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Evkuiiaki 79375- TKICSS OK WTl.I.IAM H, Cl^OVi). VINr.LAND, N. J. PREFACE. Ill the jirofont state of uiyc!olo,<2;ii'a) kii()wle(l,ii'e, the elaHsiliention and description oi' tlie species of Xortii American Pyrenoniycetes is attended witli many diiliculties; eliiof among whicli is the fact tliat many ol' th(! piililishcd diagnoses are too iinjierfect to enahle one to recotfiii/.e the species, of wliich many ol" the types are either lost or practically inaccessilile. An examination of the Schwcinitzian Herha- riiim, at the Academy of Natural Sciences at rhiladeljihia, reveals the fact that about two hundred of the most valuable sficcies descril»cd in Schweinity/ Synopsis of North American Fungi arc not rei)resented in the lierbfirium at all, and that many of tlie s])eciniens still remaining are too meager or too imjierfcct to be of much service. Coming to the s[)ccics described by Berkeley & Curtis, the case is no better, but, as far as specimens are concerned, even worse, the ty])es being entirely beyond the reach of the ordinary student. Our knowlr^dge of these species is derived from the brief descriptions in Grevillea and the sup])lomentary notes by Dr. M. C. Cooke, who has also examined and determined, l)y coni])arison with the original types, many of the species included in the present work. 'Wo are also indebted to Di-s, Rehin, Winter, and Saccardo for the identilication of many doubtful species; Ijiit al)ove all to the many collectors who have furnished abundant material from all parts oi" the country, thus making it possible to give ail approximately comjjlete synopsis of the North American species of this extensive Order. The names of these contributors ajipear in con- nection with the species they have furnished. The name of Kavcnel is attached to most of the sj)ecies collected by him ami described by Berkeley A: Curtis in Grevillea; and Schweinitz or "'Schw." to his species publisheil in the Synopsis of North American Fungi. 11 Tlio system ol' diissilicittioii iidoptod (as stated elsewhere) is iiiaiidy that of Di'. Winter in liahenhorsfs Enjptnganien Flora ((pioted mostly in this vol. as "Die I'ilze";. Tiie system dillers from that of Saccnrdo in the Syllo^e, mainly in the dift'erent y Profossoi- 'l\ .1. I5uii'ill, of the University of Illinois, who wishes heie to express his tliaid. was willinj>- to undertake the editinu' of the Enj>:oncralIy, is pierctMl ul)o\c with a small, round opcniiiir (ostiohnn) winch i.s often more or less prolonu'cd, so as to form a short tuhe oi" Iteak. From the knver jiart, and olten Irom the sides of the itnier surface of the |ierithecium, si)rinment of the peri- thecia is often clothed with a hyphomycetous growth, producing aerial spoies (conidia). Also, accompanying or jjreceding the ascigcrous pci'ithecia, are others (spermogonia or pycnidia) [»roducing in their hymenial cavities sjiore.s (sporules) boi'ne on pedicels and not in asci. The conidia, spci-mogonia and pycnidia are supposed to be gener- icallj'^ connected with the ascigerous perithecia, but this matter is not yet well understood. Dr. Winter, whose svstematic arrangement we have mostlv adopted, divides th*^ Pyrenomycetes into the ibllowing suborders. 1. PERISPORIACE.E. Perithecia with the ostiolum obscure or wanting, coriaceous or brittle-carl »onaceous, opening irregularly, gen- erally without any stroma, but mostly seated on a well developed, superficial mycelium. 2. HVPOCREACE.'E. Perithecia with an ostiolum, and with- the stroma (when present) carnose or membi-anacco-cai'nose, and briglit colored (yellow, red, A'c). 3. SPH.ERIACK.ti. roritliceiii mostly with a distinct (»stioliiiii, of vnrioiis odiisistciicc, Uiit not ciiriiosc or ii.c'iiilti'iiiiiictMM'iiriiosc. Iti-own or Itliicix. Slroiua. wiicn picsont. not rai'nosc, dnrli colored outside, and ol'ttJii white within. 4. I)()THIDE.\('K.t]. .^tionia always present, not fleshy, Idack, or dark-c', septate, usually white, much intei'woven threads, which ox- tend widely over the epidermis of the host, adherinji' to it liy means (jf lisiustoria. Conidia simple, colorless, cylindrical, oval or ovate, liornc one above the other, on erect, simple, septate, colorless hypha*. Peri- thocia seated singly on the mycelium, memltranaceous, indehiscent, globose or sometimes dej)ressed, at first colorl(»ss, then yellow, becom- ing dark blown or black when mature, bearing various thi'ead-like, radiating appendages. Asci arising from the Itase of the perithecium. delicate, thin-walled, colorless, oblong, oval, ovate or suborbicular, usually i)edicellate, containing 2-8 sporidia, which arc simple, color- less, granular, oblong or oval. The Et't/Htpheie, commoidy known as "white mildews" or " blights," may be easily recognized by the white, dusty or web-like coating they ibrm on the leaves, or other succulent parts of many com- mon plants. They freijuently grow throughout the summer, but usually oidy reach their full development in the fall, when the j)eri- thecia, or little fruit-balls, may be seen by good unaided eyes, scattered over the whitened surface of the leaves. The very abundant mycelium consists of numerous slender, white or colorless, septate threads that branch widely, and extend over the leaf in every direction, freiiuently crossing and interlacing. These threads are usually pressed close to the host, but they do not them- selves enter it. They send out at intervals, however, short, sj)ecial branches called haustoria, that penetrate the epidermal cells, serving for the secure attachment of the fungus, and j)robably also for its* 8 iHtnrisliiiK'iir. Tliosc liimstorin jncsoiit sovornl foiiiin, mid tlicy me ol' 8(mic iinportiincc in the cliissiliriUioii of the spw-ios. In some (.'iiscrt tlio Iiiuistoi'imn siniiily • )nxists nfii siciulcr tiilx^ wliicli pciictrafcs tlic cpi- (icrinal cell of tlu! host, \, itliiii which it swells to an oval <»r clult-shiiiit'd sac. lilletl with <;riimilar pi-otoplasni. More often there is an externa! ai»iien(la,i:e or suekei', that ia jtressod close to the surface of the e]»ider- nial cell, and from this, or from near it on the mycelial thread, the iiaiistorinm proper takes its rise anti penetrates tlie e])idei'mis. This external appendaue may Ite smooth and entire, merely constituting a hemisphei'ieal on the mycelial thread, or, it uiay take the form of a Ihittencid disk with an indented marjiin. In the latter case It is said to l»e " lohed," in the former, "not lol)ed." The conidia, or asexual rejtroductive liodies, are cylindrical, oval or nearly orhicular, sim])le, colorless cells fdled with protoplasm. They are I'ormed l>y constriction at the ends ol" sliort, simple, erect, rather stout, sejjtate, colorless hranches of the niycolium, called fertile liyi)ha; or coindio})hores. A sei»tum forms near the end of the young hypha, and the walls at this point become constricted. The ccl' thus cut olf usually swells a little, and at length Aalls away as a matuie conidium. JJcfore this ha])pens, however, other constrictions have taken ))lace below, thus forming a chain of nearly mature conidia adhering end to end. Under favorable conditions they germinate (|uickly, .<ullelin of the Illinois State ]jaI)oratory of Natural Ifistory, Volume II, Article A' I, Pardsitlc Fungi of lUinoifn, oai't II, iiy T. ^. Burrill and F. S. Earle. has Itecn made tlie basis of tills woi'k. This bulletin was founded upon collections made in Illinois, mostly by A. H. Seymour who also made studies upon the si)ecies. ki;y to Tiir'; ckxkha. 1 Appendages to the pei-ithecia simple, and similar to the threads of the mycelium. - - - - 2. A])i>cndages various, readily distinguished from the mycelium. 3, Only one ascns in a perithecium. - - Sp/iu'j'otheca. Several asci in each i)ei'ithecium. - - - Eryslphe. Appendages branched at their tips. - ... 4, Ai)i)endages not branched. 5, 4. Only one ascus in a perithecium. - - Podosphmra. Several asci in each perithecium. - - Mlcrosphmra. 5. Appendages swollen at base, tips sti'aiglit. Phyllact'mia. 3 SPH^]ROTHE(l\, Lev. Ann. Si:i. Nat. Stries III, Tome XV, p. 138. Peritlioc'ia coiitaiiiiiiy only one asciis. Appciidaa-os siiiijilc tliroait-i, I.ev. in part, Ann. Sci. Nat. XV, p. 139. Sl'luctinhcca Hiimiili, IJurrill, Parasitic Fungi of Illinois, II, p. .)oo. ^Mostly liyj)oj)hyllons. Mycelium incon.spicuous or evanescent. Perithecia scattered, abundant, mostly rather small, 7')-!),") n, ^vall- texturo firm and compact, though thin, siirlace smooth, reticulations small, often obscure, usually loss than 15//; appendages slender, three ov more times as long as the diameter of the perithecium, usuallv col- oi'cd throughout Avhen mature, mostly free from the mycelium. Ascus broadly elliptical or suborbicular. Sporidia usually 8, large, averati"- ing 20 ft long. On Viola canina var. sylrestris, Geranium maculatum, G. Kichanhoni, G. iucisinn, Spircea, Physovarpus optdifolia, liubuft odoratuti, R. triflorus, R. drigosus, li. hispidifs, Geinn album, G. Virginian urn, G. macrophyllum, Fragaria, Potent ilia palustris. P. anserina, Poterium, Agrimonia Eupatoria, Gilia gracilis, G. linearis, Humulns hipidus. This species i)robably occurs on many other hosts, esjiecially upon other Rosacote, upon which the fungus has usually been identihed as S, Castagnei. Common throughout Xorth America east of the Rocky ^fountains. In California Dr. I larkness reports S. Castagnei on hop leaves. This is no doubt what is here called S. HumnU. It is exceedingly dilTicult to determine from literature upon what hosts S. ILiinidi occurs, Ijecause it is very rarely sei)arated from (i !ii S. Canto fjtiei in published listi«. The first niiiucd hosts arc those l])»(iU wliich th(> piinisite has been considered distinct liy Kai'le and the writei': the otlieis arc jriveii npon the anthoiity ol' the authors (|Uotcd. The distinction between tiie two species in (juestion is, however, ap[(arently real in the fact that the characteristically larjre, ii'reh in many cnses only the conidia are produced. On Geranium muriilatinn the cells of the wall of the jierithccium vary nuich, even in the same mount under the microscope, but the spo- ridia and other characteristics are those of y8. Ilnmuli. S. paniiosa, (Wallr.) Alpliiloniotplia paiinosa, Wallr. Verhand. d. Naturf. Freiiiide, I, p. 43. lirysihe par-osa, I,k. Specie-; I'laiit. VI, I, p. 104. Muiotiiim Kosaium, Grev. Scott. Crypt. FI. III. p. 164, fig. 2. Splmrotltcca paniiosa, I.ev. Ami. Sci. Nat. XV, p. 13S. MAcelium fibundant on the leaves, stems, ctc.,oiten sterile. Pori- thecia more often occurring on the branches, scattered, delicate, 90- 100 //, reticuialiions evident, small, 10-15 //; appendajics short and delicate, much interwoven with the mycelium, sometimes colored. Ascus large, delicate, ovate, expanding, when free from the pcrithecium, to a length greatei" than its diameter. Sporidia 8, large, 2!) n long. On liosa blatida, li. Arkatisana, li. Iiicida, li. kutnilix, li. imrviflom. Rather common from New England to Calilbrnia (llark- ness), and Texas (Jennings). Winter (Die Pilze, II, j). 20) and Saccardo (Syll. Fung. I, p. 2) describe this species with hyaline apijcndages; but Tulasnc (Select Fung. Carp. I, p. 208) descril)es them as colored. They frequently are colored in our specimens. De IJary (Morph. und Phys. der Pilze, II, p. 48) says "colorless or brown at base." S. Mali, (Duby). F.rysiphe Mali, Duby Bot. Gall. p. 86g. Sphinothcca leucotricha, K. & K. Jour. Myc. IV, p. 58. Spharotheca Mali, Burrill, (this publication). Amphigenous. Mycelium white, submembranaccous, persistent. Poritliot'ia few or nuiiioroiis, immersed in the mycelium, small 75-85 /^, glol)08e orsiiltjtyriform; appendaf^es of two kinds, in [)art rudimontary, lloccose, deo|»Iy colored, attached in a broad tuft to the smaller end of the i)yriform pcritliecium, the otiioi's strongly developed, rigid, straiglit or curved, continuous or sej)tate, simple or rarely forked at the extremity, deej)ly coIohmI at base, becoming j)alo outwardly, attaclied in a loose cluster op|)osite the rudimentary ones, 2-5 times the diameter of the j)erithccium. Ascusoval to std)globose. Sporidia 8, 20-30 fi long. On upjicr jtai'ts of tlie twigs of /*?//•«« Maltis, especially in nurs- eries of young trees, and ujton the suckers from old ones. Not appar- ently very frecpient but exceedingly al)undant at times, Mississippi Valley, and probably eastward. This exceedingly interesting species has not been well separated from PodoHphmni Oj'.yncdnthm which occui-s on the same host and to casual observation has nuTbh the same ai)pearance. In our species the tii)s of the I'trge ai)pendages are occasionally forked (once or even slightly twice), which again may have been confusing. But these vagiu', stiff branches are totally unlike the dichotomous divisions of PodoupJuvra, and otliei'wise the s})ecies are very distinct. The tuft of short, interwoven, rudimentary ai)})eiidages, like a dense cluster of short loots, is a very characteristic mai-k. There is still some doubt as to the name. Evidently Enjsiphe JTdJf, Moug. usuallv given as a varietv of ErysipJie adn?ica, (Fi'lc^ Syst. Myc. Ill, p. '245, Wallr. P^lora" Germ. IV, p. 755, A'c.) is a different thing, but Duby's description (Botanicon Gallicum I, j). 869) so Ihr as it goes, is sufficiently correct for our species. Enjslphe Mall, Duby, in Roumeguere's Fungi Galilei Exsiccati is a Sphcu- I'otheva, and seems to be the same as our plant, though the specimen examined was insufficient foi' satisfactory comparison. It is moreover scarcely possible that this host should have a solely American parasite of this kind upon it, hence the preference given in the nomenclature. S. iiiors-iivsp, (Soliw.) Erysiphe mors-xivce, Schw. Syn. N. Am. 2494. Sphtziotlu'ca mors-xiva:^ B. & C. Grevillea IV, p. 158. Mycelium abundant, at first white, becoming dark brown, densely covering the leaves, stems and fruit. Perithecia most abundant on the stems and fruit, densely aggregated, imbedded in the thick, felted mycelium, varialde in size, 19-120 //, dark brown, reticulations obscure; a])])endages short, delicate, hyaline or slightly colored, interwoven with and overrun by the dense mycelium. Ascus broadly elliptical, S-sjwred, both ascus and sporidia smaller than in 8. pan- nom. 8 On lilhe.s C>/nonhitf!. /j*. (jrarile, li. I'ntiiiuJifolimn, h*. divari- catvm var. irrigiimn, li.Jlor/dinii, li. vvd-rrispa, li. cereiiiii. Fioiii tlio eastern sealtuaid to Neliraska ( Wehlicr). and Montana (Anderson). In Herkelev's Notices ol' N. A. Fuiijii ((Jrevillea IV, 1>. loS) it is said to oeeur -'on jirapes.'" Fi'oin wliat we now know of tlie limitation ol" tlie speeies, tliis is ja'uliaMy ineorreet. This is tlie eoninion "a-ooselieriT mildew.'' It lias lieen roferred to >S'. p'lniiona. liut it is snllieientlv distinatiislied by its dense, dai'k- eoloi-ed mveoliuni, wliich is strikingly unlike that of most of the Ei'y»iphea'. S. Kpilobii. (Link.) JCiysi/'r I'.pilobii. Link. Species I'lp.iit.arniii VI, p. 102. PodosphiTnt \,Splui-iotltecit) I'.pihihii, Dc Bary Heitrage Ziir Morpli. und Pliys. A. I'ilzc. Ill, p. 4S. Amitliiiienous. Myeelium dense or araehnoid. Peritheeia densely agiiiegated, small 70-80 /i, eell-walls thin with evident retieulatitins: appendages not numerous, very distinct, deejily colored, septate, simple, slender, G-1 1 times the diameter of the peritliecium. Ascus oval, wall medium. Sporidia usually 8, 15-21 // long. On Ej)lh)hiiiiii ulpininii and I'J. voloyntnin, White Mts. (Farlow)- Wisconsin (Davis). Conidiiferous s]iecimens, ]ir()luil)ly of this species, have been collected in Illinois. Ap])arently rare. S. Castiij^nei, Lev. Synon.: Compare De Candolle Flore Franc. VI, p]). lOfi-lD.s, Wallr. Flora Germanica pp. Tf)3-7(). Halienhorst Deutschl. Ivrypt. Flora T, j). 230 ct sccj. It seems imi)ossilde to separate this sjiecies I'rom others in the numei'ous desci'ijitions by lliese and other authors. The name, as given above, is found in Aim. Sci. Nat. Ser. Ill, Tome XV, J). 139. Eri/nip/ie GentnUn' Scliw. N. Am. Fungi )». 2(!!), and EryHiphcfiiscata, B. & C. Grev. IV, [>. lol* belong to this species. Mycelium abundant and persistent or sometimes inconspicuous, occurring on eithei" (»r both sides of the leaves. Peritheeia abiuidant. scattei-ed or somewhat aggregated, small, usually aliout 75 it, but varying from fiO-lOi* ji. Texture soft, surface uneven, reticulations very large and irregular, 20-30 ti: a))jien(lages long, stout, usually colored throughout, but sometimes colorless, llexuous, somewhat uneven in width, more or less interwoven Avith the mycelium. Ascus rather small, elliptical or suborl»icular. Sporidia usually 8, small, about 15 n long. On Vernonia Novebonicensis, Eritjcron Canadensis, Coreop- sis aurea, C. arisfosa, Bidens f'rondosa, li. connata, E. cernua 9 divar!- lion tan a lea IV. :iio\v ot" rofoiTOcl io, . fJii'j/Hiiiitliciiio'nh's. /)'. ItljiiniKitd, CdCdh'd roil form it<. C. tithcrnxd. I'J rcchtltcs liivrdc'ifdVid. Il'nrdv'nuu. J'rcidiiithcs d/f/'.sxi/ttd. Ldvtticd. Tdrd.i'di'nm offiiiiidlc. PJilnx il irdricdid, II jjdinpln/lhnii Virf/iii/'- Clint. Vcroiiii-d Virciiiilcd, (icrdrdid (jrdiidijionu liriiiiclld viih/dris. PvilliiihirlK Idid-i'dldtd. Shcjdii'rdid drijciitcd. \n\ aliundant and widely distriliiited ovei- the continent, on many widely dilVerent hosts, it is. however, variahlc. and it is (|uite possible that some Ibrnis slioidd lie sejiai'ated as specifically distinct. Tliis is very dillirult to do on account of the intermediate ibi'nis in jierliaps <'very jiai'ticular. Koi- the dilVerences between this and N. Ilininili. see note appended to the lattei'. ^lost specimens on liosiircd' are easily determined as S. IlinmiVi. wliile in some otiiers this distinction is not so evident. The size oi' the jieritiiecia varies miicli on ditVei-ent hosts. — larti-er than the averaii'e on Ervrhtitcs and some other Co/nposiffr, smaller on Veroiilid. 'I'he a]i]tendaj>es vary imicli in color: sometimes they are nearly or quite hyaline, even when cei'tainly mature, lint moit' olten are tinged, sometimes dee])ly. throuti'hont their entire lenu'th. with lirown. I In liiiure 3, plate I, the u'crminal tube of a conidium is incor- rectly representeil as jienetrating a stoma, instead of ereejiinu" over the surface of the leal'. | S. ]iliyto|it6pliiln. Kell. A: Swinjjle. Journ. Mycol. 1 V. )>. 93. Amphigenous. Mycelium sparse. Conidia al)out 15 x 27 ii. I'eritliecia ulobular. dai'k eolorcMi. with obscure i-eticulations. and with wall ratliei- I'raiiih'. GO-S") it diam ; ajipendanes lew, hyaline or more ol'ten rnliginous, irrcuular, interwoven, sometimes septate, mostly longer than the diameter of the peritheeium. Aseus large, broad'y oval. Sp(M'idia 8, 18-35 // hmg. On Ccltis occidviifdJin atVeeted l)y a Phytoptus forming bushy- liranclied tufts ol' twigs. Tlie fungus grows upon these distorted l)rauchlets and ajiparently not elsewhere on the tree. Kansas (Keller- man and Swingle), and Illinois. Doubtless widely distributed, but not yet reported elsewhere. S. lanesti'ls. Hai'k. Trans. California Acad, of Sci. 1884, j). 20. Ilypophyllous. Mycelium abundant, lirm, I'eltdike, becoming dull eliocolate-brown. Conidia very firm, barrel-shaped, bidging much in the nnddle. Pcrithecia varial)lc, about 100 /i, wuU lined with a distinct, separable layer of hyaline cells: appendages none. Aseus elliptical, thick-walled excejit at sunnnit. Sporidia 8, oval or subglobose, about 20-24 ji long. 9 10 On Qiu'irtis (i(/r/foh'' stems. K. coinmuiiis, (\>'allr.) Alphititmoi l^hii iininiiiiiiis. hot luliilii, Wallr. in part, Vcrhandl. Natlirf. FrciiiKl. I. /■:> y.\if>i- (omiiiinii'i, iiiliiia, K.ibli. Dcut.sclil. Krypt. I'lora. /■'rysihe io»i»i inn's, I.k. in part. Jii y.siplii' .\iiiii!i\i;i,r, DC. I'lore I'raiic. VI, p. 105. /■:irKi/>/ii: I'isi. DC. 1. c. II, p. 27.). fii \sif>lir Ci>in'i>lviili\ DC. 1. c. II, p. 274. I-'iysi/thi- /'iilyfioiu', DC. I. c, II. p. 27,^. Ki Ysifilir CDiininnn's, Hr. Suinina Ves'. Scand. p. 4o(). F.rysiphr cumm inn's, Afai/ii, Ltv. in jxirt, Ann. Sci. Nat. .Ser. Ill, Tome XV. Amiihigenous. ^lycelium abundant, jiorsistent or sometimes! ovanesoent. Peritlu'cia varialde in size and r(.>ticulations: appiMula.ues variable in length, often loni?, lying on the mycelimn or more or Ics?; interwoven with it, usually ndored in pai't or tlii'ouuliout, luit occasion- ally all hyaline, sonietinu^ liranclied. Asci 4-S, or more. Sporidia mo.stly 4-8, variable in size. Very common from ocean to ocean on a very lariie number of host plants, among' which are the ftdlowing: Clematis V/rff/niana, C. ligiiHtk-ifolla. Anemone V/'iyhiktna, Ane/noneUa tJudlvtroides^ 11 'riiiil'irii'iiiii pal //(iniiniin. T. pnrpiirdscvus, Jtiinnnrnliis (' iinilidhii l*irtiin. I'/uiscohts prrc/iii/'s. J', hch'oliis. AiDjtlii- vdi'piVit iiinid)l('d, J)vxindiillnis hi-itdi ijldhiix. Aii'('ldnchl<'r dliiljhild. (J'J II of lie 1(1 /tic II II IK. (E. siiiiidfii, (K. dihicdiilis. 'I'lic Inriii oil Clciiidtin is I'cl'crrcd l»_v iiiitliors to E. tiniilis. (WiiUr.). or ;is oltcii wi'ittcii. E. forf/h's. Jiiiik. If scciiis :\ niistiikc to scpiinitc it IVoiii tlif otlicr foniis occiirriiii;' on lidiiiun-iiliti'cd'. some ol' wliicli liiivc ('(|iiiiily ioiiii' ii|i|i('ii(iim('s: csjicciiilly as m\ (Jlcindtis. tlicsc iirc riiiliiint and more or less iiitiTwovcn witli ihc inyrciiiini. as is nsiiai in E. coiiiiiniiiix, while in Kiiro|i('an s|i('('ini('iis of E. tortilis im Coniiis (I{al)li. V\\u'/\ I'lnrop. No. 'JC'J.'). .1. Kini/.c. Fiin<:i Sclccti Exsiec. No. .")77. <'tc.l. till' a|)|)('iiilaiit's arc rasciciilatc and assiirj!('iit. (Sec also 'i'lilasiic, Scl. Ktinu'. Carp. I. pp. 2l;)-21(i). 'i'lic foinis on Ln/iiiiiiiiosd'. etc.. arc ol'lcn rcl'orrf'd to E. Mniiii, Lev. Dc IJary (.Morpli. mid IMiys. dcr Pil/.c, III. p. 40) and 'i^ilasnc (I. ('. |). ill")) aiii'cc in coiisidcriiiii' tliis a synonyiii ol' E. ronniiniiis. Winter, liowevcr, (Die JMl/.c. II, ]». ;}1) retains E. Murtii and rciei's to it all I'oi'iiis liaviii^' liyaline a)i])ciidaiies : hut lio says that he cannot decide wlictlier this character is always constant and siillicient lor their separation, ("arel'iil exaiiiiiiation and comparison of tli<' hi'i'liariiiiii spci'iiiiciis specially nieiitioned liy Winter, show that this cliai'act<'r is not coiislant. lor some of those iziven liy him under E. Afdilii have distinctly colored appeiidau'cs. while in some of those ha /iii/i7i.\ Wallr. Vcrhandl N.Tt. I'^reuiulc, I, p. 31. /ii Vii/v lin litis, Link. Sp. Plant. VI, p.irt I, p. 3. Juy.siplic Ciinii. Diiby lUitan. (lall. II, p. 870. I\i yiiplh'. tortilis. I"ries Sy.-;t. Myc. Ill, p. 2.),^. nyi)Oi)hyllous. ^rycelium arachnoid. elVuse. evanescent. Peri- thcciii scattered, 80-100/^; ajipendagcs not numerous, about 8-1'), dark colored. Ilexuous. very lonu', 10-14 times the diameter of the m 12 l)oritlie(.-iiiiii, nsimllv riisciciiliilc l>y int'L«iiliirly liciiiiiiii:' riciir tlic Itnsc, Mini cliisUM't'il towiinls oiu' side, very distinct. rrniii the luyn'liimi. Asci 8-.') jK'dicclliitc. Spoiidiii 4-(!, *2'J-i}() ft lonji'. On CofHim sdiif/in'ucit, Missoiiii ('i'l'iiry iiiid (Jiillowiiy ). Tills is licit' included s(»lcly ii|i(iii tlic iiiitli(»iil_v Ldvcn. iind n|tpiii'- cntly npoii »iiic collcdion. In I'liiiopc the riiiiiiiis is coninion on llw siinic host, nnd ns this i- iilmndiiiit in cnllivjilion with lis, it is uctlicr |irol>iii>lc tliiil this piiriisitc iiiiiy iic rrc(|iiciitly loiind. 't is very distinct (roiii those Coriiis u\' J'J.riniiiniinlx with loiiu' ii|ipciid!tii('s. iis on C'fi'iiK/f/'ft. Tliest' liitlcf have indeed lieeii re'lcrird to h\ tortllls, cvidiMiMy liy niistakc. K. Ciclioiaceaiiim. DC. Floro Franc. II, p. 274. .Mfiliiliiiiiiiifi,ssa, linii itiiila, Wallr. VcrliaiKll. Naturf. Hniinile, IV. Alpliiliiiiiiii f>lia liiiiifiiiniu f>ii, Sclil. Verliaiiiil. Naturf. HrciimU', \II. \>. .)9. 1:1 \.\ihi- ctiiiiiiiiiiiis. liiiiipiiinu />a, (t,, in part lirysif'lii- .l>iihiiK\i(C, I'lihiiicr, I'lilniiis, .(.»//■;;/«;, Scllwcinil.!, Syn. N. Am. p. 270. /■:i iM/i/if /.iiiiii, Ann. Sci. Nat. NV, p. Uii. /Ciy.^ifi/ie s/tiK/icfu, II. iSi C. drcv. IV, p. i,5y. Aiiipliiii'cnoiis. Myceliuiii idMiiidant. persistent, haiistoiiii roniided, not lolied, I'critlieciii viiriidile ; iippeiidii^'es niinieroiis. mostly short, 1-2 times the diameter (*!' the peritliccinni, hyaline or mostly colored, much l»ciit and interwoven with the mycelium. Asci variaide. mostly numerous. 4 or o to 20. S]ioridia lai-jie, (piite unilbinily 2. I»ut occa- sionally varying' to 3, oi- even 4 (on liujelovid ') or (i). On NapO'd ih'oirii, Vcnioiifii X()rehorii<'v)i.sls. V. faiiciciihito, V. Jiiiklu'inif, Stevia, Eiipotoriitni jtiirfiincimt, J'J. pvrfolldfiiiii, Giitierrezld Euthmiiim, (ii'iiidvlki Hqiian'osd, Chfi/sojtsis rt'lfosd, BigeJorki Doinjldnii, li. ^jrdvcoh'iin \ar. alhicdulis, ISoliddfjo Jft't<- miir/'c/isf's, S. serotf'nd, »S. Cdiiddeiisls, S. iidnd, S. righla, S. ovcA- dcntdJii*, Anter ronxplvuiiH, A. conjinhoHUx, A. indrrop/n/IItis, A. oblo/K/ifoI/'us, A. cord ifoli IIS, A. tidijittifolliis, A. JJriniii/iondh', A. Iccv/Hy A. et'icoidcK, A. iiiidtljlonis, A. viiiiinonKH \\iv. J'oIIoIdxiih, A. ml/'cffof/'its, A. dlff'iiHHx, A. rommiddfus, A. jiinceus, A. hmyifolhm, A. fdlidcciis var. Hatoni, A. inohclfdfitK, A. ddsrctideus, A. at- nesvaus, Efiijcrou Cdnddcnu'ix, E. divdvlvdtds, E. utrigosiis, E. mdcniH(/nts, E. (/IdbcUns, E. rory/tdjosuti, E. dnHcria'foIhis, Inula Ileleniiini, tSif/)/uutii ferebhit/ihidcenni, Ini f'rtif('n('e/t><, I. xanthiifolid, Ainhmsiii trijidd, A. di'teiiu.sia;fhfkt, A. puilostdchyd,, Xdnthiiim sti'uimii'hun, X. Cd/iadense, liudheckiu orridcntalis, Helianthuti annuus, II. ri(jidu.s, II. (//•o.sse-.sermtas, II. GdlifofnlcHs. 1J I 18 //. (lurniiliohirs, //. .sfriniiostts. If. ihrajtrliil ns. tl. hiltvi . Jlvli- iindivlhi J'j>/ii//hiiii ]'!r- illniinni. II. Cdinnliiisv, Pliiiivl'm clrvinnfii. 7^ }friK.lrsli. Phh>,v ininiiiilnfii. J*. J)riiiiiininiillh Ci/ittH/foMsinii. /'Ji/iiiios/icfiiniiii 17/- (/hifcmtt. I'j . Jictlon'sklt, .yfrrtfiisiii Sihir!i'0 nsci. niiiny of wlilcli liiive 3-'), iiiid p<'rliii|)S mor(>, sporidla, iiiid tlie iipfienditii'es are short and almost hyaline. Taken l>y itsell'. it conM hardly Ite admitted, as helonuinu' to the present species. Ellis tV Kvei'hart (Motaiiical (idzcttc, XIV, p. 280), ])rovisionally propose the name K. sc/H/ltd lor it. lint on li'/zjcUtrid Dfuz/jJas'//. urowinu' with the precedinLi'. the run<>iis Is in all characttjristics the same, except that the sporidla are nnllormly 2, in the siH'clmens examined, and .-o reported liy others. 'I'lie asci are often as many as .'50 in lioth cases. — a nnmlier mncli ,lii' lamfitiicii flit, I,ev. in part. /■Ipysf/i/ii' /.ahiiititi urn, Clicv. Flora Paris, III. ]). .^So. /uy.sifi/if Cliiloiii's. ■icliw. Syii. N. Am. p. 2-u. I I Alll|illi;iVli(iii.-i. .Mvn'liiiin iililliKhllll. |ir|-istr|it. Iiiiiisluiiii (if the myccliiil tlii'(';nls loltcd. IN-rillH'riji xmirw liiil iiuiiiciiiilt'il, ;i|iprii(lin>'t'ft iiiiiiici'oii-', :ist of tin- liucky Mnuiitiiins iind in Mnntiinti I Ainlcison), liiil iHit ol'tcii (listin'jiiisln'il Ironi E. I'lflnunctiirnm in |Miliiisli('i| lists. It fiin sciiiiM'lv lit- -I'liiirjili'd IVnm llic Ijiltrr liy llic riiiii'iH'tcrs i>r tlif |)<'i'itliiTiii. lint till' ililVi'i'i-iii'i' in tlu' liniisturiti. lii'st IHiintiMJ (Mil liy l)i' ISmi'v (.MiiI'|iIi. lunl Tlivs. ilrr VW/r. III. |i. (It). <-iin Im' oIisci'VciI by lirsl soiikiiii:' ii iinilinii nl' the IimI' in liiiistir |i(it:isli mihI then I'cnioviiiii' ii little of tlii- inyirliiini li llii' slidr. Tln' itnillicei!! Mild ii|i|iciidiiL>'('s iii'i' ol'li'ii iiillirr MliIiIi'I' (•oIoi'imI iIimii is iisniil in A'. I 'ii-hot'iiifiii'iini. E. a;;f!;i'«*^ata, (IVck). Ill vut'liflhi aKK>''K>il'i. I'li'k .'^lli Ui.I> N V Sliilr Mils. Xiit. Ili>t, ]>. i\\. l-'.i ysifrlir afiiiiiXiilti. l''iir!o\v, Hull. Iliis-ry lilsl. II, i|n;Si, p. 22-. .Myfcliilln dense. I'eltdike. wliile. Inil lieeoliiinu: yidlowisli I'eii- llieciii very niiiiierdiis. ehtsely cniwded. <»|iiike, tliiek-Wiilled. with nitlier sniiill rells. IdO-lM) //: ii|i|ieiid:iiies very niiinerniis. inter- woven, liyiiliiie or iienrly so. riillier slender. .\sci iiniiierons, lO-f)!). oltlonu-oviite or soiiietiiiies luiriower. lliiek-wiilled. S|)oridiii crowded in the aseiis, oval, mostly l.'t-^O n. lonu'. On the I'ertile iiiiienis ol' Alinis scmihihi mid ol'.l. Incitiui. in iiiitiinin and .spriiiu'. Hcporti'd IVoiii Massiichiisetts (Farlow). New York ( I'eido, New .lersey and I*eniis\ Ivniiia ( Kllis); said to lie eoininon in these localities. 'I'lio u'eniis I'Jri/sijthcUd was iiidposed lor this when it was supposed there were no appendaiics. E. tlilia, Hark. Trans. Cal. Acad, of Sci. 1SS4, p. 41. Epiphylloiis. Myt'idinni coveiinii' orlticiilar s|)ots. priiinose, rnl-;iS n. Sporidia '1, ohlonn- elliptical, or .somewhat lioat-shaped, very laiiic sometimes iilliny the asd'us, 1 S-2U .\ 1*8-32 ii. On Quenuifi Ofjrifoh'n. California (Ilarkness). Tiiserted from paper l»y Dr. Ilarkness, read Iiel'oiv tlie Calil'ornia Academy of Sci- (Miccs, P'c^liruary 4, 1884. No specimens examined. In the oriuinal, EnjKlphdhi is given as an alternate t>;enus. 4 16 K. ;;raiiiiiiis, IK'. Kloiv Fninr. VI, p. KXI. Aiii|iliiii<'in>iH, hUcii <'|ii|ilivlloiis. Mvcf'liiiiii ilciisc. ffll-lilvc. ptT- sistt'iit. white or niiiy. soiiictiincs tintnl Ihowii. rciilln'rin inimciscil ill tilt' iiixcciiiiiii. li'W mid sciittcrnl or iiiiiiiy iiml rrowdt'd. driiicsscd. Iiirui'. iilioiil !!'_'■*» n (I.'(>-2').'» /<): ii|i|i('iidiiii'<'s iiiiincroiis. nillii-r sliorf. siiii|il(' or orciisioiiiillv lirjiiirlifd. riuid, liiit viirionsly nirNcd iiiid iiit<'r- woM'ii willi the myci'liiiin. liyaliiK' or liiili'd. Asci l(l-l2.'), oldoiiu- to ovid. |M'dic('lliitt'. Sporidiii s, or rarely 4. iimtiirin^- lute, ol'tcn only on olil idiiiit.-' ill the spriiiu'. Hli lirilindiiniii iriicirf'ornils. J*is ntiHlciisdtiiH, Tt'it- /film ri//i/iiri'. Coiiiiiioii. Miiss!icliiis«'tt-< to Ciilirorniii, mostly oliscrvcd in tlic coiiidiiil >ti\l<' {()/ih'i/iii imnillloiilrs. Link) in slindy plnccs, IN'rillicriii iisimlly lorniinu' only Intc in siininicr or iintnnin. and sporidia ninch liiti'r. In Montana. Iiowcvcr, llic I'oriiK'r have Immmi colltctrd in .Inly, and ripe sporidiji Dmnd in NovcinlM-r, or even earlier (Anderson). In ('alilornia it lias lieen lit' nccalor, Schw. Syn. N. Am. 2495. Uiiciiiula spiialis, Herk. Crypt. Hot. p. 26S, fig. 64. t'lichmla .Impe/ofisidh, Peck, Tmns. AUjany VII, p. 216. I'nciiiiila Aniryiiana, Howe, Hn-,sipli. V . S. Journ. Hot. 1S72. I'liciniila snhfusca, H. & C. (Ircv. IV, p. 160. I'm inula itini/oi, Burrill (this publication). t \ "il 16 Aiiiiilii'ji'iHiii- nr lii'i|iiciiil\ r|(i|ili\ lldii-. I'l'iilliciiii >.')-|i*0/<, • liiik liiciu II. njiiikc. icticiiliitioMS >iiiiill. liillii'i' fili-ciiiv ; ii|i|icii(|iiyt'.- Iroiii |i* or I- to 'JO or iiioii*. vjicn iiiL'' in IriiLitli li'iiin imrc iiiid ti liiiH' to liillf Of iiiiiic times till- flii, 'Irr ol' the |i«'|'irlir('|(iiii. culnicil Inr inure tllilli llilir tlieil- leliutli. Ill |itl\ sepliite. iMT;i»inliiii|y t'ollieil. li|i.- lousely iiljil -niiieu llilt ,-|iilii'l_V niileil. A-ei (i\ ale, |M'i|iic||!ite. Spo- I'iiliii I ti. \'ei V iiire on \iiie< (if eiilli\afei| viiiielies of lV//'.s luliriisra in llilti\(' I Ainei icjill I vilievjilil- .Mveelilim vel\ tllill. wllifi'll. W illl VeiT f .-liecies also tIe.»tlo\> llie rniit. — Scliw. I. r. On ]'ttls iifstii nils. ]'. vlnii-iii. V. luhnisvti, I', rijitirln ;\\\A V. I'liiit'iui. Aiii/tc/ops/.H i'K.sp/'(/ liiolouical phenonieiion. tlionuh similar peculiarities exist in regard to other species of I'linu'i in eoiitrasteij regions in our country. The plant vario eonsideralily, lait nearly or (piite as niiieli on leaves of Vitls as upon this on the one hand, and Aiiijx-lopnis sjieeies on the other. 'I'lic name most eommonly adojiled is V. s/i/rnh's, I'erk.. from the named liiiiire. without description, in iierkeley's introduction to Cryptoiiiiniic IJofany. lait siilisequently descrilieil in (ireviljea. Prior to the latter. Peck de.sciiiieil l^. Aiii/irlojisli/is. hence this name has lieen used in some cases for the specimens on liotli V/'t/'s and ^liii- pclojiHix since fiiii^i have lieen reco^-nized as the same species. l)Ut there is no reasoiialde doiiht that Schweinit/ had liefore him spi'cimeiis of this same species, and il' so, ids neiiiecte(| name must lie accepted. It siiould lie I'emembei'od tiiat lie worked beloro the era <»f the compound microscope, and his descrijttion is necessarily nicaii'oi'. i>ut it js correct as far as it li'oes. r. flexiiosa, IVck. Trans. All.any Inst. VII, p. 1U., Ilypopliyllons. Perithecia lar.ii'cd 10-12.") /<). dark.ojiake, lelicii- latlons oltscure: appenda;.a's immeruiis, 40 or moro. ahout oijualinu' the n I 1 17 Oiiiiiicti'i- i>r tlic |M>i'itlM'riiiiii. Ii.viiliiii'. ininiitrlv r()ii<:iM-iM><|. tliickrni'tl mill iiii'iiiiliirly llcMiniis towanl tlic fi)i. Ast-i nltoiit 10. oviitc (•!• pvfi- luriii. stroiiiilv iH'ilicrlliitc. S)i(iri(liii 3, siiiiill. l.'»-'j(t n lt»iii>uv(istiiinii)>. Ap- piiriiillv iKtf ((iii.iindi. Iiiit ic|i(Mlci| IVoiii New ^'oik il'cck), Illinois < Miirlf). Missuiiii ( hciin'tiio). Tlic .-| (•( i<'s is nisilv (Irtciiiiiiii'd Iiv the iiWnipt. u;ivv crooks in llic ontcr linirol'tlic n]i|icn(liii:cs. r. ciirlnatn. K. & W l-;iysi|ilici of tlic \\ S. in .lonin. Hot. 1S72. il\|('| liyllons or smicliiiKs niniiliijiciions. I'l'iitliccin very liirir*', (lcjirc,»sc(l. ].'(> 2'-')/i in ^rciitcst (liiinic't<'r, tcxlnic solt. reticulations very small and inciinlar: a| j cndiijii s very mm.i'Kins, slender, siniple, al'oal c(|nal to tlic diameter of tlic |ieritlieeiiiiii. liyaline, smooth, tips not >\\ollcn. ascending' IVom tlie njiper liali ol' tlie jicritlieeiam. Asei iiiimcrons. 14 or mor«', lon^' and slendei', olilonu' oi' nariowly ovate, pctlitellatc. aliont .'{<>. \ 7.') ii. ."-'poridia .\ 1.') /<. On Aiff J*cnin*ii1v('.) Ity its simple appeiidaii'cs and more iMiiiierous, very iiari'ow asei. In some specimens tla- mycelium is iiicons|)icuous, Imt in sjiccimens Ironi Massachusetts (."^cMiioiiri it is more aliiindaiit. The leaves alVected liy it can olten lie distiiijiiiishcd at a distance, as the areas covered liy it I'cmain jireen alter the rest ol' the leal' has assumed its autumnal tint. r. .Aiei'is, (DC.) /;)v.v//>/ic,lf(i;,\, DC. Flore Franc. VI, p. 104. Alphiliimorpha huvinis. Wallr. Vcrliaiidl, I. p. 3^, rncimila hiroynis. I,i-v. .\iiii. Sci. Nat. XV, p. 153. I'liiiiiiihi Aii'Hi, Sacc. Syll. I, p, S. Amiiliiiicnous. Mycelium varialde, «oniotimos in oons|»icuous. dense patches, sometimes }. soUR'tiiin'S (l-S. On S' n/'f/ra, S. ni(jia \nv. fohatu, S. a)ii//(/i/(t/(>i(l<'s, *S'. longifoJia, S. rosfratd, S. JforcxrruK. S. disvolor, S. hitiiiilin, S. jtctio- lai'is, IS. eoi'ihtta, IS. Ann. Sfi. Xat. Scr. III. T' ..c XV, \>. i (<(• Pei'illicciiim coiitaiiiinii' s»'V(M'al a>ci. A|)|)('ii(hviivs (Vcc (Voui tlic niyct'liuiii. aciculai-, acute at tlit' tip, alii'uptly swollf.'ii at liasc. P. sultiilta, (Reb.) Sclmiliiiin siiff'ullHiii, Reb. Flor. Ncom. p. 360. Eivsifii'ii: C'liiy'i, I'la.viiii, DC. I-lorc- I-'raiic. II, p. 27,^. Hi-ysifilii- -iiffaiis. Bivon. Stirp. rar. Sicii, III. ]). 197. Alphildiiiin t>lni i;iillalii. Wallr. Vtrli. Natiiil'. Hrcundc, I, p. 4.'. /■^t_rsi/!i\t;ii/(ii/ii, I.k. Spec. I'hiiil. VI, I, p. iih. ICrysibe.viillala, Fr. Syst. Mycol. III. p. 3.|.s. I'Inllacliiiiit CiUidiillci, C.rLv. IV, p i,iS. I'hylhuiiiiia iiiilldla., Ann. Sci. Nat. Slt. III. Tonif XV. Phyllacliiiia stijff'iilui. Sacc, Miclidia II, p. ^n. Mostly liypo}»liyllous. Mycoliinu al)niMlaiit, p<'rsist<'iit, or scant and ovanosctnit. Pcritlicoia very lar,u((. loO-'iT') //. wall tissue solt, cellular structure, and reticuiations ol»scuio; apju'udajics lew, usually 8-12, easily (h'taclied, liyaliiie, varyinj;? in leniitli Ironi less than, to throe or tour times the diameter of the perithecium. Asci 4 or o to 20 or more, ovate, pedicellate. Sporidia iioiiiially 2, occasionally 3 or 4, variable in size, mostly lai'u'e. On Maijtiolla (iciiiiunuta, Liriodettdrnn fiil/'jt/fent, Perheris, XantJtoxjibtni Aniericdiunn, Hex dccidiia. CchiKfriiK Kcnntfeiis, Acer siivrhitrlnniii. Di'.s/noiox- hatl, IlanioiiicJis Virf/iii/'ana, Fraxinus Auiencana, F . pubcscenn, F. I'lrid/'s, F. mmhucifolia, Asdephis Coriiuti, CotaJpa Kj)C'ciotM, C. hlgiioitioideK, Cor/ins Jfovida. C. cirrhiafa, C. xtoJoiilfcni. C. sericeit, C. piinivnldtd. Limits Anter/caiia, U. ahfta, Bctuhi jxipip rifera, B. nigni, B. orcidciitidix, Alnus scrvuhita, A. incdna, Cory- JiiH Aineriidtid, Oxfrya Virginicd, Cdxpinnn Cdi'oliniaiui, Qiierciis macrocdrpd, Q. t'librd, Q. vocrlned, Q. cocrincd var. tiiictorid, (^. fidrdtd, CdHtdnca sdf/'rd var. Aiiicr/'raitd, Fdr/Ks ferr it glued, Typha hitlfolia. This everywhere common species ]>resent^ many variations iu the ; i 21 ', OVllf<'. i/V/r,s, S. S, JK'fio- hit, I, P. ndlcciii)*. (Plate 3> rroin the I or sciuil ,v, iir-ually ■i than, to )!• .') to 20 y 3 or 4, eiift, Acer C. foiiien- .s- C'/iios- iihcscciis, ifcra, 0. hi jxipij- ini, Conj- Queiriis rfon'o, Q. a, Ti/pha ions ill tlie size of tlic pcritliccin. tlio Iciiiith of tlio a|)i)(Mi(liiircs. tlio luimlior iiixl siz(! ol' ilio iisci, and the size ol' tlic sjioridia : tint none of tii<'se I'oriiis seem constniit eiioiidi to .instily tlicii' separation. On Lh-UnhnnU-on the mycelium is usually ineonspicuous, tin' a|ipen(la()) asei are small and narrow. On Qucrnis the j)ei-i- tliceia ai'c verv lariic, and tlic lO-lo asei and the sporidia ai'e mueh larsi'er than oii [.'hniis. On Cori/ln.^ the jieritheeia are small, hut tin- apjicndaiies arc very lonu'. It is rcniarkaltlc lor the execcdinu'Iy u'reat diversitv ol' the host spceies which it alVects. Scarcely a deciduous leafed tree seems to he ]»roof au'ainst \t. 'J'he most pecnliai' thinu' in this connection is its a]t]iearancc on Ti/p/ia latifolia (Anderson. Journ. My col. V. )». 1'.)^). In a larii'c nundier of instances the ]ierithecia have a dense layer of short, branched, line. Iiyaline, radiatinu' hyi)li!V, totally distinct from the conspicuously liull»ous a|i|)endau'es. There are projections from the wall of the perithecium, issuing frcjm the lower side and formiiej.' a cushion-like mass. PODOSPH.^^^RA, Kiiiize. Mycol. HcfU- II, p. III. Perithecium c(jntaininij,' a sinjrle ascus. Appendages free from the mycelium, dichotomously Itranchcd at the end. P. Oxyiuantlias (DC.) (Plate 4) ICiysit>lii- il.iyaianthcc, UC. I'lore Frauc. VI, p. io6. Alf'hiliomnflux iluiiiiisliiui. Wallr. Flora Crypt. Germ. Ill, p. 753. Jiiysibi' cltimli-slhm, Lk. Spec. Plant. VI, I, p. 103. I'lHiiifpluFHi h'linzii, ilandislina, I.iv. Ann. Sci. Nat. Scr. Ill, Tonic XV, p. 19. J'odosphtsia initio), Howe, Torr. Hull. V, p. 3. Miciospluoa fiilvo-fiilciii, Cke. Grev. VI, p. no. i'odos/tlucia O.iyaiaiilliic, Dlly. Morpli. und Pliy.s. der Pjlze, III, p. 4S0. Amphigenous. Mycelium variable, often abundant, jjcrsistent. Perithecia (io-llO //, dark, ojtake, reticulations regular, a 1 tout 10-i.i •. evidiMit when young, scarcely observable when old, except by the un- even surface; aj)pendages 8-20, dark brown for more than half their length, frc(|uently septate, 1-4 times as long as the diameter of the perithecium, 3-5 times dichotomously forked, branches short, often swollen. tii)s recurved. Ascus lu-oadly elliptical or orbicular, about .oOxfiO n, thick walled. Sporidia u.sually 8. On Priiiiifs domesfica, P. Amoicana, P. Cerasiis, P. pnmila, P. Virgiiiiana. P. (h'liiissa, Spinca salfcifolkt, S. fomenfosa, S. DoiKjhmi var. dnmom, Pyriis M(dns, Crata'f/us Oxyacantha, C. (•occinea, C. totncutosa, C. punotnta, C. cnis-gidli, Amelayichier Canadensis, Diospyms Virginiana. '" ¥ II .1 Mi - 22 In Eiudiio three spoeies are doscriliod a? follows; I*. O.vijaninthu', (DC.) DHy. — Apiiciiihijivji S or iiioi'e, aliout e(iiial to the (liaiii(>ter ol' tlio pcritliecinni, staiidiiiji' erect on its upitei' surl'ace. On Crata'(/iii<, Sorhiifi and Jfesji/'/tis. I*, tridavtyhi, (Wallr.) J)J>y. — Appendaj^os 3-7, standing erect in a parallel Imndle on tln' summit ol" the perithceium. On Prnnvs sps. P. myi'tilliHO, (Si'hnliert) Kunze. — Ajipenda.ues G-10, arising Irom the ujtjier siniaee of the jieritlieeium, Imt radiating divergently or rcllexed. On Vacrinhim. European s])eeimens on the al)ove hosts show these distinguishing characters snilieiently well, but American specimens on Primus can- not l>c sejiaiated irom those on Cratrrf/tiK, etc. Tlieic ajjjiear to be none on Vacv'niiuin. Whatever may lie done with European I'ornis, the American ones must be considered one sjiecies. P. biiiiu'iuhtii, C. & P. Erysiphei of the V. S. Journ. Bot. 1872. Pk. 25th Kep. ].. i)4. Aniphigenous. Mycelium thin, arachnoid, rather persistent. Perithccia small, 70-90 /i, scattered; a]ij)endages 0-12. 3-5 times as long as the diameter of the perithceium, hyaline, with a conspicuous, widely spreading fork at the apex, each branch of whicii is sometimes divided. A sens glol)ose. Sjioridia mostly 18-21 /i long. On Ifdunimdis VtryiniuiK/, Massachusetts (Seymour), New York (Peck), Illinois (Waite). An easily recoginzed species, by the nni(|ue character of the tips of tlie appendages, which ai)i>ruach. though they arc easily ditVerent from those oi Unrrmthi Accr/'s. The mycelium shows much more on the upper suiface of the leaves, but is also conniion below. MICROSPH.ERA, Lev. Aim. Sci. N.-it. Ser. Ill, Tome XV, p. 3S1. Perithceium containing several asci. Ajipendages free from the mycelium, more or less dichotomously branched at the end. M. Meiiispeniii, Howe, liull. Torr. IJot. Club, V, p. 3. Epi])hyllous. Mycelium rather abundant, thin and wid.ely eflused, l)ut thickened in certain circular spots, of which there are usually not more than three or lour on a leaf. I'erithecia aggregated upon the special denser s})ots of the mycelium, otherwise remotely scattered, black, very variable in size, (50-115 /i diani; ajipendages not numer- ous, 8-15, rather rigid, tinted at base, exceedingly vaiiable in length and amount of branching, 1-7 times diameter of jierithecium in length and 1-7 times dichotomouslv branched, the l)ranches of the first 28 >ut. tM|iial ■ sui race. : oiect in UlUlit SJlS. >, iiiisiiiti' korgoiitly iiiuisliinjr I mis ciiii- 10.1 r to l>o i\n IbriiiP, (»t. 1872. tcrsistont. f) times as iis]>ii'ii()us. soiiiotiuu's sew Yoi'k )!" tlie tips (litVereiit 1 more on B from the ly efl'uscil, isually not upon the pciittcred, lot muner- in k'ligth 1 in length the first order sliort or often mueli eU^ngated, tho othei-s usually short and conipaet, tijjs strongly recurved, very ornate. Asci 1-6 or more, vari- able in shape and size. Sporidia 4-0. On Jft'/i/'.spenuiiiii Conadanne. Not freijuent. NeAv York to Towa (Ilolway). Kemarkahle for the variation in structure and size. In some pei'ithena only one aseus is found, while in others in the same nn'ero- scopica! preparation at least seven liave been seen. Tiie appendages on a singh' pt'rithecium are somewhat ((inal in length but are often exceedingly varialile in the division of tlie tij)S. Sonietiiiics there is f»nly a single fork with two (Mpial. straight, obtuse branches and again the exceedingly ornamental tij) fills the held of the microscojie with its comjilex scroIl-\V(»rk. M. Russellii, ("lliitoii, 2Gth Rep. X. Y. State ^lus. p. 80. Amiihigenous. Mycelium inconspicuous. Peritheeia small, 75- 100 //, delicate, reticulations regulai', distinct, altout 10 /< : aiiiicnd- ages 8-18, many times longer than the diameter of the pei'ithecium. n(l(ire(l lor half or two tliinis of their length, occasionally sej»tate. simple, bilid. or two or three times irregularly branched, bj-anchcs long, ol'ten distorted, ti|)S not swollen or recurved. Asci 4-8. Sp(»- ridia usually 4, small. On Oxalis rioI(ir<>a,iiw\ O. coriiiculata var. .stvivta. Not uncom- mon east of the Mississippi ; not re])orted westward. A well charac- terized sjiecies. M. Raveueiii, Bei'k. Grev. IV, p. IfiO. Am]ihigenous. Mycelium usually alamdant, ])ei'sistent. Pei-itlie- cia abundant, usually large, 100-130 //, reticulations snuill and irreg- ular, about 10 // ; appendages 10-20, somewhat roughened, usually hyaline, occasionally colored for a distance, the color ending at an a!)ruj>t line like a septum, once or twice as long as the diameter of the l)erithecium, o-7 times dichotomous, branches short, forming a more or less com])act head, tijjs usually acute ami recurved. Asci (5-10, fre- i|uently 8, ovate, pedicellate, about 45 x 60 //. Sporidia 4—6 (Saccardo says 8). On Axtvaguhis adsun/ciis, Lathynts palustns, Ghditsvhia triu- ra/if/ios, Vfi'ia Aiiicficaiia, V. Americana var. linearis. Katlier conunon and very Avidely distributed. It is rei)orted more often Irom the valley of the Mississippi and westward to Montana and Texas. 'M 24 M. dUI'iisa, ('. & I*. Enfiiplici of {'. S. in .lunni. df JJot. 1^72, 2otli Kcp. X. Y. Stntc Mils. ).. !>:. I'siinlly ('|(i|iliyll()ns. rcritlicciii scnttcicd, !)()-! -JO /<. diiik. (i|iakc, rotifulatioiis littlior t»li!«('iiio, 10-1') /i, iii»|)('ii times incjiuhirly or dielioto- inoiisly liianelied. liriinelies lonu' iun] dill'iisely spicadinii', not at all swollen up ceenrved. Asci 4—7, ovate, iiedicellate. rather small, oO- 35 x (10-0.') a. SjKiridia 4-.s, ni(»stly 4-5. On J}('siiio(lhnii finifsn'ii.s, D. viisjtidiitiiiH, 1). jKiiiiviihitiiiii, D. CiUKKhiisc. I). KeKsilifoliuin, Lespcth^ztf, viohtccii, L. /u't'fd, L. rujti- tiitn. TjiitJn/fUs nvliroh'iiciis. Vli'ia, and PhdHcohis pvri'iuiiH. Itepnrted from the eastoin seaeoast to Minnesota (Seymour) and Missoni'i ('i'i-aoy and fJalloway). It is aliiimlant and fre(|nent. and tlionuli varialile is well chai'actei'ized Ity the i-lonjiiited l>ranehes of the a])|iendai:'es. M. (ir4»s.siilai'iH>, (W'alli.) Alphiiimiitipliii /'nn'nlliila vnr. (hossiilnnir.W'aWr. Vcrh. N'.Uurf, Frciindcl, p. 40. AFici(isf>li,ria (hii>siil,i> i//. reticniations altont lo //: aj»)ienda;:es 10-20, once to twice as lon-tli. M. Svmphoi'k-ai'ni, Howe, IJull. Tori'. Uot. Chih. V, p. 3. Aniithigenous. Myt-diinn aimndant, persistent. Perithecia small. 80-100. /x, delicate, reticulations laruc rciiular, 15-20 jt: appendages 8-1(5, hyaline or slightly colored at liase, 2-4 times as long as the diameter of the jierithecium, 4-5 times dichotonious, Itranches short, compact, tips truncate, somewhat swollen, not recui'ved. Asci 4-10. small, 50 // long. Sporidia 4-(], small and narrow, 10-18 //. On iS'. raraitiosiis. Common across the c(»ntinent. Much like some forms of J/ V]>oinlii^»'s fiiiiii. livii- otoinoiisly !?))ori //, delicate, leticnlations reuular and distinit. alioiit l<>/<: apponda,!ies 12 oi- inore, al»ont etpial to the diameter of the peiitheeiiiin, colored thronjihout, ]»aler toward the tip, or the color stoppinu- at a distinct line like a septnni, 3 or 4 times diehotonionsly Itranched, primary liranehes loni;-, others shoi-t. ti])S ol»tiise, not re- curved. Asci seveial. Sporidia small, 10 .\ 1-') //. On Ci'phalunthvs occidental is, raw, Carolina (Cnrtis)? Illinois (Waite, I'ammel). In the specimens examined, the nnmlier ol'asci varied Irom four to six, and the sporidia in each seemed to lie aliont six, l)nt \vei<' jiooriy developed This lact is evidently characteristic of the species, though in some other species the ,* //, fragile: appendages (5-20, hyaline, smooth, slightly coloi-ed at base, 2 or 3 to as many as G times the diameter of the jterithecium, liranching various, usually 3 or 4 times forked, with the tips truncate or bilid, not recurved, occasionally more ornate, with tip distinctly i-ecurved. Asci 4-8. small and broad. al)out 40 X ,'»,') /z. Sporidia 4-G, small. On G(iyhiii.saciu rcsinoxo, Vacciiiintn l^eiinsylvdnicw)), V. Cona- ilciisc, V. vaciUaiiis,V. conjinhosiim, Andromeda , and Epitjcaa repcns. Kvidentiv not ol'teii collected. Massachnsctts (Sevmoni-) to Illinois: Xcw Jer.^ey (Arthur). This is a variable species, not only in the character of the myce- lium, l)ut in the length and Itrancliing of the appendages. In most cases the ti]is are swollen and not at all recurved. It has sometimes Iteen rel'erred to Evysiphe liocansc the a])pendages were not found to be lorked, l)ut careful search has revealed soi'e forked tips in all the sj)ecimeiis iit hand, incliKling those named Erysiphe by otIuM'S. More- over, in all cases the appi-ndages are still" and somewhat straight, not liaviiig tlie lloccose charactei- of tyjiical Eryniplie species. Peck re- jiorts that he has never seen what has been called Erysiphc Vaccinii. Schw., on Epigcea lepeus in fruit in New Yoi'k. but a specimen col- 4 i| III Jil^ 2(! lecU'd ill thill State sIm»\vnll. III. St. Lai). Nat. Hist. A'ol. F, No. 1, p. 58. Mostly ej>ipliyllons. Mycelium almndant. persistent, rreipiently coveriuii' the leaves lor some tinu^ helore<' appearance of peritheein, which are usually lew. thoiiiih occasionally alminlant, 1(>()-1'J(» ^«, re- tlcnlatioiis lar,i;('. (.'vident when yoiiiii;' : apppeiidau'es (1-12, sometimes more, 3— I times as loiiu' as the diameter of the peritliecinm. Iiyalino, slilitria I'.npliDihiic, B. & C. Orev. IV, p. i6o, Ami)lii;icnoiis. ^ryceliiim almndant, jiersistent. Peritliocia scat- tered, alamdant, usually small, 8(>-l()(> /i, ](ut often lara-er (120 //), texture soft, clastic, reticulations 10-15 ,«, fre( [uently ohsciii-e: ajipend- au'cs 15-20, very lonjr, 5-0 or more times the diametx'r of the peri- theeium, hyaline, often slightly tint(Ml at l)ase, irreti-ularly flcxuoiis ami often nodularly swollen, at lirst simple, then part of them liilid or 3 or 4 times dichotomons, iiraiiches lonii', lax, ti])s sometimes bifid, hut not swollen or recurved. Asci 4-S, freiiiiently G, pedicellate, 35-40 x 65 ft. Sporidia 4-0. On Euphorbia Prei^I//, E. iimrghvtta, E. coi'ollatu. This is a common species throiiuhout the country east of the Rocky Mountains. Easily recog'iiized h\ its very loiiir, nearly colorless aj)- pendaisres. Ert/i^iphe Euphoi'bid', TVck, is evidently this siime thing. The name seems to have been founded upon specimens in which the appendages were not branched. S7 <\\ foi'kcd to lie tnu' evidently ^'III Kep. (I in 1S70, cV- l»eck in o. I,).. 58. ri'e(|neiitly peiitlieeia, -1"J(>//, 10- soiiietiinos in. Iiyiiline. L'liO!* short, it(! and ro- lostly 4. onnnon in sey (Kllis). liivinu' it a ivos to I'all tliocia scat- er(120//), o; ajtpcnd- r the peri- Bxuous and ilid or 3 or fid, I)nt not c, 35-40 X the Rocky )h)rless ap- :aine thing. I which the i»l. Aliii, (IM\) A) 1V////C.-I/H/, liihiUr, DC. IMorc l-"riitic. VI. ji. i(>|. Alphiliimoiphii pcHhiUatii, W.allr. Vcrh.Ttiill. N.iturf. I'rtMiiulc 1, p. (o. J'.iysihi' piiiiiilhtla. l.k. Spic. Hlniit. VI, I. p. ii,v Kiysiplif t'ihiiiiii. I)ul)y. Hot. ("■all. II. p. N72. I'.rysiplie Cfitnollti, I'ihiiiiii, Syi iii,t,'(r, Scliw. N. .\. Kmi^fi, pp. 269, 270. A/iiiiisp/iifni /f,i/:i igii. Pfiiin'llii/ii. /•>;>.(//, I,ev. Ann. Soi. Nat. Ser. Ill, Tomo XV Afiitdiphiriit /'/ii/iiiii. Howf, Torr. Bun. V. p. .). Afuiospluna l'ihiii>ii. howi-, Torr Bull. V, p. 4,^, Miiiii\pli(na piiUliiii. C. iS; P. J-;r_\>iplici oft", S. in Journ. of Hot 1S7J. Miiiospli,eia-^.\fimipa'illiis. I'tck, ,,Mh Rep. N. Y. St.ate Mils p. 102. Mimnphina .Uiii. Winter, Die I'ilze II. p. ,^S. .Vnipliiaenons. Mycelium olteii delicate and evanescent, sonic- times alMindant ii 1 persistent. I'erithecia usually small, 75-100 /i. sometimes lariicr, 100-130 //, wall tissue compact. I'ather Irajrile, re- ticulations not larii'e. 10-15 ft: appendatt. Lo/iHX'fd xc III pervi reus, L. Suff/vdiifii, L. hiisiitu, L. fjluiira, An- (h'oiiicdd lifjmti'inii, lihndodeiidroii nud'ifloi'uiii, Foi'estivra ociiiiii- iiata, Uhiiiis Aiiiericnna. Plutaniis nrciifeiifafiK, Jiighms ciucrca. J. nigra. Caryu alha. lietuhi Icnla. B. hifca, B. pumiJa, Abins iiu'un.a, A. serridata, Coryhii<. Ainevkdna, C. rostrata, Ostrya Vir- f/hik'u, C'trpini(,s CaroUnkttia, Costuneo nativa var. Americana. Fagnti ferruginea. 'riie ibrms here included under M. Alni have lieen assijrned by dilVercnt authors to various species, distinuuished, for the most part, l)v the number of the asci and sporidia. Tn all of these foiius, the size of the perithocia, even when standinjr side by side on the same leaf, is (juite variable, and, as a consequence, the numl)er anil shajie of the asci they contain vary e(jually widely. Very small perithecia contain only a few (2-4) suborbicular asci, while lar^'er ones contain a ureater nuiii- l)er, which, owing to lateral crowding, are narrower and longer. The sporidia are by no means con.^tant in number, even in asci from the same perithecium. It is manifestly impossible to maintain specific dis- m> 28 tiiR'tioiis Ittiscil on siirli vMiiiilili' cliniiictt'iislics. iiml it Im'cdiiics iicccs- siii'V. iis ill tttlicr lit'iH'iii of tlic liiiiiilv. tn ciniiltiiif iIh'sc nillicr widely ViUviiiLr loniis. A^^iilc IVom llic iiiiiiiIm-i id'asci iiinl s|inri(|iii. llic I'nniis iiifimlcd iiciv (In not, Imwrvcr, |iM'>ciit niiy vt'i'V wide viiiiiititms. In I'lict, tiic liiiiiicliiim' nl' the ii|'|i( iid:iLrts. :iiid tlic rclliiliir ^tiiictiiif nf tlic Willi ut'tlu' iicritlirriiiiii, lire >ti-ikiiiuly iilikc in nil nrilirin. S|i('ciiiH'iis o\] JiH/lannc/'tKi'c'i iiiid »/. ///V/yv/. iiic «(tnu'liiiit'."' very dilVcit'iit liuiii tlic tv'iK'. liiivin^' ii|ipi'niliiu<'S less tliiin llic diiiiiK'tfi' of tin' |H'iitli('ciiiin. lint on tlit'sc SiiiiH' lior's otlicr I'oinis iiii|i<'r(<'|itiMy uindc into the cliiii'iictcristic OIK'S. Iciiviiii;' no room lof siicciru' distinction, Tlic loiiii on Si/rlmid is iisiiiiily known iis .1/, Fricxii. Lev,, tlint on Vlhiiinniii iis J/, I'lhurni ll(»\\c. tlmt uw J hilinnis\\< M. J'lutoiii. Ilowc, tliiit on Ncniojuiittln's jis M. ^'iniDjuiiif/iis, I'cck, iind tliiit on Eiiom/nnis iis .1/. /'Jii>>itf//ii! i\)V.) or J/, lonintn. Lev. (Mlicis iiic mostly it'l'crrcd to .)/. ix'iiirllhifn. Lev. In scvcnil Aniciicjin lists iiiid collections we Iind J/, /^oiucei'tn, (DC.) or its synonym J/, Ifnlii/i. Lev. In Kiiio|ie llie liiiiiiiis on species ol' Lonirini is evidently <|iiite distinct iind is ii|i|iid|iriiilely nnincd; Imt Americi"! s|ie('imens on our species of tliis ucniis ol host ]»l!ints are certiiinly dillerent. Wliiitever else we do witli lliem. they must iKit lie conloiiiided with Kiiropenn species on iillied hosts. Cn- i'ortiiiiiitely, no opportunity liiis iieeii iiviiiliiltle to exiimine collections on fon-iuii ciiltivnted species of Lan'ni rn. The piinisite on Aiiiericiin honeysuckles, is J/, Alni. tis idtuve (hscrilted. M. qiieirina, (Scliw.) H)\si/ili, iiiiociiiiiiii, Sclnv. Syii. N. Am. No. j.|9». ^fuidip/iiCia i:\tf>isa. C. Mc I'. Kr.\ siiilu'i of t'. S. in Jouni. of Ilol. 1S72. Mici osplufi a a/i/irnia/a. IVirk, .•^tll Kip. N. V. State Mus. )). (..). Micioshliiciii i/iiiiriiia. Iliirrill, Itiill. III. Stale I.ali. N'at. Hist. II, p. 32.1. Ejiiphyllous, hypophyllous, or iimpliiir<'n!tus. Mycelium iiluindiuit, ratlier thin iind piiiiiio. times the diameter of tlio poritliociiiin. tinted at liase, smooth or sometime."* rouiihened, usually reti'ularly o-fi times dicliotomoiis, branches usually short and tips stromi'ly recurved. Imt jtreseiitiiiii' many curious and oriiiite viU'iations cau.-;eil l>y the more extended or nne(|ual growth of some ol" the hranches. Asci 8-S. often niptiirinu' liy slight j)ressuj'o. Sj)oridiii 4-S, viiriii'de, usiiiilly liir [.('•v.. tlmt J'liitiiiii. 1*1 tii:it on )||ins iiic hniilcertti, Iniijins oil ro|iii!it('ly lis III host lit'in. tlicv •sts. I'n- rollcctioiis Aincriciiii 187J. p. 324- iiliuniliint, idint!' over (1. viiiyiiijH' (pcndiiijics ■) times the oinctiiiios ics usually irions nnd yfowtli ol' t prc'ssui'o. aid, Q. f)i- cciiicif \ai". f. (J. iiujra, Coiiiiiion on oiiks iicross tlic contiiKMit. A vt-ry \nrinltl(' spccios lis Ih'Ii' rt'coiriii/cil. IT if sccuH'd imssildc it would lie ininli iiioi*' satisliiftoiy to distiiluitc it under seviTai s|ircili(' iianics. some ol' wldcli are already in use. Often tlie litnii on a eertain host sne«'ies is sni- licientlv liistinet when eonsidi'i'i-d i»y ihell" to merit this treiitmeiit. Fore.\ani|ile the type on (Jtiirnis I'lihni known as .1/. rxtciixn. ('. A' I*., is everywhere on this host siiHicieiitly alike to lie easily rccoifiiized : lint. ii|M>ii examiniiiii' s|ieein'.('iis even IVoin the same ioealities on allied <»aks. il soon lieconies imjiossilile to find dividinti' lp(ainds iielween this lorni and others which at lirst si-ilit are very dilVerent. like that called .]f. iihlirti'iiitd. I'eck oil (Jmrciix liiilti'i((lr!n, etc. It must also lie acknowledui'd that it is well niuh ini|iossil»!e to distiiiuuish some |i»riiis rereried to }f. Alni IVoin certain speciniens placed iimler J/, i/iu'rcintt, except liv rereiciice to the host plants. I'sually liowe\er the latter dilVers IVom the rornier liy loiiu'cr, conimoiiiy more nniiier»ais appen- da'i'cs and larL-er sporidia. The perithecia also uvcraji'c lartrer. M. i'aiocladoplioi'a, Atkinson, in .Ifairn. Klisha Mitchell Soc. VII, p. i;j. A/ii iii>/i/uria i/i'iimuma, (Sclnv.) Jouni. Mycol. I, p. loi. Ilypopliyllous. Mycelium thin and dilVuso or in dense, orhicnlar spots. I'erithecia i)lack, at leiiuth de|iress('d in the center, walls tliick, reticiiliitions rather distinct. 100-140 /t: appendages not nil- inerous. about 7-1-. siilthyaline. 1-"J times diameter (tfthe jieritheciiim. 2-S times dicliot(»iiiously branched, or the axis contiiiuoiis. Itearinii' two or more sets ol'opptisite branches and the loworiiiost of tliese some- times showinu' the same axial eloni>atioir. tips stroiifrly iiuMirved. Asci 4-0. .'Sporidia uranular and nucleate. (!-8. 20-'2r) ft in lenutli. On QiH'i-rns (iijutitlra, C^. /(/(//v'/b/Zt/, Florida (Martin), South Car- olina and Alahama (Atkinson). This species is especially distinguished l>y the peculiar branching' of some of the appondaii'es lirst descrilied l»y KIlis and Martin (Jour- nal of Mycology I. p. 101), lint referred to M. deiixisHiwa, (.aiiist his speci- men lieioniiinii' to the present species. In Cooke and Peck's Erysi- ]ihei of the I'nited States (1ST2), 2[. den si ssi ma, {T^Aww) \\i\<^ identi- lied with a specimen -s, oviil or (»\iiti'. pciliiTlhitt', liillu-r t-innll, .'{') x .'},'> it. Sporidiii iiiiii'oniilv S. siiiiill. On lilt' ••i-riiicimi" I'liiisnl Kv n I'liytoptiis (iiiitc). on the lower sides ol' leaves ol' /''itf/iis f'cninfiiicii. 'I'lie erineuni is iisniilly very .•onmion wherever the tree jziows. Iiut the liiniilis seems In lie rare. It has also lieen ((lileetetl liy Karic in Illinois and Indiana. >'ee Fiimji J'Jiu'i>piil,y,y). WlA'u M. Astia«ali, (DC.) IVek r('|K)rls J/. //o/, (Wallr.) Li'-v. — a synonym lor J/. AKtriKjoli — (2"ttli Report N. V. State Mas., p. '.>.')). on AxtriKjahis Ci)Oj»ir/'. ImiI this species does not seem to have liecn elsewhere eol- lecte(| in Ami'rica. Is it pi>ssil)le that a poorly marked sjioeimcn of J/, (ttff'iisd was tints identilicd .' M. liVcii, (LaHcli.) A/iiio.\/i/iiria Mtiiitiiiilii. F,ev. This is inserted on the sole anthority of the pnhlieation in (!re- villea IV. p. HiO, where the ianiius is said to have lieen I'onnd on Dch- tiiodlnni Dlllvnli. I'lidoiilitedly an incorrect deterndnation. FAMILY. I'KRISI'OHlKt:. Mostly without any stroma Imt with a stionie Pilze, includes liere iilso Asfiiii^illii.s and Pinhillium. or which till recent- ly, only tlic conidial static was known. In these neiura perithecia are watitinn. the asci l)ein{r inclosed in a tnher-Iikc sclcrotiuui which is developed from the mycelium. ^ l'<'|)t tlic -('» fillH'S •('(•lll\t'>,), I'ei'itliecia ■;ii|ieiTK'iitl. siiliLiloliose. siiliastoiiioiis. iiieiiilii'nnaeeo- cuilioniK us. Mveeliiiiii copioiis. Iiliick, lienrino- coniilia. Asci short, S-s|iore(l. Sporiilia diilyiiions. hyaline or lirouii. 1>. iHiIclinim, Sjht. V. \'en. II. p. -J'.)!). .l/'iiis/>,iiiiiiii f'ii/( III Hill, Saec. ill Thiiiii. M. I'. No. 52. I'".xsicc. KaJ). I". H. .M.t'i, zf^is.i.— Ttium. 1. c. .Myceliiiiii mostly e|ii|»liylloiis, dark lii'own. ol'ten iieaily coverinjr the siiitiice ol" the leaf. Coiiidia lat(M!il on the liranches of the niy- (•(•iiiiiii. ill lirsf spherical with two septa at ri;iiit an<,'les to each other, and then leniitli dark Itrowii. many-celled and moi'o irregu- lar in shape. 2(t-"2.') tt diaiii. With tlie,it/er, liya.line. On livinstly by the various expediticms sent out to explore that eoinilry ; viz. The Nares Arct. Kxp.. 2d i)utch North Volar I'^xp., IlaniuierV Kx])., Danish I'.xp "iS7r>-7.), I-ylla l\xp. iss.|-s(., etc., etc.. and desciibtd by I'rof. 1.;. Rostrup in his "I'uugi Groeulandiie." publitihtd at CopeuhaKcn in iSSS. I m ^i! (iiiskv (I'lls 10-12 /< iliiiiii. Asci ovale or olioviitc ('^-.^iiorcd. S]io- lidiii o\alc-oliloiiu'. .'!.■>-.■>.") x I.VlS _^/. Iiyaliiir at lirst. tlicn liii'lit hrowii. Oil l('a\('s ol' //r.i' cnr/iiccii ami /. (ipuvn. Carolina to Florida. I), erysipln-oides. E. A; K. .lourn. .M.vtol. I\', p. 121. (Pinto S) ItTSU'c. 1:11. ^i l-;vrhl X. A. I;". 2(1 Sit. 2.-,41- Aiii|)liiu<'iniiis. I'c itiicfia scattered, a.-foiiioiis. lilolxisc. l()tl-],'!(> // diatii.. s|iaiiii,uly clotlied witli sliorl (.'JO-dO x ,'i //). ei'ect, sprcadiiiii liairs. and sealh-M) \ i2--14 //. with lili- Hiriii |iara)iliy>(s. Sjioridia liisei'iate, acutely clli|itical, iiiiisc|)tate and <'on.-lricted. each cell with a Inrp' iiiiclriis. 1")-lSx (i-7 u. On leaves iA' Ci/tioi/o/i ilactijJnii. Louisiana ( lianu'lois). With the asciueroii> perilhecia arc many smallei' ones (spcniio- lidiiia) c<»ntaiiiiiij:' a Icm' uloliose. lirownish spornles I-') n diam. \). \a\\v^\ms\\, K. iV K. .loiirn. Mycol. II. p. 12!>. l-:.\sicc. Kll. iS: ICvrlil. X, A. 1". 21I .Ser. i;V). I'erilliecia .u'reii-arious. dcpi'ossed-spherical. roiiuii. hlack. suliasto- moiis. 1 12-120 // iliam.. seate(l on a thin mycidiiim ol Inown. l>raiicli- iiiu' threads, roriniiiii' small, diirk colorcil ))atches thickly scattered over the n]ipcr surface oi' the l(>aC. ;iml a-ivintr if a mottled ajipearance. Asci sulisessile. oliloiiLi'. olteii im>(|uilateral or lniiu'iiio' on one side. 2.")~;iO X 7-!» //, without paraphyscs. S]M)ridia liisoi'iate, clavate- oliloiiii'. ycllowish-lu'own. 4-iiiiclcat<'. niiiscplate and slightly coiistricteil at the septum. !)-l()J x4 //. Some of the jieritliccia contain obloiiu'- cyliiidrical. 2-nii(deato. siililiyaline, 7-M x 2 n. stylospores. The pei'i- lliecia have a radiate-cidlnlai- sinictnre. On livinu' leaves o^ iJiauthcrd IndiiiHs. Louisiana ( Lanulois). I). lliinl)OSlim, K &M. Jotirn. Mycol. II. ji. 120. Mycelium conijioscd ofprostrato. brown, liraiicliinu'. sejttale tlireads. with shoi't. erect lii'anches lieai'in^' oliloiiii'-clavate. .■]-4-s(>ptate. lirown conidia o r)-40 x O-S //, and lonii'er ("O-SO x .')-() i>.). erect, stiaiiiht. septate, o])ake. sterile liraiichcs, the whole rorminu- orliicular.-veluti- iious. lilack ]iatclies j,-l cm. across, mostly soon conlliieut. extendiiiii' alon.ii- and einclojn'iiii' the stem Idi 5 cm. or more. 'I'lie invcelinm linally disappears, loavinu' a black, smooth, sliinin,<>- sui'laco. Ferithecia collected mostly in the conter of the s])ots, oi'umpoiit. conical, hlack. carlioiiacoo-nieiidiranaceous. roudi. alxnit \ mm. lirijad and lii-ih. sometimes impeifectly sulcate-striate around the prominent, mammose ostiolum. Asci siiltcvliiidrical. TO-SO x 10-14 n., nearlv sessile, sur- I'ounded with aluindaiit lilijiprni parapliysc< and contaiiiin.u' 8 hi.sei'iato. ^ tl. m\\\ liiii 34 oliluiiu-cvliinli'iciil. l(!-liO x "i-d // >|:iii'i(li!i ycllowisli iiiid 'J-iiucIt'iitc nt first, linally lirowii jiiul niiiscjitat*'. jiikI inure or less ((iiistrictcd iit the s(']ttiim. Oil liviiii:' stems ol' SinHnx. near .Ificksoiivillo, Florida (Calkins). Mi/strosi)orliiiii att'rriiinini. I>. iV ('.. a]i|>eai's to lie the coiiidial sfiiii'e. I). SpjU'tiiia'. K. \ K. .louni. Myeol. II. p. lo-j. The iiivceliuin I'oniis " small (li-4 mm. loiiu')- olilonu' oi' elliptical. Idack ]iat( lies coiisistiii^' of a thitdv iii'^'^^'l' '•'" erect, simple, septate, snluiodulose. sterile hy])lia'. nearly hyaline at lirst. init soon opakc, i;>()-17-") .\ (»-!) //. and jiale yellowish, prostrate hyplia-. prodiicintr liisoid-cylindi-ical or siihralcale. niudeale c(Hiidia 4(>-()(>.\H n. Xest- liiiy amoiiii' the sterile hypha' arc Mack, mcniliraiiaceoiis. siiltovatc ]ici'itliecia :'j-f, mm. diani.. with a very lariic openiiiii' ahove. Asci (daviite-cyliiidrical, 7") .\ 1 ") //. with imperlectly devidopcd jiaraphyscs. «poridia c^ in an asciis. oldonu'-cylindrical. yidlowisli (nearly hyaline), sli<>'litly cni'vcd. ;^-4-iiii(doate. liecoininii- iiniscptatc. I S-"JO .\ 4-") //. Some s]ioridia were seen impcrrcctly o-scptate. Imt one septiini seems to he the normal state. This is irniarkalih' lor the hirii'c apical opeii- iiiir more like a liall-iirowii (JiniiiiKjhini than like ;in ostioliim. On dead sheaths ol' Spnrthm jtol i/xtach^in, Ijouisiana (Lan. u'^. .Mycelium lirown-hlnck. liranchiiiir. septate. epi|iliylioiis. Co- iiidia iirown, ovate, uiiiseptate. It»-ll2\() //. ^Macmconidia lirowri, peil- icellate. siilMiiiiiirorni, 3-.s(.ptiile. o.ixl.'t n. I'erithecia lirowii-iilack. siili^loliose, .lO-lOO n diam. Asci oldoiiii-ovate. sessile. S-sjiore(|. 3r)-4(> X ll-l(i 11. Sporidia hyaline, sidicymliironii. uiiiseptate, "i-seri- ate, 10-17 x4-(i //. On livinj; leaves o[' Asrfep/'its Cormtfl. Kansas. I). ('«)ii^loliatiim, (> n. astomoiis, coarscdy cellular, nieniliranaceous. in compact, siiiiconlliient trroups or4— (1 on a suiiernstaeeous myceliiim. Asci oiiovate. l!(»-"J") x 10 a, without i)ar- aphyses. Sporidia obloiia'. uiiiseptate, hyaline, (5-8 x 2-2| /^ Description made out from sjieciniens sent I'rom Maine l>y Rev. .los. niake, on leaves i)\' ArhiitHH Cvn-Urxi. 35 4 1). xylo^'eiuim, K. & K. .Icmn. Myiol. II. |.. 102. rcritlie(.'i;i siipcrliciiil. sciittfrcd. (Iciiivssi'd-lieiiiisitlioriciil. r(tti«rli. l(l')-2')0/i (liaiii.. with nii (distMirc, ](ii|)illitoriii ostioliiiii. Asci olitn-jito. coiitniotfd liclow into :i sliort (\ ;).")-4(t x 20-24 //. witliout jtar- iiiiliyscs. iiinl (Miiitiiiiiin.ii' S oliloim'-fllipticiil. iiiiisciitjitc. uTiunilar. siili- liynlinc. l.')-l().\S /< s|K)riili!i. On (l('cayiii,t>' woitd o\' Sah'.r. I.ouisiaiia ( Laiiu'lois). PiiVcrs IVoin flic usual tyjic oi' Asfrri/tti and Dinicronpnriiiin in its lialtitat. and ttic alisrncc iiii(^i'os|)oriiiin i'opnii. E. & E., mentioiied in Journ. Mycol. V. p. Si. was not i)ulilished on ac-oount ol' the specc. jiroving- uiL'satis- I'actorx. ASTERIXA, Lev. .\iiii. Sci. Nat. I'^.t.s, III, p. .sy. Perithecia t>loliose-de|»i-ess(M| or lenticular, niendtrauaceous. suli- astomous. .r. I'critlicciii imi|ilii,i:('iiiiiis, lenticular, snli- coiilliiciit. l.")(l-'J(HI n (liani.. of cclliilai'-libritiis structure, w itii a rcticii- latc-iiiulii'iatc uiartiiu. A^ci at first ovate, liiially sulii'l()iii:ate(|. .")!)- (50x20 n. sliort-stipitate. .S-siiored. S|i<)riilia iiHirdiiiate, oliovatc. granular, livaline. lliecouiiiiL;' uiiiseplateiV I .'> 1 .") \ 4-."> //. Oil leaves (if ipiiie!i|i|»le (ciilt.l. Wasliiiititoii, D. ('. A. (Astj'irlla) Cliaina'iiei'ii. Kdslr. Kuimi (Jn'ml. p. ."to-iNO. io.')i. Spots l(lacl<. aiiipliiueiioiis or caiilicolous, .'5-4 iiiiii. across. Mv- celiiiiii siiiisiiperiicial. pseiidopareucliynialic. iiiarLiiii radiate. I'eri- tliecia n'loiiose-depressed. suliastoiuoiis, lyiiiu' in the cenlial pai't oC the lavceliiiiii. Asci ovat<'-c\ liiidrical. .")(l-()Ox i'J-14 /(. Sporidia oliloiiLi- elavate, hyaline, iiiHMpially iiiiiseptate. ihe upper e(dl three times lariicr than the lower, nucleate. 1(1-20 x(!-7 n. On partly liviiit>- stems and leaves ol' Chaiiiautariaiii /(ifi/o/hnn. Sukl\ertop]ieii, eti-., (Ireeidand. A. picea, H. «S; ('. liinn. .lourn. X. p. I]T4. i'erithecia epiphylloiis. lieniis])lierical, coIlapsiiii>. aliout loO //. diaiii.. seated 4— S toiicther on small (l-I.^, mm.), orliiciilar pati'Jies oT Iihick, erustose myc(dium. Asci ohhuiii'. 40-")0x 10-12 //. without, paraphyses. Sporidia liiseriate, I»ro\vii, clavute-oltk)ii,ii', uuiseptate and constricted, 10-12 x o-4 //. On dead leaves (A' JI(n/iioh'ii. Louisiana (Lanjilois). The patches oi' mycelium are at lirst covered liy the cuticle of the leaf, which tiives them a sliiiiinij,' appearance, lint when the cuticle is thrown olV the mycelium is of a dead idack color. A. iiiula, I'k. :}8t]i Hei.. X. Y. State Mils. ].. 102. ]Mycolium hrowii. liranchiiiii-, scanty. Peritliecia Idack, at lirst stih.ii'loltose, al'terwurds depressed, thickly clustered near the niidrih, mostly hypophylloiis, T")-100 // diam. Asci oi)loiig or .«ultcylin(irical, 8-sporcd, 3")— 40x 12 //. Sporidia oldoiiii', hyaline, uuiseptate, hiserisite, 10-12x0-4//. On dead leaves of^l/^/V-.s hdJxdnnd. Adirondack Mts., N. V. A. aelitesceiis. K. A: .M. Am Nat. IT. p. 12,s4. (Plate 6) ICxsicc. Kll. N. A. V. No. 1291. Myc(diuni thin, lilack. epiphylloiis, i'orniinu' small (2-4 mm.), orbicular patches e(>inposed oi' iniicli lu'aiiclied, closely appressed 87 m liy|ili:v. 111! wliicli iii'O sciitcil the lluttciicd. ci'owiIimI |(critli('ciii 7-')- 100 ti (liiiiii. of ni(li:it('-('<'lliil!ir stnictiiiv. Asci oliovoid oi- siiliic. S-sixH'cil, ;^)0-;>') X 1 S--2"J //. Sjioiidiii siililiyiiliiic, oviiti^ ohloiiL;', iiiiisc]!- tiito, l.'j-lS .\()-7 //. On liviiiir Imvcs iA' Pci'hch jiulustrls. Florida (.^[ill•till). A. pt'llu'iilosa, Bci'k. Ant. N'oynuc Vv\\)\. p. loT. I'.xsici-. Kav. I". Am. 7,s. Mvccliuiii cpipliylloiis. rndintc luid Imiiicliiiiu- in a dendroid man- ncr, rorniini-' lilai'k. siiliorliicnlar ]iatcli('s \-\ cm. diani., often more oc less conlliient. I'eritliecia seateil on tliici. 121. K])i]ihyllons. IVrithocia scutellate, hrownish-hhick. !)0-12() n diam.. seated on and surrounded by a thin network of hi'own, branch- mv: mycelium. Asci subelliptical, 22-2") xl2-l 5 n, contracted below into a short, stipe-like base. 8-spored. Sporidia crowded, fusoid, hya- line, unisejitate. 12-ir).x 2 ii. On livinti' leaves of fTdcrjiiiiit'd anniUarin, Florida (Curtis, com. A. (N)mmons). n. Jfi/cch'iiiii It niiirghuil fringe around the base of the per/'f/ieeia. A. (liscoidea, E. & M. Am. Xat. 18, p. 1148. Perithecia liypophyllous, orbiculai', sli^itly dejjressed in the cen- ter, olivaceous, thin, r)()0-800 // diam., with an indistinct, reticulated maru-in. Asci obovato or globose. 30-40x30-35 //. Sporidia crowd- ed. clavate-f)blonu', uniseptate, 12-10x4-") ii. On li\ inu' leaves of Qi/ercits laurifoUa and of Olea Americana, Floi'ida (Martin). This may not lie distinct from A. olet'na, Ckc, but as that species was described and distributed in an immature state, it is now impos- sible to decide. A. cupi'es.siiia, Cke. (!rcv. VI, p. 17. I'l'ii/ioid cii/iirsiina, Relim Asc. 494. K.tsicc. KU. N. A. I". 160, 500.— Thum. XI. r. 1543. ^ryooliuni nearly obsolete. Perithecia dark brown, hemis]>hci'ical or lenticular, adnate, i)erfoi'ated above, 185-200 // diam., with a shoi-t, rw W I lill Ml 88 sfiiiity IriiiLic t>t' iiiyccliuMi jii'oiiikI iIic liasc. Ar-ci cvliiKlric-iliniitc. ()(•-""> x K'-l "J //, sli(ii't-sti|)itiit(', >i-s]i( )!•('( I. Sporidiii liisci'iiitc. iiiii- S('j»tii1(', iii)|i('r rcU lii'oailcst. ol'toii with a siiiiill miclriis in cacli crll. soiiH'tiiiM's (il)Ii(|ii(' or imiscriatc. pale yrll(t\visli-lir()\\ii. TJ-loxCi-T /i. (hi ilcad titliai;*' ol' Ciijtrt'ssiis tln/oldcx. XcwiicM, X. .1. S((im'tiiM('s tlicrc arc a I'cw scattcrcMl hiistlcs (in llic pcritlKM-ia. ah /< diam.. with a cii'cnlai' opcniim'. lorminii' a ilisc ol iirown. intei'lacin,i>" liyjiliji', coveriuii' the nucleus and I'oi'niinir a narrow maruin hoyond. Asci oliovate. ><-sp()i-cd. 2'2-;>(> X !•-]■") //. Sporidia l)iscriatc, siilihyaliiic. ohioiiii'. nni- septate. 11x4 //. On livinu' leaves of //c*' fihihra. Xewficld. N. .1. A. iiiti'icata. K. iS: )I. .lonrn. .Mycol. 1, p. VM\. Myceliinn pale, si'anty. evanescent. Perithecia l»rown. Hat. or- liicnlar. scd't. very thin. hypophylloMS. .")()() n diam. Asci uloliose. stipitatc. 1(S x 1 ")-l'^ //. Sporidia hyaline, oliovate or ovate, iinisep- tate. 7-l'Jx2-;; tt. On livinti' leaves oi' Qifci-ciis (treiKiria. Florida (Martin). A. patflloides, E. & M. .louiii. Mycol. 1. p. 13(1. Aslii iiiLt iiysiftlii-iiiih's. K. & M. Kll. N. A. K. N'o. 135s. I'eritliecia dark lir x-l.^-") //. Like the ]ireceilin^' species, closely allied to Axroiin/cctt'lhi. On liviim- leaves ol' Qt/crrns hiurlfolid. Florida (Martin). A. oaniea. K. vSi M. Am. Nat. 17, p. 12S4. Exsicc Kll. N. .\. 1'. No. 121)1). Myceliimi thin, lirown. Iiypopliyllons. adnate, mostly near the niar- li'in of tlie leal' or in orliicular spots alioiit "i min. diam. I'critliecia liesli-colored, llattcneil, soit, cr(iwde(l, (iO-UK* // diam. Asci oliovate. sessile, S-s]iort'd. ;U)— K) x 22-3') it. Sporidia sulihyaline. ovate. 2- celled, unisejitate. 1(1-17 x7-S //. On Pci-ftctf pidKxfr/K. Florida (Martin). 30 Hat. (»r- a. A. Olasti'i. K. & K. .lonrn. Mycol. I. j.. X rci'itlicciii liyii(»|iliyllmis. in iirmi|is or sciittcrcd, convex, (irliiciilnr. liIiicU, "J.')** II. (liiiiii.-. with lirowii. riniiatiii.ii- threads of niyrcliiiiii aniiiiid ihr iia>t'. Asei (ii)h)ii,ii'-()vat('. 1 li- 1 .") x (»-" /A iillcd with uraiiiihtr matter. 'I'he parts of the h-afoeeiipied Ity the u'roups ul' pei'itiieeia aie a litth' darilon7. /'iii(i(ii,!/'t tigida. K. ft K. Juurii, Mycol. IV, p. 62. Hxsicc. Kll. N. A. K. 7S9. Peritlieeia u'reg-arions. su]ierfieial. depi-essed-splierieal. roULihish. without any itromincnt ostioinm. 100-1:20 ii. diam., with a sparini;-. lirown. ereepinii' myctdinm around the base. Asci oblonu'. sessile. tiO- 70 X 1*2-1 ") //.very evanescent. I'araphyses (?). Sporidia sul)bise- riate, ovate-oblong', brown, uni.-^ejitate and deeply constricted (the two cells sometimes separating). 1 ")-20 x 7-I> n. Spernioii'oniu sindlar, with hyaline, oblonu" sporules lo-l 8 X 7-8 /i, with a lar,u'e central nucleus. (hi dead leaves of P/'niis rigldu, still attached to lind)s cut oti' aliout eiii'htcen months ago, Newfield. X. J., April 20, 1888. A. tenella, Cke. (!rev. XIII. i». ()7. '■ Kpij)hyllous, elVused, thin, black. Perithccia minute, 220-300 i>. diam.. applanate, mingled with brown, creeping mycelium. Asci saccate, 4-8-spoi-ed. Sporidia 28-30 x 12-14 //.in the 8-spored asci. 40x22 // in the 4-spored, light brown." On Pci'sea Cdi'olinietisis, Carolina. A. XeropliylH, Ell. Am. Xat. 17, j.. 319. Mycelium scanty. Peritlieeia entirely sujierticial, orbicular or subelongated, slightly depressed, 1(17 // diam. Asci obovate, 3") x 1") ti. ^ I'l il 40 coiiti'iutcil iiild :i llm k, ^^tiiic-likc luisf. S|ioii(li;i liviiliifc. lu^i^o^lll ol rlavittc-riisilonii. liiinlly ."»-sf](tiit('. IM-'JO x .'J-.'l^, //. (.)li t'inlilitr li'JiVcs of A'("/'Oy(fi /(i/'i/is. New .Ifi'scv. A. Ie|)i(li^('iit)i(lt>s, K. iV F. .Iniiin. .Mvcol. 1\', p. I'Jl. Mvccliiiiii olisdiclf. IVritlicciii liv|)(»|ili_vIIoiis. sc!ilh'r<'(|. jittuclicil to the sciilc- (111 tlic li'iiC. siiiiill. |iici'('t'(| iiliovc, sciilclliitc. \<(\ dliloiiu'. scssilf, (idxI'J /^ mostly liroiidci' liclow. S|Miri(liii liis('ii;ilo. Iiisnid. 8-scptiilc. liviiliiio, I 'J 14 .\ -l-'ll, //. <*ii liviiiii' leaves of (%ijijKir!s ,/ii/ii'i/ri/is/s. Key \\'e>(. I*'lnri(|:i (t'<>ll, A. II. Ciirlis. Com. A. Coiiiiiions). ("lonely iillieil In A. /i/tnf/i/r/iit. \\. \ I']., Iiiit ilill'ers in i(s siiinller |iei'itlieci!i. IniiLicr ;i>ei. niid .')-se|itiite spoiidiii. A. (l«M'«loiiuis. H. \ ('. (iivv. IV. p. !i. "Spots oi-lpicn!iir. I'cd. iiiididiite. lndliite. .\lyc<4iiim scniity. eon- sistiiiti' of il li'U- moiiiliroiiii l' re;ids Jiiid others entire. I'critlieciii pinictirorm. .\sei sliort, olplonu'. Spoiidisi nnisepliile. 1<» // lonu." (•n ill! iiid.()(> it di;nn.. strnetni-e (•(dlnliii'-iiiemliraniiceoiis. .Mveeliiini scnnlv. .Vsci uloiiose. lI.") iiii'uww. Spoi'idia elliptical, ends olitiise. iiiiiseplate, snlicoiistficted, hyaline. 10 \,') n. A somewhat almormal species. On leaves ol' f/c.v opaca. (Jeoruia (l»aven(4). A. plaiitaj^inis. KM. I'.nll. Toir. l>ot. (Muli. '.•. ].. 74. ICxsitc. i;il. N. A. 1". No. yi/.. Spots hrownish, immaruinate. I'erithecia lii'own-iilack. siihuio- Itose. memlnanai-eoiis. innate, chistered in the spots, mostly epipliylluns. 70-SO 11.. Asci ovat<', 2()-.'i.') .\ 1I>-1(I /i. Sporidia hyaline, olilunL!'. olitnse. nniseptate. sliuhtly constricted in the middle, oi' •J-nncleate. It-lOx.'J .") n. t On livinii' \v\\\i.'> u^ Pluntiiijo major, l'hiladel]ihia, l*a.. and Xew- iield, N. .1. Approaches S/i/iicrc/ht. A. I'aimilaris. Kll. (tail. Tori'. Hot. Chd., !», j.. :>(>. Kxsicc. l-;il. N. A. I'. No. 7Jn. .Mycelinm pale, sidihyaline. \vv\ scanty. Terithecia ihitlene(|. orliieidar. clustered. rrcMpiently coalescinu', suliinnatc, 2')0-.'>()0 ii, con- sistinu' ol' dark lirowii, monilii'orm liyplue coverinji" the nuclens. olisolete lieneath, mostly sterile. Ast'i oldonii'. spore-lieariiiii' poi'tion oOxlio //. 4 41 l-'ldiidii S]»()iiili!i )iiil<', cniwcK'il. rllipticMl, coarsely i-ninuliir, alinut 1.') x 10 ii. with !-- liiriif v!i('uul(»8 at lirst. On ili'ail twiusof LtiiUv. i:il. .S: livrht N A. V. a1 Sci . 17S5. reritliecia scutelliroi'ni, Mack. wndional<'. of I'adiale-ceihdar sti'ue- tare, tlie mar.uina! cells sidieloniiated and sliulitly enlar.ucd at tlieir extremities. Asci ovate or ohovate. 3 ■)-40 x 1 S-i>2 /<, cciitracli'd at (lie liase into a sliort stipe. Sporidia irreu'iilarly crowded, ovate- elliptical or ol)lon,i>-elliptical. yellowish and faintly miisepla(e(?), 10- 12x")-7/<. 'J'lie ])eritliecia are thickly scattered over l)oth sui-liices of the leal, anil look much like the nias.-es of exuded sjiores of sonic Pcstdlozxiii or Mvlniiroii'niiii. On dead leaves u\' tSuha/ Palniitto. jjonisiana (!ian,irk)is). A. Ifpidigeiui, E. & M. Am. Nat. 18, j.. 1 148. IvTsicc. Kll. N. A. K. No. t.?6i. .Mycelium hyaline, scanty, hypophyllous. I'erithecia Idack, sul)- uloliose, at leniith Hat. \in-\ thin and fra,i;ile, 200-300 ji diam. Asci 4»vate. S-spored. 30x15 or 42x12 /i. Spftridia olK)vat(>, uniseptate. 12x4//. Attached to the epidermal scales on old, living loaves of -4«f//'o///- i'dufermyinea, Florida (Martin). A. imstiilata, K. & M. Am. Nat. 18, ]». 1148. Kxsicc. ]\11. St livrht. N. A. I'". 2<1 Ser. 154,^, i'erithecia lirown, soft. Ilattoiied, liypo])hyllons, adiiate, 2(K)-r)00 /« liii((I\ in'ifuiiiicMl in tlir (('tifcr; texture celliiliir. Asci .')0-;>,') x (l-S /<. nliloiii:'. liitlier lnnmlfr Im-Iow nml iilirilptly conliiM'ted intu n slicit. sti|iil;ite Im-e. I';ini|ili\s<'S none. Spoiiilia Itisei'iate. dlilonu'. iiiii.-i'|it!ite. latln'i' iiariuwer ami more acute at the lower eutl, 7-1- .\ -i-;> /«. Iivaliiie. \\ lieti llie |ieritliei'iiim is renioveil I'roiii the h-af. a piecf of the epiih-ruiis ol'lcii adlieres tt» its lowei' siirl'aee, so th;it umh'r the micio.»ro|M' tiie slumata are \isil>le tlirouuh tin: thin ('(luc ol'ihe |ierillieeiinn.a|i|iearinir as if they actually I'ormed a pari of it. It is to lie noicil that in this ami most of the other sjx'cies with llatteneil jicrilhecia. the wall of tlie |ierilhecinm is iM'arly ulisolete Im'Iow, so that the peritheciuui is iit fad hariliy more than a ! liekl-like disk coveriiiii' llie asei. (hi livinji' leaves of (Jmrrits fitiii'/f}/h'a. Florida (.Martin). A. .siibcyaiiea, K. «Si >I. Am. Nat is. p. 1 148. r;xsii.c. i\ll. N. A. I'". No. isfii'. Pcritliecia hypophyllous. convex. depiTSsed. ostiolate. olisolele lioiieath, 2.")( )-,'»( HI ft diam.. stiliLiloliosc. composed of dark irreenish-lilne cells ")-" ft diam., which cover the nucleus ami ext''nd lieyond in a thin, inemliraiiaceons liorder closely mlnale to the leal". Ostiohim papillil'orni. collapsinjr. with a liroad. circular opcnimi' when dry. Asci sliuhtly narrower at each end, sessile. S-spored, 7'> x 1.") /<. Sporidia hyaline, olthjiiu-davate. uinseptate. "J-stMiate. 'JO x 4-7 ti. On living- leaves of Cj>*/c/vw/.s^////'//?///cattered, 17()-2.")(> // diaiu., surrotinded I»y a luirrow border ol' l»rown, Itranchiiiif niyceliinn. Asci ovate. 22-2') x 13-1(5 /t. Sporidia hyaline, oltovate, uniseptate, the upper cell lariicr, I) x 3 /t. On livinii' leaves of Gmiltln'rla /irocitiitfjcus, common. A. Pcai'soiii, E. & M. .lourn. Mycol. I. p. i)2. Perithecia minute (KM) /t), Hat. superlicial. oltscurely perforated above, of close, cellular structure, with a scanty. sul)raoiiia'. K. A; R. Pn.c. Ani.l. Ni.i. Sfl. IMiil. Jiilv, IMM). I'dillK-ciii liv|M>|>livll(Mi>, tliiii iii»'iiiliiiiii!ir('(»iis. II*) n diiim., f'lili- li('iiiis|ilirririil. Iiccuiiiiiiir sliiilillv (Icprcsscil iilxivc, tliickly sciittercd (>v(>i- tlif siii-rarc n|' tlir Ifiil'. Osliiiliirii |>ii|iilliruriii. Asci oliovuti*. 20 x I.) /i, (»r ('l<»iiiriit<'(| to .')0.\ |.') n, willioiil |(U!i|ili.\>t's. S|ioii(lia S, da- viit('-oli|(»iiii-. iiiiis('|ttnt('. liyiiliiK'. sciiicfly ((Uislrictid, !(• I'Jx.'i— 1/<. Oil It'axf'S of liiijtinii'm ciiitrcohitn. li(»iii>iaiiM ( liaiijflois), A. |Hii'iiiirea, K. \ M. .Idiuh. Myiol. II. p. rj^s. IN'iillH'cia liy)i()|ili\llMiis, (■(nivcx-scutcllafc. scattercfl (tr irrcirarioiis. ollcii i'(illccl('«l aloiiii" fli<' iiiidrili lowanis llic liasr cil" the IraC, snitasto- iiious, f»l radiatc-i'ollular stiiiclui'c, \'M^-\'\<) it (liaiii., iiiaiuiiK'ii witli ii narrow IViiiirc of pale |mi|ili>li-lilack Inplia' closely a|i|»i'('ssc(l to the siiil'at'c ol' tlir leal', wiiirli is of a r('(l(lisli piiiitlc tint lor a little (listani'c aromiil. Asci (tliovatc. 30-;}.') x l!S-'J"J /i. S-sporcd. Sporidia crowded. ovatt>-oliloiin' or oliloiiu-elliptiral, 12-1 (1 \ .")-(') ii.. liyaline. with the <'iidoehidnie three times diviiled, and ol'ten one of the eells with an iinperfcet loniiitiidinal division, thus vai-yiiiLT from the usual type. On h'aves of 0/rtic!d /imiiiatiire). I>r. Martin, in .lourn. Mycol- ,1, p. 14'), stjit4's that the sporidia are oval or oliovate, uniseptatc. hya- line, 21 X 0 //. We have seen no specimen excejit that in Kav, F. Am. 5111(1 that is without perithecia. C. SprrJcs not iccll-knoicn. A. oleiua, Cke. (J rev. XI. p. 38. Exsicc. Rav. F. Am. No. 757. Perithecia hyjiopliylloiis, scattered, flattened, discoid witli a narrow martiiii oi' Itrown. radiatiiii: hyjihic. Asci clavate. 24-30 xM -10 /I. • J-^poridia hyaline, small, nni.septate, (immature). Pycnidia similar Imt smaller, stylospores minute, oval, hyaline. .') // lon<<'." (Cke.) On leaves of Olea Atncr/cana. (Jeorgia. A. iiifjei'i'ima, Ell. IJull. Torr. IJot. Cluh, VI 11, ).. !)1. The specimens of this species are poor and unsatisfactory, and its haliitat(old decaying- stems of .A';vV/c/'oy<) indicates that it ca>i hardly iMdoug here. w 44 A. ili|»los. K. A ('. (iiw. IV. i>. <.l. ••S|iols (iiliiciiliir, iiivfcliiiiii iiitrriii|ii('(|. I'crillM'ciii iiiiiiiilc. S|K)riiliii tilildiiii'. 11I1I11-.C, iiiiisc|(t:i(i'. liuiil lunwn, S // long." ( >ll iciivrs III' Anil iiHiirdii miiniinillii, Alilliillim. A. s|niiTa, B. & ('. (liv\. I\ . |.. !>, " Pi'rillii'ciii scattMcil, ijdt-likc. siirrdiiiKJcil liy slioit, ;ir(iciiliit('(|. siildiioiiilil'nriii. riiiMiiliiin' tliifnils, wliidi iiiv juint'd fdi^ctlicf liifci!ill\ ill twos, .-itiiiictiiiii's rorkni iit llif npcx." (Ml !(';iv<'> iiml .»t('iii.-i nl' ////y>//.x rdilldfo. ('iirojiiiii :iimI Aliiliiimii. A. Wi'i^'litii. B. &('. Cr.'v. IV. p. I(>. •• .Mvcriiiiiii vcrv tliiii. I'l'ritiicciii ludwii Liriuiiiliir. trnudcil, like little \v(|cr, siirrnMinlcil liy (.•Irihiit^' tliit'inls. Asci I'liivatr. slioii." Ti'Xiis (C. Wiidit.i '•A|i|iiii't'iitly on .«itiiic .-iiiiuutli ("iiciiriiit." A. coiifji'e^^'ata. B. \ <'. X. V-m-. Iv\|.1. Kxp. p. 12!). NO. Hi!). I't'ritlii'ci'i very >iii!ill. >liiiiiiiL;-. Liic^iiiiitii:-. .Myrciiiiiii (siiliicn- liini) very s<'aiity. iiioiilli round. .\Hci yellowish (•■ lielvohis"). ."^po- ridia imri-ow. On Iciivos, XieiUiiiriiii. Willi tlie liiiliit of , No. 1T»I. Spots orliicniar. on projectiiiii' portions of (lio matrix. Iiyplae inter- woven into a eoiiipae) lait tliin, and here and there eellulose slratuiii. I'eritheeia proiiiinent. .«cutellate. niarjrin linihriato. On leaves, Nicarauiia. With the haltit ui' Strir/n/it. A. ostiolata. B. & ('. X. I'ae. Kxpl. Kxp. p. 12!). Xo. Klfi. ' Pnnetilitrni. iilaek. Ostioluni distinct, papillilorni. Myeelinni recluced to a mere I torder around the peritlieeia ('suhiciilo nullo nisi perithet'iali.") On the upper surliiee of leaves with Ccp/itileurux virescens, Xicarayua. » MICROTHVKri M, Desm. Ann. Sci. Nat. XV, p. 137. I'oritheeia sujierlicial. Hat or plano-convex, menibraiiaecoiis, jier- f'orated in the center, margin sultliinhriate. Asci mostly oliovate, 8-spored, without jiai-aphyscs. Sporidia oblong or lusoid, continuous or uniseptate, hyaline. 4r, iiiiiMid'. i « M. Sniilaris. I)e Not. Mitr. !><'»•. IN', p. '1± .\/M,i,,'/tio» S»ii/iiiis, Hnec. Syll. II. |i. ''"i. Kxsicc. Ilcrli. Myc. 'M. Kihiii. .\siniii. ur Tliiini. .M. f. i||» - KM. X. .\ K. 6ii<>, lN'l'Ulicci;i siiin'rliciiil, lint, oi'liiciiliii'. h-'l liilii. diiiiii.. ultcii rdii- IliH'iit, liiriiiiii'.:' M r<)iitiiiiii>ii-i. rttiitili, liliick ciiisf. As<'i ftliloim' or nviitf. .')(»■(;(» .\ ls-'J(> It 1 10 .\ (1 //, S.'ii'c.) S|M»rii|iii lii,-ifriiil<', n\;ii('-clli|iticiil. l-cclliMJ. iiyiiliiM-. 1-J-lS .\ S-IO «. ( >li (li'in! striii-; III' .S/////(M'. {•uiiiiiioii. M. inicios(«'i|(iciim. H Mil. .\iiii. >n. Nnt. >"i'. II. XV. p \'^x. Smv. I'liiini It:ilici, tub, yi2. I'^X'ilco Rjili. H. !•;. ((-c. I"*'.'. ^'M.'- I'riitlii'i'iii lliiltciiril. Iirnwii. nliiMit ]'}()/!. ijiiiin.. pirrccd in tlic (•(Mlti-r. iiiiiiiiili siilirniililiiitc. Asci rliivntc-dlilniiii'. sessile. S-siiiireij. •2'»-;»<' .\ "-'.• n. S|M)i'i(liii liiseriiite or in'euiihii'lv cnnvdeil. eloiiiiiileil- iiviite. snliiiiei|iiiliitei'!il. Iiviiliiie, iiiid when mature, with ii septum near the lower eml. S-10 x 'A-'M, ft, (Ml (lead t\y\ leaves ol' J.^(//f'f/ and Mijilrii. New .leisey. I'roli- alilv eoniiiion in other sections ami (in other leaves. M. Pimistri, Kckl. and J/, litiijiosnnt, Saee. should also lie i'onnd in this eoimtiN as their speiiiioudiiial stau'c is ol'tcn met with. MELIOLA, Fr. Kkticli. I'liiiK. II, p. ii>'J. I'eritheeia ijlolioso. astomons, memliniiiarcons, surrounded liy stout, lii'islle-like, simple or liranehed ap]ienda.enous. liut mostly ]iy])Oi>hyllous, mycelium l)rowii-hlack, remotely septate, radiatintr, with short, jiyriform, unise|»tate, alternate branches (hy])ho- jtodia). IVrithecia lilack, liloliose, then dejiressed and at leuirth col- lajising-. rii.unlose. '2(M>-."5<)(» ri diam., surrounded by black, opake, rigid, erect, entire seta' 300-500x9-12 /u Asci oval, 2-spored, evanescent. Sporidia ol)loii, // lonu'. and each witli '1-li diverji'ent loltes 1(1-1.") /< ionii'. Mycelium foiiiiinii- round. Idack patclies. 2-() hum. in diaiii.. scattered or conllnent. composed of iirown, radiatinii'. se])tatc liyplue S-10 u thick. \\illi slnat, alternate, two-celled laiinclies (liyplio- jiodia). tilt' lower cell short and cylindrical, the upper ^loliose or ovoid and lonuer. Asci 2-4-sp(»red. Sporidia Itrowii. cylimlrical. 4-." (c) is M. jKiliiiivi)J(i. Winter. M. Cookeaiia, Spe^'. V. At--. I'm-'. 1\'. j.. 4i>. A/i/iii/a tiiiipliili idia. Vr. Kiivciiil 1'. Am. No. S|. iiii^' />.— Riil)h. WiiitiT Kiiiijri. ,vsi6. Perithecia trlobosc, (InO ft). Appendaii'cs lew. erect, 2-4-clprt at the tijiH. Asei saccate. Sporidia oldoiiii-cyliiidrical, 3-se]»tate, ,sli iiiiii. ill :. scittato * (Iiypln)- oliosc or liiidi-iciil. Is S.'i-i.') It. ()( the ill Niciii- No. I2i).s. , siihcnis- •raiiciiiiiii'. iiiscptate: icritliceiii. >i;'l'(>(r'it(Ml. liTJiiiiilar, •2-s]M»r('tl, »ii<>', 4-sc'j)- (Plate 5) -4-ciort ill ;c, slijiiitly t 1 0-1 S /i. (Plate 5) 7 111. Iiroad, :iiii)ilii,u«'iu)ii>, libifk. ill Icii^lli liroiidly (•oiilliiciit, Inniicd of lodpcly Itriiiiclicd. iiitii \vn\( II. cicciiiiii"' liypliii- Kl-l 1 // fliii-l<. Ily|tlMi|MMli!i sttittcrcfj. ciipitiitc. liciiciiilly nilii<' «tr ii little (.'iciiatc. (tftoii curved, wilii n siiuit. cyliiidriiMl stipe. ISristles miiiieroiis. erect, striiiulit. tips di-tiicli«>t(tiiioiisly ili\ idcd. the liniiiclies iiuiiiii soiiietiiiies liilid,rt Idiiiiclies iiciir tlie iipex. I'eritlieciii ure<>arioiis. ulnlmse. tiiidily cnlliipsiiii;'. ifMiuli. liliick. 17.')-"J-I0 // diiiiii. Asci eviinesceiit. Spniidiii n. (hi \{'i\\{'^ lA' Stihiil scrnihit't. Floridii to lionisiiiiiii iiiid 'I'exiis. J?. S/)Oi'/'(h'ti ',\--)-s>pfatr. .M. mptiMaipa, K. & )I. Am. Niil. IT, p. 12S4. Ivxsicc 1!11. N. A. F. X". 12^;,. ."^pots tonieiilose. mostly epipliyllons, suliorlncnliir, 2-4 nun. diiini.. numerous! iind ol'teii conllnent. .Myceliiiin piile hiown. <'reepiii a. olitiise or jiciite iiliove, iiiid colli liicted iielow into ii short, liyiiliiie stipe. Krect Inistles iiliiiiidiint, simple. iiniltis(>ptiite. Iihick. tips entire iiiid piiler. Peiitheciii Muck, snltuloliose. not iil»niidiiiit iiiid ol'teii sterile, 1 SO-200 n diiiiii., colhipsinir, siirioiindetj iit luise with a lew diveriiin;^'. In-own. septiite iippeiidiiiics, which, like the Inistles, iire more or less crisj'cd or iindiiliite iiliove. Asci oldoii^. - I'lll. X. .\. I'", uu). Spots liliK'k, tliiii. iiMislly (']iiplivll(>ii.-;. oltrii cnvci-iiiii' the oiirirc surthcc. iiivrcliiiiii diirk lnowii, ln'iiiH liiiiu'. iiitriciiic II\ pliopodiii slntrt, oviitc, nltoriiiitc. iiiiiscptMlc Kicct liypliic. simplr. ihii-k lnowii. sctncciiiis. iipiccs ciitin'. 'J")() .\ (i /<. ('(Hiidia liiilit liiowii. (ilioviitc or claviitc. ;!-.-rpliitc'. -7-l)(t.\4 /I. Iionic on i-irct. liulit hi'owii. siiMivii'i'iH' livi>li;v'. I*('i'itl.('ci!i l)Iiick, liloliosi-. smootli. 1(>(I~1l*.') it diiini. Asci fyliiidiir-iliivatt", .'}!> x !* ii. Spoiidia oliloiiii-clliptiral. liidwn. 4-st'p- tato. 3') x 1 ") //. On leaves ol' JZ/Vr/ir//'/ rrjicux. Florida. M. iiidiilnns. (Sclnv.) Sf'litniii iiii/iildus, Scluv. Syii. Cnr. iK.s. Vr. S. M II. p. .)4,^. C/iir/in^fi/uri III )iniiiUiii>. Kihin Ascuin. 2^-. A/i/iii/ii iiiiliiUiii>. Ckc. C.ifv. \1. J) ,;7 I'Asicc. y.W. X. A. V. ii;.>.— Katili-Wintir }•'. I\\ir ,;5)i. — K:iv. Kiini;. Cnr. I, sa Pcritliecia ti'reii'arious, iiluhose. roniili. collapsiiiii-. Idaek. seated on a snliicnlnni ol' black, erect, simjile. riuid. liri. Me-like hairs wliicli I'orni at lirst small, orliicniar ]iatclies. soon '■onijiient and olten siirronmlniti the liiiili and extendinu' continiioMsIy lor 2-4 inches. Asci elliptic- oltlonji'. 2-4-spored. TO-i^^n x 'J.")-.'!(i ii.. I'arajihy.^es stout. Iiranchinu'. Sporidia olilon^-, olituse. 3-septate. (4-septatc. ("ke.i, slightly c(tnstiicted. .3.')-5(ix 14—1(1 II, hrown. On livin<>' Itranches ol' Viniiniiiiii loriiiiiliiisiiiii. New .leisev to Florida. M. Hffcromeles, (Ckc. & Haik.) M,liohif>sis H,liumi,l,:s, Lki.'. .S: II;irk. r.rev. XIII. p Ji. Mfliohi ll,-lnoiii,i,!.. Ik-rl. .Sc Voijl. Sarc. Syll, r...| v KlVnsed. black. .Mycelium sniicrnstaceons. inonililorni. branched, interwoven, mixed with (^njnioil/i/n/. I'erithecia -4(» \ 12 //. Miirtiiii. On sc;il('-s ul'|iiiic ('((Ik's, New .Icihcv. r.vrxoim M. Mont. Aim. Sci. Nat. Sir. Ill, XI, J). 2,vi. .Mvccliiiiii rlViiscij. |ici'sisti'iit, Iniiiiiiii:' ii liliick. t'clt-likc cuntiiiii' on liviiiii' it'Mvrs :iiiil liiiiiis. I'ci-itlirci:! vci'ticiiliy t'loiiu'iitcil. suiiicfiiiics liiiiiiclii'il. i:ciicr:il!,v limliriatfljici'i-itc iit llic vcrtcN. Asci olKiViitc ni- rl(iiiuiit('(|. S-s|Mii'fil. S|pniiili;i 4- <>r iiKirc-ci'llcd, oltrii with iMitii tiiiiis- vcrs" Jiiiil l(iii,iritiiiliri!il s('|)lii. vollcw oi' ycliow-lirown. 'I'lic iiiciiilicrs (if tlii- liTiiiis Jiic lint iiiiiii'H'ctly known: ninny of the so-i'iiilrd species lieiiiLi' only niyeelinin wifliont niiy asciu'ci'ons jicri- llieeiii. iinil ol'ten w itiioiit evi'ii |iyeiii(liiil jiriitliecin — soinetiiiies even willioiit roiiidin. A. Axi'i i>rrxcnt; s/)(jr/(fiii innrijhriii. i. siiliciiiiiiii. (A. iV S.) (Plaf»' 10) /hiihiliiiiii Milii iiiitm. All), i*^ Sclnv . Cons]) |). 36S. J'liiiiiiM" M/.L'i/".'. IVrs Myc. Vmt. I. p. 'i. I'huiisfiiiiiiiiii /iiiiiai:i>, I,k. in I.inn. Spec. I'lant. '/'iii>iliii»i siilii iiniiii, Mont. 1. c. (ii/'iioi/iiim S/i/i./ii'iiti mil. l)c l.acr. in Kal) !•'. i\. .\S2. ('. Cilii. IS K: Dcsni. p. 11. l^xsitc Kal). I". Iv ,;,=.J.— TlnicMiiMi K. Aiistr. i(«i, 435.— Thinn. M. V. ii,)(i.— Ckf V. Brit. .cl Si r. jyi.— I.inh. I-iin,t;i lliiiiK. .o"^.— ^Ivc Marcli. 2j;i.— Vizf MiiT. I'miRi, 100 .Mvceliiini widely etl'ilsecI.eovei'iliLr tlie whole ,-«iii'l;n'e ol' the leaves ami voiinii' twins and I'ven tiie trunk and In-aiielies to some extent. I'eiitliecia llesliy, ureeiiish-idaik. sim|ile or Itraiielied. sessile or con- tracted itelow. thickened alxtve and oi»enintr with a siii»iiml»riate or lolled oriliee (ostioliini). Asci oliovato. sessile. 4( >-(•(> x 20-2.") //. li-S- sjiored. Sporidia crowded, oiiovate, olitiise ;it the ends. H-4-septate and olteii with a loiiLiitiidinal septum. snliconstrlL'tcd at tin' septa, dark liruwii. 22-2(ix!t-lo a. In the specimens liirnred on pi. K*. the sporidia were (dliptical. hyaline, ."t-septate. one ol' the cells sometimes divideil l»y a lonuitndinal >;eplum. 12-1.") x "l-Tt r/. crowiled in a>ci alioiit (iO .\ 10//, with alnindaiit parapliyses. I'eritliecia siiliovate. with a , ('. ihnit/(ifinii, Uerk. iV I'l'sm.. (^. ixjiiinsiini. Ilerk. tV l^esm.. ami C. 1 ('!'.'<( tout i, Ilerk. iV l>erin,. at least as they are represented in f ,rl|l:l 'U lis ■ 3!i< 50 Uul.. I-'. Kiir. (iC.n. M\r> mimI C.TT.— 'I'liiiiii. F. Aiisti'. 4sr,, <.);)2, lOTC iKiii. Mini 'riiiiiu. M. r. lici. ('. ^raii(li«i|M)nim, K. «S; )l. (in lli rli.) (IMat«* 7) .Mvicliiiiii siiii(k\ -liliicl<. tliiii. coiiiiiDscil ol' ri'('r|miu', liriiiicliiiiir. iiiiilti«c|ii:it('. iiiiclcatc tlirciiils. I'yiiiidiiil |M'i'itlii'( isi lirowii-lihick. -rtiiccoiis. iipicr-i I'lihirii'cd iiiid siinciitiiT. '.KtO X .'}•') //.('(iiiljiiiiiiii:' liviilimv iiiiiscptati'. i)\;il III' rlli|iiic;il s|i(iriil('s lO-l'J \ •_' /^ A'^ciu'i'i'diis |i('ii- llirciil li|it\VII-lil;irk. ;rl()lin-('. ;i| l<'lmlll (1('| irt'S<('(|-~i|l ilriit i|t)nil. I 120 //). with l(>-!-i striiiiilit. Iudwii ii|i|»('ii(liiu('s, In0-rj0\4 /<. Asfi siili- rhiviitr, S.s|iii!('(|. ";") I'JOx 1")-'J(>/)!. Sjioridiii Iiy;iliiH>. clnvjitc-cyliii- ilriciil (»!■ i'lisoiil-oliioj)'/. -l-.Vimclcnti' mihI inorr or less coiisti'ictcil lictwci'ii till' nuclei. !ii Icnutli ili-tinrtly 4--"> .~r|it;il('. ."JO - 1.") .\ i) -7 //, Iviiiu ill ."> Ill' 4 -"lii's ill tin' mm-I. (>ii l('ii\rs <)l' (iilsciiii nil nciiiiirrrirciift iiinl Mi/iiin, Floriilii I .Miiitiii I. \\'li(ilicr till' siiiiiiliiti', |iyciii(liiil |ii'ritli('ci;i licloim' to this is iiiicci'tiiiii. I*, .l.s'v" iiii/,'iii>ii'ii; sjntr/'i/ifi iiiiiri/'oi'iii. ('. »'l(»n;j;atmn. Berk. iV Ih'siii. .MoMs ivl'circil to Fiiih"<..,- l-;il. X. A. I", \=,\.\. Sctosi". I'riilhi'ciii i'li)iiL:;iti'(l, iH'iiiiiiiiiitc Li'c'iii'niliy siiii|ih', liiii- liriiitc iit the ii|i('x. S|io!iili;i l!-4-si'|»t;ii('. liinillv roiisfricti'il iit tin' s('|itM mill loii^itinliiiiilly iliviili'il. On jcjivi'S of /Vy,\v'ciitly .'i-st'|itat<'. nnirili)iiii, In-ouii, Isx'.' //. On k'avi's n\' //i/cromc/r.s. ("aliliniiia. I € «!r K)'2, 1(IT<>. (Plate 7) irniicliim''. iwii-liliU'k. iu-|iy;iliin'. rolls pcii- 1, <\'H) n). Asi'i siii)- liitt'-cyliii- oiistn'clvd ') x (i -7 //. . Fluiiilii iiiu' to this /", ]). 2-") I . iii|)l)>. liiii- Cll ilt tlic ')/, Pynis. loiiiliiDrni. idriciil. iil- •iiliii rllijt- iiiiitiidiiiiil mil, Hill).) II. liniiicli- iciil. crffl, iiitarciitK I'. |ielli«'nlosiiii. B. iV \\\\. ti. .lonni. My.'. 1.].. !)>s. Kxsicc. Knv. I'". .\iii 7'. -riiiitii, M V. jo-^ i. - I'.ll. N. .\ I'". 1511 .Mvicliiiiii (■|M|iliylloii>. I'oniiiii'j.' !i tliiii. so.try-coloroii hiycr on tlic siirliicc of tlir leaves iiiid coiisistiliii- of closely se|tt;ife. lirowii. sillireet- niiiiiiliirlv liriiiulied mid interwoven tln'eiids. .')-S n. tliiek. with eiieli cell or joint micleiili'. and iM'iiriiiLi' when well developeil. stellat.'Iy .".4 jiarted coiiidia. niiicii like those of T I'liioxpui-hnn. nearly hyaline at lirsl. Iiecoiiiinu iiidwii. each arm 4-.")-se|ifate and nncleafe. " -!• n thick uI the Uiise and .')(»"") // ionii'. tajieriiiu- to an oltUise point at the apex. P\ciiidial perithecia urowiiiii' like thick liraiiclies Iroiii the sides of ilie prostrate threads. iiieiiil>ranaceoiis. ol' rather coarse, c(dliilar, structure, oliloii'^ or (lask-shapeil. T')-lI(ll«i x .">()-.')(» n. ape.x sidiolitnse and suliliiii- liiiate. dischariiiiiii' counlle,«. niiiinte. hyaline, oldonu' sponiles 3-4 .\ 1 it. Soiiietiiiies these perithecia are (piife uloliose and formed l>y the eiilaruciiieiil of one of the coiiipoiient cells of a thread oi' liyplia. There are also prodiiceil from the mycelinm. cylindrical, lirown. iiinlliseplate conidia T<>-S() .\ (J-T //. like the conidi i of Jlci iniiitlioxjinriinii. Asciuc- roiis. perithecia 100-!.')t> // diam.. wi!h lirown. septate appeiidnu'0> like those of an K iiisljilic. l.VlJ,") in niimiier. T')-10(> // long. Asci at first oliloiii:. liecomiiii>' ellipsoidal, and alioiit 40 .\ "J.") n. Sjioi'idia crowded, liroad fusiform, hyaline. nnL-^ejitate at first, bccouiing o-.n leaves of lierlis. I'eiinsylvania. C. A>^(i luiknoirn; sporidid 'l-'^-scptuti . ('. Cai'oliiiiense. Beik. A: Desm. 1. c p. VI. \\<^. 7. Scattereil. setose, mycelium scanty. I'erithecia witli oloiiu'sitod. lateral. (Iiisk-sliapeil liranches. Sporidia oIiIohm'. iJ-M-septnte. ■ 1 l'"l 52 liJIi it m u ( >ll the low CI' sill liMc III' lc;i\c< ol' (Jtitrriis o/tf llsilnhil . Solitll ( ';i! - iiliiiii |('iiiii.«i). r. e\|iiiiisinii, B«M'k. iV: lh»sm. (. c p. IJ. liii. s. Wiilcly I'lVii'Cil. vcliitiiKiiis. I'l'ritlif'ci!! cuiiiciil. >liui'f, romiiilt'. urtcii lic.-ci with slidi'l. iiiniiiliroi'iii liliiiiH'iits. S|i(iriili;i tris('|p|!iti'. ulildiii!'. ciirvcil. ( )ii lijirk III A<>r siii-(li(irlinini \;\v. iilyniiii. (Hiin. I>. .l.s'v' II III, no It'll : sjioin/ifl iiiii.sip/iift'. (". Fiili>». |{«M'k. \ Desin. I. c |i. '••. li-. J. .Myccliiiiii tiilciiilily tliick. ni;ii|iii(t. Murk. h'|i;ii;iIiIc IVnin tin- tiiiitrix. rcrilliccin nniic-fx limlriiiil. luimlicncd with lihii k. Iloccdsr (nils ;iii(l iisliuliliiriii prnjcrliniis. S|inri(|i,i riitlicr siiiall. nviili'-oMmiu. uricii s|Mirioiisly iiiiis('|t(iit('. siil»liy;iliiic. < >ll IcilVCS i>r /'?v//7'(/ //v7o/y(/, !i('lir|';i||y iiji llir l||i|MT >i(Ir. (Hliu. {iiiil (HI li'iivrs III' v;ii-i(iii.- Iici'lis. I'('inisylviiiii;i. ('. Xi'i'ii. Kahli. F. Km-. (iti'J. iscj. |,. 7;5. .Mycrliuiii iiiniiilirnnii. liiiiMisc-icliciiliitc nnicli liki' lliiil <>[ ('. Citii. I'nitlirriii cliiii'.viilrd, sulicdiiicjil. S|ioriiliii nMuiiL:, iii;i.ii IrjiM's iiiid liniiiclio i>r .\iriiiiii Ohiiinlir. I'Mnriilii (M;iiliii). I']. .Imv iiiihiinii'ii; sjioi'iili'i {spcniKifiii) .' rniit! iiiioiis or inihiiotrn. ('. tiiba. (ke. & Haik. (iiw XIII. |.. J I. Kll'iiscij. cnistucciMis, ItJiK'k. Ilypliii' interwoven. Iii-iincliiii iiiid ('\|i;iiidi'd in ;i siiltiiii'iindilinliluriii niMiinci'. lilird witii nv.-itr. i'niitiiiii(iii<. iiyiiiiiii' s|iiiiiiirs. On I(';ivr< i){' ('iii/ir//iifiiriii. (';ilir(>nii;i . ('. axillatiim, ('k»'. Ilrdw. IST-^. \k U). Hxsicc. Hnv. V. ,\m. 77— I'.ll. N A. I', .mic. r>liick. vcliitiniiiis. sitiuilci! in tlu' nxils ul' ihr ni-rvcs. IViitln'ciii cldiiiiiitt'd, liii>li('-likt'. atti'iMiiitcfl aliovc, lilicd witli luiniitc. ol)l»)!iii viu'it ifnl ill. ( 'aliloniiii. Xcw .Icix-v niid I'cnnsylviinia. ('. Citri. Bei'k. «: in'siii. I. ». p. 11. I'.xsicc. Kav. V. .\m. .u'l ■riuiiii. M. V . .'2i.^.— l-'iiiij;i Call. 1(H)7 Sc'iittcrcd. si'tdsi'. sciiiTcly iidlicriiiii-. i'ci-itlii'ciii cIoiiLiiitt'd. I'iircly liil'uiviitr. Myci'liiini linincliinu'. ninniiiroriii. Iiciintirnlly iclicnhitcd. Spcniiatia niiniitc DldiMii!', liyaliin'. )3 IMlth Cil! , I'lllllllll*' tii-('|pt:itc rinlii ihr k. Ildccusr tc-nlilollLi. Mill', nllici. ml uf ('. li;isc|iliilr. I < Miirliii). iinhiKHi'ii. iii only iiii|icil'i'ctlv i|('\ cloiici' (^ipnod !i(iii stilitlninii. Sec iilso Till. Scl. ('iii|.. II. ji. -Js;;. r. poiiioiiiiii, B, A; ('. (iivv. IN'. |i. \'u. .Myci'liiiiii oiisolclc, I'crillicriii siikiuIIi. vfiriiililc. nv.'itc-liiiircolnfc. iiiiuviitc <»!• Uti'kril. |i('ilic('Iliitf'. ."^tipc cylimli'irjil, liliick. On (|('r)i\iiii.;' ii|»|il('s. ."^uiilli (^iiroliiiii ( UmvciicI ). ('. (|ii«''iriiiiiiii. Berk. iV \Wsn\. I. <'. |i. II. i;.\sii.c. riniMi. M. r. i isi ?-- K.iv. Iv Am. 7*^—^1. Mnrcli. (>yS. — I". C. si.|7 ('oiii|i;irt ;iiiil thick. I'f'ritlicci:! liisciciilntc. Itrmiclicd. flic oiitoi' -Initiiii: si'|i!ii'iitiiii:' ti'iiiisvi'i'scly. Mycrlimii si'iiiity. sciii'ccly constriftcil. (>ll liMM'S t)\' fjiicriuts nhtiixlhthil. Sontll ('lirnliiiil (Hiivonol). ('. |Hi('<'inioi(l('s. K. A; K. .lomn. Mycnl. I\'. p. '..I. I*('ritlii'i'iii ;iiii|iliiui'iiiiiis. cyliiiiliiciil. olitiisc, 7,")_S(>x *2<> //. Iiviiliiic, lirrniiiiiiLi- (i|iMkc, i'iiiiii|M'iit ill iiiiiiiitc liltifk liil'ts. wliicli lire citlifT -(Mttcrcil (ir ((tllcctcil in uroiips or pntclics l-."» iniii. iicross. In the cciitnil piii'linii (if tlicsf ui'oiips till' li'iil' iiccdiiics ilciid. jiimI ;i whitisli. liiirc spill is liiniicil. till' iiiiiiiiin dI' wliicli i-; I'riiiucil witli !i liliick linnli'i (iT pi'i'it' 'ciii. till' wlioir prcscnfiiii:' tin- ufiicriil iippc'iniiin' uT ill! clViisi'd Piifi'iiiid. 'I'lic pi'iitli('ri;i on tin' spcriincns ('Xiiiniiicd were entirely sterile. On liviliu' le;ives n|' Fiuiscril spcciostt. Pike's Peak. Colo.. Aui>li>t. ISST (Tracy I. .\|)ios|H)i'iiiiii .111*1 .Aiiteniiai'ia. wliicli include mostly only unde- veloped liiriiis. have lieen omitted. S.\('( ABDI.A, rke. C.rtv. VII. ]). .|ci. .Mycelium ara<'lmoid. wry delicate and evanescent. I'l'i-itliecia uloliose. Asci uloiiose or ovate. S-spored. Sporidia oliloiiiidr ellip- tical, miirirorm, hyaline. S. qiit'iriiia, (ko. 1. c. Ilypophylloiis. Mycelium evanescent. Peritliecia scattered or ureuiirioiis. uiohosi'. thill-walled. S()-l(»() ^^/ diaiii., loosely attached Ity a '(vw delicate, siireadiiiu', thread-like liyplia- at the iiase. Asci ti'loliose or ovate, altoiit ."lO n. diaiii. S|ioridia oldoiiu'-elliptical. hyaline, luiiri- Itiriii. IS-2(».\S-1(> //. (»ii leaves ()[' (Jiicrcii.s rii-ciis. (Jeoriiia (Uavciiel). S. Martini. KM, & Sacc. .Midi. II, ],. ',14. (Plate \)) Hxsicc. lUl. N. .\. I'. i2'<.i. Peritliecia seatel ulini liilly di'- V('ln)ici|. wilii two 111- more cells ilivideil liy il !(illt:illli|ili;il se|i|||iii. -dllietillK'S sliillillv eniislricp'il III tlic seji(;i. ICt "J.') x .'! [\ n. \ \\y. niitjor. nil Iciivo III' MhiiiidI ill i//inir(i. Iiii- the [leiit heei;i iiiel >|iuii(liil lill';:('f. the hitler ;;n U) \ T-S n. iilnl (l-'.lse|it;ite. ()ii li'MM'S of MiKjnol ill. (ic/sciitiinii .sciit/Ku-rncfis. ;\\\(] fjnirriis liniril'nl i ^s. I'eritheeiii iitlaehed to the lniiih'r ul' a .«iii:ill. tiiii2li-niii;irenii.<. jihiiKi eiiiiN ex or liiially (((luave. Idaek -troiiia. sii|ieili(ial. small, lirow ii- isli. siiridiinded mid iie;irl\ hiihieii Ky tiill-ol erect. Inown Ii;iirs. .Vsci cylindrical. S->|iored. S|iuridi;i oldnim, li\iiliiie. Iieeuniiii'j iiiii>e|itate. li. lidiiicna'. Kiiii/c, I. ( . .VV'iw.i .\'\l,'sl,-i, DC. Syii. |i. i.u. .\y/(i)iia iMiiiieiir, Vr. olis. ' i). i,^. S/i/iiriiit mhniilftt, Vt. Vii. . . :iil. Ilaiull. i'-i7. p. .Hj.|. /.ii>ii>/iii/) i\ .\'y/ii\/,i, I,k. Ilaiidluuli. Ill, ]> .;~vi. />olhiili''i /juiitrur. Vr. S. M. II. )). .s.s;. I.ii.uiihiili \\ ,itli>ii.\. Hark. Now Cal. I''iiiii.!i. \>. •.■. i:xsic<. I'ckl. !•■. Khfii. 17.111.- Kiiiizc H. St-l. .^7;. — Kal>. lit lb Mycil. (i(A.— Kal>. I', i:. I l.v|. — Rihiii .Vsf. IV.— Thiitii. I- .\ lojs. -id. M. f. .i.s7. Stioiiiala Hat. convex. Iiecoiniiin' coiicav e. small i "jriO-IJOO u. diani. i. Idack. .^hiiiiiitr, iisiiallv c(dleclc(| in compact, circular i:roii|i.s .xcntteri'd irretiiilarly over the >iirt'ace oi' the Iciil. or raiiired in a cinde. with a vacant space in the center. The mariiin ol' eaidi stroma is Irinved with (((jtioiis. Iiri(l-II!(»x .■i-4 I'., at the liase ol' which nestle the i^loiiose ( ."jO //) peritliecia astomons and ol' toiiLili, cellular texture. Asci liisciciilate. cyjindric- cda\ate. -lO-fjOx Ht-l'J />.. witluait paraphyses. Spoiiilia ovatc-oldonu'. S-14x4-"> i>, hyaline, continuous at lir>t, liecouiiiiu' yeHow-Iu-own and tini.-eptate. The small stromrila. al'ter the peritliecia have raljen. col- lapse, and then mntdi reseiidile ji >in!.ile ciipulate perithe<'iuni. (hi livinu' leaves of Loniitra lilxiildnla. 'ranialjiais. Calilornia ( Ilarknes.-i. .Vs the Caliliuiiia I'liimus dill'ers Ironi the Muropeaii only in the ycdlow-liifiwn, iiiiiscptate .-^poridia. il :-i'euis better to reua'd it as the 65 1 1 liniilly t;ii('licliy- l'(| illM»V<'. . nlildllti'- liilly (I.-. S(>|)tlllll. ir. major. iiriiiccdiis. II. lllOW II- iis. A. I', i; ) // iii.i. J scatlcrcil I'lo. witli :l is Irinucil < (;(t-i;'.»>\ |>critlic('i!i , cyliiKiric- itc-nlilmii:'. Iirowii aiitl fiillcii. col- li, ('aliloniiii Diily ill tlir '•(1 il iis the I iiiiitiiic .>tiit<' ol' L. L'lii/rini' instriKJ ul' niiikiii;;' il s|icri(iciill.v ilistiiict. Ill ill! tlif Kiiin|M'iiii .•^|i('Cf. llic s|(u|-iili;i iiiv niiifiiiiiniis niid liyiiliiif !i> r(')iros('iilc(l ill I'l. s. liys. s iiiid !>. S( Jutl AS, Fr. (I'l.ite 10) Sv^t. fill) Vi'H. i>. 171. Sv^t. Mytiil. Ill, p -'ii". iMvccliiiin of i:'i'c('iiisli-liliifk, iiiiicli lii;iiifli<'il. riuiil. sc|itiilc Iiypli!!'. ('IivcIoimmI iiiiil liliM'd (o-ii'tluT liv !iii iiiiiiiiiliiiit iiiiii'iliiii'iiioiis .-•iiIpsIjiiicc. iiinl roiiiiiiiu' ;i loox'iy i-oiii|)!icl('i|, idiick. loimli. spoiniv iii;i.iiis s/. I" I'! .ins.'. TImiii. M I'. '»i7 I'fiillici'in ;iliiiiidiiiil. iiltiiclicd lo llir Ijlici-s ol' tlic niyfcliiini. iiciir tlicir <'.\li( inilifs. o\;itc or pyiiroini. olitiisc or iiciiiiiiiiiilc. 1(10 I'JO.x "0-^(1 ft. iiio.-tly (•ontiiictcd Ixdow into :i short. tlii(d< sli|M'. coriiircoiis. iir<'<'iiisli-li|;icl\. tcMiirc siilH";nli;it('-rclliiliir. Asci iiiirrow olpov!ilr-idii\ - iitc, tJiii l<-\\iill<'d. 10-4') .\ 7 //. s.s|iori'd. Sporidiii I'lisoid, yrllowisli- liyiiliiic. ■2-si'riiiti'. ;J-si-|.(iit«'. I'J |."t.\l!.l :>//. On liviiiii' liccfli liinlis iis.^oi'itilcd with some spocics of wooh iipliis. or on (he ground :iiid on Viirioiis other things, weeds, yrnss. Ae.. where the npliides or their droppiiius li:ive lidleii. FKFtlSPOKUM, Vv. (IMaf«' 7) Syst. Orl). VcK. I. p. ihi, Syst. Myc. HI, p. 2.(8. I'eritlieciii sciittered or ti-rejriirions, siipcrliciid, fiiriioimi'et)-coii;i- ceoiis. ojieniiiii' iit leiiutli irrei:iil:irl,y or with a cirnijiir nioiitli. liloiiose or depresisicc. riuiiii. M. v. I'll' — *-"kf. h'. Ilril 2il Set. jS.,. — Vize. Miir. I'linfji S?. (Ireya lions, siipeiiicial. Mack ami shininti-. Asci iiroad-cdavate. with a short, nodose stipe. ;)")-40 x 17-l'.t ti. Sporidia 8. l>-septate. lirowii. the two iiii:- paper and (doth, and various other decaviiiii' inat(M'ialf!. "^^ ■^W"^^^^^ 56 I !i Sliccil|(|(» ill Svllu!;r I, |». .')."). t!i\i'» llif InliMwiiin liicii.-lllfllicnl- lium s|i('ciiin'iis on flilVi'it'iit lin-ls. \ i/.. On Imik nl' ilcinl linili-. iisci .'{.') 4(>.\ IT !'■> /t. sli|i(' 7->> /' liMiii. -|iiiiii|iii "Js x .'» //: un ilccuyinti |in|icr. iist'i >■'• I'lOx is n.. sli|ic iIO-.'lo y. U>wj:. s|i< /<: on slici'inlnnii. iisci fitln -linr'lsli|pitjil<'. \'t \ \'i iT //. »li|pi' 10 /« loni!, :^|i()r. li'i .\ /"j.^ (1 f(. iM , .-i iTo-r.'ti \ -Jd y. >ii|,r Tfi-UMl t, lon'u, spor. .'»."» \ (!.',-" f>. 'I'lic .-|i('rics si'cnis In he ri)inniiin in Kii!'ii|m' liul. ii^ liir ii> wr know. Iiiis not vt't licrn I'nnnil in llii- connliv. Tlie >)pci'ii'< liL:iii('(| on |il;it(' 7 ^ J', t'niiii nlnlinu I'l'ciiss.i is IVom ii> in KiirLit'is S;i.\on l"'unui l-t>. mi -tinw of :in old lliiilrlicd .-iii'i inn Im'I'-I M\c Sporidiii oMonu' or >li(tit- I'. lliiH'li. I{. iV i. (iiv\. IV. |,. I.M. .Minnie, .-catti'icil. .\.-(i i'!li|iliiii rlli|itit'iil. nnini'ions. liroun. On I'iililMts" ilnnti'. S(nilli ("tiiojinii. ••S|i(»iiiliii iifown, 4-n'll('i|. io(l-«li;i|pri|. |ioinl<'ii ;il the cnil.";. iiol loii-iiiclril ill llic sc|p|!i. \'l\-\i) \'l\-'.'> II." (Kiirlipu in lilciis.) I'. Z«'a', B. \ r. (I lev. IV. p. i:.T. IV'rillicciii scriiilc lorminii' shoit. Ipjink liiii--;. jumI >iinoiiii(|i'(| lp\ slioi'l ••\iilo>('"' li;iii'«. Asfi liinci-oliiir. >|poriili;i shut i-|iisi|oini. Iii- st'ptiilc, sliiiJitly cojisliicli'il nt tlir st-pln. On Ziii Mui/s. Soiilli ( 'ni'oliii!!. Dr. Fiirlow <:'i\<'.- llic rollowin'j iiolf* liom ^pi'cc. in I Inlp. ('iiili> ■• Asfi sli.Liiillv fhiviilc. incniiiiirj tiO x S-" /^ Sporidiii disliclioii> 4-c('ll('d. Iirouii. iicnic ;il lln' ends. lliiil llic -pcciincli^ of ■• J'l rispDrl inn Zen Ocsiii.." in Kiiv. Kniiui Cnr. 1 1 1. No. »;.'>. >-liou iiolliinii' like l'iri.' //. or 4(>-."»(t \ ;;(» li. olilonL;. olitiise. It-sepliitc. willi ;i loniiiliidiiiii! .-icptnni riinnint;' lliron^^li om. (,c more (-(dls, IS-'J'J X S-IO //. sliii'litiy cnrved. On sk'iiis i)i' 0/)Hiif/n Mitnon/ih.ii. Tcxns, ( Wriiilit). |)esc!ili<'d IVoiii specc. in llic Ciiilis Collection (I'oni. Fiirldw). P. ('aliidii. (S<-lnv.) Syn. (':ir. .'.It;. This is Srlcrotliiin CiUiiHi, Vv. S. .M. II. p. "Ji;!. n ■■)< .-iirfiiM'til- iiiili-. iisci (IcrtiN iii'j 7 >^ //: on 0 tl. lull!^. loiiu', spor. we know . S.I IS troui I tliatclicd or short- ends, not •is.) lundi'il li\ silurni. tri- ■rli. ("iirti^: (lisli('lion>, III' niiilillc, rill III Zcii ions. Ill or I :i sciintv. lolli. .\s(i lid witlioiii . 3-s('|)tiiti'. <'lls. 1S--J-J iirlow). m ElKinHM. lik. Sjx-t riant VI 1 . (1 -., I'ci'illifciii sii|M'rli('inl, tdoliosc, a.//HW (•/>; ri/('«, Sehm iS: Kzt Dfiil.tilil Si'luv.iiimu H( luimlmm As/'fi villus iclaiii lis. ili- Hary Hfitr III, \> \u Hxsicc kiil> Mtrli Myi-ol (V. Thiiiii K. Aii»tr hs'i, ^(S Kll N A 1'. ("l Myccliiiin sujicilicial, loose. ;\\ Urst wliitr, tlicii red or r('ddi>li yellow. JV-ritlu'cia Ldoiiosc. snljiliiir yellow, "o-lOO it diaiii. .\«»'i splieiiiid or jiear-sliaped. 12-1") /< diani.. N spored. .*»poiidia len- sliaped, with a uioovc ai'onnd the ed^^e and the inai'^iii on ea<-li side lirieily ladiate-striale. S-U» « diaiii. Hii poorly jtieserxed herliariiini speeiineiis Ac, in damp place.-. MVRMK'mTIM. Ki. Systeiiwt MycDloKiciiiii II, p V'4 I'ei'itheciii irl(»l>ose, iiieinlnaiiaeeoiis, snitasloinons. tirni. ureiiarioii-. sealed on an interwoven, mneediiious snliieiilum. M. Kvei'lisiilii. Sa«T. & Ell. Syll. 1. p. Tiio. Y\^W !h lixsicV- ICIl N. A l- r<^. I'eritheeia densely tireiiarioiis. sulitdolio^e. ohtu.-ie, astoinoiis. Ia0-2(M) u diani. deiisidy elothed with a veiy pale cinereons. rotloiiy coat. Te.xture of the periflieeia aieolate. thin, nieinltraii- aeeoiis. -iiltrut'oiis. Asci? Spores? coiiiilntinate, . I'eritheeia liiCLMrioiis. sU-l(t(» u diam.. carlionaceo- nienil»ranaeelauco-ciiiereous myceliu f the same coloi- iind S oK i;!;i:,'; ilT i; ': «t. 1 11 •' a i d 1. fliiii'iiclrr ii.» ill llic iiirci'iliiii; -.|mtJc« liiiiii wliiili it ililVi'is ill its siiiiillcr ■iulMiliviMciiiis sjiuio iiinl >iii;illi'i'. -"tiiiiir iirritlicriii with nti iijiiciil >»p('iiiii!j-. < Ml the liilSSWnuil liiittnlii :iliii I'liii I ^>r• n\' ;i liliri'i-l !>. It i.> iiiin'i'tiiiii u lit'tlii-r till' |i('i'iiiit'<'i;i 111 tlii.> ui-iiu> fVfr lircuini .isi'iircrnii.i. >l. sparsiim. Hark. Cull. Ciil. Am. I. s. i. F.-i... InM. p. A± I'l'ritlicfiii sciitt('H'il. vclluw isli liinun. ITO-I^^'O n ilium., siii I'liiiinlt'il liv ii siiiiity. uliitr .^iiliiriiliiin. S|'tii'i'.> iiiiiiinuii.''. iiiifi|iiiill\ i'lli|itiriiUi\iiiiiit'. ii|iitiiliit<' iit t'licli fiii|. with ii hiitrc v!inn»h'. 7-lt .\(> // Mil i|t'iii| tniiil<> '•! .1"/ >iiti(r>)ji/ii///uni. I'ctwi'i'ii tln' liiirk iiinl wiiuil. Siiiml, ( "iilii. SIBORUKH. HVhM RK.\( K.t:. ."'iiiililr. or r. liriii'htcolnicij ( rt'il. yi'lliiw, Mill' t'tr.). ii|iciiiiiL: liy ii siilicciitiiil ustioliiiii Stiuinii, wht-n |»ri'si'iil, soft, wii.\_v tnriioM', HI iicca.-iioiiiillv ruttniiv. Sarc. Syll. II. (». 447. 'I'hc //i/fioi ixK ) n jiii'iii ii \i'iy r.\t<'iisi\f ami natural ^ri»ii|», ail till- ilitlrrt'iit mcmlici> <'i>m|Misiii^ it slinwin;^ an iiiiiiiistakalilt> relation «hi|i I'a.-ily I't'f'oiini/i'il. KKV TO Till': i.K.NKHA. .\. J'rrtf/nr/ii sunk ill fill- striniiii. * Stroma cn-rt, .-|ioiii|ia lilirorm. liyaliiH'. ... |, ** Stroma •'tViisi'il. >|Miriilia \arioii,«. hyaliiii'. ■ - • .'V I ."'^troma i!i|iilati'. .-(•li'iorinfi/rrjt.s " lii'riii"oloii.-i. Ai'i'fi.s/it'i'iiiiini. 2. ."^troina tiilifrnilai. sporiilia lililorm, limiroloii,-. Srlinin ht'lliicoloii.-i. 0()iii;/ci:s .'{. Stroma . x t; // ' li.irk :iiiil IKM'll-IIH'lll lillic ftr.). ■iol'l. waxy ffroup, all • I'claliuii ;{ lin'/ci'ps. ,1, isj)crniiiin. Sclinin Oniiijfrcn nli/Ktif/iiKi. '. IN ritliccia lu-akcil. s|iMrii|ia lunwii. • - Jfdnfiosjinra. n-AMCKI'S. Till. Ann S>i N;il II l^S.*, Srr XX. Ji i; StiMiiia iTftl. coiisistiiiL' "I' a -l<'iil<' stem and snlMjIolmsc, Icitilr li.ail, LTuwinu I'li'iii a sulnylinilrifal. lilack. Iiani sclciKtiiiin. I'cri- Uifcia sunk in tln' slidiiia. Ilask-slia|icil. Asci «-lavati- cylimlrii-al. .•*-s|ton'(|. S|i«iii(lia lililnrni, ruloflcss, (•iiiitiiiiiniis. Tin- (lt'v»'|ti|iniciit ol' lliis ir«'ini- ln-iiin- in caily siiiiiniiM- in tlir tli.wfisol' wlicat. rye aiitl various <.'rass<'s, llif inyrcliiiin |ii'ii('tiatin;r lln' u\iii\ nltlic alVt'ctftl (Idwcr and fran-rnniiiiiu il i-y dc.nvcs infn a soft. sniiittx wliitf siilistaiK'c lilli'd witli niiinciiMis cax itics wlmsc walls arc lined witli stcriiiinata licarinii minit'idus nvalc loldiicss stylns|Miics. Tliis sdi't aiii<>i|iiinii> liiidy i.- L'failiiallx rliaiiiivd iiitn fln' i-ylindiical. Iiurn-sliapi'd <(l<-i'utiiiin htlidI) wliicli falliiiL' i'rnni tlic licad <>[ t-iiiin and lyiiii!' nn (ir in tlir LM'oiind llii'oiiuli tlic winter, piits lurtli in tlie Inlldwiny s|ll•illL^ the |iert'ect asriLn-rnu- tiinLnis. ('. |Mir|niiva iKi.i .S/>/iiii>i,i f>iii/n4r>,i \'t S M II. p iJ.S (i>:irtlvi Clatirifs fiiiifiuKii. Till 1 i' Winttr Dit Pilzr. II p 141 Kxsicr R:il> llirl. Myc 4,u -Tlium F .\\\>U .sss, S75, ,,7^, Sthwti/. Krypt hv. ^«1 Krvrr FiiiiK Sax 7.^. tfiy. 4>«). I'l" Selerntiiiin lA--.'. em. Iftnu. eyliiidiieal-liorn-sliaiM-d. mostly a little eiiived. wrinkled )iiii)ilisli-lilaek outside, wliile within. Stro- mata usually .-eveial (siddom diily onej troni the same selerofiiini. Heads sjilucroid. tiiliereulose Iroin the |iroiiiinent jieritheeia. ounic nn sh(Mt tiexiious stems. A.-7(i // Ion;:. y iisii rill III /ic/iros/iiirnfii, Nees. and ()i(/iiiiii iifKniifiniiiis. H. and Hr. are eonsidereil to l>e the coiiidia ol' this species. In heads of rye and various other •species of the order (Jiainineii'. HO 4 . iiiicrtKepliala. (\>'iillrj (I'lafe 15) K, ii/i,i\/ii'i mill mil I'liifilhiliiiii. Wiillr Hiilr;ii;t II t.iti ^. ( /,i,;i,'/>v iiiiiiiiiifihahi. Winter Die I'ilzf II. i> u; ICxsui Kill! Ui-rl> Myi- id I- K ^''''7 Tliiiiii 1-" Austr \<>s- id M r ,,^ .170. injh. i7c)H -I.iiih KiiiiK HniiK f^t- Krikss !•' Si;iiiw M March >/»'' 1S4'' -isyg hitVt'is IVoin ('. /iiii/uinii. |iriii(i|iiilly in its siniillrr si/f (stem fill loriii. IO-K; iiiiii. loiii: I. Iicad "jrlnluisf, iiirnii>. (^ iniii.i. otlifiwisf like tin- |)it'r('t|iii!i s|M'(i('s. (Ifuw-i IVnin tlif ciirol "if Phriii/initts n mi mini is vvliidi, liiiwcvt'i-. iilsii |iin(|iin'- llic licst-iiii'iitioiH'fl sjM'fii's. |{()tli ihoc iiiJiv ill' niiscil liv riilti\iifiiiii ut tln'ii Mli'inliii, wliicli iikiv Ik- liulitly ciivfii'il witli i-iirlli. l1 Myidl II J) U4 Mliilllil frt'cl. ( lilV;il<' (llinstlvi, silllpli' or liCIIIirlu'il. strlilc lii'inw, liriiiiiii: till' |i<'iitli('i'iii (;iiiil iilti'ii luiiiiliii ) iiliiivf. I't'ritlit'ri;i liiirii-il Ml' iiKiir or li'ss iii-iiily -ii|ii'rli«iiil. Asri ryliinliifjil. willi s tililnnii, |if:i. Tilt' ii I'liiin rillin'i (spi-rics ul' l^hiiiliniiii/ns). 'V\\\'\ ;iliiiiinil in tlu' frnpicnl ti'iiiuns. Iiiit jut t'uiiinl iilsu in tlic tnnpcriitr /.oni'>. 'I'lirii roiiiiliiil -t;ii;r i- rrpicsfiiti'il iiy thr viiiimis -pccic- ul' jsi/riu. {'. ciitoiiioii'liixa i hitks, > Splui, I la • iihiui'i I III ,1 Kiiks I'l Cr Hnl I i> !.' A'i>i/>iii/>i» mill niiiiiii/iiliiiii. Walli Ui'ilr II. ]> iNi ( ill,ll.,p> lilt: iiii'i I III ■ 11^ I.k IliKJIik 111. |< i.i: Toiiufiui ililnniiii I h: It Till Sri (.'arji I p 'i ( n»(/i<./>.i .l/i/./../.. Mull .S: Hnk Canl Cliiciii 1-7"' Hx«iri Kali 1-" V. l.'l^' CiUliii.-r. Ilrihl -l|iiL:li>l"i>i'. liiiMi'li _\i'l|iiu, 111 iiiiliii iJMI'krl Stipi' >iiliiiiiiipi'i'.-M'il. '1 imlii's liiiiii. :iiiil uvi' . A.-i i r\ limliiriil. Spuriili;i lililiiiiii. Iiy;iliiii'. lin'Mkiiii: up into r\ limlriciil Joints, m- snl ions. 7- -^ // lon;i. (iiowiiiL; 110111 l;ii\ir III in.-rrts. Ciiioliiiii i Kiivi'iirl ). ('. ai'iiieiiiaca. B. \ (". .louin Linn. Soc. I. p. i.V.t. t^ili. 1. liu. 1. .\pliro|-ro|ii|ri|. -lipr llcxnolis. llltlirr short. .^ IIIIII. loll^. Ili'ilil -lllitiloliosc. nitlli'l pull', rol|;:li('nt'i| liy IJir pi'ritlli'(i;i. Asri t'loiiiiJili'il .'iiliintliiliMJ :it till' :ipi'.\. Sporidii liin-iir. iiiiiiiiitiiri'. ( >ii iliiiiLT III' liinl.-, prolijilily from llii- ri'iiiiiiii> of iii.<»'cts i-iitcii. Ciiroliiiii (RiiviMK'l ). 1 61 riaff 15) 1 M r ..^ H Sax i2h (siciii lili wise likf iiinnniiiix. >i»f|i tlit-.r Ix' liulillv If licliiw. iii liiiiicil S Hlifoiiii, Olii i|c;i(l ^). 'I'Im-v llllpfliltf >|K'»'i('.- (if ihii'kci liiiiliiciil. -. nr sol , lili-. I . •• llril.l IdllUilli'il. ■t> cillcil. r. palusti'j»'. Berk. A; Br. Linn. .lumn. I. c. lii>. .'). (.'iiiiiost'-siilii'iosr. iliirk. diilv llt'sli-culoicfl. .-.tiiM' cN lindritiil, liiliti, or tiifitl iili<»\('. 'J;')-')0 iiiiii. luiii:. iiicliMlinv the clnvjitc. siilirvliinliiciil ln'iii| wliicli is loimliciicil liy the |ii!ii| liii'Vii' in il.'iin|) irinnml. Cni-nlinii ( Hiivrncl). < . stylopliora. Berk. vV Br. liinn. .loiirn. I. <-. tiir. ^1 Vcllnw. Sti|H' .-ilciidcr. rj-ls iiiiii. lonii, \ mm. thick. Ilciifl mncli clonyatctl, with thr surliicc nciirly .xiiiooth. I'riithcciii imnu'iscil. (hi (|<-;iil liii'Vii*. Ciirulinii ( Ijiivciit'l). Till' s|M'(im('n in Hiivrnt'l's Kiniiii V;\r. Kxsicc. \ . .\<». 4!). luis tilt' sI(mmI('I' sicm ii littlf nvcr 2 cm. lony. the iiscitrcruiis part (icciimv- iiiii ,. iiicdijil |insiti(»n. cyiimliicnl, ami sliahtly cnlartrcd. alioiit s mm. Idiiu Ity I IIIIII. thick, with a i.\tilliiii/»*' Tlie Syti. "T'liiiihiii ,iii,ifii. ]•'.[] in Siur Syll rests on -ioiiu tinn Mx.sicc Tliiim M. V. tj^s Knim Specimens collected I'y Trot'. I'eck, and ilistriliiiled in de 'riiiiemenV Mycotheca I 'niveisalis. No. TioS. we Imve drawn the liil- Inu inn (lesciiplioii. Stroma simple, clavale. jilioiit ,'{.\| mm, consisl- iiiii ofii liLiht-ciiiereoii-^tipe, ^iirmoiinted Ity a lilack. ovale, «»r e|liptic;il lit'atl. nhoiit I mm. hitili and \ mm. thick, rtamhened liv the roiiiitled. prominent peiitliecia. which are til' coiirse cellnjai' structure, and only illlpeiTectly pel lorateil aliovf. .\sci slllisessile, hroiidest in the mitlille. 1 iilitiacteil ;iIh.\c. imd rtiiimleil at the apex, S( »-!(;') x S- 10 u. Sporii|i;i lililoriii. Iti-epliite, lO-THx 1.1 -J ^/.joints .V") n lonii'. On deiid scale insects (Lecanimn). tm liviny lii-anches of F,;t.,- '""•■> I /V/y/o.s-, \ V. (reck). On liranches t.r r/c)'//y,/, Xewliehj. N. .1.. tin C'lr/iiinis. Canaila (Dearness), In Sacc. ..) Slioiiiiilii Mtliliirv. siiiiplf. cjiiiit.-itr. iilmiit .'{ iinn. Iiiiili. Sti|u iiliniit 2 iiiiii. Iiiu'li iiiid 1 mill. Iliu'k. loiiinl nr siilM-iiiii|iri's.'-)-)|. hciiil (Icpn'ssi'd-iilnliiisc. soil :iii li'Xtiiri'. (tv!ili'-iiiiii«iil, •J'»0-;;(Ki // liJLili iiinl KMl^j.'iU _u liniiiil nt tlir uiili'st |»!irt. iiciii'lv lull! tlif ii|i|ti'r |i;ii't |iiuji'ctiiii: mihI iimri' (li-cpls riiloi'cil. Asc'i rusiiiil-liiiciii-. I M>--JU(I x -J-'J^ ti. iitti'hiiiitiMl tiiwjiiil- I'iicli finl. Spniiiliii lililiiiiii, intrrwuMMi. iii':irl\ ;i« luiiu- il^ thr iiM'i li'ss lliiiii }, ft tliii'k. On ilciiil hiivii' (»l tlif • iiiiisiiii \\iis|). " lu'jii St. Miiitiiisv illf, Lii ( Liiii. 1,11111 S(. ri iM III I'liM 11 \i if'^j i'lavii) la K'tiiiulnm. Hull Cli.'iMi|i \ \t :■>•. Sl>litrnii mililans, VMt Hiilr z Naturkilt- torn III p -Ji L'liiilhfl'^ mililaii>.\.V. Hii llik III )• ;;: h'liilinsfHii mm militiitr fi. K i/iini/niii W.illr Hi tti [.(i ifrfi ,V 1(17 I'i'tiiihui niililiiiis. Till Stl Ciirp III. |i ■ ('i>tif\i,fi\ w/;/;/i;ii\, Sfiiv Syll vu I'A-iii'i I'liiwr S))li llrit mh Svdow M M^tili isi -> 1' }■. ;^r Koiiiii Iv Call >157 .'^iMiiiiiil;! siilitiirv. nr siiiiirtiiiii'> -i'mmiI. i>-iiiii'j iisniillv linm ihr Iii'jhI. Iiiit sniiii'tiiiii'S t'nuii tin' ;iitiriil:tliitii- nl' tin' |iii|i:i.i)iiiiiyi'-ni|uiri| 4-') rill. Iiiiili. ilirlilililiu' till' I'liiiiLnitril rliiv.'ili' Iii';mI. wliirli is I - 1 .i iMii illllL^ iiinl iiiiiiiiti'l\ liiltciciilusc trnm tin- siiin niiiciil. I'lnriui'iil. nriiiiur It'll [ii'iitliiTiii. Am'I >l<'iiili'r. 1 l.'i-l.')tl\ t-.'> ^M'liiiliiiiiiiju i-iii'lil sli-inl IT. liliriHiii. I'lii.'^clv-jiiiiiti'il ~|iiiiiili:i iii';irlv ;i- luu'j .i^ llii-iisi i. iiml lui-iik iiiii ii|i iiilii iiiiiiiitc. Iiyiiliiii'. .-iilM'lli|iiic!il -iririin.nt^ 'J-;; u lony. 'I'hr iniiiiliiil A;\\x*- [ Isdiln f'liriiio!'!!. Vv.) i.- ul'ti'li lurl witli ;iliil icm'IiiIiIc- il .sirliii.-cii- I Fiiilii\\ I. Ciiiuliiiii i If.iM'iii'l i. IV'mi.^yl viiiiiii 1 Kxriliiiil). Nrw ^'nik ;l'i'»ki. N'i'u .Ii'i>r\ iKlli.<). Ciilirmiiiii (lliiikii('s>|. \Vi.<<'uii.-;iii (Tii'lriiMi (uniiliiil «liiiif. r. Kaveiielii. B. A; ('. .1 n. Linn. Sue. I. p. l.V.i. tnli. 1. lii:. 4. Kxsu'i- k:iv l-uilyi Car IV no i^ Sll'Mlllil IStip(') ridlltliltril, llrMHHIr. riilllpl-.'SSI'll Illlll -llllilti' wllill ilrv.iit liivt niiiiiitcly tniiH'iitu.-ic.liiiiilly iiciiily . "» inrlic- or iiinn hiirh. (st'c l{ili'v. in Aiiii'iicjiii Kiitoiiioloi:i.-t, 1^>(>). iin Imlin^ tin- flon ^ li. SM|h v-f(|, lll'illl iTiipy till' ll'JIIIilCCIIIl.- linl ill rlic Iff i|('('|il\ I tuWillll- I.- iIm' iiH-i svillf, Lii li'iiiii till' ;('-t', r\u ll. Illilllc^C ili'llt >ll'l|(| iiid lirt'iik nii:. 'I'lir H'X'llllllo Ml.- sli'(>iii;i he .-^lirliltr I. IN'ii'.s.vl ('iililiii Ilia , lii:. I. ■atr wlicii t'.< or iiKH'i' tilt' ('lull uatc Jniiits •!-•'> >' '""-• ''"' ^I»'''iiii<'iis in |{a\. I''iiiiiii Car. K.\.-i< f. W \n. -Js. arc ^ ll> iin. Iii'jii. tln' y('l^l^\ i-li- Inowii -Ifiii aliniit "J iiiiii. Iliiik. <'iiliiiL:ril al>'p\c. in iliat part (ii'(ii|ii('(| 1,\ tlic I 11 iilic( ia. tip aluiii ;; I, ,11. tliiik: Iml ll:r -I'ci iincn- arc im i|iiiil>l r(iii>i(l('ial'ly >iiialli'r tliaii wlicn Ircsli. (IniwiiiL;' IVniii ilrad larxa- nl' tin- •'. lime Ix'i'tlf "( A'/'7(//o.s7. /■/^sT(/i and iillur larv;r ("'i lniiicfl in llir uKUiinl. ('aidiiiia ( Itavcncl i. Iowa il!('-.-c\). rmn-ylvania i l-lv I'lliart i. |)c-ii i|ili and Liund iliaw iii'j- o|' tiii~ and tlic two iirccrdiiiLr -]p('cir- aif uivin in .Iniiiii. N. ^'. .Mii i(i-( up. Sue \u\. I. p. s('(|,. jpy li.'V. .1. \.. /alpii^ki.-. ('. iiisi^riiis. ( k«'. «V Kav. (iii\. XII. p. 'is. Li\ iilpniplr. .'^•I'lpi' ,-liai'jlil. '!--l iin. hi'ili. pale snlcali', i'i|iial. Ilcail -iilpL:luriei| in the LiriPiiml. < 'aiolina i iva\ ciicl). ('. iM'icnh'.i. (Sclhv.) • Sj'lhiiui lir>,H'f,i. Si-liw. Syil. N. .\lll. ll?- lieail hifiii (I'J niiii. thiik). ovatc-n the iii(piind. annpiiii' rra'/mcnts of dccayiiiL;' wd(pd. Salem. N. (' 'Schweinit/l. .\ line -pccimeii oT this .-pccic- lia> ipceii -eiit Ironi Ohio |p\- i'lipr. \. r. .MoiLian. When iVf'sh it wa> aliont three inches IuliIi and hall an inch thick. iirowiiiL;' IVoin >onie deail larva ol con>idciiilple si/e. The Icrtilc lieatl. w liicli occupies alpoiii an inch ol' llic upper part of the -li'in. lea\iiiu a sh(prt, rather olitii>e. sli-rilc lip, is ipf a li'jlit \ellow cipIoi and ronulieiied lp\ the soincwlnit proniiiiciit, clip«el\ -packed peri- tliecia, u hicli are alpont l.'iO// in diameter, with slitihtly |proinim'iit o-liola, (pf a pale. radiale-Hlii-oiis striicliiie. .\ 7 //. L'railiiall\ atleniialed to the Ua-e ami coniainin^' eii/ht lilildrm -poiid'ia •F'^^ 'I IP ';i 1 "-.^ii t;4 wliifli sf|iiii;il(' iiilo juiiits (is x ^-1 n. with Ilit" ciiils sliiriirlv ^'\^«»ll('ll. 'I'lic (Miiii .~|M't'iiii('iis ;ii'c to ;il! uiitwiii'il ii|i{it>ai'iiii('OS idcjiticiil witli the ?^|K'(iiiH'ii ill llci'l). Srliw. v. aciriilai'is. Kav. I. inn. .lonin. I. c i^. '1. Slipc t;ni(t' liclow the -niliicc ttriin' ui'iinnd. Cninlinii I Ikiivcn*'!). We li!i\r ciiipicd till' mIphvc d('.-cii[iti(in I'luni Siicc.mimIu's S\ IJuiic II. p. "i\. Tlic «pri'iiiicii^ ill |{ii\. I]\si( c. Ii;i\i' ii lilifoiin. lli'MjiHis stnii. vd- ln\vi-li-lini\\ n liclnw. cinci't'diis ;iiid Milt'iiniitt'd iilmvt'. s Id cm. Iiiuli. and (in niir copy) cntiicly sterile. ('. S|iiiin^Miiii. (Till.) ilMate 15) hniiihui S/'/n Hi; II III . Till. Scl. l"arii. III. ]). u. /\u)iii Sfi>'ii>ii;iiiii. Si'liw. Syti. Car. liiiS icoiiii'.ia). ( iiiil\,i-/>.^ Sfili 1111:11 III. Sacc. Miih. I, p. \2\. Cku Syii. |'i. .'^Ii'diiiiitii niiiiHToiis. iilioiit tliii'tv ill llie siimle speeinien r/\\. I"J.") I. "it)/;? thick, ruiiiideil aliove, clieslniit color. Ostiolmn not piomiiK'iit. .\-ci liiieardaiicenlale. |.")0-'J(it> x o 7 //. when yoiiiiir. with a depres-;ed. conical tip alioiit I // wide. Sporidia lilildrin. nucleate, alioiit as Ioiil;" as the a.-ci and alioiit '1 n wide, prolialily linally separatinii' into joints or setiineiits. 'I'hc larva from which the riiiiu'iis Lirows is ;ilioiit '.\ cm. ham- and /, cm. thick, ami the stijies or -tiomala aiisi' rtom all the scj-nicnt- of the liody. .'^onie of the stro- mata were .-pariicjly liramhed ahove. (>ii a dead larva in its cocoon, attached ton rotten liiiili lyiiin' on the Liioiind in the swamp. Newlicld. N. .1. in 'rnlasiie'< li'jnri' the fiiiiL:ii- is reprc-eiite(| as urowiii;.;- from the |ierfecl insect, ami the peiilhecia are said to lie of a pale red color I" p.alliile riilieiitia "). lint the Newlicld specimen does not seem to iis specilically distinct. 'I'his species is also reported Iroui Mas.sachiisetts liv \h\ Fallow. V 1» V) y swollen, i McMticiil Jo. 29. itii il InliL!'. vcrv loiiu'. (Mils ill»Olll lie UTonilil. t's S\ lli)i;v stem. \('\- • cm. Iiiuli. lIMate 15) icii IoiiikI. hick, ciiic- toiiM'iifosc. <'S|M'cinlly jM'l|i'tl'ilt(>tl iciil. -JOO- ( >sti()liiiii ICll ynlillti'. ;i filitoi'in. , |»r(il»iilily wliicli the ■ sli|)('s or r the stro- ll lyiny oil 'j: IVniil the ' red color scciii to us ssiK'Iiusetts V. siipilicialis, (I'k.) 7»< »«/>/<; siipfiji, talis, Pk. jStli Kep. N. Y. Stole Mils. p. 70. C,ii,l\,,t. •• Slender, iilioiit one iiuli lii.uli. siiiootli, lintwii. tlie sterile iijicx :-r:i(lii;iily tniiennti' to ii point. reiitlieei:i erow. or peri- Ihecia-lieaiinj:' pari. Tlu! iieritheeia are more loosely jtlaeed iit the extreniilies of the cl\il>. thereliy uivin^' it a siilirusit'orin sliajie. The -poiidra are more slender than tlioso ol' C aciriihiris, Itul the plant itseir is less elonii'aled and slender." We have seen no spoeiniens. ainl copy the alio\e from the report cited. I'lider hemlock trees, on lniried larvie, Noi'fhville, N. V. (Tecdv). ('. soholil'cia, (Birk.) Sphiriia siiholifna. Beik. Unok. I.iiml Joiirii. Hot. II, p. 207 (.'iiyiivifps siibKlifna, Sacc. Syll. 5021, Cke. Syii. -•;, Mead ")-> mm. lon^', ovate-oldonn' or tonune-pliniKMl, dottod with (he minute ostiola ol' the lniried perithecia. and a little thicker than the stipe, which is stout, round, ri;:id, erect, simple or with rudi- mentary Inanches. I'l-'itt mm. or moi'e in heiulit. Asci cylindrical. Sjioridia scparatin. ('. o|)liio^rlossoi(U>s. (Klii.) .Sp/urnti o/'/iioi;/oiiiiit/rs, I>;lir. Biitrni; III, p. SS i.'/a7'tii ill fiiiia^iftiii, Willil. I'l. liir. I'rod. p. 4(15. I'lavariu ladimsa, Hull. Cli.inip. I, p. ly.s. .S/>/uriiii ratiiidSii, DC. 11. I'l.nic II, p. ?S,v Ciuitiir/i.'' i'/ifii'iL.'/iisi<>iili>., I.k. IIiik III, p. ,^.17 Totiithiii iifi/iiiif.'/ii.ysoiili'.i. Till. Svl. Carp. Ill, p. 20 ('i'i(/vii'/i> ii/i/iii',i:/. Mycol. 427.-111, I". I'Uir. 442.— Reliiii. Svilow M. Maicl), 2So. 1^. Asc. 471. Tliiilii M. r. stx) Stromata solitary. i*.irely cespitose. simple or very rai lle.x lions, sill icoiii]iressed,cariiose, yellow wiihin. S-Ti cm. 1) rly 1 hiu-h. iranched. .')-H mm. ' )-; iiii'l lllit'k. llcJl'l olilniiy. olilllSf nr iilli'iiiuili'il ;iIm)VC. iif'Icil liulluw. |-Oll^ff: I'lU'tl liv tilt' sliLtlilly |)roj(>ctiiii;. (h-iisclv crowili'il |pcrillM'ri;i. tliirk llll'uiis. Jlliiiiil '1 ('111. Vwvs iiliil ('»-> liilii. thick. Striii oliviin'Mil-i. Iiccniii ill!/ lilatk. .-nnrniir mit rimii its luisc vclluw. liliruiis rnntlrts wliich I'liiIuiUM' tilt' iii;ilii.\ iiiiil |it'iii'li'iiti' tilt" -oil (or 2 iir .") itiflit's iii'iiiiiitj. Ast'i cvlimiriciil. ■J.')(>-.'»(l() \ "-'.» n. Ss|)i)rftl. S|i(niiliii fiKwtlcil. lili liinii. l.')(t-l so x T-'.t //. miiltiscptiiti'. :if Ii'iiii'tli lnt'.-ikiiiii' ii|i iiitu -uli t'Ili|i»tii(|. yi'I!it\vi-li-li\ iiliiit' jiiiiits .■)-4 x 'l-W n: |iiii';i|)liys('s vt'iy sli'inlfi I'illJisitic till EUnklKninjivs iitnuuUltiis ;iiii| /;'. iniirl^iifus. Massi t'liut'tts ( i'';iili»\vi, Xfw .Ji'i'Sfv ( Hlli<). I*t'!iiis\ Iviiiii:! ( I'iVfiliarl). ('. <'a|iit;itii. (Ilolmsk.) i^ hiiiiiiil tafit'lhi. H(iliii-k i(lj:i, I. I. ji. ;S. S/'lun ill iiKiii ii itiii i»h. Hull. iMliini dI Ilalifnx. III. \t. '■! Sf'liiriiti mfxiiiltt, IVis. Cuiiuiuiil. ii i.j=i, I'trs Myc. Hiir. lati. lo. fiK>. 1-4. Ciii,ti,r/>^,,i/>i/iiliis. I,k. Iliidbk. IH, |i. :,.\:. Tiiti iihiit i,if>iliila. Till. Sfl. Carp. Ill, p. 11. I'll il Mips lii/iiliitii, S;u'c. Syll. .v.;'). Cki-. Syii. hi. l-lxsiciv Kav. Imiiii{. Car. V. !■> Syi' or solilnry, siiii|ilt', .'l-s tin. Iiiuli. Cliili. t»i lu'ail ovoii!->|.li;i'roiil. I'oiiLihi'iit'tj hy tlif sliiililly |ii'oiiiiiii'iii. tivoiij. ilcnsfly frt)\\t|r(| |ii'ritlii'fi;i, Ii\t'i'-i'oloi- or i-pijtlisli-yt'llow . iiliont 1 cm. tliick. .*^ti|if i'(|ii;il. iiiiiliidiis. citron-color, or yellow, at li'ii'.atli liln'osc stri.ui».»t' aiitl yt'llo\vi.«li-l»lack, o-l nun. tliick. .\-ci cyliiiilrical. \t'r\ ltnii>'. I.') // thick. Sptiritjia lilit'orin. M'vy loii'.:-. at l('ii'.^lli In-cakiin^' ii|> into I'lisoiil-cloiiti'alc'l, t»r siililiacillar\ Ji>iiil.>. n'rcciiish-yt'llow aiitl 2.") 40 x ■)-(•> //. I'arasilic on Sfltrix/m/ni. ('ari>liiia ( Uavt'iifh. and on 'Oiiic iiilicr accoiis t'iiiii;ii~. I'Mtiriila iCalkii IS). ( '. Sfiri'/'is linixrfWtl u k no It'll. In Cinti^' Cataloii'.ii'. ]i|i. KIS ami I."5'.*. two other >|iccii's ; re iiicii tioiii'tl. liiit not ilt'^crilit'il : Cortfi/'ips (/ri///(>f'i/j)(i\ .M. A. ('.. t)ii liiiricil saml moles. Coiul i/ci jis Isiirlntilis^ .M. .