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Meps. plates, cherts, etc.. mey be filmed at different reduction retios. Those too lerge to be entirely included in one exposure ere filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Lea cortes. planches, tableaux, etc.. peuvent Atre filmte i des teux de rAduction diff Arents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour Atre reproduit en un seul clichA. il est filmA A partir da I'engle supArieur geuche. de gauche A droite. et de haut en bas. en prenant le nombre d'images nAcessoire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrant la mAthoda. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 ll.-RI Dm ;J*<.|)l;if. faistrilxi Diisiii ol iftluli: on till- b1<-. many ol N'iii W'iiiiiip from ail E.Mk,v : Fifl.l It LaU*- In Til. Red K'i^ COiiHimi thai a .' Milk Hi COIIIUM't Blioiilil gijiaiitit will) till Tin- -IT II. l^Oii'. p.: M)' i;\rLTrj<\ cwxux .wdtii WHSTHKN llMTi:i) STATHS. i:\()Kiii- i;v ( AKi. u. i;iui;\MAN\. Pto/hsor of Xocl.'^'v, liulititui ! 'ni:fi- ilv. INTRODUCTION. Diii'iii -' .\.iiy;M.>it. iiml part mI'Scihi'miImt. is tj. I m iili'a siTic-; orcollcctidiis of tislics :l)i't\\»'t'ii W imiiinii ami \'aiir()ii\ t'T in Caiiaiia, and ImIwcch rmatilla, Oif.uoii. ami M*oplai-, Mt»iitaiia, ill the I'liiti'd States, CoiU'ctidii.s wcic iiiadf at 2.") dilfLMciit places fll.vlrilniltMl us lulli»\\s: .'» stations in tlie l)asin of tlie IJed liiver (if tlic N'mtli, 1 in tlic pasin of l,i;Uc Manitolia, t> in tiic Sii>i;at(lii'\van Itasin, 7 in tin' < oinndiia liasin. \ in the Fra>er ^la^ln. and _ in tiie M'>,souri l)asin. I tiius collected niateiial for a coiiiparixm of tile lisii lanuasof t lie streams llowin^- into ilndson Hay and into the (inlf of Mexico on llie Atlantic slo|)e, an are, of course, merely tentative, for niaiix other species will prohalily lie found in tin) streams examined. Nineteen .slo|ts were made inOanadii aloiij;' aline which runs nearly west froin "U'innipejH-. /. c alonj>- the (Canadian I'acitic railway. On the Atlantic slope I collected from an elevation of Too t'ect at Winniiici;- to an eleviition of I, "»(»(» feet at IJaiitV, in the Rocky Mountains I'ark, and on the I'acilic slope from an elevation of l.O.'iO feet at Field to .'.(MMeer at I 'inatilla on t lie (^oliiinhia .system, and from 1,0(>(> feet at (liillin LuUe to tide water at Mission in the I''raser system. The streams on the Atlantic sidi; in Canada lielon.u' to one rivei- system, since the Red Ifiver and tlu^ Saskatclu'\>an are united in Lake \Viniiipe.i>' and there is a direct COiiimiinicalion hetweeii the (j>u"Ap|)elle Kivi'V ;.nd the Saskatchewan." 1 was iiilbrmed that a similar relation exists lietwecn the headwaters of the Saskatchewan and the Milk Ri\er. I litis connecting; llie Winnipeg system with the Mississippi system. The Oonnection is s;ud to lie in ;i marshy meadow to tlu^ w<'st of theCyiiress Hills; and tlioiild tlii> lie a fa't. the \lississii»pi, Saskatchewan, and <'olnmliia \ would form one jiij>"antic water •^vslcm similar to formed hy tlie Orinoco. Ama/oii, and La IMata, 'Willi the dillV'rencc that tin I'aciiic slope is included in the North American system. [lie .iii'eat similarity ol" the fauna of the SaskatcluMvan to that of the Missouri lends ma 11. Vdiilc lliml, 1 '.iii:ch:iii W- \ lii\rr;iuil A-isiiiiliiiiiii' aiicl .SMsi:iirc'licuMii i;x]ii'(lil ion ( l^oii'loii, GO i. |).M."iri : '• W'li siiDu loiiiid \i (iDiiil iVd II whicli wi- olisirv.'d uati-r licnviii'^' to tlif S,isk;itc!ii'\VMii III I In- A-i.siMi''i>iiu'. Tiic |iiiiul is Ceil li y ;i iiiiiiilirr nf s|iriii'4S :uiil siuiill si ic;iiiis, a I'liot xv two liiiad, mill" IVnlil till' 'iMiiil liH1< :ll riollf •ltiirli.,i til till- \--illi>\ '' llBliin.: Iiiiiii I III' saint liilis at li^ht MUjiii's 'u tlir \aili'\ .' -- ■I'liral'iiil ami iiiiiMTsliiiij ariinnit o!' ll iniii-rl ion Imi wnii i In' lii-ailwatiM's nl' SiimIil till' Vi'lldwslcini', MM' I'viTiiiaiiti. lii'porl ol' tin- ( '"iiiinissioiu-r nf I'IbIi and I'isliriii's n>|iiMtiiiL; tiie lilisiiiiiL'iit III lisii-iiiUiiral siatiiiiis in tlic K'ocky Mimiitaiii rrgioii and (jull' .Statt's, p. J'J, l-sitL'. 101 ^ 102 I51LI.KTIN or nir, imtki) states I'lsii commission. I 4 U S F, ( color fit till* rlaiiiicil cninn'clioii lictwccii tlu'sc t^V(^ s\>I<'iiis. Tlu' coiiiUTtion Ih'Iwi'imi tli«> .Missniiri iiikI tlir Coliiiiiliiii li:is stiiirrly nllrctiMl tlic covered witii Imv sliriilis. 'I'lie livers have usually Mdiii a narrow valley l>elow tin- jieneial smt'aee, and their hanks are neiiily always (piite al»rn|)t anti v<>ry inmitly. From Calfjaiy the aseent is rapid and the streams lieeome mountain toneiits. On the i'acilie slope the streams are all swilt. and from Field to tlu* r li-et Ictwor and a;;ain navigable. 1 reeeived much valuable information and many courtesies from Mr. MeC^ueeii. inspector of lisheries for -Manitoba: from Mr. W. Hill, of \\'ininpe<;'; Mr. Amedee Iv Fori^et. of the Canadian Indian department: ('apt. Ilarjter. of the <'anadian mounteij jiolice, ai il Mr. G. A. Stewart, superintendent of the Korky Mountains I'ark of Cainula, i'lnally, I must acknowledge my indel>ter. Albert (iiintlier, of the HritisL Museum, at whose sujijiestion and e.\i)ense the e.\|(lorations were undertaken. /•',-, ( ;,/, STATIONS WHERE COLLECTIONS WERE MADE. In tlie followiufx list I give the names of the places visited by nie in tlieir regulai sueces.sion. the name of the river examined, tlie system to which U belongs, and, as fai as I have been able to determine, the elevation of t'aeli locality. All tlu' elcvaticuis o' Canadian i»oiuts have been taken from the levi'ls of the I l»ii. Swill. Ciirnnt Mapli' CrccK .Mfiiiiiiio Hat . . . (Jaluarv lianir. LaKi'. '.'.■KID Swirt iJiincnl (.') :i. sill I Majilr ('nrk 'J. I 'ill ,Sii»kati lirwiin a.:Wfi liiiw anil Kllinw 4.ri(iu lidw ami \ ir.nilliiin. Sa.-^Ualilicwati. I In. III). Do. 1)11. (.'aii.iila. I'a'ilif nIoih' I'ii'l.l tiiililrn J{i'vilslokc tirillln l.akc SU'ainoiis i Kaniliiii|is Mission I Uniliil Slates: I'lnatilla .. I.a (iianili'. Talilwrll ... IilaliM l'all> <>ai>' I'liplar 4 (I.1II '2 ."i.'iii 1 47.'-. 1 illlil 1 :inii 1 mill 'J 7SI1 ■ii'2 1 71" t;i 4: If II mill KicMiiy IliiiMi' (.'oliiniliia. Kii'KinL' IIiu'm' ninl Cnliinilila Ho. ('oliiniliia I 111. (iiilliii I.akr Krasi'f. Sliii-iliwap l.akr l»ii. 'I'liiiinp.siin IJiviT l>o. I'"iasN b WERE MAT'E ■Olltiliii'>iis liii.' n.|,ri>s.-iil-; III.' ( ',iii,i.|i.iii |...iiil- '1 li.- iim-|- Ii;i-.iii-. t.. wlil-h lli.-.i- \>.hi\\^ I .. 1.111..' ;iiv iii.IiimIi.I '..■ii.miIi ih. ^i'm Irifl . Tli<- lir.'k.ii ;ir i.iiii.'fts 111.. fiiiii-.l Stall's |i.iiiii.- .\ll ili,.si' «..^i ..| i!i,' lii-l|.'>i |...iiil ■.ii'Lui;,' I.. III.' 1 '..liiiiil.i.i liii^in; all iIm.s.. tierlKliI liel.iiiL,' I., ilic .MJss.iiiii lia.slii 1 1. 1 ;■(;;$ The Im-.I : of Stlllllp- bilit.v In \ nnsM's I In I <)V«?r ilif ttaliesisc ■g4<''<''* ■' and I >n It'll (£rW(v».s|. qaaiitiix Til.- ' narrow st alteniatii aud suiiii can l>t' sli Til.' , 'itreiiiM it: .'very lici jravclly i lot Iciini 111 or )y stiijio. ong* 1 or link liol.' s at its 1 alley of s flanlvt'il leptli of o 20 y;in II the st! II those 1 Til.' troaiii ill iipossihl eeds. ] lie biiiik liese 'ii im a sii lecies wi ary aim i'\iM.(>i;.\TH)\s IN wr.iTKUN canada. i:tc 103 DKSCRIPTION OK I.OCAMTIKS IN THK ORDKR OK KXPLORA T ION. < \N.\I» A. 'I lie nuiiiii ;il I \\'iliiii|i('y is ;i ll;it |m;i illc :il»iiat l'"» or .'.(» Iccf jilxivc I lie livcr. Th<- liril iiii'l hiiiiivN III' till- li'cit ItiviT III' till- Niiitli all' iiiiii|il\ ill I lir i'\l iriiir ainl lull of .sliiiii|>> ai'il siia;;is. In si'iiiiiii;. w ln-ri' wi- iliil imt siiiU into iln- iiiinl liryoiiil |n»s>i bilitv III \M>iU. Niiiijrs wi'icsiir' ti iiiti'i Iric. All iilil I'li'iir'i lislii'riiiiiii lias rlciircd tli(^ nna^s IVuin a sImiI >lrrti'li nt' liaiiK. and licri- I'idiii iiiorniii., lil! ni;>'lit In- ilrai^s a scini' over tlirsaiiu' ;:iiiiiiiil. iiiaUiiiL: almiil LMI liiiils iliiriii;: tin- day. I'ln- alMniilaiiic nf tlalics is r\ idfiii I mm the lari that a nniiibrr a:c taUi-ii wiili i'\ • r.\ lianl. i'lir ininripal gperii's alt' till- ;:i>ld eye (//""'""K ^^ liirli is stnuKnl and drii'd; tiic vaiimis snrkt-rs and liMiralo; iln' pirkrid ! liiTc tin- spci-ics i.f Sfi:i>slnlion ^o Ity llii> iiaiiic); tlu' |»iUt' (/itt( /('s . >tiir;;i'on. and ratlisli. Tiir last aif i-xtirint'ly alniiidaiil, and aii- taki'li in quantity willi Land liiirs. Till- VVIiitc Mild l.'ivcr at W'l'Sthonnic is triWiitary tn I-aki- Manitniia. It is a narinw >l n'ain.tiO to S(» feet w id«', and swilt. Tlici*' ai»' pt'lilily wet'dcovcii'd sffetriu's, alteiiiatinji witli deep iiinddy jiools. 'I'lic ruiintiy aiioiit Wt'sthotinic si-i'iiis to ln' low aud swampy. I.nviiis iKciitu is reported to ascend in such miiiibers to spawn tiiat tiiey can 1)1- slioveled out. 'Ilie .Assiiiibiiine at lirandoii meaiideis iliion;ili a valle.v almiit a mile wide. The ■«treani itself is swilt and hi-twei ii J(»0 and .">(»<> I'ret wide. The enrreiit ilianni's with ■very lu'iid, now appi'oarhin;:' one side, now aiiothri'. The iiottom of tin' stiraiii is jravelly ill places, hut for the {^I'eater part the soft mud is i* or more feet deep. I did loth'ani of any tisiiin;: here for the market. In onh'r to leaci. the eIle Ifiver it was neci'ssary to ride nearly L'O miles )y 8taj;e. The road is over a wind swept prairie, with clumps of low shrubs. At onger or shorter intervals there are siiallow depressions which resemliie enoriiiou.s ;ink iioles of limestone countries. Nothing is seen of tiie <^>u"Apiielle Valley till one sat its blink, where, about .{(HH'eet lielow the ;;eneial level of the praiiie. lies the alley of the (.brAiipelie. or •• Wiio ('alls'' b'iver. The valley is over a mile wide and s flanked l»y al)riij»l walls. It is occupied Ity a series of four lakes haviiiman avera;;e leptli of about i:\ feet. The lattei' are connected by a swilt, clear stream only l.T o 20 yards wide. They abound in lish. h'tlirnstoiim iiifinnn lloiirishes in |»crfectioii lithe streain connecting; the lakes. Two species of wliitdish [<'i>riiii)niisj nn' taken II tliese lakes, but I was unable to obtain any specimens. The country al»out liciiina is mostly a level prairi«'. Lacawana Creek is a small troam about I \ards wide, its lied is \ cry muddy, so much so that it was almost iipossible todiawaiiel. The liaiiks are abiiiidaiitly supplied with various water eeds. Near the town the stream has been dainnied to form a ieser\oii' for the city, he bank ol' the nservoir neaicNt the cily has a strii» of cliara about L'O t'eet wide. liese rliara t'clds harliored thousands of /'/*/(r/)/M(/r.v and a iVw Knntlhi, ISelow the im a single haul of the seine secured about a peck or more of l-!iiriillii. Only four >ecies were taken at this place. Suckers, and especially jiikc (Lnriiis], are said to be ary alnindaiit iliiriiiL; their brcedini; season or in the early sprin,u. i 101 itrM.i'.iiN Ml' riii: ijyrri:i) siati;s risii commission. Altdiil MiHi-c ,I;iv\ llnTc iin' inlliiiy liills. Aliovc tin- towii. Mnosf .law ('ink pJiii«'s. Hows tliinimli ;i ii.imiw \ alley siiialirr >lrca!n. As is usual ajoii;; tln' lailroail. lin- -ln'aiii is *l iii-ar tlic >i.i »li. and in la 't one ol' t heir niiinher. i'.llitdslnnm /o/ro. is tpiile ainiiidant lieii » Hei les 'rhi> is the (iidv darler, li(>we\ <'r. tli:il I oi)taiMed in the wateisul' I he .Saskatehewn •*"' ''"' I'.asin. The >lream is dammed aliii\(' (lie niilwa.v , and it is Jirst bohtw the dam th.i ''"' the mns| laxoralde loeality for lishin;'' was Iniind. Mtweeii At tia- lime I \isiied Maple < reel, it consisted ofa snceession of slimy pools in •Oore^. muderately deep eliaiinel. 'i'lieie waN an almost iiieessant cold rain that pi'eventec OOVereil miieli woiU. lint altlioiii;li 1.', inclics of water fell dnriii;^ my stay, no iminessioii wiia' •"d alxiii I'vei was made on the (piantity ol water in tiie pools. .Maple <'reeU empties into I'.i. »bniidan Stick Lake wliirh. in iii;.;h w ater. o\ ei tlows into a tril)iitai> of tiie Saskatchewan. **"' '"" 'i'lie Saskatchewan Ilixei at Medicine Hal is a na\ i^-alde >ti('am with a swift ciii ■*•"!' 'i'" rent. I'lie water is cold and cloudy. Man.\ of the larjicr species of lisli were reportd '**'' '"^ ''' to me heic. altlioll;i;li I ohtailicd lull few. The ri\er hed is said to he l.(i(M» feet iowi '"• *'"'" '' tlian lliat I Maple Creek, the desceid diiriii;.; the last U'w miles lielore icachiny' tli >icai ri\t'i licin;; . onsideialile. The bed of this river lies in a level valley of varying;' widil •*''^'''' ' At .Medirine Hal the low hills approach almost to t he edyc of the ri\ er. ■^'"' ^^"'' Caluarx lie-> in liie V foi iiied l»> the jniictioii o|' the Klhow with the r>ow Ifivci *• _<•'* ''"■^^r lloth of the rivers are swift, clear, cold mountain sti<'ams, (he former hein;;' the sha! **®'>^ht. lower. Ti oiil. ,SW/;//(( and .N'((/(v7////(.\-, are al>iiiidaiit , Seining' in I he i>ow Uiv er jnopi QUt'iiliv a wa> impits--ilile. and it wasroiiliiied to the sloii^hs o! i "lat river and to the ICIIiow. Tii' *Wchov le country is hilly and lievoid ol'limlicr. Tin- U'ockics are seen from here. •^' '"* I'roiii <'aluary to I'.anlf there is a steady ascent, iiaiill' is located on the ilo together l{iver and in the Canadian L'ocky Mountains I'ark. ^"^•■' I''"' The vaile.v ol the I'.ow is swampv- lor several miles aliove I'.aiifl", an. 1 the ilo'v U'ivi ^"'•''' '' ilsi if is a ipiiet deep stream. At liiiitf it hecoincs a toriciit in which lishiiij;' with ' vall<| m-l is impo-siiile. 'I'jie valley is ev erywiieiv tpiite nai'rovv and llanked li,v iii^h nion ftr^'lcvoj tain-. N'ciiniliion Creek, tin' outlet of the N'ei'million Lakes, wliicli lie in the swam, t^lC'"'!''! of tlie r.ow. ciiteis ihe Kow at li.iiilf. as also does l'"orty-.Mile Creel;. These tiili SnorJ taiie> ai<'(lcai and ii'.v cold. On the opposite side a .-^iiiall stream of warm wai SOi>'"'i-;l enters I'lom tiie hot sidphiir springs, and a much la rf;er stream, the Spray Kiv' wiiirh is. Iiowcvt'r. too swift for scinini;'. 'I'he lai'i^cr streams all ahoiin.l in Sal- itnjhiss. Si' I nl ill IIS iiitiiiii/iciish. and ( 'oriiimiiis irlUiii nisitni. l"iom r.aiilV the asci-nl is very rapid to tlie continciilal tlivide. The deseont ' the I'acilic sjde js even more stce|). Mv lirsi station on the i'acilic side was at Kid where the iiioiiMtains i ise Id.UlKt feet ai)ove the river. 'I'he river lied of the Kick;i Horse, at I'irld. is a luoid sandv stK'tch and the water Mows in several channels. 