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Srciii.N IV., IS!),').


Tn\N,s i;. s. (■

W-nn r./i,r(i.,,. of T,rtuv; n.nU fr,n. the V.-;,,,,, ., t/,- nuj ot

Vi.iii'ourrr. /t,i'

lly Sir Wii.i I v\i |i\\> > ,s. !■• i; < ,,,,.^

(Ill- mI \!;i\ I,-, iM,.-, ,

'" ""■ -'I'llMrn |,:,ri nt i|„. ,„.uvin.-,. m l!,:!,.], CuluniiHa. in tlu' 'U<\yu[ ..xirnWiii- iVnni llnrra,.!. I„|,.! i,, , !„• r.,i|, ,| StaK- l„n„|,larv, and wliu-li lia> Iniii.- Ihtii .-..Inuiv,! oil ,;,,. niai-soiil,,. (,.■.,!, ,;rHal Survey :.s nfTrrtiary a,:,'.-, whi!.. thr >c(l-,.iis a(cc.iii|.aiiyiii- |l„..r niTips ,1h,u it's n.cks as ..vtM-lyiii- i Im- ('ivia(-uu> rual nu-a^mv. ,,|- il„^ Xanaiiiin oToiip, l'"v-il J, lam.- ami IkmU ,,r li-niir Law lor -.me lim,- Imvh kii.iwn l.Toxistl I'UI llu' fl.niirr liavr iiui l„.eii -|..-ciully >tii(ii,..l. Tl,,. |,o,U iiav,-, Imurv.T.' Ihmmi r.-Mi(k'il a- |.rn|,al.U .•,,nliiiu(.iis n iil, tl,,. ii;,r,ii), .l.cariii-' tuniiation nfth,- .■a-lcni part of \Va-Iiiiii;-toii T.'nitory. re.riilly i|.->i^'iial.'(i \<y tlii- ,:,a'(il.);i-i>l> o| III,. riiii,.,| >ial.- S||,-\,.v as tlir I'liiivi u'l-'Hip.

Ill I he I,', ■port oT ilir(,roloo-j|.,.,| Survey oi' ( a ha. la lor ISTC-T,' uotifcs I'f lliis foriiiation ajipcar l.\ |ir. (.. .\[. HauNoH ami liv tlie iah- .Mr. IJiclianl-oii. .Mr llowmau \\ a> -ul'-e,|u,.|ii l\ .■iii;-ai:'i'il in .•.\•p|ol■ill^• il lor

•i>al.- ami -mall colli'dion- ..f i lie |o>-ii |,iaiit- lia\. Im-.-i, imnlc li\ -cvral III' tlu' (lUicfi- of til,. Siir\cy, aiiii iii"ri' r.'iriitiy ,i laririT cmIK-ci ion Ims Ih'cii inaiK' liy .Mr. (i. !■". .Monrkion. of \ am-oiivcr

'I he ifrolon-ical ivlali.iii> ol' I In- Imi-.a- asfrriainci in < 'aiiaila. arc ivlfi'ii'il to jpy l>r. I.. .M. l»a^v>oii in :, |iap<'r pnlijislicd in the ■.\im'ricaii

Iniirnal of Scicnrr " tor |-IM) a- follow-

■•Wiiilo rrli'rriiiM,- to tin- I'm^ti n'roup. it imiv lir addod lliut a I'on- ■^idt'i-aldr tract of |.iu lani ali-mt tin- n.onili ^iftiir l'"raM'r Kivcr. ami >'\lcndiiiu- nortliw anl to lliirrard Iiilrt. i- iindi-riain li\- rork- wliidi. tlioiiiili a.- yet only p.irtially cxaniin.d. ajipear. witji liitle liouhl. to cor rc-poiid tl' that :;-riMip. willi w liirli llieyaiT ^'I'lio-raplmalh i-niiiiecicd, •'"I'l- -" l;n' a- kiiiiwn. lilliolim'irally identical. .Mr. ,\ liowm.an has a-eertained that these -I rat a a re at lea>t .'Minii fi-el in Jiiiekiie-s. and. like lliii-e of the typical area ot ili.^ I'li^-ii ^rmip lhe\ Imld cai-lioiiaceoii> mailer and more or le-s lii;-nilc coal at many ditlcicni hori/.on- '

III llie-ame paper he remark- mi llie jm— ihiliiy thai ■■•oiiie of the unfos-iliferoiis hed- overlying he ( 'reiatcons coal luea-iire- of the Xa- naiiiio <i-roiip at ('mmis and eisev\ l,i-re in X'ancoiivcr !-laml may repre- ■>eiii ihi- same I'liii'ci ^-ronp, or in part the nndcrlyinu Teion ^-roiip of < 'itiiloniia.


' Pauc- \\i'i (/ SI)/, ami |ss</ «(/. IJcjiiirt (li'ol. Siir\ (•> lit ( ',iii.iil;i, l^^-"-. 111. 1.. |i. till I. .\m. ■Iiiiir. .'Si'iciii'c. \i)l. \\si\.. \l.ii !i. l^iwi.


KiiVAI. SOCII TV or r\N.\|i.\

III llir MUiif Veal' (^I""'.Mn a ".mail ii.llcciidii oi |ilaiil> inailc li\ I


I,av\-"ii, ilirii i>r ilic ( icnliii;i(;il Siirvi-y. \va> •<iiliiii!ltcil t<i llic wriicr ami tlii>iio|i till' -.|icriiii('n>. I<ii> U'W ami im|MTt'i'it In t'oi'iii I lie suliin-i 111' a >i|iarali' |ia|u'r I lii-y w ire ri'in^iiizi-il a-« pmlialily ol' 1'|i|k'1' l.araiiiii

iir KiicriH' a<i"i'


If -ll|>|lcl-l'l| (•(

iiivalcnls lit' tlic-i> lirci^ ill tlir I'niicil Stale- Ifv


Ii'i'V have lniMi nir-'M'ily i'\aiiiiiir'l li\ <rVfrai l;'•lplcl^•i^ts of i liat iiumlrx 'I'liry arc kimwii \>> n'-l on ( 'i-ctacroii- mck- iilniiiliril li\ ( lici r Ih^mI- willi llir NaiiaiiiM' ;^riiii|i i>l Krili-li < '•Imnl'ia, wliici

I l< kiM'W II 111

|i|irr ( 'l•^•|a^l•llH^

I'lifif Vr:,''t'lalili aii'i aiiimai t'"— i K ai'i' licM I

< IlKll

late <lt'|"i>ilioii ill all f-tiiary. and llirir |ilaiit- arc n•l,^al•l|(•l| a-^ Tfi'tiaix llii'ii^'li ilii-y liaxc liicii n'tfiTi'il in <lil1ci-.'m ai.'f-. rxt l.araiiiii' In ilif Miuri'iu

i'liiliii^- t'i'i'iii ll Till' lali'-t \ii'\\> III' l,('-.(|UiT(n\. Xcwlim

\N liitr Kiii>\\ lioii ami oiImt |'a'ai'lMitani'>t- and i,n'ci|.i^i-«is of iIh- I niu Stalf-. x'l'in 111 ill' iliat the lu'iU arc «i|' hioci-iic HiX''- iind tliat tlic tii— I'laiil- may I'c lic-l i"in|iarcd wiili tliosi- nl' tlic l'|i|icr Laramie i>i- I'n I nimi ;:iiiii|i nf i lie inlcriiir iilaiii-

ni'-c iMMiil- w cri

li-.u—cd li\ I'imI'. ( '. A. Wliiic in ihc lliillrliii

llic rnilrd S;ai.- <i

■niciirjral Mll'Vi

N.I ."ll !>-■<'.•.

Ill w hii-n Ik

t<i llic Wiiy

>\ l>ai'i-ia\'


illis and ilu

lie hr N

e\\ lielT\

I) relcT' A laiei

accoiinl (d' i liem i- y;ivcn liy \'vi>\. W !'» ("lark, in llic iiiilictin nl lli

aine Siir\ <'\

Nn •^:;. 1>-!»1 Tl

cnrrclatitin pa

lev ale al-<i ret'cn-ii In by I >r. I 'all in lii

ler nil 'I'll

|iei'-. nil ilii' Neocene aiid li\ I'a i iliaii k-^ ill a |ia|

< ico|(m\ nf I he t 'alilnrnia ( 'na-i I Janice

|-"ln||l 1 Ik -e |ia|ie|-~ il Would a 1 1| lOa T I lia 1 I lie lii'dv III' 1 lie I'llLI'el <CI'i'll]i

iiia\ aiiKHiiii III In.iMiti leei ill iliii knc>-. and eiiii-i>l <d' ydUiU and i^rav tiiic-i.';riiined -ainUliiiio and liv.w arcnactMui* shales. <ai Imnaccoiis shah-


1 hed- ol

al 'i|' llij:nile. < M' ihe laller. -e\e|il<'en are -aid '<>< he \\or

ahlc. raiii:iiii: t'inm ihi'ce In littecn leei in t liii kiic--. The y-nmii i- liicalU' iivci'iain \>\ he.l- nj' i narse and tim' <,M-avel. |iriiliahly ri<'isine( ne, whicdi have in •<oiiie |ilaee- a I liieknc--. ol :;imi I'e.'i. and which allain In an I'lcvali'iii 'd' 2. nun teei almvc ihe -ea in ihe < a-eade raiiLie. Thi-e sii|ierli.-ial hciU are tilled uiih |ielililes ot hard vulcanic mck. similar lo that lit heih or ma— e- overlyiiii: ihe l'iii;-ei -rniip and In vein> l raver-in^'

it 'I'lic-c \nhaliie |oi kx nia\ he <>I' I'lioeciie au'c

'l"he\ fiirin t he hii:h

e-i peak'- nt ilic ( aseade .M.miilaiiis. 1 l.utMt tcet in liciii'hl. and iiiii-l nl eniir>'e he iiew or ihaii the I lei 1- nl' 1 he rni;ol series.

