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THE AUTHORIZED CATALOGUE OF THS FIRST ANNUAL EXHIBITION OF XHB AGRICULTURAL AND INDUSTRIAL EXfflBITION ASSOCIATION OF TORONTO, HELD m THE NEW EXHIBITION TASK, . . nr THB CITY OF TORONTO. OPEN FROM SEPTEMBER ist TO SEPTEMBER 19th, 1879. ffiSCOOO IN PRIZES FOR LITE STOCK AND POULTRY, DAIRY, AGRICULTURAL AND HORTICUL- TURAL PRODUCTS, IMPLEMENTS, MACHINERY, MANUFACTURES, FINE ARTS, LADIES' WORK, &c. 4c COMPETITION OPEN TO ALL THE WORLD. PUBI.I8BBD BT COPP, CLARK A CO., 47 FRONT ST. EAST, TORONTO. 70:E& STJE»3D3EaiOiaiT-3r Thos. Dalies & Co's Lager Beer, Ales and Porter, BEATS 'BM ALL. I$1 IN THE CARPET DEPARTMENT WK HAVS A HAONIFIOXNT STOCK OF HEMP AND DUTCH CARPETS, ALSO, A LARQE STOCK OF * American Carpets, Table Oil doths, Floor Oil Cloths, QUILTS, CURTAINS, COVERS, DOOR MATS, HEARTH RUGS, &c. 8p( WearesI 8(j IN We show- Fingering IN ( We are sh large IN [ Wehav 21, 23, ! 30, 32, AUTHORIZED OATALOOUB. Co. John Maodoiudd ^ Co. OWN IN ICKINQS, TABLE WS, IE LOWEST sseh, Cloths, TOn-OISTT IN THE STUFF BOOM We show a special lot of 6,500 pieces of DRESS WINCEYS, the cheapest goods -/rv have ever offered. Also, 5,000 doz. of f and | Linrn Handkerchibts. ALSO, HAVE SPBCIAL STYLES COMnKED TO THE HOUSE IN ^nss §aads, gweei gffects, §»meh §m §hth DAMASSE CLOTHS. Tliree special lines in Canadian Shirts and Drawers. Black Lustres (Umcom Brand) confined to the house. Ladies' akd Gents' Scarfs, Tiep, &o. We are showing some special lines in BLACK AND COLORED CLOTH MANTLES, SQUABS: and long shawls, wool goods, and extra vali..! in BLACK AND COLORED SILKS AND SATINS. IN HABERDASHERY DEPARTMENT We show Buttons and Braids of all kinds, Elastic, Silk and Cotton Tapes, Pins, Needles, Knitting Cotton, Boot Laces, Spool and Crochet Cotton. IN THE WOOL DEPARTMENT. Fingering, Berlin and Fleecy Wool, Lady Betty and Merino Wools, also Wo0«a McGAW & WINNBTT. SEPTEMBER, 1879. ivl^ INTRODUCTION. r oflPers Public. i\& and and easant d and Day. ITT. -.•>•»' InduHtrial Exhibitions, tbe exponents of civilization, imhistry, social advance- ment and national prosjMjrity, have wielded their intluenoe for several contiirieK. Historians refer their origin to the days of Ahasuerus, when he exhibited *' th«f riches of his kingdom, an hundred and fourscore days." It is not necessary for us to trace the progress of exhibitions so far back, but it may l>e interesting to know that the Arst Industrial Exhibition, since the Christian era, was held in Venice in 1208. This was not merely of a local character, but included a di»s- play of articles illustrative of the industries of vaiious countries. During the same century International Fairs were instituted for the sale and exchange of goods ; some of these are continued to the pi*esent day. It is to Kngland and France that the world is most indebted for the inauguration of industrial competitive exhibitions. In the 17th century the Society of Arts in Ijondon and the Government of France, aided and sup{K)rted the advancement of exhibitions for arts and manufactures. Industrial Exhibitions are the means of creating a healthy stimuluii to industry and exciting emulation among our agriculturists and manufacturers. This is of importance to all countries, and esf>ecially so to a new country like Canada. W<> have an area of about 3,000,000 square miles of land, of which upward of 2,000,000 are agricultural and timbered lands, we have an abundance of valuable minerals, and our natural resources are not surpassed by any other country. Our wheat zone extends over 1,000,000 square miles, in addition we have abundant grazing pasture, extensive forests of timber, and lakes and rivers abounding witli fresh water fishes of every desci-iption. With the large tield of Grciit Britain as our export market for our food products we have immense mines of wealth in l»rospect. Our govejuiment and municipal laws all tend to the prosperity of o\ir country ; the enormous development of our educational system within the pa»st twenty years has fostered an interest in practical knowledge of vast importance to our advancement as a nation. Our daily and weekly paiiers team with infor- mation showing the recent improvements in agriculture, ai*ts and manufactures ; our Government fosters and encourages the formation of Provincial Fail's, Agi-i- cultural Societies, Mechanics' Institutes, and Dairymen's anm 16 to 32 feet wide; these are approached by eight sets of beautiful and wide staircases with oak steps and balustrades. This building is well ventilated, having over one hundred Patent Ventilators. 2. The Agricultural Hall has a very pleasing appearance; it is built of oma mented wood with ventilating cupolas, and is well fitted with all the necessary appliances offices, &c. It is 102 feet in length and 52 feet in width. ig represen- of Toronto, lie, 12 mom- tatives from icil, Ontario iral Society, Associatiou, Assooiation. the MillerM' )niary, 1879, ; First Vice- ie; Manager etary, H. J. g;ement wen-. Implements roducts, Fine 7 and Tools, iral History, arrangements two-tJliird8 of I the City and jns from pri- fficers of the of old build of last year, afforded in ley ; but it is iders in sup- ibits, and the |e deficiencie8 ;hem to over- |nd improved itended, viz. : purpose for of architec ke top of the of galleries le; tixesB are steps and Idred Patent luilt of oma le necessarv AUTIIOBIZEO CATALOOUB — IMTEODUCTIOK. 3. T/m Agricultural Implement Building is built in the form of a gi*088, having one section 332 feet and the other 188 feet long. The centre is fitted up with over 1,000 feet of line of Shafting, driven from eight different points, by poi-tablo steam engines, which will be used for working the machineiy exhibited. This is provided by the Association, enabling Exhibitors to exhibit their Implements and Machines in motion, at much less expense than if each exhibitor had to supply power and shafting for working their own exhibits. This will, no doubt, >)e one of the most interesting and important buildings on the ground. Our recent successful display of Agricultural Implements at Paris, and the develop- ment of the extensive export trade which has followed that exhibit, is a proof of the excellency, superiority and cheapness of our Agricultural Implements, and of a growing trade in this direction. 4. The Stables, Cattle Sheds, Sheep Pens.— There are 14 Stables ; 18 Cattle Sheds ; and several Sheep and Pig Pen builduigs, all neatly and tastefully dec<>- mt«d, and what is of more importance, amply provided with a supply of water fi-om our City water works. The importance of our Horse and Cattle Show has been taken into considera- tion by providing the most approved conveniences for them ; it being well known that the future wealth and prosperity of this country will be greatly enhanced by the breeding and raising of improved breeds of live stock. 5. The Poultry Building. — ^This is a neat building, also in the form of a cross, being 218 feet from east to west, and 85 feet from north to south. It is 28 feet wide, having an ample supply of water. G. Hatching House. — ^This building is fitted for hatching chickens by steam. The first eggs were placed in the apparatus on the 7th of August, so tJiat the first liatch will take place about the Ist Sept. Successive hatchings will take place daily during the Exhibition. An extra fee of 10 cents is charged to enter the building, in order to defray the great outlay in fitting up the steam apparatus, 'en by two lines of shafting, by a sixty-two horse power Corliss Engine on one dde of the building and a high pressure forty-horse power on the other side. S. Carriage House. — This is a neat building, 252 feet long and 42 feet high ; it is well adapted for the display of Carriages. 9. The Dairy. — The building is 66 feet square, and is amply provided with wliat is necessary to make a grand display of Butter and Cheese. This building is also supplied with water from the City water works. In addition to the buildings for exhibits every provision is made for the comfort of visitors, they consist of the following : 10. Public RestaurarU. — ^This building is 100 feet long by 38 feet highy with additional kitchen, store rooms, dec. The Hall has a seating capacity for 300 people. In addition there are refresh- ment booths in different parts of the ground. Visitors will be supplied with a good plain dinner for 25 cents. AUTHORIZED CATALOGUE— INTRODUCTIOK. 11. Office*, eopIe. It is a semi-circular building 300 feet long and 30 feet wide, tiiid is HO conHtnicted us to be used for holding meetings hy Societies and Dele- <(iitcs who may visit the Exhibition. On other occasions it will be free to the public. The Judge's Stand is in the centre of the Driving Ring. 13. Pioneers' Jfuts. — Two log huts have been erected by the Society of York Piunoers, which will have no modern improvements but be typical of olden times ill Caiiiula. One of them will have a main room, with sleeping apartments above, to which access is obtained by a ladder of rude construction. It is the intention of the York Pioneers to present an Address to the Oovernor- Ouiieral, and Her Royal Highness, the Princess Louise, in one of these buildings. The following extracts from the Rules and Regulations of the Association will be of interest to exhibitors and visitors. tiible Kvoi-y liiit. n( tittii, ADMISSION TO THE GROUNDS. The price of admission will be 25 cents each time of entering. The admission wiil be by means of registering turnstiles, and each person must be provided with the fM-oper change be/ore entering. Necessary attendants upon stock and machinery will be furnished with special patiBes on applying at the Secretary's office on the grounds. These passes will bear the name of the {person to whom it is issued, and if presented by any othci- jjerson will be forfeited. One Exhibitor's ticket, admitting an exhibitor only once egch day, and posi- tively not transferable, may be purchased by any individual exhibiting, and if a tirm by any one member thereof, at the office of the Association on the grounds, at the following i-ates, viz., for one week, $1 00; two weeks, $1 50 ; and for the whole exhibition, $2 00. Judges, special delegates from other Associations, and members of the press, will be furnished with badges. No other tickets whatever will be issued. The entry tickets upon animals or articles will admit the jierson biinging them to the Show Grounds for exhibition, along with such animals or articles, without the use of any other ticket. Afterwards, such parties must be provided with ]>roper passes, as above. DELIVERY OF ARTICLES, AND CHARGE OF SAME WHILE ON EXHIBITION. Exhibitors will, at all times, give the necessary personal attention to whatever they may have on exhibition, and at the close take entire charge of the same. Articles placed on exhibition must not be removed until the close, except by permission of the Board of Directors ; and except, also, in the dairy, fruit, vege- ammodatioii it Offices oil trill seat four 10 foet wide, m and Dele- I free to the oty of York : olden timeH nents above, \e Oovernor- se buildings. ociation will lie admission rovided with with special ! passes will )y any other ly, and posi- ing, and if u ;he grounds, and for the ^f the press, uied. inging them |les, without (vided with [ILE ON whatever ke same. |, except by Ifruit, vege- AUTHORIZCD CATALOOUK— INTRODUCTIOX. ttible and floral sections, where such removal is necemiary to a continuous dinplay. Kveiy facility will Ui affoiiloe subject to the penalty prescribed. FIRE AND POLICE PROTECTION. The most careful and thorough arrangements possible have been made to guard against fire ; and, with the precautions taken, it is believed the danger of such an occurrence is very remote, but exhibitoi-s desiring insurance must give the matter their personal attention. An ample police force, detailed for the purpose by the city, will be on duty night and day during the continuance of the Exhibition. A full corps of watch- men will also be present at all times ; but exhibitors are exjiected to exercise constant supervision over their articles on exhibition, as the Association will not be responsible for loss or damage by theft, fire, or otherwise. Small and valuable articles should be exhibited in show-cases, which may be securely locked when J Machinery, Railway Ap- 47 ork — Miscel- 50 s thereof, &c. 53 :hines 54 Hemp, and 54 55 r, &c 57 'runkmakcr's 57 'are, Brushes 58 ()i icrs' Work, ble, Pottery, 61 Paper, Pen- 62 •'harmaceuti- 6;, Instruments 64 Industries 64 Insects, (>4 mbroidery, f'5 tV'ax Work, wers, Knit- OS 70 7' 71 AUTHORIZED CATALOGUE OF THK FIRST a:jnual exhibition Oir THK AGRICULTURAL AND INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION ASSOCIATION OF TORONTO. AGEICULTUEALi DEPAETMENT. «*« The Figures bettveen partnthesia denote Numher n/ Entries. HOBSES. CLASS I— Thorough-bred Horaes Sec. 1 — Th&rougk-bred Stallions, 4 years old and upwards Anderson & McClelland, Hornby, Halton Nelson Grates, Highland Creek, York M. Burgess, WocSstock, Oxford Sec. 2 — Stalliom, 3 years old Michael Perdue, Campbell's Cross, Peel Sec. 8~Thorough-bred, 2 years old Filly James McFayden, Nobleton, York CLASS II— Roadster Horses, for driving or the saddle, 15^ hands and under Sec. 1— Stallion, 4 years old and upwards Wm. Meek, Langstaff, York Sec. 2— Stallion, 3 years old Michael Perdue, Campbell's Cross, Peel Sec. 3 — Stallion, 2 years old Jesse Devan, Sharon, York John Palmer, Richmond Hill, York Richard Graham, Claremout, Ontario Sec. 4 — Yearling Colts Thomas Hassard, Credit, Peel James B. Wilson, Oshawa, Ontario John McMurtry, Bowmanville, Durham Daniel Campbell, Bradford, Simcoe Sec. 5 — Stallions of any age Thomas Hassard, Credit, Peel Michael Perdue, Campbell's Crosa, Peel Wm. Meek, Langstaff, York Sec. 6 — Three year old Filly Abraham Hoover, Elia, York Fleming Bros., Elders' Mills, York Sec. 7 — Two year old Filly William Cooney, Clarke, Dnrham John F. Taylor, Toronto, York Wm. Christie, Toronto, York Sec. 9 — Brood Mare, toiih Foal by her side James B. Wilson, Oshawa, Ontario Thos. Taylor, jr., 30 West Market Street. Toronto, York John McMurtry, Bowmanville, Dnrham Sec. 10 — Pair Matched Norses {geldings or mares), in harness James Scanlan, Tottenham, Simcoe Edward H. Irving, Newmarket, York F. E. Moncreiff, Newmarket York Alexander McArthur, Kettleby, York W. D. Smith, jun. , St. Catharines, Lincoln Dr. Aikman, Burlington, Halton Sec. 11 — Sitigle Horse {gelding or mare), i harness W. B. Gower, Richview, York John Palmer, Richmond Hill, York Wm. Dunn Chafer, W^oodbridge, York Wm. Christie, Toronto, York Albert Farr, Yorkville, York John Mitchell, Toronto, York James Wayling, Sharon, York Andrew McFarren, Toronto, York AUTHORIZED CATALOGUE. I; I ELECTRIC BELT INSTITUTION SSTA.SZjiaXlSD 187-4. The snccf 88 that these Electric Applianee* have met wl'h during the last Ave years, and their standing no« ill the eHtimntiun of all wh» have uxud them, is sulfluient evideniiu of the ueiiuinencHS of the claim put forth for ttiem that they are a ureal ciirntive agents — one that stands iinequuUcd. They are a pleasant, safe, efllcieut ami liirable remeily which have no equal as a general tonic and streugtheiier of the nervous system, and a regulator of the circulation, so that jiersons who suffer from XteuBtttiun, Womb Diseases, Palsy, InmbiigD, CiOiistipation, Tumors, Debility, fixlUMUtion Neuralgia, Throat Diieuw Dyspepsia, Sciatica, Fain in the Back, Loss of Voice or Smell, Long Diseases, Loss of Sight or Hearing, Fever and Agne, Kidney Troubles, and Vital Loss from whatever cause, cannot find a better remedy. TESTIMONIALS : NonTH Ely, Eastern Townships, P.Q April 10, 1876. A. Norman, Esq., Deal Sir,— I have great pleasure in giving tetitiinouy to the elllciency of your (Mectric Belts. Bands, and Insoles, having been afflicted with Rheumatinni for tliirty years. When I purchased tlie Belts, eto., last summer, I could scarcely walk, but now I am well, although in my seventy- sixth year. Thomas Jameson, J. P. Mr. Norman, Torosto, April 6, 1876. Dear Sir,— For two years 1 had been suffering with severe pains in my back, which had always been weak. It got so bad at last I could scarcely get around. After I had been in extreme sulTering more tlian a week my husband got me one of your Back Belts and a pair of Insoles. I had no faith in them, but having got them I gave them a trial, and I must say they entirely removed the pain in a few days, and I am better than ever I was in my life. Mrs. a. Beddow, 861 Queen St W. Mr. Norman, Toronto, May 17, 1878. Dear Sir, - 1 feel it is my duty to exiiress my heartfelt gratitude for the great benefit I have received from the use of your Electric Belts. TWby have entirely re- moved the i>ain from my back and Hide. WiLUAM GiLLEY, 146 Centre St. Mr. Norman, Toronto, Oci 10, 1878. Dear Sir,— About three years ago I fell from a ladder about twelve feet across the banister of the stairs, and was taken up for dead, since which time I have suffered with severe pain in my back and side, and Rreat weakness, unfitting me for business, and got very little ease until I used one of your Eleoti'ic Belts and a pair of your Insolea, which have relieved me very much. John OvENa, 120 Yonge St. A. NORMAN, 4 Q7EEN STREET EAST, TORONTO. N.B.— Electric Baths, and Sulphur and Vaponr Batba on the pr«misea for Ladies and Gentlemen. S«o. llobet TION their atandmg non iilaini put forth for ., safe, (!lficiciit and era, and a reguUUir I that jierRons who bmb Diseases, , Constipation, f, £ilia«8tion, oat INiMiw, ca, Fain in the )ice or Smell, 088 of Sight or ' and Agne, and Vital Loss sanse, cannot 9dy. [ALS: ti Townships, P.Q 1 10, 1870. great pleasure in efliciency of your nd Insoles, having iniatisni for thirty d tlieDtlls. eto.. larcely walk, liiit in my seventy- is Jamrson, J.P. no, April 6, 1876. years 1 had been .ins in my back, weak. It got so cely get around. TIC suffering more 1 got me one of lir of Insoles. I having got them \ must say they In in a few days, I was in my life. 161 Queen 8t W. 0, May 17, 1878. duty to express the great benefit le use of your ve entirely re- tack and side. , 145 Centre St. 1, Oct 10, 1878. years ago I fell ! feet across the vas taken up for ve suffered with side, and great T business, and isedoneof your f your Insoles, •y much. 26 Yonge St. LONTO, llemen. ClAflSeS III * IV. AUTHOmZED CATALOGUR. CLASS III — Carriage Horses, animals three vears old and upwards, to be over 16 hands Sec. 1 — Stallwtu, 4 yeara old and upwards James Drinkwater, Alloa, Peel J. 8. Binkley, Dundas, N. Wentworth Charles Webster, Thomliill, York Thomas Arkell, Arkell, Wellington John Line, Maple, York Sec. 2— Stallion, 3 years old and upwards R. C. Fairman, Cannifton, Hastings Sec. 3 — Stallions, 2 years old Robert Steel, Creemore, Simcoe T. Bellamy, Wesleyville, Durham S. J. McDougall, Smithville, Lincoln Sec. 4 — Yearling Colts Daniel Campbell, Bradford, Simcoe Fleming Bros., Elders' Mills, York George ] Samuel Sec. 5—D George ' Sec. 6-D George Sec. 7—2) George Samuel Sec. 8—23 NS. ; Peoria, HI. ; TORONTO £ IDALS. rsLic. nrability. CRIPTION. ITDORS Blue, USE. ( Musses ix-xii. AUTHOBIZED CATALOGUE. 11 CLASS IX-Herefor(U Sue. \— Hereford Bull 3 years old and up- wards. Fred. W. Stone, Guelph, Wellington (2) (;c. 2 — Herejord Bull 2 years old, Fred. W. Stone, Ouelph, Wellington Sec. 3 — Hereford Bull 1 year old Fred. W. Stone, Gnelph, Welliugtou (2) Sec. 4— Hertford Bull Ca\f (under 1 year) C. C. Bridget, Shanty Bay, Simcoe (2) F. W. Stone, Ouelph, Wellington (2) Sec. b— Hereford Bull of any age F. W. Stone, Ouelph, Wellington (2) Sec. 6 — Hereford Cow (J. C. Bridges, Shanty Bay, Simcoe Fred. W. Stone, Guelph, Wellington (2) Soc. 7 — Cow 3 years old Fred. W. Stone, Ouelph, Wellington (2) Sec. 8 — Hereford He^er, two years old Fre Sec. 6 — Bull any age, Henry Devlin, Guelph, Wellington Wm. McCrae, Gnelph, Wellington Sec. 6— Cow Henry Devlin, Guelph, Wellington William McCrae, Guelph, WeUington (3) Sec. 7 — Cow, 3 years old Henry Devlin, Guelph, Wellington (2) Wm. McCrae, Guelph, Wellington (2) IS AUTHORIZED OATALOOUB. Established 1836. Established 1836. S.K WARREN & SON, TORONTO, OlSTT. BUILDERS OF ALL THE LARGEST ORGANS IN TH] DOMINION, AND NEARLY ALL THE OTHERS. THEIK PREMISES ON THE CORNER OF ONTARIO AND WELLESLE7 STS. are the moat complete and commodious on the Continnnt. Aixd they have every facility for the production of the highest attainable ordei of excellence, vrhich they guarantee. TERMS AS FAVORABLE AS CAN BE OBTAINED ANYWHERE. anc Visitors to tlie Exhibition are cordially invited to call see their Establishment, while in the City. ^^ Take the SHERBOURNE STREET CAR, with Bed Flag, to comer of Wellealej Street, to reach our Warerooms. !!kmes ec. 6-Ht Henry I Thomaa iec. 9— Hi Wm. M< ^ec. 10— A Wm. M< CI ^ec. 1 — Or V. Murd H.J. Lc Sec. 2— Co J. &K. Sec. S—He Francis J. &K. ] H. J. Le Sec. 4 — He F. Murd( c. 6 — He Francis It Sec. 6— Fit prop* Francis !N CLASS 5ec. 1 — Pax George M John Rusi 5ec. 2— Fat George M John Rus ^ec. Z—Fat George M John Ru8 ■*ec. 4 — Fat (leo. Moo SHi CL 5efi. 1 — Rat Wm. Tho Geo. Bell, George Li ec. 2 — Shei Geo, Bell, ec. 3 — Coti Thomas 1 William I William 1 [Classes xv-xviii. AUTHORIZED OATALOOUK. 13 bed 1836. I IN TH] PEERS. YSTS. t. binable ordei ERE. anc call iy- of Welle»lej ic. 8—He\fer, 9 yeart old Henry Devlin, Ouelph, Wellin^n (2) Thomaii MoCrae, Ouelph, Wellington leo. 9 — Heifer, 1 year old Wm. MoCne, Ouelph, Wellington (2) Bee. 10 — Heifer Ca{f, under 1 year old Wm. MoCrae, Ouelph, Wellington (2) GLASS XV— Orade CaUle eo, 1 — Orade Cow F. Murdoch, Ponaonby, Wellington (2) H. J. Leuty, Bumiiamthorpe, Peel lec. 2 — Cow, 3 years old J. & K. McQueen, Salem, Wellington lec. 3 — Hexftr, 2 years old Francis Murdoch, Ponsonby, Wellington J. & K. McQueen, Salem, Wellington H. J. Lenty, Bumhamthorpe, Peel ec. 4 — Heifer, 1 year old F. Murdoch, Ponaonby, Wellington (2) c. 5 — Heifer Calf, under 1 year Francis Murdoch, Ponsonby, Wellington ec. 6 — Five females (oivr 1 year old) the property of the Exhibitor Francis Murdoch, Ponsonby, Wellington CLASS XVI— Fat Cattle— any breed 5ec. 1 — Pair of fat CattU of any age (reorge Moore, Waterloo, Waterloo (2) John Russell, Brougham, Ontario ec. 2 —Fat Ox or Steer, 4 years old and over George Moore, Waterloo, Waterloo (2) John Russell, Brougham, Ontario tec. 3 — Fat Steer, under 4 years old George Moore, Waterloo, Waterloo (2) ■John Russell, Brougham, Ontario tec. 4 — Fat Cow or Heifer, under 4 years old Geo. Moore, Waterloo, Waterloo SHEEP— Long WooUed. CLASS XVII— Cotswolds 3eo. 1 — Bam, 2 shears and over Wm. Thompson, Uxbridgo, Ontario Geo. Bell, Richmond HiU, York George Lawson, Victoria, York Sec. 2 — Shearling Ram Geo. Bell, Richmond Hill, York (3) ec. 3 — Cotswold Bam Lamb Thomas Teasdale, Concord, York (4) William Bowes, Concord, York (4) William Thompson, Uxbridge, Ontario See. 6 — Two Shoe Lambs Thomas Teasdale, Concord, York (4) i William Bowes, Concord, York (2) CLASS XVIII— Leicesten Sec. 1 — Ram, two shears and over John Kelly, jr., Shakespeare, Perth, N Humphrey Snell & Son, Clinton, Huron James T. Burns, King, York C. S. Smith, Acton, Halton W. Somers, St. Maiy's, Perth (2) William Whitelaw, Gnelph, Wellington Albert Tamblyn, Orono, Durham Thomas Cameron, Acton, Halton Sec. 2 — Shearling Ram J. Kelly, jr., Shakespeare, Perth, N (2) George Bell, Richmond Hill, York (2) James T. Bums, King, York C. S. Smith, Acton, Halton (3) WiUiam Somers, St. Mary's, Perth (3) William Whitelaw, Guelph, WelUngton Albert Tamblyn, Orouo, Durham Thomas Cameron, Acton, Halton Sec. 3 — Bam Lamb J. Kelly, jr., Shakespeare, Perth, N (2) James T. Bums, King, York C. S. Smith, Acton, Halton (3) William Somers, St. Mary's, Perth (2) Wm. Whitelaw. Guelph, Wellington (2) Albert Tamblyn, Orono, Durham (2) Thomas Cameron, Acton, Halton Sec. 4 — Thoo Ewes, two shears and over J. Kelly, jr., Shakespeare, Perth, N (2) C. S. Smith, Acton, Halton William Somers, St. Mary's, Perth (2) Wm. Whitelaw, Guelph, Wellington (2) Thomas Cameron, Acton, Halton Sec. 5 — Two Shearling Ewes J. Kelly, jr., Shakespeare, Perth, N (2) C. S, Snuth, Acton, Halton William Somers, St. Mary's, Perth (2) William Whitelaw, Guelph, Wellington Albert Tamblyn, Oiono, Durham Thomas Cameron, Acton, Halton Sec. 6 — Two Ewe Lavibs. John Kelly, jr., Shakespeare, Perth, N C. S. Smith, Acton, Halton William Somers, St. Mary's, Perth William Whitelaw, Guelph, Wellington Albert Tamblyn, Orono, Durham (2) Thomas Cameron, Acton, Halton Sec. 7 — One Ram, two Ewes 2 shears and over, two Shearling Ewes and two Ewe Lambs. John Kelly, jr. , Shakespeare, Perth, N C. S. Smith, Acton, Halton William Somers, St. Mary's, Perth William Whitelaw, Guelph, Wellington Thomas Cameron, Acton, Halton I f ■ u AUTHORIKRD CATALOOUI. MtehiT Lnroe/EiM. PATENTED IN CANADA. JULY IOtii, 1879. WONDERFUL SAVING OF TIME, LABOUR AND MONEY. A New, Simple, Ferfeot and Wonderful Method of Prodvcino over Pirrv Copies of any Writing, Ducumenta, Plana, &o., from Oni WKrriNO. No Preaa, Roller, Pad or Prepared Paper required. This apparatus ia so aimple a child can operate it. It coosiata of an Impreaaion Tablet, a Bottle of Prepared Ink, and a Sponge. TEN IMPRESSIONS PER MINUTE! An invaluable Artule to Official Assignees, Lawyers, Architeets, Surveyors, Bankers, Merchants, Tradesmen, Schools and others. Com/let* with One Bottle of Ink— Violet, Red or Blue, No. 1 -Postal Card Size — 6X X 4V - No. !8- Note Paper " — 10 X 6'< No. 3-Letter Paper " — 1«^ X 10 - No. 4-Foolscap, Legal ** — 14>^ X 10 $« 50 5 00 T 00 O 00 S.B.— Beware o/any S^Mriou* Imitation. Any in/riHgemtHt on this Patent will i* vigorously protecuted. HABT & BAWLINSON, Agents, 6 King St. West, TORONTO. PROFESSOR VBRNOY'S lIledra-^herH^enik |Miinifan, 197 JABVIS ST., TORONTO, ONT. Has the latest Scientific Mode of utilizing ELECTRICITY, with the most elaborate and finely constructed Batteries ever used in Canada, with newly invented appliances ; a groat improvement upon anything of the kind in the Markets for treating Uterine Diseases especially. Also, other Improved Apparatus for treating Seminal Weakness and that class of Diseases, from various causes. Chronic, and the class of Diseases not cured with other kinds of treatment, or with Electricity as many attempt to use it. Over ten year's experience with Electricity, treating patients considered incurable, fi-om various parts of the continent, according to this new Theory and System of Electro-Therapeutics which has done so muoh for su£fering humanity, as the hundredH that have been cured by us in Toronto have testified, is the best evidence in favour of this Institution. Consultation Free. Reference And Circulars free. Patients can have treatment at home if desired. Dr. Oliver, M.C.P.S., is one of the Consulting Physicians. Address -PROF. VERNOY, 197 Jarvis St., Toronto, Ont. Clasiies CI Sec. \—R C. S. 8i Andrev Albert' Thomas i: ONEY. fTY O0PIE8 of loUer, Pad ur ige. I rs. Merchants, - $« SO 5 00 T 00 O 00 aly pvostcuttd. OBONTO. s tii0nt T. >st elaboratu appliances ; ting Uterine al Weakness of Diseases ipt to use it. d incurable, 1 System of le hundreds in favour of fatienta can ito, Ont ClasMS xix-xxiii. ADTnORIZBD CATALOOUB. 1» CLASS XIX— linooln ShMp Soc. 1 — Ram, two §hearB and over C. 8. Smith, Aoton, Halton Andrew Murray, ClanbraMil, Haldimand Albert Tamblyn, Orono, Dnrham Thomaa Cameron, Aoton, Halton Sec 2— Shearling Ram C. 8. Smith, Acton, Halton A. Murray, CUnbnuHil, Haldimand (3) Wm. Somen, St. Mary's, Perth Thomaa Cameron, Aoton, Halton (2) Sec 3 — Ram Lamb C. 8. Smith, Aoton, Halton A. Mum^y, Cl-nbraaail, Haldimand (2) Wm. Somen, St. Mary's, Perth „ Thomas Cameron, Acton, Halton Sec. 4 — Two Ewu, 2 aheara and over ('. >S. Smith, Acton, Halton Andrew Murray, Clanbrassil, Haldimand Wm. Somen, St. Mary's, Perth Thomas Cameron, Aoton, Halton Sec. 6 — Thoo Shearling Ewea. 0. 8. Smith, Acton, Halton Andrew Murray, Clanbrassil, Haldimand Wm. Somen, St. Mary's, Perth Thomas Cameron, Acton, Halton Soc. 6— Two Ewe Lamba C. 8. Smith, Aoton, Halton Andrew Murray, Clanbrassil, Haldimand Wm. Somen, St. Mary's, Perth Thomas Cameron, Acton, Halton Sec. 7 — Pen: One Ram, two Ekoen, 2 aheara and over, two Shearliny Evaea and two Ewe Lamba. C. S. Smith, Acton, Halton. Andrew Murray, Clanbrassil, Haldimand Wm. Somen, St. Mary's, Perth Thomas Cameron, Acton, Halton SHEEP— Medium WooUed. CLASS XX— Southdowns Sec. 1—Ram, 2 aheara and over T. C. Douglas, Gait, Waterloo (2) Robert Marsh, Richmond Hill, York (2) Daniel Perley, Paris, Brant (2) Sec. 2 — Shearling Ram T. C. Douglas, Gait, Waterloo Simeon Lemon, Kettleby, York Robert Marsh, Richmond Hill, York (2) Daniel Perley, Paris, Brant (2) Sec. 3 — Ram Lamb T. C. Douglas, Oalt, Waterloo Simeon Lemon, Kettleby, York Robert Manh, Richmond Hill, York (3) Daniel Perley, Paris, Brant (3) Sflo. i~Two Ewet, 2 aheara and over T. C. Douglas. Oalt, Waterloo Simeon Lemon, Kettleby, York Itobert Manh, Riohmond Hill. York (2) Daniel Perley, Paris, Brant (2) Seo. b—Two Shearling Ewes T. C. Douglas, Gait, Waterloo Simeon liTmon, Kettleby, York Robert Manh, Riohmond Hill. York (2) Daniel Perley, Paris, Brant (2) Sec. 6— Two Ewe Lamba T. C. DougUa, Gait, Waterloo Simeon Lemon, Kettleby, York Robert Manh, Richmond Hill, York (2) Daniel Perley, Paris, Brant (2) Seo. 7 — Pen of Southdowna—l Ram, 2 Ewen, 2 aheara ami over, 2 Shearling Ewe.