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Maps, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent dtre filmds it des taux de reduction diffdrents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul clichd, il est film6 d partir de Tangle sup^rieur gauche, de gauche it droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images n6cessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la m6thode. errata to I pelure, an d n 32X ; 1 2 3 i ^t • t 3 4 5 6 11 !:'i m wt •:..j. CATALOGUE OF THE LEPIDOPTEEA OP AMERICA NORTH OF MEXICO. F-A-HT I.— IDITJmsr-A.LS. BY WILLIAM H. EDWARDS. PHILADELPHIA: AMKRICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY. 1877. !l. CATALOGUE OF TIIK IDITJI^3Sr-A.lL. X.EI>IIDOFTEIlA. OF AMEPwICA NORTH OF MEXICO. ADVKKTISK.MKXT. Since the publiciitimi of tlio Synopsis wliich coiiijileted the first volume of tlie " Hutti rflies of Nnitli America," in ISTli, h large number of new species liavc been described, beloiiL^in;^ to the North American fauna, while the position of many driven in the Synopsis has been determined by briniiiiiL' to^ii-ther the typos I'roni several collec- tions. -Many also were Included on various informatimi, now regarded as erroneous. And much has been learned, in tho last few years, of the phenomena of dimorphism, wliercby two or more forms which had been rej:ariled as distinct species have resolved into one. l'\ir these reasons, if no other, a new catalogue of .species of the Diurnals is recjuired. And indeed, for many and good rea.-^ons, new and reformed catalogues of every of the Lepidoplera of North America are required, and it is intcnli'd that this shall be the first of a com|)lete si-ries. In the prcp.aration of the present one I have received large assi't- ance from .Mr. Mntner and Mr. Henry Kdwards, and, in general, the plan herein adopted, and the changes from the Synopsis, both as to the genera and species, have met their approval. 1 iiave also availed myself somewhat of Mr. ScuibUr's recent Uevisions and Jil>ts, so i'ar as regards the si)ecies, though dillering widely i'roni him as to the genera an;h tlicin of tlic irptorocorn, and can eonfidi'nlly assert tliat, iti tlie jirejiaratury sta<:es, tlu'^io (w<» faniilicH are as unlike as any of the scries. Aeid as to the bnttcrflies them- selves they stand at the two |Mles. Kven .Mr. Halis .^jiys of the l'a|iilioiiidic, tht^y are " (|uite uneonntM-ted with the llesperidiu, no connectini; links between the tw . families heim; known." (Jl. of Kiitom. Istll, Dec.) In the imat;o, some llaiiaiiiiu and ileliconinio closely rc-^emble sjieeies of I'apilioninjc and of I'ierina;, and in any arraniiement these four siibfaiiiilies should st:oid near each other. IJut tlie fact of atrophied fiire leu;s in l)an.iis .^honld no more jiive it precedence nver I'apilio tlian does such atniphy in other orders of insects j:;ive j»re-emincnce to the species suliject to this phenomenon, or to the f^enera and families which cnntain them. I do lint believi! that one family ol' the IMurnals has necessarily been ev(dved from another, and all I'rom the lleterocera, by successive stajics, in a direct line, as is implied in the arranjrement I dbject! to, but rather that, if such development may have sometimes taken place, in other cases families have radiated fmm a common proLrc'-itnr. just as a "rroup of s|)e(ies has done. Anil lure and there resomldances between such families must be exjiected to occur, just as they do occur between the species, in buth cases merely because they had a common origin. The proposition is enunciated by Mr. Darwin, that '•distinct species present aiialoiions variations, and a variety of one species often assumes some of the characters of an allied sjiecies, or reverts to sjune of the characters of an early profienitor." And what is trut- of fsilii(! .is tlioy uxisti'd thirty years a;;i), when Douhlc'day's ^rreat. wnrk was |iul)lislii'd, in whicdi oaidi jieniis was carefully and clahurateiy di'lined. This was befure the lendtMicy tiiwards inci(r|iiMatinur the wlmle ni' Iliihner's hckannter SidimetterlinL'O into the nnmenclalure he^an to prevail, or creatini,' v:em'ra hy whole- sale l»y mere imlii-ation nl' types, withnut lictinitiiin. or encn.achini; nn the rights ul' species hy croatliif; so-culled ^'enera iiii infinitesimal dillcrences. TIh! K>iles adii]ited at {{iiflalo have in ^reat de;;ree deliverc! us from these evils, if ^'enera are founded in iiiiture, then nature should be followed, and a comp.ict j^roiip like I'arnassius, Colias, Callidryas. Ariiynnis, should receive a ireniis name. And if sub- divisions be desirable for the sake of eonveiiience. in the ^I'liera which have numerous species, they should be divided info sections. Such sections whether or artiiici;d are not ^imera. Nevertheless it has been the fashion of late to s]ilit up a licuus into numerous, eoeijual, so-called frenera. with no chu' in llieir M' names to their re|;!lion- ship. If genera are artificial ereatioiis. made for convenience, it must be in thv last decree imjiroper that they should be multiplied so as to nverwiudni the science, and bury it out of sij:ht. I follow the e.\ample of Itoubleday and Hoisduval in this matter. And as .-i first step in the much iiei'ded reform, T strike out the name of lliibner wherever it is appended to a iienus, neither believinu; 11 iibner's coitus to be irenera, nor even could they be so held, that they received from lliil)uer satisfactory definition. Doubleilay intro- duced a few of these coitus names for his own genera, and out of courtesy attached the letters '• lliib." to tlieiu. 1 1 is example has finally led to the wholesale displacement of his own name and the names of his associates, and of the many distintruished lepidopterists of the last two j;enerations. by the accrcditiun' a large proportion of the existing genera to lliibner. I have shown elsewhere (Can. Knt. vol. 8), the injustice of these proceedings, sin I refuse to be a l)arty to them. In every case, the genus in this (Jatalogue is, or is intended to bo. credited to the author who first proposed and described it, and courtesy gives place to justice. It remains to speak of the arrangement of the [lesparidac. Mr. nillRNAr, I.KPinoPTKRA. Snidilcr. several yetirn u^n, furiii.HluMl mo tlio iinincH he nJopteil in bin rt'visioii of this raiiiily, — tlie only family, by thu way, oounccted witli our fauna, wliieli im'oiIihI revision, — smiling' them Irinn Kurn|ie. ami I rceeivcJ his list harely in timo to iielmle it in the dosinu' paueH of tht: Synopsis ami my volumo. with no interval forexamination or e.\|ilanation. To this (lay it stamls a baro list of names, without authority, tho j^rouim imlicatotl never bavin;: roeeivotl delinilion. It was atnneo found (dijce- tionabh' on aeenunt of the (Excessive restriefion of the j^roups called genera, there hein^r ni) less than thirty-nine to om^ hundred and six sjiocie.s, I'ruf. /eller. (Knt. /eit. Stet. iSTl), miirht well ask, '-what woulil heeomc of us if all tho lleHperians ui' tho world, and all the Le|>idn|)t( la iilno, were thus >])lit up into sueh ^jcnera. 'l"hi; le.ast result vMMild be that the dilHeuily of delerininin;; tho species would resolve itself info tho ^rreater ont^ (A' determining; the ;;enus." Some few of these ;:ro'ips would doubtless stand as jrenera, if defined, but in most cases, there is no reason why several should not bo cndiraced in a sin;;le t;eniis. Tint I -.'ave them currency and endorsement through the Syuop-is ha- been a mtitler I'nr rei^ret. Inasniueli as ilie llesperidjc undoubtedly needed revision, Dr. Otto Speyer kindly consented, at the rei|Uest of .Mr. I.intiier. to undertake the task. It is believed that the arraiiuenient propnsed by hini will bu satisfactory. Hut it must not be for^iotten that any prc.MUit arrau^iC- ment (d' this family, much more for one )ieo;:raphical .seetion of it, is only pri>visiiin;d. ( )f this Dr Speyer him.self writes: "'A .systematic treatment ol' the llesperialnian. Db Saoka. — Natural History of Cuba. D'Ukiian. DonoK, G. M. Dorii. — Doubh'dny, Edw. Duuitv. — Illuatrations of Exotic Entomology, 1770-82. H, Eiivv. — Edwards Henry. Pacific Coast Lepidoptera, 187.')-77. Edw.— Edwards, W. H. Buttertlies of North America, Vol. I, 1808-72. Vol. II, 1871. En. An. Mrs. St. pKTKnsiiuna, — Enumeratio Corporum Animnliiim Musoi Ini- persalia Acadoniire Scientiurum Petropolitance, Part I, 185»-S3. Enc. Mk.tii. — Enclopcdie Mothodiiiue. Entom. — The Entomologist, London. E.NT. Mo. Mao. — Entomologist's Monthly Magazine, London. Esi'. — Esper, Die Europaischen Schmetterlinge, 1777-94. F.— Fabricius. Systema Entomologire, 1775. Si)ecie8 Insectorum II, 1781. Insectorum II, 1787. Eutoniologia Systematica III, 1793. DUmNAT. LEPinoi'TERA. Fri.i).— Fi«l.lrr. Dr. r. R.-iiiK •Icr N'nviirn. IHrtT. Fiitt II.— Fiocliur. I'^utotnographiu de la ItuMio, 1823-24. FiKiiieR. FiTtii, Op. Aii». FiiKVKii. — Nt'iioro Iti'itrngo lur .''phmctlorlinRnkunde, iS^l-.'i8. Ok.n. I>i. liKi'.— (ii'iKTii iif Uiiiriiul Lti|iira. Doubleduy, Woslwood ami lI.-wiiHon, |s|«-,V.>. ORYRn.— Ciiiitiiiiiiiiiiiii of IlUbncr'i Hxntianlior flcliiiicttorliugo. (iciitT, - )iiifliirl. Kncycluppdiu Motliodi<|iio, IX. tiu*v, Dr. Kdw. (illOTK, A. U. rin.-Ui)ii. — (iroto and Uiil)inMon. GiKuis.— I<'iiiiiijrrii|ilii<' ill' Ki'jjiifl Animal, 1811. IIahii.— IlarrJH, Dr. T. W. Iii^'i-cIh Injurious to Vegetation, 2d. ed., 1802. IlKnK.-SciiAKK. — llorrick. Si'liin'ir«r. IIkw.— llowilifon, \V. (', Exotic llnttvrfliog. Illii-itiutions of Lyi'ifiiiiliB. IIiHT. N.tT. KK t'l ii,t,— MiMiiiiriui) Hubro la IIlBtoria Natural do la lala do Cuba, Pooy, I, 1 85 1. lIiKi. — lIUliiiiT. Siiiium1uiii( Eurii|mi.H('h«r Soliinelterlinge, 179.1-1827. .•^mrihiluni; KxuhrtcliiT Sclniii'tliTlingc, IHltl-'J-l. Znlnii'v;*' zur ."^aniniliini; Kx, T. h.— Iloport upon Geographical and Geological Explorations, etc., in charge of Lt. G. M. Wtieolor, Vol. V. Zoology. Diurnal Le[iidopturu, Mkn. — Meudtri^s, E. Mksi. IJosT. >of. X. Hist. — Memoirs of the Boston Society of Natural History. Mo. Ent. Ukp. — Missijuri Entomnlogical Ueports. MuKii. — Morris, Ilev. J. G. Synopsis of the described Lepidoptera of North America, 1862. Onis. — Ochslu'iiner. Die .Schmotterlingo von Europa, 1S07-16. Paik. Gil.— Packard, Dr. A. S. Jr. A Guide to the Study of Insects, 1869. Paiikku, Kov. H. W. PoKv, Prof. F.— Ccnturie Lepidopteres de I'ile de Cuba, 1832. PlT.NAM, F. W. PavcuE. — Organ of the Cambridge Entomological Club I, 1876. 