I'lider the i'li^ei -riin|i there aii|icar ill a few iilacc- marine 1 'reia eeiiir- heil-. holdlllir lUh'itliliti. 'riK-c l.cds have hecii di-llirlied liefnre tln'

di'|Misitinn III ihe fnrnier ^rmiii

hc\ are innjia

lialil\ iif t

he ai:e ix\ th

Naimiimi -eri<

M' animal

fos-il- III ihe I'li-et i;-roU|> are fresh-w at cr a lid hracki-h

Ihill.liii (it'll!. .Nuclei \ i)f .Aiiii'iiia. IMM.


VAN! "irVKl; 11 IvTI \|;Y I'l.AM'


\v;it.r loniiv iiHlnaiiii- ihr pivvaini.-v ,.f -Miiariii,- ,uii,lit j,,,,. 'l i„.y ii;(lnf;iil.\ 'j:\\v Irw.T ill, ii,. lit nils .,, t.. a^'f lli.in tims,. atlopl,.,! I,\ inariii,. s|K'cir,s. Inn Ili,.y iiiv Ml Tfi- iary ralii-r il,aii r,via.-..MU^ a^|K•.■I. Tlir\ atv (U'scnLcd l.y Wliiir in tii,- [.apn- al.uw retrnv,! n. 'ri,,. plant rt'iiiains will I,,. iK.ii.rd i .iii|.ari-..h will, ih.w.. .,f jlHtisI, Cnluiiil.iu in

I lie >ri| ili'l .

'I'liis u-ival .-liiariii.. ,|.|H..it .■xtriiM- iVutn I'.iiii'ar.l- Inld. in llriti-li 'ohiml.ia. nearly In ihr ( 'u|iiii,l,ia j.'ivrr. aii.l iV.-iii t in- loa-l line lu lii,. Casrailf ranov. uiihiu uhirh it, |„.,U rise I., a l;oi--lii r.iiii,atf,| at liMm Slid tn r).()IMI fcvl aii..\v lli.^ level mIiI,,. ^-a.

It i- evideiil iVniii 1 lie a Im ,\ v >) al eln.-Ilt - t l,al tliel'uir,.t ^r, mp , .f t ho \ve>t neeiipi... a st I'ai i-fa pi , ieal pc-iiiun. and pivM.„ts .-ondilinns nm veiy dissimilar |V(. in ll.nseui il,,- Tppir Laramie rast uf 1 1,,. ni.Hiniain- 'iMie spceiesMi' mnlliisks |;,un,| m ,i.aiid m M.nie exieni lliosent phuils als... arc (hn.reiil iVnm ile.H- n|i|,c Laramie Hut iliis is to |.e expeeiod in osluarin.' .lepn>iis. whieli. lleMii;!, i.ienti.-al ii, aire l.elnnir In l,ndi,.< oi water einptyini:- re-.|M.,.ti\ el\ iiii..tl„. I'a<ilir and ilie Atlantic an-i -epa- raled \<\ a (■nn>idernlih' Livadili <'\' i->u\\\i'[n\\. and iiruhaMv elevaterl laml.

.\»iiniinir. then, thai \M' lia\e t,, |,.a| uit|, ;, nn'matinn nverlvini,' llie Cliiei. and |(erlia|is 'he Teioii M-rie- nt the !'iiii<-,l State- -eoloirisiiH, ill Caiirnrnia and Orr-on and the Nanaiim. lormation oT \aneuuver Island and indiealinH-a iransitinti trom ruariin' i<i esinarine ennditlMn-. I lie i|UeNii.iii rill lie- up "t t!ie identify >>\' the Xanaiuin irrnii|) ill aire with t lie mure -out hern ( 'retaeeiMi- iui-iiiaii"ii- ah'vo named (in ihi- pcpini While, idler eoiupariiiir tlii> lussil- deserilied \>\- Whileaves from the Nanaiinii Led- with ilmse larlher -I'luli fully admits their et)rrespi)iid- eiu-ewith 1 Imse (if 1 lnH 'iiien. hut ie<l with i hose nf t he Tejiui. wliiili have a deeidedl\ newer aspeei.and mayl"' I'eir-arded a- Loeene. dMnMv is Imwever. in ( 'alilnniia a Iran-iiinn [..iwreii th, «;|iie,i and 'rejnn. Ihii h ilh a]ipear lo underlie ihe I'mrei uiile— . inili-eij. the latter is in pan an esiuarine eiiuivaleiit n| ihe marine l>eil- "f the lonneiv In like manner, in lirilish ('uliimliia I he e-i nariiii" coniliti'in- <>r tlie Ihii'rard - May hed- seem iinniedialely id -iieei'ed ihe Naiiaiim' n'rmaii'Mi. This wmild lie natural if ihe I'liLi'el lied- ivpre-enl the estuary nfa m'l'thern river.

This aliseiiee (if marine fiis>i|> tr"m lhe he U -ueeeeiliiii;' the < harae terislie rp|)er ( 'relaeenu"-. rai-e- lie- sinie ihnihi- a- ti' ai:'i' w hicdi luoe alfeeled the l,iramie heil- ea-i "t ill'- im'untain- lleme. in lMiihia-e-. tile los-il plain- iiee(Ul|i' iif mueh impiM-lallee. while the fael llial ihey ha\(' heeii Narimi-lv ivferred In I 'relaeemi-. Ivn-eiie and Miiieene aii'e- has tended to tiirnw di-eredil <m llieii- eviijeue.'. In -o lara-<'anuda i- enn- eerneil. it iias nnw lieeii e-iahli-lied that the fpper Laramie nr h'ori I'liion lieils nndeiiie a fnrinaiinn enntaiiiiiii;' animal fi— il- ui' ihe While l.'uer


UOYAI. S(>( ir.TY ()1 <ANAI»A


IIIIM'IU' pl'l'lll

i. -n lliiK ll

HI'l' fllll !"• \\'l MO

III. I ;i^ I.I lliiii- !•

mrlu' Mi',

iiKiiiiMT III llriii-li I '.iluiiilpia. ii> will !i|'|>.';ii' in lln- M'(|iir|, ihcr.

I' ml;.', :iiii| \\ Im

l>i lik

ai'i lani-"! nil.' I.e. I- \\\\\\ a llni'a ot' ( >liii'iiccin' or Mi.iccii

i> i|iiitc .li-liiiil liMiii llial >>\' iIk' luiaiiatiiin w liirii I'mni- tlw Milijrci

(hi-- jiaiH'i-

Al ilif ^an

U' liiii.' it iiiii^i \'v a'imiii.'.l that in tlic laviii"- .1


i^;|^,i| -.11 '41-1 'a I I llicklu--^, ai|.[ ^'.iVcrillU' llrcc^^;


a \fi'v IoHl;- linn

lli.T'' ma\' lia\i' lir"n im|i.>rtaiil diaiiLi'.'^ m ilic llnrji. ami that in an cstiiariiif >cTii'^ in lln' \ii :iiit\ nl iIm' I'acitic cna-l mi llic tuic liami. an.l

nt' t\icii>i\f ni.iiiniain ran^;'!'^ .m lln' .>l In r. I Imti' niav lia\

,. I.rcli :j:i'i'al

loi'al liivfi'^ilii's. ami the iiili'niiiii:i'liiiir nl' iilani'- .if c.iastal tIaN w ii li t Ikim' III' flcvatcl iiiKiiniaiii valleys. < )ii i lie ni Ikt iiaml. I licrc nia\' have Imtii an fijiiaiiilil y .it (linialf |ii'rinit linu' tin' rii-r\i->tciiiM' nf i \|ifs imw wiilrlv ■"i-|>ai'al..l Iii.li'|i.'ii.liiil ly III' 1 111' lai-l lliat \\.' an' luTr iirar I he iii\i.linn- liiii' liclwcfii ( 'irlaii'iiii- an! 'Prriiary tinir*. an.l niav lln'rcl'iu'c i'X|icct a iran>itiiiii lima. iIh's.. aii' (•ii'riini-<iaiiir^ wiiicli may wrjl Lfiv" risr to .lillj I'll It i|in-ition'». awaiting;' t lirir iiliinialr set llciiirni till Ilic succcs-iion dl' tlic licl- ha- i.c.n 111. If.' .l.'liniti'ly a-ciTtaiiii'.l ami lar^i-r culh'cti.iii- lia\.' 111-. '11 nia.li' iV.iiii .lilVci-fni l.iralili.'- ami InM'i/.diis.

