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CONNELL, M.D., M.R.C.S., Eng. Professor of Pathology and Bacteriology, Queen's University. Pathologist to the General Hospital, Kingston. KINGSTON, ONTARIO: BRITISH WHIG, KING STREET, 1899. n r Q"Kg>3.^95 / Entered iiccording to Act of the Parliament of Canada, in the year one thousand eight hundred and ninety nine, by W . T. Connell, M.D. , at the Department of Agriculture. PREFACE. This book has boon proparod for the guidance of students taking tlie practical course in Bacteriology. Much time and labor have hitlurto been expended in the writing out, both by the lecturer and the student, of the daily work of the class, and to obviate this it was thought best to place these notes in an accessible and connected form. The usual course covers a period of from eight to ten weeks, and comprises a series of tweiity demonstrations, of at least two hours each. There are already several excellent handbooks for the guidance of students, notably that of Kanthack and Drysdale. As the author worked under the for- mer's guidance, their methods have been used as a basis. Free use has also been made of methods advised by, or acquired from others, which have been found satisfactory. In Part II the preparation of culture media, methods of sterilization of bacteriological utensils, and the methods followed in water and milk analysis are considered. The author has appended in Part III the plan of work followed in the usual course in clinical microscopy and diagnosis, covering that elementary work, with which every physician should ncv not on'y be cogni- zant, but employ. W. T. CONNELL. Kingston, Ontario, May 1st, 1899. 111843 TABLE OF CONTENTS. PART I. PRACTICAL BACTERIOLOGY. Demonstration I. Inoculation of Culture Media from Pure Cultures of Bacteria Demonstration II. Staining and Examination of Pure Cultures of Bacteria from Liquid Media Demonstration III. Examination of Pure Cultures of Bacteria grown on Solid Media— Gram's Method of Staining. Demonstration IV, Examination of Bacteria Unstained — Hanging Drops— Hanging Drop Cultures. Demonstration V. Examination of Hanging Drop Cultures— Spores and Spore Staining. Demonstration VI. Staining of Flagella— Cultures of Bacillus Anth- racis. ..,.•••• Demonstration VII. Bacillus Antbracis in Pure Cultures— Tissues of Animal Dead of Anthrax Septicaemia — Inocu- lation of Animal with Bacillus Anthracis. PAOK. 3 9 12 14 17 VI CONTENTS. PAOE. Demonstration \ III, Examination of Guinea Pi^ doad of Anthrax Sep- ticaemia— Plate Cultivations — Cultures of the Pyogenic Bacteria 20 Demonstration IX. Impression Specimens of Bacillus Anthracis — Pyo- genic Micrococci — Staining of Pus — Agar Plates 24 Demonstration X. Examination of Plate Cultures — Gonorrheal Pus- Pus from Actinomycosis. . . . .26 Demonstration XI. Micrococcus Lanceolatus (Pneumococcus) in Spu- tum— Bacillus Influenzjv in Sputum — Sections of Pneumonic Lung — Tissues containing Pyo- genic Micrococci 28 Demonstration XII. Pure Cultures of Tubercle Bacillus — Tubercular Sputum 31 Demonstration XIII. Sections of Tubercular Tissues — Leprosy Tissues — Cultures of Tubercle Bacillus from an Inoculat- ed Animal — Cultures of Bacillus of Diphtheria. 35 Demonstration XIV. Diphtheria Bacillus — Cultures of Spirilla of Asiatic Cholera, of Metchnikof, and of Finkler and Prior — Inoculation of Animals with Diphtheria Bacilli — Diphtheria Toxin — Antitoxin. . . 38 CONTENTS. Vll PAGE. Demonstration XV. Spirillum of Asiatic Cholora - Spirillum of Finkler and Prior — Spirillum Metclmikovi — Indol Tost — Diphtheria Mombrano — Intraporitonoal Inoculatiou of Animals. . , . . .40 Demonstration XVI. Examination of Animal Inoculated with Spirillum Cholerie Asiaticib — Cultures of Bacillus Typh- osus and Bacillus Coli Communis — Typhoid Tissues 42 Demonstration XVII. Cultures of Bacillus Typliosus and Bacillus Coli Communis — Scrum Diagnosis of Typhoid Fever — Cultures of Bacillus Pestis Bubonicte, Bacillus Icteroides and Bacillus Mallei. . . 44 Demonstration XVIII. Bacillus Pestis Bubonicte — Bacillus Icteroides — Cultures of Tricophyton Bacillus Mallei Tonsurans and Achorion Schonleinii- Tinea Tonsurans Hair in 47 Demonstration XIX. Amerobic Cultures — Bacillus Tetani — Bacillus G^jdematis Maligni — Bacillus Capsulatus Aero- genes — Inoculation of Animals with Bacillus Tetani, Bacillus Gl^dematis Maligni and Bacil- lus Capsulates Aerogenes. .... 48 PAGE. VUl CONTENTS. Demonstration XX. Bacillus Totnni— Bacillus (Edoraatis Maligni— Bacillus Capsulatus xVorogones— Examination of Ani- mals Inoculated with Bacillus CEdematis Ma- ligni and Bacillus Capsulatus Aerogenes. . 51 PART II. BACTERIOLOGICAL ANALYSIS. Culture Media- -Brotli, Glycerine Broth, Glucose Broth, Gelatine, Agar-Agar, Blood Serum, Peptone, Milk, Potatoes. 53 Preparation of Utensils— Test Tubes, Slides, Glassware, Instruments, Dressings . . 58 Water Analysis ^i Milk Analysis. 65 PART III. CLINICAL MICROSCOPY AND DIAGNOSIS. Section I. The Urine. ..... 67 II. The Blood. . . ! . . 74 III. The Gastric Contents. . . .80 (( PAGE. PART I. . 53 4 PRACTICAL BACTERIOLOGY. I DEMONSTRATION I. Inoculation of Culture Media from Pure Cultures of Bacteria. Students must romember that they are to work with many of the actual causative factors of disease— the pathogenic bacteria; hence there is a liability to self- infection or infection of the laboratory, unless care is taken to develop a proper technique. The practical work is started with non-pathogenic species, or with species of low pathogenic power, so that such a tech- nique may be acquired without danger. The points to be noted by the student are: (a) The character of the various culture media. (b) The method of holding culture tubes, and re- moving and replacing plugs dhring inoculation. (c) The care, aiid particularly the sterilization, of the placinumpeedle or loop, before and after use. (o) That minute amounts of the bacterial culture suffice for inoculation purposes. (e) The proper labelling and placing in incubators of the inoculated tubes. 1. Make two agar-agar slope cultures of Bacillus prodigiosus. Place one tube in the incubator at 37 C (98.6 F), and the other at 20 C (69^F). PRACTICAL BACTERIOLOUY. Examine these tubes at the end of 24 and 48 hours. Growth is more rapid at the higher temperature, but the pigmentation is slight, while a more slowly appearing growth, dee^My pigmented, is noted in the other tube. Pigmentation is in nearly all chromogenic species, more marked at the lower temperature than at the higher. 2. Make a gelatine slope culture of Bacillus cyano- genus and place in the incubator at 20 C. Examine each day and note the ;^radual intensifica- tion of the pigmentation of the media, the growth itself being uncolored. 3. Make two potato tube cultures of Bacillus ruber. Keep one exposed freely to light in the room, and place the second in the incubator (dark) at 20 C. Growth and pigmentation will be more marked in the latter tube. 4. Make gelatine stab cultures of (a) Bacillus pyocyaneus, (6) Staphylococcus pyogenes aureus, (c) Sarcina lutea. Incubate at 20 C and examine daily. These bacteria liquefy gelatine more or less rapidly. 5. Make broth cultures of (a) Torula rosea and (/>) Bacillus proteus mirabilis, Place in incubator at 20 C. 6. Make gelatine slope cultures of (a) Staphylococ- cus cereus flavus, {b) Streptococcus pyogenes. Keep 'lA incubator at 20 C. STAINING OP PURE CULTURES. DEMONSTRATION II. StaJiiinj^ and examination of pure cultures of Bacteria from li(|uid media. The stains which are ordinarily used are: (a) Gentian violet. This stain is used in several forms. Of these anilin water, gentian violet is most used. It consists of, Anilin oil 4 cc. Distiiied water 100 cc. Shake thoroughly, filter and add satur- ated alcoholic solution of gentian violet 11 cc. This stain ought to be freshly prepared every two or three weeks. Gentian violet may also be used in a diluted alco- holic solution, and in this form is one of the most satisfactory stains for use in pure culture staining. It is made at time of using by adding two or three drops of filtered saturated alcoholic solution of gentian violet to a watch glass of distilled water. {()) Methylene blue. This may be used in several forms. The stain most commonly employed is Loeffler's alkaline solution. Its composition is. Saturated alcohoiic solution of methy- lene blue 30 cc. Tmj^ caustic potash solution . . 100 cc. 4 PRACTICAL JJACTEKIOUHiY. (c) Fuchsiii. Several staining solutions are used of this dye, of these Ziehl's carbol-fuchsin is most useful. This stain is made by taking, Saturated alcoholic solution of fuchsin crystals . . . . . . 11 cc. 5% carbolic acid solution . . 