*, and 2 Ewe Lamba T. C. Douglas, Gait. Waterloo Simeon Lemon, Kettleby Robert Manh, Richmond Hill, York Daniel Perley, Paris, Brant CLASS XXII-Fat Sheep Sec. 1 — Two Fat Wtthera, 2 aheara and over J. Allen Denoon, Islington, York (2) William Whitelaw, Guelph, Wellington Sec. 2— Two Fat Wether a, under 2 aheara J. Allen Denoon, Islington. York (2) William Whitelaw. Guelph, Wellington Sec. 3 — Two Fat Ewea, 2 aheara and over John Kelly, jr., Shakespeare, Perth, N J. Allen Denoo;n, Islington. York Sijneon Lemon, Kettleby, York C. 8. Smith, Acton, Halton William Somen, St. Mary's, Perth William Whitelaw, Guelph, Wellington Pias— Small Breeds- CLASS XXIII— Improved Berkshires Sec. 1 — Boar, over 2 yeara George Lawson, Victoria Square, York Robert Manh, Richmond Hill, York Sec. 2 — Boar, over 1 year and under 2 yearx A. A. McArthur, Lobo, Middlesex Sec. 3 — Boar, over 6 and under 12 montha John Thatoher, Guelph, Wellington A. A. McArthur, Lobo, Middlesex (2) J. & R. Leslie, Hornby, Halton Sec. 4 — Boar, under 6 montha Jos. French. Yorkville, York A. A. McArthur, Lobo. Middlesex Sec. 5 — Sow, over 2 yeara Jos. French, Yorkville, York John Hewer, Guelph, Wellington George Lawson, Victoria Square, York 16 AUTHORIZED CATALOGUK. Classes xxiv-xxvii. Sec. 6— Sow, over 1 year and under 2 yean Jos. French, Yorkville, York John Hewer, Guelph, Wellington A. A. McArthur, Lobo, MidoUeaex See. 7 — Sow, over 6 and under 12 months Jos. French, Yorkville, York (3) John Hewer, Guelph, Wellington A. A. McArthur, Lobo, Middlesex (2) Georf;e Lawson, Victoria Square, York Sec. 8 — Sow, under 6 months Jos. French, Yorkville, York John Hewer, Guelph, Wellington A. A. McArthur, Lobo, Middlesex Sec. 9— Sweepstakes Prize for best improved Berkshire Boar and Sows of any age A. A, McArthur, Lobo, Middlesex CLASS XXIV— Suffolks Sec. 1 — Boar, oi>er 2 years Thomas Teasdale, Concord, York James Main, boyne, Halkon Sec. 3 — Bo .r, over 6 and under 12 months Samuel Wood & Son, Islington, York James Main, Boyne, Haltou J. & R. Leslie, Hornby, Halton (2) Sec. 4 — Boar, under 6 montlis James Main, Boyne, Halton J. & R. Leslie, Hornby, Halton Sec. 6 — Sow, over 1 year and under 2 years James Main, Boyne, Halton Sec. 7 — Sow, over 6 and under 12 months Simeon Lemon, Kettleby, York Samuel Wood & Son, Islington, York John Shuttleworth, Weston, York James Main, Boyne, Halton (2) J. & R. Leslie, Hornby, Halton Sec. 8 — Sow, under 6 months James Main, Boyne, Halton J. & R, LesUe, Hornby, Halton CLASS XXV— Ejsex Pigs Sec. i — Boar, over two years John Hewer, Guelph, Wellington Sec. 2 — Boar, over 1 and under 2 years John Hewer, Guelph, Wellington FIGS— Large Breed. CLASS XXVI— Yorkshire and other large breeds Sec. 1 — Large Breed Boar, over 2 years J. & R. Leslie, Hornby, Halton Henry Hulse, Newmarket, York James Ford, Drumquin, Halton Sec. 2 — Large D^e'd Boar, over 1 year and under 2 yean. J. ft B. Leslie, Hornby, Halton (2) Sec. 3 — Large Breed Boar, over 6 and under 12 months J. & R. Leslie, Hornby, Halton James Ford, Drumquin, Halton Sec. 4 — Boar, under 6 months John Hewer, Guelph, Wellington J. & R. Leslie, Hornby, Halton James Ford, Drumquin, Halton (2) Sec. 5 — Sow, over 2 years John Hewer, Guelph, Wellington «t & R' Leslie, Hornby, Halton Sec. 6 — Large Breed Sow, over 1 and under 2 years J. & R. Leslie, Hornby, Halton James Ford, Drumquin, Halton Sec. 7 — Large Breed Sow, over 6 and under 12 montfis James Ford, Drumquin, Halton (2) Sec. 8 — Sow, under 6 montlis John Hewer, Guelph, Wellington (2) J. & R. Leslie, Hornby, Halton (2) James Ford, Drumquin, Halton (2) POULTBY-Powls. CLASS XXVII. Sec. 1 — Pair Brahmas, dark D. Ferguson, Goderich. Huron J. Peart, Freeman, Halton W. & A. Wright, Richmond Hill, York Sec. 2 — Pair Brahmas, light D. Ferguson, Goderich, Huron Isaac West, Brampton, Peel (2) W. & A. Wright, Richmond Hill, York Sec. 3 — Pair Cochins, buff D. Ferguson, Goderich, Huron Sec. 4 — Pair Cochins, partridge D. Ferguson, Goderich, Huron J. Peart, Freeman, Halton W. &A. Wright, Richmond HiU, York Sec. 5 — Pair Cochins, white D. Ferguson, Goderich, Huron Sec. 8 — Pair Dorkings, colored W. &A. Wright, Richmond HiU, York Sec. 10 -Pair Dorkings, white W. M. Smith, Fairfield Plains, Brant Sec. 1.3 — Pair Plymouth Bocks W. & A. Wright, Richmond Hill, York XXIV-XXVII. •r 1 year and ton (2) T 6 and under [ton iton Dgton [ton [ton (2) igton [too 1 and under 2 Iton Iton r 6 and under Iton (2) ngton (2) Iton (2) Iton (2) wis. :on HiU, York •on (2) Hill, York •on e •on Hill, York ■on Hill, York as. Brant Hill, York Class XXVIII. AUTHORIZED CATALOOUK, IT Sec. 14 — Pair American Dominiquts W. M. Smith, Fairfield Plains, Brant (2) Sec. 15 — Pair Oame, black-red J. Peart, Freeman, Halton J. 0. Stirling, Toronto, York Daniel Perley, Paris, Brant M. Burgess, Woodstock, Oxford Sec. 17 — Pair Oame, yellow iuckwing Daniel Perley, Paris, Brant Sec. 20 — Pair Oame, any other variety J. Peart, Freeman, Halton Sec. 21 — Pair Hamburgs, black W. M. Smith, Fairfield Plains, Brant G. Murchison, Toronto, York Sec. 22 — Pair Hamburgs, golden pencilled W. M. Smith, Fairfield Plains, Brant Sec. 23 — Pair Hamburgs, silver J. W. Scales, Toronto, York W. M. Smith, Fairfield Plains, Brant Sec. 24 — Pair Hamburgs, golden spangled Charles Dawson, Brampton, Peel Sec. 25 — Pair Hamburgs, silver Charles Dawson, Brampton, Peel C. H. Hall, King, York Sec. 26— Poir Leghorns, white W. M. Smith, Fairfield Plains, Brant W. Stahlschmidt, Preston, Waterloo. C. H. Hall, King, York Sec. 27 — Pair Leghorns, black W. M. Smith, Fairfield Plains, Brant (2) Sec. 28 — Pair Leghorns, brown F. J. Bishop, Brantford, Brant W. M. Smith, Fairfield Plains, Brant W. Stahlschmidt, Preston, Waterloo Sec. 29 — Pair Spanish, while face, black Jos. Johnstone, Yorkville, York J. T. Stirling, Toronto, York Sec. 30 — Pair Poland, white, crested black W. M. Smith, Fairfield Plains, Brant Sec. 32 — Pair Polands, golden H. H. Simpson, 300 Ontario st., Toronto, York W. & A. Wright, Richmond Hill, York Sec. 33 — Pair French, any variety W, M. Smith, Fairfield Plains, Brant W. A. A. Wright, Richmond Hill, York Sec. 34 — fair Bantams, black- red, game F. Schaeffer, Toronto, York Albert JolUffe, London, Middlesex Sec. 35 — Pair Bardams, brown red F. J. Bishop, Brantford, Brant W. M, Smith, Fairfield Plains, Brant Albert JolHffe, London, Middlesex 2 See. 37 — Pair Bantams, silver diickwinged , game W. M. Smith, Fairfield Plains, Brant Albert Jolliife, London, Middlesex Sec. 38 — Pair Bantams, pile game Albert Jolliffe, London, Middlesex Sec. 39 — Pair Bantams, any other variety, game F. Schaeflfer, Toronto, York Sec. ^—Extras Jaa. Dilworth, Toronto, York 1 Pair Andalusians CLASS XXVIII-Chickens Sec. 1 — Pair Brahmas, dark D. Ferguson, Goderich, Huron W. & A. Wright, Richmond Hill, York Sec. 2 — Pair Brahmas, light D. Ferguson, Goderich, Huron Isaac West, Brampton, Peel Sec. 10 — Pair Dorkings, white W. M. Smith, Fairfield Plains, Brant ^ Sec. 13 — Pair Plymouth Rocks W. & A. Wright, Richmond Hill, York J. H. Rowe, King, York C. H. Hall, King, York Sec. 15 — Pair Oame, black-red Daniel Perley, Paria^ Brant Sec. 17 — Pair Oame, yellow duckwing Daniel Perley, Paris, Brant Sec. 21 — Pair Hamburgs, Block. W. & A. Wright, Richmond Hill, York W, M. Smith, Fairfield Plains, Brant G. Murchison, Toronto, York (2) Sec. 22 — Pair Hamburgs, golden pencilled W. M. Smith, Fairfield Plains, Brant Sec. 23 — Pair Hamhurga, silver pencilled W. M. Smith, Fairfield Plains, Brant J. W. Scales, Toronto, York Charles Dawson, Brampton, Peel (2) Sec. 26 — Pair Leghorns, white H. H. Dewart, 300 Ontario st., Toront<\ York William Stahlschmidt, Preston, Waterloo Joseph Dilworth, Toronto, York Sec. 27 — Pair Leghorns, black W. M. Smith, Fairfield Plains, Brant Sec. 28— Pair Leghorns, brnim F. J. Bishop, Brantford, Brant H. H. Simpson, 300 Ontario at., Toroatf»> York William Stahlschmidt, Preston, Waterloo 0. H. Hall, King, York 18 AUTHOHIZED CATALOGUE. Classes xxix-xxxir- 1! Sec. 30 — Pair Polands, white created, black W. M. Smith, Fairfield Plains, Brant Sec. 32 — Pair Polands, golden H. H. Simpson, 300 Ontario st. , Toronto, York W. & A. Wright, Richmond Hill, York Sec. 33 - Pair French, any variety C. H. HaU, King, York Sec. 34 — Pair Bantams, game, black-red J. T. Stirling, Toronto, York George Simpson, Toronto, York Sec. 35 — Pair Bantams, game, brown red Albert JollifFe, London, Middlesex F. J. Bishop, Brantford, Brant Sec. 37 — Pair Bantams, game, silver duckwing Albert Jolliffe, London, Middlesex Sec. 42 — Pair Bantams, silver Sebright D. Ferguson, Goderich, Huron W. & A. Wright, Richmond Hill, York Sec. 45 — Any other variety Chickens, not 9 named C. H. Shutt, YorkvUle, York CLASS XXIX— Turkeys, Geese and Ducks Sec. 1 — Pair Turkeys, bronze W. M. Smith, Fairfield Plains, Brant Sec. 2 — Pair Turkeys, white or black. W. M. Smith, Fairfield Plains, Brant Sec. 4 — Pair Turkeys, wild W. M. Smith, Fairfield Plains, Brant Sec. 6 — Pair Qeem, Toulouse W. M. Smith, Fairfield Plains, Brant Sec 7 — Pair Geese, white China W. M. Smith, Fairfield Plains, Brant (2) A. M. Crerar, Shakespeare, Perth (2) Sec. 8 — Pair Oeese, brown China Abraham Hoover, Elia, York James Hewar, Guelph, Wellington Sec. 9 — Pair Oeese, wild W. M. Smith, Fairfield Plains, Brant Sec. 10 — Pair Oeese, African W. M. Smith, Fairfield Plains, Brant Sec. 15 — Pair Ducks, Aylesbury W. M. Smith, Fairfield Plains, Brant Sec. 16— Pair Ducks, Cayuga W. M. Smith, Fairfield Plains, Brant (2) Sec. 18— Pair D'Mks, Muscovy W. M. Smith, Fairfield Plains, Brant (2) CLASS XXX— Ornamental Sec. 1 — Pair Guinea Fowl W. M. Smith, Fairfield Plains, Brant Sec. 16 — Common Pea Fowl B. W. Clark, Downaview, York Sec. 21— Pair White Rats Bery Smith, 12 Morrison Street, Toronto, York Sec. 27 — Pair Red Squirrels J. Peart, Freeman, Halton Sec. 31 — Pair Rabbits, Angola W. G. Lyon, Toronto, York Sec. 30 — Pair Rabbits, lop-ear William Weatherley, jun. , Toronto, York CLASS XXXI— Pigeons Sec. 16 — Pair Fantail, any color John Marshall, Markham, York Sec. 19 — Pair Jacobins, any color John MarshaU, Markham, York Doas. CLASS XXXIV— Fancy and Hunting Dogs Sec. 3 — Black and Tan John Marshall, Markham, York (3) Sec. 4 — Bull Terrier John Marshall, Markham, York James Bromley, Toronto, York Sec. 5 — Coach J. A. Donaldson, 110 Dundas Street, Toronto, York Edward Hynes, Toronto, York Sec. 6 — Fox Hound Wm. Hewett, Esq., Toronto, York W. T. Taylor, Doncaster, York (2) Sec. 1—Oreyhound M. Langmuir, Toronto, York E. W. D. Butler, Toronto, York Fred. H. Evans, Toronto, York Wilkin B. Butler, Toronto, York (2) Sec. ^—Newfoundland Alexander Levack, Toronto, York Sec. \Q—Skye Terrier John Wilkie, Toronto, York Sec. 12— Pointer Jas. McCurry, Toronto, York Sec. 15— Shepherd Wm. Morsepool, Newcastle, Durham Andrew McOreight, Markham, York XXIX-XXXIY- aental ina, Brant treet, Toronto, Toronto, York jeons >lor fork wlor York I Hunting Dogs York (3) York rork hindas Street, ork io, York ^ork (2) rk York I'ork York (2) , York rk , Durham am, York Classes xxxv * xxxvi. AUTHORIZED CATALOOUK. 19 Sec. 17 — Spaniel A. E. Randle, Toronto, York James Mills, Renfrew, Renfrew George Sanderson, Bk. B. N. A., Toronto, York Sec. 19— Extras G. C. Skilton, Toronto, York Brown Terrier CATS- CLASS XXXV Sec. I— Black Cai John Marshall, Markham, York Sec. 5 — Largest Cat of any colour John Marshall, Markham, York (2) AGEICULTUBAL IMPIiE- MENTS. CLASS XXXVI Sec. 1 — Orain Drill J. 0. Wisner & Son, Brantford, Brant John Watson, Ayf , Waterloo Thompson & WilUams Mfg. Co., Stratford, Perth Patterson & Bro., Patterson, York Noxon Bros. Mfg. Co., Ingersoll, Oxford Sec. 2 — Seed Drills, for sowing two or more drills of Turnips, Mangles, or other Seeds John Watson, Ajrr, Waterloo Charles Thain, Guelph, Wellington L. Oossitt k Son, Gaelph, Wellington Sec. 3 — Broad Cast Orain and Seed Sower J. 0. Wisner & Son, Brantford, Brant Thompson &; Williams Mfg. Co., Stratford, Perth Noxon Bros. Mfg. Co., Ingersoll, Oxford J. W. Maun, per W. Rennie, Toronto, York Sec. 4 — Mowing Machines J. Harris, Son & Co., Brantford, Brant (2) J. Flewry, Aurora, York Crawford & Co. , London, Middlesex Green Bros., Waterford, Norfolk John Watson, Ajrr, Waterloo (2) Massey Mfg. Co., Newcastle, Durham (2) W. A. Lawrence k Co., Palermo, Halton L. D. Sawyer & Co., Hanoilton, Wentworth Haggert Bros., Brampton, Peel John Whitefield, Toronto, York (3) Jos. Brother, Milton, Halton B. BeU & Sons, St. George, Brant Thompson & Williams Mfg. Co., Stratford, Perth (2) Patterson & Bro., Patterson, York (2) Toronto Reaper and Mower Co., Toronto, York (2) Noxon Bros. Mfg. Co., Ingersoll, Oxford David Maxwell, Paris, Brant John Elliott & Son, London, Middlesex (2) Gumey, Russell & Co., Dundaa, Went- worth Sec. 5 — Reaping Machines A. Harris, Son k Co. , Brantford, Brant (4) J. Flewiy, Aurora, York Crawford k Co., London, Middlesex Green Bros., Waterford Norfolk. John Watson. Ayr, Waterloo (2) Massey Mfg. Co., Newcastle, Durham (2) W. A. Lawrence k Co., Palermo, Halton L. D. Sawyer k Co., Hamilton, Wentworth John Abell, Woodbridge, York Haggert Bros., Brampton, Peel Jos. Brother, Milton, Halton B. Bell k Sons, St. Gteorge, Brant L. Cossitt k Son, Guelph, Wellington PatUsrson k Bro. , Patterson, York (2) Toronto Reaper tmd Mower Co., Toronto, York (3) Noxon Bros. Mfg. Co., Ingersoll, Oxford David Maxwell, Paris, Brant (2) Thompson k Williams Mfg. Co., Stratford, Perth (2) a Hill Bros., St. Catharines, Lincoln Gumey, Russell & Co., Dundas, Went- worth Sec. 6 — Combined Mower and Reaper A. Harris, Son k Co., Brantford, Brant J. Flewiy, Aurora, York Crawford k Co., London, Middlesex Massey Mfg. Co. , Newcastle, Durham John Elliott k Son, London, Middlesex Noxon Bros. Mfg. Co., Ingersoll, Oxford Thompson k WiUiams Mfg. Co., Stratford, Perth (2) Sec. 7 — Self -Binding Reaper A. Harris, Son k Co., Brantford, Brant Massey Mfg. Co. , Newcastle, Durham Toronto Reaper and Mower Co., Toronto, York Sec. 8 — Horse-power Thresher and Separator John Watson, Ayr, Waterloo L. D. Sawyer k (Jo., Hamilton, Wentworth John Abell, Woodbridge, York. Haggert Bros., Brampton, Peel JosTBrother, Milton, Halton Boyd & Co., per W. Rennie, Toronto, York Sec. 9 — Steam Thresher and Separator L. D. Sawyer k Co., Hamilton, Wentworth John Abell, Woodbridge, York Haggert Bros., Brampton, Peel John Abell, Woodbridge, York MacPherson, Glascow £ Co., Fingal, Elgin Sec. 11 — Clover Cleaning Machine L. D. Sawyer & Co., Hamilton, Wentworth John 'Abell, Woodbridge, York 20 AUTHORIZED OATALOGUB. Class XXXVII. Sec. 12— Hay Tedder J. W. Elliott, 43 King St. West, Toronto, York Sec 13— .S'u^ Horse Bake J. O. Wisner & Son, Brantford, Brant (2) J. Flewry, Aurora, York (2) John Watson, Ayr, Waterloo (2) Massey Mfg. Co., Newcastle, Durham W. A. Lawrence k Co. , Palermo, Halton Haggert Bros., Brampton, Peel. Thompson & Williams Mfg. Co., Stratford, Perth Patterson & Bro., Patterson, York Noxon Bros. Mfg. Co., Ingeraoll, Oxford Sec. 14 — Fanning Mill J. O. Wisner k Son, Brantford, Brant (2) E S. Higgins, Ottawa, Carlton Abraham Homer, CoUingwood, Grey A. & N. Wilson, Richmond Hill, York W. T. Dingle, Oshawa, Ontario Sec. 16— Portable Grist Mill John Watson, Ayr, Waterloo Waterous Engine Works Co., Bnmtford, j| Brant Sec. ll—Orain Crusher and Grinder J. Flewry, Aurora, York John Watson, Ayr, Waterloo (3) John AbeU, Woodbridge, York A. Flewry, Markham, York Haggeit Bros., Brampton, Peel Jacob Kaiser, Edgely, York Thompson & Williams Mfg. Co., Stratford, Perth Waterous Engine Works Co., Brantford, Brant R. Sylvester, Enniskillen, Durham David Maxwell, Paris, Brant Sec. 18— Corn and Cob Crusher R. Sylvester, Enniskillen, Dtirham Sec. 20 — Two Horse Power for general pur- poses, for farmers' use. J. FleMrry, Aurora, York John Watson, Ayr, Waterloo Haggert Bros., Brampton, Peel " i^Boya*; Co., per W. Rennie, Toronto, York A. & W. Wilson, Richmond Hill, York David Maxwell, Paris, Brant Seo 21 — Machine Jack. J. Flewry, Aurora, York David Maxwell, Paris, Brant Sec. 22-^I>rag Saw John Watson, Ayr, Waterloo Haggert Bros., Brampton, Peel Sec. 2i~ Straw Cutter J. Flewry, Aurora, York John Watson, Ayr, Waterloo Haggert Bros., Brampton, Peel ATFlewry, Markham, York Thompson & Williams Mfg. Ca., Stratford, Perth (3) A. & W. Wilson, Rtohmond HiU, York David Maxwell, Paris, Brant (3) Sec. 25 — Machine for Cutting Roots for Stock J. Flewry, Aurora, York John Watson, Ayr, Waterloo W. A. Lawrence & Co., Palermo, Halton James T. Bums, King, Yorit ^avid Maxwell, Paris, Brant Sec. 2^ -Extra Entries J. Flewry, Aurora, York, Six Horse Power John V'atson, Ayr, Waterloo, Separate Grain Binder, Four Horse Power, Cir- cular Saws, Six Horse Power, Bevel Jack, Spur Jack J. W. Elliott, 43 King St. Westi Toronto, York, Combined Hay Rake and Tedder Thompson & Williams Mfg. Co., Stratford^ Perth, Self Binder Hill Brothers, St. Catharines, Lincoln, Hill Binder Table CLASS XXXVII — Implements for cultivat- ing and sowing tixc soil, horse steam or other power , Sec. 2 — Best Portable. Steam-Engine for Agri- cultural purposes, not less than 6 Horse- power, to be put in operation on the Ground John AbeU, Woodbridge, York Waterous fkigine Co. Works, Brantford, Brant MacPherson, Glasgow & Co., Fingal, Elgin Sec. 3 — Agricultural Boiler for Steaming Food John Doty, Toronto, York Sec. 4 — Field, or Two Horse Cultivator, Iron Isaac Westoott, Bowmanville, Durham J. E. Cockshutt, Brantford, Brant Peter Mallaby, Weston, York Cteorge Wilkinson, Aurora, York Sec. 5 — Two Horse Cultivator, Wood John Watson, Ayr, Waterloo T. & G. Morgan, Markham, York B. Bell & Son, St. George, Brant Chatles Thain, Guelph, Wellington Noxon Brothers Manufacturing Company, Ingersoll, Oxford Sec. 6 — Two Furrow Plough George Wilkinson, Aurora, York J. E. Cockshutt, Brantford, Brant William Hardy ft Son, Churohville, Peel Uxbridge Manufacturing and Agrietdtsrat Works, Uxbridge, Ontario Seo. 8 — Iron Plough Thomas Doherty, Watford, Lambton J E. Cockshutt, Brantford, Brant Thomas Yeandle, Stratford, Pertit ass XxJ^Yii- o>., Strttford, am, York (3) oola for Stoct rmo, Halton noTse Power oo, Separate I Power, Cir- *ower, Bevel estv Toronto, e and Tedder lo., Stratford,. 168, Lincola, ' for caltivat- horse steam ginefor Agri- than 6 Horsf- on the Orownd )rk B, Brantford, Fiugal, Elgin V>r Steaming iltiocUor, Iron ;, Durham Brant k ^ork Wood York rant ington ng Cknnpanj, fork Brant ohville, Peel . AgriotdtBrai jambton Brant Perth Class rxxviiL AUTHORIZED CATALOOUB. 21 D. McTavish k Son, Watford, Lambton (2) George Wilkinson, Aurora, York N. C. Peterdon, Samia, Lambton "William Hardy & Son, Churchville, Peel Uxbridge Manufacturing and Agricultural Works, Uxbridge, Ontario Archibald Dobbie, Thorold, Welland Richard Sylvester, Kaniskillen, Durham Soo. 9 — Wooden Plough J. Flewry, Aurora, York John Watson, Ayr, Waterloo J. E. Cockshutt, Brantford, Brant Qeorge Wilkinson, Aurora, York B. Bell & Son, St. George, Brant (4) L. Cossitt & Son, Guelph, Wellington (3) Archibald Dobbie, Thorold, Welland Sec. 10 — Jwn Beam Plough, with Cast Head and Sliare, Steel Mould Board and Wood HaiuUea J. Flewry, Aurora, York (4) John Watson, Ayr, Waterloo Massey Mfg. Co. , Newcastle, Durham (2) George Wilkinson, Aurora, York (3) N. 0. Peterson, Samia. Lambton W. Sharp & Son, AUenford, Bruce Uxbridge Manufacturing and Agricultural Works, Uxbridge, Ontario L. Cossitt & Son, Guelph, Wellington Archibald Dobbie, Thorold, Welland Patterson & Bro., Patterson, York (5) Thompson & Williams' Manufacturing Company, Stratford, Perth (2) R. Sylvester, Enniskillen, Durham Sec. 11 — Wood Beam Plough, One Horse J. Flewry, Aurora, York J. E. Cockshutt, Brantford, Brant George Wilkinson, Aurora, "V ork 12 — Iron Beam Plough, One Horse Flewry, Aurora, York Sec. J- J. E. Cockshutt, Brantford, Brant George Wilkinson, Aurora, York Uxbridge Manufacturing and Agricultural Works, Uxbridge, Ontario Sec. \i— Subsoil Plough John Watson, Ayr, Waterloo J. E. ('ockshutt, Brantford, Brant Peter Mallaby, VVeaton, York Archibald Dobbie, Thorold, Welland Sec. 14 — Double Mould Plough John W^atson, Ayr, Waterloo Charles Thain, Guelph, Wellington Archibald Dobbie, Thorold, Welland Sec. 15 — Gang Plough Green Bros. Waterford, Norfolk John Watson, Ayr, Waterloo J. E. Cockshutt, Brantford, Brant Uxbridge Manufacturing and Agricultural Works, Uxbridge, Ontario L. Cossitt & Son, Guelph, Wellington Patterson tt Brother^ rattersou, York Sea 16 — Horse Hoe, or Single Horse Culti- vator {Iroti) Isaac Woatcott, Bowmanville, Durham Peter Mallaby, Weston, York Sec. n— Horse Hoe, or Single Horse. Culli- valor ( Wood) J. Flewry, Aurora, York John Watson, Ayr, W^aterloo B. Bell & Son, St. George, Brant Charles Thain, Guelph, Wellington Patterson & Brother, Patterson, York Sec. 18 — Pair of Iron Harroios C. L. Rosse & Co., Montreal, Hochelaga Isaac Westcott, Bowmanville, Durham John Sharp, Schomberg, York (2) Peter Mallaby, Weston, York William Hardy & Son, Churchville, Peel Charles Thain, Guelph, Wellington Lewis Elliott, Goderich, Huron Sec. 19 — Pair of Wood Harrows J. 0. Wisner & Son, Brantford, Brant (2) John Watson, Ayr, Waterloo Patterson & Brother, Patterson, York Sec. 20 — Iron Land Poller 0 John Abell, Woodbridge, York Sea 21 — Wooden Land Poller J. Flewry, Aurora, York John Watson, Ayr, Waterloo Juo. Sampson, Don, York Noxou Brothers' Mauufactujing Company, Ingersoll, Oxford Sec. 23 — Stump Extractor John Watson, Ayr, Waterloo John Whitfield, Toronto, York (2) Uxbridge Manufacturing and Agricultural Works, Uxbridge, Ontario Sec. 24 — Extras J. 0. Wisner & Son, Brantford, Brant, twi» Farm Trucks T. & G. Morgan, Markham, York, two- horse Grubber (wood) B. F. Baker, Belleville, Hastings, La Dob Pulverizing Harrow Thompson & Williams' Manufacturing Company, Stratford Perth: I'rairic Plough W. Rennie, Toronto, York : Chain Harrow CLASS XXXVIII— Implements and Ma- chines for Harvesting, Preparing Pro- ducts for Use, Carriage, &c., horse or other power. Sec. 1 — Horse Pitchfork and Tackle Wortman & Morrow, London, Middlesex Sec. 2 — Potato Digger John Watson, Ayr, Waterloo Archibald Dobbie, Thorold, Welland 22 AUTHORIZED CATALOGUE. Class XXXIX. Ik: Sec. 3 — Straw Cutter J. Flewry, Aurora, York John Watson, Ayr, Waterloo J. E. Cockshutt, Brantford, Brant Haggert, Bros., Brampton, Peel Patterson & Brother, Patterson, York David Maxwell, Paris, Brant Sec. 4 — Machine for Cutting Roots for Stock John Watson, Ayr, Waterloo A. Flewry, Markham, York. James T. Bums, King, York David Maxwell, Paris, Brant Sec. 5 — Machine for Pulping Boots fm' Stock John Watson, Ayr, Waterloo A. Fleviry, Markham, York David Maxwell, Paris, Brant Sec. 6 — Cidtr Mill and Press H. Soils, Vienna, Elgin. Sec. 7 — Two Horse Team Waggon, Iron Axle Hugh McCort, Malton, Peel W. B. Glower, Richview, Ontario Sec. 8 — Two Horse Team Waggon, Thivibk % Skein. A. Wright & Son, Richmond Hill, York Speight & Son, Markham, York (4) Sec. 9 — Two Horse Spring Market Waggon A. Wright & Son, Richmond Hill, York Sec. 12 — Farm Sleigh. P. Filman, Hamilton, Wentworth J. Flewry, Aurora, York Sec. 13— Extras. Robert Crow, Leslieville, York. Lager Beer Waggon. P. Filman, Hamilton, Wentworth : Sleighs, collection of, with patent iron ; Sleighs, Knees, consisting of 4 or more Sleighs CLASS XXXIX— Agriciiltural Tools and Implements, chiefly for hand use. Sec. 2 — Assortment of Drain Tiles Thomas Nightingale, Yorkville, York Sec. 4 — Half dozen Steel Hoes A. S. Whiting Manufacturing Co., Cedar ^)alt. ''•■'■.ino ^'. 7 .'' il< en Manv.re Forks <. . ''V'k 'ig Manufacturing Co., Cedar .iii, ■' u rio >5.;j. •* — Ta 1 .■^•^'? Spading Forks A, ?. S"^:'' .Q "Tanufacturing Co., Cedar Dale, Ontario Sec. 9 — Seed Drill or Barrow for Turnips, d-c. John Bartlett, Oshawa, Ontario J. W. Mann, per W. Rennie, York, Toronto Sec. 10— Com Shelter John Watson, Ayr, Waterloo J. C. Schoonmaker, Hamilton, Wentworth Sec. 12 — Lawn Roller Massey Mnf'g Co., Newcastle, Durham Sec. 13 — Half dozen Sci/lhe Snaths H. E. Ketchum, per W. Rennie, Toronto, York (2) Sec. 14 — Orain Cradle Samuel English, sen., Omemee, Victoria Frank Cassidy, Lloydtown, York H. E. Ketchum, per W. Rennie, Toronto, York (4) Sec. 15 — Half dozen Grass Scythes A. S. Whiting Manufacturing Co., Cedar Dale, Ontario Sec. 16 — Half dozen Cradle Scythes A. S. Whiting Manufacturing Co., Cedar Dale, Ontario Sec. 17 — Laton Mowing Machine J. VanderSchaflF, Bowmanville, Durham (2) W. Wilkie, per W. Rennie, Toronto. York (2) L. Cossitt, & Son, Guelph, Wellington Toronto Reaper and Mower Co., Toronto. York (2) Messrs. Lloyd, Supple k Watson, per J. A. Simmers, Toronto, York Sec. \^— Half dozen Hay Rakes Frank Cassidy, Lloydtown, York D. Oatman & Sons, Tilsonburg, Oxford {2> H. E. Ketchum, per W. Rennie, Toronto, York (2) Sec. 19 — Half dozen Hay Forks A. S. Whiting Manufacturing Co., Cedar Dale, Ontario Sec. 2Q~Straw or Barley Fork, Wood B. W. Clarke, Downsview, York Sec. 22— Set Horse Slioes John Percy, Bowmanville, Durham (4) Sec. 24 — Farm Gate J. E. Stong, Yorkville, York W. H. Yocom, Selkirk, Haldimand Hiram Jones, St. Thomas, Elgin George W. Simons, St. Catharines, Lincoln A. F. Wright, Toronto, York R. E. Stephens, Toronto, York (2) Sec. 25 — Specimen Farm Fence, wood John Shuttleworth, Weston, York R. E. Stephens, Toronto, York (2) Sec. 26 — Specimen Wire Fencing, not less than 2 rods, erected on the ground Hiram Jones, St. Thomas, Elgin Class XL. AUTHORIZED CATALOGUE. 