(; PART D D. ANNUAL REPORT, 1886 •) GEOLOGICAL AND NATU'.tAL HISTOKY SDRYEY OF CANADA ALFEED E. C. SELWYN, LL.D., F.E.S., F.G.S., Director. OBSERVATIONS ON THE aEOLoaY, --ooLoaY and botany OP HUDSON'S STRAIT AND BAY, MADE IN 1885. BY X^^ ROBERT BELL, BA.Sc, M.D., LL.D., RE.S.C/ \^ W^^^t '^t flfSJTI PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY OF PARLIAMENT. ^outqeal : I>A.\VSON BROTHERS. 1885. 1938 . GEOLOGICAL AND NATTJEAL HISTORY SURVEY OF CANADA ALFEED R. C. SELWYN, LL.D., RE S., F.G.S., Director. OBSERVATIONS ON THE GEOLOGY, ZOOLOGY AND BOTANY or HUDSON'S STEAIT AND BAY, MADE IN 1885. • EOBEET BELL, B.A.Sc, M.D., LL.D., F.E.S.C. PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY OF PARLIAMENT. MONTEEAL : DAWSON BEOTHEES. 1885. ERRATA. Page 17 DD, line 7 from top, /or Bessila read Bessels. Ottawa, April, 1886. To Alfred R. C. Selwyn, Esq., LL.D., F.RS., F.G.S., Dirrclor of tlw. Geological and Natural Hintory Survey of Canada. Sir, — I beg to submit, herewith, my report as Geologist and Naturalist on the Second Expedition to Hudson Strait and Bay, sent out by the Government of Canada on board the steamship " Alert" in 1885. I have the honour to be. Sir, Your obedient servant, EGBERT BELL. O OBSERVATIONS ON THE GEOLOaY, ZOOLOGY, AND BOTANY OF HUDSON'S STRAIT AND BAY, MADE IN 1885. EGBERT BELL, B.A.Sc, M.D., LL.D., F.RS.C. My preliminary report, of December, 1885, gave a general account of the field-work of the year, and a narrative of the Second Hudson's Bay Expedition by the steamship "Alert," as far as the geological and biological work are concerned. I purpose, therefore, in the following pages, to confine my remarks to a fuller description of the results in these departments. These were, unfortunately, very limited, owing to the fact that most of our time was spent either at sea or in the ice, or in relieving the stations, which I had already visited on the "Neptune " expedition of the previous year, and had done as much geological work as possible in their neighborhoods. A month in the middle of summer, was also consumed in oui- voyage from the Sti-aits to St. John's, New- foundland, and back again, after the "Alert" had there undergone some necessary repairs. Botanical specimens were again collected at all places visited. Col- Botanical^ lections of plants hpd also been made by some of the observers at the stations before the arrival of the " Alei-t." Although the number of speciments obtained is quite largo, yet only five species can be added to the list of 1884. In the appendix to the present report will be found a catalogue, by Prof Macoun, of the plants collected while we were in Newfoundland. I am indebted to Major II. II. Lyman, of Montreal, for having prepared the accompanying list of the Lepidop- Entompiogioai tera, and some other insects collected last year by myself and Messrs. H. M. Burwell and Arthur Laperrik'e. The Coleoptera 6 D n Hudson's STRAr-^ and bav. havo been kindly cxaininoil \>y Mr. W. II. Harrington. A number of JtirJMnnmumi.iSjtet'init'ns of birds, mammals and tishcs were collected during the voy- age, or obtained from some of the olwervers, especially Mr. Laperriero, who was in charge of the station at Cape Digges. I am indebted to Dr. Mr.thews, of York Factory, for additional specimen.s of birds, and to Ml". J. R. Spencer, of Churchill, for specimens of Back's grayling, and other tishes. After the zoological specimens shall have been citically examined, complete lists of them, along with those obtained arountl lludson's Bay in ))revious years, will bo published. I have much pleasure in acknowledging the kindness of the Eight Revd. Charles (iuay, of Cross Point, I'.Q., in procuring canoes and endeavouring to hire Indians for the expedition. Mr, James MacNaughton, M. A., acted as my assistant during the season. Kcpori It was considered desirable that the Eeport of the " Alert " Expedi- l»I/i"irtmenVof tloH, to be published by tlie Department of Marine, should contain an • ii"»c- account of the geology of Hudson's Bay and the surrounding country; and accordingly, with the approval of the director, a report on this sub- ject has been furnished. It embrace.-^ not only the general results of the geological observations of the "Xeptune" and "Alert" expeditions of 1884 and '85, but also of the previous expeditions around Hudson's Bay, made principally on the east side, in 1875 and '77, and on the west side in 1878, '79 and '80, and in the interior in 1870 and '71. A chai)ter on the Economic Minerals of the Hudson's Bay Territories generally, is also included in the above Report, As all mattei's concerning ice, ocean currents, soundings, tides, meteorological phenomena, etc., belong to Lieut. (Jordon's province, and will be fully reported on by hini, I shall .!0t allude to them except in their relation to geological ([uestions. Voyage from As stated in mv pi-eliminary rei)ort, we left Halifax on the 27th of Halifax to 1 .7 1 ' I huisoii'.* Strait May, untl after passing through the Gulf of St. Lawrence and the Straits of Belle Isle, steamed northward, near the edge of the ice- pack off the Labrador coast, to the entrance of Hudson's Sliait, which we entered on tke IGth June. Be3'ond the Straits of Belle Isle Ice-bergs. numci'ous icc-bergs were passed every day, both in the open watei", and among the field ice. When in the latter position they were obseived to be almost always more or less completely surrounded by a space of open water. On the voyage back from Newfoundland to the sti'aits, between the 27th of July and the 3rd of August, icebergs were again equally numerous, especially as we approached the Labrador coast, but on neither occasion did we meet with any of remarkable size or height, the great majority of them being comparatively small. Towards the entrance of Hudson's Strait it was noticed that the bergs furthest out to sea or to th' eastward, carried stones, mud, or discolorations more fre- o cii Q S! S S PQ ^ C 2 u H I M t- ►J fiu g O *"* o: ^ ^ o < K <: O I •< o •-5' Q U) O h < H 5 w 1 o o 3 w o Q E- Pi O X F- O 2 O X BEU.] LABRADOR COAST. 