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Maps, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent dtre film^s d des taux de reduction diffdrents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul clichd, il est filmd d partir de Tangle sup6rieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images n6cessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mdthode. 1 2 3 ; 1 2 3 ' 4 ft 6 u.^. J I z^- SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION.'^ UNITED STATES NATIONAL Ml'SEUM. [Serial Number 45. J BULLETIN OK THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. . » :N^o. 84. THE BATliArillA OF XOKTII AMERICA. ' i^ BY A ^ Nir^^ E. D.^ COPE. \VA8HTXGT0N: rJOVEHNMKKT PKTNTINr; OFFICE. 1S8;>. I ADVEKTISEMENT. IS The present ].iiblicatiou (Bulletin >\.. M) is tl.e tortylitth ut a «ones of papers intended to illustrate the eolleetions belon-ing to the Initnl States, and eonstitutinj,' the National Museum, of which the Smithsonian Institution was placed in charge by the act of ("on-ress of August 10, 1810. The publications of the National Museum consists ot two series— tli.' Bulletins, of which this is No. 34 in continuous series, and the I'roeecd. ings, of which the eleventh volume is now in press. The volumes of Proceedings are printed, signature by signature, earli issue having its own date, and a small edition of each signature is dis- tributed to libraries promptly after its publication. Full lists of the publications of the Museum may be found in the cur- rent catalogues of the jmblications of the SmithsoJiian Institution. Tapers intended tor publication in the Proceedings and r>ulletins of the National Museum are referred to the Committee on Publication, consisting of the following members: T. II. IJean, A. Howard Clark (editor), Otis T. Mason, John Murdoch, Leonhard Stejneger, Frederick" W. True, ami Lester F. Ward. S. P. Langlev, Secretary of the Smithsindan Institution. Washington, April l>, 188'J. / 1 fl f ^F'i mi k THE BATEACHIA OP tf i ii NOETII AMERICA. If'^ BY ^a *♦« \ WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1889. A LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. ■4 1 4 rHiLADELi'HiA, 'February 18, 1887. Dear Sir : I have the honor to present to you for publication among the Bulletins of the United States National Museum the manuscript of a general work on the Batrachia of North America. It embraces the results of a thorough study of the characters of the species, with their variations, which has been rendered effective by the very full collection contained in the National Museum, and which this work thus illustrates. Besides this descriptive part, I have i»resented the results of a thorough study of the osteology of the class, based on the material contained in various museums of the United States and Euri)pe. I have expressed these results largely in systematic form, in the belief that descriptive zoiilogy will never be complete until the structure is exhausted in fur- nishing definitions. Wherever practicable, reference is made to the relations between the extinct and living forms. I have been greatly indebted to you for the use of the manuscript l)re])ared by yourself and Dr. Girard many years ago with such a pub- lication as the present one in view. Of the descriptions of the fifty- three Urodela, nineteen are from your pen, and of the forty-seven Salientia, twenty-t)ne are the work of yourself and Dr. Girard. This has materally lightened my labor, the only additional work necessary to these descrip- tions being such as increase of material has recpiired. In the same way the figures of the external characters of the Urodela of which your de- scriptions appear in the text, were prei)ared under your direction, and the drawings of the crania of the same Urodela were partially prepared at the same time, and have been completed by myself, now appearing for the first time. The other drawings were made by myself, excepting some which are credited to others at the proper places. Besides the collection of specimens in alcohol, the collection of skele- tons prepared by yourself, and now part of the National Museum, has been of the greatest service in the preparation of this work and of the various papers by myself which have preceded it. I am, with much respect, yours, truly, Prof. S. F. Baird, Secretary of the Sniithsonian Institution. E. D. Cope. CONTENTS. Page. Lettor.if trausmittal JSatracbia 1 General chaiaetcrs '_ (Jeiieral auatmny ' Larval eliaracters ' Class! ticatiou . , ' AffiuititM Pbylogeiiy ■ ^\ Exiilaiiation of teims "' Noiiieuulatiire ami history 1'' Proteida Urodela '■* Tracliystoiiiata Salieiitia '^'■^~ Recaiiitnlatioii '^'"^ Addenda ^''■' Bildiojiraphy 't'l Addendum to liiljlioj|;rapliy ^'■' List of cuts ^-' Exjilanation of letterin-,' on [iJate^ 4'j;! Exiilauatiou of platen "I'J' Index 51* I THE BATRACHIA OF NORTH AMERICA. ! BATRACHIA. Bonguiart, IdOO. Amphibia Latreille, 1825 (not of Linnsens 176G). OKNEllAL CHARACTERS. Vertebrata witb a ilistinct coracoid eleuu'iit of the scapular arch and with an os quadratutn. The limbs consist of a single proximal element, two propodials (sometimes united), a carpus and tarsus, metapodials, and phalanges. The cartilage of the basis-crauii unossified (except some- times a basioccipital ossilication), but supported by the single mem- brane bone, the parasphenoid ; vertebral column consisting entirely or in part of intercentra. Stapes present. Brain with the cerebelhun small, and the mesencephalon smaller than the prosencephalon ("hemispheres"); the latter with the ventricles on the inner sic.v ot Eryops unknown). The intermedium is either present or fused with one of the adjacent bones of the tirst row. There is a series of carpalia and of tarsalia, pviny attachment to tlie met.'podials. whose nund)erand con- dition ditfer in the dilVerent families, im' number of di-its is -onerally not more than four in front and live behind. There is very often a rndi- mental thumb on the anterior foot in the Salientia, and in the extinct rhaehitomous jienus Eryoi)s there are live \vell-devcl(.i)ed dijiits on the mauus. (Plate 1'). tiy'. 1.) In the .Salientia there is often a rudimental sixth toe internal to the liallux. ( Plate 07-Si.) The shoulder-f,nrdle is not connected with the skull in the P.atrachia, excepting in the genus Ilemisns. There is a large suprascapula. The osseous coracoid is of various proportions, and it has various cartilagi- nous extensions, as epicoracoid and procoraconl. These are ossilied in some of the extinct forms. There is much variety in the pieces which occupy the middle line of the scapular arcii. The (uders may be ar- ranged as follows on this basis : An t'liisti'niuin amino sternum: UnnonphnUt. HhiuJutnuii An oniosternnni and stenmni ; no ciiistfrniiin. SaVuntm. N- Triichjintohuita, I'vote'ula, rrodtla (fxcejit TniiKitiiditui). The pelvis is always fiu'iiished with an ilium, but the pubis is want- ing or represented by rudiments, except in the extinct forms, where it is present. The ischium is i)riniitively an undivided cartilaginous plate. Xo obturator foramen. There are some characters which are common to all or nearly all Ijatrachia. but which may be found on further knowl- edge of the extinct forms not ro have been always present. One of these is the continuity or fixed articulation of tlie quadrate cartilage or bone with the skull. The proximal part of this bone is intercalated between the squamosal aii:l exoccipital. and the i»terygoid when present, so as to i)resent only its distal extremity free. In the Salientia it is an insignifleant element, being generally cartilaginous. The vomeroi)alatine bones are always double, except where wanting, which is only the case in the Trachystomata. They are nearly always deutigerous. The orbitosphenoid bone is always well developed. In the existing orders the atlas is undivided. I have put forth the hypothesis^ that the vertebral bodies in the existing and most of the ' Cope, American N'arurali>t, l-'T, ]). -136. ~" -Baiir, Carims u. Tarsus ,\nv Vcrrel)iatcn. 1--T. I5atnicliia. ]<\k <;-13. 'On the Intercfntnini >{ th.' Terrestrial Vertebrata. Transac. Anier Philosoi.li. Soc, I^Sf), p. 34:!. 'iiiilitihiiiu ri. StiijiHipiiali. an sternal elements : 1 I 'f ^ .a 4 THE HATRACllIA OF NOliTH AMERICA. k extinct onlcrsot' Uatnicliia are not th« centra of the higher vertebrata, but are intercentra, w hidi are occasionally seen in the higher vertebrates in a rudiniental condition. This is especially the case in the remark- able saurian of New Zealand, the Si)henodon, and in the extinct order of the Theroniora. Owen has shown that the mtcrcentra exist also in the mole. I have given the following reasons for this view: 1. The intercentra are very large in the Ganocephala and KhacUi- tonii. , They support the neural arch in the Enibolomeri. J. They are not rndimental in existing Batrachia. 4. The chevron bones, which originate from the intercentra of Kep- tilia, are continua with the caudal vertebral bodies in Iiatrachia, .J. Tlie ribs, which originate from the intercentral cartilages in Kep tilia, originate from the vertebral bodies of Batrachia. Tiie paleontology of the Batrachia and Beptilia shows that the order Enibolomeri is tlie only one with complete vertebral bodies, and so probably gave origin to the reptiles; while the intercentra in some Batrachians become so connected with the neural arches as to lead to the belief that they become the vertebral bodies of later forms of the class whii'h JMve atrachia. The testes are single on each side in the Salientia; there are several in the Urodela, esi)ecially in the Ca.'ciliidre. The penis is wanting. Impregnation is accomplished by copulation in the Urodela, I! 12 Bl'I-LETIN 31, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. but iu the Salientia the sperinatozoiii.ls are dischar-e.l o.i the ova after leaving the bodv pf the female. (Plate.s IS, ll>, ;W. 4J.) The aliinentarv canal iu the Batraehia is .simple, since it is not highly specialized into distinct parts. The liver is larse and is . The gall-bladder and pancreas are present. The teeth are not implanted in alveola-, and are iu the recent forms more or less pleiirodoiit. LAKVAL CHARACTEKS. In the course of the growth of a batracjhian there is always a period which follows the freedom of the embryo, in which there are structures tor securing respiration in the water. These gills difler from those of fishes, in that the fringes in which the blood is aerated .stand on lieshy processes of the branchial arches, and not directly on the arches them- selves. Similar structures are found in the preliminary stages of some tishes. During this stage the tail is more or less modified as a swimming organ, and the condition of the skull differs materially in character from that of the adult. In the tailless or anurous Batraehia the limbs do not appear until this period has nearly closed, while in the tailed or urodele order the liml)s api)ear almost immediately after the gills. Besides these transitional characters, the Urodela possess in their early larval condition a long process in front of the first gill on each side, which is termed a balancer. This remains in a few abnormal cases in salamanders, but is permanent in the suborder of the ea'cil- iaiis or worm-like >>atrachia. A similar process exists in the larva of the frogs of the genus Xennpu.s: whi'-h resembles superficially a siluroid fish ; but in the Salientia generally tnc balancers are wanting. Tlie gills in the Salifiitia (frogs, toads, etc.) are soon concealed by a growth of the skin, which leaves a small orifice for the di.sciiarge of water from the i)haryngeal cavity. In one group of these animals this opening is on the middle line l)elow, but in the great majority it is single and is situated on the left side. The changes undergone by the skull in the metamorphosis are much more important in the Salientia than in any other order, and are treated of under the head of that order. The eggs of Batraehia are always deposited in the water or in damp places. In a few instances the young do not seek the water, and iu one species (Salamandra atra) they are born free from the egg. Under the head of the Salientia will be found a table of the various modes in which the eggs and larv.-e of those animals are deposited and cared for prior to maturity. Under the respective orders the descriptions of their characteristic peculiarities of development will be found. (IMates 30, 11, 78.) I THE BATRACHIA OF NORTH AMERICA. 13 CLASSIFICATION. There are several orders of Jiatrachia, and they disi)lay remarkable diversities of skeletal structure. For the better understaudiug of these I give the following table of their principal definitions:' I. Basioccipital, supraoccipital, iutercalaiy,- and supratemporal lioues present. Pro- poilial boues rlistiuct. a. One cotyloid occipit.al condyle, Vertebral centra reidaced by one basal and two lateral elements witli one nenral arcli GimoceiihaUi. aa. Two occipital condyles. Vertebral Viodies, including atlas, segmented, one set of segments togt*lier suppcrting one arch L'hachitomi. Vcrtebr.T segni< nted, the superior and inferior segments each complete, forniini; two centra to each arch Emholumeri. Vertebral bodies, including atlas, not segmented: one to each arch Sttgocephdli. II. Basioccipital, suiiraocciiiital, and supratempi>"al bones wanting. Frontal and propodial bones distinct. a. Au OS intercalare. A palatine arch and separate caudal vertebra? Prottida. aa. No OS intercalare. A maxillary arch and vomers; palatine arch present, imperfect; nasals, iiremaxillaries and caudal vertebne distinct Vrodtla, No niBxillary or palatine arches; no vomers: .lasals and pre- maxillary. also caudal vertebra*, distinct. Trachi/'stumata. III. Basioccipital, su])raocci))ital, intercalare. and supratemjioral boues wanting- Frontals and ]>arietals connate: proi)odial bones and lumbosacral vertebra^ each continent. Palatines distinct from vomers; a palatine arch : a.stragalus and calcaneum eloiiy,ate, forminu a distinct segment of the limb Salientia. The animals of the liivision I are all extinct. Division II includes the Salamanders and their allies, witii the worm-like Coda), while the third division embraces the frogs, toads, etc. AFFINITIES. The Batrachia are, tlien, intermediate in characters, and therefore iu position, between the tish-like forms and the reptiles. Among the former the Dipnoi ai)pi'oacii tliem most nearly, while the extinct reptiles of the oldest order, the Theromora,^ are the nearest allies on the rep- tilian side. It belongs to the series of vertebrates which have a dis- tinct coracoid bone in tiie shoulder-girdle, ami a distinct quadrate bone in the skull. The greater part of the basicranial axis is cartilaginous, but it is protected below by the membrane bone, the parasplienoid. In all these respects, and in the absence of an amnion of the embryo, the Batrachia agree with the fishes. They differ from tiiischissin the jtres- ence of legs and absence of fins, and in the absence of various bones whi(!h belong to the l)rauchial and opercular .systems, and to tin- sus- ])en,sor of the lower Jaw. 'This is partly derived from the talde which I have given iu Vol, if. Paheontology of the Geological Survey of Ohio, l-iTI, p. ;!,";). See also Americau Naturalist, 1-84. 'Of Cnvier : Kpiotic of Iluxloy, according to Vrolik. ^ Thcromor2)ha Cope olim; name preoccupied. 14 BULLETIN Ml, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Thii ('liariicters display-'d l).v tin? three divisions in question indicate their rehitionship to l)i'. iis Ibllows: The orders of JJivision I ])resent in their cranial structure a greater resembhiuce to the limblinned or cro8soi)ter.> siiHi iishes tlian do either of the others. The third division is the most divergent from tiie t.vi»y, and is in various respects tlie most speciaHzed. This si>ecialization consists not only in a departure from the i)rimitive Batrachia, but also from all other forms of vertebrata. Its specialization is seen in the loss and cocissification of various parts of the skeleton. The ITnulehi display chara(;ters intermein'll AMKIilCA. 17 f (lid iit»t fiivi' ilistiiictive naiiiL'S I'or tliu groups which he luoposed, which wt'ic very iirliliciiil. !>ion(/iii(tr( published lii.s system iu I80()-'()3, in the Meiuoire.s de.s SiiViUis lOtraiijfc'i'sde I'liistitiit. lie did not distiuyuisli the Ijiitrachiii as a chiss IVoiu the JJeptilia, but h(^ distinj;uished it lirst as a natural jjfroiip and named it. Ih; divided the lieptilia into the (bur irders, Che- Ionia, Sauria, Ophidia, and IJatraehia. lie placed the salanmnt'ers in tlni IJatiachia Ibrthetirst tinu'. LntrciUe published a system of Keptilia in tho Nouveau Dictionaire d' llistoire Naturelle in ISOi, Vol. xxiv, paj^'e (Jl. lie adoi)ts the sys- tem of Ilrongniart. The Batrachia are divided into two sections: I />. (vurcurs, aiul 1 1 li. pisciforuics. The secoiul section included the gei;- era Proteus and Siren; section I, all other Batrachia known to the anihoi'. In l.S2r> Latreille published another classification iu the bro- chure "Les Families Natunlles du Hegne Animal." lie divides the vertebiata into warm-blooded (llaemathermes) and cold-blooded (llae- maerymes). The latter include Pulmonees antl Solibranches. Tiie lat- ter includes the lishes. The Ibrmer division has two subdivisions, Wep- tiles and Am|)hibia or Batrachia. We here find the system of Do IJlainville adoi)ted in the reco;;nition of the Batrachia as distinct from the Keptilia, and the na!;ie Amphii)ia is used for it for the first time. Daudin in l.SO'.'-Hl.'i ])ublished his Trait6 (ienerale. He adopted the classifu'ation of Brongniart. Dnnieril, in ISOt, in the Traite elementaire d'histoire naturelle, also adopted the system of Bron<;'niart. He placed the Cu'ciliidie among (he Ophidia. In his ZoiUogie Analyti(pu', published in 1807, he followed I he same arrangeuuMit, and divided the Batrachia into Auura and Uro- dela. The latter included four genera: Triton, Salamaiulra, Proteus, and Siren. lAtnitirck, in 1S()!>, published a Distribution (ien«''rale des Auimaux, as I he (chapter viil of the Philosophie Zoiilogique. He did not distinguish the Batrachia from the Keptilia as a class, bat recognized the four orders of Kejjtilia already proposed by P>rougniart. The Batrachia are divided into two divisions: Urodelii and Anura. (Jcecilia is placed in the serpents. CkvIck, in the Le(M)ns d'Anatomie Comparee, in 1801), and in the Kegiie Animal, in 1817, adopteil the system of Jirongniart. In the si'cond edition of tlie lattei', pul»lished in 182!) he divides the Batrachia into live genera, vi/ : C(ecilia, Kana, Salamaiulra, Proteus, and Siren. Opjxl published his "Ordnungen Familien u. Gattungen der Kep- liiien" in 1811 (Munich). lie adopts the class name llei)tilia, and divides it into three orders : Testudinata, S(piainata (snakes and lizaids), and Xiida or Batrachia. The Batrachia are divided into three families ; the Apoda (('(cciliida), ICcaudata or Aniira, and the I'rodela. !>(■ lUdinriUe published in ISKI in the Xoiiveau liulletin des Sciences -,XeueClassilication der Reptilien (lSL'G),adopttj the nainesof Leuckart for the prinniry divisions of the IJeptilia, the Monojmoa cor- responding to the Keptilia ami the Dipnoa to the IJatrachia. He places Ccecilia among the ."\Ionopnoa. The Dipnoa are divided into .Mutabilia and Imnuitabilia. The latter includes the lamilies Cryjjtobranchoida and IMianerobraiichoida. The Mutabilia inelmle all other r.atraciiia. Duineril and Bibrou, iw the " Erpetologie denerale," published be- tween 18;U and 1841, adopt the system of IJrongniart. The fourth order of reptiles, the I5atrachia, is divided into three suborders, viz : the IVromela (Co'ciliidie), Anura, and Urodela. The Urodeia are divided into Atretodera (Salamandres) ami Trematodera, which end)ra(;es tlio rryptobranchida- and forms with pernmnent branchiae Johannes Miilkr, in Ktininius' JIandbuch der Zoiitomie (18.50), uses the Lniniean name Amphibia for the combined lieptilia and IJatrii- 1. TIIK 1JATKA(;HIA ol' NOKTll AMKUICA. 19 ii's, ihmUt U'llt I'll J- 11 liU's'' iiiul ions, viz: iil)liil>ioiis ; liero lind ii (liviision ts to the tiiicliiaiis, ht'sc, riio- podii (C(i>- mdirs iivo sta, or tlio ilii(leli)hiiij ainos \W\tr IS Emydo. uiropliidia,, tabilia and Ibnns, witli einbraci'd k'sol!{«'i)- Sciences of les the Ba- le t'xternal V only ; in neither the le names of lopnoa col- lie places ) Mntaliilia hiaiichoida IJatrachia. blished be- ourth onler x'vA : till' are divided ibraces the (ISotJ), uses and IJatni- cilia. The hitler two divisions be rej^ards as subclasses, under the names Monopnoa and i)ipiio:i. The Dipiioa (liatrachia) are divided into IJrodelaand JJatracliia (=:Anura). Tlie Urodelaiii tiirnaredivided into l'ereniiil»ranclii;ita, Derotremata (Trematodera pt. of Dumeril and llibron), and Mycitoder.i (sala:iiandeis in .nenenil). Haiclid i)iiblislied in lS(J(j iiis (}eiii'rel!e ]\Iorpiiolo;:;ie. lie then dis- tin;;iiished the IJatrachia not only as a class from the Ilei>tilia, but placed it in a separate };roiip of the vertebrafa, which he called the Aiiamnia, from the absence of the amnion, alonj;' with tln^ lishes. He uses iiidis(!iiiiiiiiiitely the names Uatrachia and Amphibia for the (tlass. lie divides it into two primary divisions, the IMiractamphibia and Lis- samphibia. The former are the extiiuit forms, tojicther with the Ca'ci- liida'. The Lissainpliibia are divided into three divisions: Sozobran- cliia ' '.'ereiinibraiiclisV Soznra (IJrodela), and Aniira. ( '(il>L', iu ii "Synopsis of the Kxtinct Ijatrachia «)f North America," lS(».S(l*r(>ceedin^'s of the Ac idemy IMiiladelpliia), re('o.i;iiiziMl the Uatra- «-hia as a class distinct from the Ivcptili.i, and divided it into six orders, as follows: Tiacliystiniiata (Hiiens), i'mt. ida, Urodela, (Jyniiioi)liidia (the ('o^(!iliida'), 8tL'<,M)cepliali (extinct forms), and Annra. In a paper on the IJatraidiia of the Permian I'eriod of Noitli America, bSSt( American N itiiralist), two orders were added, tiie Kliachitomi and Kmbolomeii, linth extinct. In the "Origin of tiie Fitti'st" (Philadelphia, ISSO) still another order is added to the IJatraiiliia, the (Janoiu'phala of Owen, and t 111 (iymnopliiona((J(et;iliida')are united with the IJrodela, makiiij'- eight oi'ders in all. Tliis systiMii is adopted in tiie iiicsent work. In 18(15, in •I paper on the Primary J)ivisioiis of the liatrachia Salientia (Natural History Ileview) the .Vniira were divided into Ajjlossa, |{iifonitbriiiia, AKtifera, and Itaniformia. These divisions arc here adopte«l, except- i:i,u the Ibifoniformia. Ilii.tlcj/, AnatDiny of Veitebratcd .\niinals, 1871, «livides the vertL!- Iir.ilainto hditliyopsida, Sauropsida, and Mammalia. The Ichthyopsida correspond to the Anamniaof Ilaeckel, plus the Leptocardii and Mar- sip(»hiancliii. This division is divided into two classes, the Pisces ami AaiphiUia (Hatrachia). The Keptilia and Aves form the Sauropsida. The An;pliibia emlnace, according; to Iliixley, four orders, viz : Uro- dcl.i, lialiyrinthodonta, Gymiiopliiona, and liatrachia or Aniira. The trodela are divided into J'roteida and 8alaniandrida, which corro- spmid to the Trematodera and Vitretodera of Dumeril and iJibron. Professor Ilnxley j,'ave the (irst (dear osteoIoj;ical delinition of the class. '<'''ii i>"; by ('avier, in 1801) and in 1817; by .Merrein,in bSliO; by ilarlaii, in 1825; hy Dumeril and Hibron, in 1811; and by various modern writers since that date. The name Amphibia I find first used by Dc r.lainvllle in 181(5 as intcn^hangeable with the name Xiidipellifcri, and also as a siibili vision of itself eipial to the I'eiennibranchiates of somk; later au- thors. The name is first definitely adopted by liatreillein ISL'o, a^jnar- ter of a century after the introduction of the name IhUrachia. lie is followed after a long interval by Ilacckel in 18(!(!, who, howexcr. uses the name Amphibia as interchangeable witli IJafracliia. It is ex(du sively used by Ilnxley and by (legenbaur, and by a number of modern naturalists, chiefly anatomists. From the ab:)ve record it is (inite evi- dent that the proper name for this class is Matrachia. The true classification of the (contents of the (dasa wa.s of much later discovery. The tailless division was recognized, it is true, by the earlier authors: and, first of all, in 17(!8 by Laureuti. who called it the Salient ia audgaveitadeUuition. This naniL' must be therefore retained. The di vis- I TIIR HATUACIIIA OI' NOUTll AMF-RICA. 21 i!i(l their iiml iH'W » express )ieseiileil atiire. iiliiiils is II lii^'lier Mieializa oil (»(■ llie |uir(> tlial ily exact, i, acinar- ia. lie is l'\ t'T, IISI'S is fx(rln r inodeni (jiiite cvi- uieh later he earlier Salient ia The divis- ion of true Siilaniaiiders was not properly (list in.uuisheil before the pub- lication of the system of De IJlaiiiville, in 1S1(5, who eillcd fiieiii the Pseiidosaiiriii. lie, however, omitted from them the Ca'i;iliida'. In this :)iiiissioM ho was followed by rll siibse(|iieiit authors, except Cope, who called the entire order, iiicliidin.!;' tlie(%ec.iliida', the IJrodela, a(loi»tiiij{ ii name already proi>osed by Dumeril, in IHOt, for a division of wider scope. On this a(!(!ount the name irrodola is ailopted in the present work. The iiaiiu' (irradientia was (irst used to iiniliide only Uatiachia, without lizards, by Merrem, in ISUO. The two branchiate or.lers, I'ro- 4ei. mixillare and inrfi'onlalia wautiii}'-; vomero-i)alatiuiim and pteryfjoideiim luesent, (Mniliiiiioiis; oibitosi>heuoid eloiifjate, not forming part of palate; eera- tohyals connate. This order aji'rees j^fenerally with the Urodela, but i)roscuts one most important feature of dilVereiKU', in the presence of theOs intercalare. It is this point that yives the Troreida its position between the Stejjo- cephali and the Urodela, and which indicates the line of conneetion betw( ". the extiiKtl forms of the Carbon iferou.< period and the mod- ern t^> pes. The hyoid apiiaratus dillers from that of adult Urodela, and resembles their larva; in liaviii;;' three e[iibranehials, instead of one only. The second basibraiicliial is also eonneeted with the first, which is not the (rase with the Uroilela. Thi' centrale is present iii both carpus and tarsus. No extinct <;euei'a are certainly known to belong to this order, but there is one that n'sembles it nearly, and may belong here. This is tiie ('ocytinust (Cope), which has been found in the coal measures of eastern Ohio. If it be not a larval Stegocephal, it belongs to this order. It would not enter the same family as the recent forms, as it has a small maxillary bone. Another extinct type from the Wealdoii of IJelgium has been suspected to belong to the Troteida, but the cranium is not •Oil tlic Arcirt'ioiis Aiiiir.i, Joiirniil Acadoiiiy I'liilaili'lpliia, l-iliti, p. 102. t (ieo!o;;iciU Survey of Oliio, ii, r.iii'dntolojiy. 22 I.CLLKTIV :il. IMTHl) SI'ATKS VATIONAL MtfSKltM sullid.i.tlv NvHl P.VM..V.. I to:.ll..w,.IM positive .I.trnninalion. This is ,1... ll,,I.Mn,rl,»s n-oiiii of Dullo.* It .Hilars IVo... any ..t the known KemM;i..|-thoonh-riiihaviii-nv.".ii-its..:.iillth.-lr.'t. Tiic'iv is bill on., rxistin- family of I'lotei.l;., whirl, is dohnnl as lol- lows : i>H()Ti;ii).K. No iiMMliMM stcniiil ('l.'MUMits. Vcit chrii' aini.hico'loiis. Carpus aii.l tarsus (•artilaj:iiioMs. Iiiii.t wall <»f vcstil.iih- osseous. Nasalia waut- iiij;. 'IVrlh oil all tlu" usual lioiics cNcept the uiaxillarit's, which aro wanting'. Tlic s.roii.l c.'ratobrancliial is present, as in IJrodehi gen- erally, ''stapes (lireclly eoi eted with the siispensoriuin. ^ Of this family hut two ;^euera are known. They are the followin;; : IMi'iiiMl l.niiichiM'; (limits 4-1; i-yrs exposed \r, 1 i i This is ' known I iis lol- pus illlll ill wiint- hicli iiit) I'lii },M'n- 1 wins': . S'lilinii^. . . I'rolnis. II. Tlir 'rr.ini'.ni lie hypo- wanting- 1 sinalltT Is. iuo intiT- iptly lor- (ijiiinKsiil witli it uailralr, IH, Wii. tliat (lie )nni'(:tc'(l •nl witli ii'ie arc !" llic ;h alike. loids, but niucli ildle line. It is (bon- ier lar;;er nous c;ir- r'.iilo the an acute- Tin; IIA'I'I:.\('1IIA or NOI.'TII AMKUICA. NKCTUKUS l{alines(|ue 23 Do Uliiiuville'M.Ioiiriiiil I'liyMUjiii', i.xxxvm, Hl'.t, )i. 117 ; \Vii;;l. Nat. Syni. Aiii- pliili., IHliK, p. 'ill); (!iay, Ciital. Mi it. Miis., cd, I, |). (1;1 ; Honlonjjcr, Catal. Hal, (irail. Hiil. MMH.,tMl. ii, lHHt>, p. rt;i. rhaiirrohiaiiiliiiM, imrt., I.riickait, Isis, 18il, p. 'J(»0. I'it/iii^f., Xciic. (Massif. Kept., p. (is, IS.'C. MiiiohniiiiliiiH, Ilailan, Ami Lyi'. \. V., i, H]r>, p. 'J.'l ; Tsi^hiuli, Katr., p. '.(7 ; Dimi. iV IJilir., IX, p. ls;t. External {(Ills persistent. I''in^ers and toes, I'oiir; voineropalatine teeth in a single series. I'^yes exposed. This yenus is distriliuteil throii;;li()ut the eastern district of North Ainerieii only, whore it is represented Uy two speeies. These are distin- ;,niished ainonj; other characters by the ibllowiii}* : .Miiz/lf loiijfiT, more tlcprrssiMl ; liiimilii;i' Mlunlrr; Irclli, prcinaxillarii'M ll-ir>; vnm- criiii's IvJ-lll; Itiowii, tiaikcr spotted ; lar;;i'i' X mariiliitiis, Mii//.le slioi'tcr, loss (li'iirossed ; liran(dii;r li)ii;;i'r; Icclli, prciiiax illarics ll-H ; viun criiics ■•'-It: pale, iinspotti'd ; smaller .V. piiiictalii^. MXTIIRI'S MACI'LATl'.S RaC. Plates i-iii. S'lrliiniH mnciildliin, h'lijin., I. cr.; llolitr., N. A. Herp., V, p. 1Il,pl. ;!7; iSoiileiif^or, CatT |!;itr. . S7, pi. is, f. I,", ; Dum. A: |5il,r., p. ls:t ; Wied, Nova Aeta I.eop. -Carol xxxii. )). IIW, pi, 7, 1'. 1. Mciiiihiiiiichns liliadachiliiK, Harlan, .lomii, Ac, Plila., i\', ji. li'JI; (iray.Ami, I'liilos., X, 1 >-,':., p. 'JIC. Miitohniinhiis siiyi, (ii'ay, 1, e. yivtitrus mavitlimiiK, Gray, Cat. Hatr, Orad, Hiit. Miis.,ed, i, p. C>i\. /')()/c((i iiittciihtliiK. Hariies, Aincr. .loiirn., xi, ji. y.")S. ,]h'iioliraiii Jilts laripcilii, Ciray, in (Jrill'. ,\, i<.,ix, ji, l(l~. I'littnn'ohrniirhiiH hirijuilii, l''it/.., 1. c. .\trliinin latiriilin. \Vai;l,, 1, c. iSinthiii liiiimalin Kiicelaiid I'rocecds, Hoslon Soc. Nat, Hist., vol, vi, p, L'rJ, l;*.")(i; p, 'JlH (ls^»7). Muiiolniincluis hiiiiiKilis KiKM'iaiid, I, c., p, 'J,~lt, ls,")7. In this si»ecies the body is only moderately elongate, measuring, with the head, four and a li;iU' to live times the f-reatest width of the latter. The body is deiiressed, though not so much .so as that of thi> known sju'cies of Cryptobranchus. The section of the tail at the ba.se is a ver- lical oval ; beyond this point it is more compressed, so that the distal half is Hat and oai'-like, with a wide dermal border above Jiud below. The length of the tail varies somewhat. It usually enters twi(!e into the lenjith from its base to a point posterior to the eye, but .sometimes this point is anterior to the eye, and even rarely as far as the end of the muzzle. The head is a Hat oval, and the nuiz/.le is Hat, rather short, and some- what truncate in outline. The eye is situated anterior to the middle of the head and is quite small, itslont!,er diameter enteringr the interorbital r: ill If si>;ur live times TlH. Mostiils :uv sm:ill, ;n.il are situato.l "wir U.c mills from thrco- lift lis bonl.r ol ll.c lip. 1 in <• -■ ' j ^j^^,. ,.„„ .„„j t'o ..a ...nl.nvdn, it at the e.nthns. sineo ,t .s attacliod w.l n, . „ ; .vl.ieh iMMUuls it below. The lower lip .s decnrved, ami the l^r . ,rt is .leeper, or ...ore eoi.vex aownwar.ls, thai, the Dostenor i;';;;';;;;,;:: s.;.r,..e.l IV..,.. n.e ......respo,..lin, part of the opposite SHle by a' e,oi.si.le.able interspaee, which is without groove. ^'':-'iA' I'm. ;.. 1-7, Xfctiirujtmneiilatiix lliif., Xo FS1.1, Sfi)nnt Caniicl, III.; 8, Slriihm iiurifnninii Wiii;!., l;irv:t. lii'ivil ; ft, ClinmU-nliix liiiihrdxiDiW. S: (I., liirvii, licild. All ii;itiii';il Wv/.i\ The hranehial;u()(!esst'.s lire undivided, and form vertical plates, whicih thin out dowiiward.s. Tiie exteriiiil iiiid ii.tei-nal faces, Ihi^ inferior iiiiii',i;ii., iiiid the free exticniit.v are frinjied with lather short linibria'. The Miiterior jiroeesses ai'e shorter Hum Ihi' two olliei's, whi<'li are sub- e»ju;il. The longest about ecpiids the length oi" the iimzzle from the eye; I 1 tllK HATRACIIIA Or NORTH AMERICA. 25 ficjlr the they are frequently shorter. In two specimens from Kinj^ston, lTp[»er ireoliftlis Caniula, tlu'y exceed the length of the mnzzle, but this is very seldom V fall and the ease. posteiior The tunj;ue does not reach the symphysis of the lower jaw, and is 3d wilinn obtusely rounded in front. It is considerably free anteriorly. The in- 1, and the ternal nostrils are an oblique slit on each side, which lies oblicjuely and posterior ojjposite to the interval between thevomeiine and pteryj^'oid teeth, oslte side Tiie i)remaxili.iiy teeth are in two straight divergent series, which unite at a rounded angle in front, which would be, if completed, a little less than a right angle. Each side usually contains eleven teeth, but there h are sometimes thiiteen and in one huge specimen (No. S'AH)) lllteen M teeth. The vomerine series is parallel within the premaxillaiy, forming, f like them, an obtuse angle anteriorly. There are twelve or thirteen teeth on each side, but sixteen in the large specimen (No. H.ICJO). Imme- diately posterior to the>e and at a short interval, the pterygoid series !7) commences. It is slightly convex outwards, and embraces usually six if tei'h, rarely live, and in llie large^Xo. .Si.(I())ten teeth. Thedentary boiK>, ' supi)orts twelve or thirteen tec tli, which are dire(!ted obliquely inwards at a slight angle. The si)lonian)oae siipi)orts tour and sometiaies live " teeth, which form a short series posterior to those of the dentary l»<>ne, ' whose base ascends gently backwards. In two specimens from (Jr.tss Iiiver, N. Y.(Xo. 7()o8) the teeth are rather fewer in number, viz: I'rc- maxillaries, eleven; vomeropalatines, eleven; jjterygoids, four. The limbs are well developed, but short and weak, as in salamanders generally. The two external lingers are subicpial in length, and siiorter than the two middle ones, which are also subeipu'' There are no dis- tinct palmar or su bdigital warts. The phalanges are, beginning on the inner side, l-.'S-IJ-L'. The toes are all unequal. The innei' is the shortest; then follow in order the fourth, the second, and the third. There are no solar or subdigital tubercles. The phalanges number l-L'-'J-L*. The limbs are of about enual length, and are ecpial to the width of the head just in front of the brancliia'. Tressed to the side, they are separated bv a distaiu!e equal to one length and a half of either of tlKin. The skill is entirely s.nooth, and has no longitudinal later.d fold. There are fourteen transverse folds — very rarely lifteen— which are not visible on the belly nor on the median dorsal region. A fold crosses the throat, connecting the branchial fissures; it is not very profound, and be(;omes obscure in specimens which have not been well preserved. I Wii-i.,iiirv:t. There are two branchial lissures only, there being none behind the pos terior branchial arch. The vent presents two short obtuse i)rocesses , „.,■ , inwards and backwards at the i)osterior i)art of its lateral borders. An- tes, \\ liicli ' ' ■ ,. „; „ terior tc these there are three short processes, one on each side and oiu^ le inU'rioi ' ' ,j (i,,,!,,.;,,. 'd the anterior angle, which are principally composed of fine papi»ilhe. h are sub- Uesidcs these, the entire walls are i)api)illose. These are especially ., prominent at the breeding season, 111 I'lli'tAvj '^i ■ 26 BULLETIN ;il, rMTIll) STATHS NATIONAL MUSEUM. MiKaunminlfi of Xo. 'J897. Total l..n«tl. "-if Li'iiyth li> c'liil <)1' vent -"'^ Loii^jtli to opiKisilc j^roiii. '-'~^ L('ii;;tli to ojipo^ilc axilla ""•' Length to oiipositc aiitciioi' lirancliia "•'•> Length to opposite eye '"•' Wiillhofheadat eyes "^i"' Width ofliead lietweeii eyes "-'•! Greatest widlli ofliead •"<> Length ot'anteii.)!- I i nil is "Ill Length of )iosteiior linilis ''I-' iK'ptli of tail at middle ":>•'' The ground coloi' is ii lio]it cliocoliito brown, wliidi is .soinctiint's (iiio'od witii piiiic, and which i.s nsiially rcndorcd liyiitcr in tint It.v ;iii iiilinitiido ol' wliitis'i s[K'('ks and small spots, which ivduce llu' j^iitiii.d to a iiiinute reticulate jiattern. On this j>round are distributed several rows of spots ofMark l)rowii, which are (piineuncially arranged, not very close together, in from four to eight or nine iricgiilar longitudinal rows. These are w:tiiting on the belly, but are continued on the tail. The in- ferior surfaces are dirty white, clouded with the color of the hack, but they are sometimes colored like the l)ack, iiielnding the dark spots. The soles and judms are yellowish. A dark brown band passes along the canthus roslrtdis through ih(> eye, ;ind extends some distance pos- terior to it, Jii young s|)('cimeiis this band extends to the end of llie tail, involving the greater part of the sides. It is bordered above by an ochreous yellow band, which also extends from tlie end of (ho muzzle to the end of the tail. The median line of (lie head and back is dark brown, this color ceasing above (he vent. An entirely :Jack variety litis been sent me by J)r. ,T. (1. Carnier of Luckiiow, Ontario, which he hits obtained from the Maitlandiind laick- now Jlivers. The only variation in the color consists of two obscure baud-like aggregates of yellowish brown specks tilong the inferior and suiierior borders of the muscular part of the tail. Hahih.—Uv. Samuel Kneeland, of IJoston, gives an aceoniit of the habits of (wo iiidividtiiils of this species which he kept several moiidis in coiiliiiemeut. They were very hardy, having been frozen tind thawed several tim,.s during the winter. They were (piite rapacious, eating worms and (Islies. They Mere niost active at night, t.ud o:!i; 02:! (ik; 010 di;? ii:;:. THE 15ATUACHIA OF NORTH AMERICA. IIESKUVE SKRIES. 27 CatiiloKiio No.of Ulliubul'. H])L'C. 8348 n 78U7 h;150 2 8r>«0 88ir> !t20:! !t2ll7 791)7 ] 08110 1()8!»7 45;il) 7(141 7011" ;«i(i7 n^:.!) 7(1(18 7(i;t8 7(i(;i 7(1:" 7(112 7(1 ir> 12(171 4(I')S 127f.l i;i:i'.i(i 49 Locality. K'ii.ston. N. C (iiaiiil KcdisK, Midi Whon vuUectod. Oct'— ; 1875 JUIH!— , 187.''> From wlioiii recoivtd. ^lasoii & Welsher J. W. MiliuT <;iarkHt()!;, Jlicli do M. Hanks Moiiiit Caiincl, HI (irt'jiT: Lakes Saimiel Turner (Jrand Ecoisc, Mich do (ieiu'va Lake, Wis do .Ji'i'lv'2bir88l' ...do CM. Clark (J. Clark If. W. Wcl-.' er do ltiii'lin<'toii, \'t I'rof. 8. Kliaird Dr. K. Owen 1). (iiinn Tyicc S|irini;s,Tiiiti I.akc Sii|u'rior (.'ook Coiiiily. Ill Ill' ■ '—] VwiV 1{. Iveiinieott Dr. Ticnildev I'oita;;!' Lake AViii. Dirkiiisoii (Iiaws Kiv( r, ^1 ad rid, N. Y ('levcland. Oliici Dr ,J V Kiillaiiil T)(tii)it, Mich 'riis<'iiinl>ia, Ala (Japlain (iiiiiiii.sori, r. S. A.. 'L'ailidid, N. (; — , I^.-^l 1882 1882 .1. t. liriduer MdiiMt ('ainicl. 111 Arkansas Ivivcr, mai' Foi I .Smith. Miilchoiisc Palish, La . .. M(iiitf;iiiiiciv, Ala I,. .M 'I'liriier C. Sliiiiiiard I!. II. liroadnnx T. S. Doian Nature ol' siicciiuen. Alcolielie. Do. Do I'o. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. (iEN'KUAI, SEUIES. 12079 70.')9 :ill(i7 70(1(1 7(111 70".7 7o."iJ 70(l(i . 7058 40.58 7(I5'I ': 7111 7(l(il 7(1 III :i9so I44(;(i Mich Mount Caniiel. Ill Saint l.oins, Mo Conk CoiMily, 111 Hoot KiM'i.'ltacino, \Vi 'I'vri'e S|irui:;s. Tenn... Detroit. Mich I.ako Michigan, ', Isle Koyiil ('oliiiiilills, ()liii> Arkansas liivei-, Meadville, I'a (.')...'. Cleveland, Ohio .. (^iliiriiliiis. Ohio. ... (.'I Detroit, Mich Nov. l.e«l Ark L. M. 'i'linu'r Dr. ( ieor;;e Kn;;leinann It. Ki'iinicotl I'rof. .S. K Haiid I'rot. J{. Ow.n Caplain (iiinnison, 1'. S. .\ . I!ev. .•\. C. liarrv Ma,ior Whittle.sJ'V Dr. Worniley. .- Dr. li. !■'. Shinnnrd Dr..). I'. Kutland... I'rof. L. I.esi|iiereiix. (0 (!) Alcehel , Do. Do. Do. Do, Do, Do. Do Do, Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. NKCTITKITS ITNCTATl'S (iil.bos. Jotinijil of tlic licmton Sdiioty of Naliiiiil Histoiy, IH'.:!, vi, ]k '.WJ Fin. 4. Xirftinin ptDictnti's. Xo II,':];!, Cliinlc'-ti 11, S. C, tiatnial .'~ize. The j,n'iu'r;il iippciiiiiiicc ol ilii,'^ species is (|iiit(' (linerciil (roiii tliaf of the K. macuhilus, aiidtlius is snpiiorted h.v Hcveriil strueturiil characters. 4 28 lUJLLKTlX ol, rXITKI) STATES NATIONAL MUSKUM. H The animal is not coinnK National ."Museum. )ii ill <"olloctions, and tlit'io are but four in tlio on Ic Tiic j-cncial form is mncli like that of the X muculatus, but the muz- is (IHlerent. I nsteail (tf bein^' depressed or even coucavc above, iunl ratiier wide, it is itinclicd at the si(b's,soas to be ratherelevated at the -nd,an(l tohave atnincate jirolile. 'J he head is wide in proportion to its enytii, tlic two measurements hein;;- about e(iual. The length of the taiNs the same as in S. nKicnlaliis, twice its length marking a point pos- terior to tluM'.ve. The limbs an' not quite so hing as in the N. maciilatiis, the spaee between them, when they are ai)pressed to the sides, oquabug twice the extent of the antciior leg, wliich is little longer than the pos- terior, in the specimens in the IMnseum the body is decidedly com- pressed, and (here is a distinct median doisal groove. These char- a(!ters aie less marked in the .V. muniUiliis. The upper li^) is more iieiidulous than in X maciiJatuN, or perhaps sueh an appearancto may bo ascribed to an elevation of thepremaxillary liorder, in accord with the more elevated muz/.le T!:e nostrils are a little closer together than in the larger species, the distah ,'e between them e(pialing half the interorbital spa(;e, nistead of two thirds. How- ever, in one of the four specimens this space measures two-thirds that l)etweeu the orbits. The brancthial processses are relatively considei ■ ably longer than in X inncuhitKs in all the specinuMis, and they aic more a(!umiuate in form. Tiieir length (tonsitlerably exceeds that of the muzzle in fr(»nt of the eye. In .V. maoulntuH they are usually shorter than this length ; in two or three specimens, however, they arc as long as in the X7>HHr/r(/H.s'. There are but two branirhial lissur.'s. The width of the head enters .").() times the length of the head and body together. The numbers of the teeth furnish distinctive characters foi' this sjiecies. They are: Premaxillaiies, 0-S; vomeropalatiues, 8-!> ; i)tery- goids, (J. Thus while the pterygoids are as numerous as in X maciddhis, the numbers of the other teeth are reduced. There are eleven !terior uares aie a longitudinal slit opposite the space between the vomeropalatine teeth and the pterygoids. The tongue is short ami roumled,and extensively fr.ein front. The phalanges of the anterior foot are, L'-L'-I-'J. The metacarpals are connected by a slight web to their distal ends. The middle toes are equal, and the external and internal ones are e(pial. The posterior phalanges number 2-2-3 -L', and the digits are all unequal, and are very slightly webbed at the base. The skin is entirely smooth. The lateral tblds number fourteen, as i n .V. inneulalus. The muscidar part of the tail has a wide, free, dermal border above and lielow, The fonner is more slender than in most specimens of the .V. Dutciihitiis; but this charac^ter does not always hidd good. There are five cloacal papilla-, with the three anteri.u' iinelv fringed, as in N. Maciilatus. THE HATIiA(;ill.V OK NOllTII AMlMilCA. 29 Mi'ttiiirviiuiiln oJWu. l\fi\'.t (tvpe). M. Total leiiytli -• 171 !., -Viitli to end of vent I'JO l,ciiK.'-'i to i) i)f. r,. K. (liiitii's .. Mar. — , IcK.' Ddiialil Milt.ir -- i C) i Nature of HIK-ciiiiei). A]f. typo. AI(i>lioliu. Oo. UKODELA. Dnm^^ril jit. 1>0I ; Cope, 1.<'7 : J'.niulosaiirhi pt. De IJlainville, l^lfi. No intercalary, snpraoccipital, nor basiocciiiital bones. (). maxillaro present ; prefrontale present (with one exception); vomero palatina pres- ent, not ai)proximated to usually present pteryyoidea ; orbitosphenoid lar;i;e, not reacliinj; palatal surface; mandible with teeth on the deiitale. IJody of proatlascoiissilied, with the atlas forminj;' theodontoid proi;- ess of the latter. Cervi(;al vertebra' without verteb'-arterial canal. No rutlimental (centra or intercentra. Kibs with two, fre(iuently closely approximated, heads. No median sternal elemer.ts. Ooracoid bone rudimeiital. Sacral ril» well developed. Tubes represented by a sinjjic cartilaginous plate, which sometimes contains a median osseous (;enter. Iscliia in mutual «'ontact throughout their length. No obturator foramen. Femur with distinct great trochanter. The stapes has no coiinectiiui with the susjiensorinm in the adult ex- cept in the Cryptobranchida' and Ampliiiimida'. It is connected with the suspensory (iartilagi', w!ii"'!i is (•;)'itiniiiHis with the (piadrate carti- lage, in the latter families, and in the young of other Urodela. The ■50 iUILLKTIN lil, KMTKU .STATKS NATIONAL MIJSKUM (xTiitoli.val iscitlier lice ;il its posterior I'-xticiiiilv, iis in IIh^ Proteidii, or in tlic more tvpiciil lonns it Joins tlic (iniulralc ('artiIaf,'o Ity «lirect ai-tii'iilation or by li-ainiiit. TIicIi.vomI a]>|i,tiaiiis lias a very uniform cliaractiT in tlic various fiiNiilics. ('.\ci'ptiM,u- in tlic CrvptolnMiu'liiida', Aniphiurnida', and Co'cil- iidif, wlifrt' it is (piite ditlVrtMit. In tiie typical forms it is constructed as follows: lis si:si)(iisor is, as usual, tiie eeratoliyal, wliicli is undi- vided. This is eoiiiiected witii a median hasal piecte, the i'lvat Uasi- branchial, i»y a sej-ineiit, i^enerally slendei', the hypobyal. Soinelinies tins piece docs not touch the cciatoliyal. Imoui the posterior lateral border of the basibraiu-hial there orii^'inatcs on each side a rod, the lirst, cerafobranclnal, which is continued after a Joint, as the first eidhran- chial. From a i)roccss which orij^inates between the bases of these, on flic siijicrior side of the Iiasibranchial, there oii,!4inates on each si iirst, and is situated far posterior to it, not far in advance of the corac(tid bones. It is better ossilied than iiutst of the rest of the liyoidx, and was called the thyroid bone by Ciivicr. Thatitis the distal extremity (d' the second basibranchial is shown by the fact that it is continuous with the first by a median rod in the larva-. (Plates l.l, l',">, I'O, ;}(», ,'{7.) The important differences disi)layed by the different forms of the liyoid ill the Urodcla may be tabulated as follows. I. Mi'liy:ils(livi(l(,:!, and l [ncHi'iit. TrcmiitotUni Umii. aa. Oiii' i)iiir oftcratoluaiicliials. Coratoliyalsiiiidividrd; ciiibiaiRdiials, ',>, ;), and 4 prctsi'iit. tmiihiiinwidm C'opi'. II. Lateral f' 'MciiIs conliniKnis across middle line. Xom-UiaiMlnmnls (/w?a OppH.' The Trematodcr.i, Ampliiiimonlra, ami Ai)odii contain one family each, viz: the Cryiilobriiiichida', .VinpliijiMiibe, and ('(elciiidic. The value of the differences scpnratiii- them is diininislied by the fact that in the larva' of the I'.scndosauria the 1, 1', .!, and J epi'biMiichials arc present, and the eeratoliyal is lrc(pieiitly divided (c. 7, VJunubotits tauhro- sits, Plate LT), fi- 1). The subordinate diiniviices presented by {\w families and genera are indicated under their rcs]icctive heads. The Trodela. excepting the Apo.la. have limbs. The toos number from two in both IW1 to five in flic posterior foot, and four in the anteri.ir foot.^ No r,ro.h-lc a-rces with theextiiKtt .oe„„s Tlryops (Cope), from the *0(.p''l, 1,^11, n„i ./y,,W,.,of L.mia'as(i„ lidiesj; r.vahpkitiiaD^liL, Irtlti. ^s* TIIK nATIv'ACIIIA t»l" KOKi'll AMIMIICA. 31 Protciilii, by direct (' various 1(1 Cd'cil- iistnic'tcd JH iiiidi- inst l»asi- onu'liiiics II' latciiil I, the lit St eplln'an- tlK'SC, »)I1 ;li sido ol" i(* second led to tlie he second 11: ' ilrst, coracoid , and was (I'eniit.vot loiis with , .'57.) IIS of the lit. I'kcikIo- mU va Diiiii, Hthiunwuku 0(hi Ointfl." le family da'. Tlie fact that I'liials arc (n tcii'hro- id genera s iiuiiiber e anterior , from the Perinian beds of North America, where there are (iv(i toes in the anterior foot. In the cari)ns there is at least one iiiterniediiim, e.\cei)t in soau' Salamandrida' and JMeurodelidie,* where it is united with the uli ar. . (Jenlr.ile always present. The carpaliii are live in Cryi)tobranchns and Aiiddystoma. and tlirei^ in Pletliodon and Dieniyctylus. In the tarsus then; are three bones in the lirst row, a lar^e tibnlare and intermedium, and ii sniiill tibiale. There is one centrale, as in the (!aii)us. The tarsa- liii nund)er live, except that there are four in tlie Salamandrida' and rieiirodelic'a', where the carjialia are on]/ three. Tiie internal or lirst tibiale is not distal, but lateral in Amblystonia and IMethodoii. It is are no internal gills such as are found in Anura. The branchial pro- ♦•es.ses vary in lonii, but all terminate in IViiiges, in each of which is a va.scular loop. The varieties displayed by larva; of IJrodela as coni- pared with tho.se of genera with permanent branchiie are as follows: (i'latel'.) 1. .'^t'|it;i witii l)i|iiiiiiiitc liiiiii. liaiiii willi iiiuiiy tlirciid like liiiiliri;!- Siren. II. .Si'iita witli iiiiiiiimiatc rami. A riKliiiiciital inner row of rami ; liiiiliria' tliicad-liko I'lottua. III. Scpla with .siinpli' rami. .(. Ifami Ion;;, comim'.'^scd ; liiiiliriai (Iciii'iKlcnt from lower cil^ro. Fimliria- tliicad-Iike, cxtt'iHliii;; on liotb ()iit( r and inner I'aee of proeecN. N(i.(uruH. riuiliria' Hal, loii^, dnelly conliiied lo tlie lower niaiMriu of iiroee.s«. Lar- va- of Sprlrrinn nilur; S. hilinivliis, and (lyriiiojihihis porpliijrilinis. Fimbria- few, isiilielavate ruilmlou viiinriis. AA. liaiiii loii^:, narrow ; lu-arin;,' liiiiliria' only on the side next tlie liody. Fimbria- .simple, Hat, snl)e(|iial AmhIjMoma. AAA. h'iinii very .short; liiiibria- extendin^r ,iii ihe vertical nepta. Fimbria- in uniiierous rowson tlieed^c ollhe .septa ; .slender, iinlmuK-hed. ,.,.,, .,, , . /. m 1^ :ii r.ri.M.iiN :;i, IMTKI) STATI.S NATIO.NAI. MISI I'M. 1 ,.l..vdo,.:n...l oltl.r vnlrl.n.allaiv li.^t bic.....^lv<^^.■lisl,.|iU^ „.,.,.,„,„,,„,,, ,,,,,ih„. ossilifs later, m.hI attacLrs Uscll to tl.o r,? ill tii«- '!;;,,,,,, ,,,s,..nor -oil, funning' an o,.isll>onrlous art.cilat.mi. J lu-ro '",,.. ,,,, „, liist siinpl.. a. tlH- ..Miriiiily (IMatc L'O, h;.. 0), Imt s , ,,,,„,„, ,„•„,,„.. (l.'i,. .-,), nr .itii two dibits. Tins was iirst ol.smxMl bv IMMM.iii ill ISL'l ill 111.' Knn.i.rai. UcmisnUminuhit cnshita. I ro- Ic'.ssm' IMiid* lii'st ..hscivnl tills in tlic .l;H/>///,s7«"Hf iH<«c/.///n« iii larvir „,• , , i„ i,,iinti, Tlio saiiu- lias since lurn obscrvi'il by myself in ISIi'l't ui.l later l.v (iiittef in liis essiiy on tlic .leveloinnent and re- ..eii'eration of tl.e" Inotskeleton in Hx" tiitoii; also l.y Strasser and hv Ilov ill \>iihliJxto)ii(( jHinctittiim tlie nninhers ot dif^its succeed .;,,I, oilier as follows: First sta-e, li before, hind limb none; second, ;. i„.,„,,. i.iiHl Imibnoiie; lliird, ;J before, liind limb 2; Ibiutli, ;5 l.o- f,„,' hind limb :>. Sometimes the anterior dif-its are complete in nnni l„,,.'l„.|„re the jK-sterior foot appears, and we have cunibinations of ,„„„l„.rs from 1-0 to l_;i, and t— Ito the fall nnmber, l_r,, which is found in alt specimens of I'.o and npwards. As already observed, the Uatrachia are supposed to have been de- rived from t'lie Dipnoi. Spicimens ;;f L,-pi t wo se<;iiieiits each, epibranehials and ceratobranchials, or, in the c.ise of the anterior arch, into cerato- liya' and hypohyal. Ho the maiidibiilar cartilaj^e immediately uiitciior to the ceratoliyal, divides into the superior (iiiadiatc, and the inferior iiiccUelian or mandibnlar. A snbseipient cliaii;j(! is the fusion of the (piiidrate cartiiafic at its superior end with the trnbeculiiin of its side-, and with the pterygopalatine arch with the inferior end. (.See IMate l>^, fijis. 7-',* ) At this time the cluudadorsalis bus retreated till it is only present lietwceii theexoccii»ital cai'tila.uel>elow. Whenossiticatioii com- mences, the vomers, palatines, and ptervudidsare nil distinct. Towards the end of the metaiiioridiosis the former two. unite, and tlu^ piery.uoid separates from the palatine. Iloth these elemeiits contract away from each othenintil they are widely seiiarated, and the pteryj;-oids are niiieh " Icoiidnrniiliit; lOiicyclopii'di'i, \H,)\. t I'nicccdiiiiis I'liilii. Acail., ]>. !••'). I l^T'.l. v\ liy StciiuliicliMcl'. II [4eilriii;c /iir M()i|ih();;cnic d. Cnrims ii. 'I'ai.siis ilcr Vci tflMalcii, l-^T, p. I'lT. liTlic fads as to I lie llrst sta';(s of tin- ?,liull of t lie ia.va of Aiiiblystoiim arc duiivud from JJr. W. K. I'aikcr, l'liilnso|ili. rraii>ar l-^;7, p. .Vi',1. 'd. I'ro- ill liirvic 4 THK nATKACIIlA OF NORTH AMERICA. 33 ''■"^I'l'''"'' rc«Iiici'(l ill si/c. In some fiuiiilii's the ptcryfj^oids iiover ossil'v, iiiitl (lis- ••" !•• t''^' apitoiir. All illiistiation of the late persistence of the osseous ptei'yjjo • There palatine arch is seen in the larva of Cliondrotus IcnfbronUN. (See Plate 21.) l>ut soon 'j'lie tiyntcmatic urmixjemcnt of the Urodela may be represented us Dl.served follows: 1. Iviili'ial jiiid iiicdiaii li.yoid ck-iiiciis (li.stiiiet. A. 'I'wo imirsdl' ciMJitoljriincl'.al Ixmcs; Htiipiis coimcctod with <|iiudi'titc arcli ; tiysell in no (lnnldc liyp()iio|di.vs('n. 'rrcmaloiUra. ; and re- No lirst cpiliraiicliial ; no dimldt! lij i)oii()i)li\is('.s of vfrtidiiM' ; vrrtclna' aiii- SSer and jiliicirloiis; (■(.■riitdliyal comieutcd witli (|iiadrutt! by li^ainciil oiily; ^ ^ ^ 1 voiiici()]>alat iiu! l)oiH'H witli teeth on tlie anterior margin; vcslilnihs witli nicnihranotis inner wall ; no iiaraHplienoid teetli. 1 «l'<:'>"«') Cruiilohniiichiiln: 'th, 3 be- ]{. One iiiiirolceratohrancliial bones; .stapeHconnccted \vitli^\^^■ 2. Vertebr.e opisthoc(elous. . Voinero|iaIatinc bones not sendinf^ processes over paraspheiioid bone; \ ceratohyal eonnccteri with (piadrate by cartilajre; paraspheiioid ^'" "' 'he teeth; no ])()stfrontos(|uani()sal arch; carpus and tarsus cartila;;i- f lis si(l(-, nous iJcsmoyiiulhidtr. l>l;l(,. js, Voineropalatino bones not produced posteriorly ; paraspheiioid teeth; no j( j . ,,,,i> liostfroiitosi|uaiuosal arch ; carjiiis and tarsus osseous Thoriidw. \ tiueropalatine bones extended over parasplieiioids in two dontii;erous processes; no paraspheiioid teeth; no osseous postfrontosqiiatiiosMl Towards arch; ccrat(diyal only connected with quadrate by linanieut , carpus [)tcr,V.i;(»id and tarsus osseous Salumuiidrida: Wav from N'oincropalatinc bones extended over parasi)lieii(»id in two dentij;erous are much processes; no itaras|dicii{)id teeth; an osseous postfroiitos(|uainosai 1 '. arch; ceratohyal only coiiiiccteit'.sciitiii;; ;Mli>t iiicl <»i(l«T, wliidi twar.s tlif i>;iiiirs AimmIii or (;.viiiii<.i.lii(.ii;i. Tlit' .U'liiiilii)ii «ivcii (.•lliisonlciln Mr. I'.oiilcii-t'r* is: "Noliiiibs; t;iil ni.liiii.'iilitr.v. MaU's witiiiiii iiiliomilH'iil cnpiiliilorv «>r;;aii. Adiiplnl lor hm rowing;.'' Of tlifS(..riniiisy,\ui\ llcrpdc iwhrturjihuJa is not an espeeial oryaii, but isiiicn'I.v the evoti-d eloaca. The hard pai»ilhe observed by (liiii- therf ill i\\o Ichthijophin (jUttinniiVs are \vaIltill^' in tln^ above speeies. The protnisioii of tiie cloaca is eirceted by two espe(!ial inns(des, wliieli are waiitiiii;- in Ainphiiiniida'. Asia limbs, their extremely rndimeut- ary character in Aiiiphinma is well known. To rej^ard tlieir condi- tion as indi('atiii,n' ordinal separation from tlieCariliida' is not in aecord- aiice with our practice in similar cases in tlie l{ei>tilia, as in the oriler Laceitilia. 1 have endeavored tosnstain the order Gymnophiona by the cliui'acter of the fusion of the nasal and premaxillary bones found in the majorit;* of tlie gonora.J lint Stannius§ shows that these bones are, distinct in Ichthyojilns. Huxley states (Anatomy of Vertcdtrato Animals, p. l").")) that in Jrlifhiiopliis nliidnosKs a distinct bone neaily eneindes the orbit. This he compares to the supra and postorbital i)ones found in the Stej^'o- cepliali. Uur in ("hthon;rpeton, Ca-iiilia, Dermophis, and other genera, this bone forms part of the maxillary, so that it is not (diaraeteristicof the family, and may not be homol(\iions with the bones wliieli occnjty the same position in Stcfioceidmli. Wieder.slieim calls it maxillary. With these fact in view I liave united || the Ca'ciT'da' with the L'rodela, a i»roposition which I fully believe to be sustained by the evidence. The Ca'cili'uhv is nfamiUj of I'rnihUt, cniiiiertnl with the typical forms throiiyli the Ampkiiimida'. ihwjrophical (listiHiution.''nni distribution of the families of the Urodela and their contents is as follows : None exist in the Australian realm and, exeeptiiij;- some Ca'ciliida', in the Kthioi»ian realm. In tlie Neotropical they are restricted to the Central American ami Mexican districts, with a few species in the northern Andes, and one reputed to be from the West Indian island, Santo Domingo. The Ca'ciliida' are more widely distributed, belonging especially to tropical regions. •(■al:il(>j,'ii(; of tin- Jh'itisli Miiscuiii, \ri-^, \t. dS. I Kcplilcsof Biiiish India (Kay Society), p. 4!1. ! American Natiiralisr, 18>l, ji. 'JC. v^ Zooloniie (lev Amijliiliicn, lii:A), p. 41. il American Naturalist, l^d5, p, ;il4, note, an.l l',ocee,l«. Auut. l-hllu8. Soc, Feb. leoo p. 44'.i, ill M. liiict »>r«l»'r, itiun ;;iv('ii 11 V. MiiU's w'ini;." or I', HjU'cios is me~victai 'n.lal 51 'J I ;!i . :i U(l H III! :i I I J in 1 ;i: us The temperate rej-ions of the New World is, then, the home of the jiieatest niimher of species of Urodela, after which the temperate re- jiions of the Old World follow. The distribution of the families and their spe(!ies in Xorth Ameriiia is as follows: I'liinilivti. Ka.sliMii. o ;i 1 AuHlni- lijiaiiaii. Ki'jiiiniN. Cciilral. i'vy pitiliraiu'liidii' ?(iiiiiraii. PatMfir. (i 1 1 1 1 1 H 11 I'li'iiiudrlicia' i L'(i 17 1 1 ■JO The details of distribution are given under the family and generic heads. riij/loycuy — This order is probably of considerable antiquity, but no siteeies positively referable to it is known from any pretertiary forma- tion. In tertiary beds we have re])resentativesof ditferent types. The .utniis Chelotriton I'omel from the Miocene of Allier, France, has opis- llioiMcclous vertcbrie like most of the e.\istin{>' sjiecies of Euro])e, and has in addition an expansion of the neural spine of each vertebra, to which tlie epideiniis was closely adherent, yiviiiya row of roujih plates down the middle line of the back. Jleliarchon and I'olysemia of Von .Meyer are known fronj specimens from the Miocene beds of (Jermany. They have apparently the cartilaginous carpus and tarsus of the Amer- ican genera. The .Miocene of Switzerland has liirnished the renuiins of a species, i»robably of Cryptobranchida', which has been referred to the genus Aiidrias by Tschiidi. It is very nnu^h like Cryptobranchus. In older foimations we have in the North Aniericau Laramie the genus Scauherpeton Cope, which may well belong to the Urodela, but the skull is unknown. In the Wealden of Belgium the genus Ilyheoba- tnichus Dollo may belong to this order, but the skull is not yet well kuowu. 30 miLl.KTIN :il, I'MIKI* STATKN NAIIoNAh MISKUM. The most priiiiitivf roiiii of tlic cxisliiij,' CnMh'lii is !i|ti»;ir('iitl.v Ciyp- |()l)i'aii>'liiis. \Vit'(l( tsIk ill) ' (/. <:, p. !>.■») Ims iitti'iniiU'd to tnici; tin* aiuH'stry of llio ("n'ciliidii- to the St(';,n)i!i'itliiili of the (-'.iil»:)iiilV'r()iis pi'iiod, from \vlii(;li Iio supposes tln'iii to liiivf arisen by a process of (IcjfciiciMtioii. lie re- marks that ill order to (h'liioiistiafe this piopDsitioa if is only necessary to discover a type witli rudimeiital iimlH wliichsiiali coiii!ecf the two. Th.it the Ca-ci iida' is a type which lias resulted from a (Iciiciieratioii, I have also proposed,! Imt I have derived liiem from the t'rodela rather than from tiie Stef;oeepl;ali direct. They have, liiI, J), -jet). It()iilcn;r,.r, Caliil. Hair. (irad. liiitr. Mii.s., 1H,+J, p. HI. .thtiiii(liii». Marian, Annals, l-yci iini Nat. Hist. New York, IHJ.'), I, p. 'J'jl. MiiiDiiiinia. llarlan, /. c, [t. •JTC; 'rsclinili, Kalr., !Mi ; Dinii. Miltr., Kop. (ic^n., ix, p. 'JOr>. S,il,im,niilroiix. Wa^i., N'al. Syst. Anipliili., l-^;ill, p. !>(l'.». luii-iinn. Ivaliiii'siiiH' (ti'sti- Hainl), Allantii- .Fournal, HIW, p. I'il. rvKiiHiiip^is. " Marlon ", CJiay, Catal. Uatr. Orad. liril. Mns., I'd. i, \\.Wi. Ill tliis ;;('iiiis the voinc riiie leelh form a re<;iilarly arched series, eon- «'eiilric with the maxillary seiies. Tliir lon};ue is but little free, and that only round the edges. The coliiMiella of Ihe stapes is eartilaf-inous, and is connected by a close articular contact with the quadrate carti- l.i.neand with the under sideof the siiiiamosal bone. The ceratohyal is connected by a ligament with the posterior sideof the quadrate, with the intervention of an oval cartilage, which has the position of the sty- lohyal bone of fishes. The posterior extremity of the ceratohyal is not in(Mirved, and is free from the skull. (Plate IS, lig. 3.) Tiie hyoid apparatus is«piit(^ characteristic. They have been already desciibedso far as they , with which it is prolyably homologous.* Tlie second, "Tlii.s suffffCKtion I nui' to Dr. (iait. !BP BULLION :!l, UNITKl) STATES NATIONAL MirSKlTM. third aiul rum-Ill oi-iLranchials arc present, between the bases ..f thr socoii'l and third is a radiiiieutal third coratobrauchial. (IMat^^ U, ''ilie cirims in Crviitol-raiichus is vsomewhat variable in the typieal siu'cies. The cent rale carpi always separates the intermedium from (li.Mdnarc, thnsreaehinji- tiio ulna, while the eontrale tarsi is always shut oll'Croiii the libala l)y the intermedium. (Plate 15, iig. 3.) TIktc iiMy 1)0 tuocentralia tirsi (i'late-tO, li-. :{), as hasl)een shown by Wic- ,1,'rsheini. Ther.' are h>ar carpalia and live tarsalia, but the tonrth and liirh tarsalia may be Cnsi'd. (IMat." K>, li,i;'- '•>■) The hoii.s ol the oxtninities arc simple, the I'cnuir beinj? without the l.(K'|i;i:it T Ibuiid in tlic Psendosauria, a'.id the humerus bciuj;- withont tlie condyles. The scapular arch is entirely eartila;iiin(»ns, oxcopliuo- the scapula, which is small. There is a larj,^'. cartiIaj;iuons coracoid ])late whirh overlaps that of the opposite side, and is deeply lissured transveis;' oMiiiaely in iVont l;om the interior b<»rder, euttiuf-- oil' u iinrrow i.i ) 'onicoid. There is a cartilaj;inous sternum posterior to tin- eoiacoids. The pelvic arch has an osseous ilium, which is in contart with an osseiMis ischuim on eaea side, which does not meet its fellow on the middle line below. The i»ubic region is represented by a lai'j>e sim l»le eartilajje, which is pr.xluced into a style on the middle line anti'ri- orly, as in the Pseudosauria. In its visceral anatomy this genus resembles the Pseu(bisauria. The stomach is distiuct, and there i.s a [tyloric llexurc. (IMates 0 and ."iD, lip;, i-) Ther,' is one widely-ilistriittited species of this geuus, and i)robably a se(;ond, U!U)wn only as yet from the upper waters ol' the Tennessee liiver, but the latter rMpiires further investigation, as I have seen but a single specimen of it^. Tiie distinguishing features are the following;: I'lislciior (linils IVcc; Ionium- fni' in IVoiit, its siipt'iior .surface thrown into jilica'; iiiti'iiial Mines oiii'U (,'. iillnihriiiniKlK. Post t'lior (lij; its wi'hlicd, tlic i'\ti'ni;il to llioll|i; ton^nu' not free, covt-rcd willi lur^'c cliisi l\-pl,i(('(l |i,i|i|iillii> ; intcriiKl iiiircs valviiliir ('. I'iihiiih. CUVrTOliHANCms ALI.i:(iIIi:NIi:NSISDiimliii. (riiiit'H.vH.') ('.niplnhntHchtiH 'tUciilKiiiciinin, Vaudcr Homcn, 'I'ijilsclicr, v. Nat. He IV, i>. :W), I'l. V A, f. :!-!, i\: V. !!; lio'ikiiKcr, (';if. Hatr. Grad. II. l-^^-i |>. SI. Siihiiiutiiilfit alliiihiiiiiiiisis, Daiid., Ii('|)t., viii, j). •>'M, SiihimnHih-ti ijUiaulcd, liarlmi, On Sinn Imntiua. Moh/r iiiijdiilv.i, Mi'ir. Tent., )i. IS7. I'riiiiiohrdiirltiin Huhimniiihiihlis. Leuckart, /. r. .Hiiiiiirhii.f iillr;ihiiiiUii^i>i, llarlaii. I. c. Mnioimniii ((//, //((niir/iviv, Harlan. /. ., : |[,,lhr., X. A. Ilt'ip , v, ]i. !».'>, N. V.,]-ann. i;,.|,t., p. si, p|. |v, c. ||. i,,,^, ^^ I'.il,,'.,-,',. -JOT, pi'. Nov.i Ada i.iMip.-C'aiol, \\\ii, p. i;;;!, |'|..;, sell. (' IJlit, II I'liy.siol. Mils'., ., ic typical limn i'roiii is always J.) TIUTC 11 by Wi(^- onitli and itiiont tlio j;- witliont excoplinj,' s ("oracoid y lissurcd tinj;- otV a run- to the in contact ^ follow on lar^c si in inc anti'ii- nria. Tlio s 0 and r):J, 1 jtvohably Tennessee ,«' seen hnt following: n 'iito jilici'; ullaihoiiciixis. ■d will) l:ir;;i' (.'. fllHIIIK. li. (Ml riiysidl. irit. Mils., .v, I, C. 1 ; Wicil., I I THE MATUACHIA OF NORTH AMERICA. Snhimuiidrojinf/i'iuiilia, Wuyl., /, c. Enrijcvo muvvoiiulu, h'aliii., /. c. M( iioimiiKi t/ii/<(ii(i'(l, 'I'scliiidi, I.e. Vrolonoiinin horr'ula, Giuy, Cat. liatr. Grud. Brit. Miih., cd. i, p, 53. 39 I l''lii. r>. Criijilnl, r(i)if!iii>i nlli'ijlii'iili-iixiii DiXuA.; \o. 9752. IVntisylvaiiia; ii.itiiral sizo. Body moderately elonjj;atc and depressed ; tlio liiidts qnite short. Tlic tail nuicli CDiiiitressed, ahinit onelialf the lenj^th of tiiehoad and body. Tlie neck wide; liie head a little wider, plane above, llat and much alatin(' seri;s is (juite close to the niaxillopreuiaxillary, and extend al)out one half way as far posteriorly as the external row. At the middle of the arc it sometimes presents a (ionvexity l)aekwards for a short distance. At each ol ilsextri niitiesissitnat.'d the posterioi'nnslril, which is an oval nu)re or less open, and never a slit, as in the C./iiscus. Its position dilfcrs from that seen in .1 mphhnna menus and XcctKnis in its beiuj;iit the end of the row, and not external to it. The roof of the mouth is everywhere Hat. The ton;;ue is wide and is considerably free in Ironl, the free border iiarrowinj,' laterally and jjosteriorly. It nearly fills the floor of the mouth, leaving;' but a narrow space between it and the man- dibular arc. Its surface is thrown into numerous elevated folds, which are thin, and generally anteroposterior in direction. They inter(!oni- municate by lesser (»bli(iue folds, which with other delicate ridges form anet \vo>k between the principal ones. In old specimens or badlypre- serv'.i ones the plica' may be tlattcned or lowered. The legs are (piite short ; when pressed to the side they are separated Ity a space equal to l.'J.j the length of the anterior limb. The lingers are short and rather free, and the external one is considerably shortej' than the internal one. The others are subsequal. An extensive fold of the skin extends from the axilla to near the extremity of the external finger, forming the posterior expanded border of the limb. It is mo>t prominent at the h)wer part of the ui)i>cr arm. The posterior t(»es aie rather short, ami are free from web as to the phalanges. The first is the shortest, and the second a little exceeds the fifth. The third ami fourth are subetjual, and, with the fifth, are somewhat depressed. Ibis appearance is produced by adeimal wing on the external border, which increases in width from the third to the fifth, becoming veiy wide on the latter. It continues from the fifih toe on the hinder border of the leg to the base of the thigh, (iorrespouding with the similar fold on the fore leg. The ei>idermis is not hardened into ungues in this species. The skin is perfectly smooth, but is thrown into a longitudinal iindir lating fold on the sides betwten the fore and hind legs. Th s fold i^ obsolete in some specimens, apparently on account of the distension of the luHly with food or eggs. There are a shallow median dorsal groov.' and lourteen costal grooves. The latter are not distinct on the back or belly, and are best seen on tlu- sides (.f the latter. The tail has a fre.' dermal border oi: its superior edge, but none on the inferior edge, thus If .] I- „ I ^ SI. mtoropos- jtrarrrom v/Aii is pei- torior I'lid, toiids only )!■ ciintlms I ii point :i :)f tlu^ c.vc. :illaiv,ant 'lor toes arc The lirst is K> third ami 3ssed. litis )rder, which ciy wide on )nler of the • fold on tin- is species, ndinal nnvlir Th s fold i«! distension of (H'sal <;roove I the back or lil has ii free )r edge, thns Tin-: HATUACIIIA OF NOimi AMKRICA. 41 dilleriri},' from the siiecies of Necturus. A groove along the side of the tail divides it into ii snperior and infeiior portion, and a lateral wedge- shaped mass, covered with longitndinallyfoldetl skin, intervenes between the two for abont one third the length of the member. J)ermal mncons pores arc especially abnndant on the head of this species. They generally appear in the middle of a low, elongate, dermal papilla, dividing it into two pai>illa'. These are closely placed in a triangnlar patch, of which the maxillary border forms the hypotennse, a line extending backwards from the nostril i»arallel to the middle line, another side ; and the other bf)rder transverse, pussing abont its own diameter poir^terior to the eye. Ibit there are nnmerons other similar papilhe posterior to this patch, and on the siih's of the anterior half of the neck. A series of donble i)a- pilhe extends ronnd near the border of the lower Jaw, becoming obso- lete on the symphyseal region. A I.i'n^tli from end of iiui/zlt' to line of axilla 100 Width between nostrils Oi;{ Width hetween eves O-J'.t (ireatest width of head O'lO Width hetween axilhe 015 Width at base of tail OHO neplh of tail at middle 0 !.'')."> Len;;tli of for(^ linih from axilla OM I-enjfth of fore foot !)il Length of hind limb U\'l I,en.;;th of hind foot O'iO Len;:;lh of lower lej; O'ili Width between internal nostrils i>'2\'* Tin- largest spe(!innMi (No. 10(113) measures i>l') '""". The usual color is rather light lead-colored above iind a still paler shade of the same below. Tliert' are indistiintt darker spots on the sur- face above, only visible when the animal is in fluid. Sometimes these shiides are represented by very distinct ilark-brown spots (Xos. I'i'.U, 7(101). Soiin^ specimens have the ground color brown of a lighter hue (No. TOO,")), the dark spots being present or absent. Tiiroe s|)ecimens (No. 0L'0.">) are abnost entiri'ly black. This speckles is distrilmfed from western New York and IVitnsyl- vaiiia and the (Ireat Lakes to Iowa, and soiitli t!> (leorgia, N«nth Caro- ■M 42 i-.cLM-nx r.i, uxitkd states national miiskum. linn, :un\ Louisia:.;.. It is not vet known from Florulaor Texas. A sin- o-lc .siu'cinu'ii in tlio Nalional Mnscnni was taken in tlieSnsqnelianna JJiver, IVnns.Nlvania. The "Iieilben.h r" is entirely aquatic in its liabits, and is frequently taken by lisliernien on tlieir liooks. It is very tenacious of life, and is pcricctly Iiaiinlcss. Its larval pcriotl ninst be of brief duration, since it has not been yet observed. Tlie es are rather large, and are at- tac'hed l)y two strong suspensors at opposite j)oles. UKSKKVK SKIMICS. llllllilli'l'. -^IMl'. I.liCllilV. Wliiii iillccl.'d. ioiii;i 1 Sii-(|iirliMiin;i Kivcf !iin i; I 1 All.!.M"vCcllllll\. X. V I Kv;iii-;viili'. Iiiil :i (ii.at I. likes, OT.V.' 7(lli:i "IIVi -OC'.t 4.'i:il 51)17 ;is7!i 7IIII4 i:i!t."j 0310 1 rflllls\1\Mlli:l :; Aiihcxillr.s. c 1 r.iliinil.Olii" 1 Tvii'i' Spiiiii;'*. 'rnin 1 HilUlmniii'.'li. N. C 1 MiMdvillr. I'a 1 C.ni-ia ■J I'laini' Mcr It'iilL'!', l/l ■J Niiiirliurk.v, K. 'rniii 1 Di's Miiirii's, l()Wii I ('.> :!i •J mil' l,lK7ft ICBI Fkmm wliuiii n ccivcil. Xiituip (if s|ii'('iiiii'ii. Al. 111'. Ilii 10 111' 1)1' V.'< D". I MI- DI'. II. I!. Wiiulit Dr. .1. 1;. lianiill .. I'li't. S. K. n.iiiil .. I'liil 1;. Ortiii i;iv. M. A. Ciiili.s. .1. !■'. 'riiirKslcii Dr. W. I,. .Ii'tiis .. .laiiii s Faiiir U. ElUwiiilli Call (0 (IKXKUAl, SEIIIKS. 7000 I 'I'mi'i' S|iiiim«, Ti'im 711OI 1 Niilii'liiirkv liiviT, Trim. ;i:ilii 11 (?) ' I'li.f. It. Owt Alri'lii'lir Do. Do. Hi There is .some variation in specimens in the relative distance of one nostril from the other and from the eye. In some specimens these dis- tances are identic^il ; in others the former is somewliat less than the latter, and the same measurement, usually one half the w idth between the eyes, may enter it L'.'_'."i times. A local variety is .seen in three .specimens (No, 7()(>r») from Abbeville. S. C. These aie a li.yht brown, much resembling the G. /'iisviis, but are spotted with a darker brown. The double papilhe are not vi.sililc on the superior surface of the head, and are faintly marked on the inferior aspect. The rows of pores are, however, as in C. (iIletilicniciiKis, as are the tongue and internal nares. The digits are all iikhc .slender, and the dirmal ala 011 the extei iial toe and that of the elbow are niiieli reduced. IJesides the generic character, the following dirfereiices may be ob- served on comitarison of this .siiecies with the Mcnidiihiitfaclnis ina.rimus- of Asia. In the latti r the tongue is not free, luit is sessile, and with- out plica'; head with rows ofoltu.se tubercles; sidcy and limbs williont dermal folds. THE BATRACIIIA OF NOliTlI AMERICA. 43 s. A sin- (inchanna requently ife, and is ion, since lul are at- CUYPTOUKAXCIIL'S FII8CUS Holbrook. Minopoina fuDCiim llolbiook, N. Am. Ilorpetoloj^y, 184^, \', p. tit). Niitinp (i{ siii'ciimii. Alcoliiilii' Do. Do. I)o. l)o. 110. IJO. 1)0. n». l)o. l)o. 1»«.. «■'. 1)0. DO- Al<<(li()lii' Do. Do. mce of one ; these dis- ;s than the th between AhbeviMe, •Its, hnt ai»^ vi.sil)le on the inferior H.s'(',v, as are ler, and tlie 'li redneed. may be ob- l^s■ iiKi.iimus . and witli- d>s withont Vi:.C,.—Cr;ii.l:i'iniiii'liii:i/iiiriin, Ivnowlili', 'I'lMinnssn' : iiiiliir:il si:c Besides the character-^ aheady assi^nx'd t) tills spceies, the single s|K'iriinen on whieh it r(^sts (blf.-r.-i fr,):a nio-it of those »»f tlie C.'alhykc- # ■■M 44 lU LLETIN :)l, IINITKI) RTATKS NATIOXAI. Ml'SHUM. SU if:- nicnuis in tlic absence of the loii^Mtiuliiiiil .lernial fold on the si.h", aa.l of the papilla' on tlie, ni»per surlac' of the hea 1. lii botii tiiesi- icspcets ita;^ive.s with some siH'i:iiii>Mis fi'^ai Abbeville, S, C. (No. 7()0.">), already refiM ivd to. I do not attacii niaeh importance to the abstMiee of tiie lat- eral folds, as distension of the alidomen from any oMiise would be apt to canse it to disappear. These two characters, however, with the brown color, supplement the three important ones f-iven in the dia,unosis, and c(»iifiim the propriety of recoj^iiizinj,' the species. Nevertheles-^. tiu' ob- servaion of other specimens prescntin;;' the same features will be neces- sary befoie the siiecies can be rejiarded as fully estalilislied. Tiieheiid hasthewi.lc, (1 ir form of t lie other species, with the very slim- and broadly rounded mu/zle, but these characters are e\ ij>j;erated. Thus the Icnjith from the end of the muzzle to the lines c.oiinecMii.j; the anj^lcs orcauthusof the mouth entt'rs the greatest width of the head loar times and a fraction ; while in the ('. ((Ilriihciiini.sis it is one-half tlir liwuo. measurement of the width of the lu>ad, or even a little Ioii;^rr. The sliortness of the <;ape as compared with its width is also indicated by the fact that the canthus oris is below a j)oint anterior to the anterinr canthusof the eye in the C./iihciih, while in the (\ (tllnilicnifiisis i\w nu<^\v is below the posterior canthusof the latt /r. The eye is smaller than is usual iu the C aUc(jhcntci}.sis, its lonj^ diameter entei'inj; the iidcroeulai' Bpace a little over seven tiniL's; while in the more abundant species it en ters five times to nearly six tiiru's. The extremity of the maxillary series of teeth corresponds with the canthus of the month. TIm^ vonu-rincs have only half us much length. The int.rnal nostril is a slit, nearly closed, in line with the series of vomerine teeth at tiieir extremity. I have not found it closed in tiiis way in any specimens of tlu^ ('. nlhulir- nicii.sis. The characteristics of the toii,i;ue form one of tlu^ slroiij^cst character* of this species, Its superior surface is covered with lai',n-e truncate papilhe, so closely placed us to be everywliero in cont;icl. Tliey are only distinguished, as in the human tongue, by Ixuiding the surface. Xotliing like this is known in the other si)ecies. Here tlu^ surface of the t')ngue is murked with longitudinal plica', separated by considerable intervals, .wliich are tluunselves subdivided by smaller ami lower plica', the general result being an appearance somethiMglike tripe. The width between the external nares is half of that between the orbits or the posterior nares. Thecrtptsof the skin of the superior surfaces are coarser than in the r. aUcghcnicnsis, especially on the posterior half of the head. The anteri(U- half of the latter is smooth. X.. trace of the double papilla' is to be found on t'u', sii'iir.or surfaces, but they exi^t iu tlie arched series rouiul the lower jaw below the lip, as in the other specie's, bnt with thisdiflVrence: the papilhe one above the other ai'c net round, but short longitmlinal keels, so as to be parallel to each other. The fingers are entirely free, ami the phalanges are, begM„ning^ on the ninerside,'J, 2, ;5, -. The ala on the posten.u- edge of the n|.pcrann is * I 1 M. idi', ii;nl of '»), alrciul.v oftlinliit- I bi' iipt to the hiowii gnosis, and ■s-!, tin' o'»- II he iicccs- ' very si Kir iicctii.^' till' >t' the lifinl iiu'-iialftlir tie loiij^fv, ;(> iiidicatcil Llio antcrini- /.•.■thii aii,ult' lUrr than is iiitcroi'iilar pccii's itcii- illary srri<'s > VOIIlClilK'S slit, luariy •itrcmity. I c, r. oilculir- ho. sti'()iij;('st I witli lar;;(^ ) in coiitiict. l»(Ui(liii,n' tlic ;. Here tli»>- H'i)aratiMl by smaller and unlike tripi'. CM the orbits I'scr than in ' head. The 'iblc, iiapilla' 1 tiii^ archrd species, but ■(> not round, ther. inninjjf on the upper arm is T Till': llATliAClllA OF NOliTll AMKKlCA. 45 well developed, iiiul terminates Just below the elbow. The toes eonie in the order of length as follows, beginnin";- witli the short inner, 1, 5, !',;>, 4; and the phalanjies, in the same order, are 2, 2, 3,3, 2. The three external are ribbed from the tips ; the notch between the third and fourth reachinj,' the end of the lirst phalange, but between the fourth and filth extending from tip to tip, with a very slight notch (easily enlarged by tearing) ; the legs are about as long as in C. allajhc- nicn>iis. \\'hen they are pressed to the side they are separated by ii distance equal to one and a (luarter times the length of the hinder leg. This measurenuMit must betaken with some allowance, as the S[)ecimen has been coiled in strong alcohol, and its true form is not easily restored. It is impossible to distinguish the true lateral folds. An estimate nuikes them equal those of the other si)eeies, tburteen. The tail has the usual form. Its superior outline rises from the base, and is convex, and consists partly of a thin dermal border. Tlu^ extremity is thin, as is also the distal fourth of the inferior edge. Mciiniircmoils, M. Ti>t;il Icii^rtli (I. Ill) Lcnj^tli (ot'iiilol' vent 'Jltf) Lciiiilli to gri)in •iUt l.cii;,'lliti) axilla 11)0 Li'iij;tli to line of oaiitlnis (iri.s 015 l.i'iij^th of anterior Ic^i; OIW Lciij^tli of anterior foot 015 L'.'iij^tli of jioHterior h'j; 05:i Lcii^rtli of jtosterior foot {))>\'i Witltli l)et\vi'i'ii external nares Ol'i Width lie t ween orbits Oi,') Wi.Uli of liead or)l Kciitliof tail at middle 042 'I'lie color of this si»ecimen is a rich chocolate brown; the inferior sur faces rather paler tlian the superior. No spots. (j'aliilii^Mi' iiiiTiiliiT. Nil. spcciiri. Li)cality. Knoxville, Tcnii . . 1 Donor. I'lofcNsiir Milclull. AMlJLYiSrOMIDJC. This family is of particular interest among the Urodela, us furnishing «'onnecting forms between the ordinary types of the order and those larger species which we suppose t(> be more characteristic of former periods of the earth's history. It also furnishes us with transitional coiutitions of characters which have been regarded as indicating very diverse origin and nature. The species are mostly of large size, and are probably confined to Xorth America; perhaps a species exists iu Farther India. 40 iirij.KTiN :;i, r.Niri:!' si.\ri;s national mi;skum. li TIh- i'li;inictrr.s wliicli icstiiH Hit' li""''l.v '"■«' "'^ i<»Il"«'<: Nnclhmoi.l I'.ilatiiicl.oiM'siH.l piolon-oil over piinispliciioids, In-ar- ,„;,. ,,,.,1, „i. the'ir postiTior iii:ii-iiis. Orhitosplieiioi.! scpiirati-d IVoiii p,oMiirl.vii).'i,ihi;n,uiis\v:ills. liiU-niiil wall of vt'sliluih' osseous, (lar- ,,„s iii.l" t usiis i.ssili,'(l. Vcrlchra", aiiii.Inco'Ious. I'refroiitals and ,,t,.n....i.ls pivsciit. I'lciiiaxiUani's I'liUy (h-vclopo.l. I'arasplicnoi.l witluMit dciiti-i'n.iis plates. An otojilossal caitila-v; only oiio, tlic lirst (•piliiMMcliial ; srcoiiit hasiltiaiicliial i: what I have termed nioi'idiie; that is, one lias not Ix'cii assnined after iiossession of the other, nor is it identical with the ininiatnre sta.ye of the same. Such are the short- ened form of the i»alatine bones, as coniitared with the posteriorly i)ro- (hiecd lamina' of tin' Salamaudrida-. and the absence of deiitij?eious plates on the paras]ilieiini(l in the IMetlKMlontida' is a character of the same kind. Under sneh eirciunstanees we infer tliat the fanulies ex- liiliit an ontojieny moditied by eienoj-eny. The biconcave vertebra- constitute a ix-rsistence of a larval feature. The preseuce of ptery.i;oids has the same siynilicancc with refereuce toother families. Theossilieatiou of the carpus and tarsus are characters in which this •iKiiip develo])s beyond the larval condition which is permanent in the family riethodontiihe. Thus of eight characters fAo are iiKuphic and six developmental; of the six, two are of advanced develoi»inent and four of reitrcssed development, as compared with other fanulies. The writer characterized this family nearly as above in the .lourual of the lMiiladelj)hia Academy, lS(i(!, 105. J)r. Ilallowell proposed it in the same worii, 1858, 337, but on iiisulllcient characters. iMany of the char- acters of the i)riiicii)al {^enus Amblystoma had been already pointed out by Professor ilaird. The .yenera imduded by Ilallowell were Am- blystoma, Xijiltonura Tsch , and Onychodactylus Tschudi. Clray had previously end)raced the same genera with llctvrotriton dray, in liis first section of the IMethodontida', which corresponds with this family. The writer in lS5',)embraeid Onychodactylus, Amblystoma, Camarata.iis Cope, and 3Ie,ualol)atrachus Tschudi. in the above citetl essay of 1S(»<» the {ieiiera are limited to the two first nuMitioned with Ihimtinn (Iray. The wivestijiation of the subject which I j^'ave in my nujuograph of this family, i.ul)lislied in IS!);), n'sulted in the followinj,' disposition of these supposed jiencra, 15;iiid having- already shown the identity of Xiphn num with Amblystoma. ^^ llcfcrotriton is identical with Amblystoma. Megalobatrachus, the great salamaiuler of Japan, I have determined to pertain to the Cryptobranchida'. The genus Camamtaxh, as will appear further on, was established on a larval character, permanent in some individuals it is true, but not permanent in any si)ecies. On the other hand, there is some probability that onci or both of the species of riynobius Tschudi from Japan enter the landly, but this I am not "^ i [luM\ nor is ' the sliort- Tllli liATKACIIIA «>l' NOKTir AMKKICA. 47 ii'.ilc (t) t'sliiblisli.'' Till! latti'i- genus, to^ictlicr with lianitlcns, On^M'lio- oids, bear- (lai't.vliis and 8alaiiiaii(irc'lUi (Voiii A.sia, have been sineo reft'ircd to I lie ated iVoMi Aiiihl.vsluiiiida' by l!()idan<«er, but 1 now liiid the hyoid apparatus to bo ous. Cuv- «|iiiti' (lillli rent in the two groups. Mitals aud Tlirt'c genera of this lanilly are known to nie. Another has bi-i n •aspiienoid (iisiiiignished on dental characters (Dieaniptodon), but whether iden- le, the tirst tie.il with or distinct from those I have seen 1 do not yet know. I. N'oiiicrdiinlatiiic tci'tli in a traiisvcrso lino, which is straight or angiiiatL'd ami not 'lining this nmch intcrniiitcd at tho iniddlo. dniorphic; Otoglossal cartilage foriniiig a ring, attached posteriorly to the first liasiliraii- chial cartilage ImbhjHtomn. Ologldssal carlilage t'orniing a snhtriangnlar plate attached posteriorly to the lirst hasilivanchial Clioiidruliif). ^riorly pro- H. Vomcropdlatine ti'cth in two scries, scjiaratcd by a wide interspace. lentigerous Otoglossal cartilage not annular, free IVoni the hasibrancliial, on which it moves; Cter of the '"'' '""'"^ lAityualaimnit. ... ^, Tail cominessed; dental series converging l)ackward niidwploiloii. The species of these genera are all North American cxcei)ting the I (■j.jitm.i.. AmbljjstomapcrsimiUs Gray of Siam. \^ vGi'er^vcii AMIJLYSTOMA, Tschiuli. I which this Tsclmdi, liatr., ).. '.i'2 ; liaird, Jonrn. Ac. I'liila.(-J), i, l>^',[), p. ',>81 ; Oray, Cat., p. IM ; inent in the '"""• "^ ''''"'• '^' !'■ ^"^ ' ^'"l""' l''"*"'- ^^''- I'l'ilii-. l"' 1>- I'iti; «( ranch, Salam, p. (1(1; lioulcnger, Cat. liatr. Grad. JJrit. Mus., !.M ed., ltir^2, p. :!-:. .Mlil.ointm, Tschndi, /. c, p. '.).'>; Gray, /. c. ; Duni. i(hf<, I'it/ing., Syst. Kept., p. :?:$. f rei>ressed iiri,vi>irium, Gray, /. c, p. :i:!. Ciimiir.il.ixiii, Cope, Troe. Ac. Tlula., lfi'>[), p. I-JiJ. e Journal of l'ir!„iilosm, Mivart, I'roc. ZoOl. Soe., 18()7, p. G08. . . Lai val I'oiins : sed It in the SUrdv,,, Wagl., Syst. Ami.h., IrtliO, p. :.'()•) ; Duni. & Bibr., p. 17(1. of the char- .\.t„h,tv>^, (),ven, Ann. and Mag., X. II., xiv. p. 'ZW. ady l>ointed IkKmiimlomu, Sagcr, renins. Joiir. Medic, LSoH, p. 4-Jt*. II were Am- \'oiin'rine scries of teeth in the same line, though often interrui)ted. • <^'''''y '"\'* (cMiadrateJugal bone wanting. Premaxillary bones distant from each (Jray, in his othei', not embracting a fontanelle. this family. T.uigiie attiehod l)y its whole base, but with a narrow free margin ou Camarattuis all hut the postei ior portion, capable of but a moderate protrusion, •ssay of ISdO The ot tglossal cartilage forms a ring, which pa.sses entirely round the satiuaiUwy. nivAuniviviu'e of iho interior base of the tongue. It sends a i)r(>eesy graph of this on each side near its base, which terminates above theccratohyals with- tion of these out articulating with then). ty of Xiphih liypohyal cartilages slender, of moderate length. (Plate 2U.) Vmblystoma. CuMtohyal articulating by its abruptly rccurVed superior e.xtremity ) determined with tiie po.storior di.stal part of the quadrate. (Plate 18, (ig.s. lystoma' at the pi'riod of their transformation : (1) The series of teeth on the splenial bone is shed ; (-) the caii)us and tarsusossify; (."5) the tail narrows and leiijrthens; (4) the branchia' dis- appear; (5) thetonyue enlarf;es and covers the lloor of the mouth; (0) the pteryj^oimlatine series (»f teeth becomes more nearly transverse; (7) brightly colored pij;;ment is deposited in the chromat(>i)hora' of tlie derm. These changes are stated in the order of their occurrence. IJut in some of the protean species this order is not exactly observed in all individuals, and in conse(|ueiice of the assumption of one or the other character of maturity in advance of another the number of s[>ecies has been supposed to be greater than it is. The same irregulari!.\ in the successional appearance of structures is well known in the earlier pe- riods of embiyonic lite, as stated by Von I'.aer in the sdudia of his lOnt wickelungs geschichite. In the chick, different poitions of the vertebra! axis and the abdominal plates may or may not appear in the usual Older of succession. In Amblystoma the aiiproxiiiiation of the period of reproduction to that of transformation varies with the species, and it is evident that the closer this api)roximatioii, under tlie above i»rmciiile of variation, the more protean will the species be. As we know from the exi>eri meiits of Hogg, J)umeril, and others that inetamori>hosis i.s greatly has- tened or delayed by the conditions of temperature and light, what would mit be the elVect on individuals of such a protean si)ecies of a change of toiiographical situation, such as the elevation or (lei»ression of the land :' And I have no hesitation in saying that if the peculiarities of series of individuals of .1. t'Kjr'nuini, in the respects above enumerated, were permanent, they would characterize those series as species as completely as any that zoiiiogists are accustomed to recognize. For the evidences on this head, see the discussion of this species below. tl! i VI. niijillliitrtl ii|>l)iUiitus , tlu' iintf- f the lirst ses of the atlu'r tliiiii •ilsiiri'foii- ircli, \vlii<^h bacUwiirtls boiu's. A piMllliUll'Ut It coiulitioti liiiiclius. is UDiic (»U icteis which sfDriniitioii : farpiis lunl lauchiii' ilis- niouth ; (0) transverse ; [)horie of the rreiice. But served in all )r the other ■ si)eeies has ilari;.\ in the le earlier pe- a of his Knt the vertebral in the nsnal rodnetion to evident that of variation, n the expel i i greatly has- t,\vhat wonld of a ehangf I'ssion of the Hinliarities of cnnnierated, IS speeies as ;ogni/>e. For lies below. I TlIK IIATUACMIIA (»l' N'OlM'll AMi:UU'A. 49 Tlie expeiinu'niH of lloi;^, above albided t*., are as ftdlows, as t,Mven l»y him in the Annals and Ma;;azineof Natnral History. llo placed a nnnd)er of inii>rej;nated ova of fro;,'s in vessels arran;;ed at re;;ular distances from th(! li;,Hit in a cave. The lessenin;,' degi'ees of lij^ht were of conrsi' acurompanied by a (!orres|»ondin};' bnt much less rapid decline in temperatnre. The rcsullin;;' ellcclson the metamorpho- sis may he tabnlat»'d as follows: j^Ii'^ii. I'iiliri'iilii'il 111" Kii :i 11 K!:i; ■JO l.iiiva In i> ' ■j."i ■ : li;ii \ ;t licr ;ii • . - ' 1 111 I,iivj viTv liii';;i' !,:itv;i 1 n-'- '11 Mi'l.iiniiiiiliiisi.i uoiii MrlMiiiiir|p|iii.-(i.i I'oiii X 11 ■IX Ill :ii .w 51 J I0U« K'AK I.iiiMi IriM' I.iii va I'lnv l.ai va lai'}!i< Larva Miiiall. Mrtiiin(ir|ili().si« fiiiii * |il(|i'. Mrtaiiiiii pliiLsin ciiiM |.l...r. Other experiments, whicli will not be (pioted now, aic ('(pially (ton- elusive as tot lie effects of iinlit and heat on their process. The dis- tinction between iiiatiirity, or adult aj;v, and complete devel()pinent must be borne in mind. The former (Mtiiditioii is attaiiu'd when the ova an; fitted for imprej^iiation and the spermatozodids are capable of accom- plishing; that result. Development may or may not advance much beyond this perioil. .Vs one or more periolsin the life of every species is characterized by a i^reater rapidity of develoinnent (or metaiiKM'pho- sis) than the remainder, so in proportion to the approximation of such a period to tlm ei>ocli of maturity or reproduction is the olfspriny liable to variation. The j^reat dilVerence l)etween the dilfereiit speeies and between indi- viduals of the same species in this res|(t'ct, may bi> illustrated by the followinn' comparison between the siz,' of the ani inuls at the time of losiiin' the biaiicliia-, so far as known, and that to which they nlti- matelv attained : Sprrii'H. Aiiililyiliiiiia.iill'rrsDiiianm' Aiiililystuiiii |iiiiirtatiiiii .. . A iiiM.s stiiina i'iins|iri.Hiiiii . . Aiiiltlysli'iiia opandii Oliiiiiilriitiis li'\aiiuH ('Iiiiiiili'iitiis nili'msloiniis . . Aiiihh .sloiiia talpiiiilcHiii . .. CliiinilKitus paruticiis Ainljlysloiiia tiiji iiuiiii ('Iiiiiiili'iitim li>iii'l>i'iiHiiH Si/,r at lu.Hs uT M aiii-liia'. A \ 1*1 II .s aur i/.c. /;i. I.iii /» I.ii:. 1 r.. 7.". Ci 1 10 li li 1 10,:. • 1 '» :i I . ■> II. :> ■-' i 1 ;i, ."i 1 ;i 7. :> •J. 5 y.\ 7t H i) 1 '> It 11 • I'll Imp** liMi lai ;;(■ i!>.")i— liuU ;u — 1 t Nut siiiallrsl. hO Itn.lJlTIN :il, |-NITi:i) STATMS NATlONAI. Ml'SKlIM. P.I 1,1 (his Meet ion it is dcsiniltU' to asccitiiiii liow liir cliiiriicti'i-s »li« tiii-;iii.siiiii^' iiii(l()iil)ti"s.sii'i' "f the iiitcriiiil iiiii't',- I'll of tongiu! ladiatiiij; lioiii its poMti'iior imriion. I'moloid <;l;iiiil foriiiiii},' ail ovoid distinct mass. I'oiir idialaiiKcs in fomtli loc' s llnl A. ( 'ostal grooves, ton. i(. Voiiicriiic scries, tint Head lii'oad ; width : ■ 1 to frioiii ; Mni//h' coiitrac ted : •\t. iial ii.'trc; closer tlian iiitenial ; iiahiline scrii-s convex haekwards; tail mIioii. coniiiressed ; hlackish-hrowii, .ura.v sjiucke I. B. Costal 1,'rooves, eleven. a Vomerine series three. li No, or one iiidistinet plant.-ir liiUcrele, J. itdiH Middh- s.' ru's transverse or concave to lieliind posterior inarj;ins of nan width of lieail in specimens of :{ inel ics, ureatertliaii one-fonrtli lenijll to irroin : in adnlts, 1.7 tin l)!ael. k ahove, with urav <;r OHs-nanil .1. o/iitciiiii. Vhl, !■ UU CMlllIlllll Mlicl( J .1 II. JSl Tin; IIATKACIIIA (»r NoKTII amkuioa. 51 tcrs «lis solve an ,11 not no •80 t'liai- till I'liiu- thi' i>nla- oMipan'tl iilnals «)!' trillion ••! \ uniroiin u'lininbiT !.•; (2)tlu- iltt'S I'lJillt spi'cii's ol' n;;- specit's , iucveast'tl iblislii'd in (iR's Uein;,' iiin, seconil iiicIiuliiiK a iiitti!il,oni' )trartit»n ot ipsus. l"'oJ' stilution is I hat of till- niislH'd its hu late l>i. liiiivs. t'lici mill 1«'»"'" ill iiiin> mm li (Is: tail hIi'iH, .A. tKlpuidiiiiii iiriiiiis of iiuro'i ic-foiirlli I'Miulli JIV (MOSS-tlillllN- ,1. oiitiniiii- i i I 'reel ii iiM III (he last; wiiltli of li<-amiiiim. r. ('o,-.lal niooves, twelve; i( l,.arH;erspe<'ies, with iwo distinct plantar, tuborclos and mucous poicson the side of the mil//.le. ( \(p I'aiilhiis nistialis; tail sliortei' than head iiikI body ; chin not pr(ijeclin}f. N'omeropalal ine tooth series with the median portion pre.sentin;f a very tdilnse allele fiirwards, rarely straij;ht, somctiincs with the lateral ]ioi'lioiis separated; hrown, with larj;e yellow sjiots of larj;er or smaller si/e I, (iijriiiiiiii. Mn/./le Iiroad olitnse ; dark brown, with vertical yellow sjiots on sides; teeth in four distinct series, in a nearly transverse line. ./. Irixriijiliiiii. ;1,< Canthns rostralis distinct ; chin jirojeeting. I';xternal nares nearer lojfct her than internal ; mn/.zhM)l)tu.se ; headsmall, width") times to };roin ; front convex; tail longer than head and body; voineiine teeth in one series, si iglitly con v«'X forwards; yel- low, Willi irregular brown baiiils above /. j-iphiai. atcSmaller species ; the mncons pores not extending beyond the orbits; teeth in three series; no, or one indistimtt jilaiitar tubercles. External and internal nares eiiiiidistant ; vomerine series nearly trans- verse; width of heail, 4..") to (i times in length to groin; length of oyo, 1.7r> to 'J.,') limes in width lietween anttirior canthus of same ; lead colored to brown or black, with or without jialu or distinct lateral spots A. jiffcrnoiiianiim. Nares c(|iiidistant ; width of head, •> times to groin ; niiizzlt) contracted ; length of eye, entering l.(!(i times in width btstween canthus of same, once to nostril; median dental smies angulated forwards; digits long; blown mlead colored, usually a broad gray band on vertebral line of tail and body expanding on occiput : sides, dark reddish-brown. -/. mavvoilactijlum. .Muzzle wide; width of head entining h^igtli to groin I times; tail long as head and body to groi:> ; digits short ; black, upper surfaces bright yellow A.t'inxnnthum. These .si>eeies are distributed as iullows: One, the A. persimilc trray, is said to be tin inhabitant of the mountain regions of Siain. Tlie others are all North American. One sjtecics only, the A. (iyrinum, c-\teuds 52 lUJLLETlN ;;i, nNITi:i» STAIKS national MTSKIiM. soiitliwiuds oil tlMi Mi'xiciiii pliitvHU as lar as the Cit.v o( Me.\ic(». Tlio reiiiiiiuiny species are distiibiited as lollows: Eastkun Kkcion.— -i. oixiriim : A. piiiiclahim : .1. vun.-. lit;; Diiiiicnl A I'.iliniii, Kip. (Jen., VIII, p. lU'.l; Cope, I'liKct;!!,-.. Acini. l'liil:i.. l-liT, p. 17-J; SI niiicli, (S:il;iiii..fi:i: ISimlnigcr, Cutal. liatr.lJrad. I'.rit. Mils., ii eil.,l"<.i:.', p. 10. iSalaiiiiimlia laljinidm IhiHuook, N. Aiiicr. lltiip., \, 7;i, I'l. ','1. Siiortest, stoutest, and most cluiiisilv furiiu'd of all the tenestiial Ambli/fifiiiiialu. Character of skin as to },'laiids pits, etc., much as in A. punvtiitiim and (iiHUum. A row of lar^'e |»ores on the head, interior to the eye and nostrils, extending;' anterior to the; latter. This i>asses behind and beneath the eye, reachinjjf forward nearly to the nostril: a patch on the cheeks above the lateral j^roove and another below it, probably oxtendinj;' lorwai'd aloiifi; the lower Jaw. The head is very broad, and laifj^e, and is wider than the body anterior to the constriction at the neck. Its width is about eipial to the distance from snout to gular fold (thus wider than Ion;;;, and is contained about ;3.] times to the j^'roin. The eyes are sujierior and ratln^r small, separated anteriorly by nearly tlii'ee len;4ths of the orltit; about oik^ orbit froi!i the nostrils, which are separated about 1.] orbits. The mu/zle is rather an^'ular. The ui»per Jaw is visible beyond the lower when viewed from below. The body is short, siiurtt, and depre.s.sed. There are 10 costal i^ioov «'s on the side. The tail is contained about 1.] times in the rest of the animal. It is much as in .1. oixtcum, but hi^ij^her, thou;-!! witiiout a crest. The dij-its are rather Iou{,' and slender, .scarcely dilVerent from those of A. opftcum. The i)alatine teeth are in a transver.se series of three sections. The middle .section is not interriii»(ed alon;;' the median line. In the type it is slightly concave anteriorly, .scarcely ivachiiijn to the inner line of the inner n arcs, and behind the rani^c of the lateral sections, which beyin a little interior to the outer line of the nostrils. The middle and lateral sections are separated by the width of the inner nostril. In another specimen the middle patch is nearly strai,i,Mit ; in another, com po.sed of two ares concave anteriorly. The tongue is thick, fleshy, and adherent, though the edges are free at the sides; le.sssoat the tip. Its width is not niT-lhun half that of the head. The papillo.se i»ortion is separated itosteriorly by the exten- 1 N'li. Ill liiii'. TIIH HATRACITIA OK NORTH AMKIJIOA 53 I Hion forward oftlie plain basal portion oftlie tongue, altlionji'h tliorcis no }ifro(>ve, and exhibiting two prominent cornuii to tlie tongue i)roper. The papillose ridges are longitudinal and nearly parallel. In alcohol this spe(;ies is a light brown above, paler beneath, irregu- larly spriidvled, blotched, and marbled with silvery or jduinbeous gray, oC a li(;hon-like character. Specinu'ns when alive show the ground color to be a dark brownish or liver black, more livid on the sides, and per- haps lighter beiu'ath ; everywhere spriidded with the silvery-gray dots of larger size on the back. The ;ii)per part of the tail is of a purer brown than elsewhere, and is bordered by a series of obscure blackish spots ; seen also near the lower maigin. A few similar dusky s])ots ap- pear .scattered on the back. The iris appears to be a dark brown with- out nu'tallic luster. A. series of speciiiuMis from Prairie Mer Rouge, Louisiana, is quite similar. ^Souu^ of them appear to have just completed the change from IIh' tadpole state, and the tail is higher, more compressed, and .somewhat crested; the toes, shorter, Hatter; the papillo.se folds of the tongue more indistinct. Mi'axin(,:>i'iils. Iiiolios. Loiigtli from snout to tiMusvoi ■!' lint' of month '.W liCn^^tli from snont to ;;;ulin' folil .'i.'i Jjt-nj^di from snout to ^jroin l.'.XI l,('nH;tli from snout to licliiuil aruis y. .{(( I.('Ml;I|i from snout to cntl of tiiil It. HO l.i'ny;tli of t.iil l..'.(l Widtii of liciid :>•> Li'Utttli of forc-.nrm -Ki l.cnf^tli of liind Icjj; frT'.l ;i'.l7L' N.I. Ill M|H'<'. I,0(:i1ilv. Ijlii'ily CiiMMlv i l'l:lil ic Mi-1 l.'.ill'J Ni;m Caiiii. Ill .. I,:l Kiiiiii wlioiii ri'ccivcd. Or. .tonc'M. I. Kllilir. i: K. Ill .lit. vf. m i i : It. ' . 1, :l:i ;| I hi ri i r ' i 'i I i 54 BULLETIN ;!l, ITXITHI) STATKS NATIONAL MFSKUM. AMIJLVSroMA (d'ACI'M (inivciilioisl. (I'liilcs UI-'Jl.) A»ihlii>'fnmno]mrn, I?nin1, .lonrn. Ac. Pliila. (v!) i, !-'"><•, p. '>-*.\: Orny, Cut. I?ii1r. (irn.1. I?rit. Mils., I'll. I, p. ;!/>, H.'iO; ILillowi'll, Jdihii.. I'iiili. .V'Mil., iv, :!r>l. Salaiiiandiitopara, fJi'avoiih., UcluTd. Ziuil. Sy.st., p.liU, .•iml Dclic, ]>. T.'>, I'l. H': l»iiin. »t nilir., |>. <>(!. Siildiiiniiilrd fiiHciitta, (Jivon, Jniirii. Ac. Pliila. I, 1-!1H, p. li.'.il: llollir. N. A. II. -rp,. \, 1). 71. I'l. will ; ll.'lviiy, N. Y., F.in'i , IJ'pi-. !>■ *7. I''- '*. li;:- •"• Arnhhisloiiiitl'iitridhim. Ddiii. ife 1511)1.. p. Ml, I'l. 101, ijm-, .">. .Imhhisloma oimnim, Copf, I'roc Ac. I'liila. 1H17, l>. \r.\; Sf raiirli, S.ilain )).(;:!; lioii- loii-,'cr, Cat. Mitr. (Jrail. Miit. Miis 1. ii. issj. p. Id. Body swollen, tliick, c.vliiidritiiil, (U'prcs.scd: skin pcrrcctly sniontli, altlioiijjh under a lens ev(M'y wiicrc sliowin^' niiniitc .simple pores or ])i(s connected with the ylands, whieii lire seen everyw hei'e on the Wody and tail, except, perhaps, on the lower part of sides, belly, and beneath the liead ; on the tail, however, they are most developed on the npper hall". There are no rejjiilar patches of more conspieiions pores on the liead and parotoids, as seen in A. puuctatiim. Head rather broad, depressed, its {greatest width about •,' the length from snout to jjnlar fold, and about f, the distance to insertion of hind lefjs. Axial leiifjth of mouth half that to ji'ular fold, which is iiiter- rnpted on the nape; a constriction behind the aiif-lc of the month, with a lateral {jroove (or ridj^e) connecting;' the two as in ^1. piiiirtdfiiin. Ins- tance from snout to {jnlar fold not (piite 3A times in that to insertion of himl lefj. The eyes are moderate; the pupil (arcular. The jicneral r»'- lation much as in .1. piinrtdtiim. r.ody nearly cylindrical, but decidedly depressed. No indication of a dor.sal furrow. Eleven well marked costal furrow.s inciudiii;: flic in- guinal. There are about four pelvic; furrow.s; those on the ba.se of the tail aredistiiHit anteriorly, but "rradually become fainter. The tail is oval or subellii»tical in cross .section, thou<;h williont any indication of a keel. It is nearly cylindrical at ba.se, lhou;;li sb<;|itly (ioi.ipressed, becoinitifj more and more so to the pointed tip. It is thiM the back, but are more liiu^ar on the tail. These vary in number; about seven on the body and as many on the tail; sometimes more or less; sometimes (continent with those before and behind them; soine- tiiiies interrupted in the middle. They do not tlescend one tliird the. depth on the sides, beiiij;' eonlined abruptly and well delined ti» the dorsal region. There is a similar patch on the snout. Mitixiiri mcntn. Inrlii's. Ini'lioM. Tiifjtl lonirtll li.HI L.'iintli to t:iil -J.:!.'. I,«iij;fli «.(■ iiioiitli lid l,('ii>;tli of tail I.r.l) I,i'ii;rlli to liiil.nl'iilil '.:! Will til of )i(':i mi The principal dill'ereiice in I'orm and strnctnre between this species and A. pumfatum aresec^i in the abseiuie of any dorsal furrow, and a less proiniiien(u> of that on the side of the tail. The limbs are more feeble, the head narrower, the tail shorter, et(t. Iv specimens from Prairie .Mei Konm', t().'>.'> .' the body is thicker and more ('Iniiisy, tlie lej^s weaker, the toes shorter than in Pennsylvania spj'cimens. The te«'th, too, api>ear more transverse, and there is little or ni> interval l»etweeii tin' midtlle and lateral combs. This species is found in drier jiroiiiid than is conociiial to most sal amanders. I have taki'ii it in tiu' sandy ri'^ions of New Jersey and Delaware. e:'/ !5 fo) ]•']•;. fi A iiihlii!.t4iiiin nponiiti (inivi'iilmr- 1 ('ildniTstrr, Vfi. f III 1 i of. lin.LKTIN ;.l, TNITKI) STATKS NATIONAL MirSKUM. KICSKKVK SKUIKS. I l.iicalilv. " = y-u Wli.ii col. llCKMl. I''iiiiri wliiirn irccivril. :V2(i« 3 Ann !ll!»l llL'Hit mill ■uis; II wit:; i-ji:)i 1(1 ■fllS"! WITH ■MM tilJll :i:ir.i iLTillS ;inii y.tr,-,:> :i!i:):i 4111'^ :i(t:i-j 1.1 ;inin iiniii ;i!i.'.s :v.m lii.clininiiuli, (l:i Dr W. I.. .Ion.' Ni>il . _ IS A;.r. Ni)V 1S>:| I SSI — , IST.'I Hin.»tiMi, N (1 Moiilliin, Aln Siiiill.crii llliiioi.t I'rairii- Mi'i- l;iiiii;i', I.a . . Wlii'iilliirid. lull Mdiiiil Canii.l. Ill I.aiiraslci-. Ohio Kinslnn. N. (' N,.w Vciik Kloriila Texas St..l('i(>inc CivcU. M(l Krii. — . Ii^s-J AMirvilli'. S.(! Ni>« r.i'iiriMci. ^Ia^^s I 'I'vi'i'i' Spiiiiu.;. ri.|Mi I New (Irlrans, I, a ' ('arli,.^lc.. Pa Ki-rnpi'i- ('iiiiiilv. Mis.s liai-ini'. Wis .\iix Plains Itivcr, III Saliiii. N.<: .1. W.Miliir. i; Kcmili I'laiiir. MiT K'niinr, f.a ;in.'K 2 .\niliTsoii. S. (• liil !l :i Criii;;!.! ;i!MS I 'raili'io. N.C. ;!!I'J7 S (;iiiiin'sli'r, Va . .. -, l.-T.I .I.W. MiltPM .... «' Mann .[lis. I''aiii.. Daniel ... .r.I.eCMiile r. I-. liii.ljiei- liiii.s i; ('tiliinil)iis, Ca '.'.. Dr (iesnei- !!!. 141S1 1 (jo ,|„ ;i!li:i I MeaiUillc. I'a .1. K. Tliielislon :«l-l >i lleiii-ia Di..r I,eC.,nle :i!lll- 1 Kiplev (lliio ||a\ 111 .Aleoliolii' Do. Do Do. Do Do Do. Do Do. Do. Do. Do AMIil.VSTOMA ITXirrATI'M Linn. (I'llltPS 1 1-1,-i, •jr.. Iii;.s. I, ;-.; |'!:,|,. |>, Dm, III.) y/m/Ji/.v/omrt /i»»r/((/»i/i, ('i)|)('.. I'liic. Ac. I'liila., I-ilT, |i. 17.'); Sir.inrli, Siil.iiii , |i.<>:!; Itiiili'lijii r. ('.It. liatr. (iiaii. I!ril. .Miis.,ni;iU(l. h'rpt., \iir, p. ■.'•J;i ; llnll.l-., N. A. Ilrlp., v. p (i7, I '1. •,'■,'. I.iirirld sHliVHiliiria. H;irt(iii. Aiiii'i. riiil. 'rriins., \ i., p. lii.-', I'j. J (ij;. C, Sain 111(1 iidni ■■^nhriiilitrni. Il;iil,in, .loiini. Ai. I'liihi.. \, p. ;!|T ; Itrkay, N. V, I'aiiii. li'i'pl., p. 71.1'l.-.'. Iln. lit;. .tmhliiKliima siilii-inliKt iiw, 'I'scliiuli, I!iir.. p. '.I','. Amhliislonia n,rnli,„i . (iiM.v. I'Mt. liatr. (iriid. liiit. Mii.s., ni. i. p. ;;,V (U:\\ rinr ZiWil Sor. l.s-.;!, p. 11. ■ ' .imhhisloiiKi innirtdld. I',,iinl, .Imiiii. Ac riiil.i. (•.'), i. p.-JSl; Ij.ill.nvill / .• iv H> |.. X.i. ' ' ' Amhhinlnmii aiijiix, \hm\.\ llil.r.,viii, p. lli;!. No. .{!»;-.(► ;. l!<)(lys\vnII(Mi. stout. .'.vliiMliiciil. I[o;iaiot<)i«l rcjiioii, and aiiotiier on the top of the head inside of tlie orbits and extendirij;' antei'ioily in a straijiht line towards thc^ nostrils and passing;' bactkwards seMiiciniuhirly behind tlie e.ve. A doable row around the edjje of the lower Jaw ; a jiaii' on ea(;h outer (postal space alonu' tlie side of the body, and a row on each side of the top of the tail ; the latter indicated {jen- erally by a whitish dot. Head broad ; depressed ; width nearly (Mpial to distance from snout to K'nlar fold, and nearly one Ibuith the distance to insertion of hind le^s. licn^th of mouth alonj^' axis of body half distance from snout to liular fold, which is nearly continuous a<'ross the nape. There is a constiic'tion behind the ar-yle of the Jaws, interrupted above and below, and a fur- row eonnectinj;" the two alonji' the jjaiotoid re.i^ion and extended in a lateral line to the oibit. Distance troni snout to jiular fold <'outained .'U times in distance to insertion of hind legs (four tinu's in another speca- nien). Theeyes are moderately laru'e; the longlh of the orbit contained t.l times in distan(!e from snout to third or longest linger is contaiiu'il al>out 2\ tinu's in the distancic to the elbow. The second linger reaches to the last artic- ulaticMi ; the fourth to the |)enultimate. The fourth toe is longest, (contained L*;\ times in the (listan(!e to the knetc; the third, second, lifth, and first succ(vssively shorter. The dis- tance between the outstretciu'd hind toes is rather more than L', the length to behind anus. The tongue is thi(!k, lleshy, and attached, although free at the (^Iges except behind; it is about two thirds the width of the upper jaw, tu'arly orbicular, though the outline of the papillose i)oiliou is a little emar- ginate behind. Italmost seems as if the tongue wei-e capalile of closing round an obi(M;t in its c(>ntt>r. as in th(> hollow of the li;ind. ilH '•■^ ■p. ..-■^* > .58 lUTr.LETIN :!l, rXITKH STATKS NATfONAT. MUSKITM. II' Tlio triinsvorsoliiM^ (.Itoctli is in tlircc piirts ()r(M)inl)s; ii (U'lifnil about two-liniis the. widtli of the lieud, uiul scpaiiilcl IVom llic liitcriil by ii sli-ilit interval. Tiio central patch is nearly strai-ht in its middle, but, tluM-nds enrve a little, torwards, and continuously with the lateral i>i)r- fion of the line which forma a curve concave l)ackwards, itonndinfi- the orbit. The inner edj^e of the imsterior nares marks the extent of the central row of teeth. The lateral comb of teeth is about half the length of the central. The color of the spe(!imen described is, in alcohol, of a dark liver brown above, abruptly light olivaceous beneath. On each side of the back is a series of nearly circular rounded spots about the size of the (U-bit, about three on each side of the head, eijiiit or nims on the body, and as many on the tail, where they are sonu'tinu's conlliuMit. These spots are white, in alcohol, but yellow in life. Alon.y the sides and nnuv sparin.i;ly be- neath are some scattered, (piite small whitish spots,not very c(Mispicuous. The lejisareof the color of the under parts, not of the U|)per; I hey show some of the small lij^lit spots seen on the sides. 4 \n ■I i 11 Ii ft a 3 Total IciiKtli of :VM) Li'iijjlli (if itiiiiitli Leiiu'lli to ,i;'nl;ii' lolil Loinith to uroin McnKiircmiiilK. Iiulios. niclics. ('(.'id Ii('ny;tli oftiiil licliiiiil ;iiins :!.!(• Id \Vi(Uii ol'licad i'.."i .-'•J Arm I'roiii i'IIkiw (ill .. . vi.Sd Hind It'" IVoiii kni'o "^a Loiifjtli to bcliind aims :t.l(l | In the preceding paragraph I have described a specimen from Abbe- ville, S. C, as a lo(!idity nearest to that whence the original of liinna-iis's des(!ri|)tion was obtained. An exaiuinatiou of a large sei'ies of speci- mens from different localities shows certain differences, whicii, however, arc not of a character to indiiNite specific separation. The external appearaiKte of the skin varies consideral)ly with llie .strength of the alcohol used far lueservation, and probably with the season when capturt'd. The animal, when alive, is perfectly smooth and lustrous, and readily exudes a large (piaiitify of a white milky Juice fVoin the upper half of head, body, and tail, or from the dark-cohu'ed portion. This is due to the presence of glands closely implanted in the skin, the ])ores of whicli are sometiiiu>s (piite iiieonspi(Mious ; sometimes very dis- tinct. On the tail they are much largest and di'cpest, and the lateral groove marks their inferior boundary, being there implanted verti(!ally. When these pores are very full of their milky juice and the alcohol is very sfrtuig the contraction of the skin betwciui the mouths of Wwsv, pores gives imue or less the appearance of roundtMl, thick-set granules, of rather large size. This also gives rise to an ai)parent deiuession (tf the digits, the skin forming quite a margin The proportions of the body vary slightly. The tail is generally not '■ 80 long as the rest of the animal, tli le groin IxMiig more iisuallv in^ariu" TIIR I5ATRACIT1A OF NOUTII AMFUIOA. 59 the middle point oftlic axis. Yonnjier specimens appear to liave sliorter tails. Tliei'c is considerate diviMsity in tiic cniv*', of the tiansverse series of palatine teeth. In ncnirly all more northern specimens the central row is formed of two arcs, concave anteriorly, more or less continuous with the lateral, which are anterior and convex anteriorly. The two central arcs arc continuous at their inner ends, forminj;' an inveited an^ie on the axial line. Sometimc^s, however, as in mosr of the sptuMmens from Prairie Mer lioujje, tins central anslc is wantiu}?, and there is only a sinjjle arc or curve, (loncave anteriorly. In tlui type spiMMmi'u described this central row of tiietli is nearly or (piite strai};ht (which is quite apt to ho the case in v(M'y large ones), while in one specimen of No. U'tSi it is convex anteri(>rly. The transverse extent of this middle line of teeth varies. Sometimes there is «;(iite an interval hetwi'cn it and the lateral, while in 31).'>(>, from New Yo k, they are con- tinuous without ai>pre('ial>le interruption. There are no very great variations in the pattern of coloration. (Gen- erally the outer surface of the limbs is colored like the back, in which cas(^ there are one or mon*, large, rounded light spots. The under parts aie generally dark bluish; the sprinkling of small whito specks on the sides and beneath varies considerably in prominence. Tlie large dorsal spots are always nearly circular, and vary in number, generally only one series «)n ea(th sidt*. In living specimens from Carlish', Pa., the iris is dark brown, without metallic color, scarcely distinguishable from the jiupil. The color of the animal above is adeep anthracite black; beneath, dull livid. On ea(!h side the . Professor IJaird (I(M>nographic Etn-ycloiia'dia, 1S,51,) thus describes the reproduction of this spcM'ies : ' ICarly in April, or towards the (Mid of Miirch, large masses of gelati- nous matter may be observed in ditches, jiools of water, or mountain streamlets, which on closer inspection will be found to consist of a num- ber of hollow spheres, about a quarter of an inch in diameter,embedded in or combined together l>y a perfectly transparent .jelly. Within each sphere is a, dark obje(!t, a sph iindal yolk, which in the course of some days becomes (considerably elongated and exhibits signs of animation. Omitting, as unsiiited to our pages at present, any ac(^ount of the em- bryonic development of tin^ animal, we resume its history at the time when its struggles have freed it from the shell of the sphere in which it I! t :n ■J m i' } bi ? ■ _i 'ffi m i ♦ if 60 iM'LMrriN :!i, r.N'ri'Kh statks naiionai- mi'skiim. ii \v;is inclosed. At (liis Ii'iik- it is alioiit liaH';ili iiicli in It'lifjtli, iilld con- sists siMi|)i,v (»r Ih'ihI, ImxI.v ;niills projecting: (Voni ca(!li sido of (lie neck, of very siniple construction, liowcNcr, and willi Init t'vw Inanclies. 'I'lie alis<'iice of limits is compensated It.v tlie existence of ., ciiilt shaped appenda^^c on each side of (lie head, proceedin;: froMi tlic an.nle of the month, and representing the eini (dtserved in some ixliilf salamanders. I!.v means of lliese appendafjes flie voinif,' salamanders are enalded to anchor tliemsei\('s securely to (dtjects in the wafer. In the coarse of a few days a tnltercle is seen to form on «>acli side, just hehind tlit^Iicad and niidei' the i;ills. wliieli eloiinafes, and tinally ftuivs at each end. lirsl into two. tiien three, and at last into four brandies, tlins exliil»itin<,' tlu' anterior extiemilies. with t lie tour linijers, which lattei', in the larva, are V(>ry h)n<::. I'.efore the foi-e Ipj^s I>ec<»me (M)ni- plelely foniied tiiose heliind sjtront ont in a similar manner, witli first three, then four, and finally live toes. During' this time the yiils iiave increased in (he nnmher of brandies, and tinally exhibit a i)oaiitif'iiI arboreseeiil aitpearance. in wliidi the circulation (»l the blood can i»e distinctly seen by means of a simjile lens. (See plate Hi.) Pi ^ 7 Kn; '■! ~.\iiihl:i.itli>ii V:i, .i'.i'j tha it n Ilia IIO.'> reii IIk' ml i,r>| .i^iiii antl lasf (;ai| sit<| TIIK HATKACIIIA ttK NolvTII A.MIiKlCA. UKsi;i!vi; SKUiKs. 61 '■J y, '■ \-,:w 1 :.27ii 1 ti-,m :i lllhS 1 ij'.i'.) 1 iiii'j 1 '.ll'.KI '1 IIIKIKI 1 ll'.fJH i; :t!i.'iii ;i ;i!i.'7 r ;i!):i(i •J WW 10 4(IS4 o 4077 - 4(ISll 1 ;i:i:;,s f. :i'.ii7 f* :i'.m:. 111 :niMi 1 r.Mr>4 1 iitiiii :t :i!i;i4 11 4KI«li 1 .mil 1 :tiMi:i :, 111) III .Ml 1 I4^r. 1 1411)1 1 lI'Mi 1 ;i!i;iii 1 iiiij,". •J ;i!iij ;i ;i!i-.".i .1 :i7S(; T ;i'jo5 Ci.' I.IM ItlitV Wlini nilli'i'li'il. riuin wImmm ivi.iv.a. N.ilHi'c.l Mp.Ti IIII'II. WliitliilcIC I\, ti.i \.(ii'|iliinl Kit cliiiriMmli, , Win I'lor. S. K. i;alril failisli., I'a .1.1 I'lMii ill Mel Uiiii::.', I, a il ami's I'aiiii' t'lfM laiiil, tlliii) I 1)1. ,1. I'. Kiiilaiiil Mi.iiiil(',iiini.| III Niiv. —,!.•-.■- 1 I,.M.'rmiirf .Sum 11 ill. I, N. Y 1 (?) (Villi, I,.. I'.i i I'liif. S. K I'lainl Miiiial .Iiiv, r.i CimI II ('iiiiiil V. I'a. Mr.iilvill.., I'a' • ■.ulM.', I'a Ililil'.ix, Niiva Si. ill \Vi.>l|i.iil, N. Y I. SlaiitVii' S iiiii;;i;. T - ■•• (') I'r.if. S 1'. r.iiiil .. Dr. (iil{iiii I.^.'<.-. Mis. !■'. I,. I...' ... . ('ll■^^■l,lll.l. Olilii 1)1. Kiillaml (>)u.1hm' I i;. Niiiii' Saiiii l.iiiiis Mil Dr. ll. i;ii:;li'maiiii Kii.iw ill.'. T.iiM .. I'l.iri-^.siiiMll.lii-M W.vsiiiiiil, N. Y ' (i. W. I'.iii.l {■Irvil.iiiil. Ilhi ' I)i. liallaii.l I'r.iuii' .M.i IJiiii.;'' I„i i .lam.M I'.iiiic Al.-oli.ilic. D.I. Dii. I)i>. D.I. |)i> Dii. D.I. Dii. Dii. Do. D.I. Dii Di-. Dii Dii Dii. D.I. D'l Di. Dii. Dii D.I Dii. D.I. Y.Hlnu .\|i .ill.ilic D.I D.I Dii D'l D.I D'l Dii Dm Dii Jit AMI'.LV.sTOMA ('( (NSlMlKSl'M ('..ii. I'l.it.'i'il . A(;i.l. N.U. Si'i. I'liilii., l-."i'.», I'.';;; i«i7, ITT: .S| rancli, Saluiii., \>. Itiiiilciincr, (';il. 1!. (i. I'.ril. Mils., I'll. ii, H-.', p, I.'. 'I'liis ill Dill- ol' tilt' siiiiillcst spt'cii'sor the .m'liiis. ami tlioiii;!! li'ss stout tliaii lilt' two pifci'iliii^, is iiioiv so tliaii tlic .1. jf(l'crsi>iii(inuin, which it I'csiMiilth's ill ;;i'iu'ral I'catun's. Skill cYcrywhiTi' siiiootii. in soiik' spci-iiiu'iis only a si'rics of poivs 'Jt' ■ may l»i' (raced alonu the superciliary rej-ioii ami in a line to near the nostrils; sevi'ial arc on the parotoid rci^ion. The skin ol" the Uody is remarkably free from YisiMe pores. wImIc, as usual, the supeii(*r part ol the tail is thickly studded with them. 'I'hc head is a broad oval, its width making the len.uth to the L;roin 1..") tiiiu's or a little more, and is a little over three-louiths distance to i^iilar fold. Kye tissuii' equal length to nostril, and 1.7."> limes between anterior angles, and a little more than ilistaiu-e between nostrils. The last distance is a little less than that between inner iiares. Posti'rior can til IIS of e\ »' a little anterior to caiithiis oiris ; anterior cant bus oppo- site middle of upper lip from iUiterior |>oint. Muzzle loiijier than cliiu. Furrows bi'hind llieorl»it iiic.)iispieuoiis,biit presiMii. C(»stal .ijrooves i ()2 IIIII.LKTIN ;il, IJMTKU STATKS NATIO.NAI- MIKSKIIM. cli'vuii. Tiiil slioil, cvt'iywhoiT coiiiidcssi'd, iiicasiiriiii; IVoiii its ori •j:, 1j(^iij;(Ii IVoiii siiont to end iiriiis I'.l. '.t Loiijjtli from snout to I'lid lail ai. ',i lii'niftli ofiiioMlii on liicdiiui line ;i I,('nj;tli 1)1' I'on'-iirni and hand IVoiii dliow 'A Ii('n;;tli of It'K ami foot from knuc r> Width of In'ad if. 7 (leiieral color above leaden, below pale leaden, the latter usually bounded by the line of tho liini)s, but in one s[)ecim(Mi rising' as hij*!! as the line of the eye. Lower parts of sides and sides of tail more or loss varied with small whitish spots, the former often in a re^oilar line. A similar line on the uiipi-r part of the sides is present in saiiu! specimens ; in others wantino;. The end of the muzzle is sometimes pale marbled. Eiyht specimens of this species before me conlirm its validity in every respect. Specimens of the developed yoiiiio of both A. (>i>nvnin and .1, l>UHt'teculiar colorations and a o-ivater width of the head, etc. From the api>ended localities from which it has been scut the raiiy-e is seen to be extensive. iir, I i I ,:l .SZi ff tf , _ a e r - 3 l''lo. h>.—Alllbl!lStullltll•lll^^■|llrl|lllll. N'u. ;)1);;|. Caili.slr, I'.i. I'. S. NATIONAL MISKIM No. No. spt^c. Loi'iilitv. I :)ii;ii :i Cailisli', I'n li'jih I ; (Ill Diiiiur. S. K. liiiiiil. Do. I'I1II,AI)I:I.IMII.\ ACAIIKMV .M ISKC.M. 1 i (;ii;iilt'»liiii, s. c '.; ' I.ilxii.v Coiiiitx. (in* 1 ' Cliislrl- r. Ilalldwi'll. I 'I'lllll l.rCullto. E. I). ( !o|H). ' Spi:ciiiii!ii ilo.tciibcil. I Tjpo. > 7 >/' IIIK IIATKACIIIA Ol' NOU'i'll AMKKICA. G3 AMIJLYSTOMA (.'OrKANTM I lay. l'i(i(!t)o«liii|;s U, S, Natioiuil Musoiiiii, lri."*r), \i. 'M*, I'l. xi\'. The lu';i(l is lar^'f, somewhat wider than tlie body, and Ualdiiu'd; the body short, and tiio tail h)ii^ and coiiipitissed. Tiiesi^in is tor tiic most part smooth, bnt rvcrywiit'iv, as seen nnch-r a Kmis, is pitted with the openin};s of the entaneous follicles. Of tliese, there area fewenlargeil ones in a band snrronndin;;: tiie orbit and extending; forward to tlu; iKKstril. Others are fonnd alK)ve the angle of the Jaw, and a few still lariier ones on the posterior border of the i arotoid n'gion. The promi- nent keel and the whole tip of the tail aie so riehly provided with eidarjjed pores as to present a Ki'iiniilated appearan(;e. The width of the head is somewhat greater than that of the body. It is possible that the breadth and llatness of the head havi^ been exag- gcu'ated somewhat l>y the injnries that it has recu-ived; but this can Ix' trne only to a very slight (vxtent. The breadth is abont the same at the angle of the Jaw and the corner of the month. From the former point the head tapers backward, the ontline being coiutave to its posteiior border, where it is snddenly constricted into the necik. From the cor- ners of the month tlie head tapers forward to nearly opi>osite the nostrils, beyond which it is rapidly rounded to form the snont. The width of the head is a little less than the distance from the snout to the gnlar fold, and is (contained in tlu' distanei^ from the snont to the groin .5.0 times. Tlie distance to the gnlar fold iscontained in the distance to the groin 3.1i tinu's. The depth of the head, on a line Joining the angles of the Jaws, is a little less than one half its width. The gnlar fold does not overlap, as it tloes in some s[n'cies. It may have done so in lile, bnt manipnialion of the skin fails to restore an ()verlai)ping fold. Tlu; npperjaw projects beyond the lower. Fyes of moderate size. Externiil naies small; their distance apart somewhat less than the width of the interorbital space. The tongne is not notably dill'erent from that of .1. fitfriiium. The teeth are arranged in four series, which together form an inverteil V? the angle of which is very obtnse. The limbs of the V? 'i'"* •'^^•^"' ^^''•''' tlie nnaided eye, ai>pear nearly straight, and are .seen to extend beyond the internal nares along their external lissnre. Examination with a lens pnnes that the inner seriesare each slightly /-^/shaped, ami .so disposed as to make the angle of the V r«)iinded oil". Th(M>nter series on each side is nearly as long as the corresponding inner series ; is plaiidy .separated from it, and nearly straight or slightly concave on the pt)sterior side. Inner nares more; distant than the exterinil. The body is sonn;what dei>re.s,sed, but has not the swollen ai)pearan(!e |)resented by A.opacnm. The distance from tlM^snontto the axilla isjnstetinal to that from the axilla to th(> groin. There are eleven well-marked costal grooves. Then^ is a median fnrr<»w, not deep bnt distinct, beginning on the occipnt ami riinnwigalitii ^ (hv^ b.ick, di'i-pening o.i the sacral ri'gion, and emling over the middle of the vent, at the comnn'ncement of the caudal crest. 4: \ If wmmm li I'Jl ! I r,4 i;ii,i,i;tin :!i, imtki* station national miiskitm. The t loacal iv^ioii is r(»iisi(li-riilily swollen, and is liioad and loiiiidfd, oisli'^lill.v fniar^iiialr lu'liind. i'lic distaiict' lioui the {,'ioiii IoIIu'ikks. U'lior cud of the vent in tliis species is jircater pntportionall.v (liaii in any other of the j^cnus so far as I liave I»cen aide to dctcrniiMc. It JM contained in tlie distance from tlie snoni to the ;;n»iii Init .'{,', limes. Tile tail is e(|nal in !en;^tli to llic distance from tlie snout to tlio be- ^iuniu;^ of the vent. It is niucli compressed and rather liinli. ItluiHU well ileveloped keel or crest, which l)e;jfins luinitMlialeiy over the chmc-ii and extends to the tii» of the tail. The keel is sharp above, and is bounded below on each side liy a shallow <;ro(»ve. inferiorly the tail is broadly rounded for its anterior third or nn)re, and is traversed by a median longitudinal {rroove. The remaimler (»f its lower Ixuder is compressetl t(» a sharp ed^^'. A tiansveise section of the tail, taken Just behind the cloaca, would form approximately an isosceles triangle whose base would be about one half ils heij^hf. One-third of the distance back toward the tip the heijjfhtof the tail is three times its thickness. The limbs aic well developed. The posterior aic a little loiij,'er, some- what stouter, and the foot broader than the sanu^ limbs of a specimen of A, tiiiriuinii that measures the same distance from the snout to the end of the vent. They are also tally as lon^j as the same lindis of ji specimen of A. punctdtinn that measures from snout to the end of the vent tliieefourths of an inch moic than the specimen 1 am describin<;. The t(»esare Hat, much like those of .1. titjtinniii. perhaps not so broad, while they are not so slender as those of a specimen of .1. itiunlnliiin now betbre nie. They are jjidvidcd with a narrow niar;4inal and basal membrane. There are two distinct i>lanlar tubercles. Li*'"K"i: IiuIiis. l.iii.H. I'lliiii siKiiil t(i iiid (if t.iil .", ,s l'"i(iiii .snout 1(1 i;iilar lold 0 H. ,'» i'ldiri siiont to line jiiiiiiiiL; :i \ill,c I )_ ;, From .si.oiit lo ;;idiii •^» ;{ I'ldiii snout tu cnil of vent ;; n From end of vcnl to lip of tail -j H I'rom axilla to j^roin 1 | ;, I'rom j;T(iin to cml of vent 0 h. .''i Width of head at anj;ic of j.iw 0 7 - Ui.stanco lie! ween anterior can I hi 0 | (; Inttrorliital space d ;;.);, I ''iijrth ol' wliiilo forc-Ici; 0 II liowcr arm and hand H ■> - ljeij,Hlli of third finecr 1, ., r Hinder liinli, total Icn;;th I ,, ,,- Ijower Icf^ and foot ,, ,, Free portion fonrtli to • 0 •> Hxpan.se (ifoutstretche.l md der Inn lis .. - Distillici^ lietwecn external iia res I, ., ,; IJi.slance hetwecn inner nare.> ,, ■[ ,• ludii low half othi T liist has limb teeth bodic ill tlu Ui(Jer.i the di appro trace has u and h A. transv less sj a Tin: KATKACIIIA Ol" NOKTIl AMKUICA. 65 I'rtipoilioiial dimeiiHions, Miizxle to Kiilar foltl: Times. In tlistiiiici" IVom snout Id ;{riiin , ;\,\i In distuiici' to I'nil ol" vnit (iiciirly) <1,'«J Foro-iirm iiml ('m't : In (list unci' tit ;;r()iii ;{. i; In ili^liinci' to t'Mil ol" vent .1.7 LowtT li'y; lUid font : In (list II HIT to ^jidin H In (liNtiMiri- to I'hil of vent 4 Width ofli.ad: lu tlistaiii'f to groin 3. G ' Fin. II A iiilihintiimn ininitniiin Iliiy. iiiitinnl wi/r ; i'ii)iiiil frinii Hay. Tlii^ coloi' is (liiik itrowii, almost liliicU, iiliovc, biowiii.sli vcllow below JJet\v«'«'H tilt' lort' and liiiis below and in front yellowish, us other lower parts. I-Vet, especially alxtve, dark. This spe(!ies must be compared with .1. birolonuu} A. tinrhiuni. The last belon;fs to the j^ronp wiii(;li has twelve costal ;j[rooves. .1. t'KjrUium lias the interni nares no more widely separated than are the outer; the limbs of the vomerine V are decidedly concave, and the inner series of teotli are about twice the lenjitli of tlie outer. It is also a rather loujf. bodied species, the distance from the snout to the axilla being' contained in the distance from the snout to thej;roin nearly L'.t times, while in vl. I'opt'KHKin the latter distamu? is but twice the former. Iiuleed, this form dillers from all others, in the shortness of the body, or the equality of the distances from snout to axilla and from axilla to j;-roiii. .1. bicolor ai)proaches it most nearly, but this s|>e(ties dill'ers further in havinj; no traces of the yellow spots so chara(!teristi(! of that form. .■I. copcanum has also a broader and more depressed head, ii more compressed tail, and lonp'r limbs. A. bicolor is described as having the palatine teeth in three entirely transverse series; as having a Vi'iy short muzzle, and as beiii},' more or less spotted. A t'omparison of some of the dimensions of the two spe- lySl— Bull U 5 N '■! i r 66 BULLETIN 34, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. cies is iiecessiiry. Tlie type of A.hkohr now in the niii.seiini of the AcadoniY of tlic Xatuiil Scioneos of riiiliulelpliia fiiruisiios tlie mens- urenients found in the first cohinin. Mcasiiri'iiRiils. A. liicolor. ■^- ';3'"'- Lenpfli from snniit to cular fol 1.. Liii:;lli limn sunlit to axilla Ll'IlL'tll In nil Hllllllt t" LTDill. Liiiiilli I'liMii .-iiiMil KmimI (if vent . Lc'iiiilli iiiiiii axillii tDt'idiii Lrii"tli iiriiiwcr Ic^ 1111(1 1'diit AVidtli (ifliciul In II 1 lit F(irc-arm and foot into (tiKtiincc fioiii snout to uToili I.(U\ IT li'u' anil fiKil into distaiico I'lmn snout to yi (liii . \Vli(ilcai"tcii(ir liiiili into (lislanci' from Hiioiit to (.'roiu Wliolo anterior liiiili into (Il8tan(e fioin snout to vent. /,i/i It. J. fl 7.'J •i. .) 4.5 H. H 8.:; Tiiiien. 4.6 ;i. .••4 H 4J III. 0 1 /.in. l.K ;i (I 1. 15 II 7.5 Tiiiun. :).fl -11 Tlic above table of t'oniparative measuronients sliows that -1. hicnior h.is. in comparison witli .4. vopeannm, a h)n{j('r and still broader head; ii! spite of tliis. a distance from (lie axilla to the {iroiii ^Teater than that Irom the .snon* to the axilla, a nuich shorter pelvic rejjion, and shorter fore and hind limbs. Found at Ir\ inyton, near Indianapolis, April 7, 1885, by Mr. George II. Clarke. The siiecimon on which the description is based was found dead anart of the former in the jireccdinj,' para;;iaplis. It is evidently a distinct s|»eeies, c'haracterized anion}; other tliin;;s by the shortness of its boily. In coloration it is abont identical with the Amhlystoma jr(}'er.soiii((nHm fiifivHm. AMHLYSTOMA HirOLOK HallowPll. Proc. Ac. I'liilii., l-,'.7, i>. Ui:.; Cii]w, cod. hn:, IrtiT, p. i7f; Straiirli, Salam., ji. ( :t; lidiilnifrcr, Cat. Itatr. (irad. lirit. Miis., td. ii, l«vj. p. f.'. In the type specimen of this sjtecies the nsnal snperorlvitivl and lat- eral frontal serirs of larjic jiores are not di.scernible. In a second spe(!- imeii they are well marked, in the former the skin is »|iiife smooth, with eleven lateral ;;rooves, and the folds of the throat and sid«' of (he head not stron<;Iy maiketl. The head is broad and obtn.se, enterinft- the len^rth of the <;Toin ;i.T."» times. The front convex in protile, con- taiiiinji' the len<,'th of the li.ssure of the eye in its width betwj'cn anterior cantlms of .same 2.7") times. The sjirno measure is a tritle h'ss tiniii the ' y >^ < \f THE BATRACHIA OF NORTH AMKRICA. 67 distance from same to nostril and one and a (juarter the distance between the hitter. These are mueh ehiser together than the inner nares. Dis- tance between outer margin of nares equal length from end muzzle to midinterorbital space. Dorsal line with a faint groove. Tail much compressed, equal f''om end vent to eanthus oris. Body stout and heavy. The lin»bs are stout and the digits not elongate or depressed. The appressed lind)s over- lai) by the length of the toes. Two well-marked palmar tubercles. Third and fourth toes nearly equal; fifth a little longer than first. Tongue large, disciform, not emarginate behind. Palatine teeth in three entirely transverse series, the interruption taking place considera- bly inside the line of the nares. The teeth themselves are in numer- ous rows on each of their bony crests, presenting a brush-like arrange- ment. Median series notched behind. Mtamtrcminta. Inches. Lines. Lfiifitli from cihI iiin/zl«' to (pillar iVld 0 !' 75 Lt'ii^illi from (Mill iiiuzzlc to jjroin 2 7. '2 Lriifjlli from end iiui/zlc to cml vnit . ',] 2. 3 l.niirtli from end iinizzli' to fiitl tail o 10.05 I.t'ii^tli of iiioulli (strai;;lit) 0 (3.1 L(n;;tli of fon-arin ami foot 0 G. 75 l-tMifjtli of lower Icj; and foot 0 H. H AViiltli of h.'ad 0 8.75 Cohu' above, olive brown; below, yellowish, olive shaded in the mid- dle. The inferior yellow risi's on the sides as short l)lotches; above them are sevcnil ill-delined yellowish .spots. I'arotoid region yellow, with a ln.'l \ , .Mil- When culluuted. l'"rom wlioiu lei'ilvfU. I'nif. S V lliiinl T. S. lliniiii N'liliiw of apoo- iliicn. 4fiI)'J 1U3!I| ' AU'oliolic. Do. 1 1 (j f t I u 68 BULl.KTIN :U, UNITKD STATICS NATIONAL MUSKUM. AMliLYSTOMA TIOK'INrM Grpcn. I I'lati' -jr.. lij;. 7.) Copo, Pioc. Ac. I'liihi., 1-117, p. 1T;>: Straiicli, Sahini., p. C3 ; Bouleiigcr, Cat. IJatr. (irad. Jirit. Mils., l-t'v!. .d. ii, j.. i;!. Salt! ni nil (ha liyriiiii, (iiiuii, Jduni. Ac I'liila., V., p. lltl. iStiliiiiKiixIni iiii/aii (iivru, I. c, \\, ]>. •J.M, SiihiiiKiii'lra hiiidii. S.ijiii', Aiinr. .((HUii. XXNVI, p. :W'J, 1~TO. Triloii li,/riiiiix, HtiHir , N. A. lliip., v. p. 711, 1 'I. •,'(); Dc Kay, N. Y. Faiiu., p. K!, Tl. ir>, Ii. 32. Triton iiKjiim. Hdllir,, /. c, p. Hf), I'l. ',".•. JiiihilntuiiMtiijiiiKi, liainl, Joiirn. Ac. riiila. (ii;, I, p. iJt^-l ; Duiii. &, IJibr., p. 108; llal- l(i\v , .loiirii. Ac. I'liila., C-M, III, p. :!.'i'i, '^M ; Hallow., ). c, p. ;15'J. AmhijxIuiiM iiiisciijiiis, ISjiiril, /. c, jip. •>■!, '■iW: Ilalhuv., /. r.. p. :i.")l. Amhiisinmii jirnnirjiiiii', liainl. /. c , -J-J, ',';!!' : Hallow., /. c, p. :)")•!; U. S. Mox. Bomid. Siirv., II ; Kept., I'l. :i.'>, lij;. 7-11. Hettroti-iloh inijciin, Grav. Cai. Il.iir. (Iiatl., Brit. Mus., od. i, p. 33. Xijiliiiiiitya ii{)'i r^iniidiKi. id., ihid., p. 31. JiiilijI'-tiiiiKi tiijiiitiiiii, id., iliiil., \>. ■\'). .lHl^//•^^'(/l(/ iiuiriiftiinii. id., ibid.. \t. 37. Amhi/sluhia inlifoyninisr, (U:\\. I'roc. '/.i.iW. Soc. 1^,")3, p. 11, PI. 7: Hallow., /. c, p. :i.'..'. : I'.ainl, IJcp. I'. S. I:n)i1. Smv., xiii, I'lnt iv, PI. 30, Hjj. 1-3. Amhji-'.tomii /line .niii. \ar.. Dmii. A liilir., ji. Iii7, J'l. lll.">, li;;'. 1. Aiiihuxtiimii iiiliiiliiniiiii, Hiiljow.. /. I., ](. ;!.")'^. Aiiihiiitoinii iiiiji ».•<. Hallow.. 1. c. \\. W'l'.V. Coopci,!'. S. ]!x]il. Siirw. Xll. Part il. IM. 31, tiy. 'i Aiiihi/sliimii mm iihiliiiii, H;illo\\.. /. r., \>. X\'>, and Proc. Ac. Pliila., l-^."i7, p. 'Jlo. Ciiiiuini toxin maiiiliila. Cope. Proc. .Ac. I'liila.. l-.">',(. p. I'jo. Atiibl;i-liimii mavorliiim, f'oitc. /. c. : ."^Iraiicli. /. c. ; Coiic, in Y.irrow's Report, Zoill., ]>, ()31. Aiiilihi--clir. wiss. Zoiil., XXXII, p. 21ti, i'l. ll,l!». /.iirriill'diiii. Siredoii liihriioidii<, ]]:\\ri\, Proc( i -U. I'lijl;i. Acud., 1-.V,>, p. (W; Sfaii.sliiirv'N Report, 1KV,>, p.33(;, PI. i: h'cpl.r. S. I'.ic. IM>'.,cxp|. X. PI. Xi.iv. Siredoii ijnirili.i, Uaird,!'. S. I'ac. U. Ii. I;, pi., \,\Villiaiii.'.oirs licpL.p. 13, PI. xi.iv, lig.2. lUnmiii.'iloiiKt muiiilntiim, Sa^cr, Pciiiii-i. .(oiirii. Medic., l,"i.")f<, p. 4y'H, ti^ 1. Sin lion pisrifoniiin, Dmiicril, .Journal dc la Soc, Accliiiifitatioii, l-'(i(>, liiry, Sirtdoii liijrinus, Velasco, Natiiralcza, Mexico, i\-, leTf^, liys. ,. Ml „ 2 \ 7 Fl(i. l2.--AwM!i.sf,„„n ll.jii,,,,,,,. (in.n. \V, M NoHliflol.l, HI. \„. 4001. THE IJATUACHIA OF NUHTII AMKRICA. 69 ^1> (ieiKMul form very thick ami iiiassivc, altliougli tlic lii'ad is propor. tioiially small in mature specimens; not as broad as the hody. The skin appears cpiite smooth when fresh, esjtecially when covered with its epidermis. On removing this, however, the skin is seen every where closely covered with shallow pits, interspersed with yranuh like pro- jections of (he ylands. There is an indistinct line of i»ores on each side of the head interior to the eye, but they can be scarcely traced else- where. The parotoid rejjion is innch swollen, w ider than the skull, and about e(|ual to the from elliow »u' kut ( ; soiiu'tiuu's even les-;. In the individuals whicli live on land the di;;its appear louder and more, eyiiinlrical. The expanse of the ontstretchcil toes is aiioiit four tilths the distance from snout to ;^roin. The ton;iUe is lU'sliy, iuDad, altoul half the width ol the head, ami with the outline of the papillose portion siiglitl\ eniar;;iinite behind. Th(^ palatine teeth of this spech s e\tenecomes lu-arly straiyhl or even eon- cave uiiteriorly. m i -J!^ ( > ) 'I ; hi m 70 UULLLTIN ;J), UMTKU STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. There is some vaiiatioii in the .specimens, of tlie pieci,-,e outline of tbe onrve of palatiiu- teetn. Sometimes this is less an-ular anteriorly iiud does not reach lie.voiul the posterior 1 order of the inner nares. Ill life this species is of .