'I! main stream is tl.i ll s|i«'rir~ tllilll tlx » llsln-s. lIMOW ill Ml plit'S. Iii- StXlt lit', iint lit'ii atclicwiiii (lam tliii pools ill i lUH'Vonttil sioii \vli;r s into i'>i. K'WiHI. swill (Mil V rv\un\' > \Wt lowi iicliiii};' til' iiiji' widil l>o\v l!i\r, i;;- tli»' sliii! ivcr proi" Ihow. 'ill' til tilt' 1)11 ' I'.o'v IJivi liin<;- with liiyh III tlic swiiini riit'sc trill Wiiriii w;ii' piiiy l{i\' 11,1 ill Si|l»-t;ilir('. I'lMl twii >p«'rif- uC li>ln«s wcic olitiiiiifil lii'lf. ('it)i iimnis iniilln i MhI f'>>lhi.y ithiliiiiiits. Iintli new III sticiiff. \l llii' lliitlllh 111' till' Kirklll- llol «c. ill ( iolill'll. otluT I'ollt'fllKll^ Wi'ic lliaiit'. Tliw 0«iliiMi!ii,i li'i\ IT alxivt' filis pl;iii' i>. ii,i\ i'.MMf liii '•mmII "•tfamfi". I'lclnw (ioNlt'ii it bf^t'uiiK < :i iiinow tni'H'iit. ( 'iiIIitI iiiiiN \\ n<' iiiatif ill :i liii'ailow oVi rllowcil Ity Itai'k Wilt) r iVttih I lit' ( iiliiiiiiiia. ainl in tlif < tilinnliia at tin iiiniit li of oni' of t!i«' hrainlii's of IIm' KhUm;^ llm-if. '1 lif \;illf.\ nt lln' * oliiiiilda linf >|ii|ic> up tn a iaii;ii' n\' low pint' I'lail iiMMiiilains "xtiiiilin;: paiallcl 'Ailli tlit- >lr«'aiii. SaliiMiii > Oiiriiiln/iitiiI>o| liiuli iiiiiiinlaiti> aif M't'ii wliiiii tmiii llic v\ atii >Im'iI iifluci'ii tin- ( 'oliiiiiltiil Mid till- i'la^ci. (In iln-fa^t tin' ascfiil i^ iimmi' ^railiial. (Iriltin i.aUi- is tiif last of a x-rics nt siii;il| lalii's hi'-iiinin.L: Jiist Ih'miiiiI t Ik- ili\ iilf llptwfi'n ill)' <')ilninliia anil tin- i'la^t'i. !t is a \i-t'\ ilt'ar laU)'. sliallow nt'ar t lit' riloii"-. It IS alioiii a mill' wiilf ami altoiil 1' iiiilt's lnnu. All '^lirks iyiiiL: in it an' ^Vi'i'ttl uitli a liiiulit unt'ii sponj^i'. tlit-ai ''lii^ItT^ nl tin' saint' spimut'. a root liii^li flB hank"" low inonntains r;-.i'. 'I'lif ^tri'ain llowin;: iVoin it is swift an«l full 111 yoiiiiL; S'llni". \ iiiiliMicntaiy ilain lias hern roiislnifti'tl at its oiitlft to ket'p tiiiilitT fi'oin lloatiii;^' ilowii a.Liainst the lailwav Uiiil^t'i'. As a )'ons('ipii'iir)' the Ink)' is full of siia;.;s. 'I'lic oitlli't ol (liiltiii Lak)' t'liijitit's into l'',ayli' li'ivfr, which in its turn I niptifs into Sliu>liwap i.akr. Sicamoiis is a siniiiui on an aim of Slmshwap Laki' iii'ai- tiif moiilli of tli)' Maylc River. Low iniiiintains fovmcti with pim-s ax'rmi from all t lit' shoii's uf tin' laki'. Tilt' wati'i' of till' lakf is inin h wainifi' than that of tht' I'^auli- li'iscr. Tlir Itollnin is o\ I'l'^iiiiwii with wati r wt'i'ijs w hicii x'i'in in soiiii' plari-s to he "JO t'ci't or niort' in beiylit. I'"isli ai I- \ )'r\ almmlanl ami si-hools nf tlirin swim lu'low t he snrfact', trt'- qul'iillN a v\ iioli' x'lniol piikiii'.;' tiicir hfails up tou't'tlifi'. iiki' srhools of friulitt'iii'd ant'lioN ii's. .\t Kamloops till' Ninth riioinpsim l.'ivci' I'liiptii's into 'riiompsoii Itivcr. fonniiifj togt'tlii'ia -^trfaiii iifaiiy a mih' widi'. Thi' riirri'iil is inoilcralt'. ami f))rin(M ly st«'am. boats plicil on tlif ri\)r. Thi' iiiai',i;in> of ihc stifain art' full ot wad'rw i-i'il>. ihioimh which it i> iiii|inssjli|i' to ilraw a m-l, .Salmon arc taken licit' hy the Slmshwap India lis. Th«' \ aili'y is >kirti'iM)\ roumli'i! hill- which, wit ii tin' cxo'plion of scattcrt'tl pines, are tli \ niil of tncs. l he w ,ilir i> II! mil wariin r than in the mountain >t reams. Ihonyh the eyai t tt'inpiratiire was not oiitaimil. Si;iin after leaving' Kamlooiis t In- ilesceiit a.ii'aiii Wecomt-- \i-i-y sleep ami coiilinne.s BO nil mi;' till' l-'rasi-r ro Mis>i.iii. wln'ie the river is alVi-i-ti-il l»y hmli tiiles. Tiie eoiintry Sontii of Mi~-siuii is . a tew liill> lisiii'.; mi theiioitli. Tlie Kraser is here a slow, bromi aliniiii ami >rur'^eoii aboiiml in it. L» (k'st'Ciit ' vas at Kiel' the Kick;; aiiiiek-^. 11 ter ill inai 10<) m I.I, i; I IN Ml iiiK r.Niri;!) staiks fish commission. r.Mri'it siAi'Ks. Tlir rc{ri<»n i\l>onf rmalilla is m inllinu pniiiir. Tin- liiUiksof tlir ('nliiinltiii l!i\i arc Mainly ami ;ir:iM-lly. Tlif rinaiiiia Kivt-r is small aii in in iIk- ( mIiiiiiIm. AI)iMit its iiKiiitli is an cstiiury with a snt'i iiiiid Itotiorii aiiW with IVniii _ to.'i Irct i of waltT. TIm' mm! ami sitmc wati-rwfnl.s usually liih'il the net so that it was ilitlinii to piciv out tile lish, i'>|ii'cially as it was mccssars lu rollcct alM'r tIaiU. TIh' iiim> im|)oi'taiit iliscovciy ol' I hf >fasoii wa> madi' at this point, ('olmnhiit tniiisiiiDiili'n shows in a striking: way tin- moiliiii ation ni thf lin-« nl the I'acilir slopi- tishcs. i this cast' it has t'oaml expression in the stron;; spinc-i at the ori^iiiot' the anal ami ih dorsal tins. Til)' ntaryot the Snake. At La (iraiidc it is a sm.i streani with a lew deep holes. It is damine(| near the town tor liiillin;> purposes. I'lill of an;;ular pieces of lava, and scinin*; is almost impossilde. Kclow the dam lar;:' lUl'Ulicrs ot' Anntiocirlix were t'onnd dead. AImhiI ( 'aldwell thei'niintry is a level plateau, tn'clcss except alon}; the river l»ani» The IJitisc Uiver. whieli is a swift stream al)oat 100 I'eet oi' less in '.id is dammed a vari(His places to di\ert the water into irrijiatiiiK' ditches. There are level stretclii ill the liver, aitcniatiaji witli swift riftles. At Idaho I'alls the Snake i;i\ei has worn a narrow fjor^ye tliroiifjh tlie lava, and a fierce torrent in which .seiiiiii;> was out of tln'tpiestioii. l-'ortuiiately a sinall stre;i; has been diverted for a mill, and in tliis I obtained proltably a complete series of tli tishes of this rei^ioii. The e()untry is still a lev»d valley with inoiiiitaiii raiifTes at distance on either side. Soon aftei' leaviii<; Idaho Falls the continental divide iscrossed. The llrst statin at which I made c(dlectioiis was Craiy, .Mont., on the .Mis.souri. This river is hci aluMit l.">0 teet wide, a clear, cold. rai»id stream with gravel bottom and full of ('m fimuis irHlii(insiiiii and I'ldtiff/ithiit niKcilis. Fishiiif;' was conlined ehietly to the sloii;; formed at the mouth of a small creek enterinii' from the eastern side. .\t Poplar the Mis.souri is a swift, luuildy stream, probably •JtMl yards i)r more wit! Poplar Kiver is also miidtly and partakes of the nature of the prairi«' streams iic, Wiiinipe;;-: that is. its Itanks are composed of s(d't mud. it seemed nowhere ovei feet doe[», and in many places it was only a foot deep. I « iihi:i Kne ('mIiiiiiIu,! Ii'«'t t '1 rau}i«*s lit ' first statii' ■iviT is li«'i full of r«i o the sl«)ii;; orinovowiil stri'iiins tif ) where ovii B , ! U •4 Eil.ior.l. t ittt "I I'rt'i ila i.(c. iTnf*r»'ni I^LATl ( in 81 £';■.• ' n or;EiiONUS COULTERl £;,■ lV E i;t'nrii.i(ir COLUMbiA TRA^S^/:■^ r.TANA E' r ' 4i Eijtn i-jn n 1. Ai 8. Catoa M I'LATL ( r.Xl'LOlJATloNS IN \V1, II UN CANAUA. I.TC. NOTES ON THK FISHKS COLLlvCTED. 107 1. Aiiimooaefes tiideiitatUB ii;iiiilii''i . I lil^ --iii . i.'s .i^.'iinl- ilir rivn^ ti(S|i.iwii. Ai l.a (iiiiidf till' (ii-mil l»iiii(li', II siiiiill sircini .'> i>i li vanN wnle, is iliiiiiinil lnr milliiii; |)iir|M»si'.s. .Iiisi In-low till' ilaiM :i Imis;i' uuiiilii'i- iil tlii> -.|iccii'-. wiTC liDtii'cil in all st.r^i'^ <>!' ilrcay. Siiipii hail ivi.IiiiiIn iIi.iI III.' |ii-.. imIiii:; iii^lir. I'im' n\ in.- .if ilin~, i.ik.iial llii- i)lar.' \m'1i' lar;;.'. lint 111.' .'u^s w .'I.' 1 1 II 1 1 c, -.111.1 II. Win ill. 1 til.' " .'. U" h .1 -.11.1 \v II. '.I ami ili. 'i. m v^ licllii'l' the -in'ri- III. 11- «. I.' li'I'l -I laibl.'l. I am iiUiM.' In >I.ili . \ll ill.' .M|i.'.'im.ii> w.'ii' a'l.uil tliMl luni. I.ii:.,'. Al ( al.lwi'll I s.'ciii'ril .1 laii;.' iimiilnl nl Ih. v.iiii^ .>l tlii> >|i.'.ics. I'lir laii;.'-! i>\' tlii'-*' iiiiMsiircil (ill 1I11II. Ill t li.'ir lialiits till' viimn; M'l'.N mm li i.'>.'ml'l.' Ih-dih lim/iiiiiiiii. Tli.'v Itiiiinw 111 til. yaii.l iH'Mi I III' iiiai liiii i.r 1 1''' •■tnMiii. It tii.\ ai.' ili>l in lu'.i lli.'v « ill . oiil ..|' ili.' .■•ami a i.'w .I'lit iin.M.'r-i limii ili.' (il. t' ili>i iii'liam.'. TiU' Hinall inirs wcir |ii.i -iiri'il liy iliiow iiiLj III.' >aii.l .III I li.' liaiiK-. \vli.'r.'ii|Hiii tlir\ woiiM si|iijrm ..iit ami .nil 1.1 l.c s.'cur.'.l. 2. Aciuc'liHi,! stuiio l.iiina'iis. Tin- --i. .■;.'- i< rniiiimia ai Uiiiiil|ii'n ainl in ili.' lak.-- l.illii' ii.iilli. I |ir.i. iiii'.l a >iii!;l.' >|i.'.iiii.'ii !>ii miii Inim. Il lia- tin' npin'i' ])art ..I' tlic - t lil.i. U. a lila.'k nn till' siil.'-i all. HI' til.' |i.i-l.riMr tliil'.l nl i.iil.iials. ami .unit In i licl.iw tin il.n-al: a iiarrmv.'! .Iiisky I'.iinl .onmrl- llir-r ami .'\trinl- tc llii' tip of tlic tall. 3. Notiu lis flavus lv,iliii.'>.|in'. .V iiiiiuli.'r nl .spc. innnt nf ilii~ sp.'rit'-i i l."iii tn J.'.n niiii. Inii;^ wiic nlil.iiii.'.l witli lin.ik ami line at iii-^lil in tli.' Mi.-s.iiiii li'ivir .ii ( r.ii:;. Mmit. i'liis si'.'ins tn 11.' till' iiinst wrstriii re. '.nil tni' ally iin'inlici'.'* .it till' Sihiriild. Tli.'y wiic r.'|iinii'.l in int' at Mi'ilii iiK' Mat. lint I did nut pro iiir any .^p. riimii- at that ida.i'. I''. I'.\ . rinanii vrpnits iioiii' in his cxplnratiniis in Montana and Wyniiiiiij;. It has liitlirrtn Itriii -nppiwcd that tin- iih'IiiIm r.s of '111-* lainily i\i< lint asicinl t.. thf inniintaiii'-. N.nii' havr In'.n fnuiid' to thr I'a. ilii' -Inpc. In ilir lari;i'i' wpi'rinit'ii-i III.' t w n iiiaMllaiy Uarlifls rcnh the lia>i' .il the pci (oi'iiks. Tlicrf i> nnil.irnily a white spot nn th.' l.a. k Jii-t .it tin' Lasc nl' and li.liin.l t lu' last ( ray. 4. Ictaluiiis puuctatiiB H;iliiii'si|m'. Winiiipi';^. lON.i't'diiiulx alnimlant in th.' K'l'.l Iiimt, wlni.' it IS caiifilit in ;;r('at nnnilu'rs, csprcially al nij;lil. It l'n'i|nriitly I'cat'ht'.s a It'ii^tli of almnt 750 iiiin. It wa.-i r.'p.irtrd t.> nic at I'l'iindnii, hiit it .an hv at that pl.-i.-c. siriri' SSt iii>iii' wcir ha ill to have liccn ranjilit tlicri' si me ISSI!. .\ .atti^li was also .a I led t.i my al tent inn at Me. Heine Hat. lint I'mni the dcsei'i|ilio it ninst h.' a .V.W/kik. 5. Ictiobiis cypiiiiella U'livii T A \'aleiK'ieiiiiosi. Winnipe;;. Tw.i speiiimii-. th.' lar;.'.'--t 7(10 nun. 6. Carpiodes velifer i liiiliiiesiinei. Winiupei;. Hiaml.di, M.-.tiiiiie Hat. I'nplar. I (.iii detect no dilieremi's lietweeii the spe.'iineiis iVnin W'iiiiiip.'L; and sniii.' taken in the i thin l>'i\t'i' .it ( 'im'iniiati. 7. Paiitosteiis joidani Kvennann. (/^(H^l^/('(n* i'(i/"»i/ii(/i/i(.'* l'.i'.;eninaiin i\ l''.iuenin.'itin, .\in. Nat., I'"eli., !? Tlllee spe.inu'ns. !l'J In lnd nun. Iniiu. l!..!-.' I.'i^er. (al.lxvell. Or.';;. \ei". .i.mely lelated to l'.ii..> S.ales, III to IH-si) t.i lno-l.".. Ky,., li-n j,, siiniii. 1-1'! in int.'i'nrliilal, ll-J tn little iii.n.' than I in liea.l ( LM : l! ; : II in iicuiidskh ui' sain.' si/1' 1. .Ml till' Iil IS I nn 11! pninieil thin in ;i< iii id -/('•. I he . amlal Inlies i oiisid. r,ilil\ Iniij^ei t h.iii the head slinrt. T than liea.l in in lu nisim \ :!;-! i in th.' l.'n;:tli i. ")-.">■ i. I.iulii lirnw ii with in.lis- t in.'t . Inmis oC darker. 8. Catostoimis catostomu.'s il'nrsier.. Wiiinijien. ,"'nl\ a siii;;l.' >peiiiiieii. llie lir-t nt'tli.' ^.'ason. w.-,s lakeii .liiiiiii; my stay. As will h.' s.'eii rrnlii tlieal>n\«' lo.alilies, th.' spc. ies > Nt.'iids aei'.iss the K' .\ spt'.iim II nf ', W().s/(ii(i((.s 'J'.KI nun. Iniij;. 11.1111 (i.ildeii. .Ill til. I'nlilliiliia K'iv.i'. .Iil'lei". in oiil\ a lew niiiinr .lelails trnm a spiciini'ii .d' I 'iilnKhimiis t iiloshimns n|' alinill the s.iim' si/i'. ill.' nrii;iii nl w liiih is lint known. .\ seri.'s nl lai'.;.'!' sp.'cini.iis will prnliaUly -li.uv |ii'it.'. I iiil.'i'L;i-.' tinil. Ill ihe' t iniilen spi'.iin.'ii I he .'Ve is liinl.' .iiitelini than ill til.' ntlier: ami tlii- fealiiro I'liaiiit's all 111.' pi'np.irl inns .pI' the head. I'll.' si/.' nl' the eye is the same ill lintli; iii III t!ie length nl' the h. 'ad. L' ill till' poslniiiilal pnitinii ill 111.' •^p.'.'imeii i JA-li in the .ithei'i, almnt '2^ in the sn.iiil i!!;i: iniildl.' nl' head In liiml aulerioi niaruin ol' piipi! .at anteiior I 108 lU'M.KlIN OF TIIK irNIlKI* STATUS IISII COMMISSION. liiiirL;iii of I'.V'i : tli'|illi III lu'inl L;rtMi.T lliiiii li'iii^tli nf si I |iliii ryi- i(lc|>lli oT lirail less ||i Hlliilll pill- cvci; s.mIcs III' lilfil-t tdixlllr. illllMclilill loruillil isrlllcS iit' lilill-t li'y;ll lil I i iiiiluH'.iii- 1. ii'ii iinlii'ililiil i; iiiMi'^iii- (»r loun liiii nil well niiiiiclnl, :ill ol llifin slimin il, , ill typiril riiliisliimil' iin;iri;ill« iil' I'lWiT lilis ;i)l liioii' xilllr nl' tin' ray-- lirilli; loll- tiKIII ollicrsi. |)jst:iliri' III" ll"l "l'sii|iirrili:il\ llill cum 1 iVdlll lr.lll-'.iT-.i- iiiii li.'il (Midi t " ;is ;;ic,il ;|s ill I lio typiiiil foriii, Siiili iliniTi'iKi'-. wnllhl 111' nillsiili'l I'll nl' II') \ ,i I lie lar |i ii jiosi's III' chissilicil inn in -.iii'iniii-ii- I'l-Kiii ill'' >;iiiii' rixir -> stciii. :iiiiliiiil<'i'il I miii nut iiMi i liliil aiiv tiiii'^ililr ililti'iriii rs liilwirn >pi'riiiii'n> lim iiiin. Iiiiii; ri'iiiii the ( 'nliiiiiliia al I>i'\' sInUr ami tlic linu :il (aluarv iir liic S i\ i 11 (iiriciit. I'lii' hniiiT spt-ciliit'ii liiis llic liarK an Hides i|iiili' (lark, I'l'iiliT-i III' till' .s.ilcs inwaid Ihe lii'lly wliite; lielly inliielv wliiie. A !• li dish hand alnii'.;' the lateral line. I'lie yiiinm iVoiii all Imalities air hiiiltlcil j;ia\ . 9. Catostoimis grisoiis ^ ly iiMdlleil. I.nwer sill laces, w hiir. A nniii ' of spi'c iiiK lis Will- taken a! Med Icille Hal, the lali;esl 111) nini. hillU'. These smaller Sjieijin. II can readily he disl iii;;ui>liiil In mi t '. iiihislniniin i>t' the .same si/ e liy i heir iiiiieh larger iik in iL whleli M'ly iiineli reseinl.le-. that nt' I'lnildsttn.i. The jjixvs are jnovided with liiniiy or laii lauiniiiH sheaths, making; tin' lesmililanee In I'liiiliislim still ;;re,ilel'. 10. Catostomiis macrocheilus (iiranl. siiamniis, Kanilniips. rnialilla. La liiaiide, ( aldwell, :i;i Malm I'alis. I s.iw a speeies nl' this j;enii- in linriin I, .ike. lint was iiii.ihle to secure it. I all piidialiility it "as i'. iiiiiiiiiilifilii.i, since this species was (dilaiiied a lew miles laither wi ~' at the nil 111 III 1)1' the I 111 I let I'l' this hike. The lai;[j;cst s| i n was oht.iiiied at I, a (iiande.ji ineasiiieil :i.s:il mm. It is i|nitc dark to lielnw the laleial line, win-re, rniiii .