\. C, , I'm thee />s Milnliiiillitr, Saic, Syll. S"\\. Ckc, Sytl. 50. A lijiiire is L;i\eii in ."-^illimaii"< .loiirn. N'lli ilsiih, inli. i\'. np- n '.son til II!' the ut'iieral a|i|iearaiice oltlie riiiiuns roiiiiij in I'eiin-ylvania, •jfrowinir I'rom the cervical ]iortioii of Imrieil larva- of the ".Miiy \\\\'s" (Mejoloiitha). itiil tiierc are iiti notes til' the asci ami sjioritlia. low. roiitrfi lociii. (link IIH, liCCOIIl ll.'ts wiiicli u'!i iirniiinl. owdtMl. till |i iiitii siili •IT .•^Icllllfl . fits. Mil SSI iirl). flK^. I-.|. . (Mill., nl nil. (i\iiii| llioilt I i-lii. Lilli lilirosf li'iciil. \('i\ ffiikiiiu' ii|» \v iiihI 2."> nine tiiitcr s ! .'»• IIICII >.^1 I.. IV. i.|,- iiiisvlvaiii:i •.Miiy Imih" I. .\rHOSPKRMI M. To«le. ■•'iiiiK. Mickl. I, i>. ■< I partly 1. iN'iitlicciii vciliciil. cliiiiiriitctl-fhiviitc. scs.-^ilc or sti|iitiit(', ciirnosf liiil liiiii, iiii'l iil'ii liorii-likc tcxtiirt' wlicii «li\v. Asri lililnnii. S.s|Mtrc(l. .*^|Miriili!i piinillcl. lililniiii. coiitiiiinMis (or jui.-.tccl in niic s|i('ci<'.-<). .\. roiiipir.ssiini. T«(le, I'liiiiii .Mctkl. I. p. .*<. tiil>. II. (iu. •">. I laru) III liiihiii mil. I'rrs. Cniiiimiit Cliiv. )> (iS. tali. III. f\\i .\ SliiovlnsMiiii liiHCfi'lahim. I'lrs. liii Moiii;, l^xs.) Kxsicc. Mmifj it Nistl. Stiiji. Vosk. (>7i. -Kali. lU rli. Myail. js. -iil. V. V.. 2S47.— Kriejtr V. Sax. ),i^. -I'lll. .\. .\. K. i:,iS.— Vizc. Miir. iMiiiRi. ic; rcritlu'riii sulitiiiv or sultccsititosc. scssilt', (.•liili-sli!i|i('(l. iittciiiiiitcd mImivc iiimI .\ ■{-\ n\ parapliyscs slender. On di'iid lici'liarcons stems, and eidnis «»r ura.-^ses. coninutn. A. virnliiliim, B. & ('. (Jiev. IV. p. Mil. lAsiir i:il. \. .\. V. ^57 I'eritliecia s:'altere(|. ovale-e(»iiica!. \.~}, nini. Iiiuli. alinijitly eon- liacteil liejdw into a short, stipe-like liase, oliliisc aliovo, jrroenisli-ein- eieuiis. siilit'iiii'nraeeoiis. Asci linear. 1 ')0-2(M» x ')-G //. Sporidia lili- foini. hyaline or sliiihtly yellowish, alioiit a.s lonii' as the asei. The -peeinieiis oil deeayiiiii' liiekory linilis have the asei nai'rower [\\},-A fi). lint do iiol appear t(» dilVer otherwise. On deeayetl hei'haeoons stems. So. Carolina (Haveiiel), on lalleii liiek(M'y iinilis, and on liillen pear leaves. New .lersey (Kllis). on white oak leaves. Te.xas (I{a\('ne|). .\. (ii'iiiiiiiiiim, liih. K.xsice. Ard. No. 33. Corda Itones, III. p. 27. ICxsiiv Kail, ikrli. .Myccil. 77^.. reiilheeia at first linear, then elavate, olteii thieker and somewhat Kent in the middle, more or less eompresseil. dfleii Idaekisli with the .ipe.\ liLihler, mostly alioiit I mm. liidi liy 2( »()-.",()(» n thick. Asei lylindrieal. with indistinct paraphyses. Sporidia lililorm. very slender. !;')() X ■^ It. hyaline, eontiniioiis. (hi decayiiiu- leaves of <:rasses. N. America (Saec. in Svll.) Or. IJelim in Die I'il/e considers this only a var. olM. voutpressiitn. A. t'oliicojnm. Berk. (!re\. IW p. Kll. I'lxskc. Kav. Car. II. fi.s.-Rav. V .\m. 7,;i.— Hll. & Kvrlil. X. .\ V J<1 Sir 2ti... I'eritliecia erect, elavate. 1-1,'. mm. hitdi. vellowi.-h-chestimt. of tis ruli;itc(i-iii('illlir;illiirrulis tcxtllir. A^ti cs limllicill. .'JOtt |(l(l x J-;') ;/ witli ilirt'ii(l-liki' |iiiiii|iliviii'!illfl. ( >ll i|<'ii // liiuli. !unl 7'> '^o // thick ( uliilf i('i!iiiiini!' tin' rylimli icjil rninn, lie coniinL: ii~ niiicli as l.",0 n thick when cjiiviiti'. colui- ijnitc ihiik. A-ci l><)-liltl \ ."M //.with filiroiiii |i;iiii|)li_\sc:- a litth- Inn-jm- ihaii the a-ri Sporidia lilit'mni, iiciirly as long' as llit- asci, si-|)iir;iiin;^ into joint- rj-l.'» n (onii. This is a smaller .-;|n'cirs tjiiiii A./olllinhim. Ilcrk. rimn uhii-h ii is sali'ly (listiiiiriiislicd liy 'i\^ jft/'ufti/ njtor/'i/ii/. In l\av. F. Am. 7.'»'). tin Icnvcs oj J'' nixlniix. the «|icciiMciis in the cii|)ic> we have seen air loo poor to cnaMc one lo dcciilc w itii ccr fainly. Imt as far a- t an lie ascciiiiincd. the >|ioridia arc continuous and if so this \(i. i< rclcralilc to .1. f'oliiiohim. I!cik. I, ■ ! Ii ' SKIJM A. Kaist. Syiiili. :i(l M\i(il I'fiili III.(lS7f>). Sti'omata cariinsc. at lii'st small, cllipiica! or tulici-cidar. Iifcomim.' conlliiciil. irrciinlar. red. covered with a rusty-i'cd conidial layer I'eiitlieciii one or al least only a lew in each stroma, l>nried. >rl'»'»'>~<' jiale. carno.-e. with a thick, conical, piomineiit ostiolmn. .\ elon t>ale<|-ventricose. coiilainini!' 4-."^ continuous, elliptical, hyaline, spo ridia. I'arapliyses lilil<)rni. septate. S. piilrlira. (Winter). //i/<(ir <<"/>>/> />!(/( 7/1(1, Wiiitrf ill l(i(I\viv;i.'l (S71;, p. 2/j. iriiitrihi /•h/: /liii, .Siicc Mich. I. ]). ."'I. S<'li>iiti ftiililiia, S;icc. SyU. 15V,. .*^tromata at lirst sniidl, snl)coiiical in the center, niosilv iieconiin'j conilueiit and I'ormimr a rnsty-ied crust, the siirl'ace of which i- over •Spread with a rusty-l)ro\\ n. conidial layer liearini:' shorl. cylindrical conidia. I'critliecia luiried. ulol)ose. a'lout .1 mm. diam.. w illi thick, conical o^liola. ,\sci \entri(ose lielow, narrower aljrjve, .?>()-(' \ //. On ijiiii'j' i>\' fn\v< anil sliccp. We li;i\r ilirlinli'il lllis spCrli'S. flliniOMV( KS. B. \ Br. llrit I'liiiv;! Ni), 'k'ii> ( i^^il. I'ci'ithcria iiirlinlcil in a roniiiinn. i'arnnsi'-ni<-inliraiiarfoiis stroma. A-ri lini'ai'. S|ii»ri(lia lililonn. cuntiniioiis. hyaliin'. 0. L!m;rloisii, (K. A K.) (I'latc 17) (OMiihtihi IaiiikI'iI'Ii. Iv ^: I-',. Jiiiiiii. Mycol. II, p. SS, Sliiiiiiata tiilirriMilirorni. iTiiiniii'iit. suit. f,-J nun. iliain.. pair ||(-:h riiliir or hiirn-riiliir whi-n IVrsli. Iii-foiiiinu' iM-arly lihnk wlii'ii ilry. ol' lalht'T clii-i'. iiii'inltiiiiiari'nns trxliiii' on the siirliici', solti-r ami jniisrr uitliin, snrrnmiilci! Iiy tlii' ni|itiir('il i'|iiili'rinis. i-niivi-x aiiovi-. I'critlirci;! (ivatr. iiiimiti'. with thin. traii-|iarriit walls. 'J.'O-.'ldO _// IiiliIi. iinij I.'»<* '10i\ n liruail, liH-.'Kt in a ^trunia. Ostiola |iiinctili)nn. n »I IHiiniim-nt. .Vsri liiicai', 1 .')< l-'Jt M > x •") n. with lililurm para|ihysi'« liiamhcil alinvi'. ."^poiidia lilirnrm. nearly as loiiir as the asii. hyalinr. rnntiiinniis. 1 n thick. On ilcail stems of Vii/mi lufettln. Ijniisiana (liaiiiilois). A more caici'iil cxaininatioii of this curious proiliii'tioii show.- no essential character to separate it Irom Oinin/vcH to which we now i-ejer il. IJy some o\ersiL;ht this was placed on plate 17 with Snrifar/i'ii>. Mild the I'ollowiim' species on plate 7 with the I*ii-!sju>tt'cti'. I'OLVSTMiMA, Dc (and. CdihimihI. Mii>. Hist. Njt. t. Ill, j). (,;o(».t seq.) Stroma siilicariioli.i iS: Cav. V. I'ara.s. 12.— I.iiiliart ImiukI IIuiik 27. •. «tc IIypo|ihylloiis, saliorldciilar. sliuhtly conve,\. 2-4 mm. acros<. with an even niaruin. red. at leiiiilh darker. I'eritliecia (cells) small, imiiiersed. reddish. Ostiola impressed, piiiictiro'-m, lieeoiiiin!i- more 70 pioiiiiiK'iit. Asci clavntc. S-spnrftl. S|hii itli;i ovoiil. snlioltliisc, sliniulii >iililiyiiliiii'. Kt.Nii //. Tin- s|M'nintLri>iiiiil »t;iL'i' i> /J/trrfif/n nthru ISoii. S|ifi'iii!iti:i lililiii'iii. iiiK'iiiati'. .'to /< Imrj-. On liNiliu' Iciivcs u\ scvcimI s|ii'ric< ul' /'nnnix (7*. Jinmslivd. /', sp/'unxin. Cit'ilitcil In N, Aiiifrii-ii liv Sacf. in S\ll. I*.(y) KiiiiK'liii'. (S«liu.) /hilhitlfii llinufhii . S»-li\v. rtyii. N. Am. Nn ^^S4. /)i/n//i.'«i/ /•'"»/•(. Ckf Syn 177 Stroniii oi'ltirniiir. hir^t'. '{ fin. and nvt-i', nvalr ur ol ^nnn'w li;ii iri'c^nlar .^liapc. i.'on<|iiniMiis on lioili Af\v~ ol' thr Iral': nn llic ii|i|m'i Ai\i' lii'ii'k-rnl. an*l sunicwliat sliininu as il' vai'ni''li*><|, \m\vv anil witli iMit anv \aiiiislii'il a|i|i«'ai'a!U'c liclnw. IV-i illicfi;i nclls) li-w. -callcnMl. minnicly |isrn(lM-ii-tiulatr ami ^iiii|)ri>inincnt. K|ii|iliyli()iis. on living: leaves o| llniinlUi ohlniKjifnliii; lixind hi the Arkansas i'ej:i(»n liv Nnliall. BVSS<»XK(THIA. Kaisteii. Syiii1>. M\ciil I'liili \II, |( 6 (iS7-s liyssoid. I'erillie.ia .-nlisn|»eiTKial. iTowdod. S|»(»iit. Cki Syii. .ini I'lxsici'. Knv, !•', Am. K)'' I'erltliecia jrn'irarions or ^callcreil. irolilen-yellow. snl>i!lnli().-e seateil on a liyssoiil, u'olden-yellow stroma. Iiaie and iilalir. Siiiir/if V rnlni must ^tlntv K. (Iiiysocoma. ('kt>. \ llaik. Ciw. XII. |,. loi Stroma lilno.-e-ltyssoid. p>lden-yidlo\\ . elliised. Perillieeia ure ::arioiis. niiniite (!('(» l.'fO ^>;i, olmvati'. tliin. dark yellow, semiimiiiersed in llie sirctiiia. A^'i elavate, s-spored. Sporidia liiseriale, narrowlv elliptieal. iiniseptate. hyaline. I(i.\"J-'J.l n. On wood \\\' I'Jiiviihfiifiis. ('aliloinia ( llai kne.-s). H. I'o.srila, (ke. iV llaik. tiiw. I. i. I>elieate. ell'n.eiire perilheeia scattered on it. Conitliii I fftt nihi'ii. Ill'slii'll. /' >i»||l('wllill I lli(> ii|i|in I' ;iiii| with . siiitlcrcil. 7,- loillltl ill I. crowdctl. liiiinir, like llmsc (il FiiMiirimii, aciitc ill fiirli .'ImI. .V,-^c|ifiitf. iiir>s»ly Motliilnsc !iii«l hviiliiir, lOx.'t-ri /i. riirnrtiinntcly in .in iiiiiiiiitinv ('i)iiilitiiiii. (»!• \('iiM|, (itlicrwisciis in Xftrla. II. (iossypii. (Scliw.) Sf'liiriui lfi.\syt>ii. Sclnv. Syll. Cnr. i";. l/\fiiii,iliiii I ') fi'."'!/';/. saci- Syll. ("."^J nticl Cki'. Syll, 51-'. ScdtliT' t(l. I'flillKM'iiJ olnlmsr', |illl'|ili>li flcsli ciijiii'. ()>tiiiiiilii t'Iniiuiilnl til till* ."iiiiiiii- Mini ili>rli:il'v'ilii'iM_r;iriniis. with ii niltiiiiy stroiiiii in wliirli tliry iiii- iiiDic III' li'ss iinnicrscil. niDstiy |i!iiiisilic mi viirimis IIi/nniiDiiniiiti si^v Dfsiiiiiii/rrfcs. Ini'alit I'nlmi'il. willi |iii|piilirmiii or sliulitly I'lmiiiitti'il usiidiii. Asri iii(i.«tly lyliinliiriil. S-s|iurt'iI. witlioiit piii'ii|iliysi's. Spu- liijiii iiMniiL; III' I'lisoiil. iini.M'pliitc, liyiilini'. Cuniiliiil stiiiii' ri'prosciitril liy A'iii/>>. Il\f>iii»viis iiiliti\, S:uv. Syll fit .Sf'li.riiii /iittii-vni M.'. h I'lirx. S. M. II p it'i. Il\/ tiiiili.y Hiik. <« llr. Ilrlt I'iiiikI Sn. iku. /hfiiniyiiw luti Mx-ii'r. Ki lim A'O s*><' "tl'Mlll!! Iiniiilllv |ilia'|oi |i;ilt'. willi llicir coiiit-iil ti|iifrs |)i'ojrrtiii-lS(»\"» n. \i'l|ii\uslili\iiliiM>. (iiiiliiiiiuii- III' with (lie •■iiiliirlii'niiii' HHiii'tiiiM'S 'J-|i:ii liil. ( >ii Aijiiiiiii.\ iihilniiiis. ( 'iirnliiiii ( Uiisciirli. I'i'iiii«_\ hiiiiiii i.Mirh I'lllT iV l']Vf|lllirl), N'rW llliulilllil (>|ililUlM'). II. |M)ly|ioi'iiins. Tk. .!t'itli l{i|i. N. \ . >\\\w Mii". ,i. >4. KxKJi'i i:il. ^ Ivvrhl. N. A. V. k\ Scr. i.,i».. Pnillirriii liiiiiiitc. ii\;iti' nr >lllir(iiiiriil. •iMtnl on :i |i:illii| .-iiliiiii liiiii. siiKMiili. yl•l|(l\vi^ll III' |i:ili> iiiniiri-. .\sri ii:irro\v , liiifui'. S|iiii'iiliii riisiliiiin. ill iiiiiiiinti' iit t'in'li imhI. iiiir|r;iti'. 1 ')-l s /< Imiir. Tlu' on! IViinl il|i|ii;ii;i|itM' \< iilllKist rXMclly IIh' ^illiii' ti?> lliiit III IlifjKtt'i'rd pill \nl„. v.. \ v.. ( )ii I'nl ifixn'iis nrslinh ' Nt'W ^^l^k il'i'iki. N'l'u ilrr.-ry (Klli>i. 11. iipios|MH'iis. rk«'. (ill >. Ml, |i. M'. Kllii^ril. |iiilf. tliiii. I'liiUiniii >• 'iiiiiiiiiii('r.«('i|, sliyflitly |»:i|»i!l!ifi' (lioiicy-ruliir w hen tli'\ ). (>-l'i)l;i iinli-tiiir!. A^ri cyliiiilririil. S-s|iui'i'i| S|M)riiliii liiiK'i'dliili', ii|iiciil:i)i' ;iliii\i', ruiiiKlcil iicimv. iiiiiiiilcly 'nniji'li ciicil, (•iiiiiiiiiiniis. yi'llnwi.-li |i\(i'|it tlic :i|iini!u'). I S x ri.^ [i. On (]hir(tri(i iiistllJin'tKy!), New Wtvk idri'iinli. H. Haimiii^ni, I'k. I'.ni. Cn/. IV. |.. i:!l). "Siiliinilnin whiti'. tin'ii smiliil. I'crilluM'iii cinwili'il, nviifc will, a piijiillitiiiiii (isliiiliiiii, jiali' iiiiilicr nr liiiiii'V-»'ii|i»i-. Asri slcinlci ryliinliiciil. S|i<)iiiliii iii:i.-<'i iatr. 'ililoiitr riisiliiiin. yrllowisli in tlir mass, .'i(>-:{S x4-.'» //. Hn huim' ili-i-ax iiiir AlmiIi'. a|i(ian'iilly a Lm tiiriiis. IJalliiiHiif, Md.l.Miss Uaiiniiii;'}. Tin' s|iiiii(lia in mil' s|M'rini('ii- aiv siniplr. liiit tlii'y may |Ht-«iii|y iiccnnii' iinis<'|ilatr wlicii t»|i|." On /jiirfiirinx sp.. i'miiM Ivaiiia ( Mvciiiail). spmiilia "JT— 10 \ 4-") /<, -liLiliily ciirvnl, niirlcaii-. H. (u'o^'iossi, K. iV K. .Imiiii. .Myn.l, II. p. 7;{. UUI I'critliccia imnicrscil, -iiIiuIuIkisi' (7")->''> ft), ^iilian^iiilar I'l'dii. tual [irc.'^siiiv. Ostiola papilliliiiiii. iihuk. .Vsci rIavaU' cylimirical « ;i I iiiiiii'iiiiiii, r -|ilia'iMii|, k lii'iiwii III , riilllihilnil- illiil .-niiini . S|Miriiliii Tlic mil ftovrrii pill r-vy (Klli^i. y |i:i|iil!!i(i' ll. S.s|Mirril. llrl\'lull'^ll nv;it(', will sci slciiih'i \-\A\ ill fllr Illy a Liii v s|M'('iiiit'ii.- ol.l." Ii:i 27-10 V iLi'lllill' ri'dil. cvliiiilriciil -iili-i'o-ilf, yi-lliiw i-li 7.V->(t\(i ' n ritiiliiiniiiu i'i>:lil i rii\Mlti|. 'iil« lii«iiiiilr. fliiMilr-oliliiiiy. riiiitiiiiiiHi-. Ii\aliii«'. |Htiiflia. TIm' siiliiniliiiii a|i|if'ai> In lif ii'i»iilflf. ihr |H'rj|||i'cia lii-irii: iiiiiin'i.-iMl ill llif liv iiH'iiiiiiii mIiIic |iu«i. A- im iiiilr« mcic taken fiMiu llii' I'lfsli ■iiniiiin'ii'. llic riilur ol llii' |M'i itliiTJa ran imi Itc crrlaiiilv -fnti*i| ImiI ill tlir ilry ■'|M•^illl«■ll^' lliry arc nearly nr i|iiil»' lilack (hi fiiiHjInsfnini liirmit mn. Ni'wlirlil \ .1 < )n-ii|iviiiu llic LMcatrr |>ai'l uj' tlic liyiiicniiiin nl iIh' liur tViiil nj u liirli i^ iini-ll\ >'ii|>|inssi'il. M. xylopllillls. W. I!nll Till I'miI. ('In!.. XI. |.. '!>. Siil'iriihiiii fIViiscil. wliitisli I'liitlifria iiiiiiifiiMis.crnvMled. •iinall \tllii« i»li, w illi a liliint ii'liuliiMi. A-ri ryliinliiral. >»(>-I ll! .\ ('.-7^ //. >|iiiiiilia cnnlinimii.-. iinisiTialf, -iilirii^iliiriii. !.'» l7x.')-<> /<. • Ml ijccayini: wimkI. Ojiin ( .Miirnri(lia clli|itii- liisnjil, I.'i-"J(».\^-.'» M, inii-.'iialc. iiihtiiiiiiiiis. irrcciiisli-liyaliiic, liianii lai'rMii<_r|iriici|. iihij iiiiiiiitc|\ ajiji iihilc at cacli cimI. ( hi /j'//.><.s///»/ /;#7r//.v, ( 'iiinjiiia iScliw.), nil sntiic AL'aiic, l'ciiiis\l xaiiia ( K\crli;iiti. < 'niiiicclii iil I'l'liaMcr). 11. Slllll/ll III IIIIISI lltllll . \\. Iat«>i'itiiis. tKi.) Sfih,rtiii liiliiilhi. I'l S M II |). .j,0 /fvfiitiii latfiihii. \'r Siiimii.i Vtu S»- t> <'"i /fv/uiiiiM,i /((/«»/;«.<. Till Aim Sii Niil her IV lom .\|l j, ,,. I'lnu i,n\ XI, |i (1. tal> 1 1^ K.xMci- Knti !•' K. u? - Tlium M I' .'if.) The iiiyceiiiiiii rmiii^ a ijciisc. white, lelt-like >triitiiiii, uhicli tilially lieeitiiies iimiv eiiiii|iart ami <»( a Jiale liriek eolor. I'eritliecia -[ilierieal or siilMi\ate. aliiintiant. sunk in the HtiMina. e.\(e|i| ihi ii -liiihll) iiioiiiiiieiit. -iiiunih, liidwni^h nstiula. Asei (v liiidriial. JtHi- •J.')(> n Idiiu. .-|ioie-l.eaiiiiu |iaii 1 I"-! \ 1.-7 //. S)Hiridia iiiiiseriate. rlnn uated-fusiliiriii. iiiiisejitate. ai'iiiniiiale ai eiidi .nd, \e||n\\ i-h livaiine lN-li(>x4-4.i /i. On the liyiiieiiiiini ul' se\eral specie- of Lnrtiniiis. New Kimland (. Murray iV S|iiairiic). on f.iiitiiiins liiiliijn Camlina (i{a\eiiei) un Lavtnrhis sji. IVitsdain, X. \. i KIlis). JO T» •|i| II. iiiirniitiiis. il'tMN.) s/'/i.ri III iiii'iiitiii I'll-- >\n \< "^ .S/i/l.ri III •iiiiiii. CiTtv SiDl Ct l-l l.-ili 1, \V(/);,( i/hikm//!/, l-'i SmniiiM Vr^; Si p ;i>. //t/'iiiiiM" iiiiiiiii'iii' Till Set Ciirp III |> i; I'Inwi r.nv VI. ji |( lali !«,. I,\»ui Kiili !•■ !•; t\s - Tluiiii M r rrir I'ciilhi'ciii ■^i"'j!iiiuiis. .-iilis)ili;i'inic|. ;i(Hl n ili.'iiii.. ilicir ii)iift'.< |iii> ji'fliiiu liuiii ihi' •■ll'iiM'il. or;iiiHc-rii|(nc;| -iiliiniliiiii. .\sci cv liiidiiciil s->|Hii<'i|. II0-1|(»,\(; //. S(i(iiiiliii iiiii-i'ii;ilr. Miii-<'|iliilt' riisuid, witli fill' cinl- ~iili!i|iiniliiti'. -liiililly i-iii\ci|. m-iiilv »iiiuiit|i, l.'i-'Jt \ ."(-(I // li\:iliiM' Till' wllili' IIimIiI, lHjiluiliiiliiiin niiinis, Muii.. is siiiil to lir \\.< rnlliiliill «fil'Ji'. <)ii Still Hill mill Mil till' iiimIi'i ^ii|i' lit liiL'-. ('iijiiiiiiii ( Kjivi'ih'I I II. Laifiriiiiii'iiiii. iS«li\v. (I'hife II \/ riii'/|iiliiill Ijili /ilriiis. rr|irri;ill\ A. jii jiinll lis. ( 'ill nlinil, ( Kit ViMH'l I I'l nil ;\ i\.iiii:i ( l'l\i'ili;iil I. Ni'W .Iitm'V i Klli») II. roselliis. i.\. \ S.) Sfilii/iiii I'l^fllii. A .*v S iDiisp p (5 Am /i ;ii . I/A> , jii tir-t uliitr iiinl lii'iiiiiiii i-iiiiiilin \T f'nnllni'hiiii iiiiniiiiiHiiii. I'xiii.i. tlicn ijiTji iiisr-i(i|(ii III' lM'iill\ liliiiiilii'il. I'l'iitlirrin i|t'i'|i rosc-idl siih -|i|ii'iir,il 111- iiMiiii. Ill' \ nriiilili' si/i'. liiiiit'il in tlir stiiiiii;i. r.\cr|il tip prnjrrliii'j. rntlii'i iilitn-r, |i;i|iillil'iiiiii ii-tinlii. A-ri linriir. i ")(» .\ d-" n uilll I'itiilt lllli-r, I'ltr, niirinwiv hllirriiliitr. ;i|iirlll.llr, str!li7 x ■ --I // ~|iorii|iji nnrlrtitr r|ii:itr mill iirtni -nl'iiiriii.ihitt r;i|. i <•> i|ii('('s |iii) vlindi'iriil isuid. wiili I \ .'»-(! II •iiitl III III' I U;ivi'iii'l I iliri-lv nil •ii.iiriiiiiii' ly hnliinl A.-ri liili'j lly rlllM'il is x H-S // |iH'rri|iiiL' hi' Irlt-lilsi r|ili,-li ri'il (KilM'lH'l) OIIIM I- •'..'ill (Is, iii lii:-i >«lll.), tllfll i('-rci| siili r\ci'|»( till "i<> .\ ciiii.- in ( Jir\ illiM. N'lil. \l. s!i\>: ••'riifif lire Iwn \ iiiii-lir.- nt llii- -|ii'cif,-. itiir with liiiyi'i. |pi/r. !l.» ddi'.- llir riiliir III' llir -iiliiniliiiii. v\liirli i- -iiiin'liiiics ihmiIv nlisciil. Sdiiirliiiirs it is iiliiinst w liili'. Iiiil iiin-||\ iii-c ciiluit'd. w illi ;i wliilisli iiiiiriiiii." Tin' .-|ii'ciiiii'ii^ riiilii Mr Mr.-rliiill ui'ic nil drriiyiliL! ifiiVrs. rnjiiiiiiLi lillji' |iiilclir> }^' I nil. iiiT(i,-i.<. II. iK'hl'.'tn'lls, dVi's.) Sfilii/i HI i'ditiiitii . Wf" >\y. ji I'- ('ir/>tii.\/'/i,fi III (iiiKiniiii t'lHv Si'ol Cl !•! l.lli ;>■ /h/>"i>i\o\ iiilHi 111(11 ii\. , ■.t\. i\\\ti Ml N:il IV.Sri Imii .Mil p i .• //t/ii'iinnw i>i/iiii,/in.'['\\\ Sri C:irii III |> |i I'Iomi r,r>v .\ I p |, l'riitln'ciii ci'iiwdcd. .-iiliLdiilin,-i'. yi'lln\vi.-li. iiiiinrisri.. u illi ;i -Imil tlllrk. iililllsi'. c.N-^iTli'd iisliiiilllli. Sliliirlilliiii []'irfii//h'iiiii Ui/il liri li '////.( Mil.) ill lir.-l wliitr. llii'ii -(III vv cnlni'i'd. iiclinici'iiii.- .'iiid vcIImw. .\>ri r\ lillillii"ll. "J.V-;i(» \ Ci.^ //. rniilllillillj I'iL'llI iilijniitj hiliri'ohlli'. Illii li-l.rii\vii, -iiiiliyiiliiM'. i."il» // liiyh i>y "d-lHI /» liiniid. .\sri l.niiidh nviiti', iilirii|itl\ iittciiiiiili'il lii'lnw. lii-.'id .\ |,s--J(i p. I'liiiiiiiiiiii:^ I i; IllllliiU ly linii'rnliltc, .>liulitl\ rinvnl. liiliniiliiilc lit cjich rild, lllii 111' Iliipnini/ris dill'i'l rniisidi'l'lllily IVoill thiisi' nt ihr ii'lii'l liii'iiilici'^ nltlM' Ui'liiis. Tliry iiic Iniinrd ul' \ rry liiii>(' |inl\vniiiil M'll> !!iiii oi'lt-iiiillc IVniii the iiiti'i'tw iiiiiiL; tA the dlliiti'ij mid rmivn lilted Il!l,-^CS 111' tllC iMlJlidill-lM'lll i||i>- hypIlM' tjlllt rn|l.|,ii-c ihr stroiiiii 'riicsi' (till' |i('iilh('i'iii) !iir must rivi|iii.|itly roiin.l upnn the inside nl' tlir •teiii III' the Xi/rtiills. Iiiit tlii'V Mie liy liu nieiilis iil riiiiiliKili (leniiieiice. ' t) •I I li 1 7« K. iiisipii.s, B. \ r. Kiiiii:! "i .M«\iru. N... c. |. 4*J4. //i/».<»iii. > '»i*«'/"»«/ii«'. I'k ,vtli K.I. \ V > S7 Mvii'liiiiii ml clVii-i'l I'd illH'iiii nlilunir, iii'iif , -|.iiiiiiii.ix. wliidi it ^•i>\ fi> will) :i ml «fi!ilmii and olililcnito- ilu- >s\\\-. In .Mf\i«o, ihmi Oii/iiliii tMotti'iii Tlir aliiivi' ir^ Irnm S;icnl)it'iilmii. <)-liula |ii'niiiin<-iit. ulitiiM*. amlir'i ui' uriini!'!'. \-<\ r\ jiniliiral. S|Mirii|ia rn-il'irin. a|iirnhili' at cai'li mil. -oimi'W lial rmi'^li. I (iMliliiiMii.« Ml iaii'l\ willi ill'' ''IiiImi licojiii' iiii-iciiit'lN i|i\i(|ci|. cnluilf". .'$.■{-."»> n lonij. ()\\ ('ilnf/iii'f/,/,^ n'/mr/iis U liirli it lr;ill-;tii||||- ilitn ;||| inri>|||;ii nias- Wr llJM u|i:il :i|i|H';ii- In lif llii' -;iMH'. nil C'l nt liil n II ns li/m ri iis IVum .MiL<.-iai|iii«i'lt« i> ■' llaikiii'-»i ami Irniii IN'iiii-vlvaniii i Mvi-iliari i (' \j)i III s lint in II hiimi'ii. W. t«'«illlllll. H. iV «. <;r« V |\ . |. i.>. I'l'l i'licria ovale I Ill'ill-I'IKW h «r;lltf|ii| •i\<'l II iii|llilil|i»ll>. u hill niMi'liiiiii. liki' iliiii |iai'i liiiii'iil. " On |iiiM-. Carulina i |{a\cncl). II. tlavi'si'cns. Srlnv.i. i'|ilat> w .' ( tn li\ mi'iiiiiiii >i| -miim' ii'-n jiiiialr I'lili/fioriis. ri'iiii>\ Ivania iSrli\\ciiiil/i. II. |«illliosiis. iSrliu.i, (!ii\ Xll |i M». ."^iMiiiiii I'll'iii-ril, \v(iiii-li. -liaiiL^x. lliin. inaiuin liiiiiiiiati'-ciil|nii\ I'l'iilliifia 'I'liii iiiinii'i-icil, |i!i|<', wiih rik.'!r\. 'I'lii'V all' mil ill ,'^clu\. ,'*\ iiii|i>i- \. Ami. 'I'lir //. puii/ntsii- licif ilfsi I'ilii'il '\< -aiil 111 111' a ililVi'i'i'iit tliiiiL' Irmii llic S/i/uvrii/ iim, :in: u lull lirl). ill', uliili-ii I I'll ,1 milk il. S|Mirii|i;! -nine r('>n iili'-ciiiiiiin trill Mstiiihi Schw. Ijikrii I'loiii IS ill ||)>|-l> /. i>iiiiiiitiiii- llivrlil nili, II. tlllNM'intla. (Sell W.I S/>/i, rt lit lu/i -iil>iiiiiiM'i'-i'ilil ■Wliitr 'i'lilii'i" iiili'-liiiL; iIm' miliT luirk. KoiiikI ■\\ ruinlH), I'll. (SrIlW.j M. iMtlctinila. iSrhw.i s/i// /•«(..• A../,/;,. /,j Silnv Syii N Am Nii I|M /f\/>i'iiiMi'\ hnlilu-Klii. Ckf Syii (!'• Allii'il III //. 'iiiiiiiifiiis I I'i'i-.). Iiiit ili^liiiijiiislii'il liy its |iiili'r rnlnr, l>\ Ihi' i-liiinirli'i' III' llii- ■^iiliii'iiliiiii isti'iiiii;ii iiiiij sliapc ot' iIh' |ii-i'itlifi in. Sllliicllllllll rll'll-i'il. ilili||ll|pti'i|. Ill' liiiiSf ti'.VlUlc, witll il'fciillllir s|i!l( r>4 ■|il;i'jis irif!.''iil!iriliiis";. |i!ili' oniiiirc willi the iiiiirLriii wliilciiiim out I'l'iilln'riii niil\ jiiiiliiillN imiiiri-;('i|. ciiiiic-uMiic. inure nr Ics.-i sciitlcrt'tl. Ill lir-l (■iiinitij liki' lln- -liniiiii. Ill li-iiiiili iiiiiii;:f-ii'il. nitliiT suit. |»ii|i- illiilr. r;isil\ ~t'|iin:iliii'_' IVniii iIk' stnuii!!. lr;i\ iiiL>' ■iiiiiij! fiivitirs: nm- ii'iit- of |ic!'itlii'riii M'i'v uliitf. lit Iniiitli iiii/iiiii out ;iiii| ri'iiiiiiiiinu' nl- I'iclifil III till' osliojii. like ;i wliili' \illoil> liiilicsci'in'r. p'oillnl lull -I'liloln oil \i'i_\ iiiili'li ilrrjiycij PnlifjuiiHK lit riini.*. ill llrllllrlirlll. I\'l. II. IttliUMilt'isiis. V\\ liiTki'li) . N'otii I'sol \ Am. Fiiiiiii. ill (!ri'\ iljrii IV. p. I.V ( >r llli- -|ii'rii'-. lull lillli' ;i|i|M';il- to lir klloWll II is Stlltci. liV Cookr. ill ( Ji-r\illi'ii .Nil. |i. ^ \ ii-7 //. Foiiiul on «iiiiii' Aiiiiiic MynipMK* fiM'vina hitm.. whirli i- tiiimil on llilnlhi nml mi Miiioii- ili'ciiyiiiL; J'lzir.ns iiinl .\sfiri>/)/iinii I'l-ziza . (Mil., on /*. Inni- isjtiici'ini. Iiotli of wliicli :iii' rminij licic. iiir. w itji ,««'vt'rtil siiiiihii' mollis^ l^L^•ll•l|l•l| MS lilt' conidiiil stiiiii- ol' ililV"ii'iil s|icci<'s ol' II i/iiiiiin/ci s. ol wliiili tlic iisciycioiis sl!i«i<' litis not y<'( lu't-ii liMiiiiJ. IIVIMM UKA. Vv. Smiim \i'K Srriinl |> Oi in i.iit Sti'oiiiii IJi'sliy, piilviiiiiti'. Ii<'iiiispln'iic)il or flVuscil, soinrtiini's rc- 'liifcil t^i il nicrc iiit'iiiliniiir or t(» w loose li'll-likc stnitmii. IN-iitlicciii 1 i: ill 78 ii\:itc-eliilHiM . iiiii~il\ uiilv |i:iitl\ >iiiik III till' "Iruiiiii. Asri I'vliiiilriciil h->|inri't|. S|iiiiii|iii 1 1\ |iiiiill\ ) luu-tillrd. (lie l«M cells w liitli iiif -jt'ii (Tilllv S|(llfrir;il, -itnii -f|i;i i ;ili||'j so lli;i; llli' ilM'll- ;i|i|i(';il> to I'lilitjiili Hi -^|iiii'ii|iji. .\ . SiiorKi III In/illiiH . flmiii'l snlijiiil ri niltv. II. 1 11 fa ilVi-s.' .Sfiliirtiii tiifii, l'rr> till" I ]• .•!■ ll\(HHiiii I ulii. \'\ Stiiniii \(« Si- |>, (■>.< ( iZ/iixii in/ii. lion Aliliiiiiill lUr XJyiiil (""'.J |i I'/i Kn-iii I'lll N A I- isr iiul i:il ."v I'vilit N A I' .'.l nil is<,j (i>...iii'li iiiiiM'riiili'. i|ii|\ iikhis ~|i(iiiiliii. tuiii|iu, III i\\(i -iiltci|ii!il. Iiviiliiif. -iiliiil/(^s. ( 'iiiiijinii i UiiM'iii'li. iilsn immIi'ijiv illl\ riillliil tllllill'jii f.iif till' (■ s. II. lentil iTihIci. Sfihtrno .'mill. Tmlc liitim MtrkI II |i i' f/y/"H ^/-ti li niti , ti .\ 111 l-'iinv:i "I l'< A loll iim ru • ."*t II •mil 111 'jici:;iriitii>. 'J.-'.l lin., Iiiniiil. thick, iiiiii'jin ri'|iiiiii|. ili.seiiieiiiliiaiiaceuii.- |iei'i|iliei'ic [leritliecia ('J(M».-"J'J(» y ill (liam.i lie in a -iiiule laver. theii Ksliitia •. ei\ |ii'miiiiii'iil .iiiil ili-tiiicll' •Miiiihciiiii'j the siirliice ul' tin • liilN lihick «trmiia. .\m i c\ lindiical l(MI\,'i (', n. willimil |ia'a|ih \ ses. cunlaiiiiicj > twn-iilleij -|imii|ia. each cell .-iiliciiliii al. m iieaiK irldliiise and l-I.J n III diam. m- sliylilly nvnid, 4-.')X."i.J /«. 4 79 i H. Srhueiiiitjsii, «/"W,;. Siliw rtyii N Am \ii\ //\f>,Hi,il nint.'il.i. U. S.C f.riv III. |> ri .S(fiiri hi If n /'I. >iUw Cnr iu> .-i (IhihTimIii //i/i'iiril '"/.;, /.ii»«ci « .'4 //y/iik till \ >i;tiiiii/:ii. SWK- Syll p|" l->.4lci Kll N ■\ I- IV' kav !•• Am '..(i — ^'"'^•' M V ui Sllo|ii;i ;i- ill ill"' |il<'iM'ililiii- .»|ifiili|nliiilc. I't'iillicri!! iiiiiiM'rscil. mIoIimsc. ui -l|lpu\;ltr I !.'>'• "I. ~t;i|ii'l_\ iniililli'llillL; lllf ^IlirilfC. W llicli is llic|t'|\ |iiiiiitiili' rii'iii llic iiiiiiiilf. -Ii'jlill\ |tiniiiiii<'iil iisliuhi. .\'i{-\ fvliinlrir III. (;o-ri."» X .'».', /<. willii'iil |i;iiii|ili\ -fs, rdiiliiiniiiLi >■ Iwii-n-llcd s|ioiiili;i .■(iiii|Miyi'i| III' iwi) iiliilinsc, liNiiliiii' rclls. .'!-.>.l ft in ili:iiii.. nml ii'inlilv -i'|i:ii':ili|f On li;i|-k iilnl wnnil. ntiiiliiitti. Ill ijic ;ilio\c .-Mmiivjii.- uc liiivi' inclinli'il Splnirin rii/iiis V\. iSiiiM. S\ll. II. |i. .'•-.ii wiiifli i.» siiiil Im (lilli'i- linin //. Silin'riiill-„ii ill il.» -iiiiilji'r ninl iimmt iCLnilMrlN •>Ii;i|m'i| sliiiiiiii, with the |irril|if(i;i r{)\\ lilirl IIIii-IIn III till' ri'lllllll |MHiiii|| iif till' iji^r ;llli| )i\ it.^ Ilill>il:il Siiiil Id lie 'il'ii ilnik !■! riilnr. willmnl .111} nlivf iM' lilri'lli.-ll .irilii' \:i!llt-. lllnl \\c IlIlM' (■.\:illlini'i I IIKIIIV s|i lc|i|T-i'illi'i| ill N. A V. IIIhI |{:|\. V . Alll.) is MTV riiiiiliiiili, liiilli iiliplllni .Ni'W lii'M iiml West Clirsln. \Vr liiivr ;il-ii if |iciitfill_\ iri'i'i\i'<| limii (';ii()liiiM. [''jiiriihi ;iiiil ijiMiisiniiii. s|ii'('iiiii'ii-^ 1(1' wliJil i> r\ iiji'iillv llii' -;ilin' ii< tlir " /////iili|ii'iiiis|tln'ri(iil. I-'J iiiin. ili:ini.. -linu w liilr. (Inllnl willi llir lliililllr. |illlirl ;i Ir. Iinrii-t'iiln|'i-i| n.>lin|,'i i'lTilili'fiil n\;lli'. lllilHllr. Iinllicn|nrci|, \<{-\ ulioljl (10 .\ .'> ^^r. • ."^|in|ii|i;i S ill ;iii iisciis. Iiyiiliiif. I wn-rcllcii. i-mcIi cell •J|-."i ii liiiim. ( hitlt't'iiN iii'i'. ilfciirticiiirij unml. Liijiilnii. Ciiiiaihi ( l>ciirii»'>s), DilVcis liniii //. /ill /ill l'"i. ill il» jiiilv iiinti' ^lininii. II. latixoiiAt.-i. I'k. Siiliiniliiiii ijiily u iiili' I'nMiiiii'j- a limml ( ^, - ,' nn.i liiinil Mioiiinj llir nlll-iilr nj' ll|i' rl||i- uj' l||r ( ' i/ilf/i iis. lllickly | illlirtair willi l||f ilark-liniw II. -jiiililly |irniniiii'iil nstinla .\' fiuiii i|ii|yiiiiiii> ^|ini'iilia. Ilif rr||< -:i>|iai';ilili>. siilxj'lniios)'. J HO liMiliiii' :iiiil .iiP, /• ill iliMiii A M'lv riiriitii- -|iiTi(- .-i-iil iViini llliii llliilrl llir alidM' li;iliic. li\ I'lcif. A I' Mhimjiii. I':ir;i*itii mi (\i/'if/iit.y sfr/iifn.y. llulV. II. .ii'iiM'iiiara. It. \(. (in \. I\ |i I'l ■ Kuiiiiiiii: !i iliiii. ii|iiinilMo|(iici| >ii-;iiiiiii wliicli. when liariri, Itxtks Wki' Cnifiiiinii ni/ii'i/i iiii.'iii. n\ It'iiiilli lirlilc. PciillH'cia mi|mm licilll. MMllrlcil. cil II i|t'r|H'l lilll. I'lli' •|in|iiliii ^jn (JifV. XII. I I. ( nil' >!iiil to III' I II iliiiiii. .''^lirciiiH'li.-- liminl 111 Ni'WlirM. N .1.. uji liiiik ul (Irad Mmfiinlni »//|iiTic-. 'I'lii' -lidiiia I ul' a fatlii'i' liMiM', iiiciiiliiaiiarriiii>-li\>M»ii| nalini'. lliiii aii|\ |ui -I'vcial iiu'lic" aii iliil\ iiiuiis. Iisaliin' -|Mpiii|ia u liicli -ciiai ale inlu ivvu .">^, // ill llirii luiiiii'i iliaiiH'ltT. II. ocliioliiini. H. iV lta\. (inv I. < • KlVll-cil, lliiii. urliiul(iiciiii.~. -ralcij uii .1 jiali iii\ irliiiin. w il|i ,1 liaiii'ii liiiiili'l , ulli h 1 I acknl w lim uld. " '{"lif nil- n| die ~|iu|'iilli arc -anl u\ ' ia\ nicl |. II. SCIlli'llil'lonilis. |{. \ Ull\. in l»;i\ l'"iiii:;i I'li l\ . N... .!! ."^tiuiiiala Miili'liali'. rriitrall\ allarlii'd iiiarL^iii Ircf and. in lln lari:'!'!' s|ift'ininir-. niidiilalc and 'idduiiatt . I "J miii. arrus«. ruiivi'\ iicarl\ -iiiuiitli uiil\ -litjhllv |iiiiii laic truiii llic -.lancU |iruinincni usiiula. I'ului dull red i'rW- <>[ the -|uridia ^iiliiilultu>c ."'. - | ^r diaiii (•in knuulcd'jv ul ihi- -|iccii'- i> dciivcd lium ilir >jicciiiicn cilcd. in wliicli llic a^ci had di>a|i|icaicd. Iml ||ii o|,,lnisc cclU ul the -|iuridi.i were aliiiiidani • tii ii.'irk ul .{ill rnliiiiiii ('aiulina lin'aM'Hcl) II. \)i\W\\\\. ( . \ I', -".till l,'c|i \ N' Slalc Mil- |, .-,7 ■ Kicr^hv . |ial"llalc ili-i uid, 1 '1 line- liiuad. pale uehraeeuii- A^ci i'\ lindi'ii"il. S|iui'ili'i 'jluliusc, -ivtccii. hydine l{ | ^; di.'im |{e senililc>. e\lciliall\. suinc -|iceie- uj' Meluliuin." ( hi dccavini: «uud. New Vuik (reiki. II. tiiiiiiiiia. Sa \ 1 // ■1 IWli «lll nil. U illl ,1 (■ -|»'lli|l' III I. ill ill) -«, tu||\c\ |i|lll I " >>tiii|;i. ti'xtnr*- rmrlv ri'lliiliii . |in|ii|ill r(i||i|Hi>iM| III l«\' |)iilrlit"- ul' lliin white lulliflltlllli ,'. I rill, iliiilll. liiTiiinillU riii'liox' ;iiii| liL;llll\ |irn|||i||rlil n-tiiihi. A-ri r\ Ijlnll i<;i|, (>.">- 7 ■"• \ >(.^ I II. riiiitrai'li'il liclitw iiilii :i -iilit'. illnillt ."> // iliillll. iiiiil iriiilil\ In lie till- •-1IIIIC «:i> li>iiii(l Illl iliriiviiiL; I'iiik i»l NA»/"»/ii .S/j/»iii«»i, Siliw Syii N Am li.'** //1/1.K ii-ii SliiK'iiiiii iSiliw lOki S\ II Nil 1.' ' riidiiliitc rmilliiiMil. :i|i|ihiii:ili'. iiiiiiiiiii -iililnliiiti-. -iirliiri' iilic'itc. 'iili|iiil\ iiiiilf. Ilfsli rulur. iHTuiiiiiiL: Imiwii; wIh-ii yniiiij:. rttxcird with II wliitc luinriitiiiii mid linn iiini'i- di^tiiictly |)iil\ iiiiilr. sitiiii'liiiit>> >'iili- l:il \ . lull : ^iiiliii-r ijiniitiliir t'liiiii llir |il'n||iiiM>lil |iri'ilhiM'i;i, w iiirli iin- distilirtl\ list loliitf illid lint iliiliici'srd III till' v\liiti>li -iiliiiii'iiii -li'iiiiiii: si'iiiiiiiil dust is|Hiridia) I'liiiiiiiis. Ot'iiii rniilliiciil Ini all iiirli ill lcii!jtli. llii' ~i'|i:ii all-, cii^liiiiii like /i/j)ini/.\ {jiirHsii Smith ('aiolina 1 K'aM-nrl 1, \Vi- lia\f .-ftn Illl -|ii riiiii-ii.-. and inps iin- aluivr di-M'i'i|iliMii riiiin Scliw. CiHiki'. in < in-\ . \II. p. 7>. -avs ihr rill> ul' tin- ilii|\iiiiiii- -|iniidia an- -;iiliiiloii(i-i' and lualiiii- H. t'liii^irola. kiirsl. .Mm. l-'inn. II. p. -Jo| //i/>"ii<'ij A'./i 1.'. «/ii«.; Nn ssl III Ki lull • \,i ■ ^ SI.1011111 iiTcjriilailv I'lVii.-ii'd, iiiriii-tiii;j-, i-Mii ,\a\\. tiiliiali!\ ihirk .{-!- cm. in (-.\t(-iil. Inil smnrtiiiii-- inlfrrnplt-d and -liurlm .\l lii-l wliitf t'aiiiinsi' with a lluccn.-^- niiiiiiin. (iiiall\ liimn m h-iiimi vt-llmv pah- iiisidf. thicklv piiiirlatt- tVmn tin- lalln-r pruniini-iil usliiila I'l-ii Ihi-ria Slink in tin- -irnnui, rtnwdtd, nvalt-. pah-. .V.-ri r\ lindriral II Iirirlh -liiiiliilf. (it* 7."' /» Imu i|> ~\<.i I 't n iliick. S|Hiiiili!i *« in im Mx'ii-. iiiii>fn;ili' iiiiii|iii-cil ot {\\i> «iiiiil:ir, i:lMliiir4t' cflN |iiiriiliii ii> .'> n in iliiiiti II. siil|ih(ii-ea iScihv.i " liiillit'i lliiii. ~iiIm';ii'||ii-i'. ;iI Iriiu'lli linin likf in fi-Mtirc (wlicii ilricil). till- linn. |iMitiiill\ tirr uniiuin siirioii>l\ litlinl. r-nliiliiii inliii vvliilf «illiin. I'fiillM'tiii » rowdfil, Lilulmsr i|«'|iit'>M'il. iiniiH'i-^t'il. ilii l\ \i-l|ii\\. n-.|iii|;i t'liiii iiliiiiiii-. |i;i|iilliilc. >ilii:ili't| III liltli' |iit likr ilr |iir>siuii» 111 till' iiilitTwisc ■"iiHMiili -III linr. On lunk: iiiif. sf|i:ii':il>li- ivlirii I'li'sli, -iiliiiilniiil. \ !, iiulii'.- ;nin>«." In ii!'iili;i :iir siiil Id Id' ■') ii in ilintii. llif ijidli II. |tlillHlil. K. iV K. .Inlllli. .MmiiI. II. |i. *l.'). .lllil I'liir. .\<;ii|. \;il S.'i. IMiihi. .Iiil\. l>'.Mi. |, 'jl,-,. I'l'iiliu'iiii iiiili' liiirii I oliir. -nli'.>liiliit. in. iiniiii'i -I'll in ;i nitlit'l' -i'.ilil\ . jiiii.-r. wliilr liiiiii'iilit-)' iiivi't'liiiiii (slritniii). u liM'li nvri -|ii'ciii|> llii' .-iiiliiti' III' till- |iuir> mill i'ii\i'i'« llii -iili'< ul' llic |ii'i'iilii'fiii iIm'Iii.m'Im'-. iiniiiL; lln'ir ii|ii«'f> iiml |i:i|iillilunii u.-linl;i Iimh'. .\> -111 ii'llliir;! I iil lii'illlv 'j liiliii-i'. ."I ii ilinili. illni I'fjnlilv M'|iiiriiiiim. Tin' ii|i|irr |>;irl nl iln' |ii i itlii'fiiim n>||ii|i-r«. whin . iIk- liiini'iilr -tininii iii.. ir!i\iiiL: llii' |H'iillii't'i;i -i-«ili' mi tln' |ii>ii'-. We liiixr .|i('rif> will li ili-liiM'l lioiii lliiil in llir iili-riirr ill Miiv <'i'ii-t liki' -liMiiiii mill ill il- •^iiuilli'i -|ii>i iiliii. It w;i> lir.'l liiiiiiii in ( >tliilii'r. l.^^^O, iiml .liriiiii in Oi'toiii'l'. ISMi. I';ilii.-itii' mi i|i'«','i\ lliLi /'ii/i//tniii.t itixiii.y. Nrwlii'lil. N. .1 .'~|ii'riim'ii- liiiiiitl liv hr. .Maiuiiii in l*i'im'i' h!ilw:irii'- Isliiml. mi /'<)/. rliiiHiiiis. V\.. iisii't'i' |H'i'li'rtly willi the Nfwlii'lil >|H' mi m'iiiiiii'-iiilmiil invi I'liiiin u liiili "•liiiii- lii-' l*i)l i//>ni us w iilnt, 111' :i liin'. iiulil vi'llitw. 'i,'j. 1 ili:i ^ III nil (•«'|l> illilMIt i| i>-liiiliiiii IT iMWillil- I. «•., irivi- llllf (wllcli |llllll I'lilni l^fll. i|i||\ •it liki> lie : j't'iHiniMr A.M.I. N;|| .•I»'.>ii Siiliiriiliilii iiM'iiiliriiiiiK run-, lliiii. \« hill. I ii^.'K'.l >'\ir|il llu' iimi >:lii w illi il ''iiiuj*- lii\)-l III iiiitiiltr I I |0-|.'(0 II). «liit)-ni|ii|i'i| |ifrillii-<'i:i lilli'il « illi liliiliii-i' -|iiiiiili,i .' Hti |Mili;i|i- -Is |i»|Min'-, :i« im n-ci wiir -I'lii). 'riii> M'l'iiis In In- ;i ili^tiiirl •|M'rif-, lull n'i|iiii'*»- Itirllici iili«i»'iMi tiiill « llll lllitlf |H'lll'rlls i|rM'|ii|iri| -|iciiliirn-. Sfi'lll- ilillriiMll lliilli //. Ill inn I II. ( '. A I!. 11. nMtiiiifohi. K. iV HI. .l.iiiin .MmhI I. |. I H* i|Mat«' II' rriillu'iiii 'jImIiiim'. |i;iIi'. T'i HM> II ilium. Imiiitl ili llir -lriiiii:i iiinl \i>llilr IIIhIi'I till' It'll- :i- liiM'll i'i*|(i|'fi| -|U'rk*. Ani iliiMilr I) liiiilririil. -<• 'J'J \ .'».J, 11. -rs-ilf. uilliuiii |i!ii!i|>li\ -I- .'•|Hiriiliii lii -I'liiilr. ritrlil ill illi ;isrii>. riicli tiiii-i-l iii'j ul luu «jliiliii-i'. liViiliiu rf||>. i'ii>il\ -r|i:iriilih'.' :iiiil i 1 .1 /< iliiiiii. i iiiii-ll> I // m .i lilllr nxi-i ) Tin- i> iiir Mifli. I.|i. ;tO-J.,<\||. II. |> .VJII liiil iliMi'i> ill il.« ii.oi i iiml >|H)iiiliii li<-iiiii milx iilxnil litill' ii- liiiLrf j|> in lli:il -|irrli'.<. I'liriisilir nil ('nrfiriiiiii sriili llilri . !*• A <' ul' -ullii' i|.i-ri\ iilllfil -|iiTii-. .HI ili'iiil liiiili- III .Miiijiiiil III iinil link. Ni'wiii'l.l \. .1 II. sillH-anitM. K. \ K. .Imiiih .Mm.iI III. |i I I I. I'i'i illii'i'iii ciiiiiit-r |iiili'. iniiiiilf I ^1' "I liiii icl ;ini| Imifh \i-ili|. iiimIii till' Ini- iis iiiihiili' -|H'. k- L-niiiLi lIu' -iiilinr ul' iIm' ( 'infniiiiii ;i |iiiiirl;ilt' iiji|iriiiiii , ,\.-( i -nlii \ liiiilm iil. -^r»i|c. williuiil |>:ii:i|ili \ -•'.-. .'to .'{.*» .\."t 7 '/. ."jiui i(|i;i nni-i-i iiilr m |iiiill\ lii-n inlr iiIm.M' -i|l>li\:iliiir iwilli ;i M'ljuw i-|i linii u!i|uiiij I'llijiliinl. I 'J nm jinir tA P. \"J- -/.//. (>iil\»iiii||i illi- MiiiTi'ls ilill'ii- Il //. until ill, , III v.. A v.. Iiiil (III' ,-|iuri)li;i iiic \,i\ (linnriil. nni.-li likr lliu-ru| //. n.i, "iiiiili.'*. V.W.. I'luni vvlii. II. Iiu»i'\fi. il i- ijiiilr i|i-liiii| I'llCilsillr nil -iiiiir llilli ('i(/7/<7/////. uii i|ri|i| llllll'. .it l.itiiniin \\\\\-j. nil till- Lriiiiiinl. .\i'ulir|i|. .\ , .1 II. IJH'lt'ii, Fr. .•^11111111:1 \ ."J. S<;iiii| |i .'Is.'l i'liiniiM'. Iirii;iill\ I'lVii.-i.l. Ipinv milk w liilr, n-liuhi |tiiiii'iiriii ni .\-r| r\lini|li' iillii /iiinis juhI i>ii lli. 'Zl'iillllil. w H. viii«liiiirH. K. \ Kav. . u. ' SiiIiuImImitic. rtiliUfolcil. Ill riililll|i-||t i.'l'*M'||i.<>||-rillull^. n<«ti)i|;i illililrSH'il. S|iiir'it|iii iililnlli!. vvilli two lilirli'i." Oh ilniil iil)|t'i>. Siiiitli ('iii)iliiiii I l{ii\ftifli. Ill (Jifvillfil XI. |i. I"J'.». rlii- i- ivli'ii-'l III llv|iii\v|i»ii, liiil if ihr «|ii'riiii('ii III //. nif'ihi'iriili.1. \\. A \{i\\.. in IJ.iv. ^.'ny. liix-, \ . No. ."i.'l. i.« tin' siiiiic II.1 //. I'irhli-nif'n. |{. A' Kav.. in (!if\. I. c. (he 'ilroiiin i> iml rJiiliuiiiHi'iiiis (ji- it -Itiiiilil III' ill llifjuixi/liun. luif rjillinsi'. Tin' »|Miiiiii'n iflnrctl tn i«. in imii "•'•pv. witlnHif I'liiit — ii|i|iiirriitlv iin iniitiii'c. H. .soleiHtsloiua. li. \ Kav. (inv l\ . |> II "SiiliL'loliitsi'. |i)ilr I'lit'nii^. i'!itli)T irn-iriiliir. tMinJii rvlintlritiil I'lMlnratcil. S|in|-i. s/i/i,riiii nt/iiliih'^.i T'»U l-'iiiiKi Mil k1 II lip I" >tc M Ihfi" I'll H'litliH'm:. V\ Siiiiim Vrk! >i'aii .>.' Kxsin- Tliinii M r iih.i Stiuinata ur''i:ariiiii», >ii|ii' |.iilviii,iii'. m siili|ii>iiii<|i|ii>i'ii al. < ariiii.*)-, >lii;litlv |i|-l<>r*'iiii>iitiiiii at tin- liasc |ial<' lii'itiliiiiiii Vflluwi-li "!' at jfiiirlli L:ifiiii
  • /(I. yfljiiui^li. riulcilily niiiiiiinn tlir\ I'l-rk Mil liia|)|i' r|ii|is. New \mk Slate. On luttcii wimmI [Cnrifii iIt.i. ."*(iiitli Ciiitiliiia ( Ha vciit'l I. I'mii «;ylviiiiia ( Kvi'ihail I. ('iiiiiM-rtii 111 ('riiaxtc-i. TIn' --tiuiiin is at first ul a ycllnwisliliiiiii'i'iiliii . iMTMiiiiiii: ilii'tN \f||ii\vi>li ami ilii«tri| with the >rr«'»Miisli s|Miiili yrllnw iiiiiii-i tin- iiii(riiMu|(r). H. «'lil»ios|Mtra. K. ^ <'. Ck-v IV. |.. U. Stininata -mail. i;if«'iii>li I'laik. m-arlx imiml. -i-s.^ilr. riinvc.v (I I .J /n. iiiii!iii»'m'il liy tin' latlicr |iiMiiiim'!il u-tiulii. .\-ii narniw-cylin ilrinil, almiil 7."».\ I //. with riiiht t\Mi( rlhil -|iiiii(liii. I'lich itII siilicii lii«-al oi iK'ai'ly lilnIinM-. itliin niivarciiii.- (-iiliiraiid .°!-.'{.i ii in iliaiii. On ih'iayiiiu lia>k. Ni'wlii'hl. N. .1. alr^n icimitcil t'lom New Vmk 4 se KA Ostiiilii . Iiiit il III!' V. Nm. :,a • "itlMlllll |« linsi'. 'I'll!' liriitlv ilii r\ limlrit ill lli'^jilli'liriil lA-.t nun IlllSf. |iillr -lllllllUUM' i-!M-t4-il into Mi'iiliii I'liiii . tlif lu\v( r llll'<)IIL>l|ul|l New Vni k iii'l). I'fiiii iit first ol i|iylill\ |intiii iiii'iil. .\» liiidiiciil. S|Miiitliii i|iiiiili')itf-i:li>liM«if. Iii'<)\viii ft." Hti ilcrayiiiu woihI. ItiitViilo iiml ii'li. \. \. H. rfrjimlra. K. Hi K. lin ll»ili. i Stmitiil ru||\)'\ I-'J llllll. iliillll. inllliil jtiilr lil'jik-l )'i|. Iwllilf il|>ii|f|. wi'iiiklnl wlicii dry iiml liiially tiiiM' ai'oiiinl tlir liasc itfilH' •iliitiiiata and iii<>i'«> m h-s^ fiViisi'd nil lilt' matrix. Asci rylindriral. ]>. <\<. .V'l-tIO \ { //. S|iiiridiii twiM'i'llt'd. iIh' ii|t|»t'r rt'll -iiliiinadrali'-uloiuisf. aliMiit I n diatii.. tin- IdWcr innstly nvatc 1-1,^ x .{-."W./r Innw nisli. Oil liiirk III d''(!i\ iiii; linili> n( .//////^»r/'//.s, ( 'niiia'riiciit (Tliaxtci ). //. nifii lia.- tin- >lr\ tin- siiiir cului Inil lia^ liyaliiif s|Miridia. //. i/ctdfhioMii lias aliiiiif till' «aiiii' >|Miridia Imi tlic nilor of tin- -tm- iiiii i.« dilVi'icnt as it al-n i- in //. ihlnruspinu (Mack or at l»'a»l dark.) II. s H\f»ii titi iiiiiiiii I't Siiiinii ViK Sc |> iSx ')- ti /*. ."^|ioiidia s in an aseii«. two-eeljed. the re||> soon separating, the ii|i|ier one s|ilieiical 4^ // iliaiii.. the lower one ovale, alioiil .'> x 4.i //. ('oiiiiiion tliroiiirliiiiit the ('. ,<. and Canada. H. tifiiit'llirola. K. Al K. lin Merit.) reritlieeia ovate, iniiiiite. |(M)-II,'» n diaiii. sunk in tliP thin, eiii- eieoiis-white. Iiyssoid cnistaeeoM^ -truiiia which lonns a continiioiis lay- er on the matrix, the maruiii at lirsl livs^oid and loose Imt soon smooth IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) //^.*^5^ 1.0 U;|2j8 |25 UK l&i 12.2 m m I.I ■ 2.0 Photographic Sciences Corporalion \ 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14SS0 (716)'-1-4503 iiCy and suhcntstarcoiis or iiciii'l.v vaaisliiiiii'. Asci c} lindrical, )). s|t. aimiit 75x5//. Spdridia miiscriatc. elliiitical. Iiyaliiic, l-'i-imcleatc (litroiii iiiy tiruscptatc). 7-M x .'{ /<. l'ar»sitit'nn Troiicf!'' (ilhiihi, Oliin Miiruaii, S!t4 The poif(»raU'd apices (if tlic |M'i-itli('cia Jiisf visildc i^nvc ttic siir- fiiiM' (d'tlic stroma a initiiitoly piiiudatc appcaraiicr. D. Strninu t/iscoid. S/ioi'/(//(i roiitiinioHs. Jnjiilihc. H. .onsimilis, Ell. (li.v. XII. p. 7!t. (Plate II) Ivxsicc. KU. N A. F., ijS Stroma orliicular or oUiptical. coiivrx, 'l-'.\ mm. across. Iiritd<-r('. wliitisli within. In (Irevillea 1. c, Berkeley -itates tliat the asei are cdavato and the sporidia elliptical, and that it was lirst Connd in one of the Arctic expeditions liy Sir .1. Richardson. All the speci- mens we have seen ai-e entirely sterile, like those in X. A. F., I'i2!>. Tiifjcrnilar/a pezizoidcti, ^vhw.. '\> said to 1m' the .^aniC. Its ranp' a]»peai's to l>e northward from .Maine to Wisconsin and we>l to Colo rado and I'tah. On liark ol' tlead poplar. K. Sd'o/tio jHilvlnotv ll()\v iiiarixin may 'h' only accidontal. Tin's differs jroiii //. corff'rfo/'dcs, B. »t l>i'., in its laran). H. dti'inella, Ell. Bull. Ton. Bot. Cliih. VI, j,. lOS. (Plate II) Sti'ouiata scattei(Ml or sul)eoiillnent, minute (1-2 mm.), tliin-pul- vinate, hritilit lemon-eolor, atro-punctate I'roni the minute ostiola. Asci slend<'r, |(M)-120.\ a-(i ii. Sporidia liisoid, hyaline, uniseptate, ani- se ri ate, 12-14x;i| //. On s an' rather old and the cells ot the sporidia se])aratc>ci>psis licn'aiiint, Karst. Myc Kenii II, p. 221, 251. HypiKiea dij> into numerous (2 mm. diam.) semirylindrical, tiniier- like IoIk's, (ilosely appressed to and suiroundinji' the mati'ix and e.\- tendinjr lonuitudinally lor altout o em. The rounded ends and the si(I(!S of the loli(>s are sterile, the peritheeia l»ein]>er or outer surface; pei'ithecia imniei!ine' the limb. On a dead limb, White mountains. N. II. (Miss Minns). F. Spin'idin roitf/tnioiiK, hrnn^n. H. bicolor, E. & E. .lourn. Mycol. IV, p. f)8. Stromata i>i'e<>arious or crowded, convex, sul>orI>icular, dull cinere- ous, Ixn'oming ioltose, about ^ nun. diameter, Ituried in the stroma, which is of a dull white color within and has the surface minutely roughened by the jiunetiform ostiola. .A.sci cylindrical. TO x 5 /i. Sporidia uniseriate ni crowded ;ili<)Vf,clIi|iiiiii.ik_\\\ii, aliout .'> x '2^ ti. On ii dociiviiiji' t'liii log. Miiiiliiittiiii. Kiiiisiis (Kcdlci'iiiiiii iV Swin- (i. sjinridid iiiiixijitnfc. hniii'ii. H. nibispra. Kll. A: Hoi. .Ininn. Mycol. I. p. 4. Sti-(tiiiii (ilicoiiic-tulii'iridiliiriii. snltpliciitc Ixdctw. iiboiit 1 cm. Iiijrii. Iciiioii-vtdlow uithiii mid wiilnMit, siiiliicc iiiiiiiitch- |(nncUitt' with tlio l)ljick ostiolii. I'ciitliiriii |)cii|.li('ricid. iilolHisc. iilt(»iif "JaO/i diain , con- (cuts liliick. Asci cvliiidricid.coiitiiiiiiiig' fi.iilit ciibiciil or ohlong-truii- I'iiti', dark-olive oi' ludunisli-liliick. •J-mu IcjiIc, 4-7 .\ 3-4 it sporidia, .sjiiic of wliicli arc nhsciiivly niiisc|»tal('. On a ilccayinu' loii'. Iowa. H. Kporiflid l^-scfifftfr. j/clloirish or hnnni. H. diKtriiia. ('kt". lit-ycllow witliin). Pcritliccia iniiricrscd. hrowii. ostiola Idackisli. pinictilorni. .\.-ici clavatc s|iorc-ltcarih (4 /i), lower cell snl)Ovatc, 4x3 /i, Iiyalino." Spccc. on l)ark (»!' doeayint>' (maple?) linil) on the unround, New- liejd. N. . I., have (stroma?) 2 cm. hiuli, clavato, leather-color. Oidy two specimens were lonnd. iind those wer(> immatnre, so that the Iriic- liHc!itit)n conld not lie made out, thoiiii'h the surliUM! of tlic club was linely punctate from the ostiola of tlu; immersecl jierithecia. Accord- inu' to 'ruiasue A- Hroome, the cluli-sliaped l)ody, on tlie n])por part of wliich the iierithecia ai'e boi'iie, is not a true stroma, but cither (Jldvdrid litjHhi or SixitlniJit r'la fiaridd bearinu' the Hyimcrcu as a parasite. The folhutHiig speck'n ama. Pei-ithi^cia "I'lobose and. with tlie ostiola. innnerseil. Sporidia liliform. (See j). i)l). H. parasitaiis, B. & ('. (!i-ev. IV, p. lo. " Minute, pallid, snliellip- lical. sometimes windinii' around the teeth. Sporidia <>'lobose, rather hii',i>e." On ITydinnit criiidrcioii. South Carolina. H. siibvil'idis, B. & ('. 1. c. " HiVused. Perithecia jiale dull ti'i'ocn. lementose. crowde(|, sea(e(| on a white mycelium. A curious species." On dead urass leaves. South ('arolina. H. stJM'llioi'. (Sclnv.) Sftliiri i,i sti'ii//i)r, Scluv. Syii. N. Am. iiSS, llypociea stnilior, Ckc. Syn. ifiS. Substance at first very soft; liroadly ell'used, api»lanate, surface lonu'itudinaily striite, flesh-coloi'. beconnnii' liuht yellow when dry. The ma ruin is very delicate, cottony, with interwoven fibers with which the whole surface appears lii>htly covered. Te.Ktui'c carnoso, beronnnii' !iorn-like when dry. l*ei-illiecia \lv\\\ scattered. On leaves, A'c, Carolina (Scliw.). Stroma al)out an inch in cir- cuud'erenc*'. nnd two b'nes tiiick. H. siihl(»bata. (Sclin.) S/i/nri Id sii/)/(!/ii, Scluv. S. N. A. 1225. ffyf>nc>pa siihlnhala, Ckc. Syn. ifig. Scutelhite, small, sliu'htly attached, inaruin obtuse, lobate-rejiand. Iilack. then suliolivaceous: surface Hat, i'u<>-ulose. I'eritheciii subperi- pherical. in a sinule layer, beconiinu; yellow, immersed in the lii»ht yellow sti'oma. which is aI»out 3 lines in diameter. Ostiola ini])ressed. On liark u\' PldfdiiiiK, iJethlehem, Pa. (Schw.). H. moll ill sen la, (Scliu.) Sfilnriid mnlliiisnihi. Schw. Kr. I\l. II, p. fifi. Hypocira mollinsciila, Ckc, Syn, 172. !KI •'Minuted line itfi-nss), roiiml. fifiiiio-convcx. f'cntliociji sinnll. entirely liiddeii, eoiiiiate, siirliur ol' Ilie stroiiin roiiu'Iioned l)y the ostiolii, itruiiiosc, sooty lilu-k. On rotten wood, I'ennsyiviiniii." Hifpocmi lidrcnclii Meik. (!rev. i V. |.. 14. I{iiv. Cjir. V,')!. Dialnjiu- Jdtcfitlti, VA\. i>idi. Torr. IJot. Chili. iX. \). V.),'^/f///)()^ri//o/i iinif/dtiffinli Jes, IJ. A- V r in Kll. N. A. I"\ 471. iire nil Afrlof/ruiti ll/Kf PiiiUl. 2S2, ]>!, XXV, fi.irs, i-ri. Sti'oma siiliii'lol)oso. 1 cm. or mor(> diam.. entire, iolied or divided, fastoned to the leal'liy a myceliinii ol' whitisi), radiatinir tiireads. At first thickly covertM I with ei'cct, lertile hypiiiO 3o-4() x --.'{ /i. Iiearinu' oval 01' hroadly I'nsoid. incMpiiiatei'ai, hyaline, continnons conidia 7-l()x 3|-4 //. When matur(>, a section sliows tiiree dillerent colored strata: ^he inner white, the intermediati; one liuht ochre, and the outer f)iie cinnamon. Porithecia se.-ssile. or only their roiindeil I siibcylindrical, a little broader in the middle, cinnamon-color, ?*-!() or more tou'ethoi-, 1 mm. ioiiLf. \ mm. liroad, tre(|nently ltranclie(I, the bases of 2-3 joined, and the cavities condiKMit below. .\sci verv lai'Li'e. 450-7 50 X 14 /i, tapering' to a slender point lielow. more u'radiiallv towards the trnncat(((| apex. Sp^iidia linear, hyaline, pliiriii-iittnlate and ))lurise])tute, rounded ;it the ends and separatiiiii- at (he septa. lases immersed On ArtnidiiKii !(t, (Carolina (i?aveiiel), Alaliama (Atl kiii.tiis(dv conical. Sporiilia linear, curved, linally breakinu' up into .sc^u-inoiits 10-18 X 2 /^ On livina- loaves oi' CcMfaitrna sp('rJi/nif,Ci\yG\inv, South America. We have iiklialod this species, which will, not improbaidv. yet l)e found in Southern Florida or Mexico. !n H. Hypoxyloii, (Pk.) IhilliidiU raiiiA. J) iihiuiii iihn III mid O. liiliil./'/i'i tins, H. >S; C CiIlv. IV, \> H'.s lipichU),- /fy/iiivylim, I'k. 27th Rtii. X. Y. Stdlt- Mils. ]), loS. /fy/iiiofii ahiiiniiilnsa, K. ii C. Joiini. I< lon<>' a.-< the asei and about 1 // thiek. On cidnis and lea\c- of Ii\ in,u' ,ura.^set<, Iroiu Canada to Carolina and Loai.'^iana. Vai'. piJ uhvfoi'iuis, W. iV C., has tlu; stroma tnhereulai- or otliei' M'ise irre< horculis, H. A' K.. .lonrn. Myeol. I. p. Sfi. is oidy the stylosjiorous staj^c of this ,/iiihi. IVrs. Icon, ct Duscr. I, p. 21 /'ii/ys/ii;iiia ty/j/iiiiiiiii, Uc Caiul. 1. c. p. i,t,S. J)ii//iidra lyphiiHi. Vx. S. M. II, p. ,s.S3. /•'.fiiihloi- tyjtiihiii. Till, in Ann. Sci. N'al. Ser. IV, t. .\III, p. iS Sti(iiitato>.pli,nia, Grcv., Typhoiiiiim, Uk in Kr. S. M. Ill, p. 362. E.xsicc. K/. 1". Sfl. _i.|.|. — Kal). Ilerl). live. 57.S.— i is coiiiiikmi in Kiirn|M'. iiiid ii|ifK':irs iilso to lie widely ilViisfd ill this conn try. it is r(')iort('(| IVoni Ciiioliiiii to IN'iiiisylviMiiii' <\ - . . . , iiiid lo\v;i, Mini IVoiii Nortlicni New \ nvk iiiid ('iiii!id:i 1 -i Ifliil'i 11 ill 1 wHB B^ui m m H B i 11 Ijml! w TJhHOXKCrUIA. SiUT. (Vn.v. IV, 1) -M. and Mich. I p. .^.\s Stroiiiii viilsiHiriii or liiicnr. covcivd l>y tiic Imi'k and only piirtiiilly crniiiiK'nt. I'l-ritlicciii moiiosticlioiis. sulicaniosc, reddish, Imt rovcrcd with ii ycliow-riirfuraci'oiis coat, i'.\c('|it tlii' short ostiula. Asci H-sporod, i)ura])liysat('. Sporidia oIiIoiil,^ iiiuriroriii, hyaline or siildiyaline. or at loast in one Aiiierieau species, Itrowii. Th. XautiKixyli, (Pk.) I'ahii .Wiiilhovvli. I'k. ;,ist Kep. p. |-le, t'rau-ile. i)alo outside, reddish inside, small (al)oiit mm.), •lulH'ireinate. eiu-los^.'d in the sliii'htlv altered sultstanee of the liaik, with a tawiiy-yi'Uowish. Iloccose-toiiiento^e sul)staiiee surrounding- them and lillinu' the spaces l)etweeii them, attenuated aliove into slen- der necks, with the sliort, black, ol)tuse, jjapilliform. then narrowly pei'loi'ated ostiola erumpeiit in the li,ii:lit, sulphur-yellow, elongated ilisk which hursts through longitudinal cnicks in tlii' bark, but does not rise al)ove it. Asci oblong-clavate, j). sji. 05-7") x 12-1 o //, sub- set^sile, paraphysate, 8-.sp(U'cd. Sporidia Iiiseriate, yellowish, obloug- cylindrical, obtuse, slightly curved, faintly 3-5-sejttate and muHlbrm, 18-22x6-9 n- The septa are very faint, and iu many cases scarcely visible. The ostiola are at lirst coverinl with a grceiiish-yello'w j»ow(ler. On dead liiiil»s o\' Xa nthoxyl imt Amerivanum, Troy, X. Y. (Peck). This i.s very ncai- Th. Pdtdvina, Sacc, but seems to ditler in iti* o-.septate sjioridia and ostiola united in a disk. Th. vireiis, Hark, (in Herb.) Peritliecia cesjjitose, seated on the surliice of the inner l)ark. bursting through and surrounded by the upturned epidermis, in com- pact clusters of 5-12, globose, \ mm. diam., clothed with a dense, greenish-yellow, tomciitose-furfuraceous coat. Ostioliun pa]»illiibnn, black, tardily appearing. Asci clavate-cyliudrical, 100-1 10 (p. sp. 70- 75)x 12-15 n; parai)hyses evanescent. Sporidia biseriate, olilong- cylindrical, obtuse, curved, hyaline, 6-7-septate and murilbrni, 18- 22 X G-8 11. 93 On (Icml liiiiUs of 2i/iun, Cnliluniiit (Iliirkno^s), (.'oiiiicctinit (Tliiixtor). on "load iisli, Caiiailii (Dcai-iicss). y iiv. c/ifi/so(/riniiiNit {T/ii/ronertn'tt vhrysotinniniiii. V]. A' Vj. in l*i'Ot'. Phil. Acad. I. c;. j). '245), on Itark of dead cliii liiidis. I'otsdaiii, X. Y. (Kllis), MisHoiiri (DciiK'trio), and Kaiisa- (KcIIcnium), dillors IVoiii the h|i(' ill its larger, 1. 'uwii sitoridia, larger asci and more or loss scattered peritliecia. ELEl THERO)IV('ES, F«'kl. I'eritlu'cia siiiterlieial, gregnriniis, snltiilate, atteimateil aliove I'roni an ovate-cylindrical l)ase. Asci cylindrical, S-spored. Sporidia ellip- tical, with a Uristle-like appendage at each end, hyaline. E. sulMilatus, (Tode.) (IMatf 14) S/i/iiri ill sii/tii/a/a, Tode. l-'im^;. Mcckl. II, p. i) Splufioni'ma siihiilitliini, Kr. S. M. II, p. 5,;fi. /■Uiii\ies.Mihiihitiis, I''ckl. Syiiil). p. i^,j. Ivxsicc. Kill), Herb, Mye. 662,— id. I'". H. 13,U- Perilliccia mostly thickly gregarious. Imt sometimes .-jcattereil. siipcrlicial, gradually attenuated upwanls from the base. ^-1^ nnii. high, yellowish, translucent, soft, liecoming hard and brownish. Asci cylindrical, with a stipo-liko base, 8-sj)ored, 48-r)2 x '1\-^ n. Sjkh idia iiniseriate, elli]itical, acute at the ends and pnjlonged into a bristle- like apjiendage, hyaline, 4-0 x 1^ /z. On dried up and decaying Agarics, ^[as.-iachu.setts and \c\\ York. XECTRIA, Fr. Summa V'eg. Scand. p. 3S7. Perithecia i'ree. cespitose, on a tuberculirorm, carnose, conidial stroma (T uhc.rcularki)^ or scattered without any dehnite stroma, car- nose-membranaeeous. mostly briglit colored, (red A'c.), smooth, sul>- villose, S(|uamuIo.-:e, A'c. Asci cyliiidric-clavate, 8-spored, mostly with- out parajihyses. Sporidia oblong or elliptical, hyaline, uniseptate. A. Pet'ithccia cespitose. N. ciiiiiabai'iiia, (Tode.) Spliidhi tiiiiiiil'iiniia, Tode. Fung. Meckl. II, p. y. Sphinia ttrco/orans. Pens. Syn. p. 49. Spkcri la pi'^hoidca, a. > iihi Dj', DO. I-'Ior, Franc, toni. VI, p. 125. Ciiciiibilayiu n'niiahatiiia, Grev. Scot. Crypt, Flor, torn. Ill, tab, CXXXV .\ect>ia cinuabaiinu, Fr. Siimni. Veg. Scand. p, 3SS. yxsicc. Rab. Herb. Jlyc, 633.— Rab. F. K. 324. 1(331— Rehni Asc. 1S4, 2S2, 635.— Thum, F. Austr, 1050, 1052.— M. March. 347, 348, 349. mw M ':],'-] 04 I'crillii'ciii densely eespitdse. ln'itilif iv 1. Iieconiiiii;' diiikei', loiiuli. with a liaiiillilnnii (»sti(iliiiii. seated on a |,nl\inate. tnlieiriilironn. \k'A\y sti'dnia {Tiihcrnihirld ni/i/aris Todci. Asci ela\ atc-evlindrieal, siiliattcniiated almve. T<>-i»ed a!()\(' wlieii dr\. ()>liidnm ] apilli- lorm. linely linduiate. Asci (liilonii-elavate. .')(t-(l() \ (1-7 // (|i. s|i.). tlioMt |iaia|ilivses. Sporidia I'iseriate. oMoiii''. nniseptale, straiu'lit \\i oi- sliiilitly cni'veil. Myahne allant 12-'J(».\;]-4.' Tin' Tiihrrnihir'nt lias DMI lyaline eoniilia (i-.S \ \},-'l n. on l)a^idia \u^-\K\ /< Iniiu. liraiielie(| hImivc. This is. accordiiiLi' to the specimens in |)e 'I'liiinienV Mycotlii'ca and in HoumetiiicreV FiinLii (ialliei. the T. .SV/////y//r/, Cda. On SdinhiiniK Ciiiiti(h'itni>i, liiiicoln. Xelnaska (Wehhei') I*((ssilily a var. o^ N. ciniKili'trhtd. X. iiitli»i(ie.s, K. A: K. I'nx'. I'iiil. Acad. duly. !S1)1». p. •J47. Densely ee.spitose. Toi'minLi' suliofhiciilar tid'ts 1.',-"-.^ mm. diam. IVritlu'cia ovate, di U'l< re( 1, aliont 200 ft diam., iniiriculatiJ-roMiiliened, eoUapsinu' aliove so as to appi'ar slightly trnncate ami sliizhtly eoneavc. appi'arinu' in ])i'olile like small .jars. Ostiolum papillifoiin. only sliulitly prominent. .\sci cylindrical. ".")-S0.\.') ii. i'ar.aphyses not seen. Sporidia iini.-Jeriate. olilon'.:-(dliptical. 2-nneloate, lieeoniinL; uni.sei)tate. ()-30 X 3-3^ «. smoky diyaline. The pei'itheeia are seated on a convex, vtdlow stroma. .')0-i;!0 together, and when vounu' are )tl th clotlic'l witli a \'q\\ short, white, tilandnlar hiiirs. Nearly allied to N. niirrosjtord. C. k K. which ha< less iiiimerons, ]ialer reij smoollier. more ii'reunlarly c()Ila]ised perithecia. The s]iecilic name from (Jrecdc ith utlios a oa rrcl. On dead aiders, British Colnmliia. .May, 1S8'.) (Macoiiii. 122). X. Uiissellii, B. & ('. Cr.v. IV. p. 4.-). " ('cspitose, red, inclininii' to hrouii. Ostiohim papilliform, at length sunk Irum eoUapsinn'. .^jioriilia cynd)irorm, iiniseptate, 1o-2(\m long. On elm, New iMigland, Russ(dl)." Var. Mdf/iinh'd\ Saee. 95 (liflVrs somcwiiat from the type in its shorter (10-11 x 5-() //) siH)ri(lin slifrlitlyeonstrietcd, witli the lower eel! n little iian-owor, iiiui the peri- theeia at lenj^tli collaitsiii'i'. On Imi'k of Minjnolia, South Carolina (Ravenel). N. ott'uschta, B. & C. CJiev. IV, p. 45. "Cesjtitose, flinjjry, dark lirown-rcd, niiinitely jiranulnted. ostiolnni depressed. Asci elavate. Sporidin hiserinte, oMonj:', aliout one-lourth as itroad as loiiji'; externally resembling ^V. liuxseUli. On Ilihhciix Syviavus, South Carolina." N. t'occiiiea, (IVi's.) Sphirria coccinea, I'tTS. Syn. p. -ty. .\fcln\i ciKciiifii, Vr. Siimni. Vcr. Scaiul. p. 36S. Kxsicc. Kal>. I'". !•;. ^J.i, if.v).— Thiiiii. M. V. Kifi,?. 1S50. — KU. N. A. F. 161.— Plowr. V. Hr. *. Sacc. M. \'. i.(Sj.— Rav. l-". Am. 737.— Koiilil. K. O. J72, &c. Pei'itheeia eespitosc, ovoid, smooth, Itright red, papillilorm, altont 200 // diani., usmdly not ('olliipsinu', seatcMJ on a yellowish, slightly eruMipent stroma, which is often nearly oltsolete. Asei snlieylindrieal. sO-J) .') X fi-T /i. Sporidia uniseriate. uniseptate, hyaline or nearly so. seareely eonstrieted, rather aentely elliptical, 12-15 x 4-5 // (12-10 x 5-7 /i, Sacc. ) On liai'k of various deciduous trees, common. N. miiscivora. Berk, in Ha v. Fung. Car. J, p. 57. Xtxlria siihcoccinea, Sacc. & KU. Mich. II, p. 570. .\rcliiii miistivnia, 11. & Br. Itrit. Futijii No. 6o>i? ICx.sicc. Rav. Kunj;. Car. I, 57.— KU. N. A. 1'". 133.^. Perithecia mostly eespitose, bright red, subovate, more oi' K>s collapsing, small (200 // diam.). seated mostly around the margin of the small, pale, tul»erculiforni stroma, which, together with its grouj* of perithecia, is mostly less than 1 mm. diam. Asci cylindrical, 75 x 8-10 //. Sjioi'idia iniiseriate, narrow-elliptical, 14—16x6-7 ,«, yelhnv- ish-subhyaline, becoming uniseptate. On bark of living alder. West Chester, Pa. (Everhart it Haines). Distinguished from N. ('occiiiod l»y its broader, more olituse, yel- lowish sporidia and its more distinctly suj)eriicial stroma, which, in some cases at least, seems to ari-^e from the remains ol" dead scale insects which are abundant on the l»ai'k. The above description is from the Pennsylvania s])ecimens of N. siihcovciupa,^. k E., which are the same as the specimens of ^V. musclvovd, Herk. cited, which is ])resumably the same as N. nniHci- vora, B. Si JJr., in Cooke's Jlaniibk. No. 2364, though neither the n ■A I'eiinsylvdiiia s|it'fiiii<'iis nor tlin^o in Rav. Car. show nnytliinjr of* the "whito Innoso imtdics 2 in. or more in (iinnii'tcr.'' N. diploa, B. & i\ .lomn. Linn. See. X, p. 378. Pcritlicria ceppitosc, niinnto, ovnto, snUfinln racoons, nf .c: '•' col- lapsinjr. liiilit ml, ])arasiti(' on sonic crninpont Va/sii ? Asci subscssilc. ol»lon,i;cylliMliical, alM)nt r.axlO//. Sj.oridia ohlicpidy nniscriatc. olilonji-elliptical, cndocliionic finally divided in tlio middle, 20-25 x !)-ll It, liyalinc or ncai'ly so. In sonic of the n.«ci, tlip sporiilia arc partially liiscriatc and somewhat smaller. On l>ark of alder, Sonth Carolina (Uavencl). The dcseiiption here oivcn is from an exandnation of the speci- mens in Hav. Fnniii Caroliniani, ill, ')'), in these sficcimcns the nnclei have disai)pearcd ami the nndcrlyiiifr (Valm?) is so completely covered hy tlic perithecia of the Ncctria as to 1)0 easily overlooked. Diflers from tlie prccedinjr species in its moi-e compactly clnstered and less prondnent perithecia, and its larger sjtoridia. Var. dimiuiita, (J rev. IV, }). 4G, is (sec. ('coke) a Caloncctria with 3-septato sporidia. See p. 114 of this work. N. vei'iiU'osa, (Schw.) (Plate 12) S filial ia venucosa. Schw. Syn. N. Am. 1401. Splitrria dematioiu, Schw. 1. c. 1424 (?) Neclria verrucosa, Sncc. SyU. 479. Exsicc. Kav. K. Car. I, 52.— Ell. & Evrhl. N. A. V. 2d Str. 2371. Perithecia ccspitose, jrloliose, abont J mm. diam., verrucose- roughened, light ])rick-red, heconung nuich darker and finally collaps- ing above, more or less distinctly clothed with weak, short, rudi- mentary, hyaline, glandular hairs, seated on an orange-red, concave or depressed stroma {Tiiberculariu), forming groups 1-2 mm. diam., at length more or less deciduous. Asci oblong-cylindrical, with a short, substipitate base, 60-70 x 10-12 /i. Sporidia Inseriate, oblong, uni- septate, 12-18x4-5 /t. The stroma, as in most other Nectrim, is finally hidden and partially obliterated by the perithecia. Common on Moms and Sassafras, Pennsylvania (Hchweinitz), on Morns, Melia, etc., South Carolina (Ravenol), and on Morns, New Jersey (Ellis). Differs from N. viimaharlna in its concave, scarcely [)rominent stroma, the peculiar roughening of the perithecia, and in its shorter asci, and mostly narrower s|)oridia. N. coccruca has the perithecia nearly smooth, or when tlry, slightly furfui-aceous. 97 ^'. (M'lii'oleiua, (Srliw.) Spliirmt irhiii/riiiii. Schw. S>Mi. N. Am. No i,}!"' .\i'i/iiii oditolnna, llL-rk, in Circv. IV. p. if> Hxsicc Ull. N. A. K. 773 Str<»iim iri'iimilDSf-liyssnid, siiliitiilviiiiitc niid in'iiiiy white iit fnvt, ticcoiiiiiit:: lii'iiif'i- iiiid yrllowisli. IN'i'itlicciii .'{-1 .') on n stroiiiii, ovate- nldliose. (lull \ellu\\isli-\vliite, iiMtstly less tliaii \ iiiiii. diaiii., siiiliu'e densely t'lirriiraceo-siiuaumlose. exeejit at tlio ajK'x, aroinid the rather darker, sliirhtly depressed, ))ajiillir<»i-ii) (istioluni, where the ed«re j^I' the H|iiaiiiuh)se ( oat I'oiiiis a miniature crown or wreath, ^ivin-1'J //. Sporidia hiseriate. olilonjf- I'usoid, \nMsej)tate. 1*2-1 ('» x 4— f) ii. On lindis ol' various deeiduous trees. Cai'olina and Pennsylvania (Soliweinit/,). <>ii dead limlis of Lauiits Benzoin, West Chester, l»a. (Kverhart). X. rnhi('hi'|).i, Tke. (Irov. VII, p. 50., Journ. ^lye. 11, p. 79. Kxsicc. Relim Asc. 337.— Kll. N. A. F. So.— Knv. F. Am. 341. " Cespitose, red. scarcely ]ta)>illate, olitusely vei'i-ueose-ionfrhencd. collajisinjr. Asci cylindrical, r»")-7 ")X 0-7 //. ."^poi-idia uniseiiat*', ollii»- tical, unise))tate. l()-12x4-4i ii, mostly not much constricted. Looks like a miniatuie red raspheri-y. l»oth in the clusters and individual jiorithecia, the latter Itecominjr eventually nearly even.'' On dead limlis of CfAwi/zj //////, South Carolina (Havenel),oii stems of Ilex [jhihrti, New di'rsey (Ellis). The speciuKMis in Itehm's Asc. and Ell. N. A. F. wei^' erroneously issued as N. ])ini/rerf, Kze. A' Schm. In our cojiy of Rav. F. Am. tlie s]K'cimen (\o. o41 ) has the perithecia distinctly cr)lla](sed. In his diagnosis ol" his Ascoiiiycetcs, undei' Xo. 837, Dr. Rohm I'cfbi's the specimens of Nectria ))iinir('(i, Ivz. A' Schm., in N. A. F. No. SO, to K. nib/riirpif, Cke. We have carefully comjiai-ed the N. A. F. sjieci- niens with ^V. riihicdi'jtu in Rav. F. Am., and they seem to u« to lie the sajne thinu'. Referrinji' to our oxsiccati, we find in Plowriuht's S])h. Rrit. No. 200, a s]»eeimen lalieleil j\'. piai/'rcft. Ivz. A Schm., in which the jieiithecia are ne. The specimen iA' N. puniceft in Rouniegiiere"s Funui (Jallivi. No. 14G5, we can not distinuuish from iV". viniKihariiid. Yv. If Plowri<>lit's sjiecimen is authentic, the N. A. F. specimens can hardly be that species, having most of the sporidia less than 12 /i long and tho jieiithecia collajised. N. A. F. 772 can not be X. nilncorpa. but is more like a ]iale var. of K. ih'titislina, Tul. 13 98 N. ditissima, Till. Sd. Fimu-. Vnrp. fll. f». T.'.'. Kxsicc. Thuiii. M. r. ii,s5.-Rav. R Am. 76fi.-Myc. March. 950, 1546.-KII. & Kvrlit, N. A. K. 2<1 Ser. I54>*.-K"- ^'• A- '•"• "^• IVritlu'i'ia (Icii.^cly uivtiMriuus. .illir(»nn, iiiiimto. A.Wi cliiviitc, aliout SO n loiiu- and S-IO it hmad aliovo. contfactcd ho- low into a ■•'londor Itasc. Spuiidia orowdcd. Itisoriate, liisoid-ohlong, nnisoiitatc, sliulitly fiuvcd, 14-l(i.\4-4i //. On dead Acac/u. So. Ca. (Ravcnolj, on Jlch'n, Lonisiaua (Lanj-'- lois), on Ile.r, Connortiout (Thaxter). N. Celasti'i, (Sclm.) Sphiniii Oliistri, Schw. Syii. N. Am. i.i^r. .Xic/n'a C-lasfri, Sacc. Syll. .(fA)- Stroma tiilicrculironn, iialc yellowish Avitliin, Itecominu- Idack out- jsiide, siii»i)ulvinate. Peritli(ria densely eespitcw on the stroma, «>'lo- !)Ose-ovate, I'liiz'ose, about the size of those of X. viiiudhiiriini, easily fallinu' from the stroma. Ostiola obsolete, but showing' as dark-bro\vi» .•ijieeks. The peritheeia at lenu-th bocome indurated, liut do not eol- lajyso. Speeimens on Cehisfnis sc(ni(f('iis. eollectod in N»-'\v York State by W. R. (ierard, a.aree well with the above-([Uoted ehaiaeters. except ill havinu' the peritheeia only ir)0-2(>() ii diameter and eolla|ised. We do not, however, consider this latter character in e^-ei-y ca.-^e reliable, a.sitdejtends, in some measure, (»n the staj^e ol'-rrowth at which the specimens ai'e collected. In (Jcrard's speeimens. the stroma is not well shown, as it is already covei'ed with and partially obliterated by the su})erimposed peritheeia. which are of a bridit red color at first, but at lenuth dark red and collajised, and hav(( the surface sid»verru- cose-rouuheiieil. The asci are cylindrical. oo-fiO x (5 //, oi- sometimes enlar<>-ed above to 8 or 10 n thick. S]ioi-idia uiiiseriate, elliptical, uni- sejitate, not constricted, 7-S X 3|-4 //. The ,urou|is of jM'i'ithecia arc about I mm. across. Xotwithstandiiitr the sliili, iiii'lin- iiiii' t(» reddish. Asci cvliiidric-clavato. olttustdv rounded above, ln'ieflv ?ti]iitato l»t'lo\v. 40-4'). or more rarely r»()-7(L\ 0-7 //, without paraph- yses, S-sj)ored. Sjtoi-idia distielious or oldiijuely nionostielious, elliptic- eylindrieal, uniseptute, l(>~13x3-4 /<, eells e(|ual, 2-nueleate, hyaline. On stumps of orange trees, Louisiana (Langlois). N. mici'osporn, (\ & E. (J rev. V.p. fiS. Ces)»itose, bursting out tlirough cracks in the bark in gi-oups oi" vJ-15. IVrithecia subgloliose, l.)()-2()0 ji diameter, orange-rod, seated . 8. Kxsicc. Kit. N. A. h'. 574. With the same habit as the preceding sjjecies, but peritliocia larger >{;|mm.), sul>globose, smooth, ])ale golden-yellow, with the nnnute ostio- lum darker. Asci cylindrical, oO x ()-7 /t. Sporidia l>iseriate, oblong- fusoid, M-12x3 /i. 2-inicleate, becoming tardily uniseptate, hyaline. Stroma pale, llattish. scarcely rising above the e])idermis. On' bark oi' Jlar/tioh'a r/hiuca, Xewfield, N. J. N. iiifusaiia, (ke. & Hark. (Jrev. XfT, p. 101. Ces])itose, eruni])ent, ])ale red. Perithecia few, oval, soft-waxy, subconlluent, smooth, glabrous, .5-10 on a stroma. Asci cylindrical. 8-s])ored. S])oridia uniseriate, elliptical, obtuse, unisej)tate, not con- stricted, hyaline, 10x4| /t. Conidia {Fusanum Acoc/cc, Cke. A: Hark.), either accompanying the perithecia on the same stroma or ))ro- tluced in sej)arate pustules of earlier growth, on a ])ale red, pulvinate stroma, curved, hyaline, acute at each end, 3-septato, 30-40 x2| /i. On Acacld. twigs, California (Ilarkness). N. ati'(»fiisca (Sclnv.) Sf>li(S>ia attofiisca, Scliw. Syn. N. Am. 1429. Exsicc. KU. & Kvrht. N. A. V. 2d Ser. 1547. Stroma i)ulvinato, subcarnose, wood-color inside, darker outside, small (^ mm. oi- about that), erumpent through the epidermis, by the 100 li Til.''' I :\^-M niittnrod iiiiiruin of wliicli it is cldscly <'iiiItriU'{'ial irons, small, mostly less than U)") u, conical. l»oconiin,u' ovate or ohovatc. and linaily c(»lla}isiii,u' altovo. Ostiolmn ohtnsc-conical, Idack and siiiMini-', I'atlu-r laruv. Asci snli- cvlindrical,4")-');").\T //. with aimiidaiit, impcrrcctly developed jiaraph- ysos. Sporidia siihliisei-iate, olihaiti-elliptieal, lower cell sometimes a little nan-ower, nnisoptate, hyaline, 10-11^x4.^ ft. On dead stems ol" Stfiitln/h-a trlfitli. "Cespitose, itmI, at length tnrniiiii' Idack, u'laltrons. Ostiolmn papillil'orm. Asci cylindiical. ."^|ioridia eIonu'"'ed-elliptical. unisep- tate, 18xf) //. Stylospores on the saiue stroma, some ovate, brown, .5x3 /i, others linear, ()x2 //, hyaline." On Gledltschid. Aiken, ."^o. Cai'oiina (Ravenel). X. eiii't'ni'bitiila, (Tode). Sftlnnni i/ii/,i. Tode Kmiij. Meckl. II, p. ,^S fpnrtly). .yrcliiit cuiciiibiliila, Vv. Sutiim. Vin. Sc. p. 33S. Exsicc. Kunze V. Stl. 105.— Sydow. M. March. 172 — KlIihi Asc. 7S1. Perithecia ovate-u'loliose, smooth, daik re(l. with a distinct, ]»ai)illi- f'orni ostiolnni, not collapsing', scatt(M'ed or ottener cespitose on a de- pressed tulieivuliloi'm stroma. Asci cylindrical. !>t)-100x 0-7 //, M-ith- out jiaraphyses. S-spored. Sjioridia monostichous, biconic-elliptical, iiniseptate, hyaline, 14-l(»xo-(!| /i. The only American sjiecinien we have seen was on hai'k iA' Abies fjolsaniea, collected Ity Mr. Peck at North Hllta, N. Y., and .sent to n.s as y^. f}(il mined, C i^ V. It aurees with tin; characters above uiveii and with the specimens in the Kxsiccati aliove (jaoted. We have not seen the s])er'.no.u'onia mentioned by .'^accardo in Syll. U, p. 484. X. rliizoj^ena, Cke. Grev. XI, ]>. 108. ■'Cespitose, erumpeut, stroniatic, oraniic-red, at lenuth scarlet. Perithecia suba'loI)ose, glabrous, scarcely ])apillate, breakinir out in small groups of 10-12 together. Asci cylindrical. Sporidia narrowly ellii)tical, unisop .e. hyaline, >-!) x :> //. The e(midia are those ol' a Tnbei'citkn'iu, with a rose-coloied tint and .5x2 u. 101 On cxitostMl routs of Clmitn, soaltoard of South Ciiroliiia (Ravoiiol). (^lusters 1 mm. in dinm. IVritliccia 1(55 /iJ' The siKJcimens in Kav. F. Am. (U"), sliow only the (Icpressod-tiiUorculilbrm, llesli-colorod sti'oma and conidia. N. (lipliM'Arpa, E. & E. Proc I'liil. Acad. July, 18!)(), ]>. 244. Pci'itliocia li'rojiarious or sulicosj)itoso (2-3 connate), sujicrlicial, ovate, altont \ mm. diiuu., clotiied with white, se))tate, spai'injily l)i'anched, sul»stri,u<)se liair?;, eollajisinji' more or less distinctly aliovo. deep llesli-color, ostiolnm |ia|iilliloi'm, iaru'e and distinct, snutoth. Asci clavate, 40-r)(L\ S-12 /i, lilh'd witli leddisli •^•ranular matter at first, tlien containin.u' 4 o1ih)n,ii-elii))tical, hyaline s])oridia, 8-12x4—5 //, uni- sejttate and more or less constricted at the sejitum, ends I'onnded and olttnse, lyinii' iri'eu'nlarly in the asci. Parai)hyscs apparently i)resent l)ut ol)scnre as are also the asci which ai'c soon dissolved. To.uethei' with the sporitlia already dcscrilted are otheis much larger, 30-45 x IS -25 ti. u'rannlar, hyaline, nniseptate and strongly (,'onstricted at the septum, ol'long-elliptical in shape with the ends olttuse and rounded. On thalliis of some foliaceons HcIkmi {P((rinelia}'i ow trunk of a tree, Farmington, N. Y. (Kdgar IJrown). In examining our Fxsiccati we find that S])ecimens collected in Missoui'i liy l)emi'tri(» on thallus of /^//'///e/A^ and issued l)y J)r. Wintej' in his llaiienli<»rst-Wintei' Fungi, No. 3252 .as Necti'lii h'oniodes. Kahh., are the sam<' as this. The desci'iption, however, of iV^. leraiindex does not a])ply to this, that sjx'cies having s])oi'idia only 9-1 1 x3-4 n.. and in fact the specimens of A'^ lerditodcs- in l)e Thmnen's Mycotheca. 174() and Fungi (Jallici (i(!5 (both collected I»y Madame Li'iert) as well as those in liehm's Ascomvcetcs No. 38 and Ph wriuht's Splucr. P>ritannici 212. have the spoiidia 8-12 x 3-4 //. The New York and Missouri specimens also differ from those just cited in their ItrighttM' rotl color and distinctly hairy perithecia and come neaier to N. eryth- I'liieJhi, Nyl.. which again has the ])ei'ithecia oidy ])artially emergent and sporidia 1 S-25 x G-S /<. much lai'ger than in N. levdiiodcH it is true, l>ut still far too small. Possihiy this varial»ility in the size of the spo- ridia is only accidental, liut fVom its occuri-ence in specimens from such widely se|iarat<'d localities there is reason U) consider it normal and if so, characteristic of a si)ecics not heretofore descrihcd. J). Pei'lthx'Qia Hcattered or (jre(i(irloun. N. treiiielloides, E. & E. .louin. Mycol. II, j). 121. Perithecia gregarious, ovate, 300 // diam., coarsely furiuraceous and subtulicrculose-roughened, ]iale orange, with a distinctly j)apillose- conical ostioluni. Asci about .50x7-8 /i, cylindric-clavato, sessile, im- I (i!T 102 portl'ctly prmphywitt'. Sporidiu Uiscriatc., 2-iiuck'at('. Itecouiiuf,' iinisei)tak', 8-12 x 3-4 //. Iiyiiliiic Tlit' asci arc i-oiitraotcil at tlic ajiox i.'to a filiort truiioatc apiciilus. On Itark (»i dead willow. iMa(]noiiiin(.'s c-ouuty, La. (Laiigloiss). X. pi'forafa, Ell. & Hohv. in (Jcol. and Nat. Hist. Sni-voy of Minn.. I'.ull. No. 3, ]». 33. IVrithocia fiioiiaiious and snliconllucnt, ir)0-20() tt diam., roiorli pruinoso-liirliiraccoiis. jtali' at first, Itcconiinu' oraiij-'c-rt'd, dcpresso'l- ,o•lol»os(^ostiollnll jiapillirorni and roHapsini,^ wlicn dry, so as to appear liroadly perforated above. Asei clavate-eylindrieal, T'jx 7-8 ,«, with- out ]»arapliyses, Sporidia ol)Iif|ueIy iiniseriate, ellijjtieal or suliovato. unisejitate. hyaline or with a faint tinu'e of rose-color. 8-12x5-0//. This eonies very near JV.riiIphHi,V\u'., and possildy may not lie spe- eifically distinct. On a decaying- Atjurivm. .Minnesota (Ilolway). X. saiigiiiiiea (Sibtli.) Sp/iteiia sanguinca. Silith. Ox. p. 404, I''r. S. XI. II, p. 453. Aectiia saiiniihii-a, Vr. Siiinm. Vcjj. Scaiid. p. 3SS, Kxsicc. Th. M. V. 566.— IMowr. Sph. Ilrit. 20S.— Vize Micr. I-'uiij;. 270.— Kll. N. A. F. 573- Perithecia scattered, adnate, ovoid, ruiely siiltsplia-roid. smooth, iilood-red, rarely (lesh-color, soft, al)Out 180/;! diani. Ostioluin papil- liform. Asci cylindrical. ')0-(10 x a-O //, 8-spored. Sporidia oIdi(|Ucly iiniscriate. elliptical or sul»cl]ii)tical. uiie(|iially nnise])tate, slightly con- stricted, hyaline or witli a sliuht tiiiue of rose-color, 7-10 x4-r) ft. Connnon on moist, decayiiiu' wood and bark ol various deciduous trees. Saccardo properly ohsei-ves that this scarcely dilfei's from N. episphceria, Fr., excc]»t in its ovoirj, scarcely collapsing perithecia and its less distinctly septate spoi'idia. X. tnmcata Ell. Am. Nat. February, 1S83, p. 194. Kxsicc. Ell. N. A. F. 1332. Perithecia gregaricais, minute (125-1 50 /i). flesh-colored, sultglo- i)ose or ovate, the ajiex flaltened into a circulai', granular- roughened disc, with the edges slightly jirojecting. Ostiolum in the center of the disc, minute, pa{)illiform, brown. Asci sublanccolate, 35 x 5 /^ Spo- ridia biseriate, oblong-fusiform, subhyaline, nniseptate and slightly con- stricted around the middle, 11-13x2^-3 //. On the inside of white cedar bark, stripped from the living tree and left lying on the ground, Newtield, N. J., Seiit., 1882. 103 X. i:iiibdluIjiri.T Plow. & Hark. Trans. Cal. Acad. Sci. 1S84, ]>. 20. Pentliocia siipoilicial, scattored, 200-230 n diaiii., ji'loiKK^c, siili- livaliiic, with a tiiiitlier ])iseriate, 8-11 x 3-3i it or ol)li(|uely nniseriate, 8-12x4-4^ //. elli])tical or olilong-elliptical, 2-4-nucleate, with some sporidia in old specimens, becoming nniseptate. On rotten wood of various (h'ciduous trees, not uncommon. X, (lispei'sa, ('. & E. Grev. V, p. 33. Perithecia widely scattered, ovate, papillate, light rod, about I mm. high, sparingly chjthed with ]iale, weak, glandular hairs. Asci cylin- drical, 70-80 X 10-12 //. Sporidia subhisoriate or obli(piely nniseriate. oblong-elliptical or almond-sha])ed, often more ])rominent on one side. 18-22x7-10 /i, ends suliacute while lying in the asci, rounded when lire, 2-4-nucleato, l»ocoming nniseptate. Cooke finds trisei)tate, curved c. 82, Cooko gives the measurements of the sjioridia as 10x4,«. On 1)ranchcs of vino, Alabama (Peters). N. Eucalypti, €ke. & Hark. Grev. XII, p. 82. Scattoi-ed, superficial, pale. Perithecia globose, at length sub- depressed (2 mm.), at first l>eset with pa])illosc, hyaline hairs, finally bare. Asci clavate, 8-spored. Sporidia lanceolate, nniseptate, not constricted, hyaline, 16-18x4 /i. On bark o^ Eucalyptus branches, California (Harkness). J'M 104 J iiilii yw^ l:!:?^.''- 'aiii';! X. sqiiaimilosa, Kll. Biill. lU. V\uU IX. ).. 2(i. (}i-cx ')-() /i. eoiitiiiiiin,-;' cidit elaviitc or cvliiidric-tiltlonti', liiseriate s])ondia. r)-(;xl.^-lj ,«. ^-imeleate at lir,l>tu«". |>ale red. Asci cyliiidrieal vcrv delicate, GOxo-^: //. Spondia eiiilii uniseriate, uiiiseptate. pale straw-cdlor, olilonir-oval, with l)luntly ]»ointed ends. lOx.") //. On Cidlinm tnfoliuui, California (irarkness). X. IVpoimm, B. & ('. Orev. IV, j.. \{\. Xecliia f'eipiisilhi, I?, tt C. Kav. I'liiiR. Car. IV, No. 51. Very small, scattered, scarlet. Sjioridia olilonji', iinise]»tiite. It ' oks at first siu'lit as if seat^'il on a sniooth, white niycelinni, hut this is only the ext(>i'nal coat of the ,<>'ourd. Vnr. (nirdia (1. c). having' spo- ridia contiinious is prol»id»ly only the inunatnre state of the same thing. On dead g-ourds and on tomato. So. t'arcdina (Ravenel). We add the following IVom an examination ol' the sjiecimen in Havenel's Fung. Car., iilK)ve (pioted. Pei'ithecia depressed-glolK»se. lOO-l'JO It diam.. ostioluiu l)road, ])apillat('. Asci davate-cylindiical. 3.")-40 x 5-0 /^ Sporidia not well matured, l»\it apjiarently aluait 10x31 //. X. eoiiigena, E. & E. J3ull. Toit. Bot. CIul> X, p. 77. Minute, mend)ranaceous, smooth, orange-yellow, lighter an. 101. "Scattered or gregarious, orange-colored. Perithecia ol)ovat,e, smooth, glabrous, subshining, scarcely jjapillate. Asci cylindrical, S-s)((ir('ia I', Fr, Summ. Vcg. Sc. p. jSS. Kxsicc. Thum. V. Aiistr. 1362.— id. M. I' 654. Poritlii'cia urc^ariuus. superficial, splR'rical, lioooiiiiii^' coiiciivc l»y coUapsiiiii', sultpapillatc, rcddisli-oi-aiiiic. lading at length, snltj»ilose at liasc. sol't, al)0iit \ mm. diam. Asci veiy shortly podii'cllato, cylin- drical or clavatc-cylindrical, 8()-!K)x 8-10 //, when young, siibcristatc at the ai»ex, iS-s]M»red. Sporidia sui)l)isei'iate, ellijttical, ohtuse at each end, iiniseptate, hut not c(tnstricted, each cell nucleate, hyaline. 10-14xr)-() //. On decaying wood and hark. So. Cundina (Ravenel), Massachu- setts (Murray). See Grov. lA', p. Hi. X. siilpliiirea, Ell. & Calkins. .loum. Mycol. W , p. 57. Scattered on a thin farinose-toinentose, yellow suhiculum extend- ing for a contiineter or more. Perithecia ovate-conical, pruinose, yellow (nearly sulphur yellow), with a ])apillose ostioluni, 1 25-1 65 /;« diam. In tlie specimens thus far seen, the asci had disappeared, hut there was an ahundance of ohlong oi- clavate-ohhmg, hyaline, uniseptate. 7-12 (mostly 8-9)x2|-3J // s|)oridia. distinctly constricted at the sop- tuin. ends rounded or ohtusely jtointed. Parasitic on old i^tvrenut nniosmn. near Jacksonville, Fla. (Calk- ins). X. sulpliurata, E. & E. Proc. Phil. Acad. July, 18!)0, p. 248. Pei'ithecia gregarious, niiinite (200 it), suhglohose with a slightly contracted hase. covered with a sulphui'-y'eneral appearance (A' N. (f/fffwinfd, T\i\., but besides the more re<>idarly shaped perithecia the sporidia are much smaller. Tli • asci are with diHicnlty seen ,-i(» that this niijrht lie taken for a s^ylosporons lunji'us only from the fact that here and there sfcries of eijfht sporidia lying end to end indicate the presence of asci. On a decaying' sycamore log, Manhatt^in, Kansas (Keliornian and Swingle). N. iiiamiiiohlea, Plowr. (!rev. Ill, p. 12(). talt. 42. tig. '). Cespitose. IVrithecia of medium size, i nnu. diam.. gloliose, minutely fui"furace<.— HII. X. A. F. 160. Perithecia veiy minute, scarcely visil»le to the nakeii eye. solitary ()]• 2-3 together, conic-globose, slightly depressed at the ajiex, purplish- red. Asci ol)long-elIiptical. (50-80 x 10-14 /i, with eight ]>iseriate, oltlong, two-celled, hyaline spoi'idia, slightly constricted i)i the middle and al)o)it 11 x7 //, becoming at length sulifuscous. On dead foliage oi" white cedai- not yet fallen from t.'je branches of a tree cut ,s(»me time previously, Newtield. X. .). N. (lepaiiperata. Cke. C.icv. VII. j». .50. Exsicc. KU. N. A. F. 677. Pei'ithecia glolto.-e, scarlet, scarcely papillate, 1-3 on a strrmia, Asci davate. SjMtridia ellii»tical. unisejttate. 10x3J /i. We have 107 \\v\vv seen the oiiifliial siicciiiiciis on I'liroi ami linvc taken tlic lore- ^oin-ll x 'A-?>\ n. 'I'here are ol'ten six and even ton perithecia <»n each oiMimpent. white liyssoid-urunMtse stroma. 'Die \. A. F. speec. were I'oniid (tn dead CVfMyv/.at Nmvfield, N..J. X. .u'la-otliele, B. & T. (!rev. IV. p. 4o. Fale; ostiolnm distinct, papilliform. dai'ker. t].< ii deejtiy sank l>y coliajtsion. Asci linear. Sporidia elliptical, nniseriato, slightly attenu- atecl at each end, 12-14 fi lony. On aldei', apparently arowint:' from the remains of some Coccus, New Enuland (Sprauue). A styIosi)orons loi-m (N. cnistKliua, !>. iV i{av.. Santoo ('anal, Sf». Carolina), has cesjtitose, neat tan-colored perithecia with ohovate, uni- s^'jttate .spoi'ules, 10-1 T) ji long'. N. I'iniiiicola, Ckt^. (Irev. XI, p. lOS, Kxsicc. Kav. I'. Am. 644. (Ji'ejiiirious or scattered, snjierficial. scarlet, iirowing in cracks of the l)ark. Perithecia snliuhthose, finally deinrssed, irlal»rons, sub- shining. \ mm. diam. Asci cylindrical. Sporidia nniseriate, nniscp- tate, hyaline, not consti-icted, 1*2x4 //. In ci'acks of the l»ark ol' LIquidaiiibar, seahoai'd of Carolina (Ravencl). N. Brassicae, Ell. & Sacc. Mich. II, j). 374. Kxsicc. EH. N. A. K. 572. Perithecia densely gregarious, glolio.-;e-conoid. not collapsing, very small (125 /i), Itlood-red, ostiolnm ratlier olttuse-conical, texture loosely cellular, rose-tinted, jialer around the ostiolnm. Asci clavate-cylin- di'ical, (50x7-8, without parapliyses, hrietly-stipitate. olttuse at the apex, containing eight oUlong, sul)clavate, hyaline, uniseptate, 10-11 x 4-4 1 // spoi'idia. This was first found on old calihage stalks and at the same time the next year on (»ld potato stalks lying scattered over the same ground I I' 108 IHwidiisIv occu|ii(M| hy tlic ciililiiiiivs, iif Nt'wClclil. N. .'.. iilso oil HWCff [Mitiito . nrliiii- (•('oiis aiitl stili.ulolinsc wlit'ii moist, dull ifil, rollii|».-ii'il op hiflcrly foin- hi'csH'il iiiiil roiiiili, wllli iiiiiiiifi', wliitisli s("ilcs wlicii y\v\ : ostiolji iiiiiiiiti'. Sporiiliii liiscriiitf, iiiiiscptjitc lililoriii. iisiiiilly coiistricfpil in the iiiidtllc, imclcalc. l)>-'i»t // loiiu." S|»c<'iiii('iis t'oiiiid jil Ncwiicld. X. .1.. .Iiljv. 1HS3. (»ii dt'ild stems of Asvhitlds tiihvnt.s\. liidiiiii- out. I'eri- tlieeia suliirloliose. smooth. Iiare. opiike. 2(tO-i'.")0 n. Asci elavate. S-spored. Sporidia lanceolate, siiliaciitc at each end, tiniseptate, not constricted, hyaline. 2'2-'24x4-4A //. On stems of fjiijtiiniM. Califoniia (llarkness). X. Ciii'fi.sii, Bei'k. (!rev. IV. p. 4fi. •'Minute, erumpeiit. scattered. Asi'i lanceolate, ."•^poiidia oii- loiig. curved, with lour nuclei. 12x2 ft.'' On Zed, So. (,'aioliiia (Havcnel). N. episplwiia (Tode). Sfiliiriiu i-pisplueriii, Todf Imiiik. Mcckl. II, p. li. Spluriiii fiylltiiicdccii.s, Klir. Sylv. lUr. p. 9. .\,rtn'(i ffiisfi/nri Id. Kr. Siimiii. Veg. Sc.iiid. p. (SS. Kxsicc. Rab. V. K. 262, (142.— Kcliin Asc. ,s\s— Thuin. M, I'. 766.— Sydi)W M Marcli. .^52. Rav. I". Am. .x(i).— Rouin. I'". Call. 4(155.— KlI. N. A. H. 4'wj I'ei'itiiecia jirejiiirious or scattered, superficial, snlisjihu-roid. col- lapsin«!' and rre(|uently sul»coinpressed, soft, smooth. Idood-red. alMuit 180/idiani.. with a papillilorm ostioluin. Asci cylindrical. .')0-r)()x o-() /z, S-sporcMl. ."^])oridia ol)li(|uely nnisoriate. suliellipsoid, rather iin- (! it diaiii., smooth, or ronjihened with .scat- tered, rudimentary, tiland-likc hairs, sultastomons, of fine cellular textui-e, ])allid at first, liecomin<>- oran<;e-rod. Ai-ci l)r<>ad-clavat(!, 100 .S')_4(K\ lO-l'J /<, witlioiit |i:uiii»liyst's. Sjioiidiii incynliiily nuwilt'il, (iMoiiii-cyliinlrical. livitliiM'. iiiiisi'ittntt' iiml coiisli'M'tcd iil tlir s('|itiiiii. ilistiiictiv ciiivi'd, 14-lS x'JJ-.'J //. TIk- tliiilliis n\' the liclicii (/'///•- /iH'h'tt tilldriii)''. tiiiMs (lull ml (hiiiilii I'i'd iii-iidt'). Tlif pciitlit'ciii tir<' scattered iiml sii|iei'tieiid. This seems to lie ijiiite distinct tioiii iiiiy oftlie other licheiiicolons species. I'linisitic on thnlins ol' some lirhen, on varions i\v\ii\ lindis Iyin2' on the jrioimd, Newlield. N. .1. Sjtftrnh'a roiithtiioiiH. t \i'(ff/'i!fhl. < /rr.) X. myc(>t«i|»liil!i, Pk. 2(lt,li Kep. N. V. State Mas. p. sf). •• I'ei'itliccia crowded nr scatleied. minute, smooth, sniiiiloliose. pale yellt»\v wlien younii'. then pinkish-ochre, Ostiola minute, papil- hite. distinct, daiker color* .1. Asci sultchivate. Sporidia oiijonii'. simple, r2-I.Sx4,«." On dec.'iyini!' i'nnui. New York (I'eck). ( H' the thirty species enumerated liy Saccardo in Syll, tV Addita- menta, N. mi/ccfop/iiin, Vk., is the only American species with con- tinuous sporidia, if in lact they ai'c continuous. iV. iiiicroxitorn. ('. A- K., and .V. nilpiim Cke., have the sporidia distinctly nniseptate. l*crlfh('riii hairif, ( fjdKioiiectrlo). X. poliosa, E. & K. .lourn. Mycol. II. ]>. .31>. — id. Ill, p. 1. I'erithecia scattered, memltranaceous, oranjifo-red, (tvate-uloliose. Hi.') It diam., sparscdy clothed, excojtt the i»a|iillirorm ostiolum, with straiine(|uilateral, hyaline, uiii.-gularly placed. lS-2'2xT-8 //, ends rounded or suliacute The hairs .which clothe the perithecia are at first about 7 it thick, with the ends olituse and a little swollen, l)ut at lenuth they Iiecome elon^'ated and attenuated ahove. This must he nearly allied to N. tcphrotheh, Berk., hut in the x7-H //. S|M)iitiil«'. sciin'fly coii.-trii'ttMl. I I-1'J\4 r) //. Piiiiisifif r till' lens like sonic iiiiiiutc. tnl'tcil Asri liiifjir, .'{'t—llt n Iniii:', cviint'scciit. Spoiidia luiist'iiiitc, ohloiiu'. Iiviiliiif. I-'J-iiiifli'iitr. In'ruiiiiiit- iiiiiscptatc? PiiliiHltif on Mi/.rinjiixfcr.s {ijhoiHlriodcnini uptiiinir/of'dcx), Adi- liirk Mts.. N. Y.. Aii^iiist. lSS-2 (Dr. (ic... A. licx). X. iactwi. Kll. iV Morgan (in ll( rii.i niui't'iliMoiis ji'iowtli. loin I)(-i isciv y:r(',i!;iirioiis. I'cnfluTiii uloliosc, aiiout '2')(> // diiini.. yd- lowisli lioni-(M»lor, densely elutlied. except the Iimic. piipillironii ostio- Inni, with ii dense white eoiii i»l" liliindiihir-pruiiiuse piiheseeiK'e. which finiilly disiippeiirs in piiit. There is also a s|.ariii,ir, weii-like, white niyeelinni MverruiiniMi;" the matrix. Asci cylindrical, sessile, withnnt paraphvses. ").')-().') xti //. ."^poridia iini.seriate, elliptit'al, hyaline, not constricted, (i-S x 3^-4^ /t. On pores of some old l^o/yjioruft, Ohio (Mor<>aii), on old StcrcKin !42. Very minnte, scattered, iilood-red. pellucid, uhdiose-ovate, papil- late, adherinji' in iWw^^i' clusters to the liark ol' iWvA chestiint linilis from which the ejiidermis has peeled olV, entirely lilalnons. finally c(;! la|isins none oi* spnrious. Sph. fliUiiniea. Till. I. <-. p. I04. I'crithccia f^lohosc, Itriirht red, nearly smooth, crowded on or near the ronidiophorus stroma {Afnirtiiftti ^ffintifitcum, B. iV Rav.) Asci oliovate-oldoiiji', S-spored. Sporidia ovate, ol>tn,spe/,i/<»id : the coiddia linear- janceolati . very larire (S()-10().\ (1^ //). a little curved, ((-D-sejitate. hya- line with a tinjic of rose (!o!or. On maple i»ark, Caroliini (Haveiiel), on Solt'x, liouisiana, (Lan^lois). Herkeley, in (Jrev. IN', p. 47. adds. — ''Therf is a very distinct species on .)/a(//iof/'n (jhiuni, Vaw. lid'., No. oOOo (Atfrdvtituii jkiIU- iliini, H. it C), with short, riisilorni sj)ores l;^ // long, \>ith the endo- chrome retracted to either end.'' Sph. (>oi'(M>plilla, Till. I. c. p. U)'). I*erithecia numeroiis, on and near the eonidial stroinata. very small, irlohose, olttiise, minntely papillate, very smooth, lirijiht reivi. Mont.), low, sossilo, xl.'{-1(! //. S])oridia hiseriatc, ovatc-oldonu'. 2'J-2(ix7 //. pluri- nudcittc. ('oiiidial stroma l)acillary, (davate aitovo, red, ronidia ovoid, small. 3|xU «. On trunks of Can/a, Morns and liJnin, Carolina, Louisiana and Mexico. ^1 CALOXErXRIA. \)tf Not. Reel. Pir. Ital. in Coiiim. Soc. Ital. Critt. II, p. 477. Peritliccia scattered or cos|)ilos(', siipcrlicial or orumjtent, soft (carnose-memhranaceous), iiiiuht colored. Sporidia (thlonir or fusoid, 2- or more-septate, hyaline. I', erubescens, ( Desni.) SphcTiia oithescens, Desiu. XIII, Not. 72. Calonntyia fnibeiCfns, Sacc. Midi. I, p. 304 Scattered or ureuarious, superficial, with Mhitx.', \,'oolly, radiatininat<' Ironi tlic l(»\v('i- or medial part of tlu> sti)»itatc base, and tiiially entirely surround and overtoj* tlie oran
  • 'ra\ isli or .-oidid when dry. A.-ci eylindrieal or siilielavate. ].")(» 'JOthx |0-1") //. Spo- iidia crowded or liiseriate, (tldonir-rus(»id, at lirst nniseptate. coii.stricted at the septnni, with "J .'5 niielci in each cell, then .'{-.Vseptate. hyaline. ;>(• \{) n loiiii', ~\ '^ /< lii'(»ad. On dead liranclie.< ot Actr spJiafinn. ("atskill Mountain,*. N. V. The whitish ostiola are a iiiaiked feature. It is distinanished froni //. Srhvlilci'iHcyi'i'ldiia, Fokl., Ity its Mincli smaller perithecia and the more niimeidiis septa of the sporidia : nor were anv yloliose appeiidaii'es oh.scrved at the emlsof the siiuridia. ■ !' m m ii'.d H. nexixiila. (It. iV ( .) .V'A" I'll t'-.i-iilii. II. kSi C Ciiiv. IV, 1> Ki'i. I.itiiiisf>liliifk 111' (iliv >ii-!ilii<'l\ cs.-:il('. sd-I I "J .\ •JO-'J,"* 11.. S|Miri(liii liiscriiilt'. rhivalr-l'ii-iii:!. Ii\a!iiii'. .")-7-i'|il il''. iicaily -Iraijiil. ."JO-lO \ .")-7 n icx- .•(■|pti(iiially >-!(• II tliicki. ( )ii (l('ia\ iii'.^' WHIP, I aii'l iiark. (' iiiiliii;i. New .lfrsr\ . Ohio ami M Insulin. ( '(.uUc III III- >\ iiu|i-i-., [ilaci'- tlii> aiiidiiii the liiuu ii--|i(i|('ii .-|ifc|( lull \vc lia\c a!\va\-; liiiiiiil tin' >|Miriilia Ininl Inr. ( H.KTUSIMI Kl{l A. TiilasiKv il Call.. II ].. 11 p liai ri'iillicria -pliri'ir li nr |ica i'--lia |ii' I. (Mr'niiiaiTdii.-. iiairc nr jcs.- i\.-catri| nil ami |i; >i- tiiiiihi, :M wi. I.ili .\VI, liif, 2. Sl^lu/iiii liislis. TS: S. Coiisp. p. \\. i'li,rl(i\f'lili,ri>sliiima, I'Vkl. hymli. p. i'"' Chirlii!\tiomu . S.icc. Syll. \>f-^ilc, .*<-.-|M»ir«l. It") pi '/ hiii'.^-. ICi 'Jl It thick. .-^iHiiiilia lii-nialc, .-Imit- cyliiiili-ical. nii^ I at the rmls, .'J-i'iitati', tlic tun iiiiil'lli' cells liiow n iiinl idiiiicf, aic tun tn iiiiiial cell- hyaline, slimier ami innieur less < iirveil. "Js ;is \ .> \\ ir. |iaia|)liy>e-; jiliriirin. ()ii I'litteii elm wiKiil, Caruliiia ami MisMiiiri. \ ar. jtliiiiist ruinnlihs. (IM<.|. {Siihuiin jiliiiost r(nii) iil.-ii liiivc liif iiiiisc|itiil('. Iiifiwii. 1 "J I.') N s H» n coiiitliii. timl iiu'i"*'*' with s|i<'(iiiii'iis (if I li. f'nsvu. Kckl.. in Sjirciinln's Mycn- llicca \'fiH't;i. liiit iill llii'sr ciili li;ilill.V lie iili_\ tliiliy liidlf lli.'ili Inrilis of (^fi. ji/itrmfnuiKi. Cli. iianiiinila. i K. \ ('.) (IMate l!0 .S//;,, //.; f'lini. ■ '1,1. II. .S: C. (1ri-v. IV, p. ir ( li,rhiyf'li,rii,i hiili't'liir't. M & C. Crt-v XV. I>. Sj i'/i,fliif/>/i,niii fiaiiniiii/ii. Sure. Syll, j,tu>. •I'ciillM'ciii lildliosc. st'iilcil (Ml it riifliff thick. Iirown. pilose .ii roots ol' liii'cli. New .Inscy." We liiiNc not seen ilic (iiiL;iii:il s|MTiiii('iis (Icsnilicil liy IJi'ikclcy, iiiit s|MTiiii('iis sen! liy .Mr. Sli'Nciisoii IVoiii rciiiisyU iiiiiii, iiml l»\ .Mr. ('oiiiiiioiis I'roiii hcJMWiirf. iiml whicli sri'in tiiiiloiilitnily to li(>lon*z' licrc. liiivi- till' |M'ritln'(iii (ji'iisi'ly uri'iriii'loiis. mnrc or Ifss pilosf. with piilc lirowii. >|»r<';iiliiiLr hiiirs. si'iitnl mi ;i dcn^r, lirown, pilose siiliiniliiin. \m-\ rliiviitc-fyliiidiicnl. p. sp. T<>-T') .\ lll-|."» /<. with idMiiidiiiit piir- jiplivscs. Spuriiliii ol»|(tiiii-c\ liiidriciil. Iiyitlini' tit first. Iiccrniiiiiu' lirowii ;iiid .■{-scptiitc. ciirvcd, 1> liO .\ (» 7 fi, einN olitiisc. rii. iiiiijiiiieia. (K. iV Kr.) .S/>/i,r. ; /(/ ittnHW/ 1,1, II. .S: llr. Hcvk Oull \i. ,^5. CA,rliis/'/ii/-nii iniiiiiHiia. Till. Sel. Carp. II. |) 2-,t,. lal> ,v'>. (iK>- 7-<). I'crithcri;! siii:ill ( 10<>-1*(»(> «). Ihicklv sriittcrcd iiiiioiiii- the liiiiis of till' siiliicidiiiii, iiiid .-ioiiif of lliciii, :it Iciist when voiiiil;-. sjiiiriiiL'iy clotlH'd with siiiiiliir hiiirs. liiiidly ithick iiiid siilishiiiiiiL!'. .\(Ji//. Sporidiii siililiiseriiite. olihmv-riisoid. rather olitusc at each end. nearly .«lraiuht. '2 .'{-miclenlate. linally 2-septate, pale, l.'l.x-l it. On ilecayinii' wooil tA' (^iinciis. Caliiornia ( llarkness). 'I'lie ciiiii\ 15 //. (t S-se|itate. olive-lirown. Cli. leoiiiiia. (;'. \ P.) Sf>li,nui l,,'iini,i. C. M: I', .'ijlli Kep. N. V Stati- Mas p. (»i i'lurliofli'/'i HI I'oiitna, S.iiv Syll ,;2"> I'eritliecia snliconlliieiit or rarely scattered, ilark lirown. oval, cov- ered with a short, thick, tawny loinentiiiii. the papillate ape.x naked. Asci clavate or cylindrical. Sporidia Mseriate. lanceolate, iiiii.septate 21 !•.,.(. ■|-'*^J Ik I .H\- iiihI crtiistiictnl,;!! Irtititli liis»'|itiili', fiinwii, ;!.V:!S ^/ |i»iil;. ['iiriif»liys(' slciuln-. tililoriii. On tln' (Mil siiirnct' f»l' wimmI, I*uit\ illr. N. V. d'rck). rii. ioiip|>iiii. i*k. 4-j.i i{r|.. |.. ;;:.. I'ciitlit'ciii n-n'Liiiriniis or sciitlcrcil, ovnfi'. iiiiiwifc n.'iUxll5 I'lollifd, <'s|ic( iiillv iicluw. wilfi Iniiy. slfinlcr. |iiil(' liniis. Asci cliiviilf- ivliiidiifiil. |i. sp. iilMMit 4(>.\ S-IO //. ('(tiiliiirtcil lichnv intu ii slntit. «ti|M'-lil\t' liMSf. Mild ovrrti»|i[M'(| Ity lilirurm. iiiidiihitr |iiini|»liyst's. Spu- lidiii liiriciiiitr. (»lil(in.ii-»'lli|iliriil. 11 I."».\ ") tt. Iiyiiliiii- iiiid iitiisr|itiilt' ;il tirst. suuii .'>-sf|itiitc. with till- twii nMitnil t-clls M|i;ik(' iirid tlif riid ct'lU livilliiic. till' n-iitiiil st'|itillii lifiiiL;- now S('!iiriii: iKi/i.ui, Sine. Syll. .w?. I'('iilli('«'ia very small, seated on a dark lirown, liyssoid snliiciiliiiu. Asri elavate-cylindlieal. .'^poiidia elliptical, ."l-septate. Iii'mwii. I'J j-l X (1 ft. (hi dead wcmd, Aiken. .S». ("ainlina (liaveiiel). Oill' speee. rrnm Cooke ar«' sterile. Cli. Ilavocompta. (B. \ ('.) S/iliiC) ill /lit: i>-iiimf>la. It Mt C. (Irev IV. p. nvS. I Ii,/ tn./'ltifi lit /lavoionifiiii. Slice Syll .ui«j I'eiillieeiii ovate, Idaek, elotlied with I'iirid. yellow liaiis. ."^poridia oldoiiti-, elliptii-al. tliseptale, 'J(( 'J.') n |on- 115//). claviilr- Sl|(»l1. S|ii»- ptiiti' ill ikI (vll- iiiiil till- rrn^s tin- .1. N. V. lIllCllllllll. 11, PJ-l-l >|inri(lli( I. Sci. N(». n /itt'fh'it'. lire ddiilttful : Sp/mr/it sitoHii. Scliw. Svii. N. Am. J.').'),'!: Sj)/iii'r/ti rffnlox/inriosii. Srliw. .'^vii. N. .\lii. I.'i.'id; S/t/iifrni iiirinistinis, Scliw. Svii. N. .\iii. !.'»(;♦ : Sfi/itiria nt/f/rtffiifn. Scliw. Svii. \. Am. I ■)()!. 'riii'Sf iiiT nut in flic Ilciltjiiiiim :it I'liilinli'lpliiii. Itiit s|M'fr. in llcili. Ijcrk.. r\iiiniii»il !i,v Cuukc. wcir «illiunl IViiit. KAMIIA. MKLANO)l>IK.K Sti'oni!! none. I't'iitlifcin .-ii|n'i liciiil. L'ciM'iiiily ol" Hiiii tr.xtun'. unnilv. cKikv or (•jiiIhiiijici'oiis. ^'('Iiloiii iMtiiiircinis or cxcciilioniilly siili- inciiiliiiiMJitcoiis. mostly irliiludiis. iiiit sonicliiin'.- I»ri«tly or siinoiimltMl liy !i roiiidiojilioioiis or >tt'ril(' siiliiciiliim. KOSKU.ImA. (Vs. & \)v Not. Scliiiiia SfiTiacei, j>, \v IV'ritlit'ciii ty))it'iilly siiiicriiriiil. Init also with tlicir lower )iiirt more oi' less .■^iiiik in tlir iiiiitri.x. corian'oiis or ol'tcncr cailionaccoii- aml liiiltlr. s|»lii'rital or ovate. I>latk. Iiarc or i>ri»tly : ostiohim «iistiii('t. Asci (•\ liiidrifal, S.s|tor('il. .*«|>oriilia elli|itical. oiiloiiti' or i'lisirorm, onc- n-lletl, lirowii or iilack. I'aia|»liys('.-^ lilirorm. A. Pvi'lthcvhi l(ti'(ji\ tuntvil ini n Hiihlciiliiin. K. iiqiiila. (Ft*.) Sfi/nrriii iii/MiUi. I'r S. M. II. ]) .j^.'. Sfi/i{rn,i hvssoftlii. 1>. Tcxli-, Mitkl I-'iiiiki II, ji. lo. A'iiyf//iiiiii (ii/iiilii, lie Not. Sftriacti Il.-jl j>. 21 Kxsioc. I'Vkl. !•" Kh. 'I'M. n^.i. -Kiili lUrli. Myoil. (.4^ — iil I' !•;. i6if>. -Rehm .\sc. f,^S ICll. N A. !•■ I'^i — Syilow M. Manli. ii.\^. i.s.S". — Spi-R. Ilotijj. Su1. I't'iitliffia irieirarioiis or erowdcil. somrtinii's coiiHiiciit. irlohosc. with a tlistiiict. Iilack. roni('-|ia|iillirorni ostioluin. i'iate. olilono-cyinliironn. contiiin- oiis, dark lirowii. 1(1 -'27 x (1 '.• //.with or without a >liort. mostly ol>tiise. liyaline apicnIiisCJ '2\ n lon^) at each end. Oomiiion on decavimr fallen limiis. m \ 1 'VIB m iiii: 164 or tlu' r<|M'cilllt'llS i|i(iilril. llinsi- ill IMmv liiilil > Spliji'l iiin-i [liivcjf -linrt. iilitiisc. Iiviiliiic !I|i|i('ImI;il;(' (---!, ;> Inii'ji. sit <'inli i-imI nl' tlic ^|lll riiliii. 'I'liti«c i,-_\ii iiliiui M'm inlilinu' iin Krliiciiliir lijimii Cnitii linn. U. iMirpiiivo riisra. (ScImv.) .S/;'iii,'ifii.i,i.SiU\\ Syii N .\ni i in /I'l M./>/l//,' I 1,1 f>Hl/>ll /«>!.;, SrIlw ill Cimki- > v,Mii)ji-.i!i. .'hii^ Sniiii iiliiiii Iniiii'jilosi'. i'ii:ii'niliiiiii-lik<>. |iiii |ilisli-lir<)\vii. t'.NtiMi.'-i\('lv I'lViiM'i!, iiiid ill rn>l luM'iiiiu iIh' |ii'i'illM'!iifli IniwcvrT jirc .-(ion ('(•s|»ilos<'-t'i'iiiii|H'Mt or loiiiiili|i|iiiiill\-s('i-iiili'. vciv hii'jr. (iiiiiili hiiL^fi rlisiii (liosi- of A*, iitfin/in. uloltosc iiinl i-lotlicil. cxccid itl-oiiiiil llic o.-li oIllMI. willl il ili'liriilc lil'o\vni'll-|ill!'|ilc tollicilllllll. 0-ti(i|;i lilih U. (Oil- ii'iil, liJiif iiinl soiiictiuii'S >iilil;iti'iMl. On oiik liiiilis. I!<'tlilrlifin. I';i. K. lll«'^^'llo«•al'|)a, (IMowr.) Spluniti HI', I'll /mm /III, I'lnwi. I'.rrv V(l, p. ;,( l\''>ulliiiia 11/1%"' /""I '/'<>• Siiii S\ll. >j>.' iN-ritlicc iii sii|i('rriri;il. vn-v lin'if, U,-.'l niiii. iliiiin.. ^|ili('iir;il, tliill Itluck. >liiilitl} roiii;li, ln'coiniiiir iii^iilosc with iiiii'. Osliohi \r\\ iiiiiiiitc, .'fiirci'lv (iioiiiiiiciil. -iiM-oiiinlfil \iy :i |iiilcr iiicolii. Asrj cvliii- diiciil Of rliiv;it«'. T<*-K><* .\ 1 "-!•'> //. with iiiiiiici-■"• /«. On liiii'k oldiMii iiiii|ilc. ( 'nliroriiia (llnrknosi. in the .<|ic(-iiii('n snil ii> liv hr. II.. |Im> |iri-itlM' (-lowdi'il. I !-:2i mm. ilium., ilollicd In-low willi In-own. slriuorc liaiis. which also liinii a siilii<-nlnm. niosllv ('o|la|isiM|. O>iiola |ia|iilliroi'ni. |ial<'i'. Asfi i|i. sji.) cs lindrical. 7")-SOx4A-*> /'. .'^poiidia iinisciialc. lyinti t'lid to end ami hot ov('ila|i|(inii'. oMonti. Inow n. 'J-inirlcatt', IO-|ii\ .■{.1-4 //. K. im|M'>Nita. (S«-li>v.) S/i/iui III !iii/>inil,i, Silnv. Syii N Am. Nii. i.vv; /lv.\.\ii.^fi/i(rnii iiii/iii^i/,i, Ckc. Syll(ll)^i^. .'(>!.■ Pciillit'tia laru'i'. -caiicly immciscd, of a Inowii cuhn'. ifiuiiiosc. •rloliosc, .-catlt'i'cd or .-criali- and .-iiliauiiiciiiilfd. or cvni .i| on a ^^('allty. loiiiiitiidinally clViisfd, Itiowii siiltjciilnm. Ostio- liiin siili(oiii(--|ia|iillali'. I (!5 S)pnri(liii (see. Ckc. (Jii-v. X N'. |». >iinlii . Si-liw. Syii, N. Am. i.sii (iml Siuv. Syll wd.i). /■'i'v>. "/!/;./•» /.; ///.■•li'Mii/ii. Cki'. C.ri'V. XV, l>. '^•i. • |N'lilln'ti;i Llliilinsc, lililfk. >c;ilf(! oil ii lliili. ifist'-CMloictI lil\ - rrliiiiii. Asi'i liiM'iii-. S|ii)riili;i iiiiisciiiilc rllijilii'iil. <'|iniiili!i I'l-ls n \\. nfsiiiiiKit'rii. (K. A; Kr.) S/'li.i-ihi l>,-Mii,i 1,111. II iS; III Ann. N;it. Ili-t. No ' l'^. l:il) ><, »">« i -L'liir l.inn. Tr:wis. X.MI, lal> 57. Tin. -'. -Cmikf llndlik No. /i'imiia/i//./ »/!/ /liMHii .iriii, Cookr's Synopsis js^'i A'..v,7//);;.( /\ !Mls, with tips uitt'ii siiliili\ i(h'il. Inrniiiitr liltir liHriucs .-iiini!i)iintri| In dIiImiio roiiidi:! {(i rap///' inn /)is/i/ii:./c/'//'.!^nri\ v. Itiil. tal(. .'!!> I ). rci'ithccia lai'uc hall iiiiiiirix-d ill the .-iiliiciiliiiii. wlil'li in au'i> ac(|iiii'r< a s\vliat darker liiir. suit- -caliioii-, dull |iitfhy Idack nr pliiiiiliaiiiiioiis, t;InlMi.-ic with a laruc (■('iilial. |ia|iilli'''»rni tKtiulnni. Asci cliintialt'd clavate, inner nieinliiaiie riiriii.'^hed with an nlihiim |iineess at the tip. Spmidia lariie, evnd)i- tnrni, eloiipited. sidn. ininale. at lirst livaliiie. with twu tir three vaiiniislv .tjhttlil> vliiii si-hi, iiliisiim. ilirk. (Iri-v. IV, p. 52, h'iiM//iiiiii siihii iihilit. Sail'. Syll. iv.s. Kxsiiv. Rav. I'lniKi Car. V. 72. — l-'ll. N. A. H. iSj. I'eritlieeia i>retra lions or crowileil. alioiit I nun. diain.. uloliose. Iilack and sliinin<>'. with a small, papillirorm ostioliim, seated on a sul- phiii-yellow, waxy-priiiiiose suliicnliiin which linally disappear^. A.»'s. S|iori(li;i iiiiisri'iiit(> III' |i:irtlv liiM-riatf nlinxc. >iiliiii('i|iiiliiti'i';illv <'lli|itji'iil. Ihmw n. f^iiliiKiitc. 1 0-1 "J X .'•-.'> A n. On I'oth'ti wiMiil. < 'uiiiiiiiiii IViiiii (';iii;iil:i lo Fluiiihi uml l.iniisiiiiiii. Iiiit ii|i|tiii'<'iitl\ iMil -ii ('UIIIIIIIIII ill lilt' UiH'ky Mt. I'l'u'iiiii iiml mi tin- Piicil Ir i'liiisl. Alti'l' till' sllliirllllllii ll.'i^ ilisi|i|iriil'ril lllis liiiiv >till lie ilistilii:'llislii'i| liv its tliiii. "Iiiiiiiii:' |ii'i'itlirri:i. K. flifleiia. (Ki.)? (S/>liiriiii Ihrliiiii. I'r. in Kiiii/i Mvinl llilU' II, |). y., i? k'fiillniii llii/tiiii. Rjili. !•■ i;iii. N(i. 7s:. Wiiittr Hie ril/«- !■>><.• Kxtticc. Kiui/c l''iiin;i StI. ;u R:ili. !•' I':ur :<;7, \^.V'. Tliiiimii M. I'. ii['i ('rritlicfiii sriitti'i'cij III' Lni'LMi'iiiii:^ m' suiiu'liiiH's rniwijcd. sjiiicii- illil nil. with :i >ti-iiiiu'l,\ |iii|iillili>i'iii iistinliiiii. siiiiinth. thin iim tilth iii'itll iil'iiWliisli-liliirk. iilmiit 1 liilli. iliillli.. si'ilti'il on si sil|ii'lliriiil, limsi'lv .'nl- lif'i'in^. ilctiM'lv intri'Wiivrii luit thin, luow iii.|i.), with tniitrliiti- iiiiti'il |i!ii'ii|ili\>r>. .'^1 II nil I ill iiiiiM'i iiitr.iililiiiiii. .«nliiiiri|iiiliiti'f!il. Ihhwii. lN-li.'{ .X (1 7 /<. with :i sliiiit (i'ili.-ii ('iiliiiiilii:! Iiv I)i'. Miicniin. In niiitiirr s|irciiiii'iis. tlir .'^|iiii<'-likr ii|i|ii'iiiliivi'.- Ill thr s|Miiiili:i iiin-tly ili»,'i|p|ii'!ii'. lnit i-M'ii in tlii.- >'tjiiii', this s|i('ci('s niiiv In- rrmlily ilistiiitriiishi'il riniii //. ni/iilln. Iiy its iniH'li thiiini'i' anil iiiiirr IViiLiili' |ii>i'itlirriii. I>. Ptritliichi IK if nil II (list hut siiliiriil inn. K. inainmilVtrmis. (IVrs.) Sf'hi/iiii muniiiia/'ii nil'. I'l i . Syn |> <^.\. Ilvfnwliiii i>iii>iiiii,r/iiiimiiiifii>i)ii\. Slice. Syll i).i*l. lixsici. rliiur Sph, Itrit No 711 Kikl H Kli n/xi IV'i'itlii'ciii 'ji'ru'iii'iuiis or i ruwili'il. iiml iil'trii ciinlliiiiit CJ or .'! in niii'i. Liliiliiir-i'. iliiiililr wiilh'il, ihi' iiiiicr Willi thinner tliiin in /t. atjuifn tinil inni'i' tViiuilr. •rliilii'iiiis. ni-iii'ly liliirk. i-l ^ /< iliiini.. liiiii- luit nut |iulislii'i| : ustiiiliini struiiLily iiml iilirii|itly |iii|tillilui'iii. Murk iiiul snli- tihiniim. Asri (|i.s|i.) I0(l-| l."» x s -!(•/<. with iiluinihint |i!irii|ili}-.s('s, Spuiiiliii iini.-icriiiti'. ultliintr-<'lli|itii'iil. iiit'i|iiihiti'riil ur slijihtly ciifvcd. l!t-2o.\7-'> //. niiistly withuiit iiuy distiiu't ii|m'iiliis. Ill Oil rottt'ii wiHid of ('iirillii, Soiitli Cjirnliiiii ist'c link, in (Jifv. IV. |.. .VJ). 'I'Ih' rurciroiiiL' this IVniii /»'. iiiiiilhi. iiiid IIh' Lililliiniis |)('litlnM'i;i rinin //. imil iilhiiix. Tilt' iilwiifi' or pif'si'iicc mI" iiii ;i|i|n'iiiliiv!i' ">ii tin' ojiils of the spniidin. ciiii not In* ivlicil till jis ii tlislinijiiisliiiiLr flmiiifti'r. siiit'c in nil tlirct' tif tlu'sf s|it'iifs. till' s|itiiitli;i iit t»iit' sljiu't' nl' iri'tnvtli. iiif iiiiiit' or Ifss ilis- liiictlv ii|»|»i'iiiliiMiliilt'. If Ii. iiiiistnldni. Siifc. is rt'iilly u'liiliitnis in nil stiiiit's t»r its '^rowlli. it must lif, ns Wiiilfr |iiits if, n sviionviii ol Ji. iiKiiiiinifni mis. K. iiieiliiilaris. (\>alli-.) Spliiniii midiilliiiis. Wallr. I'l, Crypt. I'.rriii II, p. 7'jj. A'iimIIiiii,! mfiliilhiti^. Cf^. Mc I)f Xol. Scliiiiiii. p. 177. A;iu-///iii,i .\r,i.„iiiini>i,i. Iv «: Iv lliin. Totr Hut. CIiili XI, p 71. IN'ritlii'fiii iri'ciriirioiis or fittwilcil, siij rliciitl, tilolio,s<' or tiviilf- ^floliosc. V"' """• 'liiiiii" ft)\i'r»'i| iit first, I'.xffjtt flit' ('onic-iiiiitilliloriii. Iiliick ostit)liiin. witli :i pruiiittso-tonit'iitost' tir )iriiiiiosc-|)iilit's*'t'nl i-ti:it til'a thill rt't|tiisli-|iiir|»It' s. On ilt'fiiyiiitr wooil, <'iin:it|:i, Xt'\\- York iinti New .Fcrscv. Till' Aiiicrican s|i»'ciiii('iis licro rcli-rrt'd to Ii. Din/nffttris. In'ttiini' •j-liiliroiis wIk'Ii nintiirt', tiitniirli tin* |iur|ilisli lirick-colort'tl, |ii'iiinost' ft)at is ill first very ilistiiift. As in /i. di/nihi iinti Ji. tlnhnn. tlif Willi t)f tilt' iicritlii'fiiiiii is i|t)iii)|t' tiiitl in tliii'kncss intcrnit'tliiitc l:t'- twi'i'ii tlicsf two specit's. Tlit'ri' is only a very sli;ilit siiliiciiliiin or iittnt' at all, cvt'ii in tlif t'arly staiif t»f tfrowfli. K. iniitaiis. «'. & P.) S/iluFiia miildiif, C. Ml 1'. iylli Rip. N, Y. Stiiti' Mus. p. C>.\. A'iiM'//iiiiii w/h/i(«j. Slice. Syll. i>t.|. rt'iitlicfia ratlit'i' larjic (J-f iiini.). u-rciiarioiis or crowiicil, jf|(». liosc, |iapillatt'. lilat'k. at first , lollicti with a thin, tawny, cvancsfcnt ttniit'iitiini, nt It'iitrth iinki'tl. snit/tith anil shiniiii:'. Asci sul»c'\ limlrical. Sporitlia unisi'riati', t'lli|ttical. Itntwn, 10-l.'{ // loii;i'. On rotii'ii wooil. Tyri', N. V. (I'cck), Louisiana (Ijan/, Init ilo ut>f .show the a.sfi. ill 1,1 ('. I'fi'ifhii'lii ii'ltli till' Itiisr siiiif, ni tli(' mill rix. nmsll if si'fiisr at !; rsf . \{. iiiiiiiniln. iB. \ ('.) >./>//, /i/d ti iniiiilii. S;u-i- Syll. uvt l'!'i'itln'('i;i friiiii|iciil. i-;illi('r liiri:i'. siiliululm-ir. \{-\\ niiiiiilcly yi'Mii- nhilfil. vci'v (liilii-r. |iicrfc(| nt ihr ii|m'.\. \<\'\ liiM'iii'. S|inriiliii iini- srriiilc. mIiIiiiil;, siilir\ niliil'nnii. lu'owii. I"J 1.'! n \u\vi. On \\\"M\r\\r~ n\ I'riiinx rirt iillhitn . I'ciilisvK jiliiii (.Mhlici iiTI. R. parasitica. K. \ K. i'mc. a.jhI. Nai. .Si. I'liilii. i'li. .Iiil\. IMio. I'crillit'fiii 'irriiiiriiiiis. »i';ilc:| mi ilic woml in liiiiisvcrsr (•i';ick> nl till' liiii'k or ortcii. oil Ml' iiliDiiiu (li<- nill;i|i.-ici| |ii-rillii't'i;i ul' ii sti'lilr Viilsii (III llic siiiiic liiiilis. uviitr-uloliusc. citvcicd with .»linrt, Idink, -|il'i'iiili!iu' l»lisl|i'« ill lii'.^t, liill tlii'»(' siidii ilis;i|i|«'iii', |c;i\ iiiL! llic |"'lillir- ('l:i niiiuli. ,-.', iiiiii. iliMiii.. ~iiinii||i('i' alioM'. w illi :i lii'(i:iil-|ia|iilhl(iriii. nlptiiM' i»li.\l .">'<. 'i'lii- is ('citaiiilv m-I'v iumi' It. ilftmisn \('\ Kc.l. wliicli Sarc. ill SylldLic ciai-iili'i-.^ a var. <>l' A', liiiiilnria ((li'cv.i; liiil il ililVcr- ill il- |M'rii|ii'ria iiairi' llallriu'd almvi'. and in iN ('on-tiiiillN siiiti!l)>i- .•^iiuiidia. (K.'l- < >li drad lillili- n\' Si/tiiii/inrifiirpiis nrr/'ifi nfii/is. Ili'Iciia, Mniit; lia i'\ I. K. Kellt'i'inaiiiii. K. \ K. I'ni.. A. ad. Nat. ."^. i. IMiil.. .Iiil\. \>'M\. IN'iilliccia i!i'<'i:'a!'inii«. .-ii|ii'i-|ii'ial, siiliiilulid-c. almnl 'JtKI it diaiu.. flullii'd. <'.\('<'|i| tlic |ia|iillirniin ustinlnni. with -hoit i I .'i-'J*J u). .-iraiiiht. >|in'adiiiL;' liii>lh's, l>iit rniall\. ni;iil\ l.air. A.-ii cylindrii'al. ."i.'i- |0 \ .") // I |i. .■^|i. I. >-.-|i(ii'i'd. .*«|Hiridia nnisciialr. Iimwn. i'lli|ili('ai or siili- Lihil'iisc, |-(;\."> I II. IMstiii'jiii-hi'd lp\ it- -.iiiall s|i(iiidia. On I'lilli'ii wiKid i\\' Xiiiiniihi ricruiilis. .Manhattan. i\aii>a-, K. aPtdlaiiata. K. iV K. I'mr. A. ad. Nat. .Si. I'hil.. I'a...liilv, l.v.iu. I'l'i'ilhci'ia siili-i'iiaic, ciiiniiH'iil. the htwcr |iail irniai'dii'.; .-^nnk ill the wuiid. aliiMit I Mini, iliain.. rhilhi'il. I'vcrjit the Idack. |ia|iilliriii-|ii n-;|i(:!iiiii. with a !'iiii, while. I'.i inu-r niatiii'j which linali\ ditiii'i ihi'iiii'jh the liaik (III ilrail Sulix liinli.x, al .Mill ('reck, near ."^Im ridaii, .\IoiiIaiia. Ii\ .Mr. and .M:-. II. .M. r'ilcji icnni. V. W . .\nd<'rs(iii). I 1 <;•.» irn. ;ick- (it i U. ohiiqiihta iSiMiim.) vai*. Ahk^I'M'hiih. K. ^ K. S/>k sporidia art* ratlin' sinalli-r than statol liy Dr. Wiiitrr iii |)ii' I'ilzt' (lO-l'JxT Ml. Thf pcrithrcia also air mostly rscnly ioiiiiiIimI aiiovc. without any ilistiiK-t ostiolniii. K. ohtiisissiniH. (K. ^ ('.) S/ihtfim i)filuM.\\im. 14.' A'iik//i«/(| ohlmis^imn. Siui' Syll <^n< i'i-ritlift-ia o\atr. with a |ia|iillilorni orijiii'. hall' Inirifil anion^si tlif lilii'i-i of till' wooil. Asri linear. S|ioiiilia iniisrriat*-. elliptical. Iirown. \vv\ ol»tn.«'. l'J--II « lony. Oil lilrarlii'il rotten wood. Pennsylvania ( .Miilieiier). |). PfiUliti'ni siiiiill. ifriijiirioiiK. mtt hrisflif or liiiirij. It. |inlv(>riu'ea, (Klii.) Sfili.riui fiHhfi,u-ii, Hill ill I'crs Syii p. >i.V .Si>i(/i(i III /iii\ii. Nii-s^l Viiiiiili / Ciypl I'ldia Vmi M^iliiiii. p \ii. h'ii\tlliiiiti l>iiliiiiiiiii I'lkl Syiiil) p I | il. I'ilzc, p n .S/i/i".';//»:i,'»i;mii. Sii/i>. Sriiw. Syll N .Xiii is'ki. I>;xsici h'l'kl I'. Kli. '),(»> -Kuii/f !•' Sil .'Ni -Kiih |v K jjs, i.>.((i, jytti, Kcliiii Am' i.i.', iiiis Riiv. Ciir IV. s'^ ill I''. .\iii (.7J Siiix, M Veil, Kiili I' K. .':(i<> My>i)lli Miiuli i.;ts I'll N .A Iv lyi, i'eritlieria deiix'ly ureiiaiioii.<, often forininii a eontiinioiis eriista- eeiMI> layer, lint >onietiiiie< sealleieil. ovate-i>|(ilio-i(>, niiliiltely lillter- <-iilar-ronv'hened. alioiit .\ iiiiii. diaiii, Ostiolinn papilliforni. sonn per- forated. .\sei eyiindrieal. p. sp. iiio.-.tly (id "O.xl'l lli i>. with a >tipitate "Jtt-.'JO /< lonii. and fiiil'oiin parajilivses. Sporidia iiiii- .^eriate, ellipiieal, Iirown, s I. 'i .\ (l-II /< i mostly |(t IlixT S n). ('oninion on dead wood laiid liarki of diridiioiis tree.^ from .Maine to Louisiana, and west lo the I'aeifie const. :(> w Viil. iiiilhiiiiiinl iS/i/,iiiiii iiii/fi i/iilinl. Sriiu. ). on ilcihl fi('('<. |c(i>iiir;ilfi| link liiiilis. Ni-w .Icim'n, liiis jisri i^liinutoii. iiml I'M < |i. >|.. H(l\ I(I-|'J y. ;ini| -|iiiiiili:i rj-l.'»\s \i) n. \ ;ir. ftoiixrrrsi'if/siSfi/iHi/ii tronsn rsiil Is. Scliw, I. »•.). mi rnlfi'ii limlis III l/niiuli iiili'tii. >i»iilli Ciiroliiiii liiiow Iml;' tiiiiisvnsi'lv iiml i ilillcr^ rruiii \\w. ni'iUnjviind in it>- iinuiiliir nuMlc nf '.now (li. 'I'lii' tiilltiwin'j i« :i li-l <»l' nu';i«nirnicnfs nf iisri ;inil s|iniiili;i in •iuiiic III till' rx^iriMli Jiliiisi- unnli-d. — Sine. M. \. I I ."»S. nsci (|i. s|i. i fi.) T(i\>-I<»//, -I'Hi. m I'J \ 7-> 11. KiMi/.c. '-!()(>. s|tiii. S-|()x»l-N n. Wiilili Winln' K. K. -JTriC. n^i i|..V|i.) (Kt \ s- |(» _>/, >|,(,r. s-10 x );_s )/. lii'llMl .\«r. tilt.".. ;i-ii i|i. -|i I (;.'i--T<> \ S-IO n. >|ior. S-|'Jx7_S ',,_ SmIdw M Miinli. 1n;!."i. -|ii.i. H»-I*J \ 7-'.* /^ MtM.-iiifincnfs nl' /'. inilJiiliiinii. >r\\\\. \{\\\ . ("iir. IN', .■)S. s|iur. S-I|\»;-7 >/. |{;|\. |." Am.. »|ioi !<• PJ\t;->//. .•^|iirc. in inir lli-rli. tinni hrliiwnrc. Imvr >|iiir. 7-1^ \ •> 7 n (ni«isil\ (i-s .\ .'i-(i it\. lv\r<'|ilinL; till- \:ir. ini/h f/riiiiii.i\\i' .\ini'iii;in <|n'(inn'n.< liiivc ii. till' NViii :inil l>il:i Willi' ■•|uTiiiii'hs iniiilil consisii'iilly lif si'|iii intfil. nil sK'riiiiiil III' (III- 2'ii'iil ili-|i:ii ilv in llic -i/.c nl' llic >|iurii|iii. Inn tin- itninit'inc III iilnm.^l i-m'IV ifiaihilinn in -i/.f Ih'Iui'ch llinn. iiijikt- :inv >|i('rilir ili>tinrliiiii :i niiilti-i' nl' ijniiliiriii i'\|iriliriir\ . nnil w<- Ikim' tlicn'liiii'. |iliiri'i| //. //i/'/li i/riiiKi ii> a ."»\ii. Ill' //. jHi/miii 1(1^ (I'llir. i It. iiliiiiitintlor, <|{. \ r.) h'<'i Hi 111,1 iilm,ili.i\ll .."Ml. ■ I'l'lilJli't iil \rl\ lliillllli'. nil I'lVuH'll. Illiilii'l' (iildlcil .■.|iu(>. \m\ liiH'iir. ."^imiiijia iini.M'iialf. Iiitiwii. i'IIi|ili(iil. 7.',-> // luiiu'. (hi ^niiinlii. iliTiiiiii ali'ij liiiili>," Smilli Cainliiia. K. ;;laii(lironiiis. K. \ K. I'k'c. .\iail. Nai. S|i I'lH'il. 1-1 ', nini. iliaiii.. tin- |u\mt nail lalidiil \ \ |iiuji'clin!j jiait. likf iIk- rii|i nf an acniii. Inil lliis i- «iiiii<'tiiiirs want inii or mliiccil tu a nn'H" ihin. liiaiiiilar tnal. nstiitliini |)a|)iililni'm. iiiitsllv sniall. -iimiliini's uli^iili-ic. il.c a|ir\ uf tlir |M-iillii-riiim licini: iIh'Ii cvi'iiK nmmliil. .\-ii ivlimliira' !M(l-i||\s |(i ,, willi aliiiiMJaiit |»aia|ili_\M'>. S|iMiiilia iini-n iaif, ai iilrjy rlli|iliral. u|iak<'. /siililiyalinr al lir-li. U-l.", .\7-s ,,, .\llifil In /,'. s,il,lr„l„hi. (SrJiw.i On a li\i' iiak \ Clilli VllI, (i US. A'lOfV/.'M/i/ o:ii/i\. Snoi' Syll. ■i'<'( I'.x-iii- l-:il N, A V S./.. I'flitlii'fiii li retail lit MIS or swlici^jiilosr. oviitr. inimli, li'jK-.'jOd y iliiiiii.. with iiii olitiisciv |iii|iilliliti'Jii (Kxlioliiiii. Asci iiiinuw. *\ liiHliiial. I't-s.'t (j). >|i. (i(l-((."») \ (I It. SjMiiiiliii iiiiiH'riiilr. (•Kiilimuiiis. Ihmwii. vm- riiililf ill si/.r fiiiil .■•liji)ii'. Ikiiii -lioil-rllijiliinl !<» olildiia, S-Iil .\ ,")-7 // niiMstIv s-\) \ ."i-Ci u). (U\ -.siiiv liiiisli", \.Arlrinisiii.\ I'liili |S. .1. Iliirkiit'ss). Closflv nllird to /A />"/'•''/•'/'■'''/. 'lini'iiiii: jiiiiicijiiillv in its pcii tlii'i-iii. K. invcopliila. (Pr.) Sfili.fiiii «/(,"/'/"/■'. 1-1 S M II. () .i^i Kii\illinia myni/iliilii. Sine. Syll I't'lillirtiii .-icnllricil. friiiii|i('iil-sii|i('illriiil, liltirk. IViiuIlt'. »lllisllill- iii^'. siiKMttli. Ii('iiii.<|ili('i'ir:il III' iri'i'unliir in >liii|M>. nslittliim |iii|)illirui'ni. fiiiiilly ili'ridiinii-. Icininii tlic |iriJtlM'(i;i >iin|ily |MTrni-;if('i|. A.^ci \\\- imliiciil. S|iui idiii iiiiisi'iiiilf. ('Ili|itir!il. hruwn. S(tiin'iiin('.< .^i'mtiiI |M-i'illin-iii 111')' I'linfliH'iil. Oil {|c(ii\ inii I'dh/iHti/. I'l'iinsyhiiiiiii and ( 'jirolina, U. •).} A'"\t//tnui i/i'fttifii . ^Hi-i- S\ll i/'i l*i'iilln'(iii lew. .''iiiall. scatlrird. rriini|iciil, iil(ilio.»r, lilaik. Ahm <\ liiidiical. S|M)iidia iini.»ciiali'. flliiilical. Ihowii. TJ .\ 7 //. Sonif uT llii' |iri illii'cia I'diilain «t\ lii>|i(»i<'«. ()ii di'ad \\<>(>t\ tt\' ,/ii/i/ptriis Ini/hi/nno. Ncwlifld. N. .1. All liic >|ii'(iiiii'ii- nl' Illi^ .-[iiTii'.-; in uiir llcili. an- st\ l(is|M)i(tiis (.s7/(r/'/)y(.s7'N). and w r -n.^iifrt tlic -|H'i'iiiii'ii» IVuni uliidi ii was dt'siiiln-d Uric /,'. nliirlinii. Kckl. willi di'iiiidi'd iicriiliccia. \K. nmltiim'lla. (K. \ (.) Sftli./ihi Ninhini, !lii. \\ iSl C I'.nv IV. |> i>j ••rnillicria iinilirr cnldicd, willi a idark. |ia|iillir(ii'in oslinliiiii. Ast'i linear. S|niiidia iiiiiH-riati', Im'uwh. (dli|iliral. liiiiiii'N'atc" Hii /'Jiijiu/nih/ni rnruiiDjti/Ufh/ni. Sdiilli Carolina, \V1 I I i I M. /'rrif/iriifi siiiii/f. niimflf/ i/riffiit/oiiM, ftristli/. R. li^niihrin. (^iifv.) ."»/>*./•> ;.i //!,■«/./> /(I. C'.nv Crvpl f'l Soil I (i ■«/ Aiiul/iHiii /ittHiiiiiii. Sun' Syll i«i J'XMCC IVkl !• Kli. ni-i I'flilluTiii irif;.nilinii>. ^;|l|n lliciiil. -fi)liiriil. Iiliifk. :iIhmiI l^ iiiiii. (liiiiii.. or ratlMT li-r-s. clnllicil witli slmrt CJO-.'iO n). Iiliirk liiistN's. Asci cN limliiciil. |i. s|i iilmiit 7.'>xll-l(> /«. S|MiiMli!i ulili«|iii'lv iiiiiMTiiiff, I'lliiiliciil. Iiinwii, l'_'-ll .\ .'»-•; ii. Oil wiMiil nrviiiiiiii- ili'riiliiiiiis tret-;. ('mimkI.i. New Jriscv. liimisi {Mill. Ciiinliiiii mill Viiv'iniii. Tlir liiMiisiiillli s|irt<., (oil |ii>|il!in. liilM- M.'ri |i. s|i. T'l-HO x \i)-\)lti. siinr. Ill-1.'».\7 N /«. Iili^lli'.* 'JO-;i(l ^^< liii'ii. * *" (^xhi/a V irfjiiiicii . (CiiiiiKlii), »|>iir. H'-I'J \ 7-^ It. Oil wuDii \i\ Siiiiihiiiiis iriiiiiiilju -iMii |0-l-\ 7-'.' It. Iiii>llc:^ ."iO-7."i n lllllL^ J'ftiii.'i iiimI ('ii/nt:s.\iiti »iv iiImi Kl vi'ii ill llir SnIIiilm" ;l^ liiiliitiit^ nllliis -iti'iii'.*. It. tmhota. ((.A K.) .S/>/i,(iiti ii/iif/iiiii, l'ik\ vai li iihiilii \.' .** M (;rs. 7') 1)0 // Iniio. A-fi (|i. s|i. I SO-',M» \ |0-|-_' n, with ;i iiiiiinw. ?^(i|iitji(i' Imsi- ;>0— 1(» n loll'J. S|ii)|'iiliii liiii^i'iiill)'. I\ illL! I'llil til i'IhI. Sllliulnliit.'^r nr slinl't i-lli|i liiiil. upiikr. l-J-14 x H> \-2 II. (hi ili-rMi'tii'Iltfil lilllfll lilllli^ III /'hill.'* litjitlil. nl\\\ nil \mmii| nl wliitr ri'iliir. Nrulirlil. \. .1. .Mii>ll\ in tlir twriiViitiiili.x iiiiiili' li\ lilI'Vil- lllll'I'llW illL! IIIhIi'I' till' iilll'k. < Ml ill Tiiiiiit III' it> liii|HiT Ini-tlc- iiinl -iili!ili»liii?*i' >|iiiiiiliii wi- lun >itli'|- this wmlliN nf -|MTilir nmk. k. al)i«'tiii.'i. hkl.. Svmli. (., I'.o. l-;xsiir ItWI I' Hli |SM I'l'l'illirriil i;ii"j;il iuli- ui' cinw (jcij, ii litllr liirL'i'l lIlilM tliiiM' III /,'. /iil/rtroiiU. iiMltr. iittrlilliili'il iilmxr ilitii iill iilitll>t'l\ riiliiiiil iistiiiiiilii liliirk. rnvciril witli \ri\ >liii|(. liliitk lifistlr*. A^ri r\ liliijliijil. ".*."i |00.\M»-|'J //. -ti|iililli'. S(iiilil|i.l nlilii|lirl\ lllli-fliiltl', nlijlill^r, sill, i'lii|tliiiii. riilililiiiiiii-. Iiiiiuii II lti\('i ^ n. (hi r.\|iiihi'i| ili'iiil Wiiiiil III ./iini/niii.s Wrifniiiiini. Ni'WJii |i|. \, .1 I (•) ruliirnl. • »-;{••« I. lilMlisj i Tlic Ncwiiflil ..|ic»r. liiiM- llii- lisci (|i. s|».) 7.'i-*^ll \ > 10 II. S|i(i lidiii l'J-ll\(i-T //. I'l'i itiifiiii (iviilc iiliuiil I Mini, iliiiiii. l>ilVii;< IVniii //. h'ifiiiiir/ti ill its liillicr liii'iriT ii-ri iiinl s]iiiri(liii. K. aiiihipia. SjUM'. \-n\i'/\ Nfii. St. II |.. .•('Jn. K. Iiiil. Ui\>. -V.M. I'n illiiM-iii ilni>)-i\ i:-ir<'irn'iiil. with the li:iliit :iii)l lii'ii- villi ii|p|iriiriiii< T ill //. /(///('f /'^v'/. ( Kill . I. i;l«tliiv iiiiisrriiitr, iliijisi iii. nr >iili ulnlm^r, |0-l"J\ 7-N ft. r^liuilliv »(i||||iirs.«fi| lilliTiiii^N , ;:ifi'lli.'ll ill lil-t. Iit'i'iiiiiiiiu ilai k. riiiitiiiiKHis. < >ii \i\;\u>-\\i'< tt\' Siiiiiftinii.'< jiii/ii U.S. Ni'W ^^llls ilN'ik). i\\ ii|c|itl\ r|n-fl\ Illlird \i> /»'. //i/liitliin. It. Iicririiiiii. (Siliw.) .%///./■ lli rk ( .>h;iii A. /-Ai //>>',//(<»/, eke Syil .';"". :iii(l (ii< \ W |> >>J. Sf-li,riui li.K.nnii, Wall. Ci I'l. ('••rill. Ni> i"-;!' I'l ritln'riii xiittni'ii. ,'100 n liiiim.. si|iiijir. (jiulx lilnw II, cidllii'ii witli -Imit. -iiliiiliiti'. >riittiTi'il li;iii>. .\>('i r\ limliiciii. S->|i(iii'i|. Spii riiliii (i\;il. fniiliiiiKMi-. Iiinwii, i"_'-l I \ s /^ ( »ii inllni \\u(i(|. Ilftliii'iiciii. I*;i. (.*^rli\M'iiiil/.|. |{. naviiiiii'. (Till.) (Half 20) .Sf>h,ni,i (In: till, I . Till Anil Sii N:il. Sii IV. tulii \' \>. -it. .Sfili,riiii i/iiiiiihf. .\\\i\ Kali I'' l""iii N(i. JSJ .S,iiil,iiiii llii: ,lii,r, Cis *(i I>f Niil. Silu iilii. |i Si /'/,,'\/i,iiii ( /ii. ,11 III I Hill, Till Sfl. Cai|i II. |>. .'71 lliliiiillhfl>li,fi 1,1 I'lii: ,11 i.r. I'lkl S.MIlb. |i. \n.. K.i'-lhiiiti t'/iifiti i,r, Wiiilii, nil I'll/i- .\"if'. i:\si,-, Kali. I'. I'tiir. .'s.' I...-;. ."■"<■ I'lkl Iv Kli .'i\' I'll N -N 1- V'*' i'lTilili'iiil lilt'UMI'iilll?^. ."•llliiTliriill. tillilin-i'. williulll ;ill\ I'Vidi'llI |i;i|iiliil|ii'i';iil iiiii «liiii |i-|iiiiiiti'ii. ii::iil, liinuii lijiir-. :i)iii s(;itfi| nn n « ii|c|\ i ll'ii«c(|. I'i'lt-lil\i'. Iilink, -iiliiiiiliiiii. llir liiiiiirlii'.- of u liirh. ii> well ii- llir li;iii- uli till' linillirriil Ikm i rdjiiij i;i :ii ihcir li|i-. .\-ci r\ lilli||ir;il. jitti'llll iiti'ij liciiiw iiitiiii ~li|iclikf l>ii»i'. Mt -'.Ht .\ (i 7 /'. .'^|iiiiiili;i iiiii^riinir Ml' |i:ii'ti\ liisci'iiili'. <'lii|>lir:il. |Miiiili'ii .li llir riiiK. i|:iik Innw n. i on liiiii"iiv lo I I .\ (i ^ K, i';iia|ilivsi'-. lililiiiiii, luji'jvr iliiiii till' ii.-ri. (hi iiviirj ( '/iiriii/'i Ni'uiicM. \. .1. *m 1 . . . i '.'/Mil' m i 15 •jti 4 ill ^ ill 174 Tilt' coiiiiliiil >l;iL:t'. /fr/ini/if/insfiornnii (lui'iii'liiriiiii. (••' /i. ollni pinluiiirt'd aliuvc into a iMiivi'd Itcak /, ■], a- \n\\).?. Sl>li,rii,i il,/iiiiHi. Ckt'iiiiil Sf'li,/! ill Xy/iii I,/ i/i'iui, C >S: 11. •.nv. \ I. ]>. .)(. Kit\illiiiiii iii,li>l>,ii,i. ■rtnn' S\ll. i(.s(. I•:.\^i<^. I'll. N A. I", ■i.j.i i'l'i illiccia 'jii'iiai ioiiH or croudrd. o\ali'. alioiil .'( inin. diaiii.. I'lollird uitli a Idai'k. lariiio-)' Inini'iiliini. and uilli -liorl spinrs alioiit like 1 1 lo.^i • ot A'. //'/// /'//•/(/. .Xmm I p. .-p.i alpoiii "."• \ (i ^/. uilli a iiariow. slipcdikf liasc. Sporidia oMTlappiiiji-iini^crialr oldonii'd'ii.^oid. Iirouii. siiliiiiiMpiilatcial. \'l-\\ \'.\\ I n. icH'inliliiiL: llii- sporidia o| Xi/lnrln. On wood of Aiii/rimii It'll, niiilcr tlic liark. Nfuliidii, N. .1. \l. Riittiis. (Sclnv.) Sf'luniii A\il/ii-. Scliw Svii. N .Vlii. Nci. is.VS- Sl>h,ni,t liiii.lla. II. .V Kuv Cnv. IV, p. 107. (sii- Cki- i;r< v. ,WI, |>. 17I, i'liiii'iihirla Killing, Cki-. Syti. .';>•). h'ih,iili!,liiii i.iih'llii. Siuv. Syll. 2^t.\. I'l'iitlii'iia yrc'^a lions or .-(■mIIciciJ. rallicr lari.>.c. \vv\ iVaiiilc and fliiii, ylaln'oiis. n:lolio«c-roiiical. uilli a sniioliin-c, Idark, ai h-imili liarr Mslioliiiii. whiili. at lirsl. iis well a- llic pcritlicriiiin. is cmcrrd w iili a lilai'k. dcn-icly liairv pidlii-lc tlir liairs rincrcoii-dnou ii and divi'i-'jcnt, rt'sciiildini; a ral--kiii. Wln-ii _\oiiiiii'. liic pfritlirria arc iiniiicrscd. with onl_\ llic iiair- criiniiM'nt. Ini! liiKilly llic\ cincruc and lici-nuH- I it:. |(iiiliiill\ liff. S<'<'ii iit i> '/(/*c. colliiii^intr. niVL'"''!. si'iiIimI on ii luiiwn -liatiiiii : s|M)i'iiii!i nl' two jniiit*. ill)' ii|i|m>i' i>lli|)tit';il nr iiuintnl. iliirk. tin- |u\\ci- ('|(iiiii;il<'il :iiiil ;illciiiiiilri|, with 'I'mm.iI iiiiilci. lN-'J.'»// Iuiil'." (hi liiiic wimmI !iimI liriiiirlifs. r»ctlil<'li('iii. I'll. iScliw.i. nil /'liitit- mis. SiMitli riiriiliiiii I liiiNciK'll. CiMiki' |il;ii-fs lliis ;iiiiiiiiLi- s|M'rii>s with liniwn. rit'nrtifiitr. 'rin- niitn- wjiM hiis llir <|i:i|M- III' ;i lii-iiii>|ilii't'ii':il ii;;iit<'il iii'rk. S|i(tiiiliii (>!•»•. Ckf. I. f. ). !illiHHi(|-sh;i|ifi|. riiiiliiiliuii^. II X S //. ( >ii ilrv lulli'ii wimmI, ISrlhlrhnii. I'.i. (Scliw.i K. siju'rla. (Siluv.) .S/>//(/ Wi/, S< liw S> 11 N Am iss^. lHi/>/n-tiiiliiiii. uhicli is liiiiilly ilrriiliiniis. iiM\iiiu |||i> |M'i'illii'riiiiii lii'uiHily |iiMfui':ili-il iiliiiM'. riiiir)-iiti'ir:ill\ sti'iatf niitsiilc. Iiiil viini'h rii^usc. S|iiniiliii iscr. Ckf. I. c.i runliiiiioiis. Iirown, nviil. 7 .\ •"» n. UalliiT liiri', (III iiiiii-ii wimmI. liflhlfhnii, I'li, (Srlns.) |{. ciiticiiliii'is. iii I iih, ii/iii Ik Si\\w Svil isiis /IvsMii/i/nri III I ii/h ii/iii I', {.'kv S>ii. .''isi> I'l'iitlii'riji sniiK'whiil -liitti'icil, hi'iiiis|ilifiiriil. ^Iiiiiiiii; iilack. |i:i|iillalf. ^-.| null, iliaiii.. scali'il mi a "hiiiiiiii-whitr. Iniiiiitiiiliiiallv I'iViiM'il. iiai'i'iiw iiii'iiiliiaiian'oiis siiiiiriiliiin, wliifli is imt |iiiIm'i iilriit or iiiiiiiili'stiv IliM riisf. On liaik. Ilfthlclu'iii. I'a. i.'^ihw.i .Mlii-il in //. .siihiiiihitn. W'l' Iiml lin IIHM-lll'i'llH'IlN nlllir s|MM'illia nf this sjH'cicS. : > I; ilir I7(! KOMKAKIMA. h. Siiitiitiii Wk Hdinil |i ;>*•) I'ri'illK'riii sii|ifiliriiil. iiuMi' iii' li'-> MTliiiillv i'|oh|;iit)-)l, iif liiiii. foriiHToiiH or iii<'iiil>riiiiiii'ri r> limliii mI loiiu-<-ti|iiliili'. s^|i()i'i'i|, S|iiiliiM' liiiiilK t'liliiiu)''! iiliiiM' iiili) ill! iiviilr III' i'||i|ttjr!il. Itiiiwii lit'inl, lilt- lower |iiirt I'fiiiiiiiiiii^ rvliiiili'ii'iil iiinl ^iililiMiliin'. 'I'lif liiii' rliiiiJH'Ifr nl' tin- s|M»riiliii w;isrnst |ioiiit(>t| mit l»\ Wiiilci'. ill llt'ilwi>_nii il>Tli. AmliiLiiniis Im-Iuccii ln'mtillihin iiinl /.usin Mfi/iii rill. \\h\\u|)uriili:i iillcr llir lyi r iIm- liilli'i. B. rasi'iniliita, Vi: >i i;i Nfii. ><•. i.. ;{s!». .S/I//./1/1/ hiiiiihiiiilii IliilM'h Kli luliii- I'lihl. I. |i ^71 llitliii hiinih,nilii. i'l » \ I >i Nnl Sriii iiiii >li iinrii p. hi. (IM!it«>2l) \'.\^Wk- r>kl I' Kli K.ii> I' r; i.|'< I'lTillli-riil t'iisi-ii lllilt)' Ml rliiWilnl in rii|itilllliill> |iiiI(-|h's III' I ill.. Iiiiiii'f III' li's^i ill I'.xtfiil. slimi. iililmiu ivlimliiriil. ll|illlMM'llli'llt. lil'i-ulllillLI lllll'C tllnl llllH'k. I-I.', Illlll lli'jll nl' lil'lil, i'nriiirriiii> riili>'i>|i'||i'i-. with ;i >||iii|| |iii|iilliliil m ii'^linlliiii. Asri i>iiiii<_Mii-il r\ iiiHJi ii'iil. MTV luii<.^-"li|iil!ili'. snini-whiil iitlniiiiili'il iiliiiM'. Illl»-l.'i0 \ '.l-|(» // (|i. »|i.i S| Mil id ill ill 111 si <\ limliic \('iiiii( tiliii . iiImiiiI '.\'t n Iuiilt. w illi :i -liiiii. ^iiliiihili'. riiivt'il ii|i|ii'iiiliiL!i' nl <-iirli i-ihI Itiil wlii'ii iiiiiliu')-, niii^i.'^linir III' :iii t<\\\W or i'lli|ilii'iil. Iiinwii Im'ihI |.t-|.") \ s ^« I llic >|i(in' |iiu|Mi I. iiinl ii r\ liiidi iiiil. iiuxtil. iiiii«i|i|j||c, siil»li\iiliiit' ii|i|n'iii|iiiif. Hl-'jl'i \ I //. Ill-low. Oil I'lillcii vmiimI. H'-.|ii'rijill\ on llif sii ill. I III -iiiriirt'). Ni-w \'lllik in lllf llllllriv. «iillir lillli'S -imIi'iI oil ii ll'll-liki- 'llliirllllllli. -IliililniiOM'. (•ilfiioll.ircull.-i Lllllli lull- or ill lirsl rjiilliril \\i||| ruiiiiliii liiMiitin liiiii-, iijiirk. S|iiiriiliii i'lli|itii'iil III' I'liMJiiriii. iiiii.H'|ii;iii'. lv|ii(ti||\ li_\iiliiif. lull -onifliiiio lii'i'iiiiiiiio' piiji' liinu II. M. |ioiiliroimjs. ilVl'H.) .sfi/i,/ 1 III />iiHiif"i iiii\, IVrs Syii |>. 'is .\h!iliimi»l,l f>,iiiiil-i iiii^ I'lLI Sylllli |i is.| itiii^fllifl lit liiiipila Silir !•' Vni Srr. II. p. .(.Ml. Mil,iii:ipuimi»,t [;>i>i •). N''« 4 I 'I'l llllfi ill -lljH'l Tuiiil. rluw ili-il. lU- >iilll<'liln<'- -r;il|i'I I'll, i A :ili' 'j|(»- liti-i' •iiiiHilli. |(l<) n ili;iin.. Iiliirk liiiii I'lit lliili v\ :il|)-i I . tiiiiillt >li'jlill,\ f--il<*. >« -|miiM|. |itii ;i|iliv-;ilr iW'-T'i i|i. -|i. •">(• .Vi) \ S-|0 »». >|iiiiitli;i lii-iii;ili'. illi|il ir;il. Ii\;ililn'. iiliiM|il;ilf I'J |.'i\/i 7 ,". On iiilli'li WiiimI. ('illulih;! iilhl l*i'llli-\ hillliil iSrllW.*. nil i||\ ill rill til llli'il \Miiii| III I'lilhtiins. riillilijil I Pi'Ill !ii"»l. >l. MiltraNtitiiliitii, (Siltuj \/>liirii,i \iihi,i~, I, iiltilii. Ml liw >\ II N \iu. 1 VIS I'^iliitfilirt III 'iifi/ii , I, hI:I/,i i'Ue >\ ii "ni l'i'lillliri;| j| lil-l .iiliH'W ll.ll rii\f|i'i|, Itllt ;it jrll'J til i III ili'l \ i|f IIImIi'iI. Alliiii tn liinnlnliiliil Ih.^i iiilhlhi. Iilit Illun- -rilltfffil :ii|i| |iiii"jitiiiliiiiill\ -iili-ii i.itf. I'i'i illiii ill -iililii-'< <•. -iiliimliinitfil. ^iiiiii-ijiiii-'^ -li;i|n'il jii-l liki- tliu-r ul //. tns< ,,iil 'it /i w«/,/,S.n» s\lt •-.; I 'I'l illli'i'i.l IllillUli'. i!i'll-i'l\ rlu\\i|i'i| ill |i:iti III--. IllitK- -i';|l li'l I'll iiirilllllt'l('liti;ill\ . liillllMillx ini II I II I --I 'I I. -lll>-|i|l"liiill. Ml HMt s III I .") y S|pn|iili;i lii-i'll;iti'. lllii -ipt ili-. -I|lii'(|ll;il. l.'i-'Jtt \ ."i n. liMililic (III «r;|.i's III iiiiM'- ul Sri^iUHil .\i iii/nrri ri us. ( ';i I i|i il liiii. M. .'iliMojitlita. K. \ K. Ill III ill. I I'll itln'i ill lii'iiii-|ilH'i ii'iil. iilitii-i'. Iihirk. Mliiiiit .'. mill, iliiiiii -r:it' Irinl III r|ii\'. ili'il llllij -Il I in ilili;i Ir. ii illlliili'il :il li;i-i' liinii' I'l h'-- i|i-- liiir||\ li\ 11 ihill iil.nk rlll-t. ii-tiiilillll |i;l|iillilill III. nli-rllli'. A-ci rhuiilr r\ liinli inil, |i. -|i. ;iliiiiil T.'i \ TJ /'. witli -tuiil |i;ii ,i|ili\ -r> S|iiiiii|i:i lii-i'iiiilr. iililiiiiLj rii-niil. iiiii-i'|i|.it('. :iiii| -lr«iii'.:l\ i nn-t i i' li'il III till' »('|p|iiiii. -li'jIitlN riiiM'd. iiiicli'iiii', -iiiiH'tiiiH'- w illi luii inlililiiiiiiil -r|i|:i. •_'(•- -Jli \ .'i-t; //. Ill-ii|i' iiT nlil llickni \ mil- il''i':i\ ill^ nil t!l"' III I 111 III I. rili> li;i - till' lint W III il il|i|iriiiiilii'i' III /'n iiiiltnsn/iiii /Il iiiiiliihiil . Iillt llic -|Hii illi, I nil' \i'i \ ililVi'lrlil. !' ' i '■ i ,1 li I7m n. I*vi'!tln'rlil iiKH'r or Irss rrinnpfiif-Mnprrffrtdl. y\. p-n«'i|>His. (Kll. s/./;,/-i;.i i;>,»../»i;j, Kit Bull. Torr B'>t Clilti IX. |> 7J. ,\/i'liiHii/>nininiii utitiifiMf. Sua". Hyll. '«*ifi. KxHtcc. I'.ll. N. A. I'. T-xi. IV'iitlifi'iii .-Kiilti'icil. rniiii|H'iii. siiliiiiciiil»iiiii;uM'i>iis, t'loliosc or 'IiIicIoimjiiUmI, |iiirtiallv (•(illii|wiiiii iiliovc. 'J.'ti )-.'{"<' // iliiiiii., rmiirli mid iiiDiT or lcsr< covt'icil with tli<> Mt-iirlinl tilii'fs of tlic wooil. Ostioliun |';i|>illiroiiii, sli^lilly |»ioiiiiiii'iit, siirrt>iiii|ior»'(|. S|ioiit. Iifroiiiiii;; pnh' yellowish li:owii. imis»'|itjilt', 110-2') x s n. On (l)M'(»rticut('il |)iti<> polrs. NrwHi'M. N. .1. }\. Kikt'eliltii. (Kll.) .%//;riiiii|ii>iit. iiiiiiiit<> ('J(>0--*J.'>(> n (li;iiii.). ciirlion su'co-coriiin'oiis, iriiil irons, -iiiiiilolmst', with :i iiiiiintr. pii|iillil(iriii osli ojiiiii. Asci olihiiiL;- or oliosalr. srssih' ()iiirii|iliysali')? 7<>-S(>.\ 'J'l-.'IOy. S|ioiiili:i iiior*liii:ilc. oIiIoiilt or oMoiiu-Jii-irnriii. yellowish-liyiiliiit-. imi H'|itiili', soiiu'tiliics ii litth' ciirxril, 'JV.'Kl.x (1 -!» n. (Ml lilcacluMJ wooil of (•lirHliiiii. near l'liilaih'l|i|iia. I'a. ( Kcklchll ). A iiion- carct'iil i'.\aiiiiiiatinii of tlio ori'jinal .^iifciincn.^ shows that the sporidia ilo not lirroiiic .'t-sriitati ami liinwn. u.-; was al lirsl slalctl. Throfsoptatc, luowii, IVrc sporidia wcri' >-rcii. and it was too liaslil\ I'oiifiiidfd that tlicsc were ihe mature «piiriilia. when, in liiet, their preseiire was only aei ideiital. M. |>ii|Mlla. (Sclin.) >/■//..» /.I /M/'(/Ai. Siliw Syu Car iS'i. I'r S. M II, \i (lu Ml liiiii't'Siiiiimii f'lifii//,!, Siiiv Syll .'.'(») I'erithiM ia seatten-d. Id.iek. opake, ^yminetrically roiinded, hemi spherie-coiiieal. innate, larire (I i. diaiii.). Ostioliini papiliit'orni. Asci eylimlrieal. p. .-p. 'JOO :>;;(» X l.'»-'J(» /<. with a short, altriipt stipe alioiit •_'.') // loii-j. mid aliiindmil tililoriii paiaphyses, Sporidia iiiii 1' llili>nii. i "1 if stipe 1 li:i Hill- j •II II- Iriet.'.l. 1 . 1 1 f llviiiLi 1 III 1 INmiii i III (Irev. \\\. p. >»"•. this i> phiee.l li\ Cip.tke in .\iii/i/it'*/ifiii iii> uy liti\ iiiu' lii'iiu II ^pmiiliii. Iiiit whiit we hnxe tiikeii thi> species iitii white link liiirk. New lieMi. hn- huiliiie;!. Mei keh'\ . in (liev. I\'. p. I Jl. i:i\es ihi- ^ptiiiiliii n« ••-hurtlN I'lisilitiin. Mli|i.|ii.'. iiiii».'pt;ite. ;{.■» n liiliL'." M. Inteiin'illis. (Kr.) Sfh.fiiii Ititfiiiollii. Vt S M II p I'M Mi-liiHiifuimma Itilfnmllis. saif Syll. iJV I'.'litheeiii sriittereil or siiltirieu-iiriniis, nirelv J -."i .iililhii'lil. Ill liie.liiiiii si/e. !it fil'^t iliiliiei'seil. ih.'ti li.'iil'l\ lie.', .ilt|i.|ii.>|\ .iviil.' m ii'ieu'iihir. sei'v lihi.k. ( Istinliiiii ui-iu'ImIIv liitenil. striiii>iil m eiir\e.|. (■yliii.jrieiil. almiit iiri loiijr n.. the peiitheeiiiiii. Asei i)lihiiii>'. slipitiile X-s|M»l'e(l. M>.\I4 //. Spmiiliii liiseiiiite, .liihiiiuriisoi.l. ulitiise ;it the emls. striii'_'ht or eiiivcil. iiniseptiit.'. slmrply emi^lii.l.'il iil ih.' -eptiitii eells I 'J-iiiieleiite. .-liirhtly li|ii\viii>h. '1\ \T > ii. (hi intteii woit.l. Iiethlehetn. I'll. M. iwessa, «'. & I*. Sf'turtitt. !»•(•<•> >i;. C ((i r. J.itli Kr|) N Y Male Mil*, p (>| AMiiMofiammn '/••f.\sii. Sate. Syll iJfi.s I'critheciii yieirni imis. lit liisl s.'iniiiiiinerse.l, smiMith. Iliilteiie.) ihilk lii.nvii nr iihiek. lUH) n .liiiiii. A.-ei siiliehiviite. Sp.iiidiii |-'J seriate, elliptical, iini.septate. .leeply e.dislii.'le.l at the .septum, hyaline. I.'l-'JO .\ T-IO /<. The pei-illiecia have soiiiethinL! .il' a iliseiiiil ii|ip<>iir- JIIICC. On rotten w.mmI. New Wnk Sliitc. M. niprt'Nsiiiti. K. & K. .Lmrii. .Myeol. ||. p. lo.l. I'erillieeia LMt'irarioiis or scattereil. eiiierjr<'n(-siipeiTieial. -iiiihyr- teriilitriii-elonuateil, \-}^ nun. .liaiii.. roiiu:li. (■ai-lMMiaeeo-iiieinliiiiniieeoii>. with a iiiiiail and rather deprc-^.-^ed .ipeninu: almve, (pr.iiialih with a pioiiiiiieiil ostioliiiii at lirst). As.i elavalecyliinlritiil. ">.")-7(» .\ \i)~\'l ii. with rililorni parapliyses. ami S liiseriate. yellowish hyaline, elavate-oli- lollL^ iinisepliite. alioiit I- .\ t n sporidia. On lileaehe.l w.iod ol' aii.l red cedar. liOiiisiana ( Laiiirlois.) M. |)iiM'ilostoiiia, (K. \ Kr.) St>liirit,i f>,mli H-fi, lali m, tin j; yfi_i;Miitlui /<,riiU>>toma. S.wi- Syll ,('>,"*.(. l\inii/tCiil(i.\lii»iii. Cki . Syll .i.t.ii I'eiitliecia partly Tree, siiliulolios.'. .ipake. ((sthila vaiialile. oliso- li'le. .oni.'-.-ylindrical, lVc.|neiitly s.iinewhat coiiipre.-se.l. Asci -li.iil. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 Li|28 |Z5 1.1 I L25 II u US ■■■ iU ■il ■" 14.0 u u - 6" HiotDgraphic Sciences Corporation s? \ iV <^ ^r«^ '^tis 23 WfST MAIN STRfIT WltSTER,N.Y. t4SM (716)872-4S03 t* \ 1 ii ISO S''* f'l 1 f' t 1:': cliiviito. Spopidiii cviiiliiloiiii. Jiciilc id ciidi end. 4-iii(c!('iit<'. li('<'(tniiiiL!- iiiiisfptiilc. -•') i>. loiiu'. liviiliii On (l»'r;i_\ inii' Vdcclnli M. Texensis. (Cke.) Xcwiirl.l. \. .1. .XlfUni'i/'samma Tinii^i.^. S;icc. Syll. jj'/i. SciiKcrcil over ,L:i;ivi