7 P D qucntly than those near the Labrador Coast. We entered Nachvak Inlet on the 1st of August, and were informed by Mr. Skynner, "r^-ho had been in charge of the observatory station tlierc since the previous year, that the fixed ice of the inlot had only disappeai-ed on the 12th of July. Local ice. '.Ve ailerwards learned that it had also cleared from Ashe's Inlet, (near North Bluff) in Hudson's Strait on the same day. Mr. Skynner informed us that the fixed ice extended only as far out as " The Breaker," a rock at the entrance of the inlet. Outside of this the ice was moving with the winds and currents all winter. In the months of June and July, wide lanes of open water were formed between the field- ice and the land. As far as could be observed, this ice was clear or free Foreign matter from dust and rock-debris, as if it had been formed away from the land. °" '^ ' "^ " The clear ice continued till the end of June, when foreign matter began to appear upon the slowly moving floes. This, Mr. S ynner thought, was due to the fact that about that time the ice began to leave the adjoining shores, after having received upon its surface more or less rocky debris from the crumbling cliffs and slopes, or from having had earthy matter incorporated in it by freezing and by the action of high tides, such as those of Ungava Bay. During the winter, he found that the strong winds carried considerable quantities of dust and angular fragments of rock from the high cliffs and steep and loose taluses on either side of Nachvak Inlet, out upon the fixed ice, and when it broke up in July, this material was borne oft' to sea. Towards the end of July, all the field ice of the northern parts of the Labrador coast was dis- colored or " foxy," and had a decayed appearance. The dust or mud, Decaying it-e. with which it was covered, was mostly yellowish and greyish in color. Gravel, angular stones, patches of stoney mud, and an angular boulder were occasionally observed. Reference was made in my report of last year (p. 14 and 37 DD) xon-giaeiatcd to the steep, serrated and non-glaciated appearance of the mountains, La°brador.' "' along the northern part of the Labrador coast. Opportunities were afforded me in 1884, while passing up and down the coast in the " Neptune," and when ashore at a few points, of studying, sketching and photographing these mountains ; and again, last year, their features were well brought out under the varying quantities of snow upon them in the months of June, July, August and October. The accompanying view, from a photograph, looking northward, across the entrance of Nachvak Inlet, is characteristic of the scenery on this part of the coast. As stated in last year's report, glacial grooves are to be seen in this inlet near the sea-level and parallel to the general course of the shores, but no trace of them could be observed on any of the higher levels which were examined. Terraces or banks of gravel and ancient shingle Elevated beaches were observed on either side of the inlet at various heights up beache?. 8dd Hudson's strait and bay. Cape Chudlci Mica and graphite. Quality of inica. Coarse horn- blende rock. to an estimated elevation of 2000 foet. The mountains everywhere in this vicinity give evidence of long-continued atmospheric decay. The annual precipitation at the present time is not great, otherwise small glaciers would probably form amont;; these mountnins, which lie between latitudes 58° and 60°, and which overlook a sea, bearing field ice for half the year, and from which bergs are never absent. Patches of snow, however, remain throughout the summer in shaded parts of the slopes and on the highest summits, which range from 4,000 to 6,000 feet above the ocean. gj, Our stay at Port Burwell, Cape Chndleigh, on the inward voyage, was for only one night, and while we were in this port, on our return, the weather was so boisterous as to prevent me from going to any con- siderable distance from the ship. Some additional fiacts of interest wcie, however, noted in regard to the glacial phenomena of the neigh- borhood. It was stated in ra}- report of last 3'ear that when we were at Ashe's Inlet, near North Bluff, the Eskimo gave us specimens of mica and graphite from the north shore of the Sti ait. During the winter and spring they brought to Mr. Ashe, the gentleman in charge of the obser- vatory station at this place, numerous pieces of these minerals. From what they told Mr. Ashe, he concluded that both kinds were found at different localities all the way from Kimnirook, (see Eeport for 1884), westward to the place which the natives call Akuliak, at or near which Captain Spicer's trading station is situated. The mica appeared to be quite common. The specimens carried to Mr. Ashe, had apparently all been gathered on the sui'face ; and, as the natives stated that it had been taken away in commei-cial quantities by the vessels visiting Capt. Spicer's station, the inference is that it must be abundant some- where not far off. The largest specimens which I saw were about a foot in diameter. All were of a light-brown colour, ind transparent when in moderately thin plates. Some pieces which I tested stood the fire well. From the accounts of the Eskimo last year, we inferred that they had found red hematite, inland from Kimnirook, but Mr. Ashe did not receive any specimens of it. In addition to pieces of quai-tz and iron pyrites they brought him a crystal of black sphene, an inch in diameter, from the north side of the straits opposite the station. The finding of a loose piece of crystalline limestone, like a common variety in the Laurentian rocks further south, was mentioned last year. The occur- rence of sphene and graphite constitute, perhaps, additional evidence of the existence of such limestone in situ on the north side of Hud- son's Strait. While exploring Big (or Turenne) Island, Mr. Ashe had found in its southwestern part a great mass, in situ, of a very coarse, greenish-grey hornblende rock, composed of large, radiating crystals. BEu.] Hudson's strait. Odd similar to a loose mass which I had noted the previous year not far from the station. This is an additional fact indicating an eastward move- ment of the ancient glaciers. On the main north shore of the straits, just west of the channel Stratification between it and Big Island, the stratification of the gneiss is very con- spicuous. The strike is pai'allol to the above, and the dip is northward for a considerable distance. While drifting up and down with the ice near to the coast in these parts, the peculiarities of the gneiss, and of veins cutting it, could be observed, but there is no chart of the shore or other means of identifying the localities. ', Many of the pans of field-ice off Big Island had gravel strewn upon them. This was found to consist of gneiss with a certain proportion of darkly-colored schists. But on ice-pans further up the coast, or to the north-westward, I found fragments of shaly marl and of grey limestone Limestone with fossils, among which Receplacidites Oweni was easily distinguished, [ccfi^n"!