- dark, livid blackishhrown above, oliva- ceous on the sides, and from lijihl olive to dirty white beneath. On the upper surface, ^uencrally on the side of tiie tail and limbs, are nearly circular yellow spots about the size of the eye, and j^i nerally sharply detined. These aie iiiucii liUe those .)f .1. piinvtatiim, though not (piite so distinct, and althou-li a fi'.int indication of airan}>vmcnt in ten dorsal rows may be traced, yd liiesc are less symmetrically disjiosed, and sin- gle ones "are sc;ittercd lift wi en thcotiicrs alonji' the back. Similar scat- tered spots are seen alon- the belly, wiiich af-ain is bordered, as on the lower part (»f the sides, with larger, more (piadrate si>ots, which are more or less conllnent. giving rise to elongated blotches, overpowerinpf the "iduntl color. This is also sometimes the <'ase on the l)elly and almost always on the chin or lu'iieath the head and neck. The rounded spots above souietimes vary considerably in size, and occasionally are almost wanting. Sometimes they are iiKue or le.ss c(Ui- fluent, in which ca.se there is u.>ually a predominance of yellow <»n the bellv. In a large series of specimens I have not observed any vertical yellow bamls on the side of the tail. In the young, jrst peifected from the larva, the upper parts are d:irk bidwii; the under jtarts of a miifoim browiiishyellow. The yellow- spots next make their apiiearance, liecoiiiing more and more prominent to a certain age. In very old spcciiueiis the dorsal spots be.ome in- distinct, but may generally be discovered when held under water or alcohol. IHiiH'iinioni of H'Ol. Idi'Iich. Fniiii snout aloii^; jixi.'il liiii' fo fiul of nuiiifli J''nuii siioiit III >;iilni- Cold 1 1. 0(» I'l'iilll riliolir to^loill t. .'it) l-"niiii snout to ciicl of .III us 'I. -U) Ftoiii snout to c-nd ol' tail .'^. 00 Widtli of licad w) Foro-anii from <'llio\v >-t) Hind Icjc froiu iy I THli HATUACUIA OF NOKl'lI AMKKICA. 71 Inrli H. VVidtli of lu'iid 70 Foi't'-iinii tVoiii elbow 75 Hi ml It';^ (Voin knoc IK"> (tri'iitiint lifij;lit of tail (!;"» Stretch of liiiul logs ±80 III this variety tlio nppreciable diflVTOiice in color consists in tlio teinl- ency to transverse or vertical bars of yellowish on the side of the tail more or less continent. I tind no ditference in form between the two series, the snpposed A. I'lmcopum now at iniiid (.{SiM) and 38S7) and young specimen oi A.luri- (iitm (as .'{J)?!), Irom Marietta, Ohio. The color above is a light reddisii- brown ; tln^ sides a sharply delined dusky l)rowii ; th<> belly of a lighter shade of the color of the back. There are some very obsolete indica- tions of whitish spots in tiie belly and sides. Tiie following eximination of the nature of the variation to which the Eastern foi-m of this species is subject and their (), 1»{)71, 401)2, 47()(i, and eight in in museum of the i'iiiladelphia Academy. ;'. Neaily e(pially and not coarsely marbled above, with blotches of deep brown ami bright yellow ; 40.")!). 6. Entirely yellow, with brown linear patches irregularly arranged; type of ^l. imjfus, from New Orleans ; one specimen. The above otli outer .se<4iiients are well .separated iVom llio meriiaii: the tail is loiij^er than head and body, and width of J.iws \M to line of yroin. Tliis individual is alieiranl. V. Series aii.uiiiated, not exteiidinji- anterior to anterior inar«iiH»f inner uarcs. Xos. ;5!i.')(;. L'!t71, .'J'.KJ, ;!S<».-), ;iS;i!t, rinhraeinjjf live speeiinens, three laijic ones, in I'iiiladelphia Aeadein.v inuseuni, and type of A. i)tf/rn.s (ireeii in same. This latter s|>e('iinen is peculiar in some respeels, as already noted, in coloration. 1 he head is relatively a little wider than in other speciinen.s ol' the .same lar^e si/e, the width entering the leiij;tli to the ;4ioiii four times, as in individuals of the smaller aveia;;*' size of the species. Tho leii.uth of theeyc lissure enters L'..') times the interoiltital width, instead of twice. thoii;^li in one ofcMpial si/e from Ifoot Ifiver it enters L.'.!.' times. The nares are not more than usually separated; hence the muzzle is more eoiitraitteil than usual. It is also depressed in prolile, but not more than ill some other specimens. I l>elie\'e it not to he a distinct si)eeies, hut a form dependent on causes similar to those prodiiein;: Dthers heie enumerated, and not more pennaneiit than those, so loiiu as those causes are not iinivcr.-al. In other words, it is a lar.uc specimen, with tcctii. head, and tail of adult character, hut body and muzzle inoie larval. The fold on the hind U"^ and outer toe, mentioned by (Irceii, is not marked, or dilfeifiit I'kuii that seen in the species uciierally. No. I(i!t7, sixteen specimens from westt'iii Illinois; two have the seiit s divided into tour; KH>'{, two specimens; No. KliM. Cook County, III., thirtylbiii speciiiieiis; one has the three iiilcrruptions. and live, with one (»f U)\y,i. a nicdian, makiii;^ two series of teeth. Of theattove the tongue is of nor.mal size ami the braneliia' ab.soibed, exeei)t in twelve spe<;imeiis (No. M't'M) of which live present stumps of the braiichia'; and two (Kll»7) where both the loimiic is very small and the ,uill stumps remain. The wi.lth ol the head is .'_'."» to j:roin, and the tail never lonj;ertlian head and body. (I. i\Icdian series arched, extemlinji' anterior to anteiitu' mar;;in of inner nares, Oiiespeciiiieii (.ilMKi) is fully developed in all other points. c. Palatine series an.unlated, extending; anterior to inner iiare.s' ante- ri(U' border. Nos. KMT, .litT I, .'lUTd, tw(» ot lii'.»;{, .'is.ST, .is'.t'.i/*, four of 4(>!»7, nine of KI'.H. All ofthe.se have the sluut head and tail -iveii in the pieliininary dia<;nosis, The small or lar\al t(mj;iii' Oi-ciirs in (Uie of 10!t;{. ;;()7(l. ;{!I7I, nine of Ki'tl. (woof |(>!I7; branchial iiidiiiieiils remain in two ot Kl!»7 and nine of HUM. No. I(».")7 is remarkable in having ii very small tonjiue, and short deep tail, no stumps of braiichia-, and brilliant coloration, with lar;:e size and -eiici.il adult appearaii<-e. It compaivs with certain specimens ( K;'!,".. ;!!IS I j of the form iiiiirortiKin in this stroiij;- retention of .some larv.d characters, and, like them, is from northern .Minnesota, a reyioii noted for its cold and late .seu.sons. •' T I V I Tin: i',Aii;A('iii.v of noutii America. 7a M VII nil If mi Ilia of .Wo. 'lOr)?. Inchra. Li'll};tll iVniil siKMIt Id end III' ;;Ml>r ol' iiioillll 'I'l liCliiilll IVoiii siiiHil Id iiiilai' I'l "Id I. (Kt I,('Iih;I1i I'ntin siioiil to jintiii ;(.'><• Ia;ii<{IIi I'll Mil snout Id licliiiHl :iiiuh 4. ltd Lcn^tli I'nim .sin ml lo cini nl iail (alxiiit) H. f>ri Lciififli of lail (aid. II I) J.'i') Drlilliof tail (al iMl.l veil I) 1. '.>.") WiilMi of lua.l 1.00 I^i'iiy;lli (if roicanii riiiiii clliow 00 lA'ii^th (iC liiiiil li'if I'niiii kiu'ii 1. 10 Slfftcli til" hi ml U"^ ;{. 40 A spt'ciiiM'ii I'litirclv similar, j'xccpt in size and cnloiatioii, was round l)v l>r. Horn near I'.ccsU'y's I'oint, N. .1., a well-known locality for the ,sji('(;i('s. Till' tail is rcinarUaldy tliick and deep at tlu^ hasc, and only cqiial from its hasis to tlic cantlins of month; a ;ii'oovo in the ody lu'a\y, wlili twelve costal furrows. Head vt-ry hroad, , tail, I'xtciHliiif; down on tlic sides as tiaiisverso ellipsoid bauds of lai'j;e size, perhaps equal t(» the spaee between I wo costal {grooves; the bIol(^hes of opposite sides scuuetiiues alternate, sonu'tinies are opi)osite, and are I'nMpuMitl.v eonllneiil here ami there, which is ^'enerally the case on the tail, where they form yellow eneirelinj; riujjs, interrupted below. Alonj; the sides ol" belly and lower part of the sides is ii sinii- lar series of yellow ellipses, but usually lariLM'r; those of the same side usually somewhat eoiilluent, .soiuetiuu's entirely so, leaviufjf a du.sky central Hue of the belly. The limbs are blot(!he' lai'^'ely, too, on the yt'llow of the belly. In general, however, there is little or uo tendency to an anastoim)sis or reticula- tion of the dark intersi»aces, as in an allied sjx'cies. Smaller, rounded, irregularly scattered spots of yi'llow are seldom, if ever, seeu as iu Eastern form. The ground C()lor is sonu'tiuu's uniforndy dusky above, although the lighter transverse ellipses can be usually made out; perhaps they are always apprecial)le in life. Dunuh'il and IJibrou have given a good colored ligure of this form under the nauu^ Amhi/stoinv 7S), the branchiae are still a[>- piei'iable, the lissures in the neck not being closed up, although the ovaries and oviduct would indicate that it was captured when in full breeding (tonditiou. Thisembryonii' tendency isalmostalways indicated further by shoiter gape of the mouth, the tongue smaller. Hatter, more .idherent, not at all or very little free at the edges, ami little or not at all papillose, but exhibiting a cartilaginous surface. The palatine teeth in the embryonic stati' are more aiclied anteriorly, more or less parallel with the maxillary seri»'s. less |uominent above the soft palate, and extending a less distance laterally. T'he digits are more depresed, f I, ■■■ <■ 1 ■'l i V ^ r J I t 7G iu;lletin 'm, tnited .states natk^nal Mrsr.UM. tl.cir outlines more oval tlian triangular, the third and fonrtl. toes and second and third lin-ers more nearly .M,nal. The develepn.ent ..( the diin-rent embrvonic eonditit.ns mav be carried on ver.v nne(|nall.v in dillcrent specimens, so that one cannot see the true specilie charac- ters in small individuals, or even in lar-e ones in which tiiere is the slij,'hfest indication of the brandiial slits or their tults. The same adult individual ditrcrs, too, in dillerent seasons. While somesi)ecies appear to reside almost entirely in water, others do so only partially. Kven the same species may pass a more aquatic lite in one year than in'anodier. A more i)ersisteiit residence in water is shown l»y tlio broader and more depressed (li;,'its, Iiij;herand more compressed tail, and more or less decided ridjre (sometimes even membranous). I have no doubt that an animal while possessinj; these Ceatiires in marked decree when in the water wmild lose tlieiii to a measurable extent after ii Ienj;lhened residence on land. This aijuatic habit is j,aMierally greatest (hiring the breeding season. The preceding paragrajdi is taken from Professor liaird's maims«*ript. I will further extend and illustrate the same, and add that the names. I. calij'ornicnse and A. iiutvuhttum have iteeii applied by (Iray and llallowidl to forms of this species. Various changes of form during the late metamorphosis of this ani- mal have been already enumerated in the prefatory remarks on the genus. A feature of diifeitMice mentioned altove -the varying length of the fourth vel- oped, especially below ramus of the Jaw on each side. From California only ; eight specimens; No. lO.Sl. fi Brown, yellowish below; larger lateral and smaller dorsal yellow- spots, irregularly arranged. Fewer miu-ous pores (»ii eaeii si,So, two from New Mexico, and two from Chihuahua; Nos. lOfJo, 4()i(», 3!t.o5«, 1(m;-J, |(l.S4, l!)(>S, ;5!)S|«. The type of A. uehnhmnn belongs her*'. There is no material diUerencc between this and the coloration of A. t'uirinum. y Ground brown, crossed I)y transverse yellow bands, which inoscu- late more or less ou the dorsal region, so as to obscure, sometimes almost T T ') TIIK UArUACUIA OF NolMIl AMKIUCA. 77 ^'U i onfiri'l.v, tlio Rroiiiid ; miUMiiis ,.ort's, as in tlio lasl ; lu'll.v with a median (laiii or ItlacU l>aii(l; sumctinH's tin* yellow is sJiadiMl '.vitli olive: Nos. Hii;{, no.'), .{!»!»(», I7(»;5, WM to Kl!»!l, ;;!r»r», lOlS, 407!>, KMKJ, ;J!»82, 53r)9, •lOSJ, ;;!>1M. No. HL'O iiii;;iit he assij^iied to either (i or ;'. ()' (ii'oiiiid olive, with iiiiinei'oiis small hiowii spots; otherwise na altoNc; No. UW>, and the t.vi»e ol'.l. iiiiwiiUthim. I- Urowii al)ove, yellowish helow, otherwise as above; .'{U.St/>, -4702, 3902, .'{!).■>.■)/;, t'roiii most diverse loi;alities. 1' Color as in r, the yellow leaving; only inosculatin}; linos of brown; no frontal, nasal, oi' mandibular series of mneoiis pores; on*' specimen, No. i(H)S. So much as to theprineiple of ornamental variation. The followitiff are the tbrnis resnltin;;' IVom unetpial development of parts. The rea. I'.tos and .").">iji» (J s|»ecimens); in all re- spects fully ^rowM. the former nut more than half the size of the usual ty|»e. Approacli distantly .1. Irisnijitinii Cope. 7'V/R' />. — Palatine teeth tormin;; a strai;;ht seiies on each side, meet- ing at a more or less (»pen unfile between tln' nares. Most ()f the speci- mens; Nos. ITOL'. ;;y!L'. iTtr.. i(;i;{, khm, loio. kids, .'jiMio. no.}, -lom, to t(l!M>, lOSl. ;;<):».-). |(>7!>. <)f lliese, the an-ile of the tooth series «loes not extend beyond liie anteiior mar;;in of the nares in twenty- six si)ecimens. of which one exhiltits a small, undeveloped ton^^ue, and none have the stumps j)f the braiichia' reiiiainin;:;. In eleven specimens the an;;le extends beyond this point (in ."»'.»!)(), and another approaching; anarch in Ioimii, :ind ol these the inn.uue is small and larval in six, and inon*> of thcNC stumpsuf the luaiicliiM' remain; this last is of medium Hize only, but Nos. UW, and 'M>\)\ arc lar;;e, the lirs very huj-e; they add the larval character of a slnnt, det p t:iil. It is to i»e noted that the.so Bja'cinu'us art' from Minnesota and the holders of Ibitish America — re- jjions subject to ;;reat cold — to which ( ause we may with much proba- bility assi^iu their characters. Two individuals lu'esentin;; the same IH'culiaiities are desciil»ed under the hea«, t07S, KML', K>S4; two Mu.seum of IMiiladelphia Acaih'my, one type of .1. Hnfc»/f(/Hm Hall. Of these, two have the small tonyue and traces of branchiae while four are fidly develoiied in these ii'spects. |! th i i nn.LKTiN :ii, i-nmti:i> statks national museum. Tiipc />.— Piiliitiiio scrips fonniii;: n pMiiiltnlicjnvli iVoriKdM' cxtrcmiry to the olhcr, ('xt(•lli""'>' Inll.v .U.iil.le tlif siz.' of otlifis from tJH' saiiM' lofiilii.v (Hm' IMiitlf Vallf.v), wliidi mv ivf.'iT.Ml to tvprs (' and 15. vvitii larval ton^iiic ami luaiu'liial stumps. TIk'oiIi.ts (HMiO), with larval toii^iiic l.iit the hraiicliia- iihsoilu-d. Ilt'ivma.v ln' iiiciitiniifd a ri'inarkaltic spt'ciiiifii (.5!>Sl'), wliicli is in all otlit'i ri'spt'cts fiiilv larval anh, \\liiie type i> is proil'iced Itya retardation h\ the presci Na- tion of the oblitpie lateral series of the larva at the expense «)f the arch. I add lieie a description of the var. ohseninm {AinhlyHtoiiid ohsritrinn Haird, Proceeds. Acad. I'liila.,. IS(i!», p. 1!L'). The head is very l»road and the ;;ape nniisnally lar},'e. The internal nostrils are veiy huj^i', their width half the diameter of tlioeye; the distance between their inner borders is the same as that lu'tween the oilier. The ton^Mie is Ia!j;e, broader than lony', its width about two thirds that of the iipiicrjaw. The palatine teeth are in I iiir series, eolleelively foiinin;'' a broad in- verted V; the an;;les anterior, and would beqiiit<' sharp but that there is an iiileriiiption aloii;: the median line. The blanches reach as far forward as tlieanteriorl»oidcr of (lie inner nostrils. 'J'liey are decidedly concave aiitero-e.xicrnally. The ten iiiiiei anterior sections of the pal- atine scries are each about twice the lcii;;th of the external ones; they fall short of the inner border of the inner nares by nearly a diameter of the latter, which space separates them from the outer section, which, iiiiiijcdiatcly lichiiid the inner nares, are about as loii^ as the latter are wide, and do not pass exterior to their outer border. There are twelve costal furrows. The tail is compressed, Init not hijih. The C!»1(U' ai)pears to have been of a uniform brown above and on tlio sides, brownish yellow beneath. On the sides daiker vertical blotelies can be detected in the sinjile specimen before me. Similarly indistinct markiiij^s are visible on the tail. The \ery convey, frontal re;;inii and the concave interrupted .m lies of teeth alone distinjiuish this variety from the .1. t'Kjrininn of the West. It dillers from -I. //7/»H»«n»f the Kast in much larjier inner nares and more widely .separated nostrils, tiie inner borders of the two beinj^ at about the .same distance, instead of liavin;; the latter more approxi- mated. The toii;jiie is wider, as well as the liea I. The teeth are more V-slnipetl and roach farther forward. The outline of the limits of the V is concave antero externally and is interrupted by spaces equal to the wide nostrils, the outer section not extending' itcyoiid the nostrils. The specimen which lepie.sents this variety is Irom l-ort Des.Moiue.s, Iowa (No. auOi.) ^ ,. TTTE IJATFtArHIA OI' NolMII AMI'.IMCA. 79 I "'' The duiriU'tern of llui xiirii'tv (Mliforniciisii (Amhli/slDinn cnlifoi niennv dray) aro as I'ollows: The proportions ami j;«'H('ral (;liat'a(;trr of \\w f^lands, pits, etc., ajuxMr liilicli lik«'! tlios<' of vl. // ('>*' nii;;le siiarp, and reaching to tlie anterior margin ot the inner nostrils. The limbs extend backwards, sli^'htly in an 3 shapi', a slnu't distance behind the inner nostrils and in line with their inner border, and then connect with the external sc^nieiils of the jialatine series, which extend (iie.irly transversely, but a little obliipiely back wards) to a line with the outer iiiarj;iii of the inner nostrils. In both specimens the two sides (»f tliepalariiie seiies a;e lui synimetrical and of niieqnal It'll j^tli. One specimen shows a distinct interval bet ween the central V i"i spetamcn; not so much in another. The limbs are well developed, the di;;its depres.sed ami trianj^ular, but le.ss so than in many atpiatic Anihlii-stnindfa, The (M»lor of the sjiecies is blackish in alctihol ; rather i)aler below. On each side i>\' the belly or lower part ol tin' sides of body and tail is a series of brij;lit sulphur yellow spots, mostly nearly circular, .some- times obloii;;, and varyiii}? in size, tlioiin;|| ^jcnerally lar<;er than the orbit. The spots are few in number: live or six from h.ead to tail and four or live on the side of tail. In one of the specimens aresume smaller rounded spots on each side of tlu^ diir.sal line, three or four in each series. These are not syui- nuitrically dispo.sed, as in .1. pKiicfdlinn. As Dr. Gray remarks, this variety lias a certain resemblance exter- i-^lC ;> F ^ J-WB-8 I yi IJIi; 80 un.i-KTix ;ii, itmtki) states national museitm. nallv to .1. |nn,rl>lfll>n,^^■h\<•\\, liow.-v.T, iicvrr fxliil.its flic scru's of spots oil 111.- si.l.- of l.clly iiii'l lower piirl of sides of bo.ly iiiid t;ul, tlio spots liciii-' .'onliiKMl I., til.' vi.'iiiily ..f tli- ii.'.li.m linf iibow. In .1. /. ctli/ornieiisc wUi'W .lorsal sp.Us ...•ciir lli.'V :nv l.'ss iv^-uliir. tli.ni^ii of iiMicli the siiiiie si/..'. In Ivpi.-iil .1. rujrin>im tlie vcllow spots inc. iniirli smaller. 111. >n' numerous, an. 1 iii.nv seatieicl: very i>i.>iiiiiieiil mi llic lielly. Tli.'iv are ma:iy essential .litlerenees in foiiii iVoiii .1. innirtn- tum—iis the re m i.l.'ly s.'para'e.l .'xtenial nostrils, t li.^ anterior an- gle (»f the palatines, the tlepresse.l short (limits, more eoinpress*-.] and sharply ridded tail. et.-. A description of a specimen of var. r may al-o he usel'nl for refer- ence. The form is very heavy and clumsy : the head very broad : the f-apo twice as wi.l.' as loii^-. The iiiii.'r nan-s are al).)ur as fai- ajtarl as the outer. The gnlar tol.l is very (list In. t and ovci laiipiii^ ; the neck much constricted. There is no dorsal .i;roove disliintlv cvi.leiit. The tail is mii.'h .•oiiipr. sscd ai..l elevate.l. In the ly|»e selected there is a sharp lidyf above and liel.iw ii.'ar tli.' tip. The limbs are rat hei' short ; iIh- .ligils \i'i> broad at the base. lrian;;u- lar, and mucii depressed. Then' is litll.- ai)prcl' the third and tbiii i h toes. The toii^iiie is v.'iy br.ia.l, wi.l.r than Ion::. Illliii^ the lami anteriorly and consi.leiably more than halt' the wi.llh .if the head. The palatine I. '.'Ill rorm a nearly conlinii.tiis series; nearly slraij;lil, but slightly obtuse antcri.trly wli.'!.' it reaches to the lin.'or Ihc p.iste- rior bonier of the inner nares. Latcra"' - site (uies Komeiimes conllueiit), ; ml aiDthei on the side cf the belly, of ]iU';4'er size and as.'.Mi.lin;; lii;:li on the si.les. The latter arc soiiielinies more or less conlluent on 1 1. ■ sam." si.le. The cential rc;;i.ni of the belly is ;;-eiieralIy .)f the dark j^roiin.l .'olor. There may be six or ei^T; of th'.'sc blotches from liea.l lo base of tail, and as many on the si.le of the tail, wher.', in.lce.l, ih.'y ;;('iieially form y.'ll.iw liii^^s, interrupted below. Till' limbs are bl.it.the.l bla.-k ami y.'Uow in ab.ml e.iiial pro- jiortiiuis. fr'-jiiirliiiriiil iliiidiisiDiis. (Fp.^c. — !t',l."iril. Amliijxinma iiiiiiniiii, Foil liiiss, N, .Mi-x.) n.'ii.l : l,Cll;;lll c'";;.'!!!!' Ill' 111! HI til I'l il.S Willtll Oll.'-llillf. Wiillli (il";;a|M' of iiKiinIi to ili.st;iiicc IVoni siio.il to ;;iil:ir ir:M. . . f«iilill. Width .ir>,'a|)n ornmiitli to distaiicc (Voiii mm mI to j^ioin font aim d :!', tiiiicH. Width of >{ajie <'fiuoutii to .Uslanci' tVom-uoia to bebiuil aims JJ uiiu'n. V 1 I T •^ aaaasa^g^- Tllli JtATUAClliA OF NORTH AMliUiCA. «1 V i I Ucilil- ('otilililicd. I''iiiiii .sMiiiii to ;{iilai' I'dIiI ciiiitiiiiicil in ilislani'i' IVoni siimit (istaiifi' I'loin I'.Vf.s to noHiriis in Iciiiitli ol' orliit l-j- liiiu'. Itistaiuf lu!t\v<'cii cxliTiial iio.stiil> in icniftli of orliit nearly 'i liiiu's. |)iHlutii:t; Ih'I With internal nostrils in leM;;t li ol' ol liil .. v,'] tiineH. Wiiltli of ton^jiie to widtli of lieail ratlicr more tlian .} time. Iiiinlis: Kne porlion ol" longest linger eonlaiiied in tllstanee from elliow to tip.. W times. Free porlion ol' lonj;est toe conlained in ilistanee from Uiiee to tip nearly ■• timi's. Distance lietweeii onlstl'etelied toes in length from siioiit to j;ioin once. 'Tail: Lcnj;lli rroni iK-liind anus to rest ol animal nearly eijiial. Uody : Niinilier ol' costal I'lirrows ( inuliidiiiii axill.sry and iiij;iiiiiiil) 12 , '■ Miii^iin nil nil, ill iiicliifi. !,enj;lli, measured alon;; axis ol' liody: lie. id — (''ontiiincd : l''roiii snout to u,ape til) Distance liel ween inner iiostiil.-i If) I'min snout to ;;nlai told l.iHl Tail: I'rom snoni to ;;roiii :!..Mi lleii^lit of tail wliere liij;lie8t 75 I'roui Niioiil to liehind anils t. .'ill lireadtli of tail where Iii^liest.. . 15 I'rom siioiit to end of tail l.nii l.imlis: Head: Width of head 1.(15 Width of ttancc I'loiii snout to ;inlar told e(|iial. W id III (o distance from snout lo j^Kiin t times. I'rom snout to ;;iilar fold, contained in distance Irom snout to i^ioln .... | times. from snout to uiil.ii fold, contained in distance frimi siioiii lo lichind anus nearly 5 timt'H. Distance anteriorly liet w cell lyes in length id' orliil ;! tiii-'s. Distance Irom eyes to Host rils in leii^t h of oiliii I ', tj Itistailce hetweeii cNlernal imsllils in len;;lli of orlut neaily \! Ii Disl.'inee lint ween interii.il nostrils m leiinlli of orliit -J limes. Will til ot' toiii;iic to w idth of head little over A time. I.iimlis : l''ree portion ol' longest linuer conlained in lUslaiicc I'loni dliovv to lip ;t| times. I"'rec porlion of loimest toe ntaiiieil in distance t'loiii knee to tin p '.i^ times. Di>l:ince lietween outstretched Iocs in leii^^th from snout lo <;roiii .'ihoiit e(|ii;il. liodv Width com] la red with that o'" head eijiial Niimlier of costal furrows ( indudin;^ axillary and in;;iiiiial) 12 rv:«:~r.iiii .n — c- ^li ■ii? 82 IIILI.M'IN M, lIMTi:!) STATIvS NATIONAL MIISKIIM. .]tiiisiinm(iil, ill iiiiliix- J...n..|l,,.m-M-s.imlal...,-axis..nH«l.v: , Ho.ly-Continur.l : ,',:,' Dintaiici' lii'twfcii aniipil aiMl |'"|(.M1 MIOIII ttlHJ'l"' ' Kn.iii MMMil 1(1 fiiiliii- Colli I."" I'roiii siiiiiit |ciaiin|iil I--'' |"iiiiii siiipiil III yriiiii ^'111111 Tail: :t. no From siKiiit Id liiliiiiil aiiiiM 1. T.'i I'riiiii siioiil III t'lul '>*' '"'' ^' "•' ilrail: Wi.llli of lii'Mil '■"" Lcii;illi iiC iirliit -" Distaiirr lirlwrcli i-Vi'.s aiiti'li- (illy •"'•' Pi-laiH'i' lii'lvMfii (iiiliT iiii>liils .'.i't 1 (islaiicc lirlwccii iiiiiiT iKisli'ils . lili r>iiil\ : CiKUIllti'lrlur of liiii.V :!."."> llri;;lil "f lail wlicri- Iu-;licst .. 7(1 Unadlli of lail wlicn' lii^flifsl .. .In Lliiilis : Free portion of longest liiiifcr.. . ii? From clIiDW to lip of loiii;cst liiijirr 'X> V'rvv portion of Ioiihi'sI toe ;t;^ I'rmii kiici' to lip of loiiy;('sl Ikc 1. •_'.') nistalUT ln!t\V«'('ll OIllstlTlcllfll I tics ;{. r)ii I'lnimylKiiiiil diiiii iisiimn. (Spec. 10""J. 'I\v.{.';;.at'. ..'. /tono/ohc, 'I'ainaiilipa^). III. Ill: l,( ii;;tli of >;aiM' of iiioiilli lo ils wiiltli iiioir lliaii lialf. \\ iillli of ;;,ipr of iiiiiiilli to ilislami' lioiii siiiiiil In ;.'iilai fold . . . not i|i, ciiiial. Wiiltli of ;;apr of inoiiili lo (listanci' fioiii siioiil to ;;iiiiii iirarlN tliiiii's. Wiillli of ^ape of iiiiHitli to (listaiirc from simiil lo lii'liiml anils IJ, liml■^. I'loiii siii/iil lo ;;iilai folil roiitaiiiril iii ili>lani r iVoiri snoiit lo i;niin ;>.( tinii's. I'rom siioiil to ;,'iiiar foiil ronlai 1 in ilislancr from snout to liiliiml anus I timt'N. I )i si ami' anicnorly lift ween ryrs in li'in,'lli of oiliil I! I inics. histanri' fioiii ryes lo nostrils in Irnntli of tiiliit 1 tiliic. I (island' lirlw ii'ii I'xtiTiial nostrils in iriiul li of orliit iirarly 'i t iiiics, Itislanii' lictwci'ii iiiti'inal nostiils in lcii;;i li nf mliii nraily ',' t inn-.s. Width of lonum' to will 111 nf head nmir I lian half. Liinlis: I'l'i'i |i;ii'|iiin of liiii^ii'st lin^i'f I'linlaini'il in liislaiiri' fiom lilimv to tip :itinu\s. Fire poriiiin uf Inn^isl toe containi'd in di.stani'i' fmni knii- tu iip :i liiiirN. Tail : I, II Iii III In nil hcliind anus In irsl nf animal less. l!nd\ : Niimliii of nistal fiiliou s ( inrlndin;f axillary and iii;;iiinal; I'J Miiisiin iiiiiih, ill iiicliin. Li'n;;lli, mcasiiri'd alonj; axis nf hndy : 'I'ail : I'rom SI I lnj,'api' :!l llfinht nf tail w hciv lii;;hrst . . Finm snout to oi,l;,r fnid tin liivadlh nf tail w lurr lii;;hiNl. Fmm snout In armpit ;i(l |,imhs: Flom slinill lni;rnin "J.dO From snipiil to hchind anus o. Ill From snout In iiid nf lail 1. 10 Iliad: I Width of head W Distance liclwi'i'ti cvfs antcri- i '•'• '. :ti Disi M'twiMMi outi'r nostrils .i2;i Distance; liotwccn inni'i nostrils .'il , Fill' pni I ion nf inii;;i'sl liii'^cr . . I'rom illmw In lip oi' liili;;c.sl tiiifii'r I'lir pnilinn nf inii^fsl Inr I'lom km r In I ip nf lnnt;i'st Inc. I)istanrc lii'twi'i'ii niilsln'tihcd I lies . I-,' •,'ll .till . Ill .III I.Tf) r t M r ,, iiii; i;.\ rii'AciiiA or noktii A.MKuifA. 83 I'lDflDI lillllllt llillll IflllllH. (S|(rc, IH'I. Iiiili'i^hmiti h iiihniiti iiilil'i>riili iisi , I'ctatlllllii, miI'I mt.) li.M.l Will til III «lisl;iiiiT tVoiii HI Mill I I" pillar (olil I J liiiics. Willi li III ilislaiiii- I'll III! sill Ml I 111 jj;ri>iii U liiin-s. I'l'iiiii siiiiiil til ii^iilai I'lilil ciiiilaiiii'il ill ilislaiii'r tVniii siiiuil to i;i'iiin . . .. ',\', tiiiic.'i. l-'niiii siiiiiil til I'lilai' I'lilil I'lHiiaiiii'd in ilislaiii-c IVuiii siiiiiit In licliiiiil anus U t iiiu's. l>istainT aiilfi iiirly lii'l wmi r\fs in 1imii;i1i iiforltit '.'A linirs. I >islani'r I'll nil ryes to linsl lils in li'iinlli ut' inliit 1 ', times. Dislancf lift vvccn cNli'inal iinstrils in lrii;;lli ut' mliil I i liiiirs. 1 Mslanci' lii't Willi iiitiTiial nnsiiils in Irnnlli ut' urliit not '2 liiiifs, Willi li 111' ti>n;;iir Id will 111 III' lii'ail twn-tliirils. Linilis . I'l'i'i' iiiirl inn III' iiini;rsi liii^rr I'uiilaini'il in itistancc t'nini i-lliuw to t i|i nut i|nitr :i t inirs. ri'i><- portion of liiii;j;rsl tm- containi'il in dislaiin' I'riitn kiirr|iiti|i itiiincs. Tall ; lii'iii^tli I'll nil ln-liiinl amis to ii'sl i it' animal less. Midsiin nil Ills, ill ilichrs. I,rn;;t li, inrasiinil aloiifi a\isi)t' liiiily ; ISoily: IHstancr lictwi'fii aini|iit I'liiiii siiiinl III najii' In Fioni siiuiit III Liiilar I'lilil ■■."i From siiiiiit liiariii|.it I.V.'.'i I'lom snout III ;;riiiii It.iMi I'rum sunlit to luliinil anus .... ;!.7."i I'linii siiiiiil III cml of i.iil (i. ','(1 lliail : Willi li of licad TO Willi li III' loiij^nr J."i l,i'n;{lli of iii'liil !» Ilistanri' lirlwi'in ryrs antrll- orly Ill Dislancf lictwcrn outer nostrils . ;tit IHstanee lielwcen inner nostrils . :tn anil ;;roin l.TTi Tail: lleis-lll of tail where lii^iliest .. :!it lliiailtli of tail where !ii;;lies|.. 1- Liinlis : free inirl ion of loii;;est lin;;er.. . ','> I'roiii elliow to ti|i of li)n;;esl linger -^it free port ion of liili;;()sl toe :!(! I'l'inii knee to t ip of lon>:e>| toe .'.til Distanee lietween oillst retelieil toes '.i. -^t Habits, etc, — The lai'vic of llii.s .spi'iMiss iiic t'xcuu'iliiioiy iilmmhmt in all .still water in the ii'ocli.v Moiiiitaiii Kt'oioii and tlic I'laiiis. Tlii'v au' rapaciDii.s, ratiii.o aiiiiiial I'ooil, anil taUinj^Mlic liook icadily. Late in tin' sniiiiiici' llifv citiiipk'tt' their mctainofitlio.si.s and take to tiie lainl, wIh'ic tlie.v hide in the In le.s iif niaiinots, l>ad.!ner,s, etc. l-'foin tliese (hey eineio(' diiiiiiii' and al'tei' rains. The iarxa- ai'e iniieli less lVe(|iiently seen in tlie Mast, wheic the species is less abundant, and tlu' opjun'tu- iiities (tf eoneealtiieiit an' oi,.;it,.|'. .Market Fjake is a temporary Imdy «)!" water c(»\('iiiio many stpiat'e niih's in eastern Idaho, it is forint'd l>v the overllow oj' llieSiiaki' Kivei' in spiino. On its shores 1 have loiind this species. On tiiv' shore of an adjacent pond of more perina neiit character I have ohserved this species oeeiipyinj; vertical holes, which were kept tilled with water by occasional waves, but from which llieir heads eiiieri;-ed into the air. In this position their branchia' were ;iradiially absoibed. An adult I'roiii New .lerscy occupied a biiriow in !lic soil III' my Icrncry for several weeks. The Inirrow had two oriliees, III one or the ittlu'i nl which its head ciUild be o;(.n»'rally si'eii, observing what wa> t;oiim on. \ » I H » ^m^Sm^S^Sm sssm St III I,M;TIN :i1. t'MTKI' MA IKS NAIIONAI, .MISi;";.M. I'ltili'ssor iJiiinl lirsl iviK-luMl tlif roiicliisictii lli:i( llic ciiily stiiyo of this species is a Siretloii, iiii1\ sioina. I.oiijr al'leiwanls Pro!'. AM;;iiste Diiiiieril ri!cei\c(l some laiva' ol'tlie .1. tifiriniim iVoin Mexico and ol»s(!ive ti flMl 1 K!Ut fi SI.Vi 1 7h:i!) I OIMI ' .mu 1 4l)7!l 1 lOH'J ;i l.iii'.llll.V. will II ollnli'il I'liini » liiiin II iri\ I il N.iliiii 111 H|M ri null. S. II. l.Ullll I'lias Al.liiili 1)1.. I. K llfiiil, Its. \. Dclruit, Miili A. Sa;;ii Viii;iiiiii .Si|i|. --. |!-7I Wi li-li I (My liiw.i M;i\ Jl, |H7h I'lini Alilliili Nnillinii lllihi.i- ■ ' i; K.iiiiirnll. W,.-l Niiiihlh 1.1, III .. ill, ('Iiiiiii;ii. Ill Sept 7. 1X77 I Swiiiiv KilL'iliilil. S. (■ Apr. — , 1^7l) Wilwtii I'ily, Iiiw.i I'dii Kipliv. Minn Ni» Vi.rk' Inilipriiilino'. Mil . . ' KiK-iilKilli', Ky Mi»l.s-.i|i|ii N'lillllrln IliillilH Saint I is. Mo I.akr Kiuiiiilo. < 'hi Iiiialiiia. Wi-l N.illlillrl.l. Ill K.HHlr, W is ('nlilnilills. llliiii Niw Mi\iiii I'lPil I'liiiin. \. Mr\ Dr. .I.(i ( iiiiiiir Ilr riiiiM. II.W.Iil. Or. Ii. V. Sliiiiiiai'il .. I! Ki'iiiiii'iiit .1. I'litl.s Ii Killllinilt I'll. IS !•. r.aiiil I'liil I.. I.I M|Mrli'll\ .' Ilr .1 I,. l.iCnlll.- I'llrl I 'iinnrll Null las, N. Ml v .. Hi i ' (1 Vrw In 1 1 liiMiilnCaiiiin, .\iiz liin.i.il W K M .\iii\ Aii/iii;li I.iiiil W'. r, Caijiriilii I S. \ . I'inl lili-s, N Mix .. ' Or.S W riav\ li.nl, r ■ \ ' I'liit liinlnn, Mil !(,. K V ||.,m|,.„ . laniaiilipaN Mrs |i, i, A K.hvanls. f S A ' I'liiii iililio^ |'|lil,ii|rl|.|iiii .\. ;|(liiii\ , i-J.",> Ali'iilii Aln.lii Ilii III! I III 1 1.1 I I.I Oil. III. |)i. 1 1.. III. Ii.i Hi. III. I III Mil III. I III Alnilii Al'i'li. III.. 111. Hi. III. III. III. Id) III. i|n . .Ill l\|H'. .Ill mm TTwrr Tin; I'.ATIJACIIIA or NOUIK AMKI.MfA. 85 :i .Imlihislitiiiii liiiriniiiii (irccii— ('mil iiuic(i:i j Hi:.7 '.tl^<7 I'.v.r.' ll!f.'S i'jiii:i WM Wi7.'i I(I7S I. •■.11 i:i:t:iii '.II !i; iiifr. 11. '.Ill iiLi; •Kill IIIKI iili.*:) ItllJ I I I.e. I I l-'T .IIITI I I I 111 lili.J ItlHI IIIKI HlSIl I IIH7 I alilv MiMilli !•! CiiniMKiii I'.iit i;ili'v . K.itiM l.dHlT I'l.lllf I'ml l,;iiiiiiiii' W'vii ilo . .In S\(liii'v, Nrlir Wlii'ii lillr.lnl. Mi'\iiii M.iKiilii rclrl.Mon, I'llll . ... 1. 11' ijiii |Kiil<', Minn Kill I I'l.liiii. ('ill I'nit liliili;,.!, \V\,i NM.r;iHU;i Kcli. Ill, lh7il n.i' .\ IHTS S:iiitii I'V CriiU i U.u'kCiv.li I M..\i.o ll.ih l.iK.. Nr« .Mislru : Siiiiili I'.iiK, Ciilii SmiiIm I''i-. .\ Mi\ I l''iiil Sii'i'li', Wvii I Niiilliriii I'lminliiiv Sui\.-v. ' I'llll i;,Miii;iii n.iu .. Ill's MnllM'M, IllWil At i/.iiii;i I'lii I riiiirii I''iiit Sl.'.'li'. \V\ii tll(.i»M,('.lll;lilj. ... Ilii) Miiiilui'-i, N Mi'\ Silll l''.li'/;ll III, ri'\ Saiilii I'l', N. Mi'\ Siiiiiliiin llliiiiii.'< . . 1 ( iiii|i Sii|i|il\ . Iiiil. T Al.llil. ri;l Vi'lliiw Htiiiii' I.iiKi- .\iiliiiiii. .Ml' .— - — , l.»x:i l''llll \Vlll;;atl' N. Ml.'^. — , l,SK"l tiiMii.l t. ill an l.a Ann Ailiiii, Mlili I'liiiii « liiini iiiViMil .I.II.Claik III. \V. A. llainiiiKnil, 1' S A 111 .1 ll.(iii|ii'i' (lias. IJiiliv . ill..... . ill. i.ii'iii s. \v. Ci'iw I'liiii, r. s. .v. ("A. K K llii.'-l S 1!. UIl'i."* Hi', s. \v. \Viii.iiiioii.'4i< l.li'iiti'iiaiit IIi'MinliU ami II.'. I'- V. llaMi, 11 1! II. U-aiii : l.li'iil. 1''. T. r.iyan, 1' S A .Mill. Nat Mi'xici. — , 1.-KJ .Iiiiii' -. is7:i -—' -!'l.<7l !lJ"'i;'iH7:, - - -,'iV.-lltl.'4 Hi. .1 I' KiitliiiH'k CliaH. Kiiliv III. K Ciiiii -t r S A IIii.';|iilal (') I.iiiiti'iiani r.riLilaiiil Cipl lin rupi' . Cii.iH. Unliv Di. Kiil.i'ii Hill Hi W. I.I. M.ijiir r'.niiiiv I ' I II Kriiiiiriill III. r i: Wiii'DN, I'.s A... Pi'.Chai.C, Ni'al . . I.ii'iili'iiani Ilavili'ii i; I' M.'iiill Hi l; \V. Slnilil.ll, T S. A Saint Cli ail.'s ( 'ii|li'::i' I'l'iif. S. K IJaiiil Nat nil' i.r K|M'ri- llli'll. Alriillnlir |l>.. hii. III. Do Di. Dii. I If. III. Di.. Dm Dii Dm. 111. D.i Hi.. 111! III. Do. Do. .Ml iiliiilii l\ |.it. .Ml olmlir. Do Do. Do Do Do Do Do Ho. Ho Do Do Do. Do Do. Do Do. Do Do. Do. Do. (IKNKl; \1. SKUIK.**. Kiiisas Mroliolii. Hill l''oil Colli. l'i'\ Dr K. I'.il I Do r.iiilniiM l'a^.'<, \\\o I.ii'iil. 1'' 'I I'.ivaii 1' S A. Do. Chi'M nil.' I'asH Dr. K.Sh ill, r'.S. .\ Do I'oii l.aianiii-, W mi I.ii'iit S. Waiiiii, T S A Do I'lalli' \alli'V. NiA .. ('. Hii'xlor Ho I'liit I'.liss, N. Ml \ Hi. S.W.Ciawloi,!, (I.S A Ho (': 1''.. In-i isiill Ho. Katisa.'* .. Hi I') ralinrv ' Ho I'l .. Ho. H.'tiiiit. Mirli A.Sa-i-r Ho. Wanlv.'i^aii, 111 i .IWMilnov Ho. Noillii'Mi r.iiiiiiilai'V ' — , IsTl Hi. I'l Coiii's Ho. SlIIM'V. ' (') ....'. i .. I'l Do N'i'\vM,\i.o I i'; Ho. I'l I S. I'". liaii'il Ho. Snili r... N. M.'\ .. , (') ! Ho. l;ii. U Islaiiil, 111 .. .1. It. Sai'!;i-'if, i Ho. ' 'liana , -,l,s.v^ (l.l'.IIa.x Ho 'onllii'iii Kaiisii.i I .. ilo ... Clias. Kiiliy i Ho .. ill. '. j....ilo. ili> .. Ho M.iiii'lli, (lliio I I'lol'i'Hsov Aiiili'i'vv Ho tl I I'l Ho. !'l I CI Ho. Ni'« Mi-\ii'i> \. SMrCji llan Mi oliolir lv;ir. (?) .; Ci Ali'oliolii'. CI CI Ho hi H ..t.1 r CI I Hi I'\ V, Iliivili- 1 I Ho. I <@e SSBSS $ ]* Sd IMM.KTIN ::i. rMTHI" STATKS NATIoN.M. .Ml'SKUM. .iiiililii»liiiii(i tiiiriiiinii Kill I'oniii list (ir,i,\ W'liiii ..I 1 Naliiii- iiT sill ri riillrrli il. "" "■ CiilaliiL'iii' Nil 111 IHIImIm T. M|"T l.iiialitv. IIWI •-' I'.lMliiinii. ('ill K.Niinui'lM II71II I K.iNiiiiCal -.IST'i (,11-it^n li^ni Illiri 1 i;i I'iisii Ti<\ -,IKSI NrulMiiSii MM .... .Mii.liiilii' |ii> Dm AMIiLVSTOMA ri.'ISl.Tl'irM i\<\»\ I'riH (Is. Aciiil., riiila., Hti7, |.. I'.U. Tlu' species is stout and lieav.v in ItniM; llie lieail \eiy liroad nnil niiieli (lepresscd. Tlie sliin is },nannlated I).v citntraction of the alcolml. but in respd't lit jilaiids, pits, etc., appears niiicli like otiiei species. Tliere is, lidwever, a de(!ide(l realiin' in ccitain particles wiiicli eiinvd tlie paiotoid re;:ion, and are seen also on tlie top of tin- head alonj^ the inner inarjiin of the orbit, and perliaps below the ev«'. I liaxc not noticed this character in aiiv otiiei' species east of the itocky Mourdains. The head is bioad, ovate, ratiier ]>oiiited anteiiorl.v. The inner and outer nostrils are nearly the same distance apart. The tonjiiie is broader than loiifj', more than half the width of tlie head, lillin;; the intersi)ace of the same anteriorly. Tl»' teetli are in Ibnr very distinct patches, with d»'cided intervals. Thoy form one tr.insveise series, nearly straij^ht (teiitraily (where they are in a line with the posterior Ixtrder of the internal iiares), but ciirvin;; slij,ditly backwards lateially. The two central patches aie wider than the lateral, which vaiy a little in Icnutli and are separaled by iiii inlei- val half the diameter of the inner nates. Their fjistance from the exte- rior patches is al>oiit twice as j^reat, the center of the interval falliiii; about ()pp(»site to the inner bolder of iiiiiei' iiares. The outer patches ex- tend about half a diameter iteyond the outer border of inner iiares. The remaining;' external cliaractti'is of the speciincn are not dill'eieiit from those of .1. lifiriinnit. The colors of the specimen are much obscured by bad preservation. It appears to have b(>eii of a iiiiiforii) dark blackisli or bluish brow n, with a sin;;!e sei'ics of lar^c transversely elliptical blotclics of yellow from head to tip of tail, half on body and half on tail; the foremost one rounded and ]>lac(Ml behind the eyes. Those of opposite sides nearly meet on the back, and aic c(Uilliient on the iipi>er cdyv of tlu' tail. This is the only species I have .seen of the ■;ioiip in which a strictly transverse series of palatine tee.th behind the eye is divided into Ibnr {ironjis. The only known specimen is the Ibllowinji : No. KKiS; 1 speciMicii ; ( )cate Click, New Mexico. 9. ()(!ate("reek ison the eastern side of the .S:ni;;re de ( iisjo .Moinilains, the .southern |»ait of the eastern raii-e of the 1,'oeky .Mountains in New Mexi(H). ■I- s tin; RArKACIIIA OF NOltTIl AMKIMCA. 87 l'll>lt(ll liilllill (/((»( (/.flO 11. S-. (Spec. KKW. (I.Mlc Kivi T, New Mcxii'tt. 9.) Ilrilil : lii'iinlli of m:i|>i' dt' iiiiiiitli to its will ill I it 111' iiM>rc I tin 11 liiilf. Willi li 111 (list iini'r (Villi I Ml 11 111 I III l;ii 1:11 Icilil mil ijiiili' I'lpuil. Willi li 111 ilisi;iii('i' rriiiii SI I 111! I III "iiiiu 1 I imi's, I'liiiii Miiiiit III n'llur I'lilil riiiil.'iiiii'il ill ilisliiiirr (ViiiM siiiiiil lii';riiiii -Jl linii-s. Disl.iiiri' iiiili'iiiirly lirt with i'\ rs in liMi;^tli nf iiiliil it liiiii'N. I (istiiiiiT riuiii i'\ I'M III iiiisti ils in li'iiiil li "I iU'liil 11 I iiiii'M. nisliinri- lii'l wci'ii oxtcrn.'il iniMlrils in Ini^il li nf nrliil mil niiid' .' t iiiii'M. I lislanri' lirt WITH 111 torn ill nostrilM in Icnj^tli nf miiit 'J I iini's. Willi li III" li'iiiiMi' til Willi li of lii'iul iiviT iinr-lialf. I^inilis : {•'rt'i' piiiliiin nf 1iiiij;i'mI lin^iT iinif aiiii'il in ilisiMin r 1111111 rllmw til I i|i lit 111' liver ;". I iiiirs. I'rri' liiill inn 111' inli'^i'Ml I in' iiilll ai liril ill iliMl'llli'r 1111111 klli'i' In I l!i ... '.\\ I i nil's. 1 >is|:iiii-i' lii'l wi'i'ii iinlMlirtrlli'il tors in li'ii;;l ll Iriilii si nil I In "inin . . iiliniil i'(|iial. Tail : I.i'ii'^lli I'll 1111 lii'liinil anus In ri-st of aiiiinal Itms. I'nilv : Nniiilii r nl' I ii^ial rnri-nws (i ml ml in;; a\iilai> ami iiii^uiiial ) 1 - ( .'). Miiixiii) nil Ills, ill iiiiliiH. i.rnu^lli, ini-asiii'iil alnii;; axi-^ ii("linil\ : | limlv : I H-iiaiii'i' lii'twi'i'H ai'iii|iil ami I'lnlll slinlll lii^apr In r'niiil sunlit 111 ;^iilai' I'nlil 'M> I'll nil Slinlll 111 a I'll 1| lit 1. In l''liilil Mlinill In ;;inin ;i. In rinm Slinlll tn lii'Iliinl anils... :!. -^11 I'inm Slinlll In I'liil 111' tail I'l. •'Il lliail : Wlillll III' ili'ifil HI Willi li III' lniiy;m' I.'i LrliHl li III' nrliil 1> nisiani'i' lii'iwi'iii I'vi's aiilrri nlly ,Ml IHstaiii'i' lirl WI'I'II iiiiliT iiiisirils . -J-J Mislaiiii- lirlwrin iiimr iinsiiils .'M> '4;inlii Tail I.HI . II ; lli'ifilil nf tail wlii'i'i' lii;;lii'st. . lirrailtli 111" tail wlu-ri- liii;ln'st.. ','1 Liiiilis : Kli'i' linrlinii lit' lnii;f|'sl liiiy;i'r.. I'liim I'lliiiw In tip (it' lim^fi'st liii^"'"' I'm- pniiiiin III" IniiMost till' l''riilii kliri" 111 I ip III" liili;;rst tm l>islani'i' lirtwi'i'M niilstli'tilli I tlH'S •Jl'l III AMItLVSToMA Ml'lllAS Cnpr. I'm Is. .\i'ail. riiiia.. l-ilT, p, I'.l.'; .', p i:.. Tlic spcciiiii'M si'li'i'tcd as tlic type of the (Icscu'iptioii has tlii' skin soiiicwliat alU'i't'il l»y alcDliol, s.) tliat an c.xai^t dosuriptioii <',iii iiol ho iiiatlc (»!' tho <;hiii(ls, jiits, and p ires. Tlicr ' <1 );'.s not, howm't'i', appoiir to lie any inatciial (lilViTciicc Iroin ,1. tii/riiiinii in tlu'so respects. Th(^ head appeal's small in pidporlioii to the size of tlie animal, and the cheeks nniisually swollen ; the width of t he head is contained about I'oiii- and one half times in the distance to yioiii. The eyes are lathei' small, distant three lenn;tlisof the oiliif : the iiiiier nostrils an* consider- ably more distant than the «mter. The torf;'ne is larji'o and llesliy, tilling m'':'n \ I ii ] \ M 8SSSS? H« I'.ii.urnx :!i, rN'm;i> staths naiionai. miskim. the rami iuit.Ti.»iI.v, ami moiv than lialf fix- widtli of Ww head. The iiiiM'i' nostrils an- (|"'''' lii<«'''i>'' Tlir palatine K-ctli tonsi a very <>l>fns.' aii;;le aiiU-rioily, iracliin- l(. i.lMMit cpposil.' tlir mi.l.llrnf thr iniuT iiaics aiifecial.l. e elsewhere. Tlie Iiml).s of the V are not entirely strai-lit. l»iit l'»nn a double eiiive (seairely apim'- eialde) .Ml .'a.di si.h-. Their an- Iw.-lv.' .-..stal Kn.ov.-s. The p(dvio grooves aie n.>l appreeialde, and oidy tiio.se al lh»^ Wa.se ol the tail. ^ (5?. ^; (T- ^^^ •% Vli:. W- A iiil'liil'miii 11 i.lnru: Nil \\ 'S: . 'i.l I ,ii lin-< 'line ii'i) Til. 'tail is MTV lonu. iT>nsi(ler.ii)ly ese.'.'dini: the icst ol t he :iiiimal. niiieh eomiti.'sse.l from the has.'. tlion;;li not .-hnaled ; o\al ill (Mosssec lion, and only h.-eoininu sharp ii.-ar the tip, without any erest. No fjrooves an- visiiile aloii;^ dorsal or ventral .mtline. There »h> not ajipear l.» he any peeiiliarili.'s in Hie feet .lisliii- ter of the .*ye, th.)ii;;h \aiiable in this respect. ( 'ompared with yl. ^/ (jritiiim, tlii.s species iias a i»r.>portionally smaller head, more prominent 'ower jaw, much l.)n<>-ei tail, and .lilVei.'iit c(»lor; yellow predominatiii.t; in *lie (»ne and biown in the other. The r('lali.)nsliip. however, appears to be very close. The .lij;ifs, p.'ihaps. are narrower, th.m<;li also triaii- pillar and depressed. The only specimen oi'Uw A-xiphias yet kiiowi< is from ('oluinl)ns, Ohio (No. n ;•..".). I T « ■ ■• TIIK r.AI"l!A('IIIA or NOIJTII AMI'.l.'ICA 89 AMlU.YsroMA ,li:n'i;i{S(>MANrM (ii.ni (I'liitc •,'.'>, li^'. 11.) ^Ut\u\ 1*11(1 Is, A'Mil. I'liila., 1^(17. p. Ilt.'>, Slr.iiirli, S.iliim.. p. f.l: lloii IcnjitT, (!iit r.:itr., (ini.l. Ilrit. Miih., cd. ii, H"i, p. IC. I'l. n. fp^. •.', Siihimnmlni Ji (yirKiiiiiiiiiii, liiuiiini Jiffitsoiiiiniii, 'rsrlmili. I'.iitr., p. !•:!; l>iiin. iV llilti., p. Hil. Trilnii iiifiir. Hi' Kav, N. V. I'liini.. III., p. ■<•">, I'l. |.'>, Ii;;. H.'i. Siiliiiiiiuiilni iiniuiildhi, Di' K.iy, N. V., /. c, p. 7^<, 1*1. 'l\. liy;. t'.Ci ; llciiltr , N A Ilcip V, p. (hi. .tiiihiislomii /cll'irxoiiiiiini, I'liiiiil, .Imirii. Ar. I'liil.i. (vJ), i. p. •,'-;( .tiiililjistiimii I'lisiiiiil, ll.'iilow., .Iiiii|-Il. .\r. I'llilil. ('.M. Ill, p. I!."i.'>, I-'Cp.'i. .tiiihhisloiiiii ji (I'l rsiitiiiiinim, viir. I'lisiimi, (Jopc, Vvm-, Ar. I'liila., l-'w. p. I'.'T ; I'miilcM- firr, Cut. li.itr. (Jrad. Iliil. Mum., ciI. ii, l.-i-^J. )>. li'., (!nst;il <;!oov('s twi'Ivc; miieoii.s pores on tMcli .side of I lie imi/zlc not (^xtriidiii;;' lu'voiid tlic urliil.s. Tcctli Iniiisvcisf, or ikmiIv so. in lliict' .si>i'io.s. No or oii<> iiKlistiiK-t plantiir ttiltcrclr. I']\t('i'ii;il iiiul in! ricil iiiii'cs i>qiiiilist:iiit ; lead colored to lirowii and Itlack, witli or willioiit jiale or distinet lateral spots. Tliis deliiiitioii eovers a (•oiisideral»le riinye (»!' variation, wliic.li is ex, pressed in the following: diagnoses of three snlispccMes : Width iiflicaii I tci l..''i times in Irii^lli tr> urojii ; li'ii^^lli n\ rye ■.'.."> liiiii's in width of hi'ad aliiivr , iiiiil'iiriii lead rnjiir to hrowii I. /. i( (I'lrsnniinnim. Wit h of hi'.'id ."• tiiiH's in li'nj;tli to ijroin : iciiiiili ol' I'Vf nnc h.iir widili nC jicacj lu'- t wren anti'iior lantlms nf cyi'.s ; hlaik williwhitr spots nn sides and hi'll\. I. /. lull Villi . Width cd' head .'i t imis to uroin : leimlli id' eve I .7.'i in widi ii of head as ,il>o\ c ; I oolh :] ' ■'1 :1 sel h's sli rlltl slendef ; nniCorni h'ad eojoi' I. ;' iiluli n 1' Aiiihlifst to this siihspoeies only. Ilody decidedly more slender and elonoated than in .1. puuctdtiim. Skin exerywliere shio«»th. and sliouino liironoh the transpirent epi ileiiiiis the ends of the ohmds wiiicli thickly stad the entire snrface. Under a lens are seen nimierons small, rounded, shallow pits lielween the glands, not on them. The contraetioii of the skin in stroiio alcohol between these o;lands would readily impart a yrannlated a|)pearanee. The glandules are acciimiilaled into a thin stratum altove the parotoid j,'ro;)V<'. 'I'he head is elongated, with the miiz/.Ie obtuse, or trinuv.ite, the jire.at- est width contained 1..~» times in thedistaiice to th(^ ^nilar fold, and frotn four and a half to live times to the <;roin ; the distaiicc lo the f the orbit from the nostrils (which are separated by iicirly twice this h ;th). The anterior extremities of the orbit are distant more than twice their len.irtii. iil^ 90 i!i:i,i.i'.Ti\ ::i, rMTi:i» statks national MirsKr.M. The ^Milin I'ol.l or \'myn\\ is disliiict, not vcr.v |tioiiiiiM'iit above; tl>at Itcliiiid iIh' aii;;lL' oI llu'jiiws is im oiisitifuoiis, as is tlie lateral |»ai(»t«)i«l J'liri'ow. TIk'IV aro twclvo costal fmrows, iiiclmliii;; llic iii^'iiinal aii«l axillary. The tail is a little slioitrr than the hoilv ami licati (iiicasiiriii^- IV<»m postciior extrcinit.vol' vent). It is oval in cross section, widest, helow, tlion^jli without any riil^je or crest. It is little liiylier tliiiii Itroad at the anns, hut heconies more and more compressed to the tip, the upper and under outlines remiiiniii;^ nearly parallel for a consideraldc^ distance. The anal .slit is proloujjed into a }:roove, which extends heiieath the, tail (o its very tip. The limhs are lari^ely developed and the toes ver.v lonp-, Thedifjils arc cylindiical, depressed, without any lateral or itasal weh. The third linj^cr is longest, then the second, fourth, and tirst. It is one third the Icn^jth of aim from elliow. The fourth toe is louj^est ; then flu^ third (l)iit little sliorlci), second, tilth, and first ; it is contained altont two and one-half times in (he length of leu from knee. The expanse of the out- stretched toes is very nearly etpial to thedistance from snout tothe uroin. The lenj;lh of the lindts vaijes a little ; when extended on the sides they may scarcely meet or considerably overlap. The toufi'ue is thick and Ihvshy. much as in .1. jtuurtutiim. The teeth are in four patches; the two central in a nearly stiai^iht line, or foiniiiij; in smallei- individuals a very obtu.se /\ , the aniile ante- rior but not pn.ssiii}; the posterior l)orderof the interim I imr«'s. Thesi('ii<;tli from siiniit to niiliir told , 7e Ijcii;;! Ii 11(1111 siiciiU Id L;i(iiii -J ,"i."i I.ciii;tli riiim snniif to nid cif muis ;!. 'JO lii'iii^lli iVoiii siiiiiit til irimi.'iiit (if t;iil •,>. .''id Width (d liciid -,(l !ji'n};lli of inoutli iiloiit; iiicdian line :t-^ t'orc-Mi'iii from (dliow Cvj Ijci; Iroiii Uiit'c H."> The specimen from which the precedin;^- des.-riplioii has been taken i.s, if not the orii^iiial U))on which Dr. (Jre^'ii's species was to. inded, at least one collected in tiie same locality atid named i)y him. Iia\itiii formed part of his collection auii presiMited m my yeat's a-i-o iiy its owtier to the Smithsonian Institution. The "li.iiht-biue spots" .so con- spicuotis in fresh si»ecimens have disappeared. I'l. ■:]l ! .,!»■. f nil: isArijAciiiA r. ll<>ll)r(M)lx-, ill (l»'scril>iii,i;' tliis spcrics, Ii;ih inixtMl willi it iliciu'.- «!>!inUnir: ■!■ rsniiiiii'iiiii i< 'fi rKiiiiiiiiiinil. Nii 'l!U5R. .■|.t (. \V l'iiiliM\lviilii:i A <'oiii|»aris(>ii of tlif spcciiiicii (li'xTilx'd witli tlic t.vjtf of He Kav's SdhiDKiHiIra iinniiihini cxliiltits no apprcfiahlc (lilVcrnic*' except in llic (larker coioi. lailicr nioic (l('pr<'ssf(| toes, ami perhaps inoro niassix e- iookinj" jaws of (lie latter, the niii//,le a little more pointed — all iiiieer- tain eliaracteis in r.leoholie speeiineiis. The palatine teeth are in hel (er preseivation tiiaii in the si'eeimeii here described. The central patch is interrupted aloii;; the median !ii>e, and does not extend quite so far laterally. The le;;s and dl.:;its are inneli leiij;tliened, the tij;iire and description of |[oll>r.)ok (see I)e Kay) (M)nveyiny- a very erroneous iinprt'ssioii in this lespect. The ;;rannlatioii referred to is in pait the <»l»tieal etVeet of tiic ^laiidsof the skin showing throiij;ii the transparent (^Itidi^'inis, partly the result of iMintraction of the skin by ahrohol. Ill the type sjx'ciineii then- are no symnietrically ariaii;;('d patches of pores on the head. Their ab.sence may be owinj,' to the loii;^' contimied preservation of the specaiiiens, or to ,M)nie a(!(!idental deticieii(\v. In the typ*' of N. tjnniuldtd these are cIow the <;roove is a crowded patch, which is conliiiiied in a siiiipK- series aloiii; the inner edj^e of the lower jaw. One or two are seen at the side of tlu' ba.se of the lower jaw, and others aloii;>' the sides of bo.ly. It has been stated that in the type no indication of lif;iit spots was visible. In others, however, of more recent ])re.scrvati()n these ar« I k !.»I lUi I iHl ii :» U V IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I ■50 ^^" ^ m ^ ifS. 12.0 |25 12.2 L25 114 II lA Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14SS0 (716) i>73-4503 L& ^ * 92 JtllLLKTIN :;i, rXITKn statics national MliSKUM. (piitc ovidciil. In tlic sinnllcsf spcciiiuMi of ;5!»!»S iiro visible iniimToua louiidcd, im-jiiiliiil.v disposed Ii,ylit snots on llic lower i»iiit olllic sides, with some scattoml over on the bcli.v, :ivriaf'in}>- Iialf the, size of the e.vo, Imtwitli faintly dt'rmcd niarj-ins, Somio scatteml ones are seen on tlie side of the (ail. These iiiav he j)hindu'ons or l)]nish in life. In the lar;,'est specimen of .">i»7!>, l{ii)le,v, Ohio, these l)lnish sjiots are (inite evi(h'nt, on the side of Ixxly and tail. (Jencrall.v the f,Monnd coloi of the alcoholic specimen is lead-colored to olive brown and blackish; lijjht beneath. The coh»r of the livin}>' animal is similar to that seen in alcoholic s]»ec,iinens. Specimens liave been h>nn(l at locali(i<'s latlici' distant from each other of a dark brown color, with a lateral shad<> of a still (hirker hue. Snch specimens are of the stouter type of the species as to pi'ojtortions. Of two sj)e(M- mens from ('lark Connty. Va., llie width of the head enters the leiifith to the yroin 1.', times in one specimen, and the other but little over four times. Other specimens aie from Saint Catheiine's, Ontario, in the National Alnseum, and from southern Indiana in the riiiladel])hia Academy. They have liecn referi'erl to as f- ^ i \ i 6 ' 7 ^^IZ^ 4 Flii. 10. A iiil'hixloiiiri jijK rmniininiiii l\ )ic nl' \ in fii;. li.'-j. Amlihinloiiia Jitlirxoniniiiim, viir. hiliKili l'it\n' i ,■.. I',(inl(ii^r,.|.; c,.,!, I{,.,|). (Ini,!. i!rit. iMiis., nl. ri, l-J-i'j. |,. 17. This form is (juite distinct tVom the typical A. jcJ/o-NonininDn, -.uul would rank as a sperblend. In typical si)eeimeiis of ih,. ,l. j, la Irni Ir thi'\w:u\ is Jiarrower and the body more slender. When the lind IS are lani the sides they frcfpiently do not meet by a short interval, while tl ll(MI}> io.se 'It TIIK I$ATKACIIIA OF NORTH AMKUIOA. 1)3 oit\uiA.J.,i>[l)'('r.s<>ni<(iiumUnivA\ eacli otlicr iind even oveiiai) a little. Tlie laediiiii portion of tlicsi)e(',ies is straij^ht; bnt this character is in some cases not retained. The color is j;enevally easily recognized: black with light lateral sijots. It resembles in this respect the rictluxlon ylut>nosus, and to a less degree the Amhlystoiud microstomntn as pointed out by Ilallowell, and the unwary observer may easily confound it with one or the other of these species. liut lateral spots appear in some s|>ecimens of the typical variety, and tlie ground color varies, as has been already described. This form is altogether northern in its distril)Ution, l>eiiig especially abuiulant in Canada. i Ambliintomn jcllrrsoniainim pldfincitm Co[»e. Cluck-list, \>. •Jii; IJinilcii^cr, Cat. Matr. (Jiail. l>rit. Miis., I'd. II, 18rV, p. 17. Amlili/Htoma iilitlhuiim, Cope, I. c.,\\. IIW ; Straiicli, S.ilaiii., ;>. (i.">. This is a vi'ry (elongate form of the .1. Jcjlarxonianum. The head is oval and the muzzle rounded. The lengtli (»f tlu' fissure of the eye eni((nitm: in one specimen (ty[>e) they arc separated by nearly an intercostal spa(!e when lh(^ limbs are pres.sed to the sides; in another they me»'t. Tail rounded above at base, liiially much compre.s.sed, but not elevated; iMpial in one specimen to body and head to middle of orbit, measured from posterior extremity of vent. In the type, however, it is much shorter, extending from its basis e paler below, with numerous indistinct whitish blotches. I"]yelids yellowish margined. S[»ecinien 4(>.SS has the abdo men darker and without spots. The nar >wer head ami more elongate body will tlistinguish this species from the typical A. Jr()'ersonitniKni. It is readily distinguishable m ) wm wssesBB^mm '■: I, ii;: "I 94 HULLKTIN ;il, I'NITKU STATHS NATIONAL MIISKIJM. . iunoiiH iiiiin.v individuals. Nevcrtlu'Iess miiii.v «»!' tliosc of tiie siihsiu'- cies A.J. hito-dk' approach it in (lie proportions of the jiarts ol" t'le hoad to cadi other, indudiMj- the closer aiiproxiniatiou of the eyes and of tlie nostrils. The body is, however, always shorter. The si/e of the A. j. laUrah is considerably less. Those (tf the typicid varietv of the same snbsi)ecies are invariably stouter, not cnly in i)ody, but especially in the head. Aiiilihi^tiimn i< (firxoiiiiuiiiiii i<'(l'<'rK(t)iiaiiiiiii (iiccii. iii:si;i;vK skkims. Cnlaliiyiiti No. of iiiMiiIii'i'. spi't'. : Local ily. Wlicii collniiMl. I'loiii wluPiii iiM livn llllliM lillTli ;i!)ll7 4ll!Ki ■tXSI IIS.SK i(is;i(i ;1n77 ::iis| ■ IIMIS 1 ' Wistciii IN'iiiisvlvaiiia ' Dr. .f. Oiitii ■I liiplcv, Oliiii ..' : Di. e. I{. Uoy 1 iiaciiif. Wi.M ill) 1 St. (.'atlitiiiic'.i, Can Dr. U W. IJiaiMo aila. I Miiiiiit .Joy, I'a J. Staiillii liiirlin^to'ii, Vt ! I.. 'riniiup.iiiri lairkiiDW, Ontariip July la, IhHl Dr. .J. U. (iai riii r . ... 1 ■ Ohio i ...'. Di'. J. S. New lirii \- .. J Niw York ! '..... :; I'll vilaiid. Ohi'i Dr.J e. Kirllaud. ... 1 I Wist Viryiiiia .loliii W .M. Ap|ililoii I I I Naliitc (■! sptci iiii'ii. Ali'oliolic type All iiliolic. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do Do. Do. Amhlijuliimii JiffcrsiiniiniiiDi /(t.iciiin ll.-illow. C'alaloyuo No. of iiiiiiilicr. H\i:r. I.ocalilv 4ir.'u' L' St. (Jatliiliiir'.'<. ("ail ail.i. HH'.IT :; Clariii- (Joaiilv. Va .. 11171 •_' St. (Jalhi'iiiic'.H, Can- aila. ))''";", Kroioul,o,„ur,,v..l N'alMfolsp.Ti iilli'clc'il. mill. ... Dr 1) \V llrailli' Alri.holic CI Dr. D. \V. liiaiUr Do. Do. AmhUjulimiii 'nffirxiuiuiiiiiiii jilnlim iiiu Vu\n\ Calalo^ilr lllllllllrl. Tll.'i Xo. of spii:. 1 1 1 Loialily. Cli'Vi'laiid, Oliio Wliiii colll'l'tl'll 4(iH,S 5:iGK .Moosi' i;jvii'. lirilisli Aiiu'riia. 1 rioMi wlioiiil.r.Mvr.l. Nat III .■ ol sprri lllrll. I'liilrssiii ,1. 1'. Kirllaud .. i'rolr.ssol .\^;issi/. I (• Dr.Mir Alioholir. Amlihislmnu jiffi isiiii'niiiiim liilrnilc Hallow. (Jal iloi:iir No. of imriilivr. .spir I.oi alilv. Wlini rollri Icil. Kioi wlioiii rrciiviil. r)!)41 :i Near I.alir .Miiiil,, j lliiiUiins lia\. <'. DlcxllT Nat mo ol .spici IIK'II. All oliolic. i Th this r soniu) The eonsti two Ic one or osi((' 1 outer n Tiie I (ail is I( (lian in on both while (I liin-fes a The c( HtrijK' ol (lie liead with anil to (he en of (hiik onto the .s(ri|H'. 'J and pcrh; 1 wo S) preceding a litth? UK however, niori' (;on( Imt ji colo little in fn If.'a.l : l'''ii,i,'tli . Widili t. wi.idi t„ BEB IIIK ItATKACIIlA <»!' NolM'll AMKUICA. 95 i t AMUI.YSroMA MACI.'ODACrVH'M Uiiinl. (l'la(<"jr., li<;. (i.) liiiiid, .loiiin. Ac. riiilii. (•.•) I, i>. 'Mi, and U. S. Kxi)!. KxiH'ii, xii, pail 'i, ri. ;!1, li'-. :i; ('"I"', I'l'"'- Ac riiila., isr.r, p. I'.W; Stram-li, Salaiii., p. or.; I5oiiliMij;i'r, Cat. 15atr. (ira:l. Hiit. Mas., cd. ii, \^^>, \>. >■<. This species is the shMidei'est ol' all our spceies of Ainblifstoina ; in this respe'it, as well as leiijith or(lif>its, ex('eeirni,ii' the t,vi)ical A.jcffcr- noniitnuin, but I'eseiiihliii};' the A.J. plutinciim. The head is rather larye, ales through the color of the sides onto the belly. There are also a few s[»ots of the satne in the dorsal stripe. There are a few grayish-white dots scattered along the sides, and perhajis on the limbs. Two specimens (Kt54) from I'ugi^t Sound agree in Ibrm with the preceding speitiiiu'ii, the two central patches of i)aliitine teeth perhaps a little more, angularly arranged. Instead of the grayish dorsal stripe, however, there is a brownishicd one, and the sidi^s areof a darker and inon' (!ontinnoiis brown. No. 1711 has a similar eharaitter of palatines, but a coloration mort^dvc the type. The palatines, in fact, extend a little in front of the anteriiu' border of the inner nostrils. l'ri)jii>rlii)iinl iliiiitiitiiniN, Spec. No. till',', (tvpf). Itoa.l : l.rii!;tli (if i.api' I if 1111)11 111 lt> ils width t wo-tliinlH. Width tu ('islaiiio IViMii siiDiil to sjjiilar Cithl ahmii t hi'('f-(|iiartfrM, W'idlh Id dislaiKM' iVoih mimhi Io •^^niin ', (imcM. B W \ !■ 1:1 mr^ !l(i iti;hLi:ri.\ .ii, i'mi'ku .^tatk.s national mtskum. ii^i : t'! I 'cud" ('iiiiliiiiicil. I'iniii siKiul i(i.;iil;ii- l.)l.l (oijliiiii.'il ill (listiiiico from mmuM (o ;;n)iii lij (iiiiois DisiMiiiraMiciioily l»M wren I'.v.'s ill lcii,i,'t li of orl)i t less than '^ (iiiics. |)isi;iii((l>ftu(ciic\lciiiiil iiosdils ill lcii;;tli..lorl(it . omi oibil. I>i.st:iii(c 1h'|>vci'ii iiitciiKil nostrils in Ici ^;lli of orliif oiio orliil Liiiil>s: Kdlioii of Idiots! Iiii;;i'r coiitiiiiii'il ill ilistiilicc IVoili clliow to ■ ri'f |)orl 111' niton I 'J.l tiiiK'M. I'n'v iiorlion of ionuisl loc coiitiiiicil in (list;inio from kiioi; to tip ■-'.' tiini'M. Ulstiincc lii'twfcii .iiitslivlcliiil Iocs ill lcii;r||i (loiii siiDllt to j,'roiil.. alionl ('i|iial. I.o.ly : Niimlii'r of costal furrows (inclnilin.;,' axillary anil iii^niinal) l\> Midsiin wtlll'', ill inilii.^. liCiiulli, iiu^asnivil aloiin a\is(if lioily : lioily: Distance Ijctwccii arinpit I'l sMoiil to cape '-'I' and •,'roiii , llii Fiipiii ■~iionl to unlar folil M I'ail: Hcicjit of tail wlicic lii^iicst . !■< l''ioiii siHiiii to uiiu|iil lio Liiiilis: I'loni s il to cKiiii 1,;.() Free iiorlion of loii;,'csl liiij,'cr.. . lo Fidinsnoiil lo li(diind aims l..-^,; , I'roin clliow to tip of l(Mic;cst I'roiii snout to end of tail., broken. ; liiicei- :(;) Head: ' Free portion of loiij;c,st toi> "JO Widlii of licad ''W I'roin knei! to I ip of loiiii;i'st toe .5(1 Widlli of loiij;ue 17 IMslanee lielweeii oiitstretcdied l,clii;tll of orliil I-' toes l.oll Uislaiicc belwecii eyes aiilcii- Tolal leii;;t li cd' a larger s|M'ei- oily ','0 men I in. 1 liii. Distance bctweeii oiiti'r nostrils . Iv' , Distance bclwccii inner nostrils. . FJ TIii.s .spccii'.s is round in .stiilabU' localities tliroiiojioni Ore.yoii :iii(l Wa.sliiiioioii, raii,i;iiij;' a.s far ca.sL a.s I''oi'( Walla Walla, and cvi'ii as Car as Koit Custer, near (lie l»io Horn IIiv(M', Wyoniiiio', from wliiidi a KlK'ciiiion was l»roiio!il by ('ai»t. C'lias. Iicndirc. Niinu'ruiis si»etiim'ns IVoin Fort Walla Walla iiiid si.\ from Fort .--i^ 2 " -- 3 ' Klii. 17, .\iiihhixt<'iiiii iiiai-rinl(irhilii}ii. Nii, ((i)'.'. Asliiriii () retroii - :t I'ilaniatli dilVoi rroiii tlntsi' from more wi'stcrn regions in {\n\ al>scn(!0 of till' (lor.sal color stripe. In some of I lie former the width of the, head enters the lenoth to the .i^roin '>\ times, showing a narrower form than in the tyiiical form. In others of them the head lias the usual width. Tli«> single specimen from Fort Custer has the dorsal band. A salamander from the Flathead River, Montana, was deserilied by I'rofe.ssiir Peters tinder the name of Ainhljfstoiuii hraiissii* There is iiothin.ii- in the description to show that this si»eciiiieii does not beloiiR 'Sit/iiii-vlieiichic dcrtlcs, llschafi Xaluil'orsilM'ndc I'lviiiiile, I'.cijin, I-!-.', p. II.'.. i 11 ' TlIK UATRACIIIA OF NOKTII AMKKICA. 1)7 V i to tho. A. mairiHlactiflnin. The width of tlie head, sa.ys IVters, enters the length to the ^M'oiii 4;r; times. The ical .4. mavrodavlylmn it is j^laiicoiis or mauve color. Amhlj/ntoma m(UriHUtclii!iim IJiiird. KKSKKVK SKKlliS. Caliilii^iu' (^1). Ill' iiiiiiilii'r. s|H'('. 4054 4012 flS7S HKOH ijriui IUUh r«'.'48 r.';>H7 10UJ2 XUIiti 1 4V.H 4711 4o;).'i L()i;llil V. I'lijiot: Soiiiid, On'unii Asloriu, On';;(iii OliilowN urk l.aUc, Wliuii »'o, 1)0. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 1)1-. J. (i. Cooper Ak'uhuliu liirva. AMHLVSTOMA Kl'IXANTIIUM Coitc* rnu'cc'il. Acjul. I'hiliul., ISK!, \i. U). Nearly related to Ainhli/stoma mac roil net i/him IJaird, and to l»e placed next to that species in any synopsis of the ju'enus. Costal folds twelve. Nocanthiis rostralis. ir|)[n'r Jaw overlapping;- lower. Tail strongly compressed, as loiij;' as head and body to <;roin. Head wide-oval ; its {greatest width t.ne fourth in total lenj;th to theyroin. l)i<;its all rather shiu't; four phalan.i;('s in fourth posterior dij;it. Internal nares as widely si'.paratt'd as the external. Eye-tissure one half width between the anti'rior canthus. Median dental series present in, i-' an an;j;le for- wards. Tonj;ne lar«;e, deeply plicate, licnjjth, in. .(KS3; lenj'th to ax- illa, .017; to j:;roin, .OH); lenjifth of anterior limb, .012; of anterior foot, .001; of hind limb, .((14; of posterior foot, .0005. Sides of body and tail and superior surfaces of limbs, sliiiiiiif>- black. Dorsal region to end of tail and muzzle, j;amb()j;'e yellow. The yellow expands on the head and forms two cross bands on the up[>er surfaces of each of the limbs. The black of the sides is occasionally inter- rupted by the yellow spots irrcfiularly jMaced. lU'low, dilute black, dusted with minute white spetddes. Th(^ strui!tural dilfcrcnces between this and the .1. noicrodadiilKm iuv, not many, but are well marked. They are : (1) The j;i'eater width of the head, whicii enters the length (without the tail) live times in the latter, and finir times in tho. A. < pi. rant hum ; and is also setMi in the greater iiiterorbital width; (2) in the short toes, which are very much longer in the .1. mueroihictijlum. In color this species is the more bril- il . !( ,i;l m i 1951 liull. :u- Tliitcii.-., Ii«. ». :i.; ( i i 1 ' i '■^ D.S 1!ILLi;tin-:u, unitkd .stativs national musioum. lianf tl.c cast spock'S l.dnj;- (loscrilu'd as biowu witl. a «ia.v dorsal stii...' iiistca.l of black with a yellow dorsal stripe. In it the limbs a,v Ja banded, and the bellyis nnitbnnly i.ale, contrary to what holds i„ the present species, which is the han.lson.est of the j;vnus. I ob- tain.Ml fotir si.ecin.ens of this salamander, nnder lo-s, in a, swamp near (I,c liea.l of (he S(.nth IJoise lliver, on the south side of the Sawtooth Mountain ranjje, Idaho. ff ^ 35- Flo. 18. Aiiihli/Kloma fpijcaulhinn. Atlanta, Miilio; |. This species is in all respects more robust than the A.macrothu-ttfhm, and is more brilliantly colored. Its tints are (hose of the Kun.pean SaUmandnt ni. riS (Jamiiiry). Otog'.ossal cartilajj:e trianj^fular, attached by a base to each side of the Jiyi)obranehial cartila{;e. in otlier respects this genus agrees with Anddystoma. The larva of the type species {C. tcnchrosus), the only one I have ideiititicd, dillers from tliose of AmbUiftoma in the absence of basal branchial processes, and (tf spleiiial teeth. (Plates L'O-LM.) 1 have examined the hyoid apparatus of the sjiecies of this genus, and 1 refer two others to it. One of these, (\ vhujuhttns, very probably belongs here; the position of the otlier, C. tc.vanus, is altogether uncer- tain as yet. Considered with lespect to the forms of their otoglossal cartilages tiiese species fall into three sections, as follows (see IMates LTj and L'(J): (I) Tlie cartilage uninterrupted in front. C. (cntbrosus, C. aterriniKs. and V. ilrvortiaitits. (Figs. 1, '1-5, 8-".».) (•J) Tiie cartilage divided in front, and without median processe.s. (J. 2)i. (Figs. 0-7.) (.'{) The cartilage divided, each half with an internal and external proc- ess in front. (Figs. 1-2, I'l, 2().) C. microstomits, 111 addition to tliese characters, it may be observed that in the C. tenchrosus and C. dterrimus there is a sheet of strong librous tissue extending antericrly from the otoglossal cartilage, and forming the base of the tongue. A few similar fibers are found in the correspoiul- ing position in the A. pary>tk'iim. IJesides the characters of the otoglossal cartilage I have already given, I may add thac in the species with entire anterior border, the crest of the superior surface of the basibranchial appears to pass through a foi-a lissi IM. 1 T! A r temb Th tiori] Texa.^ from Th( 1. Vi r ( k r i rilK UArUACIIIA Ol' N'vtIiTII AMKIiU'A. 99 Ibriiiiidi ill the l»a.s(M)t tln' (tt()j;l<>.ssiil caitilajit'. Wlu'ro tlic latter is lissuu'd tlm (!ivst appears to be deeurved tlir()ii.i>li it, as in C. inwoticus, IM. i>5, Fiy;. (i. Tlie speeics of tiiis jfciius are distributed as follows: Al'sruoiMl'AKiAN lki',(ii()N. — ('. inivrn.sti)ni KK and (J. ritujulatus. Pacikk! liiiiaoN. — a. iKirotiouH, C.deoorticatiis, C. ittvrriinus, and C tenchrosus. The (J. microstoinits is not coimnon in tlie eastern part of the Aus- tioriparian re<:;i()ii, but is cliielly found in the Mississippi Valley and Tt'xas. The Pacilic species are all northern, none beiiij; yet known from the middle and southern [Kirts of California. The speeies of Vltondrotus are eliai'aeterized as follows: 1. V()iiicr(>|iiiliitiiit', lootli scries cxtciulinj; fxtci-ior to (lit^ liiii! dC Ilm iiitcriiiil iiarcs; liiiif|i;il plicir riidiatiii;; iVoiii iK^iiiul ; piirotoiils nut ilistiiict. CI. Canlliim rostralisdistiiicl ; fail .sliorti'i- tliaii head and body. Miiz/.1(! i'lini;:ati', Hat, iii't«liiccd lii-voiid nostrils; voint'ioiialat iiir toctli in two latlicr short scrii's, wliicli prcsi'iit an open an;;l(' backwards; brown, marl (led with darlicr brown spots f '. tviuhrosua, IF. Series of (ccth f\ti'ndMn;to external tissnre of innernares; liiif;iial plica' radiat- inj? from Ixdiind ; parotoid j^lands forming a distinct ovoid mass. ex. Teeth in thr(!(^ series (no canthiis roslralis o'- plantar tnbcrch.'s) ; fourth too with three phalanjj;es. Mnz/le not i)rodncclialanges. Vomerine teeth in one transverse series behind i)osterii)r lino of choana' ; tail nearly as long as head and liody ; inn/.zh! very obtuse ; nostrils terminal ; light brown, with ret iculations of dark brown C. dvanlictilK.'i. \'onierino teeth in t wo sigmoids, which converge and Join antorlorto elioana' ; tail only as long as Imdy ; mu/.zle llat , produced beyond nostrils; unifortii black ('. (itcrrhnitii. (ill. Konrleen costal lolds; fourth toe with foui' phalanges. Teetl* arched between inner narcs; head one-fourth to groin (in small sptici- mens") ; ey(M)nr-half width bet ween canthus; mn/zh" br()at; outer nearer together than inner nares; brown, with a series of lighter sjnits on upper part of sides, below yellowish; ninzzli' and tail marbled with the same. ('. texaiiiiH, \\. Series '>f teeth not ext ' Hi lUO JIULLKTIN ;;i, CMTKI) STATKS NATIONAI, MUSKUM. CIIONIH.'OTI'S ('l.\(;ri, ATI'S CoiM'." AmhUjHUwm vbxjnhihm Cnpr, Vvov. Ar. I'liila., 1-(17, |.. •.'(»:,: St,„,i,|,. Si.liiin., ).. (I.".; lidiilni.iiiT, Cit. ItMtr. (ir.iil. liril. Miis., cd. ii, l>.--.', \k W. This spt'cios ;ii»pr(tiidiL's the €. microstoiints in general, but iiiii.v be mulily kiiowii b.\ its inori' cloiifiiito-ovoid head, with loiiff iniiz/.U', more sleiidei' form of body, iiiid peculiar coloiiitioii. iMiieous (!i'.vpl.s and pores aii' not miicii devcdoped iti this animal; a fi'w only of the latter extend alonj-' the superciliary rei;ioii. The costal folds are fourteen, and are visible across the abdomen. The liead is clonijate, eonvex both transversely and loui^itudinally ; the upper face of the muzzle is narrowed, and projects beyond (he mandible. The width at the Jaws enters the lenjith to thi! «;roin (i\ times, and 1=1 to the edjje of the }>ular fold. The external nares are (juite close top-ther, nearer than the lonj;' diameter of the eye, iiml nearly l.o (his diameter in advance of (he eye. The au(erior anj-ies of the latter are -'.3.') diameters ai»art. The folds on the side of tin; head and neck sM'e as in other species. The distancie between tlie inner nares is l.GO times the distance between the external. The tongue is oval, (juite elon,nate, I)u( not tilling' the space between the rami of the mandible; its median j;roove stronj-ly marked. 'J'he palatine teeth are in a sinj;le row, sliifhtly eonvex forwards, cndrely between the inner nares, their posterior margins of the cuds of (he series and nares corresponding. The gape of the mouth isshorl, bu( longer than in V. mirroNfomus; its external candius falls aiderior (o the posterior canthus of the eye, while the anterior eanthusof (he same measures the i)osterior third of the ga|)e, commencing at tins middh' of the premaxillary region. Costal grooves fourteen; a median dorsal groove strongly marked. An unusually strong fold across Ix'twien angles of mandible, wliicli sends a branch to tiie orbit; gular fold continued (»n neck, sending ii parotoid groove forwards. Ijength to gular (old .l.T.") in length to groin. Length of tail nearly e«|ual from l»asis of same (o (he mental cross- fold. It is of rather uniform depth, much compressed, keeled abov»5 and (or its distallialf below, (ieneral form of the body slender and compressed, elevated at the scapular and pelvic regions. Limbs stout; the lingers slender, bu( not veiy elongate. Ajipressed to the sides they fail of meeting by the leiiglh of the sole and longest toe; length from tip to tip when outstretched, .(»() length (o groin. Length of lower leg and foot, scarcely .S from muzzle to gular fold. No visible plantar tubercles. Fourth toe distinctly longer than third : then 2, 4, 1. Fingers 3, 2, 4, 1. Color in alcohol black, (he under suilaces (hiekly speckled with gray. A vertical narrow gray line passes between every |»air of costal folds and meets its feUow on the dorsal line or bifurcates to meet a similar bifurcation in like manner, end)r,icing ar. a-. These narrow annul! ex- *'IV\t, iijr. 117. F tend extre Toljil Widlh Wi.lll 'J'he Xo. .Imhli/sti /ilii/r Amhljisln ISiijil Til is and has is veiy ; than in with sill shows tl probably pores <»r dent ill .v. The h t'oiislrict limes ill , head is n 'I'lie lowe the lattei length ol rated I»y 'I'iie aiitei instead ol gnlar fold The 1)()( incliidin^r dorsal grc Tiie (ail dricalat b to the (i|), iire siiarp. tlietiil. I m THE MATHAfMlIA OF NORTH AMKKICA. 101 tcinl nearly as far forwards as the orbils, and .siirrouiid the tail to its y t'xtreinity. Muzzh; bhick. MiKxiiydiicnln. '"• •''!"■ » I Totiil l('Mj;tli :! <>. Li'iiitlli to <'iintliiis oris (strtiif;lil ) 2. ti'i . LiMi^lli III ,i;iil.ir I'dld (I. Lciijitli I" liniiii If*. 7 Wi.ltlM.rii.a.l :!.'^ "•■• Wiiltli iilmvc i'ciiiorii 'i.'2'i 'l'h(^ sliach's of cohuatioii in this creatiiri^ are those of the Amhbixtnmn oiKiriiin, liiit arc dilVcrciitly arraii<;ed. X(». .'>7S(;; 1 spec; (irahaiiiville, S. C. ; I»aih\v. : ( CHONDKOTl'S MlCl>'OSrOMrS Cope* Amciicaii N':i turn list, l"^"<7, |i. f^S. .Imhiiisliimit piirjiliiiriliciim, Hallow., Vruv. \r. I'liila., I"*.'!!!, p. S (ore Sidhima iidrn por- phijniivu, (iii'i'ii ). .Imliliislniiiii niirnislDiiiinii ('(i|to I'roc. .\c. Pliila., I~ti7, |). 'JlHl; Str;iiU'li, Siilaiii., p. ti."i; ISoiiicii^^ci', (.'at. I'.atr. (irail. liiit. Miis., cd. ii, Hsj, p. ,f)ii, I'l. ii. lii;-. I. Tiiis species is amoii;^ the most shMKh'r <»f Aiiicricaii Ainblystoinida', .•'r ■ , and lias other pecidiaritics l»y which it is readily rcco<>'nizal»le. The .skin J is very smooth and slippery, with thi^ f>laiHls less evident in the skin ' than in A. ()i»i<'iim,j<[(}rrs(>nirannU's probably corresponding to the ends of the {glands. Thei'c are no evi- pores or pits of hir.i;i'r size than the others on the head and parotid, iis dent in some Ambly.stoinata. 'i'lie In-ad is very small, narrower than tiie body, with little or no const ri(!t ion at tin; iu>(;k. It is (^oidained about six and one-half to seven tiim-sin the distance to the i:i(»in. Tlic muzzle i< short and wide. The. head is much arched in every direi;tioii, the eyes far forward and latiM'al. 'i'lie lower Jaw jtrojectsa little beyond the border of thenpper, e;)neealin^' the latter when viewed from above. The i-yes are distant h'ss than the leiij^th of tln' orbit fiom the nostrils, their anterior extremities sepa- rated by I J, times this nnil. The nostrils are one orbit lenjjth apart. The anterior edye of the orbit falls opposite the middle of the j^apo instead i»f in its posterior third, as in A)iihljfsltt)H(( JcJ}'<;r,s(mi.-., lii-H. 1, 10: lUIMJll'IN' :ll, r.VITi:i) SI'ATKS NATIONAL MUSEUM, Tlio limbs arc wi-ak. Tlic tUresse(l to the sides they an' separated by six of I lie inteicoslal spaces. This indi(!ates thai the le<,'s arc shorter tlian in any otiiei' species of tlu^ ^eiiiis. The. ton^nie is thick, lleshy, and attached, although sli;ihtly free at sides and tip. There is a lonniliidinal uimovc in the toii;,nie, separatin,!,' tho two papillose portions, ol' an oval sliajie, placted side by side, with the e(U;e of the ton^^Mie projecting;' beyond tlieiii. The |/apilhe Ibini pai'allel st'ries ill each oval obli(pie to the (H'litral f;roove. Tin's is not round in Amhli/- stoma Jcjrrrsou itni II III . There are only two patches or lines of palatine teeth. Tlu'se o(!eii|)y the middle of the palate, forinin;i;aii Ai the aiif^leantiu'ior and reaehin;;' as far forward as the aiderior border of the inner iiares. The postt'io- external ends do not pass th(^ inner marj^inof those nares (in the soft palate, the in'oportions beiii^' a little dilfereiit in the skull). Sometimes these two patches form nearly a stiai;;lit line, or at least the central portion is straight, the lateral beiidin.u sli<;htly backwards. Fin. in. riiiDiilmtii.': i,ilfi;i>.liiiini/i. No. 39!t!». S.niiit I.oiiis, Mo. ; ', The color in alcohol is a dark brownish-black, a very little paler be- neath, and thickly anil irre;,'nlarly si>rinkled on the sides with plma- beons spots about the size of the eye, of no delinite ontline. These are less iinmerous above and below, sometimes nearly waiitin;,^; sometimes they are larger than as described, and look not unlike patches of a <,'ray- ish lichen growing on the sides. Mmsiircmcnis. ^ , Iriclioa. LL'n{,'fli .'ilonir axis of Imily rioin Hiioiit to aii>,'l(( of inontli oo Lcn<;tli from snout to ^iilai' fold " ^r, Lciif^tii from snout to M-roiii '>'>() Leni^tlifromsnont lolicliind anus _ ij j^O Lcnstli from snout to tip of tail \[[_ ^"I,^) Lcnirth of tail .' rn Widtli of head ..""" 'm Lcnjrfli of foro-iirm from (dliow ",,) Lenjjtliof !(■;,' from kni!(; .".'.".!.'.".'.!!".! .KJ Expanse of hind leys ,' .r i ! HUM ■M'M ,'i!IS2 ;iss 1 .'lillVJ lo:;7 IIH7K .•)!l»5 :iMl<) I IIU.'XI s:Mi(i |-.'II.-,,K S777 ii,v;i III7-' III71 iiiiii; I llMII I 4(187 TIIK liATK'AOIlIA OK NORTH AMKRIf'A. 103 Tli»! total Icii^^tli of liir^icst s|«'('iiin'ii svvu (.">!).;!>, Saint Louis) is 0 iiiclit's, of wliicli tlio tail tbriiis 2M(). The smallest adult is li incliea louj-'. In the Just jxM'iVctcd younf;- is simmi a series of illy-dediied liylit spots, lai't-er tiiau elsewlieie !ilon,u' eaeli side of the back. The belly is (|uito, lij-ht (rolored. 'J'his speeies bears a close reseinblaiiee to I'hthotlon (ilutinosHS, from \vlii(th the jjenene pcculiiirili' the lon^'er digits, etc., readily distinguish it. The bluish spots, too, a. inneh less sharply delined and duller, less silvery, and do not o(!eur on the l)aek to anythin<;- like the same extent as in /'. {ilKfiiiosiis. From A. jfircnionidntiin it will be known by the projectiii}; lower Jaw, much smaller and more arched head, j-reater nund)er of costal furrows, more evident spots on the sides, etc., besides the important peculiarities of t()n<;'ue and teeth. This is one of the species whose metamorpiiosis is completed some- tiuH' before il attains full si/,i^ A specimen in which minute stumps of the branchiu' remain measures 2 in(;hes in len<,'th ; another without traces of them, 2.1."* inches. The width of the head enters the len<;(h (o the f>roin l.'J times, and tiie tail fall* short of the axilla from its base. These measuremiMits may l»e compa/ed with those (jf the adult in illus tration of the j;eneral jiriuciple that the relative lenji'ths ot body and tail increases with iiutreased size. Th(! well developed lateral procM'sses of the otoj;lossal cartilaj;e ai»- proach the character of Amblystoma more than is seen in any other sp«'cies of (Jhondrotus, its very lonji median processes are not found in anv other species of this ueiius. AIthou<;]i they lie closely apju'essed in tl ■ lonj;' axis of the tongue, (hey are homologous, each with a half of the (iircle of And)lvstoma. P4 1 1 1 1 :il. il m ■; 5 t ClionilvotiiK mkronlomim Copt'. liKSia.'VK SKUIKS. ruiMiii^iic N'o. Ill iiiinildi-. Slice. HH?.") ,' kk:)7 1 1 :i!t!»!l 1 MS'2 I :i) 1 :iiU!t <; un.'id ;i HlMlCi 1 I'JII.W ;i ST77 '■! J IllnlC, 1 11. '.(U 1 , lit"'-' 1 i 14474 1 ] 4ii!in :!0 llKII •J ; ■ji;87 '-'1 l.oialiiv. Maiiili'vill,, r.ii ^ M Il (\n nii'l, III . . . Siiiiil l.iitiis, Mo (') I'liilrio Mcr i;iiu"c, I.a. Nrw Madiiil, M.i .... Kurt Sinitli, Aik NToiiiii <'aniii'l, III ... Wlicallaiiil, Iiiil ('(iliiinliiiM. I Hijci Niw Mailiid, Mo Mount CariiiL'l, III . . . OaKlrv, S.<; Moiin't Caniiil, 111 ... n.'Uinill.', Ill IIiKl.ion'.s liay C) '. {'■) Saint I.otils, Mci Sollllll'Ill IllilloiM I.aiiiaslcr, Olijn (iiainl Coteaii, La Wli.n nillcctrll. KicMii whom iri'riM'il. Nov. •I line -,1H7C -, If 7". Nov. -, 1HS1 .\lir. — , IhSI \.(). .Viadniiy SaiiiiU'l rimii 1 Dr. (ico. I'lii^iU'niaiin. . .la.s. Kiiiiic N'alnio of siirci- ini'ii. Alcoliolir I III. Do. Do. Do. N'ov. — , l.-'SI Apr. T), 1H87 It. Kciiiiicott ! Do. Dr. H. !•". Sliniiiaiil Do. I,. .M.'riiiiii r I Do. ItoliiTt I!iil;;wa.v Do. j I'riil. I.. I.i'siincicnx Two larvii'. I U. Kriinicotl i'llUi. ! I/. M. 'rimicr ; Alroliolic. — , 1«K1 I''. W. liaywaiil I<. M. 'J'lmii'r Dr. A. Kciis.s V. W. llavdcn {'■) -. W'.r.T.'l. Ks Dr (ii'o. KnCflinaiiti.. ]{. Kciiiiiciitl I.. I.rsiilliTclIX Sl.(,'liailcs('i:l!f.;c ... Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 11 I I [^ , ': ' ill i! ir: ' i J: i ! 104 lii'MJ-rriN :!i, unitkd srATKs national muskum. t'llOXDKOTIS TEXANIIS Mattlics. (I'latcr)!, lij,'. I!l,) .%il„mtui(lin Ir.nnin. Mattings, All,!;i'iii. .hiilscii.- natnili. /.•iliiiiR, I, IH.Vi, p. 'ififi. .tnihlHsloiiHi hj-ainin, liair.l. I". S. Mcx. ISdiiiMl. 8iirv., ii, I.Vi)f., -"■'. I'l. :<•"., fly;. If.; Cope, Pn>c. Ac. I'liila.. ' \i).'.'(M: Sliaiicli, Salaiii., j). 0. The (U'seriptioii <»t' this spcc-ios is taken from si)eciiiuMis uliich iiro not fully j^rowii. Tiic proportions iirc, liowcver, inucli llioso of llic (!. viicnKstowus at tlic saiin' a^ijc. This, with the Iarj;c nunilu'r of costal ^Moovcs, ivndors it alMi(»st (joitain that the fiill-srown individuals are imich like those of the latter species, and very probably of near the same si/e. Skin ever;s .. Iiere ]it. A mediali dorsal Lt'ii^fdi from t'lid iiiii/./lii to fjroiii (• 11 Lciifjtli from end muz/lo fo I'lid tiiil 'i I?. 7."> Ijfiijjth from (^lltow lo end finucr 0 ;>. I Lciif^tli from knco to *». Amhljintoma paroticnm Haird, Coih'. I'mc. Ac. I'liihi., IH(;7, p. 200 ; Strancli, Salam., p. (•).-.; noiil.'njj;t'r, Cat. Hatr. Grad. Hrit. Miis., cd. ii, IS-i, p. 1^ IM. ii, lij^. 3. This salamander is of very i)ecnliar (iharacter. It is one of the stout- bodied spe(!ies, in this respect about e(]nal to A. piincttitum, but with a broa(b>r head. In the type specimen (47(t8) the skin is remarkably free from pits, pores, and milk olands. Tiiese are found on the parotoid region, both above and below the horizontal furrow from eye to side of neck, which is swollen in conseiiuence. There is also a small patcii on top of head borderiii};- the orbit, a pat<-h on the s|)a<'es between the intercostal fur- rows, on the ujyper pint of the sides, extending-, though faintly, nearly to the belly. Along the ridge of the tail, bordered below by an in- dented line, the glands are tliickly crowded. A few scattered glands are seen along tlie back ; elsewhere the skin is perfectly smooth and glandh'.ss, with the miisch^ directly beneath it, although probably when fresh the usual shallow pits of tlu' group stud the skin thickly every- where, as usuid. These are distinctly visible in a second si)ecimen (I7(t!>). In this also the ghuuls an; more numerous on the back and extend fart her 7 is inu 1 N.ah r.iiy, (>ii'l:iiii .... 4711!) , - Xcai'SrijihiliniiMi, Oil'. i;nn. 1 Cnal iiiiii('.< (if VaiH'ciii. \VV l.'4lall4l. FlKiii wliDMi irci'ivi'il N'aliui' of ,t|ic(i iiii'ii. A. Ciiiiplicll Aliiili.ilic l\ |H Dr. (". r.. 1!. K.iiihtIv Al. (iliolir. .1. (i. Swan |i(i. A. Cainplhll I),.. AUli'ii W. Iti^\v.s(in Do. I T H( THE BATRACFIIA OF NORTH AMKRICA, rroiiorlioiiitJ (limfiisioiifi. 107 47Ud. L'hilowyiick. Head: fifinj^th of jjtapo of iiiontli to its widtli inoro than half. Width to disfiinct' from snout to giilar fold contained IJ tinies, \Vid(h to distance from snout to j^roin 'l.J tinics. \\ idtli to distance from snont to Ijehind aims -f fi tiniuH. From snout to ^nlar fold contained in distance from snont to irroin '.ii times. From HUO'.it to guhir foUl containud in distance from snout to hchind aims +4 times. Distance anteriorly Itctween eyes in huijjth of orbit 2 times. Distance from eyes to nostrils in leiij;tli v f orbit little over 1 time. Distance between external nostrils in huij^tli of orbit little ovtsr 1 time. Distance between internal nostrils in lenj;th of orbit about 1 timo. Width of toiif^nc to wiilth of head little over i time. Liinl>s: Free ))ortion of hnifiest finj^er contained in distance from elbow to tip 2ij ti'nes. ])istance between oiitstrctchi'd toes in len;i;lh from snont to jiroin e(|nal. •i, McdHircmctiln, in iiichcH. » w » Leiifjth (measured aloiifi axis of body): From snout to^japc^ r>0 Fnnii snout to jjnlar fold '.•."> From snont to armpit l.Tid From snont to irroiii li. Id From snout to l)(diind aims . :$. sn From snont to vui\ of ta 1... 7. t]0 lead: Width of he.-id... . . . . . - - .7.') Width of ton"ne to Lenj^th of orbit ... . 2.". Distance between eyes ant< M*i- orly . . »r> Distance between outer nost rils . 25 Head— Continued. Distance b(!tween inner nostrils .24 Tail : Height of tail where hij^hest.. . . 4.^> I'.readlh of tail where hi-;hest.. .20 Limbs: J'ree portion of l()iii;(>st (inj»or.. . !?0 I''roiu ell»o\v to tip of lon>;e.st r"-f,'<'i- «5 Free portion of loni^est toe 'MIt From knee to tip of lon^fest toe 1.00 Distance between ontstretehed toes :? 05 CHONDUOTUS DIX'ORTICATUS Cope. * American Naturalist, 18.-'7, p. i^-< (February). Anihlnnlomn dccottiialiim Vo\w, I'roeeeds. Aiucr. I'hilosoph. Soc, l."^8f), p. r>S2. Tlii.s species has a {jood deal of allinily in its character to the C. paroticiis I>airial proportions are not slender; and the limb.s, especially the posterior ones, are very stout. The tail is Ions', i>»it'.s.s<'«l to the side ovt'iiap l>v tlio loii^^tli of tlii' liiis^'i's. There is no eantliiis lustralis, ami the lower jaw does not extend be- yond the upiKT. The external iiares are almost terminal, and are as far apart as the distance b.'twcLMi the inner bordiM'S of the choana'. The latter are rather lar^e, and are transverse. The vonieropalatino series of teeth form a short transverse line, which is entirely within the internal borders of the inner nares and a considerable distance poste- rior to them. The ton,-;ae is wider than Ion;;-, bnt docs not till the wide floor of the mouth laterally. A dermal yroove extends posteriorly from the eye to the side of the neck above the anterior border of the liiunenis. A branch groove descends a short distance posterior to the eye and turns forwards to the eanthns of the mouth. These grooves divide masses of crypts, those on the inferior side of the {groove hi'.\u line (if eyes (!(),") liiMif^tli (if i'lirc-lcjx O-ji; liCiintli oC lurc-fodl 111(1 I.ciinlli Dfciilpitiis (II IH IjtMij^lli of hi ml I<' Widtli bi'lwfcii (■.yes (I0(! Width of liiiid OKi Widtli ofKolo OtW D.'pth of tail at miihllo W8 Till' iii;uiiu'r of (U'S('i-il)iiijf tlio color i)iitti'rn of this .species «li'(>eii(l,s on wliiit we ii-oaitl as tlie j^rouiul. We can assume tliat the ground color is represented by a dark chocolate-brown, and say that this is closely studded with brownish-white spots of irrej;nlar forms and sizes. On the back, limbs, and top and sides of the head the pale spots are so close tojjether as to reduce the brown to a network. On the l\nM-leos the p.ile spots arc lar<»er than anywhere else. The spots are few on the tail, and those chielly near the base. The inferior sur- tiUH's are dirty lif,ditbrown. Tiie characters which separate this species from C. j;; Dr. T. II. Streets, U. 8. Navy. CiroNltKOTUS ATKKKIMUS Cope* Ainericiin Niituriilist, 1887, \t. 88. .tmhhistiiiiKi iilirriminii, Co]»(', I'rot,'. Ac. IMiihi., 1^(17, ]>. 'JOl ; .Stiaiitli, Sahiiii., p. (i.'>; Honliii^. r, (at. Itatr. (Jiad. Hiit. Miis., cd. ii, ls,--,>, p. 4i». This is a stout spe(^ies, haviiifj; a form of head intermediate between that of tlu^ C. fenebrosus and .1. tiyrintim. The deidition is (piite pe- (Miliar, and with the ensemble of its characters refers this species to the immediate neiyldiorhood of the C. ienthiosus. Head a broad oval, its ••reatest width a little over three-quarters the leiijith from end of muzzle to {?ular fohl, and 4.2 in same to "roin. The pupil marks three-sevenths the distance from canthus of mouth to ex- ternal nostril. Fissure of orbit equal lenj;th from same to nostril and enters l.OU times widtli between the latter; it is contained 2.L'5 times in widtli between anterior canthi of eyes. Canthus rostralis marked at orbit, terminatinjjf very obtu.sely at nostril. The i)rolile descends steejyly from line of latter, imt being prolonjjed, as in C. tenebrosns. Thus from the line connectin}»- middle of inner nares to lip is .To external interna- rial distance and .0 between anterior canthus of eyes; in C. teiwhrosus, same eipials ititernarial width and .75 the distance between eyes. The distances between inner and outer nares are the same; the former are round. The series of palatine teeth commence oidy ojjpositc the middle of the posterior marfjin of the internal nares, and describe a slight curve • Phitciit, li,KH. 4,5. ■^ 'm \ , ij \ Z. 'i 'fU I'i ;1 4 . ■ ^'1 7 r ' 1 ii:M 110 IIULLIM'IN :{l, UNITKI) STATlvS NATIONAL MI'SKUM. round their inner margins to a point Ju.st in advance of their anterior, then turn abruptly inwards and slightly l)a(;k\var.ls, making a right an-lo with their previous course. They converge, but do i-ot unite. lo ue large ; as broad as long. CJular fold well n.arked ; parotoid .rroovcMiot visible, perhaps accMdentally. It is dilllcult, as in the C. tent: hrosus, to distinguish the costal folds. There are not more than twelve. The tail is short and stout; its upper edge is much coini.ressed, as is the i)osterior half; its glandular structures are much less developed than in other species of Amblystoma, the erypts of the erest being minute and globular. Length of tail e(pial from its origin (posterior margin vent) to pcsterior outline of sternum. Tlie extremities are very st()nt,.iust meeting when laid along the side. The palms and soles are very wide, and the toes short and llattened. They stand, as regards length, behind, 3, 4, 1>, 5, 1 ; before, 3, 2, 4, 1. 1 4 Q 6 Kii;. 2;t. Vhiiiiiliiildi- alcrriiiiiii.: No. W^i'2 ; raliiral size; Kinky MuiiiituiuH. The color is black above, lead colored below. Measinrmnitn. Ill Length from HiKiiit to "fapo (lint projection) 0 Lciigtli I'roiii snout to };iil:ir loltl 0 Len};tli iVoni .snout to axilla (• LiMijith from snout to j;roin 0 Lcni^tli from siniut to end of vent 0 Lcnjjth from snout to muI of tail (i Width of head 0 Width of tonyue (( Width between eyes anteriorly t) Width between nostrils 0 Width between inner nostrils (t Width from eye to nor.tril 0 Circuniferenee of belly 0 Greatest lieijjht of tail 0 Greatest width of tail 0 Free portion of longest linger 0 From elbow to tip of linger 0 Free part of longest toe 0 Knoe to tip of longest too ... (I E.xtcnt of outstretched toes 0 No. 5242; one specimen ; North Rocky Mountains; Lieutenant iNIallen. Liii. -.1 12.7.-. I'.l. 1 ■».-* (i 1>. 75 f). 2 5 4 :s 2. ar> y;j. (I .'■>.4 •i.r, y. r. i>. 7r» ;{ 11 <;. (i I (SI/ w Sll I 1 TIIK IfArKAClllA or NOl.TII AMKUICA. Ill f IIONDliOirs IKNHI'.UU^r.S li«l. (linl. Colli', Aiiicricuii Niitiirjilin(, l."^.'*/, p. 8H. Amhhjxiiimii li inlinisiiiii, li:iinl and (iiranl, I'l-oc. Ac. riiilj'.., H.Vi, i>. 171, tiiiil U. S. Kx|il. Siirv., xii.,|inrt ii., I'l. M, lij?. 1; (Jopt', rroo. Ac. I'liila , 18(17, p. i/CCJ; Sliamli, .S;ilaiii., p. ti:>; Uimlmmcr, Oat. Hair. (Srail. Hrit. Miis., I'd. ii, IrtS'i, p. U). .\ililiiiiiin-(( liiKlinixii, (iir., l'. S, Kxpl. Kxpcd., llcrp., )>. M, IM. i, lins. salamanders, as well as by other peculiarities, liereafter to Itc mentioned. The skin is less glandular than in A. pnnctatiim or ^(^r/«jn)i, although scattered glands may be detected (closely and evenly distributed on the wlioh' back ami sides and on tiie chin. The remaining under parts and snout befiu'e the eyes are smooth. The head is v«My massively built, large, broadest behind the eyes and triangular, the sides being nearly straight to the narrow and roundt'd tip. The eyes an; very large and prominent, se|>arated by less than two lengtlis of the orbit, ami distant less than one length from the outer nostrils, which arc separated by \\ orbits distance, and placed on the side below the distinct eanthus rostralis. Tlie outer nostrils are much more distant tiian the inner, which are very large, much excavated, and iiave the external canal occupied by a soft, plaited membrane. Tlie tongue is thick and tleshy, nearly orbicular, but angular anteri- orly. It tills up the lower jaw pretty well, and is more than halt' the width of the head. Tlie palatine teeth are in two patches only; each very slightly convex antericu'Iy, coming together at a slight angle, with the apex backward, l)nt separated along the nu'dian line. Lateially the patches of teeth form the p(»sterior margin of the inner nares, and do not extend beyond their outer margin. The eidire .series is thus posterior to the nostril, in younger specimens the series are more transverse, the inner extrem- ities slightly incurved. The width of the head is contained 1;^ times in distance to gidar fold and 4 times to groin. The l»ody is roumled and depressed. As nearly as can be ascertained there are about twelve costal furrows. Th(^ tail in the two specimens before me is considerably less than half the total length. It is much compressed from near the base, and the edges near the end are (jnite sharp. It is far short of being as deep at the base as the body. The lind)s are stout. The digits, the fingers especially, are short, con. sii'erably depre.s.sed, but linear ami blunt at the tips. The under sur- faces of these are souiewhat swollen into a kind of bulb, which in alcohol contracts into something the appearance of a disk. The third finger is I I m 0m V P \[2 lilLLiniN :;i, UNITKI) STATKS NATIONAL Ml'SKUM. loii'-est l»iit is very littlo iiiarc! tliaii tlic scooiiil, iiu.l this than the first ■iiul'lou'itli Tlic tl.inl liii-cr is .iontiiiiuMl nearly four tiii.cs in tlio (lis- iancc lion, elbow to tip. Ti.c lomtl. loc, is louf-vr than third in three specimens; in one the second exceeds the fourth a little, ami the same are nearly eipial in case of the lin-ers. The color of this si.ecies in alcohol is a kind ot (hirk reddish-brown; paler beneath, mottled and marbled above, and on the sides with darker brownish; iuost distinct on the head, especially on the snout, where the skin is i)erfectly sino'>f h. The head shows a tinye of f^rayish in the «;ronnd color. . , ,t ■ i (For fresh color see the ligure in (lir.ird's Ileri>etology ot the United States Exploring Kxpedition.) There are two varieties of this species: 3. fi. The loreal rc-iioii swollen in front of orbits, ami hence the muzzle broader; tlu^ f,M(»und color {gray- ish, with coarse brown marbiinji-, like larye hollow spots, distributed over the whole upper surfaces of the body and tail. Hei)resented by No. r»!»Sl and a larj>e specimen (leiijith S inches (J lines) in .Mus. Phil- adelphia Academy of Natural Sciences, from I'.ody I'.ay, latitude .'i8^ 18' north, on the coast of California, procured by (leor^e Davidson, of the U. S. Coast Survey. Clioiidrotiin Idnhromin lid. (iinl. IJKSKKVK SKKIKS. Cataliisiio No. u(. luiiiibi'i-. spec. I.iKiility. Wlifii cjllccti'il. KlDin M liiilii irnivt'cl. I 4710 4053 SD81 14182 mm U5.-)U 13781 1 I OlPiIoii K\| lorini; c\|M-(li(iciM ] ■ Astoria, Oit'soii I I.iciit. W. 1'. Tii>\\ In itljic I r. .S. Aiiiiy. 1 Cliilow .viirli I.aUc, Dr. ('. 11. K. KciiiKilv (hfumi. 1 l'ii;;ct Sdiiiiil. Oic;;iiii "Ill 1 ! roillunil, Oii'Uo" l***^''' •!. I'i'visiiii 1 ! Slia.sia Cuuiit.v, Cal... I'^KH I.. W. ( liviii 7 do 18h.') (y'lia.s. Ti)W iiHiiiil .. N'aliiii' »rHiicii- IIICll. Ali'iilicilic t.vpr. .Miiiliiilic. Do. Do. Do. Do. Ad. and larvii'. rroportional dimcnuions. Head: Lenjitli "I" 'X'i\»' of iiioiitli to it.s width two-tliirils. Width contained in distunce from siiont to fftihir I'ohl l\ times. Width coiitiiincd in di.stancc fVoni snout to >;roin -I times. Troni .snout to j;ular fold oontaiiu'd in di.staiu'c fioni unout to jrroin lilt If over li tinii's. Di.stancc anteriorly lii'twecn eyes in lent^th of orl)it not <|nite twice- Ui.stancc from i^ycs to nostrils in lenj^th of orbit four-tiftli.s. Distance between external nostrils in length of orbit H timt^s. Distance between inte'iial nostrils in length of (ubit ionr-lifths. Width of tnncnus to width of head one-half. 1 t \ liimi Tail: F.engll I' 1' I'rl I'rj 1 I. ad: Wi Wi Wi. Dis Disf ])isl Disti !!• The lai any other 1051- THE lUTRACHIA 01' NORTH AMERICA. 113 < . I i r; liiiiilm: Eroo portion of lonj^ost linger t'oiitiiiiicd in distaiico fron» cl1)o\v to tip nearly I tiiaos. Freu portion of lon(l| Distance lii ween armpit and.. Erom snout to armpit 'J. I(» ninin 'J. (i."> T ■" Ei'om HUoiit to groin 1. .'•."> Erom snout to liehind anus r>. (i."> Eromsiiont torn 1 of tail lt.:!U Mead: Widthof head 1.1.'. Width of tongue (Id Width of orbit :M Di.stanee liet ween ryes anteriorly .."18 Distance between ouler nostrils .10 Distance bet ween inner nostrils . i!() Distance from e^o to nostrils. .. .*2(J Tail : Height of tail where highest... .(15 Ibeadtli turiiv. ;>T?»" r LIX(iU.i:LArSUS ANNULATITS Copo.* American Naturalist, l^•'7, p.8H. AmbUjHiomn (umiihditm Cope, I'roc. Aiiicr. I'hilos. Sue, H"^7, p. "('iri. TIlis specii's ivsciiibU'S the ('liondrotii.s mii-rastoinns ratliei' than tlio C. (iii(jiil((lu.s or this L. Irpdiriis, llowcvoi', it appi'oachcs Iho histtiuiiu'd spt'cit's ill the form and leii^'th of its tail, and exceeds that and all the other si»ecies of the lUiiiily in the lenyth of that part of the body. 'llie muzzle is very shorl, and the head is not distinoiiished from the neek. The leos are short, and when apinessed to tlu^ sides are sepa- rated by a space of three and parts of two other intercostal spaces, e(pial to four spaces. The tail is in section cylindricat base, and widely oval to near the extriMiiity, where it is more narrowly oval. It is not an- {filiate, and has no dermal marj;in on the middle line above or below. Its lenylh exceeds that of the head and body by the lenoth of the anterior foot, iind it may have been loiicctii", sis the extremity is injured. The head Is short, and the width enters the lenoth to the groin six and a (luarter times. 1 he front i.> :oiivex to the upper lip or profile, and transversely between the orbits. The parietal region is very con- vex transversely. The width between the canthi ocnlorum behind ex- ceeds the length from the same point to the end of the muzzle. The nos- trils present anteriorly, aud they tiro not , li, ;{, I; and the phalan-^es, 2, 2, .{, I, L'. This species is lar<,'er than tlie L. IcptKnis or tlio Chomlt'otus micro- alumua. MianKii miiiln. M. Total k'ii;.'(li '•'•'' Li'ii^lli (obiiMOof tji=l "'.»- Lcii^jtli ti) ;;r()iii •'** Lmjitli (oaxillii I'-'-! Lciij;tli tt» caiitliiis oii.s i"i;i Lt'ii^^th of fore liiiil> iVoiii iixiliii t'l'-.' Loiij;lli (if lore- toot I'i'T Lonjjtli of Iiiiul liiiil) from ;;roiii (i',''J Li'ii-,'tli ofliiiul foot IIIV Widtliof lu'iiil til-,' lh>iAh of tail at iiiiddic (Ki'.t The tyi)ieal and only specinien is preserved in ah-ohol. The color above cverywliere is dark brown; below, very lij;lit brown. Tiie sides are pak'r, perhaps pak' yeUow in life, and tlie color ascends at several points, so as to form cross-bands of moderate width ami very well de lined. One of these crosses at the occii»nt and one at the axilhr; be- tween the latter and the ^'loin tliere are live, nearly e<|iiidistant. There is an imperfect one at the sacriiiii, and there are seven on the tail, one of them imi)ei'fect. Tln^ coloration of this species is «|uito uni(pie in the j^enus in its rej;ularity. The locality of the only specimen, \o. llatJI, is unknown. LINGILELAI'.SU.S LKl'TUKUS Cope.* Aiiierii.'aii Naturalist, 1SK7, p. 88. Amhhjulomii Irptiinim Copi', I'roc;. Aiiicr, I'liilsoiili. Soc , ls-i(l, p. :,->.\, This species resembles the Chondrotus riiufulatHs, but dilfer.s from it in the entirely dillereut form and proportions of the tail. This i)art is very slender in the L. kptunis, with round or vertical oval section, without keel above, and lacking very little of beiii};' as loiij;' as the head and body together. The legs are of the same proitortions as in tlu^ C. cin- qulatiiH', that is, when aitpressed they are s(!parated by a space equal to the length of the posterior foot, showing their greatly superior length to those of the C. microstomus. The body is cylindrie. The head is * Plate '24, fig8."ia, 13. " ._ t T an low of act 'I poii mid e\t( tern <'(|M; liflh is ei The len-t to Ih TIkI gilte. •i, I ; himi I The is mar linger^ linct p /• If) f TOK !»ATRA("IIIA OF NOKTII AMERICA. 117 an oviil, with prmliiccd iiiid ioiiiuUmI iiiii//1c, wliicli ])r()j«>(;ls Itcyoiul tlio lovvi'i- Jiiw. 'I'lic iiiiitiial rcsi'iiiblt's ii rictliodoii nillicr than the .s{i(>cii'.s ol' Anibl.y.stonia, bnt its vomcrino teeth and t()n};ne liave all the ehsu'- a(',t«'rH of the ChovdrotitH mirrostomus, TUv vomerine teeth form a (!onvex series, extondin^j forwards to ii point between the ehoana-, where they are slifjfhtly interrnpted on the middle lin(>. The ton<;iie is lar^'e, tilling' the tloor of the mouth, and is extensively free at the sides oidy. The external nostrils aro nearly lernunal and ai'o rather near to;^ether, the space between thcni beinjjj e(|iial to jtist half that betwetMi the basesof the eyelids ami abontthreo- lifths that between the ehoana-. The width between the eyes behind is ecpnd to the axial len<,^th from the .sanu^ to the eml of the muz/.le. The width of the head enters the len;;th to the jjroin seven times. The lenjith from tlie muzzle to the axilla tMiters the distance from the latter to the ji'roiu I v time,'. The lateral di;;its are distinct and the median ones moderately elon- gate. Their lenjjths, bcfjinniuf; with the shortest, are: Fore-foot, 2, .''», ;5, 1 ; hinir» Li'ii;itli 111 111! I'liil of 111 1 1 //I !■ lo axilla flvJO l,cn;jlli iVdin end of iiiii/,/li! lo ran 111 us oris dlKt,') r,('ii;;lii of I'orc-li'j; {)\;\ !,fni;tli of fore-foot Oli.^'t Lnijitii of iiiiiii U"^ on; li(Mijj;tli of liliid foot OOT.'i Willi li of Iicail 007.'". Depth of tail at iiiidille OO-^. The color of the typical speiMinen in alcohol is ptirplish-brown above ans am-oss the posterior part of the back. The tail is densely si)eckle>':. y, I. I » ■ i J k i n ' '1 , 1 h *J rn M i ■WA i! Ii lis I'.HF.LKTIN :ll, TTNITi:i) STATES NATIONAL MIJSKUM. tlicuppor siiilacti of tlio tail in a ivliciilatc iiiamu'r. The limbs arc palor than the back, and tiic di^iits art" cross barml with whitish. The habitat of this sj.ccics is uiikiiowu. The only spocimon was Ibiina in a Jar with a speciinoii o! lHoiiycti/his tomsxs and one of Ii<()m toiqwraria; the former ('alifornian, the latter Pala-arctic. ])IC A M 1 'TODON St ranch. Strand), Salmn., p. (i^; r.oiilongfir.C'at. ISatr. (irail. lirit. Afns., 2il cd., l.S8-,>. p. 38. Tongne nearly entirely adherent. I'alatine teeth in two lonj,' trans- verse arched series, convex forwards, con verj-inj; backwards, sit nated behind the line of the (;hoana', si>parated from each other by a wide in- terspace. Toes live, Tail compressed. This genus I have not seen. Its characters and those of its only species are copied from 15onlen;;er's work above (pioted. DICAMPTOl^ON 1:NSATIIS Kscli. Straiicli, /. c, p. r.'.1; HonU'iij^cr, Cat. liatr. (Jrad. Uiit. Mus./Jil nl., 1>-S2, p. .38. Tiiloii oisaliis, Escliselioll/, /.(><'>1. Atlas, ]). ('<, I'l. 'J-J. Ilealbroad. Snont rounded. I'.ody stout. Lind)S short. Toes free. Tail Sivord-shaped, (curved upwards, as long as liead and body. Skin nearly smooth; parotoids and costal grooves appai-ently absent. L'ed- dishbrown; back marbled with brown. Total lenstli about four decim- eters. I liavc not seen this sjjecies, and know it only from the figures and descriptions above cited. It is said to come from California. IIYNOIillDJ:. JTijtwh'ihlKC C(t])e, prno. Acatl. I'liila.. 1<)1>, p. l'2r>. Otoglossal cartilage, none; a second ei)ilu'auchial. Second basi- branchial not continuous with the first. Vertebra' ami>hico'lous. No parasphenoid teeth; vomerines on the posterior edge of the vomeropalatine bone. Pterygoid bones distinct. According to Wiedersheim* two genera of this family, llynobius and Eanidens, jjossess a lachrymal bone in addition to the prefrontal. Whether it is a characteristic of the other genera remains to be ascer- tained. The same author shows (/. c.) that the hyi)ohyal caililages are very elongate in the two genera named, and are not articidaled with the basibranchial, thus permitting of inde[)endent m(>tion. (See IMate 25, figs. 10-11.) Jle also tigures a cartilaginous coune(!tion luitweeu tli*' stapes and the cpradrate, as occurs in the Trematodeia, whicdi is a char- acter of ninch importance. •f ' Jl Ii St in (o Das K(.|.fsk.li.t ] . m-']. -T* r r 1 V / THE IJATRACIIIA OF NORTH AMKRICA. 119 The latest work on tliis subject, tliat of Doulenj^tM', throws iiiuch light on it, owiiig to the opportunities on.jcyed by its aiitlior for the study of the forms of salainaiulers found in Asia. He gives the follow- ing table of the genera of the family, but refers them all to the Anrblys- (omida- : I. Series oi'p.'ilatiuc tooth coiivorsinn; 1»a(;kv\ > .Is, forming a V-s'i-T*^'! figure. Toes live Ifyiiohiiix. Toes four .. Stihinutiidrclla. 11. Series of i)al;itiue teetli uniuferrupted, doubly arohod, forming a fY^"**'''iP<^*^ figure. Kingers and toes with eitidorinic claws OinjrhodactyhiH. III. Series of i)aIatiuo t(^oth iu two arehcs, convex forwards, separated l»,v a wido interspace. Talatinc series short, between the choanii:. Toes live, Haiiidciis. Falatine series .short, between the choan;e. Toes four Halrdchypvriin. Of those genera all are Asiatic. Tiie iiorny claws said to character- i/.e Onychodactylus may not be confined to thiit genus or be constant in it, as they develop by the hardening of the epidcrniis xv Amblystoma and .some other genera on exposure to dry coiulitious. Tiiere are twelve species of this family known, distributed as fol- lows: ll^'iiobius 5; Salamendrella 2; Onychodaiitylus 1; Kanidetis .'}; l>atrachyi»erus 1. The hyoids of three of the.se genera have not been examined. rLETriODOXTID.E. Gr.ay, Cat. I5i»tr. fJrad. Hrit. Mus., ISrut, ;n, exclusive of Anildystoma and Dos- nioguathns, riflhoiloiitidii i',o\)0, ,l()\\rt\. Ac. Nat. Sci., Pliila., tstiii, 10,">. SpclcrpiiKr Cope, I'roc. Ac. Nat. Sci. Piiila., K,[), l',':i. ricthodoutidd' l>. Vertebra' amithico'loiis, simple below. Ethmoid wanting; no ptery- goid. Carpus and tarsus (^irtilaginous. Vomeropfilatino bones not produced posteriorly over i)arasphenoid ; dentigerous plates on the parasplienoid. ('eratohyal undivided, arti(Milating directly with the (piadrate bone or cartilage; no otohyal. One only, the first epibraiichial in adults; second basibranchial not connected witli the lirst. Stai)es not connected with the (juadrate by cartilage, iu adults. \'estibnle, inner wall o.sseous. The abovi^ characters define a very distinct and natural group of genera, which arc all but one ((leotriton) coiilliied to America. Many of the species are of small size, some of them indeed of very small size. The largest species, Sprlcrpcs hcllii, rea(!hes the dimensions of the Amhifisfoma tijin'num or Axolotl. Some of the species are hand- fi ■:M!\ ; I i ■ Ifif hi 120 IJULl.ETIN l^NITKO STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. sonielv coloiTcl. All arc (li>cau(his, and hcJHij and Pkthodon (fliidnosiis and cincrciis the external part of the crown termi- nates in a transverse cutting edge, while the inner extremity is more prolonged, leaving a transverse depression between the two. In Sp. hcllii the inner apex is transverse and prolonged a little beyond the ex- ternal, while in the other Spelei])es and the I'lcfhodon ghdinnNiis the inner crown is more prolonged and is incurved conic. In 1*. chwrciis it is a little more obtuse. In Desmognathiis and the Amblystoinida". the twoai)i('esare of equal height and are both transverse cutting edges, the outer narrowed in the former. In the larva- of IMethodontida' that I have examined the crowns are sim])le. The teeth of Autodax are more like those of Ccecilia, or of Ilylonoinusof the Coal Measures, and distiiiguisli the genus from other IMethodontida'. t They are large, com]>i'ess('d, and simple. Tliis fiimily is more remote in its skeletal (iharacters from the Sala- mandrida' and I'leurodelida' than is the Amblystomida'. Thus the absence of parasphenoid brushes, the ossification of the tarsus and cari)us, and (he persistence of the pterygoid bones aie characters eom- nion to Die two latter and wanting in the present fiimily. On the other hand, the nonprolongiition jiosteriorly of the vomers, the articulation of the ccratohyal with the (piadrate, and the ampliic. iOlt. rilK ISATllACHIA (iV NORTH AMERICA. 121 r-': r? latter liimily is, tlieieforo, between tlie Pletliodontidie and the Sala- niandrida'. The AinhlyiStoniidie and Plethodondida^ may be tluis eoni- pared with reference to tlie devehipmental character of the features whidi distin^nish tlieni. AMllLY.SrOMID.K. Superior. (.'iirpuH .'iiul tiirHua o.sspoiis. rroiiinxilliiry foiitancllo closod. Inferior. O. i>tfr!if/oidi'um ppraistcnt. I'l.ETIIODONTID.K. Inferior. Ciirpns and tarsus carfil!i<;innns. rnMiiaxillary fonfanolle open. Superior. O. plrri/yoiilcuiii olilitisratod. Tlie inferiority of some Piethodontidie is seen in tlie non distinction of the di;;its ((Edii)ns), the tliinness of the ossiticatioii of the purietal nioaihranc bones (Hatrachoseps), and in (Elii»ina the persistence of tiie mcinbranons <;raninm by the limitation of llie i)arietal boiies to two small oval lateral scales and the wide divarication of the pi)st(M'ior ex- tremities of the frontals. The <(enera embraced in this family are as follows: Section I. Tlie toiij;iie attaclied from tlio central or |)nsterior pedii'el to IIk^ anterior niari^in in narrower or wider liaiid. ( I'lelIioilitnt;i'.) A. Two preniaxillary Ixnies. Dij^its I,"); maxillary lione rej^nlar, willi niimerons small teetli: parietals I'lilly osailiod Plclhodon. Uij^its 1, I ; maxillary as al)ove, paritstals fully ossifuMl IlimidKcliilium. AA. f)n(\ ]ireinaxillary. (Y. Di<;it.s I, 4. Maxillary rei^ular, with small teeth ; parietals not ossified .. . nntrachosepn. itt* . i)i^its I, 'i. Maxillary normal ; teeth Hiiiiill, very niiiner'^"s ; no preniaxillary fonta- nel le SlervochihiK. Maxillary edentulous jiosteriorly, decnrved, formin}:;aeiittinj^odij:e ; teeth few, larpe, Iviiife-shapeil ; a iiremaxillary fontanello iuloilnjr. Section II. The ton;;ne free all round; attached hy its central pedicel only. (Sjie- leipes.) A. Two preniaxillary bones (with fontanolle), I)i};its 4, 5. closely united hy a broad palmar membrane Cenlriton. I)ij.;its 4, r>, entirely fivf Gjiriiwjihilii.'i. AA. Olio preniaxillary bone (with fontanelle). (>•. ni^its 4. 4. ' Dijfits free ; parietal and palatine bones well ossified MiUiruhii^. liiY. Dijiits 4, ;'). !>i^itsall free; craMal bones well ossified S/iclcrprs. Dijiils little distinct: ]>ari<'tal and palatii'e cartila^jes not OHsiliele, ;uid the case with which the atiimalscan be analyzed ren- ders the ciisc free from the donbts which constantly arise in discus- sions of {generic relationships as to the probable omission of characters :i ,\ i\ ■yj 'r fi V rj I IP ' !fni iri 122 BULLETIN :U, UNITKD STATKS NATIONAL MUSEUM. from the arj,nimeiit. Hero it can be safely asseitetl that, as far as tlie skeletons are concerned, there exist no other generic distinctions than those given above. If, now, any -ciples can be derived from consid- eration of the osseons system, th. ch of all others ])res(Mits ns with by far the greatest number of u\ .0 modifications of structure, the same may be with considerable probability inferred for the other sys- tems. The primary groups are distinguished by the different degrees of at- tachnuMit of the tongue. That form which is most attached rej)reseuts and is i(h>,ntical with an imnmture stage of the species of section second, where it is more extensively free, as any oneniay satisfy himself by the examination of a larva of Spelerpes at a certain period. The tongue will be found to be tlmt of Tlethodon. The secondary groups are distinguished by the separation or cou- Huence of the premaxillary bones. Those presenting the latter type exhibit separate premaxillaries at the beginning of larval life, though the union often takes place very early. The mimber of digits dis- tinguishes groups of genera of less value; in some tiie hind limb has five digits, in others four. In an early larval stage all possess l>ul four digits, and in some of those with live the inner consists of one i)hal;nige only even at maturity {Spdcrpes chiropfcrK.s ct. aff.) Not lli'.^ iug as c(mii- plete a series of larvae of Spelerpes and IMethodon as uf Anihli/stDiiKi imndatum, I describe the develoi)ment of the digits in the latter as iudi- eating the meaning of variations in the same at maturity. At a leugth of l.L"""' the fore limb only is projected, ami bears two digits only, as in the genus Proteus. At 1.5""" sometinH\s the posterior limbs are devel- oped, sometimes imt, and from this size to U.-'i"'"' the nund)er of digits bears little relation to the size of the animal, an additional digit sonu'- times appearing earlier, sometimes later. Their numl)ers aie then at first 2-0; then always 3-0. With the hind foot divided, they ar(^ .'{-L». and then ,'5-1. Sometimes the anterior digits are couiplete iu number before the hind limb api)ears, and we liave coml)iuations of numbers from 1-0 to 1-3, 4-t, and the full nund)er, 1-5, which is found in all specimens of 2.5"'"' and upwards, denera which exhibit reduced digits are in all other respects Spelerpes (/. e. ^Manculus) or Plethodon (lleiui- dactylum), or riemidactylinm with uuossified parietal bones and eonsdli- dated premaxillaries (Hatrachoseps). Api)lying the case of Anibly- stoina to tiiese, we could not assert that Ilemidactylium, for instance, is identical with the undeveloped stage of Plethodon, since when Ambly- stonui exhibits digits l-t it is branch iferous. IJi.t making the more legitimate eomi)arison with Plethodon itself, I find that the complete number of i)osterior digits appears much later in life than in Ambly stoma, while thebranchia' are absorbed much earlier; that development in the first regard is retarded, while in respect to the gills it is a(!cel- erated. Thus in riefhodon ciin'rcus the exterior digit is longer than the interior; iu si)ecimensof 2.1""" the outer di.":it is the shorter; in those ^ A !♦ . \ TIIK I'.ATRACIIIA OF XORTII AMKUICA. 123 ^ k J i V 3> of l.S' , \vlii(;h jiiv witlioiil j;ills, it is ;i very minute tubercle on tiie outer inetiitarsiis. In ■'■. '■'tie eailier stiige it (t.iii not but be wantinj^, tlioiijjli this I liiive not seen, and I have little doubt that it is then a llernidaetylium, unless, indeed, the parietal bones be not ossified. Another fu'tal condition rendered pernianent is seen in the generic character of the <;enus (Hdipus, whi(!h dilfers from Spelerpes solely in the f«etal non-separation of the dijifits which continues even after the bones of the diffits have been developed. In the larva of Sp. ruber the digits are early entirely distinct, so that so far as this species is con- cerned (Edipus i)resents an inc.ract parallelism, but they are also nu)redistin(!t than in the mature ISpclerpeH beJlii, where, as might besup- I)osed, the fo'tal union is delayed to maturity in other respects, as ip a speirinu'U from Orizaba, INIexico, of l(!.o lines in length. There the union is about as extensive as in (Etlipm iiiorio. In the young of Tliorius peniuttttluN, the digits are not distinguished in specimens of .GO of the full size, and otherwise entirely mature. In the adult they are distinct for half their length. The digits in the young larva of Gyrinnphilus porphi/ritiruH are as distinct as in those of Spelerjtcs rubra. In one exam- l)le 1 find the simple foot of earlier stages retained, resembling exactly that of (Kdipus, excepting that there are emarginations for but three toes instead of five, (lenera which have no ])remaxillary fontanelle at maturity have it in the larval stage. Finally, closely allied genera, whiatrachosei)s and Stereochilus, Ww with the fcetal digits of the latter the former preserves also its fcetal cranium. It only renniins to ascertain whether Stereochilus loses its branchiae before or after aecpiiring the normal number of digits. From the very small size of one at least of these the fcn-nu'rcase seems pro!) able, but I have not yet been able to prove it by direct observation. Should it be so, we would have a ('s wiicii (icidiiii of its species present l>iit loiii' liiini toes, as in .Miiiic.iiliis ; tlierefoio the n'lation of these two is also of inexact parallelism. The relation of Thorins is also one of iiicrart par- tillcli.siii, for thoMiiii its eliaractters are fonnd in some .voiui^" Sjx'lerpesat an immatjire a^ne snbseqnont to the absorption of the brancliiiu, it lias opisthocu'Ins vertebra'. With (Edipns, if the condition be not that of cvdcl iiiiniUfli.sui with some species of Spelerpes, the approach to it is close, as above observed. It is chiefly pi'cvented by the fact that the ossifK^ation of the parietal bones in most species of the latter takes place after the extremities are fnlly developed. It is to be ol>served in tliis connection that, as has been above pointei;;it.s (listiiict. 'I'wo prt'inaxillarics. OiH' I'ri'iiiaxijjary. ^v. Diifitmiiiitcd. Two priMiiaxiiiaricH. One itrcMiiaxillary. DifriLsJ-l. Scr.l.KIJI'K '. Hi/riiinitliHiis. S/wlirpen. }. (KiliptiK. Mmu'iihiK, i 'See Oriij;in oC (Jcttcra, p. .>;{. ^Mtowr:»-u X i'llli IJAl'UALMllA OF NOKTll AMEUICA, 12r) Or tliiis: Two rU10.MA.\Il.LAKII':S. (lijriHoiihiluH, I'ltlhiidoii. dvotritoii, IhmidavhjUum. Dif^itH 4-5, a. Distinct. Toiifjiiu IVnc. Toni^iio iutiiclicd. iX(X. United. Dibits 4-4. ONK PltlCMAXIl.LAKY. Sjtvliriwu. SUnvchiliin. (Kiiipun. (titculitn. Ilalravhoscjin, Some other chanicters found in tlii.s tiu lily are those of low develop- ment nnd iiijproxiiniitions to the larvul condition. Thu.s three of the .spe- eie.s exhibit at tinie.s a subnareal cirrhn.s, which occurs in some of the Co'cilid! ', and Xenopus among Salientia. It is the persistence of that long sulDcular tentacle characteristic of the early larval stage of Uro- dehi generally (see Plate 10), and of a later larval stage of Xenopus (cid. Wyman and (Jray), where they resemble the appendages of the Siluridie. They have been called crochets by Itusconi, and homologized with the cylimlric cephalic processes of the larval liana, with what cor- rectness remains to be proven by ob.servations on other types. I'ischscholtz correctly rei>resents 7><(/ra(7/f>.st7).s' attcnuatiis i\>i without pretbntals. An elongate process of the frontal occupies only part of its place, forming no suture w ith the maxillary. This is (juite ditUirent from J)enK)gnathus, where the orbit is comi»leted by the union of frontal and maxillary. In ^fan(^nlus ijiiadi'idi(iit(itun the prefrontal occuipics this depression as an elongate vertical .scale. In fSpclerpcs ruber the (luadratum presents a small internal anterior ala, whi(;h has a superlicial resemblance to a pterygoid. In this species there is ai)parently an a/.ygus bone behind the luemaxillaries. This is, however, only the expo.sed extremity of their united spines, w hich are nearly or (piite i.solated by the approximation of thi^ anterior parts of the nasale. It does not occur in the Gyriuophilti.s porphyritkuti. JJATUACIIOSEPS Donap. Faiuia Italica; Oniy, Cat. Hrit. Mun., \H20, 4vJ ; Coiic, Piococil. Ac I'liila., 1809, p. 1)8 ; Straucli, Salani., i>. 84; Houlen^cr, pt. Cat. Brit. Mns., Oil. n, lS8i, J). .V.>. Tongue adherent anteriorly. Digits I, 4 ; a large parietal fontanelle. i'remaxillary single, pierced by a fontanelle. This genus embraces the tbrms which may be considered the lowest in the family. It dill'ers from Ilemidactyliuni as Thorius does from Si>elerpes, /. r., in the nonossitlcation of the parietal bones. This low grade of development is liero «een in the extremities also, whi(;h are f > ft. i^m i 120 JUILLiniN lil, IIMTKI) STATKS NATIONAL MUSKUM. imich reduml, and the snake like form of one of the species. The speeies are four, as follows : I. Costal i)litu', ei),'Iitefii; (ho toes well dovclopixl, palmutt!. Outer posterior toe woll (lov.'Ioi.ed ; liinil liriili extending' over 7.5 eostal Inter- spaces, fore liiiil) toorl.it: tail e(|iial boily and liead to orliit, more slender than tlu- body; belly yellowish II. i„u-iJic,iH. II. Costal pliea'. nineteen to twenty-one : toes very nidiniental, little distinct. a. Parasplienoid teeth in one patch. Mind linibexlendinj; over six costal interspaces; fore limb nearly to orl>it ; tail as Ion-,' as body ami head to orbit ; width of head seven times from nin/zlo to jrn,in;"belly black J'- iiiynniilnn. Hind limb extcndinj? over fonr costal interspaces; foro limb not to iiiiHiIe of month; tail thick as body, .is loiij; as body and head plus the len>;tli from mn/./.le to axilla; width of head vl'^ht times (mm nin/.zlc to ;;roin; belly f,,.„^y,, Ji. atlvnuatun, aa. rarasplu'noid te<'tli in two [patches. Hind limb extendiii'; over lour costal spaces; tail uu)ri! than twici^ as lonj; as head and body; sides dark /'. aiiiilalii'i. l$ATlx'AClI().'. (tttenitdtus the tail is !.(> the len^^th of the head and body and less (measurements made from femur). Limbs about {»s in B. attenuatKH, the anterior reachiiij;' the lirst dermal j^roove behind tlie mouth, and the posterior eoverinj.;- four intercostal spaces when ex- tended forwards. The inner dij,qts are rudimental, that of the anterior foi)t possessing a metacarpus only. The costal fj;ro()ves number f went' one; they extend across the abdomen, liut are not visible on the bacL. The tongue is a longitudinal oval. The vomerine teeth form two con- vergent brands directed inwards and posteriorly from within the choan;e. They are better developed than in li. aftenuKtiis. The i>arasphenoid teeth are in two distinct patches, thus ditfering from those of the Ji. attenuattiHj where they form a single patch. Mtasitrcinents. M. Total length Kid Leuf^th to axilla Oll.'i Lenj;tli to 4'' ll t| (I til Tilt; IJATKACHIA OF NORTH AMKUICA. 127 Tliis is the most vormit'orm North Americiiin sahunaiitlor, reseinbliii}>; the (KiUinna laiijonitis KoR'i'st. of Contral America in its proportions. Its rehitioiis t;) the Jiatrocliosc/ni ultenuatus are close, but its dillerences may be siimniarized as Ibllows: (1) The two patches of paras[>ljenoi«l teeth; (li) tlie absence of dorsal grooves; (.{) tlie very elongate tail; (I) the longer pat. aftcniuUuii has been ob- tained. cS ti tl 6 7 I 3 Fi;;. 'J7. lliilnii-ldisejis rdinJiitvii, No. l;).'(il. H.i.sslri'.s Uaibor, AliisUa; ; except Via. '>=\. (;iital(iL:iii- N'o. ol'j miiiilier. , siiec.i I.iieiilitv. 13JU1 I UasHler llailiiir, Alaska From wli.an re.'eive.l. ^'''t'"" '''' «1»'^'- i men. Uelliy K. Xielmls i Aleoliolie. .V IJATK'ACHOSKPS ATTENUATUS Escli. liniiiiii., rjiuii. H:il.; Ilullow., Joiini. Ac, I'liila., iv, 1,'<)8, p. IMS; Copo, I'roc.'td. Ac. I'hilii., l,i(>'.t, p. "Jrt; Striiucli, Salaiii., p. !*:>; Gray, Cat. I5iit;-. (Jrad. I'.rit. Mils., cil. i, p. ■«•>; IJoiilcnyicr, Cat. 15atr. GraJ. Brit Mil • , I'.l. v., 1~.-^-,', p. til). iS<(liini(iitiliii(ii iilliiiiKittt, Ksclisfli., Zool. Atlas, p. 1, 1*1. til, tii^. 1-14. Tliis species is well cliaracteri/.ed by its slender form and its very weak extremities. The costal folds are nineteen, more rarely twenty or eighteen, and are well marked on the back and belly, and turned for- wards toward tlie median line on the former, which is marked by a delicate groove. There are tour latera\ folds in front of the fbie limb, three of wliicli are crossed by a longitiullnal fold from tiie orbit. The tail is longer than in any other North American salamander, except the /.'. candatit.s, and is entirely cylindrical, and undistinguishable at the origin from the Iiody ; it is marked by forty-seven distinct annuli to the end of the vent. The toes are very small and obtuse, and free for the length of only one plialange: below this a web connects them. The inner toe on both feet is a mere knttb. The extended fore limb reaches the transver.se Ibid behind the canthus oris; and the extended hind limb covers four intercostal spaces. The head is short, broad, and flat, and the muzzle is as long as the diameter of the orbit. The lip is more or less luominent below and be- Ibre the orbits. Tlie palatimj teeth do not extend to behind the nares; they form two very oblique short series, which nearly meet posteriorly If- I hi « ) f\ r , V\ .rn 128 nULLKTlN 34, IJNITKl* STATKS NATIONAL MII.SIUJM. on the iiiiMliiui liiu',iiii(l are well .sepiiriited froiii ihesplieiioulal initchos. The latter are not separate, ami fonii one wide oval brush. Mcaitiiriinnitu i>f Xo. IIHOI. M. T.ital loiit!!!! ^^* Total ImiKth oflii'iKl ami boily ^'" Total Icii^'tli IVom inuzzle to ;,'roiii •'•'■' Total Ifii^lli iVoiu iiiu/./lc to axilla. "H Total luiijjili iVoiri inii//lc to cantlm.s oris OOl Leiijith of loiv liiiil) 00»> Lon^'tli oI'IiIikI liiiili <"*7 LiMijjth ot'liiiid loot ^•*'- Width of hoa.l **05 f'll vJ .vrl Til I''l(J. 'J8. JIdlnichiiKijiK (illi iiiiiitnx. 11)!*!).'), ]; li;;. 0 — ■}. The color of the lower surface is brown, with a few whitish points on the },Milar reyion and tail, and fre(|uently over the whole abdomen. The sides are darker, sometimes almost black. The upper surface is <,'ener. ally a paler brown, with a lij^ht shade extending on each side from the nape to the base of the tail. These bauds arc composed of numerous short longitudinal streaks, which become separated on the base of the tail, and cover its surface to the end, or to the middle, as the ease nii»y be. This light color has generally a reddish hue, and in many speci- mens exteml entirely across the dorsal region, forming'a band, not un- like that of riethodon cincreus ti(s. Habitat. — Tliis is an abundant species of the Pacilic coast region of the continent, but it has not becui found to the eastward of the Coast Kange of mountains. I have ^^\aulined eight specimens from near iSan Francisco, in the ^Museum of the Philadelphia Academy, from William M. Gabb, and one in tlie iMnseum of the Essex Institute from the sauio locality, obtained by Mr. Samuels, and the following: JtatraeliowpH atlinitatun Ksch. KESERVE SKltlES. Cataloiriio No (if iiiiiiiIk'I'. H|)l ;c. 0890 1 '.l«)l 10 ■Kill!) •> w:oi li ■1017 It 4114:1 ■> i:i!Mi:i 4 144-4 7! Locality. (;alifoiiiiii... l''ii'mio, Ciil , Whpii cdllcctdtl. Kroin wlioin Nature of ILTl'iVt'd. i HlK'fillU'Il. 187y \)v. Win Stiiiip.siiii (jurttavo ELsoii — MoMliTe.v, (':il j CanlicUl ... I'ctaluiiia.Cal I';. Saiimc'ls. ('alil'ornia... ('.('. liovlr Siena Nevada Moiinlaili.s, Oil! . .. Jul.v, 1«84 : J{. IC. ('. StiariLS . .. liallciia.s liav, (.^al K. Ilciiipliill Alcoliolic. Do. Do. ])o. Do. Do. Do. Do. S^ \ ,L ^ * J •■-.^,u..„;;;,!■''';:;::'•""■^■^■''-•'>■'■:N•'■«,« .,,,,, » '111,1 if'i) t II 'N. i> , 129 'J^"'s .s„.an species roso, , , «•'-'•". l«8o '''"'■■il l.'n"(li f.v,"i",.' • "" '''oCIi,.,,,! ;^''"^«!i „(•,;.,, ,(,;,-,; ;;; tines. -. 22 ■■ 13.5 • 3.5 1.7 1.8 2 <^oIor above ,Ieei, In". ■-"'''-■■: ^-^ i«o .s])eciiueii.s of ih\ * ^^« J''"rncho.,l>. >n,nra.M. Vo^,. A«^.«. ^'I'l'alily. H'l.cn '••'Ili'ctcil. """"■■"^^;!^^,^:r^^i-. ''"'■""1 wliiiiii re •■'•ivcl. N'Uiiro of speciinon. _ I ^'■^^•^•'^''^'"■"«- 1 Alcoholic. '»"si""«"ai -im,,^,:; ;:'::'«■'*«; ''■'''■''"":;::; lit:: -;-■ ^.4;:^,,^;^:;/: '- fj Jil I 130 nrLLirriN :;i, unitkd wiatkh national muskum. iiics. Fore limb to orbit, liiml limb .scinccly longi-r, roiUiliiii}? tlic oijjlitli fold from bcbiiiil. Tlie iimcr di^it on both oxticmitics is .so short as to render tlio members almost 3-3. Tail elongate, slender, sia)cylindrical. Gnlar fold represented by a line. Miasunmoiln, in iiirlun. Length of head to angle of niontli JJreailtli of licad licliind cyi'H ^ Kroni uinz/.lo to liiinKMiiH f» Trom nnizzli) to groin IC. f) Leiiglli of tail f Length of posterior limb •{& HalrachoscpH pnciJlvHS Cope. KK.SKKVK SKUIKS. IjilirN. » r. Catalnf;ii(' No of niniibcr. Bpcc. 07.13 4000 1 LofiOity. Santnlinrbnrn, Cnl 'i San Frnmisco, Ciil When collected. 1 ! 1 1 Kroiii wliiim vcocivctl. Nature of Hpi'cinieii. ni. llavH. ., K. I). OlltlH . Ale. tyiti'. Alcoliulic. IIEMIDAOTYLIUM T.scliiuli. Classif. tier Batrachicr, Trans. Noudiatol, 183S, p. .'il-DI; IJonap., Fauna Ital., n, llil,Nio. 10; Filzingor, Syst. l{cpt.,:i:{; Hainl, .Jonrn. Ac. Nat. Si'i. rhihi., I, lidl, 1810; Hallowfll, /. c, IS.'.S, HCm; Gray, Cat. Hrit. Mas., 1850, 41; Copi-, rroei-cd. Ata. Desmodactjilits, Dnni. &, Hibr., Krp. (Jen., ix, p. 117. Tongue adherent anteriorly; digits t-4; parietal bones fully ossified, without fontanelle; two i)renia.\illaries, with fontanelle; prefrontal boue present. This genus is oidy distinguished from Plethodon by the deticieney of its bind foot in digits. Tho.se that remain are quite rudimental. It differs from Batrachoseps in the i)resence of the prefrontal bono. There is but one species known, and its habits are entirely terrestrial. IIEMIDACTYLIUM SCUTATUM Tschiuli. Batr.,p.94; ILillo\v.,.Ionrn. Ac. Pliila. {■>), in, p. :'.(!() ; Stranch, Salain., p. 7(J; Gray, Cat. Batr. Gratl. Brit. Mus., ed. i, p. 41. Salamandm scutata, Schlcg., Faun. Japon., Amph., p. 119, •■iiitl Abbild., PI. 40, tigs. 4-6. Salamaiidm melanostida, Gibbos, Best. .Jonrn. Nat. lILst., v, p. 89, I'l. 10. Umnoddctyliis sciitatim, Dnin. Sc Bibr., p. 118. DmnodactijlHs melaiiosticttis, Dnni. A liibr., p. 119. llatmcho8cps sciiMus, Bonlongcr, Cat. Batr. Grad. Brit. Miis., ed. ii, 188',>, p. WX Whole skin finely and beautifully granulated; viewed vertically, the sides of head arc parallel, the eyes forming the anterior corners, and not projecting beyond the line of head ; nuizzle not tapering, but .sides nearly parallel, almo.st entirely truncate, and overhanging lower Jaw; eyes nearer muzszlo than Plethodon enjthronotus (viewed from above) ; outline contracted beh^ud tUo occiput, then expanding, taniiddJe of body J Total Jenj I'ungtli to Length to I^l'ngtlito; ^"■"gth to J-'f'iigth of J-L'n(r(Il ofl I-'L'ngdi of ] Width of h s I'ect very weak- fJ . "'"'•»".> «l»oeimens. "*^ ^•'"' I'eatli. Cent -.1 h... ''"''•'•'*''' ''''^"y «i f) 'f""«n. off„,eii,„,... "■ ^^™«:(I. ofliiiwlliml, ■"■ "Kltli of head ■•"••"-... ""'''"'■'."''■inn ,, ■„,„„„„ Mat "'"'lllCKld, 111.. J •1(1 L' ir.s ir.. (i .•{. .{ 2 •{. a 1.1 2.0 ' tWWP I TT^ 132 BULLiyriN ;u, unitkd states national museuxM. IJesides spt'ciiiioihs from Cliestor County, Ta., from Iluntiiiftdoii County, Pa., and from Chicago, 111., in the Museum of the rbiladelpliiji Academy of Natural Science."*, the followinjr are in the National IMuseum. Professor Verrill ,says it is abundant near New liaven, ami the Essex Institute po-ssesses it from Gloucester and Beverly, Mass. Dr. J. E. (Jray, ('atalos'ue oflJritish Museum, gives Niagara. Dr. II. AV. Gibbes described it from Abbeville, S. C. Idii !l IlcmidavljiUnm nciilatiim Tscli. KESEKVK SKKIKS. Catiil(i"iii' No. of nmiilier. 408:5 'Um 4":ii) 40!(:i 4(iy4 40H9 40:111 :i743 144r,U 4UU1 4724 HI)ec. Loc.Tlity, \Vhi«n collected. From whom received. Ci.rli.s1e, Pa I'rof.S. F.Biurd. .ill) 1 <1(> St. Ciilliiiine'!), Ciinada ' Dr. D. W. IJeaclle Itiplev, Oliid 1'. I!. Iloy Nortlilicld, 111 U. Keiiiiicott Moadville, I'a William.s Hicelionni};)!, Gn (') Anderson, S. C Mrs. Daniel (') (') W'a.sliinj'ton, D. U (?) lioor;;ia Dr. .F. .Tones Nature of Hpecimon. Alcoliolic. D... Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 4rp». ^;.- -,1; I i I' V ri" PLETITODON Tscbudi. Systoiii (1. Batrachier, Trans. Neiicliiid'l, ISHH, .VJ-'J2; Uon.ip., r.iuii.-v Ital., II, V.n. Uaird, Joiirii. Ac. Niit. Sui., Pliila., i, ii'J2: llailowell, ib., 18.">8, :{4-,'; Cope, I'roc. Ac. N:it. Sci., Pliila., lf«(Jl», l',M ; l{oiileii<,'er, ("iit. 15;iti-. (irad. Hrit. Mils., 11 vd., 18,-^-,', p. M. Jhredia Girait], Trocced. Acad., Pliila,, l*,i, ]>. t:!.". To!igue attached by the median line below, from the glosshyal bouo to near the anterior margin ; vomerine and parasphenold teeth present ; a large fontanelle between the spines of the separate premaxillary bones. Toes 1-5, normal. Anterior teeth not enlarged. Cranium well cssitlcd. Prefrontal bone present. This genus is highly characteristic of the lienio nearctica, where five species represent it on the Pacilic slope and three in the eastern dis- trict. A species from Japan, named P. pcrsimUis by Gray, is shown by Mivart not to belong to this genus. The species are all terrestrial iij their habit.s, and three which I have observed (/'. omjoncnuis, P. ffhiti- nosns, P. eincreus) undergo their metamorphosis while quite small. The last uanu'd, and probably P. (ilntinoNus, never enter the water, but are hatched in damp places on land. The branchiie have therefore no functional service. The species are as follows- J > ' - ' 1 * TlIK HATKACIIIA OF NORTH AMERICA. 133 a. The i)araHi>lifiu>iil iiatches in coutiict throughout ; voineiiiio aeries well separated iiKMlially. (i. The tail cjliiulric. Costal plit:i' 10 toll); form slender; tail c.vlintlric ; limbs weak; inner toes rii- (limental ; vomerine scries not cxtcndinj;' hejond nares externally; belly brown marbled ; above plumbeous, or with a red longitudinal band. 1'. viiiorns. Costal pliea! II; I'orm stout; tail rounded; limbs short, stout; inner digits distinct ; vouieriiu! series extending outside of inner uares; black, usually with gray lateral blotches and smaller dorsal spots /'. (jIiiHiiosuh. Costal jdicie i;i; form as in /'. ;/?i(/(»(>.si;.s; tail longer than liead and body; . I].">G. I'IcIIkkIoii linoriix, Tsehudi, liatr., p. 'J2; Cope, Check List N. Amer. Hatr. Rept., Saluiimiulni irijlhroniiUi, (ireen, .lourn. Ac. I'hila., 1, jt. IJ;")!!; Ilolbr., N. A. Herp., v, p. «:!, IM. 11; l)e Kay, N. Y. Faun., Repl., ].. 7.-), I'l. 1(1, lig. :!H ; Wied., Nova Acta Eeop.— ('and., WNii, \\. l','(i. l"(tlioiliiii . This species is iiiiu)ii<; the ino.st eloiiR'atetl .aiitl slcndor of American saliiiiKUnltTs. It is almost lUM'Coctly cvliiidriital tliroitglioiit ; a very sW^ld amount of oompressioii only beiiif;- visible towanls tlie end of the conical tail, which is loufjer th;in tiie head and Ixxly. It is much • Plate 111. iigM. l-t;. il I 4 I li' f :\H \U nULLETIN :!l, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. sloiKlorer aud more veniiitbrm, with much weaker le.i-.s than Rf/Iulinosus. Tims in .specimens of the two, measuring l.HO from snout to groin, the head and body of r.gUHinosu.s have the widtli onetliird greater. There are eighteen well-marked costal furrows between tiie limbs, excluding any in the axilla. The posterior are situated in +he groin, bifurcating above. In a single specimen of var. Cinereus (No. 3805) we reach a count of nineteen. This increase in the number of costal furrows is coincident with the wide separation of the limbs, the distance from head to axilla being contained about ^ times in that to the groin, instead of 2i, as in 1'. ghitinosus. The tail is longer than head and body ; sometimes considerably more so. This species, including all varieties, has an extensive range, being found throughout the United States east of the Mississippi JMver. It appears to be more abundant in the Middle States; its northern range is to the middle of Maine, Ontario, and Michigan. Its habits are entirely terrestrial, as it is never, even in the larval stage, found in the water. It is abundant under stones and logs in the forests everywhere, and does not occur in open llelds. The eggs are laid in a little package beneath a stone in a damp place. When the young emerge they are provided with branchia', but these soon vanish, and they are often found in this young stage apparently quite devel oped. ridhuhn vincrcus ciiurcu,, Green. The color of the upper half of body and tail is a dark liver-brown : beneath dirty whitish, linely vermiculated or mottled with brown in about e(|ual i)roportions, giving rise to a ''pepper and salt" appear- ance. There is sometimes a yellowish tinge towanls the head, and ii phunbeous under the tail. On the sides the appearance is more that of whitish specks in a dark ground. Sometimes the upper |>arts are clear brown, at others more or less varied with very minute spots of dull grayish-white. Sometimes the under parts are so much clouded with '..fown iis to ajtpear principally of this color, only faintly mottled with lighter (3805.) This species is easily distinguished from /'. f/liitinoHUfi by much slen. derer form, smaller limbs, more webbed digits, eighteen costal groov«'s stead of fourteen, vermiculated under parts, which have not the black in- ground, the absence of the appearance of i)ieces of lead foil on th(^ sides, etc. The limbs are very small and weak. The digits arc distinct, though sliort. The basal web extends rather farther forward tlian in i'. (/luiinosuif, the two terminal joints of the longest toes only being free, instead of two and a half. I can detect nothing in the characters of bead and tongue difl'ereut from /'. glutinosus. THE IJATRACIIIA OF NORTH AMERICA. Miaauirmciiln, in iiivlivs. 