possibilities of the race, directions in which the race may move. As the young animals mature they lose promise and flexibility, and settle down to the average characters and average limitations of their kind. Young Carnivores seldom differ notably from their parents. The cubs of lions, tigers, leopards and jaguars, and the kittens of cats, lynxes and caracals can usually be identified at a glance. They FIG. 6. Young American timber-wolf. are softer and more rounded, and differ in size and in proportions, and they do not display characters limited to one sex, like the mane of the lion, or special marks like the twisted, hairy tufts on the tips of the ears of caracals and lynxes, and those which are uniformly coloured when they are adult may be spotted when they are young. The puppies or cubs of dogs, dingoes, wolves, jackals and foxes are much more alike than the adults, and point clearly to descent from a common and not very distant ancestor. Young wolves (the drawing in Fig. 6 represents the cub of an American timber-wolf) are quite like the puppies of domestic dogs, except that their ears are erect. The difference is mental rather than physical. When they begin to run about, they betray a shy and furtive disposition, as if they expected no kindness or toleration from man. Young hyaenas and civets, bears, raccoons and weasels, seals and sea -lions all closely resemble their parents. PLATE II GIRAFFES AND YOUNG he colorations of the young and the adult are practically identical, but the neck and forequarters of the young are relatively shorter. By an accident of the drawing, the vertical rails in the background make the necks of the adults appear rather shorter than they are, but the pro- portions are correct by measurement. .DHOOJ »f the • TS, leopa als can IT OKI JOY CT/IA 9*6 tii/bxj o/ft b •• ;O gnoilmoloo orfT SIB gnuoy srfi lo 8i9i-iJ5np9iol: - ^rJCf arfi .^nfWBib orit lo JnsI). a .i0j"{ arfi lo a:rfo9fl oift 9>l6m bni/OT^>Ioj,d o;i n -oiq 9rit iud ,oiJ3 Yorf* .Inamo ;oq :1 more rounded, and display characters li r special marks like the f caracals and lynx i when they are adult ma cubs of dogs, ding- alike than the adul; and not very dist.'i "ig. 6 represents the s of do* are e is mci they b< -lions ai CHILDHOOD AND YOUTH II It would be tedious to go through mammals group by group, making the same general statements about them. Differences of colour and pattern in the coat are often remarkable and will be discussed in a separate chapter (Chapter VI). When the adults have no special weapons or ornaments, they can be distinguished from their young by little that is visible, except size. A young hippo- potamus, except for the absence of tusks, a young dromedary or bactrian camel, except that the humps are not so conspicuous, and a kangaroo, as soon as it is able to leave the pouch of its mother, are almost ludicrously exact miniatures of their parents. Baby elephants are more interesting. The smallest that I have seen was a female Indian elephant, presented to the London Zoological Gardens by the Government of the Federated Malay States, and certainly less than a year old and about three feet in height. No one could mistake it for anything but an elephant, but it was thickly covered with long coarse hair, recalling its distant relative, the extinct hairy mammoth. Its ears were much larger in propor- tion to the size of the head than in the adult Indian elephant, so recalling the African animal, and this resemblance was increased by the smoothly rounded forehead, passing in an even curve from the root of the trunk to the top of the head, and showing no sign of the angular forehead of adult Indian elephants. Its trunk was rather short, the tip being well off the ground when the little animal was standing upright, and was rather an embarrassment to it. It found difficulty in finding its mouth with it, fumbling as a baby does when trying to use a spoon. Nor had it learned to use it in drinking ; it sucked its milk by a rubber tube placed in its mouth, holding its trunk awkwardly out of the way. No doubt if we could see together a young Indian elephant, a young African elephant and a young mammoth, we should find that they were as much alike as are the young of the great apes and man. A young giraffe (see Plate II) from the first resembles its parents, but neither its neck nor its legs are so long in proportion, and the horns, although erect and tufted with hair like those of the adult, are soft because they have no bony core. In the great assemblage of animals that are armed with horns or antlers the peculiarities of these weapons appear gradually, and the young, at first defenceless, produce little straight spikes like those of their fossil ancestors, and these, as they grow larger, curve or twist or branch until they reach the full splendour of maturity. In antelopes, sheep, goats and cattle, where the horns are "hollow," that is to say, where they 12 CHILDHOOD OF ANIMALS consist of a horny case fitting over a bony core, the first weapons to appear persist throughout life, however they may increase in size and change in shape. In Fig. 7 some of these differences are shown. The takin, a rare and very large goat -like animal from the highlands of Asia, shows little conical horns when it is a few months old. These are placed rather far apart on the forehead, separated by an expanse of hair. As the horns grow they acquire a spiral, goat -like twist and the greatly expanded lower portions meet in the middle line to form a stout rough helmet. In the eland, one of the largest of the African antelopes, the horns first appear as still more slender conical spikes, and as they grow usually become twisted in a straight spiral in the fashion in which a stick of soft candy can be twisted when one end is held firm and the other rotated. Cattle of different kinds also show small spiky horns at first, and these later on acquire the spreading curves of the adult. The change in the kinds of horns we know as antlers, and which are found amongst deer, are even more interesting. Antlers are shed and renewed annually, and except in the reindeer are carried only by the males. In young male fawns, a pair of bosses, covered by the hairy skin and consisting of outgrowths of the bones of the skull on the forehead above the eyes, appear very soon. Early in the first season a bony knob is formed on the summit of each boss and can be felt as a warm and tender swelling. It grows very quickly and in a few weeks each has become a short spike still covered with the layer of skin which contains many blood-vessels and is known as the velvet, because of its soft and hairy surface. When the growth is nearly complete, a ring of bone is formed under the velvet, near the base of the antler, and by its pressure stops the circulation of blood in the skin. The velvet then peels off, the deer assisting in the process by rubbing the antlers against the bark of trees, and when the bloody surface has dried up, there is left the burnished antler, with its brown and roughened surface forming what we know as deer's horn. At the end of the season these antlers are shed, breaking away from the bony bosses of the skull. Next year, and in each successive year, they are re-formed by exactly the same process, and in the simpler kinds of deer grow a little larger each year but without much change of shape. In other deer, however, each antler may branch, producing a second point or snag, and year after year when the new antlers are produced, they may develop additional points until noble heads such as those of fine red stags are droduced, with as many as forty points on each antler. Young CHILDHOOD AND YOUTH 13 deer, then, of species with branching antlers take a number of years, very nearly corresponding with the number of points, to acquire the full development of their kind, and the antlers they produce in their FIG. 7. Three stages in the growth of the horns of the takin. A, at six months old ; B, at two years old ; c, young adult. (From an example living in the London Zoological Gardens. ) earlier years resemble those of the simpler kinds of deer, and also of their extinct ancestors. Mammals, when they are born or very soon afterwards, closely resemble their parents. The differences are due to greater likeness to ancestors and to their nearest allies, to the absence of special weapons or ornaments, or to the presence of characters useful to the young themselves. Newly hatched birds, nestlings and fledglings are usually rather I4 CHILDHOOD OF ANIMALS unlike their parents, but none the less fall into the second group of young animals. The shape of the body, the head with its bill and long neck, the wings, the absence of a true tail, and the single pair of legs with the slender toes leave us in no doubt as to the group of the animal kingdom to which the most naked chick belongs. Those with only a slight knowledge of the families into which birds are divided are able to tell, from the shape of the head and the beak, and the number, arrangement and formation of the toes, whether the young creature is a perching bird, a parrot, a bird-of-prey, a wader, a duck or goose, or some kind of fowl or pheasant. Ornitho- logists who have a minute acquaintance with the structure of birds could place the young bird more accurately, but even the most expert would sometimes make mistakes and often be at a loss. The difficulty is due to many reasons. The first is ignorance. Eggs and nestlings are a succulent prey for an innumerable host of enemies, such as flesh-eating mammals of all kinds, and many reptiles and even other birds. And so the nests and eggs and young are protected by innumerable devices. They are carefully hidden or placed in inaccessible spots ; they are shaped or coloured so as to be invisible against their natural background. The parents visit them by stealth, protect them with fury, or cunningly mislead those in search of them. Eggs, moreover, and the skins of mature birds are objects that are beautiful and attractive in the cabinet of a collector, or in the cases of a museum, and not difficult to prepare and to preserve. But nestlings and fledglings, even when they can be got, must be kept as draggled little objects in spirits of wine, a delight only to the expert naturalist. I should like to add that although memories of boyhood, the human zest for sport and avidity for knowledge steel the heart of the naturalist collecting eggs or birds, there is an appealing quality of confident helplessness about nestlings that few could resist. I have seen a German professor putting young fishes into hot pickle with tears on his face, but the born collector of young birds is generally hanged for more lucrative crime. In any case, our knowledge of nestlings is defective. Even with complete knowledge, I doubt if young birds could be assigned to their proper species as correctly as similar identifications could be made in the case of mammals. For all birds, in the elements of their structure, are closely akin. Even the great families are diffi- cult to separate, and species are distinguished chiefly by external structures and especially by the differences in plumage. Young birds may be naked, and so show nothing of the most distinctive CHILDHOOD AND YOUTH 15 'specific character ; they may be downy, and the down of many different kinds of birds is alike ; and they may assume several successive plumages, none of which are like those of the adult. Although, therefore, they certainly belong to the second group of young animals, the resemblance with the parents is seldom close. Young birds are certainly birds, and very often the group or family to which they belong can be recognised. When reptiles are hatched or born, they are in a much more advanced state of development than occurs in the case of birds. Not only is there no doubt as to their being reptiles, but they are plainly crocodiles, lizards, serpents or tortoises, and although they may be protected by their parents for a time, they are at once able to move and to feed, and in their appearance and habits are miniature copies of their own parents. * The three groups into which I am placing young creatures do not correspond exactly with the different classes of animals, and the Batrachians (frogs, newts, toads and their allies) and the fishes lie on the border-line between the second and third groups. Some frogs, when they are hatched, appear as little air-breathing, terres- trial creatures quite like their parents, but most pass through a tadpole stage, and tadpoles not only live very different lives from the adults, but differ extremely from them in appearance. So also amongst fishes, some of the sharks hatch in a form so like their parents that they can be at once assigned to their proper family and even species, and the young stages of eels were known and given separate names as different kinds of fish long before there was any idea that they were young eels. The multitudinous tribes of animals without backbones, which, in contrast with the Vertebrates (Mammals, Birds, Reptiles, Batrachians and Fishes), are spoken of as Invertebrates, display extremely different types of structure, but agree in usually having a totally different appearance in the young and the adult stages. There are some exceptions ; young spiders resemble their parents in the fashion of reptiles and mammals, and here and there the members of an individual family or group of invertebrates, unlike their nearest relations, are hatched in a form differing from the adult chiefly in size. These exceptions are usually cases of animals that have taken to live in fresh water or on land, in circumstances where the kind of young which is found in their nearest allies would have difficulty in surviving. The nearest marine relatives of the fresh- water crayfish, for instance, hatch out as delicate floating creatures 16 CHILDHOOD OF ANIMALS extremely unlike their parents, but which would be carried away by the currents in brooks and rivers. When the young crayfish is hatched, it is a miniature crayfish which has only to grow and to make a few trivial changes to reach the adult form. The young animals in the second group appear in the world in a form that is more or less like that of their parents, and reach maturity by increase in size and by a gradual assumption of the full character of the adult. Incidentally they show various structures and characters that are of benefit only in the period of youth and that have probably been acquired for that purpose. In their younger stages they often recall the structure and appearance of the younger stages of their nearest relations, and probably also of the ancestors common to them and to their nearest relations. But these ancestral resemblances are vague and uncertain ; the young animals do not wish to display to us their pedigrees, but to become adults as quickly and as directly as possible. Although, however, it appears to be certain that animals do repeat, to some extent, the history of their race in their individual lives, and compress into a few weeks or months the results of countless centuries of evolution, we cannot expect the repetition to be very perfect. And I think we are led to the curious conclusion that the more directly an animal develops, and the earlier it shows traces of what it is going to become, the less it shows of its ancestral history. The path of evolu- tion which was slowly traced by the ancestors of the animals alive to-day, has been long and tortuous, sometimes direct for a time, often twisting sharply to one side or the other, sometimes, perhaps, even bending backwards. So far as it is possible, animals avoid these devious ways in their individual lives and press on straight to the goal. In the animal kingdom as a whole, and in each of its divisions, the higher types tend to develop most directly and to show least of their ancestral history. Consideration of the third group of young animals, in which the young stages differ much from the adult stages, requires a separate chapter. CHAPTER II AND METAMORPHOSES THE easiest way to begin to get a picture of the group of young animals which are very unlike their parents is to remember that many animals now live in surroundings quite different from those of their remote ancestors. Although frogs are able to swim well and often are found in water, they are really land animals. They have lungs and breathe air, they hop about on land in search of the beetles and other insects on which they feed, and many of them, especially the green tree-frogs, never readily take to water except at the breeding season, and others even lay their eggs on land. The ancestors of frogs were fish -like animals, living entirely in the water, with gills, not lungs, with a swimming tail and without hands and feet. Probably in the course of a long period of time, and while they were still aquatic animals, some of them began to swallow air in the way that a number of fishes still get an additional supply of oxygen, and probably also some of them had pouches on the gullet into which the air was taken, as in the lung -fishes which still live in the waters of Africa, Australia and South America. Many different kinds of fish crawl on their fins over the mud at the bottom of the water in which they live, whilst others creep out on the edge of the shore and hop along in the surf. It is not at all difficult to follow in imagination the slow changes by which