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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mAthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 ■' ■ ^^,.i 1 ;' "1 ; i 1 H m'% Hb' ftv H * ) i ■ mmtmtmgm mmmmmmmM,^ X' I lib m .^ •^ u\ i |« m ie- 1: • il! CATAtCCUR OP ^OMR OW TH« MOBB Im rORTAM- iHtHs IN Tl(|! «BVaKAt. Kai.i''W>. A/ //Vr/W iriAHSi'l Apf>ro.ti»tiUfly in orJt-r af importance A.- T:rophyllum (?) B. Pseudo!!nn;,» L>curtl:i»ii. T^uga Mcrt t I (Fr nadUm Naturalist, Vol. IX. No. 6.) NOTE ON THE DISTRIBUTION OF SOME OF THE MORE IMPORTANT TREES OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. {Printed in advance of the Refiort of Prot/resti of the Geological Survey of Canada for 1879-80.) By Geokok M. Dawson, D.S., A.R.S.M., F.G.S. British Columbia fbrming a portion of the Cordillera region of the west coast of America, with diversified and bold physical features, the lines indicating the geographical range of the V'^'-ious species of plants do not assume in it the broud rounded forms found in less mountainous districts. The peculiarities in distri- bution while adding interest to the study, renders an intimate knowledge of the topography of the country an essential pre- requisite to its prosecution. As large tracts of the province are as yet geographically unknown owing to their remoteness and singular impenetrability, we are far from possessing complete in- formation on the distribution of many of even the more important species. The following notes and map are presented as a con- tribution towards our knowledge of the range of some of the trees of British Columbia, based on notes and observations made by myself while engaged in the work of the Geological Survey from 1875 to 1879. I am indebted to Mr. H. J. Gamble of the Canadian Pacific Railway for valuable notes on the extension of certain trees from the coast up the valleys of the Homathco and Dean or Salmon Rivers, and in a few cases have availed myself of facts published in Prof. Macoun's reports. I have also to thank Dr. Engelmann for notes furnished in regard to specimens collected in various parts of the province. M.I -iii' I'*' 1' llliii ^■'M 2 |i 'W^ K- I It is not intcndod to n;ive a description of the orography of the province, thouffh as above indicated this is closely connected with the extension of the various species of plants. The following general statement made by mc in a note on agriculture and stock raising and extent of cultivable land in the province,-'^ may, with little alteration, be repeated here, as outlining the conditions to be found within its area : — The flora of British Columbia as a whole may be broadly divided into four great groups, indicating as many varieties of climate, which may be named as follows : — the West. Codstj the Western Interior, the Canadinn, and the Arctic. The first, with an equable climate and heavy rainfall, is characterized by a correspondent luxuriance of vegetation, and especially of forest growth. This region is that west of the Coast Kange, and is well marked by the peculiarity of its plants. In a few spots only — and these depending on the dryness of several of the summer months owing to local circumstances — does a scanty representation of the drought-loving flora of the Cali- fornian coast occur. The second is that of the southern part of the interior table-land of the province, and presents as its most striking feature a tendency to resemble in its flora the interior basin of Utah and Nevada to the south and the drier plains east of the Rocky Mountains. It may be said to extend northward to about the 51st parallel, while isolated patches of a somewhat similar flora occur on warm hill-sides and the northern banks of rivers to beyond the Blackwater. In the northern part of the interior of the province, just such an assemblage of plants is found as may be seen in many parts of eastern Canada, though mingled with unfamiliar stragglers. This flora appears to run <;omplet€ly across the continent north of the great plains, and characterizes a region with moderately abundant rainfall, summers Dot excessively warm, and cold winters. The arctic or alpine flora is that of the higher summits of the Coast, Selkirk, Rocky and other mountain ranges, where snow lies late in the summer. Here plants lurk which deploy on the low grounds only on the shores of Hudson Bay, the Icy Sea and Behring's Strait. In the following notes the Coniferae are placed first as having the greatest importance both from an economic point of view, and from the vast extent of country which they cover almost to the exclusion of other trees. • Report Can. Pacific Railway, 1877. Appendix S. 8 Psemlotmga Douglasli, Lindl. Douf^las spruce, Douglua fir, sometimes commercially named Oregon pine. This is the most important timber tree of British Columbia, and the only one of which the wood has yet become an article of export on a large scale. It