135 LenRtb,nioasiirc(lal()ngiixi8of body: From snout to tia\tii . ir> From snout to gular fold :!'> From snout to armpit 55 Fronis nout to ^roin 1. M( From 8iu)ut to behind anus 2.00 From snout to ind of tail 4. 10 Tail 2.10 Head : Width of head 23 Width of orbit Olt Distance belwei-n t-ycs anteri- orly 12 Distance between outer nostrils .08 IJody : Circumfirence of belly 75 Distance between armpit and f^roin 1.24 Tail: Hoij^htof tail where Ligbeat 12 Limbs: Free portion of longest linger .. .05 From elbow to tip of longest linger 21 l're(! portion of longest toe 07 From knee to tip of longest toe. .25 Distance between outstretched toes 8-3 rkthodon ciucicus cincvcus Green, KESKUVE SEUIES. H«5»». > ' Cat uloanc No. of iiuiiiltor. himh;. Locility. AVlipn t'olli'Ctrd. Fioni whom roceivcil. Nature of speci- men. 4885 4888 5063 4720 j :noo ; I'JOIO I :i8i5 8:)7;t IMI!) r.'oi:. :wiH :ift0."i :iK«7 ■1788 I 47'jn ;iHj5 ;t787 j ;i77o 13:110 3818 I 11708 I 31*07 I 47Jfl 3813 3H-J4 4721 4731 4U0U 10 1 i 13 I 1 3 4 I 1 1 ir. 11 1 18 1 4 1 Mipiiiit Joy, I'a J. StaiillVT I!iookvilU>, IikI ' lliulson's l!ay Triri- 1 C. Drexlcr lory. I .St. C a I h .! r i II uV, Dr. 1>. W. lioadlo . ('aiiaila. ' Cailisl... I'a ,. I'rol'. S. R liaiid... I'otmiiac liiviT, I). C..1 Apr. — , I8s.' i Kdwiii I'liiidlc Carlisle, I'a S F. I'.aird liaiiihiid^i'. Pa Doe. 8, ISTS J. K. (iarivtto (,> (') Clark (y'lmiity, Va Coliliiilms. Ohio Ailiron.la.k, N. Y. IJaciiir, Wis (icoiiiia Itoslon, Mass KIplt'y, Ohio (Nixsarkic. N. V Drtroit, Mich I'aiiTax Comity. Va . Claik Coiiiilv, Va. .. ' (!l .' 1 Adiroiid.irk M o ii n- fains. IMiilad.lphia llainpsliiri'Ccmiily, Va 'ryiroSpiiiijis, Ti'iiii.. (iroi'j;iii .... Uctroit, Mich Soiitlicni Illinois (') .1.11. Uichaid C. It. It. ICciiiicrlv , ^'■> ' K. Clarko (.') In-. William .loiics T. Kooscvcldt 1'. K. IIov I'lof. S. !•'. Baird C.Sa^'iT (ic(ir;;o Sliocmiikor C. IS. 1!. Kciiiicrlv C> ' K. Clarke J. II. Uichaid M. McDonald .... Major It. (hvcii... Dr.' W.C.Jcmes .. Dr. A.Sa;!(^r H. Kenuicolt Alcoholio. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 1)0. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. riethodon cinnrns cri/thronotus Green. (;i7(>ti, Clark County, Virginia.) I have been uiiiiUle to detect any tlilt'croneo in striictnre, proportions, and general character between tliis snppo.sed species and P. eincreus. The only diil'erencc, if any there be, is to be found in the color of the back, thatof tlie side and belly being very much the stmie. A broad, light-reddish stripe coininences at the nape of the width of the inter- orbital space, and continues to the tip of the t.iil, on which it dimin- ishes gradtiidly in width. The central region of this stripe generally \ f if 11 13n HULLETIN P.I, rXlTED STATKS NATIONAL MFSEUM. !^ I % 'i ■ ., i - hip i::'H' exhibits ii very line inoltliiiy ol" luowiiisli, scaicely ub.sciiriii<;' tlie t'lU-ct of the ml jiTOund. The mottling i.s suiiR'tiiiios tMiiially ilistribiitcd— sometimes concentniteil in some phices more than otliers. The sides of tlie body are abruptly and continnously dark brown, but soon fades oil' below into the pepper and salt of the lower sides and belly. There is sometin)es the etfect of a broad dark stripe on each side the red, but this is usually very illy delined below. The color of the red stripe varies considerably. Sometimes it has a shade of pink— sometimes of orange or yellowish. The close resem- 4 3 Fk;. 30. riethoihiii eliiciriis cr/ilhronolKg, 4(<2c ^ti St. CaUiariius. Canada; ;. blance in size and character with the l're(iuent association in the same localities between the two species have given rise to the belief that tlu'y were ditJereut sexes of the same species. That this supposition is in- correct is i)roved by the fact that both males and females are found of each kiiul, as was long ago noticed by llaldeman. As varieties they are very permanent ones, as I have Ibund all the young of the same brootl or set of eggs, whether in the eggs or Just escaped from them, uniforndy with either dark backs or red ones. 1 have found adult red- backed specimens watching eggs with red-backed endiryos, and biowii backed in charge of brown-backed embryos. Tliere is also some dillci- euce in geographical distribution. Thus, on the west side of Laki; Champlain,in Essex County, New York', I'rol'essor Jiaird states that lu^ lias found the red-backed salamaiuler very common, and never saw there the r. cinercus. Among a very great numlterof specimens which I hav(^ examined iu the collections of tlie Smithsonian Institution, the A(!ad- emy of Natural Sciences, and Mssex Institute I have observed but four specimens of the red-banded variety and four of the gray which could be regarded as intermediate in cliaraiiter. This apjiears in a rufous cast in the dorsal color of the latter and a slight obliteration of the borders of the dorsal band in the former. Such coloration is, however, very uuconimou in the living animal, which is everywhere exceedingly abundant. The statement made by J. A. Allen that such are aliundant in Massachusetts is not conlirmed by the siiecimens iu the museum of the Essex Institute, ]\Iassaciiusetts. An examination of types indra (ifiilis (.'5770) shows them to belong to this subspecies. His variety with livid back is the ricthodoH cincreus cbiereus. T ^^. \ l\ Tim 15ATRACIIIA OF NOIITII AMKUICA. 137 Miaaiiri'inoilfi, in hiclicx. Length, nieastucd alonj; axis of body : From snout to {Jjapc II From snout to {jular fold :?l{ From snout to aiiuitit 'IH From snout to j^roin 1. (iO From snout to bcliind anus I.H2 From snout to ond of tail It. W Tail 1.70 Iload : Width of head 20 Length of orl>i t (!!• Distaneo between eyes anteri- orly Vi Head— Continued Distuuco between outer nos- trils ?(.07) Hody : Circumference of belly (55 Distance between armpit and groin L 10 iiimbs: From elbow to tip of longest linger 20 From kne(^ to tip of longest toe. .tJo Distance; between outstretched toes 7(! ridhoilon rhinriia crjilhroiioittx Green. ItKSEUVK SICKIES. (lixtalosiio Xo. of iiiimliiT. »])PC. 4H!W ;i 1S!»1 I r,:if;i a SUTi o .liiT.'" .l 71-18 1 -8i;;i 10 iKIIIO •» O'jrm 1 37(ir. 1 37.->rt 18 48-JH 2 4S:i!) 1 482!t ;: ;i78S A ■17-.'X r, •i7(;n •_' ijtJii 1 Locality. When coUeitiil. From wlioni received. Wasliiiifjton, D. C Dr. William Sliiiip.son . New Vork Koit William, Lake ' K. Keniiicott . Siijierinr. Iiukc Superior do South of lli;;lilaiidM ' ('. Drexli'r Koek Cn.k, 1). (; I II. W. Klliott WaHhiii;:toii, 1). C Dr. IC. Cooes, I'. S. A . .. Norfolk, (Joim ; Seiit. IMi, 1S77 I A !■". Wooster Wood's lloll. Mass 1S7I I U. S. V'lsli Commission ("l.irk Conntv, Va ... ! Dr. ('. I!. It. Kennerlj'. . Westpcnl.N. Y | I'rof. S. K liaird Sl.Calhariiie's.Canada | Dr. 1). W. lieadle r.iciok villi', 1 11(1 ! Dr. 1!. llavmond St.c^atliiiiines.Cumida Di'. D. W.'ltendli^ Uaeiio'. Wis — West Norlhlield. Ill . , It. Kennieott Alle;ianv<'ounlv. N. V 1). Stevens I'otionae Itiver,' l>. ('. . Apr. —,1882 10. 1'rindlu IIU Nature of speci- men. Alcnliollc. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. ^1 u (ilOXKUAL SKUIES. ;|| ^ n i 782S .■ir. ;i7r.i .'■) !t9!U :i 1.11 1» 11 :i78:i 1 rj7iij ;! i;i."(i i:i:iii l;t.i8tl :i7(!» :)7(i.'> ;i7(!:i HI.V2 :!77S ;t778 (;. Washinuton, i (iliiileestil', \'a Miilillelowii, (Jonn ... liiisliiM, Mass Itiple.v, Ohio I.oiikoiit Mountain Tenn. XorldlU, (.'onn :i Washington, D. (J. . . ... L- Itawliv, Va I .. 'J!» I Meadville, I'a ... 1 I Lancaster, Ohio ; I,. I,e! J. W. Da^iins . . Itev. (;. Mann. . W. !I. Harnes.. T. Itoosevelilt . I'rol. II. IV W. I'.l'o'e .') (ieor;ji' Shoemaker . nrnjaniin Miller Williams squeienx. 1 I .Mississippi ' Dr. Shnmard 1 I (') in Oian^e, N. Y (0- Dr. .I.Cr.Cc 1 Ouenia Countv, N. Y 11. Da'js Miper Hi 1 •J7 ,1 20 .1 70 :i :.'. Carlisle, I'a I'pper Darliy, I'a I'hiladelphia, I'a leoruia. ( Detroit, Mieh I I Dr. Sa S. Kliaird Mr Smelt J. II. Ituhard... Dr. W. L..Ione». AU'oliolic. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. ■ >\ 138 IJULLETIN 31, UNITKI) STATKS NATIOXAL MIJSKUM, riefliotloii cincrcHS (lorsalis ISaird. Cope, Tror. Ac. I'liila.. l.-(!!), p. 100 (niiine only). This snbspecios lias tlie sizciuul jjioportions of body ami limbs as in P. cryllironotitft, but may be readily dif^Miij-iiislied by the smaller number of costal furrows, shorter body, and (lillereiit character of the dorsal stripe. There are only sixteen costal furrows between tlie fore and hiiul legs, instead of eighteen, as in /*. rn/tlinniotus. This indicates a shorter body, and accordingly we lind that the distance from snout to armpit is con- tained only three times in that from snout to groin, instead of 3^ or ;M, as in tlie other. I am unable to detect any difference in the mouth, tongue, teeth, or limbs. In alcohol there is a broad yellowish red dorsal stripe, which begins Jit the uape and extends to the end of the tail. On the back it is otj an average as broad as the interorbital space of the head. The outlines, instead of being parallel or nearly so, are very irregular on the back, exhibiting tour or live coarse dentations between shoulders and rump, which in some specimens are nearly opposite each other (causing the dorsal stripe to be twice as wide at some places than in others), or more or less alternating. On the tail the outlines are straight, converging slightly to the tip. The sides and beneath are dull brownish-yellow or whitish, finely mottled, or vermiclated with dark reddish-brown, which becomes more crowded to the dorsal stripe, and is sharply relieved against it. There is a distinct light line from the upper eyelid, passing internally to the nostrils and meeting its fellow iu an angle in the middle of the muzzle, then sending down a single line to the edge of the lip. i Mcasunmciiln, in inches. LengtU, nioasiueil along axis of bodj : From .snoiit to gapo .11 From 8nont to gnlar fold .lit From snout to armpit .K) From snout lo groin 1. :!G From snout to Ijoliind anus l.(i2 From snout to end of tail 2. 'M Tail l.:i2 Head : Width of Lead .'20 .12 .17 Width of tongue Length of tongue Length of orliit .(111 Distance between eyes anteri-. orly .1:! Head— Continue .iJid uiimber of costal furrows already referred to. Tlic very jagged or irregular outlines of the dor- sal stripe, the light line on the nose, and the lighter and more reddish shade of the lateral and inferior mottling will at once distinguish it as far as color is concerned. Tlio duskj* shade of the sides is not continuous above, but shows distinctly minute mottling of lighter. It is somewhat dillicult to assign to this form a definite status. I should be disposed to regard it as a good species, but for the fact that out of a great number of specimens of the i'. crythrnnotus var. cinercm 1 lind a single individual (Sm. No. 382.")) from Ohio which presents the proportions of the present species, and the same number (sixteen) of costal plicas For the present therefore I refer itas a subspecies. I have seen live specimens, which agree in every particular ; one in the Museum of the Kssex Institute in a bottle with the common varieties of the P. crythronotm, the Spclerjics hilincatns, and Desmognathus, all from Es- sex County, Mass., and four specimens in the Museum of the Smithson- ian as follows: I'hthodoii crulhronoliis dorwlii IJiunl. (!iiliilo>;uc Xo. of iiuiiilit'i'. spec, 377C Locality. WllPTl colK'itiil. From wlioin received. Loiii.sville, Ky . Nature of speci- men. Habits. — The Pkthodon cinorns is the most abundant salamander in the northern and central eastern United States. It is of terrestrial habits, and is easily found under logs and their bark, stones, etc. It feetls, like other species, on insects and their larva', cai)turing them by applying to their surface its Hat and projectile tongne and jerking them (juickly into its mouth. It frequently climbs to the summit of low vegetation, from which it springs by a sudden straightening or curvature of the body, as the case may be, in the manner of a cater- pillar. PLKTHOUOX (JLUTINOSl'S Green.* T.schiidi, IVitr., ]>. [)> ; (.'ope, I'roc. Ac. lMiil;i., ISlW, p. 100 ; Stiaiieli, .Salam., It. 70; nonlcnjjei', Cut. Hatf. Gratl. Hiit. Miis., ed. ii, 1882, p. ">(;. SiilamaiKlid nhiliiiosa, (Jiccii, Joiini. Ac. Tliila., i, p. :i.'i7 ; ll((lltr,, N. A. Herp., v, p. :W, I'l. 10; De Kay, X. V. I'aiin, Rcpt., p. Hi, l'|. 17, p. l-,>. Stilamtitidra miiohiln, (iilliains, .rourn. Ai". I'liila., i, ji. 4ti(t. Saliimttndrn riiUndnicai, llarlaii, .loiirn. Ac. I'liila., \', p. l.">(i. I'Ictliodiiii ; ■!**. •'«• IJ- ^iil; i 'I ■l \v: 1 \'>.\ pM Q i-^^ i"-,. i".a !^ lii 'n i 140 lU'LLKTIN :!l, UNITKD STATES NATIONAL MUSHUM. (•.vliiiilriciil, vciy sli}?litl.v co^ .imsssed towiiids tlif pointed <-oiiicaI tip, iiiid loiigcf than the body. Theskin is evorywiicre closely lined with short perpendicular slnnds for secreting a milky jiiico. Tliese are largest on the upper surface of the tail and more scattered on Wh'. belly. The skin is also closely covered with shallow pits. visii)le only when the mucus is removed and through a lens. I have not observed any large pores in patches on the head. The head is broad, the sides i)arallel to the eyes, then converging and distinctly truncated at the cni[ •U .I'M I THK nATKACIlIA OF NOltni AMERICA. 141 The piilatiiie t«>i'tli iorin ii sciies on each side in the shape of a short an!, tlio convexity anterointer'ov Tiiesc do not meet internally, but are Heparatedby a short interval, as they are Ironi the two plates of l)arasphenoidal teeth, beginninj-' a short distance behind them and ex- tendin};- backwards, meeting along the median line. The inner nostrils are rather small, i>laced anterior and interior to the commencement of the palatine teeth. IJesidesthe broad, shallow, shortehannel proceeding from the outer end of these nostrils past the exterinil extremity of the palatine teeth, there is a deeper and very narrow one i>assing along the upper edge of the broad channel and along the nuirgin of the ui)per jaw to its posterior extremity. 6 7 Fir,. 'M. I'll tliinlon ;tUit!iii>imii. No. 378'.'. Alilmvillc, S. C; ',. This species in alcohol is of a livid bluish black. The upper parts and sides are nuukcd with well-detiued specks of a grayish-silvery color, looking like torn i)ie(!es of foil. These vary with the specimen, but are generally more numerous and larger along the sides. The under parts are sometimes tinely dotted with whitish, but this isusually the effect of the whitish glands seen through the integument. The under i»art of the tail is of a pale bluish-gray. The light spot on the chin, showing the attachment of the tongue, has already been referred to. The soles of the feet are also whitish. The back is sometimes destitute of spots, or they are very minute and these when present are often duller than those on the sides. There is occ^asioiialiy a yellowish tinge in the lateral spots- A few sjiots of the same kind are sometimes found under the chin. Young si»ecimens are marked like the adult, except in being whitish beneath, and in freciuently having the white spots more i)uuctifornx and s(!attered. A number of young of eighteen lines in length from caves in Mont- gomery County, Va., have ii series of small bright red spots on each side; some others from the same locality do not exhibit them. The variation is thus remotely similar to that in IhsmoifHathus/KNca. I have not been able to discover any permanent dilference between the southern specimens of this species and the northern. I have thought tliere was a greater tendency to expansion of the light spots ou the side, so as even to form a continuous band, and to a reduction in size or disapi)earance of those on the back. I have, however, Ibuud :1: iH 142 UlII .LirriN ;!i, unitki) statks national muhkiim. m Un ii si)eciiiieii.s of precisely similar chanictor iVom iiortheni localities. Some soutlu'iii speciiiieiia appeared to liiive tlie ai;;its less webbed than usual. Ill certain 8i)ecimena from Sontli Carolina described by llallowell the white sitots fail to exhibit themselves on the sides, the color being everywhere a deep black, the gular region, lips, palms, and soles being of a clear yellowish-brown. This (^institutes a well marked color vari- ety, but no ditierences of a higher value can bo found. There are four specimens of it in the iMusenm of the J'hiladelphia Academy. The range of this species is from Texas to Maine. It is recorded by Packard as from Okok, Labrador (.Mem. I'.oston Soc. Nat. Hist., 1808), but I suspect that this animal will be found to be the Amhly-stomu jefcrsonianum var. lateralc, which has, with the .1. ,;. platincum, the highest northern lange. It appears to bo common in Massachusetts and Maine. This salamander is entirely terrestrial in its habits. It is found much more abundantly in the mountainous districts, and haunts rocky locali- ties as well as Ibre.st mold and fallen logs. 1 have found it mote abundant in Tennsylvania and New York than in southwest Virginia. 1 believe that it prefers a cool climate; in the Hat and warmer tertiary and cretaceous eastern coast region it is rare. In southern Pennsyl- vania I have only Ibund it on the northern exposure of the south Ches- ter Valley hill, never on the southern exposure or other part of the, north hill. In southwest Virginia it is more common in caves than on the surface. MeaHurcmciitH, in inches. liPiifjtli, iiicasiircd alonj^ axis of body : From Hiioiit to jjapo From suoiit to y;ular fold From snout to armpit From snout to j;roin From snout to beliindanus From snout to end of tail Tail Head : Width of bead Widtb of toiigno Lenyth'of orbit Distance bet ween'eyesanteriorly Distance between outer nostrils Distance betwcou iuuer nostrils .:tl .()(; . IKI 2. 5(1 3. (10 f). 1)0 2.1)0 .48 .10 .17 .■27 ,17 ,15 IJody : Circumferoiico of Itelly l.Ciii Dist.inco between armiiit ami ffroiu 1.00 Tail: Heij;Iit of tail wberc liij^bcst. .. .112 Hreadtli of tail where lii}j[liest .. .'.]'i Limbs: Free i)ortion of lonffcst lin<;er.. . KJ From elbow to tip of longest iingor I"»J Free portion of longest tot! 10 From kneo to tip of longest toe. . 'm Distance between outstretched toes 1.85 T •^JS" TIIK liATKACIII-V (»!•' NOUTll AMKKICA. J'lilhodoii (ilnliiiOHiiii tiri'iiii. IlKSKUVE SKUIES. 143 ('atiiloKiic iuiiiiIm'I'. Bl-Td :i7,"(i ;i7ri!) :i7Hi ;i7f;'j ;)7t«i :;7r.i ■Ml'J 4 Sill ;i7x!) (iSf'.t :i775 lllMill i;i:iir> ;)7ii7 No. of HpOC. I ;i 2 I I 2 HI ti III 1 I 1 r> miii .Ill i T.vMM' S|iviii;.'!', 'I'l'iili. Il'iivtnii, All OclawiiiK (Nimilv, I'll Cailisl... I'ii Nalcliiz, Mi.i.H Sllllllll'lll Illilllli.H — MdiiltiMi, Ala Siiiilli ('anilliia 'VIl.M I'lllluvtt'll. ...iNiiv.— , 1K7!». Tvicc S|M iiiy, 'ri'iiii MCa.lvillc, I'a ('Ii nliMtnii, S. (' Alilii'villr, S. C Ilii rliiiliiMi;li, (ia Caih^l.', I'a New Uraiiiiri'l.t, Ti'x ... From wlmiii rt'cuiviil. N. (). Ariidt'iiiy .. iii'.'w.Y, .r.iiitii!! A. !■;. K(l;;i'\V()rlli I'lof. S. l-\ liaiiil ... Ci.l. «.(;. I.. Wail.H U. KcMlliCKtt Niitiii«()f Rpcri- luun. I'r.pf. K. Owen. Williaiim .1 I'li.f.S. !•'. Ilairil . I Capt. S. VaiiVliet, L'. S. I ! Army. Clnilii- Ciiiiiit.v, \'ii 1 Dr. C. ii. It.Kciimily .. NfwVoiU i.I.SIaiiHer liaiiiii'. Wi.s i ( ('Il.lllrsldll (.') Wisl Niiiilili.Iil, III .. Milton, Kla \Vasliiiit;t(p|i, D.C (•lanjje, N..I K. Kcnniciitt S.T. Walker (icoruc' Sliiii'iiiakcr. Dr. Coiipir Alniliollc. i)i>: 1)11. Do. Dii. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. lili.NKKAL SKKIKS. 4ssn ;i7>'r) ;•.7^1 !I|HI lollli) llTlil IJ IHII iKii; ui,'-.:i lll.'-.H 47i;'j :)774 .")!lli7 .(' ■I- r.ailc Nnifolk. Va (!raliani\ llli', .' Uii rlii)i(iiii;li, ( ia Mcadvill., I'a ' Williams W.sl N'.,illilirlil, HI Ii. KcimicDtt Ncii 111 Caicil ilia I (;aiil. Wllliaiii lloldi'li .. I'liioTi riiiinty. Mo i ! I*. I{. Hoy UriiDkvilli', Iml Dr. Ilayiiionil , r.iiMiUvilli'. lull Dr. I!, ilayiiioml Mi.'*sissi|i|ii ! Dr. Slmmaril tliMisr Cn lOi, S. (" i {') W'l stern Mi.ssimii I»r. Sluiniaril i;> : c; (iioryia Dr. W. I,. Jones Kemiii'r ('ninit.v, Miss D. (". I.loyil Soiilli Oariiliiia. (.') ." fniDiitiiwii, Ala ; K. K. Sliowaller I I Aleiiliolli;. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. AiiiiTicaii Niitiirali.si, ISSI, p. ST?*. Proi)ortions as in P. f/htlinofiKN. Head oval, Haf, its width entering lenj-tli of head and body to tliij^h si.x tiine.s. Tail a(Taii(irn)iiilli(>|)arasi.liL-ii<)i(l.sl..valittU'l()iiKt'iM)iH'. This fonii is (juilc dilVcivnt from tliat ciianictoiistic of tlio P. (/liitino.sHs. There tlio series pass beliiiul tlie choatiie, soinet lines even beyoiul their external border, and from (wo arched scries, not directed backwards in any such dej;iee as seen in tiic i'. anded at the tii)s, as in the /*. (jIutiiiosHs. There are thirteen lateial dernnd folds and a gular fold. The skin is smooth cNcry where. AfeasunmtiitH. M. Totiil U'li^'th ll"^ LL'iij;tli oriieml and body ('•">-•"> Li'iif^lli to iffoin ••17 LeiiKtli to axilla 018r. Leiiijlli to richisoiis 0(17 Lciifitli of forc-loi; from axilla ol.')"* Leiijjtli of ('111 lit us (lO.")!} Li'ii^tli ofl'oro-loot OOt; Lenj^tli of hi lid 1('<; 017.') Lcii}i;tli oflibia OO.W Leii-illi of hind foot 0(l.<) Width of head .. . 00.>^:{ Width bctwi'cn eves 003(! t s tl w if ff z 3 5 ' ' " l''I(i. 3'J. J'titltddijii II iicim Cti\ti', R. Ti'iiiiossoo; }. The coloration is peculiar. Instead of the black color, with or with- out ])ale bluish dots, of tiie /'. fjUifutomiN, the sides and back arc thickly spotted with large yellowisli-grecn blotches of irregular form, produc- ing an etfect something like tlie coloration of the ."Mexican Spclcrjxs lep- roNUS. The dorsal spots are much larger than the lateral, and are often continent. On the head they almost exclude the ground color. The s[)ots on the sides are (juite small, as are tho.se on the feet. The lower sides of the tail ami belly are dusted with yellow, and the throat is also dusted, and a little more coansely than the belly. The characters which distinguish the.se species from the 1\ glutinosus are theditlerent torm of the vonuM'oi»alatine series of teeth, the ab.sence of a costal dermal fold, and the coloration. There is some reseiublanco i TIIK HATWACIIIA (tF N(»i;lli AMI:KI''A. Ufi to tlu' I'.jliiripiinrtatn.s ol' Stiiiiii!li, Iroiii C'uliloi ;iiii, to Judaic by tlio dc- s(;ri|)tiuii ^ivcii l>.v lliat iiiitlior. Ih* stales llial llu* tail is sliortiT than tlio liuan ol this species. I look it al llie nninlli ol' the. Ni(;ka.jack (7ave, wliicli is in the nionnlains al the jnnetion ol the bonndarie.s of the States of (leorjuia, Alabama, and Temu'ssee. 1 1 i l'l,i;Tli(»l)()N FLAVIITNCTATIS Stiamli. Siilaiii., |i. /I; Ifiiiilciinci-, ('ill. Ii:ilr. (liail. Mill. Miin., cii. ii. H-i-.*, p. ,'p."i. Pahitiin- tcctii in two very oblitpic si'iics, (tonvci.uin.; ba«tk wards, scpa- rated iVoni each other by a sli;;lit iiitersi»ace, not c.\tcndinj;(»nl wards lu'yoinl (dioaiia", jtarasphcnoid Icclh in t wo elonjiate patcthes in ironlaitt thron^lionl, widely separated IVoni the palatine teeth. Toii;;ne vciy lar},'e; posterior border tree. Head ralhei loii^. with a median lonyi- tndiiial juroove. IJody cylindrical, liiiiibs as in /'. (ihitiiinsiis, bnl the lin^^ers nniro slender and more pointed, 'i'ail cylindric^al, a little shorter than head and body. Skin smooth; thiit»'(Mi costal .nro(»ves. I'dack, with larji'e, iire,i;nlar yellowish spots, more iiiimeidiis on the sides ami (HI the npper part of thc! tail, smaller on the throat and bidly, absent on thci npper snrlace ot the head and the lower sin face of the t;ul. To- tal leiijith, I 17 I lia\e not seen this species, which is said by Dr. Stranch to have been obtained at New Albion, (lal. Il iiiiist be rare or of local distri- bution. 1 have c.«»pied tlu^ above dcscriptit*,! trom IJonlen^'cr's Cata- loj;ne of the i»ritish .Mnseiim, pa.uc ,"».'>. I'l.i;i'il()i)()\ IM'Kli'MKIUrs liaii.i. rroiTi'il, .\c. Nat. Sci. i'liila.. l-.')7, -J'''.': Sliainli. Salrini., |i. *•.': lioiiliiii;('r, Cat. lialr. (iiad. I'.iil. Mils., |--.>. p. ."w. This species, in m'licr.il appearance, proportions of body, etc., is very similar to /'. t-iii'iuns cfjitlirounlits, althon.^h aimndant dilVereiices arc easily discoverable. The body, as in that species, is slender and de- pressed, but tin' tail is sli;4htly compressed at the middle, and more Klroii.niy at the extremity, There are no a|»pareiit peculiarities aboii! the liciid. The tonj;ne i.s eloiij;a ted, elliptical, withonl postei-im-emariii nation. There are l'onrl«'('n costal fiinows, or pi'ihajis lirtccn, if we include one al)ove the axilla. The distance I'roin siiont t(» axilla is cmitained latlier less than three times in that to .uroin. The dibits are well developed; more as in !'. (/liifihosns. There is little, if any, indication of web at their bases, the three terminal plia- lan.ues of the third and fourth toes beiim free. The third and loiirlh toes are about e(pial. Tlu^ outer toe is not more than half the second; i!ir»i— iJnii ;;i U) < [ 1 HI .», f i. :4 \ ' ' 146 BULLKTIN III, INITKU STATES NATIONAL Ml .slU'M. the liiist tiM,Ler ami too are almost riuliinciitaiy. The third linger is tie- cidedly longer than the .second. The dorsal .surface of this si)ecie.s is traversed by a broad brownisli. red .stripe, extending from tiie nape to the end of the tail, the sides regular and nearly parallel, though more .separated towanls the middle oflhe back, where it is as wide as the inferorbital .s|»ace. The stripe is sparsely dotte.l with dusky spots throughout its extent. Tiu) sides aro abruptly blacki.sh brown on each side the dor.sal siriite; at Jirst con- tinuou.s, but l»ecoming more and more interrupled by mottling. The belly is light browni.sh-yellow, Ihickly mottletl >\Hii dark brown in aboiite(iual proi)ortions; lightest under the chin. There is a du.sky lino from the eye to the point of the mu/zle. 1 4 3 8 6 7 V\i:.:V,t. I'litliiiil'iK iiilrniir.liiis. Nil. 17:1-'. Kml Ti-.joii Cal.; j. The general i»roportions and structure of (his sju'cies are luore tho.se of I'. t/!utinosi(s than of /'. rinercini, althimgli slenderer of body. In lM»th tlieie are about fourteen costal grot»v«'s. Tiie outer digit in /*. in- (munVim is neaily rudifneiilary, in.slead of luominent, as in the other spe(!ies. A distinguishing feature, when «;ompared with /'.(•//(<■/•< «,v, i.s found in the fourteen instead of «'i;;liteeii cost.d j;rooves, (lie f<»re ami hind limits iM'ing thus le.ss widely separated piopoitionally. The legs are stouter and the digits much less weldu'd (scarcely at all in WxcX). The third ami fourth toes esi»ecially aie much longer. liMlejiendently of the structural pccnliai ilics I liml ik, thing in {\w color to distinguis'ii this species from /*. rlnrrriis < fijlhronotnx, Mtioiiti I iimiln. ill imliix. lit'ii;;tli, itH'a.siircil aliiii;.' axi.s nl' liiidv : I'roiii .siiiiiit to j;ii|it! riniii MKiiil III pillar Itiiil I'roiii .siiiiiit toaniipil I'llllll SIKHIt to jivo'wi I'iciiii Miiilll to lii'liiijil anus -J. i:. I'toiii Niioiit to fiid (it' tail ... Tail If. ail: Willi li of licail .j;, Width | .It . I.'. . iiri . -II :!. ti.'i t..-.(i Lt'iiH;(li oforltii,, Difst, . (i;i llicc liftwecii eves aiitti i- orly, Uody: ( 'irciiliifi'lrlici' of lulls fO I >i.'^tall^l■ lirfvstrii aiiii|iil and ;;ioiii 1. :..'■» ■fail: llri;;ll( of tail W line lii;;ln'.sl . . 17 lii'i'.'iddi ol'lail wIktc lii^lii'st . . Ili l.ii.iU.-: i'ri'c |Hii tion of l(Mi;;fst linp'r. . . l»/ |-"roin flliow to tip of loii;;i'Nt lin-.T :il I'liM' |ioition of lonj;r.sl toe 11 {''loni klirc to tijiof jont^i'hl (or . I!7 Distance lict ween oiitst rrtclicd •Iocs 1. JU THE r.ATKAl.'lllA OK NOUIIl AMKUICA. I'll llioiluit iiiltriiiii.liiiti, liainl. 147 Cat-iliii;iii' uiimlici. Nil III SJUT. 1 1 473-' OKI-) l.iir.ili'.y. I'lnt 'rr.jou, ('ill I'll il ininrH, Viiiniiiivri M.inil. Willi f. . . 1 1 Natl I' o n)M!Ci- 1, . , 1' 111 I \v II II II rvi I . ' CO U'cicil. iit'ii. .r. Xiiiitiis Aldrii W. Hcvv.sDU , 1 'r.viii'ot'dim'riii- liiiii. I Iiiive also this spccit's IVoin iit-ai' SaliMii, in tin; Willamette Valley, (>re;;(Hi, HO that it prohalily (ktui's tlii'(Hi,i;h(ml theeiitiie I'acilie rej;ioii. rLi;rii(»!»()N ck-assi^uis Cik-. l'l;ili' lAWI, li;;. 1. riiirird. Aniil-, l'llil(isi)|ill. Siu-., l"''^<), |i. .VJl. 'I'his speci.s lias a siipci-rnial leseiiihlaiu'e to the /*. orctjoiuitsis, but its iiiaiiiloltl (lilVeieiH-es are easily |)ei'i;eive(l. Tiie Wnm is (|iiite lolmsl, ami the head is larye, its width Koii.g into th»; len!;tli to the thijuhs only live times. The tail is very much com- pressed tVum the base, and is also shallow ; its length ecpnds the dis- tanci' iVom ils iiaseto the ;4nlar Ibid. The le;4s are robust, but not very Idiiu ; when a|»pressed to the side they Tail to meet by the lenj-th of the posterior loot. The t(>n,i;ne is lar,i;e, tilliu";' the Moor ot the month. The vomeropala- tine teeth aie in two short series, which eonver};e backwards, without coinin:; into eontael, IVom behind the internal eye of theduKune. The pirasphenoid teeth are in a single undivided patch, which commeuucs well behind the vomeropalatiiu-s. The maxillary and uiandibular teeth iii'e minute. i|-i|i5 ^n 1 ,: V •»--• > ' 3 5 I'lii. ■.W.—l'llli;,!,.,, .•i-,/sM((ii,v. Nil. '.HIT. CiiliCi.riiia; ^itf e 7 'I'he hcMtl \ lewed from above is oval; in profile the mu//Ie is thick and Iriineale, ami prtijeels beyond the mouth. Theedneof the lip is .>li,uh(ly an^iilal*' below the iiar»s. The eye is lather larj;e, its length etpialin.-; that of lli»' niuzzle. The distance bet\vn'n the nostrils isecpia lo that between the bases of the e\elidsat their middles. The toes are sIkui and fiee, (Uie iihaiaii^t- of the first difiit tm eacdi foot |>roJect- \\\%. The ends uf the tiu's aie obtus«' and bulbiform. A yular foUl. liMteral folds foiirleeii. il lilfl 1 1 148 BULLETIN 34, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Metxnitremi'iits of So. "J 147. M. im:> Total leiif^lli y.^^ Lt-iigtli ol' lu'iid iiiid body ' Length to groin ^'^^^^^ Longth toiixilhi - • ; Length to lino of rictus oris Length to line of oy^i ' Length ot »ore-Ulit brown. I liiive seoii but one siteciiiR'ii of this si)ecies, as follows: No. 9147; California; Ih: J. G. Cooper, collector. PLETIIODON OKEGOXEXSIS (liriinl. Cope, Proe. Ac. I'hila., 1809, p. 100; lioulenger, ("at. Hatr. Orad. Hrit. Mns., eil. II, iSrJ, p. .>!. i:nx(iliiiti v>irhxrhoIt:ii, Gray. Cat. I5atr. (irad. Urit. Miis., ed. i, p. 4S (iter Triton lunnliix. Escli.sch.). Uircdia onuoiieiish, (lirtuil, I'roc. Ac. I'hiia., If'M, p. '-iXt, and II. S. Expl. Exped.. Her]... I'l. I. lig. IH-','."); Ktraiich, Salani., p. "ti; Hallow., I'roc. Ac. I'liiia , IH.'.t;, p. 'J:!;'). rivthodon ciisaliiK, Cope, I'roc. Ac. I'liila., HOT, \k l(i7. This species may be readily known by its relatively short and slender tail, its lono;, weU-develo[)ed liinl)s, and wide head, as well as by il.> delicate coloration. The form of the body is rather depresse.'SS times; in th().se of medium size, 4.a times; in the youii},' of 17.") lines in length it enteis ;i.."» times. Costal folds II, the an terior indistinct or wanting, the po.sterior nunx! than usually obliiiue, the inguinal extending forwaids and upwards one si)ace in advance «»f the originof the femur. The limbs appre.s.setl overlap, sothat the lingers reach the bases of the tot^s. There is no vertebral groove. The tail is slightly compressed, more distinctly so towards the extremity, and, what is excep- tional and (!liar;i(;teristic of this spe(!ies and the /'. rroaatcr, most so in- ferioily, leaving the nppi'r outline Hat for the pr(»ximal two-thirds the length. The postorlntal fold is well marked and (Mtntinnes into the traiisver.se fold of the tliroat. The head is oval, and without iiiii. No. irSOlfi. Biikcloy, Cnl. ; \. Miiimnrmctila, in inclivn. In. I.iii. Lciif^tli I.i-Il of III nil foot 4.5 E ,1 \') it : 1 r', ffl I- M In let 4' t " if I i Ijj; ! 150 lUJLLlOTIN 34, IJNITICO STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. 111. l.lii. Will til ol'sdlc oChiml loot ~-^ Wiilthoftiiil :••' Wi.lllioflMHly ^-'j Willi h oC Iioad (j,nviitc,st) •'■'' Width lifiwocii fxti'iiiiil iiiiiVH Widlli lict wccii iiitcniul iniri's '•'' Tlii.s liiiiKl.soiiic spccit's woiiltl iippiMi'to lu' nor micoinidnii in ()r«'<;on, I Ibiiml it ;il)iimliiiitl,v in ihc it'dwood (oicst at Russian liivcr, (!ali- fornia. It.s »\v('s arc pioiiiiiii'iit and hcantiliil in lili'. (lirai'd refem'd tliis .spc(;ic.s to a .ycnn.s wliicli lie called IhMcdia, and as it appears to ine without reason, as I can liiid no cliaracteis liy wliicli to distin.i,niisli it IVoin I'lelhodon. \)v. Mivait inl'oinicd me that tliis species was labeled as identical willi tiie Triton cnstdKs Kscli. in tlie llrilisli Mii.seiiin, and i»resiiininj;' on lln^ accnrac.v of tlie det<'iinination I called it /*. eusatxs. On examination of his (i<>iircs I find liiat ilsciis- cholt/Zs animal is very dillerent, perhaps .ucnerically so, and i>rol»al>Iy worthy of reference to a {jentis I'^nsatina, in accordance with Dr. (iray's cataloiiue of tlie IJritish Mn.senm, a coarse followed I»y Dr. Uonleno'cr. {{(•sides specimens in Mnsenmoflhe IMiiladelphia .Academy and l-'ssev Insfitiite, and my own «!al>inet, the following have come nnder my ol»- siM'vaMon : I'lillitxUiu tirfijiiiii iisis (;ii. ' r » p Ciitiilntno N'o. Ill iiIm'I'. H|iec. XI II II I 1 •ICIIll :i 7(L'.' I •IIIII4 .1 liis.'l 1 IlliMCiJ •J , U7!t:i 2 ; i l.iiialil V. WI..11 fdllciinl. Kliplii wliiiiii iiTrivril. Mdiitoirv. Cal CnilicM I'llfli'l Sidinil. Oli';;iill .. . III. I ' 1;. Ki'llMi'liv ilii (• I! l; K. I'M.ih I'l-tiilimiii, (.'ill I M. SiiiiiiirU (J;ilil'miii:i I''.»4 .1. S. .VihIk iin Hcikilcv.Ciil I'iif;('t Soiiiiil.. ls«t I'LF/nioDON ('I{0('i:ati:i.' copr U. Iv C. StraiMs W. llia.vtiiii Natiiii' (il'siH'cl- null. Alriiliiilii' Do. Ho. ii.> ii». Ho. Uo. rror(>(>d. Ac. Xiit. Sci. I'liila.. iSiT, p. -Jlo, /. ,■.. HC'.i, p. |iH: Stniiicli, Siiliim. ji./il ; lloiilnij;iT, Cat. l!atr. (Ir.id. Hril. Mils., nl. ii. Irts.', ji. .'>,',. The largest sjteeies of the jicnus, and one of the ".lost oiiiamented of the Aiiieri(^an salamanders. In primary features this species is near the /'. ortfioyinisis (lirard havinj;' the altachmeI^t of the toncne aloiin' the median line (piite nar- row, and a very narrow free margin in front. 'Ihe jialatine teelli form two lonjj transverse .separated ar(;s, which aic directed more poste- riorly at their median than extcri(»r extremity, the latter e.xtendinj;' far- ther ontside the outer mar},nn of Ihe inner nar(>s than the Iran.sverse diameter of the same, Th(> tail is snltcvlindrical and slender: conr THE nATRACniA OF NORTH AMERICA. 15i ■ ' r » pressed and narrowed in seiitiou below. No prominent glandular ag- glomerations or pores. Only three jdialanges in the fourth toe. Form of head peculiar. It is very broad, with straight converging maxillary outlines and truncate muzzle; upper surface nuich narrowed on nuizzle; loreal regions plane, very oblique; canthus rostralis not miirked. Maxillary outline oblicpiely spread at and behind orbits, where it is exceeded by the projecting margin of the mandible. Ante- riorly, and at the end of the nui/.zle, it [>roje(!ts considerably beyonrohU^; a slight euiarginaticni at middle of premaxillary Ixu'der, and a groove on vm'.U side of it on inferior pro- jecting ftice of lip. Nares terminal, some distance above the angulatioii of the lii>, continued below in a groove, which bifurcates near lip mar- gin ; the posterior line exti'iiding a short distance, the anterior to the median ennirgination separating the anterior from the inferi.n* plane of the muzzle. Kyo. large, not very prominent; its anterior canthus well in front of ndddle of Jaw, and 8e|)arated one diameter from nostril and 1.5 from the other eye. No f'^ld acaoss front angle to angle of mandible, but the gular, pnro- toid, and postoibital grooves well marked. Costal grooves indistinct; !.'{. Skin everywhere very smootii. Tail longer than head and body by the length of the mouth. Width at (Mirves of niiiiidible 4.0 times in length to groin. Extremities slen- der and long; when pressed to the si longer thiin fourth; s(>cond much longer than tiftii. Lower leg .7"» thigh to groin. Patches of parasphenoiibd teeth, two in conta<^t anteriorly, well separated front palatines. All the teeth minute, mnnerous, acute cylindro c(uii«'. Tongue with ratlu'r straight lateral and posterior out- lines. (\)1(M' tlu'oughout pitchy itbick, fading into bright red orange below ; limbs orange, a blackish cross baiul below tlie knee. A large red- orange si»ot on «>acli paroroid region, and tbursniiiller, irregular, similar spots on the body to base of tail on each side of and near the vertebral line. A pair of orange spots at base of tail and a distant seiies on the upper face of the tail. Ilesides the type, a specimen of this species was obtained at Cape St. Lucas, in Lower CaIiforui;», and I have seen om^ from near San Diego, at the northern end of that peninsula. As the typical specimen was ifouiid at Fort Tejon, Cal., the range (»f the species is extensive. HH l-jl I !■ t . J IfyJ ni]u.i:TiN .M, uNiTi:i> s'I'ati.s national mi skum. Miaxiniiiii iil-^, ill iihliin. III. Liu. In. Lin Lci)i;tli: lli'iiil — (Jontiniitd. M«!a.siire(liiIoii};iixisnflioil.v- .' 11 |j Dist.'uicf lift ween itiiicr ims- Froiii Hiirtiit lo j;:i|if (on ' trils 'J front.) •'■' '•'■•''I-' From snout to j,nil;ii- l'il 1 . "•'> lircinllli From ."iuont to}j;roin - -^ IJinlis: Free |iortiiHi of loners! (iii- 'J. 5 From .snout to center ot ;ni;il slit Heu.l: Wi.ltiiorlieail WiiltlioCtoii^riic Leiifftli of orliit Distance Itefvvcen eyes .'in- teriorly Di.stnnri^ lietweeii outer nos- trils 1. ') II. /.; ;!. 7." From elliow to tip of loiij;est '■'llifer 7. •.'." I''iei' portion of loii;jest toe.. 'J. 7ri From liiiee to tip of lon|!;est 1 1 le H. ,"i nist.ince liet wi'cil ontslrtMeli- I'll toes M '1.1 No. 4701 ; oii('.siu'(!iiiHMi : Kort Tcjoii, CmI.; .loliii Xaiitus, ;->TI';i;i:()CillLlIS Vn\n\ Churacicr. — Toiis'iic attaclicd alono- tin' mt'diaii line to \\\v aiilnior iiiiir^tii; toes l-"*; prciiiaxillaiy l)()iit'.s (•iiiilliiciit, witli a .siiii|)|»> .spiiu', witlioiit fontaiK'llt'. Tliis oeims isreincsciitcd l).v Itiit one species ol llie aiistioripariaii «lis- ti'ict of the iioarctic; i'(';iii)ii. It is cvidciilly oi'atpiatii! Iialtits, iiml is oi larvaliko proportions and appcaiMiicc, but lias tiie craiiiiiiii (iill.v eeccl. Ae. N,it. Sei. I'liila.. Ifrifi, p. i:!(t. .S/ic/iryx'.f mar Tin; batkaL'Iiia of noktii a.mhuica. laa eye. Both iii)per and lower pali»ebiie are transparent, a feature pecu. liar to til is species. Tlie pores of tiie skin are large and on all the upper surfaces closely placod ; on the sides more distantly. The mucous p(U'es on the head are distinct and larjie. They form a douhle seri«is along the canthus ros- tralis, ami a snigle one ahove the orhir, which turns round the latter be- hind, and is conf'inued b'dow it and along the side of the muzzle to the nostril. A series of similar large i)ores extends along the middle of each side, one a little in front of the median point of the intercostal spaces. Tiie tail is compressed fnun the base, and not elevated ; it carries a strong free dermal border along the median line aboveon the distal two thirds; a narrower dermal margin exists on the inferior distal half. The limbs are short and weak, but the digits are well developed. The posterior extended forwards measures If) intercostal intervals; the anterior measures backwards 4i of the same, counting the axillar. The jdia- langes nuMd)er on the posterior feet \-2-',i-',i-2; on the anterior, 1-2-3-2; the terminals are (piite acuminate, especially behind, where in one indi- vidual they have a slightly corneous sheath. Tiiere are 17 costal folds and an axillar space. The tail is not annulate. The rictus of the mouth measures nearly the diameter of the eye behind it. The tongue issmall and free all round, cxceptat the anterior margin and along the median line to the glossohyal pedicel. The vomeiine teeth exteiul behind the nares in two series, which are con- vex posteriorly; they approach each other as though at an angle directed anteriorly, and then suddenly curve backwards and form the pterygoid series. These are more slender and more nearly approxi- mated than in any other species, and consist ea(!h of but one row of teeih to th(^ point where they begin to diverge; /. c, near the posterior |)art of th(^ globe of the eye. They do not diverge widely and exhibit but a few scries of teeth. ' H 1 i!-'. ^ V. !! >' ^4 Pin. 36. Stfrrochilu* marginnhu. No. 3907. Goorgiiii J. The color is a deli(Mte yellowish-brown, with numerous brown lines interspersed, which form several dark bands along the side. A nar- row dark line extends from the orbit to near the axilla. A narrow yellow line, brown-bonlered above and below, extends from axilla to groin. The tail, belly, and gnlar region are closely brown-8i)ecked; similar specks occur on the sides of the heaf :M, UXITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. .liidl mruHuremenU. U. From iii;i//;li- to iiiilciior (•Miilliiis t-yti ■ "<'-' From mii/./lc to rii'liis oris ' Fr Ill II //Ic to II xi Mil From iiiii//li' to ;,'ioiii '•''*; From mn//lr to |io.s|rrior nijirfj;iii vent "j'lti From imiz/lc to cml of (nil "''-I'' Lciij;lli foiv limli '"""_ I-iMi«tli foiv-toot "<'■-'"» LtMijjIh himl liml. "'"^ [.ninth liiiiil foot "04 Width lift ween fxtcniiil niircs WOl Wiiltli liffwccii iiiti'nial riarcs , "'•! Will til lii'twccii caul li us oris <"••• Willi li lii'twciMi I i-ri at axilla •''•■-'7 Width licrwi'cii ffiiiora at ;^i(iiii ""•'•'» TIlis i)('(!iilijii' siil;miiiii(l('r is |>iol»iii>l.v aqimtiti in its liiil>its. Tliis is iiidiciitcd In- tlu^ (!(>iiiinv>s('(l liii like tiiil and the transparent |»al|U'- hviVi. It is (|nite ole},'iiiit in its coloration. Nothing is known of its iiabits, as it is as yet very rare in colhH'tions. IJcsidos thi' type siuicn- nicn of llallowcll in tlic .Miisenin of the Academy Natural Sciences, I have only seen the I'ollowinji-: No, 3!tt»r; two specimens ; (reurjjia; Dr. Joseph Jssoliyal |)edi(!el, holetoid ; craiiinni tally ossified, the jiremaxillaiy hoiu's remaining; «listinc,t and enihracino; a fontanelle. J)ij;ils entirely distinct, 4-."). This geinis is distin},niislied from Spelerpesjin act;onnt oftlie marked pe(!iiliarity of the premaxillary hone, in wliich it resembles IMetliodoii rather than the first named. Uiit inie species is as yet known. It has u siiperfi(!ial resemhlaiice to tin' Spclvrpcs ruber, hut dillers in .several osteoloftical peeiiliarilies. Its misal bones iire well separated, and the pi()(>ti(;s(piamosal crests are peculiar. Tho anterior or proiitii! crest is short, distinct, and carved inwards und backwards; that on the proxi- mal extremity of tlu^ squamosal curves towards it, but leavi's si consid eraitle intersjiace. This is occnpi(>d by two os.seous processes, like two teeth of a comb. In S. riihcr the anterior crest only is pn'sent, and forms a rectaii«!,le, tln^ anterior liiidi beinjjf transverse and the anj-le in- wards. Tiie nasal bones also are in conta<;t across the prennixillary spines. The type of the fienus remains for a more than usmilly long period in the larval condition, and Just before its metamorphosis is jjenerally identi(!al in its osteoloojical (iharacfi'rs with the jjonus Neeturns, except in the absence of the intercilary bone, and tho number of posterior digits. X » Tri .(- Slirl Sjii I, TIIK IJATRACIIIA <)l>' NORTH AMERICA. 155 CoNtiil i)li(ii' Ki. Head wido, widlli li's!#tliiui seven tiiiu-H to uroiii, not over twico to aNillii; » hIi'diij; etintliiis roMti'ali.s; tail roiiiideil at tlio liaso, not linncil; liir^o; unifonn |inr|>Ie-j;r,i.v aliovo 0. porphjiyilicii'f. i (JYRIXOl'IIILUS I'OUI'IIYUITICUS Given.* (^ope, Troceetl., Ae. I'liila., \^t\0, p. lo,-j. Siiliniiamlra pnrphnritica, Green, Contr. Macliii. li.vc, i, l>*'27, ji. '.\, PI. 1, Cig. 2. SdliiiiiiiiKlnt HHlmoiini (Storer), Ilollir., N. A. Ilerp., v, p. :i;{, I'l.H; De Kay, N. Y. Faun., Kept., p. TC. I'l. HI, li;,'. :«•. Tiiloii itiiriilijirilhiiH, llolln-,, /. c, \t. H:t, I'l. "Jf^. I'l^tiiilonilDii HalnioiiniH, .Journ. Ae. I'liila. ("il, I, p •JM7 Hallow., I. IV, p :m7 .liiihlijiliiiiKi snliiiDiiiiiin, Miiiii. i,V' l!ilir., |>. IK). Sjii liviK's siilmniinis, SIraneli, Salam., p. h;!. S/irlr 7" niiiininifti, (!ia\, Cat. Mafr. (irad. Miit. Mns., e.l. I, p. K! .s'/i(7( )-y»( s .' iiDyiilijiiiliiii, ill., ihid. .s'/)(7«i'/i(.'* tiitrphjiiiHrii'i, l>iiiilen;;er. Cat. liatr. (iiad. Mrit. Mils., ed. ii, IKSv', i>. (14. Tlii.s \\\H\ sjM'cit's of .siiliiiiiaiKli'r li;is an cloitfiatt'd and .sU'iidcr body, iiiiK'li depressed III roil jiiioiif-, witli very little eoiistiietioii at the neek, and (he tail lapeiinj;' very inqH'r('e|>til)ly Croin the body. TIh' skin is siii«' shaped, the whole u|)per part to the mn/./le bein<;^ nearly in one plane. The niM//.le is promi- nently and bi'oadly lriiiu;ate, thon;;h a little roiindetl. The sides of tln^ head are aliniptly oltliipic and also ipiite piano, the <'aiithns rostralis lieiny; very slron;^ly marked as an an<;ular rid^jfc e.vl i liiiij forward outside the nostrils to the edj;*^ of the jaw, where it lorins a sli^^ht and obtuse proJe<'tioii. This rid;;e is further indicated by a lioht line (always present) I'rom the anteriiu- anj^ies of the eye aloii;; its summit to the niar.uin of the jaw; the two nearly parallel. The nostrils .send a narrow I'm row from their outer extremity down this rid^e. The lower edoe of the upper jaw viewed from before is (loiicave, being bounded on eait ; the external nostrils one orbit len.iilh apart; the inner less than this. The latter are very minute. Tiie touffuo is circular, entirely (ree, pedicellate, and j^n'atly protractile. Theteelh are much as in Sprlcrpr.s riihrr; tho. parasphenoidal bauds perhaps rather narrow. The body is rather vermiform, beinj;' of equal si/,(^ throu*;ho(it, uuich depres.scd, with a furrow fiom nap«' to above anus, where the tail risi ; into a sharp rid^f, which continues to I he tip. There are sixteen distinct l'late:tn, (ij^. t;; :f.t; :tl, li^rs. I-I; X., «};. (1; .«(», Ii;,'. :{; \>*, Ii i:t. ^M lij '5 •J t-t--. PC I 1 m li III ' IftG BULLETIN :U, HXITKI) SIATI'-S NATIONAL MUSKUM costal fiiiTows, oxd^l(lin^' an axillary oiic, and livo pelvic. Similar fur- rows ran In- traced to the tip of the tail. Tlie tail is (juadrate at the base, with ronnded anj-les, broailer than hi-;'!!, but becomes more and more compressed to the tip. The limbs are feeble and widely separated. The di^'its all distinct, but small ; the lirst rather riidinicntary. In alcohol mature individuals of smaller size are of a lij;hl brownish- red on the baitU, the sides and itenealh pile reddish salmon t'olor. The sides of body and tail, however, and to a less extent the back, are closely covered by a coarse, indistinct reti(!uIation or network ol" rather dark brown, showinj? the li;.jliter -iionnd color in tlu^ areola', and nerally a dull (iloudiuH' (»f darker and a. faint indiiiation (»f the light spots, especially on the lower part of the sides. This species dilfers from tSiKlrrpiH nihcr in many details of external fiU'iii — the more vermifoiin and depresse more costal furrctw ; the more depressed, nu)r(^ truncate, and broader head; larger eyes; prominent ridge iVoin eye eon- tinned to margin of upper Jaw. etc., not to nuMition the diU'creniie in coloration. To S. r. Jhirissiiii lis it is related l»y the |Motuberan(U's on the upper jaw on each side the muzzle, iuit these are less pi-onnnent. The tifteen costal groovesandsiiai'ply detined idaek sp(»ts without reticulation on the sides distinguish the former. A specimen from (Icoigia (I7l(i) dilfers in a more slender shape, and in having dark, horny tips to the digits, as in tli<' afpiatic Audilystonue, as if having lived in a drier region than usual. 'I'herc are only lifteen costal grooves to be distinguished. Flc;. :i7. thiriiKiiihlliix j,(irjili:irltifiiK No. :i:i74. Miiixiifi nil }iin iif All. :!*ri(/, ill iiiiii(n. LfiiiKtli, incMsiin'tl iiloii^r axis of l-iii;;ili, cic.— CoiiliniK-i). '""'y ' I'nilii Mioiil lo;;i'iiiii From HiioiK to ^rap,. lo . I''ioiii .snout (o ln'liin,! aiiiiH. FroiiiHiioiil to,..,iil;ir Col.! h() i From .snout (d rii.l of tail . . F"oni Hiiout to iirmpK L lo | 'I'iijl .'< JO 4.10 y. '10 > » J THK IJATKAC'llIA OK NOUTII AMKRICA, 157 ra' i 4 » Ikutl : . Wiiltliofli.-atl .") Widdi (iftitiitriit) ','."> litllKlll ol'olliit 'ii) niNtiUict! butwcfii eyes aiitt'ri- oily :io I Pistanci) Iwtwt'cii outer nostrils. .'-'1 J)istaiicf iM'twfoii inner nostrils. . l'> Body : ('ircninli'i't'iicc of liclly 1,8") Dislanco between arinpil ami Uroin ii. 'Jii Tail : lloi^lit of tail wliere hinhesl 40 Breadth of tail where hi)j;h(>st.. . :ir> Linihs : Fret) portion of ion;;est linger.. . 14 I'roni elhow *.<) tip of lon l''roni kneo to tip of longest. to(<. , (iU Distance hetween outstretelied toes !.!»(» lleijjht of body '>! Wi.llh t,'» TIkt' (^iiu he VitiW tloiiWt tliiit, its ISiiinl has sn;;'^est('(l, this is [Uv. Stilinmnnlni lutrphnrith-n of (lii'eii. Tho aii^iihitioii and paUM;(>h>r of (he. ••aiithiis rostralis is dcsca-iht'd acuaifati'ly as well as tlie cohn" (tC the hody. Tlic hirj^o hirvii, \ iiicluis h>iij>', is only rt-fiTahle to this spcrics. ')^\\{}. Chonihotus iitkrontomuH, \\\\W\\ llolhrook inid IlaMowtdl have iiii- ajjiiiiMl to he. (Irccii's species, is not iiiditrated hyGfeen's des(riiptioii. It is not so hiij-c, lias not the eanthns r(»stral;.', thi^ hiiva is very small, and the eoloiatioii is (piite dillerent. (lieeii's limine represents it well, tlioiiu I lie same plate is represented as larirer — a relation of size tlui reverse of what nsnally holds in ntitiire. Tliis is tlieoidy one of oiir I"]astern salamanders wliitrh ttttempts ^elf- defense. It snaps liereely, hiil hai inlessly, and throws its body into (Con- tortions //' tcrrontii. It prefers tlie (M)olest ioealities thron<4;lnmt the Alle>;liaiiy mountain n',i;ion,from New Vork to Alahama. It isaipnitic, bn' jirefers the still waters of swamjis or sprin,i;s to riinnin<^ streams. Il is (tomnion in tlie region wlieinH' (Irecii procured it, while C. micro- atomus is rare, if e.visliii;; at all. ft •• I m W Uiiriiiiipliiliin j>(ivi)hijni\('U8 (ircen. liKsr.Kvio s!;i;ii:s. > ; » (,'.ll;llip-llc .Nil. el' Iilllllbil. .-llcf. 8J(10 :i ■MH 1 4 3MU 1 3817 '1 as.ij i; li'.ti'i 1 (•jtiii Id U749 12703 aritU 3174 8S12 4710 mOH 1 U7:i 3Klil) Ul|M •lam o. Do. Do. l)i>. Do. Dii. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do Do. J- = ' P" >'';jS S l;j.S miLLi:HN :il, IIMTKD .SIATKS NATIUNAI. MII.SKHM. i'n.riT.I. .\-. N.il. S,i. I'liilii., isil'.i, i>..-l(il; Itoiilciij;.-!', fat. IJalr. (iia.l. Ill it. Mil .,.m1. II. I-^-.'. p. '■: Ton-lie liri- iill iouimI, huli'K.i.l. To.-s l-l. Piiriclal bones o.s.siHc.I, iind witlioul roi:tiiii«'ll<'. Piviiiii\ill:iiii'sc(Mi.s,sili(Ml. This "iciiiis omIv (lilUTs ridiii S|H'U'riM.'.s in the nlrsi'iicc ol'ii ili;;it IVom the ImimI loot, .sliiiulin- Ihiis in the .siiiiie ivlatioii (o it thiit lleiiiMliiet.v- Ijiini does to rietho.h.ii. Its t.vpieal speeies was i'oniieil.v jelene.l to lla- tiaelio.scps, l>iit, liesides tlie yreat dilVeieiiee in the tongue, the latter lias a parietal I'.iitaiielle and laeks the prefrontal hone. The latter piiiiit is iiidieated b.v lOseliselioltz in his atlas. In the pre.seiit jicnus that bone is pre.sont. The, two speeies as vet known have a limited distrilnition. Tliev are the smallest Nnitli Ameiiran salamanders. They are distiii;;iiislied as follows: Tail Hliiiit, comiticsMMl; l.ody .slioilcr I'.V lin^'lli i>l' tcnmi ; lila.k, Niilrw ii;;ii( M. n iiiil'tr. rklnl Tail .sii'inlcr, c.vliiKlrif; ImhIv Ioiujit ; iim/./lf lnnadfr; ullnwi'-Ii. ,i (Inisolalcial luown l.aii.1 '^ tli to tln' foie limlis Mitels that bi'- tweeii the limbs but little over twice, iiidieatiiij;' a less slender lonii than in the »S'. tiiKdlriilii/ittdiis of eipial size. The head is an eloii,i:ate oval, its width enti'i'inj"' tin lenj;tli to tlu^ ;;ioiii nearly seven times. There are si.xteeiM'ostal folds, ineliidiii;^ the axillar, and these are eontiniu'd upwards to near a median :roove. The tiill is deep anti Hat and marketl with the liiteial intermitseiilar ;;i'ooves, besides a stionj; median f;roov(! above. The latter j;ives way to a low fin on the distal half of the tail. The limbs aie slunt and weak. The posterior extends lorward o\ t'l' si.x jii'ooves iind half an interspace, the anterior ov»'r live and one-half, inclndin*;' the axillar. The tinkers an^ slender; tlu^ interior on both limbs (;uite short, though (listiiicl. The vomerine teeth are in the two usual series, which are more pos- teriorly directed thiiii is iisiiai. The paraspheiioid patches cease far be- hind the lirst iinntioned, and a' ■ in narrow, very convex biiishes, \vlii(th are distinct from each othi'r thioiij;liont their leiij;tli. The ton;,Mie is eloiif^ato oval. The color is black above and dark brown below; the black extends downwards iind nearly meets round tin; uw.k belov . The lower part '^^km '^ . ~i I X TIIK UATliACIIIA ol' NOKIII A.MKKH'A. 159 of tliii si«U>.s of tlic lit'utl, body, aiitl bii.sal tliinl of tail are r III, axiiil, tVtiiii I'liil tit' iiiii//,lo III ii\illii iiii- Only one. spt'ciiiicii of this Npocit's li:is (Miinr iiimI*t my olisiTvatioii. It was I'oiiml liy C .1. Mayiianl, of Sali'iii, .Mass., at .lacksdiivillc, Kla., in l"\'l»iiiaiy, l>ii;!>. || Is pit'scrvcil in tliii iiiiist'uni of liic Pea- body Aradi'iiiy of Scii'iMM's, wliicii insiitiilion It-nl it to iiic lor dftcrini- natioii. l''roiii till* t'onn of tlit> lail it is piobalily a more aijiiatic animal than its roiijLiriu'r M.^iKiiilriilifiiliilKs, .\\\tl W {\tv s|n'fniH'ii in- an avci'a;:^ ony it is not ((iiitc s(» diminiit ivc. MANCI'l-l'S (,it AI>i:il)|(;ii'At'fS III. ,1.1.* ('ii|M-, I'n.iiTil. \i\ I'liihi., I'll',!, |.. im , li..iilrii>;i r, CjI. It.ilr (Jiiiil Itiit. Mils., 111. II, I--,', p. "■'.. .N'i(/(()ii(i»i//(i l//lll(//'i(^■.(/(^(/||, lli.llii., N. A. Ilrr|.., \, \i, li.".. I'l. '.M. JlalriKlioniiis iiiiailriilii/iliilns, Hainl, .li.iini. .\c. I'liila. (•-'), I, |.. '.'-T , .si i:ii((li, Salaiii. ].. ».".; (irav, Cat. iSalr. (ir.nl. I'.iil. .Mils., nl. i, \>. \>. This inli'i't'stin;;- s|u'(',i('s is amoii.i;' the least, if not tin* very smallest, of Ameiieaii salamanders. It is mileh like .S'y>r/rcy>r,v /;/////( (f^(.s- in iieiienil aiip<'iiranee, lint is still sleiideier, and with lunger di.s;its. I can see nolhiiij;' distiuelive in the head. «'.Keept that the pedieel- late tongue is veiy lar;;(', oval, elongated elliptieal, nearly twice as loii.i;' as wide, and lilliiiuf the interspace of the lower J iw. The teeth appear as in S. hilliittdiis. Tlie head is narrower than in tliis species. The body is cylindrical, depre.s.scd, with liftccn costal furrows; a six tcLMith would lie in the axilla, lint can mil be traced. The separation of the liinlis varies consideralily ; in the lar^^cst specimen the distance from snout to a.\illa is contained nearly three and one-half tiiiu's in that to j;roiii ; in others hardly .'5 times. The tail is slender, subqnadran;;iilar, and lon<,'er tiiaii the rest of tho animal. 'J'he di,i;its are iein;tlieiied and slender; tho loiifjest to« . 'i i\ 1 • «it; Ill ' ri IGO lUILI.KTIN 3i, IMTKI) STATKS NATIONAL VHSKl'M. toe is eiitiivly wamiiiy, without a trace of it beiug lelt. Tliere are thus but four (lif^its to each limb. W^ ^ ' lA M //) 2 G y < 4 3 6 Fio. 38. JliiiifiilKii iji(ii. 31HI4. AMiivillf, S. C. ; i, [. TIk! coloration n'seml)U'.s that (tf S. hiliiicatti. Then^ is a broad red- dish or brownisii yellow dorsal stripe from hea«l toeiid «)f tail, bounded oil each side I».v a narrow (hirii line extending- from the eve, fadiii''' jjiadiially olf below. The sides are closely dotted oi' mottled with brownish dots, the dark line leferred to beiii;;- merely a closer ananye- iiient of the aird, without probably having seen the ty|>e of the lattt-r, no do'il»t on the faith of I5(»naj»aite"s erroneous description of the toiij^ne of the same. It is evideid that tht^ two si»ecies oiijiht not to be re;;arded as coiif>eneric, since the /»'. tUtniuiiins turns out to be more neai ly alliccl to Ilemidactylium than to Spelerpcs. The known raiij^c of this, one of the smallesl of land Vi-rtebratt's, is from middle North Carolina to the border of Texas, includinj; I-'lorida. Mni.fiiniiii Ills, ill iiihiK. L('ii;^tli, iiii'ii.iiiiril ,'iliiij;; axis iil' ilrail (.'mil iiiiii'd : '•<'| . . | | !''.'i>iii MMiiil to licliiiii) anus . . . . 1. |ii l,iiiili>: i'rulll sliolll lo (11(1 of till It. ISO I'nc |Hir| ioli o|' |oil^( SI llll;;cr.. .Il.'i 'liiil I.i>l> from clliow to tip (>r |oii;;( >| "•'■■I'l: liii^'ci l,s Widlh oDicad ]>; \,,i- |ioilioii of l,irii;cs| toe 0- Widlli (if loii;,Mic Ill I 'mm km c to ti|i ol' loii;;( >l toe. .'S.\ l.cii^'th oftoii^ilc 1.1 , Iti.staiicc liclwccii oiit.stich lied l.t'ii^'tli ofoiliit .(»;: ' ti>«H ;•,< (Jiita null i CataliidiH^' No. of lllllllllUI'. H\)Vf. Tin: HATIJACIIIA OF NORTH AMERICA. AlanciihiH qiKnlridiijitiitnH llolhr. IGl I.ipcalitv. When I'ollucti'tU l.-r<.>n who,,, r.HWve.l. Nat,.ro of spec 03;i7 I :i MninU'vilK', La Nov. 2,1870 (i. Kuhii ;isiit 7 Iticfhordiiyh, (ill (') XSii7 U (!) .■I!tu4 1 Al.hcvilh", .S.C, I'loC. S. K. Bairil , KiiiMtoi,, X. (J .f. W. Mihic,' Alcdhuliv, Do. Do. Do. ! *,' SrKLEIJPES Katinosque. Atlantic Journal, i, p. 2i, 18^'i. SinlciiicK (iiiiy, Cat. Hut. Mils. KM, l.l; Co\w, rritcui'tl. Ac. Thila., IdliO, p. 101; Itoiilcmr, Cal. IJatr. (irail. Urit. Mns., cd. u, I-8-i, p. (lO. Cjllindrosoma TMcliiKli, \at. Sy.sl. IJatracliitT Ncncliatcl, lH:iH. ('nHiKlroiiiiiiKi il llolitonlonsa pars Diiint^ril, Krp. (J(^n., ix. Sptliriws il I'll iidolrilon IS.iinl, .lourn. Ac. Nat. .Sci., i ; Ilallowell, 1. c, iv. The toiijiuc iVi'c, oxcopt at tho yios.soliyal .siii)[)ort. Pivlatino and jiaiictal hones fully ossilicd; pronia.xillarics coiisolidatotl, and their s|>ine.s enibracinf; a lonlanclli'. Toi'th small. Toes 4-5. Tliis i.s a natural ^cnu.s, and i.s abundantly represented by individ- nal.s in the eastern di.stiiet of the nearetie realm, and the Mexican of the neotropie.tl. Its di;;ital characters oidy distinsnish it from !\raii- eidns, and some of the .Mexican species approach that genus in the great reduction of the inner digit, which ri'snlts from a diminution in the nundter of phalanges. The cdiisolidation of the premaxillarie.s — a marked t'liaracter — appears very early in the developmental history of such of the species as I hav*' i)een able to study {S. niba; S. bilincatus). The .Mexican siiecies pass their me(amori>ho.ses soonest; then such us S. hilin(atii.s, and the S. ruber remains longest a larva. The characte.s of lune species of Spelerpes are given in the follow- ing table. 1 know of none otliers, tliinUing that the genera (Ediims, (I'Mipina, and (leotriton should l»e maintained as distinct. Of these species four only inhabit the ju'arc^tic realm, and five are found in the Tieira Teinplada of Mexico, on the eastern .side of the plateau. The nearcti(! specii s are all conlined to the ei'.steru region, the genus differ- ing in its range from IMethodon in not extending to the Pacific region. The largest species of the Spelerpes is the S. bcUii of Mexico, which among salaman 'ers is only exceeded in dimensions by the Ckonilrotiis ttiirbro.sits. The largest species of North America is the -S'. ruber. The species of this genus display more brilliant colors than any other of the family, yellow and red l>eing the usual ones. I. \'()iii( line tcctli nut conl iiiiicd liatk to itarasplicniiid jiatchct, cxtouded outwardly l>i'yoi,d nail's, ri. Costal t'olils I l-l'i; tail cylimliic ; inner toes rndiincntal. riii'a> I','; cxlrcinilii's of inner toes free ; ot hers short, thick, suhociiial ; a eanilins lostralis; iiiii/./.le triiiKMie; vomerine series in (umtact ; lead-col- or times, and h-nj^th liead to axilhi, "2.5 to 3 limes, to gri>in ; tail yeneially more eloufjato ; bhiek ; sides, tail, and often back, gray varied; larger *'• lepioaiix. PlicH) 11 ; inner too not distinct; otiier toes very sliort, margined ; width of liead li, to axilla, 1.3 to groin ; tail short; black, unspotted ; medium. S. repliulicHg. II. Vomerine teeth not continued posteriorly to the psirasphenoid patches, uor exte- riorly to beyond the nares. rt. Tail round; costal grooves 11-1-'; inner toes rudimental. Plieie 11 (without ingiiiual) ; width of head 1..'>; length to axilla 'if' times in length to groin ; tail rather short ; toes very short ; upper lip more or lees truncate ,um1 angulate S. chiropltrnfi. an. Tail siibronud; costa' grooves -il ; inner toes minute. Width of head near one-seventh, length to axilla .M of length to groin ; limbs short ; tail thick at base; brown, with a dark lateral baml on each side; small *'■ inHlt'q>licntiig. txim. Tail compressed ; costal grooves 13-lJ ; inner toes distinct. Plica- usually 14; width of head less than one-sixth to groin ; head to axilla well over .33 (d'tlie same; body longer, tail not keeled above jiroxinially, comparatively short ; \omerine series turned iddiv<-; yellow, with three black b.iuds; tail black, yellow-barred ; belly motth'tl ; larger .s', (iiilli>liiiialii». III. Vomtu'ine series of teeth <'ontiiinoMs posteriorly with the parasphenoid brnshi-s, and original ing behind n.ires. Costal i)licie 1.'>-1(I; head widi-, not more than seven times to groin, not more than twice to axilla : no canthns rostralis; t.iii :■■—:;, h-d at l»ase, not tinned; laige ; v(-rmiliio|»ortion.s Unnitlarti/lium scntdfnm. It is well eliafatteiized in tlii.s ifvum by its imineroii.s co.stal plica- and tliittkeiuMl, .siMiecly coiiipre.ssed tail. The width of the head enters the lenj^th to the jjroin (I.Tfj times; the length to axilla enters thiice. The hind limb, extended, pa8.se.s six iu- terval.s from the gioin ; the foot is wide and tlio toes short, especially the inner and outer; the inner has .i one minute Joint free. The .same iiiiiy be said of the anterior di',.,s. 'I'he tail is tiompro.s.sed a little and eonsiderably tliiekened; in the smidlest specimen the terminal .75 above and ..'W below are keeled; in others the superior keel is more distal. ^ i i \ ^ . 1 TlIK IJATUACIIIA OF NOKTIF AMEUICA. 1G3 Upper lip inodtTiitrly tniiiciiti', with iiilVauiiroal iuiglos, and in one, rmliniental (5ini. The innz/le is rather thiek and slioit, the head Hat; in one snniUer spt'cinien the former is a litth^ loiifrer than in the others ami the width of the iiead rehitivcly less. Tiio vomerine teeth form sliort series, each rather suchlenly bent haekwards; the pterygoid two narrow patches not approaching the vomerines, the rehitions in this respect being as in »V. hiliiwdtus. Tiie eoh)r in ftmr specimens is an nnspotted brown, the inferior sur- faces paler, especially the gnlar region. In the smaller specimen above mentioned, which seems to constitute a variety, the brown color forms a broa«l dorsal band with dark j)oints; the sides are of u i)inkish gray, aiul the uuder surfaces light yellow. 6 7 4 3 5 VUi. :;0. Sjirlrriirs iiiiiUifliidtiiK. Xo. JOIIS. V\vt\ llivcr. Alk. ; f, t- Miii-iiiniiiriils of tin htvijvxl xjnr'iiniH on the rM'iv of llu: body. Inches. Lfiiy;tli fioiii mii/./lc to (iiliil O.'i l/cMijj;lli from mii//.li' to riitiis }•> l..'iij;tli iVtiiii iimz/li- t(i axilla l','."! l^fii;{th I'll (111 iiiil//l(' III j;roill I. ;">:{ I.i'iij^lli riiim 111 II //li' to CI 1(1 (if tail ;\.'-i\ ij'iijilli 111" Ion; iiiiili M.V.i l.fiij;tli of I'oK -loot OS I. distil of liiiul liiiili *,';» l,iii}r)ii of iiiiid loot i:{:j Width of licail at aiiti'iior aii;;I(' orliits. 1 Willi h of Ilea. I at rictus -22 Width of liody at- .sacriiiii i.^ The form of this species woidd iiidi<;ate it to be terrestrial in its hab- its. Of its geograi»Iiical range we have as yet little information, except that it belongs to tiie southern central region of the . Ci!!. SuliiiiiiiiKlra hiliiicditi (Jrccii, .foiirii. Ac. IMiila.. I. p. '.'Wi; Molhr., \. A. Itcip., v, p. r>5, I'i. 1(1 •, lie Ka.v, N. V. I'aiiii. l.'-pl . p. 7'.t, I'l. -J;!, li-, C.T. • riaic 'i'*, !!;;«. I-C.. ^f - ' , i m V 1G4 HULLliTIN :il, I'NITKI) .STATIvS NATIONAL MUSIiUM. Salamandid Jitirhslmu Ilarlaii, Aiiii'V. .lourii., lf''iecimens from Orange only distinguishable under the lens, and impaiting a slight dusky shade. The amount of dotting here on the side is scarcely greater than that on the back. 'ii perhaps the greater nund>erof specimens the mottling of the sides is „reater than as described, making a broad lateial band, .sometimes fading giadnally out of the dorsal surface, ami fading out along the belly, sometimes leaving the lower edge of the dorsal stripe well marked; occasiomdiy the whole sides are almost as dark as the lateral stripe. There is a row of pores on the upper part of the sides, one to each intersitace between the costal furrows. The.se show in the «lusky sides as a line of whitish spots, as tliey «lo in *S'. (jutlolincnta. This may be owing in both either to the transparency of the epider«nis or to the actual presence of spots of white around these pores. This species bears a cIo.se resemblancse to ncsm<>(fns in that to the groin. The tail, as in other species, is slender and compressed, longer than the rest of the animal. The digits an; unusually long and very slender, considerably longer than in var. S. h. hilini'dtiis. Tlu' limbs are also well developed. Tliecohu' is \\\\u:\i the same as in s. h. hiliticatns — yellowish, with a well, detlned line of bla(;k on each side the back, tlu; intermediate si)ace i;^ii^ ! I I p 16(i IM'UJ'.TIN :!l, l\ITi:i> STATKS NATIONAL MISKUM. (lotted with nitlu'r hw^v iiiid distinct spots of bliicUisli witlioiit dolinito arniii^'i'iiK'iit. Tlio sidi-s iiic ohsciiici.v iniirblcd with dusky. The uii. der parts iii)pL'ar to be iiiimacidalo, oxcepl some indistinct nuubling on the cliin. Althon^di tlie form wiiidi presents this sin^^idar eliaraeter is not typ- ical of the species, 1 do not consider it to lie referable to any other. IJesides the original two specimens of (Ireeii, I have seen threeothers bearinff cirri, which 1 took with two noncirrigerous ones on the slope of tlie IMack Mountiiins of Nortli Carolina. These specimens are otherwise of typicid ciiaracter. Tlie cirrus is a larval character retained, which, were it peinianenr, wouhl be of ;>eneric value; but it is not so, and in this case an individ- ual feature only. The same peculiarity I have observeit 47 From snout to unun l.W From snout to IxOiiiMl anus l.r)U From snout to t-nil of tail :<. ID Tail I.(i0 I lead- Width olli.'ad Lfn<;tli oCorliil Distance bi'twot'uc.vi's ant fiiculy Distance lu'twecii outer nostrils Hody : Cireuniferencu of belly 'JO 10 1-.' l'.> IJody — Continued. Distance between armitit and groin Tail: Heij;ht of tail where highest... Breadth of tail wln-re highest.. Limbs : Free portion of longest tiiigor.. From elbow to tip of longest liiifier Free jiortion of longest too From knee to tip of longest too. Distance between outstretched toes ,88 ,12 ,05 7fi 1 MiiiHinvmeiits of Xo. 47;M, hi iiwhen. Length, measured alongaxisof liody : From snout to gape Iv! From snout to giilar fold 'i'J From snout to armpit '!'> From snout to groin 1. ttH From snout to behind anus .... 1 ','7 Fr(un snout to end of tail 'i '.t7 Tail 1 70 Head : Width <.f bead 20 Length of orbit 00 Distance bet ween eves anterior! V 10 Hoily : Circumference! of belly Tail : Height of tail where highest. Limbs : Free portion of longest linger.. Fioni elbow to tip of longest linger Free portion of longest toe From knee to tip of longest toe. Distance between outstr«'tched toes .08 ,20 .79 .00 ,15 .07 . 25 ,11 ,27 .87 SpeUrjtfs bilhieatiiii (Jreen, l^iUalii^m" iiiMiilirr. Nil. ol Mpt't'. T 1 7 !: 1! 10 I r> 1 10 17 I •1 T 1 1 I 1 17 4 1 1 ! I.ciralil.v. Wli.-i. t'llllHUtcd. t'liiiii wlioin lecoivoil. Nature of Hpcci- uieii. 37:i8 Hs:i:i WcsliTII 1'fMIlS> IViUliil. . ( 'iiii'iiiiiati. Oliio ill) Dr. .1. <:i ISn! IKs;i is-i:! l«s:i ibKl' Williiiiiis. ............. Do. 47;i.'i 0(1!.! :<7itt :i7;t7 Dr.T. Il.n.an Kuiiilii'ii \ ISraii I'r.il. .S. K. liaiiil ,1,1 Do. D,.. Do, Do. 1.I42."> .1, X. 15. Si'aili,ii'iiii;;li . .. Do. D,>. i:>7l(i ti.l'. Mfirill .. . ,1,1 Do. D,i. i:i7ii ilo ,Ii> Do. I.i7i:i lid ,1,1 Do. i:t7i:i ,\« .M.lM'vill.. S. (• Waxjiiii^tiin. I). (; Ma.lii.l. \. V ( itlMK'r.^tt'r, Mil ,|„ Do. :i70S IJIIJO :i7;i(! .r. It. Hairatt ( tfiii );,< Sli,ifiiiakcr (.') (b (?> 1)1. Ua^lll^ Do. Do. Do. Do. I4».'-.7 ;!T."J Allllrvillc. .s. »: \Viliiiiii"l(.ii, l>tl Do. Do. ill k r I : 1: » 'I ! '] mi |; ':.t ^ KIS m'MJiTiN :!i, i:niti:i) statks national mcsimm. SjuhriKx bUiiiinliiH (irccii— t'oiiliiimi:iii' IIIIMllll'l'. X.I. of Itpi'V. Locality. Wliiii C.lll.llCll. l''rciiii wlmiii ifci'ivi'il. 3702 1 3763 1 3751 0 3717 5 3741 1 3720 lU 3721 uo 3742 1 3726 o 4710 7 37L'H o a7l7 o Ni.liolH. X. V Mrmlilli l!ricl;;<', N'- H.. Gloncivsirr. Va — Clarkr (,'oiiiitv, Va ('lllllIllllllS. dlli" Salriii, N.C t'|i)Mi JaiiH'S Kivi Aiiilcisdii. S. (' — Alilirvillr. S. C ... \a Clivclaiiil.Oluii... Kaciiic, ^Vi^^ I!. TIi.wMl S. V. r.airil l!rv. r. Mann {'. I!. IJ. Krniw'ily. I,. I.ciijnricnx .1. '!'. I.ini'liaik S. 1'. iiaitd Mm. l>ani; dray, Cat. Ualr. (Irail. Hiil. .Mum., t-d. i, p. i:?; JIallowi'll, .Journ. Ac. I'liila., IV, p. :tir.; I{i>iik'iio,.r, Cat. ISatr. (iiad. Ihit. MllH.,t>tl. II, l■^^\.^ II. liJ. Salamamha loiigiraiKht (irccii. Jmirii. Ac. I'liila.. i. p. ;!.'il : li.illir., N. A. Ilcrp., v, p. Cil, ri. lit: iv Kay, N. V. Kami.. Kept.. 1>. T-. I'l. 17, li;;. 11. Spcln-jwn liinfmjn Kaliii., Atlaiit. .I.iiini. i. 1-:W, p. ti (liile Hainl). Ci/Undrosiimd loiiijiciiii(lii 'I'scliiidi, Mali'., |i. 'Xi. CyliiKh-osoma hniijiiitiuhxtiim Dmii. iV liilir., p. 7>. This .species i.s .sU'iKlt'r and i'loii};ato(l; (lie head llalteiied and iiiiudi depressed; the body depies.sed; the tail compressed troni the hase, and considerably loii{;er than the rest of the animal. The surface of the skin, thoii^di smooth, shows everywhere shallow pits under the niicro.scope, and closely a;;<;lomeratcd granules, the ends of glands, which probably secrete a milky Juice. 1 have not made out any satisfactory indications of itatclies of pores on (op of the head, althoiijjh (hen^ are .some on the chin. The head is liattened, tlioii;;li not wedj;e-sliaped, qiiile jdaiie above, and twice as wide as dee]). It is longer (liaii wide, the n|»i>er Jaw overlapping the lower, especially anteriorly; the ninz/le is triangular, broadly trim, cated anteriorly. There is a slij^ht swellin;,^ in the upper lip on each .sitlo of the muzzle, impar(iii}j^ an eniar^finated or (loncavc appear.ince (o the front view of the month, and a concavity to (he lateral outline, wliicdi liosteriorly i»as.scs into a conve.K curv«'. There is a sli}.;ht narrowing; of the lower jaw (o (it into the eiiiar<;ination Just referred (o. The ton;;iie is elliptical, rather lonj;-er (ban wide, inserted on tho up- perpartof thee.\(remity of a jirotractile pedecil; it has no other attacli- meut whatever. The palatine teeth form a short arc which bejfins bo- \ \ I Inn wai beg how T timt '0 ^-. INK HATK'ACIIIA (H' NOUTII AMIM.MCA. 1 (JJ) T*-. I « t hind iiiid on a line with the innor boitU'r of inner naivs, and cnrxcs in- WiU'ds and bactkwards for a short tlistanci'. The parasplionoid ti'cth begin ashort distance bohind their termination (witii a decided interval, ho\V(r\er), and lorni in patdies, in contact aloiis longer of the two; the second and lifth are nearly ecpial. Tin? first linger and toe arc very short, though not rudi- mentary. tl 4 5 Tir.. 41 f!j„irriii:i liniiiirn'idin. Xii, luS.'i Lanoaslrr, Oliio; J. The ground color of this species is of a clear bright yellow, paler bc- iH'atii, the baresenting the IS. ynttoUneatus of the far Scmthern States. 1 have recorded a specinu'ii of this speciies from Tennessee (Anierican Naturalist, IS71, p. KM), in which the b;dancers were persistent, as in the cirrigera form of ISi>dcrpvs hilin(ahi.s. . ;' 170 lU'M.KTlN :M, UNITKI) SI'ATKS national Ml/SKIIM. '< 4 Lenj{tli,iiii'!iNiiii'tl aloii}; axis of Ixidy : Fitmi snout tin !.;(.'> T.iil: j|ii;;lil (if tail wlirrr Iii;;lifst .. . . 'J.'i Itiradtli of tail wliiTi' lii;;lit'st .. . I!» Linilis: Fret' jiortion of lon<;f'st linp'r .. .11 From elliiiw to li|» of lon^jrst linger W I'rrr port ion of loily;i'st tof l,"t I'rom kni'c to tip of loiiy;cHl toe .U\ Instance lii'twi'cn oiitstrt'trjn'd toes 1. (iri V. :i(( 7.") '> II.-I II ;!.-. r.. (If) •>_ TO i:. i:. •JO i:> 10 SjuUriua loHtjlvtiiiiliin (irccn. ClllalO)!!!!' No. (if uuiiiIkt. HIICC. 2 8«42 :i7:ir) 1 8s4« 1 882 1 1 hS();i I 882(i 1 ;iMUi •1 4118') 3 1 lHlf, 1 14117 1 :i7i() r. :i7:i() 1 ;i7;ii 3 3739 3 Lixalitv. Wlicn Colll'ltKl. FmMivvlM.n.tv.nvul. Ni't'";'' «'/ .-I'fci (Miuiimnli, Oliio i .1. N. H S. nilMiii.iiyli. . CiiliiMiliiis. Oliiii -- Mfii.lvillf. I'a : Williams »'iiiiliiiiali,()liiii ! ■!. N H Siatli(pn>iif;li. . I'niciii ('iiiiiitj', Tciiii . . Aii^iisla. (tit l''iaiilh.'i Cnl M. Mil) till. 1H1!» 1 S. I". I'.aliil ' Malllii'ws Wi'.Mt Noillillilil, III ...I K. Krmilciill Sciiitlii'iii lllimiis ! ilii Wanliiiintoii, 1>. <; I Dr. K. K. (iiUt Uroliullc. Do. Do. Do. Do. D.>. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Uo. SrF.LKKrKS CSFTTOLINKATITS lT(d1.rool». Biiird, .Tonrn. Ar. Pliila. (2), I, p. l-W ; Coiie, I'ror. Ac I'liila., ISC,;), p. 107; Straiicli, Salani., j). S-,»; (iray, Cat. M.ilr. (Jr.id. Itril. Mas., rd. i, p. 45; Hallow., .Fonrn. Ac IMiila., iv, Itlli; ll'inli iigi r. Cat. Katr. Orad. Urit. Mas., t-d. ir, 1S8-J, p. 115. SalamnndraijidloIiiiKita llollir,, N. A. ]l. '2!t, 1*1. 7. CiiliiKhonoma iiiitloHiicaliim Dum. iV liilir., p. 7'.i. This si)ecio.s in its gouoral proportions, sliiipc, vlv., is vriy similar to S. lonf/icitiiihis. It appears to be latiu'r stout*'!', and tin; licad ii little l>roatk'r. The eyes tire hirfjcr, tiie tocsshortei', 4'tc. Tiic protnbcranreH of the upper lip are ratlier hirf,'er, whi(;h }j;i\es a more einarfiinated out- line to t lie Jaw when viewed from before. There tire thirteen well-marked costal ;,Mooves, a fomteeiith falliiifj just iibove the insertion of the arm. The most posterior falls in tho groin. This species is of a brownish-yellow above, bejiinniii',' id the muzzle, includiiif; the upper eyelids and e.xtendin;,' to the tip of the tail. On the back it occupies nearly one-third the circumference of the body. It I IS, I « k l T "^ ' - i'' TlIK MATKACMIIA OK N(»UTII AMKUICA. 171 is (lividtMl (H'liti'iill.v l).v a loii^Mtuiliiial ilark lirowii line, b('<;iiiniti<; as a few (luts, oil the t(ii> of tlu> licai], tlit-ii uniting; into a (Mtntiiiiioiis stripe, which vxtciids to the riitni>, and is a littk; iiairower than, or about e(|iial to, the two li}>ht stiipos into wliich it diviihs tliu color of the back. Tim lij^ht dorsal stripe is bordered on each side by a continuous dark stripe well delined on the upper ed}je. The under parts are .vellowisli in alcohol, distinctly mottled or veriiiiculated with brown in about e(|ual proportions. In tlu^ present specimen there is no distinct li^ht line below the brown of the sides, which breaks up gradually below, passiii}^ into the reticulation described. There is a sinjjle light spot in the darkest part of the sides, one to each intercostal section. The sides of the tail are dark brown, with vertical light bars analogous with the white spots just described. In other spe«'iniens the dark brown which bonlers the yellowish of tli(^ back is sharply defituMi on its lower margin, also forming a con- tinuous line of variable diameter, with a series of white spots, one to eacth space, between tli(> costal furrows. ISelow this iigaiii is another contimious, quite well-delined light stripe, after which succeeds the inottling descriiietl. In this casii then' are three black stripes, om> median dorsal, and two lateral; and four light stri|u>s, two mtMlJan,of a brownish-yellow color, and two lateral, whitish in alcohol. The comparison of form has already been made with «S'. loiifiictiuthis. The color dilfers essentially in tlic vi'riiiiciilation, with l»rown beneath, instead of being p«'rfec(ly immaculate. If the varieties ofN. Iinii/icainhtu having Ihrei^ series <»f (basal dots hail these united iut«» eonliniiouH stripes there would W some resemblamu' to the present species. Such is, however, never the case. The tail, instead of being yellow, with narrow vertical dark lines, is dark, witli narrow verti«!al light ones. 1 have found a cirrigerous form of this species in North Carolina. ^r— - (^g^ <( if e Fni. I'J. RinUiiim iiiilli.liiiiiilni). Ni). :i7'j:i. Kiilinv, Ala. ; } Mnf'ini nil iil.-i lit \o. 'M'2'.i, in iiirluH. lA'Uf^th, nifiisiiri'il iiliiii;; a\iM nf Hody : l)()(l.v : I'rom snout to f;:!]"' I'loin . snout to ;;nlar I'lilil I'roin snout to :irni|iil I'nnii snout to •;niin l''i'oiu snout to lit'liinil iinus Ki'oiu suoMi lo rnil of tiiil Tail lloail: Wnltlioriicail ;'..' I.cu f :^1 1 172 III LMTiN ;ii, rMir.i' ^'^((7«ry/( I ijiiiUtintintii^ Ijtillir. Infill' niiiii' Im'I. 37'j:i S7L'7 S7»9 47;i:i n7:i» f.7'.MI 37:t:i N'ii.»r Si'\ H|M'('. :lllilll|;r. 4 I.ui'va. I.iir.ility. Kiilaw. Alii Siil.iii.N. <•...... Alilii'vill.'.S. ('.... MiS' r.'t't al.ovc the sea. Dr. A. K. Tislier, of the IJ. S. A;-iicnltnial hniean, also lonnd this species in Virginia, only eight miles soulli of Washing, ton, 1). <'., a most lemarkalde extension of its range. The specimen reconle-,1 in Dr. Yarrow's checklist as from Lan- caster, Ohio, belongs to the S. linKjimudns. SPKLKKrKS KMIiKK Danrlin. (1'1mi.h-.".i,:!0, iijis. 1-:.: :ii. li.i,-^. i-:.; :!-', lijix. i-:': ■>■'< ^'H'*- 7-">; '»". "««• '.'-'; ■'•'•■ '•«• ti; 4-', li;j. II''. > Cope, rnicrnl. Ac, riiil.i , l-dH, 1>. H'T : Slr.iiicli, 8al,iiii., p. Kt ; Hou- l.'iiiicr, Cat. IJalr. (iiail. Hiit. Mils., «iI. ii, ]-'*•>, p.tW. Siilamaiidm nihni Daiiil , i:.).!., viii, ii. 'J'.'T, I'l. Hv', li^'. 'J ; llollir., N. A. llc-rii., v, 1.. :tr., I'l.K; ]h' Kay, N. V. I'ami. l{i'|it., |'. -'I, I'l, i:, Ih^. lit. Sdhimaiiilni minntntn (irceii, .Imirii. Ac. I'liila., I, j). It.'iO. Sdliimaiiilni ^iih/iixca (Irci'ii, /. c, ]•. I!''l. SalmiKiiKlnt nihriroilris (Jifcii, /. c, \>. :!,'>;! {iirc. Daml.). l'si:iii x/i^/'dscdn Tsclimli, IJati., ]>. 'X>. I'miidiilritiiii riilnr ISainl, .loiini. Ac. I'lii i. (v!), i, ]!. 'Xi ; Hallowdl, /. c, IV., p. :!47. .s'y)(7( i/x ••< riilini (iiJiv, Cat. I'atf. (ii.i(i. IWil. Mils., cil. I, \t. |.'>. Udliliiijltiss.i iiihi-a Diiiii. iV Itilir., ]>. -^It, I'l. l':t, Ii;;. 'J. I'MCiiilolriloii Jltivhximiis Hallow., I'nic. Ac, I'liila., iS'ti, ]>. i:i(l. I.arva": Sinn op(i(iil(i(. ','<;•, I'l. — , li^. ;i. I'liitiim i/(iii((.-((/C(<()nr'- (iiL'iii, /. c, \t. It.'>8. The form of this species vaiies with its age, the v<'ry old ones being neaily as stont as Amhiistomn itinicttiliim ; more so than A.opacKm. The more immature, however, are rather slender. The skin is perfer(»jeetin}( and overhips th«^ h)\ver. Tliejjape isal»nnt .strai;,dit. Th*- end ol' the iipiterjaw is llatlened oliliqnel.v a little, visilde oiilv IVoni lie- low. The nostrils aie very saiall, placed more laterally than snperioily, andalittlu below the anterior end ol the ronnded eanthiis lostralis. Theey«'sarc directed antero laterally, so that the lines of the upper eye- lids would intersect before leachinj; the lip of the nose. There is oidy a sli<>ht constriction at the neck, the entire animal from head to rump hviu^ nearly of the same diameter, and the body passes insensibly into the tail. This is ipiadrate or nearly stpiai'e at the base (with riMinded corners), but becomes more and more compressed to the pointed tip. The dorsal surface of llu^ tail rises into an acute rid;;(> for the posterior twothiids, the ventral for one-third. There are liftcen costal ;;roovcs, including one in th(>. ;4:i'(>ii>. If cdiitiuned to the axilla there would be sixteen, but theic is no distinct axillary one. The verti- cal ;^roove.Hof the tail are distinct at the base of the tail, but so«»n bectome indistinct. A.S stated, old specimens havu a prop(U'tioiially larger body than yoiin;;c'r. The lindts are all very weak ; the dibits feeble. The third linj-er is lou^M'st, then the .second, fourth, and first. The third and fourth toes are nearly equal, then the second. The first dibits an* (piite rudiment- ary, especially the first toe. The youiijicr spei'imeiis appear to hav(* proportionally lonj^er diyits and more slender liiiib>. The toii;;iu^ is a nearly circular disk, entirely free, supportc'd on a slemler pedicel like a mushroom, and capable of beiiijn <'xtended beyond the mouth. The palatine teeth are transverse. Just beliiml the nostrils (by one diameter), and form an abrupt rectan;;le with each of the .series oil the parasphenoid bone, which widen behind and leave a free chan- nel down the median line. This free space ant«'iiorly is as wide as the diameter of the inner nares, but like the patches ol' teeth widens a lit- tle behind. The space is encroached upon by the plates of parasphe- noid teeth with aj;e. The inner nostrils are minute, about transversely elleptical and con- tinuous, with a well-delined narrow -groove runninjiout to the maryiii of the jaw. They are situated about opposite the center of the trans- verse portion of the teeth, the lenjj;t!i of which may be about three times as ;;reat as the major axis of the nostrils. The colors of the younjjfer specimens of this species in alcohol are a pale salmou-yellow, lighter beneath; the back and upjter part of the sides sprinkled irn'fjularly and thickly with sharply-deliued blackish spots, lookinjj like };rains of c()arse ots vary in si/e with the specimen, and are jiciierally lar<;cr towards the dorsal line. With aj;e, and sometimes in yoiiiincr specimens, the borders of these spots are less distinctly delined, and the };round «'olor between them " -*" ^IP 1 J 1 • i ^(1 il i; i . ^ I r i 174 humj:tin :(i, umtku .srATi::s nati(»nal mlsku.m. bo(!Oines sufliisetl with ii Uiri«l of jmiplisli-biown. The lu-lly is goner- ally immacuhitc until tho animal iscniito ohl, whfii it is lluely sprinkled with (lots iilie grains of line powder. Tlie color of a fresh specimen is as follows. It is fully grown, and was taken April 7, 184S I''l(i. i;!. Sjiilirinf ri'l'i,: No. TOu:!. ('iuli.slf, I'a. ; ]. Pupil small, illiptical, major axis horizontal, hrassy, with horizontal dark line. General color dark salmon r<'d. Whole upper |»arts marked with rounded si)ots, largest along back, about size of the eye and less, of black or dark. Iletwcen these spots is a clouding of dark red dish-brown, as if the black of ui)per parts had run after being tirst put on. ]''re(piently, however, there is an obscure areola of the ground color around the sjtofs; on sides of body iwid t.iil, external poili. f limbs, less of the interstitial dark reddish-brown. Wliole under surface sprinkled with minute black dots, larger towards the chin. Ivxtreme edge of snout blackish, as also of lower Jaw to a Ii'ss degree. Individuals vary somewhat in coloration; sometimes the dots on the belly are more aggregated towards the center, sonu'times the interstitial color on back purer, so as to dcliiie spots better, while agein, on theot hand, the whole upper parts aic so much shaded with the reddish-brow u as to nearly obscure the black spots. The eye can be retracted or protiuded as in the ligures, and also con- cealed by the approximation of the lids. The transparent lower li*i can be brought up and over lower half of the eyeball. in yoiing individuals the colors aie much purer; the whole body being of orange, of ditVerent shades in ecimens with sixteen costal l>lica'. refciable to S. r. monfunus, where t!ie width of the head may be one-sixth the length to the j;roiu, two specimens measure thesame, Oft and (t'i{ iu the same, ami another (i|, and another (.'{S4S) 7 times. In one the posterior part of the par^sphenoidal patch is widened, as in the Msual form. Ii; two specimens (.WTO-TO.'M) tlie sixteenth pli(!a falls over the femur and does not descend before it; the vomerine series of both are angulated. In Td.'ihf, from the same locality as TOM, all the char- acters are those typical of S. r. ininitainis. In two specimens having the head and coloration of var. IJuber, from Miitaw, Ala., one has lifteen plicie and angnlat«' teeth, the other sixteen plica' and curved series of tet'th. In a number of >S'. r. nihcr from Ab- Iteville, S. (!., one has sixteen plica-. In this variety the width of the head enters the, length to gn»in usually tivv times, but varies to i}.\, r)!|, and in 7(L'.{, ii\ times. In the typ»' of I'.JhtrissimiiN, this relation is 1 to (iA, with but lifteen plica-; the truncation of the muzzle is less than described, and there are no cirri. In var. Sti(!ticeps a trace (large), though nonti are siuu- lar in the puiu',tulatiou of the front ; in IStO, from Eutaw, Ala., the ab- domen and gular region are sindlarly punctulate. As regards the size of the eyes in r.j!it. Distantf IntwiTii internal nostrils in !i-nj;lli of orliit ii'ss tlian 1 orliit. Limits: Fri'c portion of Ioi»<;ost liii;;i'r contairnMl in ilistanci! from cIIhiw to tip. I times. Fri'e portion of loiif;ewt toe toiitained in distaiiee from knee to tip l! times. Distance lielwei n oiitslrel. I!"^!!", ill iiiilim, L('n;,'lli, measured alon;;: axisof liody : Itody : I'roni siioiii to >;ape "JH j ('ircnmferer.ee td' lielly 'J. ir» From snont to <;nlar fold 70 > |)ist:ince lietwivn armpit and From snoiiMo ainiiiil 1.0(1 i;roin •,'. Ill From snout lo j;roin If.OK Tail: From smiiil to Ixdiind anns. ... It. .'id llei;;lit of tail where lii;;he.st .. . .15 From .snout to end of tail -t.W l!re;nltli of tail where |ii;;Iiesl . . .10 Head: Limits: Width of he.id rt.'i i I'ni! portion of lon;;est linj;er.. .10 Width of lonjiiu' ti'2 \ From 4'lliiiw to tip of louf^est Lenj;lh of nrliil .11 lin;;er 10 Dislaiice lietween eyes ante- Free port ion of lon;;eHl lot- 1.^ riciily 'Jt'i From kiu-o to tip of lon<{est toe. ..'if DistaiM'c lielweeii outer nostrils. . l.'i 1 Distain'e lietween onlstreteh<'d IMstanee lietween in rnostril.H. . I'i I toes l.I'iO Spilcrpcs ruber Jia vinxiin us 1 1 allow. I'unidotritini lliiriKfiimiis Hallow., Proceed. Ac, Nat. Sci, I'hila., l-'.'iO, i:(0. Tlie I'urm and pro[)ortioiis, e.xeeptinfjr about the head, are so .simi- lar to those of IS. ruber, that it i.s uimeeessary to repeat these eharae- ters. The tli},'it8 are rather lowg, as usual in yoiinj; .S'. ruber. The outer ones, hv)wever, appear proiMtrtionall.v l()n<;cr tha!i in the lattei'. The head, viewed from above, is narrower and more triineaie. It is arched imt not wedo:e-shaped, depre.ssed, the mnz/.ie bein^ much hiolier than in S. ruber. lOaeh side of the tri' »ted snout is bordered by a vertical ridof, which is a little exterior tt ; outer nostrils, and descends a I ' . / Mead: J'eil,:;lll, I'roM I'loiii iw'on: l''i'oni I'roin I'riirn 'fail.. lie.id: Wi.lth i Tin: IIATKA'.MIIA OF NOIJTH AMKIMCA. 177 iittli! lu'low tlio lovol of tlio J;i\v, lookin^j; liken fiinj'' wIkmi vicwetl latt'r illv Viewed from in front, tlio lower outline, of the muzzle is stron«:lv » oneave, boniered on eaeli side by the downward extension of this lidfic Tlieni is a slijfht indentation of the side of the jaw behind this \'u\iir, and there is a line linear channel leadin;;- down the back of this rid"i^ IV(»m the outer maryiii of the external nostrils. A similar chan- nel, but no ridi^e, issei'u in J*. / nbcr. Tiie outline of the upper jaw, as viewed from below, is decidedly an- fiular anteriorly instead of rounded. The eyes arc unusually larye and prominent for this section of sala- mainlers, and are sei)arated anteriorly by little more than one oibit's l("ii;:fh. The two parasphenoidal ranj;«'s of teeth are in contattt ante- riculy, as in S. r. montaniis, without the interval of S. r, nilnr. There are llftei'ii costal furrows, excluding' an axiliary one. The tai| is a little more than half the rest of the body. in alcohol the color is li};ht brownish red, paler beneath; tlu' upper parts and sides thinly but (piite uniformly spriidiled with small, roiindcti, well delined, Itlackish dots; very few of them on the head. As stali'd, this variety is distini,Miished from >'. rubir, as well as N /'. niinttdiiiis and sticticrps, by the shape ot the head, the anji'ulation ul tl'" uppei' lip, the much larger and more approximated eyes. The scaiilinessof the black specks is more as in S. r. moiituints, from which aiiain it is distinL'uished bv lifteen instead of sixteen costal ijtrooves. ■!i' ^ ih .t 11. ail: rropovlionnl iliiiu nsinux. Willi li to ilistaiKT fpun snout to ^'loin al'oiif (I tiiiios, I'loiii Mioiil to ;;iila>' lolil roiitaiiii'il ill ilistaiiri' rroiii snout to fjiiiiii alioni I J tiiiU'M, hiMtaiiif aiitrriorlv lirtwci'ii eyes in ii'n;;lli of orltit... srarirly more than onrf, l)i>,tanc.' Iroin cyi'N to nostrils in li'n;;lli oforl)!! a limit once, liislaiK'o lit'twmi cxtfrnal nostiils in ii-n^lli ol'orliil aoout one linir Pistanci' 111"! WITH ontslri-tilu'il tin II llMl^tll tVoiu snoiil to ^loin ralliiT nioro than halt. IJiiilv : Nniiilirr of coital t'linou s (incluiiin;; inuninal ) 1,') Miii'^iin nil Ills, ill iiirli(s. hrn^tii, niraHiiicil alon;^ as is of lioily lli'ail- Continiiril . I'rom hiiont to jiapo I'l'OIII SllOl.t to irlilar I'oM . i' roll: snout to aniipil . . . I list a nil' hi'twi'iMi inner iiosiiilH .<•.-( \: Uistanrr iVoin eve to noMtriis.. . lU I Mini .>n>iui to •'nun . - l''roin Miiiiit to lichinil aii's I'loin . snout to mil of tail It. :to Liiiili: , ti,') Koily: nislaiH'i' lift wren ai'iii|iil I.S-. 'J. Ill T: iiiil uroin I. n llri;rlil of tail wlii'ii- liiy-Jii'st •JO Ta ll.ail: Wiilthof head Li>ii^;lli III' iiiliil Pi-itanri' liftwcrii I'M's aiiti'ii- l.'Jd , l''i('i' iioition of lon;r,.s| (inyirr.. .(W 1 . ,-. f^ j I' Idlll I'lllOW to ti|i of liiiip'.st liiiniT :U) I'li'r iiiirl ion of loii";i-st lOf It :tn II orlv l>islaiiri« lii'lwriMi until' noNlrils . II i'.»r.i— p.uii M — iL* I'luin klirr to tip of lniii^i'.sl tor . I!.") Ilista""!' Iii'iwi'rii oulstn-lchi'il toi'.s 1.0.') *i^i» 17.S lUILLKTIN :;i, rMIKl. states national MlISKl'M. ISpclcriHS ruber .sticticeps IJaii'tl. Proceed. Ai'. Fliilii., l-^f'''.», ]). 1(H. (Name only.) This varit'fy in all it.s details of sliaitc, proiMMtioiis an times. Free portion of Imi^jest toe contained in dist;incc from knet> to lip nearly I ti'iies. Distance between oulstretclicd toes in len;;tli from snout to^jroin iieailv t wice. Distance between ontstictdii'il toes in Icni^lli from snout to belli lid anus iiiipie tliai, twice. Body : Number of costal furrows (inclndiii}; :iii;ninal) 15 Mviixiin iiK r'n, ill iiiiliis. LeiiHtli. measured aloiif^ axis of body : Umly : .1111 From snout to ^ape From snout to ;jular fold . . From snout to ai nipit . . From snout to jjroiii l-'roni snout to behind anus . I''roiii snout to end of tail . . . Tail Head: Width of head f.t licnj^th of orbit II Distance bet ween eyes anteriorly .'-'-' Distance between ou'.er nostrils . Ill Distance between inner nostrils , Itt '■>. f'> l.lKt ■J. ().") CiliiimlerelKHl of belly 1 .''(O Dist.'iiiee between armpit and ;iroin l.ri.'i 'fail: llei;;lit of tail where lii;;hest est M) I.imbs : I'ree poi'liiiu cil' loiij;e,st lillj^er .07 From elbow lo tip ol' lolij^est lin;;er Xi Free port ion of loii;;est toe \\i l'"rom knee to lip of lonj;est toe .I"! Distance between onlslretrlied Iocs I . ;ii) T\u> I I -. i TIIK IJATKACHIA 01' NOUTII A.MKUICA SpcleriKs ntlnr ninntttinis llainl. 179 r.-iiinhlriloii moiiliiiiiis Itainl, .loiini. I'liilaililpliia Ai;aii<;at('i|, cyliinlrit'al, aial with the tail nearly I'qiial tothedis- Miice IVotii the lieaiii, TIm' head is rather small an*l iiarri>\v. The proportion of eyes, eU\, iiiiKih as in S. ruUvr. The snout is, howevei', more ainiiptly truneatetl, sliowin^" the nostrils on eaeh side at the eorner formed with the side «»f the head, and with an indistinet rid<{(> riiiinin;;' down to the Jaw as in a. in>ri>liifritiit no furrow (»f sepaiatiun. and very little of on(M)e!iiiid. Tlie palatine portion does not extend outwards licyond the outer border of the inner nostrils. [•idfessor l»aird described this species in ISI!> from a siiijile adult >p(-ciiueii can^iht in the South Mountain, near Carlisle, I'a. Siiicti tlii'ii several others iVoin tlillerent localities have been oiitaiiied, and after the renewed examinali(ui of many speciineiis of S. nilnr I am silislied of its distinction as a subspecies. The cohMMti'Ui is always appr«'ciably dillerent in the very . sk iris without loiiLjitudinal bar of .Moiitaims, compared with the brassy yellow iris with longitudinal dark bind' Jtulter. The ;iioiiiid color above is iiuiforinly and continuously Uiiiwnishsalmon, much as in (i. jxirjiliifrilicHs, with a few well defined circular spots. In IJuin'r where the ground cohu" has become dark I'cmI- dish brown, it is alw.iys mottled with Milliter, ami the larger and more iiiim -rors dark spots are iikuc obsolete in their outline. Tiie Iliad of Moiitaiius isnarrower and much more arched tr.iiisv'Msely. The snout is more truncate. The two series of teeth on each side the jtai.isphenoid bone come closer, .so as to be almost in contact, without I lie interval of S. ndnr. Till' body and tail are more slender and elon<;ated; the latter propor- ,icn.i!ly consiih'rably lon-'er. Thereare 1»» costal tiirrows, exdudiii:.; an axillir one, instead of lo, as in iS'. riilnr. Tliere are Iti distinct costal j;roo\('s, excludin;;' any in the axilla. The tail shows similar furrows at lirst, but they soiui become indistinct. It is (piadrate at the base, then jjiadiially becomes more and more com- press,-d, with a sharp ridj-e towards the end, as in S. ndirr. lis len.i;th is n.'aily equal to the distance from the s • it to the ;;roiii. Tlie limbs are not appreciably ditVi'ient from what has been destaibed ni S. ntlnr \ \ ^ !■ M The color of the type specimens, as presorvod iu alcohol, i. a iiiiifoi'i » 1«() ItlLMMI.N :!l, UN;TKU STATKS national Ml'SKUM. roiitiimoiislnowiiisli salmon !il»()Vt',iiH!lii(liiijj:(lu' limbs; tlu' iiiHU'iparts, iVom the middli' ttf tlii' .sides, latlu'r altniptly pale salmon. The dark |M»itions are marked with eirenlar, thinly scattered, w( lldeliiied ilaik brown or black spots. The belly is immaculate. In life this .same .specimen had the ^'roiind c »lor reddish-brown; bei- neath, deep .salmon. The iris dark reddish brown, almost black, with faint mottli!ifj;s of bron/.e on the inner bonier, and without any hori- zontal dark bar. The difference of form and color are appreciable in younj,' as well as old specimens. The distribution of this toiin is in the Alle^h.ny .Mountains fnini Tennsvlvania to South Carolina. j: i rriiiiiirlidiiiil (liiiii iiniinin. Ili'iiil: I,cli;;lll (ir;;;i|H' of iiioiilli to ilH will III illiiillt t liri'i'-I'mil I lis. Width to (IinIjiiut iVo.ii .snout to f;iilai lolil iiUoiii \\ limes. Width to distance lidiii .snout to ^loin Jiliont 'i.^ I iiiii's. I'l'oni .snout tii;:iil;ir I'olil eiuitained iiidisiaine iVoni snout lo^ioin. a I ion t 1 1 t lines. |)ist;illi stance lict wi'e'i internal nostrils in leii^rth of orliit less than I time. Liiulis: i'ree poitioii of loii^re>| li!i<;c|- cotitatni;il in ilislaiiee from elliow to tip nearly I times. Free port 1(111 of loii;reiit toe contained in ilistance from knee to tip. . alimit :t| times. Itistance Iielweeii oatstretelied toes In leii;;tli from snout to ;,'roin . .•iltiiut i;i t imes. Tail : l.('ii;;tli from lieliind aniiH to rest of animal I ^ I imes. I.eii;;tli iVom lieliiiid anus to total !eiii;tli three .sevenths. I5ody : Widi h I'ompaied with III at of head rather hss. .Nuuiher (d'costal liiirows, iiielndiiii; axillary and ini;ni!ril Id. r^. Miiixiin imiiln. ill iiirluH. Lcii;;'tli, ineasnrcd alonj; axisol liudy : liody : rroin .snout to<^.ipe I'.ii CireMinl'erem'e of lielly '..'.((I from snout to ;;ul,'ir fold )'i."> histance lielwcen armpit and I'rom Hiioiit to armpit '.(I ;;idiii !.'/."» I'rom snimt to ;{roin ','. K"i Tail: !''roni .snout to heliind anus ;!.■,','> ilei'^hl of tail w here highest . . . ,:; I'roin snout to end of tail .">. 7.'i Hreadlh of t.iil w here liii;liesi . . . :!J Of tail 2..'i(» Limits: Head : I Free pmtion of loni;est tiiiuer . 1(1 Width of liejiM \Ci !• rom elhow to tip (• Mistanci'lictweeii outer nostrils .1' l>isiiiice lietweeii ontst retched JJi.stance lift ween inner iio.strilM. . ■".) toe; l.T.'i * j' .1 I TIIK HATRArniA OF NORTH AMKKICA. Spelii-pcH fiihrr fiibrr Daiidin. KESEUVK Si:UIES ('atillnglic No. or tiiiiiilH r. mii'f. hKII , r.iK'j 1 7'HM III ;i.-tri •_' Th-jii ;i hSIl r> yxih 1 HCIII 1 !l 1 ill 1 U'lUi ri :iH;i7 « UAVI 3815 ri M31 :i :iai8 1) vm •J 0A5t 'J »031 4 nHiKi •1 40Jt T lH4n 1 l:i.ii:i 1 ami ;i ItOOl •t ftOlM i IIM3 1 mill 1 aiKi? i 38n:i 4 LiH'allty. Wli.ii rolli'ctrtl. l"irim wliimi ii'ceiM'ii. rilli'iiiliiili, Oliii) ruililsvillf, N. .1 r.iilislr, I'a llrlllWlllo CllillllV. I'.l ■■ \V:ililHliiiriiiii2li. S. V, . ... TuMilnii. N. .1 >\ii\ ri.iiiiH Uivvr, III ... Carlisle, I'.i •1. \. It SiuiliiiiitiiKli. ■ N. II ItiMllop I'iKl. S. I'. Ilaiid Dr. v.. (N.ius. r S. .\ Dr. (irnmi' ,N'. .Moiaii. .1. .v. I!. .Siailiiiriiii;;!! . II. W. W.UIi.r Dr. ('. (• Alilioll K. Ki'iiiiii'iilt I'riil. S. r. Ilaiiil (',iili.ili, I'.i I'liit. S. K r.iii.l Aitcii'iMciii. s. (; ('iiliiiiiliim. (ill i'liit llrnliiii, Mci . WaHliiiiiltMli. I>. (< . ( illlllrCMllT, Vi» .... Millon, Kla Ilcauli.rt. N. ('. liiillaii l\i>v. I' la . . Iiirl Tiivis.iii, .\rU rr.iMic Mrr Ki>iii:i', I,: DiT.-JO, \HM Mr«. M. i;. iMiii.l . |)r.(;,..iirr , Di.r.V. llaMl.ii... (iro, Slloi-lliaUrr . .. Ki'V. (;. M.mii S. 'l'. \Vall,,r Dr. Will. Siinipsciii (') Dr. Kilw.iiil.s .Ian. Kail ir Tyn 1' S|iriiiK«, Tiiiii I'ml. K. Owcii 181 1ci\1miii;1i, I'a rrcf, S. K. I'>.iliil Mcaihill.', I'a ' Williaiin .Milicvillr, S. C j Dr..l. li Itarialt i Miii;.'iiit> o.iaii \ |IIM)8 1 2IW3 :i7 :t)ct.') III i;t.5«i 1 :i8iti !l 1170.-. ■' ;i8mi ■> Mit '1 Uf.'O 1 7il7:i :).H,-,ii 111..-. UliiT IIITt! iii;h ll.-li :i.><;i7 ;iKi:. 4711 ;is7>. :ts7:i :)s.-.i (') M.'ailvill.-. P.i W'illlaiiis riiiiloi!, N. ,1 Dr. C.C. .U. lull I Viiuiiiia I I'Vli.'Jlt, 1N77 I'". F. Tall.ol I I ( 'arli.iU-. I'a I'lol.S. K ISainl. . . . .ilo Dr. .Sirvi'im Iliwloy. Va S.'pt., iS:>:\ 11,11 Millrr I'lixliiiiyli, I'a .S. I' .ri.iiiil .lo ,1 I'l.irki' Oiiiiiil V, Va ('. It. I;. Kiiiiii'ily . l''.iiii|tiiir Ciiiiit V, Va (". \V .Slum nianii . Wvlliivill... V.i! IH-,-i Col. M. Ml Diiiialil .MilMvill.. S. C Cl C.uli.slr. I'.l I'lol. S I'. It.lilll . ('i ('I (') (;» 'I Ill I'l SiMiinii'i'villi , .S (J r.iili^lr. I'a Cinirr ( 'oiiiiU. r,i l'illsliiiri;li. I'a ... I'olllMlllll-.. Olli'l . . .Vllcli'isiiii. S. (' . . .Sal.iii N.C Cl mx ('I I. W Nair S. K Itaii.l S. I!. Itiiiu'-.r ... Mr. l''aliiii-»loik . , I.. I,rs(|iii|rau\ .. Mr-. M K Daiii.-I .1. r. I.iii.li.i.k .... Uiiiliolj.' Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. SnrlrviH's nihff flarinsimiis IIjillnw. 47i:i ^ll'l.llll■l K II \. C. .r C.Ma.N.iir ?PI 1H2 I!i:lm:ti\ iu, rxiT::!) statks national Mrsi;ir>f. Sjitlrriiri nihir uliilirijin. Itail'il. (■jliilipiiiic Nil 'if niintlM-i'. H|H-f. ' Mm l.iicalilv. i:i;sKiivj': skuik.s. Willi I' ■ I Nil III')' lit MIH'I'' ,1.1 lliilll ulliilli II irlMll. ' ni iilril. lllirll lUT.'i :.' (ii'iiiijiii... Dr. W. I.. iloiii'H .Mroliiilir. iV/xVccyx'i nilnr iiiinilniiiix llaii'il. riiil'.S. Kll.tinl Alioliiilii (t\|i)') ;iHiH «l •171.'. ;iHT(i MUX 7n:il I'M;!! Siiiilli Miiiiiilaiii. Cat- IH4H .... li'^li'. l-a. I S.iliiii. N. »' I .r. T. I.iii. liai'k .Mii.i'villi. .>>. (• i l»i..r, II. Ilaiialt I'Mri' .S|ii iii;;H. Trim .. I'liil. I!. (iHi'ii Iliaiiroit. .\ '! Will ,Siiiii|iiiiii IlilUliiiiiiiiiili, N. <: I M. A CiiilH I'liiiin (.'iiiiiitv, 'J'i'iiii I •!. N. It. Siai liiiii>ii;ili . Do ill.. III! I III. III). I AUTODAX r.oiilciificr. Ami. iiiid Ma;;. Na(. Ili.st. H>7, p. O*. .Itniitht liainl, Icmid^i. Mnc.vcl., ii, Hl'.l, p. '2''t'>; (iiiaril, 1'. S. Kxpl. F.xpiil., l>'ri>., p. H; Cdpf, I'ldcud. Ac. I'liila., IM'.I, p. IC.I; Sliaiu'li, S.ilaiii.. p. M ; Itiiiilciigi'i', Cal. lialr. (iiatl. ISiit. Miih., ( d. li, Itif'M, p. fi'.'; iiom. pi'a'occiip.'i- tiiiii. Toiijjue iittaclu'd IVoiii ^ilo.s.soliyal to aiitoiior marjiin on the nu'diaii lino; coiLsidt'ialily free. One picinaxillai'.v bone. V»)MU'rin(» tcclli on a rid^c, wlii(;li is conf iimoii.s lii'twt'cii the interior iiaics. Maxillary teetli* confined to (lie anterior part of the areli, eonipre.ssed, knil'e shaped, with entire enamel; inandibniar teeth of similar Ibrm and Iar;;edevelo|>nieiit, few in nnml>er, and confined to the anterior half of the ranins. Toes l-.'t. This (Mirions ^enns is fninished with l)v far the most powerful den- tition of any of e.\istin;jr salamamh'rs, and lesmiivles in this respect the dfciieniof theCoal .Measures, Ibaeh.vdeetes, llylerpeton, and II.\Iono- mus. In other points there is little difference between it and IMethodnn. Oin; marked feature brin<;s it in-arer Desmo.unathus than any other fjenus of IMethodontiche. The e.xoccipitoinoiHics are each furnished with a hij;h lonj;iludinal crest, ov«'r which fhe temporal muscle i)as.scs from its oiij^in on tlie atlas. It has, however, the usual ori;;in from fhe nH"lian line of the jiarietrds, which scarcely exists in Desmo^xniithus. This line is marked in A. lujiuhris by an elevated crest. The j-nd of the nnizzle in that spccMcs bears evidences |r> ;i habit similar to that which accompanies the sin^Milar structures of l)esnn>;;natliiis, viz, that of bui' rowing; or rootinj;' ainoufj stones or of her resist in;; objects. The derm is similarly adherent to the bone , and the latter is exosfosed and ru;,M)Us. The prefrontal bones are well d(^veloped. * (iiiiinl, /. <\, (icscrilii's llio ti-i'lli a.s not lixixl to Hie Jiiw. and capalilr " of .'i depres- sion liai'U wards." Tlii.s is only trnt' of .sncci'.ssion.'il tcrfli or foetli aliniil to lie slicd ; till' I'linrtidnal li'clli ,irc. lirniiv anrliv'o.scd. l***- sides axilla TIIK MATK/iCHIA OK NORTH AMKRICA. 183 No species liii.s yet beeii roimd east, of llie I'.u'il'K! coast region. or. Distal liaH'ot tuil ioiiikIciI or oval. haij;<', (itoiit ; tliiiinlttlt'Vfloiii'd; liiiy;(is slioit ; i>aiasiiluiioi(l snics tianow, vom. ^I j,Mi)in; li;;lit liiowii iil>(>vi>, with yellow si»i)t.s I. liitjnliris. SiiiulliT, HlutitliM", tliinil) not (liHtiiu't, liii;;ci-s loiii;, Nltnili r; iiaiasplicnoiil sciics J wiilur; voiiii'liiio KiTicsNcaicfly rccnivcil ; wiiltli o|' Inad li.;i;i iIiikh in lcii!;lli to i^roiii ; aliovf lilacU, sidi.s ;;ia.v t. I'lrims. ■^^ not. DiMtal liair ol tail stroii;;lv lonipriNsi'd. Woliiisl ; mii/zlc Willi'; |)aras|diciioid tooth patch wid" ; difjitsMhoit, th'- liim r not I'H'v; width of head 'i-.'i tiiiicM in lni;;lh lo i^iom: Idack, spiinkh'il with small liliiish spots aliovc I. Uraiiun. I I i % "^ 1 1 AITODAX I-rtUrHRIS Hallow. (I'latoa?. Ii>;s. I-I; :i.".. li;.. :i; |H, liu. 1.-,.) .Inaiilix Uiqubr'tH HaJid, Icoiio;;!'. I'.ncycl., II, Hl'.t, p. 'A'iti ; Ihiird Ar fiirard, I'loc. Ac. I'hila., H.'.:i, p. :iic,>: Maird, V. S. Kxpl. K.\pcd., Ilcip., I'l. i, li«s. •>(i-:i;i, and Rcpt. U. S. Kxpl. Suiv., .Mil, ]). IV, 1*1. :ii». li;,'. I: (Jopc, I'loc. Ac IMiila., isllt, |i. I. 7.'> : Itonlcn^rcr, Cat. Hatr. (iiad. Itrit. Mils., cd. ii, ICHJ, p. Wi. Siihimiiiiiird liiiiiiliriH llaliow., .lonni. Ac. IMiila., I'^H, p. I'JIi. Tmiiliii .' hiiiiihrin (ir.iy, (-'at. Matr, (irad. Mrit. Mas., cd. I, p. v'(i. .tmliljiMliiiiKt iiinicldliim tiray, ihiil.. p. 117. The head is eh)ii;;ate(l, vcf.v iniieh depressed, liatteiied, and when viewed IVoin above is miieli swoUeii posterioil.v. Tlie stioiit is very proiiiiiieiit, protnidin;,' beyond tlic lower Jaw. Tlie nostrils are ele vated, lateral, siibtcrininal, and far apart. The eyes very prominent ; their diameter enters only once in the distance between their anterior j'im and the extremity of the snout. The cleft of the month is larj:e and imdiilafinj,'. The maxillary teeth are proi)ortionally lar<;e, espe- cially on the lower jaw. They are lanceolate in shape, very acute ami thill. The palatine teeth are iiicoiispieiioiis, rather blunt, dispo.sed in an open V«haped lij;ure, the sninmit of which is directed ba(!kward, whilst its branches extend to the internal and posterior margin of the in tier nostrils. There are two elongated patches (»f miiinte teeth on the parasphenoid, clo.seiy appro.ximateil anteriorly and diverging slightly posteriorly, where they are rounder and broadesi. The cordiform or pel- tall tongue tills the whole space of the inferior lloor of the mouth. It is alt ii'lied along its meitial line, whilst its sides are perfectly free, as is also slightly its tapi-ring tif) and its posterior bilobed expansion. The neck is elongated and slightly (!ontracted; a distinct ami well- iiiarked gnlar fold may be observed. It no doubt exists during life, tliongh its|)resence has been contested by some writers. Tlie body is siibfiisifoim, diminishing towards both extremities. The siih's of the abdomen are transversely folded thirteen times between axilla and groin. Tlie tail is almost as long as the head and body to- m , 1 1 I I V i I ; 1 r i il 184 nULLKTIN 111, I'NITKI) RTATKS NATIOXAL MI'SKir.Nf. ijcllicr. It is siilM'.vIiiKlrical, soiiu'wliiit coiniu-essed, and tiuu'iiii;,' at Iho 011(1. Il;i iippci- and Imuci eddies art' roiiiidcd. Tlic limbs aiv sleiidor, tiif posti-rior oiu's a liltk- loiiijor aiitl stoiiu-r tliaii the ante rior. Wla'U tlii' loriiicrare liroiijilit Ibrvvanl and tlicl.itli r backward al(.ii;,'sid.' tlu' body tlio toes of citber sliKbtl.v ovi'ilap (lie (ttluT. The toes tlicmsrlvcsarc sIcikUt, oiiliicly froo, niid t«Mininalcd by a callous, disk-like cxpansi.m, resembling' in that respect some Annr.i. Tile anterior inner toe is (jiiite small; the third is the loiifresl ; tlie sec- ond nearly e(pial in si/e to the lonrlh ; the second and lourth are nearly e(|nal. The skin appears quite smooth; when examined under the micro, scope, however, il is found to contain a net work of minute irregular stelliform i)ores, each stella havin;; a Indlow or clear center or mouth. The enlor, as preserved on specimens in alcohol, is of n uniform li;;lil brown aiiove anil li^ht ycHow beneath. The sides, and frei|Ueiitly the upjier surfaces, are markeil with small irre{,ndar yellow spots. • ' * lA r^ KS 1 '3 5 Kill. 1 1. Aiil'^liir hfiiihrls-. No. |ii|7. I'rlaliliiiil, Cll. ; |. Miiltlircilli lllx, ill ilirliis. llH'llll. I,fii;;tli, axi.'i!, rioiii snout tn oiliit 'J IjrMj,'tli, ii\ial, I'll nil Hill 111 ( In 1 ictus oris ."> I.fiij;l!i, axial, Cioiii hikmi; to axilla 1. IS I.rli;,'tll, axial. IVhiii mioiiI In ;;r(iiii •,' Ci'.\ iiiM^lli, axial, iVoiii siimit to riid of vent '. )i. la L(Mi;;tli, axiiil, from snout to niil of tail 'J. (11! Li'li;;tll of foil'- li Mill -Ti I. I'll;; til of III ml liiiili i I.i'll;;tli of foic-fool 'JM I.i'ii;;fli of liiiiil foot I Will ill o( iiiiiii-foot soli" :i:i Willi li of licail at liiliis oris 1 Wiiltli of liody at iniddlt' .V.I Width of lioily at s.icnini . II The raii^'e of this species is limited. embra(Mii;;(>nly middle California, It is, however, not rare in that rej^ion. 1 I TIIK HArHACHIA 4)1' NOinil AMKUICA. .iiiliiilii.r liiijiihris Kiilliiw. i:i:si;i!Vi-: skimks. 185 ('iilalii;^!!!' No. Ill' iiiiiiiIm'I'. n|M'V. I.CM'illilV. Willi, rollocti'il. K.uM, «l„.m ivniv.'.l. N'»""«' '"■ "l-'l iiii'ii. 4017 in 4ii:io .1 iiiJi H lii:i(i I lii:in • I •lli'.M :i ii:.7ii I'l tiinl 1! miit; 1 imn 1 i:i!ii7 :i i:itii:i 1 irHii 1 HIT.-. li rcliiliima, Tftl K. SrtimifN Al.nli.ili.-. raiiilloiiis, Cal l.ii'iil \V. 1'. 'liiiw 1»M. I I liliiljir, I'.S. A. Ciilil'iiniiii (?) lUi. Sail l''nuiri.'<>. r.i;l r.juii.Cal Auk.— , iHT.'i H. \Vlliii»lia« |ti>. San I'raiiiUc II. < 'al I,ii'iit<'ii:iiil Waiicii . .. Itii. r.cikcli'V.C.'al ... I'-MI |{. i:. ('.SiiaiiiH Ito. ilo' IK^I ilii .. . I»ll. Mniii.ii-v.t'al Hi. r.iiii|illi'lil I Mi. f'aliliiiiiia (') 1)11. ^ '■ ■■I i This is one of tin' inost iiiaiUcd siu'cics ul Norili Aiiit'iiciiii salainati lU'i's. Tlio lai';;:t' tciiiporiil iiiiisclcs be- liiiid, ami s(>|tarat(> tin* ilt'iiiia IVoiii tli*' craiiiiiiii. Tiii' latt<-r adlicrcs to tiu' top of tli<> proiiiinctit iiiii/./.lc. 'IMic tissint' ol° llit' iiioiitli is siiiiialt', iiiosi stroii;;ly so in adult spt'ciincns. On the wlntlt'. the |>li,vsio;,'noin.v is not nnlik(4 that of the siiappini: toitoisf. 1 have little tlonhl that it is Mioi'<> capaldi- ot' inllictin;; a liitc than anv other of the Aineriean I'lodela. Its t'ood does not appt ar to dilVer nnieli IVoni that of other salainainlers; in the stomaeli of one I I'onnd ants, in anithet* three tn fonr species of lieetles, annni;.; them an entire Coeeinella. .MIuD.W l'KI{ICi;f.S <.'(.|.c. . I »i(ii/ci /(•)•; r/M ('ii|ii'. I'niri'cil. /,(•. Pliil.i.. l-.;.t. p. lii'.it IJoiilrii;;!'!', Cat. Italr. (iiatl. liiit. Mii-^., «•.!. II, 1<-.', |.. .■,:;. This is a smaller and more slender spei'ies than the last, not hein^' very iiill'eieiit in proit trlions froMi I'Ullnnliui Inlrniir Hits, \n\\ with a inoatler and more llatteiied head. The head is an elon;;ate oval, sli;;litly trniieat'' in front. The nostiils an' antero lateral, and with a delicate ;;roove coiiiiectinn' with the com- misstire of the month. ( 'anthiis lostralis not marked. The mn//.le is as lon.ii as the iissnre of the eye, while the len;;tii t»f the c:)minissiire of liie month (diagonal line) is ei|nal to the width of the head at the rictus. The tonjj;iie is largely free, the posterioi' pcntitm rather narrowly. The inner nari's are nearer lo;;('ther than the outer. The vomerine teeth commence heliind the nares, and form a siiifi'le series of einht on a rid^e, which is ;;;ently arilied hackwa ds on the median line. Tlie parasphenoid patch does not extend »|iiile foiward to tlie mid- tile of the orbits; it is minh Hatter and wider anteriorly than in .1. httiithris, and con tains opposite the posterior margin of the orbits ten ion^itudinal series of teeth, those oj' adjaceiil rows aiternatin;^'. • ? » } •t 'I .'I i f S IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I I£4|2j8 12.5 w 1^ mm lit 1^ 11.25 nil 1.4 Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WIST MAIN STUET WEBSTER, N.Y. MSSO (716)872-4503 V iV •sj % °>^^^^ to p X 186 DIILLKTIN :U, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. t ) Giilar fold well niarkcd; costal folds foiirfecii, not contiiinod on back or abdomen. The limbs, and especially the digits, are .slender; appressed to the side, they fail to meet by the length of the lin«ers. The form of the body is .slender and cylindric, and the width of the head enters the total length to the groin seven times. The tail is, as in .1. liifjuhns, eqnal to the head and body in length, cylindrical, slender, and .slightly compres.scd at tip. The thnmb po.ssesses a short phalange, but no part of it is free, as in A. iKfjiihris; on the other liand, all the phalanges of the other toes of both feet are more slender than the .1. luguhris, and the distal ones distinctly truncate and .slightly emarginate, with dermal thickening below tip. All are qnite free. Number o'' phalanges, 1-2-3-2, l-2-;}-3-2. Coloration.— Hides and nape greenish-gray; toj) of hea L(Mi};tli, axial, I'rom snout to end of vent ',*. Lenf^tli, axiiil, from .snout to end of tail :i. (i.") Lt'iifrtli of forc-limh i") Length of fore-foot 'J Li'iigth of liiud liml) 'i.'i Lt'i);;tli of 111 ml foot *J\ Width of body at sacrum 2 The maxillary bone displays the same sudden deeurvatnre anterior to and below the orbit which the A. hif/uhris does, but it is less marked; in consecpience, the commissure of the mouth is less sinuate. The long mandibidar and maxillary teeth, while of similar structure, are le.ss de- veloj^ed. IVf]iai».s larger specimens of this spi cies may be fuiiinl where they may be larger, as in small specimens of .1. Iiif/iihri.s they are nearly sinn'lar in proportions. Thoiigli nearly allied to the A. Iminhrh, the presefit species will never be confounded with it. It is a much weaker Ibrin.an i does not disp|:i.\ the characters of llic g(Miiis in .so .striking a degre'. The form of the >\ \ iO(l 1 THK HATRACIIIA OK NORTH AMERICA. 187 t , »* ; h ■ : \ tail is that of A. luffuhris, ami not tliat of ^l. iivdnus. lUit one speci- nu'ii has come under my oUservalion, as follows: No. 071>4i 1 si»ecimen ; Fort IJmpiiUii, Orcfjon ; Dr. Vollen. AUTODAX liiCANL'.S C.ipc. I'h'hodini ii'caiiHs Copo, Proccod. Ac. Pliila. 188!}, p. 21. .Iiniidct ii'ii'iiis Cit\K', I'rocciMl. Aiiicr. I'liilosoph. Sdc, 188!), p. ^viC). A I'liily f^rown imlividtial of tins speeics i)resents the followiuf;' char- acters: The form is ratlier robust, and the head is distiii<;nished from the neck by tiie swollen temporal mnscles. The muzzle is short and wiile, with roiiuded border, and is not so contracted as in the.l. liiiia- />//v. The len<;th from the end of the muzzle to the axilla enters that IVom the latter to the t-ioin one and a half times. The tail isof moderate Icnjith, equiilin,n' tlmt of the body (includinf? vent) nearly to the thora(!ic fbhl. TIh! width of the head enters the lenj>th from end of muzzh? to j;ioin live and one half times— a proportion intermediate between tho.se exhibited by the two other species of the fi'enus. The limbs are rather robust, and when ai)pressed to t!,.; .sides leave an interval of three iMler<;ostal spa(;es. The top of the head is flat, and the least interorbital width is ecpial to the lenj^tii from the eye to th(^ end of the muzzle and to the space inclo.si'd between the external borders of the external nares. The commissure of the mouth rises behiml the line of the orbit as in the.l. Iii(/iihri^. The muzzle does not project lieyond the mouth, as it does in .1. luiftthris. The internal nares are very small. The tongue is lar<>e and antero posteriorly oval, and is t'xtensively free at the sides. The vomero palatine teeth are in two short rows of three or four teeth each, which (M)mnK'nce behind the internal nares, ou a liiu' with their inter- nal borders, and converge, with slij;hi posterior inclination, without meetinfj. The patch of parasphenoid teeth is wide and subtruneate in front, and is undivided except towards the i)osterior ])ortion. The larjxe teeth of the Jaws are not so well developed as in the .1. int/Kbris^ ar(^ nH)re sleinler in form, and not so numerous. They s of the larji'cr size in the uppi'i- jaw. Three or four of the posterior imixillary teeth are like those (»f the dentary bone, but Ihey ;4iadiiate anteriorly into teeth of the usual type. An examina- tion of otherspeciuuinswill be necessai'y toascertain whether these teeth i»econu5 permanent or not, or whether they are developments of the lireedin<>' season. The larj;e temi)oral muscles, curved coi: nissure of the Mn)Uth, etc., so re.send)l(^ the correspondiiiii' parts in the .1. liiijiihriii, that I suppose their i)ermanentdtMital characters to be alike. Thennix- ill-ry bone projects abruptly downwards behind th(^ last nmxillary lOoth, formiuff a snn)(>th eil;i'e. as in A. hifiKhris. -l \v > T 188 BULLETIN :!l, UMTEI) STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. The skill ol" the A. iiranm is smootli. Tliere are tliirteeii hiteral IbUls between axilla aiid yroiii, and a stroiij; pectoro jiiilartbld. The hit- ter rises on each side in front of the shoulder, and then turns upwards and forwards. It is soon changed into a narrow dermal ridge or rib, whieh is (Irst eonvex iii)wards and then eonvex downwards, and then terminates in line with the e.ve a diameter of the latter behind it. The feet are short, i.nd the diyits are tlattened and are obtuse at the tips. The pollex is only free by a slight notch, and the hallux by a rather deei>er one. The phalanges are: Anterior, l-2-.'5-2; jmsleiior, l-L'-:5-3-2. The third and (iflli anterior digits ar<' equal, while the l)osteriors run l-2-i"i-;i-l, beginning with the shortest. The third and fourth are nearly equal. The tail is somewhat depress(>d at the base, and beeonics round in see- tion to the end of the jtroxima] two -fifths. It then becomes giadually more compressed, until ic is quite Hat for the distal third. 2 V / ^^afi/ III m \\\ ^ 7 1 3 4 6 T\r..W). AiitmJax iVcaniin. No. U'lOC. Slmst.i County, ('alifuniiii ; \. The color is black, relieved by a yellowish-brown shade of the ehin. and of the i)alms and soles, and half the inferior side of tiie fore aim- A line of the same (!olor passes from the nostril to the upper lip, and lln' lower eyelid has the same color. The sui)erior surfaces and sides ot the hea I, body, and tail are dusted rather thickly with small suiH'(pial bluish-white spots, much as are seen in Plethodon (jlKtinosus. M(enj;tli of hind limb (117 lieiiniii of Iiind foot (t(W Width between orbitH (least) niKti; Width of head (;j;reat(>Ht) Oil The typical adidt specimen displays the anomaly of the suppression of the fourth posterior digit of the left side. This salamander resembles tiie rkthmhn glntinosus in various re- spects, especially in coloration. It lias, however, a compresscMl tail, like tiie /'. intarmeiliiin, and short series of vomerine teeth. The reeurviMl commissure of the mouth gives it the smiling expression ehjiraeteristie I «i t'.ii. ;f'ffq»'i THE ISATKACIIIA OF NORTH AMERICA. 181) of the other species of Autoilox, which is quite (litlereiit from that seen ill ricthodoii. TUii Aiitodnx ii'canns was originally established on a half grown speci- men found by myself in Shasta County, Cal. A second specimen of the same size was sent to the National i\[useu.n by Mr. Charles Town- send from the same locality. The young specimens do not display the physiognomy of the genus, but have the usual want of character as coMipared with the adult. The vomerine series of teeth are, however, rather better developed. The typical specimen has the following char- acters : The vomerine series are straight, and do not quite meet on ihe mid- dle line. They are entirely behind the nares, and do not extend exteri,)r to them. Tiie paras[>henoid patches are united into one, and are well separated from the vomerines. Form rather stout, and the tail short, etpiiding (from vent) the length of the body (with vent) to the gular fold. Costal folds, 1'}. IIea O'JTf) Willi li of Lead at e-aiitlms oris 0(Hi l.i'iinlli of anterior limb , ()();l Lciifitli of anterior f.)ot (102 Len<;tli of ))(i.s(erior limb OOV.") l.fn;;th of jKLsterior foot OUlVi This species is to be compared with the Vkthcdon inteniwilinn of western Oregon. It is shorter ami more robust in form, having only thirteen costal plica* instead of fifteen. The color is very diBerent. I'al. Nil. Xo. spcr. I:i71ll I I.V.Ki I.ociilily. (;()llrcliir. Mil i III, Sli;isl:i Cuuiil.v, Ciil i'nia, .Mn:int Sliasta. From the same name the town of Yrekii d<'riv«'s its name. So I am inlbi'med by Judge liose- bor(Uigh, of that place, to wlioin I am under great ol>!igations I'or many facilities and much inl'ormation. 190 liULLKTIN HI, L'MTKI) STATES NATIONAL Ml'SlOUM. i)i<:sM(XJNATinj)Ji;. Copt', Joiiiii. Ac. Nat. Sim. IMiihi., ISCUi, 107. Ptor.vgoids wantiiij;-. Oibitospliciioid sc'i)iiiiiteuishes this laiiiily eliielly from the last. Ill the only genus wliicli represents it, there are iiiiiiientus peculiarities, which are not found elsewhere. Should other j,'eiiera b(^ found which do not possess tliciii, the above diaj-nosis would probably be the proi)er test of their family allinities. The distribution is continod to the eastern district of the nearctic realm so far as yet known. The Thoriida' only dill'er lioiii the DesnioKiiathida' in the o.sseons carpus and tarsus. The single genus Thorius Cope is included by iJoulenger in the Desmognathida'. Thorius has a boletoid tongue like Spelerpes, and the parietal region mostly membranoiis. Toes, 1-5. One species, T.pcitnatulus Cope, of small size, from E. Mexico. DES:\IO(JNATnUS Baird. .JoiiMi. Ac. .Nut. Sci., I. •JSj.-J-jr. : Gray, Cut. I?rit. Mas., isr.ii, iii ; (.'ope, I'loccfd. Ac. Pliila., l-^Oll ll'i : Straiicli, Salam., j). 72 : 15(iiilcnj,'cr. Cat.Hatr. Sal. IJiit. Miis. -(Lii, \^S>, p. 77. Premaxillaries united, embracing a fontanelle ; parii'tal bones o.ssi- lied. rretVontsil bones wanting. ()ccii»ital condyles on cylindric i>ed- estals. Temporal muscle arising only from the atlas, with ii tendinous external margin and insertion, i)assing freely over the parietal and I)rootic bones. Tonguti attached, except by its lateral and posterior margins. V^oinerine and sphenoidal teeth present. J)igits distinct, l-"*. The absence of o. prefrontale does not ai)iiear to be the result of its confluence at any late [)eriod with thenasale; its ordinary position is traversed by the frontal suture. Tiie frontal bone is decurVed, and closes the preorbital aspect of the super[)alatal vacuity, usually opsii. This marked genus, so aliundantly represented by individuals in the eaMtern district of Xorth America, is not admitted by either Diimeiil (u- Ilallowell, probably becaii.se it dojs not dill'er in external characters from riethodon. It is anexcellent illustration of the error of adhering to external characters only, iii tlieexitlanatioii of the relations and allinities of organized beings, except for a liiniteil range. Tlie examination of the .skeleton of six'cies of this genus utterly changes tho imi)ressions produced by a consideration of tlie extcrnil cliara(!ters. It may bo stated aschar.icteristic of the Ijatr.uihia in general that their iiflinities can not be determined without study of the skeleton. i: if'^^fi J Till-: IIATUACIIIA OF NORTH AMlUilCA. 191 There arc no (loriniil appeiulages developed in tbis genus at tbe hreedin}^" season. 1. Mali^s witli posterior liii'f of the mandible coiiciivo and edentnlons. Infciior liiteriil scries of poros iniperfoct or wanting, HnjH'riar nono ; no luln'iclc ill cantiiiis ocnii ; tail mostly roundi-d ; fourtiu'ii costal plica'; a jiillowisli (lorsiil band ; belly immacnlato ; size small If. ocliroiilidK, II. Males with mandibnlar alveolar mari^in continnons and completely tootb(!d. Iiil'crior lateral series of pores well dc^vcloptid, snpciioi' irregular or wantiii,^; a tubercle in caiitluis ocnli ; tail compressed, keeled, and linned; fourtetiii costal plica'; above dark spotted, below niarbb^d ; size medium 1). fnncd. I'w o well-develo|)ed lateral seric s of pores ; a marked tubercle in the cantliiis of the eye; tail llattened, linned above, attcMiuate; twelve costal folds.; black above and below ; sizi! larjft; I), nigra. DIvSMOGXATHUS OCIIROPILKA Cope. I'roceed. Ac. N'at. Sci. I'liila., ISV.t, l','-2. This small species bears a strong reseniblaniie to the Spclerjx.s hi- line(ttu.s Vtvaaw, and, apart from generic characters, may be known from it by the rounded tail, the paler-colored abd()men, and the light bar iVom the eye to the angle of tiie mouth. Its proportions are stouter tiian in Plethodon cincrciis crijtliyonotnH, to which it also bears some re- .send)lanee. Tiie costal folds are thirteen, but fourteen if that which is immedi- ately above the groin be counted. The hrst falls immediately into the axilla. This is the chaia(!teristic an-angement in I>.fnsc. itiiiru the fold above the groin usually extends to it, and is the twelfth, vviiilc; that which corresponds to the first of the species before named I aiisjust in ailvaiuie of the axilla. Though this is typical of />. ni(;i. ochroi>h(va are very difUcult to observe. In a few specimens I have seen a few of those of the lov.er .series ; the upper I bc- lii've to be wanting. The gnlar fold is distinct, and another vertical fold coiiiinences behind its extremity, and turning longitudinally, extends more or less distin(!tly to the orbit. As in other species, the derm a. /kscun. The structure of the males is in the luaudibular dentition (juite that of the genus Autodax ; the A. fcrrcits presenting the characters but little more stiongly. No such sexual dil!ereiu;e can be found in the I), /'itsrd, though the commissure only may be sometimes more (Icxu- ous in uuiles. The Jaws antl dentition in the 7>. iiifjra do not dilfer in t!i(! two sexes. I have observed that two of the many males of />. ovhro- ^>//fm possess the female denition. The tongue in I). ochviq)hnt( is an elongate oval, cousideiably free behind. The color of females is a bright brownish yellow, fading to dirty white below, with a dark brown shade on each side from the eye to liie end »)f the tail, which is daikest above ami gives the dorsal space the char- acter of a band. There is an irregular scries of brown dots along the vertebral line. .Males are rather larger and usually darker in color ; thus the dorsal baml is brownish, the lateral band blackish, and tlu^ dorsal spots more distinct. In most speciuu'us of both sexes there is a light band from the eye to the rictus oris, and the belly is idways im maculate ; the gular region nearly always. The testes and v is deferens are covere. fitscn when roady to be dis- charged, and as the species is only half the size of the same, the eggs in the oviduct of a gravid fenuUe atone tinu', are oidy half as nnnu-rous. I have oidy found from (5 to 10 in />. ovhrophmt, in each oviduct, while from 18 to 30 may be counli d on one side in D. fifscd. ('aljl(, iiiiimImI "n I THE IJATRAcnilA OF NOUTIf AMERICA 193 MiaiiivniuHls of Xo. (WJl, iii hiihiH. ItlcllI'M Li'iigtli, iixial, from Niioiit to rictus oris j Li'ii;;tli, fixiiil, from snout to iixiliii 4(; I,('i);;tii, axial, from snout to j^roiii l.«2;) Li'ii;;tii, iixijil, from snout to end of vent l.f)! I,('ii;;tli, axial, from snout to end of tail ;i. (II l,rn.i;tli of fori! liuil) ;{ 1 -I'll:; til of for(! foot (W hi'nj;tli of hind linil> ;{(j Li'n;;tli of Iiind foot 17 W'idtll of liind-foot sole ^ Will III of head at lictns oris ecies befor.', I described it. I published his su^'^festion, expressed in ii letter, tlnit. it was tiie S. Iialdnnani of Ilolbrook. Ilolbrook's fiojure does not represent tlii.s species in any deoree, nor is his description more conclusive as to the reference of this species to it rather than some others. JJe says it is marked with spots on the upper surfaces, which are "disposed without much regularity," but the largest arc on the iiaidvs. There are but few sjjots above in this animal, and they are in a regular mediiin series. The sides iire banded. He also describes and ligures the belly as yel- low, which it is not in JJcHmof/nathns oohropluva. The ISalamandra hat- dvman'i ai)pears to me to have been proposed on an unusually s[)otted Spclcrpes bilineafus. PvsmofjiKtthHn ochrophwu Cope. (!atiiln(jiii' Xo. of IIUIlllllT. .SJIOC. 3017 10 4U11 ;i ■-'0 4530 5 Locality. Alli'Kiiiiv (!i)iuitv, X. Y liiaiUiinl Cipinil'v, I'a... .Mciiilvillc, l>a Wlu'iii'ii anil liipw ubtaiuL'il. Or. Stevens. C.C Martin. l'r()re.s,sor Wllliani.s. Siis(iiieliaiuia Comity, I'a j I'rofew.sor Coiic. u I M I "h> J 11)51— Bull 31- ■13 , 194 nULLKTlN 'M, lJXI'"-'i:0 STATlvS NATIONAL MirSKUM. „ ! * 'i: If .' Varictji. A spi-ciiiK'n with Hii' ik'iitition, colonitioii, aiid pioporiicMis of body iiiid tail of this spi'dos wa.s sent to the Sinitlisoiiiiin Institiilioii Worn iiortlieni (Iforgia by Dr. .loius. It iipinoaclics tUv. IK fnsca in having a snnill tuhvrvuUm cunthuK oaiU, and a woll-devt'loiied infericM' series of niucoi s pores. DliSMOGNATIIUS FU.SCA Kill. (riati's:it,lij;s. ."),(;; :i(l, lif?. 1 ; ir>, li^'.7.) (var. fiinva.) Baird, Jonni. Ac. riiila. (■.'), i. i>.'^-.'>; Cope, I'loccil. Ac. riiilii,, i. lf^(V.», p. 11.'); Sfraiicli, Saliiin., p. T»; (irav. Cat. Hatr. (iiail. IJrit. Miis., c(l I, p. 10: nonlci),>;cr, Cat. ISatr. (iiail. Hiit. Mii.s.,c(l. ii, \S-*'2, p. 77. Triliirut fiiariiH Raliii,, Annals of Nature, \&i\> (jUh IJainl). SaUimandra iiitirmi.rta('. HI. J)esinogiiathH8 J'nsvd var. aiiricitlata Cope Proc. Ac. Pliila., lHi;i» ,)). lltl; l{oulen>;er, Cat. Hatr. Grad. Hrit. Mns., ed. in, l-^Si, p. 7H. This, perhaps the most abundant salamander in North America, is (luito variable in coloration, but not in proportions and struettiral jte culiarities. Tiio.so of the latter which characterize it are the presence oi' fourteen costal plicae; one well, and one little developed lateral se- ries of mucous pores; the equal and regular distribution of teeth on the mandible of males ; the compressed tail keeled above and tinned distally ; the presence of a tubercle in the anterior canthus of the e.ve ; the marbled color of the belly. In many quarts of specimens I lind four specimens from southern localities; two in tlie I'hiladelpliia AiMd eniy from Charleston, two in the Smithsonian from IJiloxi, .Miss., whicli have fifteen plica', but one of the latter has fourteen on one side. In specimens which have been preserved in too strong spirit th(5 pores are rendered invisible; the same occurs when the spirit is impure or weak. In soft specimens, the canthal tubercle sometimes disappears, and in many young si)ecimens and some sidult females it does not ap- peal' to exist. The head is more depressed and the muzzle prolonged than in species of other genera. The eyes arc piominent; llic plica' behind them strongly marked. These consist of one on each sitle the head and nape, which convei'ge posteriorly and then turn abruptly outwai'd, to be continued into the gular plica. A secLMid plica extends from the man- dible across the rictus oris to the upper plica. A second longitudinal -i A A I Tf of \\ (! times. The vomerine teeth are often wanting, and when present iiie minute and few. Their basis is a ridge, whi(!h extends from behind (lie middle of the posterior nares Jicross the palate with a posterior con- vexity. The parasplienoid patches are small and not in contact; they do not extend to opposite the middle of the orbits. The median toes are elongate, and as in I). orliroplKva ; they fail to meet by four interspaces when pressed to the side. The tail has a char- acteristic form, which is invariable at all periods; near the base the sec- tion is trigonal ; the dorsal keel increases in elevation and becomes a narrow tin i»osteriorly ; the extremity is attenuated. Its length is just ecpial to that of the remainder of the animal. ^/ ^ f I' ^ii|!; i I ■ A a.i 'A tf ; 1 11 ''! '1 VVi.ix. Demiwfjnathtis /iinyjt fituca. No. 40. (^arli.sle, Pa. -, f. i i There are two color varieties, which blend together so as to indicate that no higher value can be attached to them ; one of these is the Sala- iiKtniIra aKricidata of llolbrook. AImim- Itiown, Willi ^r.iy an;i()n; tliey are rarely so well distinjjiiislied or so brijjjlit as in tlic specimen of the same which furnished the type of IFollirook's S. (juatl- rimaviildtd. The pink fades to oraiif^e brown or oclii r, and to pale lirowii, with a^'e, and at the fnllest maturity all are lost in a uniform blackisli Mvasiinminln of Xo. (W.)2, in incites. IllCllt'H. Lciiji,'(li axial, from siioiit to rictus oris :i Leiij,'!!!, axial, tVoiii snout ti> axilla 71 Lt'iij,'tli, axial, I'loin Niiont to ^roiii l.;t:, Lciijjtli, axial, from snout to end of vent '2.'.i Lcn!^;li. axial, from snout to end of tail 4.(i Len<;t!i of fore limli Iv! Length of fore foot I"> Lengtli of hind limb (i-J l,eiij,'th of hind foot "Jii Width of sole foot 1(1 AVidtli of head at rictus oris. :i7.") Width of body at miildle .'if) Habitat, etc. — This si)ecies lives chiefly JUiionj; the stones in the many shallow rivulets iind springs of the hilly and monntainons regions of the country. It is not so partial to deeper iind stiller waters as tlie Spclcriirs ruber, hut prefers the rapid and shallow streamlets; here it may be found under every stone, or its delicate larva may be ob.served darting rapidly from jdacy to place, seeking concealment among mud and leaves. The />. fusat is one of the most active and vigorous of our species. The i)eciiliiir structure of tlu^ temporal muscle and its ten- dons, and of the occipital condyles, with the siriiigth of the bones of the front, enable it to bnri'ow among stones and in earth more readily than the species of other genera. When pursued, it runs ami wriggles out of sight with the gretitest rapidity, and is (piickly concealed by as- sistance of its dusky c(dors. Professor Baird originally noticed the enritais disi)osition of the eggs iu this species, which I have verified on a lew occasions. As in the J M 17 47 fi8 OH rw^ THE nATRACiriA OV NOUTlI AMKRICA. 197 ) I iiiiiii'ou.s genua Alytes, tlni psK'^j '^" I'lnissioii, uro comu'C'ted by an iilbu- iiiiiioiis tlirt'iul, which soon coiitr.Kst.s iiiul hanliMis. One of the soxes protects this rosary by wr.ippiii;; it sevenil times roiiiul the body iiiiil reiiiiiiiiiii}f cuuceiiled in a (ionipiiratively dry spot. How \ou{i this ;;niird continnes is not known. Tiie most lOastern specimen I luiveseen is from Kssex (!onnty, Mass. ISesiiU's a {^reat nnmber of spe. of Npt'L'. 21! [^(loiilily. :iU(i!) :i!iu hMIJ (iSM KS.'H li:il7 «>(i:t 7s:in :i!tl!t :iMhO (;h:i(i sk:ii :i7K4 llttii 7!llM ;i!)ll! :i7ii:t KKi:. :is7ii ;iii7H .'I'.Ki:. 171H 4717 08:1(1 «is:ij I I K 10 ID .'i 2 III ir. 1 1 u (j diirlisli'. I'll M:iliilfvilli>, I.:i Kinsldii, N. i; .Mrailvillr, IM (^'iiiliilc, Vii Siilcm, \.(; N;ishvillc, da Alilicvilli', S. C Wc.sl|i(irl, N. V 'I'l IlllfSSt'i' CI kImiiiiii Ciiillit v. I'oilli WllCIl (MiUi'cled. From whom icceivod. N..V.-, IS78 Aiij:. 5, IKSU Vin{. S. V. Iliiinl N. (). Ai'aclnniv W.'lshtM' A MiliiiT I'ldl'i'MHcir WillianiK . ., I'lof. S. K Itairil .1 T. Miwliack , \V. .1. Tavliir Pn.l. S. [■: ltair.1 j . . <1(> lK7fl .r. N. It. SiarlMMKiiKh... . lid :-8 :i .'■. :iii|4 :i :i»(i8 3 :i8!)l & :i7i;o :i 11. -.la 1 4K4:i 1 aui2 4 u:iot •1 ' 1*477 >l :iii25 :! UIIUI 10 (wai - 1«51 r.iliiniliiis, Uliiii ' I'ldl. I,. I.i's(|iii'HMix. itiaiii;!'. N. .1 Dr .J. (i()liiiii;li, I'a Ilii;lilaiiil Ciiiiiity, Oliiii Km aw, Ml Mi'ri>iiL:li, (ia H.I„\i, Mis.H NiitillK of H|irrimi ii. A! 1H7 (:,<]. IJ I.. ('. Wiiili^s I J. Itlcliaril I I'. I,. JdUV I I. III. K. Ilaviiiiiiiil { K.CIaikii' ! A. V. Wiioslor j (!) ! lir w.'i.'.JiVnVH "!!!;.'.'.'! (;. Itilliuau ! riiliiilic. Oil. Do. Dii. Do. I>i>. I o. l)i>. Oil. 1)11. 1)11. I III. Do. Do. Do. Do. niva. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. UKNEUAI. SKUlIiS. I •JO 1 1 Hi *J7 .'I I I! 2 •I \ I I 'JO Sali«m,N.(; Illj.'lilaii(l CoHiily.Oliio J Mivicl villi', I 'a , Williams Aujjiisla, (!.i ; Win. I'liil i|n (•> I (.') Kraiiklio Coiiiitv, Ti nil 1 .1. N. Ii. S iiiltoinoKli WiisliiiiL'loi, D. (; ' (.'» <'oliipil)ia,.s. C I Dr. (i>o. A. Moraii,!'. S. A U'a-ililii;;lOM, D (! I Dr. 10. (!oUrs fliuki'Coiihlv, Va ' [ (". It. K. Kciinrrly Sal.iii N.(; ; ' .1. T. Liiiiliaik .: Amli'iMiiii. S. C (^iiiriiinati, Oliio. (Iliiiilnrtloii. S C Wvlhi'villr, Vii . fa'rlisli", I'll .il Col. M. Mi'Domilil ... I Prof. .S. K liain; .III! MI.H.sis 2 .ilo Knoxvillo, TiMin Columlila (^iiiiiity, I'li (ioorjiiu 1 ilo ilo ... ilo ilo ■ ! (.'1 .1 I'lolM. It. Mililii-ll Dr. Ilinclc'isoii I Di . W. L .1 m:n .... .; .... ilo llll Ilo ilo Aliviliolir. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Ilo. Do. Do. Do Do. Do. Do. D.i. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. IfU I---! 198 BULLETIN ;il, UNITKD STATES NATIONAL MUSEITM. DcsmoijiialhuH fimca tiiiricnlala IloHtrook. KESKUVK SEKIliS. Ontnlii'iiic No. of iiiiij spec. Rno« 8 HHII) Id :in(ii 1 ; (m:io 5 »8C0 3 Locnlily Oakloy, S. (' ('iiiciiiiiiiti, Oliio ... 1 ■ Itiifbinoii^li, (jii . . . (.'» Knoxvillc, Ti'iiM — When I'olU'l'tcll. Apiil ."i, IH77 Kioiii whom iTi'i'ivi'd, K. \V. Hay ward .1. N. 1!. Sr:iiI)i>ioii};li. Dr. \V. L. .lolifs (.') I'rof.J.Jl. Milcli.ll .. Nature of !4|IVI'illlrII. A!( iiliolic Do. Do. Do. Do. I DESMOCiNATHUS NIGRA (irc.n.* Baird, .Iimrii. Acad, riiila. (•,') i, \^.'2di> ; Copo, rroecc.l. Ac, Pliilji., IHd'.t, J). 117; .Straiuli, Salam., p. "li ; (iray, Cat. liatr. (irail. Brit. Miis., 0(1. 1, p. -10; Boiilengcr, Cat. liatr. (iia. HI, I'l.'i?. AmhUjHioma n'Kjnim Diiiii.A; Bibr., ]>. 10.'