  • -."W, /^ ends sniiiicnte. Only the vertex ol' tlM" perilliecia projects iiliovc the siirDice of the woikI. M. sope^afa, (B. vV ( .) Sfiliifiiii ii\i: I ixti fii . Ii. Jv C. Ciriv. I\'. p, r.|i. Zix>ii'i'//ii si\i;iix... II. Botiiii. Ual. I. p VvS I'erilheciii snperlicia. or M<'arly so, more or less irr(>ii'idiir in shape, of a lealhery-carlionaceons textnre. sinl'ace tidiercidar or coarsely wrinklcfl. u-hiitrons. Idack. Asci »davale. 4 S-spored. Sporidia elon- gated, siilicylindrical. iiniseptale. hyalini'. K. iiioi'it'oi'inis. (Tode). St>li \ .'( (I n.. Winter). (Ml (lec!i\ iiii:' \v(M)(| III' Miiiple, IjViidonvilie. N. \. ( Fiiii-niiini. Ciits- kill Mdiintiiiiis (I'eclii. reniisylviiiiiii (Scliweinitz), iiiid on old Dacdii- Ird ini/'rn/or, Ciiniindiiiuiiii, X. Y. (ivltiiii' IJiown). B. siibmoiiroriiiis. (I'lowi.) Sfi/iiriiii Mihiiiiii i/'ii) »ii>, I'lowr. (Ircv. V, ]). ~^. lUitij Mihiiii'i i/i)i iiii.-', SiWi: Syll 22-2. i'erillieciii incnnliii'. rnuose. iinivtiiiu' tliriMiuli the cntide. viiri- iilile in A/.r. S|)oi'idin liiseri:itc. hyaline, siniph', cnrved. "iO 24.\.'> ii. nni>e|itiile. This has much tlie a|i|iein'iince ol' />. iiutrifoi'iiils. lint dillers in iial'il and in the sporidia iiein^i' lilth' over hnii'as hiruc as in that species. < h\ (h-ad liark. Calilornia. The loi'eu'oinii' is I'roni (ireviiiea. 1. c. Specimens on a dead (lierchi? liinli. I'roni West Chester. I*a., deterniiiie(| liy Cooke as this species ((I rev. \'.p. T-ll. have tli<' perithecia siiliovate. more or iei-s idiiiih. '. mm. diaiii.. or rather less, erninpent tlir. [59, I'eritliecia ii'reii'arions uv scattei'ed. typically snporlicial. lint some- times eriiiiipeiit-snpeilicial. cai'lionaceons. mostly iiare and lilack. <|ilicrical or ovate. Asci cylindrical oi" clavate. S-spored. Sporidia oiilonu' ol' i'nsoid, 2-or more-celled, lirown. .M. pi'ilvis-pyiius. (IVrs.) Splitriiii tii/!'i>-/iviiiis. I'ckl. Syitil). ]>. 160. .Sp/iifi III )ii\> iiHiiipii. I'r. liii litrk. N. Am I'liiiRi CiViv IV. ]). 1.(3. sec. rtacc. in Syn. II. p. mS.) Kxsicc. Kikl. I'. Kh. g,-,;.— Kill). Ilcib. Mycol. f\so. IN'ritliecia generally crowded, olieii rorininu' a coiitiiinoiis laver of consideralile e.\tent. liiit sometimes scattereil. siipe-liciai. irreuidarlv spherical or ovate, wrinkled or otherwise roiiiilieiied. either snicate or smooth aliove. liai'd. lilack. 400 // diam.. with a small papillilbrin ostio- liim. ,\sci cylindrical or siiliclavale. stipitale. iS-spored, S0-100.\ (»-!) u. with lilirorni pai'aphyses. S|)oridia nniseriate. o1iIom<>', narrowed towards ' 182 (.'acli cud, rounded altovi', straiulit or ii little curved, 3-sej»tato, and slightly coiistiictecl at the septa, Itrownish. 1(1-18 x 4-0 //. On dead limits and wood, Carolina, Pennsylvania, Vii'ginia, New York, California andCanada. M. ciiiereiiiii, (Kai'st.) Sfilunia chii'ira, Karst. Myc. Fciin. II, p. yi. Melannninia ciicieiim, Sacc. Syll. 3259. I'erithccia gre,i>arious (»r crowded, attached to the inner hark, and ei'Uinj)ent throuiih the variously lacerated epidermis. { t length hare and free, splueroid. smooth and sultshiiiing (at least when young). Ijlack. 3!)()-400 // diam., with a sul)))aj)illate or umhilicate-impressed ostiolum. Asci cylindi-ic-clavate. r2(>-14() n long. S-sjiored, with abundant, Hlilbnn paraphyses. Sporidia snltuniseriate or itiseriate, oljlong, obtuse, 3-sej)tate, the second cell generally somewhat enlarged, slightly constrictcMl at the septa, greenish-hyaline, then j)ale yellow. 20-28x6-10//. On dead liml»s oi' Sah'x groenhuuJicd, Sukkertoj)pen, (Jieenland. M. parasiticiim, E. & E. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil. Pa., July. 1890, p. 240. Perithecia scattered or gregarious, su])erficial,()vate-heinisph(!rical. 110-130 /i diam., roughish, black. Ostiolum papilliform, soon jier- forated. Asci oblong-cylindrical, 40-50 x 8-10 //, sessile, without j)ar- aphyses. Sporidia crowdcd-biseriate, oblong-lusoid, 3-septjito, and finally slightly constricted at the septa, 10-12x3-4 /i, pale olivaceous. Spfucria nigernma, Hlox. (Cke. Hndbk. No. 2012), which is parasitic "on various species of Diafrypc,^^ has sporidia 12^-20 /i long and at length multiseptate, and peiithecia ''sprinkled with short, stiff bi'istles.'' On old Diatrype stigiini, Newlield. N. .). M. Coinmonsii, E. & E. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., Pa., .July, 1890, p. 239. Perithecia gregarious, ovate-globose, rough, black, minutely to- mentose-pubescent when young, 110-12.5 ji diam. Ostiolum papilli- form. Asci clavate-cylindrical, 50-55x7-8 //, with almndant, filiform paraphyses. Sporidia l>iseriate, I'usoid-oldong, 3-septatt', slightly con- stricted at the septa, olive-lirown, 12-14x3-3^ /i. Parasitic on Hi/poxylo)) S(,sfark. North America? (Schweinitz in Ilerl). Hooker). M. Iielicophiiuiii, (Cke.) Spluc} ia hflicophila, Cke. Grev. VI, p. 145. liyssitsphccria hilicopliila, Cke. Grev. XV, p. 123. .\[claiii>inma lu'liniphiliim, (Cke.) Sacc. Syll. 3274. Peritliccia scattered among the hypha? of HcUeoma Berl-eJeyi. siibglobose. Asci elongated, cylindrical. Sjwridia i'usiform, mnlti- luiclcatc, liecnming midtiscptate, yeHowisii, 60-70x6 /i. On tlecaying wood, with Hdivonu Berkehji, Carolina (Ravenel). M. seminis, (Cke. & Hark.) Spluciia srmiiiii, Cke. & Hark. Grev. XIII, p. i8. Melanomma seminis, Sacc. Syll. 7007. Peritliccia superficial, ^-^ mm. diam., black, opake, subglobosc. sometimes suliconliuent, ostioluni ])erforated. Asci davate. Sporidia cylindrical, straight or curved, 5-septatc, lirown, 50x6 fi. On twigs oiBacc/i'tris, California (Harkness). M. sulcatuni, (ED.) SpltiTiia sitlcatii. V,\\. Bull. Torr. Hot. Club, X, p. 53. Me/aiioinma sitlcaliim, Sacc. SyU. 7009. Exsicc. Ell. & Evrht. N. A. F. 2cl ser. 1663. Peritliccia su])cr(icial. densely gregarious, ovate. \ mm. diam.. Idack, not polished. Ostioluni tuberculiforni, large, with a rather Am* !K;f;:-!|v^ •; (ill! Hi 1S4 liifL'c iitnl iiciiilv firciiliir o|i('iiiiiu'. Asci cljiviilr-cvliniliiciil. I."10.\ 22 ft, witli iiliiiii(liiiil |i;ii'ii|)livsrs. Spuridi;! Iiisniiih-. I>ru:iil ii!i\ inihn- fusiroriii. .■!-s('|iliil('. vi'lldw, lircniniiiL:- lnouii. .'I.VlAx II ].") n. On (Icinl mil;-"' 1iiii>1i, Cliili (S. .1. Iliirkiicss). M. PoiotliHia. am r.) Sfi/iin hi /■iini//ir!ni. U >S: C. Cri-v. IV. p. i.(.'. /./■/)fii.^/>/i(ri III .sli-Ki.i'lii. \'.\\. Am. Nat. Mnrrli, i^^'.v ))..;i7. Mililiiiiiiima I'liinlliiliii. Sjicc. Syll. ,;>'il. Ckc. S>ii. ;i.'h. I'crillicciii iiiii;it('-('riiiii|iciit. iiiiiiiili'. scjttcird. cjicli .^ciitcd in ;i little (|c|ii't's-(><> .\ 7 >^ n.. S|)iiri(liii I 2- sci'iiitc. ,), ln\\;i ilidhviiv). M. s|)iiiit'<>iiim. K. v\: K. (in llcrli.i l';\>iiv, i;il .V I'.vrlit. \ A. I', .'cl. Scr. 2i)W. I'critlicri;! sciillcicil. niiniilc (oO 7"> //i. ill lii>l iiiiiiici'><'(|. i'.\c('|i| tilt' |)a])illir()i'ni osliiiiiiin. linally |iat'ti:ill\ ('i'iiiii|ii'iil. clnllii'd aliovc with sliui't, lilack <|mi('s 2<> 2")xi // Ioiil;'. A-ri (il)|nii;j-clavat(', ."1.") H» x 10 1 1 //, .«iiii.~<'s.-<('i'iatc, I'lisoiil. ."{-.-('ptali', not f(iiistii-i!.^ /«. ( hi soiiit' tliirk. cil'ii.^cd. ('orllfiiiiii''. 'j:\{\\\\\\'j:: nn tlir liasc (•!' trunk.- (•r J/oriin riih)-ii. i>clawarc l ( 'iiiiinions). Dillcrs iVoiii M. PoriitJiclia. ( l>. «V (".), in it,- -pinv pt'i'itlifcia. wliicli arc also only jiartially "rniiipcnl. and in its slioitci'. InoadtT asi'i. In ^f. J'orotlicl III tlio pciitlii'cin iiic liiudly almost siipciTicial. and lit) 120 // diain.. and not spiny al any -lSx."» ii. On rotten wood, Nazaretli. I*a. 'I'liis is a dil]'eieiil lliiiiLi' rroin N il.^clikin r.r/'h'.s. I''ckl. Syiiili. p. 1( >.i. ol W hir Sp/i Uiirni CXI //.S-, A. A- >. IS nuoteij as a s\ iioiivm. M. sqiiaiiMilatiiiii, (Silnv.) Sl'hi/ihi ■ijiitiiiuilatii, Siliw Syii. N. \\\\ rs,^^. ( on hull, /ill (( Inrl^'iiuisliii) M/ihii>iiiliil,i. Cke. (iri'v. .\V. p. J*,! I'ciitlieeia carlMniaceoiis. o\ale-L;'loliose or irri'ii'iilar. scattered or snliconcrcsi'cnt, aliove llic niediiini size, seated on a black. even, liroai ly ofl"iisc(|. or sonietimes scanty and very roiiuli. bhu-k crust overs]»r('ad- ISA III. i;;().\ i:i\ ii'iihii- itcil ill ;i iiliii I '1- liscptiilc. Sffrt'iiiit '(I. except Im)\c with . ;;:. lox t<'. I'llSlMil. ol' iriiiik- leritlieciii. . Iii<);iiler ii|ierlici;il. 11^ III II. 1. - 1 S x .") „. Sviiil). |) III. iltei-ed (ir Ml. Iiroiid- ('iv|ii-eii(l- iiiir tlie \V(»()(I. (►stiolniii (listinct, tliick, ;it I<'Ii,li1Ii pei lid-iited. 'I'lie licrillieciii, ('XC('|tt the liiire, lilnek (istioliiiii. iiic clollied with ;i siil)- shiiiiiitr. Ii;ilil yclh»\\-liro\vii. \ illosc-siiiiiiiinilosc. piilvenileiit coat, which liiiiilly liccoiucs lihick. Sjioiidii! ((iicv. I. c.), hiiic^'dhitc, .VA-scptato. Iirowii. 20-40 // Idiiii'. Oil (l<'<-(Hti(ate(l wood. I!elhh'heiii. I'a. (Schw.) M. Aspeif^ienii. (Fi.) Sffliin :a .\\f>nf;ifnii, Kr. in Kzc Mycol llefle, II, p. 40. .\filtiiio»iweif;itnii\ I'ckl. Syir.l). p. ly). I'eritliecia liTcnai'ioiis oi' scattered, ol" linn texture. s\i|»erlicial, or with the liase sliii'litly sunk in the matrix. Iieniisplierical, with a per- I'oraled. scarcely ])apillirorni ostiolnni. liiiaily nniliilicate-depressed. Iilack and sliiiiiim'. Asci cylindrical, slipitate. .S-spored. Spoi-idia iiiiiseriate. oldoii^-. olitnse at the ends. 4-('elled, scarcely constricted at the septa, olivaceous, 12x4 it. On decayinti' wooil, IJethlelieni, I'a. (Schw.) The diaji'iiosis is rr<>ni Winter. M. liilii^inosiim «'ke.) /!\\siisphtri ill iMeliiHoinma) t uhiiiiin'^a. Cke drev. .\V, p. Sn, Perithecia lireiiarioiis, superiicial. seated on a thin, lilaniontosc, hrown siiliiciiliiiii, ,uloli(»se,dark riist-c(dor. siil»riiirose. Ostiolnni iiiii)ress- ed. Asci clavate-cylindrieal. 8-spored. Sporidia liiseriate. lant'e<)late. triseptate, coiistricteil in the middle, hyaline, Iteconiinu' pale-lirown. 20-24 X 4-(; //. On rotten wood, Poiiiiiikeepsie. New Vork ((lerarcl). M. lamiiicuhim, (Schw.) Spluriiii >(i»ii>irii/ii, Si'liw. in Ilert>. Ilcrk. Melaiiimtmii lawiiicola.Cin-. (".rev. XV, p. S3. i'eritliecia sidicespitose, sniijiloltose. linally eollapsing, Idaek, opake. Asci clavato. Sporidia lanceolate, tiisojttate, 'irown, 25 x (!/< On Phi Its pi /tea. M. iiis|ussuni, (Schw.) Sphiriia iii.spiisa, Schw. Syn. N, Am. I.^fib, ^ff/aiiiii>i»i(i iiispisMim. Cke. <"irev. XV. p. Sv I'eritheeia very thickly scattered ainoiiL!: tlie loosened, wea '.er- lii'alen lilires of the wood, and at (ii'st partly covered liy them, Init at lenji'th Itare, lilack, tilohose, rnu'ose. with a jiapillirorin deeidiions ostio- lnni. very minute a)i(l linally collappin.u-. Som('tiniese(>,spito,-;e-crowded. 24 m 11 lull iilso st'iiMcrtMl. S|M»ri(liii (sec, (^kc. (Jrcv. X V. p. S.'J). tiiscptiilc. Iirowii. 12-14 // l<>ii<>;. Oil loKcii wood. I'ciiiisylviiiiiii (Scliw.) M. s|ior:uIi('iiiii, K. & K. (in Iloili.) I'ciitlicciii siilKDiiic-uIoliosc. ;{(M)-3r)0 u diiuii.. ronuli. Muck, with II liitlicr liroiid. |)ii|)illiroiiii, iit Iciiiitli pci ronitccj ostioliiiii. <'niiii|)('nl- siipciliL'iiil. standing' siiiulv or orioiici' 2-4 suliscriiitt' in ciacks lictwccii the lilicrs of tlic wood. Asci cliiviift'. siihs('.«;sil('. piii'iipliysatc. H-sporcd. HH) llOxl") 2(t It. Spoiidia siilihisciiatc, oldoiiu' or clavatc-ohloiif''. ;J .')- (niosfiv 3") septate, iirowii. ohtiise. slij»iitly constricted at the septa. ('Specially at tlie middle one. "20 .'><).\S 12 //. very varialde in size and sliape. On 'enerally small, the lower part more or less sunk in the iiiatri.x. Asci S-spored. licnerally paraphysafe. Sporidia ovat.e or oldoiiii', hyaline, pliiriseptate. DitVers from Mi-tasjthwrid in '\{si snper- licial or siilisiijierficiiil peritliecia. Z. pulviscnia, (Cuit.) S/)/uri HI fiii/iiicula, Ciirr. I.inu. Trails. .\.\II tab I,\'III, fiR. ,=;2, MelaiiiDiima / Ilia, Sncc, Myi'ol, Ven. Spec. p. 114. mgnnellii piilvisculii, Sacc. Syll, 3627. Peritliecia usually uroirarioiis, oltoii crowdecl. sometimes scatteicd. siiperlicial. hemispheric-conoid. l)lack. smooth and liare, earlmnaceoiis. |-i mill. diam.. with a small, papillirorm ostiolum. A.sci elavate- cylindrical, narrowed iielow. S-spored, 7")-S0 \ *.)-I2 /i. Sjioridia iiisei'iate, riisirorm. often sli<>litly <'iirveil, hyaline, liiially ^-.-Jeptate, 18-20x3J-4| //. On rotten wood, London, Canada (Deariie.ii/r\ i.'kc. iv Mass. Circv XVI, p iji I'critlicciii sciittcrcd or jurcjiiiiious. scniiiiiiiiH'rscd. liitciiillv cuiii- |)ivssliiiiiii,ii'. Iiliifk, )»!ij)illiit('. Asci cliivatc or cyliii- • liiciil. Sporidiii rilijilicid, liiiiiiclciitc tlini I-iJ-scjiliitc, Iividiiic. 15 Oti dci'tiyiii<; \V(»()d. New Voik ((Jlintoii). Z. fuiiicola, Kll. Splicri ill /mill iilii, Kll. Dull. Torr Hoi Clul), VIM, p. ip. iCixnofllii fiiiiiiiilii, .Sacc. Syll. ,i6,W- I'ci'itlici'iii .-icattcrcd. iniiiiitc (l.)(>-2()() //), ovak'-ost'. paitly <()V('r('d liy the lilicrs of the cotton, jticrccd aliovc, liiil witlioiit, any |iroiiiiii('iit ostioliini. roiii>li. Idack. carl)onac'i'o-im'iiil>raiiac<'ou.<. Asci oMoiiu-cylindrical, contiact<'d liclow into a .^liort stijic. (i") T^.xl;")- 18 //. with altiiniiant t'oiilon' or liiseiiate. cIavate-ol»lon,i>' or olilonu-ollijitical, hyaline, .'i-septate. 15-22 X r)-7 //. Var. (ilhoclncfn itiphivviti (iJhixiintd. V. tV K. (Irev. VII. p. !)). has the perithecia surrounded at base liy a narrow zone ol lileached wood, liut docs not difi'er otherwise, niiless tlie sp'oridia may avei-aire a little lars-or (20-28 // lon,i>). m i '::;! 4 I -1;, ISS V:ir. K<>hi/(t iSitlntriii suhitii. ( '. .V K. i.\\v\. V, p. .VJ. Inli. SO. (iir. 1(>), liiis llii' |ii-i'illin'i:i siilxtviitr, willi the sporiiliii iiv('i'iigiii<>' nitlici- Miiiillcr (1 ') IN \l-"» /'). On cxiMiscil udoil. Iiiilli ol' I (iiiirciuii- iiiid (Icciiliioiis trees. New field. N..I. Z. S«M|i!i>ia'. d'lowi'.) Sp/iui III Sri/iiiiiu, I'luwr. (".rev. VII. )). ;,( Xinniv/lii .Sfi/iiiiiu\ Siuv. Syll. .i'i7"- I'ei'itlieciil fJilliei- Imi'iiv. iimiierscil. llieii ?^i|Iienilii|ieiil, seated uii li|eiielie(l s|miIs. Asci eylindiieiil. S|MHidiii liynliiie. (iliseiirelv iJ-sep- tiile, sliiilillv iiiie(|ii;il. the ii|i|ier liiill' lieiliu' llie liirticr, 2')-.''>()xS I() tt. On (lend liiiik i)\ Sfi/noiii (j'njuiiUn, ('nliHn'iiiii. Z. ni'illhola. (K. iV ('.) Sl>li,fini i\ii//i,"/. i.(.!. MfUnioiiiiiKi i\i illiiiiliim. Sacc. Syll. .^ih/. L'iiiii^/>liin i\i i\ii//iii'/ii. Ckc. C.rev. XVI, p. H7. I'eiitlieciii ,-r;itli'|-e(|. Iiliiek. oviile, witli iiii iieiite npex. Asci elctiiuiitiMl. liiieiir. S|)(iridi:i hiiieeoliite. sliizliilv curved, 4-seii(iite. '10 II lonii'. On Ci/rllJ(t, Xdidi (';iriiliiiii. Specimens I'ldin I'eiin.«'d, \ iiiiii. diani., jtlolMise-conieal, earlioiiaceoiis, Idack. Ostioliiiii papillirorni, at leii<:tli deciduous, texture pareiiehyiiiatic, dense, sooty-ldaek. Asci eyiiiidrieal, very large. 200 x 10 //, willi a short stipe and surrounded Ity short (neiiuinc)'' paraphyses, S-spored. rounded and entire aliove. Sporidiii olilicpudy uiiiseriate, I'nsoid. sliiihtly curved, 3-septate. 30x0 //. not coiistrict(Ml, hyaline. 4-nucleate. On rotten wood, Carolina (Haveucd). Sec. Cooke (Syll. I. c.) this 9pcci<'s a]ij»i|H'!iriiiji' ((liscinvly ;5-s(')tliil(', livjiliiic. I2-l.'»x»»| iln. On (li'iid stems ol' Ifinintliis liijtiihis, Carlisc. N. ^ . (I'<'ck). 'I'Ik' |M'rillii'ciii li;i\(' w iliill. s(|iiiiliil, iiii|M>Iisli('<| (ir siilis<'iil»i'«»iis !l|l|l<'ill-illH'C. Z. siilivestita. (K. & K.) Sp/iirii,! siihiixtitii. Iv iN: Iv Joiirii. Myiol. II. p, loci. /igiiiifHa siibTi-slilit . SiK'c. Syll. 7.)i).s. I'ci'itlicciii scsitcil on tlic Itiirc woml or on tlir liiiik, witli the liiis<> Slink in tlic niiiti'ix, oviitc-conicnl. I(»")-'J")() // dinin.. \ nini. or more lii^Ii. Iiliifk. roiiuli, t'.\c('|if tlic smooth, sulisliiniiii;', sliorl-c\ lindriciil or siiliroiiiciil, liroiidly jicrl'oiiitctl, siilitriincntc ostioliiin. Asci rlavjitc- cvlinilritiil. ')().\ ('» 7 //, witli lililbrm iiiinipliyscs iiml a slctidcr, stipitiilc liasc. Spoiidia liisit'orm, yellow isli-livalim', slijilitly curved. .'}-se|itate and constricted slitriitly at tlie middle se|;tiim, I 'J -1") x U .'{//. crowded - liisciiate. The sporidia are iimcli the same as in CI i/ixoKp/idiid llvn- (icrfioiiiif, Kill., except in haviiiti' the ends sliulilly curved, hut in that species, the perithecia are depresse(|, siiiicuticiilar and siiltastoiiioiis. Zit/iiocfhf rait/rii. (Kckl.). has iiinch lai'ii'er sporidia (2Sx4 //). On iiv\ , hleacheil root ?( if Varciniiiiii, Ne\vli(dtl. N. .1, FAMIIiY. CKRATOSTOME.f]. Stroma none. I'erithecia sniieilicial, or at first immersed and linally erimipent. with an awl-shaped or at least morc! or less elons^ated ostioliim. Texture thin-memliraii.iceoiis. or sonietimes subcoriaceous. Asci mostly very evanescent, with the iiieinlirane tliickiMied at the apex. I'arapliyses ji-eiierally present. The most olivious character of this family is the elonjxated (suliii- late, cylindrical or conical) ostioliim. It is distiii<>uisli(;d from tin; (inoinoiiietv i»y the superlicial or erumpoiit ]»eritliocia, and the presence ol j)arai»liysos. Ceiatostoiiia, Fr. 01 is. II. p. 340. Perithecia more or loss sujierficial, with a distinct, aiwJ j^enorally, sti'on<>ly dovelojx'd lieak; sulistance firm, coriaceous or carbonaceous. Sjjoiidia ovate, ohloiiff ())• ellijitical, brown, continuoua. ('. brevirosti'e, (Fr.) SplKcria hifviiosliis, Vr. S. M. II, p. 47.). and Curr. r.inii. Trans. X.\II. p. 322. tab. 58, fig. 68. Ceialostoma, btevhuilte. Sacc. Syll. 775. Ifll 11 )l3 f f..i l<)0 I'ciitln'ciii sciilfcird, scliiiillilliciscd, uloliosc, siiKxttli. y:liilil'niis. Itlilt'k. Ostiuliiiii ( vliliili'ii"il. ri|(iiil. iilxiill IimII' ii> Iniiji' !is tlir |i(>i'itli('- cimii. Asci rvliiidrir;'!. I>ri('(l_v |K'(liccIliilr. |(K»\IO/^ Spdiidiii iiiii- scriiitc. (dlipticiil, piilf lonwri. I.'»-17 /< loiij:'. On i'(itt<>ii wood. Ii(>thlcli(>iii. I'ii. At lirst iiiiiiiciscd. liiiidiv cincruciit iiiid Idiic. v<'iv sirinotli, idiiuist V. I'libeCac'iens. (Pk.) S/i/hniii mhffiii iiii>, rk -•''111 Kf|). {> -i). ( fiiiliifliinia I iifyf/dt iriis. Sni'i' Svll. 777. I'ci'illici'iii iiiiiiiitc, scattered. siiliji'Ntliose, sinootli. Idiick, iieiiilv IVee. iiliiiiptlv tiiperiiiii' into flic loii^i'. slender, snlmlnte ostinln. Asci claviit*', rnuat'ioii.-:. Spdridia elliptical. Inown. l-."».\-l^ //. On decorticated wood of deciduous trees. New Voik State (Peek). TIk! siniace oi' the wood is varie;uated with red stains. ('. seti^ei'iiwi. K. &K. (in lleil..) IVi'itheeia denstdv y the decay or weatheiini:' away of the wood, liecomin^ super- ficial: ol'ten in cracks of the wood, one side ol' the peritheciuni liein;.' luiried and the othei' piojectinu- into the open li.-^snre; in that ca.-^e liald and >mo((tli, l)nt when liuried in the soft wood, moic or less lii>rons-stri,iiose, with hrownish hyjilia'. Asci p. sp. cylindiieai, 4.'J-')(> .\ T-^i //. with parapliyses. Sporidia nniseriate. ol'ten oldiipie. brown, ohlong-elliptical, l-'2-nucleate. S-10.\;{J ji. On I'otten wood ol' deciduous tices, common around Newiield, and pi'ohaldy in (»ther localities. 101 Tlic s|H'ciiii(>iis (iC S, roiiihiiitn. V. tV K.. in my llcrli.. iiml ol N. viitii'niiitii, (M<('. ill Kiiv. V. Am., do Tint ;il1ur<| nny cliiiiiictcis to ilistiiiu'iiisli tliciii IVoiii this. ('. cariMipliiliim. KM. iiiill. Toir. Mot. ('Iiil>. IX. p. 7:i i'ci'itlH'citi siil)<:'iolios<'. \ mm. or oscr in iliiiiii.. i-oiii>'li. Ostioliim (•;i|tiliiii y.lliici' tiiin's or moii' ms loiiji" iis tlic |i('i'itlH'(iiim.iiii(l morr or less croolvcd fir liciit. Asri slcii(l<'r. iilioiit ")<»/< loiii''. with lililoriii piiniith- vscs. Sporiiliii miiscriiitc or Jiiscriiitc. riisirorm. yellowish, 4^-(I a loii^. On (till chcstiiiit Itiirs. with Sphivr'Kt ( l^ivsltnlia) whino^tliilii. .<(liw. which liiis tilt' iisci iiiid siioridiii hiirdly (listiii;iiiislinl>l<' Iroin IJiosc ol' this species. ('. siiliii latum, Ell. Am. Nut. MmicIi. ISS.J. p. .{IS. I'eritheciii covered l)y the epidermis, jrloliose, I ;")() // diiiiii. Osti- uliiiii eriimpent. siilnihite. \ mm. lonu'. iipe.x siilifimliriiite. Asci S-spored. cviiiiescent, eliipticiil, l.'jx I! //. Sporidiii siiiiciihieal in the iisci. Iie- coniinii- oviiti or siihi'loliose when free, lirownish. 4^-')J x H-;{,^ //, often iio/.iim out ill ii ii'lolMile iit the tip of the ostioliiin. On y the falling away of the snr- roiindiim- w(»od. irreuarioiis, siiliovate. ahout \ mm. diani., roiigli, pro- lonii'ed aliove into a conical, ronuli ostiolnm projectinji' aliovc the siiiiace of the wood, and finally (>loni>ated to alioiit 1 mm. in length. Asci 75-80x8// (p. sp.). with stout, lance-pointod paraphyses iniicli longer than the asci. Sjjoridia l)i.seriate, oiilong-fu.soid, psHe l»rown. altout iVnucleate, straight, 18-20x;^ //. On rotten jiine logs. Newtield, N...J. ('. parasiticiiiii, E. & E. I. c. Perithecia niemhranaceoiis, sulihemispherical, \ liim. diam., red- disli-lnown, liocoming slatv-ldack, |)roloiiged altove into a stout l)c;il< 'l-l\ mm. long, IT)!) ji thick Itelow, narrowing to alioiit 7') // at the I lu II 1 ' i"if I ,!::; '.ii ': :ik I 11)2 )»iil('i', siilttiinlifiiilc tip. Asci uliluiiir-oviitc. psp. ulioiil "iO-'i ") x 7-S //. Sporiiliii crdwilcil, iu iitcly cllipticiil. liviilinc, liccoiniiiii' diirk, ~-X x 4,^-;") ft. TIh' iisci ;iiiil spDiidiii oltcii (m out iit the tip ol' (lie Ioiil'' ln'iik <»r ostioiimi. iiiid Uti'iii ii djiik cdlortM, uIoImiIo, wliicli inclines In lliittcn out. and tlin.>; jiives tlio ajipciiiiiiicc of an cidariicd, tiinuatt' tip. On old Foinvs iii)jthin(ifiis. West Olic.^tcr. I*a. Specimens of Peri oiiUt xplKWuphiln, I'k.. found l>y .Mr. Mes- cliutt in Nortliein New .lorsov, and liy Miss Minns in .\e\\ llanipsliiic. are asciti'crons and niucli resendile tins. ('. Jiiiiipei'iniini. K. & K. I. e. IN'ritliecia trrejiarious, awl-sliajied. hiack. TOO-SOO /< lii'ed at the tip, swollen and aliout !.')() // thick lielow. Asci include(l in the ovate-swollen liase, oiilonu-elliplical, al)out 12 xd//. with a slender sti])e 12-1') n Ioul;'. .'-^po'idia crowdeil-hiseriate, ovate- ^'loltose. itrown. 4x.'')i /<, or a little less. 'I'lie sporidia exude and I'orni a little i»rown head at th<' ajiex of the pei'itliecinni. tlins<^ivin<^ the ajtpearance of a Cdlivimii. On a wounded, dead place on a linil> of Jiui'ipcrtix. Vir(ji)iinu. 37. Porithecia with the habit of (iiiomoitu/, scattered, at liist im- mersed, linally suhernnijH'ut, jzlohose, minute, black. Ostiolum very lontr and idack. Asci not seen. Sporidia j)eiTectly jiloliose, nucleate, epispore smooth, N « diam. On the lower surface of <\r\ leaves of Sdlix arctlro Sabine Island. Arctic America. Spccicx iiiq)c)f''ctJ ij knoirii. C. fsUlax, (ke. & Sacc. (Jrev. VII, p. 8. Exdicc. KU. N. A. K. 7SS. Perithecia loosely gregarious, supeificial, _n,tr('(l above into a filit'onn. siiltHo.\iK>ns ostiolnni noarly I mill, lonjr. 'riio pci'itliccia coiitiiiii an almndaiicc ol' iiiiiiiit(\ liyalino, oliloiiii' spcnuatia 4 x 1-1 ,',//, of'fcii collcclcil into a suliii'Iolifisc mass. On pine Inmlicr icccntly cat ami (•i(»s('ly packed. Xcwfif Id, X. .1- !)oal>tfally distinet from C. pill/rrtini, (Fr.). wliieli is also nsually sterile. ('. pilifeiiim, (Fi.) \rli(rria pili/cia, Vr. S. M. II. p. 472. Sfi/urrui iDslrala, Schuiii.' Kmim. Kl. Saell. p. 12S. Cf>al<)!,to»ia pilifei iiiii. I-'cltl. Syiiib. p. 12S. Exsicc. Rab. 1-. Iv 1525. 2327. IVritlieeia iii,//a /lyi/riiiiiii, Saic. Syll. .SW.S, Ckc. Syii. ,^766. " I'criflicci!) gi'Ciiiiiious, sfiniiiiiiiieiscd, at l('ii<>tli ciiicr^ont iiiid siilifn|K'rliciiil. ilark lnowii. tnincntosc, liciikcd. Ostiola cvliinlrical, siil»ll('.\ii()iis. Asci (yliiidrical. Sporidia ('lli|»tic-laiic('olato. Iiyaliii(>. \{\-\H\[) /t. On l>ark (il Finis. Aiken. So. Carolina. 'I'lic spcfinicns distrilmtcd under this name in Kav. V. Am. (574. and Kll. A- K\ ilit. N. A. V.. 2d Ser.. -2341), do not auio»> at all with the aliov(> i|iioted description. Ikmiiiz' a species of Vaha. with niiiiiite sporidia. ('. spina, (St'liw.) S[ili,riia .'■piiui, Scliw. Syii. Car. No. 1,S4. i'iiiili»liii>Hi sfiiihi, Sclnv. ill Ciiiiki's Synopsis, ^"^iM. S/>li:FK»iinir /■'laiiiii, Vk. in 2i)th Rep. p. 71, and in K11. N. A. K. 737. Spliuidiiiafiliiiim I'taxini. Sacc. Syll. Ill, p. ,syS. Ateordinn' to specimens in II(mI». Scliw., these are all the .same tiling'. Sp/nt'ro(/r(ip/iiiu/i tipiiui. (Scliw.) CERATOSTOMELLA. Sacc. Miiiieliii I, p. 370. Characters the same as in CcrntnstoiiKi. only sporidia hyaline. ('. Mali, E. & E. Proc. Phil. Acad. 1. c. Perithecia scattered, nienilnanaceous, y the short-cylindrical, ol>tnse, l')Ox To /i ((stioliiin, with a rather large round openinu- at its apex. Asci clavate, snl»truiicate aiiove and nar- "•owed ji'iadually to the acute, alioiit 40 x 5 //, 8-spored. Paraph- yses none. Sporidia liiseriate, ol»long-cylindrieal, scarcely curved, faintly 2-nucleate, fi-8 x 1 \ it. r)iners from C. (fispersa, Karst. in its rather smaller, straiiiht, liald ostiolum. On the inner surface of loose, han<^ing iiark of partly dead apple trees, Newlield, N. .1. v.. iiyssH>(>ola, (B. & ( .) Sfiluriia nyiS(rii>la. B. & C. (Irev. IV, p. 14,?. i'eiatiistomella Hvssircola , Sacc. Syll. 1564. IV'ritheeia semiimmoi-sed, sul)jilol)oso, with an abrupt and at leiin'th eiouf^ated neck. Sporidia elliptical or shortly cymldform, 7-8 // lonIoliose, covei'ed, i»ut not ileeply. nieinliranaceo-carltonaceous. Ostiola exserted, 1 mm. lon<>'. roiiiih and lihuxlulai-puliescent lielow. liecomiiiu' ,uIal)rous, more or less licnt or umlulate, sli ill the form of a white uloliiile. Asci cylindrical, 3 .'» x 7 //. Sj)oridia imiseriate or partly Itiseriate, elli]>tical, hyaline, 1 2-nucleate, 7J-!)J x 3-3^ 11. Accompanied l>y ohovate. lii<»wn. 2-3-septate conidia liorne siiiii'ly on the apices of erect, inown. simple hyphiu thickly scattered over the matrix. On rotten wood. Newlield, X. .1. r. rostrata, (Fr.) SphceiHi rosliala, Vv. .S. M. II, ]). .173. Ce>a/osfoHiii lostiatiim. Hckl. Syml). p. 127. Cfraldsliimella lostiata, Sacc. Syll. I5fi4. • Peritiiecia tjrejrai'ious or scattered, imiiier.sed or free, ,<>lol»ose. runoso, liald, black, variable in si/e from 3(K)-7((() // diam , with a very loiiii-, uneipial. rather ohtuse, lontritudinally striate, 4-cornere(l. mostly curved, ri<>id iieak. Asci clavate-cylindrical, sessile, S-s|)ored, 40 ox S !) //. Sporidia oUlonsr or (dlipticnl, continuous or ohscurely uni- scptate. hyaline. 0-12x4 //. alii! Found ill New York State (sec. Peek in 22il Uq]).) and on inaplf in Soutli Carolina (Berk, in (J rev. IV, p. Hfi). ('. ciri'hosa. (Pers.) Shlueiia iiDlima, I'ers. Syn. p. sy- Ci'ialoslomit cinhiisHiii, Fckl. Symb, p. 127. Cenitoilomella ciiihoia, Sacc. Syll. i,S47. Teritlieeia seatteird or .sometimes erowded, at first I)nriod, finally seniierumjtent, <>lolM)se, with Itrowii, eree])in«>', niyeclioid hairs, which penetrate the surrounding wood, the projectinji; pait heconn'njr liald, black and smooth, aliout 400 // or over, broad, with a long, mostly curved and tubercular, Itald ostiolum. Asei subcylindrical, sessile. S-sjmred. ()0-7ox7-9 /i. Sjioridia iuiis<'riato, ol)lon<«;-ellii)tieal, with two nuclei, hyaline, 1)-12.\3| /i. On rotten wood, Cai'olina. €. capillai'is, (Ell.) Ceialnsloma ai/>i//,u,\ I'M. BuU. Torr. Hot. Cliih, IX, p. 20. Cemloilomella cafiillaris, Sacc. SyU, 5996. Perithecia cajiillaiy, nodulose, ch)thed below with short, .spread- ing, hyaline hairs which are s<;arcely eidarged at the base. Asci ellij)- tical, 30-35x9 /i. Sporidia 8 in an ascus. crowded, lusiforni, nearly hyaline, indistinctly nucleate, straight oi- slightly (turved, 1 t-14x 3-3| jt. On decaying catkins of AInus serrulatci, N(!wfield, N. J. RHYNCOSTOMA, Karst. Myc. Fetiu. II, p. 7. Perithecia scattered or gregarious, immersed or ei'umpent, spha;- roid, with a beak-like ostiolum eiiualingoi- exceeding in length the diameter of the carbonaceous, black, glabrous perithecium. Asci cylin- drical or clavate, 8-spored, genei-ally paraphysate. Sporidia ellij)soid, fuscous, unise])tatc. Rli. eoiiiigernm, Karst. Myc. Fenn. II, p. 57. Perithecia somewhat scattered, immersed, finally half emer- gent, ovate-globose, lather more than J mm. diam., Idack, surrounded below with long, concolorous filaments. Ostiolum stout, rough, mostly a little curved, conic-cylindrical, 3-() nun. long, generally a little con- tracted just l)eIow the tip. Sporidia ellipsoid or oblong-ellipsoid, uniseptate and mostly a litth; consti-icted at the septum, brown, 8-10 x 3-4 /i. Yav. Americana, ¥1. S: E.,on I'otten wcjod, Ohio (Morgan, 260) and I,(iiiisiii,,;i I I,;iii-l('i-^. -J-JS;)). liii.- llic jicrillicciii di'iisi'ly urrniiridiis siimI ,.|ii('i'utiit-' I ' i iiriiil. iIm' liiiirs iiioiiikI iIic 1i;isc t(i\v-c()l((r('(l iiinl rniiilly (lisi|i|ii':llillLI. |{|i. tiiidimi. (K. iV K.) , ■,uit"^/"»iii niKliiiii. v.. X !•;. Hull W;i>li, C'lll, vol, 1 p. 5 h'li\ii,i'\liiiiiii tiiu/inii, Sacc, Syll. iii.^o. I'critliiciii ('ruiiiiiciit-siiiici'liriiil. (isiiti'-i'ldlinsc. l(i.')-2.')(> y diiiiii., roiii!lirii('(l Willi prdJiH'liu^' poiiits. Ostioliiiii tililniin. ;'-'i nun. l(in,u\ , civ snidiitli. sdiiii'tinirs 11 lilllc -wnllcii jiisl IicImw the iipcx. w liifli is (iricii crowiicil with n Lilnlmlc (.rcjcclcd .-jiDridin liiiUas lai'iic iis tli<' |,i.iiili('ciuni itsril. A^ci Milicylindriral. aliout ."KLvT u.. -iiliscssilc. \\\\\x lilHuriii |iiira|iliy.~cs. Sjioriilia liirtniii. Sricc. Syll. ^71'' ■• rciillicria iiiiiinlc. .-uliuldhdM'. iilack. iinnicr.-cil. ( >. /<. hyaline al eiie end. uniseptate neai' the nthei'. On decayinu- wikhI, Ml. Wasliinu'lon, N. V. The )ieiilheeia sdinetinies dcrnr in loiiu' line.-;. When y(iiiiiu\ tlio spdridia are cdldrlcs.-, Init liiey .-dim ijecdnie coldred. exeopt at one end. and eontain two nnelei. l^'iiially a se|iliini is loi'med near the cdliired end dl' llie s|idi-idiiini. Itli. splia'iiiicola. (Sclnv.) Splhri ,ti fplun initihi . Sclnv. Syii. .N .Mn. No. ifni. I'ei'illiecia densely ureuaridu.^. rather soft, erect, dark lirowii. \eiv idii'jh. Oslidli if inediiiin leimth. riuid. ()lili(|ne, diily a little Inijoer lliaii tin dviile |('riliiecia. On ilecavinu' S luniinildriii Ihil/iiirdi. Caiolina. Very rare (jiiile dill'erent {ci >>-s|i()i('i|. ii)l|i||;i cldilUiltcd triiiis\risi'ly |)liiiisf|vtiili', -iPMi>inn ■ riiiclx I'low iii.-li. r;iiii|ili_\>( s (listiiicl. ('. iiiicnidomji. K. & K. .lomii. Muni. |\ , p. Ts. (|»|at«' 22} Pciitlii'ciii ipiir('lyc()\('i('il liv the l>iirl<, ilcn.-cly u'i'ciiiii'imis. miiiiiic. not (ivcr 1(1.") ^/ iliiiiii. ().-linlii iiroji'ctiim-. rvliiidriciil, .^ iiiiii. Ioimj-. niiiLili mill iiini'c (11- less nvci'iiiii willi !i lirowii loiiiciitniii ( wliicli. Iidwcvor, iiiiiy lir only ;icci(|('iit;il ). Asi'i oliioiiii-cyliiiiln'c;)! or rliniilc-cyiiii- ilriciil, .")()-,").") \ 7-S //. siili.-cssilc, w illi riitlicr stout, lililonii |iiii;i|tliys('.<. S|ioi'i(li;i liiscrinlc or crowilcil. oliloiiu' or chiViitc-itMoiiL;, .■!-sc|iliit(" ;nii| .\ill(' L;i.. .Iiiii ISSN , [,;iiiuioi-:. N,,. j;;iO| 111 id itiiiiii ■ (U'HHM K1{,\S. Sjkt. I'ri'itlici'iii iiiiiiK'rscil or ciiicrLii'iit, ^iiliciirlioiiiiccon-:, Liiolio.-c. witli ii conic-cyliinlrii'Jil ostioliim more or Ic-.-; cloiiLjiitcil. Asci -iilicylin- (li'ii'.'il. S|ioii(li;i liliroriii oi' cyliiiilriciil. -- or iiiori'-toiit. Muck. I'ouu'li. licidv-iiko o.stioiii. wiiicli iirc 1-2 mm. Ioiil;'. cnrltomifcous and lirittUi. tlicir smooth, rounded tips ut, lirst pierce(l in the center with n snudi, round opening', fit hMiLith liromlly perloi'Mteil. The perithecia lire liuidly enici'tri'iit iind l)iire, only the l)iise remniniiiu' sunk in the wood, nliont 1 nnn. diiim.. with thick, cnrlionai'eous walls, ronuh nnd lirownisii-iihi(d< outside, the upper. luojectinLi' part linally lucakiuLi' or ralliMLi' away, leavinii' only the cu])-shaped liase sunk in the snrl'aci^ of the wood. .Asci chivate-cvlindrical. Liradnally atti'nuat<'d lielow, !)(*- 1(H) x 7-S //. iiseudo-paraphysate. S-<|)ored. Sporidia snhl'ascicniate, I'nsoid-cylinilricid. hyalin -12-septate. sliuhtiy ami I'at.her aliriiptly attenuiit('(l at the ends, which are mostly a little incnrvi^d and snli- ohtuse. 4(»-.")(>.\:5J,-+ n.. On rotten wood. Ohio (.Morizan. No. .VJS). This seems to he (piite distinct I'rom any other descrilteil species. 1!)!) f'ldiiuntt'd ';irii|iliy,scs (Plate 22) II-. iiiiiiiilc, oiii:', I'diiuli . linwcNcr, v;il('-c\ iin- i;iiii|iliys('s. )it!it(' ;iM(l \„\.. .Iiiiii' iliii-c. with •I -ijlirvliii- hv.'iliiic. (I, li\;iliii('. i| uliicli IS tout. Iiliick, nccon,- ;iiiil liter with ;i ■ pcritliccin link in the ntiiiih ami lii'ciikiiiii' "»i" I' siiil';i»'(^ (>r iu'h.w. !)(l- irnsciciiliitc. ■I' :ilini)itly il and siili- kmI spi^cics. HVPSOTHECA, Kll. & Eviht. Joiirii. Mycol. I, j>, 12S. PciitlM'cia snltiiliitc, stylosporiU'roiis at liasc. and with a medial or siiliapical cnlarucnicnt above. (•ontaiiiincylindrical, ai»oiit IJ nun. hij^h and KM) // thick, (tnlv sliirhtly enlarjicd at Itase, and containinji' sul>ieces of bark, on dry, decaying oak limbs lying on the ground, Xewiield, N. .1., Sept., 1877, and March, 1883. This description was made from a recxamiimtion of the original spe(!imens. H. calicioides, (Fr.) Spoiocyhe calicioides, Vr. S. M. Ill, p. 342. Hypsothira ca/icioides, E. & E. I. c. H.xsicc. Rav. Huiigi Car. I, p. 83. (iregai'ious, subulate, black and smooth, about 1| mm. high, 115// thick, the swollen, subelli[)tical, ascigenms cavity, about midway be- tween the base and the apex, 250 // thick. Asci (spore bearing part) oltlong or ovate, 15-20x 8-11 //, with a thread-like stipe of about the same length. Sporidia conglomerated, elliptical, hyaline, becoming brown, continuous, 6-7 x -3-31 //. Ravenel's specimens are on poplar bark. Mi-. C. J, Sprague has sent s|)ecimens collected by W. N. Suksdorf in Washington, and whii'li agrc«.' in all respects with Ravenel's specimens. Suksdorfs specimens are also, apparently, on bark of poj)Iar. H. thiijiiia, E. & E. 1. c {>. 128. I*eritheeia subulate, 700-800 // high and 55-60 /i thick below. HI I if ii 200 with ii uraduiilly ('iiliiiiicil or swollen phuc iiciir tin' t // thick, iiini aliovc this, iiji'iiin ('(intijictrd to iilmiii till! same size as hclow, roniiiiiii: a tfaiicatc licak To-M* « loiiy. the whole Iteinu', in laet, a hollow cvlinder of lilii(»iis-eelliilar stiiiitinc. sli"iitlv eiilarii'eil at liase ami filled with minute, hvaline. olihtiiii' or evlimlrieal, stiai<:ht or sliiihtly ciirved. 2-'{ x .J /i sjierinatia and tiic swollen part aliove filled with an alaindance of eluli-slia)ied. S-spored asL'i, without parajihyse.*, and eonsistinu' of an (»l»ovate or sMlielli|iti(id head or spore-lieariiiii' part 9-12 x4.J-."»^ //. ami a lilihani l»ase or stipe l')-20 a lonu'. On partly dead Ibliaire (A' CitpreKsii.s f/ii/oitfcs. Xewlield. N. .1. The iiienilirane ol' the asei is xriy delicate, and scarcely discern- ihle alter the sporidia have matured, lait easily seen in the yoiinji' state. S])orid!a jiloliose, pale Itrown. 2J // diani.. c(»llecled in a mass. LKXTOMITA, Xiessl. Noti/. iilit-r Pyrcii \>. .\.\. Peritliecia sunk in the matrix, linally erumpeiit or free, soft-coria- coous or even niemhranaceous, prolon<>'ed altove into a more or les> evident l>oak. Asci delicate, with the niemlirane thickened at the a|)OX. Sporidia uniseptate, hyaline. I'araphyses present. RHAMPHORIA, Xi^-s-sl. I. v. Peritliecia as in CemtoKp/iti't'id. Sporidia oldoni:-, elliptical or ovate, nuiriforni. No representatives of eitliei- of these two ,<>enei'a have yet lieeii reported in this country. FAMILY. ami»hisfh.*:r'ie.*:. Stroma wantinjr. Peritliecia either closely adnate or with the base sunk in the matrix, hecoiniim' ernnipent-siiperficial. or sonietime> superficial from the iirst; generally of haril, earl)(»naeeons texture, with a pa)»illiform ostiolum. Asei elonuated. ]>ai'aj»liysate. Dis- tinguished from the next preceding and following families hy the \y.\- jtillifbrni ostiolum. AMPHISFHi:RIA. €es. v\ De X«»t. Schema. Sferi.acei, p. 4y. Peritheei'i at first adnate or more or less sunk in the matrix. the iiiiitiix. 201 rniiilly oriiiiipoiit niid mostly sdiK'rlicinl, (»!" firiii, often cnrltoiineeoiis texture, l>iil(l, with » siuiill ostioluin. Asci parapliysato, 8-i'h)ltose, roufili, l)laek. siiltcai'ltoiiaceous. i>ieire(l altove. 110-120 n diaiii. Asei evlindrical. sessile, pai'aphysute. 40-4,jxO-7 n. Spoi'idia uniseriate or suMti- seriate, ovate-elliptieal, Itfowii, uniseptate, i)-12 x4— 'i // (12-14x 5 /^. On rotten wood i)\ Lif/ui<1amh(i.r, Mala<;a, N. .1. The surface oi tiie wood is Idaekened. A. bispherica, ((\ & E.) Spluriia biip/ifiiiii. C. it H, (Irev. VII, p. 41. Amp/iisphtfri'a bisphfriat, Sncc. Syll. 2724, Cke. Syn. 34,^2. i'eritheeia ale hrowii. nniseplate and consti-icted, cells snitulohose oi- conical, 10-12x4-')// (12x7 //, Cke.) On decorticated wood of api>lc tree limhs, Newfield, N. J. Not .'diundant. A. iiieriistans, E. & E,, in \Vel»i)or's Cat. Fl. Xehiaska, 1^8i), p. 'iVt. Amphispliirria sapiogena, !•;. & K. (i" Herb.) I'erithecia illiform or oI)tusely-c(mical ostiolum, textni'e snltcarltonaceous, liase slightly sunk in the wood, which is Idaekened and overrun with a si)ecios of Detidri/plilinn (1). vruxtacoun, K. A' E.) having simple, 8ej)tate, erect hypluv 90-1 lox 7-8 it, hearing terminal, siihcateunlate, ol)long or cylindi-ical, 2-4-sej)tate. 25-45x10-12 /-t conidia. Sometimes the hyplue are In-anched above, the shoi't, s])rcad- iiig Iiranches also hearing conidia. Asei sessile, ])araphysatc, oldong- ( ylindrical, 70-75x12-15 it. Sporidia hiseriate. clavate-oldong, often slightly curved, uniseptate, hrown, 22-27x7-8 it. On rotten wood, Nebraska (Wehher), and Kansas (Kellcrman). The Kansas s])eciinens (A. Haproyetni, E. k K.) are not accom- panied hy any conidial growth. 2G " •itfj im ■ A. (let'onnis. Kll. & Laii^. (in II* rli.i I'crillicciii sii|M'iti«'i;il of iit Icnsf. with tlic Itiisf simply iidiiiitc, iiviitc. oliliisc, ruiijiiliisli, lilack, iiliuiit ^ iiiiii. diiiiii., at Icii^'tli liinatliy |M'il'()ral<'. hi. Ain/'lii-./'liinid i/jv.»//m;A/, Saoc. Syll. '"fii,?. I'eritliecia seriate or irreuidarjy lireiiiirioas, neslliiijr aiiioMj!' tlie loosened lil»res ol' tli(> wood, at lenu'tli siiperlicial oi- nearly so. siil>!iio- l)use, lilack, rather less than \ niiii. diaiii. Ostioliiin iiiconspiciioiis. AhcI, iiicliidinti' the siendei' liase, 150 x 12 /i, with alMiiidaiit parapli- vses. Sporidia miiseriate, oldonii' or ovale-oldonir. iiiiiseptate and slij>'htly constricted at the septiiin, 15-20 xH-i) /i, iirowii. On decorticated liiniis ol'oak. Calilornia. A. (lotliHleaspoi'a, Tke. & Hark. Orev. XIV. p. !). Peritliecia ui'euarioiis or scattered, enierj>ent, covered liy the Idackened epidermis, conic-convex, lilack and shininii', | ijiiii. diaiii., with a paiiillil'orm ostiolum. Asci p. sp. (io-TAx 10-12 //. with ahiiii- daiit jiaraphyses. Sporidia nnistly iiiseriat^', ovate-oliloiihi.\phirriti miliispriinii, Sncc. rtyll. 374s. I']iiiin|i('iit. !it l<'iii!lli ('.\|Mis('(l. rciitlicciii jrl«>'"»s(', liliick, siimotli ;iiiil sniiK'w litit sliiniiii:'. ()>li()liiiii tliitk niiil siili|)i'i)iniiii>iit. Asri cvliiidi'ii'iil. Spoiiiliii (>lli|)li('-;M'iiiiiiii!it(', (hiik, iiiiclriitr. ;il h-iii:'lli iiiii- s('|iliit<' iiikI iiciiilv Ithiclx iiinl o|iiik(', so tliiit llir si'|itiiiii is liiinllv visililc ;;:. x i u n. (-)ri linked \v<»(«l. New Viirk ((Icniid). A. OroiionisiN, (I*;. ^ K.) Sl>li,rtui (hiiiKifii'.n, }',. H. I'. Jimni Myoil. III. p 117, IV'i'itlicciii sciitltTcd, siiliciuliniiiifCdiis. Iihick, roii^iliisli, siilisii|t('r- liciiil, tlic Ikisc (iiilv sliiilitlv sunk in the wood, siiiiill (ulioiit one sixtli iiihi.). // (spore-liciirinu: piirt aliont .')() ti loii^). siirr(»iinded with iilMiiuhiiit piiniphyses. Spoiidin niiiseriate,(»lth)iiti-elliptieid,liro\vii. iiiiiseptiite hut not constrieled, (l-S x "1}, 3 it, eells etjiiid or the htwer one a little narrower. On r(itteii wood, Oroiio, Maine (Harvey). Apparently near SpJnvrin Hdrdoa, |)e Not. A. Ixttulicsiiora, (Cke.) Spliirna hnliihrs/tiim. Ckc. Tcxns Fiiiif^i. No. 13,1. AmphiiphiCtia hressod, semi- iiiiiiiersed, lilack. Ostiolum simjde, pierced. Asci davate. Sporidia liiseriate, elliptical, brown, uiiisejttate and sii'rlitly constricted at the septum, 22x10 /i. On bark of T ilia Aniericanu, New York State (Peck). u < ' 1' ^iiliiip idti ■i ' :. M ! ii 1 i Ij „ [I M i 2()4 A. tumulhtn. (ike.) Sflnrna liiiiniUiln. Cke. <"ircv. VII, p. 4. .Imf'/iisf'hiniii til mil Uilii. Sbcc. Svi:. J7,^'' Pci'itliociii iniiiiors(>(l. siil)v'li'iiiii|ii>ii(. . 'li cvliiKlriciil. S|Miiiiliii siililiiiifroliitc. nlitiisc, iiiiiscptjitr. (liirk lir nvii. 35-40 X \'l n. with n li.Viiliiir ii|ii(iilii> iit riirli end. ( Ml WIHM 1 of /'finis iniitoi'td. Sicii'ii Ncvrda Mts.. Ciililoriiiii. all. mm fcot. A. thjijina. (Pk.) St'lnriiii lliiijiiia, I'k. -vth Kt'p. p. no, Auiphisplufriii lliiijiia. Sin.(,-. Syll. 2750, Ckc Syii, 3446, Pt'iitlicci!! scMtlf'i'cd. lu'iii'ly I'lcc. li('iiiis|ili<'rical or cnnirjil. sliulillv i'ii/ihfihiiiaculaiis, Schw. Syn. N, Am, 1592. Amphisplurria ulbomaiiiUins, Ckc. Syii. 3449. Peritliecia scattered on a weIl-.''s(M| iiikI liiiallv rc^iiliii'ly iM-rrnnitiMl or sulnitiiosr. On (lead ili'i-orticiitcd triiiikf* ol' Si/iiiiiju, Hctlih'iM'iii, I'li. (Schw.) A. aqiiiiticii, (K. ^ K.) Mfihtetiii ai/Hiiticii. }>,. Ik K. Dull, Torr. Hot. Club, XI, p. 42. .tiii/>>ii\/i/i 20 x (i 7 //. Inside a cedar water-pail in constant us<', Newlield, N. .1., ]HX'.i, A. liiUi^loiKii, K. &. K. in Ilerl). I'crilliecia ^z'reuarinns. hemispherical. I mm. diam.. Itsise sank in the wood, Itlack, ronuhish, thin and laittle. Ostiolnm prondnent. stout, lulicrc'do-conical, olitusc and at length iierlorated. Asci clavate-cylin- drical, p. sp. lOO-TJ.') x Ifj-'iO /<, with tilihtrm jtaraphyscs. Sporidia ovcrliippinLi-uniseriale, or liiseriate al»ove. I'lisoid-oldonir, uniseptate and suliconstricted. luown. sul»ine<|uilateral, H(>-4()x 10-12 //. On a decayinj:' lo;>' o\'Cari/ii (?), houisiana (Laujiiois 2171). The pci'ithecia rcscnddo thoso of A. iimhi'liin, l»nt the sporidni are much larfrcr. .\. IMsitaiil, K. & K. i n lierh.) I'erithecia .scattered, convex, hends])horit'al, altont I mm. diam.. covei'cd ity tlu.' sliiihtly blackened epidenni.s which is pierced l»y the talicicuIo-pa]iillirorm ostiolnm. Asci stipitate. p. sp. 40-50 x 10-12 (t, witli aliundant paraphyses. Sporidia oMonir-ovate or oMonnwdliptical. liidWM, uniseptate, sli,u:htly constricted, sometimes sliirhtly curved and sliuiitiy attenuated at the ends. Il-l')x4-r) fi, crowded-hiseriate, pale lirown at lirst, then dark lirown. On loose bark oi' Pintatius, Louisiana ( lianjiflois 2213). imVers from \. full ox, A. iinihriiiu and .1. jisetafo-nuthrhui, in its smaller, bisei'iate sporidia. and from the last two. in its smaller, cov- I'ltMJ pcrithecia. Allie(l to A. ilothhlvoKporu, Cke. it Hark. A. quci'cHis, Cke. & JLiss. (Jiev. XVI, p. 02. reiithecia gregarious, large (1 nini. diam.), at first imniei-sed then scniicmergent, conic-convex, for a long time covered by the epidermis. pajiilhite, black, flattened at base. Asci cylindrical, 8-spored. Spo- Warn ' > Ml .:| m m a 20fi ridia iiiiisoriato, cUipticiil, foiiiidccl nt tlir cikIs. sliulitly constricted ainl iiniscptiitc in tlic middle. Iirown. US x 10 tt. On liiii'i< {){' (Jii('rcn,'< (ilha, North Carolinii (Curtis), A. (MHifei'ta (Sclnv.) SplifFi lit loiiffi tula. Sctuv. Syii. N. Am. lyiH. Sfilifnia aiiifeiia. Sclnv. Syii. Car. 1S7, Hr. S. M. II, p. 444. /hs.uisfi/iinia (.tm/i/iisfi/iu-iiti) mii/iihi. Cke. (;rfv. XV, p. M. I'eritliocia crowded, f>loliose, ie, cree]>inlierical. depressed 'onnd the papillilorin ostioiinn, al)out 1 mm. diani., hai'd, smooth, ihirk 'own, chtthed with a thin, lloccose coat. Asci cylindrical, S-sj)orcd. with lililorm pai-aphyses. Sj)oridia elliptical, sometimes rather acute at the emis. nniseptate, luown, not constricted, 15 x 8 a. Connnon on wood oi' Sali.r. I><'thleliem. I'a. (Scliw.) A. applaiiata, (Fr.) Sphinia iipphniala, Fr. S. M. II. p. 46.5. TrcinalMpliirriu apphiuatu, l"ckl. Syml). p. 16.'. AmpUisplnciia applanala, Cos. & I)c Nut. Schema. 224. Exsicc. Fckl. F. Rh. y,^.-". Perithecia scatteicd. black, innate-supei Hcial. Ilattened at Itase. smooth, convex, at lenii'lli c.»llaj)sinii' to jilano-concave. ru,u'ose under tlie lens, sometimes conlhient, (Asci)? S])oridia -septate and more or less constricted at the septa. Itrown, 24-32x8-', 0 //. Sclnveinitz (Syn. N. Am. ]i. 214) says this species is connnon in Carolina and I*ennsylvania. It is also mentioned l)y Peck, in 22d Rep., as (bund in New York, ])ut we have never seen any American specimens which we could refer to this sj)ecies. Ti'. iiucleaiia, (l)e Not.) Sfilunia nutleaiia, Ue Not. Micr. Ital. Dec. 9. p. 462, fig. IV. Hypoxyhiii itiiiitrua, B. 6t C. Orcv. IV, p. 52. SphiTiia caiyofylniaa, Schw. Syn, N. Am. No. 1594. TrematosplKCiia niicleaiia, Sacc. Syll. 33aS. Sphiciia Ciirli'sii, Berk, in Curtis Cat. p. 145. Perithccia superficial, with their bases slightly sunk in the matrix, and connected by a thin, black, carbonaceous crust, heniisj)lierical. loiigli. black, with a pa))illifbrni ostiolnm. Asci clavate-cylindrieal. (!(>-70x7-S n (j». s|>.), with filiform parajthyses. Sporidia irregularly biseriate, oblong, slightly curved, narrowed and rounded at the ends, 12-1^x4-5 /i, liiseptate, end cells subhyaline, middle cell with a broad, black l>and across the center. On decaying hickory nuts, Pennsylvania (Everhart). m I 1 i iii 208 Tr. p(>niophoi>a, (Cke.) 0»iiffi/i(r>ia /ir>iio/>/iiiiii,Cke. (Ircv. VIII, p. iig. rii-inatosplKfiia piiiiophora. Sacc. Syll. 3292. IVritliOfin srattorctl. Miu-k, <'oin\'aI, flattened at the base, snioolli, Asei ample, elavate. Siioridia iusiloi'iii, (•(tiistricted in tlie middle and tlien faintly ;^-')-se|)t;ite, aeuminate at each end, brown, 100 x 14 //. (Jn bark, New York ((Jerard). The fiporidia remain for some time hyaline, with a ,ark, the epidermis slightly eleva- ted and blackened over thcm,an-7-sej»tate, Itut not constricted at the septa. The sporidia aic .-iometimes a little curved, or at least more prominent on one side. The ostiolum is (piite incons]»icuous and only slightly ]»rominenl. Sometimes one oi- two of the cells of the sporidia are divided l)y ;i longitudinal sejitum (>n outer bark of living JYt/nsa iiniiti flora, Xewlield. N. .1. This evidently Itelongs moi'c ]troperly in Trondtosphivria. on account of the inconspicuous, deciduous ostiolum. Ti'. iiiastoMlea. (Fr.) .Sphtriia maslnidea, Vr. S. M. II, p. 4fi,-?. Sphcrria re-cUila. H. it Br. Not. of Hrit. Fungi, No. 634, tab. 11, fix. iS. SpluDia Opitii, Kckl. S\ ml), p. ii.s, tab. iii, fig. 24. Afiliimastia, l-'iiesh. Nits, in Fckl. Sytnb. Nachtr. I, p. 18. Trematosplunia iiuisloi(/ra, Winter Die I'ilze. p. 274. E-xsicc. Fckl. F. Kh. 2322. — Rab. F. K. 1937 ? IVrithecia scattered or gregaiions, at first buried in the inatri.\. with oidy the ostiolum projecting, finally erumpeiit and nearly, luil not entii'cly. su])erlicial, s])lierical oi' sultspherical. with a distinct, short-conical, perforated ostiolum, sUiOoth and Itare, J-1 mm, diaiii. Asci cylindi'ical, stifiilate, 8-s|)ored, 1 30-1, ')0x 8-1) /i. with al undant filiform paraphyses. Spoi'idia uniseriate. oblong, rounded at the ends. 2-septate, liyaline, l.W20x(»-8 /i. •2(»!t iiso, smootli, middle iiiid )xl4//. :iinniliii' ('II- ti and fiiiiit- :^'-l mill, ill ifiiitly clevfi- rm ostioliiiii. ir)()xl2 n. 4 or MKH'C in : ()-!() //. oi iiiiii^' Iti'dwii sporidiii arc on Olio side. V ])roniin('iil. lividcd \)\ a N. J. tsp/xi'i'/a, on II the matrix. 1 nearly. Iml 1 a distinct. 1 mm. diaiii. th al undant. I at the ends. Ill (!rcv. IV. |». 144. Mcikeley rcjinrfs this IVoni North Carolina. till Frii.viiiiix. with sjioi'idia shortly riisiliirm. .')-se|itafc. rJJ-l.") u. jonii'. Tiic descri|ttioii and 'syiiniiyins aliovc nre t'roiii WintcrV i*il/e. We hiivc seen no s|icciiiieii>. This species a|i|ieais to diU'er Ironi tiie otlier iiicii;licrs of the u'ciiiis in its liyaline sjntridia. Ti*. semiiiiiila. (IVrs.) Sf>liiri ill sfiiniiiiiin. I'lrs. Syn. p. 70. 7'i,»icitii.s/i/i,ri III .\i iJiimiiiii. I''ikl. Synih. ji. i(i.'. j'critiiecia scattered or "J -."{ connate, aiioiit hall' sunk in a white, Icll-like siiliiciilnm. the ii)i|)er, |irojectiiii:' jmit hald. witli a sharp, (■(iiiiciil o7 ). ^.VR^6sI•(^u.\. !)«• N»t. Microiiiyrito Dec IX. I'eritliecia as in T I'cnnttitsiiliivi'id. A.tate) prolonu'ation at each vw\. This is iiardly more than a siilijiciins ol' Triiniifitxitliiirin. (". |)iitaiiiii)iim. (SpIuv.) (IMate 24) Sl>!i,n HI fiKlaiiiiiniiii, Scliw. Syii. C.Ti. No. i6,^. l'iii\iii/>i'iii/>ii/iii)ii)iii»i. I)c Not. Micr. Ital. I.\. lixsicc. K.'ili-WinUr H. Kiir. ,i,^.|.;.— Kll. N. .■V. I''. .s,,s. I'eritlK'cia scattered, adnate-snperlicial, alioiit 1 iiiiii. diani.. liemi- -|iliciic;il. with a larue tnlierciililorm. liroadly peiforatecl ;iiid at leiiLith dccidiioiis oslioliini. carlioiiaceoiis. smooth or concentrically Avi'inkled. Iiliii'k. .\sci liroad-olilonu'. veiitricose. stijiitate. para]iliysate, ("JS(»- .'11(1 .\ Tn M. Winteri. Sporidia overlappiiiLi'-nniseriate. 'J-S in nii asciis. Iiicniiical or liroad-eliiptical. constricted and septate in the middle. liKiwii. SO-KHtxIO-;").-) n ( l(»S-14(t X oO-i;.") //, Winter). The pro- Imiiiiitioii at the ends is often oliscnrely l-;)-septate. lint tlie.-')() x 18-20 /^. Tliero arc ^vucrally l)iit two of tlie larii'ci' spoi'idia in an asciis, ('. <'alli('ar|>a, (Chit.) S/>/it/-ii(! cii/Ziiiii/Ki. Ciirr. I.iiin. Trniis. XXII. p. ,;2i- tab. 5S fig. 62. C'iiiyii.Kponi itilliiayfKi, Kckl. Syiiib. p. ifi,;. Pcritlicria scattered. Itroadiy adnatc at Itasc, |-1 iiiiii. diani., car hoiiaccoiis. I>rittlc. dull Mack, witli a prominent, ohtiiso, tiiltercnlit'orin- conical nstiolinn. wliicli is finally decidnons, leavinjr the perithcciMin liroadly jierforatcd ahovc. Asci hroad-clavate. pai'aphysate. abniit 200 X .")() // (210~2()0 X GO-TO ft, Winter). Sporidia sultliiseriato. Iiroad- liisoid, with ends mostly curved in opfM»site directions, suldiyaline, "•") 85x20-2.') /i, ^-'j-scptate at first, finally hroad-elliptical, with the enil« narrowly pointed, l»rown. nearly opake, 100-112 x40-")0 n. On bark of decayinu' Phitmnis. Lont!,- Island, N, Y. (Zal)riskie> and on dead liirch limits, IFull, Canada (Macoini). The younn- sporidia are mostly distinctly constricti'd at the mid- dle scptinn. Itnt when mature, they arc scarcely constricted, and the coloi- liecomcs so dark that the se]ita can hardly Ite seen. 'I'he asci in the spccc. examined did not seem well develojtecl, and it is ]troltalt|(> that the measurements jiiven l»y Dr. Winter are none too lariie. ('. Laiigloisii, E. & E. Jiturn. Mycol. IV, ]t. "!>. Perithecia fireuarious, nearly superficial, tiieir bases slijihtly sunk in the matrix, depressed-conical, large (nearly 1 nmi. across), dull Ithick, with a distinct papillifoiin ostiolum. Asci liroad-oltlong (tr narntw- eliijttical, sultsessile, 120-140x40-4") //, 8-sporc(l, with abundant fili- form paraphyses. Sjioridia crowded in the asci, somewhat almond- shaped or acutely elli}ttical, unise))t;ite and slit>htly constricted at the soi)tum, ends obtusely i)ointcd, yellowish-hyaline at first, soon dark brown, 35-45 x l<)-20 // and 3-sejttate, (Jn old canes oi' At' utuh'wiria, Louisiana (Langlois). The tw(t adl(»iili(>se. aluMit \ mm. diam.. cariionaceoiis, lilack. snl)- vcliitinous Itelow. Ostiolnm conic-lulterciiliH)rm. soon |H'rlorated. Asci clavato-cylindrical. stipitate, S0-ll().\7-S n, para]»liysate. Spo- lidia Itiseriate, fiisoid-oldoiia-. ^^-septati". Itrown, constricted and sejia- latinu- in the middle. lO-'iOx 4-4.1 ,,_ (I4_if, x4|-r) //, Winter and .^^yih^u'e). On the hard wood (d' a decayinu' oak stump, Newfield. \. .1. Kouml also in Florida by \\ . \V. Calkins. 0. inodesta, Fekl. 1. c. Kxsicc. Fckl. K. Rh. 217:,.— KU. N. A. K. 694 \\-,). Differs from the jjrocodinjj: in its distinct. |»ulvernlent-velulinou,^ suhiculnni and ratlier smallei- sporidia (14-l(i x 3|— ^/). On a decaying- oak stum]), Xe\\fi' tt) cnp-shajtod. Osti- olnm jter'brated. Sporidia hyaline, 2- or more-septate, and .«onietinKv« suliliisiform. W. fOPi'iilea, E. & E. Journ. Mycid. 1. )». 01. Peritliecia scattered, incnd>ranaceous, flattened. \-l mm. diam.. covered by the thin epidermis, through which they are ))Iainly visible. Ostiolum broad-j)aj)illiform. obtuse, collapsing when dry so that the peritliecia a)»pear nmbilicate. Asci 7o-114xlG-17 //. oblong-cyliii- lirical. al>ru)»tly contracted below into a short, stout base, and sur- rounded l»y lililorm ]>arapliyses. Sjxiridia 8 in an ascus. broad fusitbrm or clavate-rusirorm, narrowed below into an acute, awl-shai)ed base, yellowish, multi- (8-12-) septate and subnniriform. 80-35x7-8 //. On bark of some living conil'erous tree, Wa,*hingtoa (leg. Suks- doii, com. C. .1. Spragiie). .)!.) !il l*li \V. I'lioina, K. it K. .lonin My. ..I. I. \>. !)2. (Plate 2'.U Isxsicc. 1 ;ll. .S: Ivvilit. N. A. I'. Jcl Scr. ifx.i). Pci'itlicciii rriiiii|i('iil. il('ii:<('ly tii'cii'iirifMis. siilisci'iiitc. siiIiuIoIki-c Itliick (■'-.', mill.). iiii'iiilii;iiiin'('()ii.<. lliiii Mini colliiiisiim' >;o iis In liccdii.c coiicjivc or |)iil('llil'nriii. < Jsrioliiiii |iii|iilliloriii iiiiil iiiustiv -l-a-sli'lhilc- cld't. Asci -l.')-(iO x T->^ //. lii'oMili'st ill llic middle. I';ii'ii|ili_vst's stoiii. liiicMi'. iiiiclcoliilc. S|i(»iidi!i iiisi'riiitc. riisil'nrm. ycllowisli, iiiKdcolnlc. ^tiiiiulit or sliulillv ciiivcd. snmctiim's stiitii,i:ly so. 'i(>-2."( x '21-',', y. On \v('!ltliri-lic;it('li wood dI' /^'/i/is fonnll i iid. NcwrKdil. X. .1. \V. tubemililVra. K. iV K. Pior. Aciid. Niit. .ii|ii'i(i('iiil. \ mm. diaiii.. dcincsscd-uiolioM', narrowcil helow. tiiln'iciiliir I'mm'liciH'd. colliiiiscd iiiid fiip-sliii|ii'il WlU'll UI'V. lllill'K. Asci ;;.')-40x ;')-( ) //. >poridiii cidwdtMl-hisciiatr I'usoi(l-ol)loii2'. liyaliiM'. li— l-iiiirjcatc. (>-s x "J '1\ n.. (Iiecominii- i-ii-sfp- tato? On hark oi' wild \\\\\\\\{Pnnius]. Loudon. Canada ( l)('ariics.<). \'ar. c(i sj)lt(>s(i, oil (' I' I'll Kill* V/'rf//'iif''i/i(i, has the pcrithceia col- Icctt'il in delist' tul'ts \ l-l mm. across, snrroiimled hy the rii|itiired epidermis, and the sporidia slightly curved, (i-lO x ---.^ //, li-iiiieleate, W. ci'Hstosa. K. A: K. .lonrn. .Mycol. I. p. 14!>. I'erithecia meiiiiiraiiaceoiis. f,-/, mm., depressed-lieiiiispherical. tiilierciilose, and roiiirhly hiciiiiate-idel't aliove, seated on and partly connected iiv a thin, criistose, Idack siiliiciilnm more nv less distinct. Asci (iluvate-cyliiidrical. (1.") -SO x 10 />.. I'arapliyses soon i'esolve(| into a mass of u'raniilar matter. Sporidia liiseriate. Insifofui. 20 "J") x 4-;") ^^/, V(dlo\\ ish or hyaline, with a I'aiiit. u'elatinoiis envelope : eiidro- clirome divided in the middle, exceptionally 2-tinies divided. 'I'he perithecia collapse wlie'i i\v\, so as to resemhle a /*rz/z(t with an oh- tiise mar.ii'in. nstioliim not very conspicuous, paj)illos<'-coiiical. -I-;"- stellate-clelt. .\llied to Wlntirio nrilinatn. (Fr.). Imt dilVers in it< sliorler, mostly iiniseptate sjtoridia, and ilepressed perithecia. On decorticated oak. West Chestor, l*a. TEICHOSPOR.A. Fckl. Syml). p. Kill, Slice. Syll. II. ]). 2yi). I'erithecia scattered or u'reuarioiis. siiperlicial or with the liase sunk in the matrix, spherical or ovoid, coriaceous or caiiionaceoiis. rivi|ii('iitlv colliiiisiiiii: Ostiuliiiii |iii|)illirMnii or iiic(iiis|iifiioiis. Asfi (•\ liiiilricnl or cliiviitc-cyliiKlricMl. S-siiorcil. |i;irii|»livsiitc. S|i(»ri(liii clliiisoiil. iimrironii. iirowii or (in lli<' siiliiicmis Tflchoxpin-clld) liyiiliiic. IJniiiroloiis or corlicoloiis. Cooke iiiid Winter iiiiike Tficlii»liiliiilii. Ciirr. I.iiiii. Tiiiiis. \.\II, p. ;,i>. trili. s;. lij;. ,;5. Shiunia iiiiskihiih i\. I)e Not. Scluin.-i. p. 17. 7'ric/iii.\fiiiiu o/u/ni'>i.\. I-'ckl. Syiiil). p. i''ii. S/iiiii'i ill iihiliiii'iis. Winter ril/u, .'i-'o;. Kxsicc I\UI. !•■. Kh. 2n'\. -Kabli. V. Isiir. h,;S.-U(-l)m ,\sc. .(j. I'eritiieciii "ii'cti'iirioil.s or crowded, .|i(»red. Sji(»ridia nniseriiite or suliltiserinte, .-12 //. witii fililorni piiriiphyse.^. On Siissiilriis. nionntnins ol' New York, iind on nhh'r ( I'.erk. in (iivv. I\'.]i. 142). on Vihiiniiun. liondon, Ciiniiihi (l)eiirnessi, viir. I>iiirii. Saci-. Syll. I, ]i. ^(K). on wooil of .l/^/r-.s. Ithiho (Dr. KckH.'ldt). Toich. Eiualypti, (Cke. »S: Haik.) Sf'/i,."ii//. Ckf. iS: Hark. Crcv. XIII, p. -'o. I'l-ii li'ispiiiti /■: t/ III hfl i . Sacc. Syll 7105. Teritheciii - ainonu' tlie liiters ol" the wood, snliu'loliose. ]»ierced at the ;ilie.\, Idack, ;j(>()-')00 //. diani. Asei cylindrical. Sporidia uniseriate. )i(iiyinorplions. tri.septate. with occasional lontiitndinal .se])ta. (l x 1 2-1(1 //. On decoi'ticated wood ol' cherry. (Jreenliush. X. X. (Peck). !||M- li J~"Hii !14 Tek'li. inseciira, (Kll.) .'ii ^■^i;ri Ciiiiithitiiiia innniiii, HU. N. A. H. ssj. PtM'itlu'i'ia scnttcrod . i^.s. Perithecia solitary, cylindric-ttvate, roiiirh, alxuit I mm. diam. and f mm. high, with a stroiiiiiy pa|>illirorm ostiohim. Asci cylindrical, 12.')-i;)(>x 17-lS ft. Sporidia iiniseriate (mostly), olihaig-elliptical. constricted in the middle, iiniseptate and yellowish at lirst. soon lie- (•(Mniiig 8- or inoro-se])tato, dark hrown and miiriCorm. io ;^3x 12-1,'{ /<. On sago brush (ArteuuHia) Utah. Teicli. xei'opliila. Sac 3!M»' Tfididipoia uridopliila. I'k. Hot. daz. VII, p 57. Perithecia minute, 2')0-8(Ut « diam.. s'cattered, hemispherical or depressed, black, with a minute, pa]»illirorm ostiolum. A. //. Sporidia ciftwded or biseriate. oblong or obovato, slightly constricted in the mi(ldh\ miirirorm. colorecl. 2S-.'}") \ 12-15 //. On Itleachod wood, Arizona. Allied to T. ohtJuccn.s. (Name chansicd bv Saccardo (Svll. II. u. 2i)0) i'rom aritfophila to xerophila). Teu'li. niammoides, E. & E. I'roc. Acatl. Nat. Sci. Phil.. I'a.. .Inly. 181)0, p. 242. Perithecia erum])ent-sii)(ei'(icial. grogari(»us. depressed-hemispheri- cal, brownish-black, '^ mm. diam., with a in'ominent. ni]»ple-like. black ostiolum. Asci clavate-cylindiical, siibsessile, 100-1 10 x 12-1 "> ji. with abundant liliform jturaphyses. Sporidia iiniseriate. ovale-olilong, o-T- i5e]»tato, and muriliirni. scarcely ctaistricted, yellow, liecoming brown. 20-22 xS)-ll//. On dead stems ol' Sdirohatiis vermiciilutiix. Mt)iitana (Anderson). 2 IT) Teh'li. myco^ena, K. & E. I. c I'critlicciii sciit(('i»'econiiiioseil l>y the Ihlliny away of the epidermis, (►stioinm tiiheirnliforin. Asci cylindrical. 7')-8().\7-S ti. with jtar- apliyses. Sp(»ridia nniseriate. ovate, .'5-se]»tate, <'onstrict,ed at the mid- dle septum, stiaw-yellow. l2-lox(!-S/A of the spoi'idia show only the three transverse septa, l»ut in some of them, one or liotli the inner cells are divided l»y a lon<:itndinal septum. It is not imprtdialtle that the sporidia may tinally Iiecome lirown and ac(piirc additional septa. On dead hranches of Syinjthoi'ivdrpns ovvidetttulix, Montana (Kelsey). Teicli. iiiefi;sistef!;a, E. & E. I. c. p. 248. Perithecia greirarious, sujierlicial, the hasc sunk in the wood or liaik with altout two-thirds of the upper part prqjectin;^', hemisplieric- u'lohose, |-1 mm. diam., rou,u;h, ostioluni inconspicuous, sul)pa[)illilbnn. Asci cylindrical, ]7r)-2()()x Ii) ii, with a short, stipe-like l»ase and iiliiiiidant paraphyses. Sporidia uniseriate, about 7-septate and muri- I'oiiii, mostly constricted in the middle moi'O or loss di.stinctlv, ends louiided or ol)tusely j»ointe(l, 2r)-;](lx 12-1 '> p. Closely allied to T. ofjdnveiiK, but perithecia less crowded, more depressed, larger and iDUji'her, and sporidia rather lartrcr. On bark and wood of old weather-boaten willow and ma])le lind)s (Acer ghihruv)), Montana (Kelsey). liii; v' \\i V' A] Teirli. Kniisnisis. K. \ K. I. <•. I'criilH'ciii >ciiiirit'i|. iiiiiiiiti'. (l'Jn-17*) n). <'oiiir-lMMiiis|iln'ririil liiiH' sli.iililly riiiiU ill till' I'liik. OstinliiiM luiiiillituiiii. Asci ulilono 7,")_S0.\ I'J ^<. HijiM'liiiM's sliurtri' .'iiiil liiniidcr (4.'t-."iO.\ ]'> n). S|iuii(liii liisci'iiitc. iiviit('-(ililt>ii2. |iiil<' liiuwii. .■|-sr|itiit('. liiinllv (l-.-c|itiit(', nnd sliiilillv coiislricti'il ii('i'n» llic iiiiilillc. lower cud .■.iiIuhiiIc. jdmiii •_•() \ S-!) It. Tci<'/ii>.spi>ri ti ■fliislii. Sai'C. Syll. .inn--. Pci'itlieeiii tireiiiii'ioiis. siiperlieiiil. ot'iiicdiiiin size, eloiiii'iited-cinii- (•id, tliili. not |iolislied, dnll-l.|iirk. w itii ;i de|iresse(|-lieiiiis|ilierieiil. Iiliirk :iimI sliiniiiLi- ostioiiiin willi n liirii'e o|ieniii'i'. Asci hroiid c\ lindricid, oliliise. idiriiiitly iiiirrowed iit Imse. Ilioxlia //. Sporidiii iiiiiseriiite, olitiiselv iiiid liioiidl\-clli|itic;il, iiejiilv colorless, iinise|)l!ite and inoic or less constricled ;it the se|itiini w hen vomit:-, at Iciiiith lirouii and leiiestiiite. -J^-J.') .\ l"^ 111 //. On a dead place in a li\iiii:' iiia|)le. Newlield. X. .1. Teifll. paiuUosa. K. \ K. I'roc. A. ad. Nal. Sci. I'hil. Pa.. ,lidy. IS'.IO. p. 242. I'ei'ilhet'ia Lireiiarions. siilisiiperticial. dcpresseil-uloliose. f, niiii diaiii.. sti'oniilv papillosc-roiiuheiied. wiih a lew short, weak, ulandiilar hairs when yoiin<>'. linallv collapsiiiii al'ovc. Ostiolnin papillit'oriii. not coiispiciioiis. Asci oliloiiu. T'"-'*^") x 1*('-'J! //. nearly se.-sile. parapli\>c.- cvaiu'sceiit. Sporidia crowde(Miiseriate. s in an asciis. olilonii' or clavate-oliloiiii-, a litth- curved, olitiise at the v\n\<. .Mostly "(-septate. with one or two of the cell- divi(|ed hy a loniiitiidinal septuni. hyaline, liecoiiiin^' yellow-iirown. 'I'l .')(>.\ lO-l I n.. i.)\\ weather-lieateii. decorticated linilis ol' Si///'.r, Helena. .Montana (Kelseyl. Teicli. Heleinj-. K. «; K. 1. . . (IMate 23) l-;xsicc. Ivll. «: I'.vrlit. .\. .\. I-'. 2i\ Scr. Nd. j.vmj. I'eritlieeia liicua lions, seinicriinipenl. l^ iiini. diaiii.. uraiiiilar- roiiuheiR'd. eollapsini:' aliove. Ostiolnin miniite. .\sci (davate-cylin- drical. 112-l"J\' the iiitriincdinlc cell.-' divided liy it loii^iiliidiiial M'ptiiiii, 1 .V'JA x S- 1 "J ft. (^iijte ol'len nsci nre necMi in wliicli llie s|i(»ridia are smaller. Iiiack and shriveled as if struck with Idi^lit lielore maturity. (Mosely allied lo T. /)ttfi'l/(tr/'of, Helena, Montana (Ki'lsey). on wood iA' Pnotiis V/'r(/i/iHiii^. Perithecia scattered, iilack, immersed, then emeru'ent, siihcom- pressed-elliptical, olttiise. with a simple, perforated ostiolum. Asci cylindrical, sulistipitate. S-spored. 88 x 12 // (p. sp.). Sporidia olili(|uely nniseriiite. ovate or olilonii' ovate, sometimes curved, ends ohtnse, licnerally irreuidarly 3-septate and miirilorm. .sliifhtly constricted at the septa, lii'own. 14x7-10 //. Paraphyses riliform. almndant. Found on old wood. I>ethlelieni, Pa. Scliw.). rntortunately. we can not lind in die Schweinitzian lieritaiium any specimen of this species (U' of T. xciiiiiUKhi. (I'ors.). Tcicli. vilis. (Fi.) Sp/icci ill vilh, V'r. S. M. II. p. 466. MfliDiomiiia : ilf, Fckl. Synib. p. iCo. Slyickfna Ti'/is, Winter, Die I'ilzc. 3204, Cke. Syii. ,u6S. Peritliocia almost microscopical, ]»uiu'tiforni, much scattered, smooth, li'lalirous. opako, emeri>;iniiiiii;ifii. (K. ^ ('.) Splicriia ilissi-iiiiiuihi. It .V C. Circv. !V, )>. i\2 Tiiili"^/""'! itis\fiiiiii(i/ii. Si\io. Syll. l*^"^!. Ckc. Syii, Tfin,. •' I'crilliecin iiiiiiiite, seaftcrcd. seiiiiiiiiiiierseil, ovate wlieii lice. ntlciiuiiteil alH»ve. Sporidia liiseriate, sliortly riisil'oriii. triseptiite, ((in- stricted at tlie septa, soiiietiiiies divided vertically." On Itjeaclied \\iu)i\ ol LJtfiiiihtiufx/r and on oak posts. Caroliiiii. n. J't'rif/ictiii loUiipxlHg, sporiillii colin'cil. Tfirli. Kocliii, Koi'h. I'arerua licli. p. too. Cii nrhihiiia h\iheiih<»slii, Awd. iti Kill). 1'". V, Ti icliii>pitia A'ii/'en/i(i>.s/ii. Sacc. Syll. (iin. Ti'h liDspiiia fif::i~t)idfs. Sacc. iv SjuK. Mich. I, p. tso, Sacc. Syll. II, ]>. V'O. lAsicc. Sacc. M. Veil, u -Kll. N. A. !•', I u', partly, at least iti sonic co))iis. I'eritliecia scattered, superficial, or sulitrregarioiis. at lirst nlolios >ll! ive or ciip-sliaped •)()-;}()(> liaii iniini tel\ .soon ruiinlose. Idack. ()sti(»liiiii papilliroriii, iiiimite. 'I'extnre of the peri- tliecia rather solt. )tarencliyiiiatoiis, nearly l>lack. Asci cylindrical, atteniiate-stipitate, roiiiid(>d and tliickene(l at the apex. 1 l(t-l l.'tx H)//. with lilil'orni parapliyses, 8-spore(l. Sporidia oldi(picly iiiiiseriale. old()n, at flic ends. .'{-se|)late and ('onstrictcd at the septa, sparinuly niiirilorni, olivacf^oiis. with the e.vtrenie colls jialer. On outer liark of liviiii; Iln1>iiii(i. "Si'w .lersey. THcli. miimata. E. & E. iinll. Wash. ('(dl. vol. I, p. r>. IVritliecia siiperlicial. heniisplieiical, J-i nun. diaiii., scattered or siili.^'rcjirarioiis, olivaceous when I're.-^li. dull Idack and collapsini!- aliovc wlion dry, innricately roiii>lioiied. and often ol»,sciir>\' ;i kiiill'. ii |>!il<' r<'"l|inl is Icll on the liiirk wlu'ic lliry »I(imi|. ('. /'rrifln rill mtl rolliiiisinij ; s/toriilin fn/l(,fiiii ni/liiUi. IClt. Hull. Turr. Ilnl. Cliili. VI. p. i.iv /i)in,itlhi nillala. Slice, Syll. ,?ft.u- I'.xsuv Kll N A !•• No .,^ I'i'lillit'ciii Mjiltnctl. (■iiiliniiiicro-rnliiircniis. ('riiiiiiiciit, -ijltuloliiisc J( l( »-;;()(» ^^/ iliiiiii.. clullicil. i's|icciiilly Im'Iiiw, with ' iilmvr. OsfiMliiin |.!i|iillilniiii. liiiiilly iii<'L!iiliiil_v pciinrninl. Asri ;il lirsl SO X Ii.') ott //, iM'iirly sessile. ))iiiii|iliys;it<\ S|ioiitliii S ill nil iisciis, ineuiiliilly mi liililied. elli|)tieiil. uliliise. .'J-sejttiile with ;i lulijii- linliicil riiiiy lie;ik on the peiitlieeiii. Teicli. |ili4'llo;!;t>iia, (K. ^ ('.) Sfiliinia f>liflliiKi-ini. II. iSi C. C.rfv IV, p. 144 '/'eiiliii>/iiii,i plirtliii;fnii. Sacc. Syll. .(iiJi. Ckv. Syii. .;sJl " I'erillieeia liiill' iimiieisod. siilti;l<»lKj.tu.-e. |iii]iillilniiii ostioliiiii. S|M»iidiii l»i, // lonu'. A.-^ei S-spnied. (tvate or Inoiidlv lusiroim, 4r)-o() X 1 r)-20 //. J'iiriiphyses none. Sporidia ellipti Tjkv I;V 20 // (p. sp. 4(»-r)0.\ ]')-2(\ ft), witlioiif, piir- jiphysrs. S|)(ui(liii crowded, (dlipticiil, l«!-2(t x 8-10 fi, altoiit ^-scp- tiite witli ii iiiori' or less jtciUrt longitudinal scptiiin, greonisli or ulivarooiiH hrowii. On dcforlicatcd oak limits lyin^' on tlic fironnd, and on tlic hark IVom wliirli tlic cpiderniis liud rallni (»IV, Ncwlicld, N. .1., May, 18iU>. Teicli. iiiU'i'oloiM'lia, (B. & ('.) SpliiOiii miiinldiiiha, B. & C. drtv. IV. p. 144. I'leosf'hin la microhimha. Slice. Syll. .W^fi. I'ciitliccia scattcrt'd, .-Jiipcilicial. ovale, witli a sliort neck, .sj)iin- kled witii slajit seta'. .\«ci eiavate. Sporidia l)isoriate. with about loar iiori/.(Hital septa and a lew oldiipie or vertical ones. On the inside ol'ltark of />//•/of^'y/'//•w^ South Caiolina. The I'oMowiii^ s|iecies. reported liy .S-hweinitz as having- iteen found in this country, have not l)e<'ii met with here since his time. Spliarid iiotlid. Fr. S. ,M. il.p. 4")8. [Sp/i(Pri(i iihnonni»,':^v\\\\ . Svii. Car. 2;»")|. — Ciowded. lti-oadly ell"us<'d, Idack. I'erithecia cylin- drical, very small, shininir. with a larjic pe/.izoid ostiolnm. On fallen wood. Carolina. Sp/i(t'rt'e mixed with smaller oia.'s. at len<>th often collapsinjr. At first partly covered l»y the fibers of the wood, liut finally itari". On det'orticated posts of /^o6////V/. liethlehem, l*a. Spliifrta Ili/draiKicd'. Schw. Syn. N. Am. ir)(>2. — I'erithecia scattered, seated on the <'pidermis. depi'ess«'d-<^lol)ose, black, at lonji'tli colla))sintr. with a jieisistent. papilliforni ostiolnm. On the same limlis are fctimd other perithecia. appartuitly not specifically distinct, but erumpent from the inner bark, with ostiola one-third as large as the perithecia themselves, the flattene(| orifice piercing the epidermis, but otlieiwise entirely covered. Rare, on dead lindis of If^/draHfica. Bethlehem, Pa. (8chw.) Spliii'via (Uf(jrv(iata. ScIim'. Syn. N. Am. lofil. — Perithecia twice as large as in Splxvrin frii/i,srersitfiK, densely crowded, but not con- fluent, flattened-globose, rather smooth, brown-black, generally ash- color around the short-cylindrical or conical, deciduous ostiolum. On very rotten wood, in extensive jtatches. Rare, licthleheni. Pa. Sphit'i'la rnconsfdnx, Schw. Syn. N. Am. 10(54. — lijirger than 221 Sph. nigro-hnniiieo iiiid Sph. Hydnnnjim, Iniifsting out in crowded paUilies tliroiigli tlic lil»iv(> here a translation ot the diau'iioses published by Schwcinitz, but it is im))ossilih' to tell whether they b(dong here or in the Finn. Trich- oi^jdid't'/cfi'. FAMILY. I.0PHI(»ST6mK.*]. Stroniii none. I'ei'itheeia u'enerally more oi- less l»uried at first, sometimes with only the ostiolum projeetinir, finally more or less emer- iivnt or even superlieial. carbonaceous tii)liiiii. wliicli is (iiiiilly clfCt witli iiii cloiiuiitccl ()|i('ii iiiir. Asfi chivat*', sliort-sli|iitat«', !M»-1 10 x \^)-\H it. S-spuicd. |titiii|)li- ysiitc. S|i(»ritilolio««'. Iijack. w itii ln'oad. coiniticsscd. tnnifatc ii<'<-k> and cionpiti'd ostiola. Asii (.'yiindiical or ciavatc. Simriijia ol)lon,u-(dliiitical. .")-s»'|ilat(', lirown. •20-23 n. lonii. On ilcad liianclx's oi" .S(///.r. New Yofk. L e\('i|»iilitoi'iiie. (Fi.) Sp/ziri ill i\iri/>iili fill 'III . Kr. S. M. II. p. if»i. I.iit>liiii\lii»ui I Mi/iiili/oi »ii\ Ct"' >t Dc Not. ^cluiiia. p. 15. Kxsicf. Rihiii. Asc. -M^. Pcritliccia scatlcrrti or liicrarioiis, partlv sunk in tiir niafiix m nearly sniKTlicial. sjilicriral, i'l''. k. alioiil ! mm. diam., witii a sliulitly (•()m|ii'csscd. ju'omincnt ostioinm olitiisc and rnlarucd aliovc. Asci t-ylindiiral. short stipitatc S-spoivd. 2«0 ."iOO x 20-2t» /<, with iilirorm |)anijthyscs. Spoiidia snliiiisi'i'iatc or iiidsciiatr. ohionji'. (l-D-scptatc. not constriclfd. Iiidwii. witli thf end ct'lls snlihyalinc. 44 (Mi \ I "> IS //, (Winter). The speeimens in I{ehni"s Asc. 2oS. Iiave asci (p. .~p.) alioiii 1 JOx 12 //, spoiidia ;5(t ;")() x S-10 n. Var. Ahii-tls. v.. \ K.. .lourn. .Mycol. I\'. p. ()4. on liaik of Ahirs. Cazeiiovia, New York ( I'lah-i-wood iV Cook). dilVers Irom the nsiial type, on Itaik of deciduous trees, in its larucr (dO-T-lx 12 1(1 //) spo- iidia and its rather iiairowei' ostiolnm. We liave seen iio American s|iecimens of the norinai lorm. on hark of (h'cidnoiis trees. [i. macn't.spoi'Uiii. Spe;?. Midi. I. p. 4(t(!. F. Ital. tail. (iOT. I'eritliccia s«-attered. eriimpent. ^pha'ioid, 1 mm. diam., irhiliose. dull black, (►stioiiim conipre.-^sed. extendinu' f,-^ way across the ver- tex of the peritheciaiii. .\sci Inoad clavate-cylindiical. 22")-;)OOx40 ')() //. with a short stipe and alnindant, coniiintinated ])araphyses. Sjtoridia crowded-liiseriate, ol»loni>'. slii>litly curved, olitiise. 7-!>-,li not really so, i<0-100x 20-25 /i. 223 I'oiiiiii iiml ill. (is. lio.'j. Hill i'oi'in. OH On outer l»iirk of wliitc oiik, Xcwficld. N. .1. We have iciiincfl this to L. miicrosimrniii, S|«'<>\, tliouii'li we liiivc not seen i\\\\ iippfiifliiizes on tlio sporidiii or iiny hyaline (Mivclopc, \n\X !is the specimens ai'O tnatnre, these may have disappeareil. L erosiim, E. & K. .Fourn. Mycol. II, p. 44. I'erithecia iMiried in the siilistanee of the \\«Ktd, jrloliose. ^-| nun. (liani. ( )stiola ernmpent. narrow. (»nly sliuhtly pronn'iient. Asei cla- viite-evliiidrical. 1)0-100 x 12-1") a. with al»nndant lililorm parajdiyses. SiMiridia snltl>iseriate aliov(!. olilonLi-fusoid or sultpavicnlar, aliont fi-sejilate. hyaline at first, then yellowish and liiiitlly nearly opake. iiinstiv 20-25 x7-S //. witli a shriveled apperrance. The peritheeia ,iie ureedily eaten oat l»y a small l)cetlc. Allied to L. nvcIc.iitKin, ('. A- K.. lail with smaller sporidia. PilVers from L. mairostomo'nleH, l)c Not, in its immerse(| and smaller peritheeia, and its somewhat smaller sporidia. On deeayiiitr wood of Sdlix. A'ineland, X. .1., Canada (Dearness). li. fonfi:rfS!itiim, Hark. Hull. Cal. Acad., Fell., 18S4. p. 47. Peritheeia semiinimersed, hlaek. lii'oad (.^-1 mm.). Ostiolnm prominent, extendin.u' \-\ way aei-oss the p(>ritheeinni. Asei elavate. S-spored. 70x12 //. Sporidia liiseriate. Iiisiform, widest aliove tin; middle, curved, (5-S-septate, constricted, yellow-lirown, cells minutely liinii(leatt\ end cells jialer, 80 x i) //. On decorticated liranclies of Samhtivus racemosd, Sierra Nevada .Mts.. Cala. li. scelestiim, ('. & E. iMphiosloma niicyostomiim, C. & I?. Grev. IV. p. 179 fnoii Niessl). Splurtia pachyascm:, C. & V,. Grev. IV, p. 179, tab. 6S, fig. i. Ijiphiostoma .sielfstum, C. & K. (Cke. in literi.s). Sacc. SyM. ,S479. I'Asicc. KIl. N. A. F. Xo. 96. I'erithecia scattered, immersed, coriaceous, ulobose or ellijiticai. .', ■{ mm. diam. Ostiolnm alone erumiient, small, nari-ow and com- pres.- and aliout S (i wide, more less constricted, especially at the middle septum. 224 li. promiiims. I*k. .'list l»»'|». p. i')0. I'critlKH'iii Vf'iy |ir(tiiiiii<'iit, liciiiisplicrical, iidiiatc iit llic hiisc, |S(»-2(K> // lir(»iiil. siiinotli. liliick. Ostiolii distinct. coiiiiucssimI, lilnck iiixl sliiniiiu'. Asci siilu'ljivntc. S|M)i-i(li!i liiHcriiitc. oliloiii:' or siili- t'lisiroi'iii, sti'iiijilit or sliiilitly ciiivi'il. colnicd. "»-s('|itat<'. 'J(t-2."» // loiiu', (Ml dead t\vii *A' Ci'iihoJanfhns ociidciifnIiH. New Voik. L eaiiliiini. (Kr.) !>f>hhhtslii»iii iiiiilium, l)c Not, Sftr. It:il |). 6S, tab. 70. I'!x.-ilfalii»i. Sacc. Syll. ,s^|)^, CUe. Syii .'.ftSi, I'erithocia scattered, emerti'enl. siiliii' Ithick, with a Hat. oliconical ostiolmn Sporidia (tlilona. atteniiatO(| at each end, T-seplate dark hrown, 4()-')(».\ 1(»-12 // (Sacc. 1. c.) Found in Cai'olina and I'ennsylvaiiia (sec. Schw.) J>. S/tori(/i(i ',\~^)-,s('j)f'. constrictetl at the .r one, lS-22 x (t-8 ft. This can haidly he L. arfrvafn/n, Karst . which has the jierithecia erumi)ent in small clustei's (ca?spites minutos) and spuridia scarcely ccmstricted. On I^)'ton/s serofhia, liyinlonville, X. V. (Fairman). L. iliiKopliilum. (B. & C.) Sfihtrria rhizophila, n. & C. Orcv. IV, p. 14,^. I.ophiostoma rhizophilum, Sacc. SyU. 5465, •I'erithecia seattei-ed, ovate. Ostiolnni short, transverse, linear. Asci davate. S))oridia shortly fnsifoi-m, curved, pointed, 15 // lonjr. Iriseptate, at Icnfith brown.'' On (>xj(osed roots, Pennsylvania (Michener). Ii. pseudomacrostomiim, Sace. Mich. 1. ;^).'}!). — IJerlese icon. tab. 7. iiji-. 1.— id. F. Moricoli, fa.^^c H. No. 0. I'.xsicc. KU. & Kvrht. N. A. F. 1629, Poritl iccia siTejrarious. sniinnmci-sed, u'IoIkw. h lack. mm. (liam. n-tiolum compi'e.^sod, emerjient. rather broad. Asci cylindric-clavatc, 2y i , , ,lril, 22(5 lirictly stipitato, 110-1 1') x 14 //. iiiiinitlivsiitc. S-sporod. Sjifji-idiif ltis('riiil(> or oltliqiiclv iiiiiscriiitc. I'lisoid, 2S-.'}(> x iS-lO it. <\r;\\\x\\\ or slialitiy oiii'vcmI. .^-scjtliifc. (l-imt'jcatc, ilccp hrowii, oci'asioiially tiiic cell (livi(|<'il liy ii loiiuitudiiial septum. On dcail lii'aiiclics ol' Lonircrd TntdrivK. [jyiidoiivillc. \. V. (Faii'iiiaii IT'.'), ami on loose liaimiiiii' l)ai'k of trrape vines. Xewlield. N. .1. (issued in X. .\. F. 1 (!'.)."» ;is L. scxinirlcufiiiii. ('ke.) Tlie speciuieiis IVoMi liolli these loeidities have the peritliecin smaller than in the typeiind correspond to L. ntf/tniK, II. Falir.. whiiji ean hanlly Ite more than a var. of L. pscinlf>/iiact'o,stoiitimi. L. Thiip. K. &E. (in lleH..) I'ei'itlieeia seattered. l>uriod, except tlio crnin})ent. I'ounded apex, with the narrow, eonijn-essed ostinlum extendinu- f, to }, way ai'ross. .Vsei elavate olilonii'. oO-Tt* x 12--!.") //. Sjioridia liiseriale. oltlonu- I'usoid, 3-septato, slightly curved, olitnse, yellowish-Urowii, 14-I()x3- 4 /;-. On foliage (A' T/n/j(i orc'nivntdllx partly dead Itnt not yet fallen, i'otsdam. X. Y. ami Lonilon. ('anaiseriat<', lanceolate, consti'icteil in the miildle. .'i-')-septate, .')()-l)0 // long. On decaying wood, Xew Vork (Peck), llesemldes L. macro^to III mil in lial>it;. Ii. Laii^loisii, K. (S: K. 1. e. Peritliecia gregai'ions. snliconical, '^ nun. diani.. aI)out half hurieil in the Jiark, the j)rojecting part dull Idack. i-oughish. with a narrow, more or less compressed, prominent ostioltnn. Asci sulK-ylindrical. 110-120x12-1") n, with altundant paraphyses. Sjioridia mostly I)iseriate, lusoid, .'J-seplate and slightly constricted at the septa, hrown. slightly curved, each cell with a large nucleus. 34-40 x 7-S ii. On bai'k of decaying Sa/in'. Louisiana (Ijanglois). I. steiiostoiiiiim, E. & E. i'.idl. Ton. But. Club. X, p. 89. Kxsicc. VM. N. A. I'. 13.1,5. Peritliecia scattered, globose, 3')0 /i diani., covered by tlie fibers 227 OIIMIIV one iii(1(mI ;i]i('X. wiiy niTuss. ilt<'. <)1)1()IIU- U-l(ix.S- ', (.•onstiicfi'il L. macrostii- IV tlio fibers (il tlic liiii'k wliifli is pierced liy tlie iinrrow, sliulitly eoiii|iresse(l ostio- liiiii. Asci elaviite-eyliiidrieiil, 7')-i)(> x r»-7 //, with iiluimliiiit lilifoi-in )iiirii|»livses. Sporidia liiseriate. riisiCeriii. slit>-litly curved, yellowisli. nucleate and iiniseptafe at first, liecoiiiiiiii' o-septate and more or less (•((iisti'ictcd at tlie septa. \X-'1'1 \ '.>-'M^ //. Accoiiiliained liy a Phoinn with small siiii^'loltose spornles in perithecia scarcely dilVerent from the asciu'erous perithecia, except in wantinii' tlie prominent ostictlnm. On the inner surface of loose hanjiinu' liark ol' lirajie vines. New- lield, X. .1. The peiithecia are more (looi>ly buried than in L. triscp- ftiftun, Vk. L Animllnis, (Fr.) S/i/io'i I Ai iiiiiiiii Fr, S. M. II, p. SKI. J.iiphiosl"iiia .{i iituiiiiis, Cts. M: Dc Not. Sclicina. i>. .(fi. Kxsicc. Riib. Hcrli. Mycol. f))i. — Rehiii. Ascom. 692. Perithecia scattered or u'reii'arious, somerimes conlliieiit, at iirsi iinmerscMl, finally moie or less eruiiij>eiit. but seldom sii])erlicial, spher- ical, l)lacl<, solid, sulu'Uii'ose. with a rather small, thick, obtuse or sonie- liiiies subacute ostiolum with an eloiiirated openinu'. Asci davate- cyliiiilrical, siibstipitate, KM)-] 30 x 12-1") /i, Sporidia biseriate, fusoid. mostly ciii'ved, .'{-">-septale, and sliiihtly c(»nstrieted at the sejtta, l>ro\vn. .)i xd On reeds and jii'asscs, South Carolina (Cke. lliidltk. p. 8')2). In the foJloiriiKj xpecies thefnictip'cation is inik/ion'ii. I. Tluipsi. (Si/r. Ckf. Syti. 37i,s Perithecia elliptical, llattened, rugulose. generally seated on a black spot caused by the c(mtents of the perithecia oozing out, almost •always covered by the libers of the stem, which are raised in a pustuli- Ibini manner over it, only the compressed, very variable ostiolum, I ' Miiiiliir to Mftln" WimmI vcrv l.Iiick. sliinii [' PaHf/uuctt, A'c, Ht'tlilehein, Pa. L abbreviatuni, (Sclnv.) Splitciia ahhiiviittu, Schw. rtyii. N. Am. 1606. Ijtphiostoma ahhu'iialiim, Cke. Syn. 3716. Poritliocia siiliaiiun'^attMl, ('niiii|K'iit aiiioiii!' tlic lilicrs liy which tlicy arc covcrcil. except the dihitcMl-cvliinliical. central, sulielonuated ostidliiiii. ulolioso-coiiical. soiiicwiiat not u-hilii'oMs, linally liccominu' ash-color ur lirown. On oak In-anches, I>ethleheni, I'a. L. subrii^osiiin, (Sclnv.) Splnnia siif>i iii^osn. Sclnv. Syn. N. Am. ifioq. /j>/)/iios/timci mhi iigin-iiin. Ckc. Syn. 3712. Porithecia scattered or . 71. Porithecia crowded, suhsuperlicial, 350-')0() fi diam., clothed Avitli minute, sulicervine, ]»idveriilent tonientinn, liecoming Idackish-hrown with ago, the itstiohi j)rominoiit, suhtorete or compressed, cdothed like the iiorithecia. Asci suliclavato, 120-150 x 1")-18//. S]ioridia crowd- ed, at first liiconical, then triseptato, constricted in the middle, hyaline. 30-40 X 7-8 //. On old Hyj)0X)jlou Morsel, Now York. _'tliK'lifiii, I'ii •22!) I/. va^aWiiHluiii. Sace. Midi. I. |». 447.— id. II. p. 72.— F. Itnl. till.. 24(). /,. ladiaiiis, H. & i;, Jourii. Mycol. Ill, p. 4.1,. /.(ip/iiti/ii-iiiit ;'ti,i;ii/>ii>iiliim, Sacc. Syll. 5.135. Kxsicc. M. March, 747. I'ciiflicciii scnttricd, siimll (1(10 -170 //). lniriod in tlic Wixu], rx('i'|it, llic iiiiiTow, coiiipicsscd, cniiiipciit ostiDJuiii. A.^ci siilicyliii- diiciil. !)0-100 X 10-12 // (sporc-lM'iii'iii.i'' piii't 7')-80 /< l(>ii<>), siii-- ihiiikIimI iiiid ()vcrt<»|i|i<'(| liy almiidiiiit, tlii'caddikc, pariiplivscs. S)m)- ridiii Itiscfiiitr. I'lisiloriii, ^-soptiitc, liyidiiic, siiditly ciii'vr'd and mti.^tly cniistrictcd at tlic middle septum, l.")-20x4-') it. On di'coi'ticated, decayinii' stems lA' /i/iiix rat/icatis, Newlitdd. X. J. Var. st('iioc(i)'j)inii, K. k K.. im (lecoi-ticated oak liml), Xewru'lfj. N. .1.. lias spoiidia al»(»ut 20 x ."5 //. \x\v. Aufcr/s, on dead stems of A.'ifcr. Louisiana (lianulois 1440) lias sporidia 2")-l}0 x ')-()//, nnisep- tiite. liecomimf tardily ."{-septate. L vestitiim. Pk. 4otli Hep. p. 71. I'oi'itliecia closely Ln'eu'arions, small (SaO-aOO //). sunk in tl.e wood, erum]K'nt, conical, cIotlie(| witli a sliizlit. tawMy-leriMiuinoiis. ]nilv('i'ident tomentnm. Ostiola nake(l, hlack, siiltterete oi- compress<'d. .\sci clavate, 1 ')0-l!)0 X lo-llS ri. Sporidia ci'owded, sultfusirorm. at lirst l)iconical and uniseptate, then triseptate, or qnadi'inucleato, ton- strictod in tlio middle, hyaline, .SO-40 x 7^-10 /i. On decorticated wood o\' Popul iik tromtloldes, New York (Peck). L. Iiystei'ioides, Ell. & Fiaiiji^lois. Journ. Mycol. IV, ]>. 7(5 (not Schw ). , Lnpliioiiemn /nw/eiiDhiii, Herlese Icoiies. Fasc. I. p. 4, tab. Ill, fig. 4. Peritliecia u'reii'ariows, suhu'Ioltose with their liases slightly sunk in the wood, mostly a little less than ^ mm. - coiiical, slightly coiuprcssccl. Asci subcylindrical, about 80 x 5 fi, 230 m liiirro\v('(l li('li»\v into ii sIhuI. sfi|iitiit(' Imsr. l'iirii|»liyH'S (ilit'niiii Spuridiii miisci'iiitc, oliloiiu-lnHiiil. siiliolitiisc vcllow isli-liviilinc. ihifc- st'ptiitc !iii:l ('(iiistrictcd iit the iiiidillc sr|»tiiiii, sniiictiiiit's iilsii at tin other two. I 'J- 1 1 X. ■!-."! i //. 'I'lic ostioldiii \iiiir«; loiisidcralilv. liriiiM soiiu'tiiiics distinctly coinpi't'sscd. sdini'tiiiics icuidai ly conical, anil occiisionally. ini|i('ii('ctly radiatcly tlii'cc-clcll. Dill'crs li'oni /^. pni iiKir.sniu in its >niallcr pciilliccia and spoiidia. and li'(»ni L. InixfvrinltUs. \\. A' !•].. in its very dillcrcnl ostioliiin. Ii. aii^iistiliihniin, (B. iS: Bi.) Sl'li.rn\i tuiKii^liliihiii. II. .S; Itr. Not. (iflliil I'linni, No SM. laf Xl. (ij;. '7. l.ol>liio5l,iiiia iiiii:ii>liliibi iim. Ckf. Iliullik. p. \so. I.n/'liiiilii-mii tiiit;ii.^lihthi Hill. S;ir. . Miih. I. p. 3jS. Kxsicc. Vizt Micr. iMliisi. -"^i>- l*fi'itii('cia scniiiiinnci'scd. i'hli'cIosc. sometinics «'l((n<;'atod. Osti- olnni coni|ircss('d. narrow. .\sci clavatc ."^poridia liiscriatc. rnsiloini. fiirvcd. nnis('iitati' and constricted, l-d-niiclcatr. (Iiccoininu- H-scptatc) '.' 40-4.'{ // lonii', with a short, hyaline a|i|iendai:c at each end. On a decoi'ticated stick. New Voik State (I'ecki. Sporidia in Vize Kxsiccati. 'J.")-.">() x .') /<. in I'lowriiiht's V. IJiit. II. 4!». l2S-8'ixT //. This is piactMl liy l>erlese as a synonym of />. itrdinorsiiiti. (Lasc'Ii), Itiit on account ol' the lonucr. ajipendicidale sporidia. it seems properly distinct. L. sexniH'lehtiim, Cke. Flndlik. 'I'A'i. l.ophiotteiiHi sirtiurhaliim, Sacc. Syll. 5.t.V. Poi'itiiecia scattoi'ed. eloniiated. hlack, sliulitly rn^i'ose. at first immersed, then emeriicnt. Ostiola compressed. Sporidia liiseriate. Iiisilbrm, hyaline, sliuhtly curved, o-septate, constrictecl in the middle, and hut little at the other scjtta, 35 // loutf, each cell with a sin^ilc nucleus. The typical form, on dead stems of i^rtica, does not a|)pear to have been found in this country. Var. Pirhiinid. Sacc. Svll. ]|. p. olS3 (Lopliiostonni scxniiclciitiiiit, Cke, in Peck's 'JTth Heji. p. ll(»i. has the ])eritliecia suhgreg-arious, and spoi-idia smallei- (23-30 // long). On peduncles ol'grajte vines, North (Jreenhush. N. V. (Peck). n. Sjiof. iiniscptdtc, hyal i Hf, )no)ftJ ij appcndiculatc {Lopliiotipha'in). L. imlveraceiim. Sace. Mich. 1, p. 33(;.— F. Ital. 2"2r).~|{erl. I cones. Fasc. 1. tab. II, tig. S. A. coiiclioitUs, E. & }•;. (in Ht-rl).) lAipliit>it>hicia fiil'nattu, Sacc. Syll. 5414. rdiiiorsinii. iii, it scciiis rciillKiiii iri<'«riiriniis. iiiinicisrd nr sciiiiiiiinicrscd in llic wuud. ^Ilhy'loliiisc, SlllllII |"JOO-'J'>() ^/;. (Jstinliiiii i'ii|ii|ilTs.-('i|. Il'llliciltc. ciiicr- nviit. Asfi cliivMtc. -S()x()-7 //. surrounded with iilniiidiiiit, riitlier stout panipliyses and ('(Hitiiiiiinu' eiulit I'lisoid, iiniseptate, liyiiline. sliulitly curved, iippeiidieuliite spoi'idiii, IS-2()x4J,-') //, 3-4-nucleiite at liist. lull llie nuclei and stout. S-IO _^/ lonu, liyaliiif ajipendaji-es at lenutli disappear, and the sporidia lieconie coiisfrii'ted in tl.o middle with the ends ronndeil (rnsoid-oliloiiL!'). often with a distinct ycllow-lirown shade. The wood just Ik'Iow the sniface assiinies a nniroriii )>iirplisli-red color. This iiiitiht. perhajis. lie considoreil a var. of LopliioKfonid pitict :•- (irciiin, Sacc., lint dilVers in the staineil matrix, larii'cr ]ierithocia and deciduous ostiola. On an oak liarnd-Iioltom, Fiouisinna, and on decorticated wood in Northern New .Jersey. L. Kl(H'i(laiuiiii. E. & E. .lourn. Mycol. II, ]». 40. I'erithecia ,u're,ptate, constricted at the scptiini, just altove which they are slightly swollen, 18-20 x4-4.\ /i. The matrix is overrun with a hyphoinyeetous irrowth, whieii also 'li 232 f'liiltriKM's till' liiisi' nl' tin' |i('i'illirriii, liiit \\i' (•iiiiiiut s!iy wlictlicr this i- ii('('iilnit;il. I'iiriisitic oil (till /)/ii/ro/)c stiiinm. i''liii'iil;i (( 'jilkiiis). 'I'liis si'i'iiis til III' ii ilistliii't spcric:', luit, iiliri)itiiliiitrl\ , tlir .-[ii'ii liK'iis iii'i- vciT iiii'iiyrr. Ii. inei'idioiiah'. K. A; K. .Iniiin. Mvml. I\'. p. 7(1. I'i'ritlii'riii sciittrri'il, iniiiiitr ( J-.^ nun.), cuiniirrssi'il, Imiii'd in tlif wiiiiil. till' iiriijrrtiiiir. Ihittrnril. Iihick nsllitlnni Jilnnc In-iny visililr. i\.-i'i rl;iv!ilr-('\ limliiriil. "■') '.•<• \ N-!* //. with nlmmhint |iar;i|»li_vsi'.-. S|ioi'iiliii liisi'iiiiti', I'nsiiiil. Iiyiilini', sliu'lillv riirvi-il, iinisi'|)t;it(' :miiI sliiilitly riHistiicti'il. .')0-.''».") .\ I-.') //, ;i|»|»i'Mi!ii'nl;ili' iit rrnli cml. On riitti'n wnuil, liOiiisiiin:!. 'I'liis iliil'i'is IViiMi A. iiiifiiistildhrinii. 15. tl'- IJr. in its .-nuillri. Iiiirii'il |ii'ritlii'('i!i. In llir <|ii'(ihi('ns ui' A. iiiniiistiliihi nm. issiinl li\ \'i/(' till' pi'iitlifriii iiic ji ,' nini. iliiini.. iiml ni'iiily sii|ii'iliriiil. In tlir oi'iiiinal ilcscriplioM in .loiirn. .Myrnl., tin- 'iiiiii'mlnjii's on llic s|Mii'iili;i wi'i'i' iivi'i'lookril. Tlii'v lire ronii'iil. Iiviilinr :inil iiliitiit '.\ // lun^. K. S/)r>i/'(/i(i (f/j/xiid/i n/iifc, 'd -l-sf/if(i/f. Ii. iiisidiosiiiii, (Uesiii.) .S/i/i,ri in iiisiiliiisii. Dt'siii. Anii.Si-i. N'at. XV, p. ii) ljtl^hiii\li<>ini iiisiiiiii^iim, Cts, ^i: I)i' N. /.. (iiiiliiiiii, I'ckt. Syiiili. |>. 15''. /.ii/iliiiihinui iif'trnilh idiiliiiii, Nics»I i.MS.) Kxsicc. Fikl. !•■. Kli. >ti-.—K7x-. \>. Sfl. <>s.— Rnt), V. V.. 1S7-. — Kilnii Ascuni ss, Myii.lli March. Ssi, i.u.|, I!I1. N. A. I'. s^7, (in jmrl). I'critlicciii sriittrrril or yri'uiirioiis. innnrr>i'il.;i( liist with only lln' small, olitusc iistiolnni inojcrtinu', tinnlly >Mlirrnni|irnt, 40()-r)()0 y (liani. Ascl clavatc, cnntiaclnl ln'Iow into a stipi'-liki' liasi', S-spiiifil "O-ilOx 10-14//. with aiiundant liliforMi paraplivsi's. Sporiilia liiscii ate, oliloMir-l'iisirorin, slightly cnrvi'il, o-T-scplati-, ol'tcn slijihtly eon i^tfictcil at soMii' i»r till' niiilillc srpta. yi'IIou-hrown, with a short, snli- fonical (al)out 4 n loiijf). Iiviilinc appcMiilajic at cai-h cml. 2() -22 x4- On ilcail lioi'l)a('('()Us stems, of Oi'iiothvrd. Ti'lfhUiiin, Ac. not iiii common. L Spiiwa', Pk. 2Sth Hep. p. 7(i. /.. (iitiiituiii. Pits, viir. S//in)lit»ui Sfiiurir. S.icc. Syll. Ml.^- I'oritliccia scattci'cil, sank to the wood, ^-1 mm. diam., closels covered liy the hark which is pierced l»y the compressed ostiola. Asci ■((111. vs. Myiolli 23.1 l(i(t I'Ji|-liisci'iiit<'. i>loii;r!it('i(|. ntt('iiiiiit(>-aniiuiii:itr :it I'lidi fiid. ,-li;iiL:lit iir sdiiifwliat ciiivcd. ycllowisliliyiiliiii', iit rirsi ;{-4-s('|itiit('. liiinllv iiImiiiI 7-st'|itilt<', sriHvcly r((iislrii't lOU \ III II. >-s|i«»i<'d, |taiaplivsalc. Spdiidia liisciialr, riir^iHinii, sonifwlial « iii\cd. I0 X ^ //. 4-7 -.■'t'l talc, deeply (((ii.^lriclfd al llic septa, eell,>< iiiicleale. ye||owi,«*li. witli a linear, nlitn.-i', liyaline appenila«re al eaeli cud, ('.■specially when ytanm'. ( Ml dead ^leni.- <•!' wild lu-c, Lyiiddiiv ille. N. \. ( Fainiiaii). Tlie New Vni'k speec. dill'ei' IVom tlie almvc iliaaiiusis (lidiii Saec. Syll.), in having tlie asei and sporidia .-iniallef: asci 7;') !M>.\ Ili-IA // : .^poridia 2'>-^{') X (» 7 //. ')-7-septate, only slinlitly colL-iiictcd and uli- .Miiivly appeiKlieiilale. |j. Iticiis|)i(latum, Cke. llandlxHtk, p. x)s. I'ei'itliecia scattered, Idaek. iinineived, rlcxatinu- and piisliiiiii (Inoiiiili the iiiatiix with thoir nairow, elongated ostiola. Asei (;lavate. Speriilia l>LJ(I, l.ascli. ill Klolzsch-Kabli , Ilfth .Myc"! iajj .S/ihiri la Ji'xidH: , H iSi Hr Not. Hrit. I'liiiKi, No '175 /.offinislDHia priDiiorsuni. Kckl Svml). J) I.S7. Ijiphidtiima purmuiiiim, Saec. Mich. I, p. 33S, /.iifiliiuitiimu Si:> ophiiliit lit . I'k. iMli Kc|j p. 7(1 I'Asicc I'ckl F Kh c)2H. — Ralih K K \iV) I'eiithecia scattered or "rcijarioiis. at lirst eiitii(dv Itiirieil, 'e, S-spored, pai'- 30 .' • I-. !< ) 2S4 !i|>hysat(', SO-l()")x lO-l'J //. S|M)ii(lia liiscriat*', Ciisiloiin, slijihtly (•nivcil. liviiliiH". 22-80 x 4-() //, soiiiotimcs witli n short, livaliiir iipixMiiiii^T at cacli Jo2i). IjtphidiuHi ciniiiiiiifiis. Ccs. Mt Ue Not. Si'liiMlia, p. 220. I'ciitiicfia s(.'att('i'('(|. prominent, founded, snlidepres.sed, idaek. Ostiolnni narrow, conipresso" I . small, sometimes snliconical. Sp(»ridi;i fdoiit>ateil-oldon,'itndinal septum. On liranclies of C/'^^'W/'/.s, C''>/'/*?/.'<. Ac. ( Kurope), Carolina ami I'ennsylvania (Scliweinit/). There is no Idack spot. The peritliecia on decorticated liranche- arel>are; on limlis with the liark on. emer^'ent, unequal, soon empty and the ostiolnni liroken. truncate, sometime-* conical. \i. coiiiiuessiiiii, (Hers.) Sfi/iiriia rompti-s.sii, I'crs. Syti. p. 56. Sf>h(rna an);iistalii. Pcrs. Syii. p. 55. Ixiphiiiitiima ii»npii.\sH»i. Ccs. & l)e Not. Schema, p. .\%. /.■ifiliii»tiiiiia ti»i:ii\lalH»i, I'"ckl. Syml). p. 15S, l.iipludinni i(impi,\siiiii. ,Sacc. Mich. I, p. 340. Kxsiic. Hi kl I' Rh iJi, i.'s. Kze Iv Sfl. ,^ii .— Rt-Oini Ascotii 1S2. — Tluim M r i.)S7 IVrithecia scattered or i>re,irarious, mostly iniinersed except the loiiii'. thin, toothed oi- entire-marii'ined ostioliun, sometimes linalh ernmpeiit. spherical or somewhat compressed and tdliptical. A.-;ci clavate-cyiindrical. stipitate, S-sporcd, 1 lO-lHO x 1(1-1!) /i. Sporidiii oiilit|Uely uni.seriatc or partly lii.seriate. oidoiiu' or clavate-oliloni:. straijiht or slitihtly ciirve(|, .Vseptate, with one or two c(dls divided li_\ i ■ ,; i ^^■•^■w^ 'ni'oliiiii iiikI liiini M I' i.fiy. ji loii^'itiKliiial st'|ituni. foiistricU'd at tlic si'|t1ji, oCa line irctltleii yollow- ludwn coloi', 18-32x 8-10 //. I'arapliysos iinmcrous anil slender. On \v(hkI. Carolina and Pennsylvania (Scliweinitz). New Voik (I'eck). Canada ( I>earn<'ss). SpeciMieiis on dead stems of Si>irivii IVcptiim. 2r)-3') X 10 //. L. fiiiL'eiis, (Ell.) (Plate 25) lA'f.\lumii tiiiK'''ii. KII. Bull. Torr Hot Cliih, VIII, \> ^lo l.iipliidium tinj;e>i.K .Sine. Syll ,s.S-'7 Kxsicc. Ell. N. A. K. 693 I'eiithecia iiiiried in the wood, mostly compressed, thick and leathery, ol' medium size. Ostioliiiii liarely visilde on the siirrace of tiie wood, not projectinir and only sliu'litly compressed. Asci cylin- diiciil. SO-MOx 10-1 1 //.with tililorm paraphy.i>i*^i'irrv distinctly jtroniinoiit ostioliuii. Asci sid»cylindi i cal, oO-GO.xT n. witli al rndant. filiform parapliysos. Sporidia iini seriate or crowded al>ove. olilonir-elliptical, 3-septate, with occasioiiiilly ii partial loii(M)()x20 /i (Cooke in (Jrev. I.e.) I'lilortiinately our sjtecimens are lost. lJerlese(l. c.jirives the followin>r nxvisunMiients from Italian spec imens. I'erithecia 5-I mm., scatterecl. Asci 210-220 x 24-27 /< Sporidia ;')?f-<50Y 17-1 9/7. L (.'iii'tiiin, (Fr) S/i/in'i lit ( iittii. Kr S. M II. p. 471) l.nftliittium iiitliini .S.icc Mich. I, p. 340 Terithecia jrreirarioiis. suhprominent, rugulo,*e,conic- ii Lojthiosloiini. Sporidia vermicular or liliform. septate, SHliliyaliiie. I,, vermisponim, (Ell.) 237 (Plate 25) Lophioitoma vc>mi\f>('> urn, Kll. Hull. Torr Hot Cliili. IX, p. i>j iMpln'nnema vrrmispotuni, Sncc. Syll. II, p 717. Kxsicc. Kll. N A. 1-. SS5, V or lililori!). rfritliociii scattered (»r sul)^royaiious, (lojjrc.-ised-sphorica!, loO- 200// (liaiii., floated iinde'r the ojddciinis wliicli is pioirod hy tlio stout, lilai'k, narrowly comprL'.^scd ostiola. Asci clavatc-cylindrical. 150- •JODx 12-1 ') //. Sjioridia vfiiiiirorni, jai-adually tapcrint? towards tlio liast'. aliout T-sejitatc and sliiilitly constricted at tlu' septii. yollowisli (ir nearly hyaline, each of the; cells with 1-2 larire nuclei. 7')-S.^ x On old stein< of Ooiothera h/ennts. Xewlield, N. .1. L. ci-eiiatum, (Seliw.) Sp/iiFn'a creiiala. Peis var ois/ata, Scliw. Syu. Car i;,6. Lophioslnma (l.ophionema) crfnatum, Cke. Syn. 3591. r<'ritliecia scattered or irrejrarions. iininersed in the wood or hai-k. tiiuilly more or less emergent, sulisjihaM-oid, l)Iack, minute. Ostioluin compressed, very hroad, snl)erenate. North Carolina (Schw.) Coiike (1. c.) i)laces this in snl),iieniis Loiihioncuni. We liavf MM kiiitwlcilge of it otherwise. Upcricn to ha rejcctctf. L luseotiiietiim, E. & E. .Joiirn. Mycol. I, p. 14!». Tills is only the diasrnosis ol' LeptoKphivria, loscotimiioit. K. S; K.. rrpcatci! Iiy mistake from the precedintr pajije. \i. iiiiniinum, E. & E. .lonrn. >ry('ol. IV, p. 75. The specimens are so poor and meaji-ei- that we aliandon tiiis >|iccirs. L. pallidiiin, E. & E. Bull. Toir. Hoi. Clul). X. p. 52. See ^felanomma pallidmn. KAMI LY. ( IJCIRBITARIE^:. Slroma iiiijterlt'ctly developeil or none. I'erithecia cespitose, cnniipenl-su]ierlicial, .seated on the stroma, when that is present, sonie- tiuics superficial from the fii'st. Substance of the perithecia hard, woddy or leathery, black or dark brown. Asci elonjrated. parajdiysate. Sporidia various, mostly brown. 238 II ( KIRBITARIA, (iray. Nat ArraiiKL'imnt of Urit I'latils, I, |i. siy I'critliccia ccsiiitost' or more liucly uictiiii'ioiis, ^ciicriilly iiiorc m less coiiiit'ctcd ill llic li.'it^c liv ii tliiii, (Iciiiatiiarous stroiim. s|ilK'iiciil, «iliil»iniis. hiack. coriai't'oiis. ia 2i»vu(hic(tvi(t, IVnn«;ylvania (Kverhart). ('. Bei'bei'idis, (Peis). Sfihcriia Hiihi'yidis. I'eis Syti. p. .S2 Cue II I f>t /alia Hi'iheiiilis, Cray I. c. I'.xsicc Fckl. K. Rh. yiH^.- Kuil/.c F. Stl Mi Kab lltrb .Mycol ''5,i -'d I' K. 22.v- Rcliin. .Asc. 2Si.— TliHii) F Auslr 171.— id. M. I'. 360.— Liii F. Hung 2S1.— M March, ifn, 1716. 294^.— I'low S Brit sfi.— Vize. M. F. Kxj — Roiiicll, F Scaiid ;'■ -KIl. N A. F 57s. IVritlieeia seated on a thin, hrownish-tilaek. dematiaeeous stroma. mostly in eloiiuated uroiijis of various exieiif, enimpent throiiiih tlic epitlenuis. erowded, siilisiiherii'al, rimose-niuo.-:e, and liiially siilirinnw dehiscent, Idaik, alaliroiis, alujut | mm. diam. Asei eylindrieal (rom a nari'ow base, 15()-l()0x 14-1(1 //, H-spoced, with ainiiidant paraphy ses. Sporidia tiiiiseriate, oi»lonj>-elliptieal. somewhat attenuated at the ends. S-!t-.-itiiark in compact clusters of about S-12, and surrounded bv the ruptured epidermis. Asci cylindrical, p. sp. altout l")()x 12-15 c?. uitli a short. sti|»e-like Itase and surrounded by numerous paraphvses. ."^poriilia uniseriate or sul)l»i,- //. Accoinpanie(l l>y Coi'inilnriti J'rrsiro'Jf^chw.) Theci'owdeil peritliecia liear a u'eneral reseinldanci to those (}{' Ott/i/o inoihosn, (Schw.), I'roni which, iiowever. this is (jnitc distinct. Parasitic? on the tuliercidar. crnin|ient str(»ina of some Diutri/pi ! on dead liudx ol' wild ])lnm (Pminis). London, (Canada (l>earness). The stroma is carnose and lilack inside and ont. 2--3 mm. diam.. and in the liark lieneath it are hiiried the aliortivc peritliecia nl the Itifitrypc. The specilic name has lieen changed on acconnt ol tlit homonomous species (7. xrfosa. Winter, which was overlooke(I. r. iiaufosa, (Fi.) .S/iA£/);rt, Hr in Sclitn \ Kzi Myc lltflt . j, (j. ;,!• ami I-'i S M II [) |i' Cunirhiliiiia iiaiicnait Fckl Syinli p 17.1. lab. I. fi>;. 10 CentDixiiini iiaitciiMini, Hr Siiminn Vf«. Scaiul. p jfq Kx-icc Vckl F. Kh J04J Peritliecia crowded-cc-ipitoso, L;lolio.«e. smooth. In'ownish-ldark snliastomons. Asci liroad-cylindrical, with a iiairitw lia.-e. S.^J)ored 1 l()-r2o X 14-1() //. Spoiidia iini.ed. the lower half sunk in a I'urlinaeeous, dark tomeii turn. Asci 112-120 X 1 0-20 /«, sulisessile, parapliysate, 8-spored Sporidia uni.seriate.ilavate-elliplical, hyaline and with a Intiad, hyaline 241 ,iivcl(t)i(' ill liivt. )i(r(Miiiiiu' (i-or inoic-sciitati' iiiid yollctw. stn»ii^'Iy .(iiistriftod in the middle. 35-40 x la //. upper lialf lirondcsl. (Ml variou.-J ^iiiocios lA' Crafn-r/iis. nniuiid Hcthlrlit'iii. Pa. (Scliwci- nit/). 'I'lic inca^iireiiu'iilh <»t' tlir asci and s|i. Schw. C. Cratd'tji. N'iessl. seems to lie dilVerent riipjii tiiis. C. Shephndla', (E. & E.) Cmrreya S/ifphirdur . K. ft V,. Proc Acad. Nat Sci I'Viil July. isyi'. P ^4'^ I'eritliei'ia 4-G tojj:etiiei'. eonncctcd at tiie has*- liy a loose, lirown -lidiiia. ovate, whitish inside, eoveit'd at fii-st. their short, ■ istinhi s(»on ruptiirinu the epidermis and revealinii' the clustei's of lirnwiiisii-lilaek peritlieeia. Asei elavate-eylindrical. lOO-l 1(1 .\ 1.") « with oliseure pai'aphyses. .'^poridia S in an aseiis. uniseriate. ohnvate ;{-.'')-septate and murirorm. sliuhtly constiietod in the middle, yellow. IK -J-^.x 10-12 n. On ilead linilis oi S/i.. Calilornia. ('. (orenia'. E.& E. iinli. T(nr. liot. Cluli. X, p. sy. Kxsicc. Kll. N. A F I1S9. i'ei'ithocia scattereil, at lii"st suiicnticular. I»nt linally llirowinir oil the epidermis, ovate, Itlack. rou|M'i'ilic name. ('. iiiiihilicnta, Ell. linll. Torr. Hot. (lull. X. p. 53. Kxsicc. Kll. S Rvrlit N. A K 21I St-r ih>) I'erithocia scattered or sulia,tiiiret>ated. depres-;ed-liemispherical. 31 1-t ;m 242 liliick. rouu'li. i-i nun. : almvo wlu-ii tirv. ArirnJ. imlriciil. 114x11 //. s-sporcij. |iiiiiipliysiift'. Sjtoiiiliii iinisciiiiii'. I'lliptiral, consliivtod iu llic middle, .i-scptiitc. straw niltti- at lirsl. Im. loniiiiir miiriiorni ami lirowii. 22-2H x !t-lS /i. On df('oiti('at4'd saji'c l»rusli (Artemisia). I'tali. ('. Rihis. Xiessl. Iififni<>-. [.. 4s. tal.. V. fiir. 34. Kxsicc KlI .S[ I'lvrhl. N A K Jil Ser 2:^-k. IN'ritliiu'ia raflicr laruc. uieirarious mi- cnnvilnl. -iiltirloliosc. |i;i. jiillatc, at It'Mutli df'pit'ssrd. iimltilicatf. |»t'rfMrat<'d.sliiniiirt-stipitaft'. loiindrd aliovc. |iarapliylaek. piereed at the apex. .Vsci '•ylindrieal. S-spored. paraphysate. 110-120x12 ti. .'^p(»ridia nin.-tly iMiisei'iate. oldonir. 4 -;')-septate. with one or two lonL'itndinal sejii.t. In-own. 20-32 x 10-12.^ //. On dead stems of A/Klroinnfn lignstrinn. Center. N. \ .. and Xewtiehl. X. .1. C. ("oniptoiiia'. ('. & E. (Inv. VI. p. 12. Kxsicc Kn N .^ H .)5. Peritlieeia (jespitose or scattered, often transversely ernmpeiit thronirh cracks in the e)>idci'mis. hnt also in small (1-1 .J mm.) tiilts closely suironnded liy the epidermis or. when on the liare wood, seal tered, ovate-gloliose, black, papillate, altont \ mm. diam. A.-Iolio.i, 24:{ ,)i. -|i.) !il)(Mit ".'» x \'l //. jiiiiiijilivsiilf. s.s|i()ii'(|. S|(uii in I'l S M 11,]) W) iuitiiiia S/iiitlii. Co. l v. Sacw !•' Ital lali ss-^ i;x-icc. Htkl I' Kh. 1^74. - Kali K. U, i i^o Riliiii Asc 5.'- Tlnim !•' Austr. jsv M March. M- I'ciitiicc'ia cruiiipciit. crtiwdcd and coiilhM'iit fir (r>|iit 5". I'liciiihilaiia /jihintii, De Not. Krt>. Cril Ital No i,"^ Hxsicc. Fckl. F Kh >/)5. Kzt. !•'. Sel 11)4.— Rab. lUil) M>i- (j id I- \\ i.i.t Kfliiii 146 — Thuiii !•' Austr. 4^9 -id. M. V. 2~.' (Vspitosc 1)11 a siilicoinpai't stroma. I'ciitiii'cia yloliost", rngulosc. lihitk. with a papillifurm ostioliim. Asci cylindiical. 110-170x11 11//, with liranching |tanipliyscs. Spoiidia clliptic-liisoid. 2()-3(i x ';♦ -12 //. siiiiniiiscriati', 5-7-««'pt;it<' and iiinrit'orm, sliulitly constrictctl in iIk' middle, iioldcn-lirown. On dead liranchcs of />«/>*//•/**////. ('omnioii in Kiiropc ami will pidliaidy l»o Ibmnl Ihtc. r. fiiiiioiiiiii. (Solnv.) SphfTi itt tttinr^i Hw, Schw Syn N .\tn ', ji^ 'I'lie speciiiii'iis of tliis s|icci('> in IJcrlt. ."^<'liu al1'lylii spores. /)fj)l(>iliii sp. ('. radickliN, Cke. (Iirv. VII. p. /il Exsicc. Kav. V Am ,144 Pi'iitliccia ovate, alioiit \ mm. diani., papillate, hiack. erumpeiit ' 111!, (■' 'I •144 tii,>«t', H ft loiiu:. Oil Inirk ul'oiik rtHit.s. Soiitli Caroliiiii. Ill tin- s|it'. iilii:><:ir, livaliiir s|icriiiatia and otlit'i>. imi'<>'<> liyaliiir t»lilniii>-olIi|itiral stvlospiiics. 'H>-'H\ \ 12-14 //. with a tliitk, iiyiiliiic t'|tis}»on' (I)i)fhi(nvllii s|».) The iicrithfcia an* not i-nllapst'd. Tlii- must Im' ci>n.-ii(h'r<'i| a i,r> 1,1 'i4>'iiiin;i,xii!ii. U fi C 111 R:iv I-'iiiiK! IV, No STdf.S.S) I'liiiihiica lifliniiiftim. Sncc. M Veil Spec p iiStl'iTJ) Sphifiiii siibciiniiiila. H it C (Irev IV p 141 ll^7h|. S/iluniii iiihctnnexa, H S: R.iv (ubi)' liihhem mnntinfiii, Cke drev VII, p. si II^7S) S/i/iirna [xiImiiiiu, II iS: Uiiv in Riiv IV, No f .' (see Cke 111 (ircv XV. p ^il S/iliisna hiittMiiii, Tode, Scler No. 122 isec. spcce. ilet by Cke, in drev. V.p .1.0 KxMco, K.iv !•■. Cur IV, No. .S7— Sl>eK l>ec. Myc. ArK No. 41 — Kav. F. Am. 34,1 -Kll N A F ^42 I't'ritlicc'ia ccspitos*' or partly st-attcrrd. .-icatiMl on a thin, sliu iiialic »'rii.-;t on thf siirlacf of the wood or liark, depressed-spherical \ to nearly A mm. diam.. Idack and verriiciilose. (Jstioliun minute scarcely proiniiieiit, Itecoiiiinir iiiiil>ih\'ate. Asci elon^ated-clavatc atteiiiiateil Ill-low. (!<(-70 x 12 -l/i //. polysporons. (parapliysate. .-icc Spefi.) Spoiidia allantoid. yellowish in the mass. (5-J)xlJ ft (l"Jx 2 //, Sacc.) On liark n|' Mi/riru and fjii/nlthiiiihnr. (Jeoryia (Haveiicl). on Morim, New .lersey. We make the sporidia in Spey:. St). Am. sj)eciineiis only (i-'.t \ 1 J It. mostly ^\-x X \}, ft, the same as in onr \. Am. specc. Fr. rallista, (B. «i (\) C'inHif It Ciilti.\t(t, U HiC Crcv IV. p (7 /•KKc/iiura lallisla, Sncc. Syll. 3S.S Kxsicc Kav Car. V, No. 67.— Kll. N. A. F. ii-'S IVritliecia clo.-;e!y aa ted. seated on a patch ol' ttil)acco-l)r«twii •-Mr) Irltlikc siiliiciiliim '2 4 iiiiii. across, and ••onipuscd ol" closclv inter- wiivi'ii. pnic lirowti. I»iiui('li('(l iiiid s|tiiiiiiyly s('|itiiit' liy|»lia', v'l"'"''^''. «(M»ii dcfply cnlljiiiscd, iihoul ^ iiiiii. diaiii., furiaccoiis, stii;'(»s(' IicIkw . trhilnous altove. Asci clavatc, 70-T.'» x 10-12 ft, (|iani|»liysat(')? ^]\n- ridiii dt'iiscly packed, very iiiiincroiis, liyaliiio. oldoiij;', nt, or. when on decorticated \vu(m|. -iipi I licial, spherical, colhipsinii' to cnji-sliaped. hald and Mack: texlnrr -iiliciiiiaceons. A.-^ci clavate. Sporidia sli(trt-cylindi-ical or rod-shaped, continuous, hyaline. .\. ciipiilhris, (Pel's.) (Plate 2<;) l)aeeo-l»ro\\ ri S/>hir>ia iit/inUirii, Pers. Syii. p. $.\. Sp/iiniii ni, iiibilii/it. f>. nii;ii5Cens, TcKle KiiiiKi Mtckl p ,^9. I'lK III fiitciria infinlai li. Cke. IIii(n)k. p. S4J. .Xilit^itiu /■'iiiit/ii. Nits, in I*"ckl. Symli. p. 165 .\'i/.st/Ui\i tii/'iiliiiii, Karst. Myc. Ftiin. II. p. -^i Orldsphiei ia Fiickilii, Sacc. M. Veil. Spec, p n.s Civlosphieria ciipulaih, Sacc. SyU. I. p. 91. I'Asicc. Hckl. F. Kli y6,'^ — Tliiini. Myc. I'liiv. ly^;. Perithecla cespitose, eninipent in small (2 mm.j, dense clusters cld.M'ly surrounded Ity the iiiptured epidermis, spherical, lait <*ollapsinu tn cup-shaped, 200-300 fi diain. Asci 40-r.O x 7-8 ft, contracted lielow intii II stijie-like Ita.^e, and surroiindetl l>y liliform paraphyses, S-sporeij. Sporidia .sultbi.seriate, allantoid, sli<^litly curved, hyaline, with a nucleus in each end, 9-lOJ x2-3 [t. On dead branches of various deciduous trees. Tilia, Acer. Pni mis, iVc, on Iiark of Negiinilo Acerofiles, Montana (Anderson. 27liil>. I> 165 l',/-li>\f>/i,niii, liiiin Snic Syll ,\:^ Kxsicc. Knii F !•: >t.M rlowr Sph lliil '.i Ck»- >■' llril ^ilSti .'f.., I'ciitlu'ciii tU'iifI»'inl('r sti|M', N-s]Kir('(|, |0-4.'» x > W n S|tniitl\ sliaJLilit. 4-iiiich'atv. Iiyaliiir, M 1 I x "2-2^ n. On liai'k. Carnliiia iScliw .1. also ('aroliiia and Maine 1 Kciki-lcv The s|i('('iiii('ii ill FIcili. Scliw.. I41.'{. laliclt'cl 'S/i/idrfa rnjmhn/t is this s|K'cifs. havinir the pcritlH'cia I-t nun. iliani.. ami asi-i shurtri anil Itiiiaih-r than in N. I'lipiihirii*. WlM'thci' this in flie Sji/iitr/n fiisf/K. Tddf. is (loiilitCiil. IVtsuoii iiivcs »,S. //•/.•oth speak of the thin, tnnien tnse snliiciilnin. lait Tude says the |iei-ithe('ia are mi small as In Im MMieely visilde. wliieh eei'tainiy dne< nut appiN to the speeies la n deseiilied as Xifsr/d/il frif. Ial>eled .S'y \"J-"J.l //. till' contents ol'tcii divideii liy w pseiidoscptiiiii acios.- till' middle. ."^pecc. on rotten maple I'roiii Ohio (Moriiiin. '.'Ttil have aiiiindaiii. lull low-elliptieal. hyaline sporidia? »»-S \ \\ n. IhiI no a-ei. and may I'e the spernioiioiiial stajre ol'lhi- specie*. N. ein'impliala. (K. ^ ('.) Splnriui eiiiimpliitUi. II. X C drcv IV, p i|i Sf-hirim rialii,l!,i n Si Hn\ in Mtrli Ilerk H\>.\ii.\pliiri la ruomplittla. in Cook"; " Syiiupsin, J6(H lUihyii^phitt la iiiiiiiiphiiln Siitr Syll i"''4 K.x»icc Kav Punf; Car IV, S4 Peiithecia densely in'ey'arioiis. alioiit \ mm. diaiii., or a liifle les- ^phl'ri^'al. iiiiniitely tiiliercnlai-roiiyhened. soon collapsinii. A.^ci da vate. Sporidia elliptical, continiioiis. smoky-hyaline, or pale lirowii C. ^ .\ 31-4;, /^ On iiark ol dt'ad trunk.- ul F ni.riintti. So. Carolina (Uavenel). The peritliecia are seated on n thin ^^nliiciiliim of creepinii'. .-ept;il liypha', with which i\w\ are also mostly Irinued at Itase. ((EM>SFH.t:RIA, Sa(T. Mycothfca Yen. Spec. p. 115 (emendecn IViithecia .-«.'attei'i'il. stipcrlicial or at lirst covered liy the epi •Jl" I l!t'ikflc\ f'li/iitfdrn. isci sliortri If Sphit'iiii iiili'iriiLiii thill. tdllH'll ill iis tn Im' ;| ics Inn I'riii frislis ^vitiiuiit iiii\ tlir .<|i()i'iili:i '|lllllll iirKtyr I' alMilDJniil. iiiiij iii:iv It :i lirf!!' Ir«- Asc'i fill |»iilt' liiown iavcnt'l). jiiiiy:, scptiit' ■■ft •y tin- t'lii iliiiiii-. iiM'iiiliraiiiK'co ••oiiiiicou.". cMllap^iiiL'. ^iiiouili ui lp|i«ll_\. A.-ti ^iimI >'|iiiriiliii n."» in Niturhkin. W'v liiiNc nioijilicil Snccarfio's jrciicrir flinniclt'iH so as tn finldacf iiiil\ -|nTi('s with sriitfri-i'il |i»'ritlit'('ia. Tlu' ••vitlciitly cImsc iclatinn -lii|i In Xltsrhkiii rmiiitls tlit'ir i<'iin»vul to aiiollicr liiiiiily. r. nu'ticiita, K. A K. I'lor. Acu.j. Nat. Sri. I'liil., .Inly. 1H!M». p. J-j-j. I'critlicfin i^iattcicd, Liloixtsc. altniil ^ niin. ijiaiii.. closely iiilia ciowijctl-liiscriatc. •J-iiiiclcatc. hyaline, moderately eiii\ei|. nliiii-e. 10-14 x .'5 //. 'I'lie peiithecia so(»ii collapse down to, or a little Keyoiid the part ciiiliiaced i>y the epidermis, and liecoine stionuly (■((iicave. Oil liaik o|' dciid Mudiiiii iiiiiiiiitiiiiii, Missoiii'i ( l>eni«'trio. 27.11 ('. t'iisni'ios|KW'a, K. iV K. .lomn. .Mycol. iV. p. ().'>. I-.XMCC. Kll iNi I'.vrhl .N A V n\ Ser i<>57 I'ei'ithecia .scaltered. eiiiinpeiit. aiiout IB;') fi diani., i-ollapsini; lo ( up-shaped, Idack. with a papillilorm ostioluni. A./irriiii chiUofi} tn. B. M: C. ('.rev. IV, p. 141. • Kxtreiuoly iniiiute. gre^fnriniis, gloliose, liiitflit. Sporidia liya line, slijihtly wuisajic-shapcd." On rotten lujrs, Carolina. r. ♦•xilis, (A. & S.) Sphirrm r.vilis, A & S. Coiisp p 14 .\itichkia ciiV/.v. Hckl. Symb. p. 44. Orloifi/imiii eiilis, Saoc. SyU. 379. I't'ritliccia irrcirariuus. sui)erlicial. seated on a thin, scanty, whitish, cottony suliiculum. nieuduanaceo-coriacoous. lo()-25() //diani.. jrloliM.-'e. «M(iii colla]isinli(iriii ex/I/s. A. iV S.. we ciin not sav. Init ;i- tlii'y arc ('vidcntly two distinct things, wc have given descriptions nl iMith. (| ' ! CilBBEKA. Fr. Smiim Vi>r Sciiiul p 41'^ I'eritlicciii ccspilosi'. on a supcriicial. thick, dcmaliaceoiis. con nlia-ltcariag stroma. carl(onaccons, IVagile, liristiv, olooletcly |i!t|iil liitc. Asci cylindri«al. ^-s|iorcil. Spoiidia iini.-icriate. nliiong-clli|iticiil. iiiiiscptalc, pale yellow. F'ics takes this gcnns in a nioic conipreheiisive sense, including Jtlso (lihhcit'Uii (.see 11 i/porniK < a). i\. Van'iiiii, (S <7,V fif! i (iif'hiti t'amiiii, Hr I i' i:.\-iir Fikl !• Kh 17.S7 Knii lletl. Myc .(v=. Ktlim Asr •■!< Tliimi. l' Ausir ,,y, ill M r i-";! -I'liiwr Spli Hril !•/> — Krif^tr H Sax iTvS Koimi !•'. (',. y.s I'eritliecia crowded on a Idack, Icltdike stroma, splueroid. sliglith iitlcnnatcil hclow. olisolctely pnpiliate. aliont ^ mm. diiim.. clothed with short ((»(*-7(> .\ li 7 ft), rigid lihudi. continnoiis liristles. .\.-ci cylindrical short-stipitatc. S-sporcd, !)(» .\ X-\) n. Sporidia oldi(|Ucl\ nnisei'iatc, ohlony-elliptical. nniseptjite. scarcely constricted iit fhr septum, hyaline or pale oliviiceons. 1 r)-ls .\ 1-X n. 'I'lie conidial OTTHIA. Xitschke. Hckl Syiiil) Mvfol. p i6//»/o('. IlK'llKllllL 24!> 0. hypoxyloldes, (E. & E.) (Plate 2fi) Amt>liistiluriui Hy/>o\yliiii, V.. & E. Jourii. Mycol 11. i> 41 I'ciitlict'iii luiiiutc (S(Mt(»//). ()vat('-<>l()li(tst', white iiipidc, i-oujrli iiiid lilack (tiitsidc, iiuistly rmliiitc-siilcato around the ostioliiiii, wliicli is not itroiiiinciit finally ratlicr Itroadly jicrforatcd. densely emwded tiiid partly si'.iik in a Mat. lilaekisli-ltrown. siilieai'lioiuu'eons stroma ^-1 em. aeross ».r liy eoiilliieiiee, moi-e. iniieli reseinlilintr the sterile stroma n\' ]i(»i'idi.' oMiquely uniseriate, ovate, uiii- septate, lirowii. iglilia Syiiiplioiiaiifii. V,.lk.V, I'roc Acnd Nnt Sci Phil. July 1R90, p 14Q, K.ssicc. VM. & ICvrlit. N A. V 2<1 St-r 2.^7). Stroma eoiivex, peiietratiiiti' to the wood, luit not limited Ity any liiack eirciim'. th<' pciitheeia lieiuir then simply cespitose or sultsolitary. (►stiola olitusely coiiieal, nearly smooth or indislinelly radiate-.^uleate. Asci elavnte- cylindrieal, sult.sessiU'. 7o-S0x 12 /^ with parajihyses. Sporidia uni- seiiate or suliliiseriate ahove. ovate-ellii)tieal, uiiisejitate and eon- stiieted, hyaline ami ' yelIow-l(n)Wii. 15- ls.\ 10//. (hi ilead Itranehes itWSi/niji/ioricarpuK occH/ehftili,s, Sand C'oidee. Cascade C<»., Montana (Anderson. No. 210). U. Aceiis, Winter. Iledw. 1871. p. 1(12. Perithecia eespitose. depressed-;>|ol(ose. lirowni.xh-lilaek, jiapillat'-. thill. I mm. diaiii.. seated on the surfaee ol' the inner liark in a'ronps ol' •i-lO. soon eriimpent through the ruptured epidi'rmis. and then almost supeilieial. Asei eyiindiieal. sessile, parapliy.sate. 180-200x35 //. Sjioiidia overla]»]>in,/nil/a. 32 1 r 1 1 ' wl ii H M« 1 ll 11 II 1 ' Wt w ij ) >' 1 «l 1- '"' . uliicli is tlicic swollen its in O. morhosn. Asci oliloiiir. siilivi'ntri('osi'.(<)iiti'itt'ti'(| liolow into ;i siioi-t stipe, S-s|h»iv(|. |»ai';i|ili_vs:ite. "•"• -SO x IS-'JO >|ioniirk. often densely crowded. Imt not eonlliient. Asci sulicylindri- cal. 10(1-1. ")0 X l.V 20 n. Tarapiiyses cylindrical, otten lirancliinLi Ittdow. iiiintly si'ptate. evanescent. Spoi'idia unisei-iatv or (»ccasionallv more or perfectly "liseriate, liroad fusoiil-oidoiii:-. suliinei[uilateiid. uiiiseptate. straw-yellow. 30-35 xS-lf) it. The jieritheciii are often sulianiiular from mutual pressure and aic a! lirst lilleil with a whitish. irrumous mass. Iiut linaliy liecome empty. On dead stems t>\' Clenmff's f/f/iottir/f'tth'tt. Saml (,'oidee. Montana (Anderson). The Montana specc. are certainly the same as those issued in F. (lall.. aliove (|Uoted, under the name of I)ntli!Slli Rt'ii. p. 75. (^Iliia iiliiiit. S;icc Syll J^ii. Ckf. Syn. i.\<)". IVrilliecia cespitose. erumpent, aslomoiis, lilack, while within, tiif iMiiiii., Iiliick. iTLiiiliirly nr ;li ci'jicks ill I sulxTliinlri- II liriiiicliiiiu: I' (iccasifiiiiillv iiiic<|iiil:it«>rMl. '(•ill JUT tlftcll itii ii wliitisli. nice. Mniitiiiiii issiHMl in F. iifpfii. Wiillr.. il iiiiii uiiiiiili' her with tin- as (It'scrilii'd II, WiiUr.. I'ol , (i. ami Moil tufts closely suii(»iiiiiifiii/iif//tn' S|ieeiiiieiis tVoni I'eckliii our llerlt.) liave the jieri- ihecia ovate-uioliose. lonuh. .'-J nun. diani. Ostiohini imlistinet. Chislers ol closely |iacke(|. suliconlhient peiithecia elliptical. 1 i^x 'J iiiiii. iliain. Asci cylindiical. 7 ') NO x .i-T //. Sporidia liO-'J.') x4 //. nilleis IVoni (). Af/ii, Winter, in its sniallei-. hyidine sporidia. 0. stnpliyliiiii, K. & K. (IMnfe 41) /:','unf;/itia .^lafihylina. I'.. «: Iv I'roc. Aentl. Sci I'liil. July iSyo. p- ^iS Cesiiilose. clusters of neiitlieeia aliout 1 Mini, diain.. niostlv .«ei'i- itelv c( influent I or sevei-al centnneters ni leniith. erunii pen t tin ouirii ite within, tin' (•racks in the Imik and only sliiihtly prominent. I'erithecia Mack, small. ir»(»-li(K> n diani.. oxate or oliovate. narrowed iielow into a suli- >lipilate liase. ():-lioIiini conic-papillirorm. soon liroadly and some- what iiretiuhirly perH»rat<'d. Asci chivale-cylindrical. siilisessile. par- .iphysate. CiO-tl') x S //. Sporidia mostly l>illlnn .v> /(!/iiiall. nearly tiloliose, Mack, white widiiii. sometimes collapsini:'. tlu- stidiiia. if jire,;ii;i|iliys;it('. I'JOxlS-'JO u. S|i(iri(li!i nlili(|n,|y muiiDsticlioiis. f)Viiti'-<»liloiiir. Jirid loiiiiflod iit tin' iipcx. siiltiiciitc liclnu. iiiiis('|it!il(', tlic lower rcll iiiiirowcf. Iiviiliiic. Hi-*J() x X-IO «. Stvlos|i()r('s ill similar |n'ritlH'rin, (tvuid. IJ-scpliitt'. yclldwisii. sti|ii- tnto, 12 X <) //. Spci'iiiatia iiiimitc on shMitlcr liasidia. ("oiijilin id'otliU'cil on (111' •inlarf of tlic yoiniL^ stioiiia. ovoid siiliolivan'nii>, 16 fi loiiii'. Iioriit' on liliroriii. siiiijilc liyjilia' 40-()()x4 it. ('oninioii on linilis ni" pliuii and clicrrv Irct's. to wliirli it is mi y dostriictivc. Tlic u<'niis I'Inirriijhtlii. ill Sarr. Syll.. is nnsatisl'artoiT, t'liilua t'inir spi'cit's with tiin' pciitla'ci;!, siirli as S/i/nrr/'it untrhosa. Scliw.. and others with iiieri' asciucroiis fells, such as Doflililcd rihi'sin. (I'eis.), which is a licniiiiie Dotli'nhn. 'I'lic Ibrniei- arc licie indudiil ill the siiliiieiiiis Utthivlln, as has already Ih'cii done Itv Cooke in (Jrev. XV. p. S4. MOXTAiiXKLLA, S|h»k. Kiiiini ArK I'linill IV. p. 71. I'erilliecia deiiMvly iircii'arioiis. on nn elVnscd stroma. IVee uliovc. adnatc helow. .\sti S-sjiored, suiicylindrical. Sporidia linally ;^>-scp- tato and yellowish or lirownish. M. Heliopsidis, (Scliw.) (I'late 41) Jhilliiilfit Ifiliiipsiitis, Scliw. Syii C.'ir. No h>) Kxsicc. Hll N A !•■ '.^2. I'eritheeia deprcs.scd-i^ioliose, lilack (white within), coiineetrd ;it the Itaso Ity a str /iiiii, Berk. iJi Curt, in N l':u- Kxj)!. Hxp p 129, No id.j Afniiliif;)i,'//ii fl/iilvfi/aai. Slice Syll. ,s.!,?2 Stroma thin, lilack. penetratiii;i' the matrix, shiiiinir aliove, opakc and fertile lielow. perithecia (cells)? superficial. Sp»»ridia (sec. Cke (Jrev. XI 11. p. "<•) 1 -."{-septate. Iiecominu laownisli. (hi leaves. Nicarayfiia. II,; M. tuiiiefaciMis. (Ell. & Haik.) S/ir/l. H. Iv 3251. I'critliceia gloliose, astouions, Mack, 1 ")()-*J0() ii diain.. Iiasc adiiate. liiially more or less wrinkled and ninliilieatc-collapsed aliovc. often I'mcriiii;' the whole upper siirliicc of the leaf. A.. and Uav., is irivcn as a synonym on the iiiilhority ol" Cooke in (Jrevilleu. XIII, p. 10(5. ' I '^'■ul II 11 1 n 2:)4 P. Mimilliiiia, (K. &Knv.) Ih'lhiitm similliiiia. II. iS; Kav. Ciriv. IV p. laj Ihitliiiliu DisHWtlii. Ciirlis, (fldf Sacc. .soi/i| lUiiiiliillti similliiiia, Cki.'. Syii. i,<7.|. IV'ritliccia scattered, siiiiiller tliiiii iti /'. t/rttiii/iiot/cs. jrniiiiiliifcil. Asc'i naiT(»\v. Sporidia livaliiie, aicnate, suddenly attenuated at cin h end as in many VmiilriihirKv, 1 .') // lonu'. uniseptate. (Ml leaves (if I)vHinonn, Forestluiru', N. Y. it I'orms little Iilack tidts cro\vnin|ii' llie Iruit at tlie tips of the stems and Itrandies. W. eiiiioti{Vs|MH'a. (('k<'. & Hark.) SfthiFtui I iiiin/i(r>/>i»(i. Ckc. N: Hark. Clrcv. .XIII, p. ih ll'athdlhiilltt fiiniifiir.\/iiiiii. Sacc. Syll. 6399. Superlieial, m-ejiarioii.s Teritliecia olipyriform t\ mm.). Idack. .■-ulisliiniiii:'. smootli. Craiiile. Asci clavate. Sporidia lii.-eriate. (dlipli cul, iiillated in the middle, continuous, livaliiie. 00-3') x l'2-\A n. with .uraniilar plasma. On decorticated Australian Avac/'a, mi.xed with DipUnlia, Cidi lornia (Ilarknesg). W. iiielanostiKiiia, (('. & K.) .S/'/iinia nii/iiiKiilifimd. (C. iSiR.) C.rev. VI, p. i.v lab ijj. tifj. ih U'iilliiilltiithi >iii/a>iiislif;Hui, S.acc. Syll \-(>o. Kxsicc. I-:il. N. .\. !••. 7Si. (ireu'ariou.s. very small, hhick. I'eritlieeia suiij.doli()se, loO/idiaiii papillate. eiiier<>:iii,meniliranace(iii>. Asci cyliiidric-clavate. Sjioridia elliptical, small, liyali»e. nucleate 10 .\ « //. On dead places in livina oak limli.**, Xewlicld. X. .1. 2o5 W. iniiiiitissimn, «'nMiaii). S/'/tsscil-^Iol»os('. stroiijily Ii:i|iilliitt', liliick. sciiltr-icfl, lOO-l")*) // diaiii. As-ri c) limlriciil. p. sp. • I'l— |(i x iij //. Sporiiliii iiiiiscii.'itc (cml to einl). oliloiiuM-lliptifiil. Iiyiiliiic. '.\\-A X '11 ft. I'iiriipliyscri oliseuro. On iliy cow duiiii', NcwUcUl, X. .1. \V. macilnita. (Cke.) Cuciiihilaria macilfiila, Cke. drev. VII. p. 4. ll'iilliolliiilUi macilcntii, Sacc. Syll. 175^. 'I'lilts vciy . x (1 n- ()ii Ahloi and Lihorednis, (Jaliloniia. \\. sqiialidiila. (('. «l I*.) S/^/iii-i i\i sijiiithdiila, C. S: 1". Jylli Rep. N. Y. Slnte Mus. p. (>i. tl'athiilliiiihi >i/ii,i/iili4/,i, Slice. Syll. 17V/ IV'i'illiccia irrcirariou."*, •"•, scniiiiucrscd, pierced at tlie ajiex. iiImiui oOO It diain.. lilack. Asci cvliiidrieal. Sporidia iiiiiseriate. elliptical, simple, liiiiuclcatc. liyaliiic. l'J-17 ti loiiir. On diestmit wood, New York. \V. consociiita, (Kll. & Hark.) S/>/irithecia mcnd»ranaceous, small, mostly jierlorated with a simple poic at the apex, withotit any distinct ostiolum, at lirst covered liy the ei)idermis, linally more or less eninipent or even :«iiperlicial. Asci iiiostlv Ih.sciculate. I'araphvses waiitinu- or oltseiiro. 2:)(; lij . i! L.t:sTAIUA, \m\. IV'i'itlicfiii iniiiitc, iiit'inltriiimrrdiis. tvjiicallv |tii'ir('i| nt llic ii|h\ w ilii ii siiii|il(' pore. Asci ^-sjiorcd. w illmiit |iiirii|ili_vsc.<. inostly claviiti'. S|i(ii'iiliii ovoid or siilioliloiiii', (-oniiniioiis. Iiviilinc. Minute liiiiiii <::i'o\viiij'' mostly on Ii-avcs. A. (J/i fciirca of' (ftrofi/fci/o/ioi/x trees aiitl s/irnLs. Ii. I'livtismoides, (K4>i'k.) .S/i/iifiiii ih\lis»iiii