89 cc. Fuchsin can also be used as anilin water fuclisin, or as diluted fuchsin. These are made of the same strength as the like preparations of gentian violet. All sfains muifit be filtered before use. Cover glasses should be kept in alcohol and handled with forceps. When they are required for use, rub dry with a clean cloth. 1. (a) Take a clean cover glass and sterilize it by passing it quickly through the gas (or spirit lamp) flame. Then with a platinum loop (using all the pre- cautions of the first lesson), remove a drop of the lique- fying gelatine culture of Staphylococcus pyogenes aureus, and smear this over the cover glass. (/>) Allow the film to dry in the air, or dry it by holding it high over the flame. Fix the fllm by passing it quickly three times through the flame. (c) Clear away the gelatine by placing the cover glass in 10% acetic acid for Ave minutes. ((/) Remove from the acid, rinse through water and then dry. (e) Float the cover glass, fllm surface down, in anilin water gentian violet, or in diluted gentian violet, for USE OF OIL-IMMERSION LENS. one to two minutop. If desired, the stain can be dropped on the cover glass. (/) Remove and wash in water; dry thoroughly and mount the cover glass in Canada balsam. Examine the specimen with a ^ oil-immersion lens, using the plane mirror and open diaphragm, with the Abbe condenser. Use of Oil-Immersion Lens. In using the oil-immersion len?, first place a drop of immersion oil on the centre of the tiim to be examined, and placing the preparation on the centre of the micro- scopic stage, fix one end of the slide with a clip. Lower the lens with the coarse adjustment, till it touches the drop. With the eye to the ocular, in stained prepara- tions, lower very slowly till the field becomes colored. In unstained preparations always use the fine adjust- ment after the lens touches the oil. Now, with the fine adjustment carefully lower the lens till the field comes clearly into view. The slide can be readily moved about at the undipped end. Before removing slide always raise the objective well out of the oil with the coarse adjustment. 2. Examine in like manner the liquefying gelatine cultures of Bacillus pyocyaneus and of Sarcina lutea, substituting Loeffler's methylene blue as staining agent, the films being left in the stain from two to three minutes. 3. Examine in like manner the broth culture of Torula rosea, using Loeffler's methylene blue as stain. '4 n TV :f M m 6 PRACTICAL BACTERIOLOGY. One-half to one minute will suffice for staining, as torulao stain rapidly as a rule. 4. Prepare in like manner a cover ^lass film of the broth culture of Bacillus proteus mirabilis. Stain with carbol-fuchsin, one-quarter to one-half minute, wash, dry and mount in Canada balsam. GRAM S METHOD. ,ii DEMONSTRATION III. Examination of pure cultures of Bacteria grown on solid media — Gram's method of staining. 1. With a sterile platinum loop, place a drop of sterile distilled water on a cover glass. Remove then, with due precautions, a minute amount of Bacillus pro- digiosus, and smear with the water, carefully over the cover glass surface. Dry and pass three times through the tiame. As a rule no clearing in acetic acid will be needed in examining bacteria from solid media. Float the cover glass in anilin gentian violet for one to two minutes. Wash in water, dry and mount in Canada balsam. 2. Examine in like manner the potato culture of Bacillus ruber and the gelatine culture of Bacillus cyanogenus. Use either Loeffler's methylene blue or diluted gentian violet for staining. Grain's Method. Gram's method of staining is based on the fact that, when some bacteria are stained with certain dyes (of which anilin gentian violet is the principal), and then treated with a solution of iodine, the iodine fixes the stain so that it is not washed out by after treatment with alcohol. It affords a good differential stain, as some species stain, while others do not. Various modi- fications will be noted in this method, for the staining of pus and tissues. ■SI H PRACTICAL BACTERIOLOGY. il Prepare cover glass film~ from the gelatine culture of Streptococcus pyogenes, and also from the liquefying gelatine culture of Staphylococcus pyogenes aureus. Stain them according to (xram's method as follows: {(i) Place the films in alcohol one to two minutes. (/>) Without drying, transfer to anilin gentian violet for two minutes. (c) Rinse in water or .6% saline solution, and then place for one-half to one minute in Gram's iodine solu- tion, (Iodine 1 part, Potassium iodide 2 parts, Water 300 parts). {(I) Rinse in water, end then in alcohol, till no more stain comes away. (e) Wash in water, dry and mount in Canada balsam. HANGING DROPS. 9 DEMONSTRATION IV. Examination of Bacteria unstained— Hanging Drops — Hanging Drop Cultures. 1. With a sterile loop remove a drop of the liquefied gelatine culture of Staphylococcus pyogenes aureus, and place on a cover glass. Invert this cover glass on a slide. Examine with the yL oil-immersion lens, shutting off nearly all the light; or examine, after removing the Abbe condenser, using the concave mirror and partially closed diaphragm. 2. Repeat this procedure, using a drop of the broth culture of Bacillus proteus mirabilis. Slight motility of the bacilli may be seen. 3. Examine in the same manner a drop of putrefy- ing urine (48 hours old). Large numbers of bacteria, usually of several species, are seen. Hanging Drops. Hanging drop preparations are made to study motility of bacteria. Under the microscope we may make out three kinds oi movement: (a) Current move- ment, where the bacteria move with the suspending fluid, (h) Molecular or "Brownian " movement, where the bacteria vibrate in the fluid, as do all solid particles suspended in fluids. In this movement there is no actual change in position of the bacterial cells, (c) ilj ;ftl 10 PRACTICAL BACTERIOLOGY. ■ (4. k Hum A(;tual movoiiKiiit, wlioro tlio bacteria swim or move about in the HUHpeiidiiif^ fluid. This last is what we mean by motility of a bacterium. 4. Make a haiif^ihj^' drop preparation from the 18 hours, broth culture of Bacillus typliosiis supplied, (a) Transfer a drop of the culture to a clean cover glass. (Never neglect aseptic precautions). (6) Ring about with vaseline, the depression on a hollow ground slide. (c) Invert the cover glass over the cell and press firmly into the ring of vaseline, so as to exclude the air. In examining the preparation find the edge of the drop with the low dry power, then fixing the slide, examine with the oil-immersion lens, partially closing the diaphragm. 5. In like manner examine the liquefied gelatine culture of Staphylococcus pyogenes aureus. No motility is present, but Brownian movement can be noted. Hanging Drop Cultures. Hanging drop cultures are used to study the manner of division, the process of spore formation and germina- tion, and the motility of bacteria. The three former require continual microscopic observation of the culture drop, at certain periods. 6. Make hanging drop cultures of Bacillus anthracis and of Streptococcus pyogenes. {(t) Place cleansed cover glasses, sterilized by pass- ing througli the flame, on a strip of wire gauze, sterilized HANGING DROP CULTURES. 11 i-i like manner, and covered by n bell jar, sterilized by washing in 1 :10(X) bichloride of mercury. {()) With fi sterile loop farefuUy place drops of broth (sterile) on the cover p-lasses. (c) Lightly inoculate these drops with the respective bacteria. (d) Invert these drops over the cell of a hollow ground slide, previously sterilized, and having edge of cell ringed with vaseline. {e) Place in the incubator at BT'^C, on slide rack. tl n. iU! 12 PRACTICAL BACTERIOLOGY. DEMONSTRATION V. Examination of Hanging Drop (Jultures — Spores and Spoie Staininp. 1. Examine tho hanging drop culture of Streptococ- cus pyogenes made Inst day, with j't oil-immersion lens; at the margin of the drop long chains of streptococci can be seen. 2. Stain the hanging drop culture of Streptococcus pyogenes, just examined. (a) Remove the oil carefully with blotting paper, and then raising up the cover glass, clear away the vaseline from its edges. (/>) Dry, and pass film three times through the flame. {(') Stain the film by Gram's method. 8. Examine the hanging drop culture of Bacillus anthracis with the low and high dry lenses and the ^^^ oil immersion. Note the long segmented threads at margin of culture drop, and the presence in the rods of oval refract- ing bodies — spores. 4. Stain the hanging drop culture of Bacillus anthracis with Loeffler's methylene blue, removing the cover glass as described above, and clearing the film before staining in 10% acetic acid. The spores remain unstained as oval refracting bodies, both free and in the rods, " STAINING OF SPOKES. 