*"* Shells and bryozons, belonging to moderately d^p-water species, were found on the same pans. The limestone fragments, just mentioned, would point to the occurrence of Silurian rocks on or near the great bays in the western part of the north-shore of the Straits, where the land is said to be low. Dr. Franz Boas of Berlin has recorded the existence of these rocks in the interior of Baffin Land, only about two^^^l^'^^j,"^ degrees of latitude north of this region. He says:* "Through the Hudson's Strait occurrence of the Silurian rocks on the Xettilling (Lake) the discovery of the same formation at the upper end of Frobisher Bay increases in value. We must now suppose that the Silurian limestones, which appear at Prince Bupert's Inlet, extend from there to Frobisher Bay, and overlie the granites and gneisses of Baffin's Bay and Davis' Strait. We will not be far astray if we connect this extensive Silurian district with the limestones which occur to the south of Igluling, and which . form the fiat eastern half of Melville Peninsula. Southward from Limestone Nettilling, these rocks rise into low hill-ranges, which are indicated on peninsula.* the sketch by Padloaping." In a letter to me, referring to the geology of Baffin Land, Dr. Boas says: "The most interesting geological problem of the country is a study of ihe line of division between the Silurian plains and the eastern highlands. I suppose that Silurian rocks will be found, either in the i-emotest corner of White Bear Sound, or close to it. Probably the strata white Bear will be found lying horizontally, and then soundings in the Lakes Amakdjuak and Nettilling, will be of great importance. It must be important for the problems of glaciation to survey the inner rim of the ♦ Page 50 of Dr. A. Petermann's Mitteilungen aus Justus Perthes Geographischer Anstalt, Nr. 80. Ootha, November, 188.5. 10 D I) Hudson's strait and bay. Ungava Bay. \ enormous basin formed by the chain of mountains of Davis' Strait, the plateau of Xugnmit, Kinguait, Sikosuilat, Southampton Islands and Melville Peninsula," In my report of last year, it was stated that fragments of grey, drab aud yellowish-fossiliferous limestone, apparently Silurian, were common near Cape (,'hudleigh. If the supposition be correct that the glacia- tion of Ungava Bay was from the southward out into Hudson's Sti-ait, and thence round Cape Chudleigh into the bed of the ocean, these fragments would indicate that the limestones from which they are derived exist somewhere in the bay, either under the water or on Akpatok Island, which is described as low and level. Having failed to enter Ashe's Inlet on the inward voyage, we crossed «tupart'» Bay. the straits to Stupart's Bay, in Prince of Wales' Sound. Our visit to this station was too brief to allow me to make any fresh geological explorations in the neighborhood. The geology and scenery of this locality are described Sn my report of last year. The accompanying engraving, from a photograph, repiesents a view of the country from Eskimo Inlet, about two miles south of Stuparts' Bay, looking west- ward, and it ma}' be taken as a characteristic specimen of the scenery on the south side of Hudson's Straits, I found that Mr. Stupart and his associates had collected numerous geological specimens for me. They consisted of gneiss, soapstone, quartz, felspar, hornblende, mica- rock, epidote and iron pyrites, all apparently derived from ordinary Laurentian rocks, which prevail everywhere in this region. While at Port de Boucherville, on the south end of Nottingham Island, some farther exploration was made in the vicinity, but nothing worthy of remark, was observed. Last year Mansfield L'^^d was found to consist of flat-lying, grey limestones. The fossils then collected, on its eastern side, although badly preserved and not numerous, indicate the age of our Niagara formation. Similar limestones prevail on Southampton Island (proper) from Cape Southampton to within twenty-five or thirty miles of Cape Pem- broke at its north-eastern extremity, the latter interval being occupied, accoi"ding to Captain William Hawes, of the Hudson's Bay Company, by rugged, dark-looking rocks, like those of Hudson's Sti-ait, which are Laurentian gneiss. The large island north of Southampton Island, of which Seahorse Point forms the eastern extremity, and which Lieu- cenant Gordon has called Bell's Island, in the absence of any other name, is mountainous and appears to consist of gneiss. In the end of August, while the "Alert" was lying in Port Lapier- riere, at Lieut, Gordon's request, and with the assistance of Mr, James Tyrell, P,L.S., 1 made a track-survey of the Outer Ligges Island. It Niagara fonnation. Southampton Island. Qneiss. 'Track-survey ■of Outer Digges. t- CD o in Q P4 O o a, CO k' 9 S en ~ w § 1-^ 2 X I o a -] HUDSON 8 STRAIT. 