23 Sec. 27 — Woodden Pump Plows & Kennedy, Toronto, York (2) Ontario Pump Company, Toronto, York Sec. 29— Extras J. Flewry, Aurora, York, Wheelbarrow J. VV. Elliott, Toronto, York, Sickle Grinder H. E. Bullock, Otterville, Oxford, Hand Com Planter John Bartlett, Oahawa, Ontario, Hand Com, Bean, and Pumpkin Seed Planter AGBICULTURAL PRODUCTS CLASS XL— Field Grains, Hops, &c. Sec. I— Ten Buahela of Winter Wheat, the produce of Canada, being the growth of 1879. Each sample, must be of one dis- tinct variety, pure and unmixed. Robert Tuck, Freeman, Halton Robert W. Thompson, Ellesmere, York George Weldrick, Thornhill, York Wm. Tuck, Waterdown, Halton Thomas Stock. Waterdown, Wentworth Jno. Rutherford, Rugby, Simcoe Sec. 2--W}ieat, White Winter, 2 bushels Robert Tuck, Freeman, Halton Allan Gray, Uxbridge, Ontario Walter Hartman, Clarksburg, Grey E. Stock, Mimico, York Charles Grant, Thornbury, Grey (2) Robert W. Thompson, Ellesmere, York George Weldrick, Thornhill, York Wm. Tuck, Waterdown, Halton James Knox, Belleville, Hastings Thomas Stock, Waterdown, Wentworth F. & R. Baby, Lambton Mills, York Sec. 3— Wheat, Red Winter, 2 busheU E. Tolchard, Toronto, York W. M. Smith, Fairfield Plains, Brant Charles Grant, Thornbury, Grey Jno. Rutherford, Rugby, Simcoe F. & R. Baby, Lambton Mills, York Sec. 4 — Wheat, Bald Spring, 2 bushels Robert Tuck, Freeman, Halton Allan Gray, Uxbridge, Ontario George Keith, Toronto, York Cyrus Gallinger, Clarksburg, Grey Walter Hartman, Clarksburg, Grey D. E. Blake, Keswick, York Charles Grant, Thornbury, Grey (5) Walter Riddell, Cobourg, Northumberland James Fleming, Kilsyth, Grey Sec. 6 — Spring Wheat, bearded variety of Robeii Tuck, Freeman, Halton Allan Gray, Uxbridge, Ontario Cyrus Gallinger, Clarksburg, Grey (2) Walter Clarksburg, Clarksburg, (Jrey (2) (2) Charles Grant, Thombu-y, Grey (4) Thomas Stock, Waterdown, Wentworth Sec. 6 — Barley (2 rowed), 2 bushels Simpson Rennie, Milliken, York Thomas Gibson, Hagerman, York W. M. Smith, Fairfield Plains, Brant Charles Grant, Thornbury, Grey Walter Riildell, Cobourg, Northumberland Julisk Breuls, Ringwood, York Sec. 7 — Barley (6 rowed), 2 bushels Charles Scott, Orangeville, Wellington Cyrus Gallinger, Clarksburg, Grey Simpson Rennie, Milliken, York E. Stock', Mimico, York Charles Grant, Thornbury, Grey Robert W. Thompson, Ellesmere, York Wm. Tuck, Waterdown, Halton James Knox, Belleville, Hastings James Fleming, Kilsyth, Grey Thomas Gibson, Hagerman, York Sec. 8 — Bye, Winter, 2 bushels Charles Grant, Thornbury, Grey F. & R. Baby, Lambton Mills, York Sec. 9 — Rye, Spring, 2 bushels Charles Grant, Thornbury, Grey F. & R. Baby, Lambton Mills, York Sec. 10 — Oats {white), 2 bushels Allan Gray, Uxbridge, Ontario Walter Hartman, Clarksburg, Grey Charles Grant, Thornbuvy, Grey Robert W. Thompson, Ellesmere, York Walter Riddell, Cobourg, N()rthuml)erlan» George Keith, Toronto, York E. Stock, Mimico, York George Syme, Carlton West, York Thomas Stock, Waterdown, Wentworth Robert Wilson, Davenport, York Sec. 16— ^wede Turnips, Eight Roots, Sutton's Champion Charles Scott, Orangeville, Wellington E. StocK, Mimico, York Thomas Stock, Waterdown, Wentworth John Hewer, Guelph, Wellington F. & R. Baby, Lambton Mills, York Sec. 17 — Swede Turnips, Eight Roots, West- bury Charles Scott, Orangeville, Wellington E. Stock, Mimico, York Thomas Stock, Waterdown, Wentworth John Hewer, (inelph, Wellington Sec. 18—Titmips, Eight Roots, White Globe Charles Scott, Orangeville, Wellington E. Stock, Mimico, York James Moore, Islington, York John Hewer, Guelph, WellinCton James Hayward, I)oncaster, York Frank Daniels, Mimico, York F. & R. Baby, Lambton Mills, York Sec. 19 — Turnips, Eight Rootn, Orey stone Charles Scott, Orangeville, Wellington E. Stock, Mimico, "iork John Hewer, Guelph, Wellington Frank Daniels, Mimico, York F. & R. Baby, Lambton Mills, York Sec. 20 — Turnips, Eight Roots, Aberdetu yellows Charles Scott, Orangeville, Wellington E. Stock, Mimico, York William Benham, Guelph, Wellington John Hewer, (iuelph, Wellington Sec. 21 — Carrots, Twelve Roots, Red Charles Scott, ( )rangeville, Wellington Simpson Rennie, Millikeu, York E. Stock, Mimico, York T. Sherwood, Fergus. Wellington John Hewer, Guelph, Wellington Charles E. Brown, Mimico, York Sec. 22— Carrota, 7'welve Roots, White or Belgian George Keith, Toronto, York Simpson Rennie, Milliken, York 3« AUTHORIZED OATALOGUB. Class XLIII. E. Htock, Mimico, York .Tamus Ilairc, Toronto, York T. Syiorwoou, Fergus, Wellington Thomas Stock, W^terdown, Wcntworth Johu Hewer, Gnelph, Wellington Robert Wilson, Davenport, York Charles E. Brown, Mimico, York F. & U. Baby, Lambton Mills, York Sec. 23 — Mangel Wurtzel, 8 roots, long red L. H. Yeomans, Mt. Forest, Wellington George Keith, Toronto, York HimjiHon Kennie, Milliken, York E. Sto'ik, Mimico, York James Haire, Toronto, York George Syme, Oarlton West, York T. Sherwood, Fergus, Wellington Thomas Stock, Waterdown, Weutworth John Hewer, Guelph, Wellington Robert Wilson, Davenport, York Sec. 24 — Mangle Wurtzel, 8 roots, red globe Simpson Rennie, Milliken, York E. Stock, Mimico, York Thomas Stock, Waterdown, Wentworth John Hewer, Guelph, Wellington Sec. 25 — Manuel Wurtzel, 8 roots, yellow globe George Keith, Toronto, York Simpson Rennie, Milliken, York E. Stock, Mimico, York Thomas Stock, Waterdown, Wentworth John Hewer, Guelph, Wellington Sec. 26 — Mangle Wurtzel, 8 roots, long yellow George Keith, Toronto, York Simpson Rennie, Milliken, York E. Stock, Mimico, York John Hewer, Guelph, Wellington Sec. 28 — Beet, 8 roots, white sugar Simpson Rennie, Milliken, York E. Stock, Mimico, York Thomas Stock, Waterdown, Wentworth Sec. 29 — Parsnips, 12 roots L. H. Yeomans, Mt. Forest, Wellington George Keith, Toronto, York E. Stock, Mimico, York George Syme, Carlton West, York William, Benham, Guelph, Wellington Charles E. Brown, Mimico, York Sec. 30 — Chicory, 12 roots E. Stock, Mimico, York Wm. Riddle, Cobourg, Northumberland William Benham, Guelph, Wellington Charles E. Brown, Mimico, Y'"ork Sec. 31 — Squashes for cattle, 2, large Simpson Rennie, Milliken, York ^ James Hay ward, Doncaster, York' Sec. 32 — Pumpkins, 2, mammoth field Simpson Rennie, Milliken, York James Moore, Islington, York Sec. 33 — Pumpkins, 4, common yellow field Simpson Rennicf, Milliken, York James Moore, Islington, York Julisk Breuls, Ringwood, York Hoc. 34—ExtraJi Wm. Rennie, Toronto, York : collection of Potatoes Jas. Haywood, Doncaster, York : Squash, Vegetable Cheese ; Sijuash, Hubbard George Hope, Yurkville, York, Swede Turnips, Purple Tops ; Turnips, Early Stone DAIBT PRODUCTS AND UTENSILS. CLASS XLIII— Butter, Cheese, and Dairy Utensils. Sec. 1—Best 3 Firkins of Butter, fitted for exportation, not less than !i6 pounds in each, made by exhibitor Hugh Clark, Brampton, Peel Miss Helen Douglas, per R. Brydon, Agent, Newbury, Middlesex Mrs. R. J. Foster, per R. Brydon, Agent, Newbury, Middlesex Mrs. Jos. Deacon, per R. Brydon, Agent, Newbury, Middlesex William Thompson, Uxbridge, Ontario Robert Carter, Brampton, Peel John McLury, Greystead, MidtUesex Sec. 2 — Butter, best Firkin of, in shipping order, not less 'han 56 lbs. A. Gifford, Meafoid, Grey Hugh Clark, Brampton, Peel Miss Helen Douglas, per R. Brydon, Agent, Newbury, Middlesex. Mrs. R J. Foster, per R. Brydon, Agent, Newbury, Middlesex Mrs. Jos. Deacon, per R. Brydon, Agent, Newbury, Middlesex. Mrs. T. Johnson, Scarboro' Junction, Y''ork Robert Carter, Brampton, Peel John McLury, Greystead, Middlesex Sec. 3 — Butter, best, not less than 28 lbs, in firkin, crock or tub. A. Gifford, Meaford, Gray Hugh Clark, Brampton, Peel George Lawson, Victoria Square, York William Thompson, Uxbridge, Ontario Robert Carter, Brampton, Peel F. & R. Baby, Lambton Mills, York John McLury, Greystead, Middlesex Sec. 4 — Creamery Butter, beat 3 firkins in shipping order, not less than 56 lbs., made in the following months, one in each, viz : June, July, and August Beaver Creek Creamery Co., New Dundee, Waterloo Corbin Creamery Co., Montreal, Quebec William Thompson, Uxbridge, (hitario Class XLIII. lellow field )rk ■k collection of irk: Squash, , Hubbard ork, Swede mips, Early AND I, and Dairy '.r, fitted for J6 pounds ill R. Brydon, X rdon, Agent, rdon, Agent, (, Ontario el diUesex in shippinij R. Brydon, X. don, Agent, don. Agent, action, York bI idlesex in 28 lbs. ill ire, York , Ontario A .York Idlesex 3 firkins in lian 56 lis., nths, one in ! August ew Dundee, eal, Quebec , Ontario Clnss XLIV. AUTHORIZED CATALOQUB. 27 Sec. 5 — Butter, not Itst than 8 lbs., in roll or print. Abraham Hoover, Elia, York Hugh Clark, Brampton, Peel Oeortfo Lawson, Victoria Siiuare, York Mrs.L. S. Lundy, Drummonavillo.WoUand William Thompson, Uxbridge, Ontario Mrs. Thos. Jonuson, Scarboro' Junction, York liobert Carter, Brampton, Peel F. k R. Baby, Lambton Mills, York John McLury, Greystcad, Middlesex Mrs. WiUiam Bell, York MiUs, York Sue. 6 — Cheeses, best 6 factory, not less than 45 lbs. each, with statement of number of cows and management of factory. Russell & Gardiner, Napanee, Lennox William WaddeU, Corinth. Elgin J. A. Robins, Putnam, Middlesex Andrew Aitchiaon, Listowel, Perth Wm. Symington, Camlachie, Lambton Wm. Huxley, Fullarton's Comers, Perth 11. Morrison, Hawksvillo, Waterloo A. Y. Andrews, Wyoming, Lambton Sec. 7 — Cheese, best dairy, not less than 30 lbs Samuel Moore, Seneca, Haldimand H. T. Lenty, Burnliamthorpe, Peel .Sue. 8 — Cheeses, be^t 2 Canada Stilton, not less than 8 lbs. each Mrs. Eliza Parsons, Guelph, Wellington Sec. 9 — Cheeses, best 3 Canada Glo'ster or Wiltshire loaf or ruckle, not less than 8 lbs each. Wm. Huxley, Fullarton's Corners, Perth Jno, E. Andrew^, Camlachie, Lambton A. Y. Andrews, Wyoming, Lambton Sec. 10 — Bread manufactured for sale, 4 loavea J. Dempster, Toronto, York John D. Nasmith, Toronto, York C. A. Hul, Toronto, York W. Anderson, Toronto, York Sec. 11 — Bread, Home-made, 2 loaves Mrs. L. 8. Lundy, DrummondviUo, WeUand Mrs. Fauquier, Toronto, York Mrs. Breuls, Ringwood, York Mrs. R. Wilson CarlUin, Davenport, York Miss Tracy, I^nibtou Mills, York Sec. \2r— Butter Tubs, best Collection of,Jor Shipping purjwses Robert Burchell, Toronto, York Jos. Landreville, Toronto, York Sec. 16 — Chum EHza Glendillen, Owen Sound, Grey Jos. Landreville, Toronto, York L. Blanchard Sons, per W. Rennie, Toronto. York (2) William Southward, Toronto, York 0. T. Brandon & Co., Toronto, York See. 20— Extras Eliza Glendillen, Owen Sound Grey, Spin- ning Machine, Dog Power John D. Nasmith, Toronto, York, Aerated Bread, Scotch Cream Roll Russell & Gardiner, Napanee, Lennox, Curd Cutting Machine James McKelvey, St. Catharines, Lincoln, Cream Still or Portable Gatherer Robert Donaldson, Montreal, P.Q , Butter and Cheese Testers, assortment of HORTICULTUEAL DEPAETMEISfT. FRUIT, PLANTS, FLOWERS, VEGETABLES, &o. CLASS XLIV— Fmit— Professional Nur- serymen's List Sec. 1 —Apples, 30 varieties, correctly named, 4 of each A. M, Smith & Co., Grimsby, Lincoln Sec. 2 — Apples, 20 varieties, correctly named, 4 of each A. M. Smith & Co., Grimsby, Lincoln Sec. 3 — Apples, 6 varieties Fall Table, named, 4 ojf each A. M. Smith &Go., Grimsby, Lincoln Sec. A. Sec. 4 — Apples, 6 varieties Fall Cooking, named, 4 of each M. Smith & Co., Grimsby, Lincoln 5 — Apples, 6 varieties Winter Table, named, 4 of each A. M. Smith & Co., Grimsby, Lincoln Sec. 6 — Apples, 6 varieties Winter Cooking, named, 4 of each A. M. Smith & Co., Grimsby, Lincoln James Hayward, Doncaster, York Sec. 7 — Pears, collection of not less than 15i varieties, correctly named, 4 of each A. M. Smith & Co., Grimsby, Lincoln Chase Bros. & Bowman, Toronto, York /^ n AUTHORIZED CATALOGUE. Claas ILV. Sec. 8—Piirii, 6 varietiai, eorreetly named, 4 of '-neh A. M. Smith & Co., Qritniby, Liuuoln Sec. 9 — Pl'tmn, rollirlion of not hsH than 15 vnriiiiiH, correctti/ nnmed, 6 of each Captain Snider, Kglington, York Seo. 10 — PhnnH, 6 varietUti, correctly named, 0 i)f each A. M. Smith & Co., Orinisby, Lincoln Captain Snider, Eglington, York Sec. 11 — Peaches, collection of, correctly named, not lens than 6 varieties, 6 of' each A. M. Smith & Co., Grimsby, Lincoln iSec. 12 — Peaches, 3 varieties, 6 of each A. M. Smith & Co., (JrimBby, Lincoln ^ec. 13 — Qrapes, collection, i/rown in open air, \'2 varieties, 2 hunches of each, named A. M. Sniitli & Co., Grimsby, Lincoln John Holder, St. C'atharines, Lincoln Chase iJroH. & Bowman, Toronto, York Sec. 14 — Gropes, collection, 0 varieties, grown in open air, 2 hunches of each, correctly named A. M. Smith & Co., Grimsby, Lincoln John Holder, 8t. Catharines, Lincoln Sec. 15 — Grajies, 3 canities. Black, (jrown in open air, '2 buiw.hca of each, correctly nuiiud A. M. Smith & Co., Grimsby, Lincoln John Holder, St. Catharines, Lincoln Sec. \^—Qrape«, 3 varieties, any other colour, grown in open air, 2 bunchet of each, correctly named A. M. Smith & Co., Grimsby, Lincoln John Holder, St. Catharines, Lincoln Sec. n^Orapts, collection of, 6 varieties, grown under glass, 1 hunch of each sort, correctly named John Holder, St. Catharines, Lincoln •Sec. 18 — Grapes, 3 varieties, Black, grown uiuler glass John Holder, St. Catharines, Lincoln iJec. IQ—Graytes, 3 varieties, White, grown under glnss John Holder, St. Catharines, Lincoln Soc. 20 — Grapes, 3 varieties, any other color, firoivn tinder glass John Hildor, St. Catharines, Lincoln Sec. 21 — (rap IS, heaviest I Imii^h, black Hambunj Orapes, grovm wider glass John Holder, St. Catharines, Lincoln Sec. 22 — Grapes, heaviesl 1 hHnch blaci Orapes, any other kind, grovtm under glass John Holder, St. Catharinss, Lincoln Soc. 23 — Orapeji, heaviest 1 bunch white Grovpes, grovm widrr glass John Holder, St. Catharines, Lincolo Sec. 24 — Fniit, best disftlay, growth of Exhibitor, distinct from othr entries, not more than fou/r specimetui of eath sort, named, grown under glass and in open air A. M. Smith & Co., Grimsby, Lincoln Sec. 25 — Crabs, collection of 1 dozen each, of G varieties, cultivated A. M. Smith & Co., Grimsby, Lincoln Chase Brothers &, Bowman, Toronto, York CLASS XLV.— General List— Apples and Pears Sec. 1 — Applet, 20 varieties, correctly named, 4 of each J. D. Lutz, Stoney Creek, Wcntworth R. M. Griffith, Grimsby, Lincoln G. J. Miller, Virgil, Lincoln J. D. Stotts, Markhiim, York W. W. Tattle, Yorkville, York John McCrae lloss, Leslie, York R. Currie, Niagara, Wclland Sec. 2 — Apples, 10 varieties, correctly named, 4 of each S Machell, per J. H. Rowe, King, York J. Bell, Burlington, Halton J. D. Lutz, Stoney Creek, Wcntworth James Fleming, Kilsyth.' Grey R. M. Griffith, Grimsby, Lincoln George Taylor, Scarboro' Junction, York G. T. Miller, Virgil, Lincoln J. T. Stotts, Markham, York W. W. Tattle, Yorkville, York John McCrae Ross, Leslie, York A. E. Mather, Islington, York R, Currie, Niagara, Wclland Sec. 3 — Apples, 4 varieties, Dessert, correctly named, 4 of each S. Machell, per J. H. Rowe, King, York J. D. Lutz, Stoney Creek, Wcntworth J. M. Hirachfelder, Toronto, York R. M. Griffith, Grimsby, Lincoln G. J. Miller, Virgil, Lincoln J. p. Stotts, Markham, York John McCrae Ross, Leslie, York A. E. Mather, Islington, York R. Currie, Niagara, Wclland Sec. 4 — Apples, 4 varieties, Cooking, eorreethj named, 4 of each S. Machell, per J. H. Rowe, King, York J. Bell, Burlington, Halton tJL.-. ClaM XLV. mnch bluck roum uTidfi Lincoln 'mnch whiif I Lincoln , growth oj ihr entrier, wiv) of eath yUins and in , Lincoln cUxxn each, , Lincoln jronto, York -Apples and '•ectly named, entworth coin rk ork 'eclbj named, King, York cutworth inln iction, York rk ork k ert, correctly King, York entworth York oln ork k ing, correcthj King, York < !lafi8 XLV. AUTUORIZEI) CATALOOnC. J. D. Latz, Stnney Cr««k, W«otworth J. M. Hiraclifulder, Toronto, York B. M. . J. Miller, Virgil, Lincoln E. (J. Fitamside, Hamilton, Wentworth Mrs. (jleorgt) Cooper, Lufllieville, York J. U. Ntotta, Mitrkham, York John Hamilton, Doncoster, York John MuOrau Koaa, Leslie, York A. K. Mather, Islington, York R. Currie, Niagara, WeUand Sec. 5 — Applet!, 0 Early Joe S. Machell, per J. H. Rowo, King, York (I. J. Miller, Virgil, Lincoln Sec. 6 — Apples, 6 Benoni W. A. Smith, Brantford, Brant (). J. Miller, Virgil, Lincoln J. D. Utotts, Markham, York Sec. 7 — Apples, 6 Hawley James Flaming, Kilsyth, Qrey K. M. (Jritiith, Grimsby, Lincoln Noah Sunley, Uuelph, Wellington G. J. Miller, Virgil, Lincoln J. D. Mtotts, Markham, York Sec. 8 — Apples, 6 Duchess qf Oldenburgh S. Machell, per J. H. Rowe, King, York W. A. Brown, Toronto, York R. J. Howes, Hamilton, Wentworth R. M. Griffith, Grimsby, Lincoln Charles Scott, Orangeville, Wellington Noah Sunley, Guelph, Wellington J. Walker, Virgil, Lincoln O. J. Miller, Virgil, Lincoln R. Currie, Niagara, WeUand J. D. Stotta, Markham, York James Hayvard, Doncaster, York W. W. Tattle, Yorkville, York John McCrae Ross, Leslie, York Sec. 9 — Apples, <\ Snow S. Machell, per J. H. Rowe, King, York James Knox, Belleville, Hastings James Moore, Islington, York W. A. Brown, Toronto, York J. Bell, Burlington, Halton R. J. Howes, Hamilton, Wentworth J. D. Lutz, iStoney Creek, Wentworth W. A. Smith, Brantford, Brant R. M. Griffith, Grimsby, Lincoln J. Walker, Virgil, Lincoln G. J. Miller, Virgil, Lincoln E. G. Fearnside, Hamilton, Wentworth R. Currie, Niagara, WeUand Mrs. George Cooper, Leslieville, York J. D. Stotts, Markham, York W. W. Tattle, Yorkville, York John McCrae Ross, Leslie, York A. £. Mather, Islington, York Sec. 10—6 FaJl Pippins George Taylor, Scarboro' Jnnotion, York R. J. Howes, Hamilton, Wentworth J. 1). LatA Stonoy Cretik, Wiikkwortb J. M. Hirsclifuidur, Toronto, York R. M. (iriffith, Grimsby, Lincoln J. Walker, Vimil, Lincoln G. J. Miller, Virgil, Lincoln R. C!urrio, Niagara, VVi'llaufarkham, York James Hayward, Doncaater, York (3) John McCrae Ross, Leslie, York Sec. 18 — Apples, 6 Ribston Pij^ina S. Maohell, per J. H. Rowe, King, York James Moore, Islington, York James Bell, Burlington, Halton J. M. Hirschfelder, Toronto, York James Fleming, Kilsyth, Grey R. M. Griffith, Grimsby, Lincoln G. J. Miller, Virgil, Lincoln J. Walker, Virgil, Lincoln E. C. Feamside, Hamilton, Wentworth Mrs. George Cooper, LeslieviUe, York W. W. Tattle, Yorkville, York John McCrae Ross, Leslie, York A. E. Mather, Islington, York Sec. 19 — Apples, 6 Alexander James Moore, Islington, York W. A. Brown, Toronto, York James Fleming, Kilsyth, Grey R. M. Griliith, Grimsbjr, Lincoln G. J. Miller, Virgil, Lmcoln Mrs. George Cooper, Leslieville, York John McCrae Ross, Leslie, York Sec. 20 — Apples, 8 Aesophus SpUzenburg S. Machell, per J. H. Rowe, King, York J. D. Lutz, Stoney Creek, Wentworth R. M. Griffith, Grimsby, Lincoln G. J. Miller, Virgil, Lincoln J. Walker, VirgiX Lincoln John McCrae Iu}ss, Leslie, York Sec. 21 — Apples, 6 Beauty of Kent or Kentish Fillbasket Greorge Taylor, Scarboro Junction, York G. J. Miller, Virgil, Lincoln R. Currie, Niagara, Welland John McCrae Ross, Leslie, York Hy. Brown, Yorkville, York Sec. 22 — Apples, 6 Baldwin S. Maohell, per J. H. Rowe, King, York W. A. Brown, Toronto, York J. Bell, Burlington, Halton R, J. Howes, Hamilton, Wentworth J. D. Lntz, Stoney Creek, Wentworth W. A. Smith, Brantford, Brant R. M. Griffith, Grimsby, Lincoln G. J. Miller, Virgil, Lmcoln J. Walker, Virgil, Lincoln £. C. Feamside, Uamilton, Wentworth R. Currie, Niagara, Welland Mrs. George Cooper, Leslieville, York J. D. Stotts, Markham, York John Hamilton, Doncaater, York W. W. Tattle, Yorkville, York John McCrae Ross, Leslie, York A. E. Mather, Islington, York Sec. 23 — Apples, 6 Rhode Island Greening S. Machell, per J. H. Rowe, King, York W. A. Brown, Toronto, York James Bell, Burlington, Halton R. J. Howes, Hamilton, Wentworth J. D. Lutz, Stoney Creek, Wentworth J. M. Hirschfelder, Toronto, York James Fleming, Kilsyth, Grey W. A. Smith, Brantford, Brant R. M. Griffith, Grimsby, Lincoln G. J. Miller, Virgil, Lincoln •T. Walker, Virgil, Lincoln E. C. Feamside, Hamilton, Wentworth R. Currie, Niagara, Welland- Mrs. George Cooper, Leslieville, York J. D. Stotts, Markham, York James Hayward, Doncaster, York John Hamilton, Doncaster, York W. W. Tattle, Yorkville, York James Pape, Toronto, York John McCrae Ross, Leslie, York A. E. Mather, Islington, York Sec. 24 — Apples, 6 Wagerver W. A. Brown, Toronto, York J. D. Lutz, Stoney Creek, Wentworth J. M. Hirschfelder, Toronto, York James Fleming, Kilsyth, Grey R. M. Griffith, Grimsby, Lincoln G. J. Miller, Virgil, Lincoln J. Walker, Virgil, Lincoln A. E. Mather, Islington, York Sec. 26 — Apples, 6 Golvert (Jeorge Taylor, Scarboro' Junction, York S. Machell, per J, H. Rowe. King, York James Fleming, Kilsyth, Grey R. M. Griffith, Grimsby, Lincoln G. J. Miller, Virgil, Lincoln E. C. Fearsnide, Hamilton, Wentworth R. Currie, Niagara, Welland Mrs. George Cooper, Leslieville, York W. W. Tattle, YorkvUle, York John McCrae Ross, Leslie, York A. E. Mather, Islington, York Sec. 26 — Apples, 6 Yellow Bellflower J. M. Hirschfelder, Toronto, York James Fleming, Kils3rth, Grey G. J. Miller, Virgil, Lincoln J. Walker, Virgil, Lincoln R. Currie, Niagara, Welland Mrs. George Cooper, Leslieville, York J. D. Stotts, Markham, York W. W. Tattle, Yorkville, York John MoGrae Robs, Leslie, York Class XLY. le, York )rk k rk I Oreening Ling, York >n tworth »ntworth York r at !oln ^entwortk le, York ifork ork rk ork k enfcworth York soln ction, York King, York y 3oln ITentworth le, York rk ork ower York le, York k )rk Class XLV. AUTHORIZED CATALOGUE. 31 Sec. 27 — Apples, 6 King of Tompkins Co. S. Machell, per J. H. Rowe, King, York R. J. Howes, Hamilton, Wentworth J. D. Lutz, Stoney Creek, Wentworth James Fleming, Kilsyth, Grey W. A. Smith, Brantford, Brant R. M. Griffith, Grimsby, Lincoln G. J. Miller, Virgil, Lincoln J. Walker, Virgil, Lincoln R. Currie, Niagara, Welland Mrs. George Cooper, Leslieville, York J. D. Stotts, Markham, York John Hamilton, Doncaster, York John McCrae Ross, Leslie, York A. E. Mather, Islington, York Sec. 2S—Appk8, 6 Talman's Sweet S. Machell, per J. H. Rowe, King, York James Knox, Belleyille, Hastings J. Bell, Burlington, Halton R. M. Griffith, Grimsby, Lincoln G. J. Miller, Virgil, Lincoln J. WsJker, Virgil, Lincoln E. C. Fearnside, Hamilton, Wentworth R. Currie, Niugara, Weiland Mrs. Greorge Cooper, Leslieville, York W. W. Tattle, YorkviUe, do John McCrae Ross, Leslie, do Sec. 29 — Apples, 6 Orimea' Oolden G. J. Miller, Virgil, Lincoln John McCrae Ross, Leslie, York Sec. 30— Apples, 6 Porter N. Sunley, Guelph, Wellington G. J. Miller, Virgil, Lincoln R. Currie, Niagara, Welland J. D. Stotts, Markham, York John McCrae Ross, Leslie, York. Sec. 31 — Apples, 6 Roxhury Sussett -* S. Machell, per J. H. Rowe, King, York J. Bell, Burlington, Halton R. J. Howes, Hamilton, Wentworth R. M. Griffith, Grimsby, Lincoln G. J. Miller, Virgil, Lincoln J. Walker, Virgil, Lincoln R. Currie Niagara, Welland John Hamilton, Doncaster, York Sec. 32 — Apples, 6 Swaar R. M, Griffith, Grimsby, Lincoln G. J. Miller, Virgil, Lincoln J. Walker, Virgil, Lincoln R. Currie, Niagara, Welland Mrs. George Cooper, Leslieville, York W. W. Tattle, YorkviUe, York John McCrae Ross, Leslie, York Sec. 33 — Applen, 6 Fallawattr G. J, Miller, Virgil, Lincoln J. D. Stotts, Markham, York Sec. 34 — Apples, 6 American Oolden Sussett S. Machell, per J. H. Rowe, King, York James Knox, Belleville, Hastings W. A. Brown, Toronto, York R. J. Howes, Hamilton, Wentworth W. A. Smith, Brantford, Brant R. M. Griffith, Grimsby, Lincoln G. J. Miller, Virgil, Lincoln J. Walker, Virgil, Lincoln R. Currie, Niagara, Welland J. D. Stotts, Markham, York John Hamilton, Doncaster, York W. W. Tattle, YorkviUe, York John McCrae Ross, LesUe, York A. E. Mather, Islington, York Sec. 35 — Apples, 6 Swayae Pomme Orise S. Machell, per J . H. Rowe, King, York R. J. Howes, HamUton, Wentwoith J. D. Lutz, Stoney Creek, Wentworth R. M. Griffith, Grimsby, Lincoln N. Sunley, Guelph, WelUngton G. J. Miller, Virgil, Lincoln J. Walker, Virgil, Lincoln R. Currie, Niagara, WeUand John HamUton, Doncaster, York John McCrae Ross, Leslie, York Sec. 36 — Apples, 6 Pomme Orise S. MacheU, per J. H. Rowe. King, York James Moore, Islington, York R. J. Howes, HamUton, Wentworth J. D. Lutz, Stoney Creek, Wentworth R. M. Griifith, Grimsby, Lincoln G. J. MiUer, Virgil, Lincoln J. Walker, Virgil, Lincoln E. C. Fearnside, Hamilton, Wentworth R. Currie, Niagara, WeUand John McCrae Ross, LesUe, York Sec. 37— Apples, 6 Northern Spy S. MacheU, per J. H. Rowe, King, York James Knox, BeUeviUe, Hastings James BeU, Burlington, Halton R. J. Howes, Hamilton, Wentworth J. D. Lutz, Stoney Creek, Wentworth J. M. Hirschfelder, Toronto, York James Fleming, Kilsyth, Grey W. A. Smith, Brantford, Brant R. M. Griffith, Grimsby, Lincoln G. J. MiUer, Virgil, Lincoln J. Walker, Virgil, Lincoln E. C. Fearnside, Hamilton, Wentworth R. Currie, Niagara, WeUand Mrs. George Cooper, LesheviUe, York J. D. Stotts, Markham, York W. W. Tattle, YorkvUle, York John McCrae Ross, LesUe, Yot & A. E. Mather, Islington, York Sec. 38 — Apples, 6 of any other variety, Wiitter S. MacheU, per J. H. Rowe, King, York R. J. Howes, HamUton, Wentworth R. M. Griffith, Grimsby, Lincoln George Taylor, Scarboro' Junction, York G. J. MiUer, Virgil, Lincoln J. Walker, Virgil, Lincoln R. Currie, Nuigara, WeUand rP S2 AUTHORIZED CATALOGUE. Class XLT. J. D. Stotts, Markham, York John McCrau Rosh, Leslie, York Sec. .39 — Apples, 6 Seedling, Winter variety R. M. Griffith, Grimsby, Lincolu G. J. Miller, Virgil, Linjoln J. D. Stotts, Markham, York Sec. 40 — Ap/jlet, 6 Seedling, Fall variety R. M. Griffith, Grimsby, Liacoln G. J. Miller, Virgil, Lincoln J. D. Stotts, Markham, York W. W. Tattle, YorkvUle, York Sec. 41 — Pears, collection of 20 varieties, 4 of each R. J. Howes, Hamilton, Wentworth S. Woodley, Hamilton, Wentworth G. J. Miller, Virgil, Lincoln J. Walker, Virgil, Lincoln R. Currie, Niagara, Welland Sec. 42 — Pears, 10 varietiet of 4 each R. J. Howes, Hamilton, Wentworth W. A. Smith, Brantford, Brant R. M. Griffith, Grimsby, Lincoln a. Woodley, Hamilton, Wentworth G. J. Miller, Virgil, Lincoln J. Walker, Virgil, Lincoln E. C. Fearnside, Hamilton, Wentworth R. Currie, Niagara, Welland John Hamilton, Doncaster, York John McGrae Ross, Leslie, York Sec. 4.3 — Pears, 4 varieties of 4. each R. J. Howes, Hamilton, Wentworth J. D. Lutz, Stoney Creek, Wentworth W. A. Smith, Brantford, Brant R. M. Griffith, Grimsby, Lincoln S. Woodley, Hamilton, Wentworth (}. J. Miller, Virgil, Lincoln J. Walker, Virgil, Lincoln E. C. Fearnside, Hamilton, Wentworth R. Currie, Niagara, Welland John Hamilton, Doncaster, York .John McCrao Koss, Leslie, York Sec. 'H—Pears, 6 Bartlett R. J. Howes, Hamilton, Wentworth J. M. Hirschfelder, Toronto, York W. A. Smith, Brantford, Brant R. M. Griffith, Grimsby, Liugoln 8. Woodley, Hamilton, Wentworth G. J. Miller, Virgil, Lincoln J. Walker, Vjrgil, Lincoln E. C. Fearnside, Hamilton, Wentworth R. Currie, Niagara, Welland John Hamilton, Doncaster, York John McCrae Ross, Leslie, York Henry Brown, YorkviUe, Yorii Sec. 45 — Pears, 6 Seckel R. J. Howes, Hamilttni, Wentworth J. M. Hirschfelder, Toronto, York W. A. ^imith, Brantford, Bnuat R. M. Griffith, Grimsby, Unooln S. Woodley, Hamilton, Wentworth G. J. Miller, Virgil, Lincoln J. Walker, Virgil, Lincoln E. C. Fearnside, Hamilton, Wentwortii R. Currie, Niagara, Welland J. D. Stotts, Markham, York John Hamilton, Doncaster, York John McCrae Ross, Leslie, York See. 4&— Pears, 6 White Doyerme R. J. Howes, Hamilton, Wentworth J. M. Hirf chfelder, Toronto, York R. M. Griffith, Grimsby, Lincoln S. Woodley, Hamilton, Wentworth G. J. Miller, Virgil, Lincoln J. Walker, Virgil, Lincoln E. C. Fearnside, Hamilton, Wentworth R. Currie, Niagara, Welland John Hamilton, Doncaster, York W. W. Tattle, Yorkville, York John McCrae Ross, Leslie, York Sec. 47 — Penrs, 6 Larorence R. J. Howes, Hamilton, Wentworth W. A. Smith, Brantford, Brant R. M. Griffith, Grimsby, Lincoln G. J. Miller, Virgil, Lincoln J. Walker, Virgil, Lincoln R. Currie, Niagara, Welland John McCrae Ross, Leslie, York Sec. 48- -Pears, 6 Flemish Beauty R. J. Howes, Hamilton, Wentworth J. M. Hirschfelder, Toronto, York W. A. Smith, Brantford, Brant R. M. Griffith, Grimsby, Lincoln S. Woodley, Hamilton, Wentv^'orth G. J. Miller, Virgil, Lincoln J. Walker, Virgil, Lincoln E. C. Fearnside, Hamilton, Wentworth R. Currie, Niagara, Welland Mrs. George Cooper, Leslieville, York James Hayward, Doncaster, York John Hamilton, Doncaster, York W. W. Tattle, Yorkville, York John McCrae Ross, Leslie, York A. £. Mather, IsUngton, York Sec. 49 — Pears, 6 Beurre Diel R. J. Howes, Hamilton, Wentworth J. M. Hirschfelder, Toronto, York W. A. Smith, Brantford, Brant R. M. Griffith, Grimsby, lincoln 8. Woodley, Hamiltou, Wentworth G. J. Miller, Virgil, Lincoln J. Walker, Virgil, Lincoln £. C. Fearnside, Hamilton, Wentworth R. Currie, Niagara, Welland John Hamiltou, Doncaster, York John McCrae Ross, Leslie, York Sec. Sfi— Pears, 6 Louise Bonne de Jersey R. J. Howes, Hamilton, Wentworth J. M. Hirschfelder, Toronto, York W. A. Smith, Brantford, Brant R. M. Griffith, Grinwby, Lincoln Class XLT. Class XLV. AUTHORIZED OATALOOUK. 33 intworth n. Wentwortii id rk York York ',rme '^eutworth 0, York lincoln mtworth n , Wentworth kd York !^ork York Wentworth Jrant lincoln n id , York atUy ^entworth X), York irant Lincoln ent>;'orth in , Wentwortk lid jville, York r, York , York York York 'ork I ^entwortk o, York irant incoln entwortk n Wentworth lid York Ywk ne de J«r»ty Wentworth o, York incdm S. Woodley, Hamilton, Wentworth G. J. Miller, Vireil, Lincoln J. Walker, Virgil, Lincoln R. Currie, Niagara, Welland, John Hamilton, Uoucaster, York John McCrae Rosa, Leslie, York Sec. 61 — Pears, 6 Oavoego Beurre G. J. Miller, Virpl, Lincoln John Hamilton, Doncaster, York John McCrac Ross, Leslie, York Sec. 52 — Pears, 6 BeUe Lucrative R. J. Howes, Hamilton, Wentworth W. A. Smith, Brantford, Brant S. Woodley, Hamilton, Wentworth N, Sunley, Guelph, Wellington (J. J. Miuer, Virgil, Lincoln J. Walker, Virgil, Lincoln R> Carrie, Niagara, Welland John Hamilton, Doncaster, York W. W. Tattle, Yorkville, York John McCrae Ross, Leslie, York Henry Brown, Yorkville, York flee. 53 — Pears, 6 Duchesse d^A ngouleme R. J. Howes, Hamilton, Wentworth W. A. Smith, Brantford, Brant R. M. Griffith, Grimsby, Lincoln S. Woodley, Hamilton, Wentworth G. J. Miller, Virgil, Lincoln J. Walker, Virgil, Lincoln E. C. Feamside, Hamilton, Wentworth R. Currie, Niagara, Welland W. W. Tattle, YorkviUe, York John McCrae Ross, Leslie, York Sec. 54 — Pears, 6 Beurre Box G. J. Miller, Virgil, Lincoln J. Walker, Virgil, Lincoln R. Currie, Niagara, Welland John Hainilton, Doncaster, York Sec. 55 — Pears, 6 Beurre d'Anjou R. J. Howes, Hamilton, Wentworth W. A. Smith, Brantford, Brant R. M. Griffith, Grimsby, Lincoln S. Woodley, Hamilton, Wentworth G. J. Miller, Virgil, Lincoln .f. Walker, Virgil, Lincoln R. Currie, Niagara, Welland John Hamilton, Doncaster, York W, W. Tattle, Yorkville, York John McCrae Ross, LesKe, York Sec. 56 — Pears, 6 Beurre Clairgean R. J. Howes, Hamilton, Wentworth W. A. Smith, Brantford, Brant R. M. Griffith, Grimsby, Lincoln G. J. Miller, Virgil, Lincoln J. Walker, Virgil, Lincoln K. C. Feamside, Hamilton, Wentworth U. Carrie, Niagara, Welltfnd John Hamilton, DoncaalWi York 8 Sec. 57 — Pears, 6 Beurre Sujyerfin R. J. Howes, Hamilton, Wentworth G. J. Miller, Virgil, Lincoln Sec. 68 — Pea^s, 6 Beurre Hardy R. J. Howes, Hamilton, Wentworth G. J. Miller, Virgil, Lincoln John McCrae Ross, Leslie, York Sec. 59— Pears, 6 Ooodale G. J. Miller, Vireil, Lincoln J. Walker, Virgu, Lincoln E. C. Feamside, Hamilton, Wentworth Sec. 60 — Pears, 6 Clapp's Favourite J. D. Lutz, Stoney Creek, Wentworth R. M. Griffith, Grimsby, Lincoln G. J. Miller, Virgil, Lincoln J. Walker, Virgil, Lincoln R. Currie, Niagara, Welland J. D. atotts, Alarkham, York John Hamilton, Doncaster, York Sec. 61— Pears, 6 Bturre Grin' D'llim- Noveau G. J. Miller, Virgil, Lincoln Sec. 62— Pears, 6 Biiffam R. J. Howes, Hamilton, Wentworth R. M. Griffith, Grimsby, Lincoln G. J. Miller, Virgil, Lincoln J. Walker, Virgil, Lincoln E. C. Feamside, Hamilton, Wentworth R. Currie, Niagara, Welland John Hamilton, Doncaster, York John McCrae Ross, Leslie, York Sec. 63 — Pears, 6 Doyenne Bousaock G. J. Miller, Virgil, Lincoln Sec. 64 — Pears, 6 Orey Doyenne R. J. Howes, Hamilton, Wentworth S. Woodley, Hamilton, Wentworth G. J. Miller, Virgil, Lincoln J. Walker, Virgil, Lincoln Sec. 66— Pmr«, 6 Sheldon R. J. Howes, Hamilton, Wentworth R. M. Griffith, Grimsby, Lincoln S. Woodley, Hamilton, Wentworth G. J. Miller, Virgil, Lincoln J. Walker, Virgil, Jjincoln E. C. Fearnside, Hamilton, Wentwortk R. Currie, Niagara, Welland Jolin Hamilton, Doncaster, York John McCrae Ross, Leslie, York Sec. 66 — Pears, 6 Swan's Orange N. Sunley, Guelph, Wellington G. J. Miller, Virgil, Lincoln R. Currie, Niagara, Welland Sec. 67— Pear d, 6 White Nelis R. J. Howes, Hamilton, Wemtwortk W. A. Smith, Brantford, Brant R. M. Griffith, Grimsby, Lincoln 8. Woodley, Hamilton, Wentworth 34 AUTHORIZED CATALOGUE: Class XLVi. Q. J. Miller, Virgil, Lincoln J. Walker, Virgil, Lincoln K. Corria, Niagara, Welland Sec. m— Pears, 6 Howell R. J. Howes, Hamilton, Wentworth K M. Griffith, Griniaby, Lincoln N. Sunley, Guelph, Wellington G. J. Miller, Virgil, Lincom J. Walker, Virgil, Lincoln K. Currie, Niagara, Welland Sec. 69— Peart, 6 Vicar qf Wakefield George Taylor, Scarboro' Junction, York K. M. Grimth, Grimsby, Lincoln G. J. Miller, Virgil, Lincoln K. Carrie, Niagara, Welland John Hamilton, Doncaster, York John McCrae Boss, Leslie, Vork Sec. 10— Pears, 6 Easter Beurre B. J. Howes Hamilton, Wentworth 8. Woodley, Hamilton, Wentworth G. J. Miller, Virgil, lancoln J. Walker, Virgil, Lincoln R. Uurrie, Niagara, Welland John McCrae Kobb, Leslie, York 8ec. 71 — Pears, 6 Beurre de VAssomptUm G. J. Miller, Virgil, Lincoln £. C. Feamside, Hamilton, Wentworth Sec. 72 — Pears, G Brockvxnih Park G. J. Miller, Virgil, Lincoln Sec. 73 — Fears, 6 Mount Vernon H. M. Oriffitb. Grimsby, Lincoln G. J. Miller, Virgil, Lmcoln Sec. 74 — Pears, 6 PitmasUm G. J. Miller, Virgil, Lincoln Hec. 75 — Pears, 6 of any other fall variety George Taylor, Scarboro' Junction, York R. J. Howes, Hamilton, Wentworth R. M. Griffith, Grimsby, Lincoln G, J. Miller, Vircil, Lincoln J, Walker, Virgil, Lincoln J. D. Stotts, Markham, York Sec. 76 — Pears, 6 of any other variety of winter R. J. Howes, Hatifilton, Wentworth S. Woodley, Hamilton, Wentworth George Taylor, Scarboro' Junction, York G. J. Miller, Virgil, Lincoln J, Walker, Virgil, Lincoln A. £. Mather, Islington, York CLASS XLVI — Plums, Peiushes, Grapes, &c Sec. 1 — Plums, collectiort of not less than 15 varieties, 6 qf e'Mh, correctly named L. H. Yeomans, Mt. Forest, Wellington R. J. Howes, Hamilton, Wentworth Charles Scott, Orangeville, Wellington N. Sunley, Guelph, Wellington George Elliott, Guelph, Wellington GilcluriBt Brothers, Guelph, Wellington Sec. 2 — Plums, collecticm of 6 varieties, green or yellow, 6 of each, correctly named L. H. Yeomans, Mt. Forest, Wellington R. J. Howes, Hamilton, Wentworth riharles Scott, Orangeville, Wellington N. Sunley, Guelph, Wellington George Elliott, Guelph, Wellington Gilchrist Brothers, Guelph, Wellington J. D. Stotts, Markham, York Sec. 3 — Plums, Collection of, 6 varieties, red or blue, 6 of each, correctly named L. H. Yeomans, Mt. Forest, Wellington R. J. Howes, Hamilton, Wentworth Charles Scott, Orangeville, Wellington N. Sunley, Guelph, Wellington E. C. Feamside, Hanjilton, Wentworth George Elliott, Guelph, Wellington W. W. Tattle, Yorkville, York Gilchrist Bros., Guelph, Wellington Sec. 4 — Plums, 12 Peach, & of each N. Sunley, Guelph, Wellington J. D. Stotts, Markham, York Gilchrist Brothers, Guelph, Wellington Sec. 5 — Plums, 12 Prince Englebert R. J. Howes, Hamilton, Wentworth Gilchrist Brothers, Guelph, Wellington Sec. 7 — Plums, 12 Bradshaw R. J. Howes, Hamilton, Wentworth N. Sunley, Guelph, Wellington. W. W. Tattle, Yorkville, York Gilchrist Bros., Guelph, Wellington Sec. 8 — Plum^, 12 Lombard L. H. Yeomans, Mt. Forest, Wellington J. Bell, Burlington, Halton R. J. Howes, Hamilton, Wentworth Charles Scott, Orangeville, Wellington S. Woodley, Hamilton, Wentworth N. Sunley, Guelph, Wellington Georg". Elliott, Guelph, Wellington J. D. ." Viitts, Markham, York W. \V. rattle, YorkviUe, York Gilchrifit Bros., Guelph, Wellington Henry Brown, Yorkville, York Sec. 9 — Plums, 12 Washington L. H. Yoemans, Mt. Forest, Wellington R. J. Howes, Hamilton, Wentworth N. Sunley, Guelph, Wellington Gilchrist Bros., Guelph, Wellington Henry Brown, Yorkville, York Sec. 10 — Pbims, 12 Victoria J. Bell, Burlington, Halton R. J. Howes, Hamilton, Wentworth S. Woodley, Hamilton. Wentworth N. Sunley, Guelph, Wellington Gilchrist Bros., Guelph, Wellington Sec. 11 — Plums, 12 HuUng's Superb. R. J. Howes, Hamilton, Wentworth N. Sunley, Guelph, Wellington Gilchrist Broe., Guelph, Wellington ]!la8s XLVi. Class SLVi. AUTHORIZED CATATOOUE. 