>. J'hthodon n'Kjvr IIalli)\v.. Jour. Ac. Pliila. (2), in, p. :M4, partim. Tliis i.s the most robust SiilaiiiaiHlor of tlie oastorn ro;;i(>n.s oC our zoological roalin; it i.s not so sIimkUm' as the (ii/rinophilusporphi/riticns, and isainudi stronger animal. AscompanMl with the P./usca it isiinnli larger, tlie tail ismoreconii)rosse(l and extensively finned, and the color is uniibrmly different. Mesides the ciiaracters already pointed out in the table, it differs from ]>.fuscii as follows: The parasfdienoid i)atcli(s of teeth are prolonged more anteriorly, and approach very near the vomerines in most instances; tliey are always i)rol(niged beyond tlie middle of the orbits ; their prolongation is at the same time nsirrowed, and in most the patches are not distinguished at this point. Tlie v(»m- erine series are better distinguished (though not always), being oblia(iiie paljtebrue. A tubercle oeeu- pies tlie iinterior angle, wliicli, after an exiuninatioti of tliat in D./usca, is i)roven to be a disMienibernient of the superior eyelid. The coloration is uniform in about twenty specimens examined. It is simple, viz: Uniform blaclc above and below, except the muzzle from between the eyes, the lower Jaw, the end of the tail, and the soles of the feet, which are brown. Fi'.\, in inches. Indies. I,i'n;;tli, ;ixi,il, from ciul of iiiii/zlc to oiliit 2'.) I,('ii«;tli, axial, from t'lid of iiiii/./'i^ to cuntliiis oris !'>rt l,('ii,;;lli, ;i\i.ii, from cud of iiiiiz/l(> to ax II In l.'J'J l.i'M;;lii, iixial, fiom ciui ol iiiii/zU^ to }iroiii ;t. i»;$ 1/iijilli, axial, fioiM I'lul of muzzle to cml (.f voiit, I?. 7() l.c'ii^lli, axial, from t'lid of mtizzlt> to cud of tail (i. i)G I, CM Hill ol' fore liiiili (i!> l.eili;tll of fore foot i!(5 l.cii^lli of liiiid liml) l.O'i I.eiiu'lli of liiiid fool 47 Willi li of hind -fool sole 27 Willi li lici wccii cyc.s ill front :iO Width at can 111 us oris Cm Will 111 of hoily 7't Will 111 of liody ;il sacriiiu ,')4 ll(ihil>!, cIc.—TUis creature is aquatic; but iifter the fashion of the 7). fiisca it occurs only in slmllow stony brooks. It is, so far its known, conrincd to the AUeohiiny mountain ranges from Pennsylvania south- w;»rds. It is abundant in the streams of the rocky ravines and cold springs in the remotest depths of the forest, where its retreat is cool and dark. It seeks .'.onceaime.it uiuler loose stones and sliibs of slate with great activity, and is not easily caught. Its habitat does not seem to be shared by any species but the D./tiRcn; the fijirinophilKH porpliji- riticiis, the other characteristic Alleghany species, haunting standing springs and bogs, where stones are not so numerous. Green described it from Pennsylvania, but IJaird, who i.s familiar with the Alleghany fauuiiof our State, says he has not observed it near Carlisle; nor have :\ met with it north of Virginin, where it is common. Besides Green's I .' 1 1 4 ■ui ! 'i ?' 'I' ' ii 20;) lillLLETIN ;VI, CKITKD STATKS NATIONAL MUSEUM. {yim and .specimuiis iVoiii near tlie Kanawha River, in soiitliwcstoni Virginia, in the iMiihi(U'l|>hia Academy Museum, the Smithsonhm con- tains tlie following: Di'smtii/iialliiiH iiiyni Green. eiit..l()^iio NiuiiIh'v lllllllllUI'. j of M|IUC. Locality. WluMico aiiil liow olilaiijril. 3880 392:1 14U0 0 I (;i.(>i"ia , Dr. W. Ii. "'iiiirs. 4 AhlM'villi'.S. (• ■ 1>1-.''- r-. liaiiiilt. •> (iilcs Cimiitv, Vi\ K. D.Odiii'. 1 I Wyllio (.'oiiiitv, V;i <"'>1. M..Mil)(Piialcl. SALA.MANDKIJJ.K.* Oiiiy PioccL'd. Zool. Soc. London, 18.")H, p. 142. Cope, Jouni. Ac. Phil., iscr), p. 107. Noethinoid bone. Palatine.s with i)o.sterior separate processes e\. tending over tlie parasphenoid, bearinjj; teeth on their inner margins. Prel'rontals and pterygoids present. Parietal entirely separated from jtrefroiitals by broad frontals. Orbitosphenoid continent with prootie. No d(Mitigeroiis plates on the paraspheuoid. No postfronto s(piamosal ar:'.h. The ceratohyal free, connected with the (piadrate by liganienf. Carpus and tarsus osseous. Vertebne opisthoctelous. No otoglossal cartilage. The hyoid apparatus in this family is like that of the IMethodontidie. There is a hyi)ohyal on each side, of the anterior extremity of the basi branchial which does not irticul.itc! with the ceratohyal. In Triturus, Salainandra, and IlemisalamaiidiM, it is short 'Mate 30, (ig. S) : while in Chioglossa it is recurved posteriorly, passing under the ceratohyal of each side, and almost reaching tlu basibranchial again near the point of origin of the ceratol)ranchi;il (Plate 30, fig. 9). It thus forms a nearly complete ci'ch', suj)i)orting the circumference of the tongue. This circle has the same function as that in Amblystoma, but is of diiVerciil homologicjal value. Api)ropriately to this functional resemblance to the American forms, the proximate extremity of the ceratohyal is at tached to the distal extremity of the suspeihsoriiim, but by ligament. In ITemisalamandra, on the other hand, it is attached to the pwri nal l)artof the same by ligament, thus furnishing a condition intermediatei between the types of (Miioglossa and of Dieinyctylus. This family is condned to tlie Old World. It embraces the following genera: L Miixillary and pti'rv},'()id Ijones .scpaiiite, the fornier not rearliinj; iiiiadratc. «i, Ton^iU! lari^e, scarcely free, at edfre.s ; (cetli in two ionj{iti»dinal cnrveiU;e- ries Saldiiiaiitlni. Ton^^ue .small, not fr(!e; teetli in two stiaij^lit, p trallel Heries.. Iliminalanuiiidva. r II. IK Joi 1 I *^ f TITK HATRACniA OF NORTH AMI'^RICA. 201 (\(X. A lij;;iiii('ii(()ns iiostfroiito-siiUiUiiosiil arch. Toiij^iit' siiiiill ; voiiicnipiiliitinc. Iciali in loiii^iliiiliiiiil Mcrii;s, wliiuli convoi'j^u and join anteriorly, fDnniii^^ a /^ TrilitniH. II. IMi'ryyoid united broadly with nia::illary bon?. I'oHt('lonto-.s(|naniosal arch partly lif^atiiontons ; tongue littlo fri'c ; teeth rorniinj; a A Piichyliilon The si)(>(;ies of this family let'onled in IJonleiigor'.s CatiUogue of the l)iitish >[usouiii an' the following: Chio(jhtsf() to 12,000feet; »S'. caucnsica Waga, Caucasus; Hon- isdlanntndm cr'tstata Laur., Europe; Trifunis blunii De I'lsle, north- west France; T. marmoratun Latr., France, Spain, Portugal; T. alpcs- /;/.v Liitir., central Europe; T. ntlfjaris Linn., Europe, except southern France, Spain, ami Poitiigal; temperate Asia; T. vrocntm ('oi)e, Syria ; 7'. 7)innt(inus Savi, CorsicM ; I'lfchytriton hrccipes Sauvage, South Kiansi, China. PLEUIJODELID.E. ('ope, .Jonrii. Acad. I'hila., 18-*li. p. lUS. J'lnir I'leiiroih'lin. II. Maxillary bono reaching quadrate. Toes .') (1 lossoIcgaA The species of the above genera arc as follows : SalamandriHa pcr- )itillata Savi, Ftalv; Dioniirtiilus vittatua Gray, Asia Minor, Syria; fipt />. pxbuafus St'hneid., central an.d western Euroi)e; ]>. ^nontanihniii IJoul., aMohlavia; />. hnsrw Latasti', Spain, Portugal; J). 2>!l>'rho(faslcr !? Scirniiold ltarM<-s. t Tyhlrilon Anders. ^02 niTLLETIX :M, TTNITKU STATKS national MUSKUJi. IJoio, Japan, Cliiiia; P. sinensis Gray, Cliiiiii , !>. lorosus Escli., Cali- Ibriiia, Orej,'oii ; />. riridcsccns Hal", Nortli Ainciica, oastcni and aus- trofipariau rt'-iitns ; />. r«.sxY>«// (l(''ii(', Saidiiiia ; />. asper Dngvs, I'.vr- oiiee:-*, Spain ; PIrnrotlclcs irallli Miclia'.i., Spain and Portugal, Tan- {"•iers; aioss()lc!/(t itnircli V,i^vvii\>i, Al.-^icis; GJidf/cnmnellcri hutiista, Al- ff' ors; W. .'YVTHtusvr Anderson, Eastern Himalayas, Yunuan. DIKMVCTVLUS Kaf. Annals of Xiit lire, Marcli, l-'-JO, X... '22, p. ">: jrallowcll Jonrn. A-\ Pliiln. (\. s.).iM,|>. :!i'>;i: ('|>1H>, rroiM'cd. Ac. IMiila., Irt.V.t, p. V>il Xoloplillmhinis ]:ni\\\r:.:>: M.iinl, Jonrn. Ai'. I'liila., (.v. .s.) i.p.'iHI. .V»/.v<; Mcin:::,Tcntaincn, Syst. Ain|iliiliiarnni, l-^Jit. p. K> ; Honlcnjii-r, Cat.Malr. (iiad. lirit. Mns., ii, C, H-i-J, jciik. /•;»;)w/H.v (MMi<^,.^.vn. l{.'plil..SMnIinia, p.'-'S: Itonap., I'anna Ilalit-M ; Ciipf. /. c, ).. 1','7. ('liuojix 'I'sclindi, I'.afr., |s:!>, p. '.H. Tiiyirlid (li;iy, Cat. li.itr. (irad. IJrit. Mns,, ISJ,",, p. ',>,"), The liyoid api>aratns in this fjenns is inn(^li as in thi- IMcthoilontidai and tii(! Salaniandrida'. Tiiere is a small liypoliyal, which does not aiticnlate with the ceratoliyal. In Dil'itii/riiilHs forosiis there is a .second lirocess on earh side posterior to tiie hyoohyal,* which nniy he honinln jions with tlie sinular second lateral cartilajje in Jjin(iii(il(ii>siis ttniiii hitns, or even with the oto^^lossal cartdajic. The ceratoliyal is divided. lliei)roximal half o.ssoons. Tlie first ceratol)rancliial ami epibianehi.il are osseons. The second ceratobranchiais ori<"inatc from a hi{j;li nic median longitn. vitiiU'scciis it extends all the way to tlie inferior .snrfaee of the exterior jmocc^s of tin; oxocciptal l»one.+ with which it is in close contact. In the />. toyoNns it , in the Journal de Pliysi(pu', | Lxxxvill, p. IIS, KafiiM'scpu' proposed to rei>lace the name Triton of Lanrenti by his own name, Triturns. In 18.-0, in the Annals of Xatiire^ for March, p. i, he says: "My genus Triturns is the same as the Triton of Dumeril, there being already another genus of animals called Triton. It differs from the Salamandra * I'-ir.st indicated tiy Wicdcrslicini in Dcr KopCslitdct dcr ITniddcn, I'l. vi, i\'^. HI. tTliis was (irst shown inc liy Dr. I'".. IL (ialt in one ol'Iicr disscclioM.s. t I'rodromo do soixantc-dix nonvcanx jrcnn'.H d'aninianx dcco;! verts dans I'intc^rieiir desfilats Unis d'Anu'ri(|tn', dnrant I'aniUMi H18. (iiAiinals of Xatnn; or Annual Synopsis of n<'\v Genera of Animals, I'lanls, etc., Dis- covered in Xortli America, by C. .S. lialhie.stiuc, Transylvania University, Le.\iiijj;ton,. Ky., Id-JO. * f \\ th I" ti( W( M; lis ill I li< on do seh 1 THE llATRACIIFA OF NORTH AMERICA. 203 iiiliaviiigacomprt'ssed tiiil." UiMk'rtlu.sgoiiii.slieiiiclu(k'y tiie same author, nnist yield to this one. Now Ijaurenti does not in- cludi^ a single species of J)iemyctylu8 in his Triton, so that the name is not applicable to the i)resent genus. It must be applied to a genus of Salamandrida; whose sjjecies are i>laced by Uoulenger in the section i' ' / of his genus Molge, which is without i»ostfronto scpiamosid arch. One year later than IJallnesqne, IMerrem (ISiMi) proposed the name Molge for a series of species wnich euibraced, with tliose of Triturus, one species of Dii'myctylus, iKpalnidtits {MoJ, Ioi'h.^k.i. I lend narrow, more, eluviiteil, ami with two lon^itiidiiial keels; middle" (iiij;eis and toes lon^rer ; spotted more or less tliiikly : smaller If. riridrficciin. r.otli of these sjtecies are aquatic iJi their habits, and they are the only si)e(;ies found in North America which are truly so; that is, they do not live on the bottom or under stones, but swim or suspend tliem- selves in comparatively deep water. I'l 'I ■i ■ ; ■ ' " ' ?i m ii I s I i!'! I I r I nil ¥ 201 miLi.KTix :ii, unitkd stati;s natioxai. MUsiarM. 1)IKMV( TVMJS TOKOSUS Escli. (I'latis :i, fi{j. d ; 4y, lig. 3.) Copp, Cb(>ck-Li.st Hatr., Kept. N. Amcr., 15iill. U. S. Nat. Mils., i, p. 2,-1, 187"). Tiiloii loro^iiH Escli., Zool. Atlas, p. 12, PI. 21, (if,'. T) ; Straucli, Salain., p. f!(). S(i lama 11(1 ra heechcyi Oray, in fJrill'. A. K., i., p. 107, and Zool. BcccIh'.v'.s Voy., PI. :!l, Triton crmani Wioyin.,iii Erman'M Kois(' niii dio E.df, p. 21. Salamatidra (Triton) tjranuUmi Skilton, Amcr. .Toiini. (2). vii, p. 2(»2. yotoplhalmiii^ torosiiH Uaird. .loiirii. Ac. Pliila. (2), i, p. 2^4. Tariilia torosa (Jray. Cat., p.2.">: (i Irani, T. S. Kxpl. Expcd., Hcrp., p.."., PI. 1, (i. l-H. Tmivhu hn-ix IJuird & (Jirard, Proc. Ac. Pliila., 18.'):i, p. mi. Triton Iivrin Straiu'li, I.e. Moli/c lorom Hoiilciijrcr, Cat. 13atr. Grad. Brit. Miis., second cd., 1882, p. 20. TIlis fine species i.s of mtlier robust proportions. Tiio hoail is wiiU' iiiid distinct from the neck, tlirough tiie protuberance of a postcrini' superior angle on eacli side. It is also perfectly tlat and smooth above, e.\ce|)ting a f>entle slope from a line connecting the orbits ' ) the end of the muzzle. The body is .slightly compressed, atid its length from a.xilhi to groin is just equal to the length from the axilla to the end of th(^ muzzle. The tail is long, exceeding the length of the head and body by the depth of the latter. It is very much compressed, and has a wide dermal border both on the inferior and the superior edges. Viewed from abo> e, the head is contracted t(twar. riridcsccus. The second (first) finger is very short, and the fifth is a little longer, while the third and fourth are of usual length, the third the shorter. 1 iie phalanges are l-L'-;{-'-'. The toes are arranged iniicli as the tlnger.s, the hmger ones of m.'dinm length, and the lirst # Tot /-(■ l-cn Lcn Lcnj Lcn tiitc Grcji Dcpi TIIK HATKACniA OF NOKTII AMKKICA. 20;") \\ 11 h st very short. Tlie lengths are, bogimiiiiy witli the shortest, l-.i-L*-!-."}. The imiiiber of i»hahiiige.s (aken in order is: l-U-JJ-.i-L'. Thi' epider- mis oil the extreinitii's of all the digits is horny. Tiiere are no distinet palmar or phinlar tnbereles. 1 iiave not diseovered any horny phites on the inner sides of tlio posteiior legs, sueh as occur in the 1). rifitJcs- cvns (hiring the breeding season. The cliaraeter of the surface of the skin varies aceording to the sea- son and h)eaiity. In a majority of specimens the upper siiifaces are sinootli, but wrinkled more or less closely. In si)eeimeiis which have been exposed to drought, the surface becomes rough, with small liaid pnijections. The lower surfaces are always studded with minute lioniy points so as to behisi)id. These become more numerousand prominent in specimens where the dorsal integument is roughened. Lateral folds are very obscure in this species, and can only be traced on the superior part of the sides. Twelve such grooves may be (tounted, the first and last being opposite the humerus and femur respectively. There is a dis- tin(;t transverse postgular fold. The digits have thin dermal margins towards the base. The genitalia are very prominent during the breed- ing season, and the orifice is longitudinal, and its edges are marked with transverse wrinkles. Internally there is a large promiiient papilla, simulating an intromittent organ, which rests in a fossa, whose jmste- lior wall is comjtosed of a series of columnar papilhe, which radiate backwards and downwards. The free membrane of the edges of the tail is much reduced, or is even wanting, in the specimens with rough- ened skin. 2 6 ■' ' f 4 Via. 51 . Dii'mv'''.'/'"" ' irDKim No. 11407. S;iii Francisco; J, f. McanKremcnts of Xo. llf)"?. M. Tdliil length 170 Li'iiglli ol' liL'ail iiiid Itmly 078 Li'iigth to groin OCtl Lnigdi to axilla O^C. Length to can thus oris Ol'i L(!ngth to anterior cantluiH oeuli 005 Length of Core-leg 027 Length of eiibitiis Oil I.iengtii of niiinuH 0115 Length of hind leg (KW Length of tibia 0085 Length of pes Oi;!(i Interorhital width 075 Greatest width of head 0175 Depth of tail at iniddlu, with flu 014 '.m 4 R 1 t W-'-f I 1' i jm i 1' 20(J KiJLLirnx lii, i;mti;i» statks national muskum. The iimcoiis poivs oC tliis species liavi'. tlio tullowiiij;' »listiiliiilioii: Tht'.v Ibniiii band on ciu-Ii sido of \\w inn/zlc, nliicii passes witliin the c.Vflul to Just behind tlie eve, where it divi(h's. One line extends back- wards and turns lowaids tlie nii(hlle line without joininj;- its fellow of I he opi)osite side. The other branch iiasses behind aiul below the e.ve, and Ibrnis a patch on the Io:eal rej;i()M. On the body the system con sistf *■ a series of pores alonj? the lower part of each side. The coloration of this species is simple. The sides and superior sur- faces of the head, body, and limbs are brown, and the inferior surfaces are yellow. In rouj;h sjiecimens the brown becomes almost black, and the yellow is correspondin;;ly deep, in smooth specimens the brown is ])ale, and has an olive tinj-'e. The upper membrane of tbo tail is yel- lokvi.sh-brown ; the lower yellow. This species has the widest I'anjie ol' any Pacific salamander, since it extends from San Die^o on the south to southern Alaska on the iiorth. It is very abundant in some parts of California, and may be seen swim- ming in the streams and [)onds in numbers. l)iciinicl!jliiH Idiosiih Kscli. UKSKIiVK SKKIKS. (JMtaliiiriic No. of llllllllii'l'. nlMT. Lociililv. uo."i; 47 1070 ■lO-Jri 4tJt(i ilL'M O-'ir. 1111)7 1 1 r)77 11701 405J !);">■(! uri>i."i lll'idO 14107 i:iit4o i:i!i4ii i:t!i,')2 llCifl 14170 1 I4MI ItlOU i:i02s n.Mi; 11704 4U14 Wlicn (ril- loiU'tl. Fkiim wIkoi) received. U. S Kxpl. Kxpcil. IMmi't Sound, Otufjoii . Call lorn hi i'oit Stcilacooni, Wasli Dr. liro, Smklcy. t'. S. A Kii^foo (,'it.v, On iicin Di. (,'.(i, Ncwln'iiy Foil Vanroiivcr, \\anli.. l)i. J. (i.Coiipir Koit Sttilarooii], Wash San Kianci.tco, ("al I'. S. lOxpl. K\|i Fresno, Cal | \>il'J liiistav I'.iscn Asto:ia, Oregon ' liii lit. W. I'. Tio« bridge, U.S.A. (Jalirornia Dr. Win Stiiiii>.-Miii Monterey, Cal ' Dr. ( aiilield lIuHsler's Ilailior. Ala.sUa Lako Coiiiitv, Cal lierkelev, Cal , do: Jlinvcdl Mountains, Cal.. I San Diejio. ('al .. I'cirl, (,'lirslcr, Alaska Ni.'<(iiially. ( IrcLioii ltevillajii;i(l') liar., .Mas. r.aird, i'al niiniliijlill Coiiiily, Cal .. Ficsno, (;al San Kianeiseu. C.il U.K. Nieiioks 18K-) U. W.Turner 1K«I U.K.C. Stearn.s 18*1 I do 1«K4 . do I.hk:! Clias. It.Oieiilt 188J 1,1. II. !•;. NielKds, U. S. \ . Kxpl. Kxped \) Dr. T. U.Stieets. C.S. N.. KS.-5 Clias. ll.TiJWnsend ilo i (liiHtav Ki.-ien : Dr. J. L. Leeontii* Nature (d' Hiieeinieii. Aleidiirlie Do. Ho. Do. Ho. Do. Do. Do. Ho. Do. Ho. Do. Ho. Do. Ho. Do. Do. Ho. Di. Do. Ho. Do. Do. Do. Do. J)o. ilKNKItAr, SKKMCS. 40J7 40 LI 4011 Uh.V.' 11701 rj7:ii i-.;i.''p;i 40.-,l 11471 lliOlO 401).') 144.">0 14401 144i;.'i 14400 1 : Kl Dorado County, Cal Dr.C.C. I!o\le 1 San I'lani iseo, C il II. D (iitts .. 1 do Hr. .1, I,. I.eecHiti' . .. •J Sin (,iiieiiliii, Cal April - , lh71 Capt. Win. Hidden .. 10 l''ri'.sno, Cal .. U;7'.) liii.slav Kisen :! liallina^ l'.av. C,il Il.nipliill 1 Oakland, C.il 1'. L. .)ouy 1 I'etalinna. Cal K. Sainueis 1 l'ii;jet, Sound, Orejion . . I (.') 4 Fori I'lnpipia, Ori'^on.. .1 I.ieutenant MielikM'. (.'). (?) 1 Oregon I (') 1 ; KeLseyville, Cal. " 187:! I<. Stone 1 ' Orei^ou 1 1 K.xpl. lixped. Aleoliolie Do. Do. Ho. H(i. Ho. Ho. Ho. Ho. Do. Du. Do. Ho. Ho. J)o. Typo ol' T. Ui-vU. mil sIk ^lli !lic ji'w Cl-.i l.'lill 'I era Til, an(| ■nil'; IIA'I KAI'lll A ; l.», lij;. 1) lliillow., Jimrii. Ai'. riiila. (N.s.) ill, ji. :M:{ ; Co\n; I'ldtcfd y\i'. I'liila., lrr>i», i>, 1-J(1. Iriliini^ (IHemjutiiliiK) ririilcKcciix Waliii., Annals of Naturr, l-'^O, Xo. 'J'J. irdiinis {Xoti)jililltiiliiiii><) iiiiiiiithin Kalin., I.e., Xii. 'JI, SiiliUiiiiiKlni xtvlliii Say, Anicr, .lonrn., i, j). '.'(ll. S((liiiii(tiitlrti (loiHnlix Harlan, Juiirn. Ac. I'liila., v, |>. I'Jl ; Wit'd., Xova Ada Leop., (•ami , xxxil, i>. l:!l. Siildiniiiidnt niimmrlrlcn Harlan, l.r..\K laT; Hollir., X. A. Hfrp., v, p. fiT, 1'!. x\ii; Dc Kay, N. Y. Tann , l.'rptil., p. 7:?, I'l. xv, ti-;. X! : Winl., /. c, p. l",'.'.. Sii. 77, I i. xx\'; i'mn. iV IJilir., p. 1.").'). Trillin niiUcpiiiirliiliis I)c Kay, /.<■,, ji. -'I, I'l, x\', liy;. ISI. \iiiojililliiitmii>i miiiidliiH liaird, .lonrn. Ac. I'liila ('J), i, p. 'i"'! ; Gray, Cat, Hatr. Grad. IJrit. Mns., cd. i, p. •,»•,'. yotoiihtlialiHHH riri(h'8rciiH liaird, /. c. ; Gray, /. c. y. iilJ. Trilini piiiictulinHimiit Dnm. iV- Bilir., i». 1,") I, Tritini Kunnittlririin Dnm. A- Hihr., p. l.')l ; IM. 107, fig. 2. l)ii mjivtijltiH mhualiin Hallow., /. c, Tiiloii ririthnrriix Strancli, Salani,, p, .'>(). .!/(////(■ riridaiciiH liinilcn.!;(riato siilispe(Mes. These are two, as foUow.s: ]]\iiriial linjicr half as long as fonrtli or .shorter ; ha-.k with small hlack-cdged red spots I), r. riridimriiH. K\tcrnal linger more than half as long as I'onrth ; no red spots on hack, hut largo black ones, wliicli are present also on the tail D. r. iinriit.s rarely wanting ; ground color olivaceous form ririihxiriin- Tlie form niiniatus never has a caudal fin-membraiie, while it is }>eu- craliy present in the form Viride.scens; but this is a seasonal character. Tiie characiters ab()vc mentioned are not always combined as described, atid one (ir another may be wanting while the others are present. ) !i 20S miLLKTIN :U, ITNITKI» HTATKS NATIONAI. Ml'SKl'M. Tiny will 1»L! rcforml to latiT in lliis iiiticU'. Mfuiiwliili^ I (U'scillij ;., typii'al sin'ciineii of the form Viiidi'.sccii.s. / 2 \ I 4 3 5 rill. 5'J. Dininietllliin nriili'KCi'ii:i rlriilcg'rnii. No. I«lfi3. Aiki'll, S. ('.; jj. TlK'oiitliru' of till! Iiciul si'oii from above is an oval, wliirli conliiutts anteriorly and posteriorly, and is not distinj;iiislied from tlic neck liy tlie abrnpt contraction of the latter. The back is r(»ol'sha[»ed, and I lie section of the body a vertical oval. The leiijjth from the axilla to llie end of tho muzzle is Just a little less than the di.staii(!e between the ax- ila and the "roin. The tail is niiich compresseil tliroii<;h(int, and is as Ion;; as the head and body (vent iiududed). The muzzle, viewed from above, is triii.cateromided, and it projeitts a little beyond tho month. The two ridj^es o»' the top of tl.i^ head in- close a long lenticular open {jroove which is closed in front on the muz- zle, bur open behind on the occiput. (Jii their external sides is a shallow jjroove. There is a distinct but obtuse eant'nis lostralis, and the lorea' region is slightly concave. Thi^ protlle i-i slightly dt'c rved at the muzzle. The eye is rather large; is length exceeds a litlle the length from its anterior canthns to tlii' end of the muzzle, and is a. little less than the interorbit 1 'vidth. The nostrils are close together, and look upwards as well as outwards. The distance between them enters the interorbital space two and a half times. The eyes do not. project ujiwards, so that the eyelids avi' nearly plane with the front. The lower Jaw is only partly overlapped by the posterior paitof the upper lip, and there is no distinct lower lip or groove. On the side of the head posterior to the eye is a straight row of four jiits, the tiist of which is near the eye and the last is in the position of the first branchial lissnre. Those pits are shojtly linear and curved, as tlmugh made by the pressure of an instrument with a short curved edge. The tlistancis between them are equal to each other and to half the diameter of tin's eye. At the position of the posterior iiit are traces of three branchial lissiires in three vertical short rows of minute pits; but these are not always present. The (theek-pits, moreover, are fre(iiiently wanting. I give the results of the examination of seventy individuals of the forms \'iiidescous and Miniatus: riyidvbceiis. I fossil' prt'st'iit y8 ' Fosnic pri'HCMit M'uiialiiK, 10 l-'oSSill WiUltillLC 1 dssM' waiitini; The pits are g<'iierally syninietri(!al, but in :; Miniatus there is but one pore on one side, and in a Virid(!scens there are no pores on one side and three on the other. 4 ^1 11) * TIM': IJATUACIIIA OF NOUTII AMKUICA. "JUD Tlu' t(Hi;;iU' ofdipii's hut little ,s|)ii(;e <»ii tlio lloor (»!' the iiioiilli. It ia Mli;;litl,v I'l'cc. at tlic. sides, hut not, at the anterior or posteiioi' cutis, wliicli pais.s insensihly into the a(l.ja(;ent tissue, lis t'onu is oval auleroposte- I'iorl.v. Tiie voineropahitiue teeth aie in t\v()lou;>'itu(liiuil series, wliieh converj-e anteriorly, and J(»in after iiinMiu;^- <*Iose toj;ethei' hetween the internal nai'es. The latter are ahout as t'arajtart as the external nares. When applied to Wus side the tore lindioverliips the hind lind) by the len^'th of the hiiul loot. While of nearly tln^ same leii<;th, the foro limbs are not more that hall' as thick as the hin-; i-1. In nudes in the breedin;^-season the hindlejusare thickened, especially the inte;;iiment of the inner side. It is then divided by tiaiis- verse folds, and the portions between them become corneous oi' chit- inous. There are thus Irom ten to twelve transv»^rse jdales on the in- side of the thij^lis, and an irregular nuinbi'r on the inside of the tibiii and tarsus. The iiidimcntal external and internal toes have a (!ap of the same substance. These bodies aid the male in maintaining- his hold on the female during copulation. The skin in the form Viridcscens is smooth on all the surfa(;es, but ralln-r closely wriidilcd. The tail has a free dermal margin or tin (of about etpial width and length) on both the superior and the inferior edges. The genitalia arc very prominent at the breeding season, and in the male t orilicu' is oval. It is very papillose, especially within till' anterior liorder. (See Plates '6\i and 11, tig. .'{.) There is i.o trans- verse postgular fold, and there arc no transverse lateral grooves. Miiisiin mi'iil-i of So. liTiri. M. Tot ill Icilf^tll dlKI l.cii;;tli (iriioad aii:{ Lcnirtli of 111 11(1 foot ()0H« Widlliof licad 008 Width lictwocii orliits 004() Depth of tail at niiddlo 0075 I!).")! iJuii ;m — u '■'. I r I i i^i : i I i m i 210 lUJLLKTIN :tl, IINIIKK STATKS NATIONAL MTSKIIM. Tlie ct>l(M' of Mic roriii Niiitli'sct'iis is ii lii^li* iHowiiisliolivo aliovc, Nvliicli is or is not iiiiukcd olVtlistiiicH.v IVoiii tlir piiici' troloi- of the lower siiiliKH'S iiioiiji: IJK^ sitlc. TIm' iiil'ciior smfiuu's avo stiaw rolor or ilirt.v while. On I'iM-h sidoollhc .crlt'liriil lint' is a row of IVoin three to six small ronnd reil spols, each with a hiaelv border. The rest of the snr- liK^e is marked with small lila<;k points, whiehare smaller Init more dis- tinet on the lower sintiuu's. On the Ie;;s they are huf^cr and more erior surfaces is vernnliou red and the lowt'r sur- faiH'S eitron-yellow. The red spots an- present as in the other foi'iu, but the small black sp()ts are rart'ly pr.'sent on the back. They are present on the sides, belly, lindts, ami tail, and lU'ver run to^'etlier into liiu's. In this form the skin of all the upper surfaces is rou^h, with numei'ous minute, semitrausparent horny points of the skin. These are not chn'el- oped on the ird'erior surfaces. These characters would be likely to follow the exposure of an aquat it; 1. I>ii iiiili'lillii" iiiiiiliiliiK iiiiiiiiitiin Kill'. :iKOL'. Tttirc iLitiiial Hi/i«. Itmit Kivrr, Wis. animal with soft skin to the coin|>arativ<^ drou^^lit of the atmosphere. The f^reatei' a. miniatus is a state of />. r/r/V/cvcf/fv,'' and that 1 have had itchan^'e to the latter in confinement. Dr. Howard A. Kelly, in an article in the American Naturalist, states, he " broii^'ht home a number of />. iniiiidtu.s (Kaf.), or little red li/ard, or red eft, and after keeping them in a daik box filled with saturatiMl moss, they (diaufjed their color from a brijfht vermilion to the olive state characteristic of the />. I'iridrstxn.s,'''' and he keiit them all winter. (3oi. Nicholas I'ike says in tliesamejourual (.January, 188(5): "I have j^radually come to the conclu- sion that the two are identical. Some years aj^o I captured (piite a nam- berof red ones in theCatskill Moiintair.s, brou^^htthemhonu'!, and kept them in a box with other salaiiuuiders, where they could resort to water }■ r i rilK ISATKACIIIA Ol" NORTH AMKlilCA. 211 if tlu'.v ••liosi'. Koi- sitiiMi jlays tlii-y rciiiiiiiit'd liidiiij,' iiiHlcr llu-. wt-t moss iiiid stones, hut liiially crept out at iii;'lit and wi^nt into the water. I iinxi', lliein some inseets and worms, widcli tlit'.v I'eadil.v devonied. In .ilxMit three moid lis rliey lost their lii'i;>ht red, and in less than a year tlie.v weieof the usual oliv«: of the N'irideseens. Another laet, still more decidedly iteariii;,' on the, case, is, tiiat some two-y<'ar-old N'iridescens taken Irom the ponds and (uit in earth and dead wet leaves in a tub in my {garden, wiilniut water, in a month or so beyan to lose their ;;reen tint and assume a din<;y, hrownish hue.*' I'rolessor IJaird thus descrrihcs the breeding; habits of this sahi- iiiander :* "In the spriii;; of the year a broad tin be(;«)mes developed alon^i' the tail and back of tiie male, and the feet (^iilar;;'e, with the addition ol' a Idaek «Mrtila<;iiious mass on the toes and inside of the thighs, for the |iurpose of enabling' it to hold on to the female. This it does by elasp- \ue time in this way, linally j;ive birth to small larva', the };«'neral cluuaeter of wlmse metaiiiorphosis is inneli the same as that of the species already desi lihed." 1 have found the habits of specimens of this si)e(riea in conlinemciit osit of e.i!:f;s i)y the lemalc. (See .loiiriial Philadelphia Ac^ademy, lS(i(>, p. (JS.) />/('m//(7///((.v rin'ilesccns )nei'i(lioit(ili>i Cope. Itiillctin f. S. N;it .Miis., No. •Jii, lH-(i, i>, :!(i. Mohji: iiivridioiKiliH Vi>[>i'; I'xiuliimcr, Ann. Mm^m/. Nut. Hist., iSriH, Junnary. This subspecies has tiie lon,i;er di{>itsof the form Miiiiatus, and low «aanial crests of the Viride.scens, with which it also ayrees in color, {'rom both Ibrms it ililVers in the absence of red spots from the dorsal rej^ioii, which is instead covered with rather large bhudi spots, which (joiitinue on the tail. The j;roiiud above is olive; below it is yellow, which is marlvcd with numerous small l»lack spots. A characttr wliicli appears to be of importance is seen in the tore foot. The outer toe is more than half as lonj^ as the penultimate, while in the varieties Viri- des(;ens and Miniatus it is less than half as loiij;. The lirst specimen of this form whi(;h 1 met with was sent to the Smithsonian Institution froai .Mataiuoros, Mexico. G. W. Marnock "Jcoiidj;!'. l^inyil., vol. ii, j). 5>ri4, ISfil. *— •; ';^r \ 1 ' 'l\ : , i \ I ■'•! iil ! HI »i| (■ d I : i I if i I ! 'i ''U^. - f. i. I 212 lUILLETIN ^1, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. finds it in tiic tributaries of the Medina River and southward, and Will- iam Taylor has obtained a good many specimens from San Diego, in soutliwestern Texas, it lias not been found east of that region. I did not see it in the plateau country. Dr. lioulenger thinks that this form should be regarded as a distinct species. Uesides the (-haracteis I have cited he says the head is more depressed and the lores less vertical and the gular fold more distinct, than in the J). I'iridenccus. 3 ' 2 Fii;. 51. Oieiiiiiclijliiii riridixcciiii iin'riilioiiiilif:. Sun I>ii'i;o, Tux.; Diimyctyhis rirulcsann miiiiiiliis li'ul'. KESEUVE SEKIES. Ciit;il(>j;no Xo. ot iiiitnlii'i'. spe <■. ;!8()2 :i :i«l!) li ;iMii (i wiriK 1 hX'J4 1 7SJ!) 1' !i:!i',i 1 •M'M r, !i;i'):! :) !t;«i.'. 1 •Ur.'ii 1 i)lh9 (! !IJ7I» 1 11411.') ;i •XM a i;)-,«i 1 .")!lii!) 1 \;m:, 2 Loi'iilitv. Wlicii <'i)l- hitcil. I'liiiii wlioiii icciivid. Nimiic ol' spi'cilllCII. ]!(ii)l Uivpr. Wis I I'ldt. S. I', liaiii' (Iiiolc ('iiniitv, 111 U Kcniiicdlt Mi;i(lvillr. I'ii rKilr-siii- Williams .. Kinstoii, N. C I. W. Miliin ( 'i lie ill Tint i, I lliii) I. N. r.. Seal I'liinnyli.. Wasliiiiytoii, |). C 1)1'. 10. ('iMii> r. S. A Xdi tiilk, Coiiii Si)it. 'Jli, l.'^77 A. 1'. Wddslci Wc.^t rtiiiit. N. V i .-■■. S. K. liainl I'lipi'f Mi.Hs. Vallrv A1 Urazds Uivor, Te.\ Mr. H. I'. Shiiniaid. (;) (0 (0 ''> t!) (') . Aiix I'laiii.-i KiviT, III ('. I'.. K. Ki'iiiiicott \Vnsliiii;rti'li. I> «' (let., IH8i 10 II. Haw ley .... Hinlscm Hay (^ linxlrr Itawli'V. Va lien. Mi Hit '(iliiilic Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. ixi. Do Do. Do. Do. Ho. Ho. Ho. Do. l>o. iJii'inyfljihtu ririihwrns rirhUsa iis Kat'. lUOSIOKVK SlOlillOS. (I.ilaloyiU' No of niiinli 'I'. spi i;. 3402 7 ;i.-i(iK 4 7!UI'J 10 ,'11142 2 ,'>4II> li ;)8i7 10 :)H2ii :i KH4'J 10 !f.i!)0 4 ]2U5:t 4 :i8ii:i (i 95,-i7 li TU.W 1 Locality. Wlii'ii col- kHtfil. KloMi wlioiii irci'ivr'l. N.iIiih' of Npl'CilllCII. Aiix I'laiim UiviT, Ml \l Ktiiiiicott Alroliolir. TioL'a Count v, N. Y 10. 10. Uow.ll Carlisle, I'a '. I'lof.S. [■'. i'.ainl. ... ilo ilo (ii'iHKia i Dr. W. I,. . I ones., Illinois (.') 11. Kcnniiolt Aliliovillc, S. (• Ui..l. II. Itaiiatt New Voik I'rot. S. F. liainl I,rNiiij;toii, Va : .. I'iril. .Matlirr Moiilloii, Ala Mount Oaiincl, 111 Nov. — , 1.<8I I.. M. Tiiinpr .... .Iirs.v City, N..T . I If. I>. W. lloa.llo ... SI. Cliiuk's CoUefjo. St. Calliariiif's, ('anada. tiiaud Coloau, La Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Ilo. ho. Do. Do. Do. Di>. F| ■ ill- ill lid \vX )1C ct, ? THE liATRACHIA OF NORTH AMERICA Diviiiycljiliia riridenccim riridvHceiin Raf. CENEKAL SKItlES. 213 ('iit:»lo;;ii(* No. of iimiiiIh'I-. spec. TilOJ .•)7!).'. nilK !i:i:u :isii ;t7!i:t 111)21 i;m-j4 I HHUI i44n.'i I 1440.1 I I Froiii wlioni ifccivcil. (Jiiilislr, I I'lcl. S. r. llainl. .Ill ' ili> Siiiilli Cipiintv, Viv I A.I,. Kiiiiilicii .. Viisiiiiiii --.'- I Miiv •-•«. li'Tf! ■liiiiifs IJivci, Vii^iiiiia. .' Krli. 1!0, IH" Wi.m oiisiii Ni.iri)lli, Ciimi fiil.v, \Hr.i sterlt)rly. No paiasphenoid teeth. Liver not linely divided. Cloaca withont pro- jet;! ile nuisdes. Tail tleveloped. No external frills. There is but one eciatobiainthial bone, antl but one basibranchial. There are three epibranchials. I'.esiiles liypohyals there are basihyals. No ott)j>lossal. The stapes is tliiectly connccteil with the tpiadrate by c.artilajje. r.y all antliors the j;-enns Amphinma liatl been incliuletl in the same family ilivision with I'rottintipsis aiitl iMefialobatrachns until 18(5(5. At that time the writer pi'opt).setl to separate it fnun the latter genera as the type of a family .Vmpliiniiiiihe, wiiilc the ttther .uenera were platsed in ant)ther family with the iiamt^ I'rotoiiopsithe. This course has not been followed by later writers; in the catalogue of the Uritish Museum by Dr. i'>oulenjii'r (ISSL*), for instance, the three j-enera are intihitled in one family, the Ampliiumida'. The reasons for keepin,n the Amphiumiila' tlistinet from the Protonop- sida' were statetl to be the Ibllowing:* AMiMliiMin.i; : "An axial t^ranial bone (? vtymer) in front of orbito sphenoitls, anil one lormiiifi' palatal surface in front of ]>arasphenoitl. * * * rarietals jM'tylonjietl laterally, not reaching P>'t'f»'ontals. Vesti- '.I.iiini. Ac, I'liila., HCC. p. IDI. t IH I :im \y < 9 \ I ) I I 214 BULLETIN :fl, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. bale, wall osseous internally. Preniaxillaries consolidated. Occipital condyles on cylindrical pedestals." ruoTONOPSiD.i;: ">"o anterior axial cranial bone. * * * Parietals and pref'ontals prolonjjed, meeting aiid enibraciniLj IVontals. Wall of vestibule membranous internally, rremaxillaries separated. Occipital condyles sessile." The following observations were made on tlu^ Ampliiumid:e: "Tlie (>ccipital condyles and temporocervical tendon are quite i>s in Desmojjfua thus; they have not been previously described.* In Amphlnnut iiiians there is a minute non-articulated bone on the suture between the o. o. froutalia and piefontalia in the situation of tlie lachrymal. There are some a])proximations to Ca-cilia in Amphiumida-. It does not appear to have been noti(!ed that the * * * free nuuf'in of the frontal seems to foreshadow the overroolinj^ of the oibit and temporal fossa seen in Ca'cilia. Theic is also a v»'ry iar,i;e foramen or canal i)assinjf throii.uh the o. maxillare from lu'ai' its middle to the orbit, foreshadowiii};- the (■(DKilis trntdciili/crus of C.vv.lVux : a narrow one occurs in (he same situa- tion in Protonopsis. rurther, the jjrominent horizontal anterior inle lior pro(^esses of the vertebral centra are the same in Ami»hiuma and Ca'cilia." The characters assigned as above to the two families Amidiiumida- and Cryptobraiu'liida- are abundantly suHifient for retaininj;' them as dis- tinct, t The form of the occi[>ital r. .1, (i. I'isclii'r, Aiiiiloiiiiscli. Ahliiintll. iil>. I'ciciiiii- lir.incli. II. Dcrotrt'iii., lirslcs Ilcfr, p. fit, ixil. t I'rocct'd. AliiiT. I'liilosopli. Sdc, IS.-ii;, p. | |-J. IWu'dcrslicini, Aiiiilniiiii' ilcr (iyiiiiMipliidiirn. .Fcnii. I"'7'.l. ,K^ 'M, THE BATRACIIIA OF NORTH AMERICA. 215 as well. Tlioy arc unique in the i)resen<;e of only one ceratobranchial, Necturus only a[)i)roa(niin};' it in this respect. In the absence of the second basibranchial it aj;rees with Cryptobrauchus, aiul approaches the rsemlosiiuria, wliere a part of it nndenee ol" Unna-ns, i. )>. fill'.* ; Waf^ler, Systenia Am- phih., IKin, p. •j:i;t; Tschndi, Itutr.. )-^>'.K p. tlT ; (Jray, Cat. Hatr. Grail. I?rit. Mns., .V.; Diim., Mihr., ix, p )>0\ ; Honlenjjer, Cat. IJatr. (Jrad. IJril. Mus., ed. II, p. "^J ; h'yder, I'roeeeds. Aead. I'hila., 187'.), p. II; (.'ope, I'roeeeds. Anier. I'hilo.soph. >Soc. ISSC), p. Wi. Chnjtiodnnia Milchill, Medical Keeorder, l^JH-J, p. :>2d. Siriiioiih^ Kit/. , Syst. K'eittil. 18','(!, ]). M. ^fll|■|lH0|lxi1 l'"ilz., /. c. ; Gray, /. r. The only portion of the shoidder girdle of this genus which is o.ssified is the scapula. The <'ora<'oid (iartilages of oi)i)osite sides are distinct fnun each othei-, and there is a produ(!tion of the precoracoid region The hunuMiis i.s truncate at both extremities, making its articulations with cartilage only. The carpus is cartilaginous. The osscus ilium is quite short and slendei'; it has a long supcricu" cartilaginous portion, which is attached to an cipially long cartilaginous sacral rib. The iid'erior element is an undivided plale, which is wider than long, and pn'sents an obtuse angle anteriorly. The posterior portion of eacih is occupied by a rouml lialanges in both feet are well ossified. The general character of these parts are desi^rilu'd in Stannius' [Tand- bu(rh (h'r Zoiilogie, but only as included in ihed<>linitions of the (uder to which Amphiuma is ref'erre. ^'.K ri., :!() ; Dmn. A Uiln., )>. -M'r, (iray, Cat. IJatr. Grad. Hiit. Miis., cil. i, ii. .">.'.: I!(.iil(;i,ii. ■"<:!; ('"1"'. Ulic'ck List liatr. lii'itt. N. Am.. 1^7;"), \t. 2:>; rrocccd.H. Aiiicr. I'liilns. Soc, l.SSti, p. ;V,'il. ChrijKOthnln ]>,p.H-i. Miirwiwpxin Inihiclijld Fit/.. Sy.st. IJrptil. p. :{l ; (iiay, Cat. liat. (ir.id. lirit. Mns., cd. I, p.r..") : C(ip(",Cln'(k-Eist Hair. K'cplil. Ncarclic Hc.alm, l,-^7.'>, p. 'J.', '^i': 1 ! fl fl Kic. ri"). Ami'liiiifihi iiuiitis. Nil. Iiififl."). ('iihiintiiis, Mi^ adtilts havinfjf shorter tails than the, Hiiiall and yotiiijjf ones. 'I'lie Ixxly is depicsscd e\ lindrie. in t'orm. Tiie I'oriii ol' the tail ditlers in dilTerent individuals Croin a verticral ovalin section, to a triaiiijle in section, with theanjile upwards. Its extremity is always strongly compressed, and is slender, and th(^ superior snrfacie maybe rounded or anj^nlate. There is no distiiuit contraction repre- senting a nock. The head is an oval, and is narrowed verv j^rad- ^^m THE HATKACIIIA OF NORTH AMERICA. 217 ■ I imlly to the extremity of the roninled muzzle. It is much depressed iilso, so liiat ■ha ranfje of vision is verticsil. The end of the muzzle pro- jects beyond the mouth, but the sides do not project. The number of lateral dermal {jrooves is about sixty. The eyes are quite small, and are separated by an interspace of five times their transverse diameter. They have no lids, so that the cornea is continuous with the cephalic epidermis. The external nostrils are minute, and are separated by an interval a little less than half the in- terorbital space. The lips are larjje and full, th(Kse of the upper jaw ()verhanercili; -y row three diameters of the eye behind an0). Thus there may be only two maxillary series, and the su])erciliary row may not be distinctly divided. There are two rows along the superior part and two rows along the inferior part of the lower jaw. ) I l\ y ,1 i \ I atuw-ww vfmmmtmmmmm 1^ ' VI 218 mjLLETTN :?l, UNITKD STATES NATIONAL MUSKUM. Tlie bnuicliial fissiuv. is sitiiatiMl iieiiily as far posteiior to the caii- tliius oris as the latter is posterior to tlie end of the lower jaw. It is in the anterior part of a fossa, and is bordered anteriorly and posteriorly hy a narrow free nienibranons lamina. A short distanec beiiind and be- low this is situated the anterior limb. The len«ilh of the linib is eqnal to the intero(!nlar space; in some spetinensa little less. The hnnierns nuikes an anj^ie with tiio rest of the Imib, but the foot is eontinnons witli the cubitns; it is divided into either two or three toes. The jjos- terior limb is huj^er than the anterior, nieasnrinj;- nearly half as lonjj aijitin. Its jjosterior bonier orijfinates a very short distancj'; in front of the anterioi'extremity of the vent. It is compressed, and }?ently enrved inwards at the knee Joint. It is its. The vent is a lon.uitudinal slit, with a jirominent margin. Its internal face is densely i)appilloso within the marj-inal border. Measiirrmnils nf So. (>;!()(>. 31. 'l"(.(iil Iciifith f^Hi L(Mi<;tli(il'tiiil l-'-.i J^i'iij^tli to ciintliiis oris 017 Lei)<;tli to ln'ainlii;il lissiire 077 Lcnjjth to I'oriOiiiiU OHi) Li'iifitli of torn limit 0175 Leii<;tli ot'liind liiiil) (»'-»l Wiillh l.ct\V(!(Mi nostrils ()(H Width hc.twccii cy.'s OlS Width ofh(';id at can thus oris til.') In specimens in alcohol the color is a dark slaty brown above ami slate colored below. Its (tolors in life are said by Dr. Ilolbrook to be the same. I have united int(> a sin<>le sj»ecies the Amphhtmu mcnnn and A. iriilac- ti/la ill the above account. The dest^iption was made from a specimen (No. (I.'KIO) in which there, are two toes on the anterior and three toes on the pD-teiior limb. In two specimens of the National collvction on the toes are .'5-1 ami 2-1 in front. In the niimeron.i spe) from Mississippi the toes are variable also. Mr. ifyder* has l>ointed out that one specimen displays the di<;its H ij ; a second H il ; ii third I in front ; others have the characters of the .Means type, H r;, and others the Tridactyle <;haracler, ij ji. All areyonii;;' and from the same locality. ]\Ir. Ilyder concludes from these facts that the two sii|»itos<'d jjenera must be united. In this 1 aj;roe with him ; and after a study of the specimens in tln^ National Miiseiiin and in my own collection, I be- lieve that the two species on which these supposed j^enera rest are not distiiijjiiisiiabl(\ I find no characters ])e(;uliar to any set of individuals. Development. — I'rof. O. P. Hay has observed the habit of this spe- * I'lmced. I'liiia. Ac!. 187!», i,. 14. I THK BATRACIIIA OF NOUTH AMERICA. 210 cies at the porioil of «leveloi)mtMit of the yoiinjj; iiiul describes them in the following hinjjnaye :* " At the close of Angust, 18(S7, 1 spent a few days in Little Kock, Ark., in theeinploy of Dr. IJranner, of the Arkansas {jeologicial snrvey. On September 1 1 visited a cypress swunip in the vicinity of the city Cor the purpose of colectiiig some reptiles. During the severe summer drought this swamp had been almost completely dried up, and there was little chance to get anything except by turn'.ig over pieces of fallen tiiiil)er. IJeneath a log of i;onsiderabIe size I found to my surprise a I, irge animal (ioiled up, which b^- its smooth glistening skin I immedi- ately saw could not be a snake: but, having never before seen a living Aiiiphiuma, it took me some tinu^ to realize that I had before me one of these animals. After making due preparation to prevent its escai»e T gave the animal a i)ush with a stout stick, aiul then, no attempt at re- treat being made, I lifted it out of the slight depression in which it was lying and let it straighten itself out. Meanwhile I ha«l observed, lying- in the midst of the coils, a mass of moist-looking matter, nearly as large as one's fist. Picking this up, 1 disirovered it to be a nniss of eggs. This was put into a Jar of alcohol, and innnediately the young within (lie egg «',onld be seen writhing about, thus showing that they were in ail advanced stage of di^velopment. The mother offered no resistance on l)cing handled, and was put into a small school satchel and car- ried to the State geologist's oflice, a mile away, with two em|»ty fruit- jars lying on her. That night she was kept in an empty boat box. This wass(Miie eighteen inches in height, and from it she made efforts to es1 inches, tlu^ hinder limbs are oidy tlireefbuidis of an iiKih long, tln^ anterior only one half an inch. Yet, when it was moving over the ground or the floor, it was amusing to observe that its feet were put forward and drawn back, as if they really could l)e of some use "On initating this Ampiiiuuje by pushing herwitha stick she would snap at it viciously, and on further irritation would seize it in her Jaws and, springing from tin? Www in the form of a spiral, would turn rapidly round and round, thus twisting the stick in one's hand. Any enemy thus attacked would certainly find his interest in the affair fully aroused. "There an^ two points in the structure of tlie adult to which I wish fo call attention ; although no doubt they have already been observed *Amfric;iii N:it nnili.st, April, 1888. ""■^T" » .■•'1 \ %y \) I \\ \ I 1^^ ill \ % I I! P 220 miM.ETIN :il, VNITKI) STATKS NATIOKAL Ml'SKITM. by anatoiiiisrs. The first is tliiit tlii'ie is ii little lobe of skin forming tlic anterior bonn(bir.v of the gill opening and ajiother forming the pos- terior bonier. Tliese can be very eh)sel.v a|>plie(l to eaeli otlier, and seem to form a very etlicient valvnlarappariitiis, b.v means of whicli tiiisnse- less relic of its larval life may be (•losent, since there are four ends visible, there are probably two strings, one for each oviduct. For the same reason \ have not been able to count the <'ggs. A careful estimate makes at fewest ]')() of them. "The eggs in their present state an^ near' globular, and average about 0""" in diameter. Their distance ai)art .wi the string varies from .'itol-'"'"; fourteen of them vere counted on a i»ie of the string 1> inches long. At this rate the whole mass would lorm a string altout S feet long. The connecting (uird varies from 1..")""" to one-half that di- ameter. The eggs greatly resemble a string of large beads. "The young are coiled within the ca]»sMlcs in a spiral form. On re- moving tiiem and straightening them they measure about 45""" in length. The (iolor is dusky above, with indicationsof a darker dorj^al stripe, and on each side a similar darker band. I'.clow the color is ))ale. The body is proj)ortionaIly stouter than in the adult and tiie head broader. The fore and the hind feet have <'acli three toes. "The young possess conspicuous gills ; and, since they are evidently near the period <»f hatching, it is l)ut fair to suppose that they would continue to retain these gills for some time after exclusion. The gills are three in nundx'r on ea(!li side, and are simply pinnate in form. The median gill is longest, measuring some (("'"' in length. I'rom its maiii axis theie arise about ten delicate twigs. Tiie other gills aic somewhat shorter, and give origin to about eiglit lateral twigs each. In all these filaments may be seen thebloodvesscis lilled with the large blood-cor- 1 Nalin -'W':r._. ^1\ i THK IJATKACIIIA OF NORTH AMKUICA. 221 l>iis(!l('.s for wliicli AMii>liiiimii is iioted. Tlireo {;illslitH are open, of wliicli tim two posterior UocoriH^ closed in thu adult. The eyes appear to belter advantage tliaii later in lii'e. "The liiidiiifi'of these, yuiiii;; nearly ready for active life in siieli nn iinex|»ected situation suj-f^ests some interestinjj; proltlenis. At what l»eriod of their development are thee ejjj^s deposited!? If at an early period, the mother must inenltate tnem for a considerable time. If at a late period, why sIkmiIcI they be placed in such a situation '! In either case it appears to be quite i)robable that they are fertilized before they are deposited. Aji'ain, how aie the ejijjs in su(!li a dry situation saved from beinji' thoroujjhiy desiccated '! They are, I think, kept moist by the body of the mother as she lies (M)iled around tliem. My remem- brance of her as she lay when first exposed is that she was much plumper than she now appears in alcohol; and when she was laid down on the olliire tlocu- (>very spot she toiu^lied was made wet. The source of (his water I -|ands that till the skin, and that the mother makes nucturnal visits to the water to lay in supplies." I'li;. .Mi. A III nil ill mil iihiiiit^. NaliniilisI, IHSS. Till l;s, Willi ciiiliiio.s ill tlid'on'iit po.titioii.t. Froiii Iliiy, Ainoiicau i_ , t ^ 'l. I 1; I t.i ^^1 ^y m The Amphiiima presents towards the salamanders the nearest atlinity to the Desmo^natliida'. The i)edunculate ()ccii)ital condyle and atlan- tal insertion of the temporal muscle are the same in both, and are re- lated to a similar form and probably similar use of the muzzle. IJy this arranycmeut the temporal muscle lifts the entire head bj- its inser- tion in the lower jaw, thus takiu}^ the place of cervical muscles. It can thus use the muz/leas alever to burrow in mud and stones. Amphiuma incaiiN i'.lso resend)les the species of Desmojjnathus in the possession of a chirrui) or whistle. I do not know of another American sahunander whicl. possesses a voice. The ej-jus in both genera arc laid in a rosary. I suspect that Amphiuma is a type which has de,<,'enerated from a sala- mander like J)csnu)gnathus, but which possessed an ethmoid bone. M I ; 5 i; IS:!' i Sil t r I if22 UULLKTIN :U, IJNITKI) MTATKS NATIONAL MUSIUJM. .tllipliiilniit iiiiiiiiH iu I 4:1:11 '1 KIHIm i I4l4rt 4 l.iicalit.v. Wli.ii (iillirtnl. I-'niiii wlioiii i'i-(',uivu(l. Natiin< ol HllUVilUCII. AriiiiKtiiB. •'"'"• IhTH (i. liiowii Onotlii Ale ■ o'lili loves'. C I I II. I'. llaiUa. Cliailcsloii, S (I .. XiLshvillr, (ill I'raiiic Mcr Uoii^ir, La l'()liiiiiliii.-<, MinA Now OrluaiLH, Im 7004 Cliarluattiii, iS. 0 ■ Jill.V — IKWI ,1. \. l!ii.lK<'r (;. Ilclliiiaii 111. \V. L. .loiic.H Dr. S. r>. ISaikin (". 11. \t\MU>i 1)1. Wilili \V. .1. 'ra.vlni .laiiirs I'jiiiii' S|iilliiiaii Dr. U. \V. SInilVIill S. A l)v. .Sliuiiiai'il ■Iiiilii' Do. Do. n> Iht. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. c.kciliidj:. Jpoda 0]i\n'} ; I'uriiilnpliid'Ki DriJI, N'c'itt'bra'i iimpliicji^loii.s, with iinterior doiiblc li.vpopopliy.se.s. Vo.sti- biilo with iiitcnial wall o koou.s. lOtliinoid well (Icvcloitcd. !S(|iiain()- salami parietal more or les.s c.xteiKlcd over tcmporaMb.s.sa. 8 ina.\ Ilar.y bone. Liver iiiii(!ii .subdivided. Teste.s, several 01 eaeli side. Two protractile niiisides of llic male rectum, wliieli project a port on of it as an iiitroiiiil- teiit or^aii. This family lias been usually rejjarded as rei>reseutiiiy a distinct order of l>atra(;liia. I have di.scus.sed this ques'. ion under the head of tli*^ or der Urodehi, within which I have placed it as a suborder, which should bear JJe iJlainville's name Pseudophidia. Hesides the structural pecu- liarities already pointed out, I'eters and Sarasin have shown the brauciiial apparatus of (he larva to be peculiar. Inst ad of form in jj loops ill fibrilhe of jir. cesses of the branchial arches, the branchial vein and artery ramify on t lie surface of membianous bladder-like expan- sions of the arches. The numerous species of this family are distributed throu<;h(Uit all tropical rej;ious except those of the Australian realm. They are most abundant in tropical America. Their liabits ai-e subterranean, their lives beinji" mostly spent in the nests (»f ants, wliicii they eat. Al tiie proper .season tliey repair to thc^ water and dejtosit their ejJTfjs. The larva; pass thronj;h their metamorphosis early in life. All of the spe- cies are nearly blind. This family appears to me to have been derived from the ley-bearinj^- Urodela throuji'li the Amphiimida', by a jiroeess of dero;>ression, whether limbs or abdominal scales. To aid them in \\\i\'n darlv habitat ;i pecidiar tentacle has been developed in tiiis tamily, which issues from ii canal of the maxillary bone. This canal passes from the orbit, and the tt>ntacle which oe(ri)pi<>s it is fnrnishe vertebne of the Clitlnnurpcton iiiidstinctnm, 11. »>V^ L., si representative of the family from IJrazil. TIIA( IIVSroM.VTA. Vomeropalatiiu^ bones wantin;;. Supraoccipitals, intercalaria, ami liasioc(tipitals wantinjf. Maxillary ijones wantin,i,^ I'ropodial bones not foiissilied; cau .snp|)osition that it is S(>as(nial anil due to the drying; np ol the a(|nati('. habitat of the sir(>ns. The tionntiies thoy inliabit arehnmid, rec«'ivin<;,Mhe heaviest rain-fall of oni' ICastern States, and there is no dron<;ht. The only explanation appears to me to be that the present Sirens iuv t\w descendants of a terrestrial type of Hatraehia, which passed thron^h a metamorphosis lik(>. other nu>mbers of their class, lint that more recently tlu-y have ailopted i permanently aqnatic life, and have resnmed their branchia- by reveision. This hypothesis is (^onlirmed by the relations of the stapes to the suspensor of the lower jaw. It is not coniu'cted with the quadrate cartilafje, as is the case with the I'rotiida', Cryptobranchida', Amiddn- mida', and the larva- (»f salamanders, bat is distinct and is connected posteriorly v/ith a stapedius muscle as in adult salamandeis.* (See I'l. 1(5, ti-. .-..) There are but two known {jenera of this family, whicdi dilVer as fol- lows : i>ij;ils run I ; Itriiiii'liiiil I'lMsiircs nininally lliii'c Siren. Dijiils (liicr ; liiuiiilii:il lissiiit'soiii' I'stnilohraiichiin. SlIvl'iN liinna'us. Anin'iiiliiti'M A<'!i(U'iiiic;c, \ii, ITCi.'i, p. lUl (tcsli' lldlliiook) : Systoma NatiiiM' !•,', cd. I, p. :i71, I7(;(i: (»iM'it. l:!, cd. i, Addenda, 17proximated ex- tremities of the tiist basibranchial and the ceratohyals, in the i)osition of a basihyal and hypohyals respectively. The transverse jjroces.ses of the vertebral are very much expanded horizontally at the ba.se, but they terminate in a i)ointed ajiex. I ,! ^ ;-l' ) i If 1951— Bull :\i- ' AnuM-ican Xatnralist, l88-<, p. Jtll. -1.J 22(1 I'.ULLKTIN :il, r.MTKl) STATKS NATIONAL MI'SFJM. ,;< I; 1! Sll.'KN l,A('i:i>riNA I. inn.' AiiKi'niliiU's Ac'inU'iiiic'ii', vii,p.;!ll, ltd..: Svslciiiii Natiiiii', cd. 1:5,1 Ail- (Iciidji; C:iiv. ill llmnl). ()l>s. Z, ri.l'.t, li.ii.-i: lli'll)., N.A.Hcrp., v. p. HH, I'1.:M: TsdiMtli, /.(■.: Diiin.iV liilir., p. UKHlnii t) : linnlciincr, Cat. lialr. (irad. Hrit. Mils., vt\. ii, ISS-J, p. -7. riiancrohraiKJiiifi (?/^)»,v Li'iickarl, I.e. Siren intermedia Lcconti", Aim. Lvc N. Y.. isjs, p. l:!:!, I'l. 1; llollir. /. c, )). 107, PI. :i."); id, ibid, p.C.il. •)7i Flfl. .IT. fiimi lacirlinn. No. \"y\\. WiliniiiLitnn, X. (\ [. Xn. 7, .yi'iiin; with nlmvtivc litniirliiiv. " J'lad'M l>, liyK. l-:{ ; l:i, 11«. (i; 4:J; 41; 4(i, 11^'. r. ; 111, ll.r. u. I TlIF, IIATHACIIIA OP NORTH AMKRIC'A. 227 PI. In ijonenil form llils iiniiniil is quite, I'loiif^uti', ;iii(l tlic t.iii is coiisid- enibly shorter tliiin tlic body, inoasiiriii};- one half of the h.-ngth of the head and body together. The head is a h)nger or shorter oval in out- line, and the end of the ninzzle is rounded, truncate, and projects be- yond the lower Jaw to a moderate degree. In prolile it is depressed, and the line of the front gradually descends from behind. The fore limb is short, measuring Just half the distance between its anterior base and the end of the muzzle. The eyes are very small, ami are covered by a thin epidermis or cornea. They are situated just one-third the distance between the end of the muzzle and the base of the anterior external branchin. The ui>per lip is pcndidous at the sides of thi; mouth, overlap])ing the lower lip. The latter is free and pendulous at the sides, and is bounded be- low at the base by a deep groove, which mayor may not be continuous round the entire chin. Thus it is comi)lete in seven specimens and in- complete in eighteen. liotii conditions are seen in specimens from the same locality, as, for instance, those from Kiceborongh, (ra., and ^lata- moros, in Tamanlipas, The external nares are well separated from each other, and are short transverse slits. The superior horny sheath is quite short, covering only the prcmax- illarybone. It has a sharp edge, and is black in 'rooves are distinct on the sides and nearly meet on the belly, but are not distinct on the back. They vary from thirty-one to thirty-seven in number. The larfjer speci- mens generally have thirty-six and thirty-seven grooves, while smaller ones fre(iuently have only thirty-one and thirty-two. The specimens with thirty-three, thirty-four, and thirty-live arc of medium size ; but a full sized one IVom (Je()rfiia(No.4r);{5) has t]iirty-tw(),and a small one from South Carolina (No. lO.")!!) has thirtv-four. It was on specimens jjresent- iufj- the eharactersof the sujaller indivichmls above mentioned that the.V. iiifeniicdid of Leconte was proposed. I can not distin<:;uish it from the ordinary form. The skin is everywhere i)erfeetly smooth. The tail is comi)ressed from the base to the extremity, and for its distal half is (juite thin. It has a stron,n' dermal liii above and below. It commences above opposite to the anterior extremity of the vent, and below about 0!ie-fourth the length of the tail posterior to the vent. The branchial fissures, .as remarked in the discussion of the supposed retrograde metamori)liosis of Siren, may be one, two, or three, on one or both sides. In a series of small specimens from South Carolina (No. Mill) the fissures are as follows: L»-l, .'5-2, L»-2, 2-2. In a similar series from CJeorgia (No. b"*,'},")) they are 2-2, 3-3, 2-2 larger than last; 2-3 same size as last, and .'5-3 fully grown. Measiircmcnls of No. KVll). jr. Total l.ii-tli 7U l,('ii}itli (if licad and lidily 170 Lcii^'lli to axilla 082 Liiiiiffli to first l)iaiicliia 0'C> \ivun\h to liiu> of caiitlius of nioiilli ()li> IiClij;lli to liiu; of cyi' 01 1 L(!iij»lli of fore-lcfj; from axilla O'Ari'i L('iii;tli of ImiiKM'iis from axilla _ 01'.) li •iifitli of ciiliitiis (IK) Will til hctwcoii nostrils OKi't Width lictwt'cii eyes , i}-2:\ Width of head ()4ri ICxpanso of fore limh.s cxtondnd Ill Dt'ptli of tail at middhi (Km The general (tolor is a dark lead-color, usually darker above than be- low. There is in sonu' sj)ecimens a yellow band, with irregular or badly delined outline, extending around tln^ miizzh^aiid upper lip lo Ihe base of the antei i(M' braiushia. In some specimens t his band includes tlii' chin ; ! Till-: IJATKACIIIA OF NOUTll AMERICA. 22\) ill others it is present on the cheeks only. In ii fully grown specimen from iMatanioros, Taniiiulipiis, this band is continued along the side for one-half the length, beyond which point it is represented by scattered yellow dots. A second similar badly delined band originates at the lower edge of the axilla, and extends along the inferior part of the side for two-thirds the length of the superior band. These bands have the position of those seen in the PsciidobraHchus Hfriatiis. In a, second ocpially large si)eeimen from Matainoros these bands are wanting. The geographical range of the Siren laccrtiiia is the best measure of the extent of the austroriparian region of North America. It appears in the middle of eastern North Carolina, and extends thence throughout the southern Atlantic and CJulf States tiirough Texas to the west side of the Kio CJrande, where it ceases. Northwards it ascends the ^Missis- sii>pi N'alley proper as high as Alton, 11!., and eastward in the AVabash basin, in Indiana, to Lafayette (Coulter), and the White lliver (Jordan). Sinn lidirliiiK Liiiii. UKSHUVK SKltlKS. ('il;ilci;;in' Xo. Ill imiiibri'. s]i('C. Locality. Whrii t'olKic'tiil. Fioiii wliDiii received. Xiit live ol' speciineii. Ha4!) M5»7 OIO'J »;ii7 01U3 10514 10H53 1085:i 7007 m\n 4.'>:i.-. .V.'Ol 4048 lo:ii:i 5000 125(13 7048 I 1 Xeiise Kiver, X.C ' !I. W. Wclsliet Alcoliolii 1 Cciluiiiliiii.S. (' Mill'. — , IKTii !•;. i;. .racksMii 1 Miiiiiil Caiiiicl, ni i J uli '.':', 1877 I Unlicrt liiili^wav 1 ! ;....■ ' 1 Oalde.v.S.c; Ma.v 1,1,-77 K. W. Ilayward 1 Ciiliiiiiliiii. S. (; I 1S7."< !•;. l';..Jack8(iii 1 I'lLSoM, ■l"c\as ISSU Allicit Tuipe 1 do ! 18^0 ilo 1 Cliaili'stoii, S. (J Cliaili'stoii Aeadeinv •J (icoi;;ia Keli. 1, IHiil Dr. W. L. .limes . ..' ( Uicclii>i(>ii;;li. (ia do i 1 Craiid Ciitcaii, l.a Keli. 4, I.Mil SI. Cliailes (jolle;.'!! I .Malaiiioios, .Mexico I.ieiit. 1!. Couch, t'. S. A. .. 1 OaKley.S.C MayIl,l,S7i) K. W.llaywaid 1 Matamnids, Mexico I Lieuteiiiiiit Couch 1 Wihiiiiiy:toii, N. (' Donald .MiiKaii ! (iiiir Stale ' C. li. .\daiiis - Sail Dii'Ko, Te.i. Juno — , lSt>.-< W. Taylor Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. .1 I ) GENKKAI, SKUIi;.S. 7(101 45;t5 ! IIIIK 70 1. s 7iHi!t I 7142 1087.'V I 10855 i 10858 I 10850 IDHOC i0!<57 I 10860 108111 108.H I08,5tl 108112 10874 I0H71 ] 1080U 10872 10873 mwn I 10313 108TII 10428 j 0500 10808 1 (?) 2 } Kice\ioriiiii:h, (ill | Dr. W. I., .loiie.s. 2 i MataiiioroM, .Mex (?l. < leor^etown, S. (' I'raii ie .Mei- Itou^o, I.a , (l.iUlev.S. (' 1 {')■■■'■ 1 (') I (.') 1 O.iklev, S. t; I (.'» 1 {!) Lieut. 15. Couch, I' S. A .. Chestoii ' Mai'. 11!, l,-7s K W.llaywaid.. 1 1 V). 1 Oakley, S.C -do. .do .do ' .do ■ In M.'ii'. I'.l. 'HTH K W. llavwaid. .do Mav ,18,1) do.! .ilo '. ■ do .Mav -.1.-811 1''. W. llavwaid. .do Mai. -.1878 do .do .Mai. l;i, 1878 do Aleolinlic. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 2'6i) lUJLLEllN ;JI, UiNlTKD STATKS NATIONAL MUSEUM. i'Si:ui)onnAN'ciirs (imy. All" I'liilos., l-i'J."), l>. •■iW; Cut. Hatr. Uiad. liiit. Miis.,()l»; Boulcnj,'er, ( at. Miitr. ISrit. Mus., cil. ii, H--,', p. W/. Digits rliive. Jaws wi Ii Iioni.v slu'iitli. Tongue froo in fnuit; eyes distinct. Hxternal Inanciiiii' tlncc Parasi>!RMioi(l teeth in two rows, united in fiont, forming a iongitndinid A- <^)"e brancliial llssuro on each side. The reduced number of digits and of l>raiu;liial fissures are tlie char- acters which sei»arate this genus from Siren. The jK'culiarities found in the branchia' arc shared by tlie hitter genus, liiit one species of Pseudobrauchus is luiowu. , .: PSIUJDOHKANCIIUS STRIATUS L.coiit.-. eiray, Aiii'- I'liilos., I-,'.'), i>.-Jli; ; (1 ray, Cat. 15a tr, (irail. IJril.Miis., ud. i, p. (i'.t; Ji()iilonj;cr, Cat. I!:itr. (irail. Hiit. Mus., cd. ii, l^-^l, y. S7. Siirii Kliiiitd licconto Ann. l.yi., N. V., l&i\, \>. ;')•.', I'l. I; Tscliiidi, IWitr., i>. IW. llolbi'., X. A. lliii>., V. 1), Mil, ri. iiii; 1)11111. iV r.iln-., IM. W, W'^. 1. Tliis s[)ccies is iiuicli smaller than the >Sircn hurrl'uw, and dilfers from it in a good many characters. The body iscylindric, and the tail meas- ures two-thirds the lengtli of the head and body and a little more. The liead viewed from above has a rather narrow oval outline, and its ex- tremity is rounded without truncation, or sometimes acuminate. In profile the front descends regularly to the end of the muzzle, which overhangs the mouth ly a little. The ey«'s are <|uite (listin(!t, though small, and are on the border of the head when \ ieweil from above, but have moreui)ward than lateral innate on the external side only. The first is much shorter than the seconil, which is shorter than the third. The single lissure is below the ba.se of the second. I have not found a second fissure in this species, nor have I found this one closed in individuals with I'l } Tin; liATKAClllA OF .\ OK I'll AMEltlCA. 231 aborted brancliiii;, as (xjciirs in the case oF the other two in Siren laver- thia. The limbs are short and weak, and their length enters that from their base to the end of the nuiz/!e two and a half times. The hiteral toes are st'iierally of e(iiial lenj;th, and the median one is a little longer. All areacnte at the extremity. The skin is entirely smooth, and there are thirty -fonr transverse grooves betwe^'n the axilhe and the vent. The crosi^-grooves are continued on the tail, so as to be distinct for two-thirds of its length. The tail is but little compressed for the proximal three fonrths of its length, the ver- tical section being vertically oval or lenticular posteriorly. A narrow dermal free border commenc^es at the end of the proximal tilth of its length and increases in width to the til), but is never as wide as in the Siren laccrtiiui and in the Xei;tniiis and Ciyptobianchns. The inferior deinial bonier is less extensive, existing only on the terminal fifth of tiie tail. The tail is relatively longer th.'n in the ISi-ren laccrtiiui. The Ibllittles of the skin are large, and so close together as to give the sur- face a reticulated a[)pearanee. There are no distinct mucou« pores of a dee[)er character. a ^-^ 0 / 6 I'l'.. .'iS I',, iiiliiliiinirhiiy .■'lriiif<'!< : No 7010: twii'c iiatiirnl Ni/.o ; (ij:. 5, xix. Miusiirrwviift ol' ."id.")!. M. Total icnjilii 152 l.r :|;,'lli lo .•:i(t ul' vclll 087 I. .11^ 111 lo axilhi oi:{ l.cii^itli to liiM liiiiiicliia 010 I.iiijrii, to eye 00'^') Lcllfrlll to lilt us Oli-i 002 I.niKlli of rou-l.';; ... 004 I, flint !i of lor,' loot 0015 Width of head ij;rcalc.st ) 006 Willi h bclwccii i\cs OO:? Will 111 ol' ('xtfiiiicil fore liiiilis 01;') The general cofor is (thocolate brown, more or le.ss tinged with lead- (!olor. especially when the epidermis is fn sli. A rather wide yellow band commeiuies at the last branehia and extends along the side to lU'ar the end ()f the tail. It is continued, but less distinctly, from the branehia' forwards to the end of the muz/.le. A narrower band com- i 1 1 i i f "I y ■i^ I I-. I 11 232 HULLETIN :il, UNITKD STATICS NATIONAL MUSEUM. iiieiices jiist below tlie braiicliitc and extends aloii^j the side of the ab- domen parallel with the superior band, to nearly opposite the vent. In some specimens a similar band extends from the viuit alonj; the me- dian line below to the end of the tail, but this is frequently wanting- More frecpiently the dermal keel and border on the superior edge of the tall is .yellow, and this color is sometimes prolonged on the median lino of the back for the posterior half or more of its length. The belly lias rather large, more or less longitudinal yellow spots; and the ground color between the lateral bands is similarly but less coarsely spotted, except oil the tail, where the spots are dense. The fore limbs are yel- low, wilh a brown tinge. The braiieliia' of this species display partial or entire abortion in a larger i)r()port ion of individuals than in the ISlrcn laccrtina. An ei»i- dermal sheath may inclose the tibrilla' on the external side only, or on the external and internal sides. In ten specimens live have the epi- dermal covering on both sides, three have the tibrilhe free at the lower edge of thebranchia, and iii two the fimbria' are free on the entire pos tcrior face. Sometimes the first brancliia is ihclo.sed in a distinct sheath from the other two, and sometimes all are distinct. The insheatliing mend)rane may l»e (continuous at the inferior edge of the branchia with the epidermis of the throat. In this ca.se a small fissure remains, cor- responding with the one on the pharyngeal wall. This sitecies is .so far only known from Georgia ami Florida. From the latter State 1 have received it from Volusia. rsciidohrintchus fhialiis Lccoiitt'. ]!K.SE1!VI'; SKKIKS. *«' Ililllllii'l. ^<]>t■l•. 7010 rid.jl 7o:o 10 L.i.jlity. t li('iii)4hi . Wli..|i oll.'i'tnl. Kidiii hImhii n ii'ivtil. Natiirr 111' spiiiiiirll. I ISV. Mcoliiili.' Iili. 1, li-r.1 Dr. W. L. .IdiK.s l)(i. I Do. I .tiunit Dmn(!^ril, IfcOI. salii:ntia. I.iiiirciili, 17(1"'. . osTKoi.oav. Supraoccipital, basioccipital, intercalary, supratemporal, and post- frontal bones wanting. Fiontals and parietals connate; prefrontals present; nasals wanting or rudiniental. \'omers and palatines pres- ent, distinct from each other, the latter inclosing the internal nares and joining the pterygoids. IMaxillaries, ])r(Mnaxillaries, and ethmoid pres- ent. ^ f[ TIIK HATUACllIA Ol' NOlii'H AMKUICA. 23;j Vertebral bodies mulividod, separate proatlas wantiii};. Vertubne very lew, on account of the anterior attaclnnent of the pelvis and the disappearance of some and fusion into a sin^^le styloid bone (the uro- style) of others of the vertebne posterior to the point of iittachment. Ribs very short or ^vantiIl{,^ Coracoid, clavicle, and scupula osseous, well developed ; procoracoid, epicoracoid, and suprascapula cartilaginous. Sternum present, entirely posterior to the coracoids. No iMiesternuni nor interclavicle, but fro- (luently a median element anterior to the clavicles called the omoster num. I'elvis consisting' of the usual three elements, the inferior pairs closely united, forminjjf a compressed body witliout obturator foramina. Ilium subcylindric, very elonj^ate. Humerus without distinct head proxinuilly, but with an epipbysis. Distally a globular condyle. Other long bones with epiphyses at both extremities. Astragalus and calcanenm elongate, forming a limb seg- ment. Carpal bones well developed, some of them, es[>ecially of the distal series, contiuent. Tarsals of tlie distal series much reduced in size and numl)ers. (I'hites 47, aK, etc.) Tlie auditory appendnges dill'er from those of the Urodela, Proteida, and Trachystomata in tiieir greater (-omplexity. There is a cavum tymi)ani or external ear and a series of ossicles and cartihiges extend- ing througli it, structures all wanting to tlie orders nu^ntioned. The stapes is, lilie tliat of thos(^ orders, an oval disk, which has no continu ous process, but gives origin at its middle to the stapedius muscle. Immediately in front of it tliere arises an osseous rod, the interstapedial bone. Its base is cartilaginous, and is expanded with concave surface lilting the convex surface of the skull. This rod terminates at tiie su- perior interrujition of a Hat annular carlilage {Annidus tijmptoiicus), which lies on the (piadrate cai'lilage and over the comjavity formed by its forwards tiexure. The mesostapedial cartilage is attached by a point on its interior face to the apex of the interstapedial, somewhat as an anther of a llower is attached to its tilament. Its superior portion is shorter, and is c(Minected with the «iiiadrate above by the mesostapedial liganu'iit. Its inferior portion is more or less ex[)anded distally. Its external face is Hat, and is applied to the inner side of the disciform e[tistai>edial. The latter is api»lied like a lid to the annular cartilage already mentioned. The mesostapedial then occupies a i)lace between the annular and (he epistapedial cartilages. The niembranum tympani tits closely over the latter. ( Plates 49-50.) The hyoid apparatus dilfers materially from that of the orders men- tioned. It can only be understood by reference to its developnu'iit from the larval stages. There are jiresent in the larva a ceratohyal on each side and a first basibranchi il, as in Urodela. The hypohyal is connate with the former. Posterior to the basibrancbial, two lateral eartilagiuous plates, the " hyobranchials," meet on the middle line. : i '! ij H rf: m 2.')4 'ULLliTIN ^1, UNITKU STATICS NATIONAL MTSEl'M. Kioiii the cxtcniiil (m1,!;o oI' eacli of tlicso lour (,'iirtiIii};os tlui (rnito- biaiK'liiiils nuliiito. The foiirtli or postrriur is fmiuently coiilliiciit with its h.vobranchial. (I'liite r.l, li->'. 1.) Witii tiie coiiiplolioii of the iiietanioiphosis tlie basi- and hyobraiu-hials fuse into a siii<;Io i>it'C(', and tho ('('latobraucliials iiniti' with tho same phite, ex(;ei)tiii.i;- the fourth, wliieli, be(!oiniu,s,' ossilied, forms the only true bone of tiie le- li'iou. In some tyix'S the ossilicalion becomes more extensive, as in Cychtrliamphus; (Plate 7(1, li,ir. l'>.) Sometimes the third eeratobran- chial is ossilied, as in Alytes {I. c, lij;'. 2) and Ileniisns (/. c, liy. IS;. Tiie dij;its of the Salientia are apparently four anteriorly and live pos- teriorly ; there is <;enerally a rudimental diji'it, in adilition, on the inner side of each foot. Tlu^ thundt is especially well developed in tlie llylid frenus, Ilyi)siboas ^Va^l.; (Plate 72, 11 f>'. I'd.) The inner di^it of the pos- terior foot, or the internal hallux, as it is called, lias three elements in .some of the lianas (see Plate (»">, li((ii(( ntlchcmuKt), while in other forms the diyit is principally represented by a lar<>e Hat i)halan,;;e. This is called the spur or metatarsal tubercle in works on the subject, and it is sometimes incorrectly referred to the tarsus. The carpus of the Salientii has but two i)roximal elements, the inter- medium not bcinji' distii^-t. There is alar}.-!! centrale, which forms part of the inner border (»f the i)alm. Tin; order is further characteri/ed (ex- cept in the I)iscoi;lossida' ami the Aj^iossa, 7, v.) by the fusici of tiie iburth and (ifth (tarpalia into a single element, the unciforme. The other three earpalia are distinct, and the tiist is frecpiently displaced to form the base for the metacarpus of the thumb. The larj^c si/eof the astraj^alus and calcaneum have been already referred to. The tarsus is further peculiar in the absence of iiiterniedium and centrale and the absence of tarsalia, except a rudiment or two near the inner part of their usual position. (Plate 7.'5.)* INTECUMENT. Th(^ slij^ht attaiihment of the intej^umeiit to the nius(des is a well- known feature of the IJatradiia Salientia. The manner of their attach- ment presenis many varieties in the ditferent {(roups. It is as follows : A transverse partition of connective tissue holds the inte^iument alonji' the a(;romials and another aloiij;' the coracoids; a lon<;itudinal band on each side of the back (IVecjucntly marked externally by a glandular fold) and one below it on each side of the abdomen; a band or line aloiiiLrthe hinder inferior face of the thij^hs, extending;' nearly to the popliteal re- {•ion, i'ud a delicate one aloiij;' the upiier hinder face of the same, from the groove between the superior and posterior muscles. 'Tlm«o result. swore sent in totlioSocretiiry of tlioSiiiitliHoui.'ni Institution Feln-iiiiiy, IHf^T. Tliroiij^h till' (Itday ill publication tlnn- have been auliciiiati'il by an ai' on tlic carpus and tur.sus of Salieutia l)y Mr. (i. B. Howes, Proceeds. Zool. Soc. London, IS-'-', p. HI (Muicb). I THE iJATKACIIIA OF NORTH AMKKICA. 235 The Jittachineuts aiv similar to the last in the Dciulrobatida', in I'iU- peiiipliix, and in IJracliyccplialns. In h'liffi/sOnnti nnilo tlio laterovrntral lino is broad, orconiposod of several series of fibers and lamina^, and in IJ. mroUncnse it is eoinposed of two sept.i. In P.seiulo]»lirvn(! (lie dor- solateral septum, as well as tlie last mentioned, is wideiu'd ; IMirynis- ens is similar, exeei>t that the dorsolateral is narr.)wer posteriorly, but, rapidly wiilening, meets its mate on the nape, foiinin,i>a broad transverse attachment. In Atdoptin hvris the inti',i;nment between tin; dorso- and ventndateral septa is ivttaehed, forminj;' a broad lateral aillierent band. In lihinoiihrjiniis dorsali.s this lateral attaidiment is carried so far as to leave only narrow free dorsal and ventral regions, while it is further peculiar in wantinufo, and LVlta[>hryue, in their numerous species, add to the raniform structure the attachment of the whole dorsal integu- ment. The following table exhibits the other attachments. IJi'lly liroailly tVi'L", very iiariDw liitL'nivi'iiti'iil attiieliiiiciit: Hafo liamdlilidi^, Utihc- luinUii. IJclIy liroiiilly fri-c, broad latiTovciilral atljii-liiiiciit : />. (vnir'mnins, It iiliijiuoniin. i'0(j- iKiliis, cliilciisis^ ri)l II nihil iiKtx. riih/iirix, iiiirinix, nilliiiji.i, Hi'lly liKiadly fret", post urioi' I'oiirtli or lifili altdoiiicii aKat'liud: roxnnated lateral lines and a sui)erior posterior aud anterior inferior femoral. VISCERA. With regard to the dilferenccs in the arrangement and structure of the internal organs a great ileal remains to l»e oliserved. Ilenle (Ana- tomic des Kehlkopfes) i>oiiits out some in(u)nsiderable dilferences in ! 'I !l U\ m :i :i yi '« 23') lU'l.I.KTlN :tl, UNITED STATES NATIONAL Ml'SElM. the form of tlio cnrlilagos of tlio larjiix. Tlie size iiiid niiiiilHT of (lie pulmonary cells vuiy coiisidoraltly. Amoiif; Ilylida', o.siK-cially tiioso speck's with a loiiil voicf, tlicy are fewer and larger than in Discogloa.si- die and Scaphiopida'. The forms of the sinus, auricles, venlricile, and bulbus arteriosus, the throe aorta bows, of which the median foruj the aorta roots, etc., appear (piite identical externally in the Discoglossus, Scapliioi)us, and rhyllomediisa. Internally the two former present the known characters of the Annra, /. e., the union of the distinct ducts of the first (i)nlmonary) and second (aortic) aorta bows thro'ighont much of their length, the separate union of the two former and (tontinuance on the left side of a high free septum of tlu» bulbus, till they are finally turned over the riglit division toward the right, and have a common issue from the ventricle. A conic pocket valve is at the origin of the bifurcation of the ductus communis of tlie second and third aorta bows, but none in any part of the course of the pulmonary. The general characters of the venous system have iteen (b'scribed on page 10. The researches of Ifochstetter * and HowesI Inive shown that the cardinal veins do not disapi)ear in all of the Salientia. Ilochstet- ter in fact believes "that the vena cava inferior, instead of being throughout its whole extent a i>rimarily independent vessel, is a com- pound structure, the product of a fusion between a late-formed hepatic vessel and one or both of the posterior cardinal veins" (Howes). In IJatrachia the postrenal portions only of the (iardinals go to form the vena cava i)osterior, and the prerenal p(»rtions disappear or remain I's azygos or hemiazygos veins. Their persistence is shown to hi' fre quent in theDiscoglossida', in l>ombinator (llochstetter Howes), Alytes (Howes), and Discog'ossus (Howes). It is wanting in other Salientia, incbuUng the Aglossa, L'ehtdytida', and IVlobatidai (Howes). The general character of the brain in the Salientia may be gathered from Plate o(!. As I omitted, by an oversight, to refer to the charac- ters of this region in my anatomical introduction (pp. 1-12), I introduce here some rennirksoii its peculiarities in the I'roteida, IJrodela, etcr., as well. In the Proteida (Necturus, (Ig. 1) the tlialamencephalon is ex- posed by the nonprodiuition posteriorly of the prosencephalon. In Urodela generally (Plate U)) and in Salientia it is moderately exposed : in Ca'ciliida- (Plate 5(», tig. ;j) it is generally concealed. In all the tailed forms there is a large vascular "supraplexus" protiuding from between the hemispheres. Posterior to this the ei)iphysis appears; it is small in all the orders. The hypoi»hysis is on the other hand large. The cere- bellum (epencephalon) is a mere commissure in the entire class. The diaccelia, niesoco'lia, and metaccelia are only .sei)arated by slight con- .strictions of their walls. The metac(elia is covered in the Salientia by a triangular choroid plexus (Plate '>{> p. c). In Protei; AiiiitDiiiiselicr Aiizoiger, IHd*, 517. tProceel. Zoiil. .Soe. London, ISS-*, p. l>>. ( .# I * * ' TlIK r.ATKACHIA OF NOKTII AMKIilCA. -2;]7 ill tlie Siiliciitiii tlu'y an^ coiilliu'iil witli oarli otiicr. In Xoiioims (IMiUo r»l, (ij;. IS) tli(.> tliiiljiiiii'ii(!C'i>liiili)n is more entonsively exposed tliaii in other Saiieiitia.* Tlio f'oiin of tlie livoi- docs not (lillcr from tlic usnal typo in any of the various spoeies examined, exeept in th« Finnisteniia. Whihi most Salieiitiii have this or^an divided into three lobes, tlierc are but two ill tiio J>i'evicii)itidie, l']ii;;ystomida', and some of the Pliryniscid;e, III tlie aliinentaiy canal there appears to be little variety in important points. Tlie stomach has ; parlii/inis. (IMates n,")-.")/;.) The testes are sin;;le in e\'iiin|)les of all tli > types evamincd, and not stri(!tly symmetrical ; they are variously situated with rel'ereiic*' to the kidneys. Thus in h'tiiioiilni aiircii, and Tntclii/crplKilii.s licliciiiitii.s they are eloii;;ate and at tin' middle of the leiijuth of the kidneys, while in Ili/jiishixts hofdis and tSci/lojtis romlosiis they are oval, and one or both at the aiitcri(n' extremity of the latter. In rin/llitmcdiisa srlrnnlcrma they are more than half the length of the broad kidneys, the rij^lit ori;;iiiatinj; at the anterior extremity of the latter, tlu^ left but little behind it. JJotU have their jnysterior a[)ices in close contacit at lie posteri(U' fourth of the leiifilh of the kidneys, which are in close connection for their poste- ri(n' third. In lMsco_!;lossns the testes i\n> oviform, well separated, and anterior, and diiriiiij; the breodiii.i,' season attain a remarkaltly lar{>e size. Dnriiij-' the same in Vi/stiffntitlitts lutchi/pitsthoy are not materially eiilarjjed, are elon;;ate, and only in contact with the kidneys for a small postcrioi' part of their lenjith. The ovaries and oviducts do not essentially vary among the Salientia When the latter are fnlly occn[)ied l)y eggs in an advanced stag(^ they arc folded, but ditVerentlv in the same species. The ovidnctts are I'e- inarkably slender in Ili/hi iiKsuta (Litoria (liinther), and in Scj/ 1 njti.s tha foiitanclle is on ca(;!i side behind the partial diaphragm, at the superior anterior outer angles of the liver. In several young female si>ccimens of linnoulva aurcn of the size of Hana Nilrd^'iat, in which the frontop- arietal Ibntanelle is not closed, the oviducts do not extend farther an- terior than the ovaries; in adults, with the cranium complete, they have the usual extent. In ('iistifinntlius ocellatus the ''uterine" sacs at the exit of th(M)viducts are of greiit size, and at oertain seasons dis tended with an albuniiiious gelatine, when they present several coiivo liUions. In spirits they occasion the ])resence of a large convoluted mass of coagnlnm. • For (It'scriiit ions iiml li^inri's oC ln-.iiiis oC IJrodcIa, I'roteiilii, ami Tracrliysloiiiaiii, sii' (Islioni ; (Aiii|iliiiiuia), rrocci'ds. i'liila. Acad., 1S8:?, p. 177; (Cryptobraiicliiis and l>:iiia), '. ''., IH.-^I, |). 'Jil-J; ('orjiii^ ciilloxiiiii, Mi)r|ili()I(iL!;is(;lu'n .lahrltiicli, IS-^li, pp. 'JJll, • I'.'iO; ais ) W'indrr.slii'iiii. .\ii:ilii!nic dcr ( I vm:ii)|iliiii;ii'ii. .Icii.'t. 1>'7'.I. I! ,fi f- i ri: i ! i i 2;'.s iin.i.r.riN :;i. imikk siaiks nai'ionai, muskim. lan'KoiuM "HON. Till' Siilii'utiiiliiive', ill tomiKTiiti' rliiiialos at k'a.st,iiii animal pcruxl of ropiddiu'liitii, wliifli occurs ill (lie spiiiij;'. Tlic iiialo is without iiitro- mitti'iit or^faii, and rcrtili/ifioii is accoiiiplisJH'd I»y the discliarj,'!^ ol'tlu' sponiiii.ic lliiiil of tilt' male on liic c^'^'s as tlicy ioavc the hod.v of tlic foinalo. Ill oi'dor to accoiiiplisli lliis I'llccliially tlic iiialo attaclit's Iiiiii- self to tilt' fi'iiialc by sci/iii;; Iicr with his aiitiM'ior limbs. In (li(> •iiralcriiuiiibcr of the .Salicntia llio ciiibracc is round the axilla', but in tlu' J)is('o;ilossi(lii', whifli ai)pi'oac'h nearest the salamanders in their anatomy, the embrace is, as in those animals, round the loins. In the salaiiianders it is, however, the hinder feet that sei/t* the female, and not the arms. Amoiiu' other families the {,'enera Ciiltripes, I'eloliates, and Pelodytes also sei/.e the female around the waist. It is jirobable that this will be found to be the ease in some other jjencra not yet observed.* The sjxM'ies of Arcifera exhibit i>eeuliar structures durin.^' the breed- ing- season; either an exiension of the natatory membrane, or tiie developnii'iit of cornioiis plates or spujs, as aids 1(» prehension. Tlu'ie is much variety and ellieiency displayed in this jjoiiit (except in IJiifo- nida'), in es[)eeia] contrast to the a])i)arent absence of all but the weakest modifications amoii^' the iJanida'. This is in eompeiisatioii lor the structure of the sternum, whose lateral halves, beiii^' movable on each other, olVer a sli;.!;liter basis of resistance for the llcxor and extensor muscles of the fore limbs. Ill the I)isco,ombiiiator extends the natatory membrane in the male, but does not develoj) horny plates. In Diseoglossiis two lilelike oval plates cover the superior surface of the short second diyit and tile tiiberelelike lirst or thumb, which is here developed as in no other anurous ])atiacliiaii. Dermal ruf-osities on the upper and under surfaces, iiiclii'linj;- the j;ular ref,Mon, are armed with corneous tips, as in Teiiuatoliiits. Xo peculiarity has been noticed in Alyt'.'S. The Aste- I'ophrydida' are unknown as to this point. In I'elodytes file-like jilates are developed one on the se(!ond and one on the third dij;it, one much lar<;eron the fort^arm, one sli<;htly smaller oil tlie inside of t lie humerus, and a small one on each side of the breast. Aiiioiif'' S('aphioi)ida' the Anierieaii speiaes dexelop eloii.i;at(! lamina' on I lie superior inner face of the inner (second), third, and even fourth dibits. No peculiarities are recorded as appearinii' in the IOnroi>eaii species. Many Ilylida- — Aj:alyehnis, Traehyeephalus — develop a cor- neous shield on the inner sui)erior aspect of the inner metacarpal, which is proloii^cd on the dij^it. While no appendaj^es of the season have been observed in some Oysli^natliida', in several {genera two acute spurs appear on the suiierior MM. 'riidiiiiis and Dcli.sic Ii.im' pioiiosi'd to dividt' till' Aiiiiia into Iwo .uroii|is. iiiiiiiiiii; llii'iii llic AlamidfXi'.s and Iiijj;iiiiiiiiii|ik'.\OH. Sen On aci-iiiiiit of Iliis dillcii Ai « ,1. II. .Toiiinal dc Zocilduio, \i. Is77, ]>. 4T',*. Ii!: II : Ml. rilK MArifACIlIA ol' NOIM'II AMI'.ltK'A. iisiKTl »>r the tliuiiilt :iiitl iiion' r.iicl.N .s|)iii' lilu* till>t'r«'l<'i on llic hit-asl ; tlui IkmI.v is .sHiiu'tiiiii'ssliicldcl with Iiartlciicd points nii liic i'ii,nosili('s, or till) lip smi'oiiii(k'(l liy iiii iii.-licd scrii's ol' coiiicoiis nij;;i'. in tin' l.cp- foddcli/hts pniUolttcfiilKs L;iur. ii lui^f acute processor tlie in. t icarpiil of llie timnil), Plate 7.') (lij;'. .'{L!), jtrojecls inwards, its apex is cov- ered l>y a lioiM.v cap? '""^ '^ is a lorniidahle j;rapplins'liaok to aid llio male ill retainiii;? liis hold. There is added to this in the smiie specties a honi.v plate on each side of the thorax of the male, from wliiiih project three acute p(»iiits. With these lixed in her back and thethnml) spiUe.s ill her breast the leiiiali's cm not escape. Structures like this do not appear in the l^irmisternia. Here the inferior cleineiits of the scapular arch abut a;;ainst each other, so that the thoracic cavity does not (^oii- tract on pressure, and the possibility of the male retainiii}:: a (inn jiiip on the female is thereby j^reatly increased. In tiie Cj/slitpiallnis ixtrln/ /<».stiie males exhibit a permaiient eiilar^cineiit of the brachiiim, depend- ent on lar/i'ely developed antciioi' and iiosterlor ahe of the humerus. ( l'/f/c(Jiinther, Ann. Ma^'. X. II., lS.-)!».) The various ways in which the ef;'j;s arc deposited by the female are expressed in the followiii;^ table from IJouleiificr. I add the iieciilliar habit of the ;;ciins Dciidrobates, as observed l»y II. II. Smith in Ibazil. I. 'I'lii' ovum in Miiiili ami tlic I.irva leaves it in a cdiniiarati vdy curly I'mliiymiic cini- (iil ion. .\. 'flic DVii arc laid in the water. I'mliaMy ilic majnriiy ( f jialracliiaiis ; all Kiiroiiean forms cxci'])! .(/(//c;. U. 'I'iie ova are ili'posileil mil of the water. ((. In lioles on the liaiiks of pools, which ltc<'omc filled with water after heavy rain, thus liheratin;i the l.irva'. I.rplodKftyliin occllaliis K. ; A. musliniiim ISiirm.; Pdliidicola (jrncUi^ I>lfir •' /'. On leaves aliovc the water, the larva' droppinif down when leaving the Chivdiitnnlix ri(J\>cciis (ithr, ;t I'htilhtmviliii^a ilirriiign Itljjr. II. The yolk-sac i.s very lar^e, and the yonn;;- iindcrjjoc.s the whole or part of the metamorphosis within the. c<;e; ; al any rate the larva does not assume an independent existence until after tlii^ loss (d' the external '^UU. A. The ov.T are deposited in damp situations nv on leaves, and the embryo leaves thi> {■>i■!! ' llcnstd, .Vrch. f. Xatiirj,'. l-i'T, pp. V2i, V-i'J. i:!s. t nucUlnd/,, Mon. Ilerl. Ac 1,'7.'>, ii.'.2ei, and IHTtl, p. Til, I'l.ii. I ISonleiifier, Trans, /no!. Soc., xii, HSii. p. ,'j1. iji liclloy Ksjiinosa, Zooi. (iart., l-'TI, (i. :!.'il : I5avay, Ann. .Sc. Nat. (.">), xvii, 187:?, .irt. 1(1 : retcrs \- (i'.iiullach, Mon. I'lcrl. Ac. l,--7(i, p. 7(lit. IIDcnionrs, .Mem. Ac. Sc. Paris, 1711, p. Ki : I)c I'lslc dii Drenenf, Ann. .Sc. Nat. ((J), III, IH7t!. art.7. I • .8 I. i 11 \ (I ' > f ■f t 240 lUILLETJN' :'.l, r.MTKI) STATKS NATIONAL MUSKUM. il In ii yuliir (till' votal) .sac ; tlio youiix if exiielletl in the jiori'ect stiilo. L'liiiwdiniKi." b. Uy tlio ioiiialf, u. Attai'lifil to Iho lu-lly. llhticophonts irtiniliitits (illir.t ji. Attached to tho back; tho youny coinpletos its inetamorphosiH within Ihooj?','. riim.t y. In a dorsal ponch. an. Theyounj^ loavos tlip jionch in (he tadpole sfato. Xotolfdiiti iiKirKiipiitliiiii Diini. A: r>il)r.\\ lib. Tiio yoniij; leave the poneli in the iierl'ect state. XnlDlrcmn l(ntii: tlu' young from place to plaee in search of water. The tadiioles reseiiihle those of liana or IJiU'o, and attacli tlieniselves by the month lo tlie back of the parent. Whether the ejJti's are car.ieil in this position is not known.ll The huvie of Salientiaiiave been (livided into two {ironps by liataste, (he .Mediogyrini and tlie Laevogyrini.** In (he former (he external branchial orifice is on the median line of tlie inferior surface; in the otlier it is on (he left side. To the former division belong the Disco- giossida'; (o (he latter all remaining Salienda, except Aglossa, wheie there are two spiracida, one on each sid«' (Amphigyrini Heronlfoyer). In the stage which immediately follows (he separa(ion from the o\;{!; the tadpoles of Salientia possess one or two pecidiar siu,.»lng disks on the under side of the head behind the i)osition of (he moudi. Their form differs (Plate 78) widely in dilferent g«'nera of Annra, and will alford a valuable means of identifying the larvic. I n />/.vcf*///r».v.\».v pirtiis, the adhesive organ behind (he moulh, is hemispherical, wi(h a V-shaped groove on its surfatie, the V opening forward. In Prlohufca J'uscus the adhesive organ is V-shaped, with a V-shajx'd giomt' on i(s surface, and the limbs of the whole organ extending furwaid (o eiiilirace (he angles of the mouth. In lUifo vnUjark the organ is V-shapt-d, wi(h a V shaped groove, and the limbs of the V come into «'on(act wi(li (he angles of tlu^ mouth. In Bufo riridis (he organ iNcrescentshaped, nut in contact wi(h the mouth, but a li(tle behind i(, as in Dis'-cglossus, and wi(h a widely open V-shaped groove. In I>ombina(or, l{ana,and Ilyla (here are (wo dis- '.Jimenez do l.i Kspada, Anii.Soe. lisp. Ilisl.Xat., i, l-^r-J, p. I'VJ: Spen;,'el, /.eilseiir. wiss. Zool. X X 1 X , H77, p. lit.") ; Howes l'ii)(<'e(ls. Zuol. Sue. London, l-iS-', p. •>:!!. t Glintlier, Ann. iVr Ma>;. Nat. Ili.st.(l). xvii, 1H7(!, p. ;tT'.>; IVrjinsnn, «»/». cil., xviii, 187(!, p. :r.7. t I'enniii, l)('velo[)peinent ii.iifait , p. 117. II Weiiiland, Areh. f. Anat. Physiol., IS.Vl, p. U'.». •i Kajipler, Das Ansland, I"'-'.'), p. ,<."><; .Sniilli, Ani. ric.iu Nalnralist, IHS-', p. l-^-i. " The faniily li'rniinations ''i(he'" j;iven lo tlii-y jiiitasle an- innv,- propriate, (,s they do not lepre.sent t'aniilies. r TllF- HATRACIMA OF N'OUTIF AMKItlCA. 241 II, ml tinct oval iuUiL'sivi' oij^aiis on citluT .side of tlic iiKuli.iii line, with traces of a Vsliaped >;roove eounectinji' lliciii, and both are behind the month. In Ix'diKi s in the water, snch as weeds, the gelatinous egg strings and masses from which they have been hatcluMl, etc. They are thns allbrded snpport and [»revented from sinking into the ooze to smother, and their enemies thus also donbtless find them a less icady prey. Th(>se disks are also shown ItyThiele not to l)e of the natnre of . factorial organs, bat are glandnlar, being formed wholly of thickened cpideiiiiis, which is elevated, its cells be<'oming lengtlicned or colnmnar. Tiu'ic is no mascidar sectorial apparatus de- veloped in c((nnecti«»n with them, and they are secretory, secreting a sticky mniMis or slime, wiiidi serves to fasten the young tadpole to its restingjilace. That an aclaal sccietion is formed is proved by the fact that a slimy thread of secreted matter is drawn out from the disk if the ytaing tadpole lie forcilily withdrawn fr»»m its support. They aie spe- cihcally larval organs, and persist only foi'onc! to two weeks after hatch- ing. They may be compari'd to the " balancers" found behiml the month in the larva of Andif^ stoma. In Tritons stalked suckers are said to be present, which l'>aIfonr comiuircs to the sessile'' suckers" of larval toads and frogs. Itydcr observes that he cannot see how it is ]iossible to liomologize the sucking «lisk of larval gar-pikes with the adhesive organs in larval Uatrachians, because in the fornu'r the disk is in front of the mouth and in the latter it is usually <|uite beidiid the mouth; only in one ease (llyla) are the suckers found near the angle of the mouth. The larva of Xcnopus has two hmg barbels at the side of the head from tlu' sides of the uppi'r lip. J»ut in this last case even it is doubtful if thcr*', is .my homology with the " suckers" of other larval Anura. There certaiidy «Mn not be any homology between the organ of the gar pike's larva and that of young toads and frogs, though it is proltabie that these organs in thelatttr ar.' truly homohtgons with the '• iialancers" ol' the larva' of salamanders of the type of Andtlystoma and Triturus. Thit'h' Inrtlier shows that, inasmuch as these structures are glatulu- lar, with no muscidar apparatus, tlu' terms "sucker" or "sucking- disk" are misnomers as applied to these organs. A belter term nnght he proposed for these sliuelurcs in young tadpoles, and llyder suggests that lluy be called ciiiilcnnal (I'lltisiiT orfjaHs. 11»*)1 Hull ;m 10 h \ii h L m » If li I ?f I m I ■! 242 iMiLLirriN ;u, umtki) stati:s national muskim. In later st!i;,fo.s tlu' stnictiiir of tlu' jmrts about tlie iiioutli of tlie tatl- poles of tlui iSalieiitia furiiislR's otlu'i- cliaiactoiistic lu'ciiliaritics. I'liil little has been done towanls llie (lesciiption of tlie.se parts, tlie Norfli American* anil European t species bein,n thus far tlie only ones studied. These stinlies have shown that the ll.vlidic, liufonida', and Uaiiida' have certain characters in tin' re.uions mentioned. Uelow the horny jaws there is a detlexed lower lip, which displays a wide surface anteriorly. This surface is traversed l>y transverse seiies of short more or less hctoU like bristles. Similar series may or may not extend across above tiie upper Jaw, or on the dro()|>in>;- upper lip at each side of lln- Jaw. Tlie lower lii)and part of tlie uppei' lip is surrounded by short obtuse papiihe in one or more series. Now in the Ilylida', in the rej^ions mentioueil, no seri«'s ol' bristles extend across above the uiper Jaw except a very sliort one whier describes the larva of the h'tnio alficola of northeast India as possessing three |)ar:)toid glands, two on the .scapular and one on the coccygeal region, which are not ret.iined in the ailult. Also a larva ol u tree frog from -lava, probably a Jtliac(H»h(»rus, which pos.sesses a ven- tral suct'W'ial ee (' Plate r)I,(igs. L'-J-T-S.) The fore legs deveh»p within these siiIk ufane- ous spaces behind the internal gills, and iciiiain conce;iled up toa consid- erable relative si;«e, and alter the hind legs ha\i' ae(|iiiied si/e enough for some funcitional elliciency. Tln^ left fore-leg then issues through the branchial orifice, and the right leg forces a pas.sage thi-ough the integ- ument at a corresponding position on the light side. For a time alter r 4-. I '.StMiMiss.M. Iliiiikirv. I'r il. liiisliMi Sdi'. Xiil, |li>t., {•'•'•2, \>. :I07 t IIiToii lio.vtTct Villi I5,iiiil)i'kc, Hull. .Siir, Zoi'il. Vr inci', A|iiil, issl. e\(l ai ti( fn e\tl( iiig larv; toiiu repi( two < fonii The earti wan <|iiail entir lage slapt Jii' rill-: ISATRACFUA OF NORTH AMERICA. 243 ^ w ,\\ t the lorc'-K'j;.s arc thus external the hraiiehial chainbers reniiiiii iii free eoiniiiuiiii'atioii witli the external niediinn by tlie .slit around the base ol" eacli loK'-U'j;-. Tlicse soon elo.sc, however, and (lu^ skin of the fore- h>ion would bethus retarded in the Ie;4' and atrophied in the wall of the chamber. (IMate 51, tij^s. 4-(»,) The shoulder yii'dle appears .separated from other parts of the skele- ton, bctwei-n tlu' muscU's. The coraeoid and procoraeoid form a loop, directe«l downwards and inwards, farremoved from that of the opposite side, and present at this time an arciferous type in all forms of the order .Salientia, (See (i;;. ."i!>.) The characu'is of the eartilajiinous skull of the larva' of the Salien- tia are peculiar and veiy dillV-rent from those of the adult. The sus- liensurium of the lower jaw is excee;lesol the cartilaj^inous ethmoid, formingaii ;u licnlation. It lli« ;i descends aj,'ain, and Meckel's cartilaj^e anicidates freely with its extremity. Ti>ere is a curved (larlila^ic attacheen- inji foi wards), which t'orni the support of the lunctional lower lip in the lar\a. These are the lower labial »ii sympli_\seid cai tilaj;es, ai>d are rep- resented in the adult l»y a paii' of short bones of the same nanu' (men- loiMcckcii.ins of Parker). Tlu' premaxillaiy bones are in like manner rei»reM'nted by two carlila;:«'s, which are loosely uttached above to the two ciurcspondin.ii' processes or i'oiinni of the trabecular cartilajjje, which form the roof of the mu/zle in front (»f the etlnnoid. (Plate "»(►, fij>-. 2.) The eeratoliyai is a robust bone, which articulates with the quailrate cartila^ic Itclow tiu' orbit, contractinji' in diameter as it extends down- wards and forwards. In the jtroce.ss of ji'rowth its articulation with the • luadratc be«!omes more and more posterior, until it leaves that element entirely, and comes in contaci. and in sonu' cases fuses, with the carti- lai;e <»f the b;ise of the skull in front of the stapes and near the inter- stapedial. (Plate .~»(l, fiLf. .i.) Jiesidcs the structuics (tf the larval hyoid apparatus already do- ^li k ip. r I 1 1 244 lULLKTIN :!l, rMTKI) STATKS NATIONAL MISKIIM. sciilu'd (<(iilcti) tlicni aro four (!iiililaf;in(»iis iirclics hclow the cerato- bniiicliials, wliicli beloii-; to the tleniial system, and wiiich are ealU-d ex trahram-hials, IMoxiinally tlic lirst of these is artieiihded witli the an- terior exterior aiiyle of till' livohraneliial pli'.te. Dislally the four are nnited to<,H'lher. Tliese arclies snpjMtrt a system of branchial frinj^es, wlneh are internal in position, and are eontradistinjiiiished from the ex- ternal braneliia' which the Salient ia exhibit when lirst hateiieil, and which are the<»nly branchi;e of the I'rodele and oth«'i' tailed types. They are thought by llnxley and Tarker to lu^ hom(>h»^'<»ns with the branchial strnctnres of the Marsipobranchii or lampreys. ([Mat(^ r»l, ti^-. 1.) The di've!(»pment of the anditory ossicles and c;ii tila.i;es exhibits the followinj;' facts. Tiie epistapedial disk appears in its noiinal posititm, eoverinj-- the tiexure of the (pmdiate cartiiajne, 'I'lie inlcrstapedial ap- l»ears as a bad in lioid of and distinct trctin the stapes, and the nii so- Hta]>edial appears as a small menduane on its apex. At a period «d' its growth the intcrstapcdial caitilage c(»iiiiccts the stapes with the (piad- rate cartilajut', as in Tiematodcra and larval i'scinlosanrian I'rodela. At the same time th(^ ceratt)hyal aiticnlates with the quadrate more dis- tally, so that at this stage a liana presents the characters of a transi- tional stage seen in (he salamandrine gt-nera Hiieleipcs and I'lethotlon. The inteistapedial then elongates nntil it reaches theannnlns tympani- cus. These liuts go (o show that the intcrslapt'dial and iiu sustajiedial are not segmerited t'rom the ceiatohyal (>i' meckelian ar<;hes, and are therefore not homologons with the <>ssi<'iil(i 'f»'//7*rs of mammalia, unless, imUrd, Mie end)ryonic lei^trd has iiccn greatly falsilied i»y ca'iiogeny. (Plates 1J», .".().) oiiKJiN AM) i:v(>i.i'i'i<).\ OF 'I'lii; sm,ii;ntia. The oldest Salientia of which we ha\e any knowb'dge were obtained from the .hirassic iieds ot' the iiottky .Mountains by i*M)fcss(»r Marsh.* Tliey occur in lower iM>cene beds in North America ((Ireen lJi\er shales)! and in Middle .Miocene (»f Switzerland ( l'lppel.'«hc;m)| and (ler- maiiy (Ibaiinkohle of the Kliinc).^ They are not rare in the (pper Mio- cene of North America (liOup l'oik,of Kansas). || Fitrms which by their 8tru(!ture would c( unect this onb'i' directly with the extinct onb-rs are uidaiown. It is, Ihtwevei', entirely probable that, as already |»ointed out (p. II), the Salientia were derived from the K'lnK^hilomi, but whether the Stegocephali enter the hue or not is uncertain. The compacted in lerior j)'. Ivicelenu'nts without(d)turator foramen otthe Salientia is much like the sanu' condition in the IMiachitomi, and to produ(!(^ an almost * I'rofcf,!. liiiti^li Ac. Sci., 1"-T, MhiiIi'ch ; dm llic cn iiliiici' riinii.-ilMMl liy l>|-. Olio M.-ycr. t('oi>t', l\'i'i»l. i;. S. (ii'ol. Siirv. 'rcns., Ml, l--:., \). 100. tTNuliiiili, (Miissil. . I\>;{. l|{'oi»f, .Viiici'iiiiii .Naliiralist, issd, p, i|l. t- ca.* siii K'ii is lira OS full I lion bh- dis resti T to 11 bac war cart •A ", I- u ,~ t ll l(> TIIH HATRACIIIA OF NORTH AMIUIICA. 245 identity between tlie two types it would only bo necessary to elongate the ilia of the latter. The developed sternal apparatus and sliouhba' fiirdle of th»', Salieutia is only found anionj; IJatrachian orders in the JJhachitoMii anil Ste,uo(rei)ha!i. Thus in I'.ryops of the former there aic clavicles, coraeoids, and episternuni (the last icdueed as in Trodela), and iu Ai-tinodou there is also an epicdavicle ((iaudry). The ]>osterior direction of the suspensoriuni of the lower Jaw of the Salieutia is also oidy found in tiu' extinct orders named, pointinji- aj;ain to this origin. In other recent orders these bones are directed forwards. Tlu^ in(»ditications ellected iu the Ilhaciiitonioiis skeleton to produce the Saiientian, have been jiartly llu' same as those which have produced the other existing orders, Tlius the triuMcrtebral centra have been re- l)Iaced by complete iutercentra, and several ])osterior cranial bones have been lost. The ilia have been greatly elongated, and in so doing have embraced vertebra' siu-cessively niori^ and mor«' anteriorly, so that tlM^ luinibcr bet w(-eu tiu ilia and the cranium has been greatly redutted, and tlif vertebra' posterior to the i)oiid of attachment become atrophied iu part and coiicrcsccnt iu i»ait. This jtro{!ess has been carried to the greatest degree iu the extinct family of the raheobatraehida-. Here thi^ ilia extend to two verrebra- in advance of the ninth or usual sacral, tiiiis inclosing three vertebra' in the sacrum, and leaving only .s/.i' for the remainder of the column. The coracoid is probably that of the Stegoceplialons order, as it is better developed than iu the Uhachitomi. The second row of the tarsus has also become icd need from these primi- tiv«' types i»y atrophy, while the lirst low has been I'educcd to two boues. as iu the M ammalia, w lii<'h have been greatly elongated. A jtarallel caseoccuis in the Mammalia in somn lemurs, particularly in tiie Tar- siida-. I have discovered that th«^ (lanocephala (Trimerorhachis), ami the IMiachitoiiii (Tatrachys) possessed an <'Ioiigate coluau'lla auris, wiii(;h is directed outwaids. backwards, and upwards to a- possible iiieiii- Imniitin tjimpaiii, which may have occ.u|tied the notch external to the OS inh rniliin .* ( Plate ,")(», tigs. 1-7.) The subdivision of this rod may have given origin to three of the f.iur distiiu't cl«'iiiciitsexliil»ited by tin' Salieutia. (I'lates P.KoO.) The homologies of these with the thr«'e j>rincipal osxicKht ^nitliliis \t^ \)nH>,\- ble. Tile history of these parts shows tliat tlie biek of auditory <»ssieles displayeil l»y some Salieutia and by all Urodela (IMates 4.S, 1!>) is the residt of deg<'Ueracy. The cause of some of the modifications of the skeleton can Ite traced tcMise. 'J'hus the coustaiil muscular stress on liie ilia iu humping the back previous to leaping must have had a tenden(ry to draw it for- wards not only on itself, but on its verteiiral atfaciinu'Uts, whi(!h are (iartilaginons and yielding. 'I'he elongation of the lirst row of taisal •AiMcric.'iti Niitiinilist, l-'>s, !>. lCi."> : AiiictIchi .limriiiif of Moriiliolojry. Vnl. ii, I't. 11, l—s. !i •1 ill !l ] I '3\ if I r m nil [f 246 miLLKTiN :ri, united states national museim. bonos may be tracod to a similar causo, t'spccially the stixvssupoii tlioni at tlie moiiuMit of starting a leap and alij;iitiiiy from it. The .survival of tlie elonf^ate eoracoid bone may be trat'ed to use b,\ pressure alonj; its lonftitudiual axis in the a<'t of seizinj;' tlie female, and possibly by stress in tlie opposite direction wlien en{ia{;ed in pusliin,v: objj'cts out- wards with the fore-feet, iirodncinfi' the etVeet of eloni(»i>ably in obedience to the same kinil of laws. These aie (he interaction of the animal and its environment. CLASSII'IGATION. The natural divisions of the ISalieiitia are the following: I. N(i toii^iK' : ont' |)liar,\ ii;;<';il opi'iihi;; ol' tin' lliisl.'ii'liiaii tulic |>ti.| VMoiii lioiit's inc'io.sjriv; IjinIiicIiIiiIi t iiIm's Itdciw ; rmaiuiils and iii'Dcdracoids (livcifiriif, ('"iilirclrd liy a ( ai I ila;;c wlii
  • |i- piLsili' side \iihinxii. IF. 'I'diijjiic |i?f.sciil ; (WMdstia ]di,ir\ iiL:i'a. ('Ia\ i(df and t'liraciiid <>!' cacli ^idi' ruiiiirrlrd l>y a loii^il iidlii.il anlicd carti- lage, wliicli (iMTlaps lliat oC tlic i>p|ii>-itf sidf : sciimla (Vic iVom llit^ ^l^llll. //■(■(/( /((. (Ilaviidi'S and coracoids id' ln>tli sidi's ciiiniiTtril I'V a .sin;;li' nairow rnidiaii lai- 1 ilagt' ; si'a|)nli) artinilatrd with a siicci.ii londvli' id' - xnrciiiil.il ilnsirrilniiin. {'Ia\ iidi's and inraroids id" Iml li sidi's rimnrctid liy ;i MMLfio ini'diaii r;irlil.ii;(' ; sraiml.i ilistinrt from nUwW I'iniiisi, nihi. •Seo Farts and OpiniidiM ndatin^ (i> tlir Ural, Uv .\!- \. (J. I!. II, (.nndiiii. I — . p. >',•. u >.'^ da pii S( ass i:u tin u TIIK nATUACHIA OF NORTH AMERICA. 247 ^iT' The presence or absciutc of maxillary teeth was formerly regarded by the author, after Diimeril and l>il»roii, as of primary value in the defini- tion of the suborders. On aeeount of tiie absence of teeth, a division Ibilbniformia was distin<;nishe shoidder girdhi which cliaracteri/es those of tiie arcilerous di\ isicui, the consoli- dation constituting a niodiliciition superadded in attaining maturity. Furthermore, young Salientia are toothless, :ind (uie section of the spe- cies (»f Arcifera never ac(|iiire t«'elli. In these (the Ibitonida-) we have a group which is imperfect in two points instead of one. !i i •,' m } iicili-iniis I.\1M' {Si-iiiihidiiiiK li"lhi'ii''ki\. V\)l. h. Uniiit li'Oi, . ilii , iiili.ll. Iiiiiiist-\ 248 Hri.LirriN :!i, iimtmi) statks national mi'skiim. The Discoylossiilii' must be ivfiiudcd as tlio most inimitivc fiimil.v of the, Amira, as it shows none of Ihcso peculiar modilicatioiis, and presents tlio greatest resemhhinee to the sahiinaiiders in its riUs and opistlioe(el vertebiii', and to other itriniitive tyix's in its split steninni. In the aceompan.vinj,' diajirism these allinities are expressed, and a possilde ph.vlogeny is indieati'd. That tlie hitter will prove lar;;el.v correct is shown by the presence of I)isc(.-;h)ssidie in tiie Miocene beds of I'rnssia, ]>articnhirly lu'ar P.onn. The paU'ontoh»},'y of the Salientia is, however, very imperlectly known. i;;iiiiil:i'. CysliytiMlliiil.i'. S( :ii>liio|ii(l;i'. / KiiK,v«t<>niiil:i', ('ciiiliiUMiiMcliiil.i'. Il.vlid.i'. ' IWifoiiitlii-, \ • ! riir.viiiNciil,!'. I I / / IVliMlvli.lii'. AstcropliryiliilM'. Disco" l()ssi(l:i', XtMioiiidii'. Pipidiiv The Arciferaand I>'irniisternia each exhil)it parallel inodili<',ations of structure, wiiich may Ite represented as follows in tabular foi in : AiHii r.ii\. I'liiAiisn i!\i.\. I. \\ ith.iiit ticili. (1. Willi >:i(r;il lllid:i'. ' l'Iir.viiiscid:i'. fill. Siiii:il ili;ipn|dl,\ MS ex liiidlic. iJfiidniplir.v nisrid.r Itciidndtiitidii'. II. Willi piriii:i\ill:ir.v and lii:iNiil:il',v tci'tll only. (i. W'itii s:i( lal diapiipliysi's dilaUd. IVdodytidj' » P.dnl,atid.f M'>'"'«M'l'i'l="- llylida.... S M'ophylida.. (1(1. Willi sacral diapopli.ssrs cn liiidiir. Cysti^nalliida' ( Kanula . III. Tt'clli ill Imtli jaws. (V. Sacral diapii|diyscs iiiit> dilated. Aiiip1ii''riatli(id(iiiti(1a' } ti . t \ i t ■ ^ ,, ' " , Cerafol)atraeIiula\ IltMiiipuractidir' ) '^ ,1 ' V THK MATUACHIA OF NOKTH AMERICA. 249 The fjunilies of Arcifera with opi.sthoc^i'louK vt'itebitB are omitted from tiie table as having no eounterpart amonj; tlie Firmisternin. Tiiese two series are what I liave (^iiMed " homoloj^ous };'i'onp8," and the eoirespondiiiy genera " heteroh){j;ons terms. 1 have also supposed that one sucii series may have been derived from the other, in evohi- tion, by a ehange in the one eharaeter which f the animal an«l itsenvironnaMit. This is the principle of "homo- l)lassy." To the latter kind belong the imitations fonn«l to exist be- twtuMi tlu^ placental and didelphian mammalia. The relation between the aiciferous and lirmisternial Amira may be one of homogeny. We may then parallelize tht^ families which may exhibit true cases of de- scent as follows : FlIiMISTKKNIA. I'liryiiiscid;!'. ])('iHli'(>li:itiilii\ ])y)-<-<>|i)ii. DiMnlropIiiyiiisiidif. lVl[iloliah!icliiiH. I'.vxilialuH. Lo|)li)|i(>lis. llyperoliMN. Hrtt'ri);;lo8.sa. CasHina. Ilciiiiiiiantis. Psciidis. MjM>l>ll.V('M. Ci'iatoiilir.vN. Il.vla. Ilyli^lla. Alit'(l — niiirowiiifj. Arliorral (voin. tfctli). Arl»)it'al (ill) voiii. Ii'ctli) Ai|iiatif. I'''"('f not \v('ltl)('(l — 'I'ciTi'.stri.'il. TciTL'Htiial, spmrcd. It i.s, however, remarkable that the ranirorni treefio^s nearly always have the external metatarsal bone free; the ai'ciferoiis always bound. The terminal i)halanfies ot the latter are eonslrn<'ted on a ball and daw type. In the former they are X shaped or biliii(!ate, except in (he single West AlViean {{enns Leptopelis. where the Sonth Ameiiean tyi»e is re- l»eated. I have also diseovered another series of parallels wliieh the {ji-nera of most of the families of the Salientia present, in (he de;,'ree of ossi(i-~ (nation of the sn|>eiior (iranial walls,* In the least-ossilicd crania wc llnd the snperior pari of the ethmoid still cartilaginous, (he snperior wall of the brain-ca.se meml)ranons, and the prefrontals represented by narrow lateral splints of bone. In jj^encra of slijihtly advanced type the roof of the eihmoid is ossified, and the prefronta's aie witter. In better developed ^eneia the frontoparit-tal bones ossify and close tln^ Ibutanelle. Tlu> lii;;lier ossilication shows itself in an exostosis of the snperior cranial walls, which, in further sfajics, involves the sUin, so that it is no lonf;er free fiom the craninm. The next stafje roofs over the temporal mn.scht with bone, and the hi<;hest stajje, known only in a ^icnusof Unfonida' (Otaspis ('<»pe), inclo.ses the membrannm (ympani l)eliind. TIh^ following;" table expresses tln'se facts. These series };ive an excellent illnstiation of the developmeiM of a single chara(;ter independently of othei- characters, and show how the generic eharactt'rs ori;;inat»^ (piile inilependently of all others. '.S'eNal. Ilisf. h'fv., l-li:.; I'niiictl, Ac riiiia., l-ilW (on llio <>iiM;in of Cciiciii); Orij^in of tin; I'itlest, IS-^r, p. •Jl^', I'lati^j iv ami v. 11 it u § Tin; !!AriiA(;iiiA or north amkrica. ChiHsitliMliiiii, A . Mlliiuiiitl mil nsHilii-il . . . A A. Klllllliiiil (issilli'il illliivi': I. A riiiiitii{i:ii ii'tal Inn liiniiUr — (1. I'rcfioiiliils iiiimnv. nit. I'l'i'li'iiiilals Willi' . . . . II. No rniiliiiii'lli' : sKiii riTI': lUM'MIMlllsis— (1. I't'l'I'lDlltlllM lllll'IOW. . na. I'iI'IViiIiImIs Willi' . .. 111. Nil riiiiliinrlli' ; sKiii I'li'r; c.Mi.NlimiH - a. I'lcI'miilMlH li.mnvv. . liiil'iiiiiiUi'. Sra|)liiii|)iilii'. Myoliatfii- clius. I'!|iiilali'a I'llll'll so \\t\fn s|i. . . . 1 1'l'llaiilirviii < !■ ... .. .. ..I. nri. I'll I'liililal.'* \\ iiii' . . nil. Nil liiiitaiii III-: iiil<'i:ii ini'iit ImviiIm'iI In '.t' ra ii it |i li I'Mistiisis. S ryiii'. mil. .SKiill I xiimIiimi'iI. ill vnUini.' iiili'i;!! Mil III : |rni|iiiial liiMsa iciiiri'il mill. .\s lail. lint nii'iiiliia iiiiiM t\iii|>aiii III- ( li.M'il lii'liiiiil . . (tla.ipis . .. Diiliinis S|ir;i l>:jl (".VHtl^natl.l. j,^,i,,„, ,.„„i,,,, Kii.siiiilni.s I Tliiiriipii .... Uaniilii. liiii liiiriicii'. I|\ |Hiliiiati . ll'H. (f '\rliiiliaii|.| \ pliiiH. II.\la (sp.) . fllx iMMilia .1 Kliwiii, I'tr . I Uaiia (oxy- rliyni'lial. Ilylmlcs, I'tf. Si'vtiipi.s Itanii (Inxa- ilai^tvla). Srapliiiipiis 1 I'll.ilial.y ' CllllliprH Onli'occplia Ills. riiiarliips . . Trai liMCpli- Pnlypi'ilati's. . aliis. Calypliiicpli alii.s. 4 % l"'i;;iii('.s «»r (Iicsc jiiid iiilfniH'tllntc ty]»i'.s of ci'ijiii;! will 1m> roiiiid in l'liit»'S (is tn 7.""). The adiiptivc ic-^iilt iitlniiUMl In these eliaii;;('.s in the ciaiiiiii Dssilieii- tioii iii'e two. Kolli ill hiirrowiii^ in the eaith iinii in incsetitin;:' n it eiit'iiiie.<, llie litp of the head i.s presented to tiie I'e.sistin;;' oltjeet. On Iti'in.u atacked, a S.ilientian Matrachian always depi'esse.*^ tlu^ nin/./.le and presents the top oC the iit-ad to the em-niy. Tiie typ«'s with well o.s.silird ciaiiia have a ;,M('at advantage over tho.se in whi(di the front is nietnlManoii.s or eartila^inons, t'speeially in tiie ea.se ol' at- tack I'roin venomous snakes, stin^iny' in.s«M'ls, etc;. There is, liowevei', no deliiiite distiihntion for the I'espeetive types, t'ither in tinu' or space, e.Kce|>t that the jjtMiera wifli nnossiCied elhinoid all belonj; to the. South- ern lleniisj»here. Also, types with nnossili(>d froiito|)arletal hones pre- dominate in the .\nstr,ilian and Neotropical realms, an^ nnkiiown in tht^ I'ithiopiaii, and raie in the I'ah'otiopical. Tyjx's with exosio.scd frontopariclals chicily altonnd in the. Neotropical realm, and (xunir in the Ncarctic and ralaarctic. I'alcontolo^^icaily, lioth e.xostosed (Latonia) and memhraiions frontoparietals (.Mytes) a|)pear to<;'etiier in the Miocene lirown I'oal of Uonn, in h'hine-l'russia. As re;;anls tin' distriltntion of Salienlia in North America, the follow- inji" general remarks may l»e nnide. The eastern district, with its com- paratively linmid climate and almndant water 2 miLLKTIN :tt, IINITKI) STATKH NATIONAL MUSKUM. Tliemid n'j;ioii.s of (lie Soiitliwrst I'liniisli llie nivali-r \iirii'l.v of spocJeH of IJiilo, Imt one spi-cics iiiliabitiiii; tlii' i-iisti'iii H';;i(m. Tin', Aii.strori- psniaii royioii is the lioiiic of scvcriil small Ibriiis of ll^lida- aiul Ilii foiiida'. The (iistiibiitioii of tlic Srapliiopida- is cliiclly in tlio drvt'r rcyioiiH of llio West; \\\\vo species are fomiil in the Soiioraii, while Iml one occurs in th<^ I'acitie, and one in the eastern and Anstroriparian regions. Tiie distiiltution may Ite lalnilaled as (bliows: (ii'iii'ia. All-IIM I'iliiiliitii l{. K.isli'in Criiliiil. S(iii(p|;iii. i'acillc. Unto Sra|iliiii|>iiH . ('llMIOIlllilllS . llvlii All is IIvIikIi'm Svirliii|iliiiH . K'liiia 1 5 3 1 1 1 1 I Tiitals L'l H III A(1L<)S"^A. The few members «d" this snboich'V have the vertebra' opisthocodous and depriveh tiio epicorai^oid cartila,ues do n(»t oveilap. The larva' are provided witii two spiracnla, one on each side of the body. (IJotilenjier). There are two recent ami one extinct families of this snlxtrder, which are istlio('i(UM'a<'oi(ls uell scpaiati'd I'roni tlittsc of the opposite side. Trt'tli present ; siicial s acnte, simple. l'iXt«>rn,d metatarsals 8ep- arated by a web. (Plates 41>, lij;. lo ami (Jl>, fi},'. li.) l'AL.K()l'..\TU.VUIlIi).l<:. No ribs; os ilinm attaehed to iliediapophyses of tiKM'oiitliient ninth, eighth, and seventh vertebra', whith form a disk; nioslyle attached by a doable ;>lenoid eavity. l-'rttntopariefal strongly ossilied, m»t proiliiced farther than the separate inefrontals. l-)\ternal metatarsals |>robably separated by a web. The j;enns J'tthrohafntrlms, Tsch., represeided by several species in the ."Miocene ( f (ieiinany. The sn|»eritn' plate of the ethmoid was (ron- cealed, and the atlas eonllnent with the first vertebra, leaving but six between the oceipnl and sacrum.* \'on .Meyer descril>es the vertebra' of /*. ijiiiantvidnxs pvoc(e1otts, while some of them are li^nred as o|iisthoco'loiis. Woltersdorllt states that they artt pro<'(eloiis. .\ specimen in the IJritisli .Miisenm which 1 examined has opistlioc. MT. t L'cluT rossiio Fiii^the instn's. das ;;. I'lilii'olcitiiieLiis, MagtlobiU}!, 18d<3. ; i( 254 luii.LiynN :m, imtki) statks national MnsKUM. ■; i' li: iifiive witli the bulk ol" the tribi' in posst'ssiiij; tlilnU'd sacMiil dijipopliy- sfs, whilst those ;it tlic other cxtieiiie e.\!iil>il tlieiii c.n liiidi ie;il. (■>) A few of the rormer possess siiiaU iil»s, ami (J) the iiiostvh' approaeh«'s the iioi'inal eonditioii of vertehnc in possessinji' one pair of trans verse proeesses ; (5) most of these, with tiie adjoininj;' less extienie forms, hav(^ a vertical or eat-like pnpil. ()>) Many of the same j;ronp exhibit a dej^raded or obliterated aiiditoiy apparatus; lint this li-atnit- is n(tt unil'oiiidy ("oineident with the preecdinu ones. (7) Tlie \ipiii- sternum is tbrnu'd of divergent lindis; in the bulk of tlie liilu' it is an emarjjinate eartila^^inous plate, and in the opposite i-xticMU' an osseous style, as in the Itanida'. t)f these features" the lirst, thiid, tbnrlli. and sixth are ajireements with or approximations to tin* structures (if the same elements of liir Salamanders; the resenddanees are Itorne out in the physiology of the same types. In the ol»ser\cd examples of the aimvc l.\ pes that is, (»t' th*' l>isco- {ilossiihe, Pi'h.ilytithe, and Scaphiopttdida, the e.uus are deposited in small clusters (i'ehnlytes). a sli(»it thick loop (l'eloi>ales), or in a st-iics with a slender, touj^h, thri'id like atlachnu-ni (AI.vlcsi. in the family fbM(»w inn' that of the Teloliates. that is the New Wdrld tree toads, the ejuj^s are, in the Old World species ( /////(/ 7'(() deposited in ,i;lolui- lar masses, as amon^' the lianida-, luit much smaller, while in out /////(( i>icLrriiifiii the m.isses include hut fnun foui' to ten e^iiis. In the first nientioned forms the male sci/es the female in trout ot tlu' thi^^lis, while in the iemainin;i; ami major numlicr of species, as well as in the ol)served rirmisternia, she is seized around the axilhe. Additional i»ei;uliarities in the dexclopment of Alytes, IV-Iodxtes, Cultripes, and I'elobates are, that they spawn at two seasons iiisiead of oiu>, and that their larva' attain a lar;^* si/e than those of other Anura before eompletin;^ their metamorphosis. 'I'hi> latter l«-ature is, however, repeated near the other end of the s«'ries — amoiii; those with cylindrical pelvic supports, in the jicuiis I'seudis. Theoccuireneeof a xiphisternal style >imdarto iii;!l <'f the K'anida' niay be regarded as an indication oi" supcriorits not «uily in consideration of this allinily, bui as a ;;reater dt';;ree ot speciali/ation and ossilica- tion of the part. It appears, however, noi merely anions the most raiiiform Arcil"eia, and anion;; some with proco'Ious vertebia-, which have the salamander-like mode ot' re|U'oductioii, but also ainoii^ some of the opistli()C(elous spe(;ies. The only family features as above ;iiven which seem to have a func- tional sijiiiilieaiice, are the struetuie of the terminal plialan>;-es as an adaptation to arb-.ireal life in the llylida- and the increase of raptorial power by the addition of another set of teeth in th»' llemiphractida'. Vet for the Mist-mentioiied function other arranj-ements are employed in other families. 1 ^"^Jj^ rili: MATRACIIIA OK NORTH AMKIIICA. •255 ynr Tin- riiiiiilit'S oj' tliis sii1)oi(U'r .lillrr as follows: 1. In'ilis iiicst'iil ( |)isi'iii:l(>s.siiitli-:i (iill). \'ci U'lii.'i' ii|iistli(>('n'l : HMi-ral . I (iM|i(i|ilivsfS (if .siiciiiiii (lil:ili'i;i|ic>lili\ xcH (>(' .s:icniiii not ilil.'ilfil Ih inlniiiliriiiiincidfi , AA. .M:i\ill:ir.v liTllioiily. Ni'l'ti'lii;!' opisllioi III : sarnil iliai)l>|ill\ scs ilihitril ; im'i>n|\ Ir iliNliiii't. txli iiiiilir/idiilii . NcrlcliiM' |iiociil: r-Miial iliaiPoiilivscN (lilalcil ; iiioslvli' disijiici : niinnal lill.llaiiurs cniiic I'l liiliiliitii . \'i' I trIiiM' iMiMii'l ; .-.ai'ial iliaini|ilivs<'-* ililalcil ; iiioslxic coiilliii'iii with >acnim ; iiiiiiiial |)li;ilaiinrs cinilc Sitijihinjiidii . \'rl Icliia' pidio'l: .sacral (li;i|ii>|ilivsts ililalnl ; in iisly Ic tlisi iiirl ; iiliuiial |iliahii|i;i's a ciiivril rlaw wil li yloliiilar liaNc Iljiliiln . N'crli'lira' pi'iM ii'l : s.-inal ilia|io|i|iy.si'.s iiol illlatcil : iiiost\lt' iVcc ; initial jilialaiiys runic, .sometimes tiaiis\cisc at apc\ ('iislnjiuilli'iitii . A.\A. .Ma\illar.v and mandilinlar tcctli picsciil. Sacral diapnplis scs dilated liiiiiliiiiiiiilliiiiliiiiHilii . Sacra I diapopli\ scs not dilated //( mililind lidn . Of tlic ahovt' families, four arc foiiml williiii tiir l)oiiii«lari«'.s of tli*^ Ncaii'titt ivcaliii. Tlu'.sc art^ llu' iliifoiiitla', Scapliiopida', llvlidtc, and ill a vciv I'i'W it'picst'iitativi's. the ( ".vstijiiiatliida-. 'riii»'«'of the famiiii's ait' coiiliiM'd to tlu' Neotropical Ikcaltii — the i>i'iidroplirviii.s<-ida-, tlie Aiiipiii^iiatliodontida-, and the llcinipliraclida-. Tlic ll,vli*la- Itclono- to tins fauna iiiitl the Aii.stralian, w itii a lai i^c icprcscntalioii in tlic Xcartie and a very small (»ii«' in tlif Palaarctii' Utaltiis. It is totally wantino- from tin* lOtliiopian, Tlu^ I)i.sco.i;l(»ssida' is lOnropcan, with on«i jit'iins in New Zfaland. it is the only lamily well icprcscntcd by {vr- liary forms. The small family of the Astcroplirydida' art' I'ala'otiopical and Australian, ami the f«'w I'dodytitla-, l'ahcotro|>ical and PahcaKr- tic. The lar;;*' family of the ('ystii^natliidn' arc Ncoiiopical and Aus- tralian only. The r>t)fonida' art; cosmopolitan, and the Scaphiopida' Nt'arclic and i'ala'arctic. Hut the nrcat«'r nnmln'r of the .\rcif«'ra arc N»'otn»i>ical. \Vc arc at present ac(|iniintcd with oOl species of this siii»(»rdcr, which represent S| ocneiic types. They re|)re.sent the families in tiie followino' proportions and re;;ions: (|ii|itii|ic lli'liiipliiarliilM' CvHti^IiKitliiila' Itiiriiliiilj' .I K i;. I':il,i an lii;i ( .\ iirtlf. Ilsl. I r> i; I'alj >iliii|iir.i. .\ iisii.ilis. :i I i; I'al Iii<|>ii'.i. I'al.e iirti( a 4 7 I; I'.il.iaii'lKM. N'l .III In .1 III I IMi ii:. I'al.i "iiiipiiai II I'.ila.intii .1, N'l' iii'lJiM, .N'i'ii. I llii|iir 1. .\ii.-.ll,il>?<. t I l;. N.'iitri>|>|ia. :i ^ It. N'l'iiiiiipii !i. .Ti 174 It. Niiiliopiia, .\ ii.-l rails. 14 lO-J : Ciisiiiiipiillli'. i iql : 'S: 2.')G HIILI.KTIN 31, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. The generic form.s lue all poeiiliar to their zoolojjical regions, except Hyla, lound wherever its family occurs, jind IJorboroco'tes, coinnion to Anstraliii and the southern jiortion of South America. The number of species so far known to inhabit these regions is as follows : Roftio AiistniliH K. Ncotriipica .. K.NeiUcticii.... :{•;:{ w Total «H1 In two ifiiioiiH .. 1 H. ruliiiirlirii... H. .Kthiopica... Ik. l*.il:i'()tr Vi it Total .... Ill two rcjiioiiN .1; The small proportion «)f species occurring in the Old World, exclu- sive of Australia, is evident, though the.v represent six families, while those of the Mew Worhl represent but six also. The tribe Arcifera was lirst delinetl audits extent and distribution indicated by the author in the Natural History Keview, 18(!r», thouj;h explaiiu'd a year previliysis. Ribs pri'seiit.| IJones of distal carpal series all distinct. Sternum of two slender iu)stero-e\teiiorly ilivcrgiiig libro- cartilaginous or cartilaginous styles. In the known genera tiuigiie is round, entire, and little or not at all free beliiml. Males without vocal vesicle. A marked peculiarity characterizes tin' larva- of (his family. The spiracle or branchial opening is situated on the median line below, while in all of- • tongiied Aniira it is situated on the left side. If we commenei^ the series of the Arcifera wi'li the great family of the Cystiginithidie, we will end it with the families Asteiophiytlida' and Discoglossida*, which are perhaps ei|ii:illy connected with that which precedes them — the Scaphiopoditbe, The former leads to \«'n- opiis through Paheobatrachiis; the latter, as far as our present kiiowl- •l':at<-7H. t olisprvril liy Diijit'M ami (icrvais in Alytes. {ii;>csin Al\ tcs and Moinli iialor, ,iinl liy Daim'iil in l>isc(i;;lo.ssii.s. :4l*< Tin: I'.ATKAC'lllA OF NOUTM AMHKICA. 2.-) 7 lie [v, lot I. lidj;*^ iiidicati's, liiuls its comjilotost (levelopiiieiit in the oxtinct j»omi.s Latonia, i-stablislRMl by Von i\Ieyor on the L. scif/rietli IVoni the Miocene olOeninj^en. A species also occnra in tlie fresh-water deposits of San- van (//. riifiosK], whose sahnnandei-like vertebra' have been noticed l»y (lervais.* Tliese animals. were nearly related to Discofjlossns, and iiad, like it, short posteriorly directed processes on the ribs, as in the ncnns Salaniandra. They were, however, inncli larger, had the I'ronto- piirietal Itoiics completely ossified, and the whole of tlu^ craninm roijilicncd externally by a dermo-ossilication. On this acconnt the jit'Mus has been compared with Ceratophrys, which belonj;s to the family of Cysti.unathida". In the reniainiiij^' and recent jnenera the strncture of the sternum is worthy of noli'. In old individuals of Disco^lossus it is sometimes tibro- cartilaulMoiis, as in IMpii. The sternum, hoinolo;;(»ns with the sternum of the i^act'rlilia. rcscndih's the united ha'mapopliysial cartila.i;es of ihe an- tciior ribs. In tin' ucnera in (piestion + this part is divided nearly up tt» the i»oint of attachment to that precedinj;", each moiety beiiij;' directed outwards ami backwards, and tapering into a lateral linea semiluuiiris. iJelwecM tlu'Nc and the pnlu's there arc in Discojilossns the usual thice pairs of linca- semilunares, connected on the median line by a stronj; I'uca alba In Disco^lossus the prefrontalia are strongly developetl, bcinj; in contact tor most of thcii' length, soiuctimes touching; the fronto- parictaiia. In Alylcs tlicy are also in contact throuj;hout, but ai»' transvcise and do not reach the frontoparietals; the fontanelle is lar;;cr. and llic ril»s withtmt processes; the whole animal is weaker. In this !^i ntis, as well as the preceding'', tin' i)upii is a vi'rtical slit; cIscwIk rr found in Ilylorhiiui, I'latyplcctrum, Limnomediisa, i'elody- tida' and Ilic Scaphi<»pida'. A species (.1. friisclicni)^ has left its re- mains ill tiie Miocene Ibauidcohle along with I'ala'obatrachus. Mom- liinaloi is similar to Alytcs in its osseous structure, except that the prclVoiiialia are in contact anteriorly only, and that the sacrum i>i''iii/i//iH((/ii)'. I'l. li, lij;. '.'I. I (!i', .loiini. Ai'.iil. I'liihi., I'i'iii, )•. T.'i. Ii'iiiiii ini^i-liilii ^ Von Meyer, r;iIii'i)iito,i;i'iiii!i- I .ii, Ml. i>. l:i' ', } i it t 5 V itt.-)!— I'.iill. ;;i ■i: -r i 258 i!Ii.li;tin -i, initkm statics national muskum. IH'liiiii, wiiicli is froiii New Zcaliiiid. Tlie toes are webbed in all the },'t'!U'ra, and tlio cxtonial iiictataisals are separated. L'l'iiliiilif iiilf;iiiiii(iil involved in ciiiiii.il oHsiliciition, wliicb (•oniplotostlii'o. o. fronto- liaritlalia : two (((ccyj^cal eotyli ami iliapoidijsos ; film witli ponterior ]iro(!- (■ss Liiliniin Noll Meyer. Ceplialic iiitei;uiiieiit free; a miiall tVoiitoiiaiietal foiitaiiellt! (.sometimes ait}Mfinlhi closed liv tlie I'llimoijl): ini'lronlialia larj^ely in coiitaet ; two coeey^ieal eo- lyli ; lilts with posterior proeess; piiitil roiiml ; caviim tyiiipani pnisent. No parol oid j^laiiils ■■ Dixaxilossim Oltli. Ceplialic iiitefiiiiiiint tVei': a iVontoparietal foiitaiiollc; vomerine teeth present; two eoceyneal eotyli; [mpil trianj;nhir; no tyini>anum or Eustachian tnlics (lioii- Icn^er) Lioiidmii Steiiidachiii-r. C'eplialie inte;;nnienl tree; a IVontoparietal tontanelle. I'relbntalia in eontaet thron;ihont ; two eoeey^^eal eotyli; no mdimeiital di^^it ; typaniim and eaviim tynijiani distinel : pupil eri'et : parotoitl inlands present J/l/^■'< Wagl. Cephalie inti'^nment lire I'rom eianinm ; a frontoparietal fontaiielle; ]irt;l'ontalia in eontaet .iiiteiiiirly : one eoeey;ieal eofyliis; no inner di^it developed; no tj'ni- panuni or ea\ iim t.Ninpaiii; Knstiichian tnbe rndiniental or wantin<;; paro- loid glands none Iliniihiiialur Merrem. Ail tlie cliaiaeters oi tliis laiiiily j;(» to show that it is the nearest of the iSalieiitiii to the oriojnal and now extinct tyju' which formerly con- nected that order with the Siilainanders. These arc, the presence of ribs, the (tpislhncdl vcitehne, the distinctness of the carpal bones (d the ii(.iijiiy absent; if present, it is reduced to a mirrow cartilage. Tlie sternum is usindly a cartilaginous |date, whiirji in a lew eases is ossilied alono Its center; in Hnoystomops there is a wcll-delined itony style siij)portin};' a cartilaginous tlisk. "The vertebra' are i»roe'. mchoiosdctUN it is broader and nearly bony, and in Xirtcs siilxisiwr stnmin.'i^t and broadest. In Hii/'ii Lcliiitrtii the terminal phalanges have a slight terminal trans- vei'sf I'xtriisjon. MyoUatrai'lius. Xotaden, and rseudophryne the weakest and least developed forms, are Australian; I'^upenipliix, IMiiynoidis, (bifo, I'elta- lihiync, Otaspis. Ollotis, ('repidophryne,Cranophryiie and Uhinoi)hryne are Neotropical; liiito and Ncctopiirynt', I'lhiopiaii ; IWifo, ITearctic; IJufo and llpidalea, Paheaiclic; and Scutiger, llufo, Nectes, and Necto- phryiie, Tala-otropical. The characters are the follov.ing: I. i'l'i iiiiiial |>lial.'in,!;;i's*siiri|ili>. A. 'I'wci 1 (iii(l.\ li's for llic iiiKstylo. I!, 'rntiiiilr liDlllid ill front, tVi'i- lirliiml. A rioiiloiiiirielal fdiitioulli'. Mthiiioid lioiic iii<'iiiii)ili'tt> aliDVf ; strniniu ossII'ilmI on (lie iiiiddlt- liri<' ; rar ini rntly dcvidoiu'd ; piiiiil cri'i't. Mnulxiliidliiis Sclil. F.tliiiioid liiiiir i'i)iii|di'tr ; (iii^ciH jiiiil tin's (Vfc ; slrriniin a Wfak cart ilajir /'m inhiphriiiif I'itz, Etliinoiil lioiii' (.•oiiiidcti' ; toes wcldu'd . .stt'riiiiiii distiiicl. i'li'iilith It (Jopc. ""No rroiito|iai'i<'lal (oiitaiiolli'. (V. No voiiiiiiiif lirili. /<. 'I'yiniiaiiic (liaiiilii'r iufsciit. Toes Crci' : tviiiiiMiiic th'iim not inclosed; stcinnni j.n osscons st.vic /^iijii iiijilii.r Stciml. 'The raised orliitai lid^cs id' liiis ^cnns do not constitute its essent iai ciiaracter, as foi'inerl.v suppohed, lint lather llie division ol" the mural spines and the widi' separa- (loiiof tlie lateral portions ( iliev stand aliovetlie /yuapoidiyses) lliron,i;hont the vcr- t el II a I eidnnin. Perhaps t he I'nsion ii|iil ciccl . . li'li'mi ihriiiiii-^ iKim. \ liilir. A A. One condyle lor tlic nrostylc. l'n|iil vertical; lui \oniirint: licth ; tot ^ rue; a sicinal ^lylc, Siiiliiii r 'I'lu'cdi. II, Ti'riiiiiia! plialan^t's J-^iiaiu'd. l'il';;ils alid trcN ii'dlc \\( lilii d : I lie I i|i-dilalt'il iiilndiNks ; stfrniini carl ilaninmiH \t i luiiliniiit' I'iMcIi. A I'clcrM. Tlie distjiltiitioii of these {"I'lK'ni is ;is lullnws : a 1 •r, a M.vipli.iliailiin. l'Mrllll<>|illlMli'. Kii|H'iii|ilii\ K|iiilalcM Iliif.. <)ta.s|iii« Ncitc Ollolis (;rc|iiilii|ilir l'iaiMi|ilir,> Kliiiiiiiiln \ mis. \..la.l.ii.'. Siiili;;i'|- Nr(lii|ilir.\m' 1 III Total . Ill III c ■"3 :i II. IlUro l.ainTiiti. Syii. I{t"itl.,l>- -•">: \Vay:l.,Syst. Ainpli., p. •iiM): Tsclindi, Italr., p. >h ; |) \ itilir.. viil.p. ilii'.' ; fliiiitli., Cat., p. .Vi ; Nat. Hist, h'cv., i-r.."i, p. lii.>. Onirhiiiiihii'- Spis, Spec. N'ii\ . Test. IJan.. p. I'.l : I'.sp.ida, Niaj. I'ai if., \'(Mt., p. 17(1. 0/,////)/(;is Ciiv.. R. A. : 'rsilindi, Matr., p. f*'.t : (Hiiilli., C.ii., p. tl.i; «'ope, /. < llilliilihsiii sp. Itoie, Isis, 1-"J7, p. Vj'.ll. ( hitiDiiis sp. Waj;!., I.si.s., l-X'"'. p. 711. /7i(7/»(r (Oki'ii) I'itz. Sysl. Keptil., I. p. :i-.'. rliilnliliiillii I'it/. I.I-. : Cope, I'liie. Ac. I'llila., l-l'i'.'. p. Il."i7. riiriiiiiiiilix I'it/.. /. c. : Cope, /. <., ami Nat. Hist. K'ev., |-ii."i. p. |ii-.', pars. ./)i((.»7/C((f 'rscliiidi, I'aim. I'd'.. Ileip., p. 7-^. Sihisiiiiiilnniii Smiili, III. .s;. Mr., |{ept., .\pp., p. 'i-'; (iiiiilli., / .., p. 1:!-: Cope, /. '<'ri jiiiliiin ( 'ope preoccupied. I ( '/•('» •1/1 M~ ( 'ope lireoci'llpled. This ucniis may lia\ e a ic.iiiial loniaih l|r, Ihe sK nil li i> u.il lieen i' \a nniied t, ^3ia^ "^ ii i T TilK HATUACIIIA Or NOKTII AMKIJICA. 2fil l(/(//.i/i/(( . ('ii|if, I'liic. Ac. I'liilii., If^i'iH, |i. :'u I. /,'/l.(/i« «'r., |-(ij, p. ;!.')/, illlil N.lt. Hist. KlV., I-Ti."), p. l(i-j. .l»Ni/»i(( .Sliilic/.k!!, ridc. Ah. Sdc, l-i/d, p. l.VJ. IhitmitjilirlniH Ciiiiu'raiio, Atti. Ai'f. Tor., \i\ , HT'.I, p. ■'■'•J. Viipil Iiorizoiitiil. T(Hi<;iio elliptic or pyiilonii, ciitiro aixl lVo<' hcliind. Vomcriiu! teeth none. Tyiiiimmim di.stinct or liidden. Finjit-is iVee; toe.s more or le.s.s wchhed, the tip.s simple or «li!;ite(l into small disk.s. Outer metatiirsais united. Omo.sternum j^enerally mi.s.sin};; if present, earlila<;inous; sternum, a eartila<;inons plate, sometimes more or less ossilied alon;^ the meilian line. Diapophyses of .sacral vertebra more or less dilated. Teiininal phalan;,M's obtuse or tri.injiular. In the l'roeeedin;;s(»r the Philadelphia Ac^ademy Ibi' l.S.")l Dr. ('harles (iirard };ave a .synopsis of the North Am«'riean species of this ;i('nus, which t'mbraces thirteen specilic names. ICiyht of these are recojiiiizetl in the jjresent work, and two others as subspecies. In ISSIJ the writer L;ave a synopsis of tiie species in the Proceedings of the American l'hih).sophical Society, the result of the study of which has been iucor- |)orated into the present volume. I. Ili'iiil willidiil liotiy cicsls jilMivr. a. Iiitcnirliilal space w idrr lli;iii cvclitl. ranitoiii ;; I anils small, as wide as Imi;;, not wiiicr than licail : li'n<1 of tarsus it-acliini.; to i'l'oni I'lont oroiliit tii rml of inn/./.l<> ; iiicta- tarsal tiilirnlfs insi^^iiilicant /)'. iniiirtahiH. raiotoiil ;; I a lids la !';;<', loii'. loiiijinrlilin. It. lii'.'ld w ith liony ( Ti'sts i-liove. I. Iiiterorlpit.il spaci' wi'hr than eyelid. .\ stroll;; post frontal crest ; siiperciliaries diver^i'iit liackwaids; parotoiil eland narrow and e|on;;ate, descendin;; towaids axilla : lai L;e inlands on ilii;;h and on tihi.'i : lie:id loiir times in the leni;th : metatarsal liili- ercles small />'. iilrui inn. •J. Iiiterorhital space narrower tlian eyhimhinisls ami ilic //. Iinliiji uomtti an' IIk' imiI.v (Hics wliicli displa.v aiiv ^ical \ analulil.N , tl:r hitler liiiviiiK" lour well (leliiied siihspecies. Tiiev are also naturally tlic species wliicli present allinitles to otiier species. Tims tlie /.'. hiifit/i- vnsiis sometin)es approximates, witliont hecominii' eonl'iised with, the /.'