11 n D was found to be ubout eight miles long and three miles wide, and to be sepai-ated from the Inner Digges by a straight channel, alx)iit one mile wide. It is formed entirely of Laurentian gneiss, which strikes with the longer axis of the island. This island has been thoroughly glaciated, oiaciation. Around its western end the groovings run north-eastward (true), but along the north side they sot more nearly east, showing that the stream of ice was flowing out of the bed of Hudson's Bay and eastward in the Strait. The outer points of this shore are all rounded and bald, with the glacial grooving and fluting strongly markoil, as may be seen In the accompanying sketch of one of these small capes. Cape on North Side of Outer Digges Island. The sciuth-eastern part of Inner Digges Island presents a high and jjj-j, j,|yg>g nearly vertical clitt", facing the still higher blutts of Cape Wolstenholme, \vo?stenhoime. of which an outline-sketch was £,iven in my report for 1880. From the cape these blutts continue southward for some miles, diminishing in height and merging into the rounded hills of the coast further down. At about thirty miles south of the cape the country, forming the imme- diate coast, has become comparatively low, but ranges of partially- rounded hills rise higher and higher towards the interior. On our return from the west side of Hu laon's Bay in the month of September, I exjilored this part of the coast in a small boat, and found the rocks to Co.i8t south consist of common forms of gneiss, with veins and ])atches of fine- Wolstenholme. grained red granite in some places. On the mainland, about twenty miles south of Port Lapierriere is a very ancient Eskimo camping gi-ound, which is still inhabited. We could not ascertain from the natives what they called the place, and for the sake of convenience in having some name for it we called it Hyla. In this neighbor- hood the evidences of the rapid recession of the sea are visible on all the'sea?" '^^ sides, in the form of shoaling bays and lagoons, as well as in raised beaches and ridges of shingle. The latter sometimes form the isth- 12 T) I) Hudson's straw and bav. the countrj'- muses, separating bays or connecting islands with each other or with the main land. Tonds and small lakes, of a mile or t^vo in length, are numerous between the ranges of hills, or small mountains in the rear. The clay and sand in the valleys between these ridges, up to an eleva- tion of about 200 feet above the sea, are full of marine shells, of which the genera Tellina, Saxicara, Cardium, Pecten, Mya, Mi/tihis and Astaric are the most common. Viewed from a distance, these hills and moun- A earance of ^^^^"^ l>^'^'<^ ^ naked appearance, but in wal king over the country itself, the grasses and sedges, and a variety of Arctic plants which grow around the ponds and lakes, and in sheltered places among the hills, give the landscape a pleasantly green ai)pearance in many places. No shrubs a? & to be seen except the creeping willows, but the Eskimo make mats for the floors of their summer tents by fastening together, in regular order, twigs of dwarf birch, (Betula glandulosa, Michx,)about three feet long, which we understood they obtained in the interior. The natives on this part of the coast live by hunting the reindeer among the hills, and the white whale, polar bear, walrus and seals on the coat. At certain seasons they also procure a good supply of waterfowl and brook trout. Close to the shore, behind an island, and about a mile south of the old Eskimo camps, above referred to, a very conspicuous vein is exposed along the face of a bluff of gneiss. It is about thirtj' feet wide in one part, and consists of white quartz next the walls, with coarsely crystal- line red felspar in the centre. A few plates of darkly-coloured, uneven mica were also observed. The general outline of the land on this part of the coast, as seen from a distance out at sea to the westward, slopes gradually up to the west- ward, until the brink of the great precipices of Cape Wolstenholme are reached. The elevated plateau above the precipices has a tolerably even appearance, as if it had been smoothly and uniformy glaciated. The high and almost perpendicular precipices of Capo Wolstenholme and the east end of the Inner Digges Island, which faces each other, present a singular contrast to the planed surface of the Outer Digges,, and the apparently glaciated plateau of the mainland above the cape. It is possible that part of the ancient glacier, in passing out of the bed of Hudson's Bay, became jammed against the inside of the high angular barrier formed by the Digges Islands, on the one hand and the mainland on the other. The narrow channel which separates the Inner Digges from Cape Wolstenholme must be very deep, if we may judge from the quantity of water which tlows through it with every tide, producing a. strong cuiTcnt in the sea to the south of the Digges Islands. Dui'ing our short visit to the harbour of Churchill a strong gale of wind with rain prevailed, so that no ft-esh geological work could be attempted beyond the limits which had been explored in this vicinity Large <|uartz and felspar vein. Elerated plateau. «<^i ] Hudson's bay. 13 d d in 1879. On the return voyaji^e from Churchill, we visited a largo chain of islands in the noith-eastern part of Hudson's Buy. which run north- eastward between latitudes 59° and CO'^, terminating in that direction) east of latitude 80". On some sketch-charts, a group of islands in this part of the bay had been maiked " Sleepei-s," but as thei e are also two other groups called Xurth Sleepers and South Sleepers, not far otf. Lieu- tenant Gordon and I named these the Ottawa Iblands, in order to^hc ou distinguish ihem clearly and to prevent confusion. Lieutenant (iordon ^*''"»<^' made a lunning survey of the northern part of the chain, and we named the individual islands in honor of the citizens of Ottawa who had generously aided in missionary enterprise in Hudson's Bay. A copy of Lieutenant (Jordon's chart of the Ottawa Islands accompanies this report. The outermost of these shown on the chart, and called J. Gordonlsland, consisted of thick, stratified masses, presenting a variety of external appearances, and probably of volcanic origin, all dipping westward at a moderate angle, as represented in the accompanying outline of the island. aw& J. GoBDON Island from the North. / An opportunity was attbrded me of landing upon a small island lying about two miles to the southwest of Gilmour Island (see chart) in lati- tude 59° 48', longtitude 80' G'. It was found to consist entirely of a greenish-grey diorite, which, on fresh fracture, is mottled with darker (jreenish-grey and lighter shades. In a vertical section, found on the east side of the **'°"'®* island, the diorite presents the "bouldery" or concretionary appear- ance shown in tlie annexed sketch, the larger divisions having a diam- eter of about two feet. The rock is cut by small veins of quartz, run- ning in a northwesterly course (true) in which specks o^^^opper pyrites (j^pp^j.