  • , llirlc. Ilrit. riiiiKi. 17'' Sfiliirria Ihyailis. I''ckl. Syiiil). j) ii.s. tnl). II. fi({ 41 .S/>/i,rn//ii >/i\/i\>ihiii{is. I)f Not. Kiel. I'ir. J). 12 /.tfs/tiiliii ilnliiiiiniilis. Slice. Syll I'li.Ckc. Syn .SJii IVritliccia ('|ii|ili_vIloiis, i-atlicr larirc, snniiiiifrscil on hiruf. liark colored, indeterminate sji(»ts. <:loltose. verv Mack, iierfonited. at leiiuili (IcprcH.^ed. Asci lascicidate. stipitale, clavatc. x-:^|»or('d. ')(»-').') .\ | I 1(1 n. Spoiidia inordinate, or disticlioiis. oltloiiir-<»vate. snliineiiuilatei id. enils olitii.-^c. iruttidate. 14-1 (i .\ '» (! n. Iiyaliiie. < >n leaves of />y//r/.s hi(e(/i'//o//'tt. (!reenlanf»ii(t ciiifiiiifii. Vr. Siiniin.'i. Vin. >c. |> .jjs St>li,riilli> iii>t'i'iiii. Awil. Myt- Iviir. 1. c. p. 2 /.irstai/iit cai/>iMi(i, Sncc. Syll. ii'i'i. Ckc. Syn. 522.^ Kxsicc. I'ckl. K. Kli. .((/i -Knl). 1" U. i^s — Ckc I-" Bril Str 1 i'^ — Desm I'l Cryi>l Kil. I. i>si. — I'M 2 2Ss I'eiitliecia am]»lii,L''eMoiis. sunk in the siilistaiice ol the leal ami covered l)y the hhickoned e|tideriiiis. .scattered. frl«>l>«>~c. with a sim|iie pure at the apex, Iduck. l-O-l'jO // liroad. Asci oldontr-davate naridwed into a short stipe lielow. s-spored. .'>(• (Jd x ^ //. ."-poridiii liiseriate, olilonu-elliptical, inei|iiilateral. siiliolitiise. ((iiecelled. hyalim 14-1 ')X 4-")//. On leaves ol' CV//y>//<*/.s. Methlehem. I'a. (Schwcinitz). Ii. Hlbocrustata, (Schn.) Sp/iaiia ulhi>cruilala,^\\'n. Syn. N. Am. 1791 iMiliidia albiictiiilala. Sncc. Syll. f*xx), Ckc. Syn .si>y2 Seate I Uesiii rl Crypl v.itf. iiimicnMis, !•! // liiiiu. Sjioriiliii liiinir. nlitiisf. mtn smnll, 4 \ IJ //. Iivitliiio. (Ml tlio lower siirfiifc nflciivcs of Phitainis. Mctlilrliciii. I'.'i. L. omiitalls.K. & K. IV...-. Acii.l. Nnt. S.i. IMiil. .Ink. Is!M». I'ditlu'riii niii|iliiii<'iinus. (l('|»i<'ss('(|-li('iiiis|ilirrifiil. I so 'J0(» /» iliiiiii.. sfiittcrcd. ('niiiipciit. Asci cliivntc-rN lindiicnl. p. sp. 4.'i o(>\ IJ // nr. iiicludiiiii tlic -IfiMlcr Itiisc. ~^^-'h a luiiy;, l'iiiii|tliys('?i iiniit'. SpDi'iiliii <'i', siilijrloliosc so-l(i(» n p(»ritln'cia ;iiii| liyaliiif. iiiiflcatc. snialln innlinniMis ^pmnlc:^. On (li'ail Icavo ol'.lapan Chcstnnt" Ciixtiihia Jujin/iirti imlt.). liaFayt'ttf, La, ( Lnniilois.) l']pipliyll<»n>. I't'iitlin-ia liTcuariun.-. Maik, t'liinipcnt. irlnlMor, -(ihitwliat sliiiiin;:. As'i cylindrical. Sporiilia* l>os«'. hyaline, I<|-1'2.\ !• //.. cM« nriiniic. Asei S-spored. lusilniin. I(>. .:-slipitate. .'t-l .\ I(» n. .<)(oridia Mvatc or elavate. hyaline. 10. \ (i ii. (Ml liviny: leaves oi (Jncirns Wisli-.ini. F''n|soiii. Cala. Ii. ('(Plata. Harkiiess. I. c. IN'rithocia liypopliyllons. entirely cuncealed. mattered. A.-ci iiiii((»id. clavate, lonu'-stipitate. 45 x !.'» //. I'araphyses none. Spoiidia X. hyaline, turbinate, "sliiniiej-."' 12.n(') //. endoclirome divided ver\ near the pointed end of the sporiilinni. (Mi dead ll'aves tA' (Jminifi tltii.yijhini. California ( Ii. p4»I.VM({piia. (K. .\ K.) Sfiliinillii {l.,r>liitiia\ p ii; l^slaiiiii l>iii\\liK»iii. Sncv. ■AyW 6.?7i. Ckt Syii S2' t Mxsicc K11 N \ V us I 33 li I ^1 I rnitlirciil siiltttiril thirkly ovti the lowiT siilfiHC o( tin- I. ill. »iiltlii'mis|ilu'riiiil. 12'* I.'iO // iliiim.. ntvcifil liy tlir liliifkcncil ciitirlr. liiiiilly collii|i,'siii<>. i>slinliiiii |iii|iillifiii-iii. :it l('iii>-||i iicrCointtMl. Asii uliloii):. ^sl^ssil^'. .'io-iOxN /i. ^-siMU't'tl. S|inri iin«l Now .lurH'V. L. lieiM'otlMM's. (Ike.) .S/. CVf Jimru Hot i-"*,? /.,/.'/.i./. Sail Svll '«".'i Cki- Syii SJ47 Hx«iic Rnv V Am '•■>:. K|>i|ilivlliiii.-. S|M»t)- vvliitisli. -iilioiliiiiiliir. «oiillut'iil. with ii nil iiiiiiiiiii. I'fiitlii'ciii vi'iv >uinll. iiiiiin'i«'(l. with tLc |iiiii«'til(»nii ixtinl;) iiiu'i^i'i'iit, liliirk. Asri clavattH vliiii|riciil. S]ioi-iilia «'lli|i|ii-ul. run tiiiiioiis. Iiyaliiu', 1H-I'>x4i //. (Ml loaves of /ji-mof/iitr. Siuitli (?ainliiia. L.*:w'uli. I'k. :^!tfli H.-|.. \>. '.1. I'oritlii'cia -mail i\^tU in. lonliriilar. invm'd liy the t'|iii|('iini- ormiijit'iil. ii|)ctiiiiy liy a niiiiiit<- |iui»'. Iilack. Asci siilu'lavalc S|hi t'idin crnwdnl. >iilK'lli|iti«'al. toloilcss. nJ-1(» .\ .'»-(!^ //. Hii Inllt'ii |M'tii»l»s mIIkusc clM'siiiiif. Alliaiiy. N, V. ( liiiinatiirc Sji/tU'rc/hi jHtinliinhn ! L. ha'niatnaes. (K. «: ('.) Splhfiillii htriiitilinlf.. H .V C ill Ht-rli llrrk (Ckr ill Joiini. Hi>( l^x.^. )i ;• ■ Ijffladiii hiraiiiliMlif. Ck«' Syii ^J45 K|ii|iliyllN. (K. ik ('.) Sfilurtillii >liKmatiiili>. H it C ICtiokc in J'liini Hot. in\i. ji. fiS), Ijoliidiii 'lnrmit/'Mtis. Sncc. Sj-Il. v/w ^kf si 74 PeritlitTia seatteivd. pnnetiforui. (rosemltlinu N. iiHuctif'nrmis) •>'.< :.!> A -I I tliiviitc-t'vliiMliifiil. S|iiiri(|iii iiiinnwly ••Iliptinil, .>l>tii.-M', n>ii tiiinnii.-. livnliiK'. S-H».\'J!-2J n. i hi It'tivt's. Mniiif. li. i:i,stniiii'ola. K. & K. lin il.) I'fiillH'cin jfiT^iirinii.". uii inilt'tinit)'. jiiilf «|i /< iliimi. Asri cliiviitf. ]*■ ^\*. *!(> x 10 //. !i|iaiii|iliy.sit(', >iilis»'s^ilt', S|Mii'iili!i liist'i'iiito iilxivf. itiiisciiiilc liclow. iiii>i|iiil:itci';ill\ •■lli|itit'ii|. Iiviiliin'. (•••MtiiiiiMiis. 10-12. \ ">-<) n. On (Ircayiiijr rlicstimt Ifiivrs still liiiiiufiiii: ••n t\viL>> lnokt-n ntV |;i.-l tail. Nfuiicl.l. N. .1.. April, is'H. I>in'i'rs IVniii A. rvfiiiinjtliihiA>r\\\\ .).\]\ |(» rnjiicnlnii* 'jlowfli ami lariiv!' a^<'i and s|Htci (Ui pale spots (»ii llir tippci' side nl ilic li'al', iniiiulf (T't-SO//), liiirit'il in tln' pan'iicliynia nf tin' lonl*. lait visililc tliioHirli the raised fpidfiniis. pci-lnratcfl altovc. Tlic pale -pots ill sonic <»r tlic s|M'(:c. linally assume a leddisli line. Asei eylin- ihiiiil. altoiit 40 X •> «. sessile, ."^poridia llliiseiiate. closely piiekeil. ine(|iiilaterally elliptieal. hyaline, rontiniioiis. .") tl x .Si-4 «. On decayinjr elu'stniit leaves with A. inntnnirola. [umx wliieli it ditl'ei> in its smaller, more densely iri-eyarioiis. epipliyllon* jteritlieeia iiiid >nialler sporidia. li. Magnolia'. (Si'liw.) Sfiluriht .l/ii.i; ""/'*»:\. Ckc Syii sun Sfiliif If Hit i^fitniioliir. \-.\\ Hull. Torr Hut Cliil>. I.\ p 74' Kx-uv. Ktl N. A !•■ >.<»< IN'iitlieeia aiiated in orliieular or variously shaped <>:roup> lilially contliieiit and iiccii|iyili;>' tlie whole lower siirliiee of the leaf, piiintiroiin. «'(tveriMl. tiattened. astomoiis. risinii' with tho epid(>rmis. at length culiapsiiii;. Iilaek. iml with the disk whitenin<> out. .Makes the upper siirfaee of the leal' liiillate. .\si"i siiiijaneeolate. ."Sporidia liiseriate, elavate-oldoiijr. hyaline. 7 \ '11 /«. (Ml leaves of Mmjitnl/'a f/faitni. Kaiirn's Point and Newfield, \. .1 There is no spec. o| this species in Ilerlt. Scliw.. so that we cai. not lie sure that the specc. in N. A. K. are the >'. .]/itt//to/i«i-. S(;hw L. fraxiiiicola, (Curtis & I'k.) /iffiazea /larimcolii. C. Hi V in ri'ck> jjiI Kt-)! p. ^4 /r/"s/ui/;/* /III «v/t(C)/ii. Siici'. Syll ''"-"h Ckr Syll ^f\'\ 2(in >\«iii«|i liuiili i \ I an iiirii iliiiiii. rt'iitlicriii lilark. tli wi-ll ili'\f|(i|i»'il iur i;,\, |Hin'il. "iiiu'i'' i|cii I'* x 4 <> ti. aliniii \ a- liaii! a?! widf." Hn Iravi's ol' /•'/7/,»•/■///^« .\iiniiiiiiiii. AH'aiiy. N. \. (I'ccki. A|i|iiiii'ntl\ ililViTt'iit rtiiiii Spliiirt'lhij't'ii,riiiii<>lii. iSiliw.i I. «i|)iiii('ola. (K. \ K.) s///.r»f//i( >/>/M'i"/.i K .VI-: I'm Aiiiil Nat. So I'liil July. !*>•»', |i JU I'fiitlit'cia .■'rallfit'd iir .! 4 luMcdnr. ininnlf I l<> I'JO /<, i'm||;i|i. iiii>. visilili- tlii'Diiu'li till' translno'iit )'|iii|i'i'nii,x a> iiiiniitr lilack ^|ii'r|<, li'inui'il ai'ituinl tlir liasc with iili'. 4'i \ I'J // (|i. -p. I S|Mni(|ia liin'riati-. •ilpiiini:-i|li|i tii-al, funtinwini.^. . \'l-\') \ .')-(•/<. On •i|iiM<'s {i\ Hdhh I'lthiifliiitHii. Wi'st ('ln'stt*r, I'a. I». ()ii /tiiri-s mill sfniin < if' ilinitifh-ili minis. Iivrlnifnnis nliinls Ii. liiieia.stTiis. (Si'lin.) S/ihifi III iiiifiiis,ni>.i>i:\\\\ S.vii \ Am i;^.* Sfi/iirnllii I nil I iiMiii.'', Oil in Jnuiii HdI i^m I .f'liiiliii i nil III ,i-ii^ in OiHikf>. S\ II ('.rrv r"< ji. •^',iMi-\ >\\u\> ani|iliiyrni>a>. mtv laiirc. ii-n'y:iilai' and indftMiiiiiMtiv I infiiuii« lit'liiw. lilack almvi'. I't-ritlicria inmiincrnldc, riowdrd hm ilif ^|iot>. very -mail, lilack. innate. ^\'1\ n. On loaves of Ai*ih-pitis si/rinrn. IJi'thlt'licin. I'a. L. A|MM'yiii. K. A; K. I'i..c. IMiil. Amd. I. .:. I'crillK'cia y:rcirarioiis. iU'|»rt's,-i»'d-s|»lirrical. lAU 2 x !(» I'J n. .<)i(iiidi;p crowded i.M'riate. olilony. "J-nncleate. ohtiise. mostly a little cnrvcd 10-ir. X. '■)-«; /<. On dead stems <»r A/tor i/ini in, London. Canada (|)earness>. Ii. depi' (Pk.) SpliiritlU ilt-pii'mi. I'k •,.;N? /tii'ii/iii/ioiii dif'ii>Mi. Slice Syll. i7(«ji Peritlu'tia iiiimerons, minute, depressed, or even concave wlieii I ■| 1 •jr.i i>li liiii .1.1 I'd !lir • ■III! sillil'lli-il •Mill. ill r(»\v t Ill|. Ci It. M Iiiilll IN-rki. •Iiw.) ,li\ Mfirlx, A-;.!( .'/>^(>. Siliw Syii N Am. i;^; N//(./->'//.i ( "/I//V I'arliiw Crv)! I'l 'if tin Wliitr Ml. ji .'i; KsxKi- Kll *» Kvrlil. X. A I'. 2r*iM|. Ii|;ick. iiiif<»«i'. iiiiiliilirati' liy r<»llii|)»iMii. «ittcii liiiin iiii; latlit'f "lisJiiifl wliilisli <>i \wi-li -|i|i. iiiiv iiiiliir. -iiiiK'tiiin's ciiivril. |.'»-'J(»\ I^-'J^ n. Oil |i'!i\f- i>\' Ciijifis frifitHii. N'l'W lliiiii|i-liiif. .Mji<-,ii-|ii|.('||- mill .\cu ^'iiik. I.. K|iil«>lMi. (Wnllr.) >/■//,/•> /ii //'(/../'//. Wiillr Kl Cryj)! ('., leu-;- .|i;i|iri|. ulit'ii iliy r(»llil|i.-illi: In fOllfiU i', |M'rUirilt<'i| JlliiiVr. I.lili'k. I. ■'.<'-- I III II (liiii:i. A-ici liisfiniliitc cliiviilt'. -Iittit-ili|iitjit«'. s->|Mirci|. 4."i-.'iii \ \i) II. S|niriiliii iiii|i('rrr(tl\ lii-i'iiiitc. t'lli|itir-«ili|iii|M-. iitlinimti'il iuwnnl i'iicImmmI Imt imt !iriit<'. iiici|iiil;it«'iiil, iiiif-i-c||ci|, liynliiM'. ],", IT x:V4 «. Mil ilfiiil -It'll!- of H i>iliihliiiii iiniiHsflfhliinii. i Jn-riiliilnl. li. (iiriiiiite^eiis. Kostr. I'miiii (Jioiil. p. ;')47. I'fiitlii'riii tlnisfly L'ti'tiii lions. ItMis-slitipt'il. |H'rloriit<'il iiliuvf. A-ri r\ liiiiliii'-4"J \ 10 n. s-sporotl. Spuridiii (u.^uiil iili|iiii X /)-(; ft. Oil V'iwt'-i' n\' IIilinnthiiH pcplo'nh-K. ( Joilliavii (!f('PiiI;iii(|. iNI li. Ai'cliaii^'elicaf, Kostr. I. <■. S|Mil» t'lli|iiiciil. hniic l-li nil. (liiiiii.. ciiH'f^'niis. ' |*riilli<'ciii nil- iiM runs, ilf'ii.-flv '^iifuiiiinii.-. i|f|iics«iM|-s|(lia'iMi(|. when iliv rolliiiisin.; (ii rl||i-x|lii]iri|, liliirk, Lilill'l'nli-. A-^fi n\ i||»'-r\ lilnllii'!ll. S-S|Min'(|. .I'J- Jv \ (■>-.*> _/<. S|i»triiliii lii-«'ii;ilc. I''isni(|-('|nii2iitr. -^-It liliclciMf 1 1 I> \ 'J-.'> tt liVlllilir. On (||\ -ti'iii.- Ill' .\t< /ii'iHfi //( n iiffii/niih'ii. ( InTiiliiml I.. rarvo|»liyllea. (('k«'. «V Hark.) .\fi/iiri-l/it iiin>i///i//-.i Smi Svll I'l'j^Ciif Syii \ii'' l'fiilli('<'i;i iiiiniitc. |iiiiii-tili>rni. ilfii.^flv 'irt'u;iritiii>. vt'i_\ iilack illllM'V. l'|IH'li;<'lll. A.X'i <>li"|;|Vi|tc. N S|lll|l'(|, .-I'.^silc. S|iuli(|ill nli (ii.-i'ly liiiMCdliilc, liisfiiiitr. roiitiniiui'.-i. hviiliiH'. •J(»\T.i u. On «triii» i)\ lUiintlnis. ( 'iilill'. niii. li. as:iiitV)lia, (ike.) SI'Ii.j^kUii If. II .li'liii Cki Jiiiini lliil i^^s. (i i.p\l\ldir ifiinl"liii Slier. Syll '«'i ', Ckr Syii ^/S" l']|ii|ili\ llii'is. .<|M»t,- i>rl)iciil:ir Jiinl cuiilliicnt. riiliuilMi • iN'ii llii'ciii sniiill. ■jlniiux', lihick, |n'ir(>ijiic(|, iTiiwdcd. rircinniitrlv :ii riini^fd .\>ri -:iili( vliniliiciil. .'»<• // Ihiil;', .'^i II nil I ill •'lliiiticiil. ronlMiimii-, Inn Oi; Icivr- III Asilitini ilrif'ol i iiiii . .'^iMilli ( ';il'M|i|i;i (Jn iiiiiiif>i I iiiii ?>,ui Syll iiiKkH Ckf Syii \i\\ Tt'; H'lin ;it Hot cnvclicl liy lllf !'n(if|»', .xiimIi r|llin|n'lll. Miilffliil Ml iil'ti'lirr ^llliriilllllli III ill till' iliri'i'lioll ul' tin- luliiirl' ii\i> III' (III- li'iil luo cif lliiiT luLii'tlii'i , ;i|i|».'iiiiiiii tlirii liki' :i iniiiiitc II i/sh riiini. \~y\ lii-rifiiliitc. .'i") — 10 .\ 7 .^ //. S|>nri(li;i ciowdcil 111- lii I'liiilf. rl;i\iitf iilijnnji-. uiiiMMliir. ilnTMjiiiiiii- iiniscj.lair)',' liyiiliiir n liii| li'itvc- 111 ,//////y/i //rs \' iiijinidiiit jiiuji. Kmiii'l iii.^u li\ Kiii'stt M. ill Kinhiml. L KMhvellii. m\.) '^ph.nt.iii lUct.i.lUi V.W Hull Ton (l..t Cliil. VII |. .;<. I'liwitlii^fiiiiii lliihiillii. Sine Syll ii«c. I'i'iillii'ci;i iiiiiiiiti'. mIiiIiii^i'. I'liMTi.,! Iiv llif i'|ii(icrnii-;. liiiiilh -iili ''ii||li ''\ ,.niiii|ifiit. |tcrl'unilcil iil><»vf. A-fi rlii\iitf-r\ liiiilr'ic;il. nl.tii-r, );o T4s. I't'i-iilicciii vcrv iiiiimtc iiml iiliiiii(liiiit. Liiv-riirinii-. ;iiriiiiy<'il in |,;iiiillfl lilies. A>ci riisci»'iiliil(M»li|(iiiii-rlii\iilt'. roiniiioiily with ii tliiik ,,„,,,, 1, ijiii, .. ;;.'(-4.'( \ rj-14 n. S|niiiili!i liisoiil-nlilouir. uiif-ccllcil. IJ- On ciiliiis iiliil /ii .(//(" '/i/;»/i;, I'l- I'liio Il;i1 Crylil Nn \X1 .S///i/»r//ii »■./(;«. i/'//;Ai, Awd Myc )•',»< I'M l> t tiK i<>,< l,,i!.liiniri|, 'J7 \ l //. S|Miriili!i liisfriiile, <'yliinlrir-nli|nnu. ciid- iniiiiilcil. sciiiTi'ly ciuwtlf'd, (•unliiiiiniis. 4 x I .J // (4 x I //. Snt'i) On spines of n|i| tlicslniil Imns. I'l'imsylsi' tin Jiiid Ni-w .li':«cy iiinl |irtiliiilily wlieievci- the cliestnilt lice is Inuiitl. 'I'lir specit's ili'sciilietl in Siiec. Syll. I. p. 4*-;'). i» evidently the -,Hiir iis lliiit deserilied liy Scliwcinit/,. to wliuni the spt'cii'.- slmnld !••■ .ivditcd. snid iinf tn ("esiiti or Aiierswald. Sjtei'ii's not irill kiintfii iinil tlii-i'vfhrv iloiihtj'ul. I. y hri'imiea. (B. & i\) /l,/>ii ii; f>i iiiiiiii! H ft «.' J'.rrv IV, )) i^> l.trsliiiliii htiiiiiir,!. Siiii-. Syll i^^'i. Ckf. Syil s.'V' Spots diirk lirown. orliicnhii-. ilioiit \ ol' iiii iiicli iicross. .\sci r|;i\;iif. Spoiidiii I lisciiiitt . iijinow. riisilonn. sometimes sliohtly iiU'ved. l-liiirleiite. On lein 's of Ai'ir ntirnin. Sonth ('illolili;i. li. f^laiiresiTiis. Cke. "». Spiiiritlla KUiim-siriis, Ckc. C.rcv VI! p. m /.,/-t/ii.//.'.v/i"'" >""'. *^»'^' Syll. i'.(7, Ckf Syii 5i.s7. KxHicc Kiiv V . Am. i"-! Ilvpoplivllon-^. Teriili 'ei:! ^eniiiiiiiiie|.;ed, crowded on oiliiinlai iiH ■ •J(.4 ^|Hit<. vci\ -iiiiill. Am! ihixiilf. .'!'• \ I" /^ S|n)iiili.i r|li|.tiriil. ti .\ .'. /. < hi li-iivcj. Ill" Aliiriillii till iithiijiiiii mil . CVf 1 iv /../•'/i/c^.i ( '«. )/;A;/,(,,iii jf«/. Smv S>II 'lilt (."ki Syii ^j*-) I'l'litlMTJil <'IIH'f»<'l|-il|||;itl', l|i'liii-.|i|MMil'!|l. -Ilinulll, Vl'IV lltilHll' ^liiniii!.'. iiii'iiilii-iiiiJHcniis. iiivcri'il l>\ flu- f|iii|criiii.-. A-fi c|!i\;ilr -li'Ht. S|ntiiiliii t'lli|itic!il. ciiiitiiiihiiis. Ii\;iliiir. "l x ."> // (Ml l:i>iiii|>. |;rtlili'li<-iii. I'ii. 'I'lii' .<|ii'('iiii<-ii ill lli-i'li. Sriiu. ir witliiiiil I'l'iiit. iiiiiiiiitiii)' til i liw >\ II N Aim ir.),> \/»//i/-/ /•//.( I\iIm:oii,iIi. Ckf I c l.tT'.liiiiux l^ihii'oiali . Smc Syll 'thh I'ki- Syii S-Si *l*n illicriil «r:|ftclr(|. ilili:i(c. |iliiliit'iiliiiti. I'll /'ill i/iinnilf inn I5l'tll|fln'lll . I*.l SIMI.KKKIJ-.\. (Vs. «; lie X..t. M'luiiia ili Ca»*if Sfiii;ii'ij. \t m.'. I't'iitlircjii tliili-liM'liil>i;ili!iri'iiii-. ulol'i'-t'-lt'liliriiliii , cumti'iI I'X ill)' i-|ii. Ml' siilM>i'iiiii|iiMir. (Ntiuliijii iiii|ti')'ssi'i| or «lini l|i;i|iilli loiiii. |)('ii(iiiilt'<|. A»t'i witliniii |i;iiii|»liVM'-. ^-.-|l^|'l•(|. S(Miri(li;i cllii' lii-:il 01 i)li|iiiiiili|iy;iliii<'. S|ii'i'iiin^iiiiiii ;iiiil • •iiiiidiii n| niniiv -|iccii's kimwii. An <'\tt'ii~i\f '^niii."'. IN'i'itlit'ri.i >*iii ' |»iiiM'tilniiii, i:<'|iit;iI!\ luliiruldii-. i;iii'ly iin tuiu> iiiiil I'l'iil. A. /V//7/.V///I- nil liili'is iif' il nnt i/li ilniKiiis I I'ris iltiil sliinns. S. aqiiatii'a. Cke. .Iniiiii. I>i>i. !>>:>, p. HMi. Mxsiir kiiv I' .1111 i>io. I'nilllt'ciii li\ |in|i||_v!loli-. liliilii'-r, iliilk iiinvui, i|<'ll-i'ly ridwd'il till nrliifiilni »|Hit». ;it lir-t nivcicd liy tin- fiiticlr. flii'ii t'lin'i'^'t'iil Asri rhiviitt'-rv limlririil. S)iniiilia ('Inii^riitcil-clliiiticiil. iiiiisi-|itiitf, liVii liiu', "Jo \ 4 /'. Oil Ic;i\c» <<\' (Jm i-i-iiA iliilinlii'ii !)illii'li (ill. •jc,-, III. ti x .; „ S. pmirtilVii'iiiis, (IVi-s.) ly iiiiiiiil' -ci cl;i\illr If nr -Ifilli ..I tl.r |r;it ;ili\ lilp|i>ii CUM'fl'll il\ /iuiiii ^f',l^^,l. \V:illr. I'l. Ciyiil. t'.i iiii II. ji 773. .S/>/i,ruii iHMiliiii\, Witllr. I. i'. p. Ml- * Sf'li.iihi fififx i\!»ii. I.i-v. Ann. Sil. Niil. Sci. III. Ii'iii. IX. p. i||. Sfli.rihi till mill, l-'ikl. iinil Sp!i„-i III ui/u im/ii. I'lkl. Iv Kh. "'|5'Hi'l ■''.<<'■ Sf'liima Ailiiiitiis, Kali, in KI U.'tli llrih Mvi'. VA. I. p ,''i>. S/'/iirii/lii /•iiiiiliroi lint, v:'.r. funiiniiti. k:il>. Ilrili. Myc. Ivl. II. p if>.|. Sf-h-rifllii iHiii itlir/ni mis, Ckf. Jimni, Hot. .\il>{. i^''ii. .Sf'h.rirllii iiiYn'iiii, I'Vkl. Synili. p. 'n. Stiiiiilil't>iiiii'. Sacr. Syll. I'^i'i. Cki- S>ii. .v,'i7. llx-iir I'lkl !•' Kli. s.-j, Sy,, .S(s, S17. Kat>, 1li-rl>. Myo>l. i'>|. -iil. I'. Iv .•ni. -•'M.';. -Vsr K/> I'". Sri. .'n -■I'tiutn M. I". .'(>.i. u-^ M. Marih. is(>. rcritlii'i'iii iiiii:ili--|iiiiii-tir<)nii. .-^iikkiIIi. .-iiili.-iliiiiiiii:'. lilmU. |irniiii' in'iil. iiiiiliiliiMli' l>\ nill;i|ihiiiii. |iri rniaii'il .'iluivc. (iO I'JO n l;ili' iiinl iiiii-lliilcil, (1 1> .\ 'J -."i.l II. llVillillc, IciWi'l' cell inure ;|(m(i'. (Ill I lie lower -iirrtice >A |eii\e,< ul' (Jin r<- lis. iniiie 1:1 rely ( 'ilntiliii ti . /■'iii/ii.'i. . h'snil ii.-i, ('iiri/ii, ('iiniii.'i Mini some nllieis, cnmnioii. 'I'lie s\ iioiiymy i.- IVom W'iiiler'- I'il/e. S. iiianilironnis. (IVrs.) .Sfili.riiii iiiiii iilil-ii iiin. I'lTs Syn. p. iifliriiii iiifiiiiii, Wallr. PI. Crypl. II. p. 770 .Sph.riillii ii/i/i: III, iiiiiiiiii anil \iiiiii/,iii\, L'kiv in Joiirii. Ilol .Vni; i-mVi. .Sfli'/'ii'llii Ditii ii/i/iii inis, Awil. Myi'. Mnr. I'yr. V. p. s Iv-i.i- K/c 1' Sri .'M Kal> I- !•;, I-M.j. Nir., .Sir. I-ll N A I' 1 ;.Ci. |*erillieei;i liy|io|ili\ lloiis, tliicUly lii'ciiiirioii-. rormine- -iiiiiJI. lilin l<. nii'jilliir >p"l-^ '. I mill, iieids.-i, mill limiteil liy llie nerves ol' the leiit. iiiiiiile-|iromiiieiil. |iiim'tironii. -.^loiiose, "'• SO n liroinl. Iihiek ;iinl luster le— . [lieieeil ;|lpo\e. .\-ei rl;i\ iitecylimlrica!. se-siie, .')(•-(»(> .\ T-S m. ^|puiiili;i lii-i'liiile. olniViile-oMoiiL;-, iilii.-e|it;i(e, more or less eoiislrieteil :il llie -e|iliiiii. liyiiMiie, !t-M x ,'! I n (or sometimes only "J n wiilei. On leiive.- ol' (Jiirrni.^, (Jilstil.liil, F ni.i'l nils, ^ /•Jsrii/ iis -.wmI other ijeeidiioiis trees, common. Winter (ill hie rij/e. p. :]s:\\ remiirks llmt this spec-ies is usually •jiilliereil ill ll:e aiiliiiim. while the |ieril!ieei:i are still iinmatiire. ■.» lliat till' speeiaieiis in the various K.xsiccati are, lor the most part, iin- relial>h>. S. ll|(;i((' (i| llii' |( III'. L:iiili(i,-c. jn'i rnlntrd ;ili(.\f, ,MI-|M) /< llilllll.. I'liM'I'ril li_\ llic t'|ii.|i'l llli>. I>lll l|i-'lilll l!\ | 1 (•/'(> .-|.(ir('i| I '.' .•") (i- i'ii|i:i niiuiifrl. •J-.'J-MTiiili'. Iii.-niil, -II'^IiiIn (iiivid. 1 s-'J-J \ lI|_;; „ CJCi \ .'! //. W inter; 'Jd-."!."! \ ."I I /». >in(;inlni, ()ii liilli'ii ii'iiM- III liiltis n'liifinii. Aiiic-. Iiiwii ( riiiiiiiii'l I. Tlir |iiu;i -|i(c. wi'ic illilii;illllv. I'lil ;i|i|i;i|( liliv llli- >|HTi( -. 'I'lir ihcii-incii,riil- 111 11-1 i Mini -|iiiriili;i iiir Imhu -| i i . in >\(|(.u'- \|, MiiiTliicii. S. U.'iM'iM'lii. rk«'. (!ri\. Nil. |i. ,'i;;. M.\»ui K^iv V Am i"-! I'crillli'lill ll\ |i|i(i|iili;i elli|iti( III. Iini-e|i|;ite. -liulltlv I ll iekenei | jiimve. •« .\ I //, (In link |e;i\e-. Aikeji, Snlllli ( ';il iilinil. S. Ailaiitlii. rk«'. «iie\. \ I, |,. i ic. Hxsiiiv l<;u. 1- Am \-;. ( Jre'j;ilil ilc, Ci \ ,"> n. On leaves III Athint liiis. Aiken, >niilli ( 'niiiliiiii. S. ilin-llM. \\i\ (.ie\. \ III. |,. I l!t. I'el illieeiil e|pi|!|| vlloll-. | pljln I ilidlli. ItllM k . -i 11 1 lelcil nil i ill liellkil while .-|iiii--. A-ri elavah'. S|Mpriili.i lii-ipiil, li\ aline. niii-e|. late, iciii- sirieleil. 'J(l .\ (i II. cell- Ipililirleale, Oil leave- III' //(.!■ >;;, |.. ;;iT. l-A-m I'.ll .N. .\ I- 1. -.1 Aiii|'lii'ieniins, Spnl.-i I'luiinl. .'1 I iliain.. while jiliuve. willi a niiscil, |illl'|ile inal'liill. lei|i|i.-||-lp|'iW n IpiIhw, rerilheeia |illl|('lirnl'lii Iplaek. ip\ ale-^|i>lpii-e, M'Uiiiihlner-eil. njleli eiilla|i-in'/ aluixe. .\.-(i iplil(iiii;-i\ liinliii al. I" ."i." \TJ,-II //. S|piiriilia lii.-eiiale. Inn',;, Slllili\alilie. Illii-e]i!a|e, -!i;.2lil|\ enji.-l rieteil, W, \')\'.\ n. (Ill leases nj llix (jliihiH. New lielil. N. .1. We lia\e iiipj -eeh N. /7/cr//«/. ( 'ke., 1 ill I llii' Niwlielil r-jiecihien- -eeiii ili-liiirl ill llieii' -iiialler -|pipiic!ia ami ani|iliiuennii- 'jiuwlii. S. pjiMlalola. ('. \ K. Oie\, \|. |,. icp, lali. '.Mi. tin. -j;!. F.x-i.v l-.ll \i;mIiI s a I-. .Is. I .1,1. I'eiilheiia liiinnle. 'jliilpii-e, Maik. -eiiiiiiiilne|>ei|, riuwijeij ill ii : iliirk I'inu u. oil IM'iiK lll.ll i»i'|il;ilf. inii- I |illl|('lirn|'lii lin\r. .\~ri •. chnnlf-iili • > '>. iirt . Sflic|it;ili'. li_\;iliiH'. S x ;» ii. nil Tiliii Ann ririiiKi. I'flilisvl \ iiliiii ( Scliw .} S. |M»|»iilitolia. ( ke. ). <. |>. I ''7. Kx-uv K:iv I'' Am ''"^i lly|iii|iliyll<>ii . I'lTilliiTin iiiniiti> |iriiiiiiiii>iit. )iiiiirtiriii')ii. irlnlniM- l.lir-k. -Ill iilliH'iii-iitivi't'iiiiti'd. ."1 11 tuijctlii'i'. in iiiinii'iiHis. >iii!ill. Iiliirk. .-iili;iiiirnliii- i;rnii|is, or also sciilli'ii-il. .\-ri rylindiirnl. S)ioiiiliii siili liiiiri'oliilc. niiist'|itiitf, liyiiliin'. I (> Is \\\\ I ii. On IfilM'^ t>\' J'njHt/ils i/ni/ll/iffu. >UH\\\ ( 'lllnlilill. Ill our no IVnil. S. oilMciiliiris. I'k. JmIi \\i\>. |i. s|. I'riillicriii iiiimili . iiiiiiili'. i'o\ ni'il li\ llif fjiiiliTiiii>. wliii-li i- ;il Irii'jili |iiri('cii or rii|ilMrfil. ocrii|(yinM- ili>tin('l or siilicoiilliifiil. Iiiown- i-h -|Mii-. .\sri -iilicyliiiilrirjil. .•^jioiidiit olilonv;, iihisi>|iiiil«>. colornl. In i;i It Ioiil;-. On tlif ii|t|M'r siiilihT III' liillcn |io)il:ir Ii^;im-. ('enter :iimI Nortit on the jfiivi's ii>>fnili|i' llio>e o|' I't n/nr/n nrhli-iilnris on o!lk lr!l\e^. Soiilftillii'- till' cltiili'inii* ]iitI> olV l'('\r;ilin'J tlir Jieiillie- <•!;! Iifiiriilli. TlirM- lire oltt'ii iiioic niiiiH'roii> iifiir iIm- iiiiiriiiii of ihr .-|in|. S. \Vistaii.T. ('k«'. (irr\. \ll, |,. f)!. rMlirliloi'in. \ ;; n. Oil |rii\t'«ot' ]l'/'>fiir/ii. South Ciijolinii i |{;ivfiicl ). S. IVaxiiiea. Pk. ;;.'.ili Ifrp. |.. I I.".. I'l'iilln'ciii niinifioii-. niiiiiiic i7"> //). Miifk. iiiii|ilii'^rnoii-, liviifi- ill\ riillicifil ill i"i(ni|i^ loiiiiiiiii -nliui'liiinliir -|Mit-. .\>fi oMuhl; 2t;s ol'h'ii sliiilitlv iiMiiMUfcl iilunc. .'»."i-|(( n Imi'^. S|i<»iiiliii tiM\V(|ii|, ul(|((iiir-(»\!iti'. iiiiisc[iiiili'. ciiliiili'-s. |(( \'l \ \ .'»/«. dividcil \\\ ilic -ci,. Inill idin Iwii MTV lllin|llill |i!ll't>. lllf -lll!lli||| i,\ till' l;ii'jfr. On liilli'ii lr;i\i'» ul' !•' rii.iiinis Aniiil'itiin. I IrMfllici 'j Ml- Ni'U N'urk. Wlifllicr llii- i> ifiilly >|iccirK!ill\ ili-liiM'l IVuiii S. ij/ti/i/i'i/ii Stiiw.. i- i|iii|lill'iil. Iiiil \\f liiiM' III) iinllii'iilic -|ircc. Ill till- liiiii'i «|M'riiv». S)ii riiiii'iis III' S. f'rii.iiinii. I'k.. ill oiii' lli'ili. cfitiiiiily ii'jiif wi'll witli Sriiw riiiit/" ilf'iii'i)in' III' llir [('ill', iiiid ;i|i|i)-iii'iiiu' iis if liiiiinilnl liy ii lihirk liiH'. mi .'iriniiiit ul iIm- jh'i illiiTJii lifiiiu iiiori' cinwiii'il Mi'iMiinl tlir iiiiii'Liiii. I'l'i'illii'riii w\\ iiiiiiH'i'iiii.o. iiiiliiili'. ri'nwiji-ij mh llic »|ii>l-. -iiliiiiii.ili'. .-iilprmiM'X. Iil;irl\. iiiiirli (•iiiwiji'ij, sn nv liiliiriii. !l- it'. ;i tiliirl\. I'ilieiriiiis rill^l. \>\\ il;i\iili'. Sjiiuiiliii I'liijil i<-:il . iiiii>i'|il;ili'. .-("iici'lv foiisliirli'il. iiviiliiii'. I ."i \ I tt. I • .1 < )li ii';i\r- III' I'' nixiniis Hi inniniiln . I!i'tlilrlii'lii. I*ii. Src. Sclav mil luiiinl III! iii\ iiliicr -ihmmi's (tr;i«li. S. riaxiiiirohi, (SiliH.) Sf'hii I itt //i; I (..'/.I, Siliw S\ II \ Xlii. 17S7, Sfli,( 1,11,1 /I.I I llfl..IIMI. lint. |•>^! |i 1.7 ll\ |iii|iliyllniis. I'l'iilln'ciii >iiliiiiii:il(>. liliii-k, iit Ii'iiliIIi riiiin-f ilrlli-i'i'lil, | n iliij ill i l|i"j lihi rjy illTilllueil. >i|lir||i|itic;il. lllii- -i'|il;ili', li\;iliiii'. Iiiui'i- ri'll li:iliiiwi'r 7 ,', \ i! n. < hi ;i<|i Icivi-, rniiisv lv,iiii:i (SrluM'iiiit/). ( iiMiruia ( Ifjivriii'li. (Mli'ii -li'iilf. >. /•'/■//./•////'. Nir-vl. hii.. ihr -;il Xtrlllill ;i|i|if!(|';il|C(' ll.< llii-: till- «|iiilii|iil. III. Ui'M'l. llir 'ji\r|i iis 2<;-"J> \ -I //, lillt ill till- Spcrr. ill l.iiiliiiit's i /*. uilli llii- -|iiiiiili;i ••|ii\vi|r(|-lii-.rii;ili'. S. t'ri't'. Ckr. > liiis -|iiiiiiliii uiily 7.1 .\ .'! //. mihI if -<», the two ciiii liiinlly lie the siinir -(ii'iiiv-. S. .\.siiiiiii;i'. K. \ K, Mil lliili.i l'''l illl''<'iil III! |i|||r ycjluw i-ll\vllili' >|Mit« I rill, ijilllli., -calli'li'il i(i:» iii'f ;i.< till-: the ,-(icic. ill r. :\'2't'). llir\ ;i\i' -|iuriili;i , 7-".* fi. \\ illi , (.-IT. i'kr.i lie tlir SiiliH' c(ili\i'\. -ii1m'Iiiiii|h'1iI. [tii'iri'il iilnivf. T'l " |itiitr. Iiynliiii'. iiIhmii I "J \ :',!, k. -li'jlilly riinslrirlnl. ( >ii liviii'j' liMVi'- III" .\slnilnii trihtlm. Ulijn ( Kf||criii;iii i. S. 0|iiiiili.'H, K. A; K. .Inmn. MmmI. |\', p. '.iT. I'lTilliiTin urt''j;irinii-. KHI-II'J // ili.-ini.. in imlclir- 'J-Id iinii. .|,.|Mis-;. (t-liiihi riiiiii|i"iil. 'jliilin-c. iiiiiinTfil Is i|iiiiili i-ii|c;ili'-c|rl:. A-ri uMniini) liiiilri'iil, tiO ,\ s !• ^^/. -.(•--ilc. williunl |i!ir;i|ili\ -i-s. S|mi. liiliii iii-i'iiiili'. I'liiVMtr riisiiiil. iiiilsi'|il:ilf. ,-ii'jlilly ln-iil .il tin- iuintiil. I ,iilii-iiiii;i l Lilllirlitisi. S. i'osij;i>iiii. K. \ K. .loiiiii. Mmi.I. Ill, |i. I."i. M.-irliJiculdil-. S|inls !llll|i|liu'i'linll-, lri|tlisll-i»l'n\\ II, uilli ;i |iill'|ili-!l Imii'iIi'i. ilrDiiili'. :>- I mill, ijiiiiii. I't'i'il! i:i <'|ii|ili\ lions, lliirklv s<-:ir- ini'd (iviT till- -|inl-, iniiiiiti' ((!(>-"•'• n). piirllv fiiiiii|"'nl. -iili;is|oiniii|.i. Iijiii'k. .\-ii -nlM'l;i\iili'i>li|iiiii;\ '_*."• .".0 \ .^ H> /'. S|Miiiili;i lii.«irii;ili'. rliiMiic-ulildiiu, livjiliiM', niii-i'|iiiilf. |0 I'Jxli /'. i'ikI-^ -iili;inilf. N'u' Id lie lunlninMli'il willl l.ilslilil ill linsiv. .\l|c|>\\. ( >ii liviiii; li'iiM's ul' ciiliisiiiiMl rn»t'<. Iioiiisiiiiiii ( LiiiiL'tMi-;!. S. tili'illJi. rk«'. .1(111111. Mill. Iss;!, |i. I(»T. Kxsiii K.iv I'. .\iu. rsi. I';|ii|ili\ lluiis. ."^|iuts wliiti'. siiliniliifiiliir. "J \\ niiii. iliniii.. «illi a ii'ildish iiiiiriiiii, snnii'liiiii'.- nMiiliifiii. I'frillM'ciii i|i'|iif--i'i|, 7">->n " ili;iiii.. [n'llnialfil ;ilinvi'. ol'lcii '_'-."> ••onlliii'iil. snliriii-innalf. \\ illi a -li'jli! iiiMrJial riiiiLif ai'diiinl llii' liasi-. .\si'i chiv ali- rvliinliiral. lio ;»() \ (1 n. ."^|Mii iijia siiMiisiTiali'. nli|(inii-c|li|iliriil. I'J .\ I //. S|icniiiii>niiiiiiii Plu/I- hisliilil n/riiiU. ("kc. On l(',i\ cs til' 0/r(/ Ann liniiiil. .\ iki'li. ."^iilllli r.'ilnlina. Ill 'riir iiM-a-niriiH'iil- >A' |ici'illn'i-ia ami a-ci wi-ii' laki-ii IVtiiii -iicfc 1,'ax. V. Am. S. stapliyliiia. K. iV K. .Inmn. \\y,A. III. p. j-js. .Mariilicnjuii-. ."-|p(il- aiii|ilii'jviiuii-. iiicijiilar. uricii iiaiTitw ami I'luiiiiiilcii. mii-ll\ li'W nil a Ifal. "J— I mm. nr .-umctimc-: 1 I.', iin. iliani.. ami ocnisionallv iiri'ii|i\ iiiii' an I'litiir lialf nf tin- Iral. ran-iiiu tlif all'iricd jiai'l III dry ii|i and I'all a\va\. i'l'iillircia miiinli'. vi-ildr na linlli -idt's, ami -iilia. iin'iiiliiaiiai'i'iMi<. Idaik •JTn 7.'>-|ii(t ti iliiiiii. A-ri uMuiiif. -i--ilt'. |((-t;(t\ |*J //, wiiliniil |.!ii- iipliVM':-. S|tiiiii|iii i'iiivMli'i|lii-iil)iiH'i|iiila!- I'lsil, illii.-«'|iliitf' ill III niii>li irini, \ clluw i-h Ii\ aline. | 'J- | ,'i \ ,"i n : iirrnni- |iaiiii'(| li\ a .]/iii rnsjtnn inn :\i\i\ \<\ -iiiallfr hl\ li»|MM'il«'|-iiiis iicrilliii la t'Miiliiiiiiii'j I'lliiiliciil. >iii>ru. ;iIiiiiiI .'i\'J^, n. Mil jiviii'j \i-,>\i'~ ii\ Sfiifi/ii//i II. Kiiiisiis. S. «>\Jllail<«. rk«*. TiNa- I'liii'ji. Nu. III. S|ii)l< iiiiiiiil)'. ilai k luouii. rn iilii't'ia li-w . iiiiiiii-i.--<*i|. at Ii-iil'IIi •'a-tiipj oil ill)' nilirli' alxui' llii-ni in lillli- n|iciriiliiii| ili>k^. .\-ii I'hMalr I'V lindi iial. S|ini'iilia i'loii;^alri| clliiiiiial. itnci|nali\ iiiii-rji talf. li\aliiH'. I - \ I /'. < Ml ilir ii|i|ii'i' .■^iiitiicc (il'lfavc- III' I'll SI II ( 'iiiii/iiii ii.sis. 'I'l'Sa-. Oiir liriT. Ill III!- -lii'i ii'> rinin It'av I'lii-I an- -h-i il • ■ <•!' iiiiiii:iliiii' S. r«'l')isiii;i, rk«'. l'itlirfja siiijill (7s.". y. 77. ( )n I'liiiml I'J- I mill. I. i'ei|i|i-h-liiu\\ n -jini- wiili a narmw . dark >liL;lill\ iai.-c(| liiiiilcr. I'ciilliccia c|ii|ili\ lliiii>. iniiale ciinniiciil. 'Ml I'JII y iliaill. .\-ii iililiill'J. ^-.-Iiiiieil. -Hi li" \ I'J- I ■'» //. licai l\ -e-^ile Sjiiiriilia lii-eiiale, -III ili\ aline u\ale nliliiii^r, mii.'-c|ilale ami nin.-liicleil llllclcale. II lli\ I li //, (^llile di-lincl rriUli >'. lilolilnlfnliil, eke Tlicrc i- a l'li\ llii-licia mi llic -aiiic -|iiil-. rerilliecia l\"J.', ."i //. I'll li\iiii; leave- ul I'luhnnis un iilinlnl i^. Kaii-a.- ( Kt'llei mall i 271 I. Illilfk. 'jllI I" t'hiMllr |nlii:'lii\ ;ilr I Krili'i iiiiiii I. S. Liriodi'iiilii. Tko. I. •■. |';|ii|ili\ lI'Mi-. S|Mii« iirlticiiliir. Infiwii. I rm. ilmiii. Tn itlini.i .iiliiiiii:ili', |>iiiu'lirniiii, Illilfk. A-ii tliniilffv liiMliitiil. S|piiiiiliii .•Hiiiiiiiil. iiiii-f|iliil<'. Iiv.'iliiif, hi \ .'• //. S|ii'iiiin'j(iiiimii, f'/ii/llnstii (,i I /) lilllll nil I') . J l\<'. { III |(M\i'- III l.iiinih nilinii. I >;i I it'll . < Ijl. I KiUi'lM'l I. S. roi'iiilVilia, (Siliw.) Sf-lhriiii l'i» >ii.Sv\\\\ S\ii.N Am \--ii. .S/'/i,riillii I .iih;/.i/i./, I'kr. I.e. I'txsin-. H:\\ . I' Am. (•>>* ||\ |iii|)li\ 11(111-. rnrmiii'.i- liif'ji'. iifliirii!;ii-, iiMJi'it'i'iiiliMii' -.|ii.i-. Mlirr l|ii> iMlllilM'r ii\' S. if/iifiiinfil. nil llic-i' -|i(i|- ;il< i|('li-c|\ rinwdiMl. .iiiii|i;m'I I'In-Iri- uf,'!-! |iiiiii'iirni m |ii-i'illiiTiii, nui ritiiiit'rli'il li\ imv CI ii-l. lull lliirklv «i';illiTti| MMT (III- -|ntl>. Till- |ii'iillii'('iii lliciii»i'|\i'« iil'i' ;i-t)iliiiil|-. illliillr. W illl llli- -llllili'i- |illlirlillr. .V.-iri rhi\ ,'ilc. -jini t. .-^iiiiriiliii liiscriiil)'. •■Ili|ilir;il. liMilim-. iiiii-r|il:ili-. .'i n '1 n. ( >ii U'ww- i\\' ('i>rinis lliiiiilii. Ml. riirniMi. I'.i. (Srli\M'iiiil/l. S. Inilinila. Cki'. .Ii'iiiii. I'.ui. |s>.;. p. |07. |'\sii 1 k;iv I'V Am. ■"«• 1 1 \ |iii|ill\ llnli-. ri'lilJH'ii;! 'jltiliii-c. Iijiick. i|i'li-c|\ CI itu ijiij in cjcMili'ij Iciilicilliir |iil-lillc- :iiiiiiil I iiiiii iliiiiii. .\-ci . /<. S|niiii|iii iiivjiihiilv lii-cij;ilc > !• \ ;»^, n. cl;n;ilc- ulijiiirj I "i>lli|ilit'iil. ' ( 'kf.t • hi \i'\\\\'< *\\' I'rrtixiin i'lirnl iiiiiimi. .*'iiiilli ( 'iiinlin.i | lt;i M'Iii'I i. 'riic ii-i'i \\c -liiMli'ni(l«>s. (Sriiu.) .St'li.cini ill Hid •iiti'. "rohw S\ii I'm j.'i .S/>*i/' <^". CiMili.1-. I. 1 |l loS. I'l|ii|ili_vllii lc;i\ c- .ij ( '■iriii's- • ilf. Sjiiii iiliii iiMirnu -i'lli|iiii ill, iil>iii-i' ;it tl ml-. iiiii«i'|i|iiti-. Ii\;iliii .1 \ I , ». (t|i h'livt- •>! I'linos ijliihi r. Miiitli ( 'iiiiiliii.'i. Tl If -iii'iT. Ill iiiir vt\\t\ I il \\:\\ . !■'. Alii. ;in' -lfi iji s. liiii'ilt'iiiii'. <'k«'. .li'iiiii. I III!. 1^^;;. 1 1. |(t>. Il\ |ii>|i|iv lliMi-. I'i'i'itlifriii -I'.-iiii'K'il. |>iiiii-tilMi'iii, M'liiiiiiiiiiii'. I>l:ii'k. A-ri cliisiih'. S|Mii'l|prrmii'jiiiiiniii. /'/» ////«*.«/ /'(7(/ ii.iiiliun Ckr. Ml! |f;iM'« ii[ (I'lirili I, ill //ni/i/il Siilllh ('illnlinii. S. iiiir. < k«'. I. I . Il\ |iii|ili\ 11(111-. I'l'i illii'i'iii -("illni'il. i'ii\ci('i|. «r;iirc|\ \i-ilili. .\-ri -ijlirlilMlli'. S|iiil'iiliil iliui'iljiiiili', i'lli|ilic;il, lllii-c|i|;ili-, llMllilM'. jo \ I n. -ciilccU ruii.-lliilcij. ( >li \('i[\r< n[ itDi'ifiiiiiil lilsiilntliiis. hill'ifli. /»/(./■> /ii Nic I >■/.•. Si luv >xfi \ Aim !'■'> SfilLriil/ii N;i;i.-.A'. I'Wi . I . ]> Uf, l\ |iii|»li\ 11(111-, sciii'ccl\ iiiiiiil(\ iniiTiciiii Icij (ii- sidiliiiv. Wl K'll lliririC'J.'llcd. llic |H'iillic(iii :iic (il'ic'i CKNcrcl willi !| |illl\('l'lllcill ciiicn'tiii- ciii-l :iii,-iiiii lidin llic |i;ii('iicli\ iii;i <<[ the JimI'. I'd ilhiiin (•!ii';ili\ ('l\ 1,11'jc. iiiijo^c. |i:i|iill:ili'. -iili|icrlni;il('i|, .\-i'i (•|;i\;itc S|Hiri(li!i ,-iil)|iiii('c(i|;iit', iiiii-(|il:i|c, li\:iliiic. cell- -iilicuiiiciil, >-|0.\ ."i »<, Hii |('!i\i'< (if //////s ///(//ririii:i. Kll. I'.ull. 'I'on. I'.oi. Clnl.. I\ p. Ti Kx-ii. i:ii N \ I I \V(i Aiii|iliii.''('miii.-. I'ci'itlii'i'i;i miiiiii( . ci iim|i('iii in liillc clii-lci- nl 1(1 .\. ('jiil.. \. |,. T.'i (.liil\, |s>;ii. V'//. ,<...',(/ »''.7/i./iiM,/, CWr. .\' I l;ill> c.i.v \||| j, 1,1^^(1 l\.jn Kll. JSi Kvilil N A !■ Ml s«r rv Miiniliciildii-. >|i(ii- -iilidi iiiciiliii . I(|iicki.-li m -iilicim'icdii- 'JT.J -i'iiiiinii:il>' r lill-li'l - "I l*-l|. I'hlV.llr Hlicllli'icnll- Immvvii 'm'Iiiw. I'l'iillirtiii iiiiiiiitt'. Iilark. f|>i|ili\ lloii*. .'-t'iiltt'|-c. |iiiTfiiii; the w liilniiMl ciiiilfrinis. A^'ci o\>- Imii:. -iiiiii'u liul iiiiiiMwcil iilt(i\c. l'i-l'J.'» /< IniiL'. S|iitri(li:i ci'dwiIimI. ICilinvv. llMllilH'. lllli,of|ilillr, I'J-l't X ."i ,' /«. On t|i':iil lr;i\t> of Arlnit iis Miirjisii iiiiil I iit/n II iiliiria . i'A\- liuiii:). S. nTciilifola, K. \ K. Hull. 'I'un. I'.ni. Cjnl.. XI. |.. j-j;;. I'l-i illicria snitli'i'i'il. ri'iiiii)i<'iii. 1011 n ijiiitii., iimsilv mi llir ii|i|ii'i .iili' III llif l<-a\r.<, ill li-ipj-lli iii'iiaijlv |M'i'liitali'i| aliii\i>. A^ri nlilniiif- r\ liiiilriral. ."{."» .V .'» «. S|Htriilia «|ihc|\ [laiki-il. ii\«'i!a|i|iiiiiiiall('r s|Miriiliii. S. nyssii'nila, l'k»*. Iliilw. I^(i.^,|l. lo. anilJiiiiiii. ISnl. Mairli. ISS.'i. (Ml-. l°k> I I ^/l'>l»ll '/ iw/Ax/i/i'i. II. M L ill III ill III I k illriiHt In |i.iit lA-iic K.iv I' .\m '/ I h |in|ili\ Ijiiii-. ri'iillii'iia \civ miiiM'inii-^, .•^I'liiiiiiiiiicix'd, lnuwn. |iiiiitliriiiiii. Asri (lax ale. •J(»-'J."i n Imiii. S|iiiii(lia iiiiisi'|itatf. Sx-i /«. ( »ii \i-.\\r-- n\ Wi/s.', lilack. .\»-.'»<> .\ S-|0 «. S|iiiiiilia rinwdnl, iihldiiL'". . nl' .Minis iinitiiii, AdirniMJaik Ml.-.. .\. \. Till' |iriitlii'i'ia :iii' srarcidv '. isildi' In tlic iiaki-d <'V<'. Tlic alVrrl- (• (lli \ !.'»-! '» «. Spmidia '•liiWijrij, laiiri'iilalr. Hllis('|ilali'. nllrli .-liiilillN cllivrd. 'J.'l-2S X '1.^ II. (hi drad li'a\r> ii\ Ahmr riiiili.s. .Ml. .Many. N. V. Till' >|MiiJdia arc naimwi'd l(i\v,iid- i>i\r mid and si'|»lal<' in llir Inllidlr. S. |il>litolia, K. \ K. I'lur. A. ad. Nat. Sri. I'iiil. .Iiilx . I.^'.MI. |,. J.ll. I'rrillifcia i'|ii)ili\ llmis mi i:ia\ i.-li-ldack. iiidrrniiif .-)iiil.- "J nun. m ^, IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) ^ ..- 1.0 ^lii 1^ ^ lii 12.2 m m 1 1 I.I HUu — 6" .,f Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WIST MAIN STRKT WKBSTER,N.Y. 14SM (716)t73-4S03 k, ^ ".» ^ ;\ 274 more diaui., eninipcnt, rouji'li. minute, I)roadly pierced above. Asci oblonjr, 35-40x6-8 /i, without ]iarai)liyrie.s Sj)oridia bineriate, cla- vate-oblonlol»osc, Idaek, (50-70 // diani.. "witli a small ostioliim. Asei sessile, elongated, inflated lielow, Sspored. .')0-()r) X 11-13 //. Spoiidia biseriate l»el, '.v, uniseriate above, broadly ronndcd at the ends, somewhat constrieted at the sejitum, the lower i-ell mostly somewhat lonjrer and narrowei' than the nj)per one, yel- lowish-jiieen. Il-15x3-5| fi. On fallen leaves of jjojdar, Adirondack Mts., New York. S. pyi'iiia, E. & E, (in Herb.) Spharrlla sentina, Fr. in Kll. N. A. l-. 597. IVrithecia subernmpent. scattered or collected in irretical. unisei)tate, 4x l|-2 /a. hyaline. On fallen leaves of SaKsafras, Kansas and New Jersey. S. septorioides, (Desm.) Splueria septorioiJcs, Desm. Ann. Sci. Nnt. III. Ser. toni. VI, p. Si. Sph-ccrella seploiionles, in Kunze'.s K. Sel. 242, Rab. F. R. 1241 Perithecia very small, innate-erumi)ent, globose, black, perforated aliove, hypophyllous, forming numerous, very small, greenish spots, which, later on, become larger, suborbicular and olive-brown. Asci cylindrical, rounded above, narrowed Ix^low, 8-sporcd, 30-35 x 5 /t. Sporidia subltiseriate, elliptic-oblong, rather narrower below, the upper cell broader and shorter, scarcely constricted, 8-9 x 2^ //. Peck citi's this as found in New York. (On majde leaves)? S. spleniata, C. & P. Peck's 25th Rq.. p. 105. Spbarclla nigiitn, Cke. Grev. VII, p. 13. Perithecia innate, densely crowded in broad (^-1 cm.), black, or 27 () liiciilar patt'Iics. uIoIkisc, black. jKirtly Iiiddcii Ity tlio toiiKMitmu cil' the loaf, siilti>i'()iuiiR'iit. Asfi liiiriir. -lO-")!) x 7 n. Spuridiii oliloiiji', livii- linc, uniso|»ti)tf'. 12-1 a x 3-4 /i. On f'allon Iciivcs o\' Quoriifi hivoh»\ Ni'W York, on loavt's ol' <^. niacrocarjxi, Miinliattan, Ks. (Kt'Uornuin). S. Catesbki, Cke. (Jiov. VII, p. 53. Kxsicc. Kav. I". Am. ^S;. PeritliOL'ia liypojiliyllons, ininuMVcij, sea tt( '!•('( I, ol'ton 2-4 (oji-ctiicr, covci'oil I)\- till* cnticlc, at Iciiii'th riniose-enini[)LMit.. Sporidia lannjo- latc, iii':sci)l,')t(', 20-22x4//. On loaves oi' Qiicirii,s Cdfeshciji, Daricti. (Ja. (Ravonel). S. molIeriaiiH, Tliiiin. Contr. Mycol. liiisit. No. 537. Pontliocia anipliiuoiioiis, lait nioslly liypopliyllous, (lonsoly uivoa. I'ions, ]»unctil'oriii, coiiic-sulipi'onunont. scniiiniiiiorso(!. sliininu'-lilack. niinnto, on an irroirnlar shaped s]»o; wliioli (li'ios tip to a dirty lirown. surrouiidod witli a narrow, dai-kor Iiorder. Asei faseienlate, hi'oad- elavato, narrowed at oaeli (>nd. 30-40 x 12-15 //, snhsossile. H-sj)ored. Sporidia 2-3-soriato, f'lisoid, acute at each end, septate iu tJie niid ft diaiii. Asci cyliiKlric-clavatc, sessile, 40-r)() X fi-7 //. Spofidia hiseriate, eylindric-oMonji', olitiise at the cm]^, slijiiitlv eiirved, uiiiseptate, not constrictod, iiyaliue, 12-18 x U-2/.. ' On leaves of Vnvcinhnii (irhovetnH, (ieorgia, Florida, New York. S. Biimelia', (ke. Crev. VII, p. ',4. Kxsicc. Rav. !•'. Am. 375. K|>i|)liyll(nis. I'oritliecia lilack, seniiiiniiiei-sed, crowded in snl)- oi'lticnlar, dark-colorod patches. Asci olavate-cylindi-ical. Sj)oridia nniseptate, elliptical, 12x4 it. On leaves o[ BiiiDclid, Darien, (Jeorjiia (Havonel). S. myrtilliiia, Pass. Mici'. Ital. dia<>'. X(». 3. I'crithecia scattered or sul)arious, minute, pnstulilbrm, cov- ered l)y tlie blackened epidermis. .Vsci cylindric-lnsoid, straiuht. 8-spoi'cd. S|)oiidia snl>biseriate, nisilbrm, straiyht or curved, mostly only 2-4-nucleate, but sometimes (when mature) faintly uniseptato in the'middle, hyaline, 18-20 x 8-3J //. On l)ranches of Vdcrituiim iiliyinosinn, Kakatsiak, Greenland. S. t'oloruta, Pk. 2!)th Rep. j). 02. Kxsicc. EII- N. A. F. 899. Spots small, round. 2-3 mm. diam., or by confluence moi'c, reddish- bi'owii and slijrhtly raised, usually with a . Kxsicf. K.Tv. I', Am. c).). Kpiplivllous. spots pale witli a lose-coloicd tint, snltorliieular, niarii'iii darker. 2-4 mm. diam. I'eritlieeia .-'('miimmersed. liroAVii. Asci clavate. Sporidia slKU'tdanceolate, nniseptate, hyaline. 12-14x4//. On leaves (if J/li/rii'lhi /'/i,//i:s-, Ckc. Joiini. Hoi. iSS;,, ]>. 106. Poritlioeia liypoplivllons, colleeted a lew toucllier, in small, seat- tored clusters, on a gravisli-lirown s)»ot, penetratinu- to tlie opjtosite si'ulose. l»nt somewhat shinin^j:. Iilack. snliastomons, strouu'ly convex, not colla))sin,u'. On leaves of C«/'?/«. Carolina, Pennsylvania, Now York and Ohio. The sjK'cimens in all the Kxsiccati above referred to, arc unsatis- I'actory. innnatnre or sterile. 'I'hose in X. A. F. 1(174, have asci 2")-;}(> X () //, and sporidia, as neai- as can lie made (int. (i x 2.^-;} /i, but they arc too iuimatui'C to show an a<'cnrate outline. The perithecia in these specc. are mristly in small jiatches as in ,S'. iiKiciiJlfhnn'iH. and in this respect do not ati'ree with the desiription uiven by Schweinit/.. S. petiolit'ola, (I)esni.) Sfi/iiei tci /ir. 3H. Kxsicc. Kll. N. A. V. 795.— Desm. I'l. Cr. VA. i. 2077. Perithecia scattered oi' sub<>re;iarions, at lii>t covereil liy the epi- dermis, which is either pierc(Ml or I'aised in a pnstidiform manner, spherical, black, perfoi'ated above, about 111) //. diam, Asci cylin- 279 (Irical, sessile, 8-s])ore(l, 40x6//. S))ori(lia biseriatc, oliloiij^'-clavate. rounded at the ends, two-celled, scarcely constricted at the sejjtuni. hyaline, 8xlJ /i. On fiillen petioles o\ linhlnia and Jnylans regla, Newfield, N. J. S. applanata, E. & E. Journ. :Nrycol. IV, j). 98. Scattered, pnnctiforni, flattened, covered by the thin epidermis through -which the pei'ithocia are plainly visible. Asci oblong, 40- 50 X 15 /i. Sporidia biseriate, oblong-elliptical or pyriforni, uniseptate, hyaline, 1 8-20 X 0-8 /i. On the same stems wix.^ a.w)i\\2Y Sphitivelhi. Avith si)oridia continuous (LteHtadia) and jjerithecia not flattened, but the material was insufficient for a satisfactory description. On dead stems of Clematis ligusticifolia, Montana (Anderson). S. alarum, Ell. & Halst. (in Herb.) Terithecia ami)higcnous, gregai-ious, on grayish spots bounded by the nerves of the leaf, small (GO-70 /i), subglol)ose, perforated above. Asci fasciculate, aparaphysate, sessile, oblong, subine(iuilateral, al)0ut 40x10 II. Sporidia biseriate, fusoid-oblong, slightly curved, suit- obtuse, hyaline, 12-14x3-3^ /i, uniseptate. On samara) of seedling maples, New Brunswick, N. J. (Ilalsted). B. On leaves and cones of coniferous trees. S. conigeiia, Pk. 33d Rep p. 34. Perithecia minute, erumpent, black. Asci broad, obovate or sub- clavate, somewhat pointed at the apex. Sporidia oblong or subcylin- drical, when mature uniseptate, 25-40 /i long. On old cones of arbor-vitm, Ilelderberg Mts., New York (Peck). S. conicola. Sacc. Add to Syll. p. 75. Sphaielta conigena, Pk. 38th Rep. p. 104. Perithecia small, scattered or gregarious, erumpent and slightly prominent, black. Asci subc3dindrical, 60-90x12 ji. Sporidia crowd- ed, oblong-clavate, uniseptate, constricted at the septum, 8-10 x 2|-3 //. (10-12i x4i-5 ih Pk-)) ^^^ ^^^^^ unequal, the lower one narroAver than the sub-lobose or elliptical upper one. On fallen cones of Abies Canadensis, Helderberg Mts., Ncav York. Diffei-s from S. Pinsapo in its longer and differently shaped sporidia. 2K() S. acifola. ("ke. & Hark. CJicv. XI II. p. 20. Scaltcrcd. iiiiniitc, suliiiiiiato. reritlicfia filoltosc-dciiicsscd, scat- Ici'C'd, iiiciiiliraiiaccous. ltr(t\viiisli-l»lai'k. Asci sliort-clavatc, .S-sjiurcd. Spoi'idia chnatc-cllijitical. niiiscptatc. liyaliiic. ycllowisli, (iiic cell tilo- I lose, tlic otlirr narrowci- and snltcoiiical. 7 x ii u. On pine leaves. Califoniia. S, CaiiadeiLsLs, E. & E. (in llerh.) I'eiitlieeia seattci'ed. niinnte, Imiied, with the apex and sulipajiiili- I'di'ni, perforated ostiohun erninjieiit. Asei ehivafe-()ltl()iix ]2-lo ti. S])oi'idia hiseriato, ehivato-oblon^-. hyaline, iiniseiitate. rounded at the ends, straij^ht, sli<>iitly constricted at the sejttuni, 20- 22 X ;•)-? //. On loliaue of Thuja occidciitdlis, London, Canada (Hearness). S. Taxodii, Cke. .lonrn. JJot. March, 1883, j*. 10(5. ICxsicc. Rav. F. Am. 6S6.— Kll. & Kvrlit. N. A. F. 2d Ser. 1676. Perithceia ani])hi<»enous, scattered, with a mycelial frin^a' around the liase, snl»jiioniineiit, Itlack, 112-130 it diani., perforated aliove. Asci eylindrieal, 30-3') xO //, sessile. Sjtoridia liiseriate. clavate- olijontj ("arete elli])ticis,'' Cke.), 8x2J //. On lea\('s oi' Tctodiiini distlchuni, South Carolina (Havenel). S. IMiisapo, Thiiiii. Contr. Fungh Lit. No. 301. — Sacc. Syll. I, p. . 480. Perithceia e])i])hyllous, scattered or sul>urc\: mycelinni. Asci without parai)hyses, clavato-cylindiical, with a short, narrow base, 80-90 X 18-20 //. SjKiridia crowded, aciuely elli]»tical, nniseptato and <'onstri('ted, upjior cell mostly broader, smoky-hyaline. 20-28 x8-12//. On dead steins of />//y.s«r?/,s, Clyde, N. Y. (O. V. Cooke. .Fr.) S. (lecidiia, E. & K. JJnll. Torr. Bot. Clnb, XI, \k 122. Pcrithecia visible on both sides of the leal', of coarse, cellular structure, depressed -lilobose. 100 /i diam. A.^ci oblong', sessile, 50 x 15 /i. Sporiilia crowded or Inseriato, olilong or ol)lon<>-)»yriform, uni- sejitate and constricted, mostly a little curved. 11-12x4-5 /i. Peri- ihccia in small (1-1 >r nun.), round, dull-white, translucent spots with a narrow, raised boi'der; these spots are on dead, discolored jiarts of the leaf, which linally lidl out and leave irregularly shaped holes, as if the leaf had been eaten out I)y insects. On Iivin epidernns, crowded in orbicular [latches. Asci cylindi'ical. Sporidia er, aizreein^ i)etter witli *S Pcrnriauii, -*'peg.. wldeli liowevcr, can Iiardly lie nioi-e than a var. ol'N. Sdlicni'iiiic. S. Fyrola*. Rostr. Funui (Jroenl. [). aol. I'erithecia aniphiucnoiis, snl)prouiinenl, hemispherical, on hirue. sulizonate, r;(hlish spots, which sometimes cover the wiiole leaf. Asci lylindi'io-ciavate, ")()-()() X S-IO ^i. Spoi'i lia olilonii:-('usoi(i. I')x4 it. On livinu' leaves ol' Pi/rohi (jrundijint'o, Kitenltenk, Greenland. S. incoiispiciin, Scliroet. Noid. I'ilze, p. 12. Peritheoia splueroid. slijilitly jirominenl, dark riifescent, fiO-iM) // diani. Asci cylindric-elliptical, 4))-")() x 13-H) //. Sjioi-idia l»iseriate. ovato-clavulate, 10-1!) X ')-oJ /i, unise]»tate in tlie middle, n[»per cell liroadcr, lower attenuated downwai'ds, hyaline. On leaves and flower stalks of Cai^vope tvtnKjrrna anil Loiscl- I'liria pi'ocumbens, Greenland. S. Astnij^ali, (Currey). Splunia .■iitiagali. Curr. in I.iiin. Trans. XXII, No -xfn. SpliicrcUa Astragali. Cke. in Jonrn. Bot. 1SS3. Pei'ithccia scattered, nienibranacoons, covered, jrloliose. dark hrown, minute, here and there irrt'jriirious. Asci clavate. Sporidia <-,sporcd. Sporidia irregularly 3-seriate or crowded, o])long-cuneate. a little attenuated bcdow, straight, septate in the middle and slightly constricted, with a greenish tint, 20-30 x 8-1) //. On Erifjeron coniponitns, Greenland. S. confinis, Karst. Fungi Spetsb. et IJeer. Kil. coll. [>. lOG. et Myc. Fenn. II, p. 17!). Perithecia amphigenoiis, covereil by the epidermis, then pi-otulte- 2s;{ Inlif. scfittcrcd or urciiiiiioiis. spliM-i-oid, iicffurnlcd iiliovc iiliick. 100- I'JO // (liiiiii. Asci sli(irt-|H'ilic('llat(' or siili.-('.. iiol ill ill! or oiilv sliii'litly I'oiisliicli'il in the iiiiililic. liyiiliiK' or viicciiisli-liyiiliiic. H-l!> \ .'>-.') n. On Aiifi'iiiKiriti ii/fii/iii. (IrccnljiiHl. S. ('(>m|Hisitaniiii. Awcl. Myc iliir. Vyv. p. l.'i. Hi-, io"). I';xsicc. I. I', i;nr.^. i'rritlicciil u'r('<>'iirioiis. illliiltc. ovate, siiliiieiite, lp|iiel<. 100 n. diiilii. Asei uriidiiiilly afteiiiiiitcd nhove Iroiii an ovale Itase, S-spored. very sliort-stipitate, (!0-70 x 20-2S it. Sporidia 2-4-M'riat('-cro\vded, oliloiit>'. rounded at tlie ends, iiniscptate. eonstrieted at tlie septum, liyaliiie. 24-27 \ 7 ti. On dry steins iA' Taraxdnim ccrdtopltonnn, (iieenland. S. vcrhascicoln, (St'liw.) Spliii-Hii Teibaschdla, Sclnv. Syn. X. Am. 17.?'!. Ivxsicc. R.iv. I''. Am. i|i (si)ciiiU))i<)iii;ii. — I%ll. N. A. !■'. .s^ii l*eritlieeia tliiekly scattered, ininiite (I.')0-17') it), covered Ity tlie ldackeiieS4 On prtUcHhii'isJIiiiintird, ('iijtlir(iHh)iih'H ami filrsuto, in (Iircn- land. S. imcliyasc.i. Rostr. V\\w/\ nf (iircnlnnd, p, ').VJ (• Sa-rtrvk »\ Mcddflt'lscr oMi (iri'niliind,"" III). Pciitliccia scattered or jri'i'.aarions, ••fow iiiu: nn cither leaves oi' stems. Asei thick ovoid-olddiiii. inc(|iMlateral. 4)>-')(L\ 1 ')-24 //, ln^»stl\• cnti^c at the ajtcx. Sporidia conijioliatc, con(»id <»i' ov<»id-nli!(»nii'. l(;-2(» X o-C. /i. On leaves and stems ofmaiiy dicotyledonons plants. \ iz. ('/immf- iie rill III, Draha, Aniltls, UninuicnfuH, SiiJ'ifriKJn, Pi/i'ola, Plvii- roiiifiK', (Uniipniiiihi, Thymus, IStciihiniuiiiirin, Phiiituijo and J)iii- peuKi'd, ill (Ireeiiland. and (»n leaves ol" P/iio.r in's/i/fosa, in Montana. This species ••plays the same role anioiiu' the Divoti/lciloiKnis plants as iiorofi/h'ifonoiit<." S. hily^oiioniiii, (Crie). I hfiii -lU /b/vi;iiiiiii mil, Crie sur Its Di']). p. 41, tab. s, tl^. .|. Sp(jts epipliyllons, round. siiiTounded liy a prondnent. dark rc(l i>order. I'eritliceia cpiphylloiis, siilijironiinent, black. Asci cylin- drical. S-sjMtred. SjHiridia ellipsoid, olituse at the ends, iiniseptate. 17-18 X (1 11, Jiale , 171. Terithecia innate, covered iiy the epidermis, Joined by innate, sub- radiate, creepini>-, brown lilters, rorniinii^ cinereous, round spots, black, pieiced above, 00-70 it diaui. Asci sessile, ovoi(l-elIii»tical or ovoid- sjiliUiroid, 1 8-25 X 12-14 /i, 8-spored. S)toridia conji'lobate, ovoifl- oldong', unisejitati! in the midtlle, scarcely constricted, g', 11-12 X 4 /i. On Liniicca fjorcnlis, Su.i'i/hif/a oppoKitifnlia, \\w\ S Aizooii, in Greenland. 'JS') S. Sfellai'iiit'hriin, (Rab.) St>h itn/t'itii iiiu, Fr. S. M. 11, p. 525. Sfrluriflla Cm I i/erii I II III , Sncc. Mich. II, p. 31s Exslcc. Ral). I''. ICiir, 1S53? IVi'itliceia scattered, innate, lieniisplicrical, pierced at the apex. Itlack, sliiniiiii', snioutli, TO-SO // diaui. Asci clavate, 40 x 12 /i. witii a short, thick stipe, 8-spored. S[)oridia hiseriate,, rather ohtiise at the ends, iiniseptatc and sliirhtly constricted, curved, lox ;{^ //, Avitli 2-4 nuclei. On Vcsicat'io, Draha, Eutreiua, Ciirdamine. and tSixtpubrhnii. in Greenland, on jiods ui' C/ieiranthus, IJethleheni, I'a. (Scliweinitz). S. niicrospiln. (B. & Br.) Sphitiiii inicinspila, B. & Br. Ann. Nat. Hist. No. 984, tab. 17, fig. 36. Pcritliecia scattered, globose, one or more innate on a small, lirown spot, surrounded by a thin niyeeliuni. Asci cylindrical. Spo- ridia obloiin'-ellipsoid, unisejjtate, hyaline, 8-11 n long-. On leaves ol' ChamoiHenuni angiistifoUum, Sukkertoppcn, Green- land. S. Sibirica, Thiim. JJeitr. Pilz. Sibir. No. 7(50. Perithecia hypopliyllous, sometimes extending through to the other side of the leaf, densely gregarious, subglobosc, semiinimersed. I'ree, shining-black. Asci broad-clavulate, narrowed at each end, with a thin mcml)rane, 8-sporcd, subsessile. Sjioridia long-clliptical, acutely rounded at the ends, septate in the middle, but not constricted, lionio- gcneous, eiiuchjate, hyaline, 20-22 x 5-6 //. On Silene acaulis, Viscan'a alpina, Melandrium. apetalunt anil M. tHJloi'U})!, Greenland. S. innumer^lla, Karst. Mycol. Fen. 11, p. 182. Spharella maciiliformis, forma Comari, Rab. F. E. 1042. Exsicc. Rab. F. E. 1042.— Karst Fungi Fenn. 965. h H 286 ■so f, ! Pciitliccia liypopliylloiis, iolioso, picrcoil aliovc, lilack. 75--l(H) /i diaiu. Asci olavate-vylindiical, very i^liort- stipitatc, souietiiues oltli(iuoly iiiilatod below. 42-51 x 8-9 /t. Sporidia altout fi in an aseus. imperfectly hisoriate, fiisoid or rod-shaped, sejjtate in the middle, not e()nsti'iet<.Ml, straight oi- slightly enrved, hyaline. 17-24 X 3-4 ft (.seldom ;J /i thick). On leaves oi SihbuUJiu procinnheus, Greenland. S. oothet'ii, Sace. Mich. II, p. 1(50. Perithecia epiphyllous, snl)greg:arious, innate-ernmpent, depressed conoid-gloliose, hlack, thick-memltranaceous, 100 n diam. Asci tlnck- (iliovate. 40x28 /i, rounded at the apex, short-apiculate-stipitate, h-spored. without jtaraphyses. Sporidia 2-3-seriatc, oltlong, unisefi- tate, very slightly constricted, 15-1 G x 0-7 /i, sul»ol)tuse at the ends, hyaline. On loaves of Dryax iutegrifblki, Disco, A:c., CJreenland, S. iiielanopliica, (Uesm.) Sphatta nielaiioptaca, Uesm. XX, Not. lo Sp\(£teUa niclanoplaca, Awcl. M. Kur. Pyr. j). 13. fi;r. loS*. Exsicc. Desm. PI. Crypt, lid. i. 2097. Perithecia ejtijjhyllous, more rarely am]tliigeMous. very minute, numerous, iMnate-sultpromiiient. lilack, su'nsliining. jjid'ced aliove, 50- SO n diam.. with a whitish nuch'us, gregarious, on large, sooty-lilack spots. Asci siiort-cylindrical, 40-42 X 8 //. without parai)hysos. .'^po- lidia 3-4seriate, lanceolate-fusoid, obtuse at the enils, unisepUite, hya- line, 22 X 3 a. On leaves of AlchemiUa ufphta, Kobbefiord, (Jreenland (asci 48- 52 X 13-15 a, sporidia 18-22x4-0 ft). S. Iiiipatientis, F. & ('. 30th Hop. p. 67. Perithecia abundant, minute, black. Asci sulicylindrical. Spo- ridia crowded, oblong or lanceolate, uniseittitte, usually (luadrinucleate. 12 /i long. On living leaves of [mpatien^fulva, Adirondack Mts., N. V. S. plilogina, E. & E. Journ. Mycol. IV, p. 65. Perithecia scattered, orumpont-suporficial, conic-hemispherical, about 165 /i diam., epiphyllous. Asci ovato-oblong, 65-75x20- 22 //. Paraphyses none. Sporidia chivate-oblong, uniseptate and slightly constricted at the septum, rounded at the ends, yellowish-hya- line, with several small nuclei, 20-30 x 7-9 fi. Allied to S. Stella- 2x: rincin'iot) {\\i\^)h.), hut ditt'ors in its host i)lniit, its more ]»roniiiioiit jioii- tliccia ainl its strniiflit, sliulitly ('(Histrict*'!! sporidia. Oil (loinl k'iivos oi' Phlox loixjifolhi, licit Mts., Moiitaiiii (Aiidci- SOll). S. Hai'kiiessii, Sacc. k^vII. I, ]>. 511. Sphaiella btachythmi, Cke. it Hark. C.rtv. IX, |) 8 (not Cke. Orev. VII, p. S>S). Poritliccia soattorod, covered, small ((>() //), iiioiiilirauaceoiis. Asci ovate, 20 X Ifi //. Sporidia ellii)tical, livaliiie, wiiisoptate, 8x4//. On stems {)\ Convolvulus, Calilbrnia. S. leiu'oplia'a. K. & K. .Jonrn. Afyeol. II, }». 3. IVritlieeia iJiinetirorni, minute (7()-lt)0 /i), I»iiried in the suhstanci' of the leal", except their slijihtly jirojectiim;, perforated aj)i 's. Asci oliloiiji, sessile, or nearly so. 7")-80x 7-S //. Pai'ajihyses none. Spo- lidia biseriate, fusiform, hyaline, uiii,se])t,ate, and very slihiriia bafilisiarola, Cke. Orev. XI, p. no. Kxsicc. Rav. 1'. Am. 6So.— RU. & Kvrht. N. A. F. 2d Ser. 1799. Perithecia scattered, jiunctiform (100 //), covcied by the epi- dermis, subprominent. Asci oblonji', suliinecjuilateral, niostly 35-55 x 7 fi, imi)erfcctly paraphysatc at first. Sporidia biseriate, oblonu- fusoid, uniseptate, yellowish-hyaline, 15x3^ //. On dead stems of Bapti.sia tinctoria, Newfield, N. J., and on stems of B. leucuntha, South Carolina. S. Ri-aiuilata, E. & E. Journ. Mycol. II, ]>. 102. Exsicc. I-;il. N. A. F. 2d Ser. 1798. Densely gregarious, occupying a dethiitely limited area of the stem. Perithecia minute (105 ii), covered by the ejiidermis, which is raised and fissured over them, but not lilackeiied, though the black ]»eritliecia are visiltle through it. Ostiolum papilliform, only slightly prominent; ascigerous nucleus, white. Asci nearly cylindrical, about 70 X 7 //, subsessilc. without paraphyses, and containing eight biseriate, 2S8 lusiloriii, !)'('Ihi hiiptisiicola, ('Irown liorder. Asci ovate-ohlonu'. nearly sessile, t-spored, 35-40 x 12-15 a (34-30 x 8-10 //, Winter). Spc.ridia l)ise- riate, oblonu', olttuse, ,*]toridia, with the s})ecc. in Ivriegers Fun<>i Saxonici. The syn- onymy is from Winter's Pilze. S. Thalictri, E. & E. Jouin. Mycol. I. p. 44. Perithecia hypophyllous, 90 // diam., of coar.'^e cellular structure, with a i-ather la"ge opening- above, hemispherical (flattened when dry), sctatteretl on small (2-3 mm.), round, white spots with a dark iioi'der. Asci sessile, altout 3G X 7 //. S])oridia cl•o^vded, ovat<'-oblong, granu lar and nucleate, (becoming uniseptate ?) 12-16x3-4^ //. On leaves of ThaUctrum dhician, Now Jersey and Iowa. S. Earliiuia, Winter. Journ. Mycol. 1, p. 101. Perithecia amphigenous, densely crowded in small, black, angular, roundish patches al)out 1-2 mm. i)road, globose, very small, (GO-70 )/i. perforated aI»ove, Itlack. Asci fasciculate, slightly attenuated upwards from the suliventricose base, very short-stipitat«, 8-sporcd, 20-30 x 7 /i. 289 Sjioridia inordinate, clavate, uui80])Uite in tlic middle, not constricted, hyaline, Sx2 /t. Parajihyses wantinji'. On leaves of cultivated strawlierrie,<, Illinois. Diffei-s from S. Fragurifv, Tul. especially in its small asci and sjjoridia. S. xantliicola, Cke. & Haik. CJi-ev. XIY, p. 9. Pcritliecia pnnctilbrm, snl (prominent. Mack, cmwded in elliptical .>ipots, at iirst covered Ity tlie tliin epidermis. Asci oliclavate, sessile, 8-spored. Sporidia elliptical, unisei)tate, scarcely consti-icted, roimded at the ends, hyaline, 12-15 x o-G /i. On stems o^ Xunthhun, California. S. Campanuhp, E. & K. Am. Nat. 1883, p. UGG. Kxsicc. KH, & Kvrht. N. A. F. 2cl Scr. 1673. Pcritliecia minute {\ mm.), scattered, covered by the epidermis which is ])ierced Ity the ])apillirorm ostiolum. Asci suhcylindrical, 35-40 X 5-7 n- Sporidia crowded-hiseriate, ovate-oblong, nniseptate and constricted, 10-13x3-3,^ /i, ends subacute. On dead stems of Cwiipamda Amerk'nim, Ohio (Ivellerman). S. sicyicola, E. & E. Journ Glycol. Ill, j). 45. Spots amphijicnous, small fl-2 nun.), dirty winte, suliorbicular or ])ai'tly lindted by the veinlets oi'tlie leaf, thin and transparent in the center. Pei-itliccia few, 1-3, often only one in the center of a spot, ("Itilthyllous, l)lack and subshining, al)out 100 /x diani., sublenticular, with a rather Iji-oad jterl'oration above, structure coarsely cellular. Asci cylindi'ic-oldong, 40-50 x (5-7 /x, sessile. Sporidia Inseriate, ovatc-oblonjr, hyaline, uniseptate and somewhat constricted, 8-11 x3- 3J fi, ends rounded or subacute. On living leaves of S/'cyos angulafa, jNIissouri (Galloway). S. solida^iiiea, E. & K. Journ. Mycol. Ill, p. 127. Pcritliecia erumpent-superticial, 80-100 // diam., sul)globose, of rather coarse, cellular structure, pierced above, scattered or collected in gro'ips. Asci 35x9-10 //. Sporidia biscriatc, clavate-oblong, nucleal , slightly constricted near the middle, 20 x 3| /x, hyaline. On dead leaves of Solldacjo C(inadetis/(<, Kansas (Ivellerman). S. Desiiiodii, Winter, Journ. Mycol. I, |t. 121. Epiphyllous on large and very irregular spots, which become of a dirty gray color, Avith the margin more obscure but well defined, flex- " 37 Ji'i ii 290 nous or sinuous. r('fi..i('('iii "ririi'iiiious. minute, Iiciuisplioriciil, pei'lo- ratod aliovo. Wlat-k, 70-*.)l) ii diani. Asci 'lUlomi-cyliiidiical, slijihtly nttonuatoJl aI)()V(% rouii;enil)les/J>. (/ntnidata. K. it H.. I)ut has mucli smaller sporidia. On dead stems of SesfMtiiid ///(trrocurpn, Lonisiana (Laniilois). S. siibconj^regJita, E. & E. Joui-n. Mycol. 11. p. 101. Pcrithecia oreu-arious or occasionally 3-() collected in a clustei'. crumjient and superlicial, ovate-globose, altout \ mm. diam.. ostiolum acute. Asci olilong. 40-4i5 x 12-15 /t. without ])araj)hyses. Spoi'idia i)iseriate, oldong-cylindrical or clavate-oltlong, sulihyaline (yellowish), 18-23x 3-4 fi, or, in the clavate Ibrui, 4-5 li wide. Phosjm/a per- mu/ida, Cke., which a])pears to 1)0 common in the Kocky Mountain region, occu'ricd on the same stem. On ])edunclos of Erigeron mhuginosus, Mt. Paddo, Washington, alt. 6000 to 7000 l"t. S. Dahlijp, €. & E. Orov. VII, p. 42. Pcrithecia scattered, mend)ranaceous. brown, covered by the epi- dermis, i)iorced above. Asci clavate. Spoiidia biseriate, elliptical, uniseptate, hyaline, 12x4 /i. On dead st^ms of Dahlia, Xewlield, X. J. S. AqnilegisB, Ell. & Galw. Journ. Mycol. V, p. 66. Pcrithecia scattered on the leaves and j)etiolos, crumpent, rather acutely liemispherical, black, 100-120 /i diam., pierced above and more or less distinctly fringed at the base with I)rown, creeping hypha\ texture coarsely cellular. Asci obovate-oltlong, .sessile, 50-60x22- 25 ji, inequilateral, Avith(Mit pai-aphyses. Sj)oridia crowded-bisei-iate, subclavatc-oblong, hyaline, straight, obtuse, slightly constricted, 20- 22x9-11 /A each cell I-3-nuclcate. 2i»l I'Cu- itlv Oil Aquileghi JoiichH. Belt Mts.. Moutiuia (Anderson). PitVors from *S'. puvhijascd, Rest., wliitli is aI.«o found in Montanii on Phlox ('(mpito»(i, piincijinlly in its liroadi'r sporidia. S. (Eiiotlieiw, E. & E. .lonin. Mvcol. 1. p. l.)l. (Plate 27) Kxsicc. Kll. & Kvrlit. N. A. V. 2d Ser. 16S1. Poritliofia crnuipcnt. lR'niis|)lioric'al. DO-lOO /z diani., broadly p(M'- Ibrati'd ahove, densely jrrch(Cidla Sarracenitr, Sacc. Syll. 1041. Peritheeia scattered, depressed-hemispherical, bi-ownish-black. cDvercd by the l)lackened crtticle, pierced above, about 100 // diam. Asci clavatc, 35-40x0-8 /i, without paraphyses. Sporidia biscriate. fusoid-oblong, yellowish-hyaline, about 10x3 /i, 3-4-nncleatc. On s])ecies of Sarracenki, Carolina, on Sarracenia purpurea. Northern U. S. and Canada. S. ciliita, E. & E. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil. July, 1890, ],. 231. Thickly gi-cgarious. Peritheeia subglobose, 150 /r. diam., covered l»y the cuticle, but not sunk in the matrix, ostiolum papilliform. Asei clavatc-cylindrical, 40x7 /i. Sporidia Itiseriate. clavate-oblong. hya- line. unisei)tatc and constricted, 10-12 x 3 /i. On dead stems of Steironeuui rih'atnm, London, Canada (Dear- ness). V 5 292 S. Angelica', E. & E. I. c. l\'ritliec'i.i scattered, ^lowiiifi' under the l»iii'k and attael'od to it, !S() tliat when the Itark is peeled oil", they eonic with it, uiohose, \ mm. diam.. e<)Ua{isiii<>' Ixdow. Ostioia |iapilli(<)rm, haielv ])ier'.'injf the euticlo and oidv sliulitly raisinu' it. Asei ehnate-cylindcieal. with abundant j)aia|ihyses, (5 ')-7( > x 7-i) /i. Spoi'idia bisei'iate, olihinn- olliptieal. '2 nin.deate, 12-15 x3J //, becominir ovate-ol)i()nent, suI)j:Iobose, 120-150 // diani., of coarse, cellular structure. Asci oltlonu', sessile. 40-75x12-14 ji. Sporidin biseriate, ovate-oblon<>', uniscptate and constrictoil, 14-15 x 5 ii, ends obtuse. On leaves of Lacfncij)laiits. S. sent. splueroid, often suliconical with a small opeiiinfi-, black, Gl^-laO ri diam. Asci sessile or very short-pedicellate, obliquely ovoid-oblona', ine(|uilateral. 40-80 xlS-2r) ft, 8-spored. Sporidia inordinate, crowded, ovate-ob- ioiiii', niiist'ptate n(>ar the middle, scarcely constricted at the septum, hyaline or iii-eeinsh-hyaline, 17-2(! x ")-!) //, On leaves and culms of various species of Gramineii' and Cy- pemccdi; Liiziiid. Curcx, Af/rojtf/niiii, Af/ro.sfj'n, A/ni, Tviwtuni. Pod, Gh/ren'd, CdhtDXKji'OstiH ttc. in Greenland (Rostrup), and on leaves of Tifphit hitifoUa, in Delaware. S. miiiimii>|niiirta, €ke. .lourn. JJot. 1883. Ivxsicc. Kav. I'". Am. 6Si. Scattei-ed or a^gre^ated. Perithecia punetiform, emergent, black. 125-140 // diam. Asci davate, short-stipitatc. S])oridia narrow- elliptical, continuous, hyaline, 8 x 3 //. On stems ol' (jUkUoIuh, South Carolina. On the s])ecinieiis in our copy of Kav. F. Am. are a Diphxlla. perithecia 130-1 aO /i diam., sporules 18-20 x 8-10 /^ and i\ P/io/mi with smaller (110 «) perithecia, and sporules 18-20x3—4 /i, but no ascigerous fungus. S. sei'iiilata, E. & E. Journ. Mycol, III, p. 45. Perithecia minute, covered by the cuticle, which is Idackened over them, rather j)rominent, with an acute, i)apilliform ostiolum, mostly collected in groujis of 6-1 2 or arranged in a seriate manner. Asci oblongdanceolate, 35 x 7-8 //. Sporidia biscriate, oblong-fusoid, 2-nuclcate, hyaline, 6-8x2^ /i, ends rather obtuse. Differs from S. sabalhjena, E. & E., in its smaller, grouped perithecia and in its smaller, ol)scurely septate sporidia. On dead stems of Sabal serruluta, Florida (Calkins). S. Tvphae, (Lasch.) Sfihania Typha, Lasch, in Rab. Herb. Mycol. Ed. I, No. 660. Sphccrdla TypheB, Awd. Myc. Eur. Pyr. p. 18, fig. no. Exsicc. Fckl. F. Rh. 906.— Ell- & Evrht. N. A. F. 2d Ser. 1678, (forma minor). Perithecia amphigenous, sunk in the parenchyma of the leaf, crowded and often connate in dense, sublanceolate, convex groiips ^-1 T" ^11,11 >«■ ^'1^ I »■ h Wf " I,' ■i -r 294 luni. lofiji' nnd H!') // wide, snlt^loltoso. perforated above, 70 // diiiiii. Asoi olon^'ateil-ol»Ioii^', very Hliortsliiiitutc, ^i-sjiored, ;')() x 7-N /t. Spoi'idia hiseriate. wcdge-sliapcd-oldonu', rounded at the ends, straijilit. uniseptato, not eonstrieted at the soptnni, smoky-hyaline, 14x5 //. On loaves ol" Typha hitifolia, West Chester. I'a. The West Cliester speec. have asel 2o-3J< x 10-12 /i, sporidia 1 1- 12x3-3i //, and seem tu lie {\u\fonmi iiiinov ol' Fekl. Syml». p. 107, with asei 3(1 // loiiu' aiitl sjioridia 10x4 [i, Tlio speec. issued under tiiis name in Mycotheca Marehiea 213(5, and Kanm. F. (iall. r)3')4. alVord two s]i('eies of I^Ieonpord, and one of Leptcmpluvria, hnt no Spha'rel/a. S. I'wiiteiK'ria', Pk. 40tli Hej.. p. (>{). Sf'hevicllapaludosa, E. & H. in Kll. & I-;vrht. N. A. I<'. 2(1 Str. 2.^57. Spots rather largo (I5-2 em.), oblonir or elliptieal, sometimes eon- fluent, lirown above, Idackish-brown or gray trow n below. I'eri- theeia minute, (75 /i). hyiiophyllous, black. Asci oblong or sidtfusi- foiin, 50-r)2 X 12^ /i. S]ioiidia crowded or biseriate, oblong-clavate, uniseptate, sometimes (|nadrinucleate, 15-20x5-6 p. On languishing leaves of Pontvilwia cort/uta, Whitehall, N. V.. and Newfield. N. J., and on leaves of Nuphur advena. Ijondon. Canada. S. iiicisa, E. & M. Journ. Mycol. I, p. 90. Perithccia membranaceous, gregarions, globose or de[)ressed- gloltose, \ nun. diam., covered by the blackened epidermis. Asci lanceolate, 100-120 x 8-10 /i, without parajthyses. Sporidia fusiform, attenuated to a l)ristle-like point at each end, endochrome distinctly divided in the middle, jtale yellowish; length, including the bristle- pointed ends, 40-50 p, width, 3-4 p. The walls of the pei-ithecia are closely adnate to the matrix, and with difficulty se}»arable from it. On dead petioles oi' Sahal serrvlata, Floi'ida (Martin). S. Orontii, E. & E. Journ. Mycol. I, p. 151. Perithccia epipliyllous, scattei-ed, minute (100 p), purplish-black, membranaceous, coarsely cellular, perforated above, i)artly erumpent. Asci oltlong, a little nairower above and abruptly contracted below into a very short, stipe-like base, 35-40 x 10-12 //, without paraphyses. Sporidia biseriate, oblong, hyaline, nucleate and faintly uniseptate, about 14 X 4-5 p, a little nai-rower at one end. P/iysalospom Orontii has larger perithccia and rather largei', regularly ellij»tical, continuous sporidia. 295 Oil y(.'llo\\isli spots oil liviiiu: lo"vo«, of (Jmntiuin Ufjiiaficitiii, Nowlicld. N. .1. S. paiiliila, (Ike. (ircv. VI, j.. 14b. Pcritliccia scattered, iiiiiiiit<'. jilolioso, linlf free, 70 // diaiii. Asci clavatc, 20 // Ioii<>-. S])ori(lia elliptical, at lenirtli uiiiseptate. ') /.: loiij>'. On slieatlis oi' Zen Jftys, (iaiiiesville, Florida (Raveiiol). One ol' the sumllost representatives of the 'Pt- de France Kd. 1, 1203. Peritliecia ami)hi,u;enous, sunk in the somewhat blackened substance of the leaf, seriate, with the perforated apex rupturing the epidermis, uiore or less erumpent, globose, l)lack, r)0-70 ft diam. Asci obovate or oblong-clavate, se.ssile, 8-sporcd, 40-50 x 12-14 fi. Sporidia Itiseri- ate, oblong or obovate, ends rounded, nniscptate, not at all or only slightly constricted, hyaline, 16-18 x 3-4 /i. On Alopecurus alphius and Poafilipes, Greenland. S. Liizul*, Cke. Orev. VI, p, 31. Peritliecia sunk in the substance of the leaf, punctiform. Asci clavate-cylindrical. Sporidia biseriate, 4-nucleate, becoming unisep- tato, hyaline. No measurements given. This species was found by Cooke on Do Thiimen's specc. of Hen - dersonia Typhoklearum, (Austrian Fungi, 785). The specc. in our copy of this collection alford an abundance ol cylindrical, yellowish-hyaline, 2-4-nncleate spores 10-20x3 /i, but no 'IM m 'I' ti : ) iisi'i. I{(»strii|i. ill liis (ircciiltind Fiiii^n, i('|k»iIs 6'. Lnzu/o', Ckc, mi Litzuhi rotif'Ks(t, luit ^ivt'S IK) iiiciisiirciiiciits. S. S<'li'|H liinisti'iH, A\v(I. Myc lliii'. IVr. p. IH, i]^. 73. IN>rillic't'iii scattcrcil, sunk in tlic sin liicc of the leal", cnrlionncco- coriaccoiis, sonicwliat lirittlc, ,s^/,s, Siikkeitoppeii, (Greenland. S. Wicliiiiiaiia, Sclirlit. Nord. I'ilzo, p. 12. I'eritliecia <>r(',uarioiis. innate, very small, splucroid, nO-fi') // diain., uial>roiis, texture loosely aieolate, ostioliini olisolete. Asci lew. iiparajiliysate. ovoid, 22-2(! x 14-l(i /i. sessile, S-spored. .*«poriilia congloliate, fiisoid, ll-KJx."{-3J ft, liyaline, uniseptate, not constriete // diani. Asci ovate- ol)loii;>', sessile, S-sjiorcd, 40 x 12-14 /i. Sjioridia 3-4-seriate, oltlon<>'- fiisoid, somewhat thickened aliove, ends obtuse, nearly straiuht. coii- sirictod at the septum, with 4-5 oil jiloluiles, hyaline. 22-24 x 3-4 /<. On various S])ecies of Cypei'iicetn and Grauuitra', viz., Kohresia rarichiu, Corcx (several species), I^^cstnca riihni, Phhiiiii (ilphnan. Alopeciirns afpinus and Nardus stricftiH, (Jreenlaiid. S. leptopleiira, I)e Not. Reel. Pyr. Comm. II, jt. 488. Peritliecia grejrarious, often seriate between the iiei-ves of the sheath, meuiliranaceous, thin, black, broadly jierforated aliove, about 200 fi diaui., covered by the epidermis through which they are so plaiidy visible as to appear entirely bare, not strongly prominent, and more or les.s coUajtsing. Asci cylindi-ical, subsessile, 45-50 x (5 //, without para]»hy8es. Sporidia biseriate, oblong-cylindrical, t^traight or slightly curved, about 15 x2^-3 /x. On Secdie cevealc (sheaths of the leaves), Alabama (Atkinson). There can not be much doubt that this is the species named, thcmgh we have no specimen for comparison. No septa could be seen in the sporidia but the specc. were not i'ully mature. 207 S. iiliiloclioi-ta. Cooke, .lonni. lint. ISS3. p. i;{7. K|»i|>liylli»iis, scnttficil. I'ciitln'ciii iiiiiiiitc, ulohosc, siilipi'oiiiiiiciit, hluck, covri'cil hy tlii> ('pitli'i'iiiis. Ostioliiiii |)ti|iilliit(', [icrlorntrtl. Asci cliiviitt'. Sporidiu nnriKW, cyliiiilric-cllipticiil. olitiisc iit the cutis, iiiiiscptiitc, sciiiccly foiistrit'tcfl, liynlinc, l.'l-17x.'5 //. Oil Iciivcs uCsoiiic ^'i!iss, Miiiiic. S. Miihleiibeipa'. KM. Am. Niii. lHS:i, p. .'$17. ExHlcc. Kll. N. A. I'. I.5.SJ. I'ciitlicciii <'niiiip('iit. iiiimifc, licticiJiIIy cloiiunitcfl-sciiiitc. Asci (»l(|rtiiii', .">•'» X S-10 n. .*«pnfi(li!i Itiscriiitc, clliptifjil, iiiiiscptiitc 1 1-l ;') x ?>-?>}, ft. Stylusporc-; in liirj-cr pcritlicriii, l.'J-lt) x 4 /i (Plmiii'i). On IciiVcs (if MiihlcuUvfijUi, \('\v('h'I(|. \. .1. This iiinl tlic picccdinu' species, piililislM'd iiltoiit tlie sniiic time, liiiiy l)e the Siiiiie. Init we hiive no specc. ol' Cuolxe's species lor ('(iiii- p!l|-iS()||, S. (jililornira, Cke. & Hark. .loinn. IJot. 1SS.'J. p. 13(i. I'critheciii sm;iil, sciittereil. siiltspliericiil. iiiiiate-pi'dmiiieiit. dark l»f(»\vri, perloraled idinve. Asci (davai ■-cyliiidiicai. Spoiidia narrow- elliptical, iinisepfate. hyaline, n(»t cdnstricted, 8 x 2 //. On leaves id' some native j;rnss. On specimens in oni- llei-lt. sent l»y Hr. Ilarkness as SphfP.rcJhi (JdN/onu'ri/. we liiid only a Scjtforf'd with perithc'-ia 7')-ll<> // iisi/la. Sacc. S. Spai'tinas E. & E. .Jonrn. Mycol. IV, ].. 97. I'eritliecia of coarse, cellular structure, suhastomous, ollijitical. 100-1 12 X 17()-1!>(> /i, huried in the |»ai'enchyma of the leal', but plainly visii>lc above or (Jii the (jutside, and faintly so below, (piite evenly and thickly .scattered. Asci mostly iunnaturo in the spocc. examined, but evidently f)resent. Free sporidia (which we believe to be ascospores) oltlonjr-elliptical, yellowish, constricted and faintly uniseptate in the middle, with about 4 small nuclei, 12-10x4^-5^ //. This can not be the Atiroc/i i/f(i S/xn-t/inc, Ti'elease, .lourn. Mycol. 1, ji. 14, on account of the absence of any spots and the (juite dift'erent spori M'itll f^ciitl. 11^ |iri illicciii iiitciliM'diiiti', i^lnliosc, 1(1(1-11.') // ilililii.. uitllll lilui ,,. iniiiid u|icllili,li' iilidvc. Asci olilnim. , ')(!.').') .\ 1(1-12 /<. willioiit |iiii'ii|iliv."'(',>*. ."^|inriili;i ddwdi'il. ohloiiii-lnsctid, siil>iiit'i|iii- liltciid. iilii.»r|il;itr :ilid liin^-tlv r(iii>liii'l('d ill llir >(|iliiiii. liMiiilH', M-l(')\l/<. 'I'liis is (iiiilc dilVciciit \\\n\\ Sjiliiinlhi Mnjiilis. I'liss.. uliicli li;i> I'litlici' liiriif'i' pcritlicciii iiinii' di>liii(llv i;i(]ii|it'd, iiiid (see. s|n'(i'. ill |{iili. Kiinui l',iint| ii'i. No. 1N.')1) ,-|i(ii idiii riisnid, 1(!-'J(> // jdiijii'. ll is iils(» dill'i'iTiit rioin ,S'. MiihUnhvxjiiv. Mil., uliicji, liv the wiiy. is u p)(»d species iiiid ijiiile distiiiel rnim eillier N. ///v///////- tvnJii, iM-kl.. wliieli liiis liir^i'er iisei iiiid s|inridiii, oi' .s. jiKfiUht. \\\\\. S. iirdnuiiicohi, FekL.lsee. s|teee. in |{elilii's Ascdiii., T'.^l. iiiid !•'. Kill'. o44(>l liiis iisei "') X I'Jl //, iiiiil sporidiii 1.') 'IW \ .'ti— l.J //. (di uilJKied Iciives lA' J'tiiiiiinii <-ni.s-(/ii///. Kiilisiis (.'^w iii^ile). S. Zi/aiiiic, (Scliw.) S/i/iirii(i yi:< /I lt)ii;r, ^'t'lii'inlly sli^Hitly ciirvctl. On (Ifiiil Iciivcs ()\' J*fcn'M iKfiiih'iiit, New York Stiitc (I'rck). 'I'lic |n'iillM'('ia lire sn riiiiill ih tu lie easily nvcilookcil, 'I'lic spo- ridia arc uidikc tliusc ol »S'. I'tiriilis, hciiiu' twite lus long and \w\ di>fin('M_v septate. S. Iiy«'0|i0(lii, Pk. .'5!Mli Hep. p. 'A. I'critlu'ciu minute (100 /i|, Matkisli. Asci oldonii' or Hulieyliii- drical, olti-n sliuldly narrowed towaid the apex, 30-40 x 10 /i. Spo- ridia oldonji-, lli-l.'t x .'{/,—! //. On seiiles ofijead sjiikes ol' Li/vopodiiim cliii'tittim, Adiiondaek . Mts„ New York. This dilVers from N. li/('o/)o«lhi(f in ha place <»r ^rtmth and in its •imallcr asci and sporidia. S. siiiM^HIiia, Fckl. in Kli. A- Kvrlit.'s N. A. V. 2d Ser. 2i;U. A I'ccxiimination ol the sjiecc in the cojtics now accessil le shows (tnly a I'/iodk/ witii oMonji' ')-" x 2-2^ // sporules. Sec. Kckl. the Phniiia accomjtanyin^' Sphd'nlhi miix rffna has sjiorules "cylindrical, curved, niinute.'' indicatinj; a dilVei'ent tliiiijj; from this, S. paiidiirata. E. & E. JJull. Torr. IJot. Clul», X, p. 117, is DiiJif- niclla loj)/iuspoi'(i, Sacc. In the I'ollowinir Schweinitzian s])Ocics, apjiarcntly referalde to the Sjt/tn'i'('flo/(hw, the Iructilication is unknown. Spha-rla thjriiunis, Schw. Syn. N. Am. 1804. — Spots I'oiind or sul)irreiiular, about 4 mm. diam., darker in the center, on account of the abundant, minute, astomous, hiack i>eritliecia. On the under side of oak leaves. Allied to S. myrladea. Sphti'i'ld suhbiiUdiiH, Schw. Syn. N. Am. 17!)7. — S])ots Itullato- elevated, orbicular, Idack, coviM'cd with the numerous, innate, minute f)erithecia, with only their papillate ustiola visible. On the u)»per side of leaves ol' Pyr us Mai us, Bethlehem, Pa. ( be with diflieulty cut. :{00 Fr('»Hioiit oil iloatl loaves of Pluntayo hinreolafd of last year's jjjrowtli, IJetlilehoin, Pa. SpliO'tiu rncchieo-iiiaculdfa, i^eliw. Syii. N. Am. 1801. — IVii- tlieeia Idack, seriate or inordinate, astonious, oIilon<«-, linally enijity, seateetlileliein. Pa. Sphif'fid Androiiieihft'uni, Seliw. Syn. X. Am. 1702. — Peiitlieeia minute, innate, scattered or asr,!rie<>-ated, convex-gloliose linally, as it wore, cirenniseissilo. tlie upper part deciduous. On tiie lower side of leaves of Andromeda aj'iJhtrix, ."^aleni, N. V,. Sphivrhi apcftluscuhi, Seluv. Syn, X. Am. 178"). — Peiitlieeia scattered, brownisli-ldack, minute, arisiiiu- from tlie Itiillate jiareii- cliyma, at lirst innate, with a larjro opening aliove, linally em])ty. Resembles a minute Pcziza. Rarely met with, on the lower side of leaves of CIihks f'tdni, New York State (Torrcy). Sphceria jyer/'gyn/'cola, Schw. Syn. X. Am. 1782. — Perithecia scattered, very minute, astomous, black, erumiioiit, suheonic-comjuessed, at length empty, often distantly scriate-eruni])eiit. Met with occasionally on the jtorigynia of Car/ces, especially of C. xanthophysa, Mt. Pocono, Pa. Allied to . iniiseriate, elliptical, constricted in the middle, olitnse ut the ends, with two nuclei, 15-17 x 7-!) //. On some sterile lichen thaUiis, CJreenland. Collected during the English North Polar Kxp. 1875-70. or the Ibllowiiig genera included l>y Winter in the Family /S);/«f^- fdloldcm, no representatives have yet been reported as Ibund in this countiT, as far as we know. TI€HOTHECIlM, Flotow. In Korber Krypt. Kundc (1H4S) p. igg. Perithecia more or less sunk in the matrix, finally ernmpent, snuill, of tolerably hard, horn-like, cai'ltonaceous substance, Idack, with a sim- ply perforated ostiolum. Paraphyscs united in a slimy mass, obscure or wanting. Sporidia 8 or more in an ascus, 1-3-scptate, l)rown (Win- ter, Die Pilze, 11, p. 348.) As in the ])rcceding genus, all the species are lichenicolous. MULLERELLA, Hepp. In MuUer Principes ile Classif, dc Lichens, XVI, Part 2d. Perithecia more or less sunk in the matrix, globose, l)lack, jjerfo- rated above. Asci polysporous. Sporidia continuous, brown. Pai'- apliyscs obscure. Licheiucolous. LIZONIA, Ces. & De Not. Schema Sferiacei p. 41. Perithecia .-ubaggregated, ovoid, glalirous, coriaceo-menibrana- ceous, erunij)ent-superficial, ostiolum minute. Asci clavate. Sporidia Iiiseriate, ol)long, often inequilateral, uniseptate, hyaline, becoming darker, rather large. Paraphyscs none. Foliicolous fungi, differing from Sphmrella in their sul)coriaceous perithecia crowded-erumpent, and mostly larger sporidia. Placed l)y Cooke as a subgenus of Sphmt'ella and by Winter as supplementiuy to the Fam, Cuciwhitavieoi, S()2 L. Spluisiii, Cke. (Jiov. XV III, j). SG. "Poritliociii scattorod, siihuloliosi'. Itlnck, i-atlicr itroinincnt, with a niaimnillate ostioluni, scaled on tlio decayed loavi's and soon l»ccon>in,i>- superficial. Asci clavate. S))oridia cylindiical, sliiiJitly curved at one or both ends, unisej)tate (then prohaldy tnsej>tate), hyaline, 40-50 On dead Sp/tof/mnn, Maine. PHYSALOSFORA, Xiessl. ^.^otiz. ueber iicuc uiid Krit. Pyr. p. lo. Perithecia subtrloliosc, covered, nicnibi-anaceons or coi-iaceo-nicni- branaccous, black, with the ostiolmn (typically papillifonn) erunipent. Asci clavate-cylindrical, paraphysate. Sporidia ovoid or oblong, con- tinuous, hyaline or subhyaline. Difters I'roni Ltvstadia in the presence of])araphyses. The peri- tiiecia are also for the most ])art lai'ger and of firmer textui'e. Inclnd- ed by Winter in the next Family. P. Wi'J^'htii, (B. & C.) Sf>hcriia iriightii, B. & C. C.rev. IV, p 154. I'liysalospoia ll'n'ghlii, Sacc. Syll. 1661. LiTsladia ll'riKhlii, Cke. Syii. 5271. Perithecia covered by the cuticle, collapsing and then cup-shaped. Asci lanceolate, obtuse. Sj)oridia biseriate, oblong, slightly curved. 25-33 n long, hyaline, with a nan-ow. gelatinous border. On leaves of Stat/'ce Lhnoniiii)), California (Wright). P. Artlnii'isiiia, Sacc. Mich. II, p. 50!). Kxsicc. Ell. fi Evrht. N. A. I". 2<1 Ser. 1665. Perithecia e]>iphyllons, gregarious, on yellowish spots, innate-super- ficial, globose-depressed, black, 125 // diam. Ostiolum oltsolete. Tex- ture of perithecium parenchyuiatic, yellowish brown. Asci cylindrical, short-stipitate, 90 x 12 /i, i)arai»liysate, rounded at the apex, 8-sporetl (rarely clavate, (50 x 18 /i). Sjioridia obli(|uely uniseriate, rarely bi- seriate, ellipsoid, obtusely rounded at the ends, 11-13x7 /i, 2-4-nu- cleate. On leaves of /?•« xunthifolia, partly dead, Iowa (Arthur). • P. ilicis, (Sell .) SpluFiia Ilicis, Schleich. Hr. S. M. II, p. 501. Dipludia ilicicola, Desiu. I'laiites Crypt. E<1. I, 9X8. . rsliiiiiu Ilicis, Cke. Syn. 529S. Physalospoi a Ilicis, Sacc. Syll. 6390. Exsicc. Ell. N. A. F. iq6.— Desni, Exsicc. Ed. I, 9S8,— Rav. Fungi Car. IV, No. 6j. I a i na- il t •5(> S()3 Peritlioc'ia scattcroil, covered l)y tlie opideriiiis which is white in tlie center and finally rinioscly ruptured, siul»]»roininent. ejtij)hyllous, irlobose or jrloliose-conoid, J nnn. diam. Asci cylindrical, rounded above, attenuated Itelow into a narrow stipe-like Itase, (SO x 12 ft, S-sj)ored. Sporidia hiscriate, Itoat-sliape 1, i-ounded at the ends, 14 x 0 n, hyaline. On fallen leaves o( Ilex optica, So. Carolina and New .Jersey. P. pliilopi ilia,. (B. & C.) Sphinia philopiina, B. & C. Orev. IV, p. 154. Lcrsliidia fiiiloprina, Cke. Syn. S2S3. J'/nm/otfioui p/ii/ cuticle. Asci olilonji'. Sporidia hiscriate, hyaline, cynibajforin. On leaves oi'/Zci', North Corolina. DoulitCnlly distinct Ironi the ]>i'ecedinji' species. P. I'lKKlina, B. & C. in Cuit. Cat. ]>. 148. Grev. XVII. p. 92. Perithecia ureirarious, covered, suhirloltose, very small, hiack. with erunipent ostiola. Asci clavate, 8-si)ored. Sporidia sublanceo- late, continuous, hyaline, 30-3;) x 10 //. On branches ul' Horn ruhigiiiOHa, Carolina. P. (ieiaiiii, (!ke. & Hark. (J rev. XIV, p. 9. Perithecia densely tfrej^'arious, convex, black, eovercnl by the epidermis, at length erunipent. Asci clavate, ample, 8-sporcd.. Spo- ridia biseriate, elliptical, continuous, granular, hyaline, 20-28 x 10 //. On stems of Geranium, California. P. gelseiiiiata, (Cke.) Spluriia i;ehe»iiala, Cke. Orev. VI, p. I4„. J'lnstilospoia,gclsciniata, Cke. Syn. 4092, Sacc. Syll. 1680. Covered, scattered or subgregarious. Perithecia sul)glol)ose, sub- prominent. Ostiola papillate. Asci clavate. Sporidia short-lanceo- late, hyaline, 30-35 x 10-12 /i. On twigs of Gehemlum, Aiken, So. Carolina. P. niiimtella, (Pk.) Sphcriia minutella, Pk, 2c)th Rep. p. 62. I'liysalospora minutella, Sacc. Syll. i686. Pliomatospora minutella, Cke. Syn. 4347. Perithecia minute, .somewhat flattened, black, the upper part at length l)reaking away and leaving the base attached to the matrix. 304 • Asci sublancoolate. Sporidia oblony, simple, colorloss, 7J /-< loiijU'. On dead stems oflierbs, fJreenbiisli, N. Y. (Peek). P. Ciipiessi, (B. & ('. Spherria Cupiessi. B. & C. (irev. IV, p.i^S. P/nsa/osfiont, Ciipiessi, Sacc. Syll. 1679, Ckc. Syn. 4091. Peritlieeia eovered I»y the euticle, liut proiniiient, with a distinet ostiohim. Asei ehavate. p. sp. 7 ') x 20 //. Sporidia inordinate, ine(|ui- hiteially elliptical, hyaline, 20-23 x 1»» /i. On limbs oi' Cttpirssitsfhyoi(Jcs, Carolina (Kavenel). The measurements (»f asci and sj)oridia are taken from a spec. com. I»y Farlow I'rom JIerl». Curtis. P. eeaiiotliina, (Pk.) Sfiluciia ccanolhina, Pk. 2yth Rep. p. 62. P/iysalospoxi ccanothina, S.icc. Syll. 1692, Cke. Syn. 4093. Peritlieeia scattered or rarely two or three crowded together, smooth, subuloliose. Ostiola jjiercinjr the epidermis, somewhat rujrged. often curved or deformed. Sporidia crowded or biseriate, oblong, obtuse, sometimes curved, hyaline, 12-1 ') // long. On dead stems oH Ci'anotluia Americcnius, New York. P. Liidwi^isp, (Oke.) SplKnia Ludwigier. Cke. HecUv. 1.S6S, p. 39. Physixlotpora Liiciruigiir, Sacc. Syll. 1720. Phomatospora I.Hd:ui);ia:, Cke. Syn. 4357. Gregarious. Peritlieeia covered Ity the blackened and raised epidermis. Asci clavate. Sporidia biseriate, elliptical or [lyriform. hyaline, continuous, 25 x 10 /i. On stems of Z/itdwigia, So. Carolina. P. auraiitia, E. & E. in Ell. & Evrht.^s N. A. F. 2d Ser. 2355. (Plate 27) Peritlieeia scattered, buried in the parenchyma of the leaf, sub- olilong, 175-200x130-150 /i, of a fine orange color, which is readily seen in a section of the leaf, the surface of which is nniformly black- ened and slightly pustulates from the scarcely erumpent ostiola. Asci clavate-cylindrical, 100-110x12-15 fi, with paraphyses. Sporidia uniseriate, oblong-elliptical, granular, h3-aline, continuous, 12-22 x 8-9//. On dead leaves of AstvagaJus pectinatni<, Sand Coulee, Montana (Anderson). ■fipiipwi«pp«nv:viM,ii«^iuij«i[wiHian 305 P. polKris, Rostr. Fungi (irocnland. ]>. 548. Pcritlicciu s^cattercd. Asci ovate-oldong, paraphy-sate, 35-40 x <)-8 /i. Sporidia oloiigaU'd, guttulato, 10-12 x 2 //. On dried up stems ol" Pajnicer mnlicavle, Kaiigerdlugsuak. iJreenland. P. Poteiitillsp, Rostr. I. c. Peritlicfia scattoi'cd, glohoso. Asci ovatc-oldong, parapliysate, iiisciculate, 32-34 x 8-9 ti. Sjtoridia elongated, gutttdate, 10 x 1-2 ji. On dry stems and j)Ctioles of PotentiUa nuicuhito, l.'pernivik, (Jreeidand. P. megastoma, (Pk.) .Sp/urtrl/a nu;, Pk. Bot. Gaz. IV, p. 231. J'Jnsalospora me,i(ailonia, Sncc. Syll. 1669. l^rsladia me,i;asl(»iia^ Cke. Syii. 5273. Pei'itliecia minute, numerous, anij)liigen<»us, at lirst ct^nci-cd by the epidermis, then erumpent, lilaek, with a large, eii'cular opening at tlie apex. Asci sulicy'indrical, 100-150 x 15-18 //, parapliysate. 8po- ridia uniseriate or erowded-hiseriate, oltlong-elliptical, granular, greenish-yellow, 10-15x0-7 //. On living or languishing leaves of Astragalus bisitlcattts, Colo- ratio (Jones), and on some leguminous i)lant {AstntgaJus), Valley City. Dakota (Seymour). P. bina, Hark. \\\\\\. Cal. Aead. 8ci. No. I, p. 43. Kpipliyllous, shining-hhiek, hemispherical, half fi-ee, nmnorous, on irregular, whitish sj)ots. covering a third or more of the leaf and bor- dered by a dark line. Asci fusoid, very delicate, 2-sporcd, attenuated belov.' to a i^lender ])cdicel, jtaraphysate. Sporidia ol)long-elliptieal oi- slightly boat-shaped, rounded at one end and slightly pointed at the other, with several vacuoles, 15x0 /i. On living leaves of Quercus agrifolia, Calilbrnia (Ilarkness). P. quei'i'ilVdla, E. & E. Journ. Mycol. 1, j.. 92. Perithecia \-\ mm. diani., globose with a light coloii'd nucleus, buried in the substance of the leaf, but prominent, so as to show dis- tinctly on both sides, covered by the epidermis wliicli is slightly blackened and closely adherent to the perithecia. Ostiolum j)apilli- Ibrm, barely visible through the ru])tui'ed epidermis. The perithecia linally collapse more or less distinctly. Asci oblong, 75-80x12//, 39 A] with !i slioi't. iilii'iiptly I'oiitnictfd hiiso. Sporidia l»is('riaU.', iiiirrow- f'lli]iticiil or liroiKl-Ciisiloriii. u:raiiiil!ir, Iiviiliiic, lo-'J.') x (!-S ti. With IfarhncKxid ht/iiJi>i(i, K. A' K., which is pi'oltaltly its styh)s- poi'ous st iLic On dry. (h'ad onlc h-avos {Q. cocrhicit) still hanu-iiiii' on linihs cut ttll" last sciison, Xcwlichl, N. .1., .luiic, 188'). P. pluMiiopsis, (('. & K.) S/)i'i,n Id />/ii»iiii/>si!.. C. & !•;. Ort'V. VII, p. 41. /firsa/dsfioiu filiiimopsi's, Sacc. Syll. 1704. Poritliccia uTCijarious. liittciicd. covcrcfl Ity the oiiidoi'iiiis. iiiciii- hranaccous, l»i'o\\n, 100-120 n ditin. Asci ul)Ioin>' or c'iav.itc-oldoiin-. sessile, roimdcil at tin' apex. "irj-.'^O x S-l(> /i. with riidiineiitnry ]»ar- ajiliyses. Sporidia ovate-ohioiiLi' or siihiiavicidar, liyaliiie. 10-12 x .T n (12-14 xn/i,Cke.) Oil (h'ad stems of Drsutodhn//. Newiiold, N. J. The sjioridia even in specc. that have lain in the herhariuni lor ten or twelve yinirs, are mostly continiions, th<»ui>"h a I'rw wrw unisep- tate. Some perithecia contain only stylo.-^pores {I*/toiiiit\ 10-1 o x 4—5 //. P. ei'iatici, (('. & E.) Splunia ritatha, C. & ]•;. (Irev. VI, p. 95, tab. ux), fig. 35. Physalospnra, frraiica rtsicc. SyH. i6y6, Cke. Syii. 4091. Perithecia a-i-eu'arioMs, ij'lolMW-depres.sed. Iilack, at lenii'th ei'iim- pont, often crowded. A,-;ci clavate. Sporidia l>iseriate, elliptical, continuous, hyaline. , fi. On branches of liosd, Loiiiccni and on stems of SoUilar/o, New- Held, X. J. P. oxystoma, Sacc. & Ell. Mich. II. p. 568. Exsicc. V.W. N. A. F. 7S4. Perithecia gre<>'arious and often 2-4 erumpont in a cluster to- ii'cther, Itut not connatt;. izlohose-ovoid. minute, with a white nucleus. Ostiolum acutely pajiillirorm. e.xserted. A.«ci oblong-clavate, sessile. with a thick membrane, 70-80x15-17 n (!)0-100x 17-18 //, Sacc), rounded at the apex and sui'i'oinided by jointed jiaraphysos. Sporidia clavate-oblonii', crowdeil. yellowish-hyaline, continuous, 15-20x5 n. On dead culms ol" PhJcuiti prate 11 fic, Newlield, N. J., and on dead culms of /*a??/c«//# Curtisii, in Ijouisiana. In tlio Louisiana specc. the perithecia arc cnnn]»ent in oI)lonif- hysteriiform tufts :il»out 1 nun. lonu'. 5-8 jn'rithecia together, connected i»y an imj)ei'fectly developed, suli|)ulverulent, l»lack stromi,. ()\V- Ins- 1)11 p. l(>|)to.s|iermii, Rostr. F-'iiii,!;'! (Irocnl. p. r)48. l\'i'illi(ri!i niciiiirioiis, ('(tvcrt'd l>y tlic Itliickciicd ('jjidcriiiis, ji'lo- h(>-1S(>// diani., pierced in the eeiiter witli i' l.. and Pliiilh)stli't4t Oronlil, K. A' M., are not iin])i'()l»al)Iy connected with tliis as conidia and spennoii'onia. On dead spots in living leaves ol Ot'ontlum (Kpiativmn^ Now- liold, N. J. P. nv.Tspora. (Cke.) Sftluriia uvaifiota, Ckt. Tex. Ftiiijji No. 1.^4. I'hvsalospnia iivis/>iit\i, .Sncc. SyU. if>Sy. rJreu'arions, c(»vereot(t ciihiMti, Sacc. Syll. 170,^, Cke. Syii. 4097. Kxsicc. KU. N. A. F. 481. PeritJiecia seriately eruni|)ent, globose, I>Iack. jiapillate. Asei clavate. Sporidia narrow-elliptical, 30-l>2x]2 //. The accompany- ing ])ycnidia {JJlplodiu^\).) have stylospores elliptical, l>rown, unisep- tate, 22 x 10 //. On dead branches oi' Andromeda lifjunirina, Newfield, N. J. P. citi'ispoia, (B. & C.) Sphtriia n'/n's/xna, D. & C. Orev. IV, p. 147. Iliysalofpoia cili isjxiya, Sacc. Syll. 1677, Cke. Syii. 4089. "Quite covered by the cuticle. Asei clavato. Sporidia Itiseriate, either Icmon-shajjed or narrower, 33 /i long." On Tilia (jlahni, A'irginian Mountains. P. Euiiotise, (B. & €.) Spharia F.niiotiir, H. & C. 1. c. Phomatospoia, liunoticCy Cke. Syii. 4350. Physalospora JliiiiotitB, Sacc. Syll. 1693. "Bursting through the cuticle. Asei olavate. Sporidia oblong, hyaline, swelling in the middle on either side, like the frustulcs of Eunotia, 20-2') /i long." On stems of Ivy, Carolina. P. plilyctseiioides, (B. & C.) Spluci ia plilvitiowiili's, H. & C. Clrev. IV, p. 151. Physalospoia p/i/yc/triionffs, Sacc. Syll. 1705. Hwmatospoia phlyctanoidcs, Cke. Syu. 4356. 30!) lip- (otif aiif t<"ii ''Fonniiifi' little, lirovvn, invgiilnr specks on a wliito jrround. Asci short, Imiccoliito. Sporidia cynihivroriii with the eiKJochroiiie rctraetod til either oml, 12-14 // lonj!'." On stems of DolhhoH, Alalmnia (Hcauniont). F. hypericiiia, (B. & C.) Sf>lioni liypi'iiiina, S.'icc. Syll. 16H3. I'homatospoia hypeiicina, Cke. Syn. 43.(6. "Perithcfiii laceil in Phomitoxpora hy Sacc. in Syll., and Cooke, in his Syn. I'yi'. in Orev'., places them jiartly in Phi/Hdlonpora, an' the inner Itark. Perithecia crunipent, sub- solitary, white inside. Ostiolum suh[)rominent, white. On l)ark oi' lihm, Carolina and Pennsylvania. Perith(!cia connected in pairs or standing sinjxly, u'lohose, black. Asci elongated, suberect. F. subsiiiii»lex, (Scliw.) Splnrria siihsimple.v, Schw. Syn. N. Am. 1679. Pliysalospoia subsimplcx, Sacc. Syll. 171S. At first very thin, covered by the whitened epidermis, then j)ar- tially denuded as the epidermis falls away. Ostiola translucent. Perithecia densely crowded, partly immersed in the l)ark, often con- liucnt, ol)lonu-hemispherical, depressed, rugose, black,, jtapillate, the •AU) |)iipillii (Ici'iiliKiiis iiiid |H'i'itlicriiiiii iKM't'oriitol. S|i(ii'i(liii (iiilc Hcik.i cllijwnid. Iiyiiliiic. M-1.") n. loiiii'. Oil \Hi\uvUvn u[' U/iii.s i//o/)rii. I'niiisvlviiiiin iitid Xt'W Vork. I'IKniATOSI'OH \, SiUT. !•'. Veil. Sir. II, ]), .vifi. I'critln'ciii iiiiiiiitt'. cdVciiMl or ci iiiii]it'iit, sciiUcicd. iiK'iiilii'ii- liiictMiiis. ( Istioliini |iii|iilliit)'. A<('i cv liiKiiir-liliroiiii, ii|i!ii';i|iliys!itf. S|i()i'i(li!i iiiiiscriiitc. S in ini iiscii.*. Iiviiliiic fdiiliiiiioiis. 'J-iiiiclciitc. DilVcr.-i I'ldiii J'/it/sa/()s/)or(t in llic iilisnicc ol' )iiii!i]iliys('s. V. Datiscji'. Ilai'k. Bull. ('nl. Aciul. Fd.., l,s,s|. p. 4;;. I'ci'illice'iii sciillcird. siilicpidcniiiil. Ostiulmn coiiiciil. Asci oli- loii^i' or (ilicliiviitc. S-s|ior('d, ')(l-(i(l.\ l")-li(t //. piiriipliyscs iiniic. Spo- ridiii (ilildim'-nvitl. lividiiic or iniiiiitt-ly ;:'riiiinl:u', witli ;i siiiidi vik iiolc iit ciicli end. 2(>-3(>.\S-l()/<. On dnid ritcnis u\ Jjat/t^cd [jJtuinrntn. ('idiliiiiiiii. I*. aiTryiostij^iiia, (Berk.) S/iluri ia iiif;yiiisli,tiiini, litrk. Iloiik. I.oiicl. Joiini. rint. VI, \>. T,2f<. I'lmmatdsl'Kia art^yin.sliifmti, Sitcc. Syll. if'.'^.i, Ckt. Syii. <\?,y). IVritlicciii widely sciittcrcd. liitlicr siiuill. dcprofiscd-iiioltosc, iistoiiion.*. cuvcrcd liy tlio cpidcnins. Spots cpidiTiuiil. Idiick, willi ;i wliitc I'ciiti'r. j)iiii('til'oriii. Sporidiu lioiii-tti, I). N: C, drt-v. I\', !>. i.|i»ii. II. ft llr. Ann. Nat. Hi.>it. No. 647, tal). 11. fig. 38. /Vioiiiii/nsfHiiti lliikclrri. Sacc. Syll. 1650, Ckc. Syn. 43.;5. Pei'ithccia nnnute. 140-200 // diiiiii., sphioroiil, iniinorsod or ornnipeiit. Ostioliiiii subjiaiiilhito, ])unctitbriii ; nucleus with a rose- :tll colnrcil lint. Asci »'yIiiMln'c-(ilirni'iii, intln'r Ioiii'itiicriii, Init nii)i'<> siiix-i'liciiii; s|M'rniiitia cylinilrii'iil, liyaliiic, S-lOx'J /<. AIMOSI'ORA, San-. C'niiNp. Ciiii. I'vr i>. '1, Syll. I, p. ,si9. IN'i'itlicfiii t'(i\('i'/"iiii, 1)111. iSi Moiit. I'l. aIk- I. p- 4y2. tab. 25, Rg. 1. //vfri/>/iii\ af>ii>.Kfii)ia, Ilcrk. Ucc. l''uiiK>. 4S5. Ivxsicc. Kab. !•'. V,. 3157. Sci'iatc-ennnpcnt lilack, H()(> ii diam. Pcnfhccia coniparativoly lai-.ii'c. t;loliosc. unisi'i'iatc in ionii'itndinal cracks in tiic cjiidcrniis. white inside, connected liy a dark-coloi-ed psi-ndostronia. Ostiola hcnns- jtlicrical, nniUiiicate. Asci clavate or ohlonti-, 7()-!)(>x 1 ')-20 //.. S]»(j- ridia liiseriate. ovat<'-oli!(»ni;'. appcndicnlatc-i»yriroi'ni, 20-2') x S-IO //. On cnlnis ol' .l/'«/<(////f//7V/, in tlie Sonthcrn States. Specc. I'roai Lonisiana have asci 100-110 x 2r)-30 //; sj»()ridia 3 r)-40 X 10 //, lint sjiecc. from Alaliaina have asci and sporidia a<;'rce- in,t>' with the nicasnrenients in Sacc. Syll. A. I'olypoi'i, K. & E. (in Ilerh.) Porithecia scattere(l, cruinpcnt, convex-lioiuispliorical, aliout 200 // (liain., lilack. carhonaceo-nicinbnumceous. Ostioluni jtapillilbiin, soon ix'rlorated. Asci oldong', olitiise. nearly sessile, 40— l')x 10-12 ti. overtopped l»y the ahiindant linear parapliyses. Sporidia crowdcd- hisei'iate, ovate-oltloiifi', sli x TJ-S'i /r. tiie I(»wer hall' narrower than the upper. On dead liranohcs of Sattihiiciis ConadcvHiH. New York State (IVck). Apparently related to S. httcrtitirta (H. A- \lv.]. lint dilVers in its huiu'er as«'i and its sporidia. S. I'eckii, (S|m»s-) .S/>/iiri il/ii Pi'ckii, Spt'n ill Tluiiii. M. l'. x^tfi. .\/,tii\f>lur>ia I'likii, Sncc. SyU. II, p. 17J. Sjiltici iiliiia /hkii, Cke. Syii, No, 5791;. Peiitht'cia epiphyllons, !^re,u:arions, at first innate '. i the epidermis, then protidieranl, spha'iuid-lenticidar, texture sulicailionaceous, pierceil aliove, hiack, 1 00-1 '20 /i diam. A.sci cylindrical, attenuated hclow into a .short, thick stijie, ratliei- acutely rounded at the apex, S-sjtorcd, without ]»arapliys>es, 50-(iO x (i-Ti /'• Sporidia l>iseriate, hyaline. Insoid ov suhcylindrical, obtusely acuminate at eacli end, mostly a little curved, pr(»loplasm at liist, 2-paited and .spuriously .^jcptate, then multiseptate hut never constricte^l, I0-I8 x .'{-;{ | //. On dry leaves oi' Amc fa uc/ih-r Ctniaifetmis, Alliany. N. V. S. (Iryopliila, (('ke. & Haik.) Sphccrella iliyofliiU, Cke. ft Hark. (".rev. IX, p. 86. /.cploipliin ia (iiyofi/ii/ii, Sncc. SyU. ^Ojfi. Splumilina dryophila, Cke. Syii. 5.S16. Epipliyllous. Spots orliicular, reddish-hrown. IVrithccia hrown. sul)inunersed. Asci chivate, ,>itu//a, Sacc. .SyU. ,^524. Exsicc. Rat). K. Hut. 149.— Tliuin. M. V. 2157.— Cke. !•. Brit, Ser. 172.— id. 2d Ser. 269, Rnv. !•'. Am. 156.— Kricgr. K. Sax. 279.— Sydow. M. March. 1931.— Rehiii Asc. 947, :n:{ I'critliccin tlcii'i'lv ;ri'<'y:!iiiniis, in tolfriilily liiryc (l-|(i nun.), iinli-f'niitcly limih'il. )l)'nl Imi'ii'il. lihiilly I'lnnijiriif. s|ilii'i'ii'iil. |ifii<)iiiti'i'.-,|iiii»'t|, (id X (i /^ .*«|iiii idin 'J-.'(',<i| nt llir mils. slii:litl,\ <'IIIV(mI. .'l-ficittiifc. liyiilitic, .'{O-.'l.') x 'J-.'; n, (Ml liillfM n;ik lrii\('s, ('iiiulinii. (H;in, rfnnsylvnniji. New Ymk. New .l('iM'\ :inil .New Knyliuid. STKJ.M.MKA. Ki'. Siimiii;i Vej!- Siaiul. !> t-'i. li^iKc >\\\. I. )). S.\\). IN'rillicciii inniitt'snliprdniincnt. yliiliidiis, Miin-Wiillcd. (Isliulnni Jiiinntc, nuclcn"; liillicr »'«inip;ict, wliitc .\sci nlilonu'. snliscssilc, s- .<|i(»i<'il, |i;iiii|)li\>iitt' i>r |is<'nli-liy:ilini'. Koliiinloiir^. minute. St. Roliei'tiani. Vv. .^Minnm \v. 501. ( '/ \pltifl>!uf> ill iiiliilii. driv. IM. ImI. p. jfi.v lliil lllilllhlil (ilHtllil, lloll. Allll. p. Iji). Ivxsicc. I'lkl. I". Kli. ,)i'j.— Kill). !•'. U. i/m, 2IJi).— Ri'hm Asc. ii^.— 'rhiim. I". A\istr isi ill. M. r. ifxi.— Ckc. v. Ilfil. Sir. I, i.i.i -i:il, it Ivvrlit. N. A. l-". Jil Str. 2ylM KriiK. I'. Snx. 2,. — M Miirili. 35?. — H. ('.nil. 2i)-~<,s. I'ei'illiet'iii sriittei'eil. urejiMi'idllS or eolleeteil in loose i:i'on]»S. snpeiTieiiil, sessile. Iieinis|)li('rieiil. snmotli iind sliiiiinu', altout 140 n. Iti'oml and ')((-(!() // liiuli. Asci ohloni:-, sessile. S-s|ioi'e(|. .■»;5-4.') x I I- 14 //. inoslly Itroatler hclow. with scanty parapliyscs. Sporidia sult- liiserinte, ovate-elliiitical, une(|iially Iwo-celN'd, u|i|ier cell liroader. jiTcciiisli, 12-14 x4|-") /i. On livinu' leaves ol' (u-i'iii>'niin liohi'tihiiiKin, Mas.safliiis('tt.s (Stiir iris), Canada ( Dearness). St. Ai'iiiuliiiai'ia', ike. «lrev. \'il. p. ,')0. Ki>ipliyllons, ureiiai-ious. I'eritliecia snlifilolioso or depressed. Idaek, aslonions. snpcrlicial. Asci clavate. Spoi'idia I'lisoid, 4-nn(deate. at len.utli triseptate, hyaline, 'J(>--;}0 x 8-10 ji. On AniiHliiKiriii, (ieoriiia (Haveiiel). St. (Jerailii, Vv. Snnnna \v\r. Scaiid. p. 421. Jhilliiiliii (.riiiini. I'r. S. M. II, p. 5,sS. Kpipliylloii>. Peritliecia iireaarious on a puiplish spot, ovate, minute, lilack. ulalirons. Asci eloin>ated. S-spoi'ed, 40 x S /<. Sporidia liisei'iate, suliclavate, didymous. hyaline. S x4 /i. 40 "/r*sM.x, (Jalilornia (llarkuoss). From s]»ecc. sent Ity Dr. Markness (on Lihovednts (IcrHi'vciin), we add llie lollowinir notes. — Asci (io-TO x 20 /<: sporidia naircnv-ovate, unequally 2-celle(l, upjuM' cell Itroader, 1()-"J2 x 7-S //. St. KaiiiiiK'iili, Fi'. Summa Vejr. ScamJ. p. 412. I'eiitliociu innate, |)rominent, seated on a hieaclieil spot, crowded, more or less scatt/Ored, gloltose, or sometimes sul>conic-atteiiuat(.'d altove. ulnbious, smo(ttIi, Idack. Ostiola I'ounded, perforated. Asci olilon ii. Sj)o- ridia coniilomerated. elonii-ated-liisoid, uniseptate, straiiilit, liyaline or yellowish, 23-30x4-") /«. l'arai»hy,*es none. On loiivesuml stems of Ha/umciilnH iiirnlis, rpernivik and Disco, (Ircenland. St. .Tuniperl, (I)esiii.) Volhi'h- i.sii, ])prforate(l above, 200-300 ii diam.. suji I'k'.l. ' .v i oblong, rounded and obtuse above,'uptly nari'owed lielow into a short stijie, (10-70x20//. l'ai'aphy,-;es none. Sporidia iiiseriate, ovate-lanceolate, uniseptate. 1(1-2") X ()-8 /i, the septum nearer the lower end, and the upper cell luoader, yeilowish-liyaline. On livinii' leaves of Jidilpenis Vin/hifuna, NcAvlield. X. .1,, and on Serjiio/a (//(/(/nfcit. Calilbrnia. A careful e.\aiuination of the Xewlield and California specc. shows that they are in all lespects the same as the sjiecc. in Desm. Exsicc. above referred t(». St. sclei'otidea. Cke (J rev. V. p. I')3. (irregarious, I)lack. Perithecia superlicial, depressed. Asci da- 31'. vatc. Sjioridiii hiscriiitc. elliptical. Iivaliiic, uiiiscptatc. Kxtciiiallv rosoinliliiig a small Svlerotiiim. Anci vory s(»oii dissolved, Sporidia 22 X 9 /£. On loaves u{ Annul! unrin, South Caiolina (l^iveiiel). DIDYMELLA. Sacc. Mich. I. p. 377, Sacc. SyJl. i, p. 545. IVritlieeia covelx'*!. iiieiiiltiaiiaeeniis, uloliose-dej.ressed, luinutelv jiapillatc, mostly iirowinu' on stems or hraiielios. Asei 4-', unisi'jitale, hya- line. Diders from t. I'eritheeia irretinlarly Imt thickly scattered. Juried in the liark. which is slitihtly raised aliove them and ]»iorc<'d liy the small, hiack. j>a]»iIlirorm <»stiola. while inside. uIoImjso, aliont \ nmi. diam. Asci clavate-cylindrical, 7")-i)0 x 12-1") //. with altundant paiaphysos. Sjto- ridia crowded-hiseriate, cylindrical, ohtnse. hyaline. 4-nncleate. c(»ii- xtrioted in the middle, and, sliishtiy so, near each end. 2»)-34 x (i-T /«. On dead lindts of ,SV///,/'. London, Canada (Dearness), D. Mhli, E. & E. 1. c, I'eritheeia seattere(l. aliout \ mm. diam.. luii'ied in the snbstanoe of the bark, excejit the em<'ru:ent rather acutely conical ostiolum. Asci <'lavate-cyliudrical. alxiut 70x7 //.with abundant ))araj»hysos. Sjxi- ridia biseriate, fusoid, sliuhtly curved, altojit 4-nucIeate,uot constricted, 20-22 X 3 //, ends acute. On the inner surl'ace of loose haniiinu' bnrk of livinu- a]»j»le trees, Xewfield. N. .T. 1). rei'edeiis, (Cke. & Hark.) .S/>/ihliia iicedfiis, Cke, Syii, 4126. K.vsicc. Thiiiii. M. V. i7.iS(iii parti. Perithecia lireuarious, minute, covered l»y the )Mistulately raised epidermis, i»apillate. Asci elonsi'ated. 100 n. lonu'. Sporidia nan-owly fiisoid, uniseptate, hyaline, lS-20 x 3 //, the two cells easily sej)aratin<>'. On bark of Eiiri'ellula, (I'k.) Sfilicnia splumlliilii. I'k. vitli Kcp p. fi6. /■:ni/ii/'///,i\i i/>/',rif//ii/ii. Cki'. Syii. 41 17. Piihiiiilhi spliictrlliila, Sacc. Syll. 2i,?i. Pt'rillicciii luiiiiitc, sc.'ittcrcil or scriiitt'ly pljK'cil, covcitmI by the ('])i(l('niiis wliicli is \\\ Iciiii-rli ni|ttiii'('(l. Asci Itroiid, (ilitiisc. uTiidiiiilly narrowed nliovc, siiildcidy coiiti'iU'tccl at tlic Uasc. Spoiidiii crowded, iiisif(»fm, uiiiseptiite. liyidine 12-1') // l(»ii.u-. Oh deiid. Iileiiched fwius u^ A<-ci' I*('iiiiiiijlrluri ia si'f:ti,i, C. Jt K. (Irer. VI, p. 95. IlitUiiif'la sixmi, Sacc. Syll. 21.11. I'.iidiiplihca si'gtia, Ckc. Syii. .1127. Peritlieeia f>:i'e,i!'iuioii.><. covered, jierl'ninfed jihoNc, niisiiii:' tlie epi- donuis into ])itstiile.-: which Jire soon niptiired alM)ve. Asci olihaiu,'- clavate, iio .\ (>-T /<. paraphysate, S[Miridia Idseriate, lasuid-<»l)|()iiii;. unisoplate and olteii slightly constricieil. 1"J-1."> .\ ."> // ( 1 .") x 7 /«, C"ke.) On dead liraiiches ol' .\'yxsv^ iiniltlJloi'/i,fiiu (Didynii-lht) h'aiiii, Iv iS: K. Hull. Torr. IJiit. Clul«, X, p. yo. F.ndiiphliiii Kaiiii. Ckc. Syii. 413S. Didymella A'niiii. Sacc. Syll. 6476. Exsicc. Kll. N. A. I''. IJ3(). 317 Pcritliociii sc.'iittcrod or 2-3 toiictlicr on the sui'taco of the iiiiici' liark, and (•ov<'n'(l by tlic thin, loosciiod cuticle wliicli is pierced Ity llic liiipilliroi'iii ostiolii. Asci 3.')-40 X ()-7 //, willi slender jiarajtliy- ses. Spoi'idia Itiseriate, obloiiii-i'nsil'onii. uiiiseptat(\ constricted at the -;ciitiMii and sliii'iitlv curved, vellowish-hvaline, with a faint, liristledike ap)ienda,ii'e at each end, antl a nucleus in each cell, 7-S x W,-"2 //. On ii Sacc), uni- septate and (dituse. constricted in the nii(hlle, hyaline, with a broad, ill-delineil appendaife at each end. \"ar. AretoscNti'., KU. tt Sacc. liiis asci N(M)(» X S-IO //, spoiidia 10-12 x 4 //. On i'allen oak leaves, Ohio. On peduncles iA' RJnix coptiUliui, bark ol'u'rape vines, twiu's of Sasxafftis, and capsides of CEnnfheni, Newlield, X. .1., and on StaphyU'a, in Penn. pi'oniinent ostiola. Asci cylindi'ical, nearly sessile, 0.")~7<>x7 n. i)r(»sent. Sporiilia bi.. 0. Sp/iwii'a Minaii Inzer, Ckc. & Hark. Grev. XIII, p. iS? J)iilymilla Cnokiaiia, Sacc. Syll. 6479. Kxsicc. Kll. & Ivvrht. N. A. F. 2(1 Ser. 1661. (Jregiirious. IVritliccia siil^'onical, MiU'k, siiiall, t^Iiiiiiiiu', at fiist I'ovored, tlio acute ostioluiii at lonjith ('niin|i(>iit. Asci (.'yliiKlrif-clavati'. ^■spoiod. Spuiidia cllijttical, iiiiisejttate, constricted in the niiddlp. >*traij>iit, liyaline. Ifi-lS x 7 //. On stems ol' Jfcgarr/i/'zit, Calif'oi'uia. I). Fiisdii*, Cke. & Hark. I. c. Scattered or sMl),tiTe- tate, not constricted, l»iniicleate, hyaline, 1 .") x a /^ On stems u\' Fusvhia, California. I). Fiiipiiii, (Cke. & Haik.) Splitniii i/)ii/ym,-/!lol», sli'. Sporidia Idseriatc, nanow-ellijttical. eonsti'icted and nnisej»tat(! in the middle, eaeh eell 2-nneleate, 10-12 x o-4 ,«. Ou dead stems of JAtctuca Cfitnuh'/infs, Newlield, X. .1., and on Lactuca Floridnud, Louisiana (Lanfi'iois). 1). fi'ucti/ajena, E. & E. (in Ilcil..) I'eiitheeia scattered or ui'eirarious or 2-3 tonether, hut not eon- lluent. 100-1 .")(• /Mliiun., suli.uloliose, prominent, lait covered, excei)t the ajH'x an'row- ing- on the denuded cherry stones, superficial, with tlie l)ase adiujte. Asci oldonji-cylindrical, sul)sessile, 34-40x0-7 //, parajdiysate. Sj)o- ridia inordinate, oltlong-fnsoid, slialitly cui'ved, uin'septate and con- sti'icted, the upper cell aliruptly swollen just above the septum, tiie lower cell narrowei- ami acute, 12-1") x 3-3^ //, hyaline. On dried u|» clieri'ies (cult.), and on the liare clieriy stones lyiiiii- on the ji'round, Xewfiehl, X. .1. I), jiiteicellnlai'is, (B. & ('.) Spliiz-ihi iiilii,;-ili4lt>i is, II. iS: C. Orcv. IV, p. 153. J)i is, Sacc. Syll. 218,:;, Cke. Syli. 4412. "Peritliecia containeil in the laruci- or dilated cells, aliout oO // diani., with a lew radiatinu' thicads. Asci short, thicker at the base. Sjtoi'idia shoi'tly cymliiform, unisei)tate, 12-13 // long." On Tifphd, Massiichusetts. 1). Xt^bn'iskjp, (B. & C.) .S/i/nniii .\i/'iiisl:id\»iilUi .\i:hnukii\ Sacc. Syll. 21S6, Ckc. Syii. 4415. "Minute, sliortly hysteriiform. Asci oldong, slightly swollen. Spoi'idia elliptical, Itiseriate, nniseptate, 12-1() /i long." On leaves of grass, Nebraska. iJ: I in i iH i m 'm l4 i 32(» I), hoii^'lasii. K. iV K. Sl>lui-ulh: loiiixiini. I'.. iV \'.. I'roc. Acad. Nat. Sci. I'liil. Va., July, iScjn, ji. 2v., IViitlicciii ii'rcuiii'ious on the liiick of llic <'\|io.-^t'(l tip ol' the sciilc. iniimtc (74-1 10 n). liiirifij, except tlie lihick, j-iiiootli, eoiiic-piipilliiitriii njiex. Asei iiiiirow eliivate-evliiidiieal, uTiiduiiilv atteniuiteil helnw. 7 ">-cSO X ,') //. p;irii]ili\>es tililonii. Sporidia tiniseiiale. ovate. iiiii-;ep- tate and eonstricted at tlie septum, livaliiie. (1-7 x ^j-.'JJ, ri. On seahs ol' dead euues of Ahicx I)oii[/hi)<. then expfwd. dejires-ied. black. ( )stioia ])ierced. Asci evlindrical. Sjtoridia ciowded or hiseriate, oldonu-elliptieal, nniseptatv, lixaline. 15-18^ // lonu'. the cells usually nnei|ual. On dead stems i)\' Oiiosintxl/inii Cdroliniiniiiin, IJiiflalo. X. Y. I). l)i(»s(omi>,.(B. & ('.) Sfi/itriia I)iosco)icr, H. ft C. Ciriv. IV. ]). 152. /h\ly»ulla /)iot(iii<,r, Sacc. Syll. 2u/\ Ckt. S\n. .).(iy- '•Veiv minute. Asci short, with lew s]ioridia, which are oltlonir and uiiiseptate, altout three times lonu'er than liroad,'" (-0// l(»ngj. On stem.^ iA' JJ/(»<((ti-('a. (Kai'st.) Sf'litrini liyf'ii hill I'll. Karst. Kuiijji Spctsh. No. .\i Diilyiiii-lla hypiyhoira, Sacc. Syll. ji.)S. I'critliccia scattcicii. liyjM»ph\ Hon.";, sunk in the itaronchyina nl" (lie h-itl" ami covcicil liy the Ithu'kcncd (']ti(K'nnis whicli i.< at Icimtli niptnivd. .sinir to ('ti|)-,-:hii])('i|, pierccfl with a very niiniitc orilicc. black, when iiioistoncd ln'ownish-blnck. irlahrous. snioolh. alioiit 2.")(» /Mliaiii. Asci <'la\at('-cyliii(lrical, siiliscssilc. !)()-l()Ox 11- 12 n. S-sporcd. Spoi'iilia iiiiisci-intc, ellipsoid, uniscptatc. hyaline. 14-17 X 7-8 /<. l'arapliy.>;es niilbi'm, : little urav. parallel lines, covered with tln^ cuticle. Asci clavate. Sjioridia oldonu'. sliirhtly curved, ohtuse at rach end. iinise]itate. \•^ n. long.'' Oil stalks oi' J*ff'fis. I). Natalia', (('. & E.) Sfiluriia Ciilatirr, C. iS: \\. C-rev. V, p. ro,>sed-nioi)ose, 1 ')()-2(K) n diani.. with a iiapilliforni ostioliiin. .Vsci clavate, ofj-tiO X 1* //, parajdiysate. S]ioridia liiseriate. narrow- elliptical, slightly curved, ends obtusely i)oinl(,'d, hyaline. unise))t4ite. ir)-18xr.-7 //(2()x8//, Cke.) ( )n dead stems oi' Ncpvtd Cataria. Now Joi'sey. ( Miio and Canachi. ('losely allied to the next sjiecics. Sj>e('/('f< liiipofcctly Inov'ii. I), iiicoiiiiiiisi'ibilis, (B. A: 0.) 41 Splurn'ii iiiiiiiiiiiiiscihilis, H. & C. Grev. IV, p. 151. Diilynii'lla iHcoinniiscibilis, Scicc. Syll. 2176, Cke. ,Syii. 4.(0.^ 'fV 322 "Minute, covcrcil Ity tlie ciifick'. Ostiola [dojcctintr, pnpillifoi-iii. Asci linoar, Sporidiii liisoi*!, iian-ow, at k'ii, l>ut vvitli a eylindricnl oi- subulate ostioluni. Asci mostly without |)araphysos. Sporidia oblong, fusoid or lilifoi-m. continuous or uniseptato, hyaline. GNOMONIA, Ces. & De Not. Schema Sfer. p. 57, Sacc. Syll. I, p. 561. Perithecia covered or erum]»ent, submembi-anaccoiis, glabrous, generally separate. Ostiolum more or less olongjited, cylindrical, eisn- tral or lateral. Asci mostly a])araphysate, 4-8-spored, often perforated at the apex. Sporidia oblong, elliptical or fusoid, continuous or uni- septato, hyaline. Fungi minute, foliicolous or more rarely caulicolous. A. Sporidia continuous, oblong or fusoid (Gnotnoniella). G. ciirvicolla, (Pk.) SphcEiia lurvicolla, Pk. 31st ftep. p. 50. Cinomniiiella ciirvicolla, Sacc. Syll. 1584. Gnomonia curvico/la, Cke. Syti. 3856. Perithecia small, 7.)-100 /i diam., scattered or 2-3 eonfluently crowded, erumpent, at length naked, hemispherical, black. Ostiola sulicylindrical, slightly curved. Asci oblong. Sporidia crowded or l)iseriate, colorless, l.')-23 x7| /i. On decaying stems of Polygonum articulatwn, Center, N. Y. 323 f^imi8, (Tode). Sphiseriate, oltlong or olliptic-oldong, often ine(|uilateral, hyaline, H-loxoJ-G //. On faUen aldei- leaves, Carolina and Pennsylvania (Schweinitz), New Jersey and New York. G. eniargiiiita, Fckl. Syml, j). 122. GMomoniella tmaigimita, Sacc. SyU. I,S7I. Sfi/i.rriii miiahilis, I>k. 2Sth Rep. p. .So. Exsicc. Fckl. K. Rh. X76.— KU. & Kvrht. N. A. V. 2d Ser. 2139.— Kze. F. Sel. 252.— (Rah. WiiittT K. Kur. 2756) ? Peritlieeia scattered, covered, toleralily large, lenticular, black, with a round, slender l>eak l-l^ lines long arising from the concave fc open to some doubt. The speec. distributed in Fungi Khenani are (sec. Win- ter) immature, affording neitlier a.'^ci nor sporidia and no measui-enients are given in the original diagnosis. In the Newfield speec, as well a? in those in the Exsiccati quoted, the jterithecia can hardly 1k3 called •'emarginate," though some of them are slightly so. Peck's jSp/uci'ia mii'dhilis (on fallen bii'ch leaves) certainly belongs here. (i. teiielia, E. & E. Journ. A[ycol. \\, p. 8t>. (Plate 32) Exsicc. KU. & Evrht. N. A. F. ad Ser. 2140. Perithecia amphigenous, scattered, mostly on the lamina of the leaf and not confined to the veinlets, dejjressed-globose, small {\-\ mm), <;ovcred bv the cuticle which is i-aised above it. Ostioluni black. ! ' ■ M li i IS ( I > .{24 stf.'iiu'lit. Itiistlt'-likc. nliiMil I niiii. Idiin'. Asci (iisoid. od-TO x Ti-T //?. S|H>i'i(liii riisiiciiliitc. iiiinuu cn liiidi'lt'iil. mirlciilc, Kl-li'J x I J, '1 //. with u loiiii'. ? // Itmu'. On liillcii iiiid il('('!i\ iiiu' It'iivt's ol' Arvr nihnnii, Xcwlicld. N. .1. Tlic !i[ii(-:d :i[i|i('iidiiu'('s on tlic s|iiii'idi;i :ir<' (-oiled in tti(> njijici (liiil of tlic iiscns. iind when this is i'(i|itiir('il. [irolnidc liixc llic spoiidiii ill sonic species ol' Oiihliihol lis. 'I'lii' |iei'itlieciii occur jiIm* oil tlie petiole- ol the Icjil'. and are more perli-ctly developed tliere. lint me I'Ciidily disliiiii'iiislied IVoiii tliosc of Ci. cinin'tjiiKitii \\\ their shorter, tliiniier ostiolii am! also liy the color of the petiole itsell', which i< ol a liiihter color when occnpie(| liy the last mentioned species. Speciineiis on /////yw.x //v/Z/rvAs/zN in Kiin/.e's Fiiniii Sei. 113. re- ferred to (i. srftircn. I'ers.. are niiicli like this, if not the .sime. (i. Aiidi'opo^oiiis, K. <\: K. in (llerli.) I'erithecia liiirie(| in the siilistaiice ol the leaf. siiliLrhdiose, alioiil /, mm. diam.. inemliranaceoiis. I dack. collapsing' from Ixdow. Ostiolnni siililateral, ernnipent, cylindrical, sultol>tiise. pi'ojectinu' alxtiit /, mm. Asci (p. sp.) oldoiiii-laiiceolate, 4(>xl<> it, aparapliysate. Spoiidiii fasciciilately crowded, cylindricdiisoid, hyiiline. se|)tate. ciicli cell 1-2- niicleatr, slijihtly curved. 'iO-'J.') x 4 //. On deciiyinu' Itasid leaves of ^i/aZ/v/yjoyr;//, Newlield. \. .1. (i. pctiolopiiila, (Fk.) S'l/nriid prtiii/d/t/ii/ii, Pk. j.stli Kvp. p. 14.). (iii,)iiiiiiiiii />i-tiJii/ii. Sacc. Syll. 6491, Ckt. S341. ,^^77. Peritliecia minute, M-attcred. oovered l)y the epidermis which is pierced l)y the ]tromiii'ntly p!i])illiit(' or short-r. 31 S. (Plate 32) Kxsicc. EU. N. A. H. 1354. Poritlieciii rather Iiirj>'e, luiried in tlie parenchyma of the leaf, the short, riil'ons, snliiihite-coniciil ostiola alone Iieinif visible. Asci oldoiiji'- ellipticiil, 40x7-8 ft. Spoiidiii fusiform, iicute. piilo strinv-color, ohscnrely nucleate, 1 1-1 *.) x 2 ti. On lalloii leaves oi' J f/(/noh'(t (/faitca, Xewfield, X. J. 32r) (i. iim(Viiii, (Nees.), var. iictioldnim. (Scliu). Spliirria ffliolioiim, Schw. Syii. Cnr. i.s.t, (,'iiiiniiiiiia aiiiiiiiti, Ni'i's. var. /'iliulm iim. Schw. Ckc. Syii. .1S40, I';xsicc'. Riiv. FiiiiKi Cur. I, No. fi,|. — I\M. i^ Kvrlit. N. A. V. 2cl SiT. 251.; - -Kiiv. I". Am.. 17.1. I'crillii'ciii liii'triuioii.-^. lMiri('(l. alMMil 4(H) n diiini., tin- slciidrr o..") //. Iiiiiii'. S|ii)iiiliii liisriniliitcly cruwdcil, iiiiirow-l'iisilonii. nearly stiaiiilit. 10 llix \\-\\ H< •5-4-micIeat(', liyaliiie. (•imtiiiiKiiis. (Ml I'alleii and decayinj; iictiulc.-: i^^ LUiiinhnnhai'. Carolina, Lou- isiiina and New .ler.-ey. (sec. I'eck also on lallcn petioles o|' asli. New York). Tlie typical lorni is i'oiind in Knro]ie on petioles and leaves of ('ori/lnx. and lias. sec. Sacc., asei .'{() .\ S /< and spoi'idia x .\ 4 /?. contin- uous and 2 4-niieleat" ; ^^'r. Winter, asci 4.")-,'')() .\ '.)-l() n. s]iori(lia I'lisoid. acute, septate and constrii-ted in the middle, hyaline. lli-l(» x ."J (J. pxn'nti'ica. (('. & P.) Sft/uriht ixtfiil) im, C. »S: P. 2,stli Rep. N. Y. Stalf Mils. p. ins. (iiiiiiiiiiiiirllii riif ii/iirn, Saci". SyU. i.S'^.S. (,'ininioiiiii iiifiiti im. Cki:. Syii. 3857. reritliecia s<-atterod, d(>|)rosse(|. Idack. at first covered hy the epidermis, which is pierce^l liy the e.xcentric or lateral, curved, acute, rostellate ostiolum: at leniith superficial. Asci siiliclavato. Sporidia crowdecl or hi.soriate. sulifiisilbrui, 4-uiicleate, hyaline. 8^-1* it loiiu'. On dead stoius o\' J^o/i/ffoinnii, Now York Slate. (i. vulgaris, (V.s. & D« Xot. Schema, p. 58. Sf>hiriiu GiiiiiiKiii, TihIc I'liiijji Mickl. II, p. 50, fifj. 125. leiittDsli'iiia (iiiiiiiiiiii, Vr. S. M. II. p. 447. C'lyfi/iis/i/iirt lit (I'liiiiiioii, Grt-v. l-'loni Tvdiii, p. 360. (iiiomntiieUa 7ii/,i:ii>is,i'ini:c. Syll. 157S. Kxsicc. Kal). I". Iv 145;,.— Ki'lim ijs.— 'riiiuii. !•'. Aii.str, 163. — Thiiiii. M, r. .s62. PcrithtM-ia scattered, hyiiojihyllous, at first splueroid, coveretl. tluMi omera-ent and collapsed, lieak ehjiiiiatcd. straight, of't<'ii a little thickened towjii'ds the (litly curved, liyalino, 12-18 x 1-2 ii. On leaves o^ Of^frya V/'iyiiiica, Troy, N. Y. (Peck). f 32fi Im in! H. Sporiiff(i tnilscptatc (KinjiKniiOHia), (j. Netiu'CH, (IVrs.) 82) S/>/iietia selacta, Peru, in lT»teri, Ann. d. Bot. St. ii, ji. 35, taf. 2, fi^. 7 a. (liKimoiiHi sitai/a, Ccs. it I)e Not. Sclieliin. p. js. (iiiiiiiitiniii nin'iiiyiiid. I'ckl. Synili. p. ui. (si'c. WinliT). .S/>/i-;UI0 ft (liiiiii.. with ii vciT Iiiiivf, siciulcr. tlnviui-likc oslioliiiii j;cii- (Tiilly curved nnd twice na loiiir as the (liiniietcr of the perithecimii. Ast'i olihmjr-ehvvat^' or fiisoid. contrncted Itcdow intn a short stipe. 4-S-s|iored, 3()-4(> x (i-i> //. Sporidia hiscicnhite-crowded, fusoid or rod-shaped, sultaciite at the ends and often with a liristledike append- a.\lJ-2 /t. Oji I'allen loaves of Qiten'iiH, Cantaiuui ami many other ti-oes, coinmon. Specc. on lallen leaves ol Cat'i/ii, I'oiiml at Newlield, N. #1., have the sporidia 20-2') /i long, l»ut do not diiVer otherwi. niid tlicir i-vlilKlliciil. nlitlisr. siilirliiviitc iistinlii iilioiit i'i|ii)il ill Icii^Mli to tlio liiiiiiictcr mI' flic |i('iitli('ciu, inojcctiiiy: aliovc. Asti (ililoiiir-cyiiiMli'ii'nI, p. sp. .'{a—K* x a-O //, ii|iiinipli,\>:ifo. S|n»ri(liii liisfiiiitf'. iiiiirow-t'jlipticiil. siiluiciitc, 4-iinrl('iit(' nt lir.^t liccoiiiirijr uii- t'i|iiiilly iiiiiH'|ilii'(' uikI olitiisc, Ti-!> x 'J--.1 /<, vcliowisli-liyaliiic. On liillcn l<'uv\v('llinji-. iiiiil arc sonicwliat ciip-sliapcd with a larju:(' opcniiiji;. ('. l'vi'ltln'ri(i i'oi'c.i'td by an linpctfict Htroiuit { Afam/'tnifd). {i. Coiyll, (Bafsdi). S/'/i\/i. natsch Kleticli. Cont. II. p. i.^i. Maniiitniii I'myli. Cis. (t I)f Nut. ScIr'Tiui. p. ,^7, anil Winter Die I'ilzt p. 670. (I'lifimniiiii I'liiyli, Awd. M. Kiir. I'yr. p. 3,(, fi({. 1123, atul Cke. Syil. jSh^. (hiiiuiniiirlhi i'liiyli, Sncc. SyU. i,si>(). Exsic-c. I'lkl. !•■. Kh. sst. — Rnl). V. K. ,vu. ,W''o.-Tliiiiu. V. Aiistr. 34S.— id. M. V. 1453. Ckf. K. Ilrit. 2cl Ser. 37J<-Kriks. I'. Scniid. 2yi.— KM. N. A. V. .sijS.-Desm. I'l. Crypt. I'M. I, 1762.— id. Kd. 2d 1412. I'ciitlicria liypopjiyljoiis. separate. an'anfr<''li a miinite, pallid disk. Asci clavate, with a short stipe, 3f)-40 x 7 //, 8-spori'(|. Sporidia liiseriato, oliovoid, simple, suliliyalinc, jrranular, 7x3 ft. Speimo- jronium Loptothyriiim ConjU, Fckl. On loaves ol" Con/I itn, from ^faino to Orojron: var. sp/'raf/'s, I'k. 34th Reji. N. V. State Mus. p. 57, dillers from the ordinary form in liavinjr the ostiola spirally coiled in altout two volutions. All the orftiola on tlie .•^/mc Icqf'arc coiled. G. fimbriiita, (Pers.) Splttciia fimhriata, Pers. Syu. p. 56. Mamiaiiia fimhi iaia, Ces. & De Not. Schema, p. 37. Cliiomniiiella fimbriala, Sacc. SyU. 15S9. liiuiniiinia fimbriata , Awd. in Kab. V. K. No. 928. Kxslcc. Kckl. F. Rh. S82.— Kriegr. 1'. Sax. 133.— Kze. V. Sel. 107.— Erik.s.s. V. Scand. 197. Sydmv M. March. 479.— Kehm Asc. 291.— Thum. V. Austr. 867.— Cke. V. Brit. 2d Ser. 277.— De.siii. PI, Crypt, de Fr. 1st Scr. 969.-1,11111. V. Hung. 252.— KU. &Evrht. N. A. V. 2d Ser. 2361. Htromata irregulaily scattered or sometime.'* suliconfluont. irregu- larly rounded, tlat-jiulvinate, shining-lilack, J-2 mm. lu'oad, hypo- l)hyllous. I'erithecia 2-20 in a stroma, slightly prominent, globose, 400-500 /i diam., membramiceous, with long, cylindrical, mostly curved, :'' ■ ,^■:; .H2S liliick ostiolii, wliicli Jiic siii-r(»iiii(l('tl lirlnw with a white fiinirc loiiucii lioiii the liiciiiiiilciv toiii f|iid('iiiiis. Asci olijoiiii". with a sliort stipe, thickened at tlie iipex. S-sjton'd, 40-00 X 8-10 ti. Spoiidia Itiscfiate. n\ate-ellipti( al. septate near the h>wei' end. hyaline, i*-l I x ',>}^-4 n. On h-aves of 6V//'y>/////.s Aiiivi Iniun. Uhude Ishiiid. ('ana(h) and New Vurk. I ). Sjtofldid p'lif'oi'iii ( Viifjitotlcrix). (i. iiielniiostyla. (IM.) S/>li^.— ill. I'M. 2(1 i.j.^s. I'eiitliecia hypophvlhtiis, thiekly seatt<'r(M|. sank in the parenehvina of llie h'al. linally enini|ient. with an npiiiiht. siraiiiiil anil very h)nL;'. rusirui-in Iteak, (h'pressed->pheriral. Idaek. almnt ."iOO n. Iiroad and 200 n Infill. Asci (dihaiu-liisoid. slipitate-attenaated ludow. S-spored. ,"».")-(;o .\ 4-(i n.. Sp(»i-idia liiilni-ni. lyinii' pai'aihd in the asci. the npper jiart swoUeii. hyaline. o(>-d2 x 1 //. On leaves of Tilii-iiiiia, (Solnv.) S/>/i,ri ill prill Hti, Scliw. Syii. N. .\in. 1770. diioiiiiiiiitx piiiiiiii. Cki'. Syii. ,w»i. Scattered, vei-y minute, at first immersed, linally emerLi'eiit. very idack., (dontiated into a snitsetaccon.'*, Idaek, deciduous osti- oluiii. Covered at lirst. as well as the leaf, with a white prninosity. On the under side of leaves of FV//.s a'^tivalis. nethlcliem, I'a. :vi\) OITorKLLA, He Not. {Vhiv S2) Sliriinei Il;il. p. ,|^, Perithelia e(»rtienlniis. ('(tvered. (►stiolmii siilieiitnipeiit. Asci siilteliivjite. |inlys|inr(iiis. iipjiriipliysiitc. Spdiidia uliloiitr <>r I'lisoid. ediitiimoiis. snhliyaliiic. \). Hossickiii'. (( ke. vV Hiiik.) St. Cki'. Syii. (in. Scattered, edvered. |iiiii(lit(iriii. I'eritlicv'ia ululiose-deprcssed. Asei elavali'. sessile, cuiitMiidiiii' aluMit. 1(1 -^iiuridia. wliicli are ellipsoid, liyaline, alioiit (! x '11 n. Oil t\\ ijr.s ol" //o.sY/c/v'f/. Caiiluniia. Tlie .-ipeec. seiil liv Ilarkiiess allord dmIv .sulien(i<'idar. Ilattisli perillieeia lilled with elliplic-dliloiiu-, lirowii stylospores. .'J-.^eplate. with one ur two cells divided li\' a Iniiiiiiudiiial sepliini ( />/e/if>///f'y// Homvk'nv. Iv »V K. ill Ilerli.) FAMILY. IM.KOSPOHK.t:. I'eritliecia ineinltraiiaceniis or coriaceous, lii'iierally with a papilli- foriii or sli(»il-c(»iiical ostioliiiii. or even simply pierceil alii>ve. luirietl ill the iiiatri.\ with only the oslioliim pr<»jectiiiI()SI»H.*:RIA, hVkl. SyiiilidUi.' Mycol. p. 141). Peiithecia covered liy the epidermis, siiltmeinliranaceoiis, with a mile, papilliroriii ostioliim. Asci paraphysate, 4-8-spored. Spo- ridia ovoifl-oliloim'. iiiiisejitate, colored (lirowii). IK paliiiiUTa, (ike.) Spliiri ia piiliiuiiiii. Cko. C.riv. Vlt, p. 12. AiillKistiiiiiitla pahiuuiii, Saoo. Syll. 1085. l>id\ino>pliLC>fUa piihiHufu. Ckc. Syii. .(675. Inniiersed, covered. Peritliecia very small,, alM>iit 10(> // diaiii. Ostiolnm piiiictirorm, liarely eriimpeiit. Asci cyliii- 42 .'{30 ilrinil, T.'».\l(>/i, |i!ii:i|»!i_v.sit('. S|Miri(li!i iiiiiscrijitc <)lili(|iie. (»('tcii lyiii x <> /<, ('!<('. i. On palm Iciivcs. Caliluriiiii. Sonic of tilt' |i('ritli('cia arc lillcd witli ciiivcd, liyaiiiic. Tixl^- 1.^ // s|MHiiics (l*lil i/rtainn. The diati'nosis is Iroiii spccc. sent Itv Dr. Ilaikness. I). Pai'iiassia'. (Pk.) Sp/i(riiii /\ii iKisfiir. I'k. -Ttli Ki]). N. V. Slate Mils, p, iii. />i(hiiii)sfi/iiri Id I'm )ui>>iir. Satv. Syll. ."'Mr l)id\iiw!.ph,nilhi l\»iHissi,r. Ckc. Syii. ,1'>.S7. I'ciitliccia scattered, convex or siildieinisplierical. |)roinii'iacl\. Asci cylindrical, .''^jioridia loim. narrow, nni- septate. <>enerally coiislricfcd at tlie septum, often sliiilitlv curved, colored, o(>-o.'{ // loiiii. with \-l nuclei in each i-ell. On dead stems u\' Punnissln Ciiiolliiiiiini, Alliany, N. V. (I'eckj. \). ^liimata, (Ckc; S/>/itrtiii Ki iinmhi. Cke. liii litirisi. /Ui5, Cki'. Syii. (' Kxsiec. Kll. N. .\. I-', l^.s.— Rehiii .\sc. .(H — 'I'll"'" M 1'. 460. I'eritliecia sulijireuarious. covered liy the lilarkene<| and sw«dleii epidermis. SiH». |i. 4^. Perithecia <«re.. lihumiti and />. iiin'rf])1\ . tlif surfsK't' also hfinji; of a iiiiifonu slaty-hlack. IV'ritliccia scattered, siilifrlolioso, J-| linn, diaiii., entirely Imried except tlie convex-discoid, erinnpent ostiola. Asci cylindrical, about 1 10 x 8-10 //, with stout Imt evanescent parajihyses. Spoi-idia uniseriate, ol»h>n. nidymosphiriiii cupula, Sncc. Syll. 6112 aiispliinia I'lannlhi. Sacc. Syll. 05S7. ami Cke. Syn. 42,\i. Perithecia scatterecl. covered. flatteiied-<«loltosc, Itlack, with a short. ])apilliforni ostioliim. Asci am|)le, chivate, ^-spoi-ed. Sjtoridia olli]»- tical, nnisej»t4ite, constricted in the middle, dark linnvn, 3o x 1.') n- On twigs of Ceatiof/ins. California (Ilarkness). I), sarm^iitl. (Cke. & Hark.) Sphin ia sainuiili, Cke. iS: Hark. Crev. XIII. p. iq. J>idymi>spliiriiii stii meii/i. SiJcc. Syll. o.>ie. itlack, smooth, at iennth flattened. Osti." Califctrnia (Ilarkness). I), pliyllo^eiia. Wliiter. .lourn. Mycol. I, p. 121. Perithecia on a round or sultaimular. determinate l-m-, n s]«tt I H :\} 1 ■ it 332 "I siinoinulotl l>y ii liliick line, iiiid soinotiiiios iis iniicli ns *^ nun. tliani., liy]i(t]»liyllons. ininiciscd, iihont KM) ft diiini., tliin-nKMnltniiiiiccon?, tlic iijK'x ])('rr(>riitiii<>' tlio epidermis. Asci elaviite. very siKtrt-pediceilsite, S-spored, oO-TO x D-ll /i, witli thick, eyiindricid. septiite |t!ii'iipliyses. S]i()ridia lii.-. Typlia'. Pk. 2Sth Rep. N. V. State Mus. j.. 104. Perithecia minute, |inucti(onn. sultiiloliosi'. covered Iiy the ej>i- derniis. which is pierced liy the scarcely |ia|»illate ostiola. Asci cylindrical, ">r)-SO x Ti-lO //, with filiform jtaraphyses, Sjioridia ol>- lonji' or elliptical, nniseriate, nniseptate, not at all, or hut slightly con- stricted at the septum, colored, 10-15 x A-? //. On the lower i)art of dead leaves of Typhn hitifolla, All)any Co., \. Y. (Peck). I), epidei'mirtis, (Fr.) Sfi/iirriii ffia i/iii/ri hik/is, I'ckl. Syiiili. p. 141. Perithecia .scattered, covered, but pi-ominent, small, smooth, at leiiijth collap.sed and flattened. Ostiolum minute, erumpcnt. Asci cylindrical, T.")-100xT-H //. with Inanchinfi' paraphyses, 8-,spore(l. Sporidii! nniseriate, rarely suhliiseriate. i»iconic-elliptical, unisejitate, CO' stiicteii. colored, straight or curved. 2-nncleate, f^-Il x (» tt. V<'ry varialtle, especially in the size of the sporidia. A form occurs (on liramltle stems) with the asci mostly tetrasjiorous. On Saiiifjttruti a\ul Persira, North Carolina. (Curtis). 33a D. yiipca'geiia, (Cke.) Splun HI ynicir;;iiiii, Cke. (Irev. VII, p. 12. /)idvmi>sf>liirna ymcogfiia, Sacc. Syll. 2673. Didymoi/iluciclla yuiconena, Cke. Syii. 4673. (Ircjiiiridiis. covorod. Pciitlicciii siihjji'oinincnt, Mack. As(!i cvliii- ilriciil. Spoiidiii uiiiscriatc, cllijttii'al, iiiiis('|itate, constrictoil, Itrowii. •2S X 10 It. On Yucca, California (llarknoss). I>. teiiebrosa, (B. & Br.) S/>liinia tinfhiDsti, H. & Hr. Ann. Nat. Hint. No. 6.(g, tab. 12, fig. 35. Didyinost'hiri ill Ii>irh>ii5ii. Saec. Syll. 26SS. DidymoiphiCirVa Irnehiosa, Cke. Syn. 4689. ■'l*('ritiiocia scattered irrcirulai-ly, (.'ovcrod I»y the ciiticle and snl»- jaccnt cclLs, wliicii an; traversed by dark, cellular niyceliuni here aii larire tiiob- iile. lint at leiiiith have two irreunlar endochn mos. i^'nlal•kalde lor its curious niyc(diinn and lar. baccliaiis, Pass, in Thiim. Pilze <-20 //, (paraphysate)? Sporidia liiseriate, oblonf^-elliptical. subine*|nilateral, yellowish. uni.>erfectly ernmpent. mostly membramiceons, seldom of firmer texture, Ithu'k. Asci j mostly oldonu' or clavate-cylindrical, 8-spored. parajthy- sate. Spf)ri(Iia oblonjf, ovate or clavate-fusoid, with i)oth transverse and longitudinal septa (nmriform), generally colored (yellow or yellow- brown). This interesting but difficult genus has been elaborately de.sei-ibed and lieautifully illustrated by Dr. A. N. Herlese. in his valuable mono- graph of Pteosponf A'c. in Nuovo (Jiorn. Hot. Ital. Vol. XX, Nos. 1 and 2. 335 IM. luM'hai'um, (IVis.) Sfilunia hrrhanaii, I'ers. Syn. p. 71). Sl>hinia lUfiiivnis. Sclunii. Ivinnii. I'liiij;. l-'I. Sncll, II, p. ijs. I'liiisfidiu III- 1 hit mill. Kill). Ilerli. Mycol. VA. II, 547, S/>/itriiii I'isi. Sow. I^IIR. HiiiiKi tali, .VM, fij;, ^■ Sfilhnia A I iiiri iir. Conla Icoius, IV, p. (i, tali, VIII, fig, ny. Spluriia Allii. Kl, Kali. Hcrli, Mycdl. IM. I, No, 83S, I'leospiira lieihiiium, var, .(////, id. VA. II, No, 347, I'Ifospina Asfiaiiini, id. No, 7,S'), • I'li'ospoia Aimniir. Cfs, St I)e Not, Sclicma, p. ,(4, Pli-ospoia Allii. id. I, c. I'liiispoia /'A; iiiul I'li-nspoia Saiiiaiir. I'ckl. Symb. p. i,?i, I'leospoia Afi'liliiti. Rali. !•". K. I'liospiita lixiiiiiiiiii'ii, Wallr. I'l, Cryp. (icrm, ,;72(), /iiOfpDia i'l'pir. Vr. Hoytrsw. No. ji)S.— Rah. Herb, Mycol, ,',47, 544,547, 75(1. id, I'. !•;, 76S, 951, loiS, i6,i5, ifi.^ri, lyjy, 23.VJ.— Rcliiii .\sc. 145, ,vii. 4'^f'i fi^v— Thiiin M, r, 12.55.— Sydow M- March. 179. — V,\\. it Kvrlit. N, A, I'. 2d Ser, i5\^ and 236s. I't'i'ifliocia sc!itt(MT(I, nt lirst hiiricd and covored by the ('pid('iini.<. fmitlly IVt'i', do|ti'<'ss('d-s|»li('ri('al, of iiicdiuiii size, colliij».' to flat or concavp, with a coiiic-paidlliroriii (»r soiiietiinos sonicwliat cloiiiratcd ostiolum. ^jrlaliroiis or siilililirillosc at base, 25()-4r)() // diaiii., coriaceous. Idack. Asci at lirst ovate, l»ecoiiiin,u' oliloiiji-clavate, stijdtate. S-s|»ore///- ouuced!. Common everywhere Irom (Jreenland to ^lexico. PI. ai'syi'os|MH'a, Hark. l>idl. Cal. Acad. Feb. 1884, p. 4'). IVi'ithecia minute, black, scattered, erninpent. Asci clavate. sessile, thick-walled, 8-spored, (lO-do x 20 //. Spoi-idia biseriate, hya- line, (!lli|itic-lance(»late, 3-3-septate, with 1-2 lonu'itudinal septa, 18 x 8 //. Paraphyses filiiurm. On tiead bi-anclies of JJi'itdromecon r/'gidtinh California. *'riie synonymy of this species is taken from Winter's Pilze and Berl. Monograph, w 836 ' I ' ' ' 1 HI. Americana, K. & K. /'/foi/iiiia hyaUisfiota, \\. & Iv. I'rot. Acad. Nnt. Sci. Phil. July, iS //, S-spoi'cd. Sporitlia oltloiitr or slinlitly ovale- (diloiiij:. ,')-(i-septate (mostly r)-.scptate), witli one or more loiiuiludinal septa more or less di.stiiu-t, nearly Iiyaliiie, omis olitusely pointed or rounded, sliulitly c(»nstricte(| at tlie septa, especially at tlie middle one. 2 ')-4(K mostly 2 ')-.■'>( M x 1--1'» «. DilVers from 1\ J'ixi (Sow,) in its oli(»vate asci, nearly hyaline «poridia, and more delicate, .smaller jteri- tliecia. On leaves of Ldthyvus safhuis and P/'sinii ,sy/^/V/////, .^tai-kville. Miss. ('I'racy), and on leaves iA' Trifoliiiin. Camnla (f)earness). PI. compmssa, Hark. I!iill. Cal. Acad. Sci. No. I (1S84). p. 4.'). Peiitliecia scattereil. c(»vered Iiy the ldackene(| cnlicle. concave, surrounded liy radiatinir, hrown liyplia". Asci (davate, short-stipitate, S-spored. paraphysate. >>(MM)x 1.")-1S //. Sjtoridia liiseriate, uneijnally (dliptical. transversely ii-septate, lirown, with a lonjiitiidinal septum across tlie two central colls, at first .snri'ouuded Iiy a utdatiuous coal. 20-27x...-lfl/i. On dead stems of Pol >/(joiiuiu a/tioi'j>/inin, iJlne Canon, Cal. (Harkuess). Very near 1*1. peiiuunda, Cke. IM. vitrispora, Tke. & Hark. (irev. IX. p. 8(5. Kx.sicc. ICll. & Kvrht. N. A. I". 21I Ser. isSz. IVrithecia scattei-ed, Imried in the wood, the surface of which is I'aisedanil lilackened over them, alutut ^ mm. diam.,uloi»ose, papillate. . and linally peilbrated, Idack. Asci cylindrical, alioiit 112 x 12 //, with alaindant paraphyses. Sporidia uniseriate, eloni^ated-elliptical, hya- line, the contents divided in a muriform mannei- (merencliymatic), 22- 24xl2/i(;{2x12> Cke.) On dead hranches of Ltntivcm, California. Pi. denotata. (('. & K.) Sp/irriio deiinliita, C. it K. ('.rfv. VI, p. ifi, PI. 96, fiff. 20. I'liospiiru (It-iiottitii, Slice. Syll. .^7.10 and Cke. Syii. .S"27. Kxsicc. Ell. N. A. I'". 778. Perithecia mostly seated on |»allid spots, globose, hiiye, promi- na iH unit, iit liist covcriMl liy tlic «'iiticl('. S(t(iii exposed. Asei cliiviitc. Sporidiii iiiiiiiliiriii, M\ 20 /<. liiiii'cr tlinii in J*f. In'rhnruiii. On »l('!i iiiiddl<> septnni. .\efnni]iiinied liv stylus|i(»re.< (in otjicr jteiillieeiii) eiliptieid, unisejttate, l.iuwn. 4(».\2()//. On dciid linil;.> «il' Xi/smi iniillijloni. Newlield, N. .1. A|i|»iii-ently r;ii'e. Il;i.< only lieeii met witii (inee, iind tlien (inly in .. I'eritlieeiii tireuiii'idiis, seniiimmeised. ill lirst covei'tMl l»y the epi- dei'mi.<. snliiiiolidse-depressed, jiiipilinte. \ nini. diiini., Ciitlier solid. As('i eylindriciil, .s|i(irt-stipitiite. rounded iit tlie iipex, !)0-l(K> x 1.") //. piiiiipliysnte. S-,sp()r(;d. Sporidin lii.seriiite. olilonij-liieonieid. IS-'JOx 7-8 //. .'{-septiile, eonstiiet^'tl in tlic middle, with one or two loiiiii- (iidimil septii. criin'ose-iinttninte. olivjieeoiis. On (lend leiives ol' }'iicc(i tiloifol in, ('iirolinii (i{iivenel). IM. laxa. Kll. iN: dlahvay .lonin. Myeol. V. p. (id. I'eiitlieeiii s(;ittei('(l. snI» ol' the lenl itnd their njiices on the other. Asci lew (()-S in a pei'itliociiim). inllated-olilonii'. liroadly rounded altove, l;')(t-'jn()x a')-')") //, eontnieteil at linse into i\ short stipe. I'ar- aphyses olwiire. Sporidiii S in an aseus. oliovate-olilonu'. (!-S-se])tate and coarsely nimirorni. deeply consti'icted neai- the middle, so as to easily lireak in two there. straw-y(dlow, Sa—i;'* .\ ir)-2()/^ (mostly 1.') ii. wide). This seems to dilVer trom any ol' the other desci'ilied species on urasses au'l Cdi'ires, in its stronirly constricted sporidia. This eliaracter is very distinct throuji'h all the stiiu'cs of irrowth. The con- .striction is generally at the third septum i'rom the upper end, the part altove this constriction lieinn- liroader and shoi'ter than the part lielow it. 'I'll is comes near /V. [shunllrn. .lohaiis.. Imt has the sjioridia nuich more deejily constricted. On dead leaves and culms of some <:rass. Montana (Ander-son). 43 :j3s IM. Hai'kiiessi, Beil. & Voj?l. Sjuc SvII. "()!>(». {^■pti»l>huiiii stnimiiii.s, Ckc. & Mrirk. ('.rev. XIV', p. lo, (not Sncc. St Spcg.) I*i>ritli('('i!i scattci'cil or siiltiri-'H'iii'iows, on clViist'il, MuckciKMl spots. Iiliick, ('iiiiii|M'iit, convex, |it'ifoi-;(l(M|. Asci cyliiidric-t'lnvato, 8-sj»on'»|, '^poridiii IiniLM'oliitc, .Vscptittc, sli^litly constrictctl, dark, tlio two ecu- I. id cells dividiMl Ity ii lon<.':ilndiiiid septum, 32-ijr) x (1-8 ft. On cidnis ol' Tritiiiiin, Cidilornia. PI. qiijuliiseptata. (ke. »S: Hark. (Iiev. XIV, p. 10. I'ei'itlieciii suii^rreyiirions. convex, Idiick, sliinini:'. nt lirst covered l»y tlie epidernii.-', sniidl. Asci cliiviite, S-spored. Sporidin liiseriate. snlielliplical, 4septale. scarccdy constricted, one or more of tlie cells divided liy a iontiitadinal septum, lirown, li()-2l2 x S /«. On ]M>ils of-Ldllydower'' (M(ittliioUt)'i Calilbriiia. PI. saiToi'Vstis, (B. & <'.) S/)/iiriiii saycncYstis, H. ,S: C. f",rcv. IV, p. i.SJ. I'li'ospdi^i satcocrsiis, Sncc. HyH. ,^79.? nnd Cke. Syti, 5077 "Formin^a' little. oId(»ny, Mack liodies which consist of a lew closely joined iierithecia with lleshy walls. Asci rather short, oldoiiji', Ijut tumiil, containinu' Ibnr oldonjr, <»l>tnse, .sometimes clavate sporidia with three horizontal articulations, and a lew vertical, oO /i long. I'erliaiis more projterly placed in iJof/iidcu.'^ On wheat, ('arolina (IJerk. in (!rev.) PI. Labiataniiii. Cke. & Hark. (Jrev. IX, p. 8. Perithecia scattered, black, semiimmersed, smaller than those of /v. hcfhdrutH. Asci cylin liiirix iiit(» siilirtmitMl inistiilcs. w illi tlir |i:i|iilliloi'iii ostiohi ('r(iiii|K'iil. Asci clnviilc-cvliiHlriciil. with si >ilioilsli)iiiiih' liiisc iiliont l(M)x 12 I") It., willi nliiimliiiit )iiini|ili_vs( s. S|i(»ii(li;i imiscriiitf or sul»liis('i iiitc. viu) iiiu' liom ovnlt' to oldoii^', iilid ohioiiii-cllipticiil, |M-1J0.\ )S-1<> ft. iit lirst pale lii(»\vii and .■,nU. .S2,si. I'erilhecia scattere<|. covered liy the oj»idermis, de])rossed-spIieii- cal. with a llattened liase. soon collapsinu', small (2r)() //). ^ialirous except the sliuiitly lii)rillose liase, dark lnown, thin-coiiaceous. with a papillii'orni ostiolnm. Asci clavate or clavatecylindrical. i^-spored. stipitate, 80-140 x 10-15 /t. Sjtoridia uniseriate <»r hiseriate, obtusely rounded at the ends, sul)ine \ \{)-\'l II. |iiiiM|ilivs!iti'. S|i()riiliii lii.-ciiiili'. nli|oii'j-c||i|iiifiil. .'»-h'|iIiiI<'. y<'lliiw-lii<»\vii. run- strictcfl lit llic iiiiiMli' s('|iliiiii, slinlilly ciipvcil. ous stems, Pleasant Valley. I'tali (S. .1. Ifark- (moinmraph. p. !!>.")) puts this, too. as a synonym of J*l. pemiKnda. Cke.. the spece sent him liein('o|)i('iil cxiiiii- iiiiitioii. IM. plaiiispi-a. Kll. I'.iill. Toir. Ilot. (.'lull, X. |>. .'>:(. I'liillnii^f-iiiii f>UiH!spiiiii, llerl. M'lii. ]). ."«j, till), IX, \\\i. 5.* Kxsicc V.W. Jt I'Arht. N. A. I'. \sX\. I'fM'itlM'ciii Lri't'lLiiirioils, fovcit'il liv tlic sijiircly disruloicd ('liidci- iiiis, *J.')t »-.'{.'{(» n diiiiii., colliiiisiiiir wlicii *\v\\ orco:ii>('. cclliil.'ir stiiictiiit'. Asri 1 14-1'J<) X 2')-'2s M, ]». s|». Sit // luiii>-, witli iiltimdiiiit piinipliyscs. S|ioridi;i iiiscfiiitc. oli|tiiii:'-('|li|iti(';il, .'i-s('|it!it<', willi ii loiiuitiidiiiid s('|t- liiiii I'liiiiiiiiii- tliroii'jli ;ill lint the tcniiiiiiil c'lls. ."{O— III .\ 1 ')-"jn //. mid 7-1 I // tliitk. On di'iid (•nlni> iiiid sliciitlis ol' sonic urass (Hlyinnsi? IMcnsiint N'iillcy. I lull (S. .1. lliirkiK'ss). Tlic iiciilliccia arc mostly on the shciiths which ;ii'c tdondwl oi' mottled with ;i diirkcr color in those parts occupied liy the rniiii'iis. 'I'he spoiidia an; larirer than in /'/. iiiircii, nw\ .Vseptale; the pcrithecia also are lart^er and mostly lack the rrinLfe <»!' iiiyceliiim around the iiisc. II. olijfoiiiei'a. San'. & Spef;. Mich. I, p. 4I)S.— F. Ital. tali. .{.{l. I'oritliecia loosely irretra lions, iniiatc-erniiijiciit. Iiccomiiijr nearly siipei lieial. depressed-irIolii/>n)ii fifiHiiiiida, ill Deri. Mon. p. 195. Kxsicc. i;il. N. A. K. Sh6. Peritlieeia scattered, at lirst eoveroil liy the epidermis, at loiijrtli erumjient ami collapsinu' altove, 'J00-*2.')0 ti diani., Iriiijicd Uelow with a mycelium oC dark lirown, liranehiiiir, septate threads spreadiuj;' out ■^'riif K<'iii^ f '/"""'"/"'"'. chniatteri/cil ))y its reliciilatu spotiilia. is with ilifliculty dis- tiiigiiishid Irniii /'/,ii\J>i/ui. ami \vf have iiiclinled all species referred to that Reiius in I'lfuspoia. • if .■t .' .'.til ■I'- ll! r. !l "M* 342 Ix'iicatli tlic ('|»iii. riiii.-!. Asci oltidiiji-cvliiHlrirsil. 7.'» x "22 //, siiliscssilc, pariipliysitc. Spociilhi Itisci'iMtc, straw-yellow at first, liccoiniim- dark lirowii. .')-s('|ifat(' and constricted in the middle, ends rather acute, wifli a longitudinal septiMn extending' across the two middle c<'lls, 20-24 x 10-1 1 /<. snltinet|nilateral. On dead lierl>aceons stems, common in th< Hocky Monntain reuion. The spoiidia like those of /'/. phm/sjiora, and J*/, niin-a are more or less distinctly llattmed. I'l. ;;i^iis|)oi'a, Karst. Iledwijiia 1SS4. p. .'IT. Ileospora ainfi/isfioia. I',. M: K. BiMI. Wiisli. Coll. I.nb. Sal. Hist. iK\i, j). 41, I'erithecia scattered, superficial, Idack, sniijiloliose or hendspheri- cal. i mm. diam.. cfdiapsin;"' when dry. Ostiola short, cylindrical or snl>c(tnoiil. Asci ol)lonL^ 2'>0\~i'>it (paiaphysate)? Sjioridia oiilonjr. olttnse. slightly constricted in the middle, 12-l(t-.itndinal septum, ends sidiacu'e and sulKililii|Ue, 14-l(lx (i-7 //. Allied to 7V. /yf/z-f/f/w^r. Nii-ssl.. lait, compared with tlu! specimens of that species in Liidiart's Funjii llunpirici, No. Ids, 343 the |icritli('('in nrc siiiiillcr iiinl tlic spoiidia also smaller . darker (•(»l»tr<'(l. Sjtlnvrhi Lnvtuiiwuui. Scliw.. is said to irrow on cincrcoiis -puts. (hi dt'cayiiiir stems of Lurtiica dnuHlenxis, Nowficld. N. .F. PI. liclieiiiilis (Pk.) Sphiniii //•/iiiiii/if, I'k. Hot. V, p. .^6. t'lios/iiiiti liilii-iialis, Sncc S\lt. .iTfig. />i/itf>i4n-a lii/iittii/i.\, Ckf. Sjii. 4529. rcritliccia sra(ta|iilliiurm ostiolum. As*-i ol)!ni)u:-eili|)tical. Sporidia crowded, olilniiji;, miiltiscjttatt', It'iiustrute, grccuisli-yeliow, :{:,_40x 10-121 //. On liark of liiri'li ticcs. Vermont. Tlic |ierillie(ia o('eii|)\ a dis('oloreapiliate. Asci cylindric-clavate, suliattenuatcd helow, short-stipitalo, (!0 " ^ ^• 13-17 /i. Sporidia Mseriate. ellipsoid, l()-20 .\ 7-5) //, dark c:li ,')_7-seplate. v itli 2-.') lonnitudinal septa. ' -j 'ii 'MA land. On JJiiiba liirtu :iii*i J)nihii U'u/i/cii/jcrf/ii, r|KTiii\ ik, (Irccii- I PI. iM'iitiimei'ii. Kai'sf. Vm\i>\ Spctsli. p. i)!>. rt'iilliociii sfiiH«'n'(l. ill first rovcicd Ity tlic ciiidcrniis. tlicn cnicrir- ('Ml, siilis|iliii'inid, very i>l)tnscly ronoid or depressed idiuvc. snliiis- tdiMoiis, ulidiroiis (riii'cly Ix'sct with ^ti'iMiilit.jointfd. hiiick liiiiis). l.')(>- 2r)() « diiiiii. Asci vci-v sliurt-^tipitiiti'. cliiviitc. lO.VI.")!) .\ 12.4-.'1(» u. S-spon-d. piu;ipliysiit('. Spoiidiii liiscriiitc. ovoiil-cllipticid. ov siili- <'loiiii:it<'(l. .Vsfptiitc (iJiii'ly .Vd-si'ptiitc). mostly witli one cell divided liy !i loiiu'itiidinid scptnni. sciirccly cnnstrictcd jif tlic scptii. Iirtuvnisli. ( >ii ('(ifc.f. J'oii. ^\(/i()j>;/rii/ii :ind Kcnliicn, (ircctdjind. PI. v:i;i;;iiis, Xi«»ssl. Notiz. p. 14. I'critlicciij sciittciM'd or sriiiitc. dcpicsscd-spliciicid. tlaik hiow ii. spiiiiiiuly litiiillusc liclow. otliciwisi' lilMliiniis. with ii sniidl, (••iiiifid ((stiolimi. Asci claviitr or olihtni'-chiviitc, S-spurcd. short-slipitatt'. Sporidia liisciialc, olihrnu" <>r clavatc-lusnid. straight or curved, ul'tcii lioat-shapcd. .Vscptatc. with an iuipcrrcct loimitudiiial scptiiin, honey- yellow. \'ar. AriiKiriii. N'icssl. I. c. has the j»ei'ithecia toleraidy lariic ('4'»()-l!T0 - TJd \ 'J j -J.'i //. Spoiidia cla- vate-lusoid, straiuht. the thinl cell liroader. 'JT-oO .\ !»-l(> n. On A7///////.S (//r^/tricte(l. cells divided liv a lon^iitndinal septum, 22 -21 x 12-11 //.and (>-" /< thick, straw-yellow, with a frt'latinons envelopi-. On Vt'nirarid. Drohn. Ai(ihi». Aniirrin. I'^rhjcntn and Polyy- oiiHui, (Jrevniand. ;54") IM. itapaveilirea. (be Not.) ( Hiin hiltii III fiiif>ii:4 lami, I)c Not. Sfir Ilnl. p. hi. /'/rii\/>(»ii />o/>itvrititr(i. iniKC. Syll. .\7i^- Kxsirc. Kelim Asc. 7.;h. I'l'iifliccia s«'!itt('r('(| (»r two or tlircf tojictlicr. sn|i('i'liriiil, witli a Hilt, sessile Itiisc. iiloliosf. somcwliiit culliiiiscd nt tlii' iipcx. coriaccnus. I'liick. olttnscly |t!i|iilliiti'. Asci cyliiHlric-cInviitc. attcmiiitcd Itclow . N-spoi' l.alioiit 1(M>.\ 10//. paiii|iliysatc. S|H»ri(lia miisciiatc or partly liiscriatc. elliptical or oldoiitr-lusoitl. stra'ojit, o-scptatc anil constrictcMl iit the srpla. the .<('y a Nniiii- tiidinal .. 1 '». I'eritliecia cruinpcnt. serialcly-iiroirarions. uloliosc-dcprrsscd. 2."»0- ,'l(>() 11 tliani.. collapsing'. Idnck. sniootli and uloliosc. with iniinitc papil- liforin ostiola. Asci cylindric-clavatc. atlcnnatcil iiclow. sliort-stipitatc |.'»(> 170 x '24-'J(l //. 4-S-spor('d. Sporidia nniscriato, ellipsoid ; in the l-sporctl asci .■>"»-4.") .\ l.'i-17 ii. in the J<-sporcd. .')()-.').'} .\ '.)-l(» u. ii-sop- laic, one or two of the inner cidls loniiilinlinally divid<'d. ycdiow-lirown. On //icnx/i/oii (ifjthia. Clirislianshali. Ac. (iieenland. IM. lietci'6s|H»i'a. !>e Xof. Sl'ei-. Ital. p. 7(1. lali. !<1. I'erilhecia scattered, small, pnnctirorm, splncroid, Itlack. with a ronnd openinii- aliove, piojectinjj; tliroii<>h the lissiired epideiinis. papil- lose inidei- the li'iis. texture of dark, roninl, tiiryid cells, .■^oft when moistened. Asci thick-walled. >^-spored, attenuated upwards, mostly curved. (»ltlon<>', varialile in si/.e. Spttridia oldo'-.i-- or liddle-shapeil. ilark lu'own. hardly Iraiislncenl. !>-l l-se)>lan'. densely tessellale-miiri- lorm. 2.". ;;(ix 10-12 //. On Curvx nujthtii. Sarkak, (Jreenland. :M. KlyiiH'. (Kal».) Clalhiospiii,! l-:i\ii.r. Kali, in lU-ilw. 1. Iiiti. XV. fin .v /tnis/xiiii ilviur. Cos. S: De Not Scliciiiii, |>. )|. l\xsicc. Kiilili WiiiUr V. Miir. 2^61. Perilliecia nieuaiious. covered l»y the epidermis, depressed-spher- ical, the distinct papillilorm ostiolum iiiercinn- the epidermis. Idack, smooth and . alunit 'i.">0 n diani. Asci oldonir, sliort-stipitale. S-spored. thickened ai the apex ami ln'oadly re aindei I. 140-1(5") x .'l.V 40 /«. paraphysate. Spiuidia '2-.'5-seriale. oldony-. rounded at the ends. 44 [I !i, ;., 1 4 ■ 11 : Si 'i 1 ■ It 1 346 "-s('|itiit(', with iisiiiilly piiitiiil loiitiitiiiliiiiil sfptii, u:<>lilcii-I»ro\vii, r)."»-(i.V » On C'ttrc.r sin'pot'ifrif, C. siij)tii. p. I.J.'J. Hxsicc. l\-kl. I''. Rli. 1767.— Thiim. I'. Austr. .(S2? I'ci'itlif'cia ]u[n'<>iii'ious on IdciH'licfl spots, iiltont iis liii<>(' iis tliosi- of I^l, hevfxiniiii. covcrcil l»y tlic cpidciniis. Iiliick. uloltosc, wiinklcil when old. the ronifiil. iniimtrly |iri'f°or!it('il ostiolnni crnnipcnt. Asci cylintlriciil, sliort-stipital<'. S-spoici|. 120-12.') x -4 lir> n. Sp(»ii ndddic, >.^tMi- (M'idly 7-8-s('ptii(i', with an inipcili'cl. lonro\vn, 35-;{l)x 10-12//. On twius t)\' li/idniiiHH Cofifoni/rn.i'wViUuuM ( Ilarkncss). IM. Sals»|}i». Kckl. Synd.. p. Kil. I.:xsicc. Fckl. !•■. Kh. si.t. I'rritliccia scatt^Tcd, at first eovcrctl, finally IVcc, nloliosc, Idack. Iloct'osc Im'Iow. l)ar(' altov(\ ciowncd with a ltr(»ad papilla, .'»00-;»"20 u diani. Asci oldonu', sessile or short-stipitate. S-spored. 