Ill tlif Mifantiiiii' I -hall Imiii' i.i -h.iw thai w r have in the liiirranl


i\- .•.illcctiiiii< a

t l.'a>t ihr I

re intimatiiiii- nl' ini raii\' 'Pcrliai'v llnra,

iriMl |i\ i lii;' I 111' -pai'i' lii'l \\ I'l'll I lir ( 'I'cl

u'l'i Hi-

ll.H'a ..r t he Xaii

lUimi -crii'.-

lircli ill-l net .

a 1 1.1 1 111' niiw-iiccllr 111- Mi.ir.'IIC tl'M';; iif 1 lit- Silllilkat

'Phi' s|h'('inii n- iTlrri'i'ii to in this |ia|i('i' arc all li'om a liinitcl localilx' ill till' vicinity 111' JUirrai-d'- Inh't. ami ihi'ri'l'ori' tVoni near the north. 'in luai'i^iii ot' the csliiafiiK' t.irination rt-rciTcil io.

Til'- farlic-t i- a -mall cilKcl ion nni'lf li\' I'lof. Law-. in, of lli.'

'Laical ^iir\('\ lit' < 'ana. la. a ii.ilicc of w hirh w

a- i-oiit filiiit.'.l hv I h

author to the K'.'|iort ot' the Survey for 1 sim, with the remark tiiat in - fai' a- any e..!i.liision eoiiM he ha-eil on -o small a eolK'clioii. (In- |ilaiit

1111:^111 ll.' i'e:,rar.leil as o

1 l|i|..'i' I.

irainic m' ivieeiie aiTt

S.iiiie a.l.litioiial -|ii'i'inii'ii- were afl.fwar'l- .ulleeie.l hy hr. <l. M I'aw-on, hy M r. .lames Maeoiiii ami oihers, in the neiiilihoiirhooil of Nan I'onver. ,ii lia-iiiiii- Station aiiil Stanley l';irk. ami a few (l(>ti'nniiialile leaves wi'i'c ohtaiiieil from the core ot a Imre hole -link al ilasliiiii's.

'I'll.' -oiii.'W lial lai'i^.'i' e mkloii. of \'aneoiivei

illeetion- mail.' suli-e(|iieiii ly hy Mr <i !•' from the shore- of r.nrrar.i- Inlet, he ha-

kin.lly plaec'l in my haml- for>iii.ly.'

'I'hese eolleeliolis no ilolllit lein'esellt Very illl|ifl'fi'ctly the flora of the tormation, ami. owiiitc t^' t'"' fraicik' eliarat'lor of ijie matrix, few of

Trails. U.ival Siwiciy .if Caiiail.'i, l<-<ii -Fossil IMiiiilsof Laramie,

rr.'iii-. l{i)\al .->i)i'ii

tv III' ("a mil la, I-^IM -l''.(s>ll I 'la ills nt .'-iiiiilUami'i'ii. iii

A.I(lilii)iiiil<'i)llc('tions iii.'iile li.\ .Mr. »'. Ijill'l'onl uliil.' ilii- iiapir ua'. in pri' paraMiiii. w ill al-n !»' rni'iit imn'il ln'l.iw.

[i.AUH.N] VAN(Mrv|.,l; TKUTIAI;^ Pl.AMs ,..,

''';■ '":"""';''■''"''''";, ''■"■■-"-•I"-'-' '■■-Miiv,,,,,,...,.,...,,!..

"'"•;'''',;!:'■'"■"""'""""■■"■'""-' x...„si r,h....|,...i,, .,,,„.! ,,

I';l~<' 111 I 1,,' t(il-lii;il iuii

I lwi\c 111 iH'klh.W Inli^-c |i|\ ,,

'"'"-'■""^ "" ' inival.ni^ u| il,,. linrnnM l„|.., I,..,|< „, il„. r„i..,l


Iii;-;iii.iii ;.. |'r,,f

In ii"U it,iii, if

N<'i'i:> "N Tin; >i'i;< nii;.\s

l-ASTili;.\ ( ( lii\ 1 1. 1' II i;

I- ' l''l-' IIKIII. ||( ,'V

fFiii- I.I "'■•■•■• '•''■"■' ■'''•'■• ll-'l^-.i.. li.:!l:l.-MM'-'.M\,i;n".r: i .S. (;..„|. Siirvv, vul. viii.. ,,. :;;(!..

•orin--, ail. I als,, m, .|M.riiiMMi- ,,r .h;,!,. im,,, ,1,,. ,,,,V|| ,,, \ .•nionuviT. L's,iuriviix'> lucalily i^ .ioliii |iay.On--uii in l.,.,U -iij,|„,v.,| i,, |„. |-;,,..,.|,c

.\'i:i i;iii'ri.i;i> i i\ h \, -. n,

<»ii Iin|,i.,.,)luiiiv.l tiiM^ siimIm iVoiii til.. (Miy ..r \'aii.-.Mi\.T. 'rii,.

IV.. 11.1 nv piiiha is |iiiiiial.., uiili a llii.-k ilia.lii>. Th.. piniuij.- aiv .•..r.hii.- aii.l l.i'..a.l licLiw. -.iiii,.\\|i;ii .iii'x.'.l an. I lapci-inu ii|.vvaf.| |.. an ..I.mim' |'"ini. The niiilril, is sL-iiufi' an.; cvaii.'s.viii : tin. vcin> sii-;ii-hi an. I "iicc liirurcato lu-ai' tlirir l.aso. tlu' iiiai\nii .'vcik Tin- Inrin iiia\ |i.'i-lia|.-. lie ivt;-iTf.l t.i u-ciiiis ('l,(,t„/>/il,l,is I .1,1 11. .1 llii.l any .l.-<-i'il..'.l 'rri'liai-v s|i.Tics pi'.-ias|.|y -iniilar, Il i- |.r..\i-i.inall\ fctrrrcl i,, Xfuro/,t,ris. Imi ^In.iil.l IViiil ill' r.iiiii.l will n.' .jciihi II,' jila -.M in -.im.' iii.ir.' iii.hI.tii Ht'lUls.

Lv.;..i.iim mi imp ri-,i:..i nK>. l,.-s.|iii'i'.ai.\.

( i''ii:-. ;; )

L.'s.|iii'icii\. r. S. (li'.il.iLiii'al SiiiM'v, \ li.. |i. 111.-

•■ l'"r. 111(1- .'.ii-ilatc. t\\.> III live, |ialniai.'ly !'.l..'i| <li\i-i.iiis .ililmii;; or >ili.>val.', Ian. ■!■. .late, .ilitii-.' : niiiMIc ii.t\'' lliin , lali I'al vein- .-i..-.'. niini.T-

.Ills. .licll.i|i)|ii.)Us."

Uun'anl's InK't f M.inckl.tii i-.iil.'ciii.n ). aN.i .■.n'c ..i lia-tin^-> li.iriiiM's an.j Stanley Park. All llu' -|i.'.'iiiicii- ai'.' iiii|ii'rt.'<'i Inn .■.in'.-|i.in.| with |M>f|i.iiis of rj.'s.[ia'rfiix'- tii:'iii'c-. Lcs.ni.i'.n.s's >|ici-iiii.Mi- ai'c iV.iiii ;li.'




l\(>\ \1, >()( 111 N ( )l- (ANA I "A

\V;i-li:iUi<' "ii'if-. Hiin'>ir-< S|>nii:i-, ' 'r<L:'iiii. loiiiid jili'Hi^ aitli |>:iliii Icum'^

{ Stlf'illitfs ail'l /•'i.lfit'Uiiri'l I.i'^i|lli'r<llX irlcl- |||.' -Iiccir^ |m l ||, I.mUii

l'',nriiii III Nrw III ri'\ - un|iiili|islif.| |il;ili^ \ itv ^iiiiiliir Ii;ivi'> ;u'i' ii'lcrri iI t" /. h'iiilhi^.<i. llriT, ii l'!uri<|ic;iii Trrl iary ^|ni ics t >ur iiiiiicrli ri ^|Mri iiii'ii^ may In' rct'crri'il in i iilicr *|M'cir> iC ilu's^ arc millv (lislinci.

A^ri.KM IK>. >]>

i l-'i--. I.)

A liiilr liTlilr |iiniia tiMin SiaiilfV I'ark imlicalr^ a li'in nf ilii- i^i'iiii- \\ lii'li iiia\ I"' iiifiTly nnlrij in ihc nicaiuiiiH', until iiinrc I'lrtici ^|»( iuM'ii^ I MTU r

(ii.vi'i'"* rnmii •- I'.i i!iiim;i >, ilrciv

A li'^v' luauciilrl"- rrt'iTaiilc lo I lii- ■.|ir(i<-. ai'|M'ar I'U surt'aiT- III' l!ir cure li'uiii ila-tiiii:'-. Tlii'V apiirar I" lirliui::' In the xai'lcly kiinw n a- '/ /'/I'/'T'. wliicli i- Inuiiil ill till' r.a'l i.aiiiK lit' haki'ta ami in Ala-ka in l((Mi<. pT'ilialily Iv'cciu' I'lir -"[H'c inini- li-urril liy I .< -i|Ucrcii\ iVoui <Hi "•nci'iii' lii'il- al l''li>ri-saiit arc ditVci'iMii . ami iiuot likdv. a^ l,iM|Ut'ri'U\ iiiiiiM'lt >ui:irt'-i>. Inlmii; l«i a <lisiiuci >|u'iirs, (Lis<nu'i'ru.\. I . S. K'r|iiirt>. v.ij. viii . i-. 2Jl'.)

