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PAirr I.— IHVAIA'IA. IJy xVddtson K. Veiuull, rro/i Hsor III' /oiiloiiii ill Villi: I'lurei-fiUij IvA'iiiAiuNE J. Brsn, Jfisiyliiiil ill I'lahiidji Museum of Yale riiircrsit!/. 1 • Sr* Tins article is not intended as a review of all tlio known species found off our coasts. It is ])reliiniiniry to a much more extensive rei)ort, in which full details of the distrihution of all the species col- lected will be j>iven, and for which the detailed tables have been pre- pared, givinji' every station for each species, with its i)osition. depth, temperature, character of the bottom, etc. Many of the larger and more i)n)minent species were described and figured by the senior author several years ago in various i)apers pub- lished in the Transactions of the Connecticut Academy and elsewhere. The snmller and more dillicult species weie put aside at that time, for more careful study, and are now presented. The families that are most fully treated in this article are the Ledidie, Cuspidarida', Diplodontid.e, anil I'ectinida-. Tiiese include a very- large number of deep-sea species in every region, and their species are often very dillicult to distinguish witiiout long and patient microscopic study anil ^'. i!*>i.i ii+«j,fRitfjH[ 77(i i'i;(tci:i:i)i.\(is nr riii: smioxal mi si:i \i. Vi'l.. x\. In ordci' to itvoid. so t;ir as possihlc. tlic iiiMMMtaiiily iicccssaiily i'oiincctcd wirli humc ('csciiittioiis ot' tlirsc foiins. we liaxc had laruc caiiici'a Iiicida lij;iiit's made as ('art'l'iilly as possililc. not onl.N ot flu' now s]>i'('i('s. bnt also ol sonic nl' thosr i»ic\ ionsly dt'sciilnMl tioni our coast, for conipai'isitn. Il is. t iit'it'to! c. to l)t' hoped tlial t'litiirc invcsti yalors nniy at least l)e al)h' to nndcistand t lie charartcrs ol' t lit' s|ircirs now I't'founi/t'd 1)_\' us. wlHthcr they au'it'c with ouf dctcrininations or not. Althonji'li the collections studitMJ arc uiiiisiiall\ c\tcnsi\c, and the iiniidx'i' ot stations rcpi'cscntcd is very lai',i:c. it is not<'W(irthy ilia! a coiisidcrabli' imnilicr of species were met with Imt once, and soinetimes only a siii<;ic specimen w as dhtained. This indicates that many addi- tional species ot" such small d-ep sea shells would be discovered in the same reuiou if additional di-edj:iii;L;s should be made. ()ur in\esti,nations have enabled lis to add to the fauna nine .genera, four subucneia. and aliont eiuht\' sjiecics and \ai ieties. ol' which about se\'ciit,\ aie described as new species and se\tMi as new" \arietics: of these, twtd\e species and one \aiiety behHir;i. \ nr. 1 . M;i((ini;i. 1 Moiitiniit.i. I. v;ir. '2. h I llnijixis. ( rv]iiinl(iii. I, \.ir. 1. .I.i'iiiiilii'<, i>. Axiiioiisis. 1. v;n . 1. .1.1 i iiiiiiini , 1. L( lild.i iinix, 1. l"iis]iiiiaiia, S. ( Mriliomya. 1.'. llnl(inyiM]iliii, 1. .M\i)uor;i, li. roniinx M. var. 1. ( 'i'tii'' 01i>i,", 1. (ii(li(iji!iiM'cr('s. 1. C,\ •-■loptTtt'li. '2. Ilalhyaiia. '2. Ill nihil red. I.iiniiji>i>. 2. Solciiiva, 1, Xili'iiia. 1, \ ar. 1 . 1. I.cil.'lia. 1, var. 1. Adruui lilt. 1 . Mici'iiyoMia. VdMiflla, 11. \ar. Mallctia. 2. Xi'ildiiflla, 1. 'riiularia. W. No attempt lias been made to jiive the coiMi)lete synonymy and details of the distribution. iSuch matters have been leserved Ibr the final report on the collections. I'liless t»therwise stated, the station numbers are those of the I'nited States I'Msh ('ommissioi. and tli(> serial numiicrs are those of the I'liited States Xational Museum. The drawiui^s. with few exeepti >ns. were made by ;\Ir. Alpheus II. ^'errill. under the iiuuiediate supervision of the authors. I'luhoilii Miinciim (if Yiilf I'liii cmilij, .Siw lliinti, Coini' cliciil. •Iiniuiiry 2.'>, 180^. 'Owiiig to tlio loiiy (l('la\ ill tlic iHiIil'calioii of this article, sonic of the iicw sjjccics and ueiicra liavc been imlilished elsewhere, so that these immhers are not now strict Iv correcl. S i muf NO. u:i!i. ItlJA'-WMEU .]J(iLI.l sc l—l lilU.ll.L AM' III ^n. I I I F;iu)il.v rilOLADlh.i:. MARTESIELLA, now s-ubgenus. Tliis sul);jft'iuM'ii' iiaiiu' is iHoitoscd lor tlif t'oUowiiiij,' siiccics. wliicli (litTcis from Marttsid in liavini;' ;i well dctiiicd. clon^attMl. incilinii. dorsal |diit«'. posti'i'ior to the uiid)os. in nddilioii to tlic sliii'M-sliapi'd one oxci' tlii'iii. MARTESIA .MARTESIELLA) FRAGILIS. new species. . riat." l.WIX. liu. 1(». Shell small, white, thin, tVa,uile. wedj^e shaiicd. 'I'lic antei iof end is very short and broadly rounded, the apertnre iifarly closed in onr lar.iiest specimen l»y a pair of e;dloiis plates. The anteio dorsid nmriiin is reenrved toward the und)os. l)nt imt appresscd. ;iimI forms ;i deep, spii ;il. ojien ca\ity. The v;d\es h;i\e :i very ol)tnse iinterioi' cnniruimit inn. A tuoad and moderately deep sulcus runs from the beak to the Ncntral nmr-in; in front of this the surfac*' is covered by thin concentric ribs, which cni've downwaMl at the sulcus and form a distinct an.ule in line with the anterior emnrfiination ami c()rres])t)ndiu,u' with a sliuht ridm' on the surface: these coin-en trie ril»s are crossed by tine radiat in>i- lines, which jn'oduee fine >ci rations on their ed.u'es. l*osteri(U' to the sulcus the surface is maiked oiil\ by ii-reji'ular lines of jirowth. whi(di. near it, take the form of m>i c distinct yroo\-cs or rid.u'cs. The posterior end is proloniLied. compres-cd. ai:d l)liintlv rounded. The umbonal plate is thick. relati\-el - lai ,ue. and iisiiall.\ heai t shaped. \\ ith I he posicrioi' end broader and di>tiiicil\' caiar^inate in the middle: the ;iiiIciior eml tai)ers somewhat and is Itlnnt ;iiid an,i:iilatcd. or siuuetimes subacute. The p'isterier dorsal i)late is lon.u'. inirrow. and smm'wiiat spatiilateor clavate. and stands well in relief above the doi>;il nnr uin. with tlic ed,m's free and the narrow anteritu' (uul runnin- under the posterioi' end of the \iinboiml plate. Leiiiith of o!ie of the larizost specimens. 7 mm.: hei-ht. \.'> mm..- thickness. 4 mm. Young speeiinens ."> or 1 mm. in len.yth are relatively shorter ami thieki'r than the larji'er ones, but even tlu'.se have the anterior callous pretty well develoi)ed; the umbonal plate is usually shield shapeil, the lateral borders einarjiiimte, in contact with the most prtunincni part of the umbos: the posterior border is distinctly emarjjjinate. ami the anterior end has a central point or mucro. sometimes delined liy slightly concave posterior ed.ucs. Many live s])ecimens were tbuiid in a pieci^ of wood tloaliiii; near station 2o() S', 18,S."). ■J y 7TS /•/;"' 7;/;/)/.\v,.s' of nii: .v.r/vo.v.i/. .][rsi:r.)f. Faiiiilv SKMl'LlD.i:. vol.. XX. ABRA LONGICALLIS i Scacchi), variety AMERICAN A. new. . I'lali' l.XXXIIl, li^^'^. li. T.I .Ihn, h>iiiidi'«M>l'">'*' l<>ii,^«''N tli<' aiiten.-dorsal iiiar-iii more convex, and ihe wliole shell relati\el\ hroader. A very few .specimens were ol»taiiied at six stations Ix'tween N. lat. '.Vr !!»', W. lonji-. <1S" L'S' 'M'\ and N. lat. ;3«» l(i' .W)", W. lony. »;s 21 . in i>24 to LV>-'<> fathoms, iss.j-issti. Family TIOLLINID.K. MACOMA INFLATA Dawson. H'liit.'s l.XW II. liu. I: I.XXXVllI. li,--. tl.) MucuHH iiijh'l': .STixH'x.N MSS D.vw^os. (•..n;;.n Xiit iinilisf , \1. ]>. :■". ISTl.'.— \ 1 Kltll,!,, ■!'i;ili'~. ('(Mill. \r;i(l.. \ , Ji. .">I'.S. ISSJ. A iiuiiiluT of live speeimeiis and separate valves were ol)tained at .six stations between N. lat. 17 1(1'. W. loiif-. 17 ;i.V ;5()". and N. lat. Id ;'.'. \V. lon<;-. 70 •'•l'. in ^u to iMM; fatlioins. lS77-lS,st). Miirn.v Uay.— Dawson. (Inlf of St. Lawrence.— Coll. Whiteavos. Family FKTKlCO.l-lD.F. CHORISTODON ? CANCELLATUS Verrill. , riiitf xc\i. li-s. •_'. :;. ) Choriftodon ; ninrdldliiH Vkijim i.i.. Trans. Comi. .Xcul.. NI. p. ir.. 1S.S.-..-1 Iai.I,. r.ull. I'. S. Nat. Mils.. No. ST. p. •"'>*. 1>'''^!'- One valvu. Station L'-'fi""), off Ghesapeike i'.ay, in 70 fathoms, 188-i. Family KFLLlFLLID.i:. KELLIELLA NITIDA Verrill. (i'lat.'S XCt. li-. S: XCIII, tiji- 10. > Krilirlh, sp. Vkiiimm.. I'rau.s. (.!omm. .\ra.l.. VI. p. I'Tlt, ISKl; 1-xpl. Alh.ilro.., K'cpi.rt I . S. Coin, fish niul I'islicrios lor ISSH, p. ."iTt), ISS,"). Krilitlla infnht \ KI.'KIM , I'laiKS. Cniili. .\i;h1.. VI. it. l:{S. lK8r>. Comparativelv few specimens, at seven .stations between X. lat. ;!•.»'' 5' ;!(>", W. lon.u. 70 II :W, and N. lat. ;5.S^' 20\ W. lono-. 70" S ;?(!'. m l..")25 to l.',0;5H fathoms. ISS.UISSC. ^ "■ MoUuHca Keg. An'ti.a' Xorvo-ia^. p. 71. pi. \. -0. lig. 1. l^TS. NO. Ii:i!t. /»/.7.7'-M-.(/7,7; Mull rsc.\—\i:i;i;il.]. i \7> Hisll. 77n «Zv> Fiiinily IJ'.I'TON 1 1 ). I', or IllfN ( 'I N 1 1 ). K. KELLIA SUBORBICULARIS Montagui. ri:itc \(i\'. li^s. :;, 1. 1 hillid sidiorliifiilaris II. ami A. AhvM--. (icin'in l,'c. IT.'; III. |il. ( \1\ . Iii;s. S (/-(•. l.S.",S. .1 I I I l!l ^ S. i^li ( 'lUiclioJdjrv , 1 1, p. j-.-,, |,|, ^ , in;. :!, IX(i:>; \ , \>. 17!>. 1>1. W \ll, lii;. L'. I Mill. <.<>1 I I., i;c|,. .S:;, liy;. :i'.ll, ISTO. — TuMpN-, \iiicI. M;iI. < nil. Ii.. ]i. 171, |il.:!.'. lijJM. |:!:l. i:i.^. I.S";!. — (i. ''. S.MIS, Mdlln-c;! l.'i'U. \|-ctlr;i' \iir\rui;i . ]i. (IT. pi. !!•, lius. II (/ //, jSTS. — .Irri l;I;^ --. I'roc. /u.'il. >ni ., I.uikIuh, |i. ~iui, .lnnr. IS^!!. — SMI I II. I'.. A.. 1,'ipnl I \ iiV. ( ll.illcimil . /in'il. l..llll(llilir:ilirlii,i|.i, \|ll, )). L'nl, |Ss.",. |iAi I , r.iill. r. S. .Mils.. Nil. ;!7. |i. I'lm. pi. i \ \ m. Iil;. "■, l-«s '. One ri<'.^li s|»('riiii('ii. .M;iss;icliil.>^('t Is l!ii,\. t)ll Siilciii. I>77. Tliis sprcii'.s ;i|»|)eai'.s lu lie scry raic on Hit' .\iiicri«';iii coii-t. In its liinutv characters it scciiis tn a.urco «'l()si'l\ with llnniiit l*liili|tiii, l.s.'id. MONTACUTA BIDENTATA (MontaKU,. I I'ImIc- XCIII. lius. 7. s; .\C1\', liu. 1). 1 Mjl, |S(i:!. Moiilfiiiiln hidi iildhi ruiiiii - .iihI IIami:\. IIi>i. Iliii. Moll.. II. ]i. 7."i. ]>] win. liys. (p. (!((. ri'lliiiiiin hiilf iiliild I I . .iiul A. A I' A M^. I ■cllclM li'irc'iil Mull.. I I. |i. I7S ; lll.jil.i\\, li^s. :'. -Jit. 1S.")S. Miiiiliiiuid liidciiliihi Jkii la;^ s. Ilriii-h ( nm ii(.|iM_\ . II. p. I'lis. pi. \. I'm. i. i^ii:;; \', 1>. 177. pi \ \ M. lii;. S. Isdp. -(;. I ». >\i;.. .'.InllnMM I.'^i,'. Aid ii ,i- \iii\ c:.;!;!'. ]). l>li. 111. \'.K W'A^. 17((-/i. Is7s.— .Iia I'Ui.s >. I'roc /.cn.l. Sue-.. Lomldii. p. li'.iS, .liiiH-. l.ssi.- \ laaai.i . 'rr;iii.'<. Conn. Amd.. \. p. ."i71. issi.', — Hr-ii. IrMiis. ('(inii. Aciiil.. \ 1. p. 17a. Iss.'i: I'.xpj. .IIIkiIiuss, i;f|iiiit I'. S. ('(iiii. ri-,li .mkI I'i.slu'rics tiir ISS:!. |i. ,"i!l(l. IsS.'i \iil Mantiti nlu hiihnldla 'ioiilil. <\)niiiaiati\ «'ly lew spt'ciiiKMis jnivc lictai IoiiihI in Loii.u isJaiMl SoimkI and at 'I'hiiiildc IshuidiA. M. \ crrill : I'rox iiH-ctowa. Massarinix't t^ (S. I. Smith and O. Iliri.<'r): N'incyard Sdiiiid. 1S7.">; (."a|ir ( ud I'.ay, ISTJt; (iff IdiicU Ishilid. ISSO: Woods lloU'. .Massachusetts (iiit of Oaiiso, and Naiislion (lutteisi. ISSi'-S.!. I^'roni h)\v-\vater lo l.->.', fathoms. OIV ("ape Ilatteras. North Carolina, in I I to |s fatliom-«. i >;s;{ mid Issi. m MONTACUTA BIDENTATA (Montagu., variety TENUIS, new. ( Plate \CII. i\)i. 7. ' Sliell simihir to tlie typical .1/. Iiith iilald in t'orm and si/.e. hut rela tividy more elonj^ated and iiioie nearly elliptical, witii the nmiio-^ and beaks somewhat less pronuneiit. The surface is covered with line and pretty regular lines of j;ro\vth. The teeth in the ri.yht x'alve are strono-. nearly (MHial in leiijitli and in tlie amount of di\«'r;.;('iice from the dorsal mar.iiin. They diver,<'(' iiioi'c stron.uly and are thicker and more promi nent, especially at the inner end, than is usual in the tvnv hid(nt((tii. Length of a medium si/e specimen 1.7 mm.: heij^ht, I'.d mm. 780 ri:()rii:iii\(;s or riii: y.triox ii. misi:i\i. \iil . XX. A t't'W st'iiiiralf \ :il\ ••>. oil' ( 'ape Hal tcias. Ntirtli ('amlina. in Mi to 17 latlioms. ISSl. MONTACUTA BIDENTATA ( Montagu i, variety FRAGILIS, new. (I'l.'ltr xcil. I'm-. x.< Shell Mil)clli|tti('ai. !ii(M|iiiIiit(Miil, both t'lids broadly ioiiikUmI. thin, fiauilc. coNfrcd with (h'licatc lines of growth. The nnibos are liiit- tened; l>eaks Imt .sliyhtly prominent. 'I'iie teeth iti tin^ ii-;ht valve arc stnallei' atid moie delicate than in the t\ pieal hiilciihitti. and di\('i',i;o bnl .sli.nhll\ iVoiii llie mm. One specimen No. KH.'Ui. station sKl-jT, in Nariaiiansett r.a.\. in S.l to 10 t;ltlM)ms. isso. MONTACUTA STRI ATUI. A, new species. . IM.'ilf \CiIi. Il,u. !t. ) Siieli rather lai^ie. thin and sinnewinit hvaiine. comincssed. broad- elliptical with t)otii ends \v(dl roniHlea' I - I 1:1:1:11.1. .1 Ml I'l ^-11. -n i MONTACUTA OVATA JiMfreys. ( I'lilli' \C1I, li-H. !>. 1(1. I'lU'uiiiln I'l rnuiiiiomi \\MH\\\. Nuticr i<\' li't'^ciil Ail'l. lo M;ii. liivcil., I'l. :i, \'Vnr. r. S. N;it. Mils., 111. |i. Ilin, IS.MI. Monliiiiild iiriild .lll1l:^^s, I'roc. /.oc'il. .'>nc,, l.ipinluii, |). iV.ts. |.l. iai, iIm. I, .hiiii'. ISM. \i;i;i;ii I., Iiiiiis. <'(>iiii. .\<:iI. A \ «T>' lew .S|(('cillini.>^. ;it fniil' sl;iti(»lis. nil' NcWlKHl. l;il(nlr Is1;iih1, iuul <»H' .Miiitlias \iii('\ 111(1, ill lh ( c me iml (!■;>. \ . )i. 177. pi. ( . liu'. .">.— (1. (I. S.\i;^. Mdlliisca i.'cu. .Vrctirif \nv\i-'^\:i'. \> nil, pi. \\K li^-. l,s ,( //. 1.>'7n.— \Ei.'i!li.i.. Tr.iiis. ('(Hill. Ai;i(l.. \ 1. pp. --•"'. '7!', js^l; l'.\pl. .Ilhiitm.-^.s. Ii'cpnrl r. S. ('0111. Fi>li ami l-'i.^lici'irs fur is,^:;. p. ."i7.">. In^S"'. OiK' live spcciincii and I luce \ iiKcs. at tlii'cr .staliiiii.s Itctw ecu 4(P 7'. W. Ion,-;. •;: r>l'. and N. lat. ;;r 40' .•{()", NV. long. 74 M 4.". , in Si;5 lo 1,()1>1 latlioiiis, 1 ss; I- 1 SSI ;. T + I 1 \ MONTACUTA CASTA, new species. 1 I'lair .\<'l\ . li;;. .-).) Slu'U small, coiiiiircsscd. (il)loiiii-o\ atf, wiili tlic aiiU'rior ciid coii.sid- erably tlie loii^^cr and bolli vwtls a'oout ('(iiially roiindfd. licaks small, scarcely risinj>- al»(>\(' tiic marjiin. Siirlacc ci»\-crcd wiili line, rcuular, inici'osc(M»i('. concentric stria' and distanl. rai>e(l lines of ^ruu tii. 'I'lie Jiutero-dorsal marjiin is at, lirst a little inciirxcd. then slijilitl.\ convex, with a jii'adnal slope; the anterior end is obtusely rounded : I lie \ cntral margin is broadly and evenly rounded : the pusterior end is sliuiitl\ produced and a little aujuidated below, in some s])ccimens with I he dorsal margin slopin,u' moic rapidly than tiie anterioi' and sli^litly ineur\-ed ni'ur the beaks. The liinjit' inarji'in is thin and delicate, in the ri,i>ht valve thei'e ai'e two nioderattdy thick, rather prominent Icet h ; tli(! one behinr an;L;le. the sides of which form an an.ule of about DO". On the thickened margin there is a thin. r()u<>li, sliallo\\ li^amentary furrow both in front of and behind the beaks. In the left \al\e there is an elongated, thin, and not very prominent, tooth like elevation on each side of the lieak; they are nearly equal in si/e and separated by a very bi*oad anule. Leiifi'th of the Iars>est specimen, abiuit 2.1 nun.; heij^ht, about l.S mm. A lew separate valves, otf Caiie liatteras, ^"orth Carolina, in 1 I to 17 fathoms, 1884. m 1^2 i'ii()Li:i:inst,s or riii: smkisai. mi >/. / m. Vol.. XX. MONTACUTA CUNIilATA, new species. (I'hii.H \* I, iiH. I; .\(iii, li^. : .) Shell SI 1 1 ill!. ('I(tii;.;;itr(l. w t'd^r sli;i)»ri|, with :i iiiiich iHdtJiicrd. ii;ii'in\v iiiitt'iiur ciitl. ;iii(l with tlir duisal nmruiiis in';iily >t iiii;.;ht, siopiiiy' ijip. i(ll,\.iilitl rniiniii^ iiii olilii.-«(' ;iii;;l(' :il tli<' IhmK^, wliich HIT (Icciijcdl y lirhiiid ilif iidddlc. pruiniiM'iit, nirxtMl inward. .\iilt'ro (h»r.s;il niiiiuin sln|»iii;^ iMpidiy. at liist nearly st raiyht. hccuiMiii;; a litl le eiin\'e\. and em vin;:; lejiulaiiy into tlie v«'nlral niar;:in. Ilins loiniinj; a soniew hat rostrated, njinow , e\enly ronnded anterior end: vential Mnir,iiin nearly St iaiL;hl. soniet inies with a >li.iiiil inn ir\a tare ojiposiie the heaks: |Hi>te- rior end Idnntly ronnded, wit h its (hasal niar,i;in nearly slraiyhl, slopinjn' ahont equally with t li«' anterior, 'i'he sin I'aee is eo\ered with line, eon- eeiitiic, rather reuiilar lines of l;|(>\\ th and miei'osco|iie striatioi.s. Into- I lor somewhat shiniiii;. In the riyht vahc there aie two well delined, pidniiiieiit. tlii'keiied leelh. separated iyy a laiiii. deep notch niidei the. beak: t he anterior one istlie larger and is i»roadly t rian;^iilar. wji h a pr(»niinent e.xeiirved tij), and is sepaiated Ikmii the hinnc inar;:in liy a deep I'nrrow. which runs ohlicpiely within and l)el(»w t lie thickened doi sd niar,nin: the posterior one is set ohiiipiely to the in .ii^in. t'roiii wliich it is se|»araled liy a well delined i;roo\-e. In the lelt \al\e there i'^ a wide notch lieiicath thelteak. uitli a rather iiiroiispicii()ii>. td nj:ated, .vniiie- what thickened anteiior tooth like projection, wliich continues tuiward as a thickeiic lar<> .speeimeii. ilioiit ■"> mm. : height, l.omiii. A few specimens were found oil' (Jape llatteras. North Carolina, in l'> and If! fathoms. 1S.S;5-SI. «/> MONTACUTA TRIQUETRA. new species. (J'l:iti3 XCI, \\'^. :',.) Shell small, covei'ed with reiinla'' »ncentric grooves, seaveely cnin- ])resse(l. somewhat triaiiji'ular. with a sliiiiitly rostrated.aii.n'iilar posteiior end, and a re,i;iilarly rounded anterior (nie. I'mhos a little swullcii. beaks nearly central, i)oinfed and a little pioiiiineiit. 'i'he anterior and ])osterior dorsal maruins form iieail,\a riuiii aii.yle; the anterior iiiaiLiiii is sliL:htl.\ convex and passes jui'adnally into the somewhat hluiiily rounded anterior end: Ncntral marj^in broadly convex, becoinmn' sli,i:litly ineurxcd toward the posterior rostration. wliicdi is wcdue shaped, rapidly tapered, with a narrow truneat(^ tip. defined belnw hv 51 iaint. radiatin.u' ridjie; postero-dorsal mar<;iii is nearly straiji'lit. and slopes rapidly from the beaks. The surface is sculptured with stroiii^ly marked, smooth, rounded, eoneentne ridycs havinji' the upper cdye smooth and lecurved; these are separated by deep, rc;;ular grooves J 1 -\ ^% V nm. ii;i'.'. Di.i.i'-w \ ii:i; Mill I.I SI A-\ i:i;i:ii.i. i\/» in su. "S.'J wliiili ;i|>|>i';ir in mhiic ii|;iit> tn 'Ntciitl IicimmIIi iIic ii|)|ifi cduc nl ilic li(l;i«'s; (III t lie iiiiihos ;niil iM>.>lcii<>r lost riilii I ln-sc lid^ics ;iiitl :^|(mi\i's ln-((»iii«' Icrlilc :iii(l irrciiulai-. like liiu's (»!' ;;io\v|li. I iitt'ni;ill,\ llif>iir. I;itr i.>\\liil<' ,\\\\\ siiioolli, with the imisciihir ^cais liitlicr stMiii^lv iiiai'krtl. Tin- iiiii^fiiiar^iiii is ratlicf tliick: in tlirii^ht valsr t lific me two stroiiu. nioMiincnt . cnivi-d. canlinal trrtii. separated l»y a larye. >iiine- what ol»li(|ne noteli wiiieli extends npwaid intu tlie I teak: t he p.istei iur toutli i-^ the iniri'Dwei' and nmre piotiiineiit. with tlie tip eni-\ed I'o.'wukI and upwaid; the anteiim Inoth is ennneeted. jnst in iVuiit ufthe l»e;d<, li.\ a luiil'ut' like e\tensi(»n to tlie I'xteiinil maiuiii. h'avinu' itetween tin' (oolh and t he inai'iu:iii a deep sni>niiii',ii'iinil yiooNc; tiie inner edj^e of tile hinL;('inai,nin is a Ut t le tliiekened to foi ni a rid;jc eontinnons w it li theanleiiof tooth. In liie h>lt xalvetheic is a distinct ih)teh nmh'i' thi' iie.ik lor the eartilaue or resilinni: in front of this is a |»ioniineiit. tooth like thiekeidn^' of the nniruin of the shell, the proximal end of w hii h hecfMni's ti»oth like. l)nt is eoid ininnis w itli the rest ot" the liin;;t' margin: behind the noteh I here is ih) todt li and I he inai'^in is only a little tiiiikened. withonl any s|)eoial ;• uninence. Length, altoni L'inin.: height. 1.1 nii; 'I'Wo valves, station L'MOT. off Cape llatteras, North ( 'aiolina. in III fathoiiis, 18SI. TELLIMYA FKRRUGINOSA (Montagu). I i'i:iic \>', lij:s. 7, s. ) rdl'innjii J'l rriif«i II ;niil A. Aoams, (irn, !'..iti>li ( niiili(il();4\ , 11. ]). L'ln. iso:; ; \, p. 17s, |)1. \ VNI. liir. !». lS(i!t. J'llliiiiiiii I'l rrihiiiiond (i. ( ). Sa1!s, MoIIiisi',1 licy. Ardicii' .\or\«)L;i,i'. p. "n. pi. -'n, li,i:s. 1. "-'•. l^TS — \iaani, I , Trails, rm.ii. Aiml.. N 1. -'-"i, pi. ws. li^-. VX IMXI. UoiiliKiilii frrriijiiiiiisii I'isciii'.i;, Mnniii-l ile ( tmctiv liiiloiiic. p. 1027. lij;. 77."). ISS7. iilliiiniii l'rrni. ."lO, i>I. MA.tin'. i;{. tSS!t. A few specimens were tbnnd at low water at Woods Hole, Massa- chusetts (( 1 nt of ('anso).aiid (liitters of Xaushon Island. ISSi's;;. 'I'hc lij^ineof the liviii;^ aidinal published by N'errill in ISSI has been copied by Dall. Fis( her. and others. We now yive additictnal ones, KELLIOPSIS, iK-w cjtuius. I't/pc. — MoiitdCiifii lirratd Stini]tson. The shell, in size and form, icsendjles h'lllid ami Moiihirnld. In both vaives there is a small, prominent, anterior tooth and a low, eIon;;ated. thickened posteiior ridi^e. scarcely amonntin^' to a tooth. The resiliiim is larjie and is attached to an elongated, obliipie e\ca\a- tion on the proximal eo^e (»|" the posterior tooth-like ridjic and also to a trian.uular ])it beneath the beak: it bears a large, elongated, ciirveu ossicle. Soft parts not observer tooth: in liaviii<>' a lar,ue, elon- ;;ated posterior eartila.^c. bcariii.y- a lai'<;e ossiele uttaebed to a special jii'oove aloii,!^ a tootlilike ridiic; and in luivin-i' tlie structure of the hin-iv in both valves nearly the siiine. In the position of the resdiuni it lesenibles Er^-hta, but the latter has two teeth in both valves. KELLIOPSIS ELP:VATA (Stimpson). ,|-|.'it.s MM II. li-s. L'-l; \(I\ . lisH. 7, S.) Moiil'iviitii hnhiilalii (ion. II. I.'cp. ■ ."it, isll. Not ol' .M(iiitai;u. > Muiiliiciilii (!('.;il(i SiiMi'xiN. SliclU of New I'.ml:.. |>. Hi. is.M. Cildiiiiinii (lirtiliiiii 11. and .\. Adam-. (Iciicim l.'cieiii Mull.. II. p. 177. 18r>S. Moiilaiiilii clt-nild (iot l.D, lie]". l. wxiii, liu. HO. ls7;i.— Vkiumi.i., i;f|uiil liiMit. An'mi. of \ iiicyaid Sd.. in 1st K't'p. I'.S. l'i>li Com., pp. MIM, tiSS, IS7I ^antll. cop., p. I IS). IWunijii I'leviilii ItAi.i., iinll. I'. S. Nat. .Uiis., No. :<7, p. .Mt. pi. i.w iii, lig. i; .as Moiiliiciild ilcnihi Stiiui).soii 1. ISSli. This rare species has been obtained at low water mark, at .Sa\iii Kock. near New Haven, Couneeticut (.1. Iv Todd), 1S71; Welltlecl, .Massachusetts (Webster), ISTl); Woods Hole, .Ala.^saeiiusetts ((hit of ("ausoi. bSS-J; Naushon Island (dutters and Sheep I'en Cove), IsSi'; and Narra,<;an.sett Hay, in S.\ to l»i fathoms, 1S8(). « ■« Fanuly 1 )1 1'LODONTll ).i:. I'lHlHliiiidii I'isi iiKi; : hiplinutnt'idii + Vriiptodoiil'id'i l>all. CRYPTO IDON Tuftoii,-|S22. Tijpi.—Criijttoihn jU'.niosiis [ MontiljiU •. The typical. species of this yeMiis have no distinct teeth in either valvo, but the inner marjiin of the hiuji'e plate is more or le.s.s tlnckened or swollen in tVont of and behind the beaks. The lij;ament is i)osterior and lies in a lou.u', curved furrow in the midst of the nnirji'intil tiiickenin- ; wheie it commences at the beak it is marginal and external, but as it runs backward it recedes from the edj-e iind becomes more oi h'ss internal and invisible from the exterior. Moreover, the posterior end of the shell h:is one or more per i)licatioii when the latter is present. Many writers have adopted the name of A.iiitHH Sowerby, isi*;*,, for this <>cnus; the latter Uiime was f;iven to a tertiary species, the structure of which is not fully deteriidned. It may belonji' to a very distinct {r iirsn. 785 CRYPTODON GRANDIS Verrill. CriiplodoH (jrniidia \i:i;i;i[.L, Trails. Conn. Acad., VI, ]>. \'M\, pi. xr.iv, tin'. L'J, IW."); Kx])!. Jlhalross, \{f]H)rt I'. S. Com. IMsIi /ind Fishciifs I'm' issii, p. r.75. IMS."). — Dam.. Itiill. I', ^i. .\iit. .Miis.,No. ;{7, ii.."(). i>l. i'm. I'L', ISS'.t. ,Silii;()lIiii rii8 i/rinidii {iHtrn) Iax'.vud, Caiiipayuo dii '' Candnii," Aiinalfs (!<• I'lni- veisiU' do Lyon, p. 1)^0, 1S9(). This large siiid iiitcu'stiiig sjx'oies, described in detail and wril lifj- ured in tlic first article (juotcd above, is a tiiic ('niitfothni, 'd\lh(n\'^\\ \ery distinct IVoin any of oar other species. Tlierel'ore it seems stranj;o that jM. Locard has referred it to the Ae.ry dill'erent j^enus, Sclii:(>fli sinjilo valve, re drcd^-ed at tlirce stations between N. hit. ;5So 2<)', W. long. 7;P H'. ami X. hit. .V. > W 50", W. loiiy. 7.P 57' 40", in O.'.S to 1,582 latlionis. ISS.l-Sl. CRYPTODON INSIGNIS, new species, d'lafr \CI, I,L'.) Crjiptixloii unrKii \'i:i;i:ii.i., I'lnc. I', S. .Nat. Mns.. til, p. ;i'.i:i, ISSO; 'I'rans. Cdnn. .\<:id.. \'. ]). r>70, ISSL'. Shell unusually larfje and thick for the ucnus. opa(|ue wiiite or tinretfy well delined. The radial folds and lobes are less marked than is usual in this oeniis. .\ well-inarked fold or shallow undulation extends from the beak to the posterior niarjiin, opposite the scar of (he, adductor muscle; anterior to this there is abroad, sliiihtly raised ridn'c, e\tendin<;' fiom the umbo to the siphonal lobe of the niarj^iii; in front of this there is usually a broad faint depression of the surfa(;e which is scarcely api)aieiit in many .specimens; a posterior oroo\-e iiiiis close to and nearly ]»arallel with the jiostero-dorsal mai,i;in. The antero dorsal )iiargin, in the lunular re,i:ion, is straight or sli.i;litly iiiciiive(|; tlio antei'ior end is short, a. little ]U(>miiient below the liinule. and olitiisely rounded; the ventral niaroin. is very broadly rounded, usually with a slightly more ]>i'omiiieiit lobe at or just bcliind the middle, w ith a morb]ong obvate Avitli a posterior truncation, corresponding to the broad radial groove; some of the valves are considerably inllated, but most of them are mor(; compressed than is usual in this genus. There is also considerable variation in the i)rominence of the siphonal lobe and broad radial ridge, and in the size of the lines of growth, which in some specimens are <]uite tine and regular, and in others nneveidy de\eloped, those on the anterior part appearing almost like conttentric ribs. Many separate valves, at four stations between X. hit. 44° 5l', AV. long, mo 4(J' 45", and N. hit. V2o 11)', W. long. (itP 47A', in G") to 171 fathoms, 1871> and 188;"). The single valve I'ound otf Cape Cod, 187!», and identified as Cryp- todon fiarsii, i)roves to be the young of this species. . CRYPTODON PLICATUS Verrill. (I'liito lA'XXIX, n,u. (1.) ('riiiitinlou pricaliig Veurili.. Tnins. Conn. Acial., \I, pp. -VAT, ir)(), 18S."). One young live specimen and one imperfect valve of this character- istic and fragile species were found at two stations, olf Marthas \'ine- yard, iu 1,073 to l,lL>li fathoms, 1884. CRYPTODON CROULINENSIS (Jeffreys) Smith. (I'liitoXC, liys. :{, 4.) ClniiniiKi o'oidinriiKis .Ikkkhkys, Ann. Jtat,'. N^at. Hist,. XX, p. 19, 1817. Aj-iiiim iioiiliiicntiiti Jia I'UEVS, Biit. Con., II, ]i L'.'id, ISdl.— (;. <*. Saks, Molliiscii Ivoy. Aniticio Norvej>iii', p. 62, pi. 19, ligs. 8, a-b, 1878. — .JM'^mcvs, Proc Zoiil. Soc, London,]). 70;i. I uiu', 1S81. Criiptodon cvoiiliin'iiniH SMrrn, \]. A., Kcporl Voy. VhulU'iujtr, Zool. Liunolli- l.riuichiata, XIII, p. im, 1885. Shell small, oblicpiely subovate, with the beaks prominent, and the anterior end considerably the longer. The autero-dorsal margiu is '' ■ i i t NO. 1139. DFfji'-ir.rn:/; Mor,\\—vi:ui;iLi. .i\n nrsu. 787 '' is nearly straij^ht, slopiii";' rii[)i(lly fVoiii tlic; beak : the anterior cud is dis- tiiictly produced, OAeiily rounded; t\n\ ventral niar<;in is slji^htly but rejjfularly convex to tli(^ lower ])osterior loM; the posterior end is marked by two distinct plications separated by a rather iirondneiit ridj^e which, at the inar<;in, appears as a rounded ])r()jevition separating;- two reentrant curves; the jiostero dorsal nuirjii.'i is convex, sloping? rapidly to the up[»er plication. The li.i;anieutal aiea is relatively Uir<;e, long, elliptical, delined by a di.stinct gioove. Intei-nally the liinj;e- inaryin is consiibnabl}- thickened, especially directiy under the beak, where there is a. slight swelling; the jtosterior ligament oceuities a very distinct groove, and extends forward under the tip of the beak. Length, 3..") inni.; height,> mm. The shell heie referred to this species api)ears to agree well with the ligures and descri[)tioiis given by (1. O. Sais. It preity closely I'esein- bles .some varieties of ('. (joiihlii. The prinei)»al dilferences <'xter- nally are in the somewhat more pro', and N. lat. 41.'"^ .iO', W. h»ng. 70^ 38', in 13 to 73 fathoms, 1873-1STI>. CRYPTODON CROULINENSIS (Jeffreys) Smith, variety ALTUS, new. (I'hitr I. WW III, li-s. I, -2.) Shell higlu'r than long, larger than the <'onnnon foiin. limbos i)romi- nent. elevatecl and turned forward, so as to leave a rather large, con- spi(au)us, tiatteued, luiiiilar area, which is bordered externally by a slight ridge, followed by a concave depiession in the surface, which forms a slight indentation in the anterior margin, and resend)les the. p(»sterior plication, but is more shallow. The antero-dorsal nuirgin in the lunular region is slightly concave, but slopes very rapidly; the anterior end is a little nioic produced than the posterior, but both are decidedly short; the ventral margin is pretty evenly lounded ; i>oste- riorly then> are two distinct i>lieations; thc^ lower or larger one is mod- erately sunken aiul extends from the beak t<» the posterior margin, the upper one is much shorter ai;d narrower and delines the narrow, lanceolate, ligameiital area; each produces a decided indentation in the margin, that caused by the lower one Iteing more sharply delined and shorter than the other, these are sei»arated by a well-defmed, curved, radiating ridge which extends a little below the margin; the jHjstero-dorsal margin is strongly convex, evenly rounded, with a rapid slope; the hinge margin is e<»nsiderably thickened, especially beneath the beak, and in the right vahe forms a distinctly raised tubercle. Length, 5 mm.; height, <» mm. I'-astport, IMaine, 1S70. Auother specimen, from station -!>!-*, is slightly smaller. Length, 788 i'i:nc/:i:i)i\(;s or tin-: xatioxm. misium. vol,. XX. L l.."> iiini.; lK*ij;lit, ."i.L*,") nun. In tliis tlio anterior or iipix-r plication is much loss mm. ; height,.").] mm.; thickness, t mm. Some specimens are somewhat lai'i^cr than this. In the lar,iie sei'ies which we have i-f this species there is some variation. In sonm cases the form is less swollen, tlie length is slightly in excess of the height, so that the general outline is more evenly I'ounded. The S])ecies is, however, notable for the e(|uality of the anterior and postcrioi' ends and the [irest-nce of the single slight undidation. Crinttodon iioiihlii somewhat resembles this species, but ditfers in being longer in i»roportion to its height, in its more com- pressed form, ami in having two distinct folds or undulations. It is also closely allied to C.Jhriiosits of iOurope, but is more pyiitbrm in shajM' and hu'ks the aiiteiior angidation noticeable in that s[)ecies. Taken at thirty two stations, between 47"^ 10', W. long. -17^ 3.")' .".(»", and >;. hit. M OS', W. long. 71 :VV. in '.M to l,o;;7 fathoms, 187.'!- 1S8(J. CRYPTODON PLANUS, new species, (Plate LXXXVJII, li^rs. ;?, |.) Shell small, wellrouiuled, the length and height about e(|ual, Avitli the beak small, promiueut, nearly central, curved strougly forwurti, I V'Tl 13!). in'F.i'-WATEi; Moi.i.i s(A—\i:]n;ii I. .i\n ni sii. 7. ^9 ^1 i tbniiiiij^' n siiKilI. siinlicii. liciirt sIcijkm!. luiiiil;ir Mi'ca. I'ostcrioi'Ij- tlicic i.s only ii fiiiiit. (i('|»i('ss«'(i uiidiilatioii. w liidi causes l»iii ;i sliirlit indciitiitioii or aii.nuliitioii in the niar.yi!!; Ix'liind this tlic snrt'acc i-ises sli^^litly and Ibiins an incoiisi»icu()Us I'idov snn'oundin.u' tiic liiiaiucntal area, which is h)nj4'. rather nai r<»\\ . and sunken, so that its iiiar.i;in is scarcely visible in a side view, 'i'lie dorsal niarjiin is a little conxcx and slojyes but little, and about eijually on botii sides of the beak: the anterior end is widl lonnded and sli^^ht ly prcMliu'cd : t lie ventral inarrodnced in the middle, and nearly >trai.uht or very sli;.;htly incniveicii- ons subinar^yinal ji'roove wlncli runs forward under the beak as a thin incised line. Lenytli, 4 mm.: hei<;ht, the sanu'. l''ouml in S to !(•() fathoms, north of Cape Cod, in the ( 1 id f of Maine, Casco l>ay, I>ay of l-'undy. and Halifax llarbitr. is7i.'-l,s,s."). I i CRYPTODON OBSOLETUS, new species. I'lillr lAWIX. liu'S. 1. L'. . Sliell small, hi,ulier than hui;.;'. with the ends and \'entral mai'u'in rounded. Cmbos .somewhat promiiu'iit and swollen: beaks cuivcd stron<;ly Ibrward. Posterior plication ol)solete, or neaily so. only visible in certain ])ositioiis, and imperfectly defined by a faint undula- tion of the surface and mariiin. i'he aiitero dorsal niaruin is slightly convex in the lunular area, and slopes lapidly to tlu; broadly rounded anterior nnir.^in with which it tonus a vers slight and \'ery obtuse anyle; the whole ventral mar.iiin is well-rounded, a little produced in the ndddle: tin* i)()stero-(l(U'sal maruiu is l)roadI.