. coffnatiis, and tiie latter in tarn varies towards the /;. coiiipdctiliN. IM'i'o I'l'NCTATls li. A (J. Proceed. Ac. I'l' i., IsV.', ]i, IT;!: Uaini, f. S. Mrs. Ilniiiiil. Smv.. vul, n, Ih'pi. i>. late \xxix : li;;.s. Ti-T (imiI ;;iiih1>, Is'i'.t. Ilii/o IkIiHiiiiH Varn.w, I'mceed. f. S. Nat. Mils.. I'--,'. |i. 111. The head is wide and Hat, and t'nters the total len;;th three and a third times. The width at the |>()sterior borders of the tympana exeteds the lenjith by the diameter of the eyelid. The latter is aitoiit I'onrlilths tln^ very Hat interorbital rej^ion. Tin* only eianial rid;;*' is the vertical one which extends I'rom between the eyelid and the paidioid j^land along the front of the tymi>anic nuMnbrane. The lattei' is very distinct and is nearly round, and is Jnst half the long diametci' o*' the eye. Tlu' prefrontal bones are rather prominent at thecanthiis rostralis. and are roughened with raised points. Theendof tlu' mn/zle is strongly convex in protile, its extremity oveilapping the premaxiilary border. The nostril is nearer the extremity than it is to the orbit. The gianidar i-onghciiing is present on the extremity of the nose, on the posterior part of the vertex, on the eyelid, the prelym panic ridge, and on the par- otoid gland. The tongue is narrow and subcylindrical, and tlie <;hoana> are large and anterior. The parotoid glands are sul)triangular to round in outline, and are as wide as or wider than long. Tiie warts of the dorsal integunnMil are quit*' snnill, and stand nearer together on the sides than on the median region. The derm of the inferior surfaces is not roughened nor granu- lar, oxeei)t for a shoit space on the gulai' regi(Ui. but is more or lessdis- tiiu'tly areolate. The external surface of the arm and of the tarsus and hind foot and of the entire sole isspinulo.se; on the superioi' surface of the tibia the spinulose tul)ercles are mingled with larger tubercles. When the jjosterior liiid>is extended the end of tin' tarsus r«'aches the anterior border of the oibil, and from that point in a few instances to the end of the niuz/lc. The first llngeiis longei' than the second. The jiosterior foot is lallier small, and the web is deeply emaiginate to opposite the middle of the lirst (fotiith) plalange of the fourth toe. All the toes have a narrow «lerinal margin to their (extremities. Suhdigital tubercles not large, single. The two metatarsal tubcicles are distinct, the internal (piite narrow, and with piominent obtuse extiemity ; the external rounded, and not presenting a free vd. Klliri. (':i|n> Saint I.in'iiH ; |. Ml ilxlilinii lih (:itKl dliri Willi ll 111' iii'ilil itt liiislrfiiir rilj^c of I viii|i;ilia 01 '.I l.i'iij^lh III' I'orr liii'li {\->7 Lrli^tll of iMistcnul' lilllli (IliO I-iii;:tli ofliliiii (ll'.t l-inj^tli iiriarsiiH Oil lifii^tli of ri-iiiaiiiili'i' III" I'm i| OH This sjn'cics is ofratlicr variahlt' cdltnatioii. 'i'lic tyjic (No. LMUS) Is a nniloiiii li;;Iit brown above and yt'llowisli-wliih" iiclow. In two otlici' siu'fiiiiciis li'oni the same locality the dorsal tiihercles are p ile, with a daik liiifjat the base. The latter is the prevalent eoloralion. I'oi' whili^ tlu'ie iiie six specimens which show if, there is only one other ol t'lie nnit'oiin brown tint. Specimens from Cape St. Lucas have red wans, with a black rin^' at the base, and have the };ronnd cohn- of the sides black besides. TheHiinder extremities hav(^ larjic blackish blotches, in- closin;;' Inberclcs which are pink. There is also a idack spot on the eyidid, one below the canthns rostralis running longitudinally, and one which extends below and sometimes behind the tympaimm. This is oiH' of our best marked species. Its distrilmtion exti'iidsfiom western Tt^xas from as far north as Kort(3oncho, and nhn\'^ both sides of the boundary line between the United States ami I\Iexi«'o, to the Pacific ocean. It is found as far south as San Antonio, in Texas (Marnoek), and in Lower California to the extremity of the ju'iiinsiila ^ Xaiitus). and in Mexico to (Juanajiiato (Dnjjes). The paired },dantllike rid}j,ef< '>'< the back, represented in tiie li.:;iire of this species in the Heport of the Cnited States and Mexican Iloiindary Siirvc_,-, are merely the projections caused by the dorsal and sacral dia- pophyses, somewhat exa.ujjferated . I ,.( --1^ t ■ 1 i J : 1 2i>\ lUTIJJ'TIN :(|, I'MTKI) STATKH NATIO.NAI, MISKI'M Hiijii jiinitliihi'i li.iiid. ( "iitaliicm' Nn. of liiiinlii'i'. N|iiM, I Locality. Wlini I ollrrlcil. 2018 31)17 3(m 201.1 HIOH 2014 4io:i 13001 12000 13070 10100 12000 B30S I'roin » lioiii ri'i'i'ivi'il. a Sail I'cilro, Ti'\ 1 r.islaniicla^, Mi'xiro I l.iiiil. IS. roncli, f. S. A. 2 laiiyjidlil IJaii.M Uh, 'I'ux A.Siliiitt I Siinipiii do 1 liiciSanrfilrii, N. Mrx Dr. S. \V. Woodlioiis.- .. 1 Aii/ciiia IWl I'MllM.liolt 7 New .Mi'xiio A..'>iiii.i iii'^iun II I,a I'll/., L.ral I :i do I ,'. do ' 1 Wlilli' IJivi'i ('armli, Alb :i l.al'a/, !,.<'al II. I!. Molll MM IhHJ { I, Jirldili;; . IKH.i do 1H8.' . .. do IH7!l Kf. 1! T. r.iiir. IR»:' I„ I'm Mill',' ... ('a)io Saint I.nra.i, I,.<'al : John .X.miiis . Naliiii' of xpi'i iiiii'ii. All'oliolii'. l>o. I to. Do Do Do. Do Do Do. Do. Do. Do Do. Do. UITO Iti:iMI-IS Ciiai-.l. Proi'fiMl, Ac. 1'liila., l"")l, ~7; IimIkI. l'. S. Mcx. IShimhI. .^ihv.. ii. I{('|iiil., p. •iT: l!c)iilciioi.|. Cat. Half. Sal. ISrit. Mils , •.»! .1., I'H-.', p.-J-'.t. lliifii iiis'iiliui (iiraiil, I'idci'il. Ai'. riiila., IrJI,"-; IJaiid. I'.S. Mrs. Itmiiiil. Siirv., ii, Uciil il,,l>. •.'!•., IM.M.I, W'^x. l;!-l-. W Tin. 111. I!i,i„,l,hitls. No. •J(Wi. Cliiliiialiiia. M».\.. ]. Tlii.s .species ol' timd is nearly reliitetl to the />'. piiiirhiliis and agrees Avilli it in most respects. The fonn of the liead ami the ehaiacleis of tlie skill are (jiiite the same; ho is the Ibrm of the posterior fo(»t. Tiie (lillereiKH's are well marked, and are as follows : The leii;,'tii of the head is (;oiitained in the total more than I'oiir times. Tiie lirst liii^^cr is shorter tliaii tilt second. The liiml le;;' is shorter, the end oC the tarsus onl.v reachin;;' the jiosterior border ot'the tympanum when the U'' III All. '.'(i'j;!. .1/. l.r lifiiil III |)(islri'i(ii' ciljjfs of tyiii|iaiia tMiS Witllli <>r Im'.kI III poftli riiir cil^^csor lym|iiina dill l,iii;;lli "I" lorn liinli from iixijlii ()•.»(» I.cnulli of poMlcrior from uroin (i|() LcriHili of I i Ilia dl'J l,i'ii;;lli of tarsus (l(ii» I. r II l; III of riMliaillilri' of foot 01 t 'riic ;iv('i'a},'«i size is less tliaii that ol'tlm It. pnnrtatits. Tilt' color of the, liii/o ihbilis is a lif^iit asli, Tlic small tuluM'cU's i'.n^ jit'iu'iaiiy black, and arc witlioiil tlio red or yellow ct'iitcrs wen in tlir /.*. ininrliitiis. The limbs have narrow black cross-bands, or rather wide incomiilefc black bands, with the pale center so larjje as to leave only the bla<-k bor.lers. The eyelids and parotoids are (crossed by simi- lar black lines. I»eh)W and ('omtealed surfaces iinspottetl. The range of this sp»'cies is much like that of the />. jutncttitHs, but. it extends further <'ast. Mr. Isaai; found if on the upper Wichita in Texas, and Mr. \N'. Taylor at San Diego in southwest Texas. lto(H!urs westward through noithern ;\l«'xico and the southwest territories to (liiayinas, on the (iidf of California. It has not yet been found in Lower ("alifoniia. It was originally brought from the valh-y of Mexico, and the Smithsonian Institution siibs(M|iieiitly re(;eived it from ^Mazat- iiiii. Itaiiil reports it from the lower Kio Grande. It is probably diag- nostic (»l'the Sonoian region. lliij'ii (tihilii liiranl. UKSKIIVI': SKKIKS. < '.il;ilni;llr No. i»l nilllllll'l'. MJHC. l.n..lUl.V. Wl„.n I'olll'I'tl'll' I'miiii wIkiim n iiin'cl N;iliiri' el' s|ii'('iiii<'ii. "I •-'li.'l •JiiJil •-■liM L'li-'7 .'lilhl 'JOIU I IMnw.ii.' I'triK I Aliiiliolir. ■J I 'liiliii;iliii;i, Mrvlrii .. Dr 'riiiiniiis Wi'lili Ilii. • 1 M.ila 11H, Mi'Mto .. ; I.iriil. I!. Ciiiirli, r. S. A . i)ii. I M.il.iiiiiiiii-i, Mcxjt'ii .. I.ii 111. I! ( '.nil li. r. S. A i)o. 1 I'l If-< l;iM 1. 'l'i'\;n ....I It. 1!. !■'. Sliiiiii;iiil | itii. mi'O AlAAKirsliiiard. r.,iiiil'.s K'ljitilia \'. S. Mrs. Hi iiiiil. Siirv., ii, |i. -Jtl, PI. xvi, li;;.s. 1-f!. This very distinct species is as yet known from a single specimen, whirii is picsei ved in the National .Museum. It has a general relation- ship to the /.'. iiiinrlitliis, and also to tin* Cid)an Pcltitiiln-nnv^ultavvphnlti of ("iil»a. In its larg*^ size it eipials the II. marhiKs. Head slicnt and wide; nui/.zle obtuse and vertical in prolile, not pro. .jecling beyond upper lip; naics terminal lateral, the c.-jnthus rostralis Ibrming a convex line from nares to Ihi' orbit, l-'ront wide, superciliary ridges ob.solete at anterior third t»f orbit, moderately elevated behind lit : ■*. i 1 r- t I MT ^i it« i W 2(10 lur-MvriN ;i;«, uxited htati:s national mi'skum. (Iiis |)oiiit, iiiHl rormiiij; a iryular curve witli tin- poslm hiial ri. !;;••. N.. biaiitli cnsts. A vcr.v slioit robust sii|»iat.vm|taiii('«'H'st, a sIkuI iiairow picdhital crest. Tviiipaiiicn;;tli of head itiid liixly Hl't Lcii^^tli (if licail iiK'liKlin;^ t,\ iii|iaiiii f licad, including; lyiiipaiia imKi Length of fore liiiili from axilla fCH Jj('ii;;tli of fore-foot 0;t.| licnjjtli of hind Icj; (i.'il l-i'ii^'tli of tii.ia o:.:! I.rn<;th of tarsiiH (titl! LfiifjtliofrcHtof fool (»."■:! Parotoid jjland a loiij? oval, with parallel sides, deseeiidiiij; IVoiii tlie usual eomuieiiceiiient abov*' tlie tynipauuni to a position above the pos- terior edjje of the hurnenis, and nearly on a level with the posteiior l)order of the mniihnnnim ti/minnn. Dorsal inteo;uineiit with rather sjiarse small tuln'r(;les. A huye oval jiland on the superior lace of the T X I THK ItATRArillA <»;' NOIJTI! AMKUIfA. 207 llii;;li, iiihl iiiiollifi' liU'^M'i' oiH' «>\ tend ill;; aliiittsi tlit- riitiic l('ti;;'tli of IIm^ .sii|M'riur cil^;!! ol' |Ik>, til'iii. A pnimiiii'iit< lomitl \v:ii'l diriMttly iMtstctioi' lo the rictus oris, prt'rcdcil l»_v two or tlii'co sniallcr ones. Inroiiot'sin- l'at!rs iircnlati', iintst closely posteriorly. I'lii^^crs short, liist iiiid third e<|uul, ioiirlli shortest. Second (first) liii<; r with :i very l:irp' tubercle at (he liaseol'tlK^ proximal endot'thi^ second plialaiip* ; a smaller one in the saim^ position on the second. The nsnal two larixe palmar tnliercles; distal to which the entin^ palm is covered with closely placed tnl>ei'<'les. Toes wehhed to tho extremi- ties, hnt the weh scall(»pe*l, so that the (>d;;e lietween the third iind Ibiirth toes is opposite the extremity of the lirst phalan;>;e (from meta- tarsal). Solo with a pavement of rather small warts, a sin;;le rather lar,t;er one Itelow the proximal extremity of each phalan;;c excepting; the distal ones. iCxIernal metatarsal tuWercle lar;;e, little delined ; the internal small, oval, and with free <'i)ni(^d extremity, its inner ed<;e is close to a lice dermal margin, which extends from the edj^e of the lirst toe and turns tor w aids on the tarsus and is lost distad to its middle. When the hind lej; is extended the heel rtwhes the middle of the tym- paunui ami the end «>f the tarsus rea(;hes tiu> extreanty of tliu mn//le. The lcu;;th «»f tli<' lieail is considerably less than its width, atid enters the total len;:lli nearly four tinu's; oi'. measnrin;;' fron> the snpraoccip- ilal line, lunr and a half times. The color of the speeimcM is probably somewhar |>aler than normal from theetVect of the alcohol, (liiai'd states thet'resh color to have been '• uniforndy dark jirecu." .\t present it is li^iht brown, and below wliiiish, with a few pale spots on the thoratac and j^idar re;;ions. Thi;;:hs nnitorm li;>ht brown behind. Thci linuic of this speci«'s ;;i\cn by r>aird, as abov«' (Mted, is {^orwl, except thai lue jiarotoid inland is repiesented as too wide. This ;;lan«l in this species is tpiite peculiai' in its t'orm and ])osition. No. !.'."» 71' ; one spec; l-'ort Vuma, Cal.: A. Schott. I'.iro COl.t MJIIKNSIS i;.!. A (iinl. ftiil'ii rohiiiihii iisis K.'ilril iV (Jir;ii'7S ; . W'A. t-'.t; ('"iH'. (lurk List Hull. i;.pt. N. Aiiicr., IST.",, p. '».). Iliil,, hnii.is |'.:iiil.p.-7. jiimI I'. S. M,\. lioiiiiiI.Siiiv., II, p. -J'!, ri. II. (i;;. 7-fJ; IJoiilm- ^;. '2'X\ li-;. Itiij'o iliiliiixiH, pail, (iiiiilli , Cat. Ilatr. Sal. !5iit. Mils.. lsr,,-i. p. .'i7. /.'«/'.» (/(i(i iiM(i/)/iii s- Ciipc, I'lDcrfil. .\c. I'liiia., IS'ili, p. ;!lll ; Keport U. S. ( i. (i. lOxpl. W. of imilli Ml T.. (J. M. Wlii'.'Ici. V. )i. .'>•.'•.>. /.'»/'.i/ii/ /((< Ciipc. Ik'i'port r. S.IJ.O. i;\p|. W.dfliHMli .Mcr.. v.. p. .Vi-J, I'l. XXV tij;. !-.'>. This is a variables species, so much so as to present the appearanceof iucliidin;;' a number of subspcries. I?nt these inter^^rade in so many specimens that I can not maintain them as distinct, and I shall iist^ the l«'rm vari«'ty as uhuv applit^ible to their case. :) I i i r 1. 208 liriJ-KTIN :U, rXITKI) states national MlTSKl'M. 'I'lif licad is slioit aiitl wide, iiiid its It'll",'!!! varies so as to ciih'r from four to foiir and a liuir tiiiio.s in tlic toliil leii;^lli. 'i'lie cxtciidrd hind h"^ lniii;;s the lied ♦^o tlic posterior lower or middle of (lie orbit. The iiin/zic viewed from above is rounded, and in prolile is trmieate, and not |>r()je(;tiiiji beyond the premaxiliarv border. It is shorter than the Ienj;tli of tlie orbit, and the nostrils are terminal. The tonjjne is flat and thill, and is a loiifj oval in outline. The mrmhiiinnm tympanl is (jiiite distinct, and is siibroiind. Its diameter is a iitt!«> less than half lilt' l('ii;!tli of the eye slit. The parotoid yland vaiies in form from nearly round to a moderately i 'on,nate oval ; in either os- tcrior foot varies in i-clative width in diU'erent individuals and hxrali- ties. Ill iioiilicrn specimens tlM> sole is wider, and the jialmatioii extends to the ends of the toes. It is emar-iinated, so that the edge in Vf^.ra-7iii/,iri,i„„ihiri,K!trt,tiiiiihi,„yi.',. \,, ii.Md. KiWiiKin Viiiiiv w r. : !■ Ml ii/iiiri .III III'' III' All. it'JS. .V. I, I'll ^ 111 111' lirii'l Mini lioily 1','| l.ili;;lll III' 111 Ml! Id lioslciidf rd;;!' of Ilirliilir.llllllil I \ lil|iMlli H'.'l WidilMil'lii'Mil ill )M).slriiiir ciljj,!' urini'iiiliraiiiini Iviiip iiii '>'.>\ L('ii;;lli of liMi' liiiiU ,iii| l-<'ii,;,'lli of |)ii>l(iii)r II lull I ii'i l.r '^'lli III' liiii.i . .(!::;( I.flli^tll 111' 1 MINUS (hjl I.rii;;lli lit' iciiiMiiHliT III' i'liiil (Ij.'i X f ■> T^ r -:*J»* — fo II. tin III. I ■ I Illi: liATKACMIA OF NOKTII AMKIJICA. .Ml!) opposite tlic iniddlcof tiu; tliiiil |)liiil;iii;:«'! of tli*- t'oiirlli toe, coinitiii;; tiom the cud. In tlic cxtrt'iiie soiUlieni Innu tin- wi-h dcu's not extend to tlic cxtreniitics of the diyits, Itiit Kiives tliire i)lnihinj;os of the foiutli toe iibsohitel.v free. It is notched to a point a little pi(»xinial to tlie distal end of the fourtii (lirst) plialan};e. Iletween t' esi^ eNtreniesof pidination (represented by spi'ciniens .'Jl'Sand UriSl) all the inteiniediatt' conditions may be found. Th(> internal metatarsal tulu'reie is sniidl and narrow, with snbeonieal extremity; the external is a low lint rather wide tuberosity. The liist linjicr is lon}j;er than the se«'ond. The northern forms are sometimes of a uniform (»li\e-l)rown above, with a pale vertebral line, and with the abdomen indistinctly spotted. Sometimes the uniform brown extends for a short distance on each side (»f the |>ale vertebral line, exterior to which the surface has larjje brown spots on a li^ht olive ground. In the southern forms the ground color is lij-ht brown or olive, or evi'U clay color, with an irre.y:nlar brown band on each side of the liiiht vertebral line. On each side ar«' larifiMlark lirown spots with a reddish wait for a center. Spots on the posterior leys like those on the back. IJelow unspotted. 11 ) t;,^ ■2> 4 7 Kii;. ^)^. -Hlll^l C'l/in/ifci. /IMS hiil'iihihm (Iroiii llairil, ". S. anil Mrxicaii I'lOiiinl Siiimvi ]. The northern and southern varieties nniy be thus delined in extrcMe forms : lliail l."> tiiius ill Iciinlli; wcli cxlcndiiij; to tips ol' Icics, liii* dci'iily ciiiar^^iiiiilc ; imroliiid ulaiiil iiiidc I'loiinalc ; roldrs dark ; si/" lai;;c' II. r iiiliniiliii iisis. Head I limes in i(iii;tli; \v(d)s iikiic dft'idy iiolclncl, ami Iraxiiii; tliicf plialaiifics cil' liMiitli toe I'll I' : jiaiDtiiid sliortcr ; < 'iius lij^lit : si /r smaller 11. c Imloiihiliia. Theiearo, however, as niai'^speta in ens which are iidernu'diate between these extremes as there are spiciniens uf (he hitter. Tliese represent llie Unfit iiiiinisi ((jiliHs ("ope. Tiie Npeeiiiiens of the middle and south • n L'ocUn M .aiitain region are rel'eialile to il, as uell as inaiiv from •Tit l'^ ■^^ l< i j i 1 i ♦ i ! I ■ \J '. f n 270 liriJ.KTiN :ii, r:siTi:i» statks national mikskum. (>i('j:(»ii tiii<) < ';ilir«)iiiiii. I tliiiik Jl. i>i(iiis is (In/ .yoiiiij'- of (his Conn. To tiK' (.vpical /;. liinihi<)ts!s bi'loii};' Nos. .{liS, li.J77, 'jr>7M, I!)?."), 1>!)5(), 1(»!»l'0, aiKl llaK;. To (lie iiitcriiu'diiKe (.vpo Ik-Ioiij,' %.{(», .Sl»!).5, 11500, llOl'l', and IIJL'.'.. To (lie li;iloi)liilns typr Miii.v lu' relonctl Nos. liOS!, OKm, i I.l.!."*, llOlM, Mild llOl'L'. No. Ilw05 is in(i'inu'dia(u in (he (biin oC (he. paio{oids,iind (he \\t'l> is dci'ply cxnivaU'd, bnt tho (iw |ior(ion of (he tot's arc widely margini-d. A (•oiiipl('(c st'iii's of (lu' lornis oj' (he paro- toid may Ik* traced, iiejiinniii.y \\i(li (Ini shoit (ype of lialophiliis, No. LTjSI, (lii(Hi;,di I.'idOS, lloO."), Il."»:i.~», to IIDU J of the elon,ya(e f'oini. In Nos. I!»7"» and WM tliereaic distinet (races of superciliaiy cranial rid^ics. 'I'liey aic pcileedy strai^yht, and (here is no indicadon of post- (>rbi(al ri l^n-s. There are lour >iH'ciniens inuh-r 11>7.">, and (hey are Crtnn Chilowynck, Wash. Tcr. The locality of the «)ther .-ipeciinien is nnfordi- iia(cly unknown, The same character is seen in the type of />'. micro- K<-iii)liiis, according,' to my description, which is{,'iven below. The speci- men is nnfortnnately inaccessible to me at present. " Ipper smiace ul' head nearly plane upon its middle rc,uion; orbits bordered by a low and ronnded o(V ridjie; its skin beinji' (hin and ad- heriuii (o theskall. l'aro(oid.s well devidoped and snbreiiiform. lOyes and (ympanum radier larjje.^ Ton«,Mie elon^^ated, broadest posterioily. I'pper Jaw emar^iiiiated. Tw;; larjjje carpal callosides. A miMnbra- lions fold at (he inner lower edj;e of (he tarsus. Toes palinaied; (wo nietataisal tubercles, i'alms and S(»les (toarsely granular. I'pper sur- face of body exhibit iii<>' numerous glandular tuberchs; lar;;'e pus(ular swelliii;;- upon (he thi^^hs. Color unilorndy dark green." I alsiiaild a copy of my description of the yoiinj;, under tlii' nanu' of Jl. pictiis, as it embraces some peculiar cluiiacters, probably region inliabi(ed by (his (oati is (| ' id, and the oppoit4iniiy Ibi' ai|iialic life must be limited. Accoro.. ..\ the natatory web of the himler foot is reduced. In the specimens trom the rainy north (he ..ebis much larger and the colors are, darker. This increa.se of pigmeiit is coiiliruatory of .1. A. I I hi: itATKAcm.v of nouth amkuica. 271 Allen's li,v|K)tlK>.sis, Itiised on oliservation.s inadooii nianiiiialia aiiiit incivastvs with iiicrcaiso of hiiinitlity. in its t'iistt'in (listi'ilintion this speiMos is not known to pass the limits ill' tlic KofUy Mountains. (Japt. Charles lU'ndirc, IT. S. Army, has sent it I'roin Kort Walla Walla, Wash. Tcr., and I took it at Atlanta, Idaho, the most eastern locality known, it is abundant throu};;hoiit thu entire lake region of Orejjon. It is especially numerous at Klamath Lake, where it covers the ha sallic blocks whic'h lie partially in the water, concealed by theTypha^, which ^row from the bottom. They accumulate there in larj^e piles, sometimes as]ar<;e asabushel measure,and atl'ord abundant food for the lOuta'iiia-, which are scarcely less abundant. I saw one spej^men of this toad as lai'jie as the avera^je Iliif'o iii(trinit.s of Ilrazil, and a specimen seen at Warnei's Lake, Orejjon, was but little smaller. l! f m (•;ltalci;:iic' No. nf liiiinliri. M|n<'. /.'((/(( iiihniihiriisix Haii'il. KKSKKVK SKIUKS. [.ixalitv. Whin ciiIKmIi'iI. '"1(1111 uliiiiii rtM'rivid. Nut lire lit' sliiiiiiirii. ■jr.Tii IIU4 »lt7'. •JIV.M 47!fJ •jr,-7 •.'■i74 'J.'i'.lil •J.".f*!l HKIJ Mi'JI hti7X HII'.N! niiiir> Hl^l ll'lll li'Ml 1 1 .-.I.-. Il'.ijl 1 1 It.' J II III-.' 70ll> ii'.i'i:i lir.o:. !H>:iii liu-.':i ■Ht'iO ll.-'ir, lil.i'Jd .Mi,"i.-i II rum II74J K.-iCMl •.'.■|7I II.M'I ti. ; H 7111 iiiiii; •.'.">7s l.itl> ll!l| l;i7'.i;) i:t7!ii 1 li I 1 1 III 1 1 Mriliriiir l!(iw ( 'ifi'k I iiliiiiiliiii UJM'i, I )ii'^ .. ( liiliivvv ink l.;il>i'. Oii'tf l''iii t riii|ii|iij. Oni; Siinjilitmto Hay. \V'a.'*i.-.. Sli(ial«.ilii Hav. < lii'i; • ■ (■■'aiM' ll.illiiv," Wa>li .. M.iiil' i.y. Cai .S.iii llii'mi. Cai ili> I'.i'iiiiia. ("al .San l»i.'-i«. Cai I'nsiili", < 'al 1)1. W. .\. llaninii'iKl .. II. I!. Miillliaiixi 11 ... III'. ('. r>. i;. Ki'iiiK'ilv . l»l. v.. VnlhiMi. r.S. .\. 1)1. ('. It. l:. Kniiii'ily . Ki.'J. (i. t'iiii|M r Km I Trjiiii. < '.\l Saiila 11.11 liaia. C.il .1.1 I.ak.' TalMii'. < '.il ... Vii .;iiiia I'il . , N.'V l..iK,' TaliM.'.C.il His ( 'liuli's Uiv.r, Oii'i. .'^all Hi.';;'., r.il Sliiisliiiiii' l,aki« .Iiilv-, IS7.-1 .liih — , IKT.'i |.«7ii li'7:. Any.—, IKTll A. S. 'I'iinIhi- Ilr.r. 1/1,1' ('..111,. I»i. rii..|iias Willi. I)l..l. I.. I.I' ('..III.' I»r. I'll. .mas Wi nl. I.i.'iil. W. I'. Tidw liri(li;t', r.S. .\. ,1 Xaiitii.s II. W. Il.iisliaw .... i!.i ilii .\|iiiil.i-.'y. I'll Ninlli.'i 11 1. iiiiiilaiy ( li.'jii.ii ... Siiiialiiiiiiii li IV. Wa.Mli I'.. 1 1 1. ii.ii. 1,1 I'm I U'.ill.i Walla, Wash. Siiiiili I'.iiK. I '.•1.. Nun linn l..iiin.lar.\ . .. I.iwii K.'wakili Valli'V. I'..il Wall.i Walla, Wanli riali ('.mill I'.i.lw.ll. ("al rplirl' lliiiiil.iil.il Vall.-y Ci lll.n. It'll, .\ri/ Siiiialwati'i' liav, Wanli . I«7I ls7X ISt.iii.l. Sli.i.sta Ciiiiiitv, Cd. ilo |K7.'< William Si'.k.ls II. W. Il.nsliaw ..II. ('. li.diinll Or.'Jiiili.s (') .Iiinlaii Dr. K. < 'iiiii'.s II. W. Iliiisli.iw .. ('. li. K. K.ninily .I.iliii Xaiilns Caiil. Cliail.". K.inliiii ... .I.T. Ki.lliii.. K lir. K. Ciiiii'.s U. K.'iiiiii'.itl II. W. ll.iisliaH ... (',i|it. Cliai II". I!.nilln' . . . III. lie. Vaii.iw II. W. Il.iisliaw Iliil.iit l\'l.lu'«av .1. M. Knll.r Hr. ,1. (1. ( 'ii.i|»'r ('I t". I!. U. K.nniilv IH'4| ISSI II. I''. I'ai kiiix.iii II W. Ilii.sliaw .1 S Nl « li.ii \ . . ,1. II.' V.mv..'... (' |I|.'\I.'I ( ' II r.iw iiM.nil il.i .\I('..ll.llJU. 1)1.. 11... ])... III.. Il.i. III.. III.. Il.i 11... 1 1... 11.1. Ho. II... D.i. li... Il.i. 1 1.1. II... I I.I. 11.1. 11.1. Do. Ilo. Do. 11.1 11... Do. Do. Do. III.. Do. Do. 11.1. D.i. D... II... D... II.. D.I. Do. 1 1.1. D.1, Do. D.i. Do. Du. Dii. -v3 \ ■" I \ i i 1 272 lU'LLKTIN ;;i, I'MTKI) STATKS :^ATI(»NAL Ml'SKCM. I ( Itl'I'O (OMI'AC TIMS \Vi.;,Mii. Isis, !>:•:!. p. (iC.I ; r.-li'is, Moil. ISii-l. Af., iSilt, p. -:», mill 1^7:!, p. (;•.'!; Itoiilfiii;.'!-, (,';if. M.itr. S;il. Krit Mum., p. ltd'.'. /•'»/■» fijiiiiiiHiis (iinml, I'liiccrd. Ac. I'liila., \:ilr. Sill. Itril. Mils., I»i;-, p. ,"i7. Iliifii lififiiiif* liiMMiiirl, r.ull. Sue. I'liilciiii (7), r, p. 1-7. lliiiiiKij)!! ilni" ini(iiiiiilii-< V;\]\\r\n\\i>, Alii. Xrr. Tor.. \l\'. p. '^"'v'. Iloiitl iiioderati'; its upper .smraci' smootli iiiid even, t-lsc sliowin;; sli;ili( (races or.supcrciliaiv ritl.ncs. Snout iiiiicli slioitcr tliaii Icii^itli oi' orltit, sulitroncaifil aiitl nMiiidi'il ; no.stiil.s .siilttiTiiiinal. Moulli lari^c; uppi'r Jaw .sli^litl.v ('i!iar;;iiiat«'rl>it. liiinlts of moderate development, end of tarsus reach in;;' t.viiipaiiiim. I'irst lin;;'er niiich lon^^er than the .second, which is eipial to the fourth. A lar;;e snhcinMilar carpal disk. Toes semipal- mated, leavin;.; t wo and a half phalan^res of the fourth toe free. Two metatarsal spade shaped proces.ses, the innermost Weinn miicli the lar;j;est, both furnished with a l)laclv ciittin;^ (Mljic. Inner lower edy*' of the tansiis acute, not incurved. SUiii aliovecovered with numerous and (•losely placed papilhe of moderate development, and iiiili.>tinctly ;iic olated beneath; no lar^c ^laiid on tiltia. i'olor above greenish brown, with or without a few l»rown spots; no dorsal li^^liter villa or slreali. iteneath ;;i'i'enish or yellowish white, nnicolor. ^VV^:^; ^ 7 Kij;. li.'i. Ullfii i-'iini^iirtili^. Nil '.'(lllh l!ill;;'.iiilil li.ll l:u Km, 'l'r\. , |. ,)/( ((M(/'( »/( »/i 11/ .\i(, ■Jti-7. U I.,cii;;tli of liciiil and Imily "7".' !.iOli;;lli of licaii to piolrrinl iil'^cs iif :i;riiiliraMiliii l.\ iiipaiii dh; Willi li 111' lioail a I iiiisiiTior ril;;is of iiiriiiliraiiiiiii I viiiiiaiii "-.M I.,!' II ;; III ul' aiitcriiir liiiili riiiiii axilla d:;- l<(ii;;lli of piislci iiii liiiili I'll nil ;r|-,,iii dtn; ].,cii!j;lli III' ti Ilia d-.'.'> [.ii'iiijtli (if tarsus . dl.'i I.i'ii"tli III' list 111' 1111)1 <'■■-'•■'> ni Tin; IJATRACHIA CV NOKTIf AMERICA. 273 I'Im^ above nu'asiu'oinontsof tlio postorior lo;? show tliat tlio grCtitor part «)r tlio fomiir is eiuln'aocd in tin; iiit(';niiiin'iit of the body. Thi.s toad iias vory much the appearamu* of one of the Scaphiopida', and it i.s not unlikely that its habits are, like tlieirs, subterranean. TIk^ specimen fif^ured as Bii/o .spcciosns by IJaird in the Uejjortof the Alexiean boundary Survey (No. 1'<)11), frouj JVs(|iiiera, in Ntu^vo Leon is not tyi»i(*al of the />. vDmpuctili.s. it has feeble traces of the crania crests of the Hiifo nuinatus, and some lar;;o brown dorsal spots not found in other specimens. Three spectimens from Kansas (.V.iDi) possess similar iiidimeMtal crests, and a fifth specimen of the sanu^ character was sent me from the Wichita River, in central northern Texas, by Jacob IJoll. These specimens Ibreshadow the characrters of the liii/o viKjnatns; while not aitproachin;,' it in the devcloinneiit of the cianial crests. In the Dallas specimen the dorsal spots are of medium size, while in those iVom Kansas they are vi'ry small or waMtin.n'. I suspect that the cranial cliaracteis bi-loiii;- to a race whiiih ranines farther north than the true liiifii coin ii((cl ills, which may at some time be ic^arded as a subspecies, under the name of Jl, voiiiitdctili.s njuriosus. The true />'. comiKictilis occurs ill southwestern Texas, and ranjjes as far south in 3iexico as the Isilimiis (»f Teliuantei»cc. Hiifii iiiiiiiinilitix AVic^^iii. i;i:si;i;\K skiiiks. <\ii.it..-ii. x.i.iii'! Illlllllil'l H|l('l'. I l.nr.lllIX Wll.ri nil.'. Irj •-'»•,:, 1 •.'HI J .'(iii'j •.•nil Jlilll .•r,(i> lil'.H 'JIJJT I'.i'.M l:>i>l •J Iiiiliaiicil.i.ri'X :'■ KlHIIlrlll 1 llllui'.ll Sal, I. In JiiMT I anil ' 'aiiian.'ii. :i I'l.iiil l>alii I I l'..ii nil--, N. M.x I I'l-ciiiii 1 i.i (ii.imli', N I l.r.m. I Hi.i« M-viiii'. 'I'l X I Uiniiunl'l 11,11 IMrli.-i, Tix 1 I'.xas I Malaiiiniiis, Mcxini •-' Ivans, IS I I'l 1 us llivir, Tfxus ... l''iciiii \\ liiiiM II 1 ilvnl. (;a|it. .Iiiliii I'n|ii', I'. S A . Or, •riii.Mia-i Wilili A.Sihntl ti. W'lirili'iiiaiin Or. S. W.Ciawloiil, V. S A. Liilil. I!, Cciiuli, r S. A. Capt.Sliwait Van Vli.l, I' S. A. A.S.Iiuii lirlil^i' 11. Srnililt I.lrlll. It.Ciillill, r. S. A U. KlIMlil oil t ajil. •!. I'lijiii NaliMi- uf S|M(iM|C||. Alriiliiilic. Do Do. Do. Do. D.I. I . Do ')... I III. D.I. Do. •1! n v-i i ( » lUl'O IIF.MlOl'IIIOS CoiM.. I'rocccil. Aiii.'i. l'liilii.--.i|ili. .S.ii'. I-^-T, \>. .'il.'i. Superciliary crests not disliiict on the mii//le, parallel, iie;iriy straight, tcniiiiialiii,u' abruptly posteriorly in a traiisveiseelevatioii. The latter iiiict on a middle lb; , form in,:; a transverse ridi^e, with an abrupt destu'ut to the nape. lOxternally they extend but a short distance, leaviiijjf no r 'presentations of the postorltital ridges c.vccot a few ''licrclcs in one or two of the specimens, .\ small • 'ii>ra1y!iipaiiic tnlierosity. Xo pre- orbital I idnc Mn//.le \ eilical at end; nostrils t(i'miiial. .Membraniim tympani a vertical o\al. two thirds the diameter of the eye. Farotoid it»;;i_r,uii ui — bs VM T^ 274 iJi'Mj-riN ;ii, hnitim) statkh nationai. mcskum. •jliiiid II iiiinow oval. Dermal tiiltcrcU's distiii.miislnMl l»y tlioir sni.ill size aiiaek and exter- nal I'aee of the til>ia. At all other points the skin is closely ari'olated, the areola- lreia and on the sides. The heel ol the extended hind le^ reaches to tlie postciior bolder of the orltit. Thepostei ior loot is wider than ill the //. Icntiijlini.stis, tlioiij;li not relatively shorter. Tlu^ web is e\elow the tym|»aniim. .\ lar;;'e spot ex- tends lioiM Itelow the parotoid j;Iaiid to iieartlu! front of the hnmeriis. Posterior to this, with a li:,dit interval, there extends a loii;,Mtiidiiial deep brown baml, wliii-h extends, with iiiterrni)lioiis, to tliej;roiii. I5e low tills on the sides areothei'dark brown bands, whit'Ii forma nnne or less rclicniate pattern. The limbs and postei'ior feet have dark brown crossliaiids, and tlieu' is a very coarst! «lark brown icticiilatioii ot' brown or brownish yellow on the posterior I'uva' of the feninr. The belly i.s mor(! or less black siiolttd; tlii'(»at iiiiiiia(;nlate. Fli. | 111' I'.iui , , U'.Ti ■*ll^- t TIIK UATKACIIIA or NulM'll A.MKl.lv A. I'Tf) ■ri ^ lM'si''.':!, p. I'.iii; llullir, N. A. Ilii|... \ . I'l-.', -i. ..'I. I'l. \. : l!ii., iV <;iiil., Miirr.v's l;i|M.ii, I-."i;:, |i. -M-.'. I'l. II; l.'.'iiuil f.S. i'ar. I.'. KV Sm \ ., .\, Wliiitpji'.', ll'lpDI I, |l. 1 1. I'l. \\\ I. //H/if (///)/(7'/i(i.N Ciipr, .\iiH'i iiMii Natiiiali-*!, Mil, p. HIT: l!iiiili'iij;rr, ( at. liiil. Mm-*., l-^','. p. :'.(i-. Head short, one liHli the total, measured over the dorsal convexity ; wide, and with mii/,/le descendin;:; sli'cply. 'I'lie descent commences between the anlerioi' part of the orbits, sloping;' to op|iosit«' ihe narcs, behiw which it rcticats a little within the pcipciidiciilar to (he iippei' lip. Tiie entire prclroiital i(';;ion toa point whicii iiieaMU'cs t he aiite- lior thiitl oT Ihe orbit |>roJecis as a Mat Itoss or protnberaMce. The siipci'ciliary rid;;'es of the frontoparietal bones ori;iiiiate iVom tlicposte. riorsideof this, and divcr/^c iai)idly, passing b.\ a lejriilar curve or a \('iy (tpeii aii>;le into tiie postl'iontal rid;;e. At the jioiiit (d junction there is on the inner side an angular tnlici(tsity, which lepreseiits the coiitimiation of the superciliary rid^c. There is no disj>ositiilc only. Meinbiannin lyiiipaiii a \i-rliral o\al, w in.u to tli< clr\'ated fiiriii of Ihe iiiii/./.le, the nosliil iiiaiksa point iialf way lietwi'cn its sniiimit and the ed^^c of the upper lip. and the eye-lissnre runs ob- lii|in'l\ downwards and lorwards. The jiarotoid glands are short and wide, ^icneially a short oval in form, at other times siilitria nj;'iilar. The dorsal inlt^iimciit is cincicd w ilh very numeioiis <'li>sely placed small tniicii'les. w liich contiiiiu', with diminished dimensions, on the sides and lower suil'ae«'S everywh»'re. No laijj;*' glands intermixed. I'iisi linjici' a little loii.mi than second. Toes wt'bbcd, the web reachilii;' Ihe middle of the foiiith (first) pha- lan;;e. .Sole wide, width at secoml toe inclusive, one half of lcii;;lh from betuteii melataisal tubercles. The latter are lar^ic, tin' infernal cxleiisiv I'ly fice and preseiil in;^ a wide ciil I iiii;- eil^e. The evlernal is larger Ihan nsiial and w ide, w ilh a free <"iiltiii.u cd^e. Tiie siii»,iiticiilar tubercles are small. On llie foiirlh toe thcv are stmietimes doiiide. ^^■k: y ■ ^^ \ Ur^ 27(j lULLKTlN :il, IMIKI) SIAIKS NATIONAL MllJSElJM. Maixiilt nil III-' (1/ .\o. lir>7H, .1/. Lci.Klli of lnii«l ami liiidy (t-l l.i'iijilli <>l hc.-iil (<» |Histrii(ii- cd-ii's til' Iviiiiniiia i>l-i Widlh (il mail to iiipslciitir r(l;;is iif l\Mi|iiiiia (i:W I,. li;;lli 1.1' Ion- 1.;; HI I Ltli;;lli (if (oir-l'iiiil 0\»1 I. I'll;;! h of III ml t'lMil I'niiii ;{iiiiii (I'.tl l.i'ii-ilh 111" (iliia OltO l.iMulli 111 laisiis ic,>(l l-i li;;lll 111 ivsl III' rniil (CM The alinvc iiKMsiiU'iiK'iits of llic liiii*! loot hsivc niily 1»>""". Utv tlui rctiiiir, iiK'iisiircd I'loiii tlic ;;r()iii. This is due to tlic I'iu^t thai that s«>;;- iiu'iit is almost ciitirclv iiichidcd in the ititfi^miM'iil of tlic body, anil iiiiK'li iiioic ('xtcnsiscly than in any nlhcr North Aiiii'i icaii spn-irs. Thr tai'soiiu'tatarsal .joint rrachcs to the oi iiit when Hit' hind Ic^ is i'.\lc'lid«:d. <■■•;' — <''Wr "' '."-O n- ,\ 1 \0 ' v/r.- •,•;''- o. '1', 1 I ^^~"— — -—l" ''::'(■*' I I flf Tin. 07. tlii/ii ff;iiiiiliiii. I'liiiii ll.iinl, r S. Mi\. MmiiihIm v Siiivr\ , The liody is dusky lirowii aitoNc. and is coxcrcd with stiiall hlack warts, uhicli arc must miiiicrons and inominciit ncai' liu' sides. A y('lh)wisli lirowii \('rtcl»ial line i-xtciids iVoni llic head to the iiiiiip, tVoni wliicli proceed ol)li(iuc lateral lines of | lie same color. The tirst oblitpn) lateral line l)e<;iiisat the head and runs to tin; sid4> licliiiid the shoiildet-; Hie second lie;;iiis near the middh' oC the hack ity two lnanches, wliicli soon iiniieaiid run tolhe;;roiu; a lliird line licyins still lai tlier back, and e.\leiids to the lii|)s. Till! ab(U)ineii is diiiiiN Ncllowisii while. TI.e aiitt-rior e.xt remit ies aro W i. w C- TIIK IIATIJACIIIA or NdlM'II AMKKICA. 277 diisk.N Imowii iiliovc and tlin^'.s wliiU' Itrlow. Tlir po.slt'iitir rxlicmirM's iin- coloiril, like llic back altovr, willi bars of .vrllow isli brow ii, anil arc tliiifj.v white below. Alter a study of tlie numerous specinuMis in tlie <'olIc(;tiou of tlic Na- tional Musenui, I am convinced that this spe('ies is entitled to lull lecoi;' nil ion. The dilVciences from the /.'. hiitlijiiinsus, its nearest ally, are innncroiis. These inclinle the form of the cranial crests, the shape of the paidloid <,'lands, and the develoi>ment of the metatarsal spurs. It is also easily recojunizabh^ by the coloiation. What I l>ehev»' to be a lar;;e younjjf sjieciinen of this species served as th(> type of my />'///<« diptrrnus. AlthoUKh i\n inch ami a half lon •rifl" M:it 'i'liti 85(17 4(l.>6 0I2II UI.'K 017(1 •11 so li:.7> iii.'id \ I spec. I.IXMlil V. Wln'ii ntilrrtcti. I'liim « liiiin li'crivi'il. Nat me (>r ^lll'l•ilm'n. CoIhi.iiIo U Mollliaiisin Alriilidlic Or W.M. V y M I'dir ('tvrk, AiK Fuly 11, ls:.7 W.S. W.whI IJc.l l:iv. I, Aik .■ Cain, l; r... Many l''iii( I'iiiii'. Nclir Or. Ilvaiis . Sail IMaiMt I.II.I'laik Knil Itili'V. Kalis Ul. W. .\ Ilaiiiiiiciiiil, r S. A . Kansas . ... U llrlllliriilt i.ii 111. r.. Ciiiiiii, r S. A . . Dt. I'. \' MmmI. II . 1 'iKiliiiil 1. Mcxirii s.111,1 Hills l.s.-,:! I'm 1 llailaiiil. 1 'nlo Nrliiaska I'oit liailaiiil.Cnl.i Jiilv 'j:!, I.st:i II. W. Il.nsliaw ( 'a|i(. .r. 11. si.ii|isiiii, r. s. Mull' llliK' Klvi'i, Kails I>l..l.(i ('lli>|ll'l' II.llsliill. .\l 1/ NiMi I 'hImi ailn j.'ivcr i)r.(' (;. Nrwlicn-v iin : W.S. W 1 I^T7 Alroliiilir. Do. I I.I Dm Ho. Do. I)i>. D.I. II. > Do Do. Do. D... Do. Do. Do. Do. r.llO LKM KilNO.^rs Sliaw. Znnlo-y, l-i'l!. 111. 1. \>. IT:'., tiili. I. Ill: (iiiiitli. Cat. li.itr. S.il. I'liil. MiiH., l-^fi-, p. »i'.!: ('ii|if Clicck List ll.iii'. |,'r|)i. N. Am. l-7.'i, |t. '.".», iiar((> inaj.: riiiiilriio,.|-. •,>,! i,].. Ciiial. It.itr. Sal. liiiK Miis.,1— 'J, ii. ;!(!-*. <'raninm with distinct os.seous crests, ',vhi(;h form straij-ht lines, (»ne over each orltit, which is continued jtoslerior to it for a short distance. A postorbilal cre.sl extends at rij;ht aiijjies to the supiaorbila!. and pre- sents an obtii.se allele or a short iid;;'e posteriorly at the siiix'ii .(order of the tympanic disk. No considi>ral»le crest directed inwards bom tlie !1 l ■i! I r til i n 8 11 if w^ 1 J 27X m'LLKTiN ;)i. r\iTi;i> statks nationai, miiskkm rxlrcniiiy <»rilH' sii|»iintil»il;il. T.\ nipaiiic ily marked <;eo^fra|diieal siihspeeies wliieli have lieeii le- .uarded as species. That the latter view can not he niaiiitaineil is <'vi- dent IVoni the existi(iiliii;il cn-i- Idmi,' ; nil Mi|iiat.viMiijiMic (ivnI : IkmiI | in I.:, liim.s Jn |rii;,'lli .'■'. /. l.-uUri. l-'niiit(>|i:iiiclal irois jciiall.'l. m.i well ili>l iiiL;iii,>lM il |>iisli lioily on aridiini iCllic aliriipt clcvalioii III' tlic iMii|iiil ; |)i.>l()iliilal> Inn;; ; no sii)tial vni|»aiiir ; luaij I..'. t" •"> I i nil's /;. /. irnodlinllsli. l'r(Hit(>|iariclal nrsts ilivi'r;;.'iil. iml nimli inoilm ril, ami wril ili>l inuniNlii d In liinil : |>i)sti)rliiials sliDit: .sii|iial\ ni|iaiiii- wauling m -liml : luatl I li> I.'. Iiimin m '''"K' n /.'./. (I nil ril illiin:. Fn.nliiliaiiiial ni'sls (livir;,riii|, ptiKlnrril intn aKimli 'ii'liinii tlic .sIkhI iupsIdi iiilals ; Hii)iial.\ 111 panic w ril ili'\ ilopnl : hrail :!..'» to I liiiii's in liiii;!!! . . . /.'. '. /. ///i'/Moisi/s. The /;, /. (ihicriciiiiii.sis the cent lal form from which the olhers radiate. The />'. /. Iciitiiiiiiosiis, as Ihe characteristic type of the Aiist roriparian rej^ioii, has ehaiaeters ni(»st divei';;ent IVmiii (lie others. The peculiar form /,'. I. Jhirlrri of Ihe Norlheasl is coiiliecled with the olliei types hy tho n. I. iroixllHHisii (>[ \\\i' L'ocky .Moiiiitains. Thr l.iller is ihf most dillicnlt to separate IVoni Hi,, eastern ,'.'. /. niiirrindiiis, thoii-h its lyp- ieal represent ;iiives are (piiie iljstiiicl. 1- c i: c riiF, iiATRAf'iiiA or Noirnr amkimca. 270 ISii/'o Inilij/inosiis Jnirlcri l*iitii:iiii. MSS., ('(ipc, Cliuck l.inl N. Aiiici. Iliilr. iiml U'i'|ilil. Ih;,'., |.. •,>:». (iiiimc only). This iiiiiiiiiil, like tlu' /»'. /. irnntlhoiisri, is (listiii^iiiislicd h.v the liiadiial iitxl st('(>|> ch'Viil ion of its rniiiial tresis iiinl hiek dI' sii|iiMt,\ iiipanie ri(1;;o. It (lilVers IVoni it in thea|tpi'o\iiiiatit>ii anil posleiior einilltienec ol'llu'so ri(l;;(>s, the ;;reat«'i' breadth (if the parotoids, and in (■(iloration. Snpianrltital iid;,M's elt'vated, fisiiif; posteiinrly close tofietlier. paridiel or (■onvei';.;i'nl behind, inelosin;; a IVontoparietal ;;iilter; postorltllal rid;;es <'tiive produced. Tympanum distinct, half orliit. Muzzle to middle of e.\t«'iided lore-arm; heel beyond muzzle; meta- tarsal .shovel strong', narrow; outer tubercle minute. Toes hull' webbed, width ol' soloat Kccond tooonethird leii;;th IVom outertubercle. Clioana' andostiaphaiyn^eae(iual. Color grayish (»live, somelimes(|uile l»ri;;ht, with a yellowish vertebral lim^ from the end of the muzzle. Six spots of six pairson each side of this; two pairs superciliary, oneiiiK lial and three dorsal, all elon^'ate, deep brown, yellow mai<;iiied. Three fidiii orliit ; one below, two bidiiud, tlu' superior abovi^ tympanum, deep brown, yel- low ed^ed. Melow, dirty wliitt?; throat of male in sprin;^' Idack ; sides iiehind and femora marbled with yellow on blackish i^rrouiid. licn^th of head to postorbital cresi 4j| in total leii^jth ; latter e(|ual L' iiuthes (I lines. I'Jevatioii of cranium (».7 lilies. Fore limb 1 inch S lines; hind limb :\ inches ') lines, femur half included. This subspecit's is so far known only as a native of a lew ixuids in northeastern Massachusetts near the town of Danvers. Such a limited distribution for a land vertebrate is remarkable, as is als(» the fact of its having so loti^' remained without introduction to science. It has been known and noticed by .scientilic men of the neinhborlnxtd, it sei'ins, for twenty years. 1 aitpend a letter of its only historian, S. P. Fowler, to my friend F. \V. Putnam, who.se name the latter has«'onferred on it. Ainonjjf eighteen si)ecimeiis of this subspecies forwarded to me by the lOssex Institute of Salem, one female exhibits witlely .separated sii- l>erciliary rid^res; in a iiiiieteeiith, from New Harmony, Iiid., the rid;;('s are a little more dii"<'ro;cMit and less aseendin^i, with scarce a trace of the median supra|>arietal elevati .** Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST I^AAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. MSSO ^716) •72-4503 •^ \ iV \\ 4 ;\ >" p s 280 JUILLKTIN :!l, TNITKl) STATKS NATIOXAL MIISKUM. linj'o Unliijlnosnx fowhri riitiiaiii. lUCSKUVK SKIUES. CiitnlniiuK iiiiniliiT. lOKHt'i No. of !<]1CC. Looaliti". 1 I Daiivcis. Muss , 1 •• (Ill , 1 do Wlirn roUt^i'lfil. From wliom rcrcivcil. Xiiluro nl Hlli'lMllirn. I'rof. K. \V. I'littmiii ' Al.oliolic. do l»o. do Do. Fli;. (1^. Ihifi, litiliiilnniius /(nihil, VnU\. lOSSS. Daiivrrs, Mass.: ]. IMr. »S, P. Fowior, of Danvors, Mass., after wlioin tliisintcrcsdiiii- toad was iianu'd, iiiakos tlie Collowiuj;" .statcaient in rejianl to tlic lialtits oC /». UiitiginofiusfoH'lcri, iiialctter to I'rof. F. W. Putnam, who has kindly alh)\vod nic to inst c the following extra(!t from it: "In rofi'ard to its hahits I wouhl say 1 have never been abh' as yet to discover it excei»t in warm summer evenings when the thermometer is not below (K)'^, In cool evenings they arc not to be seen at all and are. Iterfeetly silent. When lirst observed in the cKrli/ part of the evening they may be seen making their way through the grass and over the grounds adjacent to the pond, and when it is reacluHJ, which is usually about dark, they commence their singular note, which the laU^ Dr. Kichols thought was amatory, and which he described as a shrill mon- otone, continued a secoiul or more in a high falsetto voice, thrice as long and more trilling thi;!i the voice of Pickering's Hyla, I agree with I)i. Nichols in regard to the croak of this toad, excepting the trill, there being no trill to this reptile's note, such as we notice in the common toad, frciiuently long contiinuMl, and which seems to mark this species. J would here say I have heard the note of one loaf' in the grass some distance from the pond. To my ear this cioak is a sharp, disagreeable, uneav'thly Hcrecich. dillicult to describe, as it is uidike any sound I hav(^ ever heard uttered. I have heard people who live near this pond (.Fudge Putinim's) say that Ihey thought it resembled in a warm siMumer's night (when they are most active and numerous) the whoop of a i)arty of Indians, and that they have heard their screeching . I'.ill ; IJcpt. I'.xpl. 1'. S. Smv. W. of Kill MiT., (jl. M. Wlicclcr, 1877, v, p. iVJO, r>>7. This suhspecies may be readily distinguished by its short head with thickened crests elevated j»osteriorly. It readies a. larger size timii eithei' u\' the other sul»species of tlie linfi) Icuiiiiiiinmis. I ft ''. if ^ 2.S2 nrLLirriN :u, iinitkd states national miskiim. Tlio (siiitliiis losliiili.s not iiiiirkcd, the mnzzh' (lesct'iidiii^- very steeply from the anterior iin^lcs of the orbits, sliorler than tln^ elevnted perpen- (licuhir extremity. Frontal ridges thickened, frecpiei.tly jmrtially iillin<'- the median groove, higher than eyelids, and rising steeply backwards, where they terminate in two short convergent tuberosities, with inte rior crenations. Occiput generally raised above the nape; postocular ridge e'. coipKitus. T!ie relative shortness of the head is expressed by the measurenuMit, one-tilth the length (f the head an«l body. This (-harac- ter is, however, not constant. Thus in the typical si)e('imens of the spe- cies (No. 2032, Canadian River) the head enters t.GfJ times into the length. The same is true of Nos. 14.'">2G a.jd 10195. In Nos. 4185 and 2(!t(> the head enters the length 4.5 times. In young si)ecimens, as is usual, the s;:ecific characters are not well marked, and the head is one-foiiith the length. This peculiarity is retained in a specimen, (No. 14,5.{S) from Saint Thomas, Nev., which is 3 inches in length. An excei)tional state of affairs is seen in two large specimens (No. 2(;.JI) from tlui head of the Loup F"'ork liiver, Nebraska. The head is one lifth thc^ total length, and the supraorbital crests are parallel, as in typi<;al specinu^ns; but the crests are well separated by a deep gutter behind, whose bottom is not raised above the nape in the usual manner. Brown above, with pale vertebral line and three pairs of deep-brown medium-sized si)ots, with paler centers. Sides and lii)s witii small brown spots. Femur and tibia with one iiulistin(!t brown crossbar each. r>elow uuilbrm yellow. The thoracic region is sometimes black speckled. This is tlie lloclcy Mountain species, as />. cixjnafus is the si)ecies of the plains. Its range does not appear to extend beyond the boundaries of the United States. Its transition to the It. I. amcricanns is easily perceived in seven specimens collected at Pike's Peak by John Yarrow. One of these is a true li. L woodhousei, while the other six vau not be separated from the B. I. amcriatnus. Dr. Ilallowell described a toad under the name of Ji. (hr.saUs in S'tgreaves' report on the expedition to Ziini and the Colorado liiver, p. 142, IM. !!>. There is nothing in the de- S(;ription nor in the tlgure to enable ns to ascertain what species or sub- si>ecies is represented. The evidence is as much in favor of the speci- men having been a H. I. amrrii'. /. woodhoiiHci,, and no lo- ^^^ THE BATRACIIIA 01' NORTH AMERICA, 283 ^^ liiilif.v is j^ivcii to assist in voacliinj'- a ('onclnsion. Tlie (ypc spocimtMi can not ho round. The name />.>V«H/<).s'«.s'Copt^ applies tolliissi)eeie.s; a (Inplication which resulted from the fact that the original specimen is iiair grown and not typical of the species, and that the original descrip- tion does not allude to its true characters. 7 Flii. (iO. liiii'n liiili'jiiinmin vmiiihiiiixi-i. From Uaiid. T. S. ^Irx. Bonml. Survey; }. MaimtrciiH'uts of Xo. ovJKi. ST. Emo-tli nriicud luid li.Hly O'.W Wiiltli (if iicad at iiosicrior fdi^cH of mciiiliraismii tyiii|)aiii (•:?'> l,('iiij;Hi of head to |iostrri()r I'dfjjcs of iiii'iiiltiaiiiMii tyiii|iaiii O'iO Li'ii^tli of fore liiiili ()r)4 Lcii^rlli of fore-foot O'J:! Li'nj;tli of liind liiiili to jfroiii l(i;> Lci.,i;lli of tilii.i (W7 L('n;;tli of larsiis 0!2:$ L(!ii><..*«i..ti>tf«t '040 X 2.S4 lUJLLF.TIN ;il, UNITKD KTATE^ XATIONAL MUSKUM. Hull) Iniliiiiiiiisiin iVKinlhoitsii I'xl. iV (Jiiil. CiitnloKUi' No. of imnilicr. HIH'C. 1 8504 8085 ,'1 8161 ') 850S 2 8548 1 8186 3 60l« 1 027K 2 07 111 1 loiur, 1 2535 2 41H5 1 52 C) 3 41!t-> 1 25;! 1 1 2(!l« 1 2(132 1 K'l)? 1 I4r,2(! 1 MWH 1 2t);)I o 7012 1 4184 o '>-,.-,0 '» 1,01'iility. (!iil(>rn to S|iiin};s, ("olo . lOaslt'iTi I'lali Kaiiliild, Ulali Ciiiiii> Apaclits Ariz .... lid Utah .... Kansas. Wliiii cuIIcc'IchI. l-'iom wliniii loccivi'il. I NalunM.I' spi'iMincn. Jiilv — , 1874 ! 1H72 ' 1S71 ] Aug. -, lf7;i All),'.-, l>74l 1K72 .Tolin Van ()»• Dr. JI.C. Yarrow .. do ... II. W. lU'ii.sliaw J.M. Ktitti'r Kxpeil. W. of lOOth Mcr... Yclldwsloni' Uivor ?s'i\v Mcxiro Wliitr Itivcr Ca fioii , Ariz. YcllDwstonoUivor I'c.itDcllaiicc, X. Mi'X.. L'aiitoiirniiit r)iir';\vvii, N. Mi'X. I'latl.' Valley Calil. McmiilaiiisMi'xico Ni'ar Aiili'lopo 1 1 ills Canailiaii Kivcr Ni'w iloxico FortCiistcr, Mont Saint Tlinnia,'*, X(!V S«aiii]i.>< ou Loup Fork, Nclir. Atlialiasca Kivcr Tlplicr (lolorailii rrnion . Fort Laraiiiii', Ni'iir Sept. 10, 18V3 187') H. "\V. Ill ii.sliaw Dr. Burr Dr. Ilavilon II. ». .^lolllla^l,sl'Il ('aptaiii .Viuli'i.-toii —,1885 Dr C. Dioxlcr Dr. S. W. Wooillioiisi" II. I!. MolUiaiisiii ilo Dr.O. I.ocw .. Capt. Charles Hfiiiliri', V. S.A. Dr. K. I'alimr ]>r.IIavilrn K. KiMiniiiitt II. li. .MoUliaiisiii .... F. W. lla.viUMi Alroholir. Do. Do. J)o. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Air. typo. Ahoholii'. Do. Do. i)o. Do. Do. Do. liufo JcntiginosHs aniericaniis Lee* Copo, Check-List N. Aiiirr. l?;ilr, and Kcptil., IH/.'i, p. \i[); ]$(iiili'iir;(>r, Ciital. Batr. Sal. Hrit. Miih., 188>>, p. :«)<», i\'^. Hiifd (iiiicriciiini.-^ (Lecoiitc) Ilollir., N. A. llorp. v, v. IM. 4: Diiin. A- ISihr., i>. (ill."); Hallow., rroccod. Ac. Pliila., 1H.">(!, j). 'J.")l ; Giraid, IJ. S. Mc.\. Honnil. Siirv., ii, p. 'J."> ; Wicil., Xova Acta, xxxii, ji. l"-'l, /;/(/■(* copei Yarrow & IIoiLshaw, Kcj). Utptll. Hair., Kxpl. W. lOOIli Mcr., isTH, p, |. L<'ii;>tli of lioad to posterior end of criiiiiiil cre.sts oiiteriiifj l('ii.i;tli to vent four ami a half tiiu'js; eraiiial ridj^os narrow, well marked, iiotiinit- iiifj in a prefrontal callosity, nnitinj'- with the iiostorbitals at si rij^lit aii<>lc and projeeting Imt little behind them. Snprat.Yini)anic ridge wanting;' or rarely very short. Pieorbital not strong-. Parotoids (inite elongate, varying a little in breadlli. I'rolile a gradual descent fioin behind, depressed behind prefrontal bones; muzzle slightly deenrved, not projecting; nostril a little nearer orbit than labial margin. Skin everywhere pustular; a few larger warts on each side the vertebral line. Tympanum distinct, half orbit. Middle of foi'(>-arm to muzzle; heel to front of orbit. Metalnrsal tubercle promi- nent, usually narrow; its horny sheath largely blackened ; outer tubercle small. No tarsal fold. Yellowish or darker brown above, with three or four pairs of deeper, small, yellow-edged spots on the dorsal region, separated by a light ver- teliral line which extends from the end of the muzzle; one or two yel- lowi.sh streaks e.\t(md from the ]>arotoid jiosteriorly on the sides. The latter and femora behind are hiuily yellowish marbled on bhu^kish ground. Uelow dirty yellow; breast freratyinpanic crest is represented by an angle of the i)ostorbital in the great majority of spec- iiiKMis, but in seventeen specimens tiie fanner is quite as distiiuit as in nnmenuis specimens of the />. L lenfifjimtnifi. These belong to Nos. 2181, 2193, 2172, 2174, 2197, 2557, 5372, and 19900. Nevertheless, it is true that the subspecies B! I. amcricdniis maintains its characters entirely within the range of the />. /. lentiniiiosiis, as is evidenced by specimens from Prairie Mer Rouge, La. (2557), Milledgevilie, C.a. (9139), Monti- cello, Miss., and elsewhere. As already deserilu'd, the par.>toid ghiiids of this species are long and rather narrow. A vaiietal form has them wider and renifonn in out- line. The live individuals which display this character are from north- I If J 2cS(; lUrLLHTIX ;!l, UMTKl) STATK.S NATIONAL MI'SKI'M. t'l'ii localities, vi/ : No. 2'){)r> from Uiicine, Wis., and U.">(>7 IVom Essex County, N. Y. They arc also (iliaracterizcd by the presence of a supra- tympanic crest and by the coarseness of their tuberculation. They have no distinct dorsal spots, a dark line round the bases of .sonic of the tubercles representing" them in sonu^ individuals. There are also several color varieties of this subspecies. They are not unfrequently met witli entirely black (var. A), as, for example, from Penn- sylvania and ]\richi<;an. In two or three from the latter rejj^ion the foot is as short as in short -footed var. woodhousei ; in one the superciliary iid,nvs are continent in acurveil transverse rid^e. A singular abnor- mality (Xo. 2r»l-t)(var. P.), fi'om Moose River, IJritish America, isdistin- j;uished by its yellow, orange, or i)iidcish j^round color, with thedorsji! and lateral spots conlluent into lonjjitudinal bands more or less broken ; warts pink tipped; average size below tyi)ical ; skin smoother. On this variety was i)roiiosed the liii/o vopci of Varrow and Ilenshaw. Var. C — A yellow ground with broad brown bands, having only yel- low lines running outwardly and ]»osteriorly ; on top of these the usual brown sjtots are well distinguished. The cranial ridges are highei', thicker, and more nearly i)arallel than usual. Specimens are of large siy.e; they are from South Fork of the Yellowstone, Nebraska. Total length, t inches 1 hue; length from end of muzzle to postorbital ridge, 1 1..") lines. Habitat. — Southeastern Labrador, htckard, Proceed. Post. Soc. Nat. Hist., 1800; Moose Itiver, IJritish America, Ihcvlrr; South Fork Yel- lowstone, i/«//(/t'H ; Kansas, JIaUonrU, Proceed. Ac. Nat. Sci., l^hila., l.sr>0, L'51, and the Eastern and Austroriparian rej,Mons of North Amer- ica generally. Dwellers in the country are familiar with the voice of this species in the early spring", which is the season of the deposit of eggs. These are laid imtlosed in a long, thick-walled tube of tianspai'cnl albumen, secreted by the walls of the oviducts. These, tubes lie in long spiral strings on the bottoms of the ponds where they are dei)osited. The young hatch out early, aiul are of a darker color than those of others of our Salientia. They retain the dark color till near the time of the com- pletion of the metamorphosis. This takes t)lace at an earlier date than that of the Jvana', and the completed young are scarcely as large as tho.se of the Hyhe or of the Scaphiopus. The voice of this si)ecies may be heard well into the summer. It is a sonorous ur r-r-r-r r, which may be readily imitated by whistling whih^ one utters a deep-toned vocal sound expressed in the: above letters. Iinlividuals dilfer in tin; pitch of their notes, but a chorus of them has a weird sound well belit- ting the generally remote spots where they congregate, and the dark- ness of the hour. When not thus engaged, they often take uj) their abode beneath the doorstep of the farmer's house, and issue in the even- ing to secure t..eii' insect food. Tlu'y progress by hops, ami only walk on very rare occasions. ^>- TllK I5ATUACHIA OK NORTH AMIMilCA. 287 ^ -->-— 4- IliiiiiliiM'. 24S2 2505 257 2M0 217!» 7si;t 2-|l.". s:i(i7 24!!.! 2170 24H7 25 IS 2r)r.7 2r).'.4 24titi 24o:i 24H;t 2521 2471) 2474 2.'(i:i 2ti:;ii 2.VJ7 25111 25:)5 25.'i(< 24H."> 24li:i 2Ki8 2504 24S5 2H»S 2512 25."i(; 2iiv:i 2507 21!U 47K2 2481 2401) •jr.i7 5;i7J ; 8.'io:i 25T) I 25 III I 25;U ! oi:'o 24M( 2').').' !IIL'.'. 2172 4011) 4si;i 047:1 S!I71 OJSO ojw.s 1 10 :i 1 HiiJ'o IcntiyiiiOHiiH aiiivriraiiiiH Lo C. RESEUVK SERIES. TiOcality. Itont RiviT, AVi.s liarliic, Wis I'liii liaimnii', \V\i). Siilcni, X.C .....'... Kiiwtdii, N. (! Wlicn col- lectod. From whom rocelvcil. I'lof-Sl'MUird Dr. v. I!, llov ... Dr. .1. (!. ('i)iiin'i' .J. T l^iiifliatk .. .ImcUhipu t'lMintv, N C Fit/.iii'iiilil ' \Vii.-<|iiiij.r|oii, D'.c; Dr. !•;. Couch, U. .S. A I 1 4 liradl'oid Count v, Fa \ C. (;. Martin South Flattc ..' I ' l)sHnx Count v,N. V I Frof. S. F. I'.aird. Oiuiila County, N. V ! II. Davis Klizaliithtown, N. V ' , A UN Plains, III | , K. Ivi'liuicolt Southern Illinois [ I do Wistcin Mississippi. . . . Minnesota SiMitli ol' Hi::hlani|s riiizadid Alralil,., N. M !,iltli- IJluc Kivcr, Kans . llulaw, Al.i Soiiili I'lattc Kivcr, Xi'lir Millrd^fvilli', (ia Carlisle. Fa Fort Eiiiaiuie, N'ohr Eastpcut. Me KilssclU illr, Ky Fcarl Uivcr, Miss Xchraska do July 14, 18.-.C Juni) 4, 1871) A. E. Ui^'Ks (;. Dri'xlrr Dr. II.('. Yairow . W.S. Wood Frof. A. WiiuhiU W. S. Wood Kunilic'U .V Iicaii.. Fr(d'. S. F. r.aird... 1872 Woods Moll, Mass .... Ilavir di' (iiiu'i', Md . . . .Vol I'olk, Couu I'tah . F.S.F.C .1 (IiMUfic Uilih i Miss II. Tunnisiui . j Dr.lii.(U);<>Su(kli'y,F.S.A. Juno 14, 1870 Sipt.2(i,l877. 1872. Dr. 'I". II. IliMii ... A. E. Kiinilicn ... A. F. Wooster ... Dr. II.C. VaiTow. GENERAE SERIES. 2510 11 8 1 I 1 1 1 :t 1 2 South I'latto Dr.W.A.IIaininoii.l.F.S.A 2.'iOJ 1)174 Washinetdii Co., Miss. . . (.') Col. It.E.C. Wailes !M:i7 (Ji Ul5t Fort Mohave, Ariz (!) Aprill,5, 18t>2 i)r. .1. 0.(!ooper ' ori;i !ii:i4 (?) 01,15 1870. :;;::;:::::::::::;::i Oi:t(i Ct'iitral Fark OuUti (0 2.VI8 I'lalte River July 1,1857. \y S \Vood 254U South Flatto Kivcr Df.W.A.lIaumioud, U.S.A. Nature of Hpeciineii, Alooholic. Do, Do, Do, Do. Do. Do, Do. Do. Do, Do. Do. Do. Do. Du. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do, Do. Do. Do, Do. Do. Do. Do. Do, Do. Do, Earva, Alcoholic. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Earva. AIcoImIic. Earva. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Alcoholic. Iio. 'I'y (le. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do I I^ 2.SH nuLLivriN :fi, iimti:!) statks national museum. \ ^;r liiijh IfiiliiihiosiiK aimritiiiiHn T,c ('.— Condr.iM'd. (IKNKIiAL SKI!Ii;S-(,(iiiliiiii(il. C'ativlii({iii' Nil. Ill" iiiiinlc.r. 8|i(('. SKiT •-•177 :i7iiu 111)1 4,1 i;i ■UtTO wir>,"> Kilo iKIII KUl i;,'ii)7 i;)Hi7 lUHf) 1 litis lOUlHi ur.iK i4"i-'« 5:iti7 L'l-'J iiii:..' R'lHI ui7r. i;i;L'7 iir.:;o lir.if) 11077 4r>ii 11. -.01. •J.'iOli '.'r>ii7 •j.im 4K42 1148 :.i Locality. Mi.tsiMsi|i|ii liivrr '.jiiiivi T.s, .Ma«s (I/iittr roiinty, I'a VcllllWsldlKl l''(ii t liiU'.v, K.iiis New Orli'iniM, I, a Iviu.Hliiii, N. (! (idliUliciniii;;)!, N.(J I'liilti! Vallry Kin.ilciii, N. C I'lHsrx (/'oiinly, N. V Iliiilsim s liav W'a.sliiiinliin, 1) IhK'i. ihsr) 1S74 1S71 I.S7!) (i i'.). 1 1 (Iraiiil ('(itcaii, La . (lalil'oniia Saint LouiH, Mn .. MiHsis.>ii|i|ii IMiilailolpliia, I'a .. Hrookvillr, (ia I'ousacola, Kla ■r. W'.Miliirr 11. W. \V,l...li.r Iir.W..\.llaiiiiii(iiiil.r.S..\ ,). \V. Milnn- rnif. S. \V. I'.aiiil K. Walloii llaviloii Dr. T. II. Ilcaii linlHit l;icl;;\vay (). (liila I'ciiliardirin C. II. l{a;;.x(lalc .. .1.. ('. Dicxltr K. Kciiiiit Kit L. Kiiiiilii'ii Jiiliii Vaniiw .loliii ami Cliailcs WalUiT (irol;;() Slim iiiaUcr K. II. Ciisliiiin S. F. liaiiil . ('■) .-• L. Kiiiiilii'ii Cii'iii;;!' I'limrliiiaiiii !).(". I.lovil .1. Kicliaiil K. Maymiiiiil Jutliirs Nat 11 I'll of NlUcilMC'll. .Mcdlldlic. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Du. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Dip. Do. A well-niiukod varitity ot'tliis subspecies, or perlmps a distiiiet sub- species, i.s reiueseuled by two specimens IVoiii ^licanopy, l''la., wiiicli were obtained by ])r. JJean. Tlio distinguisliiiif;' i>eculiaiity consists ill the conversion of tlie- superciliary ridyes into llattened thickeninj;.s of tlio craniuin, wliieli meet or nearly meet on tlie, middle line ol' the fronto-parietiil re,i;ioii. They unite, leaving"' a faint line to mark the juuction in the larger female, while in the smaller inah^ they form two beveled surfaces, wlilcli unite on the middle liiit^ at an obtuse angle, Pcstcriorly they, with the postorbital ridj;es, have a straij^ht trans- verse boundary. The metatarsal internal roximal) phalange. It only reaches to tht^ mitUUo of the proximal plialaiij;e in the ]>. /. ((iiicricanu.s. The color is somewhat peculiar, having a general clouded a])pearaiice above, without the well- defined si)ots of the tyi)ical subspet^ies Americanus. There is a pahs band from one i»ali)ebial binder to the otlier across the front. The me- dian dorsal line is indistinct. iSi/e that of fully grown H. 1. nmericamis. This form may bo called liufo IcntUjimmiH imclnjceithalm. -J^ -.. THE HATKACIIIA OF NOKTll AMKKICA. 289 J_ Bufo loitiyiiiDsiis l('ntitiino,su.s Shiiw. Copt', ClicrU-hisI N. Aiiicr. Miitr. IJcplil., 187'), p. 'M. JliiJ'o UiiHijinosiis «liaw, Zoill., in, p. I7;{, l^ti:>; Giranl, rmccMHl. Ac. Pliila., 18ri4, p. 80. Cliihililiryiic liiiti;iiiioHit Cope, rriuccd. Ac. I'liila., lf^(i:t, i>. I).')?. /;»/() iiuixiiiii Liitr, Kept-. ", !'• 1-7; Djiiid., Kniii., p. '.>, IM. :?'.{, tig.;}, and Ucptil., Viil, p. I'.tfl; Mcir. Tent,, p. Id'); Oravcnh., J)elic., p. ")'.», llolhiook, N. Amur, llt'i'i)*''!, V, ri. 1; J)niii. IWbr. Krp. Oimi. VIII, p.(i-"J; Lccoiito, Trocecds. Acad., I'liilada., ih:;:?, p. :i.')7. rieatl large; snout obtiiso ; .superciliary riilge.s greatly elevated and terminating posteriorly in a knob; upper jaw eniarginate, lower fur- ni.slied with a hook in front; parotoid large, renitbrni, and reaching from below the tymp;inum to near the shoulder; tyujpanum large; vocal vesicle internal; body above warty, ben«'ath granulated. The head is large, and without warts, except a few small ones on Ihe eyelids, and the mouth is large. The snout is obtu.se, and from its tip runs an elevated bony crest, subdividing at the nostrils, and forming (he superciliary ridges. These diverge and increase in elevation ,as they reach the posteiior part of the orbit, where they terminate in a rounded knob or tubercle. Their greatest height gives to the upper surface of the head a »;analiculated appearance; a second or postorbital ridge de- scends from eiich of these and completes the posterior border of the orbit. In consecpiemie of the divergence of the superciliary ridges the postorbitals are short. There is always present a short but distinct ridg<^ above the tympanum at right angles to the postorbital — the supra- tympanic. The upper Jaw is deeply emarginate in front; the lower is furnished at its anterior part with a distinct hook, which is received in the notch of the upper jaw. Tlie nostrils an^ small and round, placed near the point of the snout. Tiie eyes are large, prominent, and very beautiful; the ])upil is black, the iris reticulated with gold and black, and has an inner margin of yellow. The tympanum is large and du.sky, with a minute spot of a lighter shade in the center. The parotoid glands are large and reniform. The back ami sides are dusky, and covered with warts of different sizes; a pale vertebral lino extends from the head to the vent, on each side of which are found the largest warts; an irregular row of spots of yellowish-white exists on the think, having somewhat the appearance of an indistinct band, extending from the inferior and posterior i)art of Ihe parotoid gland to within a short distance of the thighs. The whole inferior surface of the animal is dirty white, with a strong tinge of yellow. Th(! anterior extremities have tiie upper surface dusky, with blotches and bars of dark brown; the lower surface dirty white, tinged with yel- low. Tilt! posterior extremities are dusky brown above, marked with blotches and ( r.msver.se bars of darker brown, and dingy white beneath. Tills species attains to the same size as the typical form of 7>. /. (imcr- icatiKs. A specimen (fiOl) from Florida exhibits remarkably elevated iy.ji Bull ;m it> m .( iM I [ l:^ 290 UULKKTIN ;il, rMTi:i) STATlvS NATloNAI, MISKIJM. T i crests iiiid broad parotoul yliinds; tlio coloration is iiuiform ciimauiou- brown; apparently a slight variety. ,i i. 1"'IG. l\.—Iiii/o li'uli'jiiKititin hiili:'U 2520 2519 K0U2 2521 2522 2553 Ot2(i 9052 9705 2528 2527 9472 745 9»;i8 I ass;) 1 11502 ]i;i97 11915 10 ' Kii'i'l>ori>ii);li, (In ... 1 Slit'lli.v Coiiiily, (ill H rensiicola, l''la Imliaii Kivor, Fluiiila. . . (iHOlfll'tOWll, S. (" l,iiko Moiiroo, Kloi iiln . . Clmrlcston, S. (' «lo Alabama Liberty Coiiiitv, (ia. Hcauldit, S. C liiltlu Sarasota I'.ay, l'"la Arlington, Kla ..... Aiiilcr.soii, S. (' Mis-sisHipiii (.') Mlcaimpy, I'la j\]>v. — , 1K77 1 lom whom rccciviil. rnil. S. V. Haiiil Maj. .1. liO Coil I II Dr." W, A. Jlaminoiiil, U. S. A. t!. Wiirdemanii W(!»to. T THE HATKACIIIA OF NOUTll AMKKICA. lUJKO (il'KRL'ICUS ll(.ll)iook. 291 North AiinT. llfi'it., V, HI, If'W, TiiW. in, Copt', riocecds. Aiiier. IMiiloNoph. Soc. 1880, 1). f)!'"). CUUoiihnjnvi^Ktloiiha Cope, rrocfcd. Ac. Nat. .Sci. I'liila., IH(W, :ill (crroneoiiH locality). Jliijo di(iloiilni.i l{'Hilcn>,MT, Cat. Matr. Sal. IJrit. Miis., cd. ii, IH-^-.', p. :ill>. Head biojid; imixsiK! jnoiniin'iit, conic. Cranium stronj;l,v lidfjed. rieoinilar and postocnlar, suju'atynjpaiiic, and suptMciliarj rid^ics well developed, the ' 1 nialiiny a very open anyle with that of the eanthuss ro.stralis, and s .idiii},'' oil" pcsteriorly a parietal, whicli first converges toward that oi»po.site, and then runs tran.sver.sely on the occiput to meet it, failiii}^' in thi.s by a very 8li}>ht interval. A small nuchal i)it. Tymiianum in contact with jjostorbital ridj>e, only one fourth tlu; size of the oibit. Tongue small, narrow, half free; a strong symphyseal tubercle lilting a premaxillary pit. I'arotoids large, short, descending on sides to opi)osite lower edge of tymi»anum. Skin everywhere rigidly rugose, subspinous on the tarsus. The Joints of the extremities are pale and appear swollen. Fingers slendev; lirst shorter than* second, which equals the third. One metacarpal tubercle only. Toes short, one third webbed ; two acute metatarsal tubercles, the internal large, incurved, like a (lattered spur, jellow, brown tii)ped. Length of. head iiiid body, 10 lines; of hinder extremity, 12 lines. The head above is dusky, with a yellowish central longitudinal line; (lie superciliary ridges are gray, with a white mark in the center. On ea(;h si In some .specimens the transverse posterior partw)f the frontoparietal crest is broken up. It then resembles the youny of the lUi/o lenllijino- sus, with which it has been supposed to be identical by various authors. It, however, ditfers from tliis species in (he ditferently shapttl parotoid glands, the thickened posterior parts of tlni mandibles, and from all the subspecies, excei)t the />'. /. iroodliousri, in the shorter head. Tiiere is no doubt but that Dr. Ilolbrook was correct in rejfardiiij; this as a distinct species of very snutU size. The redescription of the specii-s by myself was due to the omission of its characteristic peculiarities from extant writings. Tlie erroneous locality (Sandwich Islands) is one of several such errors, based on the incorrect«labeling of the collections of J. II. Townsend, to which tlKsspecimen belonged. The geograidiical distribution of this s|)ecies is icstricted io tiie region extending from Kiiiston, N. C, to Middle Georgia and Florida, inclusive. Jhifo qiurckun Holbrook. ItESEUVE SKKIKS. -L 'T' (^iitalii;;iu N'o. .,1 jiuimIxt. «|)(C. ___., . ._•' noil n S:i4.'! 1 iHwn 1 uai:. 1 L'U2t! It 2625 :i 113U4 .1 Local itv. Ooorgia , KiiiHton, N. (' , Atliii;;lim, I'lii Litlli'Siirii.siita lia.v, Kla (ii'orjiia '. (Miaiipston, S. C Milton, I'lii Wlicii <'olli'('t(^ll. Krotii wliom i(>( rived. May 1. l.'iTH 1881 Mai. .1. I.i> (.'oiitc .1. W. Miliiir. ... (i. Itl'OU II (idlMJi' I'lof. K. 1!. M.rk Mai. •'. ■-<' ('oiiti' Or. S. !!. liaiK.T. S. T. Walker Nature or.s|iee inieii. Ali'olii D.I. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. liUIX) VALLICLr.S Wiegni. Iliifo r((//(((7w Wiegin., Isis, LS?:!, ]). (;,")7 ; I'cters, Moii. liei',. Ac., IHli;!, p. SI; limi- lengcr. Cat. lialr. S;il. Hrit. Mils., 'M ed., ]t. :U;». Jiitjo iirantiloxii.^ Haird tV (iiiard, I'roeec'd. Ac. I'liila., l."'.VJ, p. 17:!. Iliifo iKbiilifir (i\i;ni\, Proceed. Ac. IMiila., ISM, ji. .-i7 ; Hallow., Ihid., l-,"i(;, p. :!(is; Girard, U.S. Mex. Umind. Snrv., ii, p. '2'>, IM. 10, tig. 1-1; (iiliKli., Cat. Hrit.Miis., p. (ill. ChUophrtjnv iiehulifo-o Cope, rroeced, Ac. Pliihj., l»^0'i. p. :i.')7. Postorl tal ridge forming an open angle with the supraorbital ; pre- orbital distinct; supraorbital strong, nearly plane, 1',' the strong supra- J- THE BATRACIIIA OF XORTII AMHKICA. 293 lyiiipaiiK.'. JiUlgcs of Ccinthus coiiciivc, piirullcl on t-iitl of muzzle; latter truiieate in [)rorile. Strong- niaxilliiry ridge tVoni inferior niargin of orbit to posterior extremity of the bone. Loreal region coneave, nos- trils subvertical; tympanum balf orbit. Two strong convergent parie- tal ridges from supraorbital, eacli longer than supratympanic of its side. Length of head from end muzzle to posterior border tympanum e(|uals breadth l)elo\v at eanthus oris in specimens 1.5 inches long; rel- itiively less in larger specimens, till in one .'5.7.1 inches long it is scarcely oser two thirds the breadth. Eyelids nearly horizontal ; tongue ordi- uary obpyriform; choana'- larger than ostia pharyngca. Length of head, as above, three to three and a ical has a strong parietal ridge, is scarcely varied with darker below, and is light brown above ; sides very tuber- culous; specimens from Texas, Tanuiulii»as, and Vera Cruz — Emory andSartoriiis. Second. Sides with smaller granulations; colors black- ish, spotting and varying the whole inferior regions. Three specimens from Y^icatan (Nos. 721), 778, 771))— Schott. Third. Ridges weaker, especially the parietal; cinnamon-brown, below brown varied and spotted ; sides giauular. Two specimens from Belize — Dr. Parsous. f 'i( ^ ,_ 294 BULLivriN :!i, rMTi:i) statks xationa!. museum. Speciuieiis in National Museiiin Iroiii tlie Uuiteil States: 1. Fic. 73. l}u/ii valll<'rp:< Wiog. (From Bainl, V. S. ^•c■x. nniinil. Siirv.) Iliifo vnlliifpa Wiogni.inn. IIE.SF.UVE SEUIES. Catalogue No. of iiuiubur. spec. 2663 10 2605 7 2rm 1 2">!)K 1 'ZMH 1 'J(i02 '» saoa 2 2592 1 2.-i01 2 2600 2 2601 1 1150 3 Loralit.v. Wlicn collcctod. Calcasidn Pass, La Fi'O!., wlioiii n cpivi'd. (i. Wiirili'iiiaiin. . Texas 1. ll.Claik I!rowii.svill(>. Tux ' I'lol'. H.V. Haiiil . Fdit IiifTc, Ti'X New liraiiiit'i'l.s, Tex Santa Ciituniia, Xih'vo Leon. Sun I'cilro. Tex , Matanioro-t. Mi'X Uctwewi Laredo anil f !a- Sau Antonio. Tex ('» New Ui loans, La Dr. V. H. H. Keniieily.. I'lol'. S. 1'. Kail (1 . .". . . Lieut. ll.(;oiieli, T.S. .\ . nr. C. 15. n. KeiMieilv. Lieut. It.Coueli, l'. S. A A.SeJHilt C.R. K. Kennel I V (t) '■ Ur. I{. W. Seliulchlt .. Xatnrenf Hpee- inien. Aleoliolie Do. l»o. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. This species is also common in Louisiana, numerous specimens hav- ing been sent from New Orleans by Dr. Shufeldt, and by Prof. IVn. King from Baton Kougc. Its sontliern range extends as far as Nica- ragua, inclusive. "T ^„»^uiiiiiiai r THE HATRACIIIA or NOUTII AMI•:^ICA. 295 DENDUOl'UltYMSCIDE. This f.iinily is said by Boulenger to (litter from the Cystipfnathidrt"!, only in the absence of the preinaxillary and niaxillary teeth. Tliere are bnt two genera, as follows: No vomerine teotli. Tonj^iic ciitin^ly iiillieront; no tyiiipiimiiii nor Kiist.icliiiin tnlios; toes webbed, external met lit iirsals united ; omosternumandMternum cartilaginous; terminal pliaiaiifft's siinjdi' /ItilrachophrijiiiiH Peters. No vomerine teetb ; toMj;u(! IVei; posteriorly; ling strongly ossified medially, but without fontanelle. Superior plate of the ethmoid well developed anteriorly. Ear perfectly developed. Genera: Cryptotis, Gthr. ; Asterophrys, Tsch. ; Megalophrys, Knhl. Tlio Pala'obatrachidii,' ditt'er from tliis fanuly in the conversion oi tlieir seventh, eighth, and nintli vertebral centra and diapophyses into a-sacrum, instead of the ninth oidy. The supposed osseous covering ot the cavuni tympain and tuba Eustachii, is not contlrmed l)y the re- searches of Walterstorrt". Cryptotis, the oidy Australian genus of the family, possesses two sacral condyles for the ai ticidatioii of the coc^cyx ; it has a long tooth, like process on the os dentale, similnr to that seen in Rano. macroiloii f iid /»*. laihUi. The other genera belong to the Malayan Islands. There are no arbo- real or aquidic forms embraced in this fauiily. The whole number of species known is five. a. Toes free. Two itostsacral (■(in. CO; Nat. Hist. K'ev., l-Ti,', p. 11, pars. Pchhal\(hv Lalaste, Actes Soc. Linn., liordeanx, XNX, :iHll, pars; I5onlen^er Catal. Batr. Sal. IJrit. Mus. Fd. ii, ISS-J, p. X.Vi, pars. Vertebra' proco'lian ; no costal elements or coccygeal diai)opliyses; diapophyses of ninth vertebra much dilated, thin, and triangular; nro style without condyloid articidation, its axial portion rcstiicting that of the sacrum and connate with it: external metatarsi bound; distal phalanges continuous, simple. Manubrium cartilaginous. Tongue rounded, nearly entire. The small number of species embraced in this family are of stout toad-like habit, and furnished with a sli jvel-like develojinient of the cuneiform bone and a coriaceous posterior digital palmation, \o aid them in removing earth while making their subteiranean abodes. Many of them very seldom come to the surface of the earth, and then only in darkness; for this lialtit the vertical (iatlike pupil is an adapta tioii, a peculiarity not exhibited by the toads, which are crepuscular. »riateU^. ^ 1 / 1 ',m (: ' ,! ± tUE ISATRACniA OF NORTH AMKRICA. 207 I. Caviiiu tympaiii and tympaiiiiin waiitinj;. Xiiiliistciiiiiiii with an ossiiiiMl inoxi- nial Nlylc. Ciincilonii Ixino and .slu-atli well (Icvi'luiii'd. I'upil iri'cl. Toes \Vld)luMl. Derm involvt'd in cranial ossilication. Temporal fossa with a stn.ii}? roof. V(nn(!rinc teuth : no parotoid glands Cnllriiw^. Derm involved in cranial ossilication. No roof over the temporal fossa, or par- otoid glands. Vomcrint' Iccth I'vhthnlvH, Derm distinct from cranium, which is nndcvclopcd ahovc, two lateral iVonto- paiietal l)ars inclosing a median fontanelle. Vomerine^ teeth. No jiaro- loids I)itic erect. Derm involved in the cephaMc ossilication, which is coinplelc. I'.irotoid j;lands and vomerine teeth s'tdf/u'oyiH.v. Derm distinct from cranium, which is usually only ossilied superiorly in two sujierciliary bars. I'jirotoid glands and vomerine teeth Siwu. Tlio oxtroiuo of diverj^ciice of the sorie.s of tlii.s family is, tluMi, that represent i II j;' its type in a pre einiiient dejiree. This is seen in the j^cmi.s C(»ltrii>es wliere liie ossilieation of tlie siii>erior eranial walls is esjje- eially lhi<;kene(l, obliterates the sagittal suture, anil is e.vtentled in an arch over the tempoial fossa. The anterior ossifieation of theeo(!c.yx is applie:U(t. 0 0 0 2 O (?)1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 4 1 a ("Mltri|>(>,s .. I'l'lolialtis . Oiilorii.s .Scajiliiopiis Sp<'a The inferior dermal attachments of seven species of this family arc as I0II0W.S : liiiloviiH calcdrulii'i, Uelly more than tialf attached. I'cIoIhiIch/uhchh. P'roni half to two-thirdsattached ; same in larva, with long tail ; fe- mur one line lielow. Srniihiopiis holhroohii. Free only opjiosite sternum: thi;;h attachi'd only uelow on Itasal half. >Sc((j»/iio^)i(.s roiirhii. Triangular free area to middle ahdomen. , I- < '*ti 298 nULLKTIN :!l, UXrTKD STATIvS NATIONAL MIJSKUM. f^jiia lianmoiidii. Vury wiili; liiteriil i:il' .l- .itliU'Iiiiieiits, whidi do imt moot till folllOI'il. Sjwa homhifroun. liolly with it free iiiodiaii baiiil ; foiiioijil liiioH liolow niidatiovo bo- liind. Si>va muUipUcata. A (Voo dornal lino, very narrow in front, lint wido as ilia liohind; abdominal aroa witli a broador froo Hpace. SCAPIIIOPITS Ilolbrook. N. Amcr. Horp., ii, p. 8."); Tsdindi, Itatr., p. KJ ; Dum, A: Hibr, viii, p. 471; GiinlIi.,Cat., p. :!H ; Copo., Nat. Hist. Rev., 18(15, p. lOH, and Jonrn. Ac. Pliila. ('i), vi, p. HI ; IJonlenyor, Cat. Batr. fJal. Brit. MnM., aded., 188->, p. 43:5. Cavum tympani and tympanic inonibrane present; sternuiii a carti- laginous plate; pupil erect; toes webbed ; internal cuneiform bone of tarsus well developed. This genus embraces si)ecies of robust form and of burrowing liabit.-^, The greater part of their lives is spent beneath the surface of tln' ground, but in sjuing lliey emerge and proceed to deposit their eggs in the nearest body of watei'. This is usually of a temporary character, and in adaptation to this circumstance the metamorphosis is corre spondingly rapid. They are very irregular as to the period of its com- pletion, in dry regions losing their larval ap|)endages while very small, while iu other and well-watered regions they retain them until fully grown. During the season of reproduction llicy are very noi.sy, but after that time disappear, and arc neither seen nor heard. They are r f' jdain colors. Their general fort. is are like those of their allies of the Old World, the species of Pelobates, or somewhat like that of toads. There are two well-marked species of this genns^ which differ as fol- lows : a. Collections of glandular crypts on the pnst-tympa;iic and pectoral roi^ions. Front wide; interorbital width onterinj; length of tibia •2..') times; vomer- ine teeth a little behind choanie; color dark, with or without two pale longitndinal stripes S. holhrookii. na. No glandnlar enlargements on post-tympanic or pectoral regions Front wide ; interorbital width entering length of tibia three times; vcnner- ine teeth a little behind nares; color lignt, with a net-work of brown bands S. coiivhii. SCAPIIIOPUS IIOLBROOKIT TIarlan. (Plates 57, fig. 2; G8, fig. 3; 7:5, tig. 30.) Baird, Report U. S. Pac. R. R. Surv., iv, Rcptil., 1859, PI. xxvii, fig. I. 1 ; Cope, Proceed. Ac. Pliila., 18(J3, p. 54. linHd holbroohii Harlan, Med. Pliys. Researches, 1835, p. 105. SraphiopiiH nolilariim UoUmutU, N. Am. Herp., 1^3(1, Vol. I, \\. e5, PI. Xit, iliiii. (edit, .lit.), Irt4'2, IV, iu:t, PI. xxvii; 'IVlmdi, M6in. Nciichatel, i, ISis, p. fA; Dnm.A. Bibr., Frp. (Jen., l-^ll, VIII, 473; \,n Conte, Proceed. Ac. Nat. .Sii.Phila., 1K'>5, 4-Jit; (iilnth., Cat. Batr. Sul. Brit. Mns., IH.'.S, p. 3M; Boiilenger. Cat. I$atr. Sal. Brit. Mns., 2ded., 1HS2, p. 434. ■?■! TIIK HATRACHIA OK XOIITII AMKHICA. 209 I Head iargc; maxillary outline romuled. Profile of front a rather steep descent from the swollen occiimt, where the skin is thin, closely adhe- rent, and penetrated by osseous granules. Eyes jn'ominent. Tympa- num distinct, half its extent larger thanosfia pharyngea. Vomerine teeth in two fasiculi between and behind the posterior borders of the latter. Parotoids sn>all, rounded, prominent. No gland on the tibia ; oiin on each side of the thorax near the axilla. Skin of back minutely tuberculous, of sides more coarsely; below nearly smooth. Cuneiform process longer than in any other species of the genus, but not more prominent. Ileel of extended hind leg reaching posterior edge of tym- panuMi. The inner nostrils are large, open, rather elongated transversely, and wider apart than are the external nares. The vonierine teeth are in two patches, situated within the inner nares, and on aline with their posterior borders. The teeth in the margin of the jaw are continuous, tliough not much developed. The tongue is longitudinally oval, not emarginate behiiul in the specimen examined, where it is free for nearly half its length. The skin above and on the sides is covered pretty uniformly with tubercles or pustules, with smaller hard black ones interspersed. The lirst mentioned are wanting on the head and outer surfaces of the lii:ibs, wiiere the others, however, may be observed. A few pustules about the anus on the buttocks which show little signs of granulation. There is a short parotid gland Just above and behind the tympanum. The arm is well developed ; the hand much shorter than theforearni. The outer finger is very short; then the second; the iburtii is a little shorter than the third, or longest. All are subtruucate, or thickened at the tips. A thickened web may be traced between the bases of the lingers, although such palmation is not very evident. On the inner and upper faces of the two inner fingers is a black, callous thickening of the epidermis. The tibia is uuu;h shorter than the femur, and not one third the total length of body; the foot and femur about equal. The metatarsal bones are firmly united nearly to the end by inter- mediate muscle, and a web exteiuls between the tii)S of the sluut toes. The outer toe is very short, but little exceeding the third, and the wel) between it and the fourth toe is proportioiuilly reduced. All the toes .are much depressed, and invested by the thickened skin. At the base of the inner toe is an elongated, compressed, and well-de- veloped spade like process, with a sharp horny edge, of a black color; a trace of the same is seen on the inner edge of the tip of the inner toe. The sole is perfectly smooth, and there is no tubercle of any kind except the spade-like process. Color above, in spirits, either earth-brown, fulvous-brown, or ashy- brown, with a pale ashy band from each orbit; these converge again on the coccyx. These bands are rarely unbioken, and are sonu^times exceedingly indistinct; they sojuetinies inclose a pale area. Sides IM m'i 300 unLLETIN 31, I'NITKO STAIKS NATIONAL MUSEUM. Bometinies inarblod with ]iiiU' asli, soinctiincs uniform. Sonu'timcs a pale iiterorbital cross-band, s')mL'tiiiics two longitudinal bands on muz- zle. A vertical lirtht line on end of muzzle. "~T~ ^-^2 4 6 Flo. 74. flrniihiojnis hoUtronkii. Xo. 10004. Florida Ki'.vs ; }. Miiimiremiiiln of So. llHltJ. M. Lcnfjtli of bead and body (MW L('ii<;tli of head, iiiL']iidin<; tyiiijiaua ()•.':> Width of head, iiicliidiiij; tyiii liana O'JT.'i Lcnytli of fore-ley from axilla OIC) Lenjjtli of hind leg from groin O'i] Length of liitia OvilT Length of tarsus . OIJ Length of rest of foot OJT The wide front and peculiar glands of t'.iis sjjecies readily distingiii.sli thent from all others mendjers of the genus. Its range, liUe tliat of sd many other North American Batrachia and rei)tiles, is confnicd 1<» llif eastern region. It is found in every part of this, including tiic I'lon- dan and Texan districts. t -T^ i\ ■«■ Cilt.ilo;'!!!' No ,pf unrulier, s'luo. !t:;no '.Kd.i ItTlil ;iii!iii 4r..Mt ;i70(i ;i7ii; 4.'iu;i ScaphiopiiH holhroolii Harlan. KESKUVE SEU:ES. Locality. Whon ! w™„. ,..i.„.., ..„„„i..„.i Xaliirt' olHiirr oolloctod. I I'romwliomroc-ohe.l. j.^,.,,^ ' I.ilicTly (Niuiity, (la ' M.i.j. J. I.o ("onto Ih7fl Kiiiiilioii it Hciiii MillcllKlHlllc. (Jil Caiiiliridnc, ilas.t do ; 1 ,1. H. Uicliiiid. I'cnil Kivor, Mis.H i • Misa Ili'lcii Tiini.soii I Iiidinn Jiivor, Kliv | o. Ilo. Do. Do. Do. Specimens from Cambridge, Mass., are nearly nnicolor, while Floii dan forms are lightest and most variegated ; the head seems to be a little broader and more obtuse. These forms graduate into the inter mediate and most common type. ]\rr. C. W. Uargitt (see America ii Naturalist, June, 1.S88) has found it on the Island of Martha' Vine yard, a fact which indi(!a,t«'S the compaiatively late separation of tliat island from the main land of Massachusetts. " Ub ■ Tllli nATUACIilA OK NORTH AMKKICA. 301 II((hUs. — This species, tliou<;li no widely distiibiited, is seldom .seen. After rains in sprinjj: and suinnier its cries may bo heard at ni}^ht, pro- ceeding' always, so I'ur as my experience yoes, IVom temporary pools. I have observed it twice in Pennsylvania, twice in New Jersey, and once in Massachusetts on the main land oi>i)ositc Martha's Vii>eyard. Specimens IVom the latter lo(!ality which I kept in a vivarium burietl themselves in the earth by day, but issued at nightl'all and indus- triously explored tlieir surroundinj^s. Tiieir burrows were concealed l»y th(5 loose earth whi(!h fell into and (illed them, but below this the bony top of the head could be always found. Frecpiently one eye i)ro je<'ted from the debris, presentiu};' with its brassy-colored iris a most siiijiuhir appt'aiaiu;e. On beins irritated with a hard object they utter a clattering" note entirely unlike that of the breeding' season. SCAl'HIOl'US L'OIICIIII IJainl. (Plate (W, lig. a.) I'iocccmI. Ac. I'liilii., vii, K."), (i. (!•.', iiiid U. S. Mox. Ittiiiiid. Siiiv., ii, |.-<5i), l.'i'lit., |). ^.H, I'l. :!.'). Ii;;s. l-C; Coi"', I'rocccd. Ac. IMiilii., iSl.i, p. W; ISiocclii, Miss. Sc. Mfx.Jiiitr., p. '.»(; ; 15(mlL'n-;t'r, (Jal. liatr. Sal. Hrit. SI IIS., -J.l ..(1., IsS'i, p. 454. Scapliiiipii.'i viniiis Cope, /. c, ji. r>'i ; IJrocclil, /. c, p. 'J7. Smiiliitiiiux fcclifrcnin Cojif, I'l'dcft'd. Ac. Pliila., Irti:?, p. ;'):{; iirocclii, Miss. .Sc. Mcx., I?atr., p. ','7: lioiilcii;fcr, Cat. Hrit. Mii.s.,','d cd.. IKS-J, 4:i."). Form stout; head more elongate, acuminate oval; width of frontal iegi(Mi greater than from lip to iiares, on(!-thiid the length of the tibia. Prolile gradually descending; front plane, nuizzle projecting, rounded. Anterior border of tympanum scarcely distinguishable, Eyes very prominent. V'onu'rine teeth opposite middle of choana', which ecpial ostia pharyngea. Tongue round, slightly emarginate. Parotoid gland llat, descending on the side. Skin tuberculous, es[»ecially on tln^ sides; sonu'times a slightcryptiferous thickening of integument of tibia ; none Oil the sides of the pectoral region. A i>osttympanic antl an ante- pi'(!toral fold. Abdomen slightly rugose; gular region smooth. Cunei- form i)rocess elongate. Toes fully palmate. ~1 ^ ^^^2^4 6 Fio. T-l. f^fa/ihinpiis iTiiicliil nxriii.t. <'it]ti\ 5S!)I! ; nut. .'"izc. Capo St. Lucas, Cal. Color above yellowish, with irn-gnlar brown bands, which converge between and behind t lie orbits; otliei's diverge on the Hanks, beginning at th(> or'.)its; one IVom same point lo hip and one; on cantlius rostralis. There is a (•(uilliicnce of dor.^al bands near the sai'rum, A light band on outer face of tarsiis and toe; hand yellowish, i \ I t 302 lUJLLKTlN ;!l, 1:MTI;1) STATKS NATU)NAIi MIISKIJM. L(Mi;{(li of lifiul ami body L(iif{tli of lujiid, iiiL'liiiliiij; tyiiiimiiii ... Width of lu'iid at lionlcis of tyinpaiia. Lt'iijftli of fore limb I.i'iilftli of bind limb. Mntniirciiii Ills of So. liMi'iK. M. (Uil (>\iO (f-i? o:!ir) ocidd r.cnjith of tll)iii •••■il l..t'ii{;tli of tiirHiiM Oil Lciij^tli of rest of postorior foot 0'J4 This spc(!ies is iiiteriiicdiiite in its cliiiriU!tois bctwccii tlui *S'. holhroohii Jiiid th(i otlier species of the {,U'ims. Tlie IVoiitoparietal inteiorWitiii space is wider than in tiie liitter, but not so wide as in tlie former. Tlic tibia is very sliort, Jiivinjn' the animal ii more squat appearance than llie iS\ liaiinunnilii. In tlie typical specimen the labial border projected beyond the line of the mn/zle, so that the prolile sl()])ed to it downwards and forwarIate, /. c) is only an individual one. The other tbims pass directly into each other. The range of this species is the southern part of the Sonoran district and the corresi)onding part of the Lower Californian. Within the limits of the United States it has b;en found oidy in southwest Texas. t; Scaphioiius couchii lid. UESKKVK SICUIES. m CiitalogiiB iiiiiiilivr. 12Cr)7 No. of Hpcr. Locality. Matnmoios, Mi x ("iiiiK Saint Liica.s, (-'al . r,al'az, Cal UclotcM, Hcxar Coll lit V, Tox. (!) Wlicii lollcctt'd. Kroiii «lioiii iT.oiv.Ml. ^'"'"iV,;,!"'" "" I"" I,it!iitcnaiitConcli (ISor- laiidii'i- collcctioii). Illllll .\lllltllH Ih82 I., litliliiiu (i. \V. Maiiiock 0). Alrolidlic. Do. Oo. IJo. SPEA Cope. .ronrnal Academy I'hiiadclpliia (2), vi, ISSti, ji. SI. Cranial derm free from cranium ; the latter generally with a fronto- l>arietal fontauellc; vomerine teeth present; toes webbed ; cuneitbrni process large. In this genus we have perntanently preserved characters which de- flno an immature stage of Scaphiopus. In one of the subsjjecies of the 8. hanunondii the ossilieation of the cranium litis progres.sed so far as to close the frontopiirietal fMulanelle, but not so as to penetrate the ; TIIK IIATKACIIIA OF NoKTII AMKliKIA. ;'»o;; cranial iiitc;;iiaieiit. Tho speck's Ik'Ioiij;' to the wi'stcni anil sontli- westciii parts of the iicarctic realm. Tliey arc distingnislied as follows: a. Tympiiiiic (UnU diHtinct; no ^IiukI on tibia. Intororbitiil width inirrow, ont(uin;; li'n<;lli of tiltia foui' tinum; vonicrinii tcolh between choanii- ; color j;<'nei'iilly daik, witb or witliout [lalo Htripcs. •S. hammoiidii. (XiX. Tynipiinic disk concoalfd ; a larj;"' j^landoii tho ii|>im'I' nidi^ of (be tibia. Intei'orbital widlli narrow, entcrin;; tiliia tbicc tinicH; vonirriiK^ tet^tli a lilllc ])osterior to narcs; colorM piilo .S'. miilliplhald. Sl'EA IIAMMONDII Haird. (.'oiM', Journ. Ac. I'liila. Ci), vi, ISCC, p. hi. Svupliioinin hainminidii Haird, Ut-pt. Kxpl. Surv., iv, Ivt'iitil., IM.V.), IM. '^f*, lij;. •_'; Copf, I'rocood. Ac. I'liiia., l"<(r.t, p. .Ml; IJonlenjjcr, Cat. Hatr. Sal. ISrit. Mm., lHH-2, p. t:{.'i. ScdjiliiitpuH liomhi/roita Copi', I'nicccd, Ac. I'bila., iHtiH, p. .^;i; Koiilcn^cr, Cat. Hatr. Sal. IJrit. .Mas., ls«-,>, p. >;!.-,. Simibomhi/rotin Cojie, .lourn. Ar. i'liila. C-i) vi, iHtilJ, p. 81. Sped Hlaiinalix Coiic, l'. S. (1. (1. Siirv. \V. of ItKttli Mcrid., v, Zool., p. .V,',"), IM. •^."•, li-,'.s. (i-H. S(\nilii>jiHn aliKjnaliH ltoul(Mi;r, li.;. t ; Hoiilcii>,'cr, Cat. Hatr. Sal. Hrit. Mns., 18-X', p. J;'.!). This is a widely distributed and variable s[)ecies, presenting sncli diversity in some res|)ects as to be interesting as an example of the appearance of important (tharacters in the conrse of descent. It is in- teresting also from its habits, adapted as they are to the exigencies ol a dry climate, in which the o[)pi)rtnnity for aquatic life is i)recarions, and the metamorphosis corresi)ondingly liable to inodilication. I include three subspecies under thecommo:i head, which are delined as follows : , (»i'M"rally no frontopar' '-il fontanclli' ; head piano above; a liuij^itudinal pale ban.l on eaeli side of IkI' .; larj^er; skin tnbercnlar S. Ii. iiitennuittaiin. .\ frontoparietal fontanelle; head plane or convex above ; no lonj^itudinal li;.v'it bainls ; .skin smoother ; snia]|<>r *'. /i. hdmmoiiilil. A frontoparietal fontanelle; head very convex at tlie, interurbital rej^ion ; skin nearl,' smooth ; color.s palo ; si/.c least S. It. hoiitbij'roiis. I had first placed the S. h. hitcnnontana in the genus Scaphiopus, while the two other subspecies were placed with the S. utHltipUcafa in a distinct genus, Spea, which was characterized by the presence of a frontoparietal fontanelle. This character is generally constant, al- though its inconstancy as a s;>eci(lc character is t> be expected some where. The genus Spea is the seat of the failure of this generic char acter to coincide with the other detinitions of a species. In one of the four specimens of the subspecies Intermontanus 1 find the fontanelle present, while in three it is absent. In a fifth specimen it is rei)re- sented by a fissure between the frontoparietal bones. The S. h. bombifronn appears to be, at first examination, a well de- lined species, The interorbital protuberance is a striking character. i-Hj !P I 301 lirLI-KTIN ;il, I'MTKI) STATKS NAIIitNAI, MISKIM. Tin- lil»ia is iilso .slioiirr in l.vpiciil cxainiili's, mcasiiiiii;;- oiil,v lliivo times tli(> iiitcrorbital widlli. Tiiis iiM'asiin'iiu'iit is ])artl,v due to tlic iiilcrorbital «'iiIar;;('iiK'iit. Tlu' siuii is less tulu'rciilar and tlic coitus air |»ahr. Tlio f«»rm lias aiu'siu'cial j^coyiiaidiical raiip'. 15iit I liiid sprci- iiK'iis from (lilleriMit parts of tlio West which (;<)iiiR'(!t this form with tlu- tnit! S. iKiinmoiulii. Such are specimens collected l>y Dr. Ifaydeii in the. valley of the (Jreat Colorado, in eastern I'tah, and others (d)tained l»y myself at Santc Fe, N. Mex. In some of the former the interorbilal wi«ltli enters the ieii^-th of the tibia three and a half times. The Sjua nt. 11, I took a specimen of this si)ecies within the limits of Salt liake City, and subseipiently obtaiiu'd tiiree or f(Uir sju'cimeus from Pyramid Lake, Nevada. The sides and much of thiMbusal re<;ionarecovered with rather larnc lidu'rcles closely jdaccd. The frontoparietal bones, though ossi- fied, ate not ronjiliencd, as in the species of Scaphiopus. It is nearest the S. coH('/(// (from near San Antonio, Tex), in that si)ecies the vo luerine teeth are entiiely posterior to the internal nares; in this (uie they are between the fiosterior bordi'rs of the same. The lips arc^ not cross barred, as in the A', couch ii ; and the superior rejiion has two pale lines on each side. In *S'. coiicliil these lines are replaced by a coarse, uuirblinf;'. As compared with the Sj)(<( IkdiuiioikIH, this froj; differs in its lar';er size, lighter colors, and the presence of the superior pair of light lines. 1 2 Fill. 70. Sjiid liiiiiiiiiiiiulii iiilcriii'iiitiiiiti. No. l(i:ijii. I'l. Walla Wnllii; [. It represents the .S. Iinmiiiontli in more uortherii regions, and the com- plete cranial ossification and larger size mark it as a more fully devel o2)ed form. I found it associated with Biifo coUonbicitsis in a pond near tlu^ shore of Pyramid Lake. Like other allied s[»ecies, it was very noisy, almost obscuring' the voice of the less vociferous liido. TIIK UAIKAflllA OF NOliTII AMHKICA. MvanurniiciilH. •M)f) M. Li'ii^tl' iiriii'.Hl iiml lioily m'i'i L('ii;;lli iil'lifail, incluiliii;; tymi)iiiiii OKJ Witltli of lu'ud, iiiiliidiiif; f.vininiiiii O.'H l,cii;;tli tif Ikic Urn It I'loiii iixillii IKK) Krii;;tli III' hi ml 1 1 in It fiom groin IITII l.iiiKlli i»r tiliiii ().':i Lciij^lli oflarMiiM (11 -J Lciijflli of ri'inaiiHlur of foot UJd Sjifa liummoiidii iiilcrmoiilanu Cope. C.ilaliiiiiit'i No. of IIMIIllll'l'. H|ll'l'. I.iM':iIllv. ,l!:;i;!.i. >^' > -•-"• ''""^;;:;[.^""" 8IIIU mm 1 , Trovn, I'liili 1 Dr. Il.r. Varniw 1 I l'\.H\Viillii\Vallu,\VaHli C.pl.C. IS.inliro . Spat liumiiioiKlii hnmmontJ'ii IJainl. (I'lato xi.vi, fij;. -I; xi.ix, li;;. I-'; i.xvi, li;^. 1.) Cope, .loiirn. Ac. I'liila. (•.»), VI, 1H()I), p. Hi ; Proc'CPd. Ac I'liihi., l-'l!, p. II. Scnithioinin l.iimiiiomlii IJaiid, h'cpt. Expl. .Siiiv.,lV., Ucptil, 1S,',',», I'j. v!-, li;;. "J; (^opc, I'roc. Ai'. riiila.. ]-l!:i, p. .':! ; lionlfiigi r, Cat. liatr. .Sal. IJrit. Mas., '..M fd., l-s^i, p. v.\->. Sjim nliiijiHiliH Copo, YaiTow'.s IJi-pt., v, Zool., p. rrj.'i, I'l, 'J.">, lig. (J-"^. S((ijiliii>pii>i .iliijiKilin l!oiilt'ii{i;('r, /. c, p. lltli, ^C(i It hi op lis 'liiijixi litdi'clii, Hull. ,Soc. I'liilom. (7), in, IrtiD, p. •,';!, and Miss. Sc. Mcx., Uatr., i.'l>4, i'l. t), lij;. l ; Boiik'ii>,'t'r, /. c, p. 4;Jti. Fli:. 77. S/ii-d hnmiiioiiilli liiiiiniiiitii.li!. No. U^jH. K. I'tali; |. Maxillary outline aciiiiiiiiatc oval; niiizzlo .somewhat tniiKiate, po. peniliciilar in prolile. Keyioii of (;aiitliu.s rostralis concave ; front itlaiie or a little concave, \vitli a weak ridj^e on eacili side, wliiidi is nio.st dis- tinct i)(»steriorly ; tlie width one-fourth length of tihia, and less from nostril to lii>. I'lyis prominent; tyinpanmn distinct, one fourth thee.K- tent of the former. A fold behind angle of mouth. Tarotoids ihil, small; no gland on tibia or pectus. Tongue very large, entire. Cho- ana' large; vomerine teeth in tiansverse series between them. Skin roughly tuberctdons, especially on the sides; thick on the occiput; be- low nearly smooth. Cuneiform process i)rodnei'd. Color above stone-brown in alcohol, with traces of two paler dorsal bands. Tubercles I'ulvous tipped; extremities shaded with the same. 13elo\v whitish, immaculate. 1951— Bull 31 20 1 fa 1 ^ 'SC| i •1 i I ? I i ! ■ oji 30G HULLETIX :J1, UMTEU STATliS NATIONAL MUSIiUM. Mvasurcmiiilti of So. WiJ'Jo. M. LfUf;! Ii (if Iic'iitl iiiiil body Of)! Luii<;tli ol'lifiul, iiK'lii(liMt.'>4 Widtli of Luad, iiicludiii;^ tyiiiitana 0",':{ Lciigtb of ibie-lt'j,' from axilla O'Jd.'t Leiijjfth of hind ley from yroiii O'lri Leiij^tli of tibia 0H> Length of tarsus UOi* Length of rest of foot 022 The range of this species is extensive. It was originally obtained near lledding in noithern California. .My friend, James S. Lipi)iiic()tt, has sent it to nie from the extreme sonth of California, San Diego. The Smithsonian Institntion has a slightly ditterentiated variety from Chi- huahna, and specimens from my frieinl, Dr. Dng(5s, from (Inanajiiato, IMexico, are the same. I snsjject that the SraphiopuH (hu/cNi Uroechi from that locality is the same species. Abnndant in Jnly and August, when it deposits its eggs in the pools of rain-water. It is very noisy at such times, and the open lots in thi^ city of Santa Fe resound with its cries. These are much like those of the Scaphio})^ holbrookii Sjua hammoiKtii hdinmoiidii Haird. RESERVE SERIES. Ciitiilof;uc nuiiibur. 8tir>a yti'Ja ^'"•"'' Loialilv. jy'",'", Fio>n«lio,Mror,.iv.Ml. ^■■'""- '•'1»''=- H|»5C. ' Colll'ltfll. lllllll. 1 1 I Cnlifoiniii ; Pr. .T. Cr. CoDpor Alc<,' ulic. I) I Altn(l()8 Utiis, N.Mex.., Sept.— , 1H74 I'lur. E. IJ. (;n.s Cope. (Plates .')!, lig. 17; (Js, fig. la.) Cope, Joiiin. Ac. Phihi. (--i), vi, lAStl, p. 81. Svaphiopiis homhifroim Cope, Prnc. Ac. Pliila., IHO!!, p. r>'.\; Hoiilcnger, Cat. liatr. Sal. Brit. Mu8., 'Jd ed., lHrf2, p. VX). Outline of inaxilhe acuminate oval ; muzzle truncate, elevated, thit^k- ened transversely ; profile or vertex arched, of front concave ; canthus rostral is replaced b^' a concavity. Tympanum concealed or .scart:ely visible; parotoid Hat, small. No gland on tibia or pectus. Tongue en- tire. Vomerine teeth in oblique fasicidi or short series between choana' ; these e(inal ostia pharyngea. Skin nearly si looth, roughest on the sides. Cuneiform process jiroduced. ralmation of toes deeply repand. Color in spirits p:ile ashen or brown, with luinieroiis plumbeous ver- miculations, which are aggregated into a blotch on the scapular region, which has a pale space below it. Limbs vermiculated ; outer border tf tarsus and foot light. A dark spot on canthus rostralis. " ■'1 THE HATRACHIA OF NORTH AMERICA. 307 This s[»ecic8 has the most iioitherii raujfc of those foiuul west of the Mississippi, ami is especially cliaraeteristic of the elevated plains. It nuijies from northern Texas to Montana. It resembles very closely halfji'rown specimens of liuj'o coytiatmo^ the same region, sous tocon- stituie it II mimetic analogue. Fui. 7S. ,s'y/i'(( haiiimiiiidii liouih!/iiii)s Oopp. OOW, iiat. size. Camp Tliorno, Yellowstone K. Meaaitremeiits of \o, :!5*i0. M. Li'iij;lli (if head ami body 0415 Li'iiiftli of head, iiich.i'iiif; tympana 0V2 \Vidtli of Ill-ad, iiicliidiiijj tyiiqiaiia OK! Li'ii;;tli of foit'-lt'ii from axill.i 0*^0 L<'ii;;tli of Iiiiid Icj; from <;r(iiii 0445 l.cii;;tli of tarsus 007 [.(■njithof tibia 014 l.fiiglli of rrstdf foot 017 The specimen 9943, from the Yellowstone Kiver, is an excellent illus- tration of the mode of origin of corneous ei)idermis. The end of the muzzle and the frontal convexi*^y are covered with a layer of black horn, each forming an oval shield, wliicli meets the other on the top of the snout. This is probably a result of the constant jiressure anl fric- tion of the earth when the animal is burrowing in it. Althoii„(i the aninial burrows with the hinder limbs, the muzzle is naturally used in keeping the passageway open to the surface. Tlie character is not con- stant. This species is characteristic of the northern parts of the plains and Great Basin. I found it especially common in tiie region north of the Missouri Kiver and eastward of Fort Benton. Before my arrival there rain had fallen, and the ruts of the wagon-trails were tilled with water. These ditches contained numerous examples of this species, together with Cliorophiliis Irisrriatus, Ilufo coiinatHs, and AmbUjHtoma tigrlmtm. Their metainor|)hosis was completed by that time (August 20), although some of the specimens were small. In Idaho, near latitude 4.5^ 30', is situated a body of water known as Market Lake. Its extent is variable, for it is said to be dependent for its water supi)ly on the overflows of the Snake Kiver, which is a few miles distant to the eastward. An old channel leads from the river to the lake, giving probability to the statement. , At the time of my pas- sage through the region the water was unusually high, for a portion of the stage road, with parts of numerous telegraph poles, was submerged. The lake appeared to be about ten miles long by six in width. The country surrounding it is arid, and the sand, which represents soil, rests m\ r 308 BULLETIN lil, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. ou a basis of lava. The stage halted for a short time to enable me to examine the shore of the lake. I found it to be lined with a windrow of sri^sahoitiK'vs (Culoptcnus mmtus) wliieh had fallen into the water and been washed up, some living, others dead. Among them 1 found numerous large fat larvie of S2)ea bombiJ'ronn oecupjing small spaces whieh they had cleared, quite out of the reach of the water. Their limbs were nearly fully grown, while their tails hadsuflered no absorp- tion, and their jaws were toothless and cartilaginous ; some quite larval in form, others with wider gape. They were engaged in eating the grasshopper., and I detected several specimens with the entire insects in their mo.Uhs. In some instances the grasshoppers' bodies were too large and projected from their mouths. These precocious larva- were evidently nir-breathers, and hopi)ed about, presenting a curious ap- l)eaiance as they dragged their large tails after them. 1 found some adult si>ecimens of AmbUjstonui mavortinm also along the water's edge. These observations were made on the llth of August, 1870. Spia haiumoinllihomhifroiis C'o|k . Ciitilln«lli' Xo.of T.inlitv uuinber. spt'c. l^ocalit.\. Wlir-.i collected. I'"riiiii wliDiii nicivcil. Nature iiIsik'C- iiia'ii. 3704 1 HIiickfiiot KorU, Moiit.. K. V IIjivili'ii 1 Km t I'liidii, D.ik 3520 1 I'liitlf Itivcr. 'JiKl riiiliH west 111' Fort Ki'ann'.v. 1 I.1;1I1I» K<4t:ll'lll)ll . _'_ W.S. WiMiil 3703 Cmit. J. I'liiic 0013 i 1 l!:iliili 'riiiil'iiH Vi'iliin'. ( ') stlillr. 1 I'ult ISi'Htnll Mont I'j. I), C(ll><5 SPEA MILTIPLICATA Cope. ,'r, .loiini. Ac I'liilii. (•,'), vi, l>(il'i, \<. Si. .Sidjiliiopiia miillipliiiiliis Coiic, I'mcccd. Ac. I'liila., IHIi!!, p. ."rj ; I'lioci!!;, Mis. Sci. Mex. IJiitr., |). -J.'.; IJoiileiigor, Cat. IJatr. Sal. liiit. Mils., -Jdid., ISI.', ).. VMi. Fi;;. 71). !iM»roiniiiont. From these a strong foUl passes the posterior to the angle of the mouth and across tlie guhir re:,;ioi. , tympanum covered by a portion of the parotoid ghmd anteri'/r to this. Parotoid pro])er very hirge, extending beyond Ncapuli), ben. upon the side; bounded interiorly by a strong fold, wliicli extends from the one .above mentioned to the groin. IJelow this, on the sides, are two or more other folds. Skin of upper surfaces coarsely tuberculous; that of the crown thick, of the extremities nearly suiootii. A large gland occupies most of length of tibia. Abdomen n.inutely, pubic region (toarsel^', rugose. Cuneiform process rather short, very prominent. Choanal smaller than ostia pharyngea. Tongue entire, with a narrow free anterior border, one-third tree posteriorly. Ex- tended heel reaching fiont of humerus; tibia three times as long as in- terorbital width. Three phalanges of fourth toe tree from web. Color ill spirits; above ashy l»rown, below yellowish ash. MramircmeiilK of Xo. I{ii94. Li'M^itli of lit'iid and Ixxly Or>r> Lciintli (if liciid to parotoid fold ()l,"i U'idlli of head at ciintliiiH oris , OJIJ L iiUlli of fore 11 nil) fmui axilla 0'2',\ 1,1'n.nlli of 111 lid 11 nil I from >;r )iii (I.Vi l,iii;;lli of tiliia (1175 Lcnutli of taiMiis 0()i>:,' l.«'ni,'tli of rest of hi ml foot O'JOJ The cliaractei's which distinguish this sjx'cies are numerous. In its general appearance it has a great rcsembliinee to the Tiii/o conipacfilis of tli(^ s;;me country. Hut one specimen is known. No. .'UJJK; one spe(!imen ; V^alley of Mexico ; J. l*otts : alcoholic;. I I CYSTKlNATinDJ:.* Hiiiiidir, part., ('jisliiiiHilliiihi , jiarl., lilnco'ilun'iiitii', jiart., Ahilhhv, part., ('pcniliiilir, ni>iiihiiniloriilii , iiarl., /////(»(/((/((■, ]»arl., Giintlicr. Cat. i>atr. Sal. ('Hxliiiiiiilhidir lUt\>f, Nal. Hist. Ifcv., l-^Ci."), \t\ns Sittjiliinjiodido'. part. f 7/.s/((/H((//n(/(r Copr ; .loiini. .Vc. I'liiia. (','), ^ '■ iH.iti; |{>nili'ny;cr. Cat. Hatr, Sai., l$iit. Mils., ii cd. |S,<-J. llomhiiKiloriilii , jiarl., PhclvnmnHlidir, AhilUliv,\\\\v\., I'ohijHdiitldir, jtart., /iVniiV/d, jiail., DixiojIoKnithi , part., Mivart, I'rocrcd. Zool. .Soc, \riC>\). Vertebra^ proccelons; no ribs ; sacral iialus, reduced in Mixophyes and Chirolei»tes, and represented by a trace in ll^loriiiiia and Limnoinedusa. The un- developed ear is seen in Telmatobius and in Alsodcs. Tiie variations in tiie develtti»inent of the tliumb are not so striking as in the llylida'. In (inatiiophysa, Cystignathus, and Ceratophrys the trapezium sui»ports an osseous metacarpal and obtuse phalange, whi(di are concealed ill a large tiiln'icle. In Mixophyes, on the otiier hand, the inetacai|)al is slender, cut irely caitiiagiiious, and does not support a phalange. Tiiere is no where a spur, as in Ilypsiboas. With regard to the deiinal attaciiments, the following inii)ortant varieties o(!cur; in the family generally, but especially among Ilylodes and ('ystignathi, the dorsolateral septum is placed esi»ecially high up: I'seudea. — Se[)ta in Pseiidis as in Ifaiia; in Lysajuis tlu^ laterovenlral line is a little widened. In Mi.ropln/cs ftisriohifus the lateroventrals are very wide, and leave the ventral free space very narrow behind the middle. (Jemtophryiks. — In Ceratophrys the lateral septa nvo narrow, and there are two posterior abdominal transverse septa, similar ivillatus Gthr., Enhydvohim parvus., and Limnocharis/uscus Bell {Elosia Mrt.sM.s' Girard). Vystignnthi. — In all the species the structure is similar to that of JJana, except in the approximation of the dorsolateral lines, aiul the l)resence of the postabdominal septum, which is continuous with the latoroventrals, and is indicated externally in several of the species by a fold in its line of attachment. The accompanying table exhibits the allinities of the genera and the groups into which they naturally fall. This family was first characterized by the autlior in Proceedings Acad- emy Natural Sciences, 1803, 1(J; excluding, however, the genera Cera- tophrys and Tomopterna; and subsequently more exactly in the Nat- ural History lleview, 1805, Several changes, approximations to nature, were proposed by me in 1800. lioulenger adopted this family as I dc- dedned it (Cat. IJrit. Mas., 1882), but modiiied the extent and definitions of the genera materially. firoiip I. I'sKTOKS. — rrontoparictiil bones fully (iL'vt'ltii)e(l ; toes webbed, extenial iiictiitarsi iVce; teriiiiiial i)halaiij;e.s acute; .sternum a cartilaginous plate; ear perfectly develoijcd ; ton;;ne broail, euiire, adhrrenl. Cephalic derm distinct: vomerine teetli ; no cuneiform shovel or lumbar j;land ; prefrontals closely united; pupilliori/ontal ; no di;;ital dilatations J'xcikUh Wa^fler. Cephalic derm distinct; vomerine teetli; no cuneiform shovel or lumbar {flaiul ; prefrontals widely separated from each other and frontoparietals ; ends of digits dilated /.ymipxiin v'ope. Cephalic derm distinct ; vomeriue teeth; lingers iincl toes webbed; terminal jthalanges bifurcate; supporting disks.. Oii^roJcdc Ksp. Cephalic derm distinct; vcuneriue teeth; a cuneiform shovel; no lumbar glaud ; prefrontals not closely united; pupil vertical MUophjiiH (!ihr. Cephalic derm distinct; vomerine teeth; no cuneiform sliovel ; a lumbar gland; i)refrontals well united, transverse. ('jiclorhamphiis Tsch, Cephalic derm involved in a rugose cranial ossilication, temporal fossa overarched, completing |)ostorbital arch ; vomerine teeth ; no cuneif(M'ni slutvel or lumbar gland; prefrontals extensively unitedaml prolonged posteriorly CdliiptoccphaluH U. A- B. if i ; 11 ti i .1 hi n ':h: 312 nuLLETiN :m, umtki) statks national museum. (jiniili II. CliiUKJiMiiiYKKs.— Frdiitdpaiiftiil Iioiics fully tlcveloiu'd ; toes ficd or sli^'litly wcljbelialaii<;<'» Hiinplo ; stciiimn a cartilnyinoii.s i)lal(' (so Car known, finarj»iiiato) ; ear perfectly Uevol- (ijii'd ; fonf^ue entire, liltle free. a. Ceplialie derm distinct; no iio.stortdtal aicli. ]'ni)il vertical; iirefrontals well separated; vonicrino teeth; toes weblicd ; inner finger opposable MilvoljiKin' Cope Pupil horizontal; prefrontals more or Jess united; vonu^rine teeth : toes webbed; inner linger not oi)pos:>')le; abdominal derm areo- late ; a strong cunciforni shovel Odontopln-ynuH IJ. & L. Prefrontals widely separated; eyelids with dermal prolongation; vomerine teeth; toes nearly free ; cranium elevated ; form toad- like; inner finger not opposable IStomhua^ Hoio. Prefrontals in close contact; eyelids not prolonged; vomerine teeth on palatine arch; toes free; cranium broad; pupil luuizontal; form squat ; abdomen smooth Zachwnua Cope. aa. Cranial derm involved in ossilication; uo postorbital arch. Pupil vertical; thumb opposed ; toes webbed ; vonioriuo teeth ; pre- fontals separated ; nodorsal shield VMfoh'i)tiH\ tUlir. aaa. Cephalic derm involved in cranial ossilication; a postorbital bony arch. Similar to Ceratophrys as below, but without dorsal dermal osseous shield I'hri/noccnis Tsch. Prefrontals wholly or in part separated ; eyelids with a dermal pro- longatu)u ; vomerine tecith; toes more or less palmate ; cranium elevated; form toad-liko; inner linger not opposable; jtupil transverse; a dorsal dermal osseous shield CtratitphrjiH Hole. Group III. Crisi.E.— Frontoparietal bones einbracing a large fontanelle; cei)halie derm free; external metatarsi bound; terminal phalanges simi)le; prefrontals never clos(dy united, rarely in contact; ntfrniun not distingiiinhablc into style and (Jhk, broad, eniarginate, cartilaginous. a. Ethmoid bono with superior arch complete; toes webbed, Pupil erect; vomerine teeth Ilelioponin Gray. Auditory apparatus minute ; vonu'rine teeth ; pu])il horizontal; ster- num with a proximal semiossitied portion <'ophhisterual style and distal disk undivideil. No inguinal glands; pui)il horizontal Lvi)todacl!ihi>< Fitz. Glandular aggregations on the loins ; i)upil horizontal Cjintijinthiin Wagl. No glands; pu])il erect l.imiKimidiisa Cope. No glands; pupil horizontal; ainlitory ap|)aratns atroi)liit'd. Tclmuloh'nix Wiegm. ! *f \ • ( :S|!i 314 BULLETIN :M, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. (Ivslimiallii . . . Ilvloilcs . . . .. • iiiiliiplii.vdi's r.tinilcs rit'iiioiliMii;!' .. Criiiiir AtlHti'uli.s. 0 0 7 1 (I lU>glo Kfotroplca. Cliili iiiiil S. of I.ii I'hitu. 0 4 :t 5 10 C'viitnil. Muxiunu. 20 n 24 '.'« ■ 0 0 3 0 3 1 o u WuHt Imlinii. There are then known twenty one Australian species, of whith all but two possess an incomplete eranium and none a bony xiphisternal style. In the ratagonian snbieyion twenty- four species, of wbieli ten exhibit an incomplete cranium, and live a complete bony xiphisternal style; in the l>razilian subre-iion sixty-seven species, of which only six have an incomplete brain case, and twenty-four the osseous xiphister- nal style; .Mexico, thirty-two species with complete cranium, and one of these with stylo; the West Indies with twelve, none having' the fonta- nelle, and three the style. All 11. itrn lis. s. n. rata- c'lioiiicii. s. u. lirazil ■ill S.R. j Mexic. 4 s III! . i: .(I.e. Toliil 2") 11 •vrl iipcil . I'ic'IVoiiImIh I'iiIIv iI (1 1 fi s 7 4 1 2 » *22 (1 15 0 2 27 (1 ' 7 1 0 i " 1 10 K;ir iinin'rlf ct • - . II u 0 Ko.-ssoi'ial slmvi'l _ 0 * Approxiinatf. In regard to tlie cranial development, the West Indi. region is |)rc- eminent in this family, as in the Il.vlid;c; the lirazilian inferior, and the .Australian vastly below all; the degradation appearing in a certain degree regular. In the lack of vomerine teeth (a feature of immatur- ity) South Hrazilian and Argentine forms predominate. In possession of the raniform xiphisternum the West Indian and Mexican subregions show fewer rej)resentatives ihan the Brazilian. There are none in the Australian. One si)ecie.s — hilhtnhitcs ricortUi — wanders from the 11, Neotroi»ica into the southern projection — Florida— of North America, and two others, lAthodytcH lufrans and Sijrrlinjilius maruocliii, have a distribu- tion in Southwest Texas; no others are known to o(!cur beyond tlit* borders already state«l. No species is connnon to the R. K. Australis and Xeotropica, and but one genus — IJorboroca-tes. Two Hrazilian spe(!ies occur in the Southern West Indies and two in Southern Mex- ico ; probably three of the same country must be included in the iWu'iios Ayrean list. As yet we are accjuainted with the fo.ssil remains of but one specnes of Cystignathidic— a Ceratophrys, from a Ijrazilian cave. It has Iteen -k r ax T THK HATUACIIIA Ol' NORTH AMKRICA. 315 7^^ regai'doil :i.h id iitical with tho C.dursata by Giiiither ^Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 185!), IM. \v). C.VRtigliiitlii, ';i!» .s|>. PhoikIos, Trip. l'"rinito|).iiii'tal liKiir.t (li'VL'liiiKul. Am iisHiHiiiK xi|ihi.4lDi'iial Htylo. (■Tcliimtdblim / (y'ysti^imllius niilinniitx ■j 'LfpiiiiliiciNliis Kilali)rliiiiii ( I'aliuliciilii Xi|ihislciiiiini a o.\ililn)jiuou8(lisU ! IIvli>i1<'», I i r,liH|.. l'.-l(111lli8 Mixdpliyps CycluiliaiiipliiH IJmiinclnris ITyldilcn fiitlioclyti'H KtihyilinbiiH K|)irli{'xiM SynliopliuM SIiilachylodL's CiTntnpI.rydes, 17 Hp. riiMiiDilciiia', U Hp. ('riiiin<. '_'.') up. Fioiitopaiictal linnos umli'vildpiMl, rinbraci ug a rniitaiii'll)'. Xipliistuiimiii Willi ail osscnim atvlo. lii'ynU8 ' / Xipliisti'ruiima(ailila;;in()iisplatc. \ \ CnpliiPiis Almidos I5[)iboro('a-'tt3« ('riiiia Ilypui'olia llclioponis MiliDlvsis KroiitdpariL'tals ami (■tbnioid anii iindevcldped. KiHophiis L1TII01)YTI-:S Cope. Proceed. Ac. Pliil;i., l-Ci'i, p. l.")!?; Joiirii. Ac. Pliil;!. (2), VI, p., l>7. HylodeK pars, aiirtonmi. Terminal phalanges T-shapt'd; fingers and toes Iiee; no enh'rged metatarsal tnbercle. Omosterniiin (tiirlilaginou.s. Sternmn a cartiliigi- nous plate. TrelVontal bones uniting on the median line of the muzzle. iJelly smooth. This genus dillVvs f'ro?n Hylodes only in the smooth, as di.stinguished from the granular, «)r arcolated, belly of the latter, its species are nu- merous and inhal)it prineipally the e(piatorial and northern parts of the ><'eotroi»i(!al realm. IJnt two are Ibund in the Tnited States: tho L. latnius at the southwestern border, and the L. ricortliiiXt the extreme southeast. Tiie latter is a West Indian species; the former probably occurs in Mexico, but its existence there has not yet l>een ascertained l»ositively. • (\t. VoiricriiKi in two sliort patches Itctwecii tlic iiiircs. I'linii roliiist; muzzle .short, wide; iipjier siirt'iices witli iirown spots.. ..L. Inlraim. (\. W. Mariioiik, who discoverotl it, in- forms me that after rains it is very noisy, niakin;^ the roeUs resound with its cry, whieh is somewhat like a doj^'s bark. It hi(h's in fissures, and is so dilUcult to lind as to be generally ujdvuown to the (rountry j.'ople, who suppose that the voice proceeds from a lizard. Ac»;ording to Mr. Marnock the ejj;gs are hatched in winter, and the tatlpoles pass their existemie in temporary pools of rain-water which collects in holes in the rocks and at a distance from the creeks. A -^ 6 Fio. 80. LithiHljtrHlntrans. No. 1059. Hdotcs, Texas; }. Additional specimens of this species received from Mr. Marnock show that it reaches a laryer size than the above specimens indicate. I give the following Miamircmciils. M. lifiiKlli of lioiid anil lioily 0D4 l^ciif^tli of lioiid, iiicliidiiin tyiiipiiiiii 03r> Width of lu'iid at jtostt'iior cdj^n of tympana OUU I.tMJijth of foro liiiili 0.')5 [.icnj^th of hind limh 115 Lcn<;th of tibia 0:5lt Ltii;;th of tarsns 0'.*0 LdMjitli of ri\st of foot C:i5 In the hujie aiul old specimens a mineral deposit takes place in the skill, as in the I'ln/llomcdiisa sclcrodcnua Cope and tSfen'ncjjclo2}s incrafiH siilns (!ope. It is ('specially abundant in the cranial derm, but whieh is not, as in cases where the ossilication appears on the surface of the cranial bones, adheient to the latter. The Ilyhxlcs aiiffiisti (Duges IMS.), Drocchi Mision Scientili()ue de Mexi(|ue, ISSl, irt)iii (liianajuato, Mexico, is related to the present ani- mal. I do not know what the spejific difl'erence is, unless it be in the form of the vomerine patches, which 1 can not clearly make out from I»rocchi's descrii>tion. Oiiliilogiio No. of iiuiiiber. spec. 10751 1 107.')2 1 lOTfia 1 ii)or.« 2 lO.V.M) t> 1303a 1 Locality. Buxar County, Tux . tlo ilo ilo do do When oollt'cttnl. Frcnii whom locoived. Nature of spoc- iuieii. 10, ISKO D. W. Marnock ! Alcobolic. ..tlo I do ...do ; do ....do. ....do ....do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do, : I :( V'A i I J I. '{ m '1 :- ) 318 IIULLLTIN ;il, rMTlil) «TATi:S NATIONAL Ml'SKUM. I-ITIIODVTK.S inCOK'DM Diini. iV lliltr. Cpr, t'licik-LiMt N. Aiii.r. Wtitv. Kci'lil., 1^7.'., p. :tl. Hyludix liivrdii Diiiii. \ Hiln'., Krp. (li'H., \ Ml, ii,(!j:t; Uiiiili'ii^'or, Cut. Hiitr. Sal. Uiil. Mim., If-S'j, 1,. -Jl;!. Head ii.s wide as or wider fiiiii (ho body, lon^'or than broad; tlio hifi'ial oulliiics euived ; the end of the imi/.zlo abruptly truncated. Ostia i»harynj;ea oval. Vomerine ti-etli in two \ou. Trachyoopliahis two Hp. Noto- t reitia (Mie sp, Scytiipis t wo sp. Siiiilisi'a liaiidiiiii. Hypsilioas all)oiiiai-;j;iiiala, lioans. IFyla a;;rt!slis, kre'll'lii, iiliyllouliroa. Posterior lialf or tliird of abiloMieii attached; laterovciitral liaiid wide. Triprioii pelasatns. f[yhi fiise.i, areiiieolor, <;ratiofiii, ver.sieolor, feinoralis, f-(inirena, aiidersoiiii, C(u- ridea. Kaiioiih'a aiirea. Clioroi>hihis lii.seiiatiis. Less than posteiioi' thinl ahdoineii aKaelied; tlio hiteroveiitrals wide. Ilyhi ailicirea, rcniUa, lateralis, miotyiiipaiiiiin, piekeriiigii. Chorophiiiis nij^ritiis. AlHloiiieii entirely free. Hyha leseiirei, eiirla, j;raeilipes. Aeri.s j;ryllus. Of distinguishing features, whicli aie seen in tli<^ degree of develop- njeut of the elements of the skull, there are, lirst, the devei()i)ment of the o. o. frontoparietalia ; secontl, of the prefrontalia ; third, of the sii- perlicial cranial rugositi«'s; fourth, of vomerine teeth; tilth, of a post- frontal arch; sixth, of the ethmoid iirch. Wludc iiuiiilier ol' species li*3 l'''roiitoparietals fully de velojied \>-i l-'roiitoparietals with rii<.osities peiietratini; ileriii '.» I'rofroutals developed 17 No vomerine tecih G A postfroiital proees-i I Ethmoid incomplete aliolid exsertildo spine: iialpebra transparent /////im7»"/-( \Vmi;1. Like llyi)siboas, but paliiebrareticidale with libers CnnlnxiopK^ ('o|m\ Like llyla, but vonieriuo teeth wanting IlijliUu If. iV L. aa. No frontoparietal fontauelle. Derm of the head frei^ ; no post frontal (nocess Si!il(ii>ix Cope. Derm of the head free: a postfnmtal juocess Siiiilisin Cope. Derm of front free: bones exostosed (Inh(initlialii,t Til/,. Derm »d' the head inv.dved in the ossilication ; no dermal .sae. Irtirhiiitiihiilus 'I'-eb. Derm (d' bead involved in the ossilication; a doisal sac of the int roverlid .skin Djiintlwililjilnix ( ii lir. 2. Pupil vertical. fi. No frontoparietal fontaiudle. Tongue scarcely free behind; no digits opposalde; cranial ossilication involving lie rm XjirHiiuiiilis I Ion I. /3;i. Frontoiiarietal fontunelle present. Tongue extensively tree liehind ; sternum s fni' ; sternum entire; cranial skin free riii/lhiiinriiiKi U'agl IL Teeth on the ]iaras[ihenoid bom-. Pupil horizontal; vomeriiu^ teelh; (;ranial <{' head involved in ossifiiat ion ; labial border produced ; pupil vert ical 'I'liiniiiii ( ope. Ill the series 1-2 to rh.vlloiiiediisa a litial «liiiiiiititi<>ii of paliiiatioii aceoiiipaiiies contiiitied .si/.e of the Wi^ital |):ih'tte.s an in th*' length and lueadth of tiic ethmoid and diiiiiiititioii of the fnnitopaiir talis, whieh featiirt'.s, liowever, aiv its iiiaiked in lli/la iialinala ;i.s in these sueeeediiig types; th«'.v eari'.v to its fiiHest (h'v«'iopiii(Mit the cra- nial peculiiirities of the family, and adtl otiicr f«'atiii«'s iK'foic incti tioned; they iiiiiabit the eontineiital siiluegion of the Ncotiopicid. The other nmin series (1-1) leads, liist, to a ftiMcr development (if the frontoparietals, then to an extension of tlie prefiontals, tind litially to covering of the cranium with " dermo-o.ssili(!atioii,"on the one iiiind with the sni)eraddition of a dorstil dermal sa(^, on the other witiiotit it. 'J'his extreme linds itsgretitest expiuision in tlie West Indian siibregiou. .\ TIIK IJATKAClllA OF NOUTJI AMEltlCA. 323 f^iiigular iiic()iii[»U'teii('ss of the cranial box set'iiis to mark Thoropa, which lias the stroiij;' iia.sal ro()liii}4' of this second scries. Chorophihis c.\hil)it.s an atlinity to the (',vstij;iiatiii(ia!, as docs also Thoi'oi>a, wiiich represents in inferioiity I'^iisophns in I lie same family. The lollow inn istiie j;('oyrai)hicaldistril>nti(»M oithejicneraandspecics: 'rripi Idii |liiif;lrii;i 0|ii.slli>iili-l|>li\ s . 'l'ia(liMi|p|i,iliis < lst('()l-|-)tlKllllS . . . Nnliiiii ma Sr\ htpiH NMlllMiUllis I'livlluiiiiiliisa . .. Ai;iil.\rliiiiH Siiiili>^cii Ciiiliiilrlinii M V psilKMH Ilvia ... Il\l.lla All is ('Iiala'iitii>|ik'a. :i I II 1 i:! I :i III (ill t 10 :i (p :t 1 Tdlal .11 l:» lU The only fi'eiius in the above series wliich is not contined to a zooloj-ical realm is llyla, and the species ul' this jnenns arc all restricted to their icspcctivc renions. Sniilisctt Ixditlinii extends from the Ncotroj)ical into the Itordeis of the Ncar(li(! icj^ion, and it is i»ossiblc that llyla v is a distribution of these j-eiieric forms among tlie dis- tricts ((!' the Ncotrojiittal region: Wist Iiiiliaii. Mi'xiiaii. ('iil(iiiil)ian. (Jliiliaii. IvihIcmi. . . l>ia-Msr Mvlrlta ;i ; I 'l"lniio|ta 1 V h Tiital :!l i;i HO Our present kiiowle0, p. 8. ■§*£ ( 3V 324 HULLKTIN :U, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. district. Bat three of tlie gonerii Ibuiul in tlio latter are known to exist in any other. Tlie poverty of tlie Cliiiian districjt is marked, Willie West Indian species are neiuiy all of m Klhoman/inatHs and xerophijl- liiiH, which occur in the eastern and adjoining- portion of tlie Mexi«ran region. Our knowledge of this subject is, howcner, very incoinplctc. In the species of llylidae (joloration may be tlistributed into two regions; the (ir-M including that which is exposed to tlie light when the animal is crouched, with the limbs all Hexed and close pressed to the sides, the hands and feet coniiealed more or less finder the body; and the second embraces what is thus hidden from the light, especially the jiortions in actual contact in llexure. Any marked dilfereiute in color of the different surfaces will usually be found to have reference to this division into regions, generally very dissimilar in appearance. This is well seen in Jfyhi ((lulerNonii, furolineu.si.s, and in I'hyllomedusa and Agalychnis. For convenience of reference, J here, as in otln-r genera of IJatrachia iSalieiitia, term the iiortions of the bixly and limbs which are exposed to tlie light external: those (!oiicealed in the llexure, in- ternal. AOIMS Dumeril and IJibron. Eq). (icii., \1II, r>(i(i; (iiinllicr, (":i(. Hatr. Sal. Hiit. Miis., I cd., ISM;, p. 71; Copt', Nat. Ilisl. Kcv.. l-(i.'>, p. 110; Cope, .lidirii. Ai'. I'liila. (•-♦), VI, I.SIH), •^(i; ItoiiloiigtT, Cat. liatr. Sal. liiit. Mas., l.<--,», ii cd.. p. ;!:{(;. But one species of this genus is known, and it is found tlirougli(nit the greater part of the North Ameiican realm. It is r. Erp. (it'ii., viii, .'>(i7: LcConh', I'rorccd. Ac. I'liila., l-.V.. •^•^: l!<.iilfii.;c:. Cat. liatr. Sal. l!iil. Miis.. I.-<-<->, :!:;(;. liana ei(des, of which some on the scapular regions are more or less plicifonn. No areolation on tliiiiMcie, and gular region. A seriesof simill tiibeniles on the outer Ixnilei iithe tarsus; twosmiill metatarsal tubercles. Articidar tubercles of the i>halaiiges very siuall. •riatc?;!, lij;. ','11. TIIH HATUACIIIA OK NORTH AMKHICA. a2/) Toiiftiie broad, obovate, soiiu'timcs nearly ovate, distinctly to not eiuar- ginatc posteriorly. V^oincriiie teetii in t\v«» ovate patches between the interior nares, as near them as to each other. The end of the (bre-arni extended icaches the external nares. The heel of the extended hind leg reaches to or beyond the end of the muz- zle. Two larji'e metacai-pal tubercles. I.enjith of head to tympaiuim, one-third that of head and body. Averafic size: Lenj^th of body, 12 lines; from vent to outer end of femur, «J lines; tibia, 7 lines; tarsus and foot, 1) lines. Typical coloration : Above, brown or j;ray, with a blackish triangu- lar patch boiween the eyes, the ai)ex directed backwards; the bor- ders of this aie of a li{;ht color, which is lijjht green in life, and is con- tinued as a band to the end of the body. Three dark bars on the lip, one from the eye to the anterior UNncr aim across the angle of tlu^ mouth, pale bordered above. A dark bar from the orbit across tln^ tympanum, and one from scapular region to beyond middle of side. A dark bar from behind the scapular region restricts tli«' doisal line near the sacrum, and is usually continued with an interruption to the groin, ('(dor of upper surfaces continiu>d on a less purt of sarface of femur, which is cross-barred; behind this pale, with a longitudinal band or series of spots itosteriorly. Throat in spring yellow. This species possesses the power of metachrosis oi- color-change in a high degree. The dorsal stri|)e and border of the iuterocular spot may be bright green, dirty white, or briglit rusty; and the dorsal tidierdes vary in color in the same way. The general tint varies from bright green to dull slate color. In its liabits the Arris f/rjillns is a lover of the muddy borders of the water, into which it leaj)s when alarmed. As it does not conceal itself among vegetation, like the Ifi/lti pkheriiifiii. it is much nu);''> easily caught than that speciies, and is more common in museums, though uot less abundant. As the structure (d" the feet indicate, it is a good swim- nier, and its i)owers of leai)ing are remaikabh'. Tliis species is distributed fr<»m I-Morida to Texas, through Kansas and the Northwest to the Atlantic, and as far northeastwardly as New York. The Uv.rthern and southern secstionsof this area i)rodiU!e forms whicU olVer considerables dilVereiu'cs, but which must be termed subspecies, on account of the existence in some localities of intermediate individuals. 1 have seen such from Illinois, I'ennsylvania, .Misstuiri, and elsewhere. These subspecies are as t'ollows: llimlcr foot los.s liusiis less tliun half the lciiy;ili of flio lioail and Itody : dpriiial tii1>or- clcs larjjcr; i>ostt'rior fi'iiioral stiipc less itaiiH. Iliiiih-r foot li'ss tarsus loiiLjer tliaii half heal ami hoily; itrrmal tiiliciTlos .smailt^r; femoral stiipc very ilistiiict l- !l- uriillnx. These sul)species are resi>ertively of northern and southern distribu- tion; tile .1. ;/. f/i'i/llKs ranging from North Carolina to Florida and Louisiaua. H I r i I li . t<< u\ y.i' it" ■!'«■ {• 32G BULLETIN 3t, UNITED STATES NATK^XAL MUSEUM, Aeris f/r!jUit,s crepitans Baird. Aa'U grjillns Diini. A- Hilir., Erp. (J. '.(Ml, jxiflim : Cliiiitlifi- Cut. Hatr. Sal. Brit. Mus., l^i-^, p. 7, imrlim. Illlhihs grtjlhiH Do Kay, N. Y. Zool., KVptil., ni, 1S|-.'. p. 70, IM. \xii, li-. t;i. AcrtHcrepHans Bainl, rrocwd. Ac. I'liila.. H.'r., )». .Mt; !.!■ < 'cmti-. /. ,■.. p, .J-j(i; Hiiiril, U. S. Mo.\. Bound. Siirv., Ropt., p. 'J-', 1*1. xxwii, li-. 11-17. Flfi.82. Acris firylliis ctrpilnim. "So. in02l. Dps Moinr-t, Inw.i. ] : 0 .niiil 7. f. Brownish abovo. The iiuMliaii r'j'moii of head and body almvo brijilit green; a dark triansh' between llie eyes. Three obli(|ne blotches on the side.s, nearly e^inidistant : the lirst belihid the eye, the hist on the Hanks and running up on the back ; all usnally margined with liglitrr, a narrow wliite linc^ from tlie eye to arm. IJencatli yellowishwiiite. Inferior face of thigh i)hiin. Tibia a little more than half the length (»t the body. Foot rather smallei'. Head rather obtuse, scarcely longer than broad. Web of hind foot extending to the penultimate articula- tion of the (ourth toe. This subspecies is (tharai^terized by a rather long, narrow head, with the eyes farther back than usual. There is no constriction for the neck, the outline tapering towards the snout from altout the middle of the body. The limbs are very muscular, and c(Misiderably developed. The eyes arc large and prominent ; their anterior edges deciidediy be- hind the middle of the commi.ssnre, and their posteiior barely anterior to the angle of the mouth; hence the siu)nt is consideraldy prla(!ed a little in front of a point opposite tlu^ anterior canthus orbitalis. The vonu'rine teeth are situated in two oval patches about the size of the nares, the slightly longer axes inclined a little to each other, backward. They an^ phu-ed between the nares, their anterior edges nearly in the same transverse line with those of the nares, and extend- ing a little beyoiul the nares i)osteri»U'ly, and thus more anterior than in any other of the .small llyloids of North Anu'rica. They are about as THE 15ATRACIIIA OF NORTH AMKUICA. 327 Ptf fiir apart posteriorly as tlieir anterior extioinities are from the nares. Tlie Eustachian apertures very nunute, less than the inner nares. The lower parts are covered by a depressed. pavement or granulation, extending half way up the side and on the inferior face of the thighs In many specimens this appears to be wanting between and anterior to the arms. The upper parts generally are provided with rather scat- teied pustulations or warty elevations, with numerous pores opeidng between and on them; these pustules are most numerous on the sides and anteriorly. Some are considerably larger and longitudinal, and aj)pear most distinct near the edges of the vertebral vitta. The hands are large and well develojjed; ratl'er longer than the fore- aru). The tips of the lingers and toes are i)rovided with very slightly enlarged, depressed pallets or disks, convex beneath and with a nail- like groovi'. The outer finger is rather longer than the second, and all appear to be connected by a very slight thickened membrane. The inner tinger is set at a right-angle with the third and posterior to the I'est. There is a soft large tul)ercle at its base, and a still larger opposite to it on the other side of the palm, the two with oidy a narrow interval. All the arti(!ulations of the fingers and toes have well-developed tubercles be- tween them. The femur is shorter than the tibia, rather longer than the foot; the tibia is more than half the h'ugth of the bo«ly. The two outer meta- tarsi are (irmly uuit<'d, the others cleft to the base; the intervals of the latter, however, fille«l uft by a well-developed inend)raiu», which exteiuls as far as the bases of the disks, and tilling up most of the space between the toes, ex' the loins on each side, and innniiif;' ob- liquely baelvwards so as to be parallel to the others. The blotehes of this posterior pair are separated by the narrowest |>art of the j;reen stripe, which is bounded to a considerable distance by these blotn the lop of tlu^ head, are «lark brown, margined by a lijihter aicola, which on t-lu^ sides and back is sometimes yellowish in life. The under ])arts aic yellowish- white or pun^ white; the throat sometimes bri.uht yellow; souu'times closely or si)arsely crowded with dark spots. There aic no w«'ll-de- lined darker blotches on the arm ; but the thj^li, lej;', tarsus, and loot each exhibit two oi- three transverse ones. The buttocks are yellow- ish, with the arms brown, and the posterior and anterior faces, with small blotches, some of which are oceasionally continent into an irre<'- ular dark line alonji the anterior and ixtsferiiw faces of the thijih. The granulation about the buttocks is usually wliit«'. A specimen from Hussellville. Ky., has the blotches much snmller than usual. In a specimen from (Carlisle the last vertebra has the transveise apophyses very little dilated, though somewhat enlarged at the ends. iii.ii lii(h 1.0(1 .:!T . 'J.'. .17 . :,\ Tarsu.s I'ool 'I'lttal ol' li';; .strt'lcilifd , Wi.ltli iifli.'.-ul Clinrd ol' u])p«'r Jaw .. . . t;t l.Tii . :!(•. .:w . -J.'. . 15 i.c:! . :ir. Total Ipiifitli l.os Ann anil haiwl ID Hand alone ','7 Thigh r.:i L*'},' ".,■< The iris of this subspecies is golden and capable of exctessiviM'ontrac- tion. A broad blackish spot o(;cupies it at each end <»f the pupil, and a narrow hhw.k line above and below the latter. When the iris is con- tracted the])npil is shortly transverse, not linear as in many llyke, and the brown sjtots are triangles, their apices inwards. Specimens from the lower Mississippi ar«' lre«pH'ntly of <»bscnre colois, of rather larger size, and with large tubercles. I have not been able to distinguish theuj as foiining a constant subspecies. Mr. IJonlcnger, (Catal. JJatr. Sal., Ibit. Mas., ISSli, p. .J.'JT) refers such a specinu'n to a "var. bufonia." In connection with metachrosis in this species 1 obsei'ved in a speci- men lately deau that on the end of the muzzle, ])alpel»ra', canthus r«ts- tralis, outer line of humerus, ends of sacral diapophyscs, where tlu> derm was in ji state of teusi(»n, that it assumed a bright green hue. The note of this species may be exactly imitated by striking two marbles together first slowly, then fasti-r and faster, for a succession of ^ * I \ ; Tin; MATHAflllA <)i' NOIiTll AMKIilCA. 329 about twenty or tliiity beats. Tlie xnma can uot be heard at a very great distance. Like Jlyla picl-eringil, this species in confinement can readily be made to producic its note by imitating it, either with tlio voice or tlie ehittering- of two pebbles. It keeps on the high grass in and around marshy plaH, ji. 71, pttiiim; l{(>ul('n>,'('r, (Jat. Hiit. Mu.s., ii od.. IH.S'J, p. XW,. Acrin avheld Haird, I'roctu'd. Ac. I'liila., 1KV>, p. '>'.). IJody slender ; head jtointed. Limbs much elongated. Head longer tlian wide. Web of hind foot extending only to the third arliculation (irom tip) of longest toe. Tibia two-thirds length of body. Foot more tliaii half length of body. Colors much as in A. crepifaits, but brighter. Inferior surface of thigh plain, or very slightly freckled with darker. A narrow white line irom eye to arm and a light line above the urostyle. Having presented a minute descri])tion of ^4. crepitans, \t will oidj' be necessary here to give the prineii)al points of difference as compared witn that si)ecies. The entire form is much more slender, and the limbs longer in i)roi)ortion. The head is much more acute, and the outline of the lower jaw elliptical, instead of being nearly semicircular. The chord of the rami is longer than their greatest Avidth, not e<(ual to it, and the (!left extends further back. The tymi)anum in both is scarcely distin- guishable. The tongue is large, triangular, and Hesliy. The teeth are in two small circidar pat( lies, between the inner nares, and separated by quite an inteival. The pallets at the tips of the more elongated fingers and toes are very moderate, less prominent than in A. crepitans. The fourth or longest toe projects beyond the rest much more than in A. crepitans iwnl the web scarcely extends on either side beyond its ante- penultimate articulation, while in A. crepitans this web reaches to the lienuUimate one and even as Ji very narrow margin to the very tip; nor between any of the i)halanges does the membrane extend to the disks as in (he other. The general distribution of color is the same, although the pattern is brighter and clearer. All the blotches have a narrow border of white. The posterior large one seems to extend higher up on the back. The up- l»er jaw has four narrow white lines i)erpendicular to its edge on each side, as in the other species, inclosing nearly equal spaces. There is a light streak down the posterior part of the back above the urostyle which we have not noticed in the other. The dark longitudinal line on the :ri{ • i 1 i 3:\0 HIILLETIN ai, UNITKl) STATKS NATIONAL MUSKllM. posterior Caci^ oftlio tliif-h is more (list iiict. The limbs inv. more lliicly biirreil abovt', tliri'o or four lascia' on oac.li Joint; tiie npp'.'r and ontcr Hurf'aco ot tlitiliands and ft'ct also (int'ly barred. The akin above seems rather smootlu'r than in tiie other, wiiih^ tlie throat is more j;ranuhited. As ro^'ards tiie transition between this snbspeeies and tiie A.fi. nrpi tans, a number of specuniens display intermediate proportions. Tims in some the posterior loot, minus tiie tarsus, is exactly hall' the h-nyth of the head and body. In some lots from a singh; hxtality some speci- mens have th«^ hiud foot one-half the lenj;th, while others fall a litth^ below, and still otiiers fall a iitth^ above, this pi'oporlion. Such a lot is that from ('ooper County, .Mo., No. .'{rt,"*!. The distinctness of the jtosteiior femoral brown stripe is sidvJiM't to variation. In typical A. tj. t/rifllitu \t is sharp, and is bordered above and below by pale bands, of which the latter is aj;ain bordertMl below by a darker shade. In other si)ecimens the lower pale band is shaded, and its inferior brown edsie, is indistinct. The infeiior edjic of the brown band becomes irrejj[idar, and in the A. tf. rtrjtittnis it is a j^ood deal interrupted i»y paler. .Icrin t/rjilliis I rt jiititiis liuinl. UKSKKv'I': SKIMICS. (!iitiiloj;no} Xn.nt' niiiiiln'r. ! spii'. :!:-r>:i ■.\:m ;ij74 ;fj7H :;'j(ir> .{."iri.'i :!.")K:i liJT'.l :ir.r,j 4sii'.r :t:.:,i :i-juii 3-J04 ;fJ7:! i.lM'lllll V. Wlirn calU'i'ti-tl. Kn.ni wlH.in n.r..iv...l. ^'^iti.-r cf «,„.,■• iiiii'ii. OciiniiiiKiwiir Kivi'i. Win I'liil". S. K. liaiiil , (1(1 A.C. Mjiiv Kort lii^f, 'nx Dr.C.lt. l;. Kiimnlv il« . ilo '. New r.raiMifcIs, Tex I'". I.inilhiiim'r Iiidiinicilii. Tex r.U.Ciaik Kiisscllvillc, ICy Hilil. I'liiil i<' Mil l;iiii;;r, I,ii Jiiincs Kail in I'oit Sriiilli, Aik l>i. U. 1'. Sliiiiiiaiil ... A/talaii, Wis I'mf. S K liainl Wahliiiit;lc)ii, U.V (lailislc, I'a Vcl|iiilili(',iii liivtT, Mil ii.-.H-i ;i,-ii;h 4 llHIit 'J KH71 1 Kill s KI7K Ml Il!i:ill •» iin.-io v. li.'iiiii IJ !lll'> '» 7H27 !) UIHII I! IKl'.l •J liniK Mair.v Saiiil l.iiiiis. Mo I Masiiii Ciiiiiily. Ill ; SiiiilliCiiaiiil Uivrr, Mis.s Kansas Ticklaw, l,a lire. 'JO, IS7li <;iililsiii)n,ii;;li, N.C ; I .I.W. Milii riiiiiii CcMintN , 111 1 1 I!. Ki'iiiiiciilt Swaiiipsiiii l.imp I'liik ..i ] Dr. 1''. V. Ilavili'ii Cailisii-, I'a I'lor. S. V. lljinl 1>|. Will. SliiiipHiin I'liiC. S. 1'. liainl .l.ll.Claik W.S. WihmI 111. I'.V. Ilavili'li W.S. Wimil' III. W. A. llaiiiiiiiiiiil, I' S. .A . 11. M. Mullhaiisi'ii IM. (i. Kli;;rllliaMli i;. Kiiiiiiciiii IM.I'.I!. llnv . iii..r.(;.('iMipi'i- .. Dr. T. 11. li.aii N.w Mailriil, Mn ... Waiiki-aii. Ill Wahliiii;;li)ii, II. (' .. (0 reiiHiU'olii, Kla It. Kriiniriitl . .1. W. .Milii.T ... Di. I').( 'ours (.') Ill . .1 . llainiiiiiiiil AIcoliMliii. Di>. Dn Dm. I III. I III I III Dn. Dn I III II... Di>. Do III! Dn. Dn. Do Do. Dn Dn. Dn. Dn. Dn. Dn. Dn. Dn. Dn Dn Dn. Do Di>. (iKXKUAl. smilKS. :i271 :tr.oo a277 l.oiip Fork ,'saiiil l.niiis. Ml) . . t'oit Kilov, Kaii.s . F. iiMit. ur niinilnr. 