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Tous les autres exemplaires originaux sont filmte en commen^ant par la premlAre page qui comporte une empreinte d'impression ou d'illustration et en terminant par la derniAre page qui comporte une telle empreinte. Un des symboles suivants apparaftra sur la dernlAre image de cheque microfiche, selon le cas: le symbols — ^ signifie "A SUIVRE", le symbols V signifie "FIN". Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc.. peuvent itre filmte A des taux de rMuction diffArents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour Atre reproduit en un seul clichA. 11 est film« A partir de Tangle supArieur gauche, de gauche A droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images nAcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mAthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 WQim \} ^OVA scor/4 PROVINCE HOUSE ---T«B?MBMap«K« ^U^A. ./'' 'J. : ■'-w. CANADIAN nTURALIST AMI ^uatterljj |ouvwaI of ^ticncc. ON PORTIONS OF THE SKKLI<:Tt)N OK A WIIALK FROM GRAVEL ON THE LINE OF THE CAXAnA PACIFIC RAILWAY. NEAR SMITHS FALLS. ON- TARIO. ijy .). w. uau.m.v. i.i,.D.,.r.i;>. Boties of largo wlmlcs ine ol' uot iiil'icqucnt occunviici on tlie les.s elevated terraces uf'tlii' Pleistoecne jtcruid dii flu; liowcr St. Lawrence. I h;ivo .•^eeii tliriii ;it st' jil.ieos in tlic iiciiilibor- hood of Meti.'^. on the Idwest >e,i terruee. iimv eleviitt'd mily a few feet above tin; level ol' tln' >c;i. .md lliey an' n'jiorted to liavo been foutnl on the second teiTNui' at an eli'vation oi' tlO to 7t( I'eet. Mr. Richardson, late of the Grolouieal Survey, informs me that he has seen them in several other places on the lowi>r terraees. It has also been repoitcd that h inrs of u whale were loiuid on Mt. Camille in rear of Mcti- at a cunsidcrable elev.ation : hut Mr. Richardson, who vi-ited tlir locality, failed to verily the state- ment. The hones found on the lower, and tlierd'orr modern terru-es an.' usually in a ;zood state of jtrcservation and have a very recent a|ipearanei'. Tie' above statiaieiits relate to remains of the larger wlialchoiif whalrs. Remains of till' />'(7('7" nr -ni.ill white whale w.rf found by the late Dr. Zadok Thomii-on. author ol' the "Natural History of Vermont." in the marine day in the townshiji of (.'iiarlotte, Vermont, at an cKvation of 150 fei't above the sea. They were associated with shells of S'/xlrni-.i aiid Lnhi. The .species was supposed to be distinct from the />'. (\iti)dnn. Cray, and was named by Thompson />. I'mnoiif'tun. 1 liave found detached bones of /ichiga in the Post -pliocene clays of Riviere du Loup, and considerable portions oi' a skeleton were found in the Voh. X. \ -1 No. 7. ) ;{8ii THE CANAIilAN NATIUA I.IST. [Vol. X. lor tlir lutrirolunii.l Kuilway. n„ ^\u■ .outl. >ul' of ,1h. »;.i.' a.