8 WM. H. EDWARDS. I f [I. Pr. Am. Ass. Adv. Sc. — Proceei.lings of the American Association for the Ad- vancement of Science. P«. E. Soc. Pii. — Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Philadelphia. Pit. Cai.. Ac. N. Sci. — Proceedings of the California .Xcademy of Natural Sciences. Ph. Host. Soc. N. Hist. — Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History. Pu. Davkni'ort Ac. N. Set. — Proceedings of the Davenport (Iowa), Academy of Natural Sciences I. Pr. Ess. Ins. — Proceedings of the Essex Institute, Salem. R.vMii. — Rambur. itK.vK.— Rcakirt, T. Rko. Anim. pk Cuv. — Regno Animal de Cuvier. Rkv. Zool. — Revue Zoologique, Paris. RiniNGS, James. Rep. IIayd. Exp. — Rejiort on the Geological Survey of Montana, etc., Hayden. Rii.KV, C, V. — Missouri Entomological Reports. Satnu.— Saunders, W. Sav, Thos. — American Entomology, 1824-28. ScHllANK. SciiNEin. — Schneider, D. II. Scud. — Scudder, S. II. A Systematic Revision of some of the American Butter- flies, 1872. Sill. Ji.. — Silliman's American Journal of Science and Arts. Sm.-Ahb. — Smitli and Abbot. Insects of Georgia, 17!)7. SoMM. — Sommer. SPEYEn, Dr. A. — Transactions of the Entomological Society, London. Tr. N. Y. St. Ag. Soc. — Transactions of the New York State Agricultural Society. VoN Pri;n.r." Bost. Soc. X. Hist. 12, 45 //' America; Alaska. 6. Hippocrates. Feld. Yerh. Zool. Bot. Ges. 14 314 van OaEooMA. Edw. Tr. A. E. Soc.' 6, 208 i^«6.-Oreso„ ; Columbia River, (coll. H. Edwards). TRANS. AMER. EST. SOC. VI. w FEBRUARY, 1877. T m t 1 m > !■ v-. ,1" l^t-,-- 10 WM. n. EDWARDS. 7. Zolicaon, Bd. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2, 10, 281. Morr. 4. Edw. ]{ut. N. A. 2, pi. G, *. II. EJw. Pr. Cal. Ae. N. Sci. T), 103, 5f:. Streck. pi. G, fig. 3, ?. JTuh. — Oregon to Arizona ; Montana ; Colorado. 8. Indra, Kcak. Pr. E. Soc. Pli. 0, 12.'}. Streck. pi. 2, fig. 1, ^ . Putnam, Proc. Davenport Ac. N. Sci. 1, pi. ;»."), $ . Jf(th. — Colorado; Nevada. 9. Pergamus, II. Edw. Pr. Cal. Ac. X. Sci. 5, 42:}. JJdb. — Southern California. 10. Bairdii, Edw. Pr. E. Soc. Ph. G, 200. Mead, Rep. Wheeler Exp. 5, 740. Hub. — Arizona. 11. Brevicauda, Saund. in Pack. Guide, 245. Edw. But. N. A. 2, pi. 8,*. Anfiiosticnxis, Streck. pi. 2, tig. 2, ? . Jlid). — Anticosti; Newfoundland; Quebec. 12. Asterias, P.— Bd. Sp. Gen. 1, 3:52. Bd.-Lec. 14, pi. 4, *. . Morr. 5. llarr. 20:5, pi. 4, ^. Liutu. Pr. E. Soc. Ph. I:}, 51,*. Troilti!', Sni -A])b. pi. 1. ■ ' Jlah. — Atlantic to Pacific; Canada to Gulf of 3Iexico; Arizona. var. AsTKROiDKS, Beak. I'r. Ac. N. Sci. Ph. ISGG, 4:}. Streck. pi. (i, fig. 4, 9 . Ildb. — Southern States; Arizona; occasional in Northern States. var. CAr.VKRLEYi, (h-otc, Pr. E. Soc. Ph. 2, 441, pi. 10, % . Edw. But. N. A. 2, pi. 11, •& 9. JLth. — Occasional on Long IslanJ^ (coll. Calverley), and Florida, (coll. Mead). 1.3. Americus, Knll. Soihihia, JiUcas. Rev. Zool. 1852, loi?, pi. 10. Jldb. — Southern California; Arizona, (Wheeler Exp.). 14. Troilus, E.— Bd. Sp. Gen. 1, ;^34. Bd.-Lec. 26, pi. 10, :^. Morr. 5. Ilarr. 2GG, jjc. Saund. Can. Ent. 1, 73, >)i:. llioncuK, Sni.-Abb. pi. 2. Hub. — Atlantic States; Mississippi Valley. Ii!^'' , • *■"!!■; liii DIURNAL LEPinOPTEHA. 11 15. 16. IH. 19. 20. 21. 9«? Eurymedon, Hd. Ann. Sop. Knt. Fr. 2, 10, 2S0. Morr. 4. Edw. Hut. N. A. 2, 1, pi. 1, *. II. Kdw. I'r. Cal. Ac. N. Sci. 5, l(i4, sjc. Ptrei'k. pi. 4, fig. 1, % . Huh. — Californiu to Hritisli Coluiultia; Arizona to Montana. Rutulus, Bd. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2, 10. 270. Morr. 3. II. Edw. 1. c. 5, 105, *. Mead, Kop. Wlioelcr Exp. 5, 741. JInl). — Pacific States; liocky Mountains. Turnus, E.— Say, \A. 40. l?d. Sp. Gen. 1, .S38. lid.-Lec. 19, pi. 0, 7, *. Morr. 2. llarr. 2(;s, fig. 07, OS, ;jc. Saund. Can. Eiit. 1, 71; ibid, 0, 2, *. Eiiitu. Pr. E. Soc. Phila. 3, 5(1. Edw. But. N. A. 2, pi. 3,4, *. Il. — Atlantic States to Rocky Mountains; British America to iMackcnzie's Uiver ; Alaska; Canada; Nova Scotia ; New- foundland. dim. var. 9 Glauci;s, L. — Bd.-Lcc. 22, pi. 8, 0. Hidings, Pr. E. Soc. Ph. 1, 200. Walsh, 1. c. 1, 349. Edw. But. N. A. 2, pi. G. Ilab. — Southern New York, and Wisconsin to Gulf of Mexico; Kansas to Texas. Daunus, Bd. Sp. Cen. 1. 342. Ridings, Pr. E. Soc. 1, 278, fig. 2. Edw. But. X. A. 2, pi. 2. II. Edw. Pr. Cal. Ac. N. Sc. 5, 325, *. Streck. pi. 0, fig. 1, 2. Mead, Rep. Wheeler Exp. 5, 741. Ilah. — Arizona to Montana ; Oregon. Pilumnus, Bd. Sp. Gen. 1, 340. Streck. pi. 2, fig. 3, % . Hub. — Arizona; New Mexico. Palamedes, Drury. CalvhuK, Bd.-Lec. 17, pi. 5, >|<. Morr. 7. Hfih. — Florida to Virginia; Gulf States. Cresphontes, Cram. 7V(oa.s, Bd. Sp Gen. 1, 335. Bd.-Lec. 31, pi. 12, 13, *. Morr. 7. Ilah. — Southern and Western States; occasional in Wisconsin, Mieliigan and Ontario. Polydamas, L.— Bd. Sp. Gen. 1, 321. Bd.-Lec. 37, pi. 15. Mt.rr. 13. Ilah. — Florida; Cuba. 'ir 1 1 12 WM. n. EDWARDS. PARNAN»1V.S, Latr. 23. Clodius, M, s|c ITab. — Southern States; Texas. 30. Menapia, Feld.— Morr. 19. Edw. But. N. A. 1, 27, pi. 8, % ; id. Suppl. Notes, 1. c. 1, 9 . Streck. pi. 2, fig. 4, 9 . H. Edw. Pr. Cal. Ac. N. Sci. 5, 165, *. Mead, Rep. Wheeler Exp. 5, 743. Tmi, Scud. Pr. Bost. Soc. N. Hist. 3, 183. Ninonia, Bd. Ilab. — California; Oregon; Colorado; Vancouver's Island. 31. Beckerii, Edw. But. N. A. 1, 28, pi. 8. Mead, 1. c. 5, 745. Hub. — Utah; Nevada; Arizona. 20. 27. 1 1 32 .Jo. 34 :}5 •1,. 38. mURNAL LEPIDOPTERA. 13 Sisymbri, Bd. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2, 10, 284. Morr. 17. Ihh. — California. Occidentalis Reuk. Pr. E. Soc. Ph. 6, 133. Mead, Rep. n heeler Exp. 5, 745. Hah.—llocVy Mountains to the Pacific. Calyce, Edw. Tr. A. E. Soc. 3, 180. 7y„/,._Xevada, (perhaps spring form of OecuJnitaU^). Protodice Rd.-Lec. 45, pi. 17. Morr. 17. Riley, 2d. 3Io. Ent. Rep. 104, j|c. dim. var. Vkrnam.s KJw. Pr. E. Soc. Ph. 2, 501; id. Rut. N. A 1, 31, pi. 9. Xa!iturtii\ Edw. i/'/i.-Middle, Southern and Western States, to Pacific. Oleracea. Rd. Spec. Gen. 1, 518. Ilarr. 270, fig. 99; id. in Ap.«,z Lake Superior, 380, pi. 7, fig. 1. Morr! 19. Riley ^d. .Mo. Ent. Rop. 105. *. Linta. Ent. Cont. 1, 28 * Rethune, Can. Ent. 5, 37, jjc. ' > -r- Crucifcriirum, Rd. Casta, Kirby, Faun. Bor. Am. 4, pi. 3, fig. 1. Jbcn'tfis, Rd. //,,i._Northfrn States; Rocky Mountains; New Mexico; Cali- tornia; Rritish America; Canada; Nova Scotia. Virginiensis, Edw. Tr. A. E. Soc. 3, 13; id. But. N A 1 3" pi. 9. ; . ^. X, o_, Jfab.— West Virginia; occasional in xNew York and Canada. ' Napi, L. dim. var. Pallida, Scud. Pr. Bost. Soc. N. Hist. 3, 183. Casforitt, Reak. Niisfuffu, Rd. jVapi, Streck. pi. 8, fig. 4, 5. dim. var. Nap.e.e, Esper. VeiKwi, Scud. I. c. 8, 182. Friijidu, Scud. 1. c. 8, 181. Xapi, Streck. pi. 8. fig. 2, 3. //«6._Califbrnia to Rritish Columbia and Alaska; Labrador dim. var. RuvoNiyK, Ochs. IlidiJa, Edw. (arctic form), Tr. A. E. Soc. 2 370 Hah. — Kodiak. " "' Tf \i. I r - m 4 V 14 WM. U. KDWARDS. 30. Rapse, L.— Riley, 2d. Mo. Ent. Rep. 108, *. (liiii. var. Mar(!Inaus, Scud. Pr. Soc. N. Hist. 8, 18J liiipiK, Strcck. pi. 8, ?i'^. (). dim. var. Yreka, Keak. Proc. Ac. N. Sci. Ph. ISCG, 32. lirnidsp., Rd. liiijiir, Strock. pi. 8, fi<^. 7. var. Nov.-.\N(J1-t.k, Scud. Can. Kiit. t, 79. Strcck. pi. S, fij;. 8. Huh. — United States; Rritish Columbia; Canada; Nova Seotia. NATIIAI.IN, B(I. 40. lole, Rd. Sp. Gen. 1, 589. Morr. 12. Mead, Rep. Wheeler K.\p. 5, 747. var. Irene, Fitch, Tr. N. Y. St. Ag. Soc. 1856, 485. JIdb. — Missouri to California ; New Mexico; Arizona. .ilWTIIOCIIAKIN, Bd. 41. Lanceolata, Rd. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2, 10, 284. Morr. 21. Streck. pi. 0, fig. 5. Edu-ardnH. Jjehr. Huh. — California. 42. Creusa, Dovib. Gen. I)i. Lep. pi. 7. Jfi/aHfi.s, Kdw. Tr. A. E. Soc. 3, 205. ITdh. — Colorado to California; Rocky Moun" lins. 4:J. Olympia, Edw. 1. c. 3, 2G(i; id. Rut. N. A. 2, pi. 1 of Anth. • JItth. — West Virginia; Missouri; Kansas; Texas. 44. Ausonides, Rd. Lep. de la Cal. 40. Edw. Rut. N. A. 2, pi. 1 of Anth. * ; id. Pr. E. Soc. Ph. 2, 81. .Mead, Rep. Wheeler Exp. 5, 747. I/iih. — Colorado to California; Rocky Mountains. 45. Cethura, Peld. Reise Nov. 2, 182, pi. 25. Cooprrii, Rehr.— Edw. Rut. N. A. 1, 30, pi. 10. Auijellna, Rd. Hah. — Southern California. ACu Sara, Rd. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2, 10, 285. Morr. 21. Edw. But. N. A. 1, 37, pi. 11. Hah. — California. niURNAL LKPIDOPTERA. 15 47. Reakirtii, Eilw. Tr. A. K. Soc. 2, 309; id. But. N. A. 1, 35, pi. 1(». lliih. — California. 48. Julia, K(l\v. Tr. A. E. Poc. 4, (11. Strcck. pi. 0, fig. 0, 7. Mead, Hep. Whcolcr Exp. 5. 74S. Jldli. — Colorado; New Mexico; Arizona. 4!t. Genutia, TM. Sp. Gen. 1. ;')(;.">. Morr. 20. Jl'ih. — New York to Virginia; We.stern State.s; Texas. 4 AM.IDllYAS, M. 50. Eubule, L.— Sm.-Abl). i.l. 5, >|<. JJd. Sp. Gen. 1,013. Morr. 25. JM.-Lec. 74, pi. 2t. llutlcr, l.ep. Exot. 58, pi. 22. Ilitlt. — Soutliern State.s; occasional in MLssissippi V^uUey; Ohio; ArizDiia; West Virginia and ijong Island. 51. Sennse, L. — Hutlcr, 1. c. 59, pi. 2.3. % Mnrrillliiii, Criiin. 9 Eiiliulc, Cram. var. 9 Orln'x, ''"cy, Cent. Lep. Cuba, pi. Ilith. — Florida; 'J'exa,s; Kansas; Nebraska, occasional; (coll. JJodgc). 52. Agarithe, IM. Sp. Gon. 1, 023. Butler, 1. c. 121, pi. 45. Jliil). — Texas; (auct. Butl.). 53. Philea, L.— Bd. Sp. Gen. 1, 019. Butler, 1. c. 92, pi. 35. Ilah. — Texa.s, occasional; also Illinois, (Am. Eut. 2, 340). GONKFTERYX, Loaoh. 54. Lyside, Godt.— Bd. Sp. Gen. 1, 003. iMorr. 24. i/u/^— Texas. COLI.IN, F. Group I. 55. Eurydice, Bd. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 3, 1855, 32. Edw. But. N. .\. 1,51, pi. 10. H. Edw. Proc. Cal. Ac. N. Sci. V. 0, *. Wosnesemki, Men. — Morr. 32. 9 Rh(nnni\ Bd. Jlab. — California; (Jrcgon ; Arizona. 56. Caesonia, Stoll.— Bd. Spec. Gen. 1, 035. Morr. 27. Bd.-Lec. 07, pi. 22. Ilab. — Southern States; Miss. Valley; Kansas; Texas; Ariz. T Mi I ;■ t l\- i 'I .1 ifi WM. H. EDWARDS Group II, 57. Meadii, Edw. Tr. A. E. Soc. H, 207 ; id. Hut. N. A. 1, 5S, pi. If. Mend, Rep, Wlicclcr E.xp. 5, 750. I/(ib. — Colorado; 3Ioiitana; New Mexico. Group III. 58. Hecla, Lef. Ann. Soc. Eiit. Fr. 5, 384. JfiiL. — Greenland; Disco Island. 69. Boothii, Curtis, App. Ross Exp. G5, pi. A, fig. 3 — 5. var. CViiovc, Koss, 1. c. fig. 5, 0. Huh. — Arctic America. 60. Eurytheme, lid. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2, 10, 28G. Morr. 2!». Edw. liut. N. A. 1, 43, pi. U. II. Edw. Proc. Cal. Ac. N. Sei. 5, 1()2, s|c. Mead, Hep. Wheeler Exp. 5, 748. Amphiditsa, IJd. Edusd, var. C'(t/i/<>rnica, 3Ion. Jfiih. — Southern and Western States to the Pacific; occasional in Middle States, Ontario and Quebec. 