such creatures, living in shallow marshes, became more and more apt for terrestrial life and thus truly amphibious, capable of living in water or out of it. A long swimming tail is an inconvenient possession on land. Newts and salamanders retain it, but are seldom able to move quickly, and the fortunate ancestors of the frogs probably lost it. The modern frog, however, instead of regaining amphibious, makes the change from aquatic life to terrestrial life quickly, in a few days. It hatches out as a tadpole, a fish-like creature with the head and body in a single mass, continued behind into a long tail which is adapted for swimming by the presence of a thin web above and below. It has no limbs, and little tufts of gills protrude through C.A. '7 B i8 CHILDHOOD OF ANIMALS a slit at each side of the neck, It finds its food in the water, de- vouring greedily almost any kind of animal or vegetable matter, with a pair of horny jaws made up of a large number of horny teeth closely set together. So it lives and grows for a few weeks. But soon the limbs begin to bud out (Fig. 8), and the lungs develop, while the tail shrivels, and in an extremely short time a number of internal and external changes take place, and the tadpole suddenly leaves the water and becomes a frog. Such a striking change, associated with a change of habit, is called a metamorphosis, and the young animal, before it has gone through the metamorphosis, is called a larva. The method of development is plainly a very condensed and quickened repetition of the ancestral history, and the larva is equally plainly the modern representative of a remote ancestor. We must not suppose, however, that the larva is the unchanged image of the ancestor. The tadpole, when it is ^ not swimming, anchors itself to water-weeds by an adhesive apparatus, a kind of sticky sucker, FIG. 8. Advan^cedjadpole of a Frog, with Qn the under surface of the head, just behind the mouth. We have no reason to be sure that this organ, which differs very much in different kinds of tadpoles, is a legacy from the ancestor ; it may equally well be what is called a larval organ, a structure developed for the benefit of the tadpole itself. So also the teeth of the adult frog are true teeth, probably much more like the teeth of the fish ancestor than the peculiar horny jaws of the tadpole. These, too, may be new organs, developed for the benefit of the tadpole. It is probable, too, that the tufts of gills visible from the outside are new organs of the larvae, and that another set of gills, lying deeper in the gill-slits, but not present in all tadpoles, is the true ancestral organ of respiration. Every larva is in this way a composite of organs and structures some of which are ancestral, whilst others are new and developed only for the larva. In some cases, like the tadpoles of frogs, the ancestral element is greater, and we may well believe that the larva is a fairly close copy of the ancestor. In other cases, which I shall describe presently, probably the greater part of the larva is new and gives us no true image of the ancestor. The batrachians which lose their tails, the Anura, or frogs, toads and tree-frogs, show almost every stage between a true meta- LARV.E AND METAMORPHOSES 19 morphosis and a direct development. In most of them the eggs are laid in water and true tadpoles hatch out. In some the eggs hatch on land, having been laid in holes, on grass or leaves, and when the tadpoles are hatched, they wriggle into water or are washed into pools by the rain. In others, again, the eggs are laid on land, and the tadpoles have lost their gills before they are hatched, but ^the metamorphosis is completed later on. In a few the complete change occurs inside the egg, and when hatching takes place little frogs appear, sometimes, however, with a stump of the tail still left. In others the eggs are carried by the parent, and here, too, they may be hatched as tadpoles or as perfect frogs. It would be difficult to find a better example of the gradual change from a type of development which is a repetition of the ancestral history, to the higher type in which the young, as soon as they assume active life on their own account, resemble their parents more or less closely. The metamorphosis of the tadpole into the frog is a change from a lower to a higher type of life. The larvae of ascidians or sea -squirts change by metamorphosis into an adult which must certainly be regarded as a lower form of life. The eggs hatch into small tadpoles which swim actively through the sea by vibrating the webbed tail, the latter being stiffened by a simple kind of backbone in the form of a rod of tough jelly. There is a hollow spinal cord, rather like that in the very young tadpole of a frog, and in the front of this, •'n the region where the brain of the frog's tadpole is developed, there is a simple kind of eye and ear. Near the mouth there are adhesive organs by which the creature can anchor itself tem- porarily. The mouth leads into a wide gullet pierced by gill-slits, some of which at least correspond with the gill-slits of the frog's tadpole. At the metamorphosis, the larva fixes itself permanently, at first by the adhesive organs, and afterwards by an outer jacket or test which covers the whole animal with a protecting coat. The tail with its representative of the backbone, the greater part of the nervous system, and the sense-organs, disappear. The gullet and the part of the body surrounding it increase in size, until they make up the greater part of the bulk of the animal. The wall of the gullet becomes transformed into a sieve, pierced by innumerable holes through which the sea -water is filtered, leaving behind the small particles which are used as food. The active, swimming larva (Fig. 9), with a structure extremely like that of the lower vertebrates, changes in this way into a hollow bag which sucks in water by one hole and pours it out by another, and which, if we 20 CHILDHOOD OF ANIMALS did not know its history, we should find very difficult to associate with backboned animals. How far the larva of the sea -squirt shows a repetition of the structure of its ancestors, or how far its . FIG. 9. 9. Metamorphosis of an Ascidian. The upper figure shows the tadpole adhering to a flat surface ; the lower figure shows the young Ascidian similarly but permanently attached. (After LANKESTER, KOWALEVSKY amZHERDMAN; much magnified.) shape and its organs have been formed and adapted for the purposes of its own life, can only be guessed, and different zoologists have made very different guesses. The most usual interpretation is that the larva is in the main ancestral, and that the degradation of the adult is pure degeneration. The sea-squirts are taken to be humble relations of the vertebrates which became degenerate because they LARV.E AND METAMORPHOSES 21 had adopted the habit of fixing themselves to the rocks of the coast, and which, in the course of their development, show memories of their high descent. But it is also possible to suppose that their history has been different. It would be greatly to the advantage of animals which are anchored in adult life if their young could move about and settle down in new, less crowded, and perhaps more suitable quarters. The swimming shape is no peculiarity of verte- brates, and this tail and the directing sense-organs may be new characters acquired for the purposes of the larva. Flat-fish like the sole and the turbot show a metamorphosis which is more easy to understand, and which occurs when the kind of life led by the larvae changes to that of the adults. Most bony fishes have what we think of as the usual shape of a fish. They are symmetrical, with the right and left sides of the body alike in shape, colouring, arrangement of the fins and such paired organs as the eyes. Whether they live near the surface of the sea, or haunt the bottom, they swim in the same sort of position as we do when we are using the ordinary breast-stroke, that is to say, the back is upwards, the under side is downwards. The upper side, too, is much more darkly coloured than the white or very pale under side. The newly hatched larvae of turbot, brill, halibut, plaice, soles and other flat-fish have this familiar and symmetrical shape and coloration, and when they begin to feed, pursue their small prey in the water exactly like other predaceous fishes. When they have grown to a little less than half an inch in size, however, a sudden change comes about. The right and left sides of the body become very different. In the turbot and brill the left side, and in the halibut, plaice and sole (Fig. 10 ) the right side, become dark in colour, whilst the other side loses any pigment it had and is almost completely white. The eye of the uncoloured side rapidly moves, partly round and partly through the head, until it comes to lie near the other eye on the coloured side of the body. At the same time other changes in the shape of the body and the position of the organs take place, so that the sym- metrical larva becomes a distorted adult, what we would call at first sight the upper side not being the real back of the animal, but the right side in some cases, the left side in others. When the metamorphosis is complete, the fish changes its habits. Instead of swimming freely through the water, it lurks on the bottom, lying flat on the sand or mud, with the coloured side uppermost. In these cases there can be almost no doubt but that the larva, which is like the great majority of fish, is the ancestral form, and that the 22 CHILDHOOD OF ANIMALS change to the adult condition is a condensed and rapid repetition of the slow ancestral history. The forms of larvae and the kinds of metamorphoses which occur in marine invertebrates are many and varied, and the few examples I shall choose will serve, I hope, rather to show the interest and difficulty of the subject than to beguile readers into thinking they or I understand it. Echinoderms, of which we all know starfish and brittle-stars, sea-urchins and sea-cucumbers, crawl at the bottom of the sea and show a radiate, generally a five-rayed, sym- metry. That is to say, the organs of the body are arranged round FIG. 10. Three stages in the metamorphosis of the Sole. (After FABRE- DOMERGUE and BIETRIX ; slightly enlarged.) a central axis, which is short in the flat echinoderms; such as the starfish and brittle-stars, or long in the globular and oblong ones, such as the sea-urchins and sea -cucumbers, like the spokes of a wheel or the petals of a five -rayed flower. The eggs of most of these echinoderms are very small, and soon after they are shed into the water grow into little floating larvae. The larvae quickly assume the shape of a thick -walled cup, the outside of which is covered with small, waving threads of living matter, called cilia, and the hollow of which forms the primitive digestive cavity. The cup grows larger and longer, and its aperture narrows to a small pore. A new aperture breaks through into the digestive cavity and becomes the mouth ; the original aperture sometimes closes up, sometimes remains to form the posterior aperture of the digestive canal. The larva changes its shape, becoming flat, or even concave, on the side where the mouth and anus lie, and remaining dome -shaped on the other. LARVAE AND METAMORPHOSES 23 The flat side is now the ventral surface, with the mouth not quite at the front end, the region in front of it being called the pre-oral lobe, the anus being nearly at the hind end, and the curved surface being the back, or dorsal surface of the larva. The cilia, which at first covered the whole of the outer surface nearly equally, become longer and stronger on a curved band surrounding the mouth, and nearly, or completely, disappear elsewhere. As there is a front end and a posterior end, a dorsal and a ventral surface, and a right and left side, the larva shows what is called bilateral symmetry, and is FIG. ii. Larvae of a Starfish : to the left a Dipleurula, to the right a Bipinnaria, from the ventral surface. (After MORTENSEN ; much magnified.) called a dipleurula. These larvae move about in the water rather actively, propelled by the cilia, feed greedily on floating micro- scopic plants and animals, and as they grow, change into fantastic shapes, different in the different groups of echinoderms, and so unlike the adult form that many of them were described and named before it was known what they were (Fig. n). After a few weeks they become sluggish, cease feeding, anchor themselves to rocks or weed, and pass into the adult by a sudden metamorphosis, the details of which differ in different species. It is always, however, only a part of the larva that grows into the adult, the remaining portion shrivelling up, or being cast off. In the starfish, for instance, the attachment takes place by the end of the pre-oral lobe, which forms a sort of stem from which the body of the larva projects, and the young starfish appears on the left side of the larva, the organs of that side forming the greater part of its structure, so that the 24 CHILDHOOD OF ANIMALS change from the bilateral symmetry of the larva to the radial symmetry of the adult is itself lop-sided and unsymmetrical. There can be no doubt but that the greater part of this strange life -history of the echinoderms, which seems more like the fantastic changes of a pantomime than the orderly, deliberate processes of nature, does not represent ancestral evolution. The early stages up to the development of the dipleurula quite possibly recall the structure of some remote and primitive marine creature from which not only the echinoderms but other marine creatures may have descended, for larvae of a similar type are found in the life-history of many other animals. But the later stages and the curious mode of transformation into the adult occur only inside the group itself. Polygordius is a small worm which lives in the sand farther out than the lowest tide-mark, rather in the way that an earthworm lives in the garden soil. It is a bilaterally symmetrical, ringed creature with the mouth nearly at the anterior end, with only the portion containing the brain and a pair of sensitive tentacles in front of it. It swallows quantities of sand, passes these through its digestive canal, absorbing any contained food material. The eggs are small, are shed into the water and soon grow into a cup-shaped larva very like the early larva of echinoderms. In the same way, the aperture of the cup narrows and a mouth breaks through. The larva, however, then changes in a different way. It becomes shaped like a top, with a tuft of sensitive bristles repre- senting the upper pole of the top, the narrowed original aperture, which becomes the anus, being at the lower pole, and the mouth just below the widest part of the body. A band of long cilia, called the velum, passes round the circumference of the widest part of the body, just above the horizon on which the mouth is placed. This larva, which has been named a trochophore and which is totally unlike the parent worm, swims about, feeds and grows, and then suddenly begins to change (Fig. 12). The region round the anus grows out into the long- jointed body of the worm, which hangs down from the floating bell-shaped larva like a tail, and becomes the greater part of the adult worm, soon growing to many times the original size of the larva. The mouth of the larva remains as the mouth of the adult, and the upper half of the larva becomes the region in front of the mouth containing the brain, whilst the ring of cilia disappears. The worm drops to the bottom and begins to be a wriggling burrower in the sand. The case of Polygordius, which I have taken as an example of i F FIG. 12. Metamorphosis of Polygordius. Upper figure on left, trochophore larva ; on right, later stage with worm growing out ; lower figure, much more advanced stage, anterior end. (After PARKER and ROULE ; much magnified.) 