-i line t'rinii jn. ahiive the upper lip Id till- hi" er part 111' the raii'lal. tin- ciiloi- alinipl l\ clianni-s ti) white. I ! pectorals. Vent laN, iiinl part nl' the anal are dusky, and .i ilii-k\ liar extends upward I'l'nin IL h.'isenrthc pectmal. Ihe \.iriatii)ii in dnrsal rays is well niarked. .Vsido t'rnin the |h nndivided ravs at the l)ei;i;iiiiim nt' the lin the riiys nw as I'ollows: 17 18. I 111- ilily. ><^ Diir.sal riiys. II.J :t . :il 1 . l.-i* I'-'i 1 1 :i mi tTiiijiIiliii fi 1 !.;( ( ■ r:lllili- >> < '-|lll\X'l-ll Malm r.ills . 1 3 'I'hese last siiecimcns .-ipprnach Ck I on I a mux miliiis. 11. Cato.stomiis conimersoni i laici pcde ■. \Vinni|ieL;, West linnnie. (jin'Appelle, Iv'enina, Mnnse .l:i Swit'' ( 'iirienl. Maple Creek. Medicine ll.-il. ('.iliiary, I'nplar, \'eiy ahiiiid.-int ever\ w Ic Scales, ."i.")-!;:!. 12. Moxostonia aureoluni -, l.c .•siieiir . W'liinipc.;, W'esi Imni ne. Iirandnii. I'lijilar. l.owcr lins. n especially Ihe caudal, n d. I'. II;, in lii-. ."-iieciini-ns L'Hi niiii.. t'lnm Winnipeg;', have the !h "> ill I he length. 13. Moxostoma ani.siinim i; ilinesiinc. Winnipeg-, r>rinilnn. I'liis species is much los alinini ;il Winnipeg; I han I he preceilin'^. The -pci iineiis mcisnic I'rniii !Hi tn L'S."» mm. Head, ll'ii 1 1. II)', iir I7(. cniintiniv ■ill tin- ray-, .\. ,'-^', . I'ppi r ciiulal In he Iil tie lime i-r than lower ii: lai-eest s|)i-i-inieli. The lar:;i s| speciniell dilieis little rrnin nne oUt.iined at 'I'nlcdn. i 'i Scales, li-)!lt In ll'-i'). Cnlnr liuliter than in the preceiline specie-, nn reil on the Illis. 14. Hybogiiathus placita 'iiranl. Vlmndanl ,-il rnjilir, Iml not seen elsewhere. 15. Acroclieihis alutacfiiis Agassi/ vV I'ickcrin;,'. Iniatilla. Caldwell. 16. Pimephales promelas i;aiiiiesi|ne, Wiiinipc,;. Wesilionrne, r>ranili)n. 1,111'. \p|)elle, Ii'i-l:' Swilt ('nrreiii. .Maple ('n-ek. Meilii-inc Hat. \'ery alnindani everywhere, especially -' lii-uiiia and Swill Cnrieiil ; le.isl so at i,iir.\|)i)(!lh;. *A l;l| that till K.\i'i.oi;ATi(tN> IN \vi;sti;k.n ( anada, ktc loy il li'SH til : ri'y;iilill '• icii'd r til i< •iiil; Imij •:iii:il I " 111' lor |i II not iilijc- 1. ill al l.'i'v. Ill' liilrU ;i!i ijlc. A |.,! r:i\ . 'II, I Di lull |l. II. I" A IllllirM •I s)ii'rini' II ii'm'i' iiiDiiil niy oi- i-Mii .il.lw.'ll. ;i;,. 'Clin' it. I l.-lltlhTW. -■ I (Iraiidc. H lie friiiii ::i- white. I '.'ii'il rrmii iL t'lcHIl till' t" M, Miiiisc .1:1' t I'Vcl'V wii' ; OWl'V lilis. ,i lia\r till' 111 ||'-;S ,'lllllllli llcMil. :'>; i< II iiiwi-r il Toli'ild, «'! liiis. pi'll.', I.'r-i .IH'iiiiUy ^" 17 Nfjtropis joidani l-uriiiiiaiiii A I j^'imihmiiii. ynon/iii- iilhiiilii- I.. A 1... .\iii. Nat., I'rl"., \'*'.yi: iiiil .\. (i/'i/"/(/« .liiiilaii \. iininilopt. \ >iii'jl'- -4111 liiiii'ii, Tii mill. Iiiii'i, iil'l liiMil ;il Mciiii iiir Hat. riii'» spt-i kh is imunI cln.m'ly II lalicj to \'. iiKiiiiliihis ami N. Iiiliniilini, in riiliir it ililli'l's .■~I iikiii:;i,v liniii llir lattiT, ajiri'i'- iiu in llii' ii'S|MMt Willi nut' III 'iiiH. I'si'i'ii* that il lir\> a cainlal -imt ami i> li'-s |iiiiriisi|y -i|i >l ii'il. I'.'ii' 1 1 11 1 11 111 ii'i li'>S iiiiiplit" til ri il If'i r ill ;ii\. an I ln-ttrrili'V rli>lii'il 111. ill ill iiiiir„l,il„,. Ilc.i.i. I: i|i|illi. 1 ; l». |i ; A. > : s.alo, I-.;.'.-! : l.-i >ialr-i hi'l'iiii- till' ilni'; III til, I 1,1.-'. IvMi ill' llir II- 'I II iiililv li.inki il, I 111- I u 1. iitl'is w iili 11,11 low im|i>i It'll HI iinl- iiiy -111 I Ian • . Till' tii'l II on till' 11'.: lit siilc .ni- 1'\ iilnii iy aliiiniiiial. In iiii; .ii raimi'il in tliiri' inw -. |-'.liiiii.!:itr I iiiii|iri'ss('il, imiir >li' iili'i' llian ln-li rnli ihk. Ilrail iiiiiili as in In limli jiin, Irss rmiv i'.\ aliiivi'. .laws <'i|ii,il: miiiitli iilili<{iii' . t lir |>i<'iiiaMliai \ nil tin' Ir^i-I or lnwi r iiiaruin nt'llie |iii|>il. .Maxillary rNtiinlini: tn anli'iim' niar'.:iii nl' mliit. .'snout |>iiiiiii'i|, not ilcriirviil. I\vi> o'l in lir.'iil. \\ in iiili'i m liilal. I'iii.s all small : i>ri;;iii nl' the ilinsal ii\ ir \ I'litial, rijiiiilis- laiit lioiii li:i~i' lit' iiiiililli' laiiilai lav ^ ami iiai'i s. |ii^|ii'>l ra\ I'Nii'iiiliii;; :i littli- past I'liil nl' tlio l.i~l I .i\ « Inn I 111' till il ili'|>iiss,.(|. i'i|ii;i| In I nail lis> snoiil : anal similar In ilnlsal, its liiL;lii'sf, ia\ ri| III ■•limit .iml i'\i': vi' i'|ii:il to liii^liisl .'ilial la\ ; |ii'i'torills Inliiji'r, ri|ilal In lirail li'ss n|M'l ill'. S' all's I'lnsrlv ilii liriu.l I I'll . till' I \|insi'il i'il;;i'S Hllli- lli^clirr lll.lll Innj;. I.atiial lilir ilci lir\ III. till' I II 111 s ili'\ i'ln|ii-.| nil li'ss lliail !0 sia 'is i sollir I if I linsi' ill' I In- mil 111 It' nl' till' linily ,111 ii'iiioMil ). (ii' rnlni -ihi'iy.tin ilisfiiirt liiaikiim.-. siiilari) riitiii'ly vvliitn. a |i|iiiiilii'ims lalrral lianil ovrrlaiil with silvrrs. A I'ark \i'rti'hral liiii' t'rniii nrripnt 111 ramlal. .'siili'N with a I'l-w ilark specks, liiir-al Hiirl'iici' iiiori' ili-nscly spcckcil, the iiiar^riiis nl' III!' scales il.'ii ki r, 18. Notropisheterolepis Kijienmaiin A- Ilijii'iiiiiann, .\ spccinii'ii, :!.'> nun. Inuu. taken at (I'lrApjielle. riiis sjiecies is fviilently clnst'iy rel.itel tn .V. hiliriiiliiii. .V. iiiioiieiiiii,t'lf. It ilili'erM I'loiii them strikiii^tly in liaviny' tiiliis ijivelnpi'il in Imt mic m- twn sr,'ili'.>i of the lateral lino, while all till' scalc^alim;.; t he lateral line nil niii' side and all Imt niie or two nil I he nl her aredei'jdy nntrheil nil lliiii pnsleiinr iiiar^iiis. Head. I; di']ilh, l{: li,!tA; Hc,i|e8. ."i-;!,">-l ; 15 scales in Irniit of ilnlsal. I'ei'lh fei'hli', 1-1 ; erilldiii;; him lace well di'Velopeil nil three teeth. Head siiliconical, little cnmpri'ssid, the siinnt rimniled, little nlitiise; the lower Jaw included. Month littlo idilii|ni'. the ]treiiiaxillary luinw the |c\cl of the Inwer niari;in nt' pupil. Maxillary almost reai'hiiij; e.\ c. ilye larije. I in smnit, :>= in head, li, in inteiorldtal. |)ol'sal inserted i'i|Ui(lis- laiit Iroiii liase nl' iijipur caudal rays and antcrioi niar;;iii of eye, liehind tin) last ray ot' tlio \eiitrals. Tips of the lirst rays much piniectiiii;' heyonil tips of last when depressed, the lonjii'St ray alioiit ci|iial tn head less snniit. .\iril similar tn dnrsal, the Innjjest ray aliont 1^ in head ; viiitials reach iiiij vent, eipial tn highest anal ray ; peel ma Is i'i|iial to leny;th of head less ii]>ercli's. Scales Ino.sely iniliiica I cd. almost inilieddeil in front of the dorsal. Scales along the median line line) with a deep iinteli near the miditle of the jinsterior margins, the line nearly straii;;ht. A few Mack specks alnn;^ liase of anal; a dark lino aloii^' lower iiiarf^in of tail frnai anal tn caudal. .\ dark hand from tip of .snout aloii^ the sides tu the caudal ; on the tail the liand^iniiieides in position with the .scales ot' the lateral line. < hi tiie liody it is jdacitd .'l little higher. A cnns]iii'iiniis Idack ciir\eil line at the base of each scile of the lateral line. ,\ll the scales alii)\e tin- lateral hand doited with Idack. .V narrow vertehral line I'riiiii 111 cipiit to dorsal, a liioad diisky hand nii tin hack hetweeii the dorsal and caudal, hetween which and the lateral hand is a li'^hter h iiid. Scales of the hack with dark maruins. Series of minute lil.ick dots alnii.: each ray of the dorsal, anal, and miter pnrtinn of pectoral ; the dnrsal .'ind caudal i|iiile diisky. 19. Notiopi.s (MiimiUis ' reticulatus I'.ineiiiii.iiin A I'.iireiimann. lirandnii, (^ii'.Vppellc. Tliisspeciea is closely ri'laled In .V. sjii rl ni iiiillitx. I'vililix'ii, II il ill Hi, ailil lojulil. and lll,'»\ prnve identical with oiH'iiiihe nlher. It a])prnaches ncircst .\. jri Ininin .iiid /h/k/.k, I'lniii the fniiiier it ilitVers cliii'll\ ill I he larger scales in fi mit of the dnrsal. and fmin the latter in t he ii. iked liieast. Ilcail. I; depth, l-l': 1 1. !l ;, nr HI i l nr ll. SA i ; A. !i.t (". "^ ' = scales. I i.r .'"i-l! l-li or I ; 1:.'-14 scales in linn I of the dorsal ; teetli, t-l. honkeil. with evident ;;rindine sinfaie. Head pointed, liroad ahnve aiid >liirhtly convex. Snoiir deeiirved. )iniiited. the Inwer jaw inclinled. Mniitli oliliiine, the preiii.ivill.iiy nil ,1 level w ilh tile lower mai'ein of the pupil or somewhat lower. *.\ lar:;i'r .si-i'ii's nt sjifi'iiiiriis li» Mr. \. ,t U'lin'iiini in llic lit';iihv.ili rs nl' the licil Hi\ cr iii.iUi- i| priiliuljle that tills s|i<'i'ii'.s i.s .V. tielii-iiiiiit. 1 Ml II II II In • lii .l» lol •'M ml I'r • •\ nil niii llO i;rLij;TiN of tiii; lmii:i) stati;s ilsii commission. .MllTilllMV n;irliilii; ll.illl iiloiliil. I'.V" l:il';>'. i ..ii^iilcl :ll)I.V loTl!.'''!- tllilll siK.llf, It ill ||. i. (0, Rhilll filiMliT tli;ill illl'|-.'|liil:il. ( iii._rin Ml' ( MV.T \.|i!iiils, niiliilisliiiit lliiiii tip l l:i\ >r;iriii,\ i\lfll ( MiisiiliTMliU ilii|ii'r iliMii Ii'Iil; ill III'' l.iiiti-st spiTiinciis. Liiti'iiil liiii- li.nirM'il, .,, 27. Ayosi iililf. l!r.M-t iiiiKnl -imIimI ill Whi/nhii'. A il;irli >.tri:iU I'liiiii iiii:il In r;iml.'il, low ir |. . ^ iitiiiTu i*i' l>l.iiii. A li.iil^ viTti'lilal liiH-. ii pliiiii'ii'iiii^ liiiiiil iildim till- siilcs, ;i fjini spi.i till' li;i>i' 111' till- lainJMl iiliuut u- l;iii;i' .i- lln' pupil. A mtIi-; nl' nptits iiloiii; ciirli >iiii' nt : I II I II', 1 1 11 111'. Ipp'-r p.irls ill' ^lilr^ IIhI till' li.irk pliil'iisi'ly spiitli'il, lllr cilni'S nt' tlli'Si'iili'N 111.,' yix iiiu iIk' " li'ii'" P'"'' •' HI iiiilMft'il ;ippi';ii:nii'i'. I'lii' spi'ciuii-n.s I'rniii •,>ir.\)t|ii'l|c iiic diirl t liMM I liii-i' riiiiii l!r:iiiiliiii. 20. Notiopis deliciosu.s d ilr.iiil '. I'lin'.' >pi'i'lnii'iis „[' tlii-* spnii-s wni" tMkoii .it Wliinipctr. 21. Notropi.s megalops i l.'.iliih'-'iiii' . A ihiuiImi- ui' .spi'iiiiii'ii'* itf iliis .spi'tic* wcii' (ililMiiii'il Iti'.'iinioii. Nmio wi'Ti' M I'll I'lsi'w hill'. 22. Notiopis scopifeing i;;'.ii"iiii:inii .V I'.i'^i'iiin.iiin. Tlii^ -ipt-rii-.s i.s cviili'iitly dnst'ly rclaicii In hn indiis, 1111111 uiilcli ll ilill'i'l's ill till' si'.iliii:^ Mini ill llM\ iiii{ :i rnlispiciioil-. ji'1-lilili k Hpiit :il"i •IS l.ii'ni' ,i> I 111' pupil :il till' li:i-i' ill' tlh' iMiliLiI tin. N'lliiiol'olis spccjliicii-'. w I'li' iilit.'iilii'.i Wimiipi'!.;-, I'liiiiiilnn, I'm t ',»ir.Vppi'lli'. Mii'l .\[i'ilii'iiit! II;it. Till' sprcirs is iiio--t iihiindiiiii I'liil i^ii'.Vppi'lli' 'vlirri- till- liii'ui'-^t -pr.imi'HS I 112 mill. ) wcri' olil.iiiicil. I Iciid. I- 1 5 ( Ion !;!•-; voHiiiii; (Irplli, !{: I'. 1'^ : A. Ii'l illn- lir-l twn r.iys iiiiiiutr, iiiiscy;iiiciilt'd. .'iiiil iiiitiniiii'ln . si'i'lt's. (i-;!ii til \'J-l: II to I'"* ■si'iili's ill rroiif of till' doisiil; ti'i'tli. 2. 1-1,2; ,iinilail\ dot ted. I 'ni'sal. caudal, and npinr parl.s of )ieilorals dusky. Sp' i" nil lis fiMiii Little Truvcisi' \\:i\ , Lake .Miihi'jan. sii'in tn icpieseiit a variety of the spM 30. Cones aliovc di'scrilied ; the siioni is more slender, the eye pcrcepi ilily smaller, and the c.'iii II |iediiiicle iiiore slender. Thr dillireiii e is iiiiiii' inarked in yoiiiii; e\;iiiipli.'K, the t'orni In iiiiii'li more slender than in Kfiiiii'erii^ and I he cindal spot notaldy smaller, " 23. Notropi.s jejunns i roi'ties 1. This siiicies was foiind lo lie aliiindant at Winnipeg;, liraiidon. 31. Plat Medicine I hit. I'he teeth are i|iiile \arialile, lieiiiLj in dilferent specjini'iis l-l; 1, 1-1,2:, < 2, 1-1.2; otherwise there is little nr no \ a rial ion. It is not nnliUcly thai some of the sji'-' ui| ili'sriilicil as hav iiiM teeth l-l, or 1. 1-4, 2 are identical with this species. i 24. Notropis atherinoides > li'alinesinie , Wiiinipei;. Medicine Hat. I'oplar. The specimens i Wiiiiiipci;- arc sliuhtlv dei')ier lli.ili thosi! from other localities, and all of the northern sj ft mens have ■>li-htl\ laluer iye> and loiresjiondinul.v shorlcr slion' ' I 32. Myl I 33. Ptycj tf th: !•"■ I lev lip 111 I ll.ll full 111] ). ml lll'l oil lii I KXIM.uKA TloNS IN V\ I>ri.i;N ( ANAltA. KTC. Ill :i III li' 1. 20. RhiiiiclithyH dulcis « < •iiMiil . >\% ill ( iirirni , mt\ .ilnnid.nit ; Mrilicinr I lii. ii-vv ; ( 'iiIumI'V, I'l'W ; ■^iH'ill 1. rii lulii i>r fliir^iil •■Hiinli-lMiil IriHii im-i i il mipiI Iiii»c nl iinil|iii'iiiifii li.'i-i M'lv iii'hIi l.iiijir liii-* ili:iii till- oilier*, the ]i MliiiMliiiil . I'i>|ihii. mi' >|ii tiiimu. ill'' liin' ' I r.iiu. .iIiiiiiiImiiI. ilii'c\|H. 20, AtoHJa iiubiln iiiir:ml\ liliilm IVills, .ii.Miiil.uit. ■iii'vftl. c ..1 27. At;<)Hia filGiita ii"""iii A ili'^ciniiiiiiii. Aliiiinliiiit in llii- lioNc Iflvor iit ('mIiIvm-II. Iilii1ii>; Iiiwcr jir,' r.iiiil .s|i(ii -illc 111' I scMlrsl.l;,. li- ;ii'(' (lull "I I vMp ^I'ciliiiiMis iroiii I iri.'il illii. In I 111 liilliiu iim' (lc-irii|itiiiti till' mill linmo '^i\ en in |i:iiiMiilii->.-s n I'lM Id I. iiiihil,!. I |i;iil, :i - 1 , T - 1 1 1 : ilfjii li, I •.'.[ ( I- 1 ( I ; I >. ll'.iS'-ilii: A. "•m7i -'4 ,1. S( ilis..".;; lio i.'iH-dT i I'ciili. I. I-I, Imt.'. I'loiiLiiiti', slnnli r. Iitail 1oii;;it tlmii lit niihilii, r.v MiU'li Liryr I liiii In iinhiln. ■.\\„>nt l- in .■«iiiiiii, :H-I j in IumiI in l.iri;i'r>|i»iiiiicii-<. Till' lii'iiil lu'iiiii liiiiiifl' till- |ir(>|iiii-liiinal iiiiiiiIhts do not ililVrC I'loin thosr nl' inihiln. Si aii's iiinrli i;ii i;ir llriii in "ii/ii/d, ritmiil lli.'iiiiivi- f !n' l.iU'r.ii liiii- • 1 I \n inihila K usually inscilril iliiiril; ciMT till' oiiy^iii 111' ; III' \ iiilr.iN. the tin 1;iil:i'. ii< Mntrrim' ra,\ s |iiiilonyiil. ( iiinin of ilnis;)! i'>|iiiilislant I'liiin liii-^i' urniiilillr r.iinlal rM> >aiiil Irniii naris. I ainhil ili'v^ply riirkiii, tin- lo Ill's Mi'iiti'. :> to :i ' In I lie Irii'^ili. \ii;il \ I'lv ol>lii|iii lv trniir:iii'. till' anti'iior i';iys \ ny lii^iii, H-H (."i-rii ) in I 111- liiiyiii. \ rill r;iU ,ilu :i\ s niipi'i- |io>lt'riipr in |iii>iliiin lliaii in /mi/k/ii, alimit (■i'|ilillisi:int riiiiii li:i-(i III liiiililii- raliiliil l.iy-- ami iViilil liair*, tlirir tips cxIrllilillLr In or past iiililiili "iT lia^c (p( anal Ij .'i .".-li in I In- liiii;! Ii irailiin^ In M'IiI , very rari'ly to in i:;in iil' anal ). I'l'ilciiaU nut fcai'liiii;; Vriiliais. A ilaik liainl t'l 1 1' w a n 1 tVniii t'.M': liark. lateral lianil Maiirly i'\ idi'iii : >ih i'v\ lii'low ; sides and liark with nnineron-. irrennlar, 'a ell-deliiied liloielies. Anal and siiiiietiniiM \ eiilraN w illi a diisky sjmi near Uase in Inint. hoisal and eaiidal laiiilly I'll ill led : eriinson sih.Im <.n in nidi I de. axil nf \ enirals, and alnnn' liase of anal. ' I'late li. ) iillines ai"' 28. Agosia falcata shiiswap r.iecMiiiiaiin A l-liveiiniaiin. Tlils variety seeiii.s well I'staldislied liy Iilalned ■elated to k spot all' ' olitaine'i aliiindant I '. 