01. Keewaydin, Edw. But. N. A. 1, 47, pi. 15. var. Arltnhw, Edw. Tr. A. E. Soc. 3, 12. JJ((Ik — Southern, Western States to Pacific. 62. Christina, Edw. Pr. E. Soc. Ph. 2, 79; id. But. N. A. 1,41, pi. 13. 11(1 f>. — Britisli America, Great Slave Lake; Athabasca. 63. Astraea, Edw. Tr. A. E. Soc. 4, 01. Jldb. — 3Iontiina. Group IV. 04. Eriphyle, Edw. Tr. A. E. Soc. 5, 202. JIdb. — British Columbia. , 65. Philodice, Godt.— Bd.-Lec. 04, pi. 21. Morr. 29. Ilarr. 272, figs. 100—102, *. Saund. Can. Ent. 1, 54, *. Riley, 2d. Ag. Rep. Mo. 110, *. Edw. But. N. A. 2, pi. 2, 3 of Colias, 3|<. var. Antlu/ulc, II lib. Hub. — United States east of Rocky Mountains; British America; Canada ; Nova Scotia. I - 66. Chrysomelas, H. Edw. Pr. Cal. Ac. N. Sci. v. 6. Ihib. — California. DIUHNAL LEPIDOPTERA. 17 or. Occidentalis, SeuJ. Vr. Soc. X. Hist. 9, 109. Edw But N. A. 1, T).-), pi. 18. //(»i.— America; Slave Kivcr; Carlbeo. e**. Interior, Scud. 1. c. 9, 108. Sofiiui,/a, IF. Edw. 1. c. V. 0. /A,A.__British America J Ontario; Quebec; Alaska. 69. Emilia, Edw. Tr. A. E. Soc. !}, 12. Jlnh. — California. 70. Harfordii, II. Edw. Pr. Cal. Ac. N. Sci. v. G. J/ab. — California. 71. Barbara, II. Edw. I. c. v. 6. Jhih. — California. 72. Scudderii, Hcak. Pr. E. Soc. Ph. 4, 217. Edw. But. N \ 1 57, 1)1. 19. .Mead, Kep. Wliecler Exp. 5, 749. ' ' " ' //„/,._Colorado; Montana; Utah; British' Columbia. 73. Alexandra, Edw. Pr. E. Soc. Ph. 2, 14, pi. llj id But N A 1, o9, pi. 12. Mead, 1. c. 5, 749. /7u/>.— Colorado; Kocky Mountains. 74. Laurentina, Scud. PIdhnlice, var. Lanrentma, Scud., Pr. Bost. Soc. N. Hist. 18 4. /A^i.— Cape Breton Island; Quebec; .Maine. ' 75. Pelidne, Bd. Sp. Gen. 1, 044. Bd.-Lec. GO. Morr. 30 Edw But. N. A. 2, pi. 1 of Colias. Lahradorensis, Scud. Pr. Bost. Soc. N. Hist. 9. 107. /A//>.— Labrador; Alaska, (coll. Behr.). 7G. Nastes, Bd. Sp. Gen. 1, 648. 31orr. 30. Edw But N \ <> pi. 1 of Colias. ■ •"'-^—' Huh. — Labrador. 77. Chippewa, Edw. Helena, (pre-occupied), Edw. Pr. E. Soc. Ph. 2, 80: id But V A. 1, 40, pi. 12. ' ■ /7«/a— British America, Great Slave Lake. 78. Palaeno, L.— Bd. Sp. Gen. 1, G45. i/ff 6.— Labrador; Alaska, (coll. Behr.). TRANS. AMER. EST. SOC. VI. (3) FEBRUARV, 1877, T • F' 18 WM. n. EnWARDS. Group V. 7ft. Behrii, E.lw. Vv. K. Hoc IMi. 0, 201; id. Hut. N. A. 1, 12, pi. 1:5. J/ii/i. — Caliroiiiiii, Yosomito. TKICI.iN, Swain. SO. Nicippe, Ci-iini.— Say, 2, III. :;o. IJd.-IiCC. .')'), pi. 20, jf-. Mnrr. • »'» .1.1. J/dl). — IV'imsylvaiiiu tu (luU'j Mi.snia.sippi Valley ; Arizona. HI. Proterpia, F.— IM. Sp. (ien. 1, O.TJ. Moir. :{5. y/.j/..— Texas. H2. Gundlachia, I'ooy, Xat. de Cuba, 1, 240, pi. 24. Proteriiid, var. A. Hd. Sp. (Jen. 1, 055. 7A»/;.— Te.xas, (coll. IJoll.). S;5. Westwoodi, Ud. Sp. (ien. 1, OOG. 7/. — Texas to Arizona; California; occasional in Kansai* and Nebraska, (coll. Dod^^e). 85. Lisa, VA. Sp. (ien. 1, Giil. IM.-Lec. 53, pi. l!>, *. Morr. 34. JIali. — Uiiode Island to Gulf of Mexico; Texas; Western States; Kansas. •SO. Delia, Cram.— Hd. Sp. Gen. 1, 003. IJd.-Lec. 49, pi. IH, 5|<. Morr. 34. //.7a— Gulf States. S17. Jucunda, Hd. Sp. Gen. 1, 005. Bd.-Lcc. 52, pl. 10. Morr. 35. llab.—{h\\i States. 88. NYMPHALID.ffi. IIKLICONIN.E. IIEI.IC'OWIA, Latr. Charitonia, L.— Bd.-Lec. 140, pl. 41. Morr. 39. Ildh. — Florida; Georgia; South Carolina, (coast, sea islands), DIURNAL rEPinnPTRRA. 19 «n. !):». !>1. DANATN.T-:. »A\AIN, Latr. Archippus, F.-Sn..-Abl.. ,,|. d, j|c. Mom. HS. Bd.-Lcc l.']? I«l. 4 -Suuthern States; California; Arizona; occasional in West V irginia. ARGVIVWIN, F. Group I. Diana, Cram.-Say, l,pl. 17, % . Edw. Pr. E. Soc. Ph 3 431 9; id. Hut. N. A. 1, 61, pi. 20; id. 1. c. 2, pi. 7 of Arcyn' *; id. Can. Ent. »;, 121, i|c. Hub. — West Virginia to (J eorgia; Kentucky; Arkansas. 96. Nokomis, Edw. Pr. Ac. N. Sc. Ph 1862,221; id. But. N. A. 1, 71, pi. 23. 3Ieao, Hep. Wheeler Exp. 5, 751, pi irab.—Ai izona. 35. 1^ -> to ■ 80 WM. It. EDWAUDS. 07. Leto, Bohr. Pr. Cal. Ac. N. So. 2, 17.'). Edv Hut. N. A. 1, S:}, pi, L'!t. J/iil>. — Calit'orriiii ; Oregon. 1>H. Idalia, Drury,— IM.-Loc. 147, pi. 43. Morr. 41. Ilurr. I'M.'), fif:. 11(1. I/; iJ. Hut. N. A. 1, H", pi. :{1. Hull. — Csilirornia. .>lciijMciiio. l(»f>. Bischoffii, Kdw. I.e. :J, 1S!>; id. Hut. N. A. 2, pi. W of Argyn. Ihih.—WnsU. 110, Opis, Kilw. 1. c. 5. II).'); i.l Hut. N. A. 2, pi. 3 of Argyn. Ilnh. — Hiitij^h Coluiultia, Huld .Mouiitiiiii. HI. Rhodope, Kdw. 1. c :>. Ki; id. Hut. N. A. 2, pi. 0 of Argyn. Jlith. — Hriti.Hli Coluinbia. 112. Halcyone, Edw. Hut. X. A. 1, 81, pi. 28. Mead, 1. c. 5, 754. Hull. — CoIi)nidi»; Wyoming. 1 1:5. Coronis, H.iir. l»r. Tiil. Ac. N. Sci. 2, 173, " No. 2." Kdw. Pr. E. Soc. Ph. :j, i:j.-). Jnhii, IM. Iliih. — CaliforMia. 111. Callippe, IM. Ann. Sec. Knt. Vr. 2, 10, .302. Morr. 4t;. Kdw. Hut. \. A. 1, 7;'), pi. 25. J/(il>. — Califiirnia. 115. Liliana, IF. Kdw. I'r. Cul. Ac. N. Sci. G, Dec. 187C. Jltilj. — CaliCornia. 11(1. Nevadensis, Kdw. Tr. A. K. Soc. 3, 14; id. Hut. N. A. 1, 91, pi. 33. Jliih. — Nevada; Utah; Montana; Hritish America, Rocky ]Mountiiiiis. 117. Edwardsii, Kcak. Pr. E. Soc. Ph. 0, 137. Kdw. But. N. A. 1, 85, pi. 30. 3Iead, 1. c. 5, 754. J/iih. — Colorado; 3Iontana, 118. Meadii, Kdw. Tr. A. E. Soc. 5, ()7; id. Hut. N. A. 2, pi. 2 of Argyn. Mead, 1. c. 5, 755. Ilab. — Colorado; Montana; Utah. * 119. Rupestris, Hchr, Pr. Cal. Ac. X. Sci. 2, 175, "No. 6;" id. 1. c. 3, pi. 84. Edw. But. N. A. 2, pi. 7 of Argyn. ]/(iL. — California, Soda Spring. 120. Inornata, Edw. Tr. A. E. Soc. 4, 64; id. But. N. A. 2, pi. 5 of Argyn. J/afi. — California; Nevada. i\ ! II ^ I V'., ti r^ IH Hi 22 121. 122. 12:1 WM. n. EDWARDS. Adiante, Bd. Lcp. de la Cal. (!l. A,//j id. But. N. A. 2, pi. 8 of Arcyn." 31oail, 1. c. "), 7.'),'). Aiiffirfi', Edw. (not Doubl.). Ilit/j. — Colorado. 121. Montivaga, Behr. Pr. Cal. Ac. N. Sci. 2, 174, " No. -Ij" id. 1. c. Uij/cis, Bd. JIal/. — (.'alifornia, Sierras. 12.5. Mormonia, Bd. Lop. de la Cul. 58. Ildlj. — Calit'ornia. 12 i. Irene, Bd. Lcp. de la Cal. 59, (in Ejkis). Hub. — Caliibniia. 127. Hesperis, Edw. Pr. E. Soc. Ph. 2, 502; id. But. N. A. 1, 77, pi. 2(i. .Mead, 1. c. 5, 75-1. ILdt. — Colorado; ^lontana; Utah. 12s. Zerene, Bd. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2, 10, 308. Behr. Proc. Cal, Ac. X. Sei. 2, 175, " No. 9." Edw. But. N. A. 1, 89, pi. 32. Ifi/ditxpn, Bd. JLtl). — California. 129. Monticola, Behr. Pr. Cal. Ac. N. Sci. 2, 175, "No. 8;" id. 1. c. 3, Si. Edw. But. N. A. 1, 79, pi. 27. Iliif). — California; Oregon. var. PuRruRASCENS, 11. Edw. Pr. Cal. Ac. N. Sc. G, Dec. 1876. Jla/j. — Oregon. Oroup II. 130. Myrina, Cram. — Say, 3, pi. 40. Bd.-Lec. 155, pi. 45. 3Iorr. 45. Ilarr. 28(i, fig. 112. Saund, Can. Ent. 1, 55, *. Edw. Can. Eut. 8, 101, jf:. Hub. — Eastern, Middle, and North-western States; British America; Canada; Nova Scotia. . DIURNAL LEPIDOPTERA. 23 131. .132. 133. 134. 135. 136. 137 138. 139, 140. 141 Triclaris, Iliib.— Scud. Pr. Host. Soc. N. Hist, IV, 37. Mearl, 1. c. 5, 757. OKniiinua, IM.-Loc. 157. Morr. 48. JJdb. — Colurado; Rocky 3Iouutains; British America; Lab- rador. Helena, Kdw. Tr. A. E. Soc. 3, 2(i8. Mead, 1. c. 5, 757. Jfab. — Colorado; .Montana; New Mexico. Chariclea, Schneid.— Bd. Spec. Gen. 1, pi. 11, fig. 2. Bd.-Lcc. KU. Scud. Pr. l?ost. Soc. N. Ili.^t. 17,40. Morr. 40. ILih. — Colorado; British America; Columbia; Labradoj ; (ireenland. Boisduvalii, Sonun. in Bd. Iconcs, 1, OS, pi. 20. J/(i//. — liritish America; Columbia. Freya, Thunb.— Iliib. Eur. Sch. 1, fig. 55, 50. Morr. 40. Scud. 1. c. 17. Mead, I.e. 5, 750. Tarqiiiniitn. Curtis. J/(ih. — Colorado; Rocky Mountains; British America. Montinus, Scud. Pr. Iilss. Ins. 3, 1(1(3; id. Pr. Soc. N. Hist. 7, 02(i, pi. 14. I/ah. — New Hampshire, White Mountains. Polaris, Bd. Icones, pi. 20. Sp. Gen. 1, pi, 11, fig. 1. JJd -Lee. 150. Scud. I c. 17, 40. Morr. 48. Ilah. — Arctic America; Greenland; Labrador. Frigga, Thunb.— Scud. 1. c. 17, 40. Hiib. Eur. Sch. 1, fig. 4!), 50. Ifdb. — British America; Labrador; Colorado; Rocky Moun- tains. Bellona, F,— Bd.-Lcc. 104, pi, 45. 3Iorr. 45. Ilarr. 287, fig. 113, 111. Ifii//. — Northern United States ; Rocky Mountains; California; British America; Canada. Epithore, Bd. Lop. do la Cal. 58. Edw. Pr. E. Soc. Ph. 2, 51)4. Mead, 1. c. 5, 750. JIdb. — California; Oregon; Colorado. » Improba, Butler, Ent. Mo. Mag. 13, 20(J. * licih. — Arctic America, Cambridge Bay. ! 'I I i! , 'I ii i .1 11 ^ Ii at J I in 24 WM. H. EDWARDS. EUPTOIETA, Doub. 142. Claudia, Cram. 1, pi. G9, fig. E. P. :\[ead, Rep. Wheeler E.xp. 5.750,*. Edw. Can. Ent. 2, 16:^, *. Cnlumhlna, Ikl.-Lec. 15:5, pi. 44. Morr. 44. Hah. — New York to the Gulf of Mexico; Mississippi Valley; Colorado ; Arizona ; California. 143. Hegesia, Cram. 3, pi. 209, fig. E. F. Co/ambina, F. IlaL. — Southern California, occasional; (coll. II. Edw.). 9IEMT.EA, F. Oroup I. 144. Phaeton, Drury.— Bd.-Lec. 107, pi. 47. Morr. 50. Harr. 288, fig. 115. Edw. IJut. \. A. 2, pi. 1 of Melitsea, *. JIalj. — United States east of lloeky Mountains; Canada; Lake of the Woods. 145. Chalcedon, Doub. Gen. Di. Lep. pi. 23. Edw. But. N. A. I, !»5, pi. 34. II. Edw. Pr. Cal. Ac. N. Sci. 5, 107, *. JIab. — California. . 140. Cooperi, Uehr. Pr. Cal. Ac. N. Sci. 3, 90. Jlab — California. 147. Anicia, Doub. Gen. Di. Lep. pi. 2,. Edw. Pr. E. Soc. Ph. 1, 223. Mead, Kep. Wheeler Exp. 5, 75cS. Ilab. — California; Nevada; Colorado; Montana. 148. Nubigena, Behr. Pr. Cal. Ac. X. Sci. 3, 91. Mead, 1. e. 5, 758, *. Jfub. — California; Colorado; New Mexico; Montana. 149. Quino, IJehr. 1. c. 3, 90. Hub. — California, Mendocino. 150. Editha, Bd. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2, 10, 304. Morr. 51. H. Edw. Proc. Cal. Ac. N. Sci. 5, 107. ' Jlab. — California. 151. 152. Sterope, Edw. Tr. A. E. Soc. 3, 190 Helvia, Scud. Pr. Bost. Soc. N. Hist. 12, 43. Jlab. — Alaska. JIab. — Oregon. « .1 DIURNAL LEPIDOPTERA, 25 Group II. 153. Palla. Bd Ann Soc. Ent. Fr. 2, 10, 305. Morr. 52. Bohr 1 r. Cal. Acad. N. Sci. S, 88. H. Edw. id. 5, 1G7 ^ var. Helcita, Bd. Lep. de la Cal. 55. ' ' > ^ • //ai.— California; Nevada. 154. Hoffmanni, Behr. 1. c. 3, 89. var. WniTNEYrr, Behr. 1. c' 3, 88. //ai,— California; Nevada. 155. Gabbii, Behr. 1. c. 3, 89. /So7wrse, Bd. //ai.— Southern California. //i.-New England; New York; Canada. . 161. Nycteis, Doub. Gen. Di. Lep. pi. 23. Riley Pr Vm A« xa '^e. 1S74, 108, * . Lintn Ent. Con "'.