3503 No. or .sprc. 11 li I I.iiialil.v. (ir;iiiil Tlilonr, l.;i Cciiipii' ("cMinl.v. Mo . .. WiiMliiiitfliiii. D.i; Wlicil Collictcd, l''rom uliom iccidvnl. 1'. !,. lldv Naluif ol'upor. iiiu'ii. Alt'oliolic. .'(.'I'lT ilci Do. i:i;i.'H 12(173 IIIIIH 1 ''7(i7 (iroim' .SlioeiiiaUcr 1,. M. I'lirrur Do. Ho. Niislivillr. (in I,(iiiK(iiil Mciiiiilaiii,'r<'iili Willciii^liliN I'oiiil, Vii Moliili' Al'ii \V..I/ravlor w'.v. K,,;. Do. Do. i''"»7(* Kaillaiiil McDoiialil .. I*ilirtin(lv . . Do. 1(579 Do. una:. Old Koll (/'olili Oiil 111. K. I'lihncl' Do. A(>l 7 ;i.-.tu i SIMI!) t :i-i(i7 (i ittot 1 IMi'.lli :i ;ni:i.-. ;i :i.^Hr> 1 unit.-. .1 l.«!t!l :! 1207(1 1 ii'.irj r, Loralitv. I'ciisacdia, Kla . . When rolli'i'loil. l'"ioin wlioin icrciv('«l. NatiiTO of spoiv itiieii. ..; Dr. J. IV llaiiiMioiicl, r. Al ! i I S. A. ! New Mail I ill Mil ■ ' 11. Kcniiiroll ' I Cliaili-iliiii. S. (' I Dr. C. (iiraril | i (iior-ia ' ! Dr.iI.L. I-i' i:ontr ■ till I 4lll ' SaliMii. N'.C ^ .r.T. MiiiliacU .. . .Simlliiin llliiiiii.s i U Kriinicnlt Atliiiiitiin. I'la ' (!. Uriiwii ( iooili" D.iNlnn. .Ma , Kilniwnilli I'rairir .\li r Ilinmc l.a .laims Kairir Millno. I'l.i S. T. WalUrr \VasliiiiL;liiii D. < ' William Stiiiipson, M. D ' M I Cai I, III I I.. M. riirioi' Na.slivillr. Ca : W. .1. Tax liir •oliolic Di> Do. Do. Do. Do. Dii. Do. Di>. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. CIIOKOIMIILIIS r.iiinl. I'ritci'cd. Ac I'liila., Is.'.l, |.. .V.i ; ('(.|m', .loiirti.il Acml. I'liilii., IM.-^C. \k h;. 11, In a lis |5iiinl, rroctcil. .\c,i<1. I'liil;i., l-.".l. p. .")'.» I'sniiliiiris i"it/., Systciiia licplilimii. I~'i:!. M ( no cliiirjictci) ; (JlintluT, Ciit. Hatr. SmI. r.iil. Mils., K.-^, '.17: ro|ir. Nat. Ilisl. llcv., l-(i."., lUI. (Iniiiiiitn tlnttt'iicd; ii lar ri'DiitDiiarictal fotitaiu'lle. Pivfroiitals elongate, (li\«'r.m'i)f, not in ('ontact anteriorly, extending;' ho.vond the «'xti«'init.v ol' the well-devehiped i»roh)njieiit web eoiineetinf; free portion of metaiaisals; dilatations small or want- iiiji, tli^^ iihalaiifie with the claw strong, and the ball not emarginate. I)ilatali(»ns of sacral diapophyse.s nearly <'(piilateral. In the known sjiecies the vomerine teeth are present: in two small approximated pat<'hes behind the point exactly between tlu^ iiares, and the tympanum is distinct. Tills genus is nearly ndated to that groui> of the si)eeies of Ilyhi naiii(;d Litoria in the lOrpetologie (lenerale. From typical forms of f : H V^' ■{ 332 JUILLETIN :tl, l'MTi;i> srATKS NATIONAL MIISKKM. the lormcr, (lio otiinioid plate witlioiit siipriiorbital aiij,'I('s, the elongate terminal plialaiij^e.s with siiiall basal ^-lolu', supporting; ininnte dila- tations, and IIh^ nearly wehless di;;its distinj;uish it. Species of Il.vhi less i'ei)i'eseMtalive ai«' similar in (cranial stiiictnre, and have a dimin- ished amount of palmation, but the series appears with onr present knowledfi*'! distinct in the strnelnre of the leet. Like the Ijitoiias, its lite is passed on the ground, and ehiclly in tiie neighborhood of small pools in open and barren situations, whi're the voiei^s of the species may be heard with the Acris in the summer, lon^' alter the Ilylas have souj^ht their leafy retreats in the W(M»d or fence low. Tliev dill'cr fictm the first -mentioned ficnns in belli;;- pooi' swimmers; thonyh they hap into the water when alarmed, they do not swim far from the shore, and soon return to it. They do not scei;i to be possessed of the power of making such i'liormous leaps as the liitorias of Australia, or even as our Acris. In typical Kitoria the Inaiii cast* is more elongate ami cylindrical and the frontoparietal foutanelh> much narrower, but in /y. (niieriniiifi the form and prop')rtiuiis are the same. The general form and habits of the Australian ;;eniis (!rinia are not very ditlerent from the present; the. terminal, not inferior, attachment of the ultimate phalanx will separate it from all llylida'. Chorophilns is distiibiited from the I'io (Iraiide, Sail liake N'alley, and llocky Mountains on the west, to the Aflanti*!, and IV(hii the (Inlf to the northern limits of the Unit<'d States west of tlu^ Alleijhaiiics; east of this ran^e I am not awai(^ of its occnnin^- lun'th of middle Pennsylvania. Of its six species four are coiiiincd to the (Julf States and South Carolina, while the fifth is found under several forms throughout the whole of the ii«»rth and southwest, the northern and middle parts of the central, and the middh^ of the eastern region to Pennsylvania and New Jersey. The species differ as follows: I. Miizzli' roiiiidrd in prolilc, itrojictiii;^;. a. Sliin <»f iipiMT siirfiiccs smontli. Stont, wiillli (if lifiHl at t.vnipiin.'i ciilcriiifj toliil l<'n;;lli !!..'> to 'J. (ill times; nostril Jiall-Wiiy between nm/./le ami orliit ; poNteriort'oot slioitiT, slji^litjy \vel)l)e(l, and willi Hiiliarlienlai' Inlierelrs ; Iwel reacliin;; tynipaninii ''. onialHH. More slender ; widtii of head eiittriii;; length :> to ;!.."> times: nostril nearer end of mn/,/le than orliil ; poslerior Cool longer, not vvehlied, :imiI without. .snbarlienlar tnlxircles; heel reacliin;; niiildle of orhit r, mciiUiiialh. aa. Skin warty above. Head acuminate, th(f width (Miterin;; the total three times; lu>el reaehin limes: the heel reaches to the front of the orbit ; small r. lerinviim. Head acuminate; the widtii entering; the total '.!.ri to ii.dli times; hind hx^s short; heel I'eaehin;; p.-sterior boi'der of memlirannin tympani r. Iriscriii tiis. II. Muzzle truncate in profile. Vertex and front plane ; can I h us rostral is shurp ; iiiiid le;;s Ion;;, .r. ociiluriii. J (lilii- II.vlii iiiiiti- resent as, its small |te. Clioivpliiliix oniiihiM |i()iil('ii;;t'r, (Jat. Iliilr. Sal. IJiil. Miis,, 'ii\ cd., l.-^S'.', p. ;{;i;). rlnnotiltiliis ()((//((»(■« Daudiii, t'lppc, Itnll. U. S. Nat. Mils., No. 17, ls>(i, |». y7. Mtizzlt^ and caiitliiis lostnilis roiiuded ; (he foriiiei' projeetiiiy', but short, not longer than tliametei of eye; external iiares nearer the orbit than the tMul of the iiiiizxle; skin not areolated or roiigluMied above; toes without teriiiinal kiiol s, (listiiuMly wehlted at the base, and with well developed siiliartieular iiiliercles; himl legs short, heel only reiich- iiig posterior edge of tympaiiiim wlieii exteiidt'd. The liead is rather short, and the anterior outline is a narrow oval. The e.xtreniity of the miiz/le inojects beyond the month, and tln^ lore.s are slightly oliliipie ami a little concave. The nostril is but little nearer the extremity of the muzzle than the orbit. The vertical diameter of the tympanum a little ex«!eeds the transver.se, which is one-half the long diameter of the eyeslit. The pupil, as in the other species of this genus, is horizontal. The tongue is wide, di.scoid, and entire behind. Theo.'^tia pliaryngea are smaller than the small choaiiie. The vomerine patches are. short and traiisver.se; they ai«M'ntirely within the lines of the inner borders of the choana' and behind the line of the posterior boiders of the same. The tiiliercles of the superior surfaces are small and lather dcsely placed ; they are largest on the sides of th(» back. There is a faint areo- latioii of the gular region. The limlis are short and stout. The humerus is half or more inclosed in the skin. The |>alm reaches nearly to the end of the muzzle. The lingers are short and stout, and have neither dilatii- tions nor borders. The lirst is shorter than the second, whicli eijuals the fourth. The palmar tubentles are not distinct. The heel of the ap- pressed hind foot in thin specimens marks the middle of the tympanic disk or posterior border of orbit, and the end of the muzzle the extremity of the tarsus. The hind foot beytuid the tarsus is only as long as the tibia. The toes have no dilatations, but possess dermal margins, and a short but distinct basal web. There is luit (tiie solar tuliercle, a small cuneiform piomiiieiKic. Total length, .(KM'"; of head, to liiu^ of posterior borders of membraiium tympani, .011'"; width of head at the latter, .tut'"; length of hind leg, .(Mo'"; of femur, .01. "i"'; of hind foot, .022"' ; of tarsus, .0()!»"'. The (tolor above is olive-gray, and below uniform straw-color. A black band passes from the end of the muzzle on each side, through the eye, and, exiiandiiig over the ear drum, terminates in front of the liu- mei us. One or two dark spots above and behind the axilla may unite to fiiiiii part of a lateral band. There may or may not be blackish spots above the groin and on the pelvit; region and anterior part of the back. ' I'lalc 7-J, li;;'. 'J. 1^ 1 I r ' ^1 f i ) I ¥'.: n r 334 IJULLETIN :;i, UMTIID STATKS national Ml'.SHUM. The limbs Lave a lew diukbrowu ciossbauds; the reiuiii' is yellowish aud unspotted behiud. ( 1. ISM ; Fi ; ! I ) Fk;. Kt. CliDriipliilKH luiKiliiK. .(•H, Tcxiis Dr. Ilolbiook describes the (;(>h)is of this species in lil'e as I'oUows: Dove color above, witli oblonj;- spots of darkbiowii, inari;ined with yellow. The head has a broad, indistinct, triangular spot between the orbits, the apex of which is directed backwards. A black liiu> extends Ironi the snout to the orbit of the eye, including the nostrils; below this black line is a yellowish blotch, covi'riug most of the upper Jaw, The lower Jaw is (tinereous above and white below. The i)upil is very dark, the iris of a golden color. The. tympanum is very dark (colored, and placed in a dar!' vitta, (U' blotch, wlii(!h extends from behind the orbit to within a, short distance of the shoulder. The body is of a delicate dove-color above, v/itli two or moi'e oblong sjiots of dark brown, mar- gined with yellow, on each sule of the vcitebral line; below these, and on eacli Hank, are three smaller spots, likewise margined with briglit yellow, the anterior one being the largest ; these, with a smaller one above the v»'ut, form a triangle on each llatdi; ; s<'veral luiglit yellow spots, also disposed ni a triangulai' form, with the api<'es diiccled lor wards, aie concealed by the thighs. The inferior surface of tliis ani- mal is silver-white, ami ex<;ept (Ui the throat, everywhere granulated ; about the throat an' a few indistinct points of black; the anteiior and middle parts of the abdomen are white with a slight tinge; the poste rior third api)roaches to llesh-color. The anterior extremities are dove-er jiart of the shoul- der towards the lower Jaw ; dove-coloicd above, with transveise bands of dark brown; on the anterior part of the thigh are s^.^ral smiill yellow spots; on the posterior surface th(^se spots aie numerous and so (thtsely approximated as to icsemble at lirst view a yellow waving liuf. Tiie whole under snifacc^ of the thighs is tlesh-coloied ; the inleritu- surliuu! of the legs is also tlesh-colore Q r. CnOKOrillMT.S OCCIDKNTALIS 15«l. & Ginl. TAIoria occidviilalis IJd. *V (liril., rrocMcd. Ac. I'liila., ls.'>;{, ]i. :!01. Ci/sliiiiialliiiHiiniitliix " IIoll)!.", (iiiiitlicr, t'n\. Hiifr. S;il. I'.iit. Mii.s.,i'(l., 1?W, p. •,>'.»; i«c liiiDtrookii. Clioriiphiliif oidUitin Cojif. CIn'i'k-Lisl N, Aiiht. I>al., l\f|if,il., I>7r>, p. ;iil; mv ll.ijlu OCIlltlliH I>illliiliiliii ri>iiii liouIcii<;(^r, Cat. liiitr., Sal. Hiit. Mils. ('il. II, l-ri:i, p. :>:M. IJeiul ratiier acMite. Tibiii n'lichinjj half-way from tlu' amis to the nostrils. Above, du'stimt with obsolct*^ bh)tcli('s of (hirkcr. A daik chestnut stripe from snout, tiirouj-h eye and tymi)anuni, with several Jarge obliijue bhitehes of tiio same on the sides. Meneath, re(hlisli- white ; immaculate. Proportions rather slender and {graceful. Head rather acute; no perceptible contraction at the neck ; li'.i;s lon^' and much developed. The nostiils aie situated very near the tip of the snout (the sides of which are rather abrupt); they are separated from each other by less than on«'third the width of the head. The eyes:ii'e moderate, the rym- ])anum snudi, about half the dianu'ter (»f the oH.M. A jiroove passes from the iiosterior portion of orbit above and around the tym]>anum to the in.sertion of the arm in front. Anteritu- marj>iu of the eyes about opposite the middle of the commissure. Tonj^ue ^ arial)le in dilferent specimens; in one (a male) larjic, and lilliu!;' up the inters{)ace of hnver jaw r, the e«lj;es thin and fiee behind and laterally; bioadly or orbicu- larly cordiform. In two others the ton.i;ue is contrarlcd into smaller space, thus thickeuiu;;' the ed^es, althou<;h still rctiiininji much the siim«! shape. The inner nostrils are lar<;(', opposite to the anterior (;anthusof the orbit. The vomerine protuberances are in t wo«'lliptical patches, their htUfier axes in the .sanu transverse line: their anterior ed;;es just behind the losterior border of the rutstrils; the two separated by a narrow in- terval. One speciuu'ii has tlu' patches more elonjiated, and narrower than the two others. The head isslijihtly shorter than broad. The fore;iriii is lonjicr than the hand: the tibia, about half the length of the body, is huip'r than the thi^di, and about the lenj;th of the foot. The tinkers and toes are all shinier, cylindrical, ami taiierin,!.> sliavemenL of depressed j;ramdes, which ex- tends to the inferior and posteritu- surface of the thi>;lis, becomiuj;' tiner 336 BULLETIN 31, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. posteriorly; tbey also pass up the sides, becoming less and less distinct. Tbe n|)p(.r parts appear entirely sinootii, except an occasional and iso- lated pnstule on the side of the back. The general color above is of a light chestnut, with blotches of dark chestnnt; beneath, reddish-white. A dark chestnut line extends from the siiout through the nostril to the anterior canthus, and re-appears be- hind the eye in an oval patch, involving the whole tympanum, and ex- tending above tiie shoulder. A second similar patcli appears on the side, separated from the lirst by about the thickness of the arm. IJe- hind this again, and a little more on the back, is a smaller blotch, be- hitul which is one still smaller, and the region of the anus is tinged with the same color; there thus apitears to be a chain of these blotches, extending, at about ecpial distances, from the anus to the eye, the two last-mentioned lateral ones fully visible from above. There are indis- tinct indications of darker blotches on the back, an ..V.» ..Ml • 111 .:!^ . iti .:w From the C. ornatux Ww, C. mridcntalis dillVrs In rojoi' I'litiicly; the head is more acute, and the cleft of moiitii deeper; the legs arc longrr ami the granulation liiu-r. This species is (piite distim;t from the C. onuttns, and does not appear to have been named by any Euroi>eaii aiitJKM- prior to lioiilnigcr. .My identilication of it with the lliila nmlaiis of D.tiiiiin was biiscd on a plate representing it, or a spei-ics very similar to il, in (»iie of the older authors, but lor which I have lost the reference. As jiointed out by lioulenger, it is clearly not the species so called by Daiulin. THE BATRACniA OF NOUTll AMKRICA. 337 The Chorophilus occUlentalis rauges trom Georgia to tbe Wichita Elver, in north central Texas. Specimens were sent me from the latter locality by that excellent naturalist, Jacob Boll, of Dallas. Dr. A. K. Fisher has found it near Jacksonville, Florida. It does not occur in California as supposed when Urst described. i- RESERVE SERIES. Catalocnc No. of iiiiiulior. spec. 3590 2 nonr. 1 5!HIU •i 3584 1 2 liocality. Wlieu collected. From whom receiveil. Ooorgiii Ma.j. J. L. ii^^J; Ilailaii, Med. «fcPhys. Res., p. 105; iiiid Joiirii. Ac. I'liilii., V, p. Ull. Jerih )ii(jfilti Dmii. iV IJilif., p. .W.t. CilKlifluiilhiin iiinrlliin IIolli. , N. .Viiicr. IIiT)).. IV, p. 107, PI. "20, rueiitlaciis iiifirild, pars, Oiliilli. Cat., ]». '.(7. Chorophihin iiii/nluH Haird, Piim;. Ac. Pliila., vii, p. (iO; Le Contc, cof?. loc, p. Vi7 ', Bouleiiger, Cut IJatr. Sal., p, '.iX\. The length of the head to the posterior margin of the membranum tyiiii)ani enters the total length to the vent three and one sixth times. Tlie head it.self is narrow and acuminate, tiie muz/.lo projecting acutely beyond the labial margin. Theexternal nares niiuk two-tifths the di.s tanee from the end of tlie muzzle to tiie orbital border. The mem- branum tympani is only one fourth the diameter of the orbit. The eanthus rost rails is disi iiiet , but obtusely rounded. The vomerine fascic- uli are api)roxiinated, and near the line of the posterior border of the mires, which are larger than the minute ostia pharyngea. The tongue is large and wide behind, and faintly emai'ginate. The heel of the extended hind leg extends to between the orbit and nostril; the femur is short, while the tarsus is long, a little exceeding half the length of the tibia, and etinaling thi' length of the remaimler of the foot, minus the longest toe. The skin of the gular and .sternal region is smooth, of the abdomen areolate. That of the dorsal region is tubercular, smootli warts of large and small size being irregularly crowded over its entire surface, and not at all resembling the areolate surface of the belly. Cohu' above leaden, with three longitudinal rows of darker, light- edged spots, extending one on each side, and one on the median line, These spots may be uniteil into a l)and on one (u- on both sides tn* on the middle line. Thigh with thre(H*j(»ss bands, nnieolor behind; tibia with from three to five (!ross-l)ars. I'pper lip daik plumbeous, with a narrow white lino above a darker border, which extends a little beyond below 1951— Bull 3i 22 j ■ i • i 1 1 1^ 1 n< "i-i .- y 1^1 ■ M u 1 y ii \\ n 1 338 BULLETIN 3t, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MLSEUM. the tympanum. The dark baiul from the end of the muzzle extends to the middle of the side, or beyond. Inferior surfaces yellowish. fTf Fig. 85. Chorophilus nigritut. No. 5935. Liberty County, Ga.; 1-4, J; 6-7, }. Measurements of No. 5935. Jf. Length of bead and body 0:iO Length of head, including tympana OlO.'i Width of head, including tympana 0(tl>.') Length of fore-leg OU).'i Length of fore-foot GO*; Length of hind leg 0475 Length of tibia 0H5 Length of tarsus OO;) I Length of remainder of foot OHf) This species is rare in collections and has not been well identified, owing to the imperfection of Dr. Ilolbrook's description. It can be lu'st recognized from Le Conte's description above cpioted. It is an evident ally of C. triseriatus. A small form is found in Florida, which I have descril)ed under the name of Chorophilus rerrticosus. It differs somewhat liorn the typical Nigricans, and I suspect that it will turn out to Ix^ a siibsjK'cies. It dilfers, besides its very small size, in the somewhat loliger tarsus, wliieii exceeds the foot minus the fourth toe, in length. Tlu' yellow stripe on the upper lip is broken up into a series of spots. The measurements are as follows : 31- M. Length of head and body 01!» Lengtii of tibia 008 Lengtii of head OOti ' Lfiiglh of tarsuH (lo."i Lengtii of hind limb 02(! Width of head at tympana 00,">5 Length of femur 007 | P^rom Volusia, Fla.; Mrs. A. I). Lungren. Tliis ChiMophilus is similar in proportions to the C /criarniii, but is well distinguished by the, characters of the longer hind leg, the skin, and the coloration. The tuber.') . OKiTj . OOCi . 0475 .0145 .OO'.tl . 0145 it. .(l(W . (I(C. . oor>5 1 THE BATRACIIIA OF NORTH AMERICA. Chorophilus nigritus Le Conte. RESEKVE SERIES. 339 Catalogue No. of miuibcr. spec. 9702 r>9;i;) 35D3 Locality. Arlington, Fla Liberty County, Ga. Cliarloston, S. C When collected. From whom received. Nature of spec- inicn. (i. BrowTi Ooo< con.sidorably over the under; po much so that the nostrils are about directly over the end of the lat- ter. Tiie extreme distance between the rami of the lower Jaw is the same witii tiiat from the ends of the.se rami to the tip of the snout, thus forming of the three lines an equilateral triangle. The tympanum is (|uite diminutive, scarcely more than half the diameter of the eye; cer- taiidy not over half the straight edge of the eyelids. In the females it is still smaller. Its center is .situated directly over the angle of the mouth or the rictus. The tongue is large, thin at the edges; about one fifth longer than broa«l, and cordiform beliiinl, with the .sides but .slightly curved; free behind for about one-third its length. The posterior nare.s are nearly circular and opposite a point half- way betwi-en tiie anterior (tanthus of the eye and the outer nostril. The vomerine teeth aie in two oval patches, their axes inclined backward.s at less than a right angle, the anterior extremities (commencing Just inside the posterior nares and on a line with their centers. The males are provided with a very prominent gular pouch, capable of considerable intlation. The eyes arc of moderate size, being a little more than one-third the distance from the angle of the mouth to the tip of the .snout. The limbs are of motb'rate ek ri 1 fc \aI t } I -Is- t f : 4 1/ I \ li ; ;^j 340 BULLETIN 34, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. toes are all aoproased, rather sharp alonff the edges, slender, with par allel sides, and not fringed. All are terminated by slight knobs, not pallets, bnt little if any wider than the fingers, and very faint traees of the marginal nail like groove. The hands are not webbed, except a very slight basal web between the three (mter fingers. The toes have their bases very slightly webbed, tiie nuMnl)rane tilling np the spaces between the metatarsals of the two onter toes. The tnbercle at the base of the inner toe rather large; the one opposite at base of outer toe, small. Prominent tubercles beneath all the articulations. Verto- bric nine, in addition to the coccyx. Tiie entire body is stron ,\v and coarsely granulated, conspicuously below, where it extends over the chin, between the arms, and on the arm nearly to the elbow joint; in fact, no part is free from the granula- tion, excei)t perhaps t])e sides of the head. The upper and under faces of the thighs are also similarly granulated. In the males the up|)er parts are i)urplish-l)rown (greenish-brown in life) with dark slate brown markings; beneath cream o.-.teriorIy. These stripes are sometimes irreguhir in outline, the central one sometimes broken up into blotches, the «'xterior ones less fre(iuently. Sometinu's scattered blotches are seen between the Stripes. The upper surfaces of tiielimbsare indistinctly bande«l trans- versely, sometimes only blotched confusedly ; the posterior faces of the buttocks are brown, with (nrcular whitish spots on th" apices of the granulation. The inner faces of the limbs are nn(H)l(U'ef Ifyla fctniiralin was taken in west Penn.sylvania, near the Kiskiminitas Kiver. In proportions it does not difter from the Feriarum, but tlie toes are fringed, the dilata- tions larger, and the coloration different. Above blackisliash, abruptly deUned on the sides. Lateral band not extendinj; beyond tympaimiii. No median dorsal bainl, but two black dorsolaterals oi' doul)le ordi- nary width converge from each tympanum and extend to end of urostyle inclosing with the interorbital triangle a narrow, anteriorly bilinrate dorsal band of the ground ('i»lor. The note of tliis si)eeies is (piite dif- ferent from that of the <\ tri.seriatiis, not being continuous, but in sets of crepitations repeated in time and at intervals. This variety may not 1m' more allied to the Feriarum than to the others, and may be called C. feriarum brachyiihonm. ChorophiliiHj'trianim Baird. RESERVE SERIES. Cataloeuc uuiubvr. :i592 I'JUiT 12700 I3:t-.) 9067 No. of »peo. Locality. Wli.ii cuUi'itteil. Fioiu wlioiii locrivod. ('.irli-sli', I'a Mount CmmiicI, 111 ... i Lookout Mount ill II. Ti'im WliiMtliiml. liid ... I I'll lire Ufurau'sCi'UUtv, ; Mil. S. I'. liiiiril.... L. W. Tinner . 1878 , Dr. T. U. livixn . Niitiiif of spi'C- iuun. f : i : ) I ; I .J m M I i' f 342 BULLETIN 34, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. CIIOROnilLUS TRISERIATUS, Wicd. Ejila (rheriata Princo Maximilian Koiso in das iniiorp Nord-Aincrika, i (1839), 240. Jlilooutta IrineriiduH Uaird, I'rociH'd. Ac. I'liila., vii, 1S5I. p. (id. clarkii Uaird, /. c, and U. S. Mex. Honnd. Sinw, Kept., p. 28, PI. 37, fig. 1-U. C/ior«j)/(i7i(8 /ris( ('(((/lis Cope, Checli-List N. Anier. Keptil., p. :!0. Kvptiiitriuintlin Bonleni^er, Cat. ]5ati'. Sal. IJiil. Mils., ji. '.VA'-), \88'2. Hylodca maculatita Agassiz, Lake Snperior, l"*r>0, p. ;i7r<, vi, figs. 1, 2, 3. lu general sliaite this .specie.s is more eloiifj^ated and less squat than H. fcriarum, and the hind le^^s are materially shorter. The head is eon- siderably more pointed. The nostriLs, beinji a little more in advance than in Feriarnm, are still over the end of the lower jaw, although tiio projection of the upper jaw is greater than in the latter. The distance between the anterior eanthi of the orbits is more tlian half that between the rami, and this latter distance less than the ciiord of either ramus. The tympanum is small, less than half the diameter of the eye ; iis an- terior border on a line with the angle of the month. The granulation of this species is very distinct, e.\tending over the whole body, except on the interior faces of the hind legs. Jt is most couspicuous and distinct beneath, and is seen on the under face of the arms, especially evident in the palms of thehamls. The tongue is rather thinner than usual in Feriarnm and free for a greater distance behind, less emarginated posteriorly. The inner nares are circular and nearer the anterior eanthus orbitaiis than the external uostril. The vomerine teeth are considerably within and behind the ceuters of the posterior nares. The eyes about as in Feriarnm. The forearm is a little longer than the hand. The arm from the elbow is not so long as the hind foot. In general, while the thigh, leg, aud tarsus are shoiter in proportion, the foot is as long as or even longer tbau iu Feriarnm. Tlie leg and thigh are nearly of thesame length, ami about two-fifths the length of the body. When tlie hind leg is Hexed and applied along the sides, the tips of the toes reach only to the axilla-. The lingers and toes are much as in 11. J'cr'mrmn, though with all the limbs, more slender. The ground color above and on the sides is of a light ash, in most specimens striped with brown; beneath yellowish-white, with a few scattered brownish dots on the sides and sometimes extending across the breast behind the arm.s. There is no tiansvcrsc band between the eyes, but, instead, an oval spot above each orbit, and between the.se a distinct stripe starting between the nostrils and extending backwiir.ls to about the mitldle of the back, where it bit'iircates at a very acute angle ami continues, margining the iirostyie, as it were, to near the anus. On each side of this d(nsal mark is a stripe of similar width, starting in a line with the orbital bhttclies, but behind them and extending nearly to the groin, having a slight curve outwards to retain i)arallelism with the dorsal fork. A well-delincd stripe starts at the snout and passes backwards turough the eyes and tympanum over the shoulder * A .. Miiirili THK BATRACIIIA OF NOKTIl AMEKICA. 343 and (lovrn the aides to a point opposite the end of the stripe Just de- scribed and parallel to it; in fact, we may distingnish anteriorly five distinct dark stripes, and posteriorly six, all abont tiie same size, at the same distance apart, and parallel to each other. The extri'me margin of the npper Jaw is brown, bnt between it and the facial strijie is a narrow, well-defined line of white extending nnder the tympanum across the shoulder to be lost on the side. The marginal dark marking on the upper jaw is continued across the angle of the mouth (witli a sliglit in- terruption over the canthus) up the arm, in a narrow line. Tlie legs are all irregularly nmrked with rounded dark blotches, not fasciated ; the buttocks brown, with whitish spots on the granulations. Some specimens are much darker than the one Just described, and occasionally there is a tendency to irregularity in the outlines of the stripes, almost breaking them up into spots, in which, however, tiie serial arrangement is always evident. Sometimes, too, tlie edges of the stripes are deeper colored than the middle. Lciifjfth Ann ... Fi'iimr Tiltiii . TurMiis Fio. 87. Chorophiliis triteriaUta. No. 8553. Fairplay, Colorado; 1-1, ',; (i-~, y. Indies. ofbody l.Od 1.00 Hiiid foot ;")'> .51 lli.dleg 1. to . 37 ( ; -a of boail 4.-> ,42 Width i>8 .27 I IllcIlPS. 50 . 4(5 5-J 1.41 :« . -JU 30 . 28 RESERVE SERIES. Catalogiio No. of niiiulicr. .spec. Locality. When I coUocted. i From whom rucoivod. Natiirr (if SI oc- imc'ii. :t«."i!t ;i:)im •V.IIH 5o:i4 :i;ii4 301!) 3021 3307 ,')3H'J 514li 3307 33IU ,?3I1 3300 3317 Dr. I". R. Hoy.... It. W. Keuiiiiott Dr.J.Suckk'V .. Dr. Keuiii'ily W. S. Wood . . Itaiiiie. Wis . Oiiok U'oiinly, III Fori Union, I)ak Fort Ri'solntiou I.arainio River Soiilli (irand River, Mis-j (') Hciiiri. i I Saint I.duis, Mo ' Dr. G. Enf;clniann liluo ItivtM-, Kanaa.i ' (0 Sidkiik Sett IcMUMit ' K. Kcniiii'ott Red River of till' North tl" Salt Lake Viillev -I-S. liiiwiiiaii Fort I'nioii, Dak Dr. F. V. llayden . Fpjier Missouri do Fort IMorro ilo do Gov. I. I.Steveu.s . In some specimens from the Missouri lliver the Iiead appears to be narrower and more elongate, the tongue more orbicular and less notched. iM hi M ',ti ; { j t i . : V vl ■ 1 . ;/*■ M t 344 BULLETIN 34, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. 9: ( The {granulation on tlio lower parts seems finer. The ground color is darker, though the i)attern in much the same. The dorsal stripe does not bifurcate so soon, however ; there is a tendency to spots between the stripes, and there are no spots on the breast. Total length 7« Tibia HO Femur 5i() Hind U'g from heel M MeasnremenU, in incheSi 1.000 Hind leg 1. .:W1 , Witlthofbead . ;{()0 Length of chord . 710 Fore-arm from elbow 03 1.3()8 20 . 2(i3 2ti . 340 30 . 396 Hiud foot 3(5 ,473 The Choroj)hilus triscriatus abounds throughout the northwest, east of the Kocky Mountains. 1 obtained it at Franklin, on the Utah-Idaho boundary, and sub- sequently found it very common in the ruts of the wa,(on trails on the plains east of Fort Benton, Mont. In the latter locality it was gener- ally of a bright green color. Specimens from Gloucester County, New Jersey, present the following characters: Body longer; head contained three and two-thirds times in total length, the widtii three to three and one-half in same; tibia measuring half the distance from vent to middle and anterior border of orbit; smaller tympanum; teeth nearer each other than to nares; five longi- tudinal bands. In this form the limbs are rather stout, with their upper surfaces granulated or rugulose. Toes fringed or margined. The heel extends to the orbit; tympanum one-third of latter. One, an inner tarsal tuber- cle. The median dorsal ban | Liiu-g. T). titi This species I have fouml al)undant on the sides of pools and ponds in t lie neighborhood of (ilou(!ester, X. .1. in ihespringand early part of sum- mer. It delights in those small and often temporary pieces of water which are inclosed in the densest thickets of spiny Smilax atid Kubus, with scrub oaks, and surrounded by the water loving Cephalanthus, where no shade interrupts the full glow of sunlight. Here they may be heard in the hottest part of the day, accompanied with a few scattering Acres, or rarely a Uyla pickeringiL Their retreats are uot sought by •« ; THE BATRACIIIA OF NORTH AMERICA. 345 1. 3()8 .340 * J ( k, I' Eaoie. As they scarcely swim, wlien surprised tliey seek refiiye in the edge of the water, with so little movement as to render their capture no easy matter. This species commences its season early. I have heard the swamps of the barrens and thickets of southwestern New Jersey resound with thera as early as the twentieth of March, when a skim of ice cov- ered part of the water. I have also heard it in other level paiis of the same State later in the season, and in the lower i)art of Chester County, Pa. Its note resembles that of the Acris in being crepitant, and ditt'ers from the toned cry or whistle of the Ilylaj. It is not so loul as the former and Is deeper pitched; it may be imitated by drawing a point strongly across a coar.se comb, commencing at the bottom of a jar and bringing it rai>idly to the mouth; or, better, by restraining the voice to the separ- ate vibrations of the vocal cords, and uttering a bar of a dozen or twenty vibrations, beginning with the mouth closed and ending with it well opened. The spotted form, called by Professor Agassiz Hyhdes macnlatvs. pre- sents tiie following characters. The description is nuule from Professor Agassiz's typical .specimen. This variety is of much the same delicate form as Triseriatus. The head is small and narrow. The limbs are short ; the tibia twolifths the length of the body. The tongue is ov al, nearly as wide as long ; rather thicker than usual ; free behind, and scarcely, if at all, emarginated. Tiie teeth are in two very small circular patches, each situated within and but little behind the internal naresr separated by a wider interval than usual. The tympanum is small and inconspicuous, not half the diameter of the or- bit; the distance between the anterior eantlii of the orbits is barely more than half that between the rami of the lower jaw, which is a little less than tlu^ chord of the ramus. The lingers and toes are cylindrical, truncate, and rounded at the tips; not dilated, but somewhat knoblted. Tlie outer finger is longer than the third; the first is directe Total of hind leg L^n L W Femur :«» .:W Width of head ;W .M Tibia »u .ii \ No. 3594; three specimens; Lake Superior, north shore; t*rof. L. Agassi/.. The Texan form (h'seribed by IJaird and (rirard as Ilelaretcs vlarkii has the foHowiii;;- chaiiieters. It forms tlie transition between tliose with h)n{;itudiMal striiu-s as Triseriatns and tlie inejjniar spotted Maen- hitnsfrom Lake Superior. It presents the usual features in the aeuto head, entirely granulated body, except on the concealed surfaces (the granulation is quite coarse), lu-arly free toes, etc. The head is acute and elongated; the snout projecting more than in Macuilatus. The tympanum is large, about two-thirds the diameter of the orbit. The external nares are very near the tip of the snout, or at about one- third of the distance fiom snout to orbit; they are separated l>y less than one thir No. 3.317; onespeeimen; ludianohi; J. II. Clark, United States and Mexican IJouiidary Survey. In one specimen tlie colors are much brighter. There is a distinct dark broatl band from the snout throuj;li tlie eye, fadinj;' out about hall- way down the side. A mirrow white line alony the edfje of u|(per Jaw to posterior insertion (»f arm. The blotches above are much darker; there is a trianjjular one between the eyes, extendin;-' backward, and those on one side are eiuitluent into a longitudinal baud with irrc^qilar outline. The blotches on the oi>posite side to this are elou;;ated and rather oblique. The dark stripe froiu the jaw alonj( the arm is here wantiufj. Other characters similar. No. ;iol.5; onespeeimen; between liulianola and San Antonio, Tex. ; J. II. Clark. I have also this form from Ilelote-s, Fort Concho, and Dallas, Texas, so that it is generally distributed throuj^hout the State, to the exclusion of the ordinary form. '\ Catnloiiiic No. of iiiiiiibt'i'. spue. Chorophihia trkeriaiiis Wiod. UESKKVK SKKIES. Ltx'iility, Wlioii colhclcil. Fioni wlimii ivi'i'ivod. Xiitiiro of gpcc- iiiicn. I 855:i 5 3r.88 :i so:!4 :i 8:tu9 2 3:i(iu 4 4r>7;i 1 5140 2 8r.-,j 1 8r,r.i 1 3G10 •J 5;!8'J on:i.'i 3313 Kairpliiv, (.'olo Inly 11, 187;) Wrst N'oithlicld, 111 ■. I'lirt Ki'.iiilulion l'"()it I'liioii, N. Mi'X l''m t I'iiric, \il)i- 1 Hliii* Uivi r. Kansas Kid Kivcv iiC till' \ortli I'liSosa. Ciilo do Sept. — , I''74 Siiiilli (".land liivor, Wistrtii Mi'^siiini. SclkiiU Si-ttli'Miriit I I'lirt (inrlaiid. Cal 1 Jlino — , 187'.' Galvcstiin. 'I'.x I Fort riciTc, Dak I Hi'twciii Till I I'll ion and ]'il«" I.akc, Dak. , Bid With Knit I 'ii ion and Fort Iti'iitoii, Dak. Dr..r. T. Kothiock IJ. Koiinicolt do Mciiti'iiant (iid.sM, V.S. .V (ioviinor Sttncii.t Dr. •!. (i.Coopir 1!. Ki'iiiiicott Dr. U.C. Vanow do Df. P. K. Hoy I!. Kriinicott H. W. llcn.sliaw.... M.D'an T. ("iillii'i tsoii Liciiti'iiaut tiiover. Dr. (t. SHckloy. .Vlcolioliu. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. } 348 BULLETIN 34, UNITED STATKS NAlTONAL MUSEUM. CHOKOPniLUS OCULAUIS Holl.iook. Houlciigor, Cat. Datr. Sal. Hrit. Miia., lH-^-2, p. :i:a Byloihn ocularis llolSrook, N. AiiitT. Hiti.. 1st »■(!., ii, 71), PI. .\iv, 1838; ami 2il ed., IV, 18li. IltilH ocitUiriH Lc Confc, Proceed. Ac. Pliila., is")!, p. »',><). Chotophiliin angiilatufi Cope, Clieck-Lisf Hatr., lieptil.. N. Amor., 187.'), p. 30. Eyes large; bead aciito; lower Jaw narrow; tibia rather more than half leuf,'th of body, decidedly longer than hind foot; terminal knobs well developed. Above <'he.stnnt, with an obscure darker dor.sal band from snout to eye, bifurcating behind, and another on each side. Tliese usually more or less obsolete; a mu(;h deeper dark chestnut vitta from snout tlirough eyea»!;l {ympanuni,aIony the sides; below this is a distinct white line; a lijjht line along the outer edge of the tibia. This species, which appears to be the smallest of the genus, and in- deed the smallest of all the North American ecaudate IJatrachia, has a close generic relationship to the otiier species. Its most .striking features will be found in the large >i7X' of the eyes, the acuteness of the head, the small tongue, etc. Tiu^ tibia is longer tiian in any of the genus. The head is more pointed than usual, a character best seen in the lower Jaw; which, instead of being regularly rounded, has the rami nearly straight for two tiiirds, then acutely rounded, almost \/-'^''"pe*^' The tongue is small, ovate, entire behind, and free for half its length. The vomerine teeth are not distinguishable. The tympanum is very small, .scarcely perceptible, and less than half the diameter of the eye. The limbs are well developerl, comjtared to the other species. The tibia is rather more than half the liMigth of the body. General color above dark chestnut, with an obscure dorsal stripe of darker from the snout to the postcriiU' portion of the back, bifurcating behind. On each side of this is a similarly obscure hi.rii)e, while a much deeper and more tlistinct stripe extt'uds along the shU^ of the head, through the eyes, and along the Hanks. IJelow this, on the edge of the upper jaw, is a white line, extending beyond the shoulder, lieneath yellowisii-white, with ob.scnre dark spots across the breast and chin. Faint indications oftransver.se bamls across the thighs and legs, more decided than in the other si)ecies. The outer edge of the tibia is oc(!U- pied by a distinct light lim*, on the inside of which is a darker mottling. In general it is distinguishable from all the allied species by its acute lower jaw, chestnut color, and light line down the outer edge of tibia. McasuremeutH, hi inches. Total leiiKth r.4 i.iKI Himlfoot 2() .40 Tibia 33 ..'.1 lllml leg l.dit 1.70 Foiniir 30 .47 Wiilth of lower jaw IH .28 Hind log from hool 4t) .7"i Chord ai .33 HL* No. 3585; 3 specimens; Charleston, S. C; C. Girard. THE BATKAC'lUA OK NOR I'll AMKKICA. 349 ed., The specimens of this species are for the present inaccessible to me. I tUerelbre have given above a MS. description of Professor Buird's. riYLA — Lanrenti. Specimen SynoiLsis Reptiliiiin, 170'^, p. '.Vi; Diiin. & Bibr., p. 54'J; Giliitb., Cat, p. l»8; Ciipe, Nat. Hist. Rev., Hll."), p. 110, uiul Jouni. Ac. Phila. CJ), VI, l«(i(>, p. 8(), and l-^dT, p. '^00 ; lloiileiiger, Cat. Batr. Sal. Brit. Mils., ISH'i, 2i\ ed., p. 337. Calninik'H I'it/.in-;.. N. Class. Rcptil., p. 3s ; Wasl., Syst. Ainpli.p.200 ; Tscbndi, Class. Batr., p. 7J; Ctipc, .Joiuii. Ac. I'liila. C-i), vi, lf^G7, p. *200. Aiihtrii Way!.. /. <•.. p. -201. ////(C Wajil., /. v., p. -201. scjiiKij- \y.i. 7t;: ('(ipi-, .lonrn. Ac Pliila. ("2), vi, l.^fiO, p. 85. /.i/())i(/ Tscliudi, /.<•.. p. 77 : Duin.A Bi!"!., p. .'>(i:i ; (iiin'.ii. Cat., p. l)(>. Ilillitiiiiilwii Bnrnn-i^ifr. I'.vliiwtiT. I-'aim. iSias., p. lO'J. tViirof/ci/d" Kt'l'erst., (iiitlin}{. N;iclir., l-ti", i>. ;i."jS. C'lphiiinuiilix IWl'yh, Mini. Iteil. Ac., 1^70, p. (!.'>1. Fr()nti>pari«'tal bones not developed, cjonsistinjj of two narrow, sepa- rated snpiaorbitalplaU's. l']tlinioidlar;;el.vdt'V('lopedanteri()rl.v, dilated over the antt'iior part of the «»rl)its, widely .separatiii}; the obliipie pre- frontals. IJrostyle attaeiied to two condyles. Belly areolated. No parotoid };land. Pupil r(»und or transver.se. Voiiieri'ie teeth present. Tonjine attached to one-third free, posteriorly. l)i<;itai dilatations large or small : a more or less extensive wel) between the posterior toes, Coriiim not involved in hyperostosis of the cranial bones. This genus, eud)ras. II. liitopalinuta. II. atliniM. II. nij^ioficnata. II. Icscnciii. II. <>litiisir().stri.s. II. arfiikiana. II. vaf;al>iiiula. II. iin\iiira. II. tlii'sjiiirioiisis. H. pai'videiiH. II. voneaiixii. II. congenita. H. aiidorsoiiii. II. caniliiifiisiH. II. Niinirclla. II. rogilla. II. jtickeriiiyii. II. nrboroa. II. chiuuusis. Xcardk: Falaarclio. II. (lentiita. II. citropuH. H. t'wiiigii. II. pliylldchron. II. graeilt'nta. II. nil.olla. 11. UivClii. II. ailt'laitlcn.sis. II. Jcrvisionsm. II. ])(>r<)iiii. II. nioiiiana. II. inrralnMiata. II. LM'i'iili'a. II. (lolicliopHis. II. liitoa. II . fcnioialis. II. ai'rnicitlor. II. versicolor. II. ;rrati().sa. II. stcpbaui. PaldotinpUal. II. aniicctcns. | Bc'tween .species of Australia and South and \orth America there exist »!lo.se relations. Tlio.sc of smallest size ticciir in Noith America, where several spend but litfU' of llh-ir time in tnes, Imt like tin- Aliican Uyperolii prefer low lands and swamps. Laryer si»ecies of similar habit occur in Australia. The distribution of the North American species is as follows: Anxlri'iiimriiiii l>ixtrict. Ennlrrn Dixtrirl, Soininiii IHnlrid. , I'lwitir IHxIrivt, II. viMHicolor. II. };ra(io.sa. II. I'lMiioraliH. II, s<|iiirclla. II. carol iniMisi.'i. II. versicolor. II. pickcrii II. .-iiiiii'r.sonii. II. areuicolor. 11. rc.'illa. II. rcgilln. Of the eastern species, //. rrrNici>li>r, II. pichrriiuiii, and //. (indcrsonii, are the only ones wliieli extend their riin;;e nortli of sdiilliern Nortii Carolina. //. andirsonii has lt(>en found .so far, east of the Appalachian range, from New Jersey toClcorgia. //. rersicolor and //. iiiriarimjii Tin: BATRAC'HIA OF NORTH AMERICA. 851 are charJictcristic of the whole re<«ion, occurring east of the Central IMiiins to the Athmtie, and from IJritisli America to Florila and Texiis. //. rc(jUla of the Pacidc district extends its range frouj British Columbia to Cape San Lucas and into Xew Mexico and Northern Mexico, presenting considerable variation in characters. With regard to the distribution of this genus in the Kegio Xeotropica, a synopsis had already been given under the head of the family. But two species occur in the West Indian district, and these are both in Santo Domingo only. The species of the outlying districts are: II. uraiiorliroa. II. cbraccatii. II. liistiiK^ta. II. niKi-o])iiiictata. II. I'l.'rodiroa. II. Halvini. II. KMlihii. II. iiil!M'(>ta. II. nutlitrix. II. 8])loililL>nH. II. vasta. II. labialis. II. piinctariola. II. rlioilopfpla. II. Ik'lifiiowi, II. ptilclu'iliucata. }V(sl Iiiiliaii. I ('hilian. U. z.'hra. In aM but two of the species wliich I have examined the vocal .sa(!s are presiMit ; tliey coiiimunicate with eacli other posterioily in II. fuisia and Sniilisva hautlinii. The adiie.sioii of tiie integument i.s (tpposite the middle of tiie tongue in the.se species; in //. (7(»(»//«rH.N/.v, opposite tlie piisterioi- end. In //. Ivsrurcii and 7/. curta the vesicles are wanting in the males. I. Fiiif;<'iH (Mitiri'ly f'rci' ; fasL-iflcs of voiiiciiiK' sitiiadMl poslciiiii' Iti a lino conito't ill;; tilt' interior iuu'i'h. Tlircf p)i,'ilaii;{<'s of foiiitli tni' fret'; iippiT lip not spoiled : tlii);li willi ;i lew l)rown M|ie( ks licliiiiil ; nodiNliin'l lalei;il sli'lpi' //. jiicLiriiujii. II. i"in>;ers entirely free; vonieiine lasejeleM lieiween liie internal nares.' (t Three plialan;;es of I'ouilll loe free iVoiii well. lippiT lip wIMi a dark Imrder; a dark lateral liaiid on Iiody : tliijili nnieo'ior ludiind ; a voejl vesicle //. ii.jiUa- * In //. siinirilld the voinuriiie palehes HonietiiniiH [iroject posterior t<» the Hue ton Meeting tho iiareH. iff r / 352 BULLETIN :U, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUbKI'M. Upper lip niid fiiilo wifli n narrow, poorly (It'fiiird yollow line; tliijjli iiniciilnr lit'liiiid; Hiiiall; lu'ad nmiulfd //. n'luiriHii. Larger; head sliort, rouiKied ; iii>|i('r lip iiiiicolor ; a ])l(iiiirolor('d lateral baud not deliiied below ; sides and tlii;{li behind spotted with \«'ili>w //. Hiidd-soiiii. (ta. Two plialanjtes of fourth too free. Slender; head aonniinate; a yellow l)and on upper lip and on side well de lined above and below ; thi;;h nnsjiotted behind If. cnrolhiriii^in. Robust; head roundtHl ; no band on upper lips, nor spots on thiK'' behind //. arvnicolor. in. External finj^ers shortly pahnate; vomerine fascicles between nares. CC Dorsal inte^juiuent not closely areolate. Three phalan;;e8 of fouith toe free ; skin above Bniooth ; upper lip iinieolor ; thi^b behind dark brown with yellow H\wis , //. ftinonilis. Two phalaufjes of fourth toe free ; dorsal integument witii sni.ill tuberele>; upper lip spotted; thigh yellow, with eoarso netfiiiK of darker eoloi posteriorly //. remcolor. act' Dorsal intefjnmeut with a close areolation like that of the belly, Two phalanges of fourth toe free ; dor>al aifolie more minute than those of belly: upper liji with yellow edge; thigh behind unspotted.//, tj utioxa. The North Aiiu'riitan si)eci«\s of tlii.s ^'oim.s are easy to (li.stiii'iiii.sh, since tliey are well (k'tincd. The only one whieh presents iimeh varia- tion in characters is the 11. rajUUi. A species was named and li;,Mired by Professor Ilolhrook as the //. (hlitcun-ns. Other aiithois have not recognized this tree froji', and it remains uncertain whether it was not founded oii immature sjieciinens of the Jf. rcfsicolo): Tliedamp southciistern part of the continent naturally possesses the greater number of species of this genus. HYLA PICKEEINGIJ Storer. (IMafe?^.) ej w \i ^1 an Ilylodes ))i^:iU), i.MO; Holbrook, N. Amer. Herp., !id ed., iV(ls|-.>), i:i:.. XXMV: Di' Kay, N. Y. Zool., m. Heptil. (|H4-.'), ti'.txx, .'.li Thompson, Nat. Mist. Vt. (1^1-'), l-,'l. Uyhi fvmitrttHn Nichols, .Journ. Essex Co. Nat. Hist. Sue., i (.June, l-lt'.t). 'Jli (Dau- v<'rs, Mass.). IJyln (riK'iftr Max. Von Wied., Heise in das inn. Nord-AmiTika. i (l~;i'.l,», '.i\'J, Acri» (le piihriiiu Aug. Duin([} • Cope, Check-List liatr., Ueptil., N. Amer., p. ;tl, l6i:>; Uoulengei, Cat. Hatr. Sal. llrit. Mas., I-h-.*, p. 3U9. Body sparsely pustular above; do.sely granulated on wlnde lower parts. Tibia not half the length of luidy, longir than hind fool, longer than arm from elbow. Above, ash gray to wood biown, with a well-de- fined narrow liiu'd X o> Saint Audit »v'.> cross on the bac^k; a /\ shaind mark behind the cross and a short liiieonea<;h side, with theii diicction parallel to the posterior of the X angle; another similar mark between \ mSkk ^ f 14 tt THE HATKACUIA OF NORTH AMERICA. 35: tlic eyes nearly parallel to the anterior bra iclies of the dorsal X. A dark vitta from the snout through the ejo down the sides, and a narrow mottled light line along the jaw. Feet not webbed beyond penultimate articulation of third and fifth toes and antepenultinuite of the fourth toe. In its general features this species agrees with the other American Ilyhe, except that the membrane between the toes is somewhat less de- veloped, and the transverse apophyses of the sacral veitebra' are not (piite so much enlarged towards the tip. It forms an approach to Ciiorophilus, but has, however, large pallets to the extremities. It is still more renioved from Acris. The head is acuminate-ovate anteriorly, with the muzzle projecting well beyond the ui)per lip, and is contained a little over three times in the total lengtli. The tympanum is about half the diameter of the tye and distinct. The tongue is very thin, subcordiform, rounded and eniarginate behind, where also it is free. It varies in size in different individuals. The posterior nares are large, with the two gntu|»s of vom- erine teeth approximated and arranged with their longer axis oblique, anteriorly behind the center of the nares, and posteriorly entirely behind tlioir posterior borders. The fingers ami toes are well developed. The hand is longer than the fore-arm, and the two about equal or little longer than the hind foot, but not quite as long as the tibia, wi'iich is contained about two and a half times, or less, in the length of tiie l>ot nf \ii. ;jtl(ll(. M. Lcn^rtli of lio.'ul ami bmly O'iM LoiiHtli of head to poHti'iior cili^f of tviiipana tKl'.l Width of head at iio.stcrior I'd^rc ofl yiniiana (Hit L('iij;tli of anterior Iliiili from axilhi oi(> L)Mi;rtli of po.slcrior liiiih from j^roiii o)r> L»Mif;tli of tibia OIT. LoiiRlli of larnus j^ oo-ir. Loiigtli of rcHt of foot Ol;{ Ilahits. — This, our most abundant eastern species, is much more gen- erally known by its voice than appearance. After the rattling of the Acrin gnjUm in the marshes and river banks in the lowlands is fairly 1 /• r.K TME HATUACllIA OF NOKTII AMKRICA. under way, (luriuff the tirst bright days of spring, the shrill cry or whistle of this little croatuuc begins to enliven the colder swamps and meadows of the hill country. Dillercnt individuals answer each other with dilVercntly toned voices of a single note. This is exceedingly shrill and loud; the muscular force employed in expelling the air from the lungs seems to collapse the animal's sides till they nearly meet, while the gular sac is distended with each expulsion to half the size of the head and body together. They are chiefly noisy in the end of the afternoon, but in shady situations or on dark days may be heard through the morning aiul noon. When the breeding season is over they may be still found, but with dilliculty, among fallen leaves in low places, where their color admirably adapts them for concealment, or in cellars, or on the ground in the woods. Not till the near approach of autumn do we have evidence of their ascent into the trees. Then, when the wind is casting the Jirst frosted leaves to the ground, a whistle, weaker than the sjjring cry, is heard, repeated at inter\als during the day, from one part of the forest to another, bearing considerable resem- Idance to the note of the purple linch {('arjmdaciis jxirpitfcus), uttered as it is while Hying. These voices are heard during the same season, that of the IJyla being distinguishable as slightly coarser, or more like a scpieak. 15oth are associated with the weak chirp of the late l>en- (h-ura c(* m H. H. H. II. o arc 1 Care rang :]5(J IJILLETIN ;il, KNITKl) STATKS NATIONAL MUSKIJM. sparsely pustulated. Form of craniuiu variable; width at jaws from three and onel'ourth to two and two-thirds times in length of head and body; froni posterior nuirgin of orbit to niu//le three and one-half to nearly four times in same. Olive or ash green above, plain or marked on each side, with blotches in two longitudinal series or stripes of darker and scattered smaller ones on each side of these. Frcipiently a trian- gular blotch between the eyes. A narrow dark line from snout to eye; a broad postocular vitta to the arm, beneath which is a bar of grayish- whito about half the wiilth. Tibia half to two-fifths the length of the body; hind loot and arm f' m ell»ow scarcely shorter. This species, like the ; ickcringii and II. curta^ is annectant to Clio- rophilus, whose species it represents, as well as its own genus, on the Pacific slope of Xortli America. The diminished web and digital pal- ettes constitute the resemblance ; but they fall, nevertheless, within the range of the Uyla type. The 11. rcflilla is distributed throughout its subregion and into the adjoiuiug one of Arizona and Lower (.'alifornia under a slightly ditferent form. Southern California jmssesses another variety along with the typical one. These varieties diller, as do these of the Chorophilits triseriiitUN in the proportions of the head and body; the first a longheaded and longer-bodied type; the most common, a shorter headed and longer bodied; and the most southern form, a still shorter headed and short bodied, with more varied coloration. Head L'loiijjMte; width enters Iciijjth ot'Iiead andliody consiilerjibly ovfr tlirci; tiiiicH; caiitliusiostralisstrai^'lit ; a trianj^nlar patoli botwccn cyi's xcapniarix. Head sliort ; widtli (inc-thiicl uf It'iii^tli n,\ :U)1 ; fSirard, H.Tlt., IJ. S. Kxpl. Kxped., ls.-,<, cd, Vol. in. I"lf,'s. V.\'\^\ II. .S. Pae. U. K. .Snrv. Kept., Williamson Aldiot, Vi, I'l. xxviii, Titr. :t (l.ail). Uyla HcapnUtr'tH Hallowcll partim, Troueed. Ae. Nat. Hci. I'liila., VI, 1^5*2, 183, and var. hilj)ovhottdriiiU>, II. S. Tac. Iv. II. fSurv., s.., X> lat., p. 21. I r < I r ^ I t ' TnE BATRACIIIA OF NOKTIl AMKRICA. 357 There lU'c tliroe .styhss of coloration prevali'iit anion;;- individuals of lliis variety, viz: Tliat which prevails anion;;' more nortlicrn specimens, but wliich occur^as tar soutli as San l)iejj;o, where longitudinal bands are wanting or broken into irregular small spots, and where the inter- ocular triangle is often wanting. SecontI, where the general color is darker, with three broad dorsal bands or the si)()ts into which they aro resolved. The largest specimens are of this type; numbers having been brought from FortTejon and a few from northward. Third, rep- resented by 11 large female specimen from .Monterey, Cal., is without markings above, but the borders of the exterior color of tibia*, the sides, and the pectoral region are closely l)rown .spotted ; in all the others the under surface are immaculate. The tints of this style seem to bo more delicate, and it has a more hylinc aspect than some of the other.s. Head small, rather pointed, but broader than long. Tympanum small, nearly half the diameter of the eye. Eyes not very prominent; a slight fold of skin above the tympanum. A very prominent ono across the breast. Skin above linely pustulated with larger scattered tubercles, not so close as in JI. vrrsivolor. Tibia about half the leugth of the body. The gular sa(' is largely developed. Disks on extremities large; the largest eipialing the tympanum. The hand considerably longer than the fore-arm ; outer linger longer than the second ; a slight web at base. Tibia half the length of body. Outer toe a little longer than the third. Membrane extending from disk of outer too to middle of the third joint (from the tip) of the fourth or longest; from the third articulation (from tip) of the Iburth toe obliquely to the disk of the third toe; from the third articulation of the third toe to the disk of the se(!ond ; from the second articulation of the second too to penultimates articulation of the lirst. Thus the mem- brane is nearly wanting along the inner side of three terminal Joints of the third and fourth toes and tho two terminals of the second, while on the outside it extends nearly orcpiite to the disks of the second and third and to the penultimate articulation of the lirst and fourth. A promi- nent tubercle at base of inn«>r toe and a smaller one oi)posite on the sole. ICxpansion of sacral apophyses not very great. The heel of tho hind leg extended reaches to the anterior border of the orbit. In a very large specimen the general color above is a greenish-ash (in some a dark olive) and blotched with darker. There is a conspic- uous subecpiilaterally triangular patch between the eyes, extended acutely backwards for a short distance. The back is variously blotched ; tiu>. most conspicuous of the blotches arc considerably elongated, and arranged ono or two in a line on each side of the back in a lino with tho eyes ;,nd i)arallel ; the middle of the back and the extreme sides of tho body aro sparsely provided with smaller, usually subcircular, sometimes elongated blotches. There is a distinct aiul rather broad dark line from tho snout through the nostrils to the eye and a wider vilta from tho eye, involving the whole lympanum, to a little past tho ,H^ ...; r u B ex is wlie OCCl Tl A IIS It 11. H. II. II. II. Of are t Caro raug« 358 iif'LLiyriN ;!i, itnitkd statks nation.vl museum. insertion of the (ore arm. Tiie extreme edjjeof tlie upper jiiw i.s diirU, and tlie space lu'tween 'iii.s an.v, with an elonjjated blotch alon<,' each side of the back for its whole lenj^th, and one or two others on each side of tho.«e dorsal blotches are nearly wantiufjf. Sometimes the exterior edj^cs of tae tibia and feet (when Hexed), are blotched with l>rown. This variety resembles JI. sad Sur- veys repre.scids an interdij;ital membrane anteriorly, which does not ex- ist, and that of the posterior limb is too extensive. I 2 4 6 i \ 7 Km. 8!). IlylarfnUln. No. inmfi. Sln.stiiCo. Calilmiiia ; |. McosiucmiiilH (»/" .V(». ."••>>"<. J»f. LcriKtli of iioiid aii The Specimen measured is of medium size ; anotlier from the same locality has the len{;th of the head and body equal to 1.5' This, the only spe(!ies of the Pacific re<;ion, is quite abundant there, I have (!auj;ht them idon;.? the western edj^e of the (Ireat Basin in Ne- vada and Orefjon, where they inlmbit the marshes which surround the THE nATIUClIIA OF NORTH AMEUICA. 359 hikes ol tliiit region. 1" nucIi localitit's '.Iioy ciiii not liiive arl)ore5il habits, owiiij; to tlio jibscMice of trees; aiul it is probjible that their habit*4 are lilie tlioso of the Jlyla picln-rinnii of the east. I ai»i»eu«l a description of tiio typo speeiinen of tlie Ibjla Hcbuhna llallowell (U. S. Pae. 11. It. Survey Kept., 35th parallel, Heptiles p. 21), which I afterwards called JI, cadaccrina, owluff to the preoccupation of Ilallowell's name. The single specimen known is now in bad condition, and I um not sure that it should not bo referred to the //. rciiilla. The descrii)tion now {(iven was taken from the specimen when nearly fresh. Size medium ; form stout; legs elongate ; head short, broad, breadth less than three times in the total length ; muxzle rounded, little promi- nent; canthus rostralis straight, elevated; lingers free; toes two thirds webbed; the digits short, stout; the pallettes large ; a strong tarsal wing or fold; eyes small ; skin smooth. Femora unicolor behind; no dark labial border or dark or light lat- eral stripes; color j>ale, with indistiiuit blackish dorsal spots. Tiio heel of the extendetl hind limb extends to between tlie orbit and the end of the mn/./Ie; the largest digital dilatations e(pjal the tym- panum, which is indistinct and cue-fourth the size of the eye. The eye is smaller and less prominent than usual, its long diameter measuring the width betwten canthus rostralis at orbits, one and one-third times, and two thirds length of the brachium. Tool oiu^ aiul three-fourths and one and live-sixths breadth of head at canthus oris ; vomeriiu'/ teeth entirely between the luires, which appear larger than the ostia of the Eustachian tubes. Sacral diai»opliyses elongate; triangles very narrow proximally; upper surface slightly convex, thus ditfering from the eximia, where they are broader, Halter, and not so produced. Skin nearly smooth above; abdominal areolatioiis not extending on the sides; a pectoral fold. Toes stout, niargineil ; the dilatations large (not proportionally to the digits), except on tiu' thumb. Above gray, with an iuterocular and numerous dorsal irregular black- ish spots. Cantiius rostralis and band behiiul eye dark shaded; lij) an«l prebrachial region light, dark punctulate. Limbs indistinctly cross- barred ; below yellowish, immaculate. IMWA. Vxnm end of inu/./l(5 to ciiDtliim oris •^). D From (mhI oC imi//,l(i to vent 11> lifii'^tli of fnmir H.7 L('nti;lli of lil>iji 10.(5 Li'iij^tli of 111 11(1 fool 1:5. 1 Itrciultli lictwct'ii Niicral processes -I.'i Two specinu'us in AFuseum Academy Philadelphia, from Tejou Pass, southern California, ,'J,.'J88 feet above the sea. From Dr. A. L. ireermanu. Var. latU'cps Cope. Color much like that of var. Kegilla from Fort Tejon ; that is, a dark iuterocular triangle and numerous welldelined dorsal spots. The broad V t •i r rl ♦ n ji B exis wJie. Hyp OCCtl Th U. ' II. J II. t H. 8 II. C Of are tt Carol; range 360 HriJ.iyriN :u, iinitkd states national museum. liead rciHlcrs tlio i)rop(>rtion.s of form Hlniilar to tlio.sc in II. curia from wliicli there is M(»me dilllealty in distingni.sliing it. Tlio latter may be known by the small size and lack of gnlar vesicle among the males. The muzzle is more obtuse than in the typo of II. cadaverina, but one specimen of Laticeps is similar in this point; there is no labial brown border, but we have it much obscured in a Laticeps ; the diam- eter of the eye is les.s, measuring less on the humerus; the digits much broader and shorter, with the largest pallets equaling the tympanum, while they are more elongate and slightly proportioned in Laticeps ami Regilla vera. There is a thin tarsal ala, extending to the cuneiform bone, which is scarcely marked in the Laticeps. There arc more lateral dorsal 8i)ot8. These characters can not now be proven evanescent, so that this allied subspecies may be accepted. Lini'rt. Lcnj;tli (roiii imhI of imiz/lc to vent K.'J Lcni^tli from cud t)f iiiii/./h^ to cniitlitiHoviH •> Lfiijrtli of \vliol(^ fore I i till) 1(1. 4 Lfiigtli (if whole liliitl liiiih !.'.">.(> Diiiinctcidf cyi' ti. 'J No. alJOS; Cape St, Lucas, Lower California; eight specimens; .John Xantus. Iljlla rcijilUt IJaird. IIESEUVE SEUIKS Cntaln^Mc IIIIIIiIk!!'. X...of spci'. 3 \ 1 .) :i 1 1 r. 1 1 2 T fi 7 L'O I 1 r. 22 "4 0 in .•i 1 <; H 8 ti 3 1 1 1 I.malily. When coUrcted. Kioin wlioiii ii'ccivcd. \atiiii' .if Hpcc iiiii'ii. .')2I0 I'Wt Vanroiivcr, Wnsli. ill! . ... Dr. J. (i.Cooprr 'AZVi do Do. OIHl I'ir'i't S{iiitti) Aluskii Do 0182 do Ci-mw Islanil.l.uwt'rCyal. ViilM, Cal C. I'. Kxnl. Expi'd Df.J.lI.SIiiMt«,U.S.N Df. (J. ti. NowbKiiy I.ii'iit. W. I*. Ti'o\vriiid''o, I'.S. A. Dr. E. Vollnin, r..S. A... Dr. .1. .Toliti \aiitiiH ..... Do :m\\ do Moiit.ivv, ("al ''aliroMiia '1877' Aim- 11,1872 .(1(, Do. 321.'> !):i41 Dr. (i.Siicklt'V, r. S. A.. I. Stoni' .' Do. Do. 8077 3a:ir> 11. '•.74 :i242 I'iit:rt Sound, Oii'^'oii . .. (!ali('oitiia .San l)ii';;o. Cal I'"ort Dalles. Oiryoii Dr.C. 11. K. Kmiierly ■-• A. L. lIiM'rniann Dr. .loliii L. 1,0 Could ... Dr.(i.Siirkl<>y, IT.8. A .. John Kirliior Do. Do. Do. Do. :m-i Fort t^iiiok, Cal' I.a Ca/„ Cal do '1882 1882 1881 Do 11070 L. Hrldiii" Do. lliMil) do.r. C. II. TowiiHcMid Do. 13700 ilaiiil, Sliasla Coiintv, Cal. Do. EIc'v.iflon,2.0S7foet. T J 1 -.U 10.1 T J I -Jr THE JIATRACHIA OF NORTH AMKIUCA. llyla trgiUa Hiiiid — Continued, UKNEUAL SKKIKS. 301 niiiiiiouiio Nil. of lllltllllrl'. npi r. -I.ViH 'i\ 1)11(1 1 hi:>\ 1 mm 411 ' (lll-.'!l 4 1 ■XIM 4 IIDKI ;i IIIHI 1 II (HI) 1 1 04!HI 1 1 Ill'.ll 1 1 iir.jii 1 KKII 1 \\:>i'i 4 lIMt 1 111 J.! yi 8IIKH l.'i 111117 2 Locnilty. Kort Tclon, <;nl Ciilil'onilii KoitWalliiWnllii.WuMli. Santa Ci'U7., (!al Santa llailiai'a, (/'nl Fort Kcailin);, Cal Caniji Kidwell, Cat (•ilili'ii, Utali AlTiiitricj', Cal Dr.W.O.l) ('. W. SliiMinnann , H. W. Il.imliaw , p. ^H(I: Hrocclii, null. Soc. Philom., Paris (7), i, p. 12i^; Boulciijfcr, Cat. IJatr. .Sal. Hrit. Mns., od. n, 1882, 378. Ihjhi cnphorhiacva fiiiiithor, Cat. IJatr. Sal. Hrit. Mils., od. i, IS.'iCi, p. lO'.t, PI. x, f. c. ; Strimlaclmef, Novara Aiiipliib., p. .''iP. Ih'iid small, width three auil one-third times in total length ; loioal re- gion straight; canthus rostralis strong. Sacral diapophyses small, well dilated. Tympaiinm half orbit or a little le.S8. Skin smooth above. Tibia not half the total length. Hind foot longer than arm from elbow, two and one-quarter to two and one-half times width of head behind. In spirits, bluish above, with or without two dark longitudinal stripes; be- neath white. A dark band from the eye along tlie sides, marginei)er edge not very clearly defined, espe- cially behind, whore it graduates into the blue of the back. Tlie lower edge of the lateral vitta is margined by a distinct narrow white lino (fading anterior to the eye into the blue), which margins the dark border of the upper Jaw and extends to the insertion of the arm. The odgo of tluijaw is brown. Posterior to the fore legs the dark lateral .stripe lias its lower edge indistinct and fading through bluish white into the Miiite of the belly. On each si Miiz/li' Id iiiiiMIr III' I yin]iiiiiiMn 4.2 Itri'iullU lift w ten (iiiiils y Ant iii'iii'liiiiiii Mild 1 (•;i. 'J Tiliia H.v> Too) IJ. I exist whei ".V|> occii: Th J Us In H. \ 11.. H. f H. M JI. c Of aie th Carol! range. Metisiin iiK lilt (if Xo. ;!'i|."'. Totiil li'llKlll HI I.IKI iMirc-iii'in iiiitl liaml :tv' .:>'.• Femur li.'i . I:i Til.iii :iT . Jii Tivrsiis 'Jl .'^r, Foot :M .1^ Total (if liiiid Lm' 1.1'.» 1.17 (':il;ilcii;iii' No. of i iiiiiiilii'i'. H|>l'(^ I I.dialitx \\ 111! 1-1 • 1 Nllllllc C'l Mlvv flllllMitMJ. ItlH-II, :i2.'i7 ) Viillc\ i>r Mixirii Iiiliii I'dllM I ;ij|« 'J t'itv olMi'xircl I M:l.|. W. liirh | II I'm Ilia Mcxirii i l'. Smnlcliiiist i Ac(!or:liiig to Siimicliras! this speclow !• foutul (biiiiig the wiiii r sea- .son in the vicinity of water, and has the habits oi' Lithodytcs. I have found it near the water, in IMaicIi, near the ('ily i»f Mi-xico. It thus re- .senibles its allit's (»f' North America proper, llyht rcijiUd and //. />/<•/,■ criuijii T THE BATRACa.A OP NORTH AMERICA. 363 Lines. it;.r. 4.2 y 7.7 r>. a IJ. 4 1.(1(1 . :!'.» . i:! . 4(; . I-: I. 17 T \ 4 IIYLA SQITIUELL.\ H«mf. y/i//8c.) Daud., Hist. Nat. Ucptil., viii (18(»3), 34, xciii, 2; LoCoiite, Anil. N. Y. Ljc, I (1825), 27;»; Ilarlan, Joiirii. Ac Nat. Sei. I'hila., v ( IH.'T), Mi, and Med. & Pliya. lies. (183.'>), 107 ; Holbrouk, N. Aiiier. Horp., 1st (>d., I (KW), 10."., XVIII, and 2d cd., iv (1842), 12:?, xxx; Ston-r, Uopt. Mass. (1h:«>), 24J(«'!>i>itMlfroii»IIoll)rook); Diiin. & Hibr., Erp. fi(^n., viii (1841), .V7; ? l)i« Kay, N. Y. Zo(.l., HI, Rcptil. (1842), 72, xxi, r.3; ? Thompson, Nat. Hist. VI. (lf'42), 122; Lo Coiito, Proceed. Ac. Pliila., 18r>.''), p. 429; Giinthor, Cat. lUtr. Sal. IWit. Mils., H(W. p. 11 ; IJouUMigcr, 2d ed. Cat. Hatr. Sal. IJrlt. Mus., 18S2, p. ;v.»h. /,<( h'aiiic xquinUc Ho.sc, Xouv. Diet, d'liist. nat., xxviii (1817), .'>43. //!//(( minirvUa Giavcnliorst, Uclicca! Miis. Vratislav. (182!t), 2-8; vi, 1, does not belonj; to this species. r,iliimilii xiiiiiinlla Merreni, Tontamen, p. 171. .liihlrix siiiiirrlln Waaler, Syst. Anipb., p. 201. Above smootli. Iliml foot less than arm from elbow. Tibia about iiair the lenglli of tlie body. Light brown above (green in life?), with small, rather .snbcircular blotche.s of darker. Legs rather iiitli.stinctly liancd. Anterior and posterior face.s of thighs without light spots of dark vermiculations. A uark line from snout to eye; a dark vitta from eye to arm through tympanum; edge of upper Jaw mottled white, gen- erally .showing distinctly as a light line, which frecpicntly extends to the middle of the side. IJody more slender than in II. versicolor. Limbs moderately devel- oj)ed. Kyes i)rominent. Snout rather acute. Tympanum small, half the diameter of the eje. Tongue rather small, nearly orbiojdar, hardly notched behind. Vomerine teeth in two small patches between the jiiner nares and nearly in line with their centers. Tibia not quite half the length of the body. No web at the base of the fingers. liength of head a little more than three time* in length. Heel of extended hind limb marking a point between orbit and end of muzzle. The body above is smooth, beneath granulated on the abdomen and thighs. The toes are not webbed beyond the i)enultiinate articulation of the third and fifth ;ind the antepenultimate of the fourth toes. •Vbove green, sometimes witn irregularly arranged darker small blotches. Ueneath white. There is a V-"ii^''lf connecting the eyes above, although this is not very distinct. A small number of subcir- ciilar blotches about the size of the tympanum, or larger, arc sometimes .s(;attered over the back, and may bo of elong.ito form. There is a dark line from tlu^ nostril to the eye and a vitta from the eye through tlu^ tympanum to a point above the insertion of the arm. A narrow white line, rather indistinct, pas.ses along the head very near to the edge of the upper Jaw and below the tympanic vitta; this line rarely passes the arm; sometimes extends on the side, where it is generally very much con fused. The upper faces of the leg are barred transversely, though giMicrally not very distinctly, except acro.ss the tibia, where the bars are usually decided. The exterior edges of the feet are mottled finely with brown and gr;iy. The anterior and posterior faces of the I I : ! ft ■ t ;' I H 3G4 nULLKTIN :M, united STATKS NATIONAL MUSEUM. OX I »iy occ I J llHt ir. 11. II. H. II.. Of are tl Carol rp igo tliigli.s jire (lull lii'sli color, vojy I'aiiitly crloudcMl with brown; no iiidini tioji.s, however, of light spoLs or dark vermiculatioii.s. Specinieii.s dilVer In Lvss amount of white on the Jaw, and in tint of ground (lolor, which is de.sciibed a.s green in life. With a con.sideral»le re.seniblance to //. fvmoraliH, it may bt^ always di.stingui.shed by the white line along the edge of tlie mouth and by the ab.sencx' of distinj-t circular white (yellow in life) spots on the posterior faces of the thighs. 4 6 Fi(' lii-ail (o postciiiir cdi^cs of tyiiipiUia Old Wiillli of lirail at postriior fd^jcs of tyiiiiiana Ii1ti."i Lentil h of fore liiiilis from axillii i>17 liCiij^tli of hi 11(1 limliM from j^roiii (i|.">ri LciiKtli of tiliia on; Length of tarsus imi'.i Lonjjtli of rest of foot dl',* The specimen measured is of full size. They are rarely larger, and fro«|uently a little smaller. This species approaches nearly some forms of 7/. /77/(7/i^ replaces it in Mexico; the resemblance between them is otl'set by the greater palmation and smaller tym|>anniii of the latter. In its distribution this spetues extends well up the Mississippi valley. A specimen of larger than usual dimensions was uvui me froi:; near i'.rookville, Ind., by my friend Amos W. ilutler. Ujfia Kiiuinlla Hose. KKSKKVK SKUIKS. 'iltillll'^lli' Nil. (.1 liillrilii r. s|.rr .ICM) .■i .1044 1 :iais '1 :nH7 :i lets:. •jii ♦r.:.! s T'Otin 1 II'.HI 1 i:u7o 1 12INIH li Ufiin 1 10881 1 1131 I l.iiialit V. 1N)Im;i( cil:i, ri.i. Wliiii coIU'cUhI. i'l'iini » liiMii ii <'i-i\ I'll. N'alioi s|,.. I l.ilHTIV <'cllllltv, livilli>. (ia Allaiialia. (la (iroidlar ■'< (') Oaklry, S. ( Siinnra lH7r. IKriO ihH:i Dr. W. A. Ham i.t, IV I S. A. j I'ml I.. AjiaKsi/. Maj. .1. 1,1' C'iiiitt< (tailc'V .>rcil. !•'. It. M.cl . Ni'U Oi'ri alls Ai aili'iiiN . ' I)i.T. \l. I!i>aii 1. W.r. Taylor .". I William Wittliria I ('» I r. W. Ilav« ii.l A.S,li..lt All'lllKlli.'. !>.■ |l.> Ho II.V Ho Ho llo. Do. \>.,. Do. Do 0 iiiiljcii 1 tint of itlorahlo ll.V tlH' r of lli(^ typanuiii. A tubercle on the under side near the proximal end of «'a(;li phalange. Internal metatarsal tubercle distinct, oval; external, none. Coloration in life. The whole upper a rather deep i)ea-green, paler upon the sides and th(^ margin of the up[>er lip. A narrow band of pur- plish-browii commences at the external nares, pas.ses through the eye, and, including the tympanum, loses its inferior border a little beyond the in.sertionof tlu^ humerus. The color becomes paler upon the sides, wluire it is of an ashy mulberry tint, and extends as far as the orif n of the femur. Anterior to this point it is margined below by large irregular spots of a beautiful salVron, which are continued upon the anterior and posterior surfaces of the femur, and the whole inferior surface of the tibia, poll a ground of a paler shade of the same itolor. The supero- anterior surface of the tarsus, the three inner toes, and the webs of the external, also a small area behind the humerus, the p(>sterior surface of the fitter, the inferoanterior fa(!e of the fore-arm, and the inner linger, are tinted and sjiotted in the san>e manner. The superior surfaces of the femur, tibia, humerus, and fore arm arc of the same c(dor as the back ; that of the humeru.s separated from the green of the Jaws by an isthmus of the purplish shade, and that of the tiliia separated anteriorly from the salfroii of its lower surface by a band of mulberry. The green of the back and extremities is everywhere margined with puri^ white, ex- cept posteriorly on the femur and tibi:i,and anteriorly on the I'ormer, where s.idVon takes its place. The green crosses the rictus and forms an oval spot iiiion each side of the throat. The borders of tlio latter und of the chiii are tinged with mulberry, liencath whitish llcsh color. il il •I 1 ■Ml fU ■ \ ■ • il ; 1 ■ i,^. f % 3(;g nULLETlN ;U, UNITKU 8TATKS NATIONAL MIISKUM. TluM'xposed surfaces of the anterior and posterior extremities, whero iiol ^reeii, are ut' u »liudo intermediate between mulberry uud cUouolate. ,.1] Klii. Ul. Ilyla aiidi'nuhii. Amlvimni, S. ('.; |. MitiKinciiunln of So. :i(i(l(». it. Total ltnj,'tli head ami boily iCMki Lfii{;tli oriicutl ti> posti'iior lino of tyiniiaiia Oil Width of lira4 ].cii;;tli of hiixl liiiili iVoiii t;roiii o.Vjri Lt'ii>{thia (H^ Lfiifitli of tarsus dlO Lt'ii;;tli of n'st of foot (tl'iri This beantil'id species is of iiineh rarity, but two speeitnt'iis liaviii^ thus far come under the eyes of naturalists, 'riie longest known is the tyi>e from Anderson, S. ('., which is reprcscntod in Plate i.xxxiv; the second s|H'ciiiien was found by Professor Leidy, of Philadelphia, at .Jackson, N, J., and was the subject of the description of coloration in life given above. JIVLA CAHOLIXKNSIS Pemiauf. (IMatoH r.l.lij;. II; 'ri, (ij;. li» ; 7:{, fi^. 'js.) Calamilii rarotiiiriixi'< romiaiit, Arctic Zool., ii (17), :!:!|. Cuhiiiiilii rim no .Sclmiidor, Hist. Ampli. Tasc, i (I7itl>), 171. Itann liiliiirain Shaw, (ion. Zool. Aniph., ill (IS(tJ), lltC. Uyla lolimliH Daiid. in Sonn. iV I.at., Hist. Xal.. Kcplil., ii (IHOJ), IsO; Dand., Hist. Nat., K'cptii., viii (iSKt), '27, ami in Jlisf. Nat. li'ain. (Jrcn. Cr.ip. iJ-Oltl, It;, ii; J. L« Conto, Ann. N. V. Lye, i (IrtA'".), ■!7;t ; ll.iilan, Jonrn. Ac. Nat. Sci. i'hil.i., v (lH-.'7), :MI, and Mod. A IMiy.'.. Kos. {IS;{.-)), 107: Diiin. A IJihr., Mip. Cirn., \iii (1811), .^)87. UyJti rui(/i.t Ilolhrook, N. Am. Iltrp., Lst cd., ii (l-i;i-). '.».'>, xx. ami M ed., iV(l";IJ), lll», XXIX. lljlUi ririilii /ir^occd ('alosliy, Nat. Hist (.'arol., u (ITIU), p.i;;. it lali. 71. Ill/la svmiftinciatd Hallow,, Proceed. Ar. I'liila., I'^.lt;, p. :t(l7. Hylo caroliiunsix (iiinthcr. Cat. Hatr. .Sal. l$rit. Mns,, I-it;-*, p. 1().">; l?oiil(>ni,'cr, Cat. llatr. .Sal. Urit. Mas., 'Jd cd. HSv». p. :177, lle;ul subacute; body slender, nearly sniootii above; tibiii r;itlu'r more than half the lenj'th of the body; above iind on sides uniform olive-green, with an occasional circular light spot above; beneath whilt'. A distinct narrow white line along the sides of the heail iind body; simi- lar lines on the outer edge of the forearm and hand, the posterior edge of the tibia, and the outer edge of the hind foot. No bars on the limbs. I ti III Tin: IJATUACIIIA OF NOKTII AMKKICA. 3(57 Mody sleiulorest of all the Nortli Aiin-rican s|(eci«'S : limlis elon^jati'd. Outline of lioiul acute, aiij^led, sli;>li(ly cuivt'd on sides, latlu-r l(ni;,'er tliau broad. Snout rather pointed; sides of the snmit somewhat ob- Iii|Uo; leiiffth of head enterinjjf total a little over three times. Tym- iKiiiiiiii small, about half the diameter of the eye, a fold of skin above it. Ti)ii;;ue nither ovate, slijjhtly notched behind, where it is free for one- third its lenji'lh. Vomerine protuberances small, roun«led, their axis sli^iitly inclined, almost exactly between the posterior nares; sepa- rated iVomeach other and tlui nares by tlu^ same interval. The ranj^es ol tcetli are a little behind, about on a line with the posterior mary;ins of tilt' nares. Tlie extremities arei rather slender and elontrated. The heel of the cxteinlcd hind lej^s marks the end of the muzzle. Tibia about half K>it;;tli of body; hind foot as lon<^ as arm from elbow: two and a half times in total len},'tli. The lln>;»'rs are dilated at the tip into disks, two- thirds as hw'^ii as the tympanum, and webbed at the base to the iiiili'iMiiMltimate articulation of the lonj,'est. Tlu' third is lonj^est, the loMiili lit tie shorter; then the second and first. The hind feet are webbed to the disks (the penultimate articulation in the fourth anper part of sides is smooth, without any pustules; in larger speciirni: a faint and softetu'd ;,'rauulati(Ui : the belly and inlerior fac(! of thighs strongly graiudated : the throat moderately so; smooth between the arms. Color of body and legs above and sides olivaee«)us-brown or olive- green, with a few scattered, well detined spotsof white. l!eneatli white, no iimttling anywheic, A well-deliiied line of white starts, on the siittut, generally u;iited with its fellow on the opposite side, and passt-s haikwards, parallel with the vA'^i' of the npi»er jaw, under the tym- pamnu and over the armpit; extends half way or more along the sides. It has as a liorch'r a deei»>r shade of the dtusal color. A similar line ex- tends along the posteri(U' margin of the fore h-gs. most conspicuous at theclb(»w, and reaches to tht; outer tingrr. On the hind leg a simi- lar line passes from the knee, aiul extends along the posterior or superior margin of the tibia along tin; exterior edge of the tarsus and foot to tin- tip, and a second line is seen in some on the anterior margin of the tibia; a short transverse white line abovi- the anus. According to Dr. Ilolbrook, this species in life is bright grass green above, the light lines straw color. 8pociinens from west of the "..^sissippi vary in appearing a little more granulated aliove. Some males exliil»it a more oi- less tinge of green on the sides of the chin. Sometimes the hiteral white line is int<'r- rupted, and those on the sides of the legs more v.r loss obsolete. .:'.? 'I 11 \i SH i ■'" I .1' 3G Til. nut Widl Lung lA'Ilg lA'Ilg hvUft Tl. tllU8 typo tlios Jack lifeg Caluiin Cuhinn liana h Uyla h \a J. : (H (18 Il!» lly'a vi llijla »<•, ^////r« ca 15at JIea< iiioro tl oliveg: A (listi lar liiu> ^ftliet 368 nULLETlN 31, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. The specimen described is from Kiccborougli, Ga. 4 6 Vw.'iZ IlijlaearnUncntU. No. 13478. Alnpalm, Oa. ; ). MiaHinrmiittii of No. 'M\^fi, Length of lioad ami body L(!ii;;tli of licail, iiiilmliiij^ tympana Width of lii-ad at (lostciior odfjo.i of tympana Lenjjtli of anterior limb from a.xilla L('n;{lli of iio.stcrior limb from ^roin Lcn^jth of til)ia LoM<;tIi of tar.sus L('n}{tli of ri'fit of foot Tlio si)ecinu'n measured is only of medium size. Tliey fiiMinc reacli a length of 58""". Hjjla raroliiienniK Tcunaut. KKSEKVE SKUIES. . (I ir. on , o-j:t (III.-, ,017 iitlv (Jatiilo^iiic No. or miiiibtT. »pi.'C. iin.'i^ I 3fl.5:i 1 n:iu.-. I KilllU U7()H 1140,5 :inn4 r,'.m 120()(1 ii4k:i 11, 'ill;! IIUIII i:i4"H 4ri.w 471!t lll7(» .''■2II4 :«!.')7 :iQ5i .T.M4 :r.>:.M :iii,'«4 4.''i.'>li rj(iti,'i 15 1 1 1 1 1.') 1 0 Locality. Poimncoln. Fin. K ('o)ll)I'()lli>ll, (ill Ml.s,slsHl|)pl lii'iiiilott, S. (! , Kiiistiiii, N. (' MillcdKPvilli'. (la . .. I.ilicrty County, (iii (i H I.' liihi'ity (.'(Miiity, (lii .. (■iHM'Kiiiiiii, h'la (') Milton, I'liv Marid l.ilunil, I''la Allapaliii, (ill I'alatltii, Fla Mlianopy, l''I:i Saint liduis, Mo i (..oiilHiana | I'rairii' Mcr Kou^c, La \VaMliin;;ton County MImh. Now ISniiiiilV'..'*, Ti'X.. San Antonio. Tex When cuIU-cttxI. From vvlioni irciMvcil. Ur. \V. A. llaniniond, l^ 8. A. Dr. U. F. Shuniaril. Juno 4, 1870 1881 Ilia, l<'la I (iranil Cotrau, La .. (itMii^liana, I'"la Ijiaulbrt, S. C .I.W. Miln.r Kuinlicn ..^ ISran Ma.).. I. Lo (Jontc ('. II. AilatoH Ma). .1. LcConto William Wiltlldd (0 S.T. Walk.i J. W. V.lio William J. Taylor T. (i lover Dr. T. II. 15. an Dr. (ii'oruo Kii)ii'lmann. Saint Cliailcs Colli'ao . JanioH Kaiiu^ Col. a L.C. Wailc- F. Limllii'lmi^r .T.il.Clark Dr. n. W. I, tiny Saint Cliatli'H ('olli'^o William WitUltlil .... Ur. F. V.llaytUn N'alnri' of ,spi iini'ii. Alcoliolit' Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Du. GENERAL SERIES. 12005 5'J40 l.S I (loorjiiana, Fla 2 I I'uiiii CliriHlian, Misti. William Wittliolil i Alcoliolio. Cupt. It AnUurson { Do. i vW .1/. .011 .()i;i .()t;i .(iii.'i .tilT THK IJATRACIIIA OF NOUTII AMEIillA. 3G9 HYLA AKKNICOLOK ('upv. Jourii. Ac. riiila. C-), l-^tiii, p. .•>|. //. ((/W»i'< Main! (iioii Hpixii), rnx^i'cil. Ar. I'liila., I'.'tl, til ; I'. S Mi'x. lionnil. Smv , K.i.lil., 1». •-".•, I'l. xxxviii, ti;;s. |-7. I [ill a colli i ItDiilaii^tT Aiiiials ami Ma;;a/.iiii' Nat. liiMorv. 1--7, \>. .".:i ; 1 — '■, p. Hl». lli'iid .sliort, wier on the metatarsus. The marbling, .so con- spii-uoiis on the anterior and posterior faces of the hind legs, as well as in the groin of //. rcrsicnlor, is here wanting. (iencral aspect of //. rcrsicolor, having the same squat apjicarance, the granulated skin above and below, the ashcolor back with darker niottlings, the white spot umU'r the eye, etc. The imtst consi)icuous dis- thi(!tive features are the ab.sence of webs of the lingers, the greater length of the hind legs, and the blotches on the back being in round spots, not cuneiform. The legs with three bars not two, and without the reticulates markings behind and below. ll)."il— IJull. 34 24 ! I : w 3(il Tin not L Li'iig Wi.lt Th tllll.S typo thii H^ .Jack} life g Calami Calami. liana h. Uyla h NiK J.I (IW (18! Hyht ,. Il!>, llijla rii ll.'lla nvn Jli/I" cai iiati Head more tl olive-gt A (listit lar liiH'f of the ti ^7(^ UrLI.KTIN :il, rNITKI) STATKS NATIONAI. MUsr.lI.M riii. y;i. Ili/lii iiniiii-i'lnr. No. hO.m riali; |. MvanHriiiuiilH <>/ Mo. 11 lid. Lrii;;tli of 'mail iiiitl Ixiily ii|-.' Lcii^tli of head, i ml Mil ill;; t,viii|>aiiii (i|'j:i Will III 1)1' lirail, iiii'liiillii;; i,viii|iaiia iili; Lfii;;tli of fori" 11 III 1 1 (Voiii II \ ilia ihji.i lii-iifftli III" hi ml I i Mill riiiiii ;;roiii , , o.'i'.i'J LiMifjdi of (iliia (ijii Lfiij^th of ta^sll^ Oil:, Li'iij;th of nisi of foot dl,',;, Tiie siK'ciiiifii above (les(!rilu'(l is oiu^ of t.V|)e.s IVoiii Soiioia. In specimeiis from some oilier parts of Mexico ami tlie L'liitctl Slates llic wliite spot below tiiccve is not lonml. In a spc<'imen Irom the Colo- rado Kiver (loTO) tlieii' aiesi-veii rows of dark brown spots of niodeialc size (Ml the back. ►S|K'cimen.s from VA Paso, Texas, have been rereiicd to as distinct species under tlu^ name of //. <•«/;//, by Dr. Iloiilaiijici (loe. cit.). Tin* onl.v i»cciiliarit.v which the description indicates is a somewhat smaller tympanii; drum. It is saitl to be one iialf the eve :it the lirst reference, and " hardly one third " at the second. 'I'hi' Jli/la nrcniculor in (Hiitii abundant as far south as (inanajiiatn, l\h'xi. uf Illlllllll'l'. H|ICt'. Kl! T iHi: f, 4r.70 4 10107 1 14401 1 Liicalily. Wlini riillci'li'il. I'min \\ liHjii r( i iImcI Santa r., N. Mrx Mini.' , I«7:i Di.O.l.inw Siiiilliri'ii (,'aliliiinia i l^7.■| M. \V lli-ii^liaw I tall Il<7'.' III. II ('. Viiiiow Siuicira, Mi'xiii) Ill I'lark I'|i|irr Ciilinailii Kivrr I'. M(i||li;iiHrii Wliilr IJiMir (^afiiiii, Di.l'iiir A I i/,lill;l. . I'on Wiiiual.-, N. Mox -. Di I!. W. Sc Ijiil, hit, f. I , S, A . N;ll III I' III - ]H Ulll II Alniliiili I III. Ho. 1 1.1. Ho. Do. 1)11. I i ^ ^ \t V 3r. .(II'.' .Ol'JIi .(»n; . ()•.' i:. . (i.i'.''j .ii'jii .(iii.'i .dl.V. ■> \i rilK IIAIKACMIIA (»!•' Nt>UTII AMKKK^A. IIYLA KKMOUAMS Lnlr. ;{7i lljlla Jiiiwriilia Sonii. &. Lut., Iliwl. Nat. Kcplil., ii (l-d-.M, l-l; Itainl., llisl. n'iI, Ii'i'itlil., VIII (H(I:J), :f», xcm, l ; lli^l. Nat. Ifaiii. tiivii. ('ia|i. (l-^illt), 111,1; Lo Citiilf, Aim. N. V. I.vc, i ( H ■,'.'>!, •,''!» ; llailaii, .Jiuirn. Ac. Nat. Sci.,riiila., V (l-^J/i, ;U-.', ami M.'il. A i'liys. Kr.s. ( l":}.-.^, K.T ; llolliriMik, N. Aimr. Ilfip., '-'il ca., IV (l-^l'.'), I'.'T, XXXI ; ltoiiIfnj,'cr, Cat. liatr. Sal. Miif. Mils., 1--.', i..:t.-'. /,i:t. ( (ilitiiiilii J'iniiiniliM Mcni'iii, 'I'i'iitaiiii'ii, p. 171. hihlrh fimiiriiHx Waj;!., Sysl. Ampliil)., p. tiOl. Iliilii siiiiiriUii pars. Dmii.iV Itilir, llnp. (I6u.. viii, p. .^-I'.t; (liiiitlur, Cat. ISatr. Sal. itiil. Mils., l.-^O^ p. 111. Noli;.— 'i'lii" ilt'S(!riptioiis ct' naiuliii diU'cr in Htuiio iiiiportaiit points IVom tlic .s|iot'i<'.s III' Miijipr l.r Conic. Tihiii If.s.s tliiiii liiilf th(> Iciijith of body, lnii<;('r tlian arm from elbow, wliiili ii;,Miii I'.xctrd.s liiiid foot. SUiii nciuly smootli above ; above wood- liiiiwii, with a darker iiiteroeiilar, triangular bloteli, and a siibenneiform line on tlie Itaek, eontbieiit in the center. A narrow line from the snout lo llie «'ve. A dark vitta from the eye, iiidi.stinet in the middle, i)assinj'' lliroiij;)! and inv(»lvinji: tlu' whole tymi>aiiiim ; the uppei' edj^e of tiiis (•(iiitiiiiied to the hind lej^s, the lower cea.sinj;' at the fore le^.s. Po.ste- rior face of the tlii<,'h.s dark brown, with eireularyellowi.shwhite .spots. No li^dit spot under the eye, nor any white lino alon^^ the Jaw; merely a li;;hter slnnle of the ground color. Mead broader than loii},'. ISody short, rather broad, and the entire apiicaraiiee as to pal tern of color and shape not very dissimilar from lllll(t m-.sifolof, from which, howevei', it is readily distiii;,MiishaltIe by tlio femoral yellow spot.s; the dark postocnhir vitta, tlii^ ab.seiice of lij^Iit spots under the eyes. The toiioiie is larji'e, ovate, slightly notched, and iVee behind. The teeth are in two approximated minute circular palclies between the jmsterior nares. The (ympannin is small, scarcely iniMc than half the diameter of the eye. The tibia is not half thelenjith of tiie body. Tiie skin above is sli<>Iitly pustular, althoiijj;h at consid- fialile intervals, and much less in i»roportion tiiaii II. versicolor. The wiiole iiil'erior surfaces of tiu^ head, body, and thiinhs is ji'ranulated, iiicliidiuf,' the throat. The pectoral fold of skin is smooth. Tiie linj;ers are sli';litly webbeil at the base, tl e fourth longer than second. The last two joints of Uu) toes are free; the web not extending as a margin to the disk of the longest toe, as in II. rcrsicolor. (leneral color above bark-brown, variegated with darker; beneath dull white. .\ triangular blotch between the eyes, the angle behind tilt! anterior edge extending across between the middle of the edge of the upper eyelids. In II. versicolor this blotch is almost always inter- rupted in the median line. On the anterior half of the back is another iiirge blotch, sending out two branches anteriorly and posteriorly, and one on each side, the anterior pair sometimes running into the blotch on the top of the head. I'.ehindthis are several other blotches of irreg- ' \% I ! J il I' f .1 3(1 The iiut T(.(nl I.rngl Widtl Luiigt liOllgt Leiigt Th; thus : typo tlie m Jacks life gi Calamii Calami I Itana hi Uyla la Niit J. I (Itii (181 Byla r\ 11!», Ilyla rii 1 1 Ilia sen llyla cat Jiatr J I eat] iiioro til olive-gr A (listir lar linos of the ti 372 liri.LKTIN Ml, rXlTKl) STATKM NATU»\AI. MUHKIIM. iilar sliii])(>, .sotiic of tlioiii coiilliu'iit with that on tho Iia<-I<. 'I'hcif is a nairow ilarl< line oNlcndiii;^' iVoni tho snont tliron-;]) llic nostril to tin' o.yo along tho ('d^c of tho iii>i)or<.',vcli»l, iinil piocofding aliov*! the l\iii panuni back along the side to th*' insert ii)n of \\w hinil iog. \ socond lino oxtonds from tho lo\vori»iiil of tho c.vo, itaiallcl with the llrst, liohtw the t.vnipanntn, and ininicdiatcly abovo tho insortion of tho foroarin, I'crhaps it wonid be l)i>lt*-i' to say lliiit a broiid dark band ]iassos from tho oyo backwards through tho tyinpannni, inid ovor the insertion ol' tho foro-arin, along tho sido (»f tho body, whore the lower edge is indis. tinot ; llu^ edges of ilie Itand are nineh tiio most promitu'nt. There are two or three transveise bars on the lore arm, the thij;li,and log, more numerous and closer on the tarsus and hind feet. The anterior face of the thigh is uniforMi dull white; the posterit)!, however, is dark brown, with several distincr, nearly ciicnlar spots of y('llowish-wliito. Tho outer edge (»f the tarsus and hind foot is minutely punctate with grav and brown. The sides of iliechin aredotled with brown. The extreme edge of the upper J iw is sometimes dark«'i' than tho I'est, with a. slight shade of lighter color al)ove it, very inconspicuous, however. C^^ Klii. HI. Ihilii .iriiifriiliH. N'.), :i."i!lH Mlu-ily (Nullity (ia. ; |. MiKsKri nil ii/s III' Xii. .V.IOS. 31. Lcnjjtli of litiiil anil lio'ly .IKI,",") I, en;; 111 of liciiil, iinlmliii;; lyiiijiiiiiii Oll.'i Width (if head, iiudiidiii'; 1\ iiipaiia (ii;i:S Lt!ii;;tli (if I'livi'. 11 mil fnnii axilla (iJd.'i Lcii;^t]i of ill lid liiiili t'liiMi >,Moiii (i,"i() Lcii^'lli of tiliia iil- Lnij^th of tarsus (Ill Li'ii^jtli ol rest (if loot dl'i Tho specimen measured is a little above average si/.e, which is inter- modiato between the dimensions of the U. snuirdUt ami II. rrrxicolof. A very largo s|iecimen in my collection from Dallas, Tox., inoa.suvoi .(I.!*.)'" in length of head and body. Ililhi fi miiiiili'< I •aiidiii. Cntiiliii'iic ' No. (if iiiiiiilii r s|tr< l.or.ditv. WIOK 1 sniiu '1 :iri!iR »1 OIJl'T •> •ITIS 'J If. IK 1 iiniK I Kiriliiiiiiii'^li. (la .1(1 I,ilic'i 1 y ('(luiily, (ia Ailiiii;(ii|i. l-'l:i V,'";", rin„, »licMMnr»iMM'. N«(Miv,.ls,.,r I iiUi'cti'il. iiiii'ii. I Miij.l. I.c ("iiliti. Alcoliulii n... Mill. .1. l,cC..iil.' ; Oo. IsTK (i. i'.niw II (iniido i I»n. Miiaiiiipv, ri.i .. i III. 'r. II. r.caii Ilci. (i.Hi.si. ( r. cU, S.C 1 Cl I>". .Mlapalia. (la | W. .1. 'rayliir Do. Naslivilliv (la I IShd dn I Do. f i Jf. ,o;u"> .011.'. .iii:i:t .(ijd.'i .('.■i(j .(11- jiit .(11-) > inter- .sicolof. L'iisuve ■■> 'u 4 'nil', llATUACIIIA (»!• NOIMIl AMI.KICA. IIVI.A M;I,'>ICu|,oU I.. Ciiitr.' ;57.'; Ihllii nr^iri'liii- .1. LrCoiilr, Ann. N. ^ . I.\ c, I (, I *•.'.'>),•.'-' I ; I hill. in. .Iiimn. A<-. Nut. Sf\., riiila. V (I-"-'" ), :H:i; Mi-il. a i'li.ss. liiN. (l-:!.'.), li'f^; lliillniinU, N. A r. IhTp., 1st 111., 1 (l-^ltC), 101, XVII, iinil '-M I'll., IV (l-i|\i\, ll.'i, xwiii; Slnn-i-, li.-ptil. M.iss. (l-lllt), -'II ; Diiiii. A Milir., L'.iii. ti. n.. viii ("Hin; !)<• Kiiy, N. V. /im.1., ill, l.'iplil.O'^l-). 'I.XX'. li>r'l'Ht\[i\i\\, I'jlriifliiii, p. T.'>. //_(//.( ii. ("ill (yolin;;). ^0H;, — Ill/Ill nrniroxii l)anil., Hint. Itiiin. (ircii. Crap., :i;i, I'l. iv, is fctVrrcil to tliiH Npt'cifH liy iMiiii, iV. Itilir, Tin' ili'scriiiilnii, ImwrviT, applicn ciiiially wi'll to Hfvcriil sjifcii's, ami in Ncvi-rai piiiiit.sdjUii.sciitiirly l'n>iii //. nrMimloi: Till' locality "f //. nrniiiisa is iinkiiowii. 1/,,/,.. — I'.iuly stout, and cliim.sy. Head .slioil, niiirli hroadci' than hm^'; limli.s .slidit. ( )iitlim) of lower Jaw nearly scniiciiciilar ; ol iipiter, .soiiio- what anynlated. Tympanum rather laif^e, aliuiit one half tlie dhiiiieter of eye; a iiio(h'rato lohl of skin ahove it. 'i'on;^ne lar{,'e, nearly orl)i<',ii- |;ir; notched Itehiiid, where it is tree for half its leiijilh. Numeriiie teeth ill two transversely linear jtatehes, exteiidin;; between the posterior iiaies, withasli;;ht interval l»etwt'eii them, soiiu'times .seairely .separat- in;; into two parts. I'^yes larj;«', protuberant. The Ita.ses of the vomerine protidteranees are in a line with the <'en- teis (if tlie iiares; tht^ posleii(U' ed;;'e (»f tlu^ teeth Ihetiisi-hes a little he- hind th(^ i)osterior mai'iL;in of the nares. Eustachian aperliires larj^er than the inner narc.s. No papilla hchind the exteinul nares. Anterior limbs short, stout ; fin<;ers broad, dilated into broad disks; that on thinl tiii<,aM' nearly (Mpial to the tyiiipaiium in diameter. The web is more extended than in other species in the I'liiled States, ill a female specimen loaviii}» the two last Joints only free. TImmUsU of the inner liiif;er is smaller than the rest. Tiiiia reaiihiiij; halfway from the anus to the eye; longer than the hind feet, and equal to the arm from elbow. The heel of the extended hind lei;' reaches only to the posterior ed;;e of the orbit. Tiie third and fifth toes ar(^ nearlj i'(pial in lenj,'th ; the disks of the second and lirst are less developed than the rest. In hind feet the membrane extends in a nariow iiiar;:in all the way to the disks ; membrane cut out alony the two last Joints of the lon^^est toe and ol" the others alouj; the inner edj;(', altliouj;h specamens vary ill the amount of this excision. All the fiiijicrs and toes are much (lejue.ssed, and exhibit the Ilyla character more than the other Ameri- can species. Tlio entire animal is warty, or covered with coarse tuliercles, with liner intermixed, except on the ref^ion ^ <^K\ ^^ 4#S^ ^ t^ 374 lUTLLirrix v,\, tiivrrRD statks national museum. oyc is ill! c'lon.n'iited blotcli of diirk brown, passiiij^ obliquely backwards towards its fellow, k-avin-j: a space* between and I'orinin^' an interrupted V. i'osterior to these and in tlie anterior portion of tlio back is a single very large blotch, snbcruciforni in shape, from sending out a bran(;h on each side towards the ey(>, more, or less i)arallel with the blotc^hes tirst inenlioned. The i)osierior corners are also obliquely elongated to a greater or less extent. Iinniediately behind the large blotch may be usually traced two others, which arc elongated, and extend obli(piely to the sides of tlio body in a direction generally par- allel with the outer edges of the dorsal blotch. A dusky, indistinct bar extends from the eye along the upper edge of the face through the nostril to the tij) of the snout, and the edge of the upper jaw is more or less marbled with the ground colors. A conspicuous spot of light gray (with dark border) is always visible among other markings beneath the i)osterior half of the eye nnd on the i)osterior portion of the U]>per Jaw; it is a little in advan(;e of the tympanum and some- what longer. A dusky, indistiut^t mottled band passes from the eye backwards through the tympanum along the side of the body, dark- est along the undulating upi)er edge, where it is nuirgined sonu^times by yellowish-white. The fore-arm has two transverse dark bands; the thigh, leg, and tarsus each the same number. All the surfaces of limbs concealed when tlexed are vermiiMilaled with brown on a yellow- ish ground, the: light intervals angular, even on the inside of tibia and foot. The anfeiior and posterio- 'aces of the thigh and leg are yellow, sharply and jiarrowly marbled v, ;th bn \ n. Ueneath yellowish-white. i\rales, in sjjring, with the gular sac, mixed ash, brown, and white. Specimen described fiom (Jrosse Isle, IMich. The females dill'cr mainly in the smaller tympani. In other specimens, fioin ('arlisle, Pa., there is evident a constant dark spot on the side of the upper Jaw and bf neath the anterior half of the eye, the light spot already described being situated between it and a narrow dark line in front of the tympainun. Sometimes the entire back, l>y the conlluenise of the blotches described, is occupied by a large mottled cross, the anterior fork very short. The anterior face of the arm is blotched with dark; the posterior marbled like the thigh. Some- ti'i'.'S the blot(;hes are more or less obsolete; at others they are reduced in size, althouj;!! usually ci iicifcuin in their arrangement. The color of the back is sometimes grass-green, with (he dark blotches, which vary in extent. In the southern and western specimens there is a tendency to a re- placing of the brown leticulation on the yellow ground of the jjosterior lace of the thighs by a nuinbei' of snbcirculai' golden spots in the brown ground, as in the Il./cmotudis, although northern specinuins sometimes show traces of it. This is very evid 'ut in specinuMis from Prairie Mer Ilonge and Tangipahoa Itiver, Loui.-suimi, and I)alla>' Tex. As ix gen- eral rule, too, the ])ortions of the limbs concealed, or in contact with each other when Hexed, are in norlhern apecainens more fully nmrblcd * ; i r r I F. THE I'.ATUACHIA OF NORTH AMERICA. 375 with yellow ami brown, even eoveiing tlio whole inuer face of the tibia, and the light interspaces more or less angular, while in the Smilisca hauiUnil and the southern and western specimens of II, vcnicolor the amount of marbling is less, and the interspaces are often reduced to small circular spots. I have, however, been unable to characterize them as more than a variety, to which I Imve given the name ot II. v. chryso- sccJis.* A single specimen of a strongly marked variety of this species was sent to the National ^Inseum from Mount Carmel, 111., by Lucieii M. Tur- ner (Xo. 12074). It is smaller, having the average dimensions of IF./em- (iralis. The color is a darlc brown, with three rows of large approximated darlicr brown spots. The groin and concealed faces of the thigh are yt'llowish-brown, with a very scanty speckling of darker brown, very (lill'erent from the usual coarse netted pattern. At first sight one sus- jjccts this to be a specimen of //»//a /ewjorrtZ/s, but it possesses all the essential characters of the integunuMit and feet of the I[. versicolor, as pointed out in tiie analyticil table of the genus, including also the light spot under the eye. It may be called J[. v. ph(vocrypta. k Kid. ll.'i. Iliild rer/>icnliir. No. 1 l.".l. Itorlipslrr. ^f. V. Mtaniirtiiunln of Xo. 'M't'M't. jjf. l,"i)};11i of lioiid iiiul liddy O'M l.i'ii^tli of lii'ikil, iii('lii(Uii<; tyiDpiUiii OIG Width of licjid, iiu'liidiii^ tyiiiiiaiiii 021;? l,t'ii;;tli 7 30:!0 3027 51117 3nsi) 4.''>57 3005 3071) acfia 4.'>55 3007 3071 4fM4 3(i7!» 300(1 ■ aoflx nioi oir)7 8«01 KKOO ti4r4 1M:i4 7Mn 0071 S.ICO :ion4 !)'JH7 8 1 1 1 1 1) 1 ;i 1 1 ») •» o I 0 1 1 1 1 ;i 3 1 1 1 1 t 2 1 *j 1 1 1 2 1 1 0 1 1 1 4 Prairir Mei' Roiiiri^ T-n. Aiiilcrsoii, S.(J Krinpi'i- ('(miily, MIhs .. .\nii .\i lioi-. .Midi Cliissr Isle, Micli Miss ('. I'aiiio I).(!. I.loN.l I'lof. S. F. Ualnl Utv.C. Kox liiU'illC. Wis Dr. r. K. Ilov Cnliiinlms. Ohio I'rof. I*. I.csiMU'rciix (iircii I'l:iiiirt, N.(" (!. F. Mooin Dr. W. A. IlaiiiinoiKl, U. S. A. Moniit Ilollv, X.J Eiilaw, .\!;i". Winlpoii. X. V Xi'vv l'.rilMiili"l.s, 'I'cw .. .Aiix riaiiicM Uiviir, III.. I'rof. .\. Wiiuliell I'rof. S. K Hiiiiil E. IjiiKlliciiiicr (-,11 lis!,., V:i WiishiiiL'toii, D. (; Soutli ('at'oliiiii I'lof. S. RlSaircl do ,T. L ItiidKcr M;iv\ laiiil (J. IS, Adiuiis ('. Wiiyht MtihlvilJi-, I'a /. F. TlilcklHtiiii U. Kciiniiiolt Soiillicin Illinois Wnsllillir|ii||, ]).(; .Siiiiit, I.oiiis. Mo West I'liila.lrlpliiii, I'll . Siiiiil CiitlicriiM', (ill . . Xorlli KimI Kivci ii'iitclii'/, Miss IJoaii ('(iiiiily, I'cliu Xc'W Oili'iiMs. T.ii (iiililslpiiniiiyli, .\. C '.'.'.'.'...'...'... Dr. O. Eii;;c1miiiiiii W.S.Wood Dr. D. W. IJcndl." It. Kcllllicnil Col. H. (;.!-. Waihs I'rofi'SMor Mitcliill Siiiiit Cliarlus Colli'^ii. .. Tiiii.:l]ialioa iliviT, I.ii . . riailiiiinc Vi ly, Tciiii. Mi'inphis, 'I'l'iin Aii«._, l(^7.^ Froil. Matliio- .T.N. 11. S.iirltoioiiiili ... Dr. .loliri N. Woodwortli (icori;!' SlioiMiiiikcr Dr. K. ("ouch, 1'. S. A .... .r. W. Mihier roloniac, Klvcr, 1). 0 Wiisliitii;toii, D. (; (ioIdshoidiiL'li, X.C Soiilliiiii Ijliil'iis .Moiiiil llollv, .\..l I'rof. .S. F. Itaird Wi'sloyiiii ITiiivcrsily... Sprj ii;,'llt.l(l,' Aliiss 1871 V i T' r. THE RATRACHIA OF NORTH AMKKICA. Ill/Id rrrxiculor hv (Joiito — Coiitiniicil. (jKNKUAL SKUIKS. 377 (!ii(;il(p;;ili' ; Nil. iil' iiiiinlii'i'. I s|i('<', Locality. Wli.ii coUvcteO. r.iL'o . 4.Vil 1 1 •iriHd 3 4.™ R ;itioj 1 3«s:i 1 3(lli8 1 3(i."iS 1 30X1 *> 1 3(i«2 1 3247 1 32iM Ion TunniHon U. Kcnnii'ott Mrs. M.C. Daniel K. Kennieott .I.e. McNiiir J. 'r. Lini'bai'k 1)1.1*. IMloy W.S.Wood l)r. tii'.siier 1871 1880 Ma.j. .1. Ln Coiito L. Slono .I.W. Wood (?) l)f. !•;. I'aluMT l)i'. (ii'oiuo Kn^clmann Karll it Mc'ltonald (?) Liiciin M. Tunit'i' (?) IJ. Ki'nniiiitt Saint Cliailcs Cidlcyo. ., .Iiilin and ('lias. Walker . . . . . i (leor^e Slioemakev, IW)! (I. II. KaKsdaUi 188j [ do i L. M. 'I'liiner , : M(';;atlieiMim Alroliolic. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. ]>o. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 1)0. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. HVI.A (iKATIOSA l,o Coiitc. (PIiUo40, fij;. 0; 7Q, lij;. 10.) rioc(M<(i. Ac. riiiiii., iM.-.f>, ]). iia TIlis is llic. livifjost Ihiii of tlio Noaretit; realm. It (toiifoniis in sliapo to (ho typical forms of the. ptt'iins, as tlu^ J[. versicolor, 11. mnrmoraUi, etc.; but it (lilfcrs from other known si)ccics in one marked peculiarity: The i>ee,uliar glandular areolatioii of the iiitogunient of the belly in all IIyli(be is here seen on the dorsal region also. On this account T pro- ])osed the reference of the If. (fratlom to another genus, which T called Mpedaplius. It remains to be seen whether this course i.s defensible or not. The general characteristics of this species art? as follows: Web between outer fingers extending to end of jiroximal phalange Plead short, elevated. Tympanum half to two-thirds eye. Integument of upi)er surfaces with aieolations similar to tho.sc of the abdomen. Toes webbed to base of penultimate phalange. Femora iinicolor ])os- teriorly. Upper lip narrowly dark edged, with u white line above the ■■ 3: nm V '1 1 :U ?'^ \ ■ 1 f ■ W ■\ .... ^ sn V-l W '1 w \'\\ m I, m m m 378 r.ULLi-ynN ;ii, tnited states national museum. border, soinctiint's coiitiiiucd as a liitonil stripe. iVbovc imrplislia.sli, with imiiK'roii.s daik spots, iiiul olteii sparisc jellow ones; side often reticulated with yellow; tarsus and antebracbium bordered with spots of the same. The liead is shoit, obtuse, elevated, the muzzle slightly iiromineiit above the labial border, and sloi)inf>' gently to the nearly plane front. Canthus lostralis obtuse; loreal region oblique. Vomerine teeth in two transverse contiguous fasciculi entirely between the inner nares. A dermal fold over the tyjnpanuni and olie a(!ross the pectoral region. Vocal sac well developed. Hand large, as are all the terminal dilata- tions. The anterior are two fhii'ds the (liameter of the membranuni tynipani, and the i)osterior are a litth; smaller The tympanum is very distinct, perfectly round, and with the diameter two-thirds that of the eye. The eye is rather small. The cuneiform bone of the metatarsus is unusually jtrominent and the tarsal fold distinct and infolded. The labial border marks the mid- dle, of the antebrachium of tli<^ ('xtended fore limb and the last third of the tarsus of the posteiior. The heel of the extemled hind leg marks either the middle or front of the orbit. The breadth of the ;iistiii(', l'"hi E.U. Smith Alooholic. Miiaiiiipy. Kla Dr. T. II. licaii Do. l!iii'lMiniii;;h, (ia Ma.j. .1. I,i' Coiito Do, (icoi'nia (I.ii.Adams Do. (icorKiaiia, Khi i W. Wittoincno , Do. SMILISCA Cope. Copo Proccod. Ac. Pliila., IRd'), p. I'.M ; Journ. Ac. IMiiia. (2). vi, IHfiO, p. 8.'). An-nihilcii Copi^, Niit. lli.st. Rev., IHtin, p. 101). Hut one si)ecies of this gemis is known. Ft is characteristic of the Mcxiciin region of tlie Nearctic realm, bnt is found rather commonly Willi ill our borders in Texas. SMILISCA BAUDINII D. & B. (Plato 72, fig. 16.) //)//(( iKiiidniii Dam & Blbr., Erp. (.i6n., viii, p. r>()4 ; Bonlcnj^cr Cat. Barr. Sal. Brit. Miis.,cd. II, 1H82, p. :?71. llillti raiirlhtii Baird, Proceed. Ac. Phila., IH,")4, p. (11. Hula muricolor Cope, /. <:, 18f)2, ]>. :$iV.). Ifjila pansonfina Biocclii, Mis.s. Sci. Mcxi(iiio Batrachus, p. 12.%; teste Boaleii>?er. Smilwcti daitHiiia Cope, Proceed. Ac. Phila., 180.%, p. 11)4. -Ill .::>! il ■'.! t I f 1 ~'\ ii. ;?j iii 380 BULLETIN 31, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM iSoinewIiiit similar in gencriU iippeaninco and markings to //. versicolor, although more .sleiulcr, iiiuch .sinoothci', iind limb.s nioro elongated. It is one of the larger s[)ecies. The tynipannni is very large and distinct, nearly equaling the eye in diameter, and having a slight fold of skin above it- The head is nar- rower, more ])ointed, and more deeply cleft than in Jt. versicolor; tho snout in front of the eyes longer. The tongue is subovate, less free behind than in //. verfiicnlor, aiul scarcely notched. The posterior iiares are larger and nearer together; they are larger than rhc Eustachian apertures, which are rather linear; the patches of teeth are very small. The skin above is nearly smooth, little less so than in large specimens of Ifj/la caroUiicnsis. IJcneath, however, the graiuilation is much as in II. versicolor. The webbing of tho feet is much as in 11. versicolor; heel to nares and eiul of muzzle. Above, ash-gray. A rather broad dark bar passes backwards and inwards from above each eye, the two meeting in the mid Tiir.sus 7i . :!l Hind foiif. 10 .41 Total liiiul Icij 40 \A\\ z Till': ItATUACIlIA OF NOK'TII AMEKICA. NcKictic Jocdliliin. Ciiliili'iiiii' No. of llllMlllll. s|l(Mt Loi'iililv. Wli.n collcc'tud. I'lDiii wImhii ircciviil. 1 KniwiiHviilo, Ti'X I ' C'lipt. Stcwiii I V:iii Vliit 1 MiMilli of Uiotiiiliiilr ... I. II. riaik ,:) 1 llcldtcs, 'I't^x ! (i. \V. SIimihhU , 381 Naliiiv of spi'iiiiii'ii. ,,. Neolropiral loraVtliex. 1 MiiadiH, Vera ('riii!. ., \i Ol i/.al(il, K:ist M(^xi('0 , I 1)1-. C. Karloriiis ... V. Suiiiiclii-.iMt 1 j (iiiail.iliixiini, WcHi Mcx j T. T. Majiii- 1 ' Cciliina, WrsI, Mo.siro .. . i , iloliii Xanlii>< 1 OiiK.a, lliiiiiliiiaH ' Dr. .r. L. I.cC.iMto 5 1 Vni'.ifaii I Arlliiii Srliolt AMl'lUGNATIIODONTID.E. 15oulcii<,'or, Cat. liiitr. Sal. Hiit. Mas., cd. ii, H-".', !>. IU». IJiit two {(eiieiii of this fuiiiily arc known, as follows : I)inits with l:ii'jj;c (liliitatioiis oil lliu extremities ; a dorsal deriiial pouch; Amphujiiathodon Boul. l)i;;itM aeiito at eiiil ; no dorsal i)oiieli (Iryiilnciin' Cope, Tlie typical gemis is liyla'lorm, while Grypisciis is a robust terrestrial type. The true position of the latter being soinowhat doubtful, I give the following more exact definition : Mandible with a series of caducous pleurodont teeth, aiul a permanent elevated tooth on each side the symi)hysis. Prefrontal bones fully de- v(;loped,in contact with each other throughout, and with frontoparietals. Auditory apjiaratus well developed; tongue broad, entire, little free. \()meriiie teeth ; no parotoid glands. (See I'lato (>8, lig. 11.) The mandibular teeth are obtuse, and scarcely project above the al- veolar margin ; their attachment appears to bo to the mucous membrane only, on which account they are readily scraped away. The alllnities of this genus are as yet obscure; the mandibular teetU and general form would refer it to the ncmii)hractidie, but the form of the sacrum separates it. The form of the cranium, with its broad out- line and narrow brain-case, and of the body in general, are nearest to Cyclorhamphus and Cophieus, though the form of the sacrum soi)arates it again. If referred to the Pelodytidir, it will be the type of a group ill the family characterized as follows: Frontopiirietal bones fully developed; xiphisteruum an emarginatc, cartilaginou.s shield: coccygeal style attached to two condyles; toes webbed. *A lii^iiro of (I'n/yji.scd.s iiiiiliriinis will ho Ibiind in the Addenda. .1! ■} % ' ■ 8 1 !3 ■ ■■■ ' 1 I: I I i .1 III Ms I r ;{82 lUIhLETIN ;!l, IINITKI) STATKS NATlO.N'AIi MUSliUM IIKMIPIIllACTID.E.* Copo, .iDiirn. Ac. Pliilsi. (2), vi., IriOCi; ltoulcii<;iT, Cut, Uiitr. Sal. Jtrit. Mim., c;le genus. Its range is tiie Ethiopian realm. Maxilla' cdcntulou.s; vcrtcUra- i)roc(i'lian ; Kacruni witii dilated diapopIiyscH, at- (uuhed l>,v i-Dudyles ti) a uiuiple urostylo niiiiisidw. UEMISID^E. Anditory apparatus wanting; tongue posteriorly retractile into a sheatii ; irontopaiietal and prefrontal bones fully developed, the former eoiissilied, the latter seiiarated to end of muz^de by ossified ethmoid septum ; toes webbed, no cuneiform shovel ; no parotoid glands ; manu- brium present lleuiisus Ci tlir. i! c. (!| HEMISUS Giinther.t Cat. Writ. Mu.s., 1858. Cacophryiiiis Steiiidacliner. This genus shows its nearest aflines t» be Callida and allied genera of the Eugystomida' in the wide separation of the lobes of the liver for the aeeommodation of the pericardial sac and its contents, and by the posterior position of the heart. In the latter point it exceeds all other genera; the heart i.s of relatively large size, and oecui)ies nearly the median portion of the abdominal region. It would api)ear to be for the protection of this important organ that the coracoids are extended backwards. The cavity anterior to the heart is occupied by longitudi- nal muscles and the largo larynx. The lobes of the liver extend each t') the groin, a position even more posterior than in those genera of Ivaniformia which are characterized by the posterior position of that organ; and by the disai)pearanceof its median lobe, and the wide sep- aration of ils lateral lobes for the aeeommodation of the heart. The gcncia in wliich lliis relation exists, are Ibeviiu'ps, Engystoma, Sys toma, (Jallula, IMirynomantis, Atelopus, and I'lpa. riate 73. t Plates 74, 7G. ,-1. idil. ITS. the. TlIK ISATKACIIIA OK NOKTII AMKUICA. .')83 This j;('iMis t'xliibit.s also an cvtcriial (corpus adiposiini, wliicli I liuvi? not Ibiind in Caliiila, Kn^-ystorna, or any otluT };i'nn.s of llatradiia. Each one is snUtrilicdral, tho apex icstin;;' ncai' the. extremity of the t:ora, li<;s. 1-2). The Irontoparietals arecoiissilied with each otlier, us are also liie prefrontals. The liyoid apparatus is i)eculiar (Plate 5(5, lig. IS). The fourth cera- tobranchials are ossified and proximally incurved, aii-^ j ( iiiiniis (iaisl iccliiiiia); l'irinist( Tiiia ami Kaiiilbniiia, (.'(iim-, (.'lii'('lc-Li«t N. Aiiici-. JJatr., i;('l>til., 1"^7T: Uaiiiiui'iiiia and I'liiroiiiroiiiiia jil., Cope, \at . Ilisl. Ivcv., ISd.-,. The families of this superfamily are the following: I. No tt'i'tli on llio inaxillaiy or inciiiaxillaiy lioiii's; I'ra'coiacoidci iiri'Sfiit ; sacniiii willi dilated t liaiij^iilar dia[>oidijsi's, coiilliioiit Willi eoccyfit'al styli' ; two lohi's of (he liviT. Ilrcricipilidd', rra'coiacoidci waiitiiiii; Narnim disliiict t'roiii (•0('C'yj;('al style, willi dilaled tii- aii^^iilar (liai)oi)liyse.s ; two io'ies of the liver EiiiU>m'Hhv. I'ra'coiiU'oldei ine.seiit : Kaeiiiiii distinct IVoin eoeeyt^eal style, with dilated tri- iuigiilar diiipopliyses ; twooi' tlireo lolies of tlie liver ['hriinixrUhv. I'ra'coraeoidei present; saciinii distinet from eoeey^^cal style, with eyliiidiical dia[)()iiliy.ses; tliree lohe.s of (lie liver ih inhohalhlw. II. Maxillary and prLMnaxillary l)one,s toothed: I'ra'coraeoidei absent ; sacral diapoidiyses dilated ; niandililc cdontnlons ('oiihylUlw. I'ra'coracoids i)ri'sent; yaeral diapophyse.sexjianded; niandihlo edentulon.s Dyscopli Ida: Pra-coracoid present ; Hternnin and oniosternnni wanting; three lobes of the liver; mandible edentulous Colostcthklw. l'r;ecoraeoid present ; sternum and onio.sternum jiresent, osseous; three lobes of the liver: mandible e{h'nlulons IlaiiiiJir, Pra'coraeoid jin'sent ; sternum styloid; siieral diaiiophyses cylindiie; mandible ilentifierous Ccrntohatmchidw. I i ')' i f H I 3S4 miLhi'/riN :tt, umtkd states national museum. Tliis tiilM' lu'l()iij,'s, par excellence, to the Old World. Two of tlie rmni- lies, which include but few 8pecie8, beloiij^ to the Mew, vi/, the Den- drobatidn" and the (Jolostethida^, and a few species of the Knyystoniida' aiul JMii'.vniscida^ also occur in tropical America. The Itaniihe have a nuMd)t'r()f reprcsentativi's in North America. The Cophylida- and D.vs- cophidn' exist only in jNIadajjascar, exceptin;; one species of the latter in India. Tlu^ jfco^^raphical distribution of the families is as follows : Aimtia- linn. Nootrop- ical. Nunrctic. Ktliinpiaii. 4 r„. .larcllc. I'iilii'otroi)- inil. 1)rovii>ii)itiilii< . M'iical fauna displayed by Madagascar in its li/ards and snakes is also seen in the IJatraciiia in the [U'csence of a yenns and four species of the family Dendrobatida;. BUJ'JVICIPITIILE* Cope, Jourii. Ac. riiila., 18(57, p. I'Jl. I. I'rcf'rontals withly woparatcd; otlimoid arch not osMiliod. A rn)ii(oi>:irictal Iniit. .; oar pfrCoctly tlcvrlopt'd ; tiie.s IVci^ ; no ])arotoid fjlaiids; head not distinct from body ; no voincriiii'. tcclli.. Ilrcriapn Mvvivm. VoiiUM'iiio teeth present Hhunihnphrijiic ISiett^jer. The characters of Khorabophryne are so far unknown that its perti- nence to the family IJrevicipitida^ is entirely uncertain, nor is it known to possess the characters of Division A. The species of Urevicipitida; are l'ithio])ian. IJXGYSTOMID.K* Copo,,Ionrn.Ac. Phila., 18G7, p. 11)1. I. Elhiiiuid ardi not ossilied; ])refrontal.s widely separated. A. A frontoparietal foiitanelle ; terminal pluilanges with tran.sverse limb. Ear perfectly developed ; toes free; no metatarsal sliovel rhrynomnulis I'eters. II. Kthmoid arch ossilied ; prefrontals fully developed, in contact with each other and frontoparietiils ; latter complete. A. Terminal i)hahinges with transverse limb, anteriorly at least. " No tympanum or cavum tympani; Eustachian ostiandnnto" ; toes webbed ■ no jialatine teeth ; siibdigital parts small, simple MitroJniln Tschndi. I'npil horizontal; no vomerine teetli; toes webbed; subdigital tubercles of manus largo, forming adhesive pallets PhrynvUa I$lgr. Tympanum, cavum tympani, and Eustachian ostia; foes withwebor its rudi- ment; no ij.ilatino teeth CaUiila (Jray. Tympanum present; toes free; palate with a large curved tooth on each side Xenobatrachns Peters & Doria. I I I • Plato 74. Hi THE HATRACIIIA OF NORTH AMERICA. 385 AA. Tormiiial i>lialiiii>;oH .siiiipU'. Pupil croct; piiliitiuo tooth normal; toosfreo; oxtroinitios onliirjji^l ('(illiiloim Hlgr. Pupil horizontal; tongue frco bohind ; no vo-nerino tooth, linj^tMs and toes froo Cdcunlvrniim IMj'r. Ear fully (lovclopuil ; head not distiu(!t; uioMil)iamini tynipani concoak'd ; tooH froo to slightly palmate; motatarsus with insiguilieniit tiilMM-cles KtKjjiHtoma Kitz. "Elf (lovolopod, momhranum tynipani concealed; tooH free to i)artially pal- nuit(i; niotatnr.siis with two eomprosscd .shovel-like tuhcrcles" CacnpuH* Gthr. "Ear developed, memhranum tympaiii distiniit externally ; toes tree ; mota- tarHUs with insignificant tubercles" .^...Ideiioinvra Steiud. The species of this ftunily are distributed as follows : Austni- linn. Neotrop- ical Nuarctic. KtUiopian. 2 Palii'ntrop. icnl. 1 s riii'Mn'iiii (^.|llill;i .. 1 7 I ] 1 7 1 CMopim 3 A^-.i, ]>. KiO. Mirrops Wfi.u'l., Isis, 18-,'-', p. 7\\, and Syst. Amitli., p. '200. SIriKirriiliiiliis Tscliudi, Hatr., p. "it!. /v'«(/,i/.s/(>»i(/, H|)., Diiin.A Hibr., viii, p. 7;iS; Cope, Joiiru. Ac. Fiiila. (•'),%'!, 1HG7, p. ll»l. Syntuma, wp., Cope, I, o. ENGYSTOMA CAROLINENSE Holbrook. N. Ainer. llerp., i, \t. 8;;, l'l.'2; Duin. &, liibr., p. 74:!; Hallow., Proceed. Ac. riiila., I8r>ti, p. -i.')! ; Glinth., Cat., ed. i, p. 51 ; Houl., Cat. Batr. .Sal. Brit. Mns., 188-', p. KVi. EnfijiHtomu />Urari'iim MiiWow , I.e. Eiiiji/sloma Ic.rciixv Girard, Proceed. Ac. Pliila., 18i")9, p. Kii). Snout rather obtuse, slightly projeotiiij;', not twice as long as the diameter of the eye. Fore limb considerably longer than its distance from the tip of the snout; the hind linil) being (tarried forwards along the body, the tibio-tar.siil articulation reaches the shoulder in the female, a little beyond in the male. Toes iiuite iree, with blunt tips and distinct subarticular tubercles ; a very small inner metatarsal tubercle; no outer tubercle. Skin smooth ; a fold aero.ss the head behind the eyes, which is, hotvever, not unfreiiucntiy wanting in alcoholic speci- * Including GlyphoglosHUS G-thr. 1951— Bull. 31 25 -;i-f . ( f ' ' ■ i 1 5 « -' ''■';. t ■n i iHi n' n f^p' : [ )' ■■ ; .! ■ 1 ? . i- .' ;. ■, s- ■ .■•! ; f ,,, ., ■ ; i I'l ■u h >i ;!? i if t' !* !i . : I 1 I i : 386 BULLETIN 34, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. mens. Tyinpiuiic luembi'iiue coiicealod ; ostia pbiiryiigea siuallei' than choantB. Measurements of Xo. 939G. jf. Lcn Washington County, MiHs. Miianopy, Fl.i , Kirelxiniiiuh, Ua (1<> ('iihimhiis, (Ja ... «lo CiilciisiiMi Pass, Ln. Froin wlioni nci'iviil. Col. n. L.(;. Wail.s... Or. T. H. li.aii III-. W, l,.,I()ii.'.s ' .Maj..!. l.r Coiitc Dr. (icsii. I do (iiiirm' Wiinli'iiianii . Natinoof n\wc- iiiU'ii. ChaiiiMfon, S. (J i Dr. (,'. I'lof. K. It. Mii-k ' New Madrid, .Mo U. Keuuitott i Al('d, no cutting metatarsal tubercles or dorsal dermal shield; three lobes of the liver /'/iri/Hi.WHS Wiegm. Toes slightly webbed ; no cutting tubercles ; a dorsal osseous dermal shield, confluent with vertebral apophyses limchncvphaluH Fitz. Oi'o species of this fainily has been ob.served in North America. The ili.stribntioii oftiie i^nown sjjecies is as follows : S[>henophr3'ne, 1 species, New Guinea; Bcapiiiopiiryne, 2 species, Ma(hi}jascar; Melanobatrachus, 1 species, India ; Il.vpopachns, •'< species, iMexico and CVntral America; Stereocyclops, 1 species, Hra/il ; Calophrynns, 2 species Borneo, I species, iMadajrascar ; ('opea, 1 species, Brazil ; Atelopns, 1 species, ('entral Amer- icii ; Phrynidinm, 11 8i)ecies, Soutli America; Rhinoderma, 1 species, Chili; Pliryniscus, 1 species, South America; Brachycephalus, 1 species, Brazil ; total, 27. IIYPOPACHUS Keferstein. Giittingen Nachrichten, 18(57, p. 'A^t'i; lioulenger, Cat. Batr. Sal. Brit. Mus., ed. ii, lem, p. 159. No frontoi)arietal fontanelle. Frontoi)arietal and iirefrontal bone in contacit, concc^alinj? the ethmoid. No omosternum. No dertno-ossi- •The sternum of this genus uot having been examined, its position is doubtful. If. 1 i M ill IS ! f i i K: i. i\. 388 ]5ulli:tin ai, united states national museum. (iciitioiis. IViiuiiial plmlaiigcs simple. No vomeriue teetb. Tongue simple, oval. Tliiee species ol' this genus are known, tbe rare //. oxyrhinKS and the //. rariolosus, which, with its subspecies Inguinalis Cope, ranges from Costa liica to (luateiiiala on tlie east, and Miehoaean on the west. A new one is now added. The species dill'er as I'ollows: Head oiic-Kixlli lotal loiij^tli ; toes willi a slmri web; iiu lateral band. II. rarioJoaiis Cope. Head Diic-ciulilli total length; toes witlioiil trace ol' well ; heel to liiiiiieriis ; no lat- eral hand //. ciiinii^ Copo. "Toes with a sli^iht web; heel to end ot' nmz/le; a blackish lateral band:" Hoiih'i- ger JI. ouyrhinus lioiil. IlYrul'AL'Hl'S CUNEUS Cope. Fl(i. OS. TIiipnpachiiK fiinctis. San lli'Cn, Tox. : }. Head small; body hirge; lind)s short. JMuz/.ie scarcely longer than diameter of eye, projecting a little beyond mouth border. A dermal groove across liead at jjoslerior borders of eyelids, and one from below l)osterior canthus of eye toslioidder. Aiiotlier across thorax from the inferior origin ot one humerus to tiie other. Sl;in everywhere smooth. Tynii)anic drum iin isihh-. When tlieauterior limb is extended the end of the for iin readies tlu' end of tlie mu/zh'. Tlu^ distal end of the tarsus rea(!hes the anterior base of the Immerus, and the eiul of the second toe readies the end of tiie muzzle wiien the hinistinet small tuberc^les under the articulation of the plialangi\s. The femur is almost entirely inclosed in the integument of the body. TIh' tongue is large, and forms ati elongate Hatellip-e. The internal nostrils are anterior, and are a litth^ further apart than the exteiiial nostrils. The latter ar(> nearly terminal in position. The color is light brown, or grayish-brown, sometimes tinged with oliv«% and there is generally a pale median vertdnal line. Tiiere. is a wide baud on each side of a paler tint, extending from the orbit to near ^ ' > r r "■"i fi 1 h The uatraciiia of north amhuica. 38 ^J tlie groin. It is soint'tiini's only iiulicateil by a line of black spucks, forming a bolder above and below. A pale line from eye to front of hnmerns. Nnnierons rather large blaek .sjxtts on the groin and nnmer- ons smaller ones on the po.steiior face of the femm, between which the color is often dark red. Small black spots on [(osterior faces of tibia and astragalns, anterior edge of tibia, and posterior edge of linuierns. Digits with a light spot at each i)halangeal articnlation. Belly yellowish, with or without a faint course reticulation of a darker color. Measitrcmcnts. M. Lonstli of head and body 0-11 Lt'iiy;th ol' head to rictus oris OOfi Li'iij;lh to axilla, uxially 015 Loiif^th of fore limb on front (>2'2 Lcn;;tli of toro loot 001).-) LL'n<;th of hind limb from anus Ollj LtMij;(h of bind foot UiJ;5 Width of bead at rictus oris 010 Width of extended femora 0151 As compared with the //. oxyrhinns of r.oiilenger (Ann. Mag. Xat. Hist.. i\as. A number of specimens have been l)rougiit from that locality and been obtained lor the United States National Museum, by William Taylor. DENDlt()15ATlD K.* Cope, Nat. Hist. Hi'v.,lt:Or), anil .lonrn. Ac. Pliila., 1(^07. i7i//rtj)/('siH/(i' (;iinth.,Cat. Hatr. Sal. I5rit. Mns., l?^.")!) : Mivart, rnHced. Zool. Soc. Loud. There are but two genera of this family and they agree in the follow- ing characrters: (). o. prefrontalia widely sei)!irated ; ethmoid broad, ossified to ex- tremity of muzzle; no ptirotoid glands or metatarsal shovel ; lermiinil phalanges with two divaricate limbs supiiorting dilations ; tongue nar- row, free, iind entire behind. They differ as follows : " Omostcrnnm and stern iim vvitb biniy styles " Mnnii'lhi Iinnl. Omosternnm wcaK', scniiossilicd ; st<'rnnm cartilajiinouH Dciidrohdli s Wa^;l, The species of these gt'uera are distributed as follows: Mante!la,4 species, Miidagascar ; Dendrobates, S species. (\Mitral American, Colom- bian, iuid Draziliau regions of Neotropical realm. " riatc 74. I I t: I i I 1 390 BULLETIN III, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSKUM. COrnYLIDyE. But two {jenera are known, as follows : Ti])s of i'lij^iTH iiiid toes dilated ; sterniini small f'ophi/Ia Boettg, Tips of fmyers and toes acute; stermiiu larj^e VUvynovava Petrrs. There is but one species of each of these genera and they inhabit Madagascar. dyscopeidj:. Boulcuger, Cat, Batr. Sal. Brit. Mus,, od. ii, 1882, p. 179. The genera of this family are as follows: The defluitious are taken from Boulenger, /. c, p. 47.3. I. Pupil vertical. V^omeriiio toeth in loug series ; ateruum very largo ; fiugors and toes, tips not di- lated DjiNCOjihuK (iraiid. Vomerine teeth in linig series ; stcrriuni small ; fingers and toes, tips not dilated Cttlliiillii Stoliczka. Vomerine teetb in long series; sternum small; lingers and toes, tips dilated l'lctlio(iuHlolii/la Blgr. II. Pupil horizontal. Vomerine teeth in two small groui)H; sternum small ; tips of fuigers and toes di- lated /'/nO/;)(7i.-t* Hlgr. The species are distributed as follows : I^vscophus, two specii's, IMada- gascar; Calluella, one .species. Farther India; Plethodontohyla, three species, Madagascar; Platypelis, two species, Madagascar. COLOSTETllID.E. Cope, Journ. Ac. I'hila., 18()7, lll()-U»7. But cue genus of this family is known, which is defined .is follows : Crauinni fully develo|»ed ; ethmoid plate hroadly ossitied to end mii/,/.le, separating the narrow prefrontals; terminal plnlanges with transverse limit supporting digital dilatations; no vomerine teeth or metatarsal tuhercles; tongue cylindrie, free behind CohmlvHi its Cope. The only known species of this genus, Colostethus latinasiisCoin', be- longs to the Columbian region of the Neotro[)ical realm. KANID.E. Itani(hv, part., Cy8tignathid(r, part., Poliipcdnlida; llylodiiUr, part., Giinth., Cat. Batr. .Sal. Hanidw Cope, Nat. Hist. IJev., 18 ; Boulenger, Cat. Batr. Sal. Brit. Mus., 1882, p. ;t. rolypedulidw, vart.,and llaiiida, part., .Mivart, Proceed. Zool. ,Soe., I8(li). U|)per.i -tW toothed ; diapoi)hyKes of sacral vertebra not or but very slightly dilated. * Mantipiin Peters, 188;$, is the same. < .i r. m r> r. THE BATRACIIIA OV NORTH AMERICA. 391, The ineiubers of tbi.s family show no great dillereiicoin the structiuo of the sternal apparatus. The i)recoraeoi(ls are always present, their axis being parallel with that of the coracoids, and their distal extrem- ity resting upon that of the latter. The precoracoids are much weaker than the coracoids. In most genera an omosternum and a sternum are well developed, and furnished with a bony style. In Oxyglossns, Ily- lixalus, and Prostherapis the sternum lacks the bony style, and so does also the omosternum in Nanuophrys and Phyllodromus. The vertebra' are proccelous. The urostyle is attached to two con- dyles. There are no ribs. A frontoparietal fontanelle is constantly absent. The distal phalanges may bo simple, pointed, or subtriangular, T- shaped, Y shaped, or even claw-shaped (Ilylambates), the latter struct- ure being met with elsewhere in the Hylidie, Amphignarhodontida', and llemiphractidie only. ^lembers of the Kani«he existeut the tongue enuirginate (Blgr.) I'liiillohaltx t IJibr. III. External metatarsi bound together; ouiosteruum without, sternum with, os- seous style. Pupil horizontal; tongue entire ; no vomerine teeth; toes free ; tips with disks I'hijUodromus Esp. * Von Meyer, Paheontographica, III, p. 127. t l. rviisaii Von Meyer, I. c, II., p. (Jnt. tTliis genus, which I placed provisionally in the Uystignathidao, not having seen the sternum, belongs here according to Houlenger, The uauiu must be, therefore, erased from the table ou page 313. ■ I ni , 1 \ 1 \ !i . 1 1 i , \\ ,"; [ \\ 1,. . a 1 i i 392 BULLETIN 31, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. IV. External inctatarsi bound ; oiuosteniuin ami storiimn with o.ssooiis stylo. o. 'I'orniiiiai plialani^cs ball and (daw; ;in inttM'calati'il penultimate phalange. rui)il vertical; toiignu oinarginato; vonierino teeth; tips oC digits di- lated Jli/lambalin Dnm. eta. Terminal phalanges Hiniplo, /3. An inten-aljitcd }>ennltimato phalange. I'npil veiti(^al ; tongue heart-shaped ; vomerine teeth ; fingers and toes free or nearly so Cdasiiia Gird. P,i. No intercalated i)halange. Pupil horizontal; tongue heart-shaped; vomerine teeth none; toes nearly free Arthrolepth Smith. acta. Terminal phalanges bifurcate. (i. An intercalated ponnltiniate i)lialange. Pupil horizontal ; tongne heart-shaped ; no vomerine teeth ; fingers and toes more or le>s webbed lljUK'niliiis'' Kapp. Characters of Ily perolius, but pupil vertical MhjhUxhUih (Jtlir. Pii. No intercalated ]ihalange. Pupil horizontal; tongue ''i'*'liurt AIt'i£iili\ x, p. HiVl, pars; AVajjler Syst. Aiiiph., IHSO. p. 203; Giiutb., Cat. IJatr. .Sal., p. 8; Cope, Nat. Hi.st. Rev., Ic.").''), p. 117. //(//arnim Tachndi, /. c, p. 78; Giiiitli., /. c, p. 71; ; Cope, /. c. rohipcddtin, up., Tsclmdi, /. c, ]>. 7;{; Giiiitb., I. c, p. 77. Stionmilopim Tsclmdi, /. c, p. 71). I'lixiiephdliin 'I'hi'uhiuli, /. v., p. f'^i; Copo, I. c. I'yjicvphaliis, sp., Dnui. A IJilir., /. c, p. 442. LiiniodjilcH Diiiii & Hilir., 1. c, 510. I'lloithyhu Fitziiiff. !Syst., Ri'pt., I., p. 31. Tomopienna (Bilir.) (iiintli., /. c, p. 7. fil■l■o[|loKnli^^^ Ellin. I'roci'iHl. Zool. Soc, lri()0, p. 158. Ilvjilohnliachiix Potcis Moil. Hcrl. Ac, 180:?, p. 44".); Cope, 1. c. Tachiihnlmrhun (iioii KclVrstcin), Mivart, I'loc. Zool. Sue, 1868, p. 559. CHiinliirmix Mivart, ihitl., liUVJ, j>. 'i'iT. Mitlliduia Hii"";;cr, AUliaiidl. Sciiek. lies., XII, 1881, p. 417. Oiiiosteriium with osseous style; no frontoparietal fontanelle; eth- nioitl bone ossilie«l above ; vestibule of the ear funetional ; Eustachian tubes open; vomerine teeth present; tongue with two i)osteriorcornua; fingers free; toes webbed ; ossiflcation of skull not penetrating the skiu, which is therefore free. This genus contains, according to the latest enumeraticui (that of Mr. Boulenger,) one hundred and eight species, which belong mostly to the Old World. The family of Itanidte, indeed, is only represented in the \Vesteru Homisphere by four other geuera, of the Neotropical realm, i II It I ! I I 394 BULLLITIN :!l, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. whicb incliuU's but Nixtei'ii species. In tlie Old World the ;;('.iiis Riimi occuis everywhere exeeptinj;^ in the Australian realm, with the excep- tion of a single species in north Australia, and two in >i'ew Guinea. The h'aiKt pajma Loss, is found in New (Ininea and on the noilliern peninsula (Cape York) of Australia. Otheiwise the hatrachian fauna of Australia is arciferous. Its absence from South Amtiica is absolut*', and tiie oiil.v genus which is nearly related to it, Rainila I'et., has but four species. The relations of the prefrontal and ethmoid bones are very various in this genus, lurnishing us with illustrations t»f most of the types found throughout the order, which are usually characteristic of higher groups. The names of the fauna' in the accompanying tattle refer to the species of IJanidie as given in the second column. A coincidence between the coiulition of these itrefrontal bones and the regions inhabited hy the sjtecies is evident, as well as a certain suc- cession in the hitter: Neotroiiical lirst, Paheotroitical last. KiinidiL', Groui) IV Gi'ograpliicitl (imtiiliU' tiitii. . rrcliiinlals lyin^ along caiilliiiM IKS I la 1 i h, Ni>|iaiMtr(l liy illiiiloid tliiiiii;;li<>iit, n. KlliiiHpiil c arlila'iinniis. aa. Ktliiiioiil iiiojn tiii;i a sliiii't ilislan<'<> lirvdiiil Ir iiiKiiiaiiftals. naa. Ktlitnuiil pri>cluii il far l)el\V(;iii piiliiiiital.s. Other nioups. I'diiuln li'tiiia ii.riirliiiitclKt , Souili 1: Uftfi-iuihitinif I'iU'tttti . . . I'ala'dt N. 'h lli/liiiiiiiii (vim 11};) ill) A'. ( U. I liiiiltiliarica ilii Ii'iiiiii fimdndi Scnilli I ( S. ij. Jlj/laiaiiii, in (jcii I'alauli j a. IJ. A fiioldim , . do ':tliiii|>iaii pical. . .. li. I'refrontals siiliti'ian;;iilar, liunu li'nijxirnriit ... I'ala'otnipical and Ni' not iiiiili'd liy Hiitiiri! aictif. iiiriliall\ . oi' ill run 1{. I'Ki-iitcnta Pala'arctic tai't Willi triiTiliiparir- Jt, rii-fgciiis Xi>ai'ctic. tul. h'. l-.tllllllllt do /i'. f'ftft' hitinn ■ do h'. I'liaiiiijihhiiliK. ^\mi . I'alaotrnpical Alpliu' C. I'rpf'onlalM nioio or liss lli tfiualiinKii iiatiilen- South Kthiopian iiiiitrd hv siiiiiic nil di- .w'v. ally, iiiit liiiii'hiiii: h'liiiii/nsclijtiln ,| do ri'iiiitopaiii'lals. Ihi,i-ii,iliis-.a a/rlcniia liiiiKt i.i'i'iy/iYiiii.v Klliio])ian li. ;lf(l'-ttis do Ii. fi'iriiui . .. ... Pidii'otropii'iil /i'. r!)i(iiiiiilihiclin do KiifffigloinittiF. (ir. II. lllllill'V (lllDSl), ('fixliliiialliidit'. Or. II. I>i'iitit,liiitid(i: i'fiiiliijiliii/ii. A(';l"J//l)l/». C!i»tignathu$, D. I'l'driiiital iiiiilcd li\ su- tiiic. and ini'"r or less ronipli'trly in rnntacl with (rontopaiiilals. /i'. (jriiiiiiiriiH i do , l{. Iiixii'liti-tiihi i do ti. nirniiiiild ! do . 1\'. eliiviiliif'jii I do Oxyiilusbim lima I do Scytoint, K)i;l!l,ttiiiiii(Ia; (Jr. I. Jltit'i'iiiihr. Vi/sliijiinlliuhe, Gr. I and IV. The North American Kaiiu' belong apparently to thirteen species. Three of these present us with six subspecies additional to their typ- ical forms, whose distinctive characters approach those of species. Two of the si)ecies of the West Coast are not distinguishable, excepting as subsi>ecies, from two of the Pahearctic realm, which rauge from Eu- THE n.\TRACIIIA OF NORTH AMERICA. 395 rope eastwards to tlie Sierra Nevada or to the Rocky Mountains. In this j-enns is repeated the plienonienon observable elsewhere, that the species of the Atlanti*! Coast region are more ditlerent from tbose of the Old World than are those of the Pacific coast. The longitudina' dorsal iid;,'esc(Mistitulea peculiar featun' not found in any of the other j;enera of Ilatraithia Salientia of the United States. They exist ill most of the species, with tiie exception of It. catcsblana and l\. monte:ii)uac. Sometimes the skin above is perfectly smooth, sometimes roughened by tubercles; the same species will occasionally present both extremes under different cir'. cdtcshiaita, scptcntrionaUn, and boijlii, to the half webbing of li. arcolala. The distinctive characters of the sjjecies are derived from the com ])arative bidk of the body or limbs ; the presence or absence of dorsal ridges ; the comparative length of fore arm and hand ; of femur, tibia, foot, and body; the amount of weltbiiig between the toes; the compara- tive length of the third and fifth toes (the fourth being always longest); the shape of the tongue; the position of the vomerine teeth ; the size of eye and tympanum, etc. The colors ma.\ present dark blot(;hes, areo- lated or not, reticulations or marmoratioiis on a light ground, or light sinuations or sj»ots on a dark ground. Many species Iiave a light line along the .jaw, which begins distinctly either at the nostrils or under theeye. Those in which this line is wanting are E.cafenbiand^monfezunKC, areolatii, scpfenfrionalis, Idi/JH, and some vaiieties of clainata. Speci mens vary much, even of t he saiiu' species, with latitude and external cir- cumstances. As a general lule, those from the north are larger, darker, ami more pustular, so much so, that for li. cideshiaiut, patustris. cin'scens, and chnnafa it is ossible to assent to the retention of several long-established species. The following tabular analysis gives in a synoptical form the most salient features of the different species. It is, however, impossible here, as elsewhere, to indicate characters which shall apply with mathemat- ical accuracy to all s))eciinens of the same species. The dimensions, pro|)ortions, color, and other characters may vary to a considerable ex- tent, and it is only by striking the balance of all the features of a spe- cies that we cau detcrmiuo its true position. ■E'HI 1 j is 'I I ill ]'• i 39G lUiiJ.KTiN ;u, rxiTKi) .statko national MrSKUM, I. lli;i'l of cxtfiidiMl liiiiil liiiil) ii'atliin^^ Icmr licvoi d rxtrniiity of imi//.li'; vomcriiio t<>i>tli fiilirrly lii-t\v c(nlimeteis; larj;e dark spots on liack I', n i/i i.iritHii leaving one phalange of fourth digit free ; length reaching 'M centimi'ti;is Ji, vtitoibidna. III. Ileol not reaching end of mn/zle ; vomerim- teeth behind choaiue. (A black cur- patch.) Usually two phalangesof fourth digit free; inteinal cuneiform tubercle small J{. Itmpotaria. Usually three |»haluiiges <>{' fourth digit free; iiiteriuil cuneiform tubercle Inrgu uiul prominent ; middle of buck rurely Hpottcd ; small, si/e .''> centi- meters //. riiiildhrigi Hhi/i, IV. Heel reaching or exceeding end of iiiuzzle, vomeriiio toeth behind chounu'. (A black ear patch.) • oc. Tympanic disk distinct. Head short, obtuse, entering h-ngth ;{.5 times; third phalange of fourth too bordered by web and last two free; cross-bands of tibia imperfect or very few, dorsal spots small (in Ainei ican subspecicis) A'. (Kjilin, Head obtu.se, entering length about three times; palmatioii 1 phalange, leaving the last one free; dorsal spots liirge ; size large, reaching I'i centimeters A', (tidnloni. Head acute, three times in length; back without largo spots; wt!b borthir- ing uiitepenultimate phulauge, leaving two (reo; small, length ."