26 CHILDHOOD OF ANIMALS many similar cases in marine worms, is very difficult to understand. If the bell -shaped larva, swimming in the water like a transparent jellyfish, represents the far-off ancestor, it baffles the imagination to conceive the stages by which this should have evolved into a creeping worm, by the elongation of the region round its anus. It is much more simple to suppose that the worm developed directly without any floating larva, and that the swimming disk was a secondary development useful, like the wings of a wind-borne seed, to carry the embryo about. If this be correct, the similarity between the Polygordius larva and the larvae of other marine worms, with the larvae of animals belonging to different groups of Invertebrates, • ,o>. FIG. 13. Larvae of a Gastropod Mollusc : left-hand figure, a Trochophore ; right-hand figure, a Veliger. (Much enlarged.) is, so to say, a mere accident, due to the similar lives the larvae lead, and with little bearing on the ancestral relationships of these groups. The large class of Molluscs contains animals of many different types, such as oysters and mussels, whelks, snails and slugs, cuttle- fish and squids. The period of youth is passed under many different conditions, and especially in those that live on land or in fresh water there are cases which we can see, by comparison with their nearest relations, to be special adaptations to special circum- stances. But there are two successive types of larvae found in so many different molluscs that it seems as if they were at one time stages in the life -history of all molluscs. The first is a trochophore (Fig. 13), very like the trochophore of marine worms, and which grows from the egg in the same way. It is more globular than top -shaped, and the ciliated band, or velum, is nearer the upper pole, so that the part in front of the mouth is smaller in proporfion than in the worm-larva. This rapidly changes into the second type of larva, called the veliger, and peculiar to molluscs. The velum is drawn out into branches or lobes, and the portion in front of it ceases to grow, so that it becomes a mere swimming apparatus carried LARVAE AND METAMORPHOSES 27 at the anterior end above the mouth of the larva. The body develops a hump on its back, and this is soon protected by a primitive shell, and, on the lower side, behind the mouth, a flattened mass forms the beginning of the muscular foot, the slimy organ on which a slug or a snail crawls. The veliger gradually assumes the shape of the kind of mollusc in which it is to grow. It would have required a great deal of elaborate description and the explanation of many details of structure familiar only to ad- vanced zoologists, to give a just idea of the remarkable resemblances between the larvae of Echinoderms, the trochophores of Worms and Molluscs, and the similar larvae of some other marine invertebrates. It is tempting to suppose that these different creatures follow the path of a common ancestor while they are living the free- swimming life of that ancestor, and then sharply diverge to reach their different goals. But we have to remember that a meta- morphosis cannot be a primitive mode of development, and that where it exists a long history has been blotted out. And we have also to remember that the resemblances of the larvae are in plain relation to similar habits, and may have no ancestral meaning. The great class of Crustacea includes crabs, lobsters, crayfish, prawns, shrimps, sandhoppers, woodlice, barnacles and water -fleas and many less well known creatures. Like insects and spiders, they have jointed limbs, arranged in pairs, and the body is covered by a hard external case to the inside of which the muscles are attached, and which is usually known as the shell. Most of them live in or near water, and the terrestrial forms show plain traces of aquatic ancestry. The young of many of them, especially those that live in fresh water or on land, pass through their period of youth in fashions that are quite clearly direct adaptations to the special circumstances of their lives. The marine crustaceans usually lay small eggs which hatch out into larvae extremely unlike their parents, although the external shell and jointed limbs show plainly that they are crustaceans and betray no resemblance with any other group of the animal kingdom. The larvae swim about, feed, and after a few days or weeks the hard shell becomes too tight for the plump body, and splits open, setting free the animal, clad in a soft skin and at once swelling to a size rather larger than that of the case from which it emerged. Very quickly the skin hardens to form a new shell, and this second larva is not exactly like the first larva, but rather more complicated, and more near the adult form. The same sequence is followed again, and may be repeated 28 CHILDHOOD OF ANIMALS in many successive moults, until a moult comes after which the young creature has the final form of its species. The seas teem with these larvae, especially in summer, when the water is warm. They feed on one another, and on the small floating plants which, like the green herbage of the land, are the ultimate food-supply of the living world, and they themselves are preyed upon by hosts of fishes. The larvae appear in many curious shapes, but in those cases where there are the greatest number of successive larvae and moults be- tween the egg and the adult, the series shows a rough correspondence with what may be supposed to be the ancestral history of the crustacean in question. In those with fewer larvae the jumps are bigger, some stages being suppressed, whilst the regularity of the sequence is often confused by the premature appearance of some of the organs or appendages, and the retarded appearance of others. The starting-point in those larvae in which the series is most com- plete, and which appears in more different kinds of Crustacea than any other larva, is what is called the nauplius. The nauplius (Fig. 14) has an oval body, not divided into rings or segments, with a large median eye on the dorsal surface of the anterior end. It has a mouth on the ventral surface, under the eye, protected by a kind of membranous upper lip, and it has three pairs of swimming appendages, the front pair of which occupy the position of, and correspond with, the antennules or front pair of feelers of the lobster or crayfish. Those of the second pair are forked, and usually have hooks at their bases which lie on either side of the mouth and serve as jaws. They correspond with the antennae, or second pair of feelers of the adults. The third pair, situated a little farther back, are also forked and correspond with the mandibles or true jaws of the adults. In prawns (of the genus Penaus) the nauplius larva is succeeded by a larger larva called the metanauplius (Fig. 14), in which the swimming parts of the third pair of appendages are smaller whilst a strong jaw portion is developed. Behind, there are the beginnings of four other pairs of limbs. Next comes a protozoea larva with the same seven pairs of appendages, a carapace or shell beginning to spread over the dorsal surface of the anterior part of the body, and a long, forked, but unjointed abdomen. The third pair of appendages has ceased to be of use in swimming, and is wholly transformed to the pair of jaws or mandibles. The paired eyes begin to show through the carapace. For several successive moults there is not much change in shape, but. the eyes push through the carapace, and the abdomen becomes longer, is divided into joints, LARV.E AND METAMORPHOSES 29 FIG. 14. Larvae of the Crustacean Penceus. Upper left-hand figure, Nauplius; upper right-hand, Protozoea. Lower left-hand figure, Zoea; lower right-hand, Schizopod stage. (After F. MULLER and CLAUS ; much enlarged.) and shows the buds of more pairs of limbs. In the next stage, which is called the Zoea (Fig. 14), the paired eyes have become movable, being mounted on long stalks, the carapace projects in front as 30 CHILDHOOD OF ANIMALS a long spine, and the abdomen is very long, almost devoid of appen- dages along the greater part of its length, but with a large pair on the second last segment. After several moults, with further slight changes, a larva appears which is called the mysis stage or schizopod stage (Fig. 14), from its resemblance with the adult form of a lower kind of crustacean. In this stage the projecting spine of the carapace is very long, the abdomen has a complete set of swimming limbs, those of the last pair being large and forming with the last segment itself a swimming tail-fan like that of an adult lobster or prawn. In a further set of moults the complete shape of the adult is acquired by the body and limbs. In most of the higher Crustacea, the number of moults is smaller, and there are bigger jumps between the successive types of larvae. The earliest larva of crabs is a fully formed zoea, which is dis- tinguished from the zoea of other Crustacea by a very long spine on the carapace, but, almost immediately after hatching, a thin cuticle is cast off, and this differs from the zoea itself and appears to be the last remnant of one of the suppressed larval stages. Next come a set of larvae called the megalopa stages; which quickly acquire the appendages and general form of the adult crab, but which have a long extended abdomen. After the moult from which an animal that can first be called a crab appears, the abdomen is tucked up under the body as a rudimentary triangular flap. Study of the larval development of a very large number of marine crustaceans, of which I have chosen only a few examples, would seem to give a clear picture of the general course of events. Because they have a hard, shell-like skin, young crustaceans cannot grow larger in the usual way of soft -skinned animals. They must grow in size by a succession of moults. This makes it impossible for the youthful period to be a time of slow and continuous change, from the first larva to the adult. The changes must take place by jumps. Where there are a great many different successive larvae, each a little more complicated than its predecessor, we seem to see the simplest method of arriving at the result, and the greatest probability that the larval history is at least partly a repetition of the ancestral history. And the facts that many of these larvae are closely alike, although they belong to different groups of Crustacea, and that the larvae of the higher groups not infrequently resemble the adults of the lower groups, greatly increase the probability of this ancestral interpretation being correct. Insects, like Crustacea, are Arthropods with a hard external LARVAE AND METAMORPHOSES 31 skeleton and jointed limbs, and in their development show a series of moults. No life -history in the animal kingdom is more surprising than that of a fly like the blow-fly. The eggs are laid on animal matter, and the flies, no doubt attracted by the smell, prefer matter that is just beginning to soften with putrefaction. The eggs hatch out into the little brown -headed white maggots known as gentles (Fig. 15). They have a pair of strong jaws with which they devour the animal matter in which they are living, a segmented body clad in a tough leathery skin, and no trace of limbs. They moult two or three times without changing their shape, but growing larger, and soon after the last moult, contract into a quiescent oval body, covered with the skin of the larva which has become dry and brown. After some days passed in this f^^^-sp^^ motionless state, the brown skin ;, ; >; ?^-»^ splits, and the fully formed adult | .>:,.". fly emerges, and in a few minutes V > - - is winging its way through the air, __ .^ ,^™^^ as unlike the worm-shaped larva ::^- , ^ as any creature could be. With ) the exception of the nervous ^M^ -K^ system and parts of some other _ J . .£ , , n , FIG. 15. Larva (upper figure) and organs, it seems as if the whole of pupa (lower figure) of Blow-fly, the organs inside the hardened skin enlarged)™* ""* PACKARD; of the larva melted down and became rearranged to form the very different organs of the adult. Patient and extremely difficult dissections, however, have shown that there is an intelligible order in this transformation. Some time before the fly emerges it is surrounded by two delicate and transparent skins. The inner of these, if we could imagine it taken out whole, plumped up with air, and dried, would have the appear- ance of a fly with a head bearing antennae, eyes and mouth-organs, a body with small wings and six-jointed legs, and a pointed abdomen, but with all these organs and parts, and especially the wings, not quite like those of a modern fly, but rather simpler. This skin is the pale ghost of a former metamorphosis, of a true moult once passed through by the ancestors of the flies, but now on its way to be suppressed. The outer thin skin is the similar remains of a still earlier moult, and its structure, although still fly -like, is less fly -like than the inner skin. The development of a moth such as the well-known privet hawk- moth carries the story a little further. The eggs are laid on the 32 CHILDHOOD OF ANIMALS privet and hatch into caterpillars which feed on the leaves. The caterpillar (Fig. 16) has a head and a jointed worm-like body. The head has six simple eyes, a pair of three -jointed very small antennae, and biting jaws. The first three segments of the body carry each a pair of five -jointed clawed legs, corresponding with the legs of the adult insect. Four of the other ten segments carry each pair of larval legs, called prolegs, and not represented in the adult, but entirely for the purposes of the larva. The caterpillar feeds and grows, and moults three or four times. Before the last moult, it becomes restless and wanders about, ceasing to feed. It is ready for pupation, and is seeking a suitable place. Some cater- pillars suspend them- selves to the branch of a tree or to a pro- jecting point in a dry crevice. Others spin a cocoon of silk. Others, such as the privet hawk - moth caterpillar, descend to the ground and scoop out a dry burrow. FIG. 1 6. Caterpillar (upper figure) and Chrysalid (lower There the last moult figure) of Privet Hawk-moth. (Slightly reduced.) takes place, and the pupa or chrysalid (Fig. 16) emerges, and very quickly becomes hard and brown. If it be examined closely, however, it can be seen to resemble a moth more than a caterpillar. It shows the shape of the head, body and abdomen of the moth and carries the appendages of a moth, not of a caterpillar, and is provided with short, folded wings. These are at first free, but soon, before the skin has become dry and brown, are glued down with a sticky secretion. The pupa is able to wriggle, but remains practically motionless while the transformation to the adult is taking place. In the course of this there is a suppressed moult, shown by the presence of a very thin skin covering the body of the moth inside the pupa-case, like one of the two skins in the blow-fly, and like these representing an almost forgotten moult. When the moth emerges, it is ready to fly as soon as its wings have expanded and dried, and it is extremely unlike the caterpillar. But the gap is not so great as in the blow-fly. In the LARV.E AND METAMORPHOSES 33 first place, the pupa or chrysalis is much more like the moth than the puparium or skin of the blow-fly larva is like the blow-fly. In the second place, the caterpillar, with its antennae, eyes and three pairs of jointed, walking legs, is much more like an insect than is the legless maggot. Some small insects of which the oil-beetle is a good example expand the contracted history of the higher insects still more. The eggs hatch out into active larvae showing a head bearing eyes and antennae, a body of three joints each bearing a pair of fully formed clawed legs, and a jointed abdomen with a pair of long bristle -like projections behind. These larvae (Fig. 17), although they have no wings, are insect - like in form, and are called Campodeiform larvae ; no one observing them for the first time could doubt but that they are insects of a primitive kind ; moreover they are ex- tremely like the members of the lowest group of existing insects, the Apt era or wingless insects, of which the silver-fish and the bristle-tail are well- known examples. These larvae run about, climb up flowers, and have the instinct of clinging to any hairy object. If a bee comes their way, on a visit to a flower, they at once seize hold of its hairy body. If it is an unsuitable bee, they perish, but if it is the right kind for their purpose (Anthophora or Andrena) they are carried to the nest of their host, and when the bee lays an egg in a cell, the larva slips off and climbs on the egg which is floating in the honey. The larva eats the contents of the egg and then moults. The second larva which comes out is much less like an insect than the first ; it is a fleshy grub, not well divided into head, body, and abdomen, and with three short pairs of legs. It is intermediate between the degenerate maggot of the blow-fly and the caterpillar of the moth. This grub floats in the honey and devours it and then moults once more, a still more degenerate motion- less form appearing, with no movable appendage on the head and with only six stumps in the place of the legs. This in its turn c.A. c pa Beetle. Figure to the left, Campodei- form larva ; middle figure, maggot- like larva ; figure to right, pupa. (After PACKARD ; much enlarged.) 