-t'lKilrnrs, .mmI wnv .IrMTil.fcl by Gill'in lo tl.r Trans- ,eti.m- ■.!• tl,.' Nnv;> Scoti:. IiKtituf of Natural Scicnctvi^ Hones ,,,v,. ,1-.. 1 n fuuM.l in tin hrick -laN- near Montm.l. an^l a speci- „„,„ .V .^ ,!i-rnv,.n.,l srvrril aim it. sn.a h.-Mint: N,/,o<.'m „„,, r,.n,w;>ll, Ontavin. The si.ri.nrn was stu-hcd },V M r UiHm'.>. aii-l it> 1.m,m.< romyn-v'\ with tl.n>" <'f the modern M,....-.... i„ ,1,. Metlill ('nil-.- Mn-um. On thi> rvidencv Mr. HiUi,,.,, .u.rlu.lcl tliat it iKlnhj...! lo tlir n.naen. species, ami 1 .At.n.hMl ,lns.-,M,.luMn,. to i»v. Thn,„,.H,M's speeiu.en. the ,li stalnl l.y ti>at naturalist, -.en. ,„„ ,„ ..xnv -vn l.rn eapturea in tl,. v.einity orMontnal.nnMirs a^ lav w.M a> ("urnwall. nn rema.n> .^ the luPTr wi>alr^ havr. .n Tm- .s 1 on awaiv. Invn iuund so lar m- lau.l ti,.. .li>eovery of -lo. ^,,eeiiu.n> reierr.a to in the ,„vs.Ht .,ote. Ti>ese wiv lound. ,> I am informea hy Archer Baker. K^i- '■""'■'■^'l ^i'!"''''"'-'"''"' -f !>he-.v on th, line of the C. P. Railway, thno nnhs north ol Smith ^ Fall>. and thirty-.n.e miles ,„.,,h oftlw St. I.awremv Itiv.r. in the Township of M.mtaiiue, County of They o.^urivd ,n ■•ravel at a depth ol 30 feet from tli^' surface, and about .".O leet buck from thr original i'ace of the pit."' , • »■ Mr. l'el.'r>oii. O.K.. has been kind .lauiirh to obtain tor me the elevation -f the plaee where the remains were found. a> in- dicated by the railway U.vel>. It i< fJO feet ..bove the level of the St. l.awrenre at llueheli-a. or ,,s ne.,rly a> possible 440 Icet above f-et lower tliun tlu' well-n.arked beaeb with sra ^hell^ above ( des Neiiies. o,, the west Mde of the Mountai,.. Tiie level at which Post-pl.ocene marine .-hell- are known to oeeur o„ Montreal Mountain, is near the park-keeper's house, at an elevation of about r>20 feet. These marine deposits of Montreal are of the same ue-lodcal period with th. (Vtaeean remains in .piestion. so that the animal to which the.V \ WIIM.K M'T then roprt'soiitcil .Minilrcul MdiiiiCiin :it an .•Irvntimi <>[ (iMi Tnt abovo the lower IfVii- of thi' city. iiw\ in ;i \vi(h' -c;! whidi tiirn covered jiU the plain ol' thr Inwci' St. La\vr<- rxtriid- in'_' .M.uthwaid tow.ud till Tlmu.siiid Inland.-, and \shieh ..priM'd into ;i wide extension of tie' (iiilfof St. liawiener. r.aehin- Uj the hills of Ha>t.rn Canada and N.w Kn-laml, nid w.-tward. perhaps, to the Nia-ara f.-oarpunnl al tin lie ni of I-.i1m' Out .rio. Such a sea lui.-lit well be IVr.,ii. ntrd by wliaK- in tli. Munuu'r sea-nii. and imlividual- nii-ht ocra-ioimlly be >tiMndid < n -hal- hiws or driven asliorc by -al. .- or by the pre.->urr ol' tloniiii- iee. Tbf boiH'.- M'eurrd eoii>i.