\' convi'x and ends distally in a \ cry obtuse, i-oundcd an' and considerably cm ve(i ami occujiies a narrow, but very distinct j^roove, mostly within the marj;in l)()sterioily, and extends forward under and in trout of the beaks. The anterior hinji'e-inar^'in is thickened and a little tlexuous toward the anterior angh' of the shell: the in'oximal end. Just under the beak, is slijihtly thi(tkened without Ibrnnnii any apparent tooth. I'nder tlu^ microscope, the surface is covere(l witli rather coai'se. iri'cunlar, con- centric undulations, and line, raised lines of jjrowlh, bec(miin^ smoother at each end, wheie there are ])atehes of a closely adher«;nt coatinj;' of red mud and iron oxide. Length, 2.4 nun.: height, L'.d mm. mmmmm 790 rnocKEDrxas or riri: xatioxm. MrsFinr. vol,. XX. Four speciiiiciis, at three stations, oil' .Alartlias N'incyard, in KK) to ;{!l(> tatlioins, 18S0-1885. AXINULUS, new subgenus or genus Tjipe. — A.i'iinihis hrcris, new species. We ]>rop()se tliis division to inelnde tliose s])e('ies wliieli aj^ree witli Cruiilodoii in tiie eliaiaeter of tlie liin^c and liuanient, bnt lack tln^ plications oftiie shell, and iiave, therelore. a snialh-r posterior addnctor niusch'. CRYPTODON (AXINULUS I BREVIS, new species (Tint.' I.XXXIX, li-^H. 7. S.) Shell small, short, tlie lieij^^ht exceedinji' the length, somewhat pyri- form, with slightly prominent und)os and small stU)central beaks, which are but little ]>ronnnent and turn forward. The antero and postero- dorsal niar;4ins are al)ont eipial in lenj^th, the latter sliyhtly more broadly rounded than the foi'mer. which is a little incni'ved neai- the beak so as t(» form a very sli,i>ht lunnlar area; both ends arc^ broadly rounded and nearly equal; the ventral mar<;'in is slii>htly (ionvex and a little produced Just in front of the middle; an exceedingly faint, seai-eely discernil)le undulation runs tVom the beak to the ))osterior ventral marji^in. The suilaee is covered with very line, close, i)arallel lines of gntwtli visible only when much magnilied. (Jrains of line fer- ruginous sand or mud usually adhere closely to the suiface, both ante- riorly and posteriorly. The i»osterior ligament is well dc^veloped and oecui>ies a well-marke(l marginal groove: a small, thickened, more internal portion, situated Just behind the beak, within the margin, appears to be continuous with the external ligament. The inner edge of the dorsal nnirgiu is slightly thickened, for a short distance, Just iu front of the beak. Length, 2.\ mm.; height, 2.5 min. Several live specimens and sei)arate valves were found at six sta- tions, between X. lat. 40 10' M)", W. long. CT^ ,V l.V. and X. lat. aS^ 2L", W. long. 70^ 17' 30", in 084 to 1,825 fatlioms, 1883-188(1. At station 2208 was tbund a single imperfect valve closely resem- bling this species but of much larger size. Length, 5.5 mm.; height, (i.5 mm. It is, however, nuich less legular iu outline, having a nearly straight, ra[)idly sloping antero dorsal margin, merging very abruptly into the broadly and very slightly curved and sloping anterior nnirgin, forming a somewhat angular and little i)roduced anterior end: ventral nnirgin strongly convex, curving gradually into the ixjsterior margin whicii slopes rapidly from th'.'. beak; ])ostero-dorsal maigiii is convex but rises only a little above the outline of the distinct ridge which border the ligaiueutal area. «^ NO. IIM. T)i:ei'-wati:i! Mtii.Lrsc.i—vKinui.i. asd i:i sii. 701 CRYPTODON CAXINULUS^ INF.QUALIS, new species. (I'liitc xr. n-s. 1, 2.) Slieil siiKiU, soiiiewliat oblonj;, with the nntciiof t'lid iinicli tlir longer, Unil)'>s rather i>roiiiiiM'nt, hcaks elevated, eiiiNcd strongly t'orwanl, so as to h^UAe a small, (leej) limulai' area. The aiitero-dorsal inar^in is at lirsl nearly straight, slopiitji' Imt little, and is nearly |tarallel with the ventral margin: the anterior end is produced, broadly and eveidy roniuled: tin; \entral nuirj^'in is ninch less ronnded. with the nn'ddle portion almost straiuht for a short distance, towaid tlii^ posterior end it is sid)trnncate and slijihtly anjinlated : the postero-dorsal marjiin is convex and sl(»|>es rapidly; a veiy slij^ht depression ri;ns Irom the beak to the postero ventral nuir^in, bnt is so sliies a consiucnous groove extending from under the beak about one- third the length of the postero dorsal nnirgin, Length, 1..") mm.; height, 4.2.~> mm.; thickness, about 4 mm. 2V few specimens have been found in 11 to \\) fatiioms. at about eleven stations north of (,"ai)e Cod, in Casco Bay, and in llaliiiix Harbor, 1873-1875). CRYPTODON (AXINULUS) SIMPLEX, new species. (I'l:ifo XCII, li<,'s. :;,!.) Shell snudl, tliin, fi'agile, translucent bluish white, somewhat intiated, nearly circular in outline and witliout any i)osterioi' undidations. Hcaks small, acute, slightly ])rominent, turned forward. Antcro-dorsal mar- gin excavated in front of the beaks an!•' 'ir.', in :U\) latboms, issi'. Tiii.s species is reiuaikable for tiie piainiu'ss ol' its surface, aud the simplicity ol' its liini;(', as it lias ueitlier radial undulations luu' tooth- like ])roJe(!tious on the liin.i;('niar^in. In tbini it ureatly resembles Arino/isis <>rhicHl((l(i. but lacks the conspicuous concavity in tlu; anfero dorsal nunj^in. It has. lio\ve\er, a \tM'y obvious ])ostei'i(U' lifi'a- uuMital furrow in the same relative position as that of other species of (')\l/l)f(>(l(HI. A siuj-le valve taken at Ivistport, Maine, ISTli, a<;rees closely with tlie tyjte in form, but is sonu'wiiat less thin aud hyaline and the beaks are a tritle more pioniinent. The surface has faint aud rather distant concentric undulations, visible only under the mieioscope, beiny most distinct on the umbo. The microscoi)ic sti'iations are a little more dis- tiiu't ami in some liuiits yive to the surface a librous or finely verndc;- ulate appeaiam;e when hi.uhly uuiiinilied. This character, however, has been noticed in other species. The hinye-mar;nin is a liitle nu)r(^ thickened and has a minute swelling' on the inner margin Just beneath the beak, sc;ircely worthy the name of tooth; the liyanu'ntal .groove is also somewhat more stronjily nuiiked. This may prove to be a distinct species more nearly related to A.riiiopsis nrhiciildhi from which it differs in havinji' the autero-dorsal margin convex instead of stronj;ly concave, and the <>eneral outliiu' more evenly rounded, and a less evident tooth- like thickening' of the hin,u'e niarj^in. Length, about -.S mm.; height, about ll.ti mm. CRYPTODON (AXINULUS) PYGM^EUS, new species. (Piiitc i.xxxvi, lijr.s. ;i, 1.) Shell minute, somewhat compressed, trausverselj'^ ovate, inequi- lateral, with tiie antei'ior end the long«'r. and with a slightly jn'oduced ])osterior angulation, Suiface scarcely lustrous, covered with line lines of growth and microscopic striations, ami more or less incrusted with ferruginous mud, esi)ecially posteriorly; there is barely a trace of a posterior fold. lJnd)os a little ])romineut, beaks snuill, slightly raised above the margin, and turned a little forward. The autero- dorsal margin is nearly straight, or sometimes slightly convex, with a slightly excavated, snuill, lunular area: the anterior end is broad, con- vsiderably ]>i'oduced, aud evenly roumled; tlu^ vential nuirgiu is broadly rounded, not at all ])rodu('ed, and joins the ])osterior margin in a snudl obtuse angulatifui, above which the dorsal uuirgin is slightly convex and slojx's rapidly frcun the beaks. The inner surface is smooth with inconsjucuous muscular scars. r \ «.;.* NO. ino. i)Ki:i'-\y\rii; )i>)!.i.fsr.\ . vi:i;nii t. i\i> nis/r. 798 ul 'I'lif liiiiy('iniir,i:in in llic ri.ulit Viilvc is sli;ilitl\' tliickciicd witii :i dis tinct, tooth like jn-omiiu'iict' Itclow niid sli<;litly in tVont of tlie ct'nlci- of tlic licak. and an inner lold like tliickcniiij: of tlir |iost«'iioi- margin to NUppoit tiio li.yaiiMMit ; in front of the lunnlar area tiie niar{,^iii is con vex ami sli};litly cvcitcd. liCMif^tli, about l.dnini.; lioiuht, about 1.1 mm. A few live specimens were found at three stations between \. kit. ll'~> ■10', W. Ion,:;. 47 ' 'Ar>' ;U)", ami X. kit. ;}!> :.!' .'.O". \V. k)n':-. 7(i L'O . in LMM; to 4J»!» fatlioms ISS.'J-l.SSC.. This species is allied to ('. I'cminiiio.sns (l-'oibesi. tVom w liieli it ditVers in its distinctly produced and aiijjnlated posterior end. and lonj^er or more produced, ev<'nly rounded anteiinrend. It also has considerable resemblance in form to (J. iortuosn.s At'Wn'ys, but that has a very lus- trous surface and more vitreous texture, and moreover entirely lacks the posterior anj^ulatM)U. C. suItorahiN of delVreys, scenrs to resend)le lather closely the small .specimens of this species, but that has more proiiuuent beaks, is Avedge-shaiicd. the autero-doisal marjiin sloping; pretty rapidly from the beak, instead of bein;^ nearly straij^ht and horizontal as in our species. CRYPTODON (AXINULUSi FERRUGINOSUS (Forbes), (i'lat.' I. WW II, lius. 7, X.) Crypiodon ftrriif/iiioniiK \i:i;iai.i,, '1 runs. (Onn. Ai:i(l.. V, ]>. ."iTd. |ssl': ^ I. \>. -~\\ ISSl ; Mxpl. .Ilhiihii-^K, K'r|)cirt I'. S. (Jniii. l'i>li iiiid I'islii lies lni iss:;, ]i.r>7ri,"").— D.U.I., I'.iill. r. S. N'Mt. Mils., \(). :!7. ]). ."id. iss!t. AsiniiH firrinjindxtis l.oc.vun, ('.niipiiiinf dii ('midaii, .\iiii;ili's dc niiiNcisiti ilc L.voii. i>. tin, Isik;. This very connnou species was found at numerous stations from N. lat. 4L'^ 47'. W. lon,y. (11 01', to N. lat. •T)'^ IL" 10". W. Ion-;'. 71 -^ ~u' 1.5", in Vlbh to ],r>2,"i fathoms, 18S0-18S0. CRYPTODON (AXINULUSi OVATUS, new species. (I'latt's \C[. li-;-. 7; .\C1II. li;;. 1.) Shell small, ovate, not swollen, with the jxisterioi' end ]U'odnced and somewhat i)oiuted, rusty bi'own in color and heavily inciiisted with iron oxide. (Tmbos rather llatteued: beaks small and concealed by the coating" of fei'ru<;im)ns matter. Tlu- anterior end is well rounded with a nearly semicii'imlar curve; the ventral marj^in is broadl.\ convex; the posteiior margin is tapered and i)ro(luced at tlu^ end, with the dorsal margin a little convex and sloping rai)idly. The hinge-margin is a little thickeiM'd ami nnudi obscureil by the incrustation. In the left valve there is a rather i)romiuent. blunt, tooth like swelling below the luuular area; in the right valve there is a corresi)oiiding uolcli {lud a rathei- Avide ligauu-ntal furrow commencing beneath the beak, and running back subi)arallel with the dorsal margin, becoming more i^ll , JagSBI.; ,-A, 71)4 ri!nri:i:iti\(:si or the \trio\u. mi si:i m. vol.. XX. iiitoniiil i»ost«'i'i(»rly. .Inst l>en«';itli Mic beak is an clonjiati'fl tootli-likii tliicki'iiiii^i of tlic iniMT iiiar;;iii wliicli <'(His«M|ii('iitly ciirvt's downward at. this poinl. Muscular scars uliitisli. iiicoiis|iicu(His. The external surface, so I'ar as visible, seeius to be smootliish with irrej^uhir lines of growth. Len^Mli. l.(i mill.: hci^^ht. I.I nun. Tw«) valves, slal ion iM!), N. hit. 40" :5', W. lonj;. 7(P;M '. in l(t(» fathoms, l.SSl. This species is encrusted very niiicli us ('rii/>t<)]>{)'[)[)" , \V. lonj-. To" l!>', in l."> tatlioins, there ai'e tlirei^ specimens (No. ',i~)'>'M ) of coiisideralily larger si/.e which agree (doselx with this si»eeies and are i)rol)al»ly identical, 'i'hey are more extensively enciiisted with ferrngiiious miid and are somewhat higher in ]>roportion to their leiii;th; the \entral margin being slight ly produced in the middle, but they have the same posterior angulation and the same evenly produced anterior end. The beaks are larger, rounded, and relatividy more ])romiiient above the margin. The hinge- margin is very thill and delicate, but does not ditVer essentially in other resjiects fr(>m the smaller s|iecimeiis. Length, 2.(» mm.; height, L'.- mm. AXINOPSIS ORBICULATA G. O. Sars, variety INEQUALIS, new. (I'lati- XCII. li^s. r>. t;. > .t-iiiiojish orhiciilatit (i, (>. Saks, Molliiscii \U'. LM;!, 1.1. i\. li,-. I. ISSIt. The inuiKMous speeimens of this species show considerable \iiriation in form and character of the hinge. Many speeimens show the eardi- nal tooth and jiit as described and lignred by (i. O. Sars; others have the hinge niargiii nearly smooth or with mere rudiments of a tooth and jiit. Our speciiiK IIS uioreover show a thin, eontiiiiious external liga- ment, which should be lacking according to Sars' description, but he may have overlooked it. In form many of our specimens are evenly rounded, as figured by .Sars, but others have the antero-dorsal margin more con- cave and the anterior end somewliat ])rodiiced, while the i)ostero dorsal margin is somewhat straighter than usual. Speeimens from tlie JJay of Fundy have a somewhat oblong form, with the ventral margin more nearly straight or but slightly convex, and with the anterior end distinctly ])ro(luced. This ionn seems sulli (Mently distinct to receive a varietal name, and \ve therefore propose to call it variety htequaiis. 1 I Nl>. 1131). l)i:i:i'\y.{Ti:i; .M<>LLis<\{-n:i;i;ii.i. .i.v// /;/>//. TK') 1 1 I AXINOPSIS CORDATA, new species. f IMiitf \('\'II. Iii;s. .-.. (1. 1 Slu'll .srii:ill. wliitc. Hiimolliisli, ruiiiidrd ur soiiu'wliitl I'oidjilt". lni,L;cr anteriorly, witli small, Iitll«i laoniincnt Itraksciirviiij; lurwaKl. Antcitt- dorsal margin a iittU> coiivcx. slopiiij; ndddle; p(»sterior niariiin pretty «'venly rounded, exej^pt in tiie middle, wliert' there is a sli;.;ldly produced piulion eorrespondin^' to tlie jdiea- tioa; |>(>stero(l()rsal niar;;in stronj-iy eon\e\ in llie middle. 'I'lie snr faet! is marked by line, mieroseopie, eoneentrie, stria' and irrej^nlar lines ot" };r()\vtli whieli, on the lunbo. appear as slij^ht undnlations. The li;;a- inental area is rehitively larue. pioniinent in the middle, ami delined l»y a distinct j;i'(K)ve, beyond which there is a well marked but low radiat iiij; ridji'e or ])lieation which Ibrms iin inconspieiKtus ])rojocti and *M'-> are referred to this .'-])ecies with considerable doubt, as they have a nuudi more rounded outline, although the hinge-margin is similar. AXINODON, Ile^^^ genus. Type. — A.rinodon cllip/iciis, new sjiecies. Shell thin, rounde IxmKh con- .sidciiihly iM'lihiil tlic iiii(l'in is in-oadlv rniinded and nearly straiuht litr a short distance a l(»n;4 1 1 K' middle; I he |M»>t( ro doisa! luar^rin !>* •'<>ii- \('\ and Mii'rjii's into the posterior end in a re;;iilar enrve. The Innular area is rather distinct, but without any very delinite ixmndaiy. 'l\\v. snrl'acc is nearly snioctlli, cuvcred only with line, (d(»>e lines ol' <;rowtli. which, nnder the nneroscoitc. appear as delicate, laised lines, separated by jirooves ol ahont the same width; this sculpture is \ cry leynlar ovei' most ol' the siirlac*', but on ihe nmbos sonn' ol' the rid;;es are so lar,i;»' as to appear like small nndnlations. The interior surface is smooth and white: the mi iscidar scars are indistinct ; the liinu*' niar<;in is rather thin ; the jxislerior liyaineiit is piomiiient. wed<>-e shapeil. widest ht jtlication. Jlinge-plate well ed, with a delicate, lateral tooth on both sides of the beak in the rij;lit valve. anromi nen>, llittl. hi.i:i'-\\ A I i.i; Moi.i.i .SI .1 \ i.nuiLi. .i.s/* /./>// :>7 Tin's <;onn.>< difVcrs \'v()\\\ Cti/ntinlnii in the UhM'v iiiicrii;il |Misjtioii of tlic li<;:iiiM'lit iiimI in Inisiiii; liistiiict hitciiil tit-lli. I'min A.iiinnlnn. in tli4> sit'ori*;*-) liin<>'c pliitc, in tin* inrsciici- ol' I he liit<'i:il tn>i \\. in iia\ in;; :i postcrioi- pliiMtinn. :ni(l in liirlvinu disi in<-i (Mriiin;il hcili. LKPTAXINUS MINUTUS, new spucics. (I'lair i,,\\\i\. tin-. ;;-:..) Slirll niiniitf, lii(i;i(lly <»\ ;iU', witii ii sli^iitly |tiiHhnc(i t»l»tnsc jioint near the inidilN- nl' llic pnstciioi' cnil. and a soincwiiiir piiMliicrd, Itroadiv iniindcd aiih'iior end. licaks Itfiiinii tin- iiiiddlf. I'isiii;^' ;i liitl*' alM)\ <• tlic dnisal inar;;in and tniiicd tnrw aid, Ira\in;;' a sniali. lat licr dcfp lunnlar area. Aiilt-ru ddisal inari;iii a liltlc ('(iiivcx. slupin^i' Ixit little; aiilci'ioi inar.uiii I) oadiv and cv riily roiiiidtMl, tunniii;; nearly a scinicirt-'lc, and passing;- ('ontiniioiisly into llic xt'iitial inariiin, wincli is a little iiioic liniadly roundiMl ; the ijosfcrioi' inai uiii is suiiifwiial an;;idar, w it li a distinct iiroininencc a little liclow t lie middle, wlieii^ tlio radial lidjie teiininates, lielow this tor a slant space llie mar- \*\\\ is neail.N stiaiulit or sli^^litly iiiciir\-ed: al»o\c. the ]»ostei<> dorsal iiiarjiin is sti'ai,i;lit as far as a sli;;lit annie in the liuanieiital aiea.aliove which it iscon\e\ totliebcak. 'I'lie hiii;;*' niaij^in is a little thickened. and in the left \alve I'oiiik a lathei- ]iidiiiineiir and soinewhat aii;;iilar to(»tli Just below and sli^ihtly in IVont of the lieak ; the liya mental <;ioo\ e is haroly visible on the inner face of the posteiictr hiii^c inariiiii, and runs t'orward as a narrow (I.St>j, station UIK, N. lat. 40 '.V , W. Ion;;. 7( * .■Jl', in KM) fathcuns, 1881. 71)8 rnocEi'.hiM.s iiF Tin: y.moy.iL .i/tn/.tu. Vnl.. \X. Fjiinily ASTAIMM DJO. ASTARTP^ NANA (Jeffreys?) Dall. Antinlr ntuiit Kai.i.. Hull. Miis. ('iiiiii>. /(x'll., \II. ]>. Jill, \A. \ii, lius. (i<(, (i/;,;; Hull. r. S. Nil!:. Mils., No. :{7, i). Iti, jil. \ ii, li\). L'L'.'i, 217, 1S81; Expl. .Hha- irox.s, tvi'port, r, S. Com. I'inIi and I'islu^i'ics fur ISS;!, p. 'u\, 1XS'>. Not MjioiHiii iiudatii Dam,, 1*>iiI1. :Miih. Coiiii). Zoni., XII, pp. ^02, 'M\. isHti; Hull. U. S. Nat. Mils., No. ;37, p. fiS, lSS!t (in i)art). Three live s))ecimens and two valves wcie found at stations LMIDS and 2r»(>(J, oil' Chesapeake Uay, in LM'L'I and 'l,i\^{) fathoms, 188.'! and 1S8."). Frafjnients obtained by the lllalc near Havana, Dominica, and St. A'incent, in ir>() to (111 fathoms, are erj'oneously referred by Mr. Dall to this species. Our shell is certain!^' n(»t a Mnontrn. We have a fragment of a left valve from station L*(;5a, N. lat. "21^ 2'J', W. long. 78" 7' 30", in 338 fathoms, found among l"'oraniinifera, which belongs to a strongly undulated species, with a, short, angular, sub- a(;nte rostrum deliiUMl below by a rather deep groove at which the concentric sculpture changes abruptly. The beak is i)rominent and turns strongly backward. Tln^ cartilage-plate is strong, deeply eon- cave, and directed backwarr./- 17; /,7.7/./, .ixn 1:1 s/f. 7119 CUSPIDARIA LAMKLLOSA iM. Sars i Dall. O'l.itc lAXIV, lii;. 10.) .\ '<■(()•(/ hiiiiclhiad \i;i;i;il.i.. I'r.ins. Coiiii. Acuil., \', \i. ."idl, ISM'; \ 1, p. ■J~~, pi. x\ \, liii. '■'>, ISSI; lOxpl. Alhatiosn, Ii'eport l'. 8. ('lUii. I'i^li mid I isluiio loi is.s::, p. 571, iss:.. ('ii>ij)i.\i,l,, I'.iill. Mils. Cump. /.(xU., XII, p. L'!U, ISMl; Uiill. U.S. N:it. Mus., No. ;{?. II. (■>(!, 111. \l.\ , liu. :5, ISS!t. Coniparativi'ly tew speciiutMis. at twelve .stations, l)et\v('eii X. hit. 4", W. loiij,'. OS' ]!)', and N. lat. .'57 ' M' ;j(>", W. Ion-. T.'. IS' 10 ', in ;n!» to ."i.M fathoms, ISSO-ISSO. A lew specimens occiiiii'd whicii (lilVei' from tlie typical loiin in liav ing Imt live or si.K eoncentrie lamelhe \isil)le on the antcro venli'al lioition (if each valve and only conspicuous une(puil lines of <;rowth on the rest of the surface. CUSPIDARIA TURGIDA, new species. (I'latcs I,.\XII. Ii^^ 7; L.X.WII. lii;. I.) Shell rather l'ar<;e, thin, delicate, translucent, of a pinkish white color within, lon^-oval, with ]>rominent, posteriorly dir<'ctcd umlios, and narrow, rather lonroay a dis- tinct notch from tht> lateral tooth, which is long and low, with a rounded summit ami a long, gradual, posterior slope; there is no trace of buttress oi- clavicle. In the lett valve the hinge margin is thin, and nearly simide both anteriorly and posteriorly. The exterior surface is pearanee, and length of rostrum, this s|>eeie.s is iidermediat«' between (\ iflarinlis and (\ ro.slrata, but the umbos arc mote obIi(pie and there are obvious diifcrclu;(^s in the hinge. One live specimen (No. 7S78!)), station L'7U, N. lat. .'58^ 2L", W. long. TOO 17/ 30/'^ ill i,.S2.j fathoms, 1S8G. 800 ri:(ifi:i:i)i \':s or rni: \.t rn>.\ u. mi sriM. \ 111 . \ K. NO. I CUSPIDAKIA KOSTRATA (Spengler) Dall. (Thitr l.Wll. li;;. i\.) Xviiid ronlralit X'Kiiuii.i.. 'rraiis. Coiiii. Aciil., \'. p. "'ti-. |il. i.viii. Ii,;;.;>!', ISSL>; \T, p. I'TT, ISSJ; l',\|il. AllKilriins. li'cport I'. S. ('(Hii. I'i>li .iiid I'islunics tor ISM!, 1>. 574. l)^sr>. — S.Mrni, I'.. A., K't-port \'o.\ . (IkiIIi micr. '/.ni'A. I,:iiiicllilir,iiiclii,ita, X!l. i». ;!."). iis^^r.. CimpidHriarostiatu l».\i.i,. I'liill. Miis. (Oinp. /.o", \V. loni;'. 7(1 :'A' I.">", and X. lat. .".s- ;?]'. W. loiiu'. 7:: 21', ill (m to {'}(> tathoins, Soutli to r)arl»a(los in ('>'> to l.O,')!! latlioiiis. — Dall. Til wl ('1< liol ca (Mil all CUSPIDARIA uLACIALIS (G. O. Sarsi Dall. O'laUvs L.WI. lio. H; J. Will. li-. ."- : l.XW . H;;-. !l.) Xeiini (ihtridlix G. <). .'. .Molliisca Kcii. Arctica' Norvcuia', [). S.'>v. jil. (>, liuH. 8, a-c, 1S7S. — Viatiai-i.. Trans. Coiiii. Acad.. V. ]i. 5(11.', pi. xi.iv. liiis. 10. n-li, 188-'; \\. \). -77, ISSj; I;n].1. Allxtlroy-^. I.V'port I'. S. Cnin.Fisli and i'islicrie.s for iss;!. ](. .">7I. l.S.^,'.. — Smith, 1',. .v.. i.'c]Kiri NOy. Challciuiiy. '/.n\\\. LaimJli- liraiiclii.'ita, .Mil, p. 11.'), ls.'-^.">. Ciiniiidiirid (ilacidlis Paii. I!ii1I. Miis. ( diiip. /uc'd.. .\I1. jip. L'!tl. ;>();!, iSMfl; jinU, r. S. Nat. Mu . No. :i7. p. (i(i. issn. Ciispidaria nrctica \ar. i. This very coiiunoii spcM'ics was dnMljicd at many stations from X, lat. 41^ L>»;'. W. loiio-. (i-J- 10', to X. lat. .'!7^ n'', \V. Ion.!--. 74 ;!;5', in (il' to Sl'S t'athoiiis. ►South to the (Jiilt'of Me.\ic«», in 01 to 1,407 lathoius. — Dall. CUSPIDARIA MEDIA, new species. (I'latis 1,.\.M. I'ms. .-.. (1; L.X.MII, ^l^^ t!.^ Shell ol' nioderat(> size, rescniblini;- a mediuui sized (\ f/hiridlis (Sai's), in fonn, but decidedly more swollen, with tiie rostrum nari'ower and more distinctly delined by a stron_o<'r ventral emarj:ination. I'mbos lar^e, prominent, and swollen, with stronj^ly iiienrved and very [)romi- neiit beaks. The aiitero dorsal margin is a little eonve.x; and .slojies rii]»idl.\' to the evenly rounded anterior md ; the ventral inarj^in is rejiii- larly curved and is rather more e(»iive.\; than in ('. (ilddali.s. ;ind shows a vi'iy deei(;'. \V. long. 70^ 51' IS", in 03 to 155 fathoms. 188(>-1,SS4. A Itroken valve, station ;u;2, X. hit, 12^ 1', W. long. (IK"^ 31', in 10(5 latlioms, 1870, is also referred to this species. CUSPIDARIA PARVA. new species. (I'liU.s L.WIV. lin. !): UXWII. lijr. 7.) Shell small, (ieli(;ate, elongated, inei|uivalved, having a general resem- blance in form to tin* very young of ('. ohcsn and (\ frntcrna. I'mbos small, ratliei' prominent; beaks similland incurved. The ant«'ro dorsal niaigin is moderately t'onvexand slopes regularly to the e\'enly rounded anterior end; ventral margin very broadly rounded, with a decided incurvature at the base of the rostrum, corresponding to the marked dei»ression of the surface; posterodorsal margin slo[)es ra[»idly at tirst and is usually concave along the rostrum, which is modt'rately long (the length Naiies in dilferent specimens), narrow, with an obtusely rounded or subtruiu-ated end. It is crossed by a distinct diagonal lidge, above which there are several small, raised, rahrs(( and C. ffdtcnid; the .structure of the hiiiye is, ho\v<'ver. eliaracteiistic. A eomparatively few specimens, at seven station, between N. hit. 41° 2S' 30", W. lon<;-. (m^ 35' 30", and 350 .j((/ ;;()//^ W. haiy. 71- 31' 45", in 515 to 1,200 fathoms, 1S83-18S(>. CUSPIDARIA VENTRICOSA. new species. (Plates L.WII, live. ■'■■ i.XXVI. ti.>r. (i.) Shell lar.n(>, rather solid, swollen, with a \«'ntral enlarjicment and a moderately elon,iiated, tajjered rostrum. Umbos swollen and promi- nent; beaks incurved. Antero-dorsal maryiii at lirst nearly str a ij;ht, then broadly rounded with the extreme anterior end a little prominent; ventral niarjiin decidedly exeurved in the middle, corresponding to the exterior swellini;'; at the base of the rostrum sliiihtly concave; ]iostero- dorsal marj^in somewhat concave, the most so at the base of the ros- trum, which is obtusely ronnded at th(> eiul. Exterior covered Avith very distinct lines of growth and irri'yular, stronger, concentric jii'ooves. C : the ]'ostrum there is an obtuse, diaj^onal rid<;e running to the ven- tr.'. auj^le of the tip; between this and (luMlorsal maryiii there are two otheis less distinct. Tin; ant<'rior hin^e iMaij.;in is decidedly thickened in both valves and ])rojects inward with a thick, rounded edj^e, most eon.spicuous in the iij;ht valve, in whicii it is abru])tly much narrowed near the cartilage-plate; in this valve t]ie lateral tooth is short, stour, obtuse, very ])ronunent. and situated close to the beak, its length along the margin not inuch exceeding its height; cartilage-plate small, rela- tively wide, obliipie, directed backwanl and downward, and closely united to the lateral tooth, there being only a slight, i-ountled notch between. Length of the larger s])ecimen, 30 mm.; height. L'9 mm.; brea.. MolluMCii R<(^. Anti(;i' NOrvoj^i:!', p. sr>, |il. C. tlrs. 5, (t-c, l!^78.— S.-Ninir, K. A., K'r])(irt X'oy. CludUiiiicr, /.ik;!. I.;unclli1>r;nicliiatii, XIII, !>. :;.-., iHsf). ('uspidiiiiii (irrli((t., Hull. .Mii>. Coiiiip. /.'>"'•, XII. p. -i'l, iNSii. \i)t Xciira Hrclicd \ i,i;i;iM. Aiiht. .luiirii. .' mm.: beak to anterior end, 8 mm. A single, much broken, specimen (No. 7S;>ll>). station L'TOfJ, N. hit. IP 28', \V. long. (».")' ;>,■)'. in 1,188 fathoms, 188(1. ( 1 CUSPIDARIA FRATERNA, new species. (IMiitc^ I.XXI. lius. 7. S; l.XXW iij;. <'.^ Shell similar to ('iisjtidKria obaui (liovt'iij, moderately large, consider- ably swollen, rather tiiick and lirm for the genus, with a moderately long, tapered rostrum. The umbos are jather prominent and swollen, with the strongly incurved beaks nearly in contact. The anterior end is broadly rounded with a regularly curved. coii\('\ dorsal ('A\xi' which rises nearly to the height of the umbos; tiie ventral margin is a little protuberant. 'J'he i)ostero-dorsal line slopes with a slightly concave ontliiu^ to the end of the rostrum ; on the \ entral margin there is a (lis- tiuct incurvature corresponding to a wave-like depression on the surface, 804 rRnrr-rnixcs or rni: s \rinx.\r. visff^f. vol, XX. (U'liiiiiin tlif Icisc of the lost luiii. The siiirjicc is iicafly siiioot li and sdiiicwliiil flossy. coNrnMl with line liin-s ol" ••tow th w hicli hccdiiic iiiuri' proiiiiiiciil and iri«',i:uhii' on (he lostruni. which lias no distinct diauonal line. The liini-c niaij^-in is somewhat thickened: thi! iii;lit \al\'e lias ii I'at her short, prominent, ohtnse, friiui.ynlar lateral tooth only slij^htly se])Jirated from tiic <'art ilajic-iihite by a concave margin: tlie cartilaj^e- plati' is snnili. \ ciy oidi(|ne, with the innci' ediic curved and not at all nn.iinlated. Muscular scars and pallial line indistinct ; no buttress. I>en mm.: height, !* mm. : breadth. «I inm. : from beak to end of rostiiim. S mm.; from beak to anterior end. 7 nun. l'"onnd at about thirty stations between N. hit. 10 i" 4!»", W. lonjj^. dS" 1!»', and X. lat. .".T L'.".'. W. Ion-'. T.T' XV. in AU'J to US I fatlionis. This species rescnd)les ('. ulnsK (Lovt'-n) in form; it is, however, a larj^er species with a liiiuerand more swollen shell: the ventral uuiriiiu is more prominent, so that it has a relatively hi,iiher form and is broader at the base of the rostrum, 'i'he liiii.ue shows more decide. L'TT. I.SSI (iiiiiMit): llx].!. .Ilhfitruxx, K'l'porl 1'. S. Coin. I'isli iiiid l-'isiicrics fof 1SS;{, |). "iTI, ISS") (in part). — SMrrn, K. A., i>fiiort \'o> . Chdlldnji r, '/ah'A. Laiiiclliljiaiii'liiata. XIII, ]). r.i, \xs:>. Ciixpidiirid (till sti \K\l.l.. ISiill. .Mus. (diiip. /oiil.. \1I, p. !.';».">( not pi. Ill, fig. 1 ), is8(i: Hull. I'. S. Nat. .Mu.s., No. ;>", )>. (IC (not pi, iii. W'^. 1), ISMl. Not Xt'ii rti iivlliicidd SriMl'soN. This species has been found at about twenty-four stations between N. lat. 4;P2;}', W. louo-,(;8 ;?()', and N. lat. .{o IL" 10", W. long. TPoT'l.V, in !M;to.Sll fathoms, 1S7;5-1SS7. it is recorded by ^Mr. Dall from off Barbados in 1(10 fathoms and off tlu! coast of Calitbrnia in 1(! fathoms. After a ci'reful stmly ami (Munparison ot" the numerous species belonomg to the family Cuspidarida- mc have been able to satisfac- torily prove that the form des(;ribed by Stimj)son as Xcant jtvUiiciiUi is <|uite distinct from that described by Loven as ^V. obcua, with which it has been so lono- confounded. If No. ii:m ui:i:i'-n.\ri:i! Moi.i.rsc.i—vF.inui.i. .i\n i:i sn. SO." XIII, c. 1), , CUSPIDARIA PELLUCIDA (Stimpson). n'li.trs l,.\w. I'm-, s: i.xwi. liii. s.i Xtirni pcnnciilii SiiMi'SDS. Imcrt. . 'Jl. jil. i. ti;;;. i;;, ]sy.',. — (iol'I.K, Iint'lt. Mas>;;i(liiisct Is il'il cd. 1, p. (il. \\\x. '.'>~S, IS7t>,--\'i:i;K(|,l., Clieck-list, 11. L'l, IMIi. .V((;)(( sp. \'i:i;l!il,l.. l"-\|il. .Illiiilrnsn, K'rpoil I'.S. ('diii. I'Kli Mini I'i^lnrics lor iss:;, p. r.Tl. iss:,. Not .\V(M(/ ohrmi L()\ I's'. Shell small, imicli s\V(»llt'ii, witli a strongly taiM-rcd. soiiicw lial pro (liK't'd rostnini. I'liiltos iclatixcly laij^c ami proiuiiiciil. licalxs iiiiniitc, stroiijily incurved, 'i'lie anterior port ion is lo'oadly and evenly loiinded, tlic iiiai\uin lorinin;;' lu'arly a seniieirele. w itii the dorsal margin utronj^ly eoiivex and cxenrved, risinu' nearly as hi^h as the und)()s: tlic ventral iiiar.uin is lu'oadly rounded i»iit distinctly incurved at the base of I In- rostrum which is rather inurow distally, obtusely lounded at thetiii and slightly uptuiiuMl: the posteri* dorsal iiiairuptly IVoui the very minute cartilaj^e jdate from which it is not separated by a notch; Just in front of the beak, the hinjic-marj^iii is distinctly thickened, sinuous, and a little ])rominent. forming a sort of tooth, separated from the lateral tooth only by the minute sunken cartila'''e-i)late: the lett valve also has a slight, sinuous tliickeniiig ot the margin in I'ront of the cartilage ])lale. Length (d" one of tlii' largest s]»ecimeus, 1.5 mm.; height, ."> mm.: breadth, .'> mm.; beak to end of rostrum. .'! mm.; beak to anterior end, 2..") mm. This spe<'ies has been taken at I'astport Harbor; Hay of I''und\-, near (Irand INlanan Island: ami at about twenty one stations l»et\veen N. hit. 47^-1(1', W. long. 17 ;;.")';;(►'. an ll'i'O , \V. long. 74" nO' 10", in r>2 to .".Kl fathoms, ISdS-ls.Sd. The specimens here described are from the r»ay of I'un(j:i:i)i\(is or riir: vrx/v ^r. It.. \s. iiii;.;iil;ii' iMttcli; wiiilr tlic toolli itself i.s rt'lutivclv .--iiiiillcr. .slioitcr, less proiiiiiM'iit. and mort! distinctly ti!;tnyiiliir in Ibi ni, CUSPIDARIA SUBTORTA fSars). (I'l.iic.'* L.WIII, li-. 1: l.X.MV, tius. I. :..) \frlii i^M;^, (i. i>., ,Miillii>(;i K'ci;. Arctici' \i>r\ o;;iii', ]». ST. ]>]. (i, lius. (),«-(', 187S. — .Iki KitKvs, Ann. .M:i,u-. Nat. Hist.. ]>. UIM, Soiitcniln'r, ls77: I'lnc. Zo(>l. Sor.. L()n('lli)ii':in('1iiiitii. XI IT, p. )>.">, ISS.". Shell ino(|iiivalv<', ratlior short, relatively hi<;h. niiich swollen in the middle, with liiiiiid umbos and a short, tapered, somewhat upturned rostrum. The anterior ])ortion is broadly lounded, the mar.uin Ibrnnnii' nearly a semicircle; the antero doisal marji'in is st roii.^ly coiix'cx and sliji'htly excurved; the ventral margin is e\tMily rounded, except at the base of the rostrum wlu're it is distinctly incurxcd, especially in the riiiht \alve5 the ])ostei'o dorsal margin is \'ery strongly conca\e in the lel't valve an mm. One live specimen (No. ."ilT)!.".), station LM!»'.), >;. hit. Iio l(i' .!(> ", VV. ]onj>-. r.l)^ r>.V 4r.", in i;5() fathoms, ISSo. This species api)ears to be identical with the l'".uro])ean sithinrttt. It differs from all of our other sjtecies in having a distinct tooth-like tubercle behind the cartilas't'phite in the lettvahc. Tlu^ inequality of the valves and the twisted rostrum i.rusr.t—it:i!i:n.i. i v/) /;/>//. 807 .sonuMvliiit uptmnrd. 'I'lic eiitiic body <»l' (lie slirll is ('((vcifd \\i(li iiuiiierons narrow, elovjitctL radiatin;;' ribs, separated \)y imirli uicb'i- coiiciivc iiilcrspaces, some of tlie widest of wliieli liave a small second- ary I'ib in tlu^ center toward tlie mariiin; the ribs increase in elevation and strength i)osterioily, toward the l)ase of t]\^y rosd-iiin. bnt never become bi'oad; for a short distance on the base of the roslriini tlie ribs are nearly obsolete but Ix'como promiiM'nt aj^ain on its e l»ccome obsolete aiite- rioily and posteriorly. The hiniie iinirj;in in the leftvalxe is only a littl(5 thickened and sli.uhtly excnrved, the cartilage-plate is central, stont, le^ndarly ovate in Ibrm, with a thickoiu'd inner marj^in; in tiie right valve there is a. proiinnent, rather stont, elon-iiited j)osterior tooth, the anterior end of which Joins closely the (tartila.m- plate, leav- ing scai'cely any notch between; tin; highest i)art of the tooth is near the middle, the slo])e, however, is ii little steepci- anteriorly: a deep grooves separates the tooth from the thin, slightly excnr\ed dorsal mai- gin; anterioi'ly the nnirgin is but slightly thickem'd, and shows a very narrow, beveled edge externally (or the attachment (»f the thin liga- ment: a similar but nior(^ distinct ligamenlal gro(>ve extends from the beak to the base of the rostrum; there is a short, lather stout, rib like (daA'iide or buttress running from beneath tlu^ nuddic of the tcxUli obliijuely baidcward and downward in the direction of the base of tln^ rostrum: a less pronunent buttress is also present in the left valve. Length of one of the largest specimens, L*.