34 CHILDHOOD OF ANIMALS moults and changes to a pupa rather like the adult in form, with the appendages and rudimentary wings glued down to the body. After a resting stage this pupa opens and the adult insect emerges. The eggs of other beetles may hatch out either as campodeiform larvae, or as maggot -like larvae, which, after moulting, produce pupae with rudimentary wings. The eggs of many other insects, such as cockroaches and earwigs, hatch out as campodeiform larvae, and then by a series of moults slowly acquire the adult form without any true metamorphosis. Finally there are many insects, such as the locusts, in which the earliest stages have been suppressed and there is no sudden meta- morphosis, but the period of youth is occupied by a series of moults (Fig. 18), in which the successive larvae slowly assume the characters of the adult, the wings gradually growing longer. I do not wish to suggest that the examples I have chosen represent actual stages in the evolution of insects. They have been selected from insects that are by no means closely related, and they do no more than give an idea how the extremely different modes in which modern insects develop show a trace here and a trace there of different parts of a common ancestral history, some parts of which have been blurred and condensed in some insects, other parts in others. The delicate and transparent pupal skins surrounding the fly inside its puparium, with their rudimentary wings, and the pupal cases themselves of moths and oil -beetles with their rudimentary wings, plainly represent the active later larval stages of the locust. The campodeiform larvae of the oil -beetle and of many other beetles, cockroaches and earwigs represent the primitive insect, and may pass by a series of moults into the adult, or these later stages may have been condensed to a sudden metamorphosis. The caterpillar- like larva is a rather degenerate modification of the Campodea larva, and the maggot -like larvae of many beetles and the legless larvae of flies are still more degenerate interpolations in the life- history, fitting the special conditions in which these larvae live. The stories of the youthful period in the crustaceans and insects are, to a certain extent, alike. The hard nature of the skin has led to a replacement of the more usual method of continuous growth, by growth in little jumps, there being a moult at each jump. In both there are many animals in which these successive moults separate a set of larvae which are becoming more and more like the adult by slow stages. In both the more continuous sets of larvae seem to be at least a partial repetition of the ancestral history, but in both the FIG. 1 8. Development of a Locust. The upper figure, showing the youngest stage, is considerably more enlarged than the others, which are all magnified to the same scale. (AJter PACKARD.) 36 CHILDHOOD OF ANIMALS larvae are modified in many ways to suit the needs of their own life, and it is a difficult judgment to decide in any case how much of the character of a larva is adaptive and how much ancestral. In both groups the continuous series may be interrupted at any point, by the obliteration or telescoping of some of the stages, with the result that occasionally a moult is preceded by a resting phase in which the larva is more or less torpid and motionless, and when the form that emerges from the moult is widely different from the preceding form. Such bigger jumps give rise to the familiar metamorphoses, and they are most frequent and most decided when they are associated with a change in the habits of the creatures before and after the metamorphic moult. There is one striking difference between the two groups. Amongst insects the campodeiform larva, which is certainly the most primi- tive, represents the most primitive group of living insects, and, more- over, helps to link insects with another group, the group of centipede- like animals. In Crustacea, the nauplius larva, which is certainly the most primitive, does not represent any living group of Crus- tacea and does not link the Crustacea directly with any other group. Unlike the campodea larva which, but for the absence of reproductive organs, has the appearance and characters of an adult animal, the nauplius larva is plainly an immature creature. When Darwin first convinced naturalists that the living world as we see it now had come into existence by a process of evolution, the resemblance amongst the larvae of different animals, the resemblances of the larvae of one set of animals with the adults of lower animals, and the parallel between the larval development and the possible ancestral history were thought to provide almost clear proof of the fact of evolution and to show the actual path of evolution. But although increase of knowledge has strengthened the general case for evolution to such an extent that a reasonable naturalist can no longer doubt it, we are getting more wary as to particular cases. The struggle for existence amongst larvae is extremely severe ; of the multitudes that are hatched, only a few reach adult life, and then only after having escaped almost incredible dangers. And so larvae have been shaped and moulded, coloured and armed in a multitude of ways that fit them to the conditions in which they live. And in this process they must have lost much of their in- herited ancestral characters and must have acquired many delusive resemblances. CHAPTER III THE DURATION OF YOUTH IN MAMMALS I ENTERED the University of Aberdeen a few weeks before I was sixteen years old, and it pleased me to find that most of those in my class were several years older. Kind relatives endeavoured to chasten my pride by telling me of various distinguished professors who had joined when they were only twelve or thirteen years of age. As I had not then learned the folly of meeting the reproofs of my elders with rational arguments, I replied by saying that in those prehistoric days University education was on a lower grade, and that students matriculated before they had begun to learn Greek or Mathematics. And I have no doubt but that to-day many of the first year's courses at the Universities begin where we left off. So also it is with most of the pursuits of life. In business, in handi- crafts, and in professions the period of education (in the common sense of the word) is growing longer, and youths are older when they emerge from the pupillary stage. But although they are older in years, I do not think that they are physically older. They retain the flexibility, the high spirits, the sense of irresponsibility, and many of the purely physical characters of youth, such as practical indifference to the other sex, for a longer time. In the civilised races and especially in the more intellectual classes, the some- what indefinite transition from youth to manhood does not occur till after the age of twenty. There is a parallel change in the case of women. Our grandmothers were married and became the responsible heads of establishments at ages of thirteen, fourteen, or fifteen years, an arrangement which would be regarded as scandalous to-day. The transition from boyhood to manhood or from girlhood to womanhood, using these somewhat indefinite terms in the widest sense, comes later. No doubt there are racial differences as well as differences of civilisation and of class, and in the case of Europe the long-headed, dark-skinned peoples along the northern shore of the Mediterranean, although they may be equally civilised, mature at rather earlier ages than the round-headed peoples of Central 37 38 CHILDHOOD OF ANIMALS Europe or the long-headed, fair-skinned natives of the North. But amongst these, too, the period of youth is stretching out, and we may fairly say that youth in civilised man lasts for at least twenty years. Exact observations on the lower races of man relating to this point are not very numerous, but there is a general agreement amongst those with knowledge that both males and females of the lower races mature much earlier. Probably it would be fair to set down from twelve to fifteen years as the duration of youth in most of the lower human races. The animals that approach man most closely in size and structure are the anthropoid or man -like apes. Gorillas, which live in the tropical forests of West Africa, are larger than human beings. They are much more bulky, and their legs and arms are longer. A full- grown male, if it stood perfectly upright, would be considerably more than six feet in height. Chimpanzees, which live in the same parts of Africa as the gorilla, but also extend much further to the east, have long arms and legs, but are not so large and heavy, and even if fully upright would seldom reach five feet in height. Orang-utans, which are natives of Borneo and Sumatra, have relatively longer legs and arms than the others, but are even less upright. The largest orang is not more than just over five feet in height, but the great bulk of their bodies exceeds that of ordinary human beings and is intermediate between the bulks of the gorilla and chimpanzee. The gibbons, of which there are many species, ranging over a large part of tropical Asia, are much more erect in posture than any of the other anthropoid apes, and their arms and legs are extremely long. Their bodies are slight, and the largest specimen of the largest species probably is not more than four feet in height, and is therefore smaller and lighter than a human being. The gorilla, the chimpanzee and the orang carefully avoid the neighbourhood of man, and although gibbons are less shy, their life, passed chiefly in the tall trees of forests, makes careful and prolonged observation difficult. We have therefore no exact knowledge of their breeding habits, or of the duration of their youth in the wild condition. They are notoriously difficult to keep alive in captivity. One gorilla lived for several years in the Zoological Gardens at Frankfurt ; all the great Zoological Gardens have made many attempts, but these apes seldom live for more than a few weeks after their arrival. Orangs were long supposed to be equally delicate, but more recently there has been greater success with them, and at the present time there is alive in the London Zoological Gardens a DURATION OF YOUTH IN MAMMALS 39 fine male which has been there for seven years. Chimpanzees are obtained in much larger numbers and, although they are very delicate, individuals have frequently lived in captivity for a number of years. The " record " is held by the London Society, and in the Gardens at Regent's Park there is a chimpanzee which has lived for fourteen years. Unfortunately it is a dwarf, either congenitally or as the result of the artificial conditions in which it has lived. Individual gibbons have lived for several years, but in most cases they too succumb very quickly. I do not know if anthropoid apes would be likely to breed in captivity, but as most of them are taken when they are very young and do not live to maturity, there has been no opportunity, and I do not know of any case of a birth having taken place in menageries. Unfortunately, also, it is certain that little reliance can be placed on the rate of growth of the apes in captivity. Better accommo- dation, less coddling and more reasonable food are certainly im- proving the general health of captive apes, and probably their rate of growth is often more natural than it used to be. But we have still to rely chiefly on comparisons with human beings, based on size, the appearance of puberty, the closing of the skull bones, changes in the teeth and so forth, and there is no reason to be certain that such comparisons are not misleading. It is generally assumed, however, that the duration of youth in anthropoid apes is from eight to twelve years, and the estimate is probably not very far wrong. The lower monkeys range in size from the large baboons, which exceed gibbons in bulk and weight, to tiny monkeys like marmosets which may be no larger than a small squirrel. Although on the whole they are also rather delicate in captivity, so many have been kept by private persons or in public institutions that it is not surprising that there have been frequent successes. Many different species have been bred in captivity and reared to maturity. The larger monkeys, like baboons and mandrills, take from eight to twelve years to grow up. Middle-sized monkeys, like common Asiatic macaques, take from three to five or six years. A pair of Japanese apes in the London Zoological Gardens were the parents of a baby born in January 1906 ; in the beginning of 1912 the young one was nearly, but not quite, fully grown. It lived with its parents in an enclosure consisting of an open-air cage about ten feet by ten in area, provided with branches on which to climb, and with an un- heated, covered sleeping-den. Although the conditions were better 40 CHILDHOOD OF ANIMALS than those often given to monkeys in captivity, I am inclined to think that they were not varied enough, nor exciting enough for the normal rate of growth. The small American monkeys, such as mar- mosets, become full grown in from two to three years. The length of the period of youth thus becomes shorter and shorter as we descend from the highest human types to the lowest monkeys, and is parallel with some other qualities of this group of animals. The potential longevity, the age to which an animal can attain under the most favourable conditions, is greatest in the higher races of man, where it may be a century, seldom exceeds fifty or sixty years in the lower races of man, and, so far as the somewhat scanty evidence at our disposal goes, decreases as we pass down the scale of monkeys from the man -like apes to the simplest little monkeys. It cannot be said, however, that there is any definite proportion between the length of youth and the length of the whole life, in the fashion that the Greeks supposed the height of the head to be a definite proportion of the total height. The span of a com- plete life is not divided according to any ideal rule or law into so many parts for helpless infancy, so many for aspiring youth, and so many for maturity. Each portion varies with the particular needs of the particular species, and no more is to be expected than that the mode of division should be rather more alike amongst species that are nearly related, and rather less alike amongst species that are far separate. There is also a rough correspondence between the duration of youth and the size of the creatures in the man-monkey group. A full-grown male gorilla, it is true, is larger, although not taller, than a finely built man, but the human race as a whole consists of larger and finer animals than the anthropoid apes, whilst these in their turn exceed the baboons, which exceed the ordinary monkeys of India and Africa, and so on down to the tiny marmosets. It is tempting to suppose that it must take longer to grow into a big animal than into a little animal. This also is true only when nearly related creatures are compared. Mere increase of bulk tells us little. A mushroom grows much more quickly than a daisy, a gooseberry and a huge vegetable marrow take nearly the same time to swell out. A human child takes nearly two hundred days to double its weight at birth, whilst new-born mice quadruple their weight in twenty -four hours. The nature of the organism, the complexity of its structure and the particular conditions under which it lives must all be taken into account, and are of more DURATION OF YOUTH IN MAMMALS 41 importance than actual size. Within each group of nearly related animals, the duration of youth is in rough agreement with the possible span of the whole life, and with the relative size to which the members of the particular species attain. But the agreement is not exact. There are very many instances in the animal kingdom, and I shall mention some of them, in which there is no reasonable proportion between size or the potential longevity, and the duration of youth. The descending scale from man to the lowest monkeys, which is fairly plain in the case of size and of longevity, is quite certain if we take into consideration the complete structure and especially the mental capacities of the members of the series. When animals belonging to different groups are compared, it is not very easy ito say which is to be regarded as higher and which lower. Most persons would agree that the cats, including the large cats like the lion and the tiger and the small cats like the domestic cat, are the highest of the carnivorous animals. But is a cat a higher or lower animal than an elephant ? Inside a group, however, comparison is easier, and especially if we take into consideration the size and structure of the brain, there is no doubt but that man stands supremely at the head of his tribe and that there is a rapid descent from him to the lowest monkeys. The most certain and the most important feature about the differences in the duration of youth, and what is specially clear in the case of man and his relations, is that the length of the period of youth varies with the degree of intelligence to which the adult can attain. Civilised man is the most intelligent and takes longest to grow up ; the smallest monkeys are the least intelligent and hurry over the period of youth most quickly. As a good many of the Carnivora have bred in captivity, we have a fairly extensive knowledge of the duration of their youth, although it is to be remembered that the new conditions to which they are subjected may have an effect on their rates of growth, probably accelerating it. Lions and tigers take only from three to five years to become adult ; both sexes are capable of breeding, and the males have got good manes soon after they are three years old, but they may go on growing for several years after that. Leopards, lynxes and caracals and the smaller cats generally, take from one and a half to three years to become adult. A jaguar cub born in the London Zoological Gardens was not nearly half grown when it was a year old. Although it was brought up by its mother, it soon became 42 CHILDHOOD OF ANIMALS rickety and did not live to maturity, so that its rate of growth was abnormal. Caracals are a good deal smaller than jaguars or leopards, and their cubs are nearly full grown when they are a year old ; probably from one to two years is the duration of their youth. Bears take longer to grow ; brown bears require nearly six years, and Polar bears still longer to become adult. The fur seal has been observed very closely in its breeding haunts, and it has been ascertained that it is not adult until it is four years old, but both sexes and especially the bulls continue to increase in size after that age. Among domestic dogs there is almost an exact parallel