*^ V I! \I I ' \ MI'ltKI.I I I New licri'V.

(Im:;-. T.) N'l'" Ihtiv '•> llliisi i- it ions of ( 'rciiuciMi-^ ami Ti'ii iai'> I'Moras. pi. \. : .\iiii>iiii I!\iiiiii

I'lolMs. |i. lit; I.i'siiiii'I'i'llX. f. S. Ill-Ill. .^Il

r\ cv. Mil. \ 111., II. 1 i-i.

Ni'W IxTry -. liu'uiT. -aii| in I'l'in'oml a s|„.,i,.> t'nuihlai I'lrMiiui'liain

I a nuniiii'i' III lrai:'iurnts in \| i


r.a\ ami lUrw hi-ri', cnn'oiii 'ii'ls will

.Miiui'kliiu's collfC'tiiin- Irnni lliirrai'il Inlrl. lii lli<' uii|iulili>li('i| plat

I'm!' I'n.r 1

Miiiw It'Ui - r.'\ is|.ii

1 nf New liriTX s |ilant>. till' saiuf tiliaii

i' 1?

tiaiii'' I N. i/rilnditolid. and i^ >lalf'l tn In- tVnni ^'t■llll\v>|MU^ \ alK'V |-"i«-clii T - i'tak. ( 'iilmail'i. w liilc aimllirr I'mihi i- tiuurnl a^ S. ('(Unpliellii

aii'l I

rciliti'il III Hrlliun'liain Hay I liii|ic tliat iiion' |i«'i'li'rt s|ir(iii


tViMii i'>urfarir> inlet, aii'l n'I'tiTiici' in Nfw Ihti'n's nrji^-inal spciiiiicii- liclnir |iuli|i(atinn. may rlrai' u|> this a|>|iai't'iit ilitlifulty.

< hii' -"iiii-inn.ns. -Ml I'ar as can lii' maik' nut. cnn-fsiinuil with New

nri'\ s I

'liiiiual ti::urr, f\r('|il that in it lln' |iai'


\('ins arc imt x'cn

In nur >|K'('imcl|s there are almlll twelve veins i>\\ eacll sln|ie nf llie fnM-

at almlll SIX UK

•lies tVnm tile liase i\\' the leaf.

The sjiecies is i|uitc (listillel iVniii S. I 7'•^'/•/(^ nf t he ( 'I'et ai'cnll-- ei lal- measures ,>\' .Nanaimn. wliii'h i-csemhles iimre nearly S. (I'rai/atia i>\' f,cs- i|iicrciix. .^siiccics nt' Siilidl arc widely distrihiitcd tliroiii^li the curly TiTtiarics ot western .\inorica. Imt they are kiinwii |ii'iiM'i|tally hy mere



li-A»>-">il VANUK \| l; Ti |;|| \|;y PI \M.. 1^^

ti'a-ni..|it>ur |.,.v..., ami iv,,,,!,-.- lanlin m ... I ,vvi.|,.,, T|.,v ,,, ,

I'i.l.l.v iinlhMi.-a .,,MH.ul,:,i i,i:lM..r .liinat.. n,M 1... I'ariti,- .•,,;„, ,|,;,„ ,|,,'.,

Uliirli |.IVVilllril 111 iIh' -llilr 111,,, ,,|) tl,,. ||,I,.n,,l- |,|:,i||.

.\.Mili..„i.l>|...in,f, . n..-,,v,.,| ir,.,r Mr M,.,„.Ki,.n ,„.| M, r |t,||

I'HII. wlHl.lhis ,,.,„.■ u;,.nMl..,MV.,, ,..,,,,,,,,,,,,!,,,, ,,...;,,.,,,, j,,,.^^,.^^^

-M h,~ .,.....„.. wnh N..VI rn-. N. ';»«;,/. W...s,|....,i|,..,| j,, ,,j, ..,. <.il>l.> .•.-||..,.|iuu> m,,,, (.,v-,.i, |;,,M,.„ .l,,„n,a| IS,;;: |„ ,|„. , .„, IVKtii.rt n,„.,.., (AiimmN .. I,vv,.ui„. Isiis). 1... i,i.,,nM,.. il.is u„h .*,'|„.

•-'""■""""^ '■' ' '•"• V.'llou-t..,„. . „n.| MS II,,.... an. | l,.,l,lv .i.Min.i i|,i,

'"•" •"■'"' "i'li''<l'.«ii-r,.i luin. >ul,s..,,,i..„tK ,„:„i,, |„ ,i,,^,. ,.,

"• '"'■= "'"' '^'■^ >^-^l"n'v t;.r ,1,.. ,i,M li.;,.- ih.li.,.,... il,.. ,lis,i„.,

iM-s nt tl„. T.Tiuiv l!..n,,,|( ),.,._.,„ IV ,|„. . ,,,,a, „. ,,f \,„,,„„,

";• "••""••'ll.v- li"»'v.r. |nli,,wn,u II,..r ...n,,,.,,. ,,„. |,„.|„..,. ;,. |.,, «•..,•


•^ ^l"'''' " '" ^''' 'I'll ■''">"■- '"ll''«'li.. II >l,MU-.ll„.|,..||..|,.M,inntl,.;,s

111 Xru \.rn-y\ li-„|.,.. ai„| | r,iilii„,n,..s l,n,,.„j. :,i„i IV;,:,.„„.,,|. .,( ||„. unU-y I"""' "' ''"• I'"" "i'll '!"■ I"l'l- •■:•"' cr|,|;i,|,.t,.r. l.p.a.i all. 1 ^1,,, will- J J

I'arallcl stnati-.ii> .,11 ..a.l, liall', u l.i.-l, vvn,i|,| ,,„-i,.>| | i., a I,..-,! "iiv.-

'*'•■' '"■ """■'• '" 'liaiii.'t.r Ti,,.,.,. isaU,, a lra-i,„.|,i ..C a sloi,,. |M..sil,|v ..f llii> ■.|,..,-i|.^^ ;,||,| !i .•,iiii||,,.| |.,.^ Ill .|iai,,..icr

.M wii \iii\ -],.

A piiiiial.. jialiii l-'af. wiih ilii.-k hii....||, jM-ii.,!,- ami |.iiiiia' al lirM •■It a -.>,,„. wliai anil., aiiul.' aii.l In'M-lii,-- |,.«ai-.i a iv..iaii.ciilar |M.>iti.,ii.

I'Ih' -|icciii,i.|is aiv tVoin iliin-anl- iiil..|, ami aiv .^i.mcwhal ..locinv.

I lii.y iM.ar >...iii.- n.<.iiil,laiM .• n. \.^-<\\\>'y\<\ - (ieonoviitHS ('iii/,>,.\<{\\ ||,.. I''iiv..> n\v at a l..» a.iii(. am.'!.. Tli.v -•. in i.. Iia\i. '-."I'v tin., aii'i uiii- ''"''•I -lriali.,1, I havi' r.H rr.-.l ili..-.' U-avi.- i,, Manirann. .i\\:iim. i,, i),,. tliick rlia.-lii- ami liic |iM-iii(ii, -it il,.. |.iiii,a.. Imi i...|i,.r s|ii-.'iiii. u^ an- '''■-iraiilf. aii'l iIlt.. ai'i' in lln' .■.i||.'riiini> many l'i.a:j:-iii..n|.- 'A' Li'iiaJ >'riali. Ii'av..- w liifl, may in.lniiii- In i hi^ it allinl ii.|.';:'i.|iiin~ t.ii'iii> A iVau'imiit III Ml'. Ilill-'rniil'-; i.|)|li'(iinn >.|i('\\~ a |i.'liii|i .'i ifnliim'l r"* in iliaini'lfr,

l"ainil\ ('VI'I';"A( i;.K

Siiiiu' vt'cy iiil(.i.(...l in::' tVavi'in.'iil^ iTli.ral.li. |u ihiv tiiinily .n'ciir in llic folK-ciioii^.. and a- iln'-.. amiciit Cijjierareii ai'" ..i r-.)i...iai inui.....i ainl 'litliriiity. liny wrw placed in lli.. Iiaml- ni' I'n.t', i'.'iiliallou-. F.I.'.S.i ' . im- >lu.|y. II.. Iia^ kindly (■(iinniiiini-at..d lli" li'llnw iiii;' mii..^

•■S|M.(•ilm.|l>^ .)t' s..|l:^-..-likf |ilani^ ii-.nn i lir Tri'iiary. )'ndial.ly "T Iv'.-i'ii.. Iii'il- at Slaiilt.y i'ark. Hear \ aiir.MixiT < iiy. (■.i||..c|.i| ly I»r «. M.|»a\\-nii an. I sulmiitlcd Hi me tor .Lt. riiiiiiali.ni l.y Sir \\ n,. I>a\\~"ii. w..,-.. roun.l li' t-'iiilirai'i' tin.' e.iii'liuiiizf.l inipiv»i.ni~ i>r Imtli l..av..^ aii.l Iruit. ami in


!;n^ \|, <ut IKTV (ir canaka

MMiH- ill«l;lllr.- Illl|in|'l;||ll «l flUl 11 r.l I trillUri'^ WiMV 1HVm'II|ii| III .1 \,i\

|ii'>>iiiiiii'Mt inaiiiK'i'

« '\ n;i!iTK- I' \i 1 i\K,if\ IS II. fi'.

