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Les diagrammes suivants illustrant la mithoda. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 P I A S. h 3 A HALF-CENTURY OF SCIENCE. BvT. H. HUXLEY, F. R. S. AND GRANT ALLEN. I. THE ADVANCE OF SCIENCE IN THE LAST HALF CENT- URY. BY T. H. HUXLEY. F.R.S. The most obvious and the most db- tinclive features of the history of civilization, during the last fifty years, is the wonderful increase of industrial production by the application of ma- chinery, the improve'.nent of old tech- nical processes and the invention of new ones, accompanied by an even more remarkable development of old and new means of locomotion and in- tercommunication. By ihis rapid and vast multiplication of the commodities and conveniences of existence, the general standard of comfort has been raised ; the ravages of pestilence and famine have been checked; and the natural obstacles, which time and space offer to mutual intercourse, have been reduced in a manner and to an extent, unknown to former ages. Tlie duninution or removal of local igno- rance and prejudice, the creation of common interests among the most widely separated peoples, and the strengthening of the forces of the organization of the commonwealth .igainst those of political or social anarchy, thus effected, have exerted an influence on the present and future fortunes of mankind the full significance of which may be divined, b'.!t cannot, as yet, be estimated at its f ill value. This revolution — for it is nothing less — in the political and social as- pects of modern civilization has been preceded, accompanied, and in great measure caused, by a less obvious, but no less marvelous, increase of^ natural knowledge, and especially of that part of it which is known as physical science, in consequence of the appli- cation of scientific method to the inves- tigation of the phenomena of the ma- terial world. Not that the growth of physical science is an exclusive prerog- ative of the Victorian age. Its present strength and volume merely indicate the highest level of a stream which took its rise, alongside of the primal founts of philosophy, literature, and art, in ancient Greece ; and, after being dammed up for a thousand years, once more began to flow three cent- uries ago. It may be doubted if even-handed justice, as free from fulsome panegy- ric as from captious depreciation,, has ever yet been dealt out to the sages of antiquity who, for eight centuries, from the time of Thales to that of Galen, toiled at the foundations of ])hysical science. But, without enter- ing into the discussion of that large question, it is certain that the labors of these early workers in the field of natural knowledge were brought to a standstill by the decay and disruption of the Roman Empire, the consequent disorganization of society, and the diversion of men's thoughts from sub- lunary matters to the problems of the supernatural world suggested by Christii^n dogma in the Middle Ages. I ' '^56^5 THE ADVANCE OF SCIENCE And, notwithstanding sporadic at- tempts to recall men to the investiga- tion of nature, here and there, it was not until the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries that physical science made a new start, founding itself, at first, with Kepler's great additions ; the astronomical discoveries and the phy- sical investigations of Galileo; the mechanics of Stevinus and the " De Magnete " of Gilbert ; the anatomy of the great French and Italian altogether upon that which had been I schools and the physiology of Harvey. done bv the Greeks. Indeed, it must j In Italy, which had succeeded Gieece in the hegemony of the scieniitic world, the Accademia dei Lyncei and be admitted that the men of the Re naissance, though standmg on the philosophers, ihey saw as much as their forerunners had done. shoulders of the old were a long time before sundry other such associations for the investigation of nature, the models of all subsequent academies and scientific The first serious attempts to carry' societies, had been founded while the further the unfinished work of Archi- j literary skill and biting wit of Galileo medes, llipparchus, and Ptolemy, of : had made the great scientiiic ques- Aristoile and of enough arose among the Galen, naturally i astronomers and the physicians. For the impen- ' ous necessity of seeking some remedy for the physical ills of life had in- sured the preservation of more or less of the wisdom of Hippocrates and his successors ; and, by a happy conjunc- intelligible, pub- general tions of the day not only but attractive, to the lie. In our own country, Francis Bacon had essayed to sum up the past of physical science, and to indicate the path which it must follow if its great destmies were to be fuifilletl. And tion of circumstances, the Jewish and 1 though the attempt was just such a the Arabian physicians and philoso- : magnificent failure as might have been l)hers escaped many of the influences j expected from a man of great endow- which, at that time, blighted natural ments, who was so singularly devoid knowledge in the Christian world, j of scientific insight that he could not On the other hand, the superstitious ; undtTstand the value of the work hopes and tears which afToided conn- already achieved by the true instaur- tenance to astrology and to alchemy ators of physical science ; yet the also sheltered astronomy and the majestic eloquence and the fervid germs of chemistry. Whether for this, vaticinations of one who was con or for some better reason, the found- ers of the schools of the Middle Ages included astronomy, along with geome- try, arithmetic, and music, as one of the four branches of advanced educa- tion ; and, in this respect, it is only just to them to observe that they were far in advance of those who sit in their seats. The school-men con- sidered no one to be properly educated unless he were acquainted with, at any rate, one branch of physical sci- ence. We have not, even yet, reached that stage of enlightenment. In the early decades of the seven- teenth century, the men of the Re- naissance could show that they had al- ready put out to good interest the treasure bequeathed to them by the Greeks. They had produced the as- tronomical system of Copernicus, spicuous alike by the greatness of his rise and the depth of his fall, drew the attention of .all the world to the " new birth of Time." But it is not easy to discover satis- factory evidence that the " Novum Organum"had any direct beneficial influence on the advancement of nat- ural knowledge. No delusion is greater than the notion that method and industry can make up for lack of motherwit, either in science or in practical life ; and it is strange that, with his knowledge of mankind, Bacon should have dreamed that his, or any other, " via inveniendi scientias" would " level men's wits " and leave little scope for that inborn capacity which is called genius. As a matter of fact, Bacon's "via" has proved hopelessly impracticable ; while the ve CO ci: be pe pr tn nc (If sci th( kn IN THE LAST HALl-CENTURY. my las" "anticipation of nature" by the in vcn'i Ml of hypotheses based on in Bacon or Ilobbes, Rend Descartes, not only in his immortal " JiiscGurs conriictc inriiictions, whicli he spe- de la Methode " and elsewhere, went cially c< lulennis, has j^rovcd itself to down to the foundations of scientific be a most crticient, indeed an indis- certainty, bur, in his '* Principes de pensa))le, instnnnent of scientific Philosophie," indicated where the pro:;ress. l-'inally, tliat transceiuien- : fjoal of physical science really lay. tal rili'lu-my — the siipeiiiiind guiding hand were withdrawn. Kvery mechanical artifice, every chemically pure substance employed in manu- facture, every abnormally fertile race of plants, or rapidly growing and fat- tening breed of animals, is a part of the new nature created by science. Without it, the most densely popula- ted regions of modern Europe and America must retain their primitive, sparsely inhabited, agricultural or pastoral condition , it is the founda- tion of our wealth and the condition of our safety from submergence by another flood of barbarous hordes ; it is the bond which unites into a solid the fields of chemistry, geology, and | political whole, regions larger than biology ; but this deepening and broadening of natural knowledge pro duced next to no immediate prac- tical benefits. Even if, at this time, Francis Uacon could have returned to the scene of his greatness and of i luxuries, but conduce to physical and his littleness, he must have regarded | moral well-being. During the last the philosophic world which praised i fifty years, this new birth of time, any empire of antiquity ; it secures us from the recurrence of the pesti- lences and famines of former times ; it is the source of endless comforts and conveniences, which are not mere this new nature begotten by science upon fact, has pressed itself daily and disregarded his precepts with great disfavor. If ghosts are consist- ent, he would have said, "These land hourly upon our attention, and people are all wasting their time, just } has worked miracles which have mod- as Gilbert and Kepler and Galileo , ified the whole fashion of our lives, and my worthy jihysician Harvey did | What wonder, then, if these aston- ii> my day, VVhere are the fruits of i ishing fruits of the tree of knowledge the restoration of science which 1 1 are too often regarded by both friends promised? This accumulation of ' and enemies as the be-all and end-all bare knowledge is all very well, but cui bono I Not one of these people is doing what I told him specially to do, and seeking that secret of the cause of fotms which will enable men to deal, at will, with matter, and su- perinduce new natures upon the old foundations." l>ut, a little later, that growth of knowledge beyond imaginable utili- tarian ends, which is the Condition precedent of its practical utility, be- gan to produce some effect upon prac- tical life ; and the operation of that part of nature we call human upon the rest began to create, not "'new natures," in Bacon's sense, but a new. nature, the existence of which is de- pendent upon men's efTorts, which is of science ? What wonder if some eulc)gize, and others revile, the new philosophy for its utilitarian ends and its merely material triumphs.^ In truth, the new philosophy de- serves neither the praise of its eulo- gists, nor the blame of its slanderers. As I have pointed out, its disciples were guided by no search after prac- tical fruits, during the great period of its growth, and it reached adolescence without being stimulated by any re- wards of that nature. The bare enu- meration of the names of the men who were the great lights of science in the latter part of the eighteenth and the first decade of the nineteenth century, of Herschel, of Laplace, of Young, of Fresnel, of Oersted, of Cav- IN THE LAST HALF-CENTURY. 5 riends end-all some le new ids and by de- 5 eulo- derers. isciples r prac- eriod of escence any re- are enii- ie men science hteenlU leteenth lace, of of Cav- endish, of Lavoisier, of Davy, of La- marck, of Cuvier, of Jussieu, of De- candoUe, of Werner and of Hntion, suffices to indicate the strength of physical science in the aj;e immedi- ately preceding that of which I have to treat. But of which of these gr^at men can it be said that their labors were directed to practical ends ? I do not call to mind even an invention of practical utility which we owe to any of them, except the safety lamp of Davy. Werner certainly paid at- tention to mining, and I have not for- gotten James Watt. But, though some of the most important of the improvements by which Watt con- verted the steam-engine, invented long before his time, into the obedi- ent slave of man, were suggested and guided by his acquaintance with sci- entific principles, his skill as a prac- tical mechanician, and the efficiency of Bolton's workmen had quite as much to do with the realization of his projects. In fact, the history of physical science teaches (^and we cannot loo carefully take the lesson to heart) tliat the practical advantages, attain- able through its agency, never have been, and never will be, sufficiently attractive to men inspired by the in- born genius of the interpreter of na- ture, to give them courage to under- go the toils and make the sacrifices which that calling requires from its votaries. That which stirs their puLses is the love of knowledge and tile joy of the discovery of the causes of things sung by the old poets — the supreme delight of extending the realm of law and order ever farther towards the unattainable goals of the infinitely great and the infinitely small, between which our little race of life is run. In the course of this work, the physical philosopher, some- times intentionally, much more often unintentionally, lights upon some- thing which proves to be of practical value. Great is - the rejoicing of those who are benefited thereby ; and, for the moment, science is the Diana of all the craftsmen. But, I even while the cries of jubilation re- , sound and this floatsam and jetsam , : of the tide of investigation is being turned into the wages of workmen and the wealth of capitalists, the crest ; of the wave of scientilic investigation is far away on its course over tlic il- ^ limitable ocean of the unknown. j Far be it fiom me to depreciate the I value of the gifts of science to practi- cal life, or to cast a doubt upon the ' propriety of the course of action of 1 those who follow science i*n the hope j of finding wealth alongside truth, or , even wealth alone. Such a profes- sion is as respectable as any other, j And quite as little do I desire to ig- nore the fact that, if industry owes a [ heavy debt to science, it has largely I repaid the loan by the important aid : which it has, in its turn, rendered to the advancement of science. In con- 'sidering the causes which hindered ; the progress of physical knowledge in the schools of Athens and of Alex- landria, it has often struck me * that where the Greeks did wonders was in just those branches of science, such as geometry, astronomy, and anatomy, which are susceptible of ^ very considerable development with- out any, or any but the simplest, ap- : pliances. It is a curious speculation j to think what would have become of j modern physical science if glass and I alcohol had not been easily obtain- able , and if the gradual perfection { of mechanical skill for industrial ends had not enabled investigators to ob- tain, at comparatively little cost, I microsco|)es, telescopes, and all tiic exquisitely delicate apparatus for de- I terminiiig weight and measure and for estimating the lapse of lime with exactness, which they now command. If science has rendered the colossal development of modern industry pos- : sible, beyond a doubt industry has i done no less for modern physics and ] chemistry, and for a great deal of • There are excellent remarks to the same effect in Zeller's Philosophic Jer Griechtn, 'I'heil n. Abth. ii. p. 407, and in Kncken's Die Methode der Arislotelischen Forschiinf^, [jp. 1 38 et seq. THE ADVANCE OF SCIENCE modern biology. And as the cap- 1 science has ever been done by men, tains of indiisliy have, at last, begun whatever their powers, in whom the to be aware that the condition of divine afllatus of the triithsteits own. exten- ence of an "ether, the properties of siun comes back in the 'orm of that area. Again, a very eminent mathematician and ])itysicist — the late Ckrk Maxwell — has de- clared that impenetrability is not essential to our notions of matter, and that two atoms m.iy conceivably occui)y ^^'^ same space. I am loth to dispute any dictum of a philos- opher as remarkable for the subtlety of his intellect as for his vast knowledge ; but the assertion that one and the same point or area of space can have different (conceivably op- posite) attributes appears to me to violate the principle of contradiction, which is the foundation not only of i>hysical science, but of logic in general. It means that A can be not-A. which are defined m propositions, some of which, to ordinary appre- hension, seem physical antinomies. It sounds paradoxical to .say that the attainment of scientific truth has been effected, to a great extent, by the help of scientific errors. liut the subject-matter of physical science is furnished by observation, which can- not extend beyond the limits of our faculties; while, even within those limits, we cannot be certain that any ^^'ervation is absolutely exact and IN THE LAST IIALF-CENTURY. astron- i epicy- ily at vertlie- vaiice- ledge, lessers. light optics, in it ; ch has theory ost fer- rch, is e exist- rties of sitions, appre- lies. ay that th has ;nt, by iut the nee is h can- of our those at any t and exhaustive. Hence it follows that any given generalization from ob- servation may be true, within the lim- its of our powers of observation at a given time, and