13 Staining of Spores. Potato cultureH of Bnoillus fuitlirncis and J^acilluH lactis viscoHUH are Hupi)li(Hl. (B. mogathorium, B. sub- tiiis or B. tilamentoHUS might bo employed.) {(i) Prepare thin cover glass films of these bacteria in the usual manner, dry and fix in the Hamo. (/>) Float in Ziehl's carbol-fuchsin, or in anilin watiT fuchsin, for 20 to 30 minutes, keeping the staining fin id warm. (c) Wash the films in water and rinse for two to three seconds in acid alcohol. (Alcohol 97 cc, Hydro- chloric acid 3 cc.) At this stage the specimen may be examined by mornting in a drop of water. The acid decolorizes the rods, leaving the spores stained. If the bodies of the bacilli are still red, the film must be again washed through the acid alcohol. If the spores are not stained place the film again in the carbol-fuchsin. (d) If the spores are properly stained, place the film for one to two minutes in Loeffler's methylene blue to stain the rods. (e) Wash in water, (iry thoroughly and mount in Canada balsam. The spores are stained red, rods blue. 14 I'KALTIC'AL HAt'TEKlOUXlY. DKMONSTRATTON VI. Staininf.' of Flaj^ella — Cultures of Bacillus Authracis Flagella Staining. Ordinary methods of staininjf do not suffico to diMnouHtratc Haj^^ella. so that HptHual staining procosHt^s aro rcHiuirod. KmulHioiiH in storilediHtillod wator of 18 Ijour a^ar cultures of Bacillus typliosus ami of Spirillum cholorao asiaticac arc furnished. 1. Muir's modification of Pitfield's method. The following re-a^ents are re([uired: The mordant, 10% ai^ueous solution tannic acid, filtered 10 cc. Saturated acjueous solution, bichloride of mercury ...... Saturated aqueous solution, alum . Ziehl's carbol-fuchsin .... This mordant will keep for one or two weeks. The stain. Saturated aqueous solution of alum, filtered ....... Saturated alcoholic solution of gentian violet ....... This stain will keep two or three days. The cover glasses used must be thoroughly cleansed. This may be easily effected by rubbing first with a clean cloth, then washing in a mixture of equal parts of 5 cc. 5 cc. 2 cc. 10 cc. 2cc. FLAGKLLA STAINING. 15 alcoliol and ctlu^r, and wliili^ moist passing tluMii tlirouj^li tho Hamo. Covor ^lasst's may also be cU^aiiscd by tlio motliod advised by van Krmcn^licm, as follows: Boil the covor glasses for Hvo minutes in tlu^ follow- ing solution, Potassium bicliromate . . 6 grammes. Sulphuric acid . , . . (> grammes. Water KM) cc. From this solution wash throuj^h several dishes of distilled wati^r, and then place in alcohol. Before using pass through the flame. i^fi) Prepare thin films from tht^ emulsions; dry and fix in the Ha me. (6) Cover the film (h<>ld in forceps) with the mordant, and hold high over the flame till it steams gently for one minute. (Or float the film in the warmed mf)rilant for the same period.) (r) Wash thoroughly in large amounts of distilled water. ((/) Pour on now some of the stain, and again heat gently for one minute (or place in the warmed stain). {(') Wash in water, dry and mount in Canada balsam. Those bacteria which stain by Gram's method can be treated after the stain by iodine in the usual manner. Fair results are usually obtained by this metiii/ I. Better microscopic pictures can bo secured by van Ermorighem's method, but his method is longer and usually requires considerable practice. 1 1' 1^ . i\ 16 PRACTICAL BACTERIOLOGY. Cultures of Bacillus Anthracis. From the culture tube supplied inoculate, {(i) an agar-agar (slope) tube; (h) a potato tube; (c) a gelatine (stab) tube; ((I) a broth tube; (^0 a broth tube, to which carbolic acid has been added in proportion of 1 to 1000; (/) a litmus milk tube. Place all except (c) in the incubator at ST-'C and keep (c) at 20"C. ' Examine these growths at the end of 24 48 and 72 hours, noting the characters of growth on the various media. BACILLUS ANTHRACIS. 17 !«'■ « DEMONSTRATION VII. Bacillus Anthracis in pure cultures — Tissues of animal dead of Anthrax Septicaemia — Inoculation of animal with Bacillus Anthracis. 1. Make cover glass preparations from the agar, and the broth cultures of Bacillus anthracis. Stain with Loeffler's methylene blue, diluted gentian violet or by Gram's method. 2. Make cover class preparations from thecarbolized broth culture of Bacillus anthracis. Stain with Loeffler's methylene blue. No spores are seen. 3. Inoculate two litmus milk tubes, one from the ordinary broth culture and the second from the car- bolized broth culture of Bacillus anthracis. Incubate at 37°C and examine day by day. The latter produces less acid. (By animal experiments it could also be shown to be less virulent). Tissues of Animal dead of Anthrax Septicaemia. Sections from lung, liver and kidney are supplied. 4. Staining with Loeffler's methylene blue. (a) Place sections in the stain for 5 to 10 minutes. (h) Remove excess of stain by washing in water. (c) Place in J to 1% acetic acid for 10 to 20 seconds, till the sections become a light blue. ; >y 18 PRACTICAL BACTERIOLOGY. (d) Immediately wash in fresh water. (e) Dehydrate in absolute alcohol for 1 to 2 minutes. (f) Clear in xylol for 1 to 2 minutes. (fj) Transfer to slide with section lifter and mount in Canada balsam. Sections after dehydration may be transferred to slide and cleared there with xylol before mounting, as xylol causes at times considerable shrinkage and curling. Examine with the low and high dry lenses and the Y^ij oil immersion. Anthrax bacilli are seen in the capillaries of the organs. 5. Staining by Gram's method and eosin. (rr) Place the sections in alcohol for 1 minute. (6) Transfer to anilin gentian violet. 5 to 10 minutes. (c) Rinse the sections in distilled water, and then place for 2 minutes in Gram's iodine solution. {(I) Rinse in water, and then in alcohol for ^ minute. (e) Place for 1 minute in eosin staining fluid. Alcoholic eosin ... .5 gramme. Alcohol 70 cc. Water 30 cc. (/) Remove excess of eosin by washing in water and then in alcohol. {(j) Transfer to acid alcohol for 5 to 10 seconds, and again wash in alcohol till the sections become red. (h) Clear in xylol, transfer to slide, and mount in Canada balsam. BACILLUS ANTHRACIS. 19 6. Staining with picrocarmine and Gram's method. (a) Place the sections in picrocarmine 20 to 30 minutes. (6) Wash in water to which a few drops of hydro- chloric acid have been added. Then pass the sections through the process described under (5) with the exception of counterstaining with eosin. Inoculation of Mice or Guinea Pigs Subcutaneously with Bacillus Anthracis. (Class Demonstration.) The animal is placed in a holder or held by an assistant. The hair is clipped from the point of inoc- ulation, (root of tail in mouse, inner side of thigh in guinea pig). The ^skin at this point is then washed with 1: 1000 solution of bichloride of mercury. With a sterile scissors a small snip is made through the skin. With a platinum loop a drop of 48 hours broth culture of Bacillus anthracis is introduced and pushed well up under the skin. The point of introduction is then lightly seared with a heated glass rod. an IMm Vh 20 rUACTlCAL liAC:TERl()L()GY. DEMONSTRATION VIII. Examination of guinea pig dead of Anthrax Septicaemia — Plate cultivations —Cultures of the Pyogenic Bacteria. Guinea Pig dead of Anthrax. 1. (d) Carefully examine the animal, noting the swelling extending from the groin, to a variable extent over the abdomen. Then stretch out the animal by tacking down the legs to a board, moistened with 1: 1000 bichloride of mercury solution. (6) Lay the hair of the animal by moistening with methylated spirit. (c) With a sterilized scissors carefully cut through the skin along the median line and reflect it from over the thorax, abdomen and thighs. () In Czinzinski's solution, Alcoholic eosin — .5% solution in 70% alcohol 20 cc. Saturated aqueous solution, methylene blue 40 cc. Water 40 cc. Place the sections in this stain for 6 to 24 hours. Wash thoroughly in water till all blue color is removed, that will come away. Dehydrate in absolute alcohol, clear in xylol and mount in usual manner. Intraperitoneal Inoculation of Guinea Pigs. (Class Demonstration.) A medium sized guinea pig is chosen. The hair is removed from the median line of abdomen and the skin is washed with 1 in 1000 bichloride of mercury solution. With a sterilized hypodermic syringe .5 cc. of a 24 hour broth culture of moderately virulent Spirillum cholerse asiaticpe is thrown into abdomen, the needle being entered about the centre of the mid-line. The animal usually dies in from 18 to 36 hours. '\ i i-ii I ;!