«t nf two \vil'br;ir and a fra-im'nt ol' another witli u portion of a rib, and uilicrs arc -t itrd t.i h.ave been tbiiml. They ar> in .; I pro-rvation but havr lieeoine while and brittle ihroti-ii the los.- of liicir ;iniin;d niiitter. On comparison with .-iirii nin lin- of whale,- u- exi-i in the i'eter Redputh Museum, and witii the ti,i;ure> ami ile-erijitioii- of other speeii's. I have little doiil)t that they behni- to the II llinpbiek wiiale, Mi'i'i/'/i ri ludiji ni'iiri of (Iray. /li/iimi I'nnjts ol Fa- brieius. a >peeies till eonimon in iho of tin' lavL^e whales tr one, has the centrum eleven inches in transverse dia- meter and is seven inches in length. Tlie smaller, a dorsal, is ten inches in its lireater diameter and four in leii-th. Through the kindness of Mr. Baker, the .specimens have been deposited in the Peter Redpath Museum of McGill University. 3^8 IIIK r\\\|.r\N NATI It.M.I.-r. [Vol. X. i'Ol.V'/oA oK TIIK (,Hi;i;.\ ('ilAIlLoTTK ISLANDS. l'l!i:i,IMINAi:V NnTIt K oV NKW SI'KCIKS. r.\ III.- i;. V 'riiMMA- iiiNri;.. i;.A . F us. Ill tlii- |ii|M r I )iin|)0,-c ti) '.'ivi I ili iL'inisi-i of a iiunibor of |'.,ly/ni, IV iln' <^>ii.rii Cliiirlntt.' I -IuikU. puiru^tcd t(» lllf bj l)r. (i, \| |),\v-nn, nil li.'lKiir ..|- i!„' (l.ul.iLMcal Survey of Catiailii. Tho-> Innii.- will Im till, IV fiillv ilrserilM-'l :m'• lilainvill"'. VIKMIIUAMI'"!! \ S\i.\l \ V<. N. Si'. /,„,.;■, Mvatr (v.iri:il)li'. ^oniitiiii.- iivlifil abuvc an.' >t.iut membrane of a black col.)r. .-r.l valv" lar-e , "U '•:i''h >iinted ovicii- l. I'la.i'.l nii the iiiar;.'iii. (lepri'>-. man. lib!.' .lincti.l . obliquely downward.^ ; very lari:e ■>/■,'<■, ihu-i". -li-btly lai.-. <1 in l'M>iit. witli a bmad triangular iji;indibli , which i- bint abniiitly in tb<' middle, scattered i.mi>ii'.:>t tlir znnvia. n,,r',iini very shall.nv. ju>t e.iveriiii: the extremiiy nf the .-.'ll, .-mnoth, with a raised rib across it a littlo jibuv.' tlie .iral mar;_'iii. Znarnuii .if a tte Islands (Dr, MKMUK.VMl'OKA KXIL1.«. N. SP. Znrrriii ..blonu', i|uiiii'iincial, .^nhtruneate above a;id below, set closely together, of considerable size and delicate material, mur- irin thin, a 'ood deal raised, the front wall wholly membranous; at the top of the cell 'J. spines, and '■', or f on each ^ide (or some- « No. 7.) IIIM K> -NKW -l'K< li;S rdl.V/.OA. :i>j> tinirs a snnllcr iiumluT). >ituritc.l mh tlic ii|'|iir tmlf i>t' tlif orll, pointed, sletiiltT. -ulK'nct. jnintrd \<> :> t\llilll;ii- li.i>t' ; ii MS>ilt' iiii nii thv iiiari^iti ;it mim- «iilf yoWru .iIim iit ). ju<.t bdow the top. hr-.ik hldpiiiL' tiiiwiinl-, ^raicclv I'fiit at tlit> fXtrumity, uiaiitliblt' blunt, (lir.ctMl (.Mii|n('l.v mitwircN. Oin-iu ('/) l.iK. IIi(u..ton-Sff\vart riiaiiin'i. 