yet turn out to be un- true, when those powers of observa- tion are directly or indirectly en- larged. Or, to put the matter u\ an- other way, a doctrine which is untrue absohiiely, may, to a very great ex- tent, be susceptible of an interpreta- tion in accordance with the truth. At a certain period in the history of astronomical science, the assumption that the planets move in circles was true enough to serve the purpose of correlating such observalions as were then possil)le ; after Kepler, the as- sumption that they move in ellipses became true enough in regard to the state of observational astronomy at that time. We say still that the or- bits of the planets are ellipses, be- cause, for all ordinary purposes, that is a sufficiently near approximation to the trutii; but, as a matter of fact, the center of gravity of a planet de- scribes neither an ellipse or any other simple curve, but an imntensely com- plicated undidaling line. It may fairly be doubted whether any gen- eralization, or hypothesis, based upon physical data is absolutely true, in the sense that a mathematical proposi- tion is so; but, if its errors can be- come apparent only outside the limits of practicable observation, it may be just as usefully adopted for one of the symbols of that algebra by which we interpret nature, as if it were abso- lutely true. The development of every branch of physical knowledge presents three st.tges which, in their logical relation, are s-'ccessive. The first is the de- termination of the sensible character and order of the phenomena. This is Natural History^ in the original sense of the term, and here nothing but observation and experiment avail us. The second is the determination of the constant relations of the phe- nomena thus defined, and their ex- pression in rules or laws. The third is the explication of these particular laws by deduction from »lie most gen- eral laws of matter and motion. The last two stages constitute Natural Philosophy in its original sense. In this region, the invention of verifiable hypotheses, is not only permissible, but is one of the conditions of prog- ress. Historically, no branch of science has followed this order of growth ; but, from the dawn of exact knowl- I edge to the present day, observation, I experiment, and speculation have I gone hand in hand; and, whenever I science has halted or strayed from I the right path, it has been, either be- [ cause its votaries have been content I with mere unverified or unverifiable speculation (and this is the common- jest case, because observation and ex- , periment are hard work, while spec- I ulalion is amusing); or it has been, I because the accunuilation "of details j of observation has for a time excluded speculation. 'J'he progress of physical science, since the revival of learning, is largely due to the fact that men have giad- ually learned to lay aside the con- sideration of unverifiable hyjwtheses ; to guide observation and experiment by verifiable hypotheses; and to con- sider the latter, not as ideal truths, the real entities of an intelligible world behind phenomena, but as a symbolical langu.nge, by the aid of which nature can be interpreted in terms apprehensible by our intellects. And if physical science, during the last fifty years, has attained dimen- sions beyond all former piecedent, and can exhibit acliievements of , greater importance than any former J such period can show, it is because ' able men, animated by the true scien- I tific spirit, carefully trained in the I method of science, and having at ' their disposal immensely improved \ appliances, have devoted themselves I to the enlargement of the boundaries j of natural knowledge in greater num- I ber than during any previous half- century of the world's history. I have said that our epoch can pro- duce achievements in physical science 1 •nrTBirBTT-T T r r QMMiriU««MiBMiMBMa It; lO THE ADVANCE OF SCIENCE of greater moment than any other ; all such masses of matter possessed has to show, advisedly ; and I think inertia and were susceptible of ac- that there are three great products quiring motion, in two ways, firstly of our time Nv'-ich justify the assertion. ' by impact, or impulse from without; One of these is that doctrine concern- and, secondly, by the operation of ing the constitution of matter which, certain hypothetical causes of motion for want of a better name, I will call termed "forces," which were usually " molecular ; " the second is the doc- [ supposed to be resident in the parti- trine of conservation of energy; the i cles of the masses themselves, and to third is the doctrine of evolution. ' operate at a distance, in such a way Each of these was foreshadowed, as to tend to draw any two such more or less distinctly, in former masses together, or to separate them periods of the history of science, and, more widely. so far is either from being the out- '. VVitli respect to the ultimate consti- come of purely inductive reasoning, tution of tliese masses, the snmt' two that It would be hard to overrate the antagonistic opinions wiiich had ex- inHuence of metaphysical, and even isted since the time of Deniocritus of theological, considerations upon and of Aristotle were still face to the development of ail three. The face. According to the one, matter peculiar merit of our epoch is that it was discontinuous and consisted of has siiown how these hypotheses con minute indivisible particles or atoms, nect a vast number of seemingly in- separated by a universal vacuum ; ac- dependent partial generalizations ; cording to the other, it was continu- that it has given them that precision ous, and the finest distinguishable, or of expression which is necessary for imaginable, particles were scattered their exact verification ; and that it through the attenuated general sub- has practically proved their value as stance of the plenum. A rough nnal- guides to the discovery of new truth, ogy to the latter case would be afford- All three doctrines are intimately ed by granules of ice diffused through connected, and each is applicable to water ; to the former, such granules the whole physical cosmos, l^ut, as diffused through absolutely empty might have been expected from the space. nature of the case, the first two grew, ! In the latter part of the eighteenth mainly, out of the consideration of century, the chemists had arrived at physico-chemical phenomena; while ^ several very important generalizations the third, in great measure, owes its respecting those properties of matter rehabilitation, if not its origin, to the , with which they were especially con- study of biological phenomena. cerned. However plainly ponderable matter seemed to be originated and In the early decades of this cent- ' destroyed in their operations, they ury, a number of important truths ap- proved that, as mass or body, it re- plicable, in part, to matter in general, mained indestructible and ingenera- and, in part, to particular forms of ble ; and that, so far, it varied only in matter, had been ascertained by the its perceptibility by our senses. The phvsicists and chemists. ' course of investigation further proved The laws of motion of visible and , that a certain number of the chemi- tangible, or molar, matter had been | cally separable kinds of matter were un- worked out to a great degree of re- alterable by any known means (except finement and embodied in the branches in so far as they might be made to of science known as mechanics, hy- , change their state from solid to fluid, or drostatics, and pneumatics. These | 77?^ zwm), unless they were brought laws had been shown to hold go'^d, so j into contact with other kinds of matter, far as they could be checked by ob- j and that the properties of these sev- servation and experiment, throughout' eral kinds of matter were always the the universe, on the assumption that same, whatever their origin. All IN THE LAST HALF-CENTURY. II lerable ;d and IS, they it re- enera- lonly in The I proved chemi- lere iin- |(except iiade to jrtuid, or )rought I matter, Ise sev- ivs the All other bodies were found to consist of two or more of these, which thus took ihe place of the four " elements " of the ancient philosophers. Further, it was proved that, in forming chemical compounds, bodies always unite in a definite proportion by weight, or in simple multiples of that proportion, and tliat, if any one body were taken as a standard, every other could have a number assigned to it, as its pro- portional combining weight. It was on this fouiKJation of fact that Dalton based his re-establishment of the old atomic hypothesis on a new empirical foundation. It is obvious, that if ele mentary matter consists of indestruc- lif)le and indivisible particles, each of which constantly preserves the same weight relatively to all the others, compounds formed by the aggrega- tion of two, three, four, or more such particles must exemplify the rule of combination in definite proportions deduced from observation. In the meanwhile, the gradual recep- tion of the undulatory theory of light necessitated the assumption of the ex- istence of an "ether" filling all space. But whether this ether was to be re- garded as a strictly material and con- tinuous substance was an undecided point, and hence the revived atomism escaped strangling in its birth. For it is clear, that if the ether is aclmiiled to be a continuous material substance, Democritic atomism is at an end and Cartesian continuity takes its place. The real value of the new atomic hy- pothesis, however, did not lie in the two points which Democritus and his followers would have considered essen- tial— namely, the indivisibility of the "atoms" and the presence of an inter- atomic vacuum — but in the assumption that, to the extent to which our means of analysis lake ns, material bodies consist of definite minute masses, each of which, so far ;;s physical and chem- ical processes of division go, may be regarded as a unit — having a practical pernianent individuality. Just as a man is the unit of sociology, without reference to the actual fact of his di- visibility, so such a minute mass is the unit of physico-chemical science — that smallest material panicle which under any given circumstances acts as a whole.* The doctrine erf specific heat orig- inated in the eighteenth century. It means that the same mass of a body, under the same circumstances, alwavs requires the same quantity of heat to raise it to a given temperature, but that equal masses of different bodies re- quire different quantities. Ultimately, it was found that the quanlitiesof iieat required to raise equal masses of the more perfect gasses, through equal ranges of temperature, were inverse- ly proportional to their combining weights. Thus a definite relation was established between the iivpothetical units and heat. The phenomena of electrolytic decomposition showed that there was alike close relation between these Units and electricity. The quan- titv of electricity generated by the com- bination of any two units is sufficient to separate any other two which are sus- ceptible of such decomposition. The phenomena of isomorpliism showed a relation between the units and crystal- line forms; certain units are thus able to replace others in a crystalline body without altering its form, and others are not. Again, the laws of the effect of press- ure and heat on gaseous bf)dies, the fact that they combine in definite pro- portions by volume, and that such pro- portion bears a simple relation to tlieir combining weights, all harmonized will) the Daltonian hypothesis, and led to the bold speculation known as the law of Avogadio — that all gaseous bod- ies, under the same physical condi- tions, contain the same number of units. In the form in which it was first enunciated, this hypothesis was incorrect — perliajis it is not exactly true in any form ; but it is hardly too much to say that chemistry and mo- j *" M(il< rule "would l)c the inoio anpropr'- I ate iKiini' liir Mich ;\ iiarticlc. UntOrttipatelv, chemists cinphiy this trim in a spc-ial sense, j as a n.iim' for :)n n'/tiretiation of tlicir siiiil'i st i partich's. for whicli ihcy i':taii> tiic clusiL^ii.iliun ■ ol ".Uoins." 13 THE ADVANCE OF SCIENCE lecular physics would never have ad- vanced to their present condition un> less it had been assumed to be true. Another immense service rendered by Dalton, as a corollary of the new atom- ic doctrine, was the creation of a sys- tem of symbolic notation, which not only made the nature of chemical com- {)ouncls and processes easily intelligi- )le and easy of recollection, but, by its very form, suggested new lines of inquiry. The atomic notation was as serviceable to chemistry as the binom- ial nomenclature and the classifrca- tory schematism of Linna:us were to zoology and botany. Side by side with these advances arose Another, which also h^s a close parallel in the history ot biological science. If the unit ot a compound is made up by the aggregation of ele- mentary units, the notion that these must have some sort of definite ar- rangement inevitably suggests itseli ; and such phenomena as double de- composition pointed not only to the existence of a molecular architecture, but to the possibility of modifying a molecular fabric without destroying it, by taking out some of the component units and replacing them by others. The class of neutral saltS, for exam- ple, includes a great number of bodies in many ways similar, in which the basic molecules, or the acid mole- cules, may be replaced by other basic and other acid molecules without al- tering the neutrality of the salt ; just as a cube of bricks remains a cube, so long as any brick that is taken out is replaced by another of the same shape and dimensions, whatever its weight or other properties may be. Facts of this kind gave rise to the conception of " types " of molecular structure, just as the recognition of the unity in diversity of the structure ,of the species of plants and animals gave rise to the notion of biological i" types." The notation of chemistry enabled these ideas to be represented with precision ; and they acquired an immense importance, when the im- provement of methods of analysis, which took place about the beginning of our period, enabled the composi- tion of the so-called " organic " bodies to be determined with rapidity and precision.* A large proportion of these compounds contain not more than three or four elements, of which carbon is the chief ; but their num- ber is very great, and the diversity of their physical and chemical proper- ties is astonishing. The ascertain- ment of the proportion of each ele- ment in these compounds affords little or no help toward accounting for their diversities; widely different bod- ies being often very similar, or even identical, in that respect. And, in the last case, that of isomeric com- pounds, the appeal to dive;sity of ar- rangement of the identical compo- nent units was the only obvious way out of the difficulty. Here, again, hypothesis proved to be of great value ; not only was the search for evidence of diversity of molecular structure successful, but the study of the process of taking to pieces led to the discovery of the way to put to- gether ; and vast numbers of com- pounds, some of them previously known only as products of the living economy, have thus been artificially constructed. Chemical work, at the present day, is, to a large extent, syn- thetic or creative — that is to say, the chemist determines, theoretically, that certain non-existent compounds ought to be producible, and he pro- ceeds to produce them. It is largely because the chemical theory and practice of our epoch have passed into this deductive and synthetic stage, they are entitled to the name of the " new chemistry " which they commonly received. But this new chemistry has grown up by the help of hypotheses, such as those of Dalton and of Avogadro, and that singular conception of " bonds " in- vented to colligate the facts of "val- ency " or " atomicity," the first of * " At present more organic analyses are made in a single day than were accomplished before Liebig's time in a whole year." — Hof- mann, Faraday Lecture, p. 46. IN THE LAST HALF-CENTURY. 13 nposi- )odies y and ion of more which num- sity of )roper- ertauv ;h de- ls Uttle ng for ntbod- r even ^nd, in c com- : of ar- conipo- )us way again, great .rch for olecular study of i led to put to- of coni- eviously e living tificially , at the nt, syn- say, the etically, ipounds he pro- chemical epoch Itive and entitled fmistry " :d. But in up by las those land that ids" in- of " val- first of [alyses are jmplished •— Ho!