100-1 IT) x 2(! ti. Sporidia Idseriate, ovate-iddonu', iiroadest aliove the ndddle. 7-sep- tat,e, constricted at the septa, more stronyly so at the ndddle one. with 1-2 (r)0 a tliiini., dcjircsscd or colliipHMl. iit lirst rov- I'l'cil liv tlic (>|ii ft loiiir. S|H»ridiii ridwded (tr i)ltli(|iiely inniidsticlions. oliloiin' (»r siilinviite. triseptiite. with \-l luiiiritiidiiiiil septii. colored, 2^-.'».'^.\ l.')-2(>//. (Ml deiid stems ol' Ardhlx, Cilliloriiiii. I'yr. Iiypiiasmntis, K. & E. .Fourn. Mycol. IV. p. 77. I'eritheciii L're^arions. siiperlicial. Iliisk-sliajiod. inoiise-coioied. ;i4((-.'I70 It tliain.. clothed, except tlie liroad. triiiicate ostioliiiii. with lirowii, spariii"»-70.\ (1-7 /£ incliidiii()-').'» n hmjr). with almiidniit pjirapiiy.scH. Sporidia crowded-ltiseriate. Itrowii sulmavicidar with tiie eiiils at lirst suliacnte. M-scptate. with occasionally on«' of tlie cells lonuitudinally divideil. 12-1."( x .'»-7 (mostly I2x(» /i). 'I'his has the •j<'neral appearance <»f a I'liivtoniliiiii. (hi e\pose. 39S. KxHicc. Kub. Herb. Myiol. 747 - i. mostly ])roniinent on liotli sii- (>nt. Mack, Itristle-like hairs at the apex. Asci not almndant. oidonu- clavale. shtirt-stipitate, S-sp(tred, very larir<'. over .'U)() // lon(( x 21-.'J'J //.with a thin, irelatinons envelope. On (Cai't'j;)'! Carolina (IJerk.). on dcail y:rass. New York (I'eck). on Arr/i(tn(ft'/i(ir ttf/ir/na/is. (ireenland. (Uostrnji)- IVr. iiaiu'itriclia. (I'Vkl.) riiiisfidtii /liiHd/iii /ill. I'ckl. ill tlif 2(1 Diili-li North I'cilar l';xj). II. \> „i. tali. 1, fiK. .!. /'\iiiii>/ilii>iiipiiiiiitiii/iti, Sai'c. Syll. 7i"i, Cke. Syii sivi 1 1 11 y ,,:|. ;;4s Pfiillifiiii vt'iy siiiiill. sciidncd, siilisiiiiciliciiil. ii|M'\ willi ii few slinit. liuiil. Iiliick liiiiis. Am i uViiti'-olilniiLi. olitiisr ill t'iicli <*iii|. soiiicwliiit i-iiiv(' //. Oil Icii vfs (il S• IN>i-itlit'ciii iiiiiiit(M>i-iiiiip(>iit. M'lriotoiil. pill)' w itiiiii. fioilit'd \vltl> .-icMltcicil. liiriil. ciispidiitc. pliiiisrpliilc. Idiick liiisllcs |.')()-|.')(L\ 10- I'J n. Asci rhiviilr. I;')(>-| 70 x ;!.'»-4(» n. with it .«li(»l(. thick stipe, .•^pdiidiii ld.<«'iiiitc. liiicdv iiiiisfiiiitr, nidoim-(dliptiriil. ;l .Vscptiife. with il piii'tiiil jniiuitiidiiiiil .^rptiiiii. piilc yui. t'kf. Cin-v. V. j). is.i. I'liii<.pi>ni iitliiMiiis, Till. Sil. C.irp. II. ]i. Mt. I'\>4iiii/>lii>i,i ui/ir.\i,-ii\. Siico. Syll !V|s, Cke. Syn. 5i.)J. /.(•/>/('>/»'/ Ill iiit\fiiiilis. I'k. ;Mh Kf)>. p, 1115. Kxsiiv. I'ckl. I'. Kh. Ji.s-'. -Kali. I'. !•;. -•-■K. — Kiliiii .\sc. 4,vi.— TIiuiii. M. f. 2f/).-i;iI. N. .\. !••. =.iv. IN'i'itiiciiii lirciTiirioiis. on cxtcnsiv)' Idiickrnrd iiicji.'^ ol' the siciii. ."^iipciTiciiil, iiluliosc nr depressed. 2i")0-.'{00 n diiini.. (dollied, espi'ciiilly itelow. with spread iii[ Cfic'iojim/iiitii, Newlield. N. .I.,aiid Xtw York Slate. Pvf. nlinta, (Kil.) rhosfioiii ii/iu/d, I'M. Hull. Torr. Hot. Club. VIII, p. 125. I'yii'iiiiphoin liliiilit Herlese Mon. p. J37, tub. .\II, fig. 6. I'ei-ithccin at lirsl covered liy the ciitiide. Itiit at lenutli piirtially eriiinpent, 12r)-17."» /< diam., Iieuiispheiiciil. Oslioliini largi', surroiiiid- :u\) \i't\ A 11 ill It'll i»\iitf KKIIi' ri'cii- ■(I Ity ii I'liiiL''"' III stuiil, lihiclv. itIIcxi'iI luiiis. Asri IuikhI, nlilonii-- •lli|i(iciil. S|iiiiiiliii iimiirniiii. vfllow, sliulitlv rniistiii li-d iicrii>s tin- iiiilillc. .'>.">-.".7 x I ')-lS n. tiJiiisvcrscIv T-s<'|itiiti'. llii" (•(•||> iliviilcil liy ^-.'i liiiiiritiiiliiiiil s(>|it!i. On iIcjhI stniis // iliiiin.. ilniH'ly rlnllicil willi slijiiulit, <'r»'cl. s|iiiiiiii:!y-si'|(liiti'. vt'llnw i.-ili-liiowii liiiiis 100-1 'J."i /< luiiiT Mini iiliiiiil 't ft tliick iit lln' Iijim-, t;i)i('i-iii.u° •i'l'iKliiiilly til tlic siiliiinitc li|i. of iiKMiilii'iiiiiici'iiiis trxtiiic ;iiiil ihiik \('llii\visli-liiii\Mi foliir (iiiiilci- llic iiiinuscoiic). Asci clavatc- iililuiiu-. 100 rj.'i X '2'1-'1'» //, iiiiiiiiji'tl iilimc. with ii sliiiif, iiliniiit. sfipi- liili' liiisi'. I'!ii!i|iliyscs sIiMidrr iiiid iiiiMirioiis Init iiicniis|iini(iiis. S|iiii-iili:i ( rowiji'il-liisniiilr. iiviitc-('lii|itiriil. (I<>iis(>ly iiiiiritoiiii. rMiiinlcil lit llic finis, yclliiwisli-liidwii. 'J2-.')0 X 12-14 /<. constricted acinss the middle. The s|i(iiiiliii nre sn closely iiiid densely iiiiii-il'oriii iis to ;i|i|ieiw uTiiiiiiliir, the liiiiiiuliir contents lieinii' iinaniicd in tiiinsveise lines iiciti>s (he .■•|poi idin so tlint they ii|i|iciii' I'J or more se|ttiite. hilVeis lidiii /*. /)()/i//)/irii«fwio. Siicc. to which it comes nciiiest. in il« siiiallei' peiithecia and shoiter sjioridiii. ( hi liaik ol" I'Iniiis Aimriiiiiio. New l>altini<4|-e, N. V. (/aliiiskiei, I'vr. comata, (.And. A: NicssI). /'/•■I'Spi'll ilti, Awd. iS; \iis-.l in Nicssi lU'itr. Ziir Kent. <1er I'il/f, p .^o. lally iind- I'mi iiiif,i iiiiiiittii, Slid'. Syll. .;^''|, Cki'. Syil. .Si'"l- Kxsicc. Kiili. !•'. !■;. isil. I'eiitlieeia scattered. covei<'d liy (he e|iidei-niis, only the short, conical ostiolnm |ii'(ijectiiiu' and snrroiinded liy a tul't of straight, siinjile. iihick. diveiiieiil liristles. s|ilieiical, of coiiaceo-meiiiliraiiaceons (ex(ui'e. Iilack, ISO "J'JO « diani. Asci Inoad. olihinu' or olilonfi-elavate. .ses.^lle. with a liroailly-ronnded apex. S-sporod. 1 10-K^O x 40 //, paraphysatc. Sporidia liiseriate, olilonii-ovate, ol'teii oliliipie. at Hist with 7-5). later with 1 1-1.'{ (or more) septa, with 2 -.'» more or le?s perl'ect loiiiriliidiiial septa, dark Itrown. opake, .'>2-.'{S x 14-1(! /«. On A/xhic, Ci'l'ii.'if/'iiiit, M('l(iiif>i>ni. Niissl. Heihv. lS.Shi/>li(»ii I III ysiispiini, Sacc. Syll. 3Shi, Ckc. Syii. .SK15. I'lxsicc. Kz. I'. Sil. 5V1. — Rati. I'. \>. 2S60. • ..|r ■; m i I'ciilln'ciii sciillncil. ill (irsl sunk in llic soirrclv ;iItci(M| sniisliincr of tlif host, iil'lfiwiinls ninif or less n inii|M'ii(. 'J(l()-.'»'J(i n diiun.. splu'riciil r)r sliulilly (l('|trfs>ct|. ti|t|M'(| with n Inl't of stiiiiulil. \\>/u\. Iiliick Itristlcs iiml snrionnflctl ;ii linsr In' Inuwn. ciccpinir liypliii'. Asci cyliiKliicnl, siilichivatr, slii»it-sfi|iitiit(', S-s|i(»n'(|, |(M»-1 1(» x 'J.'{ /<. S|niiiiliii liisi'iiiitt'. liccninini'' iinisi'iiiMc In the Icnutlicninu out of llic iisci. )ili|(inu°. ohtnst'. cunstiit'tril in the niiil. T-s<'|it!itr. with on*' or two lnri<:itiiilin:il scptii. "-M-.'iO x lOA-11 n. On /)raf»a, SiKvlfriHja, inxl J'cdirnforis. in < Jrrmliinil, i.ept(»si»h.+:ria, os. & \)v x«.t. Si'linnn, p. '«>, i;iiii-ml. Slice. Syll. II, p. i.v I't'iitlicciii iit liisl ('(tvt'rcil In tlir »'|iiriiiii>. Ckr. ,Syii. 4i),S7. Kx.sicc Kll. N. A. I', \2iif). IViiliicciii cdlicctcti nil ycll(nvisli-I»r n. sessile, parapliysato. Spoiidia M in an asi'iis, liiseiial<', short- liisoid, 4-,septatc. 'JO-^.'l x 4-'» n. On h'aves of Qnn-riis r/rr».s, 'I'exas ( Wriylif I, Floriila (Martin). L. Tamsii'icts, ((ircv.) Sfilnriia Ttiiiiiincis.Cixv. Sint. Crvpt I'l tab 15, Ciiir Simplr Splliiriii.s, tali. .SS, fiK, Hi Ij'pltisplueiui TamiDiiis. Sacc. Syll. »vif'. Ckc. Syu. 1^71. IV'iithecia yre^rarioiis, scattered, siilscntaneoiis. 1 '»t»-lM)(( // diain.. raisinii' the epidermis into pustules wliicli are soon ruptured in a liys- If-riiloriii iiianner. lait the peritln-cia theiuselves are not eruiiipent. white inside, with an olitust>. papillirorin ostioluiii. Asci clavate-eylindrieai, siihscssile. rounded aliove. paraphy.sate. (l.'i-TO .\ l.')-2(> ii. Spoiidia iiowded-hi.seriate. ovate-oltloii 'M) \ \:\-\') n.. iiichii|jn<>- ihr IiioihI, liitill()ll:« ('tiV('ln|M>. On li,ri III iiimiiliiiilii, Siicc. SyM. ih\', Cke. Syii. 4^7,?. I'l-iitliffiii siniill. srattri'cil. M-!it('(| (in tin* inn<>r Itaik. iTnni|)(>nt Itv an an^nlar or siiliriicnlar apntan'. snIiiilolMwc, snltlilnons. lilack. white williin. Ostiola ininntc. indistinct. Asri fvliniliical. Sjiniidia I'llip- ti<'al,niiisoriat(', liiscptatc.sliirlitly constiictotl.i oloicd, 20-27 x I2-1;>//. On dead twins olclni trees, (ireeidaisli. N. V. 'I'lie perillieria are alMindaiit on all sides of the smaller liranehes. reiiderinu them ronuii to the loneh. L iiispn'sa. (Si-liw.) Sf'/i.riiii iii\/>ii ^,1. Silnv in Ciirr Simple Spli. Nd. !,v|. tnli. Sv. liR iiJ. 1.1 l^li>sph.riHt iii\f< n lonti'. On liark Nctrtli .\meriea f.'^ehw. in llerli. Hooker). L Tiiii, K. & K. .I.Mirn. Myeol. IV. p. (i4. Alacnlicolons and amphiuenons. on larye eineroons spot.x with a narrow, rccldish-piirpie liorder. These spots, or dead plaees, often occupy the mai'tiin alonu' one side, »»r the ape.v of the leal'. 2-o cm. in diam. IV>ritliecia punctilorm. minute, innate, tli(> Idack, suiiacute apex alone Iteinj.' visilile. .\sci oidon;>-cylindrical, snlisessile, with lilillirm parapliyses, 4((-')(> .\ T n.. Sporidia liisuriatc. Iiisoid, yellowish, sliyhtly curved, laintly ;i-seplate, 14-l(»x."{ //. On leaves of Vihiirinnn Tiitux. Lal'ayette. Lii. ( Fjanf^lois). li. Andi'oiiMMlii', (A>vlhriillti .lii(/ifnii,'(t,r. Awd. Syti. I'yr. p. w, tub. 7. C\g. 102. /.. /ili'\/i/iiri 1,1 Aiiiiiomeilir. Sacc. Syll. 3u;i. IV'i'ithecia epiphyllous. Idack. innate in the epidc.'niiis of the leaf, .■^cattcnMl, ovoid, H''\\ 130 jt. pieived with a minute pore which is :;:.2 "III M'lirtM'Iy visililc .\<-s|i(»iti|. 1 U)! x '27 /<. Spo- i'iili:i liix'i iiili'. (diluiii;. sti;iitilit. .'51 x II //, I'mj-i I'mimlcfl, .'J-st'iitiifc iiinl ruiistlictcij ;it till- sc|i|;|, more i|<'i'|i|v so iit |||c iiiitlillc se|itmii, pule, at Ifliiftli liinwiiish. ( >li ill'V leii\c» III' Ainl r<)iiiiili' iilnl (Irci'ii- Mill li. liy|M»i'lM»i'i»«. (K«*kl.) I'l,iisl, ) hitif.i. likl .'cl I>( iitKcli Ni)r(l|>irirnlir .' |> r iiml iiinI (.'niilr I'l. Myi'. Now. Sfliil. ]>. 15,!. Iiili II. (ij{ .). /.if>linfiliirnii h \ fifi hm fit , Smi . Syll. n<~i. Pi'lilllf'ciii si'illcil (III the tin ll|>|i<'|- sill liirc nl' tlic leave.-, seallereil. |iiiiM'li!(iriii, seiiiiiiiiiiH'i'sed. siiiTuiiinleil itelitw liy llie siiulilly rai-eil. uray sii'islaiice ol' the leal", llie IVee pait n'ltiisciy-coiiieal. pieiceil a'lKVe ami very Idack. Asci olilony-uvate. alteiiiiale(| at eaeli end, S-sp(»iei|. (ic Hark. I'ircv XIII. p. ii). 1.1 [>liisl>lnnui I ,11 II I it In. S;ki- SyM i\' ('idiiittlnis. ('alitinnia i ll.iikiie.-s), li. oiloin. (Cke. AL Hai'k.) S/ili, 'iliiiii. Lkf. iS; Hark I'.rcv 1. I.eftiispluriHI iiilin,!. Smv. Syll Iim.''. C'kf Syll \!ut-. I'eiitheeia seatteri'd. nl" medium si/e, Lrln'mse, lilaek, .-link ill the liaik iiiid I'ltveied liy the epidermis. Ostinliim piinetil'orm. AmI cliivate, S-sjiored. Sporidia liiseriate. laiieeidate. at lirsl nniseptate. then .'•■septate, yelhiwislidiyaline, 22 -■-!.") x ") //. On liniiielies u^ I'liihrlliiJiiilii. Caliloriiia ( llarkiie.«s). li. Iiiciispidsitii. (Ckc. \ llaik.) Sf>li,n III hh ii'fii.l,ilhi^fili,rnii hii ii\/iii/(it,i, Sacc. J-yll. fAjy- [•eritlieeia scattered. cnveied, iiiiiiite. siil)prliort. .\.-/'.■!./, 11. ft C iliiv. IV. ji. LIS. /^/>tii.\/>/i,ruii i'/iii>),i. Slice. Sylt. ,U7"- I'd illii'riii n)\<'i'i-i| liv till* cilliflc. lull I'lillli'l' |il'niiiilM'lil. iMiil'ki'il III liir I'l'iiii'i' willi iIm' liliK'k tii)lii. Asri liiic-ir. S|iiii'ii|iji nlt|i)iiL>, jmillli'il ill I'iirll I'liij. .'l-SCIitillc. illiMIlt liilll' lill|l»^ liillVCI' tllilll lil'liiuj. Hli i|i-ii(| jiliil)- (if ^ '»"^. riiiiill I I iiiiii.i or I'luiiMiitcij cj ,', \ | iiiiii.i. IN' lit III '(ill l>liirk. i'|ii|iil\ llnli-. trw . «||iiill iT") /'I, I 'III III I It 'lit. illiji-lilirtiv jiirrci'il :ilio\c. iiiiij uitli :i i'iii'. A-ci rl;i\iit<'-r\ limliiriil. .'>'> T'l .\ >;-|(i //. S|iiiii(liii iiisi-iintr. iii-diij. -iiliii'W Ii;i| riiiM'd. micli'iilr. iM'i'uiiiiii'j ."! .'(-.r|il;ili' (iniistlv -l-SCptilli'l. rnii>ti'i('li'i| iit till- iiiiiMli' ~i-|iliiiii v\ lii'ii iiiiiliiic. iiimI sli'jlitly <-iiii>ti'ii'li-il III Ihr utiirl-. :20-j:, \:i>,-\ ;,. ( III livilii: li'iivrs itl' /''iit,r/h 'IS Ann ri. T. < liiiiow :iy I. I„ iMiiralis. K. iV K. lin IIi'iIm I'l'iillicihi .-ciittiTi'iJ. ciiiiiiiiriii. "'i \ mill, ijiiiiii., till' iout-r piiil -link ill llir wood, tilt' ii|n'.\ liii-iii'i iIk' siiiliici' intu lliiltisli pii^tiilr- uilirjl ill'r |iirl'('<'i| ill llir ('i'llt)T li\ tlir |i:i |iiliil'o|'lll INtiollllll. .\."i'i -iilirvlimli'ii'iil. I.")(t-|70 .\ s n. ."^|i(iri(li;i imi.-ci-iiii''. oliloiiu. ')-.»i'|il!ilf'. not coii.sti'icti'd. |s-'JlI.\'» 7 I'.. |i!il<' lii'owii. iMTOjiiiiiir ilaikcr. ( >ii ilccurtiriilcil Snli.r. Ilcli'iiii. Montitiiii ( Kcl.-ii's ). |>. t'lisn'lla. (U. iV Ki.) S/'fiuihi //Ml.//.;, II. ."v III lltit 1-iiilKi N" f^.if'. tall .\i, f\K jr. I'i'i itln'ciil sriittrrcil. covered. >ii1iuIoImm'. sliL''litly de|ires.-ed. i;ii.-- ilit: llie e|iideiiiiis into little [iiHtilles. .\-i-i r\ liiidlieiil. |(K» \ !»-](» /<. willi ii ~lioit. tliiek slipe. Sporidiii oli|ii|iiely iiiiiseriiite. oli!oiiL:-e||i|i lii-nl. rounded iil llie ends, sonietinies -liiilitiv eiirved. .■J-se|il;ite ;iiid snniewliiit eon^tlieted :il llie septii. niivjieeinis. I .') 17 .\ !• /^ ()\\ dejid stems of /i*///;//.s .y^/vV/o.s^/.H. < i reeiilMtsll. \. ^^ ( lide I'erki. li. platan iroia, (Howe). Sf'huii,! /'Uiliiiii,''hi. Ili.Hi Hull I'ui! llol Clul). V. p. 4.i. I.rplii\f>li,n la />lliiv:iit'. S|Hniiliii iiiii-fiiiiti'. nfji (|it|>. ihiilv mlnr. .'I-Tif'itfiit*'. On l)iiiinlM'< of /'/(//(^/(^x. N'l'w ^'ll|•k. I., taxinih. (I'k.) .s/'/(,/»(i( litxiii'iti. ru .'iiii Ktp. |>. i)<).>lii\pliiriiiiliiiiiiilti. Slid- S.\ll, .iif»). / It /■/ti nil) Id /ii n,i>/it. Cki Hyii yf,') i'l ritlifciii iiiiniitr, flitsc, Ithnk. >^liiiiiirl rnvi'i'ol liy til*' r|iiili>nuii'rir». iililunu'. Iiisi'|itiit<'. nccMiiviiiir tin- ulmli' ii|*|ifi' siirliu't' nf iIimiI Ic-ivo of 7''/.iw/> i'liiiiiili iisis. Siinilliikf. N. V. Nr ;i-fi ;inil -|inii(liii liivt'ii. L. coiirrnti'irn. K. A; K. lin lliili. ) I'critlii'i'iii wiili'lv »fiiitfii'(|. inn!itt'-ci(iMi|w'iit. ofi Iiii'l'"*'. nmi'i-n- Irii-iillv niiirkfil. ilnll riniTcniis. inili'liiiilf -|i()t- ih(ii|i\ inu' si liii'jc |iiiil '»! tlif Ifiif. Asri (|(. .-|i. I ."tO-,').'» \ H> //. I'iiiii|iliyscs nut x-cn. S|mi- i'i(li:i »ililtiny-<'\ lintli'iriil. "J-ciil;!!!'. vrlliiw-luiiu n, \'l \-\ \ \-'\ n. t'wA-^ nlitnsr. On ii|i|ili' Icjivfs. ('iiliinil>i;i. Mn. ill. hmsi'ttt. iiml l, I liiiM^>'li)i- I. 'I'll' ■■. (jill't'ii'iit riiiiii A. A//'/V/(r III lioni A. /'o///»///(/. Sine, Ii. raliioniion. (Cke. \ Haik.) S/>/i,r>i,i Ciii./iiiiiiiii. Cki-. Jt Hark. ('.rev. \lll. |>. jn. / ,piiiyf>lurnii ('ini/.:->iiiit. Sate. Syll '>'''>s, Ckc. S> n i-iis. l>i'iiH-ly liiruiiiioii^. ('iivrn'il. I'ciitlii'ci;! lii'iiii-|ilM'rii'-(ti/iii*; spur id in 'l-',>sf^)fti(r. Ii. T<*pliioKii<>, (('. & K.) Sfilitriiit /;//;»">/ iit J'f/'/iiiiM,/-. Snic. Syll. -luyi, Cke. (Syii. 1275. Kxsicc. Kll N. A. !••. hi,^. IVritlioria scattcii'il. at lirsl cdvciciI liy tlic I'liiilcniiis, linally r\- 855 ]iii<)'(| mill »'l|l>.'>ll|irl lliiill. -llliLilnliiiX', iiImhiI | IiiIII. fi ex liljillii-iil. ri."i To N (1 7 n, |MII'- ;i|ilivsilt>. S|ii)i'iiliii n\iTlii|i|iiii!:. iiiiir>i'iiiitr, rii.«nii|. iii'iilc. iii':ii'l\ liyn- liiir siihI niii^i>|it:ili> ill lii^l. Iifi'iiniiiiir siiliolitiiM'. I>r<>\vii ;mmI .'S '>i'|il:ili'. I^--J»».\ J-:» n. (ilOx t; /;. Ck.M. (Ml (It'iid sif'lii* mI' 7'i p/irns/ii I'irifiiiiitiin. New licld, N. .). li. aiioiiialii. K. iV K. .loiirn. MmmI. Ml, p. 1 17. I'ciillu'fiii lircuiiiioii". iin'iiilii!iiiiirt"iii- iiiiij of iiillifr cnnisf. <'('|- liiliil' >lnit'tiii'c. iilidiit ;\ iiiiii. iliiiiii.. I)I:h-!v. 'iiKiiitli. x "JO y. «iilis»v.-ilc. « illifViiiK'sn-iil, lilirnnii |iiiiii|(li\si's. S|i(i|i(li;i liisciiiilr. Iirnail oliloii^'- lii-uiil. !-2-sc|iliiti', iiici|iiiliifcriil :iiiil sliL'litly ciiivcil. pnlr sti:i\v-yt'l- \n\\ . ciiii-lliflcd ill ihc iijiiiii M'|i|iiiii. 'J"J-;>0 x 7-'.t n, (i'xcr|»lii)iiiill\ ;;0-;!."» x '.» I'J ;n. mosllx 2'J-'J.') x 7-S /«. Oil di'iid lifi'liiu't'oiis sti'iii-, Scdfndd. I'tnli (S. .1. llnikiH-sr. Willi ('iiliiiilnunllii iliflliiitis. v.. A K. (.1. M. I. c.l. Il is iMissildr lliill IVf-ll »|M'rc. iiiiiilil silow liic S|iiil'idili In III .i|i|iciidiriiliilc. ill uliicli liiM' llii< wiiiiid \n' \v\\'V',\\\\v U\ i^vrlosiioro . Iiiil. iir- liir iis ciiii ln" srt'ii ill llic .-|M'.'iiiicii-; cxiiiiiiiu'd, tlicn' nrc im ii|i|ifiiiliii:i'» nil lilt' s|inridiii. llmnoli w hijc lyinir in llic iisri tlicir ends iiiv unite. Till' «|inridi!i, iis 11 iiili'. ;iic nnly l-sf'|»tilt(', tllc --S('|itlll<' -|iniidi!i iM-iiiir <»iily ncinsiniiiilly sct'ii. I,, Tlialictri. Winter. Ilcdwiiiiii. ls7J. p. 1 to. .l/ii/i( -/■//t'|>til. piilc yidlnw. "J I -l'.". X K » /«. I';ir- iipliyscs tilirni'iii. iii'liriiliitcd. On sli'ins nl' Tliiillilrmn tiJ itlinini. Knliiirlinid >iiid I iii.'iiiiik. (ircriihiiid. The asti ill thf (Iii'riiliind -pnr. wi'K' 7" 7'> X ■J0-*J4 n: sporidiii •j:. X 1 I n. li. nolioliiiii, (iVrs.) Sf'lunta Ihilii'hiiii. I'tr^. Syii. \t ;*<. I'liwf"^' l^i'li'ilidii. Till. Set. Ciirp. 11, |). 7-(y. hplKsf^luriia Ihiliiiliiiii. Celt. & De Not. 1. c. ]>. fu. Kxsicc. Kckl. H. Kli. V)S. — K/i'. l-V Si-l. 7i>, .uj, .u''.— Kul' I'". Iv i.s.i'l - Rtlim A.ic. y,;. "M. .W.i-— 'I"'"""' I'. Aii.slr., u'.s.s.— ill. M. I", i.ti. — I'Ul. N. A. F. ifi7- -Snt'c. M Veil. I47J. — Dfsm. IM. Cr. I\<1. I, 7i.j.— Myc. Mnroh. 141.— Cke. !•". 11. i*\. Scr. 4^ I'rrillifi'iii -riiiii'it'il ur -_'i'<"jiiiiuiis. nl lii-l Imiiril. liiiiillv I'vcr .iihI r>il|ii'l liciiil. Iiriiii-|>liflir;il. •jf'hfiiillv «iiiiimiimIi'. iiliiiiil IIMI _^^ iliiilii. willi ii |i:i|iillirnnii. Iil;irk. sliiiiiii'j'. |iii liiiiiiiil ii-iiu|iiiii. A-ii i\ liinliit'iil. s.>|Miii'(|. I (Ml- I 'jn \ .'(.', V n. >|niriili!i iiin-i'iiMli' i>r |i;iiil\ Ipi-crintr, rii-irMi-iii, -triii-jlil nv -li-jlilly • III'M'il. >||liilH'i|l|il,'l|i'|;||. ,'t'Sr|)l:i|i' :|||i| ~|i'j|lll\ I'UII^I l ii-|i'i| nl llir -i'|i|;i M'lliiw -liiiiw II. "JM. ;;(l \ 1.^, n. !'iii;i|ili\ -<•> liliriii'iii. Iiiiiiifliiiiij. nil i|i':ii| Ih'i liiici'.iiis -tciii,-. .I.s/fy, xttlitlnijii. Af.. Ac, ('(iiiiiiioii. L. MilH'oiii«-.'i. (< . (V I'.) •>/'/i,rii,i uiluiiiiiiii I' >\ r .■.,tli Kip N \ M;ilr .Mii» [> '■>. I , l'fii\f*h,n ui Mt/it I'liiitt. SiU'f S>II ^'v>'*. Ill /hiiii, 1 1,1 uihiiiiiiitl. Cl»«-. Syii \i'n IIXHiii V.W N A I . (»i7. I'riilllfriii riiiMiiil. (Ill, , .:('(! ;it llli' liii-i'. »!i|iii'\\llill r(il|;i|i-('i| W lien rlrv. Iiliick. -<'iit<'il liciH'iilli iIh' i|ii-i|i'. |i;ir;i|ill\ .-illi', T-' SO \ (I ^ ii. S|polii|i;i ti\)Tl;i|i|iiiiL!-iiiii<)'i'i;iii'. liii ■;m| rii-'ui( I . ^iiliiiH'i | ii i In ii'in I . .'■-m'IiIhIi' hikI -iiliiclillli'- -li'jlillv ruli-ll icIiMl ,|| the -r|i|;i. "JO "J,") \ ."> 7 /'. Ill iIi'IhI lii'l'liiircul|> sti'lii^. riiiiiiiiiiji. Il i- ilmiliirnl uliclhri lhi~ -IhhiIiI Im' -r|i;ii nlcd linm /,. I hil iol iiiii. \.. nnilt'lb. (I'k.) \/'/i.,iui .iiiil,l/ii. I'k i.illi Kr|i |i. im /,•/./„././(,/( ;ii . ;(/i/c//ii. Sim- Syll. .••iiii /li/'/iiiii, ml I II III, 11,1. I'ki . Svii 1711 Td illiiM'iii ^iiiiill. 'jr<'ir!iii<, M-nli'd nn ;i liicnii-li ^|hiI, iii\civi| li\ llir i'|)i(|i'i'iiiis w liii'li i~ ru|iliii'<'il l)\ iIm' iiiiiMili' ii.ii(i|ii. .\-rir\liii dlinil. S|Hili(li;i ulilull'j ril-irnini, -nliit'linirs rliivcd. .■|-c[il;i|r. ur.rli- i-li. "J.) '/ liiii'j, Mil' lliii'd rrll Iriiin lIu' Iuim' >v\uIIcii. On dr;nl -l<'lii« i>\' intfi/nf. Ilc||ilflii-iii. N. \. Till' iii;iiki'd rciilnir <»!' iln' -[uTic- i- the 'jicciii-li lulor ul' llir s|iiil iiiid ipjllic -|ii>rii,''ii. Till' hilli'c ic,-fMil»l<' llii>r>f (iT /j. ,snftiiniiiii. i'\ i'\f(|il ill rn|iii- 1,. nnis«'ssa. (<'. \ K.) s/,/i,,ii,i ,...).. .!.(, C". Mi. Iv llliv. VI. |i. I ^ //•/•l„'fili,ri III iiiiiMw,!. Siiti- syll .In*.. //MI, Cki- Syii |7i"i I't'iilliffiii 'jImIi(i»c. Iihick. -Iiiiiiiiu, |iii|iill!ilf. III (ii-l riiM'ifd li\ (iif I'liidi'iini-, III Iriijjili li;iic. .\ i>. Ckf.). (Ill di'iiil -li'lll- 1)1 Hi I iiinllms lillii insils. .N'rwlicid. .\. .1. (•nil Mill'. |l''IiII\ ulini l"U II inlM :iii>l .i.u L. .'iiilli«'liiiiiiti«-;i, (('ki>.) \liliiii, Cki r',ii-v. \'II, |i St. I , l'l,>'[li'jlil|\ ciiii-iliiclril. .'Id \ 7 /'. ( )|| ( '/iitliilKti/hliii illif/ir/iii/)ifirinii.>n\\\\] ( ':i I'ltl iliil. li. (liiiiM'toniiii. NicssI, rM'iii.'iii. |i. -Jt'i. till). III. ii'j. |-j, l';\sii, Kail !• !•;. .■.Pi^. .'vs\ Kiliiii .\m'. ',7s, (,>,s riimii M.C ."is M ,,v.. .■■..|(. .'I 17. .•.•(S. l-:il. ,N: IImIiI \ .\ I- ilS.i .(.1 | l*i'lilln'iM:i -flltli'lcd, luM'lrij li\ ill"' r|ii(|rri|li-. Ili'liii«|i||c| ic;il ur -llli'jinlm.-c. |);i|iillilli' liii'llll Ullllilii'ii rn|i;ni'(iu-. Ii|;lrk. 'JMU n ilinill. \-ci clilMllrulilMiii.'. -Imil -li|iil;ili'. nillliclcil ;il Ihr il|ir.\, S.s|in|(M|. lid- (Hi \ (1-7 /'. S|ii(rii.\ Nrwlirjij, \. .1.. n|| (|c;mI -Irm- ii| '/. Nrw ^'mk I Kiiii Miiiii I, .III I Mil .»|('hi> III Innnilii US ('in /' ll.-|i|:l l>cii:ii(-.s). I'll'll \ I ill I'l'll- •;il< //, I.. oltM-inila. (It. \ ('.) .S(,li.< iiii 1)1,11, •ilii. II .S: 0 <"irrv. IV. |i. isn. ///'/.•v/'/(„-»;(i ii/. i/((>/(i. Sine Syll. -'')/|. Ill ft,! Ill, I hi •i.'ri I, ri/i/, I'ki- Svii. 17.M) I't'rilliri-ia "jii"j;iriuii-;, rmiiriil. S|Mii'iili;i hIiImuk. sli'jlilh ln||'_', (hi .-Irlii- uf Itiilssiiil. \r\\ l'!ll!jlilinl. A ••iiiifiii- ili.«<';i-i'(| .'f. A-ci iililoiiii' r\ liiiiliic;il, slmii «ii|iiliilr, |i;ii- ;i|ili\ -nil', iiiii-||\ riirvcd, S(»-',M> \ I .V j .s y. .<|M»iiiliii ciuudcd lii-iciiiili'. •ilijitll'^ lll-nid. .". -i'|il;ilc. -(Mlifjv ciiii-liiclccl., ijd "J I .\ '» (> i>. -Ii>_dill\ till \i'd. .^iiiiulttiisc. (Ill di'iid lii-i'l):ii'<' >|riii-. I lull. , .H.)S L. Bniiiellji'. K. \ K. I'lnr. AcihI. \;ii.S(i. IMiil. .Iiilv. I>;mi. |,. -j;;;, rflillii'ciii sciilli'iril, iiiiiiiilf CJUK-li.'td n\. rmcicti liy llir t'|)i- • Icniiir;. wliicli is niily -liiililly liiiscd, iiml liniclv |iirrn'i| liv llic |iii|til- liloilli uslinllilii. A^ci i-|:iViitt'-r\ liii(|ii(;il. "."i >0 .\ Id-TJ //. si|l»S('Ssili'. with tililiinii |iiii!i|ili\ <(•>. S|i(iiii|iii lii^ciinic, tuxtid. -li.jliily ciincl. jiiili' M'lln\\i«.||.|i| llitlii I.. lu/riDiiin'Jxoiilra. Snic, in il- |iriillic(i;i Mill ((illiiipsiiii;'. iiml ri'iiiii L. itiii'nliii'HV. S;icc.. in it« |iiiliT s|iiiriiliii. (•ii (|i-;iil »lfiii,» n|' IliiiiiiUn rnlifii ris. Liiinliin. ( 'iiniiihl ( I ti'iillH'S' i. AiM'.>iii|i;nii<'i| liy |n'i-illnM'iii roiitiiininu' liiMiniliiir, nciciilnr .«tylns- |i(i|cs [ /{liillKlnsjinrtn l<>-.">.") \ 'J 'J/, //. 'riif«c |HTillli'ri;i lire wliili' iii.-iilf iiiiil f.itln'i' hiiiicr. Otlifi' -nuillrr |iriiiiirciii innliiih >|iurc- 4 \ I .', // I I'liniiiU). Ii. itvi'eiioiM'zizdidj's. Sacr. \ S|m';;. Miih. I. \^. ;;i>|. I", ji;,!. lal,. w^w IN'ritlicciii «<'!itliTcil. i'iiiiii|iciit>ii|i('i licijii, >iiliiiliilMi-<'i|i'|ii<'ss»'t|. hi.'i n iliiihi., |iii|iill;il)'. rni;iil\ ('n|lii|i )'ii|I'//. \t TV .-litHt litii|ii|(>H'->tipil;il"'. >nli!limc;ili' ;ili-sc|itiil". the -ccund cell -lii^liliv ^uhIIi'M, |i;df yrjlow. On di'iid lici'liiiccnii* -icni-, MiinlinMiHi. Kiin«ii<. (Sec .linii'ii. II. |,. ;;,. I.. v:i;;alMiii. .".1^. S/i/i,ri III fii^ti//,!. >.in- M Vni >\i< ' ji , I il> 1\ lii!> ;, |fi lint II. >Sc Br. > I'ciillii'fiii n<'«.tliiiu- in Imik, invcrcd li\ llir I'l'idi'i ini.<. sriiltcrt'd or ciuwdcd iilnlinsc, w illi ;i »ni.dl and iinl\ -lii^lilly |p|itii'i-tini!' iislin- linn. Iijacii. liCO .'((Id _^/ diiini. .\>i'\ il.i\alr-c\ lindricid. -Iiuii-,«ii|iitiitr. N-f<|i(iird. u itii idinndiint |iiii!i|iliy.-i's. S|iiiridi!i lii.-ciiiiti'. I'lisnid. a! lii^l iivalinc and l-i'|>la.and nl'ti'n with an oil uhiliidi' in i-ai'h it'll. I!l-"J"» \ f'l 7 //. (Ml di-ad rti'in.-- nl //i/fiir/ftiin /irn/t/irinii. Ni'wtii'ld, N. .1.. and un drjid limli* it\ S/)f III II ufiii/if'iJiii. I.undun. ('anada. Sacrardn in Svll. II. p. .">! rnniinialf- "J") diiVcii'nt ti't-c.^ and sliinli.- iin which lhi» s|i('cir« i.< loiind in Italy, (icimanv. Kiani'c and >|priiiii>i:<>i;ial slajic i» Cotimlhijrhiiii viiiinlniiiil iiin. Slice. I. riiysalhlis. K. \ K. r.nll. 'I'mi. I5.ii. Clnl.. XI. p. |-J. I'tlilhfi'iil llliimlf. i|i'|i|r<-ri|-M|,,li(i-c, iir<'u;il>(', trllliliir »l lllrllin'. willi ii I'iillK'i- liiuml u|i('iiiii'j !iImi\i'. Asci ;>."i- |(> \ T-S /<. no |iiiiii|ili- \>rs yccii. S|Miiili ilillv -W liilc. luiilid spots on Ii'MVi'.- oT /'/n/su/is imhisiins. nriir l.csiniitoii. K y. ( l\i'||riin:iiii. I. Sli'il'oiiniiatis. K. iV K. I'lor. .\ iiioninl llic noi|c< of tlif -inn. .-nlic|iii|»Miniil. i'onic-licn)i<|ili('ririil. \ mm. tiohiin. .\>ci rhivulc-cyliniliiciil. 7"»- l(Ml.\ I. ■(-•jn < pliilr. MinM'tinM's sliiililly <'i'n>liiflri| ;ii ihc 7.«'|)t;i. Iiiown. oliiu.-i' at. iIh' t'ml.-, mo-lly :i lilllf rnrscil. l-'i 'I'l \ 7 ^ n. ( )n ili'iitl >ti'ms ol' Sfi iiinit mil cilidliini. Lomlon, ('iimnhi (Mi'iir- nt'ss). L. SilnM's-iU'iiiilis, he Not. IJtil. I'inn. p. Is'). A. //,iii>iiiiiiinitiii(i, .\\\i\ III tii-iiri. llul /lilsilir ivis. \(i. k, i:x>iri- K.ili I' !■: J7''^. I'riillic(i;i cpipliyllon^, lliicUly sraitiTcil, mtv sni;i|l. piinctiliirm. ^'lolio.^c. Iiliii'k. with :i sniiili. papillil'oi'm osliolnm wliirli pin-ccs tli<' cpiilciniis. Asri olilonu-dnvati', .sti'. l-'nniri (Ininl. p. ."».")7. No. Kll. (!lns('ly allicil to A. Sih ii< suriinlls, (lill'ciijm- piincipallv in \\< -mallf'i- asci ami .-iporidia. wliifji aif ^'t \ |(» //, ami 20 \ il ^« it-^prf- livciy. ( Jn Iravi'- ol' Sttlhirid Ini inifKxii. Itivnt'k. ami on Stillnriii /iinff/'/irs. (lo:|lia\n. wi'sl (•oa>l of ( I icciilaml. I,. Oxyi'ia'. Kostr. i-'amii (iiinil. p. '>."»!i. No. Kis. rnitlii'tia 'jiciiaiion-, daik. •I<'pivsst'<|-splifrical. A-ri thick, fyiindi'ic-riavali', stipilatc. .'i(l-.VJ \ 1 'J II it. Spctridi.i iii-fiiatc rii~oid-(»lilonL''. .'Iscptali'. con-liitlfd at tin' septa, yi-llow. 4' > 1 .".t'.d I ■ ■ I ■ Hii (|i\ -|('iii> 1(1 ( t.ii/riii (1 111111111. I'liicilc-iiiimlc. ( Ifci'iiliiinl. NH iii(';isiii('iiii'iil- nlii-ci (i|- -|M(riiliii iiivrii. L. Itiiiii'iiiriili. Kosti'. I. c. IN'rillicciii ciiM'ird li\ iIh' I'jiiilciiiii-. iIumi ilriniilcil. i|i'|i|('->('(| ulnliu.-.c. A-ii lliick cv limli ic-( liiviilr. '.t.'i |(>."i \ .'!(>-;i;! '>. « iili ;i liillici thick iiH'iiiluiiiir, N-.-i|nir<'t|. S|i(iiiili!i lii-ninli'. dliluiiL'-clnii^aiiMl. .■»(•- .■|.'t x ."*-l(> //. .'!-.<('|illlli'. sli^llll} nilistriclcd ilt lln' -i'|i|;i, |||i> ^itmihI eel! ^li"_'■|||ly Cllllll'JI'll, M'lldW . Mil -Inns III' Hiiiiiniriil lis nffinis. I^niink. ( IrmihiiKl. L. nil>i(iiiitla. Ili'liiii. Wim. Itiii-.. |.. !<•.— Sim'. I", liiil. ini.. -J'.iJ ri'iiliifci;! 'ii'ojiii iiiii- nil ;i i|;nk ml -|m)|. imiiiic ami at lii-l r(i\ I'li'il. Iiiii liiiallv cniiiiiiriil aiiil paillv I'lcc. Uinu ni-li-lilack. uiolHi.-f i'iilla|i.-iiiii ami imur '•)• |r>< lliillrncd m- cvni ciiii-liaiictl. i."iO-"JtMly iliaiii. A-i'i (lavali'cv limliiral. I.'i (i."» .\ (i-T //. -Inn t-ri|iilali'. par- a|ili\-alc. S|iiiiii|ia -iililii-ciiatr. iiariuw -I'li-niil. .".->i'|iliitf. sli'jlitl\ riirxctl. liic -ftnml ii'll I'l'iiii thf Imvcr cml siiuhllv ^Wdllrri when iiialiiir. |iali- M'lldW, 'I'l-'l't \ '1\ W n I |."( \ ■_'.',-."! II. W'iiiti'ii. Hh ilcail ^\i'\\\~ i\\' /'/ii/fii/iniii. lii'llili'hi'iii. I'a.i|{aiii ami on ilcail >l<'ni- III' Aniliiiisin. I,(ini>iana i Laiiiihiisi. L llarkiH'ssiiina. K. \ K. .Inmn. Mv. nl. j. |,. !i| (I'lafc 2S) I'l'iillit'cia .-fatlfiwd ui' '^ii'Marjuii-, al lii-l tiAcird liv llir cjiidci- mi-, al IcMulh iiarc iiml snin'ilicial ui' nrailv -n. lii'niir-|iliiM'i(-:d. Iijack. smooth. \-}, mm. in diamclrr. (>-linlnm -lioii-rylindriciil. vvilli a laiiiT ciicnlar opcnimj. A-fi t\ lindiical. !tHl_| II \ in I "J //. S--|ioii'd. and -niionmli'd w ith iilirmni |iaiii|ih\sc,-. S|inridia in a .-in'jif -I'l'ic-. lyim: end to <'nd. I'llipiical. yellow -lirown. t ^t'|ltat<' and constiieird at the sr|it.a. I N-'^- x "-'.• //. oiilnscls |Miinti-d alio\i' and leo'iiiiii'lv roiindi'il Ih'Iow. The peiitheeia are nnicli like iho.-e of l.iiitusjilni rin Kiiitiniiiiii. ('. A I*., Iiul the o-iiolnmis slimtei. ( *n dead -lem- of •('olnmlio'" { T nisirn''.). Mmeiy Co.. Ilah iS. .1. Ilaiknes-). \.. ilistiihiita. (('. iV K.) .\f'li,iini ilisliihiil,!. C >Ni I'l. Cli'V VII. |>. .|| I.I hiri III ili\li if si'ctioii. Ion;;*-! ijiiiiii. iilioiit 4<)0 n. Asci c|;iv!il<'. siilisfssiic, |iiini|iliysiitr. S .<|Mti'('t|. "■'» x \'l it. i-oiiixlnl at tln' ii|ii'\. S|H)ii liyaliiic (•||V('lo|M'. On tlcaij >l<'ni> of IhHiniuliinii, Ncwlit'ltj. \. .1. Tilt' ''ulistanr)' ol'tlic iirritlifcia uml)'!' tlir niin-(ist'<)|ic is |iiii'|)l<'. L rtalirnsis. K. A^ K. (in ll<'ili.i I'dillifcia scatlcrt'd or siiliyicirarinns. snliniticnlar. sliirliijs riiiiticij ai'Munil tin' liasc willi mycelial llircads, sninll. I ")(>-l7') /nliani.. cliiscly cdvcicfl liy llic ciiliclr, cnllapsinu l<> concave. Ostioliini mi- mile. |ia|iilliroi'm. Asci oiilonir-cylimlrical. ;').'»-(!( ) .\ 7-N //, scfisijc. par- apliy.satc. S|M)i'is»'|»tal<'. end.s ,|itate. On dead stems ol' .some (iimliellireroii«)? plant, l'lea/*/(/./ I'uHii'l/ni iiiDi likl S\mli p lis ami Niiililr. II,|i. >t<) l.e(ui I'liHiiil/iii mill, Siiix Syll II, ]>. 2<>. I'.XsKl- Kflllll A-ilV ^^>^ I'erilliecia liieiiii lions, nesllinu under and atlaclied to tlie epi dermis. de|M'es.scd-Ldoliosc. willi a |ia|iiiliroi'm. eriini|ieiit ostioliim, Idack. !, mm. diiim. Asci cylindrical. snlisti|iitate. S-s|tored. (iO-lM) .\ .'»-7 //. Sporidia oidiijiie or siihliiseriate. olilony., '(-se|itate and «IiLditly constricted at llie septa, llie >econd cell .— 1.'»( I it diaiii., siililiemi- splierical. thick. Mack, llie ostiola perliisc or slii-litly papillate. Asci cylimlrical. IOO-li'Jx7->' ii. Sporidia uiiiseriate, oldonu' or siili- llisoid, .'{-seplale. sonielinies sliiililly coiislricled Hi tlie middle >eplum, coloreij. K; -JOx (t-7i //. Tarapliyses liliforiii. t >ii dead -leiii- ol /xilfiiiiit itii(/iinti/i)fiii. Adirondack Mis.. \. \. (leiierally tlicii' arc ,"»— I perithccia in a cluster, lnii sometime, tlies are sinjilc. and occasionally compressed. M m .. »• ""■■•■•■' .]/()'nr'iif ill .»• '//• iintfr-sfntillc. \i. stu'tt'iNtoma. (K. iV ('.) S/'h.iiiii ^liil,"liiiii>i II .Si C (.irv IV, p. isi. 1 1 filii'fili,riiii \liili'>li>n>ii. Siiiv Syll. >i\<\j, Hi/>t,uiiii 1,1 >//r /niiic lit'l'li.-it'i ii||« jilillil. ('niilirctiiMII. I>. stiitoiiles. (K. iV (.) Sfili.ii lii ^li,l,iiili', II .S: I' I'.ti V IV, p. 1 1.|. />/Am/»//,/'i/i» >tiiliiiit\, Siiii'. Syll ,ii7i- llifl.iiih I hi \li. IkiiI, '. Ck<'. Syll I'li'i. lM»niiiiirillit'i'ja ijc- |ii'c,>s)'i|-s|ilii'ri('al. iiiiiliilirali', |ia|iillalf. A.<^«'i iiiiiiutmiis. i-liiirjati'il- -HMI \ I I I.", it. willi cnitiniiH. rilirni'iii |iai- a|»liy.><'s. S|iiniilia liisi iati-. I'viiiliironii I'iisihiI. ilaik, ."i-sc|ilali'. "JO-ii."* .\ (1-T /<, rclls l-ll-mitlialc. On (lr\ slciii- ul" Miliiiiilrlniii hijhtiiint, ndlccti'd 1>\ Valil. al I niaiiak. 4ii-(>)>iilan(l. L striata, 'A inter, ilcilwitiia isT-j. p. I40. IN'i'itlicria iiM'iiiliraiiiiri-nii«, i^iuliiisc, willi a -mail ii^lioliiiu, soiiii'' what « linklnl. Ihunmi. Ahm I'liuiiiati'd-oliloii'j'. sr.s^ilt-. S-s|M»n'<|, %\ x \'l //, witii .-iiii|il<'. lilil'iHiii paiapliv.sfs ItiiiL^i'i' lliiiii lln' ii.-^ri. Sporiilia t'ii«tiil. .Vsfptalc. tarli cell with a laiiir nil iiioliiili-. liii'i'liir^li. tin' I'pis- pKif markc'il uitli loiiiiiliiilinal .-tiipcs. ;»') x '» n. (Ml sli'iiis nl Vii-iuiivii iiliniiit, (ii-ffnlunil. L. KoiMoiiias (('. \ K.) S/i/nriiii liimoiiur, C. J>i. Iv iVifv. VII, )>. m. I if-liisf-liiri Ul HtHiiiiiur. Siu'c, Syll .'i)cii. Iti l>himf> ill HiHiimiir. Ckf. Syii. .»"'•<. l-Asili Kll N. A. I- SN.. I'i'iilln'riii sciillt'it'tl, liiiiirij ami u lien fin- cpidcriiiis liill- away, ivilli tin- iniindcd iipi'X piuji'diii^. iiii'inliranan'uii.*, -iiliij|nl>(i>f, iiiiiwii- isli-lilark. .\-'i clavalc, T'l \ I "J /». panipliv.-'alf. .'^poiidia liin'rinlc. - '-'A • tn.t -iilp|;iiiri'(»liitt' ill III*' iisci. iili|nnM-(>Hi|ili('!il wIm'h I'lfi'. -ii;iii>|it m- -liiih, l\ ciirvfd. |i:ilf vcllnw. HO "J .'» x .■)-ti n, ;>-H'|iliitr iit liisl. licndiiilijL' •"• -(■|ll!ll<'. Oil (Iciul sli'iiis (if llniiniiln (clill.). Xcwlii'lil. \. .1. li. nissjii'i'olii. K. ^ K. .iniini. .M,v. 41. i'rrillii'iiii un-irmioiis. niiiintr. I'J.'i-JT.'i ii iliiim.. ni\rn'i| liy llif lihirkriicij r|ii)|t'niii.''. « liirli ir< iJiiH'tj ititii littlr |in«lllliv iiiMJ III li'liirtli |iic|C('< 1<> n. S|inii(|i;i lii-i'liiilr, riisiluiiii. -liiilillv niivcij, .Vyi'|ilii|c. yrjliiu -liinwji. nut i-iiii- -Iriftcij :il llu' ?i('|ilii. Nils llii' viriH'iiiJ iis|i<'(t ol' ii Sjiltinrlln. On i|<>:mI -Uin- i\\ (Josiiiii. Ildiisfoii. 'j'('\ii.« ( Ifiivmcl i. li. siiiHii's|tit«iHa. rke. iV ilaik. niiii|M'nt. siiltc<'s|iit<)si'. Iijiii-k. lii\/. I'. Iv .'lis Rfliiii. Aitc. .«S, ,s.M.— Tliiiin M. V d^u i:il N .\ H. .^'*"i.— I.iii. KuiiKi lliiiij! I'M. -M. Miirrli. 7.(11, if,.K I'l'iillirriii iiiosllv \fiy iiiiiiH'roiifi, lliirkis sciitlmMl umt ihc «tt'iii- ill liist citvcrctl, (II- willi iiiil\ the |i:i|iillirnriii n X HI— ill ft, willi lililiii'iii |i!ii;i|»liys<>s. S|inri(liii liiseieiiliite. loiej riisuiil. niiliise III till' ends, niiistliejeil in llie niiijille. ot'leii witli one iiilir li|<»ili|er IJiiiii llie utiier. ."(-. .-eiiled jiisl lieiienlli llie ciitiele which eloselx e(i\eis llieiii, illid is niiseij intii iillie |iiisli|les iilid I'hiekeiKMl, l!(M»- .'lUd n diiiiii.. siiliiilolMise (i| ii little de|iresse(|. stidiiiily riiliL''ed iil'iiiilid llie;e. Ostioliiin |iii|)illiloiiii. eriim |ieiit. Axi ilii\;ile(\ liiidiiciil. slender. I'l"! 70 X ■'»-(!//. )iiirii|ili_vsiite. S|i(iiidi;i iiveilii|i|iiiii; iiiid »iililii>eri:ile iilmve. rnsoid. ^liijhtlv eiirxeil .'i st'|»l;ili', Idnuii. |.'i-'J(Mliiii«llv I.'mx'J.', «, MillcfU niiistl'ictril :it (In- •>c|tlji, mill iH-ciC'iniiiillv willi one joint (iiriir iIm' ii|»|m'i- rmli swnllcn, nil i|t>.'iil IiitI)II<- -li'ins l:i|i|i!il'fiill\ nl' roiiir iiiiilit'||irriuii> |iliilili. I IjiIi (S. .1. Iliiiklifsx). \i. plaiiii'isnila. (Itii'ss.) Sfi/nri III /i/iiHiitu iilii. Hu-^-' llrihv I. tiili IV, Hk 7 Sf'h.iiiii I ;>i,'/«'n(. C N I'! liliv VIII, |i I'l /,/*/..,/./(,/ Mil /'III II I II \i II /ii . lis, <«t I>r Not. Sdii'iiiii, |i 111 i:x-iii riiiiiii M. r i>'47. M>i. MuhIi j.r,-^ Kriini Am- <>ss l\ll N. A. K s;ii HnU !• !•; n^l'. rifiilirciii sriiiirrctl iir L''r<'.ir!iri"Mi<. !it (ii»l iMi\fir-ii'i| -|ilicii(iil. .'i(IO-|(M> n ijiiini., Itjuck tiii|iiiii. ,\-(i cliisiilf. jd.'i ||.'»\ II hi It. siipiliilc, |iiir;i|ili\-;;iic. S(iMiii|iii'i'iiilc. Iiisiiiij. sti'iiiviiil. :il lii't iilii.-^i'liliilr mill iiiirli':il<'. Iii'ciiiiiili'j "i «i'|il!ilr iiml Ill-own, Hl-.'i*) \ (i-7 it. On ilfiid • oj' Ijfjtiil /Kill \' i rifiiiii'Kin. Nrwlirjil, N. .I.,iilii| iiii A. Iiitcniii iliiini. Miiiiliiilliiii. I\iiii>ii«. 'I'lli' .\llli'lii;ill .-|M'r('. iiu'lfi' W ill) llii- rni'lil nil < 'l lirili'i (in- |ililllt.'^ ill l!i-lilii's I. r. iiml I'iili liiinliv lir s|it'rirK'till,\ i|illa. «'. ^ K.) s/'/i, /1 1,1 , •1111,1/, //ii C .V !■! C.ii.v V, p. SJ- / r/,/,i\/,/i,/ 1 1,1 li/',ii,i):i. I'k lolli R«'|) |i, 70 / ,//,iiiii'i 1,1 ii>mii/ill,i, (Vi s>ii ,\~t>i. ICxMi-c Ivll .N A I' i'«i'. ( •i-i'jrui-ioii.-; or sciillni'd. I'ri illii'i-iii oMilr. ihiik lirowii, rovni i|. (),-liolii n-nni|M'iit. »iiiioiiimIiiI lt\ ^lioil, iilis»'ssili', |)!ii!i|iliysiil<', Ssjion-il. 7."i S0\|.') ft. S|ioiitli.i ciuwilcilliisciijiti'. ;iliiii|illy riisiroriii. .V>i'|iliil«', consliiclnl iil tin- si'plii. liviiliiH'. at Iriiudi liiowii, "JH -J.'» \ 7 S n i;i.'» ID .\ il n. Cki'.i. (hi \aiioii< ilcail liriliai rmis siciiis, As/»iiriii/ii.s. I'rr/in.sinin. ( iiriiril ill. I hsuKtil/Kiii. /iii/iZ/.s/ti. I'lnisinl i;y (I'lill,!, /)i/iiiii,s, Ton- (/it//////, ami Aiiif/'u. N'l'wlii'lil. \. .1. \ ar. /^r,s/i uaiililiu'. I. M«>iti'iisia>. (Kil.) .•sf'li.rii,! .\l,ilriisi,r. ICII. Hull. Toir. Hot lliili, \III, |i 1.1. I , h/ii^l'hiii i,t U,'i/i'ii'i,i . Sill I Syll. Jt);.' //,/'/,! Ill, 1 1. r Uit/.HM.r I'kr Syii. I77i. I'diliiccia >iiliriili('iil:ii al Icii'rili i'i'iiiii|ii'lil, alioiil I, iiiin. (liiiiil.. IW lit III! •'II. It'lMII- |l|l|lT l.h lllljjll. iil'Hllil HIlillL' ml nil lihrk, 'j'l:il>i's|iliri-i(':il. (Miiilnin |i!i|iillit<>i'iii. .\-n rlnviilc- .•\ liinliinil, "'» ino \ I'l-lS H. |itini)>livs!iti>. S|Hiiitliii nowilcil, liin'iii ■ hiiirt'iiliiti'. \*>llii\visli. iiiii'Inil)' iilul iiliisi'|il!il<' :it tirst. Hiiiillv .V nr iiioir- -i|ililti', nnifilriclnl iiml innn' nr Irss swnllcil ill till- liiiilillr. ."m-.'iH \ (hi i|f:nl IciiNo III Mrrlnisiit. Tljili j.lniicsl. ("|ii»i'|\ :illii>i| In /.. li,iiiihi. II. X t' f.irv l\, )i. is.' I , f'l:'^l'li,tuti hfli'i"lli>- S'lx' Svll. II''... H,f'l,ini,ii>i hiiillii. Ckr. SMI. .|iis\. I'l'lillli'iiil lliilllll"', <<>\iTi'i| li\ lilt' illlirli'. \-k\ uIi|(iii.j. Spii I iiliii rii-irtiiiii, -liirlill.v nnvi'il, (1 -••|.l:il'\ .'lU // luiiu. Hii l.iii>lioiithiis rfiiii>\ Iviiiii.i (Mirlifiirri. 'I'lir rju'ct'. ilisli iliiiti'il iimlrr lliis iiiiini' in Kinim. I-', (ijill. .'I'.t.'il. ;iri' Ml iiic sli'iih', wnillili's.- lliiim iiml uivc no ii,-.>ii.«liimT ml.- • •nil. Asri iriiliii t III.- xrtini . nil- \ S n uiiml lain. li. iii4*s«iMl«'iiia, (It. iV ('.) \/>/l,/lhl Mh Ulililllll. II it (.' i'.n\ IV, i> ISI. //, f'/iiiii, »M III, >./i/. iihi. S:iii- S>tl ll'>7. Ckr Syil. |ii7'i. I'l'iilliiMJii at It'liLilli liln'iatnl, rnniral. S|iuriilia I'liiiiuiiti'il. ariiiniiiah- al i-acli mil, willi aliuiil S ,-r|tla, llic (•ciilial /jiiiiit .-wi'liiiiu. ')'l It Inlii"-. < hi /''iijiiifiniiiiii iitniintjnj'ofniiii ami Cirsiinn iinif/iii tii. >i>[\t\\ <'ai-olinii. li. Artciiiisiiii', (hkl.) S/'/i.fii.i tilriiiiu.r. I'Vkl. I' Rh. >-.i'' /V,i/v/>i'rilli<'t'ia siiim'\\lial .-^ralli'ii'il. iiimti-iI, iioI n'iiiii|ii-nl. iililtisi-h 'jlnliiiloH', ;iiiil |ia|iilbli'. A>ii fNtnuatcili'lavali', rj(»-|;>(» x Id-lS //, |iaia|ili_vsat»', Ss|Miri'il. S|iiiiiilia .^nliliisriiati', Tn.-iml. -liaiulil or iiirvi'il. .'{."i-.'{S .\ (1-7 It, \illiiwisliolivi', .V (laii'lv T-l si'|ilali'. sliiililh I'diisliirti'il at till' sf'|ila. On (Icail sliMiis III' Afliiiiisiii viiiin. Ili-li'iia. .Munlaiia (Ki'lsr\). 'I'lif |i\riiiilial >lau'i'. Ilniiliisiniiii Affniiisiif. Sarr , \\;is mil (iIhitvi'iI. 'riii- lias rriiiii|ii'iil >ii|K'ilirial |M'iilli('ria of infiliinn si/f willi rvlimliiral osliula a.- luiii: a-; llic iliaiiirti-i' ul' iIm- |M'iillii'cia, ami I'n-ilniiii s|Miiiili's |(».\S n. ."» (!-s<'|ilati', yrllow isli ami .-liiilillv ('oii- stiirti'il at llii' si'|ila. In tin- .Miiiilana -\) ■. llir '|iuiiilia an- 20-'J(i .\ II :tt)i; S-ll U. ,'t ."»-f|il;il«', CN limll ii ■•(iIpIiiIii;. illilfi'ill!: VHlli '|M'rc. 111)111 hi. Wiiiit'C. li. iipiifa. (h«*Miii.) .S/ ,;i.l /^/•/•■'/•/hri lii iium/ii, i.'tt K lu- S'A >^> In iii;i. |i i.v Hxoirf. I»r«iii, ri. Ciyp. I'M, I, 7H. i'ki !•. Hi ixl H«'r J77. vil ilii j.s^. -K41I1 !•'. I< jiiw Rilllli Am i II' 'riiiiiii M f I '^7 l'<'t'illiiit, I niiiili'^ I'li-i'. Iiiisi' !l|i|i|iilitltr. Mili'k iiml «l|lisliiliiliu, lllinill l^ liilii. iliillii.. M-;iti'i| nil ui'iiV, •'Illl<<'i| .x|int>. (>-liMl(iiii |iii|iillirMnii, |iin'ri't|. ,iiiiiiciiiiM< -liniitv liiiflritiil. A-ri «iiili ililVillr i\ lih(||-inil. Il!lirn«t(| -liuhllv ;iliu\r iiihI llinli' -II licldW H.s|Mtr<'(|, I '_M»-|'J.'».\S n. S|Miii(|iii iiiMnliiiiitc. <|i>iiMiitt'<| I'lisoiil. >liMiiir|v rdlish iricil ill llif iiiiiltllc. Sci'llcil i T-riiliifr ). llii- liiiiilli crll rioiii llic ll|i|H'r I'liil n||ii'\\ li;il -Wiillcii, Xt'lluw lirowil, ,"(<» ."(."i \ ."i.', /;. r;iiii|tli\»<'* lililiHiii. < >ll ilrmi -li'lll- ul /iii/iil/fi IIS. \\'c-t ('lli'»lr|-, l';i. I l'!\clli;irl I. MM ill\ -ti'lll- III' ///'»/'(/(■/'/(/// riilijill mil ;il viiriiill- liH'illilir- ill < il'i'flllilllil (l{n>llll|i|. I., an'ita. (M. \ N.) Sf'h.ri Ul II, Ilia. M «: N' Slirp. Ciyirt. \'>i I'liiisf'i'iii ,1, iiiii I'lkl S>mli |i 11^. I ff'lii\filiiri 1,1 III iilii. Kiirxl. Mvi'kI I'l'iiii II. )> ii^ ■'/i,ri III iniii/,11 iiii\. I'l S\hI .Myiv II. )> V^H. wr K.ii-I Kxsiic I'lkl I'. Kli .,... Kiili llril. Mvo.l M. 7J.1. Tlllllll M I l}\ \f M:iriil .»< I'Iciwi Spit lliil s.i. - Cki' I'liiiKi lltil, Srr. I. ."'v Sti II. .'■..( Ki Inn A->i-. 7ti 1)1 -iM I'l i'i>|ii i;.i I. .(<•. I'l'iillii'i-iii sviillcii'il. :it liisf cDVi'iTil liv llic ciiiilniiiU. iirinwiinl- liiii'i- :iiii| I'l'iM'. riiiiiriil. niiiiiitiL'' up iiili> :i tliirk. dIiIiim-. pn rniiitcil n.^linliiiii. I)|;irk, L^liiliruiis. shilling. siImmiI .'!.")<• /' ilhiiii. A-ri rvlili iliiiiil. I'liiiiiiiilril. s->|)i)ii'i|. |.'I(»-II(>.\ In ^/. .'*|ii)iiiliii l)i«i'iiiitr. Tu.-uiil, .-liiiiylit or a lillli' I'liisnl. ^iil)iiiri|iiilali'iiil. ti |n.-r|it!ili'. m'IIdw i.-li ;i()-,"»(> \ ")-() //. I*iiiii[)liys('.« sIi'ihIit, (ilili)iiii. ( >ii iIi'ihI liciliiii'i'uiis sli'iiis. ( 'iirnliiia ami V'iiuiiiia (link, in ( i'ii'\ . I. ri'i)l)al)l\ lilt iiiirMiiiiiiDii. li. tt»iiili('s|M»ra, (Ckf.) .S/>/i,,-i III liil lil,/-^/ii'iil Ckl', I'rXits Illllnl. I.i'" I i/'liisf'liiri III III! iili^fiiiiii. Siiiv Syll .V'"!. //ifi/iiiiiri 1,1 III! iili\/iaM'. i).-^lii)liiiii rttiiic- |)a|iilliriii'iii. ili>liiirl. A.M'i cv lindriciil, sc^-ilc mi m-ailv so, T'i-,s(» .\ 12 /(, willi alaiiiiiaiil i)ara|»liy."«',>i. S|MH'i(lia tn.-ciiiilali'. i'iiM)ii|-r\ linili'lrai, - hi I I'l •...p iiiih'. •low •iil:I\ II llir I. on iliiiiil ri-li !•; !in|> ■iltcil \ liii soil I, .visli. ill ici.l. )iiic- \ \-2 iciil, mi liriiwii. iiiiilliH'|il;ilf. Ill Icii'jtii »liiilill_\ rmi'tiiili'il iit tin- -<|ilii. iiciiiIn .!« Inli'J II' IIh' ll-i'i, iilnl ,'l 'Mj II lliirk. On <|ciii| lii-i'l)tiri>niis .otflliH. 'rt'Mi:- (l{ii\i'iifl r u' roii"_'lii^f'hiriiii ilufiiiftii. Hmv Hyll ,ti'^ //. Cookn. ( >ll (ll'illl :-lrlllS nl' /'/ii/fi>/
  • li'ms. I'tiili i.<. .1. Iliiikm'r.-i. III ilii' Nrw .lci>r\ »|it'rr. (iriiii- .•<|H'tif», llii' -poiii ill icmiiiii I'or :i liiii'J liiiif liMiliiif :iml iiiii"i-|>l:ilr. oii!\ w Iiw leiliu' "I'l'll w illl !-•'» 1 i'o\vii. Iiiil llii- 1 lull <| It 'CI '. ii'.n'ct VM'II willi llie iliii'jlii sis ill ( Ii't'v illfii. 1. liiliiotiiictii, K. \ K. .loinii. .Msi'ol. 1. |.. 1. lO. !• I'liliu'fiil sr!lllc|i' lilooi l-red. .\»ci c|ii\.ile- r\ Mini i.iil. si'ssili". HM» lid \ lil-i;! /(, SI',- silc . iml iiecompiinicd liy |.iim|il \>i's. S|Mnilriii'jli 1 or -liifliliy illlM'i , iliTp sIi;iv\-mIIo\\ . S-|(» -rptiilf will 1 one joint 1 il lilllc liclow llii' mi lilln slii;lill\ .wollrii. -J.". Ill .\ 1 .". n. I'lid- siiIhiI •liise. hi-liii- u'liislii' 1 liv il-> s|iori(li:i I'i'om :ill oIImt rnl-lin li'cd species. n II ilfinl t«i'j- ol Sfiifi/ii//i II trijiiliii. Wcs 1 Clie. er. I';i. 1 l']\er- liiirl.) I coiisilllilis. K. iV K. .lonin. .MmoI. II. p. II • V I'lillli'iisi '(iillcii'il. riiilion;ii'i'o-roii;i('i'oiis, I llllll. diiiiii.. :il lir>t CdVCIf il iiinl liiisiii'j' llic liln'is ol' llir wood o 1- lini k into illle piislnlc>. (Mini. 1 |i:i|iillil'oi'm. soon cinmiicnt. .\sci s 11 1 icy iiidrici 1 . M 1 1 < 10 \ 1 ,1 -•JO n. willi iilMindiiiil |)!ii'ii|ili\si's. S|ioi'idiii s in III iiscii «. siililiiserinlc. r\ liml 1 ir rnsil'oiin, ."'iM'iiliili' ;iml snliliviiliin- 111 Ii ■St. Iiec oiiiino yellow, mill til i;ill\ diirk lii'DW n. iiiid nlioiil T->i'|iliilf . more or |i ■ss coiislricled :it llir <('|il;i, "Js :i."i \ ,^ \0 II. A|i|»iiiciill\ i llicd lo Sjlliilriil liilijiji i. Anns w.. uliicli i« «iiid lo hiiM' iri'i'i'iiisli-vt'llow. \\ .')-. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 1.1 Ui Ui2 §22 ■It 14.0 12.0 m M^ ^ 6" FhotDgraphic Sciences Corporalion \ <^ ^. ;\ 23 WIST MAIN STMiT WiBSTIR,N.Y. MSM (71«)S72-4S03 jl i^'M^ 368 j^optatu. (•xi'c)»ti()nally S-scptato. Tlic poritliocia occur liotli on dccoi- ticated liiiil).-* and on tlio,-c AWl covoi-cd with tlic hark, hut in tiic latter case, tlio hark is old and soniewhat dccayca!igeia, Cke. Syii. 4,^10. Pcrithecia scattered, minute, covered hy the hlackcnod cuticle which is .sliglitly laised. Asci (]>. sp.) ohlong, 40-50 x 7-0 //. Spo- ridia hisoriate, fusiform, slightly curved, 3-septate, straw-ycrk)w. some- times constricted at the septa, 15-22 x 4-5 /i (25 // long, sec. IJerk.}. On leaves of Sahul, Ijouisiana ( lianglois). L. sabalieola, (E. & M.) Spharia sabalicnla, K. & M. Am. N.Tt. 1SS2, p. Hio. Lfp/osplurria sabaliio/a, Sacc. ,Syll. 61,^5. Rxsicc. KU. & Evrht. N. A. V. 2(1 Ser. 1963. Pcrithecia gregarious or scattered, with rather thick, coriaceous walls, ahout | mm. diam., covered hy the epidermis, which is raised 369 (IccOI- ' latU'i- (Miss into litMo ohtnscly coiiiriil projections, aroniid wliicli tlio suifiu'o of'tlic iiiutiix is of a tawny color. Asci clavato-cylindiical, AtMIOxT-S //. S|»oii(lia Itisoiiatc, ol)iuntiise. On petioles of Sabal serrnlafa, Florida (Martin and Calkins). This is closely allied to 7j. mbaliffcrti, U. tV ('., bnt (sec. liOtiisi- ana s])ecc. from Ijanglois), diflers in its ratliei- larjrer, less prominent jieritliecia and shorter, darker, constricted and <)i)tiiso sjtoridia. h. gij^Hspora, Niessl. in Kah. F. K. 2fli)S. Ferithecia somewhat scattered, jrloliulose, sunk in the paivr.chy- nia of the leaf, h mm. diani., with a hroad, flattened, scarcely ornmpent ostiolum, Itlack. Asci bi'oad cylindric-clavate, sessile, rounded at tlie apex, 8-spored, 144-150 X '22-24 // thick. Sporidia 2-3-seriate. eloii- uated-fusoid, at fnst hyaline and 2-celled, tinall} 3-se})tate and some- what constricted at the sei)ta, honey -yellow, 50-5') x 10-12 fi. On leaves iA' Curcx' microglovhiiu Ifraliko, Greenland. |j. oiiliiioruiii. Awd. Vor/eichn. des Leipz Tausch Vereins 086B). p. 4. /^•plospltfriia niuiosiofiica, Karst. Fungi iu Ins. Spetsl). collect!, in Otfvers, .if Vftensk. Akad. ForhatuU. (1872), p 102. Kxsicc. Rah. F. K. 1553, 54, 2759.— Relim. Asc. 240.— Thum. F. Austr. 1254.— id. M. U. 761. Ferithecia scattered, Ituried except the very small pajnlliform, projectinji' ostiolum, finally more or less erumpcnt, black, glabrous, aliont 100 /i diam. Asci olongatod-clavate, very sliort-stipitate, 8- sporcd, 60-80 X 12-16 //, with scanty, filiform paraphyses. Sporidia 2-3-seriate, oMong-fusoid, subinccpiilateral or slightly curved, 3-scp- tat<', the penultimate cell often a little enlarged, honey-yellow, 17-22 ((M- even 27) x 6-9 //. On Luzuhi iO'cuata, sphata, and muff /flora, Poa glaura, and flexuoso, and on Alopecurus alpinus, in western Oreenland. L. juneiiia, (Awd.) Sphtrrhi Juiiiiiia, Awd. in Rab. F. E. 74S, Sphtciellajiiiicina. Awd. Myc. Kur. p. iS, tab. VI, 6g. 74. Hcptamrria junciim, Cke. Syn. 4S65. I^ptosphtcria juncina^ Sacc. SyU. 3094. F(H-ithecia very numerous, thickly scattered, covered by the epi- dermis, globose, pierced above, black, 50-60 // diam. Asci elongated- ovate, very short-stipitate, 8-spored, 48 x 10-12 /<. Spoi-idia 3-4- seriate, fusoid, subobtuse, slightly curved, 3-septate, not constricted, brownish, 24 x 3-4 /x, often surrounded by a gelatinous envelope. On Juncushi(jJntnis, Disco, (Jreenland. 47 ;;Tm I. latehiosii, (Kll.) S/iliinia lalrluosa. lill. llutl. Torr, Hot. Cliili, VIII, p. iji). l.etiliisfilufiia hUi-hiii.Hi. Sacc. Syll. ,;i76, Pcritlicciii Lii'<'i:'!i lions, iiiimilc. siil)('lli|iticiil. l.'jO \ L'OO //. snlicn (iciilar, l)iit proiiiiiiciit iiiid covcrcfl l»y the lil;ii'k('ii('<| ciiticl*'. (►siin Inin piipillirdriii, cniiiipciit. Asci cliiViitccyliiMlric;!!, (lO-TO .\ S n, sessile. I'iU'iiplivses iilifoi'iii, interwoven. loniici' tlian tlie iisci. Spo I'idiii crowded, riisiloi-ni, sliulilly i-iii'ved. .">-se|tliite, psile ln'own. snli fonslricfed iit llie middle sepMiin. 2()-'i") x 'i n.. On Itiisiil sjiciitlis of old Andi'ojxxjoii. Xewlield. N. .1. L. epiram'ta, (€ke.) Splireria fpiaiiecla, Cke. (Irev. V. p. 120. /.eptosplicviia epicanfla, Saco. Syll. ,;c)yo. Hi'ptameria I'pitarecia, Cke. Syn. 4X5(1 IVritlic'ciit ficattei'ed, covered liy the (iiti(dc. wliicli ii]i|ieiirs diiri\er over llieni. Asci cliivate. Sporidia liiseriate, liroadly laiiceoljitr. ."{-septate, yellow, second cell I'atlier larger, ;!0.\I()//. I'eritliecia when dry, scarcely visible. On h'ii\c^ n{' C (I rex piiUa. Killiniiii, I!. iS: C. Crtv. IV, p. i.|.). Jj-ptospliiT) ill i»tliiiu:>ii»i»i", Sacc. Syll. ,^071. Hi-plaiHii ia (iithograniimi, Cke, Syu. 4S39, I'lx.-iicc. K.ll. N, A. I'". Uji. cntic apex ridia swoll Forming' j)arallel black lines, surrounded on each side by the lo, and 1 nun. or inoi'e lon<>'. I'eritliecia small, with only the erumpent. Asci clavate, about 80x 10-12 //, para [)hy sate. Spo- liiseriate, oblono'-fusoiil. yellow, 3-5-septate, with the middle Joint en, 2.J-.}.) X ( //. On Zed and ErinnthuH, Pennsylvania, New .lei'sey and Carolina. li. soi'^«'>|)liila, (Pk.) Sp/itn ill sin\i;npliila, Pk, ,-,lst Rep, p, ,sr, Ij'ptmphtriia .soiiiirphilu, Sacc, Syll, .\o-^. ffeptatiiLiia sorgopliila, Cke, Syn, 4S4r), I'eritliecia very minute, iinniersetl. erumpent through a longi- tudinal chink, elliptical, l)lack. Asci eloiigated-clavate. Sporidia bisoriato, ol)long-cylindrical, trisej)tate, constricted at the septa, pale ^vllen young, then colored, 27-30 n long. 371 .'l|llC(|. S|)() 11. sill)- On linisli ((i'iiii (iM liiooiii-roi'ii hnidiii. (Jiri'iilmsli. N. V. 'riic ostinlii iirc so olisfiii'c lliiit tlicy t'iiii w itii (lilliciilly lie seen. I. MijIuUtii, (\>>st.) Sphifiiii Mkhnltii, Wist. Hull. Soc. roy, Imt. Help. 11. Si-r. toiii. VII, No. 52. Sl>li,n,llii Muholtii. A«il. M\c. Kiir. p. is, tab. VI, fiK. 7,S. I.i'ptiispliiri til hiniiiit. Slice. !•'. Vtii. Ser. II, p. jiy, /.I'I'los/'lur) III Mklioltii, hacc. !•'. Ital. tab. 279, Kxsicc. I'lDwr. Spli. Itril. 267, 2(iS.— Rav. 1'. Am. 750. I'('iitli('('i;i sfiittcicd (ir ^•i-cuiiiious. nl lirst fovi-rcd. iil'tci'Wiinls 1 riiiupciit. (l('i)it'ssiMl-s|ilH'iioiil. with ii slioit. sluirp. coniciil ostiolimi. liliitk. 1< ()-")") x 12-1.") n. with ,- I III li'iiitiiii, iKsm. Ann. Sci. Xat. III. Scr. toni. V, p. 49, Spliin ill III uiii/iiiiiifii Spha- I.i'pliiiplitniii (,' //. On At'iindiiKirla. South ('arolina. ..)-se]ilate. c dl L liystei'ioiafs. K. & K. iJull. Wash. Coll. 1884, j.. 4. Pei'ithecia jiloliose. 10.") it diam., covered liy the lilackened cuticle which is pierced Ity the oliliisely-conical ostioliim. Often several jieri- tliecia are coiidneiit in the direction of the longei' axis of the leaf so as to rescMilile clostdy some minute Ilytitcrimii and this resemblance is increased when, as ol'teii happens. tli<' epidermis splits alon<>' the line of the f)stiola. isci o lonu' or ol)lon.u-cvIindrical, 8")-ir2 x 12-15 a: 372 parapliyjiC's iiiutted tojietlicr at tlicir tips. Sporidia Msciiaft'. olilori^- fn.siibiiu, hyaliiic, 4-inifleaU', l»(ri)iiiiii n in the longer diameter. Asci oblong, sliort-stipitate, H-.sjiored, 60-80 x I fi-20 /«. parajthysate. Sporidia 2-3-sei-iate, oldong, obtuse, 3-septate, scarcely constricted, slightly curved, clear yellow, 21-24 x 7-9 /i. On , 16-20 X 6-7 //. On leaves of C(/^/A>'o,s'« dhjidii, Maneotsok, (Jreonlaiid. L. Xei'opliylli, Ell. Am. Nat. 1883, p. 316. Bx.sicc. EH. N. A. F. 1340. Poritliocia scattered, subjrloboso, 150-1 !)0 // diiiiii., seniiiniinerscd. Ostiolnni olttnse witli a rather larire opeiiiiijir, elevatin<>' and splittiiiu the epidermis, by which it is partly covered. Asci olilonji' or oblono- clavate, sessile, 55-(!Ox 15 //.with ol»s<'iire paraphyses. S])oridia bi- seriato, broa\iit throniih crai;]'^ in the ejudonnis, lilack, suliconvt^x, papillate. Asci clavate. 8-spored. .^poridia snblanceolatc, ronnded at the ends, biseriato. tri- .'{74 scptiitc. si'jii'ccly (•(iiisli'ictcd. piilc l)r(t\vii. 'I'l \ 0 //. On l*}i(U'iii'nnii. ('iililoiiiiii ( lliirkiicssi. L lollinilatii. K. vV K. I'roc I'hil. Anid. July. IS'.M). |.. -i;}:. Oil [talc wliitc. elliptic-ill spots li— Ixl-IA iiiiii. I'ciitlicciii liiir- icil ill the .•'iihstiiiicc ol' tlic Iciil' with tlicir iipiccs sliulitly pruiiiiiiciit. few on ii spot ( l-(>). sniiill (!(• T") // iliiiin. Asci cliiviiti'-cyliinlriciil. •V) X 10-12 /i. Sporidiii liiscriiitc, ohloiiii' or (•l!iviit('-ol)l()iiMth Hep. p. 10.'). I'ei'itheciii scattered, siilicnticniiir. 112-12') // diiiiii. pierced above, raisinu' the opidei-iiiis in a papillirorin niaiiiiei' so that the stem is sliii'jitly I'onjihened. Asci al»iiiidaiil. oldoiiLi-cylindncal. 7 ")-l^t> x 1") //. paraphysate. S](oridia ltis('riate, I'lisoid. curved, siildiyalinc. iincleate. then iiiiise])tate. Iiecoininir r5-se])tate and coiistricte(| at the middle sep- tum, 24-27 x4- *) //. On dead stems ol' Cofn/lor/t/Mi, Ciwoixw. N. V. (I'eck). London, ('anada ( Deariiess). 'i'lie diaunosis is di'auii Iroiii the Canada specimens, which were not fully mature. Imt there seems no doiiht that they re|»reseiit the species (Icsci'IIkmI hy Peck. ** Sporidia i^)-n('ptiifc'. L. iiicarcerhta, (B. & (!.) Splumia hicatcfuita, li. iSi C. (Irev. IV. p. 152. [.i't>lmplur< ia incamrata, Sacc. Syll. 3174. /Iit>laiiiriiit I'licciio-ni/d. Cke. Syii. 4968. Perithecia under a little clouded spock of the cuticle opening hy a little lon<»itudinal fissure. Sporidia torulose. straijiht, o-septate. 50 ft loiiu'. On SjHirfiiKi, South Carolina. This cannot ditVer much from L. (tlhopunrfafa (West). L Stramiiiis, Cke. & Haik. Crev. XIV. p. 10. Culmicolous. Perithecia scattered or sul).') \ Ci-S fi. On sti'iiw, ('iililitiiiiii. li. S|iai'tiiKi', K. iV K. .loiiiii. .M.v(()l. I, |». 4;^>. I'critlicciii uTcu'Mi'iitiis (iilioiit I nun.), ('(tvt'i'cd hy tlic lihn'kcncil (Miticic wliicli is riiiscd into little inoniinctn'es over tlicni nnil pierced Ity tlie |)ii|iillil'ni'ni iind iit lenu'tli linnidly pei'lui-iileij ustiuhnn. Asci 11')- 120xrJ-l'") //. snrronnded liy idmndiint |>;ii'ii|>, iind r(»ntiiinin.i:' eiulit (\VM-iiiid<('d, liioiidly liisiloini, |nde yellow i,-ili, o-septiite, .■jr)-4 "> x s-|() // s|M»iidiii. On enliMs ul' S/mrf/'iitt deciiyinii' on llie lieiieli. Ciipe Miiy sind Atliintie City, N. .1. This nmsl lie very nenr />. Incdrccrttfd, 15. A- ('.. hiit in tliiit species tin^ peiitliecia iire snid to lie under " ii little eloiide<| speck in tlie cuticle openinii' 'ly ii little lonuitndiiiid lissiire."' wliile in L. S/xif- tiiKV tlie snrliice of tlie ciiliii is niiit'ornily liliickened nnd I'iiised into little pustules liy the siilijiiceiit peiitheciii, and these pustules iire not l(jii<>itudiniilly clelt, lint merely perlorutod hy the pii|iilliroriii ostiohi. \i. allMi|MiiH'tiita. (\»st.) S/i/iin iti ii//t(i/>iiiii /(i///, rihi >/i(/ii, K, iS: E. Joiirti. Mycol. I, p. 43. I.if>l<>st>liiriiii alho/iinuliilit. Sacc. Syll. 31 16. //{•filiim.iia (ilhi>f>ii>nliilii, Cke. Syii. 4%2. Kxsicc. Kll. & \'M. N. A. !•■. 21I Scr. 2616. Pcritheciii sciittercd, sulioviite, nieniliranaceous, hurietj under the l)lackeiie-4() x 7-0 //. Distiiifiiiishcd liy its punctirorm ostiola, which are the only outward indication of the hurled ]ieritliecia. The fruit is scarcely dilVeront from that of tlio jire- ceediny species. The part of the culm occupied hy the jierithocia is uniforndy hhickened. On decayinu: culms oi' Sparthuf, Cape May, \. J., and on culms oi' June II X maritiiiius, Ocean Spriniis, Miss. (Ti-acy). We have compared L. stivtit, E. A- E. with an authentic sjioe. of L. alhopiiiivtata, West., sent us hy Prof. Oudcmans, and it isundouht- edly the same. Ii. I'lilmicola, (Fr.) Sfiliiri ia ciihuiiola, Fr. S. M. II, p. 440. l.(t>li».plicci-ia ciihuirola, Awii. Taiisch-Vfrein, 1866. p. 4. Ex.sicc. Rehiu. Asc. 143.— Tliiim. .M, r.457. I i) I is''. i I [ir'!''f a7-H() x S-!) //. w itii tililoi'ui |i!ii'ii|)liys('s. Sjioridiit I'lisoid, siil)iii(M|uiliit('nil mid ul'tcii sli. 520. /.efilos/thtrria Xaiili, Ct-s. Sc I)e Not. Schi-mn, p. (12. Pleos/iiiia .Viiiiii, Hckl. Syiiib. p. 1,57. Kx.sicc. Knl). lUib. Myc. fi.|o.— Fckl. I". Kli. Sjs. I'crilliecia scattered, luiri'd, finally enini|ieiit. uloliosc. Mack, flat and pcrlorated aliovc, ITt'-liH) // diani. Asci cylindrical, siiliattcnii- atcd lu'low, sessile, S-spored, TO-SO x 1()J-12 //, with tiiif'orin pai'ajjli- yscs. Sporidia l>iseriatc, Insoid, snliine(|uilatcral or slijihtly curved. i"»-sc]»tutc. the third cell mostly a little swollen, yellow, 23-25x4-") // On ^^anliiK fftrirto, Nanfolia, ((\ & E.) Sfihinia lielimi /t long. Sporidia sulifusiibrm. 20-25 // long, ends olituse, straight or curved, olivaceous, 4-5-septatc. On leaves of Colpodinm Jatifolivni, (ii'cenland. *** Sporhlia C)-\2-sepfafe. L. 8poi'«boli. Ell. & Gahv. .Tourn. Mycol. \, p. fiG. Perithecia scattered, eruin])cnt-su)terficial. subhemisjilierical, gla- iil.iUw M7" illM'C ()( iilu-ll 1|»- M' IlilSC. X-\) It. (I oltcii thick (')• IIUDI- N. Y. ick. (lilt •iittciiii- [tiii-iipli- c'liivcd. 4—") n acroiis. 111. II. I) \ iiini. Osti- 100 // fflit or 1, glf lirims. IiIjk k, 'JOM-'J'tO // iliiiin.. with n »hni't, thirk. iii|i|ph'-liki' u-tidliim. A-<'i (•hiVMtc-cvliiKJrii'iii. T')-S(> x Ki-lS /<. willi iiIiiiimIiiiiI |i;ir;iph,v,^c>. S|i(tii(liii ( ro\vmi S/inrofjn/iis ls. Moiitillin ( AlulcrsoiiV IHll'crs IVoiii A. (ii/iiii/'f(n/(i in its more scattered iiio(h' ol' urowtli mid (|iiile coiistiiiitly oidv (i-septiite sporidiit, and rr/iiri>,i Mii/io/i/ii/ii, Pk. .;iitli Ktp. \>. dd. /.r/i/o.^/i/iirnti snif't'/iliila. Sacc. Syll. ,^oo;. IlipUtinitia mipii/tliilii, Cki-. Syii. .\^\\. I'critliecia iiiiniite. sidiulolio.-c scattered, coNcred liy tlio epidcM" mis which is rnptnred liy the minute, per('orate(l (tstiohi. Asci cylin lineal »poi idia crasal cells longer than the others. On dead scapes ol' SuniK-c/iiti /iin-jun-cii, Ailiroinhick Mts., N. Y. (I'eck). Minnesota (McMillan). li. Beaiimoiitii. (K. &. ('.) S/>li. 145. lyplos/tlitniii DiaiDiKiiiln. Sacc. Syll. .^179. l/ipliiniii ill Hidiiiiitiiilii, Ckc. Syu. .W".?. Forminfi; little short. Mack lines, luirstinii' tliroiiuh tlie cuticle. Asci elonii'ated, clavate. Sporidia linear, sometimes ohlifpie. with aliont M .-epta and a nucleus in each joint. aO n. lonu'. On stalks of some •'•rass. Alaltama. li. <'ei'atis|KM'a. (B. & ('.) S/i/iiri I'a tri ii/itfci i> . B. & C. Orcv. IV. p. 15". l.rfititst'lnrtia ct'iiifis/inni, Sacc. Syll. 317H, /fifi/iiiiiii id ii-iii/is/iiixi. Ckc. Syu. .(972. I'eritliecia lircii'arioiis. conical. S|»oridia lonu', curved, acuminate at liotli <'iids. with 12 or more septa, prqjectiim' at the sejita like the lioi'iis ol' some antelope. On some thick, herltaceoiis stem, jiossilily Zca. South (^arolinn. L. intei'spei'sa, (Cke.) S/>/iiriiti in/ii>/>eiMi, Cke. C'.rev. VI, p. 146. I.i'hliisplun ill iiitris/iiisa. Sacc. Syll. t,\M- Scattered. I'erithecia g-loliose. suliprominent, Itrown, with jtap- 48 \i h|! l|i:,' i\ m If .•{7K illiroriii osliidii. Asci fliivntc-cylirKlriijil. Sinnidiii liisciiiid', ('iisifoiin. T-scptiiU', lnijilit, liiowii, i\{ lirst niiclciitf. Oil Imsks i>\' Zni .]f(ii/s, (Jiiiiisvillc, Fhi. No iiiciisiiroiiiciits are jrivcii. li. KixaiiiiVcola, (B. & ('.) Spliirtia -.niiniiriiilii. II. J4 C. dri'v. IV, |>. i.|s. SftlKriiii n'liiiisu, Schw. (Ilerli.) /y/>/i>.\/i/iifiiii :i-iiniirr(ila. Siifc. Syll. 3175. HipltKiiei in :i .lUiurrnUi. Cke. Svii. 4iiiic(|. Wc have seen no aiitlieiific Hppciiiieiis. L. ciilniffi'aj!;:!, (Vv.) S/>liir>iit iiihiii/nigii, Vr. S. M, II, p. SH'- l.ff>lospliiC>ia inlmifiaga. Ces. S: Di' Nut. Sclifiiia. p. hi. l'!e(is/>oraciilHiifiaiiti, I"c'kl. Syiiil). p, 1,^7. Kxsicc. Hckl. I-". Rli. 22.13— Kihin Asc. n/s, 700, ~^\, 7'<.S.-Kah, I'. V,. 15,^2. — I''iiiiKi HutiK. 74. .?6f'.— M. March. 2,VS4, 3iy4. I'ei'itliecia scattcre(l or seriate, at lirst covered, alterwards eriiin- pont tliron<>:h cracks in the epidermis, sulicoinpressed, mostly (dliptical, sometimes spherical, with a short-conical ostioliim, Mack, fflalirous or with a lew brown, mvi-elial threads around the Itase, ;{00-4()0 x 200 'IhO ft. Asci (davat<', S-spored. SO-lOO ft lony'. 12-14 ft Itroad, par- aphysate, Sporidia 2-3-serirttc altovi;, riisoid-elongatod, mostly curved, 7-9-!?cptate, the third coll jienorally a little swollen, slightly constriittod ill the septa, yellow, 35-40 x 5-7 //. On PuiiicHm, New Eniflaiid (liork. in (Jrev.), on ciilma of l^/ilcmu p/uifense, New Jersey, on stems of ,yrass, N(nv York (Peck), and on Paniniui Curtisii (culms), liouisiana (Lang'lois). C. On cryptogitvioiiH plants. L. Mareyeiisis, (Fk.) SphtFiia Afaicvensis, Pk. jist Rep. p. 51. Ijplosphccria .^farcyoisis, Sacc. Syll, 3143. lleplameriii Marcyensis, Cke. Syn. 49,?o. Pcrithocia minute, puuctiform, covered Ity the epidermis, which is ruptured by the distinct, slightly prominent, bhint ostiola. Asci oblong-cylindrical, sessile. Sjioridia crowded, subl'usiform, blunt, slightly colored, 3-septate, 25-28x7^ /^, the cells generally nucleate. 870 On Icjivcs ol' LijcopoOiuni unnotimnii iiiul L. tSt-fitf/o. Mt. Miiicv, New Vorlv. L l.vco|i»iliicola. (I'k.) .'istli licp. p. lo,'). /,i/)ti»/i/itrnit lycdpiiitiiiolii, Sncc. Syll. 6()9tameiui lyfipmiiicolii, Ckc. Syii. 492S. IV'iitlM'ciii siiiiill ( I'J')-1 ■)(► /^), spliiiMoid or ollipticiil, ('niiii)»t'iil. Iihick. Asci siiltcvliiMliiciil, lu'ui'ly sessile, f)')-?") x 7-10 //. Sporidiii <)liluii /<. On (lead |MMlinieles of Li/coixuliinii vhtvatuiii, Adiroiidiiek Mts.. New York. The peritlieein lire nssoeinted with a niinutelv tufted Chnht Kjinfiitiii, Some ol' tlieni are laterally compressed. Tlie sporidin are niueli narrower than in L. Crcpini and L. Mure yen nix. \i. Crepiiii, (West). Spliinia Offiitii, West, in Hull, dt- In Hoc. (It botnii. rit. is steiilo, and in Honni. F. (Jail, tiiere is (»nly some stylosporons linmns, so that we can only .emeii, C. & P. 29th Rep. N. Y. State Mils. p. 65. Mflasplueiiit sruit'u, Sacc. Syll. M^- l'iilosf>liir>iii sfmeii, Cke. Syii. 2996. I'erithecia .!ol)ose, clustered, pierced at the apex, i)Iaek. Asci ciavate or cylindrical. Sporidia hisoriato, lanceolate, stiaiirlit or curved, 3-septate, dtieply constricted in the middle, hyaline, 30-35 // long. On fallen petioles ol' Pi/rus A/nen'vana, New Vork State (Peck). M. nibida, E. & E. Proc Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil. Jnly, 1890, ]>. 237. Peritliecia jire.ii'arious, glohose, minute {\ mm.), sunk in tlie surfaeo of the wood with their apices and ohtusely-eonic ostiola projecting'. On carefully shaving oil" the ostiola, the ujtpor part of the perithecium is seen to l»e Idled with eainose, liright llesh-rc. sp. al»out40x 12 //). Paraj»liy.>ies altuudant, longer than the asci. Sporidia crowded-i)iseriate, oltlong-fusoid, slightly curved, 3-sep- tate, the next to the upper cell swolltMi. hyaline, 20-22 x3i-4J //. The upper part of the peritliecia seems to Ite covered (as in (Jlypeo- it scM'ins iiiny lie or liiirk .Tsl iq)h(vriu) with a iikh'c or Icpis distinct i'ii|> of hhick. carlioiiaceous matter wliit'li is irrciiiilarly ru])tnro(l l»y tlic ('iii('r;;:('nt ostioinni. On a decayiiiu' !(»<;■ ol J'/atanvn o. HI9. talt. XXIX, li);'. 11. Pcritlu'i'ia scattered or jire^arions, depressed-splierical, l)Iack or cinei-eous-ldaek, |>iei't'e(| with a round pore al»ove, 18()-20(> // diani. Asci cylindrie-clavate, short-pedieellate, parapliysato, S-spored, r)4-()0 x S-10//. Sporidia Itiseriate, cylindrii'-liisoid, liyaliuo, 3-septate, not t'on- s(ri('te(l, second cell scarcely or only slijrlitly enlarged, straiu'lit or curved, 22-2 S x 4-0 «. On leaves (A' Ant/j/s d/p/iid, Kerortusok, (Jrcenland. The (Sreeidand specc. have asci To-DO x 10 //. sporidia 2 ")-2S x .'i-4 //. M. I'assiopes, Rostr. Funui (Jriinl. p. '»(H (No. ISl). I'eritliecia scattei'ed, seniiinniiersed. Asci cylindric-clavate. 1^7- 40x10//, parapliysate, 8-sp()reiseriate, fusoid-oldonu', obtuse, .-J-septat,e. hyaline, 12-1.') x 5 //. On dry leaves of Cannhpa tett'na. (ireeidan. ii'),>. Indophlita anisoiiietm, Cki.-, I'lipv. .WII. p. v). I'lxsicc. Kll. N. A. K. Suo. Perithecia evenly and thickly scattered, eriinipent. minute (loO /i)t sultglobose, l)lack, roiiiifh, with a [(apillilbrni ostioluin soon pci't'oratod. Asci ol)lonhtly olivaceous and constricted above the middle. In the specc. distributed in N. A. F. the sporidia are mostly less than 5 /i thick. On twiii's of Mhmduii ghitiDOsua, Lonioera, CupreMHiis, Ehcu- JyptvH. Iiuh}(n, Dracft'/ia. and on ])Oih ol' Hob/nia, C/aliforiiia. M. siibcnthnea, (K. & E.) Spharia i it fir ii /an fa, C. St K. firev. VII. p. 41. MelaaplKriia siihciilaxta, Sncc. SyU. II, p. 167, Cke, Syil. 4l6,v Pei'ithecia scattered, sennenimpent, ova to-globose, black, thin- , :!i- m m fa rlHJiiiiccniis, iiltoiit 'JUU V (liiiiii. Oslidliiiii rmi |ii|ioi'idi!i not coiistrieted, iiiiij none of the cell.- swollen. M. iMtiuTi'ii. {( . \ K.) S/ilnnui hiiiitrui. C. «i K. Criv \'m, \>. 15. Mihiifi/iirini hoiiceia. Sacc S\U. 11. p. ii'i. anil t'ke. Svii. .tt.-;^'. K\sifO. V.W. N. A. V. S-^7, (ill \tnv\). I'ei'irlieciii scattered, covered I)_v the ejiidonnis. .-^iiIiuIoImw. ])i'o|ttate. Iiyaline. slinhtly ciirve(|, with a lioi'ii-sliaiieil a|i]ieiida,L!'e at each end, .")0-;;2 X "A /< without the aiipeiidau'es (which tiiially il a|.|.<'ar). On dead herliaceoiis steins, N'ewlield. X, .1. M- plii^'ariiin. (Cke. vV liaik.) S/'li,r>iii f>liif:iii mil. Cki'. N: IlMtk. r,n'\'. .\IIt, p. M. /■:ii(/it/. IS- .yti-litsfiluei in filattai mil. Svll. reritliecia Li'i'enarioiis, covered, elevateil. siioulol)ose. lilack, cac- lionaceoiis. collected in |iatches covere(l liy the convexly (dev.ated cuticle. Asci clavate, sessile. S-sjM)i'ed. Sporidia lanceolate, inor- dinate, triscptnte, hyaline, lS-20x4 //, ends jiciite. ()n liarU o\' Eurah/pfus. Oaliloniia. .M. Cattaiiei. Satr. .acc livalUK; On withered leaves of rice. Smith Carolina and lionisiana. M. Myi'it'}!'. Pk. 3stli IJep. p. 10.-). Pcrithecia luunerons, liroadlv conical, 400-')00 il diani.. covered 3S3 liy tilt' thin, I'loscly inllicrinji' o)»i(loi'iiiis, hlack. white within. Ostiohi pciioriitetl. Asci i-'hiviiU'. oittusc 1 00-1 2") x 1(1-20 //. with iilinmhuit. (•(tnulutiiiiitcd |»!ii'a|ih_vs('s. Sporidin crow(h'(l or liiscriate, ()l»hjnx 10-12 /i. On "h'iul liranchcs of Mijt'ivit Golc, iyinu- partly in water, New York State. The epi(l(!rniis is so closely adlxMcnt that the peritheeia appear as ii' saperlicial or merely innate at the liase. The nuclei of the sporidia are iaru'c. Sporiilia with 3 septa were i-are. luit this may have heen due to immaturity. M. stapliyliiia, (Pk.) S/>/i,rii,i, s//n/iiiii. I'k. 26tli Rep. p. S6. M>taspli(riia sUipliylhia, Sacc. SyU. ,VI47. luidiifililaa slaphyliiui. Cke. Syii. .jifit, Peritliecia minute, hiack, covered liy the (•])idorinis which at lenjfth ruptuics in u stellate; mannei- or ii-i'e^ularly. Asci? Sporidia hisoriate, colorless, constrictc.'d in the middle, S-o-sojttate, 20-25 // long, the two parts ibrnied liy the central septum une((ual in dianietei-. On dead twigs o{ Staph ylea trifolki, Ifelderhorg Mts., N. Y. M. leioste^a, (Kll.) .Sfi/uriia/i-iiis/ixa, KU. lUiU. Torr, Hot. Club, VIII, p. 91. Mttasphiriia leioslfga, Sacc. SyU. 3.1.^2. Kxsicc. Kll. N. A. F. 88S. Peritliecia gregarious, pustulilbrm, entirely covered l>y the cjii- dermis wliich is usually not rui)tnred or Ulackoned over them, sul»- pi'omineiit, of medium size. Asci cylindrical, 80-100 x 10-12 //, abruptly narrowed below into a short, stipe-like base, not parajihysate. Sporidia uniseriate, elliptical, nearly hyaline, 3-septate, 12-18 x7-8 //. On various dead twigs, Garya, Rosa, Vaccmium &c., Newfiold, N. .!., tand on Rlhes, London, Canada (Dearncss). This is certainly very near M. corficola, (Fckl.), but we have no specc. of that species lor comparison. It is also closely allied to Lep- tosphn'.riafusceUa, (B. «fe Br.), but that has olivaceous si)oridia (see p. 353). M. helicicola, (Desm.) Spliiriia lu'licicnla, Desm. i6. Not. 1849, p. 30. Ijptosphinia lielicicola, Dcsiii. Nicssl, Beitr. p. 25, tab. Ill, fig. iS. MilaspJuciia hflicicohi, (I) Sacc. SyU. II, p. 169. Exsicc. Desm. PI. Crypt. VA. I, 20S5, Kd. II, 1785. Ani])liigeiious. Peritliecia scattered, erumj)ent, at length partially i :i i 1 i||l ' '' '' 1! 1:1 !i ■■ }P !r 1 i( 384 free, 1 20 I. ')(>//. (liaiii.. ulnliosc. olitiisciv |i:i|iil!iiti'. roll!i|isiii,u' in tlic cciitoi'. niiiiii'iiisitc. cnriiU'co-iiiciiibriniaccous. Mack. A.-ci hirjir, oltloiiji-, S-sp(»i('(I. ()S-7(i x I(>~ 12 n. sIiort-s1i|titiit(', dlitiiscly llattoiuMl at tlic apox. with scaiih'. lililunii |iaiii]»Ii_vsf's. Sporidia liiscriatc. olilon^ (»r riisoiil-oliloiiu'. ;^)-s('p(at(' and crdislriclcii at tlic septa. lS-20x4 //, ciidpi olttiisc. iiuclcns snlKtlivaccons. On dry leaves \\\ Ilinlci'ti Helix. Tliis is credited to North America liy Saccar(lo in Syll. I, c. iM. Iiedeiii'toliii, (Cke.) S//itriia ciiiiiplaiHild, Snrc. Syll. II, p. mi, and Ckt. Syii. .1(5.1. Peritliecia scattered. siili,ulol)ose. lilack. soon colla]tsinjL;' and llat- tene ft. On fir leaves. Clo.scly allied to 3f. (inlsomatra, (C. A' If.) ^\. sqaniata. (('. cV E.) Splun id si/iKUiia/a, C. iS: Iv Grcv. VII. p. lo. Mi-lasphenia sqiiaiiiala, Sacc. Syll. 3.145. Emiophliva squamata, Cke. Syn. 4158. al. Sill)- (iiinded (luadri- 38.*) f ill flic oIlloilM', ill tlic /I, <'ii(l,- V. l*('iitli('('iii sciiHcrcil, stili('niin)i('iit, l<»ii //. The upp<'r jtart ol" the peiithecium at leufrth Tails away, leavinu' the hlack, cuji-shaped, liemispherieal liase hedded in tli<' liark. Closely allied to M. fehsfe(/xr2-14 ft. Spoiidia Itiscriatc, hiiiccolatc, cii- (Idrliioino "j-partcd, liyaliiio, narrower liclow, 22-2") x 4 />. (l{')-40x !) /«. Cke.), ('onsti'ict('(l at the septa. On Lo/i/rcnt ami Soliifaf/o. Newlield. N. .1. M. I'iniiilni'uiii, (('ke.) S/ //. On reeds {ArniKllinwia), (iainesville, Fia. "The ))eritliecia are collected in little, eloniiated clusters, the cuticle ci-acked aliove them in parallel lines. i»ut the osti(tla do iiol penetrate." M. biac'liytlit'ca, (B. & C.) Spliifiia hiaihytheta, 11. ft C. C'.rev, IV, p. i.|6. Aftfiif/i/nri ia h)ac/iylhccu, Sacr. SyU. ,v),si. i'.mlDphlaa hnuhytheca, Cke. Syii. 4165. [Vritheeia minute, surround(Ml l)y the cuticle. Asci oltovate, very short. Sporidia clavate, with about (» septa, 2r) ii louii', resem- l)linland. M. dissiiieiis, (C. & E.) Sphccria dissiliens, C. & E. Orev. V, p. 51. MetasplitT>ia dissiiieiis, Sacc. Syll. II, p. 163, and Cke. Syn. 4463. Poritheeia scattered, black, at lenirth erumpent, subo-lobose, with punctilbrni ostiola. Asci clavate. .Sporidia l)iscriate, fusiform, 8-sep- tate, 70x9 /i, constricted and divided into two uneipial parts, one of which is 3-septato and the other 4-scptate, readily dividing at the con- striction, hyaline. On stems oi' Demnodi urn strictum, Newfield, N. .1. \i. Oil iiioiiocofi/IedoiiouK pfdiifs. * Sporidia S-scptate. M. Palmetta, (Ck<;.) Spliwyia l\tliiii'tta, Cke. Grev. VII, p. 53. Metasphceiia Palmetta, Sacc. Syll. 34S9. Exsicc. Rav. F. Am. 369. 'ili|ti(»iiii illlOM'. I'lisoid. ;is7 IN'ritlicciii sciittcic*], ('(ivcrcd liy tlic liliickciKMl cpidcriuis. wliicli is liiiscfl into little pustules. Ostiolii eniinjteiit. Asci cyliiKliicjil (•!• eJMViite. (!(>-7(> X l(t-12 /< (30 X 7 // Ckc). Spoiidiii liiseiiiite, lusoid. lividiiie, iiiiiseptiite itt lirst. iteeoiiiinji: vJ-se]itiite iiiid (■((iistrieted. 20-2.') N (1-S ft. Viw. fhh'Jcitlii, K. A' Iv. is on dead spots in the leaves, and has the peiitheeia snlteloniiated or hysteriilorni. Itut does not dilTer inatei'iallv in other respects. On dead jtetioles of .SV//w/ Pulmotto, (ieoru'ia (Ravenel). We have retained this speeies on the authority ol' Dr. Cooke. Imt il is very douiitl'nl whether it is speeilieaily dLrnet from Lcptosphd'- rid su/idi if/era. 1>. A ('. 'J'he only appreeiahle difl'ercnce lies in the lather laruer jieritheeia and sulthyalin<' sp<»ridia. M. maci'otlieca, Kostnip, Funjjji (Jritnl. p. ")()! (N(t. 183). Peritliofia f?re^'arious, Asei very larffc, ovate- olilonj!. con traetod Just helow the apex, stipitate, 130-13') x 30-38 //. Sporidia in-egnlarly 3-seriale. 8-in an a.'^cus, hyaline, 3-sei)tato, each <'ell with a cultical nucleus, 32-35 x 12-13 //. On (h'ad leaves of Cofcx hifperhorca, Sukkertop])en. Orecidand. M. piinctulata, E. & K. .lourn. Mycol. IV, p. 76. I'ei'ithecia scattei-ed, innnersed. the surface of the culm" roniaininir quite oven Imt lilackencd around the small, ei'umpent, hiack ostiola, or fmally www. or less uniformly Itlackenod. I'ei'ithecia friohoso, \-\ nmi. diam., with a white, latlier lirm niicleus. Asci clavate-cylindri- cal, 80-110x20 //, with indistinct parai)liyses. Sporidia fusoid, slightly curved, 3-scptate, hyaline, 40-50 x tl-7 //. On dead culms o{ Puniviiin Cut'titiii, St. Mai'linsvillo, La. M. stenotlieca, (E. & E.) Splitnia {Afr/afp/uri id) s/etiofhfcti, K. & E. Joiirii. Mycol. III. p. 127, Mftitsfiluciia sicnollicca, Sacc. Syll. IX, p. S44. Perithecia scattered. inend>ranacenus, sul)Ovoid, \ mm. diam.. huried in the matrix, except the rathei' prominent, depressed-conoid apex, which is covered by the blnckenetl e])idermis, with only the pajjilliform ostiolum orumpent. Asci linear. 70-80 x 4-5 //, with in- distinct paraphyses. Sporidia uniseriate, overlappin<>', ohlong'-fusoid, 3-4-nucleate, becoming 3-se])tate, subhyaline, 12-10x3 /i. On sheaths of dead Panicum Ciii'tmi, Louisiana (Langlois). V. I' f !"• ' ll I'M ;;| iiiiL:: )l. lacusti'iM, (Fckl.) Sfiluniii ltiinsl)is\ I'ckl. Symh. Nnclilr. II, p. 2i. Mihisplun III ltiiu.slii.\. Slice. Syll. 3471), Ckf. Syn. 44h6. Kxsicc. Hckl. 1". Kh. ^4,^6. Pciitlioci!! jrrcjriirioiis. covered Ity llie epideiiiiis, rniiilly eniiiipenl. liioliose or soiiiewliiit depressed, witli tlie npex S(»iiie\vliiil sliiiiiiiu iiiid erowneil witli ii siii:ill, perloiated, papillironn osti(»lmii. Idiiek, 180- 210// diaiii. Asei <'Ioimiitod-oliloiiir. sessile, ^!■spol•einal speee. ex- amined l>y Dr. Winter. M. inl'ustaiis, E. & E. (in Heil».) I'eritheeia ureiiarions. on the inner surface (tf the sheath, de- pressed-lon5. Metasphcrn'a sabalnisit, Cke. Syii. 4523. Kxsicc. EU. & Kvrlit. N. \. V. 2d Str. 1962. Peritliecia nuinerons, small, covered by the blackened epidermis which is rai.sed into slitflit pustules. A.sci davate. 1 r)0 /i lonjj. Spo- ridia biseriate, fnsoid, 45-50x4-41 //, hyaline, prolon<>ed at each end into a, Inistle-like appendage, uniseptato at first, then 3-septate, tlu* extreme sejitu near the ends. On dead petioles of Siihiil acrriihitd, (Jeoi-gia (Ravenel), Florida (Calkins). M. ceratotheca, (Cke.) Spliieiia icmlulheca, Cke. (Irev. XI, j). 109. Mclaspluci ia itiitlnthna, Sacc. Syll. 6150, ami Cke. Syn. 44S7. Kxsicc. Rav. V. Am. 677. 3S!) Siipci'ticiiil, nestling' in ii lilsick, coiiidiili'i'Diis siil)i('(iliiiii. I'ci i- tlicoiii vcn siiijill, liliick, ojiiikc, Ii('iiiis|»lM'ii<'iil. Asci laiici'dliitc, witli :iii iiciitt', liniii-slm|»('(l ii|iiciiliis iiltovc. Spiiridiu liiiiccdliitc, .'{-s('|itjitt'. Iiviiliiii,', 2') x ."» n. ('oiihlia iiluriscpfatc, iiiiirilnriii, Imowii, ^.'»-,'»(» n loiiji'. On fiilnis *\\' Zcii Mai/K, Aiken, Sontli (Jiirolina. M. Iinyiilis, Kosti*. I. c Pcritliccia uiciiiii-ir )us. aliovr' tlic nwiliinii size, splia'inid. wifli a conoid |>a|iilla. Asci c\ lindiic-clavatc, "(►-7') x 14-1(! //. Spoiidia liist'iiatc. cMincatc-olilonii', l-I-J-scptatf, liyalinc. olttnsc at liotli ends, ■2-l-'H\ X .')-(; //. On dry stems ol' Tnp'rfi/n horcalis. rnianaisnk. (Jrccniand. M. Paiiicoi'iim, (Cke.) Spliiriilla /\i II if II III, Ckc. Crov. V, p. i.s.l. .\r,lasplitniii lUiiuiiniiii. Sacc. Syn. .^S?, mid Cke. Syti. .\^~i). l'(M'itli('cia cpijdiyllons, scattcicd, cMtvcrcd, on pnrpic spots. Asci clavatc. Spoiidia Itisciiati", I'lisirorni. liyalinc, triscptato. 25x5 ft. On iadinji: leaves oi' /*(tn/'ruiti. South (.'arolina. M. rairctoniiii, (B. & ('.) Splmiia ciiiir/iii Hill. B. Sc C. Crev. IV, p. i.s.v Mi'/usp/itrria lurirtoiiiiii. Sacc. Syll. .^487, and CV:e. Syn. .(4S2. Minute, i>uiietifoi'iii, scattered, .siiliproininciit. Asei elavate. Sfio- ridia sliort-liisironn, 4-iiiieleafo. No iiieasurciiients <>iveii. On leaves of (7^//'P.i;_/b///(w//«^f/, United SUites. M. reciitit.'i, (Vv.) Splimia renili/a, Kr. S. M. II, p. 524. Spliiriflla iniitita, Fckt. .Syinb. Nachtr. II, p. 21. .\fila.\pliniiii- |H'lit. Asci tliiMilc, iilt('lilliit('-sli|»itiiti'. tMI-lOOx I'J 11. |iiilii|>li\siilr. S|Mnitliii liii-criiitc, I'lisoiil or cliiviitc-riisoiil. 2(>-2."» x -J-.") //. ciiiloi'liroiiic 4-(l-|»iiitc(l. iiio.-tly .Vpiiitcil, piilc vclluw. ( >ii ilciid stems iA' Jiniciis. loiiii, N. .). 'I'lic s|iiiriiii!i an- nt liist siiiioiiiKlt'il witli :i ln-niid, ircliitiiiuiis ('liv»'lu|i(' w liicli (lisii|i|H'ais tnyctlici' witli the l»iistlr-liki' ii|ii<'iil ii|i|M'ii- tliiifi'. Tlic nit'iisiiiciiiciits Ih'Cc u'ivcii ii|i|tly to the lioily ol" tlic s|M»ri(l- iiiiii Jiiul do not incliidc tlif ni\rl(t|M'. Siiccc. dl A. niKiijon. S. »V S, ill Kfi<'U('is Siix. FiiiiLri. I.'JO. mit (|iiit" dilVcicnt IVoin tliis. L. }ntivliiii. Awd. (Mvc. March. 2140) lias iiiiifli siiiallcr and less idoniiiicnt pcri- tliccia. y\. Iiyalospora, (Ssu'c.) I.,'pliisf. 27,5. Mcliisplnn HI h\alii>ti(iia. Sacc. Syll. 34y7, Cke. rtyti. .i.|ii,s. Kxsicc. Hll. N. A. F. ss;. I'ciitliocia ,uT('iit sc|»aiiit(', cniiniiciit-siipci'licial. rafhor less than i nun. diani., uioljosr. Iihick. Ostioiiini iiithcr acutely coni- cal. Itccominu' narrowly iicrloratcd. .\sci densely lasciciilate. cyliii- dric-suliclavate. !)(>-l(t(> x 10-1'^ //. olteii llexnoiis. S sporctl. with a short, nodiil(»se stipe, and with lilirorin |iaiaphyses. ."-^poridia fiisoid. 28-32 X ')^-().^ //, olitusely acnniiiiate at each end. soinewhat curved. S-ifiittiilate, tiien tornlose, 7-septiite, hyaline. On decayiiiti' stalks i)\' Zed .}fn/s and on culms of Ptniiviini mis- (jiiUi, Newlield, N. .1., and on S- 45x7-!) ,«, l)-12-so]»tato and sliiihtly carved. C. On rryptof/fUHOuti phiuts. M. epipteridea, (Cke. & Hark.) Sp'litnia rfiifitiiidh. Cke. & llnrk, f.rev. IX. p. S. Melasplun ia ipiptei iiiea, S.icc. Syll. 3513, Cke. ^\\\. 451,%. •S-attcred, covorod oi- eniinpent and seiniinimersed, hlack. Asci clavate, ."Jcssile. Spt)ridia iiisoid, hyidine. 3-')-sept^ite, 22-25x0 /i. On stipes iA' Pfcrh lUjuillmi, (Jalil'ornia. M. Lycopodii, (B. & ('.) Sphcryia I.ycopodii, H. & C. Orev. IV, p. 155. Melaiplurria Lycopodii, Sncc. Syll. 351 x, Cke. Syii 4511. Puuctifonn, (jnitc covered by tlio cuticle, not tiie least projecting. .T.n 'riiiiccs. •'rum- • llVSJilc. • •Iiruiiic Asci cliiviitc. S|i(»riili;i lii-ciiiilc. .■'Iiuilly I'lir-iloriii. liviiliiK', lii.^cpliitt'. No IIM'llSlin'IIK'lltS liivcii. On fji/coiioiliiini. New .Iciscy. < KKMISPOR A. Xiessl. (Plat.' .12) Not. I'vf. ]) u rci'itiirt'iii s(')inci'<'(|. >iiiil< ill tli<> iiiiiti'ix. with lli<> ostioliiin imiiiii- |M'iit. iiml llir |M-i illM'i'iii iIm'iiiscIm-s liiiiillv siili<'i'iiiii|ii'iit or r.xpitscd. Asci S.s|M»n'(|. Spoiifiiii I'lisoid, I-.'J-scptiitc, vcllnw or ycllowisli- lii'uwii, with ii liyiiliiic. iiiiK-i'iiiiiiti' ii|i|i('iiihiL>'<' !it <'ii('h rml. I'iii':i|)hy.''('>> I'VillU'Sff'llt. Ill the oiijiiiiiil (liiiu'iiosis ol thi' li'ciiiis, only thr ustiohi iii'c criiiii- |i('llt, liiil ill lidlh the -iiccics here ilcsciilicil the |i('i'ith('(iit thciiis<'l\('i< lire liiiiilly ('i'iiiii|M'iit-sii|K'rlici;il. Mr. Winter inclinh's this in Kiini. (tiiniiioiilriv. liiil it seems to lis more closely iillieil to PIvnsiKtriiv. r. Moiitaiilnisis. (K. i.\. Iv iS: V,. Joiini, Mycol, IV, p. '14. I'eritlie(.'iii scattered or ol'teiier seriate in longitudinal cracks in the liark, eriiin|ielitsii|ierlicia!. deiiressed-nloliose. J-^ nini. diani.. smooth, with a small, tii)iei'ciihir-|ia|iillirorm ostioliiin pierced with a sli. Islinliilii |»ii|iilliri>nii. Asii t\ limliiciil, S-.-jKiii'd. |i!iiii|p|ivsiil«'. S|in'i(liii rlmi L!!it<'(l-riisoi(|. sctiucifMisiipiifiMliniliilc iiiiil(i>('|itiit<'. Iiviiliiir. S. raiiadeiisiM, K. A: K. lin lliili.i I't'i'itlicriii suli(iii\ . nviitc. :{ \ .1 iiiiii. Slink in the iiiiifr luiik, of lijilit-rolMicd, \v»\y rniisistt'iicc inside, llic iipi'X ndsiiiu llic <'|iid<'iiiii.» into •'linlil pnsliilcs liiudv pnldiiiti'd Itv the |iii|iillir(ii'ni Dslinlmn. Asti cvlindiicjil, sliort-stipiliilc, 20(»-'J,s(» x )(»//, with iiliiindiin! lililorin |iiirii|)li_vs('s. S|'«nidiii nvci |ii|i|iinfr-iiiiic(Hiiit(', riisoid-rvliiidriciil. iiliuiil l.Vscpditi', 4(»-(»() \ S-l>'//, !it llisf Miiicli -iiiiillci', iiliisf|»fiit(' mill si-tiji- t'iMiis ill ciirli riid. On liiiik t\\' Crnftri/tis. Lundoii, Caiinda ( honi nt'ss). .11 LKM.A. H. Fab. Sillier. Vuiicliisf, ]> 1 1.;. ilio'l,,! IV'ritli ciii sjiii|»lr. siiliiilitlMist'. tvpifiiliv «-ov('n'd, lint (in th Aiiii'iitiin spccicsi siilicrnnipciil. Asci l-'Jspoicd. Spniidia lar;!'!'. (•Ill tliiiiti'-i'('ti(.Mi late, vellnw isli. .1. iiionos|ieiiiia. (I'k.) ■Sp/iiriia moiiospiiHiti, I'k. 2SH1 Rep. ji. 74, pi. >. fig<*. ,Vi-,?y. Jiililla niiini>sfi,i )nti . Sncc. Syll. ?,^'.\, rci'itliocia scattered, seniiiinniersed. ovatedieniisplierical. Mack, alidiit /, iiiMi. diain. Ostiolnni tiiliei'('iilnr-pa]iillilonii. flattened aliove and soon pierced with a larjfr, ninnd oiteninn'. Asci clavale-olilfinji'. 75-150 x3( MO //. ^'itli aliundaiit, lililoiin paiapliyses. Sporidia only one in an aseus, (hinsely clatlirate-fenestrate. and nearly filling the ascns, yellowisli-liyaline. On decorticated l)ir<'li wood. Forest 1 in i'r/cnss. Ilfilw ("-M, p. .'■;. iN'ritlici'iii ^TiiMt'irrl. ?^iil)s|iliici')*ii|, siiliiiM-iiil)t'siliiH't'iiiis. (nvt'ictl iii -iilM>i'iiiii|i)>iit. <>,«tii)liiiii |iit|iilliil(' ni- (■l(iiiH'iiti>(|. Ast'i rvliiiilrit'iil. S)Mti'iiliii lililiM'iii. v^nttiiliitc or .xc|ittiti', liviilinr or vcllowish. Ciiiilico- lulls or ciiliiiicoloiis. 0. iu'iiiiiiiihtiis, iSnw.) Sphii iiii lit niiiiiiiilu, Sow. l'.i>K I'litlKl. li'l' Mi\- fiK' A- .S/>/i niiitii.v, with only the roii- iciil or sliort-cvliii Hilling' iiwiiv ol' tlir <'|ii(|t>niiis, sii|H-rfi(-iiil. :ilioiit \^ inm. ijiiiiii.. often u itii iiiytclial liypliu' iiroiiinl the luisc. Asi-i cvlindrir-cliniilc, S-sporcd, -lipiliilc, IliO-loOx >i-ni /<. |«irii|tli_v.-sc|»tnt('), iisiiiillv witli one Joint liifiir llic middle ino.e siilK'<|iiiil purls. 0. por|)'»^(nins, (Tode). Sf>h,riui />iii fihyingoiia. Toilf I'uiiKi Mickl. II. jj. ij, tali. IX. tiif 72. SfiluFiia nihfllii, IVrs. Syii. p. i\v h'hiifiliiilofihitm nihr/lii. I)f Nut. Sfcr. Ital. p. So /j'/'/iu/iiiiil iiihilhi. Kali. Ilcrli. Mycol. 5,u. /.•ttliisfiiDii /till ff;iitiii, Knli. Iledw. I, )>. ii'i. /\'/iii/>/ii.!ti5/)0iii nihilUi, I-ckl. Symt). p. 125. D/ihiiihiiliis pii>pli\iii,i;ii)iiis, Sncc Syll. 4"I7. Kxsicc. I'ckl. I-". Kh. 7>7.-Kze. I'". Scl. 7.1, 25.).— Kal). IKtIi Mycol. .s,i-'.— Kchiii 04. Tliiiiii. M. r. =,fii. — nil. N. A. I'". ic)i.— Sydow M. March, i^s*^ --Kinitii. V. Call. jss. I'(>iitliecia scattered or ol'tener ,<>rerittle. ulalt- roiis, with projeetiiiii'. coiiieal or cyliiidrieal ostiolum. aitoiit 300 // diam. Asci eyiiiidrical, lonu' and narrow, suhstijiitate. i40-U10x4J- () /i, 8-spor('d, )»arapliysate. Sporidia filiform, lyiii«>- parallel, altoiit as long as tlio asci, miiltimielcate. tlioii miiltiseptato, yollowisli, alioiit 1 n thick. On dead herliaeooiis stems: Solan nut, Zca. Luctiica. Jkv.. eonmoii. 50 0. coiisjmilis, K. & K. (in IK rii.) I'ciitlicciii scattered, suliciitieuliti', lliiiilly exposed l>y the (idliiiii aWiiv III' file cuticle, ovjite-u'luliose, siiiidi, idHiiit '2(H) n diaiii., witli ii siiuil-cyliiidrical, id'ojectiiiu' nstioliiiii. Asci cylindrical, sti|titate. T.l- 100 .\ S //, w iili |iara|iliyscs crisped and more or less matted toretlier idiove. Sjtoridia lilil'orni, midtise|ttate. yellow, nearly as long' as tlii' asci. witliont any swollen Joint, aliont 'J tt thick. On old tomato stems. New field, N. .1.. and on okra stems, lionisi- ana. In the liOiii.-iana specc. die perilhccia areol'ten on icil stains, just as in O. j)Of/>/ii/ii>fjoiniK, liat this is easily distinunished Croni that species liy its smaller perithecia. shorter and limader asci and s|M)ridia. 0. (ilisponis, (('. & E.) SfiliiDia Jili.spiiia. C. it K. Cires. VII. p. lo. I Ifiliiiihiliis filispoi lix, Sacc. Syll. 107.1. I\iif>liiii(isfii>iii, Ckc. Syn. 4.SS1. ferithecia lenticular, _^ nmi. diam., scattered, covered liy the epi- dermis which is sliuhtly raised a n< I jierlorated, and stained olive-hlack. Asci linear. llli-l.')Ox o-( -i. Sporidia lililorm. nearly as lonu' as the asci. On dead stems of Sin, •.>•, Xewlield, X. .1. Apparently rare. (Uosely allied to (). .sticti.sponis, (C. k \\.\ 0. tl'icliispoiiis, E. & E. (in llerii.) Perithecia scattered, eruini)ont-sin)erlicial. ovate-conical. aI)out 400 n hi,o,se. ovate, about i mm. diam., subcuticular, the olttuse-conical, slitrhtly coinpre,( •"•III (Ii;it tlic cjii- I,!"' iis file Hv nirc. I, illlOIlt a stotit, ". Asci •• ilS till' \i. thick. f/iti/iif/-iiui sliiiisfiiitj, Cke. Syii. .1574. I'eritheeia scattered, ininierscd. and covered liy the lilackoned cuticle which is only sliu'lidy elevated. }-\ iiini. diaiii.. witli a I'ather larii'e openinjr aliove. Asci linear. l.")0--IO x 3-4 //, jtaraphysate. Sporidia capillary, nearly as lontr as the asci and alutiit \ tt thick. On dead culms and leaves ol' uras.-os, Xewlield. X. .1. 'Die u'eneral appearance is that of a /S7/c//,s. 0. olivaceiis, (Kll.) /.<'/>/ii.\/>/ih. ohtnse ostioliini. Asii clavate, 7')-8') x 15-18 «. Sftoridia fiisciculate. yel- low-lirown. vermilorm. (i-T-sojitato, and when matui-e, sliuhtly con- stricted at the septa, the third joint I'rom the tip slightly swollen. To x 3A-4/7. On dead herliaceous stems, I'tah (S. .1. Ilarkiiess). The sporidia are gcMierally slialitly iieiit Just Itelow the swollen joint. {). Mediisa, K. & E. .lonrn. Mycol. I, j.. loO. I'erithecia nieniliranaceons, scattered. depressed-,i>-loiiose, l^-^ nini. diaiii., covered liy the epidermis which is not discoloicd or raised, lint merely pierced l»y the black, piinctiforni ostioluni. Asci very lon.u" (400 jt iuid over l)y 4;>-l "> // liroad). contaiiiin<>' 8 iiliforni, curved sjio- ridia nearly as long' as the asci, and ?>-A\ p thick in the middle, grad- iially taperinji' to each end. yellowish or nearly hyaline, with endo- chrome mnltipartitr'. The peritlipcia lie in the furrowed cavities ol' a :■ tlio ciilui, attncIitMl iiiiovc to the iniici' siirfiicc of llic cuticle and c(t\- crcd with loose, s|ii'('ii(liim-. weak, Itrowii, septate liiiirs 'J()()-;]0() f< |oi|u i)y altout ii tt thick. On v\\\\i\^o\' S part inn, lyin.ii' jtartiy linried in ijic sand on tlio I»each at Cape May, N. .1., and on culms and sheaths ol Aii(h'opn(/o/i iiiHi-icatnx. lionisiaiia (Lanji'lois). i). aii^iiillideK. (( kt>.) Sfi/itriiii aiiKiiilliil". Ckf. Circv. VI, \i. 15. ( i/)/ii(i/>n/its aii,i;iliidi>s/»ntt iiiigiiiltiiia, Cke. Syii. 4542. Kxsicc. Kll. X. A. I". 5"^i- Peiilhecia liTcua lions, soon exposeij. ovale, lihick, smooth, haiil. shininji', papillate, I mm. diam. Asci cylindrical, MO-1 lOx iO-Ili //. Sporidia lililbrm, inultisc))tate, yellowish, 80-100 x 2^-3 ji (120 ft lonj>' ("ke.). On dead stems o\' liiih'tis, Xewlield, X. .1.. and on dead stems ol" Asfcr, Texas (iiavenel). The sjioridia, when matuic. are sliulitly erdarued at the nppei- end, which is a little cni-ved to one side and hears a strikinii- lesenddancc to the head of a serpent. 'I'lie ])ai'aphyses are ahnndant and a little lon<^"er than the asci. 0. Iianiiisporiis, E. & E. .lonrn. .Mycol. Ill, p. 117. Perithecia scattered, lilohose, memhranaceo-carlionaceous, |-i\ mm. diam., hlack, huried in the s(dtstJince of the leal', except the ernnipent. convexHattoneil apex. A.7 |!iiafiiiy' into joint- A n lout!", iStirtts ()!■ .Sr// 'iizo.r yJon). {). stapliyliniis, E. & K. I. c I'ditliccin sniiill, covcihmI hy tlic (ilu'i's ol" the wood tiipouiili wliirli lirojcct the siiort, stiaiulit, roii' as the asci. On the same stems is a ,S/y tho lilieis of th(> wood, ami contaiiiincr numei-ou.s elliptical. siilii'iiseo\is, 8 X 2 // spornles. On decorticated stems iA' Sf'/pfii/Ifo trifniia, West Cliestei-. Pa. The spece. are scanty and pool-, so that we can not verily the oiiuiiial diaunosis. and the speci<'s must lie coiisidereil doulttrnl. Pos- silily not distinct from O.f ruth-inn. {\\\\\\. \ Desin.). i). ful«i(lus, (('. & P.) Sl>li,niajiil!iida. C. iS: P. I'tck's 2iitli Kcp. p. (m. Opliinhiihtsfiilfiitliis, Sacc. Syll. .1",S4. Ha/>liidost>nia /'iilKiiia, Cke. Syii. 1569. Hxsicc. Hll. X. A. K. 5S1J. I'erithecia lii-cirarions. sometimes disposed in lines, soon free, ulo- liose. lilack. smooth, shininu', scarcely papillate, 2oO-*27(> ,« diain., at leiiiitli collapsed. Asci elavato-cylindi'ical, ]>. sp. 8()-!)0x 12 /<. pai- aphysate, stipitate, 8-spored. Sporidia cylindrical, suhattennated at each end. nearly straiuht. yellowisli-ltrown. multiseptate and t)rten c(tii- stricted at tho septa, 75-80x4-') //. ( )n dead stems ol" AinbrostJt tvifiihi, New York, New Jei'.sev. Pennsylvania, Ohio and Kansas. Distinunislied from O. aiKjiitUides by its much eoarsor sporidia. {). clavigei', Hark. Bidl. Cal. Acad. Feb. 1884, p. 46. IVrithecia globular, with a pa|iillate ostioluni, <>;rcgarious or seat- toi'cd, ei'nm|)ent, then free, ^-1 mm. diam., at first filled with nnnute sperinatia. Asci linear-clavate, 8-spored, 210x14 /i. Sporidia fili- form, nucleate, pale brown, 20-2r)-septat,c, the upper third somewhat swollen and constricted. 140 x 7 //. On creeping stems ol' Aiid/bertfa hvmilis, Calilbrnia. 0. byssieola, Hark. 1. c. Perithccia gloliosc, with prominent ostiola, superficial, ;-J-l mm. •riit 3i)S \ 1() //, S-sporrd. Sporidiii pal<' liiowii, tapcriiiii', olitiisc at tlic cinls, 2()-3 otiicr i-i'lls. iil inci;- iihir intci'Viils, i'!il!ii'u<'il ami n'loliuiar. i'J<)-14(» \ 4-(i //.. On (jccoitii-atcd liranclics <)[' SKinhiiciiK (jldiK-ti, (/alili)riiia. 0. (MdlApsiis, Sacr. & Kll. Mirli. II. ].. ;^74. Kxsicc. Ivll. N. A. H. ,sS.i. I'critliccia ^iTcuiiriuns, covci'imI In- iIm' cpidcriiiis. flicii cruiiipcid. di'prcsficd-uloiiosc. I iniii. diaiii.. collapsiiiu' to ciiji-sliapcd. hcccjininj:' black, nul seated on any spots. Asei eylindrical, sliort-stipitate, S(l- 110x8-10 «, S-spored. Sporidia rod->liaped, sliu'lilly eiiived. nodulose- tliickoiied in the middle, TO x '1 n. rJ-l.Vunttiilate. Iiyaline. On dead stems i)^ TrIfoJiiini jH-aff/isc, Newlield. X. .1. 0. vei'sis|MH'US, E. & M. .loiiin. .Myeol. I, ]•. !)!>. Kxsicc. i;il. fi Kvrlit. N. A. 1'. 2(1 Str. u/'i Poritliecia scattered or tire^arioiis. covered hy the cr.ticlo. lentic- ular, \-l 111111. diaiii., covered liy the lilackeiied e]»ideiiiiis which is \vhitene(l just around the short, olitiise. barely eriiiiipeiit ostioliiin. A.>ci 70-80 X S-!) arapiiy.lii(ih(>liis:' f^loiiiiis, Sacc. Syll. 4035. h'apliidospiiiii glmiiiis. Ckc. Syn. 4571) " Peritliecia convex, perl«)iateores are produced within Hat, dark sjiecks seated on lorked threads, at first Joined in paii-s. so as to make an ohovate mass, then separating and still ohovate, liiit narrow, "2") a long. On Aiiihrosid, Alalia ma."' 0. Solida^iiiis, (Fr.)? Spliiri ill S(i/i({ai;iiiis, h'r. Kleiicli. II, p. io6. Sec also (".rev. V'l. p. i6. (lp/iiti/'ti/iis Sii/iifitiiiiiis. Sacc. Syll. -to.M. Cke. Syn. 4547. Perithecia scattered, depressed-gloliose, 300 // diaiii., covered by 399 ihc ('itiilcriiiis wliicli is riiisod into |iiistiilos Idi ckciuMl iiiid [licrcrd hy llie iil(»liOM'-|iii|iilliloriii. |K'i'liii'iit<'(i ostidliiiii. Asci cliiviitc-jiniccolfitr. siilisti|titMtc', 7i')-!)0.\ 7 /<, |iiirii]iliysiit('. Spdi-idiM liisciculiit*'. lililiinii. niiilliniicU'iitc, ciiivcd wlicii IVci", ycllowisii. ')0-(i(> x 2 //. On dcnil stems (A' Sofii/at/o. IiOuisi;inii I Liiniilois). \N'li('tli('i' tliis is ifiilly tiic S/j/iirrin SoliiJinjinis, V\\. uc ciin not sav. Iiut it iiuTccs liiiriy well w itii tlic ini|M'i'li'('t iliiiLi'nosis in KIcncli. I.e. Tlicic \v!)s not, liowcvcr, iiny '• white disk " oliscrved. Imt tliis. il is siiid. liccomcs liiown {"(foini/// fusccsre/i.s'^). Sp/ta'fiii [JJothiili-d] Snli(l\vii liy s|)C('f. in Ilcrli. Sc'liw., is a Ibliicolons siiccics itnd (|uit(' distinct IVoni tins. FAMILY. MASSARIE*:. Stroma waidinu'. I'critlx'cia mostly permanently eovei'cd l»y tlie e|iidei'mis. very seldom ernmpent. typically witli only the small, papil- lirorni ostiolnni jtiorcinti' the epidei'nds: textnre firm-coriaceons. Asci paiapliysate. Sporidia hyaline or In'own. 1- or more-septate. MASSARIA, DeXof. Giorii. Hot. Hill. I, p. .^^3. Perithecia immersed, coriaceons, splia-roid, with ornm])ent. ]»apil- late (»stioliini. Asci ample, mostly S-spored. Sporidia snliltiseriate, olilonti', 1-plnriseptate, hyaline or hrown, mostly largo, and snri'onnded liy a gelatinous enveloito. Many ol' the species, especially those with 3-s('j»tate spoi'idia, aie with dillicnlty dislinuiiished iVom each other, and it is not imj)roI)alile tliat a more carelnl and thorough examination will reduce some of these U) more varieties. M. Aiv?us, (B. iV Bi'.) Splitriia Aigiis, B. & Hr. Not. of llrit. Hiiiigi, No. 626. Massaiia Arsus, Hrcs. Hcitr. p. 59. Massatia .Virss/faiia. Kehiii Asc. 6.(5. Kxsicc. Fckl. K. Rli. S02.— Kal). K. H. 239, 3057. Perithecia gregarious, permanently covered hy the scarcely raised epidermis, sul)de]»ro.ssed-8phorical, finally umhilicate, tolerably hard, lilack, fiOO-HOO n dinm.. with a small, conical ostiolum, j»iei'cing tiie epidermis in a punctil'orm mannei'. As'i.'i cylindric-clavate, short- sti|)itate, 8-spoi'ed, '20()-22()x 38-44 //. Sporidia obscui'oly hisei-iate, cylindi'ical or oldong-davate, ends rounded, suhattenuated li(d(»w, uii- e([ually divided, the upper thicker half mostly 4- (sometimes 3-)celled. 400 the l<»vv<'f, siiiiillci' li;ill 3-('('1I(m1, with ii iicliitiiiolis ('1ivcI«)|k' wliicli i- ronstriok'd in tlic iiiie tlie |>_venidi;d I'orni or this species. M. iiiqiiiiiniis, (Tode). St>liiriia ill (/III II (I U.S. Tode Ktliijfi Meckl. II. p. 17. S/ihifiiit sigaspdiii, Dcstii. I'l. Crypt. Kil. I, .vAs. i'l- K<1 II. 1765. MaxMifid j;i\;ii.''/'iiiti, Ct'S. it I)c Not. Stliema. p. ■(,?. Ma.istiiiii Hiillitiidi, Till. StI.Carp. II, p. 2,;6. .yftiSMii id iiii/iiiihiiis, Kr. Siiiiiina, p. ,^'iy. Kx.sicc. I'ckl. V. Rli. Sd.i.— Kal). V. \',. 12.^7. is-"'.— Tluiin, M. V . lyjo.— Sacc. M. Vi'ii. iiSy Koiiin. I-". C. 1,^87.— M. March. I7,;,s. — Ki'hni. Asc. 9.Sy. I'oritlieciii thickly scattered, lairied in th(; inner liark and jiene- Iratinii' to tlie wood, ••loliose, 1-1', nun. diani., raisint>' the ejtideriiiir' into distinct pnstules, with the short-cvlindrieal (»stiola einni|teiit. Asci ol)|oiiiu'iious I'ornis occur lietween this and J/, ronu'torfd which may with equal propriety he rofei'red to cither species. From the absence ol' the circular, discoid area around the ostiola. the American specc. miglit he releralilc to J/. (//f/(isj)Ofii, Fckl., if that species is really distinct i'rom M. iiKjui- nan«, which is verv donhtliil. Winter uives the measnrements of the sjioridia as 80-103x21-23 I'c. To-!)0 X 20-32 /I. Th ■-200x2o /i, 8- 401 >)(on'li(ri ia iiDi.K/tiiKiilii. W'jiUr. HI. Crypl. Ccrm. II, ]>. 7SJ AfasMiiiii iis/iii>iii/ii. Slice. Syll. 2S,ss, Ckc. Syii. .\o.\!,. ]'.\sWc. Keliiii Asc. '>■^2. — Kll. K: Kvrlil. N. A. V. 2i\ Scr. 2hi,^. I'eritliecia scattered or 'l-l\ touetlior. hiiried in tin' inner hark. depressed-<^lol)(>s(', ahoiit 1 nun. diaiii., sliirlitly raisinu' and niptiiriim' llie ei)ideniiis. A.sci eloniiated. clavate-eylindrical, sliort-stipitafe. narapliysate, 1 ')()-2(H> x 20-22 ft. Sporidia siihliiseriato, oltlon^i'-eylin- drical. sliii'lit.Iy curved or straiii'lit, .')-se]itale, scarcely constricted, liya- line, liecoiiiiim' l>i'o\vii, 40-(»()x 10-12 //. On dead liinlis of wild ])luni, liondon, Canada (Dearness). The spece. in Reliiii's Asc. have the asci a little hroader and the .sporidia (50-70 x 12-14 //, lait do not diller otherwise ironi those. M. ro//i/to/'/ii, 15. /nrna distiiicla. Sclnv. Syii. N. Am. i6,!4. Afa.\.\aiia (/is/inc/ii , Cke. Grev. XVII, p. 92. Scattered, covci'ed l»y tlie thin epidermis, I'atliei- laip'. liiiried in the wliitened siihstancc of the inner liark. Perithecia Idack. orl»ic- iilar, depressed, u'lahrous, persistent in the i>ark when the e]»i(leriiiis is ]ieolod olV, with a larue, round openini"' aliovo. ()stiola iierforatinti the e])ideriuis, short-cylindrical, not prominent. iiml>ih\'ate. ruder<' epidermis of Sa///fmcii.^ piihe/i.'*. netlilehcm. Pa. (Sehweinitz). Sporidia (sec. Cke. in (Jivv. 1. c). hiseriate, ;j-septate, iirowii. 70- !S0 X 1()-1S //. constricted in the middle and surroiindod at first Ity a hval ine eiivel(»]» 61 402 M. olivhceti-liii'ta, (Sciiu.) Sfilun III oliiaiiii-hiila, Sclnv. Syn. N. Am. i6,sfi. .\tii\sii>iu iilinufd-liiihi, Ckc. Crcv, XVII, !>• '>2. I'crillii'ciii scattcM'cd, nitljor liiruc witli tlic thick, cylindrical. |ici- loratt'd, persistent ostiula iienetiiitinu' tiie epiileniiis: when this i- peeh'd oil", tlie hiiji'e, llatteiied pei'ithecia are 'e, round opening aliov)!. Asciii'erous nucleus lilack. Asci clavate, l.'JO x iJO //.with a short, thick stipe, pai'a])hysate, H-spored. SjKuidia Itiseriate. Iiisoid. 3-5-soptatc, straiji'ht oi -lijiiitly curved. ()'>-70 x 18-20 //. slijjfhtly con- stricteil at the septa, siirioundeil l»y a -22 /i. On dead l)ranches of Umbdlidaria CfifiJ'ornica, Caliibrnia. M. semitecta, (B. & V.) Spliiei ia .\emilecta Afassan'a temilrcta, Sacc & C. drcv. IV, p. 147. Syll. iS72, Ckf. Syn. .(021. Perithecia half covered, sul»prominent, snrrounded by the annular- ruptured epidermis. Sporidia davate, tri,-liulitl,\ l»liick(Ti»'<| ('pidcrniis wliirli is ijiiscd into sliulit imstnlcs wnd |ii('i'(-cd liy tlio iiiipilliloi'in ostiolii. alioiit I mm. diniii.. doprcsscd-splici'- icid, ('((liaccons. Asci oltlonu', S-sporccl. "JoO-.'JOOx ^{0-35 ft. with nltnii- d;int ]»ar)ipliys('s. Spoiidin Ijiscriiitc. Inond cylindric-riisoid. J^-scptiitc. -tronji'lv roiistiiiTctl in tiic middle. Iti(»\vn. '>()-T(>.\ l.')-liO //, ciicli ('(dl with a lariio nnclcns. On liai'k ()l'(dm, I^oiidon, C'anada. DilVcis (Voni Af. ini/iihHini*, in its sniallcr sporilon«>-. 3-septate. constricted at the septa, esjiecially at the iniddh' one. hyaline, surronnded Ity a rather lijoad. hyaline stratum. Xo measurements of sporidia niveir. On the iip]i(T' suiTace of tlead leaves of l)ryii,s ovtopctahi. West- ern (ii'eenland. M. riataiii. (Vs. in Hal.. V. Vaw. 323 ('184'2), and Comm. Soc. Crit. V i. MiXisaihi titiniHi/uiiiiiHs. B. & C. (Irev. IV, \> 156 HSyf,). Ivxsicc. Knv. l". Am. (^i^j.—liW. fc I-lvrht. N. A. I'. 2(1. Scr. Cent. X.WIII. IViithecia j>;iTU'ai'ious. often in siiltciirinate groups of 4-S. lying lictwoen the loosened lamina' of the liark, dei)ress<'d-gI(»l>o.'*e, 1-| mm. iliam.. linally collapsing heneath. the sporidia oozing out and staining llie surl'ace of the hark as in Mehinroiiiiini. Asci broad clavate-cylin- drical, 1;)0-1!)0 .\ 2")-3.) //, suhsessile. paraphysato. Sporidia irregu- larly liiseriate, oltlong-eIlij»tical, olive-brown, 3-0- (mostly 3-")-) sejitate. slightly constricted at the septa, with a gelatinous envelojio at first, linally opake so that the sejjta can with ditticulty be seen. 3")-.')o x 14 -20 n. in bark o\' Phtfaiiuft, Caroliiui (Havenel), Canada (Dearness). The |ieritliocia are entirtdy concealed, their presence iioing iiuli- cated only by slight, ])Ustulilorm elevations in the baik. The 3-sep- tate sporidia ai'e shorter and broader and scarcely constricted at the sejita and are not usually mixed with the longer, narrower, mostly .Vse]»tate sporidia in other asci iji the same ju'ritheciuiu. The Caimda specc. do not diller essentially from those in our Herb, sent from Car- I(l( U V' iililiii liv l>r. |{;i\ciii'l. We liiivc not .-ccii tin- |iV(iiii|i;il sliiiiv ( /A// i/fi.'ioii/it Ih'siiiiizh'i'i t. I/, iitrniniiniiiiiiis is iiisni iis n sviioiiviii ol' .1/. I'liit liii." I'muix'il lliis .<|H'rii'S in lii?i Icoiics (liili. XIV, W^.-l). M. pliimi^era. K. iV K. (in iliili.) IN'ritlu'i'iii si'iitlfvcd. ilt'iircssiMl-jU'lolmsc, ;ilMMif ( nun. (iiiiiii.. iiiciii or slioiti'N iintlrical osfiolnni. Asci (>-1 .'»(! \ "Jli-'J") n. Ss|i()it'il. |i;ini|ilivsiit<'. Sporidiii iiinr tliiintc. nidonii-fvlimli'iciii. Iivnlinc, ;»-sc|itiitt'. .").") (iO x I "J //. On (it'jnl limits iA' Vlhiinnnt) /fnfin/o, Xcwlicld, N. .1. 'I'JK' s|i<»i'i(li!i cxnilr f'l'oni tin' ostinjii in little wliitf, lniisli-lil\i> cinlii. Tliis is dillricnl IVoni .)/. ('itriii [Vv. \ Munt.), Sncc. Syll. •JS")'.*, wliirli liiis hfnwn siioridiji "."-'.M» \ "JO-'J") n. It is not |ir>.. I'arapliyses au'iiiutinate. S|(oridia liyaliiie, ol" two (»pposed. nitlier lonii', eiiuai cones, ocnisionally eacli ol'tliese divided so as to make tlie spo- ridinni 3-se|)tate, snrroniidcd Ity a jiclatinous stratum, 82-40 x H-IO //. On dead stems ol* I)eii(h-onii'i-oii rlijIfJuiii, Calilornia. Appar- ently an anomalous species. We have seen no specimens. M. ^i^tispora, FVkl. Symlt. Naclitr. II, p. 2S. I'eritliecia sulicuticniar. raisinti- the epidermis intt* pustules, scat- tereti or 2-3 together, rather large, gloltose. Mack, with a dii-ty-col- orcd nudons. Ostiolnm very minute, itapilliloi-ni, in a small, l)Iack disc. Asci saccate, sessile, 8-s|iored. 272 .\ (is /^. Spoi'idia generally 4 in the upper part, and 4 in the lower jiart of the ascus, conglobate or unisei'iate, very lai-ge (!M! x 2S /<), (dilong-ovate. olttuse at the ends, slightly curved, .'{-septate, not constricted, cells uninucleate, with a narrow, hyaline margin, palo uinher; parajihyses filiform, shorter than the a.sci. On hranches of Vlhiinniiii Leiitago, WWuxy. \. Y. (Peek). Peck gives the spoiidia as To ft long, 4-c(dled, the two middle cells shorter than the tei'ininal ones. We have not seen the speci- mens, and take the diagnosis aliove from Fckl. I. c. There may lie some doulit whether the New York sjiecc. are the genuine J/ ///V/f/.s- 406 p" yllvi, \i. on till I'llfS (IjiI, I- •li.'iiii. •••iiiinc'it |l<'. >llnr| li:i iiim iiisli-lik,. <•"•. Svll. |il'(tl);|li|r illV )ir|- '^-.■^iHtlfMl. licr loiiy, tiic spo- ;S-1() ,,. A|»)))i|. Ics. scut- ii-h-c'ol- II, i.iiick 'liciillly K' ends, with a <'!■ than )• iiii(hil(> 3 sjjec'i- iiJiy Im' nwii. luini. WinltT ( l>if I'ilzt', II. p. .VITi is ol ih«- ii|)ininii that M. 0 n. brown, ."i-'i-scptatc On liai'k. New Vorix State (dcrai'dj. Speeinien loo iniperlect llir II rull descfipfioii. MASSAKIKLI.A, Spe;;. I'liiiKi Arn. I'liK'. I. |>. -■• I'eiitliecia and asei as in MuHsdiln. Sporidia nniseptale. In siiiioniided liy a liyaliiie stratnin. )l. Imroniii. (B. i\:Ki'.) (Plate ItO) Splunnt hii/iinHi, It. N: 111. Ann. N. Hist. No. ftiy, liili. m, tin. \,\. MiisMiiiii hii/iiiiia. Till. Scl. Carii. II. |(. .^,17. Mtissai iilUi hii/iiiiui. SpcK- I'"- Arj,'. I'uk. I. )>. .1. Md^sittiii ii/iii,i,'i iMii. C. iN: 1'. Cirt-v. .WII, p. ya. I>iilymii.\/>li(niii iitiii,i,'Hxrii. C. Mc 1". Ckc. Syn. .(2(14. IvNsicc. VM. «: Ivvrlil. N. A. !•'. 21I SiT. .v>u>. I'eritliec'ia scattereil oi- siil»(► .\ l'J-1 .') //. paiiipliy.^ate. Spoiidia niii..\ 8-1(1 //. On outer liark of livinj;' (^iicrcus dlhit, N(.'\v York, New .Jer.sey. New Kiijiiand and Canada. 'riie asci and spoiidia in tlie Aincricaii spcce. {M. (itrof/rincti. C. iV J'.) are constantly smaller than in the Knropean speec. which have asci ir)()-20(t x I'o-'iO /<, sj.oridia -J^-cJOx PJ-lf) /«, but there is no other dilVereiice. . M. ('iinryi, Till. Sel. Cnrp. II, p. 231. SfiliiCiia Tilitr, Curr. I.iiin Trans. XXII, tab. 59, fifj. 104. Maaaiii'tla Cuiieyi, Sii .,yll, .2709. Pcrithecia scattered, covered, \-l inin. diain., black. ^loltnUiso. the papillirorin ostiolnin scarcely perforating the epidermis. Asci bioad-clavate, 80-00 x 2') /i, paraphysate, 8-spoi'ed. Sporidia snbbi- seriate, oiiclavate, iiniseptate-constricted, dark brown, iipjier cell thicker, .'>;") x 12-14 //, with a gelatinous border. What appears to be this species has been found on West Cliesier, I'a., but the spece. are too imperfectly develojted to be decided with certaintv. r "J 1^ mm; M. Hcriiifa. «'ke.) MtiiiUHii [.\fiissiii iillii) siiiiilti, Ckf. C.riv. XVII, p. yi. Massat iflla sfriala, 8ncc. rtyll. IX, p. 7.w. Nd. .vii.i^. I'critlicciii siilHlcpn'sscd, rallirr Iiiri>f, scrintclv iiirim^n'd, cds- crt'd l»y (lie cpiilrrniis « liicli is litiiillv lissiii<'(l. Asri cIiiMilr. Spo- lidiii cllipticnl, (iOxlK 'JO /<, iiniscpliitr, conslriclcd in tlM> miihllr. Iiiowii, t-rlls ctiiiiil. willi ii tliirk, liviiliiic (>|)is|)iii'(>. On linuK'lics n\ Ciifi/a. Soiitli C'iiioliiiii ( Kiivmcl). M. l>Ls|Nii'a, (riii'tis). Miissiiiia {A/a.isaiiella) /li.f/ioia. Ckc. ilrev. XVII. p. w,!. Miissariillii his/ioia, Siicc. Syll. IX, p. 7.(0, No. (dj;. IN'ritlicciii corticolttn,"*. suli^'prcssiMl. covcird, siilisciil- tcrcd. Ostiohi pcrloriitinii' llif epidermis wliieli is Idaekeiied liy llie spnridiii. Asei eliivat''. Sporidin elliptieid. iiniM'pfiite. hrowii. 4'» x lS-2(t //.cells ('(pijil, coiistrieted in tlie middle, with ii hyaline envcdope. On l»ark of Anr (Dr. Curtis). 31. scoi'indea, (Kr.) Splufiia .uiinciilrii. Kr. H\. II, p. S7. Anthi'sliima sioniiiliiiiii. Slice. Syll. ii.'7. Massarui [Massauillu) xifimu/in. (Kr.i Ckf. drcv. XVII. ji g.v Afassai iilla Si iiiiaJiii, Smc. Syll. I.\, p. 7,v> Innate. Stroma widelv etVii.sed. hiaek. eiitirelv hidden under the epidermis, snrroiindiiii; the ln-anehes and penetratiiij>: the inner l»ark. I'eritheeia of a honidike eoiisistenee. hemispherie-snl>pi(»mineiit. sliiii- iiiji', jtorfltratecl. white inside, crowded I»ut not c<»nlliienf. Sporidia (,sec. Cke. I. c.) elliptical, uniseptiite, TO x li.'i n. the upper cidl rather larj^er, con.stricted in the middh', with a thick, hyaline epispore. On hark of liatulu lenta, Pennsylvania. Arctic America (Drnni- mond). PLEOMASSARIA, Spej?. Fungi Argcntiiii, Tug. ist. Perithccia as in Mussaria. Sj)oridia more or less distinctly mni-i- Ibrm. PI. rhodostoiiia. (A. & S.) (Plate 30) Sfiluri ia rhodosloina. Alb. & Schw. Consp. p. ,),^. /{I'liosptiia thodosldina, Fr. Siinimn Vcg. Scand. p. 397. Massaria ) hotlostonia , Tul. Sel. Cnrp. II, p. 23S, tab. XXV, figs. 1-4. Karsleiiiila rliodosloma, Sacc. Syll. 371 1. Pleiiiiiassaiia thodostonui. Winter, Uic Pilze, ,^^42. Exsicc. Fckl. F. Kh. 801.— Rab. F. E. .^058.— Rchni. Asc. 236.— Tluini. M. I'. .S62.— Kriegci F. Sax. 78. 407 IN'ritlicciii iiHistIv tliifkly sciiltcicil, jficirni'ioii,"*, uc (»cnisii»iinlly stiiinliiiu' sillily, |M'iiimii('iitly ('ovcrnl \>\ tlii' sli]i'lilly niisc(| <'|ii(|i'iiiii^. ilfprcsHnl-ulnliosc, mostly rdricciihinilly riiri-owcil or /oikmI, ami iiiii> l.iliciitc, tli(! ti|M'.\ I'f'tlilisli, iM'rl'oriitf'tl itinl sli^ilitly iTiiiiipfiit. Ostinlmn lidciiilily liirir*'. It'lnclx. siiiroiiiHlcd l»y a liliit'k, rnislaccoiis muss. Asri r\ limiiifiil. atl<'iiiiatc-sti|»iliit<' lirlnw. olttusc almvc, ,s-s|h»i('(|. par- iipliysatc. 1 .'jO-lTO X H>-1"J /<. Spuiiflia iiiiiHriiatf. olduiij:', sliylitly altt'iiuatrtj and n»iiiint I'onnd in America. The ^cniis l\litly narrowed towards ouch end, obtuse, 7-8- .-icptate and constricted at the sepia, the middle cells divided by a loiifritudiiial septum, •••olden-browii, r)(!-(i5 x 15-17 /i, with a x 'J.V.'iO // (|i. sp. IH)-1'J(> />.). paraiiliysate. ^\tt>- ridia liiseriale, rlavate-oldoni:'. .')-.'>-septate and innrilui'm. nejirly hya- line and with ii liyaline envehi|ie and nniseptate at (irst, liecdndni; yelhiwish-l.rown. :J(»-40 x 12-1.") //. (Ml (Un/i/'iiiix Aiiicfiriiiiit. Lyndons ille. N. V. (Fairnian). At the main sejitnni. which appears first, the spoi-idia are ilistincl- ly constricted. The upper and lariicr cell soon ac(|nires two addi- tional septa and the lower cell one. .Most of the cells are divided li\ one oi' (wo lonizilndinal septa so that the sporidia appear to lie lilleil with laru'e nnidei. 'I'he asci and sporidia in the New York sjiecc. are smaller than the measurements uiveii l>y l>r. Winter ( i7(>-'220 x .'!.')- A'l //, and 4.')-(i.') x 17-21 //). Fckl. uives 2(tSx;{(; ti.. nnd 4s x l(i n loi' asci and sporidia respectively. MASSAUIOVAI.SA, Sacc. Mich. II, p. 5N1. i'eritliei'ia liiiried in the siirliice of the inner liark. circiiiate. \: v\ Hid sporidia as in M-2(H>x 20-2.') //. stipitate. olidise. S-spored, paraphysate. Sporidia uniseriate. oiiloini'-elliptical, uniseplale and constricted, olive- I)rown, ."»()-4() X 15-1(5 fi. with a thick, hyaline eiiv(do])e. On dead liranches of Acer, Covija anil (Jiicrcuft. New .lersey and IViin.^ylvania. .M. oaiulata. E. & E. (in llerl).) Stroma cortical, 1-U mm. diam. I'erithecia circinafe, (1-10 in a pustule, about f, mm. diam., liiiried in the liark, covered liy the epi- dermis which is raised into a flat |iustule riiptiii'cd in the center liy the compact cluster of lilack, suiipapilliform ostiola. Asci varyin.u' from clavate. 7 ")-80 .\ 20-3") fi, to oliovatc, 80-100 x 40-fiO /i. narroweil be- 409 li)U iiitiisc. rouiidt'd am) olilusc nitovc, <»ltsciin»lv par- :i|)liysat<'. 4 S-s|ioic(|. S|i(>ii(liii iiionliiiiilc. clavatc-oliloii;; or siiiiplv iililoiiir. sliiilitlv «-iiiv('(l ami ^iiilmw(niilat(.'ral. 'JS-oO .\ lH-22 «, 2-3- iiinstly 2-) s<'|ttat<'. Iiyjilinc at lii^t, llicn olivc-lnowii. cmls olitusc, oacli u illi a cvlilidiifal, Iivaliiic. sliaiulil nr ciiivcd, sulijicrsistciit appciidagj' l'J-2(( x ."»-(» //. Tlic ])('iitlM'('ia do not pciictvatf so as to lie visible on ilic inner snrliu'c ol' tlii' l»ai'k. On liark of dead Phitdims. I^taidon. Canada (J)(.'arn('ss). IVrith I^AMILV. (iArKOSl»H.ERIK,*:. Vritliccia Itnricd, witliont any pi'ojicr stroma, lait eoveicd liy a lilackonod. sliiclddikc layer, wliicli is sometimes sharply limited, and 'oaietimes with an indefinite ontliiie. a»id consistsof the sliyhtlv altered and aioi'e or less hiaekened onter layer of tiie l»ark. leal', oi' wood. This dark layer is sometimes als(» found nnder the peritheeia as well as over tlieia, Ol' even enveloj»iii,<>' them on all sides. A.'^ei eylindrical or elav- ate-cylindrieal. 8 sporod. mostly paraphysate. Sporidia varialde. • ililoiiii' or lililorm. hyaline oi- Itrowii, <'oiitinnons <>r 1 -v{-septa.te> CLYPKOSPH.flRIA. FekK Syiiit). J). 117. Peritheeia scattered, rarely eonliuent. eoveres\ik €1. san^iiiiieu, K. & K. (in llerb.i Peritheeia irn' septate and eonstrieted at the middle septum. PJ-J;') x3J-4j /i, pal(> iirown. finally dark Iu-owik On exposed, weather-licaten wood xtl deeiduous tiees. t'ennsyl vania (Kekleldt), Kansas (Crauiu). 'I'h<> stronuitie shield is verv (»l>scnre. so that tJiis nn<;ht perhap» un in Lcqitosphmria. 6U .;')!' 410 aM * t ■tea M- L !H •J : 1 '?i.4> CI. miiiiiillhna, (Fr.) Spliifiui maiiiillaiiii. I'r. S. M. II, l>. .1S7. ' [(l\f'fi>sfn hlack. c]ii x 20 //. Spoiidi, l)iseiiaf<', elliptical. 3-septate. l)iown. 2(»-;in \ 10-12 //, snliineipiilateral, sliuhtly constiicted at the septa. On liark olliviiiu' hiivh, Syracuse. N. Y. ( I'nderwtiod). This has the aspect of a lichen (Pyrcniihi) hut seems really more closely allied f4» (Jl i/]><'Osith(pr'Hi nmniiUitun (Fr. ). (1. aliqiiaiitn, (('. & E.) S/i/nriia alii/i/mihi, C. ^t K. ('.rev. V. p. 94. ('lv/>rO!./>/icriia .' iilii/iiaiila, Siitv. Syll. ^\^f^ /lef>liuiiinii iiliiiiianhi, Cke. ftyti. 49!*,). I'eiitliecia scattered, covered Ity the Itlackened epidermis. 200 /' diani.. or less. .\sci oliloiiu-ciavate, j». sp. (liVTO x 12-1') n. paraphy- sate. Sporidia crowdeil-hiscriate, ohlonii-lnsoid, sliirlitly curved, hya- line and nniseptJite, Itecomiiiir yellowish-hyaline, 3-septate and slisrhtl\ constiicted at the septa, 20-2') x S-10 // ineliidini>' the Itroad. hyaline envelop*', the iiody of the sporidinm ltein<; mostly only lS-2t) x G-7 y.. On dead stems tt\' Sni/fti>.\fih/r> III lli'iiiliisoiiiii, Sacc. Syll. .ii'ii. SplK^rriii mr/dH/rui, Pk, 2:.\! //. S|iofi«li;i iiiiisciiatc, -('lli|»ti<'iil, Itrowii, 3-sc|ituli>, 12-1(5 x 4-4^ // ( IS x 4 y. rkc.) On dciid ciUics of liliick and red liisplx-ii'v , iiiid on d!issari'iis. Xcwiicid, N. .). LIX(>SIM)RA. FckL Syinb p. 12.^ I'crilhci'ia ajijicarinti hilc in the season, Imried in the shiehl- -haped. Ithick, phyilouenous pseudos ronia (which is sonietinics want- iiiti). u'enerallv solitaiv. heak swbpruniinont, Idack, more <»r less e|(Mi- ualcd. Asi'i cylindrical. S-sporcMl. Sporidia lililonn. lyini; jiaralh'l in the asci, hyaline or yelhtwishdiyaline. L. 4'oiiflicta, (('ke.) S/i/uriiii ainjlitlii. Ckc (Irev. Vll, p. 13 /.inof/itiiti tdiijlii/ii, Sacc. SyU 4(x)S. Ckt- Syii s'^li. Isxsicc. Ral>. J-'. Iv ,^7.Si) Sp(tts anipliiiicnuns, pale leddisli-lnnw n. definitely limited li\ a narrow, darkei- lior ;<,((>(• y. kmi;, Cke.). .'>-()-septale. yellowish-hyaline. On li'aves ol' Qiicnus di-usifloni. Tamalpais. Calilornia ( I lark ness). The desciiption is drawn from specc. r. Ilaikness> li. t'eiTu;i?iiH'a, K, A; )I. Am. Nat. Dec. lss4v p. (i'.i. Spots lifiht yellowish-iirown, lioi'der daiker. narrow and sliLihllN raised, 1^-2 mm. diam. I'eritliei-ia Idack. sid»jiloliose. I.">() ii. diam.. innnei'sed and covered liy the Idackened cnli(de which is perforated liy the scarc»dy |(r«Hninent osli(dnm. Asci cylindrical. 7.")-S(>x7 /». M'ssile (tr nearly so. with abundant liliform parapliyses. S-spored. Sporidia verndform. yellowish, faintly nncleate. acnie al each end, .•5.')-4r) X 1 \ ft. On leaves of Aiuhninci/tt femif/liini. Floiida i Or. Martini. If 1) : :1 !f, ,1 ;. -i! '* ! . it ' 1'! •1. ; ;(';; sr ■:' H{:; ;'! ■ ;l 412 'I'lic pcrillit'ciii an' solitary, one in tlKM-ontor i»f ciird spot, Ikk tlic .«|i(»ls iiic iiltf'ii sterile. I. leii(os|)ila. (K. & V.) S/ili(Ciiii Ifiiciisfiila. 11. ft C. C.n-v. IV, p. i.s.i. I.iiiiispiita liHiiispila, Sacf. Syll. 4101, Cke. Syii. ,s><4'< "On narrow pallifl .' part of the leal'. On dead places in livintr leavo*^ of Sahul Pnhnetto. Point a l;i llache. La., ( Lanirloisi. IS(iTHEA, Fr. Stiinma Vcg. Sraiid. p. 4zi. (Vritliecia (!Over('(l liy a j»liyllo(>-enous, maeuliform pseudo.stroma. .\sci olilonsr. Sporidia dathrato-septate (niuriform). I. NVsssp, B. & C. tJrev. iV. ji. 157. ■•Shiniiiir, ponetriitinjr the leal', seated on a little lirown spot iioi much wid(M\ Asci olilonji'. Sporidia shortly rusiforni. not three times lonjier than liroad. at lenjrth fenestrato." On leaves ol" JVyfisa (u/nafica. (Carolina)? HVPOSPILA, F r. Siimma \'eg. Scand. p. 421, Peritheeia immersed in the parenchyma of the leaf, very delicate, covereil aliove liy a hiack, phyllosrenous, stromatic shield, beak lostioliim) lateral, at length l>arely perforatint; the epidermis and appearinjf as a lilack speck. A.sci fusoid-clavate. N-spored, apai- ajihysate. Sporidia liiseriate. I- finally 3-sei)tate, hyaline. Minute I 413 ilOt, l)(|f |ll<- IIMiIri Plafe ;U) >t'l|-C(i|lic. • I wliicli Ilia (»rtlii ' It. will, , vcIIdw y in siih- 'int a la osf.roiiia. ^|)0t liol 'ce tiiuo leliciitc. I, beak lis a I) (I . aj»ar- iM in life I'untri covci'cfl Ity the ('[tidcnnis wliicli is tiiiucd witli a -iidl!it('d on lioth sides, liTcua rions. with II lateral, Idaek. eyliiidiieal lieak. Asci oxaetly riisilorni. S-spoicd. Il.'»-1 1') x 10-12 //. Spoiidia naiiow-riisiforni, straiji'hi. ninltinueleale. ■i-septate, 48-iVJ x 4-') it. On fallen leaves ol' Salix f/f(tnra, Sukkertoppen and Seriiieisnt. (ii'eeiiland. Sjioiidia ahont three times as lonti' as in //. /iiisfii/a. H. piistiila, (IVis.) (Plate .U) Sfiliiciiii /tiistnln, Pers. Syii. p. 91. I'liiiiiin pii\liila, Vt. S. M. II, p. .st7- S/'Innia filfiitoiietvia, I)e Not. Micr. Itiil. Dtc. IX. No n. hitthea piislitla, Ilerk. Oiitl. lirit. I'"uiik. p. .;y2. S/)/iini. 65. (,'no)iii>iii(i fiiisliihi, Aw/ii/ii /iiiitii/(i, Karst. Mycol. I'Viiii. II. p. 127. I';xsicc. I'Vkl. I''. Kh. S|.>. -Kzc. K. Sel. lofi.— Kal>. H. }•',. i.),S2.— Tlmiii. F. Aiistr. .17.' I.iiiht. 1". lIiiiiK. .(67.— Kricgr. l'. Sax. 2S5.— Koinu. I-'. G. .iiit.S- — Kflim. 711.; I'eritheeia sunk in the parenchyma of the leaf, covered by llic epidermis wdiich is ludlato-indated on both sides, and is of a dark re(|- disli tint lielow, -^'-attered or frre<>arions, often followintr the coarse ol the nerves of the leaf. 2()t)-.') // diam., sometimes 2-3 coidhient. depressed-ji'lobose, with a short, lateral, tardily ernmpcnt. Iteakdikc ostioliini. Asci chivate, attennate-stipitate, thickened above. 70 x S- 10 // (To-lOO X 7-10 M, Sacc). SiKiritlia 8 in an ascns, biseriate, ob- lon,i>-fiisoid, rounded at the ends, sti'aight or snbine(|uilateral. beconi- inu' .3-septate, but not constricted at the septa, 17-23 x4 //. On fallen oak leaves. Credited to America by Saccardo, in Syl- lot^e. We have seen no American spetn'men.s. The (il»luii :{|) A'/iytiMiKi ijiiiitiniiiii, I'r. it Kiid. in I.iilii. Trans. iS;ij, p. ssi AsffiuiiKi fidi »if/ii>i(/is. Ucsin. rl. Crypt. I'M. I, 17.^7. h'hylisma hk niu/fs, I.ctfllier Clianip. V, tal). ojy, tix- -1. S/>luci(>l>sis linioidfs, Ann. Sci. Nat III. Ser. tdin. p. 2.S7. I'l abulia i/iiiniiia, Sacc. & Ronm. I. c. K.\.sicc. Thnm. M. V. 2^71. -Kll. N. A. K. 12SS. illl il tc or vntc. liort- (Ml(l» Mll.l I'ciitliociii lit'iiiis|»lioriciil, ., round, pcrtbratcd ostinliun, linally collapsiim' and iMiil)ili('a siil)plicat(.', Imt never ()|><'nin^' as in li/ii/f/'siiH/. Asei eyiindrie-ela l()((-l 10 X 18-21 //, paiaplivsiite, nieinltraiie entire at the apc^x. s •ili|iitate. soon disappcarin«>'. Sporidia l>iseriate. oldoiiu-navii-idar. Mdiol.tiise, "JS-^iOxS-lO //. On leaves of fjucmis hiiwltoliit and (j. r/rcux. Floric. .\ni. .Viail 1\'. p. r ."< :in>l <',ri \. I\'. \>. ■,. Tiahnlia ei ylhmspoia, Ckc. S\ii. 1.^71 ■• Minnte. opeiiinii" with two or three laciniae. .Vsci swollen. Sp(: ridia suhliisiloiin. salnion-eolored. apiarit)ns. immersed in the more (»r altered substance of the wood or l>ail\, and covered above liy a pr inent. Idack. str(»matic shield, Ostiola papilliforui. Sporidia snl«,' tical. hrown or hyaline, mnrilorm. Th. lividiim, (Feis.) S/iliiF> la liTrda, Pcrs. Syn. p. Sfi ieichospoia liviila. Myc. Kenn. II, p. (iK, '. /-rm'slrl/a) ' lirida, Winter Die I'ilzt No 42,si. Thvi idiiim /iridiim. Sacc. Syll 3991. Cke. Syu. .iy.'^i. Ic.-.- (tlM ■ Hip- 41.5 I'critliocia srattcrod. riicloscd in a liitlicr lni'-1 10 x 1*2 ji, S-spored. |iin!i|)liysate. Sp(»ridia uiiiseriate. elliptical, yellowisli or u'reenisli- lirowii, 3-')-sej)tate, with a more or less perfect loiiiiitiidiiial septum. 14-20 xS-O//. Oil decorticated wood of Thnju, Voriiioiit (I'riiiirle), on Junlp- rriis VirtjiuhnniK. Iowa (llolway), on liliiix, Carolina and IVnnsyl- viiiiia (Scliweiiiit/), on Meached wood, Texas (Wright), on wood, Mountains of \e"' York (sporidia '1') n lon^-. IJerk. in (Jrev. IV. p. I4(i). Til. niitiqiiiim, (K. & E.) Spluri ill I J n vnti I II III I aii/ii/iia, K. iS: !•;. Hull. Tcjrr. Hot. Cliib. .\, \i. i); yellow-brown. 40-45 x 1 .">- 1 S thick, hvaline. Kpi pisporc On iileached, decorticated twigs of 6'.7/'/7/(/, California (Harkne l'SSI. Our specc. of this species from Harkness are old and witlnait fruit. The general appearance is the same as that of Th. antiquiun. Occasionally two peritliecia ar<' covered by the same shield. I m 410 Th. nmhleliiin. (('. \ K.) Sp/iuiiii itmhieia. C. & Iv ('■rev. VII, p. lo. riiyiidium amhlfiiim, Sncc. Syll. 399.1, Cke Syii. ^v^S- I'ditlircia scattcrci]. I»liirk. siiltpi-oiiiiiH'iil. covered. Asci clinatc- i\ limliiciil. S|i(iii(li!i ln()iitl-liiiUM'(»liiti' or Jiciitcly clliptii-nl. emistricted ill the iiiitltllf, iiltdiit .")-s('|itiitc. vcllow-lii'owii. 1 r)-20.\,S-l(» »/ ("JfixlO ^/. «'k('.). On (It'iid liiiilis ()\' Cni'i/(t iiiul Azttica, Kcwl'wUl. N. .1. 'riic :J|ii'»'(j, nl this species iire pooriUHJ misiitislaetoi y. Til. pKi'soiiatiim, H'ke. & Hui'k.) Sph,riiii f<,i\ii>ialii. Cki-. Jv Mark. ('.rev. XIII. |>. -mi ThytiiiiHiH piisinmliiiii, Sacc Syll. '\i\, Ckc. Syii wmv liitriiic»>l(»ns. I'eiiflieciii .xcatfeied. iiieliided in an <'lliptical. ele- \ii(ed. uiav or lilack tnl)erele pierced liy tlie sliort. inconspiciioii:- ostiolnni. Asci cviindrical. S-s|)ored. Sp(»ridia nniseriale, elliptical, constricted in the middle, ;>-septate. with \-l lonuitudiiial s< jita, Iniuhl l.rown. l,S-'2().\ 10 //. Oil decorticated .Icz/c/V/. (Jalilbniia (llarknessi. We have seen no specc. (»!" Th. pvi-xomitHui, (Jke. k Hark.. l>iil llie d(»scription aiiices in all respects with that of Tli. livhhnn. Th. raiiadeiise. K. & K. (in lleilu IVrithecia scattered or jircgarions. on the more or less Ideached siirliice ol" the wood, miinite (\ mm. or le.-, j>arapliysale. 100- 120. \ 12-1') It. Sporidia nnisei-iate. olxivatc-oldonir. 5-7-.septatc and muriform. hyaline, 20-27 x 10-13 it. On old (spruce)? l()«rs. I.iake Xij)i,<«on, Ontario, Canaila (.Macouni. Oiitwartlly this mtich lesemldes Th. Jividum. Itiit tin; shield i^ ihinner. Peritliecia much smallei-, sporidia larger and hyaline. Til. cin^iilatiiiii, (Mont.) Splxnia cingtilata, Mont, ft Vr. in Mont. Syll. No. S.^.i. Thyiidium cingiilatnui, Sacc. Syll. .3993, Ckc. Syii. 39.S2. Covered, hlackening the stiHace with the dischaiged .sporidia. .M-attered, lilack. Stroma jiulverulent, cortical, covered uhovt; i>y a conceptaclo resembling a rough, hemispln'ric-conical pseudo-perithe- cinm. Peritliecia globose, one in each stroma, with a moderately long neck terminating in a shining, papillirorm, deciduous ostiolum, Asci clavate, stipitate. Sporidia oblong, 28x9 ft, r)-septate and muiilorm- con.-^tricted in the middle, l)rown. 417 •tisri'irtcd finil. .'I,. ISJticiKlll- •llipticjil. til. Itiiiilii iiik., Iiiit '11. Idcaclicd I. oltloilli •' center iplivsate- r-septiite Hiieouii;. ■'Iiield i,- 'porifliii. ■e l»y ji peiitlic- 'ly l(»iis> . Asci iiilbnii. On (l<'ii/iii/>hor/vnrpns rnrt'iiioMttn, Cnlironiiii I llaikiiess). We liiive not seen tliis, and take the diaj^nosis I'roni SaecanloV S\ II(»ifo. ANTHOSTOMKIiLA. Saee. Syll. I, p. 27^. I'eiitliecia siilinieniln'anaceoiis. y the epiiU'iniis, whieh is i>o-annHhila, Siicc. Syll. 10,^2, and Cke. .Syn. 46:0 Sfihtfiia )'iitrtr, Scluv. Syu. Car. No. S!i? Kxsicc. hll. N. A. V. 2(1 Scr. ih72.— Rav. Car. V, 75. Peritiiecia siihiiiejraiioiis, (covered by the epidermis whidi is blackened (except a white spot in the center) around the slij^htly eranipent ostiola. Asci cylin(lri<"al, p. sp. 75-80 ft long. Sporidia obIi(nicly unisei'iate. oblonir or siil)elli})tical, bi-own, 12-18 (mostly 14-1.0x71//. On leaves ol" Vucca, Carolina and Florida. A. iiiiiiui', E. & M. .lourn, Mycol. Ill, p. 43. Kxsicc. KII. & Evrhl. N. A. K. 2d Ser. 1965. Perithecia scattered, J mm. diam., siil (globose, with the upper part subcoiiical and jirominent. with a rather acute, papilliform osti» oliiin. Asci linear, 05-7') x 5 /t. Sporidia uniscriate, opake, 2-3- nucleate, subineciuilatcral, 7-8 X 2^-3 /i. The surface of the matrix, ill the specimens seen, was covered with a thin, black crust, but whether I Ills had any connection with the jierithecia, wo could not vsay. On jtetiolcs -('» n. On h. Suy. .Inlliiisliimi-lla Ifiimhasis. S.icc. Syll. ,';q26, Cke. Sytl. 4<^,H- Kxsicc. KU. N. A. K. ii(iy a well delined line, which dcK's not. however, penetrate deeply. Ostiola obtuse, liarely piercini*' the epidermis. Asci cylindrical, 7.')-80 x 7-S n. ."Sporidia nniseriate, elliptical, Inown, ll-14x ;"».i-7 //. The substance of the matri.x is partially Ideaciied so that a horizontal section shows dull white blotches, which indicate the pre.sence of the runt^us. On dead petioles of Subal scrrnlafa, Florida (Martin). A. inelaiiosticfa, K. & E. .louin, Mycol. Ill, |). 44. I'erithecia frreii-.iiious or scattered, buried in the parenchyma of the leaf, with their black, dot-like ostiola barely prftjectinu- tliroujih the e{)idermis. which is not at all blackened or discoloro(|. Asci HO- llOx 12-1')//. Spoiidia sul»ltiseriate, elon,d, \-\ mm. diam.. slitrhtly y»roniinent and covered l»y the black<'iie(l cutich*. which is pierce, liyiiliiic niiicnlus nlHHil I,', // Ittii;; lit tlic lower ciMLaiid a rather shorter one at the upper end. On falh'M h'aves of Mtn/tiolffi, liOiiisiaiin ( Laii^Ldois). A. Oreodaphnes, (Ckc. H Hark.) Sfili // '■■ '••= ■" '■-'•' •>' i:...i"..:....i 1 c : lia ol.- parap M» lon // long, usually with a single large nucleus. On dead stinns ol' Smifavht(i stdfata, New York State (Peck). A. bi'a»'Ii.vst(Hiia. E. & E. Bull. Wash. Coll. Vol. I 1 1884), p. ,'). Perithecia globose, i nun. . IN'iitlii'ciii iri'i'ii'jirioiis. ulnliusc, /,-',' iiiiii. l. Cliili. X. \i sj. .Inlliiifliiiiirlla f>htiliiliiiiiiti, Siiiv. Syll. f>,U''i. .Iha/<>«/ii, Ck«', Syii. ^iSi. Ilxski- l';il, ft Kvrlil. N. A. !•■. .'il Ser. iuy\. I'critliccia siilicdtinilai-, ci'Minpciit, hcniisphi'rical, roiiuh. ' -'• nun. fliain.. with the •»sti(»liiin slivrhtly proiniiM'iit ami Innadiv pciHnatfil. Asci linear. ll4.\T/i. with aliiimlant paraphyses. Spuriilia imiseriati'. narrow-ellipti«'iil, eontinuoirs, Itrown, 7-UL\ ')-(} n. Some of the pcii- tliecia eontain stylospores wiiieli are iniieli like the ascospores. only a little shorter. On cones of red pine. I'tali (S. .1. Ilarknessi. .Mostly on the l)ack of the scales, and «M>vered hy the overlappinu' point of the nexl scale l)eIow. IHlVt'is Iroin A. ro//o/'»;«, Fckl.. in its smaller perithecia and spo- ridia and dilVereiit stylospt»ies. A. ostiolata. Ell. Mull. Torr. Bof. Clnl. XI. p. 4-2. IViitla'cia siniile or --4 toii'ether, jj-.l mm. diaiii., nearly Itnried in the nmlianu'eil inm;r l>aik, lait with altoiit one-third (»!' their upper part pi'ojectiiii^- and closely covered l»y the l)laekeneil cjiidermis which is iiieroed Iiv the short, stout ostiolnni, Asci cylindrical, 80-8') x 7-S n. with filiform pai-aphyses. Sjioridia ohliipiely nniseriate. oldonir-ellip- tical. iirowii. l-'2-niicleate, 1 ((-!.'} x 4-") //. On dead twins of Luiwhs liciizn/n, Newfield, \. .f. The stroma is formed from the unaltered sniistance of tin- l)ark, ami not limited iiy any circiimscril)iiii>: line. A. Baiiflsiji-, (Ckc.) SplKTtia litiplisiir, Ckf. Crev. VI, p. r 15. AiilhintomflUi Haplisitc, Sacc. Syll. lo'n. Ckc. Syii. 4(10;. I'xsiic. Kav. !•". Am. 200. «ca tteii'il or siiligreM' illtil ;i •|i<)i'itliii • » \ "t-7 i> iifkf'iicil. • \~\ "1111. K'l'liu'iiti'd. iiiiscriatc. till' |M'ii- •<'s, only ii ly (111 the the iic.M I iinil s|)))- ly luiricd cir ii|i|)cr Ills wliicli ■) X 7-S n. Diiir-cllip- tho l)aik, I'l'C'iI li\- till' lihirki'iH'il <'|»iilciiiii.>'. Asci (ilit'Iiiviitt'. S|ioiitliii i>loii;{iit)'<|-i>||i|i- liiiil, Itjiiiirh-ntc, liriiwii. 14. \ 4 n. On stems nl' liiiitlisin juifitlintn. Aiki'ii. Suiitli ( 'iiniliiiii. witli J'honiii /iti/tf/Miiv. Ckc. A. iii;;rotn'ta. (K. A; Hav.) Splhriitt iiii!iiilf,l,i, W.K Kilv (*.r<-v. IV, |) 15s. .\nlliii\liimi llii iiif;iii/i( /ii, Siiir. Syll. I'l.s.l. *"ki'. Syll i'"ii, I'ciitlicciii sliiiiiiiu' liiiR'k. wliitt' in lli<> cnitci- iiiitiinil tlir (istidliiin. .\si'i liiK'iir. Spniitliii iinisci-i:it<>. Iiiuwn. rlli|iti(-iil. ( )ii li'iivcs nl' //('.I'. Ciiroliiiii. I*].\t('iniilly like J'/it/xnfoK/niin p/iJ/ojtrinti. (15. «V ( '. i Itiit siiiiillfi'. "■■'■ Spci'lilid H'llh II hi/iiHin' Oj>i)ciiilt. .1'>.(ft. I't'ritli«'i-i;i ((illcclcd two or lliit'c loifctlici'. closely sni rtiiindeil iit tlie liiise liy the cuticle. Asci oMoiiLr. Sporidiii liiseriiite, i'lisiroiin. i|iiiidiiiiiicleate, lU-l.'l // loiiii'. with a stiai^ht. hyiiliiie. lililiiiin :i|i|ieiid iiire at each end. On leaves ol' ,SV/y;///^/w.s, 'I'exas. A. I'ostri.sjiora, ((Jer.) S/i/uri ill losli ispiiia, (Ur. Hull Torr. Hot. Cliili. V, ji. id, Aiilliii>l(i)iiillit iii\lt is/yiiiii, Siicc. Syll. pidM, Ckc. Syii. .ii),;;, I'eiitliecia orliiciilar. densely cidwdeil. seated on a idackish. com- pact, liltrons stroma. Asci cylimlrical. Sporidia ovate. Itiniicleafe. Ill-own, 1 ') x ') //, with a hyaline lieak at each end. Kiicirclinj? the Itase ol' a stalk of Innhi I[eh'itiniii, \ew I'all/. N. V. A. saltaleiisioides, (K. & M.) .S/t/i.riici saliitlfiisioiilfs, IC. Jt M. Am. Nat. Oil. iSS2, )>. 8io. Aiillioslitmilli! sahiili-iisniidfs. Sacc. Syll. .5932, Cke. Syn. 4635. I';xsicc. l-:il. Si Kvrlit. X. A. I-'. 2(1 Sit. if.i)4. I'eritliecia scattered, minute, \ mm. diani., ose. covered, the -jieiidiciilate, yellowish, siirromided liy a uclatinoiis stratum. l.'J-L") x.'>?,-4 //. The short, lilil'orm appeiid- aiies at each end of the sporidia are soon alisorlied. Oil p(>tioIes of Snhdl scrnihitii. Florida. ' r'fl fi If 1 1 ' ■ ' < 1'| j iii; 11 Jili^i' if;:." ii m W i ''III t 422 A. dwsteiiuiii, (B. & (!.) S/>/i,riia ilorli-iium. 1). «t C. (irev. I\', p. I47, Aiilliii.\li»)ia cli>sti-ihi»i, eke. Syii. 419**. Anlhosltimella tloitfrium, Sncc. Syll. 1067. Miiiiit4>, l>iiif»tiiig tlirontrli tlic ciiticlo wliieli at lirst is closed, Miick )iiiiiiiat(M|, ciiivcd a|»pui Ciic/i, Sdiw. Syii. C.Tf. 227. .Iii/hos/oiiir/lti Cadi, Sacc. Syll. IX, p. ^\2, I'eritliecia <>rei>ai'ions, eniinpent, snl»astoiiiolis. sliinimr Idnck, inimite. mostly on round, yellowisli-ltrown spots 3-4 nini. diani.. with a delinife. sliulilly nii.>peniliciilate ?), 12-1") " x4-4^ a. On Opuiitia Emjclmanui. Los Aiijueles. Cala. (Seriliner). FAMILY. V.VhSE.*:. Asciii'ero'.is stroma elTiised (dintrypoid), or siil»i>lolio.y a ldack,cii('iimsciil»in;ed. The asciii'eioiis stromata are often ju-eccdecl or accompanied l»y .tpermoiriMiia i>rodiicin<^" sponiles (mostly minute) liorne on Itasidia which line the inner surface of the spermoironial cavity. The spermo- •ronia accompany the perithecia in the etfused form of the ascitreron^ stroma, are j^enerally simple, i.e. haviiij; the spermatiiferoiis cavity un- divided, and generally pierced al»ove with a siniile fioic. Itut in the valsoid form of stroma, the cavity of the spermojionimn is mostly divided into several c«dls or chandlers stellately arranjred,and inclosed l»y thin walls, or partitions extendiuir in from the circumference towards the center, all these cells openinu' aliove tliile pore, or ,stl■atu:ll hciieath the spermonoiiia, or (juite as often lie in a circle around it. 423 Tlio inomltcrs of this liiiiiily frnnv in the linrk or (Iccorticatrd wood ol'tlciKl liiiihs or on (h'ad horluiccons stonis. I<'<1, l>lii('k liter, with Sonip. ,u: l»Iiick. iuii.. with • 'iilViltC- iltc IlilSO, iitc-clli))- • the mid- '), 12-1;-, ). onit'id, oi' U'(\ l»y }» Vi'itliecia lanicd l»y I hiisidiii ' i^pci'nio- ■'•■itrci'oii^ itvitv mi- nt In the s niosfiy iia-ioscd iill'rcncc u'ic |lOIC. r lorincd I li<' in M niAPORTHE, Nitschke. I'yr. f.erm. p. 240. Stroniata cortical, snl»valsoid, separate (Chomntatc), or eflnsed. in(h'terniinate, ibnnod from the sliirhtly altered snhstaiuM' of the hark and usually limited l»y a hiaek line {Tftnintagii). or eveidy efiused, hut with the surlaee ol" the matrix finally Idaekened, its sui)stanc<' otherwise unehanued, (tidy in most eases linntcfl l>y a hhiek, eireum- scriltini"; line visible on a horizontal section {Exporthe). Perithecia niendiranaccons or sultcoriaceons, j>cnerally palo cinereous within, with a cylindrical or iiliforni exserted beak. Asci typically apar- apiiysate, I'usoid. 8-spore(l. Sporidia I'usoid or subelliptical, unisep- tate,* '••enerally consti'icteil in the middle, 2— 4-nucleate. hyaline, with or without ap|»enda<>'es, The spernio»onial stage is represented by species (A' J'/ioniit. A. Sft'onnt vol mid ; pcrithccld Huhvit'ciiiiite ; oxtioJa fasriculatv. {CfiomHtate). * Sporulta not appeiixlictildte. 1). oiirostoiiia, (Diiby). Sphirria oiitosloimi . Diiby in Ral>. Herb. Mycol. No. 2o.s. \'aha feisiiiiala, C. S: H. (Irev. VI, \i. 9. /)iap(iil>r oiiiiislnma. Fckl. Syiiib, p. 205. Sfrluriia eiileinlenia, Vr. Schw. Syn. N. Am. I,ii4? Kxsicc. l'"ckl. K. Kh. i7,!o.