■ r .;! ■BHIIHIlMH IBil 42 PUACTICAL BACTERIOLOGY. DEMONSTRATION XVI. Examination of unimul inoculated with Spirillum (^holeni' Asiaticju — Cultures of Bacillus Typhosus and Bacillus Coli Communis — Typhoid Tissues. Examination of animal inoculated with the Spirillum of Cholera. Open up the abdominal cavity of the guinea pig, using all aseptic precautions (page 20). Note the condition of the peritoneum and character of the exudate. 1. With a sferile loop, or capillary pipette, transfer a drop of the peritoneal exudate to a liquefied gelatine tube. From this tube inoculate a second. Pour plates in the usual manner. Incubate at 20 C. and examine carefully on succes- sive days. 2. With a sterilized loop, smear a series of cover glasses, with the peritoneal exudate. Stain some films with eosin and methylene blue; others may be stained with anilin gentian violet or carbol fuchsin after clearing in 10% acetic acid. JarefuUy open the thorax, sterilize a portion of v^xposed heart surface, and with a capillary pipette, ./ii,hdraw blood from the chambers. From this blood make cover glass preparations, fix in formalin solution, and stain with eosin and methylene blue. BACILLUS TYPHOSUS. 43 I 4. Make inoculatioiiH of Bacillus typhosus and Ba- | cillus coli communis on, j (a) agar-agar tubes; (/>) gelatine (slope) tubes; . | (c) liquefied grape sugar gelatine; | , {(I) potato tubes; (e) peptone tubes; (/) litmus milk tubes. | Incubate all except the gelatine tubes at 37 C. Ex- | ; amine and contrast the growths from day to day. 5. Sections of mesenteric gland, spleen and liver from Typhoid fever cadaver. i In the tissues Bacillus typhosus is found scattered \ in clumps, so that a number of sections may have to be i : examined before finding any bacilli. At least six sec- | tions of each of the tissues should be stained. I {(() Stain in Loeffler's methylene blue, leaving in the stain from 30 minutes to 2 hours. Rinse in water | and then in .1% acetic acid for 2 or 3 minutes; dehy- '^ drate in absolute alcohol, clear in xylol and mount in balsam. (fe) Stain in Stii'ing's gentian violet solution. Gentian violet .... 5 grammes. Alcohol 10 cc. ' Anilin oil ..... 2 cc. Water H8 cc. Leave sections in this stain for 10 minutes. Rinse in water and then in .1% acetic acid for 2 or 3 minutes; dehydrate in alcohol, clear first with oil of cloves and then wash several times with xylol before mounting in balsam. 44 PRACTICAL BACTERIOLOGY. DEMONSTRATION XVII. Cultures of ISacillus Typhosus and Bacillus Coli Communis — Serum Diagnosis of Typhoid Fever — Cultures o^ Pacillus Pestis Bubonictt', Bacillus Ictefoides and Bacillus Mallei. 1. Make and compare hanging drop preparations from the peptone tubes of Bacillus i^phosus and Bacil- s coli communis. 2. Examine the peptone cultures of Bacillus typhos- us and Bacillus coli communis for indol, adding to each tube 1 cc. of a .01% fresh solution of potassium nitrite, before the addition of the sulphuric acid. Bacillus coli communis gives the indol reaction. 3. Make cover glass preparations of Bacillus typhosus and Bacillus coli communis. Stain in anilin gentii. 1 violet or in Loeffler'fi methylene blue. The serum diagnosis of Typhoid Fever and Typhoid Bacilli. In the blood serum of animals immunized against Bacillus typhosus, and also, at an earlier or later date, in the blood of persons with Typhoid fever, there are present certain constituents which possess the specific property of agglutinating liquid cultures of Typhoid bacilli. The phenomena noted microscopically are loss of jaotility of the bacilli and their aggregation in clumps. In tube experimciits, we have precipitation of the contained bacxlli. For the proper application of SERUM DIAGNOSIS OP TYPHOID. 45 this test, an 18 to 24 hour broth culture, or suspension, of moderately virulent Typhoid bacilli, and certain dilutions of the serum used, are required. A dilution of at least 1 part of serum in 30 is neces- sary. The time limit for the reaction should be set at 2 hours. Usually the phenomena are noted within a few minutes. Blood, from a fatal case of Typhoid fever, dried on sterile thin filter sheets and cut into squares of 1 cc. is furnished. (Blood may also be preserved in standardized capillary pipettes). 4. With sterile forceps place a dried blood square in a sterile glass capsule. With m medicine dropper carefully add 15 drops of sterile distilled water, so as to extract the agglutinating constituents. On a sterile cover glass place one drop of this ex- tract, and add one drop of the 18 hour broth culture of Bacillus typhosus furnished. This makes a dilution of about 1 in 30. Examine in hanging drop, under the microscope, and note the characteristic reaction. 5. Repeat this procedure, using 1 drop of the extract to 3 drops of the broth culture of Bacillus typhosus, giv- ing a dilution of about 1 in 60. Examine as before and note results. 6. Repeat this procedure using 1 drop of the extract, and 1 drop of a broth culture of Bacillus coli communis. No clumping occurs. For clinical examination in cases of Typhoid fever, blood may be taken from the lobe of the ear or the fin- 46 PRACTICAL BACTERIOLOGY. ger, after thorough cleansing of the parts, and allowed to dry on firm white paper or on a slide. The above method can then be carried out. Cabot advises an excellent method for bedside examination. With a medicine dropper, one drop of blood from the patient is added to 30 (or more) drops of broth culture, or emulsion of Typhoid bacilli. Drops from this dilution are then examined in hanging drop preparations. 7. Make inoculations of Bacillus pestis bubonic£e and Bacillus icteroides on, (a) agar tubes; (h) gelatine (slope) tubes; (c) broth tubes. Inoculate with Bacillus mallei, (a) an agar tube; (b) a potato tube. Examine these tubes from day to day, noting char- acters of growth. BACILLUS PESTIS BUBONICJl. 47 DEMONSTRATION XVIII. Bacillus Pestis Bubonica;— Bacillus Icteroides- -Bacillus Mallei- Cultures of Tricophyton Tonsurans and Achorion Schonleinii — Hair in Tinea Tonsurans. 1. Prepare cover glass films from the agar cultures of Bacillus pestis bubonicse, Bacillus icteroidos and Bacillus mallei. Stain in anilin gentian violet or in anilin fuchsin. 2. Remove in the usual manner a small portion of the growth of Tricophyton tonsurans from the cultures furnished. Tease out on a slide after treatment with 10% caustic potash solution. Examine with the low and high dry lenses. 3. In like manner examine a preparation from the culture of Achorion Schonleinii (Favus). Compare this fungus with Tricophyton tonsurans. 4. Treat in the same manner the hairs furnished from Tinea tonsurans. The fungus threads and spores are seen lying in the root sheath and also in the hair shaft. This method of ^examination may be adopted for the detection of the fungus elements in Ringworm else- where (Tinea barbae, Tinea circinatse), and also in Favus and Tinea versicolor. III 1 1 t I 48 PRACTICAL BACTERIOLOGY. it DEMONSTRATION XIX. Anaerobic Cultures — Bacillus Tetani— Bacillus CEdematis Malign! — Bacillus Capsulatus Aerogenes — Inoculation of Animals with Bacillus Tetani, Bacillus (Edematis Maligni aid Bacillus Capsulatus Aerogenes. 1, Make inoculations in the usual manner of Bacillus tetani, Bacillus (Dedematis maligni and Bacillus capsu- latus aerogenes on, (a) agar tubes (stab) to which .5% formate of soda has been added ; (6) grape sugar gelatine tubes (stab); (c) grape sugar broth tubes. Place the broth cultures in Novy's jar, and treat the agar and gelatine cultures by Buchner's method, as de- scribed below. Anaerobic Culture Methods. Anaerobiosis may be obtained in several ways. One of the most commonly employed, methods, particularly when working on a large scale, is to replace the oxygen (air) by hydrogen gas. For culture tubes and plates Novy's jars are very convenient for use with hydrogen. 2. The cultures being placed in the jar, hydrogen from a generating apparatus (Kipp's) is allowed to stream into the jar for one hour. The hydrogen is usually purified by passing through a series of wash bottles containing lead nitrate in the first, silver nitrate in second and freshly prepared pyrogallate of potash in fi ANAEROBIC CULTURE METHODS. 40 the third. At the end of one hour turn the stopper of the jar, which automatically seals it. The same process can be carried out by using an ordinary large tube with a rubber stopper perforated with two holes for glass tubing. After the hydrogen has been passed in for an hour, seal in the flame the glass tubing, clos- ing flrst the exit tube. Place the jar in the incubator at 'SIC Another method of producing anaerobiosis, which is much employed is that of Buchner. It consists in the absorption of the oxygen by the use of freshly prepared pyrogallate of potash. This may be carried out in large jars, or in large test tubes. 