~» mm.; ! ight, 15 mm.; thickness, 1 1 mm.; from beak to end of rostrum, li> mm.; to antero- ventral margin, 1- mm. One badly broken valve is considerably larger than this. There are also two young live specimens which measure about (• nun. in length and .>.") mm. in height. Their form is sonu'what narrower and longer than in the adult, and the rostrum appears rather longer and narrower; the ])()stero-dorsal margin is ueaily straight; the ventral margin is decidedly concave at tlu^ base of thc! rostrum; the shells are very thin, somewhat transparent and glossy, and have about twenty six sliai'j)ly delined, considerably eh'vated, nearly equal, nar- row ribs on the body of the shell, separated by much wider spaces; the edge of the left valve overlaps that of the right. esi)ecially along the Ttase of the rostiuni. In general apiH>araiu;e this species greatly resembles (\ iindticostdta Verrill and Smith. It >(i:/:i>i\<;>i or riii: s.iriox.u i/rx/.r.u. \i'\..\K. illtlioujili tlic clcviitioii and (listaiicc Ix'twciMi tliciii ^iiaiiiially increase posteriorly, while in tlie loiiner fliey are broadly ronnded and se|»iira(ed loi' the most i)art by narrow inlt-rstiees. The hinjic also diflers <'onsid erably; tho eaitila;^e jdate is less prominent and broader than that of mulUcostdtd, and the. t'. \V. lon^i'. !», jd. i.viii, (1;;. 10. I.sS2; VI. ]). 277, ISSl; V.\\)\. Alliiili1. xxx, iijf. iL'it, ISSn.— SMini. i:. A., K'eport \oy. ChnJlniiicr. /.oiW. Laiii«>llil)r,iiiiliijitii, XIII, p. liO. 18«.".. Not Cardlomjin striata Dam., Hull. Mus. ('oini>. Zoid., \1I, ]>. L'iis, jil. in, li;;. 10, 18S6; Hull. r. .s. Niit. Mils.. No. :!7, p. Oti, 1>1. iir, liy. 10, ISSii; I'n.f. T. 8. Nat. Mus., XII, ]>. 281, 188!t. Cardiimija striata Dai.i., r.iill. U. S. Nat. Mn.s., No. :{7, i)l. i.xv, lij?. 1L'!», ISSit. Not ('ardUtiiijia coslellata (Desuayes) var. ciirta l>AM,. Uiill. Miis. I'oni]). Zoiil., XII. ]). 2!I7, ISSfJ. Xe. Although this species resembles ('(irdionii/a sfrinta (detfreys) in the character of its sculpture, the marked dilferenee in outline, espetjially in its clearly detined rostrum, render it advisable to keep the two forms separate until a careful comparison of the hinyes can satisfactorily deeide the question of their identity. The two valves desi,u,'nated as variety (•urt(( have the radiating- ribs rounded and not angular, but fewer in nund)er than the tyi)ical form, and must be distinct from oiria of Jelfreys, which Mr. Dall makes a xaviaty of costcUata oi Deshayes. I N.).ti:ii). i)i:i:i'-\y.\Ti I! Mi>< a~\ rinni.t. .t\i> nr.^ii. 80!) CARDIOMYA PKHHOSTRATA Dull. iri.iirs I, will, li- J: i,\\iv, iiK. :i.i .\iii Id j)rrn»'lnilii N'l'.iiltii i, Ti :iiim. ( iniii. Aciid., \,|i.."itil, Issj; \'l,|i.J77, |SS|. Card'iomjia jirrt'iiHlniUi I>m,i., liiill. Miih. ('oiiip. /oill,, X II, p. I'iMl, pi. ii, li^^s. ;!(i, H/i ISSd; jliijl. I'. S. r.:\\. MiiM,. No. :!7. ji. (Iti. pi. II, lios. Wn, :',},. iSHll. Only ;i It'w s|(«'('iiiiciis wrre obtained from scvrii statiun.s Ix'twccii N. lat. 10 ' 1.*)' ;!0", VV. loii^-. 7 T)!', in ."iS to ;!L;."i f'atlioin.s. ISSO-ISSK Sontli to (iianada, in .').'>'.) to I Ki t'atlionis. -I )all. I I CARDIOMYA GliMMA, new species. (I' L.WI. ti>,'s. ;!, I : lA.MV, (iu. II. i Xf(iv. Xot Miioiivra piuirislrhtln i»Ai.i,. Mull. Miin. Cnmp. Zin'll.. Ml. p. UOL', issti; Kiiij. r.S. .MiiH.,Xo. :<7, p. (IX. \SS[); I'roc. If. S. Niir. Mils. .MI. p. !.';;;!. pi. .\m,li},'. IL'. ISS!I. <'arilli»tnin s]i. Krsii, Hull, Mns. ( 'oiiij). /.im"i1., X.MIl. |>. 'JJ7. is;);!. Shell small, iiuM|ni\alvt'lnisli wliito, sonu'wlnif ovafe, with a well (Idincd lo.struin. I inl>«»s smooth, alitllo ]>roniiiient : the beaks small, ine<»nsj)ieuous. Tiie antero dorsal mai'j;in is (convex and vises distinctly above tiic^ l>eaks so tlnit tlu^ greatest heijiht of the shell is in front of them; thence it slopes lapidly to the somewhat ]»rominent anterior end; the ventral martinis broadly ronmled with a slight angle at the termination ol" each radial rib, deciih'dly incnrved at the base of the rostrnm which is a little elon- gated, nearly sti'aight, somewhat tapered, and rather nplnrncd distally; the postero (loisal margin is depres.sed and somewhat eoncave. lOacli valvo has three conspicuous, ])rominent, thin, elevated, distant, radial ribs on the i)osterior half and a fourth less distin(!t <»iu> at about the middle; this is rudimentary in the left valve; none of tlieni reach the umbos. The surface is also covered with very (lelicate lines of growth; the rostrum does not have a diagonal ridge. The hinge-margin is thin and delicate; the right valve has a small but prominent, nuxlerately long lateral tooth separated (Vom the v«'ry nunnte cartilage-plate by a distinct notch. The lateral tooth is supported by a small buttress. J.ength, 5 mm.; lieight. .'{ mm. A few specimens olf (lape llatteras, North Carolina, in Kl and 17 fathoms, 1884. '- k sio i'i;n(i:i:iu\(;s or nil': \.itj//>/;/ u. VHf,. \x. NO. li:i'.i. i>i:k CARDIOMYA OLYPTA Hush. (I'Int.s I.XM. liu'. 1: LX.WI. ti-M. It. 7.) .V(ii. I r.iii>. ( iiiiM. Aciul., \l. |i. l7-\ |il \i\. i'\*H'>; \'.\\,\. tlliiilroH^. I.'t'porl r. S. ('(iin. I'ImIi ntiil T isliii ifs lor IHS!!. p. "iST, ISsr>; iioi Sowcrliv , IMS I. ('(trdloiiiijn oriiiilixn'nuii 1)ai,i.. Itiill. \(ii>. ( Onip. /oiil.. X II, p. 2!tt!, IHH)!; Hull. I'. S. Xiil. Mii^.. No. :t7. p. (•.(;. i>l. Ml, Ho. L'l. iss!i. A fVw H|i«M*iiii<'iis wen' tniiiid ill two stiitioiis ulV Ciipc lliittniis. Noifh Ciiroliiiii. ill 4S f'iitlioiiis. Soiilli to ( iuiidiiloiipr. in 1' to ll'4 Ciitlioiiis. — Diill. Ill iidditioii to flic piihlislicd di'scriptioii it slioiild \)v stated tlial tiic aiilcro dui'sal iiiiii<;iii of t lie liylit valve iis«'.s into a distinct, pidiiiiiicnt, obtuse lobe in front of the tootli: tliis lobe ovei'Iaps the iiiai',uiii ol tiie left valve wlieii the shell is closed. 'I'herc is a small luittri'ss beneath the ])ost«'rioi' lateral tooth. ( )ne broken valve, considerably larger than tlu^ tyjie. has in the intervals between the three primary ribs two or three small secondary ones; on the anterior end six ribs arc \isible, of which one or two are larucr than the rest, so that altogether about thir- teen or fourteen ribs can be <'()unteai mar^^'iii is stronf.(ly concave and slopes rai)idly. In the rej2,iou of the umbo the surface is lustrous and nearly smooth, but marked with faint, parallel lines; elsewhere it is closely covered with very regular, line, raised cimcentric lines separated by incised lines of about the same width or narrower; on the rostrum there is a faint diajional ridf>e posterior to which the concentric lines are irregular. The interior surface is smooth and lustrous but the exteriuil lines show through by transparency. In the right valve there is a small, sharp, ti'iaiigular tooth ])rojecting inward with a very small cartilage-i)it in front of and contlueiit with it ; slightly farther forward there is another small, slender tooth rising nearly parallel with the maigin; extern: nu'iit occupying: extending to tl and prominent projecting dow upper siirlaie near the beak t thickened ridg< licngth, <) mi One valvi', st 78^ 7' .'.()", in ;'. This sjjecies the latter is mi broaib'i" rostri shelf like clavi< able distance i sliell described be a distinct nearly the sam The figure of f theoiiiission ol of tlie left val Xitirn (j'uinn Three imjie between N. 1; VV.long. 7(P Si'tiVd riiiiii Ikt, \X> XIII.i> Shell snial gaping, obliii swollen; be;i anterior por dorsal niarg and evenly i nous and in* ' Report Vo N.i.u.m. i>i:i:r-]y.\i I i; vni insii. Hll iiiiir;;iii; oxtmiiil to tliis tlicn- ;in' i«'iiiii;iiils (»!' a sinall iUiU'iioi' lij,M iiH'iit nc(ii|iyiii>; ;i slicirt fiiirow. < 'omiiiciiciii;; lM'liiii(l t In- l)ciik iiiul fXtfiKliiiji' to tlic Icisc ;iit. I..") mm.; brradt h. about .! mm. Ono valve, station L*(!;V"t, aiuon;;' l''oraminit'era, N. hit. -7 ' 2li', W . hm;;-. 78"' 7' .".()", in :i;{S fathoms. ISSi;. 'IMiis s|)eeies lias eonsiih'rable lesembhinee to If. rliirinihihi |)a!l,])Mt the lattei' is more rej;ulaily o\ate in form, and lias a murh siiorter and broaib'i' rostiiim, and somewiiat coarser scnlptnre. The posterior shelf like cla\iele also dilfers in form, iteinu (juite mtrrow for a consider- able distan<(' ne\t the cartilaitc pit. and more expamled distally. 'I'he shell (h'seribed and li;;iir»Ml b> Snnth' undei' the same name a|)pears to be a distinct species, and amy l>e identical with our shell, for it has n«'arly the same Ibi in and auiees closely in the. narrow tapered ro>trum. The tifi'ure of the interior, liowe\ cr, in that case, is incorrect, owin^' to the omission of the clavicle, and appaiently the substitution of the hinye MYONERA GIGANTKA Verrill. (I'liilr lA.W I. ti-s. I, ."■).) Nfivrn ij'Kjatitiit X'l.uitir.i.. 'I'nms. ('oim. Acad., VI, pji. L'L';!, L'TT, 1SS4; Exjil. AUm- tronn. I'fpoit I'. S. Cnin. I'isli and ["jhIh rir-< fiir iss;;, ^i. .",71, iss.'i. Three iini)erfeet, (b'ad s])eciinens have been found at three stations between N. hit. 'AS"^ L*L", W. lonj-'. 70' 17' •".(►". and N. hit. ;!7 .")(;' L'O", W. lony. 70'^ 57' .;()", in l,SL>r) to 1,!>17 fathoms, IS.S.I and ISSO. MYONERA RUGINOSA (Jeffreys) Verrill and Bush. (I'latfs I.XXil, lin. I; L.\\I\-, li--. 2.) yeiira riiiiiiiosd ,li:i i 1!i:ys, i'mc. '/.niil. Soc. London, p. MIL', jd. i.wi. li.n'. 7, Xovtiii- ber, 1881. — .Smi rii. M. A.. Iv'rpoit \'oy. Cli(iUeii;i, iss.-). Shell small, short, broad-ovate, Jiot juueh swollen, with a short, wide, j:a pin ji', obliquely tinncatc rostrum. I'mbos small. prominent, not nnudi swollen; beaks small. ])rominent. incurved, smooth and shininj;'. The anterior portion is evenly rounded, nearly semieircniar; the antero- dorsal margin is convex and i)romineiit : the ventral inaryin is broadly and eveidy rounded, exee])t at the base of the rostium when; it is sin- uous and iiuiurved; the jwstero-dorsal margin is nearly straight to the II ' Report Xoy. Challeiiijir Zoc'd. I,:iiii ■llihrancli ata. XIII. p. 52. pi. ix, liys. H-Hh, 1885. SI -2 i'i:(i(i:ri>i\t:s <>/• ////• \ iiios ti mi siim. nul III' t lit' short rosi luiii w liifli lias a ilisi iiitM. iiuMliaii. diamMial litli;*' or a 1 1, mi la t ion aii'.i aiiolhcr less tlisi iiicl our a I ils Uasc. Tlir si if la cr of t lie mIm'II is thickl\ covciril willi vcrv iiiiiiu'roii^'. ami cidwilitl, roiicfiil rir. inoic or ifss iiit'ijiilai , raised litii's ol' lii o\\ t ii u iiicli L;i\ c it a liiiclv lam ollost' appoaranc*' wlit'ii vii'ucil iimlcr a Umis. I'Ih'sc linos hi'ci.iiic iiioro cfowdt'il, moro proiiiiiiciil. and lorm iwo sinuous \\a\<'> in i-rossiiiL; tlu- iDstiiim. Color, in alcohol, w into liiiLit'ii with n'ddish Im'owii. liic li!ii>;»' inarji'iii is (h'iicaic; iho li^hl \al\t' lia.s no lattual tooth l>iit sliows a slight ihicUoiiinu <»r I he posituiof niaruin; iho cait ii.iiio phitt* is small, ovalt'. diii-clfd l)a mm. ; hci-ihl. I.omm.; lucadt li. o iiini. One li\t' spcciii fii ^ No. oL'ol h, station LTiTO. N.lal..;i» .".I. W . loiii;. r.7 r> ;{(• , m l.Sl.; lathoms, 1SS,"». " I'l'iiKpiiK l''i\pt'diti(Ui, ISTti," oil ('a|it' Miuidt'i:o, in .'Id to l.o;>,"i tat lioiiis. — .IflVrcvs. I $ M. II MYDNl.KA 1 IMA fill A n.iU. J'lal,' I \\l\ . ll-.S.i Sfiiiii liiiiiliilii l>\ii, Hull. Mil-. ( ..iu|i /.>..!. , l\, |> tl'.', issi. Smiiii. \ \.. Id'lio'l \ i>\ . I liiilli iK/i r. /oiil I ..iiiii'llilu .1. \l!, p il.', ISS,">. Mili>li<->it liiiiitlulii I'M I, iillll Mils. ('i>lii|i. /iiol., \ 1 I. |i. IliU ]il. 111. li;;. ,"i. l^.si;; I ill II. 1. S. \;il Mils., No ST, p. dS, |il 111, I'il; Ti. lss;i. .\ siiij^lo li\i' spoiMiiuMi ^^No. .'lS17h was taken at stalioii '..'OIS. N. lui. •10 - , W . I»»iij4, (IS :.(» ;;(l . in .M7 I'alhoiiis, iss.;. IVlYONl'.l'iA ^ > IM^l' riOSA, n< w nihh ics. , I'l.ilr l.\\\ II. I'm. :.. 1 Shell small, \riv thin aiul I'la^ilc iit'.iily t lanspaiont . coinprovsid. •doiij;att' o\ al with a w ell doliiu'd. si)iuo\\ hal t'loiiLialt'd rostiiim. I inlio prtuniiicnt, sea ice ly td)li(pu' and ncarlN .siiioot h. I'lif aiittMo dorsal mar ^iii is iMUiv i'\. anlci'ior end e\«Mily nuiinU'd: \entral iiiaii:in broadly ron\r\, l»»'etuiiiiiji' inciir\ed at the base of the rostriim; |>ostero diusal iiuifi^in nearly St raiuht. The anloro doisal reuioii is distineily e\e,i \ att'd in front ot' t lu> beaks. The bod\ it\' the shell is oi iianitMiied \\ ii h ttMi (U iii(U«' thin, distinct, sIil;Ii|I\ raised, concentric ribU'ts separated by iiiucli wider intiuspaccs. On the ntstriim there are two well marked minutely spiiiiiloiis keels belween which are delicate lines ol" i^rowth; the lirst runs tVom the beak ipiite I'lose to and parallel w il h t he murjjin ; w liile t he seciuid t'xii'iids tnuii I he umbo di,ij;(Uiall\ across i he rostum to its low ei edj^'e, l.eiifitli, (! mm.; heij;lit. o mm.; bre:idth. ;iboul '_' mm. IMiis shell has no very clost' n'si'mbkiiice lo any hitluMto described. Oue vah e, st;itioii •_'(;;»,">, N, bit. -7 L"-' , W . h»n>;. 7S 7 oO , in .hk; latlioins. ainoufi' l'\M;imiiiilera. iSStl. .\s but ;i U'lt \;il\e was l(Uind. the true positiiui of this sjiciies c;in not be decided. 7 ^^Pn Mill ;si. l>lli:u I III: \i(>! I ISC I iiin.iii i\i> i:i sii Sllj I'l' he If. Ill 'I (' lie he lilt lie I I l';imil\ I'OK'OMN Ih.i;. I'OKt^MYA SUIU.I-'.VIS Vni ill, v.ii u-i v MU'KtUHlN I'A U.ill. i I'Lilr.s I AW I. li--.. 1, •-'; I.WW II, li-. 1.1 /■(i;Mmi/ii •iiililiiis \ I i;i;ni, I'laM-' ( iviiii. Aful., \ 1. |>|>. 'J'.M. "JTT, |il, \\\u. lij;'. 'Jl, IS^l; r.\(>l. Ilhitlrt''^^i l>Ml,l!iill. Mils. Idilili /.oul . \ I I. |,|i, :'S1, •-'SL', ISMi; Will, |. Il>, l^^!^ , \.m. I> .M; lliill. 1. S. Nal, M il> , \... :17, |.. lis. |,1. 1 \\ , lij;. r_',s, l,s>il, I'liiiiiiiilil iiliiiiHliiiihi |l\li, run', r, S. \al. Mm'..\I1. p. -.'!NI, |)|. \ 111 , lis;, li. ISS'.t , \aiii'ly M. Shell liillifi laii^i'. Iliii-k. w ell :(>iiii(1»mI. ((udiilf, iiif(iiii\ ;il\ cil, \ ciy liiiiiiil, w il li \t'i\ hilut', intiiniiifiil iiiiiliiis wliifh arc .s| loiiiils ciiixril loiwanl siiiiall\: bcalv^ lai'ur; liiiiult' siiiall. i't>nlatf, (iHcii iioi m-iv (li^iiiitl. I'Ih' slu'll \ aril's ciiii^iilcialilv ni i>ul line and m/c and clcva I lull (iC I lie iiinlxis; in imi>t spi-tiiiiciis llic lici^lit «'(|iiaK or >lii;lilly »'\ctt'ds I ill' It'iiul li ; llu' oiilliiu' ot' liic ia\il.\ of llic slicll is iiMially soincw lial flii|il icai, llu> lt'iii;lli dccidt'dlv t'scri'diiiL; liu' ln'ii;lit, luit .soiiict iiiit';> il i> iu',iil\ (ii'iiiiai. riit' aiiici lor and jklsI ci lor iiiai^iiis aic iiMiall\ iucKn cNciily Kiiindctl; 1 lir \ nit lal inaiijiii usually inoifcls a litlli' in tilt' iiiidillt'; tilt' Iti'al^ is .sHuatrd in Iroiit t»l llic incdiaii line. I '. \lt'i nails tlir shell Is nearly siiiiMiih and i.s cuNered with a thin, el(isel\ adheieiil. In ow iiish veUow e|ndeiiiiis ; uiidei' a leiis (lie sin- t'aee shows iniiiiile laised [loinls or l;i aniiles w liie' are ananueil in radial rows ihat Iteeoine iiioie distinet and eiowded |ioslerioil\ Itiit loi llieniosi |>irl disappear on the most proiniiieiit part ol' I he miilxis. I'liese grannie liUe points aie variable iii iiiiinln'r and distmet, in some speciiuens liein^ iiearl.\ ohsolele and in tdliers dislim-t and re^ii la.rly airanu'e*! ; t he epideiiiiis ol'teii also shows line lines ol' ;:iowtli; the beaks aie sinoolh and shiiiiiii;. The lell \al\e has a p 'sterior, wa\('like. radial depression, and ludiind this a low. rounded riilf>o proieel inu at the inaruiii as a sliL;li' siphoiial lolie: in the iij^iit \al\«', the eon-espondiiii; lobe and depression are oiilv laintly marked in most cases, liicriuh; \ al\ »' is larger I liaii I he Icl't and o\ cilaps it eonsidei- abl', alo,..: the \eiitial inaii^in and boili in I'roiit ot and behind tlio be; k. . riie interior IS pearlv and olteii shows radial siriatioiis, I'ne liil.m' inaif^in is eoiisiderably tliiek«'netl and strongly eiirxed; the ri^lit \al\e las .i huiLie. I hiek, somewhat rounded tooth jiist lieiieat'.i he beak and adiiatc to the inner siii't'aee ol' the shell, t'oi- >ome disiaiiee w itliin t he ea\ ity ol the beak and to the Ihiekeiied eilL;t' btdiind the beak, bill separated t'roiii I he anterior maruiii by a deep. iiir\ ed lui row in 1 1 u' I una la r area ; I he liiniil.ii inaryin is eoii\a'\ ami so mew hat e\ eitt'il, a»Miili'at«'d I'ldiu ilu' rest td" the anterior iii.iri;iii 1>> a sli;;lit !n;t«h. 'IMu^ liji'ament isratln'r loiij.', and well romided and its moove extends tor waidiii a curved I'lirrow under the beak: it extends backward in a i'iir\cd liuc paralU'l w ilh .In- margin ol the slioll I'or some ilistaiU'O wmmm 814 f'nnri:!:nr\(;s or riii: vr/vovi/, i/r.s7;ri/. ^■ln.. XX. NO inn behind the tootli. Ilxteriiiil to tlic jiostcrior ]tiiil ol'tlir Iiu;iiiifiil there is a suhniaiij^iiiMl thiekeiiin.ii' or tbhl, cspeciiillx in the riy;lit valve, in the left Viilv(> the central tooth is K'prescMited l»y an irreunlai'. l)ilol»t'il. or soinewliat V shaped lliiekeninj;' of the niarjiin. of which (lie anteiim part, sitnated Just in IVont of the beak, is themore ])roininent: bntthi> varies in form in dilferent specimens. Tlie poster«»-(h)rsal mar^uin aluii^' the liyainental i'e<;ion is less tlii-LS8(;. Se^•eral live and dead s))ecimensof the varietal form (uiicrothntta) ]ia\e been taken at eij^ht stations between N. hit. .■5!>" '-'(»'. W, lonu'. (iS-^ .",' ai>", and X, hit. 3(P 17', W, loiij;-, 7.! ' !)' ;;(»", in l,»i;n to I.Solt fatlumis. issr»-iss(;, Mr. Dall exteiuls the ran,ue south to l*at;if,''oiiia. in IL'I' i> H>'.\'> fathoms. Our specimens show coiisid(Mable \ariation in form as w.'ii .is •,., ilic ])rominenee of the cardinal tooth in the rij^ht Mihc. and thus unite the extreme forms I\ .siihh ris \'errili. and /'. itiicrinloitta Dall. I CETOCONCHA ATYPHA, new s^- jcies. Slndl short -ovate, nearly (M|iiil;iteral. ;ind nearly e(|ually rounded at both ends, jiidii'iuj;' t'rom the lines of j^rowth, I 'mhos lather prominent. but less so than in several allied speiiies. Ueaks rather prominent and curved strongly forward, but not spiial. Surface stuiiewhat shiniii!.', and slij^htly iridescent whei<> rubbed. co\erod with a very thin, yellow ish epidermis with very muneroiis, minute, jiianuleliki' elevations which are ari'anjzed in rciiular radiatiuji' lines, aiid aie much the most numer- ous on the posterior end where tlie ladial rows are closely crowded ami the j;rannles in each are also near to^^ether; on the center the row sand granules are moic distant, so that the number is only about half ;'s j;reat in the same sjjace; on the anterior end tlie\ are so scattered :nat the radial rows are indistinct and the uraunles ar«Mi little larger: oii the luimliir area they are nearly obsolete. The anterior end and lunii- lar area are marked by rather cons|)icuous lines of growth which, near the dorsal marjiin, take the form of distinct, raised, coneentrie rid<;'es. The antero-dorsal margin is nearly horizontal iind rises np, in a side view, in an acute edjic, a little hijuhei' than tlu' level of the bi'ak, so a.-. to j.roduce a broad, compressed, lunular margin. When viewed froa; above, this ])art of the marnin forms a very marked <»btuse anj^le with the i»osterior liingtMnaryin, The postero dorsal marj!;'i.i is also nearh * r 'IC 1^ NO 1139. DF.i:r-n'ATi:n MoLLmrA—vFuiuri Axn nusn. 815 f. % I liori/ontal. sli<;lilly coiivcx or nearly stiiiij;lit; tli«' liuaiiiciit is v<'ry prominent hcliind tlic beak, exlendini;' haekwiird in a ♦•(>iis|ti<'U(»ns i;r(>()\(' nearly to tlie posterior end. and terminates anteriorly in a deep narrow yrooNc directly under the beak. In the left \alv«' the inner ed,i;t' of the [)osterior hin<;e niar.uin is somewhat sinnons; just behind the beaks, opposite the most prominent part of the und»<)s, it is thick- ened and sonunvhat revolute, decreasin.u botii in thickness and ele\a- tion to a shallow indentation of the nnirjiin ; back of this, it increases rejinlarly in thickness and jn'ondnence and is ayain revolute aloiij;- the posterior ]>art of the Ii in dented, thinner portion, at the end of the prondnent part of the liiia- ment, is more marked. Tlie lijiamental groove is consetpUMitly less conspicuous, bein in foini. but the rij;ht valve is too much broken to show the anterior margin. CETOMYA species. A broken left valve ( No. r»i.'(>13) from station LMSl, N. hit. 4P T 30", \V. long. .-»7 10' ir»", in IKI fathoms, resembles I'oronii/a [('i(all. from the West Imlies and l)arba«b)s, in lOd to II!) lath oms. It is, however, too incomplete for determination without direct comparison v.ith authentic specimens. It is larger and more strongly truiuMte posteriorly than roioiHi/d jiraniilafit (Nyst) l-'orbes and llanh'y. and the granules are coarser and not so numerous. It ditfers, more tvei', \ cry strongly in thc^ hinge characters, for the hinge-plate is much thinner and the large tooth in the l(^ft valve is wanting in our species. I ThiiKia iiiliil,! Vfiiill. I'iMiis. Coiiii. .\«a(l.. \ I. )>. L'L'l. ]>!. \ wii. lii,'. L'L', 1881. ■fitorhoiini lliliilu l>all, I'.lill. Mils, Coiilli. ZoipI,. .\11, j>. L'Sl. l,S,S(i. if Hlfi rROCEI'JDIXGS or THE NATIONAL Ml'SEVM. vol.x.x. Fumilv VHKTICOIIDID.E. VERTICORDIA GRANULIFKRA ( Verrill ) Dall. (Plates LXXXVIl. li-r. 2; \('V. :', 3. I.) PccrhioUa graniilij'od \'fiu{1i.i., Trans. Conn. Aiad.. \ I. pji. i:!l. IIS, l,">(), lx8r>. rcrticorilia iij'ir(i I)Ai.r., I'.ull. Miis. ('innj). '/.<>n\.. \I1. p. L'Sti, 1SX(!. I'crticorilia (/ruiniliferK Dai.i.. Uiill. 1'. S. Nat. Mns.. No. :?7. i). tili. IXS'i. In addition to the publislu'd doscrii)tioii, it .should be stated tliat in the type-specimen (No. 4 IS'JS), the liuiiihir area is small, deeply sunken, witli the correspondiu}.' internal margin very much thickened, tWrmini; a stronji, curved, tooth like projection having' a rounded summit, reach- ing strongly above the margin of the shell when seen in a protile view; behind this, directly under the beak and beneath the overlninging margin, there is a triangulai- space or notch for the reception of the l)rominent tooth of the opi)osite valve; this in followed posteriorly by a short, triangular, shelf like projection, a little beneath the margin, which ha^ i depressicai on its upi)er surface for the rccei»tion of its ligament b t s, in this speciuuMi, no notch or scar corresponding to the ossicle. -irectly under the strongly incurxcd beak there is a slight, thin groove in which the front ])artof tlu^ ligament was attached. The ])ostero-dorsal edf^e is a little thickened and ]»rojects inward beyond the general line of the margin ; its outer surface has a smooth, slightly excavated groove, extending ])aiallel with the edge. I'or .some distance; this portion was overlai)ped by the projecting edge of the opposite valve. A very large specimen (No. 78G79) from station L*71.), which measures LM mm. in length, 22.] mm. in height, and H» nun. in thickness, has, in the right valve, directly beneath the bi'ak. a very strong, high, curved, pointed, angular tooth attached by a very broad, thick base, a con- siderable distance within the iiiargin. llchind the ossicle, well within and nearly i)arallel with tlu' margin f(M' its ennre length, is a conspicu- ous shelf like ridge against which the projecting edge of the oi»i)osite valve rests. The (issi(di' is strong, sonu'what rectilinear in outline, with the posterior end deeply forked, the inner surface strongly con- vex, the outei' strongly concave, with thick, somewhat beveled edges, to which the ligament is attached. Interior surlace somewhat pearly. Scars ami pallial line not very clearly delined. l)Ut four s{)ecimens, beside the tyiie. have been found at four stations between N. lat. Id !)' IW, \V. long. {i to 1,6.V.» hithoms, LS8 1-1880. Ni>. ii:i9. ui:i:i'-]y.\ TEit M()i.i.rsc.\—vi:in;iLi. t\i> nisii. S17 t Family LVONiSlKLLIDJ-:. LYONSIELLA SUBQUADRATA (Jeffreys.) (I'hitf I. WWII, liu. ;{. I I'l fcliiolio siiliiiiiililnilK .1 Kl' l'l!l•;^ S, I'Iik. /niil.Soc. Luinlnii. |i. l:;iL.'. | NuM'iiilirr, ISSl. Not l).\i.i., r.iill. Mils, ('oiiiii. /.n<;i.. Ml, |). i' :«, ()iir s|M'('iiii('ii seems to an'icc in t'Ncr.N' respect, exeept si/e. witli I lie oi'iyiiial (lesriii)tioii and liyiire as j;i\'eii l»y -lellVeyiS, uiirs beiii^- e((nsi(| erahly larger. 'riie iimlid is prominent and t lie beak is enrved sti'niiyjy forward, pro- diU'in^' a deep lumilar area which is defined neitlier hy a fiiooNc nor a The surface is excrywheie covered with small Init prominent {grannies wliicli are numerous, pretty evenly spaced, and arranged somew hat dist iiictly in radiatiii.Lf rows whi(di, under the microsciope. are defined by slight radial ridyts unitinji' those of the same row. The granulations aie easily visible with sli<;lit (Milar.iiement. I'nder tlu; compound microscope they liavo the form of elevated, acute cones and blunt tubercles, their heij.!]it usually j^reater than their diameter, except oil the umbo, wlieic they aic low and rounded. Internally the surface is everywhere^ marked with small, deep pits looking:' like punctures made l>y a fine needle, and correspond in;U' to the external j;faniiles. The liinjic margin is ihickened and entirtdy edentulous, as desciibed by .lelfrins. Posterior to the beak there is a distinct .mrooxc in Hie thick- ness of the niarnin for the recei)tion of a li,i;ament. Ueneath the beak then' is a sliiiht. (tbli(|ue. marji'inal notch or slit for the reception of the resilinm, runnin,i;' back within and underneath the dorsal margin, so that it is scarcely \isibh' in a direct front view. This shell ajjiiearsto be identical with the species oriiiiually described and liyiiicd by -letVreys under tlu' name of Peccltiolin nnlxiuddratd. Mi: Dall has evidently ibiiiid an entirely dilVereiit s])ecies in the Jef- frey's collection under this name, which he has referred to the ;L;enus ('((llm'(iiili(( and subgenus Wsivoiniiii. belon/^iiij^- to an entirely ditlerent family from our shell. In order to avoid confusion the shell examined and described by Mr. Dall should receive a distinct specilic name; we theiefoie propos«> ('((ll<)c(irili(( ( \'i:si(tiis(' ])r<)iiiiiiciicc, I 'mhos ])roniiiiciit, tiinicil forward .spirally; beaks small, stron^ls iiicnr\('(l. Ijiiiiiik' small, cordate, deliiUMi only by one of the (M'dinaiy line radial rid.u'es; the jtart that lies immediately undei' the l)ealc is deeply sunken with the edj^c pinched up int(» a prominent keel. 'I'lic anterodorsal marjj;in is stronj^ly convex and prominent in the lunu' lar region, but not so hi,uh as the lunbos; the anterior nuu'^in is l)nt slij^htly convex and nearly ])erpendieidar to the axis of the shell: the ventral nnirj;in is stronji'ly convex and somewhat pro(bieed in tiu' nuM die. farther ba:htly convex ; the ])Osterior <'nd is obtusely I'ounded, decidedly ])rominent l)ut not angular: the posteiodorsal mar- jiin is a little convex and slopes j^iadually. The surface is co\ ercd with ai>ont sixty «lelicate. radiatinji, raised lines or liblets which are crossed by line lines of j^i'owth. the thin, brownish or ui'ayish yieen epidernus often risin<;- into small points at their intersection, especially anteriorly and posteriorly: thesi' rililets become coaiser and more (lis taut anteriorly, and are lackinji' on the lunule. The ligament is thin and stionjr and exteinis backward aloni(ni of tli«' resilium, so that the two come ahnost in contact, 'i'he hin<;e nnir jLiin, in front ol the beak and lunular ar<'a, is stronjily convex and ino tuberant. rising- nearly to the heij-ht of the umbo: posteiiorly it is convex and thin in i)oth \alves: in the left one it is stren<>thened by a slij^ht marju'inal rib within the li.uamental fuirow; both of these are less cNideiit in the riuht \iil\e. There are no teeth in eitlu'i' valve. The ossicle is relatiNcly lar mm. high: !* mm. broajl. Two living specimens and one valve, at three stations betwe'.>.'i X. hit. ;J«» b-)', W. long. (;s S', and N. hit. .'JT' .W Ki", W. long. 7;; UV :!()", in 1,41';? to l,Si',') fathoms, 1.S8 l-]S,S(i. r 7f Family LVONSII ).!•:. LYONSIA GRANULIFERA, new .species. iVh\U' \V\ , \\)x. 1.1 Shell oblong, truncated jxtsteriorly, imrrowed and r(tun(b'd anteriorly. Tin bo rather prominent with (he beak in front of the middle and cnr\ed forwartlj lunular area considerably sunken. Anterior end evenly Nt:i:i>-n'.rn;i; moij.i srA~ri:i;i;n.r, .i\i> ursii. Sl!l III rounded witli the dorsul iiiarjiiii riii)idly sloped ; ventral miirt;in l»roadl\ and evenly nninded: posterior end soinewluit ohliijuely tnineated witli out any delinite l>oiindary, hnt witli a distinct dei>ressioiie\teiidin,L; fro., under the l)eak to al»oiir the middle ol' the ])o.sterior inar;4iii: postero dorsal inar^in nearly straimm.: heijiht. l.'> mm.: bread! h, '.> mm. ; from the beak to the anterct dorsal anule, 7 mm.: tt> the postero-d(usal aiiule, IL' mm. One valve (No. ol'otll ), station litlili. N. lat. -to' L'L", W. ion-;-. :.S^ l.'>' lo", in 7"» fathoms, lS8a. 'i'his species is allied to /.. (irf<(i (Moller) with which it ajirees very closely ill the character htly prominent, consiri/:i)i\<;s or rtir .v i //o.vj/, Mrsr:r\i. vol.. \X It'l't \;i1\(m: the pustno (lor.'^nl iM;ii\uiii is ii.>>ii;illy slightly coiicaNr, liiil is .soinct iiiics iit';iily stiaijilit. :iim1 in some cusps decidedly coiiciiN c. mikI slo])*'- uiiiilii:ill\ l. and lon^. cxtiMKliiiji' lor ncaily tlif cniiic l«'ii<:tli (iT llif doisai niar,i;in. and is dearly dctincd hy a niai'^inal iid,ii(' wliicli i^ .vli;ir|»t r on tlic Icl'f \ai\«'. In most spccinit'ns tliis \al\r is inaikfd l>y a slii;iit. ill (h-lincd ^rooxc rnniiin^' IVoiii tin' ltral( toijn' ant«'ro Ncniral Miar of L^i'owtli: I lie riulit vahc usually shows rather rcyiilar. coiiecn trie nndidations on which arc nnincroiis line, pretty re,ht. II iiiiii.: thickness, about .'i mm. l''ouiid in (Muisiderable uund)ers at twenty-three stations, n lusii. ^■1 1 icuioii. it (lilVt'is ill its imirli siiialltT si/c. miicli less iiidorcnt iniriini'. str;!i.uliln- imstcrndnrMil iii;ii«;iii, l«'ss iiittiinird I'dstniiii. :iiii| luirniw. (»!• iiiiiif Mcciiiiiiiiiitc. |)Ostfrior liiilt' nl' tlu'slicll. 'I'lir Iniij^f iilsu li jiit'i-s ill sfVi'iiil icsprcts. T C ,T3 KENNERLIA BRF.VIS, new species. 1 I'l.ltr I.WWIII. lius. 7. .(. /'.I l\(llllirli(l(,'(iri(lHn \i:i!l!II.I, Nolle !■ (il Iv'rrcnl Aiiil. In M.ll. IliViTl.. I't.L'. I'loc, 1. S. Nill. Mils., 111. |l. :!1I7, iS>i; TlMlls. ((IIIM. .\linl., \', |). :,t\-, j.SKl'; \|, |i. L'7T. is,v|, — i)Ai,i,. IJiill. r. s. N;it. Mils.. No. :;7. |i.t'.s. i,s,»^ii i in ],,.|ii i. Slu'll si Kill, siihliiiiiilc. vciy iiic<|ilil;itcr;il. iililiisciit I'otli ciiiis. sliiilitlv iiiiri'owcd aiilcriorly. I'lic iiiitcio doisal mariiiii is siiur! and slopes ratlu'i' ia|iidi,\ lo tlir anterior end. wlieie it .onus an oi»t ii>e aii^le w il li tlie \eii1ial niaruiii wliieli is !iro;idl\ and neai 1\ e\ enl\ idiinded. and passes into the rounded p<)>terior iiiar<;iii w itliont anuiiiation. hut .some- tiiiies witli il sli^litly siiMioiis eiir\e helow; then- is also, .sometimes, a \ (■: y sli^lit sinuosity anteriorly : tlie postero doi'sal niaruiii is nearly straiu'lit. The lelt vahc is ratliei eon\t'\. iiiodei alely t liicU. nearly sniootli. with a distinct, narrow ladial rid^e rmniiii;.;' IVoiii the heak to the posterior end. The lij^lit vahc is smaller, eonca\t' or nearly tiat, lunate, widest behind tiic middle. rcLiuiaily eiiiNcd \iMitrally or faintly sinuate anteriorly ; its siirl'aee is markeil Ity lines of growth and crossed l)y ladial grooves, of whieli aboul ten are \ ery distinct, while many others, mueli liner, can he seen with a lens. In I he ii;..;lil val\e the liinue consists of two small, diverjit'iit teeth, hoth of wliicli are directed posteriorly. The rather thin, elongated posterior one. in a piotile view, isoht"se]y trianjiiilar. its hi,iihest p(»int ilistal to the middle: the slender resilinm is attacdied to this, nearly the whole leiij^tii of its anterior side, and carries a. loiiy, narrow ossicle. The cardinal tooth directly under the beak, is much sliorter and somewhat tliicker, with its Iiiji'hest point near the proximal end which is close to the dorsal mar<;in. There is also a sliiihtly elevated, rather indistinct, anterior subinaruinal ridiic parallel with the mariiin, whicli supports a slender lijiamental mm. Found in small numbers at about ten stations between N. hit. 10' 1")' 30", \V. long. 70 l!7 ,and N. lat. :\rr 10' 10". W. long. 70 0' 10". in 08 to 100 fathoms, ISSO-IS.SO. This species, which is southern in its range, is closely lelated to the H'22 ri;in i:i:niM;s of tiii: \ trios ii. mi si:im. Vol. \\. noitliciii A'. f/l)(i'iiilis iliCiicli) witli wliicli it was rMimcily i(l<'nlilit'(|. It is a sinallri'. sli((itei', and iiioic iiillatcd species, witli a slKtilcr ami more slnpiiij; aiitCMo-doi'sal iiiaryiii aiiortioii of the lif;umeiit. dai kep ill (Milor t hail 1 he rcsilinin. Faniilv PKRIPLOMID.K. PEIRIPI.OMA AI^'FINIS, new species. I I '1.1 1. • l.W.WII, liy. I.) Shell thin, fragile, broad ovate, with the beaks behind tlie iiiiddh- and with a short, narrowed p(»sterior end. The antero dorsal mariiin is broadly coiincx: anterior end nearly evenly roiind«'d, but slightly produced in tlic^ middle: ventral marjiin evenly convex to the base of the rostral re,i;ion where it becomes slightly incurved; posteiior end iiuicli nanow(Ml. com})ressed and produced into a short, blunt rostnini with the edj.ies osteii(ii' to which the shell is smoother t han elsewhere and marked with several faint. radial riblets. The j;eneral surl'ace is covered with irrejiular. uneven and otteii rather faint, concentric undulations, sejiarated by rather w ide concave intervals which, like the elevations, are covered liy tiiin, elevated lines (»!" <;rowtli. The undulations ai'c most regular on the umbos and become less distinct and more irrejiiilar toward the inaivLi'in and anteii(trly. and show by transparency on the interior of the shell. Tlu^ chondrophore is small, but very prominent, spoon-shaped, naridw at the and i^xitanded distally, with a nearly ronad icsilial pit. The ossicle is well develo])ed, bent into a crescent shape, and so Ibiincd as to lit into the small rounded notch in the shell marjiin in front of the cliondro])hoies. A somewhat elevated submariiinal ridiic extends forward from the notch and serves to support the thin liuainent: a similai' but less i)rominent ridye extends baidcwai'd from th«' choiidro- phores and delinesa distinct liganiental groove. a^'K i Nm. 11:;!i, i)i:i:i'-i\ A I i:i; Mni.i.rsi\i—\ i:i;i:ii.i. i\i, i;i sii. S23 l,cii;;tli ot till' liU'^lisI s|)(Tiiii('ii>, l.lliilil.; lici^lil. Kliiiiii.: tnca ll li. S mill. 