is found in all parts of Vancouver Island with the exception of the exposed western coast, but does not occur in the Queen Charlotte Islands or coast archipelago to the north of Vancouver. On the mainland, near the forty-ninth parallel, it extends from the sea to the Rocky Mountains, growing at a height of 6000 feet in a stunted form, and occurring even on the eastern slopes of the Rocky Mountains. In the dry southern portion of the interior of British Columbia it is confined to the higher uplands between the various river valleys. Northward it comes down to the general level of the country. It does not extend into the mountainous and comparatively humid region of Cariboo, and is probably absent from the higher portions of the Selkirk and Gold Ranges generally. Its northern line is singularly irregular. It is found about Fort George, and north-eastward as far as McLeod's Lake, but does not occur on the Parsnip. It extends about hulf-way up Tacla Lake, and on Babine Lake to the bend or knee. A few specimens occur on the Skeena River. It is common about Frascr and Fraogois Lakes. It is found from the Fraser to the coast mountains on the line of the Chil- cotin and its tributaries, and occurs on the Nazco and up the Blackwater to the mouth of the Iscultaesli, but is absent from an extensive tract of country bounded by the last-named localities to the south and east and extending northward to FrauQois Lake. It occurs abundantly on the coast of the mainland as far north as the north end of Vancouver Tsland, but beyond that point is found only on the shores of the inlets at some distance from the sea. It is found on the upper part of Dean Inlet and on the Salmon River which runs into it, but about forty-five miles from the salt water becomes small and stunted, and as above stated, is not seen in that part of the interior lying to the eastward. The extent of its range to the north-eastward, in the Rocky Mountain range, though broadly indicated on the map, is still uncertain. The best grown specimens are found near the coast in prox- imity to the waters of the many bays and inlets which indent it. Here the tree frequently surpasses eight feet in diameter, at a considerable height above the ground, and reaches a height of II •M \ 'I- i i 4. It i ¥ ' IM **:, f 2i from 2(10 to over :j(l(> feet, foriuing prodiuious aiul dark forests. The wood varies considerably in appourance and strength accord- ing; to its locality of growth and other circumstances. It in admirably adapted for all ordinary purposes of construction, and of late has obtained favourable notice in ship-buildinj^-, remaining sound in water for a long time. For spars and masts it is un- surpasj^ed both as to strength, straightuess and length. Masts for export are usually hewn to octagonal shape from lid to ',V2 inches in diameter and (JO to 120 feet in length. On special orders they have been shipped as large as 42 inches in diameter by \20 feet long. Yards are generally iicwn out from 12 to 24 inches in diameter and 50 to 102 feet long. Masts and spars are generally sent to Great Britain ; other forms of lumber to South America, Australia, India, China and the Sandwich Islands. Tsiigtj Mcitensianti, Lindl. Western hemlock. The hem- lock occurs everywhere in the vicinity of the coast, and extends up the Fraser and other rivers to tlie boundary of the region of abundant rainfall. It reappears in the Selkirk and Gold Ranges, where sufficient moisture for its growth is again found. The tree attains a large size on the coast, reaching a height of 200 feet, and yields a good wood, but has not yet been much used. The bail: is employee! successfully in tanning. Ihigti Afcrtcnsiiina closely resembles the eastern hemlock (7'. Canaden- sis) but attains a larger size than that tree ever does. In the Queen Charlotte Islands it is particularly abundant and large. On the Salmon River, running into Dean Inlet, it is not found in abundance beyond eighteen miles from the sea at an elevation of 600 feet. It occurs again, however, sparingly on the lower part of the Iltasyouco River, a tributary to the last, and within the Coast Range. On the Honiathco River, flowing into Bute Inlet, it ceases at fifty-three miles from the sea at an elevation of 2320 feet. On the Uz-tli-hoos it extends to a point six or ten miles east of the Fraser, on the Coquihalla to the summit between that river and the Coldwater. Thuja gigantea, Nutt. Western arbor vitae, giant cedar, red cedar. This tree in its distribution nearly follows that of the hemlock, abounding along the coast and lower parts of the rivers of the Coast Range, being unknown in the dry central plateau, but reappearing abundantly on the slopes of the Selkirk and Gold Ranges. On Lho Salmon llivcr the cedar ceases at foity-fivc miles frnii' the heaJ of Dean Inlet at an elevation ol' 2400 I'eet, though like the hemlock it is again found sparingly and in a stunted form