^^^^^^ were detected. It also contains thin, short and iriegular veins of asbes- and asbostus. tus and green epidote. Old weathered surfaces of the diorite are very rough, but nearly the whole island bears the marks of glaciation. On the southern and centi-al parts of the island the principal striro lun N. <<)0° to 80° E., magnetically, or N. 20° to 40° E., astronomically, the 14 I) i> Hudson's strait and bay. Glacial striae. variation of the compass liavinj; been fountl to bo about 40° W. Another Kct of •grooves, near the centre of the i.shind, was found to run S, 05" E. mug., or about N. 75° E., true. On the east side of the ishind* the groovos run N. 35° E. mag. or N. 5° W., true. The forms of the roches moutoane ami other evidence afforded by the grooving und fluting of the rocks of this ishmd themselves, go to- show that the direction of the glaciating tbrce was from the southwai-d and south-westward and not from the contrary direction. ._ Eaised beaches are well marked up to the highest point of the island, about forty or fifty feet above the sea level. Much of the shingle of the- island consists of dolomite of the Manitounuck group, and this fact is a further evidence that the drift in this region came from the south- Northward . , r. 1 1 1 . 1 > 1 course of drift, ward, Since these rocks have, as yet, been found only on the islands and shore of the Eastmain coast between Cape Jones and Cape Dufferin. The islands further out to sea, opposite to this part of the coast are also believed to consist of rocks of the Manitounuck group. Specimens, said to have been broken from the fixed rocks of the Belchers, opposite • Belcher Islands j^j^^,^ Whale River, were obtained at my request, from the Eskimo and are found to consist of amygdaloid, white and groy dolomite, a soft grey schist and columnar calcspar, the last named apparently from a thin vein. All the larger islands of the Ottawa group are bare, rugged and mountainous. The rocks of Perley, Pattee, Gilmour, Booth and Bron'- son Islands appeared to be all the same as those of the small island which has been described. The surface of the hills, which on Gilmour Island rise to a height estimated to be about 1,800 feet, is eveiywhere extremely rough and pitted in appearance. We found the small island, on which we landed, inhabite«l'^««» western part of the bay. The probable site of the original source from which these rocks have been derived has not yet been ascertained. A set of immense dykes of trap along the Mattagami River running north waiti towards James' Bay, was described in my report for 1875 ; and other dykes, having the same general course, were found along the east side of James' Bay in 1877. 'N''- irregularity has been found in the bottom of Hudson's Bay which might indicate a seat of volcanic disturbance in former times. The unexplored distx'ict behind Cape Henrietta Maria may yet throw some light on this subject. The volcanic rocks of the Manitounuck group of the Eastmain coast and the islands opposite to it may have been originally derived from the neighbourhood of Clear, ciearwater water Lake to the eastward of Richmond Gulf. Between Lake Superior Ki r» i» Hudson's strait and bav. and Huclson'H Bhv, I have obHorvod that, other tliinj^t* boini? o«iual, tho wator of lakes where ignei»U8 rocks prevail, is much clearer than thoHO surrounded by gnoiMs or schists. The Rev. Mr. Peck visite*! tho lake roforvod to in 1884, and he informs me that it merits its name from tho clearness of its waters. f)chi9tofe imiids Schistose bands and areas which have been classified as Iluronian are largely developed within the general limits of the Laurentian «ountry to the south and west of James' Bay and apparently also on the northwest side of Hudson's Bay, but to the eastward few indica- Labrndcir tions of theso I'ocks have yet been discovered. The Labiador penin- I'eninsuiu. ^^^^i,^ measures, as nearly as possible, 1,000 miles fron) the Straits of Belle Islcdue west to the Eastmnin coast of James' Bay, by 1,000 miles from Cape Wolstenholme, on Hudson's Straits, to Mingan on the Gulf of St. Lawrence. The interior of thia vast region has not yet been explored geologically, except to a very limited extent, so that rocks of tho «lass called Huronian may exist in great force in some parts of it A non-fossiliferouH, but unaltered limestone, like those of the Mani- tounuck group is found around Lake Mistassini near the head of the Rupert River in the southern part of the above region. The gneissic rocks of the east coast of Hudson's Bav have been des- cribed in my reports for ISTS and 1877. and those of Hudson's Straits in the report foi- 1884. Dr. Frans Boas, in tliR course of his explorations has made some notes on the fundamental rocks of Baiiin Land, which stretches from Hudson's Straits northward through twelve degrees of latitude, or to Lancaster Sound. At page 57 of his report (Dr. A. Petermann's Mitteilungen aus Justus Perthes Geographischer Anstalt, Nr. 80. Gotha. Nov. 1885), he says : " Let us, in conclusion, cast a glance on the geological structure of the last-mehtioned territory (the northern part of Baffin Land). The nucleus of the mountain masses • appears to be eveiywhere gneiss, which I found especially at Kinguait Rocks of Baffin and Panguirtung. In clo.sest combination with the gneiss, granite, also occurs, which, especially large-grained, appears iu the ccast ranges and islands. — Anarmtung and Nuvakdjuak in Cumberland Sound ; Padlop- ing, Kexertaxdjuin, NudUing, Tupirbikdjawitjung and Siorartijung on Davis Strait." " In Cumberland Sound, as well as in the Naguimiut plateau, which latter is mostly composed of fine grained granites, there are found at isolated places, diorites and t rap-gran ulites which have broken through the granite. The occurrence of these to the south on Blunt peninsula, Cumberland ^^^ "^^^"^ Confirmed. In Cumberland Sound I found them at Panguir- Sound. tung and in a well-marked dyke in Akuliaxling eastward from Kexer- ten. The same diorite appears also in the mountain Kaliugujang to the east of Kinguait." ^LL.] LAURBNTIAN SYSTEM. 