1 loll'ie^: iinlii'.'inelii'i: lllille' Slll'l:i liiiir s|ii einii'iis I'loni Slinsliwap I. .ike at .'sii annuls. !l Is iml at all iinprnlialile, lio\M'\er, tliat Inlernradal ions will lie round. l lie spei inieiis dilVei iiiiisiantly in llic iimre posleiior pnsitioli id' tlie dorsal and \elilrals; ofliervN ise tliele is no liirierenre of any note. Head, :S»-r,; depth. 1-li: 1>. llU-11.1; .V. !IA. .Scales. in-.V.-M. I'l-elh. 1, I-I. 1' ill t wo .s|M'ciinen.s ; ;}, I I, 1 in aiioihev: atid 2, I-I. li in the dnii ill. Iliad puliiicd. the siiont se.irrcly pi'n.ieetiiif^ lieynnd the inoiith. l!ye laiije. ei|nidisl.iiit I'li'in lip id' sinnil and I'loin iiiiper aiiule of eill- iipeniiie, the orliil alioiil ei|iial to llin snout, •^■•'j m ''i'' lii:id. horsal inserted direrlly over iiii'^in 111' veiitrals, CI] lidislaiit Ci iiiii iiase of middle eainlal ra\s andl'ioin iiosterior half of eye. Its lil'sl I w o develiijied Ia\ s elongate. I lie nial'uin s iipei lie. I'eelorals less puinieil than the other liiis. as lone- as head lira 111 tie shorter. Liuhl hrown with nnnieions welldeli nd Idntches, a dark hand finiii lip 111' Miiiiit to hase of eaiidal. All llie liiis w llli dark )ioin',s ahiiie- the rays eolleeted In phiees. ifivitiii the liiis a faintly inollied appe.iraiiei'. lead and III' 29. Hybopsis storeriaim.s ( Kirtl.ind i. A iiiiinhei' oi small ^peilmeiis ironi \\ inniiiee are prnhaldy to diiskv. Si" '"' relerred to this speeies. of tliesp'' 30. Couesius dissiinilis • I iiraril I. \ei y alninilanr at Swift ( iirieiit. Medieine Hat. ( aleiiry. l'o]ilar. 111(1 the e:iii' The -peeinietis iVnm Mediriiie ll.itaiid lioin I'liidar are ijiiili' li^hl in eulnr. Tho^e finiii ( al- tlie form hi tfiirv and Imiii .•*« ill ( ii.'ii'iil ate d'.iikir. llie lateral hand lieiii'^ well dellned. .•scales .ilonijj Ihe lateral line '. ', Krandoii. 31. Plalygobio gracili.s i;iihaid>oii . (raii;. I'l'pl.'ir, rirandini. Medieine Hat. I'hls species is • 1. I-I. "J: cxlreinely aiiiindatit in the Missmiii 1,'ivi r at ( raiu. ami In ils trlliiilai\. I'oplar Creek. X e of lliesn'' nnnilier \< ere olitaliied with hook and line iiilhemiin slreani at Cr.iiu;. where the rmrent is too swift fur seining. In I he ~liiii::h at the same phn e imni' were seen, (hie was o1 it. lined siiecimcns h "' ricnidnn, and I tidd thai it is ahniidant at place. 'I'lieir projectiiin- snout .ind northern •")■ frosnd silvery cnlm make them a slilkinn species. The larj;est ohtaincd measures L'O inin. riiere is a dusky verlelnal hand and a hinwii one. 32. Mylocheilus cauiiniis i IMehaiiNnn .. Mission. Kamloops. Sieanioiis. h'cvelsloke, tJoldcn, ,ind rinatilla. 33. Ptychocheilus oregoiiensis ^ K'n hardsonl. Kamlnnps. Sicamnns, I'liiatilla. I. a (iraiide. .ind laldwell. li eth usually _'. I-I.:.'. Horsal with nliii' well-develiiiied rays il, HI). npresscd. i ixillary h, 1. iiarLiin of i ■ li'^in of di'i'- telldili;; liiii caudal dci']i nil lower. : rcachiiii^ \ r; it not noi;il I'll tnhc. I 11 the .Sllial: ' of the mil! II not distill ("i;) are hil. lilt contrail, lieciincns II' most profii 112 ML'LMiri.N OF Tin: rMTKl) STAI'MS I'lslI COMMFSSK >X. N.. I ;i 4 li f II III II r.' I': It 1." HI In lit ■jii ■ji •22 ■S-i •u '2't 2H I • I havK IV.., LeuciscuH iiml RichaidMonius. I'ln' ;;i'iiir-> i;ii IhiiiIkohiii^ \\:\> |irii|iii^i'i| li\ (liiai-il in IK'h. was s.'iiil to liiiir Miiiii- ri'Minlihiiiii' In .Vi/zifi/iii". riniii wliirli it iniilil " lit' l;;i' iiinl tin' Imi;; aiiiil, tnui't lii-r w illi iIh' ]m riiliai' jio'.iliiiii ■ i i lal Irr ill ■■ I'l I'l lirr tc liir iliilsal. 11 1 1' al i> al.sii liinrll 1 1 rr | it r I liaii jnlii:. w liirji i- iii.i ' till' ra>i' IN >7"(///((v. " S|ii rii-. ili-rii\ iiiil >iii(r (liraiil's ili'M rijil lull wa.s wiitiiii jiavr > ,.., Ilial nil ^iicli ililli'r(iiri'> liilwrrli .S'/zik/iki i /.< h(is< hi i ami /.'iiliiirilxDiiiiin v\i-.( , IM. (iii.i rlasMil liii'iinlv I wii MprricH 111' llnKi'im^ l:irliiirilsii)iiii» wilii lil> .l/«'((Hiifi. rlianntcri/i'ii li\ I'liili^Mti' anal anil <'iini|iri "->ril Miitial I'iil;;!' lu'liiinl tlir vi'iilraJH. .Junliiii ami < iillK't t . M'|iaratril till' ;;i'lins HichinilHniini^ rinin liiiiiiiiin, itr.. nil llic liasif* iif tlir i'ii||i|iri'HM'il Vi ; riil^'r ami r|iin;:ali' anal. I liavr csaiiiiliril a m'I.v lar;:r sci Ii'n (il's|i*'fiiiii'ii.s ami Iiml tli.ii M'litial liii;;!' is \ I TV varialilr. r '.iails with a-i , ami i> iil' no wm tli wliati'M'T lii si').;i Hiiliiii ■Ikiii.iiii i'vi'ii siilmi'M'iirallv 1111111 l.i Hi 'i>iii». In nm siiriiiiH'ii, \Nliirli nii;ilit havi's.i (Jiiaiil's art i(*l « In'ii lif di .-w I! . Imlli iiliis. I In ri' is i lir intifst \ rst i'^f iil' a \ i-nlial ritl;:i'. riilj;i' SI s lust ili'Vrlii|it'il ill s|iiTiiiiins aliiiiil nniliiini si/c i "."i nini. i. Thr clniiai'trfs silc . Ill si'|ia rail' till' spfrirs III' till' nlil i;i'niis l.'iihiird^diiiiix I'll nil t-arli iil Ini' .sicni mi imirr Inrt iii N'l'illnl' t III- t I'l 'ill mil' till' .scali'S arr nl' an,\ \ aliir w iiatr\ rr in I his ri'S|ii'rl, Tln' anal tin ,- mi ini'ans an iilisnliili' unlili'. as will In' .hi in latii. In lai't.l Itavr Ik-i'Ii iiiiaMr In iIiI. .sin-ilf I'h.'irartrr wliiili will alw.ivs ,si'|iai'atr tin' tun tinins. cacli nl' wlilrli Is vaiialilt' m I'Xtri'inr. All tIniMr sjircii'S nl' l.iiiiiniiiK with imiiasi'il iininin r nl anal ra\N, iiidiiIiiiiiix, hi /ililor, jlilli, lull till I IIH, ,'iinl hiliidlis may lit' ilansi'il nmU'i' thi' Hiilint'inTir iniim- /iii linrilim, I liiiil ill ('\aiiiiiiin)r 1 1 siiiiimrns ul' l.iiuisiiix ituniluiiiix, rnllrrtt'il liv .Ionian ai ri'o\ii. t in sonic till- vi'iitial inl^i' is miii'li iiinrr ili'\ I'lnpiil ilian in typical specimens nl' /'ichiiiili-iin The anal rays arc: L'.'^witli IL'A ; iL'with \:>\: 1 with lU. 34. Lenciscus atiaiius ((Jiranh. This specns is i|nilc alnimlaiit in tin; .**nake liiver ai lilalio I f EnnM'i.Iti', It rcaililv takes the hook. The lateral line is not developcil until late in life; in sperm tAnlerinrt. ..Ill ,■ 1 1 ^ i- I 9 Bqiililisiai 1! lliclics Innif tilt) ] lores ale lorincil on Init lew scale... (1 Eqiiiilmlui 35. Leuciscua hydrophlox (Cope). Aliiiinlant in the .'^miUe Kixi'i' at It, I'l.i Fall.s. 'I'iie anal ia\- a iininliur nf specimens exainincil vary I'rnin 12} to IIU Two .Hpeciiiiens have 1:.'', i rnnrteeii liavc llt^, anil four have IIU 'i'lic ilor.sal ra.v.s vary I'min 11)^ to llA, iiiwl the Heal i the lateral line I'roni 51 in ."iX. Therti is |ii'esent a sliu'lit iiieiliaii keel lieliiiiil the Venn These spci'iinens aniie very iliisily with specimens nl' /,. iiiinilaiiiix eollecleil liy .lonl.i I'i'ovii, Utah, except tliat a larger iiercenta^i' ha\e i:t ami II anal ravs, ami a Hinaller ]m'i, ay;e hiivt* 11' rays. 36. LeuciscuB balteatus ( Uichanlson i. (ojiiiinm { .Ihriiiiiix) IiiiIIkiIiih li'ichai'ilsnn. l-'aniia I'mr. Aiiier.. Ill, ItOl, IH!!!!; Storer. .Synopsis I .v. A., Hid, IKIil. J;i(liiirilxoiiiiix hallciiliix (ih-.n-il. I'rnc. Aeail. Nat. Sei. I'liila., viii. 1. *;.">( i, 1'(I2; id., I'. S. 1'. I{. KM iV .Surveys. X, 27X, pi. i.x. li^js. 1-1, isyj ( Fnrt Italics, ((icm,, j'tji-t Vancouver, ( »rejf. N : |!, I'roe. r. S.Nat. ^iIls. IKSJ, l iiiedi.'iii ridnc liehiml the \cntrals, and the anal has L'OA and UL'.l (II, l^'.l-L't).* ) ra.ys. Tcci 5—1, 2. At Mission this species is almnilant, the lar^^est individmils nieasiirini^ 110 nini the liirijcr siiceiimns tin- iiii>t ventral iicil is very vnrialile and rrei|iit'ntly imt at all '!■ fiuishalile ; it is liest dcvelojicil in niciliuin-sizeil specimens 'HO inin.). Tln^ teeth iiri' n-; 'J, 'i-\. 'J. when mnnially developed. <»t' these, tlie anterior tooth on the left is thicki r shorter th;in the otlnrs, liauLicr-shMped. ami rcniole frnni llieni. I have maile detailed 1 1^ and measnicinents nf ii\ cr I'll specimens, and lia\ i conn ted the rays of all the rest. Tic rays are as follows: III', in t wo s|ieciini'ns; )7i in seven; 18A i;i thirteen; I'.H in twent\ : 20A in ci;;hteen ; L'l ( in eijiht ; 2l" in t wn; 'SA\ in two; 2\\ in two. The usual niinilier, tin' 1!M nr L'O.J. riie tlorsai \aricsl'rom 11U1;>1. I have fniinil iin ciinlinatinn of variation- « ever. Fach character varies imlc|>ciiilciitly. The Kcales \ary i'rnm II to V,i-Xi to (i:! ■'<' to the Mission specimens the nnrinal iiuiiilier nf anal rays is l!ti or 20i, aii, viiriati )u is three nr four r.ivs in both directions. ele^ spt;i 37. Leucis nil Tl i»'| spf is) wJ nil ml -'«; ill \H',i j-li.'r. Uiliii' (■ii/«'il li\ I i.illifii . I h-lll \ . ; lillil III M r III si'|.;r t li;i\c •«. I rid;;!'. i-tcl'H sill . ire I'dit i;i :iii:il I'm - ill' III ill tr viil'iiilil oliliiinin, /'./ ill I'lllMi. I I'icliiinl-iii: ;il lililllO !':( ■; ill speiiiii' 'he iiiial i.iv liiivc !-'■ 1 lul tln^ Miiili- ll till' villi] (I liy ,Ioiil;r Hlllilllcr ]irlH i< Ni.. I •I ;i 4 K III 11 ll' u i:. i>i u lit KMM.uKATIoNft IN WK.STEUN CANADA. ETC. 113 Tlir riilliiwiii^ tiililf ^ivcH :lir iiiiM-iii'i-iiii'iils :iiii| HiiiiH' iitlii'i' viiriat iiiii.'* riiiiiiil iiiiiiiiii; tllA riiiiriis III /.iiiti'iiit liiilhalim Iriiiii .Mi>>iiiii: SruliH. Ti-illl. llrplll '!"7"J"!1 ?*"•'' ■ III Lnh-lll Dim Anil III IIIMI. *,il. Ull IH I-* lUi' \:\ •.'H III) i;!i im lil.'i jii', liiil I'.'* lit' Hi ijj 1"^ 1)1 ii« ii;f 'ri in It* 1-* '••» !IJ l-'J '•■4 lirj 1-'^ •.;ii» H7 1-^ ■i»S "ti \:S -.'in sv. i-'i ■:■«, Ml \\k :!iA »'. ijii I'i in) i^S I'i .^H IP, 17i 7 ( IJA 17^ -1 1-'^ HH •1 12!, :'.v\ ■>ll i:a •-•p. 71 11} iti» till l:u -'i l\A l:i* -♦* (ii '-! j;(i Uriiiark-i. r.' .'ilt-ll II vi :. I'J IHl 11 IJ 'IH li ll-'.7 tl I. 'till li i:' .'.7 ". I -J >-tl ij m-ti i-j-iii ll III.-.' II III ,'.!l-ti n-v.t 7 IJ til 7 ij-iii ti i:i v.i 7 l;l-ri« 7 11 -im 7 i;i-iii 7 i:; .■>K-7 til :j.:i-4. 1 ■.'. :. -» 2 •.>. •-4. i .L. 4-4. 2 •-'. ^-i 2 •J 4 :i. 1 •.'. r.^. 1 2. :■ 4. 2 2 .". 4. I •.'.'•-4 2 1 :i-i.2 2,.". 4 1 2, :> 4. 1 2 .". 4 I 2 .'.4 2 2 :. I. 2 2 :. 4. 2 2. ■p».2 2. .".J, 2 2. .'.-4.2 2. ■"■-4. 2 ^1 •'I H ■n It) 'l* (III (III (•i <;' III) (III (t|) '*' (fi (III (») &i (:\) ill (It til (II) (III Ki'fl siiiiii'ly I'Viili'lll. MimHiiii kill Hriini'h iviiliiit. Mriliali kill iiil will l|l'Vl'ill|ICll. K'tI i\ pii III. Ki*. ! miMliTiilf. Kii I 1 \iili'ii(, . K'll ilisliiii I. Kill will ili'vi'|ii|i('il. . Kii 1 IV|iir;ll j Kill nilli|.M'li.|M'il. ■ Kri'l lllnilciall'. ' Ki-l'l M I'll lIl'V rUlplMJ. Ki'i'l nil iiiiiif than in iifuttnnuf. ' Kill iliitiinl ' Ki ll i>\ iili'iil. Ki-rl innili'l'all*. Kill l\ jiiial. Ki'rl wi'll il|.\ i-]o|ti-il. . _ Ull. Kt'i'l iniiiU-rutr. I>... li.i. . Kill 1 . iili-nl • Ihavi< IV ■■iiiMiitly ciIkim vn'l i!iat tliu larni -"t iii'liviiliiiU aii'mn 111'' iniiiii'nv< ii-iiully lia\ .• a'liiur.ii i) niiiiiliii i nl' tiiili. t BqiiiiU-'tiint rriiiii liasi' .i!' iniilillv r iinlal ravs aiil i |i liiit almvi* iiiiilillr ul ]> i| il. ■' ABtorim t'liilli (ll niiin r^i'v mi li'li siilr Ia 1.ii_'i'. ilax^iT ->li ip 'I. ami niii iln !'• mi tl. • iir,ii'r<. a'll p liiin iiiw.uil. Hquiilisiani I't'iini iif iiiiiMlii rainlal r.i> s iniil ii|i|ii'r ani^ln uf )iriMi|iiTi'li*. BquiiliHlant ri'iiiii li.i.w 111 iiiiililli' rainlal r.iv-t anil |iii->ti'i'iiii' iiiiiri;iu uf cyi'. Ki'siclDs till- iibi'vi- tlioi'i' ari- fniir with 17.^ and rays; rifvi-u with ixi; twoiilv with I'Ji; t^lovfu witli 20\; livf with :.'li: on- witli 'JJi; una witii 2.i\. Tlio lar;;fst iniiiihiT ot .s|i('.riiiieiis with iiirrt'as.'il anal rays wi'if siiiall iiulividiials, jihout Til mm. 1'in;^. 37. Leuciaciis balteatiis lateralis .(Jiruiili. Tlif sperimnis of this siilisin-fii-s iVom Ihc (liilereiit lociiliti«-8 will be cousidfrcd .separately. 1. Sicitmoiin. A iimnhrriif tho spi'i-iinciis contain lari^i- wnniis. i;i;,'lit spi'i'iiiieus examiiiril show the t'ollowin;; mi'iisiirt'iui'iits: , Synopsis No. I.tii;:tli. Itoria! Anal. ."Sralps. Tri'tl.. I'o.^i(iiiii of ilorsiil. ' Ufptli. . s. r. im;.i , OrcK. ?i: I" Svn. Fish. N 'hiTc is!i (li>i rays. Ti ii inn; Ml) nun lot at all 'M- t.ofth arr li- ft is thirki 1 1? dclailt'il 1 1 (■ rrsl. 'I'll' H in I went \ niiitihi'i'. I ll' ■ variation- " .i-."i;) to ti:'. ■'! i, or 20*. nil'' ;i2 till I2\ 12i I2\ 12.5 12.* 12* 12* 12* Hi* 14* 17* ii'.S 18* Hi.* 17* lUil.i-fi ii-r>2-t! 14-(i2 7 12-ti'i-"i III (i2 ri 11-liiMi 11-'>!I ■) 11 (Jl .4-1. I .5 4. 2 . ."1-4. 2 . :■ 4 .-) ,").:! . .'1-4. I . ■>-4. 2 ,5-4.1 Ki'il inilistiiii't (• |ti i:i Ci i— 4 4* 4 I. ' Ei|iiiilistaut I'lmii Imxu >it' iniilille I'lmilal rays iiiiil uppi'r aii:;li' i>l |ii'i'Ii|iiti'Ii'. I Ki|iilili..^t:iiit t'riiin liasi- iil' iiillilli- caiiilal rays ami a puint ab ivr iiinlilli' ii' ptiinl, ' Ki|iiiili>taiit Iroiii luisi- ul' iiiidilli' caiulal niys ami ut'ilinit. I'll!' tola! iiiiinlii'r of spi-i'iniL'iis (.■olliH-ttiil at .Sicaiiiiins .'i'^. Thry havn tht; followiur; niiiiihi'r of anal rays: 1 has 11*; I! have l.'ii; 1:5 have 1(J;. ; 2.Sli:ivol7*; ShiivelS*; ."j hiiv(> l:ti. 'I'lii'si' ^incimi'us are a little more roliiist than those froni Mission an. I ar.' certainly more elou- jiate, the (li-pth in a niiiii'ier of th'in lieiii.; •''i-l| in the ieiiL'tli. I'liey are iiiorti coarsely and prnfiisely piini'late. Tliere is a coiispiciions lilimk lateral li.iinl. almve which there is in some specimens a narrow liirlit line aUovc which there is another darker shade. The ventral keel is niiideratiiy developed. In ail the normal pharyii'^eals e\aiiiined t'le tei-th in tlie main row were o-l. In one case the ti'i-tll are 2, Ti-."', :! wliii-h miy he a ca-^e of reversion. Tiiis is iini|iiiistionahly t'ae sperie> ii;;iived by (Jirard as /,'. Inh'rdlis. Tiie averai^o si/eof liic s|ieL'i- mcns is .smaller than tiiat ul' hulttalui. V. c. r. 1SSI4-S 114 IU'LLKTIN OF TIIF, UNITi:!) STATES I'ISM COMMISSION. L'. SptM'iiiiciis from llmsr u^^ Blodoii Sic.iiiiiiMis ill color mill proportiiiiis, liniiij^ iirolmWiy sli;;lilly iiii>ri> roiiiiir»««l itinl 'I"i|q, Cterego M;iii\ s| iiiiciis of tliii ;:i'iiiis iir« l>rij;lit sciiltt on tin- hIiIi"*. TIkti' with tiiki'ii in (.| ,.,.,, Liikf II >»pi-fiTiifiis Willi iiiiiil ni.VM ;is follow?*: :t wiili lU; 7 with l.">J; :i with Kil; 1 witli i „, , 75 iiiiii. or less in li-n«ili. TIim tectli in Ilio main row uii' in all Imt one doiilitfiil rase, ." i ,j, , ;t. Two spiciiiKiiH from Kniiilmtiin liavi- tlio kirl motlcniti'lv ilt'Vilopcil, tint tt'tith !