f"\f>l^ Vf>f Vf** «-*"^* >.<~^ t^.^J~\ ,^ ^ <.>f-Sy~y /^ /->.-<«;». AND B "^r - L .A. -^AT" S OF THE BRITISH COLUMBIA I Agricultural and llorticultnral so OIE T ^-■ VICTORIA, B. 0. PlUNTER AT THB DaILY STANDARD OFFICE. I i! 1872. ^j****-""^^^-^*""^ jr.<-x<«» » ».«-.'-^<»«-^/» >— ^i!iN <-s. turn wy-^/— \ it/'-N g> r~M»» ^.^ «n.^-.» «,>-.i,f / casesf t^0f j^'jf A.\D S 'ST . X. u^ -VT- s <*• THE BRITISH COLUMBIA igriciiltural and Horticiiltural so OIE T^y V VIOTOBIA, B. C, PftrNTED AT THB DaILY StANPAUD OmClfe. 187a. PKEAMBI.E. Whereas it wjis d^omod cxpcdioiit by ii^. Fiirinors and otlierrtof BritiBli Co I niid)! a, thai- it Society should he fonncd for friciidlv ii - teiv'ourso and mutual iui[»roveinent in i\^iri'i- iiiltural Scioiico and Ai't; and a nieotint:' liiiviuiT l>eon called of Farniern and otlicr.*^ for this purpose, an Association was ffM'ined, when the following (Jontititutiou and l>y - L:iws were adopted- COXSTITUTIOX. ARTICLE I. — NAME. This Societ}^ shall be known by tliC nam? of tiie -'Britisli Columbia Aii:rieulturai and llortieulturiil Society." o' AirnCLE II. — OBJECTS. The objec'ts of this Society sballbe to ad- vance the general interests of Agriculture iind Stock-raising in this Province, by hohl- ing meetings tor discu^mon, by injjmrting samples ot Seeds and Agricnltnral Irnplro- Hurvc* order, <^ive the castino- voto. call Bj)e('ial nioetinL''S of the Society and J^oard ofDiroc- tor^, and to attend scenorallv to the interests of the Soeietv. 2. Tnasurtr. — It sliall be tlie duty of tlio Treasnrer to reeciye all monies dne or dona- ted to tlie Society and doi)osit tlicni in a Bank, to pay all orders draAyn on liiinsclf l>y the tSecretary a' d countersigned l»y tlie Piosi- dent. It sliall also be liis (hity to keep a correct account of all the casli receiyed aneet- inirs of the Society and of the Board of J)ir- ectors, to record the names aiiu receiye the entrance tecs of all members und pay tbe ♦*ai.ie to tbe Treasurer; to eori*esj»oml ^vith <»tber similar Societies, and keep copies of all correspondence ; to keep a labor lint ; to fur- nish 8uch information to tbe members of this fcioeicty as may bo required; and to luuke a BV-LAWS. 7 report to the Society at the end of each year, which shall be read at the annual meeting. 4. Boardof Directors.-^FWe menihere shall constitute a quomni for the transaction of husinesa, and it nhall be theirdnty to nla^- a«j:e the general attair^j of the Society and to proscribe such rules and regulatiorm for hold- ing exhibitions, {.lowing matches, etc., im tliey may deem iicccr»!*ary. OtLtfE^ OF BtTgl5tt5S. 1. Seven members of this Society shall constitute a quorum tor the transaction of business. 2. Reading minutes of previous meeting.' 3. Reading correspondence. 4. New business. No new business can be brought before any meeting of this Soci- ety unless notice thereof has been sent to each member by circular, and a similar no- tice posted in the Secretary's room at least one month previous. 0. Lectures, essays, debate, and couveraa- lion.