'I'liiTc spcciiiiriis were IniiiMl ;if tlin'c stiitioiis. (ill' M ;n'l has \' iiicyani, ill KMI to 1 I.', tiitlioiiis, ISSO-Sl. I his species reseiiiMes /'. iiiiili(liitpii()i'e is siidrter and broader, and not so !> !>', \\ . lon<;. T.'. ;?' ir»", and N. hit. :W> IL", \V. lony. 71 M)', in .111 to ,sl(» tiithoms, 1S>S1-1S.S7. Family LIMP) J<:. LIMATULA REGULARIS. new species. Shell small, tliiii, nearly e(piilateral, mncli lii,i;lier than lon^'. with the liinye line straifilit and rather lony. rinhos and median part of the shell swollen. l>eaks rather prominent, directly iiicur\('d. Li,ua mental area relatively laij>e. elonj;ated. diamond shaped, witli the pointed end exteiidiiij;' nearly to the aii.ule.s of tlie hinyiMiiarjiin, with a central, more sunken, short, rliomboidal ligament pit which, on ii separate valve, forms nearly an eiiuilateral triangle. The anterior and ]iosterior ends are nearly e(|inilly curved, a little convex, but slij;litly nairowe ! '"Wif «J1 rj{nrr:r:i)r\<;s ar riir \ iTii>\.\i. }rrsnrM. \i>].. \\. (listiiiftly frniiiliilt'd aloii;; llic pnniiiin'iit Ncniral cili^i'. tln' cn'mihi tioiis corn'spoiidiiiy to tlic «'Xt('riiiil jjmovj's iiixl ridges. Itiii ;it I lu' cimIs it is sinootii. There is ofti'ii a distinct, nuHliaii iiit«'nial yr()o\«', cxiciid iiijn iVdiii iM'ai" tlu' ln'ak to tlio middle of tlie Neutral iiiiii'j:iii, hnrdcicd on eaeli side liy a distinct raised i id^'e, sonietinies lia\in;^'an addiiioiuil j;roove on I lieir ontiT sides. Tin' liiiij-e niar^^in is ratliei' thin, in-ariy sfrai;:hl, and a little e\cavate(l or incairved alonj; t he liya mental pit; on eacli side and considerably within the nnir^in there is a small trian<>'Mlar biittiess or shelClike process extenilinji' to the anterioi' and posterior margins as in the allied species, hnt rather larjicr than usual. Lenyth of one of the lar.ues* :Mecies, (» mm.; height. !>.<• mu' • thii^k ness, about ."> mm.; length <.<> mm. A niHuber of separate \iUves, station L'L'(!."», N. hit. M ' 7' l(»", VV. Ion-. 71 ^ .".5' 4(»", in 70 fathoms, ISSI. 'I'his species is allied to LinnititUt siihoiuitn (Jelfreys) Smith.' which is distinj^uished by its sh(»rtci' hinj^e niar<>in, more contractc(l I'diiii. wit h strcmjicr and hijiher radial ril»s and well niarked median sulcus. It also hudis the incnrvatuic of the margins below tlu' an;;les eaks snnill. a little prt)minent, directly ii 'ii\<'d. Surface coxcicd with ladial ribs which are very fine and ev( ' tiic iintciior and posierio!' ends, but in the middle rej^ion, becoi.. .uu middle. 'I'hc hinge margin forms an obtuse angle at ca<'h end. the two nearly or «piiie e(|ual ; internal buttress well developed with tlu inner margin ri'gularly curved and continuous across the nuddie. so as to thicken the hinge in this part. Length. !.."> mm.; height. 7 mm.: thickness, about I mm.; length of the hinge-margin, L' mm. A single valve, among Fora»ninifera, at station 2385, N. hit. L'S- rt\', W. long. S8"^ IS', in 7:{() fathoms, ISS."), This species agrees with />. .suhorafa (Jelfreys) Smith almost com- l)letely in si/e aiul form, but differs very de(!idedly in the strong, nodu lose, radial ribs which cover the middle i)orti()n of the shell. f T i ' Limwa niihorafd Ycrrill, Notice of Keceut Acid, to M:ir. Iiivoit., J't. L', I'roi Nat. Mu8., Ill, p. 402, 1881. T NU. 11:10. liKEVnATiu Miu.i.vsr.\-vi:ni;ii.i. .ixi> /;/■>//. •)r. 1 i LIMA rUI.A HYALINA. ni-vv spccie«. Shell siiiiill, tliiii. tiiiiisliict'iil. vt'il icuHy oviito, soiiicwh il .hli(|ii(», ;iii(l pi'odiKH'd |M»sltMo v<'iilri«ll\. I liriur-linc strjii;;iil, lathcr shttit, ruriiiinji' ii wt'll-iiniiki'd aiijilr :ir cim'Im'IkI owiiij;' t»> tlic outliiic oC curh niiu'j;iii iM'comiiij;- soiiiowhnt (concave hclow. lieaks smsill, ariiti', in curved. I 'mhos proniiiiciit, smooth, hryoiid which the >\\v\\ is ciisi leil with iiiimcioiis, ch'iirly ddiiH'd. ratlicr sharji radial ridycs. scparalod by wider concave iiiter\als; iVom twenty li» t wen t> live oT the radii can be easily counted; toward tlu' jMistcrior marijin they become liiint and indi.slinct, wliil«> the extreme marfiin. on l)olh siiles. is snntotli. 'l'\\o anterior marj^^in is broadly i(»nnde;{ -j- /((/((. I'lctvt) Ml I. IKK. I'roil. /(m"iI. Diiii.. 177(1 { fxo-.i]. -I>\('<)>|\. 177S. • Itoi .ii-x, 17:1s (irsti i(;tc(l I, ('i\ ii:ii, 17'.iH. I.amai;< k.SvsI., IsdI. N I'Mikii 1 . I'laiis. ( (inn. \i-.u\.. . PI), nil. S'l. ill, |S!)7. .Iiiiiiru >i III MAiin-i;. ISI7. -I>AI,1,. ISSi; (iKirfi). h'l-i in;!;. I,ss7. loiii II..1111I A. \iiAM^ (allir K 1 i;iN ». l,sr>S. — Sidi n vk \, Mnn. 1 iculu^. >iiiw\ ..i liiili;!. ( 'ii't;i(((ins I'l'lcix |mmI I'.iiin.i. 1 1 1, p. I.T,. I,s7l . - /i 1 1 1 1,. jwi / iilii I- .lanird CliKNT. I.SIIL'. Ti/pc. — I'fclrti iHii.riiinis ( LiinM'Us). Since I'.oltcii. ill 17!is, (Iciiiiitciy rt'slriclcd Mic iimiu' I'rctni lo tins ^^iniiii, liis icsdictioii lias itivcodciu'c <»vt'r thai mC S(liiimarli(>r. Tilt' slit'll.s aiT i^ciicrally larj^c and heavy, and thr \al\('s aic vciy nin>(|iial, even when xery yoiiii.u'. 'IMn' ri<;li(" \al\t' is slrnn-ly cohm-s wilh a hirhiit> . lias a simioiis. t'xcurved l»yssal notch, with obsolete jx'ctiiiiijiiii tet'tli. The surface of both valves has sti'oiij;- radial ribs interlocking; at the margin. Intenially there an> anj^iihii', thickened, and tinted radial ribs opposite the external grooves: these ribs become mure proiiiincnt and biearinate or llnt«Ml near the niaruins. ■^ AM USI IJ M Holt.Mi, I7M8. .imnsidm l!ni.ii;\, I71*s. - M ini.i ki di. 1M 1 .— Si iir i ai iikk. 1s17. Wi hhiu vi;i>, iSdC. — I >Ai,i . ISSi',.--- \ i;iaai.i , finii.-. ('nun. .\iacl.. .\. pp. r>7, im. 111*. Is:i7. .ImiiKsiiim 11. .111(1 A. .\i>A\is. IS.'iS 1 //(((x).- Si(ii K VK A. Mem. (icdioii. Sni\.\ ni' iiKJia, Crclaccdii.s I'c1(H',vi>oiI I'iimia, III, p. iL'd. Is71. — l'i-(iiii;, l.>>7.— ZrrrKi.. 18SI. I'ldii-Diiiriiii Swain. is|n. -('iii;Nr. 1S()2. I'Hln'. — AiiiKslinn phiinmccfr.s ( Lininciis). Ill this \eiy distinct yeiiiis the shell is round, thin, neai'ly siikioI li. and strongly compressed. The surface is often polished, somciimcs lightly radially striated, iiexcr sti'on<;ly ribbed. The niarjiius aic sim pie and thin. 'I'lie val\es may be a little uiiejjual in coii\e\ii\ and usually dilfer in color and somewiiat in .seiil|»tiire. The \ ah es niiiie toj^etlier venti'ally. but usually ^ape at both ends, 'j'lie am icle> ;ire small, syiiiinetrical. neat ly eiinilateral, often with lateral crui;i : ilie byssal notch is small or ab.sent. pectinidial teeth nearly or ipiilc ;iiior- tive. Theadiill pmbably has uo byssiis, llinj^'e-plale simple. Iiilciiur of valves sti'en},nlieiied by a number ij.rsc.i—iri,'i;i/.i, .i\7> /;/ .s//. S27 CHLAM YS H..I1..11, 17'.>S. Cliliiiinis l!i.iri:N, Mil-. Hull., l-i cl., |>. \t;:,. I7;is, ir-i 1 irtol. — I'is( ii|,:i;, |,s.s7 jliU n). fii Ini Sriii MACiii'.i., 1M7 ( Kisi 1 irirrl 1.— \ i;i:i;i 1,1., I raiis. ( cim. .\7. I'ifliii I iiiirs ■.\\\t\ I'liliiniii^ I pdi-s \ II. MMil .\. .\li,\Ms, jS.'iS, ('iiiM.'.'j. /ii ii:r,. \y-s\. I'lilrii > 1 1 i|,|c /l\ A. JSTI I l(v-l riclcil I. 7'///yr. — ('liliDinis ishnitlicd (Miilh'ri, Tlic ori.uiiial typrol' tin's ,y<'mis is identical witli /*. ishnnlinis ( Mi\]]vy). 'riicrclun' this sliniild Itf iiddptcd. witlioiii ijiK'stioii. as (lie hue tv|t<'. as lias iiccii done liy l''isciici' and otlicis. T'lic tyjiical spcrics o\' ('lihiim/s aft- iiiuh. rounded, smnewliat ()l>ii(|ne, (leail.v e.|Uival\<' shells, with lar.^c in<'(|uilaterai and (>l»li(|iie auii( les, a liii.ize i».\S'-al notch, and several peel inidial teeth. The sinl'ai'e is stronulv railially sculptured, with both jiriniary and nniiieioiis interpolated iil)s. increasin.u in inirnl>er \vit!i aj^e. 'Die rihs are jiener- ally crossed l)y concentric sciil]»l nie, olten fbiiidii-; i-ouiih. scale like projections. The mar-ins are scalloped and liie shell closes rather tightly (>\cept at the hyssal area. The inner surface has ribs and double tliitiii;;s, eorrespoiidiii!.: to the external .grooves and radii. The hin.uephile has y-enerally two slii^htly di\ crycnt ril)s on ea<'h end. ter^ J PALLIUM Sam>. ls.')S.— Ciii \ r. |si;-_' _ s im k /k a ISTI.- Zii iKi . l.ssi. I'i-( III 1:. l)ss7.~-\ i.ioai.i., Ir.-in-. Cumi. .\..mI., .\, |i|i. r.!l. Sil, ill. |,1. \\|. ;i;ir. i, |,S!I7, lu iiiijiiri, I, i,'i I'i'ii.. is;!"). V)//»c. — rdlliinn plica (Liiiiia iisi. 'I'lie special leutiire of tiiis Ncry distinct lii'oiij) is th<' development of several iiisiially threei well-marked, nearly traiis\eise. blunt lecth. alteniatin.u' with distinct jiils on eacii end of the hin.u-e-plate. The shell is elevated, rather thick, with exiernal, larjic obtii,-,e or rounded ra'iial rii»s or co; nidations, and witli intenial. angular, double or bicaii nate rilis opposite the cMeriial -looves. near the iiiariiin. The auricles are small, but liiiih. The hin.-e teeth are marked vitli distincl cross lines. HINNITEZS noCr'aiue, 1 82 I. Iliiiiiihs \i;i;iaii,.^. ('nun. .\i .111.. \. ii)>. .'.li, >!i. ill, ]S!i7. Tfipr. — /liiniih.s i-iil< II \Ki;i!li.i.. 1 raiiH. Coiin. A<;i(l., \. pp. (U), .'>;!l. !M. lS!t7. Tj/jK'. — lit iiiijXilin J'i>rlK'si(i>iuH Adinii.s aiid K'ccvc. This iiroii]) incliides species witli thin, irvcuular sliclls nttiiflicd l»y (h(> riiLjlit \alv«'. like lliiniifcs, but the al tarhiiu'iil is cncctod iiiaialy by a |i»'riiiaii»'ii1 iiio(lihi>d l)yssiis. The postci'ior aiirich's arc iicai'jy ()))S()lctc. 'I'hc byssal iiotcii becomes irrej^idar and nearly inclosed, as in .1 noniiii. PSEUDAMUSIUlVl H. nnd A. Adams, l858. rnriiiliiniiinii()n { iKirn) II. and A . Adams, i.^.^s ( ,i ftcr i. Cmknt. 18(12. — sro- IK/.KA. lS71."-/aTlKl,. ISMl. -l"l-(IIF.l!. 1SS7. — I )A I.I., ISSC (;)(((•••*). -\' i;i!l; 1 1.!.. Trail--. Conn. Acail., .\. i>|i. iH'. W. !•-!. |il. w ii. ti^■s. S. Sa. ISHT i rcstricti'd ). 'l'i/}» . — lsci(il(()iii(fii>i)ii r.,()ti<-i(iii (ClMMiinit/,. Ijaniarck). Tho tyi)i('al species ol" this jiroup ha\e nearb -"nooth, round, syni metii<'al, closed siiells with well delined, small, . tij^ht, obtiis<'an,L;lcd amiides. The valves are nearly e(iujil and have nearly simple. even inarj;ins. The external sculpture consists of small radial stria' or ribk'ts. without stronj; auiiular ribs and grooves, and it may ditVcr on the two vahcs. Some oi' I lie s|)ecies show the line diveryiMit '■camptonectes sculpture" on one or l)otli valves, especially when youn.u. The mariiin is nol scalloped, or but faintly .so. and there are no deliuite iiitciiial rib.s. The hinfjeplat*' has usually but one iuni^i ludinal fold on each end which is feeble and nearly i)arallel with the niarjiinal liuanu'utal '. — ('(imi>ti>it(cli's IciK (Sowerby'i. Shell siiboxaic. plain, not corrujiiited. and without strouiv I'adial ribs: marjjiii nearly plain, \iil\es snbeipial. Auricles unequal; byssal notch well dcNcloped. Surface ol'the shell cover(Ml with line, obli(pu'l\ diver;Li«'nl. curved, creiiulated or vermiculated riiilets with inti'rvenin;;. iianow, ]»unctatc •:i'o()ves. 'I'lie curious vermictdaled seulpturi^ is not i»eculiar to this division, but is more or less ol',\ ious on the shells of s(»me species of I'si mhi iinisiinii. ami (»n s|)ecies of se\eral other jjronps, both with and without ladial ribs, li is a struciural feature that runs obliquely across the rtbs and .!.'.roo\es. Most of the species are Meso/.oie fossils. The recent I'rcfru filriatiai and /'. tujr'nnis Lanuirck, (d' llurope. apparently belonji' ti> this j>r//. X-J\) LYROF^ECTEN Coiitnd, IS(i7. I.iviijii vU'ii (d' si\ iTiil 1,1 tcr aiillims. I.iinifici l( II (liMtAii. lS(t7. — \ i:i:i;ii.i , I' ran-. Cunn. Aiaii.. \, pp. c:;, .S'.t. Ml. |S!tT /'///". --l.!/rojK'chii iiodosiis ( I.iiiiiii'us). Shell lai-.m' and strong-, corni^i-iitcd. w itli lar^c, lliitcd, and ii.siiall.\- nodose, priniary radia.l ril).s, wliieli do not increase in nundiei'. and witli coarsely scalloped niarl>li«iuc. divcrueiit I'ihs on cacli end. This is one of rlic hesi delined .m'onps. and may he re.uiU'ded as of y-eneric value, it is allied to /'till ill III. PROPEAMUSI II M (ii'tHjoiMo, 1,SS3. l'ii>ii. /iKil.. \\\, )i. JIO. ISKll.— i"i--( HKi!. ISsT. — i.ycmiH) \ki!1U1.i„ I'imuh. Colli). .Vcad., X. ii|i. i;i, !t(), i»2, pi \\, \\\i^. r.-ii, is;i7. 7'///>c. — I'ntjxiiniHsinin iiicijiiisciiliitit ('rilteri) = Proiiatiiitiisiinii J'nics- Initiiiii ( I'^orltes). This uToup is allied fo A iiinnii(i)t. It in<'ludes small, mostly deep sea species, with thin, louuded shells, havin,^ the \al\es nne(|nal in si/e and sculpture; the lower and tlatter one is couc«'ntricaIly <>roo\-ed, and usually turns up at rlietliin niar.uinto meet the upper \idve, as in ('i/cln jintiii. The iippei' valve may he cam-ellated or radiall) scul|)tured. When lull ,ur(»wn there are several well Idrnicd. laised. internal rihs; these may be absent in the youny. 'I'his division dil'lers tVom AiiiKsiinn in the sculpture of the vahcs and in ha\in<;- the auricles and byssal notch well developed. The species closely resemlile those of ('iifli>jii<'lvn : the {\\\\\ olivious ditl'en'uce in the shells is in the j»resence of inti'rnal ribs. PALLI0LU1« Monterosato, 1884 I'liHiiiliiiii ( .--iiliut'iHiw HI >(i. w I. lijjs.c-i I : |ii. \\, lius. I-:;. r,. ti./. ismt. hlfu. — .Vlijtiipicii II iijii iiidiirix I liimiiftisi. siicll Itriiiidly icmiidcd. witli tlic valves iicinly <'«iii:il ami synrnK'trical. Auricles well tiiriiM'd.aiijiular; hyssal notch well-developed. Tliescnlp- tim- consists of a inodei-ate luiiiiber (d" lar,ue and nearly ('(pial primary nulial ril)s, wliicli increase in si/.e, l»nl arc not mucli increa.scd in nnin- ber with a,u('. l»y tiie interpolation of \\v\\ ones. Inteinal rii)s oi- tlutinjAs correspond to external grooves, hut each one is hicai inate or aou\)le, csju'cially near the mar-ins. Ilin-c plate with one or two sli-litly di\erj;ent ribs at ea(di end. often cros.sed by siron\.. \. pj.. (is. !Mi. !t2, IMtT. riijH. — rrriiiii Hii sUisIki (Daih. Shell small, thin, swollen, nearly smootli. with convex and slightly unequal vahes. Auricles vci'y uneuual. oblique, the anterior hir-cr. with a /((r/(»; (Mil.jit iin> of (hliiiiiiis, \ i;!:i:i 1,1.. I'liiii.'^. ('cnin. A.M.l., X.jil'.f.S, '.m. HI. IS! 17. Tflpr. — Lissiiprrtni lii/oliuiis < Tolii. Shell sli. 21';!. \>\. i\. liy. -', l?<'^"i- *^ Vc J NO. 11 :'.!». i>i:i:i'-]v.\ri:i; mollisca-] Eintu.L asd hi sii. H'M Alrlioiiuli tliis jjfrfMip iiyrccs witli Aniirnhni/ in Imxin^ intfrnnl ribs willioiit ('((iTcspoiKliiiii- cxrcnial ^roovos. it seems to "he nilied r;iilier to Clildiiti/.^. il may l».e icyarded as a (li\isioii of tlie latter in wliicli tlie external radial lihs lia\e (leiiciieratt'd. W^ ^ LEPTOPECTEN Vorrill, 1897 •.rjiliipi (7. /( 1 ^iili'^ciiii- ttl' Clihiiiiils \ \ I a; i; 1 1,1,, 'l'r:nis, ( diili. A(;Mi ., \, |i|), li',!, S!l, ;i| IMI7. Tjljif.- I.< ptojK ilcii iiioiioli iinris (('oiirad . Siiell ti:iii. 1 1 aiisliict'iit. ol>li(|iie. hiuailly rounded, with siron"' rounded radial lid^es or folds, like eorrn.i^at ions, wliieli apiieai in reverse on the interior snri'aee. Tlie internal ribs are not ani^idated by a deposit of shell. m>r dislinetlN thickened. Mar,i:iii w it h bioad sea! lojt-. The exterior snrla<'<' is covered with line (li\-eioent cainiitonectes ,sciii|ttnie. both on the ril)s ami inter\als. The ribs do not increase in ninnbei' with aye but bee(»ine broadei' ami more tlalteiied. .\iiricles lar-cand In'oad. t hin. corrugated. Ityssal notch laruc and deep. I'ee- tinidial teeth prominent. I linj^c plate thin and but little dil'ferent iated. Cardinal ridji'c thin and snndl. elose to the ligament, ciossed i>y tine, incisions. \fc.i-j PLACOPECTEN Verrill, 1897. /'/,(,,(/)( ( Il II i ->iiliuriiii- 111 < 'III dill /i-i \ \'i:iaai,i,. rr.iiiM. ( iiiin. \i ,i(i,. .\. |i|i. il'.t. s:i, ;)| |il. \ \ Ml, ll^is. I ~7 : |p1. \ \. lii;H. 7. S. S(( ; |il. \ \l, liii.s, t !'((, |S!I7, Tiflx'. — /'hii-ojifcli II cliiiloiiiiis (Say). Shell lar^e, compi'essed. broa<]ly rounded. ratluM' thin, with simple sharji ediics. meetiiifj: eveidy veiitrally. but .yajiinji- c(Misi(lerably at both ends. es|»ecially when adult, \ alxcs oidy slightly nnetjUal in form, the ri-ht one beiiij^' a little Hatter, but t hey dilli-r in c(tlor and somewhat in sculpture, the ri-ht one beinn- smoother and paler. Txttli ha\e tine radial lines or rildets. and they ha\f vei miciilaled diver.ueni riblets when yoiiiit;. .\uri(des small, symmetrical, nearly eipial. Hyssal notch ^;mall. sim])le. I'eclinidial teelli .uenerally obsolete, except when yomii:-. No internal rilis. Inner surface often with more or less pearl) luster and a cr> stallin*' sirncriire. Iliiiye-platc wit h t w(» leeble. slii;lilly di\-er'4eiit rilis on ea<'h end. crossed by line transxcrse inci sioiis. The foot is well develop«'d. obliijue. sliL^lilly narrowed distally ami enlaii^ed at th«' end. wlu're it is divided into two lii)i. 7n, IM), ML', pi. .\ \ i, lii;. 1; jil. \i\. lius. 1-1, isitT. 'I'lljus. —Cjiclopi cttii jitisl iiloKiis NCi'iill MiMl Cyrlo/tcfhii inilirij'cr { L(»\i'ii). Slit'll.^; tliiii, iomikUmI. scaiccly ()l)li([iu', with syiiiiiiotrical auricles and siiiiitic iiiai.uiiis. 'i'lic two valves ai't^ unlike in s<'n]]»ture. The i'i>;iit vahe is a lihle liattened and n[)turne(l at liie lie.xihk'. niar|L;in, so as to tit ti.niill\- against tlie upper \alv('. Tiu; tliin h)\ver valv«? has, in the typical spcci(>s. rc_i;iilar. tliin. ch'vated, concentric lanu'lhe, wliich aid in tlic adaptation ot the edjie. to that of the upper valve; the maruin is usually liattened or bevelled. The upper i lel't i \alve is radially scidp tuicd, larely smooth; it usually has lows of arched scales, l)nsiiiies. or points, and also coneentri(^ raised lines: it is sometimes cancellated. Ni> radial rii)s. nor iuterlnckiu<;' points at the margin. Anri( Ics well developed, subeiiual, annulated and well deliiu'd at l)oth ends; hyssal notch welldelined: lew or in» pectinidial teeth, Cardinal folds sin.ule, ratliei' feebly developed, often cross-lined. Myes few, l>yssus small, aiul of few threads. This ucnns includes a larjuc nnndier of small species, mostly ironi toiu'ctes sculpture. Ilinj^e-plate thin and nearly plain: auricles wcll-dexclopcd, nne(jual; bys.sal notch distinct. I'or the possible relation.s of this j^rou]) to the Mesozoic f;enus. Si/nci/- cUntcmn. see the orii^inal article. The species recorded are as follows: //. ilihctiis N'errill and liush, fiom I. Si;; fathoms, off .Marthas N'ineyard: //. /)vf/////.s (.leffreys,, fiom northern Murope and the Arctic Ocean, and off the I'nited Stales coast, in '>'!^ to \ .~)'2'> fathoms; //. iinihitii.s N'ei'rill, oil' the liiiled States coast, in l,l'J.> fathoms; and U. pudiiiix (Smith), olV .Marion Island, in l,.'>7o fatli(nus. PAK'AMUSIUM Vt>fnll, 1897. I'liiiiiniisiiiDi \KHiai.i.. rr;ni>. Cuiir,. Aiad., .\, pp. 72. 1M>. '.I'J, 1H!)7. '/'///«'. — PdniiiiK.siiiiii thilli (Smith).' Shell thin, roiinded, much eonii)resse(l: valves nearly equal; sculp ture Ui'aily ol>Noh'te, dilferent on the two valves; the lower vahe with eoiu'cntric undnlafions. Aui'icles \«'ry snndl, e(|ual. Uyssal notch and 1'. iliilli raiiuis t'nmi tln^ (oilf af Mcxicii to I'.arltailus. in 21S to 1,.">'J1 futlioiim. \ «.,■*• 1 !i 1 Nil. II. ■111. i>Fj:r-n A ri.u]-i:i!i!ii.L .ixn nu.sji. S.-^S |)0<'tilii(liul fct'tli obsolete. Tlie sliell lius ii ]»ii,siii;itie s| iiietuit'. Iiitcr- iiiil lii'je iiiid aiirieiiliir i\ dif- ferent iVoiii that of rypical .h//».s//////. Acfordinii tn his description it lias ii single pair of jiills, with Ioii<;-. siinplc, scpaiale lilaiiieiils. 'fhe fool is sh'iider, with ji byssal jiroove: tlie end is iniicli enlai.yed. with an obli(|iie, exjjanded, concave terminal disk, striati'd within. N(» hibia! i)alpi. OceHi without pij^inent. A specimen, well preserved in alcohol, exandncd by us, had ! w u lows of lonj;', slender, retlected uill-lilameniN, as usual in this lanuly. They were attached to a broad basal mend)raiie, with a free, limcolate. pos- terior portion. Two pairs of 1)road, luliaceous, incnived palpi, linked with dark biown. Those of the anterior \nu\ aie united into a hood over the mouth; the otlun'S are smaller, curved inward, somewhat lan- ceolate at the tips. No ocelli coidd lie found. The jiallial tentacles are all in one row, numerous, 7 (tyi»e, lat'iN- siiiKi IJrocchi), FIcroitccHn Sacco, 1897 (type, //r,///o.s/(.s' I'oli), Lissoclihinii.s Sacco, 1897 (type, ^'.rc/.sv( l>ronn), are additional to those ('i:i:i>i\r,s or riw xtrroxtL }frsi:r)f. VOL. XX. CHLAMYS BENEDICTI Verrill and Bush. ,Pl;iIr L.\.\\I\ . liKS, ],'2.) CliUntnin 111 iiiili' li \ i;i;i;ii t. mill llr-ii. in \' i Kiii i.r . rriiii^;. < 'iniii. Ar;iil.. \. ii|i. 71, ;M, iSiiT. Shell .siiiall. lii,i;lici' tliaii Imi;!;"; ;iiil» rior uiiriclc iiiiicli liirj;ri- tliaii tlu' posterior, witli a l)ys.siil iioteli in the lower or ri;;hl viilxe. 'I'hc y the teriniiiation ol' tlie radial ribs: tin' ante rior auricle is c<)iisi(leral)ly prolonitcd. anj,nilated at I lu' upper comer, obtusely rcamded at tlie end and deeply iiotclied wliere it joins the main shell: it has four strongly marked radiating ribs, iiesides (he dorso marginal Ibid; below llies«' tlii-re is a s]ij;litly concave space eor respondiiii:' to tlie l>yssal notch: on the liody of tlie shell there are iVoiii lour to seven sharp serrations aloiiu IIm^ lower margin of the notch. Ill the upper valve the anterior auricle is broad and decidedly ;infiular. the dorsal ami outer mar.uins fonniiij.;' less than a rinht auulc; its surface is eoNered with li\(' or six sti'lope ab(»iit etpially and (briii an acute aii.uli': the ventral iimi'.iiin forms a leiiulai' semicircular cur\e. Tlu' entire surface in both valves is crossed by stroiiuly raised, ratlici close, radiating' ribs separated by latliei' wide, deep y'rooves and are decussated by rejiulai'. raised, concent ric lines, which are scarcely appai cut on the ribs, except on vei'y yoiiiij;' shells, but there are latlici strong;', elevated, spine-like iioiiits arranu'ed aloni:' the ribs in prcti\ reuulai', coiuentric lines, especially near the marjiins; these itecoiiir lii valve I'loiii station 1*571 is unilbrm lemon yellow: those from the otiiei' localitv are ehestnut or reddish brown and variegated with paler and soiiHinnes white blotches. Length of the largest specimen, ."i.o mm.; Iwiglit, »> mm.; leiiLiili of doi'sal margin, I mm. A few live young specimens, among l''oraminifera, .stations I'-iti'.' to 2."i7-l, in L*r» to L'T fathoms, and a single valve, station ifo'l, in I. •>">'> fathoms, ISS.'t. This species is ii typical ChUnni/N, allied to C. rnria of iCuropc, but when t omparod with young of that species of the same size the radial ribs are found to be fewer and coa.rser. and there are other dilit leiiceH which r<'nde!' it piobably that they are distinct. It dilVers I'lii I lie young of ('. islainlicd in the number of ribs and slia[)e of tlit aiiritdes. «.^ r NO. li:i!l. iii:/:i'.ir I ri:i; y ursii. S3; .') M \ ic tc k r It is i)r()l)iil)h', liowever, tlijit it grows t<» ii iiiiifli liiigt'i' si/c ilum an.N ot" tlic siK'ciiiu'iis obtsiiiH'd. it is iiiuimmI ill honor ol" 3Ii'. J-iincs V.. Hcucdict. lor sfNcral vcars /oiilojiist ill cliiirjii' on tlic steiiincr Alhnlross^ tliioiinii w iiosc carr ;iini jiii'iil interest so iiiiiiiy sinall spftirs urrc hrou^lit to liulil. CHLAMYS COSTELLATA Vcirill and Bush (I'lalc I, WW I, li--. (!.) CliUimiin lonlilliihi Viaaiii.i, iind Hrsn, in \ i;i!iai.i.. Tunis, ('uim. A( ••hI., N . |i|.. T."., ill, 18!t7. Slicll small, tliiii. transliiconr. blnish white, covered on hotli viihcs witii cuiitiniioiis, elevat<'(l and soiiiewliat tliickeni'd. well-separated, riidi!itiii.u' riltlets, of wliicli tiiere are more than thirty in the lett valve of tlie larp'st example. lAMi^th (d" the sludl eoiisi«lerahly less tiian its heijiht. Dorsal hin^e-inaryin (donjiated. especially on tiie anteiior end. In the rijilit valve the anterior auricle is consideraldy elongated, obtusely rounded or suUt runeated at the end, with a wide, an^idar byssal noteli beneath it,ha\ino- two or three ))eetiiiidial teeth; it has a broad, smooth, anj^ular area ne.xt the body of the sliell, abo\-e wiiieli there ai'e three well-marked, aiifjiilar, ladial ridj-es, separated by wider eonea\<' interspaces; theimsterior aiiriide is small, triani^ular. the outer corner formiiifi^ a little more than a rij^lit anjile. and the p(»steriui mar- ,i;in iK'arly straight, without any distinct notch. The dorsal mariiinsnf the l>ohl incurved notch below; it is crossed by about six small, radial ribs, similar to those on the body of the shell; raised lines of jiiowth also occur at irii'iiular intervals. Inner surfa(!e smooth and lustrous. sliowin<: the grooves correspondinic structure, but it is destituti' (d' radial hr.e. Internally, the hiii<;('-mai'!nin is thin and narrow, with a sharjily imjtressed, sul>!iiar- ginal groove on each side; the resilial pit is excavated in the margin of the hinge itself: the anteriiu- auricle has int<'rnal grooves coitcs) rind- ing to the external ribs. Length ui' the largest specimen, <> mm.: height, it,~> mm. Tlii'ce live specimens, at two stations, olf the (irand r>anks. in (17 to 72 fathoms, 188.J-8G. lil 83r; ri:oti:i:iu\(;s or riii: smiosm. miseim. Viit. XX. HYALOPECTEN DILECTUS Vcrrill ami Bush. ( I'liiti' \CVII, lin.!l.') Ililiil<>iifii. ill N'l'iuiit.i,, ri'iiii>. < 'oiiii. AcMil., \, )i)i, SIm'II siiiiill, lliiii. iVaj^ilf, stronj-ly iiiKliilatcd, sli^-litlv ohliijiu', with (lie \»'iiti;il iiiiii'uin hroiully roiiiHlcd, dorsal marjiin slruijilit. In tin* liulit \iil\f till- iiiitt'rim' auricle is ratlicr narrow, (don,nat»'d. witii a deep anji'idar notcii beneatli; (lie posterior auricle is sliortcr. with a prominent doisal anjile which is less than a lij^ht anjjle. owinj;' to tini cnnir.uination ol' the posterior end. In the left valve the anterior auri cle is Itroad. wiili its posterior end nearly rectilinear, and forms a ri;;lit allele with the dorsal margin; the posteries which are stronger and more numerous in the lelt valve. The interi(U' is strongly undulated, and the lett \alve is marked by distinct, radial grooves. Kesilium small, (-entral. Color yellow, or dirty white. Len.uth, S mm.: heiyht, the same. One live, impel feet specinu'u (Ko. .jL'oiJ!)), station L'oTO. off Marl has \ i^ieyaid. in l.Sl.) fathoms, ISS.'i. This im«l type described by him, and may be identical with oui' sliell. The latter dilVers decidt'dly from the ori<;imd descrip ticHi of //. l'i-n(iUis. Moreover, we have obtaiiu'd from several stations a shell of similar size which appears to be the true _//v(/////.v,' as it a,yrees closely with 1 he description. Uj/Kloitccfcii />»f//c*/.s' (Suutli) from east of Marion Island, in 1,.'{7."» fathoms, is a closely related species, as is also Ilj/ttli)jn(irii iniddlKs Vcrrill. These four species a^ree in havino' the valves thin anenus or subjicnus Si/iirycloiicma INIeek, which was based on a cix'ta- i'cous sjiecies and has not hitherto been reported as still livinj-'. Mat theexact characters of the typical fossil species are not yet known. ' I'rnc. /oiil. Soc. Loiulon. pi. \l.v, lig. 1, .liiiio. 1S7!(. The I rill' lliiiilopcrli II I'raij'ilix (,lcll'i'c,\s) was takt'ii :it tivn stations Ix'twccn N. lat. Id (; . W . loiij;. t;s I 'My ,:iml N. lat.3:> l!> ;{()", W. long. 71 :il IT. , in 578 to l,r.jr> lat bonis. ]"8a-18><(i. I (Kj'S T f NO. 113it. i)i:i:i'-}y.\ri:i: moli.i sr.t- i i:i;i:iij. am, itisii. 83: CAMPTONKCTKS GRCENLANDICA , Sowrrby i Vt-rrill. (I'lMlr L.W.W . li«. 7.) P(r<. \iii, lijf. 1(1, IHI'J. - Il.\vi.i:v. l.'.( iiil SliilU. p. L'Tl, IML* In is.-.d.— .1 ki i iji;\ >, Ann. mimI M.iji. Nal. lli^lnrv. )>. L':;i. IS77. I'iclfli iiiiiiiUlUiliiiin (i. (). SaI!S, Mull. licj;. .\l, I'nic. Zinll. .*>«)i-. Lonilitn. p. ."••id, IsT'.t. — \'i;i;i:il,l., Clifck-list, i». M, \H1\K I'lrldi tjviiiihindiciiH \'i:i!i!ii.i., 'i'liins. ('nini. Acini., \', p. ."si, Issi.'. I'viliii lira iiliuxliiHx l.oc.MJD, ('.imp.iniir (III I'aiithui, .Viiniilis do I'l niMisiti dr Lv<>n. p. 217, \XW>. ( (tiniihiiiiilcH i/ro iihinilicii \'i:i;itii,i,, 'rriiiis. Conn. .\('ail., \. ]>]>. si'. ;il. I>ii7. Tlu' .slicll is r(nm(l«'(Mo L'2I fallionis, between N. lat. il^' K)', W. long'. 17 ;>.")' ;J(» ", and N. hit. II 1(1 ;;(•". W. long. .V.r .V)' 4")", 18SI-18.S(;. It is also known from the Arctie Ocean and oiY northern lOurope. il H «. 'S CYCLOPECTEN NANUS Verrill and Bush. (I'liltr 1,.\X.W, li^s. L'-l.) ('jlilnpcil,,! uiiKHs \i;nu!i.i. aiK. r.rsir. in \r,itiai.i . Tians. ( '. Id', pi. x\ I. iif;s. I-J-r_»c, lS!t7. Shell small, the breadth and height about i'qual. the \alves nearly equal in size and coiucxity. Dorsal hinge-margin rather long ami straight; auricles r(datively large and broad, both ends in the left vahe sid)truncated or a little convex and forming nearly a light angle with th(! dorsal margin, ami ha\iiig a small incurved not(di. well dilferen tiated from the body of the shell. In the right valve the anterior auricle is narrow, somewhat more elongated, obtiisel.y rounded at the i \ «3S ri:i>(i:i i>/\(is nr mi: \ irf<>\.ii. ur.v/r.u. VI It.. XX. ciid, witli ;i sli:n|i, iiii^iiliir, liyssiil iiotrli 1i(>iu':itli it, scpai :itf lioily oT the slicll li\ ii iKiri i»\v ^icuiN c. TluMlorsiil in!ir;;iiis of I In- hody of tlu' slifll ;iit' iiciirly striii;:lil ;iii proMiiiiciit. witli a sniali, sinnoth, latlin' aciitc, itu-iiiNcd Weak, wliicli piojccts a little aboNc I lie liiiim' iiiiii';;iii. Tlui rturl'iico (d' tlu' Icit vsilv*' is ('\ ciywiivic t liiclily cov crctl witli line, almost micioscopic, radia- tin;;' si ria'. whicli hrcniiic a little more distinct on tlie ant»'ii(»i' auricle; sli<;litly raised lliin lines id" jurowili are »d'len wvy o is less piom incut, t he beak less acute, and scar<'ely i)roJects beyoml. and olten tails short ol. *^l,e hin;;('-mal'^in : the iuetpiality is less marked than in most (d' t he allied species. The bo(>tli. The internal hin;je plate is thin in the middle, but ivlatively broad on each auricle, and is crossed by numerous line, well-marked, transNcise striatioii.>. these aie mucli moie consi)icuoiis than in any (d' the ridated spei !'s, whether youii}^' oi' old. The lesilial pit '.■; small, rounded, situated just under tlM^ beak. The inner surfact^ issmooth and j;lossy. although in fi'csh s|ieciiiieiis the external •liidiutini: lines sin »\v throu,iih by transpar ency. There are no internal liiie. The ground I'olor of the ri.<;ht valve is yellowish or inrayish white, with more (U' less numerous lij;ht yellowish brown and reddish brown spotsor l>l(»t(du's, and soinet imes with irri uiilar patches of op;i(|ne white: the ii<;ht vahe is white, sometimes with a few ..Xilowish brown spots. Solium specimens are nearly destitute ot" spots. Len-ith of one of tlu^ larjicst si)eeiuuMis, 7 mm.: heijiht. <> 'miii.: dor- sal hiuiic iiiaryiii. I mm. It has been taken in consideial)!e numbers, ^ .. dead, at three stations between \. lat.;??"^ 7' iU", W. lonj;-. 7i iO",an(l N. r.-'Jo^ •tL', \V. Ion-. 71 or ;}(!", in I.", to 131' fathoms, b AltluMijuh very snnill, this species .seems to be adult, .i is so distinct from all ofhei- species of our coast that a detailed comparison isuiuieiv e.-ssai'y. it resembles the yoiiiiL;' of I', rliiitint'iis nu>re tluiu any other native species, but a comparison of specimens of the same si/.e shows nuuketl (lill'erences. I K'T NIP. lira. in:i:i'-\y\ri:i; \ini.i.rsi .i-\ i:i;ini.i. .i\i> in sii. s:\\) *r CYCLOPKCTEN LKPTALEUS Vcrrill. ll'hllr I. .WW. li-. I.I I'lilvH Irpliiliiin \ l.iiiiil.l., Tunis, ('(iiiii. .\(Mil.. \ , |i|i. 'S.'t'J, L'>1, \SX2- lOxpl. lllm- IroMn, l.'«|i(H't I'.S. Com. FInIi ami lisln'riiM I'nr |nx;i, p. Ti'l. lSS."i. Iiai.i,, I'.iill. .Mil-. Comp. Zoill., Ml. |.. L'L'i, JSNI. I'hi iiilnniiiHiiim lijtiiilnit, Hull. 1'. S. Nat. Miih., Ni>. :!7, p. ;!|, IsM'.t. (Uiiliilifiliii li'fttiih IIS \i itiMi.i., 'I'nin.s. CiMin. Acini.. \, jtp. s.'>. Cl', IS'.iT. Mr. Dull li;i-^ cxprcKscd it (loiiltl ;is t<> lliis species bein^ disiincf, I'lulii I'nini iiilliril'ir liMVelU llierelnre ii \eiy miieli eiii;ii;,fe(l liLjiiie ot llic sliejl is Ihtc introduced lor coiiipai'isdn. ill iiddJtioii fo llie j)iil>li.