3. Treat the agar and gelatine cultures made, by Buchner's method. , i] (a) In the bottom of the large test tubes furnished, place one-half inch layer of sand, and then add 1 gramme pyrogallic acid. (b) Now place in this test tube one of the inoculated tubes and add lOcc. of 1% caustic potash solution, taking care not to soil the inoculated tube. (c) Immediately plug firmly the large test tube with a rubber cork. Pour melted wax or paraffin about the edges of the cork, to secure perfect sealing. The oxygen is quickly absorbed and the bacteria develop in an atmosphere of nitrogen. Place the agar tubes in the incubator at 37°C. and keep the gelatine tubes at 20°C. 50 PRACTICAL BACTERIOLOGY. if ''( Class Demonstration. (a) Inoculate a guinea pig subcutaneously with .25 cc. of a 72 hour broth culture of Bacillus tetani, tearing the tissues slightly at point of inoculation. (?)) Inoculate a guinea pig subci-taneously with .5 cc. of a broth culture of Bacillus oedematis maligni. (r) Inoculate .5 cc. of a broth culture of Bacillus capsulatus aerogenes into the posterior auricular vein of a rabbit. Five minutes after the inoculation, kill the rabbit by a sharp blow on the back of the neck. Keep the body in a room at a temperature of 20"C and exam- ine after 18 to 24 hours. Gas formation is seen in the veins everywhere, the viscera will be " foaming," and the animal generally emphysematous. BACILLUS TETANL 51 DEMONSTRATION XX. Bacillus Tetani — Bacillus (Edematis Maligni— Bacillus Capsulatus Aerogenes — Examination of Animals Inoculated with Bacillus (Edematis Maligni and Bacillus Capsulatus Aerogenes. 1. Make hanging drop preparations from the broth culture of Bacillus tetani. Slight motility can usually be detected. 2. Make cover glass films from the broth cultures of Bacillus tetani, Bacillus oedematis maligni and Bacillus capsulatus aerogenes. After clearing in 10% acetic acid, stain in anilin gentian violet. Note the presence and position of the spores in the two former bacilli. 3. Examine carefully the guinea pig inoculated with Bacillus cedematis maligni, noting the .extent and char- acters of the cedema. Reflect the skin in the usual manner. Make cover glass smears from the oedema fluid. Open up the abdomen, and removing spleen, make cover glass preparations of the splenic pulp, as de- scribed under anthrax. In like manner make cover glass preparations from the heart's blood. After drying fix these cover glass films in the form- alin fluid for 1 minute. Stain the films with eosin and methylene blue. 52 PRACTICAL BACTERIOLOGY. Examine tlio animal inoculated with Bacillus capsu- latus aerogenos, and then killed and kept 18 to 24 hours. Make cover glass preparations from the blood of the various organs. Stain with eosin and methylene blue. Capsules are seen surrounding the bacilli. These may be better demonstrated by staining in the manner de- scribed for staining the capsule of the Pneumococcus. (Page 28). PART II. BACTERIOLOGICAL ANALYSIS. Culture Media. For a study of the general biological characters of bacteria, growths in pure culture are required. For this growth certain nutrient materials are necessary, the nutrients varying more .or less for the various species of bacteria. For the pathogenic bacteria, media approxi- mating to the nutrients of the body are most employed. Desirable characters in culture media are clearness and ease of preparation and sterilization. The methods of preparation of the culture media in common use only, will be given. Broth or Bouillon is much employed itself and as the basis for nutrient jellies, as agar-agar and gelatine. One pound of lean beef-steak, freed from all fat and connective tissue bands, is chopped up in a sausage machine. 1,000 cc. of distilled water are added and the meat is lightly boiled in a covered sauce-pan for | to 1 hour, occasionally being stirred. The mixture is filtered through several layers of moistened filter paper and dis- tilled water added to make up to 1,000 cc. Place this in a flask containing 10 grammes peptone (Witte's or Fairchild's), and 5 grammes of common salt, and steam in sterilizer for J hour. it' 54 BACTERIOLOGICAL ANALYSIS. Add a saturated solution of sodium carbonate, drop by drop, until the reaction becomes faintly alkaline, using litmus paper as an indicator. (For greater accuracy in neutralization, phenolph- thalein in 1% alcoholic solution may be used as an indicator. To 10 cc. of the broth, add 2 drops of the indicator and then drop in from a burette a diluted solution of sodium carbonate, till the indicator shows alkalinity. A ready calculation can then be made as to the amount of the sodium carbonate solution it will be necessary to add to the broth). Steam again in the sterilizer for ^ hour and then fil- ter into a flask. Steam this flask in the sterilizer for 20 minutes, on 3 successive days. Instead of using beef steak, Liebig's meat extract may be employed, 3 grammes of this extract being dis- solved in 1,000 cc. of water, with 10 grammes of peptone and 5 grammes of salt. The after treatment is the same as before described, except that it is better not to filter for the last time, till the broth is cold. Glycerine Broth is ordinary broth to which 3 to 6% of pure glycerine is added, before sterilization. Grape Sugar Broth or glucose broth is ordinary broth to which 1 to 2% of grape sugar has been added. In Making Tubes place the broth (or liquefied jelly) in a covered funnel with stop cock or clip attachments. Add from 6 to 10 cc. to each test tube. The tubes are then re-plugged, covered with tin foil and sterilized in the steamer for 15 to 20 minutes on 3 successive days. ._ CULTURE MEDIA, 55 Gelatine. To 1,000 cc. of tho Htock broth ndd 120 gram m OH of golfttinc ("gold labol ") cut up into smnll piocos. Dissolvo cnrofully over n wator bath, and neut- ralize if necessary with sodium carbonate. Place in a flask, cool down to (50 C and add the whites of two eggs. Steam for | hour in the sterilizer and filter through moistened filter sheets, using a warming funnel. Steam in the sterilizer for 20 minutes on 3 successive days. Tubes are treated in same manner as broth tubes. Grape Sugar Gelatine is stock gelatine to which 1 to 2% of grape sugar has been added. Agar-Agar. Cut up 15 grammes of agar-agar fibre fine, and allow to soak in .5% acetic acid for 2 hours. Then wash repeatedly in water to free from all traces of the acid. Place in a flask with 1,000 cc. of stock broth, and dissolve by heating in the auto- clave, up to 120°C. After removal from the autoclave, neutralize if necessary with sodium carbonate, cool to 60°C, and add the whites of two eggs dissolved in 50 cc. of water. Cook in the autoclave for 10 minutes at 110°C, and filter through moistened filter sheets, using a warming funnel. As a rule the agar runs through rapidly. If it tends to clog, immediately replace by fresh paper, keeping the unfiltered solution hot. Steri- lize the filtered agar in the autoclave for 20 minutes at 120 C. Another method which is very satisfactory is that of Ravenel, viz., ■id I 5() liACTEKlOLOaiCAL ANALYSIS. 3 to 4 grnmmes. 10 grammes. 5 grn mines. 500 cc. (r/) Liobij:?'H moat cixtract Peptono .... Salt Water (distil'ed) . Boil up together for 15 minutes. {!)) Agar (prepared as above described) 15 grammes- Distil led water . . . 500 cc. These are placed in a Hask in the autoclave, and the temperature run up to 184"C. Mix the two solutions, neutralize, cool to 60"C. add the whites of two eggs, and proceed as before described- Blood Serum. Either the serum which separates from the clot or the fluids which are ett'used in Pleurisy or Ascites, may be employed in the making of this nutrient medium. It is one of the most difficult culture materials to handle satisfactorily. Blo.jd is collected at the slaughter house, from cattle or sheep, in well stop- pered sterile litre jars. The blood is collected after it has run for some time from the cut vessels, as it lessens the danger of contamination. The jars are then set on ice for 24 to 48 hours, and the serum which collects is syphoned off into sterile flasks, with a sterile pipette. Several culture media are prepared from this serum. (rt) Loeffler's serum mixture. To 3 parts of the serum add 1 part of 1% grape sugar broth. Run into sterile test tubes and then ijlace these tubes properly slanted in the serum coagulator, and expose them for 2^ to 3 hours to a carefully regulated temperature of from 90" to 95*^0. This firmly sets the tubes. After- CULTURE MEDIA. 