^m IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) 4j iv 1.0 !.l ■-IM |50 ™^ :^ Ri£ IIIIIM IL25 III 1.4 — 6" 1= 1.6 7 Photographic Sciences brporation G ^^ \ M \\ ^ f'1 ""i.t^c'it-ic-ii-i i.-\ c-j c-ii'; c-ir-i :~ii-i t'j t"! t") i"! .-> !.'iCil'yC^^'~. ^■^l'xl'-, :-j!:*ic'it'i.c~i£'i-^ ConsHfuHon (\nJ By-lV(\W5 OP^ THE rGAME AND INLAND FISHERY PROTECTION SOCIETY - I ^ I -< . ^ i <^ <: I C I f> ; C I /^ I H I <; I <^ I V. f u OF NOVA SCOTIA To which is added the Acts relating to the Preservation of Game. :> :> ;> ; :> I :> i ^ \i i !> :> i :> ! D J ?m^ IIAr.IFAX. X. s.. .JOHN Hn\\i;s, i'i;i N iKu. (it i:i:\ nrii.niNds, iss;i. :> 5 f^ m^ O''-' '.^V-''.'^."--"-' =>""■.' t.3t.TT.5t^-Vt,jt.j .'i^.Jt^'^Jx.J-^rt^T.jt^-n.: •.^T^.-vc.-o'-^Vi.'^";.;-^?'. ' ■-' .'c.y L. ■'",? ^;r^i*- I'l'-* LIST OF COMMISSIONERS. 1889. c Olllil) District No. 3. (Inchulin^aho Counties of Cnmhorland and Xorth (V.l.dK.stor.) Commissionrr--Auuuvv Bionkv, Es(i., Wentwortl,, CnnDc-rland Co. District No. 4. (rnchKlin,. tho ConntioH of Ka«t Halifax and Sonth Coichostor.) Cnmmissionn'-D. W. AKCin.uLD, Esq., Slieot Harbor. District No. 5. (Inclndlni,^ the Counties of IMc-tou, Anti^oni.h and (Juy.boro-.) Commissionrr-A. O. PiuTciAin), Esq., Now Glasgow. District No. 6. (Including Cape Proton Inland, nay from 8t AnnV ,o Cape Xonh, and .V F Margarec toC^apt'Nortii.) ", .m(i.\. ji. Comwrn^-onn-- Donald Ross, Es(,., n. e. Margaree, C. B. District No. 1. (Tnclu.iin. the Counties of Di^i.y, Yarmouth, Sheli,urno, Queen, and Annapoli. ) annrnlssio..r~W. S. CnooKKu, Esq., Brookfiel.l. Qnee.t's C^ j District No. 2. (Tnoludin,^ the Counties of Kin«s, Lunenl.u.-,., HantH, and West rFalifav.) issfourr-SAMVKL MuiM.iiY. Esq., Mount rniackc, Halifax Co. I J. ConslifuHon and By-ridW^ OF THE GAME AND INLAND FISHERY PROTECTION SOCIEl i OF NOVA SCOTIA. To which IS added the Acts relating to the Preservation of Game. HALIFAX. N. S.. \ i L OFFKMvHS FOR \HH\). 1/1. Coi,. Cl.KHKK, PrfXiifi'iil- i)i:. l)i;i"iu.K. Ut Virr-Pr<'si'l Virr-l'rrshhnl . COUNCIL. C. SiriJUiNt^ A. M. Scott, .Ma.ioi: Nksukii . W. K. Kiuii. Ma.ioi: ^lANsr.i,. A. D. «"• A. K. Mackinm.ay. 7'/v ('.•<■"/■' / ('. S. llAKKlNliToN. f'hhf '!"""■ ''")'M/'^s^/Oi»<■/• Mi;. Bkcukk. W. H. Ui:<;t.- Ma.IOI! BAi^.OT, 1^ E. E. (i. Kknnt. Hon. 1- I\I.\\1> FiSIIKKV I'l.'OTKCI I()\ SoCIKIY or X(»\ A vScoTlA." AirrtCLE II. The olij('('l> of t lie Society --liall !>».' the a(lo|>1ioii and carrying ont of more striniicnt llulcs and Ueunlations for tiic pi'cscf\ ation of tin- (iamc and Inland Fislu'i'ie^ of tlic Proxincc. and with tliat xicw to olitain from tlic LcL'islatnrcs, cither tlic pasvayc of new hiws. ov snch amendments In llie present, as will obtain tlie desiri'(i oi)ject. ART I CLE III. The Ollicers shall consist of a IM'csident. two \'ice-I'resident^. a Treasurer and Secretary, and Council Ix'inu i'y-i\lVu'in nieii\bers of the Council. AHTICLH IV. It shall i)e the duty of the President, or in his absence of one of the Vice-rresidents, to preside at all Annual. (2uart<'rly and Special ■\Ieetiiii;s ; to eufol'ce due observance of the Constitution and H\ - Laws : to call special uiectiny-s when application shall l)e made in \\ritinu' In' the Council oi" l)y ten nuMubers of the .