■•'rill' li-ilVC*. lV|i|'.M'll!ci| li\ tV,lullli'lll> Up\\;l|i|> III' "J illl. ill Irliiilli

wlu'ii lii^rlily (■;ii'lH.iii/,(i| |in'M'iii no -i ni. i luv w li:il»\ ci-. I.ui m dilifriii- -1;iiir<'>. .■xhiliil u>'IM'-liii.'c| Vfii:ili..ii Tlicy iur;i>iirc Irom 1.", in ;; mi,, ill vvi'llli Tin' niiiirili i^ in nil r;i^fs nli^ciii'c. Iml I lie iicr\ r- niv |,|>i.||iiii nil ;iii<l ii|>\\:iri|^ i>r riirlil in nunilMT. 'I'Ih- \cii;iii.)ii ^Imw^ no t r;i!i~\ cisi iihioii. Tlii-'c li'iit tViiirinnii- arc in all ca^o I'lnin'h -rparair I'loin tlnir -ii'iii"- wliicli. ill tact. -jo not apiicar in any part of I 1m' mat rix. u liijr i licrr is al>o no < omuriioii lutwi'cii liicin anil tin- assoiiati'ii IniiN. TIk-n iiia\ rcjin'M'iii ilic t'oliaL''!' "t 'illifi- ^-im^xo or >i'i1m-,.^ -.iiMr ihcx iliv|i|a\- nc cliaraclri- l>y wliiih ilnv iiia\ lir I'.'I'cnTil willi cfrtaiiit \ to ciilicr o|ir family of llir other. altlioii;;li tlir >t i'oni;-|y ilt'liiii'ij iifi'vc- iiia\ |io~v||,|\ iiirliiii io i-r^anl tlicm a- iiiori' properly rrfi-raMi- io i|,r M■l|^•l•^

Li-Mpirniix lia- alrcaily .Ir^crilifij one -^p^cie^ of ('(tn-.r ((\ hertlimhli > from ill" Trriiary oi N'ortli \ iihTiia. Imt it iliiVcr- malciialK ti-oinoiir specimi'H in ii'- nr.icli lirt>a<ler lta\f> '

llt't'i' lias ilf^i'rilii'il a laiuT iiumlpcr of ( 'vpcract'on'^ plants, iniilcr the Lfi'iKTM I'arr.r. ('j//trni.\ ami ('i/f tr/fif^. from tlic Tertiary of Europe An examination of lii- fiLCure- ainl ile-eri|iiion-. >lio\\ - i hat . willi ropeei to wiiltli and niimoer ot iier\-'.>^ our ^peeimeii corresponils iIom'U' wiili \\\-' < 'if/'i'iitis />iii'-iif ms- \\'\\\i-\i is also repre-eiued w lioll\' 1 1 \- leave-, and to wliieji ihe plant uiiiU'r (.listus.sion shonld lie reteri'ed provisionally.

( '.\IIK.\ \'.\Nrol \ KUKNSIS. 11.

■•(Fi- 5)

The frnit i> repre-eiiled liy a siiiu'K' spike w lii(di i- terminal io a rather stoiiii--h -tem, and niea-iii'es 11 mm. in leiiLTth hy .'l-."i mm. in wiclih. The iiidi\idnal fruits are ovale, aiiite, with a rather hroad and rounded hase. \ .I't mm. loiii;- and U~^t mm. 1 1 road, hut ile\did of an\' olivion-. periiryiii:!. They ai'e di-po-e>l in two very I'c^nilar lateral rank-, in uliieh 1 liev ai'i' slii;hiiy a-een lini;-. while a third rank oeeiipies a cent ral |n>-ition hilt in it the fruits are foreshoiMi'iied and eompr'v— ed. and thus appear a- round or -horlK' o\ al hodie-.

( Ml ea(di -nle of t he en

t -iiike i- a ver\- narrow earhoiiized liiK


I lie-e |oiii al the lia>e ot the spikc. aiid projialiiy represeni eitlier tw iiivoluerul hriK'ts. or a floral hract and the extension of tlu- floral ax


r. S. (if.tl. Siirv., 'I'er. I'l.. p. ICi, pi. i\. 1-1. I'lor. 111-. Ilelv.. i.. 7t, I'll-.: iii.. KH Km.

I l)A\N>iiN

VAN< l-l\ l.U ii.ijTi \|;v |'|.\.\-




liniii \vlii<Ii ihr -.laiinhMtf •~|.ik,' lin> |„.,.|, ivi I

..'> .•viW...u.,.> ,„■ a Mn.Hnral ,.a,u,v wl.i.-U u,li p.-n,... linal ..o.H-lH.i..,M..

tiu^ .v>|.....l. a.nl uhahv.r.l..,! ;„. ,,, ,,,,,„ „,„., ,,,. ,,^,^^.,, ^^^^

(ttliic ^riiiiiiiK, '

■•■'"•"■'•''■•"•i'l''"t'i !<■ iViiit. null il>:,>M,cial...| ,.r'/a!.-: .,r,l<.-. - ,|,, lliat it i'f|nvviii'. a ('yprra. run-. |,!;,m

':,/i>eru,i nv C.irex. .\^>n„.ii,- tl„ Ivv- |„,. rai .,r^..n> i.. I... ,w|.ai i1,.m i In- In.it nu.M Ik" tl.at ni a ('i/f.^rus. i„ whi..i, ,,...• it i, i., I... jnU-nv,! ,1,;,, tl.r M.Minonal >|.ik,.. m ,|„. „.,„„„;,| ninlK-l. >.. .■|,anHt..fi.|i,. a r.-atuiv -r llu^

-*'""^ "'"^' ''^'^" ' " '•-•innv,..l ,,N .,„.„. i,,,„i,,,i ,,,,„,.^,_ ,„, ,,.,^,,,

lK..-i.ii,r .•..\vn.,| „,, in :, |,-v\vr Mra.uia m' ,1,,. iMatrix-,,>MUi.|.liuu, ul,i..|, wouM a|i|ifai- In ,s, vrd thr liiin(> n|- |ir.,l,;,l.ilitv.

"*'" '!"■ "iIhi- liah.l. iIm. n|„.|,. „,, ..("ilu. spike i^ rx-arilv llial ■>! a Canr. aiM il uv avMimr ih. Luna, .ol. ;. i,. |„. foliar ainl .auliiir. hi,,- cacli. from ihr iatlcr ..f whirl, ilic >ia.iiiiiah- spij,,. !,,.,. |„,,.„ ,viii„v.'.|. ;,-

woiil,! arlually \<r tl a-r ai th -la-c i' :ri'..,vi Ii ivpivM'iitfil l.v ;!,.■

-pi'ciiiMii ihrii ihc t(.i'ivv| ,Mi,|, ir.T !.. a ' ire.i .v..iil.l l,c v.-i-v cIhm-! aiMl ainoMi; rcr.'ii! -|ic<'ii-.. wi.iiM iii,.i a i I"- , ., -'Ilrl in ''urci miliori.^

Willi rope. I \i< \\i,- puv.il, I.. hIciHiIv ..| iriiii jdiil !(.avi>. llu-iv is alone llic CXI rciHi'ly micrrtaiii -■iviiii.l <>[ assmiaiirMi <mi wliirli lo lia<c a I'oiK'iu-ioii. uiiilc. (Ill t 111- ill Inr haii'l. l in- oliviuii- iVM'nililjiiirr of ilie fruit lo thai III' a ('(iri'.f. ainl iIh iv.,'niMaiii'i' i<\' tli,. leaves to picvioiislv de- •-(■rilieil ^pi'rie- of ' 'ypt ritfs. umihi ampiy jll-lity tlieir .-eparale i'c,n-ic|er ation,

■■'{"lie ^;'i'iiu> < 'i//.er<viti'< "I' Schiiiipcr a|i|iar- \,i !.<■ exeliuli'il tVum |iresi'nl eoii>i(ii ration, -.iiiif ii ■•ihliraee- piaiii^ a hii-li aiv fepfoi'iiieil liy le;;\i's ol ^Tcal lin'a'll li. ami nt \\li!<-h I In fniil i> uiikiiouti.'

■■'riie ii'eiuis CfjlH'ritiS "f Href I'lnliraee^ Upwal'iis of 1 Willi \l'o||r species \\ liieli are repre-eiiieil . mure M" les^ tiiily. hy all jiai't* of the plant The fruit is. however. iie\i'r cuiiiiiicie. aini ii<' niii' speeies «ili>iii- i he re([iiiremeiil- of I he -pnimen uinhr run^iileratioii.