— Rati. I. c— KM. & Kvrlit. N. A. K. 2d Ser. I9,S2.— Thiim. M U. iH.s.s-— K/f. !•'. Sfl. sSi.— Sydow. M. March. , — Koiim. F. O. 2391. Stroniata scattered. i>lol)ose-conical, innatc-erunipent, with a black. ciicumscril)in,od. Perithecia subcircin- ate, irloliose. .^-1 nnn. diam., penetrating ,o the wood or partly ini- iiieised in it. Osliola eIoni>ate(l, sultconveru'ent, cylindrical or irregu- lar, erunijient in a rather c(»mpact tult. Asci oblong-clavate. p. sp. 4.")- 50 X 8-S) /«, Sporidia biseriate, oldong-fusoid, 12-1(5 x 3-3^ ft, uinsep- tate and Hnally slightly constricted. On dead blanches iA Jlobiniit pxeiidnvachi, Newlield, \. J. Cke. in (Jrev. makes the spitridia 2r)-2H .x (J ft. We tind them as aliove stated. *()aen each oflhc cells is ilividecl by a faint septum but without any constriction, the di visiim bcinn only a separation o( the cell contents aiul inU a true septum. ''•• ■ fj 424 1>. ilioiiia. (('. Hi K.) /)i(i/iy/"' 1 1 ■ "". ^- ^ '*•• Orev. VII, i>. t*. Cke. Syn. tCi2^ ('a/i>.\fiiiiii i/iniiiii. Sacc, Syll. .^707. MxMicc. K1I. *: Kvrlit. N. A. K. 2(1 Scr. 1953. I'critliociii siiliriiciiiiitc, S-'JO in a fiioii)), jilolioso, J^-^ nun. diiini,. llio lower piiit snnk in tlic woixl. necks convcrireiit iind crnnijHMit in m cfinipact liiscirlc oi'stont Init, short, cylindricnl ostiola, wliicli poiliorarr tli(> cpidcnnis. Imt <1(> not rise much aho/c it, tlicir tips rounded or olttnsciy conical, and liiially with a larjro incjjuhir opcninir. Stioma '. iial»h', oiliicuhii'. irrctrular in outline, ol'tcn wi(h'ly conliuent and con- tinuous lor several inches, faintly circninscril»ed. Asci ol)loni;-»davate. p. sp. (1('.\)S-I(> //. Sporidia hiseriate, ol»I- museptate and slij^htly constricted, 12-1 ') x 2.\-3//. (Ml dead 7f/tii.s rciiPiiuta, Newlield. N. .1. On a section exiiosint>- tlie pei'ithecia they seem to lie almost evenly scattered. Sec. ('ooke, the sporidia ar<' l-iVseptate, 40 x 4 it. itiit we can only find them as staled altove, U. aceriiia. (Fk.) I'a/s(i aieihia, Pk. i^tli Kcp. (). 74. />iat>i>)llir tireiiiia, Sacc. Sylt. 2,'AS- I'lilsa aihiiiiiiila. C. & P. in Cki-. Viilsei of the ('. S. No. (>.i, (fide IVck). I'eritliecia sunk in the wood, -,f iiini. tliaiii., in sulicirciiiatt uronps of 0-10, circninscriited Ity a black line which penetrates deepl\ into the wood and encloses a space consideialtly laiirer than that occu- pied l»y the perithecia. Ostiola ernmfx'nt throiiirh the rupliired epi- dermis (which is also sli<:litly raised), stout, sliort-cylimlrical, olstiiso, pcM-forated. env(d(»ped in a Hiilphnr-yellow, ii'iumoiis substance which linally disappears. The wood of the stroma within the circnniscril)iii unaltered substance ol" th<' inner Iiark in irroups orS-12. the ostiola converjiin^'and seriate- cmmpent in a black, convex-hemispherical disc which is loosely sur- rounded by the rupliired epidermis. .Vsci davate, 40-')0 x (i 7 //. a|»araphysate, 8-sporeil. Sporidia iiiseriate. cylindric-fiisoid. 4-niicleate. hyaline, straiji'ht. unisepliite. scarcely constrict«'d. 12-l')x3-;>^ //. 42o Uii (Icinl lii('k(ir\ liiiilis. Xfwlii'lil. N. .1. TIk' (istiolii do lint |pi-(»j(H'l ill iill. liiit iii'c sliiilitlv iiiiiliilioate- Uciirt'sscd. \). Cai'piiii. (Pels.) .S/'//. Sinmiia Vc'K- Sc ]) 411 Diiif'dilh, C,ii/niii\ Hckl. Syml). p. 2115. Kxskv. Tliuiii. M. I'. 2if«).— Kclim Asc. .;76.— Kiin/.c V. fifl. iJi— Km. V. Am. 7.|d.— Krgr. F. Sax. 13^.— Sylow M. March. 2<>s. 1557. Strniiiii coiliijil. ]i;il('. I'criHicciii cHH-iiiiitc. iiiiinci'oiis. cnAvdoil. vlcM'ly ciiriiiiisc'rilii'd liv ii iinn'oM liiii'. ()sti(»!ii ('I'liiiijK'nt tlirdutili iho .^tclhitcly torn cjiidcninV. not coiifliu'iit, at (ii'.-^t iiiijiilliitc. linally (iiiiliilicatc, and sonii'tiiiK'> rostcllatf. Asci oldoni;'. sessile. S-s|iored. oO-dO x 7-S /<. S]ioridia suliiiiseriate. oldonuH-ylindi'ical, iinise]itate. iililiisc. liyaline. 4-niieIeate. 13-1n.\3-4 //. S|ierniu,iionia einnijiont. \-'2 iiiin. across, witli an irreiiidar central oltenini:': sperniatia lance- I'nsoid. l!-niicleale. liyaline. 12-1.") .\ ^>J,-4 /<. On Cor]) J /IKS Aintricfnio. SoiiUi Carolina (l{avenel), Canada (I>earness). New York (l'e<-k and Fairnian). Tlie s]iecc. I'loiii l>r. Fairnian have asci and s]ioridia cc»rre.-i.— Kal). Herb. Myc. 49, 255.— ill. F. V,. 2.(31.— Rcliin Asc. 429 Sydow M. March, i.((..— Tluim, M. I . iifo, iS57.— Desni. I'l. Crypt. V'A. I, 1752. F,d. II, 1402.— l-;il. & Ivvrlil. N. A. F. 2(1 Scr. 2^24. Sti'oniata thickly ami evenly scattered, uriticidar, de|ires.-ied. I'ormed of the nnalteied siilistaiice ol' the inner l»ark, and covered liy llie e|iidermis. I'erithecia 10-1 ") in a stroma, circinate. small, sjiheri- cal. ]ionotratin,i>: to the wood, jind olten adnate to it. Ostiola cylin- drical, closely packed (oii'ether. and eriimpent in a Mack, elliptical, iraiisvei-se (lisk which is linally oliliteratcd: mostly short and olituse, liiit sometimes elonjiated. Asci r)(M;(> x 7-10 //, sulise.«silc, davate. Spuridia liiseriate. fiisoid, iiiiiseptate and constricted at the septum, 13-22x3-4 //, ureenish-hyaliiie. sliuhtly curved. On dead stems of liihcs Idnixtrc. Canada (f)earnes>s), New York (Peck). I), siilici'ni^rua, K. & K. (in Merit.) Perithecia ovate-jiloliose. ^ mm. diani.. (t-12 toiicther. enclo.t silicate. On (lead nia|ile liiiil)S. lionilon. Canada (Mearness). Closelv allied to /). /)Hshi/(/f(t. {\)('~U\.). \m\ llie sjieciliien of thai <|ieci('s ill |)esiii. I'l. <'r\|it. has a distinct, nearly round, almost |ilane disk, willi the osliola only slightly |iroiniiient and uai'rower, and ralliei lonii'er. acute sporidia. I), t'oii^eiiei', K. vV K. (in llerli.) I-:xsicc. i;il. N: Kvrht. N. .\. H. .'cl Soi , js.v Stroiiiata evenly scatt.erei|, depri'ssed-conical, rorniei' of the sliuht- ly alteretl sulistance of the l)ark which is li'^hter than the adjacent parts, limited liy a l)liick. circiimscriliiiiL:- line \vlii(di [ieii"trale- tin' wood, apex lirounish-lilack. erniiipi'iil throiiLih the ruptured cpidcrnii^ \\lii(di. however, is only sliuhtly raised. I'erilhecia snlicircinate. ad- nate to the siii'liice of the wood l)iit scarcidy peiietralini:' it. altoiit ti-S in nnmlier, ^ mm. diam., rather aliriiplly coii(racle(| into slender, sliirlitly ('oiiveru'liiu; necks, piercing the disk with their rounded, olitnse. erk(dey, the asci ami sporidia are scarcfdy di-tiii'^'iiish- alile l'r(jm of our I), roiu/rnar. hut in that species the inner iiark is Idackened and swlicarlioni/eil with loiiir. ctiarse. linht colonel fillers liedded in its .surrace just under the epidermis, and there is. in the Kiiropean specc. wo have seen, no Mack circiimscriliiiiii' line |ieiietrat- inu' the woo 1. The pi.M'itheeia also are lai'i>:er. IJerkidey ((!rcv. 1 V, ]i. '.)'.).) states that in specc. from the mountains of New York, the sporidia ar<' at leiiuth ••lenestrate." a character not apjdicaltle \n 1). Jihrosn . S/'/iii'f/'it <',)'tt'us(i Fr. Schw. .""yn. N. Am. l.'Jl."). is appai-ently not dis- tinct Croin I), p'hrosn. I>. tecta. (rk**.) I \i/.\,i 1,1 hi, Ckc. Cirt'V. XI. )). iHi, Syu. I'yr. jixiu. Dhifxiillir t,,la. Siicc. Syll. '"i.ji. Kxsicc. Rav. H. Am. 7(7 427 llili' to I he li;i.-c. Iiiil II' slii:litl\ -iilisi's. i.i siiii'htly rc-ciiililf nl siilciitc. II of thill I IiImiii- mill nillii'i- till- -li-hl- • ililjjiri'lil tiatcs tlic I'liiilcriiiis riliiltr, uil- illiolil (l-S lo slcmlri'. I'll, olitlisi'. •yliiiilfifiil. soiiii'tiiiii's Diiii'ly coii- omifry l)y li'^tiiiL;-iiisli- iiDicr liMi'k itrcil lilicrs is. ill till* ' |irii('tr;it- ii'\. I\', p. ic s))oi'iiliii ). Jihioxii. V not di-:- "lNi'itli<'('l;i cirfiiiiilc. tew. ncslliiiL; in tlu' iiiiiilti'i'cil siilistMiicr of llic li;irl< iiml liiisiiiu' tlir cipiili'i'iiii-^ into little iMistiilcs. smiill (!')(•//). iiiioiit liiiir toii'cilicr. coiitriiclcil nlioxc into slmilci' iii'ck.< t<'riiiin!itinL'' ill tlir -hort. in('oiis|iiriioiis ostiohi, wliii-li Imri'ly rii|iliii'(' llir rjiiiliTinis willionl I project iiiu' ii'iovc it. Asri oliloiiii' l!"»-o(t x ")-(• ii S)iori«liii liisniiilc, olilonii'-siililiinccojiitc. sliiilitly eurvcij. '2-4-mi('lriitc. iiiiis('|i- liitc. Iiyiilinc. (l-T x \\-l n. ( IS x >"• n. Ckc). Oil (U'iid liiiilis o|' MijrUd. |);iiirii. (Jt'oruiii (Riivciicl). 'I'liis ilisci'(']iiiiicy lictwci-ii CooUcV inciisiinMiicnts jiiid ours is iciiiiirkiililc. We liiivr rairfiiily (•xiiniinrii tin- sjiccc. in |{;i\ . F. Am.. lUiil Iiml tlic ^]lo^illi!l as statcil aliovr. 0. Woolwoitliii. (I'k.) Wihii H'linhi.'!!) Ill n'. I'k. 2^Ui Kcp. p. 7.^ J>\il'i'i/li,- il\«>l:ru,/l,ii. Sncc. Syll. 2;,\;. Miiiiilr. ('riiin|i(Mit. Pnitliniii '2-(l touctlici'. iicsllini;' in tlic iniici' liaik. ()stiola stout. Iicconiiiii;' iiinliilicatc. (.Towdcil. sliulitly iiroinincnt. liarcly cxsci'tcd tlironiili the ni)ituiiM| r|iidi'i'niis. Asci |i. sp. .")( »-;■)") x 7 //. Spoiidia crowiird or Uisi'riatc. olilonu-riisoid, "inisi'|ita1r. scarcely ronstriclcd. nearly colorless. 10-12 x "J^-;}^, //. On dead oal< and hickory iiraiiches. (ireeidmsli. N. V. (I'eck). on oak and TUht. Canada (Dearness). The clusters ol' |icritliecia aif very nniiierons and ol'teii seriate, the e|iideriiiis iiein.L;' rti|iture(l rroiii one l(» iiiiolher. What a|i|ieiirs to lie the same has lieeii sent liy Mr. l-anii'lois I'roni lionisiana. on dead liiiili> of while oak. with the ostiola at lirst ermnjient through a piile ilisk which at length disapjiears. I». raiiiiosa, Pk. •^(Mll {{ep. p. (i!». Stroma suhpiilxcnileiil or me;dy. dull lnill colui. Idrmeil of the sliiihtly chiUiiiod inner liark, (■rnni]ient in a minute. slii>litly exserted disk. I'erithecia irreutilarly circinalinii'. generally 4-10 loucther. the clusters suliconlliient. Ostiolii lilack. dotliiiL!' the pi'oininent. pulveru- lent. liiilV-colored or. at leiiulh. Iirownish disk. Asci sulicylindrical. •"i.')-7') X TJ-IO r/. Sporidia crowded or liiseriale, ohloiiii- or suliliisi- I'orm. iiniseplatc. Licnerally 4-uucleate. I ")-20 x oJ,-4 //. (hi dead liranches of TUhi Anivt'ivami, Aruiisville, X. V, (IVck). 'I'liis species apjiroaclies 1). fiirfiwiivvo in its |inlverulent stroma, iiiit dilVers in its prominent disk. iiiakini>- the liranches roiiiih to the touch, and in its smaller spoi'idia. l'"roiii I), rclntti it is easily sepa- ratcil liy the entire aliscnce of any lilack. circnmscriliinu' line or hlack- ened surface. It evidently lieloiiiis to the suliu'eims CJiorostnte. Imt die clusters of jiei'ltliecia are .-;o numerous that they form an almost ill I; ^ 4'JK roiitiiiiions stnitniii, wliicli smTDiimls tlic liraiicfi siihI t'xtcnirs for ;i forii:- ilistaiict.' iiinlor tiio oi»iil(,'nnis. We lijivc not sct.'U this spt'cics, ami take tin' loivi^niu^r IVom tin- r"ii(trt cited. 1). SntTnidiann. Kze. Sju*-. Syll. 24;5n. Kxsicc. Kzf. K. Scl. I2,v I\'iilli('L'ia 2-(J toiii'tlror, srilifiri'iiratt\ Ittiricd in tlit> rinalteicil inner liark witliont any cirfiiniscriliiiiL'' line, alumt ■')()♦) n diani., with their ^tullt, cnnii-a! or (•(Miic-cvliniirical i»sti<)la n^nnipfnt in a hiusr fascicle tiHi-etlier. Asci p. s]>. oldonu-l'nsoiil, 4H-4."> \ >>-!> //. S[i(»riilia itiseriate, oldoiiu'-rnsoid, 4-nncleate. nniscptate and \:vv\ sliulitly con- stricted, 10-12 X ^^-'^\ ft do x 4J-;"> fi. Sacc.). On small, dead limits of elm. London. Canada M'i'arness). The small uroiips of jterilhecia lie close tdiicther. almost lillinu: the Inirk. There is no distinct ajiicnlns at the ends of the sporidia. nor do we see any in Knnze's specimens in which the sfioridia are a trille larger, 10-14 xiii-4 ft. The latter also show a distinct, circnm- scriliiuu,' lino in the (»lder ami thicker l>ark, li\it none on the smaller limits. IK iiiipi'ilsa, (('. iV P.) I'lilsa iiii/iii/Mi, C. iiiJsa,A'ACC. Syll. avjs- .*^troma depressed-stihconical. f,-^ cm. dfam.. formeii of the scarce- ly altered siihstance of the hark, with a Mack, limiting' line penetrat- inii' the wood. l*erithecia S-12. suhcircinati", J-A mm. diam.. with .slender nocks, the ohtusely-conical, linally nmliilicate-collapsimr ostiola enimpent throwii'h a small, irrayish-hlack disk rather loosely siirmnndeil by tlu! riijttnred epidermis. Asci clavate-cylindrical, p. sp. aliont 40x6 n- S]ioridia hiseriate, I'nsoid, nniseptate. mideato, hyaline, hardly constricted. lG-20 x 3-3^ ii. On dead Iiranches of Pi/rnn Aiin'rk'dint. Adirondack Mts.. X. Y. (I*eck), on P//nts suiiJjnr/foIfff, California ( Ilarkiioss). Descriliod from specc. sent l)y Mr. Peck. I>. Aili'nithi, Sacc. M. Ven. spec. p. 137, t;il.. XIII. lius. 40-43. Stroma valsoid. A(.'ervuli scattered, small, consistinu- of ")-(> perithecia lyinu' in siiltcircinate 2"i'otips hiiried in the sMrface of the wood and covered Ity the sliiihtly raised epidermis, which is finally ruptured. Perithecia siil»uioIiose, alnint f, nnn. diam. Ostiola ernm- pcnt in a fa.scide tojiether. lor some time covereil by the epidermis. 42!) llllt tillJlIlv lIlltlT () r less fxscrtcil. Asci I'lisoid, ')() x (i- ( n. »|)(>nili;i ■iiiiiii iscriatc, oliloiiu-l'iir-oid, 4-iuicI('at<', sliylitlv eoiistrictcMl in tlic iiiiil- J-i;^x3-3i n. On (lead liiiiiis of AlJantlnix f/Iitmhilowi, I)ola\vfir(' (('oiiiiiions). Tin' s|i('rc. scut iiy .Mr. ('oiiiiiiuiis iirc (|iiit(' vni'ijildc (is to tlio «ti(tlii wliicli arc soiiit'tiiiics A inin. Iniiii' iiixl then chiviitc. Tlio struiua IS III iiitcil l>v a lilack (.'iirmiisci-iliiiiu' line n. biciiicta, (r. «; P.) I'd/ill hiciinlii, C. Jt I'. 2i|lli Kt]). N. Y. State M\is, ]>. (,|. Diafixthe hiciitila, Sacc. Syll. 2\\\. Stroiiiata tliickly scattered, dc|ircssc(Miciiiis|)lici'icaI, aluMit .'{ inni. diiiiii.. scatcil oil tlic inner Iiark witliniit any circiiiiiscriliiiiii' liiK-. dirty wliitc inside. I'eritliecia (i-'JO in a stroma, ol' iiie(liiiiii si/e. siini< in tlic hark, their cylindrical necks tcrniinatiiiii' in a coinpact lascide of stout. Iilack. olitiisely conical ustiola picrciiiL;' the c|iiderinis lint imf lisiiiu' iiiiich aliitve it. and finally iiiiiliilicate-collap.sed. Asci siilicylin- drical, 40-4") X (1 n. ."^poridia Inseriate, narrow-elliiitical, 4-iiiiclente. not constricted. 10-1. '5 \',\ a. On dead branches i\^ JiKjhin.s clncvcn, New York (I'eck). When the epideriiiis is peeled oil", 'lie I'ascitde of ostiola is >iir- roiiiide(| liy a pale whitish zone at liase, and this, a.uaiii, \\\ a dark- colored line. I). leipliifiiiia, (Ki.) Splurn'a Icifiliicmia, Vr. S. M. II, p. 399. I'a/fti liiplnniiiii, Vr. Sunitiia, VcR. Sc. p. p. ,(ij. I'iiat"'>tlu- li'ipluriiut. Sacc. M. V. si)ec. p. 135. tab. XIII, figs. 26-2S. I';xsicc. I-ckl. V. Rti. I'll.— Kzc. 1", Sil. ,'v)S. -Ral). Herb. Mycol. 732. id. V. V,. 1015, 222^. Rcliin .Asc. .176.— Ckc. I'". Hril. Scr. I, 255, 2(1 Ser. 225.— Uesm. PI. Cr. Kd. I, 1251=.. I-:<1. 11. 75f>.— l-;il. X. A. 1". o- Stroiiiata inniiei'ons and thickly scattered Itiit not conlliiciit. corti- cal, with a pale, criiiiipeiit, convcx-lieniisjilicrical . is D. hipliauiiiii, Fr. (at least in onr copy). I), ci'iuif^ei'ii, K. & K. I'roe. Acad. Xat. .liMri. -:|cii(|ci'. cMiivci'iiciit necks with tlic ostiohi '^iiKMitli ami I'diiinlril III' ilistiiiclly iiiiMilri-iilcatc iiii'l f'i'iiiii|iciit in n Miiiill, fa|iiliit(' liisciclc. In well i|cvr|ii|i('(l sii»'cini('n> llir nstiula an fvlindi'ifal, 1-- nun. lon'i. lait i|iiiti' as nftrn tlicy innjcci nulv -lialitl\ aliiivc llic ciiiilciniis. 'riicic is nut a sr|iaiati' cinnnisciiliinu' lini aiduml cacli (■lii>l('i' nl' tlif iicritliccia, Imt imc (•(intinnnus, Mack layci extends aliiniijust under tlie siirlace nl the inner liark over Ilie enlirc space occu)iied liv the Ihiiiiiis. In the early stauc nrl'ace nf the innei' liark is sniontli and even. Imt where the perithecia are more nnniernu- and well devehipeil, they raise the hark into little Hat pnstnles aliniit mm. diam. Asci 4:)\ (-.^ /np. s| I, with paraphyses. Sjuiridia I -eriate. iililonu-lusiiid. 4-iinclcale. sliuhtly (imstricted in the middle K'-I.'i .\ li-'M, ft. end> sniiol'tnse. This was at lirsl nTericd to Dlnjim tlic Wool ii'drtlili. I'k.. Imt. havitiii' cnuipari'd it with a specimen nl' that •pec les Irtiin Mr. I'eck. we linil it to dilTer in it> lariicr and more nn- uliecia lieinu' niori mcroiis pei'ithecia with lonu. cylindrical ostiola. and its iiroader spnri- dia : nor is tliei'o any seriate ai'ranuement in the clir>;tei's nl' perithecia or any circnmscrilmiii' line. .Mr. Commons send* the same IVnm Dela- ware (No. llifl(i). ililTerini:' only in the chi-lers ol |ier or less lonji'itmlinally conllneid. Oil ilead oak liiuhs. liondon. Canada (hearnesst. W. nia^iiis|M)i'a. (K. \ K.) / .//.M/ ii.\ii;iii.''/iiiiti, !■;, .S: }•;, Jimrii. .Mycnl. til. ji. jj. Iliapiotlii' maniii^t"'"-'- Sacc. SylT IX. p. 7117. I'eritliecia Itiiried in the inner liark. not penetfatiiiu' to tlie wood or circnmscrilied liy any Idack line, (i-10 in a rinster. uloliose-ovate alioiit \ mm. diam.. contracteil aliove into short necks which liiirst in {i cluster tliroiijih the epidei'mi>. hnt project only sliuhlly almve it fheir ajiices (ostiola) honiispherical. Mack, smooth ;iiid shiiiinn-, with a minute, central jiort'. and sometimes sliiziitly nmliilicate. Asci siiiisc- sile, olilonir-cylindrical. UKt-riO x lS-22 jt. Sjioridia liiseriate. oli- loiiii'-iusoid, hyaline, uniseptate. sliiihtly curved, i.")-.']."* x 7-1 1 it. Dia- liortln: Acct'h. Fckl., \\\\^ asci onlv (iOx.'^ // and s]ioriilia 14x4 //. On dead maple limits, riaiiifi(4d. X. .1. (C. F. Mesclmtt). n. Acei'is, Fckl. .ni/i"7f/i, iiiyiiiifii. Sacf Syll. .ij'i''. Kv.'^icc. Ell, N, A, H i>ia. 4;Ji l.'llll.. Coil Ik' "isti(i|;i |i<'lll ill ;i '-tiolji ;ir, ly siitiiiti, iliiiiu- liiii JK'lx IjiyiM III"' riitiiT Hill Ulicil till' iiiiirr iiiiiiii'i'iiii- nil'* ,'iliiiiit piiiiiliii lii III' llliilillr. ii«'li III' liiiit iiiiiii' nil- nli'i' >)iini- }i('i'itlifci:i. (rnlll |)r|;|. iriiiL;- iiKnr I'l-iillii'i'iM r-iiiiill. iilioiit \ It iliiiiii.. Iiiii'il'ii ill till' iiiiii'i' li:ii-k in siili- I'J. cuvcrcil jiliovi' l»v II thill. Iijnrk crust Iviii^' cin'iii.'iti' iii'iiiiiis It! till' Will III 'CtSC-U\i|t(' 1 liiiisl ill iiii(i\c ii i.u', uilh a .^ci SIlllSC.- 'rinlc. nil X \ It. ). jii-l liciicMtii till' i'|iiili'niiis. Ostiiil.'i »li'/lil!y cmivcrii'i'iit. risiiiu' si'|p;i- iiili'lv tlirmi'^li llic ii\i'rlyiiiL>' crust ;iiiil liiisiic.:' .'iml rii|iliiriiiu' tin- i'|pii|i'iiiiis. shiirt-cyliiiilriciil. siilicniii|>rcs«cii nr nllirru isc iircLiiiliir. A»ri cl;i\atr-cyliiiili'ic:il. siiliscssili'. ii|i;irji|iliys;ilr. S-^jinrcil. 'lO-lltt x I'p-T n. Spoiiiliii l»isrri;iti', liicniiiciil. or iiciitdy i'lli|iliciil, iiiiiscptiiti' :iui! I'liii-lrirtcil. siiliitlitusi'. Iiytiliiir, I"J-I4.\-I //. (di liiirl< III' Jcr/' rnhnnii. NcwIirM, N. .1. 'I'lir ivi'iiiip- iiT pi'i'illii'i in ;iln:i>-t I'litirclv till the !i;irk lor !i limt .1 nr iiKirc 111 li'uu'ih ;iiistiiila 1 nun. or inoir ImiLi, lax, soim'wliat atiiiliitiiiati'il. .\lioil, nhtiisc. nniliiliciilc osliolii li;ir»'Iy iiiciriny (lie l»iirl<. Asci iilioiit 411 x (1 // i|L s|i. I. Sporidiii siililiisciiiitf. I'lisnld l-nnclciilc. licconilnL; liiinllv nnisr|it{ii.' lliiintly .Vsciitiilc. Ckc), not coiistriclrd. I r»-2(> x ."{ /' CJ.') X 4 //. C'kc). On dcnd lininclics ol' //c.r [ijliilinn'! Nrw Held. \. .1. 'i'lii-i must not lie conlonndcd w illi 1). h'nux nlnta. \\w. llnin wldrli iiiis inncli liirtitT. (4Ii|itic;d. ( (insliicti'd s|ioiidi!i. h. iMiioniliita, . liitlicr liii.iic. d»'('|p|y inilicddfd in ii dcin'csscd- licniisplicricMl slronm I'oi-nicd of the sliiilitlv nitci'cd sniistiincc ol' tlir liiirk and cnrlosrd in :i tolcinliiy tiM(4<. Iiaid. cnrlnMiiicrons crnst. wliicli |ii'ni'lrat('s to ilir wood and siiows on a horizontal section as a lilack eirenniscriliinL;' line. Osliola sidnrloliose. witli a lar^'e. irreirular open- iiiu'. slii:litly einmpent thfoniih cracks in the sliLihtly raised epiderini.-. Asei clavate-cylindricai. lOd-l.")!) (mostly 1(U>-I |"J) x ll'-'JO /<. p. sp, T')-S() ft. with liranular paraphyses. Spoiidia uniseriate or sometime^ sniiliisoriate. elliptical, nniseptate and constricted, with a lariic nneloiis in each ctdl, 'JO-liox 12-14 //. Init olten smaller hV'JO.x H»-J2 n. con strictcd at the .-icptiim. On dead trnnks of MmjuDlid (jlnnvd. Xewlield, N. .1.. ami on Ilex vertidlhita. Iion(h»n. Canada ( Hearncss). The ostiola often i'ail to rise throuiih the epidermis, so that (uit- wai'dly there is no trace of the i'nniitis. The asciuerons nnclens is soft and pale, and the pei'ithccia themselves are almost colorless. This dilVers from I). nrnhiiHi. ('. \- K.. in its mnch loii^icr asci and very ditVerent sporidia. I), stietostoiiia, (Kll.) I 'ii/.Mi /iiinitoi/iiiiiii. KII. Am. N'.if. M.Tich, i^s;^. p. ^iC-. lUiipKillii >liiioslo»nt, Sacc. hyll. (>n/\ Stroma cortical, formed of the nnaltei-ed sulistance of the inner l»ark. Perithecia S-12, alntiit }, mm. diam,. in a sinule layer, theii' short-cylindrical Iteaks joine /<. '.. .•iihI Oli I) tllllt (llll- It'iis is sdlf oiiucr iisci llH' llllK't yor, their ■>. •'iit'litiy I pii'irctl iioiiiiiiciit. .') X liLlill_v «'iiii,. hviiliiH'. U-i;; x l-l.l //. (Ml (Icjiil liliilis <>l AiiK IdiK-liii !■ Caiiiidi iisis Inwii ( I |(i|\Vii\'). I>. Mii^'inili.T. K. iV K. lin II. iIm Strniiiii iii'i'ijiiliii' ill fiiitliiic. cIoiiLiiili'il li'i' -- 1 ml iiinic) nn. in I'Xtciil. iiinl <'iiii:«isliiiLi' dl' tiic iiiKillci'ct! siili.-l;iiicr nj' llic li;irl< nnil uikkI. ciicld.^rd ill ii tliiii. Iil:i(-I< iayiT \\lii.-|i ;i|i|i('!ii'.>. on :i li(ii'i/iiiil:il si'ctioii. a» !i iiarriiw, lilack liiii' |iciicti'aliiii:' tlic wihhI to the (lc|it!i nC 'l-W m\\\. i'l'iiliicfia l-S toiicllicr, Imiicil in tlM- liark ami partly >iinl< in tlii- •iiltjaccnl uiiimI. alioiit \ nun. iliain., w liiii-lini' li(irii-peeies. It liehiiiLis evidently ill (he siiliueiiiis ('liorosfulc. wliere we n/////.*< Aiiifri<-nii(i. West Chester. Pa. With a Ci/tlf'poi'ii having' dMonii'. hyaline. 4-iiiudeale spdiiilesv >-Il X --'!}, It. issniii'.:' in an oraiiuc cdlored ma.;{;{) ; ((/.v.; hih.iciiliKy,!. I'.ll. Hull. Tori liol. Cliil. Vlll, i). Si, nitif'o) llir liihni i(lci>,j,1rt.\i^i: Syll. iV'\. Peritheeia S-10. alidiit I00-.")0tl n. diam., siilicirt-iiiatinu'. and 'mrieil in'a stroma I'drmeil entirelv of the siilistanee ol'thi' Itark. which .)i> \L.K i *' I 1 ■(: I m I •ii-y'^ I m 434 i.-' not ili.>('oIi)i-<>i|, tliuiiuli I't'inlrrtMl moi-c roinpiirt niiil t^iiiTMumliMl hy ;i thill. Iilni'k hivcr wliicli |M'ii('li!it('s tlic wood liciiciith. Ostiohi slinit- cvliinlricul, thick, stout, nhtiisc. with an irifLriihir uiiciiiiivr. Asii liiniid-laiin'ohitc; st'ssiif. 7'> x I;") n. Spniidia liiscriiitr, ulilnim'.('|li|» liciii, iiiiirJ<'|itiil«' iiiid sliirhtly rotislriclcil, hyaliiic. 12 x ')-(> /i, with twi> iarir*' «iiit'l<'i. at jciiiith easily sriiaraliiitr in the iiiidildh'. On ilf'snl liiiilis mI' Amcliiin/ilrr ('inmiftiinix. Ncwlifld, N. .1., aihl 1)11 ih*a.j .Imfii'lofisiitii, i;il. Hull. Torr. Hot. Cliit). IX, J), iti. Ci V fill's fwi ilia .[mf.i,s. I'liha (Ci)plost>o>elUi) .li»ptlii/>.\itli\, Ckc. Syii, ii>jo. Kxsicc. Kll. N. A. V. SSI. IN'rithecia siilicircinate. lew. seated on the siirl'ace of tlie wooil and enveloped in llie l»aik without any ilistinct stroma. Ostiohi cyliii- dricul. sul»acuto, their tips united in an ellipticul. piano tiisk eniinpent thronirii h)ie.;itiidinal lissures in tiio luirk. l»ut at leiiL'th oliliteiati'(|. Asei (davate-cylindi'ical. al»ouf 70 x 12 //. ."^poridia liiseriate. oliiong- elliptical, suliaeiite. hyaline. 1-4-nncleate, liecomiiiii- iiniseptate. I S-22 On dead stems of Aiiiinlopiils t/Uf/u^mJoHu, Newlield, N. .1, I). a|Nier.v|)tn, «'. iV K.) I'lil.Hi af'Oiiypta. C. Mc K. ('.rev. VIII, p. i.s. lUiipotihc apinrypta, Sacc. Syll. 2i,'H. I'eritliecia in yroiips of 3-S, snl»circiiiat<' in the nnclianued inner I'ark. \-\ mm. diain.. their short, olitii-ie, siilitascicidate ostiola raisinu: the epidermis into slinht pustules which arc tlnally riipturod. I»ut the; ostiola are not ex.serteil. Asci clavate-cylindrical, 7'>-S() x 1 ")-IS it. ."^poridia liiseiiate, oldoin.'. uniseplate and constricted, ol»tusc, hyaline, lS-20x(>/< (2.')-2Sx S-!> //, Cke.). The iil or t'litircly coiMfiilcil liy llir ciiidcriiii- which is only very slightly or not at all clcvalcil omt llirni. Asci iilMint "0 x 8-10 /<, cyliiHlrical. Spoiidia olili(|nt'ly uiii- seriate, ('lli|itii-al, iinisciitatc, 1 S-iiO x 7-S n. On ih'ati liianclM's ol' V^uiiiniini) rori/inhnsitin. Newlit'ld, N. .1. Mmli like I). ni>iuiiijtiii. Iiiit tilt' |M'iitlif('ia arc smaller and sunk in till' \v()<»d, (trdy their a|iiccs lisine into the Itark. and in that s|iecii's llicfc is no idack, circnniscriiiiiiu' line, cithei' in the \vo(»d or liark. n. Nnlicellii. (Ki.) spli.niii yuliiflla. l-r. S M II, |i, ,»77. •^/•/iiiiiii HiliiiHti, Ciirr. I.imi. Trans, XXII, tab. ,)■<, I'm \.y\. Iltiliiiiui stiliiillti. l-'r Siiiiima Vt-^. Siatiil. p, >,'.)-. Iiiiil^iiilh,- Silli.iy Nilsclikf, ill I'lrkl I' Kit. It^S;. ( t vfiliispiita uilici'llii. I'ckl. Syiiili. i^.i. />ii>>ilif saliifllii, Saci, Mycul. Veil, sjiii . |). i.vs. Ilxsici. I-VUl I" kli, H(«i. i.;,>f7.-Riili. V. v.. iiM^..— Tliiim, M. l", 170, I'critliecia mostly in groups or4-S, lairied in the inner Itark with- out any stioma. the short, conic-cylindrical osliola lireakiiiL;- thronuh the e|iiderinis in a small t'ascicle projectinu' a little aliove the sli<;htly |iiistidiroi'm-(devated epidermis, and appearinu' like small lilack specks thickly scattered over the lind). Mixed with tlie.uronps are also many perithecia standinii' sinuly. Asci (Jo-TO x 14-1(5 //. ehmuated-chivato. Sporidia Itiscriale, oldouu-liisoid, ineipiilateral, nniseptate. not con- stricted, yellowishdiyaline. 1 ')--<► x 4i-'). I //. ends snliolttiise. On dead limlis oi Sdh'.r, New Vork (Fairnian), ('anada ( Dear- ness). Pennsylvania ( Herk. in (Irev. I\',p. 147). The perithecia an- 4()0-.'')()(( /t diain., thin and mendtranacoous, collapsing IVom lielow. n. soriatii. (('. ^ K.) I'ti/iii M/wii/i/, C. it Iv Circv. VI. )), II. I>iiiflhr SI), iiila, Saci' Syll -',(7^- Periflie<-ia ;{-') tou'cther. liiiried in the unaltered snl»stance of the liaik. minute CJtM) n). - tiates to the wood. On dead limits of fjinn-ns lipiizoin, Newlield, N. .1. With a tutted Ifvhiiintliospoi'linii risini:' from tho )>nstnlos and ltearin<>' eia- vate. nndtiseiitate conidia. ^■il 4;]ii f/i;i. M! !■ • ('!. h. iiiiiiliih, «'. ^ K.) ; ,i/wi />iiiiiiii,i. c. .Si !•;. <'.ifv. VII, p. I). /liiifiiii llii /tiiuliila. SiKv. Syll. 2.|i)i- I'crillicriii lew, '1 I inudlu'i', snliiildlidst'. iilioiil 'JfKt // t|i;iiii., Iiiii'iod ill llif iiii:ilt<'i')-i| siilistiiiH'c of llif Imik. wliicli is liiisiMJ intn siiiiill |iiisliilt's iii|iliin'(| l»y ill*' sliKil. oliliisc. siilMiiiiliiliciilc osliolii. which scjucflv |ii(ijrct. Asci rhiviitc |». s|i. iilndit 10 x (1 n. S|iiiii(liii liiscriiitf. olihuin-riisoid. iiiiis('|itiil<' iiml nmslriclcd, hviiliiic. l(i-lSx '.\-\ n. S|ifiiiu»Liitiii!il stidiiiii rii(li;i(('-iiiiillihiciii!ir, jilioiil 1 iinii. iliniii.. nipliiriiiL'' ihc f|ii(|('iiiiis liisi' thr iisciucfoiis slioiiin. I'lnin which il cum sciir(clv lie ilistiiiiiiiislicil (nilwiii'(ll\ . S|ictiiiiiliii iilhiiiloid. hy.'iliiic, \ X I //. (hi (h'lid twius of \i/Hsriiii/iir/u /i/s- l>liliihi. ( I'll I.). IHIl'crs IVdiii It. sniiiitd. V. A- K.. ill Ihc .'ilisciicc nl' iiiiy circiiiii scriliiiiii line. \). Iliv«sa. KM. iV llolw. Pioc. Acnd. Nnl.Sci. I'hil. I'li. .Inly, ls!H). l'<-i'ilhcci;i iimslly S-I'J. iilioni ',' iinn. diiiiii., siiltcirciiialc, liiii'icd ill the iiii;ilt(>i')'d siiii.siiiiicc (iC (he Imik which i.s I'iii.-o-d in n piisliihitc iiifiiiiM'i' over tliciii, contj'iiclcd iihotc iiilu shurt necks with lijiick, siiii- hcniisplM'i'iciil, |i:i|iillil the siiiiie ueiieiiil M|i|ie!iiiince lis r. ii/rrif, I'v. Asci (|i. s|i.) iilioiil (10 X 11! //. Spoiidiii siililiiseiiiite. oldoiii>-. l-ii Helen te, niiise|il;i te, const ricled, lli-l(i x .'{-I //, slniiyht or very sliLililly curved 'riiere is no Idfick, ciiciiijisciiliiii'j' line Midiind the slioinn. On deiid iildei's. Isle |{oyiile. L.'ike ."^npeiior ( llolwiiy ). I>. ronjiiiM't.'i. (Nt'es.) S/>li,ri ui liiiiiiiiii Iti, Nits Hynl . |). i"S, fiK t.!7 Pinfioi thi' iiiiiiiitii tit, I'ckl Syiilb. p. ^f*' l'<'iitlieci;i ciiciniite, uloiiose, crowded, with short necks :iiid with (■ionir.-iled-cylindricMl, smooth o lips ;iiid joiiieil in it round or trnnsversely cloiiLiJiled, sliiihtly projectiiiii- disk. Asci chivii '. sessile, Sspored, (l.'!-7s X |0 1 'J n. Sporidiii liiseri;ite. I'lisoid. sliu'h'. alleiiiiiiled ;it the einis, iiiei|iiil;iler!il, seplnle in ihe middle, not coiislricted. hyiiline, IT-'JO x .'!.^ I //. IK ( Mii|i(oiii:i>. (Si'liw.) S/y/./'Mff i iiinf>ti>iiiir, Srllw. Syll N. ;\ni \ ^S.\. /iiii/iiip//ii I iiiii/it'iiii,r. t'. Si M I'lor Sci I'liil |iilv. i~^iii'. p Mt Mv-icr, l':il .Si Kvilil N A !• 'il Si i '(Im ," lliMIM., I'.'iisf'd iiiin (•' l.lnrk. .||l,- JifLiiii III' II IK' lidicrjil >|ii»ll'(li;i Ml \;M //. iiiisniliiii'j < Mini willi ml jfiiiii'il isk. Asci lit'. I'lisuiil. <■ iiiiililic. 437 IV'rillii'ri;! iliiliM'l':-t'i| in |iii~tiili'- liiiiiH'd of (lie scmiti-Iv iiltci-'d silli-lillicr III' till' ililirr li;irl\. I-I- Iii';"|Im'I', '/lolmsc. Idiirk. "JlKI ^^r or ,)\cr di;iiii.. ('uiilniclcd ;iIh»vc iiilo slciidrr m-cks uilli llic n.^tiuhi li;nvl\ |)i('i'ciii'j.' tlic |Misliil;it('-riiis('d ('|)idfriiiis. TIm' |iiistiilr-; iiii- ;iti'. S|inridi;i Ipi-ciiiitc. I'li-nid. I niiclciii', ilnn iiiii<('|'. -ciirclv niii.-^ti'ifli'd. slr;iii:lil or sliulill_\ rur\i i|, li; "JO x '_'.',-.'! ^^/. ;itl('nii- ;iti' ;i('iiliiili:il< :il I'iicli I'lid. ()ii Ciiiii/i/niiiii iiSjilriiij'iil ill. rriiiisylv;iiii;i :iiid \''\\ .Irrscv. Oil old dcild .-ti'lllS ol' ('niiijihHiiil. till' n-Mcks in llir oiilcr li;ilk iiricli r\|rlid ('lllil'cly IlldllJld till' Slclll. Illld ill t lir<(' cliick < I lie IM'ck* cprtiii' |pciitlii'ri;i. u liicli wiTciil liist ciirliKcd ill tlir li;i ik. ;ii c ('Njiost'd. |iiojccliii!:; ill liisciclcs, or olicn in n (•|ii'cc. of S. ('i)iiijifiiii/ii', ^{■\\\\ .. ill llcrli. Scliw.. do iio| iill'ord :iii\ I'riiil, so lliiil we ('iiiinol ccrtninly Siiy llint wliiit uc li;i\c Ihm-i' i|r~ci jliccl ii> />. ('<)tii/>/niiiii\ (Scliw.), is rciilly wliiil lir dcsiuiiiilrd niidri- tli;it iiMiiM'. 'I'lir oiitwiird ii|i|M';iriinf(', liowcvt'r, (»r lln' >|m'cc. in ilic ."^t liwriiiil/iiiii (dllrciioii is the <;inn' iis lliiit ol' (lie s|i('t'c. \\c luur kTi'IIciI (o tliiil s|H'ci('s. IK |>llOllli'lS|MII'il, (('. iV hi.) i'ill.\il />lli>l)lilsf<(>lil, C. >S: K. I'lK'V. VI, p. in. }\ihii (( > \/'/,i^/'''i,//,n f'li<'iii,nt'<"'i' '•'•^t'- '^y" ''11"*- Hxsiif. i;il N .\. !•■. IV). I'lisliilf's coM-ri'd liy the sliu'litly rnlscd t'|>idt'riiiis. ,sc;ilir|-cd. .-.|ii;ill. :ilioiit I mill, diiiiii. IN'rillirrin I-S in ;i slroiiiii, miniiti' i I 'i<> /lli|)tieiil, l-nncli'iile, liecoiniim'|il!ile, liyiiliiic. ^-I(t\ -ll-^^l, n. (Ill de;id sieiii- ol' Mi/riiu riri/'i'in. N'cwlleld, \. .1. h. Oiiliirit'iisis, K. «\: K. lin IJcili.) rerilheeiii '1 ii lop'lliei'. iilioiil .[, mm. diiini.. in :i de|iress('(Mi(>mi- ~|ilieric;il, eortii'iil stroimi with ii hhiek outer slr;itiiiii |ienelr;iliiiu' the uood. (tsliohi ;il lirsl coiiie:il. tlii'ii iiniliilic:ile, (hick :iiid ^loiil. eniiii- |ieiil in ,'i lijiick. c;irlioii;M us disk wliieh niises the e|iidi'rinis inin di-lincl jiii-liile-. .\sci llCv'oiiiie 1 1. s|i. mIioiiI Ci.'i \ I; ^lioiidi; l"i.seii;ite, e|li|ili( ;il. iinise|i|iite ;ilid constricted, oliliise, hynlilie. l*J-l.'t .\ ". I' .'M -»;.'. 438 ll'.i »*:»■' 'Hi On iii!i))l<> liiiilis. liumluii. ('iiii:iilii I ncMi'in'^s). This is flnscly allicil to IJ, iiKstnlntn. hrsiii.. liiit llic >|n'ciiiicii- oT tliiit s|«'ci('s ill Dcsiii. I'l. ('iv|il. 1 7 ')•'». Iiiivc llic s|turi(li;i riisiruiin. 4-mifIi'iiti'. iiciilc. mill oiilv .'»-.'»i n lliick. iiimI tln' lil;ii-I< .-Iriitiiin ni- clifsiiiii' lilt' .-liiiiiiii is tiiickfi' iiinl iiiii'ilff. l)i>|li |ii'ritli('ciii :iiii| «lriiiii;i cniiiiiiu' nil" witli the liiirlx. wliicli i-^ not the nisc with llic ("niiinlii s|i<'ciiii('iis. \). Uoliei'^eana. (Ht>sm.) .S/'/lnllil h'iihin;i,llhl Df^lll. Not. Ii. I\S1. 1>. II. Pijl'i'ilhi Kiih,-iiit\iiia. Niis>l. K:ili. !•". V,. 72ii Kxsicf. kill). !•■. v.. 1. c -^Ocsin. I'l. Cryiil. I'M. I, 2. .53. VA. 11, 175.=. C'Milii'i»|iMis, iiiiiiicrscd. iiiiiiiilr. I'ciitliccia (1-1. '> loucllicr, cov fifil \\\ tilt' Jidiiiitc <'|ii(|('niiis. iiiCLinliiilv ciri-iiialc lilack. coIIiiiisiiiL: to coiiciivc. Ostiuiii cvliiiilriciil, ruiivt ruiiiv'. <'niiii|«'iil. |ii'niiiiiir'il. Asci siil)riis(»i(l, "•') n Iniiii'. S|i(»ii(liii idsrriatr. siili('lli|».»(ii(l. iiiiiscptatr. iir ■J-iiiR'icafo. irrcciiisli-liyaliiif, l.")\.'» n. (hi liraiiclM's of Stiiphiihii ti'ifuJ'm. Alliaiiy, N. \'. iPi'ck). U. Ci'atH'i. «'"«'••) / 'itha i liitin:!. Ciiii. I, Inn. 'riailx. X.MI |i. 27^, tnli. 1^, fin i.viu. /)i/,i/i) ('i,itui(|, tolcriililN (•(iiii|i;H't. (islioja sjiiilitly I'lnri'j (■111. lallicr uliliiM'. A-ci liiMiiil. 1M»-I(i(i \ ll-l'J »/. a|iara|iliysiti', s-sjiui('i|. S|iuri(lia lii.^criati'. cs iiiidiical. -uli. Catskill Mis. N. V. ist'c. I'crk :'.M |{c|. ).. .■)(•). Sjxii in,^. /ihif'iii /lir t:'i/i>i, ii/ii/.i. SaiT Syll 2i.;|. t-"kf. Syil im'^. Sti'diiia ciiiiical. disk (ililiisf. wliitisli. fniiii|iciil. dotlrd u itii tin '^-JC. iiMiiid. Iilai'k (istiola. Asci (t\ atc-dldtniii'. s-sporcd. Sp^ridia lii.-ciialc, laiic(i)|al<'. sliulitly ciiiNcd, iiiii.-;c|itatc. witli a slioit, lii'isllc lik c aiiiicii hiLic al each end. hvaliiic, l!l-'j;; .\ ( I/, ff. >i>ciiiiu NmiIiIi I, p. .^i"-!' I'crilliecia in >iijiciiriiiatc ,uruii|is ul' ^-\'l. scniiiniiuer-cd in tli 43!) Wfioil iiml cnvcicd liy the luiik. wliicli is only sli^'litly riiiscd. iilxxit \ iiiiii. iliiiiii. Ostiola stout, short, olitiisf. iiiipilliHiriii iil tlic Jipcx jiimI .uoii iK'ilonitfMl. not joint'd in ii disk lnil f'riiini»ont singly, iind only sliiilitiv ('onv«'|M>»'ut. Asc'i (SCI!. Kckl.i 7<>-S() x !> /<. S|i(iiidiii Inncoo- liifc-olilonii', scptiito in tlir middle. Iiyalinc. acntcly ii|t|n'ndi(Milntr nt .■iicli end. 12.\ 4 //. On d<'!iil iind»s u\ CnrifhiH. h)\\:\ (Jlolwiiyi. We Iiavc no iinlln'ntic spec of I), dcrrth'nn. l)nt tin* Iowa spccc. ;i.j-i-c(. so well with the d('S('ii|it in of tiiat species that \vc have rcCci rc(| iIkmii to It. Kik spondia were l-J-l;»x 4-4.1 unisc|itate am I dis- tinitly coiistiictcd in the mifhllc, ends olitiisc 'riiei'c were no a)»pend- aiies visildc. ImiI as tli<' specc. were rather old. these may have disap- peared: n<»r is it nnnsnal in this uenns for spoiidia at first acute, to liecoiiie olituse at maturity. \). iiiai'^iiiiiliK, l*k, ;'>'.»ih l{ep. p. .V2. Pustules numerous, coveretl liy the opideriuis which i.s somewhat elevated. I'erithccia valsoid. S-1.") in ji pustule, nestliiiir in the inner liark. with no circum.*criliin<;' line, the ostiola slijuiitly emerucnt. Mack, siirroimdiiiii' the mariiin ol' the whitish pulverulent, eruiiipent disk. Asci siilicN lindriral, (i.")-".') x 10-12 toridia crowded or iti.>?eriat« iini.>e|)late. oliscurtdy apiciilate at each end, '2()-2.'{ x T)-" ji. On (lead Nranches of Alnii» rh-/uiit:loliose. aliout I mm. diam., suhcirciiiate, necks short, eiid- im: in the Idack. rouuhish, hemispherical ostiola erumpeiit in a lilack disk suridimded liy the ruptured epidermis, A.sci (p. sp.) aliout 5()x s /«. cliivate-cyliiidrical. Spoiidia lii.seriate, fnsoid, hyaline. 3-4-iiucle- alc, lieconiinii- iiniseptate, l"JxS^<, with a hristle-like appendaLn* at each end aliout half as loiiir as the sporidiuin. (hi dead stems of Ihx rt'i'tlriUatu, Newlield. N. J. .also .sent from IMainlieM, \. .1.. liy .\lr. C. V. Meschiitt. Issued in N. A. V. as Dtatrnpc liinUuimi, Curr., from wliich (sec. authentic specc.) it is l. Mycol. II, p. ya. \\:ha /c/AkAi, Fr. Siimiii.i VtR. So p. .(il. AiiUiitsfotit laU'iUi, Till. Sil. Carp II. p. \<-^. lUii/'iiillif htlrnUi. Sacc. Syll. J(JI'. I'.x-icc Dtsiii. I'l, Crypt. I'M. I. 2115,1. VA II. 17S.1. kali. V. W. '•21.— Ckc (• Ilril ^^•r I J5J, Sir II. 2,u. Stroma i-ortical. \vitli.a lilack. ciri iiinscrilMni: liiir wliiili dors not |ii'iirliatc llir wood, oiilv sliii'lilly raisiii'.^' tin- liaik. dc|ii('v-cd |iiil\ iniilr 1 1 mil. acio-s. ( Nm-I V COVClI'll II 11' ci'iilciniis. I rrillicna iioi iiiimrroii- (-l-l(i|. Iiiiiii'd ill llir inner hark, uilli tlieir ostiol;i c (iii\ern- im:' and ('ommonly eriiiii|ieiil in a -mall, liulil-eojored di-k. lnil noi liroJeetiiiL;'. and olteii scareely xi-iMe. .\«( i ( y lindiieal, 12 the -poridinii al each end. and olicii with 'l-',\ similar one.- at the -e|iliim. I.")-'J"J.\ ^-it n cJU-'i.") .\ 7-10 //. Winter). Oil dead oak liinhs. Pennsylvania (Scliw.), Iowa i llolway i. Allied to Mihincnni.''. \). (i\ys|MH'a. (I'k.) ( iihii in \>pii>ti. I'k. J'-tli Kcp. p. ;,„ pi J. liK*- 2''-2>». I 'iiifitiillif inyspniii. Sacc. Syll. 2.127. Stioinala scatlereil . siiiiconiciil. cortical. eii(d)>iiri(liiiiii 111. 1:.--Jl'\ iivi. Alii. ihiii. MiK'k >y tlic Iri- link III ihr ri cIjimiIi'. iiiii-c|iliitc niul coiisti-icted, 4-nuck'ate, 12-15x3 /i, with a liristk'-like appondnge lit O.'R'll 011(1. On (lead oak liiiil).", Now York. Sont also from Louisiana 1»_v Mr. I^anfjlois. (,'o(tke, in Valsoi V. S. p. 121, makes this a Syn. o[ V. fafcohi, Fr., Iiiit wo find it very dilVeroiit. 1). tesselJH, (Pel's.) Sphcetia Ussella, Per*. Syn. p. 48. I'alsa less^lla, Vr. Kumnin Veg. Sc. p. 4II. Ciyploifiora lessflla. Knrst. Myc. Kenti. 11, p. 7H, I'alsa miioiinala, I'k. 2Kth Kcp. p. 71. Diapoillif lessflla. Rehm Asc. 176. Stroma doprossod-lionnsplii'rical, loi-mod of tho scarcely altered sultstancc of the bark. Iiut surrounded liy a Mack, enveloping crust visiltio throiigh tlii' epidermis as a small. grayisli-l)lack circle 2-3 mm. diam. Peritliocia lew (4-(5), deeply Itedded in the stroma, sunk to llic sulijacent wood whicli is slightly Idackened on the sui'face, l»ut not penetrated l»y any circ\nnscril)ing line. Ostiola separately erum])cnt. Iiut not projecting, perforated and often und»ilicate. Asci oltlong- I'lisoid, attenuated at each end, stipitate, l(M)-13()x 18-22 /i. Sporidia mostly liiseriate, olilong-cylindrical, slightly curved, with a short, slender aj)pendag<' at each end, 4S-r)2 x 7-!^ //. On dead willow lindts, Carolina and I'onnsylvaiua (Schw.), Iowa (llolway). Descrilted from the Iowa specc. n. tt^ssei'a, (Kr.) Sfilum'a Ifss'-ui. Vr. S. M. II, p. 405. /Hafxiilhi- Ifssna. Fckl. Sytiil). Nnchlr. I, p. 31^. Kxsicc. Hckl. F. RI1. 5(92.— K«e. F. Sel. iiy.— Tlium. M. I'. I26t. I'eritliecia 3-10 together, sidicircinate. luiried in the unchanged siilistance of the inner liaik which is raised intu indistinct pustules u little paler in the center and l»arely piei'ced l>y the ndnute. black (tstiola. The gnaips of jierithocia are very numerous and lie (dose to- lictlier almost entirfdy fdling the luirk, lait there is no discoloration. Asci olilong-f oid, S-spored, (t()-70 x 10-12 //. Sporidia liiseriate. ol»l(»ng-fusoid, niseptate and constricted (finally 3-soptate).ir)-22 x o -* /'• On dead lindis of Cnnjhis. Nt'w York (Peck). Iowa (Il(dway), on Cnn/hiH iosfratd, California (llarkness). U. obseiira. (Fk.) I'alsa fl/>sciira, Pk. jSth Rep. p. 73. /)iat>oilli,' ohsiiiia, Sacc. SyU. 242s). Kxsicc. nil N. A. F. S77. 56 u'l, < 'I I4J iiS' ■' " f i 1 1 4' , If 111 Jl» Stri)iii;it;i cortii-:)!. not iliscoloird. iiiiiiiitr, iilniiit T mill, iliiiiii., sdiifc III llir wiumI. I'critlicriii .'{->!. Ostinhi slKirt-cvliinli-iciil. uliliisc, jici' I'oriilcil. <'rmii|i<'iit in ji sliort, ciiiniiiifl liisciclr lisiiiy IVoiii the (•ciilri' dl till' inilvimil;ilf .-Inniiii, Mtnl I'liiiliiiinu' tli(M'los4'Iy t'iiv('lii|iiiii; r|ii(|cniii- ill ii -ti'lliiti" iiiiiiiiitT. A-fi siilu'vliiiilriml. Sporidiji ciuwtlnl or lii -ciTili'. olijoiiii'. ii liltii' iiiirrnwrr :it iHii' i'ii«l. ulisciin-ly iiiii»('|itiilc. Ii\;i. line, willi ii miiiiitf lii'i-l!i' at ii cikI. 7->' x -/<.-- or iiKii'c-iiiicltMic. On ili'inl stt'ins ul /i///iiif>iiilhi- s\m;eiiisiii, I'\'kl. Symti. p. .''i l)i,ili\f<, I'miniiil,/-. (l'»rs. I, Ckc. IIikIIiU. II, p. '^\^^. Kxsicc. l-ckl. !•■. Kli. '»ii.— Kze. I'. StI. 120, .iiy.— Knl>. I-. K. ii(y, j.s,»,s — Sydow. M, M,ircli jr).).— Tliiini. l'". Aiistr. '»>7. - iil. M. I' J171.— Ckc. K. llrit. Ser. 1, 2,?^, Sir. 2, 22 J. Sti'uiii.'i iintstiv cniiiciil. ailiiiilc f(i the wrtud. coiicciitricallv siili«| n ate, Mack, iliisky iiiriilc. aliniit 2 iiiui. liiaiu. I'critliccia "»-!» in ;t ■itroiiia. spliH'i'uiil. Muck. Osliola ImhiikI toiictlici' in a c(iiii|iiicl di-k wliicli raises tlic cpidcniiis in a [Mistiililonii iiianni'i' ami rii|ilm'cs it, liiit scarcely rises aliovc il. Asci .sissilc, cyliiidric-clavatc. .')4-.")S x 7 '.I n. s.s|inrcd. Sporidia Itiscriatc. cJavalc-oMuiiii-, 4-niiciciiic. u-rccnisli- liyalinc, l.'i-l ') x ;».l /i, with a sliort. In-isllcdikc a|t|M'iidaL;v at cacli end. On dead limits, Carolina and l'cnii.. p. •_'»)."». .lA/i(H. .'!./- • iii)ih,»iiil,i. Siiiv. Myo)l. Veil Spi-c p. 12(\ t:il> XII, liRS. ,^')-.|i didi Wiiilcri. Iasicc. I-'okl. I- Kh. 2^.vi.— Kunze \>. St-I. VV'. Stiniiiiita scalfcrcd. sliudlly convex, orliicnlar or elliptical. >eated on tlie inner liark and covereil liy the epidermis, which is rai.sed into sliii'ht pii-liilcs, lait not discoloreil, •J-;> imn. diam.. siilphiir-yellow. l'eritlii'ci;i 1-10 in a stroma, snltcircinate. Iiediilisl!iiir(' ortlic Imik, ilfiiicsscd-ujolinsc. .', HUM. Ill' il littli' liKil'i' III ili;illi.. ciiiili.-icli'il into slrliilri. cnMMi'L'rlll lu'i'lvs. witli llifir |iii|iiliilnriii. luiiiiitc. Ii|;i('l< (istinjii rniiii|iciit iiKL-'tly iirtiiiiid llic iiiiiiuiii ol' 11 .-iiiiiil. iiiit. circiiliir. vrlldwisli ili.-k wliicli jiicircs tlic ('|ii(lriiiii~. Inil -cnrci Iv rises iiliipvc it. Asci ip. s|i. ) 7<>- I ■> \ I'J-l') //. >i-.-]iiii<'(|. S|iMiiili!i liisci'iiitt'. riisdid-olijuin:'. iiiii<('|itiitc. I'.'icji cell iiiiclrjilc. Ii\:iliiic. I •")-•_*<> .\ ."i-T /t. with ;iii oIisimiit !i|iiriilii« ;it null I'liU Oil iiiiik ol' dead (\iiji/'iin.'<. liondon. CjiiiiidM ( l^cjinicss). Tlic vt'lhtw rolor ul' tin' slnuiia is sfiiiiftiiiics vcrv distinct, and auiiiii scarcely |>erce|ptilil('. It is dunlilliil wliellier tliis is more than a rniiii of />, sill i>/iilini /l\sl>i\ . Toile l-'imni Mtckl II. |i s.'. Ill' X\'l fiK la; liiiif'.'ifhr llvsliir, Saci". \-. Viii. IV, \>.( . K.vsitc. K.iiiiii. I'. Cull. 7'..--Kll. .N. .\. l'. ~>-i' reritliecia cnlleeleil in val.«(iid i;inii|is liuliliy cl(ilie. J2-:i<*iii a >ti'(iiiia. la e|-niii|ieiil ioiietlier. luil Hdt eoiilliieiit. alxiiit }, iniii. lonii. (ilitiiselv jxiinted and mostly sinoolli at llie ajie.x. Iilaek and liiitlle. .Vx'i riili|'n-iiid. Ss|iiiie(l, |i. .-|i. lo.-|.") \ s-l) II, Sporid iiiordiiiate or ^nliliiseiinte. eylindric-lii.-oid. \eiy sliulitly ciii\ed. iiii -eptate ami sliulitly i on-liicted in iln' middje, with a -liort a|i|K'iida,u at each end. hyaline. 1<> .\ .". //. On liark o! A'cr nihriim. .Newlield. X. ,1. la 'I'he -I lecc. in N. .\. I' are ill jMior eonililioii nnd iincei'tain. Init jtrolialily this ^|ieei( \). ;;ly|)tira. (Kerk. \ riiiivv.) I'uImi Klyfilna. IkTk. K: Ciirifv. C.rev. IV, Ji. ic«. /)/,if'iii//ii- n/v/'/iKi. II. .S; Clin. Sail'. Svll. .>n,^. Cki S\ ii jc-.x- 'iiile cosered liy the iiiirk, uhidi is nieiely jiieiced li\ the osti olii. iiiiiided inoi'e or !es> exideiitly !iy a Mack line, ."^jtoridia Insi- lorm. -oiiietimes siL;ni. lonu." On willow. South Carolina i lieik.i Cooke, in the N'alsei of the [' . ^.. doiilit> whether llii.'« is distinct from />. /c.v.NC/7/. (Kr. I. as the sliiiht a]i)iendau-es may have liecn ovcr- lookod. 444 t\l *** Species /itipet'f'eif/i/ k'lioinu. 1). cai'itini^era, (K. & ('.) lliiili\f< iiii/'iiiii;, 1,1. II. iV C. f.ri-v. IV. J>. i/\ mid Ckc Syii. 1617. I'htf<'i>tlii tixiphiini-ia, Sni'C. Syll. ftmi.'. • I'listiilt's siiiiill, lihirk. I'f'iitlii'i'iii liiilflcii. >|Miri(liii nlilmiii. iiiii.<<'|il!it(>. 14-1 '» // liiiiir." On linniliciiiii, I't'iiiisyivjiiiiii ( llrik. iii(!n'v. I. c). I». iiiiiata. (K. iV ('.) I iiImi iiiiiahi. It. iS: C. ("iiiv. IV. )>. ifrj. Ihiif'iiillii- iiiiialit, Sacc, Syll. i.%.\o. Cke. Syn. ^.v- ■ I'nitiici'iii loniiiiin' ii Ihil, iiiiitiiiiir liiiir iiimiiMl llic nii.^'ij ili«k. witliin wliirli tiii' u:Jti(>l;i iiif nmn-iilcil. \m-\ lililoiiii. S|inri.iiii in ii •iiii^lr row, dIiIomls .-^liulitly iinri'uwi'il t-iirii wiiy IVuiii tin' i'ciiU'i', 7-s ir On Ciistuiieii nsid, luiMintiiitis uf New Yurk. U. ciliata, (l*ei's.) Sphcttia liliiilii. Pjts, Syii. p. .15. /Jia/oir/lie li/iiittt, Sacc. Syll, n.\2. iVrillict'iii (<*'{•. Wiiitci) 10 or l(',-.s loiiviln'r, ciiciiiiitiiitr in tin- inner l)iirk. iiini covcrtil liy tlic |iiisliilir(>ini-niis<'il I'jiidcinii.-i, oviitf. ».'oiivor^in!jr. < Jstiula loiiif. r*l('iitl('r, llat'citi, divcririntr. sinnotli. 1-2 lines lunii'. Sporidiit (see. Steven.'^oii Add. to Cooke's Val.^ei of tlic r. S.). iiJivieiiloid. Itise|»l!ite, I'JJ, .\ ') //. On liai'k oi'tlead limits. Caroliiiii and l'eiiii.-i,ttt\/ti' .\l>lii iiiltiiiiiinia, II. St C. {'iit'v. IV, p. '/', aiiilCkc. Syii. KVil. Diiipmlhi- sfiltiiiilaiiitiiiia, bncc. Syll. ^367. ■ i'listiiles s|ililliiin' llir liark loimitiidiiially, and overtii|t|»'(| lp\ its Irauinents. <>sliola slioit, eyiindiieal. .\s«'i elavatc. Spoiidia mii.seriate, narrow, liyaline." Oil Aei'i- nihnnii, Pennsylvania (.Mielieiier). I), lixivia, (Kr.) iSphtriiu lixivia, Vi. S. M. II, p. ' I'aha /i.vifia, Cke. Vnl.s, I'. A. No. ij.|, Siicc. Syll. jfin. Stroinata small, yel|(>\visli. I'eritlieeia .small, siiIihIoImmc. Idaek. loose, (••Ja.xis"). Ostiola i'aseienlate., Iteeoiiiintr rela.\ed (■• rela.\atis"). Spoiidia laiieeolate, iiniseptate and «'oiisliiele<|, 4-nii- eU'ate, I'-I ft long. On Itai'k *>\' Jitf/Imi.'* c/nircu, Mellilelieni, I*a. (Seliw.) M 44; U. toi'tii«)Ha. (Ki.) Sfi'utna /iiiliiniii. l-'r. S. M. II. p. ,vj.S. /■|//mi /idIhi'mi. CUf Viilwii ()( llu- V S. 1J5, Ckt, Syii. io^.i. />iiif'tii//ii- /I'l/iinMi. Smiv Sytt. 2411. I't'iillirfiii yluli(i.»c. 'jliilifnii;., Mimolli. ciiiiiuilc crdwdcd in the • iili.-liiiin- III iIh- iiiiH'i' liiii k. mill nivcM'il liv ii siili|ii'oininciit. cortiriil pllr'tlllc. (Miolii roiiVfluili'j W itiiili llir |)ll.-llllr. fllCIl riisci('llliltf'-«'nilli- |irii(. sliiirt. siilHli\('ii>ciit. in'iiilv .•^iiioutli or t'lmiLiiitcil. ilcllcxcd, siili- iiiiiliisi'. with llic liiiliit (>[ Cn/osii/iti It'll fiii/r/ii/hi. Ill Scliw. Svii. N. Am. Nil. 14.')(>. tlii.- ,<|n'rit'.< is siiid U> lisivc lu'cii luiiiid ill Now .IciM'V.oii ii |iiii(> liiiili iiilcstcil \\\\\\ Pet'ldiiiniinn I'iiil; \i'i\ liirc. The spec, in llcili. Schw. liilich'd Sjt/ni lin lortiinsti, Fr.. is the Cii/iiin/i.sis /liiicii. I*i\.. whiili ir- ci'iliiiMly imt the Sjihiviin hutiiosn. Vv. W lu'tlitT Schwriiiit/. Wii^ ini.l IjiIm'I*. wc ciin imt snv. Init iiiiliiii' tit thi' rmnicr iiltciniilivr. iis the iiiinii' (in Schweinitz' hiind- wiitiiiLL !ii'|iiii<'ntl\ ) i.-^ wiittcii on a iiicci- ol" |iii|ii'i- to whicli the spcci- iiM-h is u'IikmI. II. I'crilhicin tficiinrioiis. iiiun- nr hxs simk in f/ic ii'oixf. ii'hirli is ofhn hltlrkriinl on (liv siirf'the iiml riiviiiii.sci'ihcil hi/ a hlmk Uni' irlthin i I'Jn/ioif/ir). * ()ii tf /(■(»/ i/fci/niiDii.s jiliints. ill) Aihorliola. \). roiicrmeiis. (St'iiw.) S/i/itriiu aiiiiiiitiiii, Sclivv. Syii. N. .\iii. i.foi Diapotlhi- comiescfns. v.' . Orev. .MM. p. 3S. Ciivci'i'il liy it kind of liiiirk ci'iist fornn'd I'loin tlii' linik. trans- \ri.-rly criiniiM'iit, orliicidai- or t'lli|itiral. with the disk coiicavt', siir rniiiidi'd liy tin' siilisti'lhit('-i'U|itiii('d i'|iidriinis and an ch'Vatrd inniuin. I-I.l fill, lonii'. Ill this cinst thr prfitht'cia air partly sunk, liloliiisi-- dfprrssi'd. niinntc. attciiiiatcd aliovc iiitn a i-ylindtical ostioinin latln-r thic and HiiiK'wIiat i'.\si'itrd iTithccia with iiiiht cohiicd iiiirlriis. at ii'iiiith i-haiiiiiiiL;' tlicir Iimiii and iM'coininir eoiiic-cyliiiiliirai. S|ioridia (si-i'. Ckr. 1. r.i Insirorni, l-niirlcati', tlicii nnisi'|itatf. 1- /* loiiLr On drad sti'iiir u\Iiilns(iiirrnin{v\\\\.). !)i'lidclM'iii, I'a. (Srhw .|. .Mlicd to I), irroni/ifii. Scliw.. Imt diil'crs in its loimcr spoiidia. a> well as in some other thai!iitei>. ("oiisidcrct' liy Seliweinitz a~ a '/ooij species and i|iiite distinct. 446 n. IV'ckii. SiHT. Svll. IX, |.. 71.!. I'l'iitln'ciji lew, iiiiiiiih', »riillt'n'i|. iiiiiin'r?*t'(| in tlic wnuil. wliidi is liliirkt'lH'il (III till' -iirliirt'. Asci cliixiitc til' >illiryliiii||iiiil. "■') -s; \ TJ-l'l n. .'^i)iiiiili;i nnwilfil. nliloiiii' or siilitiisiiiij, liyiiliiit', iiiii.«'|il;iti' iilld cniistiirtcil iit till- ,r'iiit/iiii/r'ii>. \r\\ ^'iilk. \). M»'f:alosi»»i';>. K. A: K. I'mc. .\i;mI. \;iI. .^.i. IMiil. .Inly. IS'.lo. r :;i." I'l'litlli'iiil liIiiIhim', \-l llllll. il'-llll.. sr,'ilti'|-ci|. Iiiiiici ill tin- Wnml wliirli i< iiiiit'ki'iM'il nil till' siirliicf imt n'liniiii'^ wliili' uilliiii. :ilii'ii|ill\ I'oiitnicti-il iiliuvi*. Mini |iniloiii:'(>il iiKo :i Imiu' rJ-.'i iiiiii.i. ruiiu'li. -^iili IJi'MKHis o-itinliiiii. A-fi i|i. -|i.) T( >-',»( I \ |I)-1'J ft. ,'*|iiiriili;i lii-^ciTiIi-. iil»l(iiiLi-tiiS(iii|. sliiilitly ciii'mmI. iiiii.-r|itili' iiirj cuii^tiiclril ;il tin' -i'|i- llllll. IM< li crll with I III' -J liii'! :i' lilirli'l, iiriiti- ;il llir ('IHJ~. _.)- .1.1 \ N irntucr lliiiii in /). /i iii-usurn/ .M; lii'lir ^I.T. .M;i» Mil iliMil WMiil III Si I nihil I' II fi ( !iiiiiii/i'ii.- ( \V. ('. .^tiiriiis). n. ;!;oi;i;«iioi(le;i, V\n\ \ Hark. ilnv. XIII. ]>. |s. Stniiuii clViisi'il. cuvci'i'il liy tin' i';i-ily si'|i;irii''li' li.'irk, lihirkrnini: the siifracc nl" tlii' wonil, or runniii'j' ;iii iiiti'rni|il('ii crust, limitfil williin Itv :i Mark liiu'. I'l'iitln'ciii irloliosi'. iiiiiiiri«i'i| in iIh' wimhI, iiiii-tl\ iiiiirli i'i-i»\v. inn/ iisiiii wwil /}. f'lisficii/iifii. \). ci'vptira. Xifsclik*'. I'yr. (icrm. p. "JKl."). ...XMCf. MM liw. M. Miirch. i2.w. ."^Ii-iiiiia v.'ii'iiiiisiy riViHi'il. cnvcii'il liy tlic iiii;iltfi-ci| liark. aiiij uIh'ii tliis is ii'iiiovcil. till' siiilacc nl' |lii' wuimI is sci'ii tn lie niirkcil aii'l s|nitti"l with variously slia|ii'il areas ImiiiiiiIciI hy n lij.ick liiii' wliicli |M'iii'trntt's iJic woiiil. I'n'itliccia scattcrcil. or licrc ainl tlinc in siiiall u'roiips or clusters o|" 2-4 touetlier. sunk niori' or less ,-.iire. ^-I, niin. iliaiii. ()stiola thick, nodiilose or ventricose. inore or less elmi jjated. and mostly curved or deciiinlieiit. Asci clavate, |i. sp. I.'i-.'id \ 117 I'l 7 ". olildii'j-cliiviiti'. S|iuriiliii I'i-criiitt', riisirnnn, ;l— l-iiiich'iitr. hviiliiic, dlitii'i', sliiililly (•iiivt'il. lli-1 '> x .'{/,— I ii. On iIcikI -tciMS of A';///«7 /•'/ (cull.), Xcwru'M. \. ,1. \). lii;;lolMisa, (('. iV K.) Sphinia hiKlDhnut. C. Jst 1'.. Cirt'v. VII. p. t. /tnil'iiillii hii:liihii\a, Sncc. Syll. ^i;"-. Ckc. Syii. Cuvcrrd liv llic Iphu'kciicil »'|ii(|i'nili."'. I't'litlirfiii (leinrsscd. A.M'i tn liiiilii(';il. S|iuriiliii iiiiisr|itiiii'. |ii'ci'. ;ii'<' In-t nr niisliiiil. \). spiciilosa, (A. iV S.) Sf'liirtia y/'it iiliisii, A. .S: S. Ci)tl-|). p. |(i. I'lll.Hl ihiiiiiix > ifilit. Miiiit. Syll. p. -"J". I'iiha liiiliiiisii. I'ekl. liiiuni. l-uiiKi N.i-i. p. 55. I>iii/<(iillii' sfiiiiiliiMi, Nitsoli. I'yr. Cc'riil. p. .>5^i. Kxsici-. K.ili. !•■. 1;. jM|s. — Kilitii Aso. ,i;.i. - 'rlimii. M. V . Vis .'•Iroiiiii widely clVii.-'cd. .«iirr(Miiidiiiii' llit- liniiicli or .-trni. or occii- pviipj nniiH'roii.-^ .•iiiuill spots, or Jirt'iis. mostly rovcri'd liy tlic Imrk, liiit -(inirtiiiK's r.\|)os('d. snrtiicc ol' llic wood liliifkcncd with si circuiusci'lli- iiiii' iiiii' |H'ii('triilinii' dii dc;id stems III' Stiiit/inciis. New Vork lo IiOiii.«;iaii!i. I), tiimiiliita, «'. iV K.) Sp/iiriiii I II III II hi III. C. >S: H. <">rcv. V, p. .19. Iiiapoillif himiiUihi. Slice. Syll. J.l.s?, Cko. Syii. 223^ Pciillicciii scMtlcrcd irrcLiiiIiirly or siilicirciiiiilc, "J-s loirctlici- liiiricd ill tlic sill liicc ol' llic wood, idioiil J iiiiii. diiini.. u:lolio. lonj)' and .',-] cm. wiile. eoii-i.-iini:' of ihe .M-nrccly altered siiltstance ol' the wood, and siirroiinded l>y a Idaek line peiictratiiiu' deeply. Asei j». .oit|-oli|, IN'ritlicfia sunk in tlic W(mmI. dciirrsscdjilolKw, wiHi xcrv lonv. riMi^h ostinia |ii'ntiridin^ licrc iind tln-ic tlironuli tlic rpidrrnii.x wlucli is linally thrown oil", n'V('«liiij<; llic Idack, iiidcliniti'ly clViiscd, cms- InopoiiH HtroMia. On dead stems u\ lillKufinithnti, ISrtldcIicni. I'a. (Scliw.). The spocinicn in llcili. .*»(']i\v. lias fnsoid-nldonfr. Iiyalinc sporidiii ■)-7 x 1 i /<. \). Niihpyiamidatn, (K. & (\) /■nhfiii iiihf<\>timiilalit. It. Jt C. Clrev. IV, )>. <)7. Dm/iiollif !iuhf'\t,tmiilul,t, Sncc. Syll. 2.156. Cke. Syti. ifi";. " KfViisod: iiciitlicfia of a somcwluit |iyraiiiidal slia|i(', lorniin^r ii iiis|»dik<' stratniii. As«i lanceolate, miicli attcnaatcd liflow. Spuiidia liiconicnl, each division uiiicli attenuated/' On oak, Nortli Carolina, No nieasurenients of asci and spoiidia ^riven. n. f^riseo-tiii^ciis. (B. A: ('.) .S/'/iiriiii liiiirii-liHiiiMi, B. & C. tlrev. IV, p. x^y. /)iii/iiitl/if i:n>iiiti)ii;fiis. Sacc. Syll. i4V>, Ckt. Syii. 2j6}. •• (ii<>x 7 /i, 8-sj)ored. Spo- ridia luseriate, ulliptieal, 2-3-nMeleate. with a faint apiculus at each end, Ki-H» •; 3.f //. On the lower part of the stom.« and the thick part of the ntots of old Eriijcroii CmuKlctmis, dceayinjr on the frroiind, Xewfield, N, .1. D. disci'epaiis, Saec. Mich. II, p. 5(>H. Pcritliccia -li(il;i flillii|pciil. rliKit-in-tclhili'. A-ri tliMiii|.»'\ liliilliriil. -IiIimIiIii^i' iit ('Mill i'IhI. ('»") .\ •*»-'.• ,«. >>-*|in|c(|. ii|i!il- ii|i|i,\>y <)li|it|iir, cvliiMliii-iil ur Mililictiitl. ii\' /iiniH, I' oi( /i)sr//it. Nrw .IriX'V. \ ;ir. /'i>/i/f/i»ii. \\. A I!.. Mil i|i'!iil >t('iii-. nC J'(if,/i/niiinii mrr. I,(iiii>iini!M liiiniil unly in ihc -inn- imi liciirj liliick- I'lii'il. h. KiMiinisis SiUT. .Miili. II. |>. )1(). Stioiiiii Inoinlly fiViiscil, liliicki'iiiiii: llir .. .-ii. I" \ M* /i), N-i^|ioictl. SpMriiliii liisciiiitc. I'll-liill, .■^IlluililllrC. ^lilillllv tlllVfli. I '>-lS X H-,'li /' (l-'l Id X I 11. SjltC.I. (■(iii-tiirtiMl, iini-i'|it;ilc. l-iiiiclciiic. IiViilinc. On -iinic liiiiii- 1iitIi!H'<'«iii< stem, lown (llnlwiiy). JMll't'i- liiiiii />. Anlli in it.- JMi'urr. cuMstrictctl .«i)i»iri(liii iiinl -hniicr. it'itiiM' n-ijulii: liniii />. iinim rsti ;iiii| />. . s(l. ./i,riia nisf>iiiii. C. iS: \: C.riv. V. )i. v., I>uiff'itlii- ih^f>i>ui. Siicc. Syll. Js;?,, Ckf. S\ii. :-,ii. 'I'liickly >('iillered. siiiidl. ', nun. diaiii.. Iiurird in iIh- -iiiiace nT ihr \\(i(id\ ,-Iciii j\i>t iindi'f till' I'Mi'k. uliicli is lilin-keiied mi llie iiinei- -iir liicc. a- is the siii-l; dI' llie sli'iii ulieii tlir liaik liills iiWiiv. Imt there is nil iieneliatina line nr disenlnratinn wilhin. 0xti//. S|i x ."! /^ ("kc). Uesciiililiiit: l>. sjiivnhtsn. ('lidead sleiii-^ ol' VlnninxxVmin alhiiin: nidj,f /U.ip.iilli, uh': iif'/.i, S.u-c. Syll. .'s-'s. Ckf. Syii. j;oi. I'l'iitln'riii -ciitti'iril ■ir lii'i'r iiiiil llicii' i^jillicri'" I ill iiiv i»lln'r\\isr iji^colorrd wiiliin. 0«tiul;i <>i'iiiii|ii'iii. luiiiml nr -:|iuit-c\ liiiiliii'iil. riifln'i' slmit. Asci chis Mlc-nlilunii-, jiliniii litl \ Ci ><. SfMiriilia liisciiiilc, liisdid, 4-iiiicl»';it(', niiM'tl, livaliiif, I.V <)|| ili-ilil »lilll- t)\ Sill rill njlidiiilllK. Ncwlli'lil, N. .1. I>. Ih'siiijizit'rii. \i»'ssl. I!.!. .Sf'liifi 1,1 iiiiimtiiui, \W 111. I'l.dypl. I'M II. No. i~i" l\vsi,c- I-:il. N. A. !•■ iii>- *^icc. M Vtii. i.'*..'. Syilow, M. M.inli. nt^f,. Stinijiii cll'llsi'il, ;il |(i|o||| liIackciiillL;- lln' slll fare III' liic stflil. uliirli ifiiiaiiis iiiirli;;iiL:t'(| uitliiii. I*i'i illii'cia «rattt'icil, small, pair at lir-l liiiiicil iiii/ii' or less (|i'r|(lv. (>-li(ila aciiti' ami. wlicii well ilcvi'lnjicil. /,-,' mm. liiiiLi, cv limli ical, s|i'inlfr. Asci (ililuni: -cssilc. 40-."i.'t \ ll-T /«. S)- -lidia iiinslly iiiscriatc, iia\ Iciilar-Ciisniil, inostly acute. Iinili I'lrls ii>iialiv ^liiililly ciii'vcil in (i|i|i(i Itcilv Myiol. im^. Sf>htrnii i»lhiiri-uis. ill. n,!,s. /ii,ip,rt/i,- .li, III, Nil>. !•>.-. <"ieriii. p. .".s. i;\siiT Hci.!. K. Rli. J 1.(7. K/i'. K. St-I. i.;,v — K:it>. !•'. I'.. -Mih, jsf«,.— kfliiii .Vm-. .vw. '■'i'' riiiiiii M. r. i7,v Mil >i Kvrlil N. .\. I-', 'il Sir. 17.1;, KritKir I*". S;ix. .'Ui. :,<7 I, ill !•• IlilllK. I'.-V riowr. Spli. Illit. .'•,). 'i'Ml. .\. .\. Iv 11 ;|i ? .*>lr:ima mure ur less etViiseil. ul'ten cii\eriii!i till" -'e.| ul' the iiiiallereil snlistaiice uC the stem <)iri'. niilimrrns. Asci oIiIoiil;' clavate, >er.sile, S-s|iore(|. |(l-.*i(l n loiiu'. {\-s // u ide. *|i.ii..lia liiseriate. Iii-oiil, emls siiliaciile. iiiii«e|ilate. mostly sliuhlly cnrveil. scarcely con stricleil, 1(»-|| \.'{-;>i // (mostly alioiu 12 // loiiLi). i:.i Sax. J\(<, !,\y (111 iIi'ikI slnii- (if Liiitjiii i/K/jni. Si'W .l('i>c\. :iiii| on Aiitltrnsin hitlilii. I.niiisiiiiui. on will! |iiii>iii|i, CiililliiiiiiH llmkiio^i. l-'oiind in l!iil(i|ii' iilsooii ('lislidii. 'r. itrf/iiKrrii.s to liii\c (lie >|iMri(liii (iKtslly :-li(iili'r lliiiii ill ft. Antli. iiliinit >-l(l//. h. aili'inca. (Uesin.) S/>li,rnii iiitiiiiui. Kdti. iS: Df-iii \I\ Nif<-. iJi-m. 1"| Crypt I'M I, .">7i, - Kiinzi- V. Scl rt'rillit'ciii liiirinl. uitli llic ;i|m'\ sliiilitl\ |iii-liilirui'iii-)irniiiiiK'iit -iiiali (l;")0~>U(i n.\. iiltcii () 11, Asci (ilil|i('cc. in I'c-iii. I']\si»c.. tlic NCwIicId -|ifcc. no! lii'iiiL: well nialiiicd, h. |il!H'oiilt>s. K. iV K. (ill llcili.) Sli'oiiiala clliiilicai. I •'! \ I iiiiii. diain.. i(h>i'iiii'- and not lU'oniiiiciit. Imt when llic ('|ti(h'i'iiiis I'alls away, standing: (Hit like litth' lihick. ('Ili|ptical shields oi di-k-. I'ci'ithccia (il'leii .") 10 .\ ase of the stem, are sometimes c 'iilliieiil. ( iiilwardly there i< a -tniiiL!' I'c^emldai,' Wetweeii this and />. (ililtlln!/. I>. ortliiMTias. (f 1.) Sl>li,riia 11) tlinduii. V\ KUiitli. II, \). •>;. huil'iiilhi- i>ilh>. Nit.s. I'yr. ficriii. p. i-'< V:xsi«'. I'"ckl. 1'. Kh. ^'C -Kzi-. I'. Sil i,Vi. i,liuri Mini iiMi'inw III' ciiiitiiiiiiiii^ iiinl -iin'oiiiiiliiiH till' rlllil't' 'ti'lll. wllifll i- lillilllv lilili'krili'il nil till* SUrl'iH'c illnl |ir||i' lliltnl li\ llir lihi'U. -t|ii||i;ilii' lilli'<. I'i'I'illli'liil ulnlmsr iir -nil ili'|iii'-'ri|, siMlli'ii' I irii'u'liliiils '>r iiriciicr in I'ln-i 1\ |i;irkci| iii'iin|i-. Iiiii'icil ill iIm- niiili'ix. iiltrniiiitril jiIium- inin ^linrl in-cks. (l.>liul:i iihmi up |i's< f|iiii'/;ilf(|. willi ii nniicjil iuist'. iiinri' up less nniinldM'. i;('iiri!ill\ -liiii'ilit. nn"|i'i!ilfly i'\scili'il. Amm ulilnim-rlnviilr. ^-<(Mirci|. |(t .Vix li-s ft. S|iiiiiiliii lii-i'iiiilr, In^iiiil. iiin-il\ ~ir;ii'jlii. •Jcfllcil. imi cnn «tiirtii|. snliiililii-r. .". I nnrli'iiti', liMilini'. IH-I I \ ;; I //. On t|r;ii| -li'in« u\' Sill iiliiijo. Astir, tiini AiIiiUki. Ni'W .Ii'I-i'V. \'iir. Litihiiii , K. ,V K.. liJis till' siiifiicf III' llii' -Inn niiiiiniiil^ liliirki'iH'il, .•iinl llii" -|iiiiiiliii iiiily S-jO n Imi'/. On ilcml sti'iii- nt f.iiifiiiii ( 'ir/Hii/i ns/'s, \i'\\ .li'i'si-y Miii| f.iini-i:in;i. U. aciilt'ata. (Srln\.) S/i/iiri III III ii/iii/ii. S<.U\v S> II N Am i.'"'7. I 'iiifyiirlli, iiiii/iii/ii, SiKi.-, Syll. .'S;i, Ck«v Syii, j,i\ii. l'.\>\Ci l-lll. N A. !•■. s>i)iaH /). yf.iiiilii>,i). iv\tcil-i\rl\ ;ii|i| indi'lillilcly flVllSnl. I'l-lillirriir i|ri'|i|y lilllinl ih llir >l|li-l;illCf III llir -Inn. i|r[irclMi-i', lilnrk. -rnllnril. llli'ii Inii'.^. i-yliinlrii'iil u-liolii niiin|n'iil tlirmi'jli ;i lliin. Iilnrk niist, l\iiiL: jll-l iirllcMlll llic thill niticlr. iiinl nt liMlli'lll i-.\|iii-*'i|. nr wlinr llinlr -r;itti'ii'i|. ii«in'.i' lliiiMi'jIi !i -Miiill. I'lniiuiilnl. lihirk. >n|n'i liciiil tnlinrlr. A-ri |i. -|>. nliiiul >•"> \ 7 /^ S|ii)riili;i Iti.-criiitn t'li-irurin. w itii I Inii^r nnrlci uliicli. Ii\ nnwiliiiL:' ;iLiiiiii>t i-ni'li titlirr. ciin-rtlir «|iiiriiliniu li> ;i|i|M'!ii' .">--i'|iI;ili'. mil (•iiii-lrlilrii. rinl- -iiIijhmiIi', 1 l-i;> x "J/,-."! n.. On ijrnil ~\f\\\~ i\\ I'll iihihiiiii ill iiiiiil III. ('iiininiin wlinrvrr tlii- jilaiit i< Iniiiiil. \). s«>iiiiiiis(i'il|)fa, Sarc. >\ll. J.V.!s. ^/■//,<^/l/ rnnnmiii I ii. II .S. C i.iis-. 1\', |i. i (i". iiioil Nils.) •• I'i'ritlii'riii iinnin-fij lirjiiw. iiliuvf -iilifyjiiiiliiciil ur -nliciiniciil "*|iuiii!i;i linciir, (»li|iiim', ciii'vi'ij, l.'i n Iik.) s, //.,/;. I ,l/,/i,/'n. Ill ik. II. KiU I..iiii|nii J.Miiii. lli.t, \..l '.. |i :!<■. •■."■jiiit- iiiinuli'. i'|i'\ ;ili'i|. iil'tni |ini|ilr-liiiiu ii, |iiiiicli|iiiiii nr -nli i-lli|itii':il. rai'i'l\ liiH'iir. • uiiliiininii' M'ly li'vs |in'illiiTiii witi ;i -iiiiili- liruiiilriiiiicil ii-iiiiliiin, Siiiiri'liii ulilnirj. -li'^lillv rnivi-il, iiiii-i'|)taii' inrtiiilt'iil ||;iliil tliMl nt' 1,1 iihtsiihii rill iiiiiniliiiiiiril. \'vv\ ililVt'icilt lluin r till' rili-f'il y|iut-. Mini lMiil|i^-('ii||ir;il il-lin|;|. t||i» III- (li-tiiicl riniii I). Killiriniiniiiiiiin, U'iiilcr, iiiii| li'iiin />. iiimii- -I'i'iii iiriiii. v.. iV !•-. \). ilicnll^l'll.'l. K. \ K. (ill III ill. I l>i\il<'>ilhi' h'lllii iHiDiiiiiiiiit. Wiiilii. in joiitii M\icil II, ]) i.iincit Hull. TiMr lliit. CInl>. X, p. |.,i Slrniii:i lirn:ii|ly i'llns('<|. ."i or iiKirc n'liiiinrlri- Imi'.^ nml iic;iilv -iiiiuiiiiiliiiL;' till' ••iiliii. u liicli ii |>cin'ti;ilc- , '11111 lihickcii- un llir innri' -iiiliicc: tln' niii.-iiji' i- ;i|.ii liiiclv iiMiitlcij uiili ii;n rn\v-c|li|(tic;il, dnrk- i'ii|>ii'i'i| .-|i(il- ;ilii)iil i iiiiii. liiiiM. li'^lih'i' ill till' ri'iili'i. iiihI -II iiiiiiH'i'iiiis iiinl fliiscly t'liiiliiH'liI ii-^ III i-iiiisi' till' siiirnri' nj' llir riijin tii !i|i|ii':ii'. ;it lii'sl siulit. MS ir iiiiil'uiiiil\ lilMckciH-'l. Tin' uliuji' iii'cii is liiiiili'il liy :i ili-liiicl liliit'k line. visiMi' mi llir siiifnn' nl'llu' niliii. ('s|ii'riiilly al tin- ciiiU. uIh'Ii' iIii' slfiiiii!! i> iilti'ii |ii'(i|iiiiiiii| ill ii;iii(iu- -trips. I'l'ii- tli.'i'iii -iiiiti'ii'il III' -iilir('-|iit^ /^ S|i(iiiilia liisri'iatr. uli|iini;-rii-(iii|. I- iiiH'li'iili' ami M'lliiw i-li. iHTiiiiiiii'.'; run-iiirlcil and iiiii-r|itati'. I'lnl- latlirr nlilii-rly |pniiili'il. 7-l:iiisli this I'l'iim />. Killirnnnnii- iiiii I. Wiiitfi'. ami tin- cvlimlriral n-liula. tVniii />. Mmiilin. I! \). K<>ll«>i'maiiiiiaiiii. \\ iiiti>i'. ilnll. 'I'liii. lint. Clnli. X. |>. p.). Striiiiia iiiiiii'. I'l'iillirriii ili'cply iiiiiiii'i--i'i|, ili'|iii'— nl liIh iiii'iiiiiianart'dii s, lila.k. •J|(t--Jr,(» // iliaiii.. i'iiiiii|M'iit. .\-i'i iil,| nil'. Hl-nli I, s.s|iuri'il. ."I'l-lOx ,"i-7 /'. S|iiii'iilia iililmiL!'. nlti-ii iii)>i|iiilat*'ial. niiinilnl -.'l.', n. I'lin- < di i|t'ra\ iii'j' I'iiliii-* 'ij' Z''(/ Moi/s, Li'xiiiLilnn. I\ \ . (Ki'il'in III). Tlii- -I'l'in-^ i|iiiti' ilisliiM't I'l'diii cilln'!' ul' 'In' tun |irci'i'i|ii|M' .-jH'rir^. h. (ilailioli. K. iV K. .I<>nni. .Myml. II. |i. 101. i',»«ui i;il .'v i:vilit \ A. I' .'i| Sir 17.11 Pi'l'illli'i'ia -link in tin' -llli-lalirr nl' tllc -ti'in Jll-t lu'lnu tlir r|ii- ili'iiiii-. wliirli i- lilai'ki'iii'il aliiiM' tliriii, rni'iniiiii t'lli|itic'al, ilclinili'lx liiiiilril -|Mil- '1 .'» mill. \n\\'i III', liy ruiilliii'iiri'. 1 rm. ill' iniirc. I'i'ii- m f ill'' ■'ri('ii i)iil\ iilir III lull ill :i .-|iiil. Soiin tiiiii'- ti-s. .\-i'il|i. -IM iiliiiiil l<> \ (i 7 /'. willi ii ^llll-li|•il;lll• ip;i>i'. S|/tliili;i lpi-rri;ili. -lllil'll-niil. 7-l"\lI.', n. l!lilir|i';ili' lirrli(»|;i |iiiiji'rt liki- slrmlrr. Iihirk lu'i-lli-s iiIidiiI I iiiiii. Ioiil;, lull iiri' cnsily linilxi-ii nil. 'I'lii- i-> mtv (lillririit riuin Sjihii rillii niiiiinni'itinirfii. ('kr.. iil-o mi ( ihnliol ns. On iIi'imI -\i'\\\- tt\' (iliiilitil IIS. Li)lii-i;i|i!i. ('. I'l I'lllii nil iffi ijii rums, hiiiifil in llii- Itiiik. ii'Ii'hIi is iiiiislli/ lilidl, iliiil 1)11 llir sili/iirc. l i/lviloiiiiiis /i/iiii/s. [i'il ill llif iiiiH'i luiik, willi tlii'ir liii-r< iil'lrii -liiilitlv .-link ill tin- unuil, ntvi'ii'il liv iIh' i'|iiilcriiii- uliitli i- |iirirri| li\ llir liliirk. ciilliril I i ir |ii,-lrl liltf ii,-l iiihl. A-ci -ill' r\ liiiiliii'iil, |i. s|i. .").'( 7"i \ 7.'. III/'. S|iiiiiili;i rriiuiji'ij >>v lii.ii ilmil lininrlM" uj .\iilliii njinl ilnliii. AHmlix. \. \ . Till' siiiTiM'i' III llii' lii;ii:rli i- niiiuli III iIh' Ioiii'Ii IVuni llir |iriiii'rl ili'j' ii-liii|;i. 'riir jpriilliriia ;i|i' -iillirl illir.- illL-li'li'ij ;i.~ ill I'n/sil. ;iliil 'ijli'il rii||;i|i-t' lii'lnw . I). Coiifiidii. Mil. Am. .\;ii. I^>;i. |.. >l(;. I'lxsirr. i;il, \. A. !•. r I'H I'l'lillirri;! -r;i I Icirij. millllU'. i|r|iri'S.. (l«Mlsissiiii;i. KM. Am. .\;il. .\ Is>;'.. \>. .ilC. (I'lalo X\) I'A-lc, i:ll N A I- ih, F'lM'illiri'i.'i ininiili' I ', inni. I. Muck. Imiii'il in llir iinrliMii'ji'iJ -iil> -liiiiri' III' 1 1 II' ill HIT liiirk iihkIIv in 'jn hi |i- nf I .'• '•■►(•. llirir .-lim I. ^iiluiliilr •xliMJii sliu'lill\ rniiM'i'jiiii:'. lull iml uiiili'il. ;iml li;iiil\ |ii'nrlr;iliiiii lln Hit. S(i!iii :ll<- lillH'. Mlillli- lllii ill'- ;i I Mill I 'III ri'iiiii ill If I tin 1 1 iii"jiil;ii l\ i;iil\. will. '')iil • > ". •W .li'|-r\ • lni-| \\ 11- ML' I'll -III' I. Mllilllllil' I'liliiii; llii iiiilliil, ItMisciicil t'|iiilfriiii<, which -nmi niniiiiil ihiin.-u ihiil the I'iirk 111' ihi- iillrt'li'd A is ;i|p|i('!ii'- ihii'klv ihillcil uilh lilth' cii-- iiiliii- u|ii'liili'/-. A-ri rhiMilr cvliliilririil, |(l-|."( \ .'-(', n_ S|iiirii|i,i M-cri.'ili'. riiriii. sil lii'st liiiifh'iiir, lircuiniii'j I -.■|m'|iI.iI('. II I "i \ I.', '111. 'I'hiTf is !i liiijil. Iiiislh' liki' !I|i|h'|m|,'pjc ,it mrh i'IhI hI' thr Miiiiit: s|inriiliiiiii. ( ►ii ih'iiil shniil- n\' (Jill rf IIS iinfiiirii. Ncwlichl. \. .1, • 'I'hi' ll|i|ii'l' |i.'ll'l III till' ijriiii -!liHi|- jiil' :| I'niil III' liinl'i' i~ i'|||i|r|\ iM'i'|||iiri| liV ihf lllllijll-. Wllirjl i- ilrlillilrjv jilnilnl. Iilil ||ii| ^\\\: riiilliiji'ij ii\ :iii\ lijiirk lllir. n. Ksnili. (k«'. tV Hark. (iiv\. |\. |,. sc. rnrlir.'li, cnllcrli'ij in I'ji iiiL'.'itrij l:iiii||i-. I 'I'lillii'i'iii 'j|uliu-c- i|r|ii'i'-,-ri|. A-i'i I.'iiii'i'mI;iI(', si's-ih'. S|i( iiiiliii -iiliJiiiHi'Mhilc. sliiii'jiil. Iiiiich'iili'. IS s .1.1 II. On .I'.'.'iriil IIS Ciilil'iiiiiii II. ill ( 'iililliiiiiii ( IhirkiM'ss). I>. s|>iii:i, l"Vkl. SmiiI'. ji. -I<» (iioi Scliw.) |\-.i,, I. Ul I' Uli. •'■,■, . Kiin;ti I'. Sax I;.) V.M- I' Sil i ;i., 1,7 Knii !• H r,is Ki hill A^r ,;.i'i. 'I'lniiii M I' '.;■. l*ri'illM'('i;i sriilti'ifij or ii'n'u'iii'iniis, I'liv ci'i'ij. jmiiu'rsfil in ihr iiii iilh'i'fii siilisliiiit I'llic li.'ii'k. nl' iiifijiiini -i/"' ( .', niiii.i, ijIhImisc, lihnk. willi :i slini'l, riiiiiriil iislinliiin iilMiiit i'ijiimI in Icii'^'lh In lli<> ijiiiini-lcr nl ilir |M'i'ith<'riinii |iii'i'<'iiiL' iIm- i'|iii|iTiiiis himI sliuhlly |ii'(iiiiiin'iil. A-ii ipii|i(ii'ji'lli|ill(':il. S.-|iui'r(|. -r.--ilr. |i. -|i. |0 ."lO \ ."1 |l) n, ;!,V lU \ I .'» - Hi // (Siicr.), ,'iS-|s \ .'i-T /' I Wiiili'i'i. S|inri(li;i ii\ crliiiiiiiiiL;', "J .1 ^I'l'iiitc, riisuid. riii'M'il. Iniirh'iili', niiisi'|il;il<', liMiliiic, nliniil "Jll \ -J.', ,t. ( )ii ijriiij liiiili- i>[ Siih'.r. Luinhiii. (':iii!iil;i I hciii'iic.--). S/i/iiii/ii s/iniii. >i'\\\\ . i- (-(•('. -| '. in I li'i'li. Scliw . I, ,S^(//(/ /■,,. i/rii/i/iiinii /■'iii.iiiii. (I'k.i. iiimI iml ;in iisflu'ci'niis riinuiis. 'riiric is i-n'. \\ inli'ii :i >liiilll ll|i|ir||i|;i'ji' nii ciii'll I'lnl nl' ihr :-|iniiiliii. I>.v«'l!il;«. (IVis.) S/'/ii/iiti .iltilii, I'cls. Syii |i (.'. Ithipiiillit-, NiKilikr I'vi I'.inii |i -s; Si mi I III w iiji'ly I'lln-i'ij, cin i'ln|iiii'j' ihr linili- ninl Iwi'j-. Ih<' liiiiil iii'j' liiii'-: |ii'iirlriitiii'_'' iIm' wiiiiij, c'licjosini:' micms nl' \;ii'iniis -\/r nmi -li:i|ir, iiiiiiiihirki'iiiii'^ till' iniirr -in liin' ul' IIm' Imik. ri'i'ithi'<'i;i i'\ cnlv M'.'illri'cil. Iini'irij ill iiii' siiilnri' nlllic iiiiii'i' iinik, here ;iimI iIh'ii' ■_' | Ici'ji'llii'i', .-iiinll. -ii'f'j'hilin^c. -null (|c|n'<'--i'il ;iiii| rvcii It'iiliriilnr. ,ili lll|itl\ cnlilriiilrd ililn ,'l -linrt IliM'k . W i I ll I llii'k . sllnil . r\ lini|lir;i | m- nlicnlliciij n-lin|;i -(';iirrl\ nl' n|||\ -li'jjlllv r \-r|'|ri| . nr llliilcr (lir Inns. • ■hi'il i'|ii(|i'i'iiii.> ili-i'iiiiilii'iit iiml liiifjcr. A-ri n.-iiidw -I'li^uiil, ..||liH'.<.i|i .'»()-(i4 .\ S-\{) 11. S|H)|i(|i;i lii-cliiilr III' iili|ii|l|i-. llill|nW-ril-nii|. l-||lirli illc. sllliiilitll-c. -Iliiiulit III ;i lilllc r|||\ci|. Illii»<'|iliilc. |';irrl_\ ;| liltli riili.-llirlnl. Ii\ illillC 1" I •"• .\ ."1 '». ( th ill 'ill I lillili^ III' Til III. < ','11 III i nil .III! I ri'llli^V !\ Illlill ( m1 \\\ .\ h. It'iirosjirra, K. \ K. I'mr. Annl. Niii. .-'ri. riiil. .Iiil_\. I >'.M I'l'iitlii'riii 'jri"j!iiiiiii». lliirklv .-iiillncil ;i;ii! i'ii\ilii|iiiii; tlir liinli I'lii' H'M'iiil iiirlic-. ilt'|iri',|i|icririil. mIkhiI \ miii, iliiiin.. uliiii illriljl'. rlu.-i'lv CuMTt'll li_V till' i|iii|i'lllli> ullirli i~ lili>ri| intn -lllllll ji'Mil riiliil't'il |ill^lll|i'< |iiiTrci| li\ \\\v liiilillli'. |illllrli!'ii|||i ii>tiii|ii. A-ri i|iiiiL!iili'ililiiSiili'. uilli Jiliiiiiiliiiil |i!ii:i|ili_vsf'-. Ss|iiin'i|. s((-ll I \'J(t/'. S|ntri(liii iiiilii|ii" :iimI ii\i'il:i|iiiiiii: nr liiscriiitc, luninl rii-irunn. sli'jlitl\ I'IUM'iI. Illli-i'|it;ilf liml fnll-ll iriril. willl I "J l.'ll'jr lillrici in I'.'irli rcjl ( )li ilr;ii| lilijli- 'li I'lii jiniiis .\tiiirli mill. Lninlnii. ( ';i ii;ii|ii ll*riii lie— 1. lie liiiik i> iiniilli'ii'il iiinl llii'ir 1- im Iniiilin;: inn' : l>. roslclli'ila. (Vv.) .Sl-li.ii I I I ■^I'lUiiii. I'l. > M. II. 11. 171' l>i,if«iillii- Ki^lilhilii. Nilsilikv, I'yr. CiiTtii. p j!,s I'l'i'itlnTiii tliifkly iiinl csciily .<^riilli'M'i| user llii- .«ifciii.-. u illimii iiiiv ilistliM't .-liiiMiii. .*i'iit lliriiii'jli \\\r i'|iii|i'riiii- lllnl nillkill'J till' ilfinl I'lim- Ininjli iiml |ilirkl\ tn tlir Imirll .\-rl rJiiMiti', -iili.M's,^->|iiiiri|, |ii-|.">\ Ci -7 /' S| miiliii lii.-i'riiilr, rii..^, /(. rmN lit lii-l iiriiti' iiiiil liiinil; ;i|>|ir||i|irlll;lli'. liliiillv niilll-r lllnl \\il||n||l !ili\ II |i| n'llillliri-''. < 111 'Ii'ihI fill ]{•:• ti\ Itiiliiis /v7/o,s/^\. iiiiiijiiiin 111 iiiinil \i'\v licM. N. .1 lull (il'lrn -li'lilr. ( >n .-trills iil \i\-r ;ili , U lllliilll III .-li'jllll\ li'il ililii ;, I'piilcl llli- icli A .-(I lllf, I'lisnid III' iiiiililli' ml liiiiilh 1). ophUeH, Safe. S.vll. 1. |.. r,:!>. KxKlcc. Kll. «i livrhl N. A V »\ Sir 11.57, Siiic M V, N,. ^n Strniiiii Iti'Miitlly rtVnsol. iimttliiiL'' tin' Miliiir*' nl' llit' li:iiK iiinl tlii' \\ihh\ will) oliluiiLi or viii'iiiii^ly sIi.'i|i|Min'i|. ."»<• ('»(• \ !» 10 ii. SjMiriiliii liisniiiif. slmil I'lisnitl. iiiiisc|»tiilt' iiiiiiImiIi|iisi'. Iiviiliiir. (>ii ilf'iiil Iniiiks iiml I iiiii i< uf ////, or e\('n eolleeled •J I tni>-i'tlier in valsoid yi«tii|is. at liixl iil'e, lint .>;iH»n de|iresc. ()>tiola cylindrical, (dilnse, miiiiilel\ roiiuheiH'd. |.'»0-:*'. <)ii lialls on dead canes of Uiilmx. >'>}lnxiix.\\\\K\ on iIm' eaiies (hem -elves. N. wlii'ld. \. .1. The pail-' occiipiid li\ the riiiiiiiis appear to the miked e\e a- if cdvcii'd with ;i lihick piiln'^cciiiT. -o tliicklx are ihev covered with the liair like o«tiola. I>. Lllpilli. Ilaik. I'.nll. Cat. Acad. K.I.. InM. p. III. • i-.x^iii- i-;a .Si 1 villi N .\. I' .asii \<>^ Ax ' i: 1! (, l')*i-illi«'riii •ri'i'iriii'iniis, iiImmiI \ iiiiii. iliiiiii., Iiiin't'il in tin- iiiiiiltnv<( liiiik iiinl ^iiiik lo llif WMMil. i|t'|(rt'."^H'i|->_f|nlHi«i'. ()>iiiilii <'i'iiiii|ii'iii -ill'jiv, -ll|>. ) uIiIkiil' riisiiiil, .'id-tlO \ ;• n. S|iiiiiliii lii^»'ii;il"' • ililoiiu'-riisitiil, l-iillclii Itiiiiu'lif- III' /yiifiliniM arhorviis. ( '!i!i(iiiiiiii. |ii:i'jiiu-i< ilniwii I'lniii -.iH'cc. -fill 1»\ hr, Ihiiknc-:-*. h. Mncrliiiriilis, (Cke.),,,!,! > I ii,il':iilli, I ll.iitlhii iili.y. Cki. lllrv. VII. p. 5.1 l)i,it>oilht- lliiiihamln. Slice. Syll. ^}/k Cke. Syn. ni.y I'lxiui- K:iv I' \iii (7'i I'l'lillirriii -lilllrii'il, (iillirl irmiii, citvi'ifil liy llir i'[>iili'lliii<. uliirl. is liliicki'iiiMl, -li'jflilly liii.Til, mihI |iiiTn'i| liy llii' -liorl ii«liol;i. A-ri (•I;iv!ili'iili|iiliir, .»i'»sili', ;>"i .S III n. S|ini'iili;i lii«»Tiiili', iilil«iiiLr-ril-ni'l i."i \ ;; :;.i //. .".- 1 imrlcjiii' i is-20 \ ;; n ckf.) Mil Itiiiiliiiii.^. niiiii'ii, (lit. ( K'iiM'iii'l I. I>. .Miiiiayi. (K. iV ( .) .sihi MiiKiiu. M. .">i C". liiuv. IV, |). 117. />),if"iillii A/iiiiini. Siu'f, Syll. ,'Vi.|. •• IV'I'itlli'ri!! riiM'iril liy llir riilirli'. I'mIIh'I' ((rnlllillMlt. .\sri l:ili i-i'iiliilt'. S|ini'ii|i:i nliliiii'j. I'liii-li'ii'li'il in llic niiiMlf. willi I iiiir|i-i |ii'iili;ili|y -rjilnli' w Ihmi nMrr. Miirli |iriillii'ciiiiii is . iiiiKroiiiilat.i, San'. Mirli. II. ]>. .'>V)H, Ivxsuv. Kit. N, \ I' I till. I'l'iillirrii! -r.iiii'ii'il ill 'J .'{ lyiii'j r|(>-:«' fdiictlicr ill :i line, nivi-ii'il liy till' liiiik w liicli i- -liuliiiy i-ii-i-^l iiiMJ liiiickrin'il. nlmiil ' nun. i|i:iiii. iiol cirriiin •njlii'ii. ((-linhi -liuit in.-li'lLifc, niHTiii'iil. .\-ri I'li-niil •. iMMiiiiii. Ckt'. iV Hark. (iiw. XI \. \^. n. I'l'iillii'iiii ^it'y:iiiiMii-. iiiiiiMTH'tl ill ill"' liiirk, nlli'ii ;-ui riiiiiis). I». «>l«'|tliaiiliiiii. rkc. iV ll.iik. I. • I'll^llllr- Vill-irniiii. I'Mirlv -riiltcn'tl. I'd illiniit lilllifil in tlir li:ii'k III ;itlii('li<'il ti< llii' wiMiil. lHuIiiisi'. Iiliiik. witli >N-iiil*'i'.c\ liiiilritiil I'liiii'jnii'il. Ilt'\iniii>, riiHTiii'iil ii^liolii. Asri chiviilf. S>|)(iiti|. S|ii> I'iiliii hiiirt'oliili'. •■iiiirlnilc. snnii miisi'|itnli'. liVJiliiir. ll!\.'!A /<. Chi -ii'iii- >t\' (I'l iini/'iitii. ('iililMiiii;! ( lliiikncss). II. .Wlopiiiilis, K. A K. I!ull. Ton. |!..i. Clul.. N. |.. iis. Slioiiiii ruiiiiiiiii liIiH'k |iiilrlii'« iiri till- Miilinf ol' ||ii> >ti'iii \ tin liiii'j III'. Iiv ruiilliiciirf. iiiiicli loii'jcr. liiiiilril li\ ;i i|i'i'|>l\ |iciit'lriiliiiL!. Iihirk. riiTiiiii-riiliiiin' liiir I'n illH'ciji -cmIIi'iciI. uliili:-t:iiirt' III till' «triii. luil nut i|i-i'|ily. (l~-li[ Asi/i iiiiis fit /tints) I. Niulii'lil. \. J., iiliil nil Axcfl/lf't" (^"I'llllf/. l<'U;i illolwiiy). h. oxciritalis. (I'k.) Sf>liifiiii t- It'll ilii/i>. I'k. ,l<'lli Rrj). p. I'l- IHiif-itithf I Mini ih\ Siiii-. Svll. il'\\. Cki-. Syii .pj I'rritlifciii iiiiiiiilr. nnvvili'il, iii'iiiiiiiril in Iiiiil> >li'i|i^. :iI iir.-^l rii> rii'il liy till' i'|iiiiniiii.-. w iiifli i« III li'iiL'lli ni|iliii<'i| in jnni;' (•nick>. llimiiiih wliirli li-r llir >liiirl. -|piiif-lik('. siilmciili' ii.-itinlii ; ur orti'iici till- striii is iiini'i- III' li-ss iiliirki'iiril iiinl i':iisi>i| intu i>li|uiirr|i-s. ot rliiiiiiiilcil liiJirt'.-, |iii-i'n'i| In llir u.^iidjii. Asci siili 1 \ liinliiiiil, I'J "i" .\ (1-7 /<, .siilisi-ssili-. S|»i»riiliii siililii.scriatt-, oMiiiiii in-niij. l-iinrh'iilr. ciildflr— . I'J .\ "J.^.-.'i //. (hi ili'iiij liciliiirciiii- -Irins.iiul niiirli (|i-c;iyi-il. ( ';il>kill .Ml.-.. N. ^^ ■ n. iiiimii(:iliilis, (kc. \ Hark. (iiw. XIV y. '.). Slinniii \;iiinn-lv riVn-i'il ninl iiit"iiii|»t<'il. m'MIci-Iv ili^'iilitiinii tin- Miiliirt' 111' till- ^-li'iii. lull liiiiilnl iiy ;i lihick liiii' witliin. I'riitlifciii -( iillt-n-il, ui'joliusc. uilli sliciil. iiniii'tiiiii'in ostinln. Ax'i chiviitr. s- -|niiii|. S|iniiili:i lii-ciiatt'. .-iilihiiici-iilMli', str.'iiiilil <>v -li-jlilly rnr\i'il 2 - Ininlralf. iiiii-i'|it!ilt-. liViilinr. I'J I I x 1 //. (hi ilrail -Irjii- lA' Srni/i/iii/iiiiii. Caliliirnia i llaikiii -.>'<). lii 1. • ■ ,/ 'I ' •' Ml- k 4 tilt h. rimsenUirum. (('. \ K.) Sp/iiriiii /Hfui»>i/»(««/, C N IC- ii"', liiiiii'<|, vcrv siuiill. Ostioln s|iiii*'-|jk<-. -Iclitlrr, pinjcfliii!.'' I'M' \ }, iiitii. A-ci (laviilr. IIO-;;/) X (1-7 /I. S|tii ritliii liirfi'iiitf. )ililtiriir-liiMi-iMiliiti', -l-iiii<-lf!il*-, sraircly tii- only sli^litU .•..iistiiricl. lo-ii! \ ;{ /Kit; ,1 li.iiir, Ckr.u ih\ tliTiiv iiiu lifiin \iin-s It'll r.\|Mis<')| l(ir. II. Ih'MiKMlii. (I'k.) V/;,/ ul Ih snunliiiiii^ Nfw N'mk ami Ni'W .Icrscy. Indrcv. I,)-, the -iiiiriJia ar«' ^iven a.'^ Ih /i iitiijj, iail wr ran inakt' tlii'iii iiiilv jo n. \). laitMiiiilii, (('. iV \\) .S/'/i 'I, ft lit I til ttmi III. C. .Si r. .^/lll Krp. \. V. Sliil<- Mil'* p. ft.s. /)i,it""llii I III I- III II la, Shcc. Syll. .'(iJv. Ckr. Syii. .'.(17, I'ciillit'ria ri'-i|iit(i.-(', rii'j'nsc. small. Ilattt'iicd. Iilai'k,a( IfiiL'tli nil- la|isiiiii. si'|iai'aliiMj' w itti the I'liiijcrniis wliifli is [lii'irt'tl liy llic rlun- 'jali'il Msliola. Asi'i rlavaff. sessile. S|Mtri|■k. 1 : V ^ VAIXV Vv. Siiiiiiu.i V.K Siaiiil. i> H". niiciKl Si'.i. Till. >"l. I'liiiii. ('iii|i. II. |t. I'M. s/'A, •iti"/. I A'«A;, I'l Wl Svliil> p !••'. I h'uhi. I'k iMli Rr|i, p. 71. ( 'i//'i> > iM'MiiHi, C. «l l{. I'.rfV. VIII. |i 14. i;x«Uf. FiWI I' Kh '"'. IS':, .'.«"' K/i I' S«l. HI. Hull Iv V, ./v.; Kiliiii A-c »jft. 5JH. Iliniii M r ^7l. I'.ll N. A. I'. ,|.)».. Wi.|.-Ckr I' llrll Htr I. .pm Siniliiillil »riitli'l't'il. nlti'll stilllilillt; cIinc tntri'flMT. Iiilt not niii- lliii'iil. Ill liiriiliii' )ir flli|)li<-:il, viirviiiir tVoiii )|<'|ti'i'ssci|-lifiiiis|ilMTinil In I'ttiiii'iil. ('ovri'i'i! Iiy (III' i'|iir, i'\ liiuli ii'iil. 'iiMiiilli. hjiolly tiniti'il :it luisr with tlirir ti|is iiiurt' nr |f*s -|in'inliiii:. A-ti iiiiiitiu fliiMilf, .<»v-silf. ."{'J 1(1x1 '» «. S|ioi-iiliii Iti-fiiiilf. iilliiiilojij, -fijML'lit iir sli'jlitly tiiiM'd. Iiyiiliiu', Ti-S x I J 'J n. yil Itifiilu. (Jinrriis. Ctnt/ii. .{iinfiitir/iJrr. V lhnniiiiii. Cruhv- i/iis, ♦!<»■/•. ('iirniis, iiinl ('/ifiniuiif/ins. rniniiiMii. 'I'lii' lolinhi ill .'ill till' AliM'i'iriili s|icn-. \vc liiisr simmi. I't'liiiliii >liui'l. |ir i>|tiili-i'iiiis. 'I'lii-y iiri' nl'ti'ii hiviili- ihirki'iD'il iiliiivf. r'niiii :i r:ii'i>liil <>.\>uiiiiiiiliiiii n\' IJic s|Htilli'l. V. Aiiu'iiraiia, \i.\i'. «liv\. IV. p. I(tj. / ,ih,i Mm, I'k. J.slll Krji. )i. Inj I'lxsiri- Kiiv I', Am. i'(l I'lisliilf.- ^iiiiill (I,', iiiiii.», Hilt. COX I'l't'il Ity tlir i>|)iiN>riiii.< wliicli is liici'tfil I'v till' siiiiiil liisiirli- (if sliurt ryliinlriciil. Iiliick nslinlii, wliicli ;ii'f riMitnlcil or .'^iiliruiiiriil :il llir ii|Mv\. j'crillicria ,'S-S in a stroma, small () iiiiii.i, lairinl in lIn' lliiii, iiiiii-i' liark. ovatr-};loliosf or siili- aii'.^iil;ir rioni miiliiiil |.irssiiit', necks short. .\sci (|i. s|i. ) oliloiiir-liisoiil. ■Jt >- -J .'» \ .")-(; n. s.<|ioi('i|. Sjioiiilia liisi'iiali', allaiitoiil, only vcrv -li'jlilh ciiiM-il. Ii\aliiir. 7 S.\ I. '.--J On s.iiinii- -liiiili- ami tiers, Murium iiiira/ifiiint, Af C/if/iril. Vllls. Ac. rnlllllioll. nils. \ . ntiojiata, (II ill.) S/l I. (i .■f>. I'iihii i">:iiiii/,i. \'t Sniiiiii ViK Stiinil. p. )i.v ."■^troiiiala -eattereij or :i|i|iro\iniali'il ami eonlliieni at iiase, or- liinilar. almiii I mm. Iirnail. eonve.x, -eareely or only -li'jlitly |iromi- IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I I bilM |25 ^ Uii 12.2 S? HA HI Kt U 140 ■ 2.0 L25 IIIU. 1 1.6 6" Photographic Sciences Corporation &^ \ ^^ O ••V 23 WIST MAIN STMIT WIBSTIR,N.Y. 145M (716)«72-4S03 6^ iMii !i; 4(12 lu'iit, crowiicirwitli a very sniitll disk, wliicli iK'iicti'iiti'S the cpidcrini.-. itiit liai'dly rises alxtvo it. I'eritlieeia 4-12 in a stroma, siiheireiiiiiic. l)ui'ied in the inialtei'ed sniistanee of the l)ark, crowded, small, uiohosc. with very small, short, hlaek and shiiiinu. erow led ostiola jtiereinji' tiic fiiiiall, Hat disk. Asei narrow-clavate, sessile, 24-2S x 4 //. Sjioridiii liiseriate, allantoid. hyaline, (1-7 .\ 1 ^ ;t. On ent around tlu! c(»nic-conve.\, snli- coriaceous tohacco-ltrown disk. Asei lanceolate-clavate, 35 x ')-(> //. S])oridia suhliiseriate, allantoid, hyaline, 5-7 x H- li. Spermoiionium occupyinti' the center of the stroma, pierced above, lined inside with innumeraltle, slender, simple or l»ranched l)asidia. beai'inii- minute (4-5 X 1 /i), hyaline spi'rmatia. On dead limbs of QiierviiK corc/'iica, Newlield, X. .1. ' The wood lieneath the stroma is s>eiiei'ally tinu'ed with yellow. This (tillers I'rom V. chtuKft. C. tV- K. in its smaller sporidia and smaller ])Crithecia. V. Pini, (A. & S.) Sftlttti ia I'iiii. A. & S. Coiisp. [). Jo. 1'alm Pini, Hr. Snimiia Veg. Sc. p. 412. I'lxsicc. I'ckl. l". Rh. 60S.— Rab. I'. K. 147, 634. 1013.— Kehm Asc. 432. — S\'(low Myc. March 477,, 1S29. — Thuni. M. l'. 22,sC) — Roiiiu. F. O. 5028. Stromata evenly scattered or subgreirarious, hemisjtherical, 1^-2,'. mm. across, covered by the jmstuliform-elcvated epidermis, which is pierced or ruptured by the closely packed, short ostiola with I'ounded or obtuse tips, forming a Idack, Hat or concave disk. Sometimes the marginal ones and sometimes all are elongated (J-1 mm.), but usiiall\ they remain short. Perithecia very small but numerous, 2()-;)0 in a stroma, closely packed, gloliose. with short necks. Asei narrow-cla- vate, sessile, 25-30 x 5-() /i. Sporidia iiregnlarly crowded, cylindrical, curved, hyaline, O-H x 1^ /i. 4(53 I' <'lti. 'ii'iciiviiiiUc. nil, gloliosc, lici'i'iiiL;' the ''^])ori(liii (Curtis). (Ill its siiifillci mill, hi'oiiil ti'ix. IV'ii- iiiill (jy'iiiiii. Ii'ifiil, stout, •rniidly ;iiii| •niivex, suli- 35 X 5-r) n. ^'riiioji'oiiiiiiii iiisido Mitli luiiiiito (4-"> I'itli yellow, and siiinlliM )\v Myc. March i-ical, 1 |-2i H, wliicli is til I'oiiiidod IctillK'S tlic llllt, llSII!lll\ ', 2()--{() il, iiiin'ow-clii- c'vlindiicnl. On (U'ail limits of Larix Etn'opiva, Ncwiie'ld, X. ,]., and on Piinti*, Now York and Now Knuland (Cko. Valsei ol' the U. S. No. •J")). Tlio spormoji'oiiia an' like the asoiu'ci'oiis stroma, only instead of ihe liliU'k disk i'onne(l liy tli(> tips of the ei-owded ostiola, they ai'e (•;i|i|ied liy a tnliereiilaf-pajiilla which is at leno'th piei'ced with a small round openinu', whitish-r. Winter who examined the specc. was ol' the opinion that the spermouonia y its laru'ei' hemi- spherical stromata and more nnmerons jiei'ithecia, hat the three nw closely allied. V. .\bi('tis, (Fi-.) Sfilnnia Ahicli.-.. Vr. in Kzc. S: Sclini. Mycol lleftc. II, p. 47. .S/>/nri hi />iiici.s/i i, (Wev. Scot. Crypt. }■'!. tab. 50. I'li/sa Ahii'lis, Hr. Sunima, p. .112. Kxsicc. l'"ckl. I-'. Kh. 1^6.— KaU. K. K. 2,->2(. 3551. —KH. N. A. F. 174.— Cke. I-". llrit. 2il Str. 4^.1.— Kelini .-^.sc. 776.— Krifger K. Sax. .^7S. Stromata irreirnlarly scattered, de)»rcssed-eonoid, small, eoverc.'d liy the siilipnstnlate-elevated epidermis, which is pierced by the dense I'a.'^cicle of short, or sometimes eloiiiiated-cylindrical ostiola, which are li'lol lose, smooth, lilack and densely crowded. Perithecia ")-15 in a stroma, small, .u' or an.i^'ular IVom pressure, with very short necks. Iiiiried in the unaltered suiistancc ol" the hark. Asci narrow-elavate. •■sessile, 25-32 x S-() //. Spoiidia irregularly crowded, allantoid. slightly curveil, hyaline, (5-9 X 1,{-1| «. Spermog-onia in stromata siniilai' to the asciji'eivtus ones, mnltilocular, nari'owed al)0ve and erumjient, with il liiiht-colored pierced by a single pore (rarely by sevei'al). Spei-- matia slendei-, 3 x 1 /i. On dead limlis of Pinns r'njkla and C upressHs thijokles. New .lersey, on Abies and Thuja, in I'anada and proliai)ly in other parts of the country. V. ceiiisia. I)e Not. Slbriae. Ital. j). 38, tal). 44. Kxsicc. I-ckl. V. Rh. 2U9.— Thiini. M. IT. 571.— Rll. N. A. F. 177. Stroma cimic-trnncate (ji- de|»res.-;ed-hcmispherical, covei'ed I)y the adherent ejiidt.'rmis, of a dark l)rown color, 1-2 mm. l)road. Perithecia 1-10 in a stroma, subspherieal or angular from mutual pressure, densely crowded, with short necks and ostiola erumpent in a flat disk or s(;parate, short or sul)eh)ngated, sul)eylindrieal, ratlier stout, round- It mi ^\^ iiii 40)4 pel at tlie apox and at lenutli i»oifoi'att'(l. A.^t'i cyliiidi-ic-clavato, oil 40 X 5-G /i (p. sj). 25-30 x 5-0 //). Si.oridin I)isoriiiti', allautoid, (1-lli X U-2 ft, S|tfniioy its larger sperniatin. V. Friesii, (Diiby.) Sphirria /'liesii, Ouhy Ilotau. GaU. II, p. 610. I'alsa /'lit'sii, Kckl. Synil). p. 19S. Exsicc. I'ckl. F. Rh, 610.— Sydow M. March. i-tS.— Kal>. K. K. 2537. Stromata nnnierous, (piite evenly scattered, depressed-conical, sunk in the snl»stance of the hark and raising the e])idermis nioi'e or less distinctly into jmstnles. Perithecia (5-10 in a stroma, suhcircinatc. small, globose, Imried in the unaltered bark, with veiy short necks, Ostiola small, thickened, globose or ovate, acute or obtuse. Itlack, with a small, round jmre: mostly crowded around the margin of a grayish- brown disk, bnt sometimes occupying the entire disk. Asci narrow- clavate, sessile, 40x6 /Jt. Sporidia crowded, cylindrical, hyaline, slightly cnrved, 10-12 x 1 J-2 //. On dead lind)S of Abies balstimea, Adirondack Mts.N. V. (Peck). Canada (Dearness). This s]iecies is pecidiar on account of the spermogonia being pro- duced on the leaves. They arc very small, ol>tnse-conical. with tlieii ajtices j)rojecting and crowned with a grayish-black disk bearing ;> small, ])erlbrated ])a])illa. The interior divisions are radiately arrangeij. Sperniatia cylindi'ical, liyaline, cnrved, 4-5 x li //. Distingnisliod from the two ])reccding species by its longer sf)oridia. V. Jiinipei'ina, (!ke. Orev. VF, p. 144. Kxsicc. Rav. F. Am. i )$. — Kali. F. K. 2950.— Krieger F. Sax. So. I'ustules covei-ed by tJK' slightly raised ejiidermis, which is pierced i»y the pah', liirinaceons disk. Perithecia few (3-()), bnried in the un- altered substance of tlie bark, Jmm. diam. or over, contracted abruptly into slender, converging necks, with the conic-hemi.xpherical. sliglitly radiate-snlcate ostiola I)arcly ernm])ent through the pale disk, Asci clavate, 30-35 x 5-(l //. Sporidia liiseriate, allantoid, slightly curved, hyaline, 6-8 x 1 ^ //. On dead limbs and trunks of Jiiniperut< Virginianu, Carolina and New Jersey 4(1.' Tli(> si(('i'iii(ti:<»iii;il stiTiiiiatii iirc oiitwiirdly like tlir nsciiicroii^ -ti'diiiutii. I)iit ladiiiU'-iT'lliiliir within. Spcriiiiitiii iniimtc. 'I'lic s|m»- ridiii nro siiiailcr than in V. ceiihsifi. The s|)('ciiiii'n in Hav. F. Am. i,< untircly stci'iU'. cvimi the spci'ind- iionia licinu' without IViiit. lnit the s]i('cf. in thi' other K.xsieeati (nioted. ULii'ee with this in outward aitpearanee, and the sjioridia are as stated ill Cooke's diat^nosis of V. Jn/t/'/xriitd. only tliei'e are no ''ehmuated (ylindrical ostiohi." unh'ss the necks ol' tiie peritheeia inclosed in the -troiaa arc reckoned as ostiola. V. ;|i;o,ssypiiia, Cke. Valsei of the V . S.. Xo. 11'). IVrithecia qnartornate-circinato, covered, disk erninjient. Ostiola not salcate. Asci S-spoi-ed. S]ioridia allantoid, niiinite. hyaline, ")-<; // lonu'. On iiranches of Gossi/pintii. So. Carolina. lias the haliit of V. f/i/dfcr/iattr. V. florifoi'liiis, E. A: E. I'roc. Acad. Xat. Sci. Phil. July. 18!K). p, 222. (Plate 33) Stroma conic-liemisjiherical. aliout 2 nun. Itroad and L^ nun. Iiiuh. seated on the inner Itai'k, and covered liy the e])idermis. which is eithei' pierced or suhlaciinately ruptured l)y the thick lascide ol' cylindrical (1 mm. or more lon, X 1 ^2 /i. On oak firewood, 15etlilehem, Pa. (Schw.) The de.'^cription of the ostiola and .sporidia was made Irom ,-;]»eci- men in Herb. Schw. V. iiiodesta, (Schw.) St>ktriut nwdi'sia, Schw Syn. N Am. 1337 Italia mo(li:slii, Stcwuson i. c. Conceptacle nearly Tree in the inner bark, making a round, .sub- elevated tubercle, at length erumpcnt through the rcvolute-Hssurcd epidermis. Disk dai'k Iirown. Ostiola black, subpi'oniinent, I'ather long, densely crowded, cylindi'ic-conical, at length decidnoiis. Stroma ill which the jierithecia lie, cinereous. Diameter of the conceptacle 2-3 lines. On young branches of elm, Bethlehem, Pa. (Schw.) S|»oridia (sec. Stevenson 1. c.) allantoid, hyaline, 7| xS\ //. V. Toxici, (Scliw.) Sphtoia Toxt'a, Schw Syn. N. Am. 1330. Cor ''eptacles rather large, suborbicidar, closed l»elow. black, ru- liiise, at first covered, finally exposed, often longitudinally confluent, rtstiola collected in the center, round, obtuse, sometimes ajiiiarently -itcllato. Pcrithccia oblonu', crowded, narrowed int<^) a neck, brown. i 4()S not l)l{irl<. iiiclinlfil in a soiiiity, wliitisli (licfoiiiiuu liniwiiisli) sd'oiiui. Sporiiliit iillaiitoid, yL-llowisli, (5-7 x P, //. On iMiuiclios (tl' Jt/tuM radivaiis. FrtM|uont iiround nctlilclicin. I'm. (Scliw.) TIm; Vitlsa To.fivi in Cookc'ss Vnlsci ol' tlio l'. S., witli Itrown. unisoptiito sporidiit is sonietiiinjj; olso. TIio sitocr. in llorlt. Scliw. liiuc sporidia ii.s stated above. V. miemsi»om. Cke. vV IMowr. (Jrov. VII. j.. 82, (ISTD). l\ih(t miinttiUa, Pk. liull. Torr. Hot. Cliil), XI, \i. i-j, (iSS.)). I'nstuU's uiinntc. rcritliocia (i-20 in a pnstnk', iicsllinij- in t!it> l)ark, crowdod, lilack. Ostiola lilack, orunipcnt in a niiniifc it'rnmi- notis disk, whicli is (doscly siirronndod Iiy the rnprnrc*! cpidcrniis .\sci siioi't, L'liivatr ()!■ riisironii, scaivfly pcdit'ollate, 22-30 x "»--(! n Spoi'idia allantoid, crowdod. o-d ft lonu'. On liark ufljoocli {Fdijitxfcri'iKfiiu'a), Canada (^raconii). The (,'aiiada spcriniciis au'i'in- so well with the (h'sei'iption of Vnhd inicrosporrf, in (JreviUea, and with speeinions from IMowriiiht. that there can liai'dly lie any doultt that V. vilnuteWi, Pk., and I". iii/'c)'ospo)'(t, ('ke. tt Plowr., are tlu; same. V. (lefoiiiiis, (Fr.) Spliana i/''fii>mii, I'r. S. M. II, yjS. I \i/sii ili'/r. itii's, (Fr.) Cke. Syn. iS: Slevciisoii in Add. to Cke. VaLsei of the {' s Piistnlate, iri-euulai'. Stroma imlverulent, t'erruiiinous. Ostiohi solitary oi- a,ii',ure,i>ated, trloliose, at Icnu'th rostellate. On oak limits, Ecthlehem, Pa. (Sch\»'.) Sjtoridia (siohiiia, Cke. Syn. 17S5. Sul)pustulate, subconfluent far and wide under the smooth, closelx fitting epidermis, which is stellately ruptured I»y the prominent ostiohi erumpent at in a brown disk, which finally disappeais. Peri- thecia subercct, circnnate, suri'ounded l»y a scanty, light-colored stroma. Uut without any distinct conceptacle. On a horizontal section, a dark- 4(1!) ClIClllll sci'iliiiiLi' liiii' is sci'ii in the inner strittiiii tl 1 i|iiiliiieai'is, (Scliw.) Sfii'itn ill tri/iii/iiifai li, Schw. Syn. N. Am, 12^,1- I'ci'itlioi'ia covorod, ininiersod, small, ovate, rtulit'irt'inatc. in small, -ulisi'fiatc chisters in an ulonj^atcd, linear, dark-eolorcil stroma, the cvlindrieal ostiola Inirstinu' out in a seriate manner tlirouuli eraeks in the liarlx. lull not pi-ojeetinti' mueli al>ov(( it. Sporidia ") x 1 //. On dead stems ol' lie rfjcf is Cdiiudcnsis, ('arolina (Srliw.). We liave taken tlie measurements ol" the sjioi'idia and siipple- !('(! the (U'iuinal diau'iiosis I'rom an examination ol' the sj)ee. in men erii. ?^eli\v Species impcifertJy Iiidh'h, V. siihsci'lpta, (Fr.) S/'Innii! /•■ssii/a, Kr. A. mhiciipla, Kr. S. M. II, p.'.vjj. / 'aha siihsci ifita, Sacc. Syll. 504. Perithecia circinate, the hiaek, eircuiiiscril>in. Tlic simm'. nl this ill llcrl). Si'liw. is soiiiu s|iL'niiou()iiiiil lorm. Sjihti'iiu nidiviim, Scliw. Syii. N. Am. \\V.\;). Sju'eimeli iiltortivi or sterile. Sji/ti('r/(t nh'i/>)s(oiii(i, Seliw. Syii. N. Am. \XVii. 'I'lu' specimen- iii llei'lt. ."icJiw. lire 'liin'eii. V. Milescen.s, (Srinv.) Spluriia I ii/i:s(i-i/i. Scluv. ill Herl) Schw — '.Tlifl Scliw. Syii. N Am I,?y5( ' I'ii/mi )/iiii/>/ii/a, C. iSc K Cirtv VII, p i Kxsicc. l\ll. N. A. F. H72. I'ei'itlicciii lyiii.u' in siilicirciimte clusters of M^-HO in the iiiiiei liiirk, wliieli i.s luit sliulitly altei'ed, only iissiiminii' a reildisli-ln'owii color wliicli is of a moir dii'ty shade directly over the pustules: these are orliiciihir, and alioiit 2 mm. diaiii., convex, with the compiu't full tt(o.stiola risinji' like a disk or crown throiiiiii the ape.x. and eriimpeiil thi'onjih the epidermis, lait scarcely e.xserted. I'erithecia crowded, alioiit f, mm. diam., or less. ()>tiola short-cylindrical, ohtii.-e. liecomiiit; stilaimliilicate. Asci *2')-3.0 x (t-T //, S-spoi-eil. Sporidia liiseriate allaiitoid, hyaline, slightly curved, 0-7 x Ij-U /' ('<• « lonji'. (3ko.). (Jii (load Itranches (A' li/iiis (/lufjtff, Carolina, Pennsylvania (Sc-liw.). and on li. vopaUina and li. venenata, Nowfield, N. .F. This is prolialily the Sphai'ia nifcsreni*. Scliw. Syn. N. Am. 13!).'), Itiit wo have never seen the ostiola as tlioi'o stated "very lonu'. decunihent, llexuons and diveruinn'." This character applies somotinie> to Spha>iia aculeans, Scliw. No. 139!). A]»j»aronlly the (h'.-^criptions of these two sjiecies have l»een in some way conliised. The sjiecie.- fierc doscril)C'd is certainly the Spho'ria ruf('s('cni<. Schw. in Ileili Sclav. V. Liiideiw, Pk. 2!)tli. Rep. p. -5!). Pustules small, rather prominent, crowded or scattered, closely surrounded l>y the ruptured epidermis, circumscriltetl l>y a Idack line. Peritliecia usually 4-6, nestling in the inner bark. Ostiola crowded, short, dull lilack, obliterating' the Idackish di.-^k. Asci .slcndor-clavate. Sp(jridia 8 in an ascus, yellowish in the mass, cylindrical, curved, obtuse, 8-12 p long. Oil dead branches of Zy/»r?er«/ Benzoin, Allianv, N. Y. 1" i.fysi' flic JhllCI ilisli-liruwii iilcs: rlicsc iii|iiicr tiiii <'niiii|iciii li (jrowdrMl. '. lii'fOiililKj l»isfi'iiit(' -. (;ko.). ii:i (Scliw.) II. \. Am, vory I(tiii'a, (ke. Ciw. V. p. Vl'y, XIV. ).. 4(1. / i/Zmi /'/V/>, I'ckl Synih p n/y, Sncc Syll. iii), Saic Myi. Vrli Sp r vi. ttil> XI II fitJ.S. Ii)-21. K.xsicc. Fckl. !■'. Rh. fioy— Sncc. M. Vfii. iSfi. riistulc."' siilicuticnlar, scattered, small, sliulitly proiiiiin'iit. i't-ii- dicciii •'»-<>. aliiint \ iiiiii. diaiii.. willi short necks tcriniiiaHiiu' in tiic -liiprt-cyliiidi'ifid ostiola.coincal at (lie apex, siiiootli or sliiilitly snicatc, ;{iii| crimipi'iit ill il compact tiil'l in the center ol" the pustule. Imt not luiich e.\serte(l. Asci clavate, p. sp. alioiit 40 x (!-7 //. Sporidin liiseriate, allantoid, only sliulitly curved, hyaline, S-lOx 1 ^-'J ft. On small, dead shoots ol' urape vines, Newfield, N. .1. Sent also I'roiii liOiiisiana (Laniilois. 17(17). The sporidia in the liOiiisiana specc. iiveraii-e lartrer (S-l'J^^^ loiiu), liiit there is no other dillerence. 'i'lie perithecia lie in the iinchantied siilistiiiice ol" the liark without any cii'cimiscriliinii- line, and in well dev(dope(l specc. ciicli separate pei'itlujcinm raises the hark aliove it sliulitly. as in F. aiiihicus. On the Xewtield specc. are spennosjonia, mnltilocular. uray inside, opeiiinu' '>y a common central pore, and a little more prominent than the ascitiiii(«' oT (lie iimrr Imi'k, iiinl not (•irciiiiisciiiK'd. \<• nr more closely |iiick('(l in m single jjiycr in tlic liottoni ol' the stroiii.'i, siiiidi, Mi'i'ks slender, witli their suiidl. Idark. shininu' ostiohi erunipent in a Iti'own. iilniiptly oleviited disk which is s(t(»n oliiiferated. Asci rhivate, 2(1-40 X '»-(> //, >i-s|ioi'e(i. Sporidia liisei'iate. cylindrical. Iiyii- line, sliiihtly curved, with a nucleus in each end. (I-S \ I 'f-1 1 // ( Id // loiiu-, Cke.). On oak wood cut and piled t'oi' market, Xewlield. \. .1. The stroniata aro numerous, and the tulls of ennu|ient, Imt scarcel\ ex. ill 11 sti'oiiiii, not di'cply luirii'd. inmiosticlioiis. tiloliosc or iiiiu'wliU' Iroiu pressure, utteiiiiated into ii iiioderiit(,'ly loiitr inxk. Ostioln more or less exserted. sh'ndei-, cylindrieal, Idnck, sliinin<.', r()niiin<>' an orliiciihir 01 elli|itie!d, eruiiipent disk, mostly densely ci-owded. with tlio nito.x rounded or truncate, picrt-ed with a ')-i')^^ x (i //. Sporidia conout 7 // loiiu'. \'. I'ubiiicola, (Scliw.) S/i/nriiii t ii/iinci)/ii. Schw. Syii. N, Am. 1,-1. I'a/sii t iihnicola, Schw. in Stevuii.son's Add. to Cke Val.sei uf i\\v \' S. No. 10;. drowinu' in the inner hark, at length deciduous. leavin;o deeply that only the ostiola project, Imt linally emergent and free. I'erithecia rather large, lew. dejiressed- ololio. x 2 it. V. I'hiziiia. (Scliw.) S/>lieV)ia ilaziiHi, Schw. .Syn. N. Am. 1S9H \'al:a rhUiiiu, SUvtiisou .\dd. to Cooke'.s Valsei of the (' S. No. ii2. IVrithecia circinate. closely covered by the inner Itark. Ostiola icrete, sulidivergent, with a large oi-ifice. at first sometimes ]>a])illate. I'erithecia densely circinate. much depi-essed. numerous. olive-Mack. white inside, minute, nestling in ))its in the Itark without any strnmn. GO ' ' I t m [if ™ 1 : f 111 'H 474 Sporiiliii iilliiiiti)iil, liyiiliiic, !4x3| //. SjM'i'iiiatia iiiimik', 3-4 .\ I ft. Oil a root iA' Ii/ii}(l()(feiioritht't;ia. Sjio- ridia (set;. Ckt'.) 7-S /i long. On Itohinia, North Carolina (Seliw.^. Ap]tarc'iitly ditVeront Irom the Kiiro]»can sjHU'ies of the same nainr which appertains to Pneiidot'uhsti profiina. V. miciostoiiia, (Fers.) Spliaria microstoma, Pers. Syn. p. 40. i'lilsa iiticnistniiift, Fr. Smiima. p. 411 Stroma roniidish-oval at Itase, eoiivex or more rarely conical, attenuated al)riii)tly into an oval, elliptical or oriiicular S/>(;('icf< imperfectly kiioiPii. V. leiplui'mioicles, B. & ('. (Jrev. P'. p. KM. Kxsicc. Riiv. F. Am 192. • I'Mstules, when the cuticle is stripjted oil', coveix-d with the hrown liark. tlie ostiola only exposed and mixed witli white niattci'. Sporidia cabr/'fe made ont of the s]iec. in Rav. F. Am., we can only (piote the luiei' description in (irevillea. " Pustules covered l»y the hark. Perithecja ovate, attenuated into a long neck. Itlack. Asci clavate. Sjtoridia lineai', curved, liyaline. •^ /i long. Often the center of the ])ustule is occupied liy a large sper- niogonium around which tlie pcrithccia are clustered.'' On NyKso, Aiken, So. Carolina. The specimens of Splxcria radicnrii, Schw.. and SplKuria oiif/os- foiiKf, Schw,, in llerl). Schw., are without Iruit, and are aj)i)areiitly liurren. Valms. V. ceutriiieta, (Fr.) Sfihcriia anlnfiita, Fr. S. M. II, p. 402. /'fl/.vn cfiiliifirfa, Fr. in Peck's 26th Rep. p. ^'' Pustulate, orlticular or elliptical, disk transversely t-nnnpent, lad varialtle. Pcrithccia rather large, glol(osc-dej)ressed, coveied, the very small, crowded, cxserted, semigloliose ostiola mostly arranged in two i»arallcl lines, loi-ming an ntl'ii[i. N. Y. Wo liave soon no s])ccc., ainl translate the diagnosis Ironi Fries" Systonin. ■»** 3/acri>sj)Oi'H^. Sporidid uiwc than 12 n long. V. aiiibieiis, (Fei's.) ^phaiiu iriiidiciii, I'ers. Syii. \>. 44. Spliiciui iliplanata, Nees, in I-r. Siiinma Vejj. Sc. p ,VJ4 Splutn'ii cap.siilaris, I'ers. Syii. p. 42. SphiCiiu ipliiiicliiiHi, l-'r. (pr. p.) S. M. II, p. |oo. /'i(/,vi( L-ititirts, Till, ill Anil. Sci. N'at. Ser. IV, toin. V, p. 1 17. Sp/iin id ti'IraspoKi, Ciirr. I.iiin. XXII, p. 279. fig. i.|S. I'ii/.sii iUitdu'iii, Vr. Suninin, p. .)I2, Ci.'/.Mi iiinsc) ipht, C. ft H. (ire\'. VII, p. ■<". ( I' ciiDpethi, Cke. Valsei of the U. S. p. i rS) ? Kx.iiicc. Fckl. F. Rh. 616, 2i.ti.— Kze. F. Set. i.iy.— Ral>. V. H. 1131, 1531.— Kelim Asc p 171. 223.— Syilow. M. March. 33, 465. (163.— Krgr. F. Sax. 172, 431.— Koiiin. F. ("■ 1(7*^,4447. — Cke. F. Brit. 2A Ser. 232. — I'lowr. Sph. I!rit. 46.— Sacc. M. Ven. 1493 Kll. N. A. F. S6S. Stronirtta nnnierons and uenerally tiiickly scattered, snrronndiiiii and extendinu' lor some distance alon. sp.) 40-");) x 12-lo // 4-8-sporcd, with a slender, sti]»e-like liase 30-3") n long. Spoi'idia conglomerate or subbiseriate, allantoid, hyaline, slightly curved obtuse, 14-'..*4 X 3-") /i in the M-spoi'cd asci, in the 4-si)ore(l asci, 24-3(1 X 0-8 fx. On dead limbs oi' various deciduons trees, counnoii, at least tlii'oughout the northern U. S. and Canada. We have soecc. from Canada on ash hawthorn, elm, oak, ba ss- wood and hickory; from Iowa, on Pyms coronaria; from Montana, on Shephevd-id, (J(<; frou) New Yoi'k. on Acer rtdjrmii; from Nebraska, on SfHidjiictis; from New Jersey, on JVi/.sna, L/'fjnhlanJji/f and 7*//yw^s, ami the teti-asporous form on Jlorns, from Illinois. 47" ear ijiiUJiI,,. fVoui Flics" -Kclim Asc. 4"> — kouin. H. C, c. M. Veil, ijy, nn'ouiidiiio ar 01' elli])- aml, for tin the cIoscK disk or stcl- lostly (I-IO) diout I luiii t, with tlit'ii till*" iiiai'yiii niid ol)liti'r [)1'0S.S0(1 just lic,'ntiiiL>' tli( -x 12-1.5 n . Sj)oriiiiii tiy cur veil asci, 24-3(1 'II, at least , oak, l)ass- I ^funtana 'triuii; iron I uklaiiihiir lois. V. salicina, (Feis.) Sph x 7-8 it. suhscssilo. Sporidia allantoid, hyaline, slightly curved, 12-18 x 2.}-4 ti (ill the S-spored asci). 20-30 x o-7 fi ['m the 4-.spoi'C(l asci). On dead willow liiidis, Carolina and I'ennsylvania (Schw.). also .New York, New Kiigland and Canada. V. (Uiihicns also occurs on Salix, Iiut i.« larncr throughout from stroma to sporidia. V. soi'dida, Xits. Tyr. (Jerm. ]>. 203. I'li/ia (Icpliiiiala, Fckl. luuim. Fiiiitj. Nassov. p. 5,=;. Kx.sicc. Syilow, M. March. 464.— Kehni Asc. 72cj.— Krxr. F. Sax. 173. Pustules numerous, thickly and evenly scattered, only slight! v prominent, 2-3 mm. diam. I'erithecia G-12 together, suhcircinate in the unaltered sulistance ol" the inner hark, globose or suhcoinprc.ssed. medium size (\~\ nun.). Ostiola short, thick, rounded at the ajiex and liiially with a rather narrow ])ore, orumiient mostly around the margin (ila grayish, finally brownish, disk. Asci clavate, 40-45 x 8 ft (ji. sp.). or including the sti])e-like base 50-fiO /i long. Sporidia subliiseriate. cylindrical, hyaline, only slightly curved, 8-10x1^ // in the Iowa specc, I)-l 1 X 1 J n in Krieger's sjiecc, and 10-12x 2 [i mostly in Rehiii Asc. Spermatia 4-1 it, lioriie on long, slender liasidia and oozing out in yellow cirrhi. On dead Populns, Jowa (liohvay). California (Harkness). Dillers from V. tiinhlann and V. salicina in its slenderer sporidia and s])erniatia. V. boreella, Karst. Mycol. Fenn. Tl, p. 141. ICxsicc. Syilow, M. Marchica, 1S26.— Ell. ^i Evrlit. N. A. F. 2tl Ser. 2520. Perithecia 8-20 together, circiiiating in the unchanged substance of the inner bark, sidiglobose, about I mm. diam., subdecumlient, necks slender, converging. Ostiola obtuse, rounded, finally snblaciniatelv !!ri. ,1 "'■'.: !''iffl 47^ (Icliiscr'iit.eniiupoiit ai'oiiinl tin- iii;ii>iiii of a ^Tiivisli ilisk wliicli pioicc- tlic ei)idL'i'iiiis iiiitl i-- riiflicr loosely ciiiliracx'd liy it. Asci chiviitf. p. -ip. iilM)iit 35 X () //. S|M)fi(lia eoiiii''<)liaU'. allaiitoid, liyaliiit', slisilitly riii'vcil, S-1 1 X 1^-2 II. Spcniiatiit (li>', Iviirst) elongated, 4-(i x 1 n. soiiieu'liat cui'ved. Oil liark of willow, Canada (Doarness), Montana (Ivelsoy). The spt'cc. in M. Mdrvhivd have tlio sporidia a little larger (10-12 X 2 n mostly), Imt do not ditl'er otherwise. The species seareely difl'eis from V. ftonJidt/. V. flaiisa, ('. & E. (Jrev. VJII, p. 13. Exsicc. Kll. N. A. F S7n. Stroma coi-tieal, Itrown inside, 1-1^ mm. diani., deprosHod-conieal. sultcoriaceons altove, not eirenniscrii»ed. I'eritheeia 4-.S (sometimes as many as 12 oi' If)), Imried in the lower part of the stroma, J-| mm. diani.. sul)eireinate around a cciiti-al spermogonial cell, jtiereed aliove with an ii-regidar opening. Necks converging with the ol», rougli- ish. hlack ostiola ernmiient aronnd the opening in the central cell. Asci clavate, ji. ;i\). 40-45x0-7 /t. Sporidia sul»l»iseriate. allantoid. hyaline, 14—18x3-4 /i, slightly carved. Spermatia allantoid, minute. 3-4 X 1 /i. On dead limlis of Qimrctif* cocc/'iiea, Newlield, N. .1. In the smaller jiustules the liark is only slightly raised and scarce- ly ruptured, hut in the largey ones the a))ex of the stroma is eiiimi)ent and loosely emln-aced l»y the ru])tured epidermis, .\cconipauying the ascigerous stroniata ai'e others containing a single irregular-shaped cidl with a thick, compact, light-colored wall, and lined on the inside with liasidia hearing fusoid. continuous or uniseptate, hyaline sporules, S-1 2 X 2^-3 /t. The outside appearance of this species is almost the same as in V. liitescens, hut the sporidia and porithecia are larger. V. eoniina, Fk. 3Hth Hep. j). 102. Pustules small, .scattered, at first covered I»y the epidermis, which is at length longitudinally i'ui)tured. I'eritheeia 2-Ft in a jaistulc. nestling in the inner hark, hlack, the ostiola , scriliiiiii' line, ()-!<) in imiiilici', mid iilioiit \ iiiiii. iliaiii., witli iiicnilti'iiii- iict'oiis, coai'soly I'dliiliir wiills. Oslioln very slioi-t, uiiit('(l iiiid coii- ccnlotl ill a circular disk, ^-^ iiiiii. diaiii., and entirely covei-ed hy tlio ('|ii(loriiiis tlirouii'li which its ontliiic is seini as a small, Idack circl^, with a l>hu'k (h)t in the center. Asci chivate. 70x12 /i. Sporidia crowded, cylindi'ical, yellowish, curved, l')-2()x 4-() /i. On dead stems ol' Mcnispeninmi Cfni(t. 30-45 X fi-T //. Sporidia allantoid, crowded aliove, uniseriate lielow, 10-12 x 2-2^ /i. On dead liranches (jf SpiniM opulifolid, West Ali)any. N. Y. (Peck). Apparently related to V. piistnlatu, Awd., hut the crowded osti- ola are central in the disk. When the epidermis is torn away, the pustules appear much like those of V. coUknli/.s, Wormsk. We have seen no specc, and take the above diagnosis and remarks from the Re])ort cited. V. leiicostomoides, Fk. 38tli Rcj). ji. 193. Pustules numerous, minute, covered hy the ejiidermis, which is pierced liy the orhicular, white, or grayish disk. Pei'ithecia 2-6 or more in a pustule, the ostiola punctiform, hlac'k, dotting the disk. Asci chivate or suhfusoid, 49-50 x 8|-10 //. Sj)oridia ci-ow^ded, allantoid, colorless, 12-18 x4-5 /i. On hranchcs of sugar maple, flelderherg Mts., N. Y. (Peck). The very small size of the imstules, and the mimite, white, j)ulver- uleiit disk, make this sjiecies resemhle V. leucostovui, hut there is no hlack, circumscrihing line. V. coryiieoides, B. A C. Grev. XIV, p. 47. Pustules very small, at first covorcd, then erumpent. Perithecia i'ew, suhglohoso. Ostiola crowded in a hlack disk. Asci clavate. S])oridia allantoid, hyaline, 10-12 ,« long. 480 ( )ii liiu'k of >/inu'/nriif< Virginiitnu, Nou lU'i'Scy. (VaLsa tliclehohl, Scliw. ill IIcHi. lU'i'k)? Wo Imvc not «X'n citlicr of tliopo s|if'('ios. V. qiiateiiiiita. (IVis.) Splicrtiii (/iiiilii iHtlii. I'ers. Syii. p. .15- ijiitil('i mtiia I't'imoiui. Till. Sel. Car|). II, p K.s, tali XII, fiffs. if.-s^. / '1//.MI {jiiiilii iiala. Fr. Sumiiin Vei?. Hcaiid. p. 412. Kx.sicc. Fckl. F. Rli. r>2i.— Kal). F. V,. 255, ^15, 12.17.— Thiiiii. !•'. Austr. iS2.-i(l. M. V . is Xt. March, sfm.— Ckf. F". B. 21I Scr. 221, 22,|.— Fill. N. A. F. 175.— Dciiii. I'l Ci IM ■ .••t s(>2, F;(1. 2(1 1752. I'oritlicfiii 3-(t, cirt'iiiatiiiji' in tin- iiiiior liark, (ItMiiinln'iit, liiiLic. l iiini. di.'iin.. ovate. Ostiola s^liort, laruc, ohtiiso, cruiniK'nt in a siiiall. I ilac'k tulicrclo, lint not connate. Tlic jtustiilcs nir thickly scattcicd. lint the liark is only sliulitly raised aliove tiieni. Asci olihniLi-cluvatc. sti|»itate, j>. sji. .'jO-To x 8-10 //. Sporidia liisei-iate. alhintoid. only sliuhtly cni'ved, .-inoky-iiyaline. TJ-ISx^j—I //. < )ii poplar and Ahnis acrrvhitu, I'ennsylvaiiia and Vermont (JJerk. in (Irev.), on Aver nihnnii.(^i\\\)\\\M\ and New .lersey. (tn lieecli. Ni'u York (I'eck). 'I'lie speniioiidiiial st.,,u'e is Ijihcvtclhi fiKjhuii. I)esiii. V. paiiiierata, (". & E. (irev. \\, p. \)X F;xsicc. f;1I. *t F:vrht. N. A. F, 2(1 Scr. 1571. I'crithecia 2-4 toiicther (mostly 3). Iniried in the iinalteied siili .stance ol' the Itark, siiUu'loliose, hhick, \-\ mm. diaiii., necks decnm- lient. Ostiola lar^e, olitnse, at leniith perforated, short, enimpeiit to,u-ether in the form o( a minute, black, llaftish tiilicrcle. Pnstiilos numerous, suhseriate, only sliuhtly raising- the Itark. Asci clavate. J), .sp. 00-70x8-10 /i. Sporidia crowdecl-liiseriate, allantoid. not much curved, hyaline, 12-20x3-4^ //.mostly 12-10x4//. Sjiermo- U'onia (Cytiiqmra sp.), minute, I mm. diam.. conical, miiltilocular, grayish-black inside, opening liy a single jiore at the apex. Spcrinatia allantoid, hyaline, o-fi x 1 //, on lanceolate liasidia 12-l.'i // long, thickened helow. On dead limbs iA Acer riihrinn, New Jersey and New York. This is scarcely more than a ('il<. Iicecli, Xcw llltc'lt'll ^lll. cks ilocniii- ;, (-'i-iiiiipciit . Pustiilo sci I'hiviitc. iiiitoid, iif)t !. SpClllKi- lultilociiliir, Siioi'iimtia l'*) // loiiii, Voik. luatemata. ling ill the CSS tlliUl 1 ii-m, hiack. Asci davnto. 50-^)^)x7-^ //. Sjtoiidiii siiltltiserintc, allautoid, cohn- Icss, 10-13 X 2-2 J /i. On (lead l»rai)t'lit'S ui Finxinus Anicricaiia, Canada (^laeonn). Tlio jiustules are ofton arraii p long. Sec. Cke. (Valsci L'. S. No. 52), it is doubtful whether the Car> olina specc. belong to this species. V. dolosa, (Fr.) Splitcria dolosa, Hr. S. M. II, p. 405. Valsa dolosa, Nitschke Pyr. C'.erni. p. 200. Stromata gregarious, often crowded and subconHuent at base. tolerably large, (1^-2 mm. lu-oad), strongly convex, closely covered l>y the epidermis which is slightly fissured or subentire. Perithecia 6-12 (rarely only 3-4) in a stroma, rather large, subcircinato or iri-egnlarly 61 4H2 Ui I ,.1 * ' 111,' ~.J I ! ■ !l ' -ii! crowded, j^loltose, liuriod in the iiiialterod liaik. (Jstiolii frlulxwe ni ovoid, or aliuont eonical, large, l»lael<, fnscieulate or iri-egularly ei-iiiii- ]tent, or sometimes in a circle aroutid the margin of a whitish disk Asei iiarrow-clavato, oldong, ses>>4ile, (54x10//. Sjioridia liiscriatc cylindrical, curved, hyaline, 14-1 S x 3-') ft. On Ijranches of Cela.strnK, Camlina (Schw.). This rests only on the authority of Schweinitz, not having lieen found here since his time. The sporidia (se ;. I)e Xotaris) are unisep- tate, and if so, this would come in Dio/torfhe {Chorostatc.) V. operta, (Fr.) Splitrita operta, Fr. S. M. II, p. 407, Schw. Syn. N. Am. 13.S1. Circinate, perithecia small, buried in the inner bark, irregularly aggregated, attached t« a crust which covers them altove. Ostiolif twice as long as the perithecia, erumi»ent, at first convergent, then (;rect, perforated at the ajtcx. Asci clavate-cylindrical. Sporidi;f allantoid, hyaline, 18 xf? /i. On I>ranch('s t)^ Popnhoi Itulicii, JJethlehem, Pa. (Schw.), V. Tliiijjp, Fk. 4Uth Rep. j.. ()7. Kxsicc. KU. it Kvrht. N. A. F. 2d Ser. 2518, 2.S19. Pustules scattered, slightly prominent, closely covered liy the epi- dermis. Perithecia nestling in the inner bark, sulicircinate, 5-10 in a pustule, about \ mm. diam. Ostiola erumpcnt in a small, round- whitish disk, obtuse, l)lack, conic-])apilliform. A.sci ol)long-clavat(', ]). sp. about 40 .\ n //, subsessile. Sporidia allantoid, 10-14x2-2.',//. Iiyaline, not strongly curved. On dead branches and foliage of Thuja occidentalis, New Yoik State (Pock), Canada (Dearness). {'f\m, Till. Sel. Cnip. II, p. 1!)4, tal). XXV, ligs. 10-20. Spliania Ligustri, Schw. Syn. N. Am. 1684. I'aha ubli'cta, C. & K. Grev. VII, p. 9, (not Schw. Syn. N. Am. 1639). Kxsicc. Fckl. F Kh. 1969.— Rehm Asc. 226.— Syiiow, M. March, qii. Stromata scatteied, small, depressed-conical, only sliglitly j)romi- nent, covered liy tlie epidermis and, when this is jieeled off, coming oti with it. Perithecia 3-8, medium size (J-| mm.), ovate, sulxlecuiii- l)ent, sunk in the inner bark and leaving their im])ress on the surl'acr of the wood or on the surface of the inner stratum of the bai'k, scarcely crowded, collapsing, subcircinate, necks very short, with their large, obtuse, rounded-conical o.stiola united and forming a small, black disk Itarely erumpent through a short lissui-e in the e|)idermis. Asci \). sj). 4x3 4(i-r»(ix 10-12 //, clavnti'. Hiil»«ti|iitati'. S|Mtriii sassiil'ni.-t, lnit is still ililVcrt'iit. V. Mali/ilelKC «iK. (inv. VI. ).. 11. This is also iiiikiiou ii to lis. Our h{m'cc. iiiiilcr litis iiaiiic ait liotryositfni'i'hi f'nli(jiiioso. V. ((iieiiia, I'liiT. Liiiii. TiaiKs. XXII, |>. UT'.», tal». 4n, liy. III. KukIcc. I'". Arti. 715' "Sporidia sliy:litly ciirv»'t|, siiiiplc, linear, colorless, t-nnvilfd in tin apex of till' asciis.'' 'riic spec, ill Kav. F. Am. 74'), on Mijt'ivn. is witlioiit pcrilliccin. Sh'iniiii roiticol, vlrriiiiis('r!h<'f/sl' nutstly wliih; of vinciiinm. ¥.■ * X- •» ( Jji'iivoHtoinn, ^Itsilil'c). V. iilvwi. (Holl.) S/'/iuiia iiii'iii, WttX. \'fn. Or. I, p, 26. Sfilimia iiiviit, I'lTs. Syn. p. ,iH. I'aha iihiii, Vr. Siiinnia, p. .)ii. Kxsicc. Hckl. H. Kh. (Siij.— Rill). !••. K. (1,15, 2;'^»'<.— Rcltiii Asc. y^.— Tluim. K. Aiistr. Js.s. Krk'Kr. 1'. S.TX. jy.— Sy xl^-1?. /<. Speriiioii'onia mostly with a sintrle central poi'e, radiale- cellctl. Spermatia cylindrical, curved, ()X 1 //. oozinu- out in reddish cirrlii. On Pojmhis (/raiitlidcntutit, Ohio and Xeluaska, and on /*. trtun- nloidcH, Montana and (>olorado, on jHjpIar, Pennsylvania and Carolina. Schweinitz st^ites that it is common on apple trees at IJethlehein, Ta. European specimens have as st,ated in Syll. tVc, larn'cr sporidiii 12-14 X 3 ft. The sjiecc. issued in X. A. K. 809 are mostly only sper- mogonia or sterile. Tlie only perfect ones we have seen are from Col- orado and Montana. These agree with the European spocc. in all lait their smaller sporidia and rather smaller asci. This species seems to attain peH'cct development only in high latitiuh.'s uv in mountainous regions. .^ 485 < iiatnc iiii V. lein'ostoma, (IVis.) Spliifna li'iiroiliimii, I'ith, Syii. |i. V*- I'liLui /YiMhiiiii, NIlH. I'yr. < '.trill, p, iii. l'ii/\ii Ifiiiiisliimn, I'r. Siiiiim. Vi«. Sc. )>. |ii Kxilcc. Mil. N. A I'. 17V -Kriv. I'. .Mil. ,i'..|. Thutii. \'. AUdlr. jyi. StroiiiiitM strniiirly foiivcv, 'l-W iiiiti. dijiiii., sciitft'i't'il iiiciriilMily. nnnpetit. tliroii;;!! sluH't, transverse eiaiks in tlie ('|ii(leiiiiis, white, dotted with, the Idaek, r<»iinded, sli^litly piojectinjr ostiola. A.-ei lii.s, Carolina, i'enn.sylvania. New Jersey, and proltaidy tliroimliont the country where tliese trees are t'oiind. This species (dosely lesenildes I'', ulna, lint in our Aniericaii specc. th(! asci and sporidia are larger. 'I'lie stroniata al. thin t')ii(li>i'iiiis. niilni liioadly |»('iiniiit(Ml. A«'i c'lavatt'-c\ lin(lii('til,..'{.'i-4() x T)-!! /i, HiiliHossilf. S|inriiiia i-altlii.^'iiiitf, iillnntuiil, livaliiic sliu'litlv cnrvi'd, (}-H x 1-1,J //. ()l '"lid linilisnl' QmrcuM and /i*/ioihtih'iH/roii, Fnifhtlinifi, X. V (I'l'uk), lid on dead liiiili.>< (if Lniinis tSiittxii/'ni.s, niid tlir |iro,«triiti Htt'his i)i linhiix i'liiindviiHii*, XcwIii'M. N. ,). V. i'liicta. Kr. Snninui Vc^:. Sc. p. 41 1. KxkIcc. Fckl. V Kli. 3140, J.14S.— Rehm Ai»c, «4.— M. MnrcH. .vv?? Stroniata ratlicr widely scattort'd.stron^rly i-onvcx, ()i(»l»tiis('ly cdii- ical, 2-3 iiini. diani., loi-Mied of tlio slij^litly altered (or a little paleri sidistance of tlie innei' Imrk, enclosed in a very tliin. iilack layer wliicli f'iiows art a faint. Idaek eiriMniiJicrildn^ line on a eros;^ section. I'eii- tlieeia in a sinjrle layer, or ".'enerally arran<,^ed around a central spei- nio^oninni, lO-l'), ;tlol»ose. or sul>an;iulai'. rather over J mm. diani.. .'ittenuatcd into very slender, converfjin^ necks, with the rather lariie, lilack, perl'orateil ostit)la i'an<:e(l around the i-entral |i<»re of the sper- moji'onium, in the convex, whitish ilisk. which .«ion liecomes lirowii. The stroma lorms a distinctly i»rominent pustide, covered hy tin- loie liitudinally or sultstellately-clel't epidermis. Asci .')(»-()(» x D-l'J n. clavate. suliscssile Sporidia liis(>riate. allantoid, hyaline, curved, \'l- 2(1 (mostly 12-1(1) x3i-4//. On dead twi<>'s of Aiinhnichicr alnifolia. Sand t'oiilee. Montana (Anderson). The porithecia are rntlior sniallor than in |)r. Hehm's specimens, hut the hain't is the same. We have not found any speiniatia. V. iHW.staii8, B. & C. in Curtis' Cat. p. 14H, and Ckc. Valsel of the l. S. No. 42. Stroma ori»icular at liase, 1-2 mm. diam., convex-conical, tilletl with whitish jmnnous matter, enclosed in an olivaccous-lirown exter- nal layer of similar nature, l>ut more comi»act; on the small limhs and twijii;s raisinjj: the epidermis into slij^ht jaistules pierced at the apex l>y the small, round, dirty-white disk. On the larger limits with thickei' hark, the pustules arc less conspicuous. Perithccia 10-20 or moiv lying in a single laver in the Itottom of the stroma, small, \-\ mm. diam., globose, oblong or otherwise irregular in shape from mutual pressure, rather abruptly contracted itito long, very slender necks with their short, rounded and pa}»illate, then perforated and nmltilicate ostiola erinnpent through the whitish disk (which is soon obliterated). l»ut scarcely exsorted. Asci (p. sp.) oblong-fusoid, 30-3') x 5-() /<. 4s7 Spoiiilin iilliiiitoiil, liynliiir, not siroimly cmvcfl, 7-!).\ 1 J /i (lO-l'i x On tlni'l limits of iV//.<^«'^ ('nrolinii (Curtis). New .Fci'soy (KHis). On the I.irucr limits tlic |iiistnl('s iiic liiiircr, witli the dense fiilts orslinit, Itiack ostioiii, siiltsei'iately ei'iiiu|tent in l(in'J, and VI, p. 10. V. fraiisliUTiis, (I)e Not.) Sfilueria ItanslMCfUi, I)e Nol. Micr. Itnl. V, No. t. I'ii/iii haiisliiii'iii, l)e Not. Sclieiiin Sftr. p. .vi. Kxsicc, Rnl). I". H. 717. — Kcliiii Asc. ij.s. Stromata nnniei'ons, irrejrariuus or scattorcd, ol'ton eoverin;.'' the whole limit on which they ,i;i'o\v, eonicial or hemispherieal Intm a cir. ciiiar Itaso, mostly small, scarcely J mm. diam., Itnt sometimes lariicr (I mm.), visjltle thritnuh the thin, chtsely adherent e|tidermis, which i-^ rai.<('d into |tnstides llattencd altove and pierced Ity the disk, which is sui'ronnded iiy a sliuht depression. Perithecia 2-X in a stroiia, iri'i'i;- niarly nionostich(»ns, sphuM'oid, niinnte, with slender necks and puncti- liirni ftstiitia, ernmpeiit in the ci'iitor of the small, whitish flisk. Asci claviitc or o'lloiiii', sessile, : (tred. 40-44 xS itoridia conu'lo liatt •ylindrical, cni'veij, hyaline, !)-14.\"2/<. Spermon'onia rew-celled. times one-celled, with a sin.LjIc centi-al pore, or, more seldom, with pores penetrating; tho whitish, Itrown-marjrined ilisk. Spermatin SdllK I'vlniurical, ciirve( I, 4-5 X 1 On dead willow Itranclies, West AUtany, X. Y. (Teck). V. iiM)i'i;;t>iia, B. iV V. (!rev. XIV, p. 4(!. i'erilliecia uloltose, innnersed in a pale cortical stroma, which is cov M'cd at leniith with a lilack crust, and ciirumscrihed l»v a I) lack tint n.ed, and pierced at the ajiox Ity th«' small, dirtv- wliite, rounilicate and oi)en ostiola soon oliliteratinu' the disk, execjjt a faint white rinir around the mai-gin, hut not usually much exsertcd. Asci clavate. suhsessile, 25-30 x') n. S|ioridia hiseriate, allantoid, not sti-onirly curved, hyaline, 0-8 x 1 .|- 1 ^ /i, ( 10 fi, IJerk : 10-12 //, Cke.). On hickory saplinjrs killed l»y fire, Xcwiield, X. J., on liranchcs (A'Cdfya, I'ennsylvania (Michenei'), New York (Cot)k). Var. chJorodism {Vafsa chloroy trans- |)arence, Itut not lilackcned, surrounded hy a idack line. Asci lanceo- late, ."^jioridia sausage-shaped, 10 n long. On willow. South Carolina, No. 3404." V. colliciilus, (Woiiiisk.) Spliicria cdlliiuluf, Kr. S. M. II, p. 3Sy. Vaha cn/liniliis, Worinsk. Cke. Valsei I'. S. No. 2,^, Kxsicc. RU. ife K\'rht. N. A. V. 2stioIn soon iiiai'ii'in. Iiiit ■)-30x') ^ 0-8. X 1.1- »i) liraiic'lics ^iii.p. i;{) re |)iistiil(s )soly alliV'd. S. Xo. Hx. I l»y ti'aiis- ^sci laiifcn- 1111., closolv ' projoctiua within and I sulistaiirc ks, and tin- lit scarcely ilil)iseriat('. lu'laiid and 4s'.> Km. caiiillata. K. iV E. .lomn. Myini, I\', p, "1. Stioniiita |iiistidit'iiiiii, 'l-'A iihij. diani.. nnihcrdiis :iiid cldsriy cun- ri^nniis lor "i-liO ciii.. liliickcmim and carlioni'/iim' tlic liai'k.aiid lionndcd li\ ,1 lilack line wiiicli |)i'in'tiiiti'> tlic u // iiiuu. without paraphyses. Sporidia s, eiowded. yellowisli in the mass, -ti'dimly em\c(|. with a inicieus in each end, aliont ."U .\ .^ /i. In its -nialler sporiilia and very lonii ostiola. this apjiears distinct Irom A'// iijiicllii Honiiricnsis, Spe<.i-.. anerniiipent, sini])le Sji/hi'//(i. < )ii deeayinti' limlis lyini; on the ground, ."^f. .Martinsville. La Lanizlois). Kii. (lei'isfa. (K. & E.) /■<;/»; ifiio/,1. H >V H Joiiiii Myoil. IV, \>. h.\ Peritliceia 4-() louelher. sunk in the sni't'ace of the wood, witii thick, niemliianaceous walls, shiniii'i-ldack insi. y^. yahii iiiiuimiiahili.\, I'k ,otli Reii N Y St,Tto Mtis p ■ ^ I 'i;/ii; liliiijihiti, II. & C. ("■rtv. V, \t js Ivx-icc l-"ckl. V Kh 597. — Kze H Sel. u'"'. K;ib )•■ I-: i,i;s -KII N .A F 17>, ■■-..,, ,vv. K.'iv. H. Am. 190, 361, ,sfi2, (>''',!. —IMowr. V Urit. (i. - L,iii F Hiiii^; I7s--Kritsr F. S;ix 4,?ii.— Syilow, M Mnrcl; "fur— Kclim .\>io. 7V' X'izt Mitr iMiiigi, if\) K'Uim I-, ("■[ill. 5,v)"- "'ti'oiniila olituselv conic;)! or -ulwiiht'iii-id, rareh' -n'lefl'n-ed 1 -'2 (12 ■iW J !■ !!' ■'!'■;; 22i:!', ^hiii . ■ ! Mini, across. lY'iitliocia in a siiiulc sti'diiia, few or riunic'roiis, ueiitM-aflv crowded, rarely siiltcoiieeiitrically arraiiyecl, siilis|»IiaM'oi(l or anu'iihii tVuni imitual pi'essiire, small, necks c<»nver,ii'inu'. Ostiola short an(| small or oftencr more or less elonii'aled, rouu'li, siilcate-clei't, 8-()-siii('(|. connate, at least itelow. Asci cylimlric-clavate, 4()-r)() .\ ")-(; /i (p. sp). Spoi'idia crowded or sulil)iseriat(', allaittoid, yellowisli. 7-1 1 (mostlv T-!))xl,]~2 ft, (S-12.\l^-2 //, Sacc). Spei'nioLr()nia iiiaMy-c<'Ilc(|. laruer than the asciu'erous stromata. Spermatia lililbi'iii, cnrveil. 20-2') fi lonu', issninu' in yellow ciri'lu. Common oi. limlis of various decidnons ti-ees thi'on^liont iIk Tnitod States. Ol'teii when the j)nstiiles are crowded, a sinu'le circiunsci'iliinu line surrounds an entire u-roup, ami the sui'lace of the inner Iiai'k i:- (init'ormly blackened. As Car as the sj)ecc. al)ove tpiotcd are con- cerned, we can llnd no distinctive characters to separate Valsn rait- tt'iom and V. feffaplo(t I'voin this species, and have therelbre included thoni in Bti. atclhdntd, (set; Cke. Val.sei of the U. S. p. 112). Ell. Vitis, (Sclnv.) S/>/iiC> I i'i/ii. Schw, Syii. Car N o. 117, Syii. N. Am 1362. I'iiImi I'l'tis, Cke. Valst-i of the V. S. p. ii.v Eiityfia viticola, Sacc. Syll. 66y. S/>hiriia fiinptiirala, Plowr. Orev. VII, ]). 73 I'alsa (/u/hfieUd) I'ilii, Cke. Orev. XU', p. .(,s Exsicc. Rav. K. .A,iii. 363, 6C)4. Perithecia 3-4, rather larii'e, nestliiiu' in the inner hark and reii- derinu' the surface Uullate. Ostiola irreiiular, sultpulverulent, lilack. and (sec. Cke. Grev. XIV, j). 4o), distinctly sulcate, and sjioridia (sim- Valsci U. S. p. 1 13) 12-14 // lonu;. Rather rare on younu' .shoots of ^rrape vines. Carolina (Schw.). Pennsylvania (Michener), New York (Peck). ft is doubtful whether this is more than a var. of Entjipdht Kt<'.lliiJ(i.t'ed and buried in the im altered inner bark, about ^ mm. diam., I)lack, thick-walled, with con veru'ing necks and stt)ut, (|uailrisulcate. black ostiola erinnpent in n short, coiiii)act fascicle in the center ol' the pustnle, closely emliraced by the perforated, .sliu'htly pustulate epidermis, above which they pro- ject slightly. Asci clavate, p. sp. alM)nt 35x5 /i. Sporidia biseriatc, allantold,, 6-8 x 2 ii, moderately curved. m Oil liiuk of (k'inl iisli. New Voik State (IVfk). rviiiwaiv (Coiii- (IMHiS). Ill jpccc. from I'cck tin- |iiistiil<'r< arc siiliscriiitt'lv arraiiuHMl ami hcic and tliorc sultcoiilliR'nt. Init tlu'rc is no cii-cuinsiTiliiiiy line. Ell. Ikirlit'iiiijp, (like.) I'd/sa /Iric/iciiiia. Ckt. Valsci uf the I . S. \>. lis ra/ta sMii.'Ciii'.'.iii. var. Bi'iiheninc, Curtis 1. c. I'.iilypcUa lli'niiciiiur. Sncc. Syll. ,ss6. Hxsicc. Kav. I'. Am.— HH. «: i:vrlit, X, A. F. 2(1 rtcr L57f.. Pustiilos ^•c•atte^CMl or Hoiialc, sniTill, ratlicr itroniineiit. PciitliL'ciii H-h in a pustule, ovate-tiloliose. mostly less than f, mm. diam.. lairied in tiie suiiace ol' tlic inner liark. witlioiit any distinet eii'eumseriltiiiu line, necks siioi't, with the olituse. i|Mahiliy/>c mixasldiiitt. K. & K. Journ. Mycol. I. p. 141. Ivx.sicc. Fckl. F. Kit. 2434.— Kah. V. Iv if^i?.— FUl. iV Kvrht. N. A. V. 2<1 Str. i7yi, 2346 —Kav Fiiiijii Car. Ill, 53.— I,in Fuii^i Huiik- 174.— Rav. F". Am. W)2. (in our copy). Sti'onia ohtusely-eoiiieal or sulieylindi-ieal. j-^ em. diani., sunk in llie siilistanee of the hark which is niialtei-ed or of a paler color, .soon -iirrounded liy a stronu' cireiinisc]'iliiiios(.'. 4~(>-i'adiate-sulcatc !<, erunipent and closely packed, Ibrminii' snndl (1-2 mm.), Iilack, shield-like patches on the sur- face of the hark. Asci iiarrow-elavate, loii<>-stipitate, ahout 80 x 4-.T li (p. sp.). Sporidia allaiitoid. yellowish. .'>-7 x 1^ ft. On dead limhs (A'Curjt/NKK. Coiyhis,Alniii<, and Betvla; common. Canada, New Kntiland. New York. Iowa, New Jersey and Carolina. This was issued in Hav. Car. 1. c. and in Kll. \- Kvrht. N. A. F. 2M4(), as Didtrype hditfitclUitd and Vuhii hdiiHtcUxta, Fr. Kll. ^laiuliilosa, (("k<*.) Valm Kliiiidiilitsa, Cke. Grev. VII. p 52 I'ulsa claiiilcilii. Cke. I'.rtv. .Will, p H, •Kxsicc Rav. F. Am iVii 4!I2 riistiilc- covi'ifil Ipy till' i'|ii(lcniii>. I'critlici'iii 4-lin, olnlm-r willi tlii(.'l\ Willis. i-J, iniii. diiiiii.. luiiicil in llic iiiiicr linrk with tlirii liiisi's often sliulitlv sunk in the wood iicnoiitli, nci-ks slomlcr, convciu niu;. Ostioiii t'rnni|it'nt in m conipiU't liiscicic, in all \vcll-il('\rlo|irii »|ircc. ilistinctly i|n;nli'isnl(';tt('-rl('i"t. u'cnci'iilly not risinu iiMicli almv tlic sinracc of the l)ai'k. lait somctinics clonii'atod-c'ylindi'ical. evcii 1 mill or nioi'c Iohl:', and sli^'litly swollen at the ajicx. Asci clavati' iiiiniitr. 'JO-'J,") \ ") // (|i. s]).), (80.\ 10 n. ('kc). Sporidia irrciinlarlv I'idudi'd, niinntc. '-\—\ \ 1 //. allaiTtoid. striaiLily lairvcd. Iiyalinc ("i n lonv'. Ckc.i. On dead linilis of Aihnitlnis iihinil nlosu. Carolina ({{avcnrh Staten Island. X. Y. (Mi's. llritton), Loni>' Island, N. V. (I'ndcrwdodi 'I'lir surface of the innei- liark in all the speec. is nnil'orMily lil.irk ened. Sec. Cke. (ii'cv. Vll. p. i)'l, the fistiola ai'e not snlcate, lint in oni' copv of Wav. F. Am. and in that at the Pliila. Acad, they are uii niistakaWly so. The yellowish sp(a'iilia and lilaek. thick-walled peri ihecia point i iiiHi.\li i, I'ers Syii \>. Xi- yaliu p> uiia.slii, Fr, S>imin,T, p. in F.itlyf>i'llti fiiiDiiislii. S;icc. Syn. .s'ifi ICxsicc. Kckl. K Kh, 51^. -Kihin -Vsc. .t77 — Syil.>\v M Mrircli. .)7(. — Desiii. I'l Cryjit Kil. 1, .i7> Sti'oma vidsiforni. suliorl»icylar or (dliptical in outline, pnlvinatc 'oiivex or sniiconical, lilack, adnate to the wood, at iirst covered li\ the liark. iinally erumpent throuiih transverse (U'acks in the epidernii.-- rerithecia numerous, irreiiularly ciowded, sometimes in moi'e than one laver. the central ones erect, tla; marginal ones a.sciuidinii', sul)ii'lo'iosc or anu'ular, att('nuat(!d into a ue(;k of viii'ialile huiii'th. Ostiola thick cued, .'i-')- (si'enerally 4-) snlcate, short and erect, or lonuer and diver aent or lit xuons. Asci nari'ow-clavale. lonu-stipitate, l2< )-.'!< > x l-i-4 // (p. sp.j. Sporidia in the u|iper part of the asci, suliliisei'ialv. allan loid. curved, sniihvaline. fi-S x 1 .', /, It. >pei'mouonia, Cytisp OI'll l'l>i»''^ h, < ot.s. Fr. (hi I'i'iniiis sfrotliKi. Oaroliua (Sch w. Vx] Kii. an;;iilosa. Xifscli. I'm. ficim. \>. 17;i S/'liii'i III [ti iniifh I . /I /l(/ii/i,\ '>iu]\u\ l''li)r I,.i|iiu)M ]> .•o". St>li,i-iHi /liihi viiint. Sclnv. Svii N Am. lui. ■ ■ _ • h.iityfiilla iiiiiiii/(JMi, Slice. Syll. ,S7-' ' KxsicT i;i1 ft Kvrhl N A !•' Ji] Sir isrt Strnimi toiiiciil, \vliiti.-;|i iii.^idc, disk rllijisoid or tn'niiiinhir. .',-1 rill. Iniiii', '2-3 iiiiii. wide, rci'itlii'cin iniiiicioiis. .-lu.-ill, oMiid. IviiiLi in die lidttiiiii III' the stroiiiii. Willis tliick. Iiliick, coiiiiccDii.-. coiitr.'K'tcil iiild ii \o]]ix neck iiIkivc. tcriiiiiuitiiiL;' in the .>lioi't-c\ liiidriciil. dccplv l-.l-clcll (istiolii. A.<(i (]i. .<|i.j MIMO .\ I-.') 11, with !i loiiii', liliruiiii liii^c. Sporidiii S ill mi iisciis, iilliiiiloiil, l»r(i\viii.-li (ir vi'liowisli. nitliri lliii kcr ill the iiiiddlr. (i-T \ l.j-'2 //, ('iid.< sidiohtiisc. (>ii (lend liii'cli iiiidis. New Vork State. 'I'liis ci'itaildv is vrry closclv allied to Ku. jtrinnisl ri. Kn. ni^i«'lla. (('. A: K.) I'alsa rnjfii'ila. C >S: Iv {'.it.'V. V, p iji. l'iil\/>i-llii »/fi;;.//ci. Saiv. Syll. y/'. ICssicc I-;il, N A. V 17C., I'ci'itlici'ia iiiiiiiitc CiOO // diaiii.), 1(>--(I ci'DwdiMl in oiliicnkir iliistcis Just liciioatli tlic fpidcniiis. wliicli is siiu'litly I'Icvatcd. I'lis- liilcs very iiiiiiieroiis and snuictiiiies suliseriately ai'raiiiicil. not circiin, -crilxMl. nrr-ks very short, and the sliort-cylindrieal. faintly silicate, liiially niiiliilif'ate ostiola i'riiiii|p('iit in a conipact t'asciclf. lait not niiieli r.xsnted. Asei (]>. s]i.) aliont 'Jo x •'> /<. Sporidia siililiiscriate. cylin ijrical, nearly straight and nearly hyaline 4-.') x I n. On liark (d'dead ina))le, Newlield. N. .1. Kii. venusta. (KII.) I\iImi riiiiislii. Hll. Hull. Tnrr. Hot, Chili, IX. ]> iii /■liilvfiiitu Tiiiii^Ui. Saci'. Syll. .s times as lonu' as the r of the iii-ritlH'ciiim more or less ilistinctly 4-siilente at the ajiex, luit often rounded ami -mooth: unite(| at first in a i)lack. uneven, eloimatod disk wliieli i- !iii;dly ol)lit,eryte(I. Asei clavate, p. s|i. 30 x Ho ii. Sporidin siilihi ~eri;ite, alhiiitoid. curved, siihlivaline. 7-1) x 1 {-1 1 a. On dead In'anches i)\' liobiiiid pstnilncdcid, Xewlield, X. ,1. Specc. of V(ihfl 404 IVoin tin's. Tlic (li;ii:iinsis licrc u'ivi'ii is li'oiii ri rccxiiiiiiiiiifioii of tlir (ii'iuiiial spccc. iiiul difVers in sdiiic rt'S|M>f s IVom tiiMt in 'I'orr. IJnJI. . Ell. I'latniii, (Sdnv.) SfiliiOhi I'hilani, rtchw. Syii. N. Am. 1372 /•Uilypella Plalaiii, Sacc. Syll. 592. I'listiilcs uiru'iiridiis. snijill, nniiicrotis, \y'\\\\i iindci' the (•|ii(i('rnii> wliifli is sliylitlv I'iiiscd, nnd liidiiitcly lissiiird iironnd the f'riini|M'iit liiscicic ol' slioff-cyiiiidi'ifid ly Inii'iod. sinidl. necks sJKirl. S|i()i'idiii nlliintoid, ncitrly liyiilinr. 10-12 x 2 //. TIm' itsci in tlic spccr. cxiiininod liiid disii|ip('iii('(l. Tlic ostiola nre iit lii'st Jdiiicd in ii ln'own disk wliicli is scion ohlitcriiti'd. Stioniii uf';i liulitcr color tiinn tlic snrroinidiny iiiiik. ;nid witliont ;mi\ cii'cuniscriliinii' line. On loose liiii'k <)[ PJ(itislin,iiiiishe(| from Di'iportltc Cdr/i/iii liy its pretty. «i'raiiulatcd ostiola ami its minute, eiirved. not lanceolate sporidia. On liark of dead lioriilieain {C'lvpiinis}. Ohio and (Carolina. Kii. ^oiiiostdiiia. (Sclnv.) Sfiluti hi i;iiiiiinlii»ia. Scliw Syii. N Am 137,^ I'lilsa voniii^liiiiui.C^n:. Valsei of C. S. No 9. luitypilhi HDiiiostoiiHi. Sacc. Syll. .s"-?. I'nstules (do.