17 I> I» " Tho Sihii'ian limestones, overlying the oKl crystalline rocks, have been already mentioned. The same are found Wosidos in Field Bay, and they compose nearly the whole northern coast of Maffln Lund. Hall found sandstone at Lock's liand, which iterhaps beloni's to theR««!l«»or(»ih«r vftrboniterous formation. It is said to resemble that found by Parry locsiiiiet. at Antrid^o Bay ( Fur}' and Hecia Strait). Hero may also \to men- tioned tho samples of sandstone found by Bessils at Point Garry. From accounts by Captain Walker of the ship " Krik." coal is found in loose boulders in a stream at Kclipse Sound and on Aggidjeu (Durban Island)." The gneissic rocks within the immense area which has been de- scribed, no doubt i-epreseat a great period of geological time, and com- prise a vast thickness of strata, tho amount of which it would bo impossible to determine with any degree of accuracy. Certain are is of a masbive granitoid character, are regarded as " primitive" gneiss, and there is little doubt they are more ancient than those Laurentian i-ocks which are regularly and distinctly stratified, and consist of bands of different lithological characters, such as prevail in the Ottawa valley. As a general rule, in the great region around Hudson's Bay, tho K"^''*'* <'haracte of is of a very monotimous character, consisting of the commoner reddish Kne'*='e'»- and greyish varieties. It is mostly massive, highly crystalline and ^ hard, except where it has been exposed for ages to atmospheric intlu- ences, as in the non-glaciated districts. The fresh rock will break almost as e."sil\- across the lines of stratitication as parallel with them. The average direction of the lamination is sometimes pretty constant over a considerable extent of country, but it is as frequently, greatly- contorted on tho small scale, and so much disturbed on the large scale as to render it almos. impossible to trace out and map its structure. The gneisses of thi« icind are not known to caiTy any useful minerals, useful except such as mica and felspar in coarse granite veins. On tho other ™'°®'**" hand, in the more southern districts, where tho gneisses are somewhat regular, and where their different divisions are capable of being mapped, we find phosphate of lime, graphite, limestone, barytes, serpentine; magnetite and hematite, pyrites, gelena, copper ores, &c. These rocks appear to be newer than the massive gneisses which prevail in the north. The continuity and the geographical compactness of the great i^^ta- g^jj^^^^^ ^^ niorphic or Laurentian area of the north-eastern part of the continent relationship ' ^ in age. are themselves evidences of the close relationship in age of the rocks comprised within it, whereas there is more room for uncertainty on this point in reference to widely separated areas of metamorphic rocks more or loss surrounded by newer formations. The various bands of rock which in Canada have been recognized under the name Huroniau 18 DD HUDSON S STRAIT AND BAV. Quartzites of Luke Huron. Associatod rocks. Jill lie within the general geographical limits of the Laurentian coun- try, and are either stratigraphically incorporated amongst the mem- bers of the Laurentian series, or present no want of conformity to them. A variety of altered rocks, bearing a strong resemblance to those of some of the Iluronian bands are found elsewhere, as in the Eastern Townships and New Bi-unswick, but their relations to the Laurentian system cannot be so easily determined. The series of rocks on the north side of Lake Huron, to which the name Huronian was first applied, is made up largely of <|uartzites, but to the north and west of this region these form only a minor portion, or are altogether Avanting in the bands called Huronian, and which are composed jjrincipally of the other rocks, associated with the Lake Huron quarzites. They consist of more or less massive diorites, argil- laceous and dioritic slate-conglomerates, granites and syenites, schis- stose and jasper^' iron ores, limestones or dolomites, and imperfect gneisses, together with a great variety of schists, such as mica and hydro-mica, talcoid, chloritic, dioritic, argillaceous, silicious, epidotic, hornblendic, felsitic and dolomitic. Within the general limits of the Uj,g,y, Laureantian area, nearly all the metallic ores and other useful Huronhiii'rocks"'^"®'"^'^' ^^ J^^ known, have been found in these rocks, and, * therefore, their discovery and correct delineation on the geological map are important. As far as our explorations have gone, rocks of these kinds, and which may for convenience be styled Huronian, are much more abundant in the region between the Great Lakes and Hudson's Bay than anywhere in the Labrador peninsula or north of Hudson's Strait. They have been found at three places on the east coast of James' and Hudson's Bay. (See Eeport of ISTY.) Mr. John McLean mentions them south of Ungava Bay. Some of the rocks of Nachvak, on the Atlantic coast, maybe classified with them; and they are believed to occur at Bamahand near the entrance of Hamilton Inlet, on the same coast. / Oeofrrapical distribution of Huiouiitn ro«ks. Geology op the West Coast of Hudson's Bay. During the past season I have received from a fi-iend a carefully labelled collection of rock-specimens fi'om the north-west coast of S''ch™*terfie"d Hudson's Bay, between Eskimo Point and Chesterfield Inlet ; and in connection with these a few remarks may be made on the geology of this region. Other specimens from this part of the coast were obtained in 1884 and referred to in my report for that year (page 34: D D.) My own explorations on this coast, beyond Churchill, consist of a boat voyage to a point a short distance north of Button's Bay, in 18^9, and Inlet. ] GEOLOGY OF WEST COAST. 