- which took some time to make its way; while the second fell into obliv- ion, for many years after it was pro- pounded, for lack of empirical justifi- cation. As for the third, it may be doubted if anyone regards it as more than a temporary contrivance. But some of these hypotheses have done yet further service. Combining them with the mechanical theory of heat and the doctrine of the conser vation of energy, which are also pro- ducts of our time, physicists have ar- rived at an entirely new conception of the nature of gaseous bodies and of the relation of the physico-chemi- cal units of matter to the different forms of energy. The conduct of gases under varying pressure and temperature, their diffusibility, their relation to radiant heat and to light, the evolution of heat when bodies combine, the absorption of heat when they are dissociated, and a host of other molecular phenomena, have been shown to be deducible from the dynamical and statical principles which apply to molar motion and rest; and the tendency of physico- chemical science is clearly toward the reduction of the problems of the world of the infinitely little, as it al- ready has reduced those of the infi- nitely great world, to questions of mechanics.* In the meanwhile, the primitive atomic theory, which has served as the scaffolding for the edifice of mod- ern physics and chemistry, has been quietly dismissed. I cannot discover that any contemporary physicist or chemist believes in the real indivisi- bility of atoms, or in an interatomic matterless vacuum. " Atoms " ap- pear to be used as mere names for physico-chemical units which have not yet been subdivided, and " mole- cules " for physico-chemical units • In the preface to his Af/canique Chimi- que M. Berthelot declares his object to be " ramener la chimic tout entitre . . . . aux memes principes mecaniques qui re- gissent d^j^ les diverses branches de la phy- sique." which are aggregates of the former. And these individualized particles are supposed to move in r.ii endless ocean of a vastly more subtle matter — tne ether. If this ether is a continuous substance, therefore, we have got back from the hypothesis of Dalton to that of Descartes. But there is much rea- son to believe that science is going to make a still further journey, and, in form, if not altogether in substance, to return to the point of view of Aris- totle. The greater number of -the so- called " elementary " bodies, now known, had been discovered before the commencement of our epoch , and it had become apparent that they were by no means equally similar or dissimilar, but that some of them, at any rate, constituted groups, the sev- eral members of which were as much like one another as they were unlike the rest. Chlorine, iodine, bromine, and fluorine thus formed a very dis- tinct group; sulphur and selenium another; boron and silicon another; potassium, sodium, and lithium an- other ; and so on. In some cases, the atomic weights of such allied bodies were nearly the same or could be arranged in series, with like dif- ferenceJ between the several terms. In fact, the elements afforded indica- tions that they were susceptible of a classification in natural groups, such as those into which animals and plants fall. Recently this subject has been taken up afresh, with a result which may be stated roughly in the follow- ing terms: If the sixty-five or sixty- eight recognized "elements" are arranged in the order of their atomic weights — from hydrogen, the lightest, as unity, to uranium, the heaviest, as 240 — the series does not exhibit one continuous progressive modification in the physical and chemical charac- ters of its several terms, but breaks up into a number of sections, in each of which the several terms present analogies with the corresponding terms of the other series. mmm» H Thus run THE ADVANCE OF SCIENCE the whole series does not a, 6, c, J, f,/, g, //, /, k, etc., but a, d, r, d, a, b, c, d, «, Pt 7, •J. etc. ; so that it is said to express ^periodic laiv of recurrent similarities. Or the relation may be expressed in another way. In each section of the series, the atomic weight is greater than in the preceding section, so that if w is the atomic weight of any element in the first segment, w-\-x will represent the atomic weight of any element in the next, and w-\-x-\-y the atomic weight of any element in the next, and so on. Therefore the sections may be represented as parallel series, the corresponding terms of which have analogous properties , each suc- cessive series starling with a body the atomic weight of which is greater than th^t of any in the preceding series, in the following fashion : d c h a w D C B A 7 P a ttf+x w+x+y This is a conception with which biologists are very familiar, animal and plant groups constantly appearing as series of parallel modifications of similar and yet different primary forms. In the living world, facts of this kind are now understood to mean evolution from a common prototype. It is difficult to imagine that in the not-living world they are devoid of significance. Is it not possible, nay probable, that they may mean the evolution of our "elements'" from a primary undifferentiated form of matter ? Fifty years ago, such a sug- gestion would have been scouted as a revival of the dreams of the alche- mists. At present, it may be said to be the burning question of physico- chemical science. In fact, the so-called " vortex-ring " hypothesis is a very serious and re- markable attempt to deal with mate- rial units from a point of view which is consistent with the doctrine of evo- lution. It supposes the ether to be a uniform substance, and that the " elementary " uniis are, broadly speaking, permanent whirlpools, or vortices, of this ether, the properties of which depend on their actual and potential modes of motion. It is curious and highly interesting to re- mark that this hypothesis reminds us not only of the speculations of Des- cartes, but of those of Aristotle. The resemblance of the " vortex- rings " to the " tourbillons " of Des- cartes is little more than nominal ; but the correspondence between the modern and the ancient notion of a distinction between primary and de- rivative matter is, to a certain extent, real. For this ethereal " Urstoff " of the modern corresponds very closely with the niMr?}v/.i/ of Aristotle, the materia prima of his mediaeval follow- ers ; wliile matter, differentiated into our elements, is the equivalent of the first stage of progress towards the tax^'^n i>'/, or finished matter, of the ancient philosophy. If the material units of the existing order of nature are specialized por- tions of a relatively homogeneous ma- teriaprima — which were originated un- der conditions that have long ceased to exist and which remain unchanged and unchangeable under all conditions, whether natural or artificial, hitherto known to us — it follows that the spec- ulation that they may be indefinitely altered, or that new units may be gen- erated under conditions yet to be dis- covered, is perfectly legitimate. The- oretic'dly, at any rate, the transmuta- bility of the elements is a verifiable scientific hypothesis ; and such inquir- ies as those which have been set afoot, into the possible dissociative action of the great heat of the sun upon our ele- ments, are not only legitimate, but are likely to yield results which whether af- IN THE LAST HALF-CENTURY. 15 jxisting .'d por- )us ma- itedun- ceased hanged ][litions, lilherto firmative or negative will be of great importance. The idea that atoms are absolutely ingenerable and immu- table "manufactured articles" stands on the same sort of foundation as the idea that biological species are " manufactured articles " stood thirty years ago ; and the supposed constan- cy of the elementary atoms, durini; the enormous lapse of time measured by the existence of our universe, is of no more weight against the possibility of change in them, in the infinity of antecedent time, than the constancy of species in Kgypt, since the days of Rameses or Cheops, is evidence of their immutability during all past epochs of the earth's history. It seems safe to prophesy that the hy- pothesis of the evolution of the ele- ments from a primitive matter will, in future, play no less a part in the his- tory of science than the atomic hy- pothesis, v.iuch, to bei;in with, had no greater, if so great, an empirical fonn dation. It may perhaps occur to the reader that the boasted progress of physical science does not come to much, if our present conceptions of the funda- mental nature of matter are expressi- ble in terms employed, more than two thousand years ago, by the old " mas- ter of those that know." Such a criticism, however, would involve for- getfulness of the fact, that the conno- tation of these terms, in the mind of the modern, is almost infinitelv differ- ent from that which they possessed in the mind of the ancient, philosopher. In antiquity, they meant little more than vague speculation ; at the pres- ent day, they indicate definite physi- cal conceptions, susceptible of mathe- matical treatment, and giving rise to innumerable deductions, the value of which can be experimentally tested. The old notions produced little more than floods of dialectics ; the new are powerful aids toward the increase of solid knowledge. Everyday observation shows that, of the bodies which compose the ma- terial world, some are in motion and some are, or appear to be, at rest. C the bodies in motion, some, like the sun and stars, exhibit a constant movement, regular in amount and direction, for which no external cause appears. Others, as stones and smoke, seem also to move of them- selves when external impediments are taken away. But these appear to tend to move in opposite directions : the bodies we call heavy, such as stones, downwards, and the bodies we call light, at such as smoke and steam, upwards. And, as we further notice that the earth, below our feet, is made up of heavy matter, while the air, above our heads, is extremely light matter, it is easy to regard this fact as evidence that the lower rej^ion is the place to which heavy things tend — their ])roper place, in short — while the upper region is the proper place of light things ; and to general- ize the facts observed by saying that bodies, which are free to move, tend toward their proper places. Ail these seem to be natural moirrtns, depend- ent on the inherent faculties, or ten- dencies, of bodies themselves. But there are other motions which are artificial or violent, as when a stone is thrown from the hand, or is knocked by another stone in motion. In such cases as these, for example, when a stone is cast from the hand, the dis- tance traveled by the stone appears to depend partly on its weight and partly upon the exertion of the throw- er. So that, the weight of the stone remaining the same, it looks as if the motive power communicated to it were measured by the distance to which the stone travels — as if, in other words, the power needed to send it a hundred yards was twice as great as that needed to send it fifty yards. These, apparently obvious, conclusions from the everyday ap- pearances of rest and motion fairly represent the state of opinion upon the subject which prevailed among the ancient Greeks, and remained dominant until the age of Galileo. The publication of the " Principia " of Newton, in 1686-7, marks the epoch at which the progress of mechanical 1^ THE ADVANCE OF SCIENCE physics had effected a complete rev- olution of thought on these subjects. By this time, it had been made clear that the old generalizations were either incomplete or totally errone- ous ; that a body, once set in motion, will continue to move in a straight line for any conceivable time or dis- tance, unless it is interfered with ; that any change of motion is propor- tional to the " force " which causes it, and takes place in the direction in which that " force " is exerted ; and that, when a body in motion acts as a cause of motion on another, the latter gains as much as the former loses, and Tice versa. It is to be noted, however, that while, in con- tradistinction to the ancient idea of the inherent tendency to motion of bodies, the absence of any such spon- taneous power of motion was accepted as a physical axiom by the moderns, the old conception virtually main- tained itselt in a new shape. For, in spite of Newton's well-known warn- ing against the "absurdity" of sup- posing that one body can act on another at a distance through a va- cuum, the ultimate particles of matter were generally assumed to be the seats of pe ennial causes of motion termed " attractive and. repulsive forces," in virtue of which, any two such particles, without any external impression of motion, or intermediate material agent, were supposed to tend to approach or remove from one an- other ; and this view of the duality of the causes of motion is very widely held at the present day. Another important result of inves- tigation, attained in the seventeenth century, was the proof and quantita- tive estimat'on of physical inertia. In the old philosophy, a curious con- junction of ethical and physical prej- udices had led to the notion that there was something ethically bad and physically obstructive about matter. Aristotle attributes all ir- regularities and apparent dysteleolo- gies in nature to the disobedience, or sluggish yielding, of matter to the shaping and guiding influence of those reasons and causes which were hypostatized in his ideal "forms." In modern science, the conception of the inertia, or resistance to change, of matter is complex. In part, it contains a corollary from the law of causation : A body cannot change its state in respect of rest or motion without a sufficient cause. But, in part, it contains generalizations from experience. One of these is that there is no such sufficient cause resi- dent in any body, and that therefore it will rest, or continue in motion, so long as no external cause of change acts upon it. The other is that the effect which the impact of a body in motion produces upon the body on which it impinges depends, other things being alike, on the relation of a certain quality of each which is called " mass." Given a cause of motion of a certain value, the amount of motion, measured by distance trav- eled in a certain time, which it will produce in a given quantity of matter, say a cubic inch, is not always the same, but depends on what that mat- ter is — a cubic inch of iron will go faster than a cubic inch of gold. Hence, it appears, that since equal amounts of motion have, ex hypothcsi, been produced, the amount of motion in a body does not depend on its speed alone, but on some property of the body. To this the name of " mass " has been given. And since it seems reasonable to suppose that a large quantity of matter, moving slowly, possesses as much motion as a small quantity moving faster, " mass " has been held to express "quantity of matter." It is further demonstrable that, at any given time and place, the relative mass of any two bodies is expressed by the ratio of their weights. When all these great truths respect- ing molar motion, or the movements of visible and tangible masses, had been shown to hold good not only of terrestrial bodies, but of all those which constitute the visible universe, and the movements of the macrocosm had thus been expressed by a general ilil IN THE LAST IIAI.F-CEN'TURY. »7 1 were arms." ion of hange, lart, it law of change motion But, in s from is that se resi- lerefore tion, so change hat the body in )ody on ;, other ation of vhich is ;ause of I amount nee trav- h it will if matter, A'ays the hat mat- } will go of gold. ce equal hypothcsiy ' motion on its iperty of lame of nd since se that a moving otion as faster, express further ven time of any the ratio respect- jvements ^ses, had |)t only of ill those luniverse, icrocosm general n mechanical theory, there remained a vast number of phenomena, such as those of light, heat, electricity, mag- netism, and those of the physical and chemical changes, which clo not in- volve molar moiion. Newton's cor- puscular theory of light was an at- tempt to deal with one great series of these phenomena on mechanical prin- ciples, and it maintained its ground un- til, at the beginning of the nineteenth century, the undulatory theory proved itself to be a much better working hypothesis. Heat, up to that time, and indeed much later, was regarded as an imponderable substance, caloric ; as a thing which was absorbed by bodies when they were warmed, and was given out as they cooled ; and which, moreover, was capable of en- tering into a sort of chemical com- bination with them, and so becoming latent. Rumford and Davy had given a great blow to this view of heat by proving that the quantity of heat which two portions of the same body could be made to give out, by rubbing them together, was practically illimi- table. This result brought philoso- phers face to face with the contradic- tion of supposing that a finite body could contain an infinite quantity of another body; but it was not until 1843, that clear and unquestionable experimental proof was given of the fact that there is a definite relation between mechanical work and heat ; that so much work always gives rise, under the same conditions, to so much heat, and so much heat to so much mechanical work. Thus originated the mechanical theory of heat, which became the starting-point of the mod- ern doctrine of the conservation of energy. Molar motion had appeared to be destroyed by friction. It was proved that no destruction took place, but that an exact equivalent of the energy of the lost molar motion ap- pears as that of the molecular motion, or motion of the smallest particles of a bod}', which constitutes heat. The loss of the masses is the gain of their particles. Before 1843, however, the doctrine of the conservation of energy had been approached. Bacon's chief con- tribution to positive science is the happy guess (for the context shows that it was little more) that hent may be a mode of motion ; Descartes affirmed the quantity of motion in the world to be constant ; Newton nearly gave expression to the com- plete theorem ; while Rumford's and Davy's experiments suggested, though they did not prove, the equivalency of mechanical and thermal energy. Again, the discovery of voltaic elec- tricity, and the marvelous develop- ment of knowledge, in that field, effected by such men as Davy, Fara day. Oersted, Ampere, and Melloni, had brought to light a number of facts which tended to show that the so- called •' forces " at work in light, heat, electricity, and magnetism, in chemi- cal and in mechanical operations, were intimately, and, in various cases, quantitatively related. It was demon- strated that any one could be ob- tained at the expense of any other ; and apparatus was devised which ex- hil?ited the evolution of all these kinds of action from one source of energy. Hence the idea of the " correlation of forces " which was the immediate forerunner of the doctrine of the con- servation of energy. ^^ It is a remarkable evidence of the greatness of the progress in this direc- tion which has been effected in our time, that even the second edition of the " History of the Inductive Scien- ces," which was published in 1846, contains no allusion either to the gen- eral view of the "Correlation of Forces " published in England in 1842, or to the publication in 1843 of the first of the series of experiments by which the mechanical equivalent of heat was correctly ascertained.