\ssociation : the objects of such meetiiiii' to i»e stati'd in the application : to siiiii all orders for monies to be paid by the Ti'ctisnrer when recommendeil Iiy the Council. The 'Ih'casurer and Secretai'y. who may lie one person, shall per- frirm the duties usually attachinu' to their respective otHces. ARTICLE V. Any [lerson snb^criltiui:' to the Constitution and IJy-Laws. ami payinii'. in ad\ance. an annual subscription of Two Dollars (.S2.0(t). may become a nieinl)er of the Society. Xo person who shall not have ]iai(l such annual subscription, on or before the Annual .Meeting, shall lie entitled to vote in any of the alliiirs of the Society. ,v I 3\'-I^il\V s. tht Airnri.E i. Tlic Annual Mcctini; of the Society, t-xccptiiiy the in-t'sent yt-ai'. ^Iiall l)c lirld on tlu! Ili'st, Tiu'sday in Ki'l)rnary, nifnil)t'rs to rcccivi' notice of the saiiu-, as also of the place of nieetini;-, in sncli way as the (,'onncil of Manaiicnient may difect. Qnarterly Meetinus shall be ludd on the lirst or sncceediiiif day of May, Aitunsl and NovenilxT. Ten nienihiM's shall constitnte a (luoruni at any Annnal, (^narici'ly or Special Meetinii for the tfansaction of hnsint'ss. 1>'I 4 AHTICLE ir. In the absence of the President and Vic-e-PrtJsidents, the mein- l)ers present may elect one of tluMnselves as (jliairman for the transaction of l)iisiness. ARTICLE III. (Jlllcers shall i)e elected annually, by ballot, (ientlemen so (fleeted shall at once enter upon the duties of tlieir respocti\-o offices. ()lfic;ers shall be eliiiible for re-election. Should any vacanci(;s occur, the sauK! shall hv. f11U;d by election at the first (Quarterly or Sp(U!ial Meiitiny. ARTICLE IV. The (^ouncil shall consist of 12 members (see Rule 2), live to form a (|Uorum, whose duty it shall be to attend to all connnunica- tions aiUlressed to tlie Society, and ,iien(!rally to manaye all matters connected therewith, to ])rin,<^ all complaints duly investi,ii:ate(l and supported ))y evidence, to the notice of the proper law olficers: to liive pecuniary assistance to i)r()secutors. and to submit to any Special, (Quarterly or Annnal Meetiuij; such measures as they may deem advantaiieous, and for the l)etter carryini;- out the oljjects of the Society. Tlu!y shall carefully examine all claims a.^ainst the Society that iiiay l)e -iubmitted to them, and report thereon; ami such Council shall meet at least six tiini's during the year, a)id at such other times as occasion may refpiire. ARTICLE V. The Council shall prei)are a report, to be submitted l)y the Presl- 'U'Ut at the Annual Meetiui;-, of the operati(jns of the Society for year. J> receive (i Why us I illy ,|.,y 'ijirferlv ( AKTICLK vf. The Coiixfitiitloii and H.v-Lumn sIimII he printctl J'or the use of tile llieilll)er>.. AWTICI.K VII. Any person pnyiiiy info tiie fuiKls of (lie Soeietv tiii' sii f Ten Dollars may Iteeonie an honorary nieiiilxr. AKTICLK VIII. ^'*» I'iii't (»f tliese IJnlcs and Hy-Ka^vs sliall lie amended or I'epealed unless hy a majority of the nieml)ers present at a Quarter- ly or Annnal meeting, of wliicli due notice shall have been iiiveii in writinii' at the iirevions meelin.y: nor shall anv addition lie made tliei-eto exerpt by similar \ote. :4 Compendium of the Game Laws Xow IX KoiicK IX Tin: l>i;ovixc,.: ok Xcva Scotm, < OMI'KISINc; An Act to amend and consolidate the Laws relating to the Preservation of Useful Birds and Animals. l'< .M.ISII,,,, rXI.KU THK DMMXTIOX („.• TIIK -O.U.K AXO Im.vx,. Tmsiikiiv PnoTi:<-ri<»x Socikty." ^roosK Axi) Cahihoc. I- Ilcn-aCtcrn., imtsou shjill kill ,„• ,.„rsiu' ^^\\\^ int,>nf f,, i-ni ;r™';c!