■lleeraNo ileserilie> several -pi:iev ut' ' ',/rc.r. aiuoii;!;' whieii liiei-M,. laleij fruits of Carer tcrtiarni hear a sUMni; ivvmlilanee to tlio^e ul "iii' specimen. In no ea^e. Imwexer i^ the eoinplele spike to lie foiilnl. ^o ihat il woiiM appeal' more ri'UMiiiahle to re:^'arii uur specimen a^ mie hitherto uiiUiiowii. and lor it \\c woiiM -.ii.;!:''^! ihe [irnviviiinai iiami- '.'an., Van rourerensis.'

('Alii;.\ III KKAUni.VN A. 11 -p,

(i'"ii:-. II.)

.\ tliinl -peeimeii troiii linrr.-ir.i Inlet near \'anioiivrr. eollecteil iy .Mr. (". ilill-'ronl. ajipears ai-o l" dilierverx matrriallv frmn any -[leeies

' VCK. I'al., ii . II-'.

-' I'M. Ter. Ilch.. i.. 7."i. etc. : Iii.. Kil I.Vi.

Fl. Ter. liclv., i., 71.

Sit. IV.. l.-<!Ci. in.



luMVtoliirc ilv ..crilT'l. A- >lni\\n in ilir lii;-nrr. it is rc|ii'i'M'iitci| liv ;; <fIolnil:ir lic.-ul tiT fruit liaviiiir :i l<>t;il diariu'tci' of 12 iiiiii. In ilctail, tli.' In-ad -lh>\v- on oiif -\iU' tin- fcinnaiil ol a >l('ni. and nilicfwisc is (•(inuioscd o|' a nniidni- (Hi of tVuit Imdirs. raidi of wliicli shows an olivioiis ontcr sac or invest in«iil as a |ifiiL;'vninni. 'I'licsc si laictui-cs afc rail iff narrouK ovalf. l'iaklf>i-«. init aiutf, or even sonu-wliat actuiiinalf and <ons|>iiMioiisi\ two lUTM'il. Toward- the rrnti'f iIh'Ic is n dai'kt'P zone, in wliicli the d('tail> arc not rlcai'ly lu roi^nizalilf. Imt it is of sudi a nature as to siiy-^csl I lie pri-ciicf of tVuits internal to ilie peri^'yiiia. It is |iossilile, jijxi. i lint this apiieaniint' is in part due to the |n'eseiiee o| llofal scales. Tliis zone niei'ij^es at tin- eeiitfe into a darker i'ei;ion. wliiidi at once suijirests a eeiiti'al axis oi- reeejitaeie. an iilea wliieli <,Mins foi-ee wlieii it is found that till- ]iermynia. uilli lli-ir inclosed tVuits. eleai'lv leriuinate at this


l-'ioni these details it would seem ( Icar that we have liei'e a <'yi)efa eeous tfiiit of the i^eiius ( 'afex. whi( h liiids its modern rei)resentative> jimoiiLf tho.-e ot' t he section I'll ysoear|ia'. ami on loid<inn' over a nuiuhci ot' li( rhariuin specimen- oi' i hi- i:riui|i. 1 tind it not uncomiuoidy ha|i|ieii- that in |iressini;-, the .-horter. a r.d. tlieieloie. n.oie uhl < >e. it ;,ds a ^ - an apiM-arance i lo-ely similar to that of the fossil.

Noui- of t he tiiiures ol t'o->il ( 'ariees. so tar as 1 can a-certain, show any truii at all -iiiiilai- to the lUie under eon-idei'alion. ami it would tliu.- a|)|iear iieics-nry to |>rovide a provisional naiue. for whii h I would sugii'csl I'di-i I /iii/'i'T'l'iiii'i. tin- description readiiiL:' as follows ;

( AKKX Hi lil! AKIMAN.A. II. s]i.

IIc;ids >;l(dio-e. 12 inin. lu'oad ; periii'viiia narrowly ovate, two iiervcil, upu ard.s of 1' li.'iNl! mm., In-al<less ; the apex acute oi- somewhal aciuniiKite. A.ssociated with tiiiely ami manyneivt<l Icavi's afout 1cm liroad

I'ol'l I.I S |i,\ I.S AMI \o| liKS. (iocppert.


(Fiu>. s. !i.)

(ioeiipiii . I'JoiM von Sclil,-.s; llccf. flora lici\cti(ic: I'loia .Mask.iiia, p. Jli, pi. il. ; I,i-i|iii'i-eii\. I'. S. (IcdI. Survey. mjI. \iii.

1 r.'ter llie leaves IJoMireil to ihi- sjicriev. I hoUlill with some hesitation

I ha\c. howcNcr. no .loiilii that ihi'y are at least identical with some o| tliose ntiiTi'd to ihi- -pecie- hy Lesipiereiix. Ihey rcsenilile lleer'- !i;;ure- in t'orin and venation, hut ilitier in waiilinu' the -erralioii on i he ediroM. or in having' il wyy imi>erlect. I,cs(|uereux's specimens were from 'orral Hollow .( 'alifoi-nia. and ihe Hail Laud- of hakoia. \''i" hiiilohii is credited to the ( )li:,focene (d' Mori-sant.

Till' localities (juifted ahove. if all the leaves rid'erri'd to lielon;;- to one




N|.cci.>. •sIh.w thai it luiiM li:i\v l„MMi widriv .Ii>li'il.iilc,i in |-;u,-riio liim-

(iVOr llu' NoI'IIkTU He ui>pll.MV. ;ill.| , X I iMi. 1.., i 1 1 1 1\\ ;, i'. I lliln ill,. ( )|i n-i „.,,||,.,

Witli till' ux(T|)li(iii (li it- mnl;,!,. !,;,>,. i),,, i,.;,\,,^ aiijuvacli v.-ry liraiiy to those of P. monod"!'. l.i'S(| . fnnu llatmi .Mouiilains uml MscIht > I'^al;

I'ol'll.l S lii.Tl Ml! r.illA New licri'W

, Ki-. III. J

One ot' llu' layer- cif t lir lla-tin^'- rui'c-. Im- cut arMUinl a li'af n\ i||i> |ii'c!ty iiltic s|K'cic> Ml iKTti'ctly a- in -Imw ncai-lv it> wlioic luar^iii. 'I'hr >|n''a,-, i> cliaraflcristir <<\' tlic l''iiri I'liiiui irroiiji. ainl i> al>o t'niiiiil in tin' l>ail r.aikls," It i- I'.latnl \i> P. itrriira ami P. eimeata. wiiicli arc liimul ill 1 lie ( )li^-()(Tiu' of I 111' Siiuilkatiircii .li-i riri.

SaI.I X \" \IIIA\-. ( lnr]i|irrl.

. l"i-. 11.) 1 nM'iiiicrt . l-'loia Scliliis-. : I.c-i|iirri'U.\, veil. viii,. |i. 217.

Ill follci'tion- tVoni lliirraril'- liiK't. aNn in iln'-c IVdhi Staiil«'\ I'ark. Iiiit tin.' Vfiialioii i> tinl very di-tiiifl . Ii i- a -pt'cii,- cvcliit"! liy l.e- iliuTcux to Talilc .MiMiiit ( 'alil'ortiia. athl tnCoi'val ll<'llii\\. ( irrL;'oii. ami is alsu toiiml III Ala>l<a in lno- of Laraniir a^i,'.

S.M.I .\ INTKiili.V. t lnr].]H'rt .

(Ki-. 12.'^ I,i-i|\ii'i>'iix. vol. \ ij.. p. IliT : \(il. \ iii., p. -Is. I.cavr- rctrralilf li\ ilirir t'^nii ti> ilii> -ncci'- aw -cattcri'.l aliiiiiil- atilly over >oiiu' Mirt'acc- at r.un'ar>i - liiKl. The vc'iialiou i- not ui-ll IUH'srrvcil. Siinilaf leave-. tlhUiuli !*'"> aluimiaiu . a|i]i<'ai' in tlie cniifrtinn- I'roiu liastinn'> ami Slaiile\ I'ai'k.

I.escjUereux timls tlii- -)M'i-ir- at I^lai'k ISiitte-;. W'yonniiL;-. ami at iHiMeii. Colorado, in I.owrr 'I'crtiaiA lie al-" n>>te- it at ( 'nrral Hollow. <'al.. ami C. nuijusta. a i-io-dy allir.l t'orni. at (»i,l l-"ieM. < )reii-uii

Dm iii'iivi.i iM Sr.wt v\ wm, s. n. (l-'i-, i::.)

(jiiiri-iishirrian'i-isf nl l,csi|ii..ivii\. tlcnj. Siir\Hv\ of I'. S.. vol, viii.

r.eal' tliieU. foriaeeou-. -ranulate uii the -uii'iHe. .>l.|t.im uhovate.

iiavrowini;- reuailarly l.elou- t>. tlir petinje .Midril. aii.l win- -trun--.