•, ". ^^^^^^ ami •-', T)-:!. L'; tin- anal rays. 17^ ami \M. |,l ,, I, Oil"" Mpcfiiiiiii from AVr/7W»Ac lias tfclli L', .">-l, l; anal, !.">*; dipili I in l.nutli. ^ rforegoi ,">. (lolilfii. The |i'>sitioii of the ilorsal liii ilorfl not vary matrrially in aiis of the upccii; (y,,|| <>iiiimfrat*'il aliovi'. imr in ImUeiihiH. In all tlio Hpcciiiieiis e\aniiiu>il this tin was «><|niili>; from 1ia? ramlal ami trom a point from alioM- tin- niiilillt* of tin' ryr to ni'inh ocripnt. At (iolilcn I olitaim-il a niimlirr of Hporinirns in wliich tlnri' is very j;reat vaii.i ill this point. Till- (lorNul is ciiiiiilistant from liase of iniilillt> camlal rayH ami from posti- m.arnin of till- cyi' in omM'xtri'iiH' and from lit'liiml tin' ocripnt in tlm otlii-r. Tlio spci iin livini; in a milky liviT insteii 1 of a ilrar lake, as those at Sii'iimoiis, aii' iiiiich lijihtcr ami i iiniforni in color. The avcniijc nnnilicr of iinal rays is h'ss than in the ."^icainoiis spceinii i;. niav he seen from the fnllowiir^ tahh' : Mmsiiit mini III' iiiiiiiiiciiM I'ruM the Ciiliimhiii Jiifirat tioldiii, Jlrilixli Ciiliimbia. I!i'niiiik'<. I No. I.fiiitlh. Der-il. An;il. III.'. I'l'i'lli. Ili'pth. IIi'iiil. I'lisilliiii iil'ilia "III llepi littl IcilK in 1 1 horn thnii in tl :2. Onoorh: Htiiki hi rut 3. Balmo i Craii 1 11. '> i:'. .1 1U4 in ;i lii:i 11.^ 4 |i):l 11.'. 5 11. 't IJ,'. li '.I'.' II'. 7 !t| l:;'. H ".1 11.', !l ^-1 l--'k 111 ,*"J 11'. II *.\ II', IJ ~* II i;i :.! l;.'i u 7 J III'. 1.-. i;s lU I'i 117 i-Ji 17 ii.'i ii". H I'.J II'. ]:,\ i:'-n:;-ii j. .•.-i. i • :;j mi lu-iil .' 'J. .'i 4. I 4 l-<\ III .">."i-.'i L". ■) 4. .' 4 17* 12 5'J ' 'J, 4-.'., -J . 4! i:A .'.li 1.5-4, 1 I 4 I.-.; ' 4.', I7,i .'17 ■.'. 4-3,2 I :ij US 4 Hi': ' 4i, li'>\ ' 4', >"i i :'.; '•■^ n \:>}, ! 4 (u ' : 4 i7^ :!' i:<\ 4 17\ 4' n ii *\ *\ I! 4! 4.' n 4 i ) ih I I r) i:) '!> i:> I) I >■) rj I :i Kill nil. Kri'l cvlili'iit. 1)1.. Ho. Ki'il well mm Lt'il Kiel « ill ili'vrliiiii'il. Iviel nil. Kiel wi llilevi'lii|ii'il. Keel Miinely iviileiit. ICiel eviileiit Keel e\ lilclil Keel «ell ilevrliipeil. Keel motlrlllle. Keel welldi'Vi'loppil. Ho. Keel slioiii;. Do. Kiliiiill.tlaiit I'roiii> ol'uiiiMle imiuImI r.ivs aiiil o(;ei|iiit lini;iiifiln;; of sonleil r«i;ion). | t Ilorsal nearer liase (il'inlilille laiiilal rays Ilian iiril|iiit. * ; Kipiiilistaiit t'roiii liaie el' iniililli' ramlal r.ivsiiinl iipiier Miiule iir|ireii|ii>rile. ' Kiiiii'liHlanf Innii lia.(i- el' niiilille camlal r.iN^^aml iio>teriiir marjiin nl'iye. I'lie dorsal in this lot has one or two .sjiines. Twcnry-tiiree specimens taken at I. a (iramle, in tho (Jraml liomle Kiver, vary from:. lU8nini. in h'ii'.fth. Two have anal rays ll.i; six have 1.").;; eleven, lii} ; four, 17]. I'l H!-l; teeth til one specimen e\amimiil. l', ."i-l, 2; jieneral color ilark, markinus well (leliiii Tliirty-thrce sii'cimens from lioise Kiver at t'ahlwell show the ;nreatest variation in rays without any o'leat specialization in one niimher. They aro as follows: one witli two with l.')}; si\ with Iiij ; seven with 17.V: eioht with 181; seven with 10.< ; two with. auil one witli L'li. Thi'se specimens are rather Hat ami deep (depth '.if, to '.i'i), a]niroiicliiii. htiUrahiH in this respect as well as in the niimher of anal rays. They are rather jiale in > with the markinj^s not distinct. .Some of these .specimcn.s may lielon;j more jiropeil hiilliiihi.s, hilt I am not aUlo to detect any dili'erences save those nicntionud. The venlral ill most of tlicsoi siiceiiiicns is no mons evident than in specimens of L. mDiitaniin. Of nine specimens from rniatilla. Orejj., two have the anal rays l'\. four have l.-^ three, 2ill. 3B. Hiodou alosoides ( italinesi|iieK (inldiiji. Poplar, ahnndant ; I >. 11'^ or 12.^, coiiiitiiiK all i lateral line alioiit (id; depth, ;U to ;W. Thi.s species is very ahnndant in the \WA K'iv. \Viiiiiipe!i; the larijest s|ieeimeii seen measured 370 nun.; head, 4.i-."> in larojest speiii I li-IA. insmaller. L':!0 mm. i; depth ahontlV. It. Hi; .\.;51-:{7; lateral line, (il. This -|. ia here dried for the market; also taken at Hrandon and reported to me at .Medieini; llai .. the I '- be e> ill ci lir.'iii The ]iriili; tho-i and I 4. Thymall Hcale ill tl illellf dill.- 5. SalveliiJ Kpec mil] lai-.| The thosi arc Bpotj to I' Bpoll in ij .■we I Bnia| at Bpe' Bpei teetl froiil and few! KXI»[.»>KATI<»NS IN WI'.sTKHV A, KTC 115 II llllisr It I anil il>i{ II ill •■I ', ; I with ' ' r:i.-«', ." I tirtll •-'. ■■ IlK'tll. tlir Hprciii, IS «>i|lli(li>; to lU'ill'h It'llt Mil I.I lllll\ jMl^ll 'I'lio Bprciiii liter ami i' S N|>frili|i||. KlmI. l(>lll'll. I'||I|M'|I. fvlileiit. 'rinpi'il. I*. I'lopeil. n). , vary iVdin )iir, 17. U I'' S Wl'll (Iflilll variation in ,'s: Olio ■wiili I, ; two with I, a))|iroa('inii rlicr pale in ■ iioro propi'il Till' v*'iilr!il mils. our have In M>lllltill}r :|ll h.' Kcd K'iv iirj-est N|)i( I ()1. Tliis -I lediciiit' Hilt 19. Blodon tergiAUH l.c Sueur. \Viiiiii|i)"^, Krainlon. M)> OoreKoiuin williamsoiil liiranl. I'liis xiinieH is i'\tri>iiiely aliiiiulanr in tlir MirtHoiiri liivr nt, ( i^i^. It Wat a Nil I a l^ I'll at lilalm I 'alls in tlir Mia l\i' lti\ i-r, at I. a i iraii in tlir lira nil l>i>iiilt>; at iiolilrii, lilr\ rUt'ikr. anil rinatlllii in tlir ( iilnniliia li'ivrr; at (alilwi-ll in llir Hoixr Kivrr: ul ( iil^aiv anil It.iiil) in llir How liivn, whrrr it i.s rallril ^riiN liuK, anil at Siriiinnu.s in ShuNhwiip l.akf. 'I'ln'ri- are niiiiutr (liirnnnrH liriwrrii ilii> h|m>( inHuiii taken at dilVerrut |il,iri -, lint I am niial'le ti> iliKtinunisli s|irritii' iliarartrrM tn triijiralr tlieni. \X, Coregouiiu coulteri l'-i.;eiiniann iV l".inriiin:iiiii. Many spnini •iin, tin- lari;rst nira.siiriiiL; liCi nini., t'roin th«i Kii'kiiiK llorNe, itt Fiilil, llritiNli ( 'oliiniliia: one Mpecinien from (ioMni. Head, li-'i; depth. 4A-."»i; I>. 1(U-1U; A. IL'-IH; .Miilen 7. ti(M!:t, 7 (to ventralsi. Ii.rin ratln r heavy, litt If elevati d tile cnout hroild, very hlnnt and diciirvod ; 'ireateMt de|itli nt head ec|iials its length I1-..H liie oprrile. Mmith low, the >miiit hiit little projeitinj;. maxillary reaeliint; eyo ill lari'i'ti Npoeinien. I'liither in the >malli'i' onrH. liye ri|nals .snniit. I in Inad. Supplemental bone a i-reseeiit. Iiill-rakers ni'irh a-, in iiilliiniiiioiii. liorHaNiind iiiial nliorler and higher tliaii in ivilliiiiiiHoiii. Seiili'H lari,'!'. dull ,^il\eiy ; the spots id' tlie youii:,' not Hit ronspieuoiiH an in lliosr lit witliiiiimini. Length nt lainrst Hpeeiineii to iii'i>{in of dorsal, (ix mm. i I'late tl.) 2. Oncorhyuchua tsciiawytscha Walhaiim. indden. II s|>iM'iiiii'iiM, the hir^ ll'i) mm. It'evef- Htoke.a lari^e nninliii nt' spi linnns, the lai^est I'-'H iniii. I. a (iranile, I speiimeii. Mission, the ■ liir>;e»t ICi mm. Kamlno|>H, I KpeeiiiHii. 3. Salmo niykisH W'allianm. ('al;;ar\. ISaiill, el Norte, Colorado, 'n ope of the Kin Cr.'inde spreimrll.s I enillit \!*\ rows nt' s. ales ; |)r. .Ionian eoiinted l.'i.'i In Did in those be ex.imined. In one ot' the Cali^arv speiiini ns I lind I. "id rows. In the shape ot' the head and in eo'.or the spt'iimeiis front Cal'^ary and llanlV are almoHt exaet reprodiietions of thu ll'u> (iraiide spei'iniriis. I tlierefort) see no reason why the t wn hIiouIiI ^founder ditleiviit naiiieH. The ijuestioii of the niimlier of speeies of trout doiis not appear settled as yet, nor is it jirnlialde that it will lie until all the trout are eaiinht. .spreimms t'rom Kamlnnp.s ditl'er Iroin thn-r from ( alu'aiy in ha vinj; slii;lit!.\ larger spots. I'hose I'lom (Jriiliii Lake have still lai'ner and nmre niinieions spots. 4. Thynmllus signifer oiitariensis \ alrnriennes. A siiiLjle sprriiiiri:, u'li; mm. loni;: I'. HI ; A. 12; Hialrs, !i|. ( 'rai^;, Montana. Tlii.s spnimeii dirii'is iVom the sperinieiis nhtaimd by .Inrdaii in the Madisnii l>i\er and at llnrsrthiid' Sprini;s, in the lar;;er scales, lieini; in this respeet idml ii-al w itii 1 he typieal xi'/Hz/i c, and i . liavini,' the Idaidi spots extend iinite to lielow the .soft till, fheroloinl tile dorsal is as de.scrilied liy .Ionian. 5. Salveliiius iianiaycush (\\'all(aiiiii>. <'al^t;ir.\ , li.iiiH', hevils Lake, (iolden, and K'evtdstoke. A Hpecie.s .i|' Siihi-lhiiis. |irnl);ili|y tn 1>« ret'eried to this speeies, reaehes a larjje si/e, a meter and more ;n Dm ils Lake, in the (anadiaii K'neky .Mountains I'ark. A |ili(dograjdi of om' of these lar.uer imliv idnai.s shows it to he every wlirir juofiiscly spotted on lieaii, .siiles. and haek. The spots are sii,4litly lar;;er on low er paits ol' .sides. Tliost) nf the head do not dilier frniii tho-'ie of the lindy. The dnrsal, caudal, and to some extent the anal. vnitralH. and pectorals, are also prnlnscly spottiMl. The largest Kpecimen olitailied im'a.siires alxnit liri mm. Tli« Bpots are much less numerous than in the photo<>;ra]ili and thoso of the head show a tendency to I'liiti'. Icavini;' a dark reticalatinn as a hack^^ionnd. .snt't dorsal, and caudal well Bpniti'd: anal and iiiii'i' surfaces of vrntra Is and pectnrals alsn spntted. The anal mai;.;iiied in finiit and ahnvc with while. In this iaiircr specimen the teeth of shaft of vomer are well developed. Ill ilic liow. into which llevils Lake lia.s an nutlet, and in the LIhnw there arc numermiH small trnu! w hich arc considered dist iiict from those in the lake The lariiest of those olitailied at llautV nicasnreil 'M>{) mm. in leiii^th. the rest from (^aljjary aro all smaller. In this Iar;{est Bpecimeii anil in all the smaller ones no teeth arc developed on the shaft of the vomer. In » Bpeciiinn alioiit l!(Ml mm. lonj;. tVoiii Lake .Nlichijian, the shaft of the vomer has well-developed teeth. 'I'liis would lend color to the poixilar helief those of the river are dili'erent from those of the hike. The river !«pecinien8 have smaller and mm h fewer spots, the dor.sals and caudal and inner surface of jiectorals are dusky without iudic.itions nf sjiots; there are few 01 no spots on the .V sjiecimeii 1(1.'> mm. loni; has these eharaiters still more eiu|)ha- ' liull. I". S. Fish (,'ciiii., IX. 50. |)1. vni, lii;. 7. 116 BULl.KTIN' OF THE I'NITKIi STATK8 FIBII COMMISSION. liii til nil • In nil III. rill iiol lia. mill lliiiill. A liinif ln'inl ill tin- riiiM-rnii \ 'h I'liliiTtiiui. 1.1) IllilcH rawt of Nrw \VfNtlllllli>ti-r. II. ('.. Iia^ tirlli nil I III' slialt til' tlif Miliii't' aii'i : luiiiitinriinh ( Walliaiiiii i. 46. Percopsis gtittatiia Aiin^si/. \\'liiiil)iff{, llraiiilon. lii-Kina, ^wllt (iirriiit, Mfilirliii- Hat H|ii'rii'M is aliiiiiilaiit ill aiiiiiiNt all Nlri'aiiiN lunii \\ iiiiii|i<'v: l an i iiiiiiicniiiN ami lar^i'i' in tin- I'l-nl, rlt-ar Ntii'aiiir'. Tlif );i'iicia nl' I'tnojmulii iiia.v bi- ili- t;ili»liuil a.s riilliiws: (l'lati*<). i i' iiiai';;in of |ii)'ii|ii'irji- w illi a Irw >liiiit Init .Htinim »|iiii('H; I'linii li< ili'i'|i Coi I 47. Columbia traiiBmoataiia Ki),'i'tiiiiaiiii iV I'liKcninaiin. rmatilla. il'lateii. i Culiuiihiii IriiiiKiiiiiiilaiia l°.iu;i'liliiaiiii tV KiK>'i>niaiiii. >i ii-iiri-, 1^!I2, 'JXi (rtnatilla, Or«'f;iiiii. Ilrail. :U-:!^ 'I! ill till- yoiinu I : ili'jith. .'U-.'I'i ( I in tin* yniiii;; i ; |). li.!l^; .\.li,liA: .srai" iiii\ '.*-!! til itl-T. Itoily riiiii|iai'ativi'ly ili'i'p, iIiiiniiI |ii'iilili- imiii- arrlinl than llii' vi-iitral, m.SS. Hlheos an aiiKlr at tin- iiri};iii nt' tlir iliirsal I'm: hiiIcs riiiii|iri'HH<-il, lainlal |M'iluiii'lr iiinst mi. i Lak HhiH't ami rliiililiy. ryo I'ljiial In .smmt, almiit I^j in ihu lirail. I''ir.' Npi'i III till' |iii|iil, si'i'imil K|ilm' iini'-halt' lrn;;lli ol' hi;nl, rrriirvi'il ami \»My ilri'|ily t'lonvi'il li w;i>i .Anal Hpiiii'.s .soiiH'what Inwrr than llir ilnrnal .'-piiir.s ; m-iiII'iiU irarhin^ |iaHt xi'lit. Na{>i K'^< Iho <'\r<')iliiiii III' iirri|iital >|iiiii', mmIiiI. Tran.slnccnt in lil'i-. ('ulm, ;;i-iii>rally .smutty S4. ■ttaeosl with thi'ri' I'DVN.s III' iniii'i- (ir li'.s.s oliliiii^ lilai'kiiih NiMittt, the iiil riimiiiiin lliriiii;[;hiiiit the .Viirth anil is mii' ol' ihi- pi-nniiiiriil lislii's. I'snally lallrd pike, the name iiirkeri'l heiii;; a)iplir(l ti> the two .spceies nf Sli:n> 49. Pygobteus pungitius Linna'iiN. Thix npecieM was olitamril in the ilear waters nt' the t/ii'.\| Kiver. It was not notieeil elsewhere. 50. Eucalia inconstauBKirllaml. (jii'A]i]ielle, li'e^iiiia, Swil't ('urieiii, Majile < 'reek, ('al.uar\ . I This speeirs is very aliiiiiilaiit at Ii'i'Kina Just lielow the ilam. 51. Etheobtoma giintheri I'.i^^eninanii iV Mi;;i;iimann. i'.UnnstoiKiKjiinlUiii I'i^'enniann iV Ki<;i'iiiiianii. Am. Nat. '.ttil!, IMiC', \iMnniiie;;: Cellar liapiii> Types: Three speciiiiens ."II. 50, anil (!<) mm. loiiji, Winnipeg;, Manitoha. Three speeimeiis I'riiin near Ceiiar Rajiiils. Iowa, I'ollecleil liy i^etli 1^. Meek. Premaxillaries not protraitile; ;;ill-ineiiihranei4 isearcely eoniit'eted; ventral line \vi median scales eiilarifeil; lateral line complete; jialate with well-developed teeth; dursal- 10; jireoperele entire; nape and hreasi, exieiit the median line, naked; cheeks .-ind i.| each with alioiit three Herie.s of lar;;e elenoid seales. This species is very closely ril;i A', (inin-d, I'roni which it dili'ers in tiie nnirorm si/e of" the scales on the cheeks ami oiieriles, etc. Head. 3!; depth, tlA : D. X-IH or II; A. ti. !li-lU; scales, 5-'>]> to ."il-." of /.'. ((.s/im; month modcr.'ite, the maxillary not e.\tciiilin>; lieyoinl anterior niarjjin ' iihoiit ;! in head; eye, ',i:\ in head; clucks with aliniit l'.') Iaij{e, strongly ctenoid seale.'^; ' Avilh siniil.-ir scales; ^ill-mcmlirancs much more eiinnected than in A', axiiro, tlw cmi:; not extending hack beyond middle of ilneks. Outer series of teeth considerably eiil:.. each Jaw. Uois.'il spines slender and hi;;li, sli^rlaly more than snout and eye in leiiui dorsal shorter and lower than the sjiinoiis. First anal spine hut little longer than ■ ])ectoral eijiials head less ojierciilar spine; ventrals but little shorter than )ieitoral.s, naked, a few scales aloiiK its inedian line, niid-ventnil line naked, the scales whri' ' ]iroli,ilily little if any larjfer than those of the sides; iiajie naked, as in A', uxjim. rransliicciit iiilili'; a dark stripe down and another down and forward from r lilack sjiot on liiimural rej^ion. .sides with ahout eiiihl dark siiots, which are narrox^.. riorpartof body, further apart ami lar<;er on tail; only the last three extemling .li" POllI is a iSiile Fins file 1 1.. ahoii aililji oil tj tail, lowil sea I J i5. BtheoH dartl coni on dor'l belli K. veij «.4. prol rarj nioJ ahil feJ doil ■nil \a| nuJ bhi bill Ba anl KXi'UoKATIuNs IN WKrtTKKN CANADA, KTC. 117 93. UN fliiir^ic littxriil liiH': \ itiiriA<-i< pliiiit; liiti'k ti>i«iti'm n'Kiiliirlv iiml inittini'tly nIiiiw '.m tliiiii III /.'