^ely covcrcil liy the epidermis. Hat and thin, often con thieiit \l--\ iiiiii. diam. I'ei'ithecia s^-l.') in a piistnle. \~\ mm. dinm.. crowded, salicircinate. Itnried in the l»ark, without any stroma. Ostiola stout, crowded, erect, deeply i|uadrisulcate, short conic-cylindrical. erunii)ont in an orliicular oi- elliptical tnft closely emiiraced l>y the perforated epidermis. Asci aliout 25-30 x 5 // (p. sp.). Sporidia siili- Mseriate, allantoid. yellowish, not sti-onuly curved, 7-I> x 2 //. On various liraiiches. Carolina (('iirtis), on the younjicr lirauchc!^ 4!t') •III N/.swV'/'"."', ('Mrnliliii (Si'llW.), nil lirillirllt'< i)[ liliKx rciK'/KtfU, Nuw .),.i<.-y (Kllis). Kii. jii^laiulicola, (Scliw.) S/>/i/ii. Stevenson, 1 c ■ liiiiiitr. proiuiiiciit, |Mistiil('s in conlliicii) |);ir!ill('l scries, stnuiin corliciil, ciri'iiiii^^frilKMl; ciisily rccou'iii/.cij iViiiii its iiiiiiiiici' of uTowtii. Iniii:itiitf/hnul//i(t, C. it ]•]. (!rev. V, p. !)'Ji. ditVors only in the pustules liein.ii' scattered ^n■ only siilisoriate. and perithecia mostly oiilv 3-8 in a pustule. We make tlio .sporidia (l-S x l.i-2/Ml<)-ir)x3//,'(^ke.). Eh. scopai'in, (Scliw.) Spliifiia .scopaiia, Schw. Syn. Car. loi. id Syn N Am i.^iS. Valsa itii/iiii III. SlcVLiison, 1. c. I\nl\pi-lla Umiiiynslris, I'k. I-;.\sicc. i;il. iS: Ivvrht. N. A. !•. 2(1 Ser. 251 ■^troiiiatii cortical, oi •liiciil ir. _— i mill, iliam.. olteii c'ou illiient. -Ill- roll II- iidcd liy a thin, hlack stratum, slio\viii«>' a distinct, iilack. circiii scriliiiiti' line on a horizontal section, raisinu' the hark lait slinhtlv. Pi'rithecia o-l'i in a stroma, Imrieil in the .scarcely altered siilistaiice of tin' Iiark. u'loliose, al>oiit \ mm. diani., Idack and polished inside, with coriaceous walls, contracted aliove into slender necks terminatinn ill a close liL^ciclo ol'iiiore or less (doii^'ated, cylindrical, deeply 4-r)-clort ostiola. Asci clavate. p. sp. 18-'J"J x 4 n. Sporidia crowded, allantoid. iiiiiiute, stroiiiiiy ciirveil. yellowishdiyaline, 4 X 1 //.with a nucleus in ciUlll 011(1. On dead (dm liraiichos, Canada to iIis.souri. Agrees with specinioiis in Heri). Sclnv. M s«*' ' laiiitiiiWBui 'I'.Hi Kii. iiiin'(M'i'ir|>ji. K. \ K. .I'linn. M\(,.l. I\'. p. rj-i. IN'iillict i;i ill clii^tcis III' 1-12. liiiiicil ii! ihc iiiiifr iniik, whiili i- liiiitiiniilv ^liiiiicd. '■>[ ii |)iilc sImIc coliir, tlicir liii>r> .-cmiccIv |M'iictr;itiir^ the uiiud. yliiliiix'. iiljiiiit j iiiiii. (Ii:iiii.. willi lliicU. ((niiiccuiis wiill-. lilack ;iii(l sliiiiiiii;' witliiii. TIm' siii'liicr dl' llic Imik i.< niiscil iiild i|i-- tilirt )lll>llll('S nVCl' the |H'litlM'(il|. illlll is IIHIIC U| ll'SS ClJU-kcil ;|||(| |iii'i('C(| liy the cyliiiilriciil. miiuli. Ipiiick. I -li iiiiii. loiiu fistiohi. uliiili iiii' ilisliiictiv (|ii;i(lri.-iil( ;iti'-cl('lt at tlicir lip-, ami i.- iiKHc eiia(i'l\ connate. Kii. Marliiia', (C. A: K.) r.//.i; M.i,!ui,r. C ^V Iv <'.i<.\ Vlir |>, i( K.xsuc i;il N .\, I- ^7,t Pustules small (1-1 J, nun.), sliiilitly i'le\atimi (lie liark. nnmeroii^. r''rilliecia 2-S in a |iiistiile. u'loliose. Mack. .^ mm. diaiii.. net k> short ciiinijienl in a ji;ilc. riirl'iiraceoiis disk wliicli is soon oMitei'atcd (*-liola uhiliosc-conical. liiially more or less di.'lincliy radiale-cldl Asci (|i. sji.) alHiiil MO x ;'» M. s -pored, .-^iioridia partly iM-criate. oMoiil; liisoid, sliiiiitly curved or l itilij i|i~. l;(cl •/\\\'^ IllniVr. >|Milii||;i V cillVfil, /' Idllli). Iliiui, jhl I (' (il'lll i.-tir-. lied t(i /i'/r Will. 1!|(I<||\ my ciiciiiii II -•■liiid'h :. iiiiiii('i'iiii>. i('ci<> slmrt iililitcinliMJ .•i(li;iIc-.-|ct! lite, 'ilijdii^ T \ li 2i n icy ;ir(' imt tly .■! litllr I'liil. .Iiilv, 'IIClj ,'|llO\l 'li.',- 1 n. The .-tr(»Miilt;i ni'C (d'ten c(iiilhient. The Wdiiij iieneiitli is ni;irke(| liy n di-tincl. Iiliick. circiMnsci'iliiii'j' line. The circular, lint, u'liiyish-lihick di.-k is ii dislin^i'iMshinu' chiirncter, (hi (h'nd liriinches (d' .SV///.C. |>ec(ii;di, l(twa (lldlwny). Kii. salKiliiiJi. ('k«'. (irev. \ II. p. .VJ. Pnstnles sniiill. oldonii'. 1-2 mm. Icnu', juomiiient. I'eritliecii\ 2 -*• in a stroma coniiioseil (irtlie nnalterc(| or more or less Idackened •-iili.-lance of the stem, yloliose. alioiit fj mm. diain.. Idack and shiniiiu inside, walls tlii(d<. Ostiola suliconveriicnt. ernni|M'nt luit scai'c(dy ]iidiiiinent. ("litiisely conical, distinctly (|iia(lrisiilcate, stout. Asci 3;") - lit .\ ')-(■> //, lanceolatc-(davate. S-s|iore(l. Sporidia siildiiscriate. allaii- loid. ncai'ly hyaline, olitnse. T-?< x 1.1-2 ti. (Ill Siilxil. (leoriiia and Florida. 'I'lie siirl'acc ol' the stem is uciierally lilackeiieil coiitimionsly where occii|iic(l liy the riiiiiius, lint there is no distinct circnnisci'iliinL;' line aronnd each separMte |instnle. Kii. fiiniidiila. (('. (V P.) WiIhi liimidiilii. C. iS: 1'. Jijlli Ktp. .V. V, Slali- IMu-. J). ,ss. i.iilvpelhi hitniiiii'ii, Slice, Syll. .sm.v Kiiiiii])ent. jiiei'cina the elevated, discolored cnticle. >dtiinat(dy ex|iosini>' the Itlackeneil disk. Perithecia 4--(i. scmiimmer.scd in the wood, circnmscrihed liy a Mack line. Ostiola olitii.«:e. (luadi'istdcatc. .\sci clavate. Sporidia linear, straight oi' cnrvcil., hyaline. IC- !."> // lonn'. On (h'ad liraiichcs ol' ('/vr/aY/^/.v. New York State (I'eck). Kii. alejii'iiia, (B. \ ('.) l'als. .i('. I'nstides convex, oriiicnlar. densely n'retiai'ions, enuuiK'iit. the epi- dermis stelhit(>ly (dell around the ostiola. IVi'ithecia iilack. nestlint; in the liai'k, their silicate necks coiiveru'iiiu'. Asci (davato. S-,sjiore(k Sporidiii allantoid. hyaline. S ti lonu'. On liai'k i)[' J'h/finniK. North Carolina. (13 ■ :1 i \ ^\ I li:! un a 408 V'CI ii< In ilitl'rr IriMii h'li. I'liiliiui, Scliw., in its sliDrlcr sjunii iml convex jinslnii Kii. niiisfelliitii, (H. iVr.) l;r / tilsii {/■.ii/t/»//u) ,.>«.>/,7/((/<», II Kc C. Orev. XIV, p. I'l I'listiilcs orliiciiliu'. scriutt' i»i' irrcu'iiliiiiy sciillcicil, iM'niii| M'lll ilcnscly ,ti'r<'ji'iii'ioiis. I'ciilliccin liiiu'L nloliosc. lew (-(-(>), ciduiliMl, jK'cIvs iildii'cviiilcil, (i>liulii -nlrnli'. A.-ci chiviitc, S.s|((ji'o(|. Spmidiii iilliuitoid, liviiliiic. On liriiiicli 's lA' (J(/ri/if. At., Nni'tli Ciirolin.-i." Kii. radiila. (IVis.) Sf. ('niinuniily ill ('.\t('ii.ti(»Hi!i Ioi'micI IVoin flic .-iilistiincc nl'tlic liiirk, witliont iiiiy conccjitiiclc i>v circiiinscriliiim' line. On viU'ioiis lii'Mi'.clics, csitcciiiily nl' |io|)liir, Cin'oiiini (Scliw.l. Soc. Ck(>. (I. ('.), the .<|ioridi!i nrr 10-12 // loiij^'. This UK'ii.-inrc- incnt, iinwcvcr, \\ii.-< (ViMn l']nr<)|M';in s|icc('. Kii. II i|t Hoc I in a, (<'ke.) I'u/m iiip/iiictiiiii, Ckc (ircv. XI, p. icx;. I'Asici.'. Kav. V. .Viii. 71S. Linciitc-cniin]i('nf. Pcrithccin ovittc. lyiim- in m white strnniii. Ostiohi shoi't, coiivcr-iinii'. sulciite, erninitcnt in ti'iuisver.t,ihu Schw. Syii. N. Am. 1.^74. / \il.\ii ciinsr/ihi/it, Stfv. .\(l(l. to Cooke's Viilsci, No. 1 1 j. Not |tiistultite, n'rey'iii'ioiisly eniinpcnt. cH'iise I inider tJie o|(i(h'i ■ nii.s, disk at first ln-ownisli-ldiu'k. convex, iit leiiii-tli ol(liternte(| hy the sliu'Iitly exserteil, stcnnte-aiiLi'iil.'ir ostiohi. Peritiiecin nestliim' in llic hark, variously snlicircin.'ite, without any distinct conco|)taclo, hut .several clnsters snrroiinde 1 liy one coinnion circiiiiiserihinu' lino pone- tratinii,' the hark and woud. Sec. .Stevenson, 1. c. sporidiii allaiitoid. hyaline, H^x 3,{ //.. Found under the liark <»!' (r/c.fh'fMrh/a, IJet.hlehein. Pa. (Schw.). '^i V.)\) Kii. iiioiituiilosa, (K. ^ <'.) / k/.ui iiiiihIk ii/iiui, II. «; C Ckc, Vnlcci I' S. No. (>. I'.iilyf'illa nitinlii iiltisii. Slice. Syll. ,vil. Mciclv llic iiiiiiK' is iiivcii Mild iiH'iisiirciiiciit of sporidin. s_l(l ji lollLi'. On Mdf/noh'ti (//tnicd. Ciiioliiiii l('iiiti,-|. Kii. ('(MyiHtstoiiia, (K. \ Kav.) I'lilsti nil yiKisliiiiiit. II Jt Knv. Circ'V. IV, p. lnJ. /■ iilypilla coiviiiisliiiiui, Siicc. Syll. 5^7. " I'li.^liilcs siiiiill. sfiirt'clv riiisiiiii' the liiiik. (>.lii liisciciilntc. (lull sliiipcd. Sporidia iiiiiiiitc. r-!iiisiiji('-.>^liiip('d.'" On Aver riihntm, C'liiolina (Hiivcin'l). Kii. iiiilistiiK'ta, (Sclnv.) SfiliiDin iiiitisliiiihi, Si'luv. Syti. N, .\iii 1.177. Snittcicd, fovci'cd cld.-^idy liy the sliiilitly clcviitcd, scaircly nip- tiiird. not I'cvoliitc fpidcnnis. 0, Sfifiiiiii I'li'ii'cil. i-itlii'!' -link ill the iii!iti'i.\ which is lihick)-iM>i| nil the siiiriicc. lull iiiichiihii-nl uilhiii. i'\i'('|it in iM-iii"' limitcil liy n lihii'k. ('irciiiiiscriltiiiL;' line, or Miiscil jiiirfly iiliovc thr -in liii'i' mI' tho iii!itfi\. ihi- I'iiiM'il |iiiit ilitli'iiii'j' in siilistiiiui' iiinl cdhir riuin the it'iiiiivi. l"ci>. Syn. p. .u. l.ib II, itus. '>-7. Sl'li,rii,i liiii,r/iii iin\, Sclav. Syn. Car. 17. Ihaliv/'r lliiiHiiii iiiini. Dc Not. Slcr. lliil p. .'7, tiil>. j6. I'lthii •■(•iiiosa, Nils. I'yr. Ciiriii. p. 127. > l.ulypa sphiiisa. Till. 1. c. Kxsicc. I'ckl. I'". Rh. i.).vi.— Knb. V. V.. .i.v -Ivll. N. A. V. iis,i -I.iii. I- Kav. I'liiiK Car. Ill, s"*. Min;i lliitiu J7,; Stioiiiii uidrlv clVii^cil, (iltcii lorn Inol or more ill f.vlm It, seated ill the wood or ihi' tliickrr iiinl harder parts of the liark, llic outer layer of which is soon thrown oil', cxposiiiii' the lihickciied inatrix which it |ieiielrales. roriniiii"- a lilack crust 2-4 nun. thick, clothed a! lirst, with lihick conidia-lieariiiir hairs simple or hriinched. (.'miidia {Ti'ivhoxpnv'iuin licrciKji'iiiiiniiii, Slice.) oiiovate, triiiM'atc ill hasc (lark lirown, 7 x o //. solitary or verticillatc, tormiiiiil. I'erilhecia liuriod in the siirliice of the wood or liark. ii'lolK)S(! or ovate. 1-1,', nun. Iiiiih, thickly crowdcci and thus liecmniim- anii'iilar or llatleiieil, wil!i very lar^c. thick, wi'inkletl. pyramidal, deepiv 4-cleri. e.\serted ostiola. Asei iiarrow-clavate. loiiii-stipitate, S-spored. p. sp. ."JO -40 x .")-(; n.. Sporidia siiiiliiseriate. allaiitoid. sliiihtiy curved, pale lirownish or \i'l- lowisli, .S-l(l X - //. On old Ions ami liiiilis of various deciduous trees, maple, oak. Ac. oomnion. Ell. iiiilil)iint. ()-ti(ilil llin.-itiv sliorl, lillf lllsit Slllii'Inliuilfril. I'llI'Vril or iililll'T. llliiii- nr |r«- i|('f'|il\ l-.Vsiil('!ifi', iH'Vcr 'iiiiimtli IIS in I'! n . hitii. \s). (Ill lioltiiilii iisciii/itcitfii/ mill [(I'cin'.sfii fiiK'foriii)'! NrwIirM. \. .1. Tlic spffc. ill N. A. V. (il) iiinl iIh' Ciiiiiiiiji .spiTc. on ('funis. IiiiVf llir slroiiiii |iiil\ iiiiiti' !is in |)i;iti'V|ii'. '-.', mi. itcniss. :iiii| iiiuri' or If*-; I'liiilliii'iil. white insiiji'. rirriiiiisrrilii'il with n lihirk line: N. A. V. '1\ Is III liiis till' ,-ti'oiiiii iiiiich siiiiiilt'i' iiml \!il-ili)iiii III' .-iilii'tl'ii«ril. Siic- (I'l I'll nil) cniiini'nito .'{S ilitVi-ri'iit Imsls. iiml in Svll. I, p. Ids ri'lcrs to this ;i< |ii(iliiilili' »\ iiniiyiiis, \'iilf/i,rnii iiiilliiiiiii I'l. Ml K/.i'. iv: ScliiiiiiU Mycol. II, hiiihyfr inillian'it. Vv. Sumiiiii Vc({. Sc. p. ,(N,s- Wihit iiiillhiiid. Nils. I'yr. Ceriu. p. iiy. I'.iilyfiii iiiilliatia, Sacf. Syll. f'ly. StroiiiJi liniinllv I'lViiscil or iiiiU'iilironn. roiinilisli or I'lon'^iiitril to II- iiiiich IIS ."! ('III., or irri'tiiiliii'lv coiilliii'iit. roriniiiL!' iiiirrow, |iiiiiilli'l -lii|M's Jviiiu' closi' toLictlici'. Slink in the wooil which is |iiistiiliroiiii- I'li'ViitciI 1111(1 iiiori' or li'ss liliickciicil, at lirst only on the siii'liicc. liiit liiiiiily iilso within. I'ci'ithcciit entirely Itiirieij in the wood, iiionos- lirlioiis. I'l'owded. liloliose, witli short necks and Lilo'iose, entire or -liiibtlv silicate ostiohi, which render the sniootli (at lirst iiiicolored) -nrliice ol he wood lilack-imnctate. .Vsei clavate-cylindrical. I on -tipilate. S-s]iore(l, alioiit li o x "i // (|). s|».). Sporidia liiseriiite or iini- seriate lielow, allaiitoid. sliii'htly curved. Iivaliii<>. 7-l> x 1.',-- n. ( )n decorticiircd wooil. New .ler.sey iScliw.). I'eiinsyh ania (Micli- I'lier sec. IJerk in ( Irev. We have seen no specc. Found in Kiirope on hard, dry wood of oak, heecli. Sfiip/ii/fcit, A'c. This and /'Jn. /I'/o/i/iira are always on hare wood, which is rai.sed into piiHtiilit'oi'in swelliiiii's with the surface at lirst iiiicolored. Itiit liiially liliickeiied ihroiiu'li and throiiiih. The peritliecia liciiiii' eiitii'cly sunk ill the stroma. Ieav('' the siirliice smooth and even, lait piinctate-roimli- eiic'd l»y the sliii'htly pi-ujectiiiu,' ostiola. 002 Ell. Adiiu'ii, Till. Scl. Ciiii. 1. 1.. :)y. h la /.iilnn I'.iilyfiiis. Achar. I.icli. I'rciilv. )). i). S/i/iiriiii (iiU(ii»l>iinfiis. Sow. Ktik. I'un>;i, II. tab. 217 Sf>liinii> iifiiiiiiliila. I'crs. Syii. p. Si>, (pr. j),) Splneiiit iisliiiiiliut ami .V Kiilypa. I-'r. S. M. II. p ,17>. /'(i/.vii l-.iilypa. Nits. I'vr. Cicnn. p. i.;i. I'^xsicc. Ral>. I-. v.. 1425.— Reliiii Asc. i6i).— I'lowr. Spli. Ilrit. jj. Stroiiiii Itroiidly effusod. sunk in the wootl wliieli is liJiickciKMl IkiiL on till' smiiu'c iind within, iit first clotiicd witii short, dnrk l»i(»\\ n. thickiv tid'ted. ronidiiil hiiirs. (inidly liiirc InstorU'Ss, Itljifk, I'onuhcnnI liy tlie nnnicrons. sliuiitly exscrtod, conicnl or olttwsc. '2-')-(dol't ostioiii. Pcrithcciii nioiiostichons, tliickly iind mostly (|iiitc evenly sciittered. uioliose, finiidl. dee|dy Itnrieil, with more or le.'^s (donu'iited, slender lioeks. Asei iiiiiTow-cliivnte. lonu'-sfipitiite. S-s|)ore(|. p. sji. 2()-3(t.\ 4-') //. Sporiiliit Insoriate, allantoid, enrveil. l»rownisli. f)-! x l-I] //. On the l»are wood and on the l>Mrk of vni'ions deeidiious tree>. On pophir, New York State (I'eek), on lindis of Pi/i-hh and (Uiri/n. New .Jersey. Not as eonnnon as the i)reeedinji' sj)eeies, or at least, nol ns nlaindant. Ell. elevaiis, (Silnv.) Sphaiia el,-,ans. Scliw. Syii. N. .Am. 130.?. Covered l»y the loosened liltei's of the wood, which are rniseii mp as to make the snifaee uneven over a eonsideralde extent. IVrithecia covered liy the hlaek-pnlvernU'iit sti'onia, rather laruc (.', mm.), de- presstMl-oJohose, siiltradiate-circinate. tin.' stout, jtiominent ostiola liiirst- ing' out in small fascieles or sinuly, deejdy ([uadrisidcate. and render ing the wood rouiili to the touch. On denuded wood oi' li/nts f/htbni. Hefhlehcni. I'a. (Schw.). Spoi'idia allantoid, yelh)wish, >i!';do vtcy cnrved. .5-(i x 1 .1 //. Measurement'^ of perithecia and sporidia from pei ,■. "ii llerli. Schw. ** OstioJa not distinvtiy sttli-.ttv. En. heteraesiiiflia, Sa«*e. Mieh. I, p. r,{)4. (Plate ;{){) I'li/sa hi'li'iacaiilliti, Sacc. Mycol. Vi-ii, Spec. p. i2ij, lab .KI\', figs. 35-.12. l-'iiha liyli:di'S, K. ^: K. Joiini. Mycol. II. p. 40. I'alsa aliimir^/tiDix, Ckc. C.nv. XI. p. 109. F.iily/ia irliiiKifij, K. & K. Journ. Mycol. Ill, p. .\;-,. I';.\sicc. Tlium. M. I'. 1S51).— S.icc. .M. V. 1 |6o, i.)fii, i.|62. — Koiiiii. !•. (1. 1175, ^yjj, — Kab V. P.. 2770.— Rav. F. Car. IV. Xo. .|,; -Rav. V. Am. rt'-i.— Kll. N. A. \\ 60.. I'erithecia meiidiranaceous, gloltose, 1-% mm. diam.. in clusters ol 4-6, liuried in the scarctdy altered, liiirous snhstance of the inner liaik tlieii' stout, cylimlrical. roiinlii.<]i. Iilack ostiola f, mm. long. pierce(i with a small aperture at the smooth, rounded ajtex, Imrsting Ihi'ougi. .-.(i;5 l\t'll('(| linlh irk l)i()\\ii. rniiu'liciinl If'lt nstiolii. 'CiittcnMl. 'il, slender p. 20-;{(l.x 7xl-i| .. lllDllS tl'ee.-. mil (Utri/. Scliw. 35-4 2. 75. .^'>1-'. — Kill. . 690 clusters (i| liner liaik ,!i', |iieree(i iiti' tlii'Diiui. tl piileiiiiis (wliicli is not -plit nr tonii in iittle l;ir<>\vii. coarse, tow-like liaiis as Ioiil;- as or a little loiiLicr than llie ostiola. and caiisiiiL;' tin' siirlace of the hark to a|i|iear as if covereil with cliiin|is ol iiiiniatiiic lirnsh-likc hairs. The ostiola are o| ;i carlionaceoiis character, as they readily lireak sipiare olV. so as to ;i|i|M'ai' Iriiiicate. The idiisti'rs of |ierithecia lie in parallel serie-:. or lines, exteiidinu' lor ihi'ce oi' nioii' ceiitiineti'rs. and the epidermis, which remains closely attached. i< scarc(dy elevaleil liy the siil>jacent jierilhecia. Asci clavate. witli a slender. tliread-lik(^ liase. spoi'c-liear- iii'i' part 1 S-2li x ') //. with the iippei' part liroader and olitiise. Spo- riilia cylindrical, hyaline. Ol' with a I'aint yidlow tint, rathi-r stroiiii'lv rurved. a'loiit .") x 1 //. with a I'aint nucleus near each end. On liai'k of a decayin'.i' I-'li' of (Juri/u ol/nifornil.s. I.oiiisiaiia (LaiiLiloisi. on liark oi' ]'" ruximiK. Siaitli Carolina (Ra\('n(di. .■^accardo liiids conidia on the liyphoinycet(ais i>rowtli anaiiid tin' o.-tiola. olio\(iid. I) X ."» (1 /(. dark lirown, 1-niicleate. llurixxirdiiliimn f'(is;\vv. {S. .\. V. "JOOO) he considers the macroconidial -ta'^e. 'I'he species is wiihdy dilVn-^ed in l-lnrope andjirolialdv here. Kii. veliifiiia. (Wallr) S/>/i,n ill Tclutiiia. Wnllr. l-'l. Cv. No. .(f/Zi. Sf>liif>iii iiii'hi, Scluv. Syu. N. Am. i.v^. .'^cc. spec, in Herb. Sclnv. I'.iil\fa -•■liuthiii, S;icc. V. Veil. Ser. I\'. p. \i'\ V. Ital. lali. 472. lAsice. V.W. N. A. I'. fiSii.— Kclini .\sc. 976.— Syilow, M. March. 2062. Stroma Inoadly elVnsed. oriLi'iiiatinu- under the liark. wliicdi is soon ihidwii oil'. I'erithecia uloliose. lilack. thickly .scattered, sunk in the wood, the siiiiace of which is not swollen or pii>tiilat(' lait even, atten- uated aliove into short necks with conical, hlack. sliiniiiu' ostiola rounded and smooth at the apex. Iiarely eriiin])piit but not oxserted. .Vsci Insoid. loiiii-stipitate. p. sji. •22-2(» x .■>J,-4 //. Sjioridia allaiitoiil. pale olivaceous, sliu'htly curved, "j-li x 1 n. On dead trunks and iiinlis of Qiicrcnx ohfuailoha. Xewlield. \. J.. 'I >tl on oaU wood. Iiethleliem. la. (>cliw.). Specc. on Acer (■(iiii/ir.sfrr. t'oimil liy Saccardo in Italv. have the asci and sporidia laru'er, 'S,'> \4l n. and T-!) x- //. Kh. i'iviil«"»sa, (Scliw.) S/>liit-n\i ii:iil'>sii, Schw. Syii. N. .\in. i,VJ|. Strtmia elonii'ated. reacliiiiL;' mie foot loiiii' and one inch wide, at first siiliiiiinier.-ed and covered liy the cinerasceut filters of the wood, finally entirely emeriit'iit, with, an irreunlar outline, surface riviilose and undulate, and when oM iiarrowlv silicate loiiuitudinallv, and col- i: mi , ■'li'.-li.''. .'.(14 lifiilosi', iiiitl then i|iiiti' liliicL Ostiulii ]pr(tiiiiii('iit on the lidtics, lihick suli('_vliii(li'iciil. siili('|(iii.i;iitnl. ii|ii('f> siilitniiic'itc. niu'osc iiml iicrrointi'il. Pciitlicfiii iMtlici' Ini'Lii'. mi1il;1i>Ii(i<('. ciowdcd. iimiiDsliclKiiis, covered K\ the Idiiek ?-tii)iiia wliiid) is \vldti.-ili jdMive. Oil wood of Ldtirus. ISelldelieiii. Pii. (Seliw.l. The .-i|iec. of this s|(ecies in llerli. Schw. iiurees liiirlv \\(dl willi llie idtove diiiu'iiosis e\ce]it tlie ostiohi wiiieh sire tiilierenlirorin-heiiii- |ihericnl. distinctly )iii|iiililoi'iii :it first, liiuilly pei'loi-iited or irreiiid;iil\ siddiiciliiiite-dehisceiit. iiiid the |iefitheciii siniill. oviite-Liloliose. h'ss thiin f, mill, diiiiii. Asci c.iiviite-fusoid. ;>0-.'{.') x o ti. Sporidiji sultliiseiiiitc iill.'iiitoid. yellowish. ">-(l x li //. 'I'lie stroiiiM liecomes lit leimtli (|iiiti' ^ii|ieiliciiil. foniiiim' ;i lil;i(d< cnist less tliiiii 1 iiiiii. thick, iiinl rid^vd like the fiinows of ii plowed l\v\t\. Aliicil to A', niniird. sec. Scliw. Kii. lata. (IVis.) Sf>liirn\i lain, I'ers. Obs. Mycol. I, p. 6f'. Dhiliyhi' lata. Fr. Siitiima, p. .^s?. WtLsa laid. Nits. Pyr. Guriu. p. 141 I'.nlypa lata. Till. Sel. Carp. II. p. sd. Ivxsicc. Hckl. F. KI1. in|r.._Riil), F. V,. y,(,s.— Cki. I-. mil. S-.i. I. 375.-111. Ser. II, 170, 171 Sti'oiiiJi widely elViised. coiitimioiis, iiiii;ite in the wood or ii;iik uneven fioiii the irreiinhirly einerii'ent. sciitlered |ieritheciii. hrowii m cinereous, lii'coniiiiii' Idsick. IVritlieciii nionostichons. iinincr.-^ed in the wood or bark which is not discolored within, more oi' less iirotidieriiiil. aloliose, alioiit ^ mm. diiiiii., nocks very short or almost none. (Ntiohi olitnscly conical or siililicmis|»hcrical. entire or randy oliscnr(dy sili- cate. Asci cylindric-clavate. loim-pedit (dhite, |i. s|(. 4(M.")x4-.'i //. ."^jioridiii sul»l»iscriate. eloniiated. curved or nearly slraiuhi,, ytdlowish S-12xl.',-2 //. ."^j)orinou'oiiia lieinis|iiiericnl or suliconical. siiii|)lc. immersed in the younu' stroma. S]ieriiiatia slender-cylindricai, vari- ously curved, suli.sessilo. hyaline, at leiiuth e.\]i(dled in rose-colored ciri'lii, 18-'22x 1 //. On dead liiidis of various deciduous trees, coinmoii. Kii. Havovirescfiis. (Holt.) St>lit. fiif. >, JJiii/i_ypi\//iirin'iit'>C('iis. Sacc. Syll, (\\}.. FAsicc. F'ckl. F. Rli, 1044, 1S25.— Kab. lUrb. Mycol. .iS.— Ki.lini .-Xsc. 2iy.— Tliiini. M. I i;,64.— Kouiii. F. C. 171.— I'lowr. SpU. Urit, 23.— Ckc. F. Hrit. Ser. I, 36s. Scr. 11 .(fiy. — Desr.i. I'l. Cr. VA. I, 477. iSti'oma of very dilVciviit flunu and extent, tuherculiform. Ilatteiied pulvinato, tdoujiated and interruiitediy-conlluent or continuous, extend ■>(»•) iiiu (iltcii I'di- Ht'vci'iil iiiclics. willi the siii'dicc colliciildsc iiinl iiiicvni. iiiniiy stiiK'i'ficiMl (ir soiiictiiiic." sunk in tlic wnml ov \)i\rk uiul '. (Fairman), Carolina (Havcncli. I'roiialily not uncommon. Imt the spccc. <|Mot('(| nrc the only (Mies wc have seen. Kii. iiiaiiia, (Fi.) S/ilurihi imtiiia, I-'r. in Kzc. ami Sclim. Mycol Ilefti., 11, ]>. 50. J\iil\/>it miuira, Siicc. Syll. ('2~. Stroma widely elVnseil. deeply immersed in the wood which i- Miorc oi' less eleviited and Mackeiied within and witliont. the siii-IJice ,-niooth anil at length paler, densely lilack-pnnclate I'rom the nnnieroa.- ortiola. Perithecia deeidy Imried. monostichons. u'loliose. rather lariic Liciierally crttwded. with rather lonii'. thick necks. Ostiola not thick- ened, hemispherical or suhu'loliose. I'iirely much exserted, hut then suliconical, wvy Idack, smooth, shininii'. at len,<:'th sliu'htly quadri- sulcate. Asci nari'ow-clavafe. very lonu-stipitate, 8-spored, 3()x5-(!// (p sp.) Sporidia sul)liiseriate. alhuitoid. somewhat curved, yellowish. s-10x2//. On decorticated limits. Pennsylvania. ('re(|uent (sec. Selnv.). Ku. leioplacn, (Fi'.) Sfi/uri ill l,-i(if'!acii, V\\ S. M. II, p. 3711. Dialiype Icioftlaca. \'r. Suinina, VeK- Sc. ]). 3\=i I'alMi leiiipltifii. Nits. I'yr. (■.(.riii. p. 151. Eulyt'U /rioplitca,-C\iu. Iliullik. II, p. Soo, ICxsicc, Cke. HuiiKi, Brit. Ser. I. 366. — Sydow, M. Marcli, 1727, 1^27. Stroma widely etl'u.sed or interi'upted ami maculifonn, very thin, iiiimerse(l in the wood and not at all or only sliuiitly raised al»ove it, smooth and ]>ale hrown at first, liecominjr at leii.uth dirty Idack. Perithecia mouostiehous, si-lohose. very small, densely crowded, sunk dee]ily in the wood which Itecomes hlackened. suddenly coiitractiMJ into a toleraltlv lonu'. slender neck, with the very small, iiuiictirorm ostioluiii scarcely exserted. Asci davate. lonu'-stipitate. p. sp. 3(i-4(> \ iVO //, 8-spored. Sporiilia hiseriate, allantoid, slightly curved, yel lowish, (i-l (') x U-8 /i (mostly 8-1 2 x 2 ii). On decorticated wood, Carolina and New Jersey (sec. Berk. A Schw.). We have seen no American s]»eeiniens. ()4 506 I, is' *** Species h)>petfectly known. En. Moi'i-i'iibiw, (Selnv.) Sfihtriiii A/oi I'-ruhxt, Schw. Syu. N. Am. 1302. Bare, rather tliiek, searcely eoncrcscent, seiiiiiiniuei'sed, soinc- tiiiies oonttiient in ])ateIieH \ of an inch acrosrs. and sometimes snltsiiujilc (subsolitary). Sni-faco very nneven and rongli. Ostiola snl)i)roiiii- nent, perforated. Pei-itliecia rather Iareth!eliem, Pa. (Scliw.). Ell. eonfiisa, (Si-Iiw.) SplKrria confusa, Schw. 1. c. 1306. JJroadly et1'ii.-i(Ml, not deei)ly immei-.-^ed, coneresoent, Ithtek, irrcu- idai" in outline. I'eritheeia polysticlioiis, in a lilack, icihxMiiccuiis stroma, oltovate, eonti-aeted ahove into a rouiih, su!»i)yi'amidal, anii'iiiar, finally perforated ostioluni. On hark and wooil, Jjethlelieni, Pa. (Seliw.). The s])e(_'. in Ilei-li. Sehw. hjuks like som(; crowded JfcldiioiiniKi. l)iit old and Itroken down, spores all i>'one. Ell. eloii^atd-eonipiessa, (Schw.) Sph(Fria I'lniigalo-iom/'ussa. Scluv. 1. c. i3i)S. Patches ai)l)reviated, mneh elevated, at first snliinnnci'sed. com- pressed, seriately confluent l()n-li, iri-eu'ularly elliptical, snliconically (Compressed and elevatecl in the center. Ostiola irn'ii'ulnr. sliu'htly prominent, subglabrous. Perithecia u'lohose-deprc-^sed, ratiicr laru'e, few, stroma very scanty and black. The wood is collicido.^i'- roufi'liened, but does not tui'ii black lietween the groups of peritheciii. On decorticated wood, Bethlehem, Pa. (Schw.). The spec, in Herb. Schw. looks like .some ohl Diatrype, but is entirely without fruit. Ell. (leiii^i'hta, (Schw.) Sfi/nn id di>ii'i;iahi, Schw. 1. c. 1307. Broadly effused, crust thin and black, blackening the wood. On tiiis crust are seen wart-like proces,scs longitudinally elongated, lyiuL! parallel and subconlluent, formed l»y a congei'ies of perithecia iui- ujcrsed in them with their minute ostiola seriately erumpent and I)ut slightly i»romincnt. The perithecia are white inside, depres.scd-glo- Itoso, scattered in the stromatic crust. 0;i wood of Rhododeiulvon. inaxiiiiuiit, Bethlehem, Pa. (Schw.). The spec, in Herb. Schw. i.s a mere stoi'ile crust. 507 Kn. sepi'ilta, (B. «i C.) Sphtrria sffmlta. H. & C. Orev. IV, p. 151. /ui/yfiii sefiiillit, Sacc. Syll. 6,sy. " I'oritliocia Imried as in Splnvrlu Bci'loleyi {Diaporthc). Osti- ola t'liioriroiit. Sporidia allantoid, inimiti'. On SmUm,', Car. Inf. No. 1882." Spho'ria {Kiiti/jxi}.* o])p(ifisa,Fv. i^, M. II, p. 374. — Covcietl. cfriisod. I\'ritliocia scattoivd, suhcircinaU', delicate, Idack, joined in a pale nienilti-anaeeous erust, ostiola ei'unipent. The crust seems to lie Ibniied I'mni a y Schw. as found under tlie epidermis of young hranches of Iilhei< at Hethlehem, Pa., hut the spec, in Herb. Schw. seems to lie the same as Diatnjpe Dearnessii, K. k K., in N. A. F. 2526, sporidia 5 X 1 //. The Sp/imria mhcutanca, Wahl., is under the epidermis of willow and ha."* (sec. Sacc. in Syll.) spoi'idia 12-14x3-3^ /<. CALOSPHiRIA, Till. Sel. Carp. II, p. loS. Stroma none. Peritliecia fi-ee or seated on the inner l»ark, scat- tered or ol'tener collected in more or less distinctly circinate groups. Ostiola more or less elongated. Asci clavate, generally racemose-fas- ciculate, sessile or stipitate, mostly 8-spored. Paraphyses mostly much longer than the asci, stout, lanceolate, evanescent. Sporidia mostly small, cylindrical, curved, hyaline, continuous. Cal. princeps, Till. Sel. Carj). 11, p. 109, tal.. XIII. ligs. 17-22. Spluciia puhliella, I'ers. Disp. p. 3. I'alsa piildtella, Fr. Suiniiia, p. 412. Kxsicc. Fckl. V. Rh.6iS.— Kiiu/.e F. Sel. 272.— Ral). F. E. 52,'i.— Tliiiiii. M. V. iS54,— Plowr Sph. Brit. 481.— KH. N. A. F. 497. Perithecia lying on the surface of the inner hark in orhicular or elliptical groujis, generally densely crowded, glohose. smooth and sliiiiing. Necks very long, deciiiiilient. (lexiioiis. cylindrical, with their ostiola directed towards transver.-^e cracks in the epidermis, eruni])eiit and more or less cxserted and ohtuse. Asci clavate, with long and slender pedicels, p. sp. 18-2(1x4 //, 8-spored, overtopped by the long jiiiraphyses. Sporidia loosely conglomerated, cylindrical, curved, hya- line. 5-0 X \\ n- \\ )' ■:Vi 508 Oil (li'iiil |ii';u;ll illll |il'llli trees. CI), iiiiinii. Alsoiit .\e\vlie|(|, \..l. oil J'l/rns (H-f/itf//'ol/iL Viil piilclii'lloidea, (('. & E.) / \!/mi /iii,/,ii. C. >V !■;. C.lcv. VI, 1). 'j2. Kxsicc. H\\ N. A. K. .yy^. I'ei'itlicciii aliniit 300 n iliiiiii., siiliLiloltose, lirouiiisli-lihick, senieil Oil the sui'liice i>l' the iiiiiei" Itiirk, in loose u'roiiiis of .'>0-")0 or more, with flieir Ioiiase of tin? peritliecia is sliiihtly sunk in the wood. Ostioia varialde, often short, redneeil to a mere siilailate point, erect, or elontiated (1 iiini.j ami decuinhent, directed towards some opening- in the e]iidermis. A.-ci clavate, stipitate, 22-2') (p. sp. 1 ")-]S) X (') « (2r)xl0 //. Cke.), raceniose-faseiculate, soon triincutc above. .■)(»<) I';iiii|ilivs('s iiitt olisci'vt'd. S|i(ti'i(liii lii^criiitr, iilliintoMl, liviiliiic 1 CM ciisnc < ..r otln'i loiiii ;is llic (.lit. rilh ( ir siir- WW). ■mis C'f/o- . T iM'.lr. whir Il IIIIIV On v;irii)iis dry, dciid limits. Xcwlicld, N. .1. Cal. rimicola, (Scliw.) Spluniii liiiiiidla. Scliw. Syn. N. Am. 1397. V'liha (iiiitrdf/iniir) 1 iiiiiot/n , Cke. Syn. 17^;. I'critlM'ciii ill coniiiiict circiiiatf uMnips ol' ;{-l'J. siilici'cct. oviito- ololidsc. iili(piit .', iiiiii. diniii.. (il'li'ii cDlliii'siiiti', sciitcd on the surliicr of ilic iiiiK.'!' Itiirl< iiiid sliiiiitly siiiiU in it, clo.-icly covorcd \)\ the cpidcr- iiiis. wiiii-li is riiiscd into sliii'lit imsfiilcs iiiid rii|itiir('(| in niirnnv. (nins- vi'isc crncks, lliroiii^ii wliicli issue tlic slender, cylindriejil. siikioiIi. hhick (isliuiii in ii loose tiiseicle. not united in miiv disk jiiid liinvHy ri~iiiii' iiliove till' siirliice of the liiirk. Asei (p. s|).) 'J2-1*") .\ ;"> r/, with -Idiil. liilieeoliite |iiir;i|iliy-^es iniicli i()n'.i'er thiiii the iisei. S|ioridiii crowded-liiseiiiite. nlliinlftid. 4-') .\ 1 //. (Ml deini \\n\\>^ iA' ('oi/i/ifo/u'ii nsjiIcitJfoIid, I'eiiiisyiviiliiii (Scliw.), New .lei's<>y (Mllisi. When the e|ii(h'i'inis is peeled oil', the peiitlieciii sometimes iidhere to it. mid sometiiiies not. The speeimens oi' this speeies in Ilerli. .(iiiiiiti,i>, C. ft I'',. C.rcv. VII, p. ). l*ei'itlieciii circiniite, deciinilient, soft iind jiMle, limilly colliipsiiii.i', ir)()-2(H) // iliaiii., lyinu' on the siiifiice of the iniiei' bark, idiove the pustules of sonu! Vufsit. Ostiohi slender, pide, soft (ciiriiose). yellow- ish honi-coloi" when dry, cylindriciil. deciimi'cnt, coiiveruinu'. Asci cliiviite. 25-30 x ,') //. There is no note of the parajiliyses in the I'rosli .-tiite, and they ure not visiltle in the dry speciiiuMi. Sporidia siihhi.ser- iate, allantoid, moderately curved. ,") x 1 //. On an oak lou' (Qiicrriis rowinca), Xewlield, N. .1. IJeadily distin.uuislied liy its soft, carnose ti^xtui'e, and its lialtitat. (al. siibciiticiilaris, (C. & E.) /'(i/.vi/ .yiihfiiliiiihii is, C. {fc K. (ii'cv. VIII, p. i.|. I'alsa (li(hmi»/'tna, IvU. DiiU. Torr. Hot. Chih, IX, p. yS. Peritlieciii snuiU (2(M)//), u-lohosc or ovate, (5-15 togotlior in com- pMct clusters, seated on the inner liark, with o.stiola ei'cct-coiivorji-iiiii' or Iviiiu' in a circle, with slender, documlicnt ostiola conver<>'in<)' to the • 1 ((. 510 center, and there united in fin oriuiijicnt disk. Asei rnecniosc-riiscit u- late, witli a short lint sleu(h'r l)iise, p. sp. altont lS-2(> .\4 //. S-s|)niv(|. I'araphyscs very h)nu'. ianceohite, evanescent. Sporidia alhnitoid, imi strongly curved, 4-fi x '^ /t. On dead limits oi' Jlej; opaca, Ni'wlield, N. d. The epidermis is ruptured and ]»ustulil'nrni-elevated, and when this is stripped otV. the clusters of pcrithecia are exposed, seated on the surliice of the inner hark. The suiface of the wood heneath the clus- ters is marked with a slijiht circumscriliinjr line. Cal. ahiifola, E. wV E. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil, duly, 1S!)(I, p. 221. Suhcuticular. Perithecia scatteicd, suligloliose, I nun. diaiii.. roughish. seated on tlie surface of the innei- Itark, at length slightly collajtsed aliove. (Jstiola shoi-t-cylindrical, slightly raising and iiarcly peilorating the e|iidernds. Asci racemose-fascicidatc, clavate-ohlong. 20-22 X 3 J-4 //, 8-spore(l, the upper end of the spore-nuiss truncate, and sufuiounted l»y the euijity, transparent, dome-shaited apex of llic asci. Sporidia crowded-hiseiiate, allantoid, curved, ")-() x 1 //. When the epidermis is peeled off, the perithecia either adhere to it or remain attached to the surface of the iimor hark, in which respect this dilVers from Cryptosp/un'ia secreta, C. ^ E., in which the perithecia always adhere to the epidermis. This latter sjiecies also has longer, distinctly clavate asci, with a long, slendei' l)ase, and longei' sjioiidia. and is. we believe, sjiecifically distinct from the sj»ecies on alder, though nuich reseml)ling it. On dead alder, Newfield, N. .1. Cal. fagicola, (E. & E.) I'ahafagicola, K. St K. Bull. Torr. Hot. Club, X, p. iiS. Perithecia 10-15, glol), memliranaceous, black and shining in side, circinating in the surface of the inner hark, and covei-ed with a dirty yellow jiowder, collapsing more or less when dry, aluuptly con tracted into slendei- necks \-\ mm, long, dccumlient and converging to the center, with their ostiola eriimpent in a small, black, sliglitl\ elevated disk, obtusely conical, at length with a rather liroad. irregular opening. Asci (]>. sp.) 18-20x3//, racemose-fasciculate, 8-spored. at first with a rounded, hyaline apex which soon ears, leaving them truncate above. Sporidia biseriate, allantoid, hyaline, curved. On dead limits o[ Fagn>< ferri(f/inca,Vs\'i^i Chester, Pa. (Kvei- liait «fe ITaines). Ill Tlic iiiciisiirpiiKMit i>r the |i('i'itliPt.*iii in Torr. I>iill. is Utn liirirc 'I'licy arc tilioiit \ iiiiii. diam. This (lilVcrs I'nnii Euti/jn'Ilit min-OHponi, Ckc, with spcct;, ol' wliioh it lia« liccn oaiTliilly coiiipaicd. in its smooth osliolii anif. finiiiihifn. Sacc. iilso lias the asci 4() ft, and the sporidia T-S // lon<;. The epidermis is only sliIV, the jterithecia mostly come \vi th it. Cal. Iieibloola, E. & K. (in Ilorh.) I'erithecia seattered or 2-3 toiretlier, minute, altout 10(» // diam.. covered at first l>y the enticde. lint when this disappears, snperfKM'al. ulolmse, itiaek, with a s'lort, sjiinedike. erect ostiolnm. Asci wedue- -lia|te(l. 18-'J() X ') //, truncate aliove. I'aiaphyses nnieh lontii'r than (lie as(.'i. stout an'litly, anil mostly 4-snlcate. Asci clavato, 22-2') .\ ') «, uraduallv attenuated to a slen- r liase: paraphyses nmch louiici' than th asci. Sporidia ndnuto. >A x 7 //. ciirvei 1 int( ) a sem icirch On Ciirjiiin/s Americanu, London, Canada (nearness). Cal. Myi'icjp, (C «& E.) I'll/id Afyiiitr, C, S: Iv drev. VII, p. f^, .niul Cke. Syii. iS^^o. Iliilrpella A/viine, Sacc. Syll. 5yo. Peritliecia ulohose. ol'ton collapsiiii^ to (!onoave, aiiout i mm. diam., lyinu' on the suiface ol' the imier itark in u'roups of 10-20, cither densely circinate or occasionally loosely aiffrreifated, abruptly con- tract(>(l into decundient, cylindrical necks converu'inu' to a central point, with their olitusely rounded, smooth or obscurely I'adiate-sidcate ostiola erumpent in a loose fascicle jjerforating the thick epidermis. Init scai'cely or only sliuhtly rising alxtve it. Asci cylindric-clavato. Sporidia allantoid, 10-12 x U-3 //, hyaline. On dead stems of Jfi/rica cerifera (or possibly (\{' Ilex f/labra), Xewfield, X. ,1 The specc. of this S])ecios in our Herbarium are unfortunately in poor condition, sterile or old, asci entirely g'ono and only a few free ! I I' M2 ."liui-idiii. Tin' Imliit is nliiKt.-t tlir smiiic a-; llmi i>\' (' with m circiilni' opciiiim'. Til I. Iiai'ltii'ostris, (Ihiroiii). S/'Jiifihi IhiihiiD^tiis. Duloiir I'l. S. M. II. p. 173 SfiliiFiiti u(if>nii/,i, Schw. Syti. N. Am. i.vit. I'll/.ut /iiM'is/iiitid, K. Si !•:. Hull. Torr. Hot. CIllli. .\ , Ji. hci. Ivxsici-. i;il. N. A. I'. iS(,.— 111. 2(1 St-r. 21jj. I'ci'itln'ciii cirriiiiitiiii;' hi- sciittciiMl. iilmiit .', iinii. ilium.. liImIkim' iiixl tiilM'i'fiilii.^c-roimiu'iMMJ, lyiiiii' (III till' sill liicr ol' the iiiiicr Imrk m sliulitly ImmIiIccI ill it. tlicir loiiii' fsoiiii'tiincs iis iiincli ii> 1 iiiiiii. sN'mhi'. cvliiMliMciil. iIcciiiiiIm'IiI ii<'('i'2-4<>.\ I //, elavate or clavate-cvliiidrical. Spoiiijin Itiseriate. cylindrical, nearly straiii'lil, ")-(l .\ H-ii //. On dccayiiiL!' white oak limits lyiiiu' on the Liroiind. and on ca>t nil' iimi»le hark, Newrndd, N. d. The ustiohi ar<' sliLiiitly swollen ahove and. except the hare. Mack tips, covered with an ulive-ln'own piiliesceiice. (al. ciliatiila. (Fr.) Spluci ill iiliiitiilii. I''r. S. M. 11, p. .("'■'. CiilospluDia cilialiihi, Kaist. Myc. I'tiiii II \>. 15ft. I'oritheeia circinate in urlticnhii- or ohiunu' i:roiips. ulohose. iilv -livli:l\ IS. with ihi' 'link ill till' • >|iiilii|i;i Mil Cll-I III)' liiiT. iil;ick lf»lM»,<('. o|||. Icriiiiilpi'iii. sf. swollni ' tliick cjii- ute j»iii-ii|ili '1, iiy;iliii('. ( I l.'i f\('y). <' witli it. SJK'Cf. uc ■cly jK'iH' cct joilR'll iiitii ;i ^llill'crs IVdiii ('(ihisjihiirhi in its iii;iiiy-s|i(iicil ;i.-ri. uliicli. in sninc III' till' s|p('cit'S. lire lliittriinl. ;ill(l, MS it WciT. (•(inniiitc !lt the a|M'\. Till' |iriillicciii lie on tlir .|iot. Asci olioviile. stiilVed with iiiiineioiis. >iiiisii!jc-shii|ied. minute s|ioridiii. On oiik ( Keik. I. c.). 'I'his isec. Derk.l is the S/i/iaritt iiniciihi. I'r., vnr. i(>K/c//(ifa. o\ Schw. Syii. N. Am. l')l"). in which the nsci nre li') // Iohl;, In the specc. on oiik, they are nither liirn'cr. ( RVPTOSPIlilHIA, Xitselikf. I'yr. p. i,v; (as a subuflius). Stroma clVnseil or waiitiim', not limited liy any Idack. circumscrili- iiiLi liiii'. I'eiitliecia Imrieil in the mialtered siil)staiice of the liark. irreiiiilarly .^"attcred. not iienetratinu' to the wood. Ostiola eiiimiieiit. Iiiit not exsi'rted. A.^ci 8-siiorod. a]iaraj)hysate. Sporidia allantoid. hyaline. Nitsdikc incliidod al^o species with polysiioidiis asci (Ci'y))tovaJsa). Ci'. |)(i|iiiliiia, (IVi's.) S/'/nriiii /•I'/'n/nui, IVis. IcoiKs )), 52, tab. 21, fig. 5. /■<;/.-!( iiu7/,/>iiii. 161 (iiol (liev.). Ci yf'li'sflu.-i ill f'lij'iilhni. .Sacc. Syll. I. ]). iS.v I'.xsicc, I\-kl. I-. kh. y.^ — Kali. !•'. !•:. iiChi— Kcliiu Asc. 4;Ci. 4.^»— KH. iN. A. 1-. 577. Stroma cortical, elliiseil in patches of, liieater or less extent (^-2 inches), sunk in the iiark. wliicli is lijackeiieil down to the wood, and iiin.ove the snrroiiiidiiiu' liark, and mostly .. ( )ii liiirk of |.(i|.l;ir Io'/< ;iiii| liiiilis. New lii'M. N. •'.. Illinois ((':ilk iiisi, Coloi'Milo iCocki'K'il). Dnkolii I \Villi;iiii-i. /'jilf i//)il sil/j'rr/, I {V\\\. [iili rjiiilcriii."). I'Ut lie nivcs no (Icliliili' host iilnl IIu'Im i- no Slice, ill lli'i'li. SrIiA. ('riiiitiisjiliii rill iiitlUjtinirliilii i .\ iJ //). ( I', lissicola. (('. \ K.) S/'hcrihi /iy^ifi/,1, C. N: Is. »'.ri'\ VI, |i, ■![. (lyjiliis/^li.riiu /i.\\iii>lii. Sacc. Syll. i<^\. Ckc Syii. 1071'. I'rritliri'iM sciilti-rcij or siilisrriiiti'. sniiill. jilioiit ', inm. (Ii;iiii., sunk ill ihc -niliicr ol' till' inni'r iniik. uilli tlicir olilii-dy coiiiml. |jcrH.i;iti''i nsliola liniciv rniinpcnl liiroiiuli -liort. loiKjilinlinnl crMck- in llir rpi- i|criiii«: soiiicliiiic^ tin- oslioln ol' ;; or I |.ciitlM'(i;i lyiiiLi iirar rnrli olln-i nil llic ,^ X 1 I n. Oil drail -Inns of rose iiuslic~, Ncwlicld, X. .1, Ci'. senotn. (('. vV K.) Sfli,nia .siTii'ia. C. & Iv Orev. V, p. <)). Ci v/S: !•'.. C.rev. V, p. o.). Ciyl'liisfilhtiU iixalu. Snoc. Syll. '•'■.=;, Cke. Syii. 11177. t!|li|\ htV^,'. 'l.'ii'iiiinirh .;il('. ."!(»- Id nili)i(|. \,.| iliui- (Cull; V'r.vV/T :|||.| Ii'lllli'lirjii ImI IIh'IV i- <;ivv. i- 'liiiiii.. Slink jn'rliiiiiicil ill llic rjij. • '.'irli ()||ii.| llilMI'Icj' III ) //.. >!iuri >ul, -liLiliiK 'ly flic cjii tlic slimi rise ;iliii\i iiirf. sti|ic llii|'ilili;ili' - ft. (10- i.'M. X. .1 ic with it. < !r."jiirmiw. .-ciiiiiiiiiiM'r'fi I. I'ditliic i;i (i\!i|c, li|;i(k ^iiimII. I< thiiii I iiiiii. iliiiiii.. niisiiiiL'' iIm' rj iiliiihi- into iniiintr. fliicklv sciilti'if.l lill-llllfS l'll|p|llici| !|li(i\c liV llir sli'jlltlv t'llllllj'CIlt, cnjiii;!! (i.|iiil;i .\-( i ( liiMilc. S|iiiiiili!i iilliiiitoitl. Iiviiliiic. I" /< loiiL:. >'l\ |n.»|i(iri - in • li-ruifl |i''|illi)'ciil with IdllUiT ll('( l\S. Illilllllc. -Illliulll. liir.'ir. ;"» _^/ Inli2. (Ml fli'iid liiiriflic- (il \'iii!ltlSl!l(-tnr_V tlllllL:. Inl' llililluil not IIIk (Ulilunll. Ui \i' lii'M'l' Inllllii il inilllll'c, ii;i\ I' II ( I'. iii(ii'(liii:it;i. (It. tV ('.) S/'/iaiiti iiiiiiiliiitilii. II N. C r,ii\ ,l\', ]i. 1 (t . < '/ 1//.H/'//,,-; ill niiiidi'mlit. hiico. ^ylI. (■'■f., Ckc. Syli .|ic'-. ■ CoMTcil iiy llic cllliclr wlilfli is |-!iis('(| liy the siilijni cut jicii ijicci.'i iiiti) little |ir^( i. I'hil. .Inly js'.Hi. p. -I'lA I'ei'ilheciii with thick, cnriiiccous Uiills. liliick iind shiniiiL; inside. \-\ mill, diiiin.. linried in tlie innci' iiiirk. cither sciitteicd x N-H> 11. or, iiicliidinu' the slender Imse. 7<'-T.') // Ioiil;. .'^poiidiii iilhinloid. yellowisli. iiiodcnitelv curved, with ;i iniclcii- iii ciich end. (l-T X 1 .', II. On ilciiu o;iK iimo k lin iOiiisimiii ( l/iniilois). Ill In the oriiiiiiiil dismiiosis " p. sp." should liii\e liceii omitted I il rcexiiminiition. we Iind no dclinite |iiirii|iliyscs. iiinl I old iv. Xitschkei. Kckl. Symi.. p. iTJ. I'd/Ml Mi>ii. NiN. I'vr. (Uiiii. ]). 157. Kx-iicc. S;icc. M. V 1 1^;. — I'ckl. !•'. Kli. u.s.s. Sti'diiia rlViiscil, iiiiiiitc ill the siiltstniu'c dI' tli(^ lini'k, covcivd liv the ('|iii|('fiiiis which is not iliscuhn'iMl, liiit iin'rclv iifrloi'iitcil liv tlic ostiolii. loniiiii \ I'J-l") // (liO-dCi \ 11 ft., Sacc.). S|ioriilii coiimIm- liate. aliaiitiiiij. r2-I.").\ --2! n. yeliowisii, iS-10x "JJ, n. Sacc). On liark n\' f'/m/is. Loinlon. Canaihi (nearness). 'I'his seems to aiii'ee liiiily well with C linhcH/iorstJi. Nils., Imii as we have no aiitlu'iilie s|pece. of thai s|iecies. we have a(lo|ileil the ileterminatioii of Saccardo. who con-iders it a laru'e-s]ioreil I'oriu ol C Nifsc/ikei Ci'. iHistiilafa, (K. iS: E.) Piiih \f,lla ttii^tiilkil:!, Iv N: V,. JmiiM. Mjcol. ril. p. 116, IVritheeia lircLiarioiis, eitliei' stamliii'i' sinu'ly and tiilierciilirorni m eonic-lieniis|(lierieally |iroiiiiiient. i\-{ nun. iliain.). or "i— 1 conlhieiit in a thin, tnliereiilirorin (mostlv .Vtii x 1 '.— I ,', //. V On dead stems ol' Lnn/rcrii (cult.). Newlitdd. \. .1.. and on .S /»/inrt'riif/)ns rit/t/fir/'s. .MaiiliMttan, Kansas ( Kell. it Swiicile. l!)2(i). With the >pecc. on Loiurcrn was a Lllxrtilhi with cnrved spores ;>;-,_4(>x l-U n.. (L. Loiiircni'. Cke. A" Hark)? The jiai't of the liram.'Ii occiipieil liy the rnnuns is deeply peiietraleiim' line markinir th(; limits of the stroma. • »|itcc| llir ll lill'lll (i| llllldl'lll (II )iiflii('iit ill 'k Ollfsiilr : Wllicll is i(ll'i I on S///ii- ■('(I S| )(»!'( 'H rt ui' ill.- 'liifk, cir- .•)17 Ci'. »*iity|>!«'(oriiiis. Sacc. Syll. .V.toT. .Midi. II, |i. ."»(;;». /)i(i/i>/>i' i/iin, nil!. dVis.i var. lii;nici)l:i, C. iS: K. ('iri.v. V, p. =,\. Pcritlit'ciii Lii'cijiii'idiis. iiiiiiH'i'srd in the liliickciicij snifiicc ol' ilir u(Miil, siiliLiloliii,-(', A-.i nun. iliiiiii., liliick. Osii(»i;i sciirccly ciiirrocnr, iic|iii'ss"il-c(iiiiciil. siiKiotli, liiiiilly iicrHii'uk'il. Asri siiliiusoid. uiiiij- ii;ill\ ii;iiiii\V(m| liclow iiitu ;i sti|i(' iilioiit '}i) //. itiim. siilitniiicMic iiliuvi'. h. ^|i. T<)-'^t* X '.)-I0 n, |i(ilysii(ii'niis. S|i()i'i(li;i irrciiuliirly crnwijccj, iilhiiiiniil. iiKMlcialcly ciu'vcmI, .")-" x \\ n, uliviircdiis. (Ill wt'iillicr-liciitcii wodil (iT iiiMplf, Xowlirlil. N. .1. nistiiiiiiiislicd IVoiii (Jr. C'/V/'/iiiid C r. clcrutd. Iiy its iiiiicli siiiiilirr s|ii)i'i(lin. Tlif |i»'ritlii'ciii lire inostly in (Iciisc cliistcrs. aiid r;iis(> liic lilii('k('ii('(| siirliH'c III' till' wdiid into little |iiistiili's iikmc dp less coiiliii- iit. and vinyiiiii' IVoni roid. \ . iiielasfoiiiii, (Fr.) S/'lurriii »ii-lasl<>m,i, Kr. S. M. 11, p? J'^'^. I'iihilla iii,/iii/i)i)ui, Sacc. Syll. (117. Stroma eonieal, attennated. moi'e or less pi'otuhorant.'aliont 1 mm. diaiii., attached to the e|iidermis, disk orliieular oi' sidielli|>tieal. minnte. at liist wliitish-einereoiis, lieeomiiiu' lirown. I'eritheeia li-(». sulieirei- iiate, siilis|ilia'roid. I'atlier laruc neeks short, slender. Osfiohi minute, roundod, Idaek, erowdeil. rarely scattered. Asei elavate-cylindrical. .■)0-,")0 X ('» //. Sporidia eoiiglulialt", allanloid, slightly curved or noarly straiiilit, 4-7 x I /i. On linilis oraiijdo trtH's, Pounsylvania (Seliw.), .*^yn. N. Am. i;i41. V. Lascliii, (Xit.s.) /■<(/.M( /.(isc/lii. Nits. I'yr. (".cnii. p. -'.yS. Stroinata, minut(> orliieular at lia.s(\ conical or dcpressed-coincal. closely covered, except the small, piinctii'orm, orliieular. \\ Ucim. N. '\'.. Iki- the Msci liKiiiilci' ( 1--1"» ,")• V. adIiiVlTlis. Kckl. Symli. Xnclitr. 11. \\. .'!(!. l';x>icc. I-ckl. !•■. Kli. 25,-!S. ('niicc|itiir|c.-; iiiiiiici'sni. liiiliiilc. l-l.l liiiii. Iil'iniil. ( l('|iics-ci| iiiTViihii'ly ni'liii'iiliir. r()V('n'(| liy tlic iiillicrcnl ('|iii|('riiiis. I'crillicciii .'»-."). |iii(l. \ . ('lo|»iii!;i. (Ki.) ; ■(//.>,/ (hioiiihi. iM s. M. II, )!. v\ l\tl>illii (liiliima. S.'icc. Syll. Ml. Strdiiia lieuiis|ili('i-i('ak |iiislnli!'(iiiii. de|ires,-ed. alinosl sii|iei I'icial cldsely cdveinMl liy the thin, lilai kened. (dn-idy adiicicnt e|iidei mi- whifh i> liaiMdy |iierced liy ihe siflidiliicidar di^k, reiilhecia l-Ki in a sti'dina. nidiid.-ticlidiis nr sniicirciiiate. siiii-|ihei-i(ai. lii'dwn. ()-tidhi .-(•altered, nuiiideil. dp -iilidlddnu'. lil;i\\u ridiii eyliiidfieal. enrveil (ir sll•ai^llt. hxaliiie. •")-^ x 1-1. l //. On >Iiiiili.--. l!etlilelieiii. Pa. (.hdrt iierks. and niinnte. pmielildiin. lilack d-lidla eriimpeiit in the eeiiler ol the small. Liiayish dirk, which is jiisl \isilile llii-diiLih a circular dpeniiiL;' in the epidi'rniis. Asci cL'i- vate-dl)l(»im-, sessile. ,'j")-4") x T~S ii. CiS-."}.") x 7->< a. Winter). l(i-2.") Spdfidia cdiiii'ldliate. allantdid. -uMiyaliiie. sliiihtly curved |idre(| i-!lx n-2 /z (!>-i;{x 2 //. Winleri. 1(1 7 X 1 >i.. I{ehm). On dead limlis n\ (ISiih'j')'! WiliiiiiiLitdii. I)e|. (('dninuMisi. il!) Till' iiirii^nrciiH'iirs nl' Winter :ni;| Kdiiii. Iiotli IVoin Flickers s|i('('(;.. AtitW iillile ;i variilliiijl. See. I)r. I'eliiii the |)e!;i\\;ii'e sjiece. ilill'er lidiii his S|ieei|iieii i'lKlii I'^iiekel, ill llieir >liiilllef ;iliil less crowded peri- lieclM. V. papvi'ilVra', (Scliu.) Spliinia paf>Y>i/ii(r. Scliw. Syii. N. Am. i',75. I'li'^ii /tit/iyi i/?i.r. Ckf. Syii. I'l'S. ( Ife^iarimisly siiifniiiniiiiu' the Ipfaiiches. .■iii I sti'diitiiy niisiii'i' the (■|iii|eniii-. which is steihili'ly ni|)tui'ed. fcvealiiiu' the )iii-liih's with tlicir lijack, fiiii'/h, ti'iiiicate di-ks |ii'(i|i'iidi!.i;': tlie sliorl. iia'CLi'iilar- diaped. iiiiiliilicale (i-tiiihi at hai'^ith eiiiefj'iim-. I'erithecia lew, ratlier larLie. u'l'i'i""-''. eiicjdsed in a milk-white sti'oina, with a idack exteriof. The -mall. |iniiiiineiii |iiistides I'diiuin'ii the lifaiich. ()ii liiaiii'hes (iT }r)rns iKipi/rlfcrd, l>et,!iloli('ni, I'a. (Scliw.i. riai'cd liv ("nuke in his -nliLi'enii- Vnlsclld. KMMJWLA. F{'/{. indcrns- toiiHi, Fckl., tlmt tlicrc ciiii In- luirdly iuiy doiilpt tliiil tlicv nrc rcl'cr- Jililc to tliiit s|i('('i«'s. Tlic li!il)itiit iiiid c'oiitiiitioiis s|ini'i(iiji s('|(iir,itc \\\'\< [nnw E. ixi nil I (hi. (Fr.l. iiiid llic sjiliirroid. not |i('zi/oid ostii muld seem to scpariitc if from E. opcrciihiln. (A. ii S.), il', in lini. E. iiHici'osloind is rcidiv distinct from E "I icmildiii hit(. ■■•"■••' S/ioi'id-id one- or iiiori'-.^cptiitc { Kaliiniiiiii). K. paiallela, (Fr.) S/'liaii\U,la, I-'r. S. M, II. p. 37,^. Slii I'liuillclii. K.Tist. Mycol. I''(.'iiii. II, p. lyi. I'd/Ml />anillfUi. Nits, I'yr. Ccriii. p. i,s|. l'iHliy (!ooke), nnd the iiiii,-s. I-'., iS: I-;, Journ. MvcdI, IV, p, 7.^. IV'ritheeia minute (IKt-l'JO //. diametei'). imiMer,c(l. lilMckciiiiiu the wood. Ostioln w!iifi.-|i. A.-( i (N liiidi'iciil. S|iori(li!i iiiiiscriiiti', f'Ili|iticiil, ti'isi'jitiitc, lirowii. 1 :>- 1 N \ s //. Oil 'ftinliivnis. |)iiri('ii. (iii. ( HmvciicI ). K. Fisixini. (K. & K.) 'I'liM itliu lit /'ill. I nil. ].. Si }■'.. I'roc. Acad. Nat. Sci. I'liil. July, iNic. ]). 223. rcrillicciii tliickly sciittiTiMl. luiricd in mid almost Hlliiiti' llic liark which is iiiiiroiiiily lp|a( Ixciicd on the iiiiK-r surliit't' Imt othciw isc iin- ciiiiiiLicd ; iiloliosi', .l-;i mill. dinm.. coriiH-eoiis with thick walls. Idack and shiiiiiii:' iiisido, contracted aliovc into a >liorl neck tciniiiiatod \>y iih criiiiiiM'iit. siilili('iiiis|iin'ric-tiili('rciiliroriii. Idat k ostioliim iiioif or Ic-s disliiictiv radiiitv-siilcatc. Asci clavatc, with a slender liase. (i-l(IO.\ liV-jO /'• jporei I.* i'araiih •lis piloses oiisciiie. >))ori(iia coii- ci doiiierale, veriiiiloriii-cviiiidi ical. lirowii. o-(i-se)itate. moderately lived, •20-'J() x I ;i. The central scjitiim is distinct, the others iilliter, lieriiioudiiia [Ci/tisj toriiKi F ro.i-lni) central. Siioiules lili Iniiu, curved. 4(1 n loiiu' . near TJnji'nUiriii invnista /IK. ^ac(•. On dead liiiilis ol F nixitnis (and E.+:. Stroma valsoid, |nil\ iiiate. conical (»i- hemisjiliorical, ul'teii iiicoii- >|iiciioiis or wantiiiu. I'erilhecia Iniried more or less dee])ly in tlie ^l|■ollla. Coiiidial stroma rr<'e <»r covered liy the ejiidermis. 'I'lie Mddui'oniih'if are se|iaiated as a laiiiily Irom the Vdhcii'. nidy Ipy the accoirpanyiiiii' coiiidia whi(li are |iioiliiced in a stroma not unlike the asci,t:ci ^t^on.a. uciieially ((.veied at first liy the e]iidei- iiii.-. ami tlii(kl\ stiiddeil on its ii| ]ier muriate with closely jiaiked li:i>idia which. Iiv < oiisti ictioii ol the leriiiinal c(dl. jirodace am! tliri th i\\ oil an aoiindaiice ol (diiidia. which soon iiii.tiire the uveiiyiiig- i pider- iiiis and esca])e. The peiithecia are develoiied alter the coiiidia. and are eillier produced in the same stroma or in a separate stroma. MKliXCOMS, Till. Sfl. Ciiip. II, J). IIS Stroma sidiconical. pidviiiate or liemisplierical. small, lairied. with ly the apex eriliiipeiit. olteii ilii|ierteclly developeil. I'eritliecia ied. mostly uloliose. with Iuhl-'. cylindrical necks. Asci ^-spored. typically paraphysate. Sporidia iiniscptate. hyaline or colored. Ill tile i>iiv;iiial ilia^;iiiisis tliL asii win iiiailvi 1 1< iitly said tn Ix. i)olysi)<)r<)iis. Tliiv an iilv "--spuri'd. (it; nil mi Conifliii {MchiiK-onium, sp.) orio- or ninro-collod. viirioiisly slmpcif. nof siipcrlic'iiil, I'ur tlio most piirt dnrk-roldicd. (Winter in Hie I'il/.c). ■■'■ S/)nf/(f/ii liydliiw. M. stilbosfoiiia. (Fr.) Splun ia slilfiis/niHii. Kr. if, S. M. If, p. .(o^. I'dl.Mi slilhitslitiiia, Vr. Siimnia. p. .\\2. MiliiHCdiiis stilhi>sti)>iui. Till. Scl. Carp. II, p. riy. Sfrliiciiu piikluilii. Currcy, I.imi. Trans. XXII, p. iSo. Kxsicc. Hckl. 1". Rh. 590.— Rnb. V. V.. 9.?,^.— Rihtii Asc. 675. Strouiata sea I tercel, idiloiitr or ,-lolio.<(', or licnii.-'plM'i'ii'nl. *J-3 iinii. iliaiii.. iicrniaiu'iitly (Mtvcrcd liy tlir pustiililorni-clcvatcil cpidcriiiis, w liirli is liarcly [lic'i'tcd ])\ tlic (miiiii- pt'iit, wliitisli disk >urroiiridr(| liy a sliirlit dc^prc.-ision. I'critlicrin .'!-12 ill a stroma, siii'roui)il('<| and partly covered hy ;) yrannlar-|inlvcrident. yellowish material; sank in the surface ol" tlie inner l)ark, liiil so sliu'lilly that, wlien the epidermis is peeled otV. they ol't*'!! adhei'e to it. Mack, small, de|iressed and collapsinu; when dry, with converuinu'. cylinilrical necks Itent upwards at iheh- e.\ir(>niities ami piercin?:- ilic disk with their <»r short-cylimlrical, Idack. perforated, sliiihtly projectin.ii' o.?tiola. Asci cylindrical, sniistipitate, S-spored, i)()-1 10 .\ 12-10 //. Sporidia snli!»i.- //. Coindial stioma. Jfe/a neon ill III hirolor, Nees., siil)culiculai', conical. producin<>' numer- ous i>i'own, continuous, ovate coiiidia, 13-l(!x7-10 ii. On dead limlis of liirch, ->ice;' and Mella, Carolina and reiinsyi- vania (Schw. «.t Itaventd), on l»iich, Nt^w York and Iowa (Peck »V- Uohvay). M. bitoMilosa, (B. & Br.) I'ahu hitonilohi. n. iS: Ilr, Not. Ilrit. Fuiigt, No. S6i in Ann. & Ma>{. i\S9. III. tab X, fJK. K'. Civ/iii>f/>iii a fii/iti ii/i>Mi. Niessi, in Kab. I'". Kur. No. 224,%. I)ia/x»lhe hiloi uh'fti. Sacc. SyU, 2,?,=;,s. Kx.iicc. Kat>. I'. K. 2243, 2421.— Cke. F. Brit. Ser. II, 249.— Sydow, M. March, zfi.^. IVrithecia circinato, S nr ni»tre to //, with aliundant pai- aphyses. Sp(»ridia iireuularly liiseriate, elliptical or elliptic-ol)long. ronstricted in the •tuse, iniiseptate ai die, hyaline (slightly Mdwnisli when ii latnie). 27-30x11-13 On (lead lindis ()\ Caxtdiica, Newlield, N. .1. The young sti'omata produce an alinndance of conidia, ovate, ohovate. ovatxidanceolate, or pvril'orm. straiuht oi' .slightly curved. dark i.rown, 2-8-septate. 20-()(>x 10-13 //. M. thelebola. (Fr.) St'lunia Ihclththt. l-r. S. M. II, p. .loS. A,i,'/i>ia tli,i,h(ila. Till. Sel. Carp. II, p. 161, lal) .\XI, fig^. i-in MrhiiitoHis, Ihflihiila. Sacc. Syll. 2350, Cke. Syn. 2059. K.vriicc. Tliuni. M. V. .^ri.'.— Vize. Mkr. l-uiigi. i6S. — Sydow, M. March. 1722. I'erithecia circinate, f,-^ mm. diam., 4-.') in a stroma Ibriiicd of tlic scarcely altered siilistaiice ol' the liark. and surrounded hy a faint cii- cinnscrilting line. Ostiola dccunilx'iit. convergent, their gloliose, at lirst papilliform. finally umliilicate ostiola erumpent in a suitelliptieal disk, which raises the cpideiniis into pustules soon ruptured at the apex. Asci clavate-cyliiidiical, olituse, 110-130 x 15-1^ //, 8-sj)ored. imraphy.satc. Sporidia l»i,tntiii!i liulit-cnldri'il or yclluwi-li witliiii. iuiil it^ siiiiillcr s|M»rii|i;i. 'riilii^iic ilt'sci'ilics spi'niiDuoiiiii miii| |ivciiiili;i ii«s(M'iiih'il with .)/. Ahi/.\i\\l in the ^iiccc. wr liaxr ('\;iiiiiiii(|. \v<' liivi' iiut yrt sfcii iIm'Iii. M. Kvi'i'liiirtii, K!l. Hull. I!ui. Clnl. X. p. 117. (IMalc :{."») .lA'/i(H(r)HM iliisviiii t'li. \'.- K K. Jimni Myiot. II, \i ,5. Mxiicc. i;il. iV I'.vrlil. N. A. !■'. 21I Scr. i.V'i, l.S^S. Stroiiiii sli'i'litly sunk in the siii'liicr of tlic itinor luirk. sc;iirc|\ ('.\»'f'('(|in'i I mill, diiiiii., willioiit iiny liliick rirciiinscriliiiiu' line lirmi. s|»lit'ri('iil oi' I'oiivcN. I'critlicciii ;}-lS in w stroniii. sninll. iiin-tiv ii'iout \ mill, iliiiiii.. llii'ii' necks risiiiy toyctlicr iiml |ii<'i'ciiiL'' llir iiio-ih stclliitc-clcrt ('|iii|('rniis in a nitlici' loose liiseiele, witlioiil iiiiy ili-limi ilisk < )stioIii cyliinlrieal. more or less exserled, llieir lips piereeil u iili a ratlier lariie. roiiinl opening. Asci oIiIoiil;- or elavate-cyliniliical lOO-l'JO X 1 S-i!0 - liyht-coloreil, eirciilar spots markinu' the place oi' their atlaciimeiit. DistiiiLiuished IVoiii .1/. Misr/ni/ //'/'. and .1/ Ahti, iiy its eloiiLtated ostiola and larger sporidia. M. filiaeea. (Kll.) /)i,ili\fi lili\ii,a, Ivll. ill .Viii. Nat. Hel).. i--'St, p. lys. Iv\sicc. l':il. vS: Kvilit. N. .\. K. jd Sor. 2^n . Pontliocia .sulu'irciiinte, \-\'l toLiethcr in the siilistance oC liic inner Itark, which is a little paler, and circnmscrilied hy a more or le«s ilistinct Itlnck line, u'loltose \ miii., or ovate ), x f, iiiiii. diam., necks ratlier thick. ceiiientiMl toti-ether al>ovo into a slate-coloreil. lirni. wa.xy mass, thronii'h which pr<)triide the' conic-cylindrical ostiola. sometimes ^-1 mm. loiiu. at lenii'th irreuailarly dehiscent. Asci oIiIoiil;' or clavatc- oltloiiji', p. r'p. mostly 75 -8()x l.'i //. Imt sometimes S( )-',)() x \-')-l'l n. witli obscure. evan<'.sc(Mit parapliyses. Sporidia liiseriare or sometime.- 3-seriat,e, oldonu-cyliiidrical, straitiht or slitrhtly (Mirveil. iiniseptate and sli^'Iitly coiistrict(vl at the septum, liyiiliiK!, "J'J-.iO x 7--S /<. On dead Tilhi. Amencnnu Ames, Iowa (Arthur). 15ellvill(', Can- ada (Macoiiii). and London, Canada (I)oariiess). Vl'lluU i-li ''.\;illlilln|. <, M';iicc|\ inr'. Iii'iiii- II. Ilin-ll\ tln' llin-||\ V (Ii-til|(l ii'IC(M| will) •\ liiMJricnJ. SjMii'iiliji •l\ liviiliiii'. I //. with :i tii>\;5 //.If i.-^ 1)1' ^ici r in'i'i;i lliiMii- iiikiiiLi' the 'i II f //'/'. inn) (•(' III Mil' ni'c or Ic-r nil.. Ili'ck- linn. u;t.\\ .•^niiu'tiliics III' cliivnti'- : l.")-'J-J If. SUIIK'tilllc- '|»tJitt' ;iii(l killo, Ciiii- 'riici'f iiiiiy lip s'liiic (jdiilit wlictlicr lliis is siillirinitlv disliiict Ircuii ]fi iiDHjiorii TIHiv. Till., lull nil iictMiiiiil iic. IslI, >V I'.vrlil. .V. .\. I'. J(l Sir. 2S2T,. .^tniiiiii ll;it. tliiii, nrliiciiliii'. iiIkiiiI '1 iiiiii. iliiiiii.. (•(iiii|misi'i| (d" ilic -liiilitly iiltcivil sjilisiMiicc ni' llic liiirlx. wliii'li is ikiI, |H'rcf|itiMy rlcviitcij iilidst' il. siiiriiiiinli'il liy a Iilack ('ifciiiiiscriliiiiL!' line, wliicli (jncs iint |i('ii('li'ali' lirldw tlic siiri'acc of tlir Wdod. I'critliccia .'i-l! (('xc('|ilidii- all\ diily diin in a strdina. larLii- ( ',' nun.). u'IoIkisc incniliranaccdiis. willi a liulit-fdldrcij iinclciis. cdntrai'tnl almvc iiitd >lidi't iircl<>, wliicli li'iininati' in rather lirdail. rdnml. cdiicavc dstinla iiicrcinu' the cpi- ilninis. hill sfarcriy risiir.:' almvc it. .\sci hrdad-laiici'dhitc, !I(1-1I0 \ l"J-l(') // (|i. s|).). with aliiiiiilaiit |iara|»liys('s. ,"^|idriilia crdwilcil-iii-c- rialr. dlp|(iiii!-rMSdiii. nnisc|itali' ami sliiihlly cdiistrictt'd, a little lieiit dr iiirvcd. |(t-(iO .\ S-10 //. yelldwislidiyaline, with a slairt, dhinse. a|iic- uhi^ at each end. S|ieriii()ulrdiiia. The liases of the perithecia are sunk in the snrl'ace nt the snlijaccnt wodd. On deal! liiidis nl' .S(///,i', Ijomlnii. Canada (heaniess). )l. tlolosa. (Fi.) Sfi/iiriiit (lo/iiMi, Fr. S. M. II, ]). ins. WilMiiiit (liiliim. Do Not. Skr. Hal. p. 57. tali. =,.\ X. M, lii munis Ji>liisii. Sai'C. Syll. .'.vi'i Cko. Syii. 2'>55. I'critliccia "i-.'i Idu'ctlicr. circiiiate. dc|ircs.scd-n|dlidse. <'dntraclcd iiitfi a slidrt. thick, dl'teii cxcciitric neck. Ostiola con veriiiim-. and |icifdratc(l at the tips, only sliu-jitly |irojcctiii^' ahovc tli<' ]iale. I'diimiisli. ernmpent disk. Asci cloiiu'ated-clavale, narrdweil ludow. "^•-piircd. without any distinct Sporidia olilonu' or olilonu'- -uliclavatc, rdiinded at the oiiil.<. septate in tin- middle, hvaliiic, 2a n. Idiiii'. This diauiidsis is IVoiii WiiitcrV Pilzc, translatod liy him I'nini .Ndiaris, wIki is supposed to have examined an oriii'iiial specimen IVoni [•'lies. Found (sec. Scliw.) on liranchcs of C<'Jiixti'iis, in Xortli Caro- lina. .\ppareiitly liotli this and V'dsa dolosa (.see p. 481 ) were in- clnde'd in the Sphfvvia ilolo.sK, Fr. I IB 1!! •)20 ** Si>(H'lili, I'k. .W\ kcp. )). .M, I>1. 2. li}JS. IC/-32. Aft /it 11(1111 i.\ hiiimnlii. V.. iSt K. Hull. Tcirr. Rut. Chili, X. )i. iis. Afi/ii>iii)iiii//ii iiin'iy\/is, Sncc. Syll. W>js. IN'rilliccia rirciiiiifc, (1-1*2 toyctlicr (tii the siiiliicc dl' tlic inner liiirk. siiliuloliusc, ^-^ mill, (liiiiii.. ciivcloiicil in jiiid i'ovcihmI nliovf li\ !i y('ll-;{( i ,/. 'tl|)ltilt(', S-HporCM ■^ixtnuiii <»i>ioiiii-('lli|itii'!il, iiiiisc|)tiit('. soon iiccoiii- iiiir i)i'o\vii iiiiil witli ii short, hyiiiiiic. IhoikI. siilitniiicntr ii|>|>('iMhiuv iit ciK'h oikI, 'd')-i'A) x I .Vl'.t // (without the !t|iii('iidiii!cs). On (h'iid linilis of liirch. IMiiinlifld. \. .1. (Mcschiitt), on /icfn/d lentil. (Jivciilmsh. X. V. (Peck). Thf H'itdikf covcrinii' of the |ii'i'ifli('ci!i was !if lirst overlooked. Init ill lioth the New .lersey iiiid New Vofk sjieee. tliis loniis :in iiii- |iortiilit eh!ii'iiet''f. Vfil.sii iicrocj/Ktls. I'k.. iiiid .)[vl(iiitint!s himtsatn. !•]. \' Iv, were |iiiliiisiied nt aliout the siiiiie time. M. Mesdiiittii, E. & E. IJnll. 'IWr. l!ot. Chii.. X. |.. 117. Piatiypc uigtiispoia. I'k. 3;,il Kcj). j). ,^,s. . MilaiicoiiitUu Mi'ichiiltii. Sacc. Syll. 6629. Porithecia l(>-*2t), siili,iiloli(».r!' Dloti'ijpc iiiiirh,r>iii xaiilliiisliiiiihi. MdiiI. Ann Sci. Nal. Scr. II, Idhi. I. j). .?oi. I'alsa l^llll/lll^hu>llll, Till. 1. c, Scr. IV, toni. V, ]>. 117. A/,,',tni('iii.\ (/ii H'lstiiiiiht. Till. Stl. C.-ir]). II, p.iJS, lab. XXIV. t\n^ 1.1-30. .\/i/(ini(»iii'//ii I /nviiiiti 1)111,1, Sacc. Syll. jSi/i. MilaiiiKiih i/ii V'ii)tii»ii,i, Cki'. Syn. n^M. Kx-iicf. Hckl. I-'. Kh. I7.;j.-lvll. Nc ICvrlil. N. .\. !•'. 2(1 St-r. i.sfi.v I'eritliccia circiiiale. d-l') toucllicr. deciiinlieiit. tliiii-walled. col- la|isinj^, sliiilitly sunk in llie siirlia'c ol' the inner liark, a'loiit I iiini. iliani.. covered with ti'rceiiish-ycdlow, |iiilvenilent inatter, with short, coiiveriiviit, >iililatcral necks and siilihciiiisiilicrical, lilack, prominent ustiola criiiiipcnt in a small. Iiilierciilirorm, yellowish (liccomiii.i;' lirown) disk which pierces the epidermis and rises aliove it. The dusters of perithecia are scriatcdy placed and raise the epidermis into sliuiit. Il;iltisli pustules. The epidermis is not ruptured, lait simply pierced. and wlii'ii peeled oil', the perithecia mostly adhere to it. Asci elavate- cylindrical, TO-";") .\ 12 //. Sporidia l»i.-;eriate, narrow-elliptical, uiii- septate and constricted, straiuht or nearly .r. Winter who examined the N. A. F. spece. said: "This ouiiht |)roperly to \)C 2Ichinvon in chrysosti'mmi, tliouiih I find only hyaline sporidia. It is also very similar to Did- hart). lt!l ;ViH jxtiUii siilitliiiiKi, iM'kl.. wliifli ilill'i'is iijily in it.- •iiiiiM'\\li;it IniLr,.!' :-|Hiiiiliii " .\» i'('L;iii lln' toloi- iif llic .-|Mii iiliii dl' .)/. rliri/adxhiniin. 'I'lihsiic (mII- ihcm yrlluw or ycllowif^h-uiTcii ("lliivi-i iiiit liilcu-\ inn tilins"). M. a|t»ny|.fji. Kll. Am. Nut. Vv\k. \ss:\, |,. i:t|. (|»|.,t,. .j.",) Trrit lire ill siilicirciniitt'. .'i mm. iliiim.. mcmliijimici-dns, s-TJ liniit'H in llic inner li;iik. u itlidiil !iny (li>liml sli-(»n:ii. I'ntiit'ly cunci'iilcil li\ ihf ('iiidci mis. wliicli. witlmnt Iciiii: niptniTd. is riii^c(| into sliLilil, wliilisli |insliili's liy lln' |iii's-nir nl' tin >lMirt. Inscimlnlc (isliuln S|i(i. I'iiliii i'lli|itic!il, •J."i-;!(t .\ 1 l-l.'l //.III liisl snntniinlril wiili n lixuHnr. i:<'liitiMun> cnvcldiM'. iiinl mcti'f or less in'ifrctly liisci intc in ;;s iiltn . ^\'\.\<\.). Iiiil diU'cis in it- .^mnllci. Iti'own s|i(iiidiii, M. I^ecoraeiisis. Kll. in Am. Nnt. I-VL. Is>;;. p. 1!».V Mi'laiiioiiiillii IhiiiitifiiMs. SiKc. Syll. f>i2.A. Mxsicc. i;il. iS: Mvilil. N. A 1'. .'il Sti. is' ..' I'ci'itlM'ciii S-"JO in :i stiumii. iinuidnr I'ldni |ir»'ssnrc. (■(iiiiicc(in>. Iihick, circinjilc. I mm. dinm., >nlidc( iimlicni. willi -Inni. ( onvt'iuini: n('(•i<^. and ,-midi. Iilack. ulitn^c n-tinla crnnii'i'nl in a liiilitcolinrd • 'lliplical disk linisliiiL; tlii'(ini:li Iransvi'isr riii(k> in llir ciiidci nds Iml scai'i'cly risinii' alifivc it. Amm cylindiical. Inirlly sti|>it;itc. i(li.-ccorali. Iowa (ll //). I'lit dofs not dilVn otiifiwisr IVom the oiiLiinal spcciiiMii- ii'oni Iowa. W M'li well ma tiiri'd. he ostlola in liotli arc di^limth • |iiadrisii!('at<'. \'ar. fni/ir/riih's. I'k. 4(Mli iJcp. p. "(•.on di'a'J'.t ll.'ll Ii||lii.||t. I llVllliiir. «cil|i'|\ ••lli|iti(;il. I" (iii(i-ll\ ■^ (••(iliii|i;i) "■••id liiicl, •I- (!>-:.'(; •^(ICcillHII- 'liVliiHil\ li l)iirk III JIIKJ \\\v ^|n)lii|i;i ilrd IVdiii III*' iiii;il •Olliill (111' rUMTOslMHtA. Till. St'l Cmi |> II. |i I II' Slioiiiii viii«\ till' i'|ii(|('riiii> wliiili i- jiiiircd liv iIm' o-liiiln. «iiiiii'liiiir- iiiiuli ii'iliiccij or wjinlitiu'. I'fiitln'riji liiiirtiv lit'ijiit'ij ill till- llliiilhTcd >iiii>tiiiirr III' llii- iiiiii'l' liiii'k. ^iiiicil'ci- iiiilf, willi roiivfi'vtiiiu' necks iiniti'il in iin rriinipi'iit ili.«k. Asci 4-H- -|i(Hi'il. iikisIIn williiiiit |p;iiii|p|i\>i'«. S|Miri(liii IimiIIih'. nsiitr or I'llip- liciil. ronliniHMis t( 'ri//i/nsjiiii\i>]\l.,K/»il,ll,l hi t/ti n/'in It . Sm IV. Svtl '111 I'li^liilt'.- cuM-icil liv llir slijilitlv cli'vatcil i'|)ii|rrnii.- wliicli i.- ill Iriiutli ni|illirril. I'l'lillicriil 'J-"i. sriltnl (III llir iiilH'l' luilk. O.-tiiilli -linrl, liliK-k. |iii'i'(-iiiii tn<' niinnli*. |):illiil disk. ,/>//(/•/ /!/ ilnriiiiii''. Si-luv. Syii. Cur li.t, iil. Syii. N. .Am i.vaI. Wihii tCi\/>lii>/>iii,IUi) ili'iif;,'u.\ Ckc. Syii. uni. The liillnwiiiL!' diiiiriinsi.< is riuni '!rcv. XIII. |i. lit: Kcccptiiclc smiicw liiit swollen. (!i tlic ili;inielcr nj' the |iciitlieciii. Asci S-s|ioi'ed. S|iuiii|iii snlielli|iliciil, liv;ililie. 7 .\ - // (7 .\ 1 'i /«. StcM'lisnii). On iiilleii lii;iiiclies nl' I.liiiddd iiilitii . ('iir/>i.\, Vr. Kze. iS: Scliiii, Myc IldU. II. j). .is. Ihnpinlhi- liiiii>f>is. Saoc. Syll. ikhi). I'iilsa li'iii(if. SttviiiMHi. .\(U1. to C'loki- Valsti ol llu- I'. S. No. \ii linniflirs (iT Ny/v'/zY"- l>"'tlil('ln'iii. I'm. (Scliw.). S|i(iriiliii (<(■(•. SicvriMniii >iilM'ili|iticiil. Iiyiiliiic, '2-f(.\ laiicrnliilc. 4-iiiiltiiliiti', llO ft Iniiii'. with :( lii'isth'-likt' ;i|i|M'ii(hniv ;il each I'll' I, Mini |)Imccs tin' s|n'(:icr< in JJitiporf/n; ((J/tot'OKfiiff). Tr. vasciih'tsa, (Kr.) SfyhiDiu Ti!sin/i)Mt, I'"r. S. M. II. p. |o^. I'lllSll !(I.H'll/<>Sll. SIcv. 1. C-. (!irciiiMtt'. I'critJMM'iM siiliuvatr. OstiolM ioiiu, thirkcncd Mimvc Mini joiiicil ill Mil ii|iMki', tfMiisvci'scJy I'l iiiii|M'iit disk. An <'iiiiriiiMti(iil siiccics, nil Mi'Cdiint nl' thi' lii't'Mt niniilicr nl' sjiccics (tii liircli, vet ccr- tMiiily ilistiiii't \vi)\\\ Sj>li(t'rl(i { Diiitrj/iK-llii) /nr/itspt'nnu. Ac. l-'rnin C'llfisji/zttf/'ii /ii'/tir('/)s. Till., to which if is nlli('(I. it ilill'cis in the iKi.-itifiii 111' the iici'lfln'cin mimI flic nstiuhi ilihifcil iit the mjick mihI rorni IIIL!' M ijl- Iffli ! On Priiiiiis. ricthlcheiii. |'a. (.^chw.y. S|ii)ii(liM {<*'v. Stev. K ciiiiCMtc. nilclcMteil. l'.).\ I 'J.', //, ( r. Ifiitii^iiiis, (Ueltiii). i ') vptn^pnt rlUt /itt/iii^ift/y. kfliiii ill lillcri^ and in S:u"e. S>'I1. ''io2f». iisfiiles siiimI (I iiini. •liain.i. I'ci'ithi'ciM nioslK' lail oiii' in |iiistiilc Imiu'c il mill. iliMin.i. soil. \vliiti>li insiilc. uliliise-cuiiicMJ li nlii ;i !>lUlP((SC liMSC. CM ntiMctcd aliiivc into the stniil, ulitiisch cnnirMl (istioliiii IS »niilr ihV- which liMi'c'y pjcices the -lii^hfiy elevated e|iideiniis and liroadly |pci(uiate(|. .\~ci chnate. sti|iitate, 4<*-"»(t .\ S'.l n, M|iarM| sate, s>)iui-ed. ."*|Miiidia !iiseiiale. cyliiidiical. curved, nr near 'ifraiuht. contiiiiiniis. 2-.'>-niiidcMtc. Iivaliiie. \'2 \'J. n. Oil ilead Vi/j>ir/itiiii /iiifutfo. Iuwm (IIhIwmv The inner iiMi'k is iinil'ornily lilMckciicil, lait the niiinci'iMis siiimII siruinata are liiilil-cohired within and Mppear ms liLiht-cnlored spot* in a loiiLiiliidinMl seciion thruiiuh the liark. The s|)ecics is Mii(iiiialiMi~ in haviiiL: Idr the iimsi part niily a sinii'le peritheciiini in a str(»ina. Cf. aiire.'i. Krkl. .■^\inii. p. !!»;}. I 'ii/mi tiiiiiii, I'Vkl. I'.iiniii. I'iiii>'. N.'issov. p. s.t. (itt. i". I'ii/m ainrgiliihuti. Ckf. Sfttn. Jcmni. (rSfi6). I'lihii nililit. M'ul. Sfl. Ciiri). II, p. 1^7. (I v/>/ii.i/'iiir//ii iiiiiiii. Slice Syll. ivit. Kxsirc. Kril). !•'. K. h/i". Siriiiiia ciinicMl nr ciiiisex Irnin an nrliicnlar liase. ucnerMllv iiiore i)V IcsH protiilipi'iuit, piiHtiililorni closoly covered l»y the ndl. lit epi- ■ Iriiiiis. disk reddish or liriek-eol(tn'd, dotted with the Idaek ostiohi. I'eritheeia 4—l((, ciiciiiiite in tlie iinchitiiiicd iiuiei- liark. iiiiiiuto, iilleiiiiated into a sh-nder neck, (►stiohi minute, cylindrical, not thick- ened, olitnse, scarcely exsei'teil ardund the niaruin ol' the scanty disk. .\sci narrow-oiilonudr snl-cyiindrical. sessile, S-spore<|, lOS-UiOx IG- |s n. ."^poriilia oliliipady iiniseriate or sulihiseriate. elliptic-ovate, -tiniuht oi- rarely siiliine(|uilateial. continuous, sidiliyaline, 24-;-i()x N-12// cJOx.s //, I'eck). On deail liranches (if ('iii/i//nfs. New York State (I'eck), and ( 'anada ( Dearness). Vv. iiinltilicata, (IVis.) S/i/lU> 'ihihiiihi. I'er.s. Syii. j). 45. I'alsa uHibiliailti, Stevenson, I. c. •Circinale, small. Ostiola crowded, .somewhat enp-ishaped, roiiuli. .\ninnii- the smallest ol the ti'enus. Ostinla pnanincMit, rouiili to the Iniich, (wcavated at the apex or deeply undiilicate." On Loiiivvrd xciiipvi-vireiix, Car<»lina (Scliw.). Sporidia (sec. Stevenson) oval. (».^ x 5 /i. Ci'. anoiiiala. (I'k.) /)i(i/i y/'i ciniiDiiihi, I'k. 2Sth Rej). p. 72. (')\/'/()f/mii'//(i (iiiiiiiKi/ii, ^swc Syll. iSi^. Kxsicc. Kll N. .A. I''. iis> Pustules prondiient, sulu'otund or elliptical, 'J-o nim.diam..or iiin- pent. penetralinu' the wood, genera! ly with a thin. Mack ci'ust lieneatli ;nid around llii'ni, the disk convex or sliiihtly depressetl, rouii'h, ciiie- rcous-lir'own or Mack, sometimes whitish-puhcrulent. I'eritheeia rrowdi'd. deeply imliedded in the stroma, ol'ten eloniinted. Ostiola sciittered or crowded, convex, ol'ten radiate-sulcate. Mack, A.sci short, liroad, liiiiacious, Sporidia crowded, elliptical, simple. ol't(Mi with a nucleus at each end. liyalin<'. T-S /i lonu'. On living' stems of (Jftri/fns Ainirlcdiid. All»any. N. Y. (I'eckj, Iowa (Ilolway). on Con/his Arr/hnm. Newlield. N. .1. 'I'lie pustules a|ipe,'ii- lirst on the smaller Itnnches, and are seri- ately arranu'cd alonir one side oT the iiraiich: afterwards they appeal' also on the lariiC!' iaanclies and on the trunk itsell', and in the coni'se ol' two or three years, tia- p.ait ol' the tree aliove irronnd is enf kille(|. 'I'he idois. however, still retain their vitality and contii scud up each \^'•,\\■ a luxuriant growth ol new shoots ilestined t^^ r ■[■ r-ji) (lestioycd the succoctliiif; ycnr l>y the incxomhio jtcst. 'I'lic iiii|iorto(l trees scfiu to In- more injuriously iillecto;■ olliptic-oliloiiir, usuiiily liinueieate, eolorless, 1\ // lo^lL^ (hi dead \>\".inc\\i'it (>\' /i/ins ft/f>/irfin, iJulValo. N. V. (IVci<). SoMietinies the |mstides are cniiliueiit or etVused. ('■■. tariiiosa, (Kll.) Valsa/arinosa. Kll. Hull. Tnir. Hot. Club. I.\. p ^jy. CtyptoxporelUi /'aihwsu, Sacc. Syll. 6o2.t. Kx.sicc. HIl. Mt Kviht. N. .\. V. id Scr. 1572. Stroinn cortical. I'orithocia low (2-4), pale, '2r)()-8(iO // diaiii.. raisinjr tlie bark int(» little protulteraiicos wliieh indicate llieir position. |)isk tiilierculiforin, ycdlowisli-wliite, of a loose ^'ranulai' or mealy eon sistence. Ostiola lai'^e. pale liorn-eolor, ovate oi- eoiii<'al, at leiiiitli disippearinu' and leavinu' a lartre openintr. Asei clavale-cyliinlrical, olituse. p. sp. 100-1 10 X lii-2(* ^i. witli lilil'orni pai!ipliyse.«i. narrowed lielow into a stipedike liase. Sporidia 1-2-seriale. iiarrow-idliptitnl and siiliaeute. sniiliyaline, willi a laru'e. central nucleus, lH-22 x 10 //. I'ycnidia {/loA-iicsfdti rduildftt. K. tV K. .lonrii. Mycol. 1. p. 1)2). On dead oak shoots. .\e\vii(dd. N. .1.. and on dead liiiilw ot fjirio- i/('ii(/r(tn. IMaiiilield. N. .1. ( .Meschnft). Cr. coiiipta. (Till.) / ahii Kimptii. Till. Scl. Carp. II, p. ii/> Ctyplitipma rompla. Winter Die Pilzc II, p 771 Stromata mostly iiuiiierou>. iiieiinlarly si atleicd. pnstidiloiiii, 2-."> nun. liroad. the small, roiiml disk piei-cinii' ilie epidermis, which is llat- teiied or depressed around it. I'eritliecia 2-ti in a stroma, of mediiini size, uloliose. circinatint:' in the unaltered, iniiei' l>ark. aluiiptly con- tracted into slender necks. Ostiola small, scarcely or only a lilllc thickened, hardly projectinti' alxtvc the very small, white-pnlveriilent. then ashy-irray rlisk. .\sci S-spored, iiarrow-cdavate. oMon^' or cylin- drical. .>*essile, lOOx Hi /i. Sporidia Iwoad-ovate. or sometimes cylin- drical, straight or slijrlitly curv<'d. hyaline, 1(1-2^ .\ S-Hi /«. 533 (>lMlr;i(| \\u\\)< i)\' Fm/iis frirtit//'/iti/. New 'S'ol'k Stiit<' didc Vvrk. wild limls iIm: s|ioiitliii i)\:itc nr (ilil(iiiii-('lli|ptic;il. liviiliiii'. I s-'Jl t, |niiL>). ■•■■•"■•• Sixii'li) ill •'i/J iiiil riciil . I'oiil niiKuis or iiiich'iitr. [ I'^ iK'riJiifdsnni'U). Ci'. siilliisa. (Ki.) Spli.niti siijI'iiMi, I'r. S. M. 11. l>. ici. Ci\pli>\/'iiiii siiffiisii, Kr. Sinmtiii Viji. Sc. ]>. )i.>. Kx.ticc. Fckl. !•■. Kli,''>2o, lyy;.— K/i'. I'. Sri. t|j.— K;i1>. \> . K. 7.V), n.^(), inij,— Kehiii Asc. (<.. •I'liiiTii. M.r. I7r.— Sy.l.nv. M. Murili H-i. — I'm. .V I-atIiI. N. A. I'. 2<1 St-i . isrs. St'- iiiKilii >ciitt('r('(|. i:iierk. in (Iri'v. IV. ).. inil. {\. \M^\\\•,^\ Till. S.'l. ("nrp. II. ).. 14'.», tni.. XVII, li-. l.VJT. i:\-in-. i;il. iS: Kvihl. N. .A. I' .'d Str. i;.|j.- Kimiii. !•'. Cnll, ,;.)).|. Peritlii'eiii (!-]••, u'loliose. sinidl. ] mm. poridia liLseieidate, eyiinilrieal. «iiliariMiate. o'ltn-e. imeleate. Ii_\aliiie, ."iO K* .\ -5^-4 n. Conidial stai;(' (Jri/j)/i}ttjii)i'niiii .Vc'-.s//, ( Ma. and (^. hrfnliniii-. Sai-e. ('onidia .">0 x I!-") /«. shaped like the aseospores. On dead I'ireli linilis. riaiiilield, N. .1. ( .Mesclmtl). The N. .\. F. sjM'cc. do nut show the conidia. JY. Tilia'. Till. S.d. Carp. II. p. j-jI. I'nstnles irregularly seattei'etl. orltienlar. small. sliLililly prominent, eorlical, the eriimpeiit disk alioiit ] mm. In'oad. I'erithecia 4-(). eir- '•inale. siilHi'I(», necks short, deenndieul. with snltlicinisplicrical o-lioln, .\>ei olio\ ale. (').'•- SO x l;!-|('> ^<, ohtnse aliove, snliaciitc Itcl ow. ■ed. Spoi'idia I'aseienlale. -fraiiiht. eyliinlrieal. or sometimes snl>- ^-lioi •lavate, ;}()-;]") x ."»-('.. ', //. liii;ii :v\ (•ii liiiiiiclii'- III' 7'///'/ Aiiiir/ri//i(i.\\f\i\i'v\irvj: .Mt.«.. N. ^'.l!^■(k he IMHIII lial >liiLiv (T' r//j)i <).'i/ mil '///""■V 77/ /f/ I lia> riiimii,'! |ii~(M< ■lite, siriiiulit nr ciil'vcd. Ii\;iliiic, I (>-.')() x ('>.', lO '\^. a ;' .1 I I ' ( ■' 1 Ti'. remoralis. (Pk.) / ,(Ai( I, iiiiiiiilis. I'k. -■•^lli Kt|>. !>. ;|, I'l y/>/<'.^/iiiiii y,»i(iiti/i.\ S;\i.\\ Syll. 1117. I'ii/mi H'i vf'liiff'oni) /',-iiiiii,ilis. Ckf. Syil. h,ll l'll-lilli'> >lii;ill. rri'illii'ci;! lew. licslliliL: ill tlir ililU'l' luilk. n-li nla I'cw. sliDil. Mack. ciiiiiiiK'nt tliiKiiLili -mall ami iim-ilv tr;iii>\ci>r cliiiiks ill till' iiaik. crowilcil m -caltcird. A.-ci laiicinlalr. S|iiiii(li;: ciiiwilcil. rloiii^ati'il. >iil(liii('!ir. straii^lit or sliiiliilv !!r\iiMii~. ipliiii- liiilitlv tliickciicij at llic fiids. .'>"»-7-'i n loiiu. (til d.'ad aider liiiil.,<. Alliaiiv. X. V. [Vvy-ku and Caliloini ill II'KIIOSI. Cln-cly iclatrd III r'/'. siijj'iisii. Iiiit llii' >|iipiidia ai !■ lliirkianil a! llir (•iid>. Tlir |iciitliccia adln'1-r In the r|iidciiid- and air lull I a\\a\ Willi II. Cr. (iiHtiila. « . iV V.) 11, ! H 111 -■'i ■• -'I -■'•I I'l.xsicc. i;n N. .\. I-. .u- I'i'lillircia ."> >. -iilMircinatr. luiiii'd in ihc (inaltcii'il innci- lui k II -i/r. |ialr. neck- 11 in \ riLit'ii I ami »'riiiii|M'iil liii'oilLl'li tin iilii;li ii.-liuja riiM'ifd ;■! Ill' mi'iliiii .-liL^lilly lai-rd ('iiidiTnii- in -tmit. Idack, 1 lii.-l uilli uliilr nr lii^lil-cdloicd ui'iiiiH ill- iiiallir a|i| raiiii'j likr ai I'lllorc.-crncc lit' till' liaik. and -nnicliiiM - HMhaiiiini:' a- all Mli-niir u liil' iiiil;' ariiiim I lIli' iislinla. .Vm! nil iiii'j-cla\ ate v(l \ .^-|(1 II .-li|iitali' and iiiijii'ii'i'rilv |i;' .|ili\-ali'. >|iiiridia SMliliL-cirnlali'. ^ in an aM lis. cyliiidriral. iniiltiiiiirli'alr. lirrMinJn-.^ ;{-T-si'|'talr. ."il'i .\ .'i n -('(• I'k On d lit I i|i'aiit('-II:i. (I'k.) / /.'s*/ fiiinrll li-'.hi. I'k .;=.tli Kip. ip. 1 1.; r'; vf-li'^l':'iii loiUfii/,!!,!. S.HI-. >>!!. Aiia. 1, p. I'l.' Pcrillircia 4-^. siilpfiicinatc. iir«lliiit;' in tin' inner liark. Iihn k tluLlied lielow wltli a vvliili-li liaiieiiiiiin. ili~k laiK'eolatc. wliili.-li m 536 liKiw iiisli. i'niiii|M'iil llirini'jli ;i iKinuw. ti'iiiisviTsc clniik wliicli is ;i<'iift' iit I'lU'li I'll'l iiinl |iirn'ri| liy the -iiinotli. Muck (islidlii. Asci tililiiiii;', liniiiil. -iilicvlitiili'iriil l<» I'lisuiil, «('«-ilc. .")(>-7.') // loiiu-. S|)ui'i(liii cv liii- iliicnl. Cr. rliii'liilii. Iiiil ilill'i'i-i ill i||i> rliiirai'tcr of tin (!i-;k ;||hI the tollli'lllusc |icrillircii|. rr. allmlViM'a, «". \ K.) I'tihti alhdfiisiti. C. .S: I'.. Crt-v. V. p. (i ( ■/ vf'liiffiiiiillii iilhi i/>/«.v/»(>»W/ii) ■i/', ii|>iini|ihysiitr. (i.VsO \ S-lO n. S|i(iriili!i lyiii'j' |i;ii'iillcl in ihr nsci. cylindrical or ciiiviitc-cyliinlriciil. ,in |(i\;;.^ I ,,.. I III dead liiiili- (A' (,)i>ririis i)hfi(s!h)heeii lie lliilleij III a hl'ilWII ijl-k *vv-* ,< tiirnlnl J.- nr iiini'i-si jit llir. nr ps,-iiilos<'f)/(il<' ((Jiilos/iofi/). i'v. tii(l»is|MU'.i. (r. iV I*.) r,i.M! //;,///>/>"; i(, C .S: 1' Cki-. C S. p iii. I'k .;.jlh Ki'p. p. 5s. i'tvfiiia li iihispiiiti. Slice. Sytl. ii.'-'. I'll/ill [I'l \l'li'.\/<:i>it) li i'(lii\f>:ii,t . Cko Syn. uitu I'li-liih'- -iiiall. Striiiiia euilieai. |iale iicliiiii eniis a.- well as ihe eniiii|.eiil disk, rerilhecia lew. dark Innwn when maliire. Osliola '•\>eilei|. i|nailrisiilcale. Asci (davale. S|ii(riilia lililin'in. Iiyalint'. ■(-se]ilale. .»;> •)i On dead Iwi'/s urnak, (Jreeiiliiish. \. ^^ d'eck). Il Imik-: like a iiiinialiire l)'i)iiu)rth<- U'lplnvmin. Ti'. at'iilt'ans, (Srinv.) Siii),i a, litmus. Siii-i". Syll. .^7".V / \ihii (( i/An/iiOd) III ii/i-iiii^. Cke. Syn. 2ii|,s. I'll/ill A'/;ii;.i, Cke. !•. Ilrit. Sei . I. No. J-i.s, ill. Sui . II, No J5>. I'iihii tilhoifliilii. II. .S; C. C.icv. IV. p. 102. I'iilsa .\li//f, iicrk.- (( ill vcii:i iil;'. with ilicir -IkmI- rylimlriciil. siiliriiiiiciil. \vliifi'-|iiil\ciiili'iit u.-tidhi fi-iiiii|iciil tlmmuli ;i \^lliti^ll ilisk wliicli is snun nlilitcriitcil. .\lii:lit li.iii • like ii|i|it'lMliii:c ;it r;ic|i I'lnl. rmilily seen in llir ydiiiiu' .-|iiiiii|iiiiii. Inn liinilly iilisnrlini. (Ml ih'iid liliiis iiiptill'niii iinii Ii. I i/plii nil. {-(twwwnw. We liMVc si'cii nil iiiitlicntic sjn'rc. of r. iillntnhild. 15. \ ('.. Inii the iliil'.i'IMi-i- 'if tllllt <|prcii'S diirs lint ciinliir iilic tn sc|ijir!ilr it fldlli tllf S/i/itli/il ilrillctliis. ■'•(•llU.. lllnl {r^Vi'. I''!irlnui tlx' SpriT. \)\ ('. ilHin- nhilii. I). iV ('. in Ilci'ii. Curtis, iirc tin' ^iiiiic ;is S/t/itrrio iKiiliams, Scliw. ]'illsil lilinis. Ckc, i- cfl'lilillly the -llliir !l^ slldWIl lp\ tile .-|iccc. ill ('(Mikes exsicciili (•ite(|. The lud iidditidiiiil se|it!i Sdinetiiiic- seeii. iii'e (inly |iseild(ise)itii. Iieiiiii' 'mly llie dividiiii: line lietween Iwe ildjiiceiil lllielei. Cr. IVinisylviiiiira. (K. «S: ('.) I'lt/sit /'rniiiv/jiiiiiiii. H >V C. dnv l\'. ;>. ion. Diiiporl/ie lyliiiiliiisfiiiiii. I'k. ,^^ll^ Ktp. \t. iii(. I'ii/hi /oiiiiKi'!,!. I'k. ;.%nl Kep. \y .U- C'ii/ii>poiti l'eiin>\liitiiiiii, Snec. Syll. .(7"0. / pi>>iii I'riiiiwhitiiiiii, Ckc. Syii. -'. I'l iindr nidic. ei-d\V(|e(|. etixcred liy the thin, liliick- ciieil siirl;ice df the inner luirk. the dstidhi nither Idiii:!'. stdiil. eylin- driciil. i-diinded ;it the tips. er(i\vde(|. exseiteil. .\sci iiiiiidw. siilifnsi- liinii. H r)-."i( I X "i-7 //. S|idiidi;i .-iilieylindiiciil. ci-dWihMJ ni' lii.-eriiite. 4iiiicle!ile. hyiiline. Kl-l'.tx.'l 4 n Vl't i. hmu'. I5erk.). (hi dciid liiiiiiehe.- (if I'niiiiis l*iiinsi/l ni nnd . .\dii(iii(lii('k .Mts.. N. v.. illid (111 /'. Anifi iiiiiHi. IdWii. 'I'he diitiiiinl (lescii|itidii df this s|pe(ies in (irev iileii is ;i> f(il|(iu>' '• iiiirsliim' tninsM'isely. i'eiitheeiii in the center df ;\ liicette. Spd- I'idiii iiiiri'dw, olildni;'. sdinetinies wide nt dir end. Sdinetiines sliulitlx curved, triseptiite. "J") /< Idliu'. ( di Crrnsii.^ lUifit/frdiu'cir. \\\it\\m;\\\\r dl' X<'\v V(irk (Merk. I. c.|." ("!'. (Vii'V!!', I'k. ."iSih l{<'p. p. Hm;, t.ili. -J., liuv. 2s-;')l. I'listiilcs sciittere(|. cdvered liy the epidermis, then eriiinpenl. cir ciiiiiscrilied liy n liliiek line (ir iif leiiuth c(ive!'e(| hy ;i lihick crii.-i liciiciith the epidernii.-. I'eritlieci;i 4-12 in ;i imstide, ,ui»ilio.ii||irli|ii(.- I'lUCl'li |Ui. I'lvd. I',. II lllili. Ii|;ii'k rii>i I' 'liMTijitc. i'l:i*k Ml... ;'- H)lln\\.<- I'llc. S|MI- • ■- slii>litl\ iiiiiiiiitiiiii- ii|i<'iif. fir liifk rni.-i Mii'iiiliii' iVniii niiitiiiil jircssin'r. r.'itlici' lcs< tliiiii \ iiiin. iliiiiii.. luiiicil in the iiulit-fulnrcil strniii!! in ji sintilc Invci- with nillicr sliuit Imt .-^li-ndci- iici'k.» iiml snliji'lnlH».-;(', lijiick nstiolii ('niin|i('nt in ii (hiik liiown. cuMvr.x (li.-k Idosciv i^iiiCDumlcil liy tlir ni|(liirc(l «'|ii(l<'rinis. Asci rliiviit*-. l(Mi-I'J."» .\ I'J-I.") // !i|iiini|ili\>iitc. siiltscssilc. S|i(iiiovc. lii-did-nliluni:'. liviilint', siiliuliliisc. .')-')-|i«('ii(lo.";('|iliit<'. M)-iui \ (! -S n.. On tlciid ItriiUflii's ol' (Jari/a, Kiiowersvillc. \. ^'. (Peck), I S: C. ("■nv. IV, p. 102 /'ii/.Mj (Ciilosfiiiiii) )i,-miiuila. Cke. Syii. 2ci.|f) Calmpom Kfinmiila, Sacc. Syll. i~'H. " IVrilliocia lew, circiniitini:'. iit-cks nnitrd. Oslidln stclliitc. S|i(iiidiii shortly riisilunn, tii,/;,/-; /,( (i/iii/ii. Tits. Syll. ]>. v'i- / ii/.w; I i/ititii, Stt-viii-iim's Add. to Cki-. Val->fi, No. |i"i. /V,//m////;. {(■//■i).m/i(/.i -(;//,;/i(. Sine. Syll. -'.(IJ. Pcrithci-iii iilioiil IC toucthi-r. crccl-convciiicnl. (•irciiialiiiL: in tlic iiiiM'i' liark. wliich i.< raised inli) a siiiail, roiiml |iiistiih' aliuvc them. < Miohi \»'r\' sh'iKlrr. 1~'J lines JonLi'. siiliselaeeoiis.divarieale. siilillaeeid. >|iiiridia (sec Stevenson I. e. |. navien lar, iiiseiitate, I M .\ •) //. On liark of elm. Carulina and reiiiisylvaiiia (Seliw.). ('■'. iiiconspiciiii, «'. vV K.) I Vi/.m; imotispima, C. S: K. (iiev. VI, p. 11. Wilsu iC'it/us/iont) imiinsfnitui. Cko. Syii. 20.17 (ii/nspoia hiconsfiuiui Saoc. Syll. .i7iif'. I'eritlieeia \ a Isold -a, ir.ii! related. Sjioridia iiari-ow d'lisoid. .'{-sejitate. 1-iiiieleate. 1 "i .\ 4 fi. On dead alder. New held, X. .J. Our spece. ol this s|>eeies are entirely witlioiit I'liiit. I'SKinoVALSA, (Vs. & De Not. Silifiiiii SlViiac. \i. Si Stroma and perithecia as in Jfc/auio/i/s. Asci 4-0 or i^-sitored. (yiiically parapliy.sile. Sjtoridia -- or inoix'-sejitate (not Jiinriform). mostly lirown. i|.! i! d T ■''■■ . ' ;3[ ■ .. ( ,t i ;-.:';' J :■ I '.I r ' ■ I iHii 1. ;.vr~i :..s> l*s. proliisji. (Fi.) .s/'/i,< I III /•ii'/ii ii, IM. S. M. II, |i. V)./. S/>li,riiti iiiiiiiiUins, DC I''l. I'r. VI, p. il''. Sfhinii) (iiiiiniiii. I'r. (lUil Scliw.) I c. ]>. ;^|. I'd/'ii /iiii/iisii. Vr. Suiniiiii, p. in- ,Uii.>'iii/ii uiiiilia. II «t C. Ciriv. IV. p is.s .liilitii>/il /'I'l/ii.Hi. I»f Nol.^lii't. Hal. Dec. V, p. 4, No. ). I\lh(t S,tit:nllii, II. {<: IV (in Ihrli i. Sl'lurria unllitlii. Sihw. Syii. N. .\iii. i^(S, S/i/i.rii.t tiiihii/iii">/''iii,i, >chw Syii. N. .Am i.i.VI (ti'C. -pcciv ill lltlli. Si-lnv p l'ii>Hi\ii, Willi! r. I)ii- ril/c. II. p. 7>s llxsiic. lukl. !••. Rli. s*(. ktiti. !•■. I') IU7, 1 141, isi 1.— kilitn .\sc. 15. — Sydiiw M Miiuli. 17'.. .(11 -rimtii. M. C. .f.... Kll. N. A. I'. 17.'. Slliiliiiil;i .-iMtli'icil. iiiiiiii'i'iii-. -t|li-i'ii;i|r ;iiii| -iiln'oiilliiciil, \;iii ;|I>1(' ill -i/.C mill lio|;i r|'Mlll|H'lil ill ;i coliiliiicl |il|iiirioii-.|\ l-rrl|ci|. U illi ;l -l|l il rl;llluulMI' lllhli'll- in i-icii rrll. |i\ .■llilir ;il lil-l ilii'ii I'li'iii' lii'ouii. I'.'ir:i|ili_\.uilt\lu Tiiaii. 11. .S: Kiiv. Cinv. IV. p. .17. /'>i-iuI"ViiImi I'ltiiii. Ckiv Syti. 2'»)!. Iilaiii.i /!•! ii/rvi. Htiil('-; iri'i'iinliir, lilnrk loii.jli uiih the |iruh'ii(IiiiL;- o-(ii)l;i iiiiiiiitcly Liiiiiiiiliili'il. A.-ci l-fi'. Ckr. I. r.) *Jl-s|piiii'i|. ,'^|iorii|i;i \i\~\ fonii, olitii.-f !it iMcli rml. (|;irk, witli iilioiit (! s<'|itii. lod y \i,u'j:. ()|i liiifk ol' lioiiiiiriiiii, ."^oiilli ( 'nioliiiii I liMM'lirl). Ps. Iiaplocystis. (link. \ Kr.) Sfili.nia li.i/'l.i. \s/iK II. >St ill .\iiii X M,iK lli,t .Sir. 11, p. .517. //.//■/.'fi .//.» /!,iir', \/. .\\v.l. ill I'ckl. I". Kll. sS.s. (■.<>>< (I //.//./.'I 1 .//v, I'l'kl, Sytiil). p. mi. /'>iiiiI:iui/mi liii(iliic\\li.s, Sate. Midi. I. p. i;. i:\~ioi. K.ili I'. I-;iiv. III''.. Cki- 1'. niil Sir. I. .'^;. Sir 11 .. , K.nnij 1'. C np 111. I'i'lillii'i'iii covi'iiil, -iiIil;IoIiosc. lliin-Wiillcil. ininiitch tomciilo-f |iCllir,im'lltl_V ro\r|c(| liy tlic liliirkcmil i'|iii|r|liii< wliicli i» l;ii.'<('i| iiild ■iliuiit ipiisliili-. ili'pii'.'^scil-iiloli'Kc. I- H> tuorilit'i- ill -nliciiriiiiiic l;ioii|i- r.:i!) ScIlM , williiiiil liny (li-liucl -liniii;i. with roiivfi'jiiiu. -Imit-cv liinlrir;i| ncrk. Iiciit ii|i\Viiril- III tlii'ir <'\lii'iiiitii'. iiiid jii^t vMlilc ihidirjli >1ili()it sli|M', s-.-|.ui('il. '.M»--l(».') .\ ;!.')-|() y. Spu- liiliii coiiiiluiiii'iiiif. mIi|i(||ij- (ir ;,i/.ui hiii'iiii., Sail-. Svt ,! /' | Cki-. Svti. -Ml . I'crillici'i.irin'iiiiitin'j. ■'• ".-ruled licin.'illi tlic i'|iid('i'iiii.- wliicli i:- I'lil .iruriii, lrisf|il:iti'. sliiiijilil or fiirvcd. Iiniwii. (i!)-Tn // loiiij-. sfiiivciv con- -liich'd. end cells .•^iiiiillcsl, mrli rxlrriiiily tii|n'iiinj' iiiln w liynliiic. :i( lii-.-l .-truiiilil. IIm'Ii riij-M'd ii-. Iiii liiiiU u\ J*liihiiiii.^ iii liili iiliil is. Nfu ^'(iik Sliitc (I'cck). Allifd li' /'s. /n/p/itci/sf/.s.tW. i\: llr.). lull di^liiid. Wlini llic fpi- dcniii^ is liiiii nwiiy. lIu' iiriillicciii (•(Hiic oil" witli it. Tlirx iiir .«.|iiilitlv w iiili-lilliic<'. /'■•■iiihtntlMi Mimf>ii,i)iit. Siiiv. Svll. v'.V'. Ckc ^.\ii -i' x I'li-liili'- ('niiii|ii'iil. suiiicliiiics si-riiilidy |i|;ic('d. t).-ii(ihi >li'iliii\ (iiiijiiiiiciil. t'M'ii nr liidiiitrly siilrntc .^rnltcrcd or crovvdcil. Asci liii- I'iir. >|i(iiidi;i >. iiiii-i'iiiilc, oliliui'j, colored. Iri-e|il;ite. I "J l.'i _// joiiir. (Ill deiid .-leiii~ oi liiaiiclii - )>[ Smiilimiis. (';il~kiil .Ml-.. N. V. liilc« Viiiy iiilicli ill si/.e: tlio.-e on llie lillllielie- lieinn hilL^er illld llioi'c SCilttcfed tliiill llin.-e on the lllMill -lellis Illld lllllik-. I's. stvh'tspora. K. \ K. I'lo,. .\e:i(l. .\:,i. ,-ei. I'liil. P;i..Jiily. IS'.tO. p. -l-r.^. (IMatc ;{5) Slroiim corlieid. ron\ e.x. "J-.'l in in. ilia in., covered liy I lie epidermis. Perilln'ciii ciiciiinle. ;-> in a -lioma. ulol>o>e. ■,' nun. diain.. rollap.-iiiL' m \ mM ilN "'I wIm'Ii iliT, cniiiriiflcd ;ilM)\f into ^Imrt ihtI;-;, ii-niiiiiiilcil li_v xl"t /<. Spuiiiliii liisciinh' iili|()iii:-i'lli|>tii';il. Iiviiliiii'. liiiiitly -"iiltu'ldliosi'-iiiiiirinliciilalc iiinl '.rnii,'!- I;ii' ill lirst, liccnjiiiiiu lirnuii nml 'J-.-c|)tiili', ami sliLililly i-iiii-liirti-il :ii llir si'plii, 2')-.'5<> \ 10 14 11.. ryciiiiliii ci'iitriil, Itciiiiiiy t\ limliiciil ;i >i('|itiiit', liNiiliiH' -t\ liis|iui('s. 4ii-"»r)\ lO-TJ /<, nil sliorl liiisiiliii. On liMik ul'ilcail All /■ s/tnii/inii. Lninloii, Ciiiiiitlii I ht':iiiir. ,Ui.'. >//;iit, h. A. iSi S. I'lmiji. )>. ii iscc. I''r ) S/i/hri lit Jliliihr, Sciniin. Kiuini. I'limt. Siill. II, |). 171. S/'/iiriiit liiiilit. DC. I'l. I'r. VI, p ii.|. Sfiliiri i/ii\/',imii. I'r. S, M. II. p. ^^.|(s<■l•, Tnl.). / Hii/i if>i' /ii>iii/iii iiii^, I'l. Siiiiiiiin. |) ('»<,. Sf'li.riiii /ii;iii. 17-' •I'l'l in .\li'liiiiiiini\ liiiii il'iii nii\. Till. Sfl. Carp. II p. its. tali. XIV. /'m iiiIii:'ii/mi /iiii, i/iii i)ii\ C<-*. >S: I)f N(it. Siluiiia SUr, ]t. ,u'. Mr/it)iiiiiii\ illi/i/i,,i, I'k. :?^th Kep. p. mi. jSlU Ktp p. S7, KxHicc. I'lkl. Iv Rll. 1.1./1 kali. I'. I'., j.p, tj.sH, i.i,-,x. - R. Inn Asc. ■;'>| I'liiiiii. .M I '.S.")!- -^y'l'iw. M March. 7.S2. Sffdiiiata scatlricil, liiii-inl. i'iiiiii|m'|iI tliruiiiili tiaiisvcisc t'iarliiii;' iniirli aliuNc tin' liaik. ••|'canii».sr-si|lM'in-i' fonsislcijci'. l-."» nun. Ioiil:'. Pcrillicria -l-|i» ill a sirnnia, incunlarly cruwdtMl, iiloliusc lilack, ratlicr larnc /, iiniii.i- iii'cks cviiiidrifal, with llicir osliida <»iil\ ,s!iLdit!y iiinjcctin^' tlirniiMli lln' laiirf-slia|M'd disk. \ .•<)M»r('d. l.")()-|(;o.\ lJ()-"Js It, ,<|Mnidiii liisrrialc, ohloiiLi'. ciui^ liiuadly rniMidfd. .'V (>-st'|ilal(', with a iar.iro iiiiclnis incacli n-ll, not ronstiictrd at. Ilic .ifptii. iiiDwii, .sliai<.dit, .'5') -4S \ |-J.J I.") it. I*ara|iliy.-^('s vrrv liiiiii'. lilil'oriii. Oi' dead liiidis (iriiiicli. I!('tlilcli('ni, I'a. (Sriiw.), .New ^'mk ( IV-ck). I's. Kaii'iiitnii, K. & K. I'i oj' tin' iniit'r liaik, the sinrarc onlv siilitarlioni/cd and IdackciM'd, imt .-iiriniimlcd liy any distimt riiciiiii.-'criiiiim' Iiin'. cuvcn-d liy ilif cpidfriiiis. wliicli is pierced hy the stout, sliorl-cylin- diical or conit'al osliola witli smooth or tpiadri' li|o;i(||\ i»iistiic-ti'i| V.10S Vfiv •k(INrk). tc 3, li;rs. I' .'liulitly rlioiii/i'il ilia' line, »r(-c\ liii- I'litlicci;! I ^ ill II «tin||iil. i'lo«('ly |»!irki'i|. (iNiiIr ur -l|!iillimilil|- linlil i'n|ll|ili' X lin //. iii'i-ll\ (iiily ti--.|i()ii'i|. S|iuiiiliii olildii'j-rv linilijciil. \c||(iwi>li, :;. (cNci'iitiiiiiiilly .">•) sc|ii;il('. ."i(i-|0.\ l-T //, "liirhtly cnnslriiicd nt iln' ^('|it;i. Tllf yniiliii' stluiiiillil rniitilili mi illimiillllic<' nl' jti/viilil iill ri|i(i|<"i filliiilll till" -^i/i' :illi| «li:i|i(' '. ()ii iIi'ihI liirknrv liinlis i f '(//'//'n, Lv mlniiN illc, N. ^'. ( Kiiiriiimr). I's. si^ciiioiileii. (('. iV K.) MfliiiiKinis >ic»""'i''i'. t-' i*' !•■ •■rev. VI, ]>. ,.■, pi. irio, (i({. i<\. /'., iiiliHiihii \iii>iik (ilpi'.X nl jjir silnmii) uliicll liit'iccs tlir r|iii|criiiis. Iili! ilni-; luit rise iiiiii'h jiiinvc it. .\«ri liiniiil-.'liiViitc, Hi(»-l.')0.x l'.» 'I'l my. >|.. 1(K»-11(» ,/ Iniiiri. S.s|,niri|. -li|iiliilr. nitsciiit'ly |iiii';i|ili\ siitc. Sjinriiliii lii.^criiitc. nlijmm rn-niij. -li'jlitly riirvcd. ,'»-T- (iimstlv .'i-i sciiliilc liytiliiii' ;it (list, liiiiilly limwii. |."i-"."» \ !'• 11! /<. fiiliiiciili' iit lirsl. liiifilly siilioli|ii>r. ( )ii ili'iiij lii'iiiK'lM's nl' (Jui/riis tliiifnrlii. (^. lll('if'i>l!a ami (J. iillm. N'l'wHi'Iil, \. .1.. nil n;ik lilllli-. ( 'illliuill ( l><'illlM'.»S), I'nitliri'iM nil till' lii'^i twn iiinitiniii'il linsts, ."{-.'i in il -ti'Dina: nn f^.iiJhii. .'i-i'i. Till' I'niiidijil stiiL''!' i» il ('ori/iifinn, rnriiiiiiL;' iiliick. rriiiii|(i'iil IiiIm'M'Ics iiliniit 'I'-l iiiiii. iliiini. Cniiiijiii cliniiti'-rnsniil. .')-T-St'|itilti'. .'lO SO x lO-!,'! ;«. nil i|i'lisi'l\ fiisrirlllllt''. stnlit, liinwnisll -^I'l.iiiliil." I.iisiiliii lO(»-rji>.\ I-.') //. IN. T«'\t^iisis, (K. & K.) Pnttiyfii- TiifiiMS, }■',. iSi !•;. Jiiurii. Mycol. II, p. lo. TliYiuiatiii 'IfXfHsis. Sncc. Syll. Sli'iiiiiii |iiil\ iiiiitc. siilK'iii'iioiiiR'cniis, liliU'k, siilini'liiculiii', 2—4 iiiiii. iici'ns.^, ill iciliilll |ilillH' i>V >llli{'niiciiv<' iiiinvi', .-•('iilcd nn tlic .liiiLr tlirniiL!li the ciiiilcrniis wliidi cld.-icly .;uli- ;iiiiiiiliir liy itirs-iirc. (!-*J0 in ciicli striiiiiii, ^-^ nun. diiiiii. ().iiiis|ilii\ lllr hi i'li|i>||'jcl|i|,ti, :i| I'l "jHxC-T _M. ^fJIICi'lv ciill-tl iricil lit ill.' -i|i|;i. llir In milin I rcll- -ul, llVlllilH'. I 111- llillcli llii' «;illii' 'jt' ;i|i|H';ii;ili(i' Ji- \'illsiliiil rl nrln (('iil'i'.i. Till' li:u'k iiihI iIii' >iiil,'in> nl' llic u I lii'iiniili tlic -liniim iiif iiiHii' III' |(-- MiickiMicil. Mil Ipiiik ttf I'liili'li liiiil'- III yV//»n,,'i, l|iMi-lu|i, 'I'l'Mi- I l{j|\fl IH'I). I's. r«tiii|)toiiia', (K. iV K.) /'/,;/! !/>.■ «'-)<;//>/,, H/,/-. I't. Mc !•:. J'lmi Myinl, II, |i -, //niiifii) I.I i\'iiifi/i>>u,r. Slur Mil. 7t'(l. Strniiiii ciiiiiiiit'iit, ^iilitiiln'iciilirniiii. -Miiill ( I -.'{ iiiin.i, siililiniii' *|ilit>i'ii' or <-liiiiHiii'. \-}^ llllll. <•") /I Iitiip. iiiclinliii'j' ilii- -Irmlcr, -li|iil;ilr Imsr. -iiiiiiiiiiilril with :iliiiiiilaiil |i.'ii':i|ili\ M'.- iiml ('iiiil:iiiiiii iniirli Ijkr tliill ii' ' riiiilnrillsn i nl ijiiiifitrniix. >\\\k\ 'I'Iii' osliujii me not >iilc;ili ;iiii| liiiM' •. -iiiiiiiili, i'ihiihI ()|iriiiiiL!. 'I'lii' -iiniiiiil;i ;iri:-i' fitlirr iliintlx IVdiii tin uiiimI III ai'i' or.'ilcil mi liir liiwiT ^liatiiiii III' llic liiii'k tli'iniilnl li\ till' llakiii'j nil' III iii" Mi|H'!Tici:il la\r|-. (Ill ilcail. |ialliall\ ilccdllicalril >li'lllH (if ^ '<;//y^)/o///r/ f/.sy//r///'/o//jccliiiLi. S|niiiilia lii-i Conn. tri^<'|ilal('. olitii.-c at the end.-. Iiiown. .'!(• .\ l(t ^/). (.•;() .'I'j.sld VI n, lleile.-^e). ( )ii ahler. South ( 'amliiia." I's. ('oiiv«Mfi;»*iis. (T«mI«'). ,S/>/i,rtta loHtfijrfiis, Toilt .Meckl. II. ,!<>, fm. iii. I'ti/sti ii'infigt-ns, Fr. (iti Ckc. Viilsfi I', s. p. I2.^V fsiiitliiTalsa cii>n-et);i-»s. Slice. Syll. .i.vS-i, Cki-. Syii. 2101. ' Tvilmlos.'i " i- .( mi-ininl lui ' liilniliiMi ■! M8 ("nrlliilli'. inilllll"'. I'l'lilliriia iilinill Ci lirjctlicr. i'lili|i'l\ rnvcii'il. ,i\:ili'. the f\ liliill'ii';il. »iili:illi'liii;ili' I. rum ciMriil ii.|iii|:i i'iiiiii|iciir, ^„.j '! S|iiiiiili!i -iili('viiil>iluiiii. ."» -i'|tliilf. -oiiM'iiiiM- •lii>|itly niii-liiflcd. ihiik liiMWM. .'iM .VJ \ l»-l I It. -Iiiii'jlil i<\- nnvi'il. (Ill liriilM'li''- >i\ /I'isii ini i/niliimii, ( ';il(iliiiii ,iimI I 'i'lili-\ |\ iiliiii l.-cli\\.i. KKNKSTKI.I.A. ThI. M I. Clip II, I >. .'"■>. rllli ml S.m MJih I. 1> S". I'ci'ill iii :iihI -tiiiiiiii II- ill \';il-,'i. A-fi i'yliiii||'ic;il. l-^-|iiiiri|. liiliii iiiii-i'ii.ttr, nlildii'j (ir "lli|ilir;il. iiiiiriri(riii. M'llnu li|u\\ n. K, |»n'lir)'|is. Till. ^>'\. (';ii|i. II. |t. -<>T. /'./.'.; f.iifi/iutti. II .V llr Ann. .V M.m lli-l. S.-r III. loni III (i. :">. '/ liMiiliiiiii /'ti/'r-ii. Kiili/r I'". Sll. ."'( Kx«liv. I'VIsI I- Kli M M.lli'll. 2''i, I'i;!. I^^-, K'Hini !•■ i; •tioiiiM urliKiiIiir nr rllij iticiil III liii'^t'. Ii'iitiriiliii'. -link ill ih |i!iiriii'li\ Mill urilic liiii'k. Willi ll |iiih'i'iiii< -liL'litly |iii-liiliilr-f|i'Viitfi| mmt ii. cuii-i-tiiiL'' mI" liinwii. Iliiicii-c iiiiittci'. I'frilln'i'iii .1 | I in a »tiniiia. riuw ilrij aiii| im i-l I \ a ii'j Ilia r I'i'iin rii|ii|iir,-.-i(iii. rii||a|i-iii'_' w Ih'Ii 'li\ , lilack. iiIhhii /, Mini, iliaiii.. w illi -IioiIcn limliiral, |ii'i i'lrali-il nla. iiiiili'il ill a luiiiiilisli nr laiii'i'nlali'. i'|'iiiii|h-iiI i|i>k. -"arri'ly li-inu ■.,\'////'.(■, I,\ imIuiiv illc, \. ^'. ( Kairiiiaiii. F. ailiorpll!!. v.. \ K. .Inmu. .M_\«nl. IV, |i. .")S. — riiir. Arail. Nal. Sri. rilil. July, IMHI. p. -J;;'.!.— I'lnc. ||.,cli. Araij. All-. li\a Ilia IS'.IO, |,. I (IM;i<«' :{.")) Sliiiiiiii tiiliciriiliroi'in, .-rali'il mi (lie wimhI. \ ai'ialili' in i-i/r rroiii I iiiiii,. iiiclo-iim- a single jirrillii'cinin lu .'! m- I nun. with I -i! prrillir- •la. (I r soiiM'tiiiifs niiilliiciit ill a >i'iiaif maiiiirr. |u|- I iiii nr inniT ri-i'itlii-('iii lliisk-'lia|i<-il. aliiiiit I iniii. Iiiuli innl ,' iiiiii. lunail. Iilark ont- -iili- liiit till' iiiti'iiial tt'\|iir<' wliili'. iiiinial"' ami ^iili.-fiiiiti'. llic -Imil (.', I mill. i'\ lin(li'i<'al n-linla iiiii\crMin'j, lull nut nnili'il in a ilisk. Iiiir-t- Miu mil liirmi'jli ciai k.- in till- liark. luit cai-fcly |ii<)|('ctin'j. A-ci liiiiliical. with a iiarinw lia-i- I ."id-l T.'i .\ l"J-I-'> '/, ujlli aluimlahl I lil \V-'Ul '.44 lililuriii |iiii:i|ili_\ .»(•». S|Miri(liii iiiii.-rrijitc. ulilmiLi-t lli|iiiciil, iilmni (,. !-('|itiit<'. willi ii siimlc. luiiLiitiidiiiiil si'|itiiiii. il:irl\ lunwii. 'J(»-'2'J\ \'l n. imt (•(iiistlictcil ;it llic sc|il;i. licrdiniii-J' iillin'^l opiikc. su ||i;it tlic sijiin iii't' liiinllv \i«ilil('. WIh'Ii llic liiiik liill- ;iwii\ . the !«tiniii!i I "cniin- sii|ici liciiil. <>ii ili'iiil liicl\nr\ liiiili^. I,viiilnii\ illc, \. ^■. ( KiiiriiiMii). K. veslita. (Fi.) S/''i,rii,i -.rflilii. I-r. S. M II. p. /\v>. I\i/mi iislihi, I'r. Siiiiiiiiii Vi'K- Stitml. ji. .\\2 'I'liyi iilium jii/i/iiHi, I'lkl. Syiiil(. p. iiis. ' Cm ut hi/itt III vii.i;ii>i>. Slice. M. Vfii. Spic. p. ijj. tiili. XII, lins. j^-.lS. I'fiiislflla Tfslilii, Siitc. Syll. 4ik>.(. M.XMicc. H. Rh. yj.). — Rfliiii Asc. 170. '>N.(.— Saiiv M. Vtii. 1272. Syiliiw, M. M:iuli. \!\u i.^7>>, i.|i"<. lyli). — Kinim. I'. Call. .|77S- Slroiiiii siiltoi'lticiiii..'. 1!-.') iiiiii. iU'ii),s<. (|('iir»'ss('i|. sides iilpiiipl |)('ii('ti'!iliiii:' flic Itiiik. !iinl wIhmi tliis liills awny. rciiiiiiiiiiiu' iittiitlii'il i(. till' uniid, ci'owiird alidvr witli llu' \:\v\xv. Iilack, tiilicrciiIiHiriii di-k <'iiiiii|M'iil tliroiiii'li llic aillit'iciit •'|ii(l('niiis, and I'isiiiti' Imt liltlr alxivr it. I't'rilliccia S-l.i in a sti'oiiia, ii'i'"tiiilafly ciowtlcil. }, imii. or iiinic i: diaiiiflfr, liNiltdsc or aniiidar. w itii liiick walls, lu'cks ryliiidiical. coiivcrut'iit with llicir thick. Idack. pciioratcd ustiola luiilcd in the cninipcnt disk, lint nut c.xscrtcd. The stroma is co\crcd with a uraii- niosc-lloccosc. |ialc yellow siilistanee that is very notii-ealde. A.»<'i cyliinlrieal. rjO-l."i(» \ pj-j.") n (p. <|i. s(»-|()(l ,,. loni:), with liliroiin |iara|iliyses. .*«|ioridia nniseriate. elliptieal, olive-hrown. .'l-'i-seiitale a. id iiiniiroi::i. seareely eonslrieted at the septa. TJ-lJO.x 10-12 /< (llt- 2.") \ 10-rj ,,.. Winter, -JO-Jli .\ 1»> 1 I it. Saee.i. < hi dead linilis ii\' Qni-rcns. ( ////(/,\, and Siiiiifniiiis. Canada ( |)ear lU'SS). F. sii|K>i'ti(i:(lis, {l\ «V ('.) Mihii;iii»ima siif',-) tnuilit. I', ."v C. ill .'eiji(i\lli>, Sacc. Syll. .toi.;. Sti'oiiia siiperlieial, depres.' iiniseptale -!')-.'}3 n lonir. On liark of liviiiu' /'//iiik Aiinriiiimi. IJiilValo. N, Y. (Clinton). V. |»llii'6,spoi'a. SiUT. I". \(Mi. Nov. Ser. !\'. p. l;!. V. Ital. lali. MO Aeervnii Vid .-liL;litl_v tlisrolorcM siii'liU'c nl llic inner liiiik iiii. clost'ly |i;irktM| mikI nii'.«ilv siincMinih-il liv a lliin. il:irl\-('<)|(ii-t>(i sti'oniii, nitlit'i' liiiuc nciirlv }, nini. iliiuii.. atleniiMlrd iilinvc into sli(»rl. cylindiii-iil iii-cks witli oslidla ciMivcruciil ami pcr- toratcii. pici'ciiiir tlic ('iiidcnnis, luit nut risinu' alxivc it. Asci cyliii drical, IS(t-J."»(> x lS-li(l // (l^<(>xls n. Sacc). slinrl->tii.itatc, willi lilirui'iM paiapliyscs: ()-J^-s|i(tr(M|. Spdridia nniscriatc. nldonii-clliptical. ."•.'(-l") X 1(1-1 S //, liyalini' at lii>t, licrninini:' upakc and aininst lilack. '.1-1 l-M'ptafc, with a low tA' llic fclls at lirst dividi'd liy lonuitinlinal septa, finally deii.«ely iiiiirifoi'ni. (Ml deeayini!' Inanelic* i>\' (JiicfciiK (lUxi, NewfKdd. N. .1. When the epidermis is peeled olV. the elnstei> of peiithetia remain atlat'lied to the sniTaee of the innei- liark. The spdiidia are scarcely eii/istrieted at the septa. F. Cniiadeiisis, K. iV K. (in llerli.) Stroma corlieal, covered liy the epidermis, orliicular, 1-,'J mm. diaiii.. Slink ill the siiiTaee ol' the inner liark which is only sliiihtly rai-^ed aliove it. I'erithecia iJ-l<> in a stroma, ol' medium si/e. circinate. Iiiiried in the stroma, their lii;lilly raisiiii;' and pierciiit:' the epidermis in a com- pact iascicle. JMit hardly risinu' aliove it. Asci cylindrical, p. sp. l(Mi-| lo X lo /«. iirielly stipitate. -s-spored. I'araphy.-ies liliroiin. siili- udatinoiis. unttiilate, indistinct. Sporidia iiiii-ieriate in M»me asci. i-eriate in others, aciitely-elliptical. .'t-septate, the two inner e< lis iiii>stly divided liy a lonii'itudiiial septum, hyaline at lirst. iiecomiiii! olivaceoiis-lcuwii. except the suliapiciilale end cells which remain hyaline, "J'J-.HO x lO-lii n. (Ml liark ol'dead Curpitiiis, liondon. Canada i Peiuiiess). The conidial sta^c is a (Uni/tiiiiin (^i>-iied in N. A. V. "I'uX as (\ iii.fhofiiifiiiii, Nees.) with siilil'iisoid. (!-!l-septate .(. "'///(i/i A;. mIiw iiir.t I'l icsl Syil N. Am, i.(Hv i ,;/-.; Ai'> ;»!/,>/'.. III. 11. ,S; C. ill lltrh. reiithccia lew, crowded ill irre<^iilar circdes. disk erumpeiil. whitish, piihcriilent. Ostiola short, siiliconiiate. Asci ample. clavate. ."•poridia siilielliptical, not appi-ndiciilate. constricte(| in the n.iddl''. :"i--cptate. at lentilh meiriicliyiuatic. Iirowii. hisk orhiciilar. On liraiiches. nelhlehein. l*a. No mea>iireiiieiit^ uiveii. ()!» .•)4(l h ' 1C ": v. roiitli'iisata, {\i. \ 1 .) / ,(/i,i iiiiiilfiiMilii. II. .S: C. ('■nv. IV. p. in). I fill slillit iiiiiili inillii. Slice. S>II. ioi'7. L'kr. S\ti. Ji.'j. •• I'li'liili'-i ti. Jl.ici ■ l'ii-lii!i's siimll. i'iiIIm'I' Hill. Osliola tint iifoiniiiciit. .\.»ci -liLililh ••liiMilr. S|ii)rii|i!i lii.-fj'iatc, cs iiiltu'runii. |i(iiiilrt|, tii^cpliilc, al li'iiiilli V'Tlirallv i|i\ i<|r.|. lo n Inirj." ih\ -inall Iwi'j- III' ( '//.s/'///r(/, N'ii'jiniaii mniiiilaiii- < llrik. I. i.i. U i{(rrin«i.sni.KuiA, (Vs. iv i».> Not. >i liiTiii Skri:ic p r; SlIKIlia jiuKiliatr 111' i|r|i|''^-i'i|i'ii||iral. cilllUIM'al . lirculniliM iMiil'i nr Ir.'^S ^II|H•| lirial. Mark. (i| | i.~iM|i |i )| la I'l'lirll \ Mia I ic -I lllcllirc. nl'liMl irilliccd Ilia lliiii rru-t. I'nlllirrliliL;' till' lia.«('S III llir |i('lillirfia. ai|i| iiici»ii.-|iit'iinii- III' iirarly uaiiliiiL'. rci'illicfia al lir-t ^iiiik in tin •ilroiiia, iiricii I'l'iiiaiiiiiii;' .-o. Iiiit aUo liiially inurr nv \f<~ |ii'iiiiiiiii'iit. -i, a< In |iii'-iiit a liiiti'\ iii'lal a-|i<'rl. iiin.-lly -mall .'iinl Lilu'in-r. with ai, iiii'iiii-|iiiuiiii-. jia|iillit'iii'iii M-iiiiliiiii. \-i'i ^ -|iiii'ri|. jiara|ili\ ~ati' >|i7.|. p. m Sfi/iiftiii iiiiifli,fi 1,1 I •i!\<,iiillii, Siliw I. I'. ii.;(. S/ilii/i ill h I siiiliiiiiiis. Siliw. 1. c. 11.1.1. Sf>li,riiii lliynitli'ii, C .S: !•.. <'.rcv. VI. p. :|. S/>li,riiii SiiiiiKir. Si'liw. SvH. N. .\in. im;. S/iliiftiii ■.iscosii, C. K; v.. «'.ri-v. V, p. .q. S/i/i.i'ii'ii fiiiiiiy/'iiia, Kit Hull. Tntr. Hut. Club. V. p. |i.. />.i//iiili\i iiinniiilii, C. If>liin ill fiiistiiliilii. Slice, liii Ivll. .N. .\ !•' |->(>). Ihtlliiiliii ( '/>ii>/, C. ft v.. r.rcv. V. p. ;i ihii.iih iiiii f/VvAi/;./-, ki'lim in Tliiiin. M r. 1171. Sl>li,riii\ iiiiililii. \'\. ill Ra\ . Car. III. '..i. M, ii II! Ill III III ii l'iil/ii,iifii/\ Cki'. ill Riiv. I*. .\in, ■;i\-. Ili>(i \ti>liliin III lliii inii-iiiiiiii. Id- N'cil. SliT. lliii. lin. ./i. .S/tlnri ill Jiiliiiiii'^ii, .M. >t N. I\x-icc. i-.i-c. 'I'lil.'; .\/ilin;iiiiiiiii,i .l,i'ii\, C. .S: !•:. C.tiv. VII. p. •v, S/i/i,riiti ,iiii\/icii C >S; I: C.nv \ p. M, nml I'lihii Miiliiil.h, C. N: V,. I'.iiv. \'I, p. 11, aNn appeal In litluii)> here, lull mil ici I-:il \. .\. l" 175-pi.- Hav 1- .\iii, f/>i.. f>, (17S, •Id. 7f.7. 1 »4( ."«liiiiii;i Mii'iiililc. ('riiiii|ii'iii. iilli'ii iiiiliiiiciil!ii_v. (iilii( iihir. iilmiil I iiiiii. (liiiiii.. Ill- \'\ cniilliiciicr liiiiicr .mimI viiriiililc in lillk ill llli- .-llii||i;i, lillllllv r>||ic|''jr||l :il|i| ollrli i|lli|r .- Il| ('ifn'ill I , -Irn- iii;itii"illy ciiiiiiccicil IicImw. Ii(i|i\(iii|iill\ !i'j'L;r<'iiM(ri| nr ^iilii'c-iiilioc. uhilc ih.-iih'. A^ci iiitl;ili'il-cl;iv,'itc. |i;ir;i|iliy>:itr. S->|iuri'il ~ '> Idlt.x \>-'2't II. S|iuiiiii;i iiii|)ci fi'itly lii-ciiiilr. incijiiiliitciMllv '■Ili|ili(;il. li\!iliii('. t'liiiiiiiKiiis. Is '\s s S-].'i I), (di i|i:iil liiiili- III' \!iii(iii- iln idiidti- lire- iiml sliiiili-, tliioiiLilioiil llir r. S. mill ('iiii.'iijii. ( 'iiiiiiiiiiii :iii. Crilfiiifi. SrIiW.. wliirli ill llic |i;i|M r lllpi(\ r rrl'rrK'il |i> \\i'|-i' illln rii'^llli\ i'l\ ilirllhlcil ;i- -\ iiuliVlii,--. |HiiVr oil i'\;illlili;iliiill {<> lir ilillr|c:;|. |''i'j- I ;ilii| "J. |*|. •"■(1 lr|i|i'-rlll llic iuii cxlrciiii' iiinii-. II. iiiiiioi'. K. \ K. . I. llllll. .\|\in!. !\', |p. 77. I'l'iillii'iiii iniiiiili' il.'pit. 17(1 ,1), \\\i'\\i' iii-iijr. iiiii-il\ in ,-iii;iil. I'lllllipi'llt L:riill|i- 'il' - -li jnilli'il ill till illl|ii'l li'rlly i|r\ I'lnpcil -IriillKI. A-ii .) \ jn II. ."^liKl'iili;! r|-i>\M|i'i|lii-i'iiiili'. siilii'llililiriil II llll'inwri 111 llii' i-mUi. ||-I(i\Cp 7 //. yi'lluw isl)-li_\ nliiw. I>i!l'i'r- IVipiii llir l:ii'.i<'i liiiiii- iiii'linli'il iiinli'i /li)fri/<>.'r/n. ( »ii Sishiiiiiit Iiiiiii-iiiii;i ( liMii'j'Idisj li. ;iliiri|»l;i. |{. \ ('. Civv. Nil I. |.. I Hi .''IliUllillll rilllli|iriil. rjii-i'ly -liniplllnli'il li\ till- li--iil'ci| i'|ii(|rl|iiis -llliiji-i'ipiij. I'rl il lli'ii.'l 'jIipI'I'"!'. M'llliillillirlM'il. Iiliirk. Ill Irll'jtil rnll- tilH'lll. Ill|||r;ili' iplilUM', ;iliMI)p|. ullitr willlih. .\'V\ chlV.'lti'. S-^|iiP|l'l|. S|piirii|i;i i'lli|plii' rii-uii|. :-iilp:illi'iiu;ilril ;it i'mcIi i'IkI. (ililii-i'. riiiiliiiiiniis. Il\;ililir, liri iiiiiili'j' \('l|ii\\. '.;|,'llllll;il' witliiii, li'J-'J 1 \ in^//. ( til ( ' ifiillii. ( ';iiipliii;i. I!. Ill liilliioa. |{. \ r. CiiN. 1. <•■ ."^Irniiiii l'iirjiliiiliii;illy rll'ii-i'il. iiiiiiii". ■'iii:ii|iiMil. I'l'iitliccin '|\ ;ilr. now ilri' ~l|liili,-lilirt, Ipjllrk. riiumlril ill till' Jijicx, -liiiill. .\Mi I l;i\iilr-r_\ liinlriciil. .■^|pipiiili:i illi|itii :il. rmil iiiiiipii-. lIC \ s ^m. Iiyiiliiic. (Ill (' iiihi i/iis I niildtK . I'mii-v l\ ;iiiiii. |{. Aiiili.T. Ciiilis. Ci.v. XIII. |p. lo|. Mill) illllii ilili;ilr-i'rillll|ii'lll riPllirip|iil|-. -nliltllKillllti' IpJMcK', Ll'i'll :)4s 1 1 ;lli !,:.. :;, i'I'mIIv ^iilis)>ri;iti'. I I iiiiii. , siirioiiinlctl liv tlii' f|ii. ilrriiiis. I'l'iillit'ciii scjirt'cly disliiict (, vny «iiiiill (/.-'J iiiiii.), rurtirnluii^ i|c|p|t'.--i'i|-|piil\ iiiiitr. iliirk lii'ipwii, siirliiri' liilici'fiilitsc, wliilf iii-iilc I'fiillicriii tl 10. -iiliiiiiiiH'i'si'il. cDiivcx !iliii\(', |i('ifnr!tti'i|. Asfi chi viitc. S|pni iiliit iiiino\v-c|li|»lifiil, rniitiniiuiis, liiriiiiiir yt'llow, jrriiiiiiliir lS-21 .\ N n.. ()|| Itl'llllt'lics of Viluirini III iipii/iis. I iiiti'il Sliilrs. (Mn»clv illliril In />. Anilin . <. B. sfomatira, Scliw. (!i<\. I. c. WidcK I'll'll-fd. flMi'l'/cliI, ,-llMllillL'' IIm' Wnud iihick. I*i'rilhi'ri;l oi'iiiiiiiiiiK'rsi'd. i'mIIm'I' I:ii''/i'. Oslidjii hifjc niid |ii'niiiiiii'iil. i'\ liiidiir.'d. itlillisc. Asci rJMVIlIc, S-^|iu|cd. S)in|idi!i ••||i|ilic;d. i-n|ililillull.<. liloWII. { )n I'lttlcii wnnd. Ilidiilliil. hilVcis I'lciiii tin- ullins ill ils lirowii ^|M)ridi;i. \Vi' liiiM' s<'<'ii no s|H'cc. of llic lii-l ■'iv -|i('ric», :iiid hikr llir dt'st'ri[ilinn> rioni (Ircx ilji'ji. B. Airlosfiipliyli, (IMowi.) .s/,/i,/i III .liilin/,i/'/i\li, riour <,n V \ II. p. ;.i. Hull unfih.n ui An li'^liiflnli Siu'i'. SyH. I7'.|.vkiv Svtl I if,. I'ci'illH'ciii sii|ii'i licinl, d<'|ii'('>.-<'d-iiluliiisi', lilin-k. i'(niL'"liisli. '^i'"- uni'inns. .', i nun. n-iiulii oli>ciiifl\ |i;i|iillirni'in. .\sci cIumiIi' pyri liniu. T'l.N I .') "JO II.. S|ii(ri(liii runliniKiii-. ovnid, -oiiH'liiin's ii lilllr ciiivcd. I')- ' \ I -') ,". Iiyidini'. ."^|»i'i'iiiu'.ii»niid |H'iidii'ci;i nliuiil llir .iiiiir :h til i'jcionH iiiii'«. ,"^|icMiiiiti;i uMoiil!'. liyidiiH'. ."> 7 \ - n. (hi lili'iiiiii'd wiind ul' ,|/T/((.s/(/y;/////;/,s', ( 'iiiilonii.'i ( ll,'irk(i('.-/i,riiii I'aii /■/*•.//;, Silnv. Syii, N. Am i U7. /,'../> !<'|Mllvriill<'nl sti'niiiii. li>iinr ri'iiiii llic iiiiM'i' liiii'k. nr ri'iiiii the uoikI ilsrir. ii-ir;.>'iilin' ill sluiiii', iiinl i;i-il\ ili'ciiliKMis, ill liisl riiMMrd liv tlic I'liiilrriiiis. :i( l('liii(licnilii|i('iit. riiiisiii'j till- li'iiiik to :i|i|it';ii' :is il'iiilti'il with -hkiII |hi\. mihI tlii-nwiiiLr nil' llir li:iik. I'ciillMciii (•\ liiKliiciil-i'iMlinsi', lihnk (wliil*' williiii). ril'ju-c, S('!llrcl\ (•niilliinil. ( t-liulii Iul|ij, luslclliilr. inixcd willi slldlit'l' Mile-, ilivf'iui'iil. ;iiiil liiiiillv ilcciiliiuii^, S|Miiiili;i iimi row lii.-niil. Ii\ii- liiM'. I •"» II Ifijiti'. On /l/i/tiiiiu'it. Ciiiuliiiii (Schw.i, I'mii^vhiiiiia (.Mirliciicr). H. ^ra|iliitl<'a, (H. iV Kav.) .MfliifiiiimiiHi t:i(ii\\ J''iiii.^ iiiiiiii. .■^niilli (';ii'. .\iii. isv tliilt \ii^/'/iirnii III I, III, mill. Sa.U'. Syll. \~'i^. Cki\ Syii. \\\». 'I'lii' -|p('cr. ill l';i\. I'. .\iii. -;|inw only .-l\ Im-|miic-, i(!i|»iim'-lli.«ui(>\") ^'. mill iii'f I'liiiirK uilliuiil ;i'fi. |{. <>iioiii|)liala. (It. \ < .) Sf-lhrtia IN, ,i/'h,il,i. II .S: 0. C.nv IV. p 1 |i Hull ii'\/iliiri III iiiiiiiifliiilii, Siiiv. Syll i^sj. /lvtM>\/>liiri ill i'ii,iiii/>hiil,i, Ckiv Syll lUt.s. I'.'litl t'llji rll|i -Iiii|iim|. ril'JKX'. ( InWili'd. .\-.ri I'lllMlt t'. ,>|MI- •iMi;i lilsiTliitc. Ii\illlli(', -illi('lll| llihii t':ii (hi liilli'ii iiniiiiltc- ill ll|-.-lili'i- llir liiiik lliili-\rl -fl_\ . I'd illicci;! liiililllr|\ |inl\(||i li'lll. A-i'i lillLlf. r|ll\;iti'. Spofiili:! ll_\;ililU', rn:-it'ni'iii."' On ( II ( inssiiiiniiii. >iil|Ili \ iirnllllil ( li;i\ rlii'l |. It. iliixi'i;;«>ii;i. (Kcik.) .Sf-liiDut i/ii 'lyiHii. Ilirk. Iliiiik. I.tiiid. Jiiiini. Hot. Vol. I\". \i. i.u /■'■/; i..i/./(„>/i/ >// ;:.v "■', >>;n.f svH. ir^'' cki. Svii Ml "I'litclii'- iic;iil\ iiiliiriilar. I inin. 'T iimn' liiiiml, -iiiliiip i;il!ii i iiiT'jiihir. Iii'ii' :iiiil llirn- i|»'|ti<'.>'>"''l. Sti'iniii |i;i|i' ydldw i-h liiowii. ri'i'illii'i'i:i iiiiiiiili'. (lull, nut -liiniii'j. pfiiliiili y iiiiiui'ix'il. |i;ili' liinun W lirh >lilliiri| I'lnlii IJic liijlil, lirilfly li|;ir|< ;|liuM', ;|| lir-t |iniinii-c. ijld liiiM', willi !i iiiiniili' iiml - tir;il. K\;iclly llic IkiIiJi w^Ciiiiirhiliniii l.iihiniil. luit iliil'i-r- in ,-ti iicniir." ( >ll liMil- ii\' (i/ii///si/i ill h-iiliil iilJiila. ()|liii I I, ('ill. li. .siilMiiiiiial:i. (Sriiw.) .S///;r» /I/ >((/■. i'i/ r' ^. Kihm in TliKiii. .M. r. .; !(.'■•. (ice Cki . C.riv. .Mil, (i I'l > •' ('c-liilo-c. (•(illlllicllt. cllilitii-ill. I'lllllllKlit lIlKill'jii tlic tllill clii i|('niii<. .i il CllVltlC (111 (iiis.silniinil. ( ';||(i|i||;| (Sch\i.l. ( i ('( lILiin ( li 11 S ( 'IK.'! Th ic ,-|pcf. Ill (iiir nipy oi .M\i'. I iii\. i.< iiniii.itiiic I he |pi'ii(Im'ci;i iii'c sU-l |(l n (liiini.. ;iii(| riithci niiincidii.-. iii.^lt'inl ol' ■ ( iihi|iiiiiiliv<'l\ l!i|-'..!(' iiikI W\\." The -ilpcf. Itl.". ill llci lp. Sdiw . i^ (iiil\ ;i I 'Ihiuki \\\\\ >|i(iinlc-. .">-" \~l /'. hyaline. ii. ( astaiH'.i'. (Scliw.) .S//i,ri III ('ii\/,iiii,r, Scliw. Syii. C;ii So. (.'.(. Il.ili y,'^/>li,n III i'lt'/iiiiiir. haic Syll. 17,7. Cki SHI, l|tr Siidiiin (iviite. Iiilierciil(i»('. iilidiit fi iniii. hniL;. (link iirow ii. -iil' elevated. I'elitlie|tii Mails (Srliw). Sf'liirihi f-nfiiliiii^. Srliw. Syii \. Am 11(7. Itiili\'i\t'li.riiii pt''f. H'iilfii. nil :i ti'iiiii;i. I'i'ritli<'i-iii nilliri' liii'tiv. |ir<>iiiiiii'iil. siili(|i'|H'fssc(|, crdwiiiMl with ii |i;i|iillirnnii. cfiiti'iil nsiidliini. Tnll- I'l' jH'llllin i;| IlllllirliUI-. Ill i| iriiri 11'^ | illljcl ;i li'lll'/n-c .■ilinvc. ( »ll liillrli (|i'r;i\c(| -l< ■m-. ( if ('r/./.s//».x. I »<'tll|('||('|ll. I *;l. I ScllW. ). lir i|i;i::iii)»l- I tiiki'ii lii'iii Scliu. S_\ii,) is iiloriirc. iiimI \\\r -|M'i'i( |ii'c. ill Ili-rli.Srln MMiM K(|| II. Satr S\ll 1, ]>. Nl'i. I'lrillii'i-ia lMitrv(i.-.('-ai:L:Ti'uiiti'i|, ('riiiii|ii'iil -ii|iriTicial. ■^laliiiiii*. u lull' iii-K II'. .-i';ilcliluiiM'. iiiii-('|ilat(', li_\ aline. .>!. t'lKldltMiniiii. Sacc. Midi. II p. i;>s, .\>i'i\nli i:rc'.jaiiiiii-. .-iil>-ii|H'rli'ial, ilr|irc>-i't|-|nilviiial('. ',-.', iiini. 'liaiii., \('r_\ lilar|< inil-iilr, lail llir niicjci t\\' llic |pi'i-itlirria ami ilir iii-idc III' ilic -liujiia wliilr. l'"'rillifiMa >linlilly -iiiik in llir iialc. I'Miiiidfil al llir api'S. '.HI \ .")--('i n.. |iaia|iliy-i'- •j-niiiin-ciji'liiiiic-ciail. S|i(niilia iiiii-riiati'. |iili|(iiic/. |(l - 1 .'» .\ ."i-(i /(, "J niirlcalc. iiiii-i'|ilalr, nnl cMii-liirti'd. iMiH liNaiijii- Mil liaik 'A' I i lull-, ('iii|iii- ("liri-li, 'I'l'va- i l>a\riir|) M. iliilKnioiilt's, (It. iV r.) S/i/iiriiii i/i,/i(iiiniili's, n. it C. Circv. IV, p. >)^, .l/ii »;,,■, //i«i ,//, /;,/"H'.'i/<>, Sai'O Syii. .'.i''7, Ckc Syii. i |^5 (suli;;cim»i '•S|ii»ls liiir.-linu' Mill liiiiisvcix'iy. Iiiit vt'iicrallN orliiiailai', vciv r|Miridia liyaliiic in nnc nr -iiini'liiiics two idw.-.. ulilnii'.^'. -(iiiirliinc-: narrower licinw, >ili|ii-i' /< JuU'. Look- al lii-l -i'.^lii lik ffn/, II im. ( III oak. .Mali.aiiia i DimhiiioiiI ). r»r.2 M. siiltm|iiiliiiii. (R. Hi <'.) ,1/. /.•!,■ I nww/ii \ II h,!,/ II 1 1 II Ml. H. Vl C. (Irrv, IV. Ji. .. J,^S- Stmiiiil ill lil'sl nivcicil, IIm'Ii t'i'iilii|i<'llt. lllliriTiihf. liliLHit-coldli'il iiisiile mill onl, ^ulicniiiicruiis. i'ciitlirriii liiii'iol ill iIm- .^tininii. niu.ih ill 11 siiiylr liiycr, with V^wyc iii'tks. Asri nliloiiLr-l'iisfiiil or cliiv.iir X-?^|iorfM|, williuiit |i!ii:i|ili\>rs. S|iiiriili!i liruiiil liixiiil ui i'lli|ili(:il 2-<'<-lli'i|. liNiiliiif ( Wiiilrr ill hie ril/ti K. ^vnwa, (Sriiw.) (IMiile :{(•) s/i//, /■;(,/ . Siliw. Svii. S Am [i(~,. I'r i:iciuli. II |> ;., Sf>li,n iii i;miimi. Siliw. S\ii. I'm. Nn, i\. I iI/mI IiIi/iiiIIiS, I'ls JV III Nlll St'llCtllil. |l. .1,V .\/i/iii!iiiHiuiii vyii'^iini. Till Sri. Ciiip. II. \). S-, /■iiil:'t/iiii VMiiMi. Iikl, S>iiili. |i .'.•'•. I iiJfilliiii iih/iiii/i\, I'l Sililiniii. p i^s Iahut Kiili. Iliil. Mvcc'l. .'M 'riiiMli. M, I'. V'-i - I'lll \ llwlil N. A. Iv il Si i i.r~.i Strtiiiinl!! iiri'L>;iiiiiii< or siiliroiiliiH'iit. Iiiln'ii'iil!ii-|iiil\ iiiiilf. iniiinl i*lli|>ti*'iil III' ^iilirlDiiLMti'ii. liiiiillv liiilli-iM'il :iliuM'. i'i'iiiii|ii'iil. liii'i' oniiint'-ycliiiw oiitsiili', piilfi- yi'liow in.-jiili'. .'(icliiiiis, \ nun. m li'.-.- in iliniii.. ciinfi'iirtril inin sli'iidi-r iirrks li-iiii;' lliruiM.'-li tlir -iili stilliri' i>r till' ;^tl'iiniii. uilli tlii'ir nlilli-r, liliirk. lu'l'liii'Mfi'il ii'tinlii ."^lijj'lilly i'i'iini|»i'nl. .\-ri jitli'iiimli'il-iilt-iipiliilc, S->|iuir(|. i! ."»-'_' s \ )S-U //. siilirjavjili', ii|»iii';i|iliv.«iilf. S(t()iiiliii liisniiitf. uli|itnul'ii>i>iil. m ti!ii'i°o\v-rHi|ili<'!il. ~i'|>tMlr ill till' iiiiilillr. Iiiil iiul cun.^lrii'li'il. ii\ iiliiir Ml \'2\ ;; > tt. On Iciik 111' ilrciiN iiijLT ••;ik, ('"ini'iil;i (<'iiikiii>), mi fJi/iiiilnnilHir Nculi.-I.l, .\. .1. i'lTidii'riii |(l-;;(» in II sir ;i. Ilrrl'. Sriiu. rjlill i- tjir .|iri'iiin u'liiiiiil shiu'i', s|it'iiii;iliii '1 \ h /'. Ii\.ilini'. K. IVinyi. (Fallow). I>~'lliul,,i IMiiM. Hirlow MSS l'iiitiillii,i l\iii\i, (.'kc- Ciiv. .Mil. (I. \<\t. >lri>in:il;i |)iil\ ill ili'-t'i'iiiii|ii'iit l'< i illiniii iiiiinniMi-j ciiiiri'iili h' ;i>ii- ;ill\ iii;irit'iiiili'"l. I'li'Wii, •iii'iuiihili'il li\ ihc Miiiirjc inl i'|(i<|('i mi- A»<'i lilH-nr-flilviitr, 7<»-l |0 \ iTi-'JIt //. !i|.iiiii|i|i\>iilr. .^yiHtn'il. S|mi liiliii ii i("jiiliiil\ lii«i'iiiil<', liMiliiif. •J(i-'_*ti \ .'i 7 /'. iiiiiM'|i|)il . i'lli|i lirill. ^Illmfllti', 'li'jllllv rn||«||ir|f(|. • hi Aoiii't S/iiiinil, S, W. I iiiii'il Sliilc- )IKI, ;Vi Sli'niii:i -nlioi'l)i<'iil:ir. il<-|ii'i>-i'i|-|i<'iiii>|ilH'i ir;il. |iiil\iM:itr oi rmi- ii'iil. i'i'iiiii|iriil iiihI -ii|m'i lii-JMl. iiiii«ll\ niiiliiiiiiiiL! iiiiiiM'niii- |it'i itlii'(-i;i. \-ri >l|lir\ limlriciil. >>|ii)|i'i|. |i!ii;i|i||\ site, S|Miii(|i;i Ill-dill HI r\|ill- ilriiiil. with :^r\riiil sc|(lii, liy:iliiM' up (•iijnii'd M. Itnllianli. Till. >••!. (\ii'|.. II. |.. M. (I'latt* iWi. M. \a;;aiiN.) I'linnliimi 1/r7i'v'ii>«"/<'. Hull (. Ii.iiiip linii I p l'^.^ liiti \ui.lm i S/>>i,niit iHilliilii IVr-", Ki-.)! |i /. .\/>/i,rii:i A/i/-'i;iii)iiiiiii. I'ris. Syii. |> l.i. Mitii\:iitmiii,i /iiM\/iiii iii'i, ami M/^rA>>/v, liihiiihi. v.w. Hull. ruii. iimi cinii. i.\, p. ^ ll\fi'\ \l>'ii »n>iiiHi;i:iiit<^. n S. C ill Isll. N, A I'. 171. I'.xsiii I'ckl. I''. Kli ii'H. - kiili. !•'. !•; '1(7. I'lH. ■rhiiiii. M I' ;'•'' Kimiii !• d, 17.^, 117.I. I',ll. N. A. r. 171 -Riiv I'liiiKiCiir V. No si Strniiijifji irn'ij-iiriniis, scnttci'cil or siilill|i)'l'H*'i:il. ilr|il'('.-^Si'l|-|il||\ iiiiilr. ~l|li||t'llii.-|)lii') irill III ii< mill, ilium . ilnll lirirk-ri'il ;il Di-I. :il li'iititli rl;i\ inliir Ml- iH'iii Iv lihii'k iiiil-iijr. liiiiK irij iiT iii'iiilv 1 i|i 11 11 lifi I iiisidc. Ill -iiiiriiiiHiH' IcMiirr, iiiuiT i)v lr>- hiiim||i'||(m| ;iiiiI |iillt'i| liuin llic rn|lil|i>illiii'jlr |iiTi|ilii I ic lii\tr, |n |(t in ;i ■.irnm;!, umiIi'. ~m;ill i ii>.» ilmii ', mill, iliiilii.i. :il li'liiilli mmi' m Ir-- rmiTlii'liI Mini rii||;i|i>ili'j iiImM'. A-ii tl;i\ illr, -i'.-.-lli'. |iillil|ill\ -illi'. >-.-|iniri|. ."^j liiliii ( TiiW ilril lii~iri- ;ili'. Iiii-niil. .'i-.-i'liliilr. >liiii\\ii. rml rrll- |i:ili'|-. ;»N-.'.(» \ ;;.\ .'• y. (Ill ili'iiil liliili- III ( 'iir/iniiis Anil r/i 1(1,11. ( ';iii(liii;i. rrliii.-\ I \ ;iiii;i. .\i u N'liik ( lliiiwiii. inij I 'iiiiiiil;i i l'<';niii's.<). Ill SMilll' III (III' l':ilriii:i -jn'ri'. llii' ^ll'iiimi i- li'iillri'ij In ;i mrlc riii>l III! wliiili sliiml llir ril|i .-liil|ii'i| |n'i illnriii. cSiirl I \ ,1- in I'' iiinli i nil iiillistil. Till' It'll riilnl nl llic -Hiilliil Imlll ill>ii|i- ami nill lili:ill^\ iii. iii. Iliitti>lii>i| :iliii\i>, Am-J r|ii\iiti' IlirL't', >'->|Mi|ri|. >|MPlii|iil ■"lllillllni-uhllc, .'i-«t'|iliili', nut r(i||«if|icti'i| riin-ly iV-ii'iitsitf, ;i^ I'J \ !<• /«. Iiinwn. Mil Milin. Lnui'i- iiimI Miililli- ( 'iiiiiliiiii (('iiiti»(. M. IlilMHii, (Slim.) Sfitiiriiii llihisii, rtiliw. syii N Am. im //■■/iy">/>/iirnii, Hihuri. t'kr Hyii \\it. SllMiiiiilil -I'ilMi'l'i'il. -I.'lllll I I -l! Illlll.). sniiiil'liii'llliii' III' liv nilillliriin r|n|lti!|lci| illlll -lllilli'Mlnllv -II I'I'i illlM li'i I !i\ lln' -III P-ll'llilll'-ch'rt l'|iii|rr mis. I'l'iitlH'riii ,'!-(> in ii -lininii. with ihr ii|tf\ |ii'iiiiiiiii'nt. wliitf in -iili' :lt lirsl. \-r\ rvliliiliicjil. T'l -S(( X S 1» y, |i!li;i|i|i\>iii|i', S -|(iilri| .*>|Miiii|iii iiiiisfi'iiili'. i'lli|)lir,'il. Ml' n\:ili' i>||i|ilii':il. \ )>l|ii\visli-li v:il iiii> .'{•si'|ttiit)' iiiMJ sliL'lillv riin-li ii'li'il III till' iniilijli- -f|ilniii. I'^-'JOxt t >ll Iflhlsins Si/rimim (riill.i, Nrwlii'lil. .N . .1. I t " Till' -|icrc. in lli'ilt. .•>fli\v. «liiiu iiiilv till- i -it;i'ji' ( />/y) linliii [ lh)lhl'ni /til iivinfii. I'r Siiiiiiii:i Vi-jj. Sf. p. .(^s. .\ft/iii;iiliii)iiil fill Ht.'iiii'iiiil. fi-. >V l>f Not. Si'lU'lllii Siriliic, |i )r). Siiiii /i iiii^iiifii. Kiirst. Myi'iil. l''t'Mii. II, j>. ivi. IvNsii'C. HrUI. V Kh |..\'<. Svd'iw. M Miin li i-**-! Kiltiii A w. ■,:•*. >li'iiiii;it;i inii<[ llii-. iiml hikr llir i|i;iijiiiM-i- fiMin Willi. 'i'"-^ I'il/c. >l. |il:ityi'oiiiii. It. «V r. Ciw. .Xlil. |i. id; l'i'l'illlrri;i liM||'yMic|.;|M'jl'r:j;ili'i| i'l'nill{ irlil . -l|l ii'll'li-ci | , |';|l'cl\ I li'i' I '•IlKIII.. •ii-*tiii-(iM| AAA •|iiiiikl<'tl Im'Imw witli ji iiiii\i-li |.<'VmI<'|. .\»ii ilmnl)', "^-jmirtl, S|mi- liiliii riisniil, lri.«r|iliili-. Iiviiliin'. 'JO '.''J \\ ft. i hi lijiii' wuimI. |*i'iiii-\ Uiiiiiii. .)l. S|(ia;jliei. |{. \ i . i>ir\. \\ |,. '.t'.i. tm.l \||| |,. |(i;;, //n> n/niiii .S/imvH'i *»%i< Syll Vi"/!. " riiiliiliil)', |iiil\t'l illciit. Iniikiliii like tlir work dt' hiIid' lilll'lnwili^ liiiMi. I'd illifiiii riiiiii'|\ iiinri'iilt'il. .\»fi liiii'iir. S|inii(li!i «ln>i( il.'IMlli'. with tllD'i' llnl'i/iilil.'ll iitnl ii lew MTlirill r^l'lihl." Si'f. Cki'. (( !it'\. I. iM lliiri liii- iiu iil1iiiil\ w'ltU Tlniriiliim,. Il IK rill- nil -iniill li|iilifln'- (III /'/nils st minis), .Mil.»Mirlil|sctt.*. V\I,S\|{|.\, res. \ IM' Not. SclR'iiia Slfrlai:. p. .u SlioMiii Miriiililf. viil-iliiriii m' I'lVii-rd, ii>iiiill\ i'mvcii'iI liy llic I'pi- ilriiiiis. A.-fi iii• (MiiiH'liiiii's I) .-)iiiii'i|, |i:ii!i|ili\s!ilt'. >| iiiiiliii iililiill'J' III' <'lli|iti<-!ll, lllli^••|lt!lt)'. lu'U'.VII. V. iiisitiva, (Vs. \ \W Not. I lull I \fi I nil In (fun I II X Ilr. ill i;ll N A 1- 1711 I'lil.ui iltllii.rinlii. C. «[ Iv «".rrv. V. p. '12. lUiilisff .lUhhifo, C (» 1;. r.riv. VI, jj. 1.1 KXHici'. I'l'kl. I'. Rll. |iJI. isji. -K:il). !■. I-:. 1IJ>>, Jill, Jli.' -kilitll A-i 1711 (■;il N A !•• i;.i -Sa.r M Vk-sliii|H'i|. Ii||'iiict'nii.». nil liH'luii,-. niiilinclcil intii iJitlirr Inliu', >|cni|r| ln'rk.-. wliirli rise (liiniiiili till' >liiiiiiii. illlll liiii'civ iiii'iTi' i(.< siiiiiirc ill siilicirciiiiiti' Lri-uii|is. Imt iirr iiiil i'.\tii';il. iiiiis('|il;iic .'iml niiistriclcil ;ii the -rjiliiiii. ihiik luiiun. iniinilcil ;it ihr nnl-. I_- •Jn s 7-1(1 „. (•11 i|r:ii| liiiiM-ul Miiriis.l'li ill I II . (^inrrii.s. Ciin/n. J'l/riis. Mrlln. Ill ilii r/'s. iiihI |ii(iliiilil\ (itlirr i|f(ii|iiMii» tici's. rioin ( ";iii;iil;i to l,iiiii^i;iii;i. WlirllliT tlli- i- llir Sjiliii rill ilislllril. 'rmlc. lines ll'a/.ini, on a woodv spoi'ies of Solanum, have the sporidia mostly less than 15 /i \ouiX, while most of the U. S. spece, have sporidia 15-18, and occasionally owu 80 fjt lonsi". Sydow, M. Marr/i/'ra, 2145. is Atifhostoma; sporidia contiiiii- ous, hi'own. Roam. F. (Jail. 5230, is oidy the spermogonial stauc ol' some Valsff. and Tlnim. .M. IJ. 4(5fi, is w FenenteUa: sporidia 3-4-s('p- tate an'i'e,i>'arions, 1-1. \ niii). diam., black, at first snltcntaneous, hut when the hark falls away. denuded and s(>at(Ml on the l)lackened wood. IVi'ithecia nnmi.'rons. Li'lohulo.-ie. O.stiola erumjuMit in a circidar. umhilicate disk. Asci i-ylindrical, (!vanescent. S-spored. Sporidia ohlicpiely uniseriate. ol)- lonti-ellipsoid, i'ounde(l at the ends, sliirhtly consti-icted, uin'sei)tat('. dark hrown, 15-18x7-8 ii. On hranehes of Be.rheris viih/aris, Camhridae, (Farlow). This does not seem to us specilically distinct from V. /'tisf'tmt, hut is separated from that species hy Saccardo, on account of the car- honai'eous stroma and umhilicate disk. ."^pecc. from Farlow do not agree with the description juiltlished. liaviug the stroma much larger (3 mm.-l J, cm. diam.), and where the hark has fallen away, with the margin altrupt. The outer layer in these denude(| stromata is suh- carhonaceous. which results apparently from exposure, the inside i)eiuti' of the usual coloi' and consistence. The same sultcarhouized sinface has heeu noted in specc. found at Xewlield, X. J., on decorticated limits of apph^ trees. V. exaspeiaii.s. ((ierard). l)iiitiYt. 40, (S<;pt. 1S74). /h'ii/i i'/>,-()f),'sii, H. M: C. in Ikrb. Piati yltf i/utiiliaiii, Scliw. (fido llctk. ill fVrcv. IV. ]), y,|. SftluTi ia iis/ii'id, Kr. in Herb. Schw. 1440. Kxsicc. Thiini. M. V. ,|fi7, 2261.— Rehin Asc. 325.— Knv. 1". .Vni. i/is.— Riiv. Car. IV, No. 17 I-;!I. X. A. V. H):?. Strou^ata scattereil or serialely conlliient, orhiciilar, ohlong or variously shaped, llatteue(l ixdow and ("uclosed in a distinct coii- cepLach', open aliove, sides risinu' abruptly l.\-2 mm. high, sulicarnuse and dirty l)lackish- or yi.'llowish-lu'own inside, the tawny-yellow apex ernmpent and closely emlu'aced l»y the epidermis, seated on the sur- lln.'e of the inner Itark. Feritliecia polysticlions, sid»gloi>o,se, alxjiit mm. liiaiii. or a li ttle over, c(»i'iaci'oiis, hluck, necks cvlindrical, risini 667 tiirouu'li the sulistanec of the stroma, witli tlieii- coarso, Mack, rough. Iici'lbratod, conic-hciiiisphorical ostiola (finally subc()lla]»8iii,a-) tai'dily criini])Oiit, but not exported. Asci cylindrical, short-.stipitate, pai-aphy- sute, p. sj). 80-lOOx 10 //. Sporidia uuiscriate, olilong--olliptical, uni- >;('ptnte and constricted, olitusoly rounded at the ends, deep roddish- browii, 14-1()X !)-!() /i. On iiark oi' deance])tacles adliorf! to the epidermis and come otV with it. This does Hot auree with the descri]»tion of Sphmrid (/utidt'cita, Schw. or with the spccc. ol' that sjiecies in Hci-l). Schw. The ISphairia qnadrata in llerl). Sc:hw. is a Ilypoxylon, as indicated in tiie diaunosis in Schw. Syn. N. Am. I223. This sjjecies may be recou'nized by tlie tawny- yellow color of the erumpent apex of the stroma. V. Ak«'aia'. E. & E. (in ITerl).) Perithecia ulobose, small, al)out 20() n diam., 3-G together, sub- circinate in the scarcely altered substance of the inner l)ark, contracted iib(fve into very short necks, which raise the bark into little exci'cs- cence-like pustules through the i»ulvei'ulent surface of which the miiiute. lilack ostiola arc baixdy visiltle. Asci cylindrical, sui)sessile, paraph- ysate, 8-spored, 100-110x8-10 //.. Sporidia uniseriate, ol»Iong-ellip- tical, straight or slightly curved, brown, uniseptate, obtuse, scaicdy constricted, 12-18 x o-d ii. On dead vines o[ Akehia (/iiinnta (cult.), Xewfiehl. X. .1. V. iHistiilaiis, (E. & E.) /Mail ypi' piiiluliuis, K. & E. Jouni. Mycol. IV, p. So. i'ahariii fiKsliilans, Sacc. Syll. Add. II, p. 7,s.S. Stroma llatt(Mie(l. lormed of the scarcely .ilterod sni)stance ol' the matrix, covereii liy the cuticle which is lilackened and raised in a |iiistiiliibrm manner, and finally pierc(^d by the slightly projecting, papillilbrm ostiola. The separate stromata are \-\ cm. across, but are more or less coullueut with each other for 2-4 cm. or more in extent: llie surface of th<' culm being continuously blackened, anil the entire area l)ounded l»y a Idack circumscrilting line. Perithecia memlirana- n'o-coriaceous. subgloliose. or a little flattened, of medium size. 8-12 ill n stroma. Asci slender. 7")-8.') x (>-" //, sulisessile, with distinct, fililurm paraphy.-;es. .'^poi'idia uniseriate. oldong, unis(>ptate and con- stricted, slightly nai'rowed at the ends, straight, brown, 10-12 x 3 />«. This is preceded oi' accompanied liy a Coniothyriitm with mimerou* 558 small, iuiiuorfii'd pL'ritlicc'iii, and i^uiall (.2 //), hrowii sponilcr;. wliicli oozo out and i^tain tlie suifaco of the matrix witii an olivaceous, jiul- vei'uleiit coat. On dead stems ol' A)-inidlii(iri(i, St. Martinsville, La. (Lautiluis). V. a|iat6sa, (C. & E.) I'alMi ii/iti/osa, C. & K. (Ircv. VI, p. 12, PI. 95, Iih:. i. ra/saiia apa/usa, Sacc. Syll. 2S22. Stroma valsoid, sliuhtly pustidiform. 1-2 mm. diam., eovered liv the epidermis. I'ei'ithecia 4-0 in a stroma, eireinate. small, mostly less than f, mm. diam. Ostiola eonflnent, oUtuse. pei'I'orated, ]»iorriiii;' the cpidei'mis in the I'orm of a .small, lilaek disk, hut scairely risina above it. Asei ol>lonf>-eylindi'ieal, lOO-llo x 20-25 /«, i)araphy,«ate. subscssile. Sporidia ol)li((uely uniseriate or hiseriate, ohlong-elliptical. uniseptate, scarcely constricted, 22-35 x 10-12 /t (35 x 5 //. Cke.). On dead limits of Nytisu, Newlield, N. J. V. annularis, (Pk.) Diatt yf>c angularis, I'k, Hot. (laz. V, p. 36. WiJsiiiia aiixiiltii li, Sacc. Sj'U. 2S20. .^^tromata scattered, ovate-_u'lolM)s(\ 1-2 mm. diam., the I)ase sunk in the Itark, hut not |ieneti'atinLi' to the wood, the upper |)ai't eruiupent and closely emltraced ity the I'Uptured epidermis, hlack outside, cine- reous with a reddish tint within. Perithecia 1-7 in a sti'oma, ovate, aliout J una. lii,in(s on a cross section), terminating' in stout, angular, black, sulipyramidal ostiola mostly (!onvei',i>in,<>' so that the erumpent part of the sti'oma a])pears de(!ply snlcate. Asci cylindrical short-stipitate, 200-230x18-20 //, with stout (3-4 // thick), Jointed parapliyses. Sporidia 4-8 in an ascus, elli])tical or oldong-elliptical. brown, uniseptate, scarc(dy constricted, 30-52 x 12-15 //. ( )n l»ai'k of dead basswood (Tilia Aniericdnd). A'ermont ( I'riuale)- A verv distinct and curious species. Hescrilted li'om sjiecc. sent by Mr. Peck. V. iiKHoides, (r. & P.) Diatiype iikdoiiIcs, C. it 1'. 2yth Rep. N. V. StaU- Mils. p. 63. ra/stniii mil) aides, Sacc.'SyU. 2^.19. , Kxsicc. KU. N. A. V. 90. Stroma pulviuate, buried in the scarcely altered substaiu'c of the bark, with the subtuberculai- apex erumpent and clo.nt lesss pi'ominent. and conceptacle entirely cortical. Perithecia about 7. suheicct. crowded, deej)ly immersed, veitically colla])sing. Disk eiumpt'ut through the angularly cleft ejtidermis, ibiined from Ihe inner bark. Iiut the suifaco smooth, oi»ake. blackened. The ostiola niei'ce the disk but ■liw. ^poi'idia (sec. Cke.) ellip- are not exserted. On bark of UfmiiK. (.'arolina I tical, i)rown, unisejttate, 22 x 14 //. V. salicilia, E. cV E. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil. Pa. .July, 18!»0. p. 23(). Stroma subovate, 2-2| nnn. diam.. buried in the bark, the upjier part light-colored within, and piojecting so as to Ibrni a brownish-black. w i(» It 501 .-iililu'iiiisplitM'ic'iil tiilicirlc. 1-2 iiiiii. aci'dss. ami less tlinii 1 nun. Iiiiili. MiiMiitciy ])ii])iII()S(' aliovc IVoni tlic slijiiitly projcctinti' or^titila. Tlic ii|i|i('i'. |)r()jccting' pai't of the stroma, is of a li.u'Iit lioi'n-color inside, rciitliecia 10-20 irreji'ularly cfowdt'd in tlic iMittoiu of tlie stroma, (ivato-u'loltosc, with thick, coriaccons walls, contracted aliove into slen- der necks 1 mm. or more lonii', terminatinu' aliove in the papilliform ostiola. Asci slender. 7a-8() x ")-()//()». sj).). I'ai'ajiliyses aliumlant. lon^fer than the asci. Sjuii'ldia ol)li(jiiely unisoriate, olilonu', crowded, cylindrical. 2-nucleate. Iirown. nnise}itate. 10-12 x 3^ //. Allied to T'^. iinthostninoidc's, Sacc. On deail limits oY ISah'x. iiondon, Canada (Deaniess). V. majusiiila, I'ke. & Haik. (Jrev. Xlll. p. 17. Covered. J'ustides scattered, scarcely jtronnnent, comjtosed of (i-lO ])ei'itliecia, at lenu'th peiibratinu' the cuticle. Ostiola short and olituse. Asci amjde. Sporidia elli|)tical, constricted in the middle, ends I'ouiided, uniseptate. i»ro\vn. 50 x 25 //. On In-anches oi SdJix, Calilbrina (Harkncss). Son.etimes the laruc sporidia are exti'nded and form blackened spots around the ostiola as in Jfifisdi'/'a, but this is not a constant leatiire. The absence ol' any hudine investment of the spoi'idia also conlirnis this as a Ynhiirlu rather than a .lf/Kf<(n /'a. V. (eltidis, (Cke.) I'tilsii Cil/ii/is, Ckc. (Vrcv. V, p. 55 tab. Si, fig. y,. I'alsatia Cierced l>y the Idack. anuiilar. ]niiictilbrm ostiola. Stroma Asci linear. Sjioridia tawny like the disk. I'erithc^cia ijloliose elliptical, uniseiitate, with a sinale s^'lobose nucleus in each cell, end,- subacute, liecoi'dni:' dai'k brown, 15-lS ti lonu'. On branches of P/nfinnis. Ohio CLea). Carolina (Curtis), Con- necticut (Writi'ht). 71 I. 1 ■! ;«■■ m jlh¥i|:-|:,l'U' 562 V. iNotai'isii, (Moiit.) I'li/sa A'oiaiisu, Mont. Syll. No. 754. I'li/.uiiia .\'(i/ii>i.ui\ s.ncc. Syll. J>-ici, Cki-. Syii. 20^1. Sfi/uciiu P,-iipUiuc, l)c Not. Micr. VIII. Pustulate, pcrforatiiiii- tlic ciiiilci'iiii.-^, at Iciin'tli I»ai'c. I'critlicci;! ovoid, (.'ircinatc, lilack. lnii-icil in a cinort'ou.'^-ltlack. I'oi'tica! stidiim. the ostioia connate ami erMiii|ieiit in a Hat, l>iael\, i-uii'iilose dislv. .\.'0Hi'. I'eritliecia lew, 2-3, lilack, in a sliiniiin-Iirown stroma, or .-(cattered siiitily in the thick, lilackeneil Wark. Sporidia ohlonif, imi- ,s<3ptate, constricted sliii-htly at the septum, 15 it lf»n,ii\ brown. On deail liranclies of Vitia t'Otniid! folia, C.rolir a (Scliw.). We iiave seen no sjiecimens. Perhaps a de])auperal;e loriii of V. hiHitivu. V. gre^alis, (Sclnv.) .S/>ha>ia gregalis, Schw. in Kr. Kleiicli. II. p. dS. I'a/sai iaf Xii'galis, Sacc. Syll. 2S47. Affioffiaiinna (l^aisaria) gicgali: Cke. Syn. i.(SH. Irre.u'ularly eiVused. Peritliecia veiT delicate. u'lolio,', iini.^eptate. I'i-lo // lonu'. On rotten wood, (.'arolina (Schw.). The stroma is very thin ami indeterminate. Peritliecia mimiic. exactly uioltose, .-sometimes connate ami sometimes only crowded. \oi\ Iratiile, hrownish-ldack. Ostioia miiinte. papilliform. V. actidia, Bei'k. & Rav. in llerl). Berk. (irev. XIV, p.. 14. Stromata innate-emergent. Peritliecia large, few (4-0). Ostioia cmieii'oriii, stellately arraiigeil, Asci ample, (4-,spored)? Sporidia elliptical, uni.-^eptate, constricted, l»rown, 40— +l2 x KJ-iS //. Oil branches oi' OHfri/u and C<(rpt'uiis, South ('arolina (Haveiiel). V. j^eiiiinata, (B. & Rav.) //ypoxv/oii uriiiinatiiiii. I!. iS: Rav. f.rev. IV, p. yi. Hypo.ryloii ll\i/ti> iamiiii. Rav. I'\inn. Car. IV, No. 35. •\telograiniiia (I'a/saiia) xeiiiiiia/iiiit. Cke. ('.rev. .XIII, p. uy 563 Small, sciirculy 2 iiiiii. liroiid, pulviiiatc luit lint, nist-folorod.sonic- tiiii('> (I'iiiisvorso, stu(l(l('(l witli tlic lilack, ])roiiiiii('nt ostiola. wliicli ni'c lici'Hii'ated ill tlic cciilci'. S|i()riiliii iiiiiso|itnU'. lirowii. l(»-12xfi /i. (hi lii'niK'lics (•!' L!(/iii(hiiiif>ia JlifinmiiiT, Scluv. Syii. N. Am. i,-?to. I'a/itiiiti Jliiiiioiiiir. Ckc. Ciev. Kill, p. ,^i), Sacc. Syll. .4191. \'<'iT varialtlo. When yomiu', piistiiliforin, biai-k, small, rorniiiiu'. like some of ih;carcely constricted, brown. 15 x 7 //. On iiark. United States ((.'ooke. 1. c). lias the lialiit of Boti'noHphu'v'iK. with the liiiit of VaJsaria. in Orcv. XIII. ]i KKS, this is placeil in a section Iiavinu' hyaline sjioridia. •Not havinu seen a spec., we cannot say which is riulit. V. p'aiidiiiea. Berk. (Jiev. XIII. j.. 103. Mil(i:itat>i)ini iiisii/< lit. iifrk. in ('.rev. IV. p. jy, (ncit Scluv., and uol/)>a/i\fir giii)nlhi(H. H. ^t Kav. Grc'V. IV, p. 93;. I'liisiii hi xiiiiniiiiia. Sacc. Syll. f>(i.i4. iii.;y^ ii^!i!!ffi»« if liiif ii li'.filll-Kj' t If< Sti'oiiiii c'lViir^c'd, siilirotinid. Iirownisli-liliifk. INM-itliocin ('iiici'ui'iit. (•r()\v(leil,i»viit(', il<'i>i'('ss(!