-;;,-;ri-r,:r;.a:-j;::-idn^ j my iHTsoM c-.,nvu.le,l oj" having in possc-ssi,,!. or ,'x, .>s '.■ , • s k .■cv.vassoranypartof tli. carcass „r a ,n„osc or c HI o f • the killin,-' or takiiiiiof Mliich a line sli-.ll i,..,- i ? \itlnn nlncli the ollcncc has been connnittcl for the use of 1 1. u" ; V;:;:' n'^-hS;"'"V';'''"^V'^ ^'^ '"'^""^^'^ -^^ trans porlluu; ' ' UK pi.ici 111 Which snclMueat, is situate he too remote from (I.. -crseers oi tlu- poor for th.. district Tor the n.eatlto ;;^ tnuisportl;:! % I I 1 ws fo the or 9 Avitliont too uTcat <'xi)('usc', tlicii tlic sanir shall he distriltiiti' 1 amonif the poor of llic iiniiU'dial'.' iiciu'lihorliooil in (luaiuitio of not inoi'i' than twenty pounds to any one family or individn:il not a nit'inhci' of a fan)ily. l)y such coniniission'r. proscciilor or niauistratc or inaiiistratcs. If such mcul cannot be conveniently sent or distrihnt.'d as pro\i(l(Ml by this section then it shall be the duty of all or any of such oMlcers to destroy the sanie midei' a penalty of t \vent> dollars for each omission or nejiicct to do so. 'i'lie skin and horns >iiall t).' forfeit.'d and shall be bran led or n)ai-ked by snch ollic 'I's undei' a like penalty; and the same shall l»e foi'warded to the (ianic ami Inland Kishery ri'otection Society of N()\a Scotia, or their agents, to i)e disposed of as they may think (it. ♦!. Whenever any person shall make allidavil btd'ore a stipendiai-y niniristrate or instice of the neace. in the form in the sciiednle in said sedion five. 7. No person shall st-t or attempt to set any snare, or trap or pit, for the destruction of moose or caribon. under a i)enally of not le^s than t\ven1y-li\ (' n(U' more than (ifty dollars for each oflence. and any person tindinii' any such snare or trap may destroy tiic s;iuu;. The I !' 10 [iDsscs^ioii of any siicli snare or tra]) shall he iirosuintivc evidence (A' llie alli'nipt of the person in "whose possession it is f* (ind 1o set tlie same for the destrnction of moose or caril)on. S. Any i>erson who shall hereaftei' hunt, or ehasi'. or Vill, or per- sne with intent to kill, any moose or carilxm with doir^- shall be liable to a tine of twenty-live dollars, in addition to any penalties to which he may be otherwise liable nnder this Cha|)ter. Bkavkks. II.\m:s. Eic ;». NV» person shall kill or pnrsne with intent to kill, or set or maintain any trap for any beaver, or shall expose for sale or have in his possession any beavei' skin or other part of any beaver killed in this Province, save in the months of No\'ember. December. .lannary. Fel)ruary, and March in any year nnder a penalty of not less than ten nor more than fifteen dollars for each ofl'enct-, to be recovered and applied in the manner prescril)ed by tiie twenty-lirst section. 1(». No person shall kill or i)nrsne with intent to kill any hares oi' rabbits, or shall exposi' for sale or have in his possession any hares ov rabbits, between the first days of March and Octobt'r in any year. No snares shall be set for hares or rabbits dnrinu" snch period, and all snares shall be taken np dnrinu" the same. The mak- inii', phK'inii', erectiny- or maintaining any lied,i>e or other obstruction or strnctnre of a nt to kill, or have in his possession, or set or maintain any snare or trap for the otter or the nnnk. t)etween the first day of INIay ami the lirst day of November in any year: and no person sliall take or kill, or i)ui'sue with intent as aforesaid, any other animal valuable only for its fur. except the bear, the wolf, the loui)corvier. the wild cat. skunk, rac- coon, woodchuck and nms(|na^h. and the fox. l)etween the first day of April and the lirst day of November in any year. The penalty for each offence against this section shall be five dollars. 