between size and the duration of youth. They all mature quickly, but mastiffs are hardly mature at two years old, large hounds and greyhounds at about eighteen months, pointers and setters at from eighteen to fifteen months, whilst fox terriers are adult at about a year and toy dogs at even less. Badgers are born in February or the beginning of March and remain with the mother until the autumn, when they look after themselves. They are practically adult at a year old, but may continue to grow for another six months, the males, as in most mammals, taking rather longer to fill out. Otters are born in almost any season of the year and are adult in about ten months, but may continue to grow for a few months longer. Weasels, martens and polecats all take from nine to eighteen months to reach their full size. It is impossible to arrange Carnivora in a scale extending from the highest to the lowest in the fashion which can readily be done with man and monkeys. They are all animals of a high type and all show considerable intelligence, power of adapting themselves to new situations, acquiring likes and dislikes to individuals, and showing their distastes and preferences in the plainest way. No doubt memory and the sense of locality have been specially developed in the dog, because of its long association with man and from the effect of selective breeding for qualities that man appreciates. My tame caracal, which came from a stock certainly not modified by human agency, learned the ways of a house as perfectly as any domestic cat or dog. He allowed himself to be handled by those he trusted with complete confidence, to take food or medicine from a spoon, to have his claws cut and his ears cleaned out with disin- fectant. He disliked being left alone and always followed his owners from room to room. At night, before going to bed, he went to the box that was prepared for him, and then came to have his feet DURATION OF YOUTH IN MAMMALS 43 wiped, a process he much disliked. He usually slept on a bath towel alongside my pillow, but on several occasions, for various reasons, he slept under different conditions, sometimes for a few days at a time, once for more than a month. On coming back he at once went to his old place without any hesitation. It is the instinct of a cat to pounce on any moving object, and he had some difficulty in learning that a knee or a foot moving under the bedclothes was not legitimate prey. But he learned this, and he never had to be taught not to lay hold of the face or hands. If it were cold at night and he wished to be taken under the blankets, or if he wished to leave the room, he would arouse me by stroking my face with his paws. I believe it is the experience of every one who has been at the pains to make friends with any of the wild Carnivora that they show as much intelligence as the domesticated forms. There is no parallel between size and intelligence among Carnivora ; the sizes to which the different species attain seem to be associated with their habits of life rather than with their place in the scale. Youth lasts longest in some of the larger forms ; in all of them it is shorter in proportion to size than in man and his allies, and in most of them it is absolutely shorter than in most of the near relations of man. If the two groups be compared with regard to size, the difference is very striking ; the largest carnivores, such as bears, lions and tigers, are much larger, more bulky and more powerful animals than gorillas and chimpanzees, but reach maturity much more quickly. The vegetarian terrestrial mammals belong to distinct groups which are not at all closely related and which must be considered separately. Elephants are the largest and heaviest of existing land animals. The African elephant reaches a greater size and bulk than the Indian species ; the tallest wild specimen whose height has been recorded was shot in Abyssinia and stood u feet 8^ inches at the shoulder ; Jumbo, the largest African elephant that has been in captivity, was n feet high when he left the London Zoological Gardens, and is stated to have reached 12 feet before he died in America. An Indian elephant 10 feet 6 inches in height is unusually large. A moderately sized elephant, of about 7 feet high, weighs from 2 to 3 tons, and a really fine example between 5 and 6 tons, Jumbo having weighed 6J tons. Elephants grow slowly ; the dura- tion of their youth is from twenty to twenty -four years, a very much longer time than that occupied by the youth of any other terrestrial 44 CHILDHOOD OF ANIMALS mammal except man. If, however, we remember that a full- grown elephant weighs as much as fifty full-grown men, and that these animals have some difficulty in obtaining the enormous quantities of food they require, the length of their youth is not so remarkable. I think that their intelligence has been not a little over -praised. They are docile, except at special periods of their life, and can be taught to perform different kinds of simple labour and to obey commands. But even in the case of the highly trained animals of the circus ring, if the tricks be carefully studied it will be seen that they require none of the mental powers shown by dogs, cats, sea-lions or monkeys. Trainers of elephants have told me that they can count on no powers of imitation or originality on the part of their pupils, but have to teach the animals each distinct movement of the performance separately. Elephants have good memories, and take strong likes or dislikes to individuals, but those best acquainted with them disbelieve the familiar stories as to their saving the lives of their keepers and so forth. There is no group of living animals closely related to the elephants, but it is probable that the hyraces, rock -rabbits or dassies are their nearest allies. The largest of these animals is no bigger than a hare, and there are different species found in Syria, Arabia and Africa. As they practically never breed in captivity, not much is known about their youth. I had a young West African tree-hyrax brought to me recently which had been taken by its owner when it was in his opinion only a few days old, and which at six months old was not half grown. It is probable, therefore, that the youth of these animals lasts more than a year. I had never seen a tame tree-hyrax before, and this little animal interested me very much. Its owner, who was a mining engineer, did not happen to know anything about the natural habits of his pet, except that it lived in the tops of tall forest trees. He could not get it to eat for some time, and in despair stuffed it with bread and milk. It ate on its own account afterwards, but usually required to be coaxed, which he did by making a sucking noise with his mouth and pretending to eat himself. Persuaded in tjiis way, it took milk with rice, bread or biscuit, hard-boiled egg, apple, lettuce and even pieces of cooked fish. It liked companionship, following its owner about. It made itself at home in my house at once, exploring everything, clinging up the legs of chairs and on the shelves of bookcases, generally making a low chirping purr. It liked rubbing its fur and especially the white hair along the glandular patch on its back against DURATION OF YOUTH IN MAMMALS 45 my clothes. When it was angry it stamped with its fore-paws on the ground. It had quite an unusual degree of character and intelligence, and a most restless curiosity. The Odd-toed Ungulates, the rhinoceros, the horse and the tapir, have a period of youth the length of which is roughly in proportion to the size of the animals, but which is relatively rather shorter than that of the elephant and the hyrax. A young ihinoceros grows very quickly at first and runs with its mother until it is nearly full grown. The limit of size varies a good deal in the different species, and actual growth appears to go on for a great many years, but so far as can be ascertained the animals are adult at seven or eight years of age. Horses and asses have been much influenced by domestication, and the period of youth has been made shorter in some of the breeds. Horses, asses and zebras are certainly adult at five years of age, and the average duration of the period of youth is less, probably from three to four years. Tapirs mature very quickly ; when they are born they are striped and blotched with white, so that they are very unlike their parents (see Plate VI, p. 94). In four to six months this youthful coloration disappears and they resemble their parents in pattern. The duration of their youth is said to be under a year, a very short time for animals of their size, but certainly some individuals at least continue to grow for much more than a year. The rhinoceros and the tapir are rather unintelligent animals with low mental powers. The horse has been so much modified by association with man and by selection for special qualities which are useful or pleasant that we are disposed to have a false idea of its mental powers. I rate them low as compared with monkeys, carnivores or even elephants. The Even-toed Ungulates have a still shorter duration of youth in proportion to their size. Those that do not ruminate, the hippo- potamus and the swine and peccaries, have often bred in captivity, and we have therefore accurate information about them. The hippopotamus is a very large animal, a good male reaching over 14 feet in length and weighing well over 4 tons. They are fully adult in five or six years, although they may continue to increase in bulk for some time after that. Swine of different kinds come to maturity in from eighteen months to two years, although they also may continue to increase in size for a longer period. The hippo- potamus is certainly a stupid animal, and I do not believe in the intelligence of pigs. The tricks of trained animals, such as the 46 CHILDHOOD OF ANIMALS learned pigs of country fairs, are very simple adaptations of theiri natural instincts, and are no evidence for the existence of any real mental capacity. The Ruminating Ungulates without exception have a very short duration of youth in proportion to their size, and could be arranged in an almost regular series in which size and duration of youth were parallel. Giraffes are the largest, and their period of youth lasts from six to seven years. Camels are adult in three years, llamas and alpacas in rather less. Domestic cattle are adult in about two years. Bison take between two and three years, and increase in size for rather longer. The very large deer like elk are adult in two years, but may continue to increase in size for a longer period; whilst in them as in other deer, although there may not be much increase in actual size, the antlers become more spreading and acquire more points for many years after maturity has been attained. Elands, which are the largest of the antelopes, are mature in three to four years. Many of the little duikers reach their full size and are adult in about twelve to eighteen months. The range of the period of youth in the whole group of ruminants lies between seven years and one year and follows the size of the animal rather closely. It will be generally agreed that ruminants are animals of low intelligence. We have not much information as to the duration of youth in. the marsupials. The large kangaroos leave the pouch of the mother permanently in from six to seven months. They grow very quickly immediately afterwards, and are fully adult in from one to two years. The smaller forms develop still more quickly and are fully adult in from six months to a year. Rodents differ much in size and in intelligence. Beavers are not the largest members of the group, but they are larger than most, and much more intelligent than any of the others. They begin to pah* when they are two years old and are fully grown at the end of the third year, so that the duration of their youth may be reckoned as being between two and three years. Hares may begin to breed when they are a year old and are fully grown in fifteen months. Rabbits have a shorter youth ; they pair when they are from five to eight months old, and are fully grown in a year. Guinea-pigs may begin to breed when they are three or four months old and are Jull grown in from five to six months. Rats, which are born naked and blind, are covered with hair on the eightlTciay, and are able to see on the thirteenth day. On the twenty -first day they have reached DURATION OF YOUTH IN MAMMALS 47 the size of a house mouse, and are turned out to shift for themselves when they are thirty -nine days old. They begin to breed when they are less than six months old and are fully grown a few months later. Mice will breed when they are six weeks old and are fully grown at three to four months old. I do not think that it is necessary to go on giving any more examples. It is clear that different kinds of mammals pass through very different periods of time in growing to adult life. There is certainly some relation between size and the duration of youth. On the whole it takes a longer time to grow into a big animal than into a small animal. But the relation is not so close that it can be explained in a simple fashion. The youth of civilised man and of the elephant lasts about the same number of years. A common monkey and a lion take about the same time to grow up. The North American beaver and the bison take very nearly the same time, although the latter is several hundred times the bulk of the former. Nor is there any part of the processes of nature which might lead us to expect an inseparable link between time and bulk. The different cells and tissues of the individual body grow at different rates, and these rates may change at the call of circumstances that have nothing to do with size. Temperature, moisture, the nature of the food and many other agencies alter, retard or accelerate the pace. There seems to be a very wide range within which the same organs and tissues or the same kinds of animals or plants may grow more quickly or slowly. None the less, it is reasonable to suppose that closely allied animals have more or less similar constitutions, and such a conclusion is supported by many physiological obser- vations. They have similar habits, they react in similar fashions to the same diseases, and betray their community of blood by responding to similar environments in similar ways. And so com- parisons between the duration of youth and the size of the adult are less misleading when they are made inside the various groups. I have shown that on the whole the larger animals of a group take longer to grow up than the smaller animals of the same group. But the parallel is not exact, and there are many exceptions, as, for instance, among the Garni vora. On the other hand, the higher, the more intelligent members of a group are usually the larger animals. Here again there are exceptions, but on the whole it is true of living groups and of the total procession of life in the past. Mammals form the highest class of living animals, and amongst mammals are to be found the largest existing members of the animal 48 CHILDHOOD OF ANIMALS kingdom. In the age of Reptiles, when they were the lords of creation, the largest existing animals were reptiles. In the age of Batrachians the largest existing creatures were batrachians. A ad so inside the orders of living mammals, they are, on the whole, the most highly organised creatures that have been able to increase in size. Certainly there are many advantages in being big. A bulky animal can resist changes in temperature better than a smaller creature, which may be more quickly overheated or chilled through. A big animal, other things being equal, is more powerful and can protect itself better and travel greater distances than a smaller animal of the same kind. But there are also great disadvantages. A big animal needs more food than a smaller one, and can less easily escape the observation of its enemies. The struggle for existence is specially keen among animals with similar habits and structure, and amongst these it is the more highly organised and intelligent that can become large with least risk. Amongst mammals I do not doubt but that the apparent connection between the duration of youth and the size is secondary ; both depend on intelligence It is the more intelligent animals that have the longest period of youth. In the beginning of this chapter I spoke of the lengthening of the period of youth in our own case, even in our own time. Breeders of domesticated animals have found that they can prolong or shorten the duration of youth in the case of farm stock. There are many instances showing that wild animals in captivity mature more quickly in some cases, more slowly in other cases, than their fellows under natural conditions. The series of animals in the different orders of mammals show that there is an increase in the duration of youth as we pass from the lower forms to the higher forms. Putting these different sets of observations together, we must draw the conclu- sion that the rate of growth in animals has been altered in the course of evolution, and in such a fashion as to prolong youth in the higher forms. This lengthening of youth is not completely explained by increase of size, nor even by increased complexity of structure. Its advantage is that it gives the opportunity for education in the widest sense of the word, a space for experiment and for the replacing of instinct