'itni'ii ('liirinltr I^hinls. tii- vildpiii:/ CUiri'i l.niiilis. I»i|-k. witb a Vt rv lliiii iTii-t Ih.d. NIKMlll'.AMl'uIlA CfiMKICTA. N. Si'. Z'lifrl.i (i-, margin tliin. -ninnili ; dii cicli side about I >barply pniiitfd spitu'^. and i ot'sii ) a iTnt ral nnc brlow. wliiidi IkihI ratlier abruptly "vrr tin' ai'a and ni' rt in llic middle; an 'ti n iihir'nnn !\t catdi -id-' -n 'lie mar-in, ju-t b.low tbc up[HT oml, slii.ditly raised, poinded, 'he mandible directed ujiwards. a .-mall erect spine below the ,firiil,trl(i : at tlie I'ottiim of tin »!e'll a simrlo pointed n Jnilnriiihi witli ti'ianuular manilible variously turned, (hii!u»i r.iundid. -mM,,ili. witb :. variously ,>.liaped depre>scd arta (or les.-a i in irnnt. enni|io>i d of tliinner material than the re^t of till -urfaee. and appearing dark-eolored a< compared witli the .«urr.iiuidin_' deiis' white eru»t. L',r. Hou.-toii-Stewart Chamiel. i.^ut'en Chariofte K»laiid.- {Dr. (i. M. I)>i iraiiit). mi:mi'.i:.\mi'iik \ i.i;vata, n. siv / >nr.ill. ovmI, distinct. <|iiineuucial. m;in:in veiy j-li-ht'y raised, thin, snimnh, thi' whole front eloseil in by a -^ liudit- colored, and raile r ^lo-^y memljrane, whicdi lies very much on a level with the educ of the cell; above each zoa'cium, on a somewhat ijua(ir;ile an .1. a >inall nodule, with a pointed itricn- hirinnt on one -ide .1 it. the mandible directed transversely up- wards. Oil ft'! Ill rounded, smooth, umbonate. Lui\ ITiiu-tn'i>'t''wart (.'haMM''!. (^ueen ( 'h.iilotto Islands (/>>/•. G. M. Uilir^nii I. M K>IIU(ANU'0|{A KflllNfs, N. Si*. Zoo'ci '•''" l-'Ji^-l". ".an,lihU. ,K.;;t(\Vilt CiinilM ^». .ly. l),i,rsn,i ;, "■I. <^irrii Clnrlr.ftc I^laii, Is (/>,.. K.uiiiiy Cilhrlliiiiil,, . '■||||!i:ii.i\ \, Cijiv, Anil Ci'l 'iV;ll iL. .|inii.u, ,(.;,, I. wry y<-^nUr\\ >\Uy„.vd „„„1,.. riVly ..„„vrx. ..nnnti. a,.l Iu.,n.u^. ni,,n .,!• a iv,Mis|,. brown rul,,,, „„ ..,1. M.l. |,„„. ,,. ,i.^ ,|,,,:„„ ^,„„^.,„_ ,,„,i^,,i„„. ^"■■' '"'■'''■'"'""••""'■"■'"train,,.. l„.l„u,ul,i,-!;:„,.„en,,,ir,l I.y anavMl rnMM.IiMi ,,n,v> >,, s,,_\ h,_,ilK.r. tin. ,1,1 ..s [,, '^^••■'" 'l-H -i^l^'Iy nn.^nl. ,„„ully br.rin, ..vcn.) ..llmti.ul P'"'-: n,,|i.., ard...! ,•,lH,^,. ..,.■,,! J„ 1. luw, nn.rl. l.n.ul.T In.l.. ul, ..,d, -M,. :,>.,„„ I,ili,l>,,i„. (,K.llv>i,„,,lM; p,,i. «to„H. ,n„d. tl.i..k.„..,l i„ l,„,.t Mii.l.iH,,. i,„„,.;,,.„„„lnu.cro 7'"'"'"'''" "'""• ^'"■' l"''u.' (e-ov.n,,., ahuui hair tl,..,... II .•ib,.v.. M). ru.n.hd. 1,11..,. ,1,.,,. hn-ul. ,l..p,v..>,.,l in f,,.nt. with a .sl.ail.av ur..„ ard, : s„ri:„v Hi.n,.,|, rati.,.,- ,hidlan.l> ( />.. fy. Z"nn.> ovat... ,,„i,K-M„dal: .uri:,.... l,.st,„u.. t|a,,i,i, (suturos vt-ry shallow,. tr,,v,.r-..,l hy,- ,.i,l,..s ( tluv. ... livr „„ .ach sid..). wh.d, |,a>s tl,.. .id.- m ,h.. nntiv , no ,n..,Iian kod) tlR. amoves,...,. th..,n oecu,,i..,l by ;, li„r .,f,.ath.,. jar-o ob' Ion- i.uvs; a, ,h,. nn.