12. Any [x'rson may catch alive at any season of the year any numl)er of minks in any l)ox. trap or mociification of the same, for tiie i)>irpose f)f l)reedin,ii- and preservinu' tin* same. Hereafter minks wh(>n cauirht and kei)t under tlu; authority of this section shall be con- •^idered [lersonal projierty of a i)rivate nature. PUOVI.SIONS HKSl'KCriNt; BlUDS. I,".. No i)t'rson shall take or kill, or attempt to take or kill, any i\ I 11 'n-()n>e <)!• i;;irtri(lf Jaiuiiiry and rlu' lif- rct'iith day of Si^pti-iuhcr in anv vcar. or sliall sell, l)uy, or have in his possession a.u- liTouse or partridiie so taken l)ct\veen sncli last- mentioned davs, i)()tli inclnsive: and no person >liall take or kdl. or attempt to'take or kill, or have in Ins possession, any woodcoek. snipe or teal. l)et\veen the llrst day of Mnreii and the tAventieth day of \n"ust in any year. It shall not he lawfnl to take or kill, or have in possession, anv l)lne-\viii-c;l diiek dnrinii' the nmnths of .Vpril. Mav. .Inne and July in any ye:u'. Tlie posses^um oi any sneii bird dnrinii' the elose season preserihed in this section in respect ol sneh bird shall be i)resnmi)tive evidence of snch bird liavin,-- been illeii-allv killed < r taken. No i)erson shall kill any woodcock l)etore smn-ise" or af ' .'r >nnset. Section i:'. of said cliapter Tf. is iiereby amended In- -trikin-' out the words •■ .Vpril" and >-and m the tenth line thereof and insertinu' tiie words '-and Anunst m tlic eleventh line thereof after the v -rd .Inly. This amendment shall iipply to the Cotinty of Cnmlx'rland only. 14. The killini;-, takin.ii'. or havinii' as aforesaid t-ach partridiie, liTou'se. woodccx'k. snipe. Idue-win.m'd dnck. or teal, shall be deemed to constitute a separate offence : and any i)er>on violatin.u" tlie next preceding section shall b. liable to a penalty of not less than hve nor more than ten dollars for each otleiice. and an additional pen- alty of one dollar for each biril so taken or killed after, in addition to the tirst bird. . . IT) It shall not be lawful for any i)ers(»n to take or kill witliin this Province anv pheasanl. or to 1)uy. sell or have in his possesion any dead pheasant that has l)eeu so taken or kilhnl, under a pen- alty of two dollars for each ort'eiice. ic. Any dead pheasant found in the possession of any person within tli/s Provinc(\ shall lie presumed to have l)een taken or killed by such person contrary to the ("ha!)ler. until proof to tin.- contrary be triveii l)y sueli person. 17. The killiuii- of rol)in>. shallows. sparrow> and other small birds and birds of sonu'. which fre(|Uent the lields and uardens. and the selliim' and otVerin- for sale and the liavin-- in possessi(m such birds when killed, shall lu-reafter be unlawful. IS This Chapter . 