> centi- meters It. nilra lica. aax. Tympanic disk conceabd. Head obtuse; p.itmation extending to base of last phalange; skrii thick, glandular; size small J{, boylii. It may be seen from the above table that the species of Kaiia found ill North Ameiica are (;lo.sely related, and that their discrimination re- quires clo.se attention. More or less numerous exceptions to the dcflui- tive chariicters above given exist, and increase the difficulty of distin- guishiiij; ihem. Thus the hind legs of the liana palmtris are of variable lengths, iibout half the specimens Iniving them long, as in //. riresccns. In the latter, the vomerine teeth in the subsi»ecics Hriu-hycephala fVe- quently are placed a little posteriorly, as in the Ji. palmtrh. The latter again sometimes has four dorsal ridges, as in R. virencens. Sometimes niV. UATUACIIIA or NOUTII AMKKIC'A. 397 the vomoriiie teeth in liana teiiiporaria itnfiosa iiro not apiniMiiably iiiorc posti'rior in position tiian in h'aiia scpttnhionalis, in wiiicii case tlio spi'cirs api>r()acli cacli oilier xciy eiosely. The Hand scptcntrionaliH violati'S tiie (;Iiaiaeter.s wliieh (li.slin;;ni.sli the li. clamata and R. cutes h'utua IVoin eaeii otiiei', ami "-ouhl alVoid aitoniph'fe eonnection between tliein were it notfi.rit-i inlc rior size; l>nt even tiiis point does not in. vai'ialtly hoM f;<><"l> '^^ 'i '''\^ sin-eiincns of R. cltnnata tlo not exceed it in tliuiensions, Tliree specriiiiens liave heen found which rehire very eiosely tlie R. sili'atica und U. ranlahrificnsifi^twty of whieli are referred to llio foruu'r and one to I lie latter specMes on o'her characters, which are not nnnierons. A snbspeeies latireiiiis of R. cantabrUjensh, froai Alaska, approaches the R. temporaria in its wide palniation ; and there is a specimen (".)l'J(l) which is (piite intermediate between the R. agilis and the/i'. (hai/toni. The chain of allinities indicated by these intenne- diuto specimens may be sketched as follows: Hrpionfrioniilis.' Ti'mjjpr!mii pn'tiosa. Canta1)ri(;('iiNi.s. SUvatic Those series are not probably };eneti(% as some of the species have been nu>st likely derived troiii the Old Woild, The R. ficptentrionalis, however, may lie very j)robal)ly ancestral to the forms of the (Jates- biana series, and perhaps of others. The species of Kaiia are well protected from enemies by an extremely aciid secretion of the skin. An animal of nuich snperticial sensitivci- iicss is not likely to take a tVojj: into the month a second time. Do- iiiesticated doj^s and cats avoid them, but snakes evidently have no such scruiiles against feeding on them. KANA VIHESCEXS Kalm.* Rosa til Nnrra AmcMicii, iii. l''t)l, ]>. 41! : SchrobiT, iIim- Nutiirforscher, xviii, 1782, p. H.') ; I'l. IV. (tai'iii.iii, Uiiil. lOssi-x: Inst., xvi, p. 11. liciui iidliriiin " Kiilm," Schrclur, /. t'., ncchdlmii : Diuiilii) (Ktiliii), Hist. Nut., Uoptil., VIII (1S0:{), l-.i2,4:W; i U. llist. Nat. Kiiiii.,i't<-. (180:{\ (i;? ; Harlan. Sillim. Aiiier. Jour. Sci., x (Ir'-Jo), 1>. 1. ; .Iinini. Ac. ^ar.!^'.•i. I'liila., v (l-^-JT), :i;i7; 1 li. Med. and I'liyw. Ki'i>t.(lf;;{r)), 10-,'--Jv!4 ; .Sloicr. Kciit. Ma^s. IJcpi:!. (l-^:{lt), -2:57 ; Ilolb., N. Ani.T. lliip., l8t cil., I (Hliti), 81»,xiii; L l).-i(l »•«!, iv (IsJJ), Dl, xci ; Dmn. «& iJil)r.,Erp. (Jon., VIII (1-<41), :!.Vi; TliDinpson, Nat. Hist. Vt. (lS4-.>), 120 ; Do Kay, N. Y. Zool., Ill J842), XX, tig. 49; Flalli.w., rrocccd. Ac. Pliila. (ISo)!), 111. /i'((»(i iniiKttim (water iVoy), Catcwliy, (-'arcil.. II (174:i). 70; Klein, Quadruped, p. 119. Jiduit itipiiiii Gni., eil. I., .Syst. Nat. (17-''\ lO.Vi, 2'^; lionnaterre, Eneyclop. Meth. Eipel.('17.-''.t), .5, IX, lig. 2; Sebueider, Hist. Aiiipli. fase, I (171)1)), 15:5; Shaw.Gon. Ziu)!., iiirAni(pli.(H02\ KT). Rana ntiiciil'iriit Harlan, Sillirn. .Joiirn., x (1825), (JO; Jonrn. Ac. Nat. Sc.,V (1827), ■ 337; 111. Med. and Thys. Kept. (1835), 102, 223. Plates 50, ligs. 1, 2; 51, tigs. 1, 9. I t m ■■■■I I rv ' 1 .• _ 1. ;! ■t i;i t -;. , 1 1 ' i [ Z^^LLl I 1.^ 'i i ! 398 UULLUTIN 31, UNJTKD «TATi:8 NAllOiNAL .MU«liUM. liana r('/\/;(H/((H(i Lniii., Syn. Rcpt., p. HI. liana jKilusiri. (iiK'^riii, Icoiioj;!-. Iicpl., Pl/Jfi, fig. 1. Iliiiia oxiirhiihchuH Mallow., I'loccrd. Ac. I'liilii. (IS.'iC), p. 115. Uana lialuiidiiri Ualid, II. S. .\Ii'x. IJoiiml. .*^iirv., IJopl., p. 'J7, IM. ;$(!, ilg. 7-10. Voiiioriiioi teeth in two seiircel.v ui>lit|iie jiioups between tlie elioaiiro. Head iiitxleiate; snout ratlu-r pointed; inteioiitital si)a(!e liaU'a.s broad as the upper eyelid; tympanum distinet, nearly as larjje as tlie eye. Fin;jfer.s nu)derate, llrstextendiu};' beyond seeond; toes not quite webbed to the end ; snl>artienlar tid)ereles of" linfjeis .and toes well developed; inner metatarsal tubercle very small, blunt ; no outer one, Tin' hind limb being carried forward along the bodv, tin.' tibio taisal artienhi- tion reaches nearly the tip of the snout. A prominent, inirrow, gland- ular lateral told. Olive or grayish-brown, »'lianging to green, above, with regular oval or roundeil, medium-sized, daik brown, light edged spots; legs ero.ssbarred ; beiu'ath imnnu'idate. Male with two gen- erally well-developed voeal sacs. North ami Cei.tral Anu'rica. There are ft)ur subspecies of the liana ririNccus, which i)ass into each other by occasional internu'diate specimens. They dilfer as Adlows: Head cntiTiiiK length of licail ami Ixidy 1 wo ami a liaif or less I lian tliieiv tiiiu's ; iiufU'H with iNtt'i'iiai vt'siclt'H; iiiii//l(^ iiioii' aciimiiiatr ; no cidss-liais on tiliia; Npots Hnialler Jl. r. KjilniiocrplKila. Head entering length of head and tiody two and a half to nearly three tiines ; no ex- ternal MX'al \('sieh's; niu//le more or le.-nleret'J!)) from (irand Detour, 111., have two complete tibial cross-bars, and No. .'>;}().'{ has three; No. lOOtG has only one. In the R. r. brarln/cephala tliere tire two or thiei! siitdi bars, but in the fol- lowing specimens there is but one complete, or all iwo inteirupted: Nos. 4794, 34'i7, .3418, IMMJS, 849!), 1 1!)J»). The spots are siniiller, and like the THK HATRACMIi.V OF NORTIF AMERICA. 399 liirjjcr spotted Viroswiis in H.lOl, 3295, 1)317, luid 3320. In 4.")JH, from Mi'xico, tlio iios(! is iiciitc as in It, r, rircscenH. This sjH'cies lins tlio widest laiij^e of any North Aiacricaii I'm;;. It is r.Miiid from the Atlantic coast to the Wicna Nevada Mountains, and IroMi Athabasca Lalve, in the north, to (xuateniahi inclusive to the south. It does not 0(H;ur on the I'ai.iiic coast. The (^oniinon .Mexican form A'. r. <(i(slricohi (!ope has bi'eii misnamed A'. Iccoiiiri liy most modern writ- ers. The latter name belongs to the A'. dniijUini. Ml'. (Jarnian has Ml the Inilletin of the l-'ssex Inslitute called atten- tion to the fact that the name K. halccina, l)y which this Ki»ecies is gen- erally known, which is supposed to have; been ;;iven by Kalni, does not occur ill the wiitiiigsof that author, who really calls it A', rirescviis. In a letter to nie he slates the case as follows, lie beyius with a (luotation from Kalm : 111! K('!*;i til Norni A ncricii, iii, ITlSl, |i. ((!. Dcras I'lir;; ar .sinnt.sii; {jrrtn, wtriiild liiir ocli (lar iiii'il l>riiii,iklij{a Ihifkiir. • » » Ddtiiiilt' kiniiia liailiis : Ifaiiii vircsr.'iis i)]antis ((^tradactylitj li.ssin, italiuix pentiv- (liiutyliH HOiiiipaliiiiitii, iiiaculii (it'pre.ssa fiisca pniic ooiiliiiii. The para^'raph from which the above is (juoted begins with '* Sill- liilppetassor kallades har af deSvenskaen art af yrodor,''i'tc. The name liana lu'lecina i/>i(»v, S. Tal), iv. h'niKi (Kjiiaticd. Catt'sb., C'arolin.,'i, p. 7(1. lab. TO. Ki.KiN., (Jiindiiii)., \i. 1 Hi. KaiiiV viirHociiM, i)lanlis (iniiss licisst'ii : paliiiis) trtradactyli.s lis.sis, paliiiis (iimss lit'lsMcii : plaiiiis), pt'iitadai'tylis .scmipaliiiatis; niaciiia dcpro.s.'ia t'linca ixme ocuiinii. Kalm Hcsa til Xorra. America, lorn. :t, />. '111. liana hah'cina, Sill-hoppcfossor, Kalm, /. c, ]). ■•'>. Where Sclireber yets his h'an(( halccina from Kalm, I do not know. It isnot in tlu^ Ivcsa of llaile, 17.").{-I7(il. We do not lind it in the translation by Forster, 1772, in ICnyiish. I'ossibly it may occur in the translation by Murray, '•'Utingen, 1754-'0-t, Beschreibuiig der Ucise, etc,, which is not at ham. I ' '.\ J , 1 ■ I ', I i i ; 1 .1 •I 1 I Eana rircscens sphcnoccphaln Cope. Rana oryyln/nrha Hallow. I'loccod. Ac. I'liila. (K>ti), p. It.'. Not of Sniidiivall. The typical forms of this species come from Georgia ami Florida. These look like ji different species from that which is found throughout the interior of the continent, and represent the R.oxyrhynchaoi' llul- lowell. I des(!ribe a specimen from the former State. Viewed from above, the muz/do is elongate and acuminate, and the narrow apex is rounded and i)r()jects well beyond the lower jaw. The nostril is at a point half-way between it and the anterior border of the orbit. The canthus rostrales are well within the plane of the lips, il ' ( n ^11 I ill 400 BULLETIN 31, UNITED STATES NAIIONAL MUSEUM. and are nearly parallel. The iiitororbital spaco is coiisidt'rably nar- rower than the width of a superior eyelid. Tin^ tynipani(! dislv is round and is a little larger than the eye. Tiie vo'nerine teetii form tran.sverso patches entirely between the ehoana?; that is, their posterior edj^esdo not reach tlu^ line conneetinj^ the posterior borders of tiie choaniu. The ostia«pharyngea are considerably smaller than the choanal The first is considerably longer than tiie se^'ond linger and ecpiuij the fourth. The heel reaches eight or ten millimeters beyond the end of the nose. The palmation is rather narrow and leaves three phalan- ges of the fourth toe free. The internal eiineirorm tubercle is small, but is prominent, and has an aiaite edge. No external tubercle. Between thedorsttlateral dermal folds there are."*: thedursal region, four thin dorsal plica'. i)n the pelvi(! region the external two are rn dimental, while the middle pair are distinct, and near togetiier or on each side of the urostyle. In this specimen the dorsal spots are suboval, are rather large, and are not yellow bordered. The dorsolateral fold is yellowisli-browu, and there is a series of brown spots of irregular size, but smaller than the dorsals, just exterior to it. JJelow these the sides becunne yellowish, like the belly, and have small brown spots. Adark-brown band extends from the nostril to the orbit, and is (!ontinued from the latter round the poste- rior border of the tympanic disk. A similar baud extends from the infe- 6 7 Flii. l)!i. liana vlntrcns hiiltcii'iciphitla. Nii. ll!)iri. NusUvillo, (in. ; }. rior edge of the orbit to the lower edge of the eai' drum. The lips are brown, with small yellowish spots, and the superior brown is bounded above by a narrow yellow line, which commences beiow the front of the orbit and continues below the tympanic; drum to above the posterior edge of the humerus. Uelow, everywhere light yellowish, unsputted. Posterior faces of Icmora brown, with paler coarse vermiculations. Femur with tlireo brown spots above, and a longitudinal brown band % Ci THE BATRACIIIA OF NOUril AMERICA.. 401 connecting the extonial witli tlio groin luitciioily. Tliis band is not present in all of tlie individuals of this form. Four brown spots on the anterior and on the posterior edges of the tibia, leaving the greater part of the «|)i)er surface uniform light brown. Two brown spots on the tarsus and two on the external metatarsus. A brown band on the hu- merus covering tlie elbow, one spot on the back and one on the front part of the forearm. ileasunmvnt'i of 2so, 11U16. 31. LfiiijUi "f lioinl .'111(1 body OTf) AVitllli of licad at posterior cdfjtos of tympana 0'jr> Li'iij;tli of head to posterior edges of tyiniuaiiiv 0J7 Length of fore limb o;i(i Length of fore foot 014 Length of hind l.mli to groin ]-^0 Length of tibia OWJ Length of tarsiiH 0-J2 Length of remainder of foot 0;'8 Cfttn1i>)iiif No. of iiiiiiilier. H|)l>f. 97!) 1191« :n-ji) 11477 Uil.-iO yCHK 12 Locality. Kdit Siielliiit;, iliiiii... Nashville, (i:l I'mirie Mcr Uiiiij;i', l.a Siiiiil SiiniPii's Island, liii Wlicallaiiil, Inil l.llu'ltV I'l"' llv, (111. . N.w (iili La Gi'or{£iaiia, rla When .ol. lectfd. 1S8U From whom icctivi il Dr. (icii. Sill Uley . .. W.,J.Ta\l(Pi' .larnr.s I'"airin. ...... .MM'aslrll Itolit l;iili;\\av . - . Dr. W. l..,I.iius .... Di. l;, W. Scliiif.lill. W. Witti'fcli I N'aliiri' of slJi-iinifii. Alcoholic. Do. Do. l)o. Do. Do. Do. '•-■~\"- n Rami virescens vircscens Kalm (Cope). This subspecies d liters from the A*, v.sjihenocephnla in the relatively sliorter head, being exactly intermediate lictween that form and the 7i'. r. hruchiiccphala in tiiis respect. The hind leg.s are als(»a little shorter, the heel reaching exactly the end of the inii/zle. The muzzle is also rather shorter, and the dimensions generally are rather smaller. Tiie webis rather larger, asthe antepenultimate phalange i.s widely margined, so that two phalanges only can be said to be entirely free. The spots are rather smaller, and separated by wider intervals. In the coloration may be noted as characteristic the presence of a longitudinal brown band on the front of tlie thigh, in front of thespots. This is rarely absent. Less constant is the presence <»f a brown longi- tudinal stripe on the external edge of the tibia. Then there is always present a longitudinal brown band on the front of the humerus, coni- niencing proximally and varying in length. Dr. IJolbrook describes the colors in lif«! as follows; Body green above, with ovate sjjots of dark brown margined witU yellow; yellowish white beneath. lUSl— liull. 34 26 .;v* I'l. J. : !lli 402 BULLETIN 34, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Tbisis Olio of onrmostbeantifiil species. There is an ovate bluek i>\H>t on the top of each orbit; a very briglit bronze line* begins at the noso and runs to the eye; a second line of yellowis' rt'hi;e extends from tln^ uoso to the shonUler ; the hitter is h'ss extensive in the nuile aniniiil, ending at the vocal sac Tlie upper jaw is dark colored, with seveml yellowish-white spots; the lower jaw is almost white. The eyes aie large and prominent; the i)upil is black; the iris of a brilliant golden color, with a l'»'tgitudinul black band passing through it. The tym- panum is finely brimzed, with a yellowish spot on its center. The supe- rior surface of the body is bright yellowish-green, marked with ovate sjtots of (lark olive margined with bright yellow; these spots are dis- posed in two rows on the back, and in two others less distinct and less extensive on the sides. From *he posterior part of each orbit runs tin elevated line or cutaneous fold of a bright yellow, terminating near the posterior extremity of the body. The inferior surface is silver-white at the throat and yellowish white on the abdomen. The anterior extrem- ities are bronze green above, marked with several blotches of dark olive, one of which is very regularly found at the elbow; their inferior snr face is whitish. The posterior extremities are bright green above, mark«'d with dark olive oblong blotches and transverse bars; the inferior surface is pale flesh color and quite smooth, except at the posterior part of the thigh, where it is granulated. r Mi en wa Via. 100 • Jlanavireieentviretcens. No. 8809. Tickfan, OporRiaj J. This species is especially an inhabitant of swamps. It is found in great numbers in tho.se that border the large erecUs iind rivers of the Atlantic coast, and is comparatively lare inland, where it gives place to other species. With the Acris (jryllus, it is the first si)ecies heard in spring, and although its voice is not loud, the iu)i.se produced b_\ thou- sands of them is deafening when heard (tlose at hand, and is transmitted through the atmosphere for many miles. It may be imitated by the sylla- bles " chock, chock, chock." As a harbinger of spring it is always wel- come. • Thia liuu is yellowiBli in the young. H THE BATRACIII\ OF NORTH AMEFUCA. 403 Tliis species is found iiloiij;' tbc eastern and southern coasts from Maine to tbe mouth of the Itio (Irande, and up the Mississippi to south- ern Illinois, and in the intermediate country. On the plains and west- ward and southward it is replaced by the following subspecies. The Eana rirescens virescens is the 7i^. utricularia of Harlau. i liana viri'sccns rircscenn Kalni. Catftlojriio miinlicr. 4G!I8 lilU 3428 8079 3430 3U9 3431 3425 E197 0343 3430 8239 4K30 8809 3)29 9342 34r)() 3442 4871 9257 9073 25liO 31113 13.V.I3 13372 1 tr).")2 32H2 11480 1U04(! 1(11147 11. -.25 111107 1 1907 3692 No. of H|II'C. 1 7 10 3 6 2 1 1 1 2 1 II) 1 2 T 4 Locality. Wnsliiiigfon, D. (' lticol)()i()iit;li. (ill. . I'rllrtaculil, Kill . . Soiitlii'iii IllinoiH. KoitSniilh, Ark. Ku.sMi llvilli', Ky . Ciiilisli', Pa Saint Louis, Mo. . ('Iiaili'simi, S. (/' . Taos, \. .Mi'X . Wlipii col- lected. From whom received. Natiiro of Rpecimeii. A t lial)a Hc a II i v cr. liiitlrtli America. I TarboroM;;li, X. C ! Cairo, 111 1 Ilrookvillo, I'.i Tiekfaw, La Dec. 22,1876 (iraml Detoui', III (iraiiil C'otcaii, La Soutlicrii Illinois Saint Aii^iisliiie, I'la . .. i Mexico WatliiiiL'lon, U.(J I Caiio.lll .. Soiitlicni lllinoi.s ! ... Madrid, N. Y John Little rrol'.S. I. liiiinl Hr. ,T. K. ILiiiimond, S. A. li. Kciiiii<'ott Dr. li. K. Sliiimard ... Dr. nihil I'rol'. S. F. liaird Dr. (i. Kn^clnianii ... Dr.t". Cirard Dr. H. C. Varrow 1{. Kciiiii( iitt. J. L. liridjier . 1(^77 (!) i. Wheatland, Illd... Dalla.s, Tex ...j Matamoi'os, Mexico Mount (!ariiiel. 111 ... do New Madrid, Mo NaMhville, Ca ... r. S. .\rseiial, Washiiii;- Ion, !).(.'. Iiiilian River, P'la . 1880 1879 Dr. K. Ilaymoi.d Heaii and Max.soii Dr. I'. K. llov St. Charles Coll ' It. Kinnii'otl K. K. Smith , Lieut. I!. C h, U. S. ' Dr. 1'. II. liean It. Kennieott I do j I'.K. Hoy ' (?) ■ Kcdit. Ridfiway ' K. D.Cope ...' Lieut, ii. Ciiiiih ' (!) Ihihl. It id;;\vav ' . do ' I?). .v.. W..LTa\lor Dr.T. ILHcan .... (1. Wurdeiiiauu. Alcoholic. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. liaua rirescens brachi/cephala Cope. Iktiiia iKtlcchia hcrlaiidicri Cope, Chock LLsl, liatr., lieptiL N. Aiiier., p. 32; ncc Eana Inrlaiidicii, Hairil. Hdiiii hiilrc'nia Binili'nj;('r, (.'at. IJatr. Sal. Hrit. Mas., -^ ■. p. 41: Broecbi, Misioii Sci. <1(^ .Mcxiiiiic ]?atiii('ii'iis, ]). 10, This is the most widely-distributed form o\ ,..e Rana virescens, as may be seen by the accompanying list of specimens. It differs from the R. V. virescens by appreciable characters, but these occasionally present such exceptions, that I am unabh^ to separate them tis a .-ipecies, as has been done by Mr. Uouleiiger. The (tharacteis already ascribed to the sp('(!ies belong to this I'orm, but tlie further dilferences are as follows: I .select as typical a .spetMineii from ihe Yellowstone River (No. .5303). The muzzle is less elongate, and the extended bind leg brings the heel III m 31 H as F to in lii til ul 404 JJILLKTIN ;il, UMTKl) SJ'ArKS NATIONAL MUSKUM. ' ot! hJ Bfl Hi! 1 ; He tui apt is ) i oir art Sll( fir Lo til) tlie lo\> 4? J] to its apex, but not 1)('.\ oiul. Tiie tyinpaiiic disk is two-thirds the diain eter of tlie eye. Tlic la-act is sliorter, entering the 'oiigi-i of the head and body three and a half limes. The dorsal deraial jilicu; are thicker and there are but two between the dorsolaterals; usually, however, there are four, as in tlie other sub-speeies. First finger longer than sec- ond. Web leaving two free phalanges of the fourth digit, but so repand as to give the antei»enultiniate phalange only a wide border. Thi- inner cuneiibrin tubercle is rather small, but has a rather prominent compiessededge. External tubercle, none. A thick tarsal fold. There are no large warts on the skin, but there are occasionally minute warts and folds on the superior face of the tibia. Flo. 101. Ranavirescfiia hriu-h!ii\pUaht, Nii. l(i!V.'2. Fint Wallii AValla, AViisli. Tcr. ; \. In life the color of the, superior surf ices is green. The it-' '" .^ (liaii) head licker over, II sec- TliP ineiit warts THE BATRACIIIA OF NORTH AMERICA. 405 Mvasunmiiiln of Xo. ;i3()ll. M. Lt'ii{,'th of head and body OUO Witlth of lifiid iit poslt'iior fdj^cs ol" tyiiipaiiii U'^t) Ij('ii};th of head to iiostorior odj;c.s of tympana 023 Lcn^'thoffoirli'K 043 T,(Mi},'tli of foic foot. Olt) L('iii,'(Ii of hind h'j; to {jroiu , IfJIJ Lcn;itli of tibia 028 LtMi^^th of tarsus 024 Lenj;tli of remainder of foot 044 This is the cominon and only speeios of Ivuna found between the eastern part of the Great IMains and tiie Sierra Nevathi Mountains. It is eoniinon wiierever there is siiilicicnt watei' to supply its necessities. In some of the Western towns it is eaten in the restanraiits, and I have not nntre(niently found it excellent food when the larder of uiy expe- ditions in search of fossils has run low. liuna rivencciis hracliyciphala t'opc. Catiil.v^'.ic 1 X((. of Hpoe. '* 1 U 2 1 5 0 3 C 10 Lociility. WlHll col- llTlod. From whom roctiviil. , . I Xatiiro of Nliouimou, 3294 3203 8305 8200 3300 32DS Allnii|M('riMii\ N, Mt x. .. HroNv nsvillr, ToX 1,1(111 Uivtr, Tex 4l.) .>i. ('. IJ. li. Ki- ilv . Capl.S.Vaii \ lirl.r..-. .\ IH.C. K. l:. Ki'iim ilv do .Mccdiolio. ilo. Do. Do. San Antonio, Tex. CliiU'Iio I'^sroiidiilo .. i.ioiil. 1!. CiMich, f. S. A ..: J. 11. Claik Liiiil. K. l!iinii>, C .S. A .. \V. ll.Slu'.ld Do. Do. 8302 8501 841)8 San I'cdro, Gila Kivi r, N. Mcx. San .liian Itivrr, X. Mex. 'I'ao.s, N. Mi'x Al)i(iiiiii, N. .Mrs ... .. Saiila I'r, X. .Mrx Do. Do. Do. 8100 8500 5450 Si'iit'. — ,' 1874 Dr. O l,o, w do Do. Do. Do. 3375 5273 Kent llallas, Tex . Dr. Ceo. S;i(kU'V, r.S. A. Dr. 1!.,1. I). liwiii.U.S.A W.S. W 1 II. !'.. Molllianwn W.S. W 1 11. li. MolUiauscn . . . Do. Do. 3350 I'laltc Kivt T, XtOir . ... Do. 328K 3342 0340 Kill Hank Crcok Do. Do. I'oit I'nion. X. Mrx liclvviiii I'ml Million nnil I'oit Union, X. Mix. Colorailo liivor Sand llill.s, Ncv Mriliiinc l!o\v Cnok . .. Yt'IloWHtont! Itivi'T Do. 3380 Do. 9347 Q:I4C 331)4 3303 ' ll.liMnllliausou Ilr. V. V. Ji 'vd.n W.S. Wood ' Dr. 1' V llaxdcii Do. Do. Do. Do. 3350 do lici 1)0. 0330 ilo .r. S. llr.iuiic T. ( 'ullr, llsoll . - . _ Do. 3341 3351 Sai* Lake Valley, Ctnli Do. Do. 3353 24(1 i.iili'.s Iriiiii Fort Kc iiii\ . nnnicilli. Ill . W.S. Wood Do, 8439 Dr.C 1! K. K.nnirlv. ... .1. I'olt.s . .■ .... Do. 4548 Do. 3290 3365 3348 Ilradwati r-< ol 'I'riiiity. (Jliiliiialiiia, Mixiio .. .. l'(dc('iiMk of riatto.... C i|il Jidiii Cope, r. S. .\. Dr. C.i;. l;. Kuniifilv W.S Wociil Dr. lie. Vairow 11. W. lliiishaw Dr. 11. (' Yarrow . do Do. Do. Do. 8054 0044 g:i44 8101 I'tah Koit (iailand, Colo Taos, X. Mi'X Utah Port IIiiinii,Micli (JiiiliiT, Canada Ijaciiii' Wis 187 J All?;. — , lh74 i 187;; Do. Do. Do. Do 3413 do. Do. 3410 do Do. 3I'JI .. .. do Do 34'J7 do K. Ki'iinicotl . . Do. 4528 Itcil Kivor of Xoitli Pi'ovo, Utuli 'l»72 Do. 8080 Dr. U. C Vurrow Do. 1 ^W ' 1 • i 1 ■';»■ \'i li i t I 1 1(1 406 BULLETIN 31, UNITKD STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Ii'tiiKi i-irincciix hritchijccjihahi Copo — Continued. Catn1o);n« I No of I number. speu. Locality. rt'lipii col- lected. 4794 8325 0672 9382 14500 14501 3349 8753 3:)'20 837,1 0339 8.'17d 0343 3418 0008 12583 IIO'JO 14173 3422 0738 9346 3320 60C1 3361 8368 9459 11490 2 4 1 1 4 1 8 1 1 5 1 5 2 o 1 4 2 1 6 1 1 2 1 3 1 2 7 An;;.— ,1874 NubiiiMkii. ... Koit I'iiTio. Nolir ('ain|i (>i'itleiiil('ii, Ari/,. Lake Siipcrior (!) lii'dfonl, Iowa Upiirr Sli.ssissippi and \ ellowstone. WclistiT Cilv. Iowa... May —,1878 Ki)it liipli'S'. Minn Scl)cc I'ond, .Mo I Oct. 24,1873 Sdnlli Kiiilt Sc l)ii' I'linil. Mo Aliii|niu, N. Mex ' Ciiliiniliiis, S. (' ; Middli'lown. (,'ivnn Jolm Day liivui. On ';;on From whom received. Natnri< of fcpecimon. Dr. Geo. Suckley, U. 8. A l)r. KvaiiH -I. II. Uuttcr K. Kcnnicott (0 Jordan & Mccik Ur.F. V. Hayden N. Hii.iiidai'v .Surviv Oliiry, 111 ' '. . Ktaniiii^liaiii. Mass . . Wchstcr Citv, Iowa. Sand Hills, Nclii- .... Fori Tnion, Dak Soiilli I'ass I'oloCiv.k, N'.br . .. I'latti> Hivcr Head (Ilias. Aldricli Dr.J.IIead, U.S. A H. A. Leonanl Dr. F.V. llayd.n II. A. I.eoMui'd Dr.O. l.ocw I'ror. li. l.rsiincrcux F.D.SIimI Oapt. (.'lias. Bcndirc, U. S. A . Dr. K. CiMKH, U.S. A .lolin and Clias. Walker .. Trot'. S. F. Uaird nias. Aldrich Dr. F. \'. Havden K.J. Dini^ ' ('. MiCartliy W.S. Wood do Lient. F. V. Hayden Dr. E. Cones...! AlcoUolie. Do. Do. Do. Do Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. RANA PALUSTULS Lo Coute.* liana paUintiia Lo Conto, Ann. Lye. N. V. i, p. 282; H.arl.in, Silliin. .Joiirn., X, p. .'jU, ■■jn. liUO ; Diun. it Hibr., p. U.jii; HolUr., N. Amcr. H('rp.,iv. ]i. 9r>, I'l. •-*:{; Dti Kay, X. V. Fiuin., Koptil. p. (Vi, I'l. G2. lig. (i; Lc Cont.-, I'iocmmI. Ac. I'liila., 185,'), p. 4'J4; Wcid., Nova Acta Ac. Leop., xxxii, p. HI; Giintli., Cat., p. 14. Rana pardaViH Ilarlau, Amor. Jouru., x p. .oO. This species ai)i>roaclies near to the subspecies braehycephala of the Rann virescens, although tlie distinction from the typical subspecies can be readily perceived. Jn general it displays little variation of characters, excepting in the length of the hind legs. Here about half the specimens show a length which allows the heel to reach the end of the muzzle, v*'.. ie in the other half it attain.s to different points from the front of the orbit anteriorly {c. g. No. 3401). The muzzle is always more obtuse than in the It. virescens rirescens, and generally a little more so than in the li. v. hrachyivphalu, but not always. I describe a specimen from Garrison's, New York, as typical. Muzzle flat above; rather truncate in profile, giving the head, when viewed from above, a broadly obtuse acuminate outline. The nostril isu little nearer the end of the muzzle than to the orbit. The tympanic disk is two- thirds the diameter of the eye-fissure. The vomerine teeth are in trans- verse patches between the nares, but the posterior edge line piqjecits behind that which connects the posterior edges of the choana'. The ostia pharyngea are larger than the choaiue. There are no external ' I'late 57, lig. X r vo V nr,< of :iiiieii. liolic. Ti f TIIK IJATUACUIA OV NORTH AMERICA. 407 vocal vesicles. A {jflatKluhir ridj^o extends from the iiiUUlle of the iu- fiTior eiljje of tlie tyiiipiiiiii; drum to ii point iiljove the middle of the humerus. There are four thick glaudiihir folds on the back, the exter- nal or dorsolateral commencing above the tympanum. Tlio tiiickness of these ridges is much greater than in the 7i'. vircscens vinscciis, but iu some specimens of tlie K, v. hrachycepliala they approach very closely in form, and are in fact not distinguishable from those of individuals of this species where the ridges are narrower than usual. In a few individuals, of which .lie specimen described is one, there is another pair of ridges near the middle line of the back. In all the specimens these a repre- resented in the ju'lvic region by a pair of approximated ridges on each side of the urostyle. The interorbital width is two-thirds the width of an eyelid. The tubercles of the palm are well developed. Tlie first (second) fin- {;er is longer than the second, and equal to tlie fourth. The internal cuneiform tubercle is small and weak, and is without acute edge. There is a trace of an external tubercle. The toes are nut fully \vebl)ed ; the edges of the web are deeply scalloped, leaving two phalanges of the fourth toe free, an 1 leaving only a narrow border to the distal half of the antepenultimate phalange. V-sh Fui. lOi. nana palustiig. No. 13403. Gairi.son's, N. Y.; }. Miasurvmciita of Xo. I;J403, LciiHitli of head aud body Width of head at posterior t'd-^es of tympana. Liiii;th of lu-ad (o [)08U'iior edges of tympana. Li'iifrtliof fore limb Length of fore foot Length of hind leg to groin Length of tibia Length of tarwns Length of remainder of foot M. .070 .0-^7 M'i .o:?7 .016 ■ .115 .04'.) .0-20 .039 \ ' ) rl: hi >l 1 it ri ■'vll ^^^ I 408 lUJLLirriN 3i, united stativS national muskum. i ^ Dv. riolbrook thus describes the colors in life: liody pule brown above, witii two h)nj'itu(liiiiii rows of s(iUiiro Hpots of a dark brown color on the back and on each Hank; yellowish-whitc beneath ; posterior half of the thighs bright yellow, mottled witii black. Tiie head has a dark brown s^tot on tlu^ top of each orbit and another near the snout, with an indistinct dark line extending from the nostrils to (he orbit of the eye. The ui)per jaw is yellowish-white, spotted with black ; the lower is white, and spotted in like manner. The eyes are hirge and prominent, the i)upil black, with the iris of ii golden color; the tymjjanum is bronze, with ji spot of a darker shade in the middle. A yellow line begins at the eye and runs below tiie (yni- panum to the base of the anterior extremities. The sni)erior surface of the body is pale brown, almost covered by oblong s(piare si)ots of very (hirk brown, arranged symmetrically in two lines along the back. We sometimes find two of these scpiares conlluenf. A i)right-yellow lon- gitudinal line, but not raised in a ciitaut'ous fold, as in litnui rir<:sccns begins bt'liind each orbit and extends to the posterior extremity of the body. IJi'low this line, on eacli tlank, are two otiur roAs of siiuare brown spots, the superior row beginning on a level with and behind the tympanum, the inferior row is less regular, iVccpuMitly consisting only of small si>ots, disitosed without order. Tlui interior surfacte of the neck and abdomen is yellowish- white, except at the posterior part, where the yellow is nu)re decided. The anterior exticmitics are yellowish brown above, marked with a few very dark blotclics; th(\ir lower sur- face issilverwhite; the lingers are lour in nund)ci', iVee, of a light brown color on the ui)per and yellow on thcj lower surface. The posterior ex- tremities are brownish above, with transverse biuids of dark bidwn (!on- tinued * the toes. The inferioi' and posterior jtait-iof the thigh are grannl.iied, and of a bright yellow, with black spots. The inferi(»r sur- face of the leg and tarsus is yellow. This species is characteristic of the eastern district of North America, as it ceases to be found so soon as the Central Plains are reached, it ranges this entire district, extending as far muth as Hudson's Bay. Ill its habits it is not gregarious like the /»'. rirenvcitu t'//r,v««.s, and is even more solitary than the A', r. bniclii/nplialK. it pietcis cold springs and stri'amlets, but is of all our frogs the most frecpiently seen in the grass. It is the most abundant species in the Alleghany ^Tonntains. Next to the J{. silrafiea, it takes the longest leaiisof any of our species- its note is a low prolonged croak, somewhat resembling the sound pro- duceil by tearing some coarse uiaterial. 1 -, -i It IS %- THE IJATKACIIIA OF NORTH AMKRICA. 409 h'tiiin ixihislrin Lt< C'oiilr. (!;ltjll(ii;llO Xii "f millllllT. HIM'C. Locality. Wli.n cm]. kctt'd. Kioin "liom irci'ivril. 3K).'> ■1 341 '-> 10 :ui<) 1 ;uii • 1 lUII" 1 ;iio7 1 31110 1 H:I4:i 1 ?40:! 4 ;i4ii9 :< .14(111 1 »4lil :i n.140 u yilO.') I 51 5:1 1 3ti>U 1 3134 1 0;!HH 3 3417 1 WJl 3 IMUJ 1 ;i;ijH 1 lllld! 1 lU'.l'J 1 ("ill HhIc, I'll Piof. S, V. liainl ....do d(i .. M.ailvill.', I'a do I'liiladil|iliiii. I'a T. II. Iticliiird I''iamiii;;liairi, Mass rrnf. S F. I la icl U'luliinnldii Couiiti', ; (;ol. li. I,. C. Wailcn W.stpoif.X.Y I I Trnf.S. r.niiird . Kiiixloii, .\. <; J , J. \V. Miliii'i- Saint l/oiiis. Mo , Dr. (ii (i KmlicIiiiiuim Uooi llivcr. Wis Till V — . 18.".;) I'rof. S. V. liainl Ditinit liivi r. Mill) . An;;. — , 1iiiasipii'loii. Iowa I [ K.C llidwidl tiaiiisoii's, N. V I 'I'. Itoosovcldl (I) .. ; {!i .1 Apr. 11!, 1^7; IM-.T. II. Hi an .' , ,T, I! -I'r.iMl.lv Niiliirc of K]WVlltlUII, Alcoliolle. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do, Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. ■ Do. HANA Ain;OLA TA I'.il. & Ciinl. Proiieptl. Ac. IMiilii., IHiVJ, ji. IT:!; liaiiil, I'. S. Mcx. l!i>iiii(l. Smv., Ucp- tilt's, 11. ',N, ri. :!(;, Wat*. ll-l-J; lionh.nH..,-, Cai. ISiitr. .Sal. Hril. Miis., Head liirjj'; vomoriiic tcctli oitpositc po.sterior odj^e of clioaiiio; tym- |)iiiii(5 disk two-thirds tlic (liiiiiictt'r ol' eye or less. A stioiif'' fjlandular dor.solatcral dcniial i'old on cacii side, and iiiiiiiorons shorter ones 011 the h.U'M hctwceii thoin. First (in of tyiniiiiiiii tlm'o (iincs in totiil ; tyiiipiuiic di.sk roiiiid; (loisal spots wi'll .si'imrati'il ; nostril t'luiidistaiit lift wocii end of iniizzlo and r\i' li. r. anvlata. LcMintii of lii'ad two and a half tinii's in the total; tyniiianic disk a verticai oval; dorsal Hiiois well separated; nostril eiinidistant between end of nnizzlo and <^ye 11. r. icnopus. LiMiglh of lieail one-thiril of tot.'il ; tyniiianiedi.sk varialilc ; doisal spots so liii<;'e as to leave only eireles of the lioht, i^round-L'i>lor; nostril ne;ifereye than end of iniizzlo in tliu yonn<^ li. v. circulosa. But few si»ecimeiis of the.se subspecies have been as yet found, but the chamcters presented in the above table will appear of iinportauco v^ :\ l\ >f\l 410 lUJLLKTIX 31, UNITED STATES NATIONAL ML'.^EIJM, to tliosu faiiiiliiii' witli tho subjiHit. It is not iinpossiMe that oiu' or tlu' oflicrof tlio siibspocics may come to bo rocogiiizefl as species, but I scarct'ly aiitlci[tato that such will be the case. As a whole, the linna arcithtin is jirctty well distiuj-uislied by its very sliort palmation. N(!ver- tlicii'ss, I liave sei'u'a speclnu'U IVom (luatemala witli simihir po>toiior feet, which is otiierwise not (liU'erent iVom tlie R. rit'eHvem. liana arcotata arcolata lid. »Sj (lird. liaita aiivlain l?ainl & Ciiranl, I'rocfod. Ac. Pliila., K)'i, \>. 17:?; Bairil, U. S. Mtix. Hoiui.l. Suiv., I'l. ;!(!, li^M. 11,12. Fig. 103. Rana arenlata arealata. Xo. 3304. Imlinnnlu. Tot. ; \ Gciu'ral shape slomler and limbs elon^jated. Tiie lieel of the extended hind l('fj reaclu's lialf-way between orbit and nostril. Head about as broad as lon.i,s (pnte deep. Sides ol)Ii(iue, with the- nostrils, as viewed from the sideof head ol)li(iue, a little below the upper prolile or canthus rostralis, and with a inarfjinal papilla. A .^lij^lit excavation between nos- tril and eye, continued under the latter, alonj; upper I'df^eof maxillary, to the t,vm|>anum, but si^arcely helow it. Top of the head slij;htly j;rooved, or concave longitudinally. I'^yes large and .prominent ; in the middle third of the side of the head; nostril midway between it and tip of snout. Tympanum cir(!ular, not two thirds of the diaiiu'ter of the eye, not extending back to angU; of jaw, but nean'r this than to (',\e, nearly smooth centrally. Upper maxillary large; no glandular ridge of skin on it. Very well-developed vocal vesicles on each side, their center.s opposite th<' posterior end of mandible. Internal nostrils very large, oi)en, transversely elongate, with a very shallow groove extending to the side of the Jaw. The vomerine teeth are well developed, on two oblique protuberances, nearly in contact be- hind, and placed between the nostrils, the |)osterior edges of which are about opposite the anterior canthus of the eye. The tongue is large, fleshy, longer than broad, with the coruua small and wide apart. Tho Eustachian apertures are nu)derate. > Tf * •* lU' na or •J TlIK IlATUArillA OK NORTH AMKIUCA. 411 Tlie upper parts ^I'liejall.v aro sinodtli, tlici sidos apparcntlj' soino- vliar (Mirrugati'd (sciirccly pustular), tlnaijjli liow iiiucli is owiiij^f to tlio iili'dliol (tail not !)(' easily (IctciriiintMl. The po.stcrioi', inferior, and su- perior faces of the thiylis are j,'raiiulated; tliis, however, not exteudinjf to the body, wiiicii is iufeiiorly entirely smooth. A rather l)road but low fold of skin may be tra(;ed from above the tym])ainim along the hack nearly to the thigh. A small ridge behind the tymi»anuni. Thtnnner toe does not reaeh much beyond the middle of tho meta- tarsal of the fourth. Tho web is but sliglitly developed; it extends fully only from the penultimate articulation of the outer to the ante- lienidtimate of the fourth toe; from this to the pciuultimate of the third; from the niid DiHi'i-cnco lictwci'ii sliorti'st aucl longest toes 1.02 I Inches. 1.00 I Totalhindleg 1.48 4.44 .4',> I Foil- lcj;fi:>:!i elbow :!8 1.14 . Js Hand 'l^ .()9 .•J.-. ! Widtii of iie.id :jr> 1.04 . I'.l I Ciic.id ofjaws :{.'■) 1.0(5 Tymiiannni 08 .23 . 3 ) I ;ai rl f ' f ■ ;.. , ■^ ■'M: \ : ■ '■ . '\ I '1 I ■ .1 ■hi 412 BULLETIN 31, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Rana areolata nreulula Uaird H Girurtl. (!ntnlnciu< iiuinbrr. N.).of HpOO. Locality. Wli.ii collected. Fioiii wlmiii iccplvcd. Natiiii' of HpCCllllUU. 3;in4 1 1 IndiniinJA, TcT ,, ,1. n Clark Alcoholic. 118U7 NiiHliviUo, titt 1H80 \V. .r. Tiivlor Do. m\ Rana areolata aeaopua Copo. Proceed. Aiuer. IMiilonopli. Soc, 1880, p. 517. This singular form iiiiiy be known at once by tlio sliort and sqnat form of the body as compaivd with tlui size of the lioail, it'scmblinjj in tliissonio of tlio Anstralian CyKtismitliida'. Tiie muzzle is not prominent, and does not project beyond tlic»ii)per lip. The eantiius rostrales are straij^ht, and tlie top of tiie head is Jlat. The tympanic disk is a vertical oval, of whicii tiie sliort diameter is one-half the lengtii of the eye. Tlie edjjo of tiie vomerine patciies of teeth are a little posterior to the line eoiinectinn" tli«^ posterior border of the uares. The latter are about as larjje as tlie ostia pharyii^i'ca. The dorsolateral plandular ridj-'e is tiiit^k, and extends a little beyond the sacrjil diapophysis. There are si.x or seven rows ol short loii<,'itudi- nal glandular tubercles in the space between them. There are similar elongate warts on the sides. The posterior and posteroint'erior faces of the femora finely granular; rest of the inleiior sui faces smooili. The first finger is longer than the second, and «'(pials the fourth. The heel of the extended hind leg reaches to the middle of the eye. The foot is of moderate length. Three of the phalanges of the f'oiirih digit are entirely free, and the web is excavated to opposite the middle of the first phalange, extending as a margin on each side of the distal half. The inner cuneiform tubercle is not large, and has an acute apex; no external tubercle. A slightly defined tarsal dermal ridge. In alcohol the ground color is light brown, with the tloisolateral ridge and the inferior surfaces straw-color. The spots are a darker brown, and do not appear to have been yellow-l)<)rdered. The dorsal sjwts are irregularly rounded, and are in three or four longitudinal rows. There are two rows on the top of the muzzle and head, crossing the inner edge of the eyelid. There are two Rjmts near the external edge of each eyelid. Spots on the sides smaller, in about four lows. The lores and upper lip are rather coarsely marbled with brown; gular region faintly speckled with the same. No band, but a sjxit on the front of the humerus; a spot on the elbow, and three cross lines on the fore-arm. Four narrow cross bars on the femur and five across the tibia. Three cross-bars on the external side of the tarsus and five on the external face of the fourth toe. The i)osterior face of the fenmr has numerous rounded brown spots on ti light ground. T TUU UATUACUIA UF MUUi'll AMEIUCA. 413 ■iy Fiu. 104. Rana areolnta imopui. No, 4743. Mhtunoiiy, Fla. ; \. MsaHUfvintittn of No, 4743. if. LPii>,'tli(.nu!a(laii(l lioil.v OfiU Willi li i>t' lu'ail lit |Mi.sti'iior (■(lj;('H tyiiiitaiiii 020 Li'iiKtii "f liii ;l li of tarsus 013 Lcii};tli of rest of foot 025 Tlu^ only si>t'ciiueu of this .siibsi)ecios wbicb I Lavo seen is the fol- lowiiijj: It'anit anohilii (iHopita Copo. Cntnloctie No, of iiiimlii'i'. .spue. 4743 1 Locality. Wlifii ciillcctod. From whom received. Micnnop), Fin Dr. T. II. Bean Nature of Hiibt'iiiiua. Alcoholio. 1) I. , » ' liana arcolata circidosa Uw.q and Davis.* Rice ami Davi.s, in .Ionian Man. of Vert. Ha.st. N. Amer., cd. ii, 1878, 355. Two .specimens of this form are l)efore me antl yiokl the following characters: Tiieir peculiar eoloratioii li'wvs tiieni an eiegaut a|)pearaii<',u, and one quite different from tliat presented by any other North Ameri- can Itana. Lenfjtli of liead one-tliird of total. Ileel of extended hind leg reach- in};- to the front of the orbit ; muzzle rather elonj>ate, but little produced beyond the edye of the lip, the extremity slopiii}-' obliijuely upwards and posteriorly, so as to shorten the .sujjerior plane. The nostril has an elevated i)osition and a suprolateral presentation; it is a little nearer the orbit than the end of the muzzle. The membranum tynipani is a vertical oval, with the short diameter only half the length of the eye fissure. The heel of the extended hind leg reaches to the anterior border of the orbit. The i)osterior edges of the vomerine patches are behind the borders of the choanie. ' Plate .M, (iff. 10. ; . i 414 BULLETIN 34, UNITKD STATKS NATIONAL MUSEUM. Ot H« He 1 \ He tin iH i r Oil an 17> Lo tib the lo\^ 479 Tliere is a stronjj (lorsoliiteiiil <;liiii(liiliir ridj^c on cadi side, and be- twoeti these tliere are from six t > eij;ht narrow {ilaiuliihir folds not so much broiven up as in tlie E. a. trsopus, bar rcadii.v beeoiniiif;' indistinct in alcoliol. The dorsolateral fold extends nearly tt) the groin. IJelow it th'e sides are crowded with lonyitndinal glandular folds, more or less broken up. The first finger exceeds the second and equals the fourth. The internal cuneiform tubercle is quite small, and has a free ajiex ; no external tubercle. The web is shorter than in the other subspccaes, being sital- loped nearly to the line of the base of the first phalange, which it only margins for ])art of its length, ceasing near the distal end. 6 ^ ^^ 7 Fio. 105. Bana arcolata circ'ilnga. No. 278. Mua. Champ.ii!:!!. 111. ; }. Color in spirits, light br(»wnish-yellow or straw-color, above find be- low. The entire upper surface and sidt's are, however, so tiiickly covered with large reddish-luown spots as to rediuie the ground color to a mt work, forming a j>attern of numerous irregular or creiiate circles. These are in three rows between tiie dorsolateral iidg*'s, wiiicli are of the light groundcolor for most of their length. There are no light bunds or lines about the head, but the lores ami upper lips are closely and rather coarsely marbled with I'.rown and yellow. The lower lip is less distinctly marked in the same way. At the orbits tlicic are ihree rows of Inrgo siiots like those of the back, the exterior ones on I hi' eyelids. The foro legs are marbleil like the lores, with a faint suspicion of cross-lvars. The thigh, tibia, tarsus, and external toe are cruss banded with nucIi wide brown bars, thiil the intersi)a(!es are very narrow an;] often inter- rn|)led. There arc tliric wide and two narrow bars on the thigh, and no longitudinal markings; tluri' are six liars across the tiliia of dilfer- ent widths, and three across the tarsus; inferior surfaces unspotted. The lateral spots become more sparse and more widely s|)aced near to the abdomen; thigh posteriorly with large brown si»ots, on a straw- colored ground. so ►w ^'' '■ ,^ THE BATRACniA- OF NORTH AMERICA. 4.15 Measurements of Xo. 9386. M. Length of head and body OoO Width «)f head at pooterior odgc of tyiiii)aiiiiiii 011)5 L(n;,'th of head to posterior edjjo of tymiiaimm 019 Length of foro leg 02vJ LiMifitli of foro foot on Length of hind leg to groin 073 Length of tibia 02-1 LiMigth of tarsns 014 Length of rest of foot 025 Since the above wa.s written I have been able, through the kindness of I'rofessor Forbes, «)f the university at Chani]»ai{jii, III., to <'xaniine the type specimen of Messrs. Jtice and Davis. It ditfeis considerably from the specimens above described, as follows: The muzzle is not pro- tuberant, 80 that the nostril is t'(|ni(listant between the end of the muzzle and the eye, as in the subspecies Areolata. The tympanic disk is nearly round, and its lonj;' din meter is three-fourths tiiat of the eye. This specimen has twice the bulk. In other respects it does not diH'er. A very stronj; glandular thickenino' of the skin extends from tlu' eye alove the tympanum, and then descends posterior to it. The eyelid also is thickened. Two specimens (No. 138L*S) from Olney, 111., also ie(!t'ived since the jibove description was written, explain these discrepancies, Thelaiger of the two agrees with the tyi)e in all respects, l)ut tiie smallei', which about ecjuals the type in dimensions, has the elongate muzzle of the small ones that I have described above. In both the tympana are three- fourths the orbit, and in neither is it decidedly oval. Jioiia (iirohila circnlosa K. & D. Ciitalojuip 'luiubcr. Xo.of spic. Locality. Whiii col- lottt;(l. Frimi wlioni ivcoivod. Niitiiro of BllUCiUI'JU. gns6 2 Ilnlii'i t KiTinicott ,I()Liliaiiil('li;illi'H WillUiT lilS'.'S OllH-V. Ill Do. Rana areolata capito Le Conte. Proceed. Ac. I'liila., !>."), p. 4*25, Plate v. Not having at hand the only known specimen of this form, I copy the description given by V^ Conte. The proportions given by this author imlicate that it is intermediate in pn^portions between the subspecies vEsopus and tiu^ others. Thus the width of the iiead in the latter enters the length 2.3;{ times, and in the R. a. areolala three times. In R. a. capita it enters '2.S times. The spots are snmlU'r than in R. a. circKlosa, but larger and more numerous than in R. a. (vsopiis and R. a. areolata. Above very rough, dark gray, or slate-color, speckled with bhuik, with six rows of roundish rows ou the back; sides si)eckled and irregu- \ j ; I I ■ '■i m: R otl Ho. Ilei Hoi Hea f-i 1 f tur 81)6 M 18 a 1 1 1 out 1 a 10 1 8llO 1 sop ■;/■ vin i Luv '. tibi tlHV ; low i 47J)^ 416 BULLETIN 34, UNITED STATKS NATIONAL MUSEUM. larly marked with spots of the same form ami color ; from the orbits to beyond the middle of the body rmis a broad rai.sed line or cutaneous fold, and another from the corner of tlie mouth to the insertion of the arm. Beneath smooth, yellowish white, speckled, spotted, and varied with dusky ; top of the head coarsely punctured, back and sides luber- culoiis. Head very large, broad, and blunt ; a deep concavity betweeu the nostrils and the eyes. Iris <>(dden, mixed witli black. Tympanum of the color of the body. Lower jaw with a small protuberance or point resembling a tooth. Arms and legs above gray, speckled, and barred with black ; beneath yellowish spotted ami variei\ 1.(1(1 .11 . 'J(i .r)i .2\ 1.48 luchos. Hiiidfoot 1.0:^ .53 rx'twcf'ii oiitstrotclied ariiiB.. ii. 7() 1.44 Cliorii of iiitipcr.jaw 70 .'.iG Widtli (ifupiicrjaw (M .33 Eyo yC) .13 Tyinpanuin 15 .08 y ill. \on. Jttiiia f!c]ifiulrionali3. 7^o."A'20. GarriHon's Crock, N. Y. ; ]. Mature specimens, formerly described under the name liana, sinuata, present the following characters: Hody rather stout. ICyes large; tympanum three-fourths as large. Vomerine teeth small, ranging with the centers of inner nares. An in- distinct fold of skin on each side of ba<'k ; none intermediate; granu- lation of buttocks indistinct. Femur not half the length of body ; hind foot considerably longer than the tibia. Above and on sides i)urplish- brown, with sinnatimis or coarse vermiculatiouB of yellow. Ueueath silvery white. Legs transversely barred. Female. — Jiody moderately stout and depressed; limbs not much de- ve!oi)ed; femur and til)ia about eipial, not half the length of body. Head rallicr longer tiian broad. Xostrils nearly intermediate between the eye and tip of snout (projected on axis of body), or nearer the latter, 1951— Bull, Hi 'Jl' Ji ■i-» ; "I ^1| , ! i ;e*! 418 BULLETIN 31, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. I u Ufa Hea Ilea Hea<' T tiirr 81)0* 18 a out I are islioi 8C'|)£ virei Loil; til)i£ tlie lowi 47!)4 situated on tlio caiitlius rostralis. The hollow of tlii> face aiiteriitr (o the eye is very shallow, and scarcely traceable under the eye juul tyia- panuui. Eyes larg^i; contained three times in chord of ui^ier jaw aiitl one diameter from the tip. Tympanum small (females only seen), about three-fourth the size of the eye; behind not reaching the end of the jaw. Patches of vomerine teeth very small, circular, approximated, and situated on a level with the centers of the inner nares. These arc large, oblong, and widely separated. Tongue rather small, narrow. Eustachian ostia large. The skin is moderately smooth, but on very close examiiuition is seen minutely and closely dotted all over with small pits, and among theso on the under surfaces are scattered small glandiform elevations, whicli on being emptied are represented by the pits. This is sometimes seen in other species, but seldom so distinctly, and may be caused by some pe- culiar and temporary condition of the skin. There appears to be a very low and scarcely distinct dermal ridge from the eye along the sides, but none intermediate. The granulation on the buttocks is very low ami indistinct. The fore-arm is shorter than the hand ; the femur is not (piite half the length of the bodj', aiul is about as long as the tibia. The hind feet are unusually long, considerably exceeding the tibia. The feet are veiy fully webbed, coming near li, catcsbiana in this respect, the web extend- ing between the tips of the toes, slightly excavated in the inner e(i . -i'l Hind foot 1.18 ..Vi The variations of the liatm scptcufrionaUs are greater than those of any other North Anicvicau species of the genus. There i.s, however, no coin- Total Chord of lioiid . Width of brad. Ky(^ Inches. .. 1.70 .. ,H0 . 7") . . . ','7 Tynipanuin iJO .7C .35 .3.') .la .09 ii(»r (o t.Vlll- iw it ml iiboiit of till' inuti'd, UUTOW. ^ f THK JSATIIAOIILV oK NOUTll AMIUilCA. U9 (•iiloncc botwecMi llieiii, so that tlicy can not be lefja riled as inilicating subspecies. Tlio tympanic disk varies yreatly in size, the males having it larj,'er than the eye, Jinil the females smaller than the eye. Fn this vt'spect the species displays its near allinity to the li. chnnata and li. (•(tte.sbiana. Some specinjcns have a dorsolateral dermal j^landular ridj;e, and others have none, sncli dillerence bein<;' exhibited by si)ecimen8 from the same locality. The spottinjf of the dorsal surfaces varies very iiiiich. In some specimens the spots are not closely placed ; in otliers they leave only narrow lines of the lighter ground-color between them. Taking all its characters together, this s[)ecies occu[)ies a position intermediate between nearly all the North American species of the gt'MUs, and from some such form it might be supposed that all the Kauiv, of the northern hemisphere have been derived. The present dis- tribution of the species is entirely northern. J)r. J. II. Garnier has given a detailed account of the habits of this species as observed by him at Lucknow, Ontario. Jle calls it the mink frog, and says that it emits the odor of the mink on being Imndled. It is an aquatic si)ecies, never seeking its food, which consists of insects and small fishes, on land. IlaiKi KqilviitrloiiuliH IJuiril. <',it;il(i;;uo No. of iiiiiiilii'i'. spec. :ir'o 5 34:13 15 noo5 •JO 13821 1 130-J-J 1 537» " Lociilitv. When col- I.cl.d. ricim wliiiiii loccivi'il. I r linrriscin's CriMjk, N. V J Pinl'. S. I'Miaii;! M;i*;i ,1. 11. (iaiiiii r ... tlo i ISKi ilii .(I;. ','; Marl., Sillim. Aim-r. .Idiini. Sci., .\ (l"^','.')), (i:i; 1 1>., .Jourii. Ac. Nat. Sci. I'liila., v (IfiT) :{:ir> ; 1 !>., Med. iV I'liys. Ucs. (I-':!.")), 1(11, 2-H\; Diiiii. iV 15il)r. (Uaiul.), Krp. ticii., viii (1811), :}7:{. Ixtinn (liiiiiiliiiix Danilin, in Soiiii. A Lat. Ili.st. Nat., K'ciitil., 11 (l-^ll','), l.')7 ; Mcircin, Tent. Syst. Aiiipli. (l-Jd), 17.') ; Hollir. (lii)M'.),X. Amcr. llcri)., 1st cd., m (18i8;, Ml, I'l. -Wii ; 11)., 'U cd., IV (l-<4-J), S"., ri. XX. liana fonliiinUi Lii CdiiIc, Ann. N. Y. I-yc, i (1^-.')1, '-'"•'-; Mollir., X. .\incr. Hcrji., 1st cd., Ill (1S:W), .<), I'l. XVi; 1))., -Jd cd.,lV(|.-^l'.>), S7, ri. XXi; Storcr, Mass. Kept., Uciilii. (H;W), •,':■.!;; 'I'lioniiisi.n, M.'d. llisl. Mass. {[-^ii), 1J() ; Do ICay, N. Y. Zoo]., Ill (1>I'J), I'l. x\i. li--. :>\, A. Haintiiii iiidiuioln Kalin., Ani'.al.s of Nature (1820), No. '>'< (Lake Cliainplain). h'a III iiirliiiiiilit (Raliii.) Hail., in Sillim. Amci-. .Imini. Sci., .x (1--J."i), (II; Jonrn. Ac. Nat. Sci. I'liila., v (1H,!7), liiili ; 1 1)., Med. Ar Tliys. lies. (Ik;.")), U).', O'J.-i ; Tliomp- Hou, Nat. Hist. Vt. (18 1-2), 121. *l'latesr.i, llg.s. y-:!; 7.'., lios. I'.t, ;t:l. i L 1^ ! i 420 15lILIii:TlN :!l, rNITKI) SIATr.S NATIONAL MUSKUM. liana Jlaviriridix Harlan, in Sillini. Aincr. .loiiiii. Sci., x (l"^',';")), 5^ ; 1 I)., Jiturii. Ac Nat. Sci. riiila., v (lSv!7) :!:W : 1 1.., MlmI. & Pliys. Kcs. (USir.), UCi, yjo. /I'aiia horicoiiiiiais llolbv., X. Anicr. llcip., 1st cd., iii (iHliS), 1»1, xviii ; 1 I)., yl ; He Kay.N. Y. Zoo!., Ill (lf^4-->), (il, XXII, lij,'. (l-i. Itana xir/vivauN Aj^assiz, Lako Superior (l^riO), liT'J, vi, li;;s. I, .'i. j¥«/('. — ]Jo(ly and limbs very stout and nias.sive; not niuch depressed. Legs short ; liead subacute, rounded, a ery deep. Nostrils large, oval ; situated oil the rounded and indistinct canthus rostralis, nearest to the snout, and distant from the orbit by half the diameter of the eye. Ex- cavation anterior to the eye shallow, scaniely distinct in passing under the eye to the tympanum. Tynipamim very large, one-fourth greater than the eye, and extending (piite ujt to it, and pas.sing beyond the ar- ti(!idation of the Jaw; one-half the length of line from commissure to the tip of snout; its central third elevated in a shallow prominence. Eyes large, contained two and three-fourtli times in chord of lower Jaw and two and one-fourth in that from (commissure. IJead rather larger than broad. In the female the tympanum is much smaller, though still large; about three-fourths diameter of eye, and distant from the latter by nearly half its own diameter. The average diameter in males is 11""", and in fe- males 8" Occasionallv this character does not hold good, A male (No. ;>1(!2) has the diameter only S""", while three females (Nos. 3407, 'Silo, and ',)~)2l) have disks of 10 in diameter. In this species and in the li. catvshiana this membrane reaches a larger size than in any other species of liatrachia. The top of the head is i)lanc, without any concavity. The tongue is large, ileshy, rather narrow, and free bi-hind for one-fourth its length. The interior nares are large, and open posteriorly nearly opposite the an- terior canthus of the eye. The vomerine teeth are in two oblong [)atches, inclined backwards, where they are nearly, if not (piite, in contact, and l)osterior to the posterior margin of nares, though anteriorly about on a line. Eustachian openings large. Skin more or less inammi Hated above and on the sides by ijoarso pustuliform i)rominences, largest on the sides; these occasionally are in the form of regular asperities, rougli to the touch; tiie amount of this, however, depends somewhat on the conditions of preservation'. From the eye extends a prominent ridge of skin, which, after passing above the center of the tympanum, bifurciites, one short branch passing round the tymi)auum, and, thickening below, slops above the shoulder; beneath this for its whole length jiasses a welldetined furrow indenting the ibid, and, proceeding directly downwards, .separates the thickening Just described from a corresi)on(ling and eiiual thickening Just behind the Jaw. The long branch of the ridge or fold of skin behind the eye proceeds along the sides, occasionally interrupted, and is lost on the posterior fourth of the body, thoso of opjio.site i^ides parallel and wide I In. Ac |<1 I'll. I^OIll. t TilK HATRArillA OK NORTH AMERICA. 421 iipai't. Tliero iir<"i no other ri(l}j[('s of skin iis observed in li. palnslris; but ii distinct broad j^roovc or I'linow may bo tiaced down the middle of tlie back. Tlio forearm and hand are of nearly e(|nal U'nytli ; the tliird linger h)n^a'st; the first and fourth nearly e(|nal, and longer than the second. The hind legs are short; the tibia, femur, and hind foot about equal, and less than half the lengtii of the body. The third toe is longer than tlie fifth. The web between the toes is well developed, and extends iiotn tiie terminal knobs, except on the inside of the second and third toe.s, where it is excavateil to tlie lirst articulation. The lirst and second Joints of the longest toe are not webbed, but are narrowly inargine01. Kiitnw, .\I:».; J. Tiie bars on t lie legs are sometimes replaced entirely by small blotches. The females, as already stated, differ in having a smaller tympanum, though neither here nor in the males is the jnoportioiuil size always the same. The body is more swollen behind; the head narrower and not so deep, and the thumbs less thickened. In life this species is dark olive i)osteriorly above, which color grad- ually passes into a brilliant green anteriorly. IJelow, wiiiie; the throat citron yellow. \> U I ■ I ■ j Ml > ■ t " "51 1 422 HULLETIN :{l, UNITEO STATES NATIONAL MUSKUM. Illclll M. Total length ','. iltl Arm from elbow 1 . 'JO Fomiir 1. 10 Til.iii 1.10 Tarsus 7(! Foot I. If) Illrlll'H. 1.00 Tdtalof liiiid fool, J. 70 .10 Chord of lu'iid 1. M .17 Width of li.-ad 1.10 .17 ! Tympanum 1/ .W Eye :W . U) . ■17 .ii; . in Female {('url'mle, I'ti.). Total ;!.:iO 1.00 Total of lo}; r.. 00 l.,M Femur I.Tm Tibia I..'-..') . 17 Tympanum IW • ■17 U) A Cixrlislo, Til., specimen, when living:, was colored a.s follows: Al)ov«i and on sides, greenisli-biown, with rounded brown spots iinilbrnd.v dis- tributed, and about as lar^ic as the pupil of the eye; about twenty be- tween tlio lateral folds; head and body anteriorly bright giass-ji'reen ; beneath },'rcenish-white, unspotted, the color of the sides fading? into it ; the buttocks mottled with brown and yellowish white; femur and Ici;- with three or four traiisverso dark bands; fore limbs with scattcn'd blotches not banded ; iris black, mottled with };()lden. The specimens from I^ake Superior arc typesof the 7»*. nigricans of Pro- fessor Agassiz, which I can not distiufjuish. They exhibit a {ireatcr amount of black mottlin{>' and blotches on the inferior surface than usual, but this is shared by individuals from more southern localities. Speci- mens from IMaine and Louisiana are still darker, the buttocks beinj,' nearly uniform black. In carefully comi)arinn; quite a number of specimens from the South and North, I (ind it imi>ossible to establish dellnite characters by which to distinguish a Ii. foufinalis from I\. dninaUi. At first sight the Southern individuals, which happened all to be of mediuni size, ap- peared to bo more free from the coarse pustulations; but on the other Imnd to have the line asi)erities more numerous and closer anri 3475 3543 3472 3487 3511 34Ht! 3lim 3501 3470 3407 3500 3482 3476 3185 3174 34;!5 35i):l 3520 31!I2 3103 350:t 3rp2l OlliS 07:12 «:ioi 13000 3003 13504 3521 35IS 3518 6374 11532 1002 11300 11470 11008 1140I 1U45 3335 3528 No. of 5 4 5 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 R 4 1 (t 17 3 1 I ! 1 Locality. Wlu'n o((l- loctuil. I'l'naaiiol.i, Fla Hoot K., Kikctno, Win l;, Vv'iH Missomi SoMllicrri Illinois I'Viriy Landin;;, \'a Simtlii'in Illiiioi.s U]i|nT Wisconsin Itivrr. I.iK'know, Ontario Wcallii rsliclil, Conn (0 Jlay— , 1875 From wboiu rccoivt'd. Dr.J.F.namniond.U.S.A. I'rof. S. Kllaiitl , Ull,'J-jr); (Lat.) lloll). N. AuHT. Ilcrp., 1st cd., in (1-;!H), Ml, I'l. (c.c), xv ; /^.,'Jd cd., iv (1842), 77, I'l.xviii; (L).StorcT, Mass. Kept. (1«U)), 2;!.-) ; ( L) Tiiompson, Nat. Hist. Vt.(lSll), 111); I>() K.iy.N. Y. /ool., iii (lsi,>),(;n, I'l. xix, lij;. I - ; Ciivicr, lJc;,'nc Animal, ii, Hi(i; illustiatcd cd. D"Oili., I'l. xxxvii, i\'^. 'J; ISaird iV (iiiard, Kcptil., Captain Marcy (18rj3),2i;i. Kann miitjtcus Mcrrcm, Tcntanicn Syst. Ainjili. (H-JO), 75; (JiavcnlKtrst, Del. Mns. Vratisl.(l.S21»), 10; (Catcsl)y) Diini. & liHir,, Kip. (it'n., viii (l-'U), ;!7ii; Wa;;!., Syst., p. 20;{; Tsclindi, Hatr., p. 7;>. liann nvaiHihtvla Ilail., Silllni., Anicr. .loiiiii. Sci., x ( I ^^2.') ),:")'.) ; //<., .Idiiiii. Ac. Nat. Sci. Pliila., v(18-i7), :i:!-^; //)., Med. vV Pliys. K'cs. (is;?:,), I(i:{,2-,n. Eana maxima amiricnna aiiitatica C'ltcsliy, ('an)l., ii, 17i;{, I'l. — , p. 7'J (not Jiaiia »iiH,f//'(;i?, as(|iiot»Ml liy ]>iiin iV l?il)i'.). liana codSjJtJsa Lo Coute, I'rocecd. Ac. I'hila., 1855, p. 4'^5. m i Fig. 108. liana catmhiana. No. 1U9!); {. Plates 50, (i^. :i; 51, li^'s. -1-8; 5,5, lij;s. O ; Cfl; 07. Mii.-j , Sci. '"i TITR HATUAClin OF NOllTII AMHUIOA. 425 L:ir;{i.'.st of ill! llu' Ni)rt!i .ViiiLMiitiiii spocies. IJody very Ixilky uiul clumsy; It'frs tlii(!k \\\v\ slioii. .Iiiws lu^irly, if not qiiito, us wido as {\w U'ligtli of cdonl of iii»iM'r j;i\v anil wider tiiaii tlio loiij^itiidiiial axis of head; inii/-zlo s iWtniiiiMto ; sides ol»li(|ue. Nostrils ohliciuo, a littlo below tlio cd;;e of tli<» cantliiis nostralis, half Wiiy between tho ti|)ot snout and anterior caiitliiis of eye. Tyinpaniiin lar;4(^, sli^^litly oviil, lonj^er diameter somewhat ol)li(|ue, eifual to the diameter of tho eye; ;;raniilated and sli;;htly raised for the central two-thirds; smooth exteriorly. Internal nares ellipticjal, transverse, wider apart than are tlKM'xternal ; tiieircenteis opi)i>si!e a point about one-third from theoyo to the outer nosti'il ; a siiallow ;;roove, extetidin,i,' to tho rami of tho jaw. Vomerine teeth in f wo patches, with four or tiv(^ teeth in each i)at('h ; tho liases of these anteriorly (»it])osite tluMU'nters of tiie inner nostrils, and sei)arated from eaiih otiier by the s;ime interval as from the nare.s. Hiistaehian tnbt's l.irj;(', nearly opposite tiie ocnters of lympanuin. Ton;;iu^ elonj:ated, broadest at the stem. A fold of skin extends from fiie posterior ('anthus of the eye above tlio tympanum, and (»f (he back. The skin above is slightly shagreeneil by moderate asperities, whicih increase posteri(nly. I>eneath smooth. Tlu^ posterior laces of tho buttocks rugose-granulated. Tho tliird finger (the second from outsi Diiiiiictcr of tyiiiiianic liisi; flv-T) Lenj^tli of foro Icj; from axiliii d'.ll Loii;^t,li of i'tmi foot 0 10 LiMi^tli of liiiid leg from jjroin t.'H"' Lpiij,'tliof tiliia (iTt Li'i)j;th of tarsus Oil Lpiij;tli of rfiiiaindfr of hind toot OHO Total oxpanso of palmation O.-O A large speeimeii from Tensaeohi has (he head radier more I'ioiigated, being longer than broad; tli«^ (ympannm normal. The paladne lectli arc in (wo [tatehes, elose together; the prominonees of bone on which they arc situated are in contact at their bases ; (he (ongiie broad, short, and with longcornua. The skin is niinutely shagreened above; less so beneath. The toes rather long. JJody less blotched beneath, especially on the abdomen. MmsitrcmeHts. Inrliis. Totallength 4.10 1.0( Femur '2. 10 Tibia 1.110 IllfllOfl. Total hind hg ("..70 IH ! Arm Crom clliow l.HO II! I Chnrd of nmicr jaw 1.7'2 Tarsus (if) . l."> Hind foot 'J. It! . U» Width of licad l.tIG l.r.'2 .11 .as Most sj)eeimens from Carlisle, Pa., agree in general characters with the one described, although one has the skin more pustular, with the upper parts of an ob.scure (erruginoiis color, obsoletcly varied with oli- vaceous. The head, too, is decidedly longer than broad. Another specimen, 4 inches in (he length of body, with broad head, has tln^ up- per parts olivjiceous green, with (juite small indistinct blotches of pur- plish-brown, not very close to each other. Voting specimens generally are of this color, the blotches reduced to distinct black ersa Le Conte was based on such a specimen. « I •* h, Jiii.i I'll llio llil\C' Itll lllO |v<'\( r, (i|)|);ii. I'M t\u> V'tii' ill lis tJu- .1/ .1:10 .(CO . Olij . oj-r, . (1 10 . 071 .on . (»S(I . OMJ ("Cfll liicli i(»r(, M so iillv 11 :«) '- n 1 TIIK Il.VTllACiriA or NOIITII AMRRFfA. 427 III tlicNorlli, a.s.sociafcd witli spL'ciiiieii.sof tlic (larU-ldotcluMl viirit'ty, iii'i' otluT.s, Home of «;oiisi(li'riil)lo kI/o, with tlio skin (iiiito siiiootli, iiiul not at all imstiilar. llroatl Imad, above yello\vi.slij,M('eii, without spot.s or baml.s anywhere; heiieath yi'llowisii white ; throat hiijjht yellow. Others aj;'aiii show blotches on the biitto(!ks, then on the inside of the le<:s, then elsewhere. It is impossible to draw out any (!on.staiit char- acters whereby to define anyone condition of marking'; much depends upon the locality. Tlie yoiin;,' speiMineiis as a ;;eneral riih^ liave the head narrower than I he a:i:t :t ;i'.iH 1 liTll I ;i:.(iH 1 :ios7 1 :i(;!)i) ') :i;i:i8 i :i:i:u) 1 o:t!»'.> !-• o:)!»:t 1 3s;ii 3 33:12 1 352a 1 3;i."iO 1 Oll> lu:i4(i 1 1 1 ID!) 0 lllilO!) 1 Ultl 2 31:1.-1 12 3.-|48 '.! 1 1 I.iii'itlity. WIllMI I'dllrc cil. l'"i'()in wliorii i< ci.'ivid. Nat II I'll lit' Kiirciiiiciu Ciiilisl,., I'.i r.iiiii ;hiii- ('iiiiiiiv, r l''ii\liinv:li, I'u ..'..... l!io(pKvillr, I'.i l!i(l l;iMi-, A I'U I''(iit Siiiilli, ArU I'laiiir Mir lliiiiu Siiiiil Liiiii.4, Mil . KIri'liiiliiimJl, (i:l I.i I'riif. S. K. Baiiil 1 AlHiuloUc. .. ill) Do. Sliiiw Do. Dr. 1!. Iliivinoiid Do. cf (.'iipt. I!. li..Miir(v,U. S A. Vi>.(f Dr. I'.. KSIiiiiiiaiil | Do. 1: , Wi-i I'l'iiHai'iila, Kla . MiiaiiMii.v, l''la Tarlii iiiiili, N. 0 Cliarlr'r. L, Itridurr I'n.f. S. 1''. l!airil I.ii'iit. IJ.Coiuli, U. .S. A. I'rof. S. I'-, liaiiil ('(iliiniliiiH, < tliio rrol. I,. I.esi|ii(iiriix. MaiiiMla, Ohio rniC l). 11. AiiilreWH. KlMi:l,(tlli(l I'nif. S. K. Hainl Miiliilr, Ala ! I'ilclioil V Wrslrili Mi.ssiiini (iiiat tJnrk SI lawilrl Vill.i Dr. I'. It. Iluv...- II. li. Miillhaiisi'ii •III .ShawiicK Mission Dr..r. (I.t'imii Monlircllo, MisH Mi.ss H1I111 I'l Sllilry l.alii W. .S. Woml Saint l.iiiiis, Ml) ! 1 do. Tvvi'ii S|iriii;;.s, 'rcnii Vi'lliiw.stoni' Kivcr... Ni'W Oili'.iiis, l,a Miiniit CarinrI, III St. .IoIhi'm Kivir, Kla . . lilark Kivcr. Klvria, ( Cii Oaklrv, S. ('. i I'rol'. K. Owrn I Dr. I\ V. IlavdcM May 'J!l, l>^7."i j Niw Orlians Academy. Nov. — , 1K8I , L. M. Tiiniir 1874 i (;. I! riiwM tiDoiii lllc l.ilicrlvt'iiiiiitv, lia Wasliinnton, D. ii .. Arlin^tim, Va SoiiMiliainpton Ooiiiil v, Va. Wvtlicvillc, Va S. 1'. U.K. Survey Soutlicni Illlnom I'"rainin;:liaiii, Mas.s Montreal, 1). C I'riif. S. I'. ISaiiil . i V. W. Ilavward.. I .Maj..!. LeCiintc 1.S77 Dr. T. II. liean .. (?» l.HT'.t Wi liain rainier , (.') ,— , 1,S70 I.. Kiinilieii 188.-. fid. >r. McDimald I II. II. MolUian.icn. K. KeunnieiiLa,... S. K. llaird. ])o. Do. Do. Do. Do. O Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. c/- Do. Do. 9 Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. g Do. Do. Do. g Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. cf Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. cf Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. ?.) They are all tin}>ed more or less with yelh)wish}jreen on the chin, which soon shades towan's the throat and breast, and the belly is whde, or nearly so." RANA MONTKZfM.l-: Itninl.f Iioiia moiili:ii;ti. [i. i'>l : (nranl, }\ S. Mcx, nomid. Siu-v., Ji'optil.'s.. ).. -JT, ri. :!(i, li;,'. l-C; liicMclii, Miss. Sc. Mrx. li.itr., \>. II, I'l. IV, li-. a. The jieneral form is rather squat and li(>avy; in this respect re- semblfii*;' the Northern bull-fro,i>-, or Rdiui cdtcshidiid. Like it, it is with- out any lateral riil;;(' of the skin on the i>ack, or if such l)e present, it is interrupted and soon disappears. The head is depressed, the an.nles all rounded, eanthus rostralis not distinct ; the nostrils situated a little below its highest part, al»out halfway between tnee.\e and tipofsnout. The t(ti» of the head is slightly convex between the eyes, without any groove. Tiiere is a slight depression behind and below the exterior nostrils, and which, proceeding backwards, beconu's obs(»I('t(' iu'low the anterior eanthus of the orbit and then leappears below (lie middle *Aincrican NiUmiili.st, 1-^s:!, HI-'. t I 'la I.' 51, llg. !',>. fl TIIK J5ATUA(;illA OF Nctl.'TII AMICUICA. 429 of the eye, wliciico it passes n\o\\^ tho, np[)('r vaga of the maxillary lioiie as a well-dcrmeil /;roovo i'.\teii(liii,n- bcMieatli tli'^ lymi)aiiui»i. Tliere is no fold of skin passing over and behind tho tynii)annui, as in A', catesbiana. The tyniiKinuni is moderate, snbelliptical, with the ' . ^' longest diameter longitudinal, the center above the angle of the mouth, its anteiior edge rea (• t' r t'l! r 1 1 i ; , 1 430 iJULLKTiN ;m, unithu statks national muskum. tbouyh not promiiieiit, but .siiiootlicd over. The buttocks are apiiar- eiitly smoother thau common, the usual gnmnhitioii being scarcely discernible. Tiie under parts are entirely smooth. The tinjirers are all free and of rather unusual length, and taper sud- denly from the swollen base. The third is longest, the (Irt and fourtii nearly equal, though the latter is rather longer. The fourth toe is loiij^ est, fifth and third rather shorter. All the terminal phalanges are curved downwards and taper to rather an acute tip; the web is more cut oui on the inner edges of the toes than on the outer; on the latter it extends to a little beyond the middle of the last phalange ; on the former scarcid.v beyond the last Joint; itiseverywheredecidedly concave when stretched. The cuneiform tubercle is small, and there is a slight membrane extend ing from it along the inner edge of the foot. The general color above is of a purplish-brown, beneath grayish-white or ash, everywhere minutely blotched or vermiculated with spots and sinuations of lighter; sometimcvS more in irregular spots, sonu'times more in vermiculations. Deneath, these light spots are obsolete towards the chin, but they are very distinct on the side about the groin, and on the thighs anteriorly, posteriorly, and interiorly, where they are larger than their interspaces. In the typical and best specimen the ground- color of the entire limbs is purplish-brown, rather lighter beneath and internally, with the lighter spots scattered everywhere, and very obso- lete indications of transverse bars above. This ai>pears to be a male. A fenuile still larger than the specimen upon which the descrii>tion has been based is more squat in ap|)earance, with the warts mon^ distinct on the side and back, but with little or iu» granulation on the buttocks. The colors are much the same, except that the lower parts are lighter, the interior faces of the hind legs especially, • hich are yellowish-gray, with the light blotches very obsohite. The light s!»'?ts in the groin are of a pink color, which may be the general hue of the spots. lA'Ugth of body, ^.(JtMnches. We have thus«lescribed one extreme of coloration. Tii(> other is quite ditferent. Here the upper parts and sides an* (covered with very dark brown blotches, each with a lighter areola; tiie blotcdies average about two-thirds the size of the tympanum. Some of the blotches on the back are considerably elongated ; those on the sides smaller. The ground- color is of alight olivaceous-brown, with a general and uniform mottling of lighter, as already described. The inferior parts are lighter, with the blotches more obsolete. The fore limbs with several obsolete dark blotches, the hinder with three or four transverse bars on each division; those on the thigh very short. Ilody 2.4i inches long. Specimens are found in every stage of c;rouii(l of the under and inner surfaces, the more fully webbed toes, the shorter limbs, etc. Iioth have the lateral vocal vesciles. A*, arcolata has a decided lateral fold. Mnh: llK'llC'8. TcplJil It'iiKtli ;i.-.'ti 1.(10 Hand TliiKli 1-J" 'riir.^iiH 70 Miiiil foot. l.f.l I'oic-iiriii, I'roni I'lliow. 1.70 Inc-lics. 7J .'j;j .11 I lliinl l(!j;(stiTtcli.(l) .».H| l.r.l . -ii Li'iiitiiioriitjiKi 1.0.'^ .:m .:.l Width i.os .:m .,■>:! Lciifftli of eyelid :!0 .Oil City of Mexico — twelve specimens, .MaJ. \\. Kich; six specimens, E. I). ("oi)e. This species is co iimoM in the valley of .Mexico, where it is used as food. The unspotted brown variety is found near Guanajuato; Dr. A. Dtiyes, i;.\NA TK.MPORAinA I. inn. l}iu\(i ttiiiiioiiiriii, jiart., L. Sy.st. Nat., I'd. Vi, p. 'A'>7, Ilaini miilii l.aiir., Syn. h'ei>t., p. :10. L'aiKi Umiioruiht .Selineider, lli.st. .\nipli., I, ]>. 11!!; liUtr., Sal., p. 1(7, and liupt. u, j). 1,")0; Shaw, Zool., iii, p. '.t7 : l>aii(l., Kain., ]>. IC), I'l. l.'>, and Keptil., vill, p. HI; Meirein, Tent., p. 17.'.: I'eiiii., I'.ril. /ool., ill, p. '.>; .Jenyns, liiit. Vert., ]k 'MO; IJonaii., I'.ann. llal. ; Scliiii/, I'.iiiii. llelv,, \>. 14:!; 'r.schudi, Hatr., p. 7'J ; Hell, Itiit. K'eptil., i>. ^1 : Kiini.A Uiln., n.li.V.t ; Koch, tier. Senck. lies. (1 872'), p. ll't; ratio, Vert. Siii.sse, in, p. :!•.'!: \>r I'.etta, I'ann. llal. K'ett. Anf., p. (il; Le.ssona, Atti Ae. Lineei. Mem. Cl. Se. I'i.s., I, |>. loiW, I'i. II ; lioulen<,'er. Vat. l?atr. Sal. Hrit. Mils., ed. II, ls-,>, p. .| |. 7i(ni((,/'((rM()(/)(t Millet, Faun. Maine et l.oin-, ii, p.dti:!. h'dliit iiKiiitil I'allas, /.ooj;r. K'oss, As., p. I'J. Hdiiii iilpiiia Ki.sso, lliNl. Nat. Fur. Mi'r., ill, ji. ".':> ; lion a p, .'. •'. li'timi s(oli(, p. Itll; Ilcion lioyer, Hull. Ac. Htdj;. (H), I, No. •.', p. lit'.t. Hiiiin ttiiiiniraiiit var. iiltitiiir!iiii i Sehreih., llerp. Fur., p. I\!.">; (iiinlli,, Cat., p, IG ; Kosel, lli.st. l.'aii., p. 1, I'is. is. Havii ihihowHhii CJiinth., Ann. iV Ma,^. N. 1!., 1-7(1, x\ ii, p. :\-^7. Vomerine teeth in two small oldi(iue oioiips, extending beyond the hinder edjic of the choame. Head moderate; snout short, blunt ; in- terorbital space as broad as tlieuppei eyelid; tympanum distinct, two- thirds the diameter of the eye. l-'in^yeis moderate, lirst extendin ,f ,' ) (■ I Til JtiWfiiiraiaaaa^ 432 jjULLirrix ;ii, uxitim) siati;s national musku.m. lianlly tlio {i[i of tlie snout. A modi'vatcly i>i'oiiiiiioiit j;lainliil;ir liiteriii fold. I'piuT parts jiiayisli or brown, more or loss sj)otteil with darl; brown or black ; a more or less intense dark temporal spot ; a light line from below the eye to the extremity ol" the temporal s[)ot ; sides of body largely spotted; limbs Iransveisely barred; beneath more or less spotted. ]\Iale witli two internal vocal sacs. The above synonymy and (lescrii)tion are taken from Boulenger, to whom we are indebted for tlie most complete studies of the Kuropeau species of I'ana. Tlie typical foi-mof tliis speciies is distributed over northern and teiii- pcrate Asia and Murope, but a subspecies is (;ommon in tiu' western regions of North America. Tiiis lias been called Ititna ptrtioxa by Messrs. Baird and (lirard. It «liffers Irom the Old World Ibrm asfoUows: Ht'iid rroiii tliri'i' and (i\ c-liiitlis to (rarir>:5, ]i, ItT"'; Itaii'd, rrmccd. Ac riiiia., L-.V), 1.. W'^; (lirard. V. S. Kxjd. llNpcd., llcip., p. ','(1, I'l. -J, ii;rs. \:\-\<: Cooper,!;. S. I'.xjd. Snrv., xil.. part ii. p. iidi; r>oiil('n;j;cr, Hull Sue. Zitol. I'r. l^ell, p.'JiIri; Cope, I'roci'i'd. Ac. I'liila., L-i-^;{, pii.viO, ;);!; Anii'ricaii Naturalist, l-7'.i. p. »:{.".. The tbrm is rather stout and the head is not sosmall as in tho typical 1{. l('mpor<(ri(i. The heel of the exteu- (MmI. Ar. liu^. r.!-i-; /.D.ll. 1 1. 1-alist, 1-7'.'. Iio typical tlu' po.stt ■ (Icr. Tilt' I small t'X- lli'llll olt Cantliu.-^ rtlic snout l»apilla, as iU'ial I'xra- lliaii tlii'ci- iii that ol l\iiipanuiii ( tliinls tlif )nj;iu' very cs iiaiTow, I two small LMval iMpial 'I'lii.s ante- i- border of II tilt' sides d loys, pus ■•■■t * I filiated with small as[)erities, seen even on the interior dij?ital mem- brane. Those on the buttocks seem to rei)lace the usual f>ranulation,of which no traces are visible. Many of these latter pustules on the but- tocks appear to consist of glands, as their open mouths are visible in the largest specimen on the inferior surface. The third flnger is longest, then the fourth ; the first longer than the second. The femur is shorter than the tibia, and both shorter than the foot ; they are not quite half the length of the body. The tifth and third toes are equal ; the foot well webbed. The terminal jointof the fourth toe is entirely free; the web extends from the tip of the outer toe to nearly the second articulation of the next, running up to the first articulation, and again on the other side in a similar manner, narrowing to the tips of the third, second, and first toes on the exterior sides, and on the in- ner, starting from the first articulation. The inner edge of the foot is narrowly margined. The cuiu'iform process i.>, elongated and diminu- tivj', with a small tubercle opposite it on the sole, the whole of which is covered by asperities. Inner loe not one-third total length of foot. There is a broad depressed ridge extending from the eye on each side nearly to the thinks, becoming indistinct i)osterioiiy ; in some specimens perceptible at any point. No other ridges are visible, except a slight glandiform prolongation of the upper jaw, extending over the aim, and interrupted opposite the end of the Jaw and above the shoulder by the groove pa.ssing behind the tynii)aiuini. (Jeneral (!olor, above dull yellowish-brown (dead leaf), darker on the sides. A number of circular l)iown blotches on the back between the ridges, which themselves are rather brighter than the rest of the ground- color, and not invaded by the blotches. In some the.se blotches are very few in number, iiiid in none are they in any definite .serial arrange- ments or areolated. The outer siufiUH's of the limbs are blotched transversely; a dull yellowish line along the upper Jaw, distinct only under the eye, nari'owing behind, and terminating above the arm ; in young specimens an indication of a dark area back of the eyes and iiKiluding the tympanum, somewhat as in R, si/lratica. (Jnder parts yellowish-white, obsoletely marbled with brown. In life the groin and posterior parts of the abdomen, with the adjacent parts of the thighs, are salmon-<;olor. I took a specimen at Salt Lake City, Utah, which has no tra(!e of dermal folds, and a smooth skin. Sides and above uni- form dusky; thighs below anil i)osteiior part of abilomen red. This is the characteristic Ivana of tne northwestern interior, being accompanied by niifoci)! u iiihie unI s iunl liKNCdiiiinn rctitstnm. In life the posterior part of the abdomen, with the inferior faces of the thighs, are of a bright salmon red. 1 »)l)taiiicd it the entire length of the valley of the Warner Lakes, but not at Fort Midwell. I have found it to range as far as the eastern foot of the Hocky .Mountains in Montami;* and ".\iiirrii Mil N;il iir.ilisi, 1-7'.', (i. IX). 1<».-,l_Hi,ll. M 'js I i m '■ y hi . ^ .18 .07 Catalo^iiu- uuinlii'i'. N"(i. of .-.ll.T. I.iicalitv. Wlirn nil- li-clcd. Fliiin wIkmii rcii'ivcil. Nittiiic of spciiiriiii. .".97;i hti8:i am 114UB 8085 3437 3:i«o ;i:iUti 8|i;;oii .St. ('atlii'iinc'.-, ( '.maila Xoiili (d' liivcr Nil/ tll'i^Oll. riUPiI- I'ilrliolr l{.i>iii Villim sloiio r.iiU. Fort ICIIh. Mont -, l*<7t'. 1)>75 ('. 11. Kcnm 1 Iv II. \V. Il(n>lia'w do r. s !:\|d Kxpcci. . H. W. lliMsliaw l;, Krnriiidlt 1)1. ('. (1. Ni will iiv Id. A. I, lli'i I man II. \V. II,llr.ll.llV Hi. ('. R l;. K.iiniMlv III. I>. \V. Uradlc...' Dr. liroiyc Siuklrv <'. llail Miriiam Uplui- I-'iiiliidi' liasiii. . V.llou^loii.' r.iiU. l)t'.s Cliiitis Ui\ cr. I Iit;; Ci'ookrd IIImc, On;; . . Moiiiiiaiii.f iiiaf fort Klaniatli.Oiri.'. I Kcirl Walla Walla, Wash. I do ... do ... do ... ^7i: 1S7-J lh7.-< I.^7> 1^7S l.-Kl l.-Sl IRKi I KM 1C81 W. I!. I'I. Ill ('. llait Mei I iani. II. W. Il.tisliaw.. do do Capt. CliarliM Bfiidiif, V. S. .\rinv. do .; do do .1(> do Dr. J.G.Coojur Alcoliolic. Ho. I>o. llo. Ho. Ho. Ho. Ho. Ho. Do. Ho. Ho. Ho. Ho. Ho. Ho. Ho. Ho. Do. Do. Ho. Do. Do. Do. Do. • Aituual Report U. S. Geol. Survey Terrs., 1871, p. 4Gy. THE BATUACIIIA OF NORTH AMERICA. 435 RANA C'AXTAniiKiKNi-- .; J'.ainl. ProtTi'il. Ac. riiilii., l.-^.')l, i).('>vJ; lioiilcii;;^!-, ISiill. Soc, Zool. Franco, 18^11, p. 'JOit; (It). Cat. JJatr. «al. lint. Miis., !-<•,», p. .|,-,. nana sijlvdtica De Kay, X. Y. Faun, iii, p. Cil, IM. 'JI, '_>■,'; Hoiilenj^cr, Hull. 8oc'. Z<)()l. FiiUict', l"*"'.), ]). 171. IlaiKt tiuiporaria, var. Hilralicd pt., (Jiintli., Cat. I$rit. Miis., I-^IW, p. 17. Jlaiia tiiiiponiiia caiiluliriijmtin Cope, Clicck-List X. Anier. Hatr. Rcptil., 1^75, p. ',12, Tliis species (litters more widely from the R, temporaria than does the R.pretiom, so iiuich so, that I now follow Professor IJaird and Mr. Bon- ieiij;'er in niaintaininf'it as a distinct species. As usual with the si)ecie8 of their }?enus, it pre.sents such variations as to render the coinmou ori{j[in of all the.se forms certain. Thus in four specimens from Lake AUoknagik, Alaska, the web of the hind foot is as fully developed iu the R. tcmporaria pret'osa, only two phalanges of the fourth toe being fiec. As.sociated wifn them was a specimen of the variety R. can- t((bri(ien,si,s crittata. In the specimen (No, 5IG9) from Puget Sound, Washington, the jwsterior leg is remarkably elongate, reaching the end of the muzzle, so as to approach nearly to the R. silratim. Two (listinct subspecies and a variety of the Rana cuntnhrigensis are known to me, which difter as follows: Only two plialaiiRPS free; no longitudinal stripcHou back or tibia li. c. latiremis. Tlireo i)liiilaii;fos free ; no lonf^itiulinal strips on back or on tibia R. c. vriltata. Three jilialan^^es free ; a median dorsal and an anterior tibial lij;!!t strii)e I{. V. cantabridyensia, Raua atntahrigensis latiremiii Cope. ProetMMlin Do. 137'JO Do. Rana caniahrujcnals canfalfigenfiis Baird.* Muzzle Hat and rather acuminate, fjivinj? the head a tapering appear- ance, its length entering that of the head and body three and a half times. Tympanum half the diameter of the eye. Nostril equidistant between orbit and end of muzzle. A. dorsolateral glandular dermal fold ; the skin between them smooth, on the sides sparsely tubercular; first finger longer than second, ileel to middle of (ubit; a glandular rib on the inner edge of the tarsus; webs of toes short; inner cunei- form tubercle prominent and obtuse-edged; a minute external tubercle. The coloration of the typical Ibrm is as follows: General appearance of /»'. ni/lraticd : Above, yellowish-brown ; a dark vitta through the eye, margined below by whitish ; lateral fold of skin light colored, as is also a median dorsal line extending from the snout to the anus; a narrow light line along the posterior faces of the thigh * J'iat.-:.i. tig. i:{. it. .052 .019 .015 . 0\ia .Oil .071 .020 .OIVJ . 0^'5 |i THE lUTRACHIA OF NORTH AMERICA. 437 iiixl lop; tlic sides are fVequently black-spotted, sometimes onlv mar- ble 024 Ltiintli of fore foot Oil hen;; ill of hind liiiil) to {iroiii 072 Leiijitli of tibia 022 Leii;illi of tarsus 012 Li'iijith of remainder of foot 024 The form erittnta is probably only a coh)r variety, as it displays no jieculiarity other than that of color, referred to in the analytical tablt' given above. It is also Ibnnd at soveral localities mingled with riie typical form, though this is not always the case. Judging from the (•()lle(!tion in the National .Museum, it is as abundant as the typical variety. nana riiiilabriiidixis (■milahriiniinin Hainl. Ci.t.ln::uo X...of Localilv. V"'!\ Kn,„, «lu.u> reoeivta. -Vaturo of iimiiliii. sju'C. I ■ riillfitctl. spciniien. 3457 4 3458 5 aSHA 5 5024 1! 6037 i:i 3450 r, 6010 3S 3454 17 6145 *> 5025 1 14496 1 14100 1 14072 1 0383 0384 11515 14407 14 1 1 Wostrni MinHoiiri Or 1*. I!. Hoy I,ak«< Wiiiiliiaosliisli B. 1". Uilcll Minn. .Iiiuir.s liay. I!. Aniciii'ii ('. Dicxlcr Kurt Itf.milnlion K. Ki'nnirott .I;iMH'M Hay. li. Anicric'ii (' ltrr.\li'i Uccl Uivci- i>r N'di 111 I!. Krnniciitt I'Dlt Ui'siiliitliin ilii North Krtl itivi !• (l) llci (Ill I'oit .Shnjison iln .\l;iskii K. W. N'elsdii Clark Cmiiilv, 111 Aiiix. l**:'." U.C. IIimI;,'!' Southciii Ala-kii 18.».'i I.icut. (iioii;i> 51. Stoni'V, r.s. N. Lake Siipeiior I!. ICiMiiiicott AtliiiliaMia K (.'i Al.c.r N.lson K.. llii.l- Ui. KobHt hell Hon'a liiiy. Fi>rt Viikbii, Ala.skn .. 1*7!) I,. M. Tmiiht Al I'liliolic. Vo. lh>. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. I.o. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. iM- 'i! ni m 43S nULLKTIX 31, UXITKl) STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. /.'((»(( <(i)itHbriiie>iKi!i rviltntd Cope. Cntnlngiio N n. of IIUIIll)!'!. •■*! MT. s.'inri O iwHr) tj fiOL':; M 5:iH0 O 5:)ti4 :! 5«^!» 1 U4»') 1 e505 1 r.ifio 7 lliTL'T 1 Lodilitv. When coUicli'd. Fniin wliom id'eivtid. Niitnic of h|ii'riiii('n. Mtiosc Itivpr, II. Ami'iion St. ('atliiiiiiic'N. Caimdii .. Dr. I). W. IU'iiiIIk XIiMi,-ii'lMlaiiil,r...\ini rii'ii ('. DicxliT MiKisc Uivci, li. Ameiii'ii ilo Wi-llhy Uivir U. Kiiiniridt ... liiitisli .Aiiii'i ica dii Xiiliilo Itiv.r, .\laska W. II. Dall Hi;; Inland, (iicat Slave , .luljii Uciil I,aki>. I'li^lft .Siiniid I r. S. K^id. Kxiii'd Lake .\lliiklia;;ik, 1^^•J C. I-. .MiKav Ala.'ika. I C. Drixl.T ' Alccdicilk' It... Do. Do. Do. Do. If JJANA ACJILI.S Tlinmas.* liana tnnixivnria Millet, Fatiiu! Maine el Li'iie, ii, ]i. (it)|, liana ayitix 'V\w\\\i\s, Ann. .Se. Nal., ^<'r. ■!, 1\. |i. I!ti,"), I'l. T; Falio, IJev. Maj;. ZimiI., sdr. 'i, XIV, !•. ^1, ris. (> and 7, and N'eii. ,"^nis>e, iii, p. ;{:(;'.; 1 >e I'InIi'. .\nii. Sei. Nat., ser. .^), XVII ; De Uetta. Fann. Iial., li'eil. .Viif. p. ti.') ; Lata.sle, llerp. (iir. !>, •,':{;!: Leydi;;, An. iialv., \\. \V.\: \Assin\:\. Alli Ae. J.incei, Mem. CI. Se. — Ii>, 1,11. 1071, i'l. Ill: Hdiilenoer Knlj. Soe. Zool. i"r,inee. 187;», i>. IS!; Catul. lialr. Sal. Hiit, Mu.s., ed. ll, lS-», p. H;. liana h mporariu var. arralin, pt., (iiintli. Cat., ji. Iti. Haiia ijracilii I'alio, Ifev. Ma;;. Zodl. .ser. )i, x\y, p. -l. liana limponirin var. aijilis ., Help. Km., p. i'J.'i. Voiiicriiie toctli in two obli(|ii(' oxiil j^Knips, cxtciidiiiji' lu'voiid tin- bindc'i' i'(lj;e ol' tlic cliuaiiii'. Head (lci»rcss( d ; .snout latlitr «'loii;;ati', siiltaciiiiiiiiate; inttroi Itital space narrower tliaii tlic upitci' cvt'Iid ; tympaiiiiiii very nearly a.s lar;;e as the eye; close to it. l''iii;;ers inotU'i- ate, lirst exteiidiiij;' Iteyoinl second; toes at least two tliirds wehltcd: Kubai ticulai' tubercles of liiigeis and toes niiicli developed; inner meta- tarsal tiibei(;le rounded, hliint, ratlier strong'; a small outer tubercle. A narrow <;landular lateral fold. Above },'rayisli-browii, dark spotted: a very dark teniporiil spot; ii lij-lit line on the lip from the tip t)f the snout to the extremity of the temporal spot ; hind limbs re<,Milai iy cioss- barred; beneath immaculate. .Alale without vocal sacks, (lloulenyer.) France, Switzerland, 2s'orth Italy, (ireece. Like the h'aim ivrnporaria, this species has it.s representative on the western coast of North America, which differs from it in some minor characters. This form has been named liana aurorn i»y Baird and Girard, and 1 rej^rard it as a subspecies of the li. a^'. An t)l).scui«- intlication of a ilaiU area alioiit the tynipaniiin sornt'what as in A', si/lnilivd, and an intcriiii»ti'd dark line from cyt' In nostril. The sidr of head iUiti'rior to tlio I'.ve is yi'llowish oi- ;;r»'t'nisli- yellow, lint'ly mottled, narrowin;;' beneath the center of the eye into a somewhat (listin(;t line, which i»asses bad wards over the maxillary fold of skin. In lar;;e specimens this line m indistinct, and in none is it traceable anterior to the middle of the eye. In small specimens from Columbia lliver, apparently belon^jin;,' to this species, tli(^ trianjjnlar dark area behind the eye, ineludin;; tym- panum, is more distinct, and beneath it is a yellow line commencing;' be- low the eye and reachin;;' back to anus. The buttocks are brown, with small liijht or gray-colored spots. Fio. 113. nana a;)Uii aurora. Nn. 3H77. Astoria. Oi.'goii; Iiii Ihs. liicliis. Total "J.'.if. l.(M) I Fii.tt 1..".7 .'.:». Arm I.IK) .t;t; I Sliiulfst toe W .17 FoiD-anii (iii .-i i l-iit •'>."• 1."" Iliuul '{> .'Jti Chord of jaw l.dC .;!li Fciiiiir 1. «» .1- Wi.ltli l.(»:t .;;:. Til)ia l.r.4 .,V,' I K.v.' iW .11 TurwiLs H.j .'JH I 'ryiii|iaiiiiiii -- .i'/ liniiii tifjilit iiinnnt \\\.\. (iird. Cutalneuu Nn. iif I niitiiltcr. I H)ii>c. 3.163 Loiulity. Wlu'iiiol- ll.'CtUtl. 3371 B407 3»74 0420 M21 KM^ 3;i77 11711 3360 S828 Kicmi wliiiiu riMcivcd. N.iliiii- c.f H|M'i'iiiii'ii. AU'iiliolit-, Do. Do. l>o. Do. Do. Do. .Mcoliolic t VIMM Alrolioli. Do. -. TIIK nATKAClIIA OF NORTH AMERICA. Ul . RANA DKAVTHM It.l. A- (Jird. Hdiia ilrniiloiii M. & fJinl., I'loccnl. Ac. I'liila. (l-flW), \>. 171; fJirnnl, U. .S. Exi)l. Ex- ,M',li.', ll.Tp., 1.. -ill. ri. II, lif;-^. l'.l--,M. /.',(»(( Iiroiihi Mtl. iV (iinl., rroi'i'i'il. Ac IMiila. (l-."i:!). p. IKH. (iiiiitli., Cal.. ji. 1.'.; Itid.clii, Hull. Soc. I'liilom., (F.l i, p. ITK. ami .Mins. Sc Mcx., IJatr., p. II, I'l. IV, f. 1. l.'iiiiii iiiiiiicdiis, Ilalliiw., rrocfcd. Ac. I'liila. (Iti.M), \>.W<; Hoiilcnjjcr, Mull. .Soc. Zool. li. (Irt-'tl). 1>. -"* ; llioi'clii, .Mins. Sc. Mcx., Hair., p. l.'i, I'l. IV, li;;. !!. i;,iiiii liiiifiiiKs, Mallow., r. .S, Kxpl. .Siirv., x (I'.V.'), iv Zoo!,, p. 'Jd, I'l. x. Ii>,'. 1. l!l)irlii:iii hiiiijiiHH Vanow, Check List and Calal. of .Spec, of X. Aiiicr. ikCptilcH, Uiitr., (!■'-':!), 1'. •"'"'• ^''t "' I'liiiil iV Cope. Sp, I'll. — l>(>(l,v stout. Ilciiil bioailcr ticiii l(»iij;'. I'l.vc larj>i'; con- tiiiiK-d two iiixi a liall' tiincs in clionl of jaw, and distant oni' halt' time its diamiiter from tlio rictus. Tympanum tlircet'ourtliN k'n},'tli of eye- lissiire. I>ody with tubercles above, each witii a jmre; without decided asperities. A ;;landidar foM alon^j; ujtper jaw and a broad depre.s.sed iid;;e on earnilar ; a (l.iik car-pat<'h ; larger 11. d. dvuyloni. lliml liiol fwico length of head ; skin ahove sniootli; no dark ear-palcli; sizo smaller It. d. om u. liana (Iroytoni ihttytoni IU\. ik. Gird.* IJody stout and heavy. Limbs massive and well (leveh)ped. Head ratiier Inoader than Ion-;-. Nostrils moderate, with the usual papilla behind, situated nearer the snout than the eye. A trianytdar exca- vation ill iiont of eye, extended backwards under the eye. Eye liirj^e, contained two and one half times in chord of commissure, one-half of its diameter from rictus. Tympanum small, indistinct, transversely el()ii<;ated; rather more than half the length of eye (its shortest diameter about eipnd to half this length). A glandular fold or ridge on the back- ward prolongation of (he jaw, interrupted at rictus. Inner nostrils elliptical. N'omerine teeth in two series, obtuse angled behind, where they are .separated by an interval le.ss than their distance anteriorly from nostrils, the ridges ranging with the centers of the nares, andtho teeth on a line with their posterior margin. Tongue not large. Hkin thick and leathery (apparently the ea.se in most frogs from the I'acilic coast); above it is uniformly covered with deiuessed and soft- ened tubercles, each tubercle w ith a distinct pore, sometimes with a ' I'iate .-,1. li^. II. > ' •,, i I 4 .■ . , J. :' 442 lUI.LKTIN :iJ, UNITED STATKS NATIONAL MUSEUM. smaller one in it, especially on the baek. Fore legs sli^iitly tubercnlar only. IJuttocks grannlated ; the grannies depressed (not tnberculai). On each side a broad depressed ridge of skin, not very distinct at first sight, extending frohi the eye over tynipannni in a line slightly convex above to near the groin, where it is interrni»ted, and then takes a sud- '. r/ff»»f»/'( in the broader, more depressed body, and dorsal fold, large foot, smaller tympanum, etc. 1^ 'icnliii- cular). iit firsr 'OIIVCX il 811(1- [)iit (»|». 1>.V til." naiicli •rilx'd, littl.', i«<'.sf : '1\t •('(lye, <»'«'(»II(I. r cdoc (lOCCSS tlllx'l'- iill the ; S' THE HATRACIIIA OF NORTH AMCHICA. Miasiivoiifnl-* of malt. 443 Totiil Ii'n:> l.lil ..'id l.)>«i .r,i . -)') . •,'(; Illlllcs. Hind fdot l.-i ..-(1 Inner toe (in . 1-j Ilindlfji r>.(i-J l.TIt C'Intrd (if ii|nit!r jaw 1. 1() , :{4 Width I.IC. .:i(! Evo Id A-> Tyiiii>aiiiiiii (loiij^ diaiii.) vii! . (^'-^ At the time wIhmi the dc'sciiption of A', hrontci was pivpari'd the limits of vaiiat ion of the species were not as well understood as they liave since become from an examinati»)n of many specimens from dilVer- ent localities. On this account the species was established on speci- mens of small size, (!ollected by Dr. Le ("onto, but which 1 consider to belong to the Ji. dntjiloni. The color above is a dark olive-lnown, with numerous unif(»rndy distributed darker and well delined circidar biotches about the si/e of the puitil, and most of them with a rather lijihter center. They are principally etnbraced within the lateral ridf^es, tli()ii;;ii some are exterior to thetii. Tlu^ buttocks are dark brown, with well (Idined sjtots and dots of yellowish, smallest tiear the anus. The tiaii>verse bars on the lej;sare numerous, narrow, and well-delined. three to live on the tibia. A narr()w and well »U iined greenish-white line along the n|tper Jaw tVom beneath the eye. and a light(M' tinge along the lateral ridge. IJtiieath yellowish, maibled with itrown on the whole under and inner surfaces. I.'diiii ilniiiliiiii liaiidiV (iiiard. il II * C.llaln-lh llllllllll'l. :i:ci '.ICO ::::7ii iii;i7 No nf l.ili'.(]il\. Wlicn , nl. llLtfll. !■ IcHll « llnlil Irri'iviMl. I)|-. i;. Siiniiicls Mi'iilHilii' 8;uo I'it;iliuii;i, ('ill riiLiii SiMiiici i»i- ('. i;, I; KiiMiiih I 'ill i lorn 1.1 \ I. ill! nil. 1 11 . . Kllli.niilip, ChI Hr lti..\li' S.iii I'lalH isni. Cal I'nilni Slalis IC\|i|iii in;; l!N|M'lliliilll. I'n'f«iiliii, Cal I,!i 111 W. I' Tiiptt liiiil;;!' Mniinlains i. ar t'oit 11. W. Ilm^liaw Iriull. Cul. Calil.iliiia lIl.J li. I.irnlili' N allllr nl' s I'l nin-n. \ I'lilinlii'. Ho Do. Ho i>,i. lln. Dn. Ii'(iii<( ilrtijiftDii inicii ('o|»e. Yarrow's IJrp. Kx))!. Sniv. W. ot'jdiitli y\n\, /iiDJdov, vol, v, p. .VJ-, 1^1. ',•:., li-s, I-;!. Head oval; muzzle sloping to the lip. Diameter of tympanic mem- brane eipial distance between nares and between nostril and orbit, and three foui'ths the dianu'ler of the orbit, or the distance from iiaies to margin of li|» in front. V»»ineriin' teeth in faseiciiili behind the line con- necting tlu^ posteiioi' borders (»f the clioi inc. A dermal fold on each hide of the Ikk^L, and a shoit one b>'hind the angle of the mouth, with li ^ I 444 IRLLETIX :JI, UXITKD STATES NATIONAL MUSKKM. some .scattered warts on the sides; skin otiieiwise entirely siiiodili. Toes obtuse, with wide webs reaeliiii<,' to the base of the penultiiiiiito phahmye. One hjnjjf metatarsal tnberele; one fold on the tarsus; a dernnil border on outer toe. The heel extends beyond the end of tiie muzzle. Lijiht brown above; below, yellow. Three rows of rather distant, solid, small black spots between the dorsal folds; two or three rows on each side; none of the spots yellow-bordered. Head unspotted; no band on the lip. A brown vertical i)and on the front of the hiuneiiis. Scattered sjjots on tibia and femur; clouded spots on the iH)sterinr face of the femur. Size of h'aiut claiitdta. This frof;-, of which a female si)ecimeu was obtained, combines charac- teristics of different jjroups; its coloration resembles somewhat that <>t the eastern or tyjucal form of h'aiia rirescciis, but the full palmation of the hind foot is that of 7>'. moiitezunuv and Ji. catisbiana. It is also . Tymi)anum small, very indistinct. A broad deprcss«'d rid{;e of skin on each sidcofback. .Sivin linely tubercular above. Head broader tiiiiii lonjj. Tibia and femur more than half the length of body ; the lattci the longer. Hind foot less than half this Ien;jth ; webbed entirely to the expanded tips; outer toe decidedly lonjrer than the third. .\ii elonjrated tubercle at base of inner toe, with another op|)ositeit. Abo\i- dull reddish-olivaceous, with indistinct blotches and dark spots on the back and fa.scia' on the legs, lieneatli yellowish, mottled anteriorly. Inner faces of le;';s immaculate. IJody rather stout. Limbs well devel(»ited. Tibia and femur very long. Head short, broad ; outline rounded, although the tip is rather acute. Nostrils small, situate*! on the crest of the decided canthus ros- trails about midway between the eye and the tip of the snout, lives huge, situated far back; contained three times in the chord of the Jaw and one and a half diameters from the tip of snout; less than half a diameter from the rictus. A moderate excavation in front of tin- eye. Tymi)anum very small and indistinct, not half (he diameter ot the eye, covered with the small tuln'rcles of the skin. A slight fold of skin above it and proceeding toward the arm, met by an indistinct thi(;kening of the skin from the jaw, us in the typical species. Tongue I* THE BATRACHIA OF NORTH AMERICA. 445 SIIKKlill, Itiiiiiite irsils; ii of till' t liir<;o, tlc'sliy, with a rouiuled iiotdi bfliind, leaviiij,' the posterior coriiua as two short obtuse i)rocesses, ilitl'eriii^' iroiu the cormia of the typi- cal KnuK ; the tongue free posteriorly for lia'f its length. Internal nares small, distant, elongated transversely. Voniero-palatine teeth in two longitudinal series, approaching each other obtusely behind, and separated by a considerable interval ; anteriorly these teeth (of which there are oidy three or four in the lineal series) do no quite reach the level of the inner nares. The skin is thick and coarse, above finely uneven ; smooth and even below. Above and on sides thickly sprinkled with minute tubercles, even on tympanum. A broad, dei>ressed, scarcely distinguishable ridge from the eye along the sitles, indicated in the shrunken specimen more by a pe- culiar pitted api»earance than in any other way. On the sides are sev- eral circular areas of moderate size marked in the same way, probably large pustulations in life. The anteroinferior face of buttocks with dis- tinct i»orous pits; the posteiior laces granulated. The arms are well (leveloi)ed ; the forearm and hand about equal ; the third linger longest ; the inner very much swollen at the base, which is dark and horn like. I'emur (Considerably more than half the length of body and longer than the hind foot: the tibia still longer. The feet are broad; each toe slightly dilated at the rounded tip, with epidermis thickened and horn- like: the fourth toe is longest; the outer considerably longer than the third. The web extends compU'tely between all the tips, so that there is nothing free but the very extremities. There is an elongated un- armed tubercle at the base of the inner toe, au'l a smaller oiu* oi>posite to it: well-developed tuberch's are seen undei' all the articulations. The transverse apophyses of the sacral vertebra not dilated. Above dark reddish or yellowish olive, very obscurely nutttle«l with darker, and a faint indication of yelNtwish along the region of the lat- eral ridge. Some whitish spots (Ui the sides, and scattered black dots above on the tubercles. Legs transversely and obsoletely banded with darker. Meneath yellowish, with obscure mottling on the throat. No trace of a light line on the jaws, which are mottled. A tadpole of this sjiecies nu'asured three-fourths of an iiu;h to the anus, and two inches to the tip of the tail, and yet the f«)re legs had not been jtrotruded, although fully formed, showing a considerable growth belbre maturity. The specimen above described is from VA Dorado County, Cal., and was for a long time the «)nly one in our collections. During my expe- dition to Oregon in l.S7!> I rediscovered it. and found it rather abundant in the mountainous n'gions of northern Califoinia. The folhtwing is a des(!ription of a specinu'U from r>aird, on the Met "loud IJiver. one of the heads of the Sacramento. This species lielongs to the littna ti'mpnnnua gioup, and must l>e com- pared with h'anapi)()sitt' tlic po.sU'iior bonh r of tlic (.'lioMiiii', and lonii two slioit, olilicnic series, (liiccfcd inwaids ainl backwards. Tin* toes arc wi'l»l>ed to the terminal i>lialanj;(> ol' ilic tbiiilii di;:it. Tiie liind lej;' extended reaches the extremity «)f the mn/.zli' with the heel. There are two plantar tubercles. The internal is nar- row, rather prominent, and with obtuse extremity ; the other is at the base of the tburth n)etatarsal bone, and is rounch'd. The muzzle is obtuse and the head rather wide. Its (///'/. i'lie skill is not thickened, and is iinieji less glandular everywhere. Tiie iih'mi)iaiiiiiM tympani is entirely distinct, i'he posterior faceol'the femur is not vermiciilated with yellow, but is covered with large black masses. The whole of tlu' under surfaces are brown spotted. There are tour brown cross bars on the tibia; traces of the fourth sometimes appear in the /»'. hni/lii. From Ik'tant prvtinsa it dilVers in all tliesi' characters, besides those that belong to the latter; /. c, the fasciculated vomerine teeth and the short hind legs. ^ ■• THE liATUACIIIA OF NOllTII AMERICA. 447 * Fill. ll'i. Rana hniilil. Xo. 3^70. Natiital Hize. El Dorado, Cal. .Vidsiircuii nil nl' yo. 'A370. M. Loiigtli of lioatl and hotly , (145 LciiKtli oflioiKl to lint! Loiiiiectiiij; ciiiitlins ovis 0i;i2 Willi li of ln'ii(l !it liiu! comiectiii}; caiithu.s ovis Oil) Lfiiytli of inuz/lf to lino of iiiitcrior cauthiis octilaiiiiii 0t)2 l.(ii;,'t li of fore k'}i O'JTo L.n^'th of foot 014 Ltii<,'tii of liiiiil 1«'H 0753 Lcii;;tli of hind foot 034 L(ii;;th of hind foot without aNtraj;alu.s 023 liiuia lioi/lii Utl. & Gird. C'at.ilM;;ili' liiiiiilicr. No. of xiiec. K\ Uo Itairil Cal. Locality. lailo r'al .Shasta C 1 unit y . Wlirii col Kclcil. From wliom received. Xaliire of specimen. 3370 i:ia2« .1 Dr. 1). r. Biivie . {'. II. Towii.sciid 1 .\lc. type, S. Ale. ■ 111 iidilition to the above, I olitaiiicd live speciinon.s from IJainl, and two from A.slilaml, OicjiOii, at the northern ba.se of tlie Siskiyou A[oiiii- taiiis, which fonn the boiimhiry between :)re;j:on and (Jabtoniia. KANA ."^ILVAIICA l,.c. Haiiit fiilriiliai \.v ('., Ann. N. ^'. I.\ r., M 1 ".'•">), ■,'"''J; Harlan, .sillini. Anicr. .lonni. Si'i., x, (l-,'.'i), .".■^; 1 1>. .lonrn. Ac Nat. Sci. I'liila., \ (l-Jo), :!:!■<: 1 li. .Mtd. ami I'liys. Kes. (IS!.-.), lo:i,-J',M ; lloll.r.,.\. Anicf. Hfrp., l.sl »d., i (is:!:;), ;i.-,; I 1.., -Jd ..l., i\ , as|-j), it'.t, xxi\ ; .^tof.r. Kept. Mass, K.'i.iii. ( ISUt). 'J:!'.!; Dnni. A liihr., viii (Hll>, :?(1-J; He Kay,N'. V. Zoo!,, iii ^lsl•.>), iM. xxi, 11^;. .'>!, .ind \\,.'in; Tlioni|)son, \at. Hist. Vi. (l>f,'), 1-Jl ; Wi'iil., Ni.^a Aila Ac, I..m)|.., wwii. Ill; De IMe, Ann, .Sci. .Nat., Ml. .">, x\ii; l!i>uleno;i'r Catal. lialr. Sal. iirii. Miis., is--,', p. IT, lliiiia jii iiii'-iilraiiirK Harlan, .'^illini. .Vincr. .lonin. Sci.. \ ( HvJ.-i), ,->"; linn lender, Hull, Isipc. /iiul. I'rani'c, i l"'T'.t), H", I'xnly rather broad and miieh (h'pres.sed ; anj;alaled by the hiteral radie.s; the whle.st portion Jii.st anterH)r to the fore le^.s. IJmb.s h)ng and sh'tnU'r. Head pointed, broad ; the sides oblitpiely shypinj;-; eyes not visible from beneath; ilistanee between the anterior cauthi about two-tiftUs that I 1 ■ i 448 lUI-LKTIN ;il, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. bi'twotMi tlic rami. Loral s])aco riitlier excavated or eoncave. Nostrils* iiiotk'rate, rather ()l)li<|uc; situated helow the caiitlms rostrahs, so us to be fully visible beneatii the outline of the profile; they are situated halfway between the auteiior <'aiithus of the eye and the tip of tlic snout, and not so far forward as the til) of the lower Jaw; they are sep- arated by about the diameter of the eye, or onefbnrth the distance Iw- tween the rami. Kyes large, projecting, their centers nearer the hin-c of the Jaws than the end of snout, the jmsterior njargins above the ric- tus. Tympanum moderate, its i)osterior edge on a line with the jiostc- rior end of jaws, its center raised, its longest diameter vertical, ami about two-thircis that of the eye. The light line under the eye is piu- longed into ii thickened glandular fold of skin which is interrujitcij abruptly above the insertion of the arm ; the middle of the interval be. tween this interruption and the end of the snout opposite the cent* r of the eye. The distance between the rami rather less than to the end of suout. Ui)per Jaw projecting moderately. The tongue is elongateper Jaw extend back to the gape of tin.' mouth. The skin of the ui)pt'r and exposed portions of Ixxly and limbs is more or less roughened by minute and close-pressed tubercles, with here and there a largi'r interspersed. These do not appear to beat ;ili glandidar or excretive. They are largest and most prominent, on ilif sides and the posterior portion of the back, where they are generally black. The posterior and inferior face of the thighs is granuiited inr about two-thirds its length, as well as a small portion «)f tlu' bi'lly nn the i)ubic region. The sides are scanjely granulated, although coarsely pustulate; all the rest of the lower parts of Ixuly, including the con- cealed surface, are perfectly smooth. The skin of the thigh is pierctd by innumerable line pores. As already stated, there is a fold of skin as a continuation of the light stripe along the edge of the upper jaw, and extending to a point just above the middle of the arm, thickened behind. A rounded df l)ressed ridge or fold of skin commences at the posterior end - nice Ix'- e liiutio tlie lit •• le i)ost<'- cul, ami e is i>i«i- LTinpttil ITVal hi'. le ceiitt 1 ) the eiiil ehiiHl t'oi' () corniia (I iiearti Tee til ill I littU' in their an rt behiiiil e teeth nl I limbs i- i-eles, with 0 be at all III on lilt' {.'generally lui'ited i'tr le Vielly till f\\ coarsely vr the eon- 1 is i»iereiil tion of the r to a point inuMletl (If end of tilt' sends olV a i;;; the sit' -^ >sses of llif (II the liaiiil. •St. the lust f I tl aiitl fourth etiual, the second k-asl. All are thickened at base and laiteriiij,' to tips, ami have a bntb mnler each Joint ami several on the iialm. There is considerable |»o\ver of opposit''»n in the inner (in- •'ers. The tibia and femur are considerably imn-e than half the li'iif-th of the body. The formei' is lonj^cr than the lbt)t ; the femiii in' icdi- ate. The Ibiiilh toi; ltin>;est; the thinl lather lon;,M'r than i ,- liftli, ami extendin}-' to the middle of third phalan^'c (frt»ni tip) tif ItJiiyt'st ; the second ami fust successively shorter. All the metatarsals are scpaiateil by almnl half their distal extremities and (he interval fdleil l»y iiiembraiie. 'I'he web extends (rom tlu' lirsl joint (l'it)m tii») of tlu' outer to'^ to the second t»l' llie Ibnith ; from this same Joint to the (list of (he thinl toe; from the second Jt)int of (he third to the (irst of the second; from the second of (liir sectuitl (cxtcmlin.u by a very narrow web (o (he (irst) (o (he (irst of the (irs( ; the oudines, when stretched, very concave, t'lon^a(ed, and radier sharp. The (ermiiial phalanjjes of all llie Iocs and the last (w(» of (he lon<;est aie thus free. The eiinei- foiin lU'oeess is well de\('lt>ped. rpper par(s a yellowish ;iray, tinj,;'ed with brown t»ii the siiles. The sitle t»f (he head beli>w tht^ candiiis rt>s(ralis amlhUeral folil, inclutling tyiiii'aiinm, is of a dark redtlish-brt»wn (sometimes black), e.xtemlinj;' in an at'iib^ anj;le to a termination just above the inser(it)n t»f the arm or |iostt'rit)r edge of the maxillary fold. Hilges of both jaws dark brown, a linlc molded. A yellt>\vishwlii(e line from (he (ip oC the snout ]»aiallcl with the mar;4in of (he upper jaw, aiitl. iiinmn;; over the max- illary (bill, (ermina(es widi it. .Vll (lie lt»wcr and iiUerior faces of the boily are yellt)wish-wliite, widi an obscure motdinn of brown tui the (hroat. .\ few s('a((creil spo(s o(' black on the sides and (lie posterita' por(it»ii of (he back, principally on (he larger (iibercles. There are dircti or (bur transverse dark l»ars across the faces of the thighs ; the po>teiitir faces ai'c iii(i((lctl with obscure brown, t>n a yellowish ground; the bit>wn aggregaletl in(o a iiiigart)uiid (he anus. The inicritu' sur- faces of the (arsus and (ore aim tiark brown; an elongad'd bit)wn spot a( (he proximal extremity tif the arm, i'x(emliiig obliipidy I'unn the lower jaw. Stdiie specimens tVom Itacine liavi' (he btnly radier stou(er ami (he legs sli()r(t'r, the web of himl fce( radier int)re ile\ clopetl. A number t)f faint white spots on (he posterior face ttf the bii((t»cks. Odiers from (he .same lo(;ality, however, have the characd-rs as given abttve. Oc- casionally the membrane of the (bo( docs nt)( exd-inl bcyoml (he (hirtl joint (Crtmi tii>)of (he lt)ngt st ti>e, ami in the (y|)ical specimen from Carlisle it only reaches (t» the second joint by a narrow margin. A specimen from (t)iii'betr is radier darker (han usual. es|»ccially tui (he siile,> . ami has (he (ee( wehbetl more (han is descrilied abov(>. A ft'inah^ specimen from West|>tu(. N. V., is s(t)u(cr ami the head broailt r than in a male. The legs are rather slit)i(er. 'ihere is less gramilation on the pubis, while the granules on (lu' posleroinferioi' 1951 — IJull. ;5I LM> i 4 450 miLLETiN ;ii, unitkd .statks national MI'SKUM. surface of Mil! Ill ij;lis sue iiioriMli'iMcsst'i), luigt'r, iiiid iiioic st'piii;it«(| tliaii usual l).v till* iiili'riiindiato valli'ys. No ai>|Meciai)li' dilli rt'iuc in tbu .size of lliu tyiiipunuui. Fn;. 115. Utina gilraliea. No. :i:!88. (Jiit'lu'c, I). C. ; 1. Miaxuremiiilx. Illl'llCS. Total (liody Htrai>,'lit('iii!(l).. . I. '.».') I. (Ml | L('k-- Foic-arm :i'.l .17 Tarsus llaiitl r.d .','.") : rt ISffwi'im tijts (>r e.\U'mlf(l ariiLs :f. 10 i.rv.i liii'lii'.t. 1.1(» ".C, 1.(1(1 Total liiiiil Ifj; :i. CCi I Width oflicail :! t Tliigh. 1. Kt .')() I Chord ol'iaimiH :!l h'diia nilfdtica Lc Coiito. r 1^ (.'iiliilci)!iii' iiuiiibcr. .i:i»u XIKH :i:m7 HMHf) ;i:i!)2 3:t!iii :i:i'.i8 11008 MIIIU i:i.T.':t 1I47!» iisrj No. of BJd'C. :i:ioo :i;iHi :i:is7 it;i«7 .'■U7 8:177 .'i::8l 9.1X1 7H:ifl .'t7;i.''. Ml 7 •» 5U22 1 I.iic alitv. liitiil. l''iuiii « liiiin ii'ci'jviil Wn.Htpiiit, N. Y Piof. S. F. r.aiicl (Jiii1p.4'. Canaila iln (jllr AiiiliT.'iiiii. .•». •' Ml»sli raiiii- Uaciiic, Wi.t Ill I', l;. liny (,'lai kn {.'iiiiiil V, Va K Kiiiiihiiil CiiiliHlr, I'a ■.. I'ml. S. K. liainl Yi'llciw Ciiili. Ohio ilo Toledo, Oliio I.I!. 1 1. iiilili V Carlisle. I'a I'k.I. S. K liaiiil ilo . ilo ilo I o. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. i i 4. V'i»'in;i' ill lllL'lu-M. !.!(• . .Ml . fiCi .•J'.t . l.dii .M . ;i.c.(; l.-- . .:!,! . (i,'i . . M .C.T .N ■AtUM u\ "1 M 1 Hill II Al rohi'lic. .... III!. Do. Ilo. Iln. ;;;■ Do Do. Do. Do. l.i II \ii-. AUoliC'lii'. Do. ] Do. n.. 1 Do. Do. Do. my Do Do. Do. ... Do. Do. Do. Do . . . . Do. Do Do. Do. Do. ^ I TIIK ISATKACIIIA OF NOIM'II AMKKIUA. IMU'AIMTrii.VTION. 451 Till! iiiiiiilK'iM)rexi.stiiii;siH'ci('.s dI" l»;iti';H!lii;i()r North Aiiiericii known, jiiid di'scrilu'd in (lie luccetlinj; i»a;;e.s, aiul tlie faiiiilics to wliicli tliey bt'Ioiij;-, arc as lollowvs : Cloiip. l'l..|.iil;l I'loilclil Tolal 'I'liU liVHloniiilH Siilli'iitiik Total (ilHIIll totlll l''ulllil>'. I'l'dtcillll' ( I CrvptoliiitiirliiihK . .\iii|iliiiiinii|ii' .... j Dr.sinomiiilliiilii' . . ■» I'lillioiloiili.hi' ... .Viiilil.vsioniiila^ ... rii'UiiiilL'liiliU I iiiiroiiiii.i' j Si ll|llliii|loililhl' < '\ K|i;:iialllillil' . ll>liila'.. Kll^V HtOTllillif. I riiiN iilM'iila .. [ Kaiiiihi: (iriiiTii. S|Mciii.s. I ' I I il ill •i 1 :i 21 1 •t Hi nil 3 ' 2 I 11 ♦» « 4 17 1 1 1 i;i I'J Ml 1U7 1 I H n;i , I; - '. . 1 1^ I ( 1 J ADDENDA. H Tiie followins: notes were too lute for insertion into tbo bo'j' of the liooU: AMIJLYSTOMA TlfiRIN'KM fJioeii. (p. HI). Don .Tos('' M. Velasco assorts tliat tlie Sircdtni vtcrinnnis {S. Inimhohltii) iiii(l('r;fo«'s a nictaniornliosis, lint lie nowlicrc (l('S(!riI)('s tlie ailnU. He tliil (»l).s('ive in 187S* the nietamorpliosis of the Amhli/stomd tiyrinum in ,s|i('('ini('ns from Lake Santa Isabel, three miles north of the City of >l('\i('o. It (loos not appear that he discriminates between the two species, so that when he states that the S. mcxicaiiUN is found in Lake /iimitiin^'o, thirty-two miles north of the ('ity of Mexico, we are not ceihiin whether it may not be the .1. tijiriiium to which he refers. The Sirrtloii firacih's ix\n\ S. licliennides of ISaird are both larval forms of tlie .1. lUjriuum. Dr. li. \V. Sim fold t, IJ. S. Army, thus describes the metamori)hoses of the yt»H/>///s^)»m tiyrhnnii, i\n observed by him at F(Mt Wingate, N. Mex. (S(Men(;e, September, l.SSr», p. 203): '•(1) Axolotls are more readily converted into And)lystomas if kept ill wiiter containing but little air, and I'ice irrsa. "(L') If traiistoi'mati(Mi is forced up to a certain point in development, tile reptile arrives at the higher form without any fiiitlicr iiiterferen(H\ "(.'i) Axolotls live in the water with apparent comfort a <'oiisiderable and varying length of time after their gills have been absorbed. ''(1) After the nietamori>liosis is eomi)leted their power to return to the wa'.er again to live seems to depend upon the moult, and whether they have lived in moist or dry places since the metamorphosis. ''(."») r.y varying the conditions under which tUese animals live, we <'iiii at, our ]>leasiire retard or accelerate their development to the higher stiiges. "(<•) Young Axolotls are more easily transformed than the older speci- mens, luit this rule also depends largely upon the conditions under which these animals live. "There is another very important fac^tor that enters into this meta- morphosis that, so far as the previous accounts go, is not touched upon, and that is the (pu'sticm of their diet during the experiments. Axolotls aie very voracious creatures and eminentlv cannvorous. ' I<:i N.itMr:il('/ii, iv, l-TH. 453 '\^\ 1' .(' 1 ifri 454 I!UI,I,r,TIN :(l, IMTKl) STATI'.S NATH)\AI. MI'SKI'M. They iirc vci.v ToikI of raw meat, atitl, iipoti tlic sli^rlitcsl pnivoration, tlio.v will I'ccil upon each otlici-. So I have IoiiikI diiriii;^' tli(^ coiii'str til' my cxiu'iiiiu'iits tliat — "(7) TIk^ iiu'taiiioi pilosis is liastt'iicd by n';'iilaily supply in;; I lie an iinals with |)l(>iily of pn>j)(M' (ooil. And wliat is .still nioic intcrcstin;:, wiicn tln-y arc tints tivatcd it niarUcdIy atVccts tin' appearance <•!' tlir (ranslornu'd A nil)ly stomas. "(S) If, durin;;- the proct's-i of I'orcin;; the (ransforniatittn of Axololls, the animals are re;;nlarly siipplietl with the requisite amount of fre>li liK'at, the translornn'(l Amlilyslomas ar<> very inmth lar;;er and stron;{< r than those which are transformed without havin;;' leeeived any food. In the ease of . I. tii/riiiinii — those that received food— the Iransforninl aninnd w<»uld hardly have been leco^iiiized as th«^ same species; the\ were not only hn};t'r, hut of a very deep, muddy, black cttlor, without spots, while i\n'. others were mottled with bri;;ht yellow ami a pair brown. "(!)) The depth of the water has a womlerfnl intluctuM> upon the nn>tii inorphosis ; and the fact is well known that the deeper the water in which the Axolotls live the slower their transformation. "Temperature is am)tlier imptutant factor in the chan^ic, ami lis moderate increasj' s'-ems to hasten tln^ transloiination. "Now, the; most intercstin;; part of all is to watch the operation of these laws that I have ;>iven, in nature, and the manner in which tin' metamorphosis of Axolotls is there ell'ccted. " It would, indeed, be hard to tiud anywhere a nnue perfect and beauli fnl example illustratin;;' the extremely .sensitive balance that may exi>l between the surroiindiu;; cimditionson the one hand and their ellcci np(Mi an animal or;;anism on the other. This year, fei- instance, tiic poml that I have observed ^rradually dried up; the north half of ii entirely. This took a number of weeks, but durin;; that tinn* all lln' modilications of which the metann)rpho.ses of Axolotls are subj«>cl In or capable of, were, so far as their necessity p)es, most lucidly demon strated. A slnillow corner of this pond would, after a torrid day oi- twn. dry up, whereu|)on all the Axolotls that happened to Ik> cau;;ht witiiin its limits would be found — perhaps seveial hundreil of them — under tin- dt'-bris, rapidly assuming; tln^ Amblystoma form. " Nund)ersof (he .same ;;enei'ation, however, in deeper parts, would be unafVected by th(M'lian;;'«>(d' enviroinnent so sudtls, i.r I'lfsii slioii;;cr lliy I'lMiil, list'tinnnl ii's; tlit'.v , witliiiiil il a p;ilf tll(> MIClil waU'r in , aiiti ils ('ration III' alii(;li till' lul Ix'aiili mav ('\i>i iicir i'tVirt tancc, till' liait' of II iiu> all till' SIlltjtM't 111 ly (Iciiiiiii ay or twn. •hf witliiii • mnU'r till' , WOlllli 111' atcil ii|iiiii m1 aiiiiiiiils iidcr lo;;s, )in it. On a<;'aiii ami I'ckt'd. ami iiion^ |iii>l< , tlu' lar-f tlie (lillVr i cut iipiH'araiH'c of tlio two was very strikiiifj upon the most siipcrllcial I'Naniinatioii. "One (lay in .luly the wliolc north half oC tliis pond su(l(h'nly ran dry; and I ninst coiit'css the si^'lit its liottoui presented dnrin;; the t'ol- lii\\iii;,' day was one of the most extraordinary, and at the same time most interest in <;, that I ever beheld, and after what has Iteen said can he hfttcr inii'^iined than described. It absolutely swarmed with these cicaliires, whose orj;anizations were a(;commodatin<; Ihemsel es to th(^ new coiiilitioii ot alVairs as rapidly as tin'! laws <;(»\('rninn- the changes |ii I'Miilti'd. The study would have furnished food for a small volume. "Axolotis are also alVeeted by the (;haracter of thi> ponds ov swamps ihtv live in, the sanu> spe(Mes sho\vin<;all manner of shades in their col- Illation. Those in shallow ponds, with little or no ve;;etati(Mi and hard clay bnttoms, ;,M'ow to be veiy lij,dit colored, and long retain their larval forms. »• No doubt many such ponds as I have described exist all over this South western country, and a nH)meiit's reflect ion will mak(; it clear to lis hiiw the metaniorphnsis of this (feature tends to save thousands of ihcir lives when the region is visited by a protiacted drou;;ht and their places of water resort tail them The preservation of the form is linn liy to a great extent protected." A g I many of the adults piocured by Dr. Shul'eldt dilVcr from the I \ piral to: III in the shortness of the tail ; its length from the posterior (III) of the vent e(pialing the length from that point to the axilla. ("IIONDlJOTfS (•IN(ifLATfS <'(iih'(|). 100). The following tigiues of this specie.s were unavoidably omitted from Ihi'ii proper jilaccs in the text: I'l'.. 110 Chilulii.liii: riiiinliltiii:. N'ci liThfi. A lilicv illi- S. (". : f. Sl'KI.ERI'KS HI:HI:R naii.l. (p. 17-J). Dr. Chailes (1. Abbott informs mo that this species has a distinct whistleliUe voii^-, and stales that Mr. John niirroiighs has also heard it. AMI'IIU'MA MKANS flanl. (i.. -JK;). SiiliDirliinilnfi!/. — The bulbils arteriosus is of considerable length, and then gives olVau aorta bow on each lide, and bi In icatcs almost imiucdi- •J ^5 : ! • :> afi] I M 4 '! I i.'i: i; >i) i'.i:i,!.KTi\ M, r.Mri:i» stai'ks national miskim. atoly Ih'.voimI. Tlic laif^c iho't) v riirlrri fiiU-rs llir laivt' iimii'lc opposift' tlio iiiidtlli' <>(' IIk^ U'liiitli of tlic vciitiicK'. Tliosc \t's,s('ls at tlicir cai' iVv.w, tciJiiiiiatitnis aif distiiictlv seen in the lai};<' iH'ricanliai! sac. Tlie rrna jioitiv is very larj;«', and rxtcnils alonj; tlic dorsal side of tlic livn- proximally. 'I'Im' stdiiiacli is scarcely distiii}:iiislial>Ic. Tlicaliiiiciitaiy canal is only convoluted in tlic poslcrior two litllis ol" its lcnj;tli, tlic rcctnni hcin^dis liiiji'iislialilc liy its snpciior diameter and its alisence of llexun'. 'I'iic livei' is larj;eand not divided, and tj-rndnales ratlier abrnptly where tin convolntions of tlie alimentary canal commence. It is attached to the median line I>y a lulil of peritonenni by <»ne «'dj;c, Its middle line is grooved, and fhe.nrooxe is occupied hy a vessel, and by the edj^e of the ineseiitery, wliich extends to the intt-stiiies. In IMal*' \li it is cat at the proper point to display the larue j;all l>ladder (//). Tiie Inii,i;s are nt)l so lonf;as in Simt litrnlin(i,\\i}{ e.xlendinj^ bi^vond the liver. 'I'hey are of sid»e(|nal lenj^th. The testis is sin;:le and very elongate. It extends from the extrem- ity of the liver to neai' the ontlet of the vas deferens. ParalUd to it. and in part attached to it, is a slendei'. flat body, which I f'lppose to l)e the cnrjuis adiposnm. The I(t!/. — Tiie branchial arteries leave the iiiilhiis oi'tiriosiis ii»'..r to.yethcr. scarcely formiii;,' a Innitiis loniiiinnis. The branchial veins, on the her hand, unite on each side into a hinicKs coiniiiiniis ov aorta r lo!, which nnilcs wit'i that of the opposite side to foi'm the aorta a considei'able distance aiiteiioi'to the hiilhns arti rinsKs. The valve of the bnllms is a lon^iiliidinal elevation conlainin;;' six ;,M'ooves. on» i'- respomiin;;' to each aiirrin hr Tin; I{ATI{A( ]'l\ OF NOKTir AMKinCA. 457 iiH)(h'riit«'ly (Mtiivnliitcil. The xrsscis of tlu' iiifsciitr.y iin' Iarj;o. Tim iiK'st'iiteric vein niiis aloiij-' tlu'. inferior t'(lg(»of an flonj^Mtc body, wliicli is fillicr tlie spleen or llic itaiiciras. It extends from the stomach for a distaiKH' ('(pial to one third thclen^'tli of the visceral cavity, terminat- in}i ni^ar tlu' anterior testis. The liver is laif;(' and lon<;, extondin;; fiom the heart lo near th(^ aideiior testis, it is divided by a median jiroovt^ for most of its length, in which the base of the mesentery is at- tached cardiad of the lar;>e jriiHbladder. The anterior part of the liver forms a median lobe, which extends for a short distance below the alimentary canal. There are two jiairs of testes, the anterior the longer. The kidneys aretlat, oval bodies, lyirig on each side of the mid'. nrlinniin. One nielalaisai tulienle; nial eresfs Kcpiirated, Hemliiii; a Inaiieli inwanls |M.>sleT iorlv ; paiotoid ^land liiaii;;nlar ; a l.ileial li^lit lianil 1>. i(tlUci}).H. lUI'O AKrNCrs, sp. nov. This very distinct spec'ies has the craniid (!rests of the n.Ic)tfi(ii)iosuK type, more es]>ecial!y resendtliiig the /.'. l./nirlnii. M dilVers «'specially from thai species in the very short, wide head, witli depressed muzz'e overhanging the month, in the perfectly smooth inferior surfaties, jind ill tlie coloration, as • «'ll as in various minor djtaiis. I n IS ::i M^ ; 1^ I J . ■! i ■ l' IH- ■I j I i I ! I ^ i •InS r.i'Lij/riN :ii, rxiTKi) statf.s national MrsKi:M. TIh' Iii'iid is wilier tliaii Itiii;^', llic widtli ciilciiii;;- tlir lt'ii;ith -.'_'."i tiiiu's, wliili' till' lt'ii{;llu'ii(crs it tlin'c tlmt's. Tiir ciitiir luolilc is.sti'Oply (h'ciirved, and terminates in ii ])i'(>niinent muzzle, wliieli i>r<»jeets e(»ii siderahly Iteyond the upper lip. The nostril is lateral and nearly termi iial. The li|) horiler is directly below a ])oint halfway between the nostril and the orbit. The maxillary bone is somewhat contracted to the lip bordei. The prefrontal bones are obtusely an^ulated above, but the (rranial crests commeuco with the frontoparietal bones. They are ])ai'allel, rather near tofi'elher, and are well distinjjuished eveiy wliere. They form a ri;;lif an;;le with the postorliitals, beyond which they arc not produced, nor is theie any tendency to conllnencc poste- riorly. A short, robust sui>ratyinpanic ii(l;;e. Orbit hii[;(' ; tympanic disli oblique, the lon^ axis directed upwards and forwards, and a little shorter than the eye tissure. Skin above with small warts at consider, able distances apart; lu'htw everywhere smooth. Taiotoids indistinrt in the specimen, theirsupi'rior l)ordersstronj,dy diverj;»'nt from liiemiddli' line posteriorly. Jiindts rather lonj;. Thi^ mu/zh^ marks the middle ol tlu> lore-arm, and the distal enr liiiiil \i''^ from ilium (Mil I.I'Il^lll 111' llillll loot (C.'"! I,rii;flll of llillll fool lis.s lai'Slls ei'.l Vi- 117 t!„i„ni' Nil, II lii'i The {I'eneral coloration is rather b^lit lead ei»l(tiii|. ;iiid bi lowcii-ai \ el l(»\\ish white. The small warts above aie red, wiiii a lilack iinjx at the • cniii II the ilftcil 'riic.v very- wliicii t(»S(('. )aiiic litfll' idcr. stiiicl liildl.' (Ili'ol ilillr . tliiKI I (ICS of llic i-< iidi ' iiikI .1/ .1/11 . 1 1 1 1 1;, . nii.t . n.'K .(Mil .Ill;* /? TIIK IJATIlAfMlIA OF N(»1MII AMKUICA. 459 liasc. No iiicdiaii (loi'Siil biiiKl. .\ li.i;Iil hiiiid cniiiiiifiircs on the scap- iil;i and fxlcuds lu'arly to the j^ioin. It is hoiiiidnl a'oovc by scparato Idacki.sli spots, and Itclow l>y similar spots, wliicli aic idostT tojictlior. 'riicsf Coini the suiM'iior border of a lead coi.iicd band. This disappears lit'Iow ill a crowd o!" small black spo*s, wliicli j;id\v smaller and disap- pear on tlie sides of the abib)men. The iiite;;iiiiieiit thus marked is areolaled. AH the lighter parts of this region ari^ dotted with small pink spots. Posterior laces of loic-arm, lemur, tarsus, and external inetataisi blackish, with small yellow speckles. The limbs have on their iij»]ter siirlaees brown cross-bands with jtiiik points in tlieni. Anterior lace of tarsus witli a brown spot, and several on the external dibits. Ciiliili'i;"'' Nil. "I' iiiinilii'T. H|ii li. I.M.MlilV. Kriuii « lidiii iicciviil. Natlllr III' s|ll'C'illli'll. HUM 1 'r. \u (i. II. l;;ii;s,la'..- i Al.ulicli, This species is well characterized by ihe lenj;tli of its le;;s, the short ami peculiar lorm of iis hend, the sniootimess of its lower surfaces, ami tlie color, 'i'hoii^h not stated on the label, the specimen desciilied is piobalily lidin (lainslioro, in Central Northern Texas. liVI.A AMtKK'SdMi liMinl (|i. :!i;r,). The 1,'ev. Dr. .bihn ]]. reters inlorms me that he took a specimen of this rare tree-fro;,niear !\la\'s Landinj4', N. .1. This is the third individual tliat lias been foiiiid, and Ihe locality is not far from that at which l>r. I/cnt/. tcok Ihe second one. Dr. Deters found the specimen on Ihe ^n'oiind near a piece of water. Its note is unlike that of /////" rcisirolnr, beiiii; a hoar>e iicep-jx'cji, or, aecordiiij;' to Dr. Abbott, a keek-keck. (•!H»i;(»l'IIIM S NKil.TI'ls l.r. ('. (|.. :!;{-V Tiie folhiwinj;' drawin;4s leprcscnt the pai'ls of the type specimen of the torm r. ;;. rc/'/'»co.v».v ('opt>, from l-'lorida, which was not inserted Fi.J II- fir li'l^lnhis nihil" xiiy. Viillliil V\:\. at Ihe proper place in Ihe text. Tiie type .-•;> 'clineii is in m\ juivat*' eolleclion. ..-■ 1 ; ' .il I -i n; M ■\m m ut 4G0 lU'LLKTIN ;M, UNITKD states national Ml'SKUM. ACh'l:. (iKVI.Ll'S hoc, ('. (p. :W»). Prof. A. VI. \('iiil' (ells me tliat he lias seen a few siK'ciiiuMis of this spocii's near New Haven, C'onii.. and that lie. roiisiders that place to li(> ahoiit the iiortlieni limit of its liiii^e. AMIMIIGNATIiODONTIDj:. The foiiowiii}; lij;iire of the inouth and feet «tf (he (irypisnis vhihriiiiis Cope, ill illustration of the above t'aiiiily, was omitted from its proper Fi^. Hit. Orypignm innbrlinm. Kio .lamiro; |. pajje. The speeimeii (ij,Mire is from llio Janeiro, and is in the Mnsenni of Comparative /oiHoj^v of ('aml)rid};e. r.rroNin/E (p. 2(50). For the jienericr name OUoiis, in the key, substitute }i;,iiB._\VorkHoii natural liintttry \>t n uoiicinl oi ^ico^jiaiiliiciil iliaiaiU'i' ami ixipular li'xtbouka Mic Illlt illl'llllll'll. I Abbott (CliarlisC.) Notfsoii tlic lialiits (if tlic Savaimali Crickft Fro^ [ ./c/i'* M'(7Ji7(ni'<, Ita it'll ] ; in Aiikt. Natiu'iili.sl, vol. Hi, l-f^J.S.'pt., i>i>. 707-711. Ri'ccnt iStiiilics of tlic! Sjiiule-foot Toail; Aiiiericiui Naturalist, 1881, p. ior.">. Albiecht (1'.) Note siir Ic basioueipital tk'H liafrauiiMis Aiioiin-.s, iivoc fij;. : in Itiill. Mils. K'oy. Hist. Nat. lM>i., t. ',», No. '.', pp. l'.).VJOO. Allen (llaiT.) Tlic Spinal Conl of 15a- tiac'liia anil lii'ptilia; in J'ror. Acail. .Nat. Sc. riiila., lrt-<:{, pp. .')(;, .".7. Aicliarow (J.) I'rluT ilir Aiifsaiijjiinj; aiis ilfn LyniplisiickiMi ili's I'rosi'lirs; in /Nrbi'it. il. natni'forscli. (Ji'srllsrli. Univ. Kasan, T. IH, •,». lift., Kasan, l--^7. (Hpi..) I'l'lirr ilio Anfsani^nnj; aiis itcn .suhrntanrn Lyniplis.'ickiMi bri ilrni riosclir; in Arch. f. Anal. n. I'liys. physiol. Aljth.. 1887, pp. :{77-:{8". Aubert (Hrrm.) roller das Vrrlialton ili-r ill saiH'rstDllTri'irr Lnft jiaralv- sirtcn rrilscliii ninl i.'in ilaianf };i';{riln- ilrlfs I'iiifarlii'H Vi'rfahrmi ilii lii'llcx- incrlianisiiiiMi l»oi crhalU'ni'r l.rri'<;liar- lii'it ili'i niotorisrlii'ii Nrrvrii uinl «lrr .Miiski'ln slunili'nlansiol., rilil,!;i'r, •.'7, l>il. 11, 1-,'. lift., Pit. .")(;(V-.")7C). Baud (S. F.) Wnvision of tin- North Aniinican Taih-tl-Hatracliia, with ilo- Hcriplioii!! of iiiMv ;;iMiera ami spi'cii's; in Journal Acail. Nat. Sti. I'liila., vol. l,'-MHerii's, 18 U). Ill Ili'i'k(J. G.) Ii'oiii)i;raj>liic En- ryrloi>,iilia of Scii'iu'i-. Liti'ratiiri', anil Art, vol. ',>, 18.-,1. Descriptions of New Cloncr.a anil Speei's of North ' iierican I'ro^^s. Pro- ceed'iiy;H.\rail. I'nii;'.delphia.l8,")|, p. .">'.», Baird(.S.F.) IJeiitilesof the 1'. S. Surveys for K. I{. to the I'aeilie, ' >eeail. Ueporl, vol. Id. l-,-,7. Reptiles of the iiiiiiiidary ; l'. S. and Mexican I>i)iiiiilary Survey, vol. •,*, Irtoi). • anil Girard I Charles). Character- istics of some new Kepliles in the .Mii- seiiin of the Siiiitiisonian lii>til iilioii : I'roceeds. .Vcail. riiiladelphia, 1~.VJ, |i. (;8. i>e.scriptioiisof New Siiecies of licplilcs collected hy the Fnited States llxiilorin^ K.xpeilitiiin, iimler coimnaiiil of ('apt. C. Wilkes. F. S. N. ; loe. cit.. l-.VJ, 1). 171; l-'.'.:i, p. 1-Jlt. List of Keptiles collected in California liy Dr. .1. I.. Lecont"; loc. cit., \<>:\, p. :UM). Bailout \V. II.) Mif^ratioii of I'rojfs; in .\iiieric;iii NatiiralisI, vol. "Jl, No. l, p. Barboza du Bocage (.I.-N.) lieptiles et, ISatracieiis noiivcanx d'Aii^oIa; in ■Join. Sc. Math., I'liys. c Nat. I.isI)., No. •-'i>, pp. '.»7-'.>;i. (l! IIt'|itll., I II. s|i., Iialrai'li.) Barfiirth (D.) Fxiieriniciitelle I'nter- siiciiuiijfcn iiher die N'erwandliiii;^ der I'riischlarven; in Itioloi;. Centralhl., (>. Hd., No. 2tt, i.p. <;(HM;1.'5. (NaUiil'i)r.si liii-Vfisaniiiil.) I'cher Versiiche ziir Verwand- liinll, Aiiat. An/.., 1. .lahrg., I'J, pp. :!1 1-:!17. Die \'erwandliinj; der Kaiilipiap- jien; .Viis/. in Der Nalnrforseher, I'J. Jahi'^'., No. :;), pp. I'.Hl, UU. ( Nat iirforsclier-Vi'r.sa mini.) \'ersncho iibor die Verwaiidliinji i!er I roschlarveii ; in .\rcli. f. inikrosk. Anal., •,':». lid., 1. int.. )., l-,'3. •ICl .:8 ^.'■1 !»' 402 HIJLLKTIN Id, I'MTKl) STATIvS NATIONAL MISKI'M. I ir h (Ic Bai'furth (l>.) l>i(< K'iickliililnno l''ruN('lil:irv<'iisrli\v:iii/i'.s iiinl dii' so- l^iMiaiiiilcii SaiTo|>liiMlrii, mil Vj 'I'liC. /fcirf., pii. :!i-i;ii. ])i() ]tf;;('ii('riiti()ii dcs Aiii|iliil)icii- NL'liwiiii/.e.s; ill Aiiat. An/.., !!. Jaiir;;., No. 1 1, pp. KKi-IO.'i. BaBsi((iiiis. ) Motlilica^ioiuMiiorroloiriclK^ (lei };l(ilitili i-ds.si dc] saiij;!!)'
  • /ur Morplioiffiiir dcs Cai'ims II. TarsiiH dcr N'filcliratcii. I. TIumI. Itatracliia. .h-iia, Hf^T, i^vo, j>. ss. Bayer (I-'rz.) Pitl~ hohvminis V. M. alls dcr liraiiiiUolilc von Kicii- di'iiliain, mil 1 'I'af. ; in Sit/.;isli('r. d. k. IhIIhii.Cch., I'ra;;, l-iHi, pp. •JHI-'J'.W Bedot (Miiiir. ) lifclificlics siir Ic drvcl- oppc'iiHMit di'M iiorfs Npiiiaiix dn/ ifs Tritons; avfc 1 jd.; in lirciicil Zonl. Siiissf, t. 1., No. 'i, jip. Itil-lS-'. Arch. Se. I'liys. Nat., (iciicvc (:'.), t. 11, No. '2. pp. 117-1 4(;. Bedriaga (J. vuii). Die Amidiiliicn nnd Itcptilicn (iricclicnlands; in Zool. Any.., No. l;!7, PI). -ilC-'i'-'d. Die Ainidiihicii nnd IJciitilicii (iricclicnlands; in liiiil. Soc. Iiiipi'r. Natural. Moscou, l-^.-l. No. 'J, pp. 21-'- ;!l(t. rebcr die IJc^attiin^ Iici ciiiij;cii f^cscliwjinztcii Ampliiliicn ((Himsolt i/a IttDjnimiillcri); in Zool. Anz., No. ll.'i, pp. l!.")7-li.")!l. (Sir Z. A.. Ni(. Ill, II. 'Jl').").) IJuitriiyc /iir Kcniitniss dcr Am- BelK'I'lios. ) /,o4do;;y ol'lJic vova^c oi' i h,. I'.caj;lc, vol. :•>, IJciililcH, p. :i1, Alllpliilii.i ; London. l^l>. Bclloiici ((i.) Siilla rc;;ioii(! otiica die I'esci 1! dei;li AlllUii; ill Ucndicoiil. Acciid. Inslit. IJolof^iia, 1"'S1-'.-,', pp. •Jl-'Jti. ' Sulla pnidii/ione dei j;lo1)iili r(»>i iicirAxololl; ill Jicndic. Aecad. Sc. In- j .stit. l!o!oj;na, 1h-((;-'h7, p. :!:!. i Siii nuclei poliiiiorli dcilt^ cciliili' Nc.ssiiali dejfli Anlil>i. l!olo;^iiii, l-~i\, ivo. (.Mem. Ai'(!ad. Iii.sliL lloloiriia.) (Ilpp., -'tav.) .Siille comiiiissiire cerdtrali aiilcii- ! or! de<>Ii .Viililii c dei K'cltili. Con lav. Jiolo^na, 1>77, •Jvo(i(lpp.). Kslr. d.iilr Mem. Acead. Sc. Inslit. I'.olo.nna ( 1), t. -. Inloino all.'i cariocinc.si nella, >!■.; iiieiita/.ione dell' novo