19 P D an examination of liarble Island in 1884. The general character of -^-arbie island, the land about Chesterfield Inlet could bo plainly seen from the ship when we were in that vicinity in the latter year. I have, however? received from friends who have ti-avelled in these parts many particu- lars in reference to this coast. Professor James Tennant, of London* Prof. Tennant. has described some rock-specimens from the north-west side of Hudson's Bay, and also from Repulse Ba^-, fui-ther north. Fi-om these various sources of information some light is thrown on the geology of the coast. Between Seal River and Eskimo Point, a distance of about 140 statute Coa.xt from , J iSeal River to miles, the shore-line appears to be uniform with a low country behind Eskimo Point, it, broken only by an occasional hummock, probably of di'ift. The shingle of the beach is said to consist largely of limestone, aud it is not improbable that behind this section of the coast, there is a consid- erable area of the flat-lying limestones, similar to those along the lower limestone, parts of the Churchill and Nelson Rivers. If this part of the coast were occupied by crystalline rocks, we should probably have a hilly country with a broken coast-line, like that further north, whereas the low appearance of the land and the even trend of the shore are anala- gous to the conditions which prevail where the Silurian rocks are met with further south on the Bay. From Eskimo Point to the entrance of ChesterfieUl Inlet, the distance varieties is about 180 statute miles, in a straight lino. The rock-specimens from °^ '^'*^- this section embrace fine-grained hornblende-schists, greenstones, quaitz and epidote rock, light grey, coarse-grained sandstone, altered to quartzite, and holding frag.-nents of indurated red shale, compact banded white quartz-rock, with crystals of iron pyrites in some of the layers, quartzite like that of Marble Island, grey felsites, crystalline * ^ hornblende-rock, diorite consisting of compact white felspar with long crystals of dark hornblende, banded grey hornblende and quartz-rock, with some layers approaching chert, mica-schists of different kindi-» Veinstones- mixed hornblende- and mica-schist, chocolate-colored porphyiy with fllesh-colored crystals of felspar and grains of clear quartz, granulite, red jasper with dull fracture, hard, brownish-red sandstone, grey felsitic quartzite with lenticular patches of dark mica-schist, chloritic schist, about fifty pounds of granular iron pyrites, several hundreds iron pyrites.^ of cubes of iron pyrites, the largest measuring about one inch in diameter, taken from a dark, glossy schist, quartz veinstone with large scales of light-colored mica, with garnets, calcspai- veinstone with embedded cj-ystals of quartz and having grey steatitic rock adhering to it, also a veinstone of quartz, containing silky radiating aggregates of hornblende and a few specks of calcspar and iron pyrites; some soft greenish schist is attachetl to this specimen. There are eleven specimens of the granular iron pyrites, which 20 D D Hudson's strait and bat. Pyrites from vein.". Gold in quartz were collected at dift'ei-ent points in the above distance. Small pieces of soft dark-gi eenish schist adhere to some of them. Mr. Hoffmann has made an assay of one of the specimens of pyrites from ii Ooldandsilver. bay south of Cape Jones, which forms the southern horn of Eankin Inlet, and found it to contain no copper, but to show traces of gold and 0.175 of an ounce of silver to the ton of 2,000 pounds. A specimen of similar pyrites, obtained fi"om a place on this coast which the Eskimo call Inari, in 1870, had a small quantity of light bluish-grey mngnesian limestone adhering to it. These specimens, which all resemble the pyrites from Tilt Cove in Newfoundland and Capelton in the Eastern Townships, except in the absen^-e of copper, are evidently from good- gized veins. The mineral is in common use among the Eskimo for striking tire. The discovery of traces of gold and silver in the speci- men last assayed by Mr. Hoffmann is interesting. Specks of gold are mentioned by Tennant in a specimen of quartz from Repulse Bay. The majority of the lithological specimens brought from the coast in the whole interval between Eskimo Point and Repulse Bay, correspond with the rocks of the Huronian series. Laurentian types are absent from the collections. So far as we know, therefore, the probabilities are that Huronian rocks prevail all along the north-west coast of Hud- son's Bay, from Eskimo Point to Chesterfield Inlet, and siga'n at Re- pulse Bay ; possibly also, in the interval between the last mentioned localities. Marble Island, as far as examined, consists mainly of light-colored, fine grained quartzite, associated with glossy mica-schists. Among the specimens obtained from the mainland, is one of similar quartzite of a delicate pink or flesh-color, from a point on the south side of Nevil Bay. On Marble Island the average strike is southwestward or in this direction, so that the two localities may occupy the same geologica horizon. "White quartzite is reported as occurring further south-west in the interior, especially in the region to the north-east of Hatchet or "Wollaston Lake, and in my report for 1882, page 28 C C, it was stated that boulders of this rock are abundant at the Long or Methy Portage^ still further south-west. Huroni.in series on the N. W. side of Hudson's Bay. Quartzite of Marble Island Quartzite on mainland . Quartzite in the interior. APPENDIX I. N . . . LIST .... BY PKOFESSOR MACOC.V OF PLANTS COLLECTED IN NEWFOUNDLAND IN 1885, BY DK. ROBERT BELL. I, Brigus. I r, Petty Harbour. Ill, St. John's. IV, Topsail. No. I. RANUNCULACB.S. - • Thalictrum Coinuti, Linn. Ranunculus acris, Linn... " reiiens, Linn . II. Nymph;eace.e. Nymphsea odorata, Ait Nuphar ad vena, Ait • • • III. Sarraceniace^ . Sarracenia purpurea, Linn IV. V10LACB.E. 9 10 11 12 13 Viola bland a, Willd . " cucuUata, Ait V. CARYOrHYLLACEiE. . Stellaria media, Smith . . . " borealis, Bigel. . . Cerastium viscosum, Linn. Sagina procumbens, Linn . VI. Sapindace^ Acer spicatum, Lam I. II. III. IV. 22 D r. HUDSON S STRAIT AND BAT. No. 14 1.