* • This is the more curious, as Amptre'H- hypothcsis that vibrations of molecules, causing and caused by vibrations of the ether, constitute heat, is discussed. See vol. ii. p. 587, 2nd ed. In the Philosophy of the Inductwe Sciences, 2nd ed.. 1847, p. 239,. Whewell remarks, h propos of ISacon's defini-- tion of beat, " that it ia an expansive, re- i8 Till-: ADVANCE OF SCIENCE Such a failure on the part of a con- Icmpfirary, of j^roat ac(|uiremems and rcmaikable iiucllccuial powers, to read ihc signs of the times, is a li'sson and a wainini; worthy of being deeply Ijondered by anyone who attempts to pro{;noslicaie the course of scientific progress. 1 have pointed out that the growth of clear and delinite views respecting the constitution of matter has led to the conclusion that, so far as natural agencies are concerned, it is ingener- ai)le and indestructible. In so far as matter may be conceived to exist in a purely passive state, it is, imaguiably, older than motion. But, as it must be assumed to be .susceptible of mo- tion, a particle of bare matter at rest must be endowed wuh the potentiality of motion. Such a panicle, however, by the supposition, can iiave no en- tirgy, for there is no cause why it should move. Suppose now that it receives an impulse, it will begin to move with a velocity inversely pro- portional to Its mass, on the one hand, and directly jiroportional to the strength of the impulse, on the other, and will j^ossess kinetic energy, in vir- tue of which it will not only continue to move forever if unimpeded, but if it impinges on another such particle, it will impart more or less of its mo- tion to the latter. Let it be conceived that the particle acquires a tendency to move, and that nevertheless it does not move. It is then in a condition totally different from that in which it was at first. A cause competent to produce motion is operating upon it, but, for some reason or other, is un able to give rise to motion. If the strained motion, modified in certain w.ays, and exerted in the smaller particles of the body;" that "although the exact nature of heat is still an obscure and controverted matter, the science of heat now consists of many imjiortant truths ; and that to none of these truths is there any approximation in l?acon's essay." In point of fact, Hacon's statemrnt, however much open to criticism, does contain a distinct approximation to the most important of all the truths respecting heat which had been discovered when Whewell wrote. obstacle is removed, the energy which was there, but could not manifest it- self, at once gives rise to motion. While the restraint lasts, the energy of the particle is merely potential ; and the case supjiosed illustrates wiiai is meant by potential energy. In this contrast of the potential with the actual, modern physics is turning to account the most familiar of Aristotelian dis- tinctions— that between <''k'/"V and That kinetic energy appears to be im|)arted by impact is a fact of daily and hourly experience : we see bodies set in motion by bodies, already in motion, which seem to come in contact with them. It is a truth which could have been learned by nothing but experience, and which cannot be explained, but must be taken as an ultimate fact about which, explicable or inexplicable, there can be no doubt. Strictly speaking, we have no direct apprehension of any other cause of motion. But experi- ence furnishes innumerable examples of the production of kinetic energy in a body previously at rest, when no impact is discernible as the cause of that energy. In all such cases, the presence of a second body is a neces- sary condition ; and the amount of kinetic energy, which its presence en- ables the first to gain, is strictly de- pendent on the relative positions of the two. Hence the phrase etiergy of position, which is frequently used as equivalent to potential energy. If a stone is picked up and held, say, six feet above the ground, it hti'-, potential energy, because, if let go, it will imme- diately begin to move toward the earth ; and this energy may be said to be energy of position, because it de- pends upon the relative position of the earth and the stone. The stone solicited to move but cannot, so IS long as the muscular strength of the holder prevents the solicitation from taking effect. The stone, therefore, has potential energy, which becomes kinetic if it is let go, and the amount of that kinetic energy which will be develooed before it strikes the earth IN THE LAST HALF-CKNTURY. 19 lot, so hi the from efore, tomes (lount till be [earth depends on its position — on the fact ' right-hand half-swing. It is said that that it is, say, six feel off the earth, , the "attractive forces" of tlie bob neiiix.T more nor less. Moreover, it for the earth, and of the earth for the can be proved that the raiser of liie bol), set the former in motion ; and stone had to exert as much energy in j as tliese " forces " are continually in order to place it in its position, as it operation, they confer an accelerated will (Lvclop in falling. Hence the velocity on the bob; until, when it energy which was exerted, and reaches the center of its swing, it is. apparently exhausted, in raising , so to speak, fully charged with kinetic the slouL', is_ pottMUially in the stone, ; energy. If, at this moment, the in its laisod position, and will m an i- whole material universe, except the fest itself when the stone is set free, bob, were abolished, it would move Thus the energy, wiilulrawn from the 1 forever in the direction of a tangent general stf)ck to raise the stone, isre-jto the middle of the arc described, turned when it falls, and there is no 1 As a matter of fact, it is comjielled to changL' in the total amount. Energy, I travel through its left-hand half-swing, as a whoK', is conserved. ! and thus virtually to go up hill. Taking this as a very broad and Consequently, the " attractive forces " general stalenieiu of the essential of the bob and the earth are now facts of tiie case, the raising of the acting against it, and constitute a stone is inieliigible enough, as a case I resistance which the charge of kinetic of the comnnniicalion of motion from energy has to overcome. IJut. as this one body to another. But the poten- charge represents the operation of tial energy of the raised stone is not , the attractive forces during the pns- so easily intelligible. To all appear- sage of the bob through the right- ance, there is nt)thing either pushing; hand half-swing down to the center of or pulling it toward the earth, or the arc, so it must needs be used up the earth toward it; and yet it is |by the passage of the bob upwards quite certain that the stone tends to from the center of the arc to the sum- move toward the earth and the earth ' niit of the left-hand half-swing, toward the stone, in the way detined ; Hence, at this point, the bob comes by the law of gravitation. to a momentary rest. The last frac- In the currently accepted language tion of kinetic energy is just neutral- of science, the cause of motion, in all '■ ized by the action of the attractive such cases as this, when bodies tend forces, and the bob has only pottMitial to move toward or away from one or , energv equal to that with which it another, without any discernible im- , started. So that the sum of the phe- pact of other bodies, is termed a i nomena may be stated thus: At the " force," which is called " attractive " \ summit of either half arc of its swing, in the one case, and " repulsive " in ' the bob has a certain amount of po- the other. And such attractive or , tential energy ; as it descends it grad- repvdsive forces are often spoken of ; ually exchanges this for kinetic en- as if they were real things, capable of.ergv, until at the center it possesses exerting a pull, or a push, upon the | an equivalent amount of kinetic en- particles of matter concerned. Thus ergv ; from this point onwards, it the potential energy of the stone is gradually loses kinetic energy as it commonly said to be due to the ascends, until, at the summit of the "force" of gravity which is contin- 1 other half-arc, it has acquired an ex- ually operating upon it. aclly similar amount of potential en- Another illustration may make the ergy Thus, on the whole transaction, casa plainer. The bob of a pendu- , nothing is either lost or gained ; the lum swings first to one side and then j quantity of energy is always the same, to the other of the center of the arc 1 but it passes from one form into the which It describes. Suppose it to ; other, have just reached the summit of its I To all appearance, the phenomena ■•^ WW 20 THE ADVANCE OF SCIENCE exhibited by the pendulum are not to be accounted for by impaci ; in fact, it is usually assumed that correspond- 'ing phenomena would take place if the earth and the pendulum were sit- uated in an absolute vacuum, and at any conceivable distance from one another. If this be so, it follows that there must be two totally different kmds of causes of motion : the one impact — a vera causa, of which, to all appearance, we have constant expe- rience ; the other, attractive or repul- sive "force" — a metaphysical entity which is physically inconceivable. Newton expressly repudiated the no- tion of the existence of attractive forces in the sense in which that term is ordinarily understood \ and he re- fused to put forward any hypothesis as to the physical cause of the so- called " attraction of gravitation." As a general rule, his successors have been content to accept the doctrine of attractive and repulsive forces, without troubling themselves about the philosophical difficulties which it involves. But this has not always been the case ; and the attempt of Le Sage, in the last century, to show that the phenomena of attraction and re- pulsion are susceptible of explanation by hi^ hypothesis of bombardment by ultra-mundane particles, whether ten- able or not, has the great merit of being an attempt to get rid of the dual conception of the causes of mo- tion which has hitherto prevailed. On this hypothesis, the hammering of the ultra-mundane corpuscles on the bob confers its kinetic energy, on the one hand, and takes it away on the other; and the state of potential en- ergy means the condition of the bob during the instant at which the energy, conferred by the hammering during the one half-arc, has just been exhausted by the hammering during the other half-arc. It seems safe to look forward to the time when the conception of attractive and repulsive forces, having served its purpose as a useful piece of scientific scaffolding, will be replaced by the deduction of the phenomena known as attraction and repulsion, from the general laws of motion. The doctrine of the conservation of energy which I have endeavored to illustrate is thus defined by the late Clerk Maxwell : " The total energy of any body or system of bodies is a quantity which can neither be increased nor dimin- ished by any mutual action of such bodies, though it may be transformed into any one of the forms of which energy is susceptible." It follows that energy, like matter, is indesiruci- iRIe and mgenerable in nature. The Ijlienomenal world, so far as it is material, expresses the evolution and involution of energy, its passage from the kinetic to the potential condition and back again. Wherever motion of matter takes place, that motion is effected at the expense of part of the total store of energy. Hence, as the phenomena exhibi- ted by living beings, in so far as they are material, are all molar or molec- ular motions, these are included un- der the general law. A living body is a machine by which energy is trans- formed in the same sense as a steam- engine is so, and all its movements, molar and molecular, are to be ac- counted for by the energy which is supplied to it. The phenomena of consciousness which arise, along with certain transformations of energy, cannot be interpolated in the series of these transformations, inasmuch as they are not motions to which the doc- trine of the conservation of energy applies. And, for the same reason, they do not necessitate the using up of energy ; a sensation has no mass and cannot be conceived to be sus- ceptible of movement. That a par- ticular molecular motion does give rise to a state of consciousness is ex- perimentally certain ; but the how and why of the process are just as in- explicable as in the case of the com- munication of kinetic energy by im- pact. When dealing with the doctrine of the ultimate constitution of matter, we found a certain resemblance be- IN THE LAST HALF-CENTURY. 21 |-ine of latter, :e be- tween the oldest speculations and the newest doctrines of physical phi- losophers. But there is no such re- semblance between the ancient and modern views of motion and its causes, except in so far as the concep- tion of attractive and repulsive forces may be regarded as the modified de- scendant of the Aristotelian concep- tion of forms. In fact, it is hardly loo much to say that the essential and fundamental difference between ancient and modern physical science lies in the ascertainment of the true laws of statics and dynamics in the course of the last three centuries ; and in the invention of matiiematical methods of dealing with all the con sequences of these laws. The ulti- mate aim of modern physical science is the deduction of the phenomena ex- hibited by material bodies from phy sico-mathematical first principles. Whether the human intellect is strong enough to attain the goal set before it may be a question, but thither will it surely strive. The third great scientific event of our time, the rehabilitation of the doctrine of evolution, is part of the same tendency of increasing knowl- edge to unify itself, which has led to the doctrine of the conservation of energy. And this tendency, again, is mamly a product of the increasing strength conferred by physical inves- tigation on the belief in the universal validity of that orderly relation of facts, which we express by the so- called " laws of nature." The growth of a plant from its seed, of an animal from its egg, the apparent origin of innumerable living things from mud, or from the putre- fying remains of former organisms, had furnished the earlier scientific thinkers with abundant analogies suggestive of the conception of a cor- responding method of cosmic evolu- tion from a formless " chaos " to an ordered world which might either con- tinue forever or undergo dissolution into its elements before starting on a new course of evolution. It is there- fore no wonder that, from the days o£ the Ionian school onwards, the view that the universe was the result of such a process should have muiu- lained itself as a leading dogma uf philosophy. The emanistic theories which played so great a part in Nto- platonic philosop'.iy and (Inostic the- ology are forms of evolution. In the seventeenth century, Descartes pro- pounded a scheme of evolution, as an hypothesis of what might have been the mode of origin of the world, while professing to accept the ecclesiastical scheme of creation, as an account of that which actually was its manner of commg into existence. In the eigh- teenth century, Kant put forth a re- markable speculation as to the origin of the solar system, closely similar to that subsequently adopted by Laplace and destined to become famous under the title of the " nebular hypothesis." The careful observations and the acute reasonings of the Italian geolo- gists of the seventeenth and eigh- teenth centuries; the speculation.s of Leibnitz in the " Protoga;a " and of Huffon in his " Theorie de la Terre ; " the sober and profound reasonings of Hutton, in the latter part of the eigh- teenth century ; all these tended to show that the fabric of the earth it- self implied the continuance of pro- cesses of natural causation for a period of time as great, in relation to human history, as the distances o£ the heavenly bodies from us are, in relation to terrestrial standards of measurement. The abyss of time began to loom as large as the abyss of space. And this revelation to sight and touch, of a link here and a link there of a practically infinite chain of natural causes and effects, prepared the way, as perhaps nothing else has done, for the modern form of the ancient theory of evolution. In the beginning of the eighteenth century, De Maillet made the serious attempt to apply the doctrine to the living world. In the latter part of it, Erasmus Darwin, Goethe, Treviranus, and Lamarck took up the work more vigorously and with better 22 THE ADVANCE OF SCIENCE qualifications. The question of spe- cial creation, or evolmion, lay at tiic liMttoin of \hc fierce (lis|ju!i.'s which biolvO ont in llic l-'rcnch AcadLiny be- tween Ciivicr and St.