'l"he trappiini'. or otherwise tnkiiiii' alive or cxposm.u- lor sal" alive of any of tiie birds mentioned in tlic seventeenth section, and thedestroyiiiiiof the nests or i'.ir.U'>- of ^iK'li binls. shall hereafter be unlawful ;"and anv such traps or snares wiicn found may l)e des- troved. and anv siich bird, if alive sliall be set free. '>n Anv person otfendinir auaiitst the seventeenth or niiu'tceiit h section shall f<)r each otfciice forfeit one dollar, in addition to ten 1 n cents for each bird, to hv recovered and appropriated in tlie manner prescrii)ed hy tlie twenty-llrst section. PKNAI/riKS. 21. .Ml penalties imposed by this Cliai)ter shall he enforcetl hy smnmnry conviction hefoi'c a jnstice of the |)eace. and when reco- \('red shall l)e paid one-half to the informer and the other half to the commissionei" if i)rose(nitin,u' : bnt if the prosecutor he any other person than a connnissioner then sue!', othei' or second half shall l)e paid l)y the niaii'istrate or justices or jnstice tryini;' tlie case within fifteen days after the recovery tht-reof to the ti'casurer of the (Jame and Inland Fi>liery I'roteclion Society of Nova Scotia, to he ai)plii'd to the objects of such society. 22. rt shall 1)1' the dnty of all justices of the peace, stipendiai-y niaiiisti'ates. constahles. i)olicenien and market clerks to enforce the provisions of this Chapter, and of any other enactmei;t for the preser\ation of useful birds and animals. Avliene\'er the iufrinire- nu'ut thereof comes under their notice, under a penalty of not less than ten dollars for each omission of duty. 2;?. In any case wliere uo ])enalty is or shall be provided for any otl'ence au'ainst this Chapter, or any other enactment for the preser- vation of useful birds and an'mals. the penalty shall be not less than fi\-e nor more than twenty dollars, to l)e recovered tx'fore a stipendiary masiistrate or out' justice of the peace, subject to all the i)rovisions of the twenty-first section. MlSCKI.I.ANKOrS Pi;<) VISIONS. 24. There shall continue to be a chief uame c(Junnissiouer for the Province (appointed l)y the (if)venu)r-in-Council.) who shall l)e sworn to the faithful performance of his duty, and whose duty it shall t)e to supervise and instruct the district connnissioners in the dis<'harire of their duties, to assist as fai' as practicable in the prosecution of offenders, and uenerally to see tliat the provisions of the laws for the i)reservation of useful birds and animals are cai'i'ied out; and it shall be lawful for any person to destroy or kill any tloii's found huntinu'. pursuinu' or chasinii" any moose or caril)ou. 25 There shall continue to be for each di>-trict heri'tofore set apart ov hereafter to be set apart for the i)uri»ose by the (iovernor- in-Coimcil a connnissioner api)ointed by the Governor-in-Council. \\]u) shall uiake oath for the projx-r discharu'e of his duties, and whose duties it shall l)e to see that the pro\isions of the law i\re carried out, and particularly to prosecute all persons offendinn- auainst it in reuard to the pri'sei'vation of iiame. It shall also be his duty to assist the officers of the Government of the Dominion of Canada as far as possible in carry iuii" out the laws for the jtreser- vatioii of till- inland fisheries of the rroviuce. 2(1. No person not liaxinif his domicile in the Pi'ovince of Nova Scotia shall bi- allowed to kill or pursue Avitli intent to kill any of the animals or l)ir(ls included in the ti-nn uame as detined in this Chai)ter at any time of the year without haviui'' first ((btained a license for the [)nrpose. sijiued l)y the rrovim-lal Secretary and 1 « i;i rliicf liumc cDinnrissioiicr. from tlic clerk of tlu' inniiici|)iilit.y \n tlif district wiicrc tlic same is to l)c used and have effect, or Irom tlie ('(lice <.r the Troviucial Secretary at Halifax: and tlie |>ersoii issniDii- such license shall endorse ni)on such license the date ot re the >anu' is liall be in fore." for one year, f.