57 wardf* th(^y may bo ptontntHl for 15 to 2U minutos in the storilizor on li successivo tlays. (/>) Lorrain Smith'B sorum. To each KK) cc. of 8orum add 1 to 1.5 cc of a 10 % solution of caustic soda. Place in test tubos and troat as for Loctf'lor's sorum. Or the tubes may be slanted, covered with tin foil and placed in the steamer with the lid raised and exposed to the steam for one hour. Afterwards they may be steamed for 15 to 20 minutes on 3 successive days. (r) Kanthack and Stephen's serum agar mixture. In making this culture material it is first nect^ssary to determine the amount of 10% caustic soda (or potasli) that will be needed to transform the albumins of the serum into alkali albumins, so that no coagulation occurs on boiling. 2 cc. is about the usual amount re- quired per 100 cc. of serum. To 100 cc. of the serum (or serous exudate) add 2 cc. of 10 % caustic soda and 1 .5 grammes of prepared agar- agar fibre. Boil up together and add 4 cc. glycerine and .5 gramme of grape sugar. Again boil and filter, using the warming funnel. This culture material can be treated as agar. It possesses all the advantages of both serum and agar, except the clearness of the latter material. Peptone solution of Dunham. To 100 cc. of dis- tilled water add 1 gramme Witlo's or Fairchild's pep- tone and .5 gramme of common salt. Boil together for 15 minutes, neutralize if necessary with sodium carbon- ate and again bring to a boil. Filter into flasks or 58 BACTERIOLOGICAL ANALYSIS. tubes, and sterilize these for 20 minutes in the steam sterilizer, on 3 successive clays. Milk. Separated milk (readily obtained from cream- eries) should be used, as otherwise the cream is trouble- some. If the milk is fresh it may be at once sterilized, but if acid, first neutralize with sodium carbonate solu- tion. Sterilization is best effected by steaming for 20 minutes on 3 successive days. Litmus Milk is made by adding sufficient litmus solution to neutralized milk, to give a distinct blue tinge. The milk is then sterilized in the usual manner. Potatoes. Select fair sized smooth potatoes and wash thoroughly. Slice off the ends, and with a cork borer, slightly smaller than the test tubes to be used, cut out cylinders from 1^ to 2 inches long. Cut these cylinders diagonally across and allow them to soak in a .5% solution of sodium carbonate for one hour. Now place in the bottom of the test tubes to be used, a small plug of moistened absorbent cotton and then put in each, one of the potato plugs. Sterilize in the autoclave for 45 minutes at 120«C. Preparation of Utensils. Test Tubes. If the tubes are new, rinse several times in water and then swab out with strong nitric acid. Thoroughly rinse through water and allow to dry on a draining rack. Y^^hen dry, rinse out with methylated spirit and again permit to dry. Plug these tubes with raw cotton and sterilize in the dry air oven, at 150°C for 1 hour. PREPARATION OF UTENSILS. 59 Tubes which contain old culture media or growths should, after removal of the cotton stoppers, be placed in 5% carbolic acid for 24 hours. The tubes should then be boiled in a 5% solution of washing soda for h hour. This softens and allows the ready removal of any remaining material in the tubes. The tubes are then rinsed in water and treated like new tubes. Slides. New slides need no particular treatment be- fore use. Slides used, should be placed in turpentine for 24 hours, so as to free the cover glasses. On removal from the turpentine rinse through " wasto ' alcohol and then in water. Boil for a few minutes in 5% solution of washing soda, and again rinse in water, and dry. Slides may then be kept in alcohol. Glassw^are. Thorough rinsing in water suffices for the cleaning of all glassware not contaminated with culture media, or like material. When so contaminat- ed boil in 5% solution of washing soda, and then rinse in water. Flasks should be rinsed in methyla ;ed spirit and allowed to dry, before sterilization. Sterilization is effected in the hot air sterilizer at 150° to 300°C, for one hour. Instruments. Knives, scissors forceps and hypo- dermic needles are best sterilized by boiling from 5 to 10 minutes, after protecting any cutting edges by wrap- ping absorbent cotton about them. Sterilization may also be effected in 5% carbolic acid solution or in 1% formalin, exposing the instruments to their action for at least | hour. Sterilization is readily and rapidly effected, by placing the instruments in the flame, but of I? I ^ 60 BACTERIOLOGICJAL ANALYSIS. course this rapidly destroys the instrument. Boiling is certainly the most efficacious method for daily use. Dressings. Gauze, gauze sponges, towels and ap- rons are best sterilized by exposing them to the action of steam in the steam sterilizer for | to 1 hour. They should be first loosely wrapped in towels. If necessary, they may be dried in the hot air sterilizer at 120*^0 for 15 minutes. ' WATER ANALYSIS. 61 WATER ANALYSIS. For i3ublic health purposes a bacteriological c li- nation of water calls for an answer to the questions, {a,) are any patliogenic bacteria present ; (h) has the water been polluted with sewage ; (c) are there many bacteria present apart from sewage forms, and if so whence are they derived. Practically the first and second questions have to be considered together, for water-borne diseases are primarily sewage-borne diseases. The third question seldom assumes much importance from a purely public health view point. Many bacteria are present in water, laden with vegetable organic matter, and this class of water would afford the basis for most examinations in answer to question (c). Care should be exercised in the collection of the sample, so as to obtain a specimen which will give the general biological characters of a water. For this reason the water should be collected in cleansed sterilized jars, bottles or flasks, stoppered with a closely fitting cork. The samples should bo sent at once for analysis, as even several hours in warm weather may change, to a considerable extent, the bac- terial content of the water. If there is any delay before an analysis can be made, the sample should be carefully packed in ice. Methods of Examination. For measuring exact quantities of water a pipette graduated to .1 cc. is necessary. This should be prev- iously sterilized, a small cotton plug being pushed in at I'i, ! I.- ■ ■^ 62 BACTERIOLOGICAL ANALYSIS. the upper end. Push over large end some rubber tub- ing with a clip. To keep this pipette sterile during the manipulations, place it in a flask of sterile water, kept boiling. Before use, it is, of course, allowed to cool. 1. (a) Add .1 cc. of the water to each of three lique- fied gelatine and two agar tubes (kept at 42° C). Pour into plates, and incubate the former at 20"C, and the latter at 37°C. (b) Add .1 cc. of the water to each of three liquefied gelatine tubes and two agar tubes. Pour into plates, place these in Novy's or Buchner's jars for incubation, anaerobically. As soon as colonies appear on the agar and gelatine plates, remove and examine. Note the number of colonies, counting the colonies by dividing the plate surface into 16 equal segments, and counting one or more segments. Contrast the growths aerobically and anaerobically, both as to the number and character of the colonies. Nearly all sewage and pathogenic bacteria are faculta- tive anaerobes, while the ordinary water bacteria (saph- rophytes) are aerobic. Hence a large growth on the anaerobic plate is always suspicious. Grood potable w^ater, as a rule, does not contain over 100 bacteria jjer 1 cc, but this may run up to 1,000 and yet water be fairly good. Large numbers are always suspicious of some form of organic pollution. Note the character of the colonies. Look for colon- ies suspicious of Bacillus coli communis, and also for liquefying forms. ^ WATER ANALYSIS. 63 Make subcultures of the varieties present on the various media, particularly any colonies which in naked eye and microscopic appearances, resemble the Colon bacillus, Typhoid bacillus or the Proteus varieties. . In sewage contamination the Colon bacillus is con- stantly present, usually with one or more of the putre- factive species. These, with a chemical examination indicating excess of chlorides, nitrates or albuminoid ammonia, make sewage contamination a certainty. Tests for the Colon bacillus and putrefactive species are carried out more completely, by some of the pro- cesses later described. 2. To fermentation tubes containing sterile grape sugar broth, add 1 cc. of water. Incubate at 37"C for 24 hours. If gas is formed, Bacillus coli communis is probably present. Agar and gelatine plates should be made in such a case, and the gas forming bacterium separated and identified. 