^lied deseriptioii, it slioiild be stilled tlnil the eoiiceiidic IIim's are soiiiewliat tliickeiied and elevated, e\»n w lieio tliiiiiiesi. and tliat the headed eharaeter is (ptile miliUe aiiytiiini; I'oiind oil ('. iiiiliril'n\ or allied spetue.s. Tiie heads are closely arraii;;('d, i'lliptieal in loiiii, and most elevated al llie center, tlu^ elevation l>ein;^- ot'ten jfreater than tlie . :;| i in part), pi. i.\i\. lil^s. I IJ((, //, ISSil (liol pi. 1\. liii.s. I((, I/),. Not I'eihii iiiihril'cr l.dNi'.N. Cililiijiictiii (HI M I II I on II n \'i:aKil,i, Tians. ('ri:i:iu\(is tlir«'cli(tn <•!' (in; cunccnl lie lines, with llie summit eveidy lonnded, showing no tendeney lo the .siilieonieal or mneronate lorm. \\ hen perl'eet (liey resemble small hlisters with the surlae.o i'ou;;hened or iiiinutely ;;rannlose under the miei'oseope: when brcdveu uv worn olV, as IVequently happens, t he liasal part remains in the Icuiu of a siMuieireiilar oi' seiniellipt ieal, ind»rieated, arehed scale, usually considerably ele vated abo\e the siirl'ace and connej-ted by very delicate concentric raised lines. The surface of the anterior auricle ol" the left \alveis roujihencf! by close, elevated, (•ollceu^ric linos, and Irom four to six well ma: ked radiatiu;^' ridj;es or ribs, ujxm which the concentric lines form rej^ulai' ele\ ated arehed projections, (dten so crowded as to be ind)ricated : in some youn;.; examples, like the oim' li]uiired, the coiu'cn trie lines on t he auricle are less crowded aiul only t wo (»r t iiree ol the radial rilis arc (b\eIopctl; in such examples tluMOsicles »ui the body of the shell ate relatively jewel'. Iaij;'er. more rouiuled, and nunli less crowded in the radial series. In s(tme spe«imens I he posterior mar;iin, below the auricle, is nearly sm(»otli or marked only by the line lines of g'rowth, while in other-^. especially lari^cr specimens, this rej^ioii is cov ered by rather sharp iiianules, .sonu' of whi»di. toward the sciitral niarjjin. chan;;c to p(»inted scales arranj>ed in crowded radial rows. The raised concentric lines (»n tne ri;.;lit VJilve are j;eu»'rally more or less appressed and sonu'times induiitaled ; toward the xcntral margin .some of them sli<»w \ery tine juicroscopic crenulations. which are much less distinct than on ('. iinhrif'rr. as liiiured by Sars. This species is distinct from that lijiiired by Mr. Dall' under the iismu' of <'. iiiihrih I-. His specimen apparently b«don^s to the follow inu species. SoNcral li\e and dead speeinu'us. at eleven stations betwi'en N. hit. 11 .tr, VV. Ion.;;-. Mi 11' lo". and N. hit. :'.'.»' 4S' ;',0". W. huij;-. 70 o 1 , in 1t!».i to AIT fathoms, isTi'-lSSo. I CYCLOPECTKN SUBIMBRIKKR Verrill ami Hush. d'' i,.\\\\ , tiys. H, il. 1 /'<(■/(// /(OS /,(/;/ .si \ I'llUMI.I.. Tr.lllS. ( (III II. .\ii|. ISSJI. i'llilitftfcli u Kdliiiiihri/if \ latiui.i, ;iii /;/■>■//. S41 r covi'ird willi siimll. I'Idsr, iiidial lilis :iii into sharp s<'ales at the doisal n\iir<;iii: the small ]»osteiior auricle has liner concentric lines and only twn or three fjiiiit. radi il iid;;es. <'oinparatively few specimens, at three stations, between N. hit. I'J'^ I.-.' ;{»»', W. loii;^-. <'- I '•', and X. hit. .!!» ."■.;!' .!(»'. W. 71 I;; .;(»", in rJl to ol'J fathoms, iSTT-ls.S,"). ('. 1,1 nii(((lir(iisi.s iSmith), from north (d" Kerniadee islands, in ti(Kt fathoms, is a rehited speeies. PR0IM-:AMUSIUM THALASSINUM Oall. V.riill. I I'l.ii. lA.x.w II. li-. i;.) .liiiiiHHiinii I'fiivxtnilinii \' I'.liuii i., I r.iiis. ( imii. .\i';iil,, \ . j». .">SL', ISM'J. .Imiisniiiiii s|i. \ I a! in I I . Tniiis. ('(nii. .\('»(/wmi/-M'(/;ii ) tlniliixsiiiiis l».\i.i.. Mull. Mie-. ( (iiii|i. /in'il.. \ll. |i."Jl.'t. iSSi'i; Mull. r. s. Nut. MiiH.. \<..:!7. i>.:!i. ishh. I'l'Diiriiniiitiinii llitiliiniiiiiiim N'i'.liKll.l.. 'l'rnii>. ( (inn. \i;iii.. \ , jiji. s7, !'L', |il. \i\, li-iH. .'.-7. ls .'• .tl) , W . Ioiil;. 70 L';5' r»U", and N. hit. .!:. IL". W . Ion-. 71 :>!' .lO , in 1.'. to .117 fat hours, IHSO-lHSij. South {it Haibaihts, in L'L' to ;{17 lal horns.- hall. iiH^...ijuja sl-J i'i;:s or r/u: .v.c/vo.v.)/, \rrsi:f )r. vol.. XX. l'}iiiiil\ AIM ID.i:. i ;ath y a h'( a K..i,<'it, 7'///)^. — lUtthjitircii inctKiiciiloiili s 1 SciHclii . SIm'II oiildii.u. siiIm>\ iili. (ir Kiiiiiiicil. r;itlur 1 liiii. usually liiitiy rjiii (•('II.iUmI. willi liiiirv iiin|iiival\ I'fl, witli a slij^ht l)yssa] sinus. Uyssus \fiy sriiall. Li«:aiii»'iiial area lauci'uiatc, Ioiil;*'!' ansi naciMw ci' hcliind the Itfaks. witli a sa^iiltatc jtostcrior li^aiucnl. I i iii^«' luarj^'iii Mcail\ straii-lil. usiiall\- narrow ami (mUmiIuIous in tiic niidtllc, willi a scries oi'sniall. ol>Ii(|Ui'. stiialcd and cicnulatrd icctii «' niaiuin of tnc inanllr plain uitliout ocelli, with a well-devcloped niiisrnlar septum. posleiiorl\ : tiie loot lai'ji'c and thick, {i'cnicidatc. ]M)intcd postciioily. witii a strong" hyssal uroox c and a slender, solid, hyssal stem: t wo ]»aii's <»r rather siiudl, loii.ii", lanceolate palpi; the rec turn with a tree terminal portion: (wo pairs of ratlmr larji'c jiills, with the po>tcri(ii' end of the stem free lor some distance, cui'\ed, and t;iperctl to a point, ami with the rellecte(l p(»rtiou oi'tiie lilamcnt oltlie sam«' lenjith as the direct; (he lilaineiits are vvvy sleinler. delicate, ami soft and hiil sl:uhtl.\' at (ached (o each other. This division, which is jtroliahly of >;eneric \alue. includes a numhci- oC small and mostly deep water species whltdi ha\e been vai'iously plai'iMl hy recent autliois. Mr. !•]. A. Smith puts several »d" them in Sctij>li(ir(ii with a mark olof/r;//,' with which (hey do not seem to amree veiy closely, ami miMitioiis (he airnii(y of others to linrlxifia. 'i'he last uidiip dili'crs in the stout, rouj;h sliell, strongly .inai)iu.u' ven (rally for (he hu jic byssus. and in (he chaiairter of the te«'(h and li;;;! ment. Scdjiliiinti has a thick, st I'oiiyly ribbed, incipiivalvcd shell, a linn byssus. and con(iuu(Mis. strong, laiice(date liunment. Mdrroilmi has. on (he postciior hin^cpiate lonji', di\erj;ent lamelhe. nearly paral lei with (he dorsal margin. We would refer the followinj;' species to l'n(tlij/(ir W'l'st Tiiili.'iii s|»('ri(s ilt'scrilird iiy Mr. Dail iis Mairodmi aniicrnhi ami .1/. sdiiriniiiit, slioiiltl. |it'ili;i|»s, loiin ,i scparati' yi mis, cliai a<(rri/r(l li\ tin' low \i i\ (>lilii|iii'. Niililaiiii, |iiisti'riiia\ c s |ilai 1(1 ill Ills ^;i iiii|i id' •■ ('nriillairt'rt, ' liiit lain w'lilcrs ( Cimr I'i isi'i'.l, l-'isrlifi, ami «i|lii-rs i liavr taktii lii^ iii>t spticit's (Intiiodoiitn i oT tiial >;riiii|i a> (lie t\iii' I'f tlic j:;ciiiiH "Citiiilliniii." wliich (litl'ciH in liaviiij; llic aiitfrinr ;>s wi II as IIh' |his|ci ill! tfilli lotij; and lamt'llitorni ; licinc wo wmiUl assot iato TtTtiaiy siiecicM liko JlcnlliaiLa inlivniiilviilala with tlio iivin;; th-ep wiitcr Ioiiuh. 1 > N" li:«'- hEl.r-WM'I'i! MOI l.!'>i(.\~]El:i;ll I. I A 7> /./ n//. S43 hiitirs I Sciifclii ) ;iii(l its \iiii('t its. (//vu/'//.s \'fi rill. I'n ilt i Ji'Wvoys. si pt< ii hioilillls S;||'S. rrnnlhltil X'cllill. niliifllldlil 1);|11. tlnin oil" Si. N'illcfllt. iKiitliWiiid. /•'. ///"'■/V(//.v (( ii'ii\), Arctic Aiiiciicit ;iii(l I'luiopc. I:. Kim iinilii \ I'll ill and liiisli, ( iiill" <»!' Maiiu'. H, (ihi/ssoniin N'cnill and IJiisli. <»IV I )rla\vai(' i>ay. /». jminiinHrithi N'cnill. fVnni oil' West Indies, north ward. I:. iiliiiiiriiilK (Dall), li. poli/riinni I>all . /.'. c/^/' /;rr/(«/.s" (Sinitln, oil' West Indies, />'. iniiijuist itlptu ;Smitlii. /.', /ihrinssn ! Sniitli i, .\tla nt ic and racilic. />'. //////^f/^/ i Sniitli ). I'aeilie. Ill iilliiircti ii.siK riilin\y,\U , :\ii*\ />'. saiirhnita halli.are iVuni the West Indies, in deej) walei'. BATHYARCA ABYSSORUIVI. new species. . I'hil.' I,\\\ 1. liu, !t. Shell small, short, well ronnded at both ends, swollen. ine(|iiilateral. sliuht ly (il»ln|ne. with a rather lonu, straight iiinu'' margin. liidMis lai'.uc, sw(dlen. prominent, ileaks prominent and eiirvcil >tronuly for- ward, situated considerably in front of the middle. Surface e\ cr^ wliero eo\ ei'cd with nearly eipial. delical*', raise(l. radiatin,n' lines and small, rather <'\'en. raised lines (d' ;.:ro\\ t h : these together piodnce a linel\ canceilated ^nrtaee which, when fresh, is co\ered with a thin Inownish yellow epidermis Idrmiii^' small scalediki' points at the intor- sectioii (»f till' lines; the surface is also marked with sli^ilil. irrei^nlar, coiH-eiitrie '..aves or iiiidiiiations. The anterior margin is shorter than the posterior and torms an obtuse, rounded an.ule at its jniK-tion with the hini^c margin; ilie \eii tral niarj4"in is oi)liiiuely er than the external stiia; there is also a line, imprt-ssetl line, with a linely creniilattMl edi;e close to the niar;;iii. Leii^ith of the laifiest specimen. <» mm.: heiuhi. •""• mm. Three specimens were fuuml at statiiUis L*71.". and JTl I. oil Delaware JJay, ill l,rtJ.") to l,.s")!t fathoms, isso. EaKSFaHJ.l-iii!ft'lS"PP'''^^''Wi sll I'nociriuM.s OF Till: xatiosm. Mrsi:r.y. Vdl, \\ 'rilis spfcit's is allicil to /.'. iilmiiirnhi l);il!. 'I'lic !iit tcr (lillei's in li;i\ iiiii :i less niiindfd 101111 willi :i loiijicr liiiiinc iii;ir}^iii, inoic (li-liiiiic tt'i'iiiiiiiil iuiulfs. :iii(i iiiiii-li more luitMcroiis iiiid siiiiiDct' teeth wliicli arc nearly cunt iniioiis. In our spcciniens of />'. ijUnnmiln of concspondiini' si/e, tluMc arc altoiit ten Icctliin cacli sci'ics and tlicy aical)()ut one lialf as lar,ii('. Accord inj;- to Mr. DalTs lij;nres, Mie uud)os oflds species arc lai'jje!' tiian in tlic more nortlitrn lorni. Imt our specimens ot' Ids species have tlic iirnhos smaller tlian is innr .. The position ol' the l)caUs and lorin of the liuanicntal area is nearly the same in both species; bnt the hitter ap])eais to be a little wider in ours and the ln'aks are a trillc moi'c obliipie. The external sculpture is similar bnt the ladial lines arc decid«'dly sti'onfiei' and less numerous \u f/hnncniln. and the si'ulpturc is (piitc ditVer«Mit iu the two vah'cs. while in ours there is no perc<'ptible dilVci'. inivijuisculpUt (Snuth) is also a closely allied species which Mr. l>all considers identii-al with ll. ijlomr- nih(. Mr. Smith's liiiurcs arc »piite dill'erent from tiiose . - l>.\i I . liiiil. Mii>. Cniiii.. /i),;!.. Ml. |,. L'l:., is8(!. Mtiiiodoii iinti'iiniliiol(( I>ai.i., liiill. I,', s, Nat. Miis., No. :>?, ii. IJ. pi. \i.\ 1. li;,'H. L';i, ■S.ia. iss'l. A very few specimens, at three stations, ]>et\veeii N. ii't. MP L'O', \V. Ion;;. li!|iic, slii;ii(|y divci'^cnt. iire;,'ular, loiifiitiidiiial, slij^litly striated and crcniilated folds, sciiaraicii distally by ratln-r drcii urooxcs m-arly |»aiall«d wiiii the inner niai^in. 'riie iimer edjie of tlie ventral niar.uin is tldn and plain. Kenj^tli, S..") iiini.; Iieijilit, 7 nun.; tliiekness. <• mm. ( )iie li\in<;' specimen i No. 7 lOSl i was dredged l»y tlic IIikIh \\\ siation ")2. olf Caslies I-ed.ue. in 27 fathoms. !S7I. As oidy a single specimen has been Ibnnd, it is possildc tiiat it is bnt an al)noriiial variety, jiltlinni('i ioi' ventral niar- juili liinch prodnc'd and obtusely rounded; auricles oidy slightly p»'d. The dorsal mai'jiiin is short and slrai^lit. with a narrow . siimm»i h area beneath the beaks; the anterior margin is suhtmncate, or very obtusely rounded: the ventral margin is oblique. l>roadIy rounded, foi'ininji' an obtusely rounded anylc with the posterior niaiyin, whicli is stronji'ly sloping and oid.\ a little c(»n\('\. 'i'lie umbos arc small and somewhat prominent; the b(>aks small, pointed, and curved inward. The entire surface is coxcrcil with strongly nuirked, concentric i^iooncs and i»r(iUHnent rouudt'd. naridw ribs; the lattei' are crct-sed by numer ous line, radiatiui;. incised striations, which divide llieni into beadlike, or stpmrish, portions, which are most obvious on the middle ami pos terior parts and become very faint antcrioilv. The liinuf niaruin is much thickened and bears a curved series of rather laryc, llaitened teeth, (»f which about eijilit are situated in Inmt of the beaks and ahout ten behind them; those neaicst the center are small; theresilial pit extends upward to the ln'ak in the tbini (tl a small lrian,^ular deitrcssion. The inner surface of the shell is marked by fine, ladiatinj; stria; the margin is thickened and <'ul avv;iy near the cdjic; no crenulations iiave lu'cn observed in oui' specimens. ( Ireatest leuiitli. Umm.; jireatest height. I'! mm.: breadth. (1 mm. A nund»er <»f separate valves, at about ten stations, beiween N. lat. 40 S', \\. lon}>-. (IS ir>', Kud N. lat. ;;7'' 7' 1", W. Ion-. 71 .".r)' 10", in (M to3H> nulioms, 1S80-1SS1. h; I KlO {•uncEEUJXns OF Till: XATfOXiL VISEIM. v<.i,.xx. LIMOPSIS MINUTA (Philippi). Cl'liifrs I.XW. li-. 1; l.XWIll, li^'. 7.) I.imoiisis nihinia \kijKIIi. riiins. Conn. Acad.. V, p. r>7li, \X'<'2; \\. \i. L'Sd. l.ssi ; \:\])\. .Ilhiitnt'in. lu]>nrl r. S. Com. r-'ish anil KiHlicrirH for isss, ]i. .")77. IMM."..-- Smuii. I'., a.. Ikoport NDy. ('ItttUinijir. /oi")l. I.aniclliliriinrliiiita. \ I II. p. lTiS, isx,-,.._|>,vi,i,. r.nll. Mm-. Comii. Zo.ll., MI, \). '2'M\, IWtl; liiill. C.S. Nat. .Mn>.. \... ;!7. p. IL'. ISS(i. l!i sii. I'.iill. Mus.Cninji. ZoCil., .\ \ II I. p. '-M."', pi. I, li^'. M. l,S!i:i. — I,ii(Alti>. ( ':inipa!iMi' (111 <'itii(l(iii, .Viinali's ilc ITnh fi'sitc dc I,\on. p. Mt^. IMM'i. A vt'i\ (•(•iiminii :iii(l iibimdiiiit .^jx'cios. at ciyiity two stations, hctwcon N. lat. J J 7' ;5(l' , \V. loiiy. :.7 Hi l."i", and N. lal. .T. tlt'.Ut". W. Ion-. 7! ;{l' ir»", in IK! to L'.-iM latlionis, 1880-1SS7. South to lluibados. in .")(> to L',L'1.M t'atlionis.— Dali. LIMOPSIS AKFINIS Verrill. (I'la:r I.XW . liu. L'. 1 I iiiKijisis .S' ;{")". W. Inn-. 71 :{(>". in l'.t7 latlionis. JSS.;. LIMOPSIS PLANA Verrill. (I'lalr I.XX\', lit;. .".. ) /.(m«/;>(.s Hp. I .'i N'latiai I., 'I'r.nis. Conn. .\ia(l.. \ . p. l.'><0, ISSl. LiiiKijisis ///(()(r7 VKiaai.i., Trans. ( unii. .\ca(l.. \ I. p. 111. ISSL': I'.xpl. .illiiilniKs. I>'i port r.S. ( 'oni. I'isli ami I'islicrics for l,ss;!, p. ,".77. iss."*. l.iiiiii/i.^iH (uirilii, Viir. iiliiiiit 1 1 Ml . I!mII. 1. S. Nat. Mils , No, ;;7. p. 11.'. ISS!'. liiiioi'^ix phnni i'.l SII, jiiill. Mils. ( oliip. /oiil,, XXI II. pIl.L'lll. ■_'ll. pi. II. Ii-.s. I!l. I'd, is!i:;. 'riirt'c ii\e spcciiiM'iis and one \al\(', al two ,->talioiis. iK'twccn N. lal. ;5S I'L' . \V. l()n,u. 70 I7';50'\and N. lat.M 10' .'.o . W . loii,u-. 7ti :u :w\ in 1,.S'_'."( loL!,-l-l latlionis, ISS.'I-ISSII. Suiitli to 1 Joiiiinita. NN'i'st Indies, in l.l;;i to L'.L'iM latlionis.— Dall. 'I'lic largest spiM-inicn. iVoni station 2710, is IS.o mm. lonj:: IS..") mm. jiioli: liin.uc niafoin. II mm. Ion,"-: 1 ij^a mental area, .'i mm. lono-. LIMOPSIS AUKIIA > Brocch* i Jeffreys. (I'lat<' I.XXN . li-i. :;. 1 .' Inn iiiiritit I'.Kot . Ill, Coiirh. loss. Siil)ap.. II. p. IS,"., pi. \i. lij;. !• ( t. .I« Ifrcvs). /,//i(.;/(.vi,s aiirilii .Ir.i i i:i:v-. nritisli Cnmli,. 1 1, p. Hll. pi, n . liu. :>. I''^t'l : N . pi. n\n. 111,'. I, Isiiil. — SMiiii, I"., .v.. h'l'jiorf Voy. r/((;//( »r/(i , /oiil., l.ainrlliln anclii.i I i. .\lll,p.L'.")7. ls,s.-,. -Dam.. Hull. .Mns. Comi.. /ool.. XII, j). L':^. issil; Unii. 1. s, Nat. MllH.. No, ;;7, ]!. I-', ISS!). — I.ocAltn. CaMiice^nr ilii C(n((/<(M. .\iiiiali - ili i'lnivrrsilc dc Lyon, p. 1!)7. Isim;. Not l.iiiioi>siH iiiirilii. vaiii'ty, N'l.iaaii . ' Conn. ,\i'.i(l., \ 1, p. 1 Id, is.s.".. One valve, ainoiio |m»i aniinil'era. station :.';>sr). N. lal. -JS ."il', W. lonji. SS IS', in 7.".0 latlioms. Soulli to (iienada, in L'l to l,r>Sli latlionis.— Dall. Ni). ii;;ii. in:i:r-\\.\ n.i! Moi.i.rsa—i i:l'i;u.l .isn in si/. Si: The II irlluM'ii s|H»cim('iis (//, pro/iinilicolii) i\)vu\rv]y rrt'ciifii doiiht- I'lllly tu lliis species pi-ove to he distinct. Tlie siii^^le s|icciiiieii imw included ii;;rees well with a s[)eciiiieii (•!' the lussil Inriii liom lliiiope. LIMOPSIS PROI'"UNblCOI.A, new species. ^ I'lairs l,\\\ , li-. I; l.XWIll, li;;. I.) I iiiiDjixis (dirilii, \.iriit\ ( .' I \'i;ui;i I 1 . Tr.iii'-. ('onii. Acml. \ 1, |i. I Id, \hKk ('(nnpiii)iti\el\ tew >|ieciiiieiis, iit ten stations, liet ween N.lal. il 7', AV. luni;. <;■. L'(i ;5U".iind N. lat. M 17'. W. hni,-;-. 7;J !>' 30 ', in 1 .:.L'.". in 1,8.V.) I'athoins, ISSl-ISSO. Fainiiv MVTlMD.i:. CRKNKI.LA l''RAGII.IS Venill. i'lalr J.XWIii, lius. I.J.I <'rniillii I'raiiilix X'KiUtii.r , I r;iM>. ( Oiin. A> ,iil., \' I. p. III. |ss:,._| t mi,, r.iijj. | '. s. N;it. Mils.. No. :!7. p. in, |ssii<;-. 71 ;>.")' 1(( ', in 70 lathoiiis, l.SSl. (ll.O.MID.i:. new lainily. (.Idiii'uiii \ rijiai I, .iikI I'.rsii. Aimi . .lourn. Sci.. 1 1 1 , |i|i. ."iH, ,"ili, .l.inn.ii \ . IM'T. Siieil shnit, roundish a I hoi h end>. 1 1 intje plate w ii h a low nl' i rans- veise leelli each side of tiie niiudh-. I,ii;aiiieiit tliick, elonualed, altaciied for most of its h-n^ith lo tiie inner snrl'ace oi ilie posteiior hinuepiale and riinninii' forward in a narrow j^rooxe oeiieath the heaUs, so I hat its anterior port ion is external and its liiickened pos teiior port ion is partly internal. No pallial .•^iiiiis. Aniinal not known. Th.s liroiip includes, so far as known, only tlie ;4'enns (ilnnnis .\r\' freys. w liich has heeii referred by sexcral writers to tin' Arcide. and l»y others to tiie I. edida-, tVinii both of which it differs widely, lis rela- tions to tiie Xuenlida' are s(»inewhat uncertain, owinu to our i.'^iioraiice ol' the solt parts, in tlu; form and position of the lij;ament il ililVers entirely from all other jienera cd" Nnciilida- and Lediila'. ,\ more niatnre consideration <»f tiiis uroiip. since the publication of our loriner article, lead.s us to consider it as a family di>liiici from Nnciilida'. GLOMUS JollVpys. f.7<( l,■I■■,^ , .\mials Miiy. Hist., |>. i:t:i. .N'ovcmlH'r, tsTf.. - \i i;Rii.i. Mini I'li-n. Aiiifi'. ,1(111111. Sci.. III. ]>p. .").!. 5;t, ,hinii!iry, \X'M. T}i}u . — (llnnnis nihus .It'tfrey.s. Shell thin, smooth. sulK'ipiilateial. rounded at both emis. willi (he beaks turned forward. No liinnle or esciitciieon. lliii;^e witli two seiiesof oblitjiiely transverse teeth ; a small lateral toot ii may Ite present. six i'i:ini:i:n{\<.s or /'/// vi/vovi/. }nsri}r. vol.. XX. Til*' Inildw illy ;iic (lescrilitMl spocics: (I. nihns .Icllrrys, North AHiuitic (l'!ni'<>i)«M iind IVom oil' Marlliiis \iiM'y;ir. 1,1.'.> nihii.i .lia'ii!i;\ >. Annals Miii;. Nal. Hist., p. {;!:{, Nnxcnilirr, IsTti; i'mc .Inni, 1S7!>. — \KUltit.i. Tiaiis. Conn I.iiikIdii. |i. 5711 pi. \ IS. li .\iail.. \ I, ji.-;!!. IS.^I; llxpl. .Ilbtilrosx. licpnit, f.S.d'oin. I'isli and I'ishcriis for ISS;!, p. .">7t!. IHK").— Smith, K. .\., liN'pnrt NO.v. ('hiilhniio-. /on!.. I.anicjii- III anr liata. Mil, p. IMS. 1 SN.-). — i»Ai.i,, I •.nil. f.S. Na). .Mns..No. :;7.p. U\, IHSit.— \'i;i!i!ii.i anil Hi sii. Aiiioi. .loniii. Sci., III. ]i. .Mi, li;;s. 1. L'. .Jannaiy, lsit7. The siu'cinn'ii.s which wo icl't'i' to this species ajirce closely in size ami I'oini with .Iert'i'eys''s I i;^!! res. 1 nit thcr«' is in botli \al\('sa small siii)mar ^inal lateral tooth just heyond the posterior series of teeth, and in the ri.nlit \al\ea similar but less prominent one Just beyond theanleiior s»'ries. These are not mentioni'd in .TelTreys's description. In thepo.s- terior series there are fewer te«'th than in his li,i;ure an«l they have an acute, oiiliipie, V shajx'd outline and are but little raised: in the ante- rior series there are four lai'o'er, obli<|ue teeth wiiich are not so dis tinctly V siiape. ii:i'.). l>i:i:i' ir.i III: Mni.i i sr.i—i i:ni:ii i. .(.\7» /.tn//. Silt 1(1 |(i silllplc '• loliuhliUK'liiilU^"" (or l>lnlnl»i;ilirlii;ih') ^JIIn; Iwo |i;iiis tt\' l;iij;t' liibiiU piil|»i, tlic oiiUt (UH'S fiuiiislii'd with loiiif cxloiisilr I;ihi;il tciilii- cles; a liir^r imisriilar loot with an cxpaiidrd. coiitMNr. hi iniiiiil disk, adapted tor rapid riiotioiis in iiiii)piM<;' and swianiiini:. as \vt-ll as lui' ciccpiiij;'; and all liavc two scries of traiisv«'rsi' or uldii|ii(' Ici'th on the liin^ic mar^iiii. 'riic peculiar structiiics ot" lo(»t and <;ills appenr lojfetlier t'lsewliere oidy in the landly Soleniyida'. wliicli is e\id«'iitl,\ a lelated jiroiip, tlioiifili it lacks liinjjeteei li and has a \ t'r,\- ditlcrent shell. As tiiese three families Inivc j^ills of a peeuliaf and siniidc stincture, eaeh one consistin;;' of two rows of Ihit ianielhc, ;it Inched to a single stem, they lia\t' recently Itecn regarded as torminj; ;i specini (Miicr ( Protohranchiatai. This yronp is of special interest because of ils ;;reat iintii|Uily. liUrj^c numbers ol' fossil forms very closely allied to cxistin^i' ;;en< ra and species occur even in Silurian and Devoidan Ibrimitions. Thus the common living' <;enera Xuciihi and Liihi ar(^ repicsented by numerous !)e\(»niaii s])ecies, many of which can not be sepmated from the recent tbrms, even as subgenera, by any t;in;iil»le characters. ( )t her species <»f the same age. referred to Pahroit) ihi, a<;rcc in nearly all css<'n- tial eliaraeters with the liviiiu' ^cnns Tindarui. 'i'hese fossil shells are {jeiHTally lar<;er and stron^ei' than the correspond in ji" livinj^' species. Many Paheo/oic m'uera which aie now extinct were as hiuhly orL;aiii/cd ami as nuudi speciali/.ed as their livinj'' allies. The thin shelled, strongly siphonate jj,-ein'ra. such as )i>l(li(i. Ynidi ilhi, etc., do mtt appear so early in ^eoloyici*' time ami may be reuardcti as more modern specializations of the beda like forms. They are al>o the forms that swim and Jump with the ;^rt'atest activity. Theiclbre the thin and li^ht charaetei- of their shells may l>e regarded as ha\in.c very numerous ami leunlaily V sha|>ed in each series, or tlicy may I»e com- paratively few and iirejiular. sometimes becoming; ol)Ii(|ne and lamelli- form {SilifKla). 'I'lie beaks yeneiaily tnni baekwanl i Vnhlia, Lviln^ \i(ci(lt(). but in Mdlhtlfi, 'iixtlitt'in. and some otlier ;;eiieia tliey turn forward. (Mi this ac(!onnt, when theic is neithei' pallial sinus noi' external Ii;;ament, it is often dilliciilt. if not impossilijc. to tell which is the anterior end of the shell without the soft parts. Hence nnmy fos- sil and some recent species have i»rol)aidy been reverx'd in the descrip tions. Thus many of the fala-o/oic specit's referred to \ inula are ()sterior, Itnt in niodiMii Xxiiiln the beaks turn backward anncUo proba- bly belonj^' to or m>ar the Tindarina'. Some (d' the species' fiom the American Devonian rocks can hardly be distinguished from Ti)uliiri:aiiient and no resilium. Tn these ;.;-eiiera the plain, transverse teeth are very numerous and more simple than in the modern genera, seldom showing any trai-e ot the acute, V-shaped form chara<'teristi<' of most inodern ,uen.era, though in some spc'cies thc^ teeth are slightly aiigulated in the middle. 3Ir. Dall has projiosed the family Ctenodontida' to include ntuuerous Paheozoic sjieeies belonging to Clrnndoula, nud allied genera, some of which /iltel and others refer to Arcilc SCO /'. coiii^tricla TImII, I', iilana Hull in I'liLioiiloloMy of New York. V, IM. 1. i)i». :(;!;{. i;;!!, jii. xi.vni, li-s. i-i's, issr>. - 'rniiiH. \Vay;iU'r Free, Ill, p. "il."). 181)5 NO. 1130. DFHi' ir.i ri:ii yrni.usrA-^ vfurii.t. ixn insTr. fiSl Tli<» lAMli«lii',a.s here iiiMh'rstood, wt-ir , 1810. S'liriililUl !•'< McitHiW , isl5. Xiirinilla S. Wudi.. ISIS. .\iiriiH)ia N'r.It'ili.l. Jiiid I'.CSM. Aim r. .loiiiii. .Sc i.. Ill, )))>. .".:!. ,"i!t, .l.imiiiry, IH'.tT. We have included Xki-iiHiik in the Xiu-nlida' with sonic doubt, because authors dilfcr as to its structure. Some state that its lijja- inciit is wholly external and others to tln' contrary. l'"is(dicr places it in the Arcida-, neai' Liinojists, but it has no lij;amental area. Mr. Dall kindly foi-wardcd tons excellent nnpuMishcd ll;,Mires of two American sjiecies . Idl, \~W. yiiriiliiiiti iii.Nh, licsrlir. It'iist. .Siiiiiiiil., j>. l.Vi, 1S07 (_iii»(; of Adams, ISTiS, nor of HiUTlH, 18117). XnciiIaDxiA., Mull. Mim. Coini.. '^*»'"'l-. -^"> V- 2I'», l>tion plainly shows. There was, therefore, H'>2 vin)Cf:F.hi\us ttr riii: \ irios \i mi wv u. Vim.. \.\ ii(» \ iiliti cxruse I'mi' a|»|»lviii;; it to :i tlillfn-nt ;:roii|i ( /,(■(/<», tli;i I liail aliradv n'lj'ivfd a valid iiaiiu', as was dniii- Ity II. and .\. Adams. Tliat u s|n'cirs licluiiuiii^ to Lain was niriitionrd hy Link dors not altn' fli»'', lor all tlif sprcii's «»(' l.nlii and YnhliK tlirii known wcic ifl'nicd to \i(n>.i i)ni(.]m{ the two series are le^s curved and meet in ii broad aii<;le. Tien^ith, .(.."i mm.; heij^'ht, .'> mm. OiM^ live specimen (No. 7.">l()7). station Sfl.J, in Vineyard Sdund. oil' Cuttvhunk. in is fathoms, ISSO. NUCUI.A SUBOVATA. new species. il'liil.s I.XX.M, liu. S; l.WXIII. Ii-. -y.) Shell small, broadovate, with soinewhar i»rominent umbos, and rathei- acute, somewhat prominent beaks behind the middle. Surlace smooth and lustJoua, covereil with rather re,ui!lar, concentric, lines of jiiowth, which are scarcely visibb* to the naked vyo. i']piderinis thin, pale ytdlowish ^^reen. The antero- rapidly, and tbrmsa slight rouiuled an;,'ulation in the middle of tin; posterior end, wheic it joins the broadly rounded, ventral marj^in. Hiii<,'einar.i;in rather broad and strtMij; in |»roportion to the size of the shell, with a moderately lai.i:e rouiuled, slij^htly obliijue chondrophore piojectin^" considerably wiiliin the margin. The portion of the hinge-i)late behind the beaks is cmi siderably shorter than that in front and bears about six, slronu. V shapeil teeth of which the two distal ones and the two proximal ones are much smaller than the others; i'l froui: of the beaks it is broad and f NO. ii:m. i>i:i:r\y \ri:u unrii sr i—\j:i:i;ii.i. i\i> /;/>//. S53 f striiiijuly (ihn nl. iiiid Ixais alxtiit iiiiir l»i(tiiiii>(I. 'IMiri'c is ii tliin. r<)iitiiiii li^^iiiiifiit hotli iM't'oir aiid lirliiiitl llif Im'mKs. I';|»i(h'rmis iliiii. imlc ;irt'»'iiisli yellow. Tlie iiirici xciitnil iii:ii';;iii is tliiii and phiiii. l-t'M mill.; Ii('i;;lit, .'5.1> iiiiii. Some (d' tin' siiiallcr spcciiiiciis have a iiarrown' and less tliickciMMl, liiiij;*' plalc witli (lie Icclli iiiort' di'licatc than in tlic type. I'oiir spcciiiiciis, at loiii' stations. iK'twccn N. lat. I<> , W. Idii-. 71 ' II' ;{(>", and N. lat. .IT H', W. loii;>. 71' ;{;{', in i:>7 t.. Ill latliums, ISSl-lssr,. This species has Some reseinldaneo to .V. tenuis. ])\\t it is iiiii<>h less oiditpie and inoitM-loii^ated in toriii, and is less inciiiiilateral, the pos- ti'iiur end not heiiii; siildnineated. wliile llie anti'iinr end is narrower, relati\('ly shoit«M'. and nineli less oldi(|iu'. 'riie hinjje iiiarj;iii is also ditl'eieiit ; tlu' teeth are fewer and inneh stronger, and the iiini;c mar^iin mneh broader, w hile the eliondrophore is smaller, more rounded, miieli less ol)Ii([iu'. and projects freely trom the inner liin;^-e maryiii instead of bein;;" iiiiit»'. I>.\i.i., Hull. I . S. Nut. .Mii,-<.. No. :!7. ]•. IL'. ISS!'. 'I'akeii at about sixteen statifMis. between N. hit. II .■>;>', W. lon<;". Cut'^ ;'>;■")'. and N. lal. ."{s :W ;?". W. lon^-. T.T (I', in .'Jsl to I, (Mil fathoms, lvS.S(l-18.S(!. NUCULA VERRILLII Dall. riiile \('\', 11-. 10.1 .V»(r((/rr Iriijinui \'Ki;iai,i,. 'I imii.s. ( onn. .\c,i(l.. \'I,ji. i;!s. iss.-i iiint iiinmi. islli.uot Sc^iicii/a, IST"). Siiciilii iirrillii i>Al.l. iSiill. Mils. (iiiii|.. Zoi'il.. .\||. ]>. L'lS, l.ssti; I'.ull. C.S. N:il. Mils.. No. :!?. p. 12. ISSII; i'loc . I'. S. N:il. Mils.. .Ml.].. L'.'.T, |.l. \I\. liM. 1. IKSJI.— in sH. i'.iiii. Mils. Cnini). /.(Hii.. Will. i.|.. 'Jio. L'l;:, ]<]. i. ti^i.t;. isi*:!. (''.• I.'i' 4:.", \V. lollf,^ 7»» 7', and N. lat.;{i; -17', VV. Ion;.;-. 7;{ !»' .JO", in I.I 10 to l,S2r» fathoms, l.S8l-l8S«i. South to Yucatan, in l.'iO to IjdSo fathoms.— Dall. ' l»(;iioit \ (i\ . < lidlh/ii/ir, Zoiij. liiiiiii-llihriini'liiutii, .Mil, i>. 2'J~. i>\. win, lij;.s. 10-lOa, 1885. 854 rnocFEDixr.s or rur XATin\.\r. MusEr.yr. vol.. XX NUCULA CANCELI-ATA Jeffreys. lI'liitiN l,.\\\I, liir. ;{; l..\.\\\ I, (ij;. 5.) XnniUi III niellala \K.i!iili,i., I'raiiM. Coim. .\li iiiid Fisheriis for IXKt. p.nTt'.. \xk:,.-^ Dam,, Hull. r.S. Nat. Mils., No. ;i7, ji. \'J. isx'.i; I'ror. I'.S. Nal. .Miis.. X 1 1, ji. _',".«, IH8!i. A vt'iy iibiiiHliint siM'cit's, iit t'orty-four .stiitions, between N. hit. IL' 47', VV. ioiit;. ()lo4', :iiul N. lat. ;{7^ 27', W. l(»ii^. 7;{ .'.;{', in ;{.SI t()L',().;;5 t'iitlionis, 1.S,S;>-1SS7. H«)utli toolTToha^o, West Indies, in .S,S() t'atlionis. — Dull. Family I.KIHD.K.' sui.i.uuii.v 1 -i-'.i )i Nr.i<:. LEDA SclumiJiclK'f, 1.S17. I.ahi Vkuuii.1. and in sii, Aimr. .lonni. Sci,, III, |i|i. 51. liL', .lannarv, IXit". yiiriilanii IIahui.s, Cat. Hritisli Musuiim. p. ;tlH. I«!t7 (not l.inU, 1X(I7). 'l)n>«'- — />r'/'» r<>.strat<( (Montiijijti, IS(IS). This j-eniis litis lieeii viiriotisly extended tind icstrictetl by anthojs. and sevprjil snb<,'enerie tind sectional or()iip.s hasc been pioposed. In the nioie e.vtended sense it is .setireely ciip.ible of a delinition that will tlistinjjfiiish it from Yohlia, etc. VN'e j>roin)si'd, therefore, to festrict it to the typieal Hpecies, stnh as L. citspidatii (ioiild, L.niiuldtd (Donovan), //. pmndd (.Miiller), I.. Inm isiihuita (Coiithoiiy). tintl mtmy otliei's«'lo.sely felated. These littve ji loiij;, ti'i>tv<'d, biciiriiiiite lostrnm, and well developed siphon tiilx's, partitilly Muited. The pidpal tenliicles tire loii}^, tlat, t;ii)ei'ed, :ind tiiise exteiiiiil to the bases of the outer ptilpi, which arc brotid with slenth'r, actite. l)osterior tips. Mr. Ilaiiis (Hiot«^s rostrnta liimnens jis the type of his \iici(l; ro.s7/v(/.; liiiniinck, 1S19, is the stime as ftvruiila .Miiller, 1771 or (>?, so thiit in uain}; roxtraia Montaj,Mt, ISOS, \\{\ avoid confusion til" names wilhoni leading to any misiindeistandino of t!ii^ form of the slnill. for till of the jibove species have the .same rostrtited form. LEDA BUSHIANA Verrill. (I'lat.s l..\.\l.\, li-. S; l..\.\XIl, liK. }).) I.eda hiiHhiann Vi'.ituii i,, Iraii.s. Conn, .\.a\>. 2L'!». '_>H(), 1K«| ; V.\\>\. .I/'"/ IroMK, Ktiport IJ. S. Com. Kisli aini Fislu'iirM for IHHW, ji. ,".7ti. i^W^»,— Dai.i , I'.nll IT. S. Nat. MnH.. No. :t7, p. Jl, \HH\K A few specimens, oll'Citpe llatteras, North ('tirolina, in HIO futhoms. 18tS3. South to Kloritla St i tilts, in IL'O to ."»!<) fathoms.— Dtill. ' Alien /(un(/ri Harris, Austialiaii T«i. .Moll., Cat. ItiitiHh ftbisoiiiii, p. lUW, IK'T. NO. UM. i)r:i:i' w.i rri; mdilvsca^vkuhui. i\i> ursii. <^1 ). .') fi' LEDA PERNULA ^Mulleri. (I'l.ltr I.WMI. l\;i. 2.) I.iild juruiiUi (i. <). Svl!>, Molluscii \U-TiX.- .\\:\\\IV.\S, I'lOr. /.(i<;l. Site. I.ihmIi'Ii, |i. fiTI. .1 ■, ISTl'. \ kk- Kll.l., I'lnr. I'.S. Mils., III. ).. 101, ISHl; Trims, (.iim. .\. mI.. \. y.'ul, IS.Sl'; II,, I VI, p.L'Nd. pi. \\\, li-s. II, 11(1, ISHI. — Ndt 1».\II,. Kllil. r. >. N;it. Mils., No :{7, III. \i.\. Iij:>. II, 11(1, INX'.i. I'miiid :if a riuiiil»«'r<»rstati(»ii.s lK'!t\v«'«'ii N.lnt. Ki 'l.\\ \\ . loim. ."iL* !."»', anil N. hit. .17 s', W. loii^. 71 .'J.J'Jii I'.'i to 171 I'atlioiiis, 1 S7'J- 1 .ss."i. I. EDA CAUDATA (Donovan). (I'l.ilr l..\\\ll, li;;. 1.) Ann riiiiiliilii l»(i\ii\ • :,•, I'liiiisli .'^liclN. pi. lAwiii: < liciiii iil., p. "•(). pi. \\ii, li^M. N IL'. /.((/(( I II mill lit LoVl' \ I ml. Moll. SiMiiil., p. ;!l. (lui l,|i, li'ip. on lii\ cii . ol Mas-,., liiniu-v'.s ((1., p. Mm, lii;. 171, isTC— TUM is . .\mci. .Mai. <'oiiili., p. isj. pi. WW III. li-s. IMI. I'.l.",, 187:i. t.rdii I'fniiiht \ I itiMil, Trails, ((iiiii. A.\I.I , Uiill. r. S. Nat. M ii-.. No. :,7. pi. \ i \ , I'lKs. II, M„. is.sp. — ( ; ,|!r--ii. Hull. .Mn-. Coiiip. /o,.l., .\.\I1I. p. L':t|. IMK!. J.idii liiiidttlit \ KUKii.i. and Iil .sii, .\imr. .louni. f^v\.. Ill, p. 51, liy. Jit. .laiiiiaiy, is; 17. This (l('('|H'i- water lunii, prrviunsly ideiitiliiMl as Liiluinrinihi.wns round at a \t,'ry lew stations iM'twccii I'J ."17 , W. lun.L;. (!!• ."><•'. aiid N. lat,;;7 KI'.KI' . \V. Ion-;-. 71 !.'(»' ;}(>", in IdL'toHH tatlioni>. l.S7l-lS«r., I LL:UELLA Vci-fill mid lUi^h, 18U7. ■hnioiiiii i>VMiKS/..\, Nnnilidi tiiviarir :iicriil. d" llal.. If, .Ai'ad. p. 1 1 7."i, 1X77 1 not of II ( iiM'.K . I.tidillii \iniiiii and I'.l --ii. .\iiii>i . .loiirii. Sci., III. p|i. .M, tlL', .laiiiiiii.\ . |sii7. "fllii . — I. nit I hi III) sstiiit !i,sis (Sront'liza). '1 ids {fniiip inrlinios a lar^r nuinln-r of small sprcics. lioih li\ inji and fossil, in wldch the sludl is rathcf slioit, usniilly ovate or swollen, w itli a ;>inall, iieiite or siih;i«nt»' iinicaiiafr rostrum, sit natcd medially or snh- medially, and dctincd i>elo\v hy an eiiiar^iiial ion or nmlnhil ion in the posterovtMifral miuoin. 'i'he poHtoro-doi'snJ mar^iin is eonscx. Tho, eM'uteheon or lioanienlai ar«'a is v«'ry distinctly defined l),\ lliee:irinii, lint is not .sunken. Tiie chondroplnire is usually small liii-l distinct. The siphon tulu's ;ire .se|»arate. at least in sonu' ^jiecies. 