-tnn the tirst tlay ol .\u, ai.d animals "ill fcirce in the Province durini-- the time tor which such license is ii'rauted. The fee to be paid tlierel(»r. ui the Coimly of Halifax, into the Provincial Secretary's otlice. and in Incorporated eounti<'«^ to the clerk of the Municipality, shall be thirtv dollars for moo^i' and .yauie. and the fee for shoot inir the birds mentioned in this Chapter ten dollars, and the fund derived frctm this source shall be ai)plied as herein aftt'r mentioned. 27. Anv i)erson violalinu' the lU'.xt precediu,i>- section >hall_ be liable to a peiialtv of not less than twenty nor more than titty ot prosecution, to be recoven d in the maimer proscribed l)y the tweiitv-tirst section of this Chapter, and when recovered the license fee to"be paid, if issued in the County of Halifax, into the I'rovincial Secretarv's ollice: if issued in the other counties, to tlu' clerks ot the ;Municipalities. one-half the tine to be paid the informer, and the other half to be paid in the County of Halifax into the Pr(>vin- cial Secretary's oltice : and in the other counties to the clerk ol the INlunicipalities. to he apijlied as follows : — {>ued by him. if anv. and the amount of tines collected or paid into his liamls : such returns to l>e made on or l)ef(U'e the thirty-first day of .lanuary in each and everv vear. uiHler a i)enalty for each (niimission so to do of ten dolhiiN. to l»e ^'Covered as liereiiibefore provided for penalties under this Chapter. ((■!. Kiuhtv p<-r centum of said money- shall be paid over to the (ianu' and Inland Fishery Protection Society. ii|)ou the order of the President thereof, '•(•uiilersiiiued ''y the chief liame commissioner, and shall be used by -uch society towards carryiiui' out and eiiforc- inn' the pro\i-;ious of this Chapter. \il). Fiffei'U i>cr centum to be held by the Provincial Si'cretary J 14 to 1)1' jii)|)li('(l towards l:lu; expciisi's iiieun'od in camin.'i' out the jjvovisions of this Cliiiptcr and of any otluT cnactincnt for tin; pre- servation of lianie. Should anyone iioldinu' a license to hunt, issued oi' to be used in one district, not kill thi' nunil)er of animals allowed l)y huv to hi' killed or taken l,y oiu' person in one season, he shall on ifoiuii" to another district make adidavit l)efore the clerk of the -Municipality that he is yet entitled to kill or take one or more animals; and the .Naid clerk of the Municipality shall thereupon endorse upon the license presented t > him or annex thereto a statenu'ut of tlu' nnml)i'r of animals sworn to Avithoiit chary-e : and any i>erson holdiuii' a license issued or to hv. used in one district and huntinii' in another without such endorsatiou, shall bo held to liave hunti'd without license, and be liable to tlu; penalties herein im- pos(!(l as if he had not had a license to hunt. lis. The pi'ovisions of tiie two precediui; sections shall a|)ply to oHicers of her Majesty's service and ollicers of the army and navy on service in this garrison and station. excei)t that the fee to l)e liaid for such license shall be the sum of five dollars, to be paid and appropriated as in the said scu-tion is i)rovidiMl. Oflicers in Her Majesty's Service, ollicers of the army and navy in this liarrison and station, beiuii' nieml)ers of the (tame and Inland Fishery Pro- tection Society of Nova Scotia, shall l)e exemi)t from all liability to take out a license and the payment of any license fee, so lonii" as they shall be nuMubers of such socifity l)y the payment thereto of the re(|uired annual subscription. 