(l ov siilMiiiiltilicnto at IIk' ii]H'.\. Asoi cliiviilc. Sporidia ('lli|itic!il ln'owii. at Iciiu'tli imiscptatc. intt roiisti'i('t. yj. I'a/iUi lit / Jt'ciuiiiiDutii, Smcc. Syll. 2S.(S. I'oritliofia '••loWose, ('(Miiiatc. ratlioi- small, at first sliii'litly l)rnwii, tlicii Mack. siiiO(»tli, witli a distinct. ])a]»illir()nii ostioliiiii. Asci linciir. Sporidia iiiiiseriatc, (>l)l()iii>'-ollipticai, uiiiscptatc, 10 // loiiu'. Found ill Alabama l»y IJcannioiit. Spen'es Imperforth/ kiioii'n. V. lli«rotVl('ta, C. & K. (sul. Vuha) (Jrcv. Vi. p. 12. tal.. !»■"). Ii- 4, IVritliocia ^aw, larti'o, covered liy tlie l»lMckeiieil, sliiiiiiiii' epidei'- iiiis. Ostiola coiivor.ii'Oiit. Asci cvliiidrical. Sjioridia niiiseriate, iiiir- row-elliptical, iiiiise})tate. stroiiuiy constricted, brown, 2;") .\ 0 ii, ccll> almost j4'l(ibose. Oil dead liiiilis oi Snsioridia (fide De Not.) ellipsoid, two-celled, lirowii, slii>'litly con- stricted. No measurements of sporidia niven. V. Gleditsdiise, (Scliw.) Spliatia Gledilschia, Schw. Syn. N. Am. 1435, id. Syii. Car. 31. Mcloxiamma Clcdihchia, Berk, in Grev. IV, p, gS, Cke. Syn. irS,). Hotiyospheri ill (ilrtiitsrhicr, Sacc. Syll. 1792. Vnrialde, black, with a l)rowii stroma. I'erithecia conical, con- nate, stufVe. 3S.), einciul. Nitschke Pyr. Oerni. p. 6.). Stroma erninjiont-suiicrficial, elVased oi' disccjid. I'efitlieeia im- nierseil in the stroniii, necks .scarcely convoru-ing'. Asci 8-spor{,'d. Sporidia allant(nd, small, mostly yellowish. 0. stif^ina, (Holf.) Spluciia stigma, Iloff. Vcg. Crypt. I, p. 7, tab. II, fig. 2. Sphtciia deroi/ifciiis, Sow. E;ii}f. Futijii, II, lab. 137; III, tab. 371, fig. 3. Sphccria iiiuiiihila , Vr. S. M. II, p. 350. Sfi/iirrui di\ottical(i, IJC. Fl. Kr. II, p. 2S9, niatiypf Diarnessit, K. vSi K., KU. iSt Kvrlit. N. A. F. 2(1 Ser, 2526. Dialiypi* tcnnissima, Cke. in Rav. F. Am, I'.iitypa mictopnncta, Cke. Clrev. VI, p. 144. Sphttria coiici>lo>\ Schw. ami Splueria subcutanin, Walil. in Herl). Schw. Dialtype iiiuliilala and sligiiia, Fr. Snmma Veg. Sc. p, 3S5. SIhlospliirtiii Ifiiffmainii, Till. Sel. Carp. II, p. 49, tal). VI, figs. i-ii. Diatrypf sligma, De Not. Sfer. p. 26, tab. 2,s. Kxsicc. Fckl. I'. Rli. 1043, 1044, 1047, 2263,— Rab. F. E. ^^20, 2953. — Kehm .\.sc. 220.— Cke. !■■. Hrit. Ser. II, 417.— Sydow, M. March. 191, 44S. &c., &c.— Kll. N. A. F. 491. Rav. V. Am. 357 and 3,S9- Sti'oma widely ellnsed, continuous or iiitorriipted, often surround- ing th(! lii.d), sometimes exteiidinsr I'or several inches in 1 viitli, at tii'st covered by the epidermis, iinally e.xposed, In-owuisli or dusty-white, becoming darkei- or nearly black, whitish inside, definitely limited but iiTciiidiii' in outline, ?,-! mm. thick, sometimes undulate iind oC nn- I'lpial thickness, the thinnei' piirts then ol'tcii sterile*. I'erithecia iiionosticlions, evenly disti'daited, ovate, small, with slioi-t necks and ])iineti(brin, discoid, depressed-lieniisphei-ical oi' conical, entire or 4-clert dstiola. Asci davate-oblonu-, 8-spoi'ed, p. sj). 30-50 x 4-8 //. Sporidia sul»l)iseriate, allantoid, lirownish, fi-O.Kl-l^ /i:()-l2xli- 2 //, Sace,; 0-12 (mostly 8)x 1—3 fi, Winter. m On (Iciid liiiilis (>r viii'idiis (IccidiKiiis trees, eoiiiiiKHi. \Vc ri(liii in iiiiy Aniei'icnii speec. (ixcr 9 n I(ii,o. nidstlv not over 7 //. S|ie('e. in Cooke's FnnLi'i IJrit. liiive s|ioiii|iii s-l 1 "x 1 },-'2 ft: in lielini Ase.. (i-s x 1 .1-2 ft. J)i(iff;/pc Dcfiriiixxil. !•]. \ I'l., is nhiMtst exiictly the I'orni ic|)iv- sente(| in IJriiin Ase. 'i'2(» //. with eonienl. 4-snleMte ostioln: I), tcniiln. kIiiiii. ("ke.. is ;i thin lorni, lint ciinnot lie s|iecili('iilly distini't. The ostiolit viiiT IVoni lliit-diseoid. orliienlnr, iis in l»elini Ase. li'jO h. to eonicid iind sniente, I?. Ase. '2"2(> a: lictween these two extremes ;nc Viirions urinhitions. The spcee. in Kil. N. A. F. 4i)l. wiiii'h jire the siinie as in \h\\. V. Am. o.V,!. weir issneil liy Dr. \\'inter ( F. F. 2!i.')4) iis I).i>l(iti/sfoiiiii.[>v\\\\.).\n\\ thiit is ii eoMi'si'r s|ieeies with hirucr peritheeiii iind ostioln. ;ind n thicker (1 mm.) stronui. In nil tlir Amerienn s|ieee. ol' I). xtiijiiKi. tlie sti'oniit is mostly nliont \ mm. thirk. n. biillata. (Hoir.) Splunin hiilhila, Hoflf. Vejc. Crypt. I, p. 5, t.'il). II, Iik. ,'^. Sfi/uri III (f,/>i (■aa , Iloll. iMin^i Ilalif. Ill, tab, 122, fij;. '. S/>/urnct /i/(i(Yii/ii. Toilf l''iiiii;i Mcckl. II, p. jr>. niati ypi- hiilliilii. \'r. Siiinina, p. ,^\s. Kxsicc. Fckl. !•'. Rh. 10.4.'. —K;ib. V. V„ s^r..— Kchtii .\sc. 6,^1.— t.iiili.Trt's !•'. Iluiig. 3611 Ckf. I-". Hrit. Scr. I, .|\s.— Desm. PI. Crypt. Kd. I, p. .y,), VA. II, p. yru. Stronint;i uren'iirioiis, ol'ten 2-3 eonduent, lliittisli-])nlvinfite or shield-shii|ir(i. 2-'» mm. Iirond. oi'liienhir or til'ten with n sinnons. iindii- liite ontline. nt lirst eovereil liy the epidermis, tlun ernni|icnt, with ii smooth, diirk lirown snriiiec. whitish within, •siirronnded nt Imse liy ii lihiek line. I'erithrein nnmerons, monostiehons. sunk in the stronni. oviite or iimrulai' Crom mntnnl |iressni-e, rnther sninll. with short neck.- iind iinnetiform, entii'e. perloi'Mtetl ostiohi only sliuhtly prominent. Asei iiai'i'ow-ehivate. lonti-stijiitate. p. sp. 4(l-')0 .\ 4-(! it. Sporidiii sultliisoi'iate, allantoid, yellowislidiyaline. ('>-M» (mostly .j-tS) x U-2 //. On dead saplinu's. New Vork (I'eeki. I), pinti stoma, (Sclnv.) (Plate .'{4) S/>licCiia plalystotiia, Silnv. Syn. Car. .1,^. Dialrypf discostonia. Cke. drcv. VI, p. \.\^. Kxsicc. Rav. Car. V, No. 5,5.— Rav. F. Am. 35S.— Kll. N. A. F. 169. Stroma elVnse(| or oltener in sMiiorliieuhii' patehes 1-2 em. acrosF or eloiiii'ated 2-4 x .\-l em., soon ernmjient, aliont 1 mm. thick, mavu'in ahrupt. skity-!)lack or lilaek. Peritheeia monostiehons. ovate-olilonii'. h-^ mm. Iiiu'li. closely fiack<'d. Ostiola prominent, liemisjihei'ical, entire or quadrisuleate. Asei (p. sji.) 2.')-30 x 4 //. i*tipitate. S]ioi'idi;i .•inl)l)isoriatc. allantoid, hyaline, fi-)S x 1^ //. On dead trunks of Oxtrya Viry'nrica. Carolina (Ravcnel). Ohio (Morgan), on i\v\\y\ Hmixinielix. New York (IVek), on dead linilis ol :)(;7 Aci r nihnnii, Ncwticld, N. .1. JJ. (limrostoniK. in Riiv. F. Am., is liihclcil ••on ('(irj)i/H/s,'' lint it is ii|i|iiii'('ntly (tn Ot\)vcv. (A' >Sj>/iii'ri(/ Knfj(tf/ixi/, Scliw., in llci^li. Sclix ., Miot lie ijislinunislicd IVoni tliis. I). (■(Hisohi'iliii, Mont. Syil. ('i-y|)t. No. 747. Hxsicc. I'lll. >S: I'ivilit, N. A. V. Jil Scr, Ji2.s. IN'ritlicciii sniiill. ciowdcil in n nnn^ow, lincMr, lirown stroma, ol'tcii coiilinnons for 2 ftr more I'cntimctci's, iin .\ .") /i. Sporidia sidiliiscriatc, ailantoid. vcliowislidiyalinc. sliu'litly cni'vcd, ;'>-(; On dead rulms i)\ Aruii', 3-4 mm. diam., snli- soriatc ami suliconlliieiit for 1-2 cm., liroad conve.\-tul)('rL'ulil'oi'm. auarly black outside, wliitisli witldn, hnried helow in tlie liark and circiimscrihed with a distinct l»lack line. Asci sulilanceolate, ji. sp. 10— ") ') X (i-7 //, with a lonj^', slender stipe. Sjioridia snliliiseriatc allantoid, yellowish, sli.u'htly cui'ved, obtuse, 10-12x2^-8//. Ostiola prominent but not elonu'atod, deeply (piadrisuicate-clef't. Pei'ithecia with thick, Idack, coriaceous walls. On dead liark of elm. iiondon, Canada (Dearness). This seems to dilfer from IJ. Dahliniana in its sulcate ostiola and somewhat smaller sporidia. The stroma also is lai-yer and more jiromineiif than in the spei.'imen of that species in Ronmci^uerc's V. (iailici. No. 1078. I). Hiilleiisis. K. iVE. (in llerli.) Stromata subsuperficial, oldonu^ or elliptical. 4-.") mm. in the lonii'cr diameter. ])ulvinate, often conlluent for 2-^ cm. or more, car- bonaceous and black outside, sr>jt:er and .s^'reenisli-yellow within. I'er- ithecia burie»l in the stroma, ovate ji^lobose, \ mm. diam.. thin-walled, couti'acted aliove into slendei- necks, with their larii'e, hemispherical. 4-r)-sulcate-clol't ostiola i'ou<>hening the surface of the stroma. Asci (p. sp.) clavate, 35-40 x 5-0 '/., with a slemler stipe, 8-spored, aparajih- vsate, Si)oridia biseriate altove, allantoil e()V(M'ed hy the ejiider. - wliieli is lonuitndiiially or stellatvly riiptnicil. Stroniata hiaek outside, whitish witniii. IVeijuentiy e()\ered ai)ove iiy a einereous tomentnm. I'eritlieeia 3-8 in a pustule. Ostiola hlaek. de- jirosscd, stellate-suleate. Asei elavate. ."Sporidia t ontiiiiioiis. cylin- htly eurved. 20x4 //. On dead iiranehes of liircli, New York State (I'eek). This is said to have lieen puhlished in 32d He|». N. \. Stale .Mils. — a piililicatioii we have never seen. 1). astei'ostoiiin, B. «S; ('. (inv l\'. p. !Ki, Kxsicc. Rav. F. Am. 91, 6,s,s and — Kll. N. A. I'. Sh. Stroniata wart-like, eruinpent. svatteiV-il or sulieonllneiit. 1^,-2^ // diani., enihraeed at hase hy the riiptiiri'd ejiidermis, Idaek (white inside). Peritheeia 10-20 in a stroma, u'loliosi', Iilaek. aliriiptly con tracted into slender neeks risiiiu' tliroimli the white sulistanee ol' the stroma with ]»romincnt, stellate-elel't. erunipent ostiola. Asei elavate. lonf>--stii)itate, p. sji. 25x4-5 /i, S-sjiored. Spi,ridia allantoid, nearly hyaline, moderately eurved, fi-lO x 1 1-2 fi. Oil (lead liiulis of Miujin^lid and i>|' {J\'//ysii}'! Sdiitli Carolina (IJavcncl). 'riic (liatiiiosis liciv u'ivcii is drawn IVoni tlicspccc. in Hav. F. Am. Tlic siiccics sccins to dill'cr IVdin /J. if/sc/yh/'i//if< iiriiicipaliv in its siiialh'i' stroma and mor<' jiroiiiiiu'iit ostiola. luit is hardly more tiam a variety ol lliat spcH-ii's. I), (liseifoiiiiis, (Hotl.) Splunia disiifm iiiif, Hofl'. Ve^. Ciypl. I, ]) 15, tiib. IV, fiji- i- SphiPria (/t'pnssa. Sow. I'tii^. Vinij;. II, tiil>. 2ifi. Sp/uri ill i;ih,(i, DC. Hlurc I-r. 11, p. 122, Diatiypi- ttisi i/(ii mis. Vr. Suniina, ,^Ss. i;.\sicc. I'"ckl. I". Kli. tii,)i, 25|,s, 3,s.i'^'.— K.'il). V. K. i.V;.— Rtlun Asu. 521. — I„in. l-uiij;, lluiij;. 17.J.— Ckc. I'', Brit. 2d SiT. 21S. — Kiic^t-'r I*. rta\ s<). Stroinata seattcrcd or iirciiarions. Ilattencil-pnlvinatc. round. 2-3 inm. diam.. discoid, cniinpcnt and ioostdy cmliraecd liy the i'U])tiir('d (•|iid('i'mis. dark lirowii. wliitisli insidi'. liasc sunk t(» tlic wood and i-ir- iiimscriliod liv a Idack line. I'eritliocia 20-80 (or nioi'c) in a stroma. ova tc, aliout T X .', mm. c'losciv iiaekcd ami siihaiiu'iilar. with short iiLH'ks and small, olitnscly coniral. smooth or S-o-clelt, sliu'htly pro- jcctinii' ostiola. Asci clavatc. lonti'-stipitalc, ]». s]». 22-30x4-') //. diii suhliiseriate. allantoid, vcllowisli. sliuhtlv curved. (i-S x "pOl'l .',-2 n. On dead limlis ol' I'''(if/iif<. also on otlici (Iccidiious tree liwcinitz. in his ."^yn. Car., speaks ol' this as very eommoii ("v ul- ■ati.. viiTsctMis. (Sclnv.) Sp/nriiii : ifiw-ni^, Scluv. Syn. N. Am. 1239. (IMatt* 34) /ltd/} yfir (lisii/h lar. vii-escfiis. Berk. Grev. IV, j) Kxsicc, V.W. X, A, !•■. 776.— Kav. I'. Car. I\', i'- Stroinata sc:ittered. ernmpeiit-superlicial. orliictilai-. alioni 2 mii. diam., ilepressed-pnlvinate, surrounded at luise li\ the iu]itiirei| epi- dermis, disk ureenish-yelhiw piil\eiulent. liecomini>' darker with auc I'eiitliecia moiiostichoiis, covered liy the wa.xy. wliitisli siilistance ol llie stroin;;, alioiil I mm. diam.. lO-I .") in a stroma, necks terininatim!' in uiilusely conical. 4-clert. Mack ostiola liarely ernnipeiit throiiLih the Lireenish disk. Asci p. sp. ali(»iit 3") x ") //. stipitate. S-spored. .^po- lidia siililiiseriali'. allantoid, yellowish, moderately curved. 7-0 .x I. ',-2 n. On dead limits of /^f/<7*/.s. comnion where that tree is loiind, 72 I m i tu 570 Consiilered by Berkeley in Grev. IV, ]t. 95, as a vai-. o{' 1). tils- ciformls, whieli differs in its flatter, broader, black-brown sti'onin and suiallei" asei and sporidia. D. alboprninosa, (Sciiw.) Spluci ia alhop) iiinosa, Schw. Syii. N. Am. 123S. Diatrype roseola. Winter Journ. Mycol. I, p. 121. Diairype alboprninosa, Cke. Grev. XIII, p. 37. Diatrvpe Diiiieui, Mont, in Herb. Curtis. Dialrype IVi'hbcri, V,. & E. in Herb. Hxsicc. Kll. & Evrht. N. A. F. 2(1 Ser. 2527. Stromata scattered or snboreoaiious, sonietiuics confluent, sulior- bicular, l|-2^ (exceptionally 3-4 mm.) hroalack, coriaceous walls, necks short, with their thick, flattened, pustuliform, ii'i-egulaily dehiscent ostiola slightly prominent. Asci clavate, paraphysate, 8-spored, p. sp. about 40 x ♦> fi. Spoi'idia biseriate aitovc, allantoid, yellowish, moderately curved, obtuse, 10-14 X 3 [i. 571 On decorticated dead liiid)? of Machtni (inrantiaca, London, Canada (Deai-ness). On acconnt of its elongated stroma and lai'jjc sporidia, this seems (|uite distinct. I), pru milieus, Cke. & Hark. (Irev. IX, p. 85. Stroinata erumpent, pulvinato, hemisjdiei'ical 2-3 mm. diam. oi' ulilong 2-3x1 mm., closely girt l)y the epidermis which also adheres in IVagnients to the surface, whitish oi' cinereous inside. Perithccia 8-15 lying in the bottom of the stioma, al)0Ut \ mm. diam. Ostiola rather large, stellate-cleft. Asci su I (sessile, ji. sj). 35-40 x 6 //. Spo- ridia sul)biseriate, allantoid, slightly curved, yellowish, 6-8 x 2 /^. On Arbutus Menzlesii, and Mf'mulus glutinosus, California (Ilarkness). Tlie specimen on Mimuhis glutmosus, sent by Harkness, has the stromata smaller (1-2 mm.), less distinctly erumpent and dark inside, and the sporidia largei- (8-10x2 /i), and hardly seems to be the same as that on Avhutxs. Sporidia (sec. Cke.) 12-13x2 ft. D. iufi'iscaiis, E. & E. (in Herb.) Stromata gregarious, small (1-1 J mm.), conic-hemispherical or tulierculiform, closely covei'ed (except the apex) with the adherent. Iilackened eitidci-mis. Perithecia 3-() in a stroma, glol)ose. thin-walled, \-\ nnn. diam., contracted al)0ve into short necks, witli the? large, tulierculiform ostiola crowded and erumpent together. Asci (p. sp.) 25 X 4 /i. with a slender stipe of altout the same length, and (ilifoiin painphyses, 8-spored. Sjnn'idia l)iseriate. allantoid. slightly curved, yellowish-hyaline, 5-0 x 1^-11 n- On dead stems of S mil ax, Houston. Texas (Ravenel 242). The e])idermis is blackened around the pustules, and where they stand near each other, it is also blackened continuously between them. This is distinct from D. smihicicola (Schw.), on account of its very dill'erent stroma and smaller spoi-idia, and from Diatnjpelhi promi- n('in<, Howe, which outwardly it much resendtles, l)y its 8-spored a.«ci and piominent ostiola. D. smilacicola, (Schw.) Sp/iteit'a smi'/acicola, Schw. Syii. N. Am. 1351. Sul)pulvinate-eiVuscd, seated on the epidermis, surrounded by a kind of sterile, sul»lol»ate margin which adheres to the wood and leaves a l)lack line. Perithecia few, subprominent, Itlack on the surface and lilack or dark l>rown inside. Stroma scanty, ))ulverulent. Tt occur.« 1 B H'^ ^l ru2 (»rt(3ii "i-d iiiiii. loiiLf ami so clcvatoil in tlio center i)> to l)eeome cuiiicil, Rattier rare on deatl stems ol' SiitJl(i.n rntioidlfoliii, Salem, \. ('. Spoi'idia (see. Cke. (irev. XIII. |i. /JT) allaiitoid, \'l-\\ u. loim, I). siibtVi'i'iij^iiiea, B. A: Rav. in Rav. FunLii Car. I\', No. -14. Kxsicc. l''.n. >S: I'A-rlit. N. A. !•'. 2(1 St-r. 1551. Sti'oniaLa scattereil or snliseriately eonlliieiit. conical from a -iili- oi'liicniar liase. l-.'{ nnn. iliam., Itlack on the ontside, comjiosed in-iijc oC the scarcely altered siilistance of the liai'k, the apex sulittim:' llic epidermis in a siildaciniate maini"r. lait scarcely raisinu' it into pus- (ales. I'eritliecia -^--'JO in a stroma, small (aliont llOO n. iliam.). Imdu n. I)uri(!d in the iiottom ol' ihe stroma. Ostiola sliort-<-ylindrical or elun- ii'atod, (r)0-2.')() n lonu'), smooth at the ;ipc.\. Asci not well made diit. Spoi'idia (I'reo spoi-es) allantoid, nearly hyaline, .*»-(; x 1-1] n, iinh sliti'litly eurveil. On l)ai'l< oi'doad oak, Sonth Carolina (Ravenel). The stroma is <'ntii'ely wantinu' lielow. D. (Vaiiotlii. Cke. A: Hark. Crev. XI II. p. IT. Stroniata wait-like, iiiiiate-eriiiiipent, Idack. round, closely sin- roiinded liy the ruptured epidermis. I)lack within. Perithecia com- pressc'l and oi' various shapes. Ostiola short, stellate-sulcate. .Vsci clavate, S-s|iore(l. Sporidia cylindrical, ciirv<'(l, rounded at the ends, yellowish-hyaline. rj-14x 2 i>.. On hraiiches ol' Ccfiiiof/ms, Calilornia (llarknes.-^). I), cainiostoma. B. A; Rav. in i{av. Kmmi (Jar. IV. No. 42. Stroniata scattered, small ( 1 mm.), eriimpent. not cii-eiimscrilicd, Porithecia lew (3-()), <4-|oltose, hhick. not deeply hurieil, rallier ies- than ^ iiini. diain.. iK^'ks short, with ]»romiiieiit. short-cylindrical, per lorated ostiola. pii-rcim:' the sliLihtly pustulate epidonnis to,u-(!tliei'. Asci stipitate. p. sp. 2 ")-;?() x 4 //. Sporidia suWhisoriate, S in an asous, allantoiil, sliii'litly curved, yellowish-hyaline, 0-7 x ll a. On dead liudis of Morns, South ('aroliiia (Ravonel). The stromatic material in which the peritlu'cia lie is very scanty, and ol'a dark color, DilVers from D. /i)f''<, K. tVr 10., in its cylin- fji'ienl ostiola. I). Callirarpa'. B. iV Rav. in Rav. Funni Car. IV. No. 41, Stroniata thickly .■^(;;ittered, .-^niall, (1-1 }, mm.), conic-hemispliericnl. vinunpent, white inside, not circiimscrilied. Peritheeiii 3-8, about *, 573 mill, diiiiii., fit'oply stink in tlio sti'oniii. Osfioln iirnininciit, oUlnsdy conicJil. .-^oint'linios convcru'ont so as to cinisr llic ('iinii|i('iil |tiiit ol' the -tioniii to ;i]i)i('iir (iniidrisMlciitc, Asci sti|iitiit('. ]i. sp. .■>.") x ")-(> it.. Spoiiiliii sMliliisci'inrc, iillantoid, yellow, sliii'litly curved, with a iiiielens in cncli end. (i-S x 1 \-l ii. Oil i\v'M\ liinlis o\' CdUiforpd, South Carolina (Itavend). (Jlosely allied to the preeediiiti' species. 1). azedai'i'u'lita', Ckc. (Jiev. XI. p. lOs. Kxsicc. Kav. K. .Xiii. 711. •■ l']i'iinipeiit. Stroma Idaek, convex, sultorliicnlar. same color wiljiiii. I'erilhecia compressed. Asci clavate. Sporidia allanloid. pale lirown, 12 x ;•> //..'' Oil liraiicliesor Jfih'd. South Carolinsi. The specc. in Kav. F. Am. have tli<' stroniata thickly scattered, coiivex-tnlierculirorm. i^"- """• diani.. rouuheiied aliove liy the pioni- iiieiit. oiitiisely conical ostiolu. I'erilhecia 4-8 in a stroma, aliout ^ iiiiu. diani., not coiiipresseil. A, )». sp. aliout .'_!.") x (i ft. S- spore(|. Sporidia suliiiiseriate, allantoid. yellowish. (i-S x 1 .',-'2 //. The stroma seems to have been liu'ht-colored inside ami out when 'I'liese notes do \u>\ atiree well with the pulilished characters i|iiote(l altove. The specc. do not tliller essentially (only in the rather lariicr stroniata) I'roni J). CaU/'carpd', 15. it Hav. I), i-adiata, KM. Am. Nut. Fei.. 1883, ji. l!)(i. Stroniata 2-8 mm. diaui., orlticular, elli|)tical or sinuous, snMieiiii' spherically rounded aliovo and closely embraced liy the lacinialely clel't e])idermis, circumscrilied liy a lilack line which does not peiK'trate Id the wood. I'erithecia inemlu-anaceous. }^-\ mm. diaiii., ovate- 'iloliose, deeply sunk in a liu'lit-coloi'ed, tulierculillu'iii stroma. Ostiola olituse. scarcely prominent. Asci clavate, with a slender stipe, p. s]). aliout 35 X 0 ft. Sporidia conuloineratod, yellowi.^h, allantoid, slinhtly curved, 0-12 x 2-2J, //, with a nucleus in each end. On (load liinlis t>\' UHm/.s, Decorali, Iowa (IJolway). Outwardly resemliles JJldtri/pcJId rcfnifd-for/nis. I), saiiibiicivoi'a, (Scliw.) S/tliiriin samhiuiviiiti. Schw. Syii. X. Am. I27,=i. /}/a/i y/>r sam/iinivoia, Ckc. C.rcv. XIII, p. 3S. Kniei'u'eiit-sujterlicial, Ixicoiiiinir Mack, lonu'itudinally au-g-rogatod- I'tjulluent, liecouiinii' superlicial as the Itark falls away, surfac-e uneven. rouuh, hut not The separate tubercles are ovate or of irregulai- shape. I'eritliecia rather lai'ge, numerous, pi^lystichuus, !■ 574 lilack, crowded in the tuhercles, surrounded, wlien fresli, witli ;i uliitc stroma. ()^^tiola polygonal, piondnent, at lenutli inegulai', dccjilv uiul»ilicate. Ver)- varialtle in shape as it is found on the wood or on the Imrk. Tuliereles 4-G nun. higli, in elongated series of several inches ill extent. Spoi'idia (Cke. I. c.) 8 /i long, allantoid. On dead steins of Scmibiicun Cduadensis, Bethlclieui, Pa. (Hchw.). Allied to Sphmria ,scabi'om. I), microste^a, E. & E. (in ileih.) Stroniata gregarious, small, f-1 mm. diam., crumi»ent, sujieificiiii. l)laek, rough, suhglohose. Perithecia 1-") in a stroma, small, hhick. Ostiola prominent, sul (pyramidal, and more or less stellate-cleft. Asci (p. sp.) 35-40x0-7 //. Sporidia sulihiseriate, allantoid, yellowish, slightly curved, 1 0-1 2 x 1 1-2 u. On hark, California (Harkness). Sent as Sp/iceria suhmorifortnh. Plowr. I). Macoiiiiii, E. & E. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil. July, 1 890. ).. 224. ."Stroma discoid, gray, 3-4 mm. across, and al)Out 1 mm. thick, suli- orl)icular or suhelliptical, seated on the surface of the inner bark, and loosely enilii'aced liy the upturned, ruptured epidermis, circumscrihed l>y a distinct, l»lack line, which penetrates the hark and stains the sur- face of the sui)jacent wood, Itut does not ])enetrate it. Perithecia numerous, 30-50, in a single layer, ovate-glohose, \-\ nun. diam., con- tracted al)Ovc into short necks terminating in a small, indistinctly radiate-cleft, l>lack ostiolum. which is in a slight depression of the stroma. Asci (p. sj).) 20-30x3 // or, including the thirad-like hase. 50-60 [t long. 8])oridia hiseriate al)ove, allantoid, slightly curved. 4-6 X |-1 ji. Substance of the stroma dirty white inside. On maple baik {Acer riihnim)'-.. Agassiz, British Columbia (Macoun). D. Hochel.'isa', E. & E. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil. July, 1890, p. 224. (Plate 84) Kxsicc. KU. & Evrlit. N. A. F. 2d Ser. 2.52K. Stroma orl)icular or elongated, 2-3 mm. long and 1-2 mm. wide, often more («• less conllueiit, ]»ulvinate-verrucose, with the margin al)rupt or slanting off at the nds, with a faint cireumscriliing black line, which does not penetrate deeply into the wood, dull I)lack outside, dirty white within. Perithecia crowded in the stroma, subglobose. about ^ nun. diam., with thick, black, coriaceous walls. Ostiola conic- n ( 0 lipinisplioi'ical, dooph' 4-.')-siil('ato-cloi't. Awi (j). ?\).) 40-4ox7-8/a witli stout pariijjliyscs and allantoid, yellowish, iiiodcratoly ' '.lived, 8- 12 X 2^ /i spoi'idia. S]»eeillc Daino from Floelielajia, an Indian name for the St. I^awrence Hivor. On decorticated elm wood, London, Canada (Deai'ness). 1). tiemellopliora. Ell. in Am. Nat. March, 1882, p. 239. Diativpe disci/ormis, \\ & C. Dialiyfie disci/ormis, var. .'^fag»oli(C, Thuiii. in IJiilI. Torr. Bot. Club, VI, p. 95. Exsicc. Rav. F. Am. 360.— Thum. M. U. 359.— KH. N. A. F. 775. Stroma as in IJ. dific/fonn/'s, only mostly smalior and closely (»nil»racod l)y the laciniio of the rnjitui'ed epidermis, at first concave and covered I)y a thin, circular, tremelloid, redilish oi-anae-colored iiiomWrano which soon turns Idack and falls off, revoalinii' the disk of the stroma heneath it minutely white-punctate from the inci])ient ostiola. The stroma finally liecomes more orumpent, (lattish-convex, Itrown, and suhrimose, and the ))unctiform ostiola darker l)nt not prominent. Asci and sj)oridia as in IJ. discf'foi'mis. On dead trunks of Mugnolia r/laucd, New Jei'sey and Carolina. D. iiiiiiiHin, E. & E. Journ. Mycol. I, p. 01. Stroma cortical, formed of the scarcely altered substance of the hark, elliptical, 1-2 mm. diam., limited liy a black, circumscrilnnii- line which penetrates the wood heneath. Perithecia 8-12 in a stronui. lying in a sini^le layer, , 42. Stroma formed of the scarcely altered sulistancc of the bark, erumpent, but not very pi-ominent, surrotmded by the ruptured epi- dermis, small (|-1 mm.). Perithecia in a single layer, 3-12, black, membranaceous, minute (160-200 /i), their smooth, black, obtusely conic D'tiola iluttiiiii- the siirtiicc of the struma. Asci (!_vliii(li'ical,>|Miic- lioiu'iiijr |>iirt 30-3') x3 //. with a slcmicr, tlii'cad-iiivc liasc alioiil liu it loii,n'. Parapliyses not dliscivcd. S|i(»ri(lia iiiii.scriatc, ycllnwisli- hyaline, S in an ascns. u', 3 // diani. ()nt\\ar(ll_v, this is scaivch ijistinunishaldo IVoni I), ininivid, \m\ \\\v niariicd dill'crcncr in the >|i()i'idia sccnis to oiititlo it to s|)(H.'ilic rani\. 'I'hc stroma in sonic of the s]iecimens is limiteil liy a lihick line, as in JJ. mlniiHU. Init in othei's not. On dead .shoots of MaynoJUi (jUnica, Xewliehl, \. .1. This and tlie preeedini!' species vary IVom tin- nsiial type nl' l)Ui tri/iHi, in the shape of their sporidia. Sjjea'es hnperfectly hiioitui or to he rcjcvtcd. I). iiiani|uilai'is, K. vV (\ in llerii. Curtis. This is mentioned in (Jrev. XI \'. p. 1(!. No desorijition given — as far as we lro\vn, scanty. Asci clavate. ."Sporidia Sin eacii ast'us. sail .«a,<>'e-sha])e(l." On Lirindendrnii. Soiitli Tarolina. I), pilulifcia, (Fr.) Splurrin piliilifcia. in Ilcrli. Schw., Syii. N. .Am. 1254. Sec. Grev. Xlfl, ]>. 37, this can liardiy lie tlie /iS. pihil/f'eiit, Fr. 1). i'(»iii it'll lata, (Kill.) This" is (pioted liySchw. A- l!eri<. as Comid in this country. Init the species is not well known. The specc. in IJav. Car. 1\', No. 43. are Eitfi/pella hctevdcdiitliii. Sacc. 1). (.'ollai'iata, ('. «: K. Crev. IV, p. toj. Our. specc. of this are only Vnlm vuryifictKi, 1j. c'i: C. with the o.stiola altnormally elongated. I). Inspora, B. & ('. Ha v. Car. IV, 45. This is not an ascigerons Cungns, but a species of DidymoKponinn. :)ii ANTIIOSTOMA. Xitsclike. I'yr. rFfnii. p. im. StiDiiiii more or loss cII'iiscmI (diiitryiioiil), or imlviniite. ('oiiic!!! or liiiiii.-lihcrii'iil (valsoid). oik'ii oiiiy |»;irti!illy (l('V(.'lo|if'(l. Pcritlicci!! -link ill tlic stroiiiii or in tlic iiintrix. mostly witli cIoiiirMtod necks wliU'li. ill the piiK iiifit" sti-oma. u'cncnilly convci'irc imd iirc oi'iiiii|i(';ir toiidlicr iis in Valsu. Asci cyliiKli'icnl or cluvnte. with ])fir!i|(liys('s iiinrc or less distinct. S|ioridi;i oiilonu or i'lli|iticnl. continnoiis. Iirown. ■'•■ titromd cJfiiHcd E>t(i)itli()stf»ii(i). A. inelaiHttes. (B. iV Bi'.) Sphaiitt iiuianotfi, I!, ^i lir. Ilrit. FmiKi. No. 634, tab, >j. fifj ^. Anllinsluma wc/aiio/fs, Sncc. Midi. I. p. ,^2fi. Stroma oiViisod. oiitirely iminorsed in tlio wood, which is l)hickoiic(l on the snrfnce roriiiiim' I'lonaated spots oCteii conlltient; liiiiilly lilackeii- inu' the wood more (h'e|iiy,iinil with a lihick. circniiisci'il)iii!.f line. Peri- thecin .small, dopressed-nloliose. entirely l)iiried in the wood, moiios- tii'hoiis. loosely scattered. Ostiola oxserted. miiinte. entire, conical or hi'iiiispherical, sliiniiijr. at leniith porlbrated. Asci cylindrical, short- -ii|iit:ite,S-s|iored, iiaraphysate, 70x7 /t. .'-^poridia olili(iuely unisei'iate ulitiisely-iiisirorm, straight or rarely snliiiie(iiiilateral, liecomiim' dark lirown. 12-14x 5-0 n. On decorticated oak limits, Xewiield, X .). A. si"»n'liiH*'»f (K. «S: Uav.) Diiihypr s;iamliiica. I!, ti Rav. drev. IV, p. yj. Aii//ii>f/'>»ni XKiiiifiiiiii. Sacc. Syll. 1114. Camtiiof'S i;iaii(liiiia, Cke. Syii. I46i> Kxsicc. FIl. N. A. V. 4'i4.— Rav. Car. IV, 90. Stroma oiViise'lobo.^e, 7-10 x ■')-8 ti. liecominu' iiearlv lilack. 1 -'2-iiiicleate. but not .illtoili)iiia /ii'iiicfii, C. M: Iv Cke. Syn. 4J07 Aiillioitiimrlla • tiiKiii'a. Sncc. Syll. i'v)i. Kxsicc. Kll. N. A. 1-". i^'v I'ci'itlici'iii siiliLi'i'ouiiriiiiis, uloliosc, (l('i'|ily luirinl in tin' uihkI, wliicli is liIiR'keiH'il in |i;itcli('.-; (tii tlic siiit'iifc .'iml jiicrccil Ipy ||||. iiiiinitc. (M'lMiiiKMit ostiolii. Asci cyliinlricnl. p. <]\. .')()-.").') x .')-(; n,, |,;ip. iipliysiitc. Sporiditi uiiiscriMtc ni' partly iiiscriati', (iMoiin-cvliiiilrical. lirowii, with a siiiu'lf miclciis. ulitiisc. S-IO x ;»-.'{ J, n IJOx I //. CIom. On ilccoi'ticati'il limlis uf Vncclniiiiii ami Acer. Ncwiicld. N, .1. A. ji;i;;as|Minim, Cke. iN: Haik. (iicv. XIII. p. is. SraltcitMl, siiltiiHiiK'i'siMl, covcrcil liy a raised, ii'loliosc tiiliiavir I'oriuL'd t'ruiu tlic substaiit'c nl' tlic matrix. Pcritlici'ia ulolposc lai'.ii' (_U-2 mm.), Mack-piiiK'tatc, with an olftiisc ostiolnm. Asci ampli', saccute, 8-sp<»r('(|. .'^poridia rlonLzated-rllipticul. sliuhlly narrowed at the ends, eontiniKtus. daik iirown. (!.')-S(>x l!.")-.">0 //. On dedirticated twi^s. ('aliloiina ( llai-kness). In lialiit resenildiiiu' !Si>Ii(ii'ia cnhicnlitri.^. V\\. i>nt with miicli lai'ii'or spoi'idia. and, as in that species, the peritheeia I'all out, leavinu cavities nut uidike a laru'e iSf/'it/'s. A. pulviniceps, Fk. (in Uteris). Peritlieeia .S-12 in a pnstnle, snid< to the wood, covered hy tin' Itai'k. Ostiohi eriim])eiit, crowded, prominent, hiack. t'orminu' a enshion- shapcd mass. Asci chivate. ."'^poridia ci'()wde(|.sulielliptieal or Inoadly I'nsilbnn, multinncloate, slightly colored, 10-1.5 ti loni:'. On dead stems oi' Sani6nnis C<'ii(/ih'/is/s. New York (Peck). A. flavovii'ide, Kll. & Hohv. (Jeol. Snrvey of Minn. JJnll. X(j. ■>. 188(), p. 32. Stroma etViisod, thin, l-8x.J-l inches, more or less, covered at first with a thin coat of iireenish-yellow. sliort, matted hyphiv, liearinii small (1-1 o- /-«). sul)u'loliose, snbhyaline conidia, Imt finally hare and black. Peritliecia niond)nuiaceous, black, ji'lobose, (i nun.), snnk in the scarcely altoi'cil substance of the wood, contracted al)ove into short, nari'ow necks with theii- l)Iack. pajiillilbrm ostiola erumi)ent. Asci (p. sp.) 7.5 x ()-T n, or with th(> slender base 120 // lon<>'. Sjioridia uniseriate, nari'ow-elliptical, continuous, nearly hyaline at first, becom- ing dark, 10-12x4-4^ //. The stroma is limited l»y a dark, circnni- scrii)in,i>' line penetrating the wood. On decaying po) lar wooil. Verndlion Lake, Minn, (llolway). 57!) A. siistnitiim, (IMoui.) S/>lurn'ii > listen I mil, I'lowr. Oriv. VII, p. 7J. Anlliosloma sintiiiliiiii. Sacc, Syll. 1120. PcritlicciM imiiiorsiMl. with tlicii- (tstiola criiiiipoiit lictwccu tlio IiIcmcIkmI (ilicis of the woud. Asci t'vliiulrifal. laO xMO-lf) /i. Sjio- ridiii ovoid, diiik lirowii. liccoiiiiiiii' Idiick, 20-2') x 10-11 ft. Oil Itk'iR'licd liiidis (){' Arr(ost(ip/ii//ns, California. A. |)olyiiesia, (B. & V.) Splue>ia Polynesia, H. & C. Orcv. IV, p. n(\ A iilhosloma Polynesia, Sacc. Syll. iim. •Fdiiuiiiii' little oltloiii:', Idac'k s|»ots which arc studdod with the iiHtiola. Asci very .slender. Sporidia oliloiiu', Itrowii, 7 // long.'' On wood. Mountains of Virainia. ** Stroma vaJsoid or tvherculiform. A. ^astriiiiim, (Fr.) SpliiTi ia gasliina, Vr. S. M. II, p, 379. Sphtrria ini\iriihiiis. Sow. I^ng. Fungi, lab. 37.1, fiR. y. Hypii.xylon ffas/rinuM, Fr, Sumiiia, 3.S3. Afi/oj,'iiiiiii>ui fcastiiiiKiii. Till. Sel. Carp. II, p. S9. iJiHilii iui> ia yilschkei, Fckl, Synil). p. 230. Aiilhiislnma i;aslriiiiim, Sacc. Syll. 1129. Kxsicc. Fckl. F. Kh. 2005.— Kab. F. K. (J27.— Sacc. M. Veil. 1441.— Desm. PI. Cr. Eil. I. 1254, Kil. II, 7.S.(. Stroma varial)le; when seated on the liare wood, sujjcrfioial or very nearly so, deprcsso(l-«ilol»f)se or pulvinate, black, smooth and sliiiiinji' outside, 2-4 mm. l)road; when immer.'^ed in the liark, and cov- (■red Ity the raised and lilaekened cftidermis, hemispherical or convex, disk erumpent: in either ease whitish inside, hut enclosed in a distinct, lilack stratum, which shows as a hlack, circumscrilnng line in a hori- zontal section. I'erithecia 8-40 crowded in the hottom of the stroma, 2-1 mm. diam.. ovate, with thick, Itlack, coriaceous walls, and stout, cylindrical, elongatetl necks, which, in the superficial stromata, on wood, rise straight through the stroma, with their oliscurc, papilliform ostiola erumjtent over the whole of the upper surface, hut when the stroma is liui'ied in the l)ark, converging and erumpent in the exposed disk. .\sci cylindrical, short-stipitate. 00-1 20 x 5// (p. s{). about 80 //), jiar- aphysate, S-spored. Sjioridia uniseriate, ohlong or oblong-elliptical, ends rounded and olituse, straight, dark brown, becoming opake or nearly l)lack, 10-14x4-4^ n (10-14x5-6 /u. Winter). On bark of dead Ulmtis, Canada (Dcarncss), on oak, Carolina and Ceorgia (Ravencl). V ri- ir 680 Tho Cmiiidji s|i('C('. iiiii'cf pt'iTi'dly willi tlio fort'iroiiin' ilcsi-riiiiiuu (uliicli is mostly rniiii Winter's I'il/.c) niid witii the s|m'c('. in Sim »•. .M. Vciiula iiml iK'siii. IM. (!r. I'J.VI. ns well ns witli (Icriiiiin siicci-. ii li.' adii.slii. C. S: 1'. 2.)tli Kep. N. Y. St,^U• SXws. p. sS. Aiilliiisloma ailiiiliim, S.icc. Syll. ii.|2. "Pustules small, sliiihtly elevated, suhcoiiical. Idackish, coveicil i)y the epidermis which is pierced by the very small disk. Stromii white. Ostiola lew, small. Mack. Asci cyliiidi'ical. Sporidia uiii- seriate, simple, elliptical, colorrd, lS-'2'2 ft lonu'." On dead i (ranches, New Baltimore, N. V. (IJowe). A. Hiny^daliiium, (Cke.) Mfliimonis aniygdalina, Cke. (irev. IV, p. 55, tal). Sl, fi^. 4. Aiillw.hima ainygdaliniim, Sacc. Syll. 11.17. Loosely circumscribed. Struma pale. I'erithecia circinate, nlo- bose. Ostiola convergent, slightly prominent, united in a l)rown disk. Asci cylindrical. Sporidia alniond-shaiied, brown, with a large, glo- liose nucleus, 23-25 x 12 /i, with a slender, hyaline apj)eiidage at each end 20-30 n long. On Li(^nldamb(U\ South Carolina (Raveiiel). -)81 A. (tr.vo|iliiliim, (Ciin.) J)iiitiy/>i' . j;^, I'ik. 75. .\iillio\lnniii ihyiiphiliiiii. Sncc. Syll. ti.|.). i;xsict. lai. N. A. I'. S7. Stioiiiiilii .-ciittcrcil, Slink to llic wkmI, circiiiiisi'rilKMl. Iihick inside iiiid Dill, orliiciiliir or cilipticiil ;il tlic Ikisc, siilifoniciil, 8-4 iiini. iliiiiii.. Ill' liy (•oiilliiciicc iiioi'i', ii|M'.\ »'niiii|)('iit iinil iit lirst liilicrciililoini. liiiiilly iriiiiciitc iiiid coiiciiv*', iii'culiitc rri»ni tlic laruc, i»l>tiis('l_v llnttciM'il ustinhi. Asci (|>. sp.) cyliiiili'iciil, iiliuiit liO x 1 n.. |iiirii|»liysat.o, S-sporod. Sporiiliii iiiiiscriiitc, oliloiiLf, iH'coiiiinu' i»|iiiko, I'ontiniiuiis, s-l'J.\.'i- Iji ,<, ( 1(1-1, ■) x3-4 u. Chit.). On dciiil wliilc i)iii< limits, Ncwliidd, X. .J., Tcxiis ( K'livciicl). iiinI low II ( llnlwiiy). \';ir. iiiiiioi', (.'kc. ((Jrcv. \ , p. ;i2). on iihick iiiid si-iirlct oak. Ncw- licld, N. .1., lias tlic stroma more cIViisimI and less proiiiinrnl. coNcrcd. cxccpl the small, tiilirrciilii'orm disk, liy tin; Idackcncd (>pidcriiiis. A. |)liaM>s|i(>rmiiiii. (KM.) Dialiypc />li(r<)sf<('i iiui, I'M. in Am. Nat. Vvh. 1SS3, p. ujs. Anthosloma /iheeospenHiim, Sacc. Syll. .sgifi- Slroiiiii small (1 mm.), tiilierciiliionii, closely onihraccil liy tlic sidi- laciiiiatc-dclt epidermis. I'eritliecia ()-8 in a strl)iseriatc, cylimlrical, curved, continuous, luown, 10-12 X o-?t\ It, ends ohtiise. On dead limlis, Decorah, Iowa (Ilolway). A. Oiitiii'ieiise, K. & E. Troc Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil. .luly, i8!)0, ]>. 228. ^^^ "(Plate ^4) Stroma convex, \-l -mm. diani., more or less suiiseriatcly coii- tliient ol'teii for several cm.. foruiiMl of the unaltered suhstanco of the liark and surrounded hy a hiack, circumscril)iii<>- lino which itenetrativ the wood. I'critliecia crowded in the stroma, suhjilobose, ^-.f mm. iliam., with thick, coriaceous walls, contracted altove into a narrow neck terminated i»y the sulij^loliose, dcejily (piadrisulcato, erunipent ostioliim .Asci sleiuler, 8-spored, 1)0-1 U)/i long (]>. s]). 75-80 x 8-10 /i). with aliiiiidant paraphysos. Sjioridia suliliiseriatc, cylindrical, mod- erately curved, lirowii, 20-20 x4-4J //. lias inucli the same general appearance as some compact forms of Vaha .steUnlata, Fi'. On dead limlis oi' Scdix, London, Canada (Dcaniess). ilti lit it I i;iii •rm 'M 582 A. teR'idicolum, B. & ('. 25tli Uv\k N. Y. State Mus. \k 101. Diali y/>c ci I ciclitohi , H. S: C. in Herb. Curtis. Aiilliosloiiia ccrcidii Ilium, Sacc. Syll. 1136. Stfuiii!) ItJack plane, siihorlticular. H-S iiiiii. 'tli iierCorated ostiola. Perithc- eia crowded, elliptieal or ovate. Sporidia iiiie(|ually ovate, colored. 10 /i lon<>'. On l)ark of unknown wood, liulValo, N. Y. (Clinton). The inner surl'ace of the liark is stained lilack. A. mii'i'ospoiiim, Kai'sf. Funui Fenn. .sOO. I'litcosfinma lulvclica, Hckl. Synil). p. 22.), tab. VI, fig. 40 (fide llialiype tnicicnpoya, V.W. Hull. Torr. Hot. Club, VIII, p. 7.). Aniliostoma, Ellhii, Sacc. Syll. I, p. 30S. Stroma veiitricose-heniisjdierical, swollen, Idack inside ami out, the ujjper part ei'umj)ent, rounded. sul>viscosc when {i\A\, apiieariuii like a mass of black, exuding' g'um, 2-0 mm. lii-oad, 2-3 mm. tliick. ol'ten (ionfliient. IVrithecia deej^'v immersed in the stroma, oltlonu. ieatherv. closely packed. Ostiola 'apillate, only siiuhtly prominent. Iiroadly and ii'i'egiilarly perl'orateil. \,tuse. l-2-nii(deate. olive-ln'own, 4-5 x 1 ;j-2 //. Var. exudans, Pk. 40tli Rep. ji. (IT. has the perithecia ctdlccted in a thin, crowded, auiiular, cortical sti'oma. clustdy covered liy the pustulate- elevated, irregulai'ly rnjitiired epidermis. ( )stioia oliscuve or concealed beneath the deliled epidei'mi,<. Asci veiy slender, cylindrical. 40 xA n Sporidia minute, oblonu', straight, colored. 5 // long, oo/.ing out and staining the surlace ol" the mati-ix. On dead alders, Maine (IJlake), New York (Peck). Sec. Karsten ostiola exserted, 1 mm. long, hut specc. sent liy him have short, olituse ostiola just like the American specc. A. fiibeioiilosiiiii, (SckiU.) S/iluniii liihiinildia. Scliw. Syn. Car. N'o. 164. Xvldsfihcri ill {Aiitliosliiiiia] hiheri iilit^n. Cke. Syn. },^y)f''. Perithecia ovate, immersed, ylalirous. Ostiola superficial, very large, oltlong-ovati\ tulKM'ciiio.-^e-rougliened, scattere(l oi' augregateil. large, lihick Itut without any Idack spot, only the spluvriiloi'iu ostiola hall" as large as the [lerithecia pi'ojecting. On decaying l»irch wood, Carolina, and on lioJi'n.ia rhcom, in Pennsvlvauia (Schw.). !::'i;iv;-^. ■m 'W A. sain'opliiliiiii. E. A: E. .loiiin. .Mycol. 111. ]>. 43. Strom;! clVusril. l)liK'kiMiiii.i>' tlic siiiTiicc ol' the woiid Iiiit not . jS. Stroma and pei'itliecia as in Diatrype. Asci polyspoi'oiis. \). qiu'iciiia, (IVis.) Sfi/ian'a i/iieithui. Purs. Syii. ]). 2.\. Diiiti yl>c i/iificiiia, Fr. Siimin.T Vc,i>. Scaml. p. 3\t. Vuthyprlhi A'oiissi'/ii, I)e Not. Sfti. Itiil. taf. 32. Di\ihyt>ella qiirtciiia. Nits. Pyr. C'lOnii. p. 71. Kxsici:. Ckf. !•'. Hril. Scr. I, 242; 11, 219.— Desiii. Plantcs Ciypt. Kd. I, J.ijj.— Sacc. M Wii. 1 1*-"^.— I.iii. FutiK. Hung. I7>i.— Syilow, M. March. ,-,11. Stromata erumpent. suiTonnded liy the siilistellate-clelt. adiieicnr idermis, pnlvinntc, orliiculai' oi' aim'nlai', rnyulose. thick, disk plano- nnvex, liecominu' Maik. mostly solitaiy. lait sometimes 2-.'! conllnent. '!-[ mm. diam. Perifliecia '2-1") in a stroma, in a single or (hadile layer, ovoid, or snlianunlar Irom compression, i-^ mm. diam.. atteiiu- ati'il into rather loni:' necks risinu' thionuh the lirayish-white stionia with theii' conicdiemisplierical. (piadrisnlcate ostiola distinctly erum- pent. Asci clavate-fusoid, lonu-stipitate, ]). s]i. S(t-1()0 x M-IO /;. Spo- ridia nnmerons. allantoid. yellowish, stroiiu'ly curved. S-r2 x 2-o //. On oak lim'is, ('arolina and Pennsylvania (Scliw.), Alaliama (Uerk.), on Cnifd'f/ii.-i. New York (Pe(d\). C|l ( 1 1 {^1 584 S])(H'c. nil (loiul o;ik liiiilis Iroiii CiiiiMdn (Di'iinicss. IGd")). niid dn (j;ik liiiilis IVoiii lioui^'iaiin (Lniinlois. 1(1!)!)), linvo tlio stroniii smiillcr (1.^-2 iiiMi.) iiinl, ('X('(']it tlic ,; llic jicritliecia also nw siiiallcr (not ov(M' ^ iiuu.), and si'air(dy i-oinprcsscil. 'J'lic asci and 8|)oridia arc almost tlio saiiic as in the iMn'opcaii spocc. I), vei'iiiea'roi'inis, (Khi.) S/'lun ia -,'!■> I iictr/c) iiii-., Khr. in Plant. Crypt, Ivxsicc. 2S0. Sftliu'ihi iiTfUaiin. I'trs, Dispos. Mcth. j). 2. Diali v/>i' TCI I ii(iv/(n mis, Vr. Siiniina, p. ,^\=;. /huh y/>r!/a :f> nn-^rfii mis, N'itsch. I'yr. p. 76. Dialiy/yt'lhi iu/m mis. K. it K. in V.W. H I\vrlit. N. A. V. 21I Sor. 2530. I>ial> yftflla 'I'dct iicaiia. var. siiheffiisa. K. Mi K. Jonrn, Mycol. IV, p. 62. l>ialiyf>i!hi nffliiis, Ckc. and /J. siihglnhaln, Ckc. Jt (icianl, fircv. XIV. p, it. Kxsicc. Tlnini. M. I'. (\s.— M. March. 169, tdii, 75.S, 1720. 2150. — KrieKcr. K. Sax. 17^, 17., Ral). K. K. 135, 1022.— Kll. Ji Kvrlit. N. A. I-". 2il Ser. 2530.— Cke. H. lirit. Str I, (S^ Ser. II, 220. — Ronni. K. Call. 1.173. Stroiuala criini|K'iit tlirouuli tlit.' variously lissiii'i'(| ai HI (iost'i\ adliorent opidorniis, siilirotund or irrou'iilar in sliajK', wartdikc or lint- teneil-i)ulviiiati', l-fi iiiiii. diain., dii-ty drali or dark riist-color at lirst. finally black, white inside, tiiick, soinetiiin's fonlhiont 2 or o toiicllici. or ibriniiiii' an uneven crust of eonsideralile extent. Pcritheeia 2.")-")(i in a. stroma, crowded, ovate or, ^-.j mm. diam. or .^-1 nun. lii.ii'h 1ty -2-5 mm. l)road, with more or less elonti'ated necks. ()sli; .\ lJ-2/.. On dead limits ol Qnci'ciis, Corplinis. ami various deciiliu HIS trees, common. Th -troma is iiroadei' and inostlv (latte r aiK 1 wliitei' inside tliaii in D. (jncrcind, and the spoi'idia ai'c smaller. ar. iS/)('(/a z'liniun (f. Sacc. (/>. tiihcrciihifii. Kll. .t Calkins in llerl).), on Sahnl .scri'iilrttf/. Florida, has the small (1 mm.), tuiierciili- I'orm stromata suhseriate. A'sci (p. sp.) 75-S() x 10-12 ft. Sporidia 0-7 X 1 i //.. The specii^< (sec. \)v. Winter) is specially characterized liy the shape of the asci. which are Inoadest just lielow the a]iex. E. Toet'ia'Jina, De Not. ler, Ital. p. ;!(», tah. ol, lv\>i< .\fi()<>sliiiiin vi'>yiuirfi»»ii , A\v visihlc. I'critliociii 3-S in ii stroma, toloi'itldy liirti'c. li'loliosc, with sliort. tliiriv nccjss. suIiiikmios- ficlioiis. iylnii' close toiictlicr. ( )sti()iii. citliei' sliulitly proiiiiiiciit. uloliosc- cniiical, liiintly siilcntc (»i' (k'jtrossod. riiniicl-slKipcd and iicrluiatcd, Asri nari'.\, l(»nu'-. iii^i'o-aiiiiulata, ((«iev.) S/>ht€n\i nix'io-tDiini/ti/ti, (".rev, Klor, K. ,?9u. • I'ii/sa a>iiiii/ii/ti, b'r. Suinina, p, 411, Ihiihvfi,' aiiiiiihila, Cls, & I)e Not. Sclieiua, p, 2S, Via Irypdla a iti; 11 1 it /: 1;, Nils, Pyr, Gtiin. p. Si. Kxsicc, Rab. K, E, 1022,— Kricg, F, Sax, 17.S,— Sydow, M, March. 2l,so. Sti'onia 1 J-o mm. In-oad. suborliicidai" at l)ase, nai-rowed altove to conical or Iiendspherical, aiiuidar, ernmjient. cldthod, exce]»t the dark •iray or nearly lilack a)»ex, l)y tlie lacinia' of the ru]»tui'od c])idermis. Perithecia S-X in a sti'onia. sidtnionosticlions. ovate oi-, oi' aiitiidar I'roni mntnal pi'essnre. with more or less eloniiated, slender necks and small, .-scarcely ])roniiiient. olitnse. entire or faintly 4-sidcate oslioJa. which linally liecome nniliilicate and perl'orated. Asci nai'row- cliivate, lomi-stipitate. |iai'a]tliysate, lOO-lSO x lO-l'i // Sporid crowded, allantoid, vellowish. sliulitlv curved. ')-S x 1.', /t. la On dead linilis f>\' I/cx'! Mississi]t|ii (Karle). Texas (Kavenel). /). T. iccHVdiKi ami D. ii!ma can liardh lie ndieil on t< (unerw ise closely allied. ( Karst. Mycol. Fenn. II. p. l.ja) 'pa rate sjicc I), favaoea, (Fi.) Spliicn'a fiivtuea, Hr, S, M. II. p. 3.SI Splmiia t/ioichiti, var. bihilina, \. i<. S. Ci>n>p. p 11. I)iali\/>f /avacia. Fr, Suninia, p. ^^'^.s, l)iatiyl>i- veil uccefoi mis, T\il, Sel, Carp, II, p. mo Ilialt ypi-lla favaciw, N'it.scli, Pyr, Ceriii. ji. 77, I'lxsicc, Fckl. 1'. Rh. 10.(0 — Thuiil, F". Aiistr .S112,— Dcstii. I'l. Crypt F'.d. I, J051, FM. II 17SI,— F;n, N, A. F. risfi. troniata irrcLiularly scattered, oltcn 74 Ol' more standucj near ■\ <\ .■)S(i I'iicli other, iiiid coiilIiKMir lu'low. conical iVoiii an ('lli|trical (scliiom orliicniar) liaso, soatcil on the inner liark,3-(» mm. loni:', 1-2 nun. Iiiuli. tli(> cliiplical disk ('i'nni|icnt. cncloscil on cacli side liy tlic ti'ansvci-clv- i'ii|>tiii'cd ('iiiilcrniis, wliirisli inside. Peritliecia (!-8<) in a sti-onia, in one or (wo layei's. ovate or anunlar I'roni ciowdin^'. with necks uiorc or less elonii'iitod, and rather hirii'e, ronnded, faintly 4-(!-snlcate. Mack. slightly proiuineiit ostiola. Asci oldoiiii'-clavate, Inn-7 ii. pnrapliysate. Spoi'idia crowd (>d, allantoid, yidlowish, sliu'litly curved, 4i-r)i x 1 n. On liark of d(>ad Itirches. noi-th(^rii I'. S. and Canatla. I). (Iworata, Xitschke, Pyr. (Jeiin. ji. T'.K Mioosloma Tiilf^iiic, .\\V(1. in I'ckl. !•'. Kli. i'\;5. Stromata small, tultercnlilormdiemispherical. 2-l2.', una. Iiroad al luise, omltraced laterally hy the loltes of the ruptured epidei-mis, thi' i)ro\\'nisli-l)lack ajtex sliuhtly archeil. Peritliecia (!-l2 in a sti'onia. monostichous, cro\vde(|, ulohose or ovate, atirnptly contracte(l aliovc into sleniler, short netd-(! x 1 a. On dead lindis of hircli, London, Canada (Doarno.*^). I). Miss(Hll'i('llsis, K. iV K. (in llerli.) Stromata scattered, wartdike or tuliert'ulardieniisjtherical, 1.'. mm. diam., and alii)ut 1 mm. Iii^li. seateil on the inner liark, with a dink circumscriluuti' line penetratim>' lo the wood, ei'iimpent ami (doscly surrounded, except the drah-iiray disk (which Itecomes Mack). I>y the iolies of the suhstellute-ruptureil epidermis. I'eritliecia 8-12 in a r)87 iii!>, cloHcly )»ac*k(Ml. inonnsticliouH, ovate or iiimiiliif. nlioiit A iiiin. (liiiiii.. witli i^Iiort necks tei-iniuiitiiiii' in the ^(i x > //. nai row-elavate. |i(pl\>|)()r(Mi.<, stipitate. Sporidia 4(i-r)() in an aseus. yellow in the mass, ueaily iiyaline when seen sinuly, not strontiiy enrved. .')-(> \ 1 //. On (h'ad stems ol' Co/vy/^/.s, Missonri (I>emetrio). 'i'his lias the ticneral ajipearance lA Diatryiic al/joj)nii/i(jttiola only sliuhtly ])ronunent. convex, liroadly ami irreunlarly de- hiscent. Asci claviite, 110-120x10-1-//. Sporidia numerous, inor- dinate, yellowish in the mass, nearly hyaline when free, slightly curved. <.l.tu,se, (i-7 \ l.\-2 /I. On dead twiizs ol' oi'anue trees. Florida (L'uderwood). U. (liscoidfii. (ke. \ Pk. 'isth Rep. p. 71. IC.vsicc. Tlunii, M, I'. ISd.).— l';il. N. .\. 1-. 492.— Riiv, h\ Am. iSS. Stroma orliicnlai' or elliptical, ti"insversely eimnjieni, suriounded liy llie epideiiiiis, disk naked, plane, urayish-lihifk. Ostiola small, scarcely exserted. nearly smooth or 4-{l-sulcate. I'erithecia nionos- liclious, o\ate, (1-12. or in the larger stromata 20-40, small. Asci polyspoi'ons. parai)liysati'. Sporidin allantoid. nearly sti'aiuht. ;")->■! \ =^-1 />.. When the outer liark is torn oil' the stroma and perithi'cia <(inie wilh it. There aie two li)rms, one with the sti'oina nai'rctw. and liansvers(dy ermn|ient. the other with the stroma (U'liicniar. \'ar. Ahii, Cke.. has the sti'onia orl>icular and superficial or nearly so. On liark of dead liiri'h trees. Northern I'. S. and Canatla: the \ar. on aldei'. in Sontli Cai'olinn and (-alil'ornia. h. onaca, Cke. Texas Funui. \o. 118. Stromrta scattei'e(l. tidierculil'orm. ahout 1 ?,-2 nnn, diani.. eium penl-superlicial. rnl'ous-lii'own. liecominL! '"lack, vei'y white inside. -nuK^limes sulu'onlluent. IVrithecia S-J^ in a stroma, ahont \ nnn. diani. Asci clavale. p. sp. 7r)-i)0x 12-1;') «, jtolysporons. pai'aphysate. *^poridia allantoid. crowde(|. moderately enrved. yellowish-hyaline, (i-S X 1 1 fi. On dead limhs of Ilcr ujidcti, 'i'exas (Havenel), Florida (Calkins). i u tin oSS \K Sassal'i'iis, K. iV K. (in llci'li.) Sti'oiiint!) cni'ticiil, iircLj-iii'ioiis iiml siilifonlliiciit. sihmII (1-2 niin.i, |Mlstlilir<)riii, cDvcrcil l»y the liliickciicil r|iii|ci'iMis. siiiTodiiilcd li\ ;i Ihiiit cirLMiiiisi'riljiiiu' line wliicli docs not, iicni'tcjiti' tlic wood. I'l'i'i- t.licc'iii (!-!;") in n stroinit, oviitc-u'lolxtsc. }^-l iinii. diiiiii.. contents .-oil iuid u'clatinons when yoiniL;-, crowded, witli xcrv little stroniiitic inatcriiil liet ween :ind over tJieni. necks short find thick. ()s(:o|;i coiirse. dc|iresse(|-licniis))liei'iciil. iihick. oliscnrely stelhitc-clelt, ;iii(| ii'i'cti'nliirly ileliisccnt. Asci claviitc-oldonii-, sti|iit!ite, lOd-l Id (p. ~|i. 7i")-S()) .\ 10 /<: pai'iipliyses? Sporidia nnnicrons. alhmtoid. yellow in the mass, not stronu'iy ciu'vod. (J-T x U,-2 //. On dead linilis (>\' SuKsfffh/s. Newlield, X. .). Tlie outside ajipearance is almost exai'tly that of Vulxuiun niiirn- fnrfa, (A A- K. I), hei'bacea. K. iV K. .lourn. Mycol. III. p. 142. Stroma tulierculirorm, 1-2 nnn. diam., white inside, tiniici] with yellow aliove, Imt lilack externally. I'ci'illiecia ovate-u-|oliose, aiioiil \ mm. diam., ratlier al)ruptly contracte(l alio\(' itito a slir)rt, narrow neck. e.\pandc(| at tin.' siirl'ace of the >lr(ima into a hroad. ohtiisc ipiailrisnlcate ostiolnm. Asci, inclndinii' the slender hase. l()()--12(i x 10-12 //: para])hyses soon ili.sip] Sporidia ci'()wde(| in ihc iipjier hair of the asci, lum.i'rons. pah' yellowish, cylindrical. cnive(|. T-IS x 1-1.', //. On the same stems was ii ('(tloxplidrid with .scattcrcMl or snliseriate. Iieakcd perithecia havinii' I'ascicnlate a.-^ci alioiit 2()x 8.',— 1 //. trinicate aliove. and sporidia .').^,-4.', x -J //. On iload liei'liaceoMs stems {Ainbrosin hujtdu .'). !;onisiana (Laim- lois). \). ramiiliU'is, K. & E. .lourn. .Mycol. I. c. Stroma tultorculiform. 1-2 nnn. diam., Imrstinu' out through louiji- rudinal cracks in the hark, penetratiuff to the wood, wliicli is marked with a Itlack. circinnscrihinu- line, siditruncate aliove, dirty-white with- in. I'eritliecia 4-12 in each stroma, u'loliose. with short necks, walls thick ami coriaceous. < )stiola o[dy slightly prominent. Hat. 4-."i-stellalc- cleft, linally liroadly peiiorated. Asci liidad, clavate. 1)0-1 10 .\ 12- IT) //. Sporidia many, allantoid. yellowish, modei'atelv cni'ved. (1-10 \ On dead liranches of Lnini-i'rd Jdnotiini, I'ointe \\ In ||;ichc. La. (Langlois). Ob!) I). Po|Hili, Kll. & H«l. .I.Mnii. 1. p. 4. I'crillicciii cnrtiliiiiiiioiis. ovnti* or siiliiiiiunliir IVoiii iiiiitiiiil coiii- |iic n. \( llowisli.eiirved. 10-12 x 1' 'I' iioridia eviiiidrieal le siirlace ol tlie wnod is lilac I'lied except directiv under tlie strtmia, wliere it retains its liulit color. On dead litnlis o|" I'optfh/t<. Iowa (ilohvay). I). (Ifcipifil.s. K. (S: K. .lonrn. Mycol. IV. p. SO. ."^troiiia eriiiii|ieiit. Idack (liiiiiter colored al lirst). oi-'hiciihir or oli- Iniiii'. --<» iiini. across, piilviiiate, convex or. in the lariicr specimens, almost plane, whitish inside, with a Mack, circnniscriiiiiiu' line around Ihe liase. Ostiola sliu'litlv proiniiieiit, (|iiadi'isidcate, situated in sliuht I'eritliecia nioiio-ticlioiis. ohloini-ovate, aliout ^ iiiiii. Ion ili'jiressioii.- rontracted alnnptly into a short neck ahove. Asci (p. sp. ) "jO-TO x (1-7 11, polysporoiis. Sjioridia y(dlowisli. allantoid. iiiodoratelv ciirvi'd. .')^,-4J, ( or exce|)tioiially ;") n. lon^i and less than 1 ti tlii<-k. This can not lie distinu'uishiMl iiy its external cliaracters IVoiii Dhitryjic hiill(if((. (iiolV.). liiit int'rnallv it is very dillei'(Mit. On liark ol' dii/)('l/>il. ,p. sp. 7") -SO //;, niKMi w ith a miiltitnde ol' allantoid, yellowish. 2-nucleate. (i 7 x U //. sporidia. The spt-cies i< widl characterized li_\ its jieciiliar stroma. 'J'lie color ol the youim stroma is miicii deeper, oiiiuue-red. Imt the color linally disappears. (.)n a decorticated jioplar limii, iji a willow Junule, LonisianH (Langlois). M )!)<» 1). Vitis, E. vV: K. Vn>v. Aciui. Xiit. Sci. Phil. .Inly. 1M)U, p. -j-j;,. Sti'oiiiii tiilK'i'('nlir()nii-li('iiiis|ili(Mi('!tl. mWoiiI 1 iiiiii. (litiiii.. ('i'iiiii|iciit- siijKM'ticiiil. l)liU"k iiisiilc. Pci'itlicciit 1-4 in si sti'oiiin. liioliosc. .', nun (liiuii.. ItliU'k iiiid sliiiiiiiii' witliiii, coiiti'.'ictcd iilii)\(' info m short neck, Ostiolii scni'cciy promiin'iit. (|iiii(li'isiilciit('. Asci |i(ii_vs])()i'ons. T.Vsiix lO-l'J fi. i'hi\iit('-c\iiii(iii('iil. liitlicr jiiiiii|itly contriU'lcil iiclow into a ,-lilMtat.o linsciiinl surntmidcd liy (iliscni-c piU'iiiihyses. Sporidin idhin- toid, vrihtwish-hvnliiic, fi-T x 1.', ii. not stroiiiiiv imii'vimI. The sintiicc thi' w ood iK'nt'iilli the stroiiiii. !is well iis the iiini'r sMrliu-c of il lijii'k. is niiiri\('d witii m lihick cii'dnnscriliinu' line. On dciid vines of I"/7/.s /tijiiiuidfn, IJiiyoii (Jlicnr. L;i. ( Liinuioisi. I). Demeti'ioiiis, K. A; E. 1. t . StvoMifi ]iulvin!d«:'. (h'|>r('ss(Ml-ht'niis|ih(^rical, oi-liicular, shitc-lihick. 1 J-2 nnn. diani., iitMictrafinu to the wood, which is iiiarkiMl with a lijack rirc'iniificrilmiti' lino, closely ('nilii'ac('(| hy the sM))('i'licial hivcr of the liark. wliich lonns a nan-ow. adnatc mariiin: inner siilislancc whit- irli. Ostiohi only sliLihlly |ii(iiiiincnt. ilistinctly Init notdccplv I'adiatr- ( Iclt. I'crithccia ol nicdiui! -i y.c. Liloi osf (,i' aii^niar Iniui nnitni ii'cssurc Asri slcndcr-eliivatc. T")-.*^** // haiL;' (p. sp. ;!;") .\ (1 //). sar- ins iidia ( I'owdi'd. jiale yellowish ni the mass, nearly hyalnie wiien sc] ated. minute, allantoid. slii:litly cnived. alionl ■!-") .\ 1-1 .', //. 'I comes hcai- JJ. e,vi(/iia. Winter, which is also on willow lindis, luit that s]iecies is said to liave the stroma very small {" minntissimis") and the sporidia S .\ U, //.. In the Colorado specimens we liiund no sporidia over ■") f>. lonu'. and mostlv onlv alionl 4 n. The ueneval aniieai'ance is ain.dst exactly that of l)l,>a, Vr. S. M. II. p. 351. Ilialiyj'i aspi-ra, Vr. Siinimn. ]>. ;,^5. l>ui/> y/>r!Ut asf>i Id. Nits, I'yr. (■unn. p. ~,\, "ti'omata scattered or sidn'oidliient. ri.- inu Irom a sii liorlii en la I liase, cylindrical oi' prisniatical, stixjiijily eiiimpent, sides alirupt and clo.sely snrronntled liy the adiiei'ent lolies ol the ruptured epidermis. Avliitisli inside, ape.x liai'c. Iilack. plane or convex, and roniihened liy the thick, ritiiuh, conical t>r cyliiidi'it'al osliok'i. rerithecia 1-12 in a stroma, monostichoiis, often circinatinu' around a centi'al one. rather Uu'ge, subgloliose, or sulicoui[)i'essed, suddenly attenuati'd into a ver\ iHIl 691 r ii('cl<. Asci siilM'yliii(li'i(;il, with ;i loiii:' stipr nml lililonii piir- ;ilili_\>t'<. polvspoi-oiis. p. sp. ] 12-120 X 1(»-12 ^|ii)nuiii coiiiiloliiitc ilhiiitiiiil. ycllowisli, (i-T x 11 ft. Oil Coriiiis. \('\v York StiUc (I'ci'k). I). Kliois. (Sriiw.) SpluTiiti A'/itiis, Schw. Syii. C:ir. N'o. f<}. Sti'oiiiii wart-like, oliovati', riiiiosc, lijiick ((.'iiit'n><)iis witliiii), l.'.-^) iiiiii. (liiiiii.. siiltcoiiliiiciit or (Iciisciy ii'ivunrioiis. iiioi'c or less covc^rcil hv the lilicrs of llic wood. I'critlicria lew in a troiiia. Ostiola !. saliproiuiiii'iit. ."^poriilia iiiiiiicroiis, liyaliiii', sliiiiitiy ciirvcil, cnniiM ■) \ 1 It. On dead stems of R/nis ,'. ribc'sia, (Si'liw.) Sf>lhriia lihfiiii, Scliw. Syii. N. .\iii. i-'.i?. l']lViiseil. eonsistiiiLi' of many small. auii'n>uate(l, eonllnent pnlvinnii: very rouu'li aKove IVom tlii' aliiindaiit. jn'omiiiont ostiola, wliieli are tliiek, short, irreiiular, with an (dontiatod, liystoi'iil'orm openinii:. Peri- tliecia rather larti'e. mostly oliovate, in a scanty, whitish stroma. Attached to the wood, and erumpent through the ei)idermis in strips roacliinii' as niiieli as 'lA mm. lonu', liv (1 mm. wide. On ilead stems {^^ liihcx riihrniii. I>ethlehein, I'a. (Scln ."^neee in llerli. Schw. have asei (p. so. ) in-AO \ 10 n. iioridia ler. .')-7 x 1-1.', >t. This is diil'erent from Vulsn allaiiloiu. hyaline, slem i'ihc![' a Ili/fiferiiitit. luit this furrow is soon obliterated as the apex of the stroma proti'mh's itself still further, assumiim' an orl»icnIar or elliptical roiiii, ]-;■> mm. diam. and roUiilM'ncd hy the jirotniiliim'. Iilack, rouuh. ) \S-|() //. |i(ilvs|t(ir(iiis. sti|iitiitc, |iiii'ii|iliysnt('. S|M)riili;i alliintoiil. vcllowisli-liyiiliiic. not strniiH|\ ciirviMl. (;-',» x I .', /t. {)\[ ilcM'l sti'iiis {)\'Ceii}t'. Am. 125,^ Crowded in loiiiiitiidiiiid crMcks in tlic wood, lorniini;' riiirr '( p\v -trips ol'tiMi ludl' iin incii lonu', iicnniiiiiitc iit cmcIi end. !ind 'xm liliick. considcriililv I'k'Vjitcd in llic nii ^•liw.). I), variolosa, (Scliw.) S/i/iifini laiiiihisii. Scliw. Syii. N. .-Vni. 1272. Stroinata jiiilvinate. eiiiiii|ieiir, nlioiit 2 iiiiii. diniii.. (lattisli. siiii- ( oiilliient. closely eiiihraeed liy and jiartly eoxcred with Iraii'iiieiits ol the rii|itiire(| e|(ideriiiis. I4ack. riiii'ose. Ostiola imineroiis. short. (|iiadri- silicate. I'erithecia oliovate or |iyiiroriii, rather laru'e. |i()lysticlions. iiniiiersed in the white siilistaiice ol' the stroma. Asci cla\ ate-c\ Iin- drical. T-VSdx 12-1.") II.. with aiiniK hint liaraiilivses. iioiKlia \(' lowish-hyaliiie, allantoid only sliuhtly cairved. with a niicleiis in em-h end. ')-(! x 1 \ a. On yoiiiiii' liraiiches i\[ Popiil us ffdi/ca. lletlileheMi, I'm. 1). in'oiiiiiiciis, (Howe). /liiiliyl'if'iiuiiiiinis, Howf, l!\ill. Toir. Hot. Clllli, V, 1>. 42. Stroma wart-like, orhiciilar or iiiimilar. 1-U, iiim. diaiii., ernin pent and closely liirt l>y the ruptured epidermis. siili])romiiieiit. Iilack outside, whitish within. I'erithecia 4-S in a stroma, siihiiloliose. aliniit i iiiiii. . New \'ork ami Calil'oriiia. The diau'uosis is from New York specc. Iroin I'eck. JJinlri/jic prominoiH. Cke. A' liark. is di»tinct t'rom this, liavinn' S-.iporcd a-ci. !)3 U. deiista. KM. iV Maitiii. Am. Nmi. «»it. l.shJ, j.. M»!i. Isxsicc. Kll. N. A. !••. lis.). I'listiilcs oliloiiu' or ('lli|itii'iil, l-.'} nun. diiim , covered liv the liliickcncd and niiscfl ('iiidcrniis, sciiltt'i'cd in'(>(►-()')) x r)|-7 It. polysporoiis, stipe comparatively short. Sporidia allantoid, yollowisli, modoi-atoly cnrved, 5^-7 x 1.J //. On petioles o\' Sdhu] xcrruUita, Florida (Martin). I). Lii'iodt^iidri, (Scliw.) SphtFfia l.itindemiri. Scluv. Syu. Car. No. f>o Krnmpent, pr<»minent, suliconllneiit, 4-() mm. diam.. seated on tlie liai'k (wliicli is lilackened to the wood) and at lii'st surrounded hy it; surface ]»ulverulent. rou,) -1 mm. I). Fi'ostii. I'k. liot. (Jaz. 111. p. 35. Kxsicc. Kll. N: Kvilit. N. A. l-'. 2(1 Ser. 2529. Stromata wart-like, 1-2 mm. diam., seated on the inner Itark which is lilackeiiec] anx 12-15 ji. Sjioridia yellowish, allantoid. nioilerately cnrved, 7-S x 2 //. with a nucleus in each end. On dead maple liml)S. Vermont (Frost). (Connecticut (Thaxterj, Cidilornia (llarkness), Iowa (llolway). The ostiola vary from olttuse-coin'cal to sul (elongated, conic-cylin- drical, entire, often oliscnif. 75 •i 'I . .J5)4 r». ii'i'e«ulai'is, T. it K. Ciw. VI. |.. :i2. StvniiKita \v;irl-lil iiiiii. dijuii.. rluscly t'ovci'i'd liy ilic ciii. ilcriiiis. wliifli is [(icrccil liy the iipcx ol' the slrinnii, ol'tfii fdiilliirm. lonniiiii' ii Hill Idistcr-likc swcllinu' 1 i-in. Iii'onil. iiiid ciitii-clv conciviI liy flic <'|iii|i'iiiiis. "xrc)tt wlii'ir it is |ti('rc('(l liy the siiuill. Miick ii|iici- df rlic si'|»iii'iilt' slroiiiiilii. ciiii'i'cotis iiisidt', ni»t |H'ii<'ti;iliim' to llif \vii>m|, :iiiii ii<»t (•irciiiiiscrjlM'd: otiicf struniMf!! nii m dcrdi'ticiitcd [liiit nl' tlic siiiut' liiiil>. aic sciilcd (111 the wood : tlirsr iii'c oMoim' and suliscijiitc- coulliiciit,. I'ciillu'cia N-lli in a siiiu'lc stioiiia. (ivatc. Idack, aliuiii J nun. diaiii.. necks slnirt. with tlicir olduscly cdiucal. soiiictinics ijiiadii- sidcatf, and liiially irrciiidarly dcliiscciil ostiola sliu'litly pioiiiiiicnt. Asci oltloii'jr-idavatc, stipitatc. 100-1 1') .x 10-12 u (p. sp. 40-.")0/< loii'i), |iolysp()i'uiis. On ilcail \\n\U< n\' /*//rt/s coitnutinis. Xc\vli(di|. X. .1. Oui' spocinii'u is not well niatni'cd, and the spoi'idia rcliisc in seiHiratc and leave the asci. Sec. Cuuke tlicv are S u lonti". 'i'liis seems nioic closely allieil to /). r^'rriicd'f'nnitis than to I), i/iicri'iini. and we are inclined to reuard it as only a var. of that species. I). siibCiilva, (B. . y7. />ia/i v/>e o/iTtiiYti, C. .S: }•;. Crcv, VI, p. '). />i(i/>y/>. oliramf, (J. iV 10.. are without Iriiit. The species is now considered liv (Jook(> as svnonviiioiis with D. stihf'iifrit. B. A- C. D. aiiiiiilaiis, (Sciiw.) Spliigi hi uniiiilints, ricluv. Syll. N. Am. IJ70, Diairypr aniiulans. Cke. Cirev. XIII. p. .^S, Stroniata conic-tnliei-cnliiorMi. trnncate above, \-\\ mm. diaiii.. .seriate-siiliconlhient in rinirs snrronndini:' the liinl) or extendinir loiii-d- tiidinally. white inside, rarely solitary. Ostiola prominent on the tnincato apex of the stroma. (|iiadrisuleato, stout and short. Pcrithecia (4—0 in a stroma), contracted into short, idack necks al)ove. Asci ()(. sp.) 4 ')-")0 X l.")-20 n. with a slender liase. Sporidia yellow in the mass, nearly hyaline when siuii'le, allantoid. (5-7 x 1.^-1^ /i. On decorticated l)ranelies of various kinds of soft wood, ('aroliiia and Pennsylvania (Sehw.). Measurements from sp\' tllr >('liilti'- liniit J iimlri- ilirlil. "■ Inlln'l. U. eiifeioleiica. (Ki.) Spluriiii enlenilfiiiii, l-r. S. M. II. p. ^''i. Soliw. Syn N Am i.ii |. I'alsa itiliiolfiiia, Cke. Syii. I'Ci. •' ("oiiccptjiclc cnistiiccfMis. I'diiuli, nciirly Wvy. jilioiit !is liiruc iis n |M';i. I'critlicciii iiiiiiutc. siiii^lnlidsc. iimiicroiis. irrciiiiliiily sciittcrcil ill the wliitc sulistiuicc cil' the stioiiiii. Ostiiihi nmiMlcil. (iftcii short- (■vliiidiiciil, soiiK'liiiics ('li»imiil<''roups of peritlieeia. On liranehes of /j?oi/«/«, Uethleheni. I'a. (Scliw. j. Asei and sporidia alioiit as in D. liliois. which this iniicli re- -enililes. I), frhibilis, (Fr.) Sf>liy a dark line, stroma pale yellt)wisli ami without jieri- tliecia. Disk erunipent, linear. Mack. When mature, pustules ellip- I I I ill sjv; mi i, ii if iMSf^i i ■ I m ill lit f •)9(i ticnl, 4 mill. Idiii:', ilcprcsscil, iiiliiatc to tlir inner Imrk. ('nii('c|ii:i(||i iiL'iii'ly free, tliin, IVaiiilc. (»|»iik('. liliick, iittiU'linl to tlic t'liidcrinis >n that wlii'ii tliis is torn away, tin' sciitcllironii liiiso I'rniiiins. Slidiiiii inilvcraciMjiis. olivaccons. i)('coiiiin,ii' "roj>'ate(l, (M'eet-convf'i'ucnl. oMitc. IVaii'ile. I^isk eriiiii|»ent. elii|)ti('al. iiiiniite, lilaek. Ostiola olisolcti'lv prominent, seattered. Asei chivate, stipitate, polyspoi-ons. Spoiidiji iiiinierous. critwdeii, allantoid. yellowisli. 'i-T.V // loni>'. On liark of dead liiirJi trees, I'ennsyivania (Seliw.). SLB(H{1)EK. IM)Tini)h:\("KK. (Jouipouiid. Stroma piilviiiate, elViised or linear, eoriaceons m suliearlioiiaeeoiis, lilack. I'ei'itliecia reduced to mere e<'lls, (ueneralh periplierieal) in lli<' sniistaiiee of the stroma, and not separalile rriiin if. papillate oi' simply perl'orated. Asei 4-S-spored. Sporiijia hyaline yellowish or hrown. PHVLhACHORA, Xitsclike. ill I''ckl. Synih, \>. 216. Stroma variable in shape, elliptical, oldoiiif or Iniieeolate, covere(| liy the epidermis. Mack, more or less roiiuheiied liy the apices ol' the small, asci. Stroniiita scattered, innate and snliprominont on liotli sides of the leal, which is .stained immediately around them reddish-hrowii, small loss that! /, mm. diam., siilitnlierciilose-i-oiiuheiied, lilaek. Asci,t;'eroii- cells, (5-12 in a stroma, siilitiloliose, TiVSO // diam. Asei ol)h)im--riisoii| ')0~tiO .\ H> //. Sporidia cru\vd(;d-liiseiiato, olilonit fi-jniilc, lilack, nearly siiiitoili. Asciii'Oi'oiis cells iiiimei'oiis, liiii'ied in rlie stroiiiii. white. Asci eyliii- iliienl, siilisessile. TO-SO x ()-!(» //, 8-s|M)i'e(|. Speridiit iiiiiserinte. ellipseid or (ivoid, enntimioiis. hyaline, TJ-'JO x 4-7 n. Paiaphyses lilii'onii. On stems ol' Liitinva horcdilx, Wliitt^ Moiiiitains, X. II. (Farlow). Mr. K(dsey liiids, on the same host, in -Montana, the minute, seat- t(»i'ed sti'omata ol' some l>othideat't!onri funu'iis on the njijiei' side dl die leaves hnt entirely sterile. I'll. (MK'I'OCleS, (li«»V.) Sftlu/nia inciiuUs, I.c'v. Ami. Sci, III. (I'iis) \i. .so. Ihitliiili-ti Ciihi-iisi.<, Ilcrk. (lidt Cooke). I'lnsiilosf'01,1 nnciulrs, Sacc. Syll. 1717. l},illn\lfii lOii Dili's, Ckf. Svii. !-'.io. Ivxsici'. Kll. .V I'.vrht. N. A. 1-. iiX Sor. lyso. Stroiiiata scattered, am|ilii,u'enons. llatlencMl-pnIvinate, A-1 ,'. mm. (liam.. lilack, roiiii'heneil iiy the (tittnse. prominent osti,sy /'fti/sitfosjxira. havinu' tin" cliarai'tfi'istic cc|N of the J). ,?o. /)i>tliiilra Tttliilii. Vw Suiiiina, Vej;. Sc.iiiil. )>. ;,S7. rinlUuhma Tiif'iilii, I'Vkl. Symb. ]). 21S, l':xsicc. Fckl. I'. Kh. loj.!.— Riib. IkrI). Myool. ^,57, -id. K. I<:nr. i.?:,i. -Kze. Y Sfl. i-c. Tliuiii. M. r. Jji'ii.— Syilow. M. .March. 1197. — I.inliarl V. HiiiiK. Ci. Sti'omata hypophyllous, iri'en'arions, collected in small, mostly eloiiuateil iri'oups extendinuj rdoiiu' the nerves of the lent', Idack, siili- U'lohose or tnlierciiliform, ]»ronjinent., often c(Mdluent. Sporidia (sec. <'ke. ill (Jrev. XIII. |i. (i.'J) elliptical, hyaline, continuous. "Jltx !(>/<. On leaves of Trl/oliinn rcpcns. Ohio (.Moru'an), on Ti'lfolinin. .New York (Peck). The sj)ece. we have seen are immature or sterile. I' I'M C til"! J' 698 Ph. Ambiosisf, (B. I'liyHiu/iDia Aiiihiiwiir, Sacc. Syll. .S127. StroiiiJi fdiivcx. sliiiiiiiu'. Asci liiiciir. sliortcr tliiiii tlic sIcikIit |>iii'ii|»liyst's. S]i()i'iiliii iiiiiscriiitc. clliiiticiil. Iiviiliiic. Oil IciiM's ol Anihrosla vhttior. Caroliiiti. iiiid on J. aitcmisld- folia. Alaltfiniii (lU'iitiiiioiit). 1). Ainhrosio', Scliw. Syii. X. Am. lltSf) (s(t. Ckc, (!ivv. XI 11 |i. 43). is without IVnif iiinl not ii P/n/U>ich(tni. Ph. Lespedeza', (Schw.) Sp/iinhi I.e<.pidez([, Scluv. Syii. N'. Am. uSS. I'liyllachiim'filfZir, Cke. Ciicv, XIII. p. 6,^. Ex-sicc. Kll. N. A. K. 4S7. Stroniiitn uri'.u'iU'ioiis or siiln'onllucnt. eoiiic-convcx, lilark ami . //. ^l-sp(t|■('(l. SpDi'iilia ()l>li(|iH'ly iinis-'riate or l»isci'iat(\ elliptical, acutely so at first, lint linally more olttnse. grc.'enisli-uTiuinlar, I'j-'J'J x !)-li> /t. On l(>a\'es oi r/on/u/n/a, Xicarau'ua (Wriiilit). A lew sporiilia were seen witli the emlroclirome ilivided in tin- niJiMIc Descrilieil from specc. collected Ity Wriu'Iit in Xicaraii'na. ** Oit t/io}KOCOtyl(;do/ioi(s jihiiifs. I'll. ^Jiamiiiis. (IVis.) (Plate 40) S/'li,cii,i C'xtiniiiis, I'ers. Syn. p. 30. Dnlliiiii-a ii'iiinihiis. \>r. Suniina, p. 3S;. I'hylhichoia (hann'ms. I''ckl. SymU. p. 216. /fyfii'/'/riis I.ii-.uhr, Kab. in Had. Krypt. j.^S- riiyltaihiiia lliumi, Kckl. Syinb. p. 216. ICxsicc. 1-ckl. Rh. loi*', 22f>4.— Kzc. K. Scl. 2(Hj, ,vii.— Rail. 1". I-: -Rehiii .^sc. Tlium. I-'. Austr. 176.— Sydow, M. March, S4, S6, 254.— Dcsni. PI. Cr. Kd. I, 96s.- id. ;i';d. II. 2{,s.— CkL'. F. Hiit. Ser. I, 67S,— Kll. N. A. K. 4S.1. Stromata scatteriMl (»r eonflnenr. penetratinii' the leal and more or less prominent on lioth sides, covered liy the adnat(\ i)lack and sliiniiiir epidermis, of various lornis, mostly ohlonu' or lanceolate, hlack, uneven, riiii'nlose, al)out 1 mm. lonjj:. Asciu'i'rons cells sul)seriate. Ostiola oliscnre. Asci short-stipitat<', cylindrical, 75-80x7-8 //, 8-.spored. paraphysate. Sporidia (ddiipiely uniseriate, ovate, simple, t>' Ill's. Fr. Siimnia Veg. Sc. p. v)7. I'livlliichoia I'ditn.s, Sacc. Syll. ,S242. C()vei('(l. uneven, coidluent, Idack, tuberculose from the astonious. prominent perithecia. Alli<'(| to /*. (ji-aminis. hut immersed in the unclian<^od ])arenchynia of the leaf, the ]ironiinent perithecia (cells) dis- tinct, hut covered iiy the Itlnckened epiijernds. (.)n leaves o\' Carex Pcinist/lvaiuai, Albany, X. V. (Peek). Cooke in (iri'v. X 111. ]). (!3, states tliat the asci are clavate and the sporidia elliptical, continuous and hyaline. Ph. Cynodontis, Xiessl, Xot. Pyr. p. 74. Ivvsicc. Reliui Asc. Rah. !■". K. 22)1. -'I'liuiu. M. V. [067. Str(Miiata scattered, suhorliicular or suhelonjiated, small, mostly not over I mm., not stroniily prominent, black, ast;igerous cells .small. .,.: I (\00 i m m Asci rliiviite-siilifiisoid. piirnjiliyriato. p. s]i. 45-;')0 x i'2-15//. S])ori(|i;i crowdcil. invii'iilai'Iy liiseriatc or soiiictinics (ilili(ni('ly iniiscriatc iiciiti'ly olliptii'iil, yollowisli-liynliiie, continuous, \'2-]') x o-O //. On leaves ol' some urass. Alaliama (Atkinson). nill'eis from /*//. f/nniu'its in its sniallei- stromata and erowdeil s|ioridia. The Alaliama speee. auree with those in the Kxsiccati (|i lolCU Pli. nielniKtplaca, (I)esiii.) Vol h iilra miiaim/'liiCi), Dcsm. Not. 17, p. 3,",. I'liylUiiliota iiii/.tno/r/cuii. Sacc. Syll. 5151. Aniphiuonous: sjiots hiruo, indotei'unnate, opakc. Aseiii('i(iu> ce numerous, sn lall. (•onnat(\ whitish within. Itecomin"' Idaek. A; ■c\ our am|)le, ;")() // lonu'. Sporidia ovoid, hyaline. sul)olivace On lanuuishiiiii" or dead leaves of Vcnitniin viride, Catskill and Adii'ondaek Mts., N. V. (Poek). V\\. Dasylii'ii, (Fk.) Dothuica Diuylitii, Pk. Bot. Gaz. VII, p. 57. Fliyllachota Dasyliiii, Sacc. Syll. 5149, Cke. Syu. 1123. Stromata aniiihisicnous. small, nairow-tdliiitieal. oliloni:' or lint'ar. iiiai' lor a lonu' time eovered liy the epidermic pill loimitudnially ll\ or siiIm\ Imdric d. S whu'li IS at k'Ui;th Aseiii'erous eidls lew. white in.-ide. Asei oldonii te, oldonu or idavate- poridui crtiwded oi' oiseria oldonu', eolorle.xs. 27-40 x Ki-IS Oi I leavi's OI some s pecies u\' Dai^i/lirion (P. Whecderii?, A rr/oui! (Triniiie). I'll, .luiici. (Fr.) .S/>/i,riiii ,/iiiici, Fr. S. M. 11. p. .12S. IhilliiJiii /inici. l-'r. Suiiiiiia, p. 3S7. IVnllinliina/iiiici, Hckl. Syiiil). p. 216. Kxsicr I'ckl !• Kh. 1026.— Ral). H. E. 755.— Ucsiii I'l. Ci. K<1. I, 720. -Cki-. ^■ . Urit -■>' Set- 2.(.v Stromata u'reuarious, olteii confluent, sunk in the sulistance of the culm, more oi- less (donmited, thin, iirown or iieaily Idack. covereii li\ the |)iistulale-i'aised epidernns which linally liecomes Iirown and splil- witli a narrow lanceolate openinu'. Asci^•ero^^ I'ldls sunk in tin stroma, finally euieriienl. I'orndni:' liloliose or sulM'onipi'cssed tulierele>. suh.xoriate, small. Asci sli(wt-stipitate, cylindrical, S-spore(|, (1(»-S") .\ 7-S a. Spoiidiii oldi(|Utdy uni.-eriate or partly liiseiiate. olilon!i. lii- nmdeate (hecominy uni,-10x.')-i}i //. (hi various species of »/»;*('»«; couimoii, iiutol'ten sterile or poorl.\ dcveloi led (;oi """ "■ Oil AvotyJeilouo}is phiitfi^ l»li. I'tt'i'idis. (Rfh.) Sfyluriui /','nit/if, Ktl>. N'toiii, p. ,^1), tab. I, fij;. ,?■ I1,>lhid,-u rinidis, Hr. S. M. II, p. 553. f'/iyllaclioia Plouiis, Fckl. Syiiib. p. 71^. /\'/ii>/H\i;iiifi/ius I'ien'tlh, Winter Die IMlzc, 11, p. uis. ICxsicc. Tliinn. M. V. 175, 2176.— Tlium. F. Aiistr. .— Kclim Asc. 5'-i.— Kiiint.1 I'". Scatul. • I'^rikss. F. Scniul. fllH'l Stidiiiiita liy]K)|iliyll()Us. cloiiifatod. oliloiiii', rollnwiiiii' tlic nerves, ('(iii.<-l)l!U'k outside, deeper hlaek witliiii. '!-?> iiiiu. Iniiii'. J-^ nun. wide, niinutelv itnnetatc froni the ostiiila. SCI luunerous, ev lindrieal. ^-spoicd, ()4xl4 //. Sporidia hisei'iate. elli|ttieal. liyaline. simple, 2-nneIeate. S-IO.\")-. (U. Stroma irreuular, minnte, flattened, lilaek. sometimes eonfliient. Ostiola seareely visible, Asei elavate, S-spored. Spoi'idia ellii)tieal, continiions. hyaline, 8x3 /i. On IVonds of Ptci'is, South ('arolina (Havenel). l\e.>^ciultles a L('/>tostro)iia. IMi. (InlK'lla, (Sdnv.) '! H S/tlunia Jtiihella. Schw. Syn. X. Am. u'^o. I'hyUacliiiin llabi'lla. S;icc. SyU. ,si.M. Ckc. Syn. 1126. Kxsici'. Tliiiin. M. I'. 1711.— Rclini Asc, 47;,,— R;iv. V . \\\\. im.- -I-:n. N. A. F. 4S6. Stromata as in Ph. Ptcrldis, only epiphyllons. eovered liy the epidermis and often interru])ted and tnliereular. Aseiuerons eells rathei- larire. white inside. A.-!K) x 8-l(» //. ]iaraphysati'. S-spored. Sporidia mostly overlappinii-uni.-ei-iate. aeutely I'lliptical. or ovatc-elliptieal, snltine([uilateral. yellowish-hyaline, simple, H)_ll)xo-() //. On dead fronds of Pterls (UjuHIiki. Xew Kn;.:iand. New Jersey and New York; pralily also in other loealities where its host is fonnd. lint, like many othei' species of this uvnns. it is often found sterile. It can. however, lie casilv recoiiiiized l»v its iieculiar lialiit. 76 m m <)02 In the following spevics the f'nictiji''(itlon is nnhnonui. IMi. pel-means, (B. & ('.) Diit/iiiliii /ii I meuii.s, H. fi C. N. I'ac, Kxpl. Kxp. No. if^i. S])Ot.s irreii'iiliir, Hulistclliitc-orliiculiir, lilaek, iK'i'iiH.'iitiiig tlic I'litiiv matrix, clovatoil-siilnugoHe. Ostiola iudistiiu't. On loaves, Nicarasiua. Ph. oxaliiia, E. & E. (in ilcil).) Strouiata aiiijtiiigeiioiis, iiiinute {\~l nun.;, on snl)iinl<'(inif(', jimIc sjiots. black. Stylosjiui'cs Ciisoid-ulilanii', liyaliiu', 7-S x 2-'2}, //. Iiiim- clcatc, Ijoconiiii^' imisoptato. On leases oi'Oxnlis coniiculota, Delawart? (Coinnions), Fli. latitaiis, (Fr.) Ihilliidm latitaiis. Fr. S. JI. II, p. S-'J. t'liyllathma latitans., Sacc. Syll. 5164. Sti'oniata innate in tli(> ]»areneliyina ol' the leaf, and not rradily setMi until the portion ol' tlu; leaf covering tlicni is cut away. Cells nunioi'ous, sultrotund, ei'owded, white. On leaves of Vdccinium Vitis-idfrti, Nimaisiinuiiak, Oreenlaiid. Kesondtles an old Phucidinn). IMi. Paiiici, Schw. Syn. X. Am. 192;') (sub Doth idea). Spots gray, thin, linear, lonuitiulinally anranchin<:- lUtrils, radiato-divoruont and anastomos- iiiLi: .^liajK' oC tlio spots always clliptic-afuniinatc'. Colls miinitc. iiliimdant. shininu'-lihH'k, ol'tcn sr^'.ttvred ontsidc the limits of the spots. On Phylohicca stems, Carolina and Pennsylvania (Selnv.). I'll. IMllo^'is. Scliw. Syn. N. Am. 1!)31 (sul. Dnthidea). Spots dark lu'own, suliindotcrniinate, narrow, sublinear. not cov- ered, eomjtosed of an autrreuation oi'minnte eellnles. On stems o^ Phlox imdiildtif (ealt.), J>ethlehem, I'a. (Selnv.). I'll. rinMmpodii, Selnv. Syn. X. Am. IDl!) (snli Bothidea). Spots of medium size, lurmed of radiating lil»rils, dark l)i'own, toleralily thick, scarcely l)ranchinii', elevated in the center, loaded with peritliecia oi- cells, I'ather large, covered, gloliose-depressed anil ostio- hile. Spots often conthient. (hi large stems {>[ Cliciiopodiiim. JJethlehem, I'a. (Sehw.). Ph. I'ainosa, Selnv. Syn. X. Am. 11)12 (sub Doth'idm). Spots (iltlong, lilack, with liranching librils radiating only longi- tudinally, partially covered at first. Cellules .seriate, crowded, at length ru]itured. Spots not exceeding 4-(l mm. long. On hoi'iiaeeous stems, especially i)^ ChenojKKliinii. Bethlehem. P;i. iSchw.). Fll. eiriisa. Sl'llW. Syn. X. Am. lS!»o (suii Dothidm). Droadly eiVused on determinate idack spots consisting of innumer- aiih' minute perithecia, elevate(|. Iilark, ci'owiled, innate and coidhient wilii the epidernus, luit more scattered around the margin and seat(-d '111 a lilirillose suliiodum. On sU'Uis (A' IIe/hi/tthii,s (Ui/nnis. Hethleheni. Pa. (Si'h\ •;■ niiKl. 'I'his and the lour pi'cceding species ,-;eeni to lie referalile to Af^ter- 'riie following numliers placeri:lhi\ sp()iMil(\-i liyaliiic, siiliti'lnhusc', 1")-"J(I n \u the loiiucr (liiiuictcr. Tliis is tuiitc ilill'crciit IVdiii Sphnrln n/dicu/fs. Scliw. Svii. N. Am. ridt). ISTf). Dothidcd. ciiprcohita, Scliw.. mi docnyin.ii' lnnin'Iic-; ni liifjitoiiia (•(iprcDhitu, is ;i Ilnidoxpovidhi \ spunilrs 10-1 o x 4-") /«. ISTd. Dothidcii Rohiiiliv, Scliw.. on yoiiiiL;' Ih'miicIics *)\' linhliitn. This is ji Ilitploxporclla^ sponilrs oMoiiu'. lirouii. 1 S--2(> x 1 ( )- I'J _^/. 1878. Dothided Vlhnriu dcntdti, Scliw., on liniiiclics of V/lmr- HHiii d(iiit(ttu)ii, is iilso ;i Ilnplospofclhi; s|)(»riilcs uliloiiu', ''I'liwii, 1:2- 1.^ x4-;) It. ISXj, Dolliidcii ()rhiciiJ(if/.s. Scliw.. 1)11 Iciivcs ol" /iliKs (jhd, )!•( ;iii(| lilllrU li. copallinji, WW) liotli entirely sterile. 188(1. Dolliidcd M/ssoiiriciixis, Scliw., uii peciiii nuts in tin iiiiirkot, is only a thin, hinck, st(;rilc crust. 1888. Dotliidc.d ijrdDimii, Scliw., (>])ipliyll()iis, on liviiiii' lenvc' ol' Stf/Iofid/if7i(;s; iiiinuto, crowdeil peritlieciii loniiinii' a nari'ow, sti'ip ))arallel with the niariiin of the loaf, on each side. The perj. thccia are filled with niinnt(>, hyaline sponilos. 1889. Dothided Bi'dchi/stMiiinnlK, Schw., on leaves ol' Pi/rinm- fhoniDii {JirdcJiystciiioii], looks like a PlnjUdrliofd. lint is sterili'. 1S!)(). Dofludcd t'.)'dt9. I)othidev\iW.. on h'a vcs ol' JjHiifnx ri()>ii'honi(i ((Jooi'iria), only small, '(hu'k. st(>ril(' spots. IDOl. Dnthldcd pciilviUadi, Scliw., on scajies n\ AU iiiiii. kr.. lias ihc aspect ol'ii F^'/v/^/(v//r//7V^ only there are no In'istles, nor ar<' there any spores. I',)()!). J)otliid('ti pomUjrnu. Seliw., on mature apples, apparently llic rrnctiu'enon.s i'oriii u\' F^nsiclddhnn dcmlrit'ivinn (Wallr.). liUO. Dolf.iJpd (tciitidiiiv. Seliw., on linlinu' leaves ol" (icitfi- (tiid of/i,rol('iicd; sterile peritheeia on lilack spots. Cooke ((Ji'cv. XIll. p. 42) liiids sponilesol'a Phonni S x 1 //. From I'.Ml-IS.')."), inclusive, all the specimens in llerl*. Scliw. (except 1041, which is Acflnonemd liosmd, Lili.) arc sterile, inde- tcrminalile thing's, eiitindy without Iruit ol' any kind, or at most nidy stylosjiorous, so that it would hardly lie worth the while to '/o over tlicni separately. .Many of them are m(>re discolorations of the leaf or stem, or a mere sterile crust, with or without rudinieiitary pcri- iliccia. ('ooke (see (}rov. XllI, pp. 41-44) has examined specimcii- ol' these nuniliers in Ilerli. IJerk. and Ihids them, as we do. very iiiisir- isi'actorv, mostly without fruit. ^1 f'A- ViiiiKi Arnfiitiiii. I'lijiill. I, Apptiulix. Stroma elVuseil or discoid, thin, lilaek: cells immersed. Asci "^-spored. ."^piu'idia ovoid or o'llonir, uniseptate, liyaliii(\ This diUci- iVom Plnjlldrhoi'd in its nniseptate sporiilia. I), hetuliiiu, (Fr.) Sf>hir>ia xylomdidrs, Ki. in Vctciisk. AU.tI. Ilaiiill. i^ih, p. 14^^. S/'luri ill utiniiilp'is, Holl. in I'r. .Sclcr. Siil'C. No. h.(. Phylliuliiiia hi/iiliiia, I'ckl. Syml>. p. .ii". n,j70. Stroiuata iiunicrous, li'ren'arious or thickly scattereil, often cover- inii' a lari^e part of the leaf, ami more or less confluent, small, mostly less than J, mm. liroad, irreu'iilar in shape, orl>icular or anu'ular. sli<>'htly i; I II m lil'i %:: I ii (kk; jiirlicil. I'oiiti'lu'iitMl Ity the itroiiiiiiciit ]i('iitli('fi;i. sliiniiiu', Miick insiilc ;iii(l out. Asciiicroiis cells (iici'itlicciii ) tliicUlv crdwdcMJ, iildlmsc, iiin . idwcil iili(i\(' into the |iiiii('til(ii'iii. suli|iroiiii)i('iit. Iliiiillv iiniliiliriilc ostioln. Asci oliioiiu'. ol'tcii lu'oiidrr liclow. sessile, .'{S-4d .\ rj-TJ.', n. Sjioridia itiseriate. elli|itie!il. ends loiiiideil. the septum iiliove the iui(|- ille. not eoustricted, u'l'eeiuslidiyMliiie, i'J-l-4 x o /t. On liviMU' leaves of lictnla ikiiki. /J. intcrinvdid, and />. ijlinnlu- /o.s«. AiiMtsuai'snk and Holstensliori;', Oreeiiiand. Sent also liom Maine, on leaves ol' lidnhi popiillf'oJ/u. liy Hev. .los. iJlake, ;iiid reported IVom New Vork State liy Mr. I'eek. 1). Ahii. I'k. 40tli l{e|.. N. V. State Mas. p. 71. Stroma ui'liieular (4-12 mm.), thin, convex and iilack aliove, con cave. l»ro\vii or urayisli-lilack and papilloseiy riiti'ulosi' iielow. A>ci cylimlrical. Spoi'idia ovatx.'-elliptical, ol)scnrely uniseptate neai' one end, hyaline, l.V'iOx T^-S^ //. On dead leaves <\\' Abtiit< virldis, Mt. Marcy, X. V. (I'eck). I). Kalmi:i>, (i'k.) /)i>t/u(/iii /\\ihiiur. I'k. 2,slh Ki]). p. 102. /hitliiil,ll,t Kiilmuc. Sacc. Syll. 5261. Thin, ell'u.sed, investinu- the Wranchi's, Idack. shininu', l»ro\vni,-li within. Asci linear. Sjtoridia nnise])tate. consti'icted. stddiyidinc. 1(1-12 X ')-(> //., the cells a'enoraily nncdeate and une(|ual. On branches ol Jvalm/'d iintjKstlfoIia. Saiidlake. N. V. (I'eck). The faniiMis forms a !)lack crnst which entirely sinroinuls the smallei' branches and which, in lei'tih' specimens, is dolte(| with the iihick ostiola. Within, it resemiiles liaH-charrtMl wood. It kills tin liranclies. In the yoiinii' sta.u'e. lielore the ilev«dopnient ol' the asci. simple, olilonii', spoivdike bodies 20 // lon^' are j)roduced. 1). Osim'imlji', (P. & C.) Dolliidea (hiiniiiJie. V. 6i C. ,5i)th Rep. p. 64. Ilotliiditla OsiiiiiiiiUr, Sacc. SyH. .'^-''''S. .Minnte. lineal-, eram])ent thnamli a narrow chink, .-carcely cmcr uent, i)Iack, imidei whiti. x4-() //. On livinn' leaves of .l/df/uofin anil Ldiirns (Jarolinlviixis. Sontli- fiM States: eoiiniKin. I). Vacciiiii, Uosti-. F. Cioenl. p. :^W>. Sfihitna ciiiifrita, Vr. S. M. II. p. 4;,,S? Stroinata liy|)o|iliyll()iis, irreuidai'ly aiiiridnr, sciittei'ed. tnlierenlose Irohi tlie projeitinii' |ieritlieeia. Itlaek. aliont 1 mm. diani. Asei elon- i^iiteil-tdavate. stipitate, S()-13().\ (!-8 //. S-spored. SpcM'idiii nniseriate. or liiseriate ;diiive. (»l)l()n<;-( Ilipsoid, uniseptate, yidlowislidiyaline. with i! slinit a)ipendaL!'e at each end. l()-2() x o-(i //. On livinu' lesives of Vaacliiiinn iiIicjnoHuni, Itivnek. Snkkei- tDpjien, A'c, (Ji'eeidand. 1). Ai'istidsi', (St'liw.) S/>/i,F>iu .lii'slittir, Scluv. Syti. X. Am. 1.171. /'Iiylliiihiita Ari.stida, Sacc. Syll. 5230. K.xsicc. Y'M. N. A. !•". ^(>. Stroma ell'iised, thin. l)lack, interruptedly oontiniions ovoi' lioth siih's ol' the leaves and envelopinu' the culms lor several em. in extent, causinii,' tlii'm t(» apjiear eharred. Aseiu'erons eavities small, mostly le,\. Fr. tl, p. 2SS. Dothidea L'lmi, Kr. S. M. II, p. 555. Phyllacltnra l'lmi, Fckl. Syiul>, p. 21S. Dothidella I'hiii, Winter, Pilze, II, p. 904. Kxsicc. Fckl. F. Kh. 1013.— Rab. Herb. Myc. 65S.— Thuiil. F. Anstr. 499.— id. M. V. 2064. Syilow, M. March. 256.— I.iiih, F. Hung. 374.— Rriks.s. V. Scaiul. 292.— ami Cavara F. I'arass. 73.— Desni. PI. Cr. Kd. I, 2S4.— Cke. F. Brit, Ser. I, 1S4. .^1 i 4i hi 1 1' '8' T i 1 1 ^fl '■ i* J: fii: (lOS Sti'diiiiitii ('|ii|ili\ lldiis. scattf'KMl (ir ii|p|ii<>.\iiiiiit(', or even tdiilliicnt. liiiincidiis. (ilti'ii lliickly sciitlcrcd over iIk' ciitiix' ii|i|i('r j^iirliicf of ihc Ic'iil'. Ilatlisli-|nil\ iiiJilc. or (|('|ii<'ss('(|-|iciiiis|ili»'i'i(.';il. .-iilioi'liiiMiIiH' in diit- line, lijnck. liiit c(i\('n'(l liv the tliiii. iiriiy t'pidcnnis. vfrnicusc Iniin tlir |ii'()ji'('liiiy' ii|ii('cs ol' till' cells, nlioiit 1 iiiiii. Iii'oiitl. Asei cvljn. • Iriciil. .-iilisessile. (>(*-"<• x 8-'.) //. Sporidiii (iMi(|iiel_v iini.-eiiiitc. (il)i)Vjite-elli|itie:il, ui-eeiiisli-liviiliiie. coiitiiiiioiis iit liist, Imt wlicn inatiiie. with a siiiLile Iniiisverse sepfmii iieiii' tlie Kase. 10-11 \ .') n.. On fallen leaves of Uhmis. Sent to Seliweinitz liy Dr. Torrev, IVoni New York State. We do not lind any utliei' relerenee tit this species as lieini:' l'i)nnil in this ctiuntiT. and we have seen no American specc. n. riline.'i, (Sclnv.) Sfiluniii iiliiini. Scluv. Syii. N'o. .'^■<. I''i . S. M. II, ]>. i,^'^. i:x>kc. I-:il. N. .\. I'". i.;|7.— R.iv I''. Am. 75J,~R;iv., 11, f.;, Perithecia linried in the |iarenchynia of the leal" eillier singly or 2-8 toi:-ethei'. stromatically connected, their liases projectinii- and roiiii- iiiLi' little tnherciilirorni hea]is on the ii|iper smiace ol" the leal', ami their jiapillironii ostiola ernnipent tlironuh the ruptured epidermic on th(,' lower siile. Asci olilonu'-cylindrical. oo-dO \ S /x, siilises-ile. 8-spured. Sporidia siililiiseriate. hyaline, ovate, "-'.• .\ .'>-.">', //. linallv with a se|iliini near the lower end. On leaves (A' Ufiinis, coniiiion. Found mature only after the leaves have lain on the uroniid thi'oiiuh the winter. This must not lie confounded with /). 11 mi. (Duv.i. which, thouiih liavinu' sporidia almost the same as this (only ;i little laru-eri.dilVei's essentially in its fither characters. 'l'his(/>. iiJnicdi is anomalous on account of the asciu'crous cells assumiim- the characlei of ]»eritliecia as in Ho)nnst(>(ii(i Kd»py}. I), spliicioidfii. (Cke.) Dothiilia Sfilurroiili'n . Cke. Orcv. VII, p. 50. Kx.'-icc. Kav. !•■. Am. ^Sj. Stromata scattereil, solitary, superficial, 3oO-4(K) // diani.. Iieiiii- spherical. roiiiih, liiack. Ascijicrous cells innnersed in the stroma, not crowded, a'lout .">0 in numlier. suli^loliose, l(H)-]5() // diam. Ostioj.-i jiapillose-prominent, rouiiheiiinii' the suiface of the stroma. Asci ol'- ovate. T'J-i?t> x 30-40 /z, sessile. I'araiihyscs liranched. thickened al their tips. Sjioriilia crowded, ohovate, iineiiually uniseptate. 'J4-l?> x 20 n diam.. upjier cell of the sporidia uioliose, 20 /z diain.. lower cell suliu'lolnw. 10-12 n diam., hyaline, hccominti' yellow-lirown. hllilciit. <>\' the in iiiit- ■(• rrniM lyliii- iM'ii;itf. when •") //. ill tlii> fiOl) On liviiiii' litliauc ol' Jim/'/n'riiK Vlvyiiiidiin. Scmtli Cmdliiui (li'iivnicl). A vci'v fli^tiiict iiml well iiinrkcd sjiccics. Tlic iicncriil ii|i|iciii'- iiiicc is tliat {)[ Sti(fiii(it(jit f///w/y(;r/v'. ( I><'siii.). ''lit tlic iiiici(i>co|ii('iil cliiiiiii'tcrs are vorv dilVcroiit ns nlmvc noted. Tlii' Inst tliicc siktIc- dilVcr in their tldeker stroniii. whicli iiiiiinmclie?! Doih'nJca. h. hiilliilata, (Berk.) Ih)lhidvii hnlliiliilii. Ikrk. Narts. Aict. KxikI. II, 322. J)isks ,-ii'inll. liulliite. iiiiiike(l liy the piiiietiloi'Mi oj^tii-lit. iirisiiiLr IVdiii a liliiinoiitose hase. Sjioridia mii.^eriate. nniseptate, sliiihtly iitteiiiiatecl at each end, lO x (J-S ji, ( h\ leaves. I)ise<» Island. U. .Ai'teniisiii', (Sdiu.) Splunia .li /rim'sier, Scliw. Syn. N. Am. 1J2,. Small (4 mill.), ovate, sultan^nlar. sulieupulate. mariiined liy the Idlies (tC the stellately-riiptured epidermis, enimitent, sulicoiilliieiit, vei'\ lilack. with the disk niuose. Ostiula nmliilieate, not pi-ominent. niiiiieroiis. I'ei'itheeia ulolioi^e, luiniite, hollow, liuried in the stroma uhieli is seated on the inner liark, nearly Tree. Itlaek and riii>dse on lidth sides, not really eonllnent, Itiit crowded. Sporidia (see. Merk. (Iicv. IV, )». 104) ol»long, uni.^eptato, eoiistrict. llicis, Cke. Texas Fun^i, No. 143. " (Jrcfiarious, erumjtent. Pustides elliptical, Idack. the cells lie- iiiti' enclosed in the stroma. Asci clavate. Sporidia elliptical, some- times slightly attenuated towards each eml, sim|tle, hyaline, 30 x 10 «.'" On hark oi' If e.r opaca. Te.xas (liavenel). 77 610 I), epispharia, Fk. 30tli Hop. p. (14. Sti'omata small, sliu'litly jn'oiiiiiioiit. scattoi-oil or siilK-diiliiiciit, oftoii iri'Oiiiilar, car!)oiuuM'ous. lilack. Niu^loi miiiiorous, wliitc witliin. Sjiondia crowded or hiscriatc, liiiiccolatc or siihrusirorin. cojoiliss. I0-I8 n long. On old Diatrypc stJyma, New York State I). Cemdis, I'ke. Grov. Xlll. ].. (>»'.. Krnui]ient, orbicular, iKMuisphcrical, at Icng'tli depressed in the center, Itlack. cells few. Asci clavate. Sporidia Itiseriate. elliptic- lanceolate continuous, hyaline, 80 x 10 ii. On 'nranclies oi Cefcis Cdmidfttst's, Carolina. Dothidcii iiioricohi. C A' H. (Jrev. V, ]). !)'), and D. Td/tKir/rix. Ckii. (irev. XI. p. 108, are only lurnis of Bofrt/osp/Hcr/'it, f'uh'i/iiiDsn. (M. A- X.). fn the spec, of IJ. Tatixiriris, in Hav. F. Am. (lllS. the s])oridia are mostly lo-'iO x (!-!)//. lint in the same jierithecinin arc asci with sporidia 30 x lo //. I). Pi'iiif?lei, Pk„ r.ot. (Ja/. Vll, p. 07. Aue)S7c'aldia Pringlci, Sacc. riyll. 52.(0. Stromata amphiirenous. oi-liicidai- or olilonir, 2 nun. to 1 cm. dinin. or l)y conllnencc? two or more cm., pi'ominent on Itoth sides, flat-discoid. Itlack and solid, jtenotratiniif the matrix deeply, covered l»y the thin ei)i(lei'mis which finally lieconies loosened and is then white. Asciu- erous, cells few (2-6) in a stroma, ovate, deeply seated, altont ] iniii. diam., narrowed al)ove into the tuI»ercnlitorm-erumpent, peiforatcd ostiola, which are finally decirfck!. II, \t. jy. Dothidea I'laiifiuhr. Hckl. Syiiil). p. 212. Dolhiditi Siimhiici. Vr. S. M. II. p. 551. Kxsicc. Fckl. K. Kh. uMjy, 1S16.— Kze. K. Sel. 15S. — K.ili !•'. V. -■■15J. — Tlimii. I', .\usti 7'm Rouiii. V. O. 1.171.— Sydow, M. March. Sfii. ill till' • 'lliptie- 611 StKHiiata gicfrarious, mostly imniorous. oftoii sevei-al staiulinii' iiciir ('iicli otlicr, luit not often (.'onlliir'nt, oiliicnlar or cloiiiiatod. oi-nni- pt'iit and stronul}' prominent, flat-pulvinate. Itlack. at first smootli, (iiially slunnken and wiinkled. ^-1 mm. diam. ('ells very nnnieions. iTdwded and small. Asei olilonu'-cylindrieal. attenuated l»elo\v. ^- spored, 78-!>(»x 14-l(i /i. Sjioridia ()ldi(|uely uniseriate ov jiartly lii- scriate, oldonji-snhelavate, nniseptate. the lower cell smallei-. olive- lii-own, 19-21 xN-i) //. On dead limits u\' J/on^s Mulfiv(nih\s. Carolina, on dead stems of lS(ini/)iuiisCait(ix VI n, soon disapi>(nirin. 14. Dolliuli'a rihi'iia, Fr. S. M. II, j). 550. I'liiuniililii nhisia. Sacc. Syll. II, p. 635. Kx.sicc. I'Vkl. V. RIi. 10115.— Kze. V. St'l. 157. — Rah. Herb. Mycol. 655.— Desni. I'l. Cr. K<1 I, 2S,i, Ud. 11,835. RfhniAsc. 517.— Krit'Kr. F. Sax. 583. — Roum. H. ("lall. jy^.— I.inlit F. Ilunft. 66.— Sydow, M. March. 1300, 2158.— F;11. N. A. F. 4S3. Stromata seatteicd or gregarious, ,<-spored. 7')-iM)xin«. Spoi'idia ohliipie oi' Itiseriate. oldonir-fusoid. divided iiiieinially i»y the single septnm. slitzhtly constricted, hyaline. l;")-22.\ •'•-(i //. On dead stems of varioas species of Uihcti. conaiion. I). Mezei'ei, Kr. S. M. II, p. ool. /'liwtightia Atezerei, Sacc. Syn. 52S57. Kxsicc. Fckl. F. Rli. iSiS.— Rat>. F. V.. 1S45.— Rtlim. Asc. 371 Stromata irreaarions. often verv nnmerons and tliicklv s«iitter«Ml. ■I II ■1 ^Hfi 1 hHI \\ y^l[ i.!i' 612 criiiiipoiit iiinl ilistinctly •iroiiiiiit'iit, nMiiid or ii'i'ouiilnily tiiliorciilirDrin. iiiustly lliittisli-itiilviiiatc with :iii iiiu'vcn. tiil»t'iTiiliir-i-ii<>'()so siuliicc wliicii is ](Utictato IVoin tlie sliylitly |»i<»jt'ctiiiti' ostioln. liliick. 1-2 iinn. liiiuu., soiiictimcs conlliieiit. Asci«i'froiis cells lumicroiis. siili|iyiiliiiiii l()()-ll2() It liroiid. Asci cyliinlric-i'Iavntc. Mttf'iniiito-sti|iitiiU', S-s|iiiivi|. "O-SOx 10-11 //. S]){)ri(liii liiscriiitc. iiiin'ow-ciuvatc. attt'iiiiiitcfl iukI rouiidi'd at the ends, iiiiiscjitatc and fi. Sporidia liiseriate, oltlonu-fusoid, uniseptate. yd- lowishdiyaline, ali(jut 1 o x4 /i. On dead Itranches of Afff/nolia f/Ituint. Xewfield. X. ,1. I). Calyste^Ma', rke. & Haik. Cr.v. XIV. p. s. Sti'oniata sult. — Kll. it Kvrhl. N. .\. K. 21I Set . \^y). ••I'ustules erumiKMit, hiack, depre,s.'. hyaline and sn'i- iicute at first, liiially yellow-hrow ii and snl»ol»tiise, uniseptate near tin' iiiiildle, lower ctdl a little narrower, scarcely constricted. 13-1.") x , I'tali (S. ■). llarkness). I). c«lle('ta, (S<'li\v.) Spharia collecta. Schw. Syii. X. .\iii. 1271. Diilhidm lrtia:~pi>ia, n. & Ilr. Urit. Hmigi, Xo. -^yg, t.ih. XI. fifj. 59. Dothidfa cryslallopJinia, H. & C. in Herb. Curtis. DolhiiU-a Loniuuc, Ckc. Ortv. XIII, p. dh? Kxsicc. Kll. N. A. V. iW. .'^troniata thickly .scattered, erunipent, pulvinate. 1-.3 mm. diam.. orlticidar or eloniiated, l»rowiiisli-l)Iaek. Ascijreroiis cells ulolio-c. 100 n diam. pcripherieal. Ostiola iMinctil'oi'm, l)arely visible umler a liiis. Asci ol)lon,i;", sessile, ')0x 10-12 tt. Sporidia Itisci-iate. clavatc- oliloni:', uniseptate, 18-24x0-9 //. yellow (hyaline at first), foui' in :iii !1.«{'US. On dead limlis of ^InvJura, Loiiiccrtt, Gcnistn. AixlroiiK'dit. Vilmnimn. Sufvia, Newficdd. X. .1., and on Iva /)-ufesceni< and A/m- I lira, New York: on Uhiiits, Delaware. We have .ur Ilcrl*. from Farlow have the outward ajipearancc of J), fctninporo, l>ut ai"e without fruit. I). KerWiitlis, (Walil.) Spluniii /terhfiiiiis. W.-ihl. I'lor. Slice. K'l. II, p. 1060. lh,llu\l,,i Iliih.'tidis. De Xot. Micr. Ital. I, p. fi6. Iv.vsicc. I'ckl. 1'. Kli. 1S17.— Kze. FuiiKi Scl. 159. r,i4 ! Sti'oiiiatii i^olitaiT ami scattcMrd or 2-3 siil)soriately aitju'oxiiiiiitr, (MiiiiiiKMit and liorderod Ity the i-u|ituroil oj»itk'nni<, ()rl>it'ular-]nilviii;itc ni' more or less cloniiiitcd. i-cai'liinti' as imicli as ;') iiiiii. loiiii', lailin lliitti'iu'd aliovo and ol'k'ii dcjtrossod in the fontei-, Itlafk-piiintiilc IVoni tlic iH'dji'ftinii- (tstiola. Pcritliccia mnneroiis, sultii'loliosi', 240- 2()(> // tliani.. iianowcd aliovc into tlic ostiola. Asci cylindrical, stijii- tatt', ii'iadnally nairowcd aliovc, S-sporctl, 50-00x8-11/^. Sporidia Itiscriatc. nanow-clavate. sul»ine)ibef(j!>i, Ncwiield, N. .1. Prof. NiessI in IltMlwiiiia, May, 188.'}, refers this to Li'jttoxp/id rni and finds the sporidia 20-2') x (1-S /i. 4-r)-c characteristic of the J)(>fhith-(ivv(i'. h. coi'vliiia, Ck. \ Haik. (Jrev. IX. p. s7. "Krnnipent. orhicnlar. ilepresseil. lilack. same c(dor inside. A^ri ample, clavate. Sporidia olduse, lanceolate, constricted in the miilille. l-3-septate. lu'own, 50 x 15 /i." On twiiis of Cort/liis fOHtnita, California ( Ilarkness). 8j)ectcn iiii]}(!rfvvthj knmi'ii and ihnihtfiil. I). liiiideiw, iWv. Hidl. Torr. T.ot. C'lul.. V. p. 40. Ivxsicc. i;n. iV Kvrlit. N. A. I'. 2il Ser. .•126. "Stronui Idack, erumpent, roundish or oldon^i', often conlluent. (51') siiif'iuc convex, pii|iilIfito. Sjioridia ohloiiir, In-own. unisi'ptate, 1 ") x o n." {)n (lead lirant'lios ol' Liiulcva Beitzoiii, Now York and Penn- sylvania. Tlio s]ieco. in X. A. F., like those from fJeranl. are sterile. 'I'lie iicneral aspect is tliat ol" Z>. collecta, wiiieli pei'liajis tliis is. I). smiliU'icola, Cke. «Si (iw. (Irev. VFI. ]». 14. ''St-attered, hlaek, ernmiient, convex. Asei eylindiieal. Sjin- I'idia Itifi'loltose, stronuly constricted. In-own. lS-20.\ l(t n." On Sinildx twiirs. New York ((Jerard). I). Kpilobii. Fi'. S. M. II. p. oo!). Spots aniplexieani, smootli. nnilornily pitcli-lilack. ronii'lieniMJ liy ilie saliproniineiit ecdls. On dead stcMns o\' Epilohiiim niKjustifoliuiii, \y\'\\i)w\'M'k'S[\^.. X. Y. (I'eckl. n. iibliormis. Howe, iJnll. 'I'orr. l>ot. Clnl>. \'. p. 42. Irom the de- scription liiven. shonld Im- IfyporijIoiK jiei-haps a form tA' If. s//i/h/rir- nliiiii. Howe. ■ t HOMOSTEiJIA. Ft'kl. Syml). p. 22,?. Stroma somewhat Hattencd.or liemispherical, carlionaceous. l)!ai'k. luray inside). Asciu'erons ctdls immersed, pale. Ostiohi minute, papillate. Asci olilono'-clavate, 8-sj)ored. Sporidia ovate-eilij»ti(-al. .'i-septate, Inown. H. Pi^f^'otii, (B. & Bi.) /h>flii(tra /'/X'.i,"'/". II. ^i nr. Not Tlril. Pnii.ri, No. 660. Spluriin hommlixia, Nyl. in Klom, 1^57, p. ftSS. //iiiiio.\t,-f;ia iiiiiista, Kckl, Syiiil>. p. 22.1. Hiimiisli-iiia /'ivM''^". Kiirst. Myc. Heiiil. II, p. 221. K.xsicc. I-c'kI. H. Kh. .(5,v-Kll. N. A. F. .(85. Stroma adiiate to the Ii<'lieii thallns, convcx-pnlvinati". 1-3 mm. diam.. dnll Mack, wrinkled and ronuhened liy the projecting ostiola. Asciii'crons cells ovate liloliose. while. JliO-laO^^ tliam. cJtlO^/. Win- ter), deeply sank in the stroma. Asci oldon^r, shoi't-slipitate, piir- iiphy.-iate. p. sp. ('.O-TOxlo // («!0-70 x 21-24 /i Winter). Sjioridia imperfectly liiseriat<', chivntp-oltlontr, >»il)ine<|iiilatoral, sliiihlly cnrveil. .'>-se]itale. Inown (almost opake), lS-22x T-S n, sliirhtly cunstricted at the septa. 11* K i! Oil tliallus ol' Puriuelia mxatilis, Kliodc Island (Fiii'ldu ), Pcnii- ?^,vlviiniii (Kcklbldt). Tlic iiicajiuiTiiioiits are from Fai'lowV .<|iec'iim'iis and \\\v smaller dill' <'('lls ami asfi) tiian those ol" l>r. Winter. H. M«f?nolia'. (Cke.) Ih>lhidi\i MagniileiL;ia MokiidIuc. Sacc. Syll. 5,1(2. Kxsicc. Kiiv. !■". Am. ,^V). Kj)ipliyIIoiis. seattiM'ed, Itlaek. elliptical oi- annular, (iattcned-con- ve.\. rnuu-ie. Asei elavate-eylimlrieai. Sporidia eviimli-ical. olitiiM'. sliahtly curved, tiiseptate, liyaline, 20. \ o n. ()n leaves of MatjnoJUi, Darien, (Ja. (IJaveiiel). We liave not lieen altle to find any I'ruit in the spec, in HavendV F. Am. and can oidy copy the description IVom (irevillea. H. i'ii;i:o(lisva, (Cke. & Hark.) Ditlhidia >, Cke, S; Hark, Circv, I.X, p. ^7. tfomosli'ftia riigodisca, Sacc, SjMI, .S34,i. IlypopliylloMs, spots irreiiular, Itrown. (.'ells anuidar. Ilattt'iicil. I'liii'ose. crowded. A.-^ci snliclavate. Sporidia rounded altovc. attenu- ated lielow, triseptate, hyaline, 1(1-17 .\ 4 ti. On leaves a^ Arhutiis }fcnzicsii. Calil'oi'nia ( llarkness). H. Kels(\vi, E. & K. I'roc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Tliil. .Iiinc, isild. p. 248. (Plate m Perithecia liieuarious or ce,><|)itose, or united ^-t! toj^ethei' in an imperlcct sti'onia, often transversely .seriate tlirouirh cracks in the liark. ovate, \-'^ mm. diani., with a conical oi- cylimlric-conical. stont osli- olnni which is sometimes impericctly radiate-snlcate. Asei cylindrical l.")0-l!)() .\ S-".> /i. with paraphyses. Sporidia uiuseriate. hyaline, oli- ItaiLV-cylindrical. ."{-.septate, siraiiiht. olttuse. l')-'JO.\ 7-'.* //. On dead st<'nis *A' liihcs rtttnnilifolia ''\UAv\\n, Montana. This species, on accoimt ol' the scanty sti'oma and olten nearl\ Iree pei'ithecia, seems allied to the (Jiimrh/fdr/cai or MchxirtniniKH . hut in .>iit. \'r. in I)iil>y Hot. C.nU. II, p 6//irif//ii i;iiiit;iiritii. Myc. I'liiii. II, p. iSs, //iiiiicislet;/!! lidiifiitriia. Winter, I)if I'ilzi'. II, |>. v'7- Kxsicc. I-ckl. !•'. Kli. 22fu.--K.iiv. Car. II, No. 3^.— Oc>ni. I'l. Cr. Ivl. I, u'f,; Stromata ii'i'e // dinm. Ostiola papilliform. liniilly uml>ilicate. Asci olilonu-clavate. suliscssile. 8-spored, 3o-40 x 10-11 fi. Sporiilia hisei'iate, oltlonu-l'usoid. hyaline. 1-2-septate. not oiMstricted, 12-1 ox 4-4^ /^ On liviiiir culms and leaves ol' Inolepis caplllaviii, South Carolina (Ravcnel). MAZZAXTIA, Mont. SyU. p. 245. Stroma crumjient, ohhmu' or snl)orlticnhir. clypeilbrm, convex, toleraltly thin, Idack, covered at first, then erumpent, white in.«ide, texture almost like that of a sclcrotriim. Ascifiei'ous cells sunk in the stroma, mostly few. Sporidia oldonir or elliptical, continuous, hyaline. M. (isilii, (Fr.) Sphceiia Oalii\ Fr. Kleiicli. II, p. 105. St>liiC>ia A/xtrines, Cast. Cnt. tie I'l. de Mars. p. 171. Afa::atilia d'a/t't, Motit. Syll. p. 246. Ivxsicc. l-'ckl. K. Rli. 795.— Rab. V. K. 537.— Thuiii. M. V. 71, 1956. Stromata scattered, covered at first, then ei'umpent and very jirominent, elliptical oi- o!»Ioni>'. stronwed above into the slightly projectinir ostiolum, depressed-spherical or lenticular, mem- hranaceous, pale. Asci cylindrical, short-stipitate, rounded aluivc. >!spored, r)0-r)*2 x 5-i> /i. Sporidia liiseriate. oltlonii-ellijitical. con- tiiMious, with a nucleus in each end. 8-I()x4-4^ //, On dead stems ol' Gdfiinit A/xir/iic. Oalifornia (llarkness). M. sepiiim. Sai*e. & IViiz. Mich. II. p. (iO!). Stromata linear-olilong. sultcutaneo-erumpent. shining-ldack, 1 ^- 2 nnii. long liy scarcely .\ nun. wide, rather flat, ol).scurely punctidate h-om the ostiola. ascigerous cells few, whitish. Asci cylindric-clavate. Vt-oSx 7-8 //, without paraphy.-ses. 8-spored, short-stipitate. Spoiiilia nliliipioly uniseriate, cylindric-fusoid. straight or curved. 2- (rarely 4-) nucleate, 10-12 x2i-;{^ ft, hyaline. On dead stems of C-(> //. On dead st(Miis y\\' Conrolrnhis (Jdliforniciis, Mt. Dialilo. V;\\\\. >v\\i liy Dr. Ilarkiiess as Doth'idcn C, vi. '!'''• 75, I'lR- 4- Ciirirya fXKi^itlii, S.'icc. Syll. xVl"^. (itroirarions, discoid, irreiriilar, dopr(>.sr'tli concave, lilack. Asci cylindrical. Sporidia iiiiis<.'riate, elliptical, nmlti-scjitate, iniiii- lonn, lirown. lS-'2()x 10 //. On dead limits ol' J/i/r///o//V/ (jhinni. Xewlicdd, N. J, Wc know iiotliiiit,' of this spet-ies. Our specc. (li.'Jdl) are Dolh- Idea concfivf'nsruhi, K. ifc \'].. which aurees with this only in exteniid ap|)earance. The specc. in Hoiiiii. V. (Jail. l!^8"), under the name ol JJnthiih-d cxvdviffd. (,'. tV H., are only the spernio<^-onial utajjfe dl' sonic species unknown — ap|)arently not Dothidea. KHOlMMJKAPHrs. Nitsdike. in I'ckl. Syint). p. 210. Stroiiiata siiltiiinate, linear, irreu'iilar. variously coiilluent. erniii- pent throuirh cracks in the epidermis. Mack. Asciii'erons cells iiii- mersod, seriate, compai-atively laru'o. A.sci oitlony-ovoid, S-spdivd. Sporidia siilioliloiiLr. ;^-")-.-;e|)tate, ycdlowish. Kh. (iliciiiiis, (Fr.) (Plnt«' W) Uvilii iiiiit iiiiiiiliniDn, Scluilii. Iviiiim. IM.-int. Siull. Ill, p. 15J. Spluei ia lilii ilia. I'l. S. M. II. p. .|.'7. Dothiilia filiii'ia. I-'r. Smiiiiiii. p. ,;Mi. A'/ii)piii;>ii/>/iii.\ liluiiiN.s, Nils, in I^'ckl. S\iiil>. p. ji,;, t;ili. VI. I'lK. ,U. /\7hi/irit;>i>fi/iii\ /'lirii/i.\, WiiiUr. in K/i'. I'". Stl. lis.i. Kxsicc. K/.c, I. c. - I(;it>. !•. H. J'i7i,—Rclini Asc. 5S1 —Syilnw, M. March. ifi.v—Tliiim M. i:. 2i7r,._K/.<'. K. Sfl. 5''^J. s)Miri'i|. I low or 01!) Sti'oiiiiifa jireuarioiis. !^iiliiiiiiiit(\ piinillol. irrcu'iiliu'. vai-ioiisly cdii- lliiciit. Itlack. sliiiiinii'. at lirst fiiiootli, tlicii imiK'tate-ronjiliciicd liv tlic ^•iililiroiniiuMit ostiola. Asi-igorous i-i'lls sci'iatc, luniiaU'. dojtiv.^sod- iilolioso oi' (lat-liciuisplu'iical. lS(>-21(l /i lu'oad and alifuit 80 /i Iiiuli. Asci olilonu'. slioi't-stijtitatc. S-sporcd. 70-7") x 1 ')-17 n. Sporidia liisci'iatt', (iMoiiii-fiisoid. atti'iiiiatcd and rouiidi'd at the onds, and with a slioit, siiltgloliosc. Iivalint' apprndajic. 3- (mrcly 5-) septate. 28- a(» x 7 //. On dead stems oi' J*terff< mpdlinu. Center, N. V. (Peek). Tlie \. V. specc. liave (see. I'eck) sporidia 2.')-27i // lonti'. The sironiata are eovered liy the lilaekenetl epidermis whieh is raised into elonjiated, variously eonliiient, lilaek hlotehes. We have seen no Amerieaii specimens. Rh. clavisiMiMis, (('. & W) (Plate 28, flL's. fi-7) Dolhulea clinhfiout. C. iS: 1'. 2>)\\\ Kc]), X. Y. Stiili.' Mils. p. 6,?. J half > i II in rlaii'ipoi iiiii. C. iS: 1". 2.Sth Rc]). p. fiy. l.fpli>sl>lue>iu cUiTUiiifiii. K. it K. Joiini. Mycol. I, p. 43. StromaUi iniiate-erinnpent, narrow, oldonu' or elliptical . eontain- inu 2-10 perithecia or olten linear-eloniiated, \-\ cm. lonu', jtartiidly (■rumpent thronuii cracks in the epidermis whieh is I'aised into parallel ridui's. I'eiitlieeia seriate. 1 ")0-200 /< diam. Ostiola oldnse, iiieon- spicnons. Asci l>road, olilong'-cyiindrical. 7r)-100 x 22-2o //, olttnse. with a short, nairow liase. Parajdiyses lilit'orm. Spori and rounded aliove, narrowed rathei- al)ruptly lielow. 7-i>-septate, and when mature, deep yi'Uow-lii'own. 2r)^Ox8-10 /<. only sliu'litly constricted at the septa. Spcrmatia in sinnlar perithecia. olilonii-cylindrical. sliiiJitly ciirvcd. hyaline, IJ-o x 1 ', n. 'I'iie licneral appearance is that ol' SjilKcrhi ()rtli(K/roninni. 1>. A' (J. On dead culms. ol' /'/innptiif/'s lonnnimis. New Yoik (Peck). Iowa ( Arthni'). 'I'he asiiliir. iiiigular spots 3-4 mm. Iiroad, dlh'n coiilliient, papillate, sliiiiinir lihu'k. Asci 8-spored, cylindrical, al)rii|itlv ccmtracted, curved and Imllioiis at tlio base, 57 x !' 'i. Sporidjn linear, pluriunittulate, 42 x 2 //." On leaves oi Ii/in)i dlvcvsilohu, ''alii'ornia (llarkness). i). Haydeiii, (B. & ('.) Dothidca H.xyileni, B. & C. Ortv. IV. p. 104. 0/>hioili)tliis Haydeni, S.icc. SjOI. s.vsi- '■ Foi'ininji; elonjiated, in-etrular, papillose* patclies. Sporidia linear, attenuated at cacli end." On stems o^ Aster and Erifjeron, XeWraska. 0. aliiea, (Fr.) Dothidca ainea, Vr. S. M. II, p. $(^. Ampliiirenous, scattered, siilirotund, Mack, shining, collapsinu to ru<;ose-i)licate. On AlniiK xerruldta. Pennsylvania (Micliener). Sporidia (sec. Berk. (Jrev. IV, \^. lOo) linear, 10 jt long. i I MYRIANnU'M, Mont. « Bvrk. Motit. Sylloge, p. 380. Stromata numerous, small (1 mm.), crowded, rounded or anguliu from mutual pressure, convex altove. Mack, with or without an or- Iticular, tlialloid sul)iculuni, multilocular, each cell with a single ajiar- aphysate ascus. Sporidia murilorm, hyaline. M. Diirinii, Mont. & Berk, in M(mt. Syll. p. 3S0. MyriaiitiiiDii Ciiitisii, Molil. & Herk. ill Mont. Syll. 1. c. Pyicnotheca }'iinnani'nsis, Pat. IluU. Soc. Hot. France, iSS6, p. 155. Phymatospha) ia )'nu>iam-nsis, Sace. Syll. VIII, p. .S.(7. tPliymalosl'lurihi /liasilifiisis, Spe^. Fungi I'liiRg. p. 174)? {PliymaldSpliiciia Ahyisiniia, Pass. F'lingi Abiss. in Nilovo Giorn. Hot Hal, VII, p. iSS)? Ce>ianf;iu»i tulfiinospoi iim, E. & K. in KII. N. A. F. 1279. Exsicc. Rav. F. Am. 332.— Ell. N. .\. F. 1. c. Stromatti in densely crowded [)atches or clusters |-1 em. across, the single stromata J-1 nun. diam., l)lack, plane oi- convex above, suli- orbicular or angular from crowding. Ascigerous cells minute, scat- tered irregularly l)ut al)undantly through the substance of the stroma. obovato or siibglol)ose, each containing a single ascus. Asci globo. fi, mostly u little (.'oii- strirtc'd at tho iiiiddlc septum and slightly curved. On trunks and Iti-anehos of livinir tree?, Carolina (Curtis A- Rav- eiiel), Alahania (IJeauinont), Massachusetts (Spra.t^nio), Pennsylvania (Michener), Miehiuan (IliiUs), New Jersoy (Kllis); on limits of liviiiL! oranjio trees, Floi-ida (Hopkins). The measurements of asci and s]ioridia aie from the Florida specimens: those IVoiii iiioi'e nortliemi localities have the sporidia mostly smaller. The Florida specc. [M. Yunnanensis) also difler IVoiii those liiiind in the iioi tliern States, in the alisence ol' any Iree- maru'iiied, thalloid, elliizurate suhiculum. The aenus Mijrlanginm (IVoiii wliieli I'/ii/mdfos/Jncr/'u can not well he sejiaiated) has lieen classe(l anioiin' the L/r/icus, Imt the ahsence of spermoji'ones and troni- iiioiis cells, seems to exclude it from that oi'der. Its true place in the iiiycoloLdcal system is also doubtful, Imt its allinity seems to us with the Dnthidaaced'. Eiiri/thcni, He Seynes, is closely allicfj. We have seen no specc. of I*/n/iii(ifos/)/i/iirnii liisciiiaihi, Scliw. Syii. Ciir. N' line. I'eritliecia in()nosticli(iii>. nvate-i-ylindrical. nearly 1 nun. loiiii'. rallier alirii|itly contracted almvi' into a short neck, their rounded liases |ienetralinii' to the liottoni ol' the stroma. Asci cylindrical. 1 10-1-0 .\ U)-!'^ «, with lonir, lilirorin par- apliyses. Sporidia siiliuioliose, nearly hyaline at first, linally opakc. 10-12 // diam. On dead Itranches and trunks of /*///v/,s J/r//».s and Anichinchicr CdiKKlcnsiK. Newlield, N. .1.; on tlx; lirst-nanied host, New Kiiiilaiid (Farlow), New York (I'eck): on (I''a trincuntliox. Ohio (.Mm- li'aii), toiiiid also (sec. Sacc. in Syll.) on Sorbui^, Cl/tnis, Cerr/'s, and M(ir/nol/o. Sec. Cooke (Jrev. XII, p. (», the specimen n\' Sphn'ria d Isclmohi. Schw., in the Kew llerliariuni, liiiiircd liy Ciirrey in Linn. Tiaii.-. ISoS, I'l. 47, fitr. 10"), docs not dilVer Ironi 6\ dincrvtu, Schw. X. repaiida, (Kr.) S/>/i,rii:t ii/xnida. I'r. S. M. 11, ]). ;,i(', Oh^. Mycol. I, p. lf)^, Hyfi.'yylun icpaii.liim, Kr. Siiiiiiiiii W)i. Sc. p. ,<\<. .\'iimiiiii/(in\i />cci:,iii/is, Iv. S: H. Hull. Torr. Iliit. Cliil), .\I, p 74. .\'iii)t»iii/(i> Id iif>aii(l(i. Nllscli. I'yr. Cii'iiii. p. 57. Kx-iicc. Kckl. H. Rh 217-'.— Tluini. M, V. i.)f>o. Stroma eriiiiipent-siiperlicial, orlticiilar. or siiludliptical. ^-1 cm. diam., concave, and olteii with a thin, erect, rather liroad iiiar.Lnn. rul'ii cinereous at first, linally Itlack : disk niammillose Irom the projectini: ostiola. I'erithecia monostichoiis, imniersed. o\ate-oldont;. \-i^ // loiiu' crowiled. often siihaniiular from mntiial pressure. Asci cylindrical sii'o.^essile, 8-spore- tintrnished from N. discveta l»y its maiiimillosc ('iii- ilrio). Koiiiiil ill KiirojM' on Itriinclics iiml trunks of ,S'o/-/>//.s f///f■//yK//v■(^ X. siilu'oiicava. (Scliw.) Sp/i,ri III siihDHiiii II. Schw. Syii. N. Am, usi. (!ro\ a yvvy scanty stroma. I>isk siiliconcavc, snliriiLi'osc and Mack. Ostiola u'loliox'-iiapillatc. cicvatcil, few, Itlack, sonictiincs con- tinent, coiiiioctcd liy a scry short neck with the |M'rithccia, which have llic asciii'ci'oiis iiiudciis white. Sporidia (sec. Stc\eiisoiij olilonu', liy'ht liiown. 1 0-1!) X ").T-T '. //, some ot them sliirlitly constricted in the mid- dle, lint not septate. On lii'aiichesor Vihitnnni) (hiitnfinii, Hethleliem, l*a. (."*cliweiiiitzt. X. siieceiitmiata. (T«(le). Si'liiriiii .Sinn II /hi ill til. Tcxli.' I'uii>;i, .Meckl. II. p. 37. Ilv/iiiryliiii siirifiiliii iiiliiiii, Hr. Siiinnifi Vovt. Sciiiid. p. 3^,^. .\ II III III II /ill ill siinrii/iirialii. Nits. Tyr. C.tnn. p. 5S. Stroma at first ('riim|ieiit tlir(jiiuli tlio closely atlherciit epidermic : linally, alti'r the lM''k has lalleii away, snperlicial, seated on the wood and sniroiinded hy a lilack, circiimscriliiii^' line, 2 cm. or mori" lono', I'itlier (doiiuated, idliptical or orliiciilar at liase, piilviiiate, thick and llatteiied aliovc, or sniicoiistricti'd at the liase, with tli(> orliiciilar disk ose-eorriit>ated outside, dark Liiay, lii'comiiiii" lilack within. Perithecia irre' to their jiositioii, and small, not project iii.u", perliirated ostiola. Asci cyliiidrii-al, sessile. S-sporeil, I'JOxS-!) //. with lililorm paraphyses. Sporidia oliliijiiely uniseriate, liisoid, or ovoid, olitnse at the eiid.s, straiu'iit or suliineijiii- lateral. lii'own. l(')-lSx'>-7 ft. On liraiiches, nethlehem, I*a. (Schw.); rather rare. The stroma varies in size, G-1) mm. long hy 4-() mm. Itroad, or sometinies not more than '1 mm. liroad, UJ-3 mm. thick, pulvinate and Hat or concave aliove. The altove diagnusi.s i.s from Winter's Pilze. r.24 I). St rovHi ro'ivcr. hi X. BiilliaiMli, Till. Sol. Caii.. II, p. 43. tab. V, liirs 1 1-1!», Ifypoxylitn unmmiilariiini, Hull. Cliainp. tal). .\(\S, fi);, 4. S/thinhi II II HI mil /ill III, DC. I'lorc Fr. II, \>. .'90. S/thiCiia iiiillnaciiia. Scliin. & Kzc. Mycol. Ili-ftc, I. p 55. xsicc. KM. N. A. V. S.s.— Rab. F. E. 2956.— Relim Asc. I'oiiin 977- Sll Stroma at first covorod hy tlio o|ii(k'riiiis, soon ciiioruciit, aliiKi.^t pcrlicial and free, convex, orliictilar or oval, rarely of irrcuiilar sliapo. soniotiinos hroadly eOiiscd, lilack inside and outside, ininctiilate IVoni the sliu'litly j»r(»niiiient ostiola, elotlied at first witli tlie rnfli-t'errii- eineous eonidial layer. IVrithecia rather lar'ie. ovate. Itlaek. loosclv included in closely |tackopoxyloHglycyrylii:a. H. Si C. K.\nl. l-'uniji, Scluv. p. 2S5. j\'iimmiilai lit x'^lyiyi > /licii, S.icc. Syll. im'-— Ckc. Syii. 822. Sultorliicular, thin (aliout 1 mm.), .'>-') cm. diam., convex, maikcd in the center Ity the papilliioi'in ostiola which are depressed in the center. I'erithecia oltlong, '^ mm. in height, crowded. Asci (p. sp. i On Itark, i)hio (Morgan, No. 2S4). DiiVers from X. litdliavd!. which it lesemhk's. in its cjo.^ely packed perithecia ami nmliilicate o^ti(»la. as well as in its smaller spc- ridia. 'I'he Ohio specimen agrei-s with (»ne in llerh. Schw. N. obulaiia, (Fr.) lf\f>n\yli'n ('hiilii)iiiiii. Fr. Nma Syiiil> p .\iimniiilaiia ohiilaria, siacc. SyU. i.vjo. Immei 'm1, erumpent, at length Itroadly (>tVused. doterininat<'. not polished, si .ina Itlaek, perithecia immersed, oldong. Osti(»la lienii spheric-suliprominent, umltilicate. On dead trunks, ('osta Hica (Oersted). (Jlosely all'ed to N. liulUnrdi, 'i'ul., Itut ilill'ers in having it~ stroma connate with the matrix and inseparalde from it, at first stili rotund, then concrescent in !i continuous crust, generally elongated. M iiiid (islidlit (lf'|»i'(.'sscMl. Tlic s)M'riiiicti> cxjiiiiiiii'il In Fries wen- old. mill III) li'jicc dl' iisi'i <•!• .-iporidiii rcniiiiiicd. As liir iis niic rjiii iudi:i riiiiii llic diiiuiM'^i.-'. llii.-^ iiii»' iiiiiiii/i/iiiii. I!. iS: C. Juutii. I.imi. Sue X, \> S^(<. .■{iitliii>lii»ni iiiioii/tlin iim. Sacc. Syll. iiu. .\ II III III II III I iii "lii iii/i/iiiti, Ckc. Syn. >>?7 l%xsicc. K.iv. iMiiini *- IT. IV, ;,'!. — K;iv !•'. Am. ,^5.s.— I'.ll \. I'.vrhl N. A 1-' 2.1 Sci . i.>.S5 Stiniiiii iiiiicii llie siiine as ]u ^W /if//i'>/i/ilii \\)\ni\ii\. },-\ cm. ;icinss or eldiiualetl l-lix i-1 cm., tliili. ciiistiH'eo-ejirlKiiiiK'eoiis. Iiliii'k. (iii'/iiiatiiiir lieiicatli tlie cpidei'iiiis. liiit soon liare. siiiiace even, laiiitls |iiiiictidate li'dMi tlic iiiiiiiitc (istiiila. which are mil |iriiiiiiiiciit 'Imt sliLihllv dc|iressc(|. as in Xininiiiihiil'i jiiiiicliilatn. the njieiiiiii:' at (irsi lillcil with while liiiiiiaceoiis iiiatler. I'crithecia ovate-iilo'insc. small (less than A inin.l. iinMnisticlHUis. Asci (p. sp.) alifnit 2") x ^^ n. or with the short liasi', 4")-')(t /« loiiu'. Sporidia iiniseriate. ends mosllv sli'^hllx everlappini;'. siiliiiu'ipiilaterally elliptical, pale lirown. I.l-."! .\ "J-J^, n. ( )n Snxsiif'nis ojfiiiiiiilc. South Cai'olina (Kavcnel). and nhid I Miiriian and Kcllerman): on Pcrsai. Harii'n. (ia. ( K'avi'nel i. Sec. Ilcrkeley ^N . Iii/jx^plihi a ha» lan^vr rlosclv allied. Imt dilVci's as sJated. N. liy|K)|ilil(i'a. (K. tV Uav.) J'uili vlf li\fiiphlii-ii. II. iS: Kiiv. ('•nv. IV, ]). .|.^ .■[iillio>li'iiiii Inf'tiplild iim. Siici'. Syll. 11,^7, .\umiiiiihii ia lixf'iifilil'iii . Ckf. C.rcv XII. ]>. 7 I-;.\siiv. K;iv. Iiilini CiU. 1\'. ,(S.- i:il. >N: I'.vilit. N A I- nX Stl. I.S5.I. Stroma thin, siiliorliicnlar. ',-! cm. across, slatc-cohir, oi'ij.dnatinti lii'iicalh the cuticle wlii<'h is soon tlir //. N. siil>a|iiciilata. K. A; K. .loinn. Mycol. \' p. 'i:\. Siiliciiticiilar, enimpent. 1-- cm., t-onvex, I iiiiii. tlii(d<. oi 7!» c-jd ;i liitic iiiiiif ill ilic iriiit'i. u illi fill' strrilc iiiiiruiii lliiiiin'i' <>.|j,,|;i sliiililK |iii|iill()-i'. pnniiiiit'iil lil<<' iImim' uf X inininiluriii Hull iifili. I'l'iitlircin iiKMiDslicliniis. olildiii:-, aimiii ,' iiim. liiiili, rluscly |i:ickc(|. uml iiKiic or li'ss l;ili'f;illy ('(iiiiiircsscil. Asci fylimlrifiil, !M>-lll(l _/< (p. -p.), with II sIkhI, -li|pil;ilr luisc. ;iiii| with luiiu'. -lout |iiii'!i|ili\s('-. ;i~ in .V Hull iiiiil i. S|ioi-i(|jii iiiiiscriiilc. (ili|(uii:-iiii\ iciiliir ni- iiiri|iiil,iii'i;illv i'lli|iticiil. pull' _\cllii\vi«li-lii(t\\ II, \'l It; x .") 7 /<. iiinstly uilli ;i -iiiulc iiilrli'iis iiiid ;i laiiit. Iicad like a|ii('iilii-' at i'a( li riii|. ( )ii liaik. Kaii^a-i (Cca'/iii). X. ii'im|)ciis. rkc. <;ir\. XII. |(. s. Piiih \f'i- > II III/;- 11^. Ckc Ami. N V. Ai-acl. Sci. '. \i I^s. Ivxsit'c K:iv. !•. Am i";) ( )iliii'iilai' ni- i'lli|)tical. ,'-1 cm diaiii., nr liy coiilliiciicc "J ciu. ui- over, ami then more or los iiicu'iilaf in .-liapr. tliiii. Iilark. .-iirioiiiiili'il liy tlir iii|itiiici| cpidt'i'iiiis, I'diiLiliciicil iiy Ilic ^/. .-^jMirnlia iiiiisfrialc. Iiyaliin'. tin'ii npakc clliiitical. u ii!i i-nds snliacnli' nf mniKli'd. I'J-la x "-'■' //. < >n liaik. (lalvrslon r>ay. Tcxa- i jfavcnrli. Tins dt'scfiplinn Is di'awii IVnni llw spccinn'iis in I'av. V . \\\\. 'I'liis sfciiis ti» dilVcf iVoni A'. liullUnili in its less pruniincnt nstiola and falluT nioit- amtcdy pninti-d spofidiii: nof ai'i- tlici'c. in llir -pcij- nicns \vr lia\r -irrn. aii\ May pciccptildi' ifinains iil' llir n\cil\inu iiiiMiiln'aiii'. 1 11 oiir cullcctiuii- ail' -pciaini-ns of what appears In In- ilif -anil' a< those in I''. Am., t'lom llriiisli Coliimliia and liOiiisiana. a- well as -cM'ial olihc oii'jina! Texas sperimens IVom Mr. jfaveiiel. X. (>\iitaiis. *'k«*. • lulling. Ckr in Aim N S' Ai.ul 1 c. lii'oadly I'll'iised. Iilark, -nliriilieiilai', >ouii ei-iim|iriit, thin lalmiii .[, mm. I. papillose lioni the -li'.iiitl\ pi'omiinail o-tiola. Tw o m ihiee inches Viws. with an iiae'jiilar oiiiline, thiiiiier than .\'. riiiuin ns. I'ei-jtliecia monostichons, depres-edulnlio-e, |e-s than }, iiiin. diaiii. In oiii- spccinieii of tlii- specie-; jiojii |)r. Haveiiel. IVom hi- 'I'exas collec- tioil. the asci lia\e dii f>iitieliihilii. I!. iSi Kiiv, Cirev. IV, ]> Ml l/yft(>\ yliiii f'inicliiUiliDii. Ckf. Syil. mis. ,\iiiiiiiiiiliii ill /iiimhiUila, Sacc. Syll. IMI- lix-icc. K:iv. I-". Car, III, No, 51 --Kav. V Am. ''5J, — l-Ml. N .X V. ->) ( h'iiiiiiiiliii!^ lit'iicjilli tlic cuticle wliicli i.» ,<(i(iii tliiou ii oil. cl(i.-('l\ iidiiiitc. liliick. r-iiKxitli iiiid |i()lisli('i|, clVii,'«c(| iiiHi .<|iit'iiiliiii;' for ."i-"J(l cm. (11- iiKHc. lull not |ir<>j<'cliii!i' iiIhim' the Imik. ((,-titilii |)iii' .ironn. (|c)ii('>,~ci|. ii|i|i('iiriim' like iiiinntc |iiirctiirc< iiindc with the |)oiiit ol' ii iiiii, iiiiiiuiii ,-lri'ilc. tliiii. I*ciiili!'ci;i iii(iiui,ii>, cl(iim;it('il-(ivni(|, iiitlicr iiKiic tliiiii .', nun. Iiiuh. covered nliove liy the thin, cnilioiuiceon,- -troniii. Asci e\ lindricMl. with n slender Imse. I(M».\7 //. with iililiti'in |i;ir:i|ili\s<'s. i|i. ,-|i. T")~N(l // lonii i. Sporidiii iiniseriate. <'Ili|iticid \c||(iwisli-li\idine. 'J-nnclenle. T S x A /<. ends lliittened while lyini;' in the a^ci. We liiive not si-eii tliem IVee, and cannot ,-av whether thev iicconie opake. The a.sei ami sporidia are u'enerally poorlv developed. ( hi liai'k ol dead oak. common. N. tiiictoi'. (Heik.) Spliifiia liiiiliii . Itcrk, llcMik. I.oiid. Jouiii Hut, IV, \> ui llvpiixylon /iiiifoi. Ckc. Syil. 996. l-x^io-. i;il, i"^ I'.viht, N. A. U. M Sur, I7'^>i. Stroma el1'ii,«ed. .lull Idack. very hard. e.xhiiiitiiiL: all the iiie(|iial ilio ol' the matri.x. I mm. thick. .")-2 distinctly papillose IVoiii the the sliLihtly proiniiieiit ostiola. The -uh iad'iit wood is deeply tiiiu'cd oran^e-rei|. and i> reiidereil very hard, I'eritliecia moiiostii lioiis. crowdecj. ejoniiuted (| min.l. covei'ed aliove uilh the hard, luitlle. shiiiiiii;' Id ick stromatic layer, .\sci I I'J I p. sp. ',•(1-1(1(1) x 7-> /'. with aliiiiidant, liiilorni paraphy-es. ."-^poridia iiiii- -ciiate. pale lirowii. with a simple rather laru'e niKleiis. olilomj. iia\ iciilar. !.') .\ (1 //. with the cimIs siilioliliise. On dead tiiiiik^ and limlis ol' \arioiis decidiioii- liec~. Irom (>liio \\c,-| jo Kansas, and >oiilli to l,oiiisiaiia. l''lorida. and 'l"e.\as. The ^lldma orii;iiiale> iiinler the ciiliele which is ,»oon thrown oil'. The general appearance i> that o|' //. iiimil iihihini. I!. A IJav., and it ha- the same hard, iii'illle stroma a> that specie,-. \. «I.V|MMis. (Sriiw.) .Sf'liirtiii I It/'t II > . Scliw, Syil, Car. Ni>, ,|a, Diiiltyfi- il}pfiis. \\ iSi C. Crcv, IV. p, ^i.s, .\ II III III II /lit id (/l/.H.^, Ckt. Cirtv. .XII, i> fy Mlliplicai ill outline. Ilalteiied. immerseil, shiiiiiiudihick, rouLihened MBir r,2s hRfli liy ill)- i'uiijcmI. |ii'niiiiii('iit nsliohi. 'J tl nun. iliiini.. ninruin .>ni'i'iilpsliinc(' n\' llic wixid. Asci r\ lindi icul. S|ioriili.'i (>lli|itic;)l, iittmnntcil ;il rnrli riMi. nlini)iii|->li;i|ii'i|. iiinliiiiinii.. Innwn. 'JO x '^ ft. On liriinclics n|' Cnhil im. Ac. North Ain<'ric;i iCuili^i: on u,il<. Sonlli ("nrolinii ( Uiivcnd i. Scliw. in Syn. \. Am. 12ll>. ni:ik<'< this ;i synonym ol ,V'. Hull, iiii'ill. wliicli. cMciimlly. nt IcmsI. it nin.-l flost'ly ifscmlili'. N. iiiiinila, (Srinv.) S/iluriiii mill ii/ii, Scliw. Syii. Cir. No, 3S. \ II III III n /ill ill iiiiiiii/ii. Ckf. Ctiiv. XII. p 'S .■^nlioiliiciihir. I'l-nniprnt, lliillrnci|convr\. Iihick, niarkcil w iili ih.- miniilt', imnclit'orm o-iioln. Ai-ci cylinilrirnl. Sjioiiili;i liiii;iilo\;il. iliirk lirow II. 1- X '•• u. On liMik ol' /V- ctVnscil niid criistiiccons, ;it lirst covered liy ;i "oniilinl Lirow tli. li'iiilly itjire. I*eril!icci:i |ieri|iliericiil, in ;i sinti'le Iiiyer or sometinies in -cv- er;il itiyers conceiiiricnlly nrriiiiijed. t:iolio>e, o\;i(e or oIiIohl;', cori- .iceoiis or coriM o-cin'i;iceoii<. -link in the stroiiin. Imt licin'riilly wiih the ii|pper |>!i ' iiore or less project inn', w ith ii piipilliroriii or iimliilic;ile o:>lio|iini. .\sci cylindricnl. ^--poii-d. ,*^poridi;i iiniseriiite. ellipticiil or i'lisoid. inei|iiiliiterjil or curved, conliiiiioiis, lirowii. (Winter in Mie INIze). A. />'//'///•. i miiiiliii . jlhroiis ii'itliin. { M'lciiKn/liui). * J'irilliri'in inonnslir/iniis. 11. Ki'ooiiU'iiiiiiim, K. iV ('. Crev. I\'. p. '.li. Irreu^iiliir in shnpe, -iiliorliicnhir. .'> 1 cm. diiiiii., m' oliloiii:-. "iSx .'i-4 cm. iiiid .\-l cm. thick. cohm'N, nisly driili cohn' or dirty piirpli-h. surliiee more oi' less uneven, mniuiii piirliiilly free, in some specinieii- distinctly so. ;iiid then ;ilirii|(t. Iihick iind indisliiietly /.oniile. I'eii tlieciii in n single snperlicinl hiyer, elonL''iitlll|i!lrt. Iliillt xT/<. ( )\\ unciil. ( )ri/iili;i. .Mi'xieii. II. IVti'i'sii. W. \. ('. .1 11. Liiiii. >«ie. X. |.. .M. Slliillill lillU ili:ite, (|e|i|esseil-(ilieuliic;il. ee|ltl'!lll\ ;itlMi-hi'i| uilh ;i -|iri';ii|iiiL;' iiinru'in, •> •) I .» ('III. iieri iss, eu\ efei I Ml lil'sl iiv ;i thick •i)liiiceii-iiieiiili|';ili;iee(iii> veil uliicli .-(iiiii (lis;i|i|»i'iir» except .'ii'iiliinl the liiMllilli: si|M-l;ilice CO l'k\ -tilil'iiiis. liMI'il, illlll. Illiiiiei'-ci)ln|- liecdiiiiiiL;' iliiikcf iiiitsiile. I'eiitlieci;i cruwded ill sevenil hiyers, siiliiiioliiise or -ulM'|iiiiL:'Mleil. .',-,' nun . uilh >leiii|er neck~ ending' in distinctly |ii'iiiiii iM'iil. |p;i|)illii'iiiiii iislinhi. S|iiiiidi;i iini^eiiiile or siililiisei'iate iilmve. iijirniw ly-e|li|itic;il. Iiniwii. (l-Sx.")^,-! n. .\sci I'yliinlricnl. |i. -p. aliiMii IK X •") II. (tr. ill! liidiiiLi' ihe slender Imsc, (!<> // loiiu'. On rntteii mik. .Miiliiiiiin (Peters), on dead wond. Ciiltii i Wright i. on iiMK |i iL!s, Ohio Mild Keiitiickv ( .Muruaii). The rnretiiiiiiL!' descii|it inn is IVnin MfiiLian s iHiio -jiecinieii< which have lieeii c()ni|iareil with speciinens in llerli. I!eik. In tin iiriu'inal description, in Linn, .loiini.. no mention is iiiaile ol ijic ihick iiieiiihranaceoiis veil, wliicii is a -trik iii'j ami nniisiial characie l». Stl'ltllKI SlljU'l'liviill , l//inii>. Sciiji. Carninl. II. \t. .S/iliiriiii /u'i/>r>il:fiil,-\ Wl■i^;^l ol>«. Ilol. |>. 17, Sf>li,rn\i iiihia, Willi' I'l.iia Ili-nil. p. |is St'luriii' ,-iii/»li.niit fiii}:if>»mh. IVls. in fsUri N. .\mi. Ilot. lasi-. V. p Ji. S/>>i,r>i\i hiiiiloi, DC. I'lnr. I'ranc, II, p. :^k Sfili,rii,i /iilfii/ia, DC. 1. o. VI, p. i.;7. Sli,iiiiii/iis/'/itriiii/>ii.i:i/i» lilts, i'.tl'v. ScoU, Crypl. l-'lur.-i. 111. tiili. iVl H.\!. Hcr'i. Myoil. i.|.s. i|'>.— K.ili. K. Iv /sn.— Tliiini !•" .^iiHlr. js-^.— J-;il. .N'. A. I'. 117S. - Ckc. !•■ nrit. Ser. 11, ('- s //. ( Jcnciiillv (in liiii'i< (inie otliei' trees. ('(ininidM tlirdnii'lidut the I'nited ."^tate- iind Caiiiidii. ;i,- we Kiirope. 'I'his and the next >|ieeies are (illeii a(C(ini|ianie(i alinornial iirowlh {Inst/hih' iiciirlt'(inii<\ Vv.) (•onsislini!' of a s|irea(linj triiiiic 1)1' siiniewhat ll!itleiH'(|. dchraeenns (ir rust-cdhired. niore (ir le>- liran(die(| [iroee^ses suri'dundinti the lia^e dl' the -trdma. and alxiiit • •(inal in haiLith to its (jianietei'. and'inu' an alumdanee ol' \i i\ W llldW, a- ni i\ all vale, sniihvaliiie ((Uiidia. Whether this shonhl lere(| the true eoiiidial stauc df the //v/(o.c///d// is ddnlitl'ii miniite. (Mid -u lie ('(III- a- il- dcciirreiiee is e.\ee|illdna I. 1 he case is in Sdine r('S|ieet-; aiiald^dii^ |i that i)\ Sitliii-rld Jhihcll !f'oriiils.>r\\\\. and the Xi/hif/'a trdiii w liid I It -lil'iliiis. Iiiit witii tliis ditVereiice: the ail'ecteil \i//(ir/'ii -iirrdiiinh'd witli its cdnidial I'rinuc matures its I'riiit. I(. Howeiaiiimi, I'k. 'ilth lleji. .\. V. .>^tate Mii-. p. its. .''Irdiiia (h'liressctl-u'hilidse. ."»-!."> mni. across, iiiiiit Inick-rcd. neai l\ >m(idlii. lull |iniictate IVdiii the iiiiiuite. Idack dstidhi. Military nr -ii1m(iii- Ihiciit. I'dithecia |ieri|iherical. mdiidslichdiis. minntc. dvate. ] -\ iinn. hiLih. Asci (S|idre-lieariiiL!' part i 4 ")-.">(• x •")//. with a .-h'lnh'r. thread- like Irise. .■»."» // hiiiii. .'-|idri(lia iiniseriate. d|iakc. siiliineijiiihiterally ellijitical. (i-7 .\ .■>-.'>.', II. () II dead Inn li> dl' dccidlldlls tree*. .New Vdlk iTeckl. (Ill O.n// Vlrtjliiint. Idwa ilidlwavi. dii dead standing ^hrlllls and raUeii liinli- dl' (lak. New Jersey (Kllis), dii (had lindis. Peidisylvania I Mscrhail A !{aiil, ( )hi(i ( .Mdiuaii), Neliraska (Mi" L. S. I>(iiid|. The siili>t!ince dl' (he sti'diiia i- di a liliie-lilack cdhir. and a serlical ."'I'C'tiiHi shows a radialedilii'diis stnicliire with di,c (n twd liiinl ((Hi- C( iitric /.diies. The inteiidr dl' tlie slrdina in //. < hdii.ii- iiciiediis in -triicliire. and dl' an even eray-lila(d< cdhir. Thai s|ie( i'- is also (listiimiiislie(| rrdin thi>. Iiy it- smaller strdina rdiiLiiieiieil I'y the >!iiililly |irdjectim!' [leritliecia (',-.', mm. diam.). and li\ its larn'cr a-ci and s|ioridia. In the Nelnaska s|iecini( n- the |ieiitliecia are distinctly |ir(iiniiieiit. Iiiit in dtlier resjiecls they do iidt dill'er Irdiii the iku liial I'orm H. ('Oilliniltatllin, Xitsclike. var. Ilolwavanum. ."-.A V... .Mich. I J). ."iTO; Sacc. S\ 1 IMlil. fi31 lircini Stniiiiii ri-iiiii|iriil-(t\ 7_S n. witli iiliiiinliiiit |iiii;i|ilivsi'». S|Mii'i(liii iiniscriiiic, iipiikc. in- r,|iiiliiliT;illy-clliipii<;il. !<> I'J \ l.^-V\ ft ( 1--I I \ •'• (i.l //. Siirci. ()ii li;irl< nl' (|c;i(| (ink. nrmiiili. IdWii. jiiid mi ImrU nl'dc'iil |iliiiii li'ccs. Mild (iiiii|p|i'i? N'ciinillinii l,;ik('. M inn. ( I l(il\vii\ I. Ai'i'ni'ilinii' to Siic(iii''l(). iIh' |pciitlii'ci;i nil' laiiicr ;inil iiiciic [iinnii- iii'ii! lliiin ill the tvpic-il liiiiii. uliicli is i|r\ \ii«(|ikr ii- liiiviiii!' flic stroiiiii |iiilviniiti'. ilr|iicss('(|. riiicly liriiii>|i|iciic!i| ur nc-irly ■jidliost'. siilitnrv ur (•(tiiiiiiti'. with lilol 'osc. crKwdfil. ii-; |M'ii|ilii'iiciiI |n'i'itli('ci;i. Mini spoiiiliM Ht-l"J\(>//. Tlic -ihmIIci' stni- iiiMtM ri'sciiil'lt' lliHsc (il //. fuse II III. tVoui which it is iJisliiiLiiii^hi'd liv il- sniMlIcr s|MiriiliM. Finni //. uniliifnriiir. it i» ili^tinuni^hcd liv il« iMlhcr hirucr. (hiiki-r -|iiiiidiM. II. eiitcroiiH'liiiii. (Stiiu.) S/>li,ri ill iiili i:'»h III. Sriuv. joiirii AiMil. rhil;i Vol V, ]), m. StniniatM |miI\ iiiaii'. hI'iimi loiiuitiiiliiinlly ('((iilhiciil lor rv. Cooke ill (I rev. XI. |i. l2o, the sporidiM are 10x4//. Mriiiniieiit Iroin erat'ks in the liaik of dead ehestniit trees. jJeih- jcheni, I'm. (Schwi. Ii'ather rafe. II. HM'ii ("Hhis. B»Mk. iV ("k«». iiloiiose. snperticinl. ol'tcn conlhieiit, \-'l cm. (liaiii.. liriiiht rii-l-co|or. -ooty Mai-k within. I'erithecia of inedinin A/.v. ovnte. |ii'iiplieiical. -^oiiiruhal prominent. .\sci cylindrii-al. .'^poridia ellip- tical. atteniiai'MJ at each end, Inowii. 'JO.n S h. On idi wood. N'ei'M Crn/. .Mexico (. the li;irk, witli tlic iiiiiriiiii nitlirr iinitc, ll;itlc!ir(|-iiiii|iil!it(' iiinl niiiuli iiliDVi'. I'critlicciii nillii'j- lnrui-. |)Viilnriii, (i('c|ily iiniiiciscd. Imi ii(,t «iiiik III tlic liiisc (tC the whitish stroiiiii. sliL:lilly |»ritiiiiii<'iit iilMi\c. (>stinlii very shiirt. (iiicii. pcrHu'jitcd : slr(iiii;i iil lirst diily-idivi'. iIkmi M;irk. 'riic small stiomnta arc so iiarruw and thick as tn Locmlijc a lliick-.-tcmmcd Przizn. It is evident thai the s|icce. issued in N. A. !•'. and elsewhere as h'lulnipi i/inid kiIu. ScIiw.. caniinl lie llic ■•|iecies here i|e>erilied. II. ai'^illaciMiiii. (IVi's.) S/'lufini iiii;i//uii-ti. I'l-is, Syii. |> in. H\f>(ir\li>ii lUKilliift mil. link. Oiill. p. .^^7. Kxsii'C. Knii. I". Iv 2,\-. Stridnata eriiiii|«Mit-«ii|periieia!. siiliiilnliose. .solitary, rarely emi- iiale. tday-cdhtr. lieciniiinL: idaik within. I'erilheeia in a ~iii'/le Immm (iiKiiMisticlmiisi. rarely iiri'iiiilarly |i()lystie|i(iiis. dvale, small. ii(i\\de(|. ximewhat |iri>iniiieiit. miiintely ma!iimilliietlile|ieih. Pa. (."^ehw.l. Caiiaila ( .Maelauaii I. on lieeeh, New ^'ork (IV'ek). 'I'liis species, of which we have seen no specimens except tho-r M'lit, from Miiu'land \>\ l>r. I'lowri'jjit. -eems lo lie ea-ily reco^ni/ed li\ it- clay-co|oi-cd stroma and lartiv -pmidia. H. notiitiiiii. |{. \ {\ <;rev. IN', p. .".II. Kx.siix. Uiiv !•■. Ciii IV. Nm. :.,'. •• i*eritliecia lew. rather larire. crowded into a little pnlvinate iiia-> chilheil with riiliiuinoiis powder. <>-liola at Icniith |pioniineiii, trim- ciite. with a central peiioration. The sporidin. which are shortly cyiultii'loi'iii. vary a litlle in size." On liark of (hlHa. ('arolina ( ({avcnel). on Vthiinnnn. renii.-\l- vaiiia ( .Micliener). In the specimen- in Rav. Iv\sicc. (the only ones we have seen), till' little pnlvinate, erumpent stroma are 1-2 mm. across, each con- tiiiniiiLT "i-lt |i(M'itli('ri;i liaviiiu lliick. ntriiici'iin^ Wiills. niid iilmiit .1 hum. iliiiiii. TIm' iisci iii'i' >iii roiiii(l('(| li_v {iliiiiMlaiit |)!iin|iliys('s. iiml linvc llir >|piii('-li('iiriiiii' piii't .'»")-(')() x S « loiiti'. S|Miriili;i miiscriiitc. slidpt cvinlii- Inriii. <)).!ikr. \-2-\A xS //.;is iK.i.-d l.y ('!«■. in Ciw. XI. p. I'j;!. " Tli.' intci-ii»r u!' the strniiiii ^Ikiws a >liulit ycllowisli lint, jilic thai ol' //. .s'(/.s.s7///7/.s-, Scliw., Iiiit ii(»t a.>; tlisliiict. 'I'lic .^nli.-^taiicc oi' tlu' ."ifioina i.» <|iiit(' s(»l'l, almost carnosc. H. tVisciiiii. (IVi's.) .S/>hte>iii Jiiiiii. I'crs. Syii. \<. li. Sfiliirtia I'mgi/oimis. IIolT. Vt^;. Ctv]il. 1. )>. 211. .Sf>liiriia lOH/liieiis. WilM. I'lora Uenil. \i. \\(\ S/'litniii I II h<) cii loHt . Holt. I'liiini Il;i1. )>. u.;. Sftlurn'a caslii>,u, Trxlt- Huiini Mi-ikl. II. )), s'^. Sf'liV- //\/>ii< t/iiii /ii.Hiim, l'"r. Siiniina Vi'jf. Scanil, p. 3S1. )^x^i^■c. I'lkl. H. KI1. 11154. — Ral). H. K. lli^.— Ki'lim Asc. JJi.— Sydow. M. Maicli. idf,, I'liuiii. !•■. .Mistr. fi6|.— id. M. V. 1S61.— Kll. N. A. H. (^7^. — Oisin. PI. Ci. K<1. I. .(7fi Cki . !•■ Itiil. Sir. I, 246. Scr. II, .(67. Sli'iiinata ('i'iiin|)t'nl-. lilit'nini. Spdi'idia niiiscriatr, snliin('<|iiilat<'ially elliptical, npake and. in tlie ,-peeimens examiiieil. I 1-14 .\ •"» (1 /<. (l'J-l(»\ 'i-T //. Sacc.). On deail alder. Iiircli, liazel. lieech and oilier deciduous frees, common tliroiiiiliont the I'ldted States and ('anada. II. Itotiys. Xif.sch. I'yi. (leim. p. .11. S/'In/iia /ti,i)\ii>ii. Itkl. ill !• Kli. ..v, Stroinata eniinpenl, aLiureiiated and snlicoimate or ollenei' tulier- cidiidrin. I-'J mm. diam.. consistiiiti' of simple auureijalions ol' perithecia with very little stromatic material interposed, iiohlen-vidlow at first, iinally Idack, aliont I mm. diam.. ahonl { ol' the upper pait of the peiitliecia projectinL!. Asci cylindrical. IS-spored. with tiliform par- aphvses. Sporidia nni.ri narniw -cylinilriral. with a sh-nih'i liasc. aliunt 100 .\(i it. Spuiidia in a sinulr scries, naiiow-cllijiliciil .,i sulinavii-nlai'. pah' yclhtwish at liist. Ihi'ii npakc, l-2-iiiicI<'at<'. !>-l-J \ 3 ' -4 ' n, cnus ■iiiliacutc OIS). On ih'ail lini'is ol' Qui'mis rlri'iis. I'ointi' a hi llachc, La. (l,;Miii- .Mlicd t»» //. t'lisrinii. lint ililVcrs in its inipi'csscil nstiuhi anil snialh'r stroma yellow insiih'. See. Cooke, in (Irev. .\ I , p. 1: /////">.»• ////>// hicnior. 15. A' C, is a I)iiifriii>f. ** Sti'oiiiii vxtmiiill ij hliicl,'. W. miiifitVM-mc, Kr. Snmina Ne^i. Scami. p. .'!s4. StlliFI lit iiiHini'ii III! l-i. s. M. II. 11. ;;i. Splneiiu (••llatit. IiC. Hlori- Fr. II, p. .^7. H\f>iirylim nuiiiiili'siim, Hull. Cli.-ini]). p. 1711. trili. .1S7, (i>{. :;. Sphirriti I iihifiii mi\, I't-rs. Syn \t u llxsicc. I'ckl. K. Rh. msi.— R:il>. I'". K. 'Hi- -riiiiin M. V. if7s. Dtsiu. I'l. Cr. Ivd. I, I25i."l,iii. !•'. Hiitig. iXi.- Sy.\i; n. i*ar aphyses slender, simple. loiiLTer than thi' a-^ci. .'^poridia iiniseriate im'i|iiilatoral-(tl>loiiii', pale Inown, '.•-iOJ; .\ '.>\ // ( 10 TJ .\ 1 ."» n.. Saee.), On dead liireli, .\i'w llamp-hire (Farlowi, .New Voik O. V. Cook). Miehiuan ( .Mi