35 'ietiea, green tly tui/nied Yellington ;worth silington n agton I'^eilington larieties, red Mined Vellington iworth ellington in rentwortk Dgton •k ington leh i^ellington bert :tworth ('^ellingtou itworth on. irk ington (Vellington tworth lington worth rk gton gton IVellington tworth n ington tworth worth n ngton iworth ngton Sec. 12— Pluma, 12 Coe'a Oolden Drop K. J. Howes, Hamilton, Wentworth N. Sunley, Guelph, Wellington E. C. PeamBide, Hamilton, Wentworth Gilchriat Bros., Guelpjh, Wellington Henry Brown, Yorkville, York Sen. 13— Plunu, 12 Yellow Egg L. H. YeomauB, Mt. Forest, Wellington N. Sunley, Guelph, Wellington E. C. Feamside, Hamilton, Wentworth J. D. StottB, Markham, York Gilchrist Bros., Guelph, Wellington Sec. 14 — PluTos, 12 Smith's Orkana J. Bell, Burlin^n, Halton R. J. Howes, Hamilton, Wentworth N. Sunley, Gnelph, Wellington George Elliott, Guelph, Wellington W. W. Tattle, Yorkville, York Gilchrist Bros., Guelph, Wellington Sec. 15 — Pluma, 12 Oreen Oage L. H. Yeomans, Mt. Forest, Wellington R. J. Howes, Hamilton, Wentworth K. Sunley, Guelph, Wellington J. D. Stutts, Markham, York ('ilchrist Bros., Guelph, Wellington Sec. l6-^Pluma, 12 Imperial Oage. R. J. Howes, Hamilton, Wentworth Charles Scott, Orangeville, Wellington N. Sunley, Guelph, Wellington E. 0. Fearnside, Hamilton, Wentworth J. D. Stotts, Markham, York Gilchrist Bros., Guelph, Wellington Sec. 17 — Plmna, 12 McLaughlin R. J. Howes, Hamilton, Wentworth N. Sunley, Guelph, Wellington E. C. Fearnside, Hamilton, Wentworth George Elliott, Gnelph, Wellington Gilchrist Bros., Guelph, Wellington Sec. 18 — Pluma, 12 Pond'a Seedling R. J. Howes, Hamilton, Wentworth N. Sunley, Guelph, Wellington (ieorge Elliott, Guelph, Wellington Gilchrist Bros., Guelph, Wellington Sec. 19 — Plums, 12 Deaaert, 1 variety, cor- rectly named L. H. YeomauB, Mount Forest, Wellington R. J. Howes, Hamilton, Wentworth Charles Scott, Orui£eville, Welliogton] N. Sunley, Guelph, Wellington E. C. Feamside, Hamilton, Wentworth J. D. Stotts, Markham, York Gilchrist Bros., Guelph, Wellington Henry Brown, Yorkville, York Sec. 20 — Pluma, 12 Cooking, 1 variety, C4fr- rectly named R. J. Howes, Hamilton, Wentworth N. Sunley, Guelph, Wellington E. C. Feamside, Hamilton, Wentworth J. D. Stotts, Markham, York W. W. Tattle, Yorkville, York Gilchrist Bros., Guelph, Wellington Sec. 2\— Plums, 12 Seedling N. Sunley, Guelph, WeUington Captain Snider, Egliugton, York W. W. Tattle, YorkviUe, York Gilchrist Bros., Guelph, Wellington Sec. ^— Plums, 12 Native Red L. H. Yeomans, Mount Forest, Wellington J. Walker, Virgil, Lincoln William Benham, Guelph, Wellington E. C. Feamside, Hamilton, Wentworth J. D. Stotts, Markham, York W. W. Tattle, YorkvUle, York Gilchrist Bros., Guelph, Wellington Sec. 28 — Peaches, 6 varieties of, correctly named, 6 of each R. M. Griffith, Grimsby, Lincoln J. Walker, Virgil, Lincoln R. Currie, Niagara, Welland Sec. 24r— Peaches, 6 Early Beatrice R. M. Griffith, Grimsby, Lincoln R. Currie, Niagara, Welland Sec. 25 — Peaches, 6 Early Louise R. M. Griffith, Grimsby, Lincoln E. C. Feamside, Hamilton, Wentworth R. Currie, Niagara, Welland Sec. 27 — Peaches, 6 Early Crawfords J. D. Lutz, Stoney Creek, Wentworth R. M. Griffith, Grimsby, Lincoln J. Walker, Virgil, Lincoln E. C. Feamside, Hamilton, Wentworth R. Currie, Niagara, Welland Sec. 28 — Peachea, 6 Late. Crawfords R. M. Griffith, Grimsby, Lincoln S. Woodley, Hamilton, Wentworth J. Walker, Virgil, Lincoln R. Currie, Niagara, Welland Sec. 29— Peachea, 6 any other variety, cor- rectly named J. M. Hirschfelder, Toronto, York R. M. Griffith, Grimsby, Lincoln J. Walker, Virgil, Lincoln R. Currie, Niagara, W^elland Sec. 30— /^eocA^a, 6 White Fleshy any other variety, correctly narned R. M. Griffith, Grimsby, Lincoln J. Walker, Virgil, Lincoln E. C. Fearnside, Hamilton, Wentworth R. Currie, Niagara, Welland Sec. 31 — Peachea, 6 Yellow Flesh, any other variety, correctly named R. M. Griffith, Grimsby, Lincoln J. Walker, Virgil, Lin'^oln B. Carrie, Niagara, Welland 36 AUTHOKIZED CATALOGUE. Class XLVI. 1:1 ill I -' I i f i r: Sec. 32— Peaches, 6 Seedling J. D. Lutz, Stonejr Greek, Wentworth It. M. Griffith, Grimsby, Lincoln William A. Brown, Toronto, York J. Walker, Virgil, Lincoln E. C. Feamside, Hamilton, Wentworth R. Currie, Niagara, Welland A. E. Mather, Islington, York Sec. 33 — Orapes, Collection of, gronm in Open Air, 12 varieties, 2 bunches each R. J. Howes, Hamilton, Wentworth R. M. Griffith, Grirrsby, ' <, coin S. Woodley, Hami .. a, \ , «• woi-tb Sec. 34 — Orapes, 6 varieties of {<^en air), 2 bunches each George Taylor, Scarboro' Junction, York R. J. Howes, Hamilton, Wentworth R. M. Griffith, Grimsby, Lincoln S. Woodley, Hamilton, ^' > J. D. Stotts, Markham, < a. Sec. 30 — Orapes, 3 bunches P/yh'lr: ^.f .John PockU^gton, Bandy Hili, N.Y. Sec. 37 — Orapes, 3 6i..ic,ia« Cha pio'v George Taylor, Scaihoro' J^n '.'■■■*. Tork W. A. Smith, BrantforJ, tSrKn'u •S. Woodley, Hamilton, Wentworth J. D. etotts, Markham, York Sec. 38 — Orapes, 3 bunches Seedling, White R. J. Howes, Hamilton, Wentworth Sec. 39 — Grapes, 3 bunches Seedling, Red E. J. Howes, Hamilton, Wentworth Sec. 40 — Orapes, 3 bunches Seedling, Black R. J. Howes, Hamilton, Wentworth Sec. 41 — Orapes, 3 bunches Concord George Taylor, Scarboro' Junction, York J. Bell, Burlington, Halton R. J. Howes, Hamilton, Wentworth W. A. Smith, Brantford, Brant R. M. Griffith, Grimsby, Lincoln S. Woodley, Hamilton, Wentworth J. Walker, Virgil, Lincoln E. C. Feamside, Hamilton, Wentworth , J. D. Stotts, Markham, York John Hamilton, Doncaster, York A. E. Mather, Islington, York (ieorge Hope, Yorkville, York Sec. 42 — Orapes, 3 bunches Delaware George Taylor, Scarboro' Junction, York J. Bell, Burlington, Halton R. J. Howes, Hamilton, Wentworth W. A. Smith, Brantford, Brant R. M. Griffith, Grimsby, Tincoln S. Woodley, Hamilton, Wentworth .las. Walker, Virgil, Lincoln E. C. Feamside, Hamilton, Wentworth R. Currie, Niagara, Welland J. D. Stotts, Markham, York John Hamilton, Doncaster, York CJeorge Hope, YorkTiUe, York Sec. 43 — Orapes, 3 bunches Diana R. J. Howes, Hamilton, Wentworth W. A. Smith, Brantford, Brant R. M. Griffith, Grimsby, Lincoln S. Woodley, Hamilton, Wentworth J. Walker, Virgil, Lincoln E. C. Feamside, Hamilton, Wentworth Sec. 44 — Orapes, 3 bunches Creveling George Taylor, Scarboro' Junction, York J. Bell, Burlington, Halton R. J. Howes, Hamilton, Wentworth W. A. Smith, Braatford, Brant R. M. Griffith, Grimsby, Lincoln S. Woodley, Hamilton, Wentworth J. Walker, Virgil, Lincoln Sec. 45 — Orapes, 3 bunclies Rogers' 4 George Taylor, Scarboro' Junction, York J. Bell, Burlington, Halton R. J. Howes, Hamilton, Wentworth S. Woodley, Hamilton, Wentworth W. A. Smith, Brantford, Brant R. M. Griffith, Grimsby, Lincoln .->/• iC' — Orapes, 3 bunches Rogers' 3 v^ H iwes, Hamilton, Wentworth - ?uth, Brantford, Brant 1. - . Tn^th, Grimsby, Lincoln • S. Woodley, Hamilton, Wentworth E. C. Feamside, Hamilton, Wentworth Sec. 47 — Orapes, 3 bunches Rogers' 19 J. Bell, Burlington, Halton R. J. Howes, Hamilton, Wentworth W. A. Smith, Brantford, Brant R. M. Griffith, Grimsby, Lincoln S. Woodley, Hamilton, Wentworth E. C. Fearnside, Hamilton, We:;-. ,-. orth Sec. 48 — Orapes, 3 bunches Rogers' 44 R. J. Howes, Hamilton, Wentworth R. M. Griffith, Grimsby, Lincoln S. Woodley, Hamilton, Wentworth E. C. Fearnside, Hamilton, Wentworth J. D. Stotts, Markham, York John Hamilton, Doncaster, York Sec. 49 — Orapes, 3 bunches Eumelan George Taylor, Scarboro' Junction, York J. Bell, Burlington, Halton R. ~M. Griffith, Grimsby, Lincohi S. Woodley, Hamilton, Wentworth J. D. Stotts, Markham, York Se«. 50 — Orapes, 3 bunches Hartford Proliji^ George Taylor, Scarboro' Junction, York J. Bell, Burlington, Halton R. J. Howes, Hamilton, Wentworth W. A. Smith, Brantford, Brant R. M. Griffith, Grimsby, Lincoln S. Woodley, Hamilton, Wentworth E. C. Feamside, Hamilton, Wentworth J. D. Stotts, Markham, York Hy. Brown, Yorkville, York Class XLVi. Class xLVii. AUTHORIZED CATALOGUE. 37 tworth at loln worth i''eiitworth eling jtion, York tworth nt join worth TS'4 ction, York itworth iworth •nt coin sra'S itworth jit coin • bworth Ventworth era' 19 itworth ,nt coin ;worth Vezi. ;, orth ■s'44 tworth coin tworth Ventworth ork lelan ction, York coin tworth tford Prolific ction, York ttwotth nt :oln ;worth ^entworth Sec. 51 — Orapea, 3 bunches A Ikn'a Hybrid S. Woodley, Hamilton, Wentworth J. D. Stotta, Markham, York Sec. 62 — Orapea, 3 bunchea of any othervarkiy (Tiamed) Oeorge Taylor, Scarboro' Junction, York J. Bell, Burlington, Halton U. J. Howes, Hamilton, Wentworth W. A. Smith, Brantford, Brant U. M. Griffith, Grimsby, Lincoln S. Woodley, Hamilton, Wentworth K. C. Feamaide, Hamilton, Wentworth Sec. 53 — Orapea, 2 bunchea any variety {exotic) grown in open air R. J. Howes, Hamilton, Wentworth A. E. Mather, Islington, York Sec. 54 — Orapea — Collection of, grown under glass, and not leas tJtan 8 varietiea, cor- rectly named, 1 bunch of each J. Bell, Burlington, Halton Hy. Brown, Yorkville, York Sec. 55 — Orapea, 2 bunches, Black B'amburg J. M. Hirschfelder, Toronto, York Hy. Brown, Yorkville, York Sec. 56 — Orapea, 2 bunches, black, any other variety Hy. Brown, Yorkville, York Sec. 57 — Orapea, 2 bunchea, white, grown under glass, correctly named J. M. Hirschfelder, Toronto, York Hy. Brown, Yorkville, York Sec. 58 — Orapea, 2 bunchea, any other colour Hy. Brown, Yorkville, York Sec. 59 — Nectarines, 6 named R. J. Howes, Hamilton, Wentworth J. M. Hii-schfelder, Toronto, York G. J. Miller, Virgil, Lincoln J. Walker, Virgil, Lincoln Sec. 60 — Quinces, 6 II. J. Howes, Hamilton, Wentworth G. J. Miller, Virgil, Lincoln J. Walker, Virgil, Lincoln Sec. 62 — Melon, green flesh George Syme, Carlton West, York Charles Scott, Orangeville, Wellington E. C. Fearuaide, Hamilton, Wentworth Mrs. G. Cooper, Leslie ville, York J. D. Stotts, Markham, York George Hamilton, Doncaster, York W. W. Tattle, Yorkville, York •Tames Pape, Toronto, York F. & R. Baby, Lambton Mills, York Soc. 63 — Melon, Red or Scarlet Flesh Oeorge Syme, Carlton West, York r^harles Scott, Orangeville, Wellington E. C. Feamside, Hamilton, Wentworth Mrs. G. Cooper, Leslieville, York J. D. Stotts, Markham, York F. & R. Baby, Lambton Mills, York Sec. 64 — Melon, Water George Syme, Carlton West, York Mrs. G. Cooper, Leslieville, York J. D. Stotts, Markham, York F. & R. Baby, Lambton Mills, York Sec. 66 — Citron George Syme, Scarboro' Junction, York Simpson Rennie, Milliken, York Mrs. G. Cooper, Leslieville, York J. D. Stotts, Markham, York F. A, R. Baby, Lambton Mills, York Sec. 66 — Wild Plums, quart, uncultivated, native J. Walker, Virgil, Lincoln E. C. Feamside, Hamilton, Wentwortli W. W. Tattle, Yorkville, York Sec. 67 — Wild Orapea, 3 cluatera, uncultivated, native George Taylor, Scarboro' Junction, York J. D. Lutz, Stoney Creek, Wentworth J Walker, Viroil, Lincoln J. D. Stotts, Markham, York F. & R. Baby, Lambton Mills, York Sec. 68 — Crab, 3 varieties, cultivated 12 earh R. J. Howes, Hamilton, Wentworth R. M. Griffith, Grimsby, Lincoln N. Sunley, Guelph, Wellington G. J. Miller, Virgil, Lincohi J. Walker, Virgil, Lincohi E. C. Feamside, Hamilton, Wentworth J. D. Stotts, Markham, York James Hayward, Doncaster, York Sec. 69 — Crab, largeat and heat collection, cultivated, 6 of each R. M. Griffith, Grimsby, Lincoln G. J. Miller, Virgil, Lincoln E. C. Feamside, Hamilton, Wentworth CLASS XLVII— CoUection of Fruits Sec. 1 — Apjilea, collection of, 40 varieties, named, 4 of each. R. M. Griffith, Grimsby, Lincoln. A. M. Smith & Co., Grimsby, Lincoln G. J. Miller, Virgil, Lincoln J. Walker, Virgil, Lincoln Sec. 2 — Peara, collection of, 20 varieties, named, 4 qf each R. J. Howes, Hamilton, Wentworth S. Woodley, Hamilton, Wentworth A. M. Smith &. Co., Grimsby, Lincoln G. J. Miller, Virgil, Lincoln J. Walker, Virgil, Lincoln R. Currie, Niagara, Welland 38 AUTHORIZED CATALOGUB. Class XLVIII. Sec. 3 — Plums, collection of 20 varieties, tutmed, 6 of each L. H. Yeomans, Mount Forest, Wellington R. J. Howes, Hamilton, Wentworth Charles Scott, Orangeville, Wellington A. M. Smith & Co. , Grimsby, Lincoln N. Sunley, Guelph, Wellington Sec. 4 — Peaches, collection of 12 varieties (named), 6 o/ each B. M. Griffith, Grimsby, Lincoln A, M. Smith & Co., Grimsby, Lincoln N. Sunley, Guelph, Wellington .J. Walker, Virgil, Lincoln B. Currie, Niagara, Welland Sec. 5 — Orapes grown in open air, collection of 20 varieties, named, 3 bunches of each B. J. Howes, Hamilton, Wentworth S. Woodley, Hamilton. Wentworth A. M. Smith & Co., Grimsby, Lincoln G. J. Miller, Virgil, Lincoln J. Walker, Virgil, Lincoln John Holder, St. Catharines, Lincoln Sec. 6 — Orapes, collection Hybrid Seedling, not viore than 3 bunches each B. J. Howes, Hamilton, Wentworth CLASS XLVIII— Garden Vegetables Sec. 1 — Salsify, 12 roots William Burgess, Mimico, York John Paxton, Davenport, York T. O. Veale, Hamilton, Wentworth William Benham, Guelph, Wellington Mrs. G. Cooper, Le8lie\'ille, York J. D. Stotts, Markham, York Charles E. Brown, Mimico, York James Wright James Allen, Mimico, York W. W. Tattle, Yorkville, York Sec. 2 — Cauliflowers, 3 hectds William Burgess, Mimico, York George Syme, Carlton West, York Charles Scott, Orangeville, Wellington Mrs. G. Cooper, Leslieville, York James Wright W. W. Tattle, YorkviUe, York Thomas Iron field, Toronto, York F. 4; B. Baby, Lambton Mills, York Sec. 3 — Cahbage, 3 heads early (any variety not hereafter mentioned Charles Scott, Orangeville, Wellington John Paxton, Davenport, York E. C. Feamside, Hamilton, Wentworth Mrs. G. Cooper, Leslieville, York ec. 4 — Cabbage, 3 heads, Winningstadt. William Burgess, Mimico, York Charles Scott, Orangeville, Wellington Mrs. G. Cooper, Le^ieville, York Charles E. Brown, Mimico, York James Allen, Mimico, York Sec. S — Cabbage, 3 heads, any new variety Charles Scott, Orangeville, Wellington (2) John Paxton, Davenport, York Mrs. G. Cooper, Leslieville, York Sec. 6 — Cahbage, 3 heads, St. Denis George Syme, Carlton West, York Mrs. G. Cooper, Leslieville, York Sec. 7 — Caibage, 3 heads, Henderson's Sum- mer Charles Scott, Oranceville, Wellington Mrs. G. Cooper, Leuieville, Yoak James Wright James Pape, Torcmto, York F. and B. Baby, Lambton Mills, York Sec. 8 — Cabbage, 3 heads. Drumhead Charles Scott, Orangeville, Wellington Mrs. G. Cooper, Leslieville, York Sec. 9 — Cabbage, 4 sorts Winter, indudintj Savoys, I of each sort (Jeorge Syme, Carlton West, York Mrsi G. Cooper, Leslieville, York Sec. 10— Cabbage, 3 heads Bed William Burgess, Mimico, York George Syme, Carlton West, York Mrs. G. Cooper, Leslieville, York Charles E. Brown, Mimico, York Jamen Wright Sec. II — Carrots, 12 for Unble, Long Red T. Sherwood, Fergus, Wellington Ck.«rle8 Scott, Orangeville, Wellington William Benham, Guelph, Wellin^on Mrs. Geo. Cooper, licsheville, York Charles E. Brown, Mimico, York James Wright James Allen, Mimico, York Sec. 12 — Carrots, 12 Intermediate or Half Long George Syme, Carlton West, York T. Sherwood, Fergus, Wellington Charles Scott, Orangeville, Wellingtoa John Paxton, Davenport, York T. 0. Veale, Hamilton, Wentworth Mrs. Geo. Cooper, Leslieville, York James Wright James Allen, Mimico, York John Hamilton, Doncaster, York Frank Daniels, Mimico, York Sec. 13— Carrote, 12 Early Horn George Syme, Carlton West, York T. Sherwood, Fergus, W^ellington Charles Scott, Orangeville, Wellington T. 0. Veale, Hamilton, Wentworth E. C. Feamside, Hamilton, Wentworth James Allen, Mimico, York Sec. 14 — Parsnips, 12 Table William Burgess, Mimico, York George Syme, Carlton West, York 'lass XLVIII. lew variety Wellington (2) rk fork 'enis York fork Itrson'a Sum- Wellington foak Hb, York iheeid rellington folk sr, indudinfj York E'ork a-k York 'ork 'ork long Red ^n Wellington Ellington Yorii ork ite or HalJ S-ork ^n ellington k worth York >rk if ork ;ton ellington rorth entworth •k fork Class XLVIII. AUTHORIZED CATALOGUE, 39 T. Sherwood, Fergus, Wellington Charles Scott, Orangeville, VVellington John Paxton, Davenport, York William Benham, Guelph, Wellington Mrs. fieo. Coopor, Leslieville, York Charles £. Brown, Mimico, York James Wright James Allen, Mimico, York John Hamilton, Doncaster, York Frank Daniels, Mimioo, York Sec. 15 — Celery, 6 roots White George Syme, Carlton West, York John Hewitt, Collingwood, Simcoe Mrs. Goo. Cooper, leslieville, York James Wright James Allen, Mimico, York F. & R. Baby, Lambton Mills, York Sec. 16 — Celery, 6 roots Red John Hewitt, Collingwood, Simcoe Mrs. Geo. Cooper, I^alieville, York James Wright James Allen, Mimico, York F. & R. Baby, Lambton Mills, York Sec. \1— Capsicums, dozen ripe T. 0. Veale, Hamilton, Wentworth E. C. Feamside, Hamilton, Wentworth Mrs. Geo. Cooper, Leslieville, York John McCrae Ross, Leslie, do Sec. 18 — Capsicums, collection of ripe T. 0 Veale, Hamilton, Wentworth E. C. Feamside, Hamilton, Wentworth Mrs. Geo. Cooper, Leslieville, York Sec. 19 — Egg Plant Fruit, purple T. 0. Veale, Hamilton, Wentworth E. C. Feamside, Hamilton, Wentworth Sec. 20 — Tomutoes, Trophy George Syme, Carlton West, York John Paxton, Davenport, York E. 0. Feamside, Hamilton, Wentworth Mrs. G«orge Cooper, Leslieville, York J. D. Stotts, Markham, do John Hamilton, Doncaster, do Frank Daniels, Mimico, do W. W. Tattle, Yorkville, do John McCrao Ross, Leslie, do F. & R. Baby, Lambton Mills, do Sec. 21 — Tomatoes, 6 General Orant John Paxton, Davenport, York N. Suuley, Guelph, Wellington E. C. Feamside, Hamilton, Wentworth Mrs. George Cooper, Leslieville, York W. W. Tattle, Yorkville, York Sec, 22 — Tomatoes, 6 Cook's Favourite George Syme, Carlton West, York E. C. Fearnside, Hamilton, Wentworth Mrs. George Coopei', Leslieville, York W. W. Tattle, Yorkville, do Thomas Ironfield, Toronto, do Seo. 24 — Tomatoes, 6 Conqueror Charles Scott, Orangeville, Welliagton N. Sunley, Guelph, Wellington E. C. Feamside, Hamilton, Wentworth John Hamilton, Donoaater, York W. W. TatUe, Yorkville, do John McCrae Ross, Leslie, do Thomas Ironfleld, Toronto, do Sec. 25 — Tomatoes, 6 Dempsey's Seedling E. G. Feamside. Hamilton, Wentworth Sec. 26 — Tom^Uoes, 6 Large Yellow Charles Scott, Orangeville, Wellington T. 0. Veale, Hamilton, Wentworth K. C. Feamside, Hamilton, Wentworth Mrs. George Cooper, Leslieville, York Sec. 27 — Tomatoes, 6 any other variety Charles Scott, Orangeville, Wellington N. Sunley, Guelph, VVellington E. C. Feamside, Hamilton, Wentworth J. D. Stotts, Markham, York James Haywanl, Doncaster, do (2) Jas. Wright John Hamilton, Doncaster, York John McCrae Ross, Leslie, do F. & R. Baby, Lambton Mills, do Seo. 28 — Tomatoes, Assorted Collection of John Paxton, Davenport, York E. C. Feamside, Hamilton, Wentworth Mrs. George Cooper, Leslieville, York Sec. 29 — Beets, 6 Blood Long Alfred Crumb, Bowman ville, Durham George Syme, Carlton West, York John Crumb, Bowmanville, Durhauji T. Sherwood, Fergus, Wellington Charles Scott, Orangeville, Wellington John Paxton, Davenport, Yoric T. 0. Veale, Hamilton, Wentworth William Benham, Guelph, Wellington Mrs. George Cooper, Leslieville, York J. D. Stotts, Markham, do James Bain, Toronto, do James Wright Frank Daniels, Mimico, York W. W. Tattle, Yorkville, do John McCrae Ross, Leslie, do Sec. 30 — Beets, 6 Turnip-rooted George Syme, Carlton West, York T. Sherwood, Fergus, Wellington Charles Scott, Orangeville, Wellington John Paxton, Davenport, York E. C, Feamside, Hamilton, Wentworth Mrs. George Cooper, Leslieville, York James Wright John Hamilton, Doncaster, York W. W. Tattle, Yorkville, do John McCrae Ross, Leslie, do F. & R. Baby, Lambton Mills, do Seo. 31 — Onions, peck of White George Syme, Carlton West, York E. Tolcbard, Toronto, York ! MP 40 AUTHORIZED CATAIXKJUB. Class XLVIII (Carles Scott, Orangeville, Wellington Mrs. (jleorgo Cooper, Leslieville, York (.'barles E. Brown, Mimico, do James Wright Frank Daniels, Mimico, York Thomas Iroufield, Toronto, do Hoc. 32 — OnioiKi, peck of Yeltow (leorge Syme, Carlton West, York Oharles .Scott, Orangeville, Wellington John Paxton. Davenport, York Mrs. George Cooper, Lealieville, do Charles B. Brown, Mimico, do James Wright James Allen, Mimico, York John Hamilton, Donoaster, do Frank Daniels, Mimico, do Thomas Irontield, Toronto, do Sec. 33 — Onions, peck of Red George Syme, Carlton West, York E. Tolchard, Toronto, York Charles Scott, Orangeville, Wellingtou John Paxton, Davenport, York Mrs. Greorge Cooper, Leslieville, do Charles E, Brown, Mimico, do James Wright James Allen^ Mimico, York Frank Daniels, Mimico, do Thomas Irontield, Toronto, do Sec. 34 — Onions, 2 quarts Pickling Alfred Crumb, Bowmanville, Durham George Syme, Carlton West, York E. Tolchard, Toronto, York Charles Scott, Orangeville, Wellington John Paxton, Davenport, York James Wright Frank Daniels, Mimico, York W. W. Tattle, Yorkville, do James Pape, Toronto do Sec. 35 — Turnips, 12 white (table) Charles Scott, Orangeville, Wellington John Paxton, Davenport, York William Benham, Guelph, Wellington .John Hewer, Guelph, do Mrs. George Cooper, Leslieville, York Frank Daniels, Mimico, do F. & K. Baby, Lnmbton Mills, do Sec. 36— Turnips, 12 yellow (table) Charles Paxton, Orangeville, Wellington William Beubam, Guelph, Wellington John Hewer, Guelph, do James Allen, Mimico, York F, & R. Baby, Lambton, Milla, do Sec. 37 —Corn, 12 ears sweet corn, fit for the table Russell & Gardiner, Napanee, Lennox Charles Scott, Orangeville, Wellington John Paxton, Davenport, York E. C. Fearnside, Hamilton, Wentworth Mrs. George Cooper, Leslieville, York J. D. Stotts, Markham, York Jaa. Wright W. W. Tattle, Yorkville, York Thomas Irontield, Toronto, do Sec. 31d— Beans, French, quart (podt) J. M. Hiraohfelder, Toronto, York Charles Scott, Orangeville, Wellington John Paxton, Davenport, York E. C. Fearnside, Hamilton, Wentworth Mrs. George Cooper, Lealieville, York Jas. Wright W. W. Tattle, Yorkville, York Sec. 39 — Radish, 6 winter George Syme, Carlton West, York J. M. Hirschfelder, Toronto, do Charles Scott, Orangeville, Wellington Mrs. George Cooper, Leslieville, York Jas. Wright Sec. 40— iTafe, 3 Scotch Mrs. George Cooper, Lealieville, York W. W. Tattle, Yorkville, York Sec. 41 — Herbs, collection pot and atoeet Charles Scott, Orangeville, Wellington E. C. Foarnside, Hamilton, Wentworth Sec. 42 — Potatoes, 6 varieties of, for garden cultivation, half peck of each sort, named J. H. Rowe, King, York (2) Charles Scott, Orangeville, Wellington N. Sunley, Guelph, Wellin^on John Hewer, Guelph, Welhngton Charles E. Brown, Mimico, York W. W. Tattle, Yorkville, do Sec. 43 — Squashes, 3 varieties table George Syme, Carlton West, York Mrs. George Cooper, Leslieville, York James Allen, Mimico, York Sec. 44 — Vegetable Marrow, 2, George Syme, Carlton West, York George Keith, Toronto, do Charles Scott, Orangeville, Wellington John Paxton, Davenport, York Mrs. George Cooper, Leslieville, York Jas. Wright James Allen, Mimico, York W. W. Tattle, YorkviUe, York John McCrae Ross, Leslie, do Sec. 45 — Qreatest variety of Vegetables {distinct from other entries), ecwh Uiui named Mrs. George Cooper, Leslieville, York W. W. Tattle, Yorkville, do Sue. 4Q—Mctras E. Tolchard, Toronto, York, Collection of Nutmeg Melons John Paxton, Davenport, York» Seedling Garden Potatoes aSH XLVIII. iTork sUington k entworth e, York fork do sllington e, York e, York k { aioeet sllington entworth for garden Hort, named allington a ton )rk o ork !, York ork do llington York Vegetable!! each kind York do lUection of Seedling ('lass XUX. AUTHORIZED CATALOOUE. 