Mlllkell ill tile leaf.' wliic'li -w.'ll- Let ween the vein- \elli- proreeiiilii:

tVoiii the niidril. alnio-i at rmlil aii-le-. hut hendin-- upward mward the



inai'^in. w licrc somf m' tln'iu sccni to t'i>rl< oIiiumIv. tln>ni:li lliis i^ uiirci tain .Mai'ii'iii ciitir.' nr -lii:litlv uiiihihitc, >ii as \n 'jwc a ilciii iculair



Tliis I'ciiiai'Ual'lr leal' i- ilnniinanl in llic lollcct nui^ t'nun Sfiiil

Park aiiil Naiicoiufr. aUil lVai;-iiifiiI^ «>rciii- in [\\<<^v tVuni IJiinai'l - lul It •<ri'ins j>ri>lialilr thai it i< tlic >)>i'ii('> wliiih Li'-ijUfrciix iiiciitiiits wiili (,hierrus 'iir'inerris i>t Ii'ii>-;massl,.i-. ami t'ound at Uriili^-c ( "itcU anil ('aMailc M;iuntain>. ( )i'ri;-.)ii. aii'l I'lnnia- ( 'nnnty. ( 'alit'ni nia. Sunu' of it< tnrrii> Miiirlit. with -luiir latit mlr. In' ri'lrnTij to I.'o— .ina-^lcr's sprcirs, hut on ih,.

hole it Mt'iii- 'li-tiini In venation it >oiiic\vhat rt'si'iiil'lt's <>. rd.^t


omniL;'. m ln'os >uji

iqi&is ^A' Lf»»nuri'.i\. troiu Iian(lol|ih t'ounty. Wy to !•(• Oliixocrnr It 'litVrr-. howi'vnv in t'orni tVoin that s|H'(i('s. It -rciii- iloniitfiil it it is an oak, imt |><'i-liap> may he rcirrrcil loi' the |nH-iiil (o tin.' |irovi>ioiial Ll■l'nll^ Drijo/>hi/lluin. It may rvciitnaliy provf to he alliid to till' Lani'cU or Magnolias.

<i>i Kidi s l)h:\rciM. i,r>(|Ut'rfnx.

(Fi-s. H. 1.-..)

I.I -'|iu'i»'ii\. Mil. viii., |>. |s.

1 I'flcr thi'sc leaves to l,e-(|llel'eux s >|ie(ie> aliox'e uameij. They iit tainly ivpfe-i'iit a riosely allied foi'm. They are trom iliirrai'il's Inlei and Staiih'V Park. I,es(jUereii.\'s s|ic(i)neiis were from the Had I.aml.-. ol I 'akota.


lere are some I ra:,;iueiitarv lea\es in the rolleetions which nia\

liave lieliihiied t o allot her s| leeie.s ol' i.ive-t);


Lafire leave>, tVoni iSmi-ai'd's Inlet. liaviiiLj venation similar to that >f Plal'inus, hilt too mileh eriim|iled and defaeeil to he tin'ured or de ■erihed. They >eeni to l'e|iresellt a form allied to the well known "-peeie-

it' P/iltUllU

s so eouiinon in

t he r liper L

iramie ea>-t of the mountain-

somewhat similar -peeies. /', i/i.'^^icta ot' ];e>t(iiereiix, oeeiirs at Corral Hollow. ( 'alifornia. Iiut in heds supposed to !«■ of later daie, Additional

traii"meni- -how xcnalion -iniilaf to that of /'. (I'lliiliiii, 11

eer. a w i


known Tei'tiary -pel ies iin Imth -ides of the .\tlanlie. Imt unforlunalely t he inar::in- ol' t he leaf are not iiresei'ved.

It lil.WS liKNTIrl l..\T.\. 11


l.i'.«iMi('reu.\. r. S. Hciiiiri

piirl-. Mil. VII.. ]i.

isit; HctT, Flor. I"o-. Ant.. mpL ii.

The spe<imens reterred to this s]HM'ies are trau'nients found at I'lur rai'd's Inlet and lit llastimrs. If is ehai-aett'ristie of lln' Moeeni' tloia ot


AlMiickrnlluk. in (nv>i,l;n..|,;in,l is ,•,•,■,, ^Mii/.r^i l,v l.-.,|,„.,'ruv ut (hx-vu l;iv,M'. S|.riiin- Ciiri,,!! iiiMl Carl,., II in L.-u..,- T,. ,.,,,, ,.v |„.,u

F'HUi.l l,v L.-,|,„ ivux at (;iv,.„ |;iv,.r, Spnn- (arm,, aii.l CarhoM.

.I-ISCI l.nj'IIVl.l I \| II \.

T [ M . s (.■ \ > h ~ . I .

This i> a IVa--|in'ni ,,i il,r i.,uvr pai't n|' a lar-v Iral imm liurrar.r.s Iiilfi. It is iimcli rniiuplci an. I the uinvSwi i- nm uvll pn-.-nviJ. I, in i' s|i(.\\s ilisiiiii-tly a -rptiiiati' ilivisi,,!! int., oIiIohl;- Iratlcfs. r..niin- t.. a l'"iiit l.rlow aihl ai'li-iiIat.'M tn ii„. ,,,|, ,,f a mninioii |M-ti<,l.. Tfuc's ..T vcnatic.ii alsi. sln.w a iv-ciiililaiuM' |,, ih,. iii(.,i,.i'n il.n'M. rli.-snut. ilnnmli ill'' l>'atK'ts aiv uan-,v,.r and tlif vein- nnnv cnrvnl. Tlic u'cnu- .h'.-^cuiii.- is iv]iivsciitc(i in thr i"|,|i,.i- l,arainic. rasi oftli.' nnnintain-. Iiy a IVuit ( .h'sriiiiis ,ii,ti'/u,i) (li'srrilicil liy nir in tiic Ti'ansa. lion- .,t this .Snrirty (or issi;.

I'll I s Sii \sti;n.s|s / |.(.-..|.

- Ki-. 17 ,

l,('-.(|iirriMi\. liulii'liii 1'. S. Nal iciii.il Mii-iriiiii. l.-'ss. This leaf. liMiu Ininai''!'- Inici. ivsrinhlc- tiir al"i\"-nann-(l sjKTi.-. in I'li'iii and surfaii' rharaiiiMV hi;i tin- vciialion is n,.t ],ri'>rrvi'il. Lfs- i[Ucri'ux's si«'riniriis ai'c tnini Siiasta. t 'aiit'oiMiia

Firi S Ml (I jiK.NT Al.ls '.' I.r-i|.

I.i'siiiicrcux. r. S. Siu-M'V. vol. vi:.. \i. iji"'.

Ki'au'mcnts nt' a hiMail-iiMVi'd FA'i/.s m riir in the llastini;'-- r(.ili"-tiMns. whii-h ai'i' vcrv Ileal' 1(1 this s]i,.cics. Siniiiav iVaii'nu'nis. hut o}' suuillfr

II tin llcctiiMis fVoin '^laiih'V

MZ,' and

a|>|iai'riit ly narrower. a|i|iear i

ie\- e\-ii|(

ntl\' represeiii a tine -.peeie- oi' I he ^iMiii- near to. it'

not id.'iitieal with, t hat nai

nc'l aiiove

iMIUlld hv hl'.silllel'ell.S at lioideli. ( 'o|or;

I. \SKK \ elll'

\\T.\, .\e\vhen'\-

New In

'ITV. iiiiimlilislicil |il;ilrs ciiiiimuiiiia

leil III hir ii\ I'rol. Knew

lldll. Ill' tllt> [.'. S.

N.i'iiiiial .Muscmii

Ills >|ie(.Mes |s Ml Ilea

ted h\- a leal' ot" w iiieh hall' i- |ireser\ed oil a

siiriaef (if till' llasiii

i^-~ eore


e\Vhen'\" - s|i,'(

linen- are t imiii I miu'iii

li'iver. Wyoiiiinn-, I do noi know the precis.' hori/.oii.

This plaiil eoniiiiiied in Ih'iii-h ( oinnihia up lo the i iJiM',,,., n.' peri.

siliee it 1- lolinil in eolleition- I'.'eenlU male l'\

|)r (i M I'aw-ou ;.t.



li'T-M'th- i;ivcr. wlnTc it ocnirs in iird.- Imicliiiu- leaves i>t' tlic Siinilkaiiu'ri


j^Ti'iiji. 'I'lic (iriu'iiial >i't'<-iiiifiis coiitiiiiifil in tlic Siinilkaiiicfii (■nllcctiuii^ wt'i't' r<'t'rri't'(l liy me ti> P. eloiujntn. l-fS'i , Imt Imtli tonus occui' tuM-rtluM at ili'i-srtly UivtT. ami ji<>s>ili|y tiny arc variftifs ot' (Hic ^<]lo(•il■^.