. ii'itiit. S|MiiiiiiH witli II li|;ii-k N|tiit. lii'twniMi tin* lirHt twit or tlirt-n vitiiicH iiiiil lliTlinii- : ikiiotliiT lifiwfi'ii till- It.ntc* III' till- liiHt tlircf. Till* rKiiiaiiMlui' nt' llix liii. ;m vvi-ll an tlii' wilt. iirr iiii'i : ilni'titl. rei;iiliirlv ilotri'il: iMinlikl fiiiiiih liarnol, :i Mitik H|iot m iK liiii'ii"<, liiit it In proiiilliiy llil riii'j ill' I iiiiiiial iii<> xliri'iiiii-ii III /.. rii/' tiS. rr<'iiiit\ill.ii \ not |>, i-lii>)>ki«. mill o|iui('li>-< iiaUi-tl: lin-aMr aii liink; ii lilark liaiiil tlii'oiii:li iiiiilillit of h|iiiioii-« ilornal: iklHiiit llir<*«i olilii|iit> ItaiiiU on mdiV |>l'.l;i iH ilnr-^al ami oil tilt' i tiuilal. A Mark H|i rill- tliiii' H|M-iiiiii-iis riniii low .1 liill'iT ill no i-isi'iiliaU rioin tin- \Viniii|ti-t{ <<|it>rinii>n-<. In I'liiiii ||, tin- Miiiallrit I III mill, i llii< lilotilirH of tlii< mhIi"* an- lai'i;)i', ami tliun- ari< _,Coi I nitlici- liioail ilui-i'jmi'iM ot' thin <.|ti-rii-> wi-n- taUiMi jit Wln- iil|ii-'X ami II iiiiinlKT at llramlon. tin- la!'^i->t ot' wliii-li Is 7i) iniii. Imii;. rin'si- iln not ililli-r in iiiiv I'SM-ntiaU from H|i(>i'ini)'im rnlli-cti-il liy I'rof. S. M. Mrck in Iowa. 9theu8toma iiigiuin K'alini'si|iii-. S|ici-iiiii-iiH of thin Hpi-iio't takuii at \Vi>stli(Hiriit-. a trilnitaty of Lakii \Vihiii|lli- ilo not iliifii- liotn Hiii'i'iini'ii'i r<>!ii->'ti-il ill Imliana ainl Iowa. I \v.i-< iiifoi'mi-4iiiall >iti'i''ini-« mirth of i/ir.\|i|i(-ll)-. I'ln- saiin- iiil'oriuiition was j^ivi'ii nil- liy iiilii'is lit Itramloii. BUieoBtoma iowi« .ioiilan A M<-i-k. \l>iinilaiii at >wift ('iirri'iit. Tliis is ;i \ i-ry IM-Miitifiiliy coiori-il ilai'ti-r in lifi', I'ln- niaii* has tin- lia>o of ili- s|iiiions ilnrsal ilarU hlin-, aliovi- \\ hirli iH a iM-ly haiiil iiml tln-n ii narrnwci' ilaik iiiari{iii. .\ liri<;lit ll^ht-i;!'!' n spot aliosii |ii>i'toral. 8iili-H wiMi lihont iiini- dark-iji'i'ini Hpol -, tin- intt-i'H|iari-s silvi-ry wit I . iiMtyanil witli;;i'i'i-n .niiuIs, Fins of Mil' fi-inali' ni':ii'lv |ilaiii, tlio rusty spots of tin- .siili-s Wiuitin.t;. In tlir ali-oholii- spi-i-l- nit'iis till- paiti-ins of rolor aro si-rii to In- vi-ry varying. In .sniallt-r Kpurinn-iis tin r«' an- uhoiil iiiin- i|iilt>' i'<"^iilai liamis ; In iari^iT spi'iiini>ns \\\i\ Hiilcs licroiiiii niin'ii mot tlril hy tlii- iiililition of ilaiU .spots in llm int'-rspai'i-s. I'i'i'i|in-iilly tln-n- aii' i-iitnt niiiaiin A: Kii^i-nnianii, Elheoxliniiii •initpiiille Ki^iMiinanii \ Ki;i;eumann. .Viii. Nat. IMW, IHKi'. (^u'Appellr. Fort <^ii'.\)»pi-llt'. .V sinuli! spi-rinirii, l:{ nun. Tlii.s is thf nortln'vnniost itoint at xvliicli ilarti-i's havi- as \,'t li.-i-n takni. I'i'i-m i\illai ii's not inolrai-tilr; {^iilnn-mhranrs sraii-oly conni'i'tril -, M'litral liiii' with Ihr nn-iliaii srah-s not (>iilar with a t'rw scah's on its nppiT anuli'. This spt-ries is closely n-lati-d to E. ioifiv and I'. ji-'<>tiii'. diiVeriii'.; in the r.idi.i! formnla, scalt-s, etc. In sli.ipe it a|>pr"aehi-s very nearly /•.'. liwiv, lieini; iniirh slenih'rt-r thaii./'ii'iic. Head, t; di-pth, .">(; '». ix-!'; \. II, rtA. ."scales, S-,"i:!-7: lateral line develope 1 on l!t scales. Foiin similar to /•-'. iuu'r, its dornal prolih- notalilv less arcln-d, Its head lower and less compressiid. niore truly coiiii-. .Snout rather hliint. flm maxillary extemliiii; to anttM'ior niurein of pninl, ahont ;i in head. Fyt' moderate. ;S| in heail. Teetli in ^■('^y narrow hands, tlio outer series enlari^eii, Cheek.s with ahiiiii Msiuiil cycloid scales 'lorderiiiL; ilii; lower posturior portion of orldt; operch-s with a few scales. I s|»incs r.itln-r short and .still', rlie liiichest ei|ual to snout and or hit. Second ilorsal shorter lliaurnst. Iiase of anal much shorter than liase of secouil dorsal, not i-i|ual to gnont and eye. Pectoral ami veutrals a1iout(ii|nal in k-injth. .ilioiit equal to heail less operele. Xape and lireast naked; mid ventral lim- with small scales, ( color dusky, the !narkin){s rnucli less conspicuous than in iiiir:>\ \ dark shade downward from eye, another forw.ird; ii black spot liehind eye; a dusky rc;;ion on operi'le and on slionlders. Sides with about 8 dark blue liars, aUDrnatinii with rusty bars, t'le mari^ins of tliesi) 111 deliiKMl. .No blotches on back. Basal h:ilf of sjtiaous dorsal black, the rem.iiiulerhyaliiip. .Soft dorsal and caudal barred, aiml and venlrals hyaline, ]ii-ctorals dnskv. Hoiii. ti^ ; seal ventral, i most so. I line ilboiil ' (grooved lii ellt. Na)ii ly Hnintt\ *♦• III ill I row* at bc^;inllnL k h]lot (III II lined daik • nrn-iit, M" ]irouiiiiciil . iesof .S'(i:"> i.f the l^n'.Vl i,('iil.uar,\. I edar Kai)iil> eck. iitral liiif «i !t-th; dorsal-; iceks iiiid I'l ,■ closely rchi cheeks ami ■ -,")!.' to ."'I-.' ior iniii'fiiii ' loid scales; > ino, the ciiii: ih-rably eiil' . eye in leiiiii ineer tliaii - I jn-ctorals. icules wliev ' ilniini. ,vard friiiii <■ ire narrii\\.' xteiidiug id" 118 BULLKTIN OF TIIK IMTKD MTATKM lisll COMMISSION. S6 Peroa flaveaoeiia Mill hill. Aliiiinliiiit ni I iis ilnixal «lii>«.v\ with Ihi' ii-^iial lilink H| Snd ilor-ml, rumliil. iiml |MTt.,riil . i, likn lliii HJilit; liiiiil itmi MMitraN >. ll.iw with liiaiiy iliiik «|»iit-.. I>. \\ -I. IM. 58. Stizoatedioii caiiadenae grianum DoKay. \Viiiiii|HK, llraniloii. I'opliir. 59. Aplodlaotus grui -iteiia Kaliiii'^iiuiv WiiiiiiiH')^, alniinlaiit. 60. Cottus aaper ( KiiliitnlHtin i. .Mionioii, .SiraiiioiiH. Kaiiil'iniit, lirilliii l.uki-. itnvith the iiHiial tliii'k marking'*: I iihtaliicil two H|ir, fioiii a liltlr IiiukU (if rliMi- watiT wliic'h wi'ii' M'l-y iinii'li ilirkiT. flu' ura.v n-iiniiiliiu narrow stifaks ami s|ici|4 an m^ llii- ;;i> ;;ri>uni| lolur nl' lihuk Imtii on tin' Miili'.s ,ni. 61 Cottusbaiidi piuictulatiit *iill. ('rai<;, .Moniana. 62. CottiiB rhotheiid (It. .^inith). Two linn HiMTiniriiH nl' this siii-riin. Ii'o inin loii){. ami a iiiiin Miialli'i •■iiiH Will' i>litaini-raiiil)v Lati'tal lino ('oni))li-ti-. D. Nil or Viii, 17; > or i:ii. Sol'l ilnrsal ailnati' lii'hiinl. tlir iiii'iiil>rani' ixli'iiilin^ to in-ar r.inila). Color nl I H|ii'riiiM'im: Kol't ilmsal with olilii|ni' li;ii^, inost niarki'il oil lln- ray^; ramlal wiih aW Iar|i(*i liai's. Tlit' N|M'i'ii'.< in i|nili' < iiiniinin ul Itlaho l''all>. 63. Cottua philoiiipa I'.iKi'iiiiiann A i;i;;i iiniaiiii. Cothis iihiloiiiji'i F,i!;riiiiiann A l!ii;i'ninaiiii. .\iii. Nat. !«i:t, Ixiii'. I'icld. .•^I'Vt'iitt'fii spt'ciiMi'Us of a Ciillim wvn> taken in tin' ir,\ wati-rxif the Kirkiii;; llni'ti- ;.i 1 IS. ('. jli'ail.aliiiiit I'j-I in head. |). Mil or i\-lli to IX ; A. ii, i:t; V. i, I. I'l'iioral n i anal or past vriit cvi-n in lai';;rst H|H'rinirii!4. Anal i'i|iiiilistaiit from tip of hiioiiI ami of canilal or iirarrr I 'p of snoat. .\shy i;r.iy with M irkisli MntrlM'N. No wi'll-ili'lini'il ii..- (txci'pt .Mcni'tiini'-i iirar tin) t lil. l'rri|niMit ly a liiisUy lilotrh on anterior part of Npinoii>' ami aiiotlii'r lo'ar its p istcrior cml: tho lin sniiii'tiiiios wholly iliisky, niartrineil with ' I'rrtoials, soft ilcirHal, anil ramlal more or Irss liarn-il. 64. CottiiB oiiychus l'.i;;riiiiiaiiii A l':i;>('iimanii. Cotlun nniirliin Ki^i'iimaiin iV i;i;;i'iiin:iiiii. Am. .Nat., !M»;i, Isd'J. Caluary. A siii>;l(' .spiTiiiic'ii xj inin. Ion;; frniii ('al;{ary. This sjit'cie.s is cviilt'iitly closely reli I', piilliciiri^ (.1. A : vciilr.iN, i, 1; pectorals, |;{. Teeth on vomer, none on p.ili Width ot' lii'i 1 e (iials its li'n.;th to eirl of preojierc iilar .^iiiiie, its depth 'J in its length. opurcle wilh an ii|it-.inii!d claw-like spinu. bulow whiih ar- two others, iniich sniallf iiuterior oae having' its point tiinn' 1 d iwiiwird and forward. Kye l.V in snout, A in Kiliital, "> in heail. Maxillary not. reachin;; orliit. Sides ahovo the lateral liiu', wli complete, with .stilf prickles from lielow lirst spine to lielow the last dorsal ray ; jtriekli- the lateral line coniine.l to the alidominal ]iart. of tliu KJdes. JJorsalA connected li> mo.nbrane, tho rays inieh hiijher than the spines, IV^ Im lieuil. I'eetornli* reaeliiii>j ]ia^i its ray.s not Itranclu'd. .V dusky sp tt o:i lireast just lieliiml anterior end of ^ill-slits: <■■ surface, ineludin.'.; tin- vcntr.ils, otherwise) plain. .Vnal with ,'k fe-.v dusky wpoeks on its other tins barred; wiles an I iipp .t surfaces olive with darker npots. Threo dariv l>aml» soft dorsal; .a dark hanil.jiist in front of tli" caudal. 65. Iiota lota maculosa ( lii'Sueur I. Winnipeg, Crai^ .Miiiudant at Winnipeg. A Hiiiglt- s|m" was taken in the Missouri with hook and line. This sjiecies was rejiorted to ine at C.ii. wliero it is said to ascend the streams south of Calgary in groat iiiiinlters. A spci. "ling" was also reported to mo at (iolden * jiud again at .sieaiiioim. From the descr given it iiiiist he closely related to the sjtecies under consideration. It is said to i' length of l..")() 111. At, Sicainoiis they had this spec ies for dinner ju8t before I arrived, is the nearest I came to securing it on the Pueitiv slo]ic. •I have riic'Kiitly ici'i'ivi'd ;t Mii'-ciiiuMi t'nrii this pliii'e thrimsfh Mr. (rrnnii. It is iiliiutic;il with the Atlitiitiu 8lo|H' I ' AnroocMi.-. t Aoipanmr hIi Aflipanxer tr.i Aolpnllnrr III! hoaphlrln ii< li N'uturiin tl,i\ I IcIaluriiH pen lotlobus I > |>i' Carpimli's m'I C'atMrtitiiiiis II Dllllln H llilllS II CatoateiiiiM, < PanlMi.'i,...j.. Uitaoatohiii ill MasoatD'ii.i 111 HjrkoBii Minis AeroenriiiM ul PlaMphil'Sl'i Moliv|>i'<.i"i'>li Hotnpis lull Matro|iis ifiii Kalro|>iHilrlii' Notro|iiH iMi'Ui Nolropin -< lip Notra|iis ii'lm N-i>ii>>!ri Mrioe)>riliis< P^Wburlinh LnnetxiiH m LulMteeiiH ll\ Laiiaiacii'4 ii. LatMlaciiH III Hlotellllns Hiommti'i;; Uoragoniis » i Coragoii IIS I'll Congou I i.s C'oregotiiiH 1 1 SalnM iiivki- TliyiMllii.^ ' SalvellniiH im Onoorhyiii V«reop«li* i:ii Coimnbiii trii Lnciiia liiriii PygoateiiH pi EnoaUaiiK Ktbeoatoiiia < EtlMOatniiia KtbMMtlllllll I BtbMwtoiiia EthaMtoiiia I PanwIlHMsr StlMiat(«lii'ii aUMMtedii'ii AplodiliKtiis CuUna iLspi CoMualialrili Cottoa rlinil ColtMpliiloi Cottua uiiyi ' liOtalotii Miiii TiitiiU latcrmuNit taken by im EXI'LOl{ATlON> IN NVEhTtKN CANAi>A, KTC. 119 /((/.i«l>ii|rlii'Wiiri I iiliitiililii Kiiiu'i ( 'Hlllllltll.1 H|M-I'l)i*. 111 - ' * ^ ^ <- 3 *■_!-= *_5_: II- ? ;: ;: Cr is ? - ■/. S a -j i « u. ^il Ml.- Kiiiirl. t- -»• Aanorii'ti I triili'iiiiitii'* . Aelpanmi -.i u i m . . + . . / AnlpatiDir tiMiioiiioiiiJiiiiiii .. tl tl ▲elp'HIx'r iiHilltoxtiU .. II 11 MoayhlrliN III liiix |iliil,vrli.Vlii;ltim ■■ ' .., KotariiH il.tMiN . . ■ + ••■ Istatarii* pniiriutiM ' .' I iDtiobnxi i-iiMflla + '.. CrMrf»<-. Mlii.r + + .. ' + CatMt«iii>"< I iiii'.i.piim* •+- + |... -^ + I + . + •• CMMIuiiiii'' criHfim + ... + + ... . ftlWtl I I lllllrllH liiilim / + -t- ... , + I + + .(- 1' C»l>lt<>lllll-" ■ iMlllllillloIll I •♦- -f- .. )- ; + l -f ... + -t- ^ + •• • + PmImIi'iih jiinl.iiii ••■ +1 MolOatolii:! ;l 1 1 111 ill I III -t- ' + ■•■ + 1141111.1 ,IIU-llill< 4 |>|i>iill'l:lit. . Molmpln.ioiiiiiiii MetnpU In (• r>'li'|>l>t ' IfolfO|>iH i>'ti< illlllllit .. fflllfmiM ilrliciiKim t- I KolIOpi* nil tfiili'im + NolfOpls-'iiliiliriin + .+ 1- I Noifiplt.ii IIIIIU-' +...-r N-|ilil'ix LaMtBcn-* li.illi atiiH I lllrtil II I lialti atutliitrl'iillx .. HiQim iiiowiiiiiH -t- ... t- / ... HWUniri^itii^ + .. + Uori(onuH » illiaiiiKiiiil f- CoMfOllllsl'ullltl'I'i Cor^ouiiM I liiiK'Hiiriiii!) / CoregonuH lullilirn / / |.. .. 8«lmoiii.\ki-s .,. + + + + + \ I TliynutUii.^ HiuniiiiDiit.irii-iiBin ' + Sal^oliniiK ii.hIi / 4- + ... ■+■ ■^- Onoorhyiii Imx l-.rlia»ytiii:lia -.- t -i , )■ ... VeroopRix uiiitatiis t •• • + ■ . ^■', + I . • + ■ • ColiMBbiu tra Million (una 4- Lneiua Imius + +<+ ... /| t-i. ..'+... + Pygorteim iiiiii^itliifi + Bn«»M«4iiriiiistiiii>. + +\ +1+ ... + Ktheoatoiiia yiintlicri + ...... i... BtheiWtoiiia as|ini ... + ... -, ' ' ... KtbMMtuiiiii iiiu'riiiii -f- + +... ■•• BtbaMtoiiia invva- | +' I...| EthWWtoilia l|!!.l|ilirlll) -H .. .|... ' |.. . ParMflHM + +1 + + 1 + + + i + StllOBtwli'm lairKliMim' (iiim-illH.. 4 I + ' / SUMMtediiiii \iin'iiiii + + ..(+| I AplodinotiiH ^.Tiiiiiiiiiis t -•. Cottaa «M|ii'r + I -i CottMbainlliiunrliilatiiH CoMm rliiii liens i OattMpliiloiiip^ i ••••••! + liii.s 1... ...I.. .1 Lota lota iiiaciiUMU + K-J '... ; I 4- ( ... .' Totals 24 5 17 U 4';! ...lois U il 5 'J H 0 a H 8 4 H +1. U 7 8 + i + S 11 XBtom>i;atii>u iiiarkH iu ili*' tuMi- Hi;^iiit'v that tln' H]H'i'ii'.4 ar» |iiiilialilv t'luiiiil at ilie luralitiuH iuUicuted, but were uot taken by hh' 120 lU'LLKTIN' Ol' THK UNITi:!) STATKS FISH COMMISSION. OBSERVATIONS ON THE DISTRIBUTION OF THE SPECIES OBTAINED AND TH mfg. RELATION OF THE DIFFERENT RIVER FAUNiE EXAMINED TO EACH OTHKR Six of tilt' si\ty-fiv(' specit's ohtaiiiod arc foiiiitl oii both tlic cast ami west sin of the coiitiiiciit, l'(iiitost)'ii.s Jonldiii, Ci»riio)iHH irilliainsoiii, Snlnin iiiiihiss, Catoslniii catostinints, Snirfliinis iiaiiiaiiciisli, l.ota muritUtxn. {h'liiiiiclithifs tliilcis is rcconlcti Tn tlie Pa<'iti(' Slope. 1 ohraiiicd none.) Forty-two species were foninl in the \Vinni|)C};- system. Tliey are: r Acipi'iisi'i- siiii'io. IrtMliinis piinrtiiliis. Ii'tioliiis ('\ jniiii'llM. ('iir]iio(Ics \ clil'iT. ('MtiiKtiiiiiiis <':itiistiMiiiis. CilluslOlllllS cjiisciis. (jilo'^tomiis cimimcvsDiii. Miixdstoiiia iiiirroliiiii. Mi)\(i>t(iiiiii MMisiiriiin. I'illii'|ili:ilcs ])l(iinrl:is. Niitnipis jiiriliini. Niptni|iis lii'i('ri)lt>i>is. Nolnipis rt'lii'iihitiis. Ncilropis mcy;iilii]iH. Xotrniiis si'((|iit'i'riis. Niitriipisji'jnniis. N(itro|)iH iitlii'rinoiiles. i>liinii'litii\s (liilriN. II\li(>|isi'. stiinMiaiiiis. (oiii'siiis ilissiiiiillH. riiityjroliio jjiMi'ilis. Iliiidoli iiloMoiili'S. Ilioiloii Icinisiis. ( 'iiri'.u;i>iiiis \villi:iiiisoni. Salino iiiykisH. Sahi'liiiiis naiiiiiyi'usli. I'rrcopsis iiiittiitus. 1,114'iiis liicius. I'\ ^Kstt'iis )iiiii;;if iiiN. KiKMlia iiii'iMiHlMiis. l^tliiMiNtiiiiia ^iinllii'i'i. KtlHMisioina as)irti'(lii>ii caiiailt'iisc ; Sli/ostfilioii vilri'iiiii. ApliMliiioliis •^riiniiiciis. Coitus (Miycliiis. I.ota Iota iiiaciilosa. NOli'opis (li'liridsiis. I'-ijrlit of these species were IoiiimI in the SasUarchewan and not in the Ked l;i\ They arc: ('aliistiiiiius i;ris,i;al"pM. I'.tluMistoiiia iiiiiniin. Ilylioiisis stdrt'iiaiiiis. I'tlicostoina (|iiappi>ll<'. I'yitosii'iis piiiiLjitiiis. I'crca lla\ t'sccns. Ililu'iistoiiia u;iiiiiliis allicrimiidc-i. Ixliiiiii'lithys iliilcis. Coiicsiiis (lissiiiiilis. I'latyjiiibii) u;iaiilis. lliodoii alnsdidcs. ( ciriifdiiiis williaiiisoni. 