3. (a) Add .1 cc of the water to each of three lique- fied gelatine tubes, containing respectively .1%, .12% and .15% of carbolic acid. Pour plates and incubate at 20»C. The majority of bacteria are checked in growth in this medium, while the Colon and Typhoid bacilli flourish well. Any colonies which appear can be fur- ther examined by subculture, to aid identification. (6) Add .1 cc of the water to each of three liquefied tubes of Eisner's potato gelatine medium. (Eisner uses the water in which potatoes have been boiled, in place 64 BACTERIOLOGICAL ANALYSIS. of brotli, to make gelatine. To it he adds 1% of po- tassium iodide). Pour plates in the usual manner. This medium has the same effect on bacterial growth as the carbolic gelatine. 4. Add .1 cc. of the water to 6 or more peptone tubes, and incubate for 24 hours at 37"C. Strips of til- tor paper, moistened with a solution of acetate of lead may be fixed to the stoppers. Putrefactive bacteria de- velop sulphuretted hydrogen during growth, and if this is formed, the lead paper is blackened. The indol test m.ay also be apiDlied, with and without the addition of nitrites. Plates may also be made from the surface of the fluid, and the bacteria present, separated and identi- fied. Peptone solution is used extensively when examin- ing for the Spirillum of Asiatic Cholera. The method used is either to use the *' concentrate," as described in (5), or to add to 50 cc. flasks of peptone, from 10 to 25 cc. of the water. After 16 to 18 hours, the surface layers of the fluid are examined microscopically for vibrios. If these are present apply indol tests, and make subcultures on gela- tine and agar plates, to separate and identify the species. 5. Filter through a Berkfeld or Chamberland candle, into a sterile flask, 500 cc. of the water to be examined. Place about 20 cc. of the filtered water, (which is *' sterile "), into a sterile beaker, and with a sterile brush scrape the filter candle surface into the water. This " concentrates " the bacteria present, in the water. The MILK ANALYSIS. 65 concentrato can then be added to carbolic gelatine, glucose broth fermentation tubes, and peptone tubes, as before described. This method is particularly applicable when testing for the Typhoid and Colon bacilli, and the Cholera spirillum. Milk Analysis. The general principles of milk analysis are those al- ready given under water analysis. As milk is such an excellent medium for bacterial growth, it is usually necessary to dilute the sample at least 10 times with sterile water, before making plates. In milk analysis stress must be laid on the presence or absence of the Tubercle bacillus, it being practically the only bacterium transmitted directly from animals to man via milk. We have two tests for Tubercle bacilli in milk, (a) Microscopic examination of the sediment, after sedimentation or centrifugation, at best an unreli- able method. (/)) The inoculation of guinea pigs. 5 to 10 cc. of the milk is thrown into the peritoneal cavity of each of three or four guinea pigs. Three weeks after, the animals are examined for developing tuber- cular lesions. From a practical standpoint, the proper application of the tuberculin test is a more ready and certain method of detecting the presence, and danger from Tuberculosis in cattle. PART III. CLINICAL MICROSCOPY AND DIAGNOSIS. SECTION I. Urine. The sample should be taken from the entire quan- tity passed in 24 hours. Otherwise, select a sample passed some hours after a meal. Do not use the morn- ing's urine for routine examination, as in this urine, least evidence of disturbance of the renal functions will be found. Putrefaction soon occurs when urine is allowed to stand, before examination. A crystal or two of thymol tends to prevent this, and does not destroy the efficacy of any of the coarser chemical or microscopical tests. Methods of Examination. 1. Physical examination. (a) Note the quantity passed in 24 hours. This is important in calculating the actual daily excretion of any normal or abnormal urinary constituents, as well as determining whether oliguria or polyuria exists. (6) Note the color and such general characters as turbidity. Various changes in color and clearness are found both in normal and abnormal urines. These changes in normal urine depend upon the amount of (i8 CLINICAL MICROSCOPY AND DlA(>NOSIS. tlio solid coriHtituontH, putrofactivo changes, and the like. The urine is variously colored by the presence of such constituents as phosphates, urates, pus, blood and bile. (c) Take the specific gravity. By this we get (par- ticularly in a 24 hours specimen), a good indication of the amount of solids in the urine. The usual formula given is to multiply the last two figures by 2, and so obtain the number of grammes of solids per litre. 2. Chemical tests. (a) Take the reaction with litmus paper. The re- action is important in carrying out certain albumin tests. It may also indicate the nature of a sediment. (h) Examine the sample for albumin. If the urine be at all turbid, filter through several sheets of filter paper, before the application of the tests. 1. Use the heat and nitric acid test. 2. Apply the nitric acid test. Simon advises an excellent modification of the usual application of this method. 20 cc. of urine are placed in a conical urine glass, and 6 to 10 cc. of nitric acid are added through a pipette, passed to bottom of glass. At point of junction of the two fluids we have the formation of the usual contact ring in the presence of albumin. This ring is usually colored at bottom, rose to brick red, from the normal urinary pigment. If indican be present in ex- cess, we have a violet ring. In biliary urine we have the usual contact play of colors (acid must contain nit- rous acid as well). On standing 5 to 10 minutes, high • URINE EXAMINATION. 69 up in tlio urino a distinct whito band appears, vory faint normally but distinct with sli^iit excess of uric acid. If urea b(^ presiMit in largt^r amount than 25 grammes per litre, it crystallizes out, on side of urine glass. 3. Apply the picric acid test, with Esbach's albumi- nometer. This is decidedly the best, day to day, clinical quantitative test. (c) Apply the tests for sugar. In the presence of albumin the urine should first bo boiled and then filtered. 1. Use Fehling's test, the cupric sulphate and alka- line solutions being kept in separate bottles, equal parts being mixed for use. 10 cc. of this solution are reduced by .05 gm. sugar. To apply this test quantitatively place 10 cc. of Feh- ling's solution, diluted with 40 cc. of water, in a porce- lain capsule and bring to a boil. Add from a burette, drop by drop, the urine diluted 10 times, till all blue color is completely discharged, keeping the solution at the boiling point. Amount of diluted urine required, will contain .05 gm. of sugar. 2. If in doubt as to the accuracy of the preceding test, place urine to which a small amount of yeast (Fleischmann's) lias been added, in a fermentation tube and keep at 37 C (98.6 F) for 24 hours, for gas formation. 3. Phenyl-hydrazin test. 10 cc. of the urine are boiled in a water bath for 30 minutes with 3 or 4 grammes of acetate of soda, and .3 to .5 gramme of 70 CLINICAL MICROSCOPY AND DIAdNOSIS. phonyl-hydrazin. Tho tubo is coolod by plunging into cold wator, nnd a iiiicroHoopic oxamiiiatioii made for plionyl-glucosazono crystals. This is a dolicato test. (d) Estimate tho percentage of urea using Doremus' or larger ureometers. These tests will be all that are usually called for in routine clinical work. Quantitative estimates may be required at times of uric acid, phosphates, chlorides, or sulphates. For these, a work on urine analysis should be consulted. 3. Microscopic examiiKition. Urine which is turbid, may be examined at once but it is better to wait till a sediment has formed. This is best effected by placing the urine in a conical glass and allowing to settle from 3 to 24 hours. The supernatant fluid is then decanted, and the sediment is placed with a pipette upon a slide and examined under the low power of the microscope. Care should be taken to withdraw the lowest sediment with the pipette. A cen- trifuge may be used for rapid sedimentation. Much can be learned of the nature of a sediment by noting its color, general characters, the reaction of the urine, and whether in urine at the time of passing from bladder. The elements examined for microscopically and which appear as a rule as sediments maybe divided into three classes, (1) chemical, (2) anatomical, (3) bac- terial. 1. The chemical sediments consist of various crystal- line and amorphous chemical bodies which may exist normally or be present abnormally in urine. We may ' URINE EXAMINATION. 