in the lower part of the Iltasyouco Valley. On the Homathco it ceases at a distance of sixty-three miles from the coast at an elevation of 2720 feet. On tlic Uz-tli-hoos it ends with the hcnilock at about six nnles east of Boston Bar, on the Coquihalla, just south of the summit between that river and the ('oldwuter. Cedars are also found sparingly on the Skaist llivcr or oast branch of the Skagil, and a few were observed on the banks of the Similkameen, about thirteen miles below Vermilion Forks. It extends westward from the flanks of the Gold Range in the Coldstream Valley sparingly to within eight miles of the head of Okanagan Lake. It abounds round the shores of the north-eastern part of Shuswap Lake, and on the North Thompson Valley to about twenty miles below the mouth of the Clearwater. It is said that there is also a small grove of these trees on the Fraser below Fort George. '' On the coast it not unfrec • utly .surpasses fifteen feet in dia- meter with a height of 100 to 150 feet, but such large trees are invariably hollow. The wood i good, pale yellowish or reddish, and very durable, but it is not yet extensively used except for the manufacture of shingles. From this tree the Indians split out the planks which they use in the construction ol' their lodges along the coast, and in the north make the carved posts which ornament their villages. They also hollow their large and elegant canoes iu-rt, and use the fibre of the inner burk for rope making and other purposes. «-^4.» Fkea Eiigelmanni, Parry. Eugelmann's spruce. This tree resembles the black .spruce of the east, but reaches a larger size, frequently surpassing three feet in diameter, and running up tall and straight. It appears to characterise the interior plateau and eastern part of the province, with the exception of the dry south- ern portion of the former, and forms dense forests in the moun- tains. Varieties occur, which, according to Dr. Engelmann, who has examined my specimens, are almost indistinguishable from Ficea alha, and to the north-eastward these varieties preponde- rate. Specimens collected on ehe Peace River plateau (lat. 55'^ 46' 54", long. 120^^ 20', ultitud.^ 2600 feet) are still referable to jP. Engehmmni, but trees on the Athabasca (lat. 54° T 34", \-t\ i ■■i|ii:-' \ I f II' ^1 1! is ' ' long. 118° 48') belong to P. alba. The northern and north- eastern range of Engelmann's spruce is therefore undetcrminate. It borders nearly all the st-eams and swamps in the northern portion of British Columbia between about 2500 and 3500 feet in elevation. It is probably this tree which forms dense groves in the upper alpine valleys of the Rocky Mountains in the vicinity of the forty-ninth parallel. The wood has not yet been extensively employed, but it is excellent, and in some cases very durable. Picea Menziesii, Lindl. Menzie's spruce. This tree seems to be confined chiefly to the immediate vicinity of the coast, where it attains a large size, and is to some extent used for lumber. It was, however, observed on the summit between the Coldwater and Coquihalla Rivers (3280 feet) ; also on the Nicolume a few miles beyond the summit between that stream and the Sumallow, and on the west side of the Spioos valley near the trail crossing. It was noted (doubtfully) on the summit between the Forks of Skeena and Babeen Lake, and may probably occur in the humid region of the Gold and Selkirk Ranges. The wood is white and free. Abies grandis, Lindl. Confined to the vicinity of the coast, where its range is even more strictly limited than that of the cedar or hemlock. The wood is said to be white and soft, but too brittle for most purposes, and moreover liable to decay rapidly. Grows to a large size. Abies subalpina, Engelm. (= A. lasiocarpa Hook.) Balsam spruce. Appears to take the place of Abies grandis in the region east of the Coast Ranges. It is not found in the southern dry portion of the interior plateau, but occurs abundantly in the Gold and Selkirk Ranges in the Rocky mountain region cast of McLeod's Lake. Elsewhere it occurs in scattered groves, in the northern portion of the interior plateau, generally in localities nearly reaching or surpassing 4000 feet, but even in low valleys in the eastern portion of the Coast Ranges. It crosses the Rocky mountains in the Peace River district and occurs in cold damp situations in the county between Lesser Slave Luke and the Athabasca River. The tree often exceeds two feet in diameter, but the wood is said to be almost woithless. Pinus ponderosa, Dougl. Yellow pine, red pine, pitch pine. A remarkably handsome tree, which grows only in the central dry region of British Columbia, occurring between the Coast Ranges and Selkirk and Gold Ranges northward from the forty- ninth parallel to latitude 51° 30' and probably also to about lati- tude 51" in the valley of the upper portion of the Columbia. Found also I believe sparingly on the east