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Maps, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent dtre fiimis d des taux de reduction diffdrents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul cliche, il est film6 A partir de Tangle sup6rieur gauche, de gauche i droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images nicessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mdthode. 1 2 3 32X 1 2 3 4 5 6 I \ I wrn^ ^mmf ■■h,;- ■ '.:i.-' ■ — I THE BUTTERFLIES OF NEW BRUNSWICK BY • ••• t>X • WILLIAM MclNTOSH. Reprinted from Bulletin of the Natural. History Society of New Brunswick, No. XVII, 1899. SAINT JOHN, N. B., CANADA. (ReprinUHl from Bulletin of the Natural HiNtory Society of New Brunnwlok, No. XVII, 18»».) AKTICLIC IV' THE BUTTERFLIKS OF NEW BlU NHWICK. ^^ Hy Wimja.m McIsToHir. (Head DeuciiilterHtli, 181)8.) This list (if New Brunswick ButteiHies can only Iw considered a preliminary one, as very little collecting has been done in this province. There can lie no doubt that with a more extended knowledge of the insect life of New Brunswick this list will be found incomplete. Tn the past collections have Injen made V»y officers of the aimy and navy, but we have no detailed record of their captures. Among the early collectors whose? sp«!cimens have remained in the province the following are perhaps worthy of mention. A collection of Lepidoptera captured on tlu; Ketchum estate, Fredericton, by Capt. Mo(Kly, A. D. C. to Governor (Jordon. This collection is in the University of New Brunswick at Fredericton. A collection of miscellaneous insects taken in the vicinity of St. Jolm, by Mrs, C. E. Heustis. Mrs. Heustis was for a numlier of years a contributor to the Canadian Entomofni/ixf, and may l)e con- sidered the pioneei- entomologist of the Natural History Society of New Brunswick. A collection of miscellaneous insects captured in St. John County, by Mr. H. E. Goold. This collection contains a numl)er of very interesting species, A number of insects, principally Coleoptera and fjepidoptera, col- lected in Kings County, N. B., by Mr. Gibson Williamson, of Oak Point. These three collections are in the museum of the Natural History Society of New Jirunswick. At the present time these combined col- lections contain less than a thousand specimens, and so represent but a fraction of the species indigenous to this section of Eastern Canada. During the past two years nuicli interest has been evinced in this branch of nature study, and duiing the present year a numl>er of col- le<;)i*rs have been working, over .'5,500 specimens having been taken THE DUTTRRPLIB8 OF NRW BRUNSWICK. no in the vicinity of 8t. John and Fiedericton during tlie pant Henson. It is to he hoped that thi8 interest will continue, so that in the near future something may be added to the meagre knowledge of the insect life of New Brunswick. The remarks on the species in this list are Imsed mainly on the writer's personal observations during the p»st three years. No doubt upon more extended research not only will many addi- tional species l)ecome known, but a numl>er of tho^e considered not common will be found to be more abundant in other localities. In the preparation of this list I am indebted to Dr. James Fletcher for the identification of doubtful species, and to Miss Edith Darling for a list of species found at Sussex, and to Mr. (leo. W. Bailey for a list of Fredericton butterflies with notes, and also for procuring a list of species taken by Mr. U. McL. Vanwart. Mr. Bailey also sent me a catalogue of