-iM „r rid.e a„ dliptical loraiuon, cmv,v.l „. by a .K.lic-:,,.. .n.n.bran..; ..rifiec hu-v. well ard J aboy... cnnstrict.,1 a linl.. abov,. ,h. low.,- UK„-in. which is straight: oporculun, nl a rid, n.,Mi>h bmun : p,.risto,n,. „.,t de- vaf,.d. lower UKU-i„ „n.d. thi.-k.n.d. uM.allv t..rn,inati„..- „„ .adi a knob; lar^e. donj^ate. depres>..d' >patulat.. ..vioularia scattered :iuion-.-t the e.^II-^. Onrnnu Ch. Surface of zoariun, flat; folnr brown, with a titit^eofred ia old states white and lii<;hly calcified. Lor. Cumshew. Harbor and Houstoa-Stewart Channel. Queen Charlotte Islands, on shell (M-. fi. J/. /),nr,u>,). \ [Vol. ,. '• aiipiivritly "Ivr. |i(iiritiil. I-I:iii(/>/■. (J. Ii (fiuturos ve on each iaii koul), laryo oh- J'orauioii, '11 aiclifd which is «' not c'le- 'Z oij each ivioularia I" ivd, in . Queou No. 7] IIISTK- NKW l'«>I.VZnA. •''•'! l-'aniilv Mi/ri'n.nnhf (iiirt.). Siiiitt. ~( m/.di'niiKi.i.A llincks. -. Ill/MrultKI I. A -II.AmtlS. N. si'. /n„r!„ In'c. ..■UMi.atc, nvatr. . ,llilirUlU,M:.l, \ - ly .li-tini't, ron- vox .uturo. ..o! ^.rv >\'''V '"'■'■"^'' '''"^"- 1'""^'' "»■'"' ^''"" ,,„„rtuns olt^'M uhiitrnl..! l.> tl.' .•aU'ili-itinn : unh.v -ub- orcct Mihoi-l.i.ul..,'. with :. l.rna.l r..uiHh.l -i.Hi- ,.r.'ui,viM^ n.arly the whole ..rt!,.' InW.T l-ri-l rii«"l ^",.1 thi.-kmr.l. fnnuin- :i wall i.niinl tl liti.-. nit.,, ni .-iw io Inuit. when- it i, ,.arri.d n„t i,itM , l,rn:nl i-.n.!. rtiun vvl,ich i- ,„.fhe.l „,- Muu- ,„..,l i„ ,1,., ,., „nv. Arnnl.,rn> „n„e. (»nrn,n> lai-e. fn,.n.h',l, hr l.T llnii lii-li- «i''' >•"'■"■' '""-'■ r"'"""'"' A,.,.. Houston Strw.rt Channel, (in-n Ch.ilntt,. IMaM.i-l .. -•_(• I'llls. ( /''• '»' '/ Pmrsiui). SI ll!/"r"l!KI.i.\ I ..M.IIO'-TltATA, N. >!'• /„„,-o/ ovatr .li-p.-d i:i iil»i-. rnlUVX. ( MltlUTS .hallnw). snrla<-r rou Ji.n.'l -i i,ii„ut.4y -ninuli.t,-!, env.ivd will) .u. it'*'" ^■'- "••'''•''' •"''■'""' ''""■"• ''"'■'''■ "'"'■-'" ''^*''".'''"^ int(» a wiile vovuhUmI mi.u-: i.ri-ton..' thin, -•levat.d at each Milo; on on.. ^i(k-, .^.•n.rally a littir helow th, nfilicr, an rlon-ate, slrna.,'. iM.inte.l. .If]., .i.h'ii' o,;,,,/,,,;"/*^ thr nia.Hlihle (whu-h is 1,,,,.„1 ;,, ,1„. l.,-r :ool faperin- ■^\'n^. ' dinet.d „h!i(|Ucly «lo\vn. WMV.l--. ,i>ually tiunr.l Mi-htly outwara>. <^nrnnn vmwl'l flat- trnr.l in front, thi.-kly punetuP'-l. with a ^liallnw nvA a.rli, /.,„■. OtrCuni^h.wa ll.ihnr. nn >lirll ( />/ ^•. ••/. D-nrsn,,). >( iii/,iii-iii!r.i.i A iN-iri.t'TA. N. -'■■ Zn„/nnn tnliaconi^ .ud hii.nninat- or in.TuMin^. Zn^roi lai-,. ovate, fiuincuneial. -Irpn-M d Mparatr.! l,y i:ii-e.l lines, .imiiv> Miallnw; -urf:,e,. vitiMni>. .J,.»y. thi.kly enwivd ,,v.r its wholr r.xtM.t uitli„-inn-: nriliee arehr.l ah,,\v. the luwer ahno.M mtinly (.eeiipied hy a wi.h- vry d.alh-w Mi.u. ; ,)eri>toine tliin, n.oa.r.tely i-is. .1, ext.n,le.l in fn-nt (heyn,,,! the l\xnx>) >o a> to form a Mnall eh,,n,l.,r. in whieh i> :, i-nun-U.l orilic 1? 