-Hilaire ; and, for a time, llie supporters of biojoyi- cal evohition were silenced, if not answered, by tlie alliance of the j;reat- tion, among the hi{;hest forms of each ;;r(iiip. In fact, in endeavoring to support these views he went a good way beyond the limits of any cautious interpretation of the facts then known. Althoiijih little acquainted with bio|()>;iciil science, Whewell seems to have taken particular pains with tliat est naturalist of the age with their j jiart of his work whi(h deals with the ec( lesiaslical phisin, a short-sighted teleology, and opponents. (!atasiro- 1 history of geological and biolo;iical spt lory oi .'culalio n ; and several chapters of a still more short-si;;hted orthodoxy, ' his seventeenth and eigthleenth books, Joined forces to crush evolution. I,yell and I'oulett Scrope, in this ( omitry, resumed the work of the Il.dians and of Ilutton ; and the for- mer, aided by a niarvelous power of clear exposiiion, placed upon an irre- fragable basis the truth that natural causes are competent to account for all events, which can be proved to have occurred, in the course of the s(.'cular changes which have taken ))la.sed that nj; be- lli a tter f coii- eny to alten- and llogical )i Iter of \\ iiec- )f the ihich, to ex- ;ical ibe in- biol- lioii of O! the '•Oriq;in of Sprcics," for the first time, put the iloctriiiu of evolmioti, m its application to livinj; thini;s, upon a soniKJ scicutilic foundation. It be- came an instrument of investigation, and in no liands did it prove more brilii.intly profitable than in those of hirwin iiim^i'lf. His publieaiions on the elTects of domeslieaiion in plants ami animals, r)n the inlliieiice of (TOSS- ' Conum-nt on LMcat inulorlakin^ gt'oIo;;ist and tlie physicist, whatever that ni.iy be. Kvolution as a philoso])hical doc- trine applicabli; to ail pluMmmcna, wlu-tliLT physical or mental, wliclhcr manifested by material aionis or by men in society, has been de.dt with sysli'inatically in the '• Syntlieiio Phi- losojihy" of Mr. Herbert Spencer. ft-rtili i/ation, on Howers as or;: ins for ' would not be in |)lace here. I men- clYeclin:jj such fertilization, on insec* j tion it because, so far as 1 Know, it is the first attempt to deal, on scientific principles, with modern scientilic facts and speculations. For the " I'liilo- opine positive of M. Comte tivoroiis plants, on the motions of plants, pointed out the routes of ex- ploration which have since been fol- loweil bv hosts of iiujuirers, lo the great prolit of scienc". Darwin found the bfoloijical world a more than siilTi iiMit field for even his f^real powers, and left the cosnu- cal part of the doctrine to otheis. N >: iiri'h has been add-'d to the nel)- ular hypotlK'sis, since the time of La place, exce|)t that the attempt to show (I'^iinst that hvpothesis) that all neb- 11!. e are star clusters, has been nn't l)y the spectroscopic proof of the f;as cons condition of some of th<'m. Moreover, physicists of the present generation appear now to accept the secular cooliu'jj of the earth, which is one of the corollaries of that liyj)oih- esis. in fad, attempts have been made, by the help of dedn'tioiis from the data of physics, to lay down an approximate limit to the ninnber of millions of years whieh have elapsed ! In the past iiistory of the universe, since the earth was habitable by liv- j back to that point, there can be no ing beini;s. If the conclusions thus j room for chance or disorder. J>ut it reached should staiul the test of fur- ' is ])ossible to raise the (luestion ther investigation, they will nndonbt- whether this universe of simplest mat- edlv be very valuable. Mut, whether | ter and definitely operating enerp;v, which forms our hvpothetica! starting point, may not itself be a product of evolution from a universe of such mat- Wltll ,'hich Mr. Spencer's system oi philos- ophy is sometimes compared, though It professes a similar object, is unlorl- unately permeaietl by a thoroughly unscientilic spirit, aiul its author had no adeip ate acquaintance with the physical sciences even of his own lime. The doctrine of evolution, so far as the present physical cosmos is con- cerned, postulates th(; fixity of the rules of operation of the causes of mo- tion in the material universe, if all kinils of matter ate modifications of one Kind, and if all modes of nio:ion are derived from the same energy, the orderly evolution of phvsical iiaiiire out of one substratum ami one energy im|)lies that the rules of acli(jii of that energy should be fixed and definite. true or false, they can have no intlu- ence upon the dv)Ctrine of evolution in its application to living organisms. The occurrence of successive forms ' ter, in wliich the manifestations of of life ui)on our globe is an historical energy were not definite — in which. fact, which cannot be disputed ; and the relation of these successive forms, as stages of evolution of the same type, is established in various cases. 'rhe biologist has no ineans of deter- mining the time over which the proc- ess of evolution has extended, but ac- cepts the computation of the physical fm- example, our laws of motion held good for some units and not for others, or for the same units at one time ai. ; not at another — and which would therefore be a real epicurean chance- world ? For myself, I must confess that [ find the air of this region of specula- 24 THE ADVANCE OK SCIENCE tion too rarefied for my constitution, and I am disposed to take refuge in " ignoramus et ignorabimus." The execution of my further task, the indication of the most important achievements in the several branches of physical science during the last fifty years, is embarrassed by the abundance of the objects of choice , and by the difficulty which everyone, but a specialist in each department, must find in drawing a due distinction between discoveries which strike the imagination by tiieir novelty, or by their practical influence, and those unobtrusive but pregnant observa- tions and experiments in which the germs of the great things of the future really lie. Moreover, my limits re- strict me to little more than a bare chronicle of the events which I have to notice. In physics and chemistry, the old boundaries of which sciences are lap- idly becoming effaced, one can hardly go wrong in ascribing a primary value to the investigations into the relation between the solid, liquitl, and gaseous states of matter on the one hand, and degrees of pressure and of heat on the other. Almost all, even the most refractory, solids have been vaporized by the intense heat of the electric arc ; and the most refractory gases have been forced to assume the liquid, and even the solid, forms by the combina- tion of high pressure with intense cold. It has further been shown that there is no discontinuity between these states — that a gas passes into the liq- uid state through a condition which is neither one nor the other, and thai a liquid body becomes solid, or a solid liquid, by the intermediation of a con- dition in which it is neither truly solid nor truly liquid. Theoretical and experimental in- vestigations have concurred in the es- tablishment of the view that a gas is a body, the particles of which are in incessant rectilinear motion at high velocities, colliding with one another and bounding back when they strike the walls of the containing vessel ; and, on this theory, the already ascer- tained relations of gaseous bodies to heat and pressure have been shown to be deducible from mechanical princi- ples. Immense improvements have been effected in the means of exhaust- ing a given space of its gaseous con- tents , and experimentation on the phenomena wMch attend the electric discharge and the action of radiant heat, within the extremely rarefied media thus produced, has yielded a great number of remarkable results, some of which have been made famil- iar to the public by the Gieseler tubes and the radiometer. Already, these investigations have afforded an unex- pected insight into the constitution of matter and its relations with thermal and electric energy, and they open up a vast field for future inquiry into some of the deepest problems of phys- ics. Other important steps, in the same direction, have been effected by investigations into the absorption of radiant heat proceeding from different sources by solid, fluid, and gaseous bodies. And it is a curious example of the interconnection of the various branches of physical science, that some of the results thus obtained have proved of great importance in meteor- ology. The existence of numerous dark lines, constant in their number and position in the various regions of the solar spectrum, was made out by Fraunhofer in the early part of the present centur)', but more than forty years elapsed before their causes were ascertained and their importance rec- ognized. Spectroscopy, which then took its rise, is probably that employ- ment of physical knowledge, already won, as a means of further acquisi- tion, which most impresses the imag- ination. For it has suddenly and immensely enlarged our power of over- coming the obstacles which almost in- finite minuteness on the one hand, and almost infinite distance on the other, have hitherto opposed to the recogni- tion of the presence and the condition of matter. One eighteen-millionth of a grain of sodium in the flame of a spirit-lamp may be detected by this IN THE LAST HALF-CENTURY. 25 dark and of the by f the forty were rec- then 1 ploy- ready quisi- iinag- and 1 over- jst in- |1, and nher, ,ogni- lition th of peared in 1835, and Drapiez's edition 30 THE ADVAN'CE OF SCIENCE of Richard's " Nouveaux EMments de IJotanique," publislied in 1837, with any of the present hand-books of animal and vegetaljle physiology. Miiller's work was a masterpiece, un- surpassed since the time of Haller, and Richard's book enjoyed a great reputation at the lime ; but their suc- cessors transport one into a new world. 'I'liat which cliaracterizes the new physiology is that it is permeated by, and indeed based upon, concep- tions which, though not wholly alt- sent, are but dawning on the minds of* the older writers. Modern physiology sets forth as its chief ends : Firstly, the ascertain- great functions of assimilation, respi- ration, secretion, distribution of nu- triment, removal of waste products, motion, sensation, and reproduction are performed ; while the operation of the nervous system, as a regulative apparatus, which influences the orig- ination and the transmi*ioii of manifestations of activity, either with- in itself or in other organs, lias been largely elucidated. 1 have pointed out, in an earlier part of this chapter, that the history of all branches of science proves that they must attain a considerable stage of development before they yield practical " fruits " ; and this is emi- ment of the facts and ciMulitions of nently true of physiology. It is only cell-life in general. Secondly, in composite organisms, the analysis of the functions of organs into those of within the present epoch, that physi- ology and chemistry have reached the point at which they could offer a the cells of which they are composed. I scientific foundation to agriculture; Thirdly, the explication of the pro- 1 and iL is only within the present cesses by which this local cell-life is i epoch, that zoology and physiology directly, or indirectly, controlled and 1 have yielded any very great aid to brought into relation witk the life of pathology and hygiene. Ikit within the rest of the cells which compose the ' that tune, they have already rendered organism Fourthly, the investiga- tion of the phenomena of life in gen- eral, on the assumption that the phy- sical and chemical processes which take place in the living body are of the same order as those which take place out of it; and that whatever energy is exerted in producing such phenomena is derived from the com- mon stock of energy in the universe. In the fifth place, modern physiology investigates the relation between phy- sical and psychical phenomena, on the assumption that molecular changes in definite portions of nervous matter stand in the relatioi of necessarv antecedents to definite mental states and operations. The work which has been done in each of the direc- tions here indicated is vast, and the accumulation of solid knowledge, which has been effected, is correspond- ingly great. For the first time in the history of science, physiologists are now in the position to say that they have arrived at clear and distinct, though by no means complete, con- ceptions of the manner in which the highly important services by the ex- ploration of the phenomena of para- sitism. Not only have the history of the animal parasites, such as the tapeworms and the trichina, which infest men and animals, with deadly results, been cleared up by means of experimental investigations, and effi- cient modes of prevention deduced from the data so obtained; but the terrible agency of the parasitic fungi and of the infinitesimally minute microbes, which work far greater havoc among plants and animals, has been brought to light. The "particulate" or "germ" theory of disease, as it is called, long since suggested, has obtained a firm founda- tion, in so far as it has been proved to be true in respect of sundry epi- demic disorders. Moreover, it has theoretically justified prophylactic measures, such as vaccination, which formerly rested on a merely empirical basis ; and it has been extended to other diseases with excellent results. Further, just as the discovery of the cause of scabies proved the absurdity IN THE LAST IIALF-CENIURV. 31 lion, respi- ion of nu- products, production operation . regulative :s tiie orij;- ni!