1 1 iiiclinio numerous minute tertiary species icr ired liy Seouen/a to the -ection of lulu nam«'d hy him '/inKniiii. ii\u\ a considei alile number of recent deep water spi'eie.s gi'iierally de.serihed li\ aiitliois under It tin. \> the name •Iniitmia \va.s preoe(Mipied, the yroup, wldch seemed to he id' i^cneric value, reipiired a new name. The foll«»\\ iiij;- species ap|)es\r to helont: here: Jj. atiiiiiiulii (rtegueu/a), /.. iiiiohn (Seguen/.u), /.. ptitijjinis (fcse- sr,n mm ]■ i'i)i\(,< or Till: ytrtny.ii vrs/vv. vol.. w jiiicn/a, /.. iiitiilnrsatK (S»';iiu'li/a). /.. (■«»»/"».s7f (St'j>iU'ii/ii), f(>ssil; /,. solitluhi (Siiiillii :in/»((/<(( Smith), /,. /ov(/^(//MSiiiitli), and /.. ultima Smith i, IVom tlic Patilic: /-. /Hr.s-.sw/jr»,v/\ (Scgiicn/.a), frttm oil' th«' l»arl)a(h<.«<. iioithwaid : /.. iinssdnnisis (>>{'4. ((iiiii), /oi'il., Ml, p. 21!', ls.sti; Hull. r. S. Nat. .Miis., .\.., ;::. 11. II. isMt. Tin' shell which is licrr i'('j;ard«M| as the 1 rue »/r.v.s«f*/r/(.s/\ i.s small, .swollen, <»\ ate. nraily <'iiiii lateral, with ;i distinct. sIkhI, oldiqiie rostrum bent (hiwnward at Ihe lip and se|iaiated from the body of the shell liy a disiinct de]ii'ession and mai^inal indentation, 'i'he shell is thick ami solid for .so .small a species; its surface is coveri'd with line, i'e;.',nlai', raised, thin, concentric lines .seiiiuated hy widei- concaNc ^^.ioon <•.-;. 'i'h,. liinjie inai^in is thick, stroiiji, with altont seven or eii.;ht, mostly s rndrophorc is relatively lai'^e, trianynlai'. and projects on tin- inner maruin. The epidermis is p;ile yellow. .Vc«'ordin<;- to .Icifreys the siphon tubes an- ion^ and se|»arate. licn^i'th. about 2.<> mm.; heinhl. about _ mm. A few specimens, at three stations between \. lat. .'^S'^ L*9', \V. Ion;.;. 7;i <.»', and N. lat, .".T , W, h)'!^. 71 ^ 'iV. in IMlo to L',(iL'0 fathoms. ISSl-S.".. South to the r.arbados. in .'VJ to LMCl'l fat horns.— hwll. V No. 11 LEDELLA MESSANENSIS (Sepuenza) variety SUBLEVIS, new. . I'lalo l..\\\l. lii:. 7. i ]iil(liit tiiissiitii iisix, viiiicty \i.iaai.i, riaii>. i imii. A somewhat more elon.uated form. It has nino ecimen. < 'omparatively tew speeimeiis, at thirteen stations, ImM ween N. I;il. 41' 17 , \V. loiijr. Ill T, and N. lat. .'{S lM» . \V. loiiy. H) S' ;iO". in"^ t(» 'J,o;{;i fathom.s, ISiS.J-lvSSij. N".n:i'.i. i>i:i:i' 11 A I i:i! Moi.i.rsc.i- } i:i;i:u.i. .i\i> /;/>//. s57 LEDEI.I.A PAKVA Vcrrill ami liiish. rhitf I.WXl, n-. I. 1 l.xlillii jiiirvii \ i:i;i;ii i. .unl Hr-ii, \iiiiT. .Iniiiii. Si i., Ill, p. M, li^;. Is, .l:iiiii:irv, ISH7. Slicll iiiiiiutc, ii;iii(i\v oVMlf, llif aiitcrini- cml tin- loiiyii' niid (»l)lll■^(•ly roiiiHlfil. iiiid till' (tustci ioi' nitl with :i slioit. siilttniiicatc iiitMiian uis- tiiiiii. I 'minis soPM'W liat swollen: beaks ii litllr iiroiiiinciit and tiiiii.'d slii;liti\ hackwaid. 'I'lic smtact' is nearly siiiont li, show ini;- oidy inifin scopic lines of jir<»\vtli. The aiitei(» dorsal liiarj^iii isi'Uinyated. sliiiJitly et»n\ f\, ami slopes \ ery gradually to the nmiidi'd aiiteiior «'iid ; the ventral mai uiii i> iMnadly ami evenl.N eoincx. Iml suinewhal pindifd np jiosteiiiM ly tt» Inrm a sljj;ht rmarjiinat ion helow I lie rostrnin. which is short, narrow . sniitriimate at the tip. and is delined iiy a sliuht, ineon spiemais rid};e; tin* postero dorsal margin is nearly st rai.L;lit and sh)pes rapidly to Jlie upper an^h' "d" the lostriiin. The hiiijuf plate is slroui;'. ••onsidei altly t hiekenetl. wit li a \ cry olitiise anuh- at I lir licak : t lie ante rior ]>ortioii is the loii.ufr with thf inner niainin eon v<\, and l hi- posterior jiortioii is the wider, more ol)li< pie, with the inner margin >etl than usual. There aii' about lilteen in t he anlcrioi' scrit's, of w hirli three or four proximal ones ai*- ipiite small, and nine si on I cr ones in the posterior sci'ies, iiicludiuj;" one wry small one next tiu* lieak. 'I'iie( lion di'ophore is rather small and deep with a ilistiiictly projcclinL; inner edjut'. liCii^^lii. ■> mm.: Iici^hl. _ mm. ()ne val\e (No. 7S;i(l,"»). station L'lls't. ,,|V MmMlias X'ineyard. in ."»•_'.'» fathoms, ISStl. 'I'liis species seems to be closely allied to I., snnni fSmitln from off the coast of ISra/il [ N'oya.iicol' t he Cliiillniiji ; i. but that species, although of tin' same >\m\ has fewer teeth, nine ol' w hieh ar(^ sai«l be anterior and twelve posterior. F^Oh^Tl.A ND! A Mmi.Ii, I;jn7. I'mlliiii'liii \iia;iii .Mill llr--ii. Amci . .Iituni. Si i , III |»|i. M, il.'. .l:oiii:ii \ , Isi'T, Ttifu . - I'm lldiidid tirfti((i{i I ray) 1S1I> /,( ihi i>i>iiliiii>liiii ( llitclirdck ). We coiisid«'r this a distinct u'cnus. but would lestriit il to theoii;^' iiial type, unless a few species, which we ha\ e not seen. >lionld pio\e to lielony to it . Iiiaiiy<'aseil does imt appi Mthat aii\ of the noithcrn species of" l'airo|M' and .\inerica that ha\e been referred to it aie really closely allied t(»tlH' type. In many respei-ts this ycnus is intermediate betw'een l.rthi and Vohlin. In its tdosetl shell, detinite rostrum, eti-., it ajj;re<'S more nearly with the Ibrmei. but in j;ciieral outline, with the latter. PHH 808 ruoi r.i.niscs of tiu: y.rrio.wn. .i/r.s/r.y. Vol.. w. YOLDIA Mollef, 1842. Ytildiu \i;iti!ii.i .iiiil I'.i -11, AiiiiT. .loiiiii. Sri., III. ]i|i. ,Vi, (!•_', lii^H. IL', M, .hum iiry. IS!i7. Ttii>r. — Yohlid liijiKrlmrra T«>rrt'Il=: Volili<( urrthn M<'iller (not (li'ay). We liavti i«'.stri('t(Ml this ^cmis to tlu^ typifiil fonn.s. .such as V. Vnun- tiiht (Say). V. s(iin>till(t HWmUl), Y. mi/alix iCoiithotiy 1, and nians closely allied foiei};ii species. These have a nearly smooth, eonipressed. lanceolate, j^apin^ sliell, more or less prolonj,'ed and tapered posteriorly, with a poorly , new species. This sui)^('nns is iillied to Yi>l(liii. but is distinjiwisbed by its obloii;,^ t)vate, compressed form, with a broadly rr)und«"d. jtosterior end, ha\ in;; a very small, nearly obsolete, rostrum. Surface sculptured with dis- tinct, raised, conci'ntiic lines. Ilinj,^' plate and teeth strong, liesiliiint occnpyiny a distinct i>it in the apex of a lar^^e shelf like, trmnuulai clM)ndro|)hoie. YOI.DIA lADHANKl.LA' CASTA, new species. I I'JMl.- I.\\\. (iu. 1.) Shell small, oblonn IIS ate. .sinnewhat compressed. iiie(|nilateial. wilh the posterior eiiil a little the lonjier and considerably the broader. rml)(»s small ; beaks cuived inward an iM'ak, wlieie it is interrupted by a small, lather deep I'-siii il pit. whi(!h is bordered interiorly by a thickened extension of the liin-v maVjijiii forming a sort of shelf, the whole constituting a broadly Irian- gidar chondr(»phore with the pit near its apex. The anterior sen'-> of teetli contains twelve, of which threeoi- four pr(>\iHnil ones an* \ciy small, and form a series whicdi curves upward, exterior to the clioii'h" phore, and tt-riuinates at the superior margin of the shell: the ii'ih 1' Ni) ii:w. i>i:i:r-fv.i I i:i: Mi>iJ.rsr.t—ii:i;i;ii.L .i\i> in sii. S:.'.! hccoiiu^ l;ir;iT. stroiiii, and tliicU distiilly, with Innatl V .slia|i»Ml buses hcparalfd .>y (le«'it pits. In the itostcrior sciics, wliii h is a little tlic loii^tT, there are eleven tc«'th corresptiiidiiin in foini and arraiiueineiit with those of the anteri(»r series. The exterior siirlaee is rej:iilarly 8('nl[>tiire(l with itroiiiinent, sharp, eoneentri<\ raised lines separated Ity wider intervals. Interior very ;:lossy. Muscnlar sears and pallial line not visible. Ilxterior senlptiire elearl> sei-n tlirouLili the shell. lieii^fth, 1.2 mm.; heij^ht, L'.S nun. One valve, amonj;" l-'oraiiiiidlera, station Jl."))*, N. hit. 1.! .'.I' |.'> , \\ . loiiff. Sio 20' 10", in liS'J fathoms, ISSl. ORTHOYOLDIA VcmmiII iiiid tin^h, ISO?, OrtliDiiiihtiii \ laatiii. .iinl lii'SM, Aiiii'i-. .luiiiii. >< i.. Ill, pji, ri.'i, lii'. .Imiiumi v, IS'.tT, T\ii>i. — Orlliojinhliii scfipiiKi (Dalh. Shell oidoii;.;, uapin;;', blunt or roiiinled at both end>, wilhont a dis tinet rostrum: no carina. Tallial sinus Iar. scupinii (haliu from oil llra/i; and o. solenoides (I)all) from tlu' West Indies. M E(iA YOLDl A V.-iai 1 1 ii iid Uti^li, tS97. Mt;liiiiuliliit \Kiaai.i. :itiil lirsM, Aiiht. .louiii. ^^< \., Ill, |i|i. .'i."!, t>2. tiu. 17, .lannnrv , ls!t7. Tifjn . — Mcijaj/ohliii tinaiiivi'itfinis (Storer;. We have established a new };en<'rie ^rdiip foi' this lar,u«- and well known species, whieh has sometimes been referred to YoUini and some times to rier(» ventral marj;inal lobe. The rlli(iiiliii, but differs in bein;^ broadi'r, tiatter, and yapin^ at both emls, and in lia\iiru a strongly developed external lipimi'iit. I'rom Yohlld it also dilVers in the last (•iiaracter, as well as in outline, but aj;rees w ith it in its coinpi'es.sfd ^apinu shell. The jiostero ventral mai'^in of the mantle forms a iniuch like piotni sion, eorres[)ond!ii,i: to the radial i i«l,i;e. The siphon tul'cs are. lonj; and united; the posteiior ;tallial tentacle is |.»n<; and --lender. The palpi are very larjj^e. 1'he palpal lenlacles (»i initiate fr(»m the body wall at the base of the outer [>alpi; they are huiju and tliiek. wiili a larp* furrow on one siile. 800 ri;()ri:r.i)ixi:s or riii: \ iri<>\ \i. ur.'^rr.v. Vol.. X \ )iihliii riiinliirin \'Ki!i:ii.i , Trans, ("oiui. AcjkI.. \1, iip. L'L'S. 27!', iNSl. Mirroyoliliii rcijiilitrlH N'l.iaMi.i, .iiid Hi'sn, Aiiic r. .loiirii. .Sri.. Ill, p. .".»!. li-s. °., le, .laim.iry, In'.i". This sjH'cit'S clo.srly i'esrml)l('.s the vt'iy yoiitiii <»t McudjlohliK tlinicia Janiiis (Ston'i) \ t'lrill iintl I'.ii.sli. in the cliiii iictci' (if the. liiii<;<>. S|icci nuMis of tilt' latter ii»(')isuiiii."» imii. in Inijitli lia\<' flie rc'Iali\(l\ lui'};o, coiicsivo, caitilajic pliito Itct'oie the ImmUs, \\lii(!li cinvr stroiiirly backwaid and arc nearer the center <>t tlie shell, and tliclcctli are nior»' nnnicroiis and inoic slcndt'r. In .1/. nyiiluris ^h^^ shell i.s cordate ovale or veneriloiwn. The ItcaUs curve stroii^My toward the short (iiiiterior ?^ > a slij^lit <;r<)ove which indent- tln' hiniit'-niai'.uiii. I'hc anterior ( .' part of the hine(> niaryiu i.s tliiroxiinal fwo ])i'oieit above the in i ^in in a doisal view, the others are low and latlier obseure. I'ndci rlie beak the hinu'e i)late is thickened, siniions, edentulous for a short dus- tanee; back ( ?) of this theie is a larp', thick, obli»|ue, eoiiea\e eln»« drophore which occupies the whole bi 'adth of the hinge inartriti an«< pi'ojects inward bi'yond it as a shelf like bordt-r; beyond this there is a series of six or st^ven proiuineut, blunt teeth. The exteiinil li;;aiiicnt lies in a. distinct grove along a large part of the »Migeof the hm-cr (posterior?) dorsal inaruin and runs under tlie boak, but fades uiii in front of it. The pallial sinus is not visible, conseipiontly i' i"^ »i>t possible to decide winch is the anteiior <'nd. Nn. li:i'.l. iti:i:i'ir.iTi i: mdi.i isr \ -vFinni i. .i.v/» lusii. sin l'>iit one s|)»'ciiM('ii iVoiii st:itiiiii l!l!». ntV Tliiilclit'is Islaiid, in IK fiUlloms, ISTS, liaH Imumi rrH'ncd to lliis species, ln'sidcs tilt- l\p(' spcciiiit'iis (No. ;;,S|'J()> stiilioii 1(>'.>.'., otV Mintliiis \iiit'\ mil. in '!ll» rillliuiiis, ISSL'. YOLDIELLA V.-riill ii in I lii isli, I s- 17. )'iil(lifllii \il!i!iii. Mini I'll ^11, Amtr. .Icviiiii. Sci., Ill, |i|i. "i."!. •;;;, .l;inii;ii \ , Is'.lT. 'll/jlt'. — Y()l(lirll(( llicidil (l,(»\rli). Tin's j^rniip iiifliKlcs ;i liii'^^c minihor of small, mostly (Iccpscii spi't'irs w itii jilossy. iridcsiT'iit, ovate, and nsnally wt'd^c-sliaped shells, n<'arlv always lia\ in;;' a slijilit antrro \ antral sinuosity, wldeli Jeehly deiines ill! obsenre, hhiiit, roslal region, without aii\ ilclinito eaiiiiation. 'I'lie shells do intl ^ape, but close lij;iitly oxeejtt that at the rostral aiiL:le of some species there may be a sli«;ht diverj;«'nce. The internal cartila;,^', whieli is olten relat ively larne. occupies a simpl«' notch which iidcr- rupts the hiujue margin more or less completely and ucnerallx shows e\ternall\ in a dorsal view : the notch usually teiiiiinates within, on the inner or Iideiior surface ot" the liinj;e plate and is often hounded within by a sli^iit riduc A weak external liiiament is picseut on the postero dorsal margin. A relatively small pallial sinus has been obser\ed in several of tlie species, but, is usually imli^tinct. The siphon tul>es. as obserxed in a lew of the species, are slemlei- and united for more than half their leii<;t)i. 'i'lie fbllowiuji'jire some of tile species: ). hiciihf (Loscm \ «'rrill and liush, Y. iris N'errill and I'.usli, and \ar. stricla \'eri ill and i'.ush, Y. in/fatd N'eirill and Ibish. V. im niisinrini N'eriill ami i'.ush, and Y. jifl'rvjiHi (IlidaliiO) NCrrill ami Ibisli. oil' Cape Ilatlcras, North Caro- limi, northward ; Y. <1i.ssinii!ts \ Crrill and l>usli. iiortli of Cape llat- teras, North Carolina, noitliwani ; Y. /rtitoim N't-rrill ami I'.ush. olf ('hesapeake I'.ay, northwar X'errill and r.iish. North I'acilie. YOLDIKLLA LUCIDA (Loven i Vcrrill and (J'lMt.s I,.\\\1I. li};. J; I.XXX. liR, :«.) YithlUi liirida I.oVKN, Iinlex Mollnsconim. |i. ill, IMtl. .'/,((/(( oliind Stimi'son, Proc. itoNtun S.k . Nat IliHt I\, ]i. li:!, IX".!: SIu-Dm New V.Uji., ]). 10. iil.ii.lif;. 1. isr.l. laid hicida .lia I ia:vs, Itritisli < Oiicliulony. N', p. ITil, |.l. < . li;,'. I. INJ'.t. )'tildia ohcM (Joui.i), Ifi'p. KM li's • ri. I"' Mass., itinnny'H <«.■">. (i;;. 4<»;{, ls70. L<:da nhcm TitvoN. Aiiier Mar. Cinicli., i' 1X1. |il \n » vm. lij^s, Whi, TiUl. 1S7;(. Sf]2 i'nnci:r:i>i\t;s of riii: .v.r/vov//. \rrsi:rM. vol.. XX. )n:;, 1H71.— Smi rii iiinl IJAiK.i'.i;, 'rums. Coini. .\(!iil., ill. pp. IS, j;!, I.STI. \ kimiii.i.. i'.xpioratioiiH Ciisfo liiiy, pp. ;r>L'.. '!(),'*!, IS7I; liivort. Aiiiiii. X'iiiiyiird ."^il.. ]). :!!••!, I.'^TI. rorlliiuiliii linidii (i. O. S.\i!s. Molliiscii Ii'c^. .Vrcticic \(irvof;i:i', p. liT. pi. I. li;;H. X(i,sl,. 1»TH. I.iilii hiiiilii ,lr.i TUF.Ys, Proc, /(t(il. Soc. London, ]i. ,"7X, ISTil. )i>liHa hiridii \'i;uitii.i,. Trims, (linn. Acid., \', i>l. xi.iv, lifj. l.lSSi'; vi, )). L'7!t, IHSJ I in )»jnt); I'iXpl. tllialnms, I.'cpoit I'. S. Coin. I'ish Jind I'iHliciii's for IHS;{, ].. .'.7. L':i;!, lH!i:;. )ol surface; the, posterior end is somewhat wedji'e shaped, a little coin- j»resse or t wo minute proxi null ones: a thin smooth marj:in extends outside both .series of teeth. The cartilage pit is relati\ely larj-'e, in the form of a iu)t('li. and cuts throufi'h the hiiifje-niarjiin into the substance of the beak itself; it is occn|»ied by a daik br()wn re -ilium which usually shows plainly exter- nally, .lust in fiont of tlu' caitila.:.;(' pit on its border within the series of teeth, there is a small conical, tooth like ])rocess in both valves. Tiic lij;ainent is thin ami delicate. I'-xternally the shell is covered with ;t, yellowish, or ])ale olive epidermis which reflects brilliant ])ri< luatic colors; the surface is nuirked by faint liiu's of grow^th aiul frr quently also with line concentric j^rooves or sulci, especially toward the ventral and anteiior marv,'ins: in many specinwns these are ab.seiii. I.en.uth of one of the larj^est specimens, 7 mm.: hei;;ht, 4.2."» mni.t iM^'adth, .">.L' mm. Found in small numbers, at many stations, between >i. lat. 43- 3!>', NO, IKt'.i AV. 1. .-.It J li Th si/e thel it is ])ost( smal Sp fectl> Si)it/ we deci( the doub placM Nrt. unit. i)i:i:i'-WATi:i; Mm i.rsrA—VKnnn.L i\n nt sii. «n3 A. I \\ . Imiim, CD L'L". iiiul N. lilt. .;:, l- lo . \V. I,,ii-. 7l :.7' i:. . in •_'•_» to r.i«; (afi s, is7L'-i,s8r». The most prominent cliiiiiifU'r (»r tliis sjn'cics is tli«> iclativi'ly liiruo si/c ot" llic ciiitilajif pit uhjcli intersects liotli I lie liin^e !n:ii ;;iii> and the Iteiiks and is tliei«'ton' plainly visible tVom the exterior, hi outline it is similar to ) . iris and )'. Injhilo but is nioro pointed and mirrowor postciiorly tliun either of them. They dill'er also in havin;; mneli smaller eaitila^i'e pits and in tiie nnml)er of the ti'etli. Specimens Ibrmeily identified as Yohliti (»/>r.s7( Stimpson, a.i,Meo per- le(;tly with aiitliiMitic speeinu-ns of litcnhi sent by Doctor l-'riele from Spit/.ber^-'en. As iion«' of the species known to us ajjrce snthciently well with the des«Tiption and (i<,nire of Ijdit tihiwtt Stiinpson, foi- ns to decide deliniteiy as to its coirect position, unless we are to consider tln! ligiire a very incorreci representation, we prt'fer to let it remain doubtfully, as a synonym of V. hiiitht. where dellreys and ntlieis liasc placed it. YOLDIKLI.A IRIS, new species. (I'liil.'s l,\\.\, li-s, I. L': I.WXII, li-. 11.) Shell small, tiiiu, lather deli(Mte, lon^.'-ovate or ovate-elliptical, with tile beaks in front of the middle, not much swollen; snilace smooth, or nearly so, with brilliant iridescence. Tlu^ antero dorsa! margin is con- vex and slightly .arched, slopinj;* },nadiially to tin; obtusely rounded and slij^htly produced anterior end; ventral margin very broadly and evenly curved; posterior einl obli(|ueIy iiscendin^-, obtusely pointed or rounded at the tip with a slijiht dorsal anovulation: posterc. dorsal mar ^in slightly convex, slopin;.'' but little, ]iinclie(| nu into a thin, rather prominent keel. The umbos arc small and proiniiieiil with the beaks small, (Mirved inward and bat-kwai'd. closcdy appressed to the maijiin. The epidi'rmis is ;ii'iiyish tu- {greenish yellow, smooth and shiniii;^; the surfac«ws brilliantly iridescent, covered with faintly marked, line, c(»n- centric lines, most mm.; height, "i mm.; from beak to postcuior end, l.."» mm. i; . ! ^..IJJ'I «n4 ri;'K'i;/:nf\f:s or Till: vc/vovir vrsrrn. Vol.. XX. r< III III I ill riMisiilri'iililr II II III I M -IS. :it ill )i lilt rmt y li\ <• sliitimis, lid wt-iii N.liil.lT 10, VV.IuiiM. 17 ;;.")' ;{(»', and N. hit.. •..■■) lU In , W. |ni|o. 7 | ^ .".7' I.')", ill L'(».\ to 7S1 liitlioiiis, IHT-'-lSSC. This ,s|u'«i('.s i.s more rlnimatet! aiiil iikhc rojiiihiiI.\ <'Ili|iti(iil I limi any of llic allietl s|ic('i('s; llic liiii;;*' iiiai-;'iii is Ics.s aiij^iilalni. A .siii.7 l.".L'.">),slaIi(»ii l.'J. (ilVCaiic Saldf. itilto fat In mils, IS77. at lirst tlioiiuiit to be a distinct s|KM-i('s, dillers linin the typical loiiii ill hciiiL;- iiioic <»l)h»ii;, with tiu! ventral iiiar^iii less curved, the posterior ♦•iid more evenly roiinded willi only a sli^^lit indication of ji superior anuiihit ion, so that the shell has a pretty re;;ular, narrow ellip- tical I'oriii. In all other resju-cts, however, it ajiifcs well w it h tlm ordi- nary form. 'I'his specimen, which receives the varietal iiaiiio .s7//(7/(, is liji'iired on I'late fiX \ \, lii;. 1. lieiifilh. ."• mill. : liei;;ht. •! mm. ; lueadth, I.', mm.: length from Iteak to posterior end. ■"• mm. f I YOLDIELI.A INKLATA Verrill and Hush (I'l.itrs I.WX. li-;. S; l.WMI, liMS. .-.. (I.) \nliliii liiridit \ i;i;i!ii 1.. I'lMiis. ( (imi. Ai'.iil., \\, ]>.-''■*, issi 1 jn jmrl.), ]<>li ■~ii. .\iiicf. .loiini. Scj.. III. |.. ."id, l'n;s. .i. I. II, .l:iiiii;iry, |S<17. Shell small, swollen, rather short, subovate, with the posterior end broad, anunlated jiostero dorsully : beaks al about the anterior third; surface smooth. Antero dorsal mai<.;in remilarly convex and slopiiiL; rapidly to the anterior end wliicli is evenly rounded, \eiy olitiise, and passes insensibly into the evenly eurved ventral margin wliicli is (U'cidedly convex, althoiijjh tlu^ decree of convexity varies considerably in dilferent specimens; the p»)sterior eninclied ii|>iii a small crest both before and behind the beaks. The ligament is delicate and show s slightly on both shies of the beak, I'liidemiis jiale olive yellow or straw col(jr; sniliice smooth, sliinin;;', rellectiiifj prismatic colors, sliowiii. nioreoi' less distinct lines of <>rowtli which .sometimea become refjiil.i' coneentric, very line striations, especially anteriorly. lliiij;e-mari:i:rn irri,' Mdi.i.t stA—vi:ui:ii i. asd hi sn. Sdfi just IxMifiitli t lie Ix'iik. toiiiis ;i iMttcli wliicli »uiii|(l('U'l\ iiitm iipl > Ilir lijii^(''liiiu-;;iii. Leiijitli (»r (die of ilic liirjicst siM'rimciis, «» iiiin.; lM'i;;lit. I..") imii., tlii«'kiirss, .'1 mill.; Winn Im-jiIc to posti'iioi aii;^l»', I iimi. I'oiiikI ill (•oiisit|«'iiiI)l«' iiiiiiiIkts, at aliuiit twciitN stations, hctwi-cn N. lal. 41 T).) , W . Ion;;. <;:» .;:»'. and N. lat. .\'t '.» .'.(»", W . h.ii-. 71 :.7 Ml ', in .*»!(» to IjiKi.S fatlioiiis,;$-l.s,s»;. St-vi'ial live si(t'(;iiiu'iis, at sintion L'OTO, ill 7r> fathoms. This .species is closely ri'latetl to Y. Iiitliht (I.nvni . I'miii wliieli ii is easily separateil by it.s shorter, inoader, nioic .swolh'ii form, its stionuiy curved ventral marjjin. and \-eiy distinct posteio doi sal aiiuh-. It is sliorter and has a broader posterior end than most of the related .species. The resiliuni is not visible externally. YOLDIELLA SUBANGULATA, new species. (I'hiir.s I.X.W II. Ii-. ;i: l,.\\l.\. Ii-. tl.) V<'iy similar to tlu^ prtM'ydinji' species in form Init less pointed po.s- terioily and lai;;«'r. 'i'he umbos are small, not prominent: beaks are small, directly iiniiiNcd, appiessed to the hinj,n'inai<^iii bin not dis- tinctly notched by tin- resilial pit. The iiiitero-dorsiil .uai^iin iscoii\e\, arched; tlie anterior end is a little produced, obtusely r(»iiiided; ven- tral inariiin evenly and br(»adly rounded, .->Iij;litly pKtdiiced posteriorly, forniiii};' an obscure obtuse allele as it meijics into the posterior end which is obli(|Uely siibtriincated or a little inih'xed in the middle, with a prominent dorsal aiij^le; the jKisterodorsal niar^iin shtpes inil little, and is nearly straij:lit, with the compressed educs forming; a slii^hi keel, w liich is a. litt'e c<»nvex ill the middle. .\ well marked ridj^e runs lo the posti'i'o-dorsal an;ile, and a less distinct one to the posiero \ cut i al allele; between these there is a slijuht depression of tlu' surface. Sur- face nearly smooth, lustrous, retlectiiij; prismatic colors, and coNcred with faint lines of ;;rowtli and a few inconspicuous irregular sulci; epidermis pale oliv«' yellow. The hiiiu'e inarjiin is narrow, very obtusely aiifiled, and is intcrriipled under the beaks by the small notcli like resilial pit. The anterior series of teeth is slij.;iitly anlied and con- tains about seventeen teeth, including' three lu- four luimilc proximal ones; the larj^er ones aie hi;^li and sharp. The posterior .series is a jitih^ loiijicr and contains about ei;.;lilecn, similar, but somewhat more slender teeth. A tliin, smooth iiiartiin extends alonuoutside bot h series. There is a small internal denticle at the front edyc of the resilial pit. Pallia] sinus narrow, considerably intlcxed. Length, S mm. ; licij;ht, T) mm. ; thickness, about I mm. : from beak to anterior end, Ii iiiiii. ; posteri(U' end. ;"» mm. One live specimen was dredj^cd by the lUicln at station l»i, N. lal. 43° 3'; W. lony. 7(P 4', in TA fathoms, 1871. Proc. N. M. vol. vx 55 [| IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I 11.25 28 1- ,_ • 5 0 = •^ m M 2.2 6' 2.0 U 11.6 V] /EST VAIN STREET WEBSTf:?, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 V iV r :\ \ % .V 6^ ^ ^ & .<^ feT #, ^ M. t<:>^ f/j mmmmim 866 riiOCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL MUSEUM. vor,. XX YOLDIELLA JEFFREYSI (Hidalgo). (IMiitos lAXXI. fiir.n; T.XXXIII, W'A-"^-) Lida laia Jkffukys, Ann. Mag. Nnt. Hist., p. i'M. November, ISTfi. Leda jcffreysi JkI'FRKys, Troc. Zoul. Soc. l.ondon, p. .579, pi. xi,\ r. fig. 2, .Imii', 187!(. — Smith. I'.A., Report Voy. Challenger. Znul. L.iniellibnuichiiita, MM, p.2:M,18K-.. Not Yoldiajeffreysi Vkrrill, Trans. Conn. Acail., VI. ]i. l!20, 1884. Shell small, ovate-ellipticiil, soiiiewliat thick for it.s size, rather .swol- len, covered with a glo.ssy, iridescent, brownish yellow epidermis. Tlie posterior end is eonsidei'ably the long;er, somewhat narrowed, bluntly ronnded without any distiiu't rostrum. Umbos rather prominent, sonie- wliiit swollen: beaks i)rominent, curved inward and backward. Tlie antero-dorsal margin is broadly cotivex, slopes a little and becomes continuous with the rather rejiularly curved outline of the roundel anterior end; ventral margin is broadly and regularly curved without any distinct ll(;xure; the ])osterior eiul is obtusely rounded and not delined l)y any radial lines or ridges, with the doisal margin nearly straight at lirst, usually slightly convex in the middle, and slo|>iii^' gradually. The surface beneath the epidermis is n<'arly smooth Init shows more or less distinct lines of growth, which sometimes have the form of fine parallel striations. The hinge-plate is thickened and rather strong; the two series of teeth are long and form a very ol)tust^ angle at the beak; the anterior is somewhat the shorter and uioie oblicpie and a little curved. In our type specimen there are thirteen anterior teeth of which three or four proximal ones are very small: and fifteen posterior ones, including four or five small proximal ones; a somewhat larger specimen has iifteen in the anterior .series and eight- een in the ])osterior. The two series are interrupted beneath the beak by a small, well-detined, concave, triangular resilial pit supported on the inner side by a distinct shelf like projection. Length of the type-specimen, 5 mm.; height, 'i.l mm. Length of the hirgest specimen, 5.0 mm.; height, 4,2 nnn. Six sei)arate A^alves, at three stations, between N. lat. .37'^ 38' 10", AV, long. 7;P 10' 30", and X. lat. 30^ 42', W, long, 74'^ 30', m 727 to 1,423 fathoms, 1884-1880. As all of our specimens are much larger than the measurements given by Jeffreys, they are referred to V.jrffni/si (Hidalgo) with soiut* doubt, although they appear to agree well with Jelfreys's ligureot'tluit species in form and in the character of the hinge. YOLDIELLA LENTICULA (MoUer) variety AMELIA, new. (riatos LXXX, tig. 'J; LXXXI, fig. I.) Xitcnla Icufiriila M<)LT,f,k. Ind. Moll. Gid-nl.. i». 17, 1842. Voldia ahi/KHieohi Tohki.l, Spitzliovfjens Molliiflkfauna, ]>. 14!t, jtl. i, 111:1. t,idly to the posterior tip which is obtusely rounded superi- orly; ])ostero dorsal margin slightly convex and nearly horizontal for the greater part of its length. The surface beneath the epidermis is marked only by faint lines of growth. The hinge-margin is thin, rather delicate, with the two .series of teeth of nearly ecpial length and diverging from the beaks at a broad angle; each .series contains about ten rather thin and delicate teeth, of which the one or two proximal ones are very small and rather indistiiu^t. Beneath the beak the margin is attennated and interrupted by a small, oblong lesilium which occupies the entire thickness of the margin and a sligiit notch in the beak. The pallial sinus is relatively rather large ami deep, but in most specimens is invisible. Length of the tigured specimen, 4 mm.; height, about 2.1 mm. A comparatively small number of specimens, at abont twenty sta- tions, between N. hit. 47° 40', W, long. 47'^ ;$.")' .'{()", and N. lat. .'{7" 8', W. long. 74" 3.3', in m to 1,008 fathoms, 187;{-188«>. This is i deep-water form formerly identified by us as YoUlia fritjida Torell. II J S6S j'J!()ri:i:j)j\<;s or the xatioxal Vdl,. XX. YOLDIELLA CURTA, new species. J'lair XCVII, liu-.IS.) rintscolKn (irahim.' ) \y.\inii.\., I raiifi. (Oiin. Aiiid.. \ 1, ]•.:.','>(), lj<,st ; Kxpl. .(/,'„(//•,/«■<. Jfi'liort r. S. Coin. I'isli Mini l"i>liiti('s lur \SH',<. \k .")7i>. I."^s5 (not S<\Lriioii/;i i. Shell sinnll, .>ll very broad, o\al. consideiably swollen in the middle, with the length and height m-arly eipnil; nnd)os rathei' prominent. The poste- rior end is narrowed and slightly produced, but n(»t defined by any groove or cariimtion. '^^riie dorsal nmrgin is Ncry obtusely angidated, anteriorly it is convex and slopes ])retty rapidly to the broadly antl evenly roundetl anterior end; posteriorly it is nearly straight at (irst, then sloi>es gradiuUly to the posterior end. The ventral margin is \erj' i NO. unit. i>i:i:i'-u ATi.i; mdiiisc t ~Ji:i:i;ii.i. .im> i;rsn. SCO 1 tin; idly rniiiidi d and sli^litly prod need in tlu' middle; it jnins lli(> ciii'vo (tf the jtostcrior end willi ;i scarcely perceittilile incnr\ atiire in sdiiio speeiinens: the jKisterior end is ctlttnsely I'onnded and sitnated about liiidheiyht (tf the shell. The ditrsal eddies ol' the vahc are thin ai it a little |tinched up, but there is no distinct liinnle and oidy a very nar- row liin-anieiital I'uirow. The epidermis is polished ami somewhat iri- descent. a:id marked with line, somewhat irregular lines ot' yi'owth, in some places showin^- faint, ndcioscopie. I'adial striation:.. (\tlor oT the dead \al\es. Inow nis'i yellow. II iii^'e plat«' stroni;. narr(» fatliradually. The surface is covered with line, pretty rereeii- ish yellow. The hin.uc-marji'in is tlun and delicate, nearly straiji'ht; the two series of teeth form a very (tbtiise aiijjle at the beaks ;ind are interrupted, for a e(tnsider;ible s|)ace, by the resilium which does not lie in a distinct pit. The ligament shows as a delicate, contiiuious mar- ;.:iiial line, both in front of and behind the beaks. The teeth are small, obli(|ue. V-shaped. In the anterior series there are about six ^ 5S.r>', and X. lat. .{"i^ IL" W, W. lonji. 71 ' .57' 15", in 100 to 70a fathoms, 1878-1 8S(). This species is distinguished from YoldidUt fr'ujUUi, and most of the other snuill sj)ecies which it resend)les, by its narrower, or lower, and more comi)ressed form, more delicate shell, straij;hter dorsal niarj,Mn, and the more central prolonjiation of the posterior end. It is appar- ently more nearly i-elated to the smalh'r sjn'cies, )'. miniiscKla, than to any other. The latter has a smaller, shorter, and nur-e swollen shell, nu)re conv'ex ventrally, with the hinye niaryin somewhat nioie anyulated. YOLDIELLA MINUSCULA, new species. (I'lat.' I. XX IX, li-iH. L', 7.) Yohlia jeffrcijm Vkkimi.i,, Trans. Coiiii. Acad., VI, pp. L'L>9, 127!t, 1S8I ; E\))l. AlhatrosH. Kcixnt IT. S. Com. Fi.sli inid I'Mshciics for 1>, lfiil:ir concentric striatious, with a very lustrous, souicwhat iridescent, yel lowish epidermis. The two ends are nearly ei[ual in length; the posterior soinewluit narrowed and obtuse at the end, the anterior well- rounded. The umbos are not prominent and the beaks are very small and project but slijjhtly above the uuirgin. The antero-dorsal unujiin is slightly convex at lirst, and nearly horizontal, and passes j;radiially into the curve of the anterior end; ventral margin is broad and nearly uniformly convex; the posterior end is a little produced in the niiddlc and forms there a slight obtuse angle; the i)ostero-dorsal margin is a little convex and nearly horizontal at first and then sloi)es rather rai>idly to the tip. The hinge-margin is thiji and delicate; the two series of teeth lie nearly in a straight line but the anterior one is a little obli\. \ ti<^. M, IST'.i. )i>lili'i;i:i;ii.i., Ti-.tiif.. Cuiiii. Aiad., \ 1, pp. lil'ii. I'Tl', l^M vi" I'aiti; Hxpl. AIIkiIids.s. h'cpurt r. S. ('iim. Fish ami I'lsherirs lor iNS;!, p. .'iTtl. IS'^S (in part). I.fdii siiheiiiiihilrnt 1>.\I.I., Hull. Mils. Conip. /.oiil.. MI, p. L'.M', ISSt;, loWia xuluiiuilalcni l».\i,i,. I'.iill. l'. S. Nat. Miis., No. liT. ji. II. ISSii. Several live .spccinu'iis (No. .■^5204), from station 'JOM. N. hit. .'is^ .~»;j', W. long. (>!»o U3'30", in 1,7;U tatlioins, 1S8;{, have been relVrred to tlii.^^ species. Although younger or sni.iller tlian .IctVicys'.s type, they auree very clo.sely with his tijiiire.s and (U'scription. The shell is very small, very thin ami transparent, polished, lustrous, but scarcely iridescent and marked only by micr()scoi)ic lines of . ISl, NoMiulnr. ISTO; Proc Zoi'll. .*(i:i.])i\iis m- rni: y.irioy tr .vr.s/.TU. vnr.. XX. the tcctli. Til tlui left valvo, tlirro iirc clcvoii iiiitoiior :iii(l nine jm),s- terior ttM'tli. Tlie siirfiu^o of tlic shell is dull ycllowisli j;rc mm. One spei'imeu (Xo. 7S;?(;;5), station 2(107, X. lat. 47'^ !(»', W. Ion--. 17 3.'.' :',()", in 2»»(! fathoms, ISSC. This s](e<'ies is pt'ciiliar in its nearly equilat(Mal. elliptical form, with the dorsal marj-ins ficntly eoiivex and only slightly sloping- botli sides of tlie beaks, and especially in its large resilial notch which cuts entirely thnm^h the liinge-plate. Tt aj^rees pretty closely with .lelfrey^" lypi'. but the latter was much smaller and his (igures ami diaj^nosis ar«' too imju'rfect to make its identity certain. YOLDIELLA FRIGIDA (Torell). (I'ImIc 1,XXI\. liu. I.) Yohlia frhjithi Vi",ni:ii,r., 'I'raiis. Conn. Acad.. \. ]i. T)?;*. ]>1. M.i\ . fi, 18SI (i7i part); F:<|il. .Ulxilroxs, ]ic]>i>Tt I'. 8. Com. Fi.sli and Fishrrics for 1SS3. ]). ."(!, 1S8."> (in i)art). A very few specimens, at about ten stations, between X^. hit. 1"> .'. . W. long. H) ll'.'JO". and X. lat. .'«V^ :>;!' ;?(>", W. long. 71° I.'IT.O", in ss to :U2 fathom.s, 1874-18S1. I NO. 1 1 The YOLDIELLA DISSIMILIS. new species. (Plates LXXVIIT. iiii'. S; LXXXII, )!«. 7.) Yoldia expanm ^'KUlaLr., Trans, ('onii. .Vcad., \I. p. I'TH. 1S81 ; F.xpl. AJhatmss, i;,.. l)ort U. S. Com. Fish and Fisheries Wiv IS8'i, ])..'i7ll, 1S8.") (not of Sbell small, oblong ovate, nearly equilateral, with the anterior end the broader .and bluntly rounded, the jiostorior end narrowed medially and bluntly rounded, -witlioutany distinct angulation. I'mbos somewhat prominent; beaks small and strongly incurved. Surface straw-colored, not lustrous, covered with line concentric lines. Aiitcro- dorsal margin but little curved, sloping very gradually to the anterior end which is curved nearly in the arc of .i circle; ventral margin very broadly rounded with a very slight obtuse angulation behind the mid- dle: postero-diU'sal margin slightly excavated Just behind the beaks, then sloping very gr.adually to the obtuse posterior end. The hinge margin is moderately stout; the two portions form a very wide angle at the beak with the anterior, which faces obliquely downward, cousid- er.ibly the more arched. In the center the margin becomes very thin and is interrui)ted by the resilium which occujiies a deep notch and an internal shelf of considerable size, situated far back and directed down ward to such an extent that it is only partially visible in a direct front view; there are about eleven or twelve anterior, and eight to ten jiostc- Nc. ll:t!). / > !