by intelligence. CHAPTER IV THE DURATION OF YOUTH IN BIRDS AND LOWER ANIMALS BIRDS show Nature in her most luxuriant and inventive mood. There seems to be an infinite variety in size, habits, disposition and colouring, and yet these many differences conceal a similarity of structure so close that there is a smaller gap between the ostrich and the humming-bird, or between the flamingo and the wren, than exists between many members of the same order of mammals. For our present purpose they may be considered as a single group, without reference to the divisions into which systematists have been able to place them. I have already said that attempts have been made to find some relation between the duration of the period of youth and the whole life. Such attempts would fail completely in the case of birds. It is a curious fact that in proportion to their size, birds are longer lived, or at least have a higher potential longevity, than mammals. If we compare them, group by group, mammals are much larger than birds, herbivorous mammals than herbivorous birds, frugivorous mammals than frugivorous birds, omnivorous and carnivorous mammals than omnivorous and car- nivorous birds. And yet, group by group, birds approach or surpass mammals in longevity. Passerine birds, which range in size from minute creatures which, stripped of their feathers, are no larger than the tiniest shrew-mouse, to the large ravens, have a potential longevity ranging from twenty to sixty years. Owls and parrots certainly can live for half a century, and eagles and vultures much longer. Pelicans and storks may live for from fifty to thirty years, ducks and geese much longer, pigeons and gulls for thirty years, ostriches for fifty years. Compared with these figures the duration of youth is always short, and ranges from about two to three or four years. Ostriches, which are the largest living birds, take from three to four year's to become full grown and adult, but birds-of -paradise take nearly the same time. Condors and the larger birds-of -prey are as big as a hen when they are a month old, but take rather more than three years to reach their full size. The C.A. 49 D 50 CHILDHOOD OF ANIMALS smaller birds-of-prey, such, for instance, as turkey- vultures, are full grown at two years old. Fowls and pheasants are full grown at the end of their second year, whilst flamingoes, which are much larger birds, take less than two years to become adult. The dura- tion of youth in birds is therefore remarkably constant ; it varies, from- about one year to nearly four years. There is very little relation) between size and the length of youth. As the intelligence of birds is very remote from that of our own, it is most difficult to estimate which are higher and lower in this respect. But on the whole it must be said that birds are much more instinctive than mammals, that their various duties are performed in a more rigid and mechanical fashion, and that there is therefore less scope than amongst mammals for the experimental period of youth. Reptiles live to great ages. They grow very slowly and many of them appear to go on growing throughout their lives. Although there are considerable differences in size between different adult individuals of the same species in both birds and mammals, on the whole it may be said that each species has a rather precisely' limited range of adult size, and that individuals outside the limitsi of this range are abnormal — in fact, are dwarfs or giants. The dimensions of the skull or of the body in adults are often so much alike in a large number of individuals that they are useful characters in defining and identifying species. This is not the case with reptiles. No doubt there are limits beyond which crocodiles or pythons do not grow, and there are large lizards and small lizards; large serpents and small serpents. But as compared with birds) and mammals, the different species have not a fixed size. The rate of growth, moreover, is much more dependent on surrounding conditions, particularly on temperature. Birds and mammals have an automatic system of regulating the temperature of their bodies. In our own case, our normal temperature of 98.6° remains nearly constant whether we are exposed to the cold of winter or the heat of summer ; if it goes up a degree or goes down a degree we feel uncomfortable, and if we found it to be 100° or 96° we should know that we were ill and that there was some disorder interfering with the routine of our physiological processes. So also each kind of bird and mammal has its normal temperature, not quite so stable as that of man, but during health kept fairly constant. Reptiles, on the other hand, like batrachians, fishes and probably! most, if not all, invertebrates, have not a normal temperature, but go up and down with the temperature of the air or water with YOUTH IN BIRDS AND LOWER ANIMALS 51 which they are surrounded and are thus almost at the mercy of the elements. If they become too hot or too cold they first get torpid, and if the conditions continue they die. Reptiles will not feed or grow unless they are kept warm. In the Reptile House of the London Zoological Gardens the heating apparatus was greatly improved in the year 1911 ; the reptiles were much more lively and active, and the rather unexpected result occurred that the food bill was nearly doubled. In the varying conditions of nature, a succession of warm seasons or of cold seasons must affect the rate of growth of reptiles to a very large degree, and it is not surprising that we can tell little of the age of any individual from its size. Very few reptiles breed in captivity, whilst in the wild condition their shy habits make it difficult to observe them closely. There is the further difficulty that young reptiles from the first are remarkably like their parents. And so it happens that we have practically no information regarding the duration of youth in reptiles. The sizes to which the different species of frogs, toads and newts may reach vary within wider limits than those of birds and mammals, but it is curious that the range is narrower, especially in the case of the tailless land forms, than occurs with reptiles. Batrachians are less shy in their breeding habits than are reptiles, and many of them have been bred and reared in captivity. In the case of those that breed in water and pass through a metamorphosis, the spawn is usually laid very early in the year, but this depends partly on temperature. In cold seasons it may be delayed for some weeks, and in England, except at considerable levels above the sea, it usually occurs early in March. I have found the spawn of the common grass frog in mountain bogs in Scotland late in June. The tadpoles of the common frog begin to leave the eggs in about five days, and in about two months the legs have appeared, whilst the metamorphosis is complete and the frogs leave the water in nearly three months. The development of the common toad is not quite so rapid. The tadpoles leave the eggs in about ten days, but the two pairs of limbs are not fully formed for about eighty days, whilst the young toads leave the water relatively smaller than frogs, when they are a little more than three months old. They may begin to breed long before they are full grown, but they take from three to five years to reach the normal size. The possible duration of their life is unknown, but they have so many enemies that probably few have the luck to reach old age. Fish, like reptiles, grow slowly and may live to great ages. In 52 CHILDHOOD OF ANIMALS them, as in reptiles, although there are species which may reach a large size and species the members of which are always small, there is a very wide range of size for each species, and growth appears to go on continuously throughout life. As in the case of reptiles, the rate of growth varies with external conditions, partly those of temperature, but still more the nature and amount of the food-supply. In many fish there are annual ring-like markings on the scales, and in others in the concretions found in the internal ear, and known as otoliths, by which the age can be estimated, in the same way as the age of a tree can be ascertained by counting the annual rings of growth visible when the stem is cut across. Experiments made by transferring marked fish from places where the food-supply is scanty to places where it is abundant have shown that the size of a fish cannot be taken as an indication of its age. The eggs of fish take from about three to over a hundred days to hatch out, but the time varies a good deal according to the tempera- ture of the water. As a rule the eggs of smaller fish hatch more quickly than those of larger fish, but a more important difference depends on the size of the egg. Small eggs with very little yolk hatch quickly, and the larvae on their appearance are in a more rudimentary condition. Those with an abundant supply of yolk take longer to hatch, but the larvae are relatively larger and more highly developed. As cold water delays development and retards the period of hatching, the larvae usually appear when the water is warm and when there is an abundant supply of the microscopic organisms on which they feed. Growth is then rapid and in most cases the larvae become transformed into small fish like the adults in the course of their first season. The subsequent history varies much in different kinds of fish. In those where the larvae and the adults live under practically the same conditions, the sexual organs often mature next season, and although the fishes may be small, their period of youth is over. Often there is a migration from inshore water to deep water, to the bottom of the sea, or, in the case of fresh water, from the shallow fringes of lakes or from upland streamlets to deep water or to the lower parts of rivers, and the change to adult life may take more than a season. In fishes where there is a complete change of habitat the youth may be further prolonged. The larvae of the salmon, called parr or samlets, are hatched in the spring in the fresh-water pools where the spawn has been deposited. They remain in the rivers usually for about two years, slowly losing their youthful uniform of red spots and dark YOUTH IN BIRDS AND LOWER ANIMALS 53 bars and acquiring a silvery colour. In the spring of the third year they go down to the sea as smolts, which display a much darker and more mottled coloration than salmon. In the sea they rapidly mature, becoming silvery all over and developing their sexual organs. They then ascend the rivers to breed, and their duration of youth is thus at least three years, although from the great change of size, a smolt weighing only a few ounces and a grilse four or five pounds, it has been supposed that the young fish may remain more than a single year in the sea. The fresh- water eels migrate to the sea to spawn and lay their eggs at great depths. These hatch out into ribbon-shaped larvae with very small heads. These little fish have been known as Leptocephali for many years, the different kinds of them receiving different specific names before it was discovered that they were the larvae of different kinds of eels. The larva of the common eel, formerly known as Leptocephalus brevirostris, grows rapidly until it becomes about two and a half inches long, when it passes through meta- morphosis and becomes transformed to a small eel, which, curiously, is only about two inches long. These small eels leave the bottom of the sea and come up towards the coast when they are about a year old. They then enter fresh water, ascending the rivers in great numbers, and at night migrating from stream to stream across wet grass. They live for a number of years before they become adult, the largest size to which the females attain being a little over a yard, that of males being much less. Then the sexual organs begin to develop, the process taking several months, duiing which the eels cease to feed. They then migrate down to the sea, and when they have reached deep water, probably more than a hundred fathoms, spawning takes place and the eels die. This is a curious instance, very unusual amongst vertebrate animals, but common in insects where nearly the whole life of the animal may be occupied by the period of youth. It seems to be the case that eels spawn only once, and that however long they live, or whatever size they attain, they must be regarded as still in the youthful period until they have ceased to feed and have begun to spawn. All the vertebrate animals have a structure not remote from our own, a nervous system consisting of a brain and spinal cord, and organs of smell, sight and hearing essentially similar to our nose, eyes and ears. Amongst them we are on familiar ground, and have some reason to suppose that we can interpret their mental operations and emotions with a sympathetic intelligence. The bond is most 54 CHILDHOOD OF ANIMALS close between us and the higher monkeys and gets more and more remote as we pass through the various orders of mammals and descend through birds to reptiles, and from them to batrachians and fishes. Fear and anger, cowardice and bravery, dislike and affection, the relations of individuals to individuals and of species to species, may differ in quality and degree, but appear to be essentially similar in kind in all these different sets of animals. They are all in mental touch with their environment in the same sort of fashion. I think that we must be right in interpreting the phases of their life by the same kind of standards that we can apply to our own case. The duration of youth in all is settled by no invariable chain of organic necessity. It has no relation to the duration of the complete cycle of life from birth to death. It is linked with size, but only in an indirect fashion, most apparent in animals most akin. It is linked much more closely with complexity of organisation, so that the higher forms usually take longer to mature than their near but lower relations. It is linked most closely with intelligence, the more intelligent animals having relatively longer youth. And as we pass downwards from intelli- gence to instinct we find that the duration of youth shortens. The case of the eel, where the adult life is only a very small portion of the total length of life, is not so curious as the cases of many insects. Among insects there are all gradations between creatures which live only a few weeks and creatures which enjoy life for many years. Insects, however, are very closely dependent on temperature, partly indirectly because their food-supply often ceases in cold weather, and partly directly because they become torpid and die when their bodies are subjected to cold. The dura- tion of life of most insects is limited to less than a year. The eggs hatch out when the temperature has become sufficiently high, the larvae grow bigger, pass through their metamorphoses and become transformed to the adult in the same season. The life of most of the adults ceases when the cold of winter comes on, if it lias not been arrested sooner ; but the species maintains existence, either because the eggs are laid in a position where they may lie dormant until next spring, or because a few of the adults hibernate in some sheltered place. Sometimes the total life is limited to a very short part of a single season. In many of the plant-lice, for instance, the little green flies which plague the gardener, the total life lasts only two or three weeks. The eggs are laid, the larvae are hatched, mature, become adult, and die all within a month. The total life YOUTH IN BIRDS AND LOWER ANIMALS 55 of common flies such as the blow-fly and the house-fly is a little longer. The blow-fly hatches out in twenty-four hours, the larva takes a fortnight to grow, whilst the metamorphosis within the pupa case takes a fortnight in warm weather, and much longer when it is cold. The normal life of the adult fly is from a few days to a few weeks, or in specially favourable circumstances, a few months. The length of the larval life of butterflies and moths varies according to the size, the habits and the weather, and as in extreme cases the life of the adult may last a good many months, it is possible that the total cycle may sometimes extend a little over a year. Amongst bees, the larval life and the metamorphosis occupy at most a few weeks, whilst the life of the adult is relatively longer. Worker bees never live beyond the year in which they are produced ; whilst the life of drones may be only a few days, and is never more than a few months, as towards the end of the season, when honey is getting scarce, they are driven out of the hive to perish. Queen ibees may live from two to five years ; they are fed and cared for by the workers, and their confinement to the hive after the nuptial flight preserves them from the vicissitudes of the weather. The instances that I have given do not show any great eccentricity in the distribution of the total duration of life between the youthful and the adult stages. The proportion between the duration of youth and of adult life certainly varies, but not much more than it varies in higher animals, and we do not know enough about the physiology of insects to assign reasons for these different durations, and still less are we able to draw parallels between the lengths of the period of youth and the degrees of intelligence. The mental processes of insects