'I"liymalliis .siii;iiifiT oiitai !■ I'.iit'alia iiicoiistaiis. Sti/(ist<'di(>ii canadt'iisc yi i- ( 'ottiis liairdi puiictiilaiii- I.ota lota inai'iilosa. Not urns llavns. Carpiodcs \ clil't'r. Catostoimis ijristMis. ( 'alostomiis coiiinirl'soiii. Miixostoiiia aiii't'oliiiii. Ilyliot;iiatliiis placita. Of these. Inir two s\)Vi'h'<. {liliiiiiclitliiis diilcis and I'lntift/ohio t/ntcilix) iWf i both at I'oplar and at <'iai,i;'. 'riiirtceii of the species taken in the Missonri aiei in the Saskatchewan basin. The s|>ecicsof the Saskatchewan, with the cxccjition of the new species. li;iv been taken in the ^[ississippi basin. Tlie Saskatchewan basin, therefore, can !■ se])arated from tin- .Mississippi basin by any positive characters. I T A (' (• I- A A A M Til C: M I't Tin also foi Coltiml Se\ from til ST Ah theAtI; niodilieJ rays oi' I into tspil in soniel slope s] ber of s| were it The m< from til aside fij Thf areun(J unable I rivers Thi theae fail ' Not I'ouinl in tlir \\ iiiiiipi'ii systi'iii ) AND TH are: ■I OTHl.R EM'I.OUATIONS LN WKSTKUN CANADA, l.TC. 121 Tho fiimilii's Ml" tin- >rississjpi»i liiisin not y<-t t'oiiiiii in tin' Siiskiitrlu'wau l)iisiii 1. I.i>!iisiislil(l:i'. •"'• Ali|l>lvii)>siil,f. !•. A(lliTilliil;i-. ll west sill '.'■'. '•• t';!'. in. Aplire.lo.lfii.lM'. ,,<'atostn, ;V (•ln,,..i.lx. T. nn..n.i... 11. S,.,.n.n..l:... ' , , . 4. l)()r..s..|iii.l:r. •'^ Alliruillhlir. 'conu'tl 111 Twenty two .sporinicns were tiikcu in tlic ( '(tlnnil>i;i. 'Plicy arc: .■Vniiiiooii'tfs triilciiiiitin. I'tycliochi'iliiM orfiiaiiriisis. .'^alvrliiiiis iiiMiia.vrnsli. Cut (Hi I II II us (II tost on Ills. l,»MiriHciis atiarins. < Iiicoi'IiviiiIiiih t sol i.iwvi sella. CaliiHtdiiiiis iiiai'r(>i'li('ilii>. I.i'iirisciis Iiyilrii|>lilii\. Ciililinliia traiisiiiniilaiia. '""*• l'aiilii.-ia t'aleala. SmIimc iii\ kiss. , [.ota lota iiiaeiilos,!. '""• Mvloelielllls enillllMlN. e. p])elle Till' (('II .sjiccii's t;ik«'ii ill tin' I' rase ystt'in an-: Catd.stomiis inaeidclieiliis l.eiieisriis li:, IcmIiis. Salmo iiiykiss. iileiise liii-i' , .\u(isia I'aleata sliiisw ap. l,i>iieisiiis Ualteatiis lateralis < liieorliviK'liiis tseliawvlselin. .,>,i,ii_ Myloelieihis caiiriiiiis Coresioiiiis williaiiisoiii. Cot tils Msper. iinii'iis. l'tyeli(ielieiliisiin't;oiieiisis. But one variety. .[(/osIk /'nlctitu slnisireries of Oiicitrliifiirliu.i and Aciitnisi r an' known I'loni tlie roluniliia and kie. from the Fraser whiili are not included in these iiuinbers. the Saskii! then its In STRUCTURAL PECULIARITIES OF THE FRESH- WATRR FISHES OF THE PACIFIC SLOPE. Almost every fainily of tishes iiaxiii,!;' representatives in the fresh waters of b l."» rays over Lciiriscm, sonie of species have aN reached the headwaters of the Cohunbia, but Jisiial habitat is the Atliiiii: slope. The jjenus Oiirorln/iwIiiiH has a similar increase of anal rays over Sahiio mii iSidfcliinis, wiiicli are jU'enera of wider distribution, some of the spe«'ies beiiiff fuiii; on the Atlantic, sonn- on tlie I'aciHe, and some on both slopes. On the other liaii TIii/iiikUus has a laruer number of dorsal rays than any racilie slope species. The clianj-e fiom rays to s])ines is seen in Arrhoplitcx. Molo, etc. It is inn- •strikinjjly marked in tiie chan.t>'e from Pircopnis to Vithimhia, the only known j>eiic; of t'.ie l*rrcnps(ibv. The former is conlined to tlie Atlantic;, the latter to the Parii slope. In tiie former, feelde unse<>,ineuted rays at the besinninji of th«' dorsal and the anal are deveiopi'il inti) stron.i;- sjiines in the latter. Long ago Prof. Cojii noficed a similar m (litication as to sjjines in Mvda. I'rof. Cojie says: As ciiii! of till' iii'ist valiiiible results derivcil froiii ;i .study ot" tlie i-ollectioiis, it jiiipear.s tli:it i ba.siii l)f■tllt^ Coloriiili) Uivcr is tins liiibitiit of ii isinall j;rou|> of lislics of tlie fauiily ^'upriiiidii; which in lie (mIIi'iI tlir I't.ttiophnn r. wliicli eiiibiM^cs tlircc jri-iici-ii — /'/<(r/(>y(/c(».'( Cope, l.i'indomvihi ('op*', iind .1/ Giriird. The ni'oup dillVrs IVdmi others oi tiie I'uinily in the ))osscssioii of two stron;; osseous i:iy- tliedi)rsMl (in, tlii', pistcriar of wliicli is let into !i groove in the hinder lace of the anterior wiilii lieiiij; coiissilicil with it, tiiiis coustitutinj; a coiiipoiiiid defensive Kj)ine. The rays of the veiiti;il: ^xce|)tinij till' first anil sfiDUil. are siiuilarl,\ iiiodilied. The greater jiart of tiieir length eoiisisl. an osseous dagiicr-shain'il spine, with ,nioo\ cd postericu' cd!;e, which overlaps the border of the suicr inif ray, Avlicii the tiu, like a fan, is closed up. Tlie arliiMilated jiorlion of the ray either einer<>cs li the groove below the fren acute ajjcx of the spine, or a|)]»cars ;is a coiitinuation of the apt^x it- * ' ■" IntiU'est attaclu^s to the I'Ui'iHjitiriniv as the only typ(! of lishes not known from other wiii- than those of the Colorado and Sail Luis basins. An interesting i-ondition is .seen in llystrrinaipm, tlie only fresh water gemi> the I'Jinhiotorithv. It is conlined to the Sacramento IJasin and has Hi to 18 dorsal spin as compared with 8 to 11 in the many marine geneni, rnfortunately this is the m available e.\ami)le of the chiiiige from salt to fresh water. I give here a detailed comparison of the rays of the I'acilic tishes as coiiij with their Atlantic relatives, from which it will be seen, as stated above, that in c\ family the modification is noticeable, although in many cases it is minute. As tli possible the western iind eastern representatives of the same forms are placed oppn to each other. ACIPKNSKUIU.K. iiii Species Acipi''i' IrJiiisinoQtiiiiiis. . Aci|M'ii.sci' iiicilii'Dsti'i.v ! Pacific t ilnpc. Anal. 1 2H-:t() 22 M Species. Atliiiiti), slope. 1 Uorsid. ^ Duraul. i Anal. 1 44-4S :i3-:).') 1 ' Acipcnscr stiiiio Acipciiscr riilticiiiHliis \ Acii»eiiser hrevirostris . .. 1 38 ■Ar, 41 27 20 22 * Cope & Yarrow, Wheeler's Surveys, chapter vi, Report upon the Collections of Fishes iii. in p')rtion9 of Nevada, Utah, California. Colorado, New Mexico, aiid Arizona. ^j^^Hj; I titndt' iiiK a have stil are seen u I molt' lull iiied t(t til II lU to :; s have ;\N tlie Atlaiiii r Suhtnt ;iii being tV>iir other liai li'ies. It is 111(1- lowii geiifi > the I'iicii ilorsal 1111(1 Prof. CdiK EXi'LOKATlONS IN WE^iTEUN CANA1>A, ETC. (ATOSTdMlK.K. [ Lowluinl .rv\\ iilili- ti) iniss llii- Kotky Mountiiins. I'm itir .sl(i|ii'. 123 SprriiH. Uursiil. Anal. >liurn>!). i V Not ri'iin SI iitiil (111 I'ui'itic i Slll|l)-. ' Ii'tiiiliiiH .. Cyi'lDptiw CiiliiHltimiiiii . \ I'lllllllSll'llS . I ( 'iltdStnlllUs. I Xyiiuiclit'ii . CIlUHIIliHteH . 10-I'J r;llll(i.sli'll» .., l(l-l'i <';ltn>ti.i Myliiclii'iliiH MyliiplianMlmi. .. I'tyi;lic»lii'iliis ^lila Lell^i^^l'.ll.s. I liifhardnoiniiit) I . (Tijjonial {Si/liilUlll) , iChfiiiiilii) MvloU'Uciis Liixnlinna... I.Hpiiloniuda . MimIu I'arifli' sliipi'. lli)l>.al. 10 111 H ri III- 'J 8 h or I) !>-lli lil-ll 11,7 II," 1-J 8 H « 8 9 0-10 li)-l!2 8 8 Id 7-10 7-8 11 0 8-10 (ii'iirra. 0 Canipoatonia. ( linmonins Oxyyeiiriiiii H\ liojrnathiis.. TiniciiliiiU'.t Kxii;,'lossiini . .. Ciii'lilii;;natlni.s Cliiila.. yutropijt Kiizynilia I'lii'iiai'oliiiis... ItliiniclilbvH... Hybopsis. . . CoiH'siiis . . l'laty;;oliio Sfinlitilua . LcnriscUH. {Clinnitoiiiui) .. ( Titjoinat [S'liialins) (Cliciiniliii MyliileiHiis llpSlipO'lllIllH Heuiiti'finia Xvteini'junnii Atlantic slopf. Dorsal. Anal. 8 7-8 7-8 8 7-8 ', 8 8 8 ( 8 0-7 8 1 or!) '--U 8 8 8 1 8 1 8 8 8 7-8 8 8 or 8 7-8 8-9 8-9 8-0 8 U 8 8 1 8 8 0 8 8 a 8-10 il-U ' 14 iu onu »p»ci(i%, iimially 7-0, in a lev. 10-12. t In this count, the two rmlimuutiiry spinos lire omiited. 124 BULLETIN OF THK UNITED STATES FISH COMMISSION. SAI..M()NII».K. (irlllTil. I'lliillc mImiio. il Doritiil. Aiiiil. I Atlantic Hliipe, DiirHiil. I Anal. ()ni'i>rli,\ iii'liii t . .'^alino Siilvfliinix !t-Il i:i-17 Snimo ll-rj 1(1-11' Salvi'liiiiiH . . il ; U-U I riiviiialhis*. I 11-1'.' 10 lt)-i:i I !»-1i •M I 11 ♦ ThymiilUii i< |inpli;il>ly iiii IJiniiiOiiii clriiicnl in the Ka«lrrn I'lMiiia CVrRINDKOXTID.E. This fiiinily of about rtfry .spccio.s i.s roproseiited on the Pacific slo]ie by but Ion: species. Many of the foniis are inariiie and only occasionally enter fresh water. T this class belonjjfs the only species of Fm«ii . Fiiiiiliilii.t... Giranliims Em|»'trii'litli,vs I'nuitic slii)i<^. Diirsal. Atinl. 10 lii-i:i 13 . 11 ll-i:i 1.1-1.- (Jiiii'ia. Joidaiiclla , T. 10-17 Cyiiriiiipilnn Fiiiiiliiliis Zyfimicitrs I.iicania (iaiiiliiisiii .Miilliinctiia I'dcilia (iiniiiliiiiis AtlHiiti <■ hIo]ip. Dorsal. Anal. T. 10-17 1,11-13 1(1-12 10-11 10-17 8-1,5 7-11 8-U 9-i;t 9-11 fi-0 7-11 i:i 1 7 4 t 9 (iASTKKOSTEID.K. Tlie s]H'ciesof those genera of (htstcrosfchhr having rei)resentatives on liotl: sl(i are iriveii in detail: Spcrii'S. I'aiitii- slop.'. Spciics, .Vtlantic Hlopi'. Dorsal. Anal. Dor.sal. Aniil. rytjostriis liiailiy|iii(l (J. calaiiliracliis (r. Illi( TOCC'lllialllS 1 a. \M.10 I, 111 III. ll-l:i l.iJorUi III, !l i:i I. IP IIII 111 I 7 Pyi:o.-i»iin'iit (;vei)ti()ii, since siniie ot'tlu^ jUencMof thisfiimily have iniicli loii^jcr liii>i than the only I'aeiUc slope represeatatixi'. as indi- cated hy the foUowing tabh*: llliliilii- uliijir i/iiniii irilliiiiil 1 1 jin >•! iilit'h I s mi llii I'aiijif itli'jti . y but Inn: water. T Leaviii;. p, with l\V(, est nniiilii; faniily: OpUtTll. I)iir.Hiil. Aniil. (Viitrairliim XI<.rXII.I-J • VII cir VIM, ir.. I'liniciviM Vl-vm,15 ' VI. IH. Clii'iiiiliiMlim X. (tor 10 Ill.Hi.rH. Aiinitliiirrlius VI. MP W ID KiiiMiu'aiilliii.H ' '.(iiXiS-U Ill IV.ti-l{]. Ml•sl(l;(lnislill^ \, HP III. I'J. h.-poiPPi'' X.lit r.' III.U-U. Mi- leMilts: •lie. Liinl. 11-13 10-11 8-15 «-U O-U T-U 7 4 U u lioth sldi"'! A II III, I.!t I,n<>rlO 1, 8 1. 8 I. H I, IIP 1, 8 LiK-iilil y ;iMii .spfc ii'S. Hill Mill. Aiiul. .\ri lin|iliii > iiiliiriiiiliis X HI. Ill ' \ II. !ii Atlaiilir sill Aiiililiiplilin I Ujir.stiis XI, 10 VI, lU (rivinji' ail increase of 2 spines in tiie dirsul and of 1 spine in tlie anal tor tiie Pacilic s!oi)e as eoinpaieil with tlie nearest allied species, and an absolnt*; jiain of 1 dorsal spine ovt.'r all tlic! otiic:' j-eneia of this family. As the coinparison on.uht obvi- ously ti) he limited li» thos(> ijeiier.i or closely related it'eiiera having:'' representatives on both sides, the contrast (l)et\v«'en vl*v7/(»^>//7r,s and AinhlopliUH) is very striking. the maxiiiiii (tstircst' »'' ■ crease <•!' *" (•iiTTiii.i:. In tliis genus the duisal and anal lays in dirt'erent spci-ies are as follows: ^Jirrlis. I'lii'ilii .sli)))r Alluiitir itlopi'. S]MM-it-S Diir.sal. as)>( T VIII, I\,nr \. ■jii. I '. srlliiscaiil'l \'I I. lis , ( '. cent i' \ 1 1 1, Ifi . spilMtii- \ 1 1 1, 17 . |Mi||iraris viscoslls :;riMllis VIII. l(i. •jdiioiilis VII, 17 .. l.i.lcoidrs VIII. 17. Iraiikliiii ...: VIII, 17. VII, lit VI 18. Anal. 12V 14' It ' ', riiniiiisiis ... VIII ... All It; 11 11 j A vi'iam' . . Av,..a-r . , \- 1 1 1 17,i . .- 14 ■ ... VII. 17 12. 126 HULLETIN OF THE I'NITEU STATES FISH COMMISSION. Sl'MMAin <»!•' rilE 1''(>UE(J(»IN(S COMI'AUISONS. 1. T\n' ViUiitU', . I npcnticr transmontiiu US hii"^ a iiiiixiiiiiiiii of 7 iiinii^ tlursal ijiys than iiiiy (»f the Atlantic spccirs. 2. In tlie VntostoiitltUv, wc have tli(> fjcuiis Xi/niiiclini with I to 2 inoio rays tlmn any of tlic Atlantic {,'i'neiii of (latostDiniiKr an^>v>/;/,s' and Notcm'ujonm with rays exceeding the usual number on tlie I'acilic slope. In this family both the modilications are found. 4. In the Sahiionithv, the species of the ;jenus Onotrliyiichun have 13 to 17 anal r.iy> while thehij;host number in the Atlatitic species leaches no more than 11 rays. Tlu/inaUiis, on the other hand, has a larger number of dorsal rays than any otlici Anu'rican salmonoid. ■~>. In the PercopNiihv, tlie fecbh', armature of PercnpHix is ehaiiged into the stnui; spines of (JoUtmhla. (5. In the (rdsteroxtrida; I'l/fiosteiis hrachi/podK and (ittnttroxfciis irillioinsoiii linw each 1 more dorsal spine than any of their Atlantic contjeners. 7. In the Cvntianh'uUv we have an absolute gain ot 1 dorsal spine over iii Atlantic slope genera, while the gain is 2 dorsal spines and I anal spine in ArchopliU as compared with its nearest relative AiHhloplifrs. 5. Finally in the Cottithv, ('off us ((sper reaches a higher number of dorsal spiin and rays and of anal rays than is ever reached in the numerous Atlantic slope spccii of this genus. Tlui average number of dorsal spines is I more on the L^aeitie slii|i. than on the Atlantic slope, while the average number of anal rays is higher by 2. These data fully warrant the statement made at the beginning of this chapteitli " almost every family of tishes havii g representatives in the fresh waters of both lii Atlantic and the I'aeilic slopes has one or more of its representatives modified in on or the other of two directions: Tiiere is either a larger number of rays or spinc> ;: the tins, or some of the rays have become modified into spines.'' bxte; DIl OF Vi obtain fl C' 8ii <:\ •For J ♦ Orilf Illtl and rav.> gJ C. ^1 RXri.oKATIONS IN VVKS'IKRN CANADA, ETC. 127 »rsiil vav's riiys tliaii ;h sptM ii> us. ail spi'cicv H, Lit rill id. a all liiiv< llUlllluM' Hi ;ot tliis \vi the usual 11(1. I anal r.i,v> rays. I any otiic; I the stroll; Dusoni hav JO over 111 An'hoplih orsal si)iiii jlope spciii 'aeitie slii]" ;her by -. chapter til, •s of both til »(lilie r EXTENT OF VARIATION BETWEEN THE PACIFIC SLOPE SPECIES OF THE DIFFERENT FAMILIES AS COMPARED WITH THE ATLANTIC SLOPE SPECIES OF THE SAME FAMILIES. ITtili/iii;; the (lata <'(»iiriiim'(l in tiif (letail('(l lists in the jiiXM^cdiii",' chapter, we obtain the toll()\vin<;: t'ilMlll.t*!^ IlltN'ill^ lidlh A tl.'ltit lr iilii) Pitt irir Sinlir spiM'JeM. ^VcilM'Ilseriilif : llit'licst liiiinliir 111 r.ivs Lowest iiiiiiibiT i>r r ivs . I'ai'itll' h||I|II'. AtlllMllI- rtlMpi'. Dnrxal. I Anil. IiniMiil. Aim!. llxliiif (if viiriiitiiiii. I illonlnliiiiiM- . Iliulirst iiiiinlx'r III' r.i.v^ . I.UWI'Hl llllllllllT of rit\M.. I'Ali'iit 111' \ aii.'iliiiii ('yiiiiniil;! lli^iirst niiiiilti-r lit' rjivM . I.owi-st iiiiinliiT III' riiN'^t.. Kxtiiit 111' viii iatiiiii . SaliiiiiiMilj' : lli;;lir^t iiiinilicr iil iii;. s Liiwi'si iinni)ii-r 111' nivs. r.xtriit iif > arialiiiii. ''viiiiiiiHliiutiil.r : lli;;liwt at uiinilii'i' III r.iVM. ;i;i :ui 11 27 '•■| h « ■' r,\ i:i 111 t 111 1 ■"» . , . . ;t ' . ... 1 11 'lO 10 , 14 ' T ' (1 I ;i ! !