41 CLASS XLIX— Plants. Flowen, Rustic Work, &c. Seo. 1 — Dahlku, 12 varieties ttandard, named, 1 of each James Fleming, Toronto, York N. Sunley, Guelph, Wellington George Anderson, Hamilton, Wentworth Sec. 2 — DaJdias, \1 bouquet, named, \ of each James Fleming, Toronto, York George Anderson, Hamilton, Wentworth .Sec. 3 — Dahlias, largest and beat collection, named, 1 of each Joseph (iraham, Toronto, York ( reorge Elliott, Guelph, Wellington George Anderson, Hamilton, Wentworth Soc. 4 — Bouijueta, 2 large vases John F. Horsley Toronto, York Colin Skinner, Davisville, do W. M. Mann, Guelph, Wellington James Pape, Toronto, York John Smith, Toronto, do Sec. 5 — Bouquets, pair aide table or fan « /olin Skinner, Davisville, York W. M. Mann, Guelph, Wellington James Pape, Toronto, York John Smith, Toronto, do Miss. E Young, YorkviUe, York Sec. 6 — Bouquets, hand James Fleming, Toronto, York J. M. Hirschfelder, Toronto, York John F. Horsley, Toronto, do John Paxton, Davenport, do Colin Skinner, Davisville, do E. C. Feamside, Hamilton, Wentworth W. M. Mann, Guelph, Wellington James Pape, Toronto, York John Smith, Toronto, do Gilchrist Bros., Guelph, Wellington Sec. 7 — Bouquets, Everlastings Charles Scott, Orangeville, Wellington N. Sunley, Guelph, Wellington E. C. Feamside, Hamilton, Wentworth E. J. Irwin, Newmarket, York J. A. Simmers, Toronto, do Sec. 8 — Bouquets, Wild Flowers Charles Scott, Orangeville, Wellington N. Sunley, Guelph, Wellington E. C. Feamside, Hamilton, Wentworth Miss E. Young, Yorkville, York Sec. 9 — Hanging Basket filled with Plants J. Ross, Toronto, Y^ork J.M. Hirschfelder, Toronto, York John Paxton, Davenport, do James Pape, Toronto, do Sec. \Q— Greenhouse Plants, largest and best collection, Wm. J. McCalla, St. Catharines, Lincoln J. M. Hirschfelder, Toronto, York Sec. 11 — Cacti, 10 species and varietita Colin Skinner, Davisville, York J. A. Simmers, Toronto, do Sec. \2—Pansies, 12 Charles Scott, Orangeville, Wellingtoa T. O. Veale, Hamilton, Wentworth N. Sunley, Guelph, Wellingtcm E. C. Feamside, Hamilton, Wentwortli Gilchrist Bros., Guelph, Wellington Sec 13 — Fuchsias, 6 varieties, in flower James Fleming, Toronto, York J. M. Hirschfelder, Toronto, York N. Sunlev, Guelph, Wellington Thomas famley, Guelph, WclUngton Sec. 14 — Ferns, 6 cultivated (exotic) James Fleming, Toronto, York John Paxton, Davenport, do Sec. 16 — Ferns, native Charles Scott, Orangeville, Wellington N. Sunley, Guelph, Wellington Miss E. Young, Yorkville, York Sec. 16 — Foliage Plants Joseph Graham, Toronto, York James Fleming, Toronto, do Sec. 17 — Annuals, collection in bloom, nanu:d George Reading, Leslie. York Charles Scott, Orangeville, Wellington N. Sunley, Guelph, Wellington J. A. Simmers, Toronto, York Sec. 18. — Cockscombs, 6 Joseph Graham, Toronto, York Charles Scott, Orangeville, Wellington T. 0. Veale, Hamilton, Wentworth N. Sunley, Guelph, Wellington Sec. 19 — Balsams, 6 varieties, in blooni Joseph Graham, Toronto, York James Fleming, Toronto, do Charles Scott, Orangeville, Wellington Colin Skinner, Davisville, York T. O. Veale, Hamilton, Wentworth James Pape, Toronto, York Gilchrist Bros., Guelph, Wellington J. A. Simmers, Toronto, York Sec. 20 — German Asters, 12 George Reading, Leslie, York Charles Scott, Orangeville, Wellington John Paxton, Davenport, York N. Sunley, Guelph, Wellington E. C. Feamside, Hamilton, Wentworth Gilchrist Bros., Guelph, Welhngton J. A. Simmers, Toronto, York Sec. 21 — Asters, collection of G«oree Reading, Leslie, York Charles Scott, Orangeville, Wellington N. Sunley, Guelph, Wellington i Gilchrist Bros., Guelph, Wellingtoa !! I 42 AUTHORIZED CATALOOirB. Claas XLix. is- Heo. 22—Ttn WffJt Stocks, coUettion of Uenrge Reading, Leslie, York ChftrleB Soott, Orangeville, Wellington John Faxton, Davenport, York T. O. Vealo, Ifamilton, Wontworth N. 8unley, Oueluh, WclliuKton J. A. Siuunen, Toronto, York Sec. 23 — Marigolds, rolkction of JoRuph Graham, Toronto, York Uhiirlcs Scott, Orangeville, Wellington T. O. Voale, Hamilton, Wentworth N. Suuley, Guul]>h, Wellington *. C. FearnHide, Hamilton, Wentworth (ieorgo AnVellington 9rk itworth [ton ilington Wentworth rennial ork tVellington Wentworth Ilington , Wentworth lion of, Spikes specimens of Vellington Vellington do Wentworth rk IVellington Wentworth >k louhle rk o Wellington rk imooo worth I>n ington VVentwortli 1 pots, noTJieii >n Soo. 40 — Ofraniunu, 6 double, in pots James Fleming, Toronto, York J. M. Hirschfoider, do do .Famen Pape, do do See. 41— Plan's in flower, display qf, distinct from other entries J. M. Hinohfeldor, Toronto, York Sec. 42 — Ferns, eolleetion Jol ton, Davenport, York Soc. 4« -jtustie Stand, not less than Sft hUjh Ruatic Work Manufacturing Company, Belle Ewart, Simcoe Sec. 44 — Rustic Table ileMgn, not to exceed 4 feet in height Rustic Work Manufacturing Company, Belle Ewart, Simcoe Sec. 48 — Geraniums, Qgolden tri-colors, in pots John Paxton, Davenport, York N. Sunley, Guelph, Wellington Thomas Tamley, Guelph, Wellington George Anderson, Hamilton, Wentworth Sec. 46 — Geraniums, % silver tri-colors, inputs John Paxton, Davenport, York George Anderson, Hamilton, Wentworth Sec. 4" "eraniums, 6 bronze leaved, in pots Jol ton, Davenport, York N. ,, Guelph, Wellington Sec. 48 — Plants, 6 new or rare, in pots Wm. J. McCalla, St. Catharines, Lincoln James Fleming, Toronto, York J. M. Hirschfelder, Toronto, York John Paxton, Davenport, York Sec. 49 — Plants, best display of, on tahU' 6 X l^feet, open to florists only J. Ross, Toronto, York Jas. Pape, Toronto, York Sec. 50 — Cut Flowers, best arranged basket of J. M. Hirschfelder, Toronto, York John F. Horsley, Toronto, York John Paxton, Davenport, York W. M. Mann, Guelph, Wellington Jas. Pape, Toronto, York John Smith, Toronto, do Miss E. Young, Yorkville, do Sec. 51 — Gut Flowers, best display of, mi table 6 X 12 feet {open to Florists oiUy) Colin Skinner, Davisville, York Sec. 52 — Rustic Vases for Lawns, 2 fllled with plants Rustic Work Manufacturing Company, Belle Ewart, Simcoe John Paxton, Davenport, York Sec. 53 — Rustic Work, best collection of Rustic Work Manufacturing Company, Belle Ewart, Simcoe Sec. 64 — Extras J. A. Simmers, 147 King Street East, Toronto, York : collection Kvuriastings Rustic Work Manufaitturing ('ompany, Hello Kwart, Simcoe : Ilustic Novelties T. Kcirk (2) k (3) Class Lii. AUTHORIZED CATALOGUE. 45 Water Colors by Professional Artists. Sec. 10 — Figure or Historical Subject F. M. Bell Smith, Hamilton, Wentworth (2) Mrs. L. Judson, London, Middlesex L. R. O'Brien, Toronto, York (2) Mrs. Schrieber, Deer Park, York Jas. iSidney Crocker, Toronto, York F. A. Vemer, Toronto, York (2) W. N. Cresswell, Seaforth, Huron Sec. 11 — Landscape, Catwdian Subject L. R. O'Brien, Toronto, York (3) F. A. Vemer, Toronto, York (3) W, N. Cresswell, Seaforth, Huron Euretta Millard, Toronto, York (3) F. M. Bell-Smith, Hamilton, Wentworth !*iec. 4 — Steam Boiler Waterous Engine Works Company, Brant- ford, Brant Sec. 5 — Steam Engine, variable cut-off, 30- Horse power and upwards, in operation Tliompson & Williams, Manufacturing Company, Stratford, Perth Sec. 6— Steam Engine, common slide valve, Q'horse power and upwanl, in operation John Doty, Toronto, York Wm. Hamilton, Peterboro', Peterboro' J. Neill & Sons, Toronto, York Wat«rons Engine Works Company, Brant- ford, Brant Sec. 7 — Working Drawing of Engine, embracing general dravnng, details and specifications W. H. Trout, Peterboro', Peterboro' J. B. Xiamb, Ottawa, Carleton m 48 AUTHORIZED CATALOGUE. Class LIV. Sec. 8 — Extras John Doty, Toronto, York, Steam Engine and Boiler, 4 h. p. semi-portable Wm. Hamilton, Peterboro', Peterboro', Steam Engine, semi-portable (2) R. Mitchell & Co., Montreal, P.Q., Water Injectors A. M. Forsted, Hamilton, Wentwoith, Flue Cleaners, Self-acting Oil Cups, Boiler Purger G. H. Cretes, Hamilton, Wentworth, Earth Boring Auger Thompson & Willianj|a' Manufacturing Company, Stratford, rerfih : Air Pump and Condenser ; Engine Governor J. B. Lamb, Ottawa, Carleton: Drawing of Resawing Machine H. T. Smith, Toronto, York : Model of steam pump for Soda Water: model reversible rock valve engine Part 2— Wood Wokkino Machinery Sec. 9 — Band Saw Cant, Crourlay & Co. , Gait, Waterloo Sec. 12 — Mortmr Power Cant, Gourlay & Co., Gait, Waterloo Sec. 13 — Mortiser Foot Cant, Gourlay & Co., Gait, Waterloo Sec. 14 — Moulding Machine, 4 heads Cant, Gourlay & Co., Gait, Waterloo McKechnie & Bertram, Dundas, Wentworth Sec. 15 — Moulding Machine, single head Cant, Gourlay & Co., Gait, Waterloo Sec. 16— Planing and Matching Machine, single McKechriife & Bertram, Dundas, Went- worth Sec. 17 — Planing and Matching Machine, double Cant, Gourlay & Co., Gait, Waterloo McKechnie & Bertram, Dundas, Went- worth Sec. 18 — Resawing Machine Cant, Gourlay & Co., Gait, Waterloo Sec 19— iScroW 6'aw W. B. Pollock, Toronto, York Cant, Gourlay & Co., Gait, Waterloo J. Westman, Toronto, York Sec 20 — Shaping McKhine Cant, Gourlay & Co., Gali;, Waterloo Sec. 21 — Shingle Machine Waterous Machine Works Company, Brantford, Brant Sec. 2,2—Tennoning Machine (hat, Gourlay & Co., Gait, Waterloo Sec. 23 — Window Blind Machine, set Cant, Gourlay &, Co., Gait, Waterloo Sec. 2&— Extra Cant, Gourlay & Co. , Gait, Waterloo : Rip Saw Table, Gang Rip Saw Table, Door Clamp, Carriage Cut-oflf Saw, Buz^ Planer, Saw Arbors E. L. Eastman and Company, Boston, Mass. U. S., Mitreing Machines (2) Part 3 — Iron Working Machines Sec. 26— J?ra«« Finishers' Latlie W. B. Pollock, Toronto, York Sec. 27 — Drilling Machine, Jiadial McKechnie & Bertram, Dundas, Went- worth Sec. 28 — Drilling Machine, Medium R. Walker, YorkviUe, York Sec. 29 — Drilling Machine, small And. Jardine, Hespeler, Waterloo Sec. 31 — Planing Machine McKechnie & Bertram, Dundas, Went- worth Sec. 32 — Shaping Machine McKechnie & Bertram, Dundas, Went- worth Sec. 33 — Screw Cutting Engine Lathe, large McKechnie & Bertram, Dunda<, Went- worth Sec. 34 — Screw Cutting Engine Lathe, small McKechnie k Bertram, Dundas, Went- worth Sec. 35— .Ert/cM And. Jardine, Hespeler, Waterloo, Hand Drilling Machine. And. Jardine, Hespeler, Waterloo, Bolt and Nut Threading Machine Cant, Gourlay & Co., Gait, Waterloo, Iron Boring Lathe McKechnie ford, Braat Part 6 — Hand Tools for Mktal and Wood Sec. 63 — Blacksmiths' Tools, assortment Andrew Jardine, Hespeler, Waterloo - • Sec. 64 — Blacksmith's Bellows J. Westman, Toronto, York Sec. 65 — Chopping Axe James Wamock ft Co., Gait, Waterloo Sec. 56 — Drill, Taps, Dies and Rimmers Andrew Jardine, Hespeler, Waterloo Sec. 67 — JEdge Tools, assortment of James Wamock ft Co., Gait, Waterloo Sec. 59 — Files, assortment Thomas Graham, Toronto, York Caleb Howard, Toronto, York Sec. 60 — Picks and Shovels, assortment of James Wamock ft Co., Gait, Waterloo Sec. 61 — Saw, Hand, assortment of R. H. Smith ft Co., St. Catharines, LincoU Shurley ft Dietrich, Gait, Waterloo Sec, 62— Extras G. H. Copping, Toronto, York, 1 Foot Power Fret Saw £. Westman, Toronto, York, Assortment of Butcher's Saws and Tools R. H. Smith ft Co., St. Catharines, Lincoln, assortment of Cross cut Saws ; Mill, Muley and Drag Saws George Campbell, 31 Walton St., Toronto, York, Hot Blast Portable Forge (2) Shurly ft Deitrich, Gait, Waterloo, Trowels, assortmentof ; Straw Knives, assortment of ; Tobacco Cutters ; Mason's Mitre Rods Silas L. Beebe, Uxbridge, Ontario, Chop- ping Axe ; assortment of Pump Boring Tools ; Hub Rimmers Dundas Edge Tool Co., Dundas, Went- worth, do?en Axes Peter Learn, Ridseway, Welland, Portable Forge, No. 1 ; do.. No. 2 ; Accompanying Tools, No. 1 ; do., No. 2 James Wamock ft Co., Gait, Waterloo, Crow Bars, Hammers, and Railway Supplies J. Westman, Toronto, York : Portable Forge Part 7— Firb and Skrvics Ptrjfps Sec. 66 — Fire Engine, Stationery, Hand Plews ft Kennedy, Toronto, York Sec. 70 — Pump, Steam, for boiler feeding Thomas Northey, Hamilton, Wentworth J. NeUl ft Sons, Toronto, York Sec. 71 — Pump Power William Robertson, Oakville, Haltca Sec. 13— Pump, Hand, for farm $er nice. Iron William Robertson, Oakville, Hilton 'i iS i 50 AUTHORIZED CATALOQUE. Class LV, II Sec. 74 — Pump, Hand for /arm sendee, Wood PlewB & Kennedy, Toronto, York (2) Ontario Pump Co., Toronto, York William White, Toronto, York Sec. 75 — Pump, Hand, for house service Plews & Kennedy, Toronto, York (2) Ontario Pump Co., Toronto, York (2) William Bobertson, Oakville, Halton Sec. 16— Extras J. H. Yangant, Leamington, Essex, Chain Pump William Robertson, Oakville, Halton, col- lection of Well-Force Cistern Pump Iron John Date, Montreal, P. Q. : Set of Driv ing apparatus Part 8 — Machines for Miscellaneous Purposes. Sec. 78 — Brick Making Machine L. Peers, YorkvUle, York (2) John A. Manless, Toronto, York Sec. 82 — Fountain Kabjohn Olmsted & Son, Hamilton, Went- worth Bennett & Wright, Toronto, York Sec. 85 — Water and Gas Pipes, assortment of St. Lawrence Foundry, Toronto, York Sec. 87 — Gas Engine Joseph Phillips, Toronto, York Sec. 88 — Soda Water apparatus, complete H. T. Smith, Toronto, York (6) Sec. 89 — Wind Mill, in operation U.S. Wind Engine and Pump Co. , Batavia, Illinois, U.S. Plewi & Kennedy, Toronto, York Sec. 90— Water Wheel John McDougall, Montreal, Hochelaga J, C. W^Usou & Co., Picton, P. E. Co. Sec. 91 — Printing Press, Power Westman & Baker, Toronto, York (2) Rolph Smith & Company, Toronto, York Sec. 92 — Printing Press, hand Westman & Baker, Toronto, York Sec. 96— Extras George H. Copping, Toronto, York, Egg Beater Holt & Co., Toronto, York, Well-boring Machinery C. A. Campbell, Toronto, York^ Auto- matic Safety Swing John Farthing, Toronto, York, Edison's Electric Pen and Press William Dicks, Toronto, York, Dies, Chisels, Punch, Wire Cutter, Tools, &c. A. M. Forsted, Hamilton, Wentworth, Lawn Fountain or Sprinkler William Warwick, Toronto, York, Ruling Machine, with patent striker attachment T. Dimma, Toronto, York, Potato and Apple Peeler C. S. Grant, Toronto, York : Hydro-Ex- tractor Fleming & Company, Toronto, York : Model Stereotype apparatus, in operation Belding, Paul & Company, Montreal, P. Q. : Machine for manufacture of Sewing Silks, Twists, Silk Embroidery, &c R. Donaldson, Montreal, P. Q. : Cheese Tester Rice Lewis & Son, Toronto, York : Lumstile Part 9— Railway Appliances Sec. 98 — Passenger Car Thomas Muir, London, Middlesex Sec. m— Freight Car Thomas Muir, London, Middlesex See. 102 — Automatic Car Coupler Patrick Lappin, Davenport, York Sec. 103— Extras in Part 9 Robert Ragnall, Aurora, York : Railway Switch MECHANICAL AND METAL WOBK (MISCELLANEOUS). CLASS LV. Part 1— Bells, Fire Arms, Cutlery, Scales, Hardware, &c. Sec. 5 — Fire-proof Safe J. & J. Taylor, Toronto, York Sec. 7 — Scales, Counter E. & C. Gumey k Co., Toronto, York C. Wilson & Son, Toronto, York. (3) E. GoflFA Co., Toronto, York Sec. 8 — Scales, Platform E. & C. Gumey & Co., Toronto, York C. Wilson & Son, Toronto, York (3) E. Goff & Co., Toronto, York Sec. 12 — Refrigerator James McKelvey, St. Catharines, Lincoln J. G. Malcolm, Toronto, York Allan Murphy, Toronto, York J. H. Kaldemorgan, Toronto, York (2) Withrow & Hillock, Toronto, York Noah L. Piper & Son, Toronto, York Class LV. )rk (2) ito, York »rk York, Egg V^ell-boring ork, Auto- i, Edison's ork. Dies, , Tools, &c. Ventwortli, ork, Fuling attachmeut Potato and Hydro-Ex- ato, York : in operation lontreal, P. re of Sewing ery, &c Q. : Cheese ■k: Lumstile klfCBS esex esex ork Railway t'laSB LV, AtJTHOnrZEB CATALOGUE. 51 •EK bo, York >rk (3) les, Lincoln Tork (f.) lYork V York Sec. 13— Water Filterer James McKdvey, St, Catharines, Lincoln E. & 0. Gurney & Co., Toronto, York (2) Sec. 14 — Bank Lock, Combination J. 4 J. Taylor, Toronto, York Sec. 15 — Door Locks, AanortmerU of L. B. Spencer, Kingston, Frontenac Sec. 17 — Jfaih 20 Iba. each dze, cut Peck, Benny & Co., Montreal, Que. Sec. 18. — Nails, 20 lbs. each size, pressed Peck, Benny & Co. , Montreal, Que. Sec. 19 — Nails, hot pressed. Peck, Benny & Co. , Montreal, Que. Sec. 22— Extras J. C Landon, Gananoque, Leeds : Self- locking Window Fastener Electric Hardware Manufacturing Co., Toronto, York : Furniture Castors and Tinned Iron Spoons J. & J. Taylor, Toronto, York: Bank Burglar-proof Safes H. W. Booth, St. Thomas, Elgin : Kaoka Coffee-pot SelWay & Rennie, Toronto, York : Racing Plates, Trotting Shoes, Hunting Shoes, Draught Horse Shoes C. S. Grant, Toronto, York : Self-loading Truck J. E. Clipsham, Gravenhurst, Muskoka : Self-supporting Toasting Fork C Wilson* Son, Toronto, York; Portable Butchers' Scales, Wilson's Butcher's Scales, assortment of Butchers' Scales, Combination Beam, Donmount Scale, Self-loading Truck J. 0. Middleton, Toronto, York ; Fire and Burglar-proof Shutter W. B. Malcolm, Toronto, York : Deep Seat Water Closet Dingman, Stickney A; Co., Toronto, York: Glass Egg Beater A. Ratsey, Toronto, York : Yankee Swing Peck, Benny & Co. , Montreal, P.Q. : Horse- shoe Nails, Railroad Spikes, Ship Spikes Foster & Son, Toronto, York : assortment of Cutlery, Gilfillan Pat. Spring and Hinges Part 2— Gas Ftxtttres, Sheet Metal, Wire Wokk, &c. Sec. 23 — CcM Fixtures, including Pendants, Brackets, C. M. William's Manufacturing Co.^ Tor- onto, York Wheeler & Wilson Mfg. Co., Toronte, York. (2) A. W. Branie, Toronto, York i^ee. 5 — Sewing Machine, button hole Singer Manufacturing Co., Toronto, York. Sec. 6 — Sewing Machine, emhrmlery Singer Manufacturing Co., Toronto, York Sec. 7 — Sewing Machine, single thread Charles Raymond, Guelph, Wellington Sec. 8— Sewing Machine, wax thread Singer Manufacturing Co., Toroutot York Sec. 9 — Extra* Creelman Bros., Georgetown, Halton Singer Manufacturing Co., Toronto, York, New and Improved Stand R. M, Wanzer & Co., Hamilton, Went worth. Cabinet Work for Sewing Ma- chines, Plaiting Macliines C. M. William's Manufacturing Co., Tor- onto, York, Extra Finished Machine Evans & Co., Toronto, York, Repairing Sewing Machines Wheeler & Wilson Mfg. Co., Toronto, York, Sewing Machine Work CLASS LVIII— Wearing Apparel, Fkix, Hemp, and Cotton Goods Furs. Sec. I — Furs, set of Lady's Canada Mink J. k J. Lugsdin, Toronto, York G. R. Renfrew & Co., Quebec, P. Q. Sec. 2 — Furs, set of Lady's Seal J. & J. Lugsdin, Toronto, York G. R. Renfrew & C(x, Quebec, P. Q. Sec. 3 — Fnrs, set of Lady's Lavibskin J. & J. Lugsdin, Toronto, York G. R. Renfrew & Co., Quebeoj P. Q. Sfec. 4 — Furs, set of Lady's, any otJier kind J. & J. Lugsdin, Toronto, York G. R. Renfrew & Co., Quebec, P. Q.. Sec. 5 — Furs, set of Gentlemen's J. & J. Lugsdin, Toronto, York G. R. Renfrew & Co., Quebec, P. Q. Sec. 6 — Furs, Sleigh Robes, assortment, not less than 3 kinds J. & J. Lugsdin, Toronto, York G. R. Renfrew & Co., Quebec, P. Q. Sec. 7 — Sheepskin Mats, dressed' and colored, assortment of W. J. Robiifflon, London, Middlesex Wbaring Afpahbl. Sec. 9 — Collars and Cuff's J.. W. Gale, Toronto, York Sec. 10 — Cloves and Mitts, Leather F. Hall & Son, Toronto, York (2> Sec. 12 — Gloves and Mitts, Woollen R. A. McAllister, Toronto, York: John Penman, Paris,, Braui 1 !' rn k tviii lery ronto, York 'tread ellington ead routot York HaltcMi •onto, York, Hon, Went Sewing Ma- la Co., Tor- Machine :, Repairing I., ToFonto. k •arel, Fkx, ds da Mint ■k , P. Q. k P. Q. bakin P. Q. yther kinit k P.Q.. P. Q. rtment, not P. Q. nd colored, Uesex C^lftSS LIX. AUTHORtZKD CATALOOnE. 85 (2> Sec. 15 — Overcoatn of Canada Cloth Kobert Walker & Sons, Toronto, York W. S. Finch, Toronto, York R. J. Hunter, Toronto, York T. Thomi)8on & Son, Toronto, York •See, 16 — Sfiirln, ijentb-men's, white dress, assortment, J dozens P. M. (Joff, Toronto, York J. J. Evans & Co., Toronto, York Robert Walker & Sons, Toronto, York A. White, Toronto, York John M. Treblf), Toronto, York J. W. (iale, Toronto. York Sec. 17 — Shirts, gentlemen's, fancy flannel, assortment Robert Walker k Sons, Toronto, York Sec. 18 — Suit, tjentlernan's, Canada cloth Robert Walker & Sons, Toronto, York W. H. Finch, Toronto, York R. J. Hunter, Toronto, York T. Thompson & Son, Toronto, York P. Jamieson, Toronto, York Petley & Dineen, Toronto, York Sec. 19 — Suit, boy's, Canada cloth Robert Walker & Sons, Toronto, York W. S. Finch, Toronto, York T. Thompson & Son, Toronto, York P. Jamieson, Toronto, York Cotton Goods. Sec. 30 — Cotton Sheeting, unbleached, 36 inch ivide, 3 pieces Victor Hudson Cotton Mills Company, Hochelaga, P. Q. Sec. 31 — Cotton Sheeting, bleached Montreal Cotton Co., VaUeyfield, P. Q. Sec. 33 — Hosiery, assortment, 3 pairs of each class in size exhibited Creelman Bros., Georgetown, Halton R. A. McAllister, Toronto, York L. Lennard & Sons, Dundas, Wentworth John Penman, Paris, Brant Sec. 39— Extras C. Page & Sons,, Toronto, York, Lady's Un- derclothing Embroidery, Lady's Dress- ing Sacques Trimmed Embroidery, Baby Linen, Juvenile Clothing, Infanta' Em- broidered Flannel Barieots and Hd. Squares, Tucked Cambric and Pillow Shams Elijah Dawe, Toronto, York, Drees Suit Clothes F. Hall k Son, Toronto, York, Glove Material Fiske & Co., Toronto, York, Web Goods R. J. Hunter, Toronto, York, Overcoat, Business Suit, Fine Suit R. A McAllister, Toronto, York, Silk Hose Samuel Briggs, Hamilton, Wentworth, Machine Card Clothing, assortment John M. Treble, Toronto, York, Ladies Underwear, ('hild's Dress P. Jamieson, Toronto, Yt)rk, Pants Petley k Dineen, 'i'oronto, York, Engliah Black Worsted Suit, English Worsted Pants, Canadian Tweed Pants A. M. Theale, Toronto, York, Paper Patterns C. E. Kaniage, Toronto, York, Shoulder SnsjMjnders Crompton Corset Co., Toronto, York, Satm Corsets, assortment of ; Stock Good, assortment of ; Coutille and Sat- ten Jean Corsets, assortment of ; Ab- dominal Corsets, assortment of ; Nursing Corsets, assorttnent of ; Artistic Corsets, assortment of ; Nurses Corsets, assort- ment of Edward Perryman, Toronto, York, Bas- sinette, Baby Linen and Ladies' Under- clothing, assortment of CLASS LIX -Woollen Goods Sec. 3 — Blankets, White, '2 pairs Horatio Collier, Camerontown, Glengarry Sagden, Watcrhouse k (^o., Uxbridge, Ont. Charles Woodbeach, Owen Sound, iii, N. B. Sec. 21 — Sole Leather, Span i Sides Beardmore & Co., Tore Vork Sec. 29— Splits, 4 Sides 0. Armstrong & Co., Oak ,o, Halton Gibson Leather Co., Freu icton, N. B. Meye Sec. 26— Extras Dominion I^eathor Board Co., Montreal, Montreal : Leatlier Board, Leather Stiffouers irer, of Paris, p<'r H. & C. Blachford, Toronto, York : Assortment of Ladies' Silk, Satin, und Kid SlipiMsrs Waturbury 8c, Sons, N. Y., per H. & 0. Blachford, Toronto, York : Assortment of Children's hand made Shoes Mrs. F. E. MctJregor, Toronto, York : Assortment of Slioe Trimmings L. Richard, Quebec, P. Q. : Shank in Wood, Box 'Toes, and Leather Tips C. Armstrong k Co., Oakville, Halton, : Pebbled O^f, 2 skins W. A. Young, Berlin, Waterloo : Upfuld Ik»ot Tree, new Gaiter Trees, 2 pair, Double Rode Bool Tree C. Hutchinson, Toronto, York : Imperial Kid (tloves S. A. Oliver, Toronto, York, Furred Boots, Shoes and Slippers, assortment CLASS LXI— Saddlery, Engine Hose, Trunk- maker's Work, Leather, eto Sec. 1 — Collars, an assortment of Ebenezer Fisher, Kincardine, Bruce James T^lor, Oakville, Halton William Vah^, London, Middlesex R. Malcolm, Toronto, York Sec, 2 — Engine Hose and Joints, 2| inches diameter, 50 ft. , of copper rivetied R. Malcolm, Toronto, York Sec. 3 — Harness, Set of Double Carriage Lucadin & Bamett, Toronto, York R. Malcolm, Toronto, York Sec. 4 — Harness, Set of Single Carriage Lugsdin k Bamett, Toronto, York R. Malcolm, Toronto, York Sec. 5 — Harness, Set of Team R. Malcolm, Toronto, York Sec. 6 — Harness, Set of Cart R. Malcolm, Toronto, York Sec. 7 — India Rubber Belting, an assort- ment of Gutta Percha and Rubber Mfg. Co., Toronto. York Sec. 8 — Rubber Hose, an assortment of Gutta Percha and Rubber Mfg. Co., Toronto, York Sec. 9 — Leather Machine Belting, nn assortment of F. E. Dixon & Co., Toronto, York Sec. 10 — Saddle, Lady's, full quilted Lugsdin k Bamett, Toronto, York R. Malcolm, Toronto, York Sec. 11 — Saddle, Gkntleman's, fvM quilted R. Malcolm, Toronto, York 58 AUTHOR IZKD CATALOGUE, Class LXTI. Sec. 12 — Saddk, Oentleman'g Plain Shaftoe Lugsdin & Bamett, Toronto, York R. Malcolm, Toronto, York Sec. 13 — Saddle, Plain R. Malcolm, Toronto, York Sec. 14 — Trunkfi, an assortment of Lugsdin A Bamett, Toronto, York E. Malcolm, Toronto, York H. E. Clarke & Co., Toronto, York Sec. 15 — Valises and Travelling Bags, an assortment of Lupsilin & Bamett, Toronto, York R. Malcolm, Toronto, York H. E. Clarke & Co., Toronto, York Saddle and Harness Stock Sec. 19 — Check, for Horse Collars, 20 yards of 40 inch, 1 W per yard Smith & Wilby, Toronto, York Sec. 20 — Harness Leather, two sides Gibson Leather Co. , Fredericton, N. B. Sue. 24 — Horse Blankets, 2 pairs Smith & vVilby, Toronto, York Sec. 25 — Kersey, for Horse Clothing, 1 piVre each, of 40 inch and 72 inch Smith & Wilby, Toronto, York Sec. 27— Patent Leather, for Carnage or Harness Work, two sides Gibson Leather Co., Fredericton, N. B. Sec. 29 — Leather for Belting, 2 sides, whok J. A. Blake, Niagara, Lincoln F. E. Dixon, Toronto, York Sec. 30 — Leather, oak tanned, assortment of J. A. Blake, Niagara, Lincoln Sec. 31— Extras V. A. Coleman, Port Hope, Northumber- land : Double Harness, for ploughing T. Woodbridge & Co., Toronto, York : case of samples of Saddlery Hardware Hamburg Cordova Tannery, Tjronto, York (per Ph. Jacobi) : Cordova Leather ' Wm. Vahey, London, Middlesex : Horse Colla • Blocking Machine Gutta Percha and Rubber Mfg. Co., Toronto, York : Suction Hose and Fire Buckets, assortment R. Malcolm, Toronto, York : Express Harness, Steeple Chase SadiUes. Race Saddles, Assortment Mail Bags Gibson Leather Co., Fredericton, N. B. : Colored Trimmings, Landau, Carriage Top, Split, Dash, Winker and Skirting, whole Hides CLASS LXII Cabinet Ware, Hollow Ware, Broshes, &c Sec. 1 — Bedroom Furniture, Cabinet Ware Charles Kremer, Preston, Waterloo Oshava Cabinet Company, Toronto, York R. Hay & Company, Toronto, York Se':. 2 — Book Case W. Millichamp, Toronto, York Oshawa Cabinet Company, Toronto, York R. Hay c; Company, Toronto, York Sec. 3—Caruing in Wood, decorative, not connected with any otfier atticle on exhi- bition George Berrie, Toronto, York Beam Brothers, London, Middlesex Harry Knowlton, Hamilton, Wentworth Sec. 4 — Centre Table R. Hay & Company, Toronto, York Sec. 5 — Chair, Easy, for invalids C. E. Anderson, London E. Middlesex (2) R. Hay & Company, Toronto, York M. G. Edson, & Company, Montreal, P. Q Sec. 6 — Chairs, 6 assorted, wood seat, painted Oshawa Cabinet Company, Toronto, York R. Hay & Company, Toronto, York Sec. 7 — Chairs, 6 assorted. Cane-seat Ohsawa Cabinet Company, Toronto, York R. Hay & Company, Toronto, York Sec. 8 — Cornices, Carved and Gilt Oshawa Cabinet Company, Toronto, York R. Hay & Company, Toronto, York Sec. 9 — Drawing Boom Chairs, set oj Charles Kremer, Preston, Waterloo Oshawa Cabinet Company, Toronto, ,York Sec. 10 — Drawing Room Furniture, set of Oshawa Cabinet Company, Toronto, York R. Hay & Company, Toronto, York Sec. 11 — Mantle, best wood Oshawa Cabinet Company, Toronto, York R. Hay & Company, Toronto, York Sec. 12 — Mantle Mirror, best Oshawa Cabinet Company, Toronto, York R. Hay & Company, Toronto, York H. J. Matthews & Bro., Toronto, York S(!c. 13 — Sideboard Oshawa Cabinet Company, Toronto, York R. Hay & Company, Toronto, York Edward Leigh, Toronto, York Sec. 14 — School x'urniture, assortment W. Strlhschmidt, Preston, Waterloo Oshawa Cabinet Co., Toronto, York R. Hay & Co., Toronto, York Beam & Bros., London, Middlesex Sec. 15— 'Veneers, from Camidian Woods, undressed R. Hay & Co., Toronto, York Class LXii. Class XLir. AUTHORiraD CATALOOUET, 59 Warb, linet Ware iterloo )ronto, York , York rk oronto, York , York corative, not tick on exhi- dlesex Wentworth ., York U Middlesex (2) ), York lontreal, P.Q I seat, pairUed 'oronto, York J, York .e-seat 'oronto, York 3, York 'iU 'oronto, York 3, York sei of aterloo oronto, York '.ure, set of oronto, York York 'oronto, York ), York oronto, York i, York mto, York oronto, York , York k rtment iVaterloo 0, York k Uesex dian Woo(h, Sec. 17— What-not R. Hay & Co., Toronto, York S^c. 19 — Best piece of Furniture of original design and distinguished merit, ifreconi- mended by the judges Oqhawa Cabinet Co., Toronto, York Miscellaneous .Sec. 20 — Brushes, hair, assortment of Charles fioechk k Son, Toronto, York (2) Sec. 23 — Brooms, assortment of H. A. Nekon & Sons, Toronto, York Charles Boechk & Son, Toronto, York Sec. 24 — Casks, Barrels, Kegs, dkc, assort- ment of Joseph Landreville, Toronto, York R. Davies, Toronto, York Sec. 25 — Chtlies Wringer Thomas Muir, London, Middlesex John D. Wilson, Toronto, York J. C. Schoonmaker, Hamilton, Wentworth Sec. 26 — Mangle Thomas Muir, London, Middlesex J. C. Schoonmaker, Hamilton, Wentworth Sec. 27 — Washing Machine Thomas Muir, London, Middlesex Wilkins' Washer Co., Boston, per John Wilkins, Toronto, York Kandale & Foster, Leamington, Essex L. M. Cather k Co., Toronto, York E. k 0. Gurney & Co., Toronto, York J E. Leslie, Toronto, York C. & A. W. Guyer, Tyronne, Blair, Pa., L. A. Morrison, Toronto, York J. C. Schoonmaker, Hamilton, Wentworth Sec. 28 — Wash Tubs and Pails, factory made, 3 of each E. B. Eddy, Hull, Ottawa, Que. Charles Boeckh & Son, Toronto, York Sec. 31 — Extras W. D. Littleford, Toronto, York : Rivet- ing China and Glass Canada Glass Burial Case Co., Chatham, Kent : Glass Burial Case Chas. Kremer, Preston, Waterloo: Writing Desk F. A. Noverre, Toronto, York: Pleasure Boat ; Building Models, collection of ; Pair of Scdls E. B. Eddy, Hull, Ottawa, P.Q. : Wash- boards, Matches W. M. Adams, Toronto, York : Invalids and Portable Bedstead K. Hay & Co., Toronto, York . Etseer, S Settees, Chairs with perforated work, (assortment), China Table, Walnut Side- board, 12 Dining Chairs in morocco. Side Table, Dinner Waggon, Plate Warner, Cabinet, Music Cabinet (}. Qeiiie, Toronto, York i Fret Saw Woik John A. Chndinning, Toronto, York : Family Boat, Pleasure Skiff, 4 pairs of Sculls' William H. Rice, Toronto, York : Spring Mattrass and Bed Bottom John Young, Toronto, York : Coffins and Caskets, assortment of John Munn, Toronto, York : Canterbury • Music Stool, Empress Combination J. k H. Ker, Toronto, York : Bobbins and Spools Harrison S. Hayden, Toronto, York : Vel- vet Frames and Passe Partouts H. J. Mathews & Bro., Toronto, York: case Gilt Mouldings Otter Sweeper Co., Otterville, Oxford : Ladies' Friend Carpet Sweeper Ewing & Co., Toi-mto, York : Silvered Mirror Plate, Picture Frames Beam & Bros. , London, Middlesex ; Church Furniture, assortment T. M. Wood & Co., Toronto, York : Win- dow Blinds and Shades, assortment J. R. McLaren, jun., Toronto, York r Sharp's Patent Safety Amtomatic Oil Cabinet A. Macdonald, Toronto, York : Scrubbing Brush, rubber George Gale, Smith's Falls, P.Q. : Dominion Wire Mattrass Charles W. Mack, Toronto, York : Frame containing 350 pieces Black Walnut, Wall Basket containing 7 Baskets, kc. William Lee, Toronto, York : Inlaid Cen- tre Table Ontario Wire Mattrass Co. , Toronto, York r Woven Wire Mattrass W. R. Hancock, Toronto, York: Lace Curtain Stretcher Mrs. M. Gowans, Toronto, York : Pictorial Door Screen Campbell Brothers, Watford, Lambton r 3 bunches Barrel Hoops Gideon Himtingdon, Toronto, York : Washer and Boiler, combined Robert S. Selby, Toronto, York : Cheese Cutter for Grocers James Browne, Toronto, York : Map Stands and Elevator Samuel L. Hicks, Toronto, York : English Lap-streaked Canoe, Pleasure Skiffs, Oars and Sculls, assortment of Allen Murphy, Toronto, York : Chopping^ Block J. Lochrie, Toronto, York : Ropes Richard E. (Jreen, Toronto, York : Yacht Motlels Dolphis Coutu, Toronto, York : Lady's Secretary M.