^^^ /dw C >:"t.5,224,*. Mead, Rep. Wheeler Exf 5 70'^'" '"• fsmeria, Harr. ^ ' ' Ocnone, Scud. Harrisu, Saund Can. Ent. 4, 161, *. Edw. id. 2, 163. i/«^.-New England to Colorado; Montana; Texas; Canada. ■ TRANS. AMEn. ENT. SOC. VI. (4\ ^ ' FEBRUARY, 1877. I r. ni : :^W^ :■ H ii< 26 WM. H. EDWARDS. 1G2. Carlota, Roak. Pr. E. Soc. Ph. G, 141. 3Iead, 1. c. 5, 7G2. i/a6. — .Southern and Western States; llocky 3Iouutains ; occasional in West Virj^inia. Group II. 1G3. Vesta, Edw. Tr. A. E. Sue. 2, 371. J/uIj. — Texa.s. 164. Phaon, Edw. Pr. E. Soc. Ph. 2, 505. Jfab. — Gulf States; Texas; Kansas, occasional ; (coll. Snow.). 1G5. Tharos, Drury. dim. var. Marcia, Kdw. Tr. A. E. Soc. 2, 207; id. Can. Ent. 9,1,*. dim. var. Morpiif;u.s, F. — Drury. 1, pi. 21, 9 . Coci/ta, Cram. 2, pi. 101, fig. A. 13. % . Thuros, Bd.-Lec. 170, pi. 47. Mead, Can. Ent. 7, IGl, *. Pharos, Harr. 2S0, fig. 110, 117. aberr. VackardU, Saund. in Pack. Guide, 256. Hah. — United States excluding Pacific States; New Mexico; liritish America to Pacific; Southern Labrador; Anticosti ; Nova Scotia. 166. Batesii, Reak. Pr. E. Soc. Ph. 5, 226. Hah. — Virginia to New York. 167. Pratensis, Behr. Pr. Cal. Ac. N. Sci. 3, 86. 9 Campc»tri>i, Relir. 1. c. 3, 86. Pulchellu, Ed. . ,. JIah. — California; Oregon. 168. Camillus, Edw. Tr. A. E. Soc. 3, 268. 9 Emiam, Edw. 1. c. 3, 269. 3Iead, Rep. Wheeler Exp. 5, 764. Pallida, Edw. Mata, Keak.— Streck. pi. 8, fig. 11. Mead, 1. c. 5, 763. JIah. — Colorado; Rocky Mountains; Montana; Texas; Kansas. 169. Orseis, Edw. Tr. A. E. Soc. 3, 206. Hah. — California, Sierras; Oregon; (perhaps dim. var. of Pratensis, winter form). 170. Mylitta, Edw. Pr. Ac. N. Sci. Ph. 1861, 160. H. Edw. Pr. (!at. Ac. N. Sci. 5, 167, i|<. Colliiia, Rehr. Epula, Rd. Hah. — California; Arizona. s I DIURNAL LEPIDOPTERA. 171. Montana, Rchr. Pr. Cul. Ac. N. Sci. 3, 85. Orsd, lid. //^/..—California, Sierras; Lake Tahoe. 172. Picta, Edw. Pr E. Soc. Ph. 4, 201. Streek. pi. 8. fig. 10 7/«i._Colorado; Nebraska, (coll. Dodge). 173. Canace, Edw. Tr. A. E. Soc. 3, 20«. ° Hah. — Arizona. " ■ » ERESIA, Doub. 1 <4. Frisia, Poey, Cent. Lcp. Cuba, pi. 2. Gi/g<'s, Hew. J/ab.~Key West. 175. Texana, Edw. Pr. E. Soc. Ph 2 81 Cmcta, Edw. ' ' Smcnh's, Hew. Jfa/j.~Texiis; Florida. 176. Punctata, Edw. Tr. A. E. Soc. 3, 101. //a^.—Arizoua; New Mexico. SYNCHLOE, Bd. 177. Janais, Drury, 3, pi. 17. //«i.— Texas. 178. Mediatrix, Feld.-Reise Novara, 3, 395. (.^"aiimfersH, Edvf. Syuop.-). //ai.— Texas. 179. Adjutrix, Scud. Syn. List, 1875, 269. ^ (Lacuiia, Edw. Synop.). i/ai.— Texas. 180. Erodyle, Bates, Ent. Mo. Mas 1 84 JJab.~Texa,. "' ' -ffa6. — Arizona. ,., . rVSTINEUBA, Bd. 27 'i. li :| ^! ''■ ;i •i ii ,; ii i' 'i I' '! I !| m t ■•> as WM. n. EDWARDS. GRAPTA, Kirby. 183. Interrogationis, F. dim. var. Umbrosa, Lintn. Tr. A. E. Soc. 2, 313. Edw. But. N. A. 1, 109, pi. 38. dim. var. Fabricii, Edw. Tr. A. E. Soc. 3, 5; id. But. N. A. 1, 113, pi. 39, *. O Aitreum, Bd.-Lec. 192, pi. 51. Interrogationis, ITarr. 298, fig. 124. Hah. — United States except Pacific; Arizona; Canada; Nova Scotia. 184. Comma, Ilarr. dim. var. Harrisii, Edw. Can. Ent. 5, 184. Comma, Harr. 300, pi. 4, fig. 1. Lintn. Pr. E. Soc. Ph. 3, 55, i|c. Edw. But. N. A. 1, 99, pi. 36, *. dim. var. Dryas, Edw. Tr. A. E. Soc. 3, 17; id. But. N. A. 1, 107, pi. 37. Ilah. — Eastern, Middle and Northwestern States; Kansas; Texas ; Canada ; Nova Scotia. 185. Satyrus, Edw. Tr. A. E. Soc. 2, 374; id. But. N. A. 1, 119, pi. 40, *. H. Edw. Pr.Cal. Ac. N.Sc. 5,168, *. Pearson, Can. Ent. 7, 216, *. Mead, Rep. Wheeler Exp. 5, 767. Ilah. — Colorado to California; New Mexico; Oregon; British America; Ontario. 186. Marsyas, Edw. Tr. A. E. Soc. 3, 16; id. But. N. A. 2, pi. 2 of Grapta. IRih. — California. 187. Hylas, Edw. Tr. A. E. Soc. 4, 68; id. But. N. A. 2, pi. 2 of Grapta. Mead, 1. c. 5, 768. Ilah. — Colorado. 188. Rysticus, Edw. Tr. A. E. Soc. 5, 107. Ilah. — California; Vancouver's Island. 189. Faunus, Edw. Pr. Ac. N. Sci. Ph. 1862, 222; id. But. N. A. 1, 97, pi. 35. Pearson, Can. Ent. 7, 49, 5|c. Uah. — Mountains of New England and New York; occasional West Virginia to Georgia; British America; Atlantic to Pacific. DTURNAL LEPIDOPTERA. 29 100. Silvius, Edw. Tr. A. E. Soc. 5, 108. Hub. — California. 191. Zephyrus, Edw. Tr. A. E. Soc. 3, 16; id. But. X. A. 1, 121, pi. 40. H. Edw. Pr. Cul. Ac. N. Sc. 5, 169, *. Mead, 1. c. 5, 769. Hah. — Montana to Now Mexico ; Utah; California; Oregon. 192. Gracilis, Gr.-Rob. Ann. N. Y. Lye. N. Hist. 8, 432. Streck. pi. 8, fig. 14. Ilah. — Xow Ilanipsliire, White Mountains; British America; Quebec ; Alaska. 193. Oreas, Edw. Tr. A. E. Soc. 2, 373; id. 5, 109. Ilah. — California; Oregon. • 194. Silenus, Edw. 1. c. 3, 15 ; id. But. N. A. 2, pi. 1 of Grapta. Ilah. — Oregon ; Vancouver's Island. 195. Progne, Cram— Bd.-Lec. 188, pi. 50. Morr. 56. Harr. 301. Lintn. Pr. E. Soc. Phil. 3, 5S, ;+c. C Arfjentciim, Kirby. Ilah. — Xorthern and Western States; British America; Canada; Nova Scotia ; Anticosti. 196. J Album, Bd.— Bd.-Lec. 185, pi. 50. Morr. 56. Harr. 298. Lintn. Pr. E. Soc. Ph. 3, 58, t- IJab. — >iorthern States; Wisconsin; British America to Pacific ; Canada ; N^ova Scotia ; South Labrador. VANESSA, F. 197. Antiopa, L.— Bd.-Lec. 173. Morr. 57. Harr. 296, fig. 121, 122, *. Lintn. Pr. K Soc. Ph. 3, 59, *. Saund. Can. Ent. 1, 75, *. var. Bunker, Can. Ent 8, 240. var. LiNTNERii, Fitch, 3d. Rep. N. Y. St, Ag. Soc. No. 211. Morr. 67. Hah. — United States; British America; Canada; Nova Scotia; South Labrador. 198. Californica, Bd. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2, 10, 306. Morr. 58. Behr, Pr. Cal. Ac. Sci. 4, 123, *. Mead, 1, c. 5, 769. H. Edw. Pr. Cal. x\.c. N. Sci. 5, 171, *. Hab. — California; Oregon; Colorado. Rf .' fS •■. ^f"-: ■ '1 » i'j. :' ;,i, 30 WM. n. EDWARDS. 19!). Milberti, Godt.— Bd.-Lec. 187, pi. 50. ^lorr. 50. Ilarr. 302, fig. 125. Lintn. Pr. E. Soc. Ph. 3, 01, *. Saund. Can. Ent. 1, 70. jjc. Meud, 1. c. 5, 70!), *. FuRcrLLATA, Hay, 2, pi. 27. J/(ib. — Northern States; WiHConsln ; Colorado; Montana; Cali- fornia j liritish Amerieuj Canada; Nova Scotia. PYRAMEIN, JJoub. 200. Atalanta, L.— Bd.-Lec. 175. IMorr. 5H. Ilarr. 2!»4, fi-?. 120, *. lldb. — United States; British America j Canada; Nova Scotia; Auticosti. 201. Huntera, Drury.— Sm.-Abb. pi. 0, *. Bd.-Loc. ISO, pi. 48, *. Morr. 00. ILirr. 2!>2, fi-?. ll!>, *. Lintn. Pr. E. Soc. Ph. 3, 03, >|<. Saund. Can. Ent. 1, 105, jfc. JIaJ). — Northern United States; Kansas; British America; Canada; Nova Scotia; South Labrador. 202. Cardui, L.— Bd.-Lec. 17H. Morr. 59. Saund. Can. Ent. 1, 93, *. Scud. Am. Nat. 10, 392, 002, *. Hub. — United States, generally ; British America; Canada. 203. Carye, lliib. Samml. Ex. Schmett. 1. Behr, Pr. Cal. Ac. N. Sci. 4,125, *• 11. Edw. 1. c. 5, 329, *. Ilcb. — California; Arizona. .IUi\0]!<^IA, Doub. 204. Lavinia, Cram. var. Orytiiia, Sm.-Abb. 1, pi. 8. Cecilia, Iliib.— Bd.-Lec. 182, pi. 49, *. Morr. 01. Lavini/i, Ilarr. 293. Uab. — iliddle and Southern States to Pacific; occasional Massachusetts and Ontario. AMARTI4, Doub. 205. Jatrophae, L.— Cram. 3, pi. 202, fig. E. F. Morr. G2. Uab. — Texas; Florida. EURE9IA, Bd. . . , 200. Lethe, F. Ent. Syst. 3, 80. Ilab. — Texas, occasional ; (coll. Belfrage). EUNICA, Feld. 207. Modesta, Bates, Ent. Mo. Mag. 1, 113. Hub. — Texas, occasional; (coll. Boll.). in*; DIURNAL LEPIDOPTERA. 31 208. •? 20!) 210, 211. 212. 213. 214 215. Mrnuma, Sciul. (not Cramer). Jfyperipfr, K.Jw. Synop. fnot II fib.). 7/«/a— Florida, occasional; fcoll. Edwards). Tl.nETKN, Bd. Coresia, Godt. Kne. 3Ietli. 'J, :5.VJ. Zrriinthh, Hub. E.x. Scliiiiott. 2. //"/a— Texas, occasional ; (coll. Belfrago). ■ Petreus, Oram. 1, pi. 87^ fi^,. D K_ {Elrurhd, Kdw. Synop.). . //"r,/..— Florida, occasional; (coll. Chapman). Eleucha, Doub. Gen. I)i. Lep. pi. .•];]. //a/>.— Texas, occasional; (coll. Bclfrage). Chiron, F. ^'fr//^s, Cram. .3, pi. 200, fig. D. E. //ai.— Texas, occasional; (coll. Iklfrage). ', Doub. Clymena, Cram. 1, pi. 24, fig. E. F. //,,^,._Florida, occasional; (coll. Edwards). lilMEXITIS, F. "' Tlon- f^~^'"-^'^^^^- P'- 10, *• Bd.-Lec. 190, pi. 53, *. Asti/a)iax, F. Ephestion, ^toW. Harr> 283. ^. //.^.-Atlantic Htates; Mississippi Valley; Kansas; Anzona; //.i -New York, Catskill Mountains; New Hampshire, White iMountains; Canada; Nova Scotia. 216. Arthemis, Drurv. — P ury.-.Say, 2, pi. 23. Bd.-Lec. 2(»2, pi. 54 M 65, Harr, 2.S3, pi. 1, fi orr. *. Mead, Can. Ent. 7, 1G2, >jc 7. Liutn. Pr. E. Soc. Ph. 3 02 Lamina, F //.^-.-Northern United States; British America to Pacific Canada; Nova Scotia, •smwiwwspiww II M ji: |j\, )' ( ", f p, ' M ' 'fii ^HHIbil ^_-t^ 82 WM. n. EDWARDS. 217. Weidemeyerii, Kdw. Pr. Ac. N. Sc. Ph. ISfil, 102; id. But. N. A. 1, 127, pi. 42. iMorr. 327. Mead, Hop. Wheeler Exp. 5, 770, pi. 38. , Ilab. — Rocky Mountains; Montana to New Mexico; Utah; Arizona. 218. Disippus, Godt.— «d.-Lec. 204, pi. 55, *. Morr. 65. Ilarr. 2S1, fig. 101). Lintn. l»r. E. Soc. Ph. 3, G3, *. Riley, 3rd. Mo. Ent. Rep. 153, *. var. Mead, Can. Ent. 4, 216. JIdL. — United States; Canada; Nova Scotia. 210. Lorquini, Rd. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2, 10, 301. Morr. (56. Edw. Rut. N. A. 1, 129, pi. 43. Mead, 1. c. 5, pi. 38. • H. Edw. Pr. Cal. Ac. N. Sci. 5, 171, *. Ilab. — California; Arizona. , IlETEKOCIIROA, Bd. 220. Californica, Rutler, Pr. Zool. Soc. Lond. 1865, 485. Mead, I.e. 5, pi. 38. H. Edw. Pr. Cal. Ac.N. Sci. 5, 171, *. . Enlalia, Rd. Ih-ednicu, Edw. ]3ut. N. A. 1, 131, pi. 44. JIab. — California; Arizona. APATUIM, F. 221. Celtis, Rd.— Rd.-Lcc. 210, pi. 57. Morr. 68. Edw. Rut. N. A. 2. pi. 1 of Apat. Lj/caon, Riley, 6th. Mo. Ent. Rep. 137, jf:. Huh. — V irginia to Gulf of Mex.; 31 iss. Valley; Kansas; Texas. 222. Leilia, Edw. Tr. A. E. Soc. 5, 103; id. Rut. N. A. 2, pi. 1 of Apat. Mead, 1. c. 5, 770. Hub. — Arizona. 223. Alicia, Edw. Rut. N. A. 1, 133, pi. 45. Hub. — Gulf States; Georgia to Texas. 224. Clyton, Rd.— Rd.-Lec. 208, pi. 56. Morr. 68. Ilerse, Riley, 6th. Mo. Ent. Rep. 140, 5|c. dim. var. Proserpina, Scud. Tr. Ac. N. Sci. Chic. 1, 332. Edw. Rut. N. A. 2, pi. 2, of Apat. dim. var. Ocellata, Edw. 1. c. pi. 2. var. Flora, Edw. 1. c. ' Bab. — New York to Gulf of Mexico; Mississippi Valley ; Kan. DIURNAL LEPIDOrTEUA. 33 PiPIlIA, West. 225. Andria, Scud. Syn. List, 248. ai^rnlum, Edw. B„t. N. A. 1, 135, pi. 4(5, *. I?iley, 2d. Mo Knt. Rup. 125, >|e. Huh. — Illinois to; Texas. 22(5. Troglodyta, F. ^.s7//. — Kodiak. Brenda, EKBIN, Wost. 24!». Portlandia, R— l'l'»;, pi. 5S, ;.