M IS(KI,I,.\NK(>1 s I-


'I ill' rullcctioiis roiitaiii inaiiy lVauiiiciit> iiiiiicaliiin' tlir prociici' ni adiiitioiial u't'iifra ami s|u'ti('s. Soinf nt' tlidii may licjoiiii' tn >|ii'iics ui .-leer, Aralia ami Betula. ainl |M'i)lialily of ntlicr ^-ciu'ra. 'I'lu' iinriiii;- ai lIa>tiiiL^s. more fs|u'cialiy, must have passi'il tlirouu'li sonu' licds nt' -hair »'X(('I)ti'inall\' ricli in wt'll-in'cscrvnl lca\cs. Should these lieds vwv he


ex|>osed ly uiiiuuiii;. they luay he expected to yield a lieu har\e-t ot

il plants. One hed al r>un'ai'd's Inlet is crowded with roots of aquatic )


uh II iv-cmMc those I'ound in the l)cd> <d' the inlami l.avainie holdin-- the lca\c- of J^ciiiiia S'Vi(at(t.^

In -iimmini: up the fcsujis of this study of ibssil j)laiits from the Tertiai'v oi Miiit hei'u lii'itish ( olumhia. it appi-ars. fr(uii a eonipari-on with the llora of the I ' pper ( 'ret aci'oiis Xaiiaimo scfies. that tlie jiur- rai'd's inlet species are di.-t iiict and of more modern asjieci,' On the other hand, they are also dist inct from those of the ( )|i^ocene or older Miocene depo-it- of the Siniilkamecii district and other parts ot' the interior of

i'.riti-h ( oluml ill thi> rc-pect


Ileiween these lliev occiip_\ all intermediate |io-it



I' 't the IJoek\- Mount

lidiliu' wit h the I.

iraniie of t he interior plain

liiis. 'I'hcy al>o roeiiililc thi> t'l ''iiiation in tlc' t;"em'ral t'acies ot' t lie flora, which is not di— -imilar fnuu that of the I p|>ei Lai'aniie or Fort Cnion ^roiip.

e may thus refer the plants now in ipicstion to the I'aleocenc cm-

f the AiaiU'


1 as corre>iicUidiiiLi' with lliose o

the McKeii/ie Ifiver. alu

Koccue. and regard then

kerdluk he(|-. in (irei-nlaml. the lii^iiitic scries o

the lieds holdiiii;- similar plants in Alaska Thu>. the opinion expi't's>ed

in 1>!H). t'roiu t he very small colleeli(Ui then availahle was -iihstair'ally

eorreet : and I liiid that the late l>r. Xewhcrr\- had arrived at a -imiiai'


clu>ion from the -tmly ot' the plant- of the I'uijet ^'I'oiip in W'a-hin

ton 'I'i'rritory

This flora tin

Is serves to fill up ol

ne of 1 m

L;a|'- ill '•111' western serie:

of lossil plants, namely, that hetween the ('rctaeeoiis and the I


1- torn of Laniiiiic, Tniiis. U. S. C, 1HK7.

CrctaiiMHi- I'l.'Uils (if Hrilisii Coluiuliia, 'I'l-aiis. I{. S. C, ISS2.

I'laiits from Sjinilkaiiifeii. etc, 'I'raiis. H. S. C, l>flM».


VANcorvKi; iKirriAuv im.ants


Miocflic. llnw .•n|„|,l..l,.|y II lii;,y li!| this n-;,,, ,. ,|,, ,„„ |.,,nu;a |,n.- scnl. since tlu> W(. Ill 1 iv,,iiiiv hii-v r,,!!..,-, ioiK IVnui ail ihr l.nN ,,r iln; ,i,'i-()ii]), iiii.l we ••an ^ aivly Iim|„. i,,,. il,,-,. iiul.-> miuiiiir op.-ratiiui^ -.l.all l»e carrif(| on in tli.- liunitr Ici^ \V,,rkal.lf l.nU ,,f tins kind Jiavc not as yet In-cn Inimd noilii of tlic I'nitrd Mai.- InMnidarv. I.ut I do not dcspiiii' of tiifir di-covrry. tlmnu-li I iir -.ii|m'1' -I'iiy .,i' i 1h' CiTtacfoii-. coal of tilt' Xanainio di>i ric may foi' >onic' litne |iivv.'iii i iirir drvc|'i|juirnl .

Slioiild suidi o]i|ioriiiniiii- he afiordrd lor rollvciini'- iIh-sc fos-il jilants. it is v. ry doiral'lf tliai accural-' noic« vhould he taiicn of i h,^ onU'f ol' till' licds conlainiiiii- tlic fo>-il-. and ai^o of thcii' mode of orrui'- I'cnct". as it is to lie i'.\|i.'ct('il thai in a foi'niati"ii of >., coiisidcraMf ildci<- lU'ss a succossitpii (d' siili-tlora- may ormi' air; a- tin- licds wt'Vr |iiol,al)iy dcpositi'd in (lie I'stnary o|' a rivrr di'aiiiinu' a laru'i' and f|c\ali'd li'i'ri- toi'y. difl'crt'iicf^ of a^-r may I'c i(im|iliral('d with tiir intcrmixtni'c oi' altt'rnation of s|)oci('s indi^'i'iioiiv |,. ti,,. low .-ouh! i'\- with olhcr-- drifird from lii^'lit'i' Of colder di-triri". in i lie inifi'ior.

It wonld lie rash io alirnijii lo di'cidc di'l-iniidy on ilif rjimalai con- ditions ol' t lie wc^l coasi of A nil- ri I -a in i lie l']ocriic |)crio(l, fro in I Ic i Han Is yet known. Hut. so far a^ i lie\ ran ^'ixc infoi'inaiion. ■.■,e ina\" iiifi".- i hal the Cretaeeoiis climale wa^ >oiai">\ hal waninT than llial of ijii' f'.occne, iiiit that lioth altaiiu'il a hi^-iiei- l(iii|n'i'a! iire liian that of the present day in llu' same latiiiide^. while in liie Mioiriic a::'e ilie elimatal condi- tions were not \-ci'y ditlereiil iVom tho-c mcv |ire\-ai!iiii;' in the I't'^'i'Mi.

A colleciie'ii i<\' sjit'i-inii'iis niadt hy Mr Hill Toui. id' \'aneoiivei', was received hy the ( ieoloii'ical ."^iii'vey uliiic ;hi> |ia|iei' wa> in press. .Notes on a ti'w of i he more im|ioriani ■«|i /cii'^ ha\ e iu'cii inl rodm'cd a hove, hut tlierc wa- not time to examine ihe whoU of i he s|iecimens. ( )n a hasty inspection tiiey appear to iiieliide M\eral f'li'iii^ noticed ahiuc. as Sali.r ran'ans, S. inffi/ra. fo/ndus huhaiiiinonb.-.. eic. 'riiere are aKo t'rat;- meiits referahle to Ficiis Cori'loni. Xewly,, /'. (i.<iininifoli(r. i-esii.. (Juercus h'rdiisii. L"s(|., and Sequoia ■■<pinosu. N'evvhy. Oilier fraLincnis indicali' species ot iJuercuA, Jufjldiis. ci( .

1 liave t<' thank Mv I,, .M. Lamln. I'"<l.."^, ofilie ricojooical .^iii'vev for the greater numlieroi i he lin-iircs.



1,1^S■1• OK ILLl :^^ TWA'JMONS.

ri.\TK> IV. TO VIII.

■i-. 1-



Hi 17

-l,a>-l rt'ii i<!"iiii>|iifri--i I'isrluii. llccr. .\tMirniitci'i> ii\ ica. >. n. Lyu'iHiiinii iicurii|it('iui(lo>. I,r--i|in'iiu\. .\-<pU'iiit('s. ^]i.

I'arcx Viincoiuiiiiisi^.. I'l nhallow. {iui-\ Miinardiiiiia. I'l'iiliallow. Salial CaiiiplifUii. NCwIhm ry. I l'ii|inlus liaNaminiiiilrs. (Ini'pt. I'i>l)ulii> niHitiilifnlia. Ni why. Salix variaiiN, (int'pt. Salix inli'ura. (iin'pt. Dry )pli\ llii'ii Staiili'yaimm. -. ii. Ci (^iiiTciis Dciitoni, \a-^i\. .V'.siillupliyllmn lia^t inLr--rlisf. •-. li.

Thans. i;. s, ( .,siit. IV.

I'l.ui: IV

Fi,i;. I Lastfca l^'isciirri.

H— liVgodiniii iH-iii'diilriiiii ii— Cari'x \:iiuiiiiviu'ii>is. H— PopiiluH biil.-aiiiiiiDidi's

Kifi. 2 Ni'uniptiri- livira. 4 -.V--pli'iiit' s. Ii Cucx Hunanliana.


i;ans. 1{. S. ('., Sk . IV.


I 'I M K V.

Fiir. 7- S;ilial ( ',iinpiii.'llii.

Tkans U. S. (.'.. .Six-. W.

i'l MK V!.

I''i;r. it I'<)]mhlH lulls uniimiili'^. 11- Salix viii'iaii'-.

I-'iu. in I'i)iml;i> i'..Iiiuci tnliii. U'-Salix iiUi'Uia.

Tkan>. R. S. ('., Si.(, \y.


i'l Ml \||




l''iji. i:!- l)ryoiiIi\llmii Siaiili'.\.iiiuni.

li"— yiKTCUS, ^p.

l-'iy. 1 1 (Viu Tills DoiitiMi. IT— I'icus ."^liaslL'Hsis.


Tkans. R. 8. C, Sf;c, IV.


Pi.Aii: VIII,


'"vs. Hi .l';>-(Mlliil)ll>ilimi ll.isli!i--i'iisi'.

S'.'. IV.. is'.i:.. II.