Capt. MocKJy's collection. From the above lists aU references to Sussex and Fredericton species have been taken. I have followed Rev. C. J. S. Bethune ("The Butterflies of the Eastern Provinces of Canada") in adding in brackets "Mr. Scudder's name for the species whenever it diflTers from the name employed." i s LEPIDOPTERA. RHOPALOCERA Family NYMPIIALID^l Sub-family EUPLOEINiE. Danias archlppus, Fahr. (Anosia flkxipits.) This beautiful butterfly is uRually rare in the vicinity of St. John and Fredtericton, but it is occasionally seen in considerable nuniliers. Flies in July and Au^st. Arfirynnis idalla, Drury. Very rare, only four siteciinens are known to have l)een taken in New Brunswick. Two of these, captured by H. E. (ioold, are at present in the collection of the Natural History Society. Argrynnis cybele, Fabr. Thiss^iecies is rare in the southern sections of the Province, and probably not abundant in any part of New Brunswick. . 116 IIULLRTIN OV TIIK NATURAL HI8TUKY SOCIETY. . Argyunis aphrodite* Fabr. Thin butterlly i» c«»iinnon tliroiiglioiit the l*r<>viiico. It in frequently mis* ttikeii for A. cybele whioli it very much reBembles, but may bo w|uu'au«(i from that Hiieciea by its Muiuller ttveie. Flies in July aud AuguHt. Arffynnig atlautls. E<1w. Coiumou at St. John, Fredericton, Husaex, Kelleittle, Moncton and ('hip- mail. This butterfly in more abundant than A. aphro■> com|>any with that i^peoieH. Argynnls myrina, Cram. (Kkknthis myki.na.) Abundant throughout New BrunHwick. This is our most common Argyn- nis, Hying from the latter |Mirt of June to the hist of Augunt. ArgrynuiH bellona, Fabr. (BkKNTIIIH ltKUX>NA.) This H|)ecie» is rare in St. Joini L'«)uiity, and does not ap|)ear to lie numer* OU8 in any |Mirt of New Briniswick. Melit»'>a pliti^ton, Drury. (Eni'llYDIlV.VS l-II.KTON.) Hare; a few .s|iefimens have lieeii i-nptured ni'ur St. .Tohn. On .Inne IStii of the iirecent year, Mr. (Jeo. \V. Bailey eaptnre*! u H|teeinien at .Springhill, York {'ounty. Melita^a liarrisii, Sind. (('INIXIDIA IIAKKISII.) AHi>eeimen of this »i»ecjes was t«ken near St. John by Philip J. R. iMclntosh during the summer of 1897. Kev. C. J. S. Bethune (The Butterflies of the Eaatern Provinces of C'anada) gives New Brunswick as a locality for this rare Canadian butterfly. Pliyciodes tharos, Drury. Abundant from early in July to Septenilter. The form M.vwiA. Edw. being taken in the earlier |KUt of the season, and the form moki'IIEI s, Fabr. later. It is found in o|)en meadows and Helds during June, July and August. Orapta interrogationis, Fabr. (POLYCJONIA INTERHOtiATIONrS. ) Forms umbrosa, Lint, morphkus, Fabr. Rare in the vicinityof St. John, and probably not common in any [mrt of New Brunswick. '1 TIIK liU'n'RKKLIKl) OK NKW 0RUN8WICK. lit Orapta comma, Hun in. (I'OI.YOKNIA COMMA.) Flil-lllh DKY.VS, KeieH wuh uniinnally nuineronm from the IHtli t«> the 2.5th of June uf the prenent year. Pyrainefs card ill, Lmn. (VaNKMHA CAKIM'I.) Thin hntt4)rtly In iiNnally aliitniiant, liut dnrin;'' the |»ii«t thrtw yeuiH hH»< Iteen rare in this nei(flil:)orh(MNl, although «|iiit4> abundant twenty inileM inhmd. Flieu dnrinjr June, .luly and Auj^ust. PyrainefH liuntera, Fahr. (Vankhsa hintkka.) ThiH MpeeieH in (M-casionaliy altunchmt, and i» jjenerally found flying with P. cttrdui. Linienttls arthemlH, Drury. (Rasii.akciiia AKTIIKMIM.) Not uneoniinon ut St. John, F^^thenay, Hampton, Betleinle, Frederieton, and probably thr(»n<,diont the entire provinee. Flyinj; from June to the hitter |Hirt of Au^fust. Linieuitis disippiis. Spe(;imen«> have l»een taken at St. John, Frederieton, Belleish) and (Jrand L»ike. Flies in June, July and August. Sub-family SATYRIN^. Neonynipha canthns, RoiMi I^e. (SaTVKODKS KITRYDICK, LiuU. ) Nkonvmi'HA iioLSDiVALMi, Harris. This butterfly is not uneommon on the Belleisle and at Frederieton and Sackville. Satyriis nepheie, Kirby. (CbKOYONIS NKI'MHIiK.) EkKBIA NKl'HKI.K. Altundant throti^hout the province. Flying in July and August. Pre- quenting swunipy meadown and flehls Iwrderod by woods. THM utri'RKrLiica op new ukunmwick. 