2!>. Every holder of a license uranted under the provisions of this Chapter nnist produce the same when recjuired so to do by any justice of the peace, name commissioner or otlicer of the Game and Iidaud Fishery Protection Society. ;{(i. In the absence of any provision to tlie contrary, and if the context does not preclude such construction, the followiuii' terms shall in this Chapter and in any other enactment for the preservation of useful birds and animals have respectively the followin.ii' uu'au- iuy;s: — '-riame" shall mean and include moose, caribou, l)eaver, hares, rabbits, otters, nunks and animals valual)le only for their fur (except bears, evolves, loupcerviers, wiklcats, nuistjuash and foxi's) irrouse, [)artrid^'es. woodcock, snipe, blue-winj::ed duck and teal. •■Close season" shall, for each kind or species of uanie mean the season dnrinu which the kiirun"', pursniui; with intent to kill, takinji or havini; in possession the same is forbidden. " Each ortence " shall mean the killinji' or pursuiuii' with intent to kill or takiuii' or haviuii" in possession one auinnil or bird or other object or the doiny once any act mentioned or forbidden. 31. The export from this Province of moose or caribou hides is hereby prohibited and unlawful, and the hides attempted to be ex- ported shall l)e forfeited, and the owner or person attemptiuii; to export the same shall, on conviction, be liable to pay a sum not to exceed live dollars on each hide, to be recovered in the name of any prosecutor in a sunnnary manui-r l)efore two justices of the peat'e, and wlu'U recovered to iro to tlie prosecutor. / \)2 Any justice of tlic peace, constalile or revenue uflicer nia\ ^ci/c" hides attempted to he exporti-d under section tliirty-ouc. and It ; hall l>e the duty of a justice of tli(> peace on iufonnatiou on (,!itli tiefore liini to issue a warrant ad(h'esse(! to any constal)U' or peace otVicer. to seize am! s.-curc liides so attempted to he exported, and if tlie same are not '•laimi.d and proved to tin- satisfaction ol tlie iustice issuing' the -wan-ant not to he liable to forfeiture within ten days after the sei/tu'e they shall hv sold at public auction. •};5. 'if the claimant he dissatistied with the decision of the jnstice he inav appeal to the ("oiiuty Court, and the appeal shall !>c heard and determined in a summary way by any of the judiivs ol such court. :'A. The party appealinii' shall liive a Ijond witii >uliicieut sureties in u |)enaltv of fifteen dollars for every skin so sci/ed as aforesaid, conditioned for the pi'rformauce of the jud,u-mcnt of the court of ;ipi)eal. . ;'>.">. The proceevls of the sale under section Ihirty-two shall. after deductin.si- the expenses of the sale and justices fevs. l)e paid to the informant or otllcer who seized the hides. ;»(;. .