— Gulf State.s. ' 253. Alope, R-lid.-Lec. 228, pi. 50, *. Morr. 76. Jlarr 305 fl«. 127. Edw. i'r. E. Soc. Ph. (J, ]!)(i-L>()(). ' //f«A.— Atlantic States; Mi, Valley ; Ontario, 254. Boopis, Uehr. Proc, Cal. Ac. N. So. 3, 104. y/wi!/.— California; Oregon; 3Iontana. 255. Nephele, Kirby, Faun. Bor. Am. 4, 297 Morr. 70. Harr 30(J, fig. 130. Edw. 1. c. G, 1U5. 7y„i._Xorthern States ; Maine to Nebra.ska j British America : Canada. 250. Wheeleri, Edw. Tr. A. E. Soc. 4, 343; id. But. N. A. 2, pi. 1 of Satyr. Mead, 1. c. 5, 773, pi. 3!). ' ' Hoffmann!, Streck. pi. 4, fig. 8, 9 ; pi. s^ fig. 12, % . //«/>.— Utah; Southern California; Arizona, Apache. 257. Gabbii, Fldw. Tr. A. E. Soc. 3, 193. Jl(il). — Oregon. 258. Phocus, Edw. 1. c. 5, 14. .//'(/a— British Columbia; Montana. 259. Ariane, Bd. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2, 10, 307. Morr. 77. Hub. — California. II \l^ 3d 2G0. 261. 202. 203. 204. WM. H. EDWARDS. Meadii, Edw. Tr. A. E. Soc. 4, 70. Mead, 1. c. 5, 774. Ifalj. — Colorado ; Arizona. Silvestris, Edw. Pr. Ac. N. Sc. Ph. 1801, 102. Ifub. — California; Nevada; Montana. Sthenele, Bd. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2, 10, 308. Morr. 77. Streck. pi. 4, fig. 7, ^ . Ifab. — California. Oetus, Bd. Lcp. de la Col. 63. Ifub. — California. Charon, Edw. Tr. A. E. Soc. 4, 09. Mead, Rep. Wheeler Exp. 5, 773. Hub. — Montana; Colorado; New Mexico. CIIIOIVOBAS, Bois. 205. Gigas, Butl. Cat. Satyr. Br. Mus. 101, pi. 2. Edw. But. N. A. 2, pi. 1, 9 , pi. 2, S , of Chionobas. JIah. — Vancouver's Island. 260. Iduna, Edw. 1. c. 2, pi. 1 of Chionobas. Jfab. — California. 207. Californica, Bd. Lep. de la Cal. 02. Edw. 1. c. 2, pi. 2 of Chionobas. Ilab. — California. 208. Nevadensis, Feld. Reise Nov. 3, pi. 02, fig. 4, 5. m Hub. — California, 269. Chryxus, West.-Hen. Gen. Di. Lep. 38S, pi. 64. Edw. Pr. E. Soc. Ph. 2, 82. Scud. id. 5, 5. Mead, 1. c. 5, 777. Tii^ijefe, Edw. Calais, Scud. Ilab. — Rocky Mountains; California; Hudson's Bay. 270. Uhleri, Reak. Pr. E. Soc. Ph. 6, 143. Mead, 1. c. 5, 776. Streck. pi. 4, fig. 5, S . Ilab. — Rocky Mountains ; Colorado ; Montana. 271. Tarpeia, Esper, Eur. Schmett. 1, pi. 83. Butl. Cat. Satyr. Brit. Mus. p. 101. Nauna, Men. Ilab. — Boreal America. \h DIURNAL LEPIDOPTERA. 37 272. Bore, Espor, Eur. Schmett. 1, pi. 100. Scud. Pr. E. Soc Ph 5, 10.. Bootes, Hiib. Tai/gete, Geyer. //a4.— Labrador ; Newfoundland; Greenland. 273. Jutta, Hiib. Eur. Schiuett. 1, fig. G14, 615. Scud. 1. c. 5, 3. Balder^ Iliib. //ai._British America; Hudson's Bay; Quebec; Labrador. 274. Semidea, Say, 3, pi. 50. Harr. 304. fig. 126. Morr. 80. Scud. 1. c. 5, 3; id. Geol. Rep. N. H. 1, 344. xMead, 1. c. 5, 776. Oeno, Bd. Icoaes, 195, pi. 39. Scud. 1. c. 5, 13. Also, Bd. Cramhis, Freyer. . AssimiUs, Butl. v //a/>.— Labrador; Boreal America; White Mountains of New Hampshire; Colorado; New Mexico. 275. Subhyalina, Curtis, App. Ross Exp. 68. Iluh. — Boreal America. LIBYTHEIN.E. LIBYTIIEA, F. 276. Bachmanni, Kirtland, Sill. Jl. 2, 13, 336. Edw. But. N. A. 2, pi. 1 of Libythea, i|c. //«i.— Atlantic States; Mis.sissippi Valley; Kansas; Texas. 277. Carinenta, Cram. 2, 108, fig. E. F. ZTm^.— New 31exico ; Arieona. ERYCINIDiE. ERYCINlNyE. L,E.^O:yiAS, West. 278. Mormo, Feld.— Morr. 104. Dumeti, Behr. JUormonia, Bd. //ai._California; Utah; Arizona; New Mexico. 279. Cythera, Edw. Tr. A. E. Soc. 4, 345. Mead, Rep. Wheeler Exp. 5, pi. 36. Ilab. — Arizona. ^"'^'^''^f^mmmmaiiamm. i!l '!l 88 WM. H. EDWARDS, 280. Virgulti, Behr. Pr. Cal. Ac. N. Sc. 3, 178. Sonorensis, Feld. JIab. — Southern California. 281. Palmerii, Edw. Tr. A. E. Soc. 3, 195. Ilab. — Arizona. ClI.4RI!ii, West. 282. Csenius, L. rnmila, Bd.-Lec. 131, pi. 37. Morr. 104. Ildb. — Southern States. 283. Borealis, Gr.-Rob. Ann. N. Y. Lye. N. Hist. 8, 3.51. Ilab. — Middle States; Illinois. 284. Nemesis, Edw. Tr. A. E. Soc. 3, 212. JIab. — Arizona. EV9f ESriA, Latr. 285. Atala, Poey, Cent. Lep. Cuba, pi. 2. Toaea, Gray. //(ti.— Florida. ^1 "i;' LYCiENIDiE. THECLIN^E. TIIECLA, F. Group I. 286. Grunus, Bd. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2, 10, 289; id. Lep. de la Cal. 43. .Alorr. 100. Ilab. — California, Yoscmite. Group II. 287. Crysalus, Edw. Tr. A. E. Soc. 4, 314. Ilib. — Colorado; Utah. 288. Halesus, Cram.— Bd.-Lec. 83, pi. 25, *. 3Iorr. 91. Dolichos, II lib. Juanita, Scud. Ilab. — Gulf States; California. 289. M- Album, Bd.-Lec. 8G, pi. 26, *. 3Iorr. 92. iV/"', Bd.-Lec. 88, pi. 27. Ilab. — Gulf States ; occasional in Virginia and Pennsylvania. f'\ -^'v E • " '^ DIURNAL LEPIDOPTERA. 39 290. 2f»l. 292. 293. 294. 295. 290. 297. 298 299. Oroap III, Favonius, Sm.-Abb. 1, pi. 14, %. //^/i.— Gulf States; South Carulina. Autolycus, Edw. Tr. A. E. Soc. 3, 271. Hub. — Texa.s; Missouri. Alcestis, Edw. 1. c. 3, 271. Ilah. — Texas. Humuli, Harr. 270, pi. 4, fig. 3. /"ciwwAi.?, Bd.-Lec. 95, pi. 30, :^«:. Morr. 95. var. Ili/pcrici, Bd.-Lec. 90, pi. 28. Ilib.—mddh and Southern States; Mississippi Valley. Melinus, Iliib. Zutraeg. fig. 121, 122. Bd. Ann. Soc. Eat. Fr. 2, 10, 287. var. PuDiCA, II. Edw. Trans. Cal. Ac. So. 6, Dec. 187G. I/(ib. — California. Acis, Drury, 1, pi. 1. 3Iorr. 101. y/«i.— Florida, Key West. Strigosa, Ilarr. 27G. Edw. But. N. A. 1, 144, pi. 48. Saund Can. Eut. 1, 99, *. i//)(7TO^j,s, Scud. (nee. Bd.-Lec). //ui.— Atlantic States; 31ississippi Valley; Canada. Ontario, Edw. Tr. A. E. Soc. 2, 209; id. But. N. A 1 143 pi. 48. • ' ' /i«i.— Ontario; New England, (auct. Scud.). Calanus, Hiib. Fnhcer, Bd.-Lec. 92, pi. 29, *. Morr. 95. Inornfa, (^r.-Rob. Saund. Can. Ent. 1, 57, j)c. Lorata, Gr.-Rob. //„i._Atlantic States; Mississippi Valley; Texas; New Mexico; Canada. Edwardsii, Saund. in Gr.-Rob. Tr. A. E. Soc. 1, 172. Fahccr, Harr. Cal< 'aiwn, Gr.-Rob. /yo4._Northern States, Maine to Nebraska; Colorado; Canada I w! Hill > 1' I ■'t lit ''iA ' it! A, 111 . Ml', 40 WM. H. EDWARDS. 300. Acadica, Edw. Pr. Ac. N. Sc. Ph. 1802, 55; id. But. N. A. 1, 140, pi. 48. Saund. Can. Ent. 1, 95, *. Souhegan, Whitney. Hah. — Northern States; Canada. 301. Californica, Edw. 1. c. 18G2, 223. var. Cygnus, Edw. Tr. A. E. Soc. 3, 207. Borun, Bd. Ilah. — California; Oregon; Vancouver's Island. 302. Auretorum, Bd. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2, 10, 288. Morr. 99. Hub. — California. 303. Sylvinus, Bd. I. c. 2, 10, 287. Morr. 99. JIab. — California. 304. Dryope, Edw. Tr. A. E. Soc. 3, 19, 193. JIab. — California. 305. Putnami, H. Edw. Pr. Cal. Ac. N. Sci. 6, Sept. 1876. > Jfab. — Utah, Spring Lake. 300. Adenostomatis, II. Edw. 1. c. 0, Sept. 1876. Hub. — Southern California, Tehachipi Pass. 307. Spadix, II. Edw. 1. c. 0, Dec. 1876. JI lb. — California. 308. Tetra, Behr. in Edw. Tr. A. E. Soc. 3, 19. Jlnb. — California. II 3U9. Chalcis, Bchr. in lit. Edw. 1. c. 2, 376. JIab. — California. 310. Saepium, Bd. Ann. Soc. Eut. Fr. 2, 10, 288. Morr. 99. JIab. — California; Utah; Colorado. 311. Nelsoni, Bd. Lep. de la Cal. 43. JJab. — California, Yosouiite. 312. Ninus, Edw. Tr. A. E. Soc. 3, 270. JIab. — Colorado. 313. Spinetorum, Bd. in Hew. lUust. Part 3, fig. 198, 199. Bd. J.ep. de la Cal. 42. J/tib. — California, 3Iount Shasta and Placer County, 314. Siva, Edw. Tr. A. E. Soc. 5, 110. JIab. — Arizona. DIURNAL LEPIDOPTERA. 41 315. Smilacis, Bd.— Bd.-Lec. 107, pi. 33, *. Morr. 98. Auhnrniana, Harr. 277. //«i.— Atlantic States; Mississippi Valley; Texas. 316. Castalis, Edw. Tr. A. E. Soc. 3, 208. Ilah. — Texas. 317. Poeas, Hiib.— Bd.-Lec. Ill, pi. 35. Morr. 103. //„6._Southern States; West Virginia; Kentucky. 318. Columella, F. Eurytulus, Hiib. Saniml. Exot. Schmett. 2. Modesta, Maynard, Am. Nat. 7, 178. OceWfera, Gr. //oi.— Florida ; Texas; occasional in Western New York (coll. Grote). ' Oronp IV. 319. Behrii, Edw. Tr. A. E. Soc. 3, 18. //a^i.— California; Nevada. 320. Augustus, Kirby, Faun. Bor. Am. 4, 298, pi. 3, fi.. 4 5 Harr 279, fig. 108. Morr. 103. »-'<=>• arr. 2/«^/.— Boreal America; Canada; Eastern States. 321. Iroides, Bd. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2, 10, 289. Morr. 100. y/a/A— Oregon ; British Columbia. 322. Irus, Godt.— Bd.-Lec. 101, pi. 31. Morr. 97. var. Armce, Bd.-Lec. 103, pi. 32. var. Henrici, Gr.-Rob. Tr. A. E. Soc. 1, 174. i/ai.-Atlantic States; Mississippi Valley; Kansas; Van- couver's Island. 323. Eryphon, Bd. 1. c. 2, 10, 290. 3Iorr. 100. llab. — California. 324. Niphon, Hub.— Bd.-Lec. 105, pi. 33. 3Iorr. 98. //r//>.-Atlan tic States; Mississippi Valley ; Colorado; Canada- Nova Scotia. ' 325. Affinis, Edw. Pr. Ac. N. Sc. Ph. 18G2 '>'>3 //«/..— Utah. 32C. Dumetorum, Bd. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2, 10, 291. Morr 100 iridis, Edw. 1. c. 223. //(/i.— California; Nevada; Oregon. TRANS. AHER. ENT. SOC. VI. (6) FEBRUARY, 1877. www N' mi Mi 42 WM. n. EDWARDS. 327. Laeta, Edw. 1. c. 1802, 55; id. But. N. A. 1, 13t), pi. 48. Clnthihl", Ellw. Hub. — Miiinc to West Virginia; Ontaiio; Quebec. 328. Fuliginosa, Edw. I. c. 1801, 104. Siiax'i, lid. . llnb. — California, Lake Tahoe. 329. Tit as, F. Mops„>i, Hiib.— Bd.-Lec. 109, pi. 34, jf:. Morr. 102. Saund. Can. Ent. 1, 90, *. Huh. — United States generally; British America; Ontario; Quebec. LYCAENIN.E. FENIf«i<:€A, Grote. 330. Tarquinius, F. 6V(//. , . Hd.-Lec. 1 ?8, pi. 37. Morr. 83. Porncnna, Said. lldb. — Atlantic rftitos; Mis.sissippi Valley ; Ontario. Quebec Nova Scotia. CHRYSiOPIIANUS, Doub. Group I. Arota, Bd. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2, 10, 293. Morr. 80. Streck. pi. 1(», fig. 27, 28. llah. — California. 831. 332. 333. 334. 335. 33G. Virginiensis, Edw. Tr. A. E. Soc. 3, 21. Hub. — California; Nevada. Hermes, Edw. 1. c. 3, 21. Hub. — California ; Nevada. Group II. Xanthoides, Bd. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2, 10, 292; id. Lep. de la Cal. 45. Morr. 86. Streck. pi. 10, fig. 12, 13. Hub. — California. Dione, Scud. Tr. Chic. Ac. Sci. 1, 330. Jhib. — Iowa; Nebraska; Missouri; Kansas. Gorgon, Bd. 1. c. 2, 10, 292. Morr. 80. Streck. pi. 10, fig, 17. J fab. — California. DIURNAL LEPIDOPTERA. 43 337. Thoe, Bd.-Lec. 125, pi. 38. Morr. 84. Saund. Can. Ent. 1, 57, 5fc. Jlj/lliiK, Edw. Synop, nee Cram. y/(/^>.— Northern United States; Maine to Nebraska; Kansas; ' Canada. 338. Nais, Edw. Tr. A. E. Soc. 5, 291. Hah. — Arizona. Group III. 339. Mariposa, Reak. Tr. E. Soc. Ph. G, 149. Streck. pi 10 fi<- 25, 21). ' "■ • Nivalis, ]Jd. IJub. — California. 340. Zeroe, Bd. Lep. de la Cal. 45. lanthe, Edw. Tr. A. E. Soc. .3, 211. Streck. pi. 10, fig. 23, 24. Ilab. — California; Colorado. 