  • delle |{ano rosse pliiliicn nnd Kejitilicn dcr I'anna von ("orsica. MitliTaf. ; in .\r(di. f. Natni- KCHcb., 4!). Jalirg., l-'-li, 1. Wil. (IriH^, Nov.). pp. l'.M-141. Ik'itriij^o /iir Kcnntni.ss der Am- plii'oitMi nnd Ucptilicn dcr I^niiia von Corsica. (Sdilu.s.s) ; in Ardi. I'. Natiir- Sesch., 41». Jaliif,'., 'J. Fill., pp. 14.V17:!. (S. Z. A., X(>. lliH. |i. LW.) Prof. Nanck's MitllieiliiiiK iilicr dii rortpllanziin^ dcr Tritonon; in Zool. Anz., 4. Jalirj;., No. 7'.), ]ip. 1.">7-1.VJ. Tlios.) A llislorv ol" lirili.sli Bell( ili.sli Kep- lilcs; 8v(), London, 18;!1). d' I',iii'opa. Vcnc/ia, 18-7, "^vo (1( i))!.). BiedennaniuW. ) rclicrinorplioloi^isclie \ eiiiiidi'riin;;cii dcr Ziini^endrilHeii des Frosdicshei liciznn;rdcr Driisciiiicrvi'ii. Mit I Taf. ; in Sil/^her. Akad. Wi>s. Wien, iiialli.-nal.Cl.,:i. Alilli. -^i'.. I?d ,1. 'J. lift., PI). ('.7-s;i. A|iart: Wien (('. (lerold's Soliii ill Ccimni.), I "'■'•.', "vo (•.':'. P)).), No. CO. Birge (I'.. A.) Die Zaiil dcr nciioii I'asein nnd die motorisdicii (!anj;licnzelleii iin lllickciimaik dcs I'rosdies; in Arcli. I'. Aiiat. II. I'liyH., pliysiol. Alitlicil., l"^-.', \>\K rj.'i-l"^!). Aii.szii};; in lliolo;r. Ccii- trallil., 2..Ia]iri,'., No. 22, jip. (WiMWS. Note on the Fiincticnis of I lie Spinal Cord ill tlie I'rojr; in Aiiier. Moiillilv Microsco]). Joiirn., vol. 2, No. 11, pi). 21(1-21:!. Blancliard (Rapli.) Snr les elands do.i- cale el peiviemie el siir la papille dmi- calc des lialraeicns nrodcles ; in Zeol. Anz.,4. .lalir"^., No, 7;t, pii. '.1-14 ; No. Tl, pp. :54-;t!}. '?• Mil; l!ATUA(;|IIA (U" .\(»KTII AMKI.'ICA. wrd ] Bl.iiichaid (l.'.il'li.) l^ii'l.|iir.-, mills all Miji'l (li r MilUli' l. All/,., No. -<'■') ; ill /"<'l. All/., 11. .lahi-};, No. •-'•':i, i>ii. :!"''<, :'>'''.i. ■ Siir l.'i iin'st'iicr (III (Jia|iaiiil vitI I /;«/(» riiiiliH, Lam.) m I'laiicc ; in liiilLSoc. Zotil. Fraiiri'.T. i:{, No. •,', iip. iiil,(17. Ki''|ioii.si' a la criliiiuo ii'ii. Viiiliiiif. .Mitilifil. ; ill /old. All/.., .">. .Iiilir^'., No. l-.'7, |.i>. (mT-CCO. Bliiinin ( — .) Ziirlitiinjj; lies iiu'xifaiii- >i lien Kii'iiiriiiiinlclis Asolotl; in I'J, l!( r. M.iliiir. (lis. Itaiiilirr^ (l'"''''''!- MlllIlT). Boas (•). K. V.) liiilia;; til Kiiinl.sUalM'ii mil Ciniiis iirliiiii>iiix iim ,\rli'iii'liiiiTiir lici-,.\iiililiiliiillii'. .Mriiri'axl. KJOlirn- li.ivii, Host o;; ,-!, -'vo ('.IH pp. I, .M. 1. - i'.cilrii;,'!' /iir ,\ii;;iiil(i;;ii' ilcr .\iii- j'hiliit'ii. Mil :t 'I'af. ; ill Morpliiil. .hiliili., H. 15,1., •.'. llfl., pp. IC.'.t-l,-^:. I'l'lirrilrli ('iiiiiii iillciiiisiis mill ill!' Ai It lii'iilioj^cii ilcr .Viiipliiliii-n. Mil :! Taf. II. .') Ilnl/si'lin: in .Morplioln;;. .I.ihili.. T. Hil., :!. int., pp. l-H-,-.?-.'. Bijcage [ l!ailpo/a tin, ,1. \'.) K'rptis i' \u\- pliiliiips lie S. 'rimiiii' : in .liiiir. Sr. .Miilli. riiys. Nat. Aiail. I.ishoa, T. 11. N(i. I'.', iip.(;."i Ti'. Boettger lO.l IHc l>iiiiilii'ii ii. Ainpli liicii Mill Ma(la;;aMai ; lln. I'laiikfu a. M.. 1-77. ISi'lirllt iild'lilir l,iistllli;;i'n ill lliTprtolo^ii- wiiliriMiil ill's Jaliri'H 1-rtl; III Al'i'li. 1'. Natiii'j;rsi'li.. ni. Jalil};., .'>. lilt. ('.>. Mil., •>. int.), pp. •,'.V.'-:i-J7. I'l'liridicw irlitij;>t('ii UlitiMsrliirilr iliT Hiiif ilriitsrlii'ii Raiia-Arti'ii ; l)rr /.oolocriHiIii' (laitrii. l-'s.",, p. ',';{;(. AiifzlililiinL; iliT Vim ilrii I'liilip- piiii'ii lii'kaiintrii I>i'|it ilicn niiil Hatra- rliicii; in liiiii'iit Sriuki'iili. iial.(irs., I'laiiki.. i-.>i(i, pp. ;i|-i:;.i. (Ull..;|l. Krptil.. L'T Hji AlM|lllili.) licTJrlit iilirrilii' Li'istiiii;'iMi in iliT Ili'Ipitiiloi^ii' waliM'llil ilrs .laliii's \f^>7>; ill .\i(li. r. Na*m';;rsrli., .'-J. .lalir;;., I--CH1''-'), •-'. Ii'i.. 1. lift.. i.p.'j:i:!-;!:!i. I'.rni'iiti' Aiir/iililiiiii; iliT IJt'ptiliiMi iiiid I'atrarliii'i' ili's rliiiii'sisclii'ii BoettgeriO.) Vri/rirliiii.>silii\im lltrin |lr. Ilrinr. .Simi'iil li ails I'm I iii;a mill \ im ili'll A/oirll lllll;;rliiarlltl-n Ki'ptilirll mill l>,'iti','irliii'r; in Sit/;;.slii'i'. k. piriiss. Akail. Wiss., Hi'iliii, l^^-^", No, l','. pp. 17.-)-l'.t|. IJi'biT ilii! Ki'ptilirll mill liatra- rliirr TranHi-asiiiriis; in Zoiilnj;. An/.., 11. .I.ilir;;., No. •,'7!t, pp. •J.V.I -or,:5. - — ViT/.t'iclini.ss ilrr von llrnii \). von Oi'i-t/xMi aii.s (irii'i'lii'iilanil mnl Klrina- sii'ii niit; |1 n. si<.\ K<'|ilil.i ."^tnilii'li .•111 iialaiirklisrlirii l.'i'|>til- ii'ii unit Aiiipliiliirii ; in I'.K-'Jl. Hit. (Mliiil.aili. X'l'i-., pp. Hl-'.l.'.. Maii'i'ialii'n /iir lii'rprtolojji.sclicn I'amia miii (.'liiiia. 1 1 a. ) l.istr iIit /wri- trn Morlli'liitol ll'srlii'ii Si'iiilimn siiili'Iii- lirsisrllrl' Kl'irrlll llirl'l'. 1i.) liatrarlllrr ( I'liisilii' mill Kiiiti'ii); in 'Jii.-'i"^. Itrr. ( (Mi'iiliacli. N'rr. r. N;itiiik., pp. .M-lil'J. lli'iprtolonisrlii' iiiittlii-ilmii;i'n ; ill -JO. n. ',':!. I'.iT. Olltiiliaili. ViT. f. N,it ink., pp. I 17-iriri. ( .\iii|iljil>Li I I Kiptilia 'J II. .sp.) nil' III ptilirii mill Aiiii)lliliirii von Maroicii. Mil 1 Taf. ; in Aliliaiull. S.-mki'iilii'i^'. iiat. (!i s.. i:i. l!il., 1. lift., pp. '.Ci-llC. Apart: I'laiikl'iirt a. M., M. lUi'.strrwi'i; ill ('oiiiiii., l-'-l{, Ivo, I. •.>..')(). jrelli (AHV.) Kiii'irlii' intorno alU- ilif- '••ri'lizr ostrolii;;irlir ili'lli- 1,'iniii /'(iscd .laliiini': in i'loll. Miis. /mil., .Vii.it. Coiiip., 'roriiio, v.il. 1, No. 11 ^l(i pp.). Born ((!.) TrliiT lliippi'lliililllli;;i'll lirilll I'lii.sih mill ili'ti'ii lliilstrlimij;. Si'p.- Aliilr. aus il. liri'slaii. iiivtl. /I'itsrlir., l--J->, No. It ^Ci pp.). (Viirlr. in il.llis. I', vat. Cult.) I'l'liiT ili'li I'.illtlilss it.'f Srliwrri' aiil'ilas I'ro.sclii'i. Si'p.-Aliilr. aiis Urrs- laii. ,'irstl. Zi'itsilir., l,-*-^!, No. •< 1 1 1 pp.), -\ o. I'l'lii T ilir Nasi'iiliiilili'ii mill ileii riir;iiii'niiasrny;aii^ ili'i' Aiiipliiliirii. Morpliiiliij;isrlirs .lalirlmrli, p. ."i77, l-7(i. Ilyliiiili/atiim lu'lwi'rii Ainpliiliia. Ivi'icll Ihnl. pp. lo:!-iiti. Alistr. ; in .Imirii. K'. Mirmsi'. Sue. Lon- .Imi, 1~S7, !>. I>, iiji. ■.!7(l, :171. ( Airli. f. iiiikio.sk. Anal. S. Z. A., Xo. 239, p. 704.) r i I I ; I ii ! t It H > ! I : ' i 464 lUIIJ.llTIN 111, UNITi:i) HTATKS NATIONAL MI'SKUM. Boni ((i.) Ilcilrii,nt'znili,isliiriliiiiiij;/.\vi .sclicn ili'ii riiilii'iinisi'ljcii Aiiinriiarli'ii, in : I'lliiLji'i'M Aicli. f. <1. jjcs. I'li.vsiiil., I!".'. M.i., '.t.-ii.iifi., 1.].. ir.:!-r)H. Iiilliit;ii('(! of (iravily (III llic Troy; Ovum. Ali.str, ; in .loiiiii. II. Microsc. Soc, l.itniloii (•,'.), vol. Ci, p. (i, ]i|i. ;t:i'.i, !>|(t. (An li. r. iiiiknisK. Aii.il.) S. Z. A., Xc 'Jd'.', p. 177. I''.ili)'l)iip|it;lbil(lilii<;li('i li'iiiiii I'lisi II Kiit'M. Mil Aliliild.; in Zmil. An/., I. Jiilir^., Nil. T-^, p|). i:iri-iri'.». Wcilcrc l>i'ilr,"iL'«' /Ml ItastaidiiiMi"; Boiilengcr((i. A. ) NutcKnn a Soiilii .\ i-. ii'.iii I'ki;; lately livinj^ in llif Soiici \'.s (■altlcnsl /'/(///'((//(/ (//I M/ lllljIDlllDlllll illlis I, Willi 1 pi.; in Priic. Zonl. .Snr. Loiiilun, \->-<>, i. pp. •,'(;!, viiM. ('alalo;;ii(r of llir Hal lacliia Salicn- tia in III)' ciilli'i'tion of tin- lliili.sli Mn- .sciiiii. •,'(! cil., !--•.'. Di'sci'iplions 111' new Hpccics of Ikcplilt'saiiil Italracliian.s in Ilit- ]!l'iti.^|| Miisciiiii. I'l. I, Annals Ma};a.s. Nat. Hist.. l<-:i, p. nil; I'l. II. in Ann. of Nat. Ili.sl. (."i. 1, vol. l;t, May, jip. I'.'.Hi :ilH; rt. Ill, l,'J7l, pis. X XII. Boscd ( I'.d. ) Cataloi-uc dts Kcplilcs el AinpliiliiciiM (It! la IN'iiiii.siiii' ilxriiini' el ilcH ili'H |{iil('ar(.'M; in liiill. Sdc. /mil. Friincc, ."i. ••inn,, .S.-(i. p., pp. 'JKi-j-T. (.'i.'i .s))., 'Jii Anipliili., :i,'i lii'iiiii.) ( 'cinccciniics y ailiciiini'.s al Cala- 1(1^11 (Ic lii.s K'cplilcs y Aniiliid.s (111 ll.s- jiana, l'(irtn;;al ('• i.slas lialcaics (iim a lain.); in Anal. Sue. l^sjuifi. Ilj^i. Nil!., T. Id, cuad. I, !■[•. .-^'.(-I I','. Boiiillot (.1.) Siir ri'iiillii'linm .s(''(i<'i(Mr dii reiiidcN lialnicicns, in: (J(>ni|il. icnd. Acad. Sc. Paris, T. ;»."i, Nn. II, pp. Cii:!, I'liM. Snr ri'pitlK'Jinin si'in'lcnr dn rein < >n a i'dllcci inn (if l'"r(i;;,s IVdin Yiii i- inannas, lliialla;.;.i lii\cr, Nditlicin rein. Willi •.' pi.: in I'nic /ikiI. 8dc. Ldiiildii, iss:;, iv, pp. (i;!.")-!'!:!:^. ('atald"ne (if the Ital racliia (iiaili cntia s. C.'indata and Itatracliia Apdd.i in tlic ('(illcctidii (if the liritisli Mii.sciiin. '.'d I'd. Ldiiddii, l-'^!, "^vd (i;t(( pp., ',( -^ Ndlcs nil little KlldWli .Species (. I I'mjjs: in .Villi. df Nat. Ilist. (.'i.), vdl. II. .Ian., pp. Ill I'.). (I ll.:.p.l |)('Seiiiitidii (if a new Species ot des liatiaciciis. V. K. Sue. liidl. (-j.iii, PI I. :!-J."i, :!'.'i;. Siir ri'pitlii'iiiini .st'civlciir dii rein liiifd fnini .Japan ( //./o; iii(i.si(.s, n. sp. i Willi I pi.; in I'rcic. /(kiI. .Sdc. Lnn ddii, 1-^.-:!, ii, pp. i:!;t, i in. Ii'fpdit (111 a Cdllcclidii (if K'epliles de.s ISatraciens; in (-'(impl. i-eiid. .\ead. He. I'aris, 'I'. '.i7, Nn. 17, ]ip. ;»l(»-'.»l-^. 8ur ri'pitlK'Iiiiiii ix'cri'leiir (111 rein des Itatr.ieiciiM; in .Fdnrn. de .Mici(ij;r., fi. anii.,N(i. II, pp. .'■>7I , ."i7.">. (riinipl. lend. Ac. .Sc. I'.iris. S. Z.,\., No. i;i(i, p.;il.) Boiileiiger ((i. A.y ritnde siir les (in-, iiiinillcs rdiisscs, Hami li iiipiinuhi , el deser. d'esp. iKillv. liiill. de |a Sue, /d(ild;;icpie de I'laiicc, l,-7l(. On tli(^ I'ala'arctii^ and Jliliidpinn Spiu'ie.s (if r.iifd, w Itli :! jil. ; ill Pi'deeed. /(Mil. Sdc. Ldiiddii. |.~H(), jv, pp. ril.'i- ril7. Dcscriptidii (if ii new fJeiiiis jind Siieeies (if l''nij;s snr lis ( Jreiioiiilles K'un.s.scs Tin; IJATKACIIIA OF NuKIII AMKUICA. 40.') . ) • . Boiileiiger (<<. A.) riisl Ifcimil mi aildi- tiiiiisti)(lic llatracliiaii Cnllri rioii in ilic Niiliiiiil lliftloiy Miifo'iiin. Willi I |rl,; in I'roc. Zool. iSoc. Lontliiii, l-^tJ, \i. iii.pp. Ill-lli). ( I II. H|). ; II. H-. (.it'lllimln"'.) Remarks on Siiccinu'nH (if Htma ((nvi/isexliiliiltMl in I Im Society's (iai- ilcns, Witli 1 pi.: ill Tror. Zool. Soc. l-oiiilon, I'Hl, p. ii, pp. -il-.'/Ji:). On a new species of ll\la from I'tiit llaiiiiltoii, (,\>rea [ //. .s/.y;/,, hi], iiaseil nil an esaniple liviiii^ in tiie So- ciety's Cianiens. With I pi.; in I'roe. Zool. Soc. I.onilon, l"'-'7, iv, pp. r>''-'-.'iTl'. On new Keptiles ami Italracliiaii.s tmni N'orlii Itorneo; Annals Ma^as. Nat. Ili^t.. 1.-i-7, p. ;i.'). On a larti lliiiiniaiayan Toad ; lor. cif., H"<7, p. w:>. l)esci'ijitioii of new or lillle known SiiMlli .\llieriean l'ldL;s of llm ;;eliela raliiiliciila and llyla ; loc. lii., 1>~T, p. Deseiipt ioiisof t « o new .\iistialiaii Finns \ l.iiiliiiiiliiiiiiilis Jill' Ik rl, ( I'uiiii ricliiridiKi \; in .\iin.ofN'al. I li.-il. ((>. ), , vol.-.', All;.^, pp. \\>, ii:!. I On a livin;; Npeeiineii of .\i iinini^ ' liirin, Daiid.; in I'roe. Zool. Soe. London, Is."'*, iv, p]i. .'"idli, fiiil. I Deseiipt ion d'niM) esp iionv. de 'J'riton (Moiilandoiiii ). Avec I pi.: in Itiill. Soe. /o(d. I'ranee, .''i. Ann., .". (i. p., p. 1(11. (S. /. .\., No. T.' p. M ) On the exist enei' of t wo .s|ieeies of Aipiatic^ Fioir.s in North (iiiinany; in The Zoologist (:l), vol. H. .luiie, pp. •^•,'0-v!-J-,'. {liiimi mi'iili iitii liijiicii ai.il U. fni-lin.) Slipph'tllelil a rdnde ,snr les (jle- noiiilles rons.s(vs; in ISnll. Soe. Zool. France, .''». ami., o. (!. p., pp. i*()7-V'()i>. Description of a new Fro;.; , Hist. .Inly. pp. |i)-|:!. ( I II. H|l.l l^neli|ins iiidls en ■ ■|Minse a l.i note de M. le Dr. 1,'. Ulam I, ml siir la ida.ssi- liealion des r.atracieii>. linll. Soe. Z. I''r., .\i. pp. :!'J0, ;!-.M. \V\\ /.m.I. l.'ee. xxii, Ifept.. )•. •-'.'. I Seconil contrihi.tioii to the llerpe- tolofjy of the Soloimni Ids. ; I'loe. Zoid. Soe. I.diid.. l~-7. p. :'i!!:i. De^riiplions of new IJcptiles and Hatiarlij.iin I'lnin M,id.i;;,isear. With •i pi,; in .Villi, (d' Nal. Ilisi. (H), vol. 1, F- ;iii;. i'J II. S|i., II. ;;., ( ',llllllii||.i. .\lll|lllill.l .\ lisi of K'ept ill's and It.iliai hiaiiN olilained liy 11. 11. .Iidinslon on tlio It'iii del h'ey, ('anielooiis District, W. Africa; in I'lcir. Zool. Soe. London, 1"''"^7, iv, p)l. ."ill I, .Mi."). ('■'• I- II. s|i. {. .\|ll|l||ill.| On ,1 rare .Vmeiican Newl, Muhjc nil riiliiiiKitls, {'ope: in .\iiii. of Nal. Hist. (t'«i, vnl. I, .Ian., p. •-'!. Nole Mir le I'eloliate hlllll, a pnipo.s de la reeelite enmiilllliieat inn de .M. Ileinn-lioyer .siir le I'l liilnili^: hilifniiis; ill Kill!. Soe. Ziinl. I'r., T. l:!, No. ."., pp. II.'), I 111. Ijicoh' nil iiioi siu Ifs pieleiidns earacleles ditlrleliiiels till rdoliale dTtalie. Ihiil.. No. Ii, |.. ic,;;. — Deseriptinii of a Hew ^eliii- of Cie- eilia I F.pierioiiops I : in .\iiii. nl' Nat. lli.st. (.'.). vol. II, .March, pn. -JO',', -JlC!. A SNIlopsis of the Reptiles ami f;eiiiis Mej,'alo|ilirys [Fea]; in ,\nii. Mas. Civ. Stor. Nat. (iemiva (v!). vol. 1, pp. fii-i, :>i.\. An acconnl of the K'eptiles and Ihitrachians olitaiiied in Teiiasserini hy M. L. Fea, of the (iiMioa Civic Miiseiiin. Witli ;t pis.; ill Ann. Miis. Civ. Stor. Itatrachiaiisof the I'niviiice U'io Oramltt do Sill, liia/il; ill Ann. of N.il. lli.st. (.".). vol. H, Dec., pp. !•,>;!- 1 1."., (lii; Kr|lli!., -7 .\lllpllil).l Deseriplinii nf a new species id" r'rnj; I'loiii Madagascar \ Hiiiin ijiiUii- lnlii\: in ,\iiii. nf ?\at. Hist. (nl. vnl. 7, May, jip :io, :;(il. Nal. Cicmiva (•.'), Iv pp. .17 L Nnlesiir la jinsil ion de roiUlce anal ; lis III arils lU-:^ ISalraeieiis d'i;ii- ■/.. V (III (II. 1 .sp.. Ueptil.; 21 |:i II. I sp., .\iiipliili I rope. Hull. Soe, Z. Fr., .\i, p. ill r.).ji— iJiiii. ;j4 :]() '* (* r 1 ' I K- ] I i -'i \^ I i (i 1 i 4()(! nULLKTIN III, IIMTKI) .SIAiKS NAIIONAL MTSKIIM. |i I Botilengcr ((i. A.) Di-Hiripliiin nf a m-w (JiMiiis ami SptTi-'M III' l'"ioi{s ill till- I'aiii- il.v ll.vliilai [ I'liriiolnilii foiliriiK]. Willi liK. ; ill Ann. Nat. ilint. (.'i), vol. I", Ort., pp. :!.'il-;i'.H. Oil tlin "11111x111^" lialtitNtiC Drii- ili'.H, a!4 iili.si'i'vril l>y A. Kappli-r: in Ann. lit' Nat. Hist, (li), vol. I, .1 pp. •I.VI, I.V.; .Inly. pp. l'-'-M--':i. On ni'w ItatiacliiaiiM t'liMii Ma- larca. Willi I pi. ; in Ann. nl' Nat. UiHt. (.')), V(il. Ill, May, pp. ill.'.-:!!". l.'i II. H|i. ; II. li.. I'lii \ iirlla.l On t\v(i I'lirnpran .Sprcics uf liiini- liinator. Willi 1 pi. ; in IMoc /ixi Sill', hiiniloii, 1H.-|(J, iv, pp. I'.l'.l-.'.dl. Ilcsriiptiidl 111" II lli'W taiird Italracliian fioin Curra ( lliiniiliiii» Icirhiiy, witli riit ; in Ann. of .Vat. IUM. (.")), vol. r.», .Ian., p. DT. (AiiaiilrM. Ilaiiil. <'lian;;i'(l In .Aiilinlax.! |)i'Hciipli(>ns 111' ( I ) iH'u liia/iliaii IlatrarhiaiiN; in Ann. nfNai. Mint. {*'<) vol. I, .Marcli, lM,-><. pp. l-T-l-'.i. ,\ list of lialrai'liiaiis IVoni llic I'i'ovinco .Saiitii (,'atli:irina. Itra/ll Ihiil., .Iniii", IS-s, pp. ll.-,-ll7. CJl i*|i, I Bourne (\\(. (Jililis). On ccriain .Mmor- iiialitit'.s in tin* coininon l''i'o<; (Hiiiiu timponiyiii). I. 'I'lii! Oi'i'iincin r of an Ovott'sti.s. "J. .MiMoiiii.ililics of till- Vfilcliral Colninn. Willi 1 jil. ; in l^nart. .loiirii. of Microsc. Sr. I'.S., vol. ;il, .Ian., pp. m:!-^.-!. Branco(\N'.) Il'e'm.sin hurariai. ii. ;,'., n. Hp., fill ntiicr .Slf^occplialr ;iiis ilcin milfn'n Kotliliif^cinlin. .Mil 1 'I'af. In: .lalirli. k. prnis.s. ;;i'ol. Lamlcsansl. f. l'^"^!!, lip. 'J",'-:!'.». An.s/. von Danu's; in Nell, .lalii'li. MiniT., (it'ol. n. I'ali'- iint., H".-'. 1. ltd., 1. lift. (Dec, l*s7). p. 117. Braim(Aii^.) l.'eluT die Vaiicliitcii dcs I'Ifsii.s liiinliosacralis von iv'ana. Iii- an<;.-I)i.ss. lionn, If^.-^d, ■■'vo ciii pp.). Brocchi ( — ). Ktiidcs Hiir Ics liatra<'ii'ii.s [Mi-.\i(|iic ft Ann r. t'ent. ] ; in Mi.s.sion \ .Scicntif. an Mcx., Kculi. Zool., :i. p., '2. ! .sect, (li;! pp., 'J I pl.s.}. [ Brunii (All), von). Flimincii'pitlu 1 in den ( J,ill('nj;iiii<;('n dr.s ]''roHclu'.s ; in /ool. An/., (1, .lalilj;-.. No. 1 IS, p. .|K!. | Burfuitli (D.) Kxpcrinniitfiic I'ntci- siielinnficn iilKirilir Froselilarvtii. Iii(d. Ceutiali)!., vi, pp. C.OlMii:!. i Buifiiith (l>. ) Vt iMmlii' lltxi (lif ViiMaii- dlnnijdi'i' I'ro.si'lilarvi'ii. Anat. An/., i, pp. ;tii-:ii7. Cad (.loll.) I'l'lii'i' dii- Ci'iitirii mill Lcilnii^'slialin<'ii iiii Kiicki'iiniaik ili". I'ldHclii's. Mit, I'inciii IIm'iiis ijlii-r Li'iliiii;;sli.iliii('n iiii K'iirkriiiiiaik mhi Kaiiinrlirn mid Kat/r. Mit/,' litli. Tal. Wiiivlinr;,', Stalnl, l-s|, hvo (.'.0 pp .Si-ji. .Midi', .'ins: \'('iliandl. |>liyH.-iiiril. (Irs. Wiil/lini;;, N. I'., l--. lid., M. ll. Ull Calinels (H.) f'WV Ic vrnin dcs I'ali.i rii'iis; in t'onipl. rend. Ac. Sr. I'aii>, t. D", No. .I, pp. WM}-:w. Alfslr. .loiiiii. R. Micros', Soc, (•.'), vol. 'I, p. ;i, p|i. iti'iii, :;r>i. rivolnlion dc I'l-pillii limn ilis <{liiiidcs a M-nin dn Ciapatid; iii Coiiipl. rend. .\c. .'^c. I'aiis, T, '.i.'i, .\n ■•'I, pp. 1(11(7 IlKi'.i. Camcinuo ( l.ot. ) l.a L'dint IuIiihIH I'lmil cii;;. ncl Nciiclo; in llnil. .Mils. Zoi.l .\iiat. Com p. 'I'oi ino, \cil. ■.', No. "Jii ( I p. . l»CM'ii/ioiic di mi ;iiriiio anoininn di /I'diKi (.vcii/ni/ii l.innco : in lioll. Mns. /ool. Anat. Conip. Tor ino, \ cd. It, No. IM (•J pp.). Iiitoino alli' Ncolciiia cd alio s\i Injipo dci;li .Vnlilii; in Alli ,\cc,id. .-r. Toiino. vol. I'.t, (lisp. I. pp. -I-IH!. h'cclicnlics Mir la piolonuai ion ilc la vie Inancliialc dcs Ampliiliics; In Arcli. Hal. dc Itioloj,'.. I. ."i. fasc. 1, pp. ",".»-lir.. ■ .*-'. I'clicr die ilalicnisclicn I'.nproclii'. Artcn. /.Old. .\n/.. 1. .laliry;., No. ■■■((. pp. 1-lt. 1--1. /)'(//"(( fiiiill^. V. infia. /i'((»(i emu- Itiilii. Di'lla Mclla scssiialc dcf^li Anillii iii'odcli. Con li.;.; in Alli .Vccad, .Sc. Torino, vol. Id, di^p. •,», pji, 'Jll-'.*','.'). Os.scrva/ioni intonio ad iiii indi- vidiio niostinoso di /////(( riiidis Lam. Con lifjf^. Torino, l"^-i((, 8vi). Ilsli. da«;li Atli IJ. Accad. d. Sc. Torino, vol. Iti, disji. I. Dec, is.SO, pp. -;t--7. (I'lia Hula '^aiiilia postci iiiir.) k Tin; IIATUAt'lllA OF NolMII A.MKKK'A. 467 f. Camorniio i I.'m. ) If.TliiirlM's.sm Ics vaii- ;iliiiiiN ill' /,'((»(( I*! ((/i h/(I I'l (111 /liilii riii- tlii thins li' lijissin ili' l.i MrililniiiiU'i'. (•,>:! \t\i.) Kxlr. , -i\:) (I I pii). (AsMcii'. riiiiii, i>'iiii lavaiir. il. sc. Ciiii.^ics ilAIU'T. I'"*l» Kiccirlir iiiliiiiiiMilla tli->lliliii/iiiiii- jrro^iialiratitjjli Aiililii Ami'ii in Kniopa. ('(in I caila. 'rcnino. II. I.ikscIk r. l-i-'ll, -v(i (I'l |i|i. ). I".str. (la^^li Atti All. 111. 1>. Tdrind. vdl. l". Kiciiclic iiildiiiii alia vita liran- ( liiali' (l(';;li Aiililii ; il. /ndl. .\n/,.. i'<. .l:iliiH.. No. I'li'i. pp. -(W7. Iiiliiinii alia Xciitrnia cd all|r. ilallii Mriii. I>. Airail. .<<■. 'I'drinii (-.M. t. :i.'i. CappniClli (.\. ) K'rclliTrln^ suv Ir Sfllill •III Trillin riistttlif) : in Anli. Ilal. Iiinl.. 'I'. I. I'asr. I, pp. :■,' --11. Ciiiboiuiiei' ( M. ) Nuti' mi tin' lialiits ami naiiii;,' nl' llir Asiildll. .(/ii/)///>7(»hi() nil I iiiiiiii II. ( ^lall•^iat. > : in I'mr. l'. S. N'iit. Mils., vol. .".. pp. •,'-Jl, '.".»•,'. Carliii ( Will. 1',.) ( ilisiTvatinns . I'J- t('>. Chatiii (.liia. ) IJi'dicrrlit's punr MTvir a riiisiiiirc (111 iidyan dan.s ri''pitlii''iiiini aiiilitil' (li'.s liatraciciis. Avit 'J pi. TaiiN, (ianlhioi-Villar.s, Iii I'lii llnlili iiUiiiMir No, rclicr llir I'dl'l plIail/IIIIL: t.rs .(/»- hlilsloiiiti ; in Zddl. .\n/., ('>. ,lalir;L;.. Nd, ir.i, pp. .m:!-.-!!.-.. \'iiiliin(i;;t> Mittliriimi;; iilirr ilii< I'drtptlaii/mi;; ilrs I'mliim uiiijiiiiiif. ; in /ddl. An/., N.i. Ill, pp. ICid-:',;',-,', Clarke i.'^ani. I'.) Tlio i'ai'l\ tlfvildpiiKMit III' till' Wdltlian Mdily ill .liiihlfistiimit liiniiliiliiiii. With :l pi.; in Stinlics Hidlii;;. Laliiirat. .Idliiis llopk. rnivrr- sitv. Vdl. •.'. \d. I, pp. ;'>;•- II. Cope I I''.. |).) (Ill ilii' rriinaiv l)i\iHioim dl' iIm' .'. Till' Urptilia ami Itati.irliia nf tlio Soiiiiran I'rovinit'dt'lln' Ncart if Key inn; ridi'L-i'ils. Arad. I'hilailii.. l-<'l!, p. llOd. (.'oiiti iliiitidii.s to till' llcrpotdlo^fy ol'Tidpii'al Aiiu'iii'a ; in I'lnrrcils. Arail- I'lny I'liila. ; t liiril, Ki.">, p. I"'.") ; foiirtli. i-ifiil, p. I'.':!; til'tli, Hili;, p. :!ir ; sixth, l-C.,-', p. Itii.'p; ninth, l^TI, p. •,'()(), In rrociiils. Aiiiriiian I'liilos, So<\ ; 8ov- iiilh, l.-Ti'.i. p. IIT; i'i;;litli, 1-^70, ]>. :)'>.l; tt'iith, KT, ]). 'S'l; flrvintli, IST',», jt. 'Jiil; twi'll'lh, l"i-J|. )). 1C.7: thirtiM-nth, l-i-i,-,, p. '^71. A ri'vit^W dl' till" spri'irs nf the Amlilysloiniihr ; in I'ldc. .\iail. Nut. Sei. Phihi., p. Kid, l>d7. I I ( M 1 '' 1 .; ! i 1 1 ] "! -, i ;.tf' IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 4 /. %^ u. 1.0 Hfir 1^ • '' "■ :-, I.I s. ^^ 1— 11^ ^-^ ^ 6" ► 9^A m Photographic Sciences Corporation 33 WIST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. MSM (716)873-4503 l^ O^ M 468 luiLLKTiN ;m, unitkd statks national muskum. Cope (E. 1).) Oil Mi(! Htnicliuv .-iiid dis- tribution of 7. On till! faiiiilii'H of the llanifonii Amiia; in Joiiiii. Ac. Nat. .Sci. Pliila., pp. 18J-M5, 1837. Exaiiiiiiatioii of Rojitilia aii. i)f Italracliia.) ^^ Tiie ISatrachia of tlie Peniiinn Period of North Anieiiea. With I pN. and 7 cuts; in American NaluraliM, vol. Irt, Jan. IHSI,].].. •i(;--,>ll. Tilt' llyoi. Synopsis of the Extinct ISatraehia from the Coal Measures; (ieolo;;i(al Survey of Ohio, vol. 'J, I'ali'ontol.ifjy. l.»p. :i4'.»-4Il. pi. xxvi-xl, l-'7r>. S. contribution to the Zoolo^rv of Montana; in American Naturalist, .Inly, I.s7lt. On the Ziiido^fical Position of Texas. HuHi tin of the I'. S. National Mnsenni, No. 17, l-irfli. Notes on tlio (Jeoj;raphical Distri- bution of Itatrac1i:a and K<'ptilia in Western Norih America; in Proc. Aciwl. Nat. Sc. Phila., 18-':?, pp. I()-:i,'.. (Witli i. II. »|i.) Tli(^ lii'troi^rade Metamorphosis of Siren; Aiiier. Naturalist, 1885, p. I'^'id. The ISatrachiaii Iiitercentrniu ; American Naturalist, 1880, p. 7(i. • Synonymic List of the North Amer- ican species of Itiifo and Kaiia, with descriptions of hoiuo new speeitis of llatrachia, from specinieiiH in tho Na- tional Museum; in Proc. Ainer. Pliihis. Soc, October, p. 514, I88(j. trachia. With 1 pi.; in Am. Nat., vol. 'il. May, pp. 4()1-4ii7. On tlic .Siruclure ami .Vtlinitics oi the Aiiipliininida'. With 'i I>ls. ; ni Pioc. .\iiier. Pliilos. .Sue, Philad.. vol. •Jl!, No. l-,>;f, i>p. 44-,'- U.'i. The Ciassilication of the C'a'iil- iaus. (Abstr.); in Nalnie, vol. :!.">. NH. Kt'.t, 1). •i" Stc^ocfiiliiiliMi aiis (Iciii Rotliliogi'iKlt'ii dvn Pliiiicirsclii'ii (JriiiHlt's l>ei Dresden. IF. Ilraiuliii>- sitiiviiH amhlystomuH Credii. Mit 11 TaC. rxMliii, 18S1, 8vo. (Alls Zeitsc.lir. d. .Iciits.h. goolo},'. OcH., 1881, pp. r.7l- (lii;!). III. I')'losiiiirii'i latirciif (;r;!7. (ScoZ A., Xc). no, 1). 504) rdicr M<'!iin('rp<'toii Vt: iiiis dom Kolliliffifiid-Kalk von NifdcrliiisHlich : nil IMan(Mi'.s('li<'M Oriindf; in Sitzjjtsbfr. iiatnif. fii'H. Li'ip/.i^'. 8. .lalirj?., 188v», l.),. .J.-.-.I7. I Die Stcfj;<)(('i)liali'ii ans doni Rotli- licifciidt'n tlt's Plancn'solicn (irnndes lici Dresden. IV. Tli. .icdiillioslomii n>m.n C'lcd. [n. {J. i't sp.], MvUinvrpvUin xphiicepH C'fd., I)inr<>n-:!()0. Cnvier (G.) Ossenieus FosNilew. Atlas, plato •J.v,>, Pai is, l-ilHi. Cnccati((l.) Sojira il distribninuMito o , la tennina/iDiie dclle lilire nervee iiei liiiliiKini di'lla lUtna tvmpoi-nriii. Con 1 tav. ; in IntiTiiaf. .Moiiatss(dir. f. Anat. n. Mist., r>. Mil., Pit. llM-'iO:?. Daudin (F.M.) llistoire Natnrelle des K'ainettes des (iienonilles et des ('ra- pands; llo. 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Uelier die iiervilson Ele- niente in der Ni't/.liant der Anipliihien nnd V.ijrel. Mit W Ahhild. ; in Anat. Anz.. :?. .Tain;;., Nos. 11, VI. i)p. :M-J-;{47. ITelicr den Han des (Jeriiehsorfjans liei (Janoiden. Kiioehentisclien nnd Am- jdiiliien. K.osaii. ISSC); in Arbeit, na- tnrforseh. Ces. Kasaii. IC. I5d.. 1. lift. (■""-> pi).\ I'eber den Pan des fieriichsor<^aii8 bei (ianoiden. Knoelipntiselien nnd Ani- phibien. Mit l< Taf. ; in Arch. f. iiii- kro.sk. Anat.. -J'.t. I!;l., 1. lilt., pp. 74- i:v.t. Feber den l>an des Ciernchsori'an bei l-'isclien nnd .Vmphiblen; in Biol. Central!)!., vi. jip. I'i.-'-tlU. DoUo (li.) Note, siir le liatraeien do Pernissart. .Vvec 1 pi. ; in Pull. Mns. R. d'Hist. Nat. M.dj,'.. T. :!, No. 1. pp. w,")-'.k;. (I"r\l:i'i)\)iiti:ic1\iH crovii, ii. u'., ii. up.) Notice siir les K'eptili's et les Ba- traeiens rociioillis par M. liM'apitaino r.. Stoiinsdanslarefiioii (lnTanj;an,vka; in Pull. Mns. R. Hist. Nat. Pel«.. T. ). No. ;!. ]ii). liM-PiO. Dowdes-well ((«. 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Dcr l{!asiii,s'sclie Triton {Trihni y>7((.sii lie rislc) und iilier die llailmi; dcr ciir()]iiii.-chen Tritoiien ini .\llj,'c- iiieinen; in Zool. (Jarteii, 2^. Jahr;;., No. 1, pii. Il--.'0. Die I'anllicr-K'iiite in iler(icfan<;cii. scliaft (Hii/i) iiiiiillifyhiiix (iiiich =- /.'. mauriUiiiiciin Sclilc;;.); in Zoolo;;;. (iai- tcii, 21. .lalirt;., No. 2, jip. 'J;!-J.".. Dcr auslralisclie I.anhfroscli, Ifi/hi viiriiUa White-- llyla cyauia Daiuliii, ill dcr (iefaiij;ciiscliaft; iu Zoolof;. Ciartcii. '21. .lahrj;., No, 1, pp. 'Jl-,',"i. rifiirmlchx iralllii iiii Fis eiiij;c- schlosseii; in llunihoidt (Daininerl, 7. ./alll■^^, 1. lift., pp. IIW, i:!'.l. Fischer-Sigwart (II.) I'.iiie Flireiirct- tiiiifj lies (irasfrosches (Ilatia Itiiipuni- yia); in Zoolofj. (iarteii, 2.'). ■lalir;^.. No. 1, PI., o-.i-'r.. irii>ere I'li'lschc n. Kiiitcn siinl Nachtthicre; in Zoolo;j, (Jaitcn, 'J.',. .lahr;::., No. 2, pp. ,">(), 51. Fisher (.\. K.) 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Essex Instil., vol. lit, l.-i-7, 'JO PI..). Gamier (.1. II.) The Mink oi' Iloosier Fro;f [Haiia nt]; in Anicr. Naturalist, vol. 17, Sept., pp. l»l.-.-9.'.l. (!)n a new Hjiccics of MciKthraiicIiii." I /((/(•/•((/is- var. n. Ldtastii]. I'roc. Canad. Iiistit. (:!), vol. r., fasc. >,>. pp. •Jlo,'JHt. Gasco (F.) (ili aiiiori dclTritonoalpcstre (Tiilou dlixKtri'^. hfiiir. ) c la tleiiosizionc dclle sue nova. Ann. Mns. (icnov., xvi, pp. r.-.-s. liCs .Viiioiirs des .\xolo(ls; in Zool. All/., I. .lahro.. No. 8.">, pp. :!l:i-:>l(;; No. .-^li, pi>. :iJ-<-;!;ii. Gaskell (\V. II. ) On the rhythm of tho Heart of the Fro;;, and on tho Nature of tho Action of the Vaf;us Ncrv<^; in I'hilo.s. Trans. II. So(!. London, vol. 171?, p. 1, pi>. i)i»:?-i(/:?:{. Ahstr. Troc. R. Soc, vid. 3:?, pp. i!)')--:»o:i. Gatehouse (.J. W.) Tho developiiient and life-hi.story of tlio Tadpole. With 2 ])1h. ; in Joiirn. of Micro.sc. and Nat. Sc. u. S., vol. t. pp. :j;5-:{8. Gautier (A.) et Etard. Ohservations re- latives a line note do M. Caliiicis siir le vcnin des I5atracicns; in ('oini)t. rend. Ac. Sc. Paris, T. IH, No. 10, p. C.il. Geert.q (.\.-.I.-C.) Notice siir la urando Salamandre dii .lapoii. Avec 1 ]>1. ; in Noiiv. Arch, du Miis. (2.), T. .''., pp. 2715- 2110. Gegenbaur (('.) ITntcrsuchuniicu z. vcrjileicli. Anatomic d. Wiilielsalilo hei Aniphihien n. Reptilien; Ito, Leipzig', Hli2. rntersiicliiingen ziir verglei- chenden Anatoiiiio der Wirhelthicn^, Carinis und Tarsus, ISti-l. rntersnchungen ziir vcrgleichcn- Ai'u Anatomic dor Wirhelthiere, Schul- tei'eiirtel dcr Wirheltliicro, l."'tl."). Giacosa(P.) (Miemical Comiiosition of tho Eji'^ and its Envelopes in tho Com- mon I'rog; ahstr. in .loiini. R. Miorosc. Soc.,I-ondon (2.), vol. 4, j). 2, pp. W^, 201. fit iidcssiir la composition chinii(|UO do I'u'uf ct des envcloi>po.s clicz la (Irc- nonillo conimniie; in Arcliiv. Ital. Hio- log., T. 2, fasc. 2, pp. 22(i-2:{l. Gbtte (.\lcx.) 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Ivcpoit on a C'ollrctioii of Kcptilcs anil lialracliiaiis sent i)y I'.iiiin l'a.'^;li;i fVoin Moiiliuttu. rppcrCoii!;'!"; in I'loc. /ool. Sue. i.ondcill. 1^ — ^~, i. pp. f)!'-.")!. (ll! Itcplilisniiil 1 lialr.icli.) ( )liscivalions on sunic r.iii' M'pl iirs iiiitl a liifracliian now o|- lately li\in:; In the 8ii(iit.\'s Mcn.iirriii'. Willi ti jil.; in 'I'r.iiis. /on), .'^iic, !,!iiicloii, vol. II, pt. 7, j.p. '2\'>--l-l>. (('frntiiplinji:' oniiiln. all li^nn'il.i Haase ( l^ricli). Saclisciis Anipiiiliiiii : in .Sitz;isl)cr. 11. AliliiU;^. iiatmwi.ss. (ies. Isis IdTsil.'ii, l-'.-'r, .Iiili-I)<'c., Al)lil(I;;., pp. r)7-ii.'). Hallowell (Kilwanl), M. D. Di'scription of si'Vi ral spi'iics of L'timIcIh, willi re- niai'UH on llio jieo^jrapliical di.strilmtion of tlic ('adiiciliraiicliialo divi.sion of tlicsc animals ;ind tlnir ••la-^silicat ion. I'roct'cdiii^^s of till' Academy of XmI mal Seieneis. I'ehiii.U'y, 1~."(), p. (i. On tlie Cadneiliraiielii.'ile rrodnle r>atranll)ns Aort.e van liet kik- vor.seldiait. Mel 'J lioiitsn. tin 1 pi. ; in Ondcrzoek. IMiysioloj;. Lalioral .I't i'e( lit (:i.), I). (1, all. •,», I--I. pp. :i(il-IH. Hai-vey (lieiihen). I'lMio'sopliajji'iil .Mem- brane of I'i'ol;- (Diildin Mierose. Clnli'l; ill Ann. of .Nat. Mist. (.'>.), vcd. 11, Maicli, pp. -Jl'-'.^i:!. Hay iO. P.) De.sciiiition of a new species of .\iiiblystonia fioai Indiana; rroceciN. ir. S. N.'it'l Mnscnin. ISH."), p. aOi). Oliservalions on AinpliiiiiMa ainl its yoiin;;; .Aiiier. Naturalist, If'HS. ]i. :!ir>. Heller (Karl M.) Aiiipliiliioloiiisclie No ti/eii. .Mil 1 Aldiild. : ill Zool. Gar ten, -J'.i. .Ialii>;., No. C. (ip 177-1"^1. Hermann ( I-.) Weiteic rntersiicliiint^eM iilier das X'erlialten der I'rosclilarveii iiii ;;.ilvaiiis(dien Sliome; in Ptliij;er\ Arch. f. d. Mcs. j'hysiol., :;■<. lid., 8., ',». nil., pp. Ill-ll'.i; Ahstr. ill Jourii. .Mierose. ."^oi'. ('.'.'I, l'^'^7, p. 1, 1>1). f)!,.^)','. Hcron-Royer (— ). Notieesnr lesimeiiri des liatracieiis. I'aHc. '2, Aii;;ers, IhsC, Svo ( 1.". pp.'). K\tr. (Ill Hull. Soe. f.tiul. Scient., Aii^^ers, l»-^."). Siir la leprodiielion de ralhiiiisiiie |>,ir voie heieditaire die/. I'AIylc ac- eoiiclier el snr raccoupleiiient de ee I!.i- tr.ai'ieii; in liull. Soc. /iml. France,'!'. 11, Nos. '<, c>, p|). (;ri-f;7'.i. A )ii()pos de la finest ion des jjre- iioniiles ronsses sonlev(^e en Italic par I'Moardo l!ett;i — li'tliitt fiima et Hdiia . (isl-i;;)li. description dn Vihthatix lalij'rniii des environs de 'I'lirin et d'liiie <'oii- forinalion parlicnliire de retIiiiioi'ili> I iiez les n.ilraciciis. Avec 10 fins.; in Hull. Soc. Zool. I'r.. T. 13, No. 3, pp. .-.V'.ll. Note compleinent.'lire Hiir le I'flo- hiili-' li(li/nnis. I hill., No. •!, J). I0>; No. ."., pp. III'.", 11(1. .Noiivelles reelicrcluj.s snr lo I'do- bitl('< hdifroiix, en repollS(^ h la note de M. liiHileiij;er snr \r I'elobate lirnii. Note snr riivliri, Nos. .^>, i;. )ip. ii7-t:!(i. if a iK'w .siiiM'iis iiiia : I'locfcds. Viiiiiliiiuiiii ii'i'l viilist. If'.-'^'. 1'- I liiolofiiHchc No ill Zool. Giu- p 177-1-^1. Tiitcrsiiclnint;*'!! ■r Kroscliliiivcii u'\ ill rtliii;<'r's „1.,:!^. nil.,ri.,'.'. lintv. in Jonrii. , V. I, PP.r.i.w. icosiirlosiim'ur.s . 'i. Anders, l^^i^fi, I null. Soi'. r.tud. on ilti ralltinif^iii'' clu'/. I'Al.vtf !ic- idonicnt . (liiistion ties ^11- i.\Y'c en Italic iiar „i fiisca ct 7i'(iii" uix caiactiTcs (Hii lu'Titiilt' cinliryoii- Avcc 1 I'l.; ill .•,.,T. u.NoH. r., (;, liiii ct d'nnt' cDii- rc (Ic rctliiiKiidi" Av.M- 10 li.iiN. ; ill '1". i:?, N'>- '\ PI'- Itaiiv Hur Ic /V/s caiactt'Tcscin- L do I'Alyto ac- jricdd.-) !\i)aitir(lo losion dc lii liii'vc. Isiu!. Zool. ri'iincp, 17 -i:'.!".. TIIF- r.ATRAC'illA OF NmjMII AMKIMCA. 473 HeronRoyer ( — ). Noic ,siir 'm/(> I'iritlis dc IliiJ'o caUimila. Avcc lij,'. //*<■(/., T. l», Nos. 1, •,>, i.p. '.i'.)-:!!. . Oti.serviitioiis coiiiparativcs siii' Ic dc'vi'loi)|icniciil cnIcmic ct Tctat adiillc dcs liatraciciis dii j^ciiii^ lltiiiihiimlor. Avcc "J ids.: in liiill. Soc Zool. I'raiicc, T. 11!, No. ;!, 1>1>. 71!, 71. Iliil'o ririilis, ihid., \>. "^1. I,'accoi.iiiciii('iii dii /•((/'(( rii'idix ct Ics idic'iioinciics i|iic inc'sciitciit li'.s cov- iloiis d'o'iil's dc cct aiioiirc diiraiit I'cvo- liilidii dc rciidiiyoii. Avcc Ii;;'. ; in r.iill. Soc. Zool. Fiance, T. i:t, No. I, |i|i. -Ji;-:!!. I'.ssai hiir la 'rransinission dc la Coloral ion die/ les liatraeiens ,\iir)iii'cs: i'liillcliii lie la Socii'lc' ZoilloLjicnie dc I'lancc, Is-JS, |i. -JO.'i. Note siir line iiouvcllii t'oniie di' (ircnoiiiIl<^ roM>sc dii siid-cst dc l,i I'lalicc \^l!iiiiii J'litcii liDinntnili]. Avcc ■.' ids. ; ill IJiiII. Acad. Se. ISel;;. (I!), T. I, No. ',', 1>1>. 1:!'.>-1H. Siir la presence d'liiie envelopiie oC ilic Ticc-Toad I Hi/lii nrsi(olor'\. Willi (iy. ; ill Aiiier. Naturalist, vol. Ki, Aii.n-., ])]). (Kili-thil*. On some diircrenccs in the iiioiilh adventisi! aiitoiir divs t'i'cc.s cliez Ics li.itraeielis. .\vcc lii;-. ; in Itiill. Soc. /ool. I'raiicc, T. l:!, Xo. 'J. pp. .'■i.")-.")7. ct Van Bambeke (Cli.) Snr Ics caraclercs toniiiis par l.i boiudie dcs Iciardsdcs r.atr.icicnsaiioiii-csd'iliirope. I'aris, HSI, r^vo (7 pp.). (lAlr.dii I'mU.Siic. Zoiil. 1'miicc.) stnietiire of T 'dpolcs of the Anurous ISatracliians found in Milton, Mass. With 1 pi.; ill I'roe. Uostoii Soc. Nat. Hist., vtd. '21, iii, pp. :i(i7-:!M. Hir.schburg ( ). Zur Dioptric dcs .\iii- pliihieiiaii;;es, r. ■•. Hoffmann (('. K.) Zur Kiit wickliiiins- j;i'scliiclite7ii-:ll;>, pis. \xxiii-xxxv. Hdlnnliid, pp.."i7n-l'il I. Holl (II.) Zur Anatimiii' der .Miiiidhiile v(ui li'iiiKi Iriiiporarid ; In .\n/.ci,i;er kais. Akad. Wiss. Wicii, H""7, No. 1, pp. F."i. Honnorat (IM.-F.) Note siir resiii-ce li'diid fused, lliiil.. pp. li-'-l.'il. Horis.say (F.) ct Bataillon (— ). Sej;- incutalion (\i' I'lcuf el sort dii Idasto- jiore clic/ r.Vxolod; in (Joiiipl. rend. Ac. Sc. I'aiis, T. 107, No. I, pp. •^^I~'2'^\. Formal iini di^ la. (!;istriila, (111 nics(d)laste et do la chordo d(M-saI(i die/. r.Vxohdl; in Coiiipt. rend. Ac. Sc. I'aris, T. 11)7. No. 2, pp. i:M-l:i(i. Hoist (U.) On new and little-known I'lo^s (rmii the Malayan Ardiipela^o; in Notes Lcydtii Miis., v,>:!.-.-•,' 1 1. (On Ilii/ii fi-iii'iil'diix anil '"irtini/.wc'. Thdo- ihrtiiii li'jirnstnti ; It n. >p.) Sur Ic.s earaeleres fonrnis Howes ((i. I'..) Oii a hillieito niireco;;- iii/ed fcatiiro of the Larynx (d' the Annroiis Aniphihia; Proceed. Zoill. .Soc. Loudon, l~'-'7, p. l',*!. Notes on llic(inlar Ilrood-ponch of p;ir la liouclic di's tclards dcs r>atr,icioiis niioiiri's d'l'.iiropi'; in I'liiil. Soc. Zoid. France, ls-^1, 1., '2. p., pp. 7.'i-~n. -^ Sill' Ics caraeteres foiirnis par la lioiidie dcs Ictanls dcs I!al laeiens a lion res d"Fn rope. I In 1 let in dcla.Socicli' Zooloj;ii|Uc dc Fiaiwc ('.'(i .aviil ), 1~"^S. Heitwig (Osc.) |):is luitllere l. '2, pp. :!.")-:i"^. Hinckley (Mai'y II.) Notes on I];;;;s ;ind Tadpoles (d" /.'///(( vi rsicolor ; in ami (icuesis of siipcriinmcrary phalan- I'loc. Hoslon Soc. Nat. Ilisl., vcd. "JI. n'cs, esp. of the liatradiia; I'roccodH. pi>. 101-107. i Zoill. S ic. London, l.S.S-<, II. U)."). L'liinaih riiKl ildririiiii ; I'rocceds. Zoid. .^oe. L(mdoii, I."^.-<"\ p. 2I?1. Oil the Carpn.s and Tarsn.s of tlio Anura; I'rocceds. Zoid. Soc. Loudon, l-i>-', p. 111. Nolo (Ml the a/yc'os reins in the Anurous .\iiipliihi;i. With liji. ; in Proc. Zo(d. Soc. LotidiMi. IS-i:^, i, ])p. l\>-2-l'Ji;, Oil some aliiiormalitics of the Fro^j's v(>rtobral column, liiuid /cm/io- rtiri<(. With cuts; in Anal. An/.. 1. .Iain-;., No. 11, pp. '.'7.-'--,Nl. Ohservatioiis cm the Mcu'pliolof^y '■Ui ii ■ i < a M n 474 ItlLLHTIN :il, UNITKI) STATKS NATIONAL MI'SKl'.M. Huber (O.) rdter Iiriistwarzi'ii lici Joiiidain (S.) K'l'clicnlir.ssui Ic nvsIi'm r li'itiKt Umiturtuia L. .Mil I 'I'ar. : ii /iiitschr. 1". wiss. Zo«I., 1."). IJil., I. lilt.. pp. (iOI-CCiH, Huxley (T. II.) Aiiiitomy "I" the vcitf- liralcil Aniiiiiils. Liiiulon, 1S71. On tlir stnietmv of llu> skull iiiid of till' licai't. 1)1' MviinhranvhuK UilvruUx. Trot'. Zool. .Soc. LdikIdii, Marcli. 1-71, p. 1^(1. Hyrtl (.lo.s.). Cvijptohmiichux jupoiiicwi; Vienna, 18(15. Ihering (II. von). Oviposition in I'liyl- IdiiH'iliisa. Abstr. ; in<)i)iirn. K. Microsc. Soc. ('i.), vol. (i. ]it. '), p. 7(i(!. (Ami. of Xat. Hist.. S. Z. A., Xii. 'Jlili, p. 4S!t.) Iwakawa(T. ) 'I'lu' jfcncsis of (lie I'.^'j;- in Triloii. Willi 15 pl.-». : in (^nait. .Jonrn. Microsc. Sc, vol. !.'•,>, .Inly, j)]). *J(;()-1.'77. — Tlio {fcno.sis nl" llio V,'^'^ in Tnliiii. K.xtr. ; in Kcvim Sc. Nat. .Montpcllicr (:$.), T. % No. 1, l, pp. lJi>-l'JI. (Quart. Jiiiirn. Sli'.Tosc. Sr. S, '/,. A., No. no, ]i. :Vi.) Jacobaeiia (O.) I><' IJanis ct Laccili.s Oliscrvationt's; I'Jiiio, KopcnliaKcn, IC-^Ci. Jensen (O. S.) I'cImt dio .'>trnUtnr dcr Sanicnkiirpcr lici Siiiif^t'ticrcn, ATi^rln iind Aniiiliiliicn. Anal. Anz., i, pp. 'J.'il- •J.'>7. Johnson (A.) .iiid Sheldon (L.) Notes on the Develoimient of the Newt ( Trilaii cii>itatiiK). (I. .1. Jlicr. .Sci., .\xvi, ])p. .'■.73-.'.Hll, pis. 31-:?(i. Jordan (Paul). Hie Kntwicklnn};; der vorderon I'.xtreiiiitiit der annren I'.a- traeliier. Inan^.-Dis.s, Mit'JTaf. Leip- /!<;, Ale.x. Edelinann, 18fH, gvo (.')5 pp. ), M. •,'..">(». Joui'dain (S.) Snr le systeMie lyniplia iyii.pliat iiine de la h'((iiit teiiijiorurin. .V\('<; :i pis. ; in lieviie ."^f. Nat. (Moiii- pelliel) (:!.), T. I. No. v!, I^^l. pp. l.VJ I(W. '2. p., avee I! pis,, ihid, No. I, jip. ■1.">-I7(). reherdie I'.astardiiiiMij von I'' rose liirelien nnd die I'lineipien der /.I'li j;nnii; in Nat nil'orsilier. Iti. .lain;,'. No. 17. jip. II.VII7. (N'llcli I'lli'i-ri, S. /,. .\., .\,i li;i, p. nil.) Kato I T. ) N'ersnclie an (iiossliirn di > Kioselies. ln;(n;.r.-l)iss. riiTJin. i~-ii, -vo(-,'7 pp.). Kastschenko (N.) felier die (ienoe nnil .\icliiteetiir der liat raeliiei kiio- elien. Arcli. niiki'. .\ii:it., Ni.\, jip. l-."i'.', pis. 1 and •-'. relier die Kiapiifiii lining del I'loseliiiCWelie. .Mil 'J 'r.il'. ; ill Alili. f. niikiosk. Anal.. 'Jl. I!il., :i. Ill'l., ]ip. .1 »^ — .(>h. Kessler (K. I'.) I'.inim' l!enierkiinL;en iilicT die N'erwaiidliinj,' der seliwaii/ joseii liiiliaeliler ; in .Vrlii'il. d. .St. i'r- ler>liii|;,r. Naliiilniseli.-lies., II. IM., 1. int., I'ldt., pp. '.i;t-l(l-. Kingsley (.1. S.) A ea>e ol' iiolyniely ' i the liatraeliia. Willi 1 pi. ; in I'ldr. I'xiston Soe. Nat. Hist , vol. •,>!, pp. \(,'.\- Klaussner (I'erd.) l>as i;ii(d'it Vj Taf Miinelnii. l-'-'ii, Ito. Ans AMiandl. k. li.iyc r. Akad.d. Wiss. •_>. CI., 11. lid..'.'. Al.lli . pp. ll!!-171. Apart : Miinelien, I'ran/ ill Conini., 1--!:!, Ito. M. I.."i0. ■ Das Kiickeniiiark d<'s rrolciis 71-27:$. KcelierclioH Kiir le sysleino lyni- jiliatiipio de la l!(i;ia Irmfinarin. ij. p. (Suite.) Avcc:?pls. Montjiellier, l>-<:i, Hvo (1(5 pp.). I'.xtr. de la lii-vne d. Se. nalnr. Montpellier. Rceliorclies snr le sysli'-ine lyiii- iihatifinc d(! la Haiia tciiiponirid I,. Avcc :? Ills. Extr. de la Ilevnc Sciene. Natnr. Monfi>cIlier, deccinlms 18S1 (T. 1, :i. M'r.), (17 pp.), de Ittnia cunnita; llo, lierlin, iSKi. Knappe (Iv) Das liidder'selu! Or,i;aii. Ein Ik'itraK zm' Keiintniss der Analo- niie, Ilistolonie, und Enl \vieklnn;;>- gesdiielile der (lestdileclits\verkziMij;i' eini<;er Ani|iliil)ieii. liesoiideis der eiii- liciniisclion Hnfonidcn. Morpli. Jalirl>., xi, ii]). l.sD-.'iiVi, ]ils. xxviii-xxix. Knauer (Fr.) Dii' eiiropJiiselien Krieeli- tliiere nnd Lnrelie; in Der N.itnrliisln- riker, :5. Jahrg., Nos. II, Vi, \>\^. 87, 8s ; 1)5, DO. i ^ M. ;lir Ir NVsli'iiii ( leiiiportiiiii. Nilt. (Mnijl- /., No. I, |i|i. i; \(iii h'Tdscli en (Irr /en iiii. p. nil.) riissliini i|i> I'.nliii. l-«r,, flic (iftlCX' I I'.'lclllcl'kllll- ii.N. ]i\). l-."rj, 'illillin;- del r. ; ill Arch. . :t. nil., |.|i. oiiifrkiiiiiicii IT ScllWMIl/ it. (1. ,S|. I'r. s., II. I!,l., |"ilviilrly 1 il. : ill I'idc. . -,'1, i)|(. i(;;i- liiickciiiiiiirl; ilir Ill.stoiii- Miimlicii. . 1<. Ii;ivi'i-. Ml..-.'. Al.lli , (.'lien, I'raii/ .0. /'/■((/('»■< (()( ("ciitralM.. ill, null. Iia.vri ) i> Aiiatoinic.i 111, l-^K). p. JiJ-r.-i; '-'. nil., pp- l-J:i-i'-!'.>. Kiirojta's Krii'ditliii'ii' nnd Lurclic. I'iii- den XatnrtVcund ln'scIiricliiMi nnd ii;i{ Il ilirt'iii Lt^lu'ii gcsc'liildi'it. (ir. ■'vo (ill, 1.V2 pp.), Wicn, lrt77. Riciitcr'.s Wtuc. n. Solin, M. I.f)!). Keener (<>.) I'l'ifr die Vcrlircitniig nn- scrcr Tritoiicn ; in Zooloj;. (iartt'ii, 2;i. JaliiLi-.. No. 7, i>. '.Jiri. ( rril'iii jiiihiiiiliin im 'I'iiiiiiiis.) Kollmann (.1.) Kiis ridifrwiiitcrn voii ciiidiiiiisclii'n Fro.sLdi- nnd 'rrilonlaivfii • iiid dii' Kiiiwandiiiii^' dcs incxicaiii- .siirii AxiilotI ; ill Virliandl. iial. (ics. li.is.d, 7. Hd., 2. lift., pp. ;H7-:i-".t. ■ •— L'liivcrnasii' dcs lai'vcs do (irc- iiiiiiilli'H ct do 'I'litoiis d'Kiiro[H'. ft la nii''taiiior|diosi'do r.^xoloti dii Moxiciiic ; ill Ivcciicil Zoo!. Siiissi', T. 1. No. 1, pp. 7.'.--'.!. Kuhn(A.) llt'Iifrdas liiiiiti^c riiibyrintli dcr Anipliildon. An;li. iiiikr. Anat., \\ ii, pp. 47l(-.').")(1. Kupfer(C.) Activity of llie Yolk diir- iii;r iiiipri'jination [/.'/i/o]; Al)str. in .loiirn. R. MicTo.sc. Sue. (2.), vol. :i, [d. 1. p. l-*.-'. (S. ■/.. A., Xo. VMi. p. -JRH.) KupfTiier ((,'.) ll(dicr active Hcthfiii- i;iiiii; dcs DotttM'.s am lU'tViiclitimjiKai^tc li.'i ISiiJ'o nir'Hihili-i nnd ri(/,(/((n'x. Mil 1 Aliliild.; ill Hit/j;sl)cr. Akad. Miinchcn. 1--U', pp. (iO.S-lJH). Lainpeit ( Kurt ). Ziir ( iciieso dcr Chorda di)r.-); in Zooloj;. Garten, •..!.■). .Jahrj;., No. :}, p. 04, liin chcii .sosinnrciclier wic zwcidc- iiiiissiffcr lii'liilltcr I'iii- lianhlVii.sidit'. Mit Aldiild.; in Zoolo>;. Gartoii, 2t. Jalirg., No. 1, pp. io:{-i(»r>. Lange (Max ). Dii' Alliinniigdcs Fro.stdics ill ilircr Mc/icliiiiig /n den Krniilirnngs- vcrliiiltiiis.scii dcr MimIiiIIii (d)longala. Inaiig.-lJisscrt. Kilnigsbcr};, Ht^yor, l<&>, -'vo CJlt \)\>.). Lataste (Fcriiand). Snr la gi'ni'ration dn Pi'lixlyto jioiKitni', avcc iiiicl(|ncs oli.scrvationssiir Ic.sliatrai'icns Anonrcs. Ann. He. Nat., 4" .soric, T. 1, 1S77. Kx- traitdii MiiUetiii do la Socii'-te Zoolo- giiino do France. Iri77, Idl. (,)ni'l(ine.s oliservation.s snr les 're- tards dcs liatrai'iens Anonres. ISiillulin ile la .Socii'iti^ Zi)ologii|iit! do France, l->77, )•. ini. Ti'iitatives d'ilybridiitiun clie/, les liatraciens Anoiir(\s et Urodele.s. Mi'-- iiioirc 111 par I'antenr i\ la sfiance dn (> di'rcinbre l>i7H di' la .Soeiete Zoologitjiii) (le France, p. :it."). Division en faniille.s natiirelles de.s liatraciens Aaoiircs d'l'Jiropc. Lisle (les esiii'ces do Hatraciens Anonrcs et Urodi'lcM de France. L'acconpleineiit (die/, les ISatraciens lTrodM(>s ; in Reviio Interiiat. d. Scienc, X'^l^, No. I'J, pp. '1-,-S- P.m. Division (ni laiiiilles natnrelle.s dcs Hatraciens Anonres d'l'',iirop(^ ; in Sec- tion de Zool. lie PAssoc. Franc. Avaiie. Se. Coiignvs de I'aris, lrt7f:>. Reptiles et Hiitracieiis dn Snd dn Portnit.il, par O. Hoettger. Analyse critiipie. Iliid., lA-n, No. t>, pp. 17:?-17H. Les org.ines neiiitaiix exteriies et raccoiiideiiicnt di^s Hatraciens Uro- deles; in Revne Inti'rnat. .Sc., Iri/H, No. 7, pp. -.iO'.l-'iU. Fiiciire snr la lecondation des Ha- traciens llrodeles. //*('(/., IH?*!, No. 2, pp. I'l 1-1(14. .\ inoposd'un siiiudettcinonstrucux de liatracien Aiioiin^ {.llylc^ ohslvlri- i-iiiix). Avec tig. //«■(/., lf'71t, pp. 4;»-r>'J. Di's .secoiirs r(''cipro(ines (jne ))en- veiit so f'onrnir la /.oologie descriptive et la zoologie gdiigi'apliii|ne ( /.'»./'(> lion- leiigcn, n. .sp.). I hid., l.S7l>, pp. 4;M-4;iH. fitnde snr ie Dhco/jlox^Kn pictiis Ottli.; ill Aetiis de la Soe. Linn, de Hor- duaiix, vol. :$:?, T. ;{, p. •-!7.-), 1H71). Snr nil nnnvean genre ( Ammorijctin) do IJatraeien Anoiiro (I'Fnrope; in Coinp. Ifeiid. Ac. dea Sci. Pari.s, p. 'Ml, 187!). ii I •Ml i - ! I ^:f i i 1 > « 1 t ■' " X' 47|>. 'i:!(i-'-'Hi. Latieille (I'.-A.) Ilistoiir Niitiiivlir dcH S.ilaiiiandii's iW P'rancc ; Hvo, Paris. ISdd. Laiirenti (.1. N.) Sin'ciincn Mcdicnin l:.'iiMi, X'icmia, ]'{>'*, Lavalette (St. (Jr(tr;;t'). Spcruiatdlo- ;;isclif Hcitrii;;!'. HI. .Anli. niikr. Anat., xxvii. )i|i. H.s.'(_;i'.l7. Hii/i) nilijiirin. Ilflhi (iiliiiiiii, I'lniil lav ihnln. S|i<'rinalii;;)'n<'si.s in Ani)iliiliians. sclicn Fauna; Hvo, IJonn. Is77, List (.(oh. Ilnr.) I'l'luT il!l-l'271. xh. S.viK.psin^ K.'plilimii cnifiid,; Ucdior IWluMv.dlcn ini nias..|i..|H. llnd dcs Fro.sclios. Mit '2 Taf. Ans Sitz^slicr. Akad. d. Wis'. Wicn, iii.ith.- nai. (,'1., W. Alitli., SO. lid,, pp. Isc, -jn. rdicr Ucciicizcllcn ini niascnciii- tlicl dcs KroHclicH ; in Zoid, An/., No. l(il», p. :ws. rdicr cin/cllifio niiisrii (Urcliir- Alistr. ; in.Ioni'n. I>. Microso. Soc. Lon don (•,'.). vol. (i, p. (i. p. !i:i.'). (.\irli. I'. iiiiUnisU. .\iiit. S. Z. A., Xo. 2H4 1). .'iKI.) Leuhos-sek (M. von), rntcrsnclinn;;*'!! /(dlrii) ini Hlascni'pillirl dcr Ainpliiliicii. Mit 1 Taf.; in Ari'li. I', inikro.sk. Anal., •J'.t. \U]., 1, int.. pp. ii7-i:.(;. iiltcr di<' Spimilifan^jjlicn dcs I'rosclics. Lockington (W. N.) h'i'v'cw of tin' Aicli. iiiikr. Anat., xxvi, pii. '.i7n-|.");{, rro;;r('s.s of North American Hatiaili ]ds, |,"> and 1(1. oloj;y in tlic ycar.s l.", I l.i- rcs/cit anf die Leliei/cllen von Hkiki \',\. Iinqmrui ill. Mit 1 Taf.; in Arch, f. Lockwood (S.) Iln/o (iim riciiiiii« ii\ Anat. II. I'liy.s., pliysiol. Aldli.. l-'."<7. play: in American Naturalist, vol. IT, Slipplt.-Hd., i)p. ■,N-I7. .Iiine, p]t. (i.«':5, (iH.I. LeBSona(M.) Stnd.i sii;;li Aniilii annri Loos (I*. A.) 1>m' F-i\veissdrii.seii d( del I'icinonte (."> Ta.); in Atti .\cc. Lincei, Mem. sc, lis.. sci-, I!,, v(d. 1, ]ip, llll;)-l(l'.tS. (.XiLsliiiTK-lic Hi'Mlnrilinn;; Vein 7 .Vilcii iind ilnvii I.invrii.) • Contrilinto alio stndio (h'ila ])elle dej;li rro(hli {Suliimdiulriitn, Eiijtroctnn e Siiclrrjiin. Con '2 tav, Torino, Loc- scher, 1— '1. Ito (1» jip.). (Fxtr. dalle Mem. Ii. .Vccad. Toiino, ser,, p. IM.) Contiiliiito alio stndio della ]i.(die dej;li I'rodeli {SuldmiitKhiiKi, Kiiprovtna e SprlirjKi). Con 'J tav. ; in Mem. \l. Acc.-id. Si!. Torino (v!.), T. 'M, CI. ti.s., pp. i-.r)-i:i(;. Amphihien nnd \i>;;cl, Mit I Taf.: in /eitsclir, f. wi.ss. Zool., ;t.'). I!d,. :!. lift,. Pit. 17-<-r.(l|. Apart: Di.ss.. Lci|i- Luckjanow (S. M.) r>eiirii;;;o /ui Morphcdojjic! der Zelle. l.Ahhdl;;. : lleher dio e]dtlielialen (ietnlde d'-r Ma;;eliscllleimhiint liei Sdhini. Hdiciilu.'.ii. Mit 7 Taf. : in Arch. f. Anat. n. VU\-.. jthysiol. ,\l>th., 1"7-^. Macallum (A IV) The Termination nt Lessona (Mich.) Delhi Alhinisnia nei Nerves in the Liver. With fi{?};. ; m iH'u, y\ ih'Wn l;aii. lip. ;M-1)S. I (NicliiniH.) / I ill r /iiliiji'ii ili'iilnny; il( > ilirli. ii, |i|i. IT ilcr ilrlll '""77. iiic Willi! I- 'II tiKd'iilii^ti itZJfslllT. I,. til. -nut. CI., l'.'7l. II r>l:i.si'iii'|ii- '2 T.if. .\iis Vin Mlli,- lip. l-i; -.Ml. II lil,'lNriii'{ii- 1. All/., Nil. H'll (I?cclirr- Alll|illiliiril. nisi;. Aii;il., ■f\v (if the nil n.'itnuli "■>; ill .Viini- li., p]). I I'.i- iiricdinis ;ii list, vol. 17. >!' til fiij;^;. : 111 1)1. ".'7, pt. 1, r m^ TIIK liATlJAClilA OF NOKTH AMKIIIOA. 77 Macalluin (A. H. ) On llici Niicloi of tlic Siri.Hiil MiiH('l(( I-'ilirn in Xniiinix [MdiDlriuiiliiis) litlerdlia. With li^n. ; C>:i;irt, ■Jmirii. Micni. 8c., vol. "J*, p. -I, pp. Ii;i' ICli. — N('i'v«i-t(iuliiij;s ill (li(< Cntiimions i'lpillii'liiiiii of tho Tailpolo ; in I'roc. (';iii!i(l. Iiislit., vol. :?, IH-JCi, |(|i. yTCi, •.'77. Alislr. ; in Joiini. U. Microsc. ,">iii'. LiiikIoii {li.), vol. C), p. (i, p. 1117. Macphersoii (Ilujjli A.) Hiiliit.s of tiid llililili^ rni;;'; in Zooloj^isl. (15. ■), vol, 7, Miiiili, )ip. l-,".M:t(>. — — — Tlic i'aliii.'itcd Nowt in (JloiicL'stor- ^liirc; in Zoolo.ni.st (15.), vol. 7, May, II. •-'•Ji;. Marsh (I). ('.) Olisriviitions on tlii^ .Mi'laiiiorpliosis of Sitcdon into Ain- lil.vsioiiia. .\iii('ri(.'an .Jonrn:il of .S('i(jii('(' ami .Alls, vol. xivi, Ni>vciiil>i'r, lri(W. Ma.soii i.loiiii .).) Miiinti^ Slrnctiiri' of ilir Ci'iilral Nervous .""System of certain li'i'piiics and Itatracliians of Aiiu'rioa. ."^niis .\. Aiitlim's edition. One limi- (iivil. Newport. K'. I., 1H7<,»-I8-|'J, .Jto (I.e. \n-i:\). Tit. Dedie., 2 HI. IiiIiuH, '.'l pp. ; J Itl. Litteiat, and List of riiites. (Niii plates. Lead-]ioisoniii;;' in ]'"ro^s, New York, l-^-"!!. (Kee. ,)nne, IS-I. Ifeinint liiiiii New York yU'd. ■loiini., October, l.S-K, spi,.) Mieioscopic Stndieson tin; ('uiitnil .N'civoiis Syntciii of Kcptilt'H iiiid Hatni- elii.'iiis. Art. III. Diameters of the. Miii'li^i of the l.ir^d nerve cells in the Spinal Cord (contiii.); also of those which ;iiv(! ori};iii to the motor tihrcs >il' the cranial nerves. Utjiiriiit from .hiiini. of Xeiv. and .Mental Disea.se, vol. >', No. 1, .laniiary, l.S">l (7'pit.). Massart (Jean). Siir riiritaliilito dtss speriiiatozoides do hi .- America he{S(tl(im, plates 1-7, 1S71, Mills (.1, W, ) Till! Heart of the Kish compared with that of Mi iiiihrinicliiix, with ••special reference to relies iiihili- ilion and indei>endcnt cardiac rliylhm. .). I'liysiol., vii, pp. si-;i,"), Mitropaiiow (P.) Die Nerveiieii(li;;iin- <;en im lliiilhel der Kanl(|nappen nnd die "Slifh lien/.(dleii " von I'rof. A. Kiil- liker; in /ool. Anz., 1». .Jalirj;., No. •.':!•-', pp. ."i »l»-.'M:i. Ziir Kill wicjilniiijsiicsi hi( hte nnd Innervati'in der Neiveiihiijiid der Uro- d(denlaiV(^ii. .Mil llol/.sehn. ; in Hio- lo;r. Cenlrallil., 7. 15d., No. Ii, pp. 171- 17K Mivart (St. (!eor;[re). On I'lilhoihin inr- ximilis of (iiay. l'roceedinj;s of the Zoolojjical .Society of London, , I line ".'7, ISlu. On the classilication of tin; Aiin- roiis lialr.ichians ; in Troe, Zool. Soc. London, pp. •J-<|i--.".).'i, L-'(i;>. On the Myolojfy of Mniuiwiiia itllc- illiaiiivimv. I'roceedin.ns of tho Zoolof^- ical Society of London, .Vjtril "J'J, LSdl,*, p. -.^54. On thcMyoloffy of .l/(■»o&n/»(7(»••^/((^ riilis. I'roeeedinjis of tin.' Zoological lU. Society of London, June 'J I, L"*(l',>, ]i. . On till! Common Froif. .Natinus Series. Maemillan iV Co., L:!7I. Monks(S. r.) ThespottedSalamander; American .Naturalist. LS-^lI, p. ■i'l'i. Montgomery (Henry). Oliservationson the Miiiiiliriuiilnix mnciiliiliit ; Canadian NatiiralisI, l-i7',>, 7 jip. il (t I l , I' (l'4 I I't'* Morgan (C Lloyd). Ahnormalities in tiie Vertehral Column of the Common Frog; in Nature, vol. Ii.'), No. C^'.tO, p.uli. I if ■\\ if n 47.S Itl'I.LKTIN :il, rMTI'h STAII'.s NAIImnaL MI'MllM. Morgan (,('. I.Io.vd). Al)iii.st'Iii) I'litfr- .sncliiinffcii iilicrdcn (ily('();4cnfinsiit/ in (Iff FntscliiclMT. Mif 1 'r;it'. ; in I'llii- Ki-r's Aifli. f. (1. f;i'H. I'li.v.siol., \i. ltd., II., l-i. nil., i>|>. .")(i-.'i-^l. Miiller ( !•". ) KislciNaclitiii;; /nm Kal:i- lo;; (Icr lici i)(^l(il()<;i,si'li('n .Sanindnny; dcs Hasler .Mii.si-iuns. Mit 1 Tal" : in N'cr- liandl. iialnri'. (ics. liasrl. ,. 'I'ii., I. lift., lip. l-Jd-ICr.. /wiilcr Xaclilra^-, thill., )ip. l(>li-17l. Nehriiig (.\.) iM'lii'rdas \'(nk(inMnfn von Aliiivs olislilviimiH ilslliili diT Wcsi'i'; ill Sil/,j;.slifr. (ics. Nat. V\\ ISfrliii, l."^S7, No. I, pp. IH, U». Znr f;c(ii,'iaidiiscli('n Vciliit'ilnim V(ni .Ih/tis olmlclricniin : in /nol. (Jai- tcn, •J'J. Jalil;;., No. ".>, pp. (11,(1-.'. I'diilxih'n /'((.vcKx anl' liri;;cii; in ])cv<'Iopnii'iit id' tint Skull in tint II. i tiaidiia; in I'liilo.sopliical 'rransailiims of the Iioyal Socicly, pail ".', vol. ICii, 187.-.. On I 111' SI rue t II H' and I >i'Vidopiiiiiit ol'llicSknII in till' I'rodidoiis .Vinpliilii.i; in riiilosopliical Tiaiisact ion.s nf tlic Koy.'il Soeiely, pail I. I"-*!. On tint .Moipliolony (d' tlic Skull in lli(! Ainpliilda rroihda. Willi H |d>.; in Trans. Linn. Soe. l/ondoii (•,'.), '/,ih>]., vol. •.', p. :i (Tell , I--'-.'), pi>. Id.".-'.'!-.'. On llic Morpli(do;;y of t hi) Skull in Zo(d. (iaitcn, ■.>;!. .lain-., .No. |-,', p. ;!7-<. Dan Aiil;c von I'nili ii.-i (iiacli itc- fosMcs) ; in Kosnio.s, (i. .Jalir;;., 7. illi., IvJ. lid., \>\t. (l-,'-(ll. (S.z. A., Ni>. no, |..:iJ.) Neumann (I. O.) yaliiij;e.selii( lite d. .Selilcsiscli - lian.sil/sidien .\iiipliiliien : -vo, (i.lilil/, ls:!|. Ninni (A, 1'.) L;i pcsea ed il coniniereio (Icdlo ranc. c dcllc lariaiiinlic llii\iatili nclla pniviiieiii di Venc/ia ; in Itidl. .Sue. Veil. Trent. Se. Nat.,T. I, No. 'J, |.|.. lOS-li:!. Triloii crixlalits l.aiir., s. sp. /,((/•(- liiiii. Con 1 tav. ; in Atli Soe. ital. Se. N.it., vol. -Jit, fa.sc.'i,:!, pp. :!','7-:!:!-. Nussbaum (M.) Znr Dillcicn/iiiiii^ des (ie.selili-elils ini Tllieneieli. .Vicdi. iiiikr. Anal., xviii, pp. l-J-.M, ids. I-I. (TIiIh wdi'U coiitiiins ili'lails iijiiiii si'\ii.il ii|. i::ni.s ill lliihiichiii.) Osborn (Henry I".) i'reliniinary Oli.sei- vation.s tqimi tint Itiaiii id' .liiijiliiKiiiii; in I'loc. Aead. Nal. Se. IMiil.i., Iss;!, pp. 177-181. Proliiiiiiiary oliscivatimiH upon the tint Ainpliilda I'mdela. Transael iuii.s of llic Linnc.in Soeiely of London, \ ol. •,'. part :!, p. l(l->, 1--J. SI met lire ,niid Dcvclopinenl of tin' Skull in (he r.alraehia. I'ari ;i. Ali- sirael in I'. I>. Sue., nxn. pp. lo.'i- |:l-. .-_-jyi (.1. von). !>ic cetohla.slisclie Alila;;c dcs L'ro^cnital.systcins lici 1,'iitiii ixciilciiitt iiiid l.tuirlii ririilix; in /mil. An/.., 1(1. .(ahr;;,. No. -.M:!, p. (1(1. A 1jlaslopornsa'llaiidoiiie<;iiiarailai;i a li('dcr lilaslopoi iis ,ils Ideihcnder After lici de;i .\iinreii. | .\iis Maj;y. Tinl. Akad. lOil. '' Kilt., pii. 11- ir> (Hiinnariaii ). Perraca iCiutlr Mario (!.) Sulla lionta spceiliea del 'I'rihili hla^U dc I' Isle e ilc.>4ei'i/ioiic di una liiiuva I'ornia ilniil;! di Triton franee.sc. Con 1 lav. : in lioll. Mils. /old. Anat. Coiiip. 'i'oriiio, vol. I. No. IV, (l:! i>i).). Sill valorc spceitieo (Ud I'lUilmli^ liili/niiiH dtti dintonii di Torino reeeiiii ■ liiciile deseritio dal Sij;. lliioii-|{o\ ei ; in lioll. Miisei /ool. Aii;il. (y'oiiip. Te- riiio, vol. :!, No. 1(1 ((1 pp.). Iiiain of Mciiolir.'inelins and Mciioponia ; Peters (W.) rn'inerknii.ncn iilicr mi- I'roeced.H. Aead. riiiladclphia. l-'-^l, p. ^(diiedciio liatraidiicr. iianientlieh idnr *J(W. ' (lie, Orijiinalcxciiiplan', der von Selimi- i . Owen (Riidi.) On h'lniliilD'ilciin nipcnHh ' deriind Wicuniann licsidiritdicnen ,\riiii dcs zooloj;iselien Milscnins /n lleiliii. Moiiatslieritdit der kilnii^l. Akadeiiiii' der WisseiiHcliafleii zii IJorlin, 1(1, Fidir., 0\v, A Laliyrinf liodoiit Aiiiphiliian from till) Trias of Cajio of Oood Hope ((ieol. Soe.); in Ann. of Nat. Ili.st. (."..), vol. i:J, Juno, p. 481. IBH:!, p. 7() t \ ¥ I I'licl ill'i* Mini ill llio \'<:\- 'l','IIISllc( icilis '>, vol. l(;il, ICVclolHIlcllt H Aiii|iliil>i.'i ; idllH of tllC KIT. HTi'i. (Ill till' lii'- liic rroilclr Ziioi. Sim'. ir.. )('Vrlii|iliii'iit Tki. I'mii '■'<. insncl iiiii> III' I-"!. ■ tiif .Skull ill ^Vilii S 1,1,.; 1IC.>.), /ni.l., .. ltK>--.'iJ. 'till) SUiill III 'I'laiisiict iiiiiN I.iiihIdii, Mil. piiit'iit III' till' I'iirt :!. .\li- |ip. i;i:.- 1;;-. ctiililastisiiic ■ins lit'i lidiia lis; ill Zoiil. 1. 1;*;. ii('L;iiiar;i(l;ira lst(i|i[K 11- .Siillii 1iiinl;'i ; , |>. I-"'''- . I'chrr cine villi lli'ii. N'icfcdiisiil L. Kill;; 1111(1 iJi'. .(.(iiiiiilliu'li auriliT Iiisi'l I'ln'itiiriiMi H'''"'"'''''' f^ii'iiinliiii^ von S.iimctliii'i'i'ii 1111(1 Aiii|iliiliicii. SI) wic iiliir (lie I'lnlwicUcliinu: fin ■■< ISatra- ( liii'is, lliihiilin tihifl'ni'irciixiH |)iini. iiihi'., nil lie Mela rpliosc. Monalslicriclit, (Icr Ki'iiii^l. Akaili'iiiic dir Wisscnsi'lial'tcii ,'11 licrliii, ISTl'i, p. 7ii:!, pi. i. rdiiTdic I'liiitlicililli.utli'i'tJa^cilii'li iiihI insliisi'iiiliTc iilicr dii; (iattiiii^^cii li'liiiiMti-ciiiM nnd (iyiniiopis. Moiiat.s- lii riclit dcr kiiiiinl. Akadcinic del' Wis- MiiscliMllcii /ii ISciliii, Nov. 'i\, IST'.t, p. H-.'l. .Milllicilnii.i; iilii'riiciu'odL'i' weiii^tT iMk.iniitc Ainpliiiiicii dcs IJcrliiicr /(in- liiuisclicii Mnscniii. Mil I 'Vi\\'. : in .Mon- mI-^Imt. Ak.id. r.crlin. l--n, jip. •J17---!'JI. Ill M|l. ; 7 11. .sp , II. t;. IhlllllKlllllls ) JlcriictidoKisclic MittlKMliiiijjcii : in sii/.iiiij;sli('r. tics. Nat. l-'r., l"'sl. Xo. tl. pp. ST- ill. il. I'.XCICXCIIZI II ill I li'lllKl ;/l;/l(H Ill.Vtll ■■ /111 t'.lill IlllilSZcit. ;;. li.'ll ill'.'* Si'lliilll l.'< Villi I'l'iiifftiihliiK ii.riiiii-u.t.} I'clicr die vim Ilcriii .1. M. Hildc- liraiidt aiif N'ossi-lii'^ nnd Madagascar ^csaiiniicltcn Siiii^cthicrc mid Aiii|dii- liicii; ill Mdiiatslu T. Akad. Berlin, l.-'^O, pp. r.i)>-.-iii. il I ■^|i. Maiiiiiiiilia : 'J.'i ,sp. Ill plilia 'Jii. s|i,: ,') AiniiliiliiM I '' I'l'lii'i die von llerni tJcrli. Kolilt's iiiid l)r. Slre(:k( T ailf del' IJeise iiaeli (l(r<»MS(' Knl'r.i ;;('saiiiiiielteii Aiiiplii- liieii. Mit I'r.il'. ; in Monatslier. Akad. lii'iliii, 1-sii, pp. ;;ti.''.-;!(i;t. ' — ■ Si'lii'idel Villi /wei ('iieilien, Hiipc- fjiiijiliis CO. //((,' (IS nnd //. siriiphini ; (Jcsellscli. d. iiat iirl'discli. Freiir.de, IJerliii, LSSli, p. r>:!. llcliei'die X'ei'scliiedelllU'it del' I-ia;;e del' iiiisseren Spalteii der Scliallldasen als Meikinal y.ii(*Uiit('iscliei(liin;;' liesoii- ders al'rieaiiisclier Friiseliarten ; in iSit/iiiiMslici'. (ies. Nat. Fr. Heiliii, 18.S1, No. 1(1, pj). l(iv>, Ui;i. Uelier iiiMus ISatraeliier der (iat- liiMUcii lljiixriiUitx iiiid l,iiinii)(liit(K aiis Aliiea; in Sit/mmsliei'. (ie,s. N.it. Fr., l-rjJ, No. 1, pp. s-i(). (:i 11. n\t ) Peters (\\.) IYmw. neiui (latliiiij; von lia- tiaeliii'i !i, Ujiloiioiiiiis, alls iio^ota ; in Sit/.ifslier. (ies. Nat. Fr. iteilin, Iss-,», No. 7, pp. 107-1()'J. l>f(!j iieiie Uatraeliier; in Sit/frs- lier. (ies. Nilt. I''r. lielliii. Isso _>;„, jq^ pp. ll'-llS. l.t III III i/xtii mil k I'll II Ki i.S'iirt ihd I tdi-li UK :tl III iisit, lliifii hiirhiiii I.) .•Veiideniii;;- dcs Naineils Uilhiiiiiiuun ill /////(wiy/iLs [r.atnic.li. 1; in Sitzs^lier. (ies. Nilt. Fr. Meiliii, IS--.', No. S, pp. l-.>7-l •,".•. Nduo Art der iirodclcii Hatracliier, Spilfrpin {(luliinin) iiniatiiinifi, u. sp., aiis Yucatan (Central America); in .Sit/.^s- licr. (ies. Nat. Fr. ISerlin, ISS',', No. '.», jip. i:i7, i:!s. rdier die veli'iM'ent liclite /woiti^ Aiilla.!;e (I. Catalo;;s der lUilraihiu Sulj- (iiliii d. Iiiitisli Miiscnins von |)i'. (I. A. I'>diilen;;-cr ; (ies. naliirf. I'lciiiidc IJcr- liii, lSs-,«, p, (;o. I'ldicr die von .S. Km;; in .). (iiiiid- lacli aiif d. Iiisel I'ortoiiuo Heliraelito *>aiiiniliiii,^ V. Siiii^etliierc u. \iiiplii- liieii : Monatslier. Ak. Wis.s. I'erlin, 1S7(1, p. 70:!. IJcber Mantipiis nnd I'lirynocara, /Wei none I{ati'acliier;;att iin;;enaiisdcin ilintcrlasse dcs Ifci.senden .1. M. Hilde- lirandt von Madagascar; in Sitz^-.sbcr. k. jirciiss, Akad. Wis.s., 18^:5, vi, vii, pp. IC-'.-ltiS. I'cliersiclit der Aiiipliiliieu an.s CliincdXd (West Africa), welche vou der atricaiiisclien (iescUscliut't dciii ISer- liiicr Zdol. Miiscuiii iilicrtjidicn siiid; in licrlin, Monatslier., IS77, jip. (ill-lWl. (Mit 1 Tal'.); audi in Correspond. -151. d. afric. (ies., Hd. 'i, pii. •illl-V'tlC). (17 Koiitllicii mill 1:; UalrMi'liiiT, mit!) ii. sp.) Febcr die von Sidx in Brasilien ^csaiii, Fidediseii; II. nenierk. n. iieiic oder wciiiirliek. Aiiiidiiliicn ; Moiiat.sber- icjito Ak.'id. d. W'isseiiscli., IS77, p. U.'i. lldier die von Dr. Sadi.s in Vcnc- /iiela ^csaiu, Anipliibien ; /. c, 1S77, p. ■\:>'j. Fclier die l'',iiitliciliiii^ der Ciici- lien; Monatslier. Ak. Wi.ss. Berlin, 187'.), p. K'il. Pfitzner (Willi.) l'4iidcriiiisofSalaiiiaa- der; in .loiirii. 1». Microscop. Soc. ('2.), vol. 1. jit.ii, lip. yi.S-'2'-M. (.Vb.stiact 11(1111 Moipliiil. Jahrli. S. Zoning. Auz., Xo. 72, i>. 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' T ' I I '•''': r\ i r ':\ 1 ; f • ;l , .1 1 . i M ' ■ a t i ^^il i i;l •i i ' V I'M ■a^-MH)w>»ii wwiwii. ■J r \ I u t i s LIST OF CUTS li |Expla:«atiO!« of numbers im all the figures.— 1. Head from above ; 2, Uo. from side; 3. Do, from liilow; 1, Interior uf mouth; 5. Palate enlarKed: 0. Forefoot, from below; 7. Hind foot, from liclow, I Page. Fig, 1. Chondrocranium niul cranial nerves of Salamaudra, from the side; .iagramniatic ; from Wiedersbeim ,... <) 2. The same as Fig. l.from below 10 \i. Xtcturiin macnlatus Kaf, ; No. 8t?15; Mount Carmel, 111.: Amhlyatoma inixicaiium Wagl., larva; and Chondrotus tenebrosua 15. & G,, larva; California 24 4. Xtclurits punctatiix Gibbs; No. 1181;}; natural size; Charleston, S. C. 27 T). Criiptobraiichua ulhijheniennia Hurl. ; No. 9572; Pennsylvania 39 (!. CriiptohraiichiiiifuscusHiAhr.; No. 7003; Knoxville, Teuu 43 7. Amhhistoma tiilpoideum Holbr. ; No. 3879; natural size; Prairie Mer Rouge, La 53 8. Amhlystoma opacum Grav. ; No. 3751 ; natural size; Gloucester, Va.... 55 9. Amblyaloma puiictatumL\mi.; natural size; Hampshire County, Va . . 60 10. Amblyitloma vonspersum Cope; No. 3934; natural size; Carlisle, Pa. S. F. Baird. 62 11. AmbU/ntoma copeiaiiitm Hay; from drawing in Proceedings National Museum by Prof O. P. Hay: Irvington, Ind 65 12. Amblystoma tigrinum Green; No. 4691; natural size; West Northtield, 111 '. 68 13. Ambhintomatigriniim Green; No. 40.59; natural size; Fort Ripley, Minn. 74 14. Amblyntom(t xiphias Coiw; No. 14470; natural size; Columbus, Ohio.. 88 15. Amblyntoinajvffvraoniannm Green; No. 3968; natural size, except 5 = f, from Green's type; western Pennsylvania 91 16. Amblysloma jefersonianum fuscum Hallow.; No. 3897; natural size; Clark County, Va 92 17. Amblystoma macrodactylinn Baird; No. 4042; J natural size; Astoria, Oregon 9G 18. Amblystoma npixanthum Cope; type; natural size, Atlauta, Idaho; Coil.Copo 98 19. ChondrotiiH microatomus Cope; No. 3999; natural size; Saint Louis, Mo. 102 20. Chond)oui8 texanus Matthes; No. 4044; twice natural size; San Anto- nio, Tex 104 21. ChondrotHS paroHcus Baird; No. 7021; natural size; Puget Sound, Oregon 106 22. Chondrotiia decorticatus Cope ; No. 14493 ; natural size ; Port Simpson, British Columbia 108 23. ChondrotHS aterrimua Cope ; No. 5242 ; natural size ; Northern Rocky Mountains 110 24. Chondrotna tenebroaua B. & G. ; No. 4053; natural size; Astoria, Ore- gon 113 25. Linfiit5 Ij- 21I, nrmiiJartiiliiim snifatiim Tschiidi; twice natural size, except T) = f : No. 4(l!)4; Norfhtielil, 111. K. Kemiicott l:il 30. I'h'thodon ciiiinitH triithroiintim Green; No. 4"';?"'; twice natural size, excejit r> = f ; St. Catherine's, Canada \'H\ 31. Phthodontjhttiii(iHiiHfiTwn;l\iK:CS'2;Ahhv\i\U', S. C Ill 32. I'kthodon (iiunit Copo; natural size, except o, { ; Nicka.iack Cave, Teunewsee; Coll. Coju' Ill 33. Phlhodmi iiiti niifdiiis Hainl; No. 4732; type; natural size, except .'), f ; Fort Tejon, Cal 1 |i. 34. Pl> Ihodon cninsulun Coi^e; No. 9447; natural size, except 5, f ; Califor- nia 1 IT 35. rhihodoti (iny/odcHKM (Jirard ; No. 131*4t)^; natural size, except t ; Berke- ley, California U.' 3*). Stcreochihix marfiinatiis Hallow.; No. 3907; j; natural size; (Jeorgia. V<'.\ .37. (hjriuopliilits por/ihi/viticua Grccii; No. 3374; Tiatural size, except.''), f ; locality unknown Uiti 3S. Maiiciihis tiiiadridiyitatiiK Holbr. ; No. 3904 ; twice natural size; Ahhe- ville, 8. C lt;ij 39. Spi'hrpcH miiltiplicatiix Cope; No. 4li3::<; twice natural size; Red River, .\rkansas liiil 40. SpeUrpci* hiUiHiitiis Groeu; No. 144r)(i; twice nattiral size, except;'), f: Gloucester, Md lt;»'i 41. Spihrpm longicaiidus Green; No. 40A"); natural size, except ">, which is f ; Lancaster, Ohio h'O 42. Spehrptu (luttalhuatun Holbr. ; No. 37"J3 ; natural size, except ">, { ; Eu- taw, Ala i:i 43. Spchrpen nih,rViim\.; No. 7903 ; Carlisle, Pa ITl 44. Autodaj- liigithris Hallow.; No. 4til7: Petaiunia, Cal l-l 4.^. Aiitodax fern ux Coiw ; No. 114.")! : natural size, except o, f : locality un- known l?ii 40. Aiiaidcn ii'cainin Voytc; No. I4o9t); natural .size, except .">, i"; McCloud River, California l" 47. Desmognath iiH ochrophaa Voi^e; No, G~91 ; natural size, except .">. twice natural size ; Meadeville, Pa 1'.'.' 48. Dvumognathiisf iixai Jii\{.; No. 7901; twice.uatural size ; Carlisle, Pa.. I'X' 49. Desmogtiathitfi fiisra tturiculata Holbr.; twice natural size ; Abbeville, S. C 1% ."JO. DcsmognnthHS iiigru Green ; No. 3923; natural size, except .'», twice nat- ural size; Abbeville, S. C 1'.".' 51. Dumiictjihit) tarosiis Esch.; No. 11407; natural size, except r)=i; San Francisco, Cal '2o:t 52. Divmiictyhis riridesceiia vinidtucens Raf. ; No. I44t!3 ; Aiken, S. C '-'U" 53. DifmijctyltiB riridt'svena mi»iatits Raf.; No. 3^02; twice natural size. except tijr. .'> = f ; Root River, Wisconsin. S. F. Baird •,'IU 54. Diemyctiiliiii riridisccnn meridionaliii Co\>f: San Diego, Tex. : | 'Jl'-' 55. Amjyhiuma Hi(rt*i»* Gard. ; No. 10^(j.">; natural size; Columbus, Miss.. . 'M 50. Amphiiima means ; three embryos in the eggs; from Hay '-.'-'1 57. Siren lacertina L. ; No. 12593; Wilmington, N. C. ; | --''' 58. PaendohranchuH atfiatits Lee. ; Nos. 7010 and oOol (latter Georgia, Dr. Jones) ; twice natural size with brauchise aborted ; tig. ?, branchia' aborted and inclosed ; 9, branchia- free (No. 5001) ~:il I \ s ~wr :uM. r.iRf^ ska. M. I'j: i> >t r) = f: l:il iral Hize, v.w, Ill k Cnve, Ill q«t 5, f : llL Califor- Iir : Herk.-- W •eorgiii. l.':i i:.ii ; Al.l).- IfiO il River, 1'.:! ^l>t "., f ; IM , which lil'.i . f;Eii. in i:i 1-1 ility nil- INi ilcCIoiid 1- 5, twice ]:>■> ile, Pa.. l;i:. ihevillf, I'Jii ice uat- r."j :i; San '2'l:^ ' -..'i,)- al Mize, ','10 -Jl-J Miss... ','1(1 ','•-'1 •,"2i; ;ia, Dr. rauchiii' L'lil I Fig. r.;t. I ill. til. (W. (i;?. til. •>.■>. till. M. tilt. Til. 71. THI-: MATRACHIA OF NORTH AMKRICA. Shoulder-fiirtlhy nf Snlii uliit ; hand c t'nun I'arkfr Ihifo ini III lata ■• I!, vV (i,; No. 'I'MCr, natural nI/c; Cajic St. Liica.i, C'all- liin 71. Til. 7;t. -II. -1. -4. ^7. 89. 90. 91. nii/i) (/(7h/i'« (lirartl ; Ni>. ^'ti-Jii; li;;. 1-J natural .size; ii-7, J: Chihiia- liiia, Mi'xicd /;»/■<( (//rdci/'x tiirard ; Ni>. •J.">7'.i ; lyiic; natiirul nizf ; (Joloradi) deNort. Friiin Mai id Hiifii roliniihiriisiH loliimhinisiH H. iV (J,; Nii. ll.'iltl; natural si/e ; Kf- wafin \' alley HiiJ'o tiiliiiiiliitiisi.i haliiphiUiM \\. Sl (i. ; natural size ; cojtiort frtnn Haird r. S, Mfxiian lioiimlary Survey /<(//« vompiiclilis : No. '.iiiii^' ; natural nize; Rinj^jjold Harracks, Texas. A. Schott IliiJ'o lifmiiiiiliri/K i'i>\)i' : No. ll'.W; natural .size; United State.s north- ern Itouiidary Ihi/ii iin/ii; Daiivers, Mass /Ill fit IniiiiiiiKisiis iroodhuiiKii : natural size; eojiied from Bairil and (iirar.l. T. S. ]'. |{. R. Survey Hiifo lviiti;iiiiiiHiis iiniericaniiH ; natural size; eopied from Haird and (iiraril. l'. S. P, R. R. Survey Jliifii liiiliv; No. St94:{; natural size; Camp Thome, Yellowstone River Sjiiii iiiiiltijiliciila Vi^H'-. No. IMiHl; natura?size; Valley of Mexico. J. I'otls IIijIoiUk liitraiiH Cope ; No. liliV.t ; natural sizn ; Helotes, Tex Siirrhojiliiis iii(ir»ockii Cope; No. KUi;?.') ; nati.ral size; Helotes, Tex -Irris ijriiUiiH Lfc. : No. llt!>"J4 ; natural size; ])es Moines, Iowa ('liiiro)iliiliiN iiriiiitiia Holhr.; No. i;{ti:{4 ; natural size; Helotes, Tex C'liiirojihilii!-7, f natural size ; Mount Carmel, HI ClioropliiliiH tiisi-riiituH Irixvridtiix Wied.; No. 8bi\'.\; 1-4, natural size; ;! •Jt>4 •J()(i •v'tl- •,'7-J •i74 •,'7() 280 290 291 294 :wo :toi 304 :W5 :{ii7 ;50d :!17 :U9 32fi •.m ■Am ',V3& ■Ml 343 354 358 364 3G6 T ! ■ 'i I t i 492 BULLETIN 34, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MU«KUM. Fio. 1)3. Hjila caroUiKiiaift Peiin. ; No. i:U78; natural size: Allapaba, Oa .i.x 'X\. Hjjli nreiiiculor Co\}*); No. fOrid; natural Hize; Utah Tn i)4. lljila/i'inordUD Daud. ; No. U.V.H; natural hI/.o; Lilierty County, Oa... ITJ 9.'). Ilyht itrxicithr Lvc; No. 14i).">l ; natural nize : Rocht'stfr, N. Y ;::, 'M'>. Ilyln {imtlom Lei'. ; No. 'M't-^i ; natural hIzi' ; from (icorgia, ('. B. A(laui!« 'T'.i '.•7. Enijiintoma caroHtienxe HoUtr.; No. HWKf ; natural size ; Columbus, Gn. .!S(i 1>8. HiJixipachui ritneiin Co]u^; .San Difgo, Tex iWi^l 9l>. /?((»« rirctrc/is ij)/i('HM((7)/ia/{« Cope ; No llUlti ; Nai^livilU', (rii )iio 100. L'aiia fiitHccnn ririicinx \it\hi\; No. f-Stii); natural Mize ; Tickfa«',Ga. . . in) 101. Hdiia vireacenx bvuchycephala Cojiu ; No. lOifJ'.J ; natural size; Fort Wal- la Walla, Washington; (U\\n. C. Bt-ndire, U. .S. Army IM 102. Paiia puliixlfix Lcc. ; No. i:UO:i; natural nize; Garrison's, N. Y. ; T Roosevelt In? 103. L'mia ureolata urvoUita B. iV G. ; No. 3H04 ; natural size ; Indianoln, T.X 111! 104. HatKi tt)(olat(( onojiiixCoiw, No. 4743; naturalsizc ; Micauopy, Fla... 11. i 105. liana anoUita circiihmt llice A Davis; type in Museum, Champaign. 111.: No. '27 -I; natural size; northern Illinois Ill 106. liana •77; natural sizf; Astoria, Oregon. iW 114. nana (Irayioni draytoni liainl; No. 8700; natural size ; mountains near Fort Tejon, C.il 14,' 115. /I'nwd '"<»//ii Baird ; No. 3370; natural size ; Eldorado, Colo 41T IK), nana silvatka Lee. ; No. 3388; natural size ; Quebec IMi 117. Choudrotitu clnfiulatuB Cope; type; No. 378(>; Aldieville. S. C l.V) 118. Bufo aduncnx Cope; type; No. 14100; Gainesville, Tex; | A'>i 119. Cliorophihix niyritiii wcn(Cosi(8 Cope : type; Volusiii, 'a 4.V,) 120. Grypiscus um&rinus Cope; Rio Janeiro ; | 4('>0 I > .t- J !■ :!i;h ;i7o , Oa... .IT'j ■!*.'> Adams ;n!) ins, On, ;Wi ;w^ tnO , On... Ill' rtWiil- I'll ■111? Ilii HI 117 I'.'l l-,'l JJ'.I i:m i:;r, ; For' ...... -} ■ 17 •regon. 110 IIS near UJ 117 ir.ii A:,i ■):.'.» jt;o '} t EXPLANATION OF LETTERING ON PLATES. A.— The ((irtiJiuifx, I'Kjamenfs, andmnKcUi. A. p. Ascenilinj; itrocess of suspi'usor- lUIII. A. s. c. Anterior si'niielrcnlar canal, At. Auuulns tympanioiw. B. Halancer. Bb. I, II, etc. Hasilirancbials I, II, etc. Cb., cbr, I, II, etc. CeratobraucbiaLs 1, II, ft.'. Ch. Coratohyal. Ctr. Cornn trabt'cnla-. E. Br. I, II, etc. Ei)ibrncbial8. Ecor. Epicoraooid. Epa. Etbuiopalatino. Epg. Epiptcryi^oiil. Est. Epistapedial. Eth. I'ara t'tbuioidea. Eu. Eiistacliiau ligament, HM. Ilyomandibnlar. HQ. Ilyoqnadratt' ligament, HS. HyosMHpenworial lignmoiit. Hsc. Horizontal Homicircnlar caual. II. Inferior labial. Inc. Inttirnasal cartilage. LI. Lower livbial. Mb. Mandibiilo-byoid ligameut. MK. Meckels cartilage. Mat. Mesostapedial. Na. Nasal roof cartilages. Nc. N'otocbord. OG', 0Q-. Otoglossal: 1, eartilagiuous; •J, tibroua. Pbc. Pnbic cartilage. Pea. Trabecnloqnadrato cart. Pd. Pedicle of suspensorinm. Pg. Pterygoid, Proc. Procoracoid. Psc. Posterior semicircular canal. Q. Qc. Qnadrate. SI. Superior labial. SSC. Snprascapula. St. M. Mnsculus stapedius. St. Stapes, Tcr. Tegmen cranii. Tr. Tiabecnliiiu. Trab. Plate. Trabecular plate. T. ty. TegnuMi tympani. n. — The hones. Als. AlispLeiioiil. Ang. Angular. a. r. ; a. r. t. Articulare. As. Astragalu:'. a. B, c. Anterior semicircular canal. a. t, r. Apex of trabecule. au. Auditory capsui B. br. Ua.sibrancbial, B. hy. Hasibyal. B. o, Basioccipital, C, Urostyle, Ca, Calcnueum, C. br. Ceratobrancbial. C. c. Centrale carpi, C. hy. Ceratohyal. CI. Clavicle. Co. Columella. Cor. Coracoid. Cu, Cuneiform. D. Dentary. I Di. Diapojihysis. i Eb. Epibranchial. Ecor. Epicoracoid. ' E. eth Ectetbnioid, I ep. 1 >tic. Eth. Etlimoid. ExO., Bo. Exoccipital. f FiVinlare. Fe. Femur, F. P. Frontoparietal, I Fr., F. Frontal, I H, Humeru.s. j H. hy, Hypobyal. Hy. Hypopopbysis, I. Intermedium. H. Ilinm. Int. lutercalare. Is. Iscbium. 1st. Interstapedial. 493 ' -ll M '■if 494 BULLETIN 31, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. ?! n i J 1 iri I- 1 So. Sp. Spe. Spt. ': Sq. i SSc J. Jugal. It. Luuar. M., Mz. Maxillary. Mn. Maudible. N., Na. Niisal. Npr. Nasonreuiaxillary. N. px. Nasal proces.s of preniaxillary. N. sp. Neural .spine. Occ. ()ccii)ital coiulylo. Odv. Odontoid vertebra. Opo. Intcrcalare. Os. Orldtd.splienoid. 08t. Ouio.stermini. Pal., Pa. Palatine. Pas., par. Paraspheiioid. Pb. Pubis. P. cor. Precoracoid. Pef.. P.P. Prefrontal. Pez. Prezy^opoidiy.si.s. Pg. Pterygoid. Pmx., px. Preitiaxillary. Po. F. Postfrontal. PoE, Po.stzyjj;opoi>liysiH. P. Pa. Parietal. P., pa. Po.sterior palatine. P. pg. Palatopteryjfoid. P. px. Palatine part of preniaxillary. Pro. Prootic. Ps. Parasplienoid. Pt., Pg. Pterygoid. Ptr. Pretransverso process. Qj. Quadratojngal. Qst. C^uadrato.stapedial articulation. Qu., Q. Quadrate. R. Hib. r. Radiale carpi. S. Scaphoid. Sa. Sacrum. Sea., Sc. Scapula. Smx. Septoinaxillary. Supraoccipital. Si)lenial. Splienethiuoid. S(|uaiiia palatiua. S(iuaiuosal. Suprascapula. St. Sternum. St., Stp. Stapes. Sy. Symphyseal. T. Tiliale. Tib. Tibia. Tr. Temporal ridge. U. Ulnare carpi. u. Ulnare. UR. UlnoradiuM. U. S. Urostyle. Vo. Vomer. Vp., Vop. Vomeropalatine. C. — Foramina and iiirvtm. Car. Foramen carotidouni. En. External nostril. Fm. Foramen magnum. Fo., Font. Fi>ntitn"lle. Fso. Fenestra ovalis. 0. (Jasserian g;inglion. Hsc. Horizontal si.Miiicircnlar cajial, 111. Internal nostril. Mnp. Middle nasal passage. Nerves. I. Olfactory nerve. M. Optic nerve. .''). Trigeminal nerve, f)'. First or orbitonasal lua:. \i of trigeminal. 5--')'. Ma.xillary nnd mauiij- bular branclie,'^ of trig- eminal. 7. Facial. T'. Palatine(" vidian")liriii,(li of facial. f. Auditory nerve. '.•. Olossopharyngeal. 10. Vagus nerve. 01. Olfactory capsule. Olf, Ol., Nervus olfactorius. Py. Pituitary liody, space, or n ;;,.i:i 1). — ritcetii iitid itntral /KriDx/* *;,->//(. AB. Arteria I)rancliialis ; aorta bow. AM Arteria meseuterica. Ao. Aorta. Au. Auricle. B. Hrancbia. BA. Hulbns arteriosus. I Be. Hranchial cliamber. Bf. Krancliial lissure. Br. Brancliia'. c. Cistus urinatorius : urinary bladder CA. Corpus adi]iosum. ol. Cloaca. DC. Ductus cuvieri. d. c. Ductus clKdedochus; diacodia E. Eye. Eab. Epidermal adhesive organs. Eb. External brauchia-. BE. Kpencei)halon (cerebellum). Ep. Epiphysis (pineal body). Po. Foiitanelle of oviduct. gb. Gall bladder. 'M. (TCtS. lar ciiuiii L>. e. •ve. UiiH il 1.1- ai.i UIIil III IIM IK'll. ■,- ,,f U\ :inn ")l'i ,11, c eal. or rr^;.i:i urta b(nv iry bladdiT diiicd'lia r(;an8. lliini). i Y THE BATEACIIIA OF NUKTII AMERICA. 495 H. Heart. Hv. Ik'iiatic v.'iii. Hyp, Hy. Hyiio])hy.si> ^lutnitaryboJj i. I, i. Intestine. K. Kiduey. 1. Lung. 1) 'iv. LivL'V. 1. ciiit. Anterior lobe of liver. 1. in. Largo intestine. M Mdiitb, ME. Meseneeiihalon. MD. Miillerian dnct. Med. Mcdia.-Iimun. Mes. Mesentery. MO. Miiiitb ol'ovidnet in cloaca. n Xervi'.s. O iividucts. O Fiuitanelle of oviduct. Oes. (Esopbagu.s. Ov Ovary. P. I'amreas. P. C. i'li'XU-i cboro'idrii>. Pe rniseiii^eplialon. Pf. l'i'rirlace ; the altmeutury canal and corpus adiposum displaced to the right side of the animal. PLATE V. Cijiiilobraiicluis aUegheniensis, skeleton, from above, half natural size. PLATE VI. <'iiiiiiobranchua aUegheuieiiaiH, skeleton, from below, half natural size. PLATE VII. I'njptobranchiis aUeghenienais, viscera from below in jiosition, two-thirds natural size. Drawn by Prof. S. F. Baird. <(, auricle : r. ventricle of L«»art ; /,, liver; wi, nu'diasfiuuii ; a, stomach; i, intestines ; o, oviduct; o', loutitnolle of oviduct; //, gall-blailder ; r, rectum; c, urinary bladder. 1951— Bull. 34 32 4W im f 'I j i I I ! ! H I 498 BULLETIN 34, UXITEU STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. PLATE Vin. Cryptobraxclius alhyhenieiisis, skull. Fig. 1. Superior face. 3. Inferior face. 3. Left side, exterior. 4. Left side, interior. 5. Left maudibular ramus, external side. 6. Left mandibular ramu.s. internal side. PLATE IX. (Copied from Wiedersheiin's Kopfskelet der Urodeleii.) Fig. 1, o Siren lactrtimi, skull, left side. Siren hiartina, skull, from above, oue-balf the cartilage exposed. 3. Siren Jacirtina, skull, from below, one-balf the cartilage exjiosed. 4. Proteus aniininus, skull, left side. 5. Proteii8 antjiiiuui, skull, from above. 6. Proteus anguinus, skull, from below. • 7. Jmphiuma means, skull, left side. PLATE X. Amphiuma means, skeleton, from below, two-thirds natural size, PLATE XL Amphiuma means, one-third natural sizt;; from Georgia. Copied from Cope, Proceiil- ingsof the American Philosophical .Society, 18~t), p. 442. Fig. L Skull, left side. 2. Skull, from above. 3. Skull, from below. 4. Skull, right half, from within. 5. Left mandibular ramus, external view. 6-'J. An anterior d(n\sal vertebra; tig. 6, front : 7, rear; t, bottom; St, top. Chthonirpeton indiiitinctnm, R. A, L., three-eighths natural size; from Brazil. Coiiiid from Wiedersheim, Die Anatomic dtT Gymnophionen. Fig. I. Skull, from above. 2. Skull, from below. 3. Skull, left half, from within. 4-G. One and parts of two other vertebni' : 4, from al)ove ; '>, from below • li. right side. PLATE XIL Amphiitma means Gard. three-toed form : viscera in place, except that the alimcMtiuv cauai is ilisplaced to the right side of the animal. Two-thirds natuiiil size. PLATE XIII. Hyoid apparatus of Batr.achuj. Figs. 1,3, '•,() dissected and drawu by E. E.Gait : .;, 4, and 7, by E. D. Cope. Fig. 1. Xecturus mnvulalus, small, x 3. 2. Proteus angninus, adult, j. 3. Cryptobranchna alleglnnieiisis, adult, \. 4. ilegahbatrachus masimns, adult, \. 5. Am})hiuma mcanii, small, X 4. 6. Siren lacertina, small, x 4. 7. Jchthyophis ylutinosui. \. THE BATRACHIA OF NORTH AMERICA. 499 Cope, ProceL'il- roni below ■ li. E. E.Giili ; J, PLATE XIV. Skeleton of Amblystoma punctatum, ouobalf natural size; superior view. No. 722. PLATE XV. Amblystoma punctatum, skeleton from below ; natursvl size. PLATE XVI. Amhiyatoma punctatum, skull, one-half larger than natural size. Fig. 1. Skull, above. ','. Skull, below. :{. Skull, left sidCj exterior. 1. Skull, left side, interior. The numbers below are those of the nerves which issue from the foramina of the Hj;ure. PLATE XVII. Visceral anatomy of J mhlystonui punct-2r>, lr48. -. Eye of lig. 4, showing lens. PLATE XIX. .tmhlyriloma upaeum and I'lethodoii eri/thronotuti, skulls, twice natural size. Fig. 1-3. Anthlysiomii opacum. 4-(j. Plethodon irythronotua. PLATE XX. Anatomy of Amhlystoma ojxu'Mm, drawn by Prof. S. F. Baird. Fi(i. 1. VLscera in place, from below ; lettering as before; female; natural size. 2. Oviducts and fat bodies; natural size; c/, cloaca; fo, foutanelle of oviduct; A', kidney. 3. Stomach and liver; the latter everted, to show portal vessels. 4. Cloaca much enlarged, showing mouths of oviducts and labia (/a.). 5. Urinary bladder distended. 0. Urogenital sy.stem ; C A, corpus adiposum ; T, testis; k, kidney; vet, vasa efferentia testis ; vck. vasa eli'erentia, reiiis; i'. (?. vas deferens. m:' I- , '. ^■■i] ( ^r 500 BULLETIN' 1)4. UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. PLATE XXI. Amhlystoma sp., viscera, drawn by Prof. .S. F. Baird. Fig. 1. AmMyntoma jnunlaliim. viscera, natural size, female; the digestive ami uro- genital systeni.sdrawn sei)arately ; lettering as before : cl, cloaca ; June, 1>4«. 'i. Amhlynloma 2)inict)itii)n, urogenital system of male, enlarged; letterinjr as before ; May, l?-lt>. II. J»i?(///>i/o?»(i (j^KKwu)! Grav., malf, cloaca ; 1, vas ileferens; '2, ureter; I?, grcKivt- from each vas deferens, which unites with its fellow at apex of iK'ninsnIa (9), and is continued as a branch on each side, dividing and inclosini: tlic process (4), ami, reuniting, passes round the jiosterior part of the folds of inend)rane (.')) ; 4, oval, liesliy bodies, supported on short stems t'(nial td themselves ; ">, a series of deep folds of membrane of each side, nearly meet- ing inferiorly; (I, slight protuberance in the depression between the fdlils; T, folds which arise between the bodies (4) as one, and, bifurcating, >iiik away behiml the folds (."ii; "•, a second set of folds anterior to 7. 4. Amhlyiitoina oiiaviim, liver from above; «, from below. .'). Heart and branchial vessels of Sinn I\' above; ij. 8. Clwndrotii'' di'Cdrliiiitiis, i'loin ]tv]iny ; ;j. 9. CliDiidrolim ddiirlhatun.fvuin above; L 10. LiiifjiKelapmni (unnilatii-i, from below ; f. 11. LiiigiKvlitjiKiit iitniuldtiin, fnun abo\e; f. 1-2. Li ni'iiin liiitii>ii>f, trom ai)ove 13. Liuguahipxun hittitru>i, I'rom lielow 1 , i r 1 ; , ! 1 ■ ■ J i I'LATK XXV Hyoid apparatus i\f Amlihixtoiiiidd anlnidc iwii liy In. v.. v.. THE BATRACHIA OF NORTH AMERICA. 501 Fk;. 4. Amhhiotomit piiiicfadim, from he]o\i: ; X -. 5. Jmhlystoma pHiictafum,\arvn, Hitlt^; ">. (i, Amblyntoiiia tnncrodaciijlum, from below ; x 'i. 7. Amhlyxtoma tigrinum, from below ; x "i. H. Ambhjstoma epimnthinn, from above: x li '.>. Ambliifitom-7. Manciihi'i qiKtdridif/ihttiis, three times natural size. G. Skull, from above. 7. Skull, from below. 5. Skull, from left side. PLATE XXVIII. Fui. 1-3. Spthrpes loniilcatidn, skiiU. twice natural .size, with cervical vertebrte. 1. Skull, above. •,'. Skull, b.low. ;{. .'■ikull, left side. 4-<.'>. Spetn-jict hilintdta, skull, three times natural size, with three cervical ver- tebra'. 4. Skull, above. r>. Skull, below. 6. Skull, left side. PLATE XXIX. Spchrpis rubtr. skulls of larva and adult, twice natural size. Fig. 1-3. Larva nearly mature. 1. Skull and three vertebra-, from above. '2. Skull and three vertebra-, from below. 3. Skull and three vertebrie, from left -iide. 4-G. Skull of adult. 4. From above. .'). From below. 6. From left side. PLATE XXX. (Copied from Parker. Spvlerpes ruber, skulls of ailnlt and larva, much enlarged.) FlG. 1-2. SpeJerpes ritber, larva, younger than that represented in the last plate (xxix). 1. Skull, from above. 2. Skull, from l)elow. ■ li ■A m h m I: , I il il , ? 1 ,' , 'I. I i l : ■ i 1. t 1; ■ , ,, I :'■ » i: , I' 502 BULLETIN 34, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Fig. 3-5. Adult. 3. From ahovc. 4. From below. 5. From right sidf, 6. Gyritiophihi/i porphjrUicun, part of right side of skull of larva, showin)^ trabecnla, etc. PLATE XXXI. Spehrpca ruher, viscera, 5 , drawn liy 8. F. Baird. Fio. 1. Viscera, in situ, natunil nize ; eggs nearly ready for exiiulsiou. Lettering is before. Ik. The heart removed. I'ca, aseending veiuj cava: J, auricii ; VP, vena pHlmoiiulin ; v. ventricU'; Hii, bulbus arteriosus : cc.l, eaii.ili-i couimuuis urterio.sus. M. Fontanello of oviduct, near stouiach. 3. Left ovary with corpus adiposum on left side. 4. Liver; a. from below. 5. Cloaca and kidney, with vasa efterentia reuis and vas deferens. f). Phthddon (jli(tino8iin, 5, kidneys, from l)elow: r « k' vasa elVerentia n mi- stretched out ot jilace to mUow their course, (ui left of figun-. PLATE XXX IL Bones of L'rodela three times natural size; drawings by Prof. S. F. Baird. Fig. 1. .'^capular arch of one sideof 5/)e/e»7(es j-n/ifc whichhas just passed its nietaniur- phosis; the branchiii- not (luite obliterated: Carlisle. Pa., .Tujie Vi. 1*49 2. Humerus of the sanie. 3. Cubitus and manusof the same. 4. AmIiljjatomnpiDictatinii, posterior Ifg of larva just changing to the adult. PLATE XXXIII. Skulls of (ryriiiophiliis porphyriticiti^. Fig. 1-3. Skull of adult ■ rural size. 1. Fromabu\e. 2. From below. 3. From left side. 4-6. Skull of advanced larva, twice natural size, 4. From above. 5. From below. 6. From left side. PLATE XXXIV. (Copied from W. K. Parker.) Fig. 1-4. Oyrhwjyhilus iwrplniriticits, larva-, much enlarged. 1-2. Larva less advanced than that represented in Plate XXXIII, 1. From above. 2. From below. 3-4. Larva still less advanced than that represented in tigs. 1,2. 3. From abov^. 4. From below. 5-6. DesmognatliHH fusca, skull. T). From above. C. From below. erentia nni- THE BATRACHIA OF NORTH AMERICA. PLATE XXXV 503 Hvniil apparatus of Plethodoutidii-, aissectotl iuul drawn by Dr. E. E. Gait, excepting tij;8. 11 and I'i. Fill. 1. ;<, 4, 5, f. 7, 8, I), 10, 11, 12 Fid. 1. ;{. 4. 5. ti. 7. -», ;). rUihorlon ongonensis, inferior view, x 2, I'lethodoti ghitiiionus, inferior view, x 2. Aiitodax hinubriii, inferior view, x 2. Ikttracho' ps atteiniaitia, inferior view, x 3. llimidactjilium acittutum, inferior view, x '.'>. Gyrinophilus porjyhijritiviis, inferior view, x 3. SpelerpiH ruhet; superior view, X ^i. Spehrptu ruber, inferior view, x '■'>. Spdcrpts ruber, larva, superior view, x 4. SpchrpvH riihir, larva, inferior view, X 4. Spehrpvx hiitjivdudidi, inferior view. ManciilH8 quadridigitatiia, inferior view. PLATE XXXVl. Hyoid apparatus of Urodela. Desmofinathna fitaca, inferior view, x :< ; Dr. Gait. UkmyctijhiH toroaua, inferior view, x 'i: Dr. Gait. Dknvjctylux riridcacenx, superior view, x '2: Dr. Gait. Dienu/ciyliiH rirideaccna, lateral view, x 2. UiemyctiiUix pttlmatiia, inferior view, x li. SalamatidriiKi prrspiciUata, inferior view, x <>; from Parker. SnhiniaitdriHd perapicillata, larva, inferior view, X •': from Parker. llemixahimaiidracristata, X vJ ; inferior view. Chiogloasa hiaitaiiica, inferior view, x '•<. PLATE XXXVII. Fig. 1. Sttlamandra mnciilosa, Hkeletou, natural size. •J. Thoriua pitnmiuhia. skull, from side, X 4. ;i. Thoriita peunatuhix, skull, from above. X 4. 4. Thoriita ptniiatuliis, skull, from l)elow, x 4. PLATE XXXVIII, Fui. 1-4. Diemycti/hix tomsua, aknU, much enlarged : copied from Parker, 1. From above. 2. From below. 3. Right mandibular ranuis, external view. 4. Right mandibular ramus, internal view. ')-9. Salamandrinajierapicnhtla, skull; copied from Wiedersheim. 5. Skull, from above. 6. Skull, from below. 7. Skull, from left side. 8. Skull, from front. 9. Skull, from behind. PLATE XXXIX. Diemyctylus viridcacciia, much enlarged ; copied from Parker. P'lG. 1. Skull of adult, from above. •2. Right ramus of mandible, inner side 1 504 BULLETIN ;U, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. \ Fig. 3. Ilyoid ni)paratnM of adult, from below. 4. Skull ot'larvn, I'roiii aliovf. fi. Skull of larva, from below, fi. Hyoid aiijiaratus of larva, from above. 7. Basis crauii of very yonn>{ Inrva. PLATE XL. Crodela, viscera isolated autl much enlaruetl. From tlrawiny by I'rof. 8. F. Baini. Fig. 1-2. Spehrpcs riiher, kidney and vas deferens, 5. 1. The tubules of the kidney displayed from above; (/. iunreat»T ditail from below. 2. The \ asa efterentia ; diagrammatic. U. (iyrlnophUus porphyrilicun, liver and central circulatory system of a liirj^o larva. 4. Pklluxloii yliithi09U>i, 9, liver, natural size. 5-9. Diemyiiytiis ririihscciiH, 5 . ;'),G. Reprodiietivo organs an»l cloaca of male. 7. Kijrht corpus adiposum, inferior surface, X 4. 8. Testis. y. Kidney, vas deferens, and va.sa etferentia. PLATE XLI. Central nervous system of Urodela, enlarjjed. Fio. 1. Spihrpfs nilxr, from above; a, from below. 2. Jmhlyatoma jutuctatuin, 9, brain and cranial nerves of the left siile from lir- low. The cranial nerves are numbered. (;, Ga.sserian gan<;lioii ; («. 1 un- necting branch between trijieminus and facial nerves ; /,, jiart of l;ib\ rimli. 3. DiemyvtyhiH riride^ccitx, brain, from abo\e; u, from below ; h, from left siilf; /'(■, prosencephalon ; Up, epiphysis; JA\ thalamence)dialon ; ME, niesiu- cephalon ; EIi, epenceidialon ; /(', fourth ventricle: //i/j>, hypophysis. 4. Dinnyctylii'i viridvicttiD, semicircular canals. PLATE XLII. Larval and breeding stages of Salamanders. Fig. 1. GyriHophiliis porphyritiiKK larva, natural sizt-; June :{. 2. Spckrprs loiHiicaiidiis larva x 4; May 21i. 3. DkmyclylKK viriihscciin, breeding male, natural size ; a inferior side of hind leg, showing corneous nuptial excrccences, and tips of digits. PLATE XLIII. Siren lacertina, skeleton from below, two-thirds natural sifc. PLATE XLIV. Siren lacertina, splanchnology; three-tifths natural size. For lettering see general explanation. The mesentery is divided so that the ali- mentary canal can be extended outw,ird to the right side, so as to display ilie other organs. The lines VM and Mes, on the right of it, extending from the testes ici the gall-bladder represent the borders of the gap opened by the section. 'I'lie cloaca is divided, exposing the mouths of the urethra and ureters. For heart :ii.il vessels see Plate PJ, tig. 5. IP iii UM. THE BATRACHIA <>F NORTH AMERICA. 505 f. 8. F. Hair.l. KrcHtt'i' detail tcmof a 1m I ''n side from lic- lion ; Co, roii- t ol" l;(ltvrjiiili. '0111 left siilc; ME, im.siu- ypopbysis. le of hiud Kg, that tbe ali- ) display tlio I tbo testes ii> lectioii. Tlie ''or heart and Carpus ■ I'LATK XLV. and tarsus of Rbacbitomi and llrodela, natural size, excepting Fig. 1, wbiob is ouc-balf natural size. KiiJ. 1. Carpus of Eryop» megacepliahiH Cope, from the Permian formation of Texas. J. yectnriia mnviilaliin, carpus and tarsus. 3, CryptuhranchuK aUeyhcnkiMH, carpus and tarsus. I, Amhlyntomtt oixniim, carpus and tarsus. 5, PIcthoiluii tjhitiiioniiH, carpus and tarsus, ti. Sjii'lirjHH riihcr, carpus and tarsus. 7. DtKinDiiiuitliiiK fuHvH, tarsus. 8. DkinydyUis tonmiin, carpus and tarsus. '.», DiemyvtyUm riridenvena, carpus and tarsus. Carpus I'Ki. 1. ■> ;{. 1. ti. 7, PLATE XLVI. and tarsus of Ratrachia, from dra\viiij;s made liy Dr, Georgo Baur, enlarged, except Fit;s. vJaiid'.', which arc natural size. Xi'i'tiiruB iiiariihitiix, young of, :U luiii X ;>'•: « carpus. // tarsus. MfyalolmtntdiiiK Japo'iiciiM, natural size; a carpus, b-c tarsus. Cryittobnittchiii tiJUiiht iniKxin, tarsus {. Jmi>hiiiiiia inetnm, u-b carpus; c tarsus: X oO. Sinn hirtrliiKi, caijius x '2. OnyihoiUtctyht» j(qH)iikitii, a carpus, b tarsus. (ieotriUm fi'xcun, tarsus X Ci. l{emi the siiuamosal bone has been removed. Figures twice natural size, except- ing 1, 3, 4, 7, and 8, which are natural size, and 10, 11, and 12, which are three times natural size. From Copo in the American Journal of Morphology, 1888. Fig. I. XectnriiK macnlatnn: squamosal removed. 2. Protcnii unyninnn. 3. Cryplobranchus alhgheniinnix; tbe middle of the s(iuamosal removed, tbe ex- tremities remaining. '■ . .'if ■h ^"^ " I i; 4 ' 1 ! T •- 506 BULLETIN 34, TNITKI) STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. FlO, 4. .Iniiiliiumu hkyjhk. 5. TyphloiuctcH comjirinniaiudiiii, from tlii' Rflizi-. (!. Dirmophis mfjicuHim, witli tin- ipiadrnti^ lioiio turned up, lixpiising its iiifi- rior face, ami that of tho nuatlratiiiugal: 4a, the ((iiatlrate in normal \»<. sition. From Mexico. 7. ChoiidrotiiH tcnrhroDiix larva, 2.'i(l mm. 8. Chomlrotm Uinhromin, adult. 9. Amhlyntoma ti. Sinn hicertuia |. H([uamo.sal in place. (). Disvoijloxxiin pivtiix, partly posterior view ; «, ear-hones ani\i- arate. 8. Spea hammondii, tlio squamosal removed; n, the bqinunosal; h, the ''ai- bones. 9. Hyla gratiom, tho squamosal removed; a, the squamosal; h, the ear-boms and cartilages in protile, the cartilages of the tympanum divided by ver- tical section ; c, the ear-bones and cartilages undivided, external view. 10. XenopuH cakardtus, partly from behiml, with squamosal in i>Iace. 11. Sk'irocyclopa iHcfrts.srt/H'*, sfiuamosal in place; «, stapes and ear-bones .lud cartilages. 12. Rana prctlosa, s((uainosal in place: I'ar-bones and vertically divided carti- l.ages. PLATE L. The quadrate, hyoid, and auditory elements. From Cope, American Jouruiil of Mm- phology, 18d^. Fig. I. Ranarirescciis, x 2; a, squamosal bone; fc, ear-bones without epistapedial : x 1 2. Rana lurenccnx, larva with hind legs, and developed fore legs concealed ; tin- skull X2; a, the hyoid apparatus from beloiv x 4. 3. Rana cateshiana, advanced larva, skull, without hyoid elements, except ceratohyal X 3. 4. Trinierorh(ichi8 insiynis Cope; left posterior part of skull from below, the mandible in place; natural .size. P^rom the Permian bed of Texas. i . M. sing its 111 fe- ll normnl \u,. Tin; ItATRACIIIA OF NolM'll AMHKICA. 507 fla aiitl S;ili- llCopc, AllHT- rate and in- removcd ; •.'/(, ll,VI)l|llllllr,ltr ;in i)t' ci'i'ato- uamosal si]i- h, tin' car- ln' car-lKPtics v\i\i'{\ liy Mr- iriial view I'. ir-li()H('H .hhI ividcd carti- rtial of Mm- ipt'dial ; X 1 iic'calod ; tlir ents, fxci'iit I below, till' ixas. I Frd. •>■ TIk' Haiui' Hpocii'H : aiiotlior individual ; sanic view, without stisppiisoriuni and lowtT jaw. tl. /iitracliyn firratiiH Copr, r'mM postcrioi' part of skull, snin'tior view, Nlio\vint{ intcli (Ty) for tjiiiimnii; nit'iiihr.'uui; natural si/.i' ; fiuni the I'crniian bod t)f Texas. 7, Tbe Haine Hjieciuien as \\)i. (I, from below. disj)la,vinn colunnlla or stapi's. ri(. 1. :t. 4. fi. 9. 10. 11. 12. i;!. 11. 15. 10. 17, IM, lit. 'iO, •il. PLATE LI. li'inia rirtmui'i, lijoid apparatus of larva represented on Plate XLVH. fij:. 2, riniit side, from below ; ri>;lit ceratobraneliials cut olfdistally : X l. h'aiia vltimatii, larva, just free from ejig x *> : a, tjie same from below. h'linii claintilo, saiiu* brood as "J, three days from e|ij{; rijiht fiill wanting. h'atiii (•iit(nl)ia)i(i,yinu)ff larva with small fore lejr inclosed in branchial cliani- ber; X -i. liana vaUnhiana more advanced ; fore ley partially protruded from bran- chial lissure ; X 'i. Hiiiiii luiexbUiuu, individual represented in ti^;. It, Plate XLVII : foreleg fully protruded, but the branchial lissurt* ((d' right side) not closed ; X 2. lUiHtt vatefhidiia, same as lig. I, disphiying form of externa", branchial cham- ber : X 2. Hana votexbiana, larva of age of tig. ."i, showitig branchial chamber, nud the pharynx bounded by a dotted line; x 2. liana riirticcnii, hyoid aj)i)aratus of adult, from below. J!ana artnlata ch-ftihia, hyoids from below, \. liana drantniii draiitoni, hyoid apparatus from below. ;. liana monteziimir, hyoid apparatus from lielow, f. yi'((»ia miilahrii/rnnit, hyoid apparatus from below, j. lljjla rarolintnsin, hyoid ap))aratus, f. lAlhodjitex httraim, hyoid apparatus, \. Spta miiltiplirata, hyoid apparatus from below, {. Spca hammoiidii homliifroiiK, hyoid ajtparatus from below, \. Sjwa hammoiidii hommondii, hyoid ai)paratus from below, -{. Cliondrolus tcjAxiis, hyoid of young just afte. absorptiou of liranchia;, X 4. Typhloiiectcs onnprcfiHicaiidua, hyoids, \. DcrmophiH mexicaniie, hyoids, (. PLATE LII. Viscera of Hatrachia. Fid. 1. Xecturus lateraHs. 2. tmblystoina nuxivanum, larva (Sired(Ui). '.\. CryptobranclniH alleiilwnivnfiiii. 4. Amphiuma iiieann. Lettering: P, pancreas ; oe, o'sophagus ; I'v, portal vein ; pyl, pylorus: o, gall-bladder; dc, ductus choledochus. PLATE Lin. Viscera of Batrachia. Fiii. 1. Siplionops anniihUus ; c, urinary bladder. 2. Salamandra maculosa. :{. I'ipa amcricana ; py, pyloric constriction. 4. Xinopun capensis ; dc, ductus choledochus; py, pylorus; cr, ca'CO-rectal con- striction. •'■>. Biifo sp. •I I ill 1 ,1 ; 1 ifa: hi' ''W fSW' i . I'- 'W ri .. i ii li^ rl 508 BULLETIN 34, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. PLATE LIV." Digestive apparatus of Salientia Fig. 1. Pelohates fuscits. 2. Pseiidis j)ar(idoxa, larva. 3. Pleurodema bibroni ; py, pylorus. 4. Ciratophrys dorsata. 5. Leptcdacti/hts ti/phoniua. tj. Engystoma mkropa. PLATE LV. Viscera of Salientia, Fig. Bufo melanostictvB. Hyla cam lea. PhyUomedusa hicolor. Himisua i/iiinei'nse. linrictps yibbosus. Eana caltsbiana. PLATE LVI. Brains of Batracbia, chiefly Salientia, natural size or enlarged two diameters. Fig. 1. ytctitriia maculains, fight ventricle exposed ; a, roof of meeencephalou rt- nioved; b, floor of mesencephalon enlarged. 2. Bemisal'imaudra cristata. from above ; a, sagittal .section of mesencephalon : 6, prosencephalon, right ventricle exposed ; c, floor of mesenct'i)halon. showing comuiis.sure c and cerebellnni, cjjc, and fourth ventricle, iv; d. commissure from bihind: p. c, plexus choro'ideiis. 3. Si})liono}>s (inuulalus (Mus. Herolin.), from above: a. sagittal section, tin- posterior part of the hemisphere cut off obli«iuely ; b, hemispheres sprtad apart, displaying thuiamencej)halon and mesencephalon ; c, prosenceidi- alon, left ventricle exposed; d, thalaniencephalon with epiphysis, fntiu above; e, mesencephalon, epencephalon, and fourth ventricle;/, fourth vertricle on removal of cerebellum. Lettering; pr, jjrosencephalon : »i», mesencephalon; te, thalaniencephalon; ee, epencephalon; hy, hypophysis; (■;*, epiphysis; iv, fourth ventricle, 4. Bufo viridis. from above, left ventricle exposed; a, sagittal section; p. c, plexus choroideus. 5. Epidalea calamita, with plexus choroideus. 6. Ahjtifi obateiricatiH. 7. Pelobatea fuscna. 8. Pleurodema bibroni. y, Leptodactylua caliyinosus. 10. Phrynomantia bifasciatua, IL Ilrevicejja moaaambicua. 12. Phinoderma darwinii. 13. Atelopiis variiia; a, roof of mesencephalon 'emoved, showing floor; ft, pros- encephalon, left ventricle exposed. 14. DipIopeJma oniatum. 15. HyJambatea maculatua. 1(3. Rana eryihraea. 17. Eana escnlenta, from above, with plexus choroideus removed (p. c); a, right hemisphere removed, left ventricle expo.sed, and mesencephalon exposed; h, left ventricle. 18, Xcnopna capenaia: a, right ventricle and tbalamencephalon exposed; p. r., choroid plexus and artery. THE BATRACHIA OF NORTH AMERICA. 509 ^meters. ;phaloii rt'- ncepbalon : snceplialon. riclt', iv ; d. lectiou, till- leres spn-ud [)r()sencei>h- thysis, from o; /. fourth thalon : m<, lypophysis; ;tiou ; p. c, or ; h, pros- ;.); a, right >ii exposed ; osed ; p. c. I PLATE LVII. Viscera of Salieutia with the digestive organs removed. There remain the urogeni- tal, the respiratory, and the central circulatory systems. Fig. 1. Bufo Iviitiginomts amcricaiius, ^. 2. Scaphiopiis holbrookii, itttriv(ui>i, skull: from Parker. 15. l)i'nvijIo>'xufi ])i(.tu.i, iidult ; vertebral columu aud skull from above ; steruuiii from below. 1(), iJiacoijhissiis pktim, skull of a younger animal from above. PLATE LXIX. Including Pipkin; Xinopidd', J'ltfonido; and Rhinophrynida. Fu;. 1. Pipa ((wencfUKi, frontoparietal and nasal bones; a, sternum, from IJoulfii^ir. '2. A'(»i(j(»'< c((j(( /isi«, axial part of skull from above ; f, ethmoid bone; u«, orlntn- sjdienoid; n nasal. 3. Mjiobatrachwi ijniihli, front of skull from al)ove, with and without prefrnntals. 4. Pseiidophryiu aiiatmUi, skull from above; a, sternum. r>. EpidtiJea cuhimitu, skull from above. arietal bone of one side removed to show superior plate of etlimoid. 7. Biifo /tiniinlosKn (Peru), young animal, with and without prefrontals. 8. Biifo fipinulosiii, adult. 9. Bitfo hntigiiiosiix amerkanns. 10. Bitfo delahuidi (Mus., Paris). 11. Btifij piintheriiiuti ; frontoparietal bone removed ■m Imth sides displaying ethmoid. 12. Bu/o mreiis. 13. Biifo cariileostictiia ; a, sternum. 14. Peltdphryuv ]nllticvphala. hcail. 15. Otaspin inijxisii, head. l(), BhiiioidiryiiHS dorsalis. front of skull from above. PLATE LXX. Cystigiiiithidu. Fig. 1. Pseiiilt^ I'niunum, skull from above. 2. Pseiidix mtiiitidactyla, superior axis of skull. 3. Pfteiidh paradoxn, superior axia of skull. 4. Cyclcirhamphitx fiiUijinoiui: skull, separate ethmoid bone, and sternum. .'). MUoplnns /(tsviohitiin, cranium from above. 6. StomhitsanHriatiiiis, superior axis of skull. 7. CvnitDphrys onidtus, young; superior axis of skull. "*. Stiimhiis hoiii, skull with crests from above; u, do., axis only ; «liagramMiiitu'. 'J. Centophrys dormitd, anterior extremity of ethmoid. 10. C7li)•o^j)^.s UHs/ca/i.'«, part of skull of individual not fully mature; u, perfect sternum. 11. Grypincna nmbriniin. a, skull ; b, sternum, ami c. sacrum with urostyle. I'i. Calyptottphalun it;ti ; h, forameii mag- num. 1{. llypniboaa xerophyllum, from of top of skull. 4. Jlyjiaihoaa cripitana. front ttf top of. skull. ."). llypnih<)na albomargiiiatua, front of top of skull membraue. ('). Ilypaihoaa piDivtatiia, front of top of skull. 7. Ciiicli}acopHa maximita, front of top of .skull. P. Uyla /<'MC(>Hit7a«, front of top of skull. '.t. llylii ? sp., front of top of skull. III. Ilyhi gratioaa ; a, sternum, front of top of skull. 11. Ilyla amcricana (Litoria), front of top of skull. 12. Ifyhi freycineti, front of top of skull. 115. Ilyla hypiiHlicta, front of top of .skull. 14. Ilyhidimolnpa, front of top of skull. l.">. Hylii ninra (Ranoidea), front of top of skull. Hi. Smiliaca bandlnii, front of top of skull, with ungual phalanges. (I, a thin ossification of basal i ;;. : ;!;-il: ■if . V- ' ♦ : I i'- '! 5i I i; I ^ I w ■i i 1 .: 1 1 1 •i . 1 1 i . f 'i '• i\ i 'j il ^ .1 I In! ( t4 512 BULLETIN 34, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Fig. 17. Ayalychiiis morcletii, fumt of to[t of sknW. 18. rhjiVomediim hicolor, front of top of Hkiill; a, sternum. 19. Hi/la varoHiii'iiaix, skull from aliove : a, sternum. 20. Scijtopis veinihiHiin. front of top of skuil ; I, ethmoid bone : a. another H\Hr\. men, showiufi inenu.ilities of surface and pcsterior outline of ethmoid Ikiiic. PLATE LXXIII. HyJid(i\ Hemiphractidw, Cysti(jtiathida, and Pelobatidn. OHteocephalufi planict'pn. t*\n\U from above. Hypniboax nrpitann, roof of mouth. Trachyreplialiis tjeoyraphiciis, skull from above; from Steindachuer. Triprioii jutamtiis, head, side view. Triprioii petaHutiis, head, from above. Triprion petniatiis, interior of mouth. Ciucloscopiis majimiis, rijjht manns; u and r, ulna and radiu.s; u and r. uliiiir anil radial oarpal.s : c. central, l--2-:?-4-.') (liwtal earpals, 4 and .">. ( mi- llnent : !-.'> metacarpals: I supporting a spinous poUex. Acrin i/ryllun. right manus, four times natural size. Bylidir, *, Uyhi auolinnisiH, do. ■. '.), Scylojiis re)iiilosii8,{\o. ; li». UyjinUimis (ilhomtirginatiiK, do.: 11, Ciiicloicopus majcimua, do., posterior attached \<\ penultimate phalange ; l"i, Ifyln auren, do ; 13, PhyUomcdima hicolor, do. : 14, same, the external ungues of both pedes. Uemiphrnctiix Kcntatus, head from above, from Honlenger. Scaphiopua liolhrookii. right manus: lettering as in Fig. '28. Mirophycs fasciolot.iH, right uutnus, lacking the phalanges: letters as in Fig. 2r*. Leplodactyliis petitodai'tyliin, left manus, the male slu)wing process of second metacarpal, which is wanting in the female ( 9 >; lettering as in Fig. .'-. 21. 22. 24. 2.-.. 26. 27. 2fJ. 2lt. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. PLATE LXXIV. Embracing Hemiaido', lirerivipitida.Eiiiiystomidn, I'hryniitcidn, and Dnidroi. ■lidn . Fig. 1. JIvmhiiH fitittatiim, skull, from above. 1(1. llemiHux giittaiitm, skull, from left side, exhibiting thesu])rascapulo-pr()i)tii articulation, and the small freely-iiu>ving suspensoriuni. 2. IlemisiiH ijitttntiim, sternum ; from Houlenger. .{. HrerivvpH gibhosiin; a. anterior psirt of to]i of skull from above : h, end of muz- zle from front, reniaxilla- ries, the maxillaries, and the nares; v. verteliral column, less the liist and the sacrum, from btdow ; d, last lumbar verti-bra, anterior exti-';nity from left si.kull. a. ■.terniini. ^1 SEUM. THE BATRACHIA OF NORTH AMERICA. 513 a. aiiollior »]i(ri. of <'tlllll()i(ll)()iK'. ichiitT. *: 11 and r. iilii.ir , -1 ami ."), run- IIS anterior ,i;i(l rietnl.slioMiiii; "ronfal liono. al removed to Fid. 10. 17. 18. 19. •20. •21. 'ii. 2;j. •21. Vu •ior attaclied \n ,'A (i. Ilia hicolor, d)» tli« jiremaxilla- Ns the (ii-rtt .iiiil •2:i •25 exti.';nit.v from MM front. i •J.). '2»). '27. •2d. '2;>. ;io. :u. ;!2. Atehpun ftai'CHCins, top of front .and etluiioid. Atelopus^ s\>., tojt of front, ethmoid, and prolilo of prefrontal bone. Phrjinisciis rariiis, top of front, with prolile of prefrontal bone. Phrytihcus f Uvvis, top of front, ethmoid, and profile of prefrontal bone. lihinoderma danrinl, top of front and profile of prefrontal bone. Dendrobates Unctoriiia, Ko\> of front and anterior extremity of parasplienoid bone. Unjjnal phalanges of — No. 1.5, Diiidrohatea tinctorius; 1(3-17, Atelopu» fiavea- ceim; 18. Callula picta; '2'2, Calliila huUeata. CacopuK Sjiatoma, sternum, from Boulenjjer. DflHcophm antongilii, Hternum, from Bonlenger. PLATE LXXV. lianidiv. I'hi/llohntis hicolor. part of sknll. I'roHllierapix briiunciis, .skull and sternum. llilUunhahi marmoratus, front of skull, above. Caxubia seneijakims, front of skull, above ; with the anterior extremity ot the frontoparietal bones of an older individual. IfyperoUim iiiiidaijaH'aricHiiis, front of sknll, above. Coniiifer dorxiilh, front of top of skull and ethmoid. I'liyynohalriH'hiiH iKitakimh, front of top of skull. Slanroii iiatiitor, front of top of skull. Raniila chrijsopniniiia, front of top of skull ; a, sternum of do. Jianajiiiiyliiiliiiii, front of top of skull. Iliina mahiharica, front of top of skull. Untiit crytlinia, front of top of sknll : young. Haiiii erythrim, front of top of skull; medium. liana crythrav, front of top of sknll; large. Ilaiia muscarieniiis, front of top of skull. Hana fasciata, front of top of skull. Jtinia oxyrhyiivha, front of top of skull. Hana brvricepn, front of top of skull ; one a superior, the other an autcro- sui>erior view. liana rhimaia, front of top of skull. Hana agiliH, top of head from front ; adult. Hana ayilin, to|i of head from front; young. Hana cyanophlyvtw, top of head from front ; youug. h'ana liyrina, to]) of head from front; youug. Hana (iyiiiia, top of head from front; adult, the anterior part of the frouto- [larietals removed, showing the form of the ethmoid and the cartilage of its superior face, the act'ompanying figure representing the othiiudd .vith the eartilage removed. Hana U'xclii'naiiUn, young; front of top of skull. Hana orripitaliH, fnnit of top of skull. Hana hidiulactyta, front of top of skull. Hana fnnciynla, front of top of skull. Hhai'opiiiinin rtininirdtii, front of top of skull. t'ldrumantiii jctiaiiiiwlhia, front of top «)f •■ikull. Pithjpedaiex maciilainH, top of head. OxyijloKunx lima, t )p of front of skull. Ungual phalange's of Ranida'. Fig. 1, Hana irythrna, posterior foot; 2, I'ohipcilati'H macnUitnx, anterior foot ; li, do,, anterior and i)osteriorfeet ; 4, Hhacophornx reinwardtii, atiteiior .iiid juisterior fee! : l',», Hana mahtharicu, both feet; '20, /,'. tiinporaria, both feet •21, H. c/am((((i, both feet; •2'2, R, fnscignia, both feet. 1951— Bull. 34 Xi i ' r . \i. \ . «F-i? 'ifi i 1 i! Il ii I 514 BULLETIN :U, UMTi:i> STATES NATIONAL ML'SEl'M. I'LATE LXXVI. Ilyoiil .apparatus of Amira, mostly fiilarj^fd. Figuvcs (.■niiii-l from Parker's Siruitiire and Dcvolopmciit of the Skull iu tins IJatrai'liia, cxii'iit I'ij;. 18 whii jHiiuNitiiK. ilnroi^e. 7. Iliifi) ruh/ari", Europe. S. I'hi/llomi'Iii^a hirolor, s. America. U. Hiihi urithiii. Australia. 10. Cophmi.i iiutrmoraiim. S.America. 11. Cji^iiipKitlnin tijpliijiiiKv, .S.America. ri. Jtihijiim vtiriifi, Costa Hiea. 13. Ciilliild jiiihltrtt. Farther India. 14. EiKjijxtoma i.ann'tne>i)ii/, N. America. 15. Jtendniluili^ tinctoriiit, S. America. IT). Uhaviqihitrut mttximiis. India. 17. Itidid cue II If II tit, Europe. IS. Hiniisiif {/iittaliis, Natal. PLATE LXXVII. Superticial ami deep muscles of the manus and pes of three species of Annras. Figs. 1,"J. Lcptddactiilim pintadactylus, manus. male. 3,4. Lijitiiddftiiliia pi'iitudiicti/liis, manus, female. ."), t>, 7. Siytojiifi rciiiiliisiis. pes. !*,[*, 10, 11. Haiia t>iciileiita, pes. The lettering in Fij;s. 1-4 is identical with that used in Diigds Osteoloj^ie et MyoU)j;ic des Batracions. No. S7, Cubito-metacarpal ; SS, subluiio-metaeari>al of the index; 89, mctacarpo- metacarpal of the index; !•.">, hninero-subdij^ital : Oii, cubito-radio-subpha- laiigeal of the imlex: PiO, subluno-phalanj;ettal of the index; l".il. siil.- uietacarpo-iilialaiigo-iihalanj^ettal of the index. In Figs. .'> and f^ are ili>- playeil the superlicial tlexors of the dijiits. In i),7,'J, lo and 11, the deejit i muscles of the plialaujjes and metatarsals are exiiibited in the nuinbcis from 7 to "Jl. Nos. 13 and 'i2 are the second and third intermetatarsals nt' Dnges. PLATE LXXVIII. Embryology of Ilyla pichriiiijii IloUtr., and Ili/la .' versicolor hoc. ; from drawiugs by Prot'. S. F. Baird. Figs. 1-U>. Uylu jihkiriinjii. 1. Egg with germinal vesicle; lirst day after laying, May 15, 'J a. m. Figure « natural size. 'i. The same, May Iti, '.• a. m. ; from above. 3. The same, May Iti, it a. m. ; from bi-low, showing germinal area. 4. The same in jtrotile. 5. First appearance of embryo iu egg laid about the eveuiug of May 11. t L'SEl'M. THE BATRACHIA OF NORTH AMERICA. 515 Parker's Slriitiure t l-'ii;. 18 which js ijjc'.s Osteohijrif ct i Parker /. c. ies of Aiuiras. om drawings by May 15, 'J a. in. f oj^ie et Myolojjii' | ; 8d, iiictacar|iii- to-ratlio-siilipiia- iuilfx : l".il, siili- . ."> and H aro (li>- ml 11, tliL' (li-cj)! 1 ^ in tho nunilii IS lermetatarsals of , r Figs. 1-19. nyla pickeringii — Coutiuutil. «). Side view of tho same. 7. A more advanced embryo. ri. Side viewof the Name. y. Embryo still farther advanced, May 16, 4 p. ni. Fig. a, side view of the same. 10. Vitellus of elongate form, with brown polyjjoual spots arranging thenLsclves in meridians, May IG, 4 p.m. Laid abimt 10 a. m.. May l.">. 11. Embryo on May 17, 10 a. m.; rotation couimeneed ; Fig. (/, profile. 12. Embryo May 17, 11 a. m. ; (t, profile. 13. Embryo May 17, 4 p. m., straightened ont. 14. Embryo May 17, 4 p. m., profile. 15. Embryo May 17, 5 p. ni., profile enlarged, displaying ciliary move- ments. 16. The same ; head from front. 17. May l.**, 9 a. m., liberated artificially and swimming. 18. The same ; front and below. li». May l-i, ;!.:W p. m. •20. Tadpole, anterior part. 21. Eyo of same in jirofile. 22. Hrain and spinal cord of tadpole. 2l}-2(). Iljila ? versicolor. 23. Embryo in albumen, April 9. 24. Embryo, just before liberation. 25. Embryo Just after liberation : branchial circulatiou distinct. 20. Head of the same from below : diagram. PLATE LXXIX. Development of the three anterior inferior cranial arches of the genus Rana ; much enlarged. From \V. K. Parker. The arches are : tho trabecular (in dotted outline), the mandibular, and the cerati hyal. The successive stages of the ossienla anditns are exhibited also. For explanations of details, see Plates XLVIII to L. PLATE LXXX (cancelled). PLATE LXXXI (cancelled). PLATE LXXXII (cancelled). PLATE LXXXin. Fio. 1. llyla andertionii Baird ; natural size. 2. Ilyla ijratioM Le Conte ; natural size. :?. Do. ; mouth, within. 4. Do. : hand. 5. Do. ; foot. J hi ^V\ PLATE LXXXI V (cancelled). ?rminal area, euiugof May 14. PLATE LXXXV (cancelled). PLATE LXXXVI. Rana septenlrionalis Baird, var. sinuata Baird ; natural size. n-ii 'I' V'^'^ I ! f- >\ n \ I ill I mm' i;: I ! !iil r f '', f .•Ml hyh'hy^^^^ c/j'r'c'dr'' i .1- epg nice-. px ,m.np .--nil occ ^"-so Necturus and Cryptobranchus. 'm I ; 'y lli H U S National Museum. Cope. Batrachia of Noitn An.enca Plate IV ==; J ' Tar ■-' 1 ,1/^, ? 1 11! /^ /<--:# ^' / k' / /// Necturus maculatus. 11 <* t Bulletin 34, U. S. National Museum. — Cope Batiacnia of Noitn America. Plate V. yi Cryptobranchus allegheniensis. If 3 'I II I ■ •W-/Pf:.? Bulletin 34, U S National Museum.— Cope Bauachia of North Annerica. Plate VI. CRYPTOBRANCHUS ALLEGHEN'ENSIS. Ibs fi'l i •} i ! M 1 ,^! U i : 2 ' nr ..;<;• W't Bui e; n 34. U. S. National Museum,— Cope. Batiachia of North America. Plate VII. Cryptobranchus allegheniensis. I ! «f H^ Bulletin 34, U S. National Museum— Cope, Batractiia of North America. JY T jy ^-"^ 8. li S^QPt Plate Vlll. 2. Cryptobranchus allegheniensis. ^■■'\% I ! i li 1 ; i I I. m Bu.ot'" 34, U. S. National Museum, —Cop Batrachi.i cf North America rpa ho so K als,^,^^^ ,'*"'^ P3C ^,^P9 poo b6r' hf)r pec par Siren. Proteus, and Amphiuma. if f "W -^ BunC' ■ . 34 U. S. Naiional Muitum.-Cope. Batrachia c,f U "Ih Am^-ica Plate X. ftoO * Cor Amphiuma means. v^}^^ itf.* T-i # • r i4 U S. National Museum,— Cope. Battachia of North America. Plate XI. ^" S j-r-X^lUs, ^*,^,.. Cht/wnerp( ton iiuUitinctum R. «ud L. -Wj "/ «,i,,:.i!i>,L::iiiii:^^ ^t .■lwfj//i«'«(t mcann OarJ. Chthonehpeton and Amphiuma. r ,. I ? i . ■« ■UPWK-V U. S National Museum.— Cope Batrachia of North America Plate XII. f ¥^*S; Amphiuma means. '^f I i i . n -1 f; • I i i B ' i t t Bu! ctn 34, U. S. National Museum— Cope. Batrachia of North America, Plate XIII. Hyoid Arches of Batrachia. J II II R, i.|rr .'4, U. S. National Mui6um —Cops Bat'achia ol North America. Plate XIV. /'Ms '?^. ^£1.1 f .'SN ■<.-J-— l;' Amblystoma PUNCTATUM ^'t ; -■i II \ \ !!^ 4 N l( 'wr *■ '. 1 - Ift.n 34 U. S. National Museum.- Cope. Batiach.j o( Nmln America, Pla'e XV. Amblystoma punctatum. ii !;il^ : I B lloti'i 34 U S' Naiionul Mu»i;um. — Cope. Batcachia of Noitn A'nenca. Plate XVI J^laPerrr P^Exo i Pmx. \ AMBLYSTOMA PUNCTATUM. I .: !L •^^^^m BulKt' n 34 U S Ntlioii' Musiuii.. Copt. Bafai-in i.( N^'tn Afn»rn«. Plate XVII. 1 I AMBLYSTOMA PL'NCTATUM. if : )• . JU 'I ';; I 1 1I3. '1 ,,n 34 U b Naiional Museum. -Cope. Battachja of North America Plate XVIIt. > ? 4 » * / - , I .'■ '■/■' Z^ S \d Si 0 AMBLySTOMA PUNCTATUM. r 1 f ! ■ \ 1 ; 1 ) j ; 1 n W J ! i * - ■ 1 i i I 4 1 > - ■ r '"^1 mar^^ ^iL«^ i \ ) ^ B let ' -+ U. S. National Museum.— Cope. Bafachia of North America. Plate XIX. 'fs-'T", SK i I r 5. Amblystoma and Plethodon. I i I B Mel'" 3'' '-'■ ^' N"'°"^' Mi'seum.— Cope. Batrachia ot North America Plate XX. !•■' Amblystoma opacum. ^1 li ,,„ 34 U S National Museum.— Cope. Batrachia of Nortn Amenca. Plate XXI. Ambl/stoma and Siren, .' % h 5 If! ,1 n { ^r i' Mi li.. r, , .,« u Li S National Muiieun-..—Copo. Batfftch-a of North Amenca Plate XXII. •f t|t ! .1 I i^i^J^f^SSr ,. Chondrotus tenebrosus. I ^ (1 M :. f I il h 1,(1, r; j4 U. b. National Mu-oum.-C'.pu Bj|i«cIii« o( North Amenca Plate XXIII. V Chondrotus tenebrosus. 9, ^^a IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) /-CV' 1.0 I.I 150 ""^^ 125 ^ us, L25 yn 1.4 1^ Ki2 |2.2 li 1.6 V] V2 7 Photographic Sdences Corporation -a>' iV \\ ^V 23 WIST MAIN STRICT WEBSTER, N.Y. MSEO (716)S72-4503 O^ v^ w p X i il \i * i :• t I 3 .,- -4 U S National Museum— Cope Batrachia o' North America Plate XXIV. B iff' t' (''■ ! i Hi;! Mi i?' r HvoiD Arches of Amblystomid/e np- I I i i ! ■ I i ci Bulleti n 34, U S Nat ona! Museum— Cope Batrachia of North America, Plate XXV. '.'■ '■, n Wli ft m r itn Hyoid Arches of Amblystomid/e and HynobiiD/€. ii :1 .!■,:■—- I i ^ t ' ?;i □ net" 34, U. S. National Museum.— Cope. Batrachia of North America. Plate XXVI. 8. n Plethodon glutincsus. a f 1 ^ I; ! t. !! I. r \ It ir Bu otin 34, U. S. National Museum.— Cope, Batrachia of North America. Plate XXVII. : li AUTODAX AND MaNCULUS T>-- 1, i 1 ' ''^ i 1 ■ ! i. ' 1 f 1 i } 5 ij 1 l4 i=l J^ i fluileti''. -•♦. U S. Nitional Museum.— Cope, Batrachia of Noitn America. Plate XXVIII. 6. Spelerpes longicaudus and S. bilineatus. >im i! 1 > I- ; i 1 f "1 IJ n . Bu. ' ' n J**. '-' 5. National Museum.— Cope. Batrachia of North Amenca PLATE XXIX. Sa V 1 in' n. m (3. 4. 6. Spelerpes ruber. llr>- ;i k. I: : If I H il n Buiel""' i** '-' ^' National Museum— Cope. Batiachia of North Amenca, -.- -P^ miif> ci>n Otj) pro —CLSC Tisc -ot.p '•'fh.o mnp. px .-ev. i !■ It .np.e / r It "- sm.x na. c.n. -px. I >i Spelerpej ruber. f f !] Mill Ml \ "T i Bu'^otn 34, U, S. l^lallonal Museum —Cooe. Batractiia o' Nonh A.nrrica Plate XXXI. u 1 I'tH ;' 1^ 1' Spelerpes ruber. 11 1 1 ! ir ! ^ :: ti' 1 1! li ' f::! i 1 1 i sj Bulletr. 34. U. S. National Museum. —Cope. Biitrachia of Nl *h Amen:a. Plate XXXII. Spelerpes and Amblystoma. ^i :, I- ' ii Bulleti n 34 U. 5. Nulional Museum.— Cope. Batiacma of Nortn America, Plate XXXIII. r . I' 2. S OS P 6. Gyrinophilus porphyriticus. \ I li \ l^ S 't , i: I I II '' I .i :l g ... ., j4, U. S National Museum— Cope. Batrachia of Nortn America. PLATr. XXXIV. 'ii.n.p pac npg *"■■ <^d.v C/'Cl -■St; p-x-- pi. Tip ac.c V ' «|i V Gyrinophilus and Desmognathus. ! 'i! . * ■ jit- i i r ' 1 ^i )■> ■i; < i ' -, :\ .1 i '^ • . I i ■ • 4 U. S. Nat'onjt Mujejm -Cope Batia^hia cil North Amorica, Plate XXXV. ' "1 Uili; Hyoid Arches of Plethodontid/e. I IH' » r a I,.!,, j4, U. S. Nit'oiijl Mu.nJTi. -Copo, Batrachia of No'lh Amonca. Plate XXXVI. 'Mm f*'j' i w Hyoid Arches of Urodela. h< ii H 11 B lleti'i '"*. ^ -• National Museum.— Cope. Bauachiaof North America. Plate XXXVH. ' If i !* ir!''t! 111. f i: Salamandra and Thorius. ili)# I:. f. ' ! m) \ 1 ; '■■ \\ i !i I; '! I- i ' i»5 :;i fj ^ ij i, y. 1 .x Bij -:tin 34, U. S. Nationa Museum —Cope Batrachia of North Arner.ca pjc en Plate XXXVIII. ^ 2.. epa epej p.ic mnp en c.etJv jjoc rn.n p 4. U. S. National Museum.- Ci'pe. Batrachia of Nortn America Plate XL. ^..■-^m £. f^:pc.&^ h ■■■■v.: ^t 1.1 /«/ // S^Al^ sMv. e?- WW SJ ■ i ffl: \ nil'- Viscera of Urodela. 11^ i ! I I f ! h : if ■■fr ! 1 . 1 ] ^ 1 ! ! ! \ - :i I ^t BullolHi 34, U. S National Museum —Cope, Batrachia of North America Plate XLI. c^. % /^ 1ft. V.Bt , ■PS IE -1^^ £E Ifif III Brains of Urodela. ■i 1" i i- i 3 ! Bu';'.'Tn 3*. U S National Museum —Cope. Batrachia of North America. Plate XLII. ^ ■ ■"'>^i^i^..'^/J,v;'i''; ■■-.,'■ 3.CI'. K 3u.Ji>= f p i Urodela. r ' '! i ['. i illli BuHetii 34 U S. National Museum. Cope Batrachia of Noith America. PUATE XLIII. Prax ♦^"---'.<^. "Stp vT^f^ Ex a '-? % li^ 'Si-'fi ; llf I Siren lacertina. -H,-'" I i 1 I, t < 1 ■ I *N t 'i, '• : ■ 1 . 1 ■ \ j l i I i 1 i- ' ' ■' )M w ■• Bi. „. , 34 U S, Nationa' Museum— Cope. BaVachiao' Mor.h Ain*nca Plate XLIV. ^ '-' L if m i'lji m\ flf! iftsE: Siren lacertina. '[ . \ t i 'k.i 'fpii ^li ' i u I 'Ik •I n ^ 1 . ■ %i \J S Nationa' MuLeum -Cone. Balacn a o' North Ame'ica. Plate XLV. , \ / 3. (3 J 2. f^^fe f^Gc^c '^ Mi 8. \/ iV ^ir i# \A /^^ iili t ::ii m m !';-4. !l *ili Rhachitomi and Urodeua. I •I : I in i \ . □ I , • . 34, U. S National Museum. Cnpe. Batiachia of North America. Plate XLVI. / I' / I i «. IP ll I: : ^ •■:: i' : m ! Urodela and Ganocephala. Ill li 1 (^ 1 , 1 1 r ■ 1 1 ! i I I Mi B.i etin 34, U. S. National Museum, -Cope. Batrachia of North Amerrca Plate XLVII. " 'I'm .n r jr il TZL- f 9 U R 'if i I Mil ' 1 Urodela and Salientia. ^T\ i a I it II 1 ^ i ! J ! f ■"'* i ■ 1. 1 I i t . • : m 4 I J liiwi 11 J ^J\ [ Bu 'f, 34, U S. National Museum, - Cope Batrach j uf Nortn America. Plate XLVIll, ^^ . On Ono, •%■ =^55^7^ 'C5=S .\\ l^p i'.O^ fl iff I I U'. }f|l i ill PROTEIDA AND URODELA. ;i. 4 "li lilll-j ■ ■ 1 1 ». Bu , tm 34. U S. National Muieum, -Cope Batiachia of North America Plate XLIX. ()t^. Urodela. Trachystomata. and Salientia. *|! y^ y i k . , } 1 1 ■q JJ B.i.letin 34, U. S. National Museum.— Cope Batrach.a of North Ainerica, Plate LIV. V 6. -© ^ ^ V^^v/^ '->o /-^'^ Ji 4. |>: Salientia. ^.r r: E i . II ^Mi li i i i m ! 1 ■ 1 1 \ 1 L If B>.:.f tin 34. U. S National Museum— Cope. Batrach a of No'th Ame'ica Plate LV. If J i^ .f I ri " II i'2\ II m Salientia. i f ■ill i a Bu .all" 3*. 'J. S, National Museum.— Cope. Batrachia of North Amonea. Plate LVI. / i! \ t Brains of Urodela, Proteida, ano Salientia. II 'l\ 1 1 ^ 'i r Bu • ti 34, U. S. National Muteurr.— Cope. Bat'ach.a of Nofth Amacica. Plate LVII. o z < 3 a. o I a. '■ i' — « t/T) ■ I t 1 ■i^; 5 I ^ Byiijdn 34, U. S. National Museum.— Cope. Battachia of Nortn Amenca. Plate LVIII. I 111 li III " > ■ . Hi il 111 BUFO LENTIGINOSUS AMERICANUS. r^ i;: L s I, |! ■^ Bulletin 34, U. S, National Museunn.— Cope. Batrachia of North America. Plate LIX. Pmx ?v S%^Hf° III 'I i< ♦i • ■■" I I. ^ai BUFO LENTIGINOSUS AMERICANUS. M\^ -^ ni' 5 I , (I j .iM i 1 ' ' B lyl; K ' 'H^ ''"1- lli-W ^^^n ^ ■ i Sii Bulletin 34, U S National Museum —Cope Bafacfiia of North Arr.enca Plate LX. ■r I M - If. i h ii ■i';f't I mn . ; fi Hi- r ! ft ! '! «(■>! ': IIh^ ''1 i ^ 5mH '' ji. ■ ^^^B Hfli i^^m i r y B..iietn 34. U. S National Museum —Cope Batiachia of North Amei.ca Plate LXI w'k & ^H ,,, j - i>:\ 1 1 fi ; ''I H, etin 34 U S Nat'onjl Museum - Cope Buracnia ot Nciiln America, Plate LXI m si 11 ll li! 111 L n Ceratophrys dorsata. \>i ! -in !H' '1 " '^9 » /'!«'■ ^^i< ■1 ?vl Bulletin 34 U S Natnrai Museum - Cope Batiach of No'lh Artufci Plate LXIV, I'mx ■ -4#Cu UR V I'mx Sy Mx D If, \ . L is, J '^ p#^M-^^c ' G~::>-^-Z -"4 C-:^ Cor "<:V' \^ i;^\ l.<; f 2 N^' I'b - Is ^' O fej .11 M I Hyla versicolor. ; I Bulletin 34 U S t'ijvj'.a. Mujeu'ii —Cope Da!'acn j of Na-.r America Plate LXV. Callula pulchra. I , ; 1 ! i '1 hAmBH i , I 1 ■i Bulletin 34 U. S. Nat.onal Museum —Cope Bal'acti'a ct NoHh America Plate LXVI. »lf RIB^' L 2 '-» Bulletin H U. S National Museum —Cope. Batracn.a ot Nuiln Arre-nca Plate LXVII. J_ 'j. fi ii' ■r- .£• '^^ > VI ■*'^— — «. M,9 = \U' < z < •l " . ."J u ) -w i < ■-■"'. -^, E < i !| ?!t -A ii ,! * I* y Ul B'ji Bt"> 34. U S Nal fina. Mujojm —Cope BMfJCPn of Noflh Amgr cj ^^^J; rflO 1(1 11 )r :it. ETC. iii Bulletin 34. U S. National Muieum Cope Bafactna ot North Amercj Plate LXX, il 15 lU ^. J CYSTIGNATHID/t. ■'! i»i i 'I I >i I" IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) ^- 1.0 Ifi^ I.I 125 ^ 1^ 12.2 IK im IL25 III 1.4 - 6" 1.6 m V Photographic Sciences Corporation \ 4 •^ :\ \ V# o^ "^ 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. MSSO (7 16)873-4503 h L 11 Bulletin 34, U S. National Museum— Cope Batrachia of North America. Plate LXXI. 0 SiG ■M ^^^^^^ !•!• a ;« •M CVSTIGNATHID/t. H I h^^Hj; ^^I^H' ^^^^^■''' ^^^■•j jH^ ^^H; ;H^W.^ Bulletin 34, U S. National Museum -Cope Batrachia of North America. Ill 10 n Mil h 15 18 ft 1'! ■ ] . r. % |)f 1) Bulletin 34, U. S National Museum -Cope Batiachia of North America. 1^ {aiYM M "I n l^ 'imMi'f 31 A A A A fl i A A 78 9 10 lit \ " ■" u 30 Hylid/E and Carpus. Plate LX^III. fh sa Si3 Ok ■ s\- U J ! ]' 1 I !|! I Bulletin 34, U, S. Nat'Onal Museum,— Cope Batrachia of North America, Plate LXXIV. -^- t UJ Q 5; 1 1 ^ h 11 if n 1 i. s H I li '^^^^H t ^H ' 1 H 1 ] jl . r m ''t'.l^ JullBtm 34 U S National Museum , Cnpfi P'hU- l/,//iii. ■s . 1 1 HYLA ANDERSONil BAIRD ""■"2.5.HYLA GRATI05A LECONTE. !> r 1 (> Bulletin 34 US National Mi.seiim - Cope Pl.m-lXXXVI /- H li «i-p^4jt^BSSS9?«W^PB'**'^* J. T i 1 f T INDEX Page. ' Abrauchus •l^ Ailit-tii (Acris) 32'J Acri8 25U, 252. 322, r;i, 324 ^ giyllUB 321,324,400 ; I TPjiitans 325, 32C UOllus 32.-,32!t Acrotly te» ''"" A ililomln ^^-^ AileiioiiiiTrt ''''' Adfumuiin -''1 .r.iitim (IMftluuloii) l*'' .K-oimn (Itiiuii lutolata) H- AlliuiH iHyla) •"■» ApilycLnU 321,322,323 Agilis (Kmm) •*■"* (Salamaniliai 1^^ A tloHsa -'*'^' '-''-' AllfL'boniensislCiyptiiliraniUus) 38 (Miiiiipimia) 3s (Salamamlra) 3s Alpiiia (Rana) *^1 Alsu.lvH j^l'^ Alvarius (Bufo) -*'•' Alyti.1,1' ■"» Auiblvstoiua "^" 1>- oc -'I.C" cmisptTSum .'il, 'U lOlieiiuuiu 51. 03 f|iixaiithiini 'li'-'" jt'UVr.soniauum .'il. irO .ifffei>ouiauuiu btt-iU laterals «0. 92-94 Vlatiiaiim ...89.U3,y4 macroitactyhuu .ll, !i5 opacmii 50, 54 piosevpiiiK 08,(^2 punctatum 51. 56 .synopsis lit' ;*peoie9 of iSO talpoiiU'uni 50, 52 ti,:iiuuin 51, W, 80, 453 cilit'oi iiieiiso S3 tiisiuptum 51. t-C xipbias ^^- ^' Amblystomidii' 33.45,451 AmiTicana (Kana) ^-* Auiiiicauus (liafo) -^■' Ampbignathodoii •'*' Amphignatlioaontida; -i'>- -35. 3^1, 4Co genera of 381 Page, Atu]iUiiiuia 215 luoan.H 210,455 iiiteolocy of 4S6 spbiiiebnulojiy of 455 voice uf 450 Aiuphiumicl.f 33,213,451 Aioiibiiimoiilitt '.'o AinplioiliH 362 An.iicbi* 11-2 AuaxvriH 260 Aiiilelsoiiii lUyliii 3fl'> Aii;;iiliitii-i il'li"i.ip!ii:iisi 'H^ Annnlatuui i.\ml'!\Htiiiii;\i ' 115 Amioliitus il.iiiuii.ilap«iis) 115 Amiiiialus (Hufiil -'- Ausuuia -"' Am.ra ^^32 Ap.Mla 30. 33. 222 Aiiu.itica (r..iiia i 397. 424 Ailmrca, vnidin iHylai 300 AivilVTa .210,248,249.250,253 Ar.'Liidloi' illvlii 309 Arwlataill.inai 409.410 Ai'.'u-i ( Aiiili'.y^tHina) 50 Artliiol.ptis 392,393 Arvalis ■ l!,iiiai ''3* Asterophn.Ma- 248.255.295 ^.ufiaof -95 Astiioiibiys — ^il A telopiis 38 1 Ati'iiiiniiin (Aiiiblystoma! 1''9 Ati'iTiiiiori il'boiiilidtiisi K'i* Aftouiiata (Salainaiuiiiiiai 1-'? Attfliiiatus iBatraLbii.si'p:*! 1-' Auk-tris •■^« Aurii'ulala t^alamainlra) I'J* Auiifiilamiii (Cyliiulio.somal 19* Amieiilatu.- ■Ufsmotin.itbiis) »9* Aurora(Kaua) ■'39 Autod,!. 121,124,182 ferriii.< 1*3, 18o iiVaims '-83,187 lu^rubris ^^3 speries of 1*3 Asolotes Jl , ,. 239 2,'8 -^>"^- 7 Batracbia alUuities of 1' classification of 13 017 518 UULLETIN :U. UNITKl) STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. PaKe. tiatrni'hla. ixplanntinn (if tirnmnf 16 general aiintoiii}- nf 7 I'lianictiTH 111' 7 larval rliariii tfl'M III 13 iiiinu'iuliitiiri' ami liiHtoiy of IB nf Xiirtli America, nuinlii-r iiiiil ^piMJl'H of 4."ll plivlri^i'iiy iif U Uatracliophrynun 2!)5 liat rai liiipsi- 285 Hut iu( hi)8ip» 121, 124, 125 iitti-niiatus 126, 127 raiulatiis 120 nlKri\ciitrl8 128, 12li paclllcus 126, 129 spocles of 126 Uat rai livl,» 400 Hal nil liyiitTiis 110 HaiMliiili(Hyla) ;i79 (Siiiili.Hca) .'*7a Hii'ilicyi (Salninandrn) 204 llfldinv'ii (Uiifn) 262 Hfi laiid ii li ( Haiia) 3M, 4U3 IJirnliir (AiiililyHtriina) 00 IJilint'ata (H(ilitO(ilos«a) KU ( Uatia t ;)C« (Salaiiiaii(tra) lOJ Itilini'alns (."Jpi'lcipes) 10.'l Una us I liana) 424 BoIiHi;;liitsa 101 niilitonlossiila- IIU Bouiliilhiim (Scapliiopus) Mi. ^06 (Sptal HOO Uomliiiiatnr 2.'i8 lidinliinatnriila' 'M)9 BoitifiiiiateH 312 l)iiM-aH ilinfo) 267 Hoylli iRaiia) 444 Braolivfcplialua 387 Hipviccp!) 384 Br«-vl(lpit ilia' 383, '.tt w llioiwi'i 278. 2M li'!<(lMiiaiillii 2:!'. iiaiii in 'ja.'i pantlii'i'itiiH 23.5 pumtaiiiN 33,5, 201, 2i;:' i|ilnriiiiH 235, 201, 291 H|i)>('lrH (if 201 vallinpH 2.S5, 292, 4.57 vjridin 2:1.5 Mili-aris •j:i,5 Iliifdiiid.i 24H, 240, 2.5,5, 258, 394, 451, 4('ii ('ai'ii]ilir\ nun 382 Caciipim 385 CaciKtirimiii 38.5 < 'aciliidic 222 CalaiiiltiH .349 <.'a!if(iiuiciiH« (.Vnildyxtntiia' 0* (.'nlliii'lln 3!iO ( .illiila ,384, ;)''.5 ralliiliipi 38.5 • 'aliipliiyinm 387 < alypldii ■plialii.'* 311 ('ainaralaxi- 47 ('»iitaliri;;i'ii«i.s i liana) 435, 41)0 ('a)iitii iHaiia an nlata) 41.5 ranilliia i.\iiililystiiina) 50 Caroliiicuw (Knirystiiniai 385 • 'aroliUfiiitia (C'alainitai 300 (Hy!ai 300 (•«M»iiia 250, 392, 393 • 'atcsliiana iliaiiai 424 • 'andaliis (llatriicli(incps) 120 ('eiitidlciie 311 < 'fi atdhat rachida' 248, 249, 383, 384 Ccratdli via 382 (-"eratdpliryw 250, 312, 394 bdici 312 CbaiiDiiA 20U <;iiili'iiMis (linfd) 267 )'hild)iliryii(' 26il Cbioi-lds^a 200 CliiKitliva.t b ' Cbiroli'pti'i 31L alboKuttatUH 312 Chironiantis 392, 393 rufcaceiif 239 Chondrotiis 31,47,98 aterriniuM 99. 109 (■haiactcr (if spci ioa of 99 ciutiiilatiiK 99, 100,455 decorticatii.s 99, 107 luicroRtoiiius 99, 101 parotk'UH 105 tent-biOHiig 31,09,111 texamiH 99,104 Chorophilus 252,322,323,331 feriaiuni 332,339 uisritus 321, 332, 337, 459 verrucosna 4.59 oocidentftlla 832,335 o(?ulaH8 332,348 ornatus 332,333 M. Pat'i . 27«, 'JTli 278, 'JMi J 7,. 278, •>! 2:!:. '.'H.j 2:t.'i .. S.'IS, 201, 2i;j ...235, 201, -J!*! 2til ...2:i5. 2112. ■».".: 2:)r. 2:i,' '■-,;ilM, 451,1)11 382 385 385 222 ;m'.» (!» .•('.■(1 384, :i.--. ;)85 ;t87 311 47 .4:15, 4;i« 415 .50 385 not; 3t!r. ..2,';o, ;)!t2. 39;i 424 120 311 .248, 240,38;),.S84 382 25fl,312, 394 31J 200 267 26il 211(1 b ' 311 312 3tf2, 393 239 31,47,08 99. 109 ' 99 99,100,455 99,107 99,101 105 .. .. 31,09,111 99,104 252,322,323,331 332,339 521,332,337,459 459 332,335 332,348 332,333 IN1)EX r)i9 Pad--. ('hi)ro]iliilii8, sjHcliMof :i3 tlUiTiiUuu 321,332.342 Clir.V'imlonta 2i5 ('iii(lM.ly>;i 4 'cmi'hii (Si'aphio|>ti!!l 3»1 Craiinpliryiie 20' i Crassiihu (Plcthodon) 147 < 'I rpiilophrym- 26fi Cropitang (Acri.'*) 320 Criiiia 312 CmciattT (Plethodon) 15ii CnirilVr (Hylii; 3.52 Cnii'tila (Uana) 431 (.'rvptiiliranchiilii' 33,30,431 CiyiitDbraiu'liiiM 37 C'ryjitolirancbus allei;lieniensl9 38 fu.sius 43 Cryptotia 295 Cultripfd 297 C'uiiLMiH (Hypopncli"'' 387 Cyi'Inrlianipliiii* 311 Cylimlrucea (Salaniaiidra) 139 Cylindrosoma 101 Cyiiop^* 2o2 Cy xtimmtbidii' .... 248, 249, 255, 309, 390, 394, 451, 400 table of genera 311 CyHtlciiatUiiH 250, 394 Dauliuia (Sniilisca) 379 Debili»(BiU'o) 204 Decorliiatum (Amblystoma) 107 Hec'orticatus (Choiidrotus) li'7 DiMidrobatrs 389 Dendrobaf id* 248. 249. 383, 384, 389, 394 Deiidroliyas 349 roudrophryuiscidii- 248. 249. 255, 295 gvucra of 295 P«k''' I'e^mlnstoma ^J Iii*ru,„i;i,fvin» 13(1 jf,,. ""■"""-'■'•"llM.i !'33,*11M' 4-1 DisUiOi;uutUu4 fusia 191,194 aiirlciil.it.i ni:> fllsc.i .. lu,^ "ll-Ta 191, 19« iiclii'opli.i a lui "I't' ii-i* i>t ioi varli.tii'4 of \gf, Dlaglma ij.jj g.j-j niuldph.i iChilopliryiiei ''jui tliratll|itH,l„i, 4;,,^ fiKatii- n, DUro>.'lii..«M« 35;j I'lilucljl;i . .Villi. llilHlllli 21(5 Uiiliictvlmu (."«iriiinidf!(i .... jm I'iiliM Us „,|. Itiiiuy. tylii., .joi .jj,.j spi'lir* uf 2ll3 fori'itiit 2ii:i. 2m y.t !clf!.ci'ii? 203, 2117 imtidliiuall,* 211 ruiiiiatu* 2o7 viriilescfiis 207 I'ipii-ruus il'.i\!.i' 0;,^ liijin. 'rh.iiiiroliraiu'liiKi 220 I)i 133 Eiytliriinotum (Amblystoma) 133 Eiytliiiiiiotus (Pletlimlou) 133 Esilisilioltzii (Eusaliua) 148 Eupempliix 259,260 Eiipliorbiacea (Hyla) 361 Euproctus 202 Eury.i'n 37 Eusiipliiia 312 Eximia (Hyla) 361 Fasi lata i.Salamaudia) 54 Fa.^iiatuiu lAiubl. stoma) 54,68 Fomoiale iLa Raine) 371 520 BULLETIN 34, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Pace. FemoraliR (Aulptris) 371 (Calamita) 371 (Hjia) , 352,371 Feriarnm (Chnrophiliis) 339 (Hehecetes) 339 Ferreus (AnnulcB) 185 (Autmkx) 185 FirmiBternia 246,2*8,383 foiniliesof 383 FlavipuDctatas (PlethwloD) 145 (Salamnndra) 164 Fl.ivissimns ( Psendotriton) 172-176 Flaviventris (Kana) 431 Flaviviridis (Rana) 420 Foiitiiialis (Raua) 419 Froutcisiis (Butb) 281 Fnsca (Desniognathus) 194 (Rana) 431 Fuscum (Aiiiblystoma) 89 ( Menoponia) 43 (Pletho(lon) 194 Fu8CQ8 (Cryptobranchiis) 43 (Tritiirus) 194 Ganocephala 13 Oastreoliniia 246, 382 Geoiriton 121, 124, 125 Gigantoa ( Menopoma) 39 (Molge) 38 (Salaniandra) 38 (Salamandropg) 39 Glossolepa 201 Ghitinosa (Salamaudra) 139 Glatinosum (Cyliadrosonia) 139 (PlethcMloL) 139 Glatiuoaus (PletUodon) 139 Gracilis (Rana) 438 Granulata (Salamandra) 89 Granulosa (Salaniandra) 204 Grauulosud (Bufo) 292 Gratiosa (Hyla) 377 Gratiosus (Epedapliu8) 377 Greenii (Salamandra) 207 GrylluB ( Acris) 324, 326, 329 (Hylwles) 324,326,329 (Rana) 324,329 GrypiscuR ,. 381 Guttolineaia (Salamandra) 170 Guttolineatum (Cyliudro8oma» 170 GuttoIineatiiB (SpelcrpeB) 170 Gyrinopljilus 121, 124, 125, l.")4 porphyriticiis 31 , 1 .IS Halei'ina (Rana) 397. 4(p;i TIalo]iliila (Hitto) 267 Hammondii (Scaphiopu8) 303, 305 ( Spea ) 303, 305 Hela>cete8 331 Helioporns 312 Heniidact; liidiu 119 Hcmidactylium 121, 124, 123, 1.30 8Ciitatum 130 Hemimantis 250 H^niionbryB (Bufo) 273 ''.eiiiiphractid.T 248, 249. 255, 382 IleuiipliractuB 382 Him isidii' 382 Pago. HeniiRiis 382 Heredia 1 32 HeterofilosRa 250,392,393 afsicana 394 nialaliarica 394 iiataleugis 394 jdinita 394 Hetprotriton 47 Holbrookii (Kiiiia) 2ii,s (ScapbiopuB) 298 Hoplobotracbiis 250, 393 Knriconi'nRiR ( Kana ) 4J0 Horrida (Prot«ni>p»iw) :i9 Hyemali8 (Menobinncbnsi 23 (Siredon) 23 Hyla 250, 252, 322, 323. .U!) agri'stiH 321 andersonii 321, 3.'i2, 36R, 4.i9 arborea 32 1 arpnicolor 321,352,369 caroliupnsiB 352. 366 i(fniK-a 321 ciirta 321 dislrlbntion of 3.50 <'xiiuia 361 ft'moral:8 321, 352, 371 fusca 321 grarilipes 321 gratiosa 321, 3.VJ, 377 krefftii .121 laternlis .321 leseurei .fJl uiiotynipaniini 3:;l pbylloi liroa if.'l pickcriuKii 321, 351. :).VJ regilla .321, .351. il.v, laticepR 356, 3,19 rct;illa 3.56 siapiilaiis 356 !»pei'if» of 351 siiuirella 321, 352, 363 versicolor 321, 3.52, 37.3-375 Hylambatos 392. 393 Hy lai)lisia Jtio Hylaplt'siida' It.-y Hylarana .!»3 HyhiR 349 Hy lellu 250, 322, 3J3 Uylidrt' 248, 255, 320, 394, 45) tablo of genera 322 Hylixalus 391,393 Hy Iwles 252, 313 aiignsti 317 inartiniceusiR 239 Hylodida- 309,390 Uxlommlusa 3-19 Hylorliina 313 Hynobiidiiv 33,118 Hynobius 119 HyperogloRsa 2.V) Hyperolia 312 H y peroli 118 392, 393 Hypoiunbiia 387 cnueus 387, 3l>8 oxyrbinus 388 I i i ir M. PnK.>. 3(i2 13_' .250,383,393 394 394 394 304 47 '.'It.S 2!l,'^ 25tl, 393 4Jil :i9 23 •s.t 152, 32S, 3*J3, -.iM 3'Jl 321, 3r.2, 365, 4.-)9 ■ . 3-.'l ..321,352,,ifi9 352. 3C« 321 321 • 3,')0 3BI .321,352,371 321 321 .321,352,377 321 .321 321 .... 321 321 ....32I,35l..t.i'j ....321,.3-)I.:t.W 356, 3,VJ • • ■ 3.ie 350 351 ....321,3.52,303 i21, 352, 373-375 .392,393 2t)(t 3^9 .«3 340 . . . 250, 322, .323 55, 320, 394, 451 322 391,393 252,313 317 23!» 309,390 340 313 33,1IH ■ - 119 250 312 3»2,3U3 387 387, 3t.S 3KH INDEX. 521 Page. Hy pupnchus rariolosua 38S H ypsiboas 322, 323 iilbomarginata 321 lioans 321 Ifonniin (Auaidt-a) ig" (Autodux) 187 (PletUodoii) 187 IngeuB (Amlil.vstoma) 08 (Hi'terotiitou) 08 (SrtUiiuauilra) Ct> (Triton) ti8 Iu!ii(lior (BiitVi) 204 Iiitei'uu'dia (Siri-D) 22C Iiitt-niifdius (Pletli(ulon). 145 lulei'iuixta (.Salam;iiulra» .. 194 .It'rtVisouiaua (Anililystoma) 89 (Siilaiiiaudra) «9 (Xipliouura) 08,80 Jfllfi'suuiauuiii (AmWvstdiua) 89.02 Lai't'pt'dii ( Xronolnamiuisl 23 ( I'liauerobrauehus) j;; l.aifitiua (Sircu) 2Ji! LavH iXariiUu) 2vi ( Ti itou) 2U4 Laiva^l'diuii.s (Cbrjsodouta) 210 Latctalu (Auiblystoiua) 92 Lalcialis (Il.vla) 360 ( UcnoliraULbus) 23 (Ncctuius) 23 iTiitoii) 2.'! Laticips (11 via) 359 Latironiis (Kaua) 4.35 I.atimia 258 Latr.iiis (Litbtidytesi 310 I.tcoutei (Uaiia) 441 Lsus (IJiil'o) J.'^'.i Liptobracbium 200 Leptodaitylus 313 niystacmus 2f;9 occUatus 239 Lii)topi'lis 2,Vi Leptiinim (Aiubly stoma) 110 Li'pturus (Liut;ualapsii3> 110 Li'vil'iDiis (liul'o) 272 Liclu'iiiiide.s (Siiedou) I'l? Limiiiii'liai'is 311 Liiuiiiidyto.s 393 Liiim'muclusa 312 Ltudyiia.'»ti>s il2 Liuijuiilapsus 47, 114 auuulatus 11.' It'ptiiru.'* 115. 110 Liopiliiia 2.'.- LitboJ V t08 ^13, 315 lat rails ;;i,'i, 310 liioidii 315. ;il« Litmia '■49 LnipiTiis 3M Loin^icaiida (Cyliiuhoaoma) 10.- ( Salaiiiainlr.i i 108 Lougicaiulatum (Cylindvosoiuai 1C^ Loiij:ii'aiid\i.s iSpclerpi'jl 108 Lougipi-.s lEpiihi'Xi*! ■'^I (Itaua) ^-tl Page. Lopbopn-t 3^t:', I I'l OtfUS) ■^■^ Maoulii.*us (Xettuviisi ji Malacb vIimIi-3 313 ilalt^aiiia ;m yi.ml».idii>li.:itatMs 158, 159 lemilVi- 158 M.intflla 3(111 Mr.utiims 39,1 Maruiuatus iP^ewdntiitoui l.vj iSpfli riii'si 152 iStiTiiK biliisl 152 MaiiuHbii (Syrrliniibiis) 318 Mavditia i-VmiilvHtdiuai iig Mavoi'tmm 1 AMilil>-^loiiiai ii» Maxima iltaii.i I 4J4 Mean.. ( Aiiiphiiim.u 21i'. ili'ualoliatiaclms 37 Miiialixaliis 392,39:; Mfi;alii]iln v» 295 ilclaiKiliatr.u liiM 387 ilclaiiiwtii.'t I 'Salainaiiilr,\i 130 MclaiHisii. tus • liesmocbutyUis) 130 ililauota llauaj 419 illaiiariai 419 Meuobraiuhiis 23 iIenop(>-. 37 Mifii\alu< 392,393 llicnibyla 38*, 385 ili<.iiip> 385 ilicrnsiaplm.. 'linloi 207 MiiTiistiimuiii AmUlystomai lol Slii.io.stiiimis ct'hipiulnitiisl 101 MiUi|nini t.it.i (."l.ilamaudra) 2i'7 Milli'pnuitatii.-i iTritiiui 2o7 MiniatHs il'ii mvctvliis) 2ii7 iXntcjplithalmusi .. 207 (Tiiturusi 207 Mitroly.*!.-' 312 Mixophyes 311 Mokf 2112 iloiitauii.f iPsiudotriton) 179 Xloiitiviiiiia- iKaua) 428 Miuiouat.i lEiuycoai 39 Mn;:i('us.i;,uia. 424 Multiplicata iSiaiibiojuisi 308 .■;i„.ai 308 MiiltipUcatiis iSpelerpes) 102 i — 522 BULLETIN 3t, UNITED ^^TATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Page. SI u iK'nopxis 215 Muiiiolor (Hyln) 37!i Miinicus (Uufo) 289 Miifa (Rami) 431 Mvolmtvachus 259, 2flU Mvxopliyi'S 250 Nannoliatrachus 391, 393 NamiDplirvH 391, 393 Nelmlift'i- (Unto) 292 Xel)iililVra(Cliiloi)Iirynp) 292 Xebiilosiiiii (Aiiiblystoma) 68 Nectes 260 Npcto|iliryn<> 260 Nectnrus 22,23.31 niarulatu!« 23 punptatiis 27 Neoi'n'rtaroiiiiux (Pioti'UH) 172 Niger (I'letlinilont 194,198 (Triton) 89. 198 ■Nigra ( Desmo^iiathus) 198 (Salaniandra) 198 >i'iitricans (Kanai 420,411 Xi^Tita (AcriB) 337 ( Kana) 3" r Xijjrituii (Clioropliilns) 3;'7 (Cystignatlius) 337 (Psendacrig) 337 NieriventriH (Hatraeliosi'pg) 129 NigniMi (Aml)lystoma) 198 Nota« 31 J I'liryne 2iiii I'hryiieUa 384, 38;-. I'brynidiiim ,3..'7 Pliryiiiscida- 248, 243, 383, 384, ,387, 451 Pbryni.tcus 387 Plir; ndcara 39ii PliryniMcrns 312 Phrynoidia 26i' Plirynonmiitia 384, 3>^". Pbyllnliatca 391,39:i Pliyll.Mlriinnia 391 , 39:1 Pbyllomedusa 321, 322. 323 ibcringii 239 Pickering ( Acria de) 3.VJ Pickeriugii (Acria) 352 (Hyla) 3,VJ (Hylodes) 3.VJ Picta (SaUituandra) 194 Pictiis (Hufo) 267 Pipa 24(1 Pipida. 248. 252 Pipiena (Kana) .397,424 Piacif'onnia (Siri'don) 6"' Platineniii (Aniblyatoma) 93 Phitypelia 39ii Platurbinua (Rana) 431 Ploctriiniantida- 30'J Pletbodon 121,124.125.132 ii'liena 133. 143 cinereuu 31,133 cincrotis — 134 dor.aalia 138 erythronotua 135 craaaultia 133, 147 croceater 133. 150 tlavipunctatua 133. 145 glHtinoaua 133. 139 interiutMliua 133, 145 oregonoDsia 133, 148 ^ INDEX, 523 Pnge. 2tiii 3!l»* :m 444 2(11 12H 12;i 25:i ..250, m.f 23!) ..398,401) 37:t 401! 10,'. io,-> 47 297 ..248, 29P J9il 8, 249, 2.")5, 29(1 2'ti 39.! 447 312 23 '^T, 31 J 2(io ..384,, 38.1 3S7 3, .3M.:t87, 4.'l ;tS7 39(1 31 -J 20ii 3X4. 3S.-, 391,;)!);! 391,39.! .321,322.323 2;i9 3.VJ ,3,52 3,')2 3 J2 194 2ti7 240 248. 2:.2 .397,424 C." 93 3911 431 309 124. 125, 1.12 ... l;t:t. 143 .... 31, 133 134 138 135 ...13.3.147 ...133, IDO . .133,145 ..1,33. 139 ...133,145 ...133,148 Pk'thoilon, species of Plethudontif Plethodontida- genera of , rietUoilontinic I'lftliodontoliyla Pit urodele.* Plenroclelid.v tit'IllTil (It,. I'U-urndeina I'olypcdate.s Polvpedatidii Page, 133 124 .33,119.451 121 119 390 201 .33,201,451 201 313 393 .309,390 I'drphyiitiea (Salamandra) 135 (Speleipes ') 155 Porpliyriticnni (Anibly.'itoiiia) 101 | Porpliyrificus (Gyriiiopliilus) 155 ! (Spi-liipesii 155 I (Triton 1 139, 155 i Pretii'sa (P.iina) 432 j Prosei pine ( -Vmblystomal 68 ' I'ro.sthorapis 391,393 Prottida 13,21,431 Protelda- 22,4J1 Pioti-119 22,31 ProtouDpsis 37 Pseudacris 331 Pscudis 24!t,3U Pseudobranchus 225.230 Btriatus 230 Psendophryue 259,200 PseudiKsaiiria 30 Psendotiitiin 161 Pnnitala (.\nibly8toma) 5C (LaciTtal 56 Pnnctatissiniiis (Triton) 2o7 Punotatuni (Aniblystouia) 56.183 Puni'tatii.s (Xeitunis) 27 Pyxiceplialii.s 250,393 Quailiidicltata (Salamandra) 159 IJuadridisitatus (Batraclioseps) 159 (Mancnlufl) 139 yuadiimaculatu (Salamandra) 194 Queriicus (Bufo) 291 Kaun 250,252,392,393 aj{ilis 390,438 agilis 438 aurora 397,43^,439 areolata 396,397,409 ii-sopus 412 areolata 410 capito 415 circulosa 413 boylii 390,397,444 cantalirigensis 396, 397, 4;i5 cantabrigensis 435,436 cvittata 435,437 latiremis 435 catesbiana 394, 390, 397, 424 .laniata 394,396,397,419 corrugnta ^'-'4 ( vanophlyctis 394 draytoui. 396,397,441 dravtoni 441 onca 441,443 cbrenbergii 394 Pas.-. Kanaescnienta ;j94 fasciata .'jsi fueciiiula 391 gracilis 304 gnumiins 304 bexadactyla 394 masi"iiieu.l)ij 201 Kliiiiiideniia 240. 3.-7 Khinopliryuus 20ii Klioniljiipliryne 3p4 Kiohardi (Uylai 373 1 Kicordii(Hylod.'s) 318 (Litbodytcs) 318 Ruber d'aeudDtiiton) 172 (.■^pilerpes) 1"- Rubra (Salamandra) 1"- (Speli'rpi'.s) 1"2 Rubrivcntriif (Salamandiai 172 Salamandra -00 Salamaudiella 11& Salamandrlda- 33. 20n } gciK-raof 200 ; Salamandrina 2ol ' Salamaudroidis 4i I (Ciyptobrauchus) 38 ' Salamandrops 37 Salientia 13, 232. 431, 4.37 classifiiation of 246 inteiiiiiuent of 234 origin and evolution of 244 iHtei>li>gy of . . 232 n-pniiliiitiiiu of -■'J' visiiiaiif 231 457 Salmonea (Salamaudta) 1"'' 524 BULLETIN 34, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Page. Sa1monea(S^'>terpes?) 155 Salmoneum Mystoma) 155 Snlmonens ^Titon) 155 (. 08) 155 Sayl (Menubi^^vuos) 23 Srnpbiophryne 367 Scnphiopidii' 255. 296 Soaphiopodidie 300,451 Scaphiopus 252,297,298 concbli 29ti, :i(il holbrookii Hpecies of Scn])iilaris(H>'la) (Rana) Scbismaderma Scutiua (Kana) Sciitnta (Snlnmandrai Sriitatum (Hemidactyliurn) Sculatus (Batracbose]>8) Siiitatus (Desmodactylns) Sculiger Sovuax •2'M 298 3ne 424 260 431 i;io 130 VM 130 2C0 34!) Soytopis 322,323,394 Scytopaig 321 Sciranota 201 Seiiiifasciata (Eyla) 366 Septentrionalis (Cborophilns) 342 (Raua) 416 Silvatica (Rana) 447 Sinuata (Rana) 416 SiranotidK 201 Sir<-il>iu '. 47 Sinn 31,225 lacertina 226, 456 splanchnology of 456 Sirenid.x> 223, 451 Siienoides 215 Smilisca 322,323,379 bandinii 321,379 SoUtarins (Scaphiopus) 298 Spea 297,302 hammondii 303 bombifrons 303,306 hamuioudii 303. 305 intermoutaua 303. 304, ;i05 subspecies of 303 multiplicata 308 species of 303 Speciosus (Bulb) 272 Speleipes 121, 124,125.161 bellii 161 bilineatus 31, 162. 103 cepbalicus 162 chiropteius 162 guttoliueatus 162, 170 leprosus 162 longicaudiis 162. 168 162 455 176 179 178 161 nil 349 multiplicatuit ruber 31, 162,172, davissimus nioutanus sticticeps species of 161, Spclerpiniu Sphii'uorhynilius Page. 393 3s7 363 363 363 Sphairotheca Spheiiophryne Squirell (La Rnine) Squirella ( Auletris) (Calaniita) (Hyla) 363,371 Stagnalis (Soapbiopus) 305 (Spea) 303,305 Stcguccphali — 13 Stellio (Salaiuandra) 207 Sti'iiDcrpbalus 385 SteiriK'liila 121 StereiicliiluB n 124,125. 152 marginatus Stereocy clops StoiiibuH Sloiigyl(i]iu.i Striata (Siren) St riat lis ( I'seudobrancbus) Snbfusea (Salamamlra) Snbfufnis (Pseudotriton) Subvlolacea (Lacerta) (Satauiandra) Subviolaceuni ( Am biy stoma) l.')2 387 312 393 230 230 172 172 30 .16 .10 Sylvatica (Hana) 435,447 Symmetrica (Salaraano «::) 2u7 Symnietricun (Triton) 207 Sy rrophus 252, 313, ol 8 oystignathoides 3H leprus 318 niaraochii 318 verrucipes 318 Systonia 385 Talpoidea (Salamaudra) 12 Talpoideum (Amblystoraa) .12 Taricba s 202 TeIniatol>iU!» 312.313 Teiiiporaria iKana) 431,435, 438 Tenebrosa (Xiplionurn) Tenebrosiim (Aiiiblystoma) Tenebrosus (Ch )Qilriit us) Tetradactylua (Mcnobranc)iu.s) .. ''>tus (Choiopliilus) 342 (llflocii'tes) 342 Tiisiiiptiiiu (Anililystoimi) go TrituiUH o((i T,\ lotiitoii iQi rppioliiilii' 311,) fro'l''!" 13,29,451 (levclopnKMit of 3) gio^'iiiidiiciil (lintiilmtioii of ;j4 jiliyloyi-ny of 35 s.VHK'oiiilic arrangement of 33 rtrU'Mlari;! (Itauil) 397 Valli(i|m ( lioro) 292 Vanvlietii (II,\la) 371J Variiiliila (Salainandra) 131) Varins (Scapliioiiiis) 3m Veneiinsa (Salaioandrn) 50 VirnudHa (Il.sla) 373 Versicolor (Dendroliyas). dJylai..." Viioscens (Kauai Viriiiiiiiiii.i (Kaiiai Viiiilf.sien.s iDivinvetvlns) (Mol«e) ' (XotoplitlialiMii (Ti'iiiim (Tritoiiisi Viriilirt (Hyla) Weisniiiiiiii f.AinlilyMloinal . Woiiilhipii.tii (ISiifo) Xi'nobatraclms Xenoplirvs Xeiiopidif Xipliias i.\nibl\Ht()inal .. -Xililidimra Za(li;inu>, 525 Page. 373 373 397 398 207 207 207 207 2o7 3r,c (-.8 281 . 384, 38.5 290 .248,2,51! 87 47 312