\11 pr )secut)ons under this Chapter nn\< be beirun within one year frtun the date of the otfeuce and not after •',7". All moneys derivable from the sale of licenses under the laws for the jireservation of useful hird> and animals, and all moneys hereafter i)aid into the otlice of the Provincial Sect_ tary from" the same source or under any of the provisions of this Chapter shall, except 'as heroin otherwise provided, be paid s aforesaid upon the order of the president of the Came and Inland Fishery Protection Society. Avhich said order shall ])e ccuuitersiyned by the chief n'anie connnissiouer and concurred in l)v the Provincial Secretary. ;^8 From and after the passin-i" of this Act. no warden shall be appointed under the provisihall, for each such oflence. incur a penaltv of one hnmlred dollars, ami the article so attempted t(. be exported shall be forfeited, and may, on reasonable cause of suspicion of intention to export the same, hv seized by any ofhcer of the Custom>. and if such intention be proved, shall be dealt with as fur birach (d' the Customs laws. SCHEDULES. [FoKM A.] TliL' infonnatiou of , of the Cmitv oi' m Uic Irovmcc of Nova Scotia, (ycoinaii). who saith 'that h«- hath n-asoii to siis|u.ct and doth suspect, tliat (i„sni. it ,rhith<'r nwut, s/^iii, horn.s or htrds, nr ,»(rt.s //«',•<■„/.) was (or were) (flcsrrihr th,' o.Pi^ncv. as ^^killrd in rJosr srasn,,," or -hilled hij ilo;/s") ill the county "' , (''!' •''■"""' jx'i'-'O'i' or i»'rsnits iDilciioii-u. dr naiac tin- ncrsoii) and are conceah'd in or upon tlie prenuses or propertv of 111 the comity of {Here insert ill)' CKKtO' of siicli niispirto)/.) Vyiieref()re lie prays tliat a search warrant may be -ranti- searcli such j)reinises or i)ropertv for tiie same. Sworn (orafllrmed) before me. tliis in tile Countv of [FoKM H. to 'hiy of A. I). ]S , ;if W. S.. ,1. 1». SK.Vl.'Cll WAIMtAM. ('axaua, I County of , To all or any of the coiistal)les of j,, the countv of , ^y'''i'^:f; •>i" ill tlu. county of . has this dav made oath before me the mi(lersi,i.-n,.d that he hath reason to sus- pect, and doth suspect, that (drsrrihr it v-hHlwr mf-al, ^Idns. hnnis '"• '^irds. or inn-ts the roof.) was (or were) (dpsn-fhc the ofleure ,^^- ••kdlcd lu rjose .svv/.s'o»," or -'idJled l,ij doi/s'') in the county of />!/ some jiersou f>r persons nu/nioir),,' nr' iinmiiiif tlir jirds. oj- jn>rts t/iereof.) and if you shall iliid the same or any part tliereor. you l^rinii- t!ie same before me or some other justice i)f th(> peace or stipendiary maylstrate. to be dealt with accordiiiif to hny Giyen under my hand and seal, at ^li'^ day of A. 1). is in tli(! County of W. S.. J. P. -^- \ 'fW '^■' r Game and Inland Fishery Protection Society. 1889-1890. I). W. Arcliibiild, Slicct Harbor, Charles Alnion, Donald Arcliihald, Win. L. lirown. II. l^radford, I). Bc'tts, Amherst. Dr. IJllss, Capt. Boilean, W. A., Major r>aii,c)t, K. K. H. W. Becher, Y. & L. Keyt. Lieut.-Col. Clerke. Major Conor, Y. ^nL L. He.iit. Dr. Cogswell, W. Clarke, M. li^^Daly, M.H^^Da Jolm Doull, Michael Dwyer, John Dillon, Dr. Deel)le, Staff. T. N. Dnftns, M. V. Eagar, George Francklyn, C. K. Fairbanks, Dr. C. K. Fiske. John Gibson, Capt. Ganssen, A. P. D. Surgeon Grier, \ M. D. Fidward Harris, C. S. Harrington, Cohniel Hill, U. A. K. (J. Kenny. J. F. Kenny, ]{. G. Leekie, GeoJlVcy Morrow, A. K. MacK inlay, Wni, Maenal), Major Mansel, A. D. C. S. Miisgrave, IJicliard Nisbet, Mr. Xonnaii. W. M. IJegt. Major Neslx'tt, Y. .^ L. Hegt. Col. O'P.rien, 1{. F., Hon. L. G. Power, Miehiiel I'owei", Oswald Pryor. Georg(^ Piers, Lieut.-Col. C. J. Stewart, J. F. Stairs. James AV. Stairs, Charles Stubbing. A. M. Seott, Dr. Tobin. Dr. Weston. Statl". ■i. / *'•* 1 1 ^^ ^i< /i, ^T' ■~*"?«j / ■♦^-^A.-^^ i(^:-: - Vv' '^11-4--*^- / ^ ^ Vir^^