■: i: I'-ii'.i Ti: /; .1/ oi.i.isic.t-i Vv /; A' / /. /. ,t sit n i sir. 873 I ii(»r acuti', (Miivt'd, V sliiipcd trctli; iit the inoxiiiinl end of tlic posleriitr s(Mios, in the left Viilvo, thorc is an oldoiiji', inondiitMit, tootli IMu' inocess, niucli laij^er than tlM> adjacent teiitli. Tlircc or I'oiii of tlicdisial ttctli. on cacli side, are decidedly Iarotli hrlore and hehiiid the beaks. The surlace is coxered hy i-elatividy rather hirj;e, distant, concentiic lidj^cs and liiirows, easily visihle under a lens, which are e\ery\\licre covei(' mm.; hei.uht, L'.s mm. A lew specimens, at four stations, between X. hit. 3!) 4!t'. W . lonj;. »iS'' L\S' ;iO", and >'. lat. 3(Jo 47', W. lon^-. 73^ «.»' 30", in l,i:.l to l,(;s.". fathoms, l.SS3-18S(). This species is remarkable for its oblonp-ovate form ami very regular concentric scnli)ture, consistinji' of fine ridjjes and furrows which are in turn evei-ywlierc covered with regular nncr(»sc.opic lines. 'I'liis s]»ecies was at lirst thought to be Y. r.iiKtiisn (.fellreys) which it reseiid)les in form, but additional specimens and more careful study show that tlic^ spe' the hinge-margin is much straighter, tiie teeth fewer and diiterent in form, the resilial j>it very different, the two ends of the shell more nearly eipial. and the scul])- ture (pute different. Our specnes differs considerably from the typical forms of Vohlitlla in having a more obh>ng form with both ends evenly rounded, a well- developed ligament, and a nM)re evident resilial fossette or chondro- l)hore which, however, is situated decidedly below the hinge plate. The existence of a peculiar tooth-like process adjacent to the resilial notch would be a (dsaracter of considerable imi)ortauce were it con- stant, but the s])eciinens show great variatiou in its development : in sonu% it is even almost abortive. These distinctive characters, although important, seem hardly worthy of generic c. — Mdllctid rliilensis Desmoulins. We have restricted this group to those species having a nearly smooth, somewhat compressed, oblong or elliptical shell, blunt pos- teriorly, without any definite rostrum or carination. The carinated and rostrated species that have been placed in it will thus be referred to XciJo IT. and A. Adams. The resilium is wanting, or else represented by a special part of the ligament, external to the teeth. The ligament is well developed and prominent. The sii)hon tubes are long and united nearly to the tips. 874 Pi{ori:i:inxt!s of the s.itio\m. Mrsi:j\T. vol.. XX. NO. 1 1 The subgenus rscudiimnllrtio, i)r()i»()sod by I'ischer for .1/. ohtxsa, wjis based on an erroneous description ol" the siphon tubes. The Ibllowinf; arc soiiui of the known species: .)/. cliilftiNis Dcsnioiilins, \'ali)araiso (Type); M. ohtnsa (Sars) Miireh, from oir Cape. Fear, North ('arolina, northwanl; M. polita Verrill and l5ush,ofV Delaware Hay; M. ahi/ssDruin \'crrill aiul Hush, oiV ('hesa pealve Hay; .1/. cunvdtn JelVreys, Xortii Atlantic; .1/. jKillithi Sinitii. ]\rid South Atlantic; ^1/. oiiiarllt' I'mm.-* <>f ATiiiiiiil liifc, p. 'Jli, pi. ni. tiii.s. lti-'_'0, ISTL'. MaUitUt ohtitKii (i. (). Saw.-;, .Mollii.sra. Ik'fi. Arctici' NOrvej^ia-, ]». 41,pl. 11). )i>rs. ;{,«-/<. 187S. — .ll'.lKUKV.s, I'loc. ZoiU. Soc. I,.»ii(l()li. ]). r>S(;, Juilt). ISyit. — \'|.;i;- KiM., I'raiis. ('.mil. Acad., \I, i)p. l-'l'd. liSO, ISSI; V.\\i\. .tlhatioHx, l.'.'iiort T. s. Com. Fish and I'i.slnMios Ibr 1SS;{. p. ."»7(i. 18S,'). — SMnii. K. A., K't')><)it \'(i\ . Chathiiiio; '/.olW. Laiindlilpraiicliiala. XIII. y. 21,"., ISH-).— l).\i,i„ liiill. l". S. Nat. .Mils., .No. :{?, p. 4t;, ISS'.t.— lUsii. IJiil. Miis. Coiiip. Zo.'d., -Will, i).L':;i. 18!W. — l.oc.viti), C'aiiii)a,i;iio dii (andan, .Viiiialcs do rUuivcrsitc^ dc l.yon, ]>. I'OL', IStMI.— N'kkuii.i. and lU >ii. Aiiicr. .Imiiii. Sci., 111. ]i. 57, tig. it, 18it7. The soft ])arts of .several specimens, rather ])oorly preserved in alco- hol, have been exandned. They have a large foot with an ovate disk l>ointed in front and minutely crenulated. The 8i])hon tube is ratliei' long and slender, in some cases uot entirely retracted within the shell; it appears to contain both the branchial and anal tubes which arc closely united (juite to the simple tips; at the inner base, there is a well-marked siphonal septum. The gills are small, elongated, pointed jwsteriorly, and have the structure usual in the family. The pali)i arc rattier large, elongated, with revolute nmrgins; the ])alpal tentacle i.s very long and slender, and in the contracrted state variously bent witli the edge nuich convoluted. No pidlial tentacle was found at the base of the siphon. In our collection there is a large series of this species; the form is pretty constant and in ne;irly all cases is more oblong than the iuiro- peau species, as figured by (I. O. Sars. The snuill specimens are com ])ressed while the large ones are a little swollen. The umbos arc small, but slightly elevated; the beaks are very small, turned directly inward, and are almost in contact with the margin, so that they arc generally worn away in the larger specimens. Directly uiuler, and l)artly in the beaks, and also cutting more or less into the thickness of the external side of the hinge-margin, there is a small notch, or shallow excavation, which is occupied by a special portion of the ligaiiiri.l that probably represents a remnant of a degenerated re.siliuni. T!u' true ligament is well developed and pronuneut for about one-hall I'a- length of the hinge-margin, then becomes abruptly thinner and luu- row itse teet in tl rior, thei' mar; insi( thi> the direi strai cui Tlu post e.\])i mar; sinu shel exte with ■■■i N(i. ii;ii). ni:i:r-i\ trii,' Moi.i.rsc \~~] ir.uu.i. am, hi sii. sTf) I t rower; its jjroovc is narrow aixi iiicuiisiticuoiis, 'I'lio liiiiuo inarjiin itscll' is ratlier tliiii and brars very numerous, erect, V siiaped. acute teetii which number, in tlie iar^a; specinu-ns, aboutsixteen or seventeen in the anterior series and about thirty two or tiiirty three in the poste- rior, inehidinj,' a nuinbei' of small proximal oiu's; beneath tlie beaks there is a sni(K)th, edentulous space, often a liltle thicUcncd ;it I he inner margin aiul projecting a little inward in the middle, and rout inuin;;' inside the series of small proximal teeth on each side. In some cases this thickeiu'd border seems to arise anteriorly and t<» pass under tlu^ i»osterior series, as a sli^^ht Ibid: iu other cases it 's continued directly from (uie series to the other. The posterioi- series is nearly straiji'ht and about twii'e as lon<;- as the anterior which is strongly curved and distally somewhat rec-cdes from the thin dorsal inar;4iu. Tlu^ anterior eml of th»' shell is lather short ami e.enly rounded: the posterior is about twice as lonj"-. a little wider owin;>- to a slight ventral expansion, comj)ressed and obtusely lounded or subtruncated at tiie murjiin, but without any distinct earination or anuulatiou. The pallial sinus is very broad and deep, extending;' nearly t(» the middle of tln^ shell. The inner surface is smooth, white or }«rayish white. The exterior is smooth, except for the delicate lines of jirowlh, and covered with ii thin, brilliantly iridescent epidernns which, in li\»' specimens, is pale yellowish liieen, but in dead valves is pale straw color. Our larger s])eciiuens measure about ITxtr Id mm. in lenuth and !• or 9.5 mm. in height. Found at many stations between N. hit. 41'^ 28', W. lonj;-. »!,'» ;>.")'. and N. lat.350 1(5', \V. lon<,^ 75° 2' 30", in old to 1,781 fathoms, 1S83-18.S7. MALLETIA ABYSSORUM, new species. (flat I" XCN'II, lij;. 7.) Shell small, not much compressed, lustrous, iridescent, subovate. unt gapiu{^, decidedly iiieiiuilateral, with the posterior end the longer, broader, obtusely rounded, Avithout any distinct rostiation. rnd)os rather pronnnent, rising above the outline of the dorsal margin, with small beaks turned backward at the tip. Luiuile and escutcheon aboi- tive. The short antero-dorsal margin is slightly eoneave, and slopes rapidly to the slightly angulated anterior endj the ventral margin is very broadly and evenly convex, the eiirvature receding somewhat pos- teriorly, so that the greatest height of the shell is somewhat back of the nuddle, ])osteriorly there is a slight extension of the vd^x^' corresj»ond- ing to an indistinct radial ridge; the posterior end is very broad, obtuse, not angulated, with the dorsal nuirgin nearly horizontal, slightly convex, compressed and fornnng a slight angle whcie it Joins the poste- rior curve. A very slight groove dclines a very faim escutcheon, along the edge of which the teeth can be seen through tln; substance of the shell. The surface is polished, brilliantly iridescent, and is nuirked by faint, raised, concentric lines, or ridges parallel with the lines of growth j I f STH rnnci'rfusus or riii: x.\rin\.ii. McsriM. \iil., W. \ lU'iir llic vcntriil niiiri;iii tlicsc liccoinr iimic clcv iitcd. clciiily (Iciincd. iiiid iir(^ sc'inii;il«'il hy wider, sli^litly coiiciivi^ j^roovcs. 'I'lic lnii;;(' pl.iti' is liitluT tldii ;iiid driiratc. r(';4iilinly ('iiivcd. witimiit. any aii^lc at tlic lu'aks, witii the uosh'iior purtioii ('(>iisid('ral>ly fiic loiuor, 'riicic is a small, iiH'diaii. s|K'('iali/<'(l li<4aiiu'iil w liicli (tcciipies a lunate, or nearly scMiicircidai" noti-li in the Iiinj;«' jtiatc dirocfly Ix'ncatli (lie beak, wliich docs not extend llironijli its entire widtli altlionfjii it is here <|nite n:ii row. The ])osterior liuaunMit is ]>retty well developed and extends I'roni llu' heali. wheie it is ('los«'ly eonneeted with the median portion, nearly to the distal end of the series ol" teeth, and oeeiipies a distinct nnnjiinal j^roove; the portion nearest the beaks, opposite tlie snndlo teeth, is thicker and darker colored than the rest and projects sli«>hily, in SI dorsal vi«'w: a delicate, in('ons])icuons jwntion continues a little in front of the beak, in a thin jji'oove. The median portion of the liua nient is so closely connected with the posterior portion that it appears to be a specialized. thickenarallel \sith the e-i)late. iVu edentulous rid ;;e, about as lonu' us the space occupied by the tirst three teeth. extends from the lirst tooth to the liyaTuent pit and is continuous with a similar, thinner ridj;e rauninj^" below the ]i<:ament-pit to the anterior series of teeth. The ])allial sinus is of nu)dera*^" size and triangular in form. Length. 5 mm.; height, 1 mm. One live specimen (No. 5-159), statiou 2506, otf Cliesni)eake r»ay. in L*,(}li() fathoms, 1885. \ \ ve\, tow a lowe dors; unev little and I ear shai I n)al being beak, mar teelh. line I,ei ( MK in 1,5 MALLETIA POLITA, new species; (I'lMte 1,.\XXII, li-r. 10.) Shell of moderate size, irregularly ovate, somewhat swollen, the ven tral region convex and the iiosterior end somewhat produced with a short rostrum. l"]pidermis light yellow, lustrous and iridescent. I'lnltos not i)rominent, beaks small, strongly incurved, only slightly elevated above the margin. The autero dorsal nuirgin is slightly convex ami 8ioj)es gently to the short, obtusely rounded anterior end wliii:i:r-w\ri:i; Mni 1.1 scA—yniunn t\n nrsii. 877 v«'\, ii little i»i()»lnc(Ml in tlio iniddlf. :m(l with u sli72), station U718, N. hit. 3S^ ,'!/, VV. lony. 71 r»!3', in l,o(i!) fathoms, bSSi;. NEILO Adams, IS' ' . \(ilo II. . '.1(1 A., (icinrii <»(■ licrtiit MnlJiLsca, II. ,,. T)!!'; Ill, pi, ( wvi, 1ij;s. i, 7a, 111, iS'tS. — \ lauuia. lul liisn, Aiiier. lonni. .Si i., Ill, |i]i. 57. (JIJ, .liuiuaiy, lS!t7. Tjiin;. — \tiJo cuiniiif/ii Adams. The type species of this jienus has an oblonji' shell, with a strai;;ht postero dorsal margin and a well (U'fmed rostrum, bounded beneath by a proiKumced furrow and a nuir.uinal indentation, while more veutrally, the margin protrudes somewhat, the i)outiii<:f of the marjiin eorrespond- iiio with special lobes of the niarjiin of the numtle. .V. cKinlHfiii from New Zealand is i. iss(;.-|->'((/(/;»i« Dall, ]>.!'»);!. NeihmtUa Nkioui.i. and licsu. Aiiut. .Iimni. St i., 111. pp.;")?, (JI!, January, IS'JT. 'rupc. — NvilomlUt i'orpulcnta Dall. Shell small, swollen, short-ovate, with both ends obtuse; the poste- rioi- somewhat the longer, blunt at tip, without any distinct rostrum or (carina. Exterior usually eonceutrically grooved. Ligamental area not deliued. Ueaks usually promiiuuit ami tur;'-'d inward and slightly backward. Ligament well develope7>»/r;//,/) from X.pu.sio, which was tlie type of (he section, iSdtnrnia^ projioscd by Sej^ueuza. They ajiiee closely in Ibrni, external sculi)ture, arrani^f ment of the teeth, and structure of lifjanuMit and resilium. The name. Safiiniia, beinji' preoccupied by Schrank, 1801', we have adopted Dall's name for both of his s(>ctions. Tiie following sjx'cies appear to belonj; here: X. corindeiitd Dall (type), and X. /^s•/o (Philippi). Mcdi terranean and West Indies: X. siiltorafa Yerrill and liusli, fiom dtl' Cape Ilatteras, Xorth Carolina, northward. NEILONELLA SUBOVATA Verrill and Bush. (Plates l.XXX. \\'^. 10: I.XXXU. liiiH.:i. I.) Yohlia sericca .Ikkkkevs, var. strioliila N'KHiiii.i., TrMiis. Coim. Acful., \'I, p. L"_'(i, ISSI.— \ Knijii.r., I'n])!. .(/ftrt/nw.s, ]^•|)ol•t U. 8. Com. Fisli .•iiid I'islicric- lui iss;{. p. .-.Tr). iss."). Xrilonellii xiihorala Vi:i;i{ii.r> and lirsn. Aiiicr. .lonrii. Sci., III. ]>. 57, lij^s. 7. s, L'-, .laiiiiai> . I SI 17. Sliell somewhat swollen, subova'te, with the dorsal nmrjjin anj^ulatcd and the umbos somewhat prominent. The anterodorsal margin is somewhat coincx. i)inched up at the edf>e, and sloi)ed {gradually to ilic eveidy rounded anteiior end; ventral marj;in is broadly and nearly evenly rounded throujihout, without any sinuosity, and forms a blunt point at its Junction with tiie postero-dorsal niarj>in, which is nearly straight or slightly (!onvex for the greater i)art of its length, with the edge thin ami i)inched up. Tlie umbos aie somewhat prominent and the beaks curve strongly inward and incline a little backward at the tip. The ligament is well developed, dark brown, and as seen in a dorsal view, tills a narrow, lanceolate excavation in the margin just behind the beaks. In an interior view it is conspi(;uous behind the beaks and occupies a curve mm. Young specimens about 2 mm. long are more equilateral than the adults and have the posterior end less produced and moie evenly rounded, the umbos decidedly i)rominent, ami the surface coveied with line, regular, c. riii(lrs[i, Aiiior. Joiini. Sci.. III. i)|i. 5S. ti;>, Jaimaiy, issT. Tlie genus Tindaria dilt'ers so widely from Mdllttia and otlier genera that it seeme() fathoms, not very well preserved in alcohol, has the mantle closed for a short distance behind the anal oritice which is large and surrounded by twelve or more, rather large, unecpial papilla', but does not appear to be cai)able of being ]»rotruded in a tubular form, unless a very short one. The mantle is otherwise freely oi)en along the wiiole ventral margin to the oral area, with its edges neaily plain, ^Malhtit( {TiiKlaria) ri/lherva Dall, Itiill. Mus. Coiiii". ZoiH.. XII, i>. l'r>l. 1>^|'; XVIIl, )>. i;W,1889; —Malhtia (diiabUis Hall. i». 138; ^^Tiit(htvin amahilix Dall. pi. \i., lig.8. '"T! NO. li:!!l. i)i:i:i:n.iT/:i! Mdi.iAsr.i-vEuuii.i. asd iirsii. .S81 showing (jiily very iiiiimto papilla' ixjstorioiiy. Tlic l(M>r is larjio and stroiij;', with abroad, stronji'Iy civnulated and striated, coacave disk, pointed in front. Tlie j^illsarc well developed and somewhat '"ri(|iietral, The palpal tentacles are rather larj^e, long, tai)ered, tri<[netral, strongly- grooved, curved in siekle-sha|)e. The pali)i are rather broad and short. The following are some of the known species: 7'. ((ratu iJellardi, and 7'. xolida !Seguen/.a, fossil, in the Itali:ji ter- tiary formation ; r. ci/tlii'reii 1^',\\\ = T. tv'/<('r//bry»/.v (Smith), T.aiiiahHis Dall, 7'. lurcii.s Dall, T.((ciiiiilH Dall, T. cnncatu (Smith) = T.sniitliii ])all, 7'. I((f<( Verrill and I>nsh, all Florida and West liidian speeiesj and T. cdUi.stif'oniii.s \'errill and Hush, off Chesapeake May. TINDARIA CALLISTIFORMIS Verrill and Bush, il'l.itfs I.XWIII. lin. 1; ],X\X, tins. (). 7.) Tiudxria lullixliformiH \'kukii.i. mihI lii^ir, Aiiic :.'(). lit, .hiiiuary, IS!»7. .(ourn. S!l, ti<;s. 10, &■ ^-y Shell small, stout, thick, regularly ovate, sculptured with very regu- uh»r, line, concentric grooves, and having a broad, thick hinge margin with a continuous line of teeth and no choiulroi)hore. I'mbos swollen, beaks i)ronnnent, strongly curved inward and somewhat forward, with tlu' nuclear shell (prodissoconch) smooth and glossy. The lunular area is somewhat excavated but has no delinite boundary. Anterior end considerably shorter than the posterior, both e(iually and evenly rounded. Antero dorsal margin convex, sloping rather rapidly and forndng a continuous curve with the anterioi' uuiigin which is also continuous with the more broadly convex ventral margin: the poste- rior end is evenly rounded, with the dorsal margin strongly convex, sloping gradually, without any delinite angulation. The surface Is covered with very regular, line, close, concentric, rounded ridges, sepa- rated by semicircular furrows about twice their width, except on the und)os where the two are about «'(iiuil. The inner veutral margin is plain, sharp, and slightly beveled. The hinge inai gin is widt^ and thick, narrowest Just behind the beaks, gradually widening and thick- ening toward both ends. The anterior portion is much the shorter and somewhat the wider and slopes more rapidly; along" the narrow mid- dle i)ortion the teeth are (piite small, but regular, transverse, and sep- arated by narrow^ intervals; owing to the absence of a choiuli-ophore, there is no delinite center, but in front of the tip of the beaks there are abcmt eight teeth which increase rapidly in si/e and piominence, the four distal ones being large, elevated, and somewhat V shajx'd; behind the beak there are about twe^ ty-three teeth, of which nine or ten i)roxinuil ones are snuiU; they then coiuuumhu' to increase in size and length so that eight or nine are larger and higher than the lest; these are, however, smaller and more acute than the largei- ones in the anterior portion; two or thre.- distal ones are a little lesseU^vated than "1 * I'r (HV N. M. V(d. XX- -5(» mmmmtm HX'i I'uoci.i.uiscs OF Tin: XATKiSM. Mvsr.ryr. Vnl.. x\. those Nvliicli ]»i'»'cc(l(' thrill and a little (lilfcrciit in turni. .\bovi' thf tt't'th theiv is a distiiict and latlitT deep snbniai\yinal jrioove tor the lijiamciit whicli extends eontiniiously both in front of, and behind the beaks, r.eliind tlie beaks there is a distinct rounded ridj^e running outside of, and jiaraUel with the li,uamental j;roove and torniinatinu' iit the distal end of the row of teetli. rallial biie entire: no siplion : aii;il o])eniii}^ separale'd. surrounih'd by about twelve unequal i)ai(ill;e: else where the o])eii mantle edu'e is nearly plain: foot lai'ji'e with a creiiate disk. Epidermis pale yellowish browu: interior ylossy bluish white without pearly luster. fiength. ecimen (i mm. lon<4, I'.o mm. high) from station 271 I. is doubtfully icferred to this species. Externally it is covered witli \fiy line reynlar. concentric, ra.ised lines and grooves, agreeing W(dl with the eorresi)oiidiiig uuibonal itortioii of the type. The epidermis is thin. l)ale straw color. The outline is also similar but the posterior half dt the shell is relatively a little bidader. owing to a slight expansion di the postero-ventral margin. The beaks api)ear to be relatively less l)ron!inent. The external ligament is well de\elo]»ed both sides of the beaks, aud is slightly thickened Just under them, and tills a very slight notch in the edge of the hinge margin above the teeth. The hinge l)late is relatively broad and strong, esi)ecially anteriorly. There arc thirteen ])osterior and nine anterior teeth, the two series separated hy a small edentulous sj»a(;e. Some of the distal teeth in the anterioi series are unusiutUy large and stout and exceed any of those in the ])osterior series. The pallial line i« distinct and entire. One live specimen (station i'."»i)<)), N. hit. 37"^ L'3', W. long. 03 s . in 2,(!l'() lathoius. 188."». One, \ery young, live specimen (station L'71 1 . N. lat. 3S' L'L", \\. long. 7(r 17' 30", in l.Si!.-) fathoms, ISSC. This speeies is remarkable for its thick, linn shell, regular ('\ate form, and very even, concentric sculpture. In form and general appearance it resembles some si»ecies of Callusto. I I W TINDARIA LATA, new species. Shell rather thick, somewhat comi)ressed, broad-ovate, equilateral, narrowest in front of the beaks, the posterior end somewhat jirodiued and very broad. I'mbos only slightly prominent. Ueaks smaU, rather acute, turned directly forward and closely api)ressed to the margin. Noluuule nor escutcheon. The antero dorsal nuugin is nearly straight and slo[)es but little, but becomes a little convex and ]»asses insensilily into the evenly rounded curvature of the anterior end; the ventral margin is very evenly and broadly rounded but the curve recedes as it ]»asses backward so that the highest }»art of the shell is distinctly bcdiiiid the middle: the ])osterior end is very evenly and broadly rounded without any angulation; the posterodorsal margin is (Miisid- %m tiu. n:;!). i>/:i-:i'-u\i 11 u Moi.i.isc \i:iu;ii.i. .1X1) III >//. 8S3 erably l(»ii;:;t'r tlian the iinterior and slopes i»r»'tty ii'iiularly ami i^radu- ally iVoMi the beaks to the posterioi- exticinity. The sm lace is covered with very lej^ular. ratliiM' coarse, rounded, coneentric ridycs scparati'd by deep I'lirrows of aboat the same breaosteri()rly. the t\vo]»;irts lui rinn,ii' a very ol)tuse. curved angle at the beaks. The anterior jiortion is the broader, much the shorter, and bears about nine teeth, of which the three distal ones are nuu-li the larjjer and occupy about one halt the len.u'tli of the series, the pi'oxinuil ones beiny- very small. The [m)S- terior i)oition is luirrower and curved throuiihont : it bears seventeen or eiyhteeu teeth of which seveu or eijiht i)ro\imal ones are very snudl and acute. The hinge-plate becomes (juite narrow under the beaks where the two series of teeth are interrupted by a \ery small edentu- lous s])aee, scarcely wider than the adjacent teeth. All the l;n\uer teeth are rather crowded and compressed in the direction at right angles to the line of the hinge so that they are only slightly V-shaped. Seen in a dorsal view they ai)pear thin and not very i)ronniient above tlu; mai- gin of the shell, when the tips are broken thi'y otten appear three- lobed. The ligament is well de\eloi»ed and occupies a distinct, sub- nuirgiiiid furrow behind the beaks. The muscular scars are well nuirked, small and nearly round; the pallial line is interrupted at a point a short distance from the posterior muscular scar but there is no visible sinus. The interior of the shell is grayish white but not pearly; the ventral edge is slightly beveled. Lengtli of the largest speciuu-n, 7 iiDu.; height. ■")..") mm. Two specinu'iis, among h^orannnifera. at station L*3s.j. >'. Int. L'S" 51', W. long. 88- 18', in 7:50 fathoms, 188'>. TINDARIA CUNEATA (Smith i Ball. MaUi'tiK ciDHdlii SMiru. K. A.. Ixi'itort \'oy. Chnlleninr, ZoiU. I.aiiiel!il)r;iiu;liiata, XIII. p. IMT, 1>1. \\, ti^-.s. 10. Kif/. 1XS5 (luit ,JelVr.'y>K Mallctia (Tifuhd-iii) smithii Hull, Muh, ('oiii]i. Zmil., XII, ]>. 255, ISsti. A single young \alve, among I'oraminifeia, at station 2Vhh), N. lat. '>7' '»i*', W. long. .8' 7' 30". in 338 fathoms, 188 to 1,140 fathoms.— Smith and Dall. As the species described and ligured by JNlr. Smith under the nanu^ oi Mullet iu ciDwata is a true Tindmia, his name does not contlict with the MnJUila vunenid of .lelfreys which is a true MdUetia, and therefore should remain untdianged. Subgenus TINDARIOPSIS Veirill and Bush, 1897. Tiiiduriopnii N'l.iiiui.i. ami Hrsu, AiiitT. .Idiirii. Sii.. 111. jip. 51i, (Hi, .laiiiiai y. 1S97. Ti/iH'. — Tindariojtsis (itjathUlx (Dall ).' ^ MiiUiCut {Thiilaria) aijiilliida liall, I'nx;. I'. S. Nat. Miis.. XII. p. 'S>'2, i>\. Mil, lig. 10, i)ci:i:i)iSiis or rut: xatiosal mi s/:i m. vol.. XX. This (li\ isioii wiis proposed for those species w hieh liave u short ros tiiim, (leliiied by ii riidial rid^e and a furrow. The t \ i)e has a well- marked d(»rsal lijianieiital furrow and a small notch or "socket" undei- tile beak for the specialized part of the ligament, it is uncertain whether it has a siphon and a pallial sinns. In ease these are present, it should form a distinct yenus and be placed under Mallet iine. ANALYTUAI. TAIil.Kul' i;i:( KM >C ItlAMI M 1>. (iKNKIJA. AM) Slllli KNKliA ill I.KJilh.l, AM> \f( 11.11) i; lIKlIi: ADoriKD. A. Sliell not ii;ii)iii;;. sli()rt-()\ iitt', siibtiiuoiiiil, or roiiiHlrd; jjostcrior end without .1 I'ostriiiii; l)u;iUs usii.illy ciirvcil luickw anl ; no siiilion tubes nor juillial sinus. Xiiciilidd' (I'Orbiuuy. 15. Shell more or les.s trigonal, usually oblique ; jxi.stciior end usually shoiici ; beaks tinned backward XiKiiIhur Veriill and liu>ii. ('. Teeth niiinerons. transverse. V'-sli.iped, I'orininy two eonvexly arched or aiigu- lated series; a distinct luedi.iu i hoiididiihore; no lateral teeth. \iiriili( Lamarcli. cf. Teeth tew, not loniiiny,- lonji series; a loiin; lateral tooth in eaih vahe; ih> median ehondrophore .ynciilina d'Orliiuux AA. Shell ovate, oblong or lanceolate; ])csterior end iiciierally the loiiucr and usually more or less rostrated; siphon tiil)es and pallial sinns geiier.illy pretseiit. I.idid'i 11. anil A. Ad.inis. (', Cartilaue or lesiluini ])i'esent, not closely united with the cNti'mal ligament. l.iiHiiii II, ,iinl A. Adanw. ((. h'esilium supi)orted by a detinite concave ehoiidropliore extending inwani lu. or beNonil, the inmr edge of the hinge-plate. /'. .*^hcll not gaping unless at the end of the lostruin. c. Shell distinctly rostrated and earinated posieriorly. I.tda Schumacher (sense extendeili. (/. Shell elongated and tajiered i)osteriorly, rostrum long, bicarinate, blunt ; li;;.i- niental area or escutcheon long and well-delined ; iiallial sinus and ■'iphnu tubes di'Vclo]icd I.i da i sense lestriited 1. lid. Shell shorter, swollen, i)\a!i? or oblong, posteriorly not much elongated; ros- trum short, usually acute, unicarinale. ('. Shell o\ate, rostrum sniiill, acute; ligamental are.a or eseutcdicon distinctly bordered by a carina, /'. K'ostrum short, subacute, siibniedinii, delincd below by a ventral sinuositv or emargination Jiiiioni or loss simioiis Itclow ; rostrnin Hliil )'ol(liii i vrnsc risti icii-il i, /(///(. Shell oliloiiy;, smooth. ]ilaiii, liliiiil ami roiimlt'd at both I'lnls. without iiiiy (liHtiiW carina, siiiiiosily or rostrum (tvthoinihWn \'( rrill and liiish. hhhh. Sh. 11 thin, comiiri'sscd, narrow-ljinci'olali- ur l. hhhlili. Slitdl hyalino. oblonij-ovatc, hroad ]inst(Minrly, ((iiircntrically si nl|»- tiirrd, rostrum nearly oli^olctc I (IvnuiUn \ CrriJl and Hash. fltj. Shell thin, ohloiii;-. im-iinilatcral. lilnnt at liotli nids. not ro>tratcd nnr <'aii- natcil: teeth lew, lamellai. ver> oldic|iie. Type, >'. /'»((7/7/.v .letVreys. Sillriihl .letVrcys. <((/. Siiell small, iiearlx' )dain, not mncli nitrated nor rarinaied: re^ilinni with- out a ]ir(iminiiit ehoinlrophore, sitiiiited in a nuti h in the liinue-maijiin. inter- I ii])tin,u' the sciies ol'teeth. /. Teeth V-sli;i]»ed, numerons in liotli seiies. tn. Sjiell oldonji or snhox ate. Idnnt ]>ostcriorly. with a slinhtly siniions ninrjjiti, son uptimes snhrostrate. not carina te YnJiJiillii \'errill ami i'.nsh. mm. Shell ri^unlarly ovate, rounded at both ends, not siinmus iinr eat inate, i .'i no jiallial sinus SarepUi A. .\dams. 11. Shell short-ovate, not sinuous nor aniiulatcd; teeth few. oblii|ue, not ret;n- larly V-sliaped. Typt", /'. oraliix Se;;-uen/.a I'lumeohts Se'^iien/a. CC. No true resilium; liuameiit well develo]ied, often promimMit liehiml the beaks which are usually turned I'orward. 1). .^iphon tubes and jiallial sinus jnesent; teeth mostly V-shapeil. in two lonj^ series, often interrupted by a median edv^utuloiis space. Mdllclhiii If. ;iml A. Adams. «. Si]>lion tubes Iouk; pallial sinus larjic : shell elonj;ated, jj;a]iinii'. }). Shell oblon;;' or elliptical, blunt jiosteriorly, not distinctly rostrate: seiie> of teeth unequal; those in the anterior series fewer Malletia 1 >esinoulins. j>p. Shell loufi-ovate or obhniji, broadly aiiu;ulated and sinuous posteriorly : dis- tinctly rostrate and I'arinate; two series of teeth m^arly e(|ual. Xc'ilii II. and A. Adams. ()(). Siphon nnd pallial sinus snnill, shell ovate, not ;.japin<;; a rudimentary mar- liiiial resilinm \iiillii Kali. 1)1). Shell short-ovato or subiordate. closed at both ends, umbos i>romiiicnt; mcnt entirely external; series ot' teeth jjenerally continuoiis. Thidariitti \errill and I'ush. «. Shell refi'ularly ovate, orooved, without rostrum or carina: licaks turned forward ; no jiallial sinus Timiiirin liellardi. as. Shell ovute, with a distinct jiosterior sinuosity and .a short rostrum. TiiuUirioiixm X'erriil ami Hii>h. Fiunily SOLENOM Y ID.K. SOLEMYA GRAMDIS, new species. I Plat. I.XXXVI. lij-s. 1, •_'. 1 Siiell large,}il)ly bi-oac/:i:ni.\iis or riii: \. trios. if. mis/.im. VOL. XX. general outline of this end is broiidly trnnrute; tlie ventral niaryin is soniewliat convex l)Mt slopes njjward toward tlie jtosterior end and is nearly straii;lit aloiij;' the middle: Mie jxjsterior end is short, evenly rounded, with the dorsal mat j;in, behind the l)eaks, strongly incurved; the large black ligament which occupies this area is continuous with the epidernds, so that its outline forms a curve nearly in line with tiiat of the anterior end, and shows but a slight angle, or lobe, at the outer end of tiie dorsal line. Tiie umbos are thittened, and scarcely prominent. The whole surface is covered with a thick, smooth, glossy epidermis, chestnut-brown in th(^ yuing and brownish black in adult, which ante riorly is divided into several rather broad digitations that are shorter aiul somewhat wider \enti'any, their length diminishing from the nn'd die of the anterior end to the \entral margin, along the nnddh; of which there arc no digitations, but short and broad ones again apjiear pos teriorly. The siiell is sculptured by radiating ribs and furrows which are but slightly developed on the middle region but become large and .strong anteriorly and smaller anidermal mar- gin which unites the two valves throughout their length. The posterior ligament and anterior cartilage ai)i)ear to blend Just beneath the t)eaks; the commencement of the cartilage is, however, indicated by a slight notch in the callus-nuirgiu, in both valves, and the ligament ai)iteais mmmm mmmmmmm NO. 1130. DEKP-\\ATi:i: MOLLrsr.i-vr.uuii.i. wit l.Csii, mi to extend forward in a point between tlie two sides oi' tlic ciirtilaiic. There are no transver.'^e co.sta- or l) for streiijitlieniriy tiie Iiinrre- niaryin. Ijitirelengtli.inclndinj,' epidermal lubes, ,')l miii.; eiitiie li("i.o|it,„p,„). .site the beak.s, 22 nmi.: hei-iit of the anterior tliini, 2(; mm.: breadth, in the middle, 12 mm.; length of longest (limitations, about lOor 12 mm.; length of the shell itself, 12 mm.: height at the mid.lh", 1.-. mm.; length from beak to anterior end. .SO mm.; to posterior end, II mm. I'nin- meats of specimens more than twice as lar<;-e as the one mcasnred havt; been taken. In one of these the height of the shell withont the epider- mis is 2."» mm. Two ^'ood .specimens and .some fragments, at fonr stations, between N. hit. ;U>" o8' ;K)", \V. long-. Hr^ 30', and X. hit. '61'^ 24', W. long. 7117' in 3(»() to l.GOO fathoms, 1880-1884. I KXrLAXAI'loX OF IT-ATHS. Thr (i,i;iirfs on rhiic \\\ li^;. 1', I' \ 1. (i->. I,!', I'l;ilf \ II. 11-. !i, I'lnto XXIJips. 1. •-'. uimI I'hilc .\.\\ . li-. S, wciv (Ir.nvii l.y .Mr. .1. II. Uliikc. I'latt' .\ \ . ])ciall. )>. XDW. Iiitcriur of ii left v.ilvo riuiii .sta- tion 70; X iiliont Ii. lirdkcn oiitliiic rcstoiiil liy lino of ^xiowtli. 3. ('(irdioiiii/ti f/iiniiiit X'cnill ,'inil ISusli, j). SO!). Doisiil \ icw of sjK'cinii'n Xo. •II I.'.i;; X If. I. 'I'lic s inif. Intcriui- of ]r|| xalvi; of llic fanir .specimen : X alioni 13. .'). rnspidiiriii media N'oiiill and I'.asli. jj.SOI). Iidisal \ic\v of sjn'cinicn XH ■lilliL'O; X •".. • 1. 'I'lic sanio. Inti rior of lolt v.ilvc of lype sju'ciincn Xo.l!l018; X ."i. 7. ('iis}>id(iri.S()0. Doisal view ot' specinicn .Vo. 4902:5 ; x .'.. Pi.,\Ti: LXXII. I'ijjj. 1. (iisj)ld(U-ia iniddtn \errill, ]>. 7ilN. Hinge of liotli valves of .specimen Xi>. r)2.")l7; X aliont ;{. 2. I/.'')