341. Helloides.Bd. Ann.Soc. Ent. Fr.2,10,291. Morr. 86. Streck. pi. 10, fig. 19, 20. Mead, Kep. Wheeler Exp. 5, 780, *. Castro, Reak. IJab. — Montana to Arizona; California; Oregon 342. Dorcas, Kirby, Faun. Bor. Am. 4, 299, pi. 4. 3Iorr. 90. // — Montana; Colorado; Arizona. liYCAEKA, Fab. Group I. 348. Heteronea, Bd. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2, 10, 298. Morr. 89. Edw. But. N. A. 2, pi. 1 of Lye. Streck. pi. 10, fig. 6, % , 7, 9. Mead, 1. c. 5, 781. JInb. — California ; Utah ; Colorado. 349. Clara, H. Edw. Pr. Cal. Ac. N. Sc. 6, Feb. 1877. Ilab. — California, Los Angelos. 350. Speciosa, H. Edw. 1. c. v. G, Dec. 187G. Ilab. — California, Kern County. 351. Lycea, Edw. Pr. E. Soc. Ph. 2, 507. 3Iead, 1. c. 5, 785, *. Rajiahoe, Reak. — Streck, pi. 10, fig. 14, S , 15, 9 • Uab. — Montana; Colorado; Arizona. 352. Arnica, Edw. 1. c. 2, 80. JIab. — British America, Mackenzie's River. 353. Sagitifera, Feld. Reise Nov. 2, 281, pi. 35. Catalina, Reak. Pr. Ac. N. Sc. Ph. 1866, 244. Streck. pi. 10, fig. 1, S,2, 9. Lorquini, Behr, Pr. Cal. Ac. N. Sc. 3, 280. Datmla, Edw. Mead, 1. c. 5, 785. var. Viaca, Edw. Tr. A. E. Soc. 3, 209. Rhsea, Bd. Ilab. — Colorado; California. rt ' DIURNAL LEPIDOPTERA. 45 354 355 356 35^ 358. 359. 360. Icaroides, Bd. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2, 10, 207. Morr. 88. DmluluR, l{olir, Pr. Cal. Ac. N. Sc. 3, 280. var. Purdalis, Behr, 1. c. 3, 280. Mintha, ¥Aw. Tr. A. E. Soc. 3, 194. Maricopa, Reak. Eri/muH, Bd. //«i.— California. A species subject to much variation. FuUa, Edw. Tr. A. E. Soc. 3, 194. Ilah. — California, Sierras. Pembina, Edw. Pr. Ac. N. Sc. Ph. 1862, 224. //ai.— British America, Slave Lake. Pheres, Bd. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2, 10, 297. Morr. 89. var. Evins, Bd. lep de la Cal. 49. //«/>.— California to Colorado; Oregon; British Columbia; Vancouver's Island. Phileros, Bd. Lep. de la Cal. 50. Helios, Edw. Tr. A. E. Soc. 3, 208. Hah. — California; Utah; Arizona. Ardea, Edw. Tr. A. E, Soc. 3, 209. Hah. — California. Kodiak, Edw. 1. c. 3, 20. //a6.— Kodiak. 362. 361. Orcus, Edw. 1. c. 3, 276. Hah. — California. Saepiolus, Bd. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2, 10, 296. Morr. 88. Mead I.e. 5, 784,*. dim. var. 9 Aehaja, Behr, Pr. Cal. Ac. N. Sci. 3, 280. Rufescms, Bd. Mead, 1. c. 5, 784. Hah. — California to Colorado. Group II. 363. Xerxes, Bd. 1. c. 2, 10, 296. Morr. 88. Hah. — California. m I ' 1 Km ■' mm I '1 f. H, • i '1 U Hi:''' ! i F. 46 WM. II. EDWARDS. :J»U. Antiacis, Bd. 1. c. 2, 10, IIOO. Morr. 90. var. 7Jr//y(V, Kdw. Tr. Au. N. Sc. I'li. 1S(;2, 224. J'oh/jihi'iniix, ]{(]. var. Mr.rlihu Kdw. Tr. K. Soc. Ph. (I, 2(M». /A(/>. — California; Arizona. m:i. Couperi, Groto, IJul. Uuf. Soc. N. Sc. 1, 185. J'lUihiiKi, Strcck. pi. 10, fig. 10, t , 11, 9 . J/ab. — Antieosti; Southern liubraJor. 3GG. Lygdamas, Doub. Kntoniolo-ist, 1842, 20U. Edw. But. N. A. 1, 148, pi. 41). 3Icad, 1. c. 5, 784. var. Oro, Scud. Can. Knt. 8, 23. Jfal). — Atlantic States; Michigan; Ohio; Colorado. 867. Sonorensis, Feld. Reisc Nov. 2, 281, pi. 35, fig. 3, 4. Jiruia, Bd. Lap. de la Cal. 40. Edw. But. N. A. 2, pi. 1 of Lye. Jfub. — Southern Caliiornia, Los Angelos. Group III. 3G8. Tehama, Beak. Pr. Ac. N. Sc. Ph. 1800, 240. Ci/la, Behr, Pr. Cal. Ac. N. Sc. 3, 281. JVcsfox, Bd. Ilai). — California. 309. Orbitulus, Von Prunncr. Strcck. pi. 10. fig. 10, % . liiisticn, Kdw. Pr. E. Soc. Ph. 4, 20.3. Mead, 1. c. 5, 783. Jfal). — Colorado; Bocky 31ountains. 370. Aquilo, Bd. IfPnes, 1, 62, pi. 12, fig. 7, 8. Fraii/c/iiiii, Curtis, App. Boss Exp. 69, pi. A, fig. 8, 9. J/al). — Boreal America; Labrador. Group IV. 371. Enoptes, Bd. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2, 10, 298. 3Iorr. 89. JIal). — California, Sierras; Arizona. 372. Glaucon, Edw. Tr. A. E. Soc. 3, 210. Mead, 1. c. 5, 782. Ila h. — Colorado. 373. Battoides, Behr, Pr. Cal. Ac. N. Sc. 3, 282. Mead, 1. c. 5, 782. llab. — California, Sierras; Nevada; Colorado. 374. Lupini, Bd. Lep. de la Cal. pi. 46. Miiuhaha, Scud. llah. — California, Yosemitc; Moutana. DIirnNAT, T.EPIDOPTERA, 47 37 Hi.). :i7(i. Melissa, K.lw. Tr. A. E. Soo. 4. 'MCy. Strock. pi. 10, fiy. 8, % , i>, 9 . Mend, 1. c. 5, 7S:{, pi. :]»;. /A//>.— Arizona; Now 3[exico; Colorado; Montana; Nevada. Scudderii, Edw. Tr. Ac. N. Sc. Ph. 18»!1, h\\; id. 1. c. lS(i2, :::^.). 37: 378. 379 380 381. 382. 383. Jfiih.—Sew York; MieliiM;an; California; Hritish Columbia; Ontario; Southern Jiabrador. Acmon, Wost.-IIew. Gen. Di. Lep. pi. 76. Mead, 1. c. 5, 782. Antne. .1 DIURNAL LEPIDOPTERA. 49' HESPERIDiE. SECTION I. C'AIITKIUK KPIIALl'N, Led, 31MJ. Mandan, Hdw. I'r. K. Soc. I'h. 2, 1'o, pi. 5. Misapaiio, Sciul. Pr, ]iost. Soc. N. Hist. 11, 383. Skiula, Eilw. Ilab.—\\v\t\Ax Auioricu. Pacific to Labrador; Calilbruia, .Men- docluoj Now Ilaiupshiro, Wliito Mouiitaius. 397. Omaha, Edw. 1. c. 2, 21. Mhif/o, Edw. Cali/oniica, Scud. S)st. llev. 54. Ilab.—Cohrmlo; California; occasional in West Vir-'inia (coil. J. E. Meyer). ° ' ASrCirLOXYPIIA, Feld. 398. Numitor, F.— 3Iorr. 120. Piier, II lib. Man/inutus, Ilarr. 308, fig. 131. //r^i.— Atlantic and Western States; Texas; Kansas; Ne- braska. COP.KODES, Speyer. 399. Procris, Edw. Tr. A. K. Soc. 3, 215, S , 9 . var. Waco, Edw. 1. c. 2, 122, S . Ali'iii'm/i, Edw. 1. c. 190, % . Ilab. — Texas. 400. Arene, Edw. 1. c. 3, 214. Hal. — Arizona; Texas. THYMELICUS, Speyer. 401. Hylax, Edw. 1. c. 3, 274. Ilab. — Colorado ; Dakota. 402. Garita, lleak. Pr. E. Soc. Ph. 6, 150. Poicescheik, Parker, Am. Ent. 2, 271. i/oi.— Colorado; Illinois; Iowa; Nebraska. TRANS. AVER. ENT. SOC. VI. (7) MARCH, 1877. % SK-^*-*'l»M^v.ii ■^^Ti-u-.f ..s,';i«p<^ --Buiaxi-rtaiewj^Bi^tafcj^ttwwy^^ 60 WM. H. EDWARDS. PAjMPIIILA, f. Group I. 403. Massasoit, Scud. Pr. Ess. Ins. 3, 171. Ilah. — New England; Long Island; Middle States; Texas; Colorado. 404. Zabulon, Bd.-Lec. pi. 76. Morr. 116. Ilahomok, Harr. 313, fig. 137. Quadi'iquina, Scud. dim. var. $ , Pocahontas, Scud. Pr. Ess. Ins. 3, 171. Hah. — Atlantic States; 3Iississippi Valley; Texas; Arizona; Canada. Oronp II. 405. Sylvanus, F.— Bd. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2, 10, 313. Ilah. — Europe ; California, (auct. Bolsduval). 406. Sylvanoides, Bd. 1. c. 2, 10, 313. tSonora, Scud. Syst. Rev. 57. Ilah. — California. Morr. 107. ! I 407. Ruricola, Bd. 1. c. 2, 10, 315, K- Morr. 10 J. Hah. — California. 408. Comma, L.— Esp. Eur. Schmett. 1, pi. 23. Hiib Eur. Schmett. 1, fig. 479—481. Bd. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2, 10, 313. var. Scud. Mem. Bost. Soc. N. H. 2, 350, pi. 10, fig. 12—15. Juha, Scud. 1. c. 2, 349, pi. 10, fig. 19, 20. Manitoha, Scud. 1. c. 351, fig. 8 — 11. var. Colorado, Scud. 1. c. 349, fig. 16 — 18. Nevada, Scud. 1. c. 347, fig. 1 — 4. SjjhanokJes, Scud, (nee Bd.) 1. c. 351, fig. 21, 22. Ilah. — British America, i:*acific to Labrador; Rocky Moun- tains; Montana to Arizona; Colorado to California. 409. Sassa-^uSj.Scud. Pr. Ess. Ins. 3, 173; id. Mem. Bost. Soc. N. Hist. 2, 346, pi. 10, fig. 5, 7. Hah. — New England ; Illinois ; Georgia. 410. Pawnee, Dodge, Can. Ent. 6, 44. Hah. — Nebraska. m DIURNAL LEPIDOPTERA. 51 411. 412. 413. 414. 415. 416. 417. 418. 419. 420. 421. 422. 423. Ottoe, Edw. Pr. E. Soc. Ph. 6, 207. Scud. Mem. Bost. Soc. N. Hist. 2, 348, pi. 10, %. 6. Zr«i.— Indian Territory ; Kansas; Nebraska. Napa, Edw. 1. c. 4, 202, pi. 1. Dacotah, Edw. Ruh'mjm, Reak. Pr. E. Soc. Ph. G, 151, 9 . dim. var. 9 , Melane, Edw. Tr. A. E. Soc. 2, 312. Hah. — Colorado. Draco, Edw. 1. c. 3, 274. Hab. — Colorado. Metea, Scud. Proc. Ess. Ins. 3, 177. Hah. — Connecticut; New York; Texas. Uncas, Edw. Pr. E. Soc. Ph. 2, 19, pi. 5. //at.— Pennsylvania; Delaware; Ohio; Kansas; Dakota; Colorado; New Mexico; British America. Licinus, Edw. Tr. A. E. Soc. 3, 275. Hab. — Texas. Seminole, Scud. Syst. Rev. 55. //«6.— Florida. Attalus, Edw. 1. c. 3, 276. Hab. — Texas. Yuma, Edw. Tr. A. E. Soc. 4, 346. Hab. — Arizona. Meskei, Edw. Can. Ent. 9, March, 1877, 9 . Hab. — Texas. Snowi, Edw. Can. Ent. 9, Feby. 1877. Hab. — Colorado. Leonardus, Harr. 314, fig. 138. Morr, 110. Hab.—:^ew England to West Virginia ; Kansas. Nemorum, Bd. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2, 10, 314. Morr. 107. Yrr^ka, Edw. Pr. E. Soc. Ph. 6, 207. Hab. — California. *•'* i« mnunniMfiKMi mmnniVna^-Tiftm ill ii '^ n Ij i .; H' lit! i 8 1 1 ■1 ■ l\ t!^'*' ^ i ■' 1' 1 u-'-; ' li:^r y Sfts-'- ; - ■ 7H ^ V*'' '■■■, 1 It^ '■ If iy,,f ^Hflii.* 1 nSaW'i I b^'^i' iHiii*'' ^^Hi'kv 1 ■IK. ) 52 WM. H. EDWARDS. 424. Agricola, Bd. 1. c 2, 10, 314. Morr. 108. JIah. — Califoruia. 425. Pratincola, Bd. 1. c. 2, 10, 315, K- Morr. 108. Jfab. — California. 426. Campestris, Bd. 1. c. 2, 10, 316, X. Morr. 108. JIab. — Califoruia. 427. Huron, Edw. Pr. E. Soc. Ph. 2, 10, pi. 1. ILih. — Atlantic States; Mississippi Valley; Texas; Kansas; Arizona. 428. Phylaeus, Drury.— Bd.-Lec. pi. 78. 3Iorr. 118. Vitellius, F. Bncephalm, Humph.- West. Br. But. 126, pi. 40, fig. 1—3. Ilah. — Middle and Gulf States to Pacific. 429. Brettus, Bd.-Lec. pi. 75, % . Morr. 118. Wingina, Scud. Pr. Ess. Ins. 3, 173, % $ . Orotio, Scud. Syst. Rev. 58. ^ Ilab. — Gulf States; West Virginia. 430. Pontiac, Edw. Pr. E. Soc. Ph. 2, 17, pi. 11, S . ConKpi'rua, Edw. 1. c. 2, 17, "pl. 5, 9- Parker, Can. Ent. 3, 51, ^. Ilab. — Michigan; Iowa; Nebraska; Illinois, 431. Chu5 ca, Edw. Tr. A. E. Soc. 4, 346. //a'. — Arizona. 432. Sabuleti, Bd. Ana. Soc. Eat. Fr. 2, 10, 316. Morr. 109. Ilab. — California. 433. Otho, Sm.-Abb. pi. 16. //«6.— Gulf States. var. EoEREMET, Scud. Pr. Ess. lus. 3, 174. Otho, Bd.-Lec. pi. 77, *. yEtna, Scud. Svst. Rev. 58. Ilab. — Atlantic States to Florida ; Mississippi Valley ; Canada. DIURNAL LEPIDOPTERA. 53 434. Peckius, Kirby, Faun. Bor. Am. 4, 300, pi. 4. Morr. 120. WamKiitta, Harr. 318, fig. 141. Hah. — Northern and Middle States to Wisconsin ; Kansas ; Canada. 435. Mystic, Edw. Pr. E. Soc. Ph. 2, 15, pi. 1. Scud. Pr. Ess. Ins. 3, 172. Ilab. — New England ; New York, Catskill Mountains ; Canada. 43G. Cernes,* Bd.-Lec pi. 76. Aro(jos, id. 1. c. pi. 70. ^/t(/^o«, Harr. 317, fig. 140. Oi'igines, Morr. 117. Jlab. — New England; Middle and Northwestern States; California. 437. Mdnataaqua, Scud. Pr. Ess Ins. 3, 175. Cernes. Ilarr. 31(3. llah. — Atlantic to Pacific ; Canada to Gulf of Mexico. 438. Vestris, Bd. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 317, X. Morr. 109. Hah. — California. 4.39. Osceola, Lintn. 28th. Rop. N. Y. State Mus. Hah. — California, Mendocino. 440. Metacomet, Ilarr. 