«ion of either witli- ,, has been an earlier the history proves that :ral>le stage they yield this is enii- It is only , that physi- ve reached ould offer a agriculture ; :he present . physiology reat aid to l)Ut within idy rendered s "by the ex- en a of para- he history of uch as the hlnn, which with deadly by means of ms, and effi- on deduced ained; but lie i)arasitic |nally minute far greater d animals, [light. The " theory of long since Ifinn founda- een proved sundry epi- iver, it has prophylactic fation, which ly empirical [extended to ent results, very of the e absurdity of many of the old prescriptions for the prevention and treatment of tiiat disease ; so the discovery of the cause of splenic fever, and other such mala- dies, has given a new direction to prophylactic and curative measures against the worst scourges of human- ity. Unless the fanaticism of philo- zoic sentiment overpowers the voice of phiianthnjpy, and the love of dogs and cats supersedes that of one's neighbor, the progress of experimen- tal physiology and pathology will, in- dubitably, in course oi time, place medicine and hygiene upf)n a rational basis. Two centuries ago Kngland "was devastated by the plague ; clean- liness and common-sense were enough to free us from its ravages. One century since, sniall-pox was almost as great a scourge; science, tiiough working empirically, and al- most in the dark, lias reduced that evil to relative iiisignilicance. At tiie present time, science, working in tiie light of clear knowledge, has attacked splenic fever and has beaten It ; it is attacking hvdrophobia with no mean j^roinise of success ; sooner or later it will deal, in the same way, with diphtheria, typhoid and scarlet fever. To one who has seen half a street swept clear of iis children, or has lost his own by these horrible l^estilences, passing one's offsprmg through the fire to Moloch seems humanity, compared with the pro- l)osal to deprive them of half tlieir chances of health and life because of tiie discomfort to dogs and cats, rabbits and frogs, which may be in- volved in the search for means of guarding them. An immense extension has been effected in our knowledge of the dis- tnbution of plants and animals ; and the elucidation of the causes which have brought about that distribution has been greatly advanced. The establishment of meteorological ob- servations by all civilized nations, has furnished a solid foundation to climatology; while a growing sense of the importance of the influence of a wholesome check to the tendency to overrate the influence of climate on distribution. Kxpeditions, such as that of t'he " Challenger," equi|)ped, not for geographical ex[)lorati()n and discovery, but for the purpose of throwing light on problems of physi- ca' and biological science, have been sent out by our own and other (lov- ernments, and have obtained stores of information of the greatest value. P'or the first time we are 111 ]iosscs- sion of something like precise knowl- edge of the physical features of the deep seas, and of the living popula- tion of the fioor of the ocean. The careful and exhaustive studv of the phenomena presented by the accumu- lations of snow and ice, in polar and niountamous regions, which has taken l^lace in our time, has not only re- vealed to the geologist an agent of denudation and transport, which lias slowly and cpiietly produced elTects, formerly confidently referred to dilu- vial catastrophes, but it has snggesled nmv methods of accounting for vari- ous puz/.ling facts of distribution. Palaeontology, which treats of the exinici forms of life and their succes- sion and distribution upon our globe, H branch of science which could hardly be said to exist a century ago, has undergone a wonderful develop- ment in our epoch. In some groujjs of animals and plants, the extinct representatives, already known, are more numerous and important than the living. There can be no doubt that the existing Fauna and Flora is but the last term of a long series of equally numerous contemporary spe- cies, which have succeeded one an- I other, bv the slow and gradual substi- 1 tution of species for species, in the j vast interval of time which haselnps"d I between the deposition of the earliest fossiliferous strata and the present day. There is no reasonable gifumd for believing that the oldest remains yet obtained carry us even near the beginnings of life. The impressive warnings of Lyell against hasty spec- ulations, based upon negative evi- the "struggle for existence" affords dence, have been fully justified ; lime 'tots' 32 THE ADVANCE OF SCIENCE after time, highly organized types have been discovered in formations of an age in which the existence of such forms of life had been confi- dently declared to be impossible. The western territories of the United States alone have yielded a world of extinct animal forms, undreamed of fifty years ago. And, wherever suffi- ciently numerous series of the remains of afiy given group, which has en- dured for 1 long space of time, are carefully examined, their morpholog- ical relations are never in discordance with the requirements of the doctrine of eTolutioiT, and ofteil afford convinc- ing evidence of it. At the same time, it has been shown that certain forms persist ^wilh very little change, from the oldest \6 the newest- fossihferous formations ; and thus show that pro- gressive development is a contingent, and not a necessary result, of the nature of living matter. Geology is, as it were, the biology of our planet as a whole. In so far as It comprises the surface configura tion and the inner structure of the earth, it answers to morphology ; in so far as it studies changes of con- dition and their causes, it corresponds with physiology ; m so far as it deals with the causes which have effected the progress of the earth from its earliest to its present state, it forms part of the general doctrine of evo- lution. An interesting contrast be- tween the geology of the present day and that of half a century ago, is pre- sented by the complete emancipation of the modern geologist from the controlling and perverting influence tal assumption (which surely is a dictate of common-sense) that we ought to exhaust known causes be- fore seeking for the explanation of geological phenomena in causes of which we have no experience. But geology has advanced to its present state by working from Lyell's * ax- iom ; and, to this day, the 'record of the stratified rocks affords no proof that the intensity or the rapidity of the causes of change has ever varied, between wider limits, than those be- tween which the operations of nature have taken place in the youngest geological epochs. An incalculable benefit has accrued to geological science from the accu- rate and detailed surveys, which have now been executed by skilled geolo- gists employed by the governments of all parts of the civilized world. In geology, the study of large maps is as important as it is said to be in poli- tics ; and sections, on a true scale, are even more important, in so far as they are essential to the apprehension of the extraordinary insignificance of geological perturbations in relation to the whole mass of our planet. It should never be forgotten that what we call "catastrophes," are, in re- lation to the earth, changes, the equivalents of which would be well represented by the development of a few pimples, or the scratch of a pin, on a man's head. Vast regions of the earth's surface remain geologi- cally unknown ; but the area already fairly explored is many times greater than it was in 1837 ; and, in many parts of Europe and the United of theology, all-powerful at the earlier} States, the structure of the superficial date. As the geologist of my young I crust of the earth has been investi- days wrote, he had one eye upon fact, and the other on Genesis ; at present, he wisely keeps both eyes on fact and ignores the pentateuchal mythology altogether. The publication of the " Principles of Geology " brought upon its illustrious author a period of social ostracism ; the instruction given to our children is based upon those principles. Whewel! had the courage to attack Lyell's fundamen- gated with great minuteness. The parallel between biology and geology, which I have drawn, is further illustrated by the modern • Perhaps I ought rather to say Buffon's axiom. For that great naturalist and writer embodied the principles of sound geology in a pithy phrase of the Thiorie de la Terre : " i'our juger de ce qui est arriv^, et mfme de ce qui arrivera, nous n'avons qu'i exam- iner ce qui arrive." IN THE LAST HALF-CENTURY. 33 aX" iments d. In )S is as n poli- scale, ) far as lension ance of ition to let. It t what in rt;- s, llie e well nt of a a pin, ons of eolojii- Iready realir many lUnited erficial nvesti- ry and Kvn, is Ifiodern Juffon's writer 3logy in Terre : It meme exam- growth of that branch of the science known as petrology, which answers to histology, and has made the mi- croscope as essential an instrument to the geological as to the biological investigator. The evidence of the importance of causes now in operation has been wonderfully enlarged by the study of ghxcial phenomena; by that of earth- quakes and volcanoes ; and by that of the efficacy of heat and cold, wind, rain, and rivers as agents of denuda- tion and transport. On the other hand, the exploration of coral reefs and of the deposits now taking place at the bottom of the great oceans, has proved that, in animal and plant life, we have agents of reconstruction of ? potency iiilherto unsuspected. There is no study better fitted than that of geology to impress upon men of general culture that conviction of the unbroken sequence of the order of natural phenomena, throughout the duration of the universe, which is the great, and perhaps the most impor- tant, effect of the increase of natural knowledge. XL— THE PROGRESS OF SCI- ENCE FROM 1836 TO 1886. BY GRANT ALLEN. Fifty years ago science was still in- choate. Much had already been done by the early pioneers. The ground had been cleared , the building mate- rials had been in part provided ; the foundations had been duly and ably laid ; but the superstructure as yet had hardly been raised a poor foot or two above the original level. The work of the last half century has been twofold. On one side it has been ac- cumulative merely : new stocks of organizable material — the raw bricks of science — have been laid up, as before, ready to the call of the mas- ter mason, but in far greater profu- sion than by any previous age. On the other side it has been directive and architectonic : the endless stores of fact and inference, thus dug out and shaped to the hand by the brick- makers of knowledge in a thousand fields, have been assiduously built up by a compact body of higher and broader intelligences into a single grand harmonious whole. This last task forms indeed the great scientific triumph of our epocli. Ours has been an age of firm grasp and of wide vision. It has seen the downfall of the anthropocentric fallacy. Cosmos has taken the place of chaos, Iso- lated facts have been fitted and dove- tailed into their proper niche ui the vast mosaic. The particular has slowly merged into the general, the general into still higher and deeper cosmical concepts. We live in aii epoch of unification, simplification, correlation, and universality. When after-ages look back upon our own, they will recognize that in science its key-note has been the idea of unity. Fifty years ago, there were many separate and distinct sciences, but hardly any general conception of science at large as a single rounded and connected whole. Specialists rather insisted pertinaciously on the utter insularity of their own peculiar and chosen domain. Zoologists \no- tested with tears in their eyes that they had nothing to do with chemistry or with physics; geologists protested with a shrug of their shoulders that they had nothing to do with as- tronomy or with cosmical genesis. It was a point of honor with each par- ticular department, indeed, not to encroach on the territory oif depart- ments that lay nearest to it. Tres- passers from the beaten path of the restricted science were prosecuted with the utmost rigor of the law. And within the realm of each separate study, in like manner, minor truths stood severely apart from one an- other : electricity refused to be at one with magnetism, and magnetism was hardly on speaking terms with the vol- taic current. Organization and subor- dination of part to whole had scarcely yet begun to be even aimed at. The sciences were each a huge congeries of 34 THE PROGRKSS OF SCIENCE FROM 1836 TO 1 886. 1^ heterogeneous facts or unassorted laws: iliev waited the advent of their unknown Newtons to fall into syste- matic and organic order. In the pride of our hearts, we for- get for tiie nu)st part how very young science still is. We, who have seen that infant Hercules strangling ser- pents almost from its very cradle; we who have beheld it grow rapidly un- der our own eyes to virile maturity and adult robustness of thew and muscle, we forget how new a power it iii in the worki, and how feeble and timid was its tender babyhood in the first few decades of the present cent- ury. Among the concrete sciences, astronomy, the eldest-born, had ad- vanced furthest when our age was still young. It had reached the stage of wide general laws and evolutionary aspirations. But geology had only just begun to emerge from (he earliest plane of puerile hypothesis into the period of collection and colligation of facts. Biology, hardly yet known by any better or truer name than natural history, consisted mainly of a jumble of half-classified details. Psychology still wandered disconsolate in the misty domain of the abstr.act meta- physician. The sciences of man, of language, of societies, of religion, had not even begun to exist. The an- tiquity of our race, the natural genesis of arts and knowledge, the origin of articulate speech, or of religious ideas, were scarcely so much as de- batable questions. Among sciences of the abstract-concrete class, physics, unilluminated by the clear light of the principles of correlation and conserva- tion of energy, embraced a wide and ill-digested mass of separate and wholly unconnected departments. Light had little enough to do with heat, and nothing at all to do in any way with electricity or sound or mo- tion or magnetism. Chemistry still remained very much in the condition of Mrs. Jellaby's cupboard. Every- where scienc? was tentative and in- vertebrate, feeling its way on earth with hesitating steps, trying its wings in air with tremulous fear, in prepara- tion for the broader excursions and wider flights of the last three advent- urous decades. The great campaign of the unity and uniformity of nature was the first to be fought, and in that campiiign the earliest decisive battle was wagtil over the bloody field of geology. In 1837 — to accept a purely arbitrary dale for the beginning of our e|)(ich — Lyell had already published his soI>er and sensible J'rindphs, and the old doctrine of recunent catastrophes and periodical cataclysms was totter- ing to its fall in both hemispheres. Wholesale destructions of faunas and floras, wholesale creations of new life- systems, were felt to be out of keep- ing with a human age. Drastic cos- mogonies were going out of fashion. But even the unifoimitarianism for which Lyell bravely fought and con- quered, was in itself but a scrappy and piecemeal conception side by side with the wider and far more general views which fifty years have slowly brought to us. One has only to open the Text Book of Geology by Lyell's far abler modern disciple, Archi- bald Geikie, in order to see the vast advance made in our ideas as to the world's history during the course of the last half centurv. The science of the earth's crust no, longer stands isolated as a study by itself : it fnlls into its proper place in the hierarchy of knowledge as the science of the secondary changes, induced under the influence of internal forces and incident energies, on the cooling and corrugated surface of a once incan- descent and more extended planet. I know no better gauge of the widen- ing which comes over the thoughts of men with the process of the suns than to turn from the rndis indigestaque moles of the Principles and the Elements (great as they both were in their own day) to the luminous, lucid, and com- prehensive arrangement of Geikie's splendid and systematic Text Book, The one is an agreeable and able dis- sertation on a number of isolated and floating geological facts ; the other is a masterly and cosmically-minded TIIK PKOGUESS OF SCIENCE FROM 1 836 TO I886. 35 In ;)l>er old plies ttev- L-res. nncl life- Leep- cos- liion. 1 for coii- •appy ; side neral lowly open ACU'S (ichi- ; vast the se of ce of Itands fills rchy If the nder and and can- anet. i den- ts of than taque ments own coin- kie's 00k, dis- and er is Inded account of the phenomena observable on t!ic oul.T siicU of a coolinj; world, d;:Iy Cv)'.;si(lcri(l in all their relations, and ff.'