(J. Edson &Co., Montreal, P.Q. : Chair, Easy, Self-propelling ; Chair, Surgical John S. Stephenson, Peterboro, Peterboro : Cedar rib Canoe J. Gilray, Grimsby, Lincoln : Cttrtaia Stretcher <60 AUTHORIZED CATALOGUE. in H ■ '■■^ ^ H I im H The most Grand, Powerful and Durable in the Market J. Zt C. FISCHER PIANOS, The very best article for those who want a reliable Instrument at a moderate price. We can with satisfaction refer to over Oue Thmisand delighted purchasers in Canada of the above justly popular Pianos. FUNDS BT OTHER RELIABLE MAKERS AT BOnOI FRIGES. 'ii m'- W^m O ACKNOWLEDGED TO BE THE BEST IN AMERICA. We have a large stock of these, imported under the old Tariff, which we will dispose «f for Cash, at a very slight advance on cost. We have also a large and well assorted Stock of STOOLS AND OOVE&S. EVERY INSTRUMENT WARRANTED FIVE YEARS. WM. NORRIS & SON, 8 ADELAIDE STREET EAST, TORONTO. -ttirrfwiiiim irket lOS, iderate price. >rs in Canada PRICES. I will dispose rE&s. Cliisses jcLtii t xLxr. AUTHORIZnCD CATAIOGUE, »1 CLASS LXIII— Musical Inatruments Sec. 1 — Case for, or on any kind of Jnatru- ment J. A. Livingston, Toronto, York Sec. 4 — Organ, Cabinet or Parlor Mason & Risch, Toronto, York (4) W. Bell & Co,. Ouelph, WeUinston (2) J. A. Livingston, Toronto, York Sec. 5 — Organ, Church; with pipes S. k H. Warren k Sons, Toronto, York Sec. 6 — Organ, Chwrch, with reeda Mason tc Risch, Toronto, York Dominion Organ Company, Bowmanville, Durham W. BeU & Co., Guelph, Wellimrton (2) J. A. Livingston, Toronto, York Sec. 7 — Organ, Parlor, with reeds Donnnion Organ Company, Bowmanville, Durham (9) W. Bell & Company, Guelph, Wellington •J. A. Livingston, Toronto, York Sec. 8 — Piano, Orand Mason & Risch, Toronto, York Hetntzman A, Co., Toronto, York Sec. 9 — Piano, Square Mason ft Risch, Toronto, York (4) Heintzman & Co., Toronto, York Sec, 10 — Piano, Cottage Mason k Risoh, Toronto, Yofk (5) Heintzman k Co., Toronto, York Sec- 12— Extras 1. Sucklinc k Sons, Toronto, York, Cornets, brass; Clarionets, wood Heintzman k Co., Toronto, York, Piano bottoms and otherjparts Michael MoCarty, Dundas, Wentworth, Violin (George Pink, London, Middlesex, an im- proved Music Leaf Turner George McClunkey, Toronto, York, Drums R. Alden, Toronto, York, Band Music Stand Newell Organ Reed Co., Toronto, York, Organ Reed Boards Joseph Lamb, Toronto, York, Banjo R. M. Robinson, Toronto, York, Brass Instruments, assortment of .1. A. Livingston, Toronto, York : Comp- benella attachment to Organ ; acoustic design of Organ Cases Edman Brown, Montreal, P. Q. : Harp CLASS LXIV—BnUding Materials, Joiners' Work, Painting Worii in Marble, Pot- tery, etc. 8eo. 1 — Bricks, pressed, 1 dozen Thomas Nightingale, Yorkville, York Sec, 2 — Bricks, kUn burnt, 1 dozen S. Arnold, Doacaster, York Sea 3 — Cemettts, best assortment, for build- vng purposes M. J. Hynes k Bro., Toront<^ York See. 5 — Iron Castirys for building pur- poses St. Lawrence Foundry Toronto, York Sec. 6 — Mantel Piece in marble Robert Sewell, Toronto, York J. G. Gibson, Toronto, York N. L. Steiner, Toronto, York Sec. 7 — Mantel Piece in marbled iron J. G, Gibson, Toronto, York Sec. 8 — Mantel Piece, any other material Robert Sewell, Toronto, York M. J, Hjmes k Bra, Toronto, Ywk Sec. 9 — Monumental Head Stone J. G. Gibson, Toronto, York Sec. 10 — Pottery, assortment of John S. Crawford, Toronto, York John Davis, Davisville, York W. A. Brown, Toronto, York Sec. 11 — Sewage Pipes, Stoneware, assort- ment of sizes Wm. Campbell k Sons, Hamiltem, Went- worth Thomas Nightingale, Yorkville, York Sec. 13 — Slates for Roofing Benj. Walton, Melbourne, P.Q, Sec. 15 — Stench Traps for Drains, stonf- ware Wm. Campbell k Sons, Hamilton, Went- worth Thomas Nightingale, Yorkville, York Sec. 16 — Stench Trap for Drains, iron J. k J. Taylor, Toronto, York W. R. Bnrrage, Toronto, York Sec. 17 — Stoneware, assortment W. E, Welding, Brantford, Brant Sec. 22 — Terra Cotta, for building pur- poses, eoUection H, Waudby, Toronto, York Sec. 26 — draining in Oak ^^ , ,, ^ George Knight, Toronto, York Sec. 27 — Ctraining in Walnut George Knight, Toronto, York Sec. 28 — Omining in any other loood George Knight, Toronto, York i T «2 AUTHORIZED CATALOGUE, Class LXV. Sec. 31 — Six-fold Inside Shutters, hhiged, etC; Withrow & Hillock, Toronto, York Sec. 32 — Machine lorought movMing 100 feet of each William Wright, Alliston, Simcoe Essery & Reid, Toronto, York Sec. 34 — Stucco work for building purposes M. J. Hyues &, Bros., Toronto, York Sec. 35 — Extras Plumbago and Mica Mining Co.. 125 Richmond Street, Toronto, York, per H. Robina & Ga : Specimen of Cement Roofing. W. E. Welding, Brantford, Brant : Stone- ware Barrels for Liquids, Stoneware Rennet Kegs, Stoneware Meat Kegs Joseph A. Egginton, Montreal, Quebec : lU Panes Ornamental Cut Glass, 3 panes bevelled edge Plate Glass, 3 ground and cut Lamp Globes St. Lawrence Foundry, Toronto, York ; Area Lights H. Waudby, Toronto, York : Artificial Stone, Improved Stove-pipe Collars C A. Campbell, Toronto, York : Window Shade Fixtures W. Brisloy, Toronto, York : Patent Clip Hook for fastening Sidewalk Flanking K W. Bowslaugh, Grimsby, Lincoln : Window Shade Geo. Clatworthy, Toronto, York: Munu's Sash Regulator George Colcott, Thorold, Welland : Scaf- fold, Extension William Wright, Alliston, Simcoe : Door, 4 panel ; Sash, 10x12, 12 lights ; Sash, 14x28, 4 lights ; Venetian Blinds, 1 pair Globe Lightning Co., London, Middlesex : Copper lightning Rods, Points, etc., specimens A. R. Scobie, Toronto, York : Universal Check Hinge Witlirow & Hillock, Toronto, York : Machine made Joiners' Work, assort- ment of CLASS liXV— Bookbinding, Printing, Paper, Penmanship, &c. Sec. 1 — Bookbinding, ment of Blank-book, assort- Davis & Henderson, Toronto, York Brown Bros., Toronto, York Adam Miller & Co., Toronto, York Hunter, Rose & Co., Toronto, York Williani Warwick, Toronto, York Barber & Ellis, Toronto, York Copp, Clark & Co., Toronto, York Sec. 2 — Bookbindi/iig, Letter-press, assort- ment of Davis & Henderson, Toronto, York Brown Bros., Toronto, York Adam Miller & Co. , Toronto, York Hunter, Rose & Co., Toronto^ York William Warwick, Toronto, York Barber & Ellis, Toronto, York G. Virtue, Toronto, York Copp, Clark & Co., Toronto, York Sec. 3 — Bookbinding, assortment of Cloth Cases Brown Bros., Toronto, York Hunter, Rose & Co., Toronto, York Sec. 4 — Letter-press Printing, Books and Pamphlets Hunter, Rose & Co., Toronto, York G. Virtue, Toronto, York Sec. 10 — Paper {Printing, Writing and Wrapping), 1 ream of each Thomas Taylor & Bros., Toronto, York Barber & Mlis, Toronto, York Sec. 11 — Papers {Blotting and Coloured), 1 ream of each Thomas Taylor & Bros., Toronto, York Barber & Ellis, Toronto, York Sec. 12 — Permanship, business hand, with- out flourishes E. J. Zablocki, Toronto, York Sec. 13 — Penmanship, ornamental, not pen and ink jyictures E. J. Zablocki, Toronto, York Sec. 14 — Pocket Books, Wallets, etc., an asswtment of Brown Bros. , Toronto, York Barber & Ellis, Toronto, York Copp, Clark & Co., Toronto, York Sec. 16 — Electrotypes, specimens of Fleming & Son, 11 Colbome st., Toronto, York Hunter, Rose & Co., Toronto, York Sec. 17 — Stereotypes, specimens of Fleming 4; Son, 11 Colbome st., Toronto, Yo> Huntei, Rose 4 Co., Toronto, York Sec. 18— Extras Fleming &, Son, 11 Colbome st„ Toronto, York: Electrotype and Proof of Madonna, Combination Metal Furniture, Leads, Slugs, etc. Stevenson k Co. , Toronto, York : Rubber Stamps, Met^ Stamps, Adjustable Stencd Brown Bros., Toronto, York : Diaries, Albums, Folios, etc. mm Class LXV. ress, asaort- York York .York ^ork York ent of Cloth ;York , Books and >, York Writing ami each onto, York •k td Coloured), onto, York rk ss hand, mth- rk vmentai, not :k lets, etc., an rk York ens of St., Toronto, York IS of St., Toronto, 3, York St., Toronto, {of Madonn», iture, Leads, ork : Rubber Adjustable rk : Diari«8, (Jlass LXVi. AUTHORIZED CATALOGUE. fi.'i C. S. Kenyon, Toronto, York : Hand Stamps Kilgour Bros., Toronto, York : Paper Bags, F]our Sacks James 0. Temple, Toronto, York : Show Cards, etc. Thomas Taylor & Bros., Toronto, York: assortment Hanging Papers, assortment^ Ham and Carpet Papers, assortment Grocers' Bags, assortment best Papers of all kinds J. Edwards, Toronto, York : Wall-paper Combination Screen R. Jellyman, Toronto, York : Paper Boxes St. Lawrence Card and Paper Company, Montreal, P. Q. (R. Carswell): Surface Paper, assortment ; Card-board and (Jut Canis, assortment Upper Canada Bible Society, Toronto, York : Bibles, assortment of St. Catharines Wood Pulp Company, St. Catharines, Lincoln : Wood Board and Pulp, collection of A. H. Nixon, Toronto, York : Show Cards, assortment of Barber & Ellis, Toronto, York : Envelopes, assortment of Hart & Rawlinson, Toronto, York : Case of Gold Pens ; Papyrograph ; Case of Books and Stationery CLASS LXVI— Chemical Manufactures, Pharmaceutical Preparations, &c. Sec. 1 — Chemicals, collection of J. J. Evans & Co., Toronto, York Lyman Bros. & Co., Toronto, York George Rice & Co., Montreal, P.Q. Sec. 2 — Pharmaceuticcd Preparations, col- ' lection Lyman Bros. & Co., Toronto, York H. Lugsden, Evans & Co., Montreal, P.Q. Sec. 3 — Petroleum Products, collection Samuel Rogers, Toronto, York McCoU Bros. & Co., Toronto. York Sec. 4 — Soaps, collection George D. Morse & Co. , Toronto, York A. Watts & Co., Brantford, Brant Sec. 5 — Soaps, Toilet, collection Garland & Rutherford, Hamilton, Went- worth George D. Morse & Co., Toronto, York Sec. 9 — Colws, ground in Oil James Robertson & Co. , Toronto, York Sec. 10 — White Lead, ground in Oil, sample of 100 lbs. , and 25 lb. Keg, {Trade Packages) Elliot & Company, Toronto, York Lyman Bros., & Company, Torontp, York James Robertson & Co. , Toronto, York A. J. Somerville, Toronto, York Sec. 11 — Linseed Oil, raw Elliot «fe Company, Toronto, York Sec. 12 — Oil Cake, samples Elliot & Company, Toronto, York Sec. 13 — Essential OUs, collection E. H. Tallmadge & Co., 122 King Street, Toronto, York Sec. 14 — Lubricating OUs, cullection of Jesse Butler, Seaton Village, York George D. Morse & Co. , Toronto, York Samuel Rogers, Toronto, York McCoU Bros. & Company, Toronto, York Sec. 15 — Perfumery and Toilet requisites Gardiner & Rutherford, Hamilton, Went- worth H. Lugsden, Evans & Co., Montreal, P.Q. Sec. 16 — Printing Inks, assmim^nt black and colored J. J. Smith & Company, Toronto, York Sec. 17 — Fluid Extracts of Medicinal Herbs, collection Lyman Brothers & Company, Toronto, York Sec. 18 — Medicinal Herbs, Boots, etc., of Canadian growth, collection Victor B. Hall, Toronto, York Sec. 19— Extras Judd Brothers Yeast Company, Windsor, Essex : Dry Hop Yeast E. H. Talmadge & Company, 122 King Street, Toronto, York : Essences, Fruit Essences, or Extracts Jesse Butler, St aton Village, York : Stove- Jipe Varnish, and brown and black apan ; sample Iron Grease Boxes Elliot & Company, Toronto, York : Pro- ducts of Linseed McKenzie, Musson & Company, Toronto, York : Assortment of Varnishes and Japans Thomas Gayton, Toronto, York : Chrysti- son's Animal & Vegetable Disinfectant Joseph Dilworth, Toronto, York : Derby Cattle Food, Old Country Cattle Footf, Durham Cream and Butter Maker John Lumbers, Toronto, York : Devon- shire Cattle Food G. T. Stickell, Toronto, York: Knife Polishmg Powder Martin Collett, Parkdale, York : Bisnl- phate of Lime, Bisulphate of Soda, Bug Killer, Sanitary Disinfectant James Robertson & Company, Toronto, if ork : Putty 64 AUTHORIZED CATALOGUE. Classes lxvii-lxix. A. J. Somerville, Toronto, York : Putty Jos. Campbell, Stratford, Perth : Medi- cine, &o A. Rataey, Toronto, York ; Coaline F. Pett k Company, Toronto, York : An- caster Mineral Water Hugh Miller & Company, Toronto, York : Proprietary Medicines C. M. Wintercorbyn, Toronto, York : Hair Restorer Thomas J. Mason, Toronto, York : Mag- neticon Belts, &c., assortment F. & J. Moses, Toronto, York : Stove Polish Alex. Notmon, Toronto, York : Holman Liver Pad Co.'s Remedies George Walton, Toronto, York : Lightning Eradicators H. Lugsden, Evans i, Co., Montreal, P.Q. : Lime Juice Preparations CL^S LXVIL— Philosophical and Surgical Instruments and Appliances Sec. 1 — Mathematical avd Engineering Instiru/ments Charles Potter, Toronto, York Sec. 2 — Optical Indrumenta Charles Potter, Toronto, York Sec. 3 — Chemical and Electrical Apparatus ' Charles Potter, Toronto, York Sec. 4 — Artificial Limbs James Authors, Toronto, York Sec. 5 — Trusses and Orthopedic Appliances James Authors, Toronto, York J. Y. Egan, Toronto, York Sec. 8. — Extras Holt & Co., Toronto, York, Telephone Dr. Boseburgh, Toronto, York i Telephones CLASS LXVIIL— Economic Minerals, and Industries relating thereto Sec. 1 — Iron Ores, Canadian Collection John Notman, Toronto, York Sec. 6 — Copper Ores, Canadian Collection John Notman, Toronto, York Prof. W. P. Wright, Hamilton, Wentworth Sec. 7 — Silver Ores, Canadian Collection John Notman, Toronto, York Phillip Nicoll, Shelbume, Grey Sec. 8 — Gold, AUuvial, oMdin Qtiartz,Can- adian Collection John Notman, Toronto, York Sec. 9 — Lead Ores, Canadian CoUeetion John Notman, Toronto, York Sec. 11 — Salt, 1 barrel coarse Canadian Stapleton Salt Works, Clinton, Huron A. J. Kingston, Warwick West, Lambton Sec. 12 — Salt, 1 barrel fine Candian Stapleton Salt Works, Clinton, Huron A. J. Kingston, Warwick West, Lambton Sec. 13 — Salt, 26 lbs. fine Table Canadian Stapleton Salt Works, Clinton, Huron George Rice & Co., Montreal, P. Q. Sec. 14 — Marbles, Canadian, one- surface polished P. T. Somerville, Amprior, Renfrew Sec. 18 — Gypsum, Native and Calcined (Plaster of Paris) W. H. Merritt, St. Catharines, Lincoln John Notman, Toronto, York Sec. 19 — Phosphate of Lime, native col- lection of varieties John Notman, Toronto, York Sec. 22 — Plumbago, Canadian native John Notman, Toronto, York Sec. 24 — Economic Minerals, Colhction (to comprise at least 50 specimeHS in case) John Notman, Toronto, York Harvey Brumell, Toronto, York J. B. Silcox, Toronto, York Sec. 25 — Extras George Manton, Toronto, York, Product of Quarry, Magnesium Limestone • Stapleton Salt Works, Clinton, Huron, Salt 1 barrel factory filled Harvey Brumell, Toronto, York, Fossils, Collection of Andrew Mcllwraith, Listowel, Perth : 2 Pairs CnrUng Stones J. S. Russell, Toronto, York: Curling Stones, assortment of CLASS LXIX— Natural History, Birds, Insects, Plants, Fish, &c. Sec. 1 — Birds, collection of Native, stuffed, icith common and scientific names attached T. K. Watson & Co., Toronto, York Rev. John Doel, Yorkville, York Sec. 2 — Birds, collection of Stuffed, of any country R. Bisbots, Toronto, York Sec. 3 — Insects, coUeeOon of Native, with common and scientific names attached J. Rosa, Toronto, York Wm. Brodie, Toronto, York II-LXIX. Class LXX. AUTHORIIBD CATALOOUB. 6ft n.adicm Huron Lambton lion Huron , Lambton Canadutn Huron '. Q. ne- surface nfrew { Calcindi , Lincoln native col- native Collection pecimetis in :, Product ;one uron, Salt )rk, Fossils, Perth : 2 k: Curling >ry, Birds, [C. iw, stuffed, \ijic names York >rk ffed, of any ative, with is attached 8m. 7— JUbUttaea, coUecHvh of NaUw Land and Water Shells, with cotmHon arid aaeniifie names attached Wm. Brodie, Toronto, York Sec. 8 — BeptUe*, eolleciion of, stuffnd or preserved in spirits, with common and scientific riames attached T. K, Watson & Co., Toronto, York Wm. Brodie, Toronto, York Sec. 10 — Plants, collection of Native, ar- ranged in their natural families and named Prof. W. P. Wri At, Hamilton, Wentworth Victor B. Hall, Toronto, York Sec. 11 — Ferns, separate coUectioil, with common and scientific names attcuJied Prof. W. P. Wrighti Hamilton, Weiitworth Sec 13 — Fishes, living, collection ofi Food Fishes other than Salmon W. R. Manger, Toronto, York Sec. 14r—Fi^ies, Aquarium, and emiwhitof Ornamented W. R. Manger, Toroito, Yorit Sec. 16 — Exiras Victor B, Hall, Toronto, York: Orange dried, 36 yearn old E. W. White, Toronto, York: Stuflfed Birds CLASS LXX— Ladies' WoA: Lace, Em- broidery, Needlework, &c. Sec. 1 — Applique Work Miss Strickland, Oshawa, Ontario Mrs. S. Botrden, Brampt *' . Lizzie Wilson, Toronto, York (3) Miss Strickland, Oshawa, Ontario Mrs. James Knox, Belleville, Hastingi >'. . Miss A. McQueen, Toronto, Yorit Miss Beacham, Cambray, Victoria Mrs. J. M. Harding, Kemptville, Ontario Mrs. G. R. Van Zant, Markham, York Miss Sarah J. Parks, WaterdoWn, Went- worth Mrs. F. W. Doty, Toronto, York Robert Fishor, Concord, York Mrs. Robert Harris, Carlton West, York Mrs. Bland, Toronto, York Mrs. Chittenden, Toronto, York Mrs. Boculs, Ringwood, York Miss M. M. Disher, St. GathttiMk, Lia^ coin Mrs.. J. G. Beard, Toronto, York Misa Downey, Toronto, York Mrs. A. F. DVyer, Torohio, York ' Miss E. M. White, Toronto, York' ' ■■t 66 AUTHORIZED CATALOaTTK, Class LZX. Miss G. Johnson, York Milb, York S»r»h Lappin, Brookton, York See. 11 — Darning, heat gpecimen Miss Strickland, Oshawa, Ontario Mn.L. S. Lundy, Dmnunondville, Welland Mrs. S. Bowdeu, Brampton, Peel Miss Bessie Parks, Waterdown, Went- worth Mrs. Rolf Gamer, Box 40, Dmmmond- ville, Welland Lizzie McVean, Woodhill , Peel Miss Olendinning, Watford, Lambton Mrs. J. Cnthbertson, Toronto, York Mrs. Ellis, Toronto, York Mrs. Breuls, Rinswood, York Miss Tracy, Lamoton Mills, York Sec. 12 — Embroidery in Muslin Mrs. Lemine, Toronto, York Miss Armstrong, Toronto, York Mrs. S. Bowden, Brampton, Peel Mrs. J. M. Harding, Kemptville, Ontario Lizzie McVean, Woodhill, Peel Mrs. J. Cnthbertson, Toronto, York Miss A. Miller, Toronto, York Miss Kirkwood, Toronto, York Mrs. J. H. Johnson. Toronto, York Mrs. D. P. Ross, Toronto, York Miss Nellie Kennedy, Toronto, York Sec. 13 — Embroidery in SUk Miss Armstrong, Toronto, York Miss M. A. Evans, Orillia, Simcoe Miss Strickland, Oshawa, Ontario Miss Yeaxlee, Toronto, York Mrs. Bowden, Brampton, Peel Mrs. Didelon, Toronto, York (2) Miss Hore, Ingersoll, Oxford Mrs. J Cnthbertson, Toronto, York Mrs.*Elli8, Toronto, York Miss A Miller, Toronto, York Margaret McLaren, Hamilton, Wentworth Sec. 14 — Embroidery in Worsted Ada Nicoll, Shelbume, Grey Miss Strickland, Oshawa, Ontario Mrs. Bowden, Brampton, Peel Mrs. W. J. Marsh, Clarksburgh, Grey Lizzie McVean, Woodhill, Peel Mrs. William Lea, Toronto, York Mrs. J. Cnthbertson, Toronto, York Mrs. Ellis, Toronto, York Mrs. M. Scales, Toronto, York Sec. 15 — Embroidery, Bom^in Ada NicoU, Shelbume, Grey Mrs. Doan, Toronto, York MiiM Beaaie Brown, Toronto, York Sec. 16 — Fancy Work, any kind, for chil- dren under 12 years of age Miss I. R. E. Thompson, Toronto, York Miss Jean Hendrie, Toronto, York Miss Brazill, Bond Head, Simcoe Mrs. M. E. Gamer, Drommondville, Wel- land Miss Bertie Bymal, Waterdown, Went- worth Miss E. M. White, Toronto, York Mito C, Rogers, Toronto, York Sec. 17 — Fancy Tforkj best coUection of, not less than 8 varieties Miss Strickland, Oshawa, Ontario Mrs. S. Bowden, Brampton, Peel Mrs. Ellis, Toronto, York Sec. 18 — Chivpure Work Miss Strickland, Oshawa, Ontario Mrs. S. Bowden, Brampton, Peel Mrs. J. M. Harding, Kemptville, Ontari» Lizzie McVean, Woodhill, Peel Miss A. F. Branskill, Toronto, York Margaret McLaren, Hamilton, Wentworth Sec. 19 — Lace, Moniton Mrs. S. Bowden, Brampton, Peel Mrs. J. M. Harding, Kemptville, Ontario Carrie E. Simpson, Toronto, York C. E. H. Holmes, Yorkville, York Mrs. R. 0. Miller, Chatham, Kent Miss Olendinning, Watford, Lambton Anna Potter, Toronto, York Mrs. John Laidlaw, Toronto, York John W. Manley, Toronto, York Mary M. Disher, St. Catharines, Lincoln Miss Ettie Taylor, Toronto, York Mrs. Glover, Parkdale, York Mrs. A. Steer, Toronto, York Mrs. F. A. Rodden, Toronto, York Miss Nellie Kennedy, Toionto, York Mrs. G. B. Robarts, Yorkville, York Sec. 20 — Imcc, Point M. E. Small, Toronto, York Miss Strickland, Oshawa, Ontario Mrs. S. Bowden, Brampton, Peel Miss Beacham, Cambray, Victoria Miss Jean Galbraith, Bowmanville, Dorbam C. E. H. Hohnes, Yorkville, York Lizzie McVean, Woodhill, Peel Mrs. R. O. Miller, Chatham, Kent Amelia Paul, Mealord, Grey (2) Miss A. F. Branskill, Toronto, York Mary M. Disher, St. Catharines, Lincoln Mrs, Glover, Parkdale, York Mrs; A. Steer, Toronto, York Mrs. F. A. Rodden, Toronto, York Miss M. S. McDonald, Toronto, York Mrs. G. B, Robarts, Yorkville, York Margaret McLaren, Hamilton, Wentworth Sec. 21 — Lace, Twine Mrs. James Knox, Belleville, Hastings Mrs. S. Bowden, Brampton, Peel Mrs. J. M. Harding, Kemptville, Ontario Miss Jean Galbraith, Bowmanville. Durham Carrie E. Simpson, Toronto, York Mrs. John Lai'^Uw, Toronto, York .-'f-;-:r- B UX, Claas Lzx. AUTHORIZED CATALOOUK. 67 B, Wel- We»t- bion of, o I 1, Ont»ri» fork ^entwortfa el le, Ontwu* >rk ork Lent imbton fork )rk aea, Lincolu ork York .York , York ano ?eel .toria liUe,Durb»Jn lYork el iKent (2) ^ f). York Les, linooln lYork , York -. York ^ . Wentworth iHastinga ille, Ontario iriUe.Darbara [ork I York Mn. Glover, Parkdale, York Miu M. Jeakins, Toronto, York Miaa £. Marrill, Toronto, York Mra. J. H. Johnson, Toronto, York Mn. F. P. Hammond, Toronto, York Mrs. Robert Maule, Toronto, York Sec. 22 — Lace, any other kind Mary Stanton, MiUbrook, Dnrham Miss Strickland, Osbawa, Ontario Mrs. James Knox, 'fieUevillc, Hastings Elizabeth Choate, YngersoU, Oxford Miss Cormack, Toronto, York Mrs. O. B. Robarts, Yorkville, York Sec. 23 — Lamp Mat Ada Nicoll, Shelbume, Grey Mrs. S. Bowden, Brampton, Peel Mrs. J. M. Harding, Kemptvillc, Ontario Mrs. G. R. Van Zant, Markbam, York Mrs. F. W. Doty, Toronto, York Miss M. Fox, Toronto, York. Miss Bessie Brown, Toronto, York Sec. 24 — Leather Work, ornamental Mrs. J. M. Harding, Kemptville, Ontario Mrs. G. R. Van Zant, Markham, York Mrs. Ellis, Toronto, York Sec. 26 — Machine Seioing, family Mrs. Roche, Don Mount, York Miss Strickland, Oshawa, Ontario Miss M. Fox, Toronto, York Mrs. F. P. Hammond, Toronto, Yorii Miss Tracy, Lambton Mills, York Sec. 27 — Netting, fancy Miss Strickland, Oshawa, Ontario Mrs. S. Bowden, Brampton, Peel Mrs. C. W. Hillems, St Catharines, Lin- coln Liiiizie McVean, Woodhill, Peel Miss L. Smith, Toronto, York Miss Annie F. BrunskiU, Toronto, York Sec. 28 — Slippers, in worsted or nUc Ada Nicoll, Shelbume, Grey Mrs. S. Bowden, Brampton, Peel Mrs. J. M. Harding, Kemptville, Ontario Mrs. G. R. Van Zant, Markham, York Lizzie McVean, Woodhill, Peel Mrs. Ellis, Toronto, York Mrs. R. Wilson Carlton, Davenport, York Mrs. A. Miller, Toronto, York Miss Tracy, Lunbton Mills, Yoik Sec. 29 — Serving, plain, children under 12 years of age Miss H. F. Elliot, Orillia, Simcoe Mrs. M. E. Gamer, Drummondville, Wei- land Susannah Brown, Mimico, York I Sec. 30— (Sewmgr, plain, by hand Miss M. A. Evans, Orillia, Simcoe Mrs. L. S. Landy, Dmmmondville, Wei* Uad Mrs. James Knox, Belleville, Hastings Mrs. J. M. Harding, Kemptville, Ontario Lizzie McVean, Woodhill, Peel Mrs. F. P. Hammond, Toronto, York Miss Tracy, Lambton MiUs, do - Sec. 31 — Shirt, man's, hand made Miss M. A. Evans, Orillia, Simcoe Mrs. L. S. Lundy, Dranunondville, Wel- land Mrs. J. M. Harding, Kemptville, Ontario Miss Sarah J. Paru, Waterdown, Went^ worth Lizzie McVean, Woodhill, Peel Mrs. Geonra Tye, Brampton, Peel Mary H. Disher, St. Catharines, Lincoln Miss Tracy, Lambton Mills, York Sec. 32 — Shirt, man's, machine made Annie Curran, Toronto, York Miss Strickland, Oshawa, Ontario Miss Sarah J. Parks, Waterdown, Went'- worth Lizzie McVean, Woodhill, Peel Mrs. Beuls, Ringwood, York Miss Tracy, Lambton Mills, York . Sec. S3— Shell Basket Mrs. Ellis, Toronto, York Sec. 36— Tatting Katie Smith, Toronto, York Miss Beaoham, Gambray, Victoria Mrs. J. M. Harding, Kemptville, Ontario Mrs. C. W. Hillems, St. Catharines, Lin- coln Miss Bessie Parks, Waterdown? Went- worth Miss Sarah J. Parks, Waterdown, Went- worth Mrs. B. Wilson Carlton, Davenport, York Sec. 3^— Work Basket Mrs. J. M. Harding,' Kemptville, Ontario Sec. 37— Extras M. A. Rush, Toronto, York : Picture Bayeux Tapistry, "Mary Queen of Scots." Mrs. Matthews, Toronto, York : Prince Mason's Gold Embroidered Apron Angerona Beswetherick». Toronto, York : Card Basket, wool Mary M. Peniston, Toronto, York : Chair Cover, in bead work Miss M. A. EvanSj^Orillia, Simcoe : Paint-. ing on Silk Ada Nicoll, Shelbume, Grey : Fancy Mat Emily Burrows-, Toronto, York : Trees and Animals cut with scissors Miss Armstrong, Toronto, York: Jacket Braided with Gold MissBondidier, Toronto, York: Shoulder Braeee, ladiee Mrs. H. H. Martin, Tonmto, York : Anti- macassar, netted toilet set 98 AOTBOmZVD CATAlOOtni. OImblzxt. -Mia* Hughe», Toronto, York : Sof i Corer, ' AntinuusBHairi' Mra. C. Barrett, Don Mount, Ttork ; Em- bhiidery in TtHne , Mrs. J. M. Hardinr, Kiemptville, Oatario : Bead Work, Embroidered Skirt A. Weatherley; Toronto, York s Handker- chief Cawi H. Hnwell, Oodcrich, Huron : Dreaa- maker's Cliart. • Mrs. Alfred Piddingtm, Toronto, York: CAae Doll Dreisiiv Mrs. G. B. Robarts, YOTkville, York: Drapery fdr Table Mrs. <3«oi:g« Arthurs, YorkiriUe, York: Painting on Satin (2) Mias Jean Galbraith', BowmanriUe, Dur- ham : Cretonne Work Miss Lailey, Toronto, York : Eihbroidiery in Fine Cotton Misses M. & L. Northey, Harvey Hill Mines, Mi^antic^ Bnadtng Mrs. F. W. Doty, Toronto, York : Toilet Set in Beted Work. Mrs. J. Chthbertson, Toronto, York; Linen and Labe Handkerchief Mrs. Doane, 'toronto, York : Stamping for Embroidery Mary M. Distier, St. Catharines, Lincoln : Crochet Cotton Lace Mrs. Kate S. Ferrell, Toronto, York: Fancy Bustic Tripod Miss Meadows, Toronto, York : Mottoes in Silk and Cardboard Mrs. J. M. Reid, Toronto, York : Anti- macassiur . ' Miss C. Johnson, York Mills, York : Crochet Work in I^ce- Miss E. F. Smith, Toronto, York ; Em- broidered-Net Bribcket Miss Bessie Brown, Toronto, York : Illu- minated Lace Bracket, Btttided Net Bracket; Wool Tidy Miss Muttlebury, Toronto, York : Crochet Work in Wool Miss Givins,^ Toronto, York: Crochet Work in Wobl, shawl Jessie Morrow, Toronto, York : Toilet Set, PItticyWork CLASS LXXI— Ladies Work (continued) Wax Work, Berlin Wool Work, Flowers, Knitting, &c. Sdc. 1 — A;ff\ihan Carriage Mrs. S. Bowden, Brampton, V'wH Sarah WrifAt Mrs. P. P.THatomond, Toronto, Ymrk Sec. 2— JBerKh Wool Work, for ^mvng Frederick Hill, 21 Sfcitford St., Torcmto, York ■ ' ' ^^ ■'■ ■ ■• ■■ ■ Mrs. B. Combe, Kincardine. Bmoe Mrs. Robert Awde, Tobato, York (9) .AdaNicoU,SItelbttri«,CHrey ' Miss M. A. OU, Seaton Village, York Mrs. Robert Mamie, Tbronto, York Mrs. W. J. Marshi d&l-kibnit, Grey Miss ContiaU; Torttoto^ Yotk Mn*jrWriBh% Sarah WV^t, Mrs. William Cable, Tofynto, York Mrs. EUis, TMOntb, dv Mra. R. Wilson Ckriton, Darvenport, d» Sec. ^—BifrOn Wool Wtyrk, fumd Miss Strickland, OshAwa, Ontario Mary Annie McManna, Montreal, P, Q Mrs. J. P. Hart, Don Mount, York Lizzie McVean, Woodhill, Peel Mrs. DideloD, Toronto, York Mrs. Ellis, Toronto^ do Sarah lAppiB, Bwektini do Sec. A—CownUrptmes, domedic wove Mrs. Breuls, Ringwobd, York Sec, 5 — CowUerpanei, crotchet Leary Hancock, Toronto, York Mrs. J. M. Harding, KemptviUe, Oataorio Jane Elliot, Aginoourt, York Rob^ Usher, Concord, do Mrs. i . Q, BeaJrd, Tortmto, do Mrs. 0. R. Jacobi, do do Sec. 6 — CoiivtUrpanes, Jnnited Mrs. J. M. .dar^iiu;, Kemptville, (^itario Mrs. C. W, Hiltoms, St. Cathwinm, Lincoln Mrs. M. L. Graham, Toronto, York Mrs. 0. U. Jacobi, do do Sec. 7 — Pancy Jar Mrs. R. Wilson Carltcni, Davenport, York Miss Bessie Browta, Toronto, do Sec. 8 — Flowers, in Feathers Mrs. J. L. Muldoon, TorMito, York Sec. 9 — Flowers, in paper Miss Strickland, Oshawa, Ontario Mrs. W. Toole, Toronto, York (2) Mrs. P. M. M^FarUne, ToroAto, York Mrs. G. R. Van Zuit, Markham. Yoirk Sec. 10— flair Flowers Clara Etta Notmiln, Toronto, York Miss Strickland, Otdiawa, Ontario Sec. 11 — Bair Jewellery W. 0. littleford, Toronto, York Misa Strickland, Oshawa, Ontario Sec. 12 — KnittiTig, fancy Mrs. S. Bowden, Brampton, Ptel EUiabeth. OhoatO), IngersoU, Oxford Mrs. J. M. Harding, Kemptville, (^tario Mrs. C. W. HilUkAs, St. Catharines, Lincoln - Sec. 13— Ladies Botynets (best collection) Mils, A. Stephena, To^to, York Robert Walker & Sons, Toronto, York Sec. 22- Mrs. Miss ■ uxr. Clan Lxxi. AUTHOmiZID OATALOGUK. 