317. Rurea, Edw. Pr. Ac. N. Sc. Ph. 1862, 58. var. Kloimh, Beak. Pr. E. Soc. Ph. 6, 150. Hah. — Northern States; Wisconsin; Kansas; Canada. 441. Accius, Sm.-Abb. pi. 23,9. Monaco, Scud. Pr. Ess. Ins. 3, 178. var. Mrfouii, Edw. Tr. A. E. Soc. 1, 287. Punctclla, Gr.-Bob. 1. c. 1, 1. ir«/;.— Gulf States. 442. Deva, Edw. Tr. A. E. Soc. 5, 202. Hah. — Arizona. * The Fabrician name Taumas for Cernes caauot be retaiaed from its colliaiou with the older Thaumas, Ilufnagel. — S. 64 WM. H. EDWARDS. m 1 lii ■i; 443. Maculata, Edw. Pr. E. Soc. Ph. 4, 202, pi. 1. JIah. — Gulf States; occasional in Now York, (coll. Meske). 444. Panoquin, Scud. Pr. Ess. Ins. 3, 178. Ophis, Edw. Tr. A. E. Soc. 216. //at.— Gulf States. 445. Ocola, Edw. Pr. E. Soc. Ph. 2, 20, pi. 11. Hab.—G\x\f States. 44G. Ethlius, Cram. 4, pi. 392, fig. A, B. Chemnis, F. Olynthus, Bd.-Lec. pi. 75. Morr. 113. /ia6.— Gulf States. , - ■ 447. Verna, Edw. Pr. Ac. N. Sc. Ph. 18G2, 57. Hah. — Maryland to Georgia; West Virginia; Kansas. 448. Horus, Edw. Tr. A. E. Soc. 3, 277. ' Hah — Texas. 449. Bimacula, Gr.-Rob. Ann. N. Y. Lye. N. Hist. 8, 433. Acanoofus, Scud. Pr. Bost. Soc. ^f. Hist. 11, 381. Illinois, Dodge, Can. Ent. 4, 217. Hub. — Massachusetts to Nebraska ; Illinois. 450. Arpa, Bd.-Lec. pi. 68, *. Morr. 117. JIab. — Gulf States; Nebraska, (coll. Dodge). 451. Bulenta, Bd.-Lec. pi. 67, *. Morr. 117. Palatka, Edw. Tr. A. E. Soc. 1, 287. //cfi.— Gulf States. 452. Viator, Edw. Pr. E. Soc. Ph. 4, 202, pi. 1. Hub. — Gulf States; Illinois; Wisconsin; New Jersey. 453. Vitellius, Sm.-Abb. pi. 17. lou-n, Scud. Pr. Bost. Soc. N. Hist. 11, 6. ILib. — Georgia; Iowa; Nebraska. 454. Delaware, Edw. Pr. E. Soc. Ph. 2, .19, pi. 5, % . Lixjun, Edw. 1. c. 2, 18, pi. 1, 9. Hub. — Penn.sylvania to Florida; West Virginia; Illinois to Kansas; Nebraska; Dakota. ili'Fi i DIURNAL LEPIDOPTERA. 55 455. Osyka, Edw. Tr. A. E. Soc. 1, 288. JIah.—Ga\( States. 45G. Comus, Edw. Tr. A. E. Soc. 5, 206. Ilab. — Texas. 457. Eufala, Edw. 1. c. 2, 311. Hub. — Louisiana ; Texas. 458. Fusca, Gr.-Rob. 1. c. 1, 2. //«i.— Gulf States. 459. Nereus, Edw. 1. c. 5, 207. Hah. — Arizona. 460. Hianna, Scud. Pr. Bost. Soc. N. Hist. 11, 382. Hub. — Massachusetts to Nebraska. A9IBLYSCIRTES, Speyer. 461. Vialis, Edw. Pr. Ac. N. Sci. Ph. 1862, 58. Jla/j. — Middle, Southern and Western States. 462. Eos, Edw. Tr. A. E. Soc. 3, 276. IJdb. — Texas; Georgia, 463. Samoset, Scud. Pr. Ess. Ins. 3, 176. Ilegon, Scud. 1. c. 3, 176. Nemons, Edw. Pr. E. Soc. Ph. 2, 507; 1. c. 4, pL 1. Alteruata, Gr. Rob. Tr. A. E. Soc. 1, 3. Ilab. — Northern and Middle States; Georgia; Wisconsin; Iowa; Ontario. 464. Textor, Hiib. Zutraeg. fig. 515, 516. Oueko, Scud. Pr. Ess. Ins. 3, 176. Wakulla, Edw. Tr. A. E. Soc. 2, 311. Ilab. — Gulf States; Georgia to Texas. SECTION II. PYRGUS, West 465. Ericetorum, Bd. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2, 10, 31.3. Morr. 122. Alba, Edw. Pr. E. Soc. Ph. 6, 206. Hub. — California; Oregon; Arizona. 466. Oceanus, Edw. Tr, A. E. Soc. 3, 213. Ilab. — Arizona. ;i.i «t 56 WM. H. EDWARDS. 4G7. Tessellata, Scud. Syst. Rev. 52. Oileus, West. Oilus, 13(1. 3Iorr. 121. Ilah. — Atlantic to Pacific ; Pennsylvania to Gulf of Mexico ; Texas; Arizona. 468. Centaurese, Ramb. Rumlis, Bd. 1. c. 2, 10, 311. 3Iorr. 121. Wimndot, Edw. Pr. E. Soc. Ph. 2, 21, pi. 5. JIab. — New York; West Virginia; Colorado; Labr&.dor. 409. Ricara, Edw. 1. c. 4, 20.3, pi. 1. Hub. — Colorado ; California. 470. Petreius, Edw. Tr. A. E. Soc. 3, 195. Ilah. — Nevada; California. 471. Caespitatis, Bd. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2, 10, 312, X. 3Iorr. 121. Ilab. — California. 472. Scriptura, Bd. 1. c. 2, 10, 312. Morr. 121. JIab. — California; Arizona. TlIASfAOS, Bd. 473. Brizo, Bd.— Bd.-Lec. pi. 66, *. Harr. 309, fig. 1.32. Morr. 114. Hub. — Atlantic, Southern and W^estern States; Texas; Kansas; British America; Ontario. 474. Icelus, Lintn. Ent. Cont. 1, 30, pi. 7, fig. 5, 6. Hab. — New England; Middle States; Illinois. 475. Lucilius, Lintn. 1. c. 1, 32, pi. 7, fig. 1, 2. Ilab. — New York; Middle and Western States; Dakota. Ausonius, Lintn. 1. c. 1, 34, pi. 7, fig. 11, 12. Ilab. — Middle States; West Virginia. Tages, L. var. Cervantes, Grasl.— Bd. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 10, 310. Ilab. — California, (auct. Boisduval). 476. 477 h\ DIURNAL LEPIDOPTeRa. 67 Morr. Lansas ; 478. Persius, Scud. Pr. Ess. Ins. 3, 170. Huh. — Northern, Middio and Western States; Colorado; New Mexico; California. 47!). Martialis, Scud. Tr. Chic. Ac. N. Sci. 1, 335. Huh. — Massachusetts to Georgia; Mississippi Valley ; Kansas. 480. Juvenalis, F.— Siu.-Abb. pi. 21, *. Bd.-Lec. pi. 05, *. Ilarr. 801), *. Morr. 114. Costulin, West. En7iiu>i, Scud.-Burg.* Tr. Host. Soc. N. Hist. 13, 296. JJorutius, Scud.-lJurg. 1. c. 13, 301. Vmji/ius, Scud.-lJurg. 1. c. 13, 302. rtmiZ/Ms, Scud. -Burg. 1. c. 13, 292. ,'■ Ovrdhix, Scud.-lJurg. 1. c. 13, 295. JL(h. — Atlantic and Gulf States; Mississippi Valley. 481. Propertius, Scud.-lJurg. id. 1. c. 13, 299. r/i«//H.s, Seud.-Hurg. 1. c. 13, 298. JIah. — California. 482. Plautus, Scud.-Burg. 1. c. 13, 304, X. JIah. — Florida. 483. Tristis, Bd. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2, 10, 311. Morr. 115. Hub. — California; Arizona. 484. Funeralis, Scud.-Burg. 1. c. 13, 293. Huh. — Texas. if 485. Pacuvius, Lintn. 28th. Eep. N. Y. State Mus. Huh. — Arizona. I.IMTNERIA, nov. gen. 486. Zampa, Edw. Tr. A. E. Soc. 5, 207. Hub. — Arizona. *The species credited to Scud.-Burg. were characterized solely from pecu- liarities in the genitnl armor, I do not regard such a characterization as a " description " entitling a species to recognition, and declined to admit these in the Synopsis. But in deference to Mr. Lintner's wishes I give them here, as I would in exceptional cases give manuscript names. How valueless the genital armor is for specific distinctions may be inferred from the synonymy. — E. TRANS. AUGR. ENT. SOC. VI. (8) MAntH, 1877. m m 68 . WM. n. EDWARDS. PIIOLINORA, Spoycr. 487. Catullus, Cram.— Sin.-Abb. pi. 24. Morr. 115. JFah. — Atlantic, Southern and Western States ; Texas; Kansas; Colorado; New Mexico. 488. Alpheus, Edw. Tr. A. E. Soc. 5, 20G. Ifab. — New Mexico. 489. Hayhurstii, Edw. 1. c. 3, 22. Hub. — West Virginia to Kansas; Texas; New Mexico. ACIIYI.ODi:», West. 490. Thraso, ITiib.— 13d. Sp. Gen. 1, pi. 13, fig. 6. Tamcimnd, Edw. Tr. A. E. Soc. 3, 215. Ilab. — Texas. • EUDAMUS, Swain. Oroup I. 491. Pylades, Scud. Pr. Bost. Soc. N. Hist. 12. iia%//!«.s, Ilarr. 312, fig. 135. JVevatIa, Scud. Syst. llev. 50. Hub. — Northern States to Gulf of Mexico; Dakota; Colorado to Califoi-nia; British America. 492. Bathyllus, Sm.-Abb. pi. 22. pi. 74. Morr. 100. Hob. — Southern States; Kansas; New Mexico; occasional in New York. 493. Lycidas, Sm.-Abb. pi. 20. Bd.-Lec. pi. 71, *. Morr. 106. Lycuides, Iliib. Ilab. — Southern States ; Mississippi Valley ; occasional in New York. 494. Epigena, Butler, Lep. Exot. 05, pi. 25, fig. 6. Ore.^fe>i, Lintn. 28th Hep. N. Y. State Mus. Ildb. — Texas, (coll. Mesko). 495. Cellus, Bd.— Bd.-Lec. pi. 73, >^. ]Morr. 105. Ilub. — Southern States; West Virginia; Kentucky; Arizona. Group II. 496. Hesus, West.-Hew. Gen. Di. Lep. pi. 78. JIab. — Texas. DIURNAL LEPIDOPTERA. 59 497. Amyntas, P. Livklus, Hiib. Saninil. Exot. Schniett. S((viipH/i, Latr. 7/„6.— Florida, Key West. 498. Tityrus, F.-Sm.-Abb. pi. 19, *. Bd.-Lec. pi. 72, *. Ilarr :51(),pl. 5, *. Morr. 112. ^ '^ /A,/,._AtIantic States ; 3Iississippi Valley ; Kansas j Dakota ; California. Group III. 499. Proteus, L.-Sm.-Abb. pi. 18,*. Bd.-Lec. pi. G9, *. Morr Ilab. — Southern States. 500. Simplicius, Stoll. Supplt. pi. 39, fig. G. Euri/vlcs, Jjatr. llab. — Texas; Arizona. ' ERYCIDEfS, West. 501. Urania, West.-IIew. Gen. Di. Lep. pi. 79. JIab. — Texas. 502. Texana, Scud. Syst. Rev. 47, X. Ilab. — Texas. 503. Sanguinea, Scud, 1. c. 47, K. Ilab.— Texas. PYRRIIOPYGA, West. i 504. Araxes, Hew. Desc. Ilesp. 2, No. 3. i/ui.— Arizona; (coll. M'heeler Exp.). MEGATIIYMUS, Riley. 505. Yuccae, Bd.-Lec. pi. 70. Riley, 8th. Mo. Ent. Rep. 1G9. iTai.— Southern States; Arizona; New Mexico. 50G. Cofaqui, Strecker, Pr. Ac. N. Sci. Ph. 187G, 148, x. Ilab. — Florida. 60 WM. H. EDWARDS. iifi f I ill il' 4. mi Species hitherto accredited to the North American fauna, hut omitted in thin Catalogue for want of authentication. PAPILIONID.E. PIERINyE. Callldryas Cypris, F.— Bd. Sp. Gen. 1, 023. Hutler, Lop. Exot. 106, pi. 39. H(th. — 3Iuxicoj New Mexico, (Edw. Synop.) Bhodocera Maerula, F.— Bd.-Lec. 71, pi. 2?>.^=Ecdipsis, Cram. Halt. — .Alexico; Venezuela; Floi Ida uud New York, (Bd.-Lec.) Bhodocera Clorinde, Godt.— Bd. Sp. Gon. 1, 599. Hah. — .Mexico; ]}razil; New .Mexico, (Edw. Synop.) Colias Butilans, Bd. Sp. Gen. 1, 642, pi. 3, 0, fig. 3. Hah. — Peru; United States, (VVeideiueycr); California, (M6ne- tries.) Terias Midea, Men.— Bd. Sp. Gen. 1, G59. Hah. — llayti; California, (Menetrids.) ; Terias Elathea, Cram. — Bd. Sp. Gon. 1, 004. Hah. — Ilayti; Surinam; Brazil; United States, (Weidcmcyer) ; Florida, (Edw. Synop.) Terias Palmira, Poey, Hist. Nat. de Cuba, 1, 249, pi. 24, fig. 4—6. Hah. — Cuba ; Venezuela ; United States, (Weidemeyer) ; Georgia, (Edw. Synop.) - NYMPH ALID^. HELICONINiE. Mechanitis Californica, Reak. Pr. E. Soe. Ph. 5, 223. Hah. — Mexico ; California, Los Angelos, (Reakirt.) Ithomia Diaphana, Drury, 2, pi. 7. Hah. — West Indies; United States, (Weidemeyer); Florida, (Edw. Synop.) Ithomia Lyoaste, F.— Reak. Pr. E. Soo. Ph. 5, 218. Hah. — Mexico; California, Loa Angelos, (Reakirt); Kansas, (Kirby's Cat.) Ithomia Phono, Geyer, in Hub. Zutr. Exot. Schmett. fig. 987 — 8. Scud. Syn. List, Bui. Buf. Soc. N. Sci. 1, 246. Hah. — New Grenada; Florida, (Geyer.) ;4 i DIURNAr LEPinOI'TERA. 61 NYMriFALINyE. Ageronia Feronia, L.