119 ftetyrus alope« FaKr. (('KWYtlNIM AIAH'K.) Hll'l>AHi;illA AI^II'K. Tliin M|»u<'i lie niru in the iiurlhurii M«c'li(>iiM iif tliu |>roviiii!«. It in very cHiniindii in the vioinity uf Ht. •lulin. FrtH|iientiii(; the name IcMralitieH iinlts is HOine* timed tuken ut St. John. Family LYOJSNID^. 8ul»-fainily LYCi^NINi*:. Thecla ailffll8tll8» Kirby. (INTIHAMA Al'tHIMTim.) Nut nn«M)nnnon, hut iliHicnlt tt> cuiituit', owin); to its t«nmll Hi/.e, (lurk u«ih>r, and the Hhruliby IcM-alitiuH whirh it frtM|nunt$t. FUum in Muy. CliryHophauiis epixautlie, itoiMl Ur. (KriUKMIA KI'IXANTHK.) This little lintt^irlly im not iiniionnnon in two or tUrw lortiliticH tumv St. •John, but it upiMiurs to Ite very local in its liubitH, frc<|uentin}r the ■■«aniu placeH (sometimes only a few yanh in extent) year after year. Flies in July and |)08Hibly into Au^u>«t. Clirysophauuti liypophlM'ias, KoiiMl. CUKVSUi'llANlTM AMKKICANA, D'Urbiin. (HEUUE8 HYfOPllLAKAH.) Connnon at St. John, Fredericton, Sussex and (irand I^ike, from June to Septeml)cr. This siieuies is no doubt abundant in every (Hirt of New Brunswiek. Ljceeua pseudarsriolug, Bois«l 1a;c. (CVAMKIS I'SKL-DAKfilUtUS.) This butterfly ih very common throughout the province. The forms vio- LAtjRA, Edw., being very abunH in iiiiiu)i)i<'R.) Very nommon throughout the pi-oviiice. Flying fi-om Miiy to Riiptemlier, nnd (lurin)^ the protent yeiir an hito tut Octolter 2l\nl, Collas Interior, H(!U<1. (RuKYMim INTKHIOH.) Usually not very common, but during; tlio preHent year thiH H|ie<;ieH wan unuRuully ahundunt, l>ein(( much more iiiimorouH than (i. phiUxlice. Flyinif from July 9th to Inte in August. Subfamily PAPILTONINiE. Papllio turnus, Linn. (Jahoniadks ui.AUcr», Hcud.) ThiH 8|iecieH is common in every |Hirt of New ilruiiHwick, and (x;cuHionaUy very numerous. Flying in June and July. Papilio cresphoutes, Crum. Pai'ilio THOA.S, Boisd. (Hkhacliors <;rb8Phonti«<. ) Rev. C .1. S. Bethune, in his list of the " Butterflies of the Eantern Prov- inces of ('unada," gives St. J«)hii, N. B., as u locality for this sjieffies. None of our local collert»)is have met with it. It is a southern insect and no doubt rarely occurs in this province. Papilio 1 trevicailda, Saunders. At present we have no local record of the capture of this sjjecies, but Rev. C. J. S. Bethune, in his li?t of the *' Butterflies of the Eastern Provinces of Canada," mentions it as having been t^iken in Dalhousie, N. B. When the insects of the northern .sections of New Brunswick ))econic lietter known, thi? butterfly will no doubt lie found among them. THB UUTTERFLIES OF NEW HKUNSWICK. ISl Papllio anterias, Fal>r. (PAI'IUO POLVXKNKS. ) This sjiecies is usually aliuiidant, hut duiiiif^ the past two years it lias been very rare in the vicinity of St. .lului. Not unrotnnion on the Belleisle and at Fredericton. Family lIESPERTDyE. Carterocephaliis inaiiclan, Kdw. This species is not uncoininoii in two or three localities near St. John, but it apj)ears to be extremely local in its habits frefpientiu}; woo