69 Tork do itI, doi d ,o P.Q ork York dl> do loove He, Oirtwio rk 0 0 o He. Ointaric CaVbuiHes, York do nport, York do York wno 1?) , to, York un. Yoifk YOT^t bario ork tuio Ptel Oxford ville, Onlfono Cfttiuurines, cotttdion) JTork nto, York Sea 14 — Ladies ManUeSf colUelioH ojf Robert Walker k Pobb, Toronto, York fiec. I&-M0M Wori Mra. G. R. Van Zaot, ifarUum, York Elica J. Irwin, Newmarket, do Sec. 16— Plait for BotmeU or HaU, of Canadian straw Mrs. J. M. Hardiag, Kemptville, Ontario Mrs. George Lye, Brampton, Peel Sec. 17 — Quilt, cotton^ patchwork Miss Striokland, Oa)iava, Ontario Mrs. C. W. Hillenu, St. Cathariaea, Lincoln Mrs. W. F. McDonald, Toronto, York Ann Bumi, Yorkville, York Miss M. Fo^ Toronto, do Miss Lizxie McGajfray, Toronto^ 4o Miss Salmond, Toronto, do Mrs. William Cullen, Toronto, 4o Sec. Ifi-^QitiUf cloth, patchwork F. Hall k SonToronto, York« G. McGloakey, T<»onto, Ymk . Mn. M. EL Gamer, Dronunoadville, Welland Mra. Georee Lye, Brampton, Feel Miss M. P^x, Toronto, York • Mrs. Bland, Toroato, do Mrs. R. Wilson Carlton, Davenport^ do Mrs. Brenls, Riqgwood, do Mrs. Colby, Toronto, do Mrs. M. Dohoney, Toronto, do 8ec 19 — QuUt, nZfc, patchwork , Mrs. Jos. Tamworth, Toronto, York Mrs. A. Coopley, Toronto, York Mrs. Rebecca Clark, Hamilton, Wentworth Amelia faul, Meaford, Grey Mrs. F. W. Doty, Toronto, York Sec. 20— iiour Carpet T. HaU & Son, Toronto, York Mrs. L. S. Lmidy, DrummondviQe, Wel- land Mrs. R. Garner, Drummondville, Welland Miss Glendinning, Waiford, Lambton Mrs. Watts, Toronto, York Sec 21— Ba^ Mat Mrs. Morris Carter, Lambton Mills, Ywk M*B. J. M. Harding, Kemptville, Ontario Mrs. Eliza Hare, Toronto, York Mr*. L. Si. Lundy, Drummondville, Wel- land Mrs. John Laidlaw, Tpronto, Yor^ Mrs. filand, Toronto, York Sec 22— Seed Wreath Mrs. Amelia Carroll, Toronto, York' Miss EmniA Stennett, Yorkville, York Sao. 23— Skeletonized Leanu -. .. . Miss J. Oalbraith, Bowmanville, Durham 'Mrs. J. Fleming, Toronto, York Mra. Ellis, Toronto, York ■ • ' ' ( II' ■■ f ! I. Sea 24 — S^irte or Drawen, Knitted^ hand made Miss Strickland, Oshawa, Ontario Mrs. J. M. Harding, Kemptville, Ontario S^ 26 — Sodcif Fancy, for children Mn. S. Bovtlen, Brampton, Peel Miss S. J. Parks, Waterdowi^ Wentvorth Sec. 26 — Soeke, knit by hq,nd, 3 pairs Mr*. J. M. Harding, Kempt^ulle, Ontario Mrs. C. W. Hillema, St Catharines, Lin- coln Miss Schreiber, Deer Park, York Sea 27 — Stopkingt, h^it by hand, 3 pairg . Miea Strickland, Oshawa, Ontario Mra. C. W. Uiaema, St Catharine*, Lin- coln Sea 28 — Stockings or Socks knit by a glri undef H2 year* of age Mra. M. E. Gamer, Drummondville, Wei- bad S^. 29-^IFaas Work, orNa9i«n<) Frank H inderson, Bowmanville, Durham R. R. Pringle, Cobourg Sec. 8 — Filly, 2 years old John White, Milton, Halton Sec. 9 - Year'ing Filly John White, Milton, Halton Sec. 10— Brood Mare, with Foal by her side James Lawrio, Malvern, York John White, Milton, Halton (2) CLASS II— Rojwlstor Horses, for driviug or the saddle, 15^^ haads and under Sflc. I — Stallions, 4 years old and uptoards J. Holdernesa, Toronto, Yo.-'i H, Cooper, York Mills, York R. H. Defrie?, Toronto, York William Hendrie, Hamilton, Wentworth (ieorge E. Stotts, Goderich, Huron Charles McBride, York Mills, York Sec. 2 — Scullion, 3 years old W. H Conant, Oshawa, Ontario John B. Carpenter, Whitby, (Jntario Sec. 3 — Stallion, 2 years old Robert Cheyne, Toronto, York A. Henderson, Toronto. York Sec. 5— Stallion of any age J. Holderness, Toronto, York H. Cooper, York Mills, York Hobert Cheyne, Toronto, York A. Henderson, Toronto, York R. H. Defries, Toronto, York W. H. Conant, Toronto, York Jolwi B. Carpanier. Whitby, Ontario William Hen 'rie, Hamilton, Wentworth George E. Stotts, Goderich, Huron Sec. 8— Yearling Filly P. Filman, Hamilton, Wentworth Sec 9 — Brood Mare, withfonl by her sidt Simon Shunk, Edgely, York William Hendrie, Hamilton, Wentwortl) P. Filman, Hamilton, Wentworth Sec. 10 — Pair of Matched Horses (geldings or mares) in harness Hon. D. L. McPherson, Chestnut Park. 'i ork Williai'. Mackie, Port Hope Sec. 11 — Siwjle Horse, (gelding or mare) in harness. John Kemp, Yorkville. York U. H. Davies, (Brev/ery) Toronto, York John Hogan, King, York T. Hodgson, V. S., Toronto, York James McQuarrie, Caledon, Peel James Frawley, Toronto, York Meil McLwui, Toronto, York m AUTHORIZED CATALOGUE — SUPPLEMENT. Classes iii * iv. John Crozier, Orangeville, Wellington A. Galanaugh, Thornhill, York A. Knight, Toronto, York L. M. Livingstone, Toronto, York CLASS III — Carriage Horses, animals 3 year's old and upwards, to be over 15J hands. Sec. 1 — Stallion, 4 yeara old. and upivards Robert Cheyne, Toronto, York Isreal Eby, Tavistock, Pert'i John Hartley, Zimmerman, Halton Henry Cooper, York Mills, York Sec. 2 — Stallion, 3 years old J. J. Davies, Daviesville, York R. S. Lightfoot, Campbell's Cross, Peel Sec. 4 — Yearling Colt D. 4; A. McDonald, Vellora, York Thomas Blanchard, Uppleby, Halton Sec. 5 — Stallions of any age J. J. Davies, Daviesville, York Israel Eby, 'Tavistock, Perth K. S. Lightfoot, Campbell's Cross, Peel John Hartlej , Zimmerman, Halton Thomas Blanchard, Uppleby, Halton Sec. 6 — Pair Matched Carriage Horses {marts or geldings), not less than 16 hand^ W. W. Butcher. Toronto, York P. Filman, Hamilton, Wentworth N . McConuell & Co. , Toronto, York Levi Skelton, London, Middlesex Sec. 7 — Pah' Matched Carriage Horses, not less than 15^ and not over 16 hands W. Christie, Toronto, York John Devanney, St. (yatharines, Lincoln J. Holderness, Toror.to, York Martin <^)88in, jr., Aberfoyle, Wellington Jos. Walker of R. Walker &, Sons, Toronto, York Sec. 8 — Carriage Filly, 3 yexirs old R. H. Defries, Toronto, York Sec. 12 — Singk Carriage Horse (gelding or mare), in harnem B. W. (Jlarke. Downsview, York John Langstaif Laugstaff, York James i.Awrie, Malvern, York John Hogan, King, York W. J. Hunter, Brampton, Peel William Dudley, Toronto, York C. W. Armstrong, Derry West, Peel C. Harrison, Lansing, York Massey Mfg Co., Toronto, York John C. McCarty, Newma'ket, York Henry Russell, W«iton, YorK Sec. 13 — Saddle Hormi (geldijui or mare) not oi)er 16 hanas J. Grand, Toronto, York J oh a Umgitntf, Lft&gstaff, York Sec. 14 — Saddle Horse or Hunter (heavy weight), capable of carrying 15 stone W. W. Butcher, Toronto, York P. Filman, Hamilton, Wentworth Andrew Smith, V. S., Toronto, York (2) A. W. Godson, Toronto York (2) Jos. Grand, Toronto, York Theodore King, Toronto, York Sec. 15 — Sad■ ' ■'. Son, Balsam, Ontario Bobert Ou-j-.» Toronto, York Thor>a8 Blanchard, Appleby, Haltoa Sec. 5 — Heavy Draught Stallion, any age Richard Graham, Claremont, Ontario Robert Cheyne, Toronto, York George Emporingham, per John Leys, Barrister, &c., Toronto, York Canada W. Farm Stock Association, per C. W. Taylor, Toronto, York James Lawrie, Malvern, York Wm. Hendrie, Hamilton, Wentworth (2) John Morrison, Scarboro, York Thomas Blanchard, Appleby, HaltoD Sec. 7 — Filly, 2 years old James Davidson & Son, Balsam, Ontario Sec. 8 — Filly, Yearling James Lawrie, Malvern, York Sec. 9 — Brood Mare with Foal by her side Canada W. Fr.rm Stocks Association, per C. W. Taylc-, Toronto, York Jas. Gardho'ise, Hightield, York Sec. 10 — Mare, with 2 of her progeny, a'l to be bona Jide, the properly of the aehibitor Jas. S. Davidson & Son, Balsam, Ontaino Sec. 11 — Span of Heavy Draught Horses, {geldingi'. or mares) William Boyd, Victoria Square, York James Lawrie, Malvern, York Canada W. F&rm Stock Asacciation, per C. W, Taylor, Toronto, Yojrk CLASS VI— Laer C. W. Taylor, Toronto, York W. W. Butcher, Toronto, York Jambs Gardhouse, Hightield, Yo;k John White, Milton, Halton Sec. 3 — i'he Best Stallion for General Pur- poses that has been kept for Mares, the past Season, and has nerved not fvwer tlian 16, accompai*ied '/y not less than 6 of his produ^^, the merits of both sire and produce to be considered. Open to all Stallions in Canada and the Cm States George Emporingham, Toronto, York CATTI/H. CLASS VIII Durhfcnis Sec. 1 — Bulls, 3 years old and upward* John Morrison, Scarboro', /.yrk C. W. Farm Stock AiB»ooifttiQn,BraBtford, Braut m AUTHORIZED CATALOGUE — SUPPLEMENT. Classes x ft xi. \^ ■ !; 1 John Hogan, King, York H. & J. Groflf, Eimira, Waterloo S«c. 2 — Bull, 2 yearn oW C. W. Farm Siock AsBociation, Brantford, Brant, Alex. Brown, Egliiigton, York >Sec. 3 — Btill, 1 pear ohl C. W. farm S. Association, Brantford, Brant (-') J. A W. Watt, Salem, Wellington H & J. H. & ". Grofi; Eimira, V/aterloo Sec. 8 — Heifer, 2 years old C. W. Farm S. Association, Brantford Brant (4) J. & W. Watt, Saiem, Wellington H. & J. Groflf, Eimira, Waterloo (2) ilec 9 — rieifer, 1 year old C. W. F. rm S. Association, Brantford, Brant v4) H. & J. Groflf, Eimira, Waterloo (2) Sec. 10 — Heifer Calf, under 1 year 0. W Farm S. Association, Brantford, Brant (5) J. & W. Watt, Salem, Wellingttm (2) Richard (iilison, llderton (2) H. & J. Groflf, Eimira, Waterloo Sec. il— 5 Calirn, under 1 year old, bred and owned by exhibitor C. W. Farm S. Association, Brantford, Brant Sec. 12 — fferd of Durhara Cattle, comtinting of 1 Bull and Pt fpinale^, over 1 year old, owned by exhih'i O' C. W. Farm S. Association, Brantford, Brant J. & \V. Watt, Salem, Wellington H. & J. Groflf, Eimira, Watev'f CLASS X— Devons Sec. 2 — Bull, 2 yrara old Richard Morgan, Islington, York Sec. 3 — Bull, 1 year old Richard Morgan, Islingt (2) CLASS XI— Ayrshires Sec. I — Bull, 3 years old and upward » Jardine & Sons, Hamilton, Wentworth (2)f James Lawrie, Malvern,. YorL. Sec. 2 — Bull, 2 years old Jardine & Sons, Hamilton, Wentworth James Lawrie, Malvern, York Sec. 3 — Bull, 1 year old Jardine & Sons, Hamilton, Wentworth (3> J. B. Bessy, Georgetown, Halton Sec. h—Bull Calf, under 1 year Jardine & Sons, Hamilton, Wentworth (3) James Lawrie, Malvern, York Sec. 5 — Bull of any age Jardine & Sons, Hamilton, Wentworth (3> J. B. Bessy, Georgetown, Haltoa Sec. 6 — Cow Jardine \, Sons, Hamilton, Wentworih (3) James Lawrie, Malvern, York (3) J. B. Bessy, Georgetown, Halton (2) Sec. 7 — Cow, 3 years old Jardine k Sons, Hamilton, Wentworth (3) James Lawiie, Malvern, York Sec. 8 — Heifer, 2 years old Jardine k Sons, Hamilton, Wentworth (3) Jtonies Lawrie, Malv€.n, York Sec. 9 — Heifer, 1 year old Jardine & Sons, Haniiltim, Wentworth (3) James Lnwrie, Malvern, York (3) Sec 10 — Heifer Calf, under 1 year Jardine & Sons. Harailtrin. Wentworth (3) James Lawrie, Malvern, York (2) J. B. Bessy, (Georgetown, Halton Sec. 11 — Fii>e Calves, under 1 year old, bred and ovmed by the exhibitor Jardine & Sons, Hamilton, Wentworth <2) James Lawrie, Malverr , York ■■■■IP ft XT. ^ilasses xiii-xix. authorized CATAXoanB — supplement. 77 (2) (2> • fforth (2)» worth iworth (3> worth (3> worth (3> iworih (3) ,(3) n (2) tworth (3> tworth (3> Itworth (3> (3) [tworth (3) (2) old, bred Itworth \2) Hec. 12 — Herd of Ayrshire Cattle, consisting cf 1 Bull and 5 Females, over 1 year old, owned by tlie exhibitor Jardine & Sons, Hamilton, Wentworth James Lawrie, Malvern, York , CLASS Xlll-Jersey, or Aldemey Cattle Sec. 7 — Alder ney Yearling Heifer William H. Doel, Toronto, York CLASS XV-Grade Cattle ;Sec. 1 — Grade Cow William Green, Agincoiirt, York J. & W. Watt, Salnm, Wellington William Henry, L'Amaroux, York H. & J. Groff. Elmira, Waterloo Hec. 2 — Cow, 3 yturs old J. k W. Watt, Salem, Wellington (2) H. &. J. GroflF, Elmira. Waterloo Sec. 3 — TTeifer, 2 i/ears old J. k W. Watt, Salem, Wellington (2) William Henry, L'Amaroux, York H. & J. Groff, Elmira, Waterloo (2) Sec. 4 — Heifer, 1 year old J. & W. Watt, Salem, Wellington H. & J. Groff, Elmira, Waterloo Sec. 5 — Heifer Calf, under 1 year J & W. Watt, Salem. Wellington William Henry, L'Amaroux, York H. & J. Goff, Elmira, Waterloo Sec. fi — Fim Females, over 1 year old, the projierty of the exhibitor 3. & W. W.itt, Salem, Wellington H. & J. Groff, Elmira, Waterloo CLASS XVI— Fat Cattle, any breed Sec. 1 — Pair of Fat Cattle, of any aye N. H. Wickett, York, Haldimand H. & J. Groff, Elmira, Waterloo :Sec. 2 — Fit Ox or Steer, 4 years old and over N. H. Wickett, York, Haldimand H & J. Groff, Elmira, Waterloo Sec. 3 — Fat Steer, under 4 years old H. & J. Groff, Elmira, Waterloo .Sen. 1 — Fit Cow or Heifer, 4 years old and upwdrd-i J & \V. Watt, Salem, Wellington N H Wickett, York, Haldimand H & J. (irorf, Elmira, Waterloo Hec .') — Fat Cow or Heifer, und*r 4 years old J. & W. Watt, Salem, Wellington N. H. Wickett, Vork, Hal.limand H. & J. Groff, Eliuira, Waterloo SHBEP-Long Wool ed. CLASS XVII— Cotswold Sec. 1 — Ram, 2 shears and orer Alex Marsh, Richmond Hill, York John Snella' Sous, Edmonton, Vevl (2) Sec. 2 — Shearling Ram George Weldrick, Thornhill, York John Snells' Sons, Edmonton, i'eel (2) ' Sec. 3 — Ram Lamb Alex. Marsh, Richmond Hill, York John hnells' Sons, Edmonton, Feel Joshua Sicily, Richmond Hill, York (2) Sec. 4 — Two Ewes, 2 stiears and over John Torrance, Scarboro', York John Snells' Sons, Edmonton, Peel (2) Sec 5 — Two Shearling Ewes John Torrance, Scarboro', York John Snells' Sons, Edmonton, Peel (2) Sec. 6 — Two En e Lambs Alex. Marsh, Richmond Hill, York John Snells' Sons, Edmonton, Peel (2) Sec. 7 — Pen of Cotxwo'ds — I Ram, 2 Ewes, 2 shears and over, 2 Shearling Ewes, awl 2 Ewe Lamhn John Snells' Sons, Edmonton, Peel CLASS XVIII— Leicesters Sec. 1 — Ram, 2 shears and orer - ■ Thomas Blancharil, Appleby, Haltoa ■Sec. 2 — Shearling Ram (ieorge Weldrick, Thornhill, York CLASS XIX-Lincoln Sheep Sec. 1 — Ram, 2 shears and over John Torrance, Scarboro', Yark ' ''• Sec. 2^Shearling Ram George Weldrick, Thornhill, Vork .Tohn 'I'orr.ance, ScarbiT^'', ^'()rk Richard (iibson, IMtrtoii Sec. 3 — Ram Lamb , John Torrance, Scaiboro', York Sec. 4 — Two Eirm, 2 skutrs and over John Torratioe, Scaiboio', ifork RichanMiibsitn, lli'iton Sec. 5 — Iwo Sheiirliilij Lwes John lV>rrance, Scai I'oi'i', York Hichard (ribron, lli iton Sec. fi '/('"/ Ewf Laiii'i- John Torrance, Scarboro', York ,.; Richard (iibson, llderton ■> 78 AUTHORIZED OATALOGUB — siTPPiiBVBKT. Classes XX-ZXIII. Sec. 7 — Pen Lmcolm : Ram, 2 Ehoes, 2 shears and over, 2 Shearling Ewes and 2 Ewe Lambs John Torfance, Scarboro', York Richard Qibaon, Ilderton SHEEP— Medium WooUed. CLASS XX— Southdowns Sec. 1 — Ram, 2 shears and over Robert Marsh, Richmond Hill, Yorfc Thos. Wilkinson, Renton Station, Went- worth (2) Robert Shaw, Renton Station, Wentworth Soc. 2— Shearling Ram Robert Marsh, Richmond Hill, York Thos. Wilkinson, Renton Station, Went- worth Robert Shaw, Renton Station, Wentworth Sec. 3 — Ram Lamb Robert Marsh, Richmond Hill, York Thos. Wilkinson, Renton Station, Went- worth Robert Shaw, Renton Station, Wentworth Sec. 4 — Two Ewes, 2 shears and over Robert Marsh, Richmond Hill, York Thos. Wilkinson, Renton Station, Went- worth (2) Robert Shaw, Renton Station, W"entworth Sec, 5— Two Shearling Ewes Thos. Wilkinson, Renton Station, Went- worth Robert Shaw, Renton Station, Wentworth Sec. 6 — Two Ewe Lambs Thos. Wilkinson, Renton Station, ^ ent- worth Robert Shaw, Renton .Station, Wentworth Sec. 7 — Pen of Southdowns — 1 Ram, 2 Ewes, 2 shears and over, 2 Shearling Ewes, and 2 Ewe Lambs Thos. Wilkinson, Renton Station, Went- worth Robert Shaw, Renton Station, Wentworth CLASS XXI — Shropshire, Hampshire and Oxfordshire Downs Seo. 1 — Ram, 2 shears and over Wm. M. Miller, Olaremont, Ontario Robert Shaw, Ronton Station, Wentworth Sec. 2 — Shear limg Ram Wm. M. Miller, Claremont, Ontario Robert Shaw, Renton Station, Wentwortk Sec. 5 — Ram Lamb Robert Shaw, Ronton Stt^ou, Wentworth Soc. 4 — Two Ewes, 2 shears and over Robert Shaw, Renton Station, Wentworth Sec. 5 — Two Shearling Ewes Wm. M. Miller, Olaremont, Ontario (2) Robert Shaw, Renton Station, Wentworth Sec. 6 — Two Ewe Lambs Robert Shaw, Renton Station, Wentworth CLASS XXII— Fat Sheep % Sec. 1 — 7V)o Fat Wethers, 2 shears and over John R. Hood, Guelph, Wellington Sec. 2 — Two Fat Wethers, under 2 shears John R. Hood, Guelph, Wellington (2) Sec. 3 — Two Fat Ewes, 2 nhtars and over John R. Hood, Guelph, Wellington John Snells' Sons, Edmonton, Peel FIGS— Small Breeds. CLASS XXIII— Improved Berkshires. Sec. I — Boar, over 2 years John Hewer, Guelph, Wellington C. W. Farm S. Association, Brantford, Brant John Snells' Sons, Edmonton, Peel Sec. 2 — Boar, over 1 year and under 2 years C. W. Farm S. Association, Brantford, Brant Thomas Boynton, Victoria Square, York Alexander Marsh, Richmond Hill, York John Hogan, King, York John Snells' Sons, Edmonton, Peel Sec. 3 — ^ortr, over 6 and under 12 aionthn N. H. Wickett, York, H.ildun.ind John Snellb' .Sons, Edmonton, Peel Sec. 4 — Boar, tinder 6 monriM John Snells' Sons, Edmonton, Pael Sec. 5 — Sow, over 2 years C. W. Farm S. Association, Brantford, Brant (2) John Snells' Sons, Edmonton, Peel Soc. 6 — Sow, over 1 year and under 2 years C. W. Farm S. Association, Brantford, Brant (2) N. H, Wickett, York, Haldimand John Snells' Soua, Edmonton, Peel Sec. 7 — Sow, over 6 and wider 12 month* C W. Farm S Association, Brantford, Brant (3) George Hope, Yorkville, York John Tor»-ance, Scarboro', York John Snelk' .Sons, Edmonton, Peel Sec. 8 — Sow, U)uler (5 uMnlhs iolsA HmtiJiM' Soa% Edmniou, Peel ;^^?t«i;":-*5i-.- Classes xxiv-xxvii. authorized catalogue — supplement. 79 ruitford. bel .Sec. 9 — Sweepstakes Prize for best improved Berkshire Boar and 2 Soius of any age John Snells' Sons, Edmonton, Peel C. W. Farm S. Association, Brantford, Brant CLASS XXIV— Sufifolka Sec. 1 — Boar, over 2 years Jos. Featherstone, Credit, Peel Sec. 2 — Suffolk Boar, over 1 year and under 2 years Jos. Featherstone, Credit, Peel (2) Sec. 3 — Boar, 07)er 6 and under 12 montfis Jos. Featherstone, Credit, Peel (2) Sec. 4 — Boar, under 6 months Jos. Featherstone, Credit, Peel J. Johnson, Malvern, York Sec. 5 — Sow, over 2 years Jos. Featherstone, Credit, Peel (2) Sec. 6— (Sow, over 1 year and under 2 years Jos. Featherstone, Credit, Peel (2) Sec. 7 — Sow, over 6 and under 12 months Jos. Featherstone, Credit, Peel (2) Sec. 8 — Sou), under 6 months Jos. Featherstone, Credit, Peel J. Johnson, Malvern, York Wm. (ireen, Agiucourt, York Wm. Bell, York Mills, York CLASS XXV- Essex Pige Sec. 1 — Boar, over 2 years Jos. Featherstone, Credit, Peel (2) Sec. 2 — Boar, over 1 and under 2 years Jos. Featherstone, Credit, Peel (2) Sec. 3 — Boar, over 6 and under 12 months Jos. Featherstone, Credit, Peel (2) Sec. 4 — Boar, under 6 months Jos. Featherstone, Oedit, Peel (3) Sec. 5 — Sow, over 2 years Jos. Featherstone, Credit, Peel (3) Sec. 6 — Sow, over 1 year and under 2 years Jos. Featherstone, Credit, Peel (2) Sec. 7 — Sow, over 6 and under 12 months Jos. Featherstone, Credit, Peel (3) Sec. 8 — Sow, under 6 months Jos. Featherstone, Credit, Peel (3) PIGS -Large Breed. CLASS XXVI— Yorkshire and other large breeds. Sec. 1 — Boar, over 2 years Joseph Featherstone, Credit,, Peel George Weldri.;k, Thornhill, York Sec. 2 — Boar, over 1 yeur and under 2 year* Joseph Featherstone, Credit, Peel George Weldrick, Thornhill, York Sec. 3 — Boar, over 6 months and under 12 mo« George Weldrick, Thornhill, York (2) Sec. 4 — Boar, under 6 months Joseph Featherstone, Credit, Peel Thomas Boynton, Victoria Square, York George Weldrick, Thornhill, York, (2) George Hope, Yorkville, York J. & R. Leslie, Hornby, Halton Sec. 5 — Sow, over 2 years Joseph Featherstone, Credit, Peel George Weldrick, Thornhill, York Sec. 6 — Sow, over 1 year and under 2 years Joseph Featherstone, Credit, Peel (2) Thomas Boynton, Victoria Square, York George Weldrick, Thornhill, York Sec. 7 — Sow, over 6 months and under 12 Joseph Featherstone, Credit, Peel George Weldrick, Thornhill. Sec. 8— Sow, under 6 months Joseph Featherstone, Credit, P-^el Thomas Boynton, Victoria Square, York George Weldrick, Thornhill, York (2) Robert Chadwick, Burnhanithorpe, Peel George Hope, Yorkville, York POULTRY— Fowls. CLASS XXVIL Sec. 1 — Pair Brahmas, dark T. H. Lloyd, Newmarket, York J. W. Russell, Hornby, Halton Wm. N. Doel, Toronto, York (4) George Hope, Yorkville, York H. G. Charlesworth, Yorkville, York Sec. 2 — Pair Brahmas, light John Nunn, Toronto, York Ulysses Boddy, Toronto, York H. G. Charlesworth, Yorkville, York Sec. 3 — Pair Cochins, buff George Hope, Yorkville, York John Aldons, Berlin, Waterloo H. G. Charlesworth, Yorkville, York (2) Sec. 4— Pair Cochins, partridge T. H. IJoyd, Newmarket, York William H. Doel, Toronto, York (2) John Aldons, Berlin, Waterloo (3) George Hope, Yorkville, York Sec. 5 — Pair Cochins, white George Hope, Yorkville, York George T. Simpson, Falkland, Brant» Lobb & Corrie, Toronto, York Iff '^•I'lfe I'' I 80 AUTHORIZED CATALOGUE — 8UPPLKMKNT. Class >^V1I. See. 6— Pair CocfUrw, black G. J. Baker, Trafalgar, Haltnn WilliotnH. Doel, Toronto, York H. G, Charlesworth, Yorkville, York Sec. 7 —Pair Cochins, Sebright William H. Doel, Toronto, York H. U. CharleBworth, Yorkville, York Sec. 8 — Pair Dorkings, colored W. M. Smith, FairHeld Plains. Brant William H. Dol«, Toronto, York Ulysses Bodily, Toront<^>, York John Aldons, Berlin, Waterloo George T. Simpson, Falkland, Brant William BeU, York Mills, York. (2) Sec. 9 — Pair Dorkings, silver grey W. M. Smith, Fairlield inains, Brant Ulysses Boddy, Toronto, York John Aldons, Berlin, Waterloo George 'I'. Simpson, Falkland, Brant William Bell, York Mills, York (2) Sec. 10 — Pair Dor.Augs, white T. H. Lloyd, Newmarket, York Ulysses Boddy, Toronto. York John Aldons, Berlin, Waterloo George T. Simpson, Falkland, Brant Sec. 13--Pair Plymouth Rocks W. M. Smith, Fairheld Plains, Brant George T. Simpson, Falkland, Brant George Hope, Yorkville, York Sec. 14 — Pair American Dominiquea J. H. liowe. King, York (2) Sec. 15 — Pair Game, black red T. H. Lloyd, Newmarket, York James Hayward, Doucaster, York Edward Oollins, Dundas, VVeutworth A. McLean Howard, Toronto, York (2) George T. Simpson, Falklaml, Brant Lobb & Corrie, Toronto, York (3) J. D. Stott, Markham, York Sec. 16 — Pair Game, black or white William H. Doel, Toronto, York A. McLean iioward, Toronto, York J. Peart, Freeman, Halton Sec. 17 — Pair Game, brown-red T. H. Lloyd, Newmarket, York W. H. Doel, Toronto, York (2) A. McLean Howard, Toronto, York (3) Sec. 18 — Pair Game, yellow duckwing Dan. Perl^y, Paris, Brant W. H. Doel, Toronto, York Ulysses Boddy, Toronto, York A. McLean Howard, Toronto, York (3) George T. Simpson, Falkland, Brant Charles H. Goodchild, Toronto, York Lobb & Corrie, Toronto, York Sec. 19 — Pair Game, silver duckwing Ed. Collins, Dundas, Wentworth Wm. H. Doel, Toronto, York A. McLean Howard, Toronto, York Georgo P. Simpson, Falkland, Brant Ijobb & Corrie, Toronto, Yoik Sec. 20— /'a Wm. H. Doel, Toronto, York GeorgttJIope, Yorkville, York George T. Simpson, Falkland, Brant Lobb & Corrie, Toronto, York Sec. 24 — Pair Hamhurgs, golden spawiled Wm. M. Smith, Fairlield Plains, Brant (2) Ulysses Boddy, Toronto, York George Hope, Yorkville, York George T. Simps(m, Falklau 1. Brant .' Sec. 25 — Pair Hamburgs, silw.r spangled T. H. Lloyd, Newmarket, York Wm. H. Doel, 'J'oronto, York John Aldons, Berlin, Waterloo Jas. Black, Point St. Charles, P. Q. Sec. 26 — Pair Leghorns, white W. M. Smith, Fairfield Plains, Brant Wm. H. Doel, Toronto, York John Aldons, Berlin, Waterloo Sec. 27 — Pair Leghorns, black ■ Levi Lewis, Toronto, York Ulysses Boddy, Toronto, York George T. Simpson, Falkland, Brant A. Stuttaford, Toronto, York Sec. 28 — Pair Leghorns, brown George Hope, Yorkville, York George T. Simpson, Falkland, Brant Lobb k Corrie, Toronto, York Sec. 29 — Pair Spanish, white /'ace, black T. H. Lloyd, .Newmarket, York George Hope, Yorkville, York ' George T. Simpson, Falkland, Brant : f^ Lo! '^Vll. Clrtsa XXVIII. AUTHORIZFD CATALOGUE — SUPPLEMENT, 81 int k(2) ut !• (3) 'eork (4) i. (2) on ncilkd .'ork Brant (2) ■ant lanf/fcrf Brant (2) ant ijlcd Q. .. Iraut ant ant black ant See. 30 -Pair Fmich, an;/ wicfi/ John AMons, Berlin, Waterloo G or,'u. r. Simison. Falklaml, Brant William H. Doel, Toronto, V'ork See. 31 — Pdir SpaiUsk, white face black Jainea Joliiistoiio, Yorkville, York do J. T. Stirling, Toronto, T. H. LlDyd, Vewinark't, do A F. Bvnka, Toronto, do John Nuiiii, Toronto, do 'Ulyssua Boddy, Toronto, do (3) Sec. 32 — Pair Pulaiuh, golden Georje Hoi)c, Yfirkville, York George T Siuipson, Kalkland, Brant James Black, Point St Charles, P Q. Soc. 3.'{ — P dr Polands, white W. M. Smith, Fairfield Plains, Brant W. H. D'.el, Toronto, York (2) John Aldons, lierlin, Waterloo (2) Sec. 3t — Pair Polands, silver W. M. Smith, Fairfield Piains, Brant Georgo Hope, Yorkville, York John Aldona, Berlin, Waterloo Sec. 35 — Pair Batdanui, brown-red, game George Hope, Yorkville, York John Aldous, Berlin, Waterloo Lobb & Corrie, Toronto, York Jas. Black, Point St. Charles, P. Q. Sec. 3(5 — Pair Bantams, yelloio duckwing, game W. N Dool, Toronto, York (2) W. J. Way, Toronto, York )5) G. T. Simpson, Falkland, Brant Lol)l) & < 'orrie, Toronto, York Wm. H. Doel, Toronto, York Sec. 'XI — Pair Bantams, silver duckwing, game Wm. }{. I )oul, Toronto, York (4) Wm. J. Way, Toronto, York (3) George T. Simpson, Falkland, Brant Jas. Black, Point St Charles, P. Q. Sec. 38 — Pair Bantams, yellow duckwinp, game T. 11. Lloyd, Newmarket, York Wm. H. Doel, Toronto, York (3) Wm. J. Way, Toronto, York (3) Gforge T. Simpson, Falkland, Brant Lohi) & Corrie, Toronto, York (2) Sec. 3i) — Pair Bantam^, black or white Wm H. Doel, Toronto, York (2) Wm. J. Way, Toronto, York (3) Sec. H)—Pa:rBantains,silvfr duckwing, game Albert JolifFe, London, Middlesex W. M. Smith, Fairlield Plains, Brant W. 11. U.«el, Toronto, York (3) Wm. J Way, Toronto, York (4) ■; IjIvshi's Bodily, Toronto, York GjJ.go T, Simpson, Fil.tlviil, Brant Lobb & Corrie, Toronto, Y^ork Sec. 41 — Pair Bantam*, Pile, game Wm. H. Doel, Toronto, Y'ork (2) Wm. J. Way, Toronto, York (8) Lobb & Corrie, Toronto, York Sec. 42 — Pair Bantams, xHoer sehrigfil ,' Ed. Collins, Dundas, Wentworth Wm. J. Way, Toronto, York (2) George T. Simpsim, Falkland, Brant Lobb & Corrie, Tonmto, York (2) Sec. 43— Pair Bantams, black African Wm. H. Doel, Toronto, York George Ho[)e, Yorkville, York li()l)b & Corrie, Toronto, York Jas. Black, Point St. Charles, P. Q. Sec, 44 — Pair Bantams, golden Sebright George T. Simpson, Falkland, Brant John Aldons, Berlin, Waterloo 8« 45 — Pair Bantams, silver Sebright Lobb & Corrie, Toronto, York Wm. H. Doel, Toronto, York Sec. 46 — Pair Bantams, Jayianese ,-,, Lilly Maule, Toronto, York . Sec. ^—Nxtras James Hay ward, Doucaster, York: Bantam Hen and Chicks George Hope, Yorkville, York : Pair Cicillians V/m. H. Doel, Toronto, Y'ork : Pair whitt- rose-comb Bantams , , , CLASS XXVIII-Chickens Sec. 1 — Pair Brahmat, dark J. Peart, Fneman, Halton H. G. Charlesworth, Yorkville, York Sec. 2 — Pair Brahmas, light Ulysses Boddy, Toronto, Y'^ork John \V. McArthur, Yorkvdle, Y'ork H. G. Charlesworth, YorkviUe, Y'ork (2) Sec. 3 — Pair Cochins, Buff John Nunn, Toronto, York John W. McArtluir, Yorkville, York John AMons, Berlin, Waterloo H. G. Charlesworth, Yorkvile, York Sec. A— Pair Corhini, Partridge John Aldons, Berlin, Waterloo Sec. 5 — Pair Cochins, White ' ' H. G. Charlesworth, Yorkville, York (2) Sec. 6 — Pair Cochins, Black G. J. Baker, Trafalgar, llalton H. G. Charlesworth, Y^nkville, York Sec. 8 — Pair Dorkings, Colored (Jeorge T. Simpson, Falkland, Brant William H. Doel, Toronto, York (2) WiUiam Bell, York Mills, York (2) - .-.-ivt.- 82 AUTHORIZED CATALOGUE — SUPPLEMENT. Clasa zzviii. r^ Sec. 9— Pair Dorkingn, Silver Orey Geor^o T. SimpBon, Falklan r^^ ^>."