."); x 25. ;>. The same. Tinned np to show anterior tootli ; X 2.">. t. Mjinnn-ti )(/y(Hf),s(( (JellVeys) \'errill and Hnsh, ]). l-ill. Hinge of rijjlil vahr of si)ecimen Xo. .■')2.")l I ; x iibont 1(1. .">. Cii>^pid/(ii(i nntricosd Verrill and Hnsli, p. 802. Ilinnc of a rigiit valve Xo. ri2.->l8; X 5. 6. Ciispidarid roxtrahi (Speni,der) Dall, p. 800. Hinge of both valves of speci- men Xo. 100()7; X 5. 7. Cuxpidaria iniriidfi Verrill and Hnsh, p. 7911. Hinge of both valves of type specimen No. 78789; X abont (i. I'LATi; LXXIII, Fig. 1. Cuspidaria siihlorUi (Sars), ]>. 80(i. Hinge of both valves of si>eeinien 52,-) 15: X 9. Xo. 52,-) 15; X 9. ' 2. Cardiomyii jxrroslniid Dall. p. 81)9. Hinge of both valves of sjiecimen Xo. 48933; X 22. 3. Cardiomi/a unillicostatK \'errill and Smith, ]>. 808. Hinge of l)oth valve> of specimen Xo. 48917; X I.J. 4. Cardionnja (iln/tinicuht Verrill aud Itnsh. ]i.80t). Hinge of two separate \;il\es Xo. 7889(5; X 4i. 5. Cuapidftria glacialis ((i.O. Sar.s) Dall. ]>. S()0, Hinge of right vahe of sjjeci- men Xo. 49011 ; X 4 A. 6. Ciixpidarhx midia A'errill and Hush, ]i. 80 1. Hinge of both v.ilves of type .specimen Xo. 49018; X 9. 888 6. NO. ii;;o. DEKI'-UA ll.l! MOI I I S(A-\i:i;i!ll.l. ASH HI sll. 8X9 T'rvii: I.XXIV. Fi;r. 1. ('ivili'inniii iihiiHKii-nhi \'«MTill iiml I?ii>li. ]i. mmI. I'.xtfiini' nt' liulii vijIvi- hI' a yniitin' s])eiini('ii Nil, 7>*!K>ri: x 'K 'J. Miiinii III riiiihiom t,hA\'rvyH) \i-r\\\\ :\\ii\ l'.u>li. ji. M 1. lAtn lur ui' i i-lii viiUc of s|M'(iiiicii N(i. r>'_'.'il I ; X iiliiiiit s. ;<. Viirdioiiiiiii jii riofilriita l);ill. |). Mi!', liilfiinr uliiulil \:il\r nT M|iiTiiiii'ii Nu. 7Hi»H:$; X !t. ■I. ('iiKiiidiniii, mihtorlii (Siiisi, ]t. ,S(MI. llin<;c ni' 1. H wilvr ,<{' vjk riiinii Nil. ."il.'."> I ."» ; X M. 'I'liriic'il ii|i 1(1 slinw ]i(i,stfrinr timili. "i. Tlio Niiiiic. Iiilrriur (if t lir siiiiif \ al\ c; X I . ti. ('iispiihiiiil I'liriiiOKil Nfrrill and l!tl>li. ji.SOH. Iliii;;p iil' Imtli \;i1\in dl' t \ pr sjicciiin'ii No. "NJUI!; X I'. 11"' i'i;;lit \alvf i-. liaillv liroKrh. 7, diKiiiihiriii iirvlica (M.Siir.s) I'a'l. |;;. Iiiiim> nl' a Idt \al\i' liuni -taiiim 7(i; X 11. Miimiiia limiiliilii !)all.]>.Xll'. view ot' s]irciiiicii Nn.!!>!|7l; :< !•. ('ic^piiliiiiii jiiirva ^'(■^rill and I'lnsli, ji. Mil. llin^c dl' lioth \alvis df iNpi- .spt'cinuMi from station L'L'dli; X lid. Citspidovid Jdmilliinii iM.Sars) liall. p. 7!l!'. llini^i- of liutli \al\i'.s of s|ii(i- incn No. ."ilL'!l2; X "•'•. Ix'fsilinni and ossidf aic atlailicd in llic iii;lit \ al\ ('. ('iinliiiiintii iirmiiiii \'t>riill and HmnIi, ]i. SO'.t. Ilinjic (if Imili \al\c> (if tv])!' siiccinicn No. 1 1 iritj; X --. h'l'siJinni and os.sicle at t.icln'd in tlu' left \ al\ c 8, !». 1(1. 11. I'l.ATK I.XW. Fij;;. 1. f/imnjinin «u'««/« (l'liili])])i ), ]i. Mti. Ilinut' ot' riitlil salve cf s|ic(inwn Nd. 7t;;Jl'0; X 0. 'J. I.iiiii>})nin iitVni'iH \'ciiili. ii.Slii. Ilinjfc (it' linlil Nahc of N|ic(inicn .\(i. Hnl'!I; X !». o. l/uitopsiH (iiirild ( iiiucilii ). ]i. ^Jti. I linjjc ot' a liulil xalvc from slat inn ;.';>H."); X aliont 11. •1. l.iiiiDji.sia iirii/iiiidirolii VtwriU and lin.sli, p. MI7. llin!.;c ol' iii;lii \.il\c of a yonn;; spt'cinuMi No ."iL'llO; X '•'. Ti. I. imi>pnin jihnin yerTill, Y>.><\i\. lliiiuc ol' rinht \ alvc of Hpcciincn No. H.-iUliX; X !•• ti. CiiMpidiiriii /ntlmia N'eniil and ISnsli. ji. .s();i. Uin<;i! df Ikii ii \ alx »■> df l ypo specimen from station X[y2; X !•• 7. Ciispldaiia ohcHU (Lovi'n) Smith, ]i. Sni. lliiiKi' of riylit \alvc df specjiiifn No. IS!t()7; X !t. 8. Cimpidaria pcUiicida (Stimpson) Verrill and l!n-h. p. mi.".. IIuilic of I'ntli valves of Hpecimen No. ■tHit77 from (irand Manan ; x -'J. 0. Ciispiddria (iliicitilis ((J. O. Sars) l»all. ji. MH). Hinye of ri:;lit valve of a fully grown .siioeiun'ii No. I9()3J to show tniueaieil end of tooth; X It. I'lAir, LXWl. Fig. 1. J'oroiiiyii sithlvrifi \'(!rrill. variety iniirodoiila l>ali. ]i. Si;;. Ijid view ol' rii;iit valve of specimen No. 52533; X 3. 2. The sanu'. Interior of the same; x 3. 3. Cardionnin (jhipln ]5nsh, p. SKI. llin'^e of riuht \ .aixc pi(imen from stati(m --'UW; x 22. 4. Mijoiiira fjVi(niii'u\\'V\\\\. ]>. 811. Hinge of riglit xaixcdf I \ pe s)ii(inieii No. 352.-)."); X U. 5. The same. Exterior of the same: x lA. 6. Cuapidaria rcM/ric^sa ^'e^ri^ and I'nish. p. Sd'i. Intiiidr of a Icit \al\e No. 78783 ; x 3. I'i... 7, i'i!()( i:i:iii\as nr the satiosm. musi:im. VuL. XX. Ciirdiiimjid ijhjlitil Pilsli, p. HIO. IIillt;i' iil' ))ntll v;ilvcH lit' :l VOllDi; Np.-ciliic|l N... :r.:;(;j; x I'l*. >*. (iiHiiithitid iiiUiirida iStiiiipsoiii Vfirill iiml I'>u>li. y. Nd.'i. Iiilrrini of It-ii v,il\ r of Hpfciiiii'M \(). ix'.i?"; X !-■ •1. /,'((//( (/<()•<'(( ((/'//-""'riMii X'crri! I and Itiisli, p. M;>. liilerinr nl lil'i \ iihc (ii'.>4piii- iiKM No. 7x7!t:5; x •!. I'lvir. LX.WII. I'iy, 1. Munimii iulhtlit liiiwsoii. |i. 77X. Hiiini' (if ImiIIi viilvrs . i». CdrdioDijiit iil'iinxirola Verrill and Husli. ji. siKi. Kxterior of let! valve of speeiiiion Xo. r)2lUM!; X <>L 1(». Ifiiliiiiiiiiiiilia shinttUd X'errill and Hnsli, p. SIO. Kxterior of .i lij^ht valve from station I'ti.")."); X K'. I'LATI. L\X\ III. Fi^'. 1. Tindaria call i si if or in is Veirill and I'luwli, ]». f^Sl. Exterior of rii;lit valve ot typo upeeinieii No. ."cTiUl!; X •>. :'. lidthndrcd iirn/iiiidicoln C Verrill). [>. Sit. Interior of ri<;ht vahe ol' speeiuirn No. oL'ni; X (i. 8. Ciisjiiddrid itiid ild Verrill. p. 70S. Kxterior of li^lit valve of specimen No. 52.5 17 ; X 2. 1. The sann\ Horsal view of the same specimen. ,"i. MicroyoUlid rnjiilaris (N'errill), p. 8ti0. Kxterior i ), p. Sll). Interior of ri.nht valve of Hiieciinen No. 7i):!l'0; X i. S. YoldiiUa disKimilin y^iVi■U\ and i'.nsh, p. S72. Kxterior of left valve of t,\pe specimen No, :>s416; X 1.". 1'I.ATK l.XXIX. Fi-;. 1. I'eriplomd lUKlnlald Verrill, p. S2 '.. Ilingi; s41.r>; X 12. H. Yoldiclla iHCon82)icHa Verrill and Uusli, p. stW. Kxterior of right valve of a specimen from station 047; X 0. 4. YohUdhi jYujidd (Torell), p. 872. of left valve of a sp.'cimen from station 043; X IH. NO. 1130. i>i'i:v-n\ri:i! \iiu.rrsr.i—ri;iti,-!r.r. ixh nrsn. Sf»l 10. Yoliliillii innniMiticiiH ViTiill ami IIiihIi, i>. mUI. IiiifiiMi- ,11 lift \,il\c da spcciiiicn from stiitimi !M7; X 1.'. )uliHillii >it(l),ni'iiiliitii \'i'nill iiiifl Iliisli. ji. ,Ml."(. I'.Mciinf lit' liylii miIm- ot' tyjic Mpcciiiifii from Htatiou lii lliuln ; x "i. YoliliiUii miinisciilii N'i'rrill .mil I'lisli, ji. s7o. Iiiti'iinr nf Id't \iilvi> nl" M|ifi'i- moil No. ;>M1.'>; x '22. I.rilil hilHhiilllil \'r\ii\\ ,i!iil .]iiTimrii No. S,")"!!'.! ; >; ii'miit l>. ('iiHjthUn'm liiriiiO!. Si'li. Iiiii"ior of hit \al\i' ol' t\iif spii iiiit'ii No. 7s;]ll{; X H. Mmli s'\i Uii I'ltiijiVis N'firill ami nM>li. p. 777. Kxtfrinr n|' iii;Iit \al\i- nT a spcciimii t'ldin iH'.ir station l,',jtlt>; x ••. I'l.Air I.N^ \. rii;. 1. YoUl'oUii irin \'crrill ami KiihIi, varit'iy siriitu N'cnill .iml liiisji, p. ,st;|. l',\- ti rior of 1 i'.;lit \al\(' ol' t> jic spi riiiiiMi No. 7IH-r>; X aliout 11!. 2. VohlifUii I'cif \'t'irill ami iliimli,;;!. InliTior of ii jrfi valvr I'lmii statjuii WC; X 11. rt. Volilhllii Iik'hIk iI,o\i'ii> \'rriill ami liush, p. stll. I",\ti'iior nf Iri't vaKi' ot' spcr'. en No. 7ltl7l!; X alioiii tlA. I, .lilniih III luslii \'('i rill ami jliisli, ]». S^>X. Iiitfiinr u|' ,1 Irii val\ t- ironi siiMion L'l.'.O; X 11. .">. YoUliiUit /iiiliriiii \rnill and Hush. |i.St)7. Mxtfiior ul' lett: valvf of typi> sjierimcn from station !II7; X alioiit \',\. t). 7V/((?((ri(( (7///i.s/;/'((r))M'.'< Vrrrill ami linsh, p.ssl. Ilin;;!' ot.' rijilii \ ahf of t ypr .Hpt'cimcii No. ."C.'iliti; X X. 7. Tlio .saint', 'rniiic.l up to show sliapc of tcitli. 8. Yiihliilhi iiitliila Vt'Mill ami liiisli, it.siU. Mxtcrior of hl't valvo of typo spccimi'u No. SN117; x aliont.'>A. !t. YohUiUa leiitiriiht (MoUei) variety (n/i/i/io N'eirill ami ISiish. p. SCi!. I'.xiciior of 1 >ft valvo of a spctinien fioni st.itiou IHti; x Id. Xeiloiiillii s II ho rut a \'orrill ami I'.iish. p.H7X. Kxiorior of I'-lt v.ihi- ol' sin-ci- nii'U No. 3l82h; x 11. 10. PiATK i.xwr. Fi;;. 1. r.cilella piirni \'iTrill ami lliish, p. s.")7. Iiitfrior ut' a liuht \al\i' No. 7.'; X 2."). 2. Xiiciiht firaniiloiu \'errill, p. S,")l>. Min^rc ol' right x.iivi- of ty[ir spi'iinu'ii No. 38451; X ahont Iti. '^. Xiimla ciiint'llittii .lolVrcys, p. S.'il. Hiiitjo >!' right v.ilvc ol' spfi-init'ii No. l.")79r); X iilioiit 13. 4. roldiiUa hnti Ilia CSlnWov) y.irlety amhii'i \'iri\\\ ami linsh. j). .'^Oii. Intorior of a right valvo from station ist!; x ll.'. 5. YoJdicJJa Jeffrcjixi (, p. 8tJ. Xiiciila proximii Say (f) varioty ovuln. \'orrill ami Knsh, ]). x.'iL'. Hingo of right val\o of spocimcii No, 7.'i4ti7; X about 10. 7. LuliUa mcHSiincnHis (Scgnoiiza) variety Kiihleria Vorrill antlMiish. p. s.")i). llingo of left vahc of spocinnn No. :!.">l.'lL': x about 1(5. 8. Xiinilii siiboriita \'eiTill ami Miish, p. 852. Interior of lel't v.ilvo of tyi)c speoiuien No. 40174; x about 13. Showing rosilinm attaclieil to jiit. 9. I.aliUa »('««/» (Sogneuza), p. 1^5;. Ilingo of loft valve of spooimon No. 52156; X about 16. Nf 892 -3^...a x^^sifirsmassemmm ri;nri:i:itix(,s or r/ir: x.itioxai. misffm. vol.. XX. I'r.ATK l.XXXII. Fi^. 1. I.cdn tniKhihi i Doiiovnii i. ]). SV,. IntiTioi' oi' rii;lit v;il\o (if spcriiin'ii Xd. ;!H2()5; X lilioiit 5;. •J. /.('(/(( 7)r/'>i» /(MMiilli'i I. p. S.V). Iliiiup (if rio-ht \-;ilve (if siiccinicii Xo. 7;!it77; X iihoiit ."li. ;{. XiilDiirlhi siiliimdii A'crrill iin.l Hush. p. 87s. Hin-c of l.'ft v;ilv(' of sjicii- iMcn \(i. ;!i;!2tl: X iilidut 10. ■I. 'I'll!' siunc. 'I'linied nji to show shii](o of Icctli. "). ]'ol(li(lla iiijlatd \ onill mid liiisli, ].. MM. Iliiio-,. of a ],.fr valve Xo. ;i,V.7.-,: X about 10. Turned up to sliow slmjie of teeth, ti. rile . 'Hue. ]■' rout view. 7. )'iiUVi(Ufi dinniniiris Veirill and I'.ush, ]i, ,s7i>. lliuye oif a left v;il\e \o. liSIUI; X I'O. S. )'o!(li(n(t fraierud VvrrW] iiiid I'.nsh. ji. ^17. lliu!;c of li-lit valve of i y],,. s]i('(inien from station ill7; X -'0. 9. Laid himhiann \'eriill, p. S.'il. Tlin-f of hoth valves of type .s!)e(iinen Xo. ;!."i7-'lt; X ahout (U, . 10. MdUctia polifn Vcirill aud Hush. ]>. 87(i. llin.ue of a left valve Xo. 787!tL': X ab(.ut ()L Some of the teeth are hrokeu away Just liohiiid the heak. 11. Yiildklhi iris \'errill aud IJush. j.. SOS. lliaric of left valv(> of a y.mui; sj)eeimen ; X 20. ri,.vTK LXXXIII. Fiy. 1. CrriieUa J'nt/iniiiii()hi Verrill and ISush, ]>. S47. Interior of a rij;ht valve of a young specimen Xo. SSI IS; x about S. ."). Xiiriil(t mihorata Verrill and liush, p. SM'. Kxterior of left valve of type speciuHMi X'o. 40l7t); x about IS. fi. -/7'rrt /«)».'/;. 77s. Inte- rior ol' right valve of si)eciinen Xo. r)L'17(»; X about S. 7. TJie same. Hinge of both valves of the same specimen ; x about S. l'i..\Ti: LXXXIV. Figs. 1 and 2. ChlanniH hi'iirtUcli XvrriU ami Ihrsh. ]!. SS4. Kxterior of lioth valves of a young sjieeimen foiiml among I'oraminifer.i ; X 20. Pi ATI- LXXX\. Fig. 1. Ci/clopecfen hptdhiis \errill. ]>. SSO. Tortiou of upper or left valv(^ of type specimen Xo. SS41S to show character of sculpture; x 10. 2. Cycloprcteu ixtiitis Verrill and liush, p. 8S7. Kxterior of lower or right va]\t^ of a young specimen from station 220.">; x •">. S. The same. Kxterior of h ft valve of a larger siieeimou from the same station ; x "). I. The same. Hinge of tlie same valve; x 13. ."I. r'l/clopccloi j)usti(l."'i to show character of sculi)turi' ; X 10. (>. Tile same. Piece of a left valve of another sieMinu'ii Xo. 487(il to show vari- ation in form of i)nstnles: x about IS. 7. ('innploiifctin (/rii n!(iii. SS7. I'xterior of right \alve of siiecimen Xo. 78S87; X •">. I I Kii J NO. 1130. Fig. X. DEEl'-WATER MOLIASCA—VERIULL ASD liU^H. 893 10. 11. Fijj. 1. 3. 4. n-. 1. Fig. I. CtjcUipviiiii Kuh'tnitiv'it'ir XvYvWl iind liu^li, ]». Sl(». I'lirtioii dl' left v.iKc of spcfiiiieii No. isTlL' to .show cliaracter ol'.siiil|ituit' ; x 10; The saiiic. Exterior of left valve of sjieciuieii No. lM7t!<> from oil' Nova Scuii;i, ill li)0 ffitlioiiis; X :!. <'il<)'«0. I'.xteiior of left valvi- of tyjie s]ieciiiieu No. ISTlil; X ;i. 'riie same. I'xteiior of liuht valve of aimtlier s])eciiiieii ; X '■>. I'l.ATi: l..\.\.\\ 1. Suleniya grandis \'eirill and Hush. p. xXTk Kxterior of left \al\e ol' typo wpeciuien No. ."'ill51.''>; X 11. The .same. Inteiior of ri<;lit valve of an imperfect s]ieeiiiieii No. lOlOli; x lA. Kpidi'rmal fringe re-stored from other specimen. Cri/ptodon {Axiiiiilu>i) pijiimnus Verrill iiid I'liish, p. TIL'. Exterior of left valve of .s|>eeiiiien No. 7S3(!S from station liiiHT; x '2-. The same. Interior of right valve of a smaller specimen iVom the samo station; X '2-2. Xiiciild iimvilldta .Icllreys, p.s."j|. I'.xtcrior of Icit valve of s]iecimei) No. I.">7IC); X 12. ('hhiiiinn costilhitii X'erriil and Hush. p. M!."i. I'.xtcrior ot' right valvc of tvpc sjiecimeii No. .jl.'l71 ; X 0. l'i..\ii: I.XX.Wll. Porotuiid ,s('///c((N X'eirill. \aricty micnidiiiila l)ail. ]>. si;i. IiiiiL;e ot' a left vidve No. 7.S71IU; X •">. /'(•/•//('(>/•(/((( !ir No. llSoS; x I. /.^/o»,si(7/(( .s(/^(; 7(((//'((/(( I .letirexsi. p.S17. Interior tif u left valve No. 7SS00; X 10. I'cripliiiiui tiljiiiis X'errill and riiisii. p. SL'L'. l.xteiior of right \alvc of t.\ i)o specimen from station (S7I>; x t. I'erijiloiiKi iiiiiltihtta X'errill. ]i. (Sl'LI. Kxterior ol' left \al\e of tyjie .si)ccimeu No. IIS 10; X 1. I'roptumimiiini thiiUi8siiiii,n (l)alli Verrill, p. Sll. I'.xteiior of uppir or left valve of a spceimeii from station !M!I; X 1<>. t'fjiptodon ( Aj'iiiiilug) J'trnKjiiiosiix (Forbes), p. 7iK!. Interior ol' right valve td' •specimen No. olStiO; X 1-'. The same. Interior vf left \alve (d' the same specimen. I'l.ATi: I.XXWIII. Cnjptodon croulhufisis (.letlreys) Smith, variety alius Verrill and Hush, p. 7S7. Kxterior of a left valve from Kastjjort, Maine, liSTO; X ahoiit X. '2, The same. Interior J427j X 3. 7. Kitinerlia hrerin \'errill and Hush, ]». SiM. .SS4; X 4. 8. Xiicniu uraiiiiliiKd Verrill, ]>. 8,'")3. K.xt. 7>^!'. I'xtcrior oC li^lit v.ihe of a ispeciuii'ii IVuiii .st:iti(>n !M!l; x alMnil L'o. 1.'. The saiiR'. Interior nt' lilt \ alvc nl' tin saim spiciiniij. ;<. Lcjitu.iiniiii tniinihix Xviv'iU ami iiii^li. ]i. ~\*~. lliii-i' of k-l't vahe of type spei'iiiiiii No. iriliSl); x I"'- 4. Till' .saint'. Iliiiiif of ri^ht vah »• of the sann- s])cciincii. "). 'I'lie same. Interior of llie same valxc : x ;>". (). Cr/ipldddU iiliciiluH X'errill, ]t. ~!*i>. interior of left \alve of a younj; specimen No. IISL'ti; X 'J. 7. <'r;ipt<)(loii [ .t.rhiiili('<'\ hieria \'(.'rrill and Iinsh, p. Tltd. llxterior of leli \al\e of lyjie specimen from station l2-I(W; X :il'o it -'2. 5. The .same. Jut lior of ri^-ht val\ e of the .same s|ieeiiiien. 1'1..\T1. XC. Fiii'. 1. ( riiptndoH (.Lrhuiluy) incijiKdi-s \errill and 15nsh,- p.7!'l. Kxteiior of riulil valve of tyjie si)ecinieii from statioes li^-idl; x ahoiit UK '2. The same. Interior of left valve of the same specimen. li. ('rijjiludiin rroiiliiuiifiiti (.lelfrevsi fsmith, p. 78(1. Interior of left \al\e of a speeimeii from stations ()2-(i.") : X aljont II!. The same. I^xterior of riuhl \alve of the same Hpecimen. .tjiiiiidon t lliptii'iin \'errill and Iinsh, p.7!Mi. Mxterior of right val\e ot' t'. pc siieeimeu No. I!")]".") : X ahoiil \',>. The same Interior of lel'l valve of the same >iiccimen. I'dlhiiiid /(rrHtjiiioKii ^^l(mtagn), p. 78:>. Interior ot' lelt \ ah e oi' s]ic( iiiien No. lir>SS; X I'd. (/.Cartilage. The same. Interior of right \ iih c of the same specimen. I'l.ATi: X( I. ('ri/ptiKloii iiiSKjiiis \'errill and Bush. p. ".*'•''>. Interior of a lett \alve No. .").'733 tVom station L'lltt); X ahont li. The same. I'.xterior of a let'i \alve from the same station; X ahoiit U. AIinitmiiiK trhitnlia Verrill and ]$nsh, ]>. 78J. Interior of right valve of t.sjie specimen from station 21507 ; X -I- 1. Mdiitiiiiild vitiietilti Verrill and Hush. j). 7sl'. Exterior of right valve of a specimen from stat ion Jl'7S; x 17. "). Ci-jiplodoii ((iiialix \errill and Hn>h. ]). 7>. 6. Tiie same. Exterior ol' left valve of siieeiineii No. 7i:>02; X aliont .">. 7. Cniptodon (Ariniihtti) orittim \errill and IJnsh, p. 7!.t3. Interior of left vahf of type s])eeimen from station !l|!l; x li"). i<. helliellii tiitida Verrill. p. 778. Interior of left valve of speciiueu No. .S71I71; X 11. ri.ATi, XCII. Fig. 1. .h-inodon (lliptiviis ^'errill and Bush, \\. IM. Hinge of left valve of type s]teeimen No. IJan."); X ahont l'(!L 2. I.imopxin Hiilcuta \errill and llnsh, p. 845. Interior of a right valve from station 21!n); X 4. 3. Criiptudoti (A.rinnliix) Himphw \'errill and Bush. p. 7!U. Hiuge of right valve of type speeinieu from station 10!t3; X about 13. 4. Tho same. Interior of left valve of the same speeinieu. 5. .Lvinopsia iirhinilala Sars. variety iiuuiutilix \errill and Bush. p. 7!I4. Interior of left valve of type speeinieu from Eastport, Maine, 1872; X about 13. Fig. 1. 3, «r Fig. NO. Ii:i0 ii/:j:r-tr.iTi:i; Mni.n'siA—i ki:i;u.i. asi> m sii. SI I; ) Fiii. (I. Tilt! . sunn-. IliiimMif liotli valvi's of the siiiui' sitcciiiiiMi ; X atioiit !.'(>. 7. Motihicidd hiiliiildtd ( Mont iiffiu viiri<'tv tenuis \fnill iiiid I'msh, p. 7"!'. liitfi-ioi 111' ii lijrlit \m1\<' froii! stjitioii L'l.'77 ; X nlioiit 111. S. Montiiiiild hiilnildlii {Mimtn'^n^ ynr'ivty friuiUiH \rn\\\ mid Hush ]l,7^tl, Inii'- rioi of a liiilit \iilvcNo. Iiilol; x 17. II. Moutdviitd "laid .lotVicvs. \>. 7M. Iiil('ii((i- ola liulit \alvf No. ItiLiti; x -U. 10. riu'samc. Interior ol'a left valvo No. I(ii;i7: X I'H. t L l'l..\TK .\('I1I. «« I'i;;. 1. ('riij)liiihni { A.riiiiiliit) oratiix WmtIII and liiisli. ]i. 7'.i.S. lliiii^c ot" liotli \ahfs of t\j)i' siH'ciiiicii from station iUH; X !•"). 2. KilHopnis chvdtd (Siinipson> NCrrill and iinsh. p. 7M. lliii^f nt' ,i liylit \aivi' No. 7K>:);! I'lo n \ausli(ni : x l'-'. llinue of lioiji \:il\i'-. trom station l''J7S: x .'iO. li. Moiitd''. a, Hesilinni and ossicde. 7. Moiitdciild hideittdid (Montauin. ]i. 77'.'. llin<;t' of a riulii Nalvi No. 7ISl.'>' .'Voin Naiishon ; x •>". s. The same. Hinjj;e of lioih \alves of a smaller s|iei'imiii lidin the same sta- tion; X ;io. II. Moiitaciild xtridluht N'erril! and Iinsh, j). 7so. llinue ol' a iel't \ai\f Iroai station U'27ti; X IS". Hinge of a right valveTrom statioti l.'L*7l{; x ;>". 111. h'lllicUd nitidd X'errill, p. 778. llingo of lioth valves of s]»eeimen No. :>71'71 ; X 1-. Right vahe turned down, hd't tnriu'd uji rt..\Tf. xciv. l"ig. 1. Moiiiaciild tdiitiditid .let'tVev s, p. 781. Interior of a left valve No. :>."i|lL' from station -MdH; X 20. «, ]iesiliiini and ossiele. 2. 'J'he same. Interior tif a right valve frinn tho same station; X 2ii. ;{. Kellid siihorhienhtris CSlnnUxixn). \). 77!l. Interior ot'left valve of a spiM innii from oil" 8alem, Massaehitsetts, lf<77; X m I. I'ho same. Interior of right valve of the same sjieeiiiu'ii. r>. .]fi)iitd• from sta- tion 2283; X 2(1. ti. Miintdiittd h'idcntitid ^MontagnK ]i.77!t. Interior of a right valve No. 7ll)2S; X ahont 13. 7, Kelliojisin elcvata (Stiinpsdii) \'errill and Hush. ji. 7SI. Interior ol' a tight \iilve No. 71333 from \anslH)n; x about 13, d, Ktsilinm ami ossicle. 8. The same. Exterior of a left \alve from tho same station; x ahont 13. Pi ATK Xt'N'. Fig. 1. /-_i/o»i»i(i ,'/»'(JHi(?//Vr(j Verrill and, p. 818. I'.xterior of a left vaht-ttypu speeimein No, r)2.">61 ; X ahont 2i, 2. rfiticonlia grdiiiili/irn (N'errill) Dail. 11.8II), Hinge of a lelt \alve itvpo spei'imen) No. 4-1838; x 8. 3. Tlio s;ime. Hinge of lioth valves of a fully grown 8pe«dnien No. 78ii7!t; X 4, Turned nj) to show ossii le. d. 4. The same. Hinge of a right vahe of another speeimen No. 78'.t2l(; X t)<. it / "• 'nonxirliu runinio \eir '" ■■""' 'i'lsl,, ,,. ,sis OL. XX. " ""• •'^^niM. .stall,,,,: '^ -• " ■'■ "■■■« ■"■■■•-- - i „.v„.,„,,. •'«■■ 1- r.i,„<,i,His s„i,.„ia V,.,., i'lAii.: .\c\I. -'""'■"'"*.,?,,,„„,„„„„,,„. _, •' -'.I" -m. f,,„„ « A 0. ^'•^ !;';-"- ^'';:'nt;:;:';:-,r-- . , "^■^''■'; X K;. • '•''■^'^- '"''■'""• <'/'ri«ht v.Iv,. <• , ,. V/- ^'-i-n X.,. ,, ^' ;^"; , ' = -''• V. ^75. rnt,.n „'',. ''•,.,,,^ , 'oti, vilv. .• "-'"" ■••11(1 J„sJ, s... I \ I ) !•: X . [ Ilii'.icizcfl tinurcs ms ^'^ iclcr 1(1 piijirs wliiTr tlin M;unt' is ilciintil, (ir wlii'i(> iho ilistriliutimi nl' the sin'c'ii's in L;i\ I'll, i AliiM 7Ti> li.lii;i,'iillis 778 vMi'. aiiii'iiiiiiiii r.V All I ana (<85 Ailiaiiilla 77(i. \.7V, 885 I'asia v:v .TCiiiiipfctcn. iSn'olxo I'l'i'diii v.;(),s;;3 iiTaitiaiis >*'M iipi'l'riilarirt 8:ill Aiinisimii. {S,r(iln(i rrcli-in S.'i;, h'Jl), SHI, SHH rcm'stratmn SU ])li-iiriiiir(ti'H >'-'ii s|i 811 Aiiinsriiii|M'iti'ii >^'S't liiirilii;aliMihis s i:i Aiioiiiia S'J8 Ai'r:i ail\ i-i:. ma Ax amps is 7V■<•■•»/(") Cryittoilon) 77ti, ,".■«( Inwis 7:iii Axinus 784 rripiiliin'nsis 786 riMiMiginosus 791! liarliatia 842 Uathyarca 77G, S4J abyssorum S-l.t, 844 aiioinala 84:!. SI I rnli'lin nsis 84!! tllarialis .'•4:! ylonienila 8i:!. 844 iniilata 84;! inaM|iiisrul]ita 84;!. 844 pL'Ctiinruliiidi'S 842. 845 var. I'lTniiljita ... 843 IViilei 843 graiiili.s ... 842,843 orliiciilata... 84:! srjit iMi t r i II- iialif* 8i:! ]((il\('y «>a 843 Proc. N. M. vol. XX 57 I'a^'.-. liyana profiniiliinla i 81:1. v; ( pllTiirssa s|:! I'll' lit liana 77i'i, .-42 ail\ I'lsiilnitata .«12 asperiila HiJ. S4:! Hfiiirinata Sli;. si:! r.ornia 77'.> Calliirarilia si 7 I \'i'siciini\ al il.'iUi f\~ ('aiiilitnncrti's. i Ser iiho ]'i'rti-n) .... 770. > .'^, s-.';i ari'iiatns s'.'S i;iii nlanilii.'a •< .7 lins , s-.'8 .St rial lis 828 tiiiriiiiis s;28 ( 'anlinlavia s.'.l Caritiiiiiiya 77i'>, 7'.i8 a.liyssinila m"! costellata 8118 \ar. riiipiilrlita HII8 rlll'ta 8118 gemma .^".'' glyjita v/'i miilticDstata 8i>7, .Vi'V (irnal issiiiia . piMTipstrata . "]> striata Cctorhiinra. at\ plia iiitiil.'i .. (,'rtllllivn sp. .' Clilaniys. (S<'i' ahu I'l'cti'n). . 770. .S'.V. 8:!0. 8;!1. 8;!3 lieni'ilirti ^..'; ilinlDnius 8:!l,s::;8 I'listcllata i.'.i islanilica 827, s;i4 varia 8:!4 Cliiiri.stoilon / rauci'Uatus 77.^ f'laiisina iruulinrnsis 78t! Cliiliiipliora 770 goiiUliana 820 iiiornata v;.7 t riliiii'ata 820 Crcni'Ua IVaKili.s vi?" Cryptodon 770, :st, 785, 795, 797 ( .\ xiiHilii.s) liri'N i,s 7!H) iToullni'iiHi.s ."v; \ar. altii.s rv7 (Mlitalis 7s>i (Axiniiliis) torruginoMiin r.'i.', 794 tlfxuosim 784, 788 897 MOS niocKKDJXcs (tv Tiir. i/r.s/.r.u. Viil.. XX. Page. I ( j\ |itiiil(iii ;;Hiililii 787, 788 t;iiiiiilis ;i' ( A\iiiiiliis) iiiciiiiali.i 7,' J iiisi<;iiis 7V.' ll'tllM 7Si> ( AxiiMiliisi ovitlns T'JJ \ ]iliimr rW Iilicaturt rv; (Axiiuilus) ]p\ u'liiii'iis 7;/.' siirsii 7Hu, 7Sli ( A \iiiuliis) siiiiiilix ;.'/ • ,sii1m)\ iitiis I'Xi tiirtmmiis 7',i;) ( ly I)t(Ml()Mti(lir 7H4. H.'il 'iiiMMliiiita 8511 CtciK diiiitidn' *>"iO Ciiciillariii 84'-' liitiiiHldiil.'i HV2 ('M(iiili-llili;i- 8.)1.88il Cii-iiiidariu 77li ilictica Klllt. ^'^.' v;ir. ;;l:iciiili>, 8iiU (i)ni:os;i ,vi.; frnliM-ii:i 801. 802. So.! ■''.' iiauu.-< ■''■•'7 l>iistiil()siis 8:12, s.::i .■iiibimln'itV'r '^4" Ili'htiiJcctiMi 827 I>i])l()di)iiti(la' 7.'^4 Krvciiiida' 779 l'ili|ii s 8:::! Iicsiviis 8:;:! Flai)illi|,i.ririi 8;i:i llaludliformis 8:):) Kli'MipiM'lcii 8;!3 lli'Miosiis 8:!.') Cl.iiiiida' 'Sir (iloiiiina' 847 Glomus ">'.' iiiaiiiiilateralis '^'■'^ .iai)p 778 Kclliillida 778 Killiupsis 770, 7*J clcvala 7*^4 K.M.iicrlia 770. 822 liicvi.s s:'/ };hu-iali» 821.822 l.fda 770, 849. 8.".0. 852. ^ ' (. t>.''7, •-77. 878. 884 aniiiiiiiata 8.">0 Ini.sliiaiia ■'''.'/ caudala 8,')4, sr..', cii.spidata 8.'i4 (•\l)ansM 871 tinviatili.H 8'>4 .ji'llVcy si 80ii lata 8r.ll Ii'iiliciila 8lii; liii'ida 801 liicssai It'll si.s 8."'! ohcsa 8lil. ^r.:; pcriiula 8.')4, ^.".■ jioitlaiidica 8.")7 rn.strala 8.'i4 mili('i|iiilati-iii 871 tciiiiisiiliiila 854 Lcdella 770, S5:i, 884 1 (iiitiiiis 8."i0 Cdiil'usa 850 ino]iiiiata 8."0 iiiessaiM'ii.'*!'* 8.")5, S.'i', \ :iv. .-nlilr\ i.s ',.':/; niriilr;!' 8,"),"> p.iiva .S.'7 jM'iallini.s >;.",.'i pridata 850 rrctidorsat.i . 850 Kt'intMi 8,'>t), 857 Hiiuiiiula 855 Holidiila 850 ultima 850 I.odida- Sis. 851, 854, 884 I.<(liiia' 8.51, 8.54. 884 Lt'ptaxiiiii.s 770,7.'"; Hi ill Mill.- 790, 7.'. 7 l.clilonida' 770 Leplopt'cttMi. (Si.'iihi' I'fiirii) ^.?; iiiiiiiiiliiiiii is 831 I.,iMia'a subdvaii 824 Mniatiila 770 conl'iisii H25 liyaliiiii s'/'i iiodiili'si j.\'4 ro.'iuliu'is SSJ ifiicoi oi: CI c\ 'i 8i;i.8l"! S.')4. V- - . 8:)7 . 8:.4 . 871 8r)4 ,s5,^, 884 l-.'lli 8.'<'i 8,'):. 8r>i'> 8."i0 I grit), 8ri7 8.').'. 8r'i; 8.'ir. I 8.-1 1,881 I >^-A. 884 79ti, .'■"" 771t 831 824 770 82.-1 S?' f.'J S2J nm. u:ii>. DEEP-WATER MOLLrsCA-VEIUlI LI. ASH III s/l. S!)9 Limutiila .suliovatn. Liniidif I'a;:c. , . 824 . 82:i LilM(il).';') L.VdiHida' 818 L,\ onsirllu 7Tl"i inrdatii ^/^ subqiiadiata ^17 Lyoii.siillida' 817 Lyrodesina 8.-)l LyiddcsinatiiiM' S.'il Lyiopi'ctiii. ( .*>■('<' uIkii I'l'cteii) s'.'.'' nddiisiis 8^9 Mai oiiia 770 iiillata r,"s Maci'dililaMiy.-^ >i''i latissiiiia 8:i;t Macriidiiii 842 a.spcriila 842 I)i'iit'iindi('ola 844 sagrinata S12 Mallftia 776, 850, S:3, 878, 88ii. 885 abj-.-isoruni - 874. s:', ajiatUida 88.1 amabilis 880 anoiiana 874 bfUardii 874 8711, 874 ciineata 874. 883 cytbtTfa HiH^ (lunkfii 874 S:i pallida 874 ]K)lita 874, vri; miiitliii 8ci3 Mallet ina' 851, 873. 885 M ait.sia 777 Marte.sicUa 776, ,T," frajrilis ",' Mt'ltayoldia ST;/, 884 tliracia'fonnis 8.51), 860 Microycildia 776, V',V), 884 rogiilaris s(,y) Moul acuta 77C, 783 bidontata 77^1. 784 var, tVa^jilis 7s(' var. toimi« 77H bi)\viiiani 78» casta 7/ Mya liidfiitala 770 M yoijeia 770. 71)8 K'S''i" paucistriata 809 liri'liosa ,s;/ iiii;i?iii8,i sll iiiidata 7il^ Mytilida' 847 Xeaia a ret ii;i 8U3 costata 810 gi;;aiiiia 811 jllacialis goo laiiiclli..-*a 799 liiiialula 812 iiiullii osiata 808 var. ciirta 808 ()l)e.'iisici 878 (iuadrani;ulaiis h7$ SLTicea 878 stibovata sTU Nuciiiella 85| Xui'iila 77ti. !H9. 85o, s:.i, 884 h.-,4 K-,.3 866 851 853 S53 caiicc'llata ):raiiuln>a lent ic ula .. II mil' us |icriiauil)U(('ii.-sv'.''. 8M5 sr«|iiii:i (!l stilciKiidcs 851) I'alH iimild S4!l, H5ii, H'll loiislrirtii S'lU I liana I'aUii>liiMi. (Sii'iiUo I'cctriii 82H, x.','/, tiH3 -tiiatiiiii ^'Si test if si:;i vitit'Min 8'J'.I Tall i mil. iSicalno I'cctcii) ,S',',". S'J'J plica 827 raiiilnia 82 1 . K2J rostrata H\1'2 Paii>lciiic!a' AH) I'ara;iiiiMiiiiii s.l: ilalli 8:!2 I*ar\aiMiissiiiiii Ki3 raiiicllatiini 833 r< !■( Iiicilia L'lamilil'cra SIO •siiljciuadrata 817 IVi ten s.v;, (S27,83;i liiiiciljcti (<'lilaiii.\s) s;y4 cliiitoiiius (I'lacoiit'ctcn) 831,838 ripMtillatU.s ((Jlilaiii\ S) >;W dilectiistHvalopt'ctfii) 832. s.:i; f.VDticiiiii (I'siuilaiiMi.sinrii) «28 riiie.stiatus ( I'lippoaiiiiisiiiHi) 821) tVav:iliH (IlyaldpeclLMi) 832, AJ'j' lL'riiiilaiin) '' W testif (Palliiilnin) 828.829 tliala.s.siniis (Prnpeainii.iitini) 841 tiiiriuus ((.'aniiitont'(tt's) 828 luiilatiis (ftyalopecton) 832, 836 variu.s (( 'lilaniyB) 834 vitrcMis (Pallioluui) 829 Vat inclla S-SO sigglici 830 Peotiniila- .W,), 831- Pepliim «13 intk'xnni 833 Periploiua - 776 Page. I'oriplonia allini- S,'J iiniliilala S.'.; Pei'lploniiilic 822 I'tliiciilida' 77.'< PhascohiH 851. 8.-4 oval MS 8t;8. ."t I'lioladida' 777 I'iaccppcclcii. iSif (ihii Pectin I s. / I lint< ^3 1.8.38 I'lcunidim 8.'1 I'U'iiionci tia 8Jii Poroniya 77'i ((Jfloin> a) dciiiiiata ^l.") ILiraniilata 81.'i niicrciddiiln .'•13 .sulilivis i<13 var. mien idem I a ^;.) Piiromyida- t^l3 I'nitlaudia ^:.:.xM.s^i ;ni tica ^.■.7 lenlicula Mil) lileida S>'C J'lopeaniu.siiiiii. O'ef also IVcten) •-,','', ^3 I iVncstiatiiiu 82!) n.'-i t^'M ineiiuiseiilpla >2'.l lliala.s.siniini ^11 I'seiiilaniu.-inni. (.VfnJ.w Peeteni ... ->.'->. .■>29. ."ii:! e\(iticMiii MJ8 iiiiliriler M'l leplaleii.i 6?,:i thalansinii.s 811 Pseiidomalletia STI Sarept!! 851,t>.-.'j Mpeeiosa 851. I"N'i Sareptiiia' 8'1 .Satiiiiiia 877.8''< Scapliarea 8)2 Schi/.othariis Tvi grand i.-i >'i Senu'lida' "' Silienla 850.851 ,--5 fragili.-* ■■'' Soleniya ~''' -'i giaiidis SoleniiiiiN i(he SyncyeldMema ■•'-. *'''' Telliniya liidentala ''■' elevata ""t t'erriifriniisa 7.'>1. >•>' Telliiiida- 778 Tliiaeia iiitida 'IS Tinilaria 776, 849, 8.".o, 8.11, 8fi«. S.ix. 8>.i aciimla ■'^^' anialiilis m'.>"l aiala *""'• '^'•' eallistiforinis "''' cuneata '*"'l '■^■' cy t lieiea 8>U. .H"! lata '•'^1—'- siiiitliii *'^' scilida '■"' veneriforniis ^"' virens '"'' , Tlndarinii' '«'| \ '•r'i'ordia Vei|,eor,li,i,~ ' ■*'' ')/n\,i \..ia... :..;;■ i""''iia . . . y,^ 'I'ly-NNie aicti,.,, . '■^liiiiisa 'riyida. ''.^l'erl.0 .ielt'/vysi. '""atiiJa '"'■itla..., ""••<'l»tll.s;i .. '■t'^'l||,.,,.J3.. ^<'. lI.'fD. _/-«7..,r,„.,v,„o„,,„. TiixlHPioi.Ni^ ' '|;;'"iiii(iic ''"i.'iilii,i(li,. . \"ti,.or,iin ;:;;;,;;;;;•;;;;■•• ,. "'■■I'iiiii/-,.,.., ^.'''"'•->n(i,i„, ■' ^ ' "^i' 'iiiiva \ola.. '"'.» NMieold ... '"'••■flea ' 'xi'iiiisa 'riyi,!,, ■"■ ''.\ /"Tliore.., .i''"'n' ""•"tula Iiicida ""•xsaiipiisis, v,i,'. "'.yalis <>l)tll.Sii '•«Wiilaria......' • • SH.'t ■■ sr.i • Sir, ■ SI/; 816 H17 Sl'« 8Si ■ ■ sm "'-'. 873 j 8''8. ,><;:> ■■■ 858 ( • 89S, S70 I •• 8.18 ■■ 'aij-„|,„',"'_ 8ubL-(iuiIatera". T'aijo. 838 879 878 :,„ 871 "''•''•<9v'.7.883 ••• '^"1. v(,v, ^,(3 8(il,s7^ 8»i|.s7^ 86|,.,v;7 801. v;j 8B1 m.w.) 8(il, v/;.; 8fl),K(!J 8(;/; 801 88l,sv,y. ■•■• W;,„g5 ••■■ 80 1. v,v; — 8K1, v/;,'; ■••■ 801, 9,;,; ••• 8«l,v;7 ' 'l^i Hi ih 1 0. s. 0. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM PROCEEDINGS, VOL. XX PL. LXXI xio xio Deep Sea Bivalves. FciR EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAfjE 888. \ U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM PROCEEDINGS, VOL. XX PL. LXXII Deep Sea Bivalves. For exp.anation of flate see page 888. u. s / ] U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM PROCEEDINGS, VOL. XX P.. LXXIII *. Deep Sea ?. valves. For explanation of pijme see page 888. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM 1 PROCEEDINGS, VOL. XX PL. LXX IV I 'it Deep Sea Bivalves. For explanation of plate see page 889. ^f-r:''^-.'^^*^^ist-*^**^K^vs!:^::iisss3rings~^ U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM PROCEEDINGS. VOL. XX PL. LXXV i Deep Sea Bivalves. For explanation of plate see page 889. U. 5. NATIONAL MUSEUM PROCEEDINGS VOL. XX PL. LXX VI «l Deep Sea Bivalves. For explanation of plate see pages 889, 890. (7 U. S. NATIONAL MUSEU^ PROCEEDINGS. VOL. XX PL. LXXVII 2 ^ J-Jt ■ Deep Sea Bivalves. Fof( EXPLANATIO.N OF PlATE hEE PAoE 890. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM PROCEEDINGS, VOL. XX PL. L XXVIII X20 X 20 X 15 Deep Sea Bivalves, For explanation of plate see pace 890. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM I PROCEEDINGS, VOL. XX PL. lXXIX !i Deep Sea Bivalves. For explanation of plate see pages 890, 891. I u s. Vv^ 10 U S. NATIONAL MUSEUM PROCEEDINGS, VUL. XX FL. L^XX 3 ! Deep Sea Bivalves. For explasation of plate see paue 891. ne^BPimi / I PROCEEDINGS. VOL. XX PL, LXXXl I Deep Sea Bivalves. For explanation of plate see page H91. u. s "IjT^OIf U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM PROCEEDING^. VOL. XX PL. LXXXII Deep Sea Bivalves. For explanation oc plate see page 892. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEU^ PROCEEDINGS. VOL. XX PL, LXXXIII Deep Sea Bivalves, For fxPLANATins of plate see pa CE 892. u. s. U. S. NATIONAL MUStbM PROCEEDINGS VOL XX PL. LXXXIV I i X20 Deep Sea Bivalves. FOH EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PAGE 892. msi ■*^^tv U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM PROCEEDINQS, VOL. XX PL. LXXXV • 1 I Deep Sea Bivalves. For explanation of plate see pages 892, 893. ■&.. U. S. NATIONAL WUSEUM PROCEEDINGS, VOL XX PL LXXXVI I Deep Sea Bivalves^ For txPL*NAiioN o- puvte sEc pa&e 893. f lyivi U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM PROCEEDING-, VOL. XX FL. LXXXVII xlo Deep Sea Bivalves. PoH EXPLANATION Of PLATl. SEE PAOE H93. u. s, U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM PfiOCEEDINGS, VOL. XX FL. LXXXV III ii ! g!^.',-j-','.»«i>^'H,>'v.,,>.^ X2C Deep Sea Bivalves. FOH EXPLANATION 0^ PLATE 66E PAbt 893. u. s. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM PROCEEDINGS, VOL. XX PL. LXXXIX Deep Sea Bivalves. For explanation of plate see page 894. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM PROCEEDINGS, VOL. XX PL. XC Deep Sea Bivalves. FUH EXPLANATION OF PLATE SEE PA(.E 894. U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM PROCEEDINGS, VOL. XX PL. XCI !• i Deep Sea Bivalves fon explanation of plate see page 894. u. s ^ U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM PROCEEDINGS, VOL. XX PL. XCM 2 I Deep Sea Bivalves. fou explanation of plate see pages 894, 895. X ^ % 1^ (J. S. NATIuNAL MUSEUM PROCEEDINGS, VOL. XX PL. XOII I i 1 Deep Sea Bivalves. For exPL*\*Tios oc pl*te sff page 895. mofssmsm U. S. NATIONAL MUSEU^ PROCEEDINGS, VOL XX FL XCIV Deep Sea Bivalves. Po« EXPL*-N«TION OF PLATE SFF PAGE 895. • u. s / / /■. X4 U. S NATIONAL MUSEUM 2 PROCEEDINGS, V^L XX FL. XCV ^.f^,^ A^<^\ ii N^^^/^r X* Deep Sea Bivalves. For Explanation of Plate sit pages 89a, H96. u. ^^:^ U. S NATIONAL MUSEUM PROCEEDINGS, VOL. XX PL. XCVI X 10 Deep Sea Bivalves FOH EXPLANATION wl PLATE ^Ffi PAr.E 896. u s X20 X U S. NATIONAL MUSE UM PROCEEDINGS, VOL. XX FL XCVII I X20 DcEP SeA Bivalves. fOH E,.L*S*T,ON t,r PLATJ SEE .*,,f 896.