and their modes of communication with the exterior are so unlike our own that our attempts to discriminate between instinct and intelligence must be the most casual guesses. In very many insects, however, the disproportion between adult life and larval life is so great that adult life appears to have been reduced merely to the time required for reproduction. Many adult moths and butterflies have no mouths and do not feed. The males live only long enough to meet and fertilise the other sex, and the females live a little longer, apparently only because they have to seek out food-plants or places specially suitable for the larvae which will hatch out from the eggs they lay. The eggs of the mayflies are dropped into the water and in a few months hatch out into creeping campodeiform larvae. These live, according to the species, from six months to three years in the water, and then come up to the 56 CHILDHOOD OF ANIMALS surface, usually creeping out on the banks. The larval integument then splits open and a creature which has the form of a winged insect and seems able to fly emerges. This, however, goes through another moult, generally within a few minutes or hours of the first moult, and the perfect insect appears and takes to flight. Its mouth-organs are rudimentary and it is incapable of taking food, and dies generally three or four hours after its emergence, in this brief space of time having met the other sex and performed the duties of reproduction. Dragon-flies similarly lay their eggs in water ; the larvae live from one to two years, and then, coming to the surface, go through metamorphosis. The perfect insects are predaceous creatures with powerful jaws ; they hawk and devour smaller insects, but the total duration of their adult life is at most a few months. In many beetles the disproportion between the duration of youth and of the adult is still more remarkable. The larvae of longicorn beetles are vegetarian, burrowing in the bark or wood of-trees. Mr. C. J. Gahan has related a remarkable case under his own observation. In May 1890 Captain Ernest Blunt, R.E., brought one of these larvae to theBritish Museum. The larva was in a boot-tree which he had had in use for fourteen years, seven of which had been spent in North -West India. The larva was transferred to a piece of beech-wood forming part of a museum stand, and lived there until May 1895, when it was transferred to a fresh piece of wood ; it died shortly afterwards. Mr. Gahan has told me of another case. Mr. Walter Rose, of Ilford, sent to the Museum in September 1910 the wooden base of a bronze ornament which he had had for just five years. It was one of a pair given him, but he was unable to find out where it had come from. Two longicorn beetles of a South European species emerged from the wooden base a day or two after it had been received at the Museum. That gave five years certain with some unknown period in addition for the life of the larvae. The exact duration of the life of the adults is not known, but certainly is very much shorter than that of the larvae, usually not extending over the first winter after emergence. A still more extraordinary case is that of the seventeen-year cicada, a North American land bug. The adult insects are heavily built creatures nearly an inch and a quarter in length, with two pairs of transparent wings. The mouth -parts are imperfect and the creatures do not feed, living only two or three weeks. The eggs are laid in slits cut in the bark of trees, and the larvae, soon after hatching, burrow into the ground, where they live on vegetable matter. They YOUTH IN BIRDS AND LOWER ANIMALS 57 grow slowly, moulting five or six times in the first two years of their life. In the seventeenth year they leave the ground, burrowing up through the surface soil or through hard-trodden paths, and after hiding for a time under stones and sticks, crawl up trees, where they undergo the final moult, from which the perfect insect emerges. These various cases of the shortening of the adult life until it leaves time only for reproduction must be secondary adaptations, for it cannot be supposed that creatures with the elaborate structure of winged insects could have come into existence without the capacity to feed, and the extreme instances are connected by a chain of intermediate forms with insects possessing a more normal balance of the periods of life. Winged insects have many enemies ; they are fed upon by all manner of reptiles, birds and mammals. Weismann has suggested that the pressure of the struggle for existence is so great that it has become of importance to them to get through the business of reproduction as quickly as possible, and that those insects have survived best and so have been favoured by natural selection in which sexual maturity most quickly followed the attainment of the adult form. In the extreme cases where the insects became capable of reproduction immediately after their final moult, and where little or no time had to be spent in choosing suitable places for the eggs, it became unnecessary for the adults to feed, and so their mouth-organs degenerated. This certainly provides a reasonable explanation as to why the laying of eggs should be hurried, for it is plain that the species would soon die out if most of its adult members were killed off before they had had time to lay the foundation of the next generation. It is a little more difficult to understand, however, why the insects should die so quickly, even although they have accomplished their task of reproduction. Weismann suggested that this too was the result of natural selection ; he supposed that it was an advantage to a species to be represented by as many fresh and vigorous forms as possible, and that just as a gardener removed faded flowers from his floral borders and replaced them by younger and more vigorous plants, so death came to weed out animals that had been battered by the accidents of life, as quickly as possible after the maintenance of the species had been secured by reproduction. He suggested, further, that every animal was wound up, so to speak, only to live for the time necessary to fulfil its cycle of life, and when that had elapsed, the vital processes of repair and of removal of wasted tissue which must continue to operate so long as an 58 CHILDHOOD OF ANIMALS animal remains alive, ceased. Other naturalists have supposed that the business of reproduction, and especially the rapid formation and deposition of great quantities of eggs, throw a fatal strain on the insect and that it dies of exhaustion. Metchnikoff has shown that many insects appear to die from a kind of self-poisoning, or from the attack of some microbial parasite, and if this be a usual event, it is clear that the process of reproduction should be hurried on as quickly as possible, to secure that it shall have taken place before the insect dies. What at least is certain is an association between the acceleration of reproduction and the shortening of the adult life. When the next generation has been provided for, the adults have accomplished their mission in life and are no longer required. Whether they die from exhaustion, or because their tissues have an inherently limited duration of life, or because they are unable to resist the attacks of poisons from without or from within, may some time be solved. To me it seems most probable that the influence of natural selection has worked through speeding up the process of reproduction, until that occurred so quickly that it almost certainly would have taken place before the various accidents from within and from without destroyed the adult. Creatures subject to great destruction by other animals, creatures that had little powers of resistance to microbes, or that were specially liable to die because of the inherent delicacy of their constitutions, would become extinct unless they reproduced as soon as possible. Among a very large number of different animals there are wide individual differences in the time when sexual maturity occurs. Stock-breeders have taken advantage of this natural variability, and have produced breeds which become mature at unusually early ages when the object is to grow animals for the table as cheaply as possible, or breeds that mature later when the object is to secure special strength and stamina ; and it seems extremely probable that similar changes have come about under natural conditions, according to the needs of the particular species. The postponement of reproduction lengthens the period of youth, and gives a greater opportunity for education before the absorbing responsibilities of adult life have been assumed. The acceleration of reproduction secures that a species which has many enemies should leave abundant progeny, although it may actually lead to a degeneration of the structure and qualities of the adults. Among insects generally there is a kind of division of labour between the larval and the adult stages. In the larval period the YOUTH IN BIRDS AND LOWER ANIMALS 59 chief functions of the body are feeding and growth, whilst in the adult condition the chief function is reproduction. As we have seen, this division of labour may be carried so far that the adult is incapable of feeding. There are some extraordinary cases, how- ever, where reproduction takes place in the larval state, with the result that the adult state is dropped altogether. The gall-midges 'are very small two-winged flies, the larvae of which live on the tissues of plants, sometimes doing great damage, the Hessian fly, which attacks wheat, being a familiar example. The adult females of most of these flies lay eggs on the plant, and these hatch out iinto minute grubs, which, after a time of feeding and growing, pass ''through metamorphosis and produce the adult winged insects. In one or two cases, however, it has been found that the ovaries are developed actually in the larvae and that these produce young which live on the tissues of their parent and finally leave it by boring a hole through the skin. The parent in such a case dies without having become a perfect insect. Similar instances of reproduction before the larval state has been passed through occur as rare exceptions in several groups of the animal kingdom, but the best-known examples are found in the batrachians. The youthful stage of most of these animals, as I have described in Chapter II, is passed in water, the young animals being tadpoles. Usually the tadpole changes into the adult condi- tion long before the approach of winter. It sometimes happens, however, that the metamorphosis is delayed, and the animals, growing far beyond the usual size, live through winter in the tadpole condition. Such a result has been produced in a number of frogs and toads, including both the edible frog and the common grass frog, the common toad and the South European tree-frog, one of the methods adopted being to place a grating below the surface of the water, so that the tadpoles cannot emerge and have no access to air. These cases are only unusual prolongations of the duration of youth, and the abnormal tadpoles eventually either die or pass through their metamorphosis and become adult. In some of the urodeles, those batrachians which retain the tail throughout adult life, a further stage has been observed. Examples of the common newt, the Alpine newt and the crested newt have become adult, and have laid fertile eggs which duly developed, before they had passed through metamorphosis ; and there is reason to believe that such an abnormal state of affairs occurs as a regular event in a number of instances. A celebrated case is that of the 6o CHILDHOOD OF ANIMALS Mexican axolotl (Fig. 19). These animals occur in large numbers in lakes near Mexico City, where they form an important article of food. They are dark-coloured, tadpole-like creatures which when fully grown are seven to nine inches in length, and possess a swim- ming tail with a fringing fin above and below, with the usual two pairs of limbs with fingers and toes, and with three pairs of gills projecting from the sides of the neck. They are quite hardy, and are familiar objects in aquaria in Europe, where they breed freely. ;v • ., FIG. 19. Metamorphosis of Axolotl. Upper figure, the aquatic axolotl ; lower figure, the terrestrial amblystoma. They were supposed to belong to the division of batrachians which are known as Perennibranchiata, as they retain their gills and the aquatic habit throughout life. In 1865, however, some young axolotls, bred in the Jardin des Plantes at Paris, gradually lost the gills and the fin along the back and tail. The gill-slits closed up, the head became broader, and the animals left the water perma- nently. The black skin became blotched with spots and streaks of yellow, and it was soon recognised that a metamorphosis had taken place, that the axolotl was not an adult perennibranch, but the larval form of a well-known salamander, Amblystoma tigrinum (Fig. 19). A German lady, under the direction of two professors at the University of Freiburg, proceeded to make a set of careful experiments, and found that it was possible to induce young axolotls YOUTH IN BIRDS AND LOWER ANIMALS 61 to change into the adult amblystomas, the most successful method being to keep them in very shallow vessels so that they had a frequent opportunity of breathing air, and at the same time to make the normal gill-respiration inconvenient by securing that the water should have less than its proper quantity of dissolved air. The curious facts as to larval reproduction in the axolotl throw a possibly new light upon the relations of the different groups of batrachians to each other. It had been assumed that the Perenni- branchiata, those which remained aquatic and had gills throughout their life, were the representatives of a primitive stock, a ad that in the same way the gilled larvae of the terrestrial adults represented an ancestral stage passed through in the actual development of the modern forms. It is clear, however, that the external gills do not correspond with the primitive fish gills, and that the limbs with fingers and toes correspond with terrestrial rather than aquatic conditions. If the occasional metamorphosis of the axolotl had not been discovered, the axolotl would have been classed with the other perennibranchs. It is quite probable that the other perenni- branchs are creatures which have actually permanently lost their terrestrial adult condition, and so are degenerate rather than primitive. It has been suggested even that the ancestors of the living batrachians were terrestrial creatures, breathing by lungs and with two pairs of limbs with hands and feet possessing fingers and toes, and that the aquatic larvae with their external gills were new interpolations in the life-history. If such a theory were justified, then the perennibranchs, instead of being an ancestral set of batrachians, would really be more modern than the terrestrial forms, and their greater simplicity would be due to the loss of the adult stage. The progress of evolution is not invariably associated with advance in structure, and it is quite possible that some of the groups which we now think of as being primitive and as possibly representing ancestral stages in evolution are merely larvae, to which the power of reproduction has been shifted backwards, and which in consequence have permanently lost their adult stages. From this point of view the curiosities of youth which I have been describing would have a great importance in the theory of evolution. CHAPTER V COLOUR AND PATTERN IN ANIMALS IT very often happens that young animals, even, although they may closely resemble their parents in structure, wear liveries with different colours and patterns. A full-grown lion (see Plate III) is nearly uniformly brown ; his coat is rather paler on the under parts, and his mane and tail-tuft may be tinged with black ; and some individuals, especially lionesses, may show very faint traces of spots. But lion-cubs are spotted animals. The American tapir (Plate VI, p. 94) is very dark in colour, almost black all over except for a white line round the edge of the shell of the ear ; the Malayau tapir is parti-coloured, the head, fore-quarters and legs being black, but with a great saddle of white covering the hinder part of the back and passing down under the ventral surface. Young tapirs for the first two or three months of their existence are vividly striped and spotted with white, and the pattern of the Malayan and the American forms is almost identical. Red deer are coloured almost uniformly reddish-brown, except for a light patch or disc on the rump, but the young fawns are conspicuously spotted (Plate V, p. 92). There are few living creatures so bril- liantly coloured as the male birds-of -paradise. The head, back, the upper surface of the wings and tail of the king bird-of -paradise, for instance, are resplendent with a glow partly orange and partly scarlet, and there is a breastplate of metallic green from which a little bunch of brown feathers tipped with green hangs down at each side. The chest and the lower part of the body are pure white, and the long plumes which project from the tail terminate in shining tufts of green rolled up so that they resemble the eyes on the feathers of a peacock. The upper parts of young males are clothed with sad -coloured brown, and their chests and under parts are banded and mottled with a paler brown. Sea-gulls are brilliantly patterned birds, the general effect being black-and-white, the chest and under parts being white, and the head being covered with a cape or mantle of black or dark grey. Young sea-gulls (see Plate VIII, p. 162) 62 PLATE HI LION, LIONESS AND CUB Lion cubs vary in the extent to which they are spotted, and the example shown is rather heavily spotted. CH ^ COLOUR AND I IT very often happens that resemble their par rent colours and patterns ; early uniformly brow • T parts, and his mane and and some individuals, ^sppffictjl^ ^ :.