'ir;r.,f.,rnnir). <);<■;., ],rnfn-.i!\ .levrloiM-d, wry h,PM. (eoverii,.: ihnut tw,. tl,inl.~ ^f tl,.' eell above;, elou-ate, roundel a},ov. witl, :. tall ,.ral :nvl,. thi.-kly e..ver..l with sli-htly uianulai.d ri.l-e>, whi.-h la.' from th.- ..iimni. to the base. /,-„•. QiKvn Charl.nt.. umh r :i" fms.. attaeiied t,, a stem, and .'n AwW {l>r. ^'. V. P'nrsoii). ui :v.K Tin; < A.NAiuA.s NArriiA!.i»i. [Vol. 1. Mlll/dl'oUKI.I.A MA' I |M>A. N >!'. /««»•./.» (|uiinMiiiciul, nitliii Miiili. ihi'iji liiii i_\ I'.iiivi'x, .-uturcs >li:illn\v. omt'jcf -liiiiiii.;. iMtMTi il wilii >uiull [lUliL'turi'-i, uliicli an; oliitcil ill liy a l)riiwiii>li uii'iiiliiaiir. ami uivi; n *|ititf(il ajiiicur- :ilM'<' til till lioiil 'Alii: i>ritii:i aiciii'il ali'>\i. \\i'li a vliallow liliiiilly-|(oiiilllllllf >li'^lltl_\ ihicki IimI, I'll .'lir >i(lf Jll.'l \nU'\\ ! Li' nrificf (OF (ici'a.«i(iiiallv oil liolli >iilc,«, a -iiiii; loiiiniiii >'/ -< ('^//■(/o/( nii u pl'Hiniiii'iit 1mi->. * >■" ii'di { ''. I . I.I''. (^Un h Cliaiidth l>lailiU, mi >lirli ( /'/. 'i' .'/. />"irs_\ . aiTolalfil iniiiiiiiaii C'lriia! siiiu>, nut cnn. tiaclcil at tiir ciiciiili^. |iiii-lniiii iiiit (i'Valnl ; iiiniii''lialcly brliiw tin' nriii, ( . at nih' >'\fl- 111 til' -iiui- .1 rii>Irnin. in ariir.: on (iiiu ^iili' a |iiiiiil' li -li'jlitl_v linit at till' txir<'iiiii\ . inaii'iililr iliri'dnl ujiwanl,-, tlio fostruiu ii>iiig ititn 1 -! ni'i iiiU('rtryi;:lit nutuanl>. Onrinni i'oiukKiI. .>iiiii(>tli, imii-'L l.iiitadcr ill 111 hijli. with ; lall ma! aii'li. lillnl in by a t'ali'ari nil^ |ilalr, /,i" . Oil ('uinri'\vni-li .-).n'aiiin'^ (.'ni^t (/'/'. ^!. M. /^'(irsoii), SCMI/ol'ultKI.L'A l)A\V'-it.\l, N. si'. "■ Zd'iii'i ovat(\ <|uint.'iiiicial, \t ry lutiiii'ialily cdiivcx. separated by raix'd lincV,' liiiilily ciliilird. vitrKni-; surtaco rcticiilato- {miictati ^puricturi's api.'a^ii- as deep ^liults in tlu' vitri'ouH c'rii.-t i ; di-ilici.' ufchi'd alinvl,'iiiucli limudcr than lii'_di (narrow bc'twci 1/ till- upin'r aiiU iiitt'iiiir niar::iiis) ; a sh:illo\v r(iundi;d .>inu- in till ^•^flI^l' nl tin: inwcr iiiariiin, not eontraetud at tlie opening; poristoini' inrbrtly ?ini|>lo, iMit raised. Ainoilarui ilcifie. '()«»(■/■ (///('. rdnnilcd. elai-ily tinittd tu tlu; coll' above, some- what dopro'St'd in li^nt, liindfey, covei'i-d with ratlior largo puno- turo.-: a pnunineiit, thi«k(.'iK»d burdor round the opeuinjj. Lnr. A^ii^iiL'n IR'oUnd. «.^ll■t^l Charkttr Tslands (/>. G. M. *» 7ff^..^m --v..-. -■^^H, "W"/<''^ r^^ f ' -i! :,' r tMa ■Is.<'^». kVi. k4W, Tii2i4>'-HC ?t- ->-5f. ■■4?Jij i;*i..'w! him. ^S^m "^'^Wf^p ^K-vvl r feJirf ip r ^S^^M mM ii ■ i- fSSp ;■■^•^& «^,? m