side of the Rocky Mountains near Waterton Lake on the forty-ninth parallel. On the Similkameen this tree is seen furthest east three miles above Nine-mile Creek. On the Coldwater it reaches to eighteen or twenty miles from the Nicola ; down the Fraser to thirty miles above Yale, and northward on the main waggon road to '' the Chasm " beyond Clinton. It extends about forty miles up the North Thompson, is found on the northern slopes of the South- western Arm of Great Shuswap Lake, and also sparingly on the southern part of the Salmon Arm, westof Okanagan Lake towards Cherry Creek nearly to the Camel's Hump Mountain. It is used pretty extensively in the region which it character- izes, yielding sawn lumber of good appearance, but rather brittle and not very durable when exposed to the weather. It grows in open groves in the valleys, where it often occurs almost to the exclusion of other trees ; and stretches up the slopes of the moun- tains and plateaux to a height of over 3000 feet, where it is replaced by the Douglas fir and Pimis contorfa. Its diameter in Briti.«)h Columbia does not seem to exceed four feet, though further south it is said to reach a diameter of twelve to fifteen feet. Pinus contorta, Dougl. Western scrub pine, also called the bull or black pine. Occurs throughout British Columbia from the sea-coast to the eastern slopes of the Rocky Mountains, and from the forty-ninth parallel northward. It is the charaoteristio tree over the northern part of the interior plateau, and densely covers great areas. In the southern part of the province it is found on those parts of the plateau and hills which rise above about 3500 feet, where the rainfall becomes too great for the healthy growth of F. ponderosa. It grows also abundantly on sandy benches and river flats at less elevations. On the coast it occurs rather sparingly on sandy dunes and the most exposed rocky points, becoming gnarled and stunted. In the Queen Charlotte Islands it is scarcely seen except on the western coast, and doe& not occur near the water level for a considerable distance up the Skeena. In the interior it often forms dense f^roves, the tr3e& ; 'iil^ if 1,1 ■ ' i' I ' ( I,'!.. (i> i'ifl* V 8 being <50 to even 100 feet in hcijzht, but seldom exceeding ;i diameter of two feet. It does not extend upward to the timber limit in tne higher mountains. The tree characteristic of the interior is vnr. IntifoUa of Engelmann, and differs considerably in appearance and character of wood from that of the coast to which the name ronfortft may appropriately be applied. Dall states the northern limit of this tree in Alaska to be on the Youkou at Fort Selkirk, latitude (\S°. In the Peace River region it cro.sses the Rocky Mountain range, and occurs more or less abundantly over a great area generally on the higher parts of the plateau with poor soil. It is replaced by the Banksitin pine at the watershed between the Athabasca and Saskatchewan. The wood is seldom used as lumber on account of its small size, but is white and fairly durable. The cambium layer, con- taining much sugar, is eaten by the Indians in the spring, and in some instances large quantities of it are collected and dried for winter use. Piuus jlexilis, James vnr. alhicanUs, Kngelm. White pine, white-burked pine. Wood not employed as lumber; the trees being in general small and in inaccessible situations. Observed in the Coast or Casc;ide Ranges as far north as the Iltasyouco River (lat. 53'^), occurs in the mountains south of the upper part of the Dean or Salmon River, in the vicinity of Lillooct and at Yale, and on the summit of Iron Mountain at the mouth of the Coldwater. The seeds are collected and used as food by the Indians. Phuts monticola, Dougl. White pine. This tree is abundant in certain districts of the interior of Vancouver Island, and is also found in all parts of the southern portion of the Coast Range where there is an abundant rainfall. It is found on the Hope- Similkameen trail, some miles beyond the summit on the Sum- ollow, about the summit between the Coquihalla and Coldwater on the Hope-Nicola trail ; and to the west bank of the Spioos at the trail crossing. On the Homathco River it disappears at fifty-one miles from the sea at an elevation of 2235 feet. It reappears in the region of heavy rainfall of the Gold Range, being abundant about Cherry Creek and on the shores of Great Shuswap and Adam's Lakes. It has not been observed in the Queen Char- lotte Islands, though it may exist there. It appears to flourish best in the higher mountain regions. The tree attains sixty to 9 eighty feet in height with a diameter of two to three feet, but is generally most abundant in situations inaccessible to the lumberer. The wood is coming into use for some purposes. It is not con- sidered equal to that of the eastern white pine {P. strobus) which it resembles. The Indians collect and eat the seeds of this tree. Ch