71 brick rod. bright red. whito. Bub-divido thorn nccording to tho ronction of urino in which found, color, nnd whether crystalline or amor- phous. {(i) Sediments in acid urine: Urate of soda, amorphous, Uric acid, crystalline. Oxalate of lime, crystalline, Monocalcium phosphate, crystalline (rare). Ammonio-magnesic phosphate, crystalline, white, (found in urine becoming ammoniacal). (/>) Sediments in alkaline urine: 1. Alkalinity due to fixed alkalies; Basic phosphate? of Ca. and Mg. amorphous, white. Calcium carbonate, crystalline. Dicalcic phosphate, crystalline, 2. Alkalinity due to ammonia (usually fermentative): Ammonium urate, crystalline, yellow. Ammonio-magnesic phosphate. Calcium carbonate. Tricalic phosphate. Besides these sediments we have at times the rarer forms of chemical sediments, such as those of leucin and tyrosin, lime and magnesia soaps, cystin, xanthin and hippuric acid. It must be remembered that the presence of many of these chemical sediments, does not of necessity mean an increase in their amount in the urine. The degree of concentration, the reaction and putrefactive changes determine the presence of many of them, so that in considering their import, these points must be taken into consideration. : 1,1 I M TW, 72 CLINICAL MICROSCOPY AND DIAGNOSIS. 2. The anatomicftl sediments consist of cellular ele- ments derived from the urinary pa.^jages or from the blood. They consist of various forms of epithelium, tube casts, pus cells nnd blood. In all normal urines a few epithelial cells, (usually derived from the bladder) are found. As a rule, too, a few loucecytes (polymor- phonuclear) can be seen. Apart from these constitu- ents, the presence of other elements means some lesion of the urinary tract. (a) Epithelium may be derived from. Kidney ; Renal pelvis and ureter; Bladder and urethra; (Vulva and vagina.) There are no positive differential features between the epithelium from these parts, but as a rule the cells are fairly characteristic. A diagnosis cannot be based on the presence of epithelium alone, such features as albuminuria or pyuria having always to be considered. (6) Tube casts are characteristic of lesions of the renal parenchyma. We find various forms of these casts depending on the intensity and nature of the lesion. Tube casts may be epithelial, granular, fatty, hyaline, waxy, uratic, or consist of blood cells. (c) Blood may be derived from any part of the urin- ary tract. Note must be taken of the presence of clots, the nature of the admixture with urine and the presence of ureteral or t^ue blood casts, in determining the source of the haemorrnage. URINE EXAMINATION. 73 C rod ring dcwolopM at margin of evaporating drop. Tliis test will determine the pri^si'nce of .05 parts of free HVA per mi lie. (2) To a drop of tlu^ tiltrate on a porcelain capsule, add a drop of the dimethyl-amido-azo-benzol solution. This gives a red coloration, in the presence of free HCl when present in .02 parts or over, per mille. It is a more delicate test than (runzburg's and can be used to determine the amount of free HCl present. {(') While in practice it is found that in the presence of free HCl, tests for lactic acid may be disregarded, yet when free acid is present a test should be made for lac- tic acid. Place in a graduate or test tube about 20 cc. of Uli'olmann's reagent. Add drop by drop from a pipette the filtered stomach contents, a lemon yellow precipitate falls in the presence of lactic acid. This test, while all that need be applied for clinical purposes, is not always accurate as it is interfered with by excess of HCl, presence of acetic and butyric acids, alcohol or much glucose. A more satisfactory method is to shake up 10 cc. of the filtrate with 30 cc. of other, repeating twice, and removing the ether with a pipette. The ether is then carefully evaporated, the residue extracted with water and used to mpke the test. (/) The fatty acids particularly acetic and butyric acids are at times present as fermentative products. The amount of these acids usually rises and falls with the amount of lactic acid. Their odor is the best quali- tative test. Q .. *^ ^ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I Ui 1^ 12.2 u iii ?.0 ■u i il 1.8 1.25 |U |,.6 « 6" ► VI 72 ^/ Hiotographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716)ay2-4503 I 1 O^ [ 84 CLINICAL MICROSCOPY AND DIAGNOSIS. (/y) When the relative proportions of the various constituents, which produce acidity, are to be deter- mined the following method gives quite accurate results. 10 cc. of the filtered contents are placed in a beaker and decinormal sodic hydrate solution is added, drop by drop, till a drop taken out with a small platinum loop, no longer gives a reaction with the dimethyl-amido-azo- benzol solution. The reading on the burette gives the amount of solution required to neutralize the free HCl (which has tlie strongest affinity for the alkaline solu- tion). Now add a loop of the mixture to a drop of Congo red solution. If this still indicates acidity, add more of the soda solution till the Congo red no longer indicates. The reading on the burette gives the amount of alkaline solution required to neutralize the free organic acids present. A loop of the contents is next added to a drop of alizarin (indicates alkalinity), and if there is no violet reaction, add the soda solution till this develops. The reading on the burette gives the amount of the soda required to neutralize the acid salts. If contents are still acid to phenolphthaleiE, add more of the soda solution, till the rose-red color com- pletely develops, fhe reading on the burette gives the amount of solution required to neutralize the combined HCl. If there is no free HCl, nor free acid, titration can be commenced at the corresponding portion of the pro- cess just described. GASTRIC CONTENTS. 85 I I (//) Test for pepsin by determining the digestive powers of the juice. In the absence of free HCl no pepsin will be found and tests must be directed towards its zymogen, pepsinogen. Add a small, shaving 1 cm. square and 1 mm. thick, of coagulated egg albumin to 10 cc. of the filtrate, and keep at 37 C, one to two hours. If there is no free HCl present, add 3 or 4 drops of a 25% solution of HCl, so as to transform any pepsinogen into pepsin. After two hours the shaving ought to be digested. Quantitative estimation of the pepsin is carried out by making a series of dilutions and testing the digestive powers of these dilutions. This procedure is rarely called for in clinical practice. {i) Tests for the milk mm Uing ferment, "rennet" and its zymogen. 1. In testing for rennet add 3 to 5 drops of the fil- trate to 10 cc. milk and keep at 37°C. If rennet is present the milk clots in 10 to 15 minutes. (2) If no coagulation occurs, test for the rennet zymogen, by neutralizing some of the gastric contents with lime water, and then adding 3 to 5 drops, to the milk, when if the zymogen is present, coagulation occurs in 10 to 15 minutes. Quantitative tests can be carried out by a series of dilutions as is done for pepsin, but are rarely required clinically. (j ) Tests for the condition of the various food con- stituents of the test meal, may also be carried out. Practically, tests are required only for presence of pep- tone, propeptones, and the stage of starch digestion. ii I 86 CLINICAL MICROSCOPY AND DIAGNOSIS. 1. Tost for propcptones (or albumoses), by adding to 5 cc. of the filtrate, a saturated solution of sodium chloride, when any propeptone is precipitated. The more turbid the fluid becomes, the greater the quantity of propeptone. If no precipitate falls, a drop of acetic acid (10% solution) may be added when, if present, propeptone falls. This addition will only be required in the absence of free acid. 2. Test for peptones by adding to the filtrate, after propeptones have been precipitated and filtered out, an equal quantity of caustic soda solution and a few drops of 1% solution of copper sulphate. A violet red or purp- lish color (biuret) is produced, if peptone is present. (9) Starch should be so far changed in the gastric contents as not to give either the reaction for starch or for erythro-dextrin. Test for these, by adding to sev- eral drops of the filtrate, a drop of tincture of iodine. Starch, if present, will give a blue reaction, erythro- dextrin, a purplish red. 3. Microscopical examination. Portions of the untiltered contents are examined under the microscope, with the low and high lenses and with the oil immersion lens. By this means we deter- mine the nature of any food fragments, (starch granules, milk and fat globules), the presence of blood, pus, epithelium, and bacteria, including sarcinae and yeasts. Any fragments resembling portions of a new growth may be sectioned and examined in the usual manner. Cultures may be made on the various laboratory media to separate out and identify any bacteria present. i