— Drury 1, pi. 10. Ilith. — .NIoxico; (Joiitral America; Texas, (Kdw. Syuop. auct. llcak. ill lit.) Ageronia Fornax, Hub. Samrnl. P^xot. Schmott. Hall. — .Mexico; Central America; Texas, (EJw. Synop. auet. Ueakirt, in lit.) Argynnis Astarte, Doub. Gen. Di. Lcp. pi. 23. Hull. — Jamaica ; United States, (Doublcday.) Argynnis Nenoquis, Ri'akirt, Pr. Ac. N. So. Ph. 1803, 247. Ildb. — Hocky .Mountaine; Orolaced Euschemon at all events, which makes the transition to the Heterocera. — S. €AUTEROCEPlIAIiIJ$), Led. Tibiee without tibial epiphysis; those of the hind legs without middle spurs; knob of antennae elongate-ovoid; tip blunt, conical; last joint of palpi concealed by the long bristles of the middle joint; abdomen extending beyond the anal angle of hind wings. NoTK. — The tibial epiphysis I call the mostly flat spine or lancet-shaped append- age on the inner side of the tibia of the fore leg, possessed by most of the Hetero- cera, but among the Rhopalocera by the Papilionidee and Hosperidse only. In the latter this appendage is externally covered with sci'.es, interiorly and at the apex naked, and not reaching the end of the tibite. — S. ANCYLOXYPIIA, Feld. Tibiie with tibial epiphysis; those of the hind legs with middle spurs, (as in all the following genera). Similar to the foregoing genus; knob of antenna elongate-ovoid, rounded at tip, with a very short, slender spine attached to the last joint; last joint of palpi free, long, perpendicularly erected, slender, subu- late; abdomen of male slender, twice as long as head and thorax; fore wings elongated, blunt; hind wings rounded, the costal ma.gin long, surpassing the inner angle of fore wings; the inner margin short, not produced at the anal angle. €OIM:ODE.*i, Speyer. Antennte short, one-third as long as the tiir.r^ular fore wings, at three-fifths of their lengtii suddenly inflated to an ovoid kn;;b, widely rounded in front, sub-truncate; last joint of palpi nearly free, perpendicular, a little recurved, subulate; hairs of the brush at base of anteuiije dilated at tip; femora thinly villose ; tibite nearly naked, those of middle legs with a pair of very short, fine spurs ; abdomen glossy-scaled, hairless ; the male with a fine black longitudinal stigma on the disc, which forms on the under side a prominent ridge, but is there covered with scales. Note. — As much as I dislike the multi]>lication of genera, still less the separation of sinlge species, I feel myself compelled by the striking diilerence of character between a whole series of organs to se; "rate generically I'rocris and Thymelicus. I hope that tlie dingncsis of the new genus will justify the separation. The scaly hairs at tlie base of antennee would not jiMtify the creation of a new genus; they seem also to exist in some species of other genera between the common hairs of the brush. — S. TIIY9IELI€Ui>i, Speyor. Antennee half as long as fore wings; at three-fifths of their length gradually inflated to an elongate-ovoid knob; tip conical, blunt; last joint of palpi con- !»■ 3,vir 1.IURNAL LEl'IDOPTERA. 65 cealed, half its lengtli or more, by the long bristles of the middle joint, nearly jierpendiculur, straight, subulate, or linear, covered witli scales; femora ami tibift! with long hairs; tibite of niitldle legs with a series of short sjiincs; ab- domen densely hairy; anal angle ol' hind wings produced; male with stigma which is not prominent on the under side; at the base of antonnie a biusli of stilf hairs. FA.MlMIIIiA, F. Knob of antenna thick, ovoid, or elongiite-ovoid ; the tip suddenly bcnl with a much contracted, pointed little hook, noiirl}' half as long as the ktiob, and composed of a larger or smaller number of Joints ; sometimes of the apical joint alone, which then is ])hu'('d upon the thick ciid of the knob as a t^hort sliMulor spine (P/iy/ttM.s') ; the last joint of palpi conical or nearly linear, hardly project- ing beyond the bristles of the tniddle joint ; tibire generally with sj)ines, the strongest and most constant on the tniddle tibine, *'io mostfeebleon the anterior ; in some species all the tibite are without spines; body stout; abdomen as long as the head and thorax, reaching the anal angle of hind wings, or surp.issing; fringes unicolored. The anterior wings of the tyj)ical species triangular, the costal margin long, nearly straight, apex slightly pointed; the liind margin oblique, very little or not at all convex; the inner margin much shorter than the costal; hind wings more or less produced on the sub-median nervure, at least in the male. In Groui> I, the wings a little broader, the apical angle of fore wings obtuse, the hind margin less obliiiue and more convex. The two s])eeies have thea]tii;al hook of antenna; a little longer and stronger, es|iecially at the base, than liio typical species; tibiw with spines, but feeble on the lore and hind legs; tho male witlioiit stigma. There are nuineidus differences in the shape of the iiooks of the aiUennte and the si)ines of til)iie. In res])ect to the hook, I'/u/!a'u.igenorically,ju8t as Scudder has done, if Zabulon, which cnuld not be separated from Massasoit, had not given a transition to the typical species. — 8. Many of the species included in Pamphila were not examined by Dr. Speyer, and as In; miiy not care to be held responsible for the arrangement of these, I give below tlie species examined in the sequence furnished me. It will be seen that tliey embrace examples in almost every sub-group, and with this aid I have dis])()sed the remaining species. — E. Gronj) 1. Masnasoit ; Zabulon. Groii]! 2. Si/lvaniiH ; Comma; Sassacus ; Metea ; Leonardus ; Huron; Phylmus ; BrcltuH ; Consjiicua ; jEtna=^Otko ; Pcckins ; Mystic ; Manataaqua ; Cernes ; Me- iacomct ; Bimacula ; Vitellius ; Osyka ; Ilianna, AMBLVNCIRTEiii, Speyer. AntenniB lilic Pamphila, with slender conical apical hooks; the two basal joints of pal])i covered anteriorly with a rough clothing of bristles and scaly hairs; thorax and femora rouglily hairy ; apical joint of palpi a little promi- nent; middle tibire sjiined: body loss stout than in Pamphila; abdomen thin, scarcely reaching the anal angle of vving; the costal margin somewhat strongly curved at base, in the middle a very little concave; hind wings not produced at the anal angle; fringes light, marked with black at the ends of the nervules. SECTION II. Tibice rarely spined; the male generally with a costal fold of the fore wingj no discoidal stigma. PYRGITS, West. Knob of antenna elongate or ovoid, rounded at tip, straight or a li .tie semi- lunar, somewliat compressed ; the brush at base of antennce strong, loL^er than half the diameter of the eyes; palpi sur[)as3ing the front by more than the length of the eyes; the apical joint thick, bluntly conic, densely scaled ; tibioB (of species examined) without spines; fringes light, marked with dark at the ends of the nervules. TIIAM40N, Bd. Knob of antenna spindle-shaped, semilunarly curved, a little compressed; brush at base of antennce strong, longer than half the diameter of the eyes, bristling; palpi surpassing the front by more than the length of the eyes, the apical joint thick, bluntly conic, a little inclined, a little surpassing the long bristles of middle joint; abdomen as long as head and thorax or a little longer; ■fc:^ V. i DIURNAL LEPIDOPTERA. 67 tibisB without spines, hind ones with long hairs; fringes unicolored; anterior wing of male with costal fold. I.I.\TNERIA, n. gen. Differs from Thanaos in the knob to antenna, which is more slender and much less abrupt; in the palpi which are shorter and less thickly clothed with bristles; and in the angulated (Baunua) or erenulated {Zampa) outline of hind wings. Note.— L. Zampa. This semi-tropical species I sent to Mr. A. G. Butler for determination, and he thus replies: "Zampa seems to belong to a group of Bpecies provisionally retnined under Thanaos and of which I consider II. Daimus, Cramer, to be the typo. This group will consist of Daunua, Cr., Zampa, Edw., Motozi, Wallgr., Purendra, Moore, and one or two undescribed sjjecies from Angola and Abyssinia. Our example (British Museum) of Daunus is from St. Domingo, Motozi from Natal, Purendra from India and Ceylon. It should cer- tainly be separated genericujly, and I should be glad if you would give it a distinctive name. Cramer s figure of Daunua gives a false idea of the form of the species." Mr. Butler accompanied this with a pen drawing of Daunus, its antennte, palpi, etc., and the definition of the genus is his own.— E. PIIOLINOR4, Speyer. Very similar to Thanaos; knob of antenna spindle-shaped, a little shorter than in Thanaos; apical joint of palpi more prominent; clothing of the two basal joints below snow-white; brush at base of antennae with highly scaly hairs, nnterior coxoe white; hind tibioe with fewer and shorter hairs; body more slender; abdomen longer than head and thora.x; wings broader, more rounded; hind margin of fore wing less oblifjue. EVDAnr^, Swain. Antennoe a little longer than iialf the costal margin of fore wings; knob very slender, spindle-shaped, bent hook-like just beyond the middle and extended to a long, fine point; brusli at base of antennae very short; one-quarter as long as the diameter of the eyes; paljji surpassing front less than length of eyes; apical joint short, thick, conical: tibire without spines; abdomen short, not reaching the anal angle of the hind wings; male with narrow costal fold. Group 1. Hind wings on sub-median nervure little or not all produced. " 2. There prolonged in a lobe. i , " 3. There caudated. NoTK.— .Vs to Eudamus: The few s{)eciesof this large genus which I have been able to study allow no judgment as to the propriety or necessity of si)litting them into several genera. Ilerrick-Sohaelfer denies that even the long-tailed species are to bo separated gonerically. I have not been able to find any other differ- ence, except in the shape of the wings, and these seem not to allow the con- stituting of well separated groups. — S. 1 68 WM. n. EDWARDS. ERRATA. Page 5, line 19, for Otto read Adolf. Page 7, for Herrick. Schaeffer, read Ilerrick-Schaeffer. Page 7, for Lefebore read Lef'ebvre. Page 7, for Ochsheimer read Ochsenheimer. Page 16, No. 59, read Chioue, Curtis, etc. Page 19, No. 89, transpose Scud. Psyche to Plexqtpus, line below. Page 24, No. 144, for Phaeton read Phaeton. Page 26, No. 168, read, var. ? Pallida, Edw. Pr. E. Soc. Ph. 2, 505. Mata, Ileak. (bleached example). Page 29, No. 197, var. Lintnebii, for 3rd. Rep. N. Y. St. Ag. Soc, read 3rd. Rep, Ins. N. Y. Page 30, No. 199, for Furcillata road Farcillata. Page 30, No. 207, for Modesta, etc., read Monima, Cram. 4, 387, F, G, 9 . llab. — Texas, (coll. Boll.) I submitted this species to Mr. Butler and he pronounces it to be Monima. The Florida species in my collection is a diflFerent thing, and yet un- determined. Page 33, No. 234, for West.-Hen., read West.-Hew. Page 34, No. 243, for West.-Hen., read West.-Hew. Page 34, No. 247, read Ti/ndarus, Esp., var. Callias, Mead. Page 36, No. 269, for West.-Hen., read West.-Hew. Page 46, No. 374, for Minehaha, read Minnehaha. Page 47, No. 377, read Antseg^v. M. mm. bel ow. 'h. 2, 505. aple). . Ag. Soc, litted this nounces it ies in my id yet un-