-) 10 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 27 ^8 29 VII. Legumixos^ Vicia Cracca, Linn . VIII. ROSACE/E. Primus, Pennsylvanica, Linn " Virginiana, Linn Spir£Pa salicifolia, Linn Poterium Canadense, Gray Agrimonia Eupatoria, Linn Potentilla fniticosa, Linn " tridentata, Ait Rubns strigosus, Miehx " villosus, Ait " triflorus, Richards Rosa nitida, Willd Pirns arbutifolia, Linn , Amelanchier Canadensis, T. A: G., rar. oligocarpa, Gray IX. Onagracb^. IL IIL IV. * 30 • 31 32 33 34 35 30 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 -46 Epilobium angustifolium, Linn. coloratura, Muhl * * * X. Dkoseeace^. Drosera rotundifolia, Linn * XI. CoRNACE.K. Cornus Canadensis, Linn XII. Capeifoliaces. Linn?ea borealis, Gronov , ^ Viburnum nudum, Linn " pauciflorum, Pylaie : Lonicera cserulea, Linn . ." # Diervilla trifida, Mcench XIII. CompositjE. j Aster radula, Ait .. # " nemoralis, Ait ^^ Eupatorium purpureum, Linn [ Solidago uliginosa, Nutt ' ^ Achillsea Millefolium, Linn | Solidago Canadensis, Linn ' Centaurea nigra, Linn Nabalus serpentaria, Pursh ' ^ Leontodon autumnale, Linn ^ XIV. CAMPANULACBiE. . Campanula rotundifolia, Linn * * * * * * * * * ♦ r^ElL.] LIST OF PLANTS. 23 d D No. XV. ERICACtLE. 47 Vaccinium Oxycoocus, Linn 48 " Vitis-Idjea, Linn 49 " macrocarpon, Ait . . . . . . 50 " Pennsylvanicum, Linn 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 ■58 Chiogenes hispidula, Torr. and Gray • Cassandra calyculata, Don Kalmia angustifolia. Linn Rhodora Canadensis, Linn Ledum latifolium, Ait Pyrola secunda, Linn ■ XVI. ScROPHULARIACr.E. Euphrasia officinalis, Linn. . . Rninanthus Crista-galli, Linn . XVII. LABIATiE. 59 Brunella vulgaris, Linn 60 Scutellaria galericulata, Ait 61 Galeopsis Tetrahit, Linn XVIII. BoEACUNACBiE. 62 Myosotis laxa, Gray • XIX. Gbntianace.su <53 Halenia deflexa, Griesb XX. P0LYGONACE.E. 64 Rumex acetosella, Linn XXI. Empeteaceje. 65 Empetrum nigrum, Linn XXII. MYKICACB.E. 66 Myrica Gale, Linn XXIII. Betulaceje. 67 68 69 70 71 72 Alnus viridis, D C, XXIV. CONU'BK^. Juniperus communis, Linn '' Sabina, var. procumbens, Pursh. XXV. OKClliDACafi- Habenaria tridentata, Hook " dilatata. Gray Spiranthes Romanzoviana, Cham I. * * * * * * * * XL III. IV. * * * * * 24 DD Hudson's strait and bay. No. 73 74 til 76 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 XXVI. IridacejE. Iris versicolor, Linn .•••••••••• • Slsyrinchium Bermudiana, Linn IL IIL IV. XXVII. LlWACB,E. Clintonia borealis, Kaf Smilacina bifolia, Ker. XXVIII. JUNCACEiE. Juncus bufonius, Linn '\""/,' " Canadensis w i: coarctatus, ij ■ " eflfusus, Linn — XXIX. CYPERACB.E. Eriophorum vaginatum, Linn. . . " Virginicum, Linn . Carex sterilis, Willd " crinita, Lam " vulgaris, Fries " canescens, Linn XXX. GRAMINE.E. 86 Alopecurus aristnlatus, Michx 87 Agrcstis vulgaris, With 88 Agrcstis canina, Linn 89 Poa pratensis, Linn itO IFestuca ovina, Linn 91 Triticuui repens, Linn 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 Aira csespitosa, Linn XXXI. FiLlCBS. Asplenium Filix-foemina, Bemh . . . • '■ . » '• • • • Aspidium spinulosum, Swz. mr. Boottu. luck. " " dilatatum, Horn Onoclea sensibilis, Linn. . . . . • Osmunda cinnamomea, Linn. " regalis, Linn XXXII. LVCOPODIACE.E. Lycopodium dendroideum, Michx. " clavatum, Linn " annotinum, Linn " alpinum, Linn XXXIII. Mdsci. Sphagnum fimbriatum, Wils " acutifolium, Ehrh Polytrichum juniperinum, Hedw. " formoBum, Hedw . . • * * * * * * * * * * * *- *■ *- * * * * * * * * XXXIV. LlCHENES. Qadonia deformis . MU.] LIST OF PLANTS. 25 1) D Additional Plants from Labrador and Hudson's Strait. After a careful examination of all the collections mads by Dr. Bell in Labrador and on the shores of Hudson's Strait and Bay in 1885, Pi-ofessor Macoun finds only the following five to add to the list of flowering plants obtained by him in these regions in 1884 : — 1. Anemone parviflora, Linn, Port Burwell, Cape Chudleigh. 2. Anemone Hepatica, Linn, Ashe's Inlet, Korth Blufi'. 3. Draba incana, Linn, var. confusa, Poir, Poi*t Burwell, Cape Chudleigh. 4. Ehododendron Lapponicum, Linn, Nachvak, Labrador. 5. Pj-imula farinosa, Linn, Nachvak, Labrador. APPENDIX II. PARTIAL LIST OF INSECTS COLLECTED IN 1885, BY DI{. EOBEET BELL, IN CONNECTION WITH THE HUDSON'S BAY EXPEDITION. LEPIDOPTERA, DETERMINED BY H. H. LYMAN. Papilio Brevicauda, Saunders. 19. St. John's, N.F. This specimen is interesting from the absence of fulvous from the upper side. Papilio Turnus, Linn. 1^?. Taken at Topsail, N.F. Pieris J!vapi, Esp. Arctic form, Bryonia;, Ochs. ?, Summer form, Acadica Edw. 5. Taken at St. John's, N.F. The former is the spring form, and the latter the summer one. The two broods overlap, and specimens of both are thus taken flying together. Pyrameis Atalanta, Linn. One specimen. St. John's, N.F. Colias Pelidne, Boisd. Var. Orange d. Taken at Hyla on E. side of Hudson's Bay, 30 miles south of Cape Wolstenholme. This is the most interesting specimen in the collection, only one other Orange rj' having previously been reported, as described Mr. Moschler in Wien. Ent. Mar. IV, p. 354 (1860). Colias JVastes, Boisd. One specimen of rathei- small size. Taken at Cape Chudleigh, Hudson's Strait, Argymis Polaris, Boisd. Three specimens {2^, 1 ?), Cape Chudleigh. Three specimens, Cape Digges, Hudson's Bay. Laria BosiijCvLvt. Two specimens. Cape Digges. Anarta Bichardsoni, Curt. Two specimens. Cape Chudleigh. Also several others not yet determined. •"■'■■I COLEOI'TERA 27 D D COLKOPTRRA, DEMERMINED BY DP. O. H. ITOR.V. (Per favor of W. H. HiirrinKton.) Stupart's Bay. A^nara hyperborea, Doj. Over 1(»0 specimens. - Pferostiehns hudsoni'Ks, Lee. •* Hydroporus loiujicornis (occurs in Europe). " perpl'xus, Shp. A(/abus longulus, Lee. (?) 50 specimens. Cape Chudleiqh. Nebria sahlbenji, Pisch. Amara hyperborea, Dej. Lepyrus colon, Linn. Cape Dkjges. Amara hyperborea, l)e}. Agabus longulus, Lee (?) Criocephalus agrestis, Kii-by. Br-ANC Sablon. Nebria sahlbergi, Fisch. Ptei'ostichus luczottii, Dej. Qiiedius sublimhatus, Makl. CHAUT orTMt OTTAWA ISLANDS JJLDSON'S BAY Fit>7tt tut a/i/intxitnaU •fittrvtif bt/ JjUut. v) of . H.M.S.a.ALKKT Sral( - 4/ Vn'tts - 1 fncJt .«tv./# oT Mtttufr .A/i/« I ^ S < ^: m • ^~ — ^ M«.rf ^ JZ.SOl'Mi -StfJ- rtH%. TSiC S.'. Of rut ^ Zat. S9?4'S- ■ \