*s of spots. But lion-cubs are spo* tapir (Plate VI$JJl> X! ayai fapj, being b; with .' part of the back and pa^ s for tL ,jed ana Malayan and the Aim coloured almost uniformh h or disc on the rump, but ted (Plate V, p. 92). ly coloured as the ma the upper surface of the wi for instance, are resplendent w let, and there is a breas> bunch of brown feathers tip The chest and the lower par ; plumes which project rolled up so that tl • peacock. The upper I brown, am; mott: paler b bird parts mantle oi tp HI) black ; • ear the inder rface. tence 'f the Red deer light ously bril- '>ack, • disc, artly and with 1 and rned and under a cape or III, p. 162) \ \ COLOUR AND PATTERN IN ANIMALS 63 are at first white, spotted with black and brown, and then covered with a speckled coat of brown, excessively unlike the conspicuous pattern of the adult. The king penguin (see Plate VII, p. 104) is another brilliantly black-and-white bird, but its head, neck and the upper part of the chest are tinged with orange and yellow. The chick, even when it is as large as the parent, is covered with a fluffy coat greyish-brown all over. The two sides of a young sole or flounder are alike, pale grey in colour and studded with specks of black. When the sole settles down on its side to its adult life as a fish that haunts the bottom, the side which is going to lie next the sand of the bottom becomes almost pure white, whilst the other darkens and becomes much more spotted. I shall give many more examples later on, but for the present it is enough to state that a difference in colour and pattern between the young and the adult is extremely frequent amongst animals. Colour and pattern, or the combined result of colour and pattern which is usually called coloration, are subjects that have attracted the attention of naturalists from the earliest times, and before discussing the special cases of young animals it will be convenient to set down some general ideas on the matter. There is no side of zoology that has been more fertile in producing theories ; many of the greatest naturalists, and the lesser naturalists almost without exception, have written on the subject, and I do not doubt but that every person who will read these lines has made or will make confident theories of his own. I hope, therefore, to proceed warily, and to describe some of the most characteristic facts rather than to select among the existing theories, or to provide a new one. I shall begin, however, by a warning, specially necessary in trying to interpret coloration. We must not scrutinise Nature too closely, expecting to find a manifest purpose in all her variety. Reason or cause there is for everything, in the sense that did we know the complete chemical, physical and vital forces at work in the making of any living thing, we should know that it must have this or that pattern and colour and no other. But the factors that have brought coloration into existence are separate, and must be studied separately from the question as to whether the results are of any use or what that use may be. We must free our minds from the idea that there is a necessary and direct utility in everything we see. The diamond takes no delight in its own shining, and there is no gain to the ruby that it glows with a sullen fire, or to the opal that it quivers with the lights of the sea at dawn. The red blood flushes the pale skin 64 CHILDHOOD OF ANIMALS of a girl until it becomes a wonder and a delight, but it ran no less red for countless generations under the thick and hairy hide of the apes that were her ancestors. The little shining grains that we call pearls are diseases of the shell-fish in which they are formed. Undoubtedly there is a reason for it, but who shall say that there is a purpose in the males of the eclectus parrots being green whilst the females are red ? The truth is that living things must have colour and pattern whether these be directly useful to them or no. Even the untrained eye at once picks out fossils in a slab of rock or shells lying on the sea- shore, and identifies' them as having be- longed to living things, because their patterned surface is in contrast with the formless mono- tony of the surround- ing matter. Pattern is essentially repetition of parts. If we stand in a hall of mirrors and look at the endless images of ourselves re-' FIG. 20. Repetition Pattern obtained by tearing fleeted from mirror to holes in a sheet of folded paper and then mirror We shall find unfolding it. that we and these multiplications of our body compose a pattern. Similarly in the scientific toy known as a kaleidoscope, a few fragments of coloured tinsel and glass are dropped into a cardboard tube with a glass bottom surrounded by a circle of little mirrors. When we1 look through the tube against the light the duplications and1 reduplications of the fragments form a-n elaborate pattern which changes into a new complexity as we revolve or shake the tube. If we take a sheet of thin paper and fold it first into two and then into four, then double it diagonally from the central corner, then tear, however roughly, a few holes in the folded edges, we shall find on unfolding it again that we have formed a symmetrical pattern, radiating from the centre of the sheet (Fig. 20). If we take another sheet of paper, fold it across so as to make a guiding COLOUR AND PATTERN IN ANIMALS 65 crease along the middle, and then unfolding it, write a name in ink with a thick pen along one side of the crease, then quickly fold it over and press it down before the ink has dried, we shall find we (have made another kind of pattern (Fig. 21), this time not ^radially symmetrical round a central point, but bilaterally symmetrical on the two sides of the crease, and more complicated in detail because of the different thicknesses of the ink we left to be doubled and the unconsciously different pressures we gave when folding over the paper on the wet ink. The growth of every body takes place by the multiplication of the little units we know as cells, or of higher units composed of masses of cells. Sometimes the multi- plication takes place radially and regularly, or radially and irregularly, sometimes in a bilateral plane, and this again regularly or irregularly. And so all the tissues of the body, microscopic or visible to the naked eye, are patterned. In the simpler forms of life and the simpler, most mechanical parts of the body, the patterns are simple and regular, to whatever system they may belong. In the higher tissues and higher organisms the primitive numerical symmetries of re- FIG. 21. Bilateral Pattern petition are disguised by ordered irregu- han^writin7 ^theStual larities in growth, now one part, now another words written a were part being retarded or accelerated, and by ' R°yal institution." the interference of the growth-forces of one set of organs with the ,growth-forces of another. If a drop of some oily pigment be placed on water in a bowl it will spread out slowly in a ring-shaped pattern ; if other drops be placed near it, as they spread they will interfere with and distort the patterns already formed. If the water be made to move slowly by stroking the surface with a brush or by blowing on it, the systems of rings will spread out into irregular curved streaks, forming the well-known watered or moire effects used in textiles, and sometimes seen on the paper lining the covers of books. Similar patterns are very common in animal tissues, due to the growth- forces being more intense in one direction than in another. Thus in a multitude of ways patterns are formed in the tissues of animals, as the inevitable consequence of structure and mode of growth, and c.A. E 66 CHILDHOOD OF ANIMALS the pattern, although inevitable and associated with structure that no doubt is useful, is not in itself useful. We do not frame explanations of its meaning and purpose when it is concealed within the body and made visible only by dissection and the micro- scope, but if it crop out on the surface and so is visible, then we are disposed to imagine that it must have some special fitness for the conditions in which the animal lives, and to speculate as to how the conditions could have called into existence the pattern that fitted them. I do not doubt that such inevitable growth- patterns sometimes confer an advantage on an animal, and have been maintained by the operation of natural selection, but it appears to me that it is their absence and not their presence that requires explanation, and that natural selection has been more effective in smoothing out and obliterating the inevitable growth-patterns than in preserving them, or being the agent in their formation. All visible things must have colour, and so also it is inevitable that animals must have colour. The colour may be due to one of several causes or to a combination of causes. Many hues, especially those with metallic sheen, depend on the structure of the surface on which the light falls, the white light being broken up in the process of reflection. When a piece of transparent glass or ice is powdered it becomes white like snow, and this appearance is due to the total reflection of the light from the mixture of little solid particles and intervening bubbles of air. The white of animal tissues is produced in this way. The fur and feathers of arctic mammals and birds, white patches on the skin and so forth come about because there are little bubbles of air or of some other gas entangled in the structure of the tissue. The blues and greens of many birds and insects which do not change in colour according to the angle at which light is reflected from them, and the still more vivid metallic iridescent colours which change as they are moved about, and which are conspicuous in the eyes of the peacock's tail and in the bright tints of birds-of -paradise, are due to a combina- tion of structure and pigment. Frequently there is a dark pigment underlying a transparent layer, forming a kind of mirror, and the play of colours comes from the varying incidence of light and the varied sculpturing or thickness of the transparent layer. Other colours may be due to the presence of pigments — that is to say, actually coloured substances. Blues and greens occasion- ally, reds, yellows, blacks and browns almost invariably are pigmentary. The brilliant crimson of the feathers of the turacos is COLOUR AND PATTERN IN ANIMALS 67 not only a pigment, but one that is soluble in soft water, and is washed out in a heavy shower of rain. A less well known case is that of the black colour of the Malay tapir. If the hand be rubbed over the dark portion of the body a black, greasy stain comes off, whilst the grey part of the body is devoid of this secretion. In some of these cases, perhaps in most of them, the pigment has a direct physiological importance, as, for instance, the red colour of blood, due to the presence of haemoglobin, the substance which carries oxygen to the tissues ; or some of the greens and yellows, which are products of the chemical changes of the body, and are waste matters on the way to be removed ; or blacks, which also not infrequently are products of excretion. I have already said that the blood was red long before the colour became a visible ornament of the body. So also the black lining of the body-cavity in many reptiles, the brilliant greens and golden yellows of the gall-bladder, the vivid green of the bones of fishes like the South American lung-fish, are clear instances of strongly marked colour, for which, were they visible externally, we should attempt to find an adaptive explanation, to interpret in the light of suitability to the surrounding conditions. Precisely as in the case of pattern, we must not be too certain that colour has a direct purpose. Colours may be useful, and often are turned to use, but their utility may only be secondary, a laying hold of something that was already there. All warm-blooded animals radiate out heat, varying in amount with the physical activities of their bodies, with the structure and disposition of their protective coverings and so forth, and if we possessed organs as sensitive to heat as our eyes are sensi- tive to colour and light, we should learn to recognise the presence and perhaps the nature of animals near us by means of the messages that such a heat-sense would convey to the brain, and the heat diffusion of the animals themselves might have been turned to account for their own purposes. When small birds are roosting in the open air on a cold night they fluff out their feathers until the bodies become almost globular, and by so doing they retain more of their internal heat. In such a condition they would be unnoticed by a heat-sense at a much greater distance. They are thus accidentally protected against a danger that does not exist. And so it may be with some of the colours of animals. Finally, the presence of colour, whether it be due to structure or to pigment, makes pattern more conspicuous, while the existence of pattern calls attention to differences of colour. When micro- 68 CHILDHOOD OF ANIMALS scopists are examining the structure of animal tissues, one of their difficulties is that the pale grey tone of the material they are investi- gating is almost uniform. And so they have learned to treat it with various dyes, some of which make the differences in structure visible merely because certain parts stain more deeply than other parts, whilst invisible chemical differences become visible by the parts of the tissue accepting, refusing or changing the colour with which they are bathed. And as the red blood shining through the pale skin suffuses the surface with tints of different intensity, so the pigments which are being excreted through the skin become differently entangled in different parts of the structure, make new combinations of colour chemically or physically, and the varied structure itself shines differently under the same beams of light. Colour, pattern, and the combination of colour and pattern that we call coloration are to be expected everywhere in the animal kingdom, as indeed in the living world. They are the visible expression of the complex nature and of the mode of growth of living things. All organisms increase in size by the multiplication of parts, and the simpler they are the more mechanically geometrical we must expect them to be. As they become more complex in structure, the primitive and yet more startling symmetry of their patterns becomes altered by irregular growth, by excess in some parts, retardation in others, and by interference of the growth of different systems or centres. Structurally every body is a mosaic, but it is a mosaic which has grown by the growth and multiplication of the separate pieces at different rates. It must have pattern. The different pieces and systems of pieces must have colour, and as they become different in their functions, inherent differences in colour, and differences due to different reactions to the coloured fluids and substances that pervade the whole, cause a still greater diversity. And so coloration is an inevitable outcrop, which may or may not be useful. And now, having fenced the tables, we pass to consideration of the uses to which colours and patterns may be put and of the ad- vantages they may confer on their owners, with a clear conscience. In natural history all general rules are dangerous, but there is none safer than that it is seldom an advantage to an animal to be conspicuous. It is a hungry world, and there is nothing more generally useful than not to attract attention. The lowest grade in the evolution of coloration is when pattern that is the direct expression of structure and colour — that is to say, the direct result PLATE IV LADY AMHERST'S PHEASANTS Cock, hen and chicks. The drawing is not an exact colour diagram of the species, but gives the general effect of the coloration, and the contrasted patterns of the sexes and the young. *: ..: A. i1 their le grey t ,t uiiifon -t it . .• , ertain j- »le chemica; ie accepting, TL are bathed. And the i suffuses the surf; rients which ar< differently entangled in -:ake ftew •binations of colour ried •cture itself shines n« .not^toloo of parts, and the simpler th '*nu^<- * we must expect them to x in structure, the primitive and yet ir of their patterns becomes altered by irreg in some parts, retardation in others, and 1 ce of the growth of different systems or centres, s but it is a mosaic which has grov plication of the separate pieces at different 'ern. The different pieces and systeir- ?d as they become different in ' colour, and differences due fluids and substances that ater diversity. And so colorat; lay or may not be useful. ' And now, having fenced i of the uses to which colou ad- vantages they may con In natural history there is none safer than that it rial to be jus. It is a hung -