.ly co-ordinated vilh all the chief i>; ults of all elder and younger sis'.cr sciences. Tlie battle of uniformitarianism itself, however, was but a passing epi sodc in (lie great evolutionary move- ment. That movement began along several distinct lines toward the close of the previous century, and only at last consciously recognized its own informing unity of purpose some thirty-five years ago. From another jioinl of view — in connection with its influence upon thought at large — the evolutionary crisis has been treated elsewhere in this review by a philo- sophic thinker; but in its purely sci- entific aspect it must also be briefly considered here, forming, as it does, the acknowledged mainsi^ring of all living and active contemporary sci- ence. Evolution is not synonymous with Darwinism. The whole immensely exceeds the part. Darwinism forms but a small chapter in the history of a far vaster and more comprehensive movement of the human mind. In its astronomical development evolu- tion had already formulated itself with perfect distinctness before the period with which we have here spe- cially to deal. The nebular theory of Kant and Laplace was the first attempt to withdraw the genesis of the cosmos from the vicious circle of metaphysical reasoning, and to ac- count for it by the continuous action of physical and natural principles alone. Our own age has done much to cast doubt upon the unessential details of Kant's rough conception, but, in return, it has made clearer than ever the fundamental truth of its central idea — the idea that stars, and suns, and solar svstems consist of materials once more diffusely spread out through space and now aggre- gated around certain fixed and defi- nite nuclei by the gravitative force inherent in their atoms and masses. As these masses or atoms drew closer together in union around the common center, their primitive poicntial crt* ergy of separation (frankly to employ the terminology of our own time) was changed, first mto the kinetic energy of molar motion in the act of union, and then into the kinetic energy of molecular motion 01 heat, as ihey clashed with one another in bodily impact around the central core. Each star, thus produced, forever gathers m materials from its own out- lying mass, or from meteoric bodies, upon its solidifying nucleus, and for- ever radiates off its store of asso- ciated energy to the hypothetical sur- rounding ether. The fullest expres- sion of this profound cosmical corn ception has been given in our owr» time by Tait and Balfour Stewart, working in part upon the previous re- sults of Kant, Laplace, the lierschels, Mayer, Joule, Cleik IMaxwell. aiul Sir William Thomson. Deeply al- tered as the nebular hypothesis has been by the modern doctrine of corre- lation and conservation of energies, and by modern researches into the nature of comets, meteors, and the sun's envelopes, it still remains in its ultimate essence the original theory of Kant and Laplace. Science has thus, within the period of our own half-century, exhibited to us the existing phase of the universe at large in the light of an episode in a single infinite and picturable drama, setting out long since from a definite beginning, and tending slowly to a definite end. Other phases, incon- ceivable to us, may or may not possi- bly have preceded it; yet others, equally inconceivable, may or uiay not possibly follow, lint as realizable to ourselves, within our existing lim- itations, the physical universe now reveals itself as starling in a remote past from a diffuse and perhaps neb- ulous condition, in which all the mat- ter, reduced to a state of extreme tenuity, occupied immeasurably wide areas of space, while all the energy existed only in the potential form as separation of atoms or molecules; and the evidence leads us to look foj- .6 THE TROGRESS OF SCILNCl-: FROM iS^O TO 1886. ward to a remote future when all the matter shall he ag^'rcfjalcd into its narrowest possible limits, while all the eiieri^y, haviiij; assumed the kinetic mode, shall have been radiated off into the ethereal medium. Compared to tl\e inrmite cosmical vistas thus laid open before our da/zled eyes, all the other scientific expansions of our age shrink into relative narrowness and iiKsij^'nificanL-e. As in the cosmos so in the solar system itsulf, evolutionism has tauj,du us to rej,'ard our sun, with its atten- dant planets and their ancillary satel- lites, all in their several orbits, as owing their shape, si;ie, relations, and movements, not to external desi;;n and deliberate creation, but to the slow and regular working out of physical laws, in accordance with which each has assumed its existing weight, and bulk, and path, and position. Geology here takes up the evolu- tionary parable, and, accepting on trust from astronomy the earth itself as a cooling sjiheroid of incandescent matter, it has traced out the various steps by which the crust assumed its present form, and the continents and oceans their present distribution. Lyell here set on foot the evolution- ary impulse. The researches of Scrope, Judd, and others into vol- canic and hypogene action, and the long observations of geologists every- where on the effects of air, rain, ice, livers, lakes, and oceans, have re- sulted in putting dynamical geology on a firm basis of ascertained fact. The heated interior has been shown almost with certainty to consist of a rigid and solid mass, incandescent, hut reduced to solidity under the enormous pressure of superincumbent rocks and oceans. The age of the earth has been approximately meas- ured, at least by plausible guesswork ; and the history of its component parts has been largely reconstructed. Structural and stratigraphical geology hare reached a high pitch of ac- curacy. It is beginning to be possi- ble, by convergence of evidences, as the American geologists have shown, and as CJeikie has exemplilicd, to re- write in part the history of continents and oceans, and to realize each great land-mass as an organic whole, grad- ually evolved in a ck-finite direction and growing from age to a>;c by reg- ular accretions. VN'lnre the old school saw cataclysms and miracles, vast submergences and sudden elevations, the new school sees slow develo|>- ment and substantial continuity throughout enormous periods of sinh ilar activity. It would be itnpossible to pass over in silence, in however brief a r/s//m/, the special history of the glacial epoch theory — a theory referring in- deed only to a single episode in the life of our planet, but fraught with such immense consequences to plants and animals, and toman in particular, that it rises into very high importance among the scientific discoveries of our own era. Demonstration of the fact that the recent peiitxl was pre- ceded by a long reign rf ice and snow, in the northern and southern hemispheres alike, we owe mainly to the fiery and magnetic genius of Agassiz ; and the proof that this gla- cial period had many phases of hotter and colder minor spells has been worked up in marvelous detail by James Geikie and other able c( a Life thus falls into its proper place in the scheme of things as due essen- tiallv to the secondarv action of radi- ated solar energy, intercepted on the moist outer crust of a cooling and evolving planet. Its various forms have been gradually produc«jd, mainly by the action of natural selection or survival of the fittest on the immi-nse number of separate individuals eject- ed from time to time by pre-existing organisms. How the first organisms came to exist at all we can as yet only conjecture ; to feeble and unimagina- tive minds the difficulty of such a con- jecture seems grotesijuely exagger- ated ; but granting the existence of a prime organism or grouj) of organisms plus the fact of reproduction willvhe redity and variations, and the tei. dency of such reproduction to beget increase in a geometrical ratio, we can deduce from these simple ele- mentary factors the necessary corol- lary of survival of the fijtest.with all its far-reaching and manxdous impli- cations. Our age has discovered for the first time the cumulative value of the infinitesimal. "Many a little makes a mickle;" that was Lyell's key in geology, that was Darwin's key in the science of life. Herbert Speii- cer's Principles of Bio/oj^y most fully sum up this whole aspect of evolution as applied to the genesis of organic beings. In 1837, the science of man, and the sciences that gather roimd the personality of man, had scarcely yet begun to be dreamt of. l>ut evolu tionism and geological investigation have revolutionized our conception of our own species and of the ]:)lace which it holds in the hierarciiy of the universe. At the very beginning of our fifty years, Boucher de Perthes was already enthusiastically engaged in grubbing among the drift of Abbe- ville for those rudely chipped masses of raw flint which we now know as palzeolithic hatchets. Lyell and oth- ers meanwhile were gradually extend- 38 THE PKOGRESS OF SCIENCE FROM 1 8^,6 TO 1886. ing their ideas of the age of our race on earth ; and accumulations of evi- dence, from bone-caves and loess, were forcing upon the minds of both antiquaries and geologists the fact that man, instead of dating back a mere irille of six thousand years or so, was really contemporary with the mammoth, the cave-bear, and other extinct quaternary animals. The mass of proof J thus slowly gathered together in all parts of the world cul- minated at last in Lyell's epoch-mak- ing Antiquity of Man, published three years after Darwin's Origin of Species. Cole'nso's once famous work on the Pentateuch had already dealt a seri- ous blow from the critical side at the authenticity and literal truth of the Mosaic cosmogony. It was the task of Lyell and his coadjutors, like Evans, Keller, and Christy and Lartet, to throw back the origin of our race from the narrow hmits once assigned it into a dim past of mimeasurable antiquity. Boyd Dawkins, James Geikie, Huxley, Lubbock, Pe Mor- tillet, and Bourgeois have aided m elucidating, confirming, and extend- ing this view, which now ranks as a proved truth of palacontological and historical science, Darwin's Descent of Man, published some years later, was an equally ep- och-making book. Lubbock's Frehts- tpric Times, sent forth in 1865, and Origin of Cii'ilization in 1870, had familiarized men's minds with the idea that man, instead of being " an archangel ruined '' Jiad really started |rom the savage condition, and had gradually raised himself to the higher levels of art and learning. Tylor's ^arly History of Mankind, followed a little later by his still more important work on Primitive Culture, struck the first note of the new revolution as a[> plied to the genesis of religious con- cepts. McLennan's Primitive Mar- riage directed attention to the early liature and relations of the tribe and family. Wallace's essay on the Ori- gin of Human Races and Huxley's valuable work on Man's Place in Nat- ure helped forward the tide of natu- ralistic explanation. And by the time that Darwin published his judicial summing up on the entire question of man's origin, the jury of scientific opinion throughout the world had pretty well considered its verdict on all the chief questions at issue. The impetus thus given to the sciences which specially deal with man, has been simply incalculable. Philology has been revolutionized. Language has told us a new story. Words, like fossils, have been made to yield up their implicit secrets. I'rehistoric archaeology has assumed a fresh and unexpected importance. The history of our race, ever since tertiary times, and throughout the long secular winters of the glacial epoch, has been reconstructed for us from drift and bone-cave, from bar- row and picture-writing, with singular ingenuity. Anthropology and sociol- ogy have acquired the rank of distinct sciences. The study of institutions has reached a sudden development under the hands of Spencer, Tylor, McLen- nan, Maine, Freeman, Lang, and Bage- hot. Comparative mytliology and folklore have asserted their right to a full hearing. Evolutionism has pen- etrated all the studies which bear upon the divisions of human life. Lan- guage, ethnography, history, law, ethics, and politics, have all fell the widening wave of its influence. The idea of development and affiliation has been applied to speech, to writing, to arts, to literature, nay, even to such a detail as numismatics. Our entire view of man and his nature has been reversed and a totally fresh meaning has been given to the study of savage manners, arts, and ideas, as well as to the results of antiquarian and archaeological inquiry. In psychology, the evolutionary im- pulse has mainly manifested itself in Herbert Spencer, and to a less degree in Bain, Sully, Romanes, Croom Rob- ertson, and others of their school. The development of mind in man and animal has been traced pari passu with the development of the maleiial 1 organism. Instinct has been clcarlv y THE PROGRESS OF SCIENCE FROM 1 836 TO 1 886. 39 stinct IS has iiider :Len- Bage- and to a pen- upon Lan- law, L the The ation iling, n to Our iC has fresh tudy s, as arian ly im- ilf in igiee Rob- Ihool. and hissu [urial Lavlv separated from reason: the working I in this direction. They recognized of intelligence and of moral feeling I that heat was a mode of motion, and has been recognized in horse and dog, in elephant and parrot, in bee and ant, in snail and spider. The genesis and differentiation of nervous systems have been fully worked out. Here Maiidsley has carried the prac- tical implications of the new psychol- ogy into the do»iain of mental pathol- ogy, and Kerrier has thrown a first ray of light upon the specific functions of jjortions of the brain. Galton's Hcrciiitary Genius and other works have also profoundly influenced the thought of the epoch : while Bastian, Clifford, Jevons, and others have car- ried the same impulse with marked success into allied lines of psycholog- ical research. But the evolutionary movement as a whole sums itself up most fullv of all in the ])erson and writings of Her- bert Spencer, whose active life almost exactly covers and coincides with our half-centurj'. It is to him that we owe the word evolution itself, and the ge"°'al concejit of evolution as a sing, all-pervading natural process. He, too, has traced it out alone through all its modes, from sun and star, to plant and animal and human product. In his First Frinciplcs, he has developed the system in its widest and most abstract general aspects. In the Principles of Bioloti^y he has ap- plied it to organic life ; in the Prind- ph's of Psycholo!^}' \.o mind and habit : in tlie Principles of Sociology to socie- Rumford went so far as to observe that the energy generated by a give?' amount of hay burnt iu an engine might be measured against the energy generated by the same amount of hay consumed by horses. But to l>r. Joule, of Manchester, in our own time is due the first great onward move- ment, in the discovery and determina- tion of the mechanical equivalent of heat. Joule's numerous experiments on the exact relation between heat and mechanical energy resulted in the establishment of a formula of equivalence in terms of kilogiamme- tres necessary to raise by one degree centigrade the temperature of one kilogramme of water. More popu- larly put, he showed that the energy required to raise a weight of one lum dred pounds through one foot was equivalent to the amount required to raise a certain fixed quantity of water through one degree in temperature. Starting from this settled point, it soon became clear to physical think- ers that every species of energy was more or less readily convertible into every other, and that an exact luiiner- ical equivalence existed between them. This principle, which first clearly emerged into the consciousness of physicists about the middle decades of the present century, was originally known under the name of Persistence of Force, in which form Grove's well- known little treatise helped largely to ties, to politics, to religion, and to ! popularize its acceptance. liut as human activities and products gener- ! time went on, the underlying distinc- ally. In Spencer, evolutionism finds s tion between force and energv came its personal avatar: he has been at j to be more definitely realized, and once its prophet, its priest, its archi- ' the phrase conservation of eneigv be- tect, and its builder. j gan to supersede the older and erro- Second only in importance to the 1 neous terminology. The realization evolutionary movement among the ; of the varying nature of eneigv as po- scienlific advances of our own day | tential and kinetic helped in the trans- must be reckoned the establishment ' formation of the prime concept. /\t of that profound fundamental physi- ' last, under the hands of Clausius, cal principle, the conservation of ' Helmholtz, Mayer, Clerk Maxwell, energy. Even before the beginning ' Tait, and Balfour Stewart, the doc- of our half century, Davy and Rum- ' trine assumed its modern form — that ford (especially the latter) had caught ' all energies are mutually convertil)le, faint glimpses of the coining truth ^ and that the sum-lolal of energy, po- 40 THE PROGRESS OF SCIENCE FROM 1 836 TO 1 886. teniial and kinetic, is a constant quan- tity throughout the cosmos. The practical applications of the doctrine of energy are as yet only in their infancy. The whole mass of theoretical science has to be re-written in accordance with this new and fun- damental law. The whole field of applied science has to be developed and enlarged by the light of this preg- nane and universal principle. Its im- that moment, under the fostering care of Faraday, Daniell, Cooke, Morse, Arago, Tyndall, Edison, and Thom- son, electric science became a power in the world. The whole theory of electricity as a mode of energy has since been fully explored and ex- pounded. A vast field has been added to science. Units and modes of absolute measurement have been invented. The telephone and micro- phone have been introduced ; sec- ondary batteries have been