^a^ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I i;; 12.8 |50 ""^ 1^ 2.2 2.0 1.8 1.25 1.4 lllll^ ^ 6" — ► V] ^ /a ^/). '/ &.. b^ //, Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 873-4503 ^v. V C/.x ^. <^ 84 AUTHORIZKD CATALOOUB — SDPPLBIIKNT. Class XZXII. P Sec. 5 — Pcir Carriern, dun Juhn James, Yorkville, York George Hnpe, Yorkviiie, York William Simpsoa, Port Hope, Durham .Sec. 6— Pair Carrirra, aBif otkrr variety John James, Yorkville, York (2) (ieorgti Hope, Yorkville, York Sec. 7— Pair Barim, black John James, York\ *lle, York George Hope, Yorkville, York Charltis U. (;oo«lhill, Toronto, York James McGrath, Toronto, York (2) Sec. 8 — Pair Ba'ba, red George Hope, Yorkville, York William Simpson, ?ort Hope, Durham (2) Sec. 9 — Pair Barbs, any other colour George Hope, Yorkville, York William Simpson, Port Hope, Durham Sec. 10 — Pair Tamhlera, short-faced, aliuond George H.e, Yorkville, York Jamea Muurath, Torouto, York Sec. 11- Pcrtr Tumblers, short-faced, Inte George Hope, Yorkville, Vu/k Sec. 12 — Poir Tumblers, long-faced, feather teg William Bugg, Yorkville, York George Ho^, Yorkville York Charles H. Gooachilil, Torouto, York James Mcijlrath, Toronto, York William ^Siuipsou, Port rlope, Durham Seo. 13 — Puir Tumblers, loiuj-jactd, any other John James, Yorkville. York (1) George Hope, Yorkville, York (2) Charles H GoodchiKl, Toronto, York (3) William Simpson, Port Hope, Durham Sec. 14 — Poir Fantails, white George Muuro, Tortmto, York George Hope, Y'oriiville, York Sec. 15 — Pair FatUails, blue or black George Munroe, Toronto, York John James, Yorkville, York George hope, Yorkville, York William Simpson, Port Hope Sec. 17 — Poir Jacobins, yellow John James, Yorkville, York George Hope, Yorkville, York William Simpson, Port Hope, Durham (2) Sec. U\ — Pair Jacobins, red George Hope, Yorkvilla, York Seo. 19 — Pair Jacobins, any other c»lor John W McArthur, Yorkville, York Q«orge Hope, Yorkville, York Seo. iO—Pair Antwerps, Short-faced John James, Yorkville, York George Hope, Yorkville, York Jamee Black, Point St. Charles, P. Q Seo. 21 — Poir Antwerpa, Long-faeed John Janes, Yorkviiie, York (2) James BUck, Point St Charles, P. Q Sec. 22 — Antwerps, any other variety John James, Yorkville, York George Hope, York\ ille, York Sec. 23 — Pair Nuns, black or white John James, Yorkville, York George Hope, Yorkville, Y'ork James McOrath, Toronto, York Sec. 24 — Pair Trnmpeters, any color John James, Yorkville, York George Hope, Y'orkville, York (2) William Simpson, Port Hope, Durham Sec. 25 — Pair Trumpeters, yellow John James, Yorkville, York Sec. 26— Puir Trumpeters, any other color John James, YoikviUe, York (ireorge Hope, Yorkville. Y'ork William Simjison, Port Hope, Durham Sec. 27 — Pair Turbiis, any coloi John James, Yorkville, York George Hope, Yorkville, York William Simpson, Port Hope, Durham (2) Sec. 28 — Poir Drijfoons, any color John James, Yorkville, York George Hope, Y'orkville York Sec. 29 — Pair Owls, blue or silver John W. MuArthur. Yorkville, York George Hope, Yorkville, York Charles H. Goodchikl, Toronto, York Sec. 30 — Pair Owls, any otfier color Charles H. Gooilchild, Toronto, York Sec. 31 — Best collection of Pigeons, indepen- dent oj other entries John James, Yorkville. York John W. McArthur, Yorkville, York Sec 32— Extras George Hope, Yorkville, York : Pair of Rents H. G. Charlesworth, Yortville, pair Macumers ; pair MagCies , York : Collection of Pouters William Simpson, Port Hope, Durham ; Pair Silver Kents CLASS XXXII— Cage Birds Seo. 12 — Oreen or Orey Parrot Hy. D. Falser, Toronto, York James Armstrong, Toronto, York OlaOMS ZXXIII-XZXTI. ATTHOmZRD CATALOGUE — SUPPLCMENT. P.Q d P.Q (2) )urluun her eolar Durhun Durham (2) ar York York lor York tna, indepen- !. York Pair of r Magfies iUe, York: ). Durham: 3irda [ork CLASS XXXIII— Poultry Appliance* Sm. I — Poultry Applianera Wm. U. Doel, Toronto, York; Automatic Hen's Nett D008. CLASS XXXIV Fancy and Hunting Dogs Heo. X—Briit Beagle Hmmd William Hemingway, Hagerman'sComera, York Sec. 2— Blood Hound Francis Green, Oakville See. ^— Black and Tan James Kennedy, Tonmto, York (4) Gh tries Brown. Toronto, York (2) Charles '^iley, Toronto, York E. W. White, Toronto, York J. McNeil. Toronto, York (2) O. J. Baker, Trafalgar, Halton (2) Sec. 4- Bull Terrier John Halligan, Toronto, York E. W. White, Toronto. York Qeorge T. Simpson, Falkland, Brant Sec. 6 — Fox Hound W. Noyes, Tonmto, York W. Steer. Toronto, York William Hnmiugway, Hagerman'sComera, York Sea 7 — Greyhound A. Hend«rson, Toronto. York (2) A. B. Cuff, Toronto, York Wm. P. Britton, Toronto. York Willie Bernard, Toronto, York M. J. Qraham, Toronto, York Sec. S—Ifew/oumUand Mrs. Thomas Somers, Islington, York Charles Hiley, Toronto, York George Oarrall, Don Mount, York Sec. 9—Ma»lif J. Grand, Toronto, \ork Dr. Ross, Toronto, York Sec. 10— Skye Terrier Jas. Black, Point St. Charles, P. Q. (2) Sec. U—Vorluhire Terrier W. H. Docl, Toronto, York S. IToldemess, Toronto, York (2) Sec. 12— Pointer W. J. Watts, Tonmto, York G. Mc Munich, Toronto, York W. Kennedy, Toronto, York J. Huddeston, Toronto, York (2) Sec. IZ—P'iodle Jo«e Wilson, DaTonporl^ York Sec. \&— Setter James Kennedy, Toronto, York (Bed) (2) William Buffs, Yorkvillb. York Richard McFhail, Toronto, York D. B. Boyd, Toronto, Ywk Sec. l(i— Shepherd Thomas Falford, Toronto, York Sec. IT— Spaniel Thomas Hall, Uniouville, York John Millov, Toronto, York (2> T. J, Best, Toronto, York D. P. Armstrong, Toronto, York Sec. 19— Hxtnu F W. Jai^e. Toronto, York : Mount St, Bernard Dog F. Barry Hayes, Toronto, York : Engliab Pug (Dob) James Blakeley, Toronto, York : English Pug (Hitch) John Marshall, Marshall, York : Fox Terrier M. J. (irahom, Toronto, York: Greyhound Bitch and Pups (2) .Tohn Halligan : Fox "Terrier A. Tinning, jr., Toronto, York: Cocker Spaniel A. A. Stewart, Toronto, York: English Pug (2) Mrs. P. W. Marling, Toronto, York: Pair Irish Setter Pap' Ned Hanian, Toronto, York : Fox Terrier (bitch). Harrier Wm. F. Britton, Toronto, York: Grey- hound Pup J. M. Forsyth, Toronto, York: Fox Terrier (bitch) GATS. CLASS XXXV— Cats Sec. 2—MaUeae Cat R. Osborne, Toronto, York Sec. 2—TurtoiaeaheU Cat Frank Harrison, Toronto, York AQRICULTURAL IKPLE- MBNTS CLASS XXXVI— Agricultural Implements Sec. 4 — Mowing Machines Brown k Patterson, Whitby, Ontario Joseph Hall Mantg. Co., Oshawa, Ont. Sec. 5 — Reaping Maehinea Noxon Bros. Manfg. Co., Ingersoll, Oxford Brown ft Patterson, Whitby, Ontario Joseph HhU Maofg. Co., Odiawa, Out i'l AUTBOKUBD CAtALOOVS — BUPPtliMKITT. GlaSMB XX'XTII-ZUII. da II I- I' v, . ^- 8«e. 6 — Combined Mower and Reaper JoMph Hall Manfg. Co., Oihawa, Onk. See. 8— Horee-power J%reAer and Separaier John Abell. Woodbridge, York Joeaph HaU Manfg. Co., Oahawa, Ont. See. 9.— Steam Thrtther and Separator Joeeph Hall Manfg. Co., Oshawa, Ont See. 15 — Impkment or Jliaehi$te for Cutting, PtUUnff, or otherwite Harvesting Peat Tolton Broa. k Co., Gaelph, Wellingtoa See. 17. — (Train Cruiiher or Chrinder Eara Bliodea, Brie, Pa., U. S. Sec 24— iSltraw CvUer A. & W. WUson, Richmond Hill, York See. TIfi— Extra Eniriee Quelph Carriage Qooda Company, Gaulph, Wellington : Joaeph HaU Mante. Co., Oahawa. Oat. anig. Clover Holler, Threaher and Separator CLASS XXKVII— Implemmta for cultiTat- ing and sowing the aoil, horse, steam or other power See. 2— Best Portabk Steam-IBngine for Agri- cultural purpotea, not kee than 6 Horte- power, to he put in operation on the Qround B. Whitelaw, Woodstook, OzftMFd Sec. 4 — Field, or 7\do Horse Cultivator, Iron Isaac Westeott, Bowmanville, Durham Sec. 5 — Two Horae Cultivator, Wood Oeorge Wilkinson, Aurora, York Sec. 6 — Two Farrow Plough R. Sylvester, Enniskillen, Durham ^ Sec. 8 — Iron Plough Sergumber, Carter ft Co., Coderioh, Huron Sec. 9— Wooden Plough Oliver Chilled Plough Oo., per W. Rennie, Toronto, York Sec. 10 — Iron Beam Plough, with Cast Head and Sliare, Steel Jfoidd Board and Wood Handles Tolton Bros., k Co., Guelph, Y/ellington Seigumber, Carter ft Co. , Qoderich, Huron Sec. 16— ^or«^ Hoe, or Single Horse CtdH- V€Uor{lr«n) laaao Weatoott, DowmaiiviUa, Durham Sec. 18— Pair toii, Hurea CLASS XXXYIII— Implements and Ma- chines for Harvestu::g, Preparing Plw* duets for Use, Carriage, ftc., horaa or or other power Sec. 9— Two Horse Spring Market Waggon J. B. Armstrong ft Company, Ouelph, Wellington A. Wright ft Sob, Richmmd Hill, Yo^ Sec. 10— One Horae light Market Waggon J. R. ArautHmg ft Coapangr, .Quelph, Wellington A. Wright ft Son, Richmond Hill, York CLASS XXXIX— Agricultural Took and Implements, ohimy for hand ua* Sec. 1 -Set Drait^ Toole R. E. Stephena, Toronto, "^ork Sec. 17 — Laum' Mowing Machine W. Wilkie, Quelph, Welliagtoa Sec. 212— Set Horse Shoef Thomas Tipling, Clinton, Huron Sec. 23—Oxi Yoke and Bows John A. Miller, per W. Rennie, Twonto, York See. 24— Farm Oate R. £. Stephens, Tonmto, York AGBICnLTUBAL PRODUCTS. CLASS XL— Field Qrains, Hops, fta Sec. 6— Barky (2 rowed), 2 bushels Edward HiUook, Brampton, Peel CLASS XLII— Field Roota Sec. Z— Potatoes, Early Rose, bushel William McKay, Donoaster, Ywfc R. Guthrie, Brockton, York L. Sterling, Dilton, Yc-k Sec. 22— Carrots, Tweloe Roots, WMte or Belgian R. Guthrie, Brockton, York DAIBT FBODUOTS AND UTENSILS. CLASS XLUI— Butter, Cheese, and Dairy UtenaUs. Sec. I— Best 3 FirKns of BtOter, JUHd /or exportation, not less than 66 A« M each, made by eaJiU>itor William HerbiaoD, Glmton, Hnroa -zLni. CI XLiykXtf. AUTHORIZU) CATALOOUB — SUPPLXIRKT. at nd M»- ing Pko* bonw or Waggon Oodph, l,Yo«k 'aggon .Qndph, a, York 'ook and ),ToMato, DUCTS. [ops, &0. ml Tr%il« or I AND and D»iry k JIUtd/or \tb» in tack, 8eo. 2—ButU,', ft»^ Firkin cf, tn «Aippiii9 order, not Um than M M». Mn. Fnmois Fenwick, Golnune, Pool William HerbiBon, Clinton, Haron Sec. 3— Butter, beM, not Uu than. 28 W»., in Jirinn, eroeht or tuba William Herbiaoa, Olinton, H«Mtt B. Tuck, Hornby, Halton Sec. 4 — Creamery Butter, beat 3 JirlAm in ahipping order, not feM than 06 Iba., made in th* following moHths, one in each, viz. : June, July and Augtut M. Moyer & Co., Bretlau, Waterloo Soo. 6—BuUer, not leu than S lbs., in roll or print Mm. Francis Fenwiok, Colraine, PmI B. Tuck, Hornby, Halton Samuel Wood, lalington, York Sec. 6 — Clieemst, best 6 factory, not less than 46 lbs. each, with statement of number qf eotos and management of factory L. R. Richardson, Kerwood, Middlesex David Morton, Ratho^ Oxford R. Kerr k Co., Harriston, Wellington E. Hunter, Dorchester, Middlesex Dugald Leitoh, Strathroy, Middlesex Adam T. Bell, Innerkip, Oxford Thomas Ifartin, Woodbtll, Peel Joha E. Anderson, Camlaohie, Lambton John L. Johnston, Torc^co, York See. 7— Cheese, best dairy, not less than 30 tbs John Rowat, Nilestown, Middlesex William Harris, Mount Elgin, Oxford Sec. 9— Cheeses, 3 be^ Canada Olo'ster or Wilt^ire loaf or trttctle, not leu than 8 Uts. each William Harris, Mount Elgin, Oxford Sec. 1 1 — Bread, Home-made, 2 loafoes Mrs. Gteorge Bailey, Yorkville, York Mrs. Francis Fenwick, Cderaine, Peel Sec. 2(^— Extras J. W. Minthom, Orillia, Simcoe: Cheese Safe and Showcase combined HORTICULTURAL DEPARTMENT. FBUIT, PLANTS, FLOWBRS. VEGETABLES, fro. CLASS XLIV— Fruit— Professional Nur- serymen's List Sec. 1 — Apples, 30 varieties, correctly named, 4 of each Chase Bros. & Bowman, Toronto, York CLASS XLV— Fruit— General List— Apples and Pears Sec. 2 — Apples, 10 varieties, correctly named, 4 of each €^ilge Murray, Yoi^viUe, York Sec. 3 — Apices, 4 varieties. Desert, correctly named, 4 of each George Murray, Yorkville, York B. Guthrie, Brockton, York Mn. McNab, YorkviUe, York Sec. 4 — Apples, 4 varieties. Cooking, correctly named, 4 of each George Mumy, Yorkville, York Mrs. McNab, YorkvUle, Y<^ Sec. 6 — Apples, 6 Elarly Joe George Murray, Yorkville, York Sec. 8 — Appks, 6 Dueheu ofOldmburgh George Murray, Yorkville, York R. Guthrie, Brockton, York Sec. 9 — Apples, 6 Snow R. Guthrie, Brockton, York George Murray, Yorkville, York Mrs. McNab, Yorkville, York See. 13— Apples, 6 Maiden's Blush R. Guthrie, Brockton, York Mrs. McNab, YorkviUe, York Sec. 16 — Apples, 6 St. Lawrence George Murray, Yorkville, York Sec. 17 — Apples, 6 of any other variety fall Apple George Murray, Yorkville, York Sec. 18 — Apples, 6 Ribston Pippins George Murray, Yorkville, York Sec. 19 — Apples. 6 Alexamler R. Guthrie, Brockton, York Greorge Murray, YorkvUle, York Sec. i5— Apples, 6 Colvert George Mumjr, Yorkville, York Sec. 26—Aj^les, 6 Yellow Bellfhwer George Murray, Ymkville, York Sec. 27 — Apples, 6 King of Tompians Co. George Murray, Yorkville, Ytnrk Sec. 28— Appks, 6 Tabnan's SksH George Momy, YorkviUe, York 88 AUTHORIZBD CAiALOOUB— BUPPLBMBNT. ClttMes XLVI-XUX. I Sec. dO—Appla, 6 Porter George Mumy, Yorkville, York •Sec. 31-— Applet, 6 Roxhury RutatU Oeorge Murray, Yorkville, York iiec. 32—AppU», 6 Svoaar Oeorge Murnty, Yorkville, York •Sec. M— Applet, 6 American Ootden Ruaaett Oeorge Murray, Yorkville, York K. Guthrie, Brockton, York .Sec. 36— Apples, 6 Stoayzie Prnnme Orite R. Guthrie, Brockton, York Sec. 36 — Applea, 6 Pomme Oriae George Murray, Yorkville, York Sec. 38- A ppUia, 6 qf any other variety, Winter George Murray, Yorkville, York Sec. 39— Appfea, 6 Seedling, Winter variety R. Guthrie, Brockton, York Sec. 4i—Peara, 6 BartleU R. Guthrie, Brockton, York CLASS XLVf— Plums, Peaches, Grapes, ftc. Sec. 11— P/uwM, 12 Ruling' a Superb William Rawlin, Toronto, York Sec. \3—Plumn, 12 Yellow Egg Hy. Brown, Yorkville, York Sec. 19 — Pluma, 12 Deaaert, 1 variety, eor- redly named William Kawlin, Toronto, York Sec. 41 — Orapea, 3 bunehea, Concord R. Gutthrie, Brockton, York Sec. 54 — Orapea, coUeetion qf, grmon under ylaaa, aiul not Una than 8 varietiea, cor- rectly named, 1 buneh qf each A. Gauld, London, Middlesex .Sec. 57 — Orapea, 2 bunehea, white, grown under glaaa, correctly named A. Gauld, London, Middlesex Sec. 58 — Orape», 2 banchea, any other eohur A. Gauld, London, Middlesex CLASS XLVIII— Garden VegeUbles Sec. l—SaUij'y, 12 roota R. Guthrie, Brockton, York Sec. 4 — Cabbage, 3 heada, Winningatadt R. Guthi-ie, Brockton, York Sec. 8 — Cabbage, 3 hettda. Drumhead R. Guthrie, Brockiin, York Sec. 9 — Cabbage, 4 aorta Winter, kieluding Savoya, 1 of each aort R. Guthrie, Brockton, York Sec. XO—CeMage, 3 heada Red R. Guthrie, Brockton, York Sec. \2—CarroU, 12 IntermediaU or Half Long K. Guthrie, Brockton, Yorl Sec. \i—Paranipa, 12 Tabk R. Guthrie, Brockton, York Sec. l&— Celery, « roota HltiU R. Guthrie, Brockton, York Sec. 20—Tomatoea, TrofAy R. Outhrie, Brockton, York Sec. 21— Tomatoea, 6 General Orant R. Guthrie, Brockton, York Sec. 31— Com, 12 eara aweet com. Jit for the table R. Guthrie, Brockton, York GLASS XLIX— Plauts, Flowers. Rustic Work, &c. Sec. 7 — Bouqueta, Everlaatinga 'lliomas Davis, Guelph, Wellington Seo. 12— PafMir«, 12 Thomas Davis, Ouelph, Wellington Sec. 16— Foliage PlanU Thomas Gardner Sec. 17 — AnnucUa, collection in bloom, named Thomas Davis, Guelph, Wellington Sec. 18 — Coekacomba, 6 Thomas Davis, Guelph, Wellington Seo. '2i)— German Aatera, 12 Oeorge Taylor, Scarboro' Junction, York Thomas Davis, Guelph, Wellington Sec. 21 — Aatera, collection of Georgu Taylor, Scarboro' Junction, York Thomas Uavis, Guelph, Wellington Sec. 22— 7'en Week Stoeka, collection of Thomas Davis, Guelph, Weliington Sec. 23 — JUarigolda, coUeetion of Thomas Davis, Guelph, Wellington Sec. 25 — Roaea, collection of Bourbon^ Teu and Noinette, named, 1 of each Colin Skinner, Toronto, York Sec. 28— Verbenaa, 12, named Colin Skinner, Toronto, York Sec. 29 — Verbenaa, coUeetion, named Colin Skinner, Toronto, York Seo. 32 — Phlox DrfunmomU, eoUtelion Colin Skinner, Toronto, York vi-xux. Clasaes li-liii. AUTHORIZED CATALOGUE — SUPPLEMENT. 89 r or Half Sec. 33 — Diardhut, collection ThomaB Davis, Quelph, Wellington Sec. 38 — Zinnias, collectUn qf, double Thomu Davis, Guelph, Wellington Sec. 46 — Qeraniumt, 6 golden tri-color», in pots George ^J^denon, Hamilton, Wentwoiih Sec. 47— CerantuffW, 6 brome-leaved, in poUi ThonuM Qardner Sec. 60 — Out Flower$. best arranged batket qf Colin Skinner, Toronto, York Sec. 64— Extra* Thomas Gardner, Happy Thonght Qera- niums, half dozen Cookaoombs int ,JUfortJw rs, Roitic kgton igton oom, named Igton igton ction, York gton otion, York gtou lion of Igton Igton urftoK, Tea ■cA med FINE ABTS DEPAETMENT. CLASS LI— Oil Paintings, by Professional ArtistB Sec. I— Figure, or HxitoricaX Subject T. M, Martin, Yorkville, York Mrs. A. H. Heaslip, Toronto, York Sec. 2 — Landscape, Canadian Subject H. Hancock, Toronto, York Sec. 4 — Landscape or Marine, not Canadian H. Hancock, Toronto, York Sec. 9 — Portrait Mrs. A. H. Heaslip, Toronto, York (3) Water Colors, by PROFsaaioNAL Artists. Sec. 18— Portrait Mrs. A. Hallen, Toronto, York J. T. H. Brown, Toronto, York Drawings int Lioht axd Shade by Professional Artists Sec. 22 — Crayon or Pencil Portrait T. M. Martin, Yorkville, York CLASS LII— Oil Paintings— By Amateurs Water Colors, by Amateurs Sec. 8 — Figure or Historical Subject Miss £. Robertson, Colbome, NorthumLsr- land (2) Sec. 9 — landscape or Marine, Canadian Sulject Miss E. Robertson, Colbome, Northom* berlaud Drawihos in Light ft Shade, bt Amatbcrs Sec. 14— Crayon from Cast Miss Mary Caven, Toronto, York (2) Minnie Donnelly, Toronto, York Sec. 1&—Pen and Ink Sketch Miss E. Robertson, Colbome, Northam- berland Sec. 16 — Portrait in Light and Shade Miss E. Robertson, Colbome, Northum- berland Sec. 17 — Pencil Drawing Miss M. F. Ross, Toronto, York Miss Emma Kennedy, Toronto, York (2) Sec. 19— Extras Mrs. E. Brodie, Toronto, York: Photo- graph in Oil, collection of Emma Kennedy, Toronto, York : Crayon Copy of Animals Miss Mitchell, Toronto, York : Photo- graphs painted CLASS LIII — Sculpture, Photography, Mechanical Drawing, Engraving and Architecture Photography. Sec. IG — Portraits, collection of, colored Mrs. E. Brodie, Toronto, York F. M. Bell-Smith, Hamilton, Wentworth Sec. 17 — Portraits, collection of, plain P. H. Dufresne, Toronto, York iim 90 AUTHORIZED CATALOGUE — SUPPLElfENT. CloM LIV. MANUFACTtTBES AND INDUSTEIAIi DEPABTMENT. GLASS LIV— Iron and Wood Working Machinery, Pumps, Toola and Railway Appliances, &o. Part 1— Stiam Ekoinkb Ain> ComrKcrioNS Sec. I — Engine and BMer, portable, in operation E. Leonard & Son, London, Middlesex B. Whitelaw, Woodstock, Oxford Sec, 2— Engine and Boiler Jifountingt, an tusortment Jas Morrison, Toronto, York Sec. 6 — Steam Engine, common tlide valve, Q-horse pouter and upioard, in (^ration E. Leonard St Son, London, Middlesex Sec. 8 — Extras Jas. Morrison, Toronto, Vork: Brass Cast- ings, assortment of, for Engine and Boiler mounting Charles Field, Toronto, York : 2 Pressure Blowers Part 2— Wood Workimo MAOHiifERr Sec. 9— Band Saw Ooldie & MoCnlloch, Gait, Waterloo Sec. 10— Barrel Machines, set Joseph Wright, Harriston, Wellington Sec. 15 — Moulding Machine, single head Cowan k Co., Oalt, Waterloo Sec. 16 — Planing and Matching Machine, single Cowan Si Co., Oalt, Waterloo Sac. 19— Scroll Saw W. M. Sears, Toronto, York Sec. 20 — Shaping Machine Cowan &; Co., Oalt, Waterloo Sec. 22 — Tenoning Machine Cowan & Co., Oalt, Waterloo Sec. 2&— Extras E. L. Eastman & Company, Boston, Mass. : Mitreing Machine (2) Cowan St Co., Oalt, Waterloo: Emery Grinder ; Mitreing Machine (hand) ; Mitreing Machine (foot) ; Carriage Cut- off Saw ; Post Boring Machine ; Panel Baising Head Arbor and Guide ; Double Surface Plane Matcher and Moulder combined ; Hand Tools for metal and wood J. Westman, Toronto, York : Foot-power Circular and Jig Saw Charles Field, Toronto, York : Pendulum Power Press Part 4— Maohimbi vor Flour Miu« Sec. 39— Middlings Pur\fier Consolidated Purifier Co., Toronto, York Part 5— Machinis vor Saw Mills Sec. 41— Circular Saw and Frame Watorons Engine Company, Brantford, Brant Sec. 62— Extras W. Pollard, Toronto, York Part 6— Hand Tools for Mktal akd Wood Sec. 62— Extras J. Westman, Toronto, York: Portable Forge Part 7— Firk and Service Pumps Sec. 65 — Fire Engine, stationary steam Dundas Tool Works, Dundas, Wentworth Sec. 68 — Pump, centrifugal Heald Lisco & Co., per Ridout, Aird ft Co., Toronto, York Sec. 69 — Pump, Steam, for water works ser- vice Dundas Tool Works, Dundas, Wentworth Sec. 70 — Pump, Steam, for boiler feeding Dundas Tool Works, Dundas, Wentworth Sec. 71 — Pump Power Thompson & Williams Mfg. Co., Stratford, Perth Sec. 74 — Pump, Hand, for farm service. Wood Henry Diebel, Tavistock, Huron (3) Sec. 76— Extras Dundas Tool Works, Dundas, Wentworth : Chain Puinps, assortment of ;| Water Fall ; Machine for miscellaneous pur- poses Ontario Pump Co., Toronto, York: Force Pump, Wood, for hand use Part 8 — ^Machines for Miscellaneous purfoses. Sec. 78 — Brick Making Machine George S. Tiffiany, London, Middlesex Sec. 8) — Drain 'file Making Machine George S. Tiffiany, London, Middlesex Sec. 89— Wind Mill, in operation W. Robertson, Oakville, Halton Classes LV * Lvi. authorized cataloouc — bupplembnt. 01 Sec. 90— Water Wheel Ruuell & MoCulljf, Watenlown, Went- worth • Sec, 92 — Printing Press, hatui Job. C. Dodgo, Toronto, York See. 9(^Sxtras qf Part 8 0. H. Soale, Toronto, York: Hand Te- bacoo Cutter Past 9— Rialwat Applianois. Sec. 102 — Autonuitic Car Coupler ThomM Muir, London, Middlencx MECHANICAL AND METAL WOEK (MISC^JLLANEOUS). CLASS LV. Part 1 — Bklls, Firk Arhs, Outlkbt, ScALXS, Hardware, &c. Sec. 3 — Fire Arms, assortment W. N. Cooper, Toronto, York Sec. 9— Skates Henry Ashton, Toronto, York (2; Sec. \Z -Water FiUerer £. Freeman, Brantford, Brant Sec. 22— Extras W. Wilkie, Ouelph, Wellington: Egg Beaters P. Patterson & Son, Toronto, York: Irons A. Andrews, Don, York : Comwell's Pad- lock from Vault W. M. Adams, Toronto, York: Patent Draw Bolt Henry Ashton, Toronto, York : Drill Face Stick ; Can Openers ; Potato Planter Part 2— Gas Fixtures, Shkst Metal, Wire Wobk, &c. Sec. 38 — Wire Work, an assortment H. B. Ives & Co., Montreal, P. Q Sec. iO^Extras Matthew Howies, Hamilton, Wentworth, for St. Louis Stamping Co.: Granite Iron Ware, assortment of James Morrison, Toronto, York, Plumbers' Brass Work, finished, assortment of ; Brass Castings for Plumbers' Work, as- sortmoot of, Joseph Philips, Toronto, York : Canadian Air Gas Machine Part 3— Gold and Silvebsmiths' Work, Plated Ware, Clocks, &c. Sec. 44— .Bfecrk Bryoe, »rk Lanark ent (if 6 ,nark l nenl of 6 •yoe, Mc- c or Foreign res, 6 lbs. ). Morrico dyed, and white, col- le k Co., Morrice 1 President fea\ plain of each Morrice J., Paris, drawers ; Morrice teats and ler, &c. 'toys' and pairs P.Q. 8«0. 7 — An Assortment of Boot and Shoe Uppers, Men's, Boys', Women's, Misses', Child's and Youth's, of 6 pair each,JiUed Diokey k Mitchell, Toronto, York Shormakirs Tools amu Stock Sec. 19 — Sheepskin Liniitgs, Rassett, 1 doz. G. & H. Jaokaon, Egmondville, Huron (2) Sec. 20 — Sheepskin Linings, coloured, 1 doz. assorted colours J. H. Mooney & Son, per J. Hallam, Toronto. York Sec. 21 — Sole LecUher, Spanish, 2 sides Beardmore & Co., Toronto, York Sec. 22— Sole Leather, Shuyhter, 2 sides Beardmore & Co., Toronto, York Sec. 26— Extras A. Pion & Co., per J. Hallam, Toronto, York: 1 doz. Calf Kid; 1 doz. Shoe Kid, white ; 1 doz. Glove Kid, black S. S. NeMTton, per 0. Moore ft Co., Toronto, York: Kid PoUsher CLASS LXI— Saddlery.Engine Ho8e,Trunk- mcker'a Work, Leather, &o. Sec. 9— Leather Machine Belting, an asuort- ment of Porter & Sarage, Montreal, P. Q. H. L. Fairbrother & Co., Toronto York Saddle and Harness Stock Sec. \Z— Saddle, Plain Lugadin &; Bamett, Toronto, York Sec. 26— £ace Leather, 30 lbs. Porter & Savage, Montreal, P. Q. Sec. SID— Leather, oak tanned, assortment of Porter k Savage, Montreal, P. Q. Sec. 31 — Extras Armstrong & Co., Oakville, Halton : 2 sides Bbnker CLASS LXII— Cabinet Ware, Hollow|Ware, Brushes, &;c. MiSCELLANEOCS Sec. 25— ClotJies Wringer Hamilton Mfg. Co., Hamilton, Wentworth Sec. 2&— Mangle Hamilton Mfg. Co., Hamilton, Wentworth Sec. 27 — Washing Machine Hamilton Mfg. Co., Hamilton, Wentworth Sec. 29— Turned Hollow Wooden Ware, assortment Charles Boeckh b Son, Toronto, York Thomas Moore, CooksviUe, Halton Sec. 30— Willow Ware, 6 spseimens Charlea Boeckh k Son, Toronto, York Sec. 3\— Extras P. Patterson k Co., Toronto, York ; Spring Bed H. Morris, Wallaceburg, Ontario : Elm Hoops, assortment of Wm. D. Topp, Dundas, Wentworth: Largo Self-acting Swinu, Small Sulf- aotiiig Swing, Small Self-acting Swin^ for I^wn W. G. Perry k Co., Toronto, York: Imperial Noiseless Spring Bod William B. Morris, Ottawa, Carleton: (Jhinmey Sweeping Machine CLASS LXIII— Musical Instrumento Sec. 7 — Organ, parlor with reeds J. L. Skirrow, Toronto, York Sec. 8 — Piano, grand Edman Brown, Montreal, P. Q. Sec. 12 — Extra entries Jas. Brownley, Toronto, York : Banjos, (2) Dingman, Stickney k Co., Toronto, York : Organette — new — for Exhibition only CLASS LXIV— Building Materials, .Joiners' Work, Painting, Work in Marble, Pot- tery, &c. Sec. 1 — Brickf, pressed, 1 dozen Edward Hales, Alvinston, Lambton Sec. 2 — Bricks, kiln burnt, 1 dozen Thomas Nightingale, Yorkville, York Sec. 12— Sign WrUing Seth N. Hicks, Montreal, P. Q. Sec. 21 — Doors, Sft. x 7 ft., with frames and trimmings, hardwood, blind nailed, locks, er W. McSpadden, Toronto, York ! 94 AVmOBtlCD CATALOOUB— BUPPLBMllfT. CImNS LXT-IXX. 8«a M—Turiunf/ in Wood, eolketUm of apteiuwim H. R. K«tli)>iin h 8011, per W. MoSpMhlen, T(»ronto, York Sec. 8&—Extmii M. J. HyiiM ft bro., Toronto, York: Motalliu I>ath JftiueH Wright, Muutroal, P. Q.: P*rquot Flooritiu Henry liittl>el, Tftviatuok, Perth: 8olf- opening Huh CLASS TiXV—Bookbindtng, Printing, Paper, Penmsnahip, fto. Sec. 9 — Paper Hnnyinyg, jenrral (UMrtment, all yrmUii, Canadian inanufacturt M. Staunton k Co., Toronto, York Sec. \%— Extra entrien Woodward, (irant ft Co., Toronto, York : EinboBsing Preaaes in motion J. M. Jacobs, Montreal, P. Q. : Patent Lithogram Peter Ford, Gordon's Mills, Hastings : CLASS .LXVI— Chemical Manufactures, Pharmaceutical Preparations, ftc. Sec. 3 — Petroleum ProUncta, ecllei'tion Waterman Bros., London, Middlesex Sec. 6 — Olue and Gelatine Mark B. Thomas, Dundaa, Wentworth (2) Sec. 11 — Liimeed oil, raw J. J. LdTingston, Baden, Waterloo Sec. \2—0il Cake, sample J. J. Livingston, Baden, Waterloo Sec. 14 — Luhrie.atinij Oilit, colkction of Waterman Bros., London, Middlesex Sec. \%— Extra entries George Honeybone, Rochester, N. Y. : Golden Medal (Jompound ThoB. Piper, Palermo, Halton : Fertilizer (manufactured). Insect Exterminator, Mineral Paints, assortment of A. Norman, Toronto, York : Electric Appliances Waterman Bros., London, Middlesex: Parratin Wax, high test Burning Oils, Plumbago Oils, Parraiin Candles, Par- raiin Oils Samuel Rogers, Toronto, York: Glass Tank W. P. McLaren, Watford, Lambton : Writing Inks CLASS LXVII— Philosophical and Surgical Instruments and Appliances See. b—Trwtet and Orthopedic Appliattces Charles Cluthe, Hamilton, Weutw or h CLASS LXyill-Eoooomio Min«rds, and Industries relating thereto Sec. 19 — Phonfthote qf Lime, nativ* tol- Uetion of varieties R. Pollick, Toronto, York CLASS LXIX— Natural History. Birds, Inse«ts, Plants, Fish, ftc See. 2 — Birds, colUetion of Stvffal^ fif any country E. Bailey, Toronto, York Sec. \^— Extras Mrs Uork York prk [York )rk fork (2) reel , Tidy* , York York York (4) Lrk »rk York ■York rk to, York Tk i, for childirii brk CiMi LXXt AUrnORIZED CATAtOOVl— aVPPLIMSirP. ' 95 S«o, n~Faney Work, h«H eolleHion qf, not IfM than 8 varietkt Mn. Heaalip, Toronto, York Miu UeMlip, Torunto, York Sec. 20— Lace, Point Mn. A. F. Dwyer,'Toronto, York Hec. 21— Laee, Twine Miu Ma^o likidlaw, Toronto, York Miu Kittiu IVtyil, Bubonyguon, PuU^rlNiro' MiM M. McLaren, Huuiltun, Wentwurth MiM Uaitwood, Toronto, York Sec. 23— Z»amp M■... Manager. Ifpm.- AinrBMHr«in>> CEimiUMtnt. n »,«iflriAjMM^ TO on FARM AN0 r.| 4!W ''I Pwtiei wanttag to kornnrHMnejr topkyoffaMor^Mg*, to buiNb* lions*' «rlMrn, to nnderdrain, clear or bnj mora li^id, ahoukl b« anre mm- gf^ «ifr lei|au bef«e paylikb^ oriii wt/Untm. W>WSGtAGSaf BfXJOHT. Canadian Financial Land and Investment Agency, 94 KING STREET EAST, TORONTO. llpra.-rlB gcdtr to «Ba|>lt oar clientt to attend the Toronto Mr doriiw tM day, oov i#bf VaUE. ELEMENTARY ANATOMY, PHYSIOLOGY & HYGIENE, FOR THE USE OF SCHOOLS AND FAMILIES. Br BDWARD PLATTBR, M.D. With Fifty lUuHntioiM. Cloth, 90 centi. " Ignoranoe of nataral l«w l« the caoM of the diaeaae eo uKTalent in oar day. The Talae of the effort* nude to remoTe this Ignorance eaa loaroely be OTer-ettlnaled. The author, the Icfeturer, and the ichoolinaater are all at work in thla department, and ■tlU there i» abundance of work for them to do. The work now before oa. praaeated to the puUie in admirable ahape by the publiihera, Meaara. Hart A Rawllniion oi thia city, ia Intended fornaeinaehoolaaBdfltmiUea. Itiawetladai^lbrboth >fthe8«pnrpaaeM. Theaimpleand (kmiliarbingaaga iiaad tliro«i|riiont will enabU^idmoit tiur reader to maater the contmta, while the orderly diviaion and arrange- BMBt, and the aeenrata dMtailtiona, wlU recommend the Tolatae to the practical edncationtata, and aecure for it a penuanent poaition aa a cUas-book."— Canada Prubyterian. HART & RAWLINSON, Publishers, Booksellers & Stationers, 5 EINQ 8TBEBT WBBT, TOBORTO. WHOLESALE BOOK AND STATIONERY TRADE OF OISTTi^LRIO. DEALERS WILL FIND IN OUR EXTENSIVE PREMISES, 47 FRONT STREET EAST, TORONTO, Full lines, at close prices, of the most Saleable articles in the Trade. Sitjlisk ani Jtmmcan Ipook anb fetter JPapcrs. ENVELOPES OF ALL SHAPES, SIZES AND MARES. BLANK BOOKS, OF OUR OWN APPROVED MANUPAGTUBE. slates, pencils, blotters, Fancy Goods suited fof\ Stationers' Trade. All the Standard Text Books for Schools. Higher Text Books for Colleges, &o. MISCELLANEOUS COOKS IN GREAT VARIETT. SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO S, & LIBBABI BOOKS, ooiPF, aXjAJEi:Bi VAREHOUSE 20 Front Straet. EARTHENWARE " 18 " Our Travellers will remain at home during the Exhibition to give early effect to all orders. WILLIAM THOMPSON & CO. 18 & 20 FRONT .^REET EAST, TORONTO. 200 FIRST -CUSS IMPROVED FARMS W6 would most respectfully draw the attention of intending purchasers to our large list of excellent Farms, Mills, ftc, for sale, which we will send on apphcation to any one who may desire it. We have Lands for sale in the following Counties, viz. : Bruce, Carleton, Durham, Frontenac, Grey, Halton, Haldimand, Hastings, Huron, Kent, Lambton, Lanark, Lincoln, Muskoka, Ontario, Peel, Perth, Peterborough, Renfrew, Simcoe, Stor- mont, Victoria, Welland, Wellingtcm, York. The largest and most complete list of Farms in the Dominion. SEND FOB SAME. Parties wishing to sell their properties, would do well to place same in.ouT hando, as w» advertise more extensively than any other Luid Agency in the Dosunion. 10 GHIBGE FOB ADTERTISIHG ! 10 8AIE, HO CHARGE ! A. B. RENDLE & CO. 94 KING STREET EAST, TORONTO. N( Ti.— Our OiBce will be kept open until 10 o'clock every eTening daring the Fair, to enable intending Cliaato to vtoit the aaoM daring Um day. T« AITVBOBICBD CtATAtOatTl. COPP. GLARK & CO. itMlTmttliRS 6V liEAtHER fiOOItS. l"i fg i EXHIBITORS IN CLASSES Kos. 53 and 65. -•— THEIR Establishment on Colborne Street, Toronto, is fitted up for tHe above branches exclusively; each department receiving the most careful attention and supe^sion, enabling^ them to guarantee their customers accuracy $tnd expedition in fflling orders enttpsted to thbm. TO BANKERS, INSURANCE AND PUBLJC COMPANIES, MERCHANTS AND OTHERS, Requiring Books of best material ajid guaranteed durability, \)i« wish to ^/ {itimtfon to our Spechnens. Our Styles' oif Libriuy and Table b&^diag are degant and attractive. .♦ ♦ » WALLETS, PURSES AND LEATHER GOODS, OT7B OWN MAirUrAOTCBS, We think vill be found equal, if not ^perior, to any impoHed. m THE FINE ARTS DEPARTMENT, Cbihprfsing MiRCAjrntEanid Artistic Lithographs, will, we fed convinced, retain us the confidence of our numerous Customers. ji fi ^ it ,» TOROISTTO. WABEHOUSE, 'il FKONT STREET EAJ9T. MAHUFACTOBT, B7 & 69 COLBORNE STREtTT. V. Crii H^ limp AUTBOxinD eATuaaxn. 77 O. tA^u^ and 65. d up for the most careful lers accuracy r^ANIES, wish to