•. ;! n - 12 1 IT 11 ■2n ti5 11 u :i X u a — — ^• i:; ':' IT r. Kxti'iit I't' vnriatiiiii. *For iili\ inns icasons siilil'aiiiilii's ut' ('•itont'iiiii'ln- licit t'imiiil in I'aiilir wains ;in' nut taki n iiilo I'linsiili-rat inn. f Or it" 'Ac li-a\'i- out of riiiisiili'iMI iir.i Tln/.ihilhiv wi' .iltt.iiii ilnrsal ]'■',: anal II. In the toilowing .spiuy-rayed tislu-s the ('(Miiliination of hif;h('st niiiiilicr (if spines and rays need not occur in the same species: Families liaving Imtli Atiaiilii' ami I'm itir Slii|ic sperifs. Pacitir slope. .\il.'iiitir hIoju'. I Iloi-sal. Anal. linrsal. Anal. GaHteriisifidan: ]'Vj,'OStl'll.S— i ' llij.'hest iiiiiiilii-r of -.pint's anil lavs X, 1, 10 r.lO'IX.I. 0' I. 8 (iastiTostcns — liiu'hist nuinlirr 111 spiin's ami raws. I.owfsl uiiinliiT III spiin-s ami rays . IV, III 1.1(1 III. i:i 111.10 I. 7 III. 11 I. 10 I. H I'.xti-nt lit \ariat ion. I. :! Emalia IV.I. 10 i 1,10 A pi Itfs liiiai Uisli wattv ol Atlaiitir ciiiist) IV. U i I. 8 Total t'xtint of variation in < lasttiostticia' VIII, .') :i V'l, 4 Ceiitiaii liiil.i' loiilv a siu;;li- speiimcii t'uiiml on ratitiv slnpc). Cuttiila': Hitlliest niiinliiT of sjiinis ami rays X, 'Jn ' J I.tiwfsl niiinbcr of spims ami niyH \I!. 15 VIII, 18 VI, 15 14 il Extent of vuriatiou. Ill, r. II, 3 I 128 BULLKTIN OF THE I'XITKD STATEH FISH COMMISSION. Sin raiiiilv III- Hiilifiiiilly. Aripi'iiHciiilii' ... ('aloHtiiiiiiiiii*. . . . C'\ prill iilii' ,Siiliiiiiiiiil>r (',vpi'iii» of spci-ies were ^-reatcidii the Paeilic than on the Atlantic slope, but in most ca^ , .*"" the reverse is true, as niav 1m' seen from the following table: .^®" variatid seuHe lo tiie re^rj I>henoin fiesli-w! basin, li Atlanth iiiereu8e( offered b Hu8, whil For I tho Soiif i Ithatnditt iteeuljar t ^emarknb ho Amaz lave 7 do It 18 t ipecies fo uy preset minute III lore 80 t iff'ereuee.' onceive"i America, while others liaxe a decidedly Asiatic cast. .lc//> //.sv.'- and Oiir()ili!/iu-lnis are certainly of Asiatic (U'iyin. While 1 am not >i ciently aciiiiainted with Asiatic minnows to speak with certainty, .soiiu! of the <^n of miniows seem to have a decided Asiatic allinity. ]\Iany of ihe Ctifotitdiiiiiuv, the Ci/priiiiihr, and Salreli)iu,s, ArcliopliUs, and prlaiice. Iiave tlie anterici' dorsal rays srron;i ami spinous, while al! the Atlantic- slope >pccies have Iheiii weak and riidiinciitary. Another iiistame is the increased nniniicr ot rays in tiie lins ot' racilic slope lishes. Still another instance is oB'ered l»y the I't rcnp.siihv. ('uliniihln has stroll;;' -pnics in both the dor.sal and anal tins, while /Vc,(>/m/«. the .\tlantic slope <,^'niis, iias none. For the present purpose I want to restrict the incaiiin;; still further. In studying; ; the South Ainerican catlishcs, I tbiind tiiat all th*- .Viiia/onian species ot' tiie ;:<-nu.s Ltlantic. \IihatHdi(( have <» dorsal rays, whih' several of the southern forms have more. One I c()ndit lull peculiar to the La IMata has (!-'.(; another from the San I'^rancisco has 10 'ays. ."More nations in 'euiarkable still is the »'asc of I'sciKlDpimrhKhis ziniiiHVD. All the specimens taken in he Amazon have <> dorsal rays, whileofa iimaller numl)er taken liirthcr .south several lave 7 dorsal rays. seutcoiiditi' It is to variaticuis like the last, /. <■., variations within the spcci»'sor closely related have mall 11 pedes found in ditVerent hicalities within a restricted re;;ioii, that I want to contine sloi»e of Ni'iy present remarks. Variatiiuis within species are a matter of lines and curves, jinute nieasiirements, and shades of cohu': all matters ditlicidt to keep in mind, still I ain not m 'ore so to represent to others. All naturalist.s are aware of the existence of .sliyht of the ofii 'ff®rcu<*es peculiar to different localities, but sueli variations are usually luit va^-uely onceived l)y the observer, and still more va,!;uely by any one to whom the observer and proli; '*y attempt to ex])laiu them. 7 A ..Will, ;i The past summei I colle(!ted a large series of sitecimens of LvKrisrus and liuhnrtl- mim. These were taken in a number of dilVerent localities and in two separate ver systi'Mis. the ('olumbia and tiic I'raser. The localities extend from tide water t an elevation of 1,1I(I0 feet on tlie Kraser, and from 'MM to l.TOt) t'cct on the Columbia .'Stem. 1 have also examined a niimber of si>ccimens collei fed by l>r. .Ionian in tab. There weie in all H'.u; specimens which I was personally ahlc to examine. In lese speciiiu'iis the local vaiiations are so well marked that a ;;rapliic method of Mnonstratin^i' the variations i.s possibh'. Before attempting t(» explain the charts which illustrate this matter, it is ncces- ry to state that tliere iiave been known from tli two river systems two {groups or ■n era of ('i/ih-inidir haviiif;' elongate anal tins. lesc were h'itiiiis [hiiUcdtKs d lateralis] and a section of Lend. sens iiiioiitxinis, hi/droiihld.r, and iiilli). There are, st, ■variations which do away with the genus I\'ich. In tlif -;i'""l' "'' li>ii»'- hikI't roiisiili'iatioii tlio iiiin, varies within IL'. Now a wonl as to tlu' rliarts. Tlit' V('iti«iil lines on plates 7 ami H rt'pirsjMii niiiiiWcr nl i'.nal rays, iirjiiiiiiinj: on tin- Irl't with llu- lowest iiiiiiiIkm' ohst-rvi'd ami . in;: "11 tin- riuht witii (lie iiiyliest. A ci'rtaiii ln'i;;lit ( 1»>(> nun.) is taken to repi.. •' KHI jieieenr. Tiie liei;:lit ol tlie riii\t' oii each vertical line is made to represeii' jier cent oT specinieiis liaviny that paitieiilar niiinlter ol Ja\s expressed in iiiilliiiK ol' liei.ulit. Ill I lie talile lielow the iiiiiiilu'is ill the lieadiiijrs represent the imuihers of found in s|teeiiiieiisof /t*/c//'nv/««>«/«.v, and opposite each locality is jfiveii the iiiiiiil'co speeiineiis Iroin that locality possessiiiji ;he ^'iveii niiniber of rays. Thus rroin J. Falls. :,' specimens had Vlh rays in the anal, II speeimeiis had l.'JA rays, and I « lo mens had ! W rays. At the bottom is ;;iveii the nearest per cent that the sum h| yiveii e(»liimn bears to all the (3(K)) specimens examined. °**' »c l.iX'illlIV. Kl.-v.i I rm. I Niiinlif r of riivH lu tlii'uiiiil. lu. iiij. iiu. ii4..i:..i. nij. itj. iniJiQj. '.'oj. -jij. -i'l^. -iij. 2n gg. I'r"\ u IIi\ rl' t tttiintilittlS) riiltiiiihtd lia.\iii . •:e I 12 hU\Ui)l\i\U ihiithurhlox) 4 7r.' .... 2IU 4 |... LaOiiimIr ...'. •.'7811 ,....' 2 6 , 11 4 ... O.pI.I.ii •-' Tmip ....I 1 715 4,1 Calilw.ll •.' :tT'J I ...: 1 20 7 8 li.'VilHi.ilu' 1.47r) 1 1 fiiuilllla , ^iiiiJ ' ^ 1 5 I f '/((*■(• I- lUmiii. ' i ' III I (irilHii Liikc 1 90(i ! SicniiimiH 1 , :t()0 K<'inil(Mi|is 1, I3S Mi.tsiciii I :i 1 ,) 1 ... la 2H 8 Vvv rfiit-s. ..\ 2 1 7 ; la 9 1) 4 8 13 17 11 IL' 8 4 1 ... 1 1 u. •.:> 18 8 I 2 I 2 : 2 to- lO- o- Takinjiall thespe(;imeiis recorded (.'500), addiii},' the columns, and roprcseiitii. variations in the anal rays in a curve,* we find that there is a certain number ol •><> ders or peaks. Each of these rei»re.sents a distinct sjiecies or variety. The cMi iiiterji:radatioii can be measured Ity tlie deptli of the valley between any two i-'**" In well separated species the slopes of the two peaks would not meet. Now it v noticed that the depth of the valley between tlie two right peaks is (piite .sli and, ill fact, 1 lind the variation almost jierfect between L. ImUvntus and liitnul' two varieties reinesented by these two jteaks. The valley between the iiiiiM/ and the two on the left is deep. In other words, L, Uiicralis is well separated o- eharacter under consideration from L. InjdrophJo.r and uioutunim, the speci seiited by the i)eak to the left. On the other hand,tlu; latter species luerfr*' in' ° other jierfectly in the number of rays. I have represented in a double curve or composite photograph, as it wciv - liy Mil ()vt'isi;;lit tliis curve han been omittetl. Tlie ln'i.i,'lit of tlio cnrve in niilliiiit'tiM-- ii 3- poiiits i.s iii(lici(tc iiimitxTs at tlm 1 ottoiii i'*" lie talde. With thisc the curve i:n • coustriicteil Ijy usiug iLe liucs of plate 7 or plate J5. 9- lO uoc>j elow ore (fivJ tlxcil w tlic null- 70- 'i'|)rt'! ai 0 oirve t I Plate 7. (iiilliii Like: altitiiilf, l.'.MMt IV. I. Siciiinons : iiltitlldr. l,:t(H( left. Mi>Ni(>ii: :illitu. 1 fixii. 10 II 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 ZZ 23 2a LOCALITY CURVES OF THE ANAL FIN OF LEUCISCUS LATERALIS AND BALTEATUS IN THE FRASER BASIN. elowaregiren the .iiiiil luys, ii:i tlir Icl't tlic iicii'i'iits to lntl. Tlu" ciii'ves iviircsiMit the jK-rcfUts of siit'cimens having the (j'veii iiumlxM of anal vnys. At :\lissi<)ii tin- 5,'riNiti'st peri'i'iit Imvi' I'.i iiiial ni.vs, at Siciiiiiniis 17, ami at (iriftlii Lake 15. r \o i F C IB"** tip'int- )r.i ir Wes»»iR C»p»'t*, otc .^tIi rnii« M-: PLAtt 8. Miiliii Vi\\U; jiltltilili i.;r.' f.'.i. i:r^ iM». II: :tllll>l'l<' 30 y\ r i"iii,.!iihi. .■.iiiiu.i.' .»" > il 11 s lor uli till (iiii. ;iit' pro li.rj iiiid oth Clll' tlie. lo\V( spec IIUIII but witli .Miss inovi imiit not > sloiK of r;i r tioiis iiiliiil IdalK uitli 'I vatio as in ui'cati r tioii.s uilii ^ uliich uaiiisj the mi — t^'..-.. . ■- -^iA:Vi^u KXPLOUATION.S 1\ WKSTI'.K'N CANADA, I'/rc. i;u 7 1111(1 .S),tli(' Viiriatiuiis in rlicoii.' point, the iiiiiiihcr of ainil r;i\ s lor ciidi locality w hero iisiiHiciciit iimiihcrot' s|K'ciiiic!is wciv obtiiiiu'tl. If will h,> sc(M1 that wliilc the curves for different localities in some cases resenihle (»t]ier closely, there are no I \^ o uhich arecMictly alike. In other words. ea
  • ()(> feet. The \ariiitioii is seen to be much "greater in the locality, a fact which can not be entirely attributed to the greater number of specimens examiiu'd, for the viiriatloii fiom the normiil. wliicii is 19 niys. to a Iiiyher number of rays, is as great us the entire \ariation for the nex'. locality. in the second l(»cality a much lurger per cent have the normal nnmbei' of lays, but the normal number has been decreased to 17. The s])ecinu'ns from this locality, with two exeeptions, I have identilled us />. hitrntlls. Those from the first locality, .Mission, represent L, hidtiatiis. TIk^ third list is iiiten^sting from the tact that the normal number of rays is again moved two rays to the left. In other woids, the higher the altitude the fewer the luuuber of rays ai.d the narrower the limits of variation. Moreover, the curves are iitd s^mmetrieal lor any of the- three loealities, Imt in the aggregate the more gradual slope is on the side of an increased number of I'ays, a eouditiou which, considering the general variation of rays on the Pacilic Slope, seems to indicate that the number of rays of the si)ecies (d' this genus in the I-'raser system is increasing and that the increase is progressing from lower to higher altitudes. The curves for the Columlaa system (plate 8) are not so unanimous in their indica- tions. It will, however, be noticed that, with one exception, they show that the munberof rays decreases with the increase of the altitude,tlie highest jioint examined, Idalu) Falls, having the fewest rays. These specimens represent L. Iii/dnijtlilo.r. which, with moiitdinis, does not descend from the mountains or high jdateaus. The greatest vari..tion in this system was not at the lowest altitude, but at an ele- vation of-,;>7li feet. None ol'tlie curves ari^ symmetri(!al, but the asymmetry is again, as in the Fraser system, greater (Ui the right than on the left. The variation is again ureatcr toward the higher iinniber of lays ihan toward the lower. I am not aware that a similar attempt has been made before to reiiresent varia- tions between localities. While the curves here givt'U will no doultt vary slightly with every additional speeimen examined, the nature of the curve will prob.ibly not l)e greatly changed. Certainly the imjiortant jxmit. that each locality has a variety which in the aggregate is ditVerent from the variety <»f every otiier locality, can n(»t be iiaiusaid; nor are a-dtlitional spcrimens likely to overthrow the generalization that the nuin'wor of rays in the species considered decreases with the altitude. 132 BULLETIN (»F TIIL LNITED STATKS FlS^H COMMISSION. GENERAL SUMMARY OF THE RESULTS. The fish fiiuiia (tf tilt' whole ic^ioii triivciscd is poor in comiyarisoii with tliat of the streams of tilt- Oliio N'allt'V. I obtained in ail but (m species. al)out LM> pt-r eeiit ol' wliicli were new to science. 'I'liey belonj; to 11 families and In genera. In the Win nipej;' system. /. '., in the whole re;;ion drained by the tiibnfaries of liake Winnijie;:. only.! of the 10 families characterizing the Nearctic n-jiion were oi)tained. and the Pacitic Slope «'oiiiains only two. The followin,, notable additions to the knowledjie of th«' Noith American fann;i weie made b\ these explorations: 1. A species of l'initi>.stfiis { l'.coli(mhit(inis I'. Jonhiiii u\' t\ir Missouri) discovered on the I'acilic Slope. L'. \i)t urns fid n(.s found at the base of the Hoekies at (.'raij;", Mont. ;!. I'our new species of Xotrojiis added to the ea/it ( 'anailian fauna. 4. Two new species of Atjosia added to the I'acilic fauna. ■"). A new species of whitetish (6'(>/vy/»h/(.s' coitltcri) disct»vered in the Ivocky Moiin tain streams of a restricted rej;ion in Ihitish C%)lumbia. (). The fandlyof I'mopsithv found to have a reiiresentative on the l*aeiti«; Slope m the new genus Coliimhio. 7. Several species of E'heostoma found in Canada, among them two new species. 8. One new i'ottus [('. omjclntH) added to the fauna of the Saskatchewan. 0. A new Cottiis {<'. jtliilniiips) discovered in the Kicking Horse at Field. 10. A species of Loto reported both in the Columbia and the Fraser. A specimen .since secured from the Columbia. U. It was discovered that the tins of the fishes of the I'acilic Sloi)e vary from the tins of fishes of the Atlantic Slope in definite directions. 12. The extent of variation between the species of any given family of fishes on the l*aciiic coast was found to be greater than that between the species of the same family on the, Atlantic Slope. 1.'). RicliiirdsDiiiKs was ]»roved to be a subgenus of IjeiiciscKn. Its species were found to vary directly witii the locality. Kach locality examined has a variety which in the aggregate differs from the variety of every other locality. Ndti;.— NiiKc lliis iiiijier Iwi.s lit'eii put in type Drs. .loidan and Kvennann have placed the I'louls oC tlic I'isliu.s ot' Ni)rtli Ainerii'a in my liands, iiinl f lia\i' ailoptcd all the elianues in iionienclatiuc sii.njio.sted liy tlit'in up ti) Citpriii'uhv. I)r. .lordan Iimm also made many .suijfrestioiiH re^ardinj;- tin'