formed and improved ; the dynamo has be- come a common object of the country ; and the electric light has grown under our very eyes into a practical and ex- tremely dazzling reality. Electricity, plications are all-pervading. In astronomy it has profoundly alTected all our conceptions as to the sun's heat, the orbits of planets, the nature of meteors, the past, present, and fu- ture of the universe. In biology it has taught us to envisage t"he plant mainly as a machine in which kinetic ! as we know it, with all its manifold energy is being transformed into po- useful applications, is almost entirely tential ; the animal mainly as a ma- a creation of the last half century. chine in which potential energy is be- In physics the present epoch, ing transformed back again into though chiefly remarkable for the kinetic. In meclianics and the me- series of investigations which led up chanical arts it has produced and is to the discovery of tlie law of conser- producing immense changes. And in j vation, has also illustrated many the future it is destined still more j minor principles of the first im- profoundly to alter our ineclunical | portance. The true theory of heat ideas and activities : the great revolu- [ and the laws of radiant energy have tion there is only just beginning ; | been definitely formulated. The un- another half century is yet needed dulatory theory ot light — a discovery of the previous quarter century — has been universally adopted and justified. Thermo-dynamics have been elevated fully to develop it These two great principles — evolu- tion and the conservation of energy — form the main bulk of our age's addi- tion to the world's accunulated stock of knowledge. But among the sepa- rate sciences many wontlerful ad- vances have also been made which into a great and increasing branch of science. Sir William Thomson's law of dissipation of energy has completed and rounded off the tlieory of conser- vation. The causes and methods of cannot be overlooked in the briefest glacier motion have been investigated retrospect of the half century's gains To these a few words must next be devoted. Amonen especially worked out by R. A. Proctor. Nas- mytli's observations on our own dead satellite, the moon, have given us a graphic and appalling picture of a worn-out world in its last stage of life- less, waterless, and airless decrepi- tude. New moons have been added to Mars, and several tedious ndditions have been made by minutely obstet- rical astronomers to the already in- conveniently large family of the minor planets. AH our fresh knowledge of Jupiter and Saturn, those tinbulent and volcanic orbs, has helped to im- press the general soundness of the evolutionary hypothesis ; while the in- creasingly important study of meteors and comets has brought us close to the very threshold of the great ultimate mystery of star-genesis and world- forming. The extreme tenuity of the mass of comets, the inconceivable rarity of the matter composing their gaseous tails, the ci rious phenomena of their instantant ous reversal on passing their peri lelion, the proof that their light is partly reflected and partly direct, the s^Dectroscopic deter- mination of their composition, the discovery of the essentially planetary nature of meteor-streams, and the rec- ognition of their vast numbers swarm- ing through space, are among the most striking novelties of the last half cent- ury in this direction. In sidereal astronomy, besides the mere mechanical increase of mapping, the chief advances have been made in observations upon double stars, spectroscopic analysis of fixed stars and of nebiilai, and consecjuent proof of the fact that truly i Tesolvable neb- ulfE do really exist, the gaseous raw material of future stars and solar sys- tems. It must be added that within the half century the hypothetical ether has amply vindicated its novel claim to take its place as a mysterious entity side by side with matter and energy among the ultimate components of the objective universe. In geology the chief theoretical ad- vances have been made by the recog- nition of the cosmical aspects of the earth's history ; its relations to nebula, sun, and meteor ; the importance of eccentricity and precession of the equinoxes, and the possible results of ancient changes in its rates of motion, tides, and so forth. Dynamical geol- ogy has made vast strides, especially in the investigation of volcanic phe- nnmena. mountain •bu ilflni":, an d tl le birth and growth of i:ilands and con- THE PROGRESS OF SCIENCfi FROM 1 836 TO 1886. 43 lars, Slavs roof neb- raw sys- ^ith'.n ether claim nitity lergy ts of il ad- -cog- the "Ibula, le of the Its of ]lion, ifenl- lially jplie- the I con- tinents. The science of earth-sculp- ture has been developed from the very beginning. Straligraphical geol- ogy has been largely improved. And in palreontology an immense number of the most striking and interesting of fossil forms have been brought to light. Among them may be specially mentioned those which have proved of critical importance as evidences of the truth of organic evolution — the toothed birds of the Western Ameri- can cretaceous deposits, the lizard- like bird or bird-like feathered lizard of the Solenhofen slates, Marsh's re- markable series of ancestral horses, Cope's beautiful reconstruction of the fossil progenitors of existing camels. Monkeys certainly, anthropoid apes clearly, man dnuijtfully, have been de- tectecl in the fossil state. India, Aus- tralia, Canada, tiie United Slates have been explored and surveyed, geologi- cally and palaiontologically ; and the exploitation of the far West in partic- ular has not only added immensely to our knowledge of life in past times, but lias also revolutionized our con- ceptions as to die gradual growth and devL''opine!it of continental areas, and the occasional vast sjale of volcanic phenomena. Tiie permanence of all great continents and oceans is now a proved truth of geolo-4,y. It has been reinforced and extended from a totally ditYvrent point of view by Alfred Rus- sel Wallace, whose masterly works on the Gi.'Oi; rap Ideal Distribution nf Ani- mals and on Is/an I Lift: have immense geological as well as biological iinpli- cati'jus. In pure biology, besides the grand advance implied in the establishment of the doctrine of descent with modi- fication, and its subsidiary principles of survival of the fittest and sexual selection, profotmdly important minor results have also been attained in many directions. Embryology in the hands of Von Baer and his success- ors, notably Kowalevsky and Balfour, has acquired prime importance as an instrument of geological research. (^onin;)r itive osteoloi^jv in the hands of Owen, Iluxley, Gaudry, and Busk, has given us new Views 6f the rela- tionships between vertebrate animals. The pedigree of fishes, anipliil)ians, reptiles, birds, and mammals, has been worked out with a considerable de- gree of fulness from the hints suj> plied us by the amphioxus, the ascid- ian larva, the facts of embryology, and the numerous recent discoveries of intermediate or arrested organisms, recent and extinct. Invertebrate zoology has been rescued from chaos and partially reduced to temporary and uncertain order. Botany, at once the dullest and the most alluring of all sciences, has been redeemed from the vicious circle of mere classi- ficatory schemes, and vivified by the fresh and quickening breath of the evolutionary spirit. The new mor- phology has revolutionized our ideas of vegetal homologies ; the new phy- siology has fastened all its attention on the adaptations of the plant to its natural environment. The fascinating study of tht mutual relations between flower and nsect in particular, set on foot before the dawn of our epoch by Christian Sprengel, but re-introduced to notice in recent times by Darwin's works on orchids and on cross fertil- ization, has been followed out with ar- dor to marvelous results by Her- mann Miiller, Axel, Delpino, Hilde- brand, Lubbock, Ogle and others. Heer and Saporia have worked out in great detail the development of sev- eral fossil floras. Last of all, Her- bert Spencer has cast the dry light of his great organizing and generalizing intelligence on the problems of he- redity, genesis, variation, individuality, j and the laws of multiplication. Fifty years ago biology was a mighty maze I wholly without a plan. To-day the I clue has been found to all its main avenues, and even the keys of its I minor recesses are for the most part ! well within reach of the enlightened j observer. j Even the actual gains in the num- i ber of new organisms addeil to our ! lists during the last half century are in tlitunselves ast'inisliin;; ; and, \ strange to say, the species that bear 44 THE PROGRESS OF SCIENCE FROM 1836 TO 1 886. it most closely upon the theory of or- ganic evolution are almost all of them quite recent additions to our stock of knowledge. The gorilla appeared on the scene at the critical moment for the Descent of Man, Just on the j stroke vviicn they were most needed, 1 connecting links, both fossil and liv- ing, turned up in abundance between fish and amphibians, amphibians and reptiles, reptiles and birds, birds and mammals, and all of these together in a perfect network of! curious cross-relationships. Lizards • that were almost crows, nmrsupials that were almost ostriches, insec- j tivores that were almost bats, rodents that were almost monkeys, have come ' ■ir the very nick of time to prove the j i I'lh of descent with modification. /^K-'ong he most interestnig of these j strn ig'; coincidences are such epi- sodes T.:- the vliscovery in the rivers of Queens! a;:''! j^ that strange lung-bear- a\r nnd ;^)i!-L!e.ithing fish, the bar- r.inuinda, orly • s-\\\\ before in the fossil form as a long extinct species, but m whose anatomical structure Giinther has discerned the missing link between the antique ganoid type of fishes on the one hand, and the mudfish and salamandroid amphibi- ans on the other. In the practical applications of bio- logical and physiological science to the wants and diseases of human life, two at least deserve mention here. An- aisthetics are almost entirely a growth of our half century : chloroform was first employed in operations by Simp- son in 1847, '^"^ ^^^^ "^'^ ^f other simi- lar agents is still more recent. Again, the discoverv that zvmoiic diseases in men and animals are due to the mul- tiplication within the body of very minute organisms, known as micro- bes, bacteria, or bacilli, now promises to revolutionize medical science. Their connection with decomposition was still earlier detected. The names of Pasteur, Tyndall, and Koch are specially identified with researches into the nature of these tiny morbid organisms and the best means of pre- venting or neutralizing their attacks, either on living or dead matter. In marvelous contrast to the frag- mentary and disjunctive science of fifty years ago, modern science at the present day offers us the spectacle of a simple, unified, and comprehensible cosmos, consisting everywhere of the same prime elements, drawn together everywhere by the same great foices, animated everywhere by the same constant and indestructible energies, evolving everywhere along the same lines ill accordance with the self-same underlying principles. It shows us the community of ultimate material in sun and star, in nebula and meteor, in earth and air and planet and comet. It shows us identical metals and gases in fiery photosphere and in electrically-heated matter in our own laboratories. It shows us atoms of hydiogene or of sodium pulsating rhythmically with like oscillations in star-cloud or sun-cloud, and in London or Berlin. It exhibits to our eyes or to our scientific im- agination a picture of the universe as a single whole, a picture of its evo- lution as a continuous process. One type of matter diffused throughout space ; one gravitative attraction binding it together firmly in all its parts, one multiform energy quiver- ing through its molecules or travers- ing its ether, in many disguises of light, and heat, and sound, and e'ec- tricity. It unfolds for us in vague hints the past of the universe as a difTuse mass of homogeneous matter, rolling in upon its local centers by gravitative force, and yielding up its primitive energy of separation as light and heat to the ethereal medium. It suggests to us this primitive energy of separation as the probable source of such light and heat in suns and stars as we now know them. It posits for us our own planet as an orb gathered in from the original cloud-mass, witii outer surface cooled and corrugated, and with two great envelopes, atmos- pheric and oceanic, gaseous and liq- uid, still floating or precipitated THE PROGRESS OF SCIENCE FROM 1 836 TO 1886. 45 around its denser core. It teaches us how the hard crust of the hot qeii tral mass has been uplifted here into elevated table-land, or depressed there into hollow ocean-bed. By the aid of its newest instrument, meteor- ology, it lets us see how incident solar ciiL'r^ijy, raising clouds and causing rainfall, with its attendant phenomena of drainage and rivers, has carved and duiiuded the upheaved masses into infinite variety of hill and valley. It shows us how sedimtiiit, thus gathered by streams on the bed of the sea, is pushed up once more by volcanic power or lateral pressure in- to alpine chains and massive conti- nents, and how these in their turn have been worn down by the long- continued bombardment of aqueous or aerial action into mere stumps or relics of their primitive magnitude. It puts before us life as an ultimate result of solar energy falling on the watery and gaseous shell of such a solidified planet. It suggests to us how light, acting chemically on the leaves or fronds or cells of the green herb, stores up in them carbohy- drates, rich in potential energy, which animals afterwards use up as food, or man utilizes as coal in his grates and his locomotives. It exhibits to us the animal organism as essentially a food- engine in whose recesses solar energy, stored as potential by the plant, is once more let loose by slow combn.s- tion in the kinetic form as heat and motion. It enables us to regard the body as a machine in which stomach and lungs stand for furnace and boiler, the muscles for cylinder, pis- ton, and wheels, and the nervous sys- tem for an automatic valve-gtar. It traces for us from small beginnings the gradual growth of limb and organ, of flower, fruit, and seed, of st-nse and ijitellect. With the simj)le key of survival of the fittest it unlocks for us the secret of organic diversity and universal adaptation. It recon- structs for us from obscure half-hints the origin of man ; the earliest stages of human history ; the rise of speech, of arts, of societies, of religion. It unifies and organizes all our concepts of the whole consistent system of nature, and sets before our eyes the comprehensive and glorious idea of a cosmos which is one and the same throughout, in sun and star and world and atom, in light and heat and life and mechanism, in herb and tree and man and animal, in body, soul, and spirit, mind and matter. Almost all that is most vital and essential in this conception of our illimitable dwelling-place, the last half century has built up for us unaided. CONTENTS. PACB I. The Advance of Science in the Last Hatt-century. II. The Progress of Science from 1836 to t886 33 THE Humboldt Library^Science is the only publication of its kind : the only one contain- ing popular scientific works at low prices. For the most part it contains only works of acknowledged excellence, by authors of the first rank in the world of science : such works are laiuliiinrks destined to stand forever in the liistory ot* Mind. Here in truth is "strong meat for them that are of full age." In this series are well represented the writings of Darwin, Spencer, Huxley, Tyndall, Proctor, Cliltbrd, and other leaders of thought in our time. As well might one be a mummy in the tomb of the Pharaohs as pretend to live the life of the 19th century without com- munion of thought with tliese its Master Minds. Science has in our time invaded every domain of thought, and resoarcli, throwing new light upon the prob- lems of Philosophy, Theology, 3Ian's History, Government, Society, 3Iedicinc: in short, producing a revolution in the intellectual and moral world. No edu- cated person, whatever his calling, can afford to keep himself out of the main current of contemporary scien- tific research and exposition. The price of the several numbers of the series is lifteen cents, except where a different price is named in the Catalogue. When numbers are ordered from the publisher, frac- tional parts of a dollar may be sent in the